CAM ER AS PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES HAMMER • DRY • PLATES AND GENERAL SUPPLIES ** The best of everything photographic " THE SCOVILL & ADAMS CO* OF N* Y* MAIN OFFICE: 60 & 62 EAST Hth ST. NEW YORK * • » 9 * • * # C * • f * • *<-*••' * \ # • # PRESS OF ^iVLesT^ JElvJ^RK. /• *• , c • « TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS. E take pleasure in presenting to you our combined catalogue of professional Cameras, Supplies, and Photo-Engraving Specialties. We have endeavored to compile in this catalogue, in a condensed form, a list of the latest professional goods, comprising only progressive articles, which are kept in stock at all times by us. There are, notwithstanding, a great many articles not included, which we furnish on order, for we are an emporium of everything photographic. Do not hesitate, therefore, to send us your orders for anything in the photographic line, even though it is not listed in this or any other of our catalogues. 3 j I 2 b TERMS REMITTANCES. To avoid risk, we prefer remittances by Express, Money Order, Draft on New York, Registered Letter, or Post Office Money Order. NEW ACCOUNTS. We desire new accounts, but those who are unknown to us will save delay to their orders by giving references where they desire to open an account with us. C. O. D. SHIPMENTS. In every instance where a C. O. D. shipment is ordered, at least double the amount of the transportation charges must be remitted. MAIL PACKAGES. We do not assume the risk — which is considerable — on packages sent by mail. They are sent at the risk of the purchaser. BREAKAGE. We employ only experienced packers, who, under our supervision, pack with the utmost care ; therefore we cannot be held responsible for breakage in transportation. COMMISSION ORDERS. We can only accept orders for goods not made by us or carried in stock with the understanding that such orders will be filled to the best of our ability ; that the goods cannot be re- turned, and that the prices cannot be altered which we may be obliged to charge. AMERICAN OPTICAL CO.’S HIGHEST GRADE PORTRAIT CAMERAS. The American Optical Co. ’s Portrait Cameras are manufactured from the best mahogany, French polished, They have India-rubber bellows, the V-shaped wooden guides, and, in sizes up to 8xio, are made with a focusing cam. Larger sizes, 11x14 and upwards, are furnished with our telescopic platform and have Lever Focusing Attachment, by which the most delicate focus can be adjusted with the utmost facility and ease. The attention of operators is especially called to the Double Swing-back on these fine Studio Cameras. When lenses of short focal length are used, the face is very often distorted, unless the operator tips his camera, and even then he is apt to get the face elongated or widened, unless he is very careful. Any operator who has been annoyed by being unable to reflect the image upon the ground glass without distortion, will see how com- pletely this arrangement overcomes the difficulty. Very often it is desirable to get a little more of the lower or upper part of the figure, or of one side more than the other in the picture than can be done with the old style camera, without moving the person or the camera. This can be done quickly by means of the Double Swing-back, which allows the operator to make any change, laterally or vertically, he desires, until the figure is properly delineated on the ground glass. 5 HIGHEST GRADE PORTRAIT CAMERAS — Cont. Sizes and Prices of American Optical Co.’s Portrait Cameras. No. Size. To Cover Plate. 1 1-4 .3 X x 4X inches 2 1-2 4X x sH “ .... 3 4^x6^ “ 4 4-4 x 8 }4 “ 5 Extra. .4-4. .8 x 10 ins., with platform 30 in. long 6 10x12 “ “ 36 “ 7 11 x 14 “ “ 48 “ 8 12x15 “ “ 48 “ 9 14 x 17 “ “ 60 “ 10 16 x 20 “ “ 65 “ 11 .....17x20 “ “ 65 “ 12 18 x 22 “ “ 70 “ 13 ,...20x24 “ “ 72 “ 14 22 x 27 “ “ 72 “ 15 25x30“ “ 80 16 30 x 38 “ “ 100 “ and vertical shifting front’ With Double Swing-bi . . .$20 ...27 ...30 ...35 ... 38 ...48 ...64 ...72 ...76 ...88 ...90 . . . 100 . . . no . . . 130 . . .170 . . .350 00 These Portrait Cameras are fitted with the Waterbury Curtain Slide Holders, unless Bonanza Holders are wanted and that preference is indi- cated when order is given. THE AMERICAN OPTICAL CO.’S BOSTON IMPERIAL CAMERAS. EXTRA QUALITY. The 11 x 14 Boston Imperial Camera is the same as an n x 14 Portrait Camera, with the addition of an 8 x 10 carriage and an 8x10 holder, and is used to make two imperials on an 8x10 or 4-4 plate, using one 4-4 lens , 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 r BOSTON IMPERIAL CAMERAS.— Cont. two cards on a 5 x 8 plate, using one-half size lens ; two large panel pictures, 6x10 inches in size, can also be made, and regular work from 11x14 to one-quarter inclusive. With Double Swing-back. No. 30. — ii x 14 Boston Imperial Camera, with 8 x 10 andhoider $85 00 “ 31. — 14x17 “ “ “ “8x10 “ 10000 “ 32. — 17x20 “ “ “ “ 8x10 “ no 00 “ 33. — 18x22 “ “ “ “ 8x10 “ 12000 “ 34. — 20x24 “ “ “ “ 11x14 “ 140 00 The Boston Imperial Cameras are fitted with the Waterbury Curtain Slide Holders, unless Bonanza Holders are wanted and that preference is indicated when order is given. THE AMERICAN OPTICAL CO.’S ROYAL CAMERAS. EXTRA QUALITY. This camera does precisely the same work as an Imperial Camera, and has all the latest improvements. It has a car- riage for the plate-holder, and the ground glass is where it is always ready to be brought into use. When the operator brings the plate-holder from the dark- room, he slides it into the car- riage instead of placing it on the floor or some other incon- venient place while he obtains the focus. After securing the desired focus, he merely slides the ground glass to one side, in place of removing it, and simultaneously brings the plate-holder into place. No. 40. — 8x10 Royal Camera, Double Swing-back $50 00 “ 40^.-10x12 “ “ “ 6600 “ 41.— 11 x 14 46 “ “ 85 00 “ 42.— 14x17 5 x 7, or 5 x8 Plates. One Empire Cam- era Stand. For light- ness, compactness, portability, ease and rapidity of move- ment. $45.00. 11 x 14 size, $70.00. Parts Separate. 8 x 10 Camera $21 00 11 x 14 “ 50 00 Empire Camera Stand for 8x10 15 00 “ “ “ “ 11 x 14 15 00 8 x 10 Revolving Adjuster 10 00 11 x 14 “ “ 12 00 Extra 4X x 6>£, 5 x 7, or 5 x 8 Holders each, 1 50 17 AMERICAN OPTICAL CO.’S REVOLVING- BACK CAMERAS. (patented. ) Each Incased in a Canvas Bag, with Handle. (Back-Focus Pattern.) Wherein lies the merit and attractiveness of the Revolving-Back Camera, that photographers want to cast aside cameras now in use and procure one of this new pattern? Briefly stated, it enables the view-taker to secure either an upright or horizontal picture without changing the plate-holder after it has been slid into the carriage. No other camera can with such wondrous ease and celerity be changed from the vertical to the upright, or vice versa. The carriage is simply turned about in the circle and automatically fastened. By this latter provision the carriage may be secured at either quarter of the circle. Ordinarily, the slide will be drawn out of the holder to the right ; but in certain confined situations, the ability to withdraw the slide to the left enables the photographer to obtain a view which he could not get with the usual provision in a camera. The photog- rapher of experience is well aware of the difficulty, when taking an up- right picture with a large camera without the revolving back feature, of reaching up to draw up the slide at the top, and, what is more essential, of getting out the slide without fogging the plate in the holder. Grace and strength are combined in the Revolving- Back Camera, and its highly desirable features are gained without the sacifice of steadiness or any other essential principle in a good camera. 18 REVOLVING- BACK CAMERAS. (PATENTED.) ( Front-Focus Pattern. ) REDUCED PRICE LIST. Revolving-back Cameras, each incased in a canvas bag, with handle, and above 14 x 17 size, with two handles. Single Double REVERSIBLE. Swing. Swing. 120. — For View 4 x 5 in ,...$27 00 $32 00 121. — “ 4 X x 5'A 4 4 . . . . 29 00 34 00 122. — “ 4 X x 6)4 4 4 . . . . 31 00 36 00 123. — “ 5 x 7 4 4 • ... 33 00 38 00 With Revolving Back and 124. — 1 5 x 8 “ , . . . • 35 00 40 00 125.— x 8 ^ . ... 40 00 45 00 Reversible Back and 126. — “ 8 x 10 — 45 00 50 00 Holders 127. — 10 X 12 4 4 . . . . 60 00 65 00 for each Back. 128.— 11 x 14 <( with detachable revolving-back. • • • .... 65 00 70 00 $90 OO 129. — “ 14 XI7 li “ . ... 75 00 80 00 105 OO 130. — “ l" X 20 “ ... .... 85 00 90 00 115 OO T3I- — 18 X 22 “ tc . ... . ... 95 00 100 00 130 OO 132. — “ 20 x 24 il “ ... . . . .115 00 120 00 150 OO These cameras are fitted with Daisy Dry-plate Holders. Please state, when ordering any size below 10x12, whether front or back focus is desired. Revolving-back Cameras, front focus, not made above 8x10 size. Canvas cases to contain camera with more than one holder made to order at extra price. 19 . 8 8 THE AMERICAN OPTICAL CO.’S LAND- SCAPE REVERSIBLE CAMERA. Made of the finest mahogany, with the American Optical Co.’s high grade polish, rubber bellows, rising front, double swing reversible patent spring back. It is the finest Tripod Camera on the market for the price, which includes Camera, a handsome Carrying Case and one Light-Weight Double Dry Plate Holder. Prices. x 8 y 2 . Double Swing Back $23 00 8 x 10 “ “ “ 25 00 20 AMERICAN OPTICAL CO.’S STAR VIEW CAMERAS. (PATENTED.) The Star Reversible Back Cameras have the patent reversible back, with automatic latch, which allows holder to be inserted without holding back the ground-glass frame, the rack and pinion movement, and the patent latch for making the bed rigid instantaneously. Each camera has one Light-Weight Holder with rubber slides and canvas case. STAR REVERSIBLE BACK CAMERAS. No. “ i “ i 10. — 11. — 4X 12. — 4'/ I 3 -— 5 T 4 - — 5 15- — 6K 16 — 8 17. — ii 18. — 14 For View. 4 x 5 5/2 b '/ 2 7 8 8^ 10 H Single Swing-back. front focus. $25 00 26 00 30 00 32 00 34 00 36 00 40 00 : 60 00 17, with Flammang Curtain Slide Single Holder 70 00 18^. — 18x22, with Flammang Curtain Slide Single Holder 90 00 20. — 20 x 24, with Flammang Curtain Slide Single Holder 95 00 Double Swing-back. $29 OO 30 OO 34 00 35 00 38 OO 40 OO 44 00 64 00 75 00 95 00 IOO OO Canvas cases to contain camera with more than one holder made to order at extra price. 21 THE 5C0VILL PANORAMIC CAMERA We take pleasure in introducing to the photographic fraternity our new Panoramic Camera, which is made in various dimensions up to the size capable of making photographs 18 x 48 inches. A new design of constructing these cameras m hemispherical form has been invented , a new movement of crossing the lens over the segments of the circle, and an automatic release for the shutter has also been constructed. Car- butt’s No. 27 films, or his orthochromatic films of the same sensitiveness are used by means of an ingeniously constructed flexible dark slide, which permits of the necessary curve to conform with the back of the camera. The cameras are solidly and serviceably made, elegant in finish, and in every way maintain the world wide reputation of the American Optical Company. The cuts shown herewith give an idea of the external appearance of the camera, and the dark slide for holding the film. The prices of these Cameras, including in each case a substantial 22 THE SCOVILL PANORAMIC CAMERA.— Cont. wooden box or trunk for holding the instrument, a suitable tripod, a pano- ramic printing frame, two holders, two developing baths, and the cele- brated Swift lens, are given below. Price of the Scovill Panoramic Outfit for making photographs io x 30 inches, complete as above $250 00 Price of the Scovill Panoramic Outfit for making photographs 16 x 43 inches, complete as above 300 co These Panoramic Cameras are made to order only. FAVORITE APPARATUS OUTFIT, All Articles of Which are Warranted in Every Respect. These Outfits are lighter, more compact, far handsomer and more accu- rate than any which are offered at the same price. Many professional photographers have bought them and use them constantly. FAVORITE OUTFIT A, Price $10.00, comprises A Favorite View Camera to produce 4x5 inch pictures, with vertical shifting front, single swing movement , rubber bellows and folding plat- form, with patent latch for making bed rigid instantaneously. 1 Scovill Double Dry Plate Holder (Reversible), with rubber slides. 1 Taylor Improved Folding Tripod. 1 No. A “ Waterbury” Achromatic Lens, with revolving diaphragm. 1 Carrying Case. 5x7 Favorite Outfit „ . .Price, $12 00 FAVORITE OUTFIT B, Price $12.00, comprises A Favorite View Camera, to produce pictures 5x8 inches, with vertical shifting front , single swing movement , rubber bellows and folding plat- form, with patent latch for making bed rigid instantaneously; also 23 FAVORITE OUTFIT B— Cont. i Scovill Double Dry Plate Holder (Reversible), with rtibber slides , and with kits . i Taylor Improved Folding Tripod. i No. B “Waterbury” Achromatic Lens with revolving diaphragms. i Carrying Case. FAVORITE OUTFIT C, Price $18.50, comprises A Favorite View Camera, to produce 5x8 inch pictures, with vertical ship ting front, single swing movement, rubber bellows and folding plat- form, with patent latch for making bed rigid instantaneously. This camera is constructed so as to make either a picture on the full size of the plate (5x8 inches), or by substituting the extra front (supplied with the outfit) and using the pair of lenses of shorter focus, it is admirably adapted for taking stereoscopic negatives. Included in this outfit are also 1 Scovill Double Dry Plate Holder (Reversible), with rubber slides , and with kits. 1 No. B “ Waterbury ” Achromatic Lens, with revolving diaphragms. 1 pair “Waterbury” Achromatic Matched Stereoscopic Lenses. 1 Taylor Improved Folding Tripod. 1 Carrying Case. 24 THE WATERBURY DR Y= PLATE HOLDER U the best one for the 5tudio. (patent applied for.) The Waterbury Holder may be adjusted to various sizes of plates quicker and easier than any other holder. No kits are required, and the plates used must be in the center ; in fact, they cannot be out of the center, and may be laid in the proper place m the dark. The Waterbury Holder requires no latches to secure the plate firmly in place. The mechanism is so simple that it cannot get out of order except by destroying the holder. The Waterbury Holder adjustments work with entire freedom and yet without vibration or side-play. The Waterbury Holders are so complete and pleasant to work with that every dark-room operator wants them. The Bonanza Holder was acknowleged to be the king of wet plate holders ; every candid man will admit that the Waterbury Holder is the best dry-plate holder for gallery use. All American Optical Company’s Portrait Cameras will be fitted with the Waterbury Holder, where so ordered, at the regular catalogue prices. Revised Price List of Waterbury Studio Holders. x 8 ]4. . . .$ 9 00 | 1 14 x 17 8 x 10 00 17 X 20 For Cincinnati Camera . .. 15 00 18 X 22 30 OO 10 x 12 . . . . 16 00 20 X 24 35 00 11 x 14 00 25 x 30 Add io per cent, to above list when with Curtain Slide. 25 THE IMPROVED PATENT BONANZA PLATE HOLDER. The Photographer’s Silver Saver. Any practical photographer can, by one glance at the illustration, see where the great merit of this holder lies, how perfectly silver solution is saved, and the trough may be fastened in the different grooves, avoiding the necessity of kits. „ , . , . r The Plate Holder has now a world-wide reputation, and, because ot its erreat merits, infringements have been attempted. Being the sole agents for the manufacture and sale of the ‘ Bonanza Holder,” we hereby notify all concerned that such holders made by other parties are infringements of said patent, and we will hold all dealers or others having infringing goods m their possession responsible m damages In ordering holders, parties should send their old holder as sample if possible, to avoid mistakes ; otherwise the exact dimensions of old holder Sh ° U piease g bear in mind that Bonanza Holders cannot be put on any cam- era that will not take a silver-saving bottle m the holder. Price List of Bonanza Holders. 1-4 $4 2 5 1-2 6 4° 4 X x b '/ 2 and 4^ x 6 ]/ 2 8 00 5x7 8 50 4-4.. 9 60 8 x 10 10 50 10 x 12 *6 00 1 11 x 14 $ 21 50 14 x 17 24 00 17 X 20 2 7 50 18 X 22 3 1 00 20 x 24 35 75 25 x 30 44 00 Bonanza Holder for Cincinnati Camera w “ “ Multiplying “ Troughs for Bonanza Holders ith Rabbet Kits $12 75 . 12 75 1 50 26 THE IMPROVED PATENT BONANZA PLATE HOLDER— Cont. Solid Qlass Corner Plate Holders, for Wet Plates. Outside Holder only. Price. For 3 X x 4 X $4 40 “ 4 x 5 4 80 “ 4X x S l A and New York Gem Box 5 00 “ 4X x 6 % 5 50 “5 x 7 and Victoria Camera 6 25 “ 5 x 8 6 50 “ 6^x8^ 7 30 5x8 Solid Glass Corner Holder Outside Holder only Price For 8 x 10 and Cincinnati Box $8 50 " 10 x 12 11 00 “ 11 x 14 13 40 “ 14 x 17 16 80 “ 17x20 19 50 “ 18x22 22 00 “ 20 x 24 24 00 “ .25 x 30 , 32 00 Kits extra. $6 00 for Stereo. Camera Rabbeted Outside Holders 10 per cent, less than Solid Glass Comer Holders below 10 x 12 size. Larger sizes made to order. THE SCOVILL=LEVY PHOTO=ENGRAVERS’ ADJUSTABLE SCREEN PLATE HOLDER. (patented.) This Holder, as is shown in the cut above, is a great improvement over any heretofore manufactured for photo-engraving purposes. Its principal points of superiority are, briefly: 27 THE SCOVILL=LEVY PHOTO=ENGR AVERS’ ADJUSTABLE SCREEN PLATE HOLDER.— Cont. (First) — The ease with which it is adjusted for different size plates and screens, by a simple sliding movement of the two inside frames to or from the center, and thus dispensing with the expensive and troublesome use of kit frames. (Second) — The convenience by which the screen plate is accurately adjusted to the sensitized plate by means of the metallic sliding adjusters. (Heretofore it has been necessary to do the adjusting by means of inserting different thicknesses of cardboard, paper, etc.) (Third) — Different thicknesses in the screen plates are allowed for by means of a spring which always holds the plate in accurate place no matter what its thickness may be. (Fourth) — A graduated scale on each screen adjuster makes it easy to always insure absolute accuracy in determining the distance of the screen plate from the wet plate. (Fifth) — The simplicity of construction and excellent workmanship of the entire holder, being made, as it is, in the factory of the famous American Optical Company. And, -altogether, it is an ingeniously designed and beautifully constructed Holder, which will be found of indispensable aid to the practical photo- grapher. These Holders are thicker than the ordinary plate holders, and if it is desired to use them on a camera the ground glass of which is focused for the ordinary plate holder, a new ground glass frame is necessary in order to adjust the focus. When ordering a holder to fit a camera in use, send the old holder or the old ground glass frame so that the new ones can be made to fit the camera. Also state the size of largest and smallest screen plate to be used in holder. It is made in various sizes. Prices as follows: Frames only, for Ground Gla 8 x 10 size . $18 oo $i 50 10 X 12 “ , . 22 OO I 50 11 x 14 " 28 00 i 88 14 X 17 “ 32 OO 2 25 17 X 20 “ 36 OO 2 63 18 X 22 “ 40 OO 2 63 20 x 24 “ 45 00 3 00 28 29 KLAY’S MULTIPLYING PLATE HOLDER. (See page 30. KLAY’S MULTIPLYING PLATE HOLDER. In these days of American enterprise and push, a constant demand for “something new” is being felt by photographers in every city, and that demand has now, happily, been supplied by the invention of the Klay Mul- tiplying Plate Holder. It is a unique patented device for producing from i to 28 different pictures on a single plate, 4Xx6^ inches. For variety, novelty, and convenience, it excels all other devices for producing these small pictures. Any photographer who once sees the Holder and its work wants one immediately. The engraving shown herewith is a proof of the efficiency of the Holder. If desired, a pamphlet showing full-size cabinet half-tones will be sent on application. Will fit any 8 x 10 camera, or larger. Price of Holde ', $1-5.00 THE DAISY DRY= PLATE HOLDER. “This Holder is a Daisy.” The frequent repetition of this ex- clamation fixed the name by which this holder is designated. It has the great merit of being lighter and of occupying lesss space than any other substantial holder that has ever been devised. The Daisy Holder opens like a book when the dry plates are being put into or taken out of it, and is so arranged that light cannot penetrate through from one side to the other. There are no projecting screws on this holder. What supplies their place is simple and more effective. The slides have no catches, as they are unnecessary. When making Dry-Plate Holders of our patented designs to fit cameras not made by us we are obliged to add 25 per cent, to the list price, as such holders must be made singly, not in quantity. Even with the addition to the list, we cannot expect to get more than the cost. 3X x 4 x : 4^* 4/4 x 5 x 5 x 6)4 x 4)4 X 5 x 5 x 4/4 • 5 • 5X ■ 6)4 . 7 ■ 8 . 8X- 6X 7 8 , Daisy Double Dry=Plate Holder. Kits Extra. $ I 75 8 x to $6 00 2 00 10 x 12” 8 00 2 10 11 x 14 00 2 25 14 XI" 50 2 35 17 X 20 15 50 2 50 18 X 22 18 00 4 20 20 x 24 50 Albion Holders. .$ 6)4 x 8 y 2 , 8 x 10 , 30 3 25 4 30 SOLOGRAPH HOLDERS. 4 X 5 $i oo 5 x 7 i 25 5 x 8 i 35 £>% x i 50 8 x 10 1 75 scov/li.. LIGHT-WEIGHT DOUBLE HOLDERS. Patented November 15, 1887, and January 24, 1888. Substantial, serviceable and accurate Double Holders cannot be made smaller or lighter than the Scovill Light-Weight Holders, and though so thin, kits may be used in them. The Light- Weight Holders yield a negative the full width of the plate, and, what is equally important, the plate may be placed in these holders or removed therefrom without touching the sensitive surface, and with- out danger of breaking it. (Observe the means shown in illustration for locking the slides. ) The Light-Weight Holders are made with solid frame so that they will not come apart, leak light, or warp. Every holder has the patent Registering Slides. If you want to secure accurate focusing, use the “ Light-Weight,” or any of the other Scovill Plate Holders. Price of Light=Weight Double Holder; also Scovill Double Film Holder. 3 X x 4X $1 10 4 x 5 1 25 8 x 10 $2 00 10 x 12 3 5° 4% x 5% 1 25 4X x 6 % 5 x 7 1 30 11 x 14 4 50 14 x 17 6 50 17 x 20 9 00 5 x 8 1 40 18 X 22 . . . . T 2 OO 6% x 8 % 1 70 20 X 24 . 1 5 00 Light-Weight Holders can be fitted to any American Optical Co. Cam- era or Scovill Outfit. Up to 11 x 14 size these Plate Holders can be had with registering or rubber slides at customer’s option. Above 11 x 14 with wood or rubber slides only. PRICE OF RUBBER SLIDES. Size for 3 X x 4X< “ 4 X 5 . “ 4X x 5X- “ 4 X x6 K- “ 5 X 7 - Each. Each. $0 l8 Size for 5 X 8 $0 40 20 “ 6 X X 8 X ...... 55 2 4 “ 8 X 10 75 28 “ 10 X 12 1 00 35 “ 11 X 14 1 30 Registering Slides not made above n x 14 size. RABBET AND LIGHT WEIGHT KIT FRAMES FOR DRY PLATE HOLDERS. OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT. ANY OPENING. 4 x 5 $0 28 4 /^x 5 X 29 4Xx6^ 30 5 x 7 31 5 x 8 32 6 x x %y 2 34 8 x 10 40 10 x 12 60 11 x 14 66 14 x 17 80 When ordering, please specify whether Rabbet Kits are wanted for wet or dry plates on account of difference in thickness. SOLID GLASS CORNER KITS. OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT IN INCHES. 3 X x 4X 60 /i v c 6/1 10 x 12 $1 25 11 x 14 1 30 *+ A J v/4 t 4X x 5 X 6 5 4X x 6X 67 g v 7 68 14 x 17 1 80 17 x 20 1 96 18 X 22 2 30 e x 8 7 A 20 X 24 2 4 ^ 6X x 8 X • 8 4 8 x 10 95 25 x 30 3 80 FRONT BOARDS. MADE OF SPANISH MAHOGANY, FINELY POLISHED. 2 X 2 m 3 x 3 in 4 x 4 in 5 x 5 in 6 x 6 in 7 x 7 in .$0 32 . 40 50 60 • 75 . 1 00 6 Ch o bJ0.2 t 5 0 d x £ Li xn CD > « fl <0 -S L. a) c 3 0 8 x 8 in. 9 x 9 in. 10 x 10 in. 12 x 12 in. 14 x 14 in. 15 x 15 in. . 1 . 1 . 2 . 2 . 2 Plain fronts, not polished, one-half above price list. Horizontal Sliding Fronts, complete with lens board, for ’76, Model Stereoscopic Cameras Plain Front, complete with lens board, for ’76, or Model Stereoscopic Cameras . $1 20 60 32 ELITE STUDIO STANDS. PATENTED. These are the only Stands suited in workmanship and finish, also in size, to the large American Optical Co. ’s Portrait Cam- eras, with their great length of bel- lows and extension platform. Practi- cal portraitists can- not fail to admire the ease with which these stands can be adjusted to any de- sirable height or inclination, and the noiseless manner in which they may be moved from place to place, their elegant appearance and accurate con- struction. The proper elevation of the “Elite” stand is obtained by turning a wheel with handle, within reach of the operator, so that he may adjust the height or inclination of this camera without taking his head from under the focusing cloth. By means of the wheel at the rear end of the platform, the horizontal position of the platform may be inclined upward or downward to a limit of 15 degrees. In the No. 2 size the platform is fifty- two inches long and twenty-six inches wide, and its length may be increased to seventy inches by an attachment which slides out forward, making it quite long enough to support a large copying camera. The semi-circular cut-out, at the rear end of the platform, is a convenience to the operator, who is thus enabled to stand closely up to the ground glass, no matter how far the camera may have been pushed forward ; bending of the body is obviated, which is a ne- cessity with all the older stands. “ ELITE ” STUDIO STANDS. No. 1 Size. Highest point from platform to floor 48 inches. Lowest “ “ “ “ 32 “ Width of platform 22 “ Length of platform without attachment. . . 45 “ “ “ with “ Price, with Rack for Plate Holder $32 00 No. 2 Size. 48 inches. 32 “ 26 “ 52 “ 70 “ $36 00 33 PERFECT CAMERA STAND. The “Perfect’’ Carrera Stand has been manufactured for many years, and is, as it has been justly called, a “Perfect” Camera Stand. It is made of finely polished black walnut and has best of metal castings. It has superior advantages for studio cameras up to 8 x io size. Price, with Plate Holder Pocket f 16.00 ACME CAMERA STANDS. No. 1, for 1-2 and 4-4 Cam- eras $ 8 00 No. 2, with Plate Holder Pocket, for 8 x 10 and 10x12 Cameras 12 00 EXCELSIOR CAMERA STANDS. (with iron center.) No. I, for 1-4 and 1-2 Cameras $3 75 “ 2, “ 4-4 “ 4 00 “ 3, “ 8x10 “ 4 00 34 THE SEMI-CENTENNIAL CAMERA STAND. Patented January 7, and March 11, i8go. Reasons why you should adopt it : First — Because you can lower the camera within 13 inches of the floor, this being lower than any other stand will admit of. Second — Because it is the only camera stand using rubber wheels as castors, there fore it is perfectly noiseless. Third — By the use of its coiled springs and a key you can make it counterbalance any weight of camera from 8x10 to 11x14 inclusive. Weight of Stand, packed ready for shipment, 95 lbs. Price, boxed $25.00 SCQV 1 LL. THE SCOVILL ADJUSTABLE TRIPODS. (Feather Weight.) Nothing more compact, certainly nothing as graceful in appearance and light in weight as the new tripod for out-door photography, just produced by the American Optical Com- pany, has yet made its appearance. Because so readily adjusted to the utmost irregularity of the earth’s surface, it was decided to call it the “Adjustable Tripod.” Lady amateurs prefer it to any other pattern on account of its lightness and beauty. The top is covered with billiard-cloth to prevent marring the fine polish on our cameras, and the clamping- screws are not detachable. Scovill Adjustable Tripod. No. 1 Price, each $3 50 “ 2. „ . “ “ 5 00 35 THE ALBION TRIPODS. This is the most elegant tripod ever introduced. It is adapted to and is firm enough to support without vibration any view camera from 5x7 to 10 x 12 size inclusive. The legs of this tripod are adjustable as to length, and may be quickly folded. As the binding straps are attached, they are always in place when wanted. The artistic design and faultless finish of every portion of this tripod cannot be realized without seeing one, and to use an Albion Tripod means to be fully satisfied, and wish for none other. No. 1. — Cherry-Wood $4 50 “ 2. — “ “ 6 00 “ 3. — Spruce (very light) 600 36 THE SCOVILL EXTENSION TRIPODS This tripod possesses special advantages. It can be set up, ready for use, quicker than any other, and with less trouble. By turning the brass buttons shown in the accompanying illustration, the legs may “ in a twink- ling ” be extended to the desired length and fastened. When this tripod is placed on uneven ground, the camera it supports may be brought to the proper level by simply adjusting the length of the tripod legs. Another commendable feature of the Scovill Extension Tripod is, that it has no detachable parts to be misplaced or lost. Combining as it does firmness, strength, and lightness, this tripod must at once find favor with the pro- fessional view taker, who very often wastes valuable time, or loses oppor- tune moments in placing the tripod legs and changing their position to include just what is wanted in a picture, and to level the camera. No. i, for 1-4 and 4x5 Cameras each, $3 00 “ 2, for 5x8 “ 3 25 “ 2 y z , for 5x8, with Brass Circle “ 3 50 “ 3, for 6^x8^ “ 500 37 PEERLESS FOLDING TRIPODS FOR FIELD PHOTOGRAPHY. Manufactured from selected second growth ash, with brass mountings and folding legs, which make them very light and portable ; yet they are perfectly firm and rigid when extended for use. No better tripods have ever been devised for the professional view photographer. No. i. — Peerless double- jointed legs 6 inch wooden top $2 85 “ 2. 4 4 4 4 4 4 • . 4 75 “ 3 - “ hinged • • 5 70 “ A (4 if 11 “ metal top “ 5. “ six foot, rigid 12 “ wooden top . . . 6 00 “ 6. “ “ “ 15 “ “ ... . . . 8 00 The above tripods are so constructed that they can be easily taken apart for packing, and yet can, when in use, be made as stiff and solid as though carved from a solid block. 38 SCOVILL PRINTING FRAMES. MANUFACTURED OF CHERRY, WITH BRASS SPRINGS, PANELED BACKS AND TALLY. Scovill Deep Printing Frame (Open). Scovill Flat Printing Frame (Open). Our Printing Frames are constructed so that a uniform pressure is ob- tained, thus insuring per- fect contact between the positive paper and nega- tive plate. The back- boards are so arranged that the progress of the printing may be watched without danger of shift- ing the paper. For Plates. Flat. Deep. For Plates. Flat. Deep. ,$0 36. . . $0 75 13 x 16 . . . .$2 OO $2 70 38... 75 14 x 17 40. .. 75 l6 X 20 42... 85 17 X 20 3 00 4 50 50. . . 85 18X22 52. . . 20 X 24 5 25 60. . . 24 x 30 75- •• 35 x 45 I OO . . . 30 X 60* I 80. . . 4 x 5 . , 4>C x am;., 4 X X 6}4 - . 5 X 7 .. 5 x 8 6^x8^., 8 x io . . 10 X 12 . . 11 x 14 ^Larger or special sizes made to order at short notice, according to specification. •When made with backs to open lengthways, ten per cent, is added to the foregoing prices for the respective sizes. COPY BOARDS. Furnished clamped or with dovetailed battens, lumber, seasoned and thoroughly dried. Made of selected pme 16 x 20 inches. 18 x 22 “ . 20 x 15 “ . each. $0 90 1 00 1 20 22 x 31 inches . . .each, $2 00 25 x 34 “ “ 3 00 27 x 41 “ ........... “ 4 50 39 The Printing Frames made by the Amer- ican Optical Co. for photo-engraving are like everything else manufactured by this factory, of the highest degree of perfection, and the utmost care was given to the comparative distance of screws so as to produce an even pressure. Many negatives have been either Prices. 8 x io, including one-inch glass $8 oo 10X12, ■“ “ “ 12 00 9 X 9 5° 11 x x 4 i ‘ 13 oo 14 x i 7 i “ _ “ iq 00 Larger and special sizes made to order. LEIGH’S COMBINATION PHOTOGRAPH PRINTING FRAME. To quote the words of Mr. W. H. Leigh, the inventor, we would say that ‘ ‘ the important point we claim for this frame is the doing away with . joint lines, and equalizing the space between subjects for combination pho- tographs, without czitting down negatives , thus often ruining them for future orders for single cabinets, etc. Prints from ten inches to ten feet in length can be made from as many negatives as desired. The prints can be made side by side, or one above the other. Nothing makes better display work, nor attracts the public eye more than the Combination Photograph. We furnish two styles of frames, one to open in the regular way, tak- ing paper the narrow way of the frame, and the other with lengthwise opening, taking the paper as shown in the illustration. Prices for either Style Complete. 5x7 $2 50 each I 6 x 8)4 $3 00 each 5x8 2 50 “ I 8 x 10 3 50 “ For sale by dealers. RETOUCHING FRAMES. No. i, for 1-4 to 8 x 10 negatives, black walnut $3 75 No. 2, for 1-4 to 11 x 14 negatives, black walnut 7 5° They have a drawer and all the modern improvements. 4i NEGATIVE RACK With either Wood or Zinc Corrugation .Price, $o 25 NEGATIVE BOXES. MANUFACTURED FROM WHITEWOOD, WITH HINGED COVER. A VERY SUPERIOR ARTICLE. For Holding 24 Plates. Regular with Light Tight with Lock t Regular with Light Tight with Lock Hook. and Key. Hook. and Key. i -9 each. . . .$0 60 $1 60 4 x 8 each. . . .$0 75 $1 75 1-6 60 I 60 5 ' x 7 “ 85 1 85 3 X x 4 X < i 62 I 62 5 x 8 “ .... 90 1 90 4 x 5 4 C . 65 I 65 6 X x 8'X “ .... I 00 2 00 4 X x S'A « 4 . 70 I 70 8 x 10 “ . . . . I IO 2 IO 4 X x t>'/ 2 “ . . • . 75 i 75 IO X 12 “ .... I 50 2 50 4 x 7 4 i 75 1 75 1 For Holding 12 Plates. Regular with Hook. Light Tight with Lock and Key. Regular with Hook. Light Tight with Lock and Key. 11 x 14 each. . . . $2 50 $3 50 17 x 21 each . . . .$4 50 $5 50 13x16 “ .... 2 75 3 75 18x22 “ 6 00 14x17 “ .... 16 x 20 “ . . . . 3 50 4 00 4 50 20x24 “ .... 5 50 6 50 Special sizes made to order to hold any number of plates required, 42 INDIA RUBBER BELLOWS Outfits. Plain Portraits. Cone View. 3 l X x 4 X> 4 X 5 , 4 X x 5 X $3 00 $4 50 A 1 / x 6#, x 8^,. 5X7, 5 x 8 I 50 3 00 6 00 “/T 6 K 4 00 6 00 8 x 10 3 00 5 00 7 50 10 X 12 6 00 Q OO 11 x 14 x 17 X 20 8 00 IO OO 14 17 18 10 00 12 OO 12 00 15 OO 16 OO X 22 13 00 16 00 20 x 24 20 OO LANTERN SLIDE BOXES. No. i, to hold 25 Lantern Slides “ 2, “ 50 “ 3 > “ 100 ‘ “ $0 65 1 40 2 50 43 SERIES III. GOERZ’S DOUBLE ANASTIGMATIC F:7.7. UNIVERSAL EXTRA-RAPID LENS. For portraits, groups, instantaneous photography, landscapes, architecture, interiors, and enlargements. The lenses of this series are universal instruments in the full sense of the word. At full aperture, they admit of instantaneous photographs em- bracing an angle of 70° being taken, even on dull days. By the use of small stops the photograph may be made to include an angle of 90°. The Double Anastigmats of Series III. satisfy, therefore, the highest require- and are eminently adapted for allround purposes, in and out of doors. As the image is perfectly .sharp, even with large apertures, the defini- tion, brilliancy, and depth of every point of the field is absolutely uniform. Hence perfectly sharp wide-angle instantaneous photographs may be taken. The back lens , the focus of which is about the double of that of the entire objective, may, by itself, be used as a landscape lens. No. Equivalent Focus, in. Free Aperture, in. Size of Plate Sharply Covered at Code W jrd Price with Iris Diaphragm. | F: 7.7 in. F . 15.5 in. F : 62 in. OOOO iH X I^XI A 2 X 2 2 X 2 % Capo $34 00 OOO 2^ A 2^X2^ 2^ x 3 2 X x 3 X Cardiff 34 00 OO 3 X A 3 X 3 3 X x 4 X 4 X 5 Cadiz 35 50 O 4 3 X A 3X x 4X 4x5 4 X x 6X Caesar 37 50 I 6 A 4 X 5 4Xx6X 5x8 Calderon 45 00 2 7 1 4 X x6 X 5x8 7x9 Calla 5 i 50 3 8X 1 X 5X8 6X x 8 X 8x10 Calvin 62 50 4 9'A I Tff 6>Jx8X 7x9 10x12 Camerun 75 50 5 10X *A 7x9 8x10 12x15 Camillus 91 00 6 12 iA 8x10 10x12 16x18 Canada 107 OO 7 14 2 10x12 12x15 18x22 Capet 140 OO 7a 16X 2X 11x14 13x17 21x25 Caviar 182 OO 8 19 2 A 12x15 16x18 22x25 Carlos 219 OO 9 24 3t« 16x18 18x22 24x30 Census 325 OO 10 30 4X 18x22 22x25 28x36 City 539 00 11 35 5 22x25 24x30 34 X 44 Columbia 1070 OO Nos. 00 to 5 are particularly adapted for hand and field cameras. The higher numbers will be found of great service for large portraits and group photography and similar work. The size of plate indicated sub F : 7. 7 represents the area which is sharply covered up to the edge. It is, however, advisable to select a higher number than that actually required in all cases where the lens is largely used at full aperture and where, at the same time, it is important that the entire plate should be uniformly illuminated when the camera front is moved out of its central position. I am prepared to supply lenses mounted for adaptation to detective cameras if ordered in sufficiently large numbers. For stereoscopic views the lenses are “paired” at an extra charge of $2. 50. 44 SERIES IV. GOERZ’S DOUBLE ANASTIGMAT F: 11. RAPID COPYING DENS, for full size reproductions, enlargements, large groups, landscapes, in stantaneous photography, and interiors. Series IV. of the Double Anastigmatic Lenses has been specially computed for copying in full size. It is, for this purpose, made to cover a plate of a diameter which is double the focal length of the lens without any distortion and without astigmatic aberrations and with perfectly uni- form sharpness up to the extreme edge. This excellent lens may also be used for photographing distant objects; for, in this case, the curvature of the image is barely appreciable and is counterbalanced by the depth of the focus and the sharpness of the image, which is free from astigmatic aberrations. The siiarp image subtends an angle of 75 0 with the largest stop, hence instantaneous wide angle pho- tograph s, groups , la?idscapes and architectures may be taken with these lenses. By means of small stops the image may be made to embrace an angle of 90°. No. Equiva- lent Focus. in. Free Aperture. in. Normal Size of Plate for Copying AT F: 15.5 TO F::22. in. in. Size of Plate Covered at Code Word. Price, with Waterhouse Stops. F 15.5 For Groups. in. With Smaller Stops for Landscapes, Interiors, etc. in. 6 12 X T6 i6x 18 IOX 12 IOX 12 16 x 18 Damara $IIO OO 7 14 I TA l 8 X 22 12 X 15 12 X 15 l 8 X 22 Darius 141 50 8 19 I X 22 X 25 12 X l8 i6x 18 22 X 25 Dekan 230 OO 9 24 23/8 24 x 30 l8 X 22 l8 X 22 24 x 30 Dictator 345 00 10 30 2^ 28 x 36 22 X 25 22 X 25 28 X 36 Dolomit 565 00 11 35 3 X 34 X 44 24 x 30 24 x 30 34x44 Doria 1,096 OO 12 47 4 r 5 e 40 X 60 28 x 36 28 x 36 40 X 60 Drusus 1,980 OO 45 STEINHEIL LENSES. ORTHOSTIGMATIC LENSES. The Orthostigmatic Lenses described in the following pages represent the most recent and perfect type of photographic lenses made by us. Ow- ing to their symmetrical construction they resemble the Aplanatic lenses, but they differ so widely from the latter as regards their mathematical formula, composition, and optical properties, that we have treated them as a group distinct from the Antiplanatic and Aplanatic Lenses, and we pro- pose to describe them as Orthostigmatic Lenses. These new lenses possess the following two principal features : Though very rapid, they nevertheless cover sharply at full aperture plate areas which hitherto could not be covered by lenses of similar rapidity, even if stopped down. On the other hand, the Orthostigmatic lenses possess, with small stops, a covering power which formerly could only be realized by slow Wide-angle Aplanatic Lenses. By reasons of these properties, coupled with great rapidity and perfect definition, these Orthostigmatic Lenses constitute veritable “Universal Lenses,” and as such are available for all the purposes of photography in- doors and out-doors, thereby dispensing with the necessity of employing several lenses. The following may be enumerated as the principal uses of the Ortho- stigmatic Lenses: 1. Their great rapidity renders them equally well adapted for portraits and groups in the studio and for shortest instantaneous exposures out-doors, even in dull weather. 2. Owing to their wide angular subtense, these lenses may be used for all manner of landscape, architectural, and interior photography. 3. Their superior definition and flatness of field, as the result of com, prehensive optical correction, renders the Orthostigmatic Lenses, when suitably stopped down, well adapted for enlargements as well as copying. The Orthostigmatic Lenses have a double advantage over the Wide-angle Aplanats hitherto used for copying, inasmuch as, by their increased rapidity, the exposure becomes considerably short- ened, and also as owing to their wider angular subtense lenses of much shorter focus can be used, which, beside being proportionately cheaper, require a shorter camera extension and work at closer ranges. 46 STEINHEIL LENSES.— Com. ORTHOSTIGMATIC LENSES, F : 6.8. This lens is a universal lens and is adapted for nearly all ex- isting purposes. It can therefore be used for shortest instantaneous photographs, portraits, groups, landscapes, and interiors, and also for copying. It is composed of two similar halves consisting each of three lenses, the intermediate one of which is positive. No. Aper- ture. Inches. Focal Length. Inches. Size of Plate Sharply Covered, in Inches. Price. At Full Aperture. F .6.8.* With Intermediate Stop. F : 14— F : 20. With Small Stops. F : 40— F : 56. I T* 3 X 3 X x 3 X 4 X x sX 4 X x 3 X $ 34 00 2 X 4 X 4 X x 3/5 4 X x 3/5 6 x 4 37 00 3 X 4 X 4 X x 3 X 5 X 4 7 X x 5 38 00 4 A 5 xt 6x4 7 X x 5 8X x 6X 46 00 5 ItV 7 A 6X x 4 X 8x6 9 X x 7 56 00 6 iX 8X 7 X x 5 8X x 6X ii x 8X 65 00 7 it* 9/5 8x6 9 X x 7 12 X 9 X 80 00 8 iH 11 8X x 6X ii x 8X 14 X II 99 00 9 2A I 4 X 9 X x 7 12 x 9X 16 X 16 152 00 10 2 A 19 12 x 9 X l6 X 12 24 X 20 228 00 11 a 9 3t¥ 23X 16 x 12 20 X 16 28 x 24 342 00 The plate sizes indicated in the above table are covered absolutely sharp up to the edge. Nevertheless it is generally advisable to choose the next larger lens than the one actually required, especially if provisions are to be made for the use of a sliding camera front. Special quotations will be made for intermediate sizes. Of the lenses specified in the table Nos. i to 4 are pre-eminently adapted for stereoscopic views. Nos. 1 to 6 form excellent hand-camera lenses. We supply pairs of these lenses of identical focus for stereoscopic views, also lenses fitted with sliding stops or in aluminum mounts. But in these cases we cannot offer the option of a return. * With Nos. 8 to 11 : f :7 to f :8. 47 STEINHEIL LENSES Cont. ORTHOSTIGMATJC LENS F:io. Rapid Wide Angle Lens. These Lenses, constructed somewhat differently from the Series F/6&, have a little less illumination, but possess more correction for Spherical, Chromatic, and Astigmatic Aberrations. Especially adapted for photo-mechanical work, and, compared with Series VI. ( Wide Angle A pi an at), gives an equally large plate with a much shorter focus, the increased illumination reducing also the exposure to a marked degree. These Lenses, although especially designed for Reproduction, are equally well adapted for Instantaneous Views, Groups, Portraits, Architec- ture, and Landscapes. No. Aper- ture. Inches. Focal Length. Inches. Size of Plate Sharply Covered, in Inches Price. Copying in Full Size. F : 20 — F : 40. Groups at Full Aperture. F :10. Landscapes, with Small Stops. F : 56 — F : 80 7 11X 20 X l6 10X x 8 X 16 X 12 $107.00 8 I 5 X 24 X 20 13X x 10 y 2 20 X 16 152.00 9 2 X I 9 X 28 x 24 16 X 12 24 X 20 228.00 10 2^ 23X 32 x 28 18 x 14 28 x 24 304.OO 11 3 X 29 x 36 x 32 20 X l6 32 X 28 456.00 12 4 % 35 X 40 X 36 ! 24 X 20 36 x 32 684.OO The smaller sizes of this series made to order. Prisms to fit the lenses of this series can be had at the following prices : To fit No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. $120.00 $160.00 $200.00 $240.00 $300.00 $360.00 ANTIPLANETIC AND APLANATIC LENSES. In the following pages will be found the old reliable lenses which many of our customers will continue to use on account of the excellent results obtained in the past. The prices have been materially reduced, which should make them still more popular. These Lenses are divided into six Series , presented in the order of their respective rapidities. Each Series begins with No. 1 for the smallest size and continues upwards. To avoid errors it is therefore necessary, in ordering, to quote both the No. of the Series and No. of the Lens in the present Catalogue. All our lenses are rectilinear, and are strictly corrected for spherical errors and chemical focus. They are free from disturbing reflections, and strongly illuminated ob- jects can be taken with them without producing flare or light spots. They are, moreover, constructed so as to give the greatest possible equality of definition over the whole picture. In focusing with these lenses always use largest stop and focus on object of chief interest. Then without changing focus insert proper diaphragm to secure depth in foreground ana background. 48 STEINHEIL LENSES.— Cont. The scientific basis of our establishment and the precise methods em- ployed, both in the manufacture of our astronomical and photographic ap- paratus, enable us to produce lenses of such uniform accuracy that the means of most rigorous testing at our command fail to reveal any differ- ences in the instruments we send out. We make it a special point never to supply a lens which is capable of improvement at our hands. According to the principle involved in their construction our lenses are divided into two classes, viz. : Antiplanetic and Aplanatic. ANTIPLANETIC LENSES. Patented in the United States and Europe, Briefly stated, these lenses, which are the result of a series of calcula- tions extending through several years, are composed of two non-symmetri- cal combinations, each of as great but opposite faults as possible, which correct each other. One combination has a shorter focus than the objective as a whole, and the other has a negative focus. The combinations are placed closely together. By the peculiar construction, as described above, differing widely from the usual forms, it has been possible to correct, to a considerable extent, the hitherto greatest defect in photographic objectives, viz. : “Astigmatism” and the consequent rapid decrease of definition from the center to the margin of the picture. The result is greater sharpness and depth distributed more equally over a larger and strictly even picture before any decrease in definition is preceptible. Illumination too is more evenly distributed, in consequence of the lenses being proportionately nearer together. These properties allow the lenses to be worked with full aperture, or large stops, and give them great rapidity of action. The perfectly correct delineation produced by the Antiplanets renders them particularly suitable for enlargements as well as for dissolving view apparatus. If small and sharp originals are taken and subsequently enlarged, depths are obtained which would be unattainable in larger pictures taken direct with same amount of light. For this purpose, which will probably play an important part in photography, the Antiplanets are specially suit- able. In making enlargements the front lens of the Antiplanet should always be turned towards the enlarged picture and the back lens towards the object to be enlarged. This construction is designed for strictly even and correctly delineated pictures and all tilting of the camera should be decidedly avoided and a movable lens board used instead. The Antiplanets are made in two Series: the Portrait Antiplanets (Series I.) and the Group Antiplanets (Series II.), the latter being, how- ever, also excellent dry-plate portrait lenses. 49 STEINHEIL LENSES Cont. APLANATIC LENSES. These lenses consist of the original and now well known symmetrical and rectilinear combinations, invented by Steinheil in 1868, but not patented. They are made in four Series (III. to VI. in this catalogue), each of which is specially designed for a certain class of work. Their capabilities and object are fully explained in the following pages. The lenses of Series V., also of Series III,, No. 1, Series IV., Nos. 1 and 2, have rotary diaphragms. All the other lenses are furnished with Waterhouse diaphragms in morocco case. SERIES I. PATENT ANTIPLANETIC PORTRAIT LENS. The rapidity is the same as in the usual Portrait Objectives, but there is more equality in the distribution of sharpness and illumination over the pic- ture and greater depth. Con- trary to the ordinary Portrait Objectives they produce per- fectly correct delineation. Designed for Portraits , Enlargements , and Dissolv- ing View Apparatus . No Aperture. Inches. Focal Length. Inches. Plate. Price. I H 2 Locket Size. $20 OO i a ib r> 5 2 ts A 1 1 4 t 6 7tV ^ Plate, a Plate. 40 OO 60 OO 2 3 9)4 Carte de V. 88 00 3 3 % 12^ Cabinet. 160 00 4 5X 23 H Boudoir, up y 2 life size. 320 00 Special quotations for larger sizes. 50 STEINHEIL LENSES Cont. SERIES II. PATENT ANTIPLANETIC GROUP LENS. New in principle and construc- tion, consisting of two non-symmet- rical cemented pairs, placed closely together. It is rectilinear and is re- markable for its powerful and even illumination and sharpness. In rapidity it is only excelled by the regular and expensive portrait com- binations. Recent improvements in the mounting of the lenses of this Series make them still more compact than formerly and allow the front hood of lens to screw off uncovering a screw thread which can be very conveniently used for adjusting lens to detective cameras, shutters, prisms or other appliances. Designed for Portraits , Groups , Architecture , Landscape , Instan- taneous Work , and Enlargements. Unexcelled for Flashlight Portraits and Groups. No. Aperture. Focal Length. Size of Portrait or Group. Size of View or Landscape. Price. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 0 H 1 % I H x iH 2 X 2 $l6 OO I H 3 H 3 X x 3% AX x 3X 18 OO *1 b 1 s 16 4 X X 3 1 / aA x 3 3 X 22 OO 2 I sH 4/4 x 3X 5 x 4 24 OO *2 b I T6 6 A 5 x 4 sA x 4 ^ 28 OO 3 1 16 rx 5/4 x 4 X 7 x 5 32 OO 4 T 1 1 1 16 9 /4 7 x 5 8 >4 X 6/4 42 OO 5 I A 10 A 8 >4 x 6/4 10 X 8 52 OO 6 2'A 14 A 10 X 8 12 X 10 84 OO 7 3t(T T-lX 12 X 10 15 X 12 128 OO * Special Detective Camera : No. i b for plates, x 3^ ; No. 2 b for plates 5x4. Nos. o to 3 are made in matched pairs for Stereo Work. Shutters of any desired make will be fitted to our lenses at manu- facturer's prices. 5i STEINHEIL LENSES.— Cont. SERIES III. IMPROVED APLANATIC LENS. The prototype of all rapid symmetrical and rectilinear combinations. Is now made with increased illumination and rapidity and guaranteed fully equal or superior to the most expensive lenses of its kind. Next to the Antiplanetic Group Lens, Series II, it is the best lens for general work. Nos. 5 to io inclusive of this Series are now furnished to order with an attachment allowing the distance between front and back combinations to | be adjusted either for direct negatives or for copying from flat surfaces, thus practically giving the operator two lenses in one. For direct pictures approach the two combinations as near as the mounting will allow and for copying separate them in the same manner, whereby the lens loses in depth and gains correspondingly in flatness of field. Designed for Portraits , Groups, Architecture , Landscape, and Instantaneous Work. Also Copying , if used with extension as above. No. Aperture. Focal Length. Size of Portrait or Group. Size of View or Landscape. Price. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. I X I H For En larging $16 00 2 X 3X 3X x 3X 4X x 3X 16 00 3 I 5 H 4X x 3X 5X x 4X 22 00 4 iX 7X 5X x 4X 7 x 5 29 00 4 b IA 9 X 7 x 5 8 y 2 x 6 y z 35 00 5 I T5 ii x 10 x 8 40 00 6 2 T6 I4X io x 8 12 x 10 5i oc 7 2^ I7X 12 X IO 14 X II 78 00 8 2}i 2I T F 17 x 14 20 x 17 114 00 9 3t?t 25 20 X 17 22 x 18 151 00 IO 4t 9 6 33 22 X l8 24 x 20 223 00 Nos. 2 to 4 are made in matched pairs for Stereo Work. 52 STEINHEIL LENSES — Cont. SERIES IV. RAPID WIDE ANGLE APLANAT. Angle about 75 0 and cov- ering a larger field than the lenses of Series III. Effec- tive aperture about f: 10. Specially designed for Landscape Work and Ar- chitecture ■, but can also be advantageously used for Flashlight Interiors and Copying. Size of Picture. No. Aperture. Focal Length. Full Aperture. Smallest Stop. Price. Inches. Inches. Inches. I TT 2 ^ 2/4 X 2 3 X x 3X $16.00 2 H 3 3 X x 3 X 4 X x 3X I9.OO 3 X 4 X 5 x 4 7 x 5 23.OO 4 X 6 -Hs 7x5 SX x 6 X 29.OO 5 1 9 l A 8 X X 6 >4 12 x 10 40.00 6 1 X 15 X 12 x 10 17 x 14 78.00 7 2'/g 23X 17 x 14 ^24 X 20 152.00 It is frequently desirable to get a picture from a given point, and to get it just the size to cover your plate, or of any other given size, without changing your position. This can only be accomplished by using objec- tives of different foci by which you can reduce or enlarge the image at will. For this work we have arranged a Set of four Single Aplanats, fitting in the same flange, aperture 1 in., covering from 5 x 8 to 20 x 24 in., according to focal length of the combination and size of the stop used. Used singly and by combination among themselves seven different foci are obtained as follows : II in front with I behind, 7X in. Ill “ “ II “ 10# “ I single, - 12X “ CV in front with III behind, 13 “ II single, - - - 15X in. III “ - 20X “ IV “ - - - 24X “ Price in neat lock up case, $85.00, Sets of any class and size of Aplanats made to order. 53 STE1NHEIL LENSES Cont. SERIES V. EXTREME WIDE ANGLE APLANAT. The proportionately short focus and large angle (about ioo°) of these lenses make them particularly adapted for Interi- ors , A rchitecture, and for very high, broad objects taken from short distances. No. Aperture. Focal Length. Size of Sharp Picture. Price. Inches. Inches. Inches. I 16 3 ^ 5 x .5 $19.00 2 T6 4 X 7x7 23.OO 3 i tV 7 X 10X x 10X 38.OO 4 T 9 6 10^ I 2 X X 12X 57.00 5 1 4 16 18 X x 18 x 84.OO Special quotations for larger sizes. Shutters of any desired make will be fitted to our lenses at manu- facturer's prices. SERIES VI. WIDE ANGLE APLANAT FOR COPYING. These "lenses give perfect flat- ness of picture and microscopic definition, and have at the same time a considerable field. Designed expressly for Copy- ing Maps , Charts , Drawings , Paintings and Engravings and Photo-mechanical work gener- ally. No. Aperture. Inches. Focal Length. Inches. Size of Sharp Picture. Inches. ' Price. I I 14 H IO X 10 $46 OO 2 ll A 18 13 x 13 69 OO 3 iX 23X 17 X 17 99 OO 3^ 2 3 °X 20 X 20 137 OO 4 2 X 38 H 24 x 24 I90 OO 5 3 4 §X 28 X 28 304 OO 6 3 X 56 34x34 456 OO 54 STEINHEIL LENSES.— Cont. Special quotations for larger sizes. Especial attention is called to the marked reduction of the prices of this Series of Lenses, which now places them among the moderate priced lenses , and within the reach of all who , 071 account of the price, hereto- fore have used lenses not specially adapted for this style of work. As a result of our experience we beg to point out particularly the necessity of avoiding the slightest vibration during exposure, when it is 'desired to obtain the extremest sharpness of picture which these lenses are capable of producing. It is also advisable not to use too small a diaphragm as the diffraction caused thereby tends to veil the picture. For obtaining inverted negatives, without stripping the film, we have designed the Prisms of Series VII. which can be fitted to the above or any other lenses. SERIES VII. PRISMS. These Prisms are made of one solid homogeneous mass of glass, with silvered hypothenuse. They are centered in their mountings and adjust- able to our lenses simply by unscrewing the hood of the lens and screwing the Prism in its place. With every Prism is fur- nished a rotary flange with set screw, allowing the Prism o be turned and fixed at any angle to the horizon. Designed for making In- verted Negatives without striping the film. Also for special and scientific work. No. To work with Lenses as follows • Price. I Series III. No. 2, Series IV. No. 3, Series IV. No. 4 Series V. No. 1, Series V. No. 2 $32 OO 2 Series IV. No. 5, Series V. No. 3, Series VI. No. 1 36 OO 3 Series III. No. 3, Series VI. No. 2 40 OO 4 Series II. No. 2, Series III. No. 4, Series V. No. 4 50 OO 5 Series IV. No. 6, Series V. No. 5 60 OO 6 Series II. No. 3, Series III. No. 5, Series IV, No. 3 72 OO 7 Series VI, No. 3 b 96 OO 8 Series IV. No. 7 120 OO 9 Series II. No. 4, Series III. No. 6 160 OO IO Series VI. No. 4 24O OO ii Series III. No. 7, Series VI. No. 5 360 OO Larger sizes made to order. No charge made for fitting the above Prisms to Steinheil lenses. For- fitting to other makes of lenses the labor will be charged for at cost. 55 i ~9 size 1-6 “ 1-4 “ DARLOT GEM LENSES each, $2 50 3 50 “ 4 oo THE SCOVILL ECONOMIC LENSES. These Lenses are intended to fill the want experienced by thousands of successful workers with the Waterbury Lens for a good low-priced Rectangular Wide-Angle Lens, whereby they can gain artistic effects in per- spective at short distances. Price Scovill Economic Lens. No. Size of Plate. Back Focus. Equivalent Focus Price. 3 4 6 Yz X 8)4 8 X IO 6 inches. 8 6 ]4 inches. 8 X “ $15 OO 20 OO WATERBURY LENSES. The unprecedented success which has every- where resulted from the employment of the Water- bury Lenses, for 4x5 and 5x8 plates respectively, induced the Scovill & Adams Co. to extend the series of this favorite ob- jective. The popular C Waterbury Lens gave an opportunity for pro- ducing 8x10 and even 10x12 photographs with the sharpness, detail and brilliancy of the smaller sizes, but after its advent there was still a gap be- tween the 5x8 and 8 x 10 sizes. The desire is to see the Waterbury series complete has led to the production of the BB Waterbury Lens, which covers 6^ x 8)4 (the ever popular 4-4 size) to the extreme edges. In future, re- volving diaphragms will be supplied with all the Waterbury Lenses. In them are cut (with mathematical accuracy) openings in value T ^, /s> / ff > respectively. 56 WATERBURY LENSES.— Cont. The Waterbury Lenses are composed of a bi-convex crown glass lens cemented to another lens of the plano-convex form, made of the best selected flint glass. Be sure that the convex side of the lens is toward the focusing screen. Owing to the great advances in the sensitiveness of emulsion plates, the Waterbury Lenses are now commonly used for groups and for instan- taneous views, with the Scovill Safety Shutters, described on another page. No better testimony can be given to the excellence and reliability of these objectives, and the mathematical accuracy with which they are made, than that deduced from the recent test made of 392 lenses of the C series, in which large number only two lenses differed at all in focal length or luminous power from the others. Diameter. Back Focus. Inches. Inches. A, Single, for 4x5 plate. i T \ 6 .$3 50 A, Matched pair, stereoscopic 7 00 B, Single, for 5x8 plate 10 4 50 BB, Single, for 6^x8^ plate ij-f.. 10X 6 00 C, Single, for 8 x 10 plate 2% 16 8 00 MORRISON WIDE=ANGLE VIEW LENSES. These Lenses are absolutely rectilinear ; they embrace an angle of fully 90 degrees, and are the most rapid, and are universally conceded to be the best wide-angle lenses made. No. Diameter of Lens. Size of Plate. Equivalent Focus. Price. O ' '3 x 4X in. . . 3 -... 4 -X x 6 X “ • • • ... 4 X “ 25 OO' 4 5 x 8 “... ... 6 25 OO 5 -... 6 Xx 8 X ... 7 25 00 6 , 8 x 10 “. .. 30 OO 7 iX “ .11 x 14 “ . . . ...11X “ 40 OO 8 iX “ .14 x 17 “... ...13 “ “ 50 OO^ These 6 sizes will fit into 1 flange. (2^* Nos. 1 to 6 are all made in matched pairs for stereoscopic work. The shorter focused Lenses are specially adapted for street and other views in confined situations. For general purposes, a pair of No. 5 Lenses will be found most useful. SCOVILL’S PORTRAIT LENSES. For 3X x 4X and 4x5 Portraits, or in pairs for Stereoscopic Views on 5 x 8 plate Price each, $8 75 57 SCOVILL’S “PEERLESS” QUICK-ACTING STEREOSCOPIC LENSES. For Portraiture or Views. These Lenses are especially designed for Stereoscopic Photography and are so constructed that they will work well for interiors or exteriors. They are particularly adapted for instantaneous work. Diameter of Lenses, i l /i inch ; focal length, 3 ^ inches. By removing the back lens and substituting the front combination a focal length of 5^ inches is obtained. They are supplied with six Waterhouse diaphragms in morocco case. Price, per pair $25 00 Imitation Dallmeyer Lens each, 950 Lenses, matched for Stereoscopic work, per pair, 17 00 THE ELITE TIME OR INSTANTANEOUS SHUTTER. This economical shutter was especially designed for use with the Waterbury Lenses. Directions for Use. To set the shutter for snap work, push the point A as close to the piston B as it will go. Push arm T as close to the edge of the lens as possible. The shutter is now set for quick work. When ready to expose, give a hard, quick squeeze on the bulb. For Time Exposure. Press arm T as close to center of lens as it will go. Push the point A close to the piston B. For exposure, squeeze and hold the bulb, which will open the shutter ; when the time of exposure is up, release the pressure upon the bulb and the shutter will close. Price Fitting to other Single Lenses, 50 cents extra. 53 $3 50 ALBUMEN PAPER. Dresden, Three Crown — Single, Pink, Pense or white, per dozen $ ! 0 o Extra Brilliant , White, Pearl, Pense or Pink, per Dozen i 25 Single, per ream ‘ ' 34 Extra Brilliant, per ream ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 44 GO 20 Saxe Extra Brilliant Paper, per dozen 1 40 22 x 36 Saxe Extra Brilliant Paper, per dozen 3 00 26 x 40 Saxe Extra Brilliant Paper, per dozen 6 50 Absolutely the best Albumen Paper to be obtained. Japans? f\rt Tissues. $ 2.00 PER 1000 . JAPAN. ENGLAND. PHILADELPHIA. JAPANESE ART TISSUES. The finest quality of Mikado Silk Paper for covering fronts of photographs, and pre- serving the burnish or gloss. Eight charm- ing designs printed in blue ink. Price, per 1000 .$2 00 Assorted designs. 59 PLAIN SAXE PAPER. Medium, per dozen, $o 50 “ per ream 16 00 Heavy, per dozen 55 “ per ream 18 00 CLEMON’S MATT SURFACE. Salted, per dozen $0 85 “ per ream 32 00 ENDLESS ROLL. Plain, Steinbach’s, Medium (54 inches wide), per yard $0 30 “ “ “ “ “ “ ... 45 CEPA SKIN. For vignetting, size 17x22, per dozen $0 20 Per ream 6 62 ENGLISH TISSUE PAPER. Size 20 x 30 per dozen (any color except ruby) $0 15 Ruby color, per dozen 75 GUMMED PAPER. Sheplie’s, per roll of 300 yards, half inch wide $0 60 LITMUS PAPER. Per sheet, blue or red $0 05 Per dozen 5° RUBY PAPER. Carbutt’s, 20x25, per sheet $0 25 MASK PAPER. Perfectly Opaque, size 20x24, per dozen (Post Office) $0 25 “ “ “ 20x24, “ (Needle) 25 60 PRICE LIST OF the NEPERA CHEMICAL CO. Gro. VELOX, NEPERA, RUBENS, and REMBRANDT. Doz. Gro. x 27 x 30 X 30 X 36 x 40 Seconds (Cab’s or 4X 5). Proofs “ “ 22 24 25 24 30 80 50 1 20 BRO- MIDE. Doz. 2X X ?>A • ; $0 75 $0 15 $1 10 $0 15 3 X 4 or 3^ x ... 15 1 00 15 1 25 15 3 X X 4 X 1 20 20 1 00 15 X 5 % (CABINET)... 25 1 35 25 2 00 25 4 X 5 . .. 25 1 35 25 2 00 25 4 X 6 . . . 25 1 50 25 . 2 00 30 4 l A X 6X • . . 30 2 00 35 . 2 75 30 5 X 7 ••• 35 2 65 40 3 50 35 5 X 8 ... 40 3 00 45 4 00 40 5 X X 7 X • • • 45 3 40 50 5 00 50 6 X 8 ... 50 3 75 55 5 50 55 6X X 8 X ... 55 4 10 65 6 00 60 7 X 9 ... 65 5 25 75 7 00 75 8 X 10 . . ... ‘ 7.5 6 00 90 8 00 80 10 X 12 9 00 125 12 00 1 20 11 x 14 ... 1 25 11 25 1 50 15 00 1 55 14 X 17 ... 1-85 18 00 2 25 24 00 2 35 16 X 20 24 00 3 00 32 00 3 20 18 X 22 . . . 30 00 4 00 40 00 4 00 20 X 24 33 00 4 00 44 00 4 80 12 OO One Sheet 25 in. x 10 ft.: REX, $1.35; RUBENS. NEPERA, REMBRANDT or VELOX, $2.00. BROMIDE in Rolls at least 10 yards long: 10 in. wide, $0 30 per yd. 20 in. wide, $0 60 per yd. 11 “ 33 “ 22 “ 66 “ 12 36 24 72 “ 14 “ 42 “ 25 75 “ 16 48 “ 35 1 07 “ 18 54 “ 41 1 23 “ 54 T *7 e (only Rough x • 3 and Platinoid) Nepera’s Metol=Quinol Developer. For Dry-Plates, Bromide paper and “ Velox” paper, ready prepared in powdered form. Per tin, 50 cents; per dozen tins, $4.00. Nepera’s Metol-Quinol Tubes. A developer for the same purposes, in powdered form ready for use. Per box containing five tubes, 75 cents. Clean, practical and economical. Nepera’s Acid Hypo fixing powders (ready for use) per box, $0 15 “ “ “ . ... per dozen boxes, 1 50 Nepera’s Hardener per box, $0 25 “ “ per dozen boxes, 2 50 w Order through your dealer , and if he does not keep our goods , Mease give us his aaaress and order directly from us. 61 THE CALIFORNIA AUTOMATIC PRINT WASHER. Will H. Leigh, Inventor. The Principle on which the Automatic Washer is constructed provides for a constant and complete change of water with an upward and circular motion from being forced through the small holes, and an automatic rock- ing of the tank gives the entire body of water exactly the same motion that separates the prints in the ordinary tray by rocking. With this apparatus prints never settle to the bottom of the tank, but float in the water and move gently from side to side. The face of each print is in this way presented to the moving water and imperfect washing is an impossibility. Prints require no watching nor handling with this washer, tnus saving its cost in labor alone. They are furnished in three sizes, and made and finished for service and wear. Prices. 12 x 12 inches, $7 00 j 20 x 20 inches, $8 50 25 x 25 inches, $10 00 CUT-OUTS OR MEDALLION MASKS. For Printing Photographs. For Carte de Visite, 3 sizes, per dozen $0 15 “ Victoria, 1 size, “ 20 “ Cabinet, 2 sizes, “ 25 ‘ ‘ 4-4 Ovals, set of one dozen 30 One package, containing six of each of above seven sizes 75 Gihon’s Cut-Outs, 30 assorted sizes (sold only in sets) .....; 1 00 GELATINE. TCI 1U. Nelson’s No. 1 Photo. Gelatine, shred, in ]4. lb. parcels. $1 50 “ “2 “ “ “ ]4. “ 1 10 “ “3 “ “ sheets, in 1 “ 65 62 EGYPTIAN CHEMICAL COLORS. Triple Strength. We take pleasure in calling your attention to the Egyption Chemical Colors, prepared expressly for coloring photographs, either on plain or albumenized paper. These Colors are something new and far superior to anything of the kind heretofore used by photographers and others for the above purpose. The art of using them is so simple that the most inexperienced person can color photographs with entire satisfaction. Photographers who have tested these Colors say that the Blue, Brown, Rose and Flesh Colors are indis- pensable and worth the price of the whole set. Each bottle is labeled with full instructions for their use and how to obtain good effects. Burnishing the photograph after it is colored does not in the least disturb the colors, but softens down and improves them. A box of these Colors by careful usage ought to color three thousand photographs. These Colors are put up in polished wooden boxes labeled ‘ ‘ Egyptian Chemical Colors.” Box No. 3, Egyptian Chemical Colors, $1.50. Box No. 2, contains 9 half oz. bottles of the following Colors: Lemon, Yellow, Dark Emerald Green, Orange or Gold Color, Blue, Dark Brown, Rose, Violet, and Flesh. Price, $2.00. Box No. 1 contains fourteen 1 oz. bottles of the following Colors: Dark Emerald Green, Orange or Gold Color, Blue, Dark Brown, Rose, Violet, Flesh, Lemon Yellow, Magenta, Salmon, Vermilion, Terra Cotta, Maroon Brown, Transparent Black, including a 4 oz. bottle of the Egyptian Trans- parent Compound. Price, $6.00. Separate bottles of Colors and Compound can be obtained. The Egyptian Transparent Compound. This article is a transparent Cement, used in connection with the above Colors, for adhering to flat or convex glass a colored unmounted photo- graphic print. Price, per bottle, $0 75 63 THE WHITE “NEW STYLE” CHAIR A Dozen Chairs in One. A Revelation in Mechanics. The Chair in its Simplest Form, without its Attachments and Accessories. The most perfect and complete studio appliance in existence. It is a marvel in mechanical form ; of simplest construction, yet permitting the greatest degree of convertibility. It may be contracted within the smallest space, or extended to the most ample dimensions, to suit any conceivable position of the subject, all of which changes are easily and quickly effected. 64 THE WHITE “NEW STYLE” CHAIR.— Cont. A FEW POSITIONS. The above cuts show the practical workings of some of the attach- ments. The combinations possible are almost infinite in number. No studio can properly be said to be “equipped” without the White Posing Chair. This chair in itself affords facilities exceeding the united facilities of a dozen other chairs , and in such simple and unique arrange- ment, that, while combining all excellencies, it stands pre-eminently supe- rior in every point of comparison. Prices. “New Style” Chair, including Back, Head Restand Self Leveling Base (as on page 64), boxed $27 00 Arms, additional 8 Baby Holder “ 8 Crank Elevation, “ 7 65 888 WHITE’S POSING SUPPORT For Photographers, Artists, Etc. This Posing Support has the applied principle of the improved combination slide- rod, ball and socket joints. It is adapted to the smallest or tallest person, and for all adjustments or positions. It is in design and finish, a refined and elegant piece of mechanism, and in every way commends it- self to the “up to date” photographer. It is a suitable aid and accompaniment to the highest artistic portraiture of the present age. The ear-clips of the support have swiveling wrist movement as well as lateral or spread adjustment combined at one fast- ening, affording facility for either horizontal or vertical positions of the carrying rod, placing the parts to conform to the pose without regard to instrument itself, or the liability of portions thereof appearing in view. A detachable back rest is provided which has all desirable facilities of easy and quick adjustment. The adjusting joints are formed in the most perfect manner, especially adapted for giving accuracy and uniformity of move- ment, and the sliding rods are of steel of accurate gauge, and are plated with nickel. The stand is nicely japanned with blue and gold line ornamentation. “I have three in my galleries.” Chickering. ‘It is certainly the best in existence. I sold my other head rest for old iron.” Steffens. Ordering another says, “Posing Sup- port at hand, am well pleased with it. It’s perfect.” It is impossible in a brief description, and without the object itself, to give more than a suggestion of the almost marvelous celerity of movement, smooth- ness of action and ready adaptation to position, which this beautiful instrument affords, having, as it does, under complete control, all points within a portion of space from the floor to a height of eight feet, and within a diameter of six feet. Adjustment for taking up wear, or to give proper degree of holding power, can be made instantly with the fingers, without the use of a wrench or tool. Recent improvements in details have enhanced the superiority of this appliance. Price of Posing Support No. i, Complete, boxed $20 00 66 WHITES POSING SUPPORT STYLE No. 2. This cut shows another form of the Posing Support of somewhat lighter construction. It has the Improved Swivel Clamping Back Joint with the adjustable Ear Clips of No. i, but lacking the Ball and Socket Joint at top of base. Instead, it is provided with telescopic movement, and handle for convenience in moving about the studio. Price of Style No. 2, boxed $14 00 67 WHITE’S PHOTOGRAPHIC CHAIR HEAD Hundreds of these Head Rests have been sold for general use, exclusive of those sold with the posing chair. The dotted lines indicate somewhat its great range of movement — from side to side, 40 inches, up and down, 24 inches — all controlled instantly by one lever or point of fastening. “Your Chair Rest is used to the tune of 100 a day and is appre- ciated by E. C. Dana, New York.” This Photographic Chair Head Rest is essentially the same as that used on the Otis C. White Posing Chair. The appliance, as here shown, is for attachment to any studio chair or settee, by means of the plate, into which the supporting rod slides, as shown by cut ; it has the ear clips with the wrist movement. The ball and socket adjustment gives complete universality of adjustment, ample to accommodate any position of the subject, for a child or the tallest person, the movement being under control from the sectional ball mechanism. The ear clips have swiveling wrist movement as well as lateral or spread adjustment, same as with the posing supports. For delicacy of adjustment, freedom of action and range of movement, it attains a perfection beyond rivalry. By using extra brackets the rest is made available for use interchange- ably on different chairs or settees. By loosening a thumb-nut, the change is quickly made. This Chair Head Rest is graceful and light, and is amply strong for all service. It is made of best malleable iron, with steel rods, polished and nickel plated throughout, except the bracket, which is japanned. REST / 68 WHITE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC CHAIR HEAD REST.— Cont. Prices : Chair Head Rest, completed as illustrated, nickel plated throughout, $8 oo Extra Brackets, each 50 A small plush upholstered head piece with swivel joint, same as with posing chair, can be furnished in place of the metal ear clips, if preferred, at the same price. A larger upholstered head piece will be furnished to order ; price to be made according to size, style and quality of material. Note. — When attaching the bracket or support-plate, it should be placed so that the main rod will stand vertical. If the frame is not plumb, place wedge pieces between the bracket-plate and chair or settee back. Extra Parts : Metal Ear Clips, with inch by 18 inch Rod, the same as represent- ed, or other size of Rod, inch, if ordered : . $2 50 Plush Upholstered Head Piece, with Rod, same as Posing Chair . . 2 50 WHITE’S PHOTOGRAPHIC CHILD’S CHAIR. The purpose of this appliance is for support- ing infants or small children to display to the best advantage the draperies or clothing of the child, without unnecessary show of furniture or acces- sories. It is provided with facilities for comfort- ably maintaining the child in pose and permitting the long skirts to fall naturally in graceful lines, without showing any of the supporting means, a feat difficult to accomplish with the usual furni- ture of the studio. The Child’s Chair has all needed adjustments for contraction and enlargement to accommodate infants, from the smallest to those of three years of age. The head rest has the adjustable extension movement in slide-rod , ball: and socket joints , and the waist clasps the same as in the baby- holder with the posing chair. The seat is of metal in elegant design ; the back-plate of wood, and the head-rest upholstered. The seat, back-frame, waist-clasps and rods are nickel plated, and the telescoping standard and base are japanned. The adjustable waist clasps, with seat and back, for a child’s photographic chair, is a special feature , secured by letters patent. Note. — The back, waist-clasps and head-rest, together with a special attachment bar, make up the baby holder accessories for the posing chair. Price : Child’s Chair, complete as above, 69 $12 00 TABLE CLAMP WITH SECTIONAL BALL AND SOCKET JOINT. The ball carries a T6 inch rod, the same size as is used in the chair head rest, screens, and smaller rods of the posing supports. This joint will be found a very useful adjunct to these appliances. Price $i 25 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF HEAD SCREENS AND SIDE SHADES. Having the Rapid or “ Instantaneous Movement ” afforded by the cele- brated Sectional Ball Slide-Rod Joint. These Head Screens and Side Shades are constructed on a new and improved system, the principles being similar in all styles, both for the Head Screens and Side Shades. The Shades are of ecru scrim cloth, hemmed on their outer edge and mounted on an expansible frame in connection with a metal carrying rod and standard, held by a base of original design made expressly for the purpose, which will not tip with the weight of the screens at position of greatest extension. The screen rod and standard are connected by the slide -rod sectional ball and socket joint, that permits adjust- ment in all directions and is locked by a single fastening. The cloth sup- porting frames are of fine hard drawn steel rods, especially made for the purpose, and plated to prevent rusting in contact with the cloth. Sectional Ball and Slide-Rod Joint. (Fig-, a .) Improved Clamp Fastening. (Fig. 6 .) 70 WHITE’S PERFECTION HEAD SCREEN AND SIDE SHADE. STYLE No. i. In this style the Head Screen is held by a projecting sectional ball joint on the base support, which, acting with the ball joint of the carrying rod , extends its range more than two-fold in the area it will cover. Note. — For export trade a duplicate of the top screen is substituted for the square side shade, this being the most popular form of the screen abroad. The price is the same as with the square side shade — $10.00. “We think it indispensable in making fine, artistic work.” — Entrekin. 4 ‘ Have also used the screen with much success. Shadle. 7i WHITE’S PERFECTION HEAD SCREEN AND SIDE SHADE.— Cont. Description of Style No. i. The base standard has the double or duplex joint, providing a separate rod for the new compound clamping and swiveling joint. (See Fig. d. ) Patented August 30, 1887. This style provides for adjustment of the screen from a height of 8 feet to the floor, to any position within a circle of 8 feet, and without other means of adjustment than is instantly afforded by the cam lever (see letter x) the latter being provided with a nut to take up any wear occasioned by use. like all the other joints. None of the parts have back-lash or loose and shaky joints. While the side shade is used conjointly with the head screen, it is evident that the desired effect is best accomplished by this method of separate adjustment, as the placing of one shade does not put the other out of position. The side shade is independent of the head screen in its movements, although it is supported on the same base. The large demand and rapidly increasing sales for these side shades, fully confirm the claims of superiority advanced for the use of side shades with head screens. Prices. Securely Boxed. No. 1, Head Screen, as illustrated, with square or large, round side- shade, and ornamental foot base $10 00 If with Oval Shade 9 50 No. 1 Head Screen, without side shade 7 00 Separate side shade, with clamping joint and shade rod, square 3 00 Oval 2 50 Adjusting Shade Rod for side shade, separate 25 On side shades ordered separately, boxing will be charged extra. ... 25 72 WHITE’S PERFECTION HEAD SCREEN AND SIDE SHADE— Cont. STYLE No. 2. This style head screen is the same as previously advertised, and of which large numbers have been sold. It has a circular base with the elevat- ing rod telescoping into the base standard without the off-set or projecting sectional ball joint. The adjustment of the elevating rod is made by a saddle and thumb-screw at the top of the base standard. In all other re- spects it is like No. i, having the same slide-rod ball and socket joint with binding lever, as shown in detail in this cut. Side shades can be used with this style of head screen attached by the improved clamping joint to the elevating rod. Prices. No. 2 Head Screen, same as illustrated, including box, $6 oo If with New Ornamental Base, extra 25 Side Shades, extra, prices same as for No. 1. 73 WHITE’S PERFECTION HEAD SCREEN AND SIDE SHADE Cont STYLE No. 3. In this pattern the standard is in one piece, 1 X inches diameter, 6 feet high, of hardwood, ebonized or cherry finish. It has the new compound clamping and swiveling joint, which affords adjustment to all positions in a secure and practical manner, by one fastening. By slightly releasing the clamping joint, the shade rod is free to slide, or be turned to place the shade at any angle around the sup- porting standard. A greater release of the clamping joint permits adjustment of the screens up or down on the standard. The foot base is of iron and ornamental. This style is packed in box, with pole separately crated. Prices : No, 3 Head Screen as illustrated, with Oval Side Shade $7 00 If with Square Side Shade 7 50 No. 3 Head Screen, without Side Slide 4 50 Side Shades, separate, same price as for No. 1. In ordering side shades for this style, specify that they are for No. 3 pattern. 74 HOWARD ALBUMS. With Interchangeable Leaves. The Howard Album, with interchangeable cards, is the latest novelty- in the way of an album for mounting photographs. In handsomely em- bossed covers are bound twenty-five of Collins’ cards, which are chemically pure from all matter that would injure the photographs. In the mode of binding, and their interchangeable feature, lies the difference between this and other albums. To each card are attached two small metallic binding loops, so fastened that they act like hinges ; through the projection of these loops a binding cord passes, which fastens at the back with a tie ; thus each card is bound in the cover independently, and may be taken out and returned or re- placed with ease. This method of making an album affords the amateur the best means of preserving the results of his labor, because each picture may be finished before putting the card in the album. The arrangement of the pictures may also be altered at will — if a single card is spoiled, the whole album is not ruined. If a picture is taken out, it can be quickly and readily done without injury to the volume. 75 HOWARD ALBUMS.— Cont. Full Cloth, Embossed, Gold Label, with A. M. Collins Mfg. Co.’s No. i Cards. With 23 Collins Cards. No. i. 6 x 7 Cards, for 4 x 5 photographs $0 80 “ 2. 7 x 10 “ 5 x 8 “ 1 00 “ 2>£. 8x10 “ 6^x 8 x / 2 “ 1 50 “ 3. 10x12 “ 6^x 8^ “ i 75 “ 4. 11x14 “ 8 x 10 “ 2 00 Morocco, Half Leather, Extra Gold Finish, with A. M. Collins Mfg. Co.’s Cards, Boxed. With 25 1 With 50 Collins Cards. Collins Cards. No. 5. 7 x 10 Cards, for 5x8 photographs $1 50 No. 11, $2 65 “ 6. 8 x 10 *• 6^x 8)^ “ ... 2 00. ... “ 12, 3 00 “ 7. 10x12 “ 6^x 8 y 2 3 25.... “ 13, 3 60 “ 8. 11 x 14 “ 8 x 10 “ 2 65.... “ 14, 4 15 “ 9. 14x17 ■ ; 10 x 12 or 11 x 14 “ ...... 4 15 “ 15, 7 75 “ 10. 16x20 11x14 or 14x17 *• 5 45 . . . “ 16, 9 25 Extra Cards, Collins’ Best, for Howard Albums, Mounted with Loops, Ready for Use. 6 x 7, Package of one dozen $0 38 7x10, “ • “ 50 8x10, “ “ “ 60 10 x 12, “ “ “ 75 11x14, “ “ ‘ 88 14X 17, “ “ 1 25 i6x 20, “ ‘ *• 1 55 THE REGENT ALBUM. Interchangeable Leaves. . The Regent Album combines neatness with durability. The patent interchangeable feature is constructed in such a manner as to allow the leaves to be readily removed and replaced with little or no trouble and in the twinkling of a moment. 76 THE REGENT ALBUM.— Cont. The leaves of the Regent Album lie absolutely flat and are perfectly rigid in the back. Price List. Each Album containing 25 Leaves. No. 1. 6 x 7. . . .$1 25 Extra leaves, white or gray, per doz. . , .. 1 50 . . $0 35 4 4 2. 7 x 10. . 45 44 3 - 10 x 12. . . 2 00 “ “ “ “ “ 75 < < 4 - 11 x 14. . . . 2 50 “ “ “ “ “ Leaves for Squeegee Photographs, . . 1 00 No. 1. 6 x 7. . . ....per doz., $0 50 j No. 3. 10x12 per doz,, $1 25 “ 2. 7 x 10. . . . ... 70 | “ 4. 11x14. “ 1 55 The Regent Albums are bound in full cloth, handsomely embossed, finished with gilt title, and enclosed in a neat box. The leaves and covers are round cornered. THE ECLIPSE ALBUMS. Interchangeable Leaves. Spring Back. The Eclipse Album is the most perfect album manufactured. The in- terchangeable feature is superior to all others. It contains twenty-four Collins’ Best Cards, which are chemically pure and free from all matter that would injure a photograph. Each leaf is distinctly independent, and may be taken out and returned or replaced with the utmost ease without having to disturb any other leaf or part of the album. The arrangement of the picture may be altered when desired, and if a single leaf is spoiled the whole album is not ruined. Directions for Removing the Leaves and Mounting Photographs. Read carefully the following : The leaves of the Eclipse Album are fastened by means of a small rod or “pintle,” as will be seen by the above cut. At the back of the album, in 77 THE ECLIPSE ALBUMS — Cont. the inside, is a slot or cut expressly made, by means of which you can readily grip and remove the pintle. The pintle thus removed will give you an instrument with which you can remove the others. A pin or hair- pin also answers admirably. Place the fiat or upper end against the flat end of the leaf, and press it out, thereby removing both the leaf and the pintle. Each picture may then be finished and mounted on the card and burnished before putting the card in the Album. Photographs should under no circumstances be mounted with the or- dinary photographer’s paste or the many scented “paste preparations” sold by dealers generally. We confidently recommend “Non-Cockle” as being the best prepara- tion manufactured for mounting purposes. In mounting the pictures it is very important to have them dry thoroughly between blotting paper, under pressure. The Eclipse Album, as a sample book, especially for mounting samples of fine stationery, satins, delicate laces, etc. , is pronounced by the best judges as having no equal. Improved Spring Back with Twenty- four Collins’ Cards. No. i 6 “ 2 7 “ 2 IO “ 3 io “ yA 12 “ 4 :..n “ 4 % 14 “ 5 14 X 7 $2 25 X IO 2 50 X 7^— upright 3 50 X 12 3 75 x 10 — upright 4 25 x 14 4 25 xii ]/ 2 — upright 6 25 x 17 7 00 The Eclipse Albums are handsomely finished in Morocco, half leather bound, with gilt title, and enclosed in a neat box. Nos. 2>£, 3>£, 4 y 2 and 5 have round comers; Nos. 4 y 2 and 5 are extra gold finish. Full Leather Bound. These books are full leather bound, seal grain, padded covers, and round comers. They are expressly made for the finest class of trade. Prices as follows : No. 21 6 x 7 * . . . . OO No. 23^. . . . . . 12 x 10 $6 00 “ 22 .. . . . . 7 x 10 ... .... 3 50 “ 24 ... “ 22^.. 10 x 7 ) 4 . . . ... . 4 50 “ 24^... . . .14 X Il ) 4 . . “23 .. .... 5 50 “ 25 ... ...14x17 Extra Leaves. White and Gray. Best Quality. 1 Dozen in a Box. No. 1 6 x 7 $0 50 I No. 3 y 2 10x12 $0 80 •• ly 2 \ ? XI ° 6 * “ U\ 11x14 1 10 “ 3 10x12 89 I “ 5 14x17 i 75 78 ARE YOU USING THE “WORLD” SPECIAL PHOTO FINISH BLOTTING PAPER? It is chemically pure and will not lint. Try it. Every sheet of the genuine bears embossed water mark of ‘ 1 World ” Blotting. Price per Ream $16 oo j Price per Dozen $o 60 THE ORIGINAL ELECTRIC ABSORBENT. PHOTO FINISH “WORLD” BLOTTING IS PERFECTION. Will not Lint. Chemically Pure. Price per Ream $16 oo | Price per Dozen $o 60 79 THE STUDIO REGISTER. (COPYRIGHTED). Use it a week and you would not be with- out it for ten times the price. It is complete, economical, simple, handy. It keeps a complete record of your business. Every Gallery should have a Studio Register. Twenty lines to each page. These books are well bound, with leather backs and corners, and cloth sides. Size of leaf, 8^ x 14 inches. Each book has an index in front. Price List. No. 1. — 160 Pages, 3,200 Names $2 75 No. 2. — 240 “ 4,800 “ 3 50 No. 3. — 320 “ 6,400 “ 4 25 No. 4. — 400 “ 8,000 “ 5 00 Sample leaf sent on application. 80 Remarks. When Delivered. | Amount Due. Amount Paid. - Proof Sent, When Prom- ised. Size and Style. No. Ord’d. No. Nega- tive. RESIDENCE. NAME. Date Ordered. DRY COLORS. Anderson’s Paper Boxes, fitted with 14 round boxes Colors, Gold Saucer, 4 Brushes, for Ferrotypes, per box $1 75 Separate Colors, each 10 Gold Saucers, medium, each 15 “ “ per dozen , . . . . 1 00 “ large, each 25 “ “ per dozen 1 75 Silver Saucers, medium 15 Webster Colors, per box 1 00 THE NEW ACME WATER COLORS Are not a. liquid, but are put up in cups in moist form, 18 Colors con- stituting a set. Seven of these are Surface, and eleven are Tinting Colors. They are more simple in application than liquid colors, more convenient, of greater permanency, more powerful, and are certainly the most economical, as they will neither freeze, precipitate, nor spill. In matters of permanency, quality, and quantity they are unrivaled. The artist will also find them admirably adapted for drawing and paint- ing on silk, satin, or paper. The photographer will find them indispensable, not only for coloring purposes, but for spotting and covering up blemishes. There will be no trouble in burnishing over all the tinting colors. We could give many valuable testimonials as to the value of the Colors, but it is not deemed necessary. Price of New Acme Water Colors, per box, 18 colors $2 50 Orange Medium for Acme Gloss Compound. . . 35 Any Tinting Color, in separate cups 25 Amateur, 6 colors, per box . . .. . 1 00 81 RED SABLE BRUSHES. In Tin Ferrules, Cedar Handles. For fine painting in oil colors, or for coloring ferrotypes. Per Gross. Per Doz. Each. Nos. Per Gross. Per Doz. Each. . $8 00 $0 80 $0 07 7 $21 25 $2 12)4 $0 18 • 8 30 33 08 8 2 35 20 - 9 90 1 00 09 9 2 50 22 . II 40 1 i5 IO 10 2 85 24 . 12 90 1 30 12 11 34 75 3 50 30 . 14 46 1 50 15 12 4 35 38 BRISTLE BRUSHES. Size. Per Doz. Each. 1 inch $1 20 $0 12 “ I 8o 20 2 “ 2 40 25 Size. Per Doz. Each. 2 y 2 inch. $3 00 $ 30 3 “ 3 60 40 CAMEL’S HAIR BRUSHES. 1 2 Size. inch Per Doz. .$2 25.. ■ 2 35.. . 4 50 .. Each. ,$0 20 30 • 40 Size. Per Doz. inch $5 62. , 3 “ 6 75.. 2,% “ 12 00. . Each. .$0 50 60 . I 12 82 RETOUCHING GLASSES. German Silver Band. Ebony Handle. Leads Only. RETOUCHING PENCILS. A. W. FABER’S PENCILS. With Siberian Lead from the Alibert Mine. For Retouching, Etc. We give the following scale for conveni- ence in ordering : BBBBBB — Extra soft and extra black. BBBB — Very soft and extra black. BBB — Very soft and very black. BB — Soft and very black, No. i. B — Soft and black. HB — Hard and black, No. 2. F — Middling, No. 3. • H— Hard. HH— Harder, No. 4. HHH— Very hard. HHHH— Very Hard. HHHHHH— Extra hard. The above scale applies to both the pen- cils in wood and leads only, so be sure to state which is wanted. The four degrees of pencils bearing the. numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 form a collection especially suited for ordinary use ; these are the finest grade of pencils made. Each. Per Doz. 2B to 6H $0 IO $1 OO 3B to 6B 13 i 25 Metal Points. The Crowell each, $0 25 ; per doz., $2 50 Faber’s Holder for Leads, including one Lead each, 25 83 RUBBER BANDS. Eighteen gross i X inch bands in a X lb. box. Put up nicely in X lb. boxes. Use them instead of twine. 2,592 bands (count ’em) in a ^ lb. box. Per X lb. box $1 00 Per 1 oz. box <20 THE “ALPHA” CABINET. Pure Rubber Elastic Bands. Choice Assortment for Amateur photographers of pure rubber bands — over 500, in eleven sizes, from one to three inches long, and from one-six- teenth to one-half inch in width. It also contains an ‘ ‘ Ink Shield ” for the pen, which not only saves your fingers, but your desk, books, and paper. Price complete, each $1 25 84 THE DIXIE VIGNETTER. The First and Only Successful Adjustable Vignetter. Practicable, Cheap, Simple, Durable, and Indispensable to all Pho- tographers who keep up with the times. It is attached to the ordinary printing frame, and can be quickly, easily, and accurately adjusted to any Negative — the Pear, Oval, Round, Square, or any desired opening can be produced of any size required, and right where it is wanted. The above shows a few of its many possible adjustments. The Dixie Vignetter is all complete. No separate parts to cost extra and get mislaid or broken, and it is always ready for use. It costs but a trifle and will pay many a dollar in time saved, besides producing superior results. Price List of the Dixie Vignetter. Each. Ter Doz. $o 30 $3 50 45 5 00 60 7 00 75 9 °o Sample by mail post paid, 10 cents additional. 85 Size. Each. Per Doz. 3 X x 4X $0 30 $3 50 4 x 5 30 3 50 \'A x 6 % 30 3 50 x 6/4 30 3 50 5 x 7 30 3 50 Size. 5 x 8 . 6 X x 8 y%. 8 x 10 . 10 x 12 . GLASSWARE SOLID GLASS BATHS. Are made expressly for us of selected metal. Each bath will be warranted perfect in every respect. (We cannot guarantee against breakage in transportation. ) Prices are as Follows: Size Inside Measurement. 5 X 7, for plate 4 X X s'A- 7 X IO, “ 6^ X 8 X- 9 X 12, “ 8 X IO . ii X 14 , X 12 . 12 X 16, “ X 14 . 16# X 20^, “ 14 X 17 • 18 X 22, “ ■ . 17 X 20 . In Original Package. Each. In Hinged Boxes, and Top for Studio. Each. In tight top Boxes, A. 0 . Co. make, for Outdoor Use. Each. •$o 95 .... $2 50. . $5 60 . i 30 3 25.. 6 30 . 2 00 4 50 .. 7 60 . 3 50 .... . 5 25.... 8 75.. .20 00 ... . 27 50 .30 00. . . . 43 00 86 FLUTED GLASS FUNNEL. T This is the latest and best glass funnel ever made. They are very strong ; are made in moulds ; have solid glass ribs on the inside, running vertically, thus forming pass- ages through which the solution descends freely after pass- ing through the paper, and accomplishing the filtration in a fraction of the time heretofore required. Another advantage of this funnel is, the outside of the neck is fluted, and the lower end beveled, so as to prevent choking up in the neck of the bottle and overflowing. y 2 Pint Each, $o 15 1 “ .... “ 20 1 Quart “ 30 2 I “ 45 5C0VILL GLASS PANS. These pans are made of the best metal and are as serviceable as por- celain ware and much less fragile than India-rubber ware. Their trans- parency adds to their practical value. Size. Price Each. 4 X x 5 % inches inside bottom of Pan $0 25 5^x 8 X “ “ “ 35 7 x 9 “ “ “ 65 8^x10^ “ “ “ 75 GLASS FORMS. For cutting out photographic prints. Made of fine polished beveled edge glass. Carte de Visite . $0 25 Stereoscopic 30 Cabinet „ as 4x5 35 5x8 60 6^x8^ 75 8 x 10 90 RUBY AND ORANGE GLASS. For Dark Rooms. Sizes. 6 Kx sy 8 x 10 10 x 12 9 X 16 11 x 14 Per Light. . . $0 20 40 50 55 55 Sizes. Per Light. 13 x 16 $0 70 12X20 90 18 x 19 i 25 13X32 I 50 87 CO rt-'O Minim 1 oz . . 2 “ . . THE S. P. C. RELIABLE GRADUATES. These Graduates are marked with great care and tested accuracy according to United States Pharmaco- poeia Standard. They have been selected for use in some of the largest laboratories in America, where perfect accuracy is essential. They are put up each in a pasteboard box, labeled, as a safeguard against breakage. $0 20 8 oz 20 12 “ 20 16 “ 25 24 “ 30 32 “ 35 $o 45 60 75 i oo I 25 GLASS CUTTING DIAMONDS. Ebony Handle, with Keys, each $3 50 “ “ plain 3 00 Engraving Diamond for numbering or lettering negatives 3 75 ARGENTOMETER KNOWN AS THE ACTINO- HYDROMETER. For Testing Strength and Silver Baths. Best Single Degree Scale $0 50 PILE’S SILVER TEST TUBE. Price, $2 00 CONVEX GLASS. Card size, Oval or Square 2# x 3^ inches Cabinet size, “ “ 4 X x “ Promenade size, Square 4% x l l A Panel shape, Square 4 -X x Boudoir (R. C.) “ 5X x Oval or Square x “ “ 8 x 10. “ . . . 10 x 12 88 Per Doz. Per Gross. . .$0 25 $2 25 . . 45 5 40 .. 65 6 75 80 8 50 . . 1 05 11 00 .. 1 25 . . 2 50 .. 6 75 GLASS STIRRING RODS. 8 inch, each 12 “ 15 “ 18 “ 20 “ “ , $0 10 22 inch, each 15 24 “ 20 26 “ 25 30 45 27 Both ends are glaze finished. $0 30 38 45 50 HOLLOW GLASS TUBES. For Silvering Paper. (One end flattened to prevent its turning.) 15 inches long ]/ 2 inch diameter. r 9 “ “ U “ “ 24 “ “ % “ “ f!^° These are much stronger than solid rods. each, $0 25 “ 40 “ 50 GLASS MORTARS AND PESTLES. 89 AGATE-IRON WARE. Patented May 30th, 1876, February 27th and July 3d, 1877, AGATE-IRON LIPPED PANS. (The Dimensions given are for Inside of Bottom of the Tray.) Nos. Shallow. Deep. Nos. Shallow. Deep. 31 5 x 7 - • • • • $1 25 34 10 x 12 $2 75 $3 25 32 7 x 9 I 25 1 75 35 11 x 14 4 75 33 8 x 10 i 75 2 25 36 I4X 17 8 00 PATENT BLACK JAPANNED DEVELOPING TRAYS. Made of selected metal for dry-plate photography, with depressions to prevent plate adhering to the tray. Size. Price, each, 4X x 5 y 2 inches $0 20 5^ x 8^ “ 25 7 x 9 “ . . . . „ 30 9 xn “ 40 IO X 12 “ 50 12 X 15 “ 60 15 X l8 “ I OO Size Price, each* 19 x 22 inches $2 00 19 x 24 “ 20 X 24 “ 22 X 26 “ 2 50 24 x 30 “ 2 75 20 x 32 “ 3 00 5 x 7 3'A x 3X 4X x 5X 5 x 8 X 7x9 8X x 10X 10X x 12X 12 x 14X PAPIER MACHE TRAYS. each, $0 35 “ 25 30 “ 40 “ 60 “ 90 “ 1 25 “ 1 75 12 x 16 14X X 16X X 20X 18 X 22 19X x 23X 23 x 27 26 x 30 28 x 34 each, $2 40 “ 2 75 “ 3 25 U “ 5 00 “ 6 00 “ 9 75 “ 10 50 90 MULTUM IN PARVO LANTERN, Lantern arranged for developing, and. after fixing, examining Negative by Opal Light. Price, boxed, ready for Shipment, The following are some of the advantages possessed by this lantern: lc is simple and easy to manage, nothing complicated, yet has three separate and distinct forms of light, and can be used for seven or more different opera- tions in photography. It is adapted for the use of either oil or gas ; is provided with coal oil lamp, an improved patent burner and silver reflector ; is about nine inches square by fourteen high, with 8xio light of deep ruby glass in front, and hood for pro- tecting the eyes from the glare of the red light. A full descriptive circular sent on application. $6 oo THE “ALADDIN” DARK-ROOM LAMP. Aladdin Bracket Lamp. PATENTED. For use with gas, burning the patent Sodium Wick, which pro- duces a non-actinic chemical flame. It gives a beautiful yellow light for dark-room use, which is perfectly safe, without smoke or odor ; more brilliant than the ordinary ruby light, and both pleasant and rest- ful to the eyes. The lamp is made in two styles : the Bracket Lamp, which may be slipped over any or- dinary gas burner, and the Table Lamp, for which the gas connec- tion is made by rubber tubing. Price, including non-actinic amber chimney, extra brass tip, and box of chemical wicks, in wooden box com- plete $3 50 Aladdin. Table Lamp. Extra chemical wicks, sufficient for one thousand hours' lighting, per box $ 35 Extra non-actinic amber chimneys each, 30 In ordering please specify whether Bracket or Table Lamp is desired. 9i W. I. A. RUBY LIGHT LANTERN. Used when putting Dry Plates into the Holders, and also when developing them. Price each, $o 60 THE NEW PEERLESS LANTERN NO. 3. Scovill’s Peerless Dark-room Lantern has long been a favoiite with photographers, both profes- sional and amateur. Many thous- ands have been sold during the years it has been upon the market. Improvements of a minor nature have been made in it from time to time by the manufacturers, but it has for the most part continued to sell substantially as it first appeared. Recently, however, the manufacturers have given the lantern an entire overhauling. The result is a very much improved light and a more com- pact article. The New Peerless Dark-room Lantern is considerably smaller than the original, though giving a greater illumination. The reflect- ing screen in front, to throw the light upon the developing dish, works with more convenience, not requiring the brass chain which the old lantern had. It also has a reflector inside, at the back of the lantern, to concentrate and better control the light. Two glasses — an orange and a ruby — enclose the lantern on four sides instead of one as heretofore, which makes the light not only a safer one for dark- room purposes, but also is pleas- anter for the eye of the operator. The wick may be manipulated from the outside of the lantern, thus obviating the necessity of removing the lantern from the dark-room each time the wick needs adjustment. (The original lantern was so constructed that the lamp proper had to be removed before the wick could be adjusted. ) Price, No. 3 $2 50 92 HAMMER PLATES Next to the camera and lens, the plates used are of the greatest im- portance in the production of good results. The Hammer Plates are abso- lutely reliable. PRICE LIST. HAMMER DRY PLATES. Doz. in ease. Sizes. 30 . . 2 X 2 30 2^ X 2^ 30 2 X 4 30 3 X3 y z 30 3 X x 3 X 30 3 X x 3 X 30 3 % x 3>£ 30 4 X x 4X 30 3X x 4X Slow, Fast, Extra Fast. Per dozen. $0 20 30 35 35 40 40 40 60 45 Doz in case. Sizes. 30 4 X 5 30 4 X X 5 X 30 4 X X 6 X 26 4 X X 6X 20. ... , 5 X 7 20 5 X 8 12 . ... , 6^ X 8X 12. ... , 7 X 10 12 8 X 10 Per dozen. $0 65 75 90 1 00 1 10 1 25 1 65 2 10 2 40 X RAY PLATES. Doz. in case. Sizes. Per dozen. IO ...5 x 7 ..... IO . . .5 x 8 I 25 6 ...6 X x 8>£ I 65 6 Doz. Per in case. Sizes. dozen. 2 . ... TO X 12 . ... . $3 80 2 5 00 iX HAMMER AURORA PLATES. Extra Fast, D. C. Non=*HaIation. Doz. in case. Sizes. Per dozen. Doz. in case. Sizes. 18...... . . .3X x 4X $0 55 12 . . .5 X 7 12 . . .4 XU 80 12 5 x 8 12 • • -4X x 5 X 95 8 12 ... 4 Xx 6 X 1 10 6 12 . . am x 6 X- • • • • 1 20 6 . . .8 x 10 Per dozen. . .$1 40 . . i 55 . . 2 10 . . 2 65 . . 3 00 COOLIDGE’S PHOTO-CARICATURE FOREGROUNDS. We wish to call attention to Coolidge’s Photo- Caricature Foregrounds. By investing a small amount in them you will be enabled to give your customers a vast amount of enjoyment and add materially to your cash account. In photographing caricatures, the cardboard foregrounds are simply held up under the sitter’s chin, as observed in small cut. Price List. For Single Foreground, mailed secure on roller $2 00 For Four Foregrounds, mailed secure on roller 6 00 For Ten Foregrounds, mailed secure on roller 10 00 From among one hundred and fifty designs we note the following, being some of the most popular ones, for you to select from, although any practical design suggested by you will be furnished at regular price : UIPG E S . No. i — A man riding a donkey, of course producing a very lively picture, en- titled, “ I am coming.” 3 — Man flying through the air on a goose, titled “ Out on a Fly.” 6 — Man riding in donkey cart, evidently having an enjoyable time. “ Have a ride ? ” 7 — Person fishing from bank of stream. Hook about to be taken by a monster fish. 9 — Represents a gentleman with bag and cane about to depart, entitled “Good-bye, Sweetheart.” 11 — A fat man. A good subject for a lean man to select. 13 — “ No one to love.” Man with handkerchief in hand, weeping. 16 — Girl promenading. 17 — “When I joined the club.” Fellow trying to ride a goat. Good for all Order men. 18 — Holding the baby. Baby is crying and subject is walking the floor with it. Good for family men. (See cut above). 94 COOLIDGE’S PHOTO-CARICATURE FOREGROUNDS.— Cont. 19 — The bachelor. Man sewing on buttons. Good for a bachelor to send to a lady friend. 20 — Man drinking a glass of lager. Taking among the Teutons. 21 — “Put me in my little bed.” Person in night gown with candle in hand. 23 — A modem swell. Very captivating. 25 — The base-ball player. Taking among fellows fond of the sport. 27 — “ Coney Island.” Man bathing. 31 — “ I paddle my own canoe.” Man in canoe. 38 — “ Only a chicken.” Man or woman with chicken’s body. 44 — “ Correct style.” Man with high collar, mostly collar. 51 — “ I’m engaged ! ” Lady with ring on finger. 54 — The Bicyclist. Very popular. 56 — “ I travel with the Circus.” Man riding on elephant. 63 — “ Fresh from Cork.” (Irish). 67 — “Will you love me when I’m old ?” By placing on the subject an old hat and eye-glasses, an exceedingly humorous caricature is obtained. 68 — My Dog Cart. Man drawn by diminutive dog. 69 — “Wait for me ! ” Agent running with bags. 99 — Down in Florida. Man riding crocodile. 105 — A Champion Pugilist. 1 1 6. — “ Hot Day.” Man with fan. no — The Serenader. Fellow singing and playing the banjo. 120 — A Man Tobogganist. 121 — Young lady riding a donkey in fine style. Good companion for No. 1. HANOVER RETOUCHERS. Better than India ink for spotting and retouching prints, either before or after burnishing. They dry with a gloss. There are three dark tints matching the different shades of backgrounds. The three white retouchers are very popular. Hanover Retouchers are used in the leading galleries in New York, and have the highest commendation from the artists. Price, 50 cents per cake. 95 GIHON’S OPAQUE Is designed for completely obscuring the imperfect backgrounds of copies, retouching faulty skies in landscape negatives, coating the inside of lenses or cameras, backing solar negatives, covering vignetting boards, etc. , etc. Wherever you want to keep out light, use Opaque. It is applied with a brush, dries quickly, and sticks. Price, per box $o 50 INDIA INK. Lion Head India Ink, per stick ,$o 20 WAGNER’S “HANOVER” SPOTTING COLORS. The colors are made in two styles, to dry with and without gloss. Nos. 1, 2, 3, Dark Tint, Nos. 1, 2, 3, Light Tint, Glossy. Per Single Cylinder Dull. Nos. 1, 2, 3, Dark, in Tubes, each Set of Six Gloss Cylinders in polished wood box $0 30 $0 25 2 00 ANILINE BLUE. Dissolve one-half ounce aniline blue, letter R, in sixteen ounces water. When your fixing bath is made up, add from thirty to forty drops of the blue to every forty ounces of fixing bath. Fix your prints from twelve to fifteen minutes, and remove to a strong solution of salt and water. Let them remain five minutes, and then gradually dilute with fresh water, so that the change of temperature will not be too sudden, and you will never be troubled with blisters, and will always have pure whites. Full directions for using accompany each box ; also splendid formula for printing bath, toning, fixing, etc. Price, per package 96 $0 35 WATERBURY TRAYS. (PATENTED. In response to repeated and urgent solicitations we were in- duced to put upon the market “Waterbury Trays,” con- structed upon more scientific principles than any other wooden tray in the market. The following description and illustration is taken from The Photographic Times: “These trays are far su- perior in design and finish to any previously offered. Canvas is not required for the seams, as they are virtually seamless. The bottom rests on cross-strips — a great improvement, for steadiness, over knobs at the comers, which were liable to be broken off. The Waterbury Trays do not warp or crack.” Price List. Each . 15 x 19 Waterbury Tray, $3 50 19x24 “ “ 5 00 22x28 “ “ 6 50 25 X30 “ “ 9 00 SCOVILL HARD RUBBER FIXING BATH. 4 x 5 $215 4^ x 6 y z 2 30 5x7. 2 60 5x8 2 85 6 % x S } 4 .. 3 50 8 x 10 4 00 97 VULCANITE RUBBER TRAYS. There is a vast difference between an ordinary Rubber Tray and the best Rubber ^-^^vULCANlTE RUBBER TRAY, OR SCO V ILL’ S 'pURE H a R D RUBBER TRAY Standard No. i Vulcanite. 5/2 7 x5X- x 7X/ x 8 %. x 9 .$o 55 . 7o 8o . 95 8^ x 8 y 2 q 5 io# X 12# 1 ^5 12 X 16 280 15 x 19 4 75 18 x 22. 19 x 24. 21 X 26. STANDARD S'A 5 'A 7 X 5 #■ x 7/4 • x 8 ^, x 9 No. 2 SIMPLEX TRAY. / ,/ . .&I OO .$0 40 a#*™# 1 50 IO# X 12#. 12 SCOVILL’S GLOSSY RUBBER TRAY With Ribs in Bottom. SCOVILL’S GLOSSY RUBBER TRAY, The Douglas Patent with Three Depressions in Bottom. No. 25.-4^ x 5 % $0 35 “ 35- — 5/4 x 65 No. 45. — 7 x 9 $0 85 “ 55-— x 1 25 PORCELAIN WARE. PORCELAIN TRAYS. (The Dimensions given are for Inside the Bottom of the Tray.) 4 x 5 $0 45 62 10 x 12 < x 7 II x 14. 14x17. 15x19. 19 x 24. 5 /^ x 8 y 2 7 x 9 75 82 8 x 10 00 $1 66 2 64 6 60 8 00 16 00 BERLIN PORCELAIN EVAPORATING DISHES. No. 00. Diameter, 16 inches, containing 3 Gallons $5 00 0. “ 14 “ “ 2 “ 3 5o 1. “ 12 “ “ 1 “ 2 10 2. “ 11 “ “ 3 Quarts 1 75 3. “ 10 “ “ 2 “ 1 30 4. “ 9 “ “ 3 Pints 1 00 5. “ 8 “2 “ 85 6. “ 7 “ 24 Ounces 75 7 65 8 55 99 PHOTOGRAPHERS’ SCALES PRESCRIPTION PATTERN. This well-known scale is adapted for the finer class of photographers’ work and is much used by amateurs for general weighing. It has a capac- ity indicated on the beam, without loose weights, of ^ grain to 8 ^drachms. No. 3040, z'/z inch Movable Pan each, $5 00 SOLUTION SCALES. These scales are especially de- signed for weighing liquids and solu- tions, instead of measuring them, and are provided with a tare beam for balancing the bottle before use. The practical advantage of placing a bottle on the scale and weighing, without re- moving it, all the constituents of the developer, both liquid and solid, will be readily appreciated. No. 481, Capacity 1 gram to 4 kilos., or 1-16 oz. to 8 lbs., each $10 00 POCKET SCALES. IN MOROCCO COVERED BOXES. BRASS BEAM AND WEIGHTS. Each. 5 inch Beam, Brass Pans, $0 75 6 “ “ “ “ 1 00 IN OAK BOX STEEL BEAM AND WEIGHTS. Each. 6 inch Beam, Brass Pans $1 50 8 “ “ “ “ 2 00 100 PHOTOGRAPHERS’ SCALES.— Cont. SCALES AND WEIGHTS. 5 in. Beam Scales, in wood or tin boxes $o 65 6 in. “ “ “ 75 8 in. “ “ “ 1 25 ROBERVAHL PATTERN. Neatly Ornamented in Gold Lines. Heavy Brass Pans and Brass Indicator. No. 2, 9 inch Pan, price without weights each, $7 50 “ 3, 8 “ “ “ “ “ “ 6 00 “ 4. 6 “ “ “ “ “ “ 5 00 BLOCK WEIGHTS. Solid Brass' in Cherry Block. troy. 1 oz. to ] 4 . grain $1 00 Two 2 ozs. “ “ 1 75 5 “ “ “ 2 50 10 “ “ “ 4 00 AVOIRDUPOIS. 1 lbs. to yi oz 2 “ “ “ . . . 4 “ “ “ Brass. .$2 25 . 3 50 . 5 00 101 PHOTOGRAPHERS’ SCALES.- Cont. METRIC WEIGHTS. Solid Brass in Cherry Block. $o 65 1 10 1 60 20 gram piece and down to 1 centigram . 5 o “ “ “ “ “ “ JQQ “ “ “ “ 44 44 44 Made of Pure Sheet Aluminum; made Concave, so they can be picked UP READILY. )/ z grain to 10 per set, $0 40 NEST WEIGHTS. Sealed Sealed Sealed Iron. Zinc. Brass. Capacity 8 lbs. down to % °z. . . , $2 75.. ..$5 50. . . .$11 OO « 4 “ “ “ “ .... I 75-. .. 3 50. . . . 6 OO “ 2 “ “ “ “ I 25.. . . 2 50 . • • . 3 50 “ 1 lb. “ “ “ I OO. . . . 1 75- . . . 2 OO “ 8 ozs. * “ “ O 75.. .. 1 25 . . .. I 50 102 THE BRILLIANT DEVELOPER This new developer surpasses all others in covering power and cheap- ness; it keeps for weeks after use, and a surprising number of plates can be developed in the same solution before it is exhausted. With equal ex- posures and equal time of development it will give as an average three times more covering than any other developer. It is a liquid developer and ready for use after being mixed with an equal quantity of a io per cent, solution of carbonate of Potash. It is very clean and discolors very little, even when kept some time after use. After extensive tests, comparing it with Pyro, Ferro Oxalate, Hydro- chinone, Metol Eikonogen, Amidol, etc., etc., it has been ascertained, that in using the Brilliant Developer as an average only one third of the time of exposure is necessary, compared with the exposure required when de- veloping with the other developers, which is an enormous advantage, especially during dull weather. Thus much money, time, and work can be saved on plates, which otherwise would have been lost by under exposure or the object having moved. The price is very moderate and lower than of most developers at present in use, as the same solution can be used over and over again by adding from time to time some fresh Brilliant Developer. The success this new developer is having in Europe is simply marvel- lous, especially with professional photographers, who are, as a rule, so reluctant to try new materials. It has obtained a prize at the Berlin Ex- hibition for Photography , and scores of testimonials are arriving every week. Formula. Dissolve i oz. of Pure Carbonate of Potash in io ozs. of water. Mix i oz. of Brilliant Developer with i oz. of the above Potash solution. If very soft negatives are required the proportion of Potash solution may be increased. For Development of Bromide Paper, for which the Brilliant Developer is also particularly suitable the following proportions are recommended: yi oz. of Brilliant Developer. %. “ Potash Solution, i “ Water. This will develop a great number of Prints. For softer results more water must be added. Price. Quart Bottles $i 40 16 oz. “ 75 8 “ “ 50 103 THE SCOVILL DOUBLE LEVEL. The Scovill Double Level will be appreciated by landscape and tourist photographers. It is quite compact and may be attached to the body of hand cameras, but if a tripod camera is used it should be attached to the swing-back, and may be used with cameras of all sizes. Price $0.40 Keystone Lantern Slide Mats with gilt line -around opening, per “ Adhesive Binding Strips for Slides, per 100 20 “ Thin Crystal Cover Glass, 3^x4, per dozen (subject to change) 35 “ Vellow Color Screens, for use with orthochromatic plates, made of two cemented plate-glass ; sizes, 2 % x 2^, $1.00 ; 3X x 3/^ 1 50 “ “Roxyline” Enamel, for varnishing positives, transpar- encies, and negatives. Used cold. 8 oz. bottle 75 Britannia Alcohol Lamps, small flame 60 “ “ “ medium “ 70 “ “ “ large “ 1 25 Tin Alcohol Lamps, medium flame 60 Shears, 9 inch, common 25 “ 9 “ medium....- 50 “ 9 “ good 1 00 “ best $1 50 to 2 50 Troxell’s Silver Erasive Soap per cake 15 French Pipettes, each 10 PHOTO-ENGRAVING OUTFIT. It is impossible to prescribe any given outfit for photo-engraving, either for half tones or line work, as much depends on the size and the amount of work to be done. However, the following is a list of articles for half tone work, not including additional machinery employed for facilitating the mechanical part of the work, such as routers, saws, etc., etc. 1 10x12 Scovill enlarging, reducing, and copying camera, fitted with Scovill-Levy photo-engravers’ adjustable screen plate holder,. .$56 00 1 Camera swing 25 00 1 Copy holder 4 00 1 10x12 Levy screen, 133 lines to the inch 80 00 1 Series VI, No. 2 Steinheil lens 69 00 2 i-gallon glass funnels, at 25c : 50 2 8-ounce glass funnels, at 12c 24 1 Package filtering paper No. 35 75 104 PHOTO=ENGRAVING OUTFIT.— Cont. i Hydrometer 50 1 10x12 Glass bath in a studio box 7 00 i Rubber dipper lor same 60 1 2-gallon evaporating dish 3 00 2 10x12 Porcelain trays, at $1.66 3 32 1 10x12 Rubber trays, at $1.75 3 50 2 16-ounce glass graduates, at 75c 1 50 4 4-ounce “ “ 30c 1 20 1 9x11 Photo-engravers’ printing frame with one inch thick glass ... 9 50 1 Negative rack 50 1 Gelatine or combination roller, 12 inch 6 00 1 French roller, 12 inch 10 00 1 Pair pincers 1 00 2 Acid brushes 3 50 1 Ink spatula i 75 1 Zinc hook for cutting zinc plates. 1 75 Retouching brushes 50 1 gallon absolute alcohol 4 00 y / 2 lbs. Ether 2 63 4 ozs. Gun cotton, at 50c. 2 00 4 “ .Iodide potash 1 20 2 ‘ ‘ Resublimed iodide 70 1 lb. Nitrate silver, bulk . . 8 50 1 “ Absorbent cotton 75 5 “ Protosulphate Iron, at 10c 50 1 “ Citric acid 70 1 ‘ ‘ Bichloride mercury, 1 00 Cyanide of potash 3 25 1 lb. Glycerine 30 5 books Litmus paper, at 5 c 25 1 lb. Liquid ammonia 32 h 44 Nitric acid chemically pure . .... 45 1 gallon Benzole 1 50 1 lb. Bichromate ammonia 75 1 “ Caustic potash . 15 8 “ Nitric acid, commercial 3 60 1 “ Ferric chloride, one bottle. 30 1 “ Rubber cement . 30 1 “ Nitrate of lead 100 1 “ Ferricyanide of potash ............. 1 00 1 ‘ ‘ Transfer ink 5 00 \ 4 ‘ Engravers’ charcoal 1 50 1 ‘ ‘ Pumice stone 10 5 “ Sulphate copper 2 00 2 “ Brass nails, inch, at 40c 80 1 “ Lithographic ink, black 3 50 1 gallon Le Page’s glue ..... 3 25 1 set Engravers’ tools 1 50 1 ‘ ‘ Retouching tools 2 50 1 Darlot focusing lens ..... 2 30 1 set Roulettes 6 00 1 lb. Dragon’s blood 90 Zinc plates, polished, per square inch, 1 ct. Copper “ 4S “ 44 1% 45 105 IMPROVED GLASS BOTTOM ETCHING TUB ETCHING TANKS. 5 ft. 2 in. top outside, 4 ft. 2^ in- bottom outside, 1 ft. 8 in. wide inside, 4 ft. long $7 50 3 ft. top, 2 ft. 2 y 2 in. bottom outside, 1 ft. 8 in. wide and 2 ft. long inside 5 50 Warranted to hold acid. Any size made to order. WHIRLER. This Whirler is much more substantial and works more satisfactorily than the old style. The bearings and pulleys are of iron, turned so as to fit nicely and run true. Mounted on a hardwood base and provided with clamps. For plates 8 x 10 inches $6 50 | For plates 11 x 14 inches $10 50 Other sizes made to order. 106 KNURLS AND ROULETTES. I For dotting outrunning lines or making dark spaces lighter. Each ; $o 75 Knurl Holders, Plain each, 50 “ “ Universal “ 1 00 Roulettes, “Keating’s,” for touching up Half-tone Plates, Straight Line, Cross Line, Single Line, Half-tone, Left Diagonal, Right Diagonal, of the following denominations: 160, 140, 120, 100, 94, 80, 79, 77, 60, 50, and 30 lines to inch each, 2 50 ENGRAVERS’ PADS. 4-inch Filled, $1 00 Empty, $0 40 5 “ - “ 1 25 “ 50 6 “ “ 1 50 “ 70 7 “ “ 2 00 “ 80 8 “ “ 2 50 “ 1 00 9 “ “ 3 00 “ 1 25 STEEL HOOK. Steel Hook, for cutting zinc plates desired sizes .each, $1 75 FRENCH ROLLER. 13 inch, prepared each, $8 00 15 x 1 5-7 : icli 15 x 18 ‘ INKING SLABS. each, $2 00 “ 2 25 COMPOSITION ROLLER. ROLLER CASE. Roller Case, to protect Roller when not in use each, $1 75 INK SPATULAS. 7-inch 108 each, $1 00 CROSS LINE SCREENS Lines per Inch. ♦Sizes in Inches. 75, 80 or 85 100 no or 120 125 or 133 140 or 150 166 or 172 200 6 x 8 $15 OO $18 00 $20 00 $22 OO $26 OO $32 00 $40 00 t l /2 x 8>£ 18 OO 20 00 24 00 28 OO 32 OO 40 OO 50 00 7 x 9 24 OO 25 00 30 00 36 OO 42 OO 50 OO 65 00 8 X 10 32 OO 35 00 42 00 48 OO 54 00 68 00 82 00 9 X II 35 00 40 00 55 00 60 00 70 OO 85 00 100 00 10 X 12 40 00 52 00 72 00 80 OO 95 00 no 00 130 00 11 x 14 60 00 80 00 100 00 115 OO 135 00 150 00 180 00 12 X 15 80 00 105 00 135 00 148 OO 180 00 200 00 235 00 13 X 16 100 00 130 00 166 00 188 OO 210 00 245 00 300 00 14 x 17 125 00 165 00 200 00 230 OO 275 00 300 00 375 00 15 X 18 160 00 200 00 240 00 275 OO 330 00 375 00 16 X 20 190 00 240 00 280 00 330 OO 375 00 17 X 21 230 00 285 00 330 00 375 00 18 X 22 275 00 325 00 385 00 Quotations on larger sizes, up to 32x38 inches, will be furnished on demand. For Single Rulings deduct 33^ per cent. Plates of other sizes will be charged in proportion to the above list in superficial area. Trial Sizes, and all Sizes up to 5x8. Sizes. All Rulings up to 133 140 or 150 166 or 175 200 Note. — These sizes 3 X x 4 ^ 4 x 5 4 X x 6K 5 x 7 5 x 8 $2 OO 4 OO 6 00 12 OO 14 OO $3 00 t 00 8 00 14 00 17 00 $5 OO 8 OO IO OO 18 OO 22 OO $8 00 12 00 16 00 22 00 j ‘ 32 00 1 are not usually cut ex- act as marked: they are about % inch larger each way unless order- ed of specific size. These dimensions give the largest picture that can be conveniently- made. The outside measure of plates is from one-half inch larger on the smaller sizes to three-quarters of an inch on the larger size plates. ENGLISH GLASS FOR NEGATIVES. Put up in quarter dozen packages. 14 x 17 $0 60 I 10 x 12 11 x 14 35 I 8 x 10 6 y 2 x $0 23 ONE QUARTER-INCH PLATE GLASS. each, ifo 30 | 10 x 12 14 x 17 each, $0 70 Other f.izes cut to order. $0 30 28 8 x 10, each, $0 40 COPPER AND ZINC PLATES FOR PHOTO- ENGRAVING. Our copper rolling mills are especially fitted up for making copper and zinc plates for photo-engraving. It is very essential that copper and zinc, whether in strips or plates, should be rolled perfectly even for photo-en- graving, and that the surface should be perfectly free from any imperfec- tion, whether visible or invisible to the naked eye, and our copper and zinc should invariably be used for this purpose. Price of Copper Plates ' per inch, $o i'/ 2 “ “ Sheets, machine polished per lb., 34 “ Zinc Plates per inch, 01 “ “ Sheets, machine polished per lb., 25 Send for estimate when specially large quantity is required. MISCELLANEOUS ODDS AND ENDS. Scovill Transfer Etching Ink per lb., $5 00 Dragon’s Blood (best etching powder) “ 85 Scovill Engraver’s Charcoal “ 3 00 Pulverized “ “ 50 “ Pumice Stone “ 10 Scotch Stone “ 25 Brass Wire Nails, % inch, for blocking on wood “ 30 “ “ “ “ “ metal “ 30 Etching Brushes, prepared each, 65 Finishing and Blocking Set (9 tools) per set, 2 50 Engraver’s Set (4 tools and handles) “ 1 50 Blocking Wood per sq. ft., 65 ZINC. In sheets 15x36, highly polished, ready for printing, suitable for the highest grade of either line or half-tone 5 00 In sheets 15 x 36, machine polished, for newspaper work per lb., 25 “ “ unpolished “ 16 Any sizes polished and cut to order per sq. in., 01 COPPER. In sheets 15 x 36 or 16 x 36, highly polished, etc per sq. in., 1 % “ “ “ machine polished per lb., 35 “ “ “ unpolished “ 24 Any size polished and cut to order per sq. in., 1 ]/ 2 RUBBER. For Turning 8-oz. bottles, 40 ASPHALTUM. In solution, for coating backs of plates and stopping out 8 oz. , 40 no GAS OVENS Heated by Bunsen Gas Burners which run crosswise underneath the plate. One or two burners will heat enough to melt powder on a small plate. It will be seen that a part of the surface of the plate can be kept ready for instant use with a very small expenditure for gas, and the amount of heated surface can be quickly increased when necessary. 18 x 18 18 x 24 18 x 26 $15 00 20 00 25 00 With hood $20 00 With hood 25 00 With hood 30 00 In place of the iron plate usually supplied, we furnish a metal frame. This allows the heat to penetrate more quickly, and thus heat the plate very rapidly. At the comers of this frame are eyelets. From these, wires can be runrto the ceiling, and by merely placing the plate on the frame a move- ment is imparted which will cause the heat to be much more evenly dis- tributed than if the plate were moved by hand, while at the same time the operator is relieved of the weight. Prices, without hoods, same as above. We cannot furnish hoods with this style. FERROTYPE PLATES. Champion, Box of 200 10 x 14 Egg-shell, Black or Chocolate $20 00 Glossy 22 00 Union, Box of 200 10 x 14 Egg-shell, Black or Chocolate 15 00 Per doz 90 Centennial, Box of 200 10 x 14 Egg-shell, Black only 12 50 Per doz 60 Peerless, Box of 200 iox 14 Egg-shell, Black only 7 50 Per doz 50 Rival, Box of 200 iox 14 Egg-shell, Black only 7 00 hi SCOVILL FERROTYPE OUTFIT. Complete for Work In a Small Gallery. 15x7 New Haven Standard Victoria Camera, Making 1 on Plate 2 x i]4. inches ; 1 on Plate 3X x 4 X inches ; 1 on Plate 2X x 3X inches ; 1 on Plate 5x7 inches ; 4 on Plate 5x7 inches ; 8 on plate 5x7 inches $18 00 4 X Gem Lenses 16 00 1 X Portrait Lens 17 50 1 y 2 Excelsior Camera Stand 3 75 1 Tall S. P. C. Head Rest 3 25 1 Back Support for Head Rest 75 1 4x6 (Background) 4 75 1 7 x 10 Glass Bath in Box 3 25 1 No. 5 I. R. Dipper 45 17x9 Deep Agate Tray 1 25 1 4-Ounce Graduate 33 1 8 " “ 45 1 1 -Quart Glass Funnel 20 2 i-Pint “ “ at 15c., 30 1 Pair 9-inch Shears 1 00 1 Box Anderson’s Dry Colors, fitted with Colors, Brushes and Gold Saucer 1 75 1 2 inch C. H. Duster 50 1 Copy “Ferro. Guide” 75 2 Dozen 10 x 14 Ferro. Plates .at 90c., 1 80 100 No. 11 Ferro. Envelopes 20 100 No. 15 “ “ 40 100 No. 4 “ “ 20 1 No. 1 Queen Oil Stove 1 80 1 Drying Rack 50 1 Varnish Pot 50 1 oz. C. P. Nitric Acid 20 X lb. Nitrate Silver (1 bottle) 6 00 2 8-oz. Bottles Phenix Collodion at 50c. , 1 00 2 8-oz. “ “ Varnish at 50c., 1 00 1 oz. Resub. Dry Iodine 35 1 lb. P. S. Iron (1 can) 15 X lb. Cyanide of Potassium 45 y 2 Pint Parlor Paste 25 1 1 -inch Bristle Brush 12 1 Dozen Gum Paper 50 X lb. Absorbent Cotton 3 2 2 lbs. No. 8 Acetic Acid at 20c. lb., 40 1 4-0Z. Collodion Vial 20 1 Package No. 25 Round Filters 35 1 Book Litmus Paper 5 1 Set 6-inch Scales and Weights 85 1 Sliding Arm Chair, Terra Covering, 6-inch Fringe 8 00 1 Pint Alcohol 5 ® Price, complete $100. 1 12 S. P. C. BRAND OF CHEMICALS Prices Subject to Fluctuation. Acid, Acetic 4 Muriatic, C. P. . . ‘ Nitric, C. P ‘ Oxalic ‘ Sulphuric Coml. ‘ Pyrogallic Alum, ground ‘ ‘ chrome Ammonia, Liquid Ammonium, bichromate. ‘ ‘ bromide 4 •' iodide 4 ‘ sulpho-cyan Benzole Cadmium, bromide. 4 4 iodide Cotton, absorbent Collodion, Phenix Ether, sulph. cone Gold, chloride, pure Hydrochinone Iodine, resub Iron, pro-sulph Mercury, bichloride Magnesium Powder, pure Potassium, bromide 4 4 carbonate 4 ‘ chloro platinite 4 4 cyanide “ ferri-cyan 44 ferro-cyan . “ meta-bisulph 4 4 oxalate-neut Silver, nitrate Soda, acetate granular “ bicarb 44 acid bisulp. sol carbonate, crystal 4 4 granular ‘ 4 hyposulphite 4 4 sulphite crystal 44 “ 5 lb. cans (inclusive) 4 4 granular, sulphite per lb., $0.05 .40 44 .11 44 .14 44 .12 per oz. , .per lb,, .. . .per oz., . . . .per lb., per gallon, . . .per oz., per lb. , per doz. 15 gr. Bot., per lb. Bot., per oz., per lb. , 15 gr. Bot., per lb., per oz., .per lb., (keg) per cwt. , per lb., .04 3.00 .24 .04 .09 .08^ .66 .60 .24 .42 i-35 .20 •3i .28 .85 •63 4.90 2.30 .18 •25 .04 .70 3-io •52 .11 .36 •35 •52 .25 .66 .24 .40 .10 •05 •05 • 02j^ •05 2.25 .04 •25 .09 Bottles, cans, and cartons, extra. Special quotations made on quantities. The above prices are strictly net. 113 THE SCOVILL PHOTOGRAPHIC SERIES Nos. I, 2, 3, AND 4. — Out of Print. No. 5.— PHOTOGRAPHY WITH EMULSIONS. By Capt. W. de W. Abney, R.E., F.R.S. A treatise on the theory and prac- tical working of gelatine and collodion emulsion processes. (Second Edition.) Paper covers $0.75 No. 6. — Out of Print. No 7.— THE MODERN PRACTICE OF RETOUCHING NEGATIVES. As practised by M. Piquepe, and other celebrated experts. (Ninth Edition.) Paper Covers 50 No. 8.— THE SPANISH EDITION OF HOW TO MAKE PICTURES. Ligeras Lecciones sobre Fotografia. Dedicados a los Aficionados. Cloth bound 75 Paper covers 50 Nos. 9, 10, AND II.— Out of Print. No. 12.— HARDWICH’S PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMISTRY. A manual of photographic chemistry, theoretical and practical. (Ninth Edition.) Edited by J. Traill Taylor. Leatherette bind- ing 2.00 No. 13.— TWELVE ELEMENTARY LESSONS ON SILVER PRINTING. (Second Edition. ) Paper covers 50 No. 14.— ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHOTOGRAPHERS. A series of interesting essays for the studio and study, to which is added European Rambles with a Camera. By H. Baden Pritchard, F.C.S. Paper covers 50 Cloth bound (Library Edition.) 75 1 14 THE SCOVILL PHOTOGRAPHIC SERIES.— Cont. No. 15.— THE CHEMICAL EFFECT OF THE SPECTRUM. By Dr. J. M. Eder. Paper covers $.25 Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, AND 21.— Out of Print. No. 22.— PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING METHODS. By the Rev. W. H. Burbank. A practical guide to the professional and amateur worker. (Third Edition.) Paper covers .75 No. 23.— A HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Written as a practical guide and an introduction to its latest developments. By W. Jerome Harrison, F.G.S., and containing a frontispiece of the author. Cloth bound 1.00 No. 24.— THE AMERICAN ANNUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHO- TOGRAPHIC TIMES ALMANAC FOR 1888. Illustrated. (Second Edition.) Paper covers (by mail 12 cents addi- tional) 50 Library Edition (by mail, 12 cents additional) 1.00 No. 25.— THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. A practical guide to the preparation of sensitive surfaces by the calotype, albumen, collodion, and gelatine processes, on Glass and Paper, with supplementary chapter on development, etc. , by the Rev. W. H. Burbank. Cloth bound. Reduced from $1.50 to 1. 00 No. 26.— THE PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTOR FOR THE PROFES- SIONAL AND AMATEUR. Being the comprehensive series of practical lessons issued to the students of the Chatauqua School of Photography. Revised and enlarged. Edited by W. I. Lincoln Adams, with an Appendix by Prof. Charles Ehrmann. (Fifth Edition, enlarged and revised.) Paper covers 1.00 No. 27.— LETTERS ON LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY. By H. P. Robinson. Finely illustrated from the author’s own pho- tographs, and containing a photogravure frontispiece of the author. Cloth bound 1.50 No. 28 . — Out of Print. No. 29.— THE PROCESSES OF PURE PHOTOGRAPHY. By W. K. Burton and Andrew Pringle. A standard work, very complete and fully illustrated. Paper covers, $2.00. Li- brary Edition 115 2.50 THE SCOVILL PHOTOGRAPHIC SERIES — Cont. No. 30.— PICTORIAL EFFECT IN PHOTOGRAPHY. By H. P. Robinson. A new edition. Illustrated. Mr. Robinson’s first and best work. Cloth bound $1.50 No. 31 . — Out of Print. No. 32— PRACTICAL PHOTO-MICROGRAPHY. By Andrew Pringle. Fully illustrated. Cloth bound 2.50 No. 33.— THE AMERICAN ANNUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHO- TOGRAPHIC TIMES ALMANAC FOR 1890. Paper covers (by mail, 14 cents additional) 50 No. 34.— THE OPTICAL LANTERN. By Andrew Pringle. Illustrated. Paper covers 1.00 Cloth bound 1. 50 No. 35.— LANTERN-SLIDES BY PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS. By Andrew Pringle. Paper covers 75 Cloth bound 1.25 No. 36.— THE AMERICAN ANNUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHO- TOGRAPHIC TIMES ALMANAC FOR 1891. Paper covers (by mail, 15 cents additional) 50 No. 37.— PHOTOGRAPHIC OPTICS. A text-book for the professional and amateur. W. K. Burton. Paper covers, $1.00. Li- brary bound 1.50 No. 38.— PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION PROCESSES. Illus- trated. By P. C. Duchochois. Paper covers 1.00 Cloth bound 1.50 No. 39.— EL INSTRUCTOR FOTOGRAFICO. Library Edition 1.50 No. 40.— Out of Print. No. 41.— THE CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. By W. Jerome Har- rison. Cloth bound 3-00 No. 42.— PICTURE-MAKING IN THE STUDIO. By H. P. Robinson. Paper covers 5° No. 43. — Out of Print. No. 44.— THE LIGHTING IN A PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. By P. C. Duchochois. A new edition. Paper covers 75 Library Edition i-oo No. 45.— Out of Print. 116 THE SCOVILL PHOTOGRAPHIC SERIES.— Cont. No. 46.— INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. By P. C. Duchochois. Being a description of the various processes of producing indestructible photographic images on glass, porcelain, metal, and many other substances. Paper covers ; $.50 Cloth bound 1.00 No. 47.— THE AMERICAN ANNUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHO- TOGRAPHIC TIMES ALMANAC FOR 1894. Edited by W. I. Lincoln Adams. Paper covers (by mail 15 cents additional). 50c. Cloth bound (by mail, 15c. additional) . . 1.00 No. 48.— AR3ST0TYPES AND HOW TO MAKE THEM. Giving a complete description of the manufacture and treatment of gelatino and collodio-chloride papers. By Walter E. Woodbury. Illustrated. Paper covers 1.50 Cloth bound (Library Edition) 2.00 No. 49.— THE ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Containing over 2000 references and more than 500 illus- trations. The completest work of the kind ever issued. By Walter E. Woodbury, Editor of “The Photographic limes.” Cloth bound 5.00 No. 50.— THE AMERICAN ANNUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHO- TOGRAPHIC TIMES ALMANAC FOR 1895. With over 200 illustrations. Edited by Walter E. Woodbury, Editor of “The Photographic Times.” Paper covers (by mail, 1 5 cents additional) .50 Cloth bound (Library Edition), (by mail, 15c. additional) 1.00 No. 51.— THE PHOTO GRAVURE. By Henry R. Blaney. Avery complete and practical book, written by an expert. Paper covers, 50c. Cloth bound (Library Edition) 1.00 Nos. 52 AND 53.— Out of Print. No. 54.— HALF-TONE BY THE ENAMEL PROCESS. By Robert Whittet. Fully illustrated and very complete. Paper covers, 50c. Library Edition 1.00 No. 55.— INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHY. By Captain Abney, the great authority. Paper covers. 75 No. 56.— PHOTOGRAPHIC AMUSEMENTS. By Walter E. Woodbury, Editor of “The Photographic Times.” Second Edition, including a number of novel and curious effects obtainable with the camera. Paper covers, $1.00. Cloth bound 1.50 117 A LIST OF SELECTED BOOKS. From The Scovill & Adams Co., New York Book Catalogue. PRICE PER COPY. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY . — A practical guide for the beginner. By W. I. Lincoln Adams. Illustrated. Paper covers $0.50 Cloth bound x 00 SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW. — A Book for Photographers, Ama- teur and Professional. By W. I. Lincoln Adams. Illus- trated with over 100 handsome photo-engravings. Beauti- fully and substantially bound. Price, in a box 2.50 IN NATURE’S IMAGE. — By W. I. Lincoln Adams. A companion volume to “Sunlight and Shadow,’* and even more of a suc- cess. Price, in a box 2.50 LANTERN SLIDES AND HOW TO MAKE THEM.— By A. R. Dresser. A very complete and practical book. Paper covers PHOTOGRAPHY AT N IGHT.— By P. C. Duchochois. Illustrated. 108 pp. Paper covers It00 THE KNACK . — W ritten expressly to help the beginner in perplexity. Reduced to 25 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE. — By P. C. Duchochois. A theoretical and practical treatise on development. Paper covers, $1.50; Cloth bound 2.00 THE FERROTYPE R’S GUIDE. — For the ferrotyper, this is the only standard work. Seventh thousand. Paper covers 75 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIOS OF EUROPE.— By H. Baden Pritchard, F.C.S. Paper covers, 50c. ; Cloth bound 1.00 HISTORY AND HAND-BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHY.— Wit h seventy illustrations. Cloth bound, reduced to ; • 50 CRAYON PORTRAITURE. — Complete instructions for making crayon portraits on crayon paper and on platinum, silver, and bromide enlargements ; also directions for the use of transparent liquid water colors, and for making French crys- tals. By J. A. Barhydt. A new edition. Cloth bound. . . 1. 00 118 A LIST OF SELECTED BOOKS.— Cont. ART RECREATIONS. — Ladies’ popular guide in home decorative work, with a chapter on photogranhy. Edited by Marion Kemble - $1.00 THE PHOTOGRAPHER’S BOOKOF PRACTICAL FORMULA — Compiled by Dr. W. B. Holmes, Ph.B., and E. P. Gris- wold. Cloth bound, reduced from $1.50 to. . . , ^.-60 AMERICAN HAND-BOOK OF TM f? DAGUERRE Or*P .- -Ey S. D. Humphrey. 5 ; (|Tfth E^itiph'. ; This book contains the various processes ' employed in taking heliographic iffijVres- A sions 4. > b . . ; L ®. ‘ . 1 . . 3 ’ . ■’ .1 ■> » . 25 PORTRAITS IN PHOTOGRAPHY BY THE AID OF FLASH LIGHT.— By W. F. Guerin. A simple but complete work written by an expert, and illustrated with many examples of the author’s work. Cloth bound 1.50 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC PRIMER.— By J. C. Millen and J. C. Worthington. Cloth bound 1.00 119 INDEX A PAGE Agate-Iron Lipped Pans 90 Albums, Eclipse. . A ....... 77, 78 “ Howard < .75, 76 “ Regent 76., 77 - Alcohol Lamps, Britannia 104 ' Tin, 104 American Optical' Co.’s Ad-* justers for Cabinet Work . , 14 Aniline Blue 96 Attachments for American Op- tical Co.’s Portrait Cameras, 14, 15 B Berlin Porcelain Evaporating Dishes 99 Books, A List of Selected . .118, 119 Brilliant Developer 103 Brushes, Bristle 82 “ Camel’s Hair 82 “ Red Sable 82 C California Automatic Print Washer 62 Cameras. Acme 5x7 Standard Victoria 9 American Optical Co. s High- est Grade Portrait 5, 6 American Optical Co. s Boston Imperial ... 6, 7 American Optical Co. 's Royal 7, 8 American Optical Co. ’s Copy- ing 10 American Optical Co.’s En- larging, Reducing and Cop- ying 11 American Optical Co.’s Re- volving-Back 18 American Optical Co. ’s Land- scape Reversible 20 American Optical Co.’s Star View 21 Cincinnati Gem 9 Peerless Imperial No. 2 8 PAGE Cameras. — Cont. Revolving- Back 19 Scovill Panoramic 22, 23 Camera Stand 12 Camera Swing 13 Chemicals, S. P. C. Brand of. .. 113 Composition Roller 108 Coolidge’s Photo-Caricature Foregrounds 94, 95 Copy Boards 39 Copper and Zinc Plates no Cross Line Screens 109 Cut-Outs or Medallion Masks . . 62 D Dixie Vignetter 85 Dry Colors 81 E Egyptian Chemical Colors 63 Elite Time or Instantaneous Shutter 58 Empire Portrait Outfit 16, 17 English Glass for Negatives. . . 109 Engravers’ Pads 107 Etching Tanks 106 F Favorite Apparatus Outfit 23, 24 Ferrotype Plates in French Pipettes 104 French Roller 107 Front Boards. 32 G Gas Ovens in Gelatine 62 Gihon’s Opaque. 96 Glassware. Argentometer 88 Bulb Funnels 89 Convex Glass 88 Fluted Glass Funnel 87 Glass Cutting Diamonds 88 120 INDEX.— Cont. PAGE Glassware . — Cont. Glass Forms 87 Glass Funnels 89 Glass Mortars and Pestles ... 89 Glass Stirring Rods 89 Hollow Glass Tubes 89 Pile’s Silver Test Tube 88 Ruby and Orange Glass 87 S. P. C. Reliable Graduates.. 88 Scovill Glass Pans 87 Solid Glass Baths 86 H Hammer Plates 93 Hanover Retouchers 95 Holder, Albion 30 “ Daisy Dry-Plate 30 ‘ ‘ Improved Patent Bonanza Plate 26, 27 “ Klay’s Multiplying Plate, 30 ‘ ‘ Light- W eight Double .... 31 4 4 Scovill-Levy Photo - En- gravers’ Adjustable Screen Plate 27, 28 “ Solograph 31 “ Water bury Dry-Plate.. . . 25 Hyatt Stamp Portrait Appar- atus 15, 16 I Improved Glass Bottom Etching Tub 106 India Ink 96 India Rubber Bellows 43 Ink Spatulas 108 Inking Slabs 108 J Japanese Art Tissues 59 K Keystone Adhesive Binding Strips for Slides. . . . 104 “ Lantern Slide Mats . . 104 “ “Roxyline” Enamel, 104 4 4 Thin Crystal Cover Glass 104 “ Yellow Color Screens, 104 Knurls and Roulettes 107 L PAGE Lamp, “Aladdin” Dark-Room, 91 Lantern, Multum in Parvo 91 “ New Peerless No. 3 . . 92 “ W. I. A. Ruby Light, 92 Lantern Slide Boxes 43 Lenses. Darlot Gem 56 Goerz’s Double Anastigmatic Series III 44 Goerz’s Double Anastigmatic Series IV 45 Morrison Wide-Angle View. . 57 Scovill Economic 56 Scovill’s Portrait 57 Scovill’s ‘ ‘ Peerless ” Quick- Acting Stereoscopic 58 Steinheil 46-5 5 Waterbury 56, 57 M Miscellaneous no N Negative Boxes 42 Negative Rack 42 Nepera Chemical Co 61 New Acme Water Colors 81 P Paper, Albumen 59 4 4 Cepa Skin 60 “ demon’s Matt Surface.. 60 “ Endless Roll 60 “ English Tissue 60 4 4 Gummed 60 4 4 Litmus 60 “ Mask 60 44 Plain Saxe 60 4 4 Ruby 60 Photo-Engraving Outfit . . . .104, 105 Photographers’ Scales. Block Weights 101 Metric Weights 102 Nest Weights 102 Pocket Scales 100 Prescription Pattern 100 Robervahl Pattern 101 Scales and Weights 101 1 21 INDEX.— Cont. Photographers’ Scales. — Cont. Solution Scales ioo Square Aluminum Grain Weights 102 Printing Frames for Photo-En- graving 40 ‘ * Leigh’s Combina- tion Photograph 41 “ “ Scovill 39 Prisms, Steinheil 55 R Rabbet and Light Weight Kit Frames 32 Retouching Frames 41 “ Glasses 83 “ Pencils 83 Roller Case 108 Rubber Bands 84 “ “ “Alpha” Cabinet 84 Rubber Slides 32 S Scovill Double Level 104 Scovill Ferrotype Outfit 112 Scovill Hard Rubber Fixing^ Bath ...... 97 Scovill Photographic Series, 114-117 Shears 104 Solid Glass Corner Kits 32 Stands, Acme Camera 34 “ Elite Studio 33 “ Excelsior Camera 34 ‘ 1 Perfect Camera ....... 34 Stands, Semi-Centennial Camera 3 5 Steel Hook 107 Studio Register 80 T Terms 4 Trays, Black Jap. Developing. . 90 ‘ ‘ Papier Mache 90 4 4 Porcelain 99 “ Scovill’ s Glossy Rubber, 98, 99 “ Standard No. 2 Simplex, 98 Vulcanite Rubber 98 “ Waterbury 97 Tripods, Albion 36 “ Scovill Adjustable 35 “ Scovill Extension 37 “ Peerless Folding 38 Troxell’s Silver Erasive Soap . . 104 W Wagner’s “Hanover” Spotting Colors 96 Whirler 106 White “New Style” Chair.. . .64, 65 “ Perfection Head Screen and Side Shade 70-74 “ Photographic Chair Head Rest 68, 69 “ Photographic Child’s Chair 69 “ Posing Support 66,67 “ Table Clamp 70 ‘ ‘ W orld ” Blotting Paper 79 122