mmmmm mSKSSmSlMSA MMllW IIHhBh wm m mm;- : : mKM/IBKtSfUm wm&m^ :mmw44mm : w^Mw»»W MM» Mi siipl mKffi|£Ngtti |H * Cv.&>! 'strict* l wmm #• Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute THE TOWNELEY GRANGER. CATALOGUE OF THE VERY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BRITISH PORTRAITS, ILLUSTRATIVE OF GRANGER’S BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND; Formed with great Taste and unlimited Expense BY THE LATE JOHN TOWNELEY, Esq. CONSISTING OF THE MOST CELEBRATED WORKS OF DELARAM, ELSTRACKE, THE PASS FAMILY, FAITHORNE, HOLLAR, LOGGAN, BLOOTELING, WHITE, SMI TH, BECKETT, &c. &c. MANY OF EXCESSIVE RARITY, AND SEVERAL UNIQUE 5 COMPRISING ONE OF THE MOST PERFECT SERIES OF PORTRAITS EVER COLLECTED* WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. EVANS, AT HIS HOUSE, No 93, PALL MALL, On Friday, April 25 , and Ten following Days (Sundays excepted.) 1828. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed, shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is. 5 above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. 5 and so in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money 3 in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Conclusion of the Sale 3 and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions the Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited 3 and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. (idr No Lots will be delivered during the Time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commis¬ sions faithfully executed, by their humble Servant, R. H. EVANS. Printed by W, Nicol, Cleveland-row, St. James's. A CATALOGUE OF THE RARE AND VALUABLE BRITISH PORTRAITS, COLLECTED BY THE LATE JOHN TOWNELEY, ESQ. TO ILLUSTRATE GRANGER’S BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. FIRST DAY’S SALE. [ZVie Sale will commence at half past twelve.] */' ROYAL FAMILIES, $c. TO THE END OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VII. 1 Granger’s Biographical History of England, Engraved Frontispiece, with the Portrait of Mr. Granger , Sir William Musgrave by J. R. Smith , and Horace Wal¬ pole Earl of Orford after Sir Joshua by M‘Ardell, p.p. 3 <2 Julius Caesar after Rubens by Bolswert, Emperor Con¬ stantine ( medallion ) by Tinney, Egbert, Edgar, and King Alfred by Burghers (three different) by Faber , and Vertue, one a proof, &c. - 1*2 3 Canute, Edward the Confessor, and Harold ( some histo¬ rical), from Strutt's Regal Antiquities, Cardinal Bel- larmine, St. Winifred, Frontispiece to the Basiologia, with the heads of James I. and Queen Anne of Den¬ mark, fine and scarce, Le Heraut d’Angleterre, and Arms of England and France, with the Sceptre, Orb and Cushion, by H. Goltzius, 1584 , &c. - 14 B '0 J 5 / 6 7 ■u / / 7T / 4 Britain’s Monarchs from William the Conqueror clown to George I. and his Family, on two large sheets, and William I. by Elstracke, Vertue, &c> 8 William Rufus, Robert Duke of Normandy and Henry I. by Elstracke, Goltzius, &c, - - 12 Henry 1. and Stephen by Elstracke, sold by Compton Holland, very fine - - - 2 ; Stephen, and Henry II. by Vertue, &c. William first Earl of Warren by Basire, Kings Richard I. and John /A T by Elstracke, Vertue, &c. William Count Warren by i Basire, & c. - - - King John ratifying Magna Charta by Ryland, proof, and Henry III. renewing the same Charter by Miller, . - 2 Henry III. and Edward I. by Elstracke, Goltzius, &c. and Llewelyn ap Gryffyth, the last Prince of Wales of the British Blood, 1282, w. 1. in wood, 4 to. 12 Edward II. and Edward III. by Vertue, Faber, &c. and three of the Warren Family by Basire, - 20 Queen Philippa, w. 1. in her robes by Faber, scarce, and Joan Wife of Prince Edward, &c. by Strutt, Edward the Black Prince by Burghers, Elstracke, Vertue, &c. 11 Edward the Black Prince by Marshall, &c. Guy Earl of Warwick, w. 1. Monument of Adela Countess of Warren by Basire, John of Gaunt Duke of Lancas¬ ter, Thomas Duke of Glocester, &c. - 13 Richard II. by Vertue, Elstracke, &c. and various Histo¬ rical from Strutt’s Antiquities, - 22 Henry IV. and Henry V. including several Portraits and Historical Prints of that Period, - 20 Henry IV. ( small oval) by W.Faithorne, sold by Robert Peake, Ditto by R. Elstracke, and Henry V. by Ditto, sold by Compton Holland , from the Basiliogia, very fine, 3 Henry VI. w. 1. in his robes by Bartolozzi, Ditto sheet inez. by W. Pether, arid others by Bretherton, Vertue, / '/Tica '/It Faber, &c. and various Portraits and Historical Prints ^ during his Reign, - 20 17 Margaret Queen of Henry VI. crowned, in an oval, fol f mez. by W. Robins, fine and rare ( not in Granger ), v and Ditto from the Set of Founders, and Harding’s Shakspeare, - 18 Joan Arc, w.l. in armour, Vignon inv. Ditto by De Marcenay, John Duke of Bedford by Vertue, &c. and /A Humphry Duke of Gloucester by Burghers and Thane, Jaqueline Duchess of Glocester and her Second Hus¬ band by J. Folkema, and Ditto by C. Visscher and Van Sichem, - - - - 12 /V 7 12 13 14 15 16 Ms /■ ■ypifa^ /farpfa* 19 Edward IV. by Vertue, &c. Elizabeth his Queen by Faber fjyjJLtl'- (^«jo different states), and Margaret Duchess of Bur- 44-1^ gundy by Facius, - - - 10 20 Edward V. and Richard III. by Elsfrache, both sold by y j. „ Compton Holland, very fine, Edward V. and Richard •/> III. by W. Hollar, and Ditto by H. Goltzius and G. Vertue,- 8 21 Richard III. by Cross, Ditto with his Queen, w. Vs. in colours, and various Portraits connected with his Reign, from Walpole, Strutt, Harding, &c. - 13 22 Henry VII. and his Queen Elizabeth of York by Gunst, Houbraken, Vertue, &c. - - 17 23 HENRY VII. and ELIZABETH of YORK, two small ovals at the top of a sheet, entitled The Union of the Roses of the Families of Lancastre and Yorke, with the Armes of those which have bene chosen Knights of the most honorable order of the garter from that tyme unto this day 1580; whose Coats of Arras interspersed with miniature portraits of Kings Henry VII. Henry VIII. Edward VI. and the Queens Mary and Elizabeth are engraved within a large Rose surmounted by a Crown, and the Royal Arras in the centre, Mg. P. inventor, Tho. Talb. composuit, Jodocus Hondius Flander sculps. Londini, 1589, EXTRA RARE AND CURIOUS, - 1 24 Familia Regia, Cenotaph of the Tudor Family by Vertue, / Children of Henry VII, by Ditto, and Prince Arthur from Carter's Antiquities, &c. _ - 4 25 Margaret Duchess of Richmond, Mother of King Henry VII. oval fol. mez. (by Robins ) very scarce, and Ditto (two different) from the Set of Founders by Faber, - - - - 3 Kings of Scotland to Robert Bruce, with their Genealo¬ gies, and the Same by Boitard, &c. - 26 Sancta Margarita Regina Scotice, oval 4 to. A. Clouwet sculp, rare, and Ditto w. 1. praying, after N. de Lar- gilliere by S. Gantrel, sheet, ditto, - 2 28 John Baliol and Dervorguilla by Faber, Robert the Se- counde and First Steward King of Scots, 1371- 12/no. J and various Kings of Scotland of the Stuart Family * / by Gay wood, &c. - - " ^ 29 KINGS of SCOTLAND from Robert Stewart to James VI. 7 from “ Jonstoni Inscriptions Historic® Regum Sco- torum,” with the frontispiece, &c. 1603, fine impres¬ sions, and very scarce, - “ 9 30 James I. and Jane Queene of Scotland, small ovals, with copies of the same, John Earl of Somerset and John Duke of Somerset (Son and Grandson to John of / 26 fat / fa* ws / fa 3^ /fafa 31 A 32 eu- 33 34 /y-* 35 /-A-d 3 6 37 W-f 39 /V Gaunt,) 12 mo's, scarce, James IV. King of Scotland, with a Thistle in his hand, sould hy P. Stent, 4 to, and by G. Valck, and Genealogy of the Scotish Kings, shewing their double right to the Crown of England, sheet, & c. - - - - 9 JAMES IV. and HIS QUEEN with her second husband Archibald Douglas Earl of Angus, small ovals in wood, /7 yffS together with Henry VII. and Queen Elizabeth on / w '' ' the same plate, Coats of Arms and Roses uniting, very rare, from the Gulston Collection, • 1 Margaret, Wife of James IV. King of Scotland, and Daughter of Henry VII. w. 1. drawing in colours, from the Original at Wrest House Bedfordshire by T. Athow, - Henry Duke of Lancaster by Faber, Henry Duke of Buckingham by Houbraken, John Duke of Britany and Margaret Countess of Richmond and Duchess of Britany, 1441, small w. l’s. Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham, 1413, w. 1. in armour, 4to. in wood, and the manner of his martyrdom, Bertram Ashburnham by E. le Davis, Henry I. Earl of Northumberland by Godfrey and Clamp, Earl Rivers presenting Caxton to Edward IV. and three Earls and Countesses of Shrewsbury by Basire, &c. - - 15 Hugh Lupus Earl of Chester sitting in his Parliament by W. Hollar, fine and scarce, John Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, Grand Marshal of France, Obiit 1453, by Tho, Cecill, sould by W. Peake, very fine and rare, - - 1 St. Hugh Bishop of Lincoln, small w. 1. Mariette exc. St. Wilfred Archbishop of York, ditto, St. Willebrod and St. Boniface, tv. Vs. fol. by R. Collin, scarce, Gil das by Marshall, John VIII. (Pontifex,) 12 mo. St. Mansuetus ex Hibernia by J. Callot, S. Joannes natione Anglus by M. Borrehens, w. 1. St. Dunstan by G.Bockman, scarce, Ditto w.l. sitting enthroned with his Tongs, curious, Anselmus and Alexander Hales, &c. - - - II Edwin the Monk by G. Vertue, Adrian IV. ( Nicholas Breakspear), John Bacon, Anglus, small oblong oval, St. Dunstan from Strutt, Thomas Arundel Ar chbishop of Canterbury, and four different of St. Thomas h Becket, 9 St. Thomas d Becket, small oval. Sabre cleft in his skull, rare, and Repre sentation of his Martyrdom by J. Bapt. Barbe , 12 mo. - _ - Will iam Lyndewode, imall oval, Hugh de Balsam Bishop ol Ely by Faber, Walter de Merton by Ditto, Roger 1 / 2 4^, 40 /VurfeU*# 41 x 7 42 43 Xr 44 45 46 X 7 47 X 48 V 49 /X [ 5 ] de Hoveden by Strutt, three different of Roger Bacon, and tra Frontispiece by JEgidius Sadeler, Matthew Paris, whole lengths by Cecill, &c. - 10 St. Cuthbert, w. 1. Friar Bacon by Godfrey, Hugh Kirksted, Venerable Bede, Dunscotus by _Fa 6 er,Ditto by F. Chauveau, and another small profile illuminated • Asser Menevenis, Friar Ockham and Anselm Arch¬ bishop of Canterbury, - - 10 Nicholas Trivet (Monk) by Vertue, Albinus Alcuin ( two different ), Walter Stapledon, William Bateman, and William of Wickham by Faber, Ditto by Houbraken and Grignion, w l. Archbishop Scroope by Harding, and four of Robert Eglesfield by Faber, &c. ( one a Monumental Drawing) , - - 13 John Wicliffe ( seven different ) by R. Gaywood, G. White, J. Faber, &c. and Archbishop Chicheley by Burghers, Faber, &c. - 10 Richard Fleming Bishop of Lincoln, William Waynfleet, John Lydgate, Robert Woodlarke, Thomas de Ro- theram, John Rous by Burghers, Dr. Gray Bishop of Ely, 1454, and John Alcock Bishop of Ely by Faber, &C.12 Sir Reginald Bray, w. 1. etching by Carter, Sir Gilbert Talbot by Fittler, Sir William Gascoigne, Sir Thomas Littleton and Sir John Fortescue by Faithorne and Vander Gucht, &c. - - - 8 Sir William Wallace by Watson, &c. Sir William de la More, Sir John Hawkwood ( three different), Sir Wil¬ liam Walworth, Henry Fitz Alan (Lord Mayor), &c. and the Lord Fitzwalter, Knt. Bannerer, small w. 1. scarce, - - - 11 The true Effigies of that Valiant Kt. and Mar- chant Taylor Sir Ralph Blackwell, oval 4to. Gold Chain, Coats oj Arms, &c. extra fine and rare, 1 Sir Richard Whittington, with the Skull, by R. Elstracke, sold by Compton Holland, extra fine and rare, with an impression from the altered state of the plate, - - - - 2 Jean Talbot Capitaine Anglois, 4to. Sir Richard Stac- poole and John Stacpoole, Esq. by J. Watson, Geof¬ frey Chaucer by Vertue, Houbraken, &c. and John Gower by Ditto, &c. one a monumental drawing, 14 Caxton by Vertue, John de Mabuse ( three different), Poly- dore Virgil (two ditto). Sir William Canynge, Mayor of Bristol, profile etching, 1785, Mary Countess of Pembroke, and Elizabeth Countess of Ulster by Faber, Agnes Duchess of Norfolk and Lady Margaret Bullen, Queen Ediva, Fair Rosamond by G. Noble, Jane Shore etched by Tyson, &c. - * 17 /V 4^- 50 Sigismund, (Emperor,) medallion by Goltzius, Philip the Good and John the Bold Dukes of Burgundy; and ,, Philip the Fair King of Castille by Suyderhoef, C. Visscher , &c, - - - 16 ' 51 Albert II. (Emperor,) Maximilian I. (Ditto) by Goltzius , Vander Hey den, &c. and Triumphal Procession of the Emperor Maximilian by Hans Burgmair, &c. - 14 52 Lewis VII. and John Kings of France by Bazin, Edelinck, &c. Jane and Constance Queens of France, Popes Adrian V. and Pius II. &c. - - 11 53 Estienne Chevalier ; Ambassador in England, Obiit 1474, by ^ Langot, very fine and scarce, Ferrando of Spain, 1416, / J Jean Comte de Dunois by J, Grignon, Count de Castiglione, Philip de Coniines, John Froissart, &c. 10 /A S' REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 54 Henry VIII. by Faber, Houston, Houbraken, Vertue, &c. 55 56 / 57 6 58 T 9 59 60 61 62 Henry VIII. by Delaram, Goltzius, C. Pass, the Frontis piece to Archbishop Cranmer s Bible, &c. - 12 Henry VIII. granting the Charter to the Surgeons Com¬ pany, after Holbein by Baron, and his Decree against the Pope by G. Vertue, 2 Embarkation of Henry VIII. at Dover, Encampment of the English Forces near Portsmouth, Procession of King Edward VI. to the Tower, and three historical prints of the same period, Henry VIII. Prince Edward and the two Princesses, after Holbein by Bartolozzi, proof, two of Prince Edward by Dalton, and Queen Catherine of Arragon by Hou¬ braken, &c. - The most Excellent Princesse Anne Boleyn, Wife to King Henry the VHlth, R. Elstracke sculpsit, sold by Compton Holland, fine and scarce, - 1 Anne Bullen by Gunst, Houbraken, &c. and Ditto with a Chalice in her hand, w. 1. by W. Hollar, scarce, and Margaret Bullen by Ogborne, &c. - 10 Jane Seymour, Catherine Howard, Anne of Cieves, and Catherine Parr (Queens of Henry VIII.) bv Houbraken, Hollar, &c. - 13 Princess Mary by Hollar and Hall, Queen Margaret of Scotland, Madelainede France, Mary Queen of Fi ance and her Husbands Lewis XII., and Charles Duke of Suffolk, and Janies V. King of Scotland by iaywood, &c. ... j 4 12 Jfic. S' iff c/yUt'/ s' [ 7 ] /< 63 Henry VIII. with the Knights of the Garter in Proces- sion, &c. and Thomas Cromwell Earl of Essex by Houbraken, R. White, &c. - - 12 64 Thomas Duke of Norfolk, after Holbein by Vorsterman (two states), John deVere Earl of Oxford, Edward Duke of Buckingham by Faber, Charles Duke of Suffolk by Hollar, Lord Russell, Henry Duke of Richmond and William Parr Earl of Essex, &c. 13 65 Henry Earl of Surrey by Hollar, Vertue, &c. Archibald Douglas Earl of Angus, and Margaret Queen Dow¬ ager of Scotland, published by Thane, and Edward Earl of Derby, by Dalton , &c. - - 10 66 Cardinal Baynbridge by Parr, Cardinal Wolsey by Faber, Houbraken, Fourdrinier, Sheppard, &c. and Robert Wolsey, Gent. Father of the Cardinal, with a View of Ipswich, 8 vo. - - - 15 67 Cardinal Wolsey by R. Elstracke, with and without the address of Compton Holland, fine and rare, - 2 68 Audley Lord Chancellor by Tomkins, Dr. Bell Bishop of Worcester, small w. 1. and Bishop Fisher by R. Vaughan, with variation of the same, &c. - 8 69 John Fisher Bishop of Rochester and Sir Thomas More on the same plate , five latin lines under each portrait; oblong fol. rare, - - - 1 70 Archbishop Warham by Vertue, fol, and 8 vo. &c. Ro¬ bert King First Bishop of Oxford, whole length etching. Archbishop Cranmer from the Heroologia, &c. Cuthbert Tonstall by Fourdrinier, Bishop Fox by Faber and Vertue, and William Smyth Bishop of Lin¬ coln by Ditto, &c. - - - lf> 71 Dean Colet by W. Faitliorne, G. Vertue, &c. one a proof, William Tindal; and John Leland by Grignion, &c. 13 72 Richard Reynolds Monk of Sion House, (executed 1535) folio, and various Portraits of Erasmus by Faber, // ^ 1X Houston, Marshall, Vandyck,lkc. - 13 73 ERASMUS, inscribed Magnus Ille Erasmus Roterodamus (the original print) by Francis Hogenberg, sheet, rare, 1 74 John Skelton, small w. 1. in wood, Skelton, Poeta, w. 1. &c. Sir Harry Guldeforde, Sir Charles Winfield, Sir George Carew, Sir Thomas More, etchings by R. Dal¬ ton, &c. - ■ - 13 75 Sir Thomas More, after Holbein by Vorsterman, and Ditto by Houbraken, Burghers, Vertue, &c. - 12 76 Sir Thomas More, by R. Elstracke, sold by Compton Holland, 4 to. and by Anton. Wierx 12 mo. both fine and scarce, - 2 77 Sir Thomas More by J. Valdor. 1621, extra fine, and a Copy of the same, prefixed to his Life, printed at Paris, ^ 1626, - - 2 71 72 73 74 A? & y ^ 7 //-* 78 / / / ^ „ 81 / Sir Thomas More by W. Marshall, 12 mo. another in¬ scribed, Corporis effigicm, See. Family of Sir Thomas More by C. de Mechel, sheet, and a smaller copy by Vertue , and Familia Thomae Mori Angliae Cancellarii after Holbein by Chr. deMechdl, beautifully coloured, 9 79 Sir Richard Sutton by Faber, Thomas Dowcra, w. 1. by f IV. Rogers, Sir Nicholas Carew, Sir Thomas Gargrave, Sir Anthony Brown, Sir David Lyndsay, &c. 8 80 Andrew Boorde, small w. 1. in wood, Original and Copy, Sir Thomas Wyatt, etched by Tyson, with the original plate, Ludovicus Vives, Sir William Bruges Garter King at Arms, w. 1. coloured, Dr. Butts, Dr. Linacre, John Stan bridge, w. 1. in wood, Original and Copy, and two different wood cuts of Thomas Williamson, Gent, cetat 70 , notin Granger, - - 18 - Hans Holbein by And. Stock, Chr. de Mechdl and Lucas ^ Vorsterman ,fine, - - - 3 82 Hans Holbein by E de Boulonois, Sec. Morett by Hollar, Theodore Bernardi by Hondius, Hans von Zurch by IV. Hollar, fine, Richard Pynson, profile fol. wood cut, Six small ovals of Early Printers, and the original plate of Robert Copland with Porter and Beggar, w. I’s. prefixed to a tract entitled The Hye way to the Skyttell Hous , 4 to. and a copy of the same , - - 17 8 3 Margaret Countess of Salisbury, Lady Catherine Bullen, Ladies of the Court of Henry VIII. etchings by Dalton , and Wife and Children of Holbein, &c. - 9 Will Sommkhs, King Heneryes Jester, whole length by F. Delaram, sould by Tho. Jenner, rare, and Ditto by R. Clamp, &e. - - - 3 ElynourRummin, the Famous Ale wife of England, holding a Mug of Ale in each hand, When Skelton wore the Lawrell Crowne, My Ale put all the Ale wives downe. / _ 84 85 / The Original plate, with a repetition of the same wood cut on the back, very rare, - 1 _ 86 Charles V. Emperor, by Theod. Van Kessel, P. Lombart, P 'P See. - - - 12 87 Charles V. by Ferd. Selma, W. Faithorne, &c. Ditto and , the Emperor Ferdinand, medallions by Goltzius, 3 Francis I. and his two Queens, and Francis the Dau¬ phin by T. de Leu, &c. - - 15 £8 Guillaume de Croy, John Sleidan, Symon Grynseus, Hy- perius, Agrippa, Johan Rantzau, Christ, de Longueil, Peter Ronsard, Margaret of Austria, &c. - 17 89 Ignatius Loyola, w. 1. by F. de Poilly, the same, an unfi- nished proof, and three different, w. I’s. of ditto, by S. d Bolswert, &c. fine, - - 5 '5 s x 4 ’’ [ 9 ] 90 Ignatius Loyola (small circle) by Jerome Weirx, y?ne, ditto by C. Galle, and I. B. Barbe, and with St. Francis Xa- ^ vier, by Peter Miotte, Burgundus, and two Titles to the History of the Society of Jesuits, by C. Bloemart, &c. 6 REIGN OF EDWARD VI. 91 92 93 96 97 98 99 Edward VI. w. 1. in his Robes, sheet mez. Proof, ditto by Faber, and Edward VI. granting the Charter to Bridewell Hospital, by G. Vertue, - 3 Edward VI. profile by N. Nelli, scarce, ditto, with the prayer by Simon Pass; from the Heroologia, ditto, with Bishop Latimer preaching, in wood, and fromtheAtriura Heroicum, 4to. fine, &c. - 18 Edward Duke of Somerset, and John Earl of Bedford, (Illustrious Heads), Francis Earl of Bedford by Dalton, John Dudley Duke of Northumberland, and Thomas Seymour Lord Sudley from Leti's Elizabetta, Thomas Goodrich Bishop of Ely, William Earl of Pembroke, from the Heroologia, Thomas Lord Wentworth, Lord Chancellor Rich, Edward Earl of Devonshire, and Lord Vaux by Schiavonetti, &c. - - 20 Archbishop Cranmer by Faber, &c. Bishop Ridley by C. Pass, R. White, &c. Bishop Gardiner, Bishop Latimer by G. Giffard, Bishop Bale, small oval in wood (copied in Dibdin), two wood-cuts of the Bishop presenting his Book to King Edward VI. rare, &c. - If Dr. Chambers, and various Portraits of the Reformers, Philip Melancthon, Peter Martyr, Martin Bucer, Paul Fagius, John Alasco, &c. - - 18 Sir Thomas Smith, Sir John Cheke, Sir William Sharing- ton, Sir John Tyrrell, Edward Duke of Somerset, John Duke of Northumberland, Sir John Godsalve, George Buchanan, 12 »jo. Sir Thomas Smith, 8 vo. Sir John Cheke by Nutting, Sir Thomas Chaloner (in wood), scarce, and ditto by R. Earlom, - 13 Lady Jane Gray by G. Vertue , sheet, &c. Anne Duchess of Somerset by Nugent, &c. and a large Monumental Slip of Agnes Jordan, from a brass plate in Denham Church, Berk's, - - - 8 Henry II. King of France, iEtat. 28, 1547, profile, in curious ornamented armour, with sceptre and shield, supposed to be by Ben Cellini, sheet, rare, - 1 Henry II. and his Queen Catherine de Medicis, Jerome Cardan (three different) Flenry Nicholas, Hadrian Junius, and Daniel Barbaro, sheet, &c. - 11 C //-/> [ 10 ] REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 , 10S 109 110 S-0 MARIA, HeNR. VIII. F. DEI GRATIA REGINA ANGLIJE, &c. 1555. Motto, Veritas Temporis Filia, by Francis Hogenberg, very fine, and extra rare, 1 Queen Mary by F. Delaram, G. Vertue, R. White, &c. the Princess Elizabeth, small oval. Philip II. King of Spain by Crisp . de Pass , I. Morin , P. de lode, &c. 28 Princess Elizabeth, small to. 1. by Martin Droeshout, fine and scarce. Various Medallions of Philip and Mary, and Queen Mary, after Sir Ant. More, by Vasquez, &c. 6 Edward Earl of Devonshire by Chambers, Thomas and Henry Earls of Sussex by Thane, Lord Petre, with others from the Oxford Almanack, Edmund Plowden by T. Stayner, fol. Cardinal Pole from the Crofat Collection by N. de Larmessin, Cardinal Beaton by G. Sibelius, &c. - - 14 Archbishop Cranmer and Bishop Ridley by Houston, &c. Five Martyred Bishops by R. White, fine, Bishops Bonner and Stephen Gardiner by R. White, Gumft, &c. - - - 13 Hugh Latimer by J. Savage, &c. Bishops Hooper and Farrar by Houston, &c. Bernard Gilpin, John Brad¬ ford, Lawrence Sanders, and John Rogers (Martyrs) from the Heroologia, and John Knox by R. Cooper, fol. - - 13 Sir Thomas Pope by W. Robins, mez. scarce, ditto, by 7. Faber, &c. and Sir Thomas White by ditto, - 5 John (Caius) Key by C. Pass and J. Faber, ditto small oval in wood, Thomas Heywood, w. 1. ditto, scarce, and William Hervey (Norroy King at Arms) by Thane, 5 Sir Antonio More (three differentJ, Joas Van Cleeve, (ditto), and Lady Jane Grey after Holbein by G. Noble, proof, by E. de Boulonois, &c. - - 9 Ferdinand Duke of Alva ( various portraits) and a curi¬ ous historical print of the Duke with Cardinal Gran¬ ville, &c. persecuting the Inhabitants of the Low Countries, J. P. Vennius, exc. sheet, - 12 Margaret Archduchess of Austria {five different) Hadrian, Junius, Hugo Allardt, exc. sheet, &c. and Dominicus Lampsonius, 4to, &c. - - 9 / y [ 11 ] SECOND DAY’S SALE. n 111 112 113 114 115 116 T? 117 118 119 Z ^ 7 120 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. QUEEN ELIZABETH hy G. Vertue, C Pass, with the Feather Fan, &c. and Medallions of Ditto, and Mary Queen of Scots by Baron, Queen Elizabeth with James I. and Charles I. small ovals in the title to Cap¬ tain John Smith’s Virginia, 1624, by John Barra, and another frontispiece by T. Cecill,fol. - 13 Queen Elizabeth by W. Marshall, and ditto, when Pi •incess, w. 1. sheet, mez. by Faber, and (various por¬ traits) by Crisp. Van Queboren, &c. - 13 Queen Elizabeth by G. Vertue, R. White, &c, ditto, be¬ tween Lord Burleigh and Sir Francis Walsingham by W. Faithorne, and a small w.l. of her in wood, scarce, 6 Queen Elizabeth in her robes by R. Elstracke, sold by J. Sudbury and G. Humble, oval 4to. very fine and scarce, 1 Queen Elizabeth by Cris. de Pas. small 4to rare, and ditto, small oval, surrounded by the Genealogical Tree of her Ancestors from William the Conqueror ; Auctore M. Colm. nobili Anglo, large 4to. very fine and rare 2 Queen Elizabeth, in a rich dress composed of pearls {large oval) by H. Ilondius, very fine, - - 1 Queen Elizabeth, w. 1. in her robes, holding a Globe and Sceptre in each hand by C. v. Sichem, fine and scarce, ditto, under an arch. Sold by Thomas Geele, 4to. and w. 1. with Sceptre and Shield, by Goltzius, &c. 4 Queen Elizabeth, in an ornamented oval by N. Nelli, 4 to. Ditto, crowned, holding a Sceptre in one hand , and the Bible in the other, 4to. and Elizabeth Royne d'Angleterre et d'lrlande by C. David, in an ornamented oval, 4to. extra fine, 3 Queen Elizabeth by T. de Leu, Ditto, in wood, holding a sphere, a small, ditto, representing her, sitting on a Globe, and a most curious sheet print in wood of the Queen in her Robes, - -4 QUEEN ELIZABETH, whole length, sumptuously APPARALLED, IN THE DRESS SHE WENT TO ST. PAUL’S AFTER THE VICTORY OVER THE SPANISH ArMADA, after Isaac Oliver by Crisp, de Passe, very fine AND RARE, _ - - I /l?-J /S-0 A/^ [ 12 ] 121 122 * J 123 124 125 126 *0 127 /V 2 -4 /-f-f? 131 /l^b-0 128 129 130 ~/ 3-0 /3-P 132 133 / 134 Elizabeta. D. G. Anglias, Francis, Hibernije, et Vergini®, Regina, whole length, standing be¬ tween two PILLARS, WITH EMBLEMATICAL DEVICES, CROWNED J SCEPTRE AND GLOBE IN EACH HAND. Jo- annes Woutnelius Belga curabat 1 696: Bril¬ liant impression and extra rare, - - 1 Queen Elizabeth going in Procession to Hunsdon House by G. Vertue, sheet, ditto, Sitting in Parliament, fol. w. 1. in wood, Profile from a Coin when far advanced in life, and Monument of Queen Elizabeth from the Heroologia. 5 Maria, Jacobi Scotorum Regis Filia, Scotorumque Nunc Regina, whole length in profile by Fran¬ cis Hogenberg, very rare, 1 Mary Queen of Scots by N. Nelli, oval, 4 to. and ditto, J. Leopoldt, sculp. ( small oval), ditto, and her son James, (medallions) and the Genealogical Tree, and Arms of Queen Mary, scarce, - - 6 Mary Queen of Scots by Houbraken, ditto, w. 1. with her son James by Bartolozzi, and ditto, by G. Vertue {three different), &c. - 12 Mary Queen of Scotland, and Dowager of France, Crown and Sceptre, 12 mo. Ditto, small oval, with four crowns suspended. Ne dimitt as, &c. and two of Francis IF King of France, - - 6 Mary Queen of Scots, and Dowager of France by B.. Elstracke, oval 4to. Ditto by J. Faber and P. Gunst, and with View of her Execution, by J. Corn ay, sheet, - 4 Mary Queen of Scots, large oval, surrounded by vignettes, representing her Execution, &c. by T. de Leu, fol. rare, 1 Mary Queen of Scots by De Leu, 8 vo. by R. Gaywood, Moncornet, &c. 5 Mary Queen of Scots, holding a Crucifix at her breast. Execution in the back ground, A Boudan excud, 8 vo. fine and scarce, and an Italian Print representing her Execution by Agost. Parisians, 4to. - - 2 Maria Scotia Regina, Francorum Regis Conjunx, Anno 1559, Cock exc, Profile in an Oval, 4to. A MOST RARE AND CURIOUS PRINT, BRILLIANT, - 1 Henry Stewart Lord Darnley, obiit 1566 by R. Elstracke, 4to. sould by William Peake, fine and rare, l Henry Lord Darnley, Jo. Hallbrock sculp, sold by Tho¬ mas Jenner, oval 4to. very rare, - 1 Henry Lord Darnley and Queen Mar}', whole lengths in their Robes, a drawing in Indian ink (from the ex¬ treme rare Original ) by J. Dorrell - 1 / / ' [ 13 ] 135 Lord Darnley’s Cenotaph, and the Battle of Carberry Hill by G. Vertue, Queen Mary under Confinement by Ward , sheet mez.; James VI. of Scotland, &c. 9 NOBILITY AND GREAT OFFICERS OF STATE. 136 137 138 139 / 140 141 142 143 A - - A 144 /ZZ 7 145 William First Marquis of Winchester by Harding, Ditto (two different etchings ) William Lord Burleigh by T. Cecill, 12 mo. scarce, Ditto by Houbrahen, and in the Court of Wards and Liveries by G. Vertue, &c. 8 William Cecil Lord Burleigh, whole length, mounted on a Mule, holding a nosegay in his hand, his Coat of Arms and Motto (Cor IJnum Via Una) suspended to a tree, highly finished Drawing in colours by S Harding, l William Lord Burleigh, from the Bishops' Bible, and va¬ riation of the same, Ditto by W. Marshall, &c. Thomas Duke of Norfolk by Houbrahen, &c. and William Lord Howard of Effingham by Ogborn, - 7 Thomas Duke of Norfolk, under an Arch, with his Coat of Arms in a separate compartment, a facsimile drawing in Indian ink (from the extra rare Original) by J.Dorrell, 1 Robert Earl of Essex, from the Heroologia, Ditto in the Procession of the Earl of Leicester, proof, &c. Gilbert Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, Robert Earl of Essex in a Hat and Feather, sold by Peter Stent, 4to. scarce, and Henry Fitz Alan Earl of Arundel, from Leti's Elizabeta, Robert Earl of Leicester, &c. 17 Robert Earl of Leicester, Compton Holland exc. oval 4to. scarce, and Ditto from the Heroologia, - 2 Robert Earl of Leicester by W. Marshall and C.v. Sichem. fine, and from the Bishops’ Bible, &c. . 8 Triumphal Entry of Robert Dudley Earl of Lei¬ cester into the Hague on Ten separate sheets (, etchings ) by DeBry, containing small w. l. Portraits of the Earl and his suite. Prince Maurice, PrinceHohenlo, &C. RARE AND CURIOUS, - - 1 Henry Lord Hunsdon by Thane, James Earl of Mor¬ ton by Houbraken, proof, Matthew Earl of Lenox; Walter Earl of Essex and Sir Henry Sidney from the Heroologia, and Sir John Perrot by V. Green, &c. 7 SIR ROBERT NAUNTON, bySimon Pass, 4 to. RARISS. * He is introduced here being particularly mentioned under the Article Sir John Perrot, but the Pori rait itself was so rare as to be unknown to Mr. Granger, - 1 /jP-J 4 ^ J-A-s [ 14 ] fa A/-* 146 Sir James Crofts, Comptroller of the Household to Queen Elizabeth, drawing in colours by S. Harding , 147 George Earl of Cumberland, 15S6, whole length. Armed for a Tournament, by R. White, very rare, - 148 George Earl of Cumberland by R. Vaughan , scarce, &c. Francis Earl of Bedford by Houbraken , Ambrose Earl of Warwick and Henry Earl of Pembroke from the Heroologia, James Earl of Arran by Gunst, Wil¬ liam Brereton Baron of Laughlin, 1579, by Basire, &c. - 1 l vtyvM' CLERGY. /A-4 />-/? fat fa? faj 149 Matthew Parker Archbishop of Canterbury by R. White, G. Vertue, M. Tyson, &c. Edmund Grindall and John Whitgift Archbishops of Canterbury by C. Pass, M. v. Gucht, R. White, &c. - 17 150 Edwyn Sandys Archbishop of York from Boissard and the Heroologia, Bishop Aylmer by R. White, Bishop Jewell by C.Pass and G. Vertue, Lesley Bishop of Ross by Gunst, Dean Nowell by C. Pass, Laurence Hum¬ phrey, John Rainolds and William Whitaker (five different) by Ditto, &c. - - 21 151 William Whitaker, Obiit 1595, jEt. 47, oval 4to : Extra Fine before the address of Peter Stent, and the same with the address, - - 2 152 Thomas Becon by C. Pass, Ditto in wood, 4to. Hugh Price by G. Vertue, Edward Dering, David White- head, and Thomas Holland from the Heroologia, and William Fulke by IV. Marshall, &c. - 10 153 Richard Hooker by W. Faithorne, &c. John More, and Henry Smith by Cross, William Perkins by R. Els- tracke (sould by John Hind), and Ditto with the address of P. Stent, &c. - - - 9 154 Richard Rogers, Thomas Brightman, Thomas Cart¬ wright and George Hartgill, small w. 1. in a title by Gaywood, scarce, John Fox by Glover, &c. John Knox, Thomas Waterhouse, w. 1. Dr. Richard Lloyd, Car¬ dinal Allen by De Boulonois, 8cc. - 10 155 Thomas Stapleton j Anglus, by L. Gualtier, rare, with the Copy, and Ditto etching by Lord Aylesford, p. p. 3 156 Cuthbert Mayn, Priest, executed 1579, A. B. fecit, \2mo. mez. and Richard Whyte, a medallion by H. Mortier, both rare, - - 2 fa fa fa fa. [ 15 ] S' 158 159 160 ]6l 162 Edmund Campian, Jesuit, fol. with the manner of his Execution by F. Bouttats, Alexander Briant, Thomas Cottam, Dominick Collins, Roger Filcock and Francis Page (Jesuits) the original portraits, very rare, and a tracing of Robert Southwell, - 8 Edmund Geninges (Jennings), Jesuit, executed 1591* iEt. 24, Mart, Basfecit, 4to. very rare, - 1 Robert Parsons, Jesuit, by J. Valdor, 12mo. and Ditto by J. Neeffs, fol. both rare, Peter Cotton (Preacher to Henry IV. King of France) by G. Bouttats, Edmund Augier (Jesuit), Andrew Scott (Ditto), and the Exe¬ cutions of Humphrey Middelmore, &c. by F. Bouttats, 6 Father Angel and other Jesuits in the Title to the Cer- tamen Seraphicum, with the original Drawings in bistre on separate pieces, curious, - 9 Frontispiece to the Certamen Seraphicum, and Another of two Jesuits, w. l’s. worshipping the Virgin Mary, 4to. rare, Richard Walpole, w. 1. in a title by Tlio. Gardner, 8 vo. prefixed to Authentic Memoirs of that villainous Jesuit Richard Walpole, fyc. executed 1595, and a Frontispiece, in which is introduced a small w. 1. of Thomas Heskins, D. D. in wood. (See Dod's Church History, vol. i. page 525.) - 4 Francis Rivera. Leighlin in Hybernia Episcopi by C. Mallery, Ato.fine and very scarce (not in Granger ), 1 /■* SECRETARIES OF STATE, AMBAS¬ SADORS AND JUDGES. 163 164 166 Sir Thomas Smith, Ambassador to the Emperor of Russia by Simon Pass, before the alteration of the date , very fine and scarce, - _ - 1 Sir Thomas Smith (Secretary of State) small oval in wood, with his Tomb, scarce, Sir Francis Walsingham by Houbraken, Vertue, &c. Sir Henry Brooke Cobham, Sir John Packington, w. 1. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton by Vertue, Sir Thomas Bodley and Sir Walter Mild- may by Faber, - ~ ~ ^ Sir Walter Mildmay (Founder of Emanuel College Cambridge ) a beautiful w. 1. drawing in colours, 1 Sir Nicholas Bacon by Pass, Vertue, &c. Sir James Dyer by Drapentier, Sir Edmund Anderson by Faithorne, Sir Christopher Wray and Sir Johp Clench by Hollar, &c. 11 9 -* [ 16 J /V 167 William Barclay, J. C. setat 53, 1599, oval in the centre of several Coats of Arms by C, De Mallery, 4to. very ~/Z fine and scarce, - - - 1 ^ MILITARY AND NAVAL CHARACTERS. 168 2 169 *0 170 171 172 173 174 ^-0 175 176 //?-& Robert Earl of Leicester, in a hat and feather, 4to. and a small oval w. 1. of the Earl with his hand resting on a shield, on which is the monogram of Abraham Spiers van Antwerpen , rare, Sir Philip Sidney, in Armour, oval 4to. R. Els- TRACKE SCULPSIT ; COMPTON HOLLAND EXCUD1T ; MOST BRILLIANT, - - - 1 Sir Philip Sydney, Kt. Governour of Flushing, w. 1. in complete armour, 4to .fine, and very rare, - 1 SirP. Sidney, w.l. after Isaac Oliver by G.Vertue, the Death of Sir Philip by Bartolozzi( aud seven different portraits), and Robert Earl of Essex from Lett's Elizabeta, &c. 10 Sir John Ogle and Sir Francis Vere by W. Faithorne, fine , .... The Honourable and Right Genereus Sr. Horatio Veer, Knight, Lord Generall, &c. on Horse¬ back, Ge: Mountin sculpsit, 4to. very fine, and EXTREMELY RARE, - Captain Christopher Carlisle by Robert Boissard, 4to. scarce, and "Ditto from the Heroologia, Charles Earl of Nottingham ( Lord High Admiral ), George Earl of Cumberland, &c. very small circles, on the same plate, 12 mo. Heads of Eminent Naval Commanders/ro»i Pine's Tapestry, and Representation of the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, Sir Walter Raleigh in armour by G. Fertue, and Ditto proof, before the name of the Engraver, &>c. was inserted. Sir Francis Drake (oval) scarce , Ditto by R. Vaughan, TV. Marshall, &c. and Sir Walter Raleigh by S. Pass, Sir Francis Drake, setat 43, small oval in armour envi¬ roned by fruit and fiowers, F. vanden Wyngacrde exc. fine and scarce. Ditto with a Globe suspended from t— L 8 under an Arch by G. Vertue, sheet , and Sir John Haw- 177 kins and Sir Martin Frobisher by R. Boissard, scarce, Sir John Hawkins and Sir Martyn Frobisher, placed between a Triumphal Naval Column (in its ori¬ ginal state before the plate was separated) with their Coats of Arms, Views of Brest Harbour, and Vessels at Sea by Robert Boissard, oblong folio, extra fine AND RARE, - 178 179 ISO 181 /&> 182 183 'T~4r ~0 7 ~* L 17 ] . SlR IfuMp HnEY Gilbert, and Captain Thomas Ca¬ vendish, by R. Boissard, in the same state as the pre¬ ceding, and EQUALLY BRILLIANT, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Captain Thomas Candish, by dJitto fafter the separation of the plate),fine and scarce, Hawkins, Frobisher, Gilbert, Candish and Sir Richard Grenville, all by C. Pass from the Heroologia, fine, 7 Jhomas Candyssh, Nobilis Anglus, with two Hemispheres by Jodocus Hondius, Yimo.fine and scarce, - 1 Sir Thomas Scott etching by De Wilde, Cornelius Van Dun by Trotter , William Cole, of Oxford, etching by Miss Gulston, Thomas Candish, Svo. Ditto with Sir Fiancis Drake, Busts between an Orb , &c. Sir Thomas Gresham by F . Delaram, 4to. scarce, and Ditto, w. 1. from his Statue by G. Vertue, - 8 Sir Thomas Gresham by G. Vertue, fol. proof. Ditto by J. Faber, J. B. Michel, and after Sir Ant. More by R. Them, fi ne . . _ _ ' Sii Ihomas Lee, Lord Mayor, facsimile drawing from Ihe original, by the Rev. W. Brand, and seven Heads of Lord Mayors of London published by Richardson, John Nash, Alderman of Worcester, fol. Sir Henry Tirrell //-0 {etched by Miss Gulston ) J. Bruen, \9>mo. Sir John Warren de Poynton, Sir Richard Shelley, Sir Richard Clough, and Sir Henry Lee, all by J. Basire, Sir Henry Unton, John Habington, and Queen Elizabeth by Faber, - _ _ jg PHYSICIANS, POETS, ARTISTS, &c. 184 185 186 ^ 187 William Bulleyn, M.D. profile in wood , Ditto from Stuke- ley, 12 mo. and w. 1. in wood (the original portrait ), Richard Haydoeke, M. D. in afol. title; with the Copy by the late Mr. Thane, and Mark Ridley, Physician to the Emperor of Russia, 4 to. fine and scarce, - 6 William Cunyngham of Norwich, M.D. setat 2S, Greek inscription round the oval, 4 to. cut in wood, very rare, Thomas Gale, Chirurgus, in wood, John Hall, and Sir George Baker, M. D. w. 1. ditto, and Peter Levens holding an Urinal by J. Chantry, fine and scarce, 5 Edmund Spencer by G. Vertue,fol. and Svo. and various Portraits of Shakespeare by Ditto, &c. - 12 William Shakespeare by R. Cooper, proof, Ditto with Milton and others by Faber, Sic. Hubert Languet by Cipriani, George Gascoigne, presenting his Book to Queen Elizabeth from Strutt, and Thomas Nash, small w.l. - - - 7 D [ IB ] 'I-# //•** /w A -/> 158 John Donne, zetat 18, by W. Marshall, fine, and Sir Philip Sidney by C. van Passe, scarce, 159 Sir John Harington, in a Frontispiece by T. Cockson, fol. and John Harington Baron of Exton, small oval in wood, four Latin and four English verses, rare, 2 190 George Gascoigne, in Armour, Tam Marti Quam Mercurio (the original print from the Steele glass ) very rare, and the Copy, - - 2 191 George Buchanan by J. Granthome, R. White, &c. James Crichton (three different), William Camden, (various heads) Mark Alexander Boyd by T. de Leu, 12 mo. fine and scarce, Ralph Brooke (York Herald), 4to. William Lambarde by G. Vertue, fol. John Stow Ditto, and two of Humphrey Lloyd. - 17 192 Humphrey Lloyd, of Denbigh, aetatis 34, 1561, by J. Faber, 1717, fine and very rare, - 1 193 Sir Thomas Bodley, fol. and two head pieces of Ditto by t M. Burghers, Dr. Ascham, with Queen Elizabeth, by Ditto, Dr. John Dee, and Edward Kelly his Seer, from Casaubon’s Relation concerning Dr. Dee, &c. 194 John Blagrave with J. Palmer (in a title ) by D. Loggan , John Gerarde (Botanist) by W, Rogers, and Ditto in ft a Frontispiece by J. Payne, fine, Thomas Hill, cetat 28, small oval in wood, Thomas Whithorn, aetat 40, Joan Kentman, M.D. small profile in wood, and James Peele ditto in the title to his Pathway to Perfectnes, 1569 ,fol. (the three latter not in Granger), 7 195 Isaac Oliver by Hondius, Ditto after Vandyck, proof, Isaac Oliver, Nicholas Hilliard, Cornelius Ketel, Henry Cornelius Uroom, Frederic Zueehero, Mark Garrard, Adrian Lant, and Sir Nathaniel Bacon, from Walpole's Painters, &c. - - 14 196 Theodore de Bry, and Joan Boissard, John Day (Printer) fol. John Wight, w. 1. ( three different states ), Richard Jones, Gabriel Harvey, Tom Nash, and Richard Watts, Esq. 1580, mez. from a Bustin Rochester Cathedral, &c. 10 2 ' 8 / ' a- A* LADIES, &c. 197 198 /A* Margaret Duchess of Norfolk, after Lucas de Heere, 1562, by P. W. Tomkins, private plate, proof, very scarce, - Frances Countess of Sussex by Faber, Ann Countess of Warwick, Agnes Mss. of Winchester, Ladies Hunsdon and Effingham, published by Thane, Alicia Spencer Countess of Derby ,fac-simile drawing from the L 1 J99 200 very rare Original, Alice wife to Richard Perceval by J. Faber, Catherine Bretterg, 12 mo. Anne Throg¬ morton by Trotter, and an Impression from a brass plate of Margaret Dely, a Nun of Sion, - 13 Margaret Middleton (small w. I .) by J. B. Barbe, fine and scarce, and the manner of her Execution by JNeefs, fol. % Richard Tarleton (Comedian to Queen Elizabeth ), small w. 1 . in wood, with tabret and drum, very rare, and three modern Prints of William Kempe, Bankes and his Horse, 1595, and Old Scaleits , etching w. 1 . 4 FOREIGNERS BELONGING TO THE ENGLISH SERIES. 201 & 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 Maximilian II. Emperor, oval in armour, with emblems, sheet, (Mon. Bartsch, vol. ix. p. 523) fine and rare, &c. and Rodolpn II. by JEgidius Sadeler, &c. 15 Rodolph II. by C. Pass and Martin Rcta (two different'), and .Ditto by Anthony and Jerome Wierx, scarce, &c. 6 Henry III. King of France, by Jerome Wierx, sheet, fine and scarce, - - - 1 Charles IX. and Henry III. Kings of France by Peter de Jode, J. de Bie, &c. - 7 Henry IV. King of France, in a richly ornamented oval, with numerous emblematical figures by Thomas de Leu, 15f)6, sheet, fine and rare, - 1 Henry IV. (oval crowned with laurel) by L. Gualtier,fine, Ditto in a large Hat and Feather, Franco Forma excud. and Ditto by Goltzius, Landry. &c. - 7 Henry IV. and Marie de MedIcis w. I's . sitting in a chamber, with the Dauphin and young Duke of Orleans, the Duke of Sully and other Courtiers attending, sixteen French verses, very fine and rare, - 1 Henry IV. by Morin, Ditto and Maria de Medicis by De Jode, &c. and the Assassination of Henry IV. by Ra- vaillac ; Frederick VI. Duke of Wirtemburgh in his Robes of the Garter , w»l. in wood, with his Coat of Arms on a separate plate, and Ditto by J. vander Heyden, 4to. 9 Francis Duke of Anjou, on horseback, 4 to. &c. Cecilia Marchioness of Baden, and the Duke of Feria, from Letts Elizabetta, Pompone de Bellievre, Don Diego Guzman de Silva, Adolphus a Meetkercke, (Original and Copy), and Charles Due de Biron by De Leu, &c. 17 f-z? J) -i? 3-J / t 20 ] 210 Christian Frys, and Harald Huitlield from Hoffman, Wil¬ liam Du Bartas and Pierre de Bourdeille by Schley, and Tardieu, Carolus Utenhovius by C.Pass, Francis Gomarus by Lamsweerde, Lucas Trelcatius ( Father and Son) by Matham , Petrus Bertius, Joannes Drusius, and Peter de Moulin, &c. - - 18 211 Petrus Molinseus, Dominicus Baudius, Paulus Merula, y Janus Dousa by C. Visscher, &c. Daniel Heinsius by ^ A W. Swanenburg and J. Lievens, Francis Raphelengius, Janus Gruter, Orlandus Lassus, by J.Sadeler, George Hoefnagel, Abraham Ortelius, &c. - - 24 212 Matthias de Lobel, Botanist, 1615, cetat 76, by Francis Delaram, very fine and rare, 1 213 Carolus Clusius, by Ant. Wierr, 12 mo. J. de Gheyn, &c. Daniel Heinsius by Suyderhoef, fine, Nicolas de Neufville Seigneur de Villeroy (Ambassador from France , 1578 ) by M. Lasne, 8 vo .fine and scarce , The Three Coligni’s (Odet, Gaspar and Francis) w. Vs. J. C. Visscher exc.fol. and B. Arias Montanus, 4 to. &c. 9 REIGN OF JAMES I. ROYAL FAMILY. //-J /r~* 214 Tames I. when King of Scotland, and his Queen by P. de Jode, James I. w. 1. in his,robes by S. Pass, and Ditto by R. White, sheet, - - 215 James I. ( various Portraits) by Vaughan, Vertue, R. White, some scarce, 216 James I. ( small circle), scarce, Ditto (small oval) by W. Faithorne, fine, &c. and Anna Regina Scotorum, 4 to. - 217 James I. eetat 38, 1604, oval by Crispin de Pass, 8 vo. very fine and scarce, - 21 8 James I. under an Arch, crowned with Laurel, and holding a Sceptre, by Crisp, de Passe, 16i3, half SHEET, EXTRA FINE AND RARE, 219 Jacobus et Anna, Rex et Regina, whole lengths, Johan Wiricx f. half sheet, very fine and RARE, - 220 James I. (various title pages) from the Wittie Apop- thegmes of King James, &c. with small ovals of the Earl of Worcester, Sir Thomas More and others ; Prince Henry by S. Gribelin, &c. 4 12 /Jc -/C’Tt: / ' 7 1 i 6 221 [ 21 ] 222 fa James I. by Gunst, sheet, &c. Prince Charles by S. Pass, 12 mo. small w. l’s. of James I. and his Family, from Speed , &c. a Deed executed in 1603 with James I. on his Throne, and the Royal Arms, curious, and James I. and Queen Ann of Denmark, w. l’s. standing under separate Arches, a medallion of Prince Henry in the center, with the Arms and Genealogy of the Stuart Family, oblongfol. rare, James I. and his Queen, standing under Arches supported by Pillars, with a Medallion of Prince Henry, and the several Alliances of the English and Scottish Kings, Jean le Clerc exc. N. B. sc. oblong, half sheet, very fine. 223 fafa fa?" AND RARE, - James I. Natus 1567* 4 to. Frontispiece to the Vox Dei by fV. Pass, and James I. lying in State, prefixed to his Funeral Sermon by Archbishop Williams, 1625, all very fine, and James I. w.l. sitting on his Throne, Prince Henry standing by ; W. Pass sculp. 1621, half sheet, scarce , - - - - 224 PROGENY OF KING JAMES AND QUEEN ANNE, TOGETHER WITH THAT OF THE KING AND QUEEN OF BOHEMIA, CONTAIN. ING FIFTEEN WHOLE LENGTH PORTRAITS, AND INSCRIBED, TRIUMPHUS JACOBI RE¬ GIS AUGUSTS IPSIUS PROLIS ; WILL. PASS SCULP. SHEET, EXTRA FINE AND RARE, 225 PROGENY of KING JAMES, the same Plate as the preceding in its altered State, having in addi- tion, “ The Royall Progenie of Charles Y e First ' of Blessed Memory,’’ including Portraits of Queen Henrietta Maria, Charles II. the Dukes of Yorke and Glocester, and the Princesses Mary and Henrietta, exceeding rare and curious. fa? fa^ \ /fa/fa? 1 [ 22 ] THIRD DAY S SALE. REIGN OF JAMES I .—continued. 226 y> 227 228 229 230 231 232 / -^-0 233 234 /-z? ROYAL FAMILY. Queen Anne of Denmark by Simon Pass, 1617, 4 to. rare, and Ditto, inscribed Anna Regina Scotorum, with two of her Children, whole lengths, Arms of Scotland, fkc.fol. very scarce, - 2 Anne, Queen of James I. in a circle, 1604, six latin lines, by Crisp, de Pass, fine and scarce, by P. de Jode, in a square, 4to. Ditto (Illustrious Head) and View of Theo¬ balds, by Sparrow, - 4 Effigies of Queen Anne of Denmark, lying on a Tomb, her head supported by Jacob’s stone , and her Spirit ascending on a ladder to Heaven , various emblems, and inscriptions in Latin and English, half sheet, very fine and rare, - - - 1 Henry Prince oj Wales, oval 8 vo. by Crisp, de Pass, and another small oval of him at the top of a Genealogical Tree by Ditto, both very fine and scarce, - 2 Prince Henry by Vertue, White, Houbraken, &c. and whole length in richly embossed armour, drawing in colours from the Original at Wrest House, Bedfordshire, by T. Athow, 8 Henricus Princeps, w. 1. exercising with a Lance by W. Hole, another with variations, and the same subject, smaller, by Crisp, de Pass, - 3 Monumental Effigy of Prince Henry, inscribed, “ The Herse and Representacion of our late Highe and Mighty Henry Prince of Wales f’ Sic.four Latin and four En¬ glish verses by George Chapman; Guil. Holus sculp, sheet, very rare, - 1 Charles Prince of Wales, in an oval, four Latin lines by Crisp, de Pass, 8 vo. extra fine, - 1 Prince Charles by F. Dclaram, 4to. Ditto, eetat 13, in an oval, 8 vo. &c. and Princess Mary of Austria, Daughter of Philip III. King of Spain by Simon Pass, Bvo. fine and rare, - - ' - 4 [ 23 ] 235 236 237 238 239 /^/^S^/hs 240 24 L 242 243 Philip IV. King of Spain in armour, crowned, with a truncheon in his hand, Ato.fine and scarce, - l Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, three quarters length, Feather Fan in her hand , by Crisp, van Queboren, 8 vo. fine and rare, - - ] Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, sold by Stent, 4to. by Vertue and Gunst, and Ditto, and Frederick King of Bohemia, 4 to. ovals, 5 Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, in a superb dress, by Simon Frisius, sheet, fine and rare, - 1 Frederick and Elizabeth, King and Queen of Bo¬ hemia, w. Vs. standing in their Robes under Arches, crowned and sceptred, with numerous historical vignettes of his Coronation, &c. on a large sheet published at Am¬ sterdam by C.J. Visscher, fine and rare, - 1 Frederick and Elizabeth, sitting enthroned, with their Progeny, consisting of Eleven Princes and Princesses standing around them, sixteen Dutch verses, J. C. Viss¬ cher exc. oblong sheet, very rare, - 1 Frederick King of Bohemia, Equestrian Portrait, J. C. Visscher exc. sheet, and three Historical Prints repre¬ senting the Procession at the Marriage of the Pals¬ grave, and his Investiture with the Order of the Garter 5 James I. and his Family with their Coats of Arms, Medallions by Simon Pass, and four small whole lengths of James and his Queen, &c. - 15 Henry the Fourth King of France, Equestrian Portrait sumptuously caparisoned. Military _ Trophies at his feet, J. v. Halbeech fecit, half sheet within a border, around is a Letter - press Description in French, Chez. Jean le Clerc, 1610, rare and curious, 1 Henry the Fourth King of France and Navarre, and Pope Clement VIII. ovals on each side a Column, erected at Rome on the conversion of King Henry IF. A Paris par Jehan le Clerc, 1596, sheet, very rare, 1 '0 NOBILITY. A* 244 Thomas Egerton, Baron Ellesmere, Lord Chan¬ cellor, in his Robes with the Seals before him, four Latin lines, G. Hole fecit, extra fine and rare, 245 Thomas Earl of Dorset by Vertue, Robert Earl of Salis¬ bury by H. Stock, Ato.from the Heroologia, and by H. Hondius, oval 4 to. fine and scarce, and Thomas Lord Audley, published by Thane, - * [ 24 ] / '-2-* 246 247 2 - 0 -* 248 249 *0 250 251 A/ -jr-* 252 253 0 254 /' 0 255 256 257 258 V~ 259 260 261 Thomas Earl of Suffolk, R. Elstrackf, sculp, sould by Cornpl. Holland, fine and rare, Edward Earl of Worcester by Simon Pass, sould by TV. Peake, very scarce, Henry Veere Earl of Oxford, in rich suit of Armour, Truncheon in his hand, by R. Vaughan, broad margin, extra fine and rare. From the De la Bere Collection, Henry Earl of Oxford, pen and ink drawing from the above Portrait by the late Rev. Mr. Brand; Charles Earl of Nottingham by Simon Pass, Comp. Holland exc. fine and scarce, and Ditto in his Robes of the Garter, w. 1. Thomas Earl of Arundel, 8 vo. and George Duke of Buckingham by Houbraken, Moncorndt, &c. George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham (to thf. Knees) by Simon Pass, extra rare, a most beauti¬ ful impression, George, Duke, Marquis and Earle of Bucking^ ham, Equestrian Portrait, the horse sumptuously caparisoned, Military Trophies and Prospect of the Sea, with Vessels in the distance, W. Pass SCULP. 1625, SHEET, RARISS. Lodowick Duke of Richmond and Lenox, by Simon Pass, brilliant, Lodowick Duke of Richmond by Clamp, w. 1. James Marquis of Hamilton by M. Droeshout, ditto, Henry Earl of Southampton, proof, &c. Robert Car Earl of Somerset, by Simon Pass, Comp. Holland exc. very fine and rare, Robert Earl of Somerset and his Countess, whole lengths, from the History of the First Fourteen Years of James I. remarkably fine, - William Herbert Earl of Pembroke, with his Cham¬ berlain's staff, first state, by Simon Pass, extra fine AND RARE, - - William Earl of Pembroke, sold by Peter Stent, 4to. scarce, and Ditto by M. Burghers, 12 mo. Richard Earl of Dorset and John Earl of Bristol (copies'), Henry Earl of Northampton, etching, 4 to. John Lord Lum- ley, Charles Blount Baron Mountjoy, w. 1. by Val. Green, &c. - Francis Manners Earl of Rutland, in his Robes of the Garter by Simon Pass, sold by Thomas Jen- ner. Geo. Ferbearde ex. extra fine and rare, Henry Wriothesley Earl of Southampton, in armour by Simon Pass, and sould by Sudbury and Hum¬ ble, FINE AND RARE, Henry Earl of Northumberland by F. Delaram, 1619, 4 to. and Ditto with Hat and Glove by F. Delaram, 4 to. both very scarce, - J?.c 1 3 6 1 j 2 * [ 25 ] 262 263 264 265 / / 2 66 267 Jyjryrt'.'/}+**”* Robert Devereux Earl of Essex and Eive, Hat. and Fea¬ ther by J. Payne, 12 mo. very scarce, Richard Earl of Dorset by S. Pass, \to. and Thomas Earl of Arundel by Simon Pass, 1616, C. Holland exc. John Digby Earl of Bristol, in a Hat and Feather, sould by William Peake, fine, and extra rare, Robert Earl of Leicester and Viscount Lisle ; S. Pass sculp, fine and rare, Francis Earl of Rutland (Copy), William Knollis Vis¬ count Wallingford by S’. Pass, scarce, John Lord Lumley by Fittler, Edmund Lord Sheffield, John Lord Harington from the Heroologia, and James Lord Hay Baron Saley, 1617, by S. Pass, rare, Charles Blunt Earl of Devon, Knight of the Garter, sold by Henry Balam, 4to. very fine, and of extreme rarity, The Lord Mountjoy Blunt, (afterwards Earl of Newport) by Martin Droeshout, Tho. Jenner exc. within the engraved Border, very fine, and EXTRA RARE, - 3 1 Jy-t? 1 r* f 1 ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. 268 269 270 271 273 273 8 Archbishop Bancroft, Archbishop Abbot by W. Mar¬ shall, S. Pass, &c. and Matthew Hutton, Abp. of York, etching by Perry, &c. Tobias Matthews Archbishop of York, by R. Els- tracke, H. Holland exc. extra fine, and very scarce, with the Copy from Boissard, - - 2 John King Bishop of London, by F. Delaram, fine and scarce, and Ditto, ex Boissard, - 2 George Mountaine Bishop of London, George Yeates sculp. Peter, Stent excud. 1659, extra fine and rare, - - - 1 Richard Vaughan Bp. of London, and James Montague Bp. of Winchester, from the Heroologia, he. Christo¬ pher Wren by J. Faber, Bishop Andrews by Hollar, Loggan, Payne, &c. and Gervase Babington by Els - tracke, &c. - " " ^ Monument of Bishop Andrews at Saint Mary Overies Church, Southwark, highly finished drawings in colours, John Jegon Bp. of Norwich, oval etching by Tyson, Ditto, in a square, very scarce. Bishop Godwin by Vertue, and Henry Robinson Bp. of Carlisle, sheet, 6 E /V [ 26 ] 274 275 7 / 27 6 9.7' 278 /„ / 279 f' J 280 /V 281 Bishops Andrews and Overall by R. White, &c. Robert Abbot Bp. of Salisbury by F. Delaram, and Arthur Lalce, Bp. of Bath and Wells by J. Payne, W. Hollar, he. George Carleton Bp. of Chichester by F.Hulsius, Ditto ex. Boissard, and Archbishop Williams, sold by Jen- 72 €T 4t0. &C. _ — — JOHN WILLIAMS, BISHOP OF LINCOLN AND LORD KEEPER, F. Delaram sculpsit, 4 to. extra fine and rare ,from the De la Bere Collection, John Still Bp. of Bath and Wells, 8 vo. mez. by J. Jones; private plate, and an unfinished Drawing of the same by S. Harding, John Bridgman Bp. of Chester ; Bishop Davenant, and Patrick Forbes by Trotter , Dr. John Boys by Payne , and Dr. Donne by Merian and Lombart, Patrick Forbes Bishop of Aberdeen, small oval, four Latin lines, R. G. sculp, very rare, Francis White Bishop of Carlisle by G. Mountin, T. Cockson, he. Dr. John White, 4 to. Andrew Willett (three different), and Richard Middleton (small head in a title), scarce, - Marc. Ant. de Dominis, Abp. of Spalatro, by W. Delff, 4 to. very fine, and Ditto, sitting in a Chair ,fol. / 9 2 7 INFERIOR CLERGY. 288 ■a 284 285 286 287 John Denison, Doctor in Deuinitie, he. 12 mo. prefixed to his Sermons preached before the King at Greenwich, May 1623, extra rare, William Slater , D.D. small square bushy beard, very scarce, - John Daille by P. Lombart, 4to. Dr. Thomas Sutton, small head in a sheet, entitled The Christians Jewell, &c. Richard Bolton by J. Payne, two heads in wood of Dr. John Hart; and Dr. Henry Airay, sheet, he. ROBERT HILL, Pastor of St. Bartholomew’s Church near the Exchange, Ob. 1633, Bible in his hand, oval 4to. in the manner of Simon Pass ; a Por¬ trait of the greatest rarity, and extra fine, David Primerose, Ministre de I'Eglise Fran^oise de Lonclres, fol. very fine and scarce, and Samuel Purchas, Anglus Theologus, cetat 48, small oval, very scarce, Samuel Purchas, in the Title to his Pilgrimes, 1625, fol. the complete Print, and remarkable fine. 288 2S9 J* 2 gO 291 292 293 294 295 t 27 ] Richard Wightwicke by Faber, William Ames, oval Ato. and Thomas Scott, by Crisp, de Pass, with the Copy from Boissard, &c. - - 6 Robert Burton, in a title, 1632, by C. le Blon, Richard Stock ( three different ), Thomas Wilson by Cross, William Pemble with others, in a sheet, by G. Vertue, John Dod, rntat 96, 1645, by T. Cross, fine and rare, and the Copy by Richardson, - - 8 Arthur Hildersham by J. Payne and R. Vaughan, John Carter by Vaughan and Dunstall, and Hugh Brough¬ ton by Payne and Van Hove, - -6 Abraham Aurelius, Pastor of the French Church in Lon¬ don, 1618, by J. Velde, 1631, Ato. fine and rare, 1 Thomas Legge, LL. D. by J. Jones, Svo. mez. private plate, Nicholas Byfield, Minister of Isleworth, Ato. Jesuits sitting in Council, from the Vox Populi, Igna¬ tius Loyola, with Hugh Peters, &c. small ovals, and Ditto with Garnet, Parsons, and other Jesuits, - 5 Henry Garnet, Jesuit, executed 1606, by Joan Wierx, 12 mo. his Miraculous Effigies delineated in an Ear of Corn, rare, and Ditto, fol. Edward Oldcorn by G. Bouttats, Ditto, a drawing in pen and ink, and Exe¬ cution of Father Christopher, by C. Collaert, 6 William Fytche ( Benedictus Anglus Capucinus) by J. Picart, 12 mo. rare, and John Forbes ( Archangelus Anglus Capucinus) by M. Lasne, 12 mo. fine and scarce, - - - -2 Adelbertus Eggius, ob. l6l0, set. 56 , by J. V. Velde, very fine and scarce, and Punishments inflicted on the Je¬ suits in England (Historical Plates) by J, B. de Cava- leriis, 1584, rare , - - - 6 ' COMMONERS IN HIGH EMPLOYMENTS. Sir Ralph Winwood by H. Hondius, Ato. fine, and Ditto by G. Vertue, proof and letters, 3 Sir Ralph Winwood and Sir Richard Spencer (small squares in the sheet of Ambassadors) by Hondius, very fine, Sir Thomas Smith (Ambassador) by Simon Pass, Comp. Holland exc. Ato. Sir Dudley Carleton (afterwards Viscount Dorchester) by W. Deff, &c. Sir Henry Wotton by Holle, and William Trumbull by S. Gribelin and G. Vertue, //~P 7'* • /#-& /s-p /W 7 / /fi-J //-y [ 28 ] *298 Sir Robert Shuiley, Ambassador from the King or Persia to Pope Paul V. small oval, with two others of the Soplii, See. and Vignette of his Audience of the * Pope on the same plate, engraved at Rome 1609, 8 vo. VERY RARE, - - - 299 Sir Robert Shirley by Fittler, Sir Anthony Shirley, by y JEgid. Sadeler, Peter Young by Birrell, Sir Paul Pindar and his Brother; and Richard Percival, Esq. by Faber, from the House ofYvery, MEN OF THE ROBE. /24 300 301 302 303 S04 //?-/> u 305 SOb 8 307 Thomas Egerton Baron Ellesmere, by Simon Pass, Compton Holland exc. extra fine, Thomas Baron Ellesmere by Trotter, Sec. Francis Lord Verulam by Vertue, with his Monument by Vertue and Hollar, and with Sir Philip Sidney, &c\ in the title to the Academy of Eloquence by Thomas Blount, engraved by W. Faithorne, 12»io. very fine, and the same Plate in its altered state, - - Francis Lord Bacon by Simon Pass, Ato.Jine, and Ditto by Houbraken, Van Hove , &c. Sir Edward Coke by S. Pass, 4 to. scarce, by D. Loggan, fol. and by J. Payne, R. White, &c. - 11 Sir Henry Mountagu (afterwards Earl of Manchester) by F. Delaram, Comp. Holland exc. very fine and RARE, .... 1 Henry Earl of Manchester, Sir Julius Caesar by Thane, Sir Henry Hobart by S. Pass, Sir James Ley by Payne, and Sir William Jones by W. Sherwin, - 5 Sir Julius C^sar Knight, Master of the Rowles, R. Elstracke sculpsit ; EXTRA rare and fine. Sir Francis Moore by W. Faithorne, Michael Dalton by W. Marshall, 12 mo. (with variation ,) Thomas Craig of Ricartoun by G. Vertue, and Henry Blackwood by C. Mellan, Svo.Jine, 1 * 4 ? s 3 sZXyU- MILITARY; GENTRY, &c. 308 Arthur Lord Chichester by C. Hall, Sir John Cutt: .1607, and Sir Edward Cecil, published by Thane; Si Es? Ant. Welden; Sir Nicholas Kempe, and the tw Henries Earls of Oxford and Southampton on horse lack, - 7 [ 29 ] 309 yt-' 310 312 313 F* 314 315 S'. 316 317 318 Horace Lord Vereby Fuithorne, Vertue, &c. and Henry Earl of Holland, sould by Tho. Jenner, 4 to. / Sir Horatio Veer, Lord Geneball, in Armour, with Military Trophies, F. Delaram sculp. Comp. Holland exc. (broad margin,) extra fine and RARE, - Captain William Fairfax, six English verses, R. Gay- wood FECIT, 1656, 4/0. VERY RARE, Capt. William Fairfax, 8 vo. by Martin Droeshout, and Arthur us Severus Nonesuch O-Toole, letatis 80, l6lS, rare, and the Copy by Richardson, HENRY VEERE EARL OF OXFORD, VISCOUNT BULBECK, in a Hat and F'eather, by J. Payne, within a Border composed of Military Exer¬ cises, engraved by W. Pass, extra rare and brilliant. From the De la Bere Collection, Captain John Smith by Simon Pass, very fine, and Ditto with the Map of New England; and England’s Famous Discoverers, with w. l’s. of Sir Hugh Willoughby, Capt. Davies, Capt. Smith, &c. scarce, Sir Hugh Myddelton by Vertue, &c. Sir -Thomas Harley by Ditto, Sir Richard Spencer by H. Ilondius, 4to. and 12w?o. Sir Philip Parker by J. Faber , Sir William Wadd, Tho. Jenner exc. (fine old impression), and Darcy Wentworth by C. Pass, Sir John Cattendyck, aetat 50, l6l6, knighted by King James 1. at Theobald’s, 1624, oval 4 to. by J. v. Velde, very fine and scarce, Thomas Sutton by J. Faber, G. Vertue, &c. with his Monument, and a View of the Charter House by Ditto, - Thomas Sutton, Fundator, by R.Elstracke ; Comp. Holland exc. extra fine, Nicholas Wadham, and Thomas Tesdale by J. Faber, Alderman Leate by J. Payne, John Graves, Gent. 1616, mt. 102, by G. Vertue, Sir William Pope, and Tomb of Erasmus Williams, ob. 16C8, with the reverse, - j.-'}-? a J /J-* LITERARY PERSONS. 320 James I. from Boissard, &c. Dr. Butler from ditto, and by Simon Pass, with and without the address of P. Stent, and Robert Fludd, M.D. by Matthew Merian, fol. very fine and scarce, 321 322 323 324 325 [ 30 ] Robert Fludd, oval fol. from his Philosophia Sacra, rare, and Ditto ex Boissard, John Anthony, M. D. iEtat 70, by T. Cross, scarce, Dr. John Lamb, and Gilbert Jack, M. D. 8co. - - 5 John Milton (when a boy) by Cipriani, Edward Alleyn, and Robert Armin, w. l’s. Richard Burbadge, and Nathaniel Field; Shakespeare by Earlom, &c. John a Combe and Sir Thomas Lucy, etchings by S. Ireland 11 William Shakespeare, from his Poems, 8t>o. by W. Marshall, and by Martin Droeshout, fol.fine and rare, 2 Shakespeare by Trotter, ('different states oj the plate.) Ditto by Vertue, 8 vo. David Garrick by Collyer, Ben Jonson by R. Vaughan, W. Elder, Vertue, Houbraken, &c. - - - 12 Beaumont and Fletcher by Vertue, &c. one a proof, and John Fletcher, bust by W. Marshall, fol. very fine, 4 r-S / FOURTH DAY'S SALE. REIGN OF JAMES I.— continued. %r 326 y 327 /m ^r / 3-0 32S 329 330 3 331 332 John Donne by P. Lombart, Michael Drayton by IV. Hole, and Samuel Daniel by T. Cockson, scarce. Sir Thomas Overbury, iEtat 32, by Simon Pass, Comp. Holland, exc, Ato. scarce, by Ditto, 12 mo. and a Draw¬ ing of him in India ink from the very rare original writ¬ ing his Epitaph by R. Elstracke, George Chapman, bust in the Clouds by W. Hole, scarce, and very fine - George Chapman, small oval in the title to Homer’s Battle of the Frogs and Mice by W. Pass, very fine AND RARE 1 Joshua Sylvester by C. van Dalen, &c. Richard Martin, 1620, John Owen ( four different titles), George Withers, Ralph Ruggle, small w. 1. and a tracing of Patrick Hanny - - - 10 Joshua Sylvester (Honestissima Poeta), numerous Verses by Jo. Vicars, W. Peake excudit, oval fol. fine AND RARE 1 George Withers by F. Delaran, Sould by W. Peake, Ato. very scarce - - 1 V 1 ✓ [31 ] 335 336 t/ 33 7 /J 33S /W „ 339 / 340 / y ^ T ^/'?&*■' 342 343 344 345 333 George Withers, (same Portrait as the preceding) with the address of George Humble, brilliant and rare 1 334 John Taylor, the Water Poet, in the title to his Works, 1630, by T. Cockson, fme \ind rare - 1 IjUDOVICUS PeTRUCII, PoipTA, OVAL, IN ARMOUR, TRUNCHEON IN HIS HAND, EIGHT LATIN LINES, 4 to. fine and extra rare, and drawing in pen and ink by the Revd. Mr. Brand, with a tracing of the same 2 Maria Sidney Countess of Pembroke, J. de Courbesfecit, very fine , two other uncommon portraits of her in ornamented ovals, and ditto, 1618, by Simon Pass, rare 4 John Barclay by C. Mellan, Francis Lord Bacon by W. Marshall, W. Hollar, and Simon Pass, 4 to. very fine, and two small frontispieces of Ditto by Cross, &c. 6 Sir Walter Raleigh, oval 4to. by«S. Pass, Comp. Holland exc. remarkably fine 1 Sir Walter Raleigh by R. Vaughan , Van Hove , Houbra - ken, &c. some scarce - - -7 William Camden by R. Gaywood and R. White, fol, and 4 to. and Ditto, after Marc Gerard by J. Basire, &c. Sir John Hayward (four small titles) by W. Pass, W. Hole, &c. Sir John Wynne by Sharp, Sir Richard Wynne by Bartolozzi, Thomas Allen by Bretherton, a drawing of Ditto by R. Pine, &c. - 14 Sir John Wynn, de Gwedur, in Com Carnarvon Obiit 1626, ^Etat 73. Ro. Vaughan sculp, half SHEET, BRILLIANT and RARISS. - 1 Aaron Rathbone by S. Pass, Sir Henry Spelman, Wil¬ liam Burton de Falde by F. Delaram, Sir William Segar by Ditto, Sir Robert Cotton by Cross and Ver- tue, and Sir Thomas Roe by Ditto, fine proof, &c. 8 Thomas Coryate by W. Plole in the Title to his Crudities, fine and rare, and Ditto in wood, mounted on an Elephant - - - - 2 John Francis Biondi, 12mo. Samson Lennard by R. Vaughan, John Robins, Botanist, etching 8 vo. scarce, and John Florio by G. Flole, fine - 4 William Lithgow, w. 1. in wood, from his Travels, &c. Frontispiece to the Glasse of Time by Thomas Peyton, 4 to. A Ditto by Clement Edmonds, fol. and a tracing of the rare Lord Napier by Delaram - 5 346 Thomas Bushell, holding a Crucifix, small head in wood, from hisBook entitled,” Youth' sError, or the Superlative Prodigal 162S, 12mo. Simon Forman, Astrologer, Svo. John More on the same sheet with Samuel Speed; William Lamb, 1612, John Nash, Alderman of Worcester, and Leonard Mascall, small head in the title to his Government of Cattle, 4 to. scarce - 6 //-* A J /,/A /-/V ' /-A 7^ f-6 [ 32 ] ARTISTS, &c. 4 347 Peter Oliver, half sheet proof, ditto, Paul Van Somer and Cornelius Janssen from Walpole’s Painters, George -fi 7 Jameson by Trotter, and Ditto with his Family, etched by Alex. Jameson, 1728 - - 348 Paul van Somer, in an oval, with emblematical figures, by S imon Pass, 1622, 4to. very fine arid rare 349 Francis Quesnel, by Michael Lasne, Christopher Ron- calli by Octavius Leoni, Nicholas Stone, Inigo Jones after Vandyck by Voerst, Proof and Letters, Ditto by ~ * J. Audran, fol. and a tracing from the portrait by Villamena, Henry Ilondius, and three different of George Hoefnagel by J. Sadeler, &c. - 12 ,350 John Davies of Hereford, Writing Master, and Poet, 7. 7s 'J 1631, oblong 4to. very fine and rare, / 351 Martin Billingsley (Writing Master), 1(>18, by W, Hole, 4to. scarce, and George Heriot (Jeweller to King James VI.) by J.and C. Esplens, Scougal pinx. 1743, mez. LADIES. ’-/i7 352 S' It?"' 353 354 /r-J 355 356 357 35 £ /—//* 6 Frances Duchess of Richmond and Lenox, Goil. Passeus, sculp. 1623, fol, very rare and brilliant Frances Duchess of Richmond and Lenox, F. De- laram, sculp. 1623, 4 to. fine and very rare Frances Duchess of Richmond, ivith a Lizard, fol. Katherine Marchioness of Buckingham by Magdalen Pass, Elizabeth Countess of Shrewsbury by G. Vertue, Frances Countess of Somerset, proof, and Ditto with her Husband by M. v. Gucht, S vo. The Right Vertuous and Noble the Ladie Frances CounTESSE OF HERTFORD by F. DelARAM, MOST RARE - - - Lucia Harington Countess of Bedford, Simon Pass-Eus, sculp. Sould by Sudbury and Humble, very fine and rare - - - Frances Countess of Somerset by Simon Pass, Comp. Holland exc. ditto Lady Anne Clifford, je .tat 13, 1603, afterward Countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery, R. White sculp, fol. very fine and rare 1 1 ^ 5 1 1 j [ 33 ] 3 r >9 /U. 360 ■yt- 361 362 Anne Countess of Pembroke by Mazel, &c. Catherine Lady Parker by Faber, Lady Mary Vere by Van Hove, Dorothy Wadham by Faber, and Anne Bill, a Monu¬ mental Effigy, Ob. 1621, by Simon Pass, Original and Copy - - 7 Matoaka, alias Rebecca (from Smith's History of Virginia), S. Pass, sculp, fine and rare - 1 Lady Arabella Steuart, J. Sould by George Humble, very fine and rare - - 1 Lady Arabella Stuart by Basire, Lady Arabella Went¬ worth, w. 1. in a title, 1631, by IV. Marshall, Countess of Desmond by Aliamet, Proof, and Mrs. Elizabeth Drury by Basire - - - 4 REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. 363 ^ 364 365 / z , 366 367 368 Thomas Percy, Conspirator, with Vignettes relating to the Powder Plot by Crisp, de Pas, fine and extra rare, with a tracing of the same, and the Copy by Richardson - Thomas Percy, with two vignettes of his Apprehension, &c. Latin and Dutch verses, 4to. very scarce The Gun Powder Conspirators in Council, with Latin, French, and Dutch Inscriptions. The Original Plate. Remarkably fine, and very rare, and a Drawing of the same in India ink The Papists Powder Treason j the Pope, Devil, Count Gondomar, &;c. sitting under a tent. Views of the dis¬ persion of the Spanish Armada , and Guido Faux enter¬ ing the Cellar of the Parliament House; English and German Inscriptions beneath, invented by Samuel Ward, Preacher of Ipswich, half sheet, rare Execution of the Gun Powder Conspirators (two dif¬ ferent prints), Mull Sack (tracingfrom the original) arid the Copy, John Selman executed 1012, small w. 1. in wood, with the Copy, and Elizabeth Sawyer and Mistress Turner (copies) Heva Uliegen, a Bunch of Flowers in her hand under an Arch, 1615, large 4 to. fine and rare, Ditto, (Eve Fliegen,) iEtat. 40, 1614, several Dutch Verses, by Andrew Stock, sheet, and a Drawing of her from the English Portrait, sold by G. Humble 8 /-g-j fa? F FOREIGNERS BELONGING TO THE ENGLISH SERIES, 36& 370 '0 371 372 373 374 375 //-* 376 4- 377 378 / Jt 3 ~ 9 A -£> 380 ■Z^ 381 Christian 4th King of Denmark by Simon de Pas, oval, sheet, Ditto, in a rich habit, by J. Muller, 1625, fine, and with his son Frederick, w. Vs. W, Passceus, sculp, half sheet, rare - Christian 4th, by P.deJode, Moncornet and C. dePass, 4to. &c. Frederick 2d King of Denmark by Goltzius, Chris¬ tian, son of Christian 4th, by R. de Bandour, 1609, w. 1. and Frederick Prince of Denmark by R. Elstracke, scarce, &c. - Frederick King of Bohemia , oval, in armour, by P. Issel- burg, half-sheet, fine and rare, in an oval, crowned with the Order of the Garter, 4 to. and Ditto, in armour, oval 4to. both by Delaram, and Sould by P. Stent, rare Frederick King of Bohemia, large oval, after Mierevelt by Delff, fine, and Ditto by Gunst, &c. Frederick 5th and Elizabeth (Prince and Princess Palatine), F. Delaram, sculp. 4to. very fine and scarce, before the plates were reduced to ovals. Frederick and Elizabeth King and Queen of Bohemia, ovals, by C. Van Queboren, fine and rare, Frederick Count Palatine, oval surrounded with Military Trophies by Crisp, de Pas,fol. and Christian Duke of Brunswick by J. Payne, 4to. &c. - Maurice Prince of Orange after Mierevelt by Delff, sheet, extra fine - Maurice Prince of Orange by Elstracke, 4to. and Ditto on horseback, with his coat of arms on a separate plate, scarce, &e. - - - Maurice Prince of Orange, whole length in armour, Army in Battalion, Ships at Sea, &c. large oblong oval by J. Saenredam, sheet, and the Great Whale, with Portraits of Prince Maurice, &c. by ditto Prince Maurice, with emblematical figures by P. Isaac, sheet, and Ditto (large oval in armour) by ditto Prince Maurice, in a high crowned Hat and Feather, oval 4 to. and Ditto by Vertue and Van Sichem, w. 1. Christian Duke of Brunswick by Delff, sheet, Ditto after Dandyck by Van Voerst, proof, and Equestrian Portrait in the centre of a number of small Views, J. C. Visscher exc. fine and scarce - Christian Duke of Brunswick in an ornamented border of Soldier s tilting, &c. by Simon Pass, 4to. very fine and rare - V, 10 / 3 / - // 3 /■* is /jstr- 2 2 3 , 1 [35 ] 382 Christian Duke of Brunswick in armour, by Simon Pass, v 1622, 4to. and Ditto by Crisp. Queboren, both fine and scarce. Pope Urban 8. ( Cardinal Barberini) by C. Galle, G. Vertue, &c. and Ditto with his two Ne¬ phews, w. l’s. by M. Greater - - 7 384 Maximilian Due de Sully by Edelinck, &c. Ant. Ruz6 Marquis d’Effiat Par Boissevin, and Count Aremberg by De Baillue and Bolswert after Vandyck, &e. 9 385 Count Gondomar by Simon Pass, oval. 4 to. and Ditto _ whole length from the Vox Populi, first state, scarce, Palle Rosenkrantz (Bust), Count Ulfield sitting at Dinner with his Family, and Tage Thott, from Hoffman, Hommes Illustres de Dannemarck, - 5 386 Oldenbarnevelt by C. de Pas, JV. Delff, &c. and (various Prints) representing the manner of his Execution, scarce, Hugo Grotius, when young, small oval, by J. De Gheyn, fine, and Ditto by W. Delff, &c. 16 3S7 Hugo Grotius by Munnickhuysen, and Reinier Pauw by Th. Matham, both proofs - - 2 38S Adrian and Remier Pauw, by T. Matham after G. Hon- thorst,fol. &c. Aloysius Contarino by L. Vorsterman, 1628, sheet, &c. and Dominicus Contarino by W.Fax- thorne - - - t 389 Aloysius Contarino by Vorsterman sheet (a different plate from the preceding), proof, very rare 1 390 Emanuel de Meteren, (four different), Metrophanes Cri- topulus, Ludovicus Capelins, and Samuel Bochart, &c. 9 391 Andreas Rivetus by J. v. Meurs, Ditto, by Hen. Hondius, /fyF' very fine, and by J. Suyderhoef, S. Pass, &c. — i 392 Philip Cluverius, Joan. Meursius by S. Pass, and Ernest Count Mansfield after Vandyck by Voerst, fine, &c. £ X ^ 393 Ernest Count Mansfield, in armour, C. de Pas. excud. fine and scarce, and Ditto, J. C. Visscher, exc. 4 to. ' '' 394 Ernest Count Mansfield, in armour, with Military Trophies, Sold by George Humble, 4to. rare, and Ditto, by F. Belaram> 4t0 ' . . _ - _ 2 395 Abraham Scultetus, Festus Ilommius,Thomas Erpenius, . Petrus Cunaeus, four different of Nicolaus Claudius 3 Fabricius by Gaywood and Vorsterman, Albert Joachim set. 77, 1638 by T. Matham , Charles Due de Crov, Otto Count Schwarzenberg, and Henry Count de Nantueil 13 396 Constantine Huygens by Vorsterman , Delff, and Pontius, Joan Wytenbogard ( etching ) by Rembrandt, Simon Vou6t after Vandyck by Voerst ( with variation ) and Ditto by F. Perier and J. Lubin, Maestertius by Suy¬ derhoef , Gerard Mercator, Adelbertus Eggius (small circle) by B. a Bolswert, and Padesha Shassalem (the Great Mogul) by R. Elstracke - = 12 2 W 7 /S'# /s-0 / 3 ^ /V [ 36 ] REIGN OF CHARLES I. / ROYAL FAMILY. 397 //V , 398 //-* 399 400 /a? 401 A? 402 403 JS-4 404 /3-a 405 406 -//-# Charles the First after Mierevelt by Delff ( large oval). Ditto ( three different ) by G. Vertue, on horse¬ back in a title by JV. Marshall, and a small oval in armour, with his Character from Lord Clarendon, Charles the First after Vandyke by Simon, &c. and Ditto as he sat in the High Court of Justice by Faber , fol. and 4/o. Inez's. - Charles the First and Queen Henrietta Maria, large sheets after Vandyck by P. de Jode, very fine, Charles the First and his Queen after Ditto by Suyder- hoef, and the King after Ditto by De Jode,Lommelin, Meyssens, &c. - Charles the First (Equestrian Portrait), the King tilting with the Earl of Dorset in the back ground, sheet, Ditto, w. 1. crowned by Justice and Mercy by JV. Hol¬ lar, on horseback by Ditto, fol, and two different of his Equestrian Statue at Charing Cross, Charles I. in armour on horseback, sould by G. Tom¬ linson at the St. John's head Ludgate, View in the dis¬ tance, etched in the manner of JV. Hollar, 4 to. fine and rare, - - - - Charles the First, in an oval of Palms, with Military Trophies , W. Hollar fecit, fol. Ditto in a high crown¬ ed Hat by Ditto, oval 4to. and with a View of White¬ hall, inscribed “ Sic Transit Gloria Mundi,”^/?ne and scarce, - . - - CHARLES THE FIRST, whole length, sitting CROWNED, WITH SCEPTRE AND OrB IN HIS HANDS, (his Titles within a wreath,) verses beneath BEGINNING “ CROWNS HAVE THEIR COMPASS,’’ &C. Will. Pass sculpsit, sould by Tho. Jenner, half SHEET, EXTRA FINE AND RARE, Charles the First by JV. Marshall, 4 to. and L. J'orster- man, fine, in armour by JV. Faithorne, with variation, and in a title by Ditto,fol. &c. • Charles the First in a hat and cloak ; oval in the centre of four vignettes, oblong fob very fine and scarce. 6 / A 408 409 / br’&fa* 410 / 411 412 413 [ 37 ] Charles the First (various portraits) by R. Gaywoocl, P. Stent , &c. - . _ £ Charles the First in a Hat and Cloak, encompassed by two Dragons, with Crown and Sceptres above; Ant. van Dyck pinx. very fine and rare, - l /#-t> Charles the First after Ditto by S. Savery , Ditto by Hertochs, Hollar and Marshall, Charles I. dictating to his Secretary Sir Edward Walker; Head of Charles drawn in Optics, sheet, and Ditto kneeling at his Devotions by W. Marshall, R. IVhite, &c. - 11 Charles the First on horseback, after Vandyck by P. Lorn- hart, sheet,fine and scarce, - - 1 Charles the First, small oval by W. Faithorne, Ditto after Fmdyck by J. Smith, 4to. met. and by Basan, ~ Gunst, &c. - - g Charles the First on horseback. View of London, four ? English verses, e ‘ Return in Peace Great Charles ,” &c. 4 to. in the midst of a sheet of letter-press, containing a Summary of the most Remarkable Records of King Charles's Reign up to the year 1646, printed by Tho. Jenner, - - - - 1 POTENTISS. CAROLUS MAGNjE BRITANNLE REX. " SPES MAGNA MINORIS ORBIS”—IN LARGE CHARACTERS, CVER A WHOLE 7 LENGTH PORTRAIT OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST, IN A SUPERB HABIT, CROWNED AND STANDING UNDER A RICH CANOPY BY A TABLE, ON WHICH IS PLACED HIS HELMET, HAT, GAUNTLET, ORB, SCEPTRE, &c. A CHEST OPEN, CONTAINING OTHER POR¬ TIONS OF HIS ARMOUR, IN THE DISTANCE, Eight English verses under the Print: “ Great Brittanns great hope of great hap to come,’’ &c. AND BEHIND HIM, THIS INSCRIPTION: ,{ Behold, Great Briiaine, this is Charles the faire , His brother’s partner, and his father’s heire.” LARGE HALF SHEET, VERY FINE, MOST CU¬ RIOUS, AND UNIQUE, - - 1 Charles the First, w. l. in his Robes of the Garter , Original Drawing in India ink by V andyck, - 1 ^ 415 416 ,417 419 420 *7 ~/ 0~0 421 A/ /~y~/7 324 [ 38 J THE HIGH AND MIGHTY MONARCH CHARLES, KING OF GREAT BRITAINE, &c. Eouestrian Portrait, the Horse sumptuously caparisoned. View of a Town, &c. in the Distance : From two great Kingdomes matcht in Royal blood, &c. six English verses, Renold Elstrack sculp. SOULD BY WlLLIAM PeAKE, HALF SHEET, Presque Unique, being a variation oj the Print sold in Sir M. M. Sykes' sale, - m - 1' Charles the First and his Queen, in a title by Els- stracke, 4 to. Charles I. etching by Miss St. Aubyn, Ditto, crowned and sceptred, oval 4 to. and by W. Hol¬ lar, P. Daret, &c. - - - 12 Charles the First in armour, spirited and most curious etching by Vandyck of the Print finished by Myssens, h. sh. and a Drawing in bistre, heightened with white sfi* chalk, by Ditto, - - 2 ^ Charles the First in a Hat and Cloak, Vandyck pinx. J. C. Visscher exc. oval 4 to. and Ditto by Peter Huy- breclits, oval 8 vo. both very fine , Charles the First in armour (small square) by L. Vors- terman, Ditto in a large Hat, Geo. Lio sculp, and two small historical Prints of Ditto, &c. 8 Charles the First, a small head raised on the pediment of a Triumphal Arch. Busts of Cromwell and Fairfax encircled with Laurel on each side, and under are whole length Figures of various Potentates of Europe, with their Coats of Arms, surrounding the Bier of Charles I. Historical Vignettes of the King under Confinement, on his Trial, &c. and manner of his Execution before White¬ hall in the centre, F. v. Bensecom exc. large oblong sheet, very rare, - 1 Charles the First as he was on the Scaffold, 12 mo. fine, Execution of Ditto from the Theatrum Tragicurn, and Monumental Effigies of Charles I. by W. Mar¬ shall, &c. - 4 Henrietta Maria, oval 4to. by W. Hollar , 1641, and another in a square by Ditto, both fine, Queen Henrietta Maria after Vandyck by W. Faithorne, sould by Robert Peake, half sheet, very scarce, - - 2 1 / Henrietta Maria after Ditto by Gunst, Lommelin, De Jode, and C. Galle, and Ditto, w. 1. by P. de Baillue, &c. - _ - - 7 [ 39 ] «5 THE ROYALL PROGENIE OF KING CHARLES AND QUEEN MARY, WITH THEIR EFFI- GIES: ALSO A COMPENDIUM OR ABSTRACT OF THEIR MOST FAMOUS GENEOLOGIES AND PEDEGREES, EXPRESSED IN PROSE AND VERSE-LONDON, PRINTED FOR JOHN /fz#-# SWEETING, &c. 1641, CONTAINING EIGHT PORTRAITS OF KING CHARLES, QUEEN HENRIETTA, PRINCE CHARLES, AND MARY PRINCESS OF ORANGE, BY W. HOLLAR, JAMES DUKE OF YORK, BY M. MERIAN; AND THE LADY ELIZABETH, LADY ANNA, AND HENRY DUKE OF GLOCESTER BY R. VAUGHAN. A REMARKABLE FINE AND CLEAN COPY, EXTRA RARE, - 8 •426 Charles the Second (when a Boy) by W. Vaillant, Ato. mez. and when Prince by W. Hollar, C. Van Dalen, and 4fo. by G. Glover, fine, Another with the Dedica¬ tion, and Ditto, with his brother James, two small ovals on the same plate, by Ditto, very scarce, &c. 427 Charles (II.) when Prince by Moncorn^t, &c. Charles (I.) Prince of Wales by Delaram and Simon Pass, and James Duke of York by P. de Jode, &c. 428 James Duke of York, whole length with the Racket by M. Merian, from the curious Book above mentioned, FINE AND RARE, - 8 8 / A FIFTH DAY’S SALE. REIGN OF CHARLES I.— continued . 429 James Duke of York by C. van Dalen, and Ditto after Lely by Browne,fine, 430 Henry Duke of Glucester in armour, oval Ato. rare, Ditto in a cloak, 12mo. and with the Princess of Orange, small w.l's, by Hertochs, /f-i? / 431 432 t-p 433 A' 434 435 436 437 't 438 439 440 / J-7? 441 /3-a 442 [40] Henry Duke of Glocester, aetat 20, 1660, in armour, by VV. Faxthorne, half sheet, and Ditto, astat. 20, 1660, 4 to. in armour, by Ditto, both very scarce, Mary Princess of Orange, ajtat. 10, 1641, after Vandyck by Van Queboren, fol. scarce. Ditto, w. 1. with a Spaniel (Drawing in black lead pencil) from Van Dyck, and curious Etching after A. Backer by Jacobus Lutma, half sheet, rare, - William (II.) and Mary, Prince and Princess of Orange, by P.deJode, 4 to. the Princess Mary by Moncornet, and after Vandyck by IV. Faithorne, fol. mez.fine, Mary Princess of Orange, whole length by W. Hollar, 4to. first state , very fine and scarce, Mary Princess of Orange after Vandyck by Hondius,fol. Ditto Etching after Ditto by L. Ferdinand, 4 to. &c. and the Princess Henrietta, ch6z Boissevin, &c. Charles the First and his Queen after Vandyck by Van Voerst, 1634, large sheet, Ditto with their Children after Vandyck by Baron, and Charles I. on horseback by Ditto, - Charles the First, whole length, sitting, with Prince Charles after Vandyck, sheet, mez. {with different addresses), - Charles the First, whole length, with Prince Charles standing by his side, G. Glouer fecit. Gaze on fond world, S^c. four verses, 4 to. within a Border composed of Birds, Insects and Flowers, sold by Sudbury and Humble, very rare, - Charles the First, and his Queen, two small ovals on the same plate, Ditto small whole lengths, and head- piece by Vertue, Seal and Coat of Arms of Charles I. Ditto encompassed by his Adherents by J. Nutting, with eighteen small heads of Loyalists by W. Fai¬ thorne, very fine, and Frontispieces to The Loyall Mar- tyrology and England's Worthies, Children of Charles the First after Vandyke, mez. Ditto from the same Picture by R. Cooper and Sir Robert Strange, and Charles I. \v. 1. in a Conversation Piece by S. A. Bolswert, sheet, Charles the First, whole length in armour, crowned, with the Princes Charles, James, and Henry of Oatlands Duke of Glocester, sold by John Gar¬ rett, half sheet, very rare, and the Companion Print, Queen Henrietta and the three Princesses, w. Vs. Execution of Charles the First {two different ) from Heath's Chronicle, &c. and his Tomb (small title) by W. Marshall, 3 4 1 5 ^ / 8 [ 41 ] A 443 History of King Charles the First from his Marriage his Death, sheet plates, after Cheron, Parrocel, &e. 10 444 Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, after Honthorst by Van Voerst, (sheet,) and Frederick Henry Count Palatine, after Mierevelt by Delff\ (ditto) very fine , - 2 Frederick Henry, Count Palatine, 1630, oval, sold by W. Webbe, large Ato. fine and rare, and Ditto J. C. Viss- cher exc. oval Ato. scarce, - - 2 445 446 Prince Frederick Henry, first begotten Sonne OF THE THRICE ILLUSTRIOUS FREDERICK THE FlFTH Count Palatine, richly habited holding a Racket, F. Delaram scul. Compton Holland exc. AtO. EXTRA FINE AND RARE, - - 1 447 Charles, second Sone to Frederick King of Bo- hemia, aged 4 years, 1619, small whole length in his robes, with the Electoral Cap, French Inscription round the oval, sould by Tho. Jenner, small Ato. very rare, 448 Charles Lewis Count Palatine, after Vandyek by IV. Hol- lar, and Ditto by J. Payne, P. de Jode, &e. 449 Charles Lewis Count Palatine, profile, in his Electoral Robes, W. Vaillant fee. (half sheet, etching,) 1656, x rare, and Ditto after Vandyek by Bernard, (ditto) fine, 450 Prince Rupert, full face, with sash, G. Dobson Pinxit, / „ W. Faithorne sculpsit, half sheet, very fine AND RARE, - 451 Prince Rupert after Vandyek by H. Suyers, &c. Ditto by W Vaillant, mez. Maurice Prince of Orange, w. 1. by IV. Hollar, and by Crisp, van Queboren, oval Ato. and the Princess Elizabeth Daughter of Frederick King of Bohemia, oval fol.fine and scarce. Princess Sophia of Hanover by J. Smith, fol. and Ato. mez’s. &c. and an Emblematical Print of William III. Prince of Orange, several Dutch verses, sheet, 7 6 /t-j NOBILITY. 453 James Earl of Marlborough by J. Payne, Francis Lord Cottington by Hollar, &c. Henry Earl of Manchester, , by Van Hove, Robert Earl of Lindsey, 8 vo. Ihomas Earl of Arundel by Houbraken and J. L. Krafft, and / Ditto with his Countess after Vandyek by Vorsterman, sheet, fine, . . - 10 | [ 42 ] 454 /~ w 7 / /‘S' 455 456 457 f/~0 458 459 460 461 4 62 /V 463 / 464 Z- ? / A ^ 465 466 467 /*^v /-//V 468 *X 7^7 469 * 470 J~/3~d Thomas Earl of Arundel, orai in armour by W. Hollar , /oi. Ditto by Glover and Moncornet, with his Auto¬ graph published by Thane , and Genealogy of the Howards, very scarce, from Morgan s Sphere of Gentry, Thomas Earl of Arundel, and his Son Henry Baron Mow¬ bray, small ovals by W. Hollar, very fine and scarce, Thomas Earl of Arundel and his Family, after P. Fruytiers by G. Vertue, sheet, proof, rare, Thomas Earl of Arundel after Vandyck by Vorsterman , very fine, Henry Earl of Arundel after Ditto by Lom- bart, and Baccio Bandinelli, (called Lord Arundel) by C. Visscher, - George Duke of Buckingham, by Glover, Moncorntt, &c. George Duke of Buckingham, after Mierevelt by Delff, sheet, fine, and in an oval, to the knees by Simon Pass, 4to. (the altered plate,) sold by P. Stent, very scarce, Algernon Earl of Northumberland, after Vandyck by J. Payne, G. Glover &c. and Robert Earl of Warwick, from Heath's Chronicle, &c. Algernon Earl of Northumberland, Admiral and General of his Majesties Fleet, 1636, C. Van Dalen sculp, oval. Ships at Sea, sold by Tho. Jenner, 4to. very rare, Robert Rich Earl of Warwick, Admirall of the Fleete, in armour, sold by IV. Peake, 4 to. From the Fothergill Collection, very fine and rare, James Duke of Richmond by W. Hollar, &c. John Earl of Loudon ( medallion), Philip Earl of Pembroke after Vandyck by Voerst, and as Earl of Montgomery, by Simon Pass , Ato. and William Earl of Pembroke, sold by Stent, rare, &c. James Duke of Richmond and Lenox, after Geldorp by Voerst 1678, large Ato. the Inscription round the oval reversed, very rare, James Duke of Richmond and Lenox, by W. Fai- thorse, half sheet, very fine and rare, William Earl of Pembroke, sheet oval, D Mytens pinx. R. A. Voerst sculp. 1633, very fine and scarce, William Earl of Pembroke, motto ‘ Ung Je Ser- viray,’ French inscription beneath, by Lucas Vorster¬ man, oval, sheet, very rare, PHILIP HERBERT EARL OF MONTGOMERY, Simon Pass sculp. 4 to. first state, before the Star and Chamberlain’s staff, very rare and brilliant, - Philip Earl of Pembroke, small oval by W. Hollar, fine and scarce, - Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, after Vandyck by W. Hollar, 1642, oval, half sheet, extra fine before Stent's address, 2 1 /At 6 11 /pc /7 L. //£*//* //# 1 ^ / /&> 471 472 473 474 475 476 A 477 478 479 480 481 & 482 483 484 [ 43 ] Philip Earl of Pembroke and his Family after Vandyck by Baron, sheet , &c. Edward Earl of Dorset by Voerst, 4to. rare, and Ditto after Vandyck by G. Vertue, &c. James Duke of Hamilton, after Vandyck by Lisebetten, and Ditto by W. Hollar, R. White, &c, James Marouis and Duke of Hamilton, in armour, OVAL, HALF SHEET, BY VV. FaITHORNE, EXTRA FINE, James Marguis of Hamilton and Earl of Arran, (the Elder) Ro. Vaughan sculp, sold by Roger Daniel, oval 4to. very rare, George (Second) Duke of Buckingham and his Brother Francis, w. Vs. by M'Ardell, and Henry Spencer (First) Earl of Sunderland, engraved by Bocquet, from the Original in the possession of Earl Spencer, proof, private plate, - John Marquis of Winchester, William Marquis of Hert¬ ford, and Henry Earl of Huntington, by W. Hollar, Robert Earl of Oxford, Henry Earl of Worcester, William Marquis of Newcastle by Vorsterman, &c. Henry Somerset Earl of Worcester, oval, in armour, sash, &c. sold by P. Stent, 4 to, extra rare, and the Copy by Richardson, Francis Earl of Bedford, William Earl of Bedford, and Spencer Earl of Northampton, from Lord Claren¬ don’s History, &c. and William Earl of Salisbury ; Basil Earl of Denbigh and Lionel Earl of Middlesex (small cvals ) by W. Hollar, Philip Earl of Montgomery, Mytens pinx. Voerst sculp first state, W. Webb excud. oval, 4 to. very fine and rare, - William Fielding Earl of Denbigh, by Van Voerst, oval, 4 to,fine, and very scarce, Henry Earl of Holland, after Vandyck by Clouwet, h. sh. fine proof, and Ditto, oval, in armour, by W. Fai- thorne, half sheet, scarce, Henry Earl of Holland after N. vander Horst by C. Galle, 8 vo. scarce, Ditto, from the Theatrum Tragicum, &c. and Oliver Earl of Bolingbroke, and Mildmay Earl of Westmoreland by W. Hollar, Mildmay Earl of Westmoreland, P. Williamson sculp. 1662, half sheet, and George Earl of Totnes, in armour by Voerst, from the Pacata Hibernia, very fine, Edmund Earl of Mulgrave, Baron Sheffield, by R. EU- tracke. oval 4 to. very rare, 8 2 A//-* [ 44 ] 4 " -j' 485 HENRY GRAY EARL OF STANDFORD (STAM¬ FORD), LORD GRAY OF GROBY, BON VILE AND HARINGTON, EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT, IN ARMOUR, SASH AND TRUNCHEON; P. STENT EXCUDIT; LARGE 4 to. VERY FINE, AND A PRINT OF EXTRAORDINARY RARITY, I 486 William Marquis of Newcastle, and Mountjoy Earl Newport by W. Hollar, Jerome Earl of Portland by Ditto, Thomas Earl of Strafford after Vandy ck, sold by /'3ft*. / E. Cooper, in armour , small 4to. (Five different por¬ traits), with Dutch Inscriptions, by J. Reinholdt, &c. rare, - - - 10 487 Thomas Earl of Strafford, &c. in the Set of Loyalists, y 3 -7? Ditto, with his Secretary Sir Philip Mainwaring. and Progenies Straffordiana by G. Vertue, 4S8 Thomas Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 4 small oval by W. Hollar, very fine and scarce, A 7 489 Thomas Earl of Strafford, after Vanclyck by P. de Jode, -4 Stent, &c. Lord Lichfield by Vertue, Lords John and Bernard Stuart, w. Vs. after Fandy ck by R. Tompson, and from the same Picture bv M'Ardell, 490 Henry Earl of Kent, 1634, (Son and Heir to Charles), Henry Earl of Kent, 1643, (Son of Anthony of Bur¬ bage), and Philip Lord Wharton, setat. 26, 1639, w. 1. in half armour, sword and belt, drawings in co¬ lours from the Originals of Vandyke at Wrest House by T. Athow, - - - William Viscount Say and Sele, by Hollar, &c. Philip (second) Earl of Pembroke by Worlidge and Lombart, George Digby Earl of Bristol, from Heath's Chronicle, Philip Lord Wharton by Hollar, Robert Lord Brooke (in wood) on horseback, 1642, Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury, w. 1. after Isaac Oliver, &c. 491 A 12 492 Philip Wharton Lord Wharton of Wharton, W. - 2 ? 7 ? 2 Bentley excudit, in a scull cap and cloak, oval, 12 mo. very rare. Not in Bromley, 493 William Lord Craven, on horseback, half sheet, and the same Portrait, in its original state, before the alteration in the band, &c. very rare, 494 Arthur Lord Capel, and Henry Viscount Falkland, from Heath, Clarendon, &c. Lord Inchiquin, the Marquis of Clanrickarde, John Earl of Clare, &c. - 14 495 Mervin Lord Audley Earl of Castlehaven, the 3- / //3X original portrait in wood, very rare, with the Copy, 2 [ 45 ] 496 William Viscount Grandison, and Patrick Viscount Cha- worth, w. Vs. after Vandyck, Henry Earl of Danby, ^ _ w. 1. by Val. Green, John Earl of Loudoun, General / Huthen Earl of Brentford, and George Lord Byron, (etchings ) by Paul, - 6 CLERGY. ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. 497 498 i 499 /5 500 501 /V -//-/ 502 503 ■F William Laud Archbishop, sold by T. Jordan , 4to. mez. Ditto after Vandyck by Loggan, half sheet, and by tV. Watson, mez. - - 3 y William Laud Arch Bisschop van Cantelbergh, 1641, P. C. / excudit, small oval etching, bare and curious. Ditto in a square, sould by P. Stent (from Hollar ), and Arch¬ bishop Laud reeling by W. Marshall, both scarce, 3 Archbishop Laud, oval, J. C. Visscher exc. very fine, and Ditto by Moncorndt, - 2 Archbishop Laud by G. Vertue, M. Burghers , &c. Ditto with a View of his Execntion, 4to. and the Trial of Abp. Laud by W, Hollar, - ~ 9 Archbishop Laud. England and Ireland’s sad Theater, or William Laud heretofore Arch Bishop of Canterbury, his Trance and Vision. lie is represented sleeping. Lord Strafford is by his side with a torch, discovering w. 1. Portraits of Thomas Scot with a dagger in his breast, Peter Smart, Burton, Bastwick, Prynne, Leighton, Lilburne, Sf-c. Views of the House of Commons and the Tower; Historical Vig¬ nettes of Cruelties inflicted by the Archbishop , Src. in the border; sheet, very rare and curious, and sheet of Description in Dutch, having references to the plate , 1 Archbishop Williams by Houbraken, &c. Bishop Juxon, John Howson, Bp. of Durham by M. Droeshout, &c. Walter Curie Bp. of Winchester by T. Cecill, Thomas Morton Bp. of Durham by W-. Faithorne, fine, and Joseph Hall Bp. of Norwich by Ditto, J. Payne, &c. - - * - 15 Matthew Wren Bp. of Ely by G. Vander Gucht, &c. Ditto small wood cut, John Prideaux Bp. of Worces¬ ter by W. Faithorne, fine, and the same with Gallic in¬ scription, &c. 6 4 ? | 504 & 505 J-0- 50 6 508 /4^v 510 /f-a 511 f>-fa 512 /fa-4 [ 46 ] Ralph Browrig Bp. of Exeter by JV. Failhorne, fol. and 8 vo. Archbishop Spotiswoode by W. Hollar, and Archbishop Usher by Landry, Faithorne, Vertue, &c. 9 George Webbe Bishop of Limerick, by T. Slater (two different Portraits), and John Atherton Bishop of Waterford, 1641, wood cut (the complete title), rare, 3 INFERIOR CLERGY. Dean Bargrave by J. Cole, Dr. Donne in his winding sheet, by Droeshout, Marshall and Hollar, and An¬ thony Grey Rector of Burbadge, afterwards Earl of Kent, Drawing in colours from the Original at Wrest House by Athow, - - - 5 Christopher Wren, D. D. by G. Vander Gucht, Josias Shute by W. Marshall, William Chillingworth ( two different), George Herbert and Thomas Fuller, from his Abel Redivivus, 4 to. - - 6 William Alabaster ( Divine and Poet ) jet at. 66, 1633, C. Johnson pinx. J. Payne sculpsit, very fine, AND RARE, - - 1 Peter Smart, with a Book open before him, oval 4to. scarce, John Hales of Eton, Gerard Vossius (three different) by T. Matham, &c. and three ditto of John Preston, by G. Glover, W. Marshall, &c. - 9 Richard Sibbes, D. D. by R. Gaywood, W. Marshall, &c. Daniel Featley by Marshall, Samuel Bolton by Faithorne, and Van Hove, Thomas Taylor by Marshall, &c. (three different), John Gwin Vicar of Cople, w. 1. title in wood, J641, William Gouge, aetat. 79, 1653, sold by Stent, oval 4to. scarce, and Ditto by J. Dun- stall and W. Faithorne, &c. - 21 Tobias Crisp, by A Soly, T. Cross, &c. Edward Simson, by J. Wandelaar, Ditto oval 4to. Dr. Lupton in a small title, 1637> several heads of Dissenting Minis¬ ters in the same plate, 4 to. scarce. Dr. Laighton, by W. Hollar, William Fenner by Ditto, &c. Herbert Palmer, Henry Scudder by W. Sherwin, and three different of Edmund Calamy, - 15 Nathaniel Bernard, ( drawing in pen and ink) by the Rev. Mr. Brand, from the rare Original by W. Marshall. Frontispiece to the Complaint of the False Prophet Mariners, by J. de la Marche, 4to. and Edward Finch, prefixed to his Perambulations, small w. ]. in wood, scarce , - - - - 3 '<7 513 ♦ 514 515 516 ’fast? 5J7 /? 519 /w 520 521 [ 47 ] Adoniram Byfield, with a windmill on his head, the Devil blowing the sails, by R. Gaywood, very rare, from the Gulston Collection, - - 1 William Cartwright by P. Lombart, John Clarke preach¬ ing by T. Cecill, 4to. Francis Roberts by Cross, Wil¬ liam Oughtred, Richard Bernard by Hollar, and John Sym, setat. 56, 1653, by W. Marshall, very fine and scarce, - - - 6 John Featley (two small titles) by Van Hove, William Whatelie, Robert Henderson w. 1. by M. Droeshout, Dr. Twisse by Trotter, John Goodwin by Glover, (two different of) John Rogers of Dedham in Essex, Henry Burton by Glover, 4 to. Ditto by W. Hollar, &c. and Nicholas Lockyer, Minister Anglicanus by P. Stent, scarce, - - - 14 Jeremiah Burroughes (five different portraits) by R. Gaywood, T. Cross, rare, &c. and Henry Jessey by Caldwall, - 6 Thomas Beard ( two small whole lengths), scarce, Richard Blackerby and Thomas Brooks, wood cut, with a drawing of the same by Mr. Brand, Edmund Gregory, cetat. 31, 1646, 8 vo. William Ames, 4to. both by W. Marshall, and two small w. 1. portraits in a title, 1635, by T. Clarke, fine and scarce, - - 8 Thomas Attwood Rotheram, setat. 40, 1643, by W. Mar¬ shall, very fine and scarce, and Samuel Kerne, drawing in India ink from the rare original by Glover, 2 Alexander Henderson ( small oval), rare, and Ditto by Hollar and Marshall, and Thomas Maurice Minister of the Dutch Church at Amsterdam, 1646, by T. Ma- tham, very fine, - - 4 Augustin (David) Baker, Benedictine Monk, w. 1. 8 vo. and Ditto small w. 1. praying before a Crucifix, rare, 2 Richard Carpenter (Jesuit) by W. Marshall , fine, Tho¬ mas (White) Albius by G. Vertue, Sir Tobias Mathews, by J. Gammon, Richard Herst and E. Arrowsmith, and a tracing in oil of Father Treslon from the original by Lasne, - - - 6 Ambrose Barlow (small oval), Thomas Holland, and Ralph Corbie, from the Certamen Triplex by Neeffs, rare, 3 Bullaker, Bell, Colman, Heath and Woodcock ( Jesuits ) from the Certamen Seraphicum, very fine and scarce, 5 Henry Morse, Jesuit, 1645, fol. Philip Powell alias Morgan, 12mo. Father Heath by M. Bas, andFather Phillips ( Original and Copy), 5 7 -^ [ 48 ] COMMONERS IN GREAT EMPLOY¬ MENTS. 525 0-0 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 Sir John Coke, 8i;o. Sir Philip Percival by Faber, from the House ofYvery , Sir William Curteus, Sir Baltha¬ zar Gerbier by Pontius, &c. and John Pym by Glover, Ditto in wood, &c. - John Pym, inscribed Maistke Pin, in a fur gown covered with vermin, 4 to. rare, Ditto, Illustrious Head by Hou- braken, and oval 4 577 Sir Charles Lucas, in Armour, drawing in colours from the Original at Wrest House, by T. Athow, ditto, and Sir George Lisle, by G. Vertue, &c. Sir Robert Harley, by Ditto, Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston, by Van Hove, and a tracing on oil paper of Sir Edmund Fortescue, &c. 578 Sir Martin Lister, Knight, 1626, by R. White, ful. very rare, and a copy of the same, 579 Sir James Cambell, Knt. Lord Mayor of London, by G. Glover, 8vo. fine and rare, 580 Sir John Webster, after C. Johnston by T. Matham, fol. from the Mariette Collection, Beautiful proof, 581 Sir John Webster, by Matham, with the Latin Inscription, William Ilervey by Gucht, Arthur Goodwin, w. 1. after Vandyck, and two different of Isaac Pennington, Lord Mayor, and in the Committee of Popery in Masquerade, sheet, fine and scarce, with the explanation, 9 2 1 1 6 [ 53 ] 582 583 584 _____ 585 586 *'.(? 587 588 fZ^ 589 590 591 592 593 /? George Tooke, of Popes, in the County of Hart¬ ford, Esouire, “ Militia mea Multiplex,” Edm. Marmion fecit, etching, oval, 4to. extra rare, 1 JOHN HARRISON OF LEEDS, Esa. Founder of St. John’s Church, &c. Obiit 29 Oct. 1656, ^etat 77, ETCHING, HALF SHEET, RARISS. - 2 James Calthorpe, oj East Basham, in Norfolk, oval half sheet, iEtat 39, 1642. A Brilliant Impression, - 1 John La Motte, Esq. Citizen of London, by W. Faithorne, beautiful proof, and the Copy, 2 Henry Welby , Gent, cetat. 84, Obiit 1636, the Phxnix of / his Time , by W. Marshall, 4to .fine and scarce, with the copy, - - 2 William Lee, of Abington, iEtat. 89, Anno 1635, drawing in pen and ink, (from the Unique Original by the Revd. Mr. Brand,) and the copy by Richardson, and Edward Calver of Wilbie, Gent, by W. Hollar, scarce, and the copy, - - - - 4 SIR WILLIAM DICK, OF BRAID, Knight, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, a Series of Historical Portraits, representing the Opposite Conditions of Prosperity and Adversity, as exemplified in his Life and Death, engraved by Robert and William Vaughan, of extraordinary rarity, 3 Francis Hawkins, aged 10 years, French Inscription, by J. Payne 12mo. the Original Portrait, very rare, and an old copy of the same, with four English Verses, - . 2 George Rodolph Weckherlin (Latin Secretary to the Com¬ monwealth,) iEtat 50, Mytens pinx. W. Faithorne fee. fine and scarce, - - 1 Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, by J. Payne, foL Ditto by W. Hollar , Endymion Porter by Earlom, &c. and James Howell, title by Van Hove , - - - 5 Endymion Porter, of his Majesties Bedchamber, Esguire, Guil. Dobson pinxit. Guil. Faithorne sculp, sold by Thomas Rowlett, rare and bril¬ liant, 1 Robert Rawdon, and Lawrence Rawdon, Gents, draw¬ ings in India ink, from the rare originals by R. White, and a tracing in oil of the former, Conrad Ruten, by J. Coelemans, Sir Richard Beaumont by Basire, and two tracings of James Peter Hunter, by Pontius, &c. 8 ~f# -/-A A J [ 54 ] 594 596 598 599 600 A//-* \ 601 602 //-& 603 /y-& 604 / 605 LITERARY PERSONS. Sir Theodore de Mayerne, by Simon and Elder , SirThomas Browne, by Van Hove, Dr. William Harvey, sitting in a Chair by W. Hollar, scarce, and Bust of Ditto, by W. Faithorne,Jine, &c. - 8 Sir Matthew Lister, M. D. 1646, by P. Van Somer, fol. the Original Print, very fine and rare, - i Philemon Holland, M. I), small oval in a title, by W. Mar¬ shall, fol. 1632, very fine. Dr. John Bastwick, w. 1. in Armour by Cross, scarce, and Ditto by Glover, Hollar, 8sc. 5 Dr. John Bastwick, w. 1. with cane and gloves, 4 to. fine and rare, - - - 1 Abdiah Cole, M. D.—Hilkiah Crooke (frontispiece) by M. Droeshout, fol. Alexander Read, Ditto,V2mo. — a tracing Jrom the rare Portrait of Thomas Cryines de Beckham, Pompilius Scott (Physician to Charles I.) oval 8 vo. Nicholas Culpeper, Dr. Morton, Rogerson del. Cross sc. rare, Dr. John Sadler of Norwich, small w. 1. in a title by Jo. Droeshout, and John Woodall, by Glover, &c. - - - - 10 John Milton, four Greek Verses, frontispiece to his Juvenile Poems, by W. Marshall, 8 vo, extra fine, and the Copy by Gucht, - 2 John Milton, by G. Vertue, with variation, 4to. and 8vo. Ditto iEt. 21,by Cipriani and Houbraken, and Cowley when a youth after a Miniature of Petitot’s by Chas. Townley, &c. - - 7 Abraham Cowley. JEtat. 13, 1663, six English Verses, Ro. Vaughan Sculp, two Angels crowning him with Laurel, 4 to. very fine and rare, - 1 Edmund Waller, by Vandrebanc, George Sandys with others, by G. Vertue, sheet. Ditto from the Original at Ombersley, oval 4to. and three different of John Cleave- land by R. White, &c. - 6 Sir John Suckling, by Marshall, Gucht, &;c. a Drawing of Ditto (the original Sketch by G. VertueJ Thomas Randolph, Bust by Marshall, and Massinger by Grig - nion, - - - 6 James Shirley, Bust by R. Gaywood, 8 vo. very scarce, and the Copy, and in an oval of Bays, by W. Marshall, 8 vo. fine, - - - 2 Richard Brome, Poet, laurel wreath over his head, by T. Cross, and Thomas Middleton, crowned with Laurel, oval, 8 vo. very scarce , and the Copy, 3 L 55 ] 606 6 07 608 609 C' 610 611 612 613 614 „ 615 6l6 Richard Lovelace, ('copied from Hollar). Sir Robert Sta- pylton, by Lombart and Marshall, Bust of Thomas Stephens (P. Statius) by Ditto, and three different of Francis Quarles by Marshall, &c. Robert Herrick, Bust by IF. Marshall, from his Hespe- rides, fine and rare, and the Copy, THE TRUE AND LIVELY PORTRAITURE OF THAT LEARNED AND VALIANT KNIGHT SIR FRANCIS VVORTLEY, OF WORTLEY, IN THE COUNTY OF YORKE, KT. AND BARONET, DECEASED, PRISONER IN THE TOWER OF LONDON 1652, IN ARMOUR, OVAL OF FO¬ LIAGE, WITH MILITARY TROPHIES, &c. A. HERTOCHS FECIT, HALF SHEET, EXTRA FINE, AND OF EXTREME RARITY, and the Copy by C. Hall, George Withers, by J. Payne,/oZ. Nathaniel Richards, by T. Rawlyns, 1 L 2mo. Robert Baron, and Captain Thomas Weaver , (all Poets,) both by W, Marshall, fine and scarce , with their Copies, &c. Humphry Mill, small Head in the title to the Second Part of his Nights Search, 1646, 8 vo. very scarce, and the Copy, - William Drummond, of Hauthornden, by R. Gaywood, fol. &c, scarce, Arthur Johnston, by G. Vander Gucht, and William Earl of Stirling, Copy after Marshall’s Print, - - Peter Collins, R5tat. 80, C. Galle Jun. fecit, oval, 4to. very fine, and John Price, w. 1. Arms and Motto fin Silentio et Spe) fol. rare, William Austin, in a frontispiece , by Glover, fol. Wil¬ liam Hodson (imperfect) by W. Marshall, rare, with the title, Gertrude More, by R. Lochon, Samuel Speed, by Savery, with a Drawing of Ditto, in pen and ink, and Sir Richard Baker (three different titles) by W. Marshall, fol. and 12»to. Josiah Ricraft, twelve English verses composed by J. Vickers, from his Survey of England's Champions, W. Faithorne, Sculp . first state, very fine and rare, Captain Thomas James, JEtat. 40 small oval in a Chart for the Discovery of a Passage into the South Sea, 1631-2, sheet, the complete Print,fine and rare. Sir Henry Spelman, by W. Faithorne, fol. very fine, Wil¬ liam Somner, by Burghers, Sir Robert Cotton, by White, John Weever, by T. Cecill, very fine, and the same Plate altered, to William Forster, &c. 7 ^ 2 1 7 2 9 1 7 [ 56 ] 70-0 /A# A- 617 James Yorke, of Lincoln, Blacksmith (in a title,) by T. Rawlyns, fol. Sir Kenelm Digby, after Vandyck, by Voerst, Proof, &c. and three of Sir Henry Wotton, by Lombart and Dolle, 618 John Parkinson, from his Herbal, by fV. Marshall, and the Copy, Ditto in Wood by Christopher Switzer, Ri¬ chard Brathwaite, ( two titles) by W. Marshall fol, and 4to. John Hall , Olim Majora, in an oval of Bays, by TV. Marshall, with the Copy, and Sir Charles and Sir William Cornwallis, small w. Vs. by T. Cecill, fine and scarce, - 619 Captain Charles Saltonstall, .etat. 29, Will. Marshall, Sculpsit, oval, 4to. extra rare, with the title to his Navigator, 1636, by Ditto, 620 Sir Thomas Urchard, Knight, whole length by G. Glover, 1641, 4to. and the Copy, and Thomas Neale by W. Marshall, 1643, \2mo.jine and scarce, 3 62 1 Lewis Roberts, by Glover, John Bate, by G. Gifford, 4to. / Gervase Markham, small title, Gervase Babington, by J. Droeshout, John Lilburne by Hollar, &c. and John Dethick by P. Lombart, - - 7 622 Sir John Kedermister, of Langley Marsh, in Co. Bucks, etat. 52, A. D. 1628, T. Cecill, sculp, -fff 4to. very rare. He was knighted at Hampton Court, ‘ 1609, and deceased 1630, aged 54. N. B. Mr. Granger has through mistake named him Thomas Kiderminster, 1 623 John Thompson, iEtat. 27, 1644 by TV. Hollar, and Ditto, iEtat. 2S, 1645, oval. Ships at Sea by IV. Marshall, 8vo. both scarce, - - - 2 Humphry Curson, de Stanhow, in Norfolk. Motto, “Mihi Salus Christus Solus,” 12mo. very rare, 1 625 Thomas Manley, JEtat. 24. “ The pencill can noe more" &c. four verses. T. Cross Sculpsit, 12mo. very scarce, 1 626 John Starter , Poeta Anglo Britannus, .Etat. 27) oblong oval, drawn in a Shell by Swans, ( two different por¬ traits,) scarce, - - 2 627 Miscellaneous Authors. ( Frontispieces.) William Style, 1640, Svo. Edward Browne, by J. Droeshout, 1641, 8vo. David Papillon, by Cross, 1645, 4to. Walter Montague, by IV.Marshall, 1648, 4to. John Dennis, by J. Droeshout, 1639, 4to. and two tracings of Edward Turgis, and Edward Browne, w. 1. - 7 628 Dr. John Bainbridge, Savilian Professor of Astronomy, Obiit. 1643, drawing in colours from the original in the Picture Gallery, Oxford by Silvestre Harding, and Dr. John Richardson, D. D. Master of Peter House, and afterwards of Trinity College, Cambridge, Obiit. 1625, Ditto, from the Original at Peter House, 6 8 2 At 624 //S A* <7 629 630 631 /fc- 632 6 33 634 635 636 ffoP 637 /£>&?**'y* 638 ^r* 639 c/ fizt^ ArJ 695 Charles the Second, crowned King of Scotland, by R. Mason, W. Hollar, &c. Ditto, proclaimed King of Great Britain, 1651, by W. Faithorne, 4to. fine and scarce , with Col. Careless under the Oak, Ditto, rid¬ ing before Mrs. Lane (two prints) , and Queen Hen¬ rietta Maria by Faithorne, &c. - - 10 HenriettaMaria,QueenDowager, by G. Faithorne, IN THE MANNER OF MeLLAN, OVAL HALF SHEET, VERY FINE AND RARE, - - 1 Princess Elizabeth, Daughter of Charles the First, by W. Hollar, 8 vo. and Ditto, with an Angel withdrawing her Veil, 4to. both fine and scarce, - - 2 Charles Lewis Count Palantine, in armour after Van - dyck by Bernard, Ditto, in an oval, large 4 to. scarce, &c. William II. Prince of Orange, on horseback, sold by Stent , and several Medallions of Ditto, &c. 11 OLIVER CROMWELL, LORD PROTECTOR, WHOLE LENGTH IN ARMOUR, STANDING BETWEEN TWO PILLARS. Numerous Emblems descriptive of the happy effects resulting from his Administration by W. Faithorne, sheet, extra rare, T / 698 699 /fa? fa j i xkuuiuiiou aviwii uj * » • r oncti, eaira n. Z/py'/pfa 700 Oliver Cromwell, by Vertue, Houbraken, Picart, &c. * 701 Oliver, Lord Protector, in armour. Page tying on his Sash, after Walker by Lombart, Ditto, after the same Picture by Gaywood , and small oval of him by Hol¬ lar, scarce, - - Olivarius Britannicus Her os, on horseback, and Ditto, oval, in armour, 4 to .from the Parallelum Olivet, very fine and scarce, - - / 7.703 Oliver Cromwell, in armour, R. Walker pinx-, W.Sher- win, sculp, oval of foliage, half sheet, fine and rare, 704 Oliver Cromwell, R. Walker , pinx.fol. mez. and by Dre- vdt, Gunst, Gaywood, after Cooper by Vertue, My tide, Bretherton, &c. - Oliver Cromwell, with General Lambert, in mour, by Andrew Miller, oblong sheet , mez. remarkably pine, " Oliver Cromwell on horseback, Page holding his Helmet, after Vandyck, by Lombart, sheet, extra fine, Olivarius Cromwell,Anglic Republic.® DuxGen*- ralis. Equestrian Portrait, with View of London, Rom- bout vanden Hoeye excudit, large shut, rare, 2 15 705 ar- KARS AND A //fa 706 707 fas?-A /I ~i? ~Z? //fa 3~/f ~ r 1 /fa> 708 709 710 fa fa 711 712 713 714 A* 715 716 717 718 719 fa [ 64 ] Oliver Cromwell, by Caldwall, Pariset, &c. Busts of Oli¬ ver, by Sherwin and Worlidge, and his sign Manuel, &c. by Hulett, - - - 12 Oliver Cromwell, whole length, crowned, drawn sword in one hand, and an orb in the other, numerous vignettes of his Installation, Execution of King Charles in the back ground, &c. sheet, rare, 1 Oliver Cromwell, Medallion, with the French and Spa¬ nish Ambassadors contending, &c. Cromwell felling the Royal Oak, and Ditto, crowned by Pei tidy and Cruelty, - - 3 Oliver Cromwell sitting in a Car, with the three King¬ doms 'prostrate, &c. Ditto, with halter round his neck,; with the head of Charles the First, deca¬ pitated beneath the oval, 4to. and as head of the Fanaticks by Bickham , - - - 4 Oliver Cromwell , in a pulpit preaching to a crowded con - gregation, Popes mitre on Ids head, &c. rare, - 1 Ditt o, with a Mace breaking up a Hogshead filled with money, Scobell, Lenthall, and St John, and the Ghost of Dr. Dorislaus standing by, dew of the Parliament House, with several Dutch Verses beneath, ditto, 1 Oliver Cromwell, sitting, Hugh Peters blowing in his Ear, Admiral Blake, Fairfax, &c. sheet, and a Politi¬ cal Print entitled, the “ Commonwealths Canker Wormes, or the Locusts, both of Church and State.” Sold by P. Stent, sheet, curious, - -2 Oliver Cromwell-, His Highness’s Effigy laying in state, (the original prints,) rare and curious, - 2 Elizabeth Cromwell, Wife of the Protector, four English Verses, from the Court and Kitchen of Joan Crom¬ well, 12 mo. very scarce, - - 1 Richard Cromwell, in an octagon, 4to. Ditto, by Hol¬ lar, and Basan, and three others of the Protectois Family, - - - 7 Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector, on Horse¬ back, Hat and I'eather, View of London, &c. in the distance, Johan Hoffman, exc. half sheet, very rare, 1 Richard Cromwell, (the Meek Knight) with Giant Des- borough and Lambert, in wood, scarce, three small Views of Naval Engagements, 1654, and Henry Cromwell by Thane, - - - 5 fa fa [ 65 ] NOBILITY. 720 4 * 721 ' 722 /* ^7- fa**'/* 723 724 725 /Z 726 ' /^7^/yZiZ 727 EDWARD SOMERSET, SECOND MARQUIS OF WORCESTER, the Celebrated Earl of Gla¬ morgan, (called by Granger Henry Somerset, Marquis of Worcester, and First Duke of Beau¬ fort,) in Armour, oval, HALF SHEET, GuiL. FaiTH- ORNE, DEL. BT SCULP. EXTRA RARE, a MOST BRIL LIANT PROOF, 1 The Newcastle Family, after Diepenbeck, by Clou- wet, VERY FINE AND RARE, Newcastle Family by P. Lisebetten, sheet, &c. Henry Marquis of Worcester, James, Earl of Derby, (four different,) and the Countess of Derby {temp. Charles II.) by Williams, 4 to. mez. James Stanley, Earl of Derby, by D. Loggan, large 4 to. very fine, - William, Marquis of Newcastle, on horseback, from Bi- ondi's Coralbo, 1655, scarce. ( N. B. This print is also called William, Earl of Strafford. See MS. note under the Print,) - JOHN VISCOUNT MORDAUNT, oval, with Ar¬ morial Bearings, by W. Faithorne, half sheet, brilliant impression, THE RIGHT NOBLE JOHN LORD VISCOUNT MORDAUNT, OF AVILAND BARON OF RY- GATE, &c. whole length in armour, holding a truncheon, 4to. extra rare, perhaps unique, George Digby, Earl of Bristol, by Houbraken, William Duke’of Hamilton, by R. White, &c. George, Marquis of Huntley, w. I, by Val, Green, Archibald, Marquis of Argyle, 8 vo. and Cecil, Baron Baltimore, by Bloo- teling, - 1 8 1 1 1 1 7 ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. > 728 729 Archbishop Usher, by Landry, proof. Ditto, by Glover, and Dunstall, and Edward Parry, Bishop of Kil- laloe, by J. Dickson, 4 to. rare, John Richardson, Bishop of Ardagh, Aged 74, 1653, T. Cross, sculpsit, oval, 4to. very rare and FINE, - K /v [ 66 ] ‘U /j-r 730 Edward Reynolds, Bishop of Norwich, by Loggan, fol. fine, Jeremy Taylor, by Lombart, &c. Dr. Gauden, w. 1 in a title by T. Cross, &c. 731 Brian Walton, Bishop of Chester, by P. Lombart, sheet, very fine and scarce, - 732 John Gauden, Bishop of Worcester, w. 1. Eight Verses, The Curtains drawn, &c. 4to. and Ditto, with King Charles the First sitting leaning on a Death’s head. Twelve Verses by W, Marshall, 4to. both fine and scarce , - 6 1 INFERIOR CLERGY. A 7 //~# 733 Alexander Ross, (three different,) Dr. John Hewitt, (ditto) by Gaywcod, &c. and Larnbroch Thomas, by Cross, - - - 7 734 Sydrach Simpson, late Master of Pembroke Hall, (by Cross,) 4to.fine and scarce, - 1 735 Nicholas Lockyer by W. Hollar, 4 to. Robert Dingley, by Cross, Jeremiah White ; and W. Oughtred, by Faith- orne, - 4 736 Edward Terry, from his Travels by R. Vaughan, scarce, John Trapp by Gaywood, &c. Dr. Joseph Trapp, by Clamp, Benjamin Spencer, by Cross, Cave Beck,jfrom his Universal Character, Mo. scarce, Samuel Fair- clough by Van Hove, &c. and Henry Stubbes, by P. Holmes, 8 vo. 9 737 Francis Roberts, setat. 4S, 1656, fol. very fine and rare, 1 73 S John Goodwin (two different,) Four of Christopher Love by T. Cross, A. Conradi, 1 2mo. and Ditto in the Pulpit, 1651, A. Conradus fecit, half sheetj^me and scarce, - - - 7 739 Arthur Jackson, by D. Loggan. 4 to. Ditto, an impres¬ sion from the present state of the plate, William Bridge, by Sherwin, tkc. John Durant, Samuel Clarke, by Dunstall, Cuthbert Sidenham, by Gaywood, scarce, and John Frost, by Vaughan, - 8 740 James Nalton, by Chantry, scarce, Thomas Cawton, Oba- diah Sedgewick, Hezekiah Holland, from the Fother- gill Collection, John Murcot, by W. Faithorne, 4to. and John Rogers by W. Hollar, fol. both scarce, 6 741 Thomas Larkham, setat. 50, 1652, by T. Cross, fine and rare, Thomas Mocket, setat. 68 , 1670, by Ditto, Jo¬ seph Symonds, setat. 50, and Samuel Moore, by W. Marshall, 8 t>o. all scarce, - - 4 A I 744 745 746 747 748 949 L 67 J Robert Maton, by T. Cross, 12mo. very fine, and EXTRA RARE, - - - - 1 Thomas Hilder, aetat. 53, by R. Vaughan, 8 vo. Hugh Peters, in the Pulpit, with an hour glass, I know you are good fellows, S;c. 12mo. both fine and rare, and Ditto, w. 1 . by W. Faithorne, - - 3 Hugh Peters , with a Windmill on his Head, the Devil whispering in his Ear, Svo. rare, - 1 John Pordage, by W. Faithorne, 4to. first state, very fine. and two copies of the same, - - 3 Robert Leighton, by R. White, John D’Espagne, Stephen Jay, w. 1. frontispiece, Anonymous Ditto by W. Fai¬ thorne, George Fox, by Holmes, Whitehead, &c. in the Quaker’s Synod, fol, Richard Carpenter, Jesuit, by W. Faithorne, Alexander More, by L. Visscher, and Crisp, de Pass, and the Execution of five Benedictine Monks, fol. - - - 11 Peter Wright, Jesuit, executed 1651, by C. Galle, 12«io. very fine and rare, and two copies of the same, 3 Luke Wadding, obiit Nov. 1657, set. 70, after Carlo Maratti, by Stephen Picart, half sheet, and a different Portrait of him, in an ornamented oval, 1658, fol. both very scarce, - - - 2 Anonymous, Head of a Divine, in the manner of Glover, inscribed, ° Semper Cogita ut Mortem numquam Ti- meas,” 1652, aetat 6(5, 12 mo. by Glover, very scarce, and small w. 1. Portrait of a Clergyman, in a title by Mar¬ shall, 1 2mo. - - 2 COMMONERS IN HIGH EMPLOY¬ MENTS, JUDGES, &c. 750 A P706- 751 752 753 Sir Edward Nicholas, by A. Hertochs, Secretary Thurloe, (six different), and Ditto with Hugh Peters and the States Ambassadors, w. l’s by W. Sherwin, William Lenthall (etchings), by Paul, and Miss Gulston, and Edmund Ludlow, by Cipriani, Ravendt, fyc. - 14 Sir Samuel Morland, by Lombart, &c. Alexander Ers- kine, by C. Galle, with the copy, and Sir John May¬ nard, 12 mo. - ~ ' -5 Algernon Sidney, byLuttrel, 4 to. mez .first state,fine and scarce, and Ditto, by Jackson, and Cipriani, - 3 PRAISE GOD BAREBONE, SCULL CAP, SMALL, HEAD IN A SQUARE, Rariss. - - 1 S J / £> 'ZF Z 1 754 Dr. Douislaw’s Ghost, presented by Time to unmask the Vizards of the Hollanders, or a List of 28 Bar¬ barous and Bloody Cruelties and Murthers, Massa¬ cres, and base Treacheries of the Hollanders against England and Englishmen, Emblematical Print, con¬ taining a w. 1. Portrait' of the Dutch Ambassador, with ^ « Camelion in one hand, and the Sun eclipsed by a Bear’s paw in the other (the paw intended to represent Adrian Pauw the Ambassador, but the Head is copied from that of Count Gondomar,) London, printed by T. Jdinde, &;c. 1652, sheet, rake and curious, a Repre¬ sentation of his Murther in small, and his Portrait by Vinkeles, - 755 Bulstrode Whitlocke, in armour by H. Hulsbergh, fol. scarce , Henry Rolle, Judge, by Hertochs, Sir Matthew Hale, Thomas Fidell by Cross, and Sir John May¬ nard, - .. 5 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY. / ~z?-z 7 756 757 758 /2~r 7 59 “60 •6l ■0 762 -2^ 763 Oliver Cromwell and Sir Thomas Fairfax. 4 to. holding Truncheons, with Figures of a Fox and a Lion, printed on the same sheet, with numerous Verses in Dutch beneath, fine and very rare, General Fairfax, holding the Head of Charles the First with his right hand, an Axe in his left, 8 vo. very fine and scarce, Oliver Cromwell, by J. G. Wille, 8 vo. &c. George Duke of Albemarle, etching, 12 mo. Colonel Fiennes, and Gene¬ rals Ireton and Fleetwood, by Houbraken, General Lambert in an oval, 4 to. rare, and Ditto, by Houbraken and Moncornet , COLONEL JOHN HEWSON, small oval, whole length J 1 Etching, sitting on a Cobler’s stall holding an awl, Spec¬ tators halloing “ IVhoop Cobler.” Under a gallows is in¬ scribed, “Ileer's one eye’d Hewson," §e. 12 mo. extra rare. Colonel Hewson, by Gucht, the Giant Husonio, w. 1. in wood, three small w. 1. Copies of Ditto, and of Col. Penruddock, and Thomas Sanders de Ireton, by D. Loggan, very fine, and the Copy by Richardson, Major John Wildman {Copy), Colonel John Lilburne, w. 1. on his Tryal, 4 to. Ditto by Glover, fyc. and two of David Lesley, Lord Newark, Sir Ewen Cameron, Chief of the Clan Cameron , six Eng¬ lish Verses, small 4to. rare. 1 1 [ 69 ] 764 / 765 766 *7 . 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 Admiral Robert Blake, oval, h. sh. mez. by T. Preston, 8*c. Admiral Pen, 12mo. small w. 1. of a Soldier brandish¬ ing a Sword over his fallen Enemy, “ As stout be mer¬ ciful,” 12mo. &c. - MAJOR GENERAL JOHN DESBOROUGH, (LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND,) on Horseback, Ships at Sea, Sold by Stent, 4 to. Rariss. GENTRY. SIR ROBERT TICHBURN, Lord Mayor of Lon¬ don (and one of the King’s Judges,) 1657. on Horseback, in iiis Civic Robes, View of London in the Distance, Sold by Stent, Half Sheet, the Original Print, of extraordinary rarity, not described by Bromley, with a Copy of the same, Sir Charles Lucas, in half armour, Helmet and Musquet on a Table, a Dog by his Side, Drawing in Colours, after the original Picture at Wrest, by T. Athow, Sir Henry Slingsby, and Colonel Penruddock, by Vertue, and Sir Peter Temple, Bust by R. Gaywood, 165S, SIR WILLIAM PASTON, BART. 1659, G. FAI- THORNE, SCULP. HALF SHEET EXTRA FINE AND RARE, SIR FRANCIS WILLUGHBY, (WILLOUGHBY,) WHOLE LENGTH, SITTING ON A BANK, WITH VIEW OF WOLLATON HALL, T. MAN FE. LARGE 4to. mez. PRESQUE UNIQUE, Sir Hugh Cartwright, Chevalier Anglois, Aage 60 a. 1656, in Armour, after A. Diepenbeke, by L. Vorster- man. Junior, oval half sheet, very fine and rare, SIR RICHARD CHIVERTON, Lord Mayor of Lon¬ don, 165?, Gold Chain and Jewel at his Breast, Sitting in an Elbow Chair, Half Sheet Mez, Proof, and a Portrait of uncommon rarity. Lady Elizabeth Cory ton, Wife of Sir John Coryton, and Daughter of Sir Richard Chiverton, after Kneller by Beckett, half sheet, mez. very fine and scarce , SIR ROBERT HENLEY, by W. Faithorne, Oval, Half Sheet, Brilliant Proof, extra rare. 1 f-t-* 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 [ 70 1 EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. COMMONWEALTH. COMMONERS— continued. 774 The Rawlinson Family, five ovals including,Nicholas Monk, Bp. of Hereford, &c. by J. Nutting, bio, fine and scarce , and Sir Humphrey Chetham, aetat. 73, 1653, by J. Heath, - - - -2 775 John Holt, obiit 1659, set. 12, two branches of Cypress suspended over his head, eight English Verses, by D. Loggan , 4to. very fine and scarce, - 1 PHYSICIANS AND POETS. /&* //- John Price, by R. A. Persyn, 8 vo. Edward Leigh, by J. Chantry, William Hicks, by D. Loggan, fol. and the copy, and Edward Chisenhale, presenting his Book, small w. 1. scarce, - •Francis Rous, President of Eton College, 1656, by W. Faithorne, very fine and scarce, and the Frontispiece to his Works, - John Sparrow, by D. Loggan, 1659, Sir George Strode , small oval, by G . Glover, 1652, and two small whole lengths in wood, prefixed to the Secrets of An¬ gling, by J. D. Esq. and augmented by W. Lauson, 1652, 12mo. rare, William Sanderson, by W. Faithorne, very fine, and Ditto, (different plate,) James Howel, by IV. Marshall. 4to. Ditto, w. 1. by C. Mellon, and Henry Earl of Mon¬ mouth by Marshall, and Faithorne, fine , 6 / -Z-F 3 4 1 /“ 1 1 /w 7 1 1 /-/-* 1 /—F'P 7 x /~0~Z? 3-# 7 2 / 3 -& 4 /~fl^ 2 3 7 [ 72 ] / 801 802 803 /V 804 805 80S /W 807 808 809 //~0 Sir Robert Stapylton, by Marshall, John Pawlet Marquis of Winchester ( etching ) in armour, Robert Monteith, by R. Lochon, Sir William Dugdale, and Elias Ash- mole, - - - 6 Elias Ashmole, Bust on a Pedestal, by W. Faithorne, FINE AND RARE, - - - 1 William Burton, LL. D. by W. Hollar, Richard Kil- burne, by Cross, John Graves, Jonas Moore, four dif¬ ferent of WiUmm Leybourn, William Bagwell, John Evelyn, Sir James Harrington, by W. Faithorne, and Ditto, by Mar chi, &c. - - 15 Robert Loveday, by W. Faithorne, very fine, and Ditto, in the retouched state of the plate, - - 2 HENRY MASSINGBERD, by T. CROSS, six English lines under the Portrait, small fol, EXTRA RARE, Vide MS. Note by Sir William Musgrave, 1791 1 Richard Elton, by J. Droeshout, Major William Bar- riffe ( three different) by Glover, &c. fine, Richard Rawlyns, by R. Gaywood, 1656, scarce, Thomas Wills- ford, by Vaughan, and William Lilly, by W. Marshall, fine, &c. - - - 8 Captain George Wharton, oval, six verses, 8 vo. John Booker, a tracing from Hollar’s print, John Gadbury, by T. Cross, fol. and l2mo. William Ramesey, by T. Cross, fol. and 8 vo. scarce, and Ditto, aetat. 42, 8 vo. all very fine, - - 7 William Williams, oval, 8vo. Robert May, by Gaywood, Sir James Ware, by Vertue, and Ditto, with his Auto¬ graph, by Thane, - - 4 Sir William Denny, w. 1. etching by Barlow, prefixed to a most rare book, entitled, “ Pelecaniadium, or theChris- Rian Adviser against Self Murder,” 1653, 8 vo. three other Frontispieces of Anthony Thompson, 1658,Walter Bligh, 1652, &c. and John Spittlehouse, Assistant to the Marshall Generali of the Army, under the Com¬ mand of the Lord Generali Fairfax, 1650, small w. 1. in a Frontispiece, entitled an Emblem of Antichrist, 4 to. - - 5 #■ ARTISTS, MUSICIANS, WRITING- MASTERS, &c. Robert Walker, by Lombart, very fine, Isaac Fuller, General Lambert, Gentileschi, from Walpole, and the Brothers Simon (Medalists,) by G. Vertue, - 6 Christopher Simpson, by W. Faithorne, 4to. very fine, and Ditto, playing on the Viol de Gamba, w. 1. and John Gamble, Musician, by T. Cross, fol. fine and scarce, 3 [ 73 ] 812 A Edward Cocker, Jeremiah Rich, by Cross, 8 vo. and 12mo. Ditto, in a sheet of short hand, dedicated to the Lady Mary Rich, Noah Bridges, by Loggan, and two small w. l’s, of John Browne, by Gaywood, &c. - 7 813 814 815 A // 4 816 817 818 819 820 LADIES. Rachael Countess of Middlesex, by Lombart, Lady Fal- conberg, Mrs. Elizabeth Cieypole, Mrs. Jane Lane, Susanna Perwich, Blanch Lady Arundel of Wardour, and Dorothy Lady Packington, by V. Green, mez. 8 LADY PASTON (WIFE OF SIR WILLIAM.) GUIL. FAi l HORNE SCULP. FINE AND RARE, 1 Lady Elinor Temple, Bust by Gaywood, Lady Katherine Harington, by Faithorne, Lady Elizabeth Washington, bv Chantry, and Madam Killigrew, holding a wreath of Flowers, after Vandyek, by Hollar,y£we and scarce, 4 REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. James Naylor, by T. Preston, mez. and Ditto, the Ori¬ ginal Print, by F. Place, from the Fothergill Collec¬ tion, very rare, - - - 2 James Naylor, from Heath's Chronicle, Ditto, in the Pil¬ lory, &c. by W. Hollar, Two Drawings of Roger Crab, and the Portraiture of Mrs. Martha Hatfield, in a Trance, 12 mo. rare, - - - 5 Marriott the Great Eater, whole length, boys fol¬ lowing hooting him, four verses, “ Here to your view's presented the great Eater,'' 8;c. 4to. in wood, extra rare, - - - 1 Barbara Urslerin, wife to Michael Vanbecke, by R. Gay- wood, very scarce, and Ditto, playing on a harpsichord , Dutch inscription beneath, small 4 to. ditto, - 2 Abraham Woofe, tetat. 60, small oval in an 8 vo. plate describing the barbarities of the Dutch at Amboyna, rare, William Houlbrook (Blacksmith,) w. 1. by J. Scotin, Salvator Winter, and Francis Dickinson, title in wood, 1649, 4 to. and two Portraits of Ladies (Habits) by Hollar, &c. - - - 8 S-3-* /—A?—# L [ 74 1 FOREIGNERS BELONGING TO THE ENGLISH SERIES. 822 fa? 823 824 825 7- . 826 y~s /t-j™ 828 829 />/ Henry Charles Count de la Treraouille, by P. Philippe, Jerome Van Beverningh, by A. Blooteling, sheet, mez. Henry Due de Longueville, fol. and 4to. Count Ul- field, {the Copy,) Peder Reetz, from Hoffman, James Cats, by M. Mosyn,fol. and Adolphus Count Palatine, {Bust,) by Grignon, Jacob Cats, by Michael Natalis, extra fine, and Ditto, by C. Van Dalen, &c. Manasseh Ben Israel {etching) by Rembrandt, fyc. Julius Aysonius, by T. Matham, proof and letters, and Joannes Rulitius, Minister of the English Church at Dorchester, by H. de Mayer, fol. fine and very rare. Christian Ravius, 12 mo. Leonard Philaras, by Mellon, Rigep Dandulo, by Cross, and Catherine Lethuillier, Wife of Jacob Desbouverie, of Killeghorn in Holland, etching, by F. Luttichuys, 1646, 4 to. very scarce, Claudius de Salmasius, {in England, 1625,) Lucas Vors- terman sculp, and Ditto, by T. Matham, very fine, Blasii de Manfre, the Water Spouter, by W. Hollar, 4 to. fine and scarce, - Johann Weyliart Vavasor, oval, in armour, by Matthias Griescher,/oZ. very rare, Paul Vander Perre, by K. Slabbaert, etching, 4to. Tristam l’Hermite, by Dartt, the Marquis de Leyde, and Ad¬ miral de Ruyter, by F. Bouttats, &c. REIGN OF CHARLES II. ROYAL FAMILY. 830 / 831 2 Charles the Second, his Return, with his Brothers on horseback, 4to. Equestrian Statue at Cornhill {two different, and Three Head Pieces and Medallions, by Vertue, &c. - Charles the Second, after Lely by Blooteling, large sheet, mez. and Another, by Ditto, half sheet, and the Se¬ cond Charles Heire ot the Royal Martyr, six verses, J. Chantry, sculp, in armour, three quarters, fine and ■<£ 8 6 fa?. scarce , 1 [ 75 J 7 y,/ 832 Charles the Second, three quarters in armour, bv C. Vr Dalen, very fine. 833 /&> n - Charles the Second, Adrian Hanneman , pinx. Hend. Danckers, sculp, large oval, brilliant, - 1 834 CHARLES THE SECOND, after the same Picture as the preceding, R. GAYWOOD FECIT. P. Stent, Ex- cudit. oval, half sheet, extra rare. Vide Mr. Guls- ton s Memoranda at the back of the Portrait, » l 835 Charles the Second, after Lely, by Becket, Brown, and Tompson, met s. and Ditto, after Wissing, by Fonder Vaart, - - - .4 836 Charles the Second, by G. Vertue, B. Picart, &c. Ditto, /Zf by R. White, sheet, after Kneller, by Williams, fine ,' and small oval, in armour, F. de Wit exc. scarce, 8 837 Charles the Second, G. Faithorne, exc. oval, 4 Ditto in an Octagon, by C. Waumans, &c. 861 Queen Catherine, in the Habit in which she came over from Portugal, by W. Faithorne, half sheet, RARE, - 862 Queen Catherine, in the same dress, oval, encompassed by Torches and Quivers, of Arrows, ( imperfect,) and Henrietta Maria, bv W. Faithorne, 1 2mo. &c. 863 Queen Catherine, after Lely, by Blooteling, and Ditto, whole length, after Wissing, by Smith,fine, 864 James Duke of York, after Lely , by Browne, Ditto, w. 1. fa? L 4-0 A*' 865 867 in his robes of the Garter, fol. and a Head Piece of him, with his Dutchess, by G. Vertue, The Magnanimous and High borne Prince, James XL/ / * Duke of York, oval, in armour, with Military Tro- c phies at each corner, 4 to. very scarce, 866 Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, by P. Lombart, 8 vo. Copy 4 of the same, by Gucht, 12 mo. and Mary of Este, by Audran, Vertue and White, Mary Beatrix Duchess of York, by Browne, (a reverse,) Ditto, by J. Gole, half sheet, mez. scarce, Isabella, Daughter of James II., after Lely, with a Dove, and Ditto, with a Lamb, ikc.fine, 868 Henry Duke of Gloucester {in armour,) after Luttichuys, by Van Dalen, extra fine, and Ditto, by G. Vertue, 869 Mary Princess of Orange, by Blooteling and Valck, and the Princess Anne, by Thompson, with a reverse, Mary Princess of Orange, after Vandyck, by Fai¬ thorne, OVAL HALF SHEET, BRILLANT, Mary.Princess of Orange, {Etching) after ditto, by L. Ferdinand, and Ditto, by W. Faithorne, half sheet, mez. William III. Prince of Orange, by A. Blooteling, and in armour, by P. Schenck, fine, 872 William Henry Prince of Orange, in half armour, hold¬ ing a Truncheon, by P. Philippe, sheet, very fine and scarce, - & /- '-0 3 0 ** 870 871 7 ^ 4 ^ xJyl-* y f 873 f -* / 874 //V 875 /7-c to-p 8 76 877 878 //•V 8 ? 9 A-p 880 /}-* 881 882 //-P /P-0 883 884 886 J-/-p [ 78 } William and Mary, token Prince and Princess of Orange, w. l’s. with Ladies and Courtiers in attendance, by J. Gole, oblong half sheet, mez fine and scarce, Princess Henrietta Duchess of Orleans, oval 4to. Ditto, (two Busts), by Mellan and Vertue, Prince Rupert, and his Daughter Ruperta, by J. K. Shenvin,, George Prince of Denmark, by J. Smith, half sheet, mez. George Lewis Prince of Hanover, by Thompson, and the Duke of Orleans, by F. Poilly, Philip Duke of Orleans, (Brother of Lewis XIV). by Van Schuppen, 1660, half sheet, very fine and scarce , 8 ^ NOBILITY. Thomas Earl of Southampton, Svo, Ditto, ( medallion,) by Vertue, Matthias Pasor, (mentioned in a note , Vol. iii. p. 185,) and Thomas Earl of Danby, by Blooteling, &c. Thomas Osborne, inscribed ( Asborne,) Earl of Danby, after Lely, by Blooteling, first state, very fine and scarce, JOHN EARL OF RADNOR, BARON ROBERTS, OF TRURO, 1683, G. Kneller, pinx, R. White, EXC. HALF SHEET, MEZ. FINE AND EXTRA RARE, 5 1 ** X? I Henry Duke oj Norfolk , oval in armour, after Lely, by 0 ~ , / / Blooteling, 1 678, large sheet, rare, - 1 /***" James (First) Duke of Ormond, in armour, after Wis- sing, by Williams, half sheet, mez. fine and. scarce, 1 James Duke of Ormond, (oval of Oak leaves,) D. Log- gan, sculp . half sheet, fine and scarce, - 1 James Duke of Ormond, by D, Loggan, 8 vo. Ditto, from, Clarendon, &c. and five different Prints of James (Se¬ cond) Duke of Ormond, by Baber, Gribelin, &c. 8 Henry Lord Jermvn (afterwards Earl of St. Al¬ bans,) oval l2mo. very rare, - - 1 Henry Earl of Arlington, by Houbraken, Ditto, George Duke of Albemarle, and George Duke of Bucking¬ ham, from Guillim, &c. and the Duke of Albemarle, by R. Sheppard, and B. Audran, fol. - 7 George Duke of Albemarle, encircled with Laurel and the Initials G. M. within the oval , scarce, and Ditto, by R. Gay wood, 4 to. R. White, C. Bestland, &c. 5 George Duke of Albemarle, in a rich Scarf, his right hand resting on his Helmet, R. Gaywood, fecit, F. Barlow, pinx. half sheet, extra fine and rare, l George Duke of Albemarle, small oval at the head of the Pedigree of the Monkes of Potheridge, half sheet, rare, James Duke of Monmouth, after Lely, by Bloo¬ teling, and on horseback, by Capt. Baillie, - 3 [ 79 ] 888 / 889 890 James Duke of Monmouth, (inscribed Munmoth) when a Boy, in an oval, coarsely etched, sold by Stent, 4 to. very rare, - James Duke of Monmouth, in armour, by N. Visscher, half sheet, Ditto, head piece by Vertue, Miss Lucy Waters, by Van den Berghe, and the Great Colbert, by Nantueil, - William Duke of Queensberry, 1685, large sheet, WITH ARMORIAL BEARINGS, AFTER KnELLEB, BY Vancrebanc, very rare. 1 J-p-p 4 ^ NINTH DAY’S SALE. CHARLES II. NOBILITY"— continued. 891 892 893 894 S95 896 William Duke of Somerset, by G, Vertue, William Duke of Newcastle by ditto, Henry Duke ot' Beaufort, by R. White, half sheet, Charles Duke of Richmond , w, 1. with a Greyhound, by J. Becket. and Ditto, oval, after Wissing, by Williams, rare, Henry Duke of Grafton, whole length in his Robes of the Garter, by 7. Becket, sheet, tnez, very scarce, Henry Duke of Grafton, oval, by Becket, 4io. mez. and Ditto, in a Roman habit, Ship at Sea, half sheet mez. both by J. Becket, scarce, George Eitzroy Earl of Northumberland, whole length with a hunting Spear, H. Gascar pinx. rare * and a Counter proof of the same, George Duke of Northumberland, after Wissing , by Williams, oval 4 to. mez. scarce, Charles Earl of Derby, in armour, by Blooteling, Josceline Percy , Earl of Nor¬ thumberland, after Lely, by Browne, a counter proof, and John Earl of Exeter, after ditto, by Thompson, fine and scarce , - John Egerton Earl of Bridgewater, 1680, W. Claret pinx. large 4to. mez. and Edward Rich Earl of Warwick , and Holland, whole length, after Wissing, by J. Smith, large 4 to. mez. both fine and scarce, - - 2 /s-f* /f-0 /-/y [ 80 ] 897 /J~0 898 / 89 9 /V 900 901 90*2 J'-'/r-'P 903 A//-J 904 905 906 /V^ 907 908 909 Philip Earl of Chesterfield, by Worlidge, John Earl of Rochester, by R. White, 8 vo. Ditto, with a Lady (Ano¬ nymous,) by J. Becket, Arthur Earl of Essex, by Pi- cart, Charles Earl of Carlisle, by Faithorne, Edward (First) Earl of Sandwich, oval in armour, and Ed¬ ward (Second) Earl of Sandwich, in a square, both after Lely, by Blooteling,fine, &c. Arthur Earl of Essex, after Lely, by Luttrell, 4to. mez. first state, sold by Lloyd, very fine and scarce, William Earl of Craven, Robert Earl of Ailesbury, and Charles Duke of St. Albans, and his Brother, cx. Guillim, and Robert Earl of Yarmouth, by Vandrebanc, sheet, - Charles Earl of Plymouth, by J. Smith, Charles Earl of Burford, w. 1. (a Child sleeping) after Gascar, oblong, mez. and Ditto, (Bust) an early copy from Blooteling, GEORGE EARL OF BERKELEY, IN HIS ROBES, by D. Loggan, 1679> fol. very fine, and a Print OF THE GREATEST RARITY, Thomas Bellasyse Viscount Falconberg, in armour, after Maria Beale, by A. Booteling, 1676, sheet, very fine and scarce, - Thomas Viscount Falconberg, by R. White, Ditto, (Obiit, 1652), Etching, 4 to. William Lord Russell, by Hou * broken, &c. and Ditto, taking leave of Lady Russell before his Execution, with the Companion Print, by C. Knight, 8 1 i William Lord Russell, after Kneller, by Vandrebanc, sheet, fine and scarce, Thomas Lord Grey, (Querie afterwards Earl of Stam¬ ford, or Tankerville ), after Lely, by Browne, half sheet, mez. fine and rare, - Anthony Lord Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury, after Lely, by Thompson, and a Drawing in India ink, of the Lord Berkeley, of Stretton, - - Robert Lord Brooke, Obiit, 1676, by G. Valck. 1678, large half sheet, very fine and scarce, John Lord Bejasyse, by R. White, Denzel Lord Holies, by ditto, John Duke of Lauderdale, by Hovbraken and Becket, and in his Robes, by G. Valck, half sheet, and Charles Lord Gerard, {the Copy,) CHARLES LORD GERARD OF BRANDON, 1666, CREATED EARL OF MACCLESFIELD, 1679, OVAL IN ARMOUR. W. SHERWIN, DELIN ET SCULP. LARGE SHEET, (THE ENGRAVED PLATE,) A PRINT OF EXCESSIVE RARITY, AND REMARKABLY FINE, / 2 */ fiycz 1 910 911 912 913 s* 914 /Zf/yb*' 915 916 [ 81 ] James Earl of Perth, Lord Drummond, &c. jetat. 31, Arms and Cypher at top, W. Faithorne, De- lin et Sculp, oval, half sheet, extra rare, Thomas Earl of Elgin ; Lord Bruce of Whorle- ton, &c. jetat. 62, A° 1662, W. Faithorne, del. et SCULP ; BEFORE THE FACE WAS ALTERED, HALF SHEET, Richard Lord Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale, AEtat. 31, 1683, (oval, with armorial bearings,) after Kneller, by Vandrebanc, sheet, Walter Count Leslie, Scotch General in the service of the Emperor of Germany, oval, with Military Trophies, by Lucas Kilian, 1637, fol. fne and rare, Roger Earl of Orrery, by J. Mynde, Svo. Thomas Earl of Ossory, by Van Hove, and Ravfnet, Arthur Earl of Donnegal, copy from Hollar's print, Thomas Earl of Ossory, after Lely, by Vandrebanc, sheet, &e. Earl of Douglas (temp. Charles II.) half sheet, oval in armour, with arms beneath, by R, Lochon, fine and VERY RARE, - Roger Earl of Castlemaine, by W. Faithorne, William Viscount Brouncker, &c. by W. Hollar, 4 to. Henry Baron of Colerane, by G. Vertue, and w. 1. in a Pil¬ grim’s Habit, by IV, Faithorne, fol. and John Gasper de Marchin, Comte de Granville, ( created Knight of the Garter by Charles II.) by C, Meyssens, fol . z —rP / / f‘ -2* W/^/j / ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. 917 , 918 919 1 1 RICHARD STERNE, ARCHIEPISCOPUS EBORA- CENSIS. F. PLACE, FEC. P. TEMPEST EXC. HALF SHEET, MEZ. EXTRA RARE AND ^ BRILLIANT, from the Musgrave Collection, Humphrey Henchman, Bishop of London, P, Lely, pinx. half sheet, mez. fine and rare, Archbishop Sheldon, small oval, Ditto, in a frontispiece, sy 8vo. Henry Compton Bishop of London, 12wio. John Cosin Bishop of Durham, by W. Dolle, Bryan Duppa 4 ?—^? Bishop of Winchester, by R. White, and George Mor- ley (ditto) by G. Vertue, - 7 George Morley Bishop of Winchester, after Lely, by Thompson, half sheet, mez. and Peter Mews (Ditto) small oval mez. scarce, - 2 Peter Mews Bishop of Winchester, by D. Loggan, half sheet, and the original drawing in black lead pencil, by ditto, from the Musgrave Collection , - 2 INI 920 921 / -z* 922 /lb* 923 /Z-0 924 225 926 jW' 927 928 929 /V 932 933 /-/*-* 934 935 / [ B2 ] Robert Sanderson, Rp. of Lincoln, by Hollar , and Log - gan, Edward Reynolds, Bp. of Norwich, by R. White, and Edward Rainbow, Bp. of Carlisle, by J. Sturt, fine, Nicholas Monck, Bishop of Hereford, in the center of five ovals of the Rawlinson Family, by J. Nutting, 4to ditto, - - - - John Hacket, Bp. of Lichfield, by IV. Faithorne, fol. very fine, and another by ditto, 8 vo. and a small square etching in profile, of Bishop Dolben, rare, Seth Ward, Bishop of Salisbury, by D. Loggan, half sheet, scarce. - John Dolben, Bishop of Rochester, after Huysmans, by R. Thompson, half sheet mez.fine and scarce, John Wilkins, Bishop of Chester, by A. Blooteling, half sheet , Ditto, by White and Sturt, 8 vo’s. and Peter Gun¬ ning, Bishop of Ely, 4to. mez. DOLBEN, FELL, AND ALLESTRY, (CALLED CHIPLEY, CHOPLEY AND CHEPLEY) sitting in a Study, P. Lely, pinx, D. Loggan, exc. ob¬ long, LARGE HALF SHEET, MEZ. A PRINT OF UNCOM¬ MON rarity, from the Mariette Collection, Nicholas Pearson, by Van Hove, 8 vo. Thomas Kenn, Bishop of Bath and Wells, by J. Dundas, Bishop Sprat, by Gucht, Sparrow Bishop of Norwich, Thomas Pearson, Bp. of Chester, by Loggan, Elder, and Van Hove, and Warner Bishop of Rochester, by Harding, James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 1675, by D. Log- gan, fol. fine and scarce, Archbishop Sharp, by G. Vertue, sheet, &c. William She¬ ridan, of Kilmore, by W. Sherwin, Jeremy Taylor, by Lombart, and White , and four different of Archbishop Tillotson, - - - Edward Wetenhall, Bishop of Cork, and Ross, after Vander Vaart, by J. Becket, half sheet, mez. VERY FINE AND RARE, INFERIOR CLERGY. John Barwick, by Vertue, Richard Meggot, by R. White, 8 vo. George Stradling, by ditto, Richard Love, etched by Tyson, John Spencer, by Vertue, fol. and Ralph Bathurst, by A. Walker, Richard Meggott, Dean of Winchester, after Knel- ler, by R. White, half sheet, very fine and rare, Ralph Bathurst, Dean of Wells, by D. Loggan, and William Holder, S. T. P. by ditto, both very fine and scarce, - 4 3 1 1 4 8 1 (/?***'' '/zr 2 ^ [ 83 ] 936 937 j 938 939 'f „/ v A^yfC O 940 941 //JJ .. S42 /** 943 944 945 946 947 ^ 948 ^4 949 /C/*>h'^ Daniel Whitby, by A. Bell, and M. V. Gucht,fol, John Conant, S. T. P. 8vo. Archdeacon Hyde. (Bust,) by F. Perry, Dr. Edward Lake, and Mark Franck, by Dolle. - - - - $ Isaac, and Meric Casaubon, by P. Gunst,fol. Benjamin Calamy, 8 vo. Henry Finch, Dean of York, by Drapen- tier, Dr. Edward Pocock, by F, M. La Cave, and Richard Allestry, by D. Loggan, - - 6 Dr. Robert South, by Vertue, and Gucht , Hezekiah Bur¬ ton, by R. White, Thomas Fuller, 8 vo. Peter Heylyn, by White , Ralph Cudworth, by Vertue, William Ou- tram, and Benjamin Whichcot, by R. White, and Tho¬ mas Fuller, Author of the Worthies , setat. 53, 1661, by D. Loggan, fol. fine and scarce, - 9 Joseph Glanvill, by W. Faithorne, very fine, John Light- foot, by R. White, Humphry Gower, by G. Vertue, Dr. Busby, by R. White, and Ditto, by J. Watson, sheet, mez. - - - 5 Edmund Castle, aetat. C3, 1669, by W. Faithorne, half sheet, fine and scarce, - 1 Thomas Barlow, D. D. by Loggan, Dr. Isaac Barrow, by ditto, fol. and Svo. Dr. John Wallis, by Ditto , and Dr. Joseph Beaumont, by R. White, - 5 John Wallis, S. T. P. by W. Faithorne, Ditto, by M. Bur¬ ghers, fol. and William Woodward, by J. Smith, fine, 3 Dr. Henry More, sitting under a Tree, by W. Faithorne, very fine and scarce, - - - 1 Henry More, by D. Loggan, &c. Edward Sparke, Richard Sherlock, William Falkner, John Rawlet, William Walker, John Flamstead, by Vertue, Henry Hibbert, D. D. by D. Loggan, fol. and Dr. Edward Boys, by W. Faithorne, Mo.fine - 10 ANDREW LORTIE, Minister of the Reformed Church at Rochelle and London, VAN SOMER FE, 1681, half sheet, mez. VERY FINE AND EXTREMELY RARE, and a tracing in oil from the same, - 2 Richard Kingston, M. A. Preacher at St. James's, Clerkenwell, four Latin lines, (Vostermanne tuam, vel Titiane iuam,) 12,7710. very fine and rare, - 1 John Newton, aetat. 39, 1660, oval a7id scarce, John Goad, ( Astrologer ,) by R White, 4 to. John Ket- tlewell (two different) by Gucht, and Clement Ellis, 8 vo. 5 Edmund Ellis, in an octagon, by W. Faithorne, Ato.fine and scarce , - - "1 Rev. William Cray,of Newcastle, (anonymous portrait,) by F. Place, small oval mez. very rare, and Josiah Pullen, M. A. Vice Principal of Magdalen Hall, oval mez. 8ro. ditto, - - - 2 //-0 7-* /f-S~ / —7 [84] //-* A 7 A/A A/ /A A / /V^ 950 George Alsop, by JF. Sherwin, 12mo. Robert Walwyn, (copy,) John Owen, (Jour different.) and Thomas Good¬ win (three ditto,) by R. White, &c. - 9 951 Thomas Manton, and William Bates, by W. Faithorne, R. White, &c. and Anthony Tuckney, and John Col- lings, by R. White , - 10 952 John Collings, setat. 27t A 0 1650, by T. Cross, oval, 4to. very scarce, - - 1 953 John Collings, S. T. P. aetat. 55, 1678, oval 4to. mez. rare t Thomas Jacomb, and Edmund Calamy, by Cald- wall, &c. and two different Frontispieces to Farewell Sermons, of the Nonconformist Ministers, 1662, scarce 6 954 Stephen Charnock, Samuel Cradock, Matthew Role, and Joseph Caryl, by R. White, John Howe, by Caldwall, David Clarkson, by R. White, Samuel Clark, by Ditto, and R. Gaywood, and Thomas Watson, by Sturt, fol. - - - 11 956 Thomas Doolittle, Thomas Gouge, Philip Henry, William Jenkin, Thomas Heather, two different of William Clark, the Elder, by Cross, Samuel Clark, the Younger, by R. White fol. rare, and two Drawings in pencil, of him, and Henry Newcome, - - 13 957 Thomas Wadsworth, James Janeway, Christopher Nesse, Nathaniel Vincent, Ralph Vening, by Hollar, Ro¬ bert Midgeley, small w. 1. in a title to the Compen¬ dious Schoolmaster, by W. Faitliorne, George Grif¬ fith ( Drawing in black lead pencil ,) John Ray, by Elder, George Trosse, and four different of Richard Baxter, - - - - 16 958 Matthew Mead, by Nutting, &c. John Flavell, and Ed¬ mund Trench, by R. White, <$?c. Isaac Ambrose, fol. fine, Edward Pearse, by R. White, William Sherwin, 4to. Benjamin Keach by Drapentier, &c. and William Dyer, 12mo. - 12 959 Vera Effigies Thomas Cole, V. Si>riett Pinx. Fecit, et Excud. Oval, Half Sheet, Mez. extra rare, - - - 1 960 Nathaniel Partridge, in a scull Cap, small 4to. mez. FINE AND VERY RARE, - - 1 961 Hansard Knollis ( two different,) by Van Hove, %c. Joshua Moone, (tracing in oilj two different of Hugh Peters, 12 mo's. Samuel Slater, and Henry Wharton, by R. White, John Hopwood, by Drapentier, John Dunton, by Van Hove, and Thomas Powell, by R. White and Drapentier, fine, - - - n 962 Cardinal Philip Howard, by H. Noblin, fol. and Ditto, oval, by J. Vander Bruggen, h. sh. mez. - 2 4 A [ 85 ] 9 63 /7 964 965 966 967 ’ 968 ^ FZz 969 970 X Cardinal Howard, sitting in an elbow chair, Du Chastel pinx. J. F. Leonart fee. half sheet, mez. fine, and VERY SCARCE, - Oliver Plunkett, Archbishop of Armagh, 1681, G. Morphey, Pinxit, J. Vander Vaart Fec. T. Don- bar, Exc. oval, in his Sacerdotal Habit, half sheet mez. EXTRA FINE AND RARE, Oliver Plunket, by R. Collin, 1 Qmo.fine, H. Brady, and John Young (copies,) Thomas Pickering, and Ri¬ chard Carpenter, (from his Pragmatical Jesuit,) by T. Cross, l2mo. - Bonaventura Baron, Hibernus, fyc. eetat. 52, oval, in an ornamented title, by Wolfgang Kilian, half sheet, and Robert Dixon, ( Anonymous Portrait of a Clergyman,') W. Reader pinx. J. Collins sculp, oval, half sheet, very fine and rare , - - Thomas Harcourt, William Waring, John Gavan, An¬ thony Turner, and Charles Baker (Jesuits executed in this reign,) by Martin Bouche, old impressions, John Bunyan, by R. Houston, mez. Ditto (four different,) by Sturt, fol. &c. and Hayes, a Priest sitting in his study, by xEgid. Rousselet, 1660, half sheet, Timothy Rogers, “ Cogito Ergo Sum,” R. Byng pinx, R. Williams fecit, mez. very fine and scarce, Thomas Carve, of Tipperary (copy,) John Hoornbeck, by Suyderhoef, W. Evats, and Hugo Grotius, by Cross, John Powell, of Herts, 1666, tracing in oil, Ellis, a Divine, ( small oval in wood,) Samuel Person, small head in a title, with others, 8 vo. and Head of a Monk, after Tandyck, by Place, 4io mez. COMMONERS IN HIGH EMPLOY¬ MENTS. Sir Edward Nicholas, Sir William Morice, by Hou- braken, Sir Leoline Jenkins, by G. Vander Gucht, fol. Sir Richard Fanshaw, by Faithorne, Sir William Temple, after Lely, by Vandrebanc, very fine, Ssc. Sir William Temple by G. Vertue, fol fire. Sir William Davidson, Sir Dudley North, by Vertue, Sir Thomas Herbert, and Andrew Marvell, by Cipriani, &c. Sir Robert Southwell, by J. Smith, Sir Stephen Fox, by Simon, John Hervey, of Ickworth, by R. Tompson, and Sir John Perceval, by Faber, front the House of Yvery, JL-fz-z /- 0-0 fr-ifi [ 86 ] 974 Sir William Portman, who married the Daughter of Sir John Cutler, in a Roman Habit, oval, 4 to. mez. extra rare,^ row the Foiliergill Collection, - 1 £ LORD CHANCELLORS, JUDGES, $c. 975 97 6 977 978 979 4^ 980 981 982 983 984 985 9S6 987 Lord Chancellor Clarendon by R. White, B Picart, and M. Burghers, Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury, by Baron, Houbraken, &;c. and Sir Orlando Bridgeman, by R. White, - - - - Edward Earl of Clarendon, in his Robes, by D. Loggan, half sheet, and Sir Orlando Bridgeman (Lord Keeper,) by W. Fait borne, half sheet, both fine and scarce, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord Chancellor, sitting in his Robes, J. Greenhill Pinx. A. Blooteling Sculp, sheet. Proof before the Motto in the Arms, very fine, Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury, oval, by R. White, 1GS0, large half sheet, fine and scarce, Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury, and Heneage Earl of Not¬ tingham, from Guillirn, Anthony, (third) Earl of Shaf¬ tesbury, w. 1. by Gribelin, Daniel Earl of Nottingham, and Prancis Lord Guilford, by Houbraken, Vertue, &c. Heneage Earl of Nottingham, Lord Chancellor, 1681, with the Seals, after Kneller, by R. White, fine, Francis Lord Guilford, Lord Keeper, with the Seals, by David Loggan, large half sheet, very fine and scarce, - Sir Matthew Hale, by R. White, 1675, large half sheet, scarce, and Ditto, by Vertue, Van Hove, &c. Sir Richard Rainsford, Lord Chief Justice, sitting in his Robes, W. Claret, pinx. R. Tompson, exc. extra fine and rare. Sir Francis Pemberton (small etching,) Sir George Jef¬ feries, Sir John Vaughan, and Sir Jeoffrey Palmer, by R. White, Sir Thomas Twisden, (tracing iu oil,) and Roger North, by Vertue, Sir Thomas Jones, sitting on the Bench of Jus¬ tice, W. Claret pinx. R. Tompson exc. half sheet, mez. EXTRA FINE AND RARE, Sir John King, obiit 1677, ret. 38, oval, holding a Roll, by W. Sherwin, very rare , but imperfect. Sir Creswell Levinz, and Sir George Treby, small ovals, Sir John Maynard, small w. 1 .from the Oxford Alma¬ nack, Richard Graves, of Mickleton, by Vertue, and Sir George Mackenzie, by Vandrebanc, 1 1 1 / 1 1 ^ 1 J- [ 87 ] 988 RICHARD LANGHORN, executed 1679 , E. Luttrell, Fe. Ja. Kitson, Ex. small 4to. mez. extra fine, and MOST RARE, - Sir John Nisbet, of Dirleton, D. Paton delin. R. White , sculp, fol. very scarce, Sir Patrick Lyon, of Carse, oval, in a rich laced band, by R. White, fol. extra fine and rare. 1 1 1 ARMY AND NAVY. ; . 991 993 /*! 994 995 996 997 993 999 Sir James Turner, in armour, by R. White, fol. Sir George Rawdon, by Ditto, 8vo. and two Drawings of the latter, by the Rev. Mr. Brand, &c. Colonel Giles Stiiangeways, in armour byD. Log- gan, oval half sheet, very rare, and the Copy, by Clamp, - - - - General Thomas Dalyell, Obiit 1685, oval in ar¬ mour, Arms Beneath, D. Patton delin. P. Van- DREBANC, SCULP. HALF SHEET, VERY RARE, and the Copy by Clamp, - - - Prince Rupert (two ovals,) by W. Hollar , &c. General Monek, Sir Edward Spragge, Sir George Ayscue, Wil¬ liam Penn,Sir Thomas Remmington, with his numerous Posterity, and Sir Thomas Morgan, w. 1. Etchings by Miss Gulston, - Sir George Ayscue, Sir John Lawson, and Sir Christopher Minns, Admirals of the English Fleet, 1666, ovals, with Italian inscriptions, very scarce, - Sir Thomas Allen, in armour, after Kneller, by Vandre- banc, large sheet, and Sir Joseph Jordan, Admiral, after Lely, by Tompson, h. sheet , mez. fine and scarce, Sir William Berkeley, Admiral, after Lely by Tompson, ditto, and Sir Tretswell Holies, after Lely, by Brown , counter proof - Sir John Chicheley, after Lely, by Browne, h. sh. mez. very fine and scarce, - - Henry Terne, Armiger, within an oval of Oak Leaves, W. Sheppard pinx. Guil. Faithorne sculp, large half sheet, extra rare. 1000 y GEORGE WELD, OF WILLEY, IN THE COUNTY OF SALOP, ESQ. DEPUTY LIEUTENANT OF THE TOWER OF LONDON, IN ARMOUR, MEZZOTIN TO, OVAL IN AN ORNAMENTED ENGRAVED BORDER, W. SHERWIN, FE. LARGE HALF SHEET, EXTRA FINE AND RARE, PROBABLY UNIQUE. s-r 4 2 /-y~0 2 9 3 /P‘7 2 2 x /-/p-p i i [ 88 ] GENTRY. 1001 / 1002 Charles Cecil, w. 1. after Vandervaart, by B. Lens, Ro¬ bert and Dorothy Sidney, and Henry Sidney, w. ]’s. after Lely by Browne, fine, and the Hon. William Verney, by Tompson, - Sir Edward Dering, ofSurenden Dering, in Kent, Kt. and Baht. Obiit 1676, G. Kneller Pinx, R. White, Sculp. 1687, large half sheet, extra RARE, AND VERT FINE, 1003 1004 1005 / 3 ~* 1006 1007 3 - 3-0 Sir Thomas Isham, of Lamport, Bart, half sheet, oval, after D. Loggan, 1676, by Gerard Valck, very fine , Sir Thomas Isham, by Ditto, beautiful Proof, be¬ fore the Artist’s Name and the Date, Sir Thomas Isham, Baronet, P. Lely, pinx. D. Loggan, exc. half sheet mez. fine and scarce, Sir John Lowther, by Browne, and Sir John Webster, by T. Matham, with the English Inscription, SIR ROBERT VINER, LORD MAYOR, LONG HAIR, LACED BAND, &c. ARMS UNDER THE OVAL, BY W. FAITHORNE, PROOF, VERY FINE, AND A PORTRAIT OF UNCOMMON RARITY, - Sir Gbevil Vernev, Knt. of the Hon. Order of v ^ , * the Bath, Nat. 1648, Obiit 1668, D. Loggan, Sculp, oval, large half sheet, extra barb, 1 3 ] TENTH DAY’S SALE. CHARLES II. GEN T R Y— continued. 1008 fir-i? 1009 Sir Edward Harley, by G. Vertue, fol. Sir Herbert Perrot, ( tracing in oil,) Sir Robert Clayton, Lord Mayor, 16S0, by J. Smith, Sir Thomas Armstrong, Sir Edward Lake, and two different of Sir Edmund Bury Godfrey, - Sir John Moore, Lord Mayor of London, 1682, after Lely, by M f Ardell, very scarce. vt. [ 89 ] 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 ioir 1018 /** 1019 s** 1020 1021 1022 Sir Edmund Bury Godfrey, in the centre of four Vignettes, representing his Murder, 8ce. on a sheet, con¬ taining a Poem on the Effigies of Sir Edmund Bury Godfrey, printed for Thomas Cross, 1678 , very rare, Thomas Thynne, of Longleate, Esq. after Lely, by Browne, h. sheet, mez. counterproof, and Ditto, oval, Coat of Arms within an Escutcheon, after Kneller, by R. White, fol. very fine and scarce, Sir John Cotton Bruce, after Kneller, by Vandrebanc, large sheet, oval, fine and scarce, Daniel Calwal, by R. White, fol. John Mecke, A. M» 1665, tracing on oilpaper, John Kenrick, by G. Vertue, w. 1. and John Cockshutt, by D. Loggan,fol. Colonel Robert Fielding, after Lely, by Vander Vaart, two others of him, in armour, after Kneller, by Beckett, and Ditto, caressing a Mastiff, h. sheet, mez. proof, Erasmus Smith, Esq. in an oval, by George White, half sheet, mez. fine proof, Robertus Stafford, de Bradfield, in Comitatu Berks, Armigek, ornamented oval, by D. Loggan, large half sheet, brilliant proof before the Artist’s Name was inserted, William Bluck, Esq, oval, after Kneller, by R. White, fol. fine and scarce, and a Drawing from the same, in Indian ink, - MARMADUKE RAWDON, Son of Lawrence Raw- don of York, Alderman, R. White Sculp. Oval, 4to. extra fine and rare, MARMADUKE RAWDON, OF HODSDEN. ESQ. Second Son to Sir Marmaduke Rawdon, R. White Sculp. Oval 4to. eoually fine with the pre¬ ceding, - - William Rawdon of Bermondsey, Colonel Thomas Rawdon, and Lawrence Rawdon, Alderman of York, Drawings in India ink, from the very rare originals by R. White, - SLINGSBY BETHELL, SHERIFF OF LONDON, 1680, WHOLE LENGTH, IN HIS CIVIC GOWN, GOLD CHAIN, &c. W. SHERWIN, SCULP, SOLD BY S. LEE, SHEET, RARISS. AND RE¬ MARKABLY FINE, BOTH AS TO IMPRES¬ SION AND CONDITION, Edward Backwell, Alderman of London, sheet, and two copies of the same, by Miss E. Gulston, and John Moyser, of Beverley, oval, by F. Place, half sheet, mez. - N 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 r 90 ] //-? 1023 Leonard Gammon, Generosus ; in a Cloak, oval of C/ /_ /r-p Foliage, large 4to. very rare. b 1024 Samuel Malines, G. Claret Pinx. P. Lombart Sculpsit, Londini, Arms under the Oval, half SHEET, EXTRA RARE, 1025 Philip Woolrich, no Inscription, in armour, after J. Green’nill, by F. Place, large 4to. mez. very scarce 1026 SIR HENRY COKER, OF THE COUNTY OF WILTS, KNIGHT, HIGH SHERIFFE AN. 63, COLL. OF HORSE AND FOOTE TO KING CHARLES THE FIRST, iETAT. 48, 1669 , ARMS UNDER THE OVAL, W. FAIT HORNE AD VIVUM FACIEBAT, HALF SHEET, EXTRA RARE, AND IN FINE PRESERVATION, FROM THE GULSTON COLLECTION, 027 Thomas Killeghew, Page of Honour to King Charles the First, after W. Sheppard, by IV. Fai - thorne,fol. Brilliant, 028 Thomas Killegrew, after Wissing by Vander Vaart, 4 / 0 . mez. fine and scarce , - - - 1029 THOMAS KILLEGREW, Whole Length, in a ■1 ? Gown, lined with Female Heads, leaning on a Cushion, a Monkey sitting at his Elbow,Twenty- four English Verses, Fol. fine and rare, I 1030 SIR THOMAS NOTT, Gentleman Usher to King Charles the Second, by R. White, 167* q , Oval, Half Sheet, Fine and Rare, with a Copy of the same , - - 1031 TOBIAS RUSTAT, LEANING ON THE BASE OF A PILLAR, ON WHICH IS REPRESENTED THE EMBLEM OF CHARITY, SIXTEEN LATIN VERSES, HALF SHEET MEZ. EXTRA RARE, and Ditto, sitting in a Chair , by Gardiner, 1032 Thomas Windham, Esq. after Sir Ralph Cole, by R. Tompson, h. sheet, mez. and a Counterproof of the *^ 7 ^ 7 same, Sir Philip Perceval, Sir John Perceval, and Robert, and George Perceval, from the House ofYvery, by J. Faber, and Sir John Perceval, vv. 1, by J. Smith, - - 033 Lawrence Ravvdon, Alderman of York, Drawing in I 1 1 J- J~/^ -p /#> /&> 7 A Indian ink, &c. and Thomas Foley, Esq, of Wit ley Court, w. 1. Gulielmus Trebule fecit. 1670, 4 to. t 91 J PHYSICIANS. 1034 r, 1035 1036 1037 f ^ 1038 1039 / 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 a- ^AF~ Sir Charles Scarborough, by Gucht, Dr. Peter Barwick, by Vertue, Dr. William Ramesey, by W. Sherwin, Sue. John Archer, Svo. and Jour different of Dr. Sydenham, by Blooteling, &c. - _ 7 1058 1059 1060 3 1061 1062 /&* 1068 1064 1065 1 (>66 ^ 1067 1068 1069 /» > John Ogilby, Bust, by ft. Gaywood, Alexander Pope, by J. Faber, &c, Mrs. Pope (Mother of the Poet) etching by Carter, 1774, Tom Durfey; three different of Aphara Behn, by R. White, Richard Head, Francis Kirkman, cetat. 41, 1673, Svo. (Author of the English Rogue,) 8 vo. fine and scarce, &c. - - 12 Sir Henry Oxenden de Barham, Arms and Motto, Non est mortale quod opto, 1647, small oval, by W. Marshall, very scarce, with curious MS. note, and verses addressed to a Lady, with the Autograph of Sir Henry annexed , and a copy of the same, Margaret Duchess of Newcastle, w. 1. standing in a nich, after Diepenbeck, by Fan Schuppen, fine and scarce, - Margaret Duchess of Newcastle, sitting under a Ca¬ nopy, by the same artists, fol. ditto, MICELLANEOUS AUTHORS. Edward Leigh, aetat. 48, 1650, by T. Cross, 4to. Sir William Waller, by N. Yeates, 8 vo. and Bulstrode Whitelock, ( medallion,) by F. Bartolozzi, proof, Bulstrode Whitelock, Keeper of the Great Seal, ft. Gaywood, fecit, P. Stent excud. Coat of Arms above the oval, 4to. fine and rare, John Rushworth, Sir Philip Warwick, and Paul Ry- caut, by R. White, three different of Sir Roger L’Es- trange, and William Winstanley, (Copy), Sir John Marsham, cetat. 80, oval, by R. White, half sheet, very scarce, - Count Anthony Hamilton, by J. Hall, and W. Gardiner, John Aubrey, F. R. S. by Gucht, and Edward Wa“er- house, by Loggan, and Hertocks, Richard Atkyns, oval, in armour, by W. Sherwin, (from his origin of Printing,) 8«o. very fine and rare, - William Petyt, oval, by R. White, fol. very fine, Sir Henry Blount, the celebrated Traveller, motto above the oval, by D. Loggan, 1679, fol. very fine and rare, - George Alsop, aetat. 28, 1666 , six English Verses, pre¬ fixed to his Voyage to Maryland, 12wio, fine and rare, Jonas Moore, cetat. 65, William Leybourne, (three dif¬ ferent,) by R. White, &c. Two of Joseph Moxon, Vincent Wing, by T. Cross, fol. William Lord Brouncker, w. 1. with Bust of King Charles II. by W. Hollar , and John Kersey, oval, by W, Faithorne, very fine, - //~£ /-/s / 9 1070 X 1071 1072 9 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 /f-'J 1078 ry 1079 //—d 1080 1081 r-x 7 1082 /#-/ [ 94 ] Capt. Samuel Sturmy, by Hertochs, Jol. Perkins, by Drapenlier, 12mo.Venter, Mandey, and William Hunt, by R. White, Svo. Charles Knowles, small w. 1. in wood , and Dr. Robert Plot, w. 1. in the Oxford Al¬ manack for 1749, by G. Vertue, sheet, &c. - 6 Martin Master, Piiilom Cantuariensis, jetat. 53, R. Gaywood, fecit, 1660, Coat of Arms suspended on a Pillar, 12 mo. very rare, - - 1 Henry Greenhill of Salisbury, Mathematician, jetat. 20, 1665, a sphere placed before him, etched by his elder brother John Greenhill, {the in¬ scription reversed ) half sheet, extra rare, from the Musgrave collection, - 1 ROBERT BOYLE, ARMIGER, an air pump within AN OVAL OF FOLIAGE, GUL. FaITHORNE ADVIVUM DE LIN ET SCULP. HALF SHEET, RARISS. - 1 Robert Boyle, Nobilis Anglus, by F. Diodati, copied from the preceding, Ditto, by P. Schenck, G. Vertue, R. White, &c. and four tracings on oil paper from rare portraits of Dr. Clarveto, Richard Fitzsmith, &c. - - - - 10 s'* Sir Kenelm Digby, by Cross, and Houbraken, and John Evelyn, by Nantueil, Worlidge, and Bartolozzi, Jacob Bobart, Keeper of the Physick Garden at Ox¬ ford, by M. Burghers, 1675,/oZ. very fine and rare, Jacob Bobart, w. 1. in the Botanical Garden at Oxford, by ditto, sheet, Robert Turner, Botanist, ( two diffe¬ rent,) 8 vo. Samuel Gilbert, by R. White, Svo. and Sir John Pettus, by Ditto, and W. Sherwin, Thomas Hobbes, ( four different) Algernon Sidney, oval, in armour, fot. Martin Clifford, by Gucht, &c. 5 Adrian Beverland, aetat. 26, {oval,) by J. Munnick- huysen, fol. Ditto, by J. Beckett, w. 1. mez. and with his Mistress, by Ditto, and the Copy by Schenck, and John Norton, writing in his Study, two Latin and two English verses, by W. Sherwin, Svo. scarce, 5 Carew Reynell, Armiger, in an oval, G. Fai- THORNE, DELIN ET SCULP, HALF SHEET, FROM THE Fothergill Collection, fine and rare, - 1 Sir Josiah Child (copy,) Thomas De Grey, in armour, on horseback; Svo. scarce, Andrew Snape, by R. White, John Mayne, by M. Marlow, Stephen Monteage, by E. A. Davis, and Noah Bridges, (Writing Master,) by W. Faithorne, 12 mo. scarce, 6 James Hodder, Rob Chamberlaine, by W. Binnemann, &c. William Lily (Bust,) &c. Sir William Wood, by Clamp, Sir George Wharton, by Loggan, (two diffe¬ rent,) John Partridge, John Middleton, and Henry Coley, (Philomaths,) by R. White, &c. - 12 ♦- [ 95 1 1085 1084 John Gadbury, by J. Savage and T. Cross, fol. Richard Sanders, oval. fol. and Ditto in a square, by Cross, fine, John Heydon, by T. Cross, Ditto, in an oval, 8oo. Thomas Binning, by it. White, and James Jull, Astrologer, oval, printed on blue paper, 8 vo. rare , 8 Hannah Woolley, by W. Faithorne, Jack Adams, (the copy,) Thomas Street, Astrologer, prefixed to his Al¬ manack, 1682, 8 vo. rare, and two more frontispieces, by W. Faithorne, &c. - - 5 1086 William Austin, A. ft. M. in an octagon, by A. Her- tochs. 8vo. fine and scarce, and tracing of William Allestry, by it. White, - 2 1087 Samuel Leigh, cetat. 15, 1661, by W. Faithorne, 12 mo. M md SCaTCe ’ ' ' ' ‘/V?? /3-t> ARTISTS, MUSICIANS, &c. 1088 1089 & 1090 1091 1092 0 . 1093 Robert Streater, and Verrio, from Walpole’s Painters, Rembrandt Van Rhyn, by J. G. Scuter, P. Van Bleeck, J. Gole, h. sh. mez. proof, &c. Sir Peter Lely, by J. Beckett, Arnold de Jode , &e. and Sir Godfrey Kneller, by P. Schenck, - - - 11 Sir Godfrey Kneller, Samuel Cooper, Thomas Flatman, Gibson the .Dwarf, and William Wissing, from Wal¬ pole, &c. Wissing, by J. Smith, Nicholas de Largil- liere, by C. Dupuis, and Ditto, with his Family, w. 1’s. in a Garden, by J. Smith, fine and scarce, - 10 Claude La Fevre j John Greenhill, Gaspar Netscher, J. B. Gaspard; Van Diest, Gerard Zoust, Vander Velde, the two Wycks, Riley, Roestraten, and Van Son, from Walpoles Painters, - - 11 Sir Ralph Cole, Bart, by F. Place, Francis Le Pipre, by Vaillant, 4to. mez. Abraham Hondius, by J. Smith, John Wyek, by Faber, Egbert Hemskirk, in a Cloak with Pallet, &c. hanging on the Wall, large 4 to. mez. and Daniel Boon, playing on a Violin, 8 vo. mez. rare, 6 Alexander Browne, by A. de Jode, fol. Samuel Butler, 12mo. Sylvanus Morgan, by it. Gaywood, and Ditto, cut out of the title, proof, - 5 Mrs. Anne Killigrew, by J. Beckett, Ditto, by A. Blooteling, mez. and Mrs. Beale, Mrs. Killegrew, Gib¬ bons, Cibber, Gerbier, Sir Christ. Wren, Faithorne, White, Vandrebanc, &c. all from Walpole's Painters, 14 [ 96 ] 1054 1095 7 1096 /t-0 1097 1098 1099 1100 /~is -*Z? 1101 /W 1102 1103 Grinlin Gibbons, by J. Smith, Ditto, with his Wife, by ditto, Abraham Symonds, by Blooteling, and a draw¬ ing in black and red chalk of ditto, &c. Peter Van- derbank, by G. White, proof and letters, and Warner Vaillant and his Family, (mezzo tinto'sf by himself and J. Fan Somcr, - - - 11 William Elder, Sculptor, by J. Nutting , after Faithorne, very scarce, and Prince Rupert, by W. Hollar , &c. 3 Captain William Baillie, by himself, Sir William Mus- grave, by J. R. Smith, with variation, Mrs. Gulston, by Earlom, John Evelyn, by A. Bannerman, &c. Jo¬ seph Roettiers, C. Vermenlen, sheet, Peter Stephens of Salop, Esq. (Bust supported by Cupids ,) p.p. and Gre¬ gory Sharp, L. L. D. (President of the Antiquarian Society,) by Val. Green, 9 John Wilson ; Mus. Doct. by J. Caldwall, John Blow, by R. White, fine, Henry Purcell, by ditto, &c. and Christopher Simpson, w. 1. playing on the Viol de Gamba, - - - 5 Christopher Simpson, (Musician,J by W. Faithorne, Ato. very fine, and ditto, 8 vo. Thomas Mace, by ditto, and John Playford, by D. Loggan, &c. - 5 Francesco Corbetta, Musician, H. Gascar pinx., oval, half sheet, mez. very rare, and the copy by Vanden Berghe, - - 2 Cave Underhill, the famous Comedian, as Obadiah, by J. Faber, Jun. 171 9,, fine and scarce, and Betterton, by Gucht, 8 vo. - 2 Edward Cocker, and James Hodder, (Writing Masters) by R, Gaywood, &c. scarce, John Smith, (Ditto,) by Vandrebanc, and Thomas Weston, W. M. in an oval, R. White, sculp. 1682, fol. fine and scarce, - 6 William Hopkins, Mason, and Samuel Botley, (Wri¬ ting Masters,) John Dunton, by Gucht, Richard Col¬ lins of Oxford, 1642, by Joseph Browne, ofTetbury, 1676, curious , and Thomas Greeting, playing on the Flageolet, by W. Faithorne, - - 8 ZEBELINA, or LE BELOMAN, teacher of short HAND, IN A CLOAK, BAND AND TASSELL, SCULL CAP, &C. OVAL OF FOLIAGE, TWO LATIN LINES FROM THE Book of Ecclesiastes underneath, very fine AND ONE OF THE RAREST OP THE WORKS OF FaI- THORNE, - - 1 1104 Jacob Tonson, (Bookseller) by Faber, Edward Cooper, (Printseller,) by P. Pelham , Tompion, (Watch- J~P maker) by J. Smith, and General Thomas Maxwell, by ditto, - - [ 97 ] 1105 John Overton, nuper Sculpturarum Venditor Lon- * dinense, setat. 68, 1708, large 4 to. mez. extra fine, and Ric hard Thompson, (Printseller,) after Gerard Zoust, by Francis Place, mez. fine and scarce, 2 1106 John Bulfinch, (Printseller and Collector ,) in a Cloak rich laced band, by D. Loggan, 8 vo. very fine Z ' AND RARE. - 1 LADIES. 1107 1 108 1109 1110 i ill 1112 1113 1114 1 1 15 1116 Jane Duchess of Norfolk, Wife of Henry Duke of Norfolk, P. Lely, pinxit, 1677, R. Collin, sculp- SIT, BrUXELLJE, 1681, SHEET OVAL, EXTRA RARE AND FINE, - - - 1 Sarah Duchess of Somerset, w. 1. by G. Vertue, Ditto, by Vander Vaart, and when a Child, after Lely, by Browne, with a counter proof, - - 4 Francis Duchess of Richmond, w. 1. in the Character of Minerva, after Gascar, ( imperfect ), Ditto, after Lely, by J. Watson, &c. Mary Duchess of Buckingham, after Cooper, Medallion to King Charles II. by Vertue, Elizabeth Duchess of Albemarle, 12mo. Mary Coun¬ tess of Warwick, by R. White, and Louisa Duchess of Portsmouth, w. 1. by J. Bonnart, & c. - 10 ANNE, (CLARGES) DUCHESS of ALBEMARLE, IN AN OVAL OF FOLIAGE, SOLD BY RlCHARD GaM- MON, HALF SHEET, VERY FINE, AND EXTRA RARE, 1 Ann Duchess of Monmouth, inscribed Catharina Demo- dema, after P. Lely, by P. Schenck, h. sh. mez. very fine and scarce, and Ditto, (oval,) by R. Williams, 2 Ann Duchess of Monmouth, oval supported by Cupids, by D. Loggan, 4 to. rare, 1 Barbara Duchess of Cleaveland, after Lely, by Tomp¬ son, (two differentJ Ditto (Anonymous Portrait.) w. 1. playing on the Violencello, after Netscher, by P. Schenck, and w. 1. sitting, Lely, pinx. J. Smith, exc. 4 Barbara Duchess of Cleveland, in an oval, after Wis- sing, by Williams, very fine and scarce, - 1 BARBARA DUCHESS OF CLEVELAND, AND COUNTESS OF CASTLEMA1NE, IN A PASTO¬ RAL HABIT, SITTING, AND RECLINING ON HER ARM, AND WITH A CROOK, &c. VV. SHERW1N, SCULP. 1670, SHEET, RARISS, 1 Barbara Duchess of Cleveland, and My Lady Barbara her Daughter. H. Gascar pinx, oblong large h. sh. mez. very rare, (called unique by Granger ,) - 1 O /A-f AJ-* 7-* A-A /3~* 2 ^ 3-0 /A# [ 98 ] 7^7 /W z^ 7 /3-J fa'* fa / /7~P /- 0-0 fa /fa fa /?-& /fa /&-& 1117 Louisa Duchess of Portsmouth, after Lely, by Valck, h. sh. mez. fine. Ditto, w. 1. by Beckett, and (oval,) after Lely, 4 to. mez. &c, 1118 Louisa Duchess of Portsmouth , fondling a Lap Dog, after Gascar, oblong half sheet, mez. fine and rare , 1119 Louize Dutchesse of Portsmouth, sitting, holding a Lily, Edward le Davis sculpsit, half sheet, very fine and rare, 1120 Louice Dutchesse of Portsmouth, Jewel at her breast, oval, half sheet, (probably by le Davis,) fine, and extra rare, - 1121 Isabella Duchess of Grafton, after Wissing, by Verkolye, very fine, Ditto, w. 1 by B. Lens, and reclining on her Arm (oval,) after Wissing, by J. Smith, very fine, 1222 Mary Duchess of Beaufort, after R. Walker, by J. Nutting, oval, large half sheet, very fine and rare, 1123 Countess of Arundel, by R. White, Ato. mez. Elizabeth Countess of Northumberland, after Lely by Browne, (two different,) Ditto, by T. Watson, and after Lely, by Beckett, and Franees Countess of Exeter, after Ditto, by Tompson, fine, - - - 1124 The Countess of Stamford, P. Lely pinx. C. Allard exc. h. sh. mez. and Ditto, after Wissing, by Beckett, and by Tompson, 4 to. mez. - 1125 Elizabeth Countess of Chesterfield, after Lely by Beckett, fine proof, - 1126 Elizabeth Countess Dowager of Essex, w. 1. in mourning weeds, with her Son and Daughter, h. sh. mez. rare, and the Lady Arlington, after Lely by Browne, a counterproof, - 1127 Lady Mary Ratclffe (Countess of Derwentwater,) w. 1. in a Masquerade Habit, after Wissing and Vander Vaart, by B, Lens, very scarce, 1128 Dorothy Lady Ashley (Countess of Shaftesbury,) and Lady Essex Finch (Countess of Nottingham,) after Lely, by Browne, and Tompson, 1129 Lady Mary Jolliffe, Daughter to Ferdinando, late Earl of Huntingdon, richly adorned with Pearls, Coat of Arms under the Oval, R. White sculp. 4to. extra fine and rare, 1130 Lady Ann Mountagu, after Lely, by Tompson, Ditto when a Child, by Browne, and Lady Henrietta Mor- daunt, (afterwards Duchess of Gordon,) w. 1. after Ditto, by J. Watson , p. p. very scarce, 1131 Lady Katherine Seymour, Relict of Lord Francis Sey¬ mour, of Trowbridge, after Lely, by Browne, h. sh. mez. rare, - 1132 Dorothy Lady Grey, habited as a Shepherdess, after Lely, by Browne, and Ditto, from a different Plate, fine proof, - - - 5 74*- 1 1 1 6 3 1 2 1 3 r 99 ] 1133 1134 1 135 /ftterfZft'Z't? 1136 Zfy044* 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 Anne Countess of Chesterfield, vv. 1. after Vandyck , by Gunst, Anne Daughter of Sir John Harrison, etching, by C. M. Fanshawe, 12 mo. Rachel, Widow of Dr. Wil¬ liam Paule, ditto, by Miss Gulston, Lady Alary Armyne, and Lady Elizabeth Brooke, - - 5 Catherine Lady Stanhope, after Lely, by Browne, very fine and scarce, and William Lord Allington, who mar¬ ried Catherine, Daughter of Lady Stanhope, (etching,) published by J. Manson, 1804, half sheet, - 2 Henrietta Countess of Rochester, after Lely, by T. Watson, half sheet, and sheet mez's. I’roofs, and two of Lady Middleton, after Lely, by M‘Ardell, 4 Madam Katharine Neviil, after Vandyck,first state,before the alteration to Lely, by Browne, very fine, and the Lady Bellasis, after Lely, by R. Tompson, - 2 Lady Elizabeth Jones, and the Lady Mooreland, both after Lely, by Tompson, - - 2 Lady Anne Barrington, and my Lady Mary St. John, sitting in conversation, H. Gascar Pinx. oblong, large half sheet, mez. extra fine and rare, 1 Lady King, Obiit 24, Oct. 1698, P. Lely Eoues pinxit R. White, sculpsit, oval, large half sheet, fine and rare, - - - - 1 Lady Trevor Warner, (Sister Clare), by P. Van Schup- pen, 8 vo. very fine, Mrs. Ann Warner, by J. Smith, Lady Mary Langham, by Clamp, and Ditto, tracing from the original Print, - - 4 Madam Catherine Sedley, (afterwards Countess of Dorchester,) oval, mez. after Wissing, by Williams, Mary Kirk, Lady Vernon, after Lely, by Browne, very fine, and Ditto, small oval, by Worlidge, - 3 Madam Price, after Lely, by Browne, fine and scarce, and Counterproof of the same, and Madam Jane Mid. dleton, after Lely by Browne, w. 1. sheet mez. a re¬ verse, and Ditto, habited as a Shepherdess, (oblong mez.,) after Gascar, raie, - - 4 Catherine Countess of Middleton, after Lely, by F. Place, half sheet, mez. very rare, - 1 Lady Elizabeth Rawdon, and Martha, Sarah, Kathe¬ rine, and Elizabeth Rawdon, drawings in India ink, and tracings on oil paper, from the rare Originals, by R. White, - - - 1° Madam Smith, Wife of Erasmus Smith, by G. White, Madam Graham, and Madam Philadelphia Saunders, by Browne, and Tompson, Madam Parson, by Verkolye, very fine, and Madam Jane Long, by Tompson, all after Sir P. Lely, - • -5 J ZV Z^ 7 [ too ] /-P'0 /■'fl /fa 11 46 Madam Jane Kelleivay, in the character of Diana, h. sheet, mez. after Lely, by Browne, very fine and scarce, 1147 Madam Sophia Bulkeley, holding a Vase, h. sheet, mez. H. Gascar, pinx, very rare, 1148 Madam Dorothy Rutter, retat 31, 1662, oval, prefixed to her Funeral Sermon, 8 vo. fine and rare, and Mrs. Katherine Clarke, by Van Hove, 1 1 2 1149 /-/fa? 1150 Z* 7 1151 1152 2-yi-0 1153 1 154 1155 1156 ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. CHARLES II. LADIES— continued. Children of Mr. Coke (or Cooke,) of Norfolk, Pas toral Subject, after J. Huysmans, by P. Van Somer, oblong large sheet , mez. very fine and extra rare. Children of Mr. Coke of Norfolk, copied from the pre¬ ceding, G. Valck, excud. h. s. mez. fine. Anonymous Portrait of a Lady, large 4to. mez. and Mary Davis, Comedian, playing on the Guitar, after Lely by Tomp¬ son, fine and scarce, - - Madam Eleanor Gwynne, with a Lamb, after Lely, by Valck, half sheet, very fine, Madam Elinor Gvvin, (from the same picture) mez. fine and rare. Ditto, in an oval, after Lely, by V. Green, and Mrs. Knight, w. 1. praying, after Kneller, by Faber, - Madam Gwin, holding a Nosegay, partly etched by W. Hollar, fol. fine and very rare, and two small heads of ditto, and G. Spencer, (Miniature Painter) etched by himself, - - - - Madam Jane Robarts, after Lely, by Browne, very fine and rare, and Ditto, a counterpToof, Lady Williams, w. 1. with a Vase of Flowers, after Lely, sold by E. Cooper, sheet mez. and with a Thistle, w. I , after Wissing, by Beckett, both very fine and scarce, - Madam Margaret Hughes, after Lely, by R. Williams , &e. h. sh. mez’s. and Dorothea Narbona (Norborn ), Wife of Thomas Rawlyn’s, the Medalist, Drawing in pen and ink , by the Rev. Mr. Brand, from the rare original, by Ant. vunder Does, 1 1.2/2,'pi,*- fi/C 2 Q [ '01 ] 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 Mrs. Clara Vaillant, Profile mez. 8 vo. and Ditto, with three of her Children, by W. Vaillant, Elizabeth Cooper, w. 1. after Lely, by Faithorne Jun. Lady Grammont, (Etching in an oval,) by G. Powle, Ditto, by M'Ardell, sheet, James Duke of Lauderdale, and his Duchess, after Lely, by Williams, and Elizabeth Lady Lome, after ditto, by Browne, (a counterproof,) Elizabeth Countess of Meath, P. Mignard , Pinxit, Londini, P. van Somer, fe. oval half sheet, mez. extra fine and rare, - Amelia Countess of Ossory, by Beckett and M l At dell, and her Sister Madam Charlotte de Beeverwaerde, by P. Fan Somer. half sheet, rare, Constantia Lucy Lady Colerane, (First Wife of H enry Lord ColUrane,) small ornamental circle with her Arms and Coronet above, and two Angels with Emble¬ matical Devices for supporters; in the upper part of the Print, she is represented reclining on an Urn ; at the base of a broken column, on which is placed a Death’s head; an Angel with a celestial crown advances towards her, the whole after a design of Lord Colerane, by J. Col¬ lins, half sheet, extra rare, and perhaps in this STATE UNIQ.UE, - Lady Mary Fielding, after Lely, by Beckett, Ladies Ca- therine Southwell, and Catherine Dering, by J. Faber from the House of Yvery, Mrs. Jenny Dering, w. 1. after Lely, by C. Townley, Lady Whitmore, after ditto, by T. Watson, Madam Helyot with a Crucifix, by G. Edelinck, and Ditto, chez Bazin and Ant. Masson 8 vo. scarce, ... Hortense Duchess of Mazarine, by P. Stephani, oval half sheet, Ditto, by F. Fessard, 8 vo. and with Count Colbert, as Vertumnus and Pomona (two different) after Netscher, by T. Watson, &c. one a proof, Ortance Manchini Duchess of Mazarine, after Lely, by G. Valck, (first state, before the flowered drapery ,) 1678, very fine and scarce, - - Ann Countess of Morton, and Madam Ann Kirk, (ob¬ long etching), after Vandyck, by J. Gronsvelt,/«e and scarce, Ann Lady Fanshawe. (small oval) by Fiesinger, and a tracing of Lady Aubigny, w. 1. A -2? [ 102 ] REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 0 1171 1172 1173 H74 Z-0-0 1175 -/ William Penderill, in the Royal Oak, copied from the rare original in the possession of A. H. Sutherland, Esq. Trusty Dick Penderill, by R. Houston, and P. Lam- horn, and John Ogle of Watermans Lane (copy,) 5 John Barefoot, Letter Doctor to the University of ■ Oxford, Twelve English verses, M, Burghers, sculp. h. sh. the smaller plate, very scarce, and remarkably fine , 1 Titus Oates, D. D. by R. White , extra fine, before the Ad¬ dress beneath, and Ditto, small folio, (Supposed by Dudley,) - - - 2 Titus Oates, D. D. oval 4to. mez. “ The first discoverer of this Ploth," Ditto, with a Turban on his head inscribed a Protestant Turk , or a Teckclitish Whigg, Six English Verses under the Print, 4to. mez. both very rare, and a Drawing of the latter in India in/c, - 3 Titus Oates, inscribed Bob Ferguson, or the Raree shew of Mumamouchee Mufty. Twenty-one Sati¬ rical Verses underneath, Jesuits Cap, and Turban with Aigrette on his head, sword by his side, fyc. half sheet, VERY RARE AND CURIOUS, - 1 Titus Oates, standing in the Pillory encompassed by small ovals of the executed Jesuits, large sheet with French and Dutch inscriptions, printed at Amsterdam, 1685, 1 Titus Oates, Anagrama “ Testis Ovat,” R. Tompson exc. h. sh. mez. two drawings of Capt. Edward Panton, and Stephen College the Protestant Joiner, Bedloe, Prance, and Dugdale, by R, White, Josiah Keeling, and James Turner ( copies ) Thomas Venner from Heath's Chroni¬ cle, and two different of Sir Henry Morgan, 12 John Kelsey, Rachel of Covent Garden, Oliver Crom¬ well’s Porter, Madam Creswell, and Mrs. Russell, w. l’s. from Tempest's Cries, the Quaker’s Meeting, after Hemskirk, by Beckett, and Charles Leslie, A. M. h. sh. mez. noticed by Granger under the article of Cromwell’s Porter, - - - 7 Lodowick Muggleton, Obiit 1698, iEtat. 90 , large 4 to. mez. very rare, and Ditto, by G V. Casseel, 4to. 2 Jacob Hall, Rope Dancer, J. van Oost pinxit. P. De Brune fecit aqua forti, half sheet, extra fine, 1 Henry Jenkins, aged 169, by T. Worlidge,fine, a small mez. copy of the same, Edward Burrell, French En¬ graving, by Le Clerc, 4to. Colonel Blood, by G. White, and Mary Davis the Horned Woman, JEtat. 74, 1668, h. sh. mez. fine and scarce, with a copy of the latter, 6 /&> [ 103 ] 1176 Mother Louse, Twelve English verses, by D. Loggan, 7 ^ - h ' sh ' rare> and two C0 P ies from the same, and Mo- ther George, setat. 120, by B. Lens, h. s. mez. fine and rare, - 1177 Mary Carlton the German Princess, Anna Macallame 1662, Col. Francis Hacker, executed l66o, and Histo¬ rical Prints of the execution of Major General Har¬ rison, and others of the Kings Judges, &c. 4 6 FOREIGNERS BELONGING TO THE ENGLISH SERIES. 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 ^7 11S3 1184 1185 Bernard Due D’Espernon, fol. Charles II. King of Sweden, by S. Thomasson, and J. Gole, and Cosmos III. Duke of Tuscany, by J. Simon, V. Franceschini, and Francis Spierre, (with variation,) &c. - 8 Jean Framjois Cardinal de Retz, by C. Du/tos, R. Nan tueil , &c. Charles Maurice le Tellier, (two different) by G. Edelinck, Jacobus de Wassenaer, Baron Opdam, by F. Bouttats and P. de Jode, Mark Gioe, and Count Ulfield with his Wife, by Folkema, 8 vo. from Hoff¬ man’s Hommes Illustres de Dannemarck, - 10 Hamet Ben Hamet, by R. White, h. sh. Ditto, by Tom¬ kins, Proof, and in colours, and a Drawing in Crayons of him, by E. Luttrel, - - 4 Pungearon Nia Para, Ambassador from the King of Bantam, 1682, w. 1. sold by R. Walton, fol. and Ditto with an attendant holding an umbrella over his head, R. P. exc. h. s. mez. fine and both very rare, - 2 Keay Nabee and Keay Abi jaya Sedana, Ambassadors from the Sultan of Bantam, 1682, on the same plate, by Luttrel, fine and scarce, and Keay Nibce, small w. 1. by Tho. Catlett, - - - 2 Keay Nabee and Keay Aby (small oval on the same plate,) by R. White, fol. very fine, Peter John Potem¬ kin, Ambassador from the Czar of Muscovy, after Kneller, by Blooteling, 4to. mez. very fine and scarce, and Ditto, by R. White, h. sh. - 3 Anthony Barillon, hy Nan tueil, 1661, Joannes Heve- lius, 4fo. mez. and Christian Huygens, by F. Ottens , A. Blooteling , and G. Edelinck, - - 5 Cornelius VanTromp (Admiral) by A. Blooteling, sheet, very fine. Ditto, after Lely, by Browne, (counterproof) and Admiral Martin Van Tromp, after De Ulieger, by Corn. Van Dalen, sheet, &c. - - 5 I 11S6 1187 1188 1189 1190 & 1191 1192 , H93 //-& [ 104 ] Charles John Lord Koningsmarke, tried for the MURDER OF THOMAS ThYNNE, Es&. 1682, EIGHT ENGLISH VERSES, R. WHITE, SCULP. HALF SHEET, EXTRA FINE, AND RARE, Charles John Count Koningsmark, by L. Cossin, oval 4 to. Adolphus Fuchs, 12wo, from Hoffman , Marcellas Malpighi, Moses Charas, Daniel George Morhof, by C. Fritzch, &c. and De la Fontaine, by Collyer and Ficquh, - - - Ant a Leeuwenhoek, by De Blois, J. B. Colbert Mar¬ quis de Seignelay, by Edelinck, Charles Patin, by Le Febure, %c. (five different), Philibert Comte de Gram- mont, Diana Countess of Koningsmark, by P. Schenc/c, and an old Drawing of Charles Count Koningsmark, Samuel Sorbiere, F. R. S. (and Author of Travels in England,) cetat. 60, 1667, by Gerard Audran , sm.fol. very scarce, - Gregory Leti (Historian) Johan Meerman, and Aernout Van Citters, by Houbraken, John George Second Duke of Saxony, 1668, Franciscus de Andrada, (Ambassador from Portugal) Vincent de Paul (two different,) by Edelinck, &;c. and Jean Michel de Cigala (Impostor,) by De Larmessin, - Job Ludolf, by E. C. Heiss, mez. Francis de Noailles, proof, 4to. Bernard Due D’Espernon, Francois de la Mothe le VayerJ J. B. Colbert, Francois, Comte de St. Aignan, and Jean de la Quintinye, by Edelinck. 8 11 8 7 REIGN OF JAMES II. ROYAL FAMILY. James the Second, by G. Vertue, R. White, and P. Gunst, with the Rose and Thistle, by R. White, h. sh. by J. Audran; ditto, with six others. King’s and Queen’s of the Stuart Family, by G. V. Gucht, large, and in Armour on Horseback, by Th. Van Merlin, 4to.fine and scarce, &c. - - 14 James the Second, after Cooper, by Williams, S vo. very scarce, three different of Ditto, by J. Smith, one a proof, and ditto, (crowned,) by J. Munnikhuysen. 5 1194 1195 1196 1197 /^Ac^/AA 1198 / 1199 /yTu^A- 1200 James the Second, oval in the ventre of a large sheet of Historical Vignettes, containing the most important Events of his Life, Dutch Inscription , 4 to. Satyrical Print of his Reception on the Continent after his Abdication, (Ditto,) and seven small Historical Prints relating to him, - - James the Second sitting in Parliament, by J. Gole, Praying to the Virgin, 8vo, in a sheet, containing his Last Dying Words, painted hy D. Edwards, 1702, his Statue at Whitehall, &c. Maria Beatrix, after Kneller and De Largilliere, by J. Smith, R. Williams , R. White, &c. James the Second and his Queen, with the Pretender and his Sister, four ovals on the same plate. Arms of England, Prance, &c. at the four corners, proof, large half sheet, very fine, and rare, James the Second, Mary of Este, Mary Princess of Orange, the Princess Ann, and two different, of the young Prince of Wales, w. Vs. chdz. H. Bonnart, fine and scarce, - James Prince of Wales, and Prince William of Glou¬ cester, (mezzotinto's,) by J. Smith, P. Schenck, &c, the Princess Louisa, by Derochers, the Pretender, an Infant in Swadling bands laying on a Cushion, motto of the garter round his neck, Phil. Bouttats, Junior, exc. 4 to. and ditto, after De Largilliere, by Edelinck, sheet, Catherine Queen Dowager, by J. Smith, fyc. 4to. mez's. William Prince of Orange, by P. Tanje, and ditto, and his Princess, by P. Schenck, h. s. mez’s. William Prince of Orange, on Horseback, with Statues of his Ancestors standing on Pedestals, by R. de Hooghe, large oblong sheet, two other Historical Sub¬ jects, by ditto, Ann Princess of Denmark, by Williams, and Smith, Prince George of Denmark, in Armour, by Beckett, and ditto, J. Oliver, fe. et ex. oval 4 to. mez. rare, 9 /-& -& 5 5 -Z? 1 6 /~3~* 9 7 ^ 5 x 7 NOBILITY. 1202 Laurence Earl of Rochester, and John Sheffield Earl of Mulgrave, both after G. Kneller, by J. Smith, Laurence Earl of Rochester, and George Marquis of O P Halifax, by Houbraken, tire. Robert Earl of Ailesbuiy, ^ an d Thomas Duke of Leeds, by R. White, Talbot Duke of Tyrconnel, and Sarsfield Earl of Lucan, by F. Tilliard, P 9 [ 106 ] 1203 . 1204 1205 1206 /-Z-^ 1207 GEORGE LEGGE LORD DARTMOUTH, oval in ARMOUR, WITH MILITARY TROPHIES, P. VANDREBANC, SCULP, LARGE SHEET, FINE AND EXRA RARE, 1 Alexander Earl of Murray, by P. Vandrebanc, sheet, and James Earl of Perth, by R. White, fol, fine and scarce, - - - - 2 Archibald Earl of Argyle, in his robes, by D. Loggan, Ditto in armour, by P. Vandrebanc, sheet, and Christo¬ pher Duke of Albemarle, in armour, after T. Murrey, by J. Beckett, fine and scarce, - 3 Charles Duke of Somerset, in his robes, after Riley, by J. Smith, h. s. mez. scarce, and Ditto, in armour, after Vandervaart, by ditto, oval 4 to. mez. - 2 James Duke of Monmouth, surrounded by his Adherents, (eight ovals,) by J. Savage, large half sheet, fine and rare, - - - 1 1208 j 1209 1210 1211 1212 A/j-x 1213 1214 A/x-x 1215 -3? 1216 James Duke of Monmouth, on Horseback, etched by T. Rawlyns, half sheet, Ditto, by Van Hove, 12 mo. and the manner of his Execution, 4to. Charles Marquis of Winchester, by R. White, John Viscount Dundee, oval in armour, fol. and Roger Earl of Castlemaine, by W. Faithorne and A. Westerhout, Charles Marquis of Worcester, oval in armour, by R. Williams, 1686, h. s. mez. fine and very scarce, THEOPHILUS EARL OF HUNTINGDON, 1687, in a rich ornamented habit, after Kneller by R Williams, h. s. mez. very rare, - - William Earl of Devonshire, by J. Beckett, and Lewis, Earl of Feversham, by J. Smith, h. s. mez s. George Jefferies Earl of Flint, Viscount Weik- ham, Baron of Weim, Lord High Chancellor of England, G. Kneller, pinx. E. Cooper, ex. large 4 to. mez. fine and rare, - - Wriotliesley Lord Russell (afterwards Duke of Bedford) w. 1. by J. Beckett, very fine and scarce, John Cecil Lord Burleigh, w. 1. after Wissing, Charles Lord Euston, John Marquis of Blandford, w. l’s. and Henry Booth Lord De la Mer, (and Earl of Warring¬ ton,) after Kneller, all by J. Smith, and Lord Henry Scot, after Closterman, by W. Faithorne,fine, Patrick Earl of Strathmore, oval with armorial bear¬ ings, after Kneller, by R. White, fol. fine and scarce, George Earl of Linlithgow, 1688, ( imperfect,) and Kenneth, Marquis and Earl of Seaforth, 16S8, both by R. White, - John Earl of Melfoit, oval with armorial bearings, after Kneller, by Vandrebanc, fol. scarce, and Ditto, by J. Beckett, large 4 to. mez fine, 7 1 1 2 1 1 5 3 2 A* X? t 107 ] ARCHBISHOPS, BISHOPS, &e, 1217 1218 1219 J221 & 1223 1224 1225 v/jrfX'F 1226 ’ 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 William Sancroft, Abp, of Canterbury, by R. White, and W. Elder, The Seven Impeached Bishops, by ditto, S. Gribelin, and Adrian . Haelweg, fine and scarce, and small Historical Subjects of their Imprisonment in the Tower, &c. ... Thomas Lamplugh, Archbishop of York, after Kneller , by Vandrebanc, sheet, fine and scarce, Henry Compton, Bp. of London, by Simon, Nathaniel Lord Crewe, by Faber, Bishop Mews, 8 vo. Bishop Barlow, by R. White , and Bishop Lloyd, by G. Vertue, Nathaniel Crewe, Bishop of Durham, after G. Kneller, by D. Loggan, fine and. scarce, William Lloyd, Bishop of St. Asaph, by Ditto, ditto. F rancis Turner, Bp of Ely, in a triangular cap, (shop bill,) 12 mo. scarce, three different Portraits of Bishop Kenn, by Vertue, and three Ditto of Bishop Hopkins, &c. Thomas Sprat, Bishop of Rochester, by D. Loggan, h. sh. scarce • > • • THOMAS C ARTWRIGHT, BISHOP OF CHESTER, ZOEST, PINX, J. BECKIT, FECIT, H. SHEET, MEZ, VERY RARE, - Michael Boyle, Abp of Armagh, small oval, mez. scarce, and Bishop Burnet, by J, Gole, hs. mez. Archbishop Tillotson, Bishop Patrick, Dean Sherlock, and Richard Meggot, by R. White, See. Stephen Jay, praying, 8 vo. Dr. Thomas Burnet, Richard w. Baxter, and Increase Mather, by R. White, 10 John Hough, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, by J. Faber , 1715, oval, h. s. mez.fine and very rare, 1 John Hough, when Bishop of Worcester, aetat. 91, by ditto, very fine, - - * 1 Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, by Houbraken, Vertue, Vander Giest, Sec. and Ditto, entitled a true blew Priest, one half of him in a pulpit, the other in a tub, 4 to. 5 Bonaventure GifFard, Bishop of Madeira, by C. du Bose, Thomas Strickland, Bp. of Namur, by Faber and Thomassin, and James Dymock, (Priest officiating at the Altar,) small anonymous, w. 1. scarce, 4 Joseph Carreras, by J. Faber and Val. Green, Francis Couplet, w. 1. by ditto, Frater Mendrians, from Tem¬ pest’s Cries, Dennis Granville, Dean of Durham, by G. Edelinck, very fine, and two tracings on oil paper of Sylvester Jenks, and Timothy Halton, - 7 /-3-t 7 A?—*? /,"Z-0 -7? [ 108 ] MEN OF THE ROBE. /r-t> /y~* /-&-& 1232 George Lord Jefferies, ( inscribed,) “TheLord Chan¬ cellor,” in his robes, J. Oliver, ex. large 4to. mez. FINE AND EXTRA RARE, 1233 George Lord Jeffryes, Baron of Wem, with the seals, 1686, after G. Kneller, by R. White, large half sheet, very fine and rare, 1234 George Lord Jefferies, w. 1. taken in disguise at Wup¬ ping, (engraved for the Devils Broker), half sheet, curious, - - - 1285 Sir Robert Wright, after Riley , by R. White, Sir Henry Bedingfield, (a drawing), and Sir Francis Pemberton, &c. in the Print of the Bishop’s Council, 4 to. mez. 1236 Sir Thomas Jones, in his Judges robes, W. Claret pinx. R. Tompson, exc. fine and rare, 1237 Sir Creswell Levinz, Sir Robert Sawyer, Heneage Lord Finch, John Lord Somers, by J. F. Schley, Mark Hil- desley, by R. White, 8 vo. and two different Frontis¬ pieces with heads of Judges, 1235 Sir John Powell, 1711. oval, by W. Sherwin, with, and without the address of John King, 1239 Sir Thomas Street, iEtat. 63, oval by R. White, 1688, large h. sh. very fine and scarce, 12'O Sir John Hoskins, ( Bust in a niche,) by W. Faithorne, and R. White, 4to. very fine and rare. 7 ^ MILITARY AND GENTRY. 7 -* 1241 Frederick Duke of Schomberg in armour, after Kneller by Vandrebanc, sheet , very fine, 1242 The Portsmouth Captains — Col. John Beaumont, Capt. Tho. Paston, Capt. Simon Pack, Capt. Thomas Orme, Captain John Pori, and Captain William Cook, Pro Latria, Patria, Atria, Engraved by R.White, 1688, large half sheet, extra rare and fine, 1243 John Lord Cutts, in Armour, after Kneller, by Simon, very fine, and the Allegorical Print of Lord Cutts, in¬ scribed, Laurindae Tumulus, by Bernard Lens, oblong sheet, mez. rare, - 1244 William Cecil, Esq. w. 1. fine, Charles (afterwards Lord) Townshend, Thomas Coulson, Esq. and William Richards, all by J. Smith, - •& 4 1245 1246 1247 [ 109 ] Sir Charles Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies to three Kings, after Riley, by Williams, h. sh. mez. proof, / rare, 1 / Sir James Worsley, in a cloak, laced cravat, &c. by J. Robinson, oval, h. s. mez. printed in red, and John Worsley, Esq. ditto, oval 4to. mez. proof, very / ~tF rare, - .... 2 Alderman Cornish, by Savage, Benjamin Hewling, oval 8 vo., Secretary Pepys, (two different) by R. White, three of James Bonnell, Esq. by Ditto, and Anony- / mous Portrait in armour, by A. Blooteling, l c Zmo. supposed to be Sir Bevil Skelton, British Minister in Holland, 1688, - - _8 PHYSICIANS, POETS, &c. 1248 1249 1250 1251 Dr. Francis Bernard, Obiit, 1697, iEtat 70 , touched proof, and before the. laurel foliage in the oval was engraved, very rare and curious, - 1 Sir William Petty, by J. Smith, Daniel Kenrick, by R. White, George Jones, by Drapentier, William Salmon, John Case, by Van,Hove, l2mo. Dryden, by G. White, and G. Vertue, Samuel Wesley, w. 1. by Vertue, Sir Paul Rycaut, Sir Roger Lestrange, and Sir John Chardin, by White, Loggan, ‘kc. - 13 Samuel Wesley, with the Maggot, six English verses pre¬ fixed to his Poems, 12 mo. scarce, - 1 Anthony Wood, by M, Burghers, William Winstanley, by Van Hove, and five different of Sir Isaac Newton, by Bickham, Faber, M‘Ardell, &c. two proofs, John Locke, (Varia.) by G. Vertue, &c. Thomas Staveley and his Lady, and Jean de la Quintinye, by W. Elder, - - - 15 ARTISTS, MUSICIANS, &c. 1252 Charles de la Fosse, (three different) one a proof, Henry Tilson, John Sybrecht, and John Rowel, from Wal¬ pole's Painters, - 1253 Henry Gyles, Glass Painter, oval 12 mo., and P. Tem¬ pest, profile, both by F. Place, fine and scarce, Pearce Tempest, w. 1. from the Set of Cries, Henry Purcell, by R White, Godfrey Finger, by S. Gribelin, Nathaniel Stringer, 8 vo. and Richard Low, Musician, vv. 1. by J , Beckett, h. s. mez, fine and scarce , 1254 6 [ no] LADIES /-47 '-0 1255 Ann Duchess of Monmouth and her two sons, w. l’s. by J. Smith. Countess of Derby, by R. Williams, large 4 to. mez. and the Countess of Litchfield, by J. Beckett, with the same print inscribed the Unfortunate Jane Shore, - 1256 Charlotte Lady Lychfelde, sitting within a square border of foliage, S. Vebelst Pinx. P. Vandrebanc, Sculp, large h. sheet, extra fine and rare. 1257 Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester, by J. Smith, Lady Eliz. Wilmot, and Ladies Henrietta and Mary Hyde, w, l’s. by Ditto, Mad. Baker, by Beckett, 4to. met. &c. - - - 1258 Henrietta Lady Wentworth, after Lely, 8 vo. Lady Brandon, Ladies Henrietta and Anne Churchill, and Madam Elizabeth Brownlowe, by J. Smith, and Ma¬ dam Anne Windham, by B. Lens, scarce, 1259 Madam Anne Windham, after Wissing by Beckett, proof Lady Brownlow, after Soust, by Ditto, counterproof, and Madam Jane Skeffington, by J. Smith, 1260 Madam (Soams) Sooms, after Kneller by Beckett , fine and ditto, proof, before any inscription, 1261 Ann Countess of Kildare, habited as a Shepherdess, 4 to. mez. scarce. Madam Dorothy Mason, and Madam Loftus, by J. Smith, Lady Katherine Hyde, and Lady Mary Walcot, w. 1. at her toilet, by J. Sturt, 8 vo. &c. 1262 Elizabeth Percy Duchess of Somerset, seated on the ground, after Lely, by Vandervaart, h. sh. mez. proof, before any letters, - / 2^6 4 1 5 5 3 2 Xf 7 6 REMARKABLE CHARACTERS, &c. 1263 1264 1265 Titus Oates, w. 1. standing in the Pillory in the centre of seven small ovals of executed Jesuits, and under¬ neath a representation of his being whipped at the Carts tail, - Squire of Alsatia, Hans Buling, and others, from Tem¬ pest’s Cries ot London, and an original drawing in bis¬ tre of Poor Jack and his lame Wife, by M. Lauron, Hans IVorrenbergh, the Swiss Dwarf, w. 1. by P. Schenck, mez. scarce and small w. 1. Etching of him. Count D’Ada, (Popes Nuntio to King James the Se¬ cond,] by J. Beckett, fine and scarce, Ferdinand Car¬ dinal de Abdua, 1690 , by Jac Blondeau, Dr. Herman Witsius, and the Marquis Dangeau (who conducted Mary of Este into England,) after H. Rigaud, by P. Drevet, proof, - 1 4 [ 111 ] SUPPLEMENT TO GRANGER, REIGN OF WILLIAM THE THIRD. 1267 / 1268 . 1.269 SycJ'/'At' 1270 /* ter 1271 1272 sfy+sist' jAr~ 1273 y&P 1274 1275 William the Third, crowned, by J, Gole, William and Mary, by J. Smith,fine, and Ditto, when Prince and Princess of Orange, by Gerard Valck, the King and Queen, by J.Folkema, &c. William III. oval, en¬ compassed with a description of the most memorable events of his reign, half sheet, Procession of William III. 1691, by N. Kock, and his Ecpiestrian Statue, sheet, - - - 1 2 Frederick Duke Schomberg, Charles Earl of Peterbo¬ rough, General Talmash, &c. (Illustrious Heads,) by Houbraken, - - 10 Robert Earl of Roxburgh, by J. Smith, 8 vo. mez. fine and scarce, - - - 1 John Marquis of Tweedale, Thomas Earl of Pembroke, and James Earl of Salisbury, by ditto, Thomas Earl of Strafford, by Vertue, Lord Keeper Sommers, by R. White, Archbishop Tillotson, by Blooteling, h. sh. Bishop Stillingfleet, John Todd, by Drapentier, scarce, Neophytus, Abp. of Philippi, by R. White, &c. 16 James Viscount Stair, Glenluce and Stranraer, President of the Session, oval, with Armorial Bearings, fol. very rare, 1 Sir John Trenchard, by J. Watson and C. Bestland, Sir Stephen Fox, by Earlom, Henry Powle, Speaker of the House of Commons, by G. Vertue, Sir Cres- well Levinz, Sir John Powell, Sir Edward Lutwyche, Sir Nicholas Lechmere, by Val. Green and Thomas Deane of the Inner Temple, by R. White, 1697, fol. scarce, - * - 9 Sir George Rooke, by Faithorne , Jun. Admiral Russel, E. Cooper, ex. 4t 0 . mez. Charles Napier, by J. Smith, John Chetwynd of Ingestre, aetat. 59, 1702, and Sir William Anstruster, by ditto, both scarce, - 5 Sir Samuel Barnardiston, Obiit. 1707, by R. White, and John Ashton, Gent, by ditto, scarce, - 2 Sir Richard Blackmore, half sheet, mez. after Closterman, by R. Williams, very fine and scarce, - 1 /• //-& /a# [ 112 ] 1276 Richard Morton, M. D. 4fo. W. Atkins, Gout Doctor, 12 »io. Charles Leigh, M. D. by J. Savage, and John / 7 * 7^ Broadgate, the Srairna Doctor, aetat. 75, 1731, mez very scarce, - 1277 Sir Godfrey Kneller, by Faber, and Smith, J. B. Mono* yer, by G. While , Grinlin Gibbons, and Sir Christopher Wren, by J. Smith, Frances Countess of Newburgh, after M. Dahl, E. Cooper, exc. h. sh. mez. scarce, the Countess of Westmoreland, by J. Beckett, 4to. mez. fine, and the Countess of Salisbury, by J, Smith, John Bigg the Dinton Hermit, w. 1. William Fuller, Impostor, Thomas Baskerville, setat 70. See Goughs Topography, vol. 1. p. 35, Prince Giolo, w. 1. by J. Sa¬ vage, S. F. Geoffroy, F. R. S. by L. Surugue, J. P. Tournefort, M. D. Charles Marquis de Croissy, h. sh. mez. two different of Charles Maurice le Tellier, by Nantueil, and George Wiliam Duke of Brunswick, by P. de Jode, - 1278 10 REIGN OF QUEEN ANN. 1279 1280 /J-P 1261 7 1282 1283 /P'Z? Queen Ann, and George Prince of Denmark, by J. Smith, &;c., John Duke of Marlborough, by J. Smith, h. sh. and 4 to. mezs. and Sir Cloudesley Sho- vell, by ditto, fine, - - - y William Lord Cowper, Earl Godolphin, and Sheffield Earl of Mulgrave, by ditto, James Duke of Hamilton, by Gucht, Charles Earl of Peterborough, and William y Lord North and Grey, by J. Simon, Thomas Mar- quis of Wharton, and Philip Duke of Wharton, by ditto, scarce, &c. - - 10 John Sharp, Abp. of York, oval, h. sh. mez. Thomas Strickland Bishop of Namur, Dr. Thomas Burnet, by ' White, Faber, and Etching by B. Wilson, Jean Armand Dubourdieu, by Pelham ,, Jeremiah White, Jeremy Collier, by White, &c, - - 16 Sir John Crisp, Edward Southwell, and Mitford Crowe, Esq. by J. Smith, George Stepney, by J. Faber, and Thomas Wyndham, Esq. Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1728 , by T. Beard, h. sh. mez. very scarce. Sir Edward Ward, by R. White, Sir John Blencowe, by W. Sherwin, Sir Thomas Rawlinson, Lord Mayor, w. 1. by G. Vertue, Christopher Rawlinson, of Cark Hall, by J. Smith, John Methuen, and Mr. Monox, by W. Humphrey, Hugh Howard, by J. Faber, Fran¬ cis Cornaro, by J. Smith, &c. <7 7 C 113] 1285 1284 John Urry of Christ Church, Oxon, by N. Pigne, John V Philips, by M. v Gucht, Sebastian and Marco Ricci, //u ' and N. de Largilliere, by P. Drevet, &c, . 8 Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, by J. Smith, hs. and4fo. mez’s. Duchess of Bolton, w. 1. by ditto, Madam Mar¬ garet Nicholls, by W. Faithorne, the Knight Family, w. l’s. by J. Faber, p. p. Jane Scrimshaw, aged 12b, and John Worley, 4 to. mezs. by J. Faber, and James and Matthew Poro, Monster, born at Genoa, 1686, and seen in London, 1714, hs. mez. scarce, - 8 REIGN OF GEORGE THE FIRST. 286 1287 1288 1289 George the First, and the Prince, and Princess of Wales, sheet, portraits, by G. Vertue, George I. by S, Gribelin, George Prince of Hesse, by J . Smith , and the Old and Young Petenders, by Basan, Charles Viscount Townshend, by J. Simon, Thomas Duke of New¬ castle, by M e Ardell , John Duke of Rutland, w. 1. by J. Faber, and John Earl of Mar, by J. Smith, sheet, mez. - - - 11 Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, by J. Faber, 4to. mez. Bishop Waugh, by ditto, Samuel Pomfret, William Lupton, Thomas Adams, and Paul Atkinson, English Franciscan, aetat. 73, Prisoner in Hurst Castle, 1728, etching, 4to.jine and scarce, - -6 Edmund Dunch, and Sir Edmund Probyn, by Faber, Secretary Craggs, by Vertue, Chief Justice Parker, by F. Kyte, Admiral Ailmer , who Entertained the Four Kings on board the Royal Sovereign, 1710, hs. mez. rare, &c. - - 6' Brigadier Michael Richards, and W. Draper, of Bes- wick, Yorkshire, by J. Faber, General Robert Dalziel, Smith, Carolus Leadbetter, wood-cut , Sir James Thorn¬ hill, Louis Laguerre, &c. - - 14 1290 Lady Carteret, w. 1. by J. Smith, the same plate altered to Lady Compton, Mrs. Voss, (Mistress to SirGodfrey Kneller,) by ditto, Priscilla Cooper, by P. Pelham, Owen Farrel, Irish Dwarf, w. 1. Jack Sheppard, by G. White, Mary Tofts, Jonathan Wild, and the Rev. Mr. Paul, and John Hall, Executed 1716, with their last Dying Speeches, sheet, scarce, /a-# 9 t 114 ] 1291 Cardinal Dubois, by Peter Drevet, Count Zinzendorf, by Claude Drevet, l’Abbd Gualtier, par Horthemels, le / Comte de Caylus, lust, and Nicholas Witsen, F. R. 1707, by Schenck, - 5 REIGN OF GEORGE THE SECOND. 1292 ^-6 /f~* 1294 1295 1296 William Duke of Cumberland, after Sir Joshua, by E. Fisher, fyc. John Viscount Tyrconnel, by Faber, Lord . Aubrey Beauclerck, by Vertue, Hugh Boulter, Abp. y^c/^r of Armagh, by Beard, and a Drawing in India ink, of the facetious Mr. William Hill, who died at Devizes, 1751, 6 Dr. James Beattie, after Sir Joshua , by T. Gaugain, proof, before the Plate was reduced, &c. Dr, Law, y (Irish Bishop,) high finished Drawing in colours, by Gardiner, and ( two of) Doctor Samuel Johnson, Bust, after Barry, by Anker Smith, proofs, - 5 George Edwards, by J. S. Miller, Hildebrand Jacob, by Houbraken, Benj, Stillingfleet, by Val. Green, Colley Cibber, by Fisher, very fine, Hamlet Winstanley, by Faber and John Clark, by G. Bickham, Booth, by G. White, and Leveridge, by Vander Myn, - S Quin, the Comedian, after Hudson, by J. Faber, very fine and scarce, - - - Mary Countess of Macclesfield, and the Hon. Mrs. Vane, by Faber, Lady Dorothy Boyle, by ditto, private plate, Mary Howard, called Mary of the Holy Cross, by J. Miller, 8 vo. Eugene Aram, etching, 12mo, John Pixley, aged 117 5 and Bampfylde Moore Carew, by x _ /_ J. Faber, Edward Bright of Malden, Moll King, and W* Thomas Topham, the Strong Man, by W. H. Toms , scarce, &c. - - - 13 REIGN OF GEORGE THE THIRD, 1297 Dr. Askew, in his Doctor’s Robes, Gown, turned up with fur, a beautiful high finished Drawing in colours, 1 t 115 ] PORTFOLIO’S. 1298 Three Portfolio’s, bound in russia, which contained tl iis Collection, lettered with the Volumes and Reigns. >*^1299 Three ditto. ditto. 1300 Three ditto. ditto. A' 1301 Three ditto. ditto. 1302 Three ditto. ditto. 1303 Three 1304 Three ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ^%^1305 Four ditto, ditto. ^^7*306 One larger ditto. with leave*, A/* /~u A// A A A A A A A A London 7 Printed by W " fried, Qereland-row St. James’*. ' i r i ' 1 r i ♦ Preparing for immediate Sale, by Mr. Evans. The Extensive and Valuable Library of THE LATE REVEREND SAMUEL PARR, LL. D. Prebendary of St. Paul’s, &c. &c. THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF THE LATE » JAMES PARKE HOLMES, Esa. A MOST BRILLIANT ASSEMBLAGE OF THE PRODUCTIONS OF THE ALDINE PRESS. This Extraordinary and Magnificent Collection has been formed with superior Knowledge, the most refined Judgement and Ex¬ quisite Taste, by Monsieur Renouard, the Distinguished His¬ torian of the Aldine Press. Every Copy has been selected with the greatest care. Many copies have been frequently changed till M. Renouard could satisfy himself that the possibility of improvement scarcely remained. A considerable number are from the Libraries of Thuanus, Grolier,and other distinguished Amateurs. The annals of the Aldine Press will have already introduced the English Public to some knowledge of this Invaluable Collection, which it is confidently believed will fully equal public expectation. Nearly every production of the Aldine Press will be found in the Collection, also the counterfeits of them. The Collection has been the favourite pursuit of the distinguished Collector for almost fifty years. Neither Exertions nor Expense have been spared to impart every possible degree of perfection to this Choice Aldine Library. M. Renouard having terminated his labours as the Historian of the Aldine Family and Press, has, after some struggle, resolved to part with his Collection. Caestus artemque reponit. u.