MDCCCXCVIU : Mo I I I I I I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 I I 3IIu0trate^ Souvenir CATALOGUE OF THE Exhibition of International Art KNIGHTSBRIDGE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS, PAINTERS, AND GRAVERS JUustrateb Souvenir CATALOGUE OF THE Exhibition of International Art KNIGHTSBRIDGE PREPARED BY CARL HENTSCHEL & CO. (Publishers to the Couttcil) LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN 1898 All Rights reserved. ART CONGRESS INAUGURATED MAY, 1898, London The Exhibition of International Art OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS, PAINTERS, AND GRAVERS. -¥ THE COUNCIL. lEiecuttbe JHcmters. James McNeil Whistler {Presuient). John Lavery ( Vice-President). Freuk. Sandys. E. A. Walton. James Guthrie. Joseph Farquharson. Charles W. Furse. A. Ludovici. (1. S.\UTER. Joseph Pennell. J. J. Shannon. J. Crawhall. T. Stirling Lee. Francis Howard {Hon. Sec.). 11^0 no J. W. Alexander. E. F. Aman-Jean. A. Besnard. J. E. Blanche. A. Boecklin. J. Boldini. PUVIS DE ChAVANNES. Professor Giovanni Costa. Professor L. Dill. J. DiLLENS. P. Fragiacomo. G. Klimt. GOTTHARD KuEHL. Professor Max Klincer. J. Lam BEAUX. Professor M. Liebermann. F. Macmonnies. J. Maris. C. Meunier. H. W. Mesdag. A. Rodin. Augustus Saint Gaudens. (i. Segantini. Professor Franz Stuck. Fritz Thau low. Hans Thoma. Professor F. von Uhde. A. L. ZORN. Horace W. Page, Acting Secretary. The International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers. The Exhibition will open at 9.30 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. Admission : One Shilling. Season Tickets (not transferable) : Five Shillings. All inquiries regarding purchase of Works, etc., to be addressed to Mr. Horace W. Page, Acting Secretary. A deposit of twenty per cent, is required to be made at the Galleries upon the price of any work purchased. art HeJitschei, photo. 182. James McNeil Whistlkr. BLUE AND CORAL— THE LITTLE BLUE BONNET. An Oval. OIL PAINTINGS. NORTH GALLERY. GEORGE HENRY. 1. Goldfish. F. DE TOULOUSE LAUTREC. 2. Pastel. J. OLSSON. 3. Sunlit Sea. FRITZ VON UHDE. 4. Portrait of Girls. F. DE TOULOUSE LAUTREC. 5. Jane Avril at the Entrance of the Moulin Rouge. B CATALOGUE. JAMES CHARLES. 6. A Dusty Day. HIERL DERONCA. 7. Portrait of a Boy. HARRINGTON MANN. 8. A Winter Morning. CHAS. WARREN EATON. 9. Autumnal Gold. F. SANDYS. 0. Portrait of Mrs. Brand. Le7it by A. Brand, Esq. ROBERT BROUGH. 1. Mrs. Nicol, of Boscobie. J. AUMONIER. 2. On a Fen Farm. G. SAUTER. 3. Music. J. REID MURRAY. 4. Moonrise. OIL PAINTINGS. JAMES PATERSON. 5. Borderland. EDOUARD MANET. 6. Execution of Maximilian. LUDWIG DILL. 7. Fieberluft. W. Y. MACGREGOR. 8. An Upland Landscape. J. J. SHANNON. 9. The Stairs. CHAS. WARREN EATON. 0. Midsummer Night. ARTHUR TOMSON. 1. The Harvesters. D. Y. CAMERON. 2. Braxfield. F. DE TOULOUSE LAUTREC. 3. Quadrille at the Moulin Rouge. 4 CATALOGUE, D. Y. CAMERON. 24. Daisy. G. HARCOURT. 25. A Wanderer. ROBT. W. ALLAN. 26. Safe in Harbour. JAMES CHARLES. 27. Cornfield. CECILIA BEAUX. 28. Ernesta. MARY SARGANT FLORENCE. 29. Martyrs — Painting in distemper. G. SEGANTINI. 30. The Punishment of Infanticide. JAMES PATERSON. 31. In Arcady. CECILIA BEAUX. 32. The Dreamer. OIL PAINTINGS. 5 HUMPHREYS JOHNSTON. 3. Bridge over Tagus at Toledo. T. MILLIE DOW. 4. The Herald of Winter. C. J. COLLINGS. 5. The Village. J. E. BLANCHE. 6. Portrait of Mrs. Fisher Unwin. Lent by Mrs. Fisher Unzvin. HUMPHREYS JOHNSTON. 7. Study of a Spanish Gipsy. JAMES CHARLES. 8. Ida in Orchard. ALEXANDER FREW. 9. Twilight on the Clyde. G. H. BREITNER. o. Winter in Amsterdam. Lent by W H. Van Bildcrbeck. 6 CATALOGUE. F. H. NEWBERY. 41. The Round Table A. L. ZORN. 42. A Wood Sprite. ALEXANDER ROCHE. 43. Margaret. W. G. VON GLEHN. 44. Portrait of Mr. Farquharson. HARRY SPENCE. 45. Summer's Afterglow. A. S. HARTRICK. 46. The Incantation. J. LAY FRY. 47. Mrs. Roger Plowden and Humphrey. J. WHITELAW HAMILTON. 48. Venice. FRITZ THAULOW. 49. Winter. 50. Night. OIL PAINTINGS. 7 FRITZ THAULOW. 51. Canal Scene. 52. Venice. R. MACAULAY STEVENSON. 53. Landscape. A. L. ZORN. 54. Midsummer Night Dance in Mora. EDOUARD MANET. 55. Vagabond Musicians. DAVID GAULD. 56. The Village of Grez. BESSIE MacNICOL. 57. Autumn. J. WHITELAW HAMILTON. 58. Italian Market Place. T. CORSAN MORTON. 59. The Little Farm on the Hill. CECILIA BEAUX. 60. Sita and Sarita. 8 CATALOGUE. OLIVER HALL. 61. A Cumberland Fell. ADRIAN STOKES. 62. Wandering Sheep. T. MILLIE DOW. 63. A Spring Day in Morocco. GEORGE CLAUSEN. 64. A Farm Yard. (Evening.) A. HARTLEY. 65. September Even. ALEXANDER MANN. 66. Sketch from I sola Bella Lago Maggiore. MARTIN BRUCE. 67. Mill near Bruges. J. WHITELAW HAMILTON. 68. A Landscape. WALTER CADBY. 69. Dahlias and Roses. OIL PAINTINGS. 9 HARRINGTON MANN. 70. Girl's Head. C. W. FURSE. 71. Sir Cromer Petheram, K.C.I. E. J. E. BLANCHE. 72. Portrait of a Child. ALFRED EAST. 73. The Silvery Somme. ROBERT BROUGH. 74. Kathleen, daughter of Theodore Crombie, Esq. MARTIN BRUCE. 75. Twilight. FRANK MURA. 76. Landscape. R. S. JOHNSTONE DOUGLAS. 77. " Epsom." HARRINGTON MANN. 78. Portrait of Robert Forrester, Esq. lO CATALOGUE. T. AUSTIN BROWN. 79. End of the Day. H. W. B. DAVIS. 80. Hawthorn in Brecknockshire. F. DE TOULOUSE LAUTREC. 81. Jane Avril. A. L ZORN. 82. Lace Making. FERNAND LUNGERN. A. Thirst — The Beginning of the End. HAROLD SPEED. B. Capri Blue. L. E. PERMAN. C. Roses. HIERL DERONCA. D. Portrait of my Father. OIL PAINTINGS. II CENTRE GALLERY. HANS THOMA. 83. The Carrara Mountain. 84. Adam and Eve. 85. Adam and Eve. (The Repose.) 86. Tritons. 87. Lo bellosguardo, Florence. (Evening.) Lent by Edward Speyer, Esq. C. W. PURSE. 88. Portrait of Mrs. Ian Hamilton. H. WILSON. 89. Formal Garden and Fountain. WILL ROTHENSTEIN. 90. Miss Irene Vanbrugh in the dress of Rose Trelawney. CHARLES CONDOR. 91. Blossom. LESLIE THOMSON. 92. At Lake — The Pool. 12 CATALOGUE. GEO. Mcculloch. 93. Hero Transfigured in the Light of Leander's Love. P. DE JOSSELIN DE JONG. 94. Iron Work in the Black Country. Pastel. M. LIEBERMANN. 95. Market in Haarlem. K. HAIDER. 96. Summer Landscape. BERTRAM PRIESTMAN 97. An Autumn Evening. A. K. BROWN. 98. The Burn, E. A. WALTON. 99. The White Horse. Landscape. AMY DRAPER. 100. A Sunny Morning, H. FANTIN LATOUR, 101, Roses. OIL PAINTINGS. 13 MRS. HELEN WALTON. 102. Miss Sylvia Thompson. A. K. BROWN. 103. Morning. E. A. HORNEL. 104. Primrose Bank. H. MUHRMAN. 105. Winter Scene — Bavaria. HAROLD SPEED. 106. A Study. W. PATRICK WHYTE. 107. September Evening. GEORGE CLAUSEN. 108. Girl's Head. JAMES GUTHRIE. 109. Miss Jessie Martin. H. M. LIVENS. 1 10. Fowls. CATALOGUE. A. LUDOVICI. 111. Skating at Prince's Club. BERTRAM PRIESTMAN. 112. A Pleasure Boat. FRANK MURA. 113. Landscape — with Cattle. H. G. E. DEGAS. 114. Dancers. Pastel. Lent by Mrs. Unwin. 1 1 5. Dancers. Pastel. 116. Dancers. Lent by Mrs. Unwin. 1 17. Dancers at their Toilet. 118. A Young Woman with Red Hair. 119. Cafe Chantant. Lent by Mrs. Unwin. JAMES PRYDE and WILLIAM NICHOLSON. 120. Girl on Horseback. BESSIE MacNICOL. 121. Children. H. M. LIVENS. 122. Fowls. OIL PAINTINGS. ARTHUR S. HAYNES. 23. Moonlight — St. Julian's Bay, Malta. A. LUDOVICI. 24. Smugglers' Cottages. J. J. SHANNON. 25. Miss Kitty. HELEN LANGLEY. 26. Design for Panel, in coloured Plaster. W. L. BRUCKMAN. 27. A View from Harrow. E. A. HORNEL. 28. Entrance to a Japanese Temple. H. MUHRMAN. 29. Barge in Repair. J. ROLSHOVEN. 30. Portrait of Lady Walpole. H. MUHRMAN. 31. Children Fishing. i6 CATALOGUE. E. A. HORNEL. 132. Balloons. BESSIE MacNICOL. 133. La Debutante. E. A. HORNEL. 134. On the Seashore. H. MUHRMAN. 135. Strand on the Green. 136. Kew Bridge. CLAUDE MONET. 137. Le Bassin d'Argenteuil. FERNAND KHNOPFF. 138. At the Bridge of Fosset. BERTRAM PRIESTMAN. 139. Meadow Lands. CHARLES SIMS. 140. Wedding Bells. OIL PAINTINGS. A. LUDOVICI. 141. The Pool of Youth. JAMES PATERSON. 142. Gloaming. JAMES CHARLES. 143. Souvenir of Watteau. A. WHITTET. 144. Old Church, Restalrig. BERTRAM PRIESTMAN. 145. In a Cowshed. G. SAUTER. 146. Doctor and Miss Cornelius. DAVID FAROUHARSON. 147. Summer. G. SAUTER. 148. Portrait of Monsignor Ajuti. A. WHITTET. 149. A Landscape. i8 CATALOGUE. BERTRAM PRIESTMAN. 150. A Landscape. E. A. WALTON. 151. Miss Mary Mylne. WILLIAM PADGETT. 152. Evening Mists. J. VAN TOOROP. 153. The Brides. P. DE JOSSELIN DE JONG. 154. Man with Wheelbarrow. G. SAUTER. 155. Mrs. A. Galsworthy. BESSIE MacNICOL. 156. Blind Man's Buff. H. MUHRMAN. 157. Bow Window. 158. Flowers in Vase. A. S. HAYNES. 159. Vale of Health, Hampstead. OIL PAINTINGS. 19 E. A. WALTON. 160. Mrs. Charles Wilson. FRANCIS HOWARD. 161. Eve. J. ROLSHOVEN. 162. Cyprus Reverie from Tuscan Wanderings. E. A. WALTON. 163. Mrs. James Mylne. AMY DRAPER. 164. A Grey Sea. H. MUHRMAN. 165. Three Infants. 1 66. Barges. E. OPPLER. 167. A Portrait. P. DE JOSSELIN DE JONG. 168. Water Colour. H. W. MESDAG. 169. Seascape. 20 CATALOGUE. BESSIE MacNICOL. 170. The Embroidery. H. MUHRMAN. 171. Low W ater. G. SAUTER. 172. Inspiration. A. E. BORTHWICK. 173. Miss Stack. H. MUHRMAN. 174. The Thames at Kew Bridge. JAMES McNeil whistler. 175. Thames in Ice. Lent by J.J. Cowan, Esq. 176. Grey and Silver — La Petite Souris. 177. The Piano Picture. Lent by J.J. Cowan, Esq. 178. Arrangement in Black — Rosa Corda. Lent by Graham Robertson. MRS. McNEIL Three Etchings. o WHISTLER. OIL PAINTINGS. JAMES McNEIL WHISTLER. 179. Gold and Brown. Prestige of the Work of Art, and Privilege of the Artist. New clause added to Code Napoleon, Paris, Dec. 2nd, 1897. . . . "The artist is not even obliged to give his reasons for refusing to fulfil his contract ! The artist is within his rights in refusing to do so, and electing to pay damages, and, in this case, he simply affirmed this right when he refused to give up the picture" . . . Summing up of the Avocat General de la Republique, on behalf of the Government. . . . "Amending, reforming, legislating anew, say : that the engagement between the parties being but a simple obligation to execute, shall, from now out, resolve itself, in case of non-execu- tion, into a question of damages only (and the returning of the money received), and shall leave the artist absolute master and proprietor of his work until such moment as, at his own good pleasure, he shall decide to deliver it, and give up the holding thereof:' Judgment of Monsieur le premier President cl la Court d'Appel, Paris, Dec. 2nd, 1897. James McNeil Whistler. 180. Rose and Silver — La Princesse des Pays de la Porcelaine. Lent by IV. Burrell, Esq. "Two of Mr. Whistler's least interesting full lengths." — Times. 181. Rose and Brown — The Philosopher. "An unpleasing thing." — Athemcum. 22 CATALOGUE. JAMES McNEIL WHISTLER. 182. Blue and Coral — The Little Blue Bonnet. An oval, ..." old works . . . among which the ' Little Blue Bonnet ' is the least known."— 7z;«^j. As the painting has never been out of the studio, but comes fresh from the easel to its first exhibition, the " plain man " is, once more, profoundly right, and we see again the advantage of memory over mere artistic instinct in the critic. — -J. McN. W. 183. Blue and Gold — Valpariso Nocturne. Le7it by George McCullochy Esq. H. FANTIN LATOUR. 184. Sara la Baigneuse. AMAN-JEAN. 185. Femme a la Fleur. JAMES PATERSON. 186. Dusk. WILLIAM STRANG. 187. The Visit. A. BESNARD. 188. Madame Besnard and Children. MRS. A. SWYNNERTON. 189. The Dreamer. A. WITHERS. 190. Hales Mill — East Lothian. OIL PAINTINGS. 23 WILLIAM STRANG. 191. Al fresco. GEO. Mcculloch. 192. The Transformation of Daphne. H. W. MESDAG. 193. A Shipping Scene. F. A. HAVILAND. 194. Le Colher. HUGO VON HABERMANN. 195. Portrait of Woman. R. B. NISBET. 196. Landscape, with old Windmill. J. L. FORAIN. 196A. Portrait. GEO. McCULLOCH. 197. The Rescue of Andromeda. ALBERT KELLER. 198. Portrait of a Lady. J. REID MURRAY. 199. Autumn Landscape. 24 CATALOGUE. R. ANNING BELL. 200. The Fortune Teller. GROSVENOR THOMAS. 201. Landscape. WALTER CADBY. 202. Portrait. FRANZ STUCK. 203. Sin. SOUTH GALLERY. D. Y. CAMERON. 204. Portrait of a Lady. ERNEST SICHEL. 205. Children of the Fiord. Wax painting. DAVID MUIRHEAD. 206. In the Garden. STUART PARK. 207. Red Begonia. OIL PAINTINGS. 25 The Late WILLIAM ESTALL. 208. Landscape. PAUL RENOUARD. 209. A Beggar. JOSEPH FAROUHARSON. 210. The Mosque of Sultan Hussan, Cairo. HAROLD SPEED. 2 1 1 . A Study. STUART PARK. 212. White Begonia. J. WHITELAW HAMILTON. 213. Village by the North Sea. GEORGE PIRIE. 214. A Feathered Family. GEORGE HENRY. 215. Symphony. MOUAT LOUDAN. 216. A Lady in White. 26 CATALOGUE. MABEL HOLLAND THOMAS. 217. Landscape. HAROLD SPEED. 218. Landscape. WILLIAM PATRICK WHYTE. 219. Venice. A. LUDOVICI. 220. Fishing Boats. STUART PARK. 221. Hydrangia. CHARLES C. CURRAN. 222. By the Sea. JOHN DA COSTA. 223. Portrait of Miss Glen Walker. DAVID MUIRHEAD. 224. By the Sea. J. REID MURRAY. 225. Landscape. OIL PAINTINGS. ALICE RISCHGITZ. 26. Rhododendrons. PERCY BIGLAND. 27. Portrait of a Lady. GEORGE PIRIE. 28. A Texan Cavallard. W. WESTLEY MANNING. 29. Flood Time, Normandy. M. GREIFFENHAGEN. 30. The Annunciation. W. WESTLEY MANNING. 31. A Spring Morning, Normandy. R. MACAULAY STEVENSON. 32. By the Mill Pond. W. SETH-ARTHUR. 33. Repose. T. FREDERICK CATCHPOLL. 34. Landscape. 8 CATALOGUE. CHARLES CONDOR. 35. Landscape. Lent by J. H. Legge, Esq. DAVID GAULD. 36. Peasants returning from Calbuis (Grez). JOHN LAVERY. 37. Portrait Group. HAROLD SPEED. 38. Seascape. W. WESTLEY MANNING. 39. On the Hill Side, Normandy. DAVID GAULD. 40. Peasant Woman, with Cow. E. H. H. BRUCE. 41. Moonrise. JOHN LAVERY. 42. A Garden in France, J. WHITELAW HAMILTON. 43. In the Fields. OIL PAINTINGS. The Late WILLIAM ESTALL. 44. Landscape with Sheep. J. E. BLANCHE. 45. Portrait of Madame Blanche. J. H. LORIMER. 246. Portrait of Munro Ferguson, Esq., M.P. G. SEGANTINI. 247. Costume Grigione. H. FANTIN LATOUR. 248. Chrysanthemes. T. CORSAN MORTON. 249. Castle in Spain. H. M. LIVENS. 250. Fowls. F. H. NEWBERY. 251. The Nimbus of Toil. The Late LADY GLENESK. 252. Portrait of Lord Glenesk. CATALOGUE. ALFRED PARSONS. 253. The Bamboo Trade at Maibara, Japan. STUART PARK. 254. Orchids. J. E. BLANCHE. 255. Mdlle. Juha Bartet (Comedie Francaise). Lent by Admiral Maxsc. J. AUMONIER. 256. Lingering Sunlight. JOSEPH FAROUHARSON. 257. The Blinding Drift and Snow. A. EDELFELDT. 258. Portrait of a Lady. Letit by Admiral Maxse. G. COSTA. 259. The Haselwood near Albano. NOEMI GILLAUME. 260. Portrait of a Young Lady. Lejii by Admiral Maxse. OIL PAINTINGS. 31 ALFRED PARSONS. 261. A Bamboo Grove, Tennenji, Japan. STUART PARK. 262. Geraniums. L. RAVEN HILL. 263. " In some lone glen where every sound is lulled." HAROLD SPEED. 264. The Orchard. DAVID MUIRHEAD. 265. Day Dreams. STUART PARK. 266. Dr. John Macintyre, F.R.S.E. PUVIS DE CHAVANNES. 267. Symbole de la Croix Rouge. Drawing. MARTIN BRUCE. 268. Moonrise. CHAS. WARREN EATON. 269. Winter Afternoon. 2 CATALOGUE. R. MACAULAY STEVENSON. 70. By the Mill Pond. A. NEVEN DU MONT. 71. Harmony. MARIANNE STOKES. 72. Honesty. PUVIS DE CHAVANNES. 73. Man Reading. WALTER CADBY. 74. A Decorative Panel. CHAS. WARREN EATON. 75. Moonlight. J. W. ALEXANDER. 76. The Green Girl. T. CORSAN MORTON. 77. The Last of Autumn. J. KERR LAWSON. 78. Venice. OIL PAINTINGS. HARRINGTON MANN. 79- Portrait of Child. G. S. WATSON. 79A. F. G. Vialls, Esq. W. G. VON GLEHN. 80. La Reverence. Pastel. GEORGE HENRY. 281. Spring. The Late LADY GLENESK. 282. Pastel. GEORGE HENRY. 283. Geisha. A. S. HARTRICK. 284. Lalage. J. CRAWHALL. 285. The Black Cock. 286. Pigeon. 287. The Whip. D 34 CATALOGUE. J. CRAWHALL 288. Performing Dogs. 289. The Huntsman. MARY DAVIS. 290. Blossom. J. CRAWHALL. 291. Wild Doves in a Cage. 292. The Black Rabbit. ALEXANDER MANN. 293. Gathering Faggots. LUDWIG DILL. 294. Ponte San Andrea Chioggio. G. S. TRUESDELL. 295. In the Orchard. JAMES GUTHRIE. 296. Professor Jack. HUGO VON HABERMANN. 297. Portrait of a Woman, OIL PAINTINGS. 3S E. OPPLER. 298. Man and Woman at Tea. MRS. HELEN WALTON. 299. Head of a Girl. P. FRAGIACOMO. 300. Alma Ouies. R. L. DEAN. 301. Study in White. MATTHEW MARIS. 302. The Walk. Lent by W. Burrell, Esq. 303. Montmartre. Lent by W. BurrclL Esq. W. L. BRUCKMAN. 304. Railway Station. ROBT. BURNS. 305. A Girl. WILL ROTHENSTEIN. 306. The Little Hen House. MATTHEW MARIS. 307. Butterflies. Lent by Jl\ Burrell, Esq. 36 CATALOGUE. DAVID FARQUHARSON. 308. Autumn. JAMES GUTHRIE. 309. John Barnet, F.R.I. B.A., I. A. P. RENOUARD. 310. The Wanderer. GEORGE HENRY. 311. Landscape. J. VAN TOOROP. 3 1 2. The Sphinx. W. PATRICK WHYTE. 3 1 3. Window in the Alhambra. E. A. WALTON. 314. Portrait of James Glenny, Esq. W. PATRICK WHYTE. 315. Street in Cairo. GEORGE PIRIE. 316. A Texan Bull Team. OIL PAINTINGS. 37 ROBERT BROUGH. 317. Maud Beatrice, daughter of Joseph Lawrence, Esq. STUART PARK. 318. Roses. MOFFAT LINDNER. 319. Dutch Waters. ALEXANDER FREW. 320. Seascape. J. McCLURE HAMILTON. 321. An Interior. S. MELTON FISHER. 322. Portrait, Joseph Farquharson, Esq. CHARLES W. HARTLETT. 323. The Scandal-mongers. H. W. MESDAG. 324. A Grey Sea. PRINCE PIERRE TROUBETZKOY. 325. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by Admiral Maxsc. CATALOGUE. HAROLD SPEED. By Still Waters. A. K. BROWN. A Cloudy Day. SCULPTURE. J. HAVARD THOMAS. 1. Industry. Marble. 2. Music and Dancing. Marble. 3. A Contadina. Marble. FREDERICK MACMONNIES. 4. The Horse Tamer. Plaster. 5. The Horse Tamer. Plaster. AUGUSTUS ST. GAUDENS. 6. Children. 7. Relief. Plaster. 8. Relief. Plaster. 9. Relief. Plaster. HERBERT HAMPTON. 10. David Young, Esq. Plaster relief. 40 CATALOGUE. GERALD E. MOIRA and F. LYNN JENKINS. I r. "To battle in the Tourney for her Love ; To win the Golden Circlet and a Bride." Panel in coloured plaster, 12. St. Agnes' Eve. Panel in coloured plaster. 13. The Low Downs lead to the Sea. Panel in coloured plaster. C. MEUNIER. 13A. Relief. NELSON AND EDITH DAWSON. 14. A Cup in Hammered Copper and Silver with Trans- lucent Enamel. 15. Girdle Clasp in Wrought Silver and Cloisonne Enamel. I 6a. Vase in Hammered Copper and Silver. I 6b. a round Box Lid in Cloisonne Enamel and Beaten Silver. 1 6c. Oblong Box with Cloisonne Enamel. F. M. TAUBMANN. 17. Dish in Tin. A. O'CONNOR. 18. Portrait of George C. Curnock, Esq. SCULPTURE. 41 H. WILSON. 19. Chalice in Silver and Ivory. FREDERICK MACMONNIES. 20. Shakespeare. Bronze. F. DERWENT WOOD. 21. Dsedalus and Icarus. Bronze. A. O'CONNOR. 22. Three Medallions. A. RODIN. 23. Study. Cast. 24. Study. Stone. HERBERT HAMPTON. 25. A French Girl. Plaster. E. BEYRER. 26. Madonna. Bronze. PITTENDRICH MacGILLI VRAY. 27. Portrait. Bronze. W. GOSCOMBK JOHN. 28. A Portrait Study. Bronze. 2 CATALOGUE. FREDERICK MACMONNIES. 9. Boy with Goose. Bronze. 0. Cupid. Bronze. 1. Venus and Adonis. Bronze. 2. Piping Boy. Bronze. 3. Boy with a Heron. Bronze. A. RODIN. 4. Hero and Leander. Marble. 5. Study. Cast. 5 A. Study. Cast. JOHN TWEED. 6. Rt. Hon. C. J. Rhodes. Marble. 7. Memorial Panel. J. FLOSSMANN. 8. Portrait Bust of Samberger. BERTRAM MACKENNAL. 9. Bronze Head, Mrs. Phil May. F. DERWENT WOOD. Caterina. Plaster. SCULPTURE. ARTHUR GEORGE WALKER. 41. Circe. Plaster. J. F. COSSMAN. 42. Infant's Head. Stone. F. W. POMEROY. 43. Boudoir Electric Lij^ht. Bronze. 44. Persius. F. MACMONNIES. 45. Cupid. Bronze. G. M. BORGLAM. 46. Horse Dying in Bull Ring. 47. Horse Dying in Bull Ring. C. MEUNIER. 48. Repos. Bronze. JOHN TWEED. 49. H. E. Hirst, Esq. Plaster. W. GOSCOMBE JOHN. 50. Boy at Play. Bronze. 44 CATALOGUE. C. MEUNIER. 51. The Labourer. Bronze. CHAS. BEACON. 52. Bear Cub. Bronze. JOHN TWEED. 53. Robert Burns. Lent by Dr. Jameson, C.B. C. MEUNIER. 54. Time. Bronze. J. H. M. FURSE. 55. Lioness and Cubs. Bronze. HUGO KAUFMANN. 56. Phryne. Bronze. C. MEUNIER. 57. Wounded. Bronze. 58. The Mower. Bronze. CHAS. BEACON. 59. Tiger Cub. Bronze. FREDERICK MACMONNIES. 60. Folly. Bronze. 61. Diana. Bronze. SCULPTURE. 45 BERTRAM MACKENNAL. 62. Truth. Bronze. MRS. A. F. CELL. 63. Victory. Bronze. FRANCIS LYNN JENKINS. 64. Mark. Plaster. A. MACFARLANE SHANNON 65. An Idyl. Bronze. 66. Lord Kilbrin. Plaster. HERBERT HAMPTON. 67. Signor Randegger. Plaster. J. H. M. FURSE. 68. Fiagle and Hare. Marble. 69. Boy and Greyhound. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. PAUL RENOUARD. 1. Maitre Labori, Dry point etching. 2. In the Champs Elys6es. Dry point etching. A. GUILLAUMIN. 3. Child's Head. Litho in colour. PAUL RENOUARD. 4. Portrait. Pencil study, 5. Portrait. Soft ground etching. 6. The Sculptor. Pencil drawing. HENRI BOUTET. 7. Dodo memere. Litho. PAUL RENOUARD. 8. The Reciter, (i). Chalk drawing. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. A. GUILLAUMIN. 9. The Red Rock. Litho in colour. PAUL RENOUARD. 0. The School Treat. Pencil drawinsj. 1. The Decorator. Chalk drawing. 2. Portrait of Dagnan-Bouveret. Chalk drawing. 3. The Ballet Girl. Wash drawing. 4. De Feure, a dream. Litho in colour. HENRI BOUTET. 5. Jane, reading. Etching. PAUL RENOUARD. 6. Portrait. Soft ground etching. 7. The Reciter. (2). Chalk. E. VUILLARD. 8. Children Playing. Litho in colour. PAUL RENOUARD. 9. Portrait of Puvis de Chavannes. Chalk drawing. 0. The Modeller. Chalk drawing. G. LEHEUTRE. 1. Young Girl at the Piano. Etching (coloured). 48 CATALOGUE. PAUL RENOUARD. 2 2. Maitre Labori. Dry point etching. 23. Studies in the Streets of Paris. Dry point. HERMANN PAUL. 24. Typewriters. Litho coloured. F. BONNARD. 25. The Sphinx. Litho. A. S. HARTRICK. 26. The Old Malt House. Chalk. JAMES McNEIL WHISTLER. 27. Conversation. Litho. H. FANTIN LATOUR. 28. Venus and Love. Litho. F. VALLOTON. 29. First of January. Wood engraving. A. S. HARTRICK. 30. The Kitchen. Chalk. PUVIS DE CHAVANNES. 31. The Poor Fisherman. Litho. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. XAVIER ROUSSEL. 32. Landscape. Litho in colour. HENRI BOUTET. 33. Scenes in Paris. Etching. A. S. HARTRICK. 34. Tlie Old Malt House. Chalk drawing. C. H. SHANNON. 35. Children Wrestling. Litho. E. MAURIN. 36. Study of Women. Etching in colour. MAX KLINGER. 37. Time and Death. Etching. 38. Death on the Railway. Etching. 39. The Poor Family. Etching. 40. Faith and Fortune. Etching. 41. Herodius. Etching. 42. Summer Time. Etching. 43. Mother and Child. Etching. 44. Death and the Plough. Etching. 50 CATALOGUE. J. L. FORAIN. 45. Study. Litho in red and black. F. DE TOULOUSE LAUTREC. 46. The Country Party. Litho in colour. A. LUNOIS. 47. Spanish Dancer. R. ANNING BELL. 48. Tailpiece. Pen drawing. 49. Illustration — Keats's "Ode to Melancholy." Pen drawing. 50. Illustration — Keats's " Ode to Anaid." Pen drawing. The Late C. KEENE. 51. Etchings. 52. The Old House of Witley. Interior. 53. On the Shore at Walberswick. 54. The Cottage. 55. Six Etchings. Figures. 56. Two Etchings. Figures. 57. The Old Model. Etching. 58. The Lock. Etching. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. The Late C. KEENE. 59. Pier at Walberswick. Etching. 60. The Art Student. Etching. 61. The Shore at Brunswick. Etching. H. FANTIN LATOUR. 62. The Memory of Beriioz. Etching. SUZANNE VALADON. 63. Studies of the Nude. Etching. E. MAURIN. 64. Eve. Etching and colour. A. SISLEY. 65. River Bank. Litho in colour. MICHAEL H. DIGNAM. 66. Portrait of Maurice Jokai. Pencil and wash. A. MILCENDEAU. 67. A Breton Peasant. Pencil and wash. R. ANNING BELL. 68. Illustrations of "St. Agnes' Eve." Pen and 52 CATALOGUE. HANS THOMA. 69. Pieta. Litho. 70. Holy Family. Litho. 71. The Hermit. Litho. 72. Christ in the Garden. Litho. 73. Portrait of the Artist. Litho. 74. Spring. Litho. 75. Pan. Litho. 76. The Farmer. FRANK MURA. 77. Landscape. Charcoal. A. RENOIR. 78. Mother and Child. Tinted etching A. LUNOIS. 79. The Hunt. Litho in colour. KARL KOEPPING. 80. Despair. Etching. 81. The Sybil. Etching. 82. Study of Nude. PHIL MAY. 83. Pencil Sketches. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. J. BOLDINI. 84. Portrait of F. G. Kennedy. Pencil drawing. J. E. BLANCHE. 85. Young Girls Reading. A. BESNARD. 86. The Dreamer. Etching. RYSSELBERGHE. 87. The Cafe Concert. Etching. L. RAVEN HILL. 88. The Baby. Chalk drawing. 89. The Baby. Chalk drawing. 90. The Painter's Joke. Chalk drawing. 91. The Ship. Etching. 92. The Lady Sketch Artist. Pen drawing. 93. The Riverside Wharf. Etching. E. MINCH. 94. By the Sea. Litho in colour. R. RONAL. 95. The Village Park. Litho in colour. 54 CATALOGUE. HARRY WILSON. 96. Interior of Church. Charcoal. 97. The Old Town. Pastel. HAROLD SPEED. 98. Study for April. Red chalk. E. CARRIERE. 99. Sleep. Litho. P. CEZANNE. 100. The Bathers. Litho in colour. H. E. CROSS. 10 T. The Walk. Litho in colour. GEORGE AURIOL. 102. Seated Figure. Litho in colour. R. LEWISHAM. 103. Breton Dance. Litho colour. L. SYMON. 104. Old Breton — Women and Children. Litho in colour. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. R. SPENCE. 105. Book Illustration. Pen drawing. 106. George Fox's Journal. Pen drawing. 107. Red Beard and Maurice. Pen drawing 108. Dance of Death. Pen drawing. 109. The Legend of St. Nil. Pen drawing, no. Painters' Inspirations. Pen drawings. 111. George Fox. Etching. 112. Briton Pardon. Etching. 113. George Fox. Etching. 114. Skeleton at the Feast. Etching. H. BAUER. 1 1 5. The Prayer. 116. In the Mosque. E. GRASSET. 117. The Morphia Mania. Litho in colour. W. T. SMITH. 118. Design for Cover. Wood engraving. 119. Wood Engraving. GEORGE AURIOL. 120. Child's Face. Litho in colour. 56 CATALOGUE. BEILLARD. 121. Tuileries Gardens. F. BONNARD. 12 2. Canoeing. Litho in colour. 123. The Little Wash-woman. F. LAING. 124. Auteuil. Etching. 125. Quai de la Rappi. Etching. 126. Charenton. Etching. 127. On the Scheldt. Etching. 128. High Street, Dundee. Etching. OLIVER HALL. 129. Landscape. Etching. R. BRYDEN. 130. The Nativity, after Piera della Francesca. Steel engraving. C. J. WATSON. 131. The Cathedral Steps. Etching. 132. Chanoinesse. Etching. 133. Rusting amid Weeds. Etching. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. A. LEPERE. 134. Landscape. Etching. 135. The Omnibus. Etching. 136. Susannah and the Elders. Wood engraving. 137. Among the Grapes. Etching. 138. Banks of the Seine. Etching. 139. Parisienne Sensations. Wood engraving. 140. Fishing. Etching. 141. Centaur. Wood engraving. E. WILSON. 142. Cover for "The Rambler." Wash and colour. 143. Cover for " The Rambler." 144. Cover for "The Rambler." 145. The White Ship. Etching. 146. Cover for "The Rambler." 147. The Mill. Wood-block printing. CHAS. HOLROYD. f Icarus Series. Etching. IDsedalus and Icarus. Etching. 149. Icarus. Etching. 150. Daedalus. Etching. 58 CATALOGUE. CHAS. HOLROYD. 151. Icarus and Dsedalus. 152. The Icarian Sea. Etching. G. LEHEUTRE. 153. The Dancer. Coloured litho. HENRI MARTIN. 154. Head of a Woman. Coloured litho. LUCIEN PISSARRO. 155. Washing Place. Coloured litho. M. ELIOT. 156. Head of a Girl. Litho in colour. AMAN-JEAN. 157. Portrait of Miss M. Litho in colour. ODILLON REDON. 158. Beatrice. Litho in colour. M. DENIS. 159. The Visitation. Litho in colour. 160. The Reflection in the Fountain. Litho in colour. GRA VINGS AND DRA WINGS. 59 The Late AUBREY BEARDSLEY. 161. Cover for " Book of Fifty Drawings." 162. Madame Jean. Pen drawing. 163. Portrait of A. Beardsley. Pen drawing. 164. " The Houses of Sin." Pen drawing. 165. " Savoy " Poster. Pen drawing. 166. Cover Design for "Volpone." Pen drawing. 167. Cover Design for " The Savoy." Pen drawing. 168. Book Cover, "The Pierrot of the Minute." 169. Messalina returning from Bath. Colour. 1 70. The Lady and the Monkey. Reproduction. 171. The Venus of Tannhauser. Reproduction. 172. The Barge. Pen drawing. 173. IHustration to " The Three Musicians," a poem by the artist. 1 74. Original Drawings for Posters for Pseudonym Library. Colour. 175. The Fruit Bearers. Three drawings. I 76. Title Page for " Volpone." Reproduction. 177. Wotan. Pen drawing. 178. A Woodland Scene. Pen drawing. 1 79. Cover for " The Savoy." 180. Wotan and Logc. Pen drawing. 6o CATALOGUE. The Late AUBREY BEARDSLEY. 1 8 1. Atalanta. Pen drawing. 182. Cover for the design for " The Rape of the Lock." 183. Baron Verdigris. Pen drawing. 184. Albert, Illustrations to " Mdlle. de Maupin." Pen drawing. 185. Cover for " Volpone." Pen drawing. 186. "The Mask of Comedy." Pen drawing. 187. Drawing for "Yellow Book." Pen drawing. 188. Design for Lucian. Pen drawing. 189. Mdlle. de Maupin. Pen drawing. DANIEL VIERGE. 190. Book Illustrations. Wash. 191. Illustrations to " Gil Bias." Wash. 192. Spanish Scene. Wash. 193. The Bull in the Village, Wash. 194. The Barber's Shop. Wash. 195. Turkey Market, Madrid. Wash. 196. Design for Menu. Pen and ink. 197. Pig Market. J. McCLURE HAMILTON. 198. Portrait of Gladstone. Coloured litho. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. 6i LAWRENCE HOUSMAN. 199. The Burning Rose. Pen drawing. J. VAN TOOROP. 200. Lady and Swans. Litho. A. RODIN. 201. Study of the Nude. Litho. G. KNOWLES. 202. The Bath. Litho. CARABIN. 203. Statuette. Model in paper. F. KHNOPFF. 204. Britomart in the Wood. Chalk drawing. D. A. WILLIAMSON. 205. Woodland Scene. Water colour. D. S. MacCOLL. 206. Landscape. Water colour. 62 CATALOGUE. DANIEL VIERGE. 207. The Giralda. Pen drawing. H. VAEUR. 208. Sacking- the Palace. Etchingf. WALTER CRANE. 209. A Garden. Water colour. 210. Courtyard. Water colour. 211. Landscape. Water colour. 212-222. Designs and Prints for Toy Books. BARONNE DANETHAN. 223. Angels' Music. Oil colour. D. A. WILLIAMSON. 224. Broughton-in-Furness. Water colour. 225. Broughton-in-Furness. Water colour. CHARLES CONDOR. 226. Desiofn for a Fan. Water colour. A. LUDOVICI. 227. Hampstead on Bank Holiday. Water colour. 228. Skating at Prince's. Water colour. 229. Cafe at Havre. Water colour. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. WALTER CRANE. 230-232. Study for a Toy Book. Water colour. JAMES PRYDE. 233. Phantasie. Water colour. 234. The Man in the Hat. Pastel. FRANCIS E. JAMES. 235-239. Flowers. Water colour. 240. City by the Sea. Water colour. STEINLEN. 241. The Cat and the Poster. Water colour. HARRY WILSON. 242. Statuette. Pastel. 243. The Tower. Pastel. D. A. WILLIAMSON. 244. Broughton-in-P'urness. Water colour. 245. The Red Tree. Water colour. D. S. MacCOLL. 246. By the Sea. Water colour. 247. The Ferry. Water colour. 248. The Poplars in Evening Light. Water colou 64 CATALOGUE. PAUL RENOUARD. 249. Le Libre Parole. Chalk. A. LUDOVICL 250. Honfleur Boats. Water colour. A. MORLEY FLETCHER. 251. Original Wood Engraving in Colour. D. NANNINGA. 252. The Altar. Pastel. 253. The Transept. Pastel. THE MARCHIONESS OF GRANBY. 254. Lady Ulrica Duncombe. 255. Lady Ulrica Duncombe. 256. Mr. H. Lindsay. Pencil drawing. 257. Cecil Rhodes. Pencil drawing. 258. Mrs. H. Lindsay. Pencil drawing. 259. Lord Rous. JOHN DA COSTA. 260. Miss Margaret Mockridge. Red chalk. 261. Miss Mildred Jennings. Red chalk. 262. Miss Walker. Red chalk. 263. Miss Brooks. Red chalk. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. 65 PUVIS DE CHAVANNES. 264. Man's Head. Water colour. F. SANDYS. 265. Miss C. Gillilan. Coloured chalk. STEINLEN. 266. Winter. Coloured chalk. 267. Illustration of Song, by R. Gineste. Coloured chalk. 268. The Gueuse. Coloured chalk. 269. Chanson des Gueut. Coloured chalk. 270. Boulevards, exterior. Coloured chalk. 271. Bad Advice. Coloured chalk. 272. The Witches' Sabbath. Coloured chalk. 273. A la Chappelle. Coloured chalk. FRANK MURA. 274. The Old Garden. Charcoal. FELIX VALLOTON. Wood engraving. A Shower. Wood engraving. 276. The Gust of Wind.J F 66 CATALOGUE. FELIX VALLOTON. The Funeral.l 277. \ Wood engraving. The Fracas. J 278. The Musician. Wood engraving. 279. The Musician. Wood engraving. 280. Lostoiewski. Wood engraving. 281. Stendhal. Wood engraving. G. BOTTINI. 282. Un Bock. Water colour. 283. Folies Bergere. Water colour. 284. Disappointment. Water colour. 285. At the Red Mill. Water colour. 286. Le Bar Americain. Water colour. W. NICHOLSON. 287. The Stallion. Wood engraving. 288. The Queen. Wood engraving. 289. A Cricketer. Wood engraving. W. T. SMITH. 290. Fruit and Wine. Wood engraving. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. 67 J. D. BATTEN and A. MORLEY FLETCHER. 291. Original Wood-blocks. 292. Original Wood-blocks. STEINLEN. 293. Trapped. Colour. FRANK MURA. 294. Returning from Pasture. Charcoal. H. BAUER. 295. The Mosque. 296. The Oriental City. 297. The Sultan Passes. JOSEPH PENNELL. 298. Notre Dame, Paris. The West Door. Pen drawing. 299. Notre Dame, Paris. Pen drawing. 300. Notre Dame, Paris. East end. Pen drawing. 301. The South Door, Rouen. Litho. 302. Dutch Sketches. Litho. 303. Doorway, St. Gilles. Pen drawing. 304. St. Trophime, Aries. Pen drawing. 305. The East End, Chartres. Pen drawing. 68 CATALOGUE. A. MILCENDEAU. 306-308. Breton Peasants. Sketches in pencil, chalk, and pastel. BUCKLING. 309. Gateway. Water colour. A. LUDOVICI. 310. The Yellow Note. Water colour. A. MILCENDEAU. 311. Breton Drinking. D. A. WILLIAMSON. 312. Trout Haunt. G. BOTTINI. 313. Bal Masqu6. Water colour, A. MILCENDEAU. 314. Breton. Water colour. 315. Venice. A. S. HAYNES. Water colour. CRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. 69 A. LUDOVICI. 316. Beach of Trouville. Water colour. A. MILCENDEAU. 317-321. A Breton. Chalk, pencil and colour. INDEX OF ARTISTS. N.B. — The members after the addrei Alexander, J. W., 31, Boulevard Berthier, Paris. 32. Allan, R. W., 98, James Street, Buckingham Gate. 4. Aman-Jean. 22, 58. AuMONiER, J., 162, Adelaide Road, N.W. 2, 30. AuRiOL, G., Paris. 54, 55. Bartlett, C. W., II, Holland Park Road, W. 37. Batten, J. D., Vigo Street, W. 67. Bauer, H., 7o E. J. van VVisselingh, 14, Brook Street, Hanover Square. 55, 67. Beacon, C, 4, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea. 44. Beardslev, A. 59, 60. Beaux, Miss Cecilia, 17 10, Chest- nut St., Philadelphia, U.S.A. 4, 7. Beillard. 56. Bell, R. Anninc;, University Col- lege, Liverpool. 24, 50, 51. Besnard, a., i7,RueGuillaumeTell, Paris. 22, 53. f refer to the pa<^es of the Catalogue. Bevrer, E. 41. Bigland, p. 27. Blanch J. E., 19, Rue du Doctor Blanche, Auteuil. 5, 9, 29, 30, 53. Boecklin, A., Villa Boecklin, Frisole, near Florence. BOLDINI, J., 41, Boulevard Berthier, Paris. 53. BoNNARD, v., Paris. 48, 56. Borglam, G. Mothe, 5, Warwick Studios, W. 43. BoRTHWicK, A. E., I2A, Edith Terrace, Chelsea. 20. BoTTiNi, G. 66, 68. Boutet, Henri. 46, 47, 49. Breitner, G. H. 5. Brough, Robert, 2, Rossetti Studios, Flood Street, Chelsea. 2, 9, 37. Brown, A. K., Helensburgh, N.B. 12, 13, 38. Brown, T. Austin, 8, Primrose Hill Studios, Fitzroy Road, N.W. 10. Bruce, E. H. H. 28. Bruce, M., 10, Fitzroy Street, W. 8, 9. 31- 72 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Bruckman, W. L., 5, The Studios, Sheriff" Road, N.W. 15,35. Bryden, R. 56. Buckling. 68. Burns, Robert, ii. Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. 35. Cadby, W., Ormond Studios, Orbury Walk, Camden Hill, W. 8, 24, 32. Cameron, D. Y., 12, St. James Terrace, Glasgow. 3, 4, 24. Carabin, Paris. 61. Carriere, E. 54. Catchpole, T. F., 1 83, King's Road, S.W. 27. Cezanne, P. 54. Charles, J., East Ashling House, Chichester. 2, 4, 5, 17. Clausen, G., Wisdington, Newport, Essex. 8, 13. Colli NGS, C. J., 1 3, Ed wardes Square, Kensington. 5. Condor, Charles, 9, Westbourne Crescent, W. 11, 28, 62. COSSMAN, J. F. 43. Costa, Professor Giovanni, Plazzo Odescalchi, Ponte di Costella, Rome. 30. Crane, W., A.R.W.S., 13, Holland Street, Kensington, W. 62, 63. Crawhall, J., Aldfield, near Ripon, Yorkshire. 33, 34. Cross, H. E. 54. Curran, C. C, 16, West 6ist Street, Mannhatten, New York City. 26. Da Costa, John, 59, Glebe Place, Chelsea. 26, 64. Danethan, Baronne. 62. Davis, H. W. B., Glaslyn, Rhayader, Radnor. 10. Davis, M., 13, Lansdowne Road, W. 34- Dawson, N. and E. 40. Dean, R. L., 180, W. Regent Street, Glasgow. 35. De Chavannes, Puvis, 89, Av. de Villiers, Paris. 31, 32, 48, 65. Degas, H. G. E. 14. De Josselin de Jong, P., The Hague, Holland. 12, 18, 19. Denis, M. 58. Deronca, Hierl, Munchen Thor- waldsenits, 12 Knabenportest. 2, 10. De Toulouse Lautrec, F.,7oGoupil and Co., Regent Street. 1,3,10,50. DiGNAM, M. H., 122, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W. 51. Dill, Professor Ludwig, There- sienstrasse 75 Rg., Munich. 3, 34. Dillens, J., Rue de la Source, Brussels. Douglas, R. S. Johnstone, 65A, Glebe Place, S.W. 9. Dow, T. Millie, St. Ives, Cornwall. 5, 8. INDEX OF Draper, Miss A., 7, New Court, Lincoln's Inn. 12, 19. Du Mont, A. Neven, Oldfield, Port Arlington Road, Bournemouth. 32. East, Alfred, 2, Spencer Street, Victoria Street, S.W. 9. Eaton, C. W., 8, East 23rd Street, New York, U.S.A. 2, 3, 31, 32. Edelfeldt, a. 30. Eliot, M. 58. EsTALL, W., 7o E. J. van Wisselingh, 14, Brook Street, Hanover Square. 25> 29- Farquharson, I)., Lemancovc, Penzance. 17, 36. Farquharson, Joseph, Migvie Lodge, Porchester Gardens, \V. 25, 3°- Fisher, S. Melton, i 2, OrmeSquare, W. 37. Fletcher, A. Morley, 19, Eastern Avenue, Reading. 64, 67. Florence, Mary S. 4. Flossmann, J. 42. FoRAiN, J. L. 23, 50. Fragiacomo, p., 7o Professor Fra- deletto, Venice. 35. Frew, Alexander, 31, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. 5, 37. FURSE, C. W., I, Abbey Gardens, Westminster. 9, 11. ARTISTS. 73 FuRSE, J. H. M., I, Abbey Gardens, ■Westminster. 44, 45. Gauld, David, 124, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. 7, 28. Gell, Mrs. A. F., 49, Roland Garden.s, S.W. 45. GiLLAUME, N. 30. Glenesk, Lady. 29, 33. Granby, The Marchioness of, 23A, Bruton Street, W. 64. Grasset, E. 55. Greiffenhagen, M., The HoU, 12, Loudoun Road, N.W. 27. GuiLLAUMiN, A., Paris. 46, 47. Guthrie, James, 7,Woodside Place, Glasgow. 13, 34, 36. Haider, K., Germany. 12. Hall, Oliver, 22, Hayden Road, Brixton, S.W. 8, 56. Hamilton, J. McClure, 7o Boussard and Co., Regent Street. 37. 60. Hamilton, J. Whitelaw, The Grange, Helensburgh, N. B. 6, 7, 8, 25, 28. Hampton, H., 2, Victoria Road, Kensington. 39, 41, 45- Hakcourt, G., Bushey, Herts. 4. Hartley, A., 12, Aubrey Walk, Campden Hill, W. 8. Hartrick, a. S., 8, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea. 6, 33. 48, 49- 74 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Haviland, F. a., 121, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. 23. Haynes, a. S., 56, Glebe Place, Chelsea, S.W. 15, 18, 68. Henry, G., 2, West Regent Street, Glasgow. I, 25, 33, 36. HoLROYD, Charles, 7° White, Waterloo Road. 57, 58. Hornel, E. a., Kirkcudbright, N.B. i3> 15. 16. Housman, L., 61, Marloes Road, Kensington. 61. Howard, Francis, 57, Glebe Place, S.W. 19. James, F. E., Ivy House, Orr, Hastings. 63. Jenkins, F. L., 181 a, King's Road, Chelsea. 40, 45. John, W. G., 2, Woronzow Road, N.W. 41, 43. Johnston, H. 5. Kaufmann, Hugo. 44. Keene, C. 50, 51. Keller, Albert. 23. Klimt, G., Josefstiidterstrasse 21, Vienna. Khnopff, Fernand, I, Rue St. Bernard, Brussels. 16, 61. Klinger, Professor Max, Carl- heinestrasse 6, Leipsig, Plagwitz. 49. Knowles, G. 61. i Koepping, K. Kurfer stendann 6, Berlin. 52. Kuehl, Gotthard. j Laing, F. Newmans, 24, Soho Sq., I W. 56. Lambeaux, J., 35, Rue Hollestraet I Saint Gilles, Brussels, i Langley, Miss H., Cambridge Lodge j Studios, 42, Linden Gardens, W. IS- Latour, H. Fantin, 7o J^Irs. E. Edwards, 26, Golden Square. 12, 22, 29, 48, 51. Lavery, John, 5, Cromwell Place, S.W. 6, 28. Lawson, J. Kerr, 2, Wilson Street, I Hillhead, Glasgow. 32. Lee, T. Stirling, 326, King's Road, Chelsea. Leheutre, G., Paris. 47, 58. Lepere, a. 57. Lewisham, R. 54. Liebermann, Professor M., 7, Pariser Platz, Berlin. Lindner,M. P., 5 7, Bedford Gardens, Kensington. 37. Livens, H. M., 37, Croydon Grove, Croydon. 13, 14, 29. LoRiMER, J. H., 23, Edwardes Square, Kensington. 29. LouDAN, Mouat, 48, Circus Road, N.W. 25. INDEX OF LuDOVici, A., 105, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, W. 14, 15, 17, 26, 62, 64, 68, 69. LuNGERN, Fernand, 3, Washington Square, New York. lo. LuNOis, A., Paris. 50, 52. MacColl, D. S., 13, Montpelier Road, Twickenham. 6i, 63. McCuLLOCH, G., 16, Parkhouse, Willesden, N.W. 12, 23. MacGillivray, p., Ravelston Elms, Murrayfield Rd., Edinburgh. 41. Macgregor, W. Y., Albyn Lodge, Bridge of Allan. 3. Mackennal, B., 87, Clifton Hill, St. John's Wood. 42, 45. Macmonnies, F., 44, Ruedu Sevres, Paris. 39, 41, 42, 43, 44. MacNicol, Bessie, i 7 5, Vincent St., Glasgow. 7, 14, 16, 18, 20. Manet, E. 3, 7. Mann, Alexander, i, Pembroke Studios, Kensington. 8, 34. Mann, Harrington, 248, West George St., Glasgow. 2, 9, 33. Manning, W. W., 55A, Bedford Gardens. 27, 28. Maris, J., The Hague, Holland. Maris, Matthew. 35. Martin, H. 58. Maurin, C, Paris. 49, 51. May, Phil, Rowsley House, Hol- land Park Road. 52. ARTISTS. 75 Mesdag,H. W.,The Hague, Holland. 19. 23, 37- Meunier, C., 30, Rue Albert de la Tour, Schaerbeck, Brussels. 40, 43. 44- Milcendeau, a. 51, 68, 69. MiNCH, E. 53. MoiRA, Gerald E., and F. Eynn Jenkins, 181 a, King's Road, Chelsea, S.W. 40. Monet, Claude. 16. Morton, T. C, 136, Wellington Street, Glasgow. 7, 29, 32. Muhrman, H., 26, Wolseley Gar- dens, Gunnersbury. 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20. Muirhead, I)., I, Cremorne Road, Chelsea, S.W. 24, 26, 31. MuRA, F., 6, Rosebank, Ulundi Rd., Westconibe Park, S.E. 9, 14, 52, 65, 67. MuKRAV, J. Reid, 136, Wellington Street, Glasgow. 2, 23, 26. Nanninga, U. 64. Newherv, F. H., Vo Campbell, Glasgow. 6, 29. Nicholson, W., 2, Denmark Place, Hastings. 14, 66. NisiiET, R. B., Comrie, N.B. 23. O'Connor, A., 219, King's Road, Chelsea. 40, 41. Olsson, J., St. Ives, Cornwall, i. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 76 Oppler, Ernest, 7o Dixsee and Co. 19, 35. Padgett, W., 57, Bedford Gardens, Kensington, W. 18. Park, Stuart, 241, West George Street, Glasgow. 24, 25, 26, 30, 3i> 37- Parsons, Alb'red, 54, Bedford Gar- dens, Kensington, W. 30, 31. Paterson, J., Moniaive, N.B. ; 15, Stafford Street, Edinburgh. 3, 4, 17, 22. Paul, Hermann. 48. Pennell, Joseph, 14, Buckingham Street, Strand. 67. Perman, L. E., 131, \V. Regent Street, Glasgow. 10. Pirie, G., 134, Bath Street, Glasgow. 25. 27, 36. PiSSARRO, L. 58. PoMERoy, F. W., I, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea. 43- Priestman, B., 29, Beaufort Street, S.W. 12, 14, 16, 17, 18. Pryde, J., 2, Denmark Place, Hast- ings. 14, 63. Raven Hill, L., 16, AdamsonRoad, South Hampstead. 31, 53. Redon, O. 58. Renoir, A. 52. Renouard, Paul, 46, Rue de I'Arbre Sec, Paris. 25, 36, 46, 47, 48, 64. RiscHGiTZ, A., Cambridge Lodge Studios, Linden (wardens, S.W. 27. Roche, Alexander, i,Albyn Place, Edinburgh. 6. Rodin, A., 182, Rue de I'Universite, Paris. 41, 42, 61. Rolshoven, J., 76, Fulham Road. 15. 19- Ronal, R. 53. Roth enstein, Wi LL, 5 3, Glebe Place, Chelsea. 11, 35. ROUSSEL, X. 49. Rysselberghe, Holland. 53. St. Gaudens, Augustus, 3, Rue Bagneny, Paris. 39. Sandys, F., 34, Addison Gardens, Kensington. 2, 65. Sauter, G., 45, Roland Gardens, S.W. 2, 17, 18, 20. Segantini, G., 9, Soglio di Val Bre- gaglia, Switzerland, 4, 29. Seth-Arthur, W. Marsh Maldon, New Oxford. 27. Shannon, A. McF., 7, Scots Street, Glasgow. 45. Shannon, C. H. 49. Shannon, J. J., 3A, Holland Park Road, Kensington. 3, 15. Sichel, E., 2, Claremont, Bradford. 24. INDEX Oi Sims, C., 4, Addison Studios, Blythe Road, Kensington. 16. SiSLEY, A. 51. Smith, W. T., 3, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road, S.W. 55, 66. Speed, H., Oakley Studios, i, Cheyne Row, Chelsea. 10, 13, 25, 26, 28, 31, 38, 54. Spence, H., Vo Campbell, Glasgow. 6. Spence, R., 'A H. W. Taylor, 61, Queen's Road, Bayswater. 55. Steinlen. 63, 65, 67. Stevenson, R.Macaulay, Glasgow. 7, 27, 32- Stokes, A., Queen Anne's Mansions, Westminster. 8. Stokes, Marianne, Queen Anne's Mansions, Westminster. 32. Strang, W., i 7, St. George's Square, Regent's Park. 22. Stuck, Professor Franz, Akad- emie der Bildcnden, Kunste, Munich. 24. Swynnerton, Mrs. A., Clareville Road Studios, Gloucester Rd . 22. Symon, L. 54. Taubmann, F. M., 123, Rue Pota- gere, Brussels. 40. THAULOW,FRiTZ,VilladcsOrchidecs, Dieppe. 6, 7. Thoma, Hans, Frankfurt, A/M. 1 1, 52- ^ ARTISTS. 77 Thomas, G., 2, W. Regent Street, Glasgow. 24. j Thomas, J. H., Chelsea Arts Club. I 39- I Thomas, M. H., Caeffyunm, Tal- sarnau, N. AVales. 26. Thomson, L., 98, James Street, Buckingham Gate. 11. Tomson, a., Torrington House, Pin- ner, Middlesex. 3. Troubetzkoy, Prince P. 37. Truesdell, G. S., 30, Great Russell Street, W. 34. Tweed, J. 42, 43, 44. Vaeur, H. 62. Valadon, Suzanne. 51. Valloton, F. 48, 65, 66. Van Toorop, J., Amsterdam. 18, 36, 61. Vierge, D. 60, 62. Von Glehn, W. G., 58, Glebe Place, Chelsea. 6, 33. Von Habermann, Hugo, Munich. 23. 34- Von Uhde, Professor F., Munchen, Thercsienstrasse, 148. r. Vuillard, E. 47. Walker, A. G., 5, Cedar Studios, Glebe Place, Chelsea. 43. Walton, E. A., 73, Cheyne Walk, S.W. 12, 18, 19, 36. Walton, H., 73, Cheyne Walk, S.W. 13. 35- 78 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Watson, C. J.,5, WentworthStudios, Manresa Road, Chelsea. 56. Watson, G. S., 2, Pembroke Studios, Kensington. 33. Whistler, James McNeil, 1 10, Rue du Bac, Paris. 20, 21, 22, 48. Whistler, Mrs. McNeil. 20. Whittet, a., 2, East Broughton Street, Edinburgh. 17. Whyte, W. p., 5, Cromwell Place, S.W. 13, 26, 36. Williamson, D. A., Broughton-in- Furness. 61, 62, 63, 68. Wilson, Edgar, i, Middleton Road, Battersea Rise. 57. Wilson, H., Vicarage Gate, Ken- sington. 11,41,54,63. Withers, Alfred, 28, Church Rd., Hampstead. 22. Wood, F. Derwent, Bloomfield Studios, 13A, 'Bloomfield Place, PimHco Road, S.W. 41, 42. Zorn, a. L., 7o S. L. Lamm and Co., Stockholm. 6, 7, 10. All the Jllnstralioiis in this Catalogue have been photo- graphed and rcprodjiced hy Carl Hentschel aa'd Co., 182, 183, 184, Fleet Street, London, E.C., 7uho ivere specially appointed hy the Council. (iui.Di isn ( ll-.DNM .1. IIkNUV. POR'IRAri' Ol' (ilRl.S. I'ORTRAir Ol' MRS. r.RAXD. I.i-Ni ]:\ A. 1!kam), 1;>(,i. MUSIC. THE STAIRS. ERNESTA. IX ARrADV, THE DRKAMKR IDA IN ORCHARD. A WOOD SPRITE. MARC.ARET. 47- JdHN Lavkkv. MRS. ROdKR IM.OWDKN AND H U M I'l I R ( !• R.\( ;M KN T). WIX'I'ER. CANAL SCENE. Mii)SL'.\iMi;i< Mcnr dancI': ix mora. THE VILLAGE OF GREZ. AL' 1 UMN. w .WDi.kiNi; .sni:i£P, AiiKiw Stokes. I A lARM NARl) ( I A i;\ I .\( 1). ciRi.s hi:ai). F. i)K Toui.ousE Lautrec. jam: A\R1I.. C. W. Kl KSK. I'OR'I'KAri' OK MRS. IAN HAMILTON. MISS irI':ne \'a\I!RU(;h in vhe drkss of rose TRELAWNEY. 93- McCi'i.i.oc H. 1II:K0 'IRANSI'ICURl-.I) IX IHE i.Kiiii' ()!■ i.i;.\xi)i;rs i.oxi:. 97- AN Arri'MX i:\i:\"ix(; liKKTR AM I'KIKS TMAN. lOi;. Ja.MKS (k'THKlIC. MISS ii:ssii>: mariix. 114. II. (;. K. Dkgas. DANCi'.RS (I'A.s ri:i.). Lent hv Mks. Unu in. 1 1 9- H. (1. E. Degas. cam': cHAxrAN'r. Lent isy Mrs. Unwin. I'OR'l'RAl'r OK ]..\\)y \\Al.rOLE. Ki:\v r.RiDf.E. MRS. JAMi:.S M\I,NE. INSl'I R.\ I ION. 178. James McXkii. Whisti.kk. ARRANGEMENT IN BLACK— ROSA COKDER. Lent r.v C'iRaiiam Robertson. i.So. Jamks McNeil Whistlkr. ROSE AND SII.\ I:R LA PRINCESSE DES PAYS Di: I. A I'ORCELAINE. Lknt i!y W. Bukrkll, Esq. 183. Jamks McXkii, \\'histi.kk. BLUE AND COLD -VALPARAISO NOCTURNE. Lent iiy Okorge McCulloch, Esq. SARA I. A I'.Air.NEUSE. LO 'i-Hi- \isi'r, 2 23- John da Costa. I'oRi'RAri' C)i' MISS w.\ MADAME BESNARI) AND ( 1 1 1 1.l )Ri;\. 195- Huc'.o VON Haukkmaxn. I'ORI'RAir ()1- \\()^r.\X. •I'HK I'ORl'LNi: rKi,i,i:R. rORlRAlI', THi-: .\NNUNciA riox. 237- John La\ i:rv. PORTRAIT GROUP. I'ORIRAir Ol MADA.Ml-; liLANCHE. MDl.l.i:. JLl.IA liARTl'/r (COMKDIl Lknt nv AuMiKAi, MaxM' 1 RAXrAISK). 259- THE HASELWOOl) NEAR AL13AN0. Cj. Costa. DAY l)Ri:.\MS. 267. I'uvis UK Chavannks. SYMBOI.i: LA ( ROIX KUUCK (DRAW LXC".). MOON RISE. H()\i:s'iv Marianne Storks. MAN READING. 'I'Hl' C.RF.EN C.IRL. IIakkincion Manx. I'ORI'RAir OF CHILI). (;eish.\. J. Ckawhall. THE BLACK COCK. A GIRL. 314- E. A. Walton. I-ORTRAir Ol' 1AMKS CI.KNXV. ESQ. 21 RoiiKKT Bkoui.h. MAUD BEAl RICi:, 1)AU(;H TER OF JOSKTH LAWRICNCE, ESQ. •I'HI'. SCANl)AL-MON(;i': RS. THE 1;AM>1:1" CIRI. (W ASH DRAWINC;). Haroi.i) Speed. STUDY FOR Al'RIL (RED CHALK). i6y. The i.atk Auiikia arusi kv. MESSALINA Rl'/l'URNINC; I RO.M 11 1 1. 11. M il. Ktpi-odiucd by kind permission oj Leonard Smillurs, Esq. 234- Jamks Pryde. THE MAN IN llli: llAl' (I'ASl'EL). MISS MILDRKI) JENNINC.S (RED CHALK). BRETON PEASANT. I 7- Augustus St. Oaldkn's. REI,Ii:i" (I'l.Asri'.R). Augustus St. Gaudens. l.IEF (I'LASTER). MEDALLION. 24. STUDY (STONE). .\. RoiUN. REEVES' COLOURS ARE PURE. REEVES' COLOURS ARE RELIABLE. C. NAPIER HEMY, A.R.A., writes: "I found your colours a deeper, richer set of colours than I had ever found before, both in oil and water colour. ... I really consider they arc the very best I ever have had." Monthly — Price One Shilling. THE STUDIO A MAGAZINE OF FINE AND APPLIED ART. " THE STUDIO',' which is an hiternational magazine, and the pioneer of the modern art movetnent, has the largest circulation in the world of any publication de- voted to the arts. Amongst the contributors to the Exhibition of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers, the work of the following artists has been dealt with from time to time in the pages of " The Studio " : James McNeil Whistler, E. Aman-Jean, J. W. Alexander, Aubrey Beardsley, Puvis de Chavannes, Fernand Khnopff, W. Y. Macgregor, Auguste Rodin, E. A. Walton, Anders Zorn, R. Anning Bell, A. Besnard, J. E. Blanche, Arnold Boecklin, T. Austen-Brown, D. Y. Cameron, Eugene Carriere, George Clausen, Charles Conder, Walter Crane, J. Dillens, T. Millie Dow, J. D. Batten, Alfred East, W. Estall, Forain, C. W. Furse, E. Grasset, Maurice Greiffenhagen, Hugo von Habermann, Oliver Hall, G. Harcourt, G. Henry, Charles Holroyd, E. A. Hornel, L. Housman, F. E. James, Max Klinger, C. Koepping, H. Fantin-Latour, John Lavery, Max Liebermann, A. Lunois, Frederick Macmonnies, Phil May, Constantin Meunier, Gerald Moira, D. Muirhead, F. Mura, W. Nicholson, Stuart Park, Joseph Pennell, Bertram Priestman, Alexander Roche, G. Segantini, J. J. Shannon, Steinlen, Macaulay Stevenson, W. Strang, Fritz Thaulow, Hans Thoma, F. von Uhde, and C. J. Watson. SOME PRESS OPINIONS: "The best of all magazines of art." — Daily Mail. "The most successful art magazine in Europe." — Daily Chronicle, " No art magazine can compare with The Studio." — Yorkshire Post. " Indispensable to everyone who wishes to keep in touch with modern art move- ments." — The Globe. " Considerably in advance of its competitors." — Liverpool Review. " The originator of The Studio must feel flattered at the imitations which his journal is undergoing throughout the world." — St. /atnes's Gazette. " Its place is in the front rank of the world." — New York Journal. "The most successful art magazine in the world." — National Observer. London : 5, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C. Paris : 7, Rue Laffitte. New York : 140, Fifth Avenue. 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Twelve Coloured Plates, each illustrating a sport for the month. With accompanying Rhymes by Rudyard Kipling. 4to. In Three Editions. The Library Edition all sold. The Popular Edition. Lithographed in Colours on stout Cartridge Paper. Price 2s. 6d. The Edition de Luxe (limited). Printed from the Original Woodblocks. Hand- coloured, and signed by the Artist. In Vellum Portfolio. Price £\2 12s. net. AN ALPHABET. By William .Nicholson. 410. In Three Editions. The Popular Editiott all sold. The Library Edition (limited). Lithographed in Colours on Dutch handmade Paper, mounted on brown paper and bound in cloth, gilt edges. Price 12s. 6d. net. The Edition de Luxe (limited). Printed from the Original Woodblocks. Il.ind- coloured, and signed by the Artist. In Vellum Portfolio. Price £21 net. PORTRAITS BY MR. NICHOLSON: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. MADAME SARAH BERNHARDT. MR. RUDYARD KIPLING. LORD ROBERTS. MR. CECIL RHODES. MR. WHISTLER. PRINCE BISMARCK. These are now supplied separately, mounted on card for framing, price 2^. 6d. net each. A few copies of each Portrait printed from the Original Woodblocks, Hand- coloured, and signed by the Artist, are still obtainable. Price £2 2s. each, net. LONDON: WM. HEINEMANN, 21, Bedford Street. W.C r GETTY CENTER LIBRARY^^ 4