l/6/9i+ to 5/29/9^ ^:S^^' > NW ^-^^^^ #-*# rjjppj^^Mu^g^ fjl V - i ^^^^4 r^ rMfrff 3^ 5- \ .V\^ OF IMPORTANT \ ''''"'" C WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS AND Ancient & %lh^mx "BuixxxcB FROM THE COLLECTION OF WILLIAM COSIEE, ESQ., DECEASED ; OTHERS, THK PUOPBUTY OF (IEORCtE ARTHUR FULLER, ESQ., Deceased, late of The Rookery, Dorking, {Sold by Order of the Executors and by direction of the Will) ; Thirty-four Drawings by W. Muller, described in Solly's Life of the Artist ; and Works of D. Cox, P. De Wint, &c., THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, AND FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE COLLECTIONS: WHICH Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS. 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATUHDAY, APRIL 14, 1894, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues Lad, at Messrs. Christie, IManson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James s Square, S.W. T"" \ «\ ,rvC~"» \ \ I CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1, THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. 111. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Chbistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE On SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1894, AT ONE o'clock PREOTSELT. The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. WATER-COLOUR DRAWING-S— /^z the Folio. 1 J. W. Arohkb : Gate House, St. Albans ; Cothelstone Church ; and A Dead Plpver 3 2 H. JnisuM : A Eiver Scene, with cattle 3 W. CoLiiiNGWooD : A Coast Scene, with stranded brig 4 H. Warben : A Park Scene, with figures and sheep 5 Jay : " Protector " Gun Brig, in the North Sea, and figures, by Sir'D. Wilkie, R.A. 6 W. West : A Welsh Landscape 7 E. S. Oliver : A Farm House 8 W. Oliver : Vieux Castels, Valine D'Ossau, Pyrenees 9 F. Greenwood : A Sussex Cottage ; and A Landscape, Sussex, by Phillips B 2 /ft-- ^.- 10 D. Cox : A Welsh Landscape, with stone bridge (f-_ 11 Ditto: A Mountainous Landscape //t, , 12 Ditto : A Rocky Landscape in Wales ; and a study of foliage 2 ).--._ 13 Ditto : A Landscape, with ruined castle and figures /O' b 14 Ditto : The Keep, Arundel Castle ^' r- ~ 15 Ditto : Kuins of a Castle on a Hill /" ' ^ 16 Ditto : A Stone Wall ; and A Cottage 2 17 Ditto : A River Scene ; and A Landscape, with church 2 18 P. De Wint: Hyde Park Gardens **"" 19 Ditto: A Garden Scene ?•" 20 Ditto: Studies of trees 4 /C-- 21 Ditto: Garden Scenes 2 ^O'- 22 Ditto : A Landscape, with a cottage and gate 23 W. MuLLEE : A Husbandman, Xanthus 24 Ditto : A study of a Turkish figure ^ 25 Ditto: Studies, with figures, &c. 4 26 Ditto : The Entrance to a Mosque ; and A Street Scene, with figures 2 27 Ditto : The Banks of the Upper Nile, 1838 28 Ditto : Egyptian Temple, Medinet Habou, 1839 WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS— i^mw^d W. OLIVER. 29 On the Greta, Yorkshire 30 An Alpine Valley A. HERBERT. ^ ~ 31 Rei'Aiuing a Vessel in Harbour D. COX. 32 H ADDON Hall '^A/Jjb-K^ D. COX. 3B Haddon Hall, from the river ^/v '/ozcuyn/ D. COX. 34 A Welsh Landscape, with bridge D. COX. 35 A Landscape, with figures P. DE WINT. 36 A Village Scene, with figures P. DE WINT. 37 View of a Fabm The following Drawings are described in ^^ Memoir of the Life of William James Muller," by N. Neal Solly (p. 267), as in the Collection of Mrs. Thomas Wood, of Ealing. W. MULLER. 38 Interior op a Turkoman's Hut, with four figures *^^' /o^e^a^j^ W. MDLLEE, 1844. ^-^ A^ 89 Musical Party, in the interior of the house of the Cavasse Xanthus W. MULLER. 40 Musical Party, in a Yurook's tent : firelight ~m5 ' <^'^o^^oc-ir^^ /r 6 W. MULLER. / ^ 41 Intebior op a Turkish Mill, on the River Mancherchi -¥<^-ch!(jur^ W. MULLER, 1843. 42 Turkish Cottage, on the Plain of Xanthus *-^^w^ i^'^ W. MULLER, 1843. 43 Interior of a Turkoman's Hut, Xanthus W. MULLER. 44 Interior of a Yurook's Hut, with a woman and child W. MULLER. 45 Interior of a Turkish '^juard-room, under part of the City of Xanthus, near the encampment of the Expedition W. MULLER. 46 A View in Wales W. MULLER, 1844. 47 Lynmouxh W. MULLER, 1844. 48 Upper Bridge, Stag's Hollow, North Wales W. MULLER, 1844. 49 Ltnmouth W. MULLER, 1844. 60 Lynmouth /-^x/? W. MULLER. 61 Interior of a Cottage ^^i~ W. MULLER. ^ '0-^£.6se. 7 52 Interior op a Welsh Cottage, with a peasant girl W. MULLER. 53 Part of the PRoPYLiEA on the Acropoms W. MULLER. 54 Temple op Jupiter Olympus, near Athena W. MULLER. 55 A Greek Figure, holding a torch 56 A YuROOK Chief, Xauthus, 1843 "t-^J 57 Old Yurook Chief (Halleh), seated, playing on a lute^*'*^ 68 Xanthian Peasant, with gun and yataghan/-*'*? W. MULLER, 1843. 6y A Dead Woodpecker, Xanthas #@ A Kinofisheb 61 A Woodpecker, 1843 <"<^ 62 A Yellow-headed Vulture op Egypt, l839>^''y- 63 A Dead Pelican ^y^y. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. COLLIN GWOOD SMITH. ^ 64 A Harvest Field 3'y^fB' G. A. FEIPP. •^0 65 View of Bbthebda, North Wales W. CALLOW. ^/ 66 A Street in Frankfort /^J-r/v- E. LUNDGKEN. ^ 67 An Italian Water Carrier CARL HAAG, 1855. 68 A Cardinal ^^'^3 '^^^^•^^-^fooApt — ' CAEL HAAG, 1855. 69 A Pbasant op the Campagna ^^Q^^joo-^C F. TAYLER, 1868. . ^? 1^ k Fern Gatherer, and hou^s '^^^Si^ohf G. ROLLER, 1868. / 71 Faust and Marguerite /^^/o H. B. WILLIS, 1864. ^^ 72 A Marsh Scene, with cows ^<^^*^ H. G. HINE, 1869. 'V 73 Eebf at Peverel Point, Swanage T. M. KICHARDSON, 1866. 74 TOWN OF TAORMINA, Mount Etna in the distance "^^Aj^j^tyn^ Exhibited j^^^ ^^^ A. 0. GOW, R.A., 1871-72. 76 THE FIRST PROVISION BOAT FOR THE BESIEGED TOWN /^X8o A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. T. B. HARDY. 76 EvKNiNG Hour: Scheveningen T. B. HARDY. 77 Ttnbmouth Head /^xi.y- F. POWELL, 1874. 78 The Isles of the Sea ^v^^v-t. ^^^ioyiAA)- Exhihited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 F. POWELL, 1875. 79 LOOH CORUISK X-^^^H-O Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 80 Inteeiok at Pet worth: a lady, seated in a chair «-^* '^^Ui/ju-r^ Presented by the Artist P. DE WINT. 81 A View in Wales near Bangor (>A /^ 10 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. DRAWINGS. S2- Cupids, &c., after Cipriani Engraving G. B. CIPRIANI. 8? Cupids C. GREEN. 86 Reading to Grandmother S^' 7 p. DE WJNT /O 87 A River Scene ^/;S- ^°^ 88 A IiANB Scene, Crowhurs1/^A/6 D. COX. 89 Blenheim Park y^Q From Ulc Munro Collection L. HAGHE. -^2 84 An Exterior: Winter /o^i /TKi^Lg^^cutt — From the Munro Collection BIRKET FOSTER. '^9 85 A Landscape, with river : Sunset G. CATTERMOLE. ^ 90 Cromwell and his Lawyers (^X"'-*- Exhibited at the Moyal Academy, 1873 From the Munro Collection J. B. PYNE AND T. S. COOPER, R,A. AO 91 Windsor Castle /^x«*- 11 !E. RIECK. 92 Sunset /x-^i-v- 9: l93 Moonlight /^xio J. HOLLAND. 94 The Grand Canal, Venice /4^'^/6 ^/l H'A 104 WOBTHING PlEB /^ X'i> t 105 TowYN Sands /^yOrx/a. F. W. TOPHAM. /X^ 112 Interior of an Irish CABiN(f^/->- ckhdi^yjo^- J. VARLEY. /^ 113 Chetne Walk, Chelsea /i.^/(r- ^-'t^^rvSUA^' /^ 114 On thb Thames, looking towards Lambeth J. S. COTMAN. >^^ 114a Boats in a Stiff Breeze G. F. PHILLIPS. ^'/^ 114b a River View: Evenins ^^^ T. BUTTERWORTH. 114c A Cutter and Man-of-War The following/ are the Property of GEORGE ARTHUR FULLER, Esq,, deceased, late of the Rookery, Dorking. Sold by Order of the Executors, and by direction of the Will. DRAWINGS. AUSTEN. 115 A Coast Scene, with figures H. BRIGHT. ^^ 116 A L.K. So.™ 7"o i^^X^ D. COX. 117 A Scotch Mook, with figuras on horseback, and cattle^^W-^t^ yxro J. CPtlSTALL. 118 A Coast Scene, with a shepherd and sheep COPLEY FIELDING. 119 Whitby Sands, with fishing boats and figures -^^/^x-fat-AiS' > ^. ^Y, H. GASTINEAU. 120 Pknrhyn Castle, Caeruarvonshire T. GIRTIN. 121 A iiiVEK Scene, with ruined abbey fc^MA^^ruy 14 J. F. LEWIS, R.A. ^^ 122 HIGHLAND HOSPITALITY vJ^^^ With portraits of the Artist, G. Gattermole and W. Evans J. F. LEWIS, R.A. /^ 123 SALMON FISHING h^a^iu/. yiAOia J. F. LEWIS, R.A. ^ 124 A Pbasant, with pony ^x/'i- -^yo^ A. W. NESFIELD, 1840. g^ . ^ -^^ 125 A SCENE IN THE HIGHLANDS, with sportsmen and dead game ^ x-3f> O. OAKLEY, 1831. •y^ 126 The Young Shbimper ^^^*^^Q2^^ J. VARLEY, 1826. 134 A River Scene, with a cathedral, and cows watering ^^%tZijiM, P. DE WINT, 1824. 135 A HARVEST FIELD /^ a ».^ F. WHEATLEY, R.A., 1799. 136 Leaving Home '^"^'^ Formerly the Property of the late WILLIAM COSIER, Esq. W. CALLOW, 1843. 137 A Street in Bologna 30 in. by 22^ in. From the Collection of Lord diaries Townshend G. CATTERMOLE. 188 Interior of Haddon Hall, with figures 9^ in. by 12^ in. 16 -2/V COPLEY FIELDING. JW>^ 139 View from the Sands, Rauth Maur, Snowdon in the distance 21 in. by 35 in. Exhibited From the Collection of Lord Charles Townshend, 1848 /?/ COPLEY FIELDING, 1853. y ^ 140 A FOREST SCENE, witli gipsy tent and cows, distant view of Bolney Cliurcli 17^ in. by 23 in. SIR J. GILBERT, R.A., 1870. J!Sir 141 Queen Kath. Wolserj. Queen Katb. /^/-u^tu^ Lord Cardinal, To you I speak. Your pleasure. Madam ? Sir. I am about to weep ; but thinking tliat We are a Queen (or long liave dream'd so), certain The daughter of a King, my drops of tears I'll turn to sparks of fire. Wolsey. Be patient yet. Queen Kath. I will, when you are humble ; nay, before, Or God will punish me. I do believe, Induced by potent circumstances, that You are mine enemy ; and I make my challenge. You shall not be my judge ; for it is you. Have blown this coal betwixt my lord and me — Which God's dew quench ! therefore I say again, I utterly abhore — yea, from my soul Kefuse you for my judge; whom, yet once more, I hold my most malicious foe, and think not At all a friend to truth. Wolsey. I do profess You speak not like yourself. King Henry VIII. Act IL Scene 4 25 in. by 36 in. Exhibited at the Old Watn--Colour Society, 1871 17 SIR J. GILBERT, R.A., 1865. 142 The Standard Beaker (/osao^^A^' Vl\ in. by 13^ in. OEIANA P. GILBERT, 1872. 143 Mistress Anne Page 16^ in. by 12| in. L. HAGHE. 144 A COURTTAED OF A FLEMISH StADTHAUS ^^^-^>U^y 22 in. by 17 in. W. HUNT. 148 A Boy, sitting 13 in. by 7^ in. From Mr. Hixon's Collection, 1848 y. 18 0. OAKLEY. 149 Peasant Boys at a Wayside Cross 22^ in. by 16^ in. T. M. RICHARDSON, 185G. ^^ 150 At Pozzuoli i/^^tu^-cch- 13^ in. by 39^ in. From the Collection of L. Bedjmth F. TAYLER. ^^ 151 A Huntsman, with four bloodhounds /^i^Lt^rb* 35i in. by 28 in. From the Collection of L. Bedj)ath, 1857 F. TAYLER, 1852. -^ 152 The Dram : a halt in the Highlands ^~^a^m^ 19| in. by 281 i^. ^ F. TAYLER. ^' ^ 153 Houseless Wanderers 19f in. by 14^ in. From the Collection of Lord Charles Toivnshend, 1848 H. BRITTAN WILLIS, 1871. ^^^^ 154 Early Morning : scene in Sussex, harvesting MNbunxi 16f in. by 29^- in. k P. DE WINT. 155 TRAVELLING GIPSIES, with a distant view of Bolsover Castle 21 in. by 30. \ in. Exhibited From Mr. Hixon's Collection, 1848 in PICTURES. 156 POKTUAIT OF A GENTLEMAN ^OXVy. (J. BAXTER. 157 Ariadnk J^ 33 in. by 27 in. — oval V^ E. W. COOKE, R.A., 1847. 158 Mediterranean Craft, Gulf of Genoa /y^ -^^jn^t^ w Jh^ D. ROBERTS, R.A. 164 The Ruins of the Temple of Hermonthes, Up]^r Egypt 171 in. by 24 in. Painted for T. Dyson, Esq., 1843 /? J. SANT, R.A., 1861. 165 Willie 35i in. by 27 in. a:l 166 A Bride ^ 17^ in. by 13^ in. C. TAYLER. y^JMjJ^^O/vdt N. BERCHEM. / JUt^ ^y^/n- 167 An Italian River Scene, with ruined castle and bridge, a peasant on horseback, and a herdsman with cows and dog in the foreground Signed 15 in. by 19^ in. /^ SOL EM ACKER. 168 An Italian Scene, with peasants and animals halting near some ruins 18^ in. by 16J in. 21 J. BOTH, 169 An Italian Landscape, with a peasant and two mules on a road, and another peasant driving cows across a rustic bridge Signed 15J in. by 20^ in. J. D. DE HEEM. 170 A Group of Flowers in a Glass Bottle, on a marble al&hj'^^HU:^ J^Jr ^i^zi^v^with insects Signed 26^ in. by 21^ in. C. POELEMBERG. 171 A Landscape, with the Eepose of the Holy Family, with St. "'-^^^-(^-tA Elizabeth and St. John llf in. by 15 in. From the Wells Collection, 1848 FINIS. London ; Printed bj William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stajnford Street and Charing Croea. ^^' .^ ^"^t^K* -v 1^' C ^^^ ^ ^ ^^:.^ ^!;^^« ^w // fe-«i^ GETTY CENTER UBRARY 3 3125 00834 2194 iilSfC