Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofgenuiOOpate C A T A L O G U E O F A Genuine Go l l e c t i o n English SILVER COINS,. Belonging to a Gentleman, who has left off Collecting. - -c. also. An Entire Collection of Confular and Imperial Silver Denarii, in fine Prefervation ; A Cabinet for Medals, and a plain Gold Watch, Late the Property of a Gentleman of the County of ■■ Oecea0’ti % Which will be fold by A U C T I O N, By SAMUEL PATERSON, At EJfex Houfe in EJfex-Streety in the Strand^ On ^'Thurfday the loth of May 1759. To begin precifely at Twelve o’ Clock. To be viewed on Tuefday the 8th Inftant, and to the Time of Sale. Catalogues may be had gratis at the Place of SALE. CONDITIONS of SALE. 1 . rr^HE higheft Bidder is to be the Buyer ; but if any Difpute lhall arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot in Difpute is to be put up again. II. No Bidder is to advance lefs than Six Pence ; above a Pound, One Shilling ; above Five Pounds, Two Shillings and Six Pence. III. Every Purchafer is to pay down Two Shillings and Six-Pence in the Pound in Part of Payment, and is to give in his Name and Place of Abode, if required. IV. The Lots are to be removed, with all Faults, at the Expence of the Buyers, within Three Days after the Sale is ended, and the Remainder of the Purchafe- Money to be then paid *, ' in Default of which, the Depofit is to become forfeited, the Lots refold, and the Deficiencies, if any, are' to be made good by the firft Purchafers. [ 2 1 T^hurfday^ May lo, 1759. Lol Roman and Englifli Copper Coins and Medals. I / 1"^ W O hundred and thirty- three Englifh, Scotch, and Irifli coins of J[ fundry reigns, 76 brafs, and 20 pewter ditto 2 Eighty-four Irifh gun money from the crown to the fixpence inclufive 3 Two hundred and forty-five Roman large, middle, fmall brafs, and medal- lions of the Lower Empire — — Duplicate Imperial Roman Silver Denarii. 4 Of fundry Emperors, had prefervation — — — — 5 Ditto, in middle prefervation ■ 6 M. Anthony, Auguftus, Tiberius 5, Domitian 3, Hadrian, Antoninus 2, Fauftina 2, Gordian 2, Philip fen. Mag. Maximus 2. Duplicate Confular Silver Denarii. 7 Antonia 2, Claudia 3, Creputia, Flaminia, Julia 4, Manlia, Memmia, Mi- nucia, Naevia, Rutilia, Titia', Vibia Second Series of Confular Silver Denarii. 8 Aburia, Acilia, Aemilia, Antonia, Calpurnia, Caffia, Claudia, 2 different^ Cloulia, Cornelia, Creputia, Flaminia, Julia 2, Junia ^ q Licinia, 2 different j Memmia, Minucia, Naevia, Norbana, Poftumia, Ru- ^ bria, Sentia, Servilia, Thoria, Titia, Tituria, Valeria, Volteia Series of Roman Silver Denarii. 10 Juba, fen. Pompey, Julius Csefar, M. Anthony, and 3 of Auguftus 1 1 Caligula O B. c. s. Caligula and Agrippina, both fpurious ; Nero 2, Galba, dtho, Vefpafian 4, Titus 2, Domitian 6, Domitia, fpurious — 12 Nerva 2,’ Trajan 8, Hadrian 9, Sabina, fome of themfcarce reverfes T7 Antoninus Pius 5, one of them reverfe. Temp. Divi Aug. Rejl. cos. iii. Antoninus and M. Aurelius, 2 different-, Fauftina 5, M. Aurelius 3, Fauftina jun. 5. ■ ‘ T . is. Lucius Verus, Lucilla 2, i Vota publica, rare ; Commodus 2, Pertinax, fpurious-. Sept. Severus 6, fome fcarce reverfes-, Julia Sever! 2, Cara- calla 3, Geta 3. — ~ T Macrinus genuine-, Diadumenian, doubtful-, Eliogabalus 3, fcarce reverfes ^ julia Soemias, JuliaMefa3, Alex. Severus, JuliaMamea2, Maximtnus, Gordianus Pius 7. _ ■; " ~ 't - 16 Pupienus, with title^Maximus, genuine ; Philip fen. 4, Philip jun. Traj. Decius 3, Mefc. Decius 2. „ . , “ 17 Treb. Callus 3, VolTun, Valerian fen. 5, Gallien 5, Salonina, Saloninus 2, ' Valerian jun. Pofthumus — Lower Empire of fine Silver. 18 Diocletian, Coiiftantius, Valentinianus, Valens 2, Julian, Val entinian jun. Magnus Maximus 2, Honorius . — 329 8+ 245 41 23 20 18 15 15 19 20 20 20 20 II 19 10 J9 Wil- [ 3 ] Silver Pennies from the Conqueji. ig William I. full faced, of different towns — ~ ■■ ■ ' — 20 William I. fide faced, looking different ways 2 ; ditto full faced 3, and 2 half 21 William II. different 2, Henry IL i. - John i. Henry III. Ihort crofs of Winchefter, Canterbury, London, &c. 6. • ■— 22 An exceeding rare penny of Henry I . and highly preferved — 23 Henry I. penny at Canterbury, extream rare, and very fair, and John’s penny and halfpenny < 24 Stephen i. high prefervation, William Rufus 2, Henry III. Ihort crofs of Winchefter, Canterbury, London, &c. 4. 25 finely preferved, I. Henry III. fhort crofs of different towns 3, and one of m. St. Ives 26 Henry III. penny, Rex Ang. extream rare, i of Richard IL and 25 others of different kings 27 Seventeen pennies of Henry III. long and Ihort crofles coined at Norwich, Everlham, Canterbury, London, &c. and 5 pieces of ditto cut 28 Twenty pieces of Edward I and II. all different, and 3 Irilh of Edward II. and III, Dublin and Waterford ■ 29 Eleven pennies of Henry IV. all coined at York, and all different, 1 and halfpenny of Richard II. and i ditto of Henry V. penny 30 One Aquitain penny of Henry V. very rare ■, 2 fcarce halfpennies of Edw. III. and 2 farthings of ditto - ■ 31 One penny of Richard II. 9 ditto of Henry VII. and VIII, and 2 halfpennies of ditto, very fcarce ■ - - .. ■■ 32 Four halfpennies, i three-farthings, 12 pennies, 3 three halfpenny, 3 two- penny, and 2 threepenny pieces of Queen Elizabeth, all different 33 Twenty of James I. from the halfpenny to the twopenny piece included 34 Thirty- three of Charles I. from the halfpenny to the groat, fame of them very Groats, &c. 35 An exceeding fine preferved groat of Richard III. of the rofe mint mark, and I ditto of Henry VI. civitas eboraci, both very rare 36 Two groats and 3 half groats of Edward III. and 5 groats and 3 half groats of Henry V. 37 Twelve groats of Edward IV. of Coventry, Eboraci, Briftow, London, &c. fame very fcarce ■ 38 Eleven groats and 8 half groats of Henry VII. of the full and fide faces of London, Canterbury, Eboraci, he, fame very rare ■ ' ■ 39 Twenty-nine groats and 16 half greats of Henry VIII. all different, of Lon- don, Cantor, Eboraci, Briftolie, &c. fame very rare 40 One teftoon of Henry VIII. fine filver posvi, he. 1 ditto, very bafe filve'-, CIVITAS London, very Jcarce — — 41 One teftoon of Edward VI. Timor, he. at the head fide 1549, and 2 others of ditto POSVI, &c. 1549 h 1550, the firfi very fcarce 42 Two (hillings, 1 fixpence, and 2 groats of Mary, Philip and Mary; and i (hilling, and 2 fixpences fine filver of Edward VI. full faced 43 Two groats and 20 fixpences of Queen Elizabeth from 1561 to 1602 inclufive, and 4 (liillings different mint marks of ditto 44 One crown, i half crown, 4 (hillings, and 4 fixpences of James I. different mints 45 Three crown pieces of Edward VI. 1551-52-53, and 2 half crowns of ditto *55^‘53> one crown and half crown of (^een Elizabeth — 10 I 3 7 6 27 22 23 14 12 25 20 33 13 12 19 45 2 3 8 26 10 t 4 ] 46 Two five fhillmg pieces of the Commonwealth 1653 and 1656, 2 half crowns ditto 1651 and 1&56, 2 {hillings 1651 and 1653, 2 fixpences 1651 and 1652, 2 two-pence, 2 pennies, and 2 halfpennies of ditto — — 14 47 Eight {hillings, and 8 fixpences of Charles I. all different^ fame of them finely Siher Siege Money. 48 I^Rmond’s crown, half crown, {hilling, fixpence, groat, and twopence ; and Charles the lid’s half crown, groat, twopence, and penny, with numbers of their value behind the king’s buft — r 49 Newark half crown, {hilling; ninepence and fixpence of 1646; and i {hil- ling, I fixpence, threepence, twopence, and penny hammer’d money of Charles II. without inner circle, or numbers of value 9 50 MafTaclmfet’s {hilling, fixpence, threepence and twopence , a Newark- {hil- ling and ninepence 1645 ; a round {hilling only mark’d N E. xix, and a Pontefraft {hilling of Charles the lid. 8 51 Charles^ the Firff’s half crown, o. rex. da. facilem. CURSUM, N. Briot under the horfe, very fcarce\ and i medal of ditto the king on horfeback CAROLvs. D. G. &c. reverfe quos. deos. a hand holding a firing or cord, with the rofe and thifile tied together 2 52 A fine guinea piece of Oliver, by Simon, in high prefervation i 53 A fine crown, half crown, and fine {hilling of Oliver Cromwell 3 54 Queen Elizabeth’s half crown and fixpence of the portcullis 2 55 Oxford money of Charles I. from the 20 {hilling piece to the twopence jn- clufive, wanting the {hilling — — — — — — 8 Firjl Series of Cotifular Siher Medals^ in high Prefervation. 36 A Buria, Acilia, 2 different ; Aelia, Aemilia 2, Afrania, AquIIia 2, Anto- - £\. nia, Baebia, Caecilia, Caefia, Calidia — ■-« >■ 57 Different legions of M. Anthony, viz. leg. 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-1 1-13-16 (17 claffica) 19-21-22 58 Calpurnia 3, Carifia 2, Caflia 2, Cipia, Claudia 3, Cloulia, Coelia, Confidia 59 Coponia, Cordia, Cornelia 3, Crepufia, Cupiena, Domitia, Egnatia, Far- fuleia, Flaminia, Fonteia 2, Fundania . 60 Fufia, Furia 2, Gellia, Hoftilia, Julia 3, Junia 5, Licinia 2 61 Licinia, different from the others 2, Manilla, Marcia, Memraia, Minucia 2, Naevia 3, Norbana, Opeimia, Papia 62 Piaetojia, Planeia, Plautina 4, Poblicia, Porcia 2, Poflumia 3, Procilia, Renia, Rubria — . 63 Ruftia, Rutilia, Scribonia, Sentia, Servilia 4, Sicinia, Spurilia, Terentia, Thoria, Titia 64 Tituria 4, Valeria, Veturia, Vibia 4, Volteia 2, i of Ancus Marcius, and I of Regulus — 65 One of Romulus Quirinus, Ancus Marcius, Regulus, Domitius Aenobarbus, and 2 different of M. Anthony — 66 A gold watch, name King, with a gold feal 67 An impreffion of Oliver’s broad feal, caft in brafs, repair’d, and gilt 68 A walnut-tree cabinet for coins and medals H 15 H 14 15 13 15 13 14 6 FINIS. f I’Xr/JS’- '■ 'Wi,. ! . .s' 4 f I • '1?^ ,'■>*. ' '■ ' ' !V' f ii •■'■ ;:. # m'' ■ ' ‘W''' if I