Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/classifiedlistofOOarun With the Sanction of the of the Committee of Science and Art Departfnent Council on Education, CLASSIFIED LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS Pottery, Porcelain, and Glass. Specimens of the Photographs enumerated in this Catalogue may be seen in the Arundel Society’s Sale-rooms at the South Kensington Museum, and at the Office of the Arundel Society, 24, Old Bond Street. A complete collection may be consulted in the National Art 'Library, South Kensington Museum. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY THE ARUNDEL SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE KNOWLEDGE OF ART, 24, old bond street. TAKEN FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. Pnce Sixpence, Extracted from Minutes passed by the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of Her ISlajestys most Honourable Privy Council on Education; dated Dec. 1865, and Feb. 1866. In reference to the Distribution of Art Examples ; after taking into con- sideration the several systems which had been adopted, either of direct sale by the Department to Art Schools, &c., or by sale through Agents in the ordinary channels of trade, their Lordships were led to believe that a system might be adopted by which a public Society, not looking to large profits, might be found willing to undertake the responsibility of all commercial transactions connected with the purchase and sale of Examples; whilst the Department of Science and Art might promote the success of the undertaking by affording sufficient space in the South Kensington Museum for exhibiting the Examples to the public, and by advertising the works for sale. “ In reference to a communication on the same subject subsequently received from the ‘Arundel Society for promoting the Knowledge of Art,’ their Lordships considered that Society a peculiarly eligible channel for assist- ing the action of the Department, and directed that arrangements for the publi- cation and sale of Photographs and other Art Examples produced by the Science and Ai-t Department should forth\vith be entered into with the Arundel Society.” THE EOLLOWING Classified Lists of Photographs, TAKEN FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART, HAVE BEEN PREPARED. I. Drawings^ Paintings and Sculpture : Etchings^ ^c, II. Pt 'ecious Metals and Enamels, Ivory Carvings, III. Pottery and Porcelain, and Glass. Embroidery, ^c. Price Sixpence Each. Application by letter should be made to F. W. Maynard, Esq., Secretary of the Arundel Society, 24, Old Bond Street; or to Mr. .Joseph Cundall, Agent for the Arundel Society at the South Ken- sington Museum, JV, Orders must be accompanied by a remittance. CLASSIFIED LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS. WORKS OP DECORATIVE ART IX POTTERY, PORCELAIN, AND GLASS. Specimens of the Photographs enumerated in this Catalogue may be seen in the . Vrundel Society’s Sale Rooms at the South Kensington Museum and at the Office of the Arundel Society, 24, Old Bond Street, A complete collection may be consulted in the National Art Library, South Kensington IMuseum. PUBLISHED BY THE ARUNDEL SOCIETY FOPv PROMOTING THE KNOWLEDGE OF ART, 24, OLD BOND STREET. 15929.— 3. A CONTENTS Page Maiolica Ware - - - - - ~ - 9 Palissy Ware - - - - - - -43 Henri Deux Ware - - - - - - 45 Terra Cotta - - ' - - - - -46 Persian and Rhodian Ware - - - - - 48 Hispano-Moresco and Spanish Ware - - - - - 50 ' Flemish and German Stoneware - - - 51 French and Miscellaneous Earthenware - - 55 Old English Earthenware - - - - - 58 Oriental Porcelain - - - - - - - 65 Dresden Porcelain - - - - - ^ - 66 Doccia Porcelain - - - ~ - - 69 Seahies Porcelain - - - - - -71 French Porcelain - - - - - " German Porcelain - - - - - 76 Italian Porcelain - - - - - - 77 English Porcelain - - - - - - 77 Wedgavood Ware - - - - - - 80 Glass and Rock Crystal - - ■* - - 85 Embroidery - - - - - - - 94 Bookbinding - - - - - * - 96 Illuminated Pages - - - - - - 97 Oriental Art Work - - - - - - 99 Mavy of the Photographs included in this Catalogue may be had on application. Those which are not in stock will he delivered {except under special circumstances) in fourteen days. All must he paid for previous to de- livery. Orders hy post should he addressed to Mr. F. TV. Maynard, Secretary of the Arundel Society, 24, Old Bond Street; or to Mr. Cundall, Agent to the Arundel Society, South Kensington Museum. PREFACE. Among the various advantages which are derived from photography, doubtless one of the most valuable is its application to the reproduction of the forms and decorations of the Ceramic art. The amateur and the art-student are thus enabled to possess accurate representations of avast number of beautiful objects in ancient and modern pottery, which, on account of their scarcity and great value, and from their being, for the most part, in private collections or in distant museums, would be to many quite inaccessible. And, perhaps, there is no industry which displays in the study of its practice or in the theory of its history such diversity of thought as that which mankind has from the earliest period applied to the formation of earthen vessels and their decoration. Ancient authors, both Sacred and Classic, make frequent and honour- able mention of this industry. Some of the finest similitudes in the Old Testament are drawn from the potter’s handywork, and the Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah even compare it to that of the Great Creator him- self.* The Greek writers also inform us that their potteries were cele- brated in the time of Homer, and that medals were struck and statues erected in honour of their Ceramic artists. The names of some of them are still preserved to us, but what is far more important, numerous specimens of their work after having been buried more than 1,500 years have appeared again fresh as from the maker’s hand to represent their period of art in our museums, and to give suggestions to that industry which has brought the Ceramic art to its highest perfection in our own day. “ Ars longa, Vita brevis est.” There is no evidence that the potter’s art was cultivated to any extent by European nations during the Middle Ages ; for domestic use they seem to have been contented with the commonest kind of earthen vessels, which were utterly devoid of ornament, and it is not until nearly the end of the loth centuiy that we find any decoration applied to such manufactures. The Arabs of North Africa seem to have been acquainted with the art of ornamenting pottery from a very eai’ly period, and in their con- quest of Spain to have carried that knowledge with them. They have * Isaiah, ch. Ixiv. v. 8 ; Jeremiah, eh. xviii. v. 3, 4. A 2 4 Maiolica Ware. left importiiiit examples of 13tli century work, wliicli display an ad- vanced state of the art; and the Hispano-Moresco works of the 14th centui’}" show a brilliancy of colouring and a richness of ornamentation (generally consisting of birds and flowers) which is worthy of much admiration. The few specimens of this ware enumerated in the cata- logue are mostly the work of the following century. It is at this period that we must date the revival of the Ceramic art in Italy, where artists of the- highest rank aided in producing works which were the property of princes, and have ever been the glory of the country which gave them birth. MAIOLICA WAKE. This ware is supposed to have derived its origin from a very similar j)ottery made by the Moors in Spain from an early period in the Middle Ages, and to have taken its name from the Spanish island of Majorca, whence the first specimens were probably exported to Italy. During the 15th and 16th, and, in a less degree, the 17th centuries, its manu- facture was extensively carried on in Italy, especially in the central districts, where Faenza, Gubbio, Pesaro, Castel-Durante, Urbino, and other neighljouring towns gained great reputation for their fine pro- ductions. The most remarkable variety of Maiolica is the iridescent lustre Avare, which reflects metallic lustrous tints of various colours, according to the angle at Avhich the light strikes its surface. The secret of the nd»y lustre, Avdiich ap])cars to have been used jArincipally at Gubbio, Avas lost even in the IGtii century. Giorgio Andreoli, knoAvn as ^Maestro Giorgio,” Avas one of the most successful artistic inannfac- turei-s ol’ llic liistred Avares ; he lived between A.D. 1470 and 1552. Tlie earliest date as yet noticed on any jiiece is 1475. Generally s})caking tlie Maiolica may be said to IniA^e just attained prominence as ;m artistic immufacture during the second half of the 15th century. Its j)Cih)d of j)crfection may be said to extend from the beginning to the middle of the 16th century, after Avhich time (although doAvn to the last many admii'able examples Avere exceptionally produced), Maiolica gradually lost its artistic cliai-acter, and fell to its loAvest point Avith the decline ol’ art in general at the end of the 17th century. Henri Deux Ware. 5 HENRI DEUX WARE. The pottery known ns Faience de Henri Deux,” or of Diane de Poitiers,” or “Henri Deux v/are,” has been the subject of much speculation, and some controversy as to its authorship and the place of its origin ; but these questions were set at rest by the appearance of a pamphlet written by M. Benjamin Filloii (dated 8th December 1862), in the form of a letter addressed to M. Riocreux, of the Imperial Museum of Sevres, in which the writer states, and apparently with -good authority, that this ware was made at Oiron near Thouars, and that two artists were concerned in its production, namely, Francois Charpentier, a potter, and Jean Bernart or Bernard, librarian and secretary to Helene d’Hangest-Genlis, widow of Artus Gouffier. After the death of Helene d’Hangest in 1537, the two artists passed into the service of Claude Gouffier, her son, who was “ Grand Ecuyer de France ” and a celebrated patron of the arts. The wars of the Huguenots, which desolated the province of Poitou, were, according to M. Fillon. the cause of the cessation of the manufacture. For more than twenty years past this ware has excited the keenest interest amongst amateurs and collectors, and the pecuniary value of the specimens has, in consequence, attained to a fabulous height, very far indeed beyond any other kind of pottery ; this has arisen from several causes, but especially from the intrinsic artistic merit of the objects, for it cannot be denied that the style of design is singularly original and beautiful. The rarity of the Henri Deux ware at the present day has, doubtless, had a great share in inducing its extraordinary value ; and yet when it is considered that upwards of fifty of these fragile vases have come down to us through the chances and changes of three centuries, their number is remarkable, and affords good evidence that the producers must have been most industrious workers. Lastly, somewhat of historical or romantic interest attaches to this ware from the fact that, like the Sevres porcelain of the age of Louis XV. and XVI., it was apparently the “ poterie de luxe ” of the brilliant court of Francis I. and Henri II., as we know by the ciphers and armorial bearings which occur on so many specimens. The great increase in the appreciation of the remaining specimens of this ware may be best proved by quoting the prices that have been paid for some of them at public sales during the last four and twenty years. 6 . Palissy Ware. The ‘‘ Aiguiere ” belonging to Mr. Magniac, which is considered one of the most beautiful of the objects, Avas purchased in 1842 at the sale of M. Odiot’s collection for 80/., and was sold to its present proprietor shortly after for 96/. It is now estimated as being worth 2,000/. The circular Plateau ” now in the South Kensington Museum was purchased in 1857 for 140/. at the sale of the collection of M. Espoulart (of Mans), who bought it for 3/. 45. The last piece oflered at public auction was at the sale of the collection of the Comte de Pourtales, in March 1865, the well-known ‘•Biberon’’ which bears the arms of France with a coronet and the initials and emblems of Diane de Poitiers, and is just over 10 inches in height. This specimen was purchased by Mr. Malcolm for the sum of 1,100/. Of the fifty-five known specimens of this ware, twenty will be found in the catalogue, and in no case has photography been more successfully applied than in the reproduction of these beautiful patterns. PALISSY WAKE Behnakd Palissy, who was born about 1500 in the province of Pei-igord, in the south-west of France, and who died 1589), was the inventor of this characteristic variety of pottery. Palissy was originally a glass i)ainter, but having accidentally seen a beautiful cup in enamelled potteiy of some foreign manufacture, he directed all his energies to the aj)j)lication of coloured glazes or enamels on earthenware, a process then but little known in France. After many years of unceasing ex])eriineiit in the midst of poverty and extreme privation, working likewise in ignorance of processes already familiar in other countries, he completely succeeded in his endeavours ; and, being already con- versant with the aids of design, soon produced beautiful and original works. He was much patronized by the court and allowed to build workshops in the gardens of the Tuileries, where a short time since, in making excavations for new buildings, the workmen discovered the ruins of his furnaces. Flemish and German Stonewares. 7 FLEMISH AND GERMAN STONEWARES. The stonewares made during the 15th, 16tli, and 17th centuries in Germany, Flanders, Holland, and the countries bordering on the Rhine, differ fi’om most other pottery wares, in that although composed of simple plastic clays, they were by the great heat employed in the firing of them rendered much harder ; and also in the process by which the sharp relief ornament so common to them was obtained, namely, by means of the pressure of a stamjD or mould on the surface of the vessel. They are generally coated with a very thin vitreous glaze which in no wise destroys the sharpness of the work. This coating, technically styled by the English potters a ‘‘ smear,” is obtained by the following process : — “ At a certain period of the firing of the ware, substances , ‘‘ generally common salt and red lead, are thrown into the furnace, ‘‘ and being immediately volatized, the fumes attach themselves to the surface of the pieces and produce chemical combinations with the “ silica of the body of the ware ; the result being a slight vitrification ‘‘ of the entire surface of the pieces.” The objects still preserved in this ware consist chiefly of jugs or “ Cruches,” Canettes,” Tankards, &c. Several good specimens are exhibited in the South Kensington Museum, from which and from those forming the fine collection belonging to the Rev. Francis Trench, the photographs named in the catalogue are taken. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. MAIOLICA WARE. 801. PLATEAU, Maiolica, ware ; female bust, border of leaves. Date about 1490. In the South Kensington Museum, PLATEAU, Maiolica ware ; with Juno praying ..^olus to send contrary winds against .iEneas ; surrounded by a wide border of scroll work on yellow ground. Manufacture of Deruta. In the South Kensington Museum. U. Qd. 802. PLATEAU, Maiolica ware ; Castel-Durante ; trophies and figures in blue, designed by B. Franco (?) 1550. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington 3Iuseum. PLATEAU, Maiolica ware ; Castel-Durante ; painted in grisaille with trophies and musical instruments, hi the South Kensing- ton Museum. • D. Qd. 803. PLAQUE ; with the Temptation ; Maiolica of F. Campani, of Siena. Date about 1740. In the South Kensington 31useum. PLATEAU, Faenza ware ; arabesques, &c., in the centre a boar. Date about 1480. In the South Kensington Museum. U. Q>d, 804. PLATE, Cafiiigiolo ware (?) ; arabesque border on blue ground, in the centre St. George. Date about 1500. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum, \s. 2d. 805. PLATE, Maiolica ware ; St. John in the island of Patmos. Date about 1530. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington 31useum. l5. 2d. 806. PLATE ; Pan and Apollo ; inscription at the back. Urbino ware (?) (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensmgton 3Iuseum. PLATE, Maiolica ware ; with a subject from Ovid, a traveller knocking at a door. Dated 1545. Urbino (?) (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington 3Iuseum, \s. 2d. 80L TAZZA, fluted, Maiolica ware. In the South Kensington 3Iuseum. TAZZA PLAJE, Maiolica ware. In the South Kensington 3Iu- seitm. 808. PLATE or TAZZA, Maiolica ware ; decoration of trophies, amo- riuo in centre. Dated 1557. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington 3Iuseum. I^LATE, Maiolica ware; head of St. Jerome, on black ground. Date 1510-20. In the South Kensington 3Iuseum. U. 6d. 809. COVER TO A VASE, Maiolica ware; painted with rude ara- besques (part of a “ Coppa puerpera.”) Date about 1600. (Bandiuel coll.) In the South Kensington 31useum. 10 Pottary and Porcelain. PLATE, Maiolica ware ; two shields of arms and arabesques in colours. Date about 1570-1600. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. I 5 . 2d. SIO. PLATE, Maiolica ware ; Hercules slaying Cacus. Gubbio, 1530- 50. In the South Kensington Museum. PLATE or TRENCHER ; Gubbio lustred Maiolica ware ; in the centre a shield bearing a tree and lions. Date about 1510, (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensuigton Museum. Is. 6d. 811. PLATE, Maiolica ware ; blue ground, arabesques, trophies, &c. 1520. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. PLATE, Maiolica ware ; the Metamorphosis of Actaeon. Date about 1538. In the South Kensington Museum. D. 6d. 838. PLATE, early Italian Maiolica ; in the centre one cupid drawing another in a wooden cart on blue ground ; yellow border, painted. Avitli blue scrolls and masks, and date 1520. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,171. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. PLATE, Castel-Durante Maiolica ; blue ground Avith troj)hies, tritons, and arabesques ; in the centre, Cupid bound to a tree. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,197. I^enthy Mr. S. Addington. D. 10c/. 839. PLATE, Caffagiolo Maiolica Avare ; blue border, Avith cupids playing musical instruments ; in the centre, a shield of arms. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,177. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. SALT-CELLAR ; boat-shaped, rams’ heads at the ends, resting on dolphins ; ornamented Avith arabesques, &c. Urbino Maiolica AA'are. Loan Cat., No. 5,273. Lent by Mr ^S. Addington. D. 10c/. 840. PLATE ; a man playing on a guitar, blue border AAutli cupids, trophies, masks, &c. Caffagiolo Maiolica AA^are. Loan Cata- logue, No. 5,180. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. PLATE, Urbino Maiolica Avare ; the Banquet of the Gods, after Raphael. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,206. l.ent by Mr. S. Adding- ton. Is. 10c/. 841. PLATE ; deep blue border Avith arabesques, trophies, &c. ; in the centre a man seated, playing on the tabor, on yelloAV ground. Caffiigiolo Maiolica AA^are. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,169. Lent by Mr. S. Adding ton. PLATE ; painted Avith warriors in a galley, and death of Pali- nurus. Lustred Maiolica, by Xanto. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,254. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. D. 10c/. 842. PLATEAU ; in the centre is represented Julius Cassar in a car preceded by capti\^es, surrounded by five medallions from the history of Julius Csesar; border of arabesques on AAdiite. Urbino Maiolica. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,263. Lent by Mr. S. Alding- ton. Is. Qd. 843. VASES ; dark blue ground Avith classic medallions. Loan Cata- logue, Nos. 3,412-3,414. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. D. 6c/. 844. PLATE ; painted Avith Cleopatra holding the asjA, resting on an urn. Faenza Avore. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,210. I^ent by Mr. S. Addington. PLATE, Gubbio lustre Avare; Jupiter and Semele. Signed “ F. L. R.” and “ M°. Giorgio, 1529.” Loan Catalogue, No. 5,230. J^ent by Mr. S. Addington. 1^. lOa^ 845. PLATE ; Avhite ground, Avith diaper scrolls in Avliite enamel ; in the centre. Dido killing herself. Urbino Maiolica AA^are. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,209. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. D. 10c/. 14 Pottery and Porcelain. 846. PLATEAU ; subject, the carrying off of Helen. Dated 1537, by Xnnto. Urbino Maiolica ware. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,243. Lent hy Mr. S. Addington. I 5 . 10c?. 847. PLATE ; with scrolls and arabesques in relief of yellow lustre, blue border ; in the centre a head of Minerva. Lent hy Mr. S. Addington. plate, Maiolica ware ; the centre painted in blue camaieu, with numerous statues of heathen deities and groups ; border of trophies and busts. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,181. Lent hy Mr. S. Addington. 2s. 3c?. 848. DISH, or Plateau, Gubbio Maiolica ; with border of grotesque scrolls and winged heads, lustred on blue ground ; in the centre two amorini playing. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. 849. PLATE, Maiolica ware ; with female portrait, inscribed “Marga- rita,” on blue ground. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. 850. TRENCHER, or STAND FOR A COVERED BOWL ; with painting; border of arabesques; on the reverse Cupid on a dolphin. Urbino Maiolica. L..ent hy Mr. A. Barker. TRENCHER, or STAND FOR A COVERED BOWL ; with camaieu painting ; arabesque border ; on the reverse Cupid in green colours. Urbino JMaiolica. D. 10c?. 851. PLATE, Urbino ware ; death of the daughters of Niobe. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. I 5 . 10c/. 852. PLATE, Castelli-Maiolica ; with Venus chastising Cupid ; border of cupids, heightened with gold, by Grue. I7th century. Lent }>]/ Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. 853. DISH, early Italian Maiolica; painted in the centre in blue “ camaieu ” and yellow, with Cupid blindfold on a car drawn by seven other cupids. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. I 5 . lOrf. 851. DISH, Urbino ware ; on a foot, and filled with fruits in full relief. Li nt hy Mr. yi. Barker. 2s. 3c?. 855. DISH, eai’iy Maiolica ; painted in yellow lustre, edged with blue ; St. George and ihc Dragon. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. 85t). PLATE; sunk centre, with Mars and Venus seated holding an aj)i>Ie ; Cn])id above. Lustred Maiolica. Lent hy Mr. A, Barker. PLATE, Gubbio lustre ; sunk centre, in which is an unicorn on a shield ; wide border of masks and scrolls on deep blue. Loan (’atalogue. No. 5.222. J.ent hy Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. 857. ITvAd'E, Gubbio lustre ware ; yellow ground, with arabesques of dolphins, masks, and serjamts, in blue. Marked “N” on the back. I^ent hy Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. Maiolica Ware. 15 858. PLATEAU ; painted in lustre colours with the Judgment of Paris ; “ sopra bianco ” border. Gubbio lustre ware. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,235. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. I 5 . \0d. 859. EWER ; painted with a cavalcade of equestrian figures. Urbino. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,277. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. I 5 . \0d. 860. PLATE ; blue ground, painted with arabesques of cherubs’ heads, masks, cornucopias, &c. ; on a label is, ‘‘Omnia vincit amor.” Gubbio Avare. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Maiolica ; painted in blue camaieu, with arabesques of amorini, birds, animals, &c. Dated 1520. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. \s. lOd. 861. PLATE ; with a man in a cave, two nude females ; and a warrior ; . above is a coat of arms of three crescents. Urbino ware. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. D. 10h of Venus is represented on the inside. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. 2s. 3d. 881. PLA'l'E, Cuflagiolo v/are; painted with David holding a sling and the lu^ad of Goliath, on dark blue ground. Leitt by Mr. A. Barker. U. 10c?. 8S2. PLATE, Castel-Dnrantc Maiolica ; dark blue ground with candela- bnim pattern, dragons and cornucopias. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,196. I.cnl by Mr. A. Barker. U. 10c?. 883. VASE, Maiolica, witli twisted serpent handles ; painted with chtssical suhjects and inscriptions. 17th century. I.entby Mr. A. Barker. U* Maiolica Ware. 17 884. YAvSE, Maiolica, with dragon’s head and claw handles ; painted with allegorical subjects. 17th century. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. Is. lOd. 885. PLATE, of the Guhbio school, rich ruby lustre ; a figure seated on a throne resting his arm on a sphinx, on a pedestal decorated with a triton, &c. Le?it by Mr. A. Barker. I 5 . \0d. 886. BOAYL AND COVER, Gubbio ware, with lustred scrolls and cherub’s heads on blue ; inside of each are female portraits. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. D. \0d. 887. DISH or PLATEAU, Gubbio Maiolica, with border of grotesque scrolls and winged heads, lustred on blue ground ; in the centre a boy suckled by a doe, blue on white ground. I^ent by Mr. A. Barker. I 5 . 10c?. 888. PLATE, Castelli Maiolica ; painted with a landscape and border of cupids and scrolls. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Urbino ware ; painted with Acis and Galatea, by Xante. Dated 1540. Lent by Mr. A, Barker. J^. 10c?. 889. PLATE, Urbino ware ; painted with a Roman general addressing the citizens before a gateway. J^ent by Mr. A. Barker. \s. \0d. 890. PLATE, Gubbio ware ; painted in lustre colours, with a vase and pedestal, musical trophies, dragons, cornucopias, 8cc. Dated 1531. . T^ent by Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Gubbio ware ; in the centre, Cupid holding a torch ; deep border of dragons and arabesques on dark blue. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. U. 10c?. 891. DISH, early Italian Maiolica, yellow lustre ground with blue scrolls. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. U. 10c?. 892. DISH, Castelli Maiolica ; with figures hunting and hawking by Grue; border of scrolls, heightened with gold. I^ent by Mr. A. Barker. U. 10c?. 893. PLATE, Maiolica ; with bold arabesques of terminal figure and horses’ heads in brown camaicu on blue ground. Loan Cata- logue, No. 5,195. Leiit by Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Castel- Durante Maiolica ; with two sphinxes seated on a large open music book, coat of arms above, blue ground. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,198. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. U. 10c?. 894. PLATE, Maiolica ; sunk centre, deep blue border, with light coloured arabesques ; in the centre a coat of arms. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. U. 10c?. 895. PLATE, with raised medallion ; painted with tritons in the centre, and double border of dolphins. Modern Maiolica ware. Lent by Mr. A. Barker, PLATE, escalloped, Maiolica ware ; painted with dragons and arabesques; in the centre, a large shield of Papal arms, inscribed “ C. PiA.” Lent by Mr. A. Barker. H. 106?. 15929 3. B 18 Pottery and Porcelain. 896. PLATE, Gubbio ware, richly lustred with ruby and gold ; in the' centre, Cupid riding a hobby-horse ; border of scrolls on blue. Leiit by Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Maiolica ; painted in metallic lustre, with musical trophies on blue ground ; in the centre, a shield of arms of two storks. Dated 1540. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. \s. 10c?. 897. PLATE, Urbino ware ; painted with Venus and Cupid on the sea, riding on dolphins. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Urbino ware j painted with a view of an Italian village ; on the top, a coat of arms. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. Is. lOd. 898. PLATE, Gubbio ware; richly lustred, with Venus and Cupid, Vulcan at the anvil. Signed by Giorgio. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Gubbio ware ; painted in lustre colours with the conver- sion of St. Hubert. Signed by M°. Giorgio, 1529. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. l8. lOd. 899. DISH, early Maiolica ; painted in yellow lustre, edged with blue, dogs hunting a bear. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. 1^. lOd. 900. DISH, Maiolica ; painted in yellow lustre, edged with blue ; a female portrait in the centre, and scroll. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. 1^. 10c?. 901. PLATE, Maiolica; in the centre, a female portait and scroll inscribed “ Pacifica,” on blue ; yellow interlaced border on orange. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,183. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Maiolica; with painting of Adam and Eve. Signed, “ a padoa, 1563.” Lent by Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. 902. VASE AND COVER, Urbino Maiolica, on a circular foot. Cupid and dolphin frieze, brown on yellow; round the centre, arms and armour on green ; above, grotesque figure and armour in brown and blue on orange below the frieze. VASE AND COVER, Urbino Maiolica, on a circular foot. Frieze of grotes(|ues, blue on orange, round the centre. Grotesque griffins and masks, on blue, above and below. On a tablet the date 1502. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. 903. DO WIj PLATE, Deruta Maiolica ware; with a nymph bathing ])efore a fountain; above which is a satyr. Dated 1503. Loan Catalogue, No. 5, 159. L^ent by Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. 904. PIRATE, Maiolica; white ground, painted with a shield of arms, orange coloured flowers and circles on the border. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. ITvATE, hlaiolica, sunk centre ; in the centre, a chequered brown and white pattern, green and blue scroll border. 16th century. Le?it by Mr. A, Barker, U. 10c?. Maiolica Ware. 19 905. VASE, Urbino Maiolica, with three scroll handles and three- foiled foot, rough branches and leaves on blue, with a yellov\r mask, on the outside of each bov/1. A woman carried off from a feast by marine centaur figures, with sea and landscape back- ground, inside. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. 2s. 3d. 906. VASE, Urbino Maiolica, with three handles formed by grotesque masks, and scrolls, standing on as many legs united to form a stem. A continuous landscape runs round the outside of the three bowls, and a classical subject is represented on the inside. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. 2s. 3d. 907. PLATE, Gubbio ware, with wide border of ruby and gold lustred scrolls on blue ground ; in the centre, a shield of arms • surmounted by a bull. By M®. Giorgio, 1527. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,227. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Gubbio ware; with lustred female portrait of Justina,” border of dragons and scrolls. Dated 1537. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. D. }0d. 908. PLATE, Gubbio ware; painted in lustre colours, with a female , figure treading on a swan j on a rock the word “ Clio.” J^ent hy Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Gubbio lustre; with female portrait and scroll, “ Flaminia Bella.” Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. U. lOo?. 909. PLATE, Maiolica Avare, of “Mansueta Bella,” painted on dark blue ground. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. I 5 . \0d. 910. CISTERN, Fontana Maiolica ware, with stem and triangular base, and three console legs, lion-headed and clawed ; arabesques cover the rest of the bowl. The triumph of the Romans over the Carthaginians is painted inside on the bottom ; and four medallions of classic figures in cameo on arabesque ground, run round the inner sides. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. \s. \0d. 911. PLATE, Gubbio ware, finely lustred ; Amphitrite in a car drawn by tAvo horses, sea nymphs, &c. By M° Giorgio, 1528. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,228. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. I 5 . 10^/. 912. DISH, moulded Maiolica ware ; painted with Mars, Venus, and Cupid. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, jVlaiolica ; painted Avith Nessus and Dejanira ; Hercules on the shore draAving his bow. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. D. \0d. 913. PLATE, Urbino; Avith the story of Cadmus and the Dragon. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. D. 10c?. 914. PLATE, Maiolica ware ; medallion centre, with heraldic shield. Four pairs of amorini supporting escutcheons charged, severally, Avith a croAvn, rose, falcon, and three feathers with club cross- wise; ruby lustre. Lent hy Mr. A. Barker. Is. lOd, B 2 20 Pottery and Porcelain. 91 0 . PLATE, Deruta IMaiolica ware ; painted in blue “ camaieu” with tlie marriapre of Alexander and Roxana, touched with yellow lustre, by El Frate. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,185. Lerd by Mr. A. Barker. PLATE, Castel-Durante Maiolica ; dark blue ground, with candelabrum pattern, dragons and cornucopias. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,194. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. I 5 . \0d. 916. PLATEAU, Maiolica; minutely painted with elegant arabesques of figures, animals, &c., on the back and front ; in the centre Cain slaying Abel. Leiit by Mr. A. Barker. 2s. 3d. 917. PLATEAU, Maiolica ; minutely painted with elegant arabesques of figures, animals, &c., on the back and front ; in the centre Cain slaying Abel. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. 2s. 3d. 918. PLATE, Urbino ware; with a warrior and female lying on the ground, and Cupid carrying a globe and a purse ; above, a coat of arms of three crescents. Le?it by Mr. A. Barker U. \0d, 919. PLATE, Urbino ware; painted with the Laocoon ; in the back- ground, architecture. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,241. L^ent by Mr. A. Barker. 2s. 3d, 920. PLATEAU, Maiolica, painted in blue “ camaieu,” with a combat of Amazons, on orange coloured ground ; on the border, figures playing musical instruments. Le?it by Mr. A. Barker. 2s. 3d. 921. DISH, Italian Maiolica ; yellow lustre portrait, and flowers edged with blue, inscribed scroll. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. U. \0d. 922. EWERS, Urbino ware; with serpent handles, painted with mythological subjects. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,294. Le7it by Mr. A. Barker. 2s. 3d. 923. EWERS, Urbino ware ; the mouths formed of dolphins, twisted serpent handles, with zones of arabesques on white. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,293. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. 2s. 3d. 924. PLATIC, Maiolica ware, painted with Hilneas and Achates pre- sentey two Loves ; in the centre, an archbishop’s shield of arms ; by Francesco Xaiito, dated 1535. J^ent by Mr. C. D. E. Fortnum. BOAVL PLATE, lustred Maiolica; ornamented with dolphins and foliage, and in the centre a figure of a saint reading. Gubbio ware, dated 1520. Lent by Mr. C. D. E. Fortnum. I 5 . 10c?. 960. PLAd"E, Urbino IMaiolica, painted with a sacrificial group. Lent 1>y Mr. C. I). E. Fortnum. PLATE, IMaiolica, painted with Pluto bearing off Proserpine. Urbino Avare, date early 16th century. L^ent by Mr. C. D. E. Fortnum. , U. 10c?. 961. BUST, smaller than life, of the youthful St. John the Baptist, (S. Giovanniiio), in Maiolica, on gilt stand. Lent by Mr. C. D. E. Fortnum. Is. 10c?, 962. TAZZA PLATE, Pesaro Maiolica, with classic figures, intended for Cicero and Julius Caesar. Lent by Mr. C. D. E. Fortnum. PLATE, IMaiolica, wuth the death of Perillus in the brazen bull, and an armorial sliield. Urbino ware, 16th century. Lent by Mr, C, D, E, Fortnum, 1^. 10c?. MaioUca Ware. 25 963. PLATE, Gubbio lustred ware; in the centre, a shield of arms ; the border of winged serpents and a cherub’s head on lustred ground. Lent by Mr. C. D. E. Fortnum. PLATE, Gubbio lustred ware; in the centre, a wingless enpid; the border of arabesques in blue, brown, and green. Lent by Mr. C. D. E. Fortnum. \s. \Qd. 964. PLATEAU, Maiolica, representing the Flight of Xerxes, by Francesco Xanto of Rovigo, dated 1537. Lent by Mr. C. D, E. Fortnum. TA7.ZA PLATE, Faenza Maiolica, painted in compartments of blue and orange, and filled with a mass of fruits in full relief and natural colours. Lent by Mr. C. D. E. Foi'tnum. \s. \0d. 965. PLATE, Urbino or Castel-Durante Maiolica, painted with* ara- besque ornament of monsters, in the centre of which is an archi- episcopal shield ; or, on a cross azure, nine crescents argent. Lent by Mr. C. D. E. Fortnum. I 5 . lOd. 966. PLATE, Caffagiolo ware, with wide border of masks, vases of fruit, &c., on deep blue ; in the centre, a ciipid riding on a hobby- horse. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,179. Lent by Mr. A. iV, Franks. PLAQUE, Urbino ware; painted with the Holy Family seated under a portico, with landscape in the distance. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,205. Lent by Mr. A. W. Franks. H. IOg?. 967. PLATE, Maiolica ware, painted with seven cupids and coloured scroll foliage, cornucopias, &c., on deep blue ground. Date, circa 1515. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,161. Lent by Mr. G. AL Morland. PLATE, Maiolica ware; sunk centre, in which are two cupids with a swan, drum, &c., and ‘‘ Auxilium meum a Domino ;” blue border with medallions of arms, mottoes, and arabesques. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,175. Lerit by Mr. G. H. Morland. ]0A, 968. BOWL-PLATE, Faenza ware, painted with Perseus and Andro- meda, blue border. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,188. Lent by Mr. G. H. Morland. 2s. Sd. 969. PLAQUE, Maiolica ware, painted in the centre with St. Cecilia and other saints, bordered with a wreath of leaves and fruit. Lent by Mr. G. H. Morland. D. lOd. 970. PLAQUE, Maiolica ware, painted with the Virgin and Child, St. Lawrence and St. Francis, bordered by a wreath of leaves and fruit. Le?it by Mr. G. H. Morland. I 5 . lOA. 971. DISH, early Italian Fayence, probably Genoese, painted in blue; with a woman taking a thorn from her foot. 17th century. Lent by Mr. G, //. Morland. D, lOd. 26 Pottery and Porcelain. 972. PLATE, Urbino Maiolica ware ; with Paris shooting Achilles in the heel, and Poman architecture, with the arms of La Scala hunily. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,202. Lent by Mr. G, H. Morland, PLATE, Faenza ware, with a standing figure of St. John, deep blue ground. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,172. Lent by Mr. G. If. Morland. I5. \0d. 973. BOWL-TAZZA, of Sgraffiata Maiolica, on a stem fianked by three seated lions ; inside the bowl, a man attacking a dragon. Lent by Mr. G. H. Morland. I5. ^d. 974. SALT- CELLAR, Urbino ware; with mythological figures. 16th century. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,286. Lent by Mr. G. H. Morland. BOTTLE, Urbino ware ; cylindrical, ornamented with arabesques and medallions of classical subjects and arms. Lent by Mr. G. H. Morland. I5. \0d. 975. BOWL, COVER, and STAND,’ Urbino ware, painted with arab- esques. 16th century. Lent by Mr. G. H. Morland. U. \0d. 976. PLATE, Deruta ware, painted with a hunting scene, the figures outlined in blue and richly lustred. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,182. Le7it by Mr. G. H. Morland. PLATE, Urbino ware, painted with Saints Paul, John, Cecilia, and two others ; above is a choir of angels. Lent by Mr. G. H. Morland. I5. 10c?. 977. PLATE, Gubbio ware, lustred ; subject, Alexander and Roxana seated. Signed “ N. 1538.” I^entby Mr. G. If. Morland. U. 10c?. 978. BIBERON, oviform, with bucket handle of Urbino ware, painted witli landscape and two figures blowing horns. Le7it by Mr. G. II. Morland. BIBERON, Urbino Maiolica, painted with river gods and women carrying water. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,282. Lent by Mr. G. II. Morland. 1^. 10c?. 979. ^^PLATE, Urbino ware, representing a bear hunt, and coat of arms. I^ent by Mr. G. II. Morland. U. 10c?. 980. PILGRIM’S BOTTLE, by Orazio Fontana; painted with Mercury killing Argus. Urbino ware. Date about 1540-50. Lent by Mr. G. II. Morland. PILGRIM’S BOTTLE, by Orazio Fontana ; painted with Apollo and Da])hne. Urbino ware. Date about 1560-70. Lent by Mr. G. II. Morland. U. 10c?. 981 . PLATE, Urbino ware, painted with Apollo and three of the Muses. Lent by Mr. G. II. Morland. PLATE, Urbino ware, painted in the centre with Apollo playing on the lyre. Lent by Mr. G. II. Morland. Is. 10c?. Maiolica Ware. 27 982. TEENCHES, PLATE, of Siena Maiolica, of the beginning of the 16th century, painted with beautiful arabesques, cupids, trophies, and dragons, on black ground. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,167. Lent hy Mr. G. H. Morland. Is. 10c?. 983. VASE, Urbino ware. Date about 1560. Lent by Mr. Holling- worth Magniac. Is. 10c?. 984. BOWL, Maiolica ware. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,160. I^ent hy Mr. H. T. Hope. 2s. 3c?. 985. WATER JAR, or -‘Brocca,” Urbino Maiolica, date about 1560. Loan Cat., No. 5,283. Lent hy Baron L. de Rothschild, M.P. EWER, Maiolica ware. Urbino or Castel-Durante, date about 1530-40. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,213. Le^it hy Baron L. de Rothschild, M.P. EWER, Maiolica ware. Urbino or Castel-Durante, date about 1560. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,284. Lent hy Baron L. de Rothschild, M.P. . Is. 10c?. 986. PLATEAU, Maiolica, painted with historical medallions. Ur- bino, date about 1560. Probably the work of Maestro Orazio. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,265. Lent hy Baron L. de Rothschild, M.P. 2s. Zd. 987. PLATEAU of irregular triangular form. Urbino ware, date about 1560-70. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,264. Lent hy Baron L. de Rothschild, M.P. 2s. 3c?. 988. PLATEAU, Faenza ware, early 15th century. Loan Catalogue, No. 5,162. Lc7it hy Baron L. de Rothschild, M.P, 2s. 3d. 999. VASES, Maiolica ware, painted with Balaam and the Ass, and other scriptural subjects. 17th century. Lent hy Lady Stuart de Rothesay. 2s. 3d. 1000. PLATE; painted with Vulcan and Venus; inscription and yellow circles on reverse. Urbino ware. Date about 1535. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. PLATE; painted with Actseon. Date about 1540. Urbino ware. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensingto^i Museum. U. 2d. 1001. DRUG POT ; orange ground, painted with arabesques. Dated 1501-1569. In the South Kensington Museum. ICE PAILS or WINE COOLERS ; painted with amorini playing at various games, landscape backgrounds. Siena ware. 18th century. In the South Kensington Museum. DRUG BOTTLE ; orange and blue diaper. In the South Keii’- sington Museum, U. 2d, 1002. PLATEAU ; Phalaris massacred by his subjects ; inscription on reverse. Date about 1545, (Bernal coll.) In the South ^ Kensington Museum, 28 Pottery and Porcelain. BOWL or PLATEAU ; in the border are six oval sunk pools in the manner of Palissy, grounded alternately yellow, green, and blue, and painted with amorini in grisaille. Urbino ware, 1583. In the South Kensington Museum, U. 2d. 1003. PLATE, Faeiiza, blue ground, arabesque border, and shield of arms in centre. Date about 1520-30. (Bernal colL) In the South Kensington Museum. PLAQUE, circular, ground dark blue; in the centre is a medallion with the sacred^moiiogram “ J* H • S,” with border of rays alter- nately in white enamel and orange. (Soulages coll.) Faenza ware? Dated 1491. In the South Kensmgton Museum, \s.2d. 1004. PLATE, centre painted in grisaille, with an amorino swinging on a tree ; border of scroll and palmette ornament. Gubbio lustred ware, signed “Mo. Go. da Ugubio,” and dated 1526. In the South Kensington Museum, PLATE, Gubbio lustred ware, arabesque border, blue ground, palmette pattern in lustres ; in centre, an amorino in grisaille. Signed in full by Maestro Giorgio, and dated 1526. In the South Kensington Museum. 1«. 2d. 1005. PLATE ; Cain and Abel. Date about 1540. Urbino ware (?). (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. PLATE ; the Story of Myrrha ; at the back is an inscription. Date about 1540. Urbino ware. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d. 1006. TAZZA PLATE, Urbino ware ; female portrait, inscribed “ Margarita.” (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. PLATE; painted with Pan and Syrinx. Urbino. Date about 1550. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. D. 2d. 1007. PLATEAU, Urbino ware ; composition of Eoman soldiers break- ing down a bridge, surrounded by a double border of grotesques painted “ sopra bianco.” Date about 1550. (Soulages coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. PLATEAU, Urbino ware ; with Moses striking the rock (from a design by Battista Franco ?); and wide border of grotesques on white enamel ground. Date about 1550. (Soulages coll.) In the South Kensington Museum, D. 2d. 1008. PLATE, Siena ware, painted with an uncertain figure subject, in the manner of Giulio Romano ; the work of F. Campani of Siena. 18th century. In the South Kensington Museum, 1‘LATE ; ])ainted with Jupiter and the fallen Dionysius of Syra- cuse. Dated 1540. Description on reverse ; signed by Xante. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d. 1009. PLAQUE, painted with a shield of arms bearing a lion rampant, and with a label scroll inscribed “ Andrea di bono 1491.” Early FacDza ware (?). In the South Kensington Museum. Maiolica Ware. 29 PLATE, Faenza (?) ware ; in the centre, two hearts pierced with arrows, &c., and the motto “ En pin border of diaper scroll ornament on white ; reverse, white enamel. Date about 1470. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum, \s. 2d, 1010. TAZZA, Maiolica embossed lustre ware ; in the centre, an acanthus leaf and scroll foliage, outlined in blue and lustred in gold. Perhaps Deruta ware in imitation of Gubbio. Date about 1520. In the South Kensington Museum, BOWL, Maiolica embossed yellow lustre ware ; in the centre, a cinquefoil rose outlined in blue on a white ground and lustred in pale yelloAV. Manufacture uncertain, perhaps Deruta. . Date about 1510. In the South Kerisington Museum. D. 2d, 1011. TAZZA, Maiolica, painted on dark blue ground, Avith profile bust of a helmeted Avarrior. Place of manufacture uncertain. Date about 1540. In the South Kensington Museum. TAZZA, Maiolica, painted on dark blue ground, with profile bust of a young man in a green cloak. Place of manufacture uncertain. Date about 1540. In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. 2d. 1012. PLATE, Deruta ware, arabesque design, the surface entirely covered with a composition of grotesque birds, foliage, &c. ; ground in compartments, alternately blue, green, and yelloAV ; reA^erse, a monogram, and date 1544. In the South Kensington Museum. PLATEAU, geometrical radiating diaper pattern, yellow lustre, Avhite and blue. Gubbio or Deruta (?) AA’^are. Date about 1510. Li the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d» 1013. VASE, Avith handles, spout, and loose coA^er ; painted with grotesques, ‘‘ sopra bianco,” and with shields of arms. Urbino ware. Date about 1570-1600. In the South Kensington Museum. SALT-CELLAP, standing on four lion’s feet, and ornamented Avith cartouche Avork, terminal figures, &c. in relief ; painted Avith allegorical figures. Urbino ware. Date about 1540. In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. 2d, 1014. PLATEAU, Venetian, light blue ground, painted Avith arabesque design of interlaced oak branches ; in the centre, a trophy of arms. Date about 1540. In the South Kensington Museum, PLATEAU, Venetian Maiolica, Avith arabesque decoration in blue. Date 1543. Ki the South Kensington Museum. I5. 2d, 1015. PLATEAU, Venetian, painted Avith a landscape in blue, and a double border of foliage ; on the reverse the date 1550, In the South Kensington Museum. 30 Pottery and Porcelain. PLATEAU, Yeuetian, light blue ground, arabesque border in blue \ in the centre, an amorino, carrying a vase of flowers, in blue and white. The work of M° Ludovico, of Venice. Date about 1540-50. I?i the South Kensington Museum. I 5 . 2d. 1016. VASE, or CRUET, with handle and spout, painted with ‘‘ Urbino grotesques on white enamel ground. (Soulages coll.) Italian. Date about 1570. In the South Kensington Museum. VASE, or CRUET, with handle and spout, painted with “ Urbino” gi’otesques on white enamel ground. (Soulages coll.) Italian. Date about 1570. In the South Kensington Museum. D. 2c?. 1017. TAZZA PLATE, peacock’s feather pattern; in the centre a mask or circular medallion with a human face. Date about 1490. In the South Kensington Museum. VASE, with cover and scroll handles, lustre ware, decorated • with semi-cu'cular bosses in relief, and oblique raised gadroons ; the cover ornamented with scalework pattern on white ground, lined with blue. (Soulages coll.) Italian. (Gubbio ?) Date about 1500-20. In the South Kensington Museum. Is. 2d. 1018. 1lA2.XA plate, Deruta ware ; medallion in the centre with a cartouche, on which is written “ Camilla,” surrounded by scale- work in blue ; surface of the piece enriched “ sopra bianco band of lozenge ornament round the margin in blue. Date about 1520. In the South Kensington Museum. PLATE, lustred ware of Gubbio, by Maestro Giorgio, initialed and dated 1537. Decoration, an arabesque or damascene inter- laced pattern in white. From the collection of the Baron de Monville, Paris. In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d. .1019. PLATE, orange ground, arabesque border; in the centre, a car- touche, with inscription. Date about 1500. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. PLATE, blue and orange arabesque border; in the centre, a female profile portrait. Date about 1510. In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d. 1020. BOWL-SIIAPED PLATE ALT, Roman bust in profile border, rayed scale-work and arabesques. Date about 1510. In the South Kensington Museum. Is. 2d. 1021. GROUP, in high relief, Maiolica, representing a sleeping knight and a man in civil costume wearing a winged cap and holding a globe. I?i the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d. 1022. FRUTTTERA,” painted with a composition of the Gathering ot iVIaiina. Copied from an engraving by Agostino Yene- ziano, after Raphael. Faenza ware. Date about 1520-30. In the South Kensington Museum. D. 2d., 1023. DRUG POT, “ Sgi-afiiata ” ware ; scroll foliage pattern; enamel colours, ])alc orange and green. Date about 1500. In the South Kensington Museum, I'S. 2<7. MaioUca Ware. 31 1024. PLATEAU ; lady holding a chalice on which is a heart trans- fixed Avith arrows, and a legend. 14th century. In the South Kensmgton Museum, Is. 2d. 1025. FPUTTIERA ; Avith a procession of six warriors, carrying ban- ners. Gubbio lustre. In the South Kensington .Museurn. U. 2d. 1026. PLATE, Siena Avare ; decoration of foliate ornament and inter- laced Avork in blue on white ground ; in the centre, a figure of an old man seated contemplating a skull. Date about 1530. In the South Kensington Museum. PLATE ; with architectural subject, painted in ‘‘camaieu.” Vene- tian. Date about 1700. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Ken- sington Museum. \s. 2d. 1027. VASE, oviform, in enamelled earth eiiAvare, the ground AAdiite, with black and blue ornaments in compartments, probably Siculo Arabic Avork. 13th or 14th century. VASE, ovi- form, in enamelled eartheiiAvare of similar character to the so-called Persian Avare ; ground white, Avith figures of Avinged horses and birds in black, tinted with blue. Sicilian. 13th or 14th century. In the South Kensington Museum. L«?. 1028. TAZZA, Maiolica, lustred, andjpainted with the subject of the birth of Adonis; probably lustred at Gubbio. PLATE, Gubbio lustred Avare. Subject, Arethusa escaping from the pursuit of Alpheus. Reverse, dated 1536. In the South Kensington Museum. Is. 6d. 1029. VASE AND COVER, Persian Faience, cover and margin of the vase perforated. SALT-CELLAR, Maiolica, with cover ; blue ground decorated Avith arabesques, sphinxes, serpents, 8cc., in grisaille. Manufacture uncertain. Date about 1530. I?i the South Kensington Museum. I5. 2d. 1030. BOWL, Maiolica, school of O. Fontana, elaborately painted in the interior Avith a subject from classical history; the exterior Avith a frieze of landscape, and a Medusa’s head in blue at bottom. Date about 1540. (Bernal coll.) BALL-SHAPED PERFUME-BURNER, Saracenic damascene Avork. In the South Kensington Museum. I5. 2d. 1031. GROUP, in broAvn glazed Maiolica, of St. George and the dragon, on a base fitted as an inkstand. Italian. Date about 1480. In the South Kensington Museum. 1.9. Qd. 1032. BASIN, Maiolica; painted Avith Hercules and other figures. Dated 1723. And PLATE, Maiolica of Forli; subject, Christ among the Doctors, painted in blue, relieved Avith white; edge filled up with trophies of musical instruments, &c. In the South Kensington Museum. H. Q>d. 32 Pottery and PorceloAn, 1033. OVIFORM EWER, Deruta (?) ware. Date about 1600. Painted Avitli tlie Virgin and St. John at the Cross. (Soulages coll.) I)i the South Kensington Museum, D. 2d, 1034. EWER, painted with the Medici arms, surmounted with papal tiara and various devices ; Maiolica ware. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. 6c?. 1035. PLAQUE, forming a “ benitier,” raised and painted figures of the Virgin and the Dead Christ. Dated 1620 on reverse. Maiolica ware. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. D, 2c?. 1036. DRUG- VASE, Maiolica ware, painted in grisaille ; trophies com- posed of various utensils. Dated 1556. In the South Ken- sington Museum, D. 6c?. 1037. EWER, Maiolica ware, shield of arms in front, surrounded with two large cornucopias and floral scroll diaper. Dated 1544. In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. 6c?. 1038. VASE or EWER, Maiolica of the earliest period, probably of the manufacture of Deruta ; in front is a large wreath forming a circular medallion, with a composition of amorini riding on dolphins, &c. ; the medallion is upheld by two angels, and the ground filled in with diapered scroll pattern in blue, manganese, &c. In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d, 1039. FLUTED TAZZA, Faenza ware ; painted with arabesques in compartments ; in the centre, the Virgin kneeling. Date about 1530. FLUTED TAZZA, Faenza; painted with ara- besques in compartments ; in the centre a saint. Dateabt. 1530. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum, D. 2c?. 1040. PLATE, Maiolica; Gubbio (?) lustred ware ; in the centre on a cliecjuered base the letter B. Date about 1520-30. PLATE, Maiolica ; Gubbio lustred ware, probably by Maestro Giorgio ; in the centre a helmeted profile bust, with a stem of flowers on either side ; border, radiating pattern with scale ornament, richly lustred in gold ami ruby; the ware coarse. Date about 1510. In the South Kensington Museum. L. 6d. 1056. TAZZA on raised foot, Maioiica Avare ; in the centre a lion, the border in rayed compartments, filled in Avith scalcAvork and foliated scrolls ; the design executed in blue and bright orange. (Soulages coll.) Faenza (?) or Deruta. Date about 1510-20. EWER, Maioiica, Avith trefoil lip and scroll handle; painted in geometrical compartments, grounded alternately in blue, orange, and green. (Soulages coll.) Castel-Durante or Faenza Avare. Date about 1530-40. In the South Ken- sington Museum. I 5 . 6c?. 1057. VASE on tall stem Avitli dragon handles ; gift or ‘‘amatoria” piece. On each side are Avreaths of leaves painted Avitli Cupids and inscribed scrolls ; dragon handles. (Soulages coll.) Ancient Faenza Avare ? Date about 1470-80. In the South Kensington Museum. I 5 . 2c?, 1058. SALVER, Maioiica Avare, painted Avith a lion or other animal bearing a flag in the manner of an “Agnus Dei;” ornaments in green and yelloAV. Date about 1490. (Bernal coll.) DISH, maioiica A\m’e, painted Avith a rabbit in the centre in manganese and green. In the S. Kensington Museum, I 5 . 6c?. 1059. PLATEAU, Castel-Durante ; painted Avith a large mask, scroll foliage, and fruit. Date about 1550-60. (Bernal coll.) PLATE, Maiolica’Avare, the centre painted Avith shield of arms, supj)orted by three amorini ; above it a Medusa head; margin decorated Avith medallions. In the South Kensington Mu- seum. I 5 . 2c?, 1060. PLATE, Maioiica, Faenza Avare (?), arabesque border cn orange ground, in the centre a profile head; reverse, concentric lines in blue. Date about 1490. PLATE, Maioiica Avare, border of trophies in blue, on orange ground; in the centre a female figure Avith an unicorn. Faenza (?). Date about 1520. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2c?. 1061. VASE, globular Castel-Durante Maioiica; scrolls, chimera, masks, 8cc. 1519. (Bernal coll.). DR UGr A^ASE, Maioiica, p.ainted with a shield of arms and arabesques in blue. Deruta Avare (?). Date about 1480. In the South Kensington Museum. D. 6c?. Maiolica Ware. 35 1062. DRUGr VASE, with 'spout and handle, painted with three nude female figures ; the spout formed by a dragon’s head and neck. Date about 1540. (Bernal coll.) DRUG POT, oviform, Avith handle and dragon’s head spout, painted with amorini and grotesques. Maiolica Avare. In the South Kensington Museum, Is. 2d, 1063. PLAQUE, Faenza or Castel-Durante Avare, painted Avith a sub- ject of many figures, probably representing Joseph sold by his brethren. Date about 1500-20. Li the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d. 1064. TANICARD, Maiolica, painted outside in oil, Avith a subject from the Old Testament, mounted in silver gilt. 17th century. Lent by A. J. B. Beresford Hope. U. 6J. 1065. TILE, Maiolica, painted in blue ; St. Veronica holding the ‘‘ Vernicle,” or Napkin, with the Face of Our Saviour. In the South Kensington Museum. U. 1066. PLATEAL^, boAvl-shaped ; in the centre an equestrian figure, rayed scale Avork and arabesques. Date about 1510. In the South Kensington Museum. l.v, 1067. PLATE, Maiolica Avare ; Cain and Abel. Date'about 1530-40. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensmgton Museum. 1^. 2d. 1068. TAZZA PLATE, Maiolica, Diana and Actaeoii; elaborate land- scape background, chiefly painted in blue. Deruta ware (?). 1500-20. (Bernal coll.) • In the S. Kensington Museum. ].v. 1069. TAZZA PLATE, Maiolica Avare; the Judgment of Solomon; inscription in front of the plate, elaborate decoration in blue at rcA'erse. Date about 1520. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. ],9. 1070. VASE, globular, with three handles, Maiolica ware, enriched Avith a leaf diaper, and with three large inscribed scrolls. Gubbio lustre. Date about 1500-10. (Soulages coll.) VASE, two handled ; on each side of the vase is a shield of the arms of Pope Leo X. Gubbio (?) lustre ware. Date, about 1520. (Soulages coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 6^4 1071. VASE, oviform, in enamelled eartheiiAvare, the ground white, Avith black and blue ornaments in compartments. Probably Siculo- Arabic AAwk, 13th or 14th century. In the South Kensington Museum. 1.5. 2d. 1072. PLATEAU or SALVER, Maiolica ware, painted in the centre Avith a battle subject, surrounded with a border of flowers. In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d. C 2 36 Pottery and Porcelain. 1073. BOWL, funnel-sliaped, in liistred earthenware, with representation. of a ship in full sail, the sail bearing the Royal shield of Portu- gal. Hispano-Morseco 15th century. BOWL, lustredMaio- lica, ornamented externally with gadroons, internally with alternate zones of diaper and flowers, all in lustre. At the bottom is a shield of arms in lustre and blue. Spanish. Date about 1490. In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. ^d. 1074. CRUCHE; globular; Maiolica ware, with ahead of a girl pro- jecting in high relief in front. Manufacture uncertain. Pe- saro (?) or Faenza. Date about 1480. DRUG YASE, with ‘ two handles, Maiolica ware; inscribed ‘‘Per Diio, pensa el flne ;” painted with foliated ornament in manganese and blue. Date about 1480. In the South Kensington Museum. \s.Qd. 1075. PLATE, Neapolitan ware; painted with Arion standing on a dolphin. 17th cent. PLATE, “fruttiera” (a gift plate), Maiolica ware; with a female equestrian figure in the act of piercing with a lance a seated nude figure ; above is a cupid seated in a car drawn by two doves. Monogram in the obverse and reverse (probably that of the person to whom it was given). In the South Kensington Museum. I 5 . 6d. .1258. DISH, oval, with a snake, fish, and reptiles in relief ; coloured after nature. Palissy ware. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,241. Leyit by 3Ir. S. Addington. 1^^. 10c?. 1259. FRUIT DISH, perforated and coloured with green tracery and daisies ; Palissy ^ware. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,236. Le^it by 3Ir. S. Addington. \s. \0d. 1260. PLATE, coloured figures in relief, of Jupiter and Juno, with their attributes ; in Palissy ware. Lejit by Mr. G. H. Mor- land. Is. lOd. 1261. PLATE, with coloured figures in relief, of Perseus and Andro- meda ; Palissy ware. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,237. Le?it by Mr. Isaac Falcke, D. lOd, 44 Pottery and Porcelain. ] 2G2. FOUNTAIN, Palissy ware ; representiag a rock, ornamented witli shells, lizards, frogs, &c., in natural colours. (Soulages coll.) French, date about 1560-70. In the South Kensing- ton Museum. I 5 . 2d. 1263. EWER or “AIGUIERE,” Palissy ware, dark blue ground, de- corated with masks and nude female figures. (Soulages coll.) TRAY, Palissy ware, blue and white, with deep red purple boss in centre. End of 16th century. In the South Ken- sington Museum. Is. 2d. 1264. JUG, Palissy ware, in gilt metal mounting of later date; the handle formed by a snake, the body ornamented with fern and other leaves, lizards, and shells. 2nd half of 16th century. (Pourtales col.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d. 1265. DISH, Palissy ware; sunk centre ; ground, mottled rich purple ; border, arabesque foliage. (Soltikoff coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d. 1266. DISH, “compotier,” Palissy ware ; strap work ornament sur- rounding oval pools. (Soulages coll.) In the South Ken- smgton Mitseum. U. 2d. 1267. DISH ; a king on his throne, with other figures ; arabesque border; Palissy ware. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Mu- seum. U. 2d. 1268. OVAL DISH ; reptiles, shells, &c., in relief ; light blue ground, Palissy ware. In the South Kensington Museum. Is. 2d. 1269. OVAL PLATEALl, Palissy ware; known as “ la belle Jardi- niere.” In the centre a female figure (Flora) in classical cos- tume ; at her feet are various gardening implements ; the border is decorated with an embossed arabesque design. Reverse, variegated enamels. By Palissy himself. (Soulages coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. D. 2d. 1270. STATUETTE ; Kneeling Magdalen ; glazed earthenware. Signed with the monogram of Bcrnai’d Palissy. In the South Ken- sington ]\[useum. U. 2d. 1271. TAZZA, “Saladier ;” Palissy ware ; St.John baptizing Christ. Reverse, grounded in variegated enamels. In the South Ken- sington Museum. Is. 2d. 1272. BOWL, tazza “ Saladier,” Palissy ware ; in the centre is a raised rosette, from whicli flutings or gadroons detached on leaves ra- diate towards the margin. An original piece of the master. (Soulages coll.) I7i the South Keiisington Museum. D. 2d. 1273. TAZZA, ])erforated ; arabesque pattern, interlaced ornaments and marks. Palissy ware. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Kensington Museiun. D. 2d. Palissy Ware. 45 1274. “ COMPOTIER” DISH, oval, Palissy ware ; relievo ornariieiit around five oval pools. (Soulages coll.) DISH, enamelled earthenware of Dauphine ; ground cream coloured with choco- late, green, and yellow glaze; the border ornamented with re- lieved medallion heads, the centre with the shield of France. French. 16th century. (Soulages coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. H. 2d. 1275. TAZZA PLATE, Palissy ware ; painted with Perseus and Andromeda; in the foreground, numerous figures witnessing the destruction of the monster. In the South Kensington Museum. H. 2d. 1276. DISH, Palissy ware; oriiamantcd with reptiles, leaves, and shells on a blue ground. (Soltykoff coll.) In the South Kensington. Museum. D. 2d. 1277. DISH; white gi*oimd, with reptiles, shells, &c.. In relief. Palissy ware. In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. 2d, 1278. BOWL TAZZA, ‘‘Saladier;’’ gadrooned ornamentation in brown and white, with sunk well in centre; scolloped edge. Palissy ware. In the South Kensington Museum. D. 1279. PLATE, Palissy ware ; the edge formed by a ring of daisies and other flowers, the centre by floral medallions upon a perforated ground. 2nd half of 16th century. (Pourtales coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. HENRI DEUX WAPvE. 1500. TAZZA, without cover, “Henri Deux” ware. Loan Cat., No. 1,205. Lent hg Sir Anthony de Rothschild, Bart. U. Qd. 1501. BOUQUETIEP, or FLOWEPv-HOLDEP, “Henri Deux” ware. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,207. Lent by Sir Anthony de Rothschild, Bart. 2s. 3d. 1G02. MORTAR, or large SALT-CELLAR, “Henri Deux” ware. Loan Cat., No. 1,210. Lent by Mr. Andrew Fountaine. I 5 . 10y the Rev. Francis Trench. German . 1 7 th century. JUG, coloured earthenware. Flemish. I7th century. Lent by the Jiev. Francis Trench. TOliACCO fJAU, coloured earthenware. German. I7th century. Lent by the Rev. Francis Trench. 2s. 3d, 1473. ST( ) VK-TILIC, enamelled earthenware ; shield of arms sup- ]i Pled l)y a male figure in costume of the early part of the l(j(h century. German. Date about 1500. In the South l\ en s in (f to n ^Luseu m . Sd'O V^K'TILK, enamelled earthenware ; allegorical figure under an arcade. German. Dated 1567. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Ken silly ton Museum D. 2 c? Flemish and German Stonetcares. 53 1474. C RUCHE, grey stoneware, enamelled in blue and brown. Flemish. (Wood coll.) In the South Kensington Museum, CRUCHE, Flemish “terre de pipe incised ornam.entation, and masks in relief. 16th century. (Soulages coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d, 1475. WATER POT with stand in brown glazed stoneware, in fonn of a chained and collared bear hugging a dog, with bronze tap. Flemish or German. 18th century. Purchased from De Badt, Brussels. In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. 2d. 1476. JUG, Flemish blue and white stoneware ; ornamented with a band of busts of kings and queens under arcades. Dated 1587. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. CRUCHE, grey and blue Flemish stoneware ; round the centre a band of costume figures under arcades. 16th century. (Ber- nal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. D. 2d. 1477. CRUCHE, globular ; blue and grey glazed stoneware. 17th century. In front a medallion with the initials I. A. Flemish. (Soulages coll.) And CRUCHE, globular, Flemish grey and blue stoneware. Date about 1600. (Soulages coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. D. Qd. 1478. CRUCHE, globular, Flemish stoneware ; raised masks and cir- cular comj^artments, brown and blue enamels. And CRUCHE, Flemish stoneware ; blue and white, ornamented with heads, &c., in medallions ; escutcheon of arms and crest in centre. 1594. (Bernal coll.) In the S. Kensington Museum. D. 6c?. 1479. MUG or CRUCHE, German brown stoneware, enamelled in colours ; round the side are four circular medallions, surrounded with wreaths, Avi thin AAdiich are figures and a landscape. 17tli century. And MUG or CRUCFIE, Flemish or German brown stoneAvare, Avith raised mask and cartouche ornaments enamelled in colours ; round the base is an inscription and the date, 1622. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. D, 2d, 1480. MUG or CRUCHE, German broAvn glazed stoneAvare, enriched Avith coloured enamels and equestrian figures of the electors of Germany ; peAvter coA^er. 17th century. And JUG, Avith em- bossed pcAvter coA'er ; German grey stoneAvare ; reticulated pattern, enriched Avith enamel colour. 17th century. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. D. Qd. 1481. CRUCHE, globular ; grey Flemish stoneAvare, with raised foli- ated scroll Avork and mask under spout. And JUG, globular- shaped ; old Flemish “ terre de pipe ; ” incised ornamentation, and mounted in silver ; fluted or gadrooned cover. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. D. 6c/. 54 Pottery and Porcelain. 1482. VASE or CANETTE ; old Flemish stoneware, with four handles. CANETTE, German or Flemish brown stoneware ; in the centre is a medallion with the crowned double imperial eagle. And CRUCHE, old Flemish grey and white stone- ware, with chased and embossed silver mounts ; a gold star on the cover, and escutcheon of arms inside the same. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. I 5 . 2d. 1483. JAR, blue and grey Flemish stoneware ; decorated with a raised cartouche in front. 1591. (Bernal coll.) And PILGRIMS’ BOTTLE, in Nevers earthenware ; blue glaze enriched with flowers in brilliant white enamel. 1 7th century. In the South Kensington Museum. L. 2d. 1484. CRUCHE, in Flemish brown glazed stoneware ; band round the centre containing subjects from the histories of Esther and Susannah. And JUG, Flemish blue and white stoneware ; pewter mounted and ornamented, and figures of musketeers in relief. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 1485. CRUCHE, in Flemish brown glazed stoneware; band round the centre containing subjects from the histories of Esther and Susannah, with inscriptions. Dated 1584, with signature, Engel Kj’an.” (Soulages coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. I 5 . ^d. 1486. CRUCHE, blue and grey Flemish stoneware, diapered with cir- cular raised me dallions. And CRUCHE, Flemish, grey and blue glazed stoneware ; ornamented with a stamped diaper pattern, and a mask under the spout, pewter cover. Date abt. 1600. (Soulages coll.) In the S. Kensington Museum. \s. Qd. 1487. CRUCHE, old Flemish grey and white stoneware, with chased and embossed silver mounts ; a gold star on the cover and escutcheon of arms inside the same. (Bernal coll.) And HEAD OF AN AMORINO, in Saxon red stoneware (Bott- cher ware), cut and polished on the lathe. In the South Ken- sington Museum. I 5 . 6c?. 1488. BUd'TER-POT, with COYER and STAND, enamelled with green leaves in relief ; the cover surmounted by a fish in a leaf. Delft ware. In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d. 1489. ECUELLE, with COVER and STAND; German Faience; richly painted with mythological subjects ; the paintings in- scribed G. B. F., 1783.” (Bernal coll.) In the South Ken- sington Museum. D. 6c?. 1490. CRUCHE, “gray-beard,” in brown glazed stoneware. Flemish or old English. And CRUCHE, brown glazed stoneware. Flemish or old English “ gray-beard. In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d. 1607. CUP AND SAUCER, Japan porcelain, red ground. In the South Kensington Museum. D. 2d. 1608. CUP AND SAUCER, octagonal ; painted with flowers and birds, and various utensils. Oriental porcelain. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d. 1609. CUP AND SAUCER, gold ground, white medallions with coloured flowers. Oriental. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Keyisington Museum. U. 2d. 1610. COFFEE-CUP AND SAUCER, lotus flowers in relief, gilded or bronzed. Oriental porcelain. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Kensington M^tseum. D. 2d. 1611. TWO-HANDLED CUP, oriental porcelain; in pale celadon green, painted with flowers ; and COFFEE-CUP, Chinese porcelain. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Kensington Museum^ 1612. CUP, COVER, AND STAND, Japanese egg-shell porcelain; painted with flowers and folage. In the South Kensington Museum, D. 2d, 1613. CUP AND COVER AND SAUCER, painted with female figures in landscapes. Oriental. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Kensington Museum, D. Od, 1592 9 .--. 3 . E 66 Pottery and Porcelain. 1614. JAR, Chinese porcelain ; painted with full-length portrait figures in Chinese costumes. JUG, Tournay porcelain ; painted with flowers and insects in blue and gold. In the South Kensington Museum, Is. 6d 161o. WATER-BOTTLE, red clay ; Hindoo manufacture. (Exhi- bition, 1851) ; and BROWN EARTHENWARE WATER BOTTLE, enriched with a diaper in silver. (Exhibition, 1851.) I?i the South Kensington Museum. Is. 2d. 1616. BOWL, in red earthenware ; modern Egyptian, from Esyout. WATER BOTTLE, red earthenware. Indian. (Exhibition, 1851.) I?i the South Kensington Museum. H. 2d. DRESDEN PORCELAIN. 1630. CUP AND COVER AND SAUCER, Dresden porcelain ; the cup painted with a miniature portrait of Angelica Kauflinann ; the saucer has a figure of Ariadne. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. Qd. 1631. COFFEE-POT AND SUGAR-BASIN, Dresden porcelain, with cover ; pale crimson ground, painted with landscapes and figures in medallions. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. 6c?. 1632. VASE AND COVER, panels alternately white and yellow, with landscapes and flowers. Dresden porcelain. Loan Catalogue, No. 3,409. Lent hy Mr. S. Addington. VASE AND COVER, Dresden porcelain, blue may-flower ground and gold medallions, painted with garden scenes. Loan Catalogue, No. 3,415. Lent hy Mr. S. Addington. Is. lOd. 1633. ECUELLE, Dresden porcelain, painted with groups of figures, illustrative of mineralogy ; the bowl gilt within ; raised flowers on the cover and handles. Loan Catalogue, No. 3,408. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. Is. 10c?. 1634. STATUETTE of an aged male figure, in white Dresden por- celain. Lent hy the Rev. T. Berney. Is. 6d. 1635. STATUETTE of a female figure, in white Dresden porcelain. Lent t>y the Rev. T. Berney. < H. 2c?. 1636. TEA SER VICE, green and white, alternate panels, with figures and flowers. Dresden porcelain. Lent hy Sir J. Hipperley, Barf. 10c?. 'Dresden Porcelain 67 1637. BUST OF A BOY in costume of 18th century ; the pedestal decorated with rococo scroll-work. Old Dresden white porce- lain. In the South Kensington Museum. BUST OF A GIRL in costume of 18th century, the pedestal decorated with rococo scroll- v/ork. Old Dresden white por- celain. In the South Kensington Museum. Is. 2d. 1638. COFFEE-POT AND COVER, decorated with vine leaves and grapes in relief; painted in proper colours and gilded. German porcelain. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. COFFEE-POT, painted with a peasant, and a dead hear and dogs. Dresden porcelain. (Bernal coll.) hi the South Ken- sington Museum. \s. 2d. 1639. SOUP-BOWL, COVER, AND STAND, painted with a blue ribbon round the border, and with painted flowers. Dresden porcelain. Period of Marcolini. In the South Kensington Museum. L.. Addingt07i. SNUFF-BOX, Chelsea porcelain, blue ground with medallions of cupids ; ^vithin the lid a view of Chelsea. Loan Catalogue, No. 4,103. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. BOX, Dresden porcelain, of the Marcolini period, painted with medallions of Apollo and the Muses ; inside a view of Dresden. Loan Catalogue, No. 4,107. J^ent by Mr, S. Addington.. \s. lOd. 1789. COMPOTIER AND COVER, Vincennes porcelain, painted in blue camaieu,” with cupids and emblems. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,337. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. \s. 6d. 1790. CUP AND SAUCER, Sevres bleu-du-roi, Avith jewelled festoons and cameo portraits of the Caesars. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,384. Le?it by Mr. S. Addington. U. 10c?. 1791. BASIN AND EWER, Avhite ScAU'es porcelain, ornamented with jewelled festoons and scrolls. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,549. I.ient by Mr. S. Addington. TOILETTE POTS AND COVERS, of white Sevres porcelain, witli jewelled festoons. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,549. Lent by Mr. >V. Addington. 10c?.. 1792. CUP AND SAUCER, turquoise Sevres porcelain, painted with pastoral figures. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,502. Lent by Mr,. S. Addington. CUP AND SAUCER, Sevres porcelain, rose Dubany, painted' with landscapes. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,291. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. U* 1793. ABASES AND COVERS, Sevres porcelain, scroll handles, green gToiind, medallions of groups of figures after Teniers. Loan Catalogue, No. 1,505. Lent by Mr. S. Addington. I 5 . 10c?.. 1794. COFFE-CUP AND SAUCER, old Sevres porcelain, orange ground. In the South Kensington Museum. Is, 6c?. 1795. VASE, gros bleu, Sevres porcelain, gourd-shaped, mounted in or-molu, Avith masks, resting on two SAvans. Lent by Mr. G, If. Mori and. 10c?. 1796. JAR AND COVER, Avhite ground, painted Avith floAvers; old Sevres porcelain. (BandinO coil.) In the South Kensington Museum. Sevres Pmcelain. 73 SIX PLATES, various ; flowers on white ; old Sevres porce- lain. (Bernal coil.) In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d. 1797. CUP AND SAUCER, painted with cameos in grisaille, grounded plate green, powdered with white spots ; old Sevres porcelain. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d. 1798. JAR AND COVER, old Sevres porcelain, painted with trophies ; hard paste. In the South Kensington Museum. POT-POURRI VASE with COVER, old Sevres porcelain ; white ground, painted with pendent garlands of flowers. In the South Kensington Museum. I5. 2d. 1799. COFFEE-CUP AND SAUCER, old Sevres jewelled porcelain ; mazarine blue ground, front painted with a miniature portrait of a lady. In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d. 1800. CUP AND SAUCER, old Sevres porcelain ; turquoise ground painted with bouquets of flowers in compartments. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. Is. 2d. 1801. SIX PLATES, various ; flowers on white. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2c?, 1802. CUP with two handles ; white Sevres porcelain ; ornamented with dogs chasing deer and game, penciled in gold. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. \s. 2d. 1803. SOUP PLATE, turquoise and gold with cameo medallions in chiaro-scuro on chocolate ground ; in centre an E. surmounted by an imperial crown, and surrounded by a wreath of bay and olive leaves. Sevres porcelain. Part of a service made for the Empress Catherine of Russia. In the South Kensington Museum. I5. 2d. 1804. ECUELLE, with cover and stand ; gros-bleu ground, painted with amorini in medallions. Old Sevres porcelain. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. I5. 2d. I8O0. MILK JUG and SUGAR BASIN, old Sevres porcelain; “rose du Barry ” ground, painted with flowers. (Bernal coil.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d. 1806. CUP and OVAL PLATEAU, painted with corn flowers ; Due d’Angouleme porcelain. (Bandiuel coll.) In the South Ken- sington Museum. I5. Qd. 1 807. TRAY, belonging to a “ Cabaret,” old Sevres porcelain ; “ rose du Barry ”, ground, painted with flowers. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2d. 1808. GROUP in Biscuit porcelain; Cupid and Psyche; on blue and white pedestal enriched Avith gilding. Old Sevres. In the South Kensington Museum. I5. 2d. 1809. CUP AND SAUCER, old Sevres porcelain; olive green and gold ground, set with coloured glass pastes. Period of Louis XVIII. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Kensington Museum, U. 2d. Pottery and Porcelain. 74 1810. CUP and COVER and SAUCER, old Sevres porcelain, painted with amorini and birds in crimson. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Kensington Museum, 1^. 1811. COFFEE-CUP and SAUCER, old Sevres porcelain ; gros-bleii and white, wreaths of green bay-leaves, and medallion con- taining the “Bonnet Rouge,” and other revolutionary emblems. In the South Kensington Museum, U. 6c?. 1812. CUP AND COVER, barrel shaped; painted with wreaths of flowers in crimson; old Sevres porcelain. (Bandinel coll.) SUGAR-POT and CREAM-JUG; porcelain “De la Cour- tille.” In the South Kensington Museum, D. 2c?. 1813. CUP AND SAUCER, old Sevres porcelain ; white ground, orna- mented with Chinese flowers in relief, and painted with sprigs of coloured flowers. In the South Kensington Museum. 1^. 6c?. 1814. SAUCE BOATS, scroll handles, white ground with blue and gold border and bunches of flowers. Sevres porcelain. Date 1789-90. In the South Kensington Museum. Is, 2c?. 1815. PLATE, octagonal ; old Sevres porcelain ; coloured decoration on white ground, border enriched with grotesques, amorini, &c., in colours ; in the centre a rude classical figure in grisaille ; monogram on the reverse, and date 1785. It the South Ken- sington Museum. D. 2c?. 1816. SQUARE TRAY, Sevres porcelain; with perforated margin, and decorated with chequered diaper patterns in various colours and gold. (Bernal coll.) And DOUBLE SALT-CELLAR, Sevres porcelain ; painted with flowers ; turquoise ground. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Kensington Museum, D. 2c?. 1817. TV'O PLATES, painted with flowers, &c. Old Sevres porcelain, (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. I 5 . 2c?. 1818. CUP AND SAUCER, old Sevres porcelain ; gros-bleu ground, painted with dogs, hawks, and dead game in a medallion. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. I 5 . 2c?, 1819. CUP AND SAUCER, old Sevres porcelain ;’ gros-bleu ground j)owdered with rose-coloured and white spots, and painted with amorini in medallions. (Bernal coll.) In the South Kensing- ton Museum. I 5 . 6c?. 1820. DINNER PLATE, old Sevres porcelain; turquoise and gold dc'coration, with cameo medallions. In the South Kensington Museum. D. 2c?. 1821. COFFEE CUP AND SAUCER ; white ground, painted with oval medallions in turquoise and gold, and pendent garlands of flowers. Old Sevres porcelain. In the South Kensmgtoti Museum. D. 2c?. 1822. TEA CUP AND SAUCER, old Sevres porcelain, painted with birds ; margin surrounded by wreaths of flowers in blue. In the South Kensington Museum, U. 2c?. Sevres Porcelain. 75 1823. COFFEE CUP AND SAUCER, white and gold lace-work pat- tern ; old Sevres porcelain. (Bandinel coll.) In the South Kensington Museum. U. 2OTTLE, opaque glass. Chinese. Lent by the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. DRINKING GLASS, with opaque ornament. . Crystal and Glass. 91 BOTTLE, Chinese glass. Lent hy the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. MEDALLION, in glass ; with figures in gold leaf enclosed, Byzantine. Loan Catalogue, No. 4,956. Lent hy Sir C. Wentworth Dilke, Bart. I 5 . 6