Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofneatgOOpres A 3 C A T A L O G U OF THE NEAT, GENUINE AND CURIOUS COLLECTION O F Dutch ^ and Flemijh PICTURES, OF GEORGE MONTGOMERIE, Efq;^ ( 2D € c e : 3 t ^ e 2D; ) Which will be fold by AUCTION, At his late Dwelling Houfe in Hanover-Square, By Mr. PRESPA G E, (By Order of the EXECUKOR,) On Friday, the 9th of May, 1766; Likewife, on the following Day will be Sold, His Genuine and Elegant Sideboard of Wrought and other Plate, Gold, Silver, and other Medals, At Mr. Prestage’s Great Room, the End of Savile-Row, next Conduit-Street^ Hanovee-S ci_u a e e. Conditions of S A L E as ufual. The faid Colleilion of Pictures to be viewed on Wednefday the. 7th Inftant, and the Plate, &c. on Thurfday the 8th, till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day pundlually at Twelve o’ Clock. Catalogues will then be delivered gratis at Mr. Montgomerie’s in Hanover- Square, and at Mr. Prestage’s in Savile-Row. [ 2 ] Firft Day’s Sale, Friday, May the 9th, 1766. PICTURES. Raphael — - Sal. Kosa Monamv — ' — POELENSERG ■ Le Duck ■ Paul Brill — Italian - — Hobbima Moucheroon — pERUGI^O Bakmaker Rembrandt — — Jean MiEii^ Holbein Schalken — — — — Mr. Pond Baptist Vander Meulen — David Teniers P. Brill DeNeef-^- P. Potter - - - — — M. Angelo — Ditto " — — — ■ ’ Lingleback — David Teniers — G. PoUtSiN — Ger. Dou — — Ruysdale — Fyte • Moucheroon WoUVERMAN - Ger. Dou — Vanderhyde — Rottenhamer — Bruchel — - Phil. Laura — - ■ — Wyke — — Roche — — ■ Stenwick — - Ruysdale — - D. Teniers — • Canaletti — Gas. Poussin * — Ostade — G. Dou — — — Rubens — ^ Sal. Rosa P. WoUVERMAN — 1 T^OUR of the Cartoons, after 2 |H A Landfcape and Figures 3 A Ditto with a Water-fall 4 An Italian Fan Mount framed and glazed 5 Two Miniatures of King Charlet I. and his Queen 6 A Ditto of Mary Queen of Scots and a fmall Head of a Magdalen 7 A Boy and a Girl with a Bird’s Neft 8 A Head of Oliver Cromivell fet in Gold 9 Two Sea-pieces 10 The Feaft of the Gods 11 Two Converfations 12 A fmall Landfcape and Figures 13 Two Landfeapes and Figures 14 A Landicape and Figures 15 A Ditto 16 A Holy Family 17 A Man with a Dog 18 I'hc Angel appearing to Manoah and his Wife 19 Mofes and the Children of Ifrael 20 A Head finely painted 2 1 Two Pieces of Candle-light Poetry and Painting 23 An exceeding fine Flower-piece 24 A neat Ivandfcape, the Jrtoife 25 A Piiflure Gallery 26 A Landfcape with a Serpent 27 The Infideof a Church with Figures 28 Its Companion 29 Two Piduies of Cattle 30 A Fruit-piece 31 Its Companion 32 A View of a Fair with a Mountebank 33 A View of a Caftle with Figures 34 A Landfcape 35 A Market-Woman 36 A large Landfcape and Figures 37 A Capita! Pi'ftuT of Dead Game <8 A Landfcape and Figures 39 A Ditto 40 The Infide of a Farm-houfe with a Woman fcouring a Kettle 41 A Landfcape and Figures 42 An exceeding fine Pitflure reprefenting the Five Senfes highly finifhed 43 Buildings, i^e, 44 Two neat Landfeapes and Figures 45 A Magdalen in a Landfcape with Cherubinis 46 A Landfcape and Figures 47 A Capua! Pi£lufc of the Mouth of Truth 48 Two Church-pieces, 49 A fmall Landfcape with a Bridge 50 A Piflurc Gallery with feveral Figures, a moJI Capital PiSlure 5 r A View of St. Mark's Place at Venice 52 A Landfcape and Figures 53 A Converfation of Dutch Boors 54 A View of a ‘Jarden with a Woman and Child and feveral Figures in the back Ground 55 A Capiul Pi(£Iure of the Virgin and our Saviour 56 A Landfcape and Figures in his grand Sclle 57 A noble large Pifturc of Gentlemen and Ladles going a Hunting 58 A mahovanv Eafel 59 yowf Shore and a Magdalen 60 Two Pictures of the Sibylsi after 61 Two ditto 62 T wo ditto 63 Two ditto Rubens [ 3 1 1 2 3 4 s 6 9 10 11 12 13 J 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 3 ' 31 33 34 35 36 3 ’ 38 39 40 Second Day’s Sale, Saturday^ May the loth, iy66j GOLD, SILVER, and other MEDALS, A COPPER. Farthinp of Queen Anne, and 23 more A medal of William III, and one of the Chevalier One of Queen Mary, one of Sir Ifadc Newton, and one nf Prince George of Denmark A fet of Queen Anne’s medals ■ - - — - Nine of George I. and 4 of George II. ■ — Prince Frederick, one, and 3 of George III. — - .■ SILVER. Foreign coins of many countries, weight, 4 oz. 3 dwts. Englilh ditto of different reigns, weight, 3 oz. 16 dwts. Ditto of ditto, weight, 4 oz. 2 dwts. A crown of Edward VI. ditto of Elizabeth, James, the Commonwealth, and an half crown of Edward VI. - — . A {billing of Oliver Cromwell, and 16 more Englifii — — A medal of Charles I. and a dollar with miniatures ■ - A medal of Oliver Cromwell, 4 more of Anne and George I. and one on the battle of Lutrer ■ ■ — - Eight Coronation Medals of Charles GOLD. Twenty-fou^ Two Three Twenty*nine Thirteen Four Five Seventeea Two Six A ryal of Edward IV. 3 angels of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. and a rofe ryal of James L weight, one oz. 3 dwt'^. 8 grs. A noble of Edward III. and a crown of Henry VIII. — Two An half fovercign of Edward VI. and 2 more, weight, 18 dwts. 7 grs. Four broads of James I. and 2 quarter ditto, weight, one oz. 8 dwts, 9 grs. A 3 pound piece of Charles I. and 2 more pieces of ditto — — — Three A twenty and ten fhilling of the Commonwealth, and a piece of Charles II. weight, one oz. 19 dwts. 9 grs, A medal of Qiiecn Anne, 2 quarter guineas, and 6 more, weight, one oz. 16 dwts. 15 grs. Oneot Edward theConfeflbr, 5 of William the Conqueror, and one of William Rufus Seven One of Henry I. 6 of Henry III. one of Stephen, and one of King John — Nine Two nf Edward I. 3 of Edward II. 2 of Edward III. 2 of Richard 11 . 2 of Henry IV. and 2 of Henry VIIl. ■ - Thirteen Four of Queen Elizabeth, 4 of Charles L one of the Commonwealth, and 2 of Charles II. Eleven Five of James II. 4 of William III. 2 ofQiieen Anne, 2 of George I. and 2 of George 11 . Fifteen One gold of Charles I, One ditto of George I, A moft curious medal cabinet made of rofe wood Vim Wrought aitd other PLATE. Five wax candlefticks, at 5s. per oz. A falver, a porringer and a pap boat Two pair of plain falts and 2 fpoons A curious phillagree bafketin a cafe, and 21 filver counter* A fcolloped waiter, O. S. A ditto bafon, a plate, a tea fpoon boat and a milk ewer A filvcr ink ftandifh compleat Two pair of fluted candlefticks A coffee pot ditto A foup fpoon, 12 table fpoons and a marrow dittv Two fmall waiter* [ 4 ] .'4^ Ten tea f^ioons, a pair of tongs, a flrainer, a noflel, and a fweetmeat knife and fork ■42 A Hohea tea pot, lamp and ftand, N. S. 43 A gilt chandelier with 4 lights in a mahogany cafe 44 A fmall^ih tankard, O. S. 3 punch ladles and a guglct 4.5 A difh Rand, O S. 46 A fupper fervice compleat with 5 covers, N. S. 47 Two pairofcandJefticks, fnufFersand (land 48 Two chamber pots 49 A large foup difli 50 A tankard 51 A halon and ewer, and a wafh ball box 52 A large hand candleftick and apair of Inuflers 53 Two half pint mugs, O. S. 54 A trowel 55 A large fcolloped tea table 5’6 A wrought bread balket 57 A fmall tea kettle, lamp and plate 58 A large cafe with 12 knives, 12 forks and 12 fpoons 59 Afdverjug '60 Two long dlflies with goderoon edges Two large odlagon ditto 62 Five ditto, the next fize ^3 Four ditto, fmaller 64 T welve plates with goderoon edges 6? Twelve ditto t >6 Twelve ditto 67 tleven foup plates ditto 68 A chaffing difh and (land 69 Two mugs, a pepper box, 2 nofiels, an extlnguifiier, 3 large /poons, 3 marrow ditto, 5 tea diho, a ftrainer, a pair of tongs, a fmall fork, and a fweetmeat knife and fork 70 A large dreffing glafs with filver frame, hinges, (sfc. a comb box ditto, 2 powder boxes 2 patch ditto, 2 water bottles, 2 pomatum pots and covers, a pincufliion frame, 4 brufhes and 2 fmall phillagree boxes * 7 1 A pair of fpurs 72 A cafe with 12 filver hafted knives, 12 forks and 12 fpoons 73 A ditto 74 A large tureen, cover and di(h 75 A fluted coffee pot 76 An elegant cup and cover curioufly wrought 77 A milk pail, a meafure, a funnel, a wrought milk pot, Ifc. and 5 bottle tickets 78 Three pair of French plate candlefticks 79 A large iron cheft Xo A mahogany ftand curioufly carved for the large filver tea table 81 A ditto 82 A mahogany plate cheft 83 A wainfeot ditto 84 Four mourning fwords, 4 belts, fome filver trappings and a Chinefc orgaa 85 A large loadftonc ornamented with filver and an iron ditto 86 Two telefcopcs 87 Two curious fmall globes with brafs frames and glafs covers 88 A curious barometer, made by FINIS, '1^' 1'^ 'H- > ' ■ ' :'’}?Kr' ■• , t<- ^■- ti' e‘ It <, »i '. '1 « it t I .5 ■\ i ■4 I *••■ / ' • •• ■': • . ’.' ' ,.- ' • ^?^■ -. ^ .A.;;':'''' , >i •. • . , - y • 5^- . v.r.v •' \ •’ v'X • • ^ ^ ‘ ■ , - •" • :-. • *v. ..v-, -f-y- -j '‘ V'- ' '■■ v,..^ ; •- h: ?■ i'' ■J'K'v'''’ '■ .'■ p ^ ;V'- " ' ^ •■ ' V 'y . ,. • -i-’' :. ; ’ - '''- ’■ ;■.■■ ' ' V . . ,- , * rU-' ' i «■■ - ' vr:,-' T ■ ' ■ ' ^ ' .• ' -/'- 'M ,,.v (.4 r_ : ;i V'' „ r \ 'e*;S; - ;. ' ,v ■ . , . )v/ i ,. \ ■ . r ■ , ^':. 7 . ' \ \ v5|iu /.-V - , _... ■ ■- . ^ ,,,- ^ , ■ ^■’S: ■ V.:'': t ■ , , _ ■ ■ . . ; r . V , ; . ■' .. C ;i<'L .■^. ■ ■■’ ■',' ■ ,' r : .' ■ wi!:^i 1; I I V ( ' • t , iuA; ?' ? iti . . .. L . -1 ^ ■ ' , . . . '.V i: •> -if y • /: ; \ / c AuoA'Ioa 0 A 1742. ^ AAov/, ^ LcCoO ^4'D Z742. u^EliEn. „..TER ue° “ Q?CXJVv^ 'vo ^4'D 'Ll 35'D 64'G 3 9X-D ^34, 2 *^2-0 4-^79 <52 ~\> ^3 30 ^6-0 '737^ ^ 2 -D 4 g^- 4 - ^2- O ‘52- C> 4374 3b-D‘7^44 \VV\ \ 17^2 1797 I 7 5^5 I 75? ) 760 ; 76 o |74»0 1762. /764 I 76 7 f 76 4 Lor 2C La^V Z-oPvVC. AP'^ 4o P v' Apr. I ^ Z o Pr /V\oM Mcv"^ 9 1.0 Fh c.o~ 15 2 of y- VfA