THE MASTERPIECES OF REYNOLDS From the Library M Frank Simpson Telephone No, 1117. MAYFAIR. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN, THE CARLTON GALLERY, PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S.W, PURCHASERS AND SELLERS OF FINE PICTURES BY THE BEST OLD MASTERS. Messrs. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN also invite the attention cf anyone desiring Portraits painted in Miniature or Pastel, to the works of Mr. Edward Taylor, the acknowledged first Miniaturist of our time, and Mr. E, F. Wells, the clever painter of Portraits in Pastel. Attention is also directed to the work of Mr. Gregory Robinaon, an exceptionally clever painter of Marine Pictures in Water Colour, and to the exception- ally fine Portraits of Horses by Mr. Lynwood Palmer. Pictures and Engravings Cleaned and Restored, Valuations made for Probate or otherwise. Collections Classified and Arranged. Oowans's Art Books. '"pHIS Series, published at a very low price, and containing ssxty beautifully-printed reproductions of the best pictures of the great masters, is intended to give the lover of art a general idea of the style and characteristics of the most famous painters of the world. No. 1,— THE lySASTiePIEOES OF RUBERS (Ready). no, 2.— THE f^ASTERFIECES OF ^kU DYCK (Ready). No. 3.— THE iVIASTERPIEOES OF REIVSBRANDT (Ready). No. 4.-T^E MASTERPIECES OF RAPHAEL (Ready). No. 5.-THE MASTERPIECES OF REYNOLDS (June). No^ 6.- THE MASTERPIECES OF TENSERS (July). No. 7.- TNE MASTERPIECES OF EARLY FLEMISH ART, (MEMLING, VAN EYOK, etc) (Au^^ust). Others in Preparation. Prices: Parchment Cover, 6d. Net. Cloth, 1s. Net. Leather, 2s. Net. Postage, -Jd. GOWANS & GRAY. Ltd., Glasgow. EPvIMLEY JOHNSON & INGE, Ltd., 35 Leicester Square, London, W.C. "THE ANTIQUARY"(K.»y.) *" r™:'' MANCHESTER, !• the most interesting: Shop ie Lancashire to all who wish to Buy or Sell GENUINE ANTIQUES. FREE TO CONNOISSEURS ay Illustrated Catalogue Goods Purchased unseen Returnable if Disapproved. Small Items sent on appro, to satisfactory applicants. 600 Ever-changing: Pieces of Oid China and Pottery aiways on hand. The . . . Connoisseur CreafB on aff sufiiecfs inUrt&fins fo Coffecfors anb ^jerfiotts of cufture+ THE articles are written by acknowledged experts, and are illustrated by unique photographs and drawings of im- portant examples and collections from every part of the world. The high standard of excellence by which the magazine has been distinguished during the three years of its publication is fully maintained, and when bound it forms a standard work of reference. If you have never purchased a copy, do so, and you will be struck at the lead that Great Britain has taken, at any rate, in the production of a really artistic, and at the same time, thoroughly instructive and interesting publication. — — — 1*. Net. 12a. Paa Annum, op all BoOKseLLBRa. 16a. Post Free foh thb United Kinqdom. 17a. Poar Frek for Abroad. Publishers: 2 Carmelite House, E.G. Advertising & Editorial Offices: 95 Temple Chambers, E.G. New Artistic Publications. DRAWINGS FROr^ THE OLD MASTERS. F3RST SERIES. Containing SIXTY Reproductions of Drawings by Famous Artists, in the Albertina. Gallery, Vienna. JULY, 1505. This artistically got-up little volume is uniform in size with Gowans's Art Books, and will be found to be of absorbing interest by every student of art. Paper Cover, 6d. Netj Cuoth, Is. Nbt. Postage, 1d. THE PLEASURES OF MR, BR9GGS. Described and illustrated by JOHI^ LEECH. READY. Parchment Cover, 6d. Net; Postage, 1d. THE BOTTLE. in Sixteen Plates, Desig-ned and Etched by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. READY. A very daintily produced little edition of those famous etchings. Parchment Cover. 6d. Net; Postage, 1d. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., Glasgow. BRIMLEY JOHNSON & INGE, Ltd., 35 Leicester Square, London, W.C, GowANs's Art Books, No. 5 The Masterpieces of Reynolds CARSON & NICOL, PRINTERS, QLASQOW. Portrait oi-- Himself /'". Han/ntaengl, Photo. {Spencer Collection) THE MASTERPIECES OF REYNOLDS Sixty reproductions of photographs from the original paintings by F. Hanfstacngl, affofding examples of the different characteristics of the Artist's work Glasgow: GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. London: ]]RLMLEV JOHNSON & INGE, Ltd. 1905 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 ^HE Piihlishers beg to express their thanks to Mr. Franz Hanfstaengl for the readiness zvith which he has per- mitted the?n to make tise of his valuable collection of photographs. Many lovers of Art will no doubt zvish to possess larger copies of some of the pictures than those given in this little hook, which are neces- sarily very small. The publishers beg to refer such readers to pages 6j et seq., for particulars. Portrait of Himself {National Gallery, Londoii) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 7 Portrait ok Himself (^National Gallery, London) F. Hanfitaengl, Photo, Portrait of Himself (^Buckinghajii Palace) F. Ilanfstaoti^l^ Viioto. George IV. as Prince of Wales (^National Gallery, London) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. TO WiLi.fAM Augustus, Duke of F. Han/staejigl^ Photo. Cumberland {De7Jonshire Collection, Chats worth) LoRo William Cavendish, Third Duke of Devonshire {Spencer Collection) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, William Cavendish, Third Dukr of Devonshire {Devonshire Collection, Hardwidi) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. LoRU K.icHAKD Cavendish FoURi H DuicE OK Devonshire (^Devonshire Collection, London) F. Han/siacn^l, Photo. Lord Heathfield {National Gallery, London) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Charles, First Earl of Lucak {Spencer Collection) F. Han/staengl, Photo. P.ICHARD, Earl of Lucan [^Spencer Collection) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 20 Anne, Countess of Albemakle F. Hanfstacngl, Photo. (^National Gallery) Lavinia, Viscountess Althorp, 1782 F. Hanfstaeiigl, Photo. {S/'eucer Collection) 83 Lavinia, Countess Spencer and F. Han/staengi, Photo. HKR Son John Charles, Viscount Althorp {Spencer Collection) John Charles, Viscount Althokp, aged four years {Spencer CoUectioii) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 25- George John, Viscount Althorp, AGED 17 {^Spencer Colleetion) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 26 Frederick, Earl of Bessborough F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. {Spencer Collection) Henrietta Frances, Countess of F. Han/staengl, Photo. Bessborough {Spencer Collection) La Marechale de Muys (Chanoinesse) {Spencer CoUectioit) F. Han/staensl, Photo. Lady Betty Foster F. Han/slaengl, Photo. {Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth) Lady Elizabeth Conway {Wai/ace Collection) F. Han/staengl, Photo. Frances, Marchioness of Camden (^Spencer Collection) F. Han/siaengl, Photo. 32 Lady Cockburn and her Children F. Hanjsiaengl, Photo, (^National Gallery, London) Lady Ann Bingham {^Spencer Collection) F. Hanfstaengl, Fhoto. 34 Sir Abraham Hume {^National Gallery, London) F. Han/staengl, Photo. Admiral Keppel (^National Gallery, London) F. Ha7tfstaengi, Photo. 36 Dr. Samuel Johnson {National Gallery, London) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. James Boswell {^National Gallery^ London) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, 38 SiDDONS AS THE Tragic Muse F. Ha>ijstnent;c, Fhoto. {Duhvich Gallery) 39 Dr. Richard Burke {Spencer Collect iott) F. Ha7ijstaengl, Fhoio. 40 Captain Orme F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. {National Gallery, London) 41 Mrs. Robinson ("Perdita") ( Wallace Collection) F. Hafijslaeiii^i, Fhoto. Mrs. Hoare and her Swn (lFa//ace Collection) I'\ HcDi/siaeiigl, Photo. {lyalluce CoLeciioti) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. Elizabeth Ann Linley (Ari Gallery, Glasgow) F. Hanjstaeiigl., Fhoio. Miss Bowles {PVallace Colleciion) F. HanJ^itaengl, Photo. Portraits ok Two Gentlemen (^National Gallery, Londoii) F. Hanjstacngl, Photo. Angelica Kauffmann {SJ>encer Collection) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 48 Mps. Carnac (IVallace Collection) F. Han/staengl, Photo. Nelly O'Brien {IFallace Collcctioii) F. Hanfitaengl, Photo. Portrait of a Lady (Angelica Kauffmann?) (Ari Gallery, Glasgow) F. Han/staengl, Photo. Portrait of a Lady (^National Gallery^ London) F. Hanfstaengl^ PJioto. Portrait of a Boy (Ari Gallery, Glasgo%v) F, Hanfstaeiigl, l^hoto. The Banished Lord (^National Gallery, London) 2^. Haiifstaengl^ Pholo. The Strawberry Girl {li'a//ace Collection) F. Han/staengl, Photo. ROBINETTA {^National Gallery , London) F. Han/siaengl, Photo. 56 The Age of Innocence {National Gallery^ London) F. Hanfotaengl, Photo. Heads of Angels (^National Gallery^ London) F. Hati/staeiigl, Photo. The Prophet Samuel {Dulwich Gallery) F. Han/staengl, Photo. The Infant Samuel kneeling IN Prayer {^National Galle7y, London) F. Han/staengl, Photo. Cupid loosening the Girdle OF Venus {The Hermitage^ St. Petersbn7-g) F. Hanfstaengly Photo. 62 63 65 A Complete List of Published Photographs ot REYNOLDS'S PICTURES to be had of Mr. Fran'z. Hanfstaengl, 1 6 Pall Mall East, London, S.F/. SIZES AND PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS — F^Folio (io"x 8'') Silver Print, i/6; Carbon Print, 3/- R = Royal (i5"x iz") - • „ 6/- I = Imperial (21" X 16") - - ,, 12/- Facs = Facsirriile (28"x2o|") - 30/- E = Extra (34^" X 26") - - 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number art stated as -well as the Size. Title. Gallery. No. SZK. 1 ;2 S Buckingham Portrait of Himself, Palace 83 FR Cimon and Iphigenia, 84 F E The Death of Dido, State Museum, 85 FR Portrait of Admiral Hughes, Buda-Pesth V F (12 by 9) 5/ Portrait of Maria Walpole,^ Countess of Wiildegrave, C'ond6 Museuni, and her infant daughter j Chantilly V I Lady Elizabeth Laura, J Portrait of Louis-Philippe- Joseph, Duke of Chartrea, afterwards Duke of Orleans, - Dulwich V I Mrs. Siddona as the Tragic Muse, 75 F R I A Mother and her sick Child, , 76 FR The Prophet Samuel, 77 F R Portrait of Himself, ■ Florence, Uffizi V F Portrait of a Lady (Angelic* Kauffmann?), Glasgow 17 F R Elizabeth Ann Linley 27 F R I Portrait of a Boy, 28 F R I The Graces decorating a terminal figure of Hymen, - London (Nat.Gal.) 36 F R I F The Infant Samuel kneeling iu 37 FRI P Heads of Angels, .... 38 F R I F The Age of Innocence, 39 FRI F 68 Tin E Gallery. No. Folio Peemanbkt Print. At 1/. Dr, Samuel Johnson, - Portrait of Lady Cockburn and London(Nat.Gal.) 45 F R I F her Children, 41 FR V Portrait of Lord Heathfield with the Key of the Fortress of Gibialtar in his hand, - 98 F R I F Portrait of Himself, 99 F R Portrait of Captain Orme, - 100 P R F Portrait of Two Gentlemen, The Snake in the Grass ; or, Love 101 P R I F unbinding the Zone of 102 F RI F George IV. as Prince of Wales, ■with Star and Eibbon of the 103 F R I Portrait of a Lady, 'I 104 F R I 105 FRI w Portrait of Anne, Countess of Albemarle, .... 106 FR F A Man's Head, in Profile, - 143 F The Banished Lord : a Head, 144 F I Portrait of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart., P.R.8., 148 F Admiral Keppell, ... J, 146 F F James Boswell : the Biographer of Johnson .... 147 F His own Portrait, ... 148 P Equestrian Portrait of Lord Cupid unbinding the Zone of V I St Petersburg 316 F R Hercules strangling the Serpent. V 1 (An allegory representing the triumph of Young Russia.) Portrait of P. Bartolozzi, tho Engraver, .... Venice Academy V I Lady Elizabeth Seymour, - Wallace Collection 6 FRI F Mrs. Hoare and her S jn, 7 FRI P Mrs. Carnac, .... 8 FRI F MIhs Bowles, .... 9 FRI F Nelly O'Brien, .... 10 FRI F The SlrAwbeiry Girl, - 11 FRI F Portrait of Mrs. Nesbitt with a Dove, 12 P R F Mrs. Robinson as -'Perdita," 13 FRI F Mrs. Braddyll, .... 14 FRI F Lady Frances Seymour. V F I Georgina, Duchtss of Devon- shire, and her Child, affer- wards Countess of Carlisle, - Windsor 63 FRI Sophie Matilda. iJuchess of Gloucebter, Child, 64 F R I 67 PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. Im chess of All caster, - J. J. Angerstein, . - - - Infant St. John the Baptist, Lady Mary Noel : bust, Oeorgiauft, Countess Spencer, and her Daughter, Lady Betty Foster, Oeorgiana, Ductiess of Devon- shiie, and her Daughter, William Augustus, Duke of Curaberlind, • - . - Lord Ei chard Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire, William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Devon-hire. . . - - Eugenie- Adelaide-Louise, Prin-"] cesse d'Orleana, called Madame Adelaide, daughter | of Louis - Philippe - Jt;seph, !> Duke of Orleans and of Louise - Marie - Adelaide of | Bourbon- Fenthifevre, - J Head of a Child, - Barbara, Countess of Coventry, Two Children with a JN et, - Mercury, the Th ef, Lord Eockinghara and his Secre tary Mr. Burke, Portrait of a Man, Tue Country Girl, Portrait of Mademoiselle Angelo, Portrait of Lady Bainpfylde, Portrait of the of Eut- land, . , . . . Mrs Lloyd writing the name of hsr husband on the trunk of a tree, Oarrick between Comedy and Tragedy, .... Master Braddyll, .... Mr. and Mrs. Braddyll and their Hon Lavima Countess Sf encer, - Lady Ann Bingham, - Lavmia Couottss Spencer ai,d her Son. John Charles Viscount Althorp, - Charles, l»t Earl of Lucan. Lavnia Viscountess Alth^ip, 1782, - - . . . Frances Marchioness of Carnden, George John Viscount Aithorr, aged 17, - - . . . G«orgiaua, Duchessof Devonshire (full length), .... John Charles Viscount Althorp, aged 4 years, - . . . Beattie Cook, Kichmond Devonshire, Ciatsworth Devon., London Do., Hard wick d'Etoilles Paris Farrer, London Henderson, Loud. Murray Eannie Baron Alfred M Rothschild, Lond. Lord Eothschild, London pencer, Alth V F 1 V F I V I V I 51 FK I 52 F E I 54 F E 1 55 F E 113 F E 156 F E 77 F E I 78 F K 79 F E iiO F E 81 F E 82 F EI 83 F R 68 Gallerv. No. Size. " «! !S WilHam, Duke of Devonshire, - Spencer, Althorp 84 F R La Marechale de Mays 85 F R (Chanoinesse). Richard, Earl of Lucau, 86 F R Angelica Kauffmunn, - 87 F R Portrait of Himself, 88 R Henrietta Frances, Countess of Bessborough .... 89 F R Fre^lerick, Earl of Besshorough, - ■ I 90 F R Dr. Richard Burke, 91 F K Kitty Fisher, Tennant V F I Westminster, Portrait of Mrs. Sidrtons, • Do., detail, bust, - London V I V I The Flight into Egypt, Wellington, Lond. V I Youss'iipofi' The Pet Bird St. Petersburg-. V 1 Portrait of a Lady, - Private Collection V F Mrs. Mary KobiusoUi ... V F at 5/- All the above are direct Photographic Reproductions from fhe Originals. Hand Eagravings or PhotogTtipias from lilngravings are not mciuded in tha list.