8551 . U6 B8 1890 r. The BEST EQUIPPED a - I MOST LJLIABLE HOUSE of ITS KIND. Catalogue of BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBER^GER. PORTRAITS, FRAMES AND FRAMED PICTURES A SPECIALTY. WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Manufacturer and Jobber in PICTURE FRAMES. MIRRORS, SHEET PICTURES WE EMPLOY NO TRAVELING SALESMEN. ONCE A CUSTOMER, ALWAYS A CUSTOMER, AND ART NOVELTIES. 113-115 MICHIGAN STREET. CHICAGO, ILL. We give our Customers the Benefit of Traveling Men’s Expenses by Ordering from Our Catalogue, Easels, Wall Pockets and Art Novelties. MICHIGAN STREET, LTTE Oil 00 1 65 45 2 50 20 2 15 80 3 00 70 2 85 50 4 25 35 4 00 75 6 00 00 8 00 ■ 50 11 00 quired, you will stiing Bromides, mides in natural cents on all sizes Chicago. 4 *1 X X p -] X X - O' ^ - o r. x X X o o cc X p 2 o o - X CA^ * ci rv io < < Of n o> CC X wV Of n a — X ^ X Q «' m' W V * ^ “t ~. -t x O O X p o 0> IO 4- Oi +* < Of O ^ ~n o 0) 3 CD 0) w CO X _. y _. X r& ic to to to w y.Vv% o o d r? X * - 5 " © 3 Iy o 0) 3 Q. ✓v it o y — • o o — to o» Of —1 O oor^ O O' o Q Q. > ^3 > — H to to — 3 25 35 Of Of ;i Of o to O f 4- 4- o ox Of » .J» w M M w CO y y y y 3 X X X X — . n re it n — — — jc; 2 X 2! X ^ c o o o ^ L > X X o to to ~ Of O —1 o o — o ^ C/5 O O M o o o ^ o* 5* c - -I 1 “t ft o MX CL P- »-h - o *Tl >lj 3 XJX P P o n s-S-ojt 2 p -t — ^ ►t! P sc „ «S» y n. -i _ IT -I 2 SC r: 5 2. CO a o ■ ‘ 1-lH O o-c n> rr> p t 53 o >- - O & sjj r M J O r O C CD 3 X - = =?2 E fp x vi r* u. — r ■ O ^ - P -• r w * C a „ co > *?, 2* O ►—% p xC o J. r- it e 2. 31 3 X '< 73 O O 7T > crq o x X Jr* •— t r— « .ft X O. z 1 X p r S' 3 ? S, Q o> 3" o • 31 ■— 4- n a* c» ft f. it f-i ’ O a o y F 3 6 3* O IT r- y 3 X .1 - y 3 'c “i * > g J" 3 2 ^ - o T* o U a “ • f 2 C.3^ 5.3 2 IT CO CO 3 y 3- o a -4 rf O _ £3 O n> o — >* a §w Cl -! x C. X W rr a co « c O 3 C 3 y n S 2. a o -i x a r-f r— 2 *5 *-♦ Orq c o o o p 5sdvj o> d ^ . 2 . 7 Q P t-+ co y it « y ■ _ c CO -C a ~ " o -4 (1 » < -• a o ft iu ft 3 CT “ " 3 ^ s - * a* ^ <; IT n ^ ^c>. M ar-' 1 o' o- E ^^3 § ?S -3 IK O p O o 7 ? SC 0 > -• 0 ) cr C 2 o o cs o o o o o o o o O fT o o p P p P y p p o o n O o o n J? r 'K. n • c r r - > •’ rf- _ 0 ^ < a^ : c !T r> JU it 3. ; *~ l E I p Cl CO « IT x - ~ ; •— • c 2 c — • . ft 3 O 4 - O O o o o o o y IT IT C y y o o IT (T y y o c IT IT y y o o ra B ♦tors F J PRICE LIST OF FINISHED PORTRAITS . GRADES AND PRICES. Kind CRAV0N SEPIA TINTED CRAYON MEDALI0N SEPIA WAT. COL. or PASTEL OlLETTE Oil ^rade D. Our Grade D is made for those who have sharp 16x20 or smaller 50 60 55 70 75 1 00 1 65 competition, and have to sell at a low price. 18x22 or 20x24 70 75 80 90 1 00 1 45 2 50 de E. Our Grade E is adapted to those who wish a 16x20 or smaller 60 70 65 80 - 90 1 20 2 15 good portrait at a low price, it is the sale 18x22 or 20x24 85 95 1 10 1 20 1 30 1 80 3 00 J agent’s delight. de FF. Our Grade FF is ofttimes called in our studio 16x20 or smaller 70 80 85 95 1 20 1 70 2 85 the photographer’s choice, as it is desirable for all that wish to build up a Portrait business. 18x22 or 20x24 1 00 1 15 1 25 1 40 1 80 2 50 4 25 ideFFF. Our Grade FFF has no equal. Where you 16x20 or smaller 95 1 10 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 35 4 00 have a call for something very fine, do not hesitate, but order our FFF, for it is the best money can procure. 18x22 or 20x24 1 40 1 70 1 80 2 25 2 75 3 75 6 00 rade A and B. Hand Stippled Portraits. 16x20 or smaller 1 59 1 75 2 25 2 50 3 00 4 00 8 00 This grade is finished entirely by hand and 18x22 or 20x24 2 00 2 35 3 03 3 25 4 00 5 50 11 00 A has the appearance of free hand drawings. T * Whatever price you pay, you cannot procure a > better picture than our A and B grade. BROMIDES. From original Negatives or Photos. We have recently re-arranged and equipped this department and it is now second to none. Where group pictures are required, you will Bromides superior to any other kind of work, for there is no extra charge for extra heads or full figures. Photographers wishing Bromides, ise send original negative, if possible. We cannot furnish you satisfactory Bromides from dim or mutilated pictures. 8x10, 45c 10x12 45c 11x14 45c 14x17 70c 16x20 70c 18x22 1 00 20x24 1.40 If made from photographs, add 15 cents. Sepia toned Bromides, 15 cents additional on all sizes. Colored or tinted Bromides in natural lors, 25 cents additional. The prices quoted are for mounted on card board or unmounted. If wanted on stretcher, add lOcents on all sizes to and including 20x24. Prices on larger sizes than<20x24 quoted on application. We do not re group pictures for Bromides. Originals by Mail require letter postage. In sending by Express, prepay charges. Buntman Bros- O. Rindsberger, 113-115 Michigan St , Chicago To the Trade, In presenting you with our complete illustrated Cata- logue. we desire to call your attention to the important fact that we are the largest exclusive manufacturers and jobbers of Picture Frames, Mouldings and Portraits in the United States. Our unequaled facilities for manufacturing ena hie us to quote the lowest price. We guarantee our goods at all times to he artistic in design, perfect in finish and give entire satisfaction. We are the only original House in the Mail Order Busi- ness in our line. Our Catalogue has established for us the largest business of its kind in the world. A Trial Order will convince you that we carry out every statement made. Our capacity for going into the market and buying a quantity of goods for cash, enables us to get the best at the lowest prices, and are therefore able to furnish our custo- mers with the best quality at a very much reduced figure. We fill all orders promptly. Terms, Owing to the fact that our prices are figured on a veiy close margin, our terms are invariably cash with order, or C. O. D. Remittances, A remittance of not less than one-third the value of goods ordered must be sent with all C. O. IX orders. Remittances should be made by draft, P. O. Money Order, Express Order or Registered Letter. When send- ing currency by mail, always register. Do not send us personal checks. One and two cent stamps accepted. In sending orig- inals to us by mail, they require letter postage. Prepay Charges when sending by Express. Notice, We forward all C. O. D. freight shipment in our own name. Hill of Lading will go to Bank with draft attached for collection. We notify you on invoice what Bank holds draft and Bill of Lading and presenting latter to Railroad Co. the goods will be delivered to you. Remember this, and do not ask for C. O. I), shipments on your name. All goods are sold F. (). B. . railroad station or docks, Chicago, the purchaser to pay all freight and charges. Orders of less than $10.00, 35 cents extra for boxing, no charge for carting. Portrait, print or picture orders of less than $2.00, we charge 15 cents for packing. On orders from points outside of the United States, we require cash in full, and particularly request plain ship- ping instructions. Shipments to go in part by water, require pre-payment of transportation charges. 2 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. - AGENTS’ SAMPLE ROLLS. These Rolls are made of two pieces of light basswood moulding, neatly polished, 18 inches long and 2 inches in diam., fastened on the ends by two screws, and at the bottom are four plated fasteners for closing the roll when not in use. Made in three grades. Covers can be had of Oi 1 Cloth, Keratol, Canvas, Imitation Alligator nr Seal. Prices for rolls with or without Samples will be quoted upon application. Note:— Write for our Special Oiler proposi- tion to agents. No. 200. Finished in heavy black can- vas with leather handles and nickeled trim- mings. For four pictures 16x20. No. 50. Proof Passer’s Case, 16x20. Canvas covered, light and durable leather handle. Open at end, fitted with a strong nickel clasp fastener. Will hold 50 prints. No. 100 The above cuts show the No. 100 case, open and closed. This case is covered with heavy black canvas, nickel plated corners and trimmings, leather handles. Made to bold two 16x20 pictures. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO. ILL 3 No. 883. U inches wide. Highly polished with orna- ment, inside 3 inch shell, finished in oak and gilt, green and gilt and all gilt. Made in 16x20, 18x22 to 20x21. No. 75. This frame is 5^ inches wide, inside and out- side highly polished oak, stem and lining in gilt. Finished in oak and gilt. Made in 8- 10, 10>12, 14x17, 16x20 2<>x24. 4 BUJNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGEK. CHICAGO, ILL. No. 985. o inches wide, the outside members 3 inches wide. Florentine pattern, followed by 1 inch hollow bur- nish, and 1 inch ornamented linings and hand laid corners, finished in gilt. This frame has proved to be a good seller. No. 273. Almost 6 inches wide. The outer and in- ner panels are whitened reeded moulding nicely polished, center is 1£ in. stem, handsomely ornamented and a very pretty carved lining inside. Center lining and stem finished in gilt. Made in 14x17, 16x20, 20x24. Made in 16x20. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. 6 No. 143. About 6 inches wide. The outside is a beautiful ornamented scroll moulding, perforated and orna- mented with corners, finished in imitation oak. Center is solid oak moulding with an ornament through the center an d one of the handsomest linings; inside finished in tique silver or gilt lining. Made in 10x20 and 20x24. No. 20. About six inches wide. A four member combination frame consisting of a 24 inch outside, with a raised Rococo center, and a one inch panel inside, followed by a one inch Rococo lining. This frame is finished in oak and gilt, white and gilt, all gilt, or green and gilt. Made in 16x20. 6 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO. ILL. No. 164. F our inches wide. This frame is the hand- somest on the market for the price. Finished in imitation oak and gilt, white and gilt, green and gilt and all gilt. The inner part of frame finished in gilt same as a lining. 16x20 only. — No- 102. A three inch mat Gold Frame with orna- mented inner edge and rich brass ornaments on corner. Also finished in Black with ornament in gilt. 16x20 and 20x24. BUNTMAN BROS. & KIN DSBEIIGER, CHICAGO, ILL. 7 No. 1113. 6 inches wide, 3 inch Florentine outside, 2 inch polished stem. 1 inch burnish lining, followed with 1 inch gilded lining. Finished in all gilt, white and gilt, or polished antique oak. A big seller, don't overlook it. Made in 16x20, 20x24. About six inches wide. The outside is of oak or ash, highly polished and is two inches wide. The raised center is carved on both edges and finished in gilt with a inch hollow oak or ash panel and 1 inch on the inside. Made in polished white and the center and lining in gilt: also in olive green with the center and lining in gilt. Made in 16x20, 18x22 and 20x24. 8 BUNTMAN BROS. & FIPDSPERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. No. 95. About 6 inches wide. The raised ornamented stem, which is of massive design, is about 3 inches wide and finished in gilt. The mat surface on the 2-£ incli panel and £ inch outside is in lemon gold. The inner panel has a line of lacquer burnish next to the ornament and £ inch line of lacquer burnish on the inner edge. For a frame that will meet the requirements of any mirror or picture, you cannot heat t. Made in 16x20 and 20x24. No 96. 5 inches wide. A gracefully shaped frame. The top ornament is finished in bright gold, outer edge in gold bronze, panel in gold bronze with concave line and inside lining burnish; also finished as above with panel and outside in olive green bronze. Both finishes are very attractive and you cannot afford to leave this frame out of your order. Made in 16x20, 20x24, 18x40. RUJNTMAN BROS. & RINDS BERGER. CHICAGO, ILL. 9 No. 1316 No. 874 About six inches wide; outside is a 2£ inch oak with orna- ments on outside, followed by a reeded stem with corner orna- ments. finished in gait, and a one-inch hollow burnished lining and one inch gilt lining. Also finished with the outer panel in white, green or all gilt. Made in 16x20, 18x22 and 20x24. Six inches wide. Center and lining in gilt: and outside with ornamented edge. Has a one inch bronze burnish lining next to center. Also made with shaded outside. Made in 16x20 anti 20x24. 10 BUNTMAN BROS. & R1 XDSBERGEK, CHICAGO, ILL. No. 697 No. 1067 Seven and one-half inches wide, outside, stem and lining finished in gilt. The panels in either oak or polished white. The corner ornaments on reeded cenier are nicely gold bur- nished. Made in 16x20 and 20x24. Frame is 7 inches wide. Ready an artistic piece of work on this frame. The outside member is four inches wide, beautiful Florentine moulding, carved edges anti heavy bur- nished corners, a 2 inch high center followed by a 1 inch bur- nish and a 1 inch lining. The whole frame is finished in gilt. Very attractive and suitable for fine portrait trade. Made in 16x20, 20x24, 18x40. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. 11 No. 1101- inches wide. All wilt. Handsome, neat, substan- tial. A better grade frame and hard to approach as a seller. In- tended for good grade work. The outside is a handsome scroll orna- ment. carved edge and perforated with corner ornaments. The cen- ter is a mat gilt, with back in full burnish. Handsome carved gilt lining inside. Also finished in black and gilt. Made in 16x20. 12 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGBR, CHICAGO, ILL. The outer edge is carved by hand, ornamented corners, top is a whitened pole with hand ornamented corners. Inside is one inch concave burnished lining and 14 inch svhite and gilt lining. The entire frame is finished very nicely in white and gilt and all gilt. Made in 16x20. No. 868. The best oak frame gotten up for the money. The whole frame is 5 inches wide, composed of three parts. Finely polished. Outside is 24 inches, and the next member is a high back stem with an ornament 2£ inches wide, with 1 inch ornamented lining, either gilt or burnish. Made in 16x20 and 20x24. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGE It. CHICAGO, ILL. i:s No. 1363+. About 3+ inches wide. A beautiful creation in a massive Florentine Gold frame. The ornaments on the outside and corners are double cast and profusely burnished in Gold leaf. The raised inside in mat silver gilt and burnish with handsome pearl ornament on inner edge. Sizes, 16x20 and 20x24. Each in a shadow box. Frame also finished in black and gold bur- nish. SmSSm No. 1219. Five inches wide. Florentine outside, openwork corners, two inch silver gilt top with two lines of burnish. Outside and lining in gilt with corners in gold leaf burnish. Also made in black and burnish. Frame must be seen in black to be appreciated. Made in 16x20. Each in a shadow box. 14 BUNTMAN BROS- & RINDS BERGER. CHICAGO, ILL No. 502. No- 205. This is ;i three inch Florentine adapted for framing photo- graphs, pastels and water colors. It is one of the cheapest frames in the market and is a rapid seller. Don’t fail to order some of these. Made in 16x20. Finished in all gilt, white and gilt, or oak. Just out. 3 inch, highly polished oak, hlack or gilt, with raised edge and inner side ornament, followed by a f inch rococo lininer. Handsome brass corners, making it one of the finest portrait frames ever put out. Do not fail to include same in your order. Price un- equaled. Made in 16x20. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. 15 No. 338. A handsome 3£ inch Frame, carved and perforated on outer edge, outer lines finished in gold leaf burnish. I he inside is made of a mat bronze and ornamen- ted center with silver leaf line on outer edge. Finished in black and gold burnish, or in all gold and gold burnish. Made in 10x20 and 20x21. No. 16-115. About 3^ inches wide. Finished in black burnish also in gilt with ornaments in burnished gold leaf. Made in 16x20 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO. ILL. 16 No. 1615. Our latest and best. Cut does not do this frame justice. Double Florentine, handsomely ornamented and fully burnished. This is a high grade frame, but destined to become exceedingly popu- lar. There is a large demand for frames of this kind, but the pre- vious high prices at which they were held by the manufacturers has prohibited their use by dealers in popular priced goods. Our price will be entirely satisfactory. Made in 16x20, 20x24, each in a shadow box. No. 426. Double deck. Five inches wide. Newest and cheapest creation in an artistic frame. Outside of li inches burnish, with silver burnished edge. The raised stem has burnished edge and beautiful hand laid corner and center ornaments. Two inch lin- ing has also line of burnish on edge. Made in ebony and gilt finished. Made in 16x20, 20x24 and 18x40. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER. CHICAGO, ILL. IT No. 519. Eight inches wide. Finished in all gilt, all raised parts being gold burnish. One of the handsomest por- trait frames ever put on the market. Made in 16x20 and 20x24. No. 693. One of the latest new patterns, and you will »ee by the cut of this frame it has a very pleasing appearance. The inside is a very heavy panel mat, the inner edge of the mat has a beautiful ornamentation and good re- lief as the cut shows. This frame is finished in gilt and bronze green. For a catchy and showy frame this has no equal. Made in 10x20 size only. 18 BUNT MAX BROS. & RINDS BERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. m. No 1406 About six inches wide at Its widest part. The raised inside is in mat gold with reflecting burnish back. The Florentine outside is carved and open work, beauti- fully executed. The ornaments, corners and smooth parts are burnished in gold leaf. Also made in black and burnished. Made in 16x20. A n ordinary square glass can be used. No 147U. Profusely burnished and perforated, and very handsomely ornamented. Finished in all gilt and gold burnish with two silver gilt lines on stem. Each in a shadow box. Made only in 16x20. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER. CHICAGO, ILL. 1 !* No. 1400 About four inches wide. Mat surface top with line of burni-h, the outside in jjilt and scrolls burnished, also made in Flemish or oak and burnish : : : Made in size 16x20. 20 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. No. 1442 Four inches wide. The above illustration represents a new Florentine oval made by a newly invented pro- cess, enabling us to give you an open work carved edge oval at the price of a plain or square frame. Finished in gilt or ebony and gilt. Made in 16x20. BUNTMAN BROF. G RIDDS BERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. 21 No. 1465. About 3 inches wide. Made on whitened moulding. Outside is hand carved with composition ornaments and our patent unbreakable bored top. Finished in gold bronze or cloth back with top and ornaments in gold leaf burnish. Made in 16x20. No. 1436. About 4 inches wide. The outside in gilt and scrolls in gold burnish. The raised center in gold with two lines of burnish; also finished in black and burnished parts. Made in 16x20, 20x24 and 18x40. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. No. 1452 Oval About six inches at its widest pari. The raised inside is in mat gold leaf with reflecting bur- nish back. The Florentine outside is carved, and open work carefully executed. The orna- ments are double cast with all the smooth parts finished in gold leaf burnish; is mounted on a 3-ply veneer, making it a perfect shipper. Made in 16x20 only. Packed each in shadow box. BUNTMAN BROS. G RIDDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. 2.5 No. 1050. Gilt and burnished. The raised center is in mat gold with a wide burnished line on outer edge and gilt pearl ornament on inner edge. Outside orna- ments, matched on four sides, are double cast and profusely burnished in gold. Made in 10x20. HU NT MAN BROS. m the outer edge and a small ornament on the inner edge. Frame finished in gilt and burnish or black and burnish. Itix20 and 20x24. An ordinary square glass can be used for this frame. No. 1950. No portrait or Art Store should fail to order this beautiful design. It sells on sight. Frame is finished in Flemish Black, also all gilt, and fully burnished. Corners and centers perforated. Made in 16x20 only. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDS BERGER. CHICAGO, ILL A veneer frame, suitable for any high priced picture or portrait. This is one of the most successful sellers in the market. Frame finished in Flemish Oak and hand- somely ornamented. The corners and centers are per- forated and gold burnished. Made in 16x20 only. No. 209. This is somethin? new. Flat 4-inch oak with hand mounted spray. Finished in oid Danish brown, and white tip on the spray, giving it a very stylish appearance. We also finish spray with gold ournish. The lining is gilt and small pearls. Made in size 16x20. 26 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. No. 215. New Veneer, finely finished, scroll and corner, with gold burnished tips, finished in brown and black. 16 x 20 only. No. 216. New Veneer and a good seller. Very heavy ornaments Finished in brown or black. Made in 16 x 20 only. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER. CHICAGO, ILL. No. 914. New design, dainty ornament. Polished in all tinishes. Most desirable frame for finer trade. Size 16x20 only. No. 2006. This is a good veneer, meeting with excellent success. Made in all tinishes. Size 16x20. 28 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. No. 730 The very latest pattern for portraits or water colors. A 3-ply veneer; finished in Flemish black, Flemish oak or all gilt. Made in 12x16, 16x20 and 20x24. No. 938 A very artistic design, perforated ornament, hand laid corners, hand carved outside. Made in all popular finishes. Sizes 16x20 and 20x24. BUNTMAN BROS. G RIDDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. 2 !) No. 2025 Especially adapted for fencing girls. This frame can be used either for oblong or upright pictures. All finishes. Made in 16x20. No 1420 1J inches wide. In gilt and smooth parts on outside and stem profusely burnished in g< Id leaf, also in ebony with parts in gold leaf burnish. Made in 8x10. 10x12, 11x14, 14x17 and 16x20. 30 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDS BERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. no. 727 a very handsome 3 openiog combination frame. All ti ni-hes. Size of openings 7x!i. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. ;{1 No. 136. H inches wide. One of the neatest designs, always in demand, has a hand carved edge, with a neat little stem, outside carved, Florentine, full burnished, finished in gilt or ebony. Made in 8x10, 10x12, 11x14, 14x17, 16x20. No. 893 Art Nouveau ornament. Made in various sizes from cabinet to 11x14 Frame No. 1739 30x20 Photogravure Pharaoh's Horses By Herring No. 1739 3-ply quarter sawed oak, veneer composition ornaments, finished in flemish black, made in 10, 10 and 20 inch circles and fitted with our popular art series, subjects 10-inch size, and our special edition of “Pharaoh’s Horses” in the 16 and 20 inch circles. No. 2038 Size— Caht. up to 8x10 Ail finishes. 32 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER. CHICAGO, ILL. Frame No. 1068 Size 18x40, 7 inches wide. Floretine outside and gold burnished corners, ornamented lining. Finished in all gilt. 2 inch high back center, 14 inch burnish and 1 inch BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL m:s Frame No. 1400 Over inches wide. Finished in all gilt, scrolls burnished, and one line of burnish on inner edge of mat surface. This is positively the best 18x40 Oval ever put on the market for the price. Made also 1(5x20. Also finished in black and burnished. Always mention when ordering whether with Mirror or Frame only. 34 BUMTMAN BROS’ 4 RELIGIOUS OLEOS. St. Annie The Redeemer of the World Ecce Homo My Hope St. Ceceleia Imacule Conception Our Lady of Rosary Holy Grave of Mary Mater Doloros St. - Joseph Holy Heart of Mary Holy Heart of Jesus Rock of Acres Madona of Carmen Beneath the Cross Our Lady of Everlasting Help Crucifixion St. Anthony Grave of Christ The Last Supper Marriage Certificate Family Record. HUNT MAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER. CHICAGO, ILL. My Hope. Saint Cecelia 56 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. Sacred Heart of Jesus. Holy Family 16x20 RELIGIOUS COLORED OLEOGRAPHS Sacred Heart of Mary. St. Anthony. BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. 57 Beneath the Cros> The Last Supper. 16x20 RELIGIOUS COLORED 0LE0= GRAPHS Holy Sepulchre ot Christ No. 2. Holy Sepulchre of Mary No. 3. BUNTMAX BROS. & R [ X DS BERGER. CHICAGO, ILL. 16x20 RELIGIOUS COLORED OLEOGRAPHS. Mater Doloroso Ecce Homo '■nv- w Beneath Crucilixion. Cros: Rock of A fifes BUMTMAN BROS & III NDS BERGER. CHICAGO, ILL. 59 16x20 COLORED FAC- SIMILES. No. 194 No. 195 No. 185 No. 189 60 BUNT MAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, ClIKJ.wu. ILL. No. 188. 16x20 COLORED FAC- SIMILES. No 186. BUNTMAN BROS. & R1 NILS BERGER, CJUCAGO, ILL. 61 Something New. When on the stand it can be bent to any position desired. Swing Mirrors. When on the wall it can be raised or lowered to suit any size person. show you herewith an illustration of the greatest pre- mium of the time; an anjustable mirror, made in solid oak or flemish, to be used either on the wall or stand, as a dressing mirror,' shaving glass, or any of the multitude of uses to which a fixed or adjustable mirror can be applied. The moulding is 12x14 inches outside measurement, fitted with 8x10 French bevel glass. The fittings are finished in first class nickel plate. This is the whole story. We urge you to place an order for a sample dozen to try them, and we are satisfied they will be a trade winner. We are advertising this premium extensively, but will sell to only one merchant in a town. We therefore would urge you to place your order, as the first order received from your town is the only one that will be accepted. We furnish premium tickets free. We furnish a screw hook to go with every mirror. 62 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL. No 276 SOLID OAK EASELS. HIGHLY POLISHED. Our Easels are filled with Adjustable Brass Keels No 201 . No 250 No 209 Orv all Eausel orders for less than $5 00 add 35c for boxing Easels cannot be packed with ether goods 9 BUNTMAN BROS. & RINDS BERGER. CHICAGO, ILL. 63 PICTURE NAILS. No. 9- White porcelain center, fancy rim, Picture Nail. Per doz $ .20 No. 023. Crystal glass center Pic- ture Nail, plain rim and inside black band. Per doz S .30 No- 100. Crystal glass center Picture Nails, plain rim. Per doz S .30 No 4- Picture Nail. 3 in. Crown, nick- el plated, with spiral wire hean. Per doz $ .25 Eyes. Cuts show actual size. Order by Number. No 114 per box (12 dozen) . .S .20 No. 113 “ “ k ‘ 25 No- 110 “ “ kk 30 No- 108 kk “ “ 35 BITNTMA.N BROS. & KIN DSBERGER, CHICAGO, ILL 64 Picture Hardware. TINNED PICTURE WIRE. Best wire guaranteed. 25 yards to the coil, 12 coils to the box. No. 0. No. l. rn No. 2. No. 3. Cuts show actual size. Order by number. No. 0 per coil § .05 per box (12 coils ) S .50 No. 1 .0(5 .65 No. 2 4 • .10 1.00 No. 8 4 • .12 “ 1 25 PICTURE HOOKS. Wrought brass tinish for li inch moulding. Order by number. No. 207 No. 227 Per gross Per gross oer doz. $ .05 .50 .50 .85 GETTY CENTER LIBRARY