f s \ • //totes cXuA , / 3^. /-? f - Ck. .C&~cU4- > / ff / 02 . . /o //^ / 3 2~. CLC<^e-cU< ■ /$£ /s Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_49 txtxt S ^ 9 2 * J 5 /Z2 - /S. Cy ■ f? ■kujLc^ S/ ^ il /"/- - cu/.. CU^nJi. . /3 3 / 3 L /3 J- CL,Ccr&k ^ 5 . Uo. $j. & /Z S'- /y-Z.. /S5~. /. 3 . 2 3 .3 ^ '7 ^ ' , /ofr. //O . /2 §^, ff Q*l / jf toUsdi-ui , fyd. /5/. /S£~ So. 2 b. 2 3 9 fa/d. /Risjiru.0*^ y. 3 $r. 6 3 /feu. Ci. fn,S- ^7- ■ 6q-7v- 7 6 ' - ^f<3. fi-Q / 3 2, ■ S/UcJ. /eckscl^ ■ /sd. fl - fs : K»kcJ '4Z^ // *-f- ■ /.6./S.33S9 /^ 2 _ CX drx^CC* / 5 /. c^cL /o & > /OS', /^t. 30.32. 3 y-. /3&. /4^2- • /5V CL.C^cyfi . /O ty- * /3 o. / 2/. 23 .2 4-. 3o. 3^-. 3t>. 3 7- UO. u- *+ 9- Q • 3~o. S& S3, (d 3 . o3- £o7^-.7< . / / / ^ Sj/JZLeS >, $eUtsc/u s> C vtSULj.a-eL /no ./Ob'. /OS. //0-/2.0. /2S ~ /3Z ■ 7'fari'^cssu /$£ /3S. /39. /^o. /y^. /*z9 . /A S’. CO'.CiT'clC , l+l. uz. .U-&. 14-7. S/. $~z .$7 . 6^ .£#. . §Q Qa QS . S^y^ccco L, /Ye*~d~tri*~ , nri /0 9. ///. //Z . //$ *19, ■ i+. Sj^U-cJb. // z. ' CyUS. CVt<^l-^U^cc^cL f £>. /o 3. /op-. /2Z . /2£~- / 30 . /3 & / 3 /3l2 ~ ' /L/ ~ ° ■ Cl. Ze-tM- / 4 ^ 6 - ' /S/■ 3 . C. J. /% J7- -OO . 33.3zjU. 3&. 5 Lm-.ij. 5 ~- {30. 6~q. & 3 (3 ■ Cy ^>0.75". so. Qicu^*l44*nsi<~l £/^mcCL,cC, ^ f 1 - /— - /OS'. //O. //#■ /2o■ /7£/. /33. CZ£cjr- 6 . /S 7. g, /r. 2 / > 2 4 4 -. 3 ° - - 3 7 r . ^ ' ^ 6y. & /■ ^■ ^ijLJ ‘f'7^ 7 'S'* fit> Sf^cCLc C , /L Sc2u^ j , C< J~£<^Lj-4^ tfST* Q& /o 2 /oS" * /0 7 * / ^ 5 ' /X£ " ? ' / y' «/£v>ty^> JV%7 - -f- /22. /37 . /44-o. /4^

A pair ol basins, enamelled With peonies and other flowers in colours; and a set ol three basins, with fruit and bamboo in coloured enamels 5 ? 20 A pair of basins, with dragons and sacred jewels in white on a blue ground ; and a pair of basins, entirely covered with conventional , with' peonies in colours on a coral-coloured ground ; a basin, with asters in blue _ 21 A famille rose basin, with peonies and diaper pattern ; a basin, with "" hydrangea and other flowers; and a basin, with fungus and butterflies in colours 22 A set of four small basins, enamelled with conventional asters and,, scrolls on a yellow ground 23 A bowl, with four circular panels of flowers on an engraved pink ground; another, similar, with a yellow ground; and one, similar, with a pale blue ground 21 A pair of basins, enamelled with dragons, flames and flowers in coral colour; and a pair of basins, enamelled in brilliant colours with — children playing 25 A set of six gilt cups, with characters in relief in blue ; and a pair of /A mazarin blue basins and covers, with asters in gold 26 A pair of bowls, delicately enamelled with mandarin ducks and lotos in colours 27 A bowl, enamelled with circular ornaments in colours on an engraved ruby ground; another, powdered blue; and a coffee-coloured Viruxrl wifh nafora arm 1/^af nrnQmpnf, in mlnnr ann cr nl,l ^ bowl, with asters and leaf ornament in coral colour and gold > 28 A powder-blue bowl, with bats and cloud ornament in coral colour and gold ; a shaped bowl, entirely covered with conventional asters in green on a black ground ; and a pair of bowls, with dragons, flames and jewel ornament in blue, red and green ' 29 An early bowl, of apple-green, with lotos in yellow and mauve 30 A pair of bowls, with conventional ornament in green on a buff ground; a rice-bowl, pierced under the glaze; and a bowl, ^ s i- i~ _ -J.K _ i: _i a_i ___ i „„i-1 ZS O 1 Ol entirely covered with conventional floral ornament in coloured enamels bowl, with dragons, Ho-Ho birds and emblems in coloured enamels ; a smaller bowl, similar; a set of four cups, with vine ornament ; and a pair of small bowls, with Ho-Ho birds and dragons Jir 6 /» , 32 A pair of engraved coral-coloured saucers; a blue ditto; a saucer, & enamelled with flowers on a coral-coloured ground; and a cup, with conventional ornament in colours on a ruby-coloured ground 33 A sel of four bowls, entirely enamelled with flowers; another, with five circular panels of flowers ; a pair of bowls, with Ho-Ho birds in fleur-de-peche; and a bowl, enamelled with flowers on a tur-^7 quoise-blue ground 34 Three cups, shaped as flowers enamelled in colours —Kien Lung y 0 35 A set of three bowls, with dragons and flames in purple on a green ground; and a pair of unglazed bowls, shaped as persimmon fruit, with sages in the interior 36 A pair of bowls, enamelled with bamboos and fruit, pierced under the glaze; a bowl, enamelled with conventional flowers in the European taste; and a bowl, enamelled with peonies on a ruby / 42 A coffee-coloured jar, enamelled with branches of prunus in colours —10 in. high—carved wood stand arfk , O / O ^ A bottle, with dragons, flames and clouds in green and maroon on a yellow ground—11 in. high—carved wood’ stand 44 A vase, dragons in relief on the neck, entirely enamelled with con¬ ventional lilies, &c. in colours on an engraved green ground—^ 15 in. high—carved wood stand / 44 / 6 . /* , 6 ? 7 45 A jardiniere, enamelled with a branch of chrysanthemums —carved * wood stand r ? 46 A Vase, with mirror-shaped panels of fishing scenes on a green marbled ground, diaper pattern on the neck and base—-28 in^/P » Ugh OLD NANKIN. 47 A curious beaker, of orange-green splash—12 in. high — carved wood /z, stand f / rZtsdActf } 48 A spirally fluted beaker, slightly splashed with fleur-de-peche—, 8^ in. high—carved wood stand * 49 A globular jardiniere, with fish in relief in fleur-de-peche—8 in. high—carved wood stand > 50 A yellow bottle, with dragons and clouds in brown—9 in. high — , j carved ivood stand 9 51 A curious mottled red and grey bottle—8!, in. high—open wood Jzr— stand ? 52 A liver-coloured bottle— open wood stand — o 53 A curious copper-coloured vase, with scroll handles, fluted centre, studded base and neck—21 in. high — carved wood stand 0 54 A pale huff jar, with splashes of purple, blue and brown—114 in.fa high ' a 55 A double square-shaped beche-de-mer vase—17 in. high—carved wood stand ? 56 An inverted pear-shaped jar, of similar colour—12 in. high 2 57 A fluted celadon vase, leaf-pattern neck, scroll handles—19 J in. high ° 58 An oviform celadon jar, with peonies in low relief—17 in. high o 59 A large celadon bottle, with open lip, dragons, clouds and flames \\\y ^^ slight relief in white—234 in. high 7 60 A large mazarin blue vase—29^ in. high z> 61 A square-shaped powder-blue vase—19 in. high— carved wood stand 8 ^ A 7 , ^ 03 64 A mazarin blue bottle, with annular ornaments in colours and gold —16 in. high A" An oviform powder-blue jar, decorated with children playing, in white— carved wood cover and stand An oviform mazarin blue vase and cover—91 in. high 65 /£. , o 66 A vase, with shell handles, entirely covered with hydrangea in blue Z. 0 67 68 7 , A 7 , a b9 and fleur-de-peche—10£ in. high -— > A small double gourd-shaped vase, of powdered copper glaze —y 5 in. high—on open carved wood stand A vase, pencilled with a rocky landscape in dark fleur-de-peche—-^ 24 ^ hi. high > y /#, & 70 71 A * #~7V 7* [r. /. /<>, o 73 /c/g 74 £ t /£ r 75 / 4 /* 76 A bottle, with swelling neck, pencilled with conventional asters in .^ fleur-de-peche—Ilf in. high—carved wood stand A vase, with lion and ring handle, of course buff crackle, floral design cut out of the glaze—291 hi. high A splashed dark blue and grey vase—101 hn. high A beaker, shaped as a lettuce, splashed blue, purple and grey—7 in. £ high ; and a small cylindrical vase, of olive-green, blue and grey splash A liver-coloured bowl; a coral-coloured ditto; and a fluted and . shaped ditto, pale apple-green rfrz A pair of liver-coloured bowls; a lavender-coloured ditto; a ruby ditto; and a pair of celadon bowls, with flowers in relief A pair of turquoise bowls, engraved under the glaze ; a yellow ditto; ^ a pale buff bowl ; and a pair of fluted and pierced white cups A quatref'oil pale turquoise jardiniere, with emblems and scrolls in / relief From the Imperial Palace 9 WHOLE-COLOURED PORCELAIN. 0 78 A spirally fluted globular jar, of splashed fleur-de-peche—4 in. high ; a curious yellow vase, of green, yellow and buff splash—9^ in. 79 A sang-de-boeuf water vessel, cloisonne enamel cover, asters on a turquoise-blue ground r 27 80 A vase, of powdered green, blue, yellow and purple—16 in. high — S? / carved wood stand 0 81 A curiously shaped double gourd-shaped vase, of beche-de-mer, fruit ^. __ and leaf ornament in low relief—16^ in. high -q 82 A pale green marbled vase—15 in. high — carved wood stand 83 A vase, with bamboo handles, dragons and flames in yellow on o,, blue cloud-pattern ground—22 in. high , o 84 A bottle, with bats in blue on a pale green ground— open wood stand V 85 An inverted pear-shaped jar, with a kylin in fleur-de-peche—12 in high 0 86 A fluted jar, entirely covered with flowers, pale blue—104 in. high — carved wood stand ; and a flat-shaped vase, with ring handles, and similar decoration in fleur-de-peche " 0 87 A curious hexagonal barrel-shaped vase, with flowers in relief in^^ ^ ^ blue on a brown ground—14 in. high O 88 A globular jar, entirely covered with the flowering aster in blu^ 16 in. high—carved wood stand t ^ o 89 An oviform jar, entirely covered with a flowering aster, cloud ment on the neck—191? in. high 90 A wine-cup, with quatrefoil-shaped panels with storks; and a small __ boat— soft paste —with fish and aquatic plants a 91 An oviform jar, with monster and bead handles, painted with P 10 " cession of a mandarin—144 in. high — -carved open wood stand ^ 10 /0 , ° 92 An oviform jar, bamboo, rocks and sparrows—13 in. high—Mipg —carved wood stand > t 0,0 93 A pair of square-shaped vases, with raised bands at the corner,^ entirely covered with flowering plants—14 in. high—carved and ‘pierced wood stand (LSrV £/ a 0.0 94 A vase, decorated with a seeding peony — 20^ in. high ,,A- >- / -/ , 0 95 A beaker vase, with fir tree, bamboo and prunus—15 in. high /Jt ^ 96 ov ^ orm vase > decorated with a mountainous landscape, band^ of flowers in fleur-de-peche round the neck—19 in. high /faZst ^ 97 A jardiniere, painted with a mountainous lake scene— carved open , wood stand O'/ //, Of £ 98 A sang-de-boeuf vase—17 in. high /&,/£, ^99 A bottle, entirely covered with prunus blossom on a coral-coloured ground—14 in. high qj , /0, 0 100 A splashed green and crimson crackle bottle—14 in. high—carved wood stand 10. 4 /a. o ioi a mirror black vase—18 in. high—carved wood stand /0/{( 102 A vase, of bronzed surface, cloud handles—15^ in. high—carved a wood stand s? O. a-. q 103 A splashed purple, brown and grey bottle—15 in. high — carved wood stand & A 0 / 01^,0 104 A bottle, of cream-coloured glaze, flowers in low relief—12 in. high ^105 A rhinoceros horn, finely carved with vine, persimmon and other foliage—30 in. long—on dark wood stand carved as rocks an ' fir trees ry ^ ^ 100 A small square flat-shaped vase, of dark green jade, emblematical ^ ^ Q TV rl Inof rvmnmn-nln ir» K rL and leaf ornaments in low relief—5 in. high 11 ANOTHER PROPERTY. NETSUKES (WOOD). t7 109 A cock on a tile; a toad and sandal— signed Masa Katus ; a priest, wood and ivory —signed 3 Y HO Bat and tile; Diakoku carving a rat— signed; a tiger —signed 0 - .7 111 Dried fish and rats; a blind skampooer —signed Miwa; a street player —signed 3 —' 0 112 An old man and lantern ; a boy and mask; a boy and hat —signed of _ Oditza 3 113 A snail; Hotei and bag; a snake, by Tadatoshi NETSUKES (IVOKY). 7 114 A girl washing— signed; a monkey and fish; a shojo —signed 3 ? 115 Street performers —signed Minkokou; blind men fighting; lady and attendant 3 vy 116 Workman and fox —signed Masa Houin ; a cock, chicken and miilet seed —signed Okatomo ; Thunder God —signed Minkoku 3 with &, penguin fisher —signed ; another, with boy and carp 5 ? 117 A priest ; an actor —signed ; Susanno and the box ; a button, SATSUMA WARE. , ? 118 A bowl, the centre painted with a six-fold screen, monkeys anU * blossoms, flowers and birds on the exterior—5 in. diam. ^ 0 119 A fluted bowl, entirely painted with chrysanthemums and other 4Y'Ny y blossoms—5^ in. diam. / 1 120 A bowl, with oblong-shaped panel in the centre, painted with the^ jr/^o Tale of the Forty-seven Ronins—6 in. diam. ? 121 A bowl, with shaped edge, painted with a street dancer in circular panel in the centre—6 in. diam. 12 122 /. //. 0 123 A bowl, painted with numerous figures in book-shaped panels, and^ band of figures, fish and flowers on the outside—5 in. diam.'^pt A deep bowl, with a mirror-shaped panel in the centre, painted mtU a winter landscape on a groundwork of butterflies iS/l' /, /f f @ 124 A bowl, with fan-shaped panel in the centre, with the Seven Gods of Good Fortune A pair of vases, painted with the procession of a Daimio ^ ' J / & 125 t/, */'. ^ A globular koro and cover, painted with a tea house, and trees /,/ /. J7. /* /. O /’ J, 0 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. (132 A Persian dish, with characters and annular ornaments in blue ^33 An oviform Nankin jar, with leaf-shaped panels of flowers and / utensils. 134 Two Nankin bottles, with flowers; an Imari plate ; and a small^ box and cover M35 A Japanese porcelain bowl, painted and enamelled in colours on gold trellis ground Z From the Palace at Tokio ^ ^lo(j A grey crackle vase; a small ditto bowl; and a dark blue old Ningpo bottle loT A coloured and gilt figure of a deity — said to be 8th century, a.d. ; a Mongolian dish, enamelled with figures in a landscape; a/ small Satsuma box and cover ; and a small ditto bowl Tl.ib A pale brown crackle vase, with mask and ring handles, and slightly / raised lan lscapes and buildings in blue and white V J f ■ 13 (l39 A Canton enamel vase, painted with medallions of figures on yellow ground with foliage and flowers in colours 140 A Japanese cloisonne enamel vase and cover, dark" green ground with ornaments in colours ; a bowl, on foot; a dish ; and a small . cup-stand, with similar decoration S ^ ^ 141 A Japanese bronze vase, with grotesque handles and bands of in¬ cised ornament; a vase, with open lip ; a square-shaped bowl, _ chased with dragons and waves; and a cherry tree, with birds 142 A large beaker-shaped vase, witli bands of ornament in low relief —24 in. high ; and a group of The Old Man of the Forest Feeding his Frog ; 143 An oblong Japanese writing desk, with drawer below and silver butterfly bottle, the lid lacquered with peacocks— from the Palace of the late Tycoon ; and an oblong box, of gold lac, witl trees and foliage 144 A black and gold lac writing box, with flowers ; a ditto paper box and glove box, with flowers, birds and utensils; two smalL boxes ; and a tray, with water plants / J L - JAPANESE OBJECTS OF ART. NETSUKES (IVORY). > 145 Oni and Shokei— signed ; Momotavo— signed ; rice cakes— signed ; riding a Tengu— signed ; Oni and inro; a pleasure-boat, by Masa-Tami & 146 Priest and tiger— signed ; octopus and monkey ; wrestlers— signed ; .. pomegranates and wasps, by Mitsukiro; an Oni; skull and % ' bones; the sleeper; an ojime 8 ? 147 Eight button netsukes, with inlaid metal centres 8 / 148 Four ivory button netsukes; two metal ditto ; and a small enamel . box and cover 9 149 A Souchow lacquer ball, carved with dragons and clouds— wood stand 150 A small jade carving of a lady 14 NETSUKES (WOOD). / ^ f # 151 The three enemies— signed ; blind beggars— signed ; rat and mush- & rooms ; Diakoku— signed ; an Aino; shaving 6 l y* / t7-J. £> 152 Priests— signed ; negro and coral; an Oni and Musume— signed ; * a sandal maker : Paimios • Shokei a.nd Oni— sinned 6 a sandal maker; Daimios; Shokei and Oni— signed 6 / /£. o 153 A Chinese boy; hairdressing— signed ; a crane— signed ; a boy, /0 with money ; and three button netsukes, of cloisonne enamel 1' . //r £ , & 154 A wood carving of a sage seated on a carp— signed COfCt 4' 4, 0 155 l?, if * # 157 ^/y;^i5s /y • 159 /J'.o 160 ftO.o 161 ^ 27 162 163 164 METAL WORK. A silver tripod bottle, chased in relief with dragons and clouds CL A silver tea servic e shaped as swans, consisting of tea-pot and J cover, sucrier and cover, and milk-jug A silver cup and cover, chased in relief with sparrows and wisteria A Small Rock-Crystal Vessel, shaped as a double pumpkin —~/^t on carved wood stand A carving, in pale green jade, formed as a lotos pod— on pierced and carved wood stand Another carving, of pale green jade, shaped as two mandarin ducks —carved wood stand A Small Altar Set, consisting of koro, cover and stand; and two small vessels, of rock-crystal A russet-iron kor5 and cover, shaped as the figure of a crane standing on a lotos leaf— on carved wood and ivory stand A russet-iron figure of a pheasant, forming a koro, seated on a branch of cherry blossom in shakudo and enamel— wood stand A russet-iron figure of a crane— open wood stand finis. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.