■ CATALOGUE OF Jo/ % OBJECTS OF ART, Sold by Order of the Administratrix of FREDERICK CLARK, ESQ. Deceased, late of Great Cumberland Place ; fftttf Crimes of (BID Hotorstoft Rmcclain, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; AND OBJECTS OF ART, DECORATIVE FURNITURE, TIGER SKINS AND OTHER PROPERTY, FROM NUMEROUS PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH Mill £oiir fcn Suction On Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, Air THBIB ©BEAT BOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, t Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, James's Square, S. W. n J CL.. /V-. 2 3 27 . /o o / / ^ / • /"* /4^ <9 , /V /5b . /6 £'. S-** f, I / 3^c u\^* s> 2 o. 2. a . x/o U- ?. 4^5 4^ - ^-O. 2> & Y/./>£f. ■ 9 3 - 9 ^. Q &~. / of . //^ -. //^t / / / , / 36 ' /yy . /&/. $ U-. /Z-. - 2 3. 2. -£lr 3 2. 4^ 3.47. 5/■ s'&: 6 ~£. £&. &S -r 2 f-Lf-.f#. /oo. /£&_- 4 //. /Zo, /2 6'. /3^ /3/. /4^o. /5b /3‘2. . ■ . 6 ~o. £3. o. /5~3. '66- /;? 3 - /oo. /^'z. /66>. ♦ yJn, / 3. y-- / 2 .' /y- - fj’. z 3 . m-- 2~f- z ?■ 3 &. 4^3. 4^/7. 6 ~ o . S /. S 2 . . S 6" 3 ^ .3 3 . Is . ^ ■*/ 6 foo. /^5~. //. /£f~o ./4-*f-. s&o. / sL. /s/ /s. 1 (hi /. 3. 6 _. %v,vy. 7H 8 . />2 -- ' 7 - 2 8 . 2 /. 15. 20, 33,3tf-.3T. 3JL-. 39-.4CO / J3a>lav* //cnsdc 7 . uJh. 4-9. 5~c> 53_. 55— 3~^. /SecWStA 3^. 5"8~. 5<~f. £•*. X?. ' / 3 ' ?rc6A. 7 *^ - - ^ C> ' ^ ^ 2 * 3 y.. ft- IhaeaU 98. /£>/•' /£2. . , /O^. /$TOcu6aJ£Lu / / /Zxrtfc * 7-Z— /ji£. /55. /£g_ . /7? . /8 s. vcT^rt. Z. ?^U^/ / 3. /4^/, /6~o. /53 : \ . /O. / 2 .. . /O . 2 3 . 32. ,3S. 3b. 4-d>. y-y. 3~/. 3 2 - .3 3- Cj. jrx. y^r-JV . trf- .^6". : /o<^>. /_oS_. ///. //£ /Zo . /z&. /2P- yL A?£> , /55 ' / 3 ^~ . /J7: O . /6~^> /£Q /S/ /£ z, . / • f- J2 ,3~S.6~&. /£6” /// /3y~. . 3. y-. //. . 2 3 . /*•/ V- /o o . ///. //r, /3^~. /tf-o. /<^V. I /z£. /^r. /// A 4 Sr. CONDITIONS OF SALK - o - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are Sold by Order of the Administratrix of FREDERICK CLARK , Esq., late of Great Cumberland Place. Angouleme biscuit porcelain, with allegorical // Vy n rl I rl n rv~i mi rn/-l nrit-U rvv aIii 120 A pair of oval metal-gilt medallions, with heads of Nei Vespasian 121 A clock, in case of figures of boys and clouds, and mounted with or-molu 122 A pair of Wedgwood candlesticks, formed as female draped figures bearing cornucopiae—on square blue and white pedestals .withy' y classical figures ^ 123 A pair of walnut-wood stools, formed of figures of negro boj§ kneeling ~ 124 A Dresden porcelain centre basket, on stem formed as a palnL trc^ A with figures and wreaths of flowers 125 A large" Dresden porcelain chandelier, with numerous branches for y candles B 2 4 226 A small heart-shaped satin-wood table, the top painted wit Watteau figures, and shelf painted with a bouquet of flowers C 227 An or-molu fender, the ends chased with masks, and surmounte by vase-shaped ornaments; an set of three fire-irons 0 228 Another, chased with laurel foliage and with vases at the ends; an set of three fire-irons, 0 229 A small shaped ditto, chased with terminal leopards’ heads, and wit ball ornaments of Algerine onyx ; and a pair of or-molu andiron formed as winged monsters f'/f. 6 230 A pair of Aubusson portiere curtains, with groups of flowers, o white centre, and sage-green border —11 ft. long by 5 ft wide 0 y t o 231 An Aubusson Carpet, with a wreath of flowers, on pale blue an white centre and panels of flowers on sage-green border—14 j hy 11 ft. 3 in. £ ^*0* 0 232 A Larger Ditto, crimson trellis centre and pale blue border, wit . groups and festoons of flowers and foliage—23 ft. by 13 ft. 6 i 0 • ^7^ 233 A Ditto Eug, with flowers on pale blue, pink and white ground- 9/<- by b j*. A-"* t <7234 A pair of Louis XYI. or-molu wall lights, each with a figure of piping boy, foliage and scrolls, and branches for two lights //•* <■ ■' 235 A carved and gilt semicircular pier table, surmounted by a Florentii mosaic slab, with foliage and other ornament in coloured mnrj^l on w T hite ground figures .of u boy writirrg^~aiid~~ Tr gir l- reading, ' d e curafl w r ith...-gilt„brQiize iiutings—on-meta l -giE - plinth s —fettedrfi dedii&diglrt-. 5 The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. POKCELAIN, Etc. 236 A Lowestoft Dinner Service, of octagonal shape, the borders painted with festoons of flowers and foliage in sepia heightened with gold, and gilt chains on the edge, and with a shield-of-arms, crest and motto “ Toujours prest ” in the of— Two soup-tureens, covers and stands Two sauce-tureens, covers and stands Four leaf-shaped sauce-boats and stands Fourteen meat-dishes, in sizes A mazarin Seven circular dishes Sixty-six dinner-plates Twenty-eight soup-plates Two pear-shaped bottles and stoppers (with one silver wine label), and Three salt-cellars centre, consisting 237 A Tea and Coffee Service, en suite, consisting of— Two tea-pots, covers and stands Coffee-pot and cover Sugar-bowl and cover Canister Two milk-jugs and one stand Two basins A round dish Eight large tea-cups and twelve saucers Five small tea-cups, nine coffee-cups and nine saucers Ten small plates Eleven deep ditto, and Four tankards, in sizes B 3 6 238^ A /A s ' 6 / 239 A A/£ , # As f,# 240 A 241 A /S7/S~. o Lowestoft Dinner Service, of octagonal shape, painted wit' bouquets of flowers and waved lines on the border in sepia an gold, and oval medallions suspended from knots of ribbon, witl monogram C.M.C. in the centre, consisting of— * Soup-tureen, two covers and stands Two sauce-tureens, covers and stands / Four leaf-shaped sauce-boats and stands A sugar bowl, cover and fluted stand Four salt-cellars Twenty-two dishes, in sizes Eight circular dishes Fifty-nine dinner-plates Nineteen soup-plates Eleven cheese-plates, and Twelve small deep plates small Lowestoft tea-pot and stand, cream-jug, basin, eight tea cups, four coffee-cups and eleven saucers, painted with festoon of flowers, ribbons and medallions with monogram in coloui and gold ; a Chinese porcelain mug, with figures irueolours l blue and gold borders ; and a Nankin basin pair of old Chinese porcelain jars and covers, dark blue, poncille with landscapes and buildings in gold—17 in. high pair of old English upright mirrors, painted with birds flowers and foliage in colours, shield-of-arms, and mott “ Toujours prest,” in gilt frames with carved oak foliage abovi —'48 in. by 30 in. outside measure ^ ANOTHER PROPERTY. A,/. 6 241a A Derby Dessert Service, consisting of four oval and fou shell-shaped dishes, and twenty-four plates ^ illn A tea a nd coffee ■ servico .- ermm'qfinrr ^-mp? nm*"*"' -a nd Siiuooro, -t wo largo t»cd t wr lve email plat g; un l b jug and ba.jkt - Sold by Order of the Executors of EDMUND ESCOMBE, Esq., deceased, late of 39 Gloucester Square. BRONZES. 242 A Pair of Bronze Groups, of the Marli horses—23f in. high, — on dark wood pedestal mounted with chased or-molu 243 A pair of bronze ewers, with dolphins’ heads, hands of children V sporting, mounted with dolphins and mermaids in metal-gilt-<€x^'—* 28 in. high 244 A tazza, en suite -- 245 The Florentine Boar— 17 in. high 246 The Mercury of G. di Bologna ; and A Figure of Fortune : the companion—28 in. high —on yellow marble pedestals with? boys, &c. in relief in bronze DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. 2 47 , A T)E tt TtY-f!Tn7T,KF,A SiTCiamu - painted ' fl o wers in - kirquoiao-and—gokl-op il - d e-p e rdri^ - bord o r s —gdd , arcbor-maxh 248 A e mail Cr own D e rby jag - a nd a cup , p a inted with b e nign efo-of -flowwrs 2 40 - A pair of orna fl- Se r roo e oaus, - p ai nte d " with houquoto of floworo -tn -gife-fe o r d e rs on ros e du B ar ri - gronnd 250 A large Crown-Derby mug, painted with a view of Newport, Mon¬ mouthshire, and wide border of gold and colour 251 An old Worcester jug, with foliage in low relief, and foliage and flowers in blue • - 8 /* / .0 252 V) n » ) 255 A' 256 A/. ^ 257 /. /. <7 258 Z^./.O 259 A pair of tall green glass bottles, with silver necks and stopper chased with vine foliage and grapes ^ A pf li r of nhlnng p ^W^ M ^r rr ^i^ poin + nrl mitti ipiwn fin d finmr A J, 0 260 /./y . * 261 z./s: *( 262 {J63 264 ' . //*, f case supported by a seated cupid 7 3 Another, in or-molu case formed as a fluted column, surmounted by a vase—on gilt wood pedestal J 4 Four old Chinese circular dishes, enamelled in colours, brown y > outside O&O+irA (5 Eighteen ditto plates, of various designs ^ 7 6 An old Nankin jar and cover, with utensils in medallions on hawthorn ground—wood stand 7 A Chinese porcelain bowl, enamelled with figures in compartments in borders of figures, fruit, flowers, &c. '8 A pair of Louis XVI. or-molu wall lights, with or-molu figures of a boy and infant Satyr bearing branches for two lights, on fliitefi marble pedestals with festoons of flowers in or-molu I ’9 An Old Tapestry Panel, with head of a female saint—in gilt . frame 290 Jo ,9 O 291 J./