BY HOGARTH, WOOLLETT, PRINTS, BOOKS OF PRINTS, AND POR'ITOLIOS. CATALOGUE OP A COLLECTION ENGLISH PORTRAITS, MANY VERY RAKE, BY FAITHORNE, LOGGAN, &c. LORU MA TORS OF LONDON, &c. ' , Ifouciutlj THE COLLECTION OP AN ARTIST, ff INCLUDING MA^Y OP THE WORKS OF HOGARTH, WOOLLETT, RUBENS, S^c, A F E W D R A W I N G S, Ry r. and T. SANDBY, BOOKS OF PRINTS, STc. • Wb‘:ch will be Sold by Auction^ BY - . MM. MICMAMIDSON, AT HIS HOUSE, No. jr, IN THE STRAND, On Tuesday, 22, 1805, and two following Days, at 6 Clock i To be viewed on Monday, the 21st Inst, and Days of Sale. Catalogues to be had of Mr. Richardson, 31, Strand. Co!!c£lion8 of Prints, Books, &c. purchafed in Town or Country, or sold by Auction— Money advanced on Property inundwi for public Sale. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed ftiall be immediately put up again and re-fold. IL NoPerfon to advance left than 6d. ; above One Pound One Shilling; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d.; and fo in Pro- portion. III. The Purchafers to give In their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold, IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days aft^r the Conclufion of the Sale; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to be abfolutely paid on or before Delivery, V. ' Upon Failure of complying with the above Condi- tions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fnall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time afore- laid (hall be re-fcld by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. jGentlemen w^ho cannot attend the Sale, may have ^ their Commiffions faithfully executed by their humble Servant, W. Richardson. ( 1 ) Firft Evening’s Sale. PORTRAITS. LOT T SiM ALL Portfolio, with Portraits, &c* 2 Parcel — Englifli Portraits 3 Fifty — Englifli Portraits 4 Forty-fix — Ditto 5 Fifty-two — Ditto 6 Six — Pichegru, &c. 7 Parcel — Portraits Forty-five— Ditto 9 Six — Ditto KINGS, QUEENS, yl) 10 Thirty- four — ^by Vertue, &c. 11 Twenty-five — Ditto, 8vo. 12 Eleven — Prince Maurice, &c. on Horfeback — .2.13 Twenty — in Ovals, 8vo. 14 Thirty— Various 15 Thirteen- — Henry IV. Louis XIII. &c, ' -/4'I6 Seven — Stanillaus Podolphus, &c. curious 17 Eleven — Charles V. Prince Maurice, &c. 4^18 Thirteen — -Charles L 11 . &c. 3' 19 Twenty-one — Ditto 5-^20 Six — Frederick Henry, &c. 21 Ten — Charles I. and Family, &c. Forty — ^Johnof Auftria, &c. yo 23 Thirty— V arious B ( 2 ) ^'0 24 y-hT-s rjOlr^ U0Z\ lo^oZZ 10‘0Z^ 35 y-0 3^ U-02,1 S-03^ t o 39 3'ff^o /•^ 4 i /H 42 /^-^43 /^^44 ^'-^45 Siv — William, Pr!nceofOrange,mez-by^«/V^r,yr^rr^5^r, Seven — George II. III. &c. by Houfton, &c. Five^Charles XII. &c. by Smith Five~The Abdicated Family Seven - - Ditto T nree- CharlesII. Queen Catharine, by Ed. Davts^Tini Jame^, Duke of York, by Loggan^ whole lengths Two — k ha les II. by Van Hoven^ and Edward III. Eleven — Anne Bullen, William III. by Houbraken, &c. P"ivc — Queen Elizabeth in her Robes, Charles II. on h;s Throne, &c. Three — Qiiecn Elizabeth, Mary, Queen of Scots, and Robert, Earl of Leycefter, in ovals,, curious Three — The City Remembrancer for 1707, rare and cu* riovs.^ Charles I. by Gaywood^ and Charles II. in an oval, fine Four — Guftavus Adolphus, by Pontius^ Francis I. PYcd. Henry, by Van Queborn,’&c. fine Four — Qiueen Mary, Charles I. by Vorjlerman^ and William, Prince of Orange, on Horfeback, by Van Merlen Five— by Gunft, &c. one uhfinifhed, curious I'en — Charles I. by Faithorne, &c. 7 'hirteen — Small, by Pafs, &c. curious Seven— Charles L taking Leave of his Children, &c. Five — Peter the Great, Catharine,’&c. One — King Charles II. in Armour, the Sun rifing in the back Ground, fine and rare One — Ditto, in an oval, after Hanneman, by Danckers, fcarce One — King Charles V. with Emblems, hy IE. Yico^ fcarce Three — Frederick, Prince of Wales, by Baron, &c. One — Charles II. James II. and Henry, Duke of GIou- cefter, with hiftorical V*ignets, by Schoonbeck, fine and rare PEERS, &c. 7/147 Twenty-one — Lord Vaux, Earl ofEffex, by Bartolozzl, &c* S ^ 48 T welve — Earl ofChefterfield, Earl of Bath, by Martin, &c. ^r^49 Eight — George Talbot, Earl of Shrewlbury, he. proofs U'bSO Three — Duke of Leinfter, by Hodges, and Duke of Dorfetjby Reynolds, 2 proofs Five — George Lord Carpenter, Duke^of Dcrfet, &c. Twelve — Lord Gower, &c. ( 3 ) ^-^53 Eigl^teen— -Vifcount Hampden, &c. 6-^54. Eight — Pwobert, Earl of Leicefter, hy Marfhall, Lord Bacon, See, ^"^55 Seven — Robert, Earl of Leicefter, Lord Herbert, of Cherbury, by Walker, Earl of Shrewlbury, &c. ^'^56 Sixteen — John^ Duke of Bedford, &c. $^057 Six— -Henry, Earl of Arundel, by Lombart, &c. 58 One — ^James, Duke of York, by Gammon^ fearce 12 *^ S9 One— Alexander, Earl of Moray, by V^andrebanc, fcarce U^0 6o Twenty-one — Earl of Chefterfield, by Worlidge, &c. S'b()i Eight — William, Earl of Craven, Anthony, Karl of Shaftfbury, &c. iS'O ()2 Two — James, J^uke of Richmond, by Faithorne^ and Edward, Earl of Sandwich, by Blooteling, jcarce ^'^63 Two — The Duke of Schomberg, by Vandiebanc, and Lord Ligonier, by Tanje,/«^ andfcarce 64 Five — Earl of Romney, by Browne, &c. One— -John, Duke of Lauderdale, by Valck, One — IVilliam^ Earl of Pembroke^ hy V oexii^ fne and Jcarce ^'^67 Sixteen-— Sir Robert Jeffrie, See, proofs ^'^68 Eighteen — Robert Titchborn, Lord Mayor, Sir John Brockett, Sir William Brog, &c. Eighteen — Sir Henry Spelman, by R. White, &c. U'b 70 Thirty-two — Sir Paul Rycaut, &c. Nine— Richard Brathwait, Sir Richard Baker, Selden, kc. ^ 072 Six — John Cockfhuit, by Loggon^ Robert Srapyiton, by Lombart, &c. Thirteen — Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir Chaloner Ogle, &c. / 4^^74 — Robert Fludd, jefeph Blagravc, and John Mid* dleton, fcarce^ &c. Twenty — Colbert, Defcartes, &c. 77"^ 76 Sixteen — Eleazar Wigan, John Murray, cf Sacomb, Peere Williams, by Vertue, &c. ^'0 77 Seven — Sir Charles Wager, Sir Peter Warren, &c. 78 Nine — Sir Edward Leigh, Sir Samuel Morland, kq, 7-^79 Thirteen — Sir Matthew Hale, Juftice Blackftone, kc. w' 0%0 Twelve— Ley bourn, Lilly, Paikins,&:c. Eleven — Salmon, Lobb, H. Junius, &c. 82 Eleven— Ben Jonfon, Fletcher, Shakefpeare, &c. — 4 "^ 83 Fight — Cooke, Salmon, Willis, by Locgm,&::. 84 Five — Salmon, by Sherwin, Robert Fiu-d, Her/ev, bv Hall, &c. ^ ' 2*l> 85 One— Sir William Berkeley, a Drawing B z ( f ) 0 86 Five — Auftin, by Glover, Dalton^ SirF. Drake, Whar- ton," &c. Jcarce /S^b gy Two — Sir P. Sidney, in Armour, and Sir Thomas Fair- fax on Horfeback, by Marfliall, fine JO^b 88 Three- — Samuel Bochart, by Lochon, Polyander, by V. Dalen, &c: fine S*k 89 One — Sir Edward Nicholas, by Hertochs, fine ^ O 90 Four — Sir Edward Dering, &c. from the Heroloogia ^"^91 Two— Hamet Ben Hamet, by Tomkins, one ^ proof ^' 0^2 Two — DittOj proofs * Jlrb 92 Eleven — Dn Johnfon, by Bartolozzi, Ifiac Reed, &c. Seven — Sir Nathan Wright, by White, Sir Henry Dalrymplc, &c. 95 Four — Dr. Bufby, Right Honourable Henry Pelham, ^ - William Conolly, &c. fcarce b'b g5 SJr p, p. Rubens, and Richard Bernard, by Hollar, fine 97 Four — Bi (hop Morton, by Faithorne, Anderfon, by Ditto, Judge Rolle, &c. / 0 *i> 98 Four — Sir Robert Berkley, John Pym, Sir Benjamin Rudyard, and Sir Edward Dering, frnall ovals^ by Hollar S* b 99 Eleven — Mezzotintos, Eoerhaave, byG. White, &c. 1^*0 ICO Five — Thomas Prior^ Efq, by Spooner^ Chriflopher Rawlinfon, Efq. by Smith, ArchibaldBowyer, a proof &c. Ilfb 101 Three — Samuel Collins, by Faithorne^ Joihud, Silveftre, by Van Dalen, and Captain Sturmy b^O 102 Five — Sir VV.^Mufgi-ave, by J. R. Smith, the Right Honourable W. Brownlow, bv Hodges, proof, &c. ^ J03 One — Admiral RuPieW^ fine and farce IC4 Six- — Sir W. William Wynn, biZi one a proof / / J05 Eight— General Wafhington,, by Nutter, W. Penn, by ^ Hall, &c. I 05 I'ive — The Right Honourable William Pitt, by Brome^ Edmund Burke, by Hardy ^ Sir Ifaac Newton, by Reading, proof 107 Seven — Sir Ifaac proof Dr. Johnfon, by Heathy Edmund Burke, &c. 108 Ten — Nathar iel Chauncy, &c. ^'^109 Ninetee:. — Addifon, Boyle, Locke, Pnilips, by Vander Gucht, &c. 3^0 110 Nine — liluftrious Heads, by Houbraken, &c, S*b III Twenty-nine — George Keate, by Sherwin, Richard Glover, &c. 3 '^ 1 12 Eighteen — Thomas Vernon, by Vcrtue^&c. Ptb I ‘3 Forty-fix— Portraits 1:4 One — Sir George SavUle^ by B. Wilfon, VV.OOY fcarce ( ^ ) X 15 Eight — Milton^ &c. by Cipriani , and India paper y. If lib Six — Darcy Wentworth, &c. by Pafs — Hamet Ben Hamet, by Tomkins, in colours, Ii8 Eleven — Sir Philip Stapylton, &c, proofs on India paper ^ 119 Eight — P'rom Harding’s Shakefpeare, 120 7 'welve — William Whitehead, Poet Laureat, icc. proofs — William Lambarde, by Vertue, and -Sir Ifaac Newton, on India paper ^ by Reading 122 Crebilionand P. Corneille, by Fiequet, and others y*If X23 Four — James Figg, by Faber, Broughton, Taylor, &c. 124 Ten — Colonel Blood, Dicky Dickinlbn,Aber Roper, &c, yy ^25 Twenty-one — Various 125 Ten — Baft wick, Lilbuni, &c. by Hollar CLERGY, 3 *6 127 Seventeen — Charles Mafon, Samuel Pegge, by Bafire, &c. 128 Seventeen — Samuel Clarke, by Gaywood^ Martin Luther, &:c. ^-<>129 Sixteen — Ignatius Loyola, Timothei Crufo, by R. White, &c. "^ Oi'^o Thirty-feven — Bifliop Wilkins, &c, y*Oi 2 ^i Fifteen — Bifliop Biackall, Jofeph Perkins, by R, White, ^ &c. T32 Twelve— Cardinal Beaton, William Outram^by White, &c. Eight — George Walker, by le Feuille, Benjamin Hoadley, byG. Vertue, T. Woolfton, &c. 4 '^ 134 Seven— Ditto, &c. y^Is 135 Eighteen — Blfliop Warburton, James Fofter, &c. Tv/enty — Dr. Robertfon, Biftiop T revor, &c, f Eleven — Dn Parnell, Bifliop Gailrell, by Vertue, &c. proofs H \0 138 Thirteen — John Wallis, by Stephen Charnock, by R. White, &c. 139 Four — Richard Stock, Edward Rainbow', by Sturt, and William Sherwin, farce 140 Five — John Prefton, 'Fhomas Scott, Francis Bugg, John Everard, &c. fine and farce /tyb 141 Six — Biihop C/her, by King, by Pas, hz, fne and farce 142 Chriftopher Love, by Tyfon^ Bifliop Bonner, &c. S^O 143 Tv/elve-— Bifhop Fo-wler, by Smiih, &c. ^'pl44 Eight — Robert EgiesLld, by Faber, T homas Strick- land, &c. / ( 6 xO ^ 4-5 Twcnt}r~Ignatiiis Loyola, £frV. /* 6'0 S46 Sixteen — From the Heroloogia, f b ^47 Thirteen— Rivet, -7-/1 148 Ten — Bifhop Tillotfon, bv Vertue, Biflxop Sharpe, hy / R. White, &c. 3 b 149 Three — Edmund Arrowfmith, Richard Herft, and Car- dinal Granvill a 150 One— ‘John Goodwin^ with a Windmill over his Head, Pride and Error blowing the Sails, fine and ficarce tkrb Two— Arthur Lake, and Peter Smart, by Hollar, very fine lb a 152 Two — William of Wykeham, by Grignon, fine and , ficarce tt'O 153 Two— Ditto End ofi the Firjl Evening^ s Sale. ( ^ ) Second Evening’s Sale. PORTRAITS. lOT I IP ARCEL y* O 2 Eighteen — by Hollar 3 'Fwcnty-three — Ditto, &c. % 0 4 Seventeen-— Mezzotintos 5 Nine— Ditto Ladies 6 Eleven-^-Dirto 4-6 7 Thirteen — Houbraken, &c. ^ 8 Seventv-feven — by Kilian, &c. 2- ^ 9 T wenty •one — by Smith, &c. ^^^10 Eleven— after Sir Jofnua Reynolds T wenty* two — Nantuil, &c. ^ J2 Thirty-one — Portraits, v/ith their Lives 13 Six — Death of Sir Philip Sidney ARTISTS. I ^-614 Nineteen — Michael Angelo, &c. b O^S Nine — Le Brim, by Edelinck, Van Bleeck, 16 I'wo — Baccio Bindanelli, fine Eight — Coyzevex, Sir Wiliiam Chambers, &c. Eleven — Samuel Coopers, Francis Cleyn, £^c. Thirteen — Gerard Don, by De Greot, Dietrich 20 Seven — Elifheimer, Foreft, by Drever, See. ^.^2 1 Eight — GuiJo, he. Thirteen — Gerard Honlhorft, &c, ^^23 Six — Abraham Kondius, Gibbons, &c. y^ 02 A Sixteen— Cornelius JamTen, Inigo jenes, Sir / Knelier, &c. , &c. Godfrey ( 8 ) fj 25 Ten — Sir Peter Lely, Laniere, Lambert, &c. /f 'O 26 Twenty-one — Philip Mercier, 7 'homas Murey, &c. C'O 27 Nineteen — Pollenbergh, Mr. Pine, after Hogarth^ by ^ M^Ardell, &c. ^•4 28 Twenty-tv/o — Raphael, &c, jO'b ^9 Twenty — Segcrs, Jan Steen, &c. /f b 30 Nine — Paul Sandby, &c. 31 Eight— Schalken, by Smithy Abraham Symonds, by Blooteling, &c. f-b 32 Eight — Titian, P. Tefta, Sir James Thornhill, &c. 33 Fourteen — Sir John Vanbrugh, Vande Velde, &c. 10*^ 34 Twenty-one — B. Wilfon, Sir Chriftopher Wren, &c. 35 Twelve — Sir Godfrey Kneller, by Beckett, &c. fg b 36 Feur — Vaillant’s Family, and fcarce \ 37 Four — Stubbs, Schmidt, Worlidge, and Woollett, by Sherwin, fine proof 38 Thirty-five — Printers and Letter- founders ik^b 39 Three — Ifaac Oliver, proofs L. Vorfterman, &c. ACTORS, MUSICIANS, &c. 40 Twenty-f X— Henderfon, Betterton, &c. 4! 7 'wenty 7 even — Garrick, Quin, &c. 42 Five — Bannifter, Jun. &c. after de Wilde, in colours g 43 Nine — Lewis, Holman, &c. 44 Forty — Eminent Cofnpofers /Sb Seventeen — Dr. Arne, Handel, Haydn, &c. 46 Six — Waltz, Tenducci, &c. 47 Eight — Dr. Arne, Beard, &c. 0 48 Eight— Walker, Shuter, Garrick, Powell, &c. " 49 Eight — Mrs. Cibber, Mrs. Pritchard, &c. 7-^ 50 Nine — Holman, Mrs. Merry, &c. after de Wilde, in colours h o 51 Six — Ditto, proofs $ 0 52 Six — Ditto 53 Two — Chriftopher Simpfon, by Faithorne, fine and fcarce^ ilrO 54 One — Richard Low, by Beckett, rare /f'bSS Six — Walker, Macklin, Quick, &c. 'l b 56 'Fwelve — by Gardiner, Harding, &c. 30^1 Fourteen — Ditto ( 9 ) LORD MAYORS, &c. OF THE CITT OF LONDOH. Thirty-four — John Wilkes, &c. ^/)58 Fourteen — Robert Titchborn, 1657-— Brafs Crosby, Richard Oliver, &c. JrOS 9 ^'hree —Richard Whittington, by Eljlrack^ and Sir Ifaac Pennington in the Committee^ or^ Popery in Maf- querade S'i 60 Three — Sir Thomas Rawlinfon, by Vertue, and John Barber 61 Five — Sir Richard Hoare, Sir ^.Robert Ladbroke, Brafs Crosby, &c, 7*^ 62 Five — Robert Clayton, by S?nithy John Barber, by Fa- ber, Alderman Benn, &c. 7-A 63 Four— John Wilkes, Frederick Bull, Richard Oliver, . by Dickenfon, &c. tPb 64. Four— Sir John Salter, hy Miller^ Sir Samuel Garrard, . Alderman Benn, &c. 65 Two — Sir Thomas Grefliam, by Thew, and Sir Richard Whittington, by Elftrack S'O 66 Three — Beckford, by Bartolozzi^ Ditto, by Grignion^ &c* 67 Five — John Barber, Beckford, by Bartolozzi, &c, flyO Two — Sir Crifp. Gafcoigne, by M^Ardell^ and Sir Ro- bert Ladbroke, by Faber, whole lengths^ fine S b 6g Two-^John Sawbridge, by Watfon^ and Frederick Bull, proof 70 Two-^Sir Barnard Turner, by Walker, proofs Benjamin Hopkins, by Delegal Two — Beckford, by Dixon^ and John Sawbridge, by* IVatfon^ whole lengths g'oyi Eight — ^View of the Manfion Houfe, City Arms, &c, LADIES. Sr If 73 Twelve— The Coiintefs of Eflex, &c. hy Smith ^.0 74. Eleven — Lady Eflex, Mollyii, &c. ditto gfi 75 Seven — Lady Litchfield, &c. whole lengths Sever — Lady Fortefeue, Lady Vifeountefs Spencer, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, &c. yh n-j Eight— Elizabeth, Duchefs of Hamilton, &c. C ( 10 ) brb 78 I'en — Princefs Mary, by Mifs TVatJon^ Mrs. P^obinfonV by Dickiiifon, &c. yo yg Eight — Lady Morton, Mrs. Catharine Philips, &c. S^O 80 Fourteen— From Harding’s Shukefpea’*e, he, feme proofs /2 0 81 'fhree— A 4 adam Jane Lofig^ by Tompfon^ Mary, Duchcls ^ of York, by BJooteling, &c. /^ O 82 Three — ‘The Lady Ifabella, Lady Bucknell, hy Beckstty and Lady Lifle 2^ O 3o Two — LarJy Joiiesy by Tompfon, and the Countefs of ! Rochejiery by M^Ardell, proof fca?ce o 34 Two — Lady Bellafiie, by Tompfon^ and Duchefs of Cleaveiand, hy Ditto fO^b 85 T.h J iJO One — Oliver Crotmifll^ with the ten Regicides, extra rare and fime h iD *0 1 1 1 One — .dlexanderEar!Adorayfi>yV 7 indrQh;xnc^fine andrare — dwardj Lord Littleton, by Failhorne, W rare O JI3 One — Seth BiOtop of Salifbiiry, by Lo'igan^dkto I'll'b 114 OtiC — David PcpilliGn^ in a Title Page, by Crois, rare b'b ^^5 — Arthur Hilderfhctm, /O'b 1 16 One — John Wallis, by Faithorne, fim^e 117 One — Dr. Dorijlaus^ ftanding with a j/viafiC in h!s right Hand, 'i ime, Truth, and other curious Em- blems, rare f' A >^0 i r3 One — Thomas Larnplugh^ Jrchbijhop ofi Yorh^ by Van- drcbanc, extra rare and fine S'O 1 1 9 T wo — Portraits, proofs, Bartolozzi U O J20 Eight — Ditto, by Gardiner, fine h g o 121 Sixteen — Ditto g $'0 122 Twelve — Di to ^^2 0 ^^3 — 'Cartvj ReynelJ^ by Faithorne, gO^b 124 One — George ^fiop^i^ by Sherwin, 4 Englifn Verfes, Jlne and rare g.b 125 Fifteen— From FlarJing’s Shakefpeare, proofs 126 Eighteen— Founders ot Oxford, by Burghers H o ^27 Twenty-two — Ditto, mezzotinto 128 Twenty-two — Ditto /J'/>i 29 Twenty-three — Ditto /- VO 130 Fifty-leven— Harding’^ Shakefpeare 131 One — John Ellis, by Pether, private plate, firn^ fib ^ 3 ^ Honourable William Hodges^ by Smith, and jcarce fiO 133 One — Richard Head, fix EngliQi Verfes, fcai ce f J134 One — Bevernjngk, by Blooteling^ fine 7 135 Fourteen — Portraits, by Gardiner, &c, fine, 13& Eleven — Ditto ^ beO^Zl Twenty — Ditto Eighteen— Views of Colleges, with Portraits of the Founders i ^39 — Durant, ficarce *j-£ ^4^ Six— Vifeount Townfiiend, &c. ^ C 2 ( 12 ) historical. J41 One — The RalFel of the Princes, by Pafs, fcarce 14^ One— England’s Misery, with the Execution of Blundell and Conyers^ for the Fire of London, and Romeos Trechery and Hell-bred Cruelty, very rare ,4^^143 One — Description OF the late Rebellion in THE West, with the Execution of the Duke of Monmouth, 1685— and curious 144 Two — Narrative of the horrid HelUJh Popijh Ploty ditto & ' 145 Three— Capital Drawings ^reprefenting fames IIP and IV, of Scotland^ and Margaret of Denmark^ from the very curious Picture at Kenfington Palace 146 Four— Portfc lios yi, 147 Three — Ditto End of the Second Eitening's Safe. Third Evening's Sale. VARIOUS. LOT 1 LARGE Parcel Architecture, Inigo Jones, &c. 2 I'hirty-three— Ornaments, Antiquirics, l:c. 3 A large Parcel 4 Ditto 5 Ditto Birds and Animals, by Hollar, Stoop, See* 6 Twenty-one — Guido and Titian 7 Eighteen~Landfcapes, Etchings, &c. 8 Thirty-five-— Scripture, VanderBorcht 4-^9 T wenty- two— -Italian, &c. Fifteen — Etchings, Guido, &c. Fifty — Various, Ditto b'^l2 Nine— ^Guido, Spagnolet, &c. ^(yb 1 3 Seventeen— Horfes, &c. 1 4 Tw^enty — Caricatures U-O^S Twenty — Ditto ?'^j 6 Sixteen— Hiftory of a Pope, curious , ^^17 Twenty-one— Hiftorical Sketches >4-^1 8 Twelve — Corregio, &c, Jg Twenty — Le Brun, &c, 20 Five — after Lambert, &c. one a Drawing 21 Ten— After Sir Joihua Reynolds, &c. Five — Teniers, Berghem, &c. Three— Views in Egypt, after Mayy, in colours V07.\ Sixty-five — Views in Holland Seventeen- Perelle, &c. '^^26 Nineteen — Barlow, Berghem, &c. Twenty-fix— Mark Antonio, &c. { H ) 28 Forty- five — A. Durer, &c. U'b 29 Fourteen — Grofe’s Views in Ireland, proofs 30 Eighteen — Ditto in England 3^ Twenty-feven — Views in Holland 32 Fifty-fix — Scripture Subjects 33 Forty-feven — Callot & Della Bella Jif»0 3"^ Nineteen — Ditto ^.0 35 Eighteen — Proofs from Harding’s Shakefpeare b*b 3^ Twenty*eight — -Goltzius, &c. ^^^ 37 Tvventy-four — Rembrandt and Callot 3^ Twenty-eight — Cornelius de Wael, Plczvty See. fear cff 3*0 39 Seven — Portraits — Nantuil, &c, 4.0 Four— After Pouflin and Watteau 0^0 41 Nine— Alter Pouffirij S. Rofa, by Canot^ Vivares, See, 0 42 Six — Bartolozzi, &g. jrb 43 Threp — ilymphs Bathing, after Barralet, &c. by Bar- tolozzi ^0 44 Two — P. de Laer and Rembrandt, proofs 30 45 Seven— Hiltofical Drawings hb 46 Nineteen — Tempefta, &c. S'0 47 ^''ght — After Carlo Marrat, &c. 2 b 4*^ i welve — after Rubens, &c. A*b 49 Five — Portraits, Nantuil, &c. ^^b 50 Seven — Various Portraits, &c. A 0 5^ T wr — The Judgment of Paris, &c. after Cipriani, fiy Bartolozzi 6 0^2 Forty-three — ■Landfcapes,after Claude3&c.Poullin,byPond /To 53 Four — After Gainfborough and Wilfon, by Browne, &c. I$ I> 54" Twelve — The Months, after Hamilton, by Bartolozzi, fine fi O 55 Five — After Teniers, by Major, Sie, fine 0 56 Six— Ditto, by Le Bas, &c. 57 — Hiftorical Drawings, J*05*^ Two — Drawings of Shipping, in colours >4-/59 OriQ — The Cornaro F^imily, after Titian, by Baron, Twenty — Landfeapes, after Rubens, by Bolfwert 61 Two — Indian Drawings, of Flowers, Birds, he. fine ^*0 62 One — The Lion and Boar, after Snyders, hy Earlom^ fine g.Q 63 Two — Moderate and Brilk Gale, after Vander Velde, - &c. by Canot S o 64 Two — F'efte de Village, &c. Teniers, by Le Bas A*0 65 One — Warwick Caftle, a Drawing, P, Sandby lj*0 66 Six — Views in Windfor, hy finely tinted / /f'O 67 Six— Ditto, larger, very fine ^•>0 68 Two — Drawings frem Nature 69 Nineteen — Turkifh Cavalry, &c. ( 15 ) Eighteen— Views of Colleges, with Portraits of the Founders lU'O 7 1 Forty-feVen — Cathedrals, &c. by Kin 7 ^ fine F our — Wefjminfter Abbey, Ditto Sixteen — Views in England, by Bafire, &c. 74 Nine—DittOj by Hearne and Byrne, fine 75 Twenty-fix — From Grofe’s Antiquities, &c. 76 7 'w^enty-feven — Ditto, with the Letter Prefs, 410. Seventeen — Views in Ireland, Ditto, proofs^ 78 Tv/enty-two — in England, Ditto ^ (j 79 Sixteen — V iews by 'i omkins in the Ille of Wight, proofs 7-^80 Fourteen — Ditto '^'0 81 Two — After Baroccio, &c. on fatin 82 T wenty-three— Lucas Van Leyden, &c* HOGARTH’S WORKS. 83 Two — Portrait of Hogarth’s Painting, and Henry VIII. with Anne Builen /A 0 84 'Fwclve — The Induftrious and Idle Apprentices /iV S5 Ten — The Times, Don Quixote, Lottery, &c. 85 Four — Sleeping Congregation, Diftreft Poet, and Beer ^ Street, and Gin Lane 87 T^/c— Midnight Converfation, and Southwark Fair 88 Four — Columbus, Inn Yard, and the Analyfis of Beauty /h^b 89 Six — The Helot’s Progrefs rr^ 90 Eight — Thefeake’s Progfefs Fourt-The Times of the Day ’ J! T’vVC^Paul before Felix, and Mofes brought to Pharoah^s Daughter 93 Two — The Good Samaritan, and Pool of Bethefda, fb *0 94 Two; — March to Finchtey, and the Strolling Players 95 Six-- Marriage a la Mode, fine ^"*0 9 ^ Two — The Before and After / ^*0 97 Four — The Ele&ions 9 ^ Four — France and England, Roaft Beef of Old Eng-a land, and the Tail Piece J 00 99 One — The Beggar’s Opera VARIOUS MASTERS. Sh 100 Five— After Vander Velde, Berghem, Potter, &c. by Canot and Major, fine 10 1 Three — After Rubens and Pouffin, by Browne, &c. t IB ) y -0 t02 *f wo~V ifevv ori the River Po, &c. after Claude, By Mafon, &c. I 103 Two — Mr. Kemble and Jofeph Lange, by Bartolozzi* &c. i04 One— The NafTau Family, after Van Dyck, by Baron,' , . 9 lO'J Seven — MezzotintoSj by Heus, Ridlnger, &c. }o6 Two — Weft End of Weftminfter Abbey, the Etchings tO'O 107 One — Roach Albey^ Yorkpirci, an Original Drawing, by Paul Sandhy WOOLLETT, &c. $-0 ic8 One— Scene in the Maid of the Mill, by JP'oollett^ fint 0 log Three— Garden at Carlton Houfe, by Ditto^ ditto 110 One— The Spanifli Pointer, DittOy ditto Jii One— Roman Edifices in Ruins, Diito^ditto 112 One — The Rural Cot, Ditto^ ditto HAUO 1 13 Four — '^Fhe, afterStubbs, Ditto^ ditto JO^O IH Two- — 'The Lauding of iSneas, and the d'emple of Apoiio, after Claude, by JVcbllett and Majon /s^6 1 15 Tvve — Niobe and Phaeton, after VVilfon, by WooIIett, fine Xi6 I'wc— Premium Landfeapes, after Smith of Chichef. ter, by Ditto 10' b 117 One~Jacob and Laban, after Claude, by ooW^XX^ fine iy* O I i S Four — after Loutherbeurg, by VVdollett, dartc-Iozzi, he. 0 Jig Urie~ I he Circumcifion a ter. Guercino, by Barto- IcZZi, &C. S* O 120 One — ^Silence, after Carracci, by Ditto, /f*0 121 Two — The Cottagers and Jocund Peafant, by WooIIett /jj*0 122 'Two — 'Fhe Waggoner and Watering Place, after Rubens, by Urozvne-, 123 (.)nc — Banditti Priiuners, after by Browne 124. Six-Views, Port of Naples, .&c. by P. Sandby^ fine* proofs 125 I'hrec — View in WincJfor Park, the original Draw- ings^ by T. banuliy 126 Two— L'ltcrior of Srablcs, Cajnnova 127 TTvo^ View of White Hah^ with the Gate^ by T. Sandby, original Draivings t-lj 128 Four~>l';othweil Caftle,, Sterling Cafile, and Cathcart Bridge near Glafgow, 6cc. ( 17 ) Six— Large Landfcapes, after Rubens, by BoTwert 130 One — Prcl'entation in the 1 emp!e, after Ditto, by Pontius,/?//^ Two — I'he Falling Angels, after Ditto, by Van Orlcy, &CC. y 132 Two — After PoUiiin and Le Seur, one Viproof Three — L’Embarquement. pour Cythere, &e. Watteau ^ 134 One — Niobe, after Wilfon, by Sharp, &c. U^O 135 Two — Country Wake, &c. after Ifaac CILide, by Canot and Major yr-17136 Tw^o— After Pouffin, Mofes ftriklng the Rock, by Baudet, &c. 37 One — The Finding of MoLs, after Coypel, by J. Audran, fne — Mofes killing the Shepherd, after Le Brun, by y Audran, fine \ BOOKS AND BOOKS OF PRINTS, ^"^^39 Shakefpearlan Mufeum, 7 Numbers I Ireland’s Views on the Avon, fine plates Hume’s Hiftory of England, 8 vol. ^•^142 Bromley’s Catalogue of Portiaits i.A''^l43 Polyanthca, 2 vol. -?*t>J44. The Light Horfe Drill, plates n 145 Twelve — Etchings after Italian Makers, by Tjarfohz%\ 146 Hiftory of Gothick and Saxon Architedtpre, With plates of the Cathedrals 1798 147 LeS'Plans, Coupes, Profils, et Elevations de la Chapelh ^ du Chatteau Royale de Vcrfailles, par La Pautre 148 Caftell’s Villas of the Ancients ill uft rated, 149 .Dalton’s Views and Antiquities of Athens, Sec. 150 Tombeaux de Princes, Grand Capitaiiies, ct aaitre I -( Hommes Illuftre? — \ 7^ \ 151 Les Tableaux des Galleries dc I’Eglife dcs Jeruitf., par Rubens 152 Girtin’s Views in Paris, 153 Plans and Elevations of Houghton, L. P. 15^ Saxton^ s Maps of England,'^ the Coats of Ann:^ and Portrait of ^icen Elizabeth on her Tbroniy zotourc j\ bound in Ruflia — ^ ' ^ 57 ^ FINIS mfnijoGr \%o6 THE GEtr; CENTER LIBRARY \