THE DESIGNS O F INIGO JONES, Confining of PLANS and ELEVATIONS FOR Publicl and Private Buildings. Publilli’d by William Kent, With fome Additional Defigns. The FIRST VOLUME. m.dcc. XXVII. To His Molt Sacred MAJESTY, GEORG KING of Great-Britain, France and Ireland , & Thefe DESIGNS of INIGO JONES ; Are with all Humility Dedicated, by HIS MAJESTY'S Moft Faithful and Devoted Subject and Servant, ADVERTISEMENT. HE Character of Inigo Jones is fo univer- fally known, that his Name alone will be a fufficient Recommendation of the following Defigns; the Originals of which (drawn , by himfelf and Mr. Webb) belong to the Earl of Burlington. No better Account can be given of his Life than what Mr. Webb hath already done in the Preface of his excel¬ lent Defence of that judicious Treatife, entitled, Stonhenge reftord, there being fcarce any Materials left, from whence to compile it. Palladio’s, Defign of the famous Church of Santo Georgio at Venice, (fo defervedly admired by all good Architects) is added to this Work, to fliew that as great a Rival as that Re- ftorer of Architecture was to the Antients, his Difciple was in no refpect inferior to him. If the Reputation of this Great Man doth not rife in pro¬ portion to his Merits in his own Country, tis certain, in Italy, (which was his School) and other Parts of Europe, he was in great efteem; in which places, as well as in England, his own Works are his Monument and belt Panegyrick; which, to- B gether gether with thofe of Palladio, remain equal Proofs of the Superiority of thofe two Great Mailers to all others. To this Collection are added Deligns of Doors, Windows, Gates, Peers, Chimneys, Infides of Rooms, and Ceilings; as alfo fome few Deligns of Buildings by the Earl of Burlington- The other Particulars will be Ihewn in the following Tables annex d to each Volume. A TABLE of the Plates con¬ tained in the Firft Volume. PLATE i,2. H E General Plan of the Palace, defign’d for White-ball, confiding of feven Courts, A, B, C, D, E, F, G. A, The Grand Court, round which is a Terras of 30 Fcet- zvide, and equal to the Height of the great Plinth of the Building. B, Si circular Perfian Court, with an Arcade ; round which are Offices under the Kings Apartments. C, A Square Court, with an Arcade ; about which are the Offices under the John Stroubridge, Efq ; Mr. William Stanhope. Mr. Stanley. AT. Shrider, Painter to theKing of Sweden. AT. Thomas Shirley ,^the City of Durham AT Edward Strong. Mr. Edward Stanton. AT. Jonathan Siffon. AT. Robert Sparke. AT. William Sykes, Painter. Mr. John Smallwell, Joyner. Mr. John Sturges, Joyner. Mr. Peter Scheemaker, Statuary. Mr. John Spicer, Carpenter. Mr. John Symonds, Joyner. Mr. Abraham Sturges.* Mr. James Slater. AT. Benjamin Smith. Mr. Stephen South. AT- Samuel Savil. AT. Mark Selby. Mr. John Sanderfon. AT. William Scarfe. T. Rt. Hon. Lord Vifcount Town- fhend, one of hisMajefiy's Prin¬ cipal Secretaries of State. I Lord Tyrconnel. Lord Thomond. | Hon. Mr. Tuft on. John Talbot, Efq) George Tilfon, Efq) 2 Setts. Coll. Tyrrell. William Thomas, Efq-. AT- Benjamin Timbre 11 . Mr. William Town fend, Mafon at Oxford. William Thornton, Efq ; V. Thomas Uthwat, Efq) Mr. Vane. W. Lord Walpole. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Walpole, firfi Lord Commifioner of the Trca- fitry, and Knt. of the Garter, 2 Setts. Sir William Wentworth. Sir Thomas Wentworth. Sir Robert Walter. Sir William Windham. Sir Anthony Weftcomb. Sir Francis Webfter. Lieut. General Wade. Chriftopher Wren, Efq) Thomas Woodford, Efq) Thomas Walker, Efq) Granvill Wheeler, Efq) Withers, Efq) Mr. Leonard Woodelon. Mr. Thomas Williams. Mr. Hugh Warren. Mr. Wickham. Mr. Wynne. Mr. Peter Walter, School-inafier • AT. Edward Weathersby. Mr. John Wilkins. Mr. John Woodall, Mafon- Mr. George Worral, Plaifierer. Mr. John Walker. Mr. Richard W right. Mr. Ifaac Ware. Mr. John Willis. Mr. Thomas Woodftock. Mr. John Woodrooi, Mafon. - ' ' ayjru/tu/sj k jj 7/ /7/Attj// lYd/m // ff 's//?'T‘ry/i Freni f.~ tJis par A- - «■ • m'm* iw L N d llrir ■—* N N F • 111 — IB '- - m I. Tentj &rcAitec/us . JL, rtrfun - r ' ■Fiitcro/t i/s/m II. Jfu^&traA Jcu//7: xsnznf ^ * •-* ' 7 ■ 7jh,v .!/ \ /// /,-, ///,i 77 J7i7, f.y7 7 J,-/m . /• < !'/■ Jet.t//’ ■ - : /-W. JO «**T# * mBmmv l . iLHl-i-i,... v \ V A&t sjisrf y wmn m® tta *p:zo- yy'ti. I- Jones ClrcAiteetus . Zf/u, nr/urU' t gKEESEHEEH SSfiPPl jJI WMffl j*UNW m m aiiiaifiiiiMiwi Wlilii;.:? !!WWWMWfiiiE>naiaiiMm i iiBiiiBi p: 22 . Flitcroft deJtn: If JLi//2>yzsyA Ja/ft : //’ zz //. //,/. /Z-/„ •z // /lit. f . • —3^V.V*~ 4* J Io n which are within the Great Stairs are continued up to the Cupola. s ’ plate 10. Tlte Plan of the M Floor of a Hottfe defigtted by the E .,1 of , j, e of the Plan ate zo Fee, high, thofe ove, then, ate the fame Heigh, except the Great Room over the Hall, which is cov’d into the Roof. P PLATE ij. The Principal Front of the foregoing Plan. PLATE iz. The Plans of the firft and fecond Stories with the Elevation of the principal Front of Houle with an Arcade, Defied by the Earl of Burlington. The lower Rooms are ZO Feet high, thofe above them are 18 Feet high; the Great Room is 30 Feet hiH, cov d into the Roof, and over the other Rooms is an Attic Story. 3 J plate i3. The principal Plan with the Elevation and Seftion of a Houfe, having an Arcade to each Front The Rooms ot the Plan are iS Feet high, thofe above are 14 Feet- The Great Room in the middie includes both Stories, about which i S a Gallery winch leads to the upper Rooms. ' PLATE 14 . Tire principal Plan and Elevation of a Houfe, with Portico s of the Corinthian Order The Rooms of the Plan are 14 Feet high, over which is an Attic Story eveenr ver the OcTogon Room, which r.fes in a Pavilion above the Roof, and receives its' Light from Windows near the Top. receives its PLATE 15. The Plan of the firft Story with the Elevation of the principal Front of n Rn r • , an Arcade, Handing on a Terras, about which is a Lluftrade The Ron Plan ,8 Feet high , ,„„fe above 'em ate Fee, I “ e„I! If wind, comes ove, the to the Front, and inclttde. ,h. A,,„ Stoty The wT dews of A,m Story the Ftieze of the Ftttabl.mte enLp^t PLATE 16. The principal Plan and Elevation of a Circular Building with a Portico nf U ^ ■ than Order. The Rooms of the Plan are 16, Feet high, over which areTod^t Rooms foi Servants, which receive their Light from the Hall whole T r S ’ n§ Pavilion above the Roof; fupported by Pillars of the fame Order with the Ponico. “ PLATE PLATE 17. The Plan, Elevation and Section of an Octagonal Building with a Boric Portico, with¬ in which is a Circular Court, with Corinthian Pillars ; round it are Rooms 16 Feet high, and an Attic Story. The Great Room backwards includes both Stories. PLATE iS. The Plan, Elevation and Sedtion of an Odtagonal Building with Portico’s of the Doric Order, in the middle of which is an Oftagon Hall riling in a Pavilion above the Roof, which is fupported by Corinthian Pillars. Tire Rooms of the Plan are 16 Feet high, upon which is an Attic Story, except over the two Great Rooms adjoin¬ ing to the Hall. The Windows of the Attic Story are in the Entablature of the Building. PLATE 19. The Plan and Elevation of a large Circular Building with Ionic Portico’s ; in the mid. die is a Circular Court, round which is a Colonade of the fame Order. The Outer- Rooms of the Plan are ZZ; Feet high, the inner ones are 1 5 Feet high, and over thele is an Attic Story, whole Windows look into the Court. The Circular Rooms rife in Pavilions above the Roofj whence they receive their Light. PLATE zo. The Plan of a Square Building, with an Arcade and Portico, having a large Circular Court in the middle, round which is a Colonade. The principal Rooms are 10 Feet hi gh 5 dl e Inner Rooms are iz Feet high, with half Stories over them for Lodging for Servants. The principal Rooms of the fecond Story are iS Feet high, except the great Room over the Arcade and Paffages, which is cov’d into the Roof; the inner Rooms are ioFeet high, with half Stories over them as before. PLATE zr. A principal Front of the foregoing Building with the Arcade. PLATE zz. The lower Plan of a Defign for Bchoir -Caftle ; the Rooms of which are 1 - Feet high. In the Hall which goes through the Houfe, are Pillars of the Ionic Order Within the Breaks of the Building, are Terrafes to the Height of the firft Fli m h PLATE 13. The Plan of the princial Floor of the foregoing Building ; the Rooms of which are 18 Feet high. Tne Great Room in the middle includes the Attic Story. The two principal Bed-Chambers have Alcoves with Columns. PLATE Z4. A principal Front of the foregoing Building J 0 0 >=> PLATE 15 , 1 ( 5 . The lower Plan of a Building with four diftmft Appartments; in the middle of which is an Octagonal Courr, which hath Portico’s in the two principal Stories. The Booms in this Plan are 19 Feet high, the Booms over them are 15 Feet hi^h upon which is an Attic Sto 17, except over the two Great Booms fupported by Pillars, wmcii includes the Attic Story. Vol. II. ^ C PLATE PLATE 17. A Front oi the foregoing Building? with the Pavilions over the two Side-Apaitments. PLATE 28,29. The lower Plan of a Building in four Apartments, with Portico’s in each Front. The principal Rooms on this Plan are 25 Feet high, the other Rooms are 16 Feet high, with a halt Story over them. The Rooms of the fecond Stoij are the fame as in this, with an Attic Story over the lefTer Rooms. The Great Hall in the middle, includes both Stories, having two Orders of Pillars, about which is a Gallery at the fecond Story. The whole Rands on a fquare Terras 12 Feet high, upon which is a Balluf- trade, which with the Building forms four Courts. PLATE 30. A Front of the foregoing Building with the Terras and Steps. PLATE st, 32. The lower Plan of a Palace, with two large Courts, about which are Colonades of the Doric Order, with Gateways to the Courts; the Entrances of the Rooms are 27 Feet high, as are the Rooms on the next Plan. Over the middle of the Building is a third Story which is 24 Feet high. The Wings have an Attic Story of 15 Feet high. The Great Room in the middle, includes the two upper Stories, and hath a Gallery about it at the third Story. PLATE 33 , 34 . A Front of the foregoing Building, with the Section of the Colonade. PLATE 35, 3 6. The Seftion of the foregoing Building with the inner Front of one of the Wings and Colonade. . PLATE 37 , 38 . The lower Plan of a Palace confiRing of 5 Courts with Arcades. The Rooms of this Plan are 20 Feet high, thofe over them are 22 Feet high, the third Story the fame. The VeRibule hath Corinthian Pillars, and is open at the Top. The Hall hath two Rows of Pillars of the Doric Older, which fupport the Great Room over it, which includes the two upper Stories. Over the Arcades are Galleries in the fecond Story. P L A TE 39> 4 a A principal Front of the foregoing Palace. PL. T E 41, 4 Z * A Section of the Palace through the three Courts, with the Fronts of the Courts. P L A T E 43. A Seftion of the Palace through the middle of the principal Fronts with a Front of the middle Court. PLATE PLATE 44, 45. The Plan of the fir ft Floor of a Palace with circular Portico's, within which is a large Court with a Done Colonade. The principal Rooms are 30 Feet high, the others are 1 6 Feet high with a Half-Story over them. The Rooms of the next Story are of the fame Height, except the Pavilion oppofite to the principal Stair-cafe, which is fupported by Pillars. Over the lefFer Rooms is an Attic Story. To the Fronts are Terrafes with Balluftrades, which rife by circular Steps to the Height of the Court. PLATE 46. A principal Front of the foregoing Palace. PLATE 47, 48. A Section of the foregoing Palace through the middle of the principal Fronts, with the Infide of the Court. PLATE 49, 50. The Plan and Elevation of a Defign of a Building with Portico’s in the Front The Rooms of this Plan are 15 Feet high, thofe over them are 18, except the Great Room which is cov’d into the Roof; and fupported bv Ionic Pillars in the Hall The Chambers of the Wines are 11 Feet high. D £3 PLATE 5r. The Plan of the Arcade and Front of the Dormitory at Weflminfler, Defign’d by the Earl of Burlington. The Arcade is 18 Feet high, and over it is the Great Room fo r the King’s Scholars, which is 16 Feet high; the Infide of which is now finifhed in a very different manner from what was intended, with an odd Sair-cafe at one end by another Hand. PLATE 52, 53. A Defign for a School and 40 Alms-Houfes by the Earl of Burlington , for Sevenoak in Kent. PLATE 54. A Plan of the Portico which was Built at the Weft End of the old Cathedral of St. Paul's. PLATE 55, 56. The Elevation of the foregoing Portico, with the Weft Front, as Repaired and Beau¬ tified by Inigo Jones . PLATE 57, 58. The Plan of the Church of Santo Georgio at Venice , Built by Palladio. Vol. II. D PLATE r" . / // //:, //2- mfmr. Z'O// T '34 ' -■ // //.w//?'A - feu fa — ' -rnr - . Tl nni ran ■ — --- -- J (7srAi/tcfu . r . yj 37 ' - // / xS 6 , x . >. . _ f- '■’a i— 1 —i. wmmxzm. — t nnwsffiT EMM 'P-'S J-'.l /i-n-Jj //:■ f - ■ _ -/ Z\i//adiL' (lr,Zu/,-<~fu.'. J~f: jF/iA'ro/i //:f£u//2*ercf/t «V7 -u/f? mam //. ffu^fieryA ■ fcujjp ^1. ■ . . — Jf. JzTu^&e.r-pA ^fca,/f? Sf£CJAL OVERSJHE (JETTY CENlUi L.i 2 >