^- ^ 1/ y7 ^ '/^a^.. /J'/J' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute http://www.archive.org/details/architectureruraOOwrig FROI^TISPIEC E ' Ar\ of/Vivlnrertwro, alWrM GROTESQUE ARCHITECTURE ; OR, MUM^L. ^MUSEMEJVTs CONSISTING OF PLANS, ELEVATIONS, AND SECTIONS, HUTS, RETREATS, SUMMER AND WINTER HERMITAGES, TERM IN ARIES, CHINESE, GOTHIC, AND NATURAL GROTTOS, CASCADES, BATHS, MOSQUES, MORESQUE PAVILIONS, GROTESQUE AND RUSTIC SEATS, GREEN-HOUSES, &c. Many of which may he executed with Flints, Irregular Stones, Rude Branches, and Roots of Trees. THE WHOLE CONTAINING TWENTY-EIGHT NEW DESIGNS, WITH SCALES TO EACH. TO WHICH IS ADDED, AK EXPLAJ^ATIOJ^, WITH THE METHOD OF EXECUTING THEM. By WILLIAM WRIGHTE, Architect A NEW EDITION. LONDON : Printed hy JV. Stratford, Crown-Court, Temple-Bar ; for J. TAYLOR, AT THE ARCUITECTUBAL LIBRARY, JJO. 59, HIGH HOLBORN. 1815. GROTESQUE ARCHITECTURE. PLATE I. PLAN and elevation of a hut, to be built with trunks of trees and irregular timber. The inside walls may be lined with moss, and covered on the top with thatch. It is intended to represent the primitive state of the Doric Order, and is proper to be placed at the entrance of a wood, or on the top of a small eminence. The dimensions are figured on the plan. PLATE IL Plan and elevation of an hermetic retreat, to be composed of roots and irregular branches of trees, cemented together with a strong binding clay, and maybe thatched or covered with branches of trees twined round with ivy. The dimen- sions are figured on the plan. PLATE IIL Elevation of an hermit's cell, with rustic seats attached, eight feet square in the inside, which should be situated in a rising wood near some running water, to be built partly of large stones and trunks of trees, set round with ivy, and lined with rushes, &c. The roof should be covered with thatch, and the floor paved with small pebble stones or cockle shells. The seats attached are intended to be com- posed of large irregular stones, roots of trees, &c. PLATE IV. Plan and elevation for an hermitage, in the eastern style, supposed to be built round a tree which supports its ro(.'i"; over the door is a tablet, with an Arabic inscription; ti.- roof is covered with thatch, in the Chinese taste ; the insid('/'/f C to I to. Fit,. Scale' n. 10. C/ot/iic (//'OflP. f^ Q^J^iuan/a^ TL13. e //'/////////<'// LMjrai/c PI id 5^ Fl.uf. Fi. %c. (y/v/rjy//r, o/- ^/i/nuf/ /^/){/t/r it 5 lof' ^yi///7// ' //(u^/zifj n.2i. 53i.V. Pi.zz. n.T^. 30f Tl.24. OjcctlO^l t^ *y^ Ul^ 2'2 • ■ ■ ' ' - t^/^ Fl.'Zb. f /v///;//////' ^ VewA