1) WcXk. e IS \ M(rrJ\u>C CI^i^/Xa^ ' - ^ Cfi/vv vm. ’, IaI otI\ \~-a-V UxJs ci> • £2 ,p, (4W^ Yw m C fU-*k , ^ ^ ( H r fwUv \ £”~ K~'*-t^ "Z ( [‘‘f . )Vn5^] Wa-i. >- 1- fl °' ■ (, H r W 5 ^pr. 2 °| Lo CAM OF THE COLLECTION OF Hilte & ^tlto-dult fllate, MINIATURES, GOLD BOXES, ETUIS, FANS AND OTHER OBJECTS OF VERTU, AND THE CASKET OF JEWELS, OF HEE GEACE CAROLINE, DUCHESS OF MONTROSE, DECEASED, Including a magnificent Pearl Necklace, formed of Eight Hows of 412 Pearls: which (by Order of the Representative) tip roli) H> Hurtion t)) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, at racist cmKA'sr ro@ms, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, APRIL 29, AX TWO O’CLOCK (after the sale of the cellar of wines), And on TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, S King Street , St. James's Square, S. W. 2.6H7--0S% Luf CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 — - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s,; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale snail be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day’s Sale. On MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1895, AT TWO O’CLOCK. (After the Sale of the Cellar of Wines from 45 Belgrave Square.) SILVER —At per Oz. /— //- r 3. / 2 _ 3 .r. 7 22.. Q- C. -.5 1 Three small pairs of sugar-tongs, with twisted stems, chased with cnpids 2 A pair, of globular pomanders, engraved with shell and scroll ornaments, surmounted by groups of cupids sup- ' i ^ porting a globe . . . . v 3 A boat-shaped cigar-lighter, with three partly fluted vases 4 A Vase-Shaped Tea-Pot and Stand, cream-ewer and - cover and sugar-basin, engraved with festoons of flowers and bands of ornament ..... oz. dioL 29 10 10 10 0 52 5 An engraved tea-pot and cream-jug ; and a table-bell, en suite . ...... b 2 36 8 4 oz. duct. I2LL.IO r ~ 8 4 15 8 6 A Tea and Coffee Service, richly chased with bands / and panels of arabesque ornament in relief, consisting // * * of tea-kettle, on stand with lamp, tea-pot, coffee-pot, * hot-milk jug, cream-jug and sugar-basin . . . 247 0 If. „ g^ o 7 A lemon-strainer, with gadroon border and open handles ; and a larger ditto, with reeded border * 3 ' 8 A pair of plain decanter-stands, with gadroon borders 3 < 9 . f & 9 A set of six circular salt-cellars, chased with festoons of / flowers and lions’ masks in relief, on claw feet . /. /S.l io A pair of pepper-casters, formed as owls __ 11 A cruet-frame, with pierced and gadrooned borders, wit silver caster and two cut-glass bottles " . 3-/6, . 12 A soy frame, en suite, with five cut-glass bottles A / o 13 A Set of Six Salt-Cellars, formed as figures of children carrying baskets ; and six spoons .... & - 3 . 14 A pair of double ditto, with figures of a boy and girl riding / donkeys with basket panniers ; and four salt-spoons . - 15 A small shell-shaped dish, chased with figures and scrolls in the style of Yianen. {/-S'- /a 16 A set of four circular dishes, with fluted borders, chased with fruit and flowers . . /T £17 Four circular entree dishes, with fluted borders^ and gadroon / edges ^ 18 Four plated heaters . f—rH- 2 2 - Lf-. ^JL9 Four larger entree dishes, similar 'Jf-uCJL-' . 3 ■ /o - 20 Four plated heaters Oil fc/-. /O -21 A pair of oval meat-dishes, en suite—15 in. long 86 89 22 A pair of ditto—16| in. . q. ^ /23 A pair of ditto—18 in. 24 A pair of ditto—20 in. ■ J25 A ditto—22£ in.; and a mazarij 2 o / - 26 A venison dish—24 in. . CCo cpLo 119 108 185 161 130 12 + cC-c> 75 12 /£/ . /^78 A Square-Shaped Salver, fluted at the corners, finely engraved with a narrow band of strap ornament, and shield-of-arms in the centre—12 in. square — by Abraham Buteux 9 79 A CHARLES II. TWO-HANDLED CUP AND COYER, of unusual size, with scroll handles chased with foliage, the lower part chased with a band of £2- 9- -9 acanthus foliage, the cover chased with spiral foliage / and surmounted by a vase-shaped ornament—1681 —maker s mark a water bird in dotted circle — 10i in. high ....... oz. divt. 15 / 59 //3 - 80 A PLAIN TWO-HANDLED QUEEN ANNE GOLD CUP—4A in. high,—by Benjamin Pyne, 1710 13 Engraved with a race-horse and jockey and “ Saltby Plate ” RACE CUPS. •(> 81 The Loo Challenge Cup, 1849: a shell-shaped cup, on stem formed as a Triton, and shell plinth—13^ in. /4*-' 2. high ....... / 82 The Loo Challenge Cup, 1851: an equestrian group of a lady and falconer, on plinth with dead heron— 21 in. high —on octagonal ebonised pedestal mounts with silver ....... Won by Mr. Stirling Craufurd’s JDarkie - / (y 83 The Jockey Club Cup, Newmarket, 1881: an equestrian group of a lady and cavalier, and hound and dead stag —on oval ebonised stand mounted with silver . Won by Corrie Boy 84 The Summer Cup, Newmarket, 1880: an equestrian / figure of a falconer .with hawk and hound—23 in. high Of.. 5'- // —on ebonised pedestal mounted with a silver chasing of the grand stand ...... Won by Edelweiss 0 rCo 59 17 200 A /O y 0 L ir&yz*-/ 0 . 318 0 0 * 329 0 10 f • V- oz. dwt. 85 The Warwick Welter Cup, 1878: a group of four warriors in armour and a dead charger—18 in. high — on ebonised pedestal with silver mount ^ . 350 0 Won by Avontes d.D 86 The Summer Cup, Newmarket, 1877: an equestrian group of a knight in chain mail, two soldiers and a * standard bearer, on bronze plinth—33 in. high —on octagonal ebonised stand with silver mounts . . 200 0 cL o Won by Norwich 87 The Stewards’ Cup, Goodwood, 1880: an equestrian / / / o 8 r0U P T ^ on Quixote and Sancho Panza—22 in. high ........ 368 10 On ebonised plinth with silver mounts 88 The Queen’s Cup, Ascot, 1885: a pair of large Pilgrim’s bottles and stoppers, chased with female mask and V /o foliage handles, the lower part embossed with strap ornament, with loose chains for suspension—22 in. , high ........ Copies of the celebrated Blenheim bottles by Pierre Platel Won by Thebais 80 The Doncaster Cup, 1883 : a pair of flat-shaped Pilgrim /0 bottles, with long necks, stoppers and scroll handles, chased with figures of children, tortoises, dolphins, masks and arabesques in relief—25 in. high Copies of the celebrated Nuremberg bottles Won by Thebais 90 The Goodwood Cup, 1859: an Etruscan-pattern vase and cover, surmounted by figure of Jupiter, chased with a frieze of numerous classical figures—26 in. high —on square ebonised plinth with silver mount Won by Zuyder Zee 270 0 V 273 10 cLo 165 0 11 91 The J uly Cup, Newmarket, 1883 : a large two-handled vase and cover, partly fluted and chased with ribbons, oz. dwt. TCIOV auu \J\J IOXj llj UUlIVU diiU UiiaOvU VTiUli. IlUUUilBj f / laurel festoons and bands of foliage, the handles V ^ ^"terminating in goats’ heads—on circular ebonised * atari rl with silvpr mmint. 349 0 stand with silver mount Won by Clairvaux 92 The Stockbridge Cup, 1885 : a large two-handled tazza, fluted and chased with foliage, the handles terminating 5& 2 2 ./ £ 3 in swans’ heads, on square plinth and ebonised stand with silver mounts ...... 327 10 93 The Flying Scud Cup, Warwickshire and Leamington Hunt Meeting, 1877: a tall vase and cover, chased y ^ ^with draped female figure handles and medallions of infant Bacchanals, and with applique gilt chasings of stags’ heads, oak and laurel foliage—33 in. high —on ebonised stand ....... fl.9. 219 10 ?v. / v 7 7 73 . x L 94 The Brighton Cup, 1875. A tall parcel-gilt vase and cover, chased with a horse race in high relief, tourna¬ ment and trophies, terminal figures of children with nets and shells on the foot—34 in. high —on ebonised stand 332 Won by Marie Stuart 95 The Loyal Hunt Cup, Ascot, 1887: a large campana- . shaped two-handled vase, partly fluted and chased ~ ' with Satyrs’ masks, on square pedestal chased with Jupiter in a quadriga—30 in. high Won by Gay Hermit 96 The Jockey Club Cup, 1874: a large oval fluted / cistern, with chased lions’ masks and swing handles 'ly^au. o 479 0 and claw feet, the border chased with scroll foliage— 12 in. high, 29 in. long —on ebonised plinth with silver mount ....... Won by Gang Forward 392 0 do 12 / crr> 97 The Brighton Cup, 1880: a large centre-piece, with two draped figures of Roman warriors leading horses, the base chased with eight figures of athletes in high relief, a fluted dish above, surmounted by a figure of Neptune—40 in. high —on circular ebonised stand mounted with silver ...... Won by Bay Archer -C7 2 '7/ <5t7. b 120 121 /S- 122 /Z 123 • -- 4 <4~ 125 <4- Z 126 127 /(O A small ditto, with hoof of ‘ Lady Morgan,’ 1846, with silver-gilt mount ctlo A carved cocoanut cup, mounted with silver rim and feet i/e&l four egg-cups, carved with scrolls, lined and mounted with siTver^^" A figure of a pelican, on gilt plinth chased with foliage, marble plinth < 2^0 A breakfast cruet-frame, with beaded edge& and six glass cruets, four with silver mounts Tr* , * A pair of fluted piano candlesticks, on round feet, with chased band/^E^ * A pair of Corinthian column chamber candlesticks, on square feet, repousse with medallion ornaments, festoons, and beaded edges —1773 ^ A pair of table candlesticks, with fluted altar-shaped stems chased with rams’ heads, vine loliage and grapes, on chased scroll feet A Large Inkstand, formed of the^ft^ir hoofs of ‘ Cigar,’ Mr. Stir¬ ling Craufurd’s favourite hunter, mounted with engraved silver covers and rims, with shell dishes between, and silver-mounted horn vase in the centre CzT—z?-Zb A Large Ivory Tankard, carved with a triumph of Neptune in relief, lined and mounted with handle, foot and cover, of silver- gi'.t chased with flowers and foliage—10£ in. high /) n. udfix. . y' Another, carved with infant Bacchanals and goats, with carved/ ivory figure handle and cover, lined and mounted with silver- gilt—11^ in. high - / ^ A Larger Ditto, carved with marine deities and monsters, lined and mounted with dragon and serpent handle, foot and cover of parcel-gilt silver chased with foliage and ornaments— 13 in. high—by Morel, Paris tic tZ A/ 15 FOREIGN SILVER AND SILVER-GILT. 128 A Norwegian Beaker-Shaped Cup, engraved with ornament, gilt lip and band, with loose Maltese crosses and shells, on ball feet ..... 129 A small silver-gilt pierced sugar-vase and cover, blue glass 3 - 45T liner ........ / 130 A pierced vase-shaped mustard-pot and caster, with beaded - borders, blue glass liners, and two small spoons ^__^131 A plain spirally fluted sugar-caster . . . . 132 Six circular dessert-plates, embossed with masks, foliage a - and scrolls —Paris ...... 133 A circular salver, chased with insects in the centre, and border of cupids and flowers .... 134 A pair of oval cruet-frames, with beaded borders, on claw feet, each with a silver cruet formed as a column, and silver-mounted cut-glass ditto .... - 5 . 3 A> - 7 ^ ^ ^135 Aset of four hexagonal-shaped salt-cellars, chased with animals; and four spoons, with figure handles. 136 A set of twelve circular salt-cellars, the legs formed as ' —*> grotesques ; and twelve spoons .... 137 A pair of tall fluted column candlesticks, the feet repousse * & -- with cupids and festoons of flowers 138 A silver-gilt library candlestick, repousse with ornament \ and chased with figures in high relief . /$' to 139 A pair of large candlesticks, on spiral stems and wide feet, embossed with medallion heads, fruit and foliage f£ _ 140 A pair of ditto, on vase-shaped stems and fluted feet, chased with scriptural subjects and other ornaments . 141 A Parcel-Gilt Swedish Tankard, embossed with —'> equestrian combats, fruit, &c., on three lions claw feet, the cover engraved and inlaid with a coin of 1617. 7~ oz. dwt. (if 6 ^ 4 10 63 L 11 5 13 10 cLa 77 0 cLo 3. 16 10 9-&UIU* 10 {bcudU 19 10 A 65 0 40 15 % 14 8 45 10 r 37 16 /3. to /6'■ to 145 f 146 147 lq~. / O . 149 , 5 ' 150 v ox dwt A Larger Ditto, on ball feet, chased wi% 'foliage, the lid repousse with the Adoration of the Magi . . 59 0 A Peg Tankard and Coyer, embossed with figures of boys, flowers and foliage, the lid inlaid with a coin of Ferdinand II., 1624 .... • 35 10 A Cup and Coyer on large cylindrical stem of pine pattern, chased open borders, on three feet formed as figures of dogs. . ' ^ 10 A Tall Cup and Cover, chased with the^ntry of ^ Henry IV. into Paris, on figure stem c ^ 2 0 An Oviform Ditto, with applique scroll omanient, in.aid with ena.el portrait, of kings fcuLj* 0 A Parcel-Gilt Cup and Cover, engraved and chased with masks, fruit, foliage, Ac., surmounted by a figure of Bacchus . . • 82 15 An oval silver bowl and cover, repouss£ with branches of foliage and flowers, and flower knob, gilt inside— Prussian C~Lo . . 10 8 A Small Silver-Gilt Ecuelle, Cover and Stand, repousse with engraved fluting, the border of stand engraved with scroll ornament —Augsburg &U. 15 12 An Oval Two-Handled Spanish Sideboard Dish, repousse with masks, flowers and arabesque foliage in high relief, a shield in the centre with a figure of Psyche—32 in. long. Twelve Silver-Gilt Dessert-Knives, Forks and Spoons, with chased handles —weight of forks and spoons 23 oz., in case—all at 89 0 i.7 152 A Parcel-Gilt Cup and Cover, repoussj4=with foliage— 14 in. // # high Won by Mr. Stirling Craufurd’s “ Iron Rail,” Loo. 1850 153 An Engraved Tankard and Cover, inlaid with a plaque of rock- L ^— -, crystal, with chased border and figure handle ' 154 A Gothic Chasse, engraved and chased with arcades, and inlaid with six translucent enamels of. saints and warriors, figures of jj _ angels bearing candlesticks at the side, on tall stem and foot with emblems of the Evangelists, applique and partly enamelled 7 -17 in. high SAh fit End of First Day's Sale. C \ \ Second Day’s Sale. On TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1805, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. MINIATURES. /x. (O- a . <+ Cl /o 3 - S 155 An oval tortoiseshell box, gold mounted, the lid inlaid with an oval enamel miniature portrait of a gentleman, by Zincke < 156 A miniature of a lady, in blue dress, temp Charles II., in oval gilt locket y 157 A miniature of a lady, in black and pink dress trimmed with lace, in oval locket 158 An oval miniature of a gentlemam/mjx Queen Anne, in engraved gilt locket Aa c t- 3 - y. (z> 159 A miniature of a lady, in white dress and orange scarf; and a / portrait of a gentleman • >160 A miniature of a gentleman, temp Charles 1., in oils, in gilt locket 161 A miniature of an old lady, in black dress, with veil and ruff, in gilt locket /o2 . ( . - a - A /o ■ /- /^* <3^—* *3-«- * 6 ~- 178 An old Dresden porcelain snuff-box, painted with sevenugubjects of garden scenes and figures in the style of Watteau 179 A circular bonbonniere, with tortoiseshell gold picque lid' 180 A flat wooden scent-bottle, mounted with engraved silver ; and a small engraved silver box 181 A Scent-Bottle and Vinaigrette, of silver, formed as a vase engraved with arabesques — r —^ -- r\ udiseA' ^ c 182 An oval silver-gilt vinaigrette, engraved and set with turqu 183 A small agate tazza and cover, on silver-gilt stem formed as a ' snake, and triangular foot supported by tortoises 184 A porcelain scent-bottle, painted with girls sacrificing to Cupid; and a Menecy seal, with Cupid at an altar „ 186 An old German watch, in oval cut-steel case 187 A mother-o’-pearl fan, the mount painted with a garden scene and figures ; a neck chain, with enamelled lockeji: a hair-pin ; four brooches; and six gilt bells d 188 A large silver double fastening for a cloak, embossed and engraved ;// a long chain, with filigree bosses ; and sixteen silver pendants , < 189 A circular silver toilet-box, the lid chased with a female figure and buildings ; and two smaller ditto, with allegorical subjectsv^A^-C. 190 A .Norwegian gilt silver spoon, with flat handle and loose rings, partly engraved .. .. . / 191 Another, with twisted handle and ball top, the bowl engraved with a male head ; and one, partly gilt, and with engraved bowl 192 A pair of oval-shaped two-handled flat bowls^ilt inside, and embossed with fruits and foliage 193 Two silver wine-tasters, with embossed centres and engraved flat handles 194 Two Oriental silver embossed stands, for coffee-cups; and two scroll¬ shaped scent-cases, chased with flowers VUoMzM- 195 A circular filigree case, for scent-bottles; a ditto small round box ; . „ and a sand-glass 21 ■j.L '• /S • 196 A steel knife, with oriental chased silver handle and sheath i-6 197 A Persian silver case, for writing implements, with gilt borders chased with arabesque foliage 198 A Silver Filigree Model of a Brig, on stand of silver filigree 199 A Russian metal triptych; a ditto diptych, partly enamelled; and four other relics, brought from the Crimea; and two pewter medals JEWELLERY. - — * 200 A bracelet, of carved pink coral and gold; two pieces of pink coral, mounted as brooches }Ycz-JU u 201 A flexible gold bracelet, set with onyx 202 A pair of Etruscan-paitern gold bracelets ; and a pair of plain gold ✓ * ditto '2 ,/o - ? 1 <-h r „ t> /o . / * 2-/o ? —— 260 -. 2 5 « ^ 226 A Plaited Gold Necklet, and pendant, set with rubies, diamonds and pearls, and turquoise with inscription in the centre A Ditto Band Bracelet, with five engraved turquoises in the centre, in border of diamonds and pearls A Cinque Cento-Pattern Pendant, enamelled in pale and dark blue colours, and set with pearls and brilliants, an oblong emerald centre and pink pearl drop c ^o A black pearl drop An Oval Gold Locket, enamelled in lavender colour with a brilliant Latin cross (/ , A Marquise Bing, with an oblong emerald surrounded by brilliants S. A Buby and Brilliant Ditto H A Large Brilliant Arrow Brooch, with baroque pearl and brilliant cluster centre, forming brooch and hair-pins } l l A BBILLIANT BIBBON PENDANT, with festoon apd drop - brilliant, and fine pink, black and white pearl centre v A Brilliant Latin Cross, formed of eleven brilliants A Brilliant Maltese Cross, with garnets —o . A Diamond Brooch, formed as a crab A Brilliant Pendant or Brooch, with six pink coral and brilliant clusters v -> ' - - '■> r l- A Brilliant Brooch, with large octagonal-shaped sapphire in • 4 the centre Cy _- A Brilliant Pendant, with large pearl in the centre and three pear-shaped pearl drops ^ 335 - . „_2^7 A. Large Brilliant Four-Bow Crescent Brooch A Pendant Cross, with four fine emeralds, and brilliant centre and border v —zs~>—- . ^ 228 ^ ^ XT' — //■ —' i fr-, 229 A Necklace, composed of fifty-one pearls and seventeen emerald beads 23 brilliant cluster ^^ 230 A Brilliant Bracelet, with fine pearl centre, and open scale-pattern bands 231^A BRILLIANT COLLET NECKLACE, composed of forty- three fine graduated stones and single-stone snap 232 A BRILLIANT TIARA, with five cone-shaped and foliage O~zy~o —" ■ v ornamen f g alternating with flowers O; ^ , A A PEARL NECKLACE, composed of seven rows of three hundred and sixty-two fine graduated pearls, with diamond pave tablet snap ,233 A Single Row of Forty-Four Pearls 234 A Ditto, of forty-seven pearls 235 A Ditto, of forty-eight pearls 0 if00 236 A Ditto, of forty-nine pearls c 120 237 A Ditto, of fifty-two pearls ■ 238 A Ditto, of fifty-eight pearls J39 A Ditto, of sixty-four pearls >240 A Diamond Pav£ Tablet Snap The Bepresentative reserves the right of offering the above in one lot 241 A Single-Row Pearl Necklace, composed of fifty pearls, and rose diamond barrel snap , 1 // o !J, Stf O FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. ESEARCH INS 3 3125 01074 5707