HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND BY HENRY THOMAS BUCKLE WITH AN INTRODtrCnON BY ARTHUR BRISBANE VOLUME JI PART II PROM THE SECOND LONDON EDITION TO WHICH IS ADDED AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX NEW YORK HEARST’S INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY CO. PUBLISHERS CHAPTER IV. CONDITION OP SCOTLAND DUEING THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTUEIE8. Scarcely had James mounted the throne of England, when he began seriously, and on a large scale, to attempt to subjugate the Scotch Church, which, as he clearly saw, was the principal obstacle that stood between him and despotic power. While he was merely King of Scotland, he made several efforts, which were constantly baffled ; hut now that he wielded the vast re- sources of England, the victory seemed easy,* As early as 1584, he had gained a temporary triumph, by forcing many of the clergy to recognize episcopacy But that institution was so repugnant to their levelling and democratic principles, that nothing could overcome their abhorrence of it and, completely overawing the king, they compelled him to give way, and to re- trace his steps. The result was, that, in 1592, an Act of Par- liament was passed, which subverted the authority of the bishops, and established Presbyterianism ; a scheme based on the idea of equality, and, therefore, suited to the wants of the Scotch Church.^ * Lord Dartmouth says (Note in Burnet's History of his own Time^ vol. i. p. 15) : “ The Earl of Seafield told me that King James frequently declared that he never looked upon himself to be more than King of Scotland in name, till he came to be King of England ; but now, he said, one kingdom would help him to govern the other, or he had studied kingcraft to very little purpose from his cradle to that time.” Compare Burnet's Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton^ Oxford, 1862, p. 36. “ No sooner was he happily settled on the throne of England, but he went more roundly to work.” Compare Tytler's History of Scotland, vol. vi. p. 430, with Acts of the Parlia- merits of Scotland, vol. hi. p. 303, § 20; also the Act (p. 293, § 4), likewise in 1684, limiting the power of the General Assemblies. James, who flattered himself that he had now settled every thing, signalized his triumph by personally abusing the clergy ; “ calling them lownes, smaicks, seditious knaves, and so furth.” See a let- ter, dated 2d of January, 1585-6, in Miscellany of the Wodrow Society, p. 438, Edin- burgh, 1 844. ® “ Bishops were alwayes looked at with a frown.” Kirkton's History of the Church of Scotland, p. 120. * See this remarkable statute, in Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. iii. 206 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE To this statute, James had assented with the greatest re^. luctance.® Indeed, his feeling respecting it was so strong, that he determined, on the first opportunity, to procure its repeal, even if he used force to effect his purpose. The course he adopted, was characteristic both of the man and of the age. In December 1596, one of those popular tumults arose ^ in Edin- burgh, which are natural in barbarous times, and which, under ordinary circumstances, would have been quelled, and nothing more thought of it,® But James availed himself of this, to strike what he deemed a decisive blow. His plan was nothing less than to turn into the capital of his own monarchy, large bodies of armed and licensed banditti, who, by threatening to plunder the city, should oblige the clergy and their flocks to agree to whatever terms he chose to dictate. This magnani- mous scheme was well worthy of the mind of J ames, and it was strictly executed. From the north, he summoned the Highland nobles, and from the south, the border barons, who were to be accompanied by their fierce retainers, — men who lived by pillage, and whose delight it was to imbrue their hands in blood. At pp. 641, 2. As some of the historians of the Scotch Church have greatly misrepre- sented it, I will quote that part which expressly repeals the Act of 1584, in favour of the bishops. “Item oure said soueranc lord and estaittis of Parliament foirsaid, abrogatis cass and anullis the xx act of the same pliamet haldin at Edinburgh the said zeir 1684 zeiris granting comissioun to bishoppis and vtheris iuges constitute in ecclesiastical causs To ressaue his hienes presentatioun to benefices. To gif collatioun thairvpoun and to put ordo'' in all causs ecclesiasticall qlk his Maiestie and estaittis foirsaid declairis to be expyrit in the self and to be null in tyme cuming and of nane availl force nor effect.^ ® “ The King repented after that he had agreed unto it.” Caldetwood^ s History of the Kirk, vol. v. p. 162. But this gives a faint idea of his real feelings. It is perhaps hardly necessary to adduce evidence of the opinions entertained on this point, by a prince, one of whose favourite sayings was, “ No Bishop, no King.” The reader will, however, find, in the Glarendon State Papers (vol. ii. p. 260, Oxford, 1773, folio), a letter from Charles I., which is worth looking at, because it frankly avows that James, in loving episcopacy and hating presbyterianism, was actuated rather by political motives, than by religious ones. Charles writes : “ The pruden- tiall part of any consideration will never be found opposit to the conscientious, nay heere, they go hand in hand ; for (according to lawyers lodgique) show me any presi- dent where ever Presbiteriall governement and Regall was together, without per- petual rebellions. Which was the cause that necessitated the King, my Father, to change that governement in Scotland.^' Compare what is said by a Scotch Presbyte- rian of the seventeenth century, in Biographies, edited for the Wodrow Society by the Rev. W. K. Tweedie, Edinburgh, 1846, vol. i. p. 13. “ The reason why King James was so violent for Bishops was neither their divine institution (which he denied they had), nor yet the profit the Church should reap by them (for he knew well both the men and their communications,) but merely because he believed they were useful in- struments to turn a limited monarchy into absolute dominion, and subjects into slaves, the design in the world he minded most.” ® “ Had it not been laid hold of by designing politicians as a handle for accom- plishing their measures, it would not now have been known that such an event had ever occurred.” M''Crie's Life of Melville, vol. ii. p. 85. “Harmless as this uproar was, it afforded the court a pretext for carrying into execution its designs against the liberties and government of the Church.” P. 89. SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 207 the express command of James, these ferocious brigands, on the 1st of J anuary 1597, appeared in the streets of Edinburgh, gloating over the prospect before them, and ready, when their sovereign gave the word, to sack the capital, and raze it to the ground.^ Eesistance was hopeless. Whatever the king demanded, was conceded ; and James supposed that the time was now come, in which he could firmly establish the authority of the bishops, and, by their aid, control the clergy, and break their refractory spirit.® In this undertaking, three years were consumed. To insure its success, the king, supported by the nobles, relied, not only on force, but also on an artifice, which now seems to have been employed for the first time. This was, to pack the General Assemblies, by inundating them with clergymen drawn from the north of Scotland, where, the old clannish and aristocratic spirit being supreme, the democratic spirit, found in the south, was unknown. Hitherto, these northern ministers had rarely attended at the great meetings of the church ; but James, in 1597, sent Sir Patrick Murray on a special mission to them, urging them to be present, in order that they might vote on his side.® They being a very ignorant body, knowing little or noth- ing of the questions really at issue, and being, moreover, accus- tomed to a state of society in which men, notwithstanding their lawlessness, paid the most servile obedience to their immediate superiors, were easily worked upon, and induced to do what they were bid. By their help, the crown and the nobles so strengthened their party in the General Assembly, as to obtain in many instances a majority ; and innovations were gradually introduced, calculated to destroy the democratic character of the Scotch Church.^® In 1597, the movement began. From then, until 1600, ’ Tytler's History of Scotland, vol. vii. pp. 342-345. Calderwood's History of the KirJc, vol. V. pp. 614, 615, 630, 631. ® “Intimidated by these menaces, and distressed at the loss of the courts of jus- tice, they came to the resolution of making surrender of their political and religious hberties to the King.” MHrie's Life of Melville, vol. ii. p. 92. This is said of the magistrates of Edinburgh. Among other threats, one was, the “ razing and plough- ing of Edinburgh, and sowing it with salt.” Wodrow's Life of Bruce, p. 48, prefixed to Bruce's Sermons, edited by the Rev. William Cunningham, Edinburgh, 1843. On this occasion, Elizabeth wrote a letter to James, which is printed in Letters of Queen Elizabeth and James VI., 1849, 4to, pp. 120, 121. ® M^'Crie's Life of Melville, vol. ii. p. 100. Scot {Apologetical Narration of the State of the Kirk, p. 88) says, “ Sir Patrick Murray, the diligent apostle of the North, made their acquaintance with the King.” Also, The Autobiography and Diary of James Melville, p. 403. Tytler's History of Scotland, vol. vii, pp. 350, 359. But by far the best account of the infiuence of these northern clergy, will be found in M'' Erie's Life of Melville (vol. ii. pp. 100-105, 109, 131, 162), drawn, in several instances, from manuscript authorities. Compare Calderwood's History of the Kirk, vol. v. p. 695. 208 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE successive Assemblies sanctioned different changes, all of which were marked hy that aristocratic tendency which seemed about to carry every thing before it. In 1600, the General Assembly met at Montrose ; and government determined on making a final effort to compel the Church to establish an episcopal polity. Andrew Melville, by far the most influential man in the Church, and the leader of the democratic party, had been elected, as usual, a member of the Assembly ; but the king, arbitrarily interposing, refused to allow him to take his seat.“ Still, nei- ther by threats, nor by force, nor by promises, could the court carry their point. All that they obtained was, that certain ecclesiastics should be allowed to sit in parliament ; but it was ordered that such persons should every year lay their commis- sions at the feet of the General Assembly, and render an account of their conduct. The Assembly was to have the power of deposing them ; and, to keep them in greater subjection, they were forbidden to call themselves bishops, but were to be con- tent with the inferior title of Commissioners of the Church.*® “ This is related by his nephew, James Melville. “ Mr. Andro Melvill come to the Assembly, by Commissioune of his Presbytrie, but wes commandit to keip his ludgeing ; quho, being callit to the King in private, and demandit, Quhy he was so trublesume as to come to the Assembly being dischairgit ? He answerit. He had a calling in the Kirk of God, and of Jesus Chryst, the King of kings, quhilk he behovit to discbairge at all occasiounes, being orderlie callit thairto, as he wes at this tyme ; and that for feir of a grytter punischment then could any earthly King inflict.” T}ie Autobiography and Diary of James Melvill, p. 642. As, owing to the passions of the rival classes, every step of this part of Scotch history is the subject of angry controversy, and as even Mr. Tytler [History of Scot- land, vol. vii. p. 360) asserts that “the final establishment of Episcopacy” took place at the Assembly of Montrose, in 1600, I subjoin a few extracts from the enactments of that Assembly, in order that the reader may judge for himself, and may test the accuracy of what I have stated in the text. “ Concerning the maner of choosing of him that sail have vote in Parliament in name of the Kirk : It is condiscendit vpon, that he sail first be recommendit he the Kirk to his Majestic; and that the Kirk sail nominat sixe for every place that sail have neid to be filled, of quhom his Majestie sail choose ane, of quhom he best lykes; and his Majestie promises, obleises, and binds himselfe to choose no vther but ane of that number : And in cace his Majestie refuses the haill vpon ane just reason of ane insufficiency, and of greater sufficiencie of vthers that are not recommendit, the Kirk sail make ane new recommendatioun of men according to the first number, of the quhilk, ane salbe chosin be his Majestie without any farther refuisall or new nominatioun; and he that salbe chosin be his Majestie, salbe admittit be the Synods.” Acts of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 954. “ As to the cautions to keip him, that sail have vote in Parliament, from corruptiouns : They be these fol- lowing : 1. That he presume not, at any tyme, to propone at Parliament, Counsell o" Conventioun, in name of the Kirk, any thing without expresse warrand and directioun from the Kirk, and sick things as he sail answer (for) to be for the weill of the Kirk, vnder the paine of depositioun from his office.” .... 2. “ He sail be bound at every Generali Assemblie, to give ane accompt anent the discharge of his com- missioun sen the Assemblie gangand befor ; andsaM suhmitt himselfe to thair censure, and stand at thair determinatioun quhatsumever, without appellatioun ; and sail seik and obtain ratificatioun of his doings at the said Assemblie, vnder the paine of in- famie and excommunicatioun." .... 6. “ In the administration of discipline, col- latioun of benefices, visitatioun, and all vther points of ecclesiasticall government. SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 2 After sustaining this repulse, James seems to have been disbeartened ; as he made no further effort, though he still laboured underhand at the restoration of episcopacy. If he had persevered, it might have cost him his crown. For, his resources were few ; he was extremely poor and recent events had shown that the clergy were stronger than he had supposed. When he thought himself most sure of success, they had subjected him to a mortifying defeat ; and this was the more remarkable, as it was entirely their own work ; they being by this time so completely separated from the nobles, that they could not rely upon even a single member of that powerful body. While affairs were in this state, and while the liberties of Scotland, of which the Church was the guardian, were trem- bling in the balance, Elizabeth died, and the King of Scotland became also King of England. James at once determined to employ the resources of his new kingdom to curb his old one. In 1604, that is, only the year after his accession to the Eng- lish throne, he aimed a deadly blow at the Scotch Church, by attacking the independence of their Assemblies ; and, by his own authority, he prorogued the General Assembly of Aberdeen.*® he sail neither vsurpe nor acclaime to himselfe any -power or jurisdictioun farther than any -other of the rest of his breither, unlesse he be imployit be his breither, vnder the paine of deprivatioun.” p. 965. “ Aiient his name that for the Kirk sail (have) vote in Parliament: It is advyseit, be vniforme consent of the haill brether, that he salbe callit Commissioner of such a place.” p. 966. “ Therfor the Generali Assemblie having reasonit at length the said qnestiouii, tuiching the continuance of him that sail have vote in Parliament, after votting of the same, finds and decernes, that he sail annuatim give count of his cominission obtainit from the Assemblie, and lay downe the samein at thair feitt, to be continuit or alterit therfra be his Maiestio and the Assemblie, as the Assemblie, -with consent of his Maiestie, sail think most expedient for the weill of the Kirk.” p. 959. 13 “ While James remained in Scotland, the scheme of introducing episcopacv, though never lost sight of, was cautiously prosecuted.” M^Crie's Life of Melville vol. ii. p. 178. “ James, during the whole of his reign, was chiefly dependent on the money which Elizabeth gave him, and which she dealt out rather niggardly. Such were his necessities, that he was forced to pawn his plate, and, even then, he was often unable to defray his ordinary household expenses. See Tytler's History of Scotland, vol. vi. pp.__265, 266, 272; vol. vii. pp. 168, 378-380. Miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol. ii. pp. xlv. 114. Gregory's History of the Western Highlands, pp. 241, 277. See also a clamorous begging-letter from James to Elizabeth, written in 1691, in Letters of Queen Elizabeth and James VL, 1849, 4to, pp. 68, 69. In 1693, she apologizes for sending him only a small sum : “ The small token you shall receave from me I desire yt may serve to make you remember the tvme and my many weighty alfairet:, wich makes it lea than else I would, and I dowt nothing but when you heare all, yow will beare with this.” p. 84. A letter from James Hudson, written about the year 1591, states that “both the king’s table and queen’s had like to have been unserved by want ; and that the king had nothing he accounted certain to come into his purse, but what he had from the Queen of England.” liidpath's Border History, p. 465, Berwick, 1848, 4to. “ Laing's Histm-y of Scotland, edit. 1819, vol. iii. p. 28. Calderwoodf s History vf the Kirk, vol. vi. pp. 264, 323. Bower's History of the University of Edinburgh, 69 210 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE In 1605, he again prorogued it ; and, to make his intentions clear, he, this time, refused to fix a day for its future meeting.'® Hereupon, some of the ministers, deputed by presbyteries, took upon themselv^'es to convene it, which they had an undoubted right to do, as the act of the king was manifestly illegal. On the day appointed, they met in the session-house of Aberdeen, They were ordered to disperse. Having, as they conceived, by the mere fact of assembling, sufficiently asserted their privi- leges, they obeyed. But James, now backed by the power of England, resolved that they should feel the change of his posi- tion, and, therefore, of theirs. In consequence of orders which he sent from London, fourteen of the clergy were committed to prison.'’' Six of them, who denied the authority of the privy- council, were indicted for high treason. They were at once put upon their trial. They were convicted. And sentence of death was only deferred, that the pleasure of the king might first be taken, as to whether he would not be satisfied with some punishment that fell short of sacrificing the lives of these unhappy men.'® Their lives, indeed, were spared ; but they were subjected to a close imprisonment, and then condemned to perpetual exile.'® In other parts of the country, similar measures were vol. i. p. 175, Edinburgh, 181'7. Stevenson’s History of the Church of Scotland, p. 88. “ “ Adde thereunto, that the letter of the commissioner and last moderator, conteaned no certane tyme nor day whereto the said Assembliesouldbe prorogued ; so that it imported a casting loose and deserting, yea, and tyning of the possessioun of our Assemblio ; than the which what could be more dangerous to the libertie and freedom of the Kirk of Jesus Christ, at suche a tyme, namelie of the treatie of the Unioun, when all the estates of the realme, and everie particular are zealous and carefull of their rights and possessiouus ? ” Caltkrwood's History of the Kirk, vol. vi. pp. 309, 310. ” See a list of them in Calderwood’s History of the Kirk, vol. vi. p. 347, where the fourteen names are preserved with pious care. Pitcairn! s Criminal Trials in Scotland, vol. ii. pp. 494-602. Forbes' Certaine Records touching the Estate of the Kirk, edit. Wodrow Society, Edinburgh, 1846, pp. 463-496. “ Delayed the giving forth of the sentence of condemnation till the King’s mind were further knowne.” See also Calderwood!s History of the Kirk, vol. vi. pp. 434, 449. When they were found guilty, “ the peiple said, ‘ Certainely Uiis wes a worke of darknes, to mak Chrystis faithfull Ministeres tratouris to the King ! God grant he be niver in greater dangeris nor off sic traitouris.’ ” MelvilVs Autobiography and Diary, p. 626. M’Crie's Life of Melville, vol. ii. pp. 207, 208. Pitcairn's Criminal Trials, vol. ii. p. 504. In connexion with these transactions, a letter is preserved in the Winwood Papers, which is much too curious to be passed over in silence. It is ad- dressed by the Earl of Salisbury to Sir Charles Cornwallis, and is dated 12th Septem- ber 1605. Salisbury, who was then at the head of affairs, writes, “True it is that his Majestie seeking to adorne that kingdome of Scotland with Prelates as they are in England, some of the Ministers have spurned against it ; and althouge his Majestie had ever warranted their calling of General Assemblies upon no other condition, then that they should make him acquainted, receive his warrant, and a commissioner for his Majestie resident in their councells, yet have they (followed with some poor plebecall numbers) presumed to hold their General Assemblies in some parte of the Realme contrarie to his commandement. Whereupon his Majestie hath shewed SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 211 adopted. Nearly all over Scotland, numbers of the clergy were either irnprisoned or forced to fly.® ® Terror and proscription v^ere universal. Such was the panic, that it was generally believed that nothing could prevent the permanent establish- rnent of despotism, unless there were some immediate and pro- vidential interference on behalf of the Church and the people.®^ Nor can it be denied that there were plausible grounds for these apprehensions. The people had no friends except among the^ clergy, and the ablest of the clergy were either in prison or in exile.®® To deprive the Church entirely of her leaders, Janies, in 1606, summoned to London, Melville and seven of his colleagues, under pretence of needing their advice.®® Having got possession of their persons, he detained them in England. ®< They were forbidden to return to Scotland j and Melville, who was most feared, was committed to custody. He was then imprisoned in the Tower, where he remained four years, and from which he was only liberated on condition of living abroad, and. abandoning altogether his native country.®® The seven ministers who had accompanied him to London, were also im- ^'3 councell,” &c. Memorials of airs of State, from the Papers of Sir Ralph Winwood, London, 17 26, folio, vol u. p 132. And yet the man who could write such nonsense as this, and who could only see, in the great democratic movement of the Scotch mind, a disinclina- tion to the adornment of episcopacy, was deemed one of the most eminent states- men ot his tunc, and his reputation has survived him. If great statesmen discern so little ot what is before them and around them, we are tempted to inquire, how much confidence ought to be placed in the opinions of those average statesmen by whom countries are ruled. For my own part, I can only say, that I have had occa- sion to read many thousand letters written by diplomatists and politicians, and I have hardly ever found an instance of one of them who understood the spirit and tendency of the age in whicli he lived. Ministers in all parts of tlie country were thrown into prison, or declared rebels, and lorced to abscond.” M^Crie's Life of Melville, vol. ii, p. 250. Liberty o speech was so completely suppressed, that, in 1606, when the most zealous and intelligent clergy were banished, “ a strait command” (was) “ gevin to magistrats, and uther omciers of burrowis, that in cace any preacher sould speik opinlie aganis that baneisment, or for defence or mentenence of that assemblie, or pray publiklie tor ther saiftie, that they sould be noted and manifested to the secret councell, and corrected for their fault.” The Historie of King James the Sext, p. 380. bee an eloquent and touching passage, in Calderwood's History of the Kirk, vol. VI. pp. 696, 697. •' ’ godliest, wisest, learnedest, and most zealous men of the ministrie in bcotland, were either banished, warded, or detained in Ingland, of purpose that they might not be a lett to the grand designe in hand.” Row's History of the Kirk, p. ^Pf}^ 9 ^^^oal Narration of the State of the Kirk, pp. 164, 165. Com- pare^./^ Autobiography and Diary of James Melvill, pp. 642-645. “ Quhen we wer gone out of the Palice a lytle way towardis Kingstoune, Mr. Alexander Hay sendis back for us, and withall, in the Uttir Court, reidis to us a cliai^e trom the King not to returne to Scotland, nor to com neire the King, Quein, nor Lrmce their Courtis, without a speciall calling for and licence.” Melvill's AutO’ biography, p. 661. 9 f Colville, xo\.\i. pp. 246, 262, 260, 337-339, 403, 407-411, 414. Ihis truly great and fearless man died in exile, in 1622, p. 458. 212 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE prisoned ; but, being, considered less dangerous than theif leader, they, after a time, were allowed to return home. The nephew of Melville was, however, ordered not to travel more than two miles from Newcastle ; and his six companions were confined in different parts of Scotland.®® Every thing now seemed ripe for the destruction of those ideas of equality, of which, in Scotland, the Church was the sole representative. In 1610, a General Assembly was held at Glasgow ; and, as the members of it were nominated by the crown,®’’ whatever the government wished, was conceded. By their vote, episcopacy was established, and the authority of the bishops over the ministers was fully recognized.®® A little earlier, but in the same year, two courts of High Commission were erected, one at St. Andrews, and one at Glasgow. To them, all ecclesiastical courts were subordinate. They were armed with such immense power, that they could cite any one they pleased before them, could examine him respecting his religious opinions, could have him excommunicated, and could fine or imprison him, just as they thought proper.®® Finally, Melvill's Autobiography and Diary, p. 7 09. Scot's Apologetical Narration, p. 194. M‘‘Crie's Life of Melville, vol. ii. pp. 262, 263, 267, 268. ” “ Royal missives were sent to the presbyteries, nominating the individuals whom they should chuse as their representatives to it.” M‘‘Crie's Life of Melville, vol. ii. pp. 387, 388. On the character of its members, compare Wodrow's History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland, edit. Glasgow, 1838, vol. i. p. 256. Stevenson's History of the Church of Scotland, pp. 320, 321. Crookshanlc's Church of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1812, vol. i. p. 28 ; and Calderwood's History of the Kirk, vol. vii. pp. 97, 98. Acts of the General Assemblies of the Kirk, vol. iii. pp. 1096, 1097. The As- sembly even forbad the democratic notion of equality to be advocated. See p. 1101. “ Because it is vncivill that laws and constitutiouns, either Civill or Ecclesiasticall, being anes establischit and in force, by publick and opin consent, sould be controllit and callit in questioun by any person ; therfor, it is statute by vniforme consent of this haill Assemblie, that none of the Ministrie either in pulpitt in his preaching, or in the publick exercise, speake and reason against the acts of this present Assem- blie, nor dissobey the same, vnder the paine of deprivatioun, being tryit and convict thereof; and spcciallie, that the questioun of equalitie and inequalitie in the Kirk, be not treattit in pulpitt vnder the said paine." Mr. Russell {History of the Church in Scotland, vol, ii. p. 88), misled, probably, by a passage in Spottiswoode's History of the Church, vol. iii. p. 210, says, “ A Court of High Commission was instituted.” But it is certain that there were two such courts ; one for the diocese of Saint Andrews, and one for that of Glasgow. See the “commissioun given under the great seale to the two archbishops,” dated 16th of February 1610, in Calderwood's History of the Kirk, vol. vii. pp. 67-62. See also p. 210. They were not united till December 1615. See Scot's Apologetical Narration of the State of the Kirk, pp. 218, 239; and Crookshank's History of the Sufferings f the Church of Scotland, vol. i. p. 28. By the royal commission, these despotic tribunals were authorized {Calderwood, vol. vii. p. 69) “ to call before them at suche tymes and places as they sail thinke meete, anie person or persons dwelling and remaining within their provinces respective above writtin of St. Andrews or Glasgow, or within anie dioceis of the same, being offenders ather in life or religioun, whom they hold anie way to be scandalous, and that they take tryell of the same; and if they find them guiltie and impenitent, refusing to acknowledge their offence, they sail give command to the preacher of that parish where they dwell, to proceed SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 213 and to complete the humiliation of Scotland, the establishment ot episcopcy was not considered complete, until an act was performea, which nothing but its being very ignominious, could have saved from being ridiculed as an idle and childish farce. 1 he archbishop of Glasgow, the bishop of Brechin, and the bishop of Galloway, had to travel all the way to London in order that they might be touched by some English bishops, incredible as it may appear, it was actually supposed that there was no power in Scotland sufficiently spiritual to turn a Scotchman into a prelate. Therefore it was, that the arch- bishop of Glasgow and his companions performed what was then an arduous journey to a strange and distant capital, for the sake of receiving some hidden virtue, which, on their return home, they might communicate to their brethren. To the grief and astonishment of their country, these unworthy priests abandoning the traditions of their native land, and forgetting e proiffi ^ spirit which animated their fathers, consented to abjure their own independence, to humble themselves before the^ English Church, and to submit to mummeries, which, in their hearts, they must have despised, but which were now intlicted upon them by their ancient and inveterate foes.®“ We ^ay easily imagine what would be the future conduct 0 men, who, merely for their own aggrandizement, and to please renounce the cherished independence 01 the Scotch Church. They who crouch to those who are above them, always trample on those who are below them. Directly they returned to Scotland, they communicated the if it be protracted, and 8uche minister hefnre**tl not presentlie obeyed, they sail conveene anie aiher ^ proceed in censuring of him for his disobedience, thersaU hoirb^!'°r;- wairding, according as in their discretioun funheJ tJ and refuse of their directioun to have deserved. And bein- eonviXel at their discretiouns imprisoun, or warde anie suche persoun, who Duiiishment ” U t^ioy sail hnd upon tryell to have deserved anie suche n£eemo„n?i. 9flderwood justly remarks, p. 62: “This commissioun that ever waq in yxalted the aspyring bishops farre above any prelat Ion? tvme f ^ possessioun of that which he had thelioE f 5 prerogative, and absolute power to use eotnmnn Iqto ^ at pleasure, without forme or processe of the tlipir narli ’ Lower Hous in England was compleaning in So our bishops were fitt instruments to overthrow the hberteis both of the Kirk and countrie.” ior„ History of the Church of Scotland, p. 93, and Kirkton's His- mpn’ tn nori On indignantly says, that James “perswaded a few unworthy episcopall consecration by the English an,i T exercise that odious office in Scotland against their own oath Compare the contemptuous notice, in How's on anoynting of oyle and other ceremonies,” and cared for tbe\‘h Edeed, on this subject, every Scotch writer who ffignatfoi ^ ^ country, expressed himself either with contempt or in- 214 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE consecration they had received in England to their fellow- bishops,®* who were of the like mould to themselves, in so far as all of them aided James in his attempt to subjugate the liberties of their native country. Being now properly ordained, their spiritual life was complete ; it remained for them to secure the happiness of their temporal life. This they did, by gradually monopolizing all authority, and treating with unsparing sever- ity those who opposed them. The full triumph of the bishops was reserved for the reign of Charles I., when a number ot them obtained seats in the privy-council, where they behaved with such overbearing insolence, that even Clarendon, notwithstand- ing his notorious partiality for their order, censures their con- duct.®* In the time, however, of James I., they carried nearly every thing before them.®® They deprived the towns of their privileges, and forced them to receive magistrates ot their own choosing.®* They accumulated wealth, and made an ostenta- tious display of it ; which was the more disgraceful, as the country was miserably poor, and their fellow-subjects were starving around them.®® The Lords of the Articles, without Calderwood, with ill-suppressed bitterness, says, “ efter the same maner that they were consecrated themselfs, als neere as they could imitate.^' History of tht Kirk, vol. vii. p. 162. Compare Wodrow's Collections, vol. i. parti, p. 293. “The Bishops ordeaned in England keeped as near the manner taken with themselves there as they could.” “ Some of them, by want of temper, or want of breeding, did not behave themselves, with that decency in their debates, towards the greatest men of the kingdom, as in discretion they ought to have done, and as the others reasonably expected from them.” Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, edit. Oxford, 1843, p. 36. In 1633, “nine of them were privy councillors; ” and “their pride was cried out upon as unsupportable.” Burnet's Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton, p. 38. Sir John Scot imputes to them “insolence, pride, and avarice.” Scot's Staggering State of the Scots Statesmen, Edinburgh, 1764, p. 41. See also Spalding's History of the Troubles, vol. i. pp. 46, 47, Edinburgh, 1828, 4to. So early as 1613, a letter from James Inglish (preserved in Wodrow's Collec- tions, vol. ii. part i. p. 110, Glasgow, 1846, 4to) complains that “the libertys ot the Lord’s Kirk are greatly abridged by the pride of Bishops, and their power daily increases over her.” Civil rights were equally set at nought by the bishops; and, among other enactments which they obtained, one was, “ that no man should be permitted to practice or profess any physic, unless he had first satisfied the bishop of the diocese touching his religion.” Spottiswoode' s History of the Church of Scot- land, vol. iii. p. 236. This at once gave them the control of the whole medical profession. “Not satisfied with ruling the church-courts, they claimed an extensive civil authority within their dioceses. The burghs w^ere deprived of their privileges, and forced to receive such magistrates as their episcopal superiors, in concert with the court, were pleased to nominate.” .... “ Archbishop Gladstanes, in a letter to the King, June the 9th, 1611, says: ‘It was your pleasure and direction, that I sould be possessed with the like privileges in the electione of the magistrats there (in St. Andrews), as my lord of Glasgow is endued with in that his city. Sir, whereas they are troublesome, I will be answerable to your Majesty and Counsell for them, after that I be possessed of my right.’ Ms. in Bibl. Jurid. Edin. M. 6, 9. n». 72.” MCrie's Life of Melville, vol. ii. p. 422. * And their prodigality was equal to their rapacity. When Archbishop Glad- *tanes died, in 1616, it was ascertained that, “notwithstanding of the great rent of SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 215 t^hose sanction no measure could be presented to parliament, had been hitherto elected by laymen but the bishops now effected a change by virtue of which the right of nomination devolved on themselves.®® Having thus gained possession of the legislature, they obtaioed the enactment of fresh penalties against their countrymen. Great numbers of the clergy they suspended ; others they deprived of their benefices ; others they imprisoned. The city of Edinburgh, being opposed to the rites and ceremonies lately introduced, and being, hke the rest of the country, hostile to episcopacy, the bishops fell on it also, dis- placed several of its magistrates, seized some of the principal citizens, and threatened to deprive it of the courts of justice, and of the honour of being the seat of government.®’' In the midst of all this, and while things seemed to be at their worst, a great reaction was preparing. And the explana- tion of the reaction is to be found in that vast and pregnant principle, on which I have often insisted, but which our common historians are unable to understand ; namely, that a bad gov- ernment, bad laws, or laws badly administered, are, indeed, extremely injurious at the time, but can produce no permanent mischiet * in other words, they may harm a country, but can never ruin it. As long as the people are sound, there is life, and while there is life, there will be reaction. In such case, tyranny provokes rebellion, and despotism causes freedom. But if the people are unsound, all hope is gone, and the nation perishes.^ In both instances, government is, in the long-run, inoperative, and is nowise responsible for the ultimate result. The ruling classes have, for the moment, immense power, which they invariably abuse, except when they are restrained, either by fear, or by shame. The people may inspire them with fear ; his bishopric, he died in the debt of twentie thowsand pounds.” Ccdderwood's His- tory of the Kirk, vol. vii. p. 197. See also p. 303. Also the case of the Bishop of Galloway, who died in 1619, and of whom Calderwood says (History of the Kirk, toL vii. p. 350),^ “It is thought, that if just calculation were made of the commoditie ex- torted by him through his diocie, by advice of his two covetous counsellours, Andro Couper, his brother, and Johne Gilmour, wrytter in Edinburgh, for his use and theirs, by ractiug of rents, getting of grassoumes, setting of tacks, of teithes, and other like pieanes, wold surmount the soume of an hundreth thousand merks, or, in the opinion of others, almost the double ; so that manie within that diocie, and the an- nexed prelacies, sail hardlie recover their estates in their time.” Compare Steven- son's History of the Church, pp. 212, 392. On this change, which was completed in 1621, see Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 88 ; G alder vooodHs History of the Kirk, vol. vii. p. 490 ; and Baillie's Let- ters and Journals, vol. i. p. 486, edit. Laing, Edinburgh, 1841. " Calderwood: s History of the Kirk, vol. vii. pp. 472-474, 507, 609, 511, 517-520, 630-643, 649-553, 666, 667, 614, 621. Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iii. pp. 90, 91. Lamg, very unjustly, accuses the bishops of being so merciful as to disapprove of some of these transactions. But whoever has read much of the Scotch literature of the seventeenth century, will cheerfully exonerate the bishops from a charge which they would themselves have repelled, and to which they are nowise amenable. 216 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE public opinion may inspire them with shame. But whether or not that shall happen, depends on the spirit of the people, and on the state of opinion. These two circumstances are them- selves governed by a long chain of antecedents, stretching back to a period, always very distant, and sometimes so remote to baffle observation. When the evidence is sufficiently abur those antecedents may be generalized ; and their genera tion conducts us to certain large and powerful causes, on wLxv,.x the whole movement depends. In short periods, the operation of these causes is imperceptible, but in long periods, it is con- spicuous and supreme ; it colours the national character ; it controls the great sweep and average of affairs. In Scotland, as I have already shown, general causes made the people love their clergy, and made the clergy love liberty. As long as these two facts coexisted, the destiny of the nation was safe. It might be injured, insulted, and trampled upon. It might be harmed in various ways ; but the greater the harm, the surer the remedy, because the higher the spirit of the country would be roused. All that was needed was, a little more time, and a little more provocation. We, who, standing at a distance, can contemplate these matters from an elevation, and see how events pressed on and thickened, cannot mistake the regularity of their sequence. Notwithstanding the apparent confusion, all was orderly and methodical. To us, the scheme is revealed. There is the fabric, and it is of one hue, and one make. The pattern is plainly marked, and fortunately it was worked into a texture whose mighty web was not to be broken, either by the arts, or the violence, of designing men. It was, therefore, of no avail that tyranny did her utmost. It was of no avail that the throne was occupied by a despotic and unscrupulous king, who was succeeded by another, more despotic and more unscrupulous than himself. It was of no avail that a handful of meddling and intrusive bishops, deriving their consecration from London, and supported by the authority of the English church, took counsel together, and conspired against the liberties of their native land. They played the part of spies and of traitors, but they played it in vain. Yet, every thing that government could give them, it gave. They had the law on their side, and they had the right of administering the law. They were legislators, councillors, and judges. They had wealth ; they had high-sounding titles ; they had all the pomp and attributes for which they bartered their independence, and with which they hoped to dazzle the eyes of the vulgar. Still, they could not turn back the stream ; they could not even stop it ; they could not prevent it from coining on, and swallowing SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 217 ' them up in its course. Before that generation passed away, these little men, big though they were in their own conceit, succumbed, and fell. The hand of the age was upon them, and they were unable to resist. They were struck down, and hum- ’ ^hey were stripped of their offices, their honours, and ^plendour ; they lost all which minds like theirs hold most Their fate is an instructive lesson. It is a lesson, both to the rulers of nations, and to those who write the history of nations. To rulers, in so far as it is one of many proofs how little they can do, and how insignificant is the part which they play in the great drama of the world. To historians, the result should be especially instructive, as convincing them that the events on which they concentrate their attention, and which they believe to be of supreme importance, are in reality of tri- I fling value, and, so far from holding the first rank, ought to be made subservient to those large and comprehensive studies, by whose aid alone, we can ascertain the conditions which deter- mine the tread and destiny of nations. The events that now happened in Scotland, may be quickly told. The patience of the country was well-nigh exhausted, and the day of reckoning was at hand.®® In 1637, the people began [ to rise. In the summer of that year, the first great riot broke ' out in Edinburgh,®® The flame quickly spread, and noth- j ing could stop it. By October, the whole nation was up, and 1 an accusation was preferred against the bishops, which was signed by nearly every corporation, and by men of all ranks. In November, the Scotch, in defiance of the Crown, organized a system of representation of their own, in which every class had a share. Early in 1638, the National Covenant was framed ; and the eagerness with which it was sworn to, showed that the people were determined, at all hazards, to vindicate their rights,^® It was now evident that all was over. In October 1637, Baillie, who was carefully watcbin" the course of affairs, writes, “ No man may speak any thing in publick for the king’s part, except he would have himself marked for a sacrifice to be killed one day. I think our people pos' sessed with a bloody devill, farr above any thing that ever I could have imagined, though the masse in Latine had been presented.” And, in a postscript, dated 8d October, he adds : “ My fears in my former went no farther then to ane ecclesiastik separation, but now I am more affrayit for a bloudie civill warr.” Baillie's Letters and Journals, edit. Laing, Edinburgh, 1841, vol. i. pp. 23, 26. Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 131. Chambers' Annals, vol. ii. pp. 101-104. Spalding's History of the Troubles in Scotland, vol. i. pp. 47, 48. 40 u rpjjg accusation, among themselves a bond of union, and to their enemies a signal of hostility, was subscribed by the nobility, the gentry, the clergy, and after- wards by all ranks, and almost by every corporation in the kingdom.” Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 137. *' Ibid., vol. iii. p. 138. “ It was signed by a large majority of the people, in a paroxysm of enthusiasm beyond aU example in our history.” Cha7nbers' Annals, vol. ii. p. 106. Kirkton, 218 CONDITION 0¥ SCOTLAND DURING THE During the summer of 1638, preparations were made, and, in the autumn, the storm broke. In November, the first General Assembly seen in Scotland for twenty years, met at Glasgow.^ ^ The Marquis of Hamilton, the king’s commissioner, ordered the members to separate.^^ They refused.^® Nor would they dis- band, until they had done the work expected from them,^® By their vote, the democratic institution of presbyteries was restored to its old power ; the forms of consecration were done away with ; the bishops were degraded from their functions, and epis- copacy was abohshed.'*’' Thus, the bishops fell, even more rapidly than they had risen. As, however, their fall was merely a part of the demo- cratic movement, matters could not stop there.^® Scarcely had who was a contemporary, says, “And though only eleven private men (and some of them very inconsiderable) had the boldness first to begin this work, without ever asking leave of king or council, yet was it very quickly taken by all the people of Scotland, with hands lifted up in most solemn manner.” Kirkton'a History of the Church of Scotland, p. 33. Lord Somerville, taking a somewhat different view of affairs, remarks, that “the generalitie of the natione entered into a hellish covenant, wherein they mutually obleidged themselves to extirpate episcopacy, and to defend each other against all persones whatsoever, noe not excepting the persone of his sacred majestie ; but upon conditiones of ther oune frameing.” Somerville's Memoh-ie of the Somervilles, vol. ii. 18'7. There had been no General Assembly since 1618. Argyll's Presbytery Exam- ined, p. 102; and the Spottiswoode Miscellany, vol. i. p. 88. But, “the provincial synods, presbyteries, and sessions still remained, and in these, good men mutually comforted one another.” Stevenson's History of the Church of Scotland, p. 162. ** “ The assembly went on at such a rate, that the marquis judged it no longer fit to bear with their courses.” Burnet's Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton, p. 128. “In end, seeing nothing said in reason did prevail, he, in his majesty’s name, dis- solved the assembly, and discharged their further proceeding under pain of treason.” p. 136. ^ Stevenson's History of the Church of Scotland, p. 310. “Notwithstanding the Proclamation, the Assembly presently thereafter met, and sat daily for divers weeks, until they had done their affairs, and were themselves pleas’d to dissolve.” Guthry's Memoirs, p. 41, edit. London, 1702. ■*’' Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, from 1638 to 1842, Edinburgh, 1843, pp. 9-18. Stevenson's History of the Church of Scotland, pp. 332, 338. See, on their fall, some highly characteristic remarks in Baillie's Letters and Journals, vol. i. p. 168. In 1639, Howell writes from Edinburgh, “The Bishops are all gone to wrack, and they have had but a sorry funeral ; the very name is grown so contemptible, that a black dog, if he hath any white marks about him, is called Bishop. Our Lord of Canterbury is grown here so odious, that they call him com- monly in the pulpit, the Priest of Baal, and the Son of Belial.” Howell's Letters, edit. London, 1764, p. 276. “ That people, after they had once begun, pursued the business vigorously, and wnth all imaginable contempt of the government.” Clarendon's History of the Rebel- lion, p. 46. Now, for the first time, the English government began to tremble. On the 13th December 1639, Secretary ’W'indebank writes, “His Majesty near these six weeks last past hath been in continual consultations with a select Committee of some of his Council (of which I have had the honour to be one), how to redress his affairs in Scotland, the fire continuing there, and growing to that danger, that it threatens not only the Monarchical Government there, but even that of this kingdom." Claren- don State Papers, vol. ii. p. 81, Oxford, 1773, folio. This is the earliest intimation I have met with of Charles and his advisers being aware of their real peril. But SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 219 the^ Scotch expelled their bishops, when they made war upon their king. In 1639, they took up arms against Charles. In 1640, they invaded England. In 1641, the king, with the hope of appeasing them, visited Scotland, and agreed to most of their demands. It was too late. The people were hot, and a cry for blood had gone forth. War again broke out. The Scotch united with the English, and Charles was everywhere defeated. As a last chance, he threw himself upon the mercy of his northern sub- jects.®® But his offences were of that rank and luxuriant growth, that it was impossible to forgive them. Indeed, the Scotch, instead of pardoning him, turned him to profit. He had not only trampled on their liberties, he had also put them to an enormous expense. For the injury, he could offer no adequate atonement ; but the expense they had incurred, might be defrayed. And as it is an old and recognized maxim, that he who cannot pay with his purse, shall pay with his body, the Scotch saw no reason why they should not derive some advantage from the person of their sovereign, particularly as, hitherto, he had caused them nothing but loss and annoyance. They, therefore, gave him up to the English, and, in return, received a large sum of money, which they claimed as arrears due to them for the cost of maldng war on him.®i By this arrangement, both of the contracting parties though the king was capable of fear, he was incapable of compunction. There is no evidence on record, to show that he even felt remorse for having planned and executed those arbitrary and unprincipled measures, by which he inflicted immense misery upon Scotland and England, but more especially upon Scotland. “ The king was now so waik, haueing nether toune, fort, nor armie, and Ox- ford being a waik and onfortified toune, from whence he looked daylie to be taken perforce, he therefor resolues to cast himself into the arms of the Scots ; who, being his natiue people, and of late so ongratfullie dealt with by the Inglish, he hoped their particular credit, and the credit of the wholl natione depending thereupon, they would not baslie rander him to the Inglish.” Gordon's Britane’s Distemper, p. 193, published by the Spalding Club, Aberdeen, 1844, 4to. ** That it may not be supposed, that, as an Englishman, I misrepresent this trans- action by looking at it from an English point of view, I will merely quote what Scotch writers have said respecting it. “ Giveing up the king to the will and pleas- ure of the English parliament, that soe they might come by their money.” Somer- ville's Memorie of the Somervilles, vol. ii. p. 366. “The Scots sold their unfortunate king, who had fled to them for protection, to the commissioners of the English Pai'- liament, for 200,000^. sterling.” Lyon's History of St. A.ndrews, vol. ii. p. 38 “ The incident itself was evidence of a bargain with a quid pro quo." BurtorCs History of Scotland, vol. i. p. 493. “The sale of the king to tlie parliament.” Napier's Life of Montrose, Edinburgh, 1840, p. 448. “ The king was delivered up, or rather sold, to the parhament’s commissioners.” Brown's History of Glasgow, vol. i. p. 91. “ Their arrears were undoubtedly due ; the amount was ascertained before the dis- pute concerning the disposal of his person, and the payment was undertaken by the English parliament, five months previous to the delivery, or surrender of the king. But the coincidenee, however unavoidable, between that event iind the actual dis- charge and departure of their army, still affords a presumptive proof of the dis- graceful imputation of having sold their king; ‘ as the Enghsh, unless previously assured of receiving his person, would never have relinquished a sum so consider- able as to weaken themselves, while it strengthened a people with whom such a 220 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE benefited. The Scotch, being very poor, obtained what they most lacked. The English, a wealthy people, had_ indeed to pay the money, but they were recompensed by getting hold of their oppressor, against whom they thirsted for revenge ; and they took good care never to let him loose, until they had exacted the last penalty of his great and manifold crimes.®^ After the execution of Charles I., the Scotch recognized his son as his successor. But before they would crown the new king, they subjected him to a treatment which hereditary sovereigns are not much accustomed to receive. They made him sign a public declaration, expressing his regret for what had happened, and acknowledging that his father, moved by evil counsels, had unjustly shed the blood of his subjects. He was also obliged to declare, that by these things he felt humbled in spirit. He had, moreover, to apologize for his own errors, which he ascribed partly to his inexperience, and partly to the badness of his education.®® To evince the sincerity of this confession, and in order that the confession might be generally known, he was commanded to keep a day of fasting and humili- material question remained to be discussed.” Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iii. pp. 369, 870. A letter from Sir Edw. Hyde to Lord Hatton, dated April 12, 1649 (in the Clarendon Stale drapers, vol. ii. p. 479, Oxf. 1773, fol.), says of Charles II., that the Scotch “ sold his father to those who murdered him.” But this is not true. Charles I., though certainly bought by the English, was not murdered by them. He was tried in the face of day ; he was found guilty ; he was executed. And inost as- suredly never did a year pass, without men far less criminal than he, suffering the same fate. Possibly, they are right who deem all capital punishment needless. That, however, has never been proved ; and if this last and most terrible penalty is ever to be exacted, I cannot tell where we should find a more fitting subject to un- dergo it, than a despot who seeks to subjugate the liberties of the people over whom he is called to rule, inflicts cruel and illegal punishment on those who oppose him, and, sooner than renounce his designs, engages in a civil war, setting fathers against their children, disorganizing society, and causing the land to run with blood. Such men are outlaws ; they are the enemies of the human race ; who shall wonder if they fall, or, having fallen, who shall pity them? The declaration was signed by Charles on the 16th August, 1650. An abridg- ment of it is given in Balfour's Annales of Scotland, vol. iv. pp. 92-94 ; but the entire document is preserved by Sir Edward Walker. See Journal of Affairs in Scotland, in Walker's Historical Discourses, London, folio, 1705, pp. 170-176. In it, Charles is made to state that, “ though his Majesty as a dutiful son be obliged to honor the memory of his Royal Father, and have in estimation the person of his Mother; yet doth he desire to be deeply humbled and afflicted in spirit before God, because of his Father’s hearkening unto and following evil councils, and his oppo.si- tion to the work of reformation, and to the solemn league and covenant by which so much of the blood of the Lord’s people hath been shed in these kingdoms.” He went on to say, that though he might palliate his own misconduct by pleading “ his education and age,” he thinks it better to “ ingeniously acknowledge all his own sins and the sins of his father’s house.” Burnet {History of his own Time, vol. i. p. 97) says of this declaration : “In it there were many hard things. The king owned the sin of his father in marrying into an idolatrous family : he acknowledged the blood- shed in the late wars lay at his father’s door : he expressed a deep sense of his own ill education,” &c. SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 221 ation, in wliicb the whole nation would weep and pray for him, in the hope that he might escape the consequences of the sins committed by his family.®^ The spirit, of which acts like these are but symptoms, con- tinued to animate the Scotch during the rest of the seventeenth century. And fortunately for them it did so. For, the reigns of Charles II.- and James II. were but repetitions of the reigns of James I. and Charles I. From 1660 to 1688, Scotland was again subjected to a tyranny, so cruel and so exhausting, that it would have broken the energy of almost any other nation.®® The nobles, whose power had been slowly but constantly declin- ing,®® were unable to resist the English, with whom, indeed, ^ In reference to this event, the following entry occurs in Lament’s Journal : “ 1660, Dec. 22. — The fast appointed by the commission of the kirke to be keiped througe the kingdome before the coronatione, was keiped att Largo the forsaide day by Mr. Ja. Magill; his lecture, Ren. 3. from v. 14 to the end of the chapt. ; his text Ren. 2. 4, 6. Vpon the Thursday following, the 26 of this instant, the fast was keiped in like maner; his lecture 2. Chro. 29 to v. 12; his text 2. Chron. 12, 12. The causes of the first day (not read) was, the great contempt of the gospell, holden forth in its branches; of the second day (which were read), the sinns of the king, and of his father’s house, where sundry offences of K. James the 6 were acknowl- edged, and of K. Charles the 1, and of K. Ch. the 2, nowe king.” The Diary of Mr. John Lamont of Newton, p. 25, Edinburgh, 1830, 4to. See also Baillie's Letters and. Journals, vol. iii. p. 107 ; Nicoll's Diary, Edinburgh, 4to, 1836, p. 38; Row's Con- tinuation of Blair's Autobiography, edit. Wodrow Society, p. 256 ; Bower's History of the University of Edinburgh, vol. i. p. 253 ; Presbytery Book of Strathbogie, edit. Spalding Club, p. 169; and, above all, the Registers of the Presbytery of Lanark, published by the Abbotsford Club, Edinburgh, 1839, 4to, pp. 88, 89. Wodrow, who had before him the records of the Privy Council, besides other evidence now lost, says, that the period from 1660 to 1688 was “a very horrid scene of oppression, hardships, and cruelty, which, were it not incontestably true, and well vouched and supported, could not be credited in after ages.” Wodrmo's History of the Church of Scotland from the Restoration to the Revolution, vol. i. p. 57. And the Reverend Alexander Shields, quaintly, but truly, observes, “ that the said Govern- ment was the most untender, unpeaceable, tyrannical, arbitrary and wicked, that ever was in Scotland in any age or period.” Shields' Scots Inquisition, Edinburgh, 1745, p. 24. When James I. ascended the throne of England, “ the principal native nobil- ity ” accompanied him ; and “ the very peace which ensued upon the union of the crowns, may be considered as the commencement of an era in which many of our national strongholds were either transformed into simple residences or utterly de- serted.” Irving's History of Dumbartonshire, 4to, 1860, pp. 137, 166. The nobles ‘‘had no further occasion to make a figure in war, their power in vassalage was of little use, and their influence of course decayed. They knew little of the arts of peace, and had no disposition to cultivate them.” The Interest of Scotland Consider- ed, Edinburgh, 1733, p. 85. Under Cliarles I., the movement continued; “which fell out, partly through the giddiness of the times, but more by the way his Majesty had taken at the beginning of his reign; at which time he did recover from divers of them their hereditary offices, and also pressed them to quit their tithes (which formerly had kept the gentry in a dependance upon them), whereby they were so weaken’d, that now when he stood most in need of them (except the chief of the clans) they could command none but their vassals.” Guthry's Memoirs, edit. 1702, pp. 127, 128. Then came the civil wars, and the rule of Cromwell, during which they sufTered both in person and in property. Compare Chambers' Annals, vol. ii. p. 225, with Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iii. pp. 615, 516. In 1654, Baillie writes {Letters arid Journals, vol. iii. p. 249) : “ Our nobilitie, weell near all, are 222 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE they rather seemed willing to combine, in order that they might have a share in plundering and oppressing their own country.®’' In this, the most unhappy period through which Scotland had passed since the fourteenth century, the government was extremely powerful ; the upper classes, crouching before it, thought only of securing their own safety ; the judges were so corrupt, that justice, instead of being badly administered, was not administered at all and the parliament, completely overawed, consented to what was termed the recissory act, by which, at a single stroke, all laws were repealed which had been enacted since 1633 ; it being considered that those twenty- eight years formed an epoch of which the memory should, if possible, be effaced.®® wracked.” In 1656, “ Our nobles lying up in prisons, and under forfaultries, or debts, private or publict, are for the most part either broken or breaking.” Ibid., p. ax'?. And, in 1658, the same observer writes (vol. iii. p. 387): “Our noble families are almost gone : Lennox hes little in Scotland unsold ; Hamilton’s estate, except Arran and the Baronrie of Hamilton, is sold ; Argyle can pay little annuel- rent for seven or eight hundred thousand merks ; and he is no more drowned in debt than publict hatred, almost of all, both Scottish and English ; the Gordons are gone ; the Douglasses little better ; Eglintoun and Glencairn on the brink of break- ing ; many of our chief families estates are cracking ; nor is there any appearance of any human relief for the tyme.” The result of all this is thus described by Wodrow, under the year 1661 : “ Our nobility and gentry were remarkably changed to the worse : it was but few of such, who had been active in the former years, were now alive, and those few were mark- ed out for ruin. A young generation had sprung up under the English government, educate under penury and oppression ; their estates were under burden, and many of them had little other prospect of mending their fortunes, but by the king’s favour, and so were ready to act that part he was best pleased with.” Wodrow's History of the (Jhurch of Scotland, vol. i. p. 89. “ At the Restoration, Charles II. regained full possession of the royal pre- rogative in Scotland; and the nobles, whose estates were wasted, or their spirit broken, by the calamities to which they had been exposed, were less able and less willing than ever to resist the power of the crown. During his reign, and that of James VII., the dictates of the monarch were received in Scotland wiih most abject submission. The povertv to which many of the nobles were reduced, rendered them meaner slaves and more intolerable tyrants than ever. The people, always ne- glected, were now odious, and loaded with every injury, on account oi their attach- ment to religious and political principles extremely repugnant to those adopted by their princes.” Hobertson's History of Scotland, book viii. pp. 267, 258. A writer of great authority, speaking of the time of William III., says : “ It is scarcely possible to conceive how utterly polluted the fountain of justice^ had be- come during the two preceding reigns. The Scottish bench had been profligate and subservient, to the utmost conceivable extent of profligacy and subserviency.” BurtorCs History of Scotland, from 1689 to 1748, London, 1853, vol. i. p. 72. Sea also vol. ii. p. 37 ; and Brown's History of Glasgow, vol. i. p. 194, Glasgow, 1796 Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 10. Baillie's Letters atid Journals, vol. iii. p. 458. As few persons take the trouble to read Scotch Acts of Parliament, I will extract from this one, its most argumentative passage. “ And forasmuch as now it hath pleased Almighty God, by the power of his oune right hand, so mi- racoulously to restore the Kings Maiestie to the Government of his Kingdomes, and to the exercise of his Royall power and Soveranity over the same The estates of Parlia*' doe conceave themsclft’s obleidged in dischairge of ther duetie and conscience to God and the Kings Maiestie, to imploy all their power and interest for viridi- •ateing his Maiesties Authority from all these violent invasions that have been made SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 223 But, though the higher ranks ignoniiniously deserted their post, and destroyed the laws which upheld the liberties of Scot- land, the result proved that the liberties themselves were inde- structible. This was because the spirit remained, by which the liberties had been won. The nation was sound at the core ; and while that was the case, legislators could, indeed, abolish the external manifestations of freedom, but could by no means touch the causes on which the freedom depended. Liberty was prostrate, hut yet it lived. And the time would surely come, when a people, who loved it so dearly, would vindicate their rig hts. The time would come, when, in the words of the great poet of English liberty, the nation would rouse herself like a strong man after sleep, and, shaking her invincible locks, would be as an eagle muing her mighty youth, kindling her undazzled eyes at the midday beam, and purging and unsealing her sight at the heav- enly fountain ; while the timorous birds of her evil destiny, loving the twilight, should flutter about, amazed at what she meant. Still, the crisis was sad and dangerous. The people, desert- ed by every one except their clergy, were ruthlessly plundered, murdered, and hunted, like wild-beasts, from place to place. From the tyranny of the bishops, they had so recently smarted, that they abhorred episcopacy more than ever ; and yet that in- stitution was not only forced upon them, but government put at its head Sharp, a cruel and rapacious man, who, in 1661, was raised to the archbishopric of St. Andrews.®® He set up a court of ecclesiastical commission, which filled the prisons to upon it ; And so fur as is possible to remove out of the way every thiny that may re- taine any remembrance of these things which have been so enjurious to his Matie and his Authority, so prejudiciall and dishonourable to the kingdome, and distructive to all just and true interests within the same.” .... “Not to retaine any remem- brance thairof, but that the same shall be held in everlasting oblivion." Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vii. p. 87, edit, folio, 1820. The date of this Act is 28th March, 16G1. ““ He was made “primate” in 1601, but did not arrive in Scotland till April 1662. Wodrow's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. i. pp. 236, 247 ; and NicoWs Diary j pp. 363, 364. “ That ho was decent, if not regular, in his deport- ment, endued with the most industrious diligence, and not illiterate, was never dis- puted; that he was vain, vindictive, perfidious, at once haughty and servile, ra- pacious and cruel, his friends have never attempted to disown.” Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iv. pp. 98, 99. The formal establishment of episcopacy was in the autumn of 1661, as we learn from an entry in Lament’s Diary. “1661. Sept. 5 being Thursday, (the chancelour, Glencairne, and the E. of Rothes, haueing come downe from court some dayes before,) the cownsell of state salt att Edb., and the nixt day, being Fryday, they caused emitte and be proclaimed ouer the Crosse, a proclamation in his Maj. name, for establishing Episcopacie againe in the church of Scotlande ; which was done with great solemnitie, and was afterwarde printed. All persons, wither men or weomen, were discharged to speake against that of ice, under the paine of treason." The Diary of Mr, John Lamont, p. 140. This, as w'e learn from another contemporary, was on account of “ the Kinges Majestic having sted- fastlie resolvit to promove the estait, power, and dignitie of Bischops, and to remove all impedimentes oontrarry thairto." NicoWs Diary, 4to, p. 353 ; on 21st November 224 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE overflowing ; and wlien they would hold no more, the victims were transported to Barbadoes, and other unhealthy settle- ments.® ‘ The people, being determined not to submit to the dictation of government respecting their religious worship, met together in private houses ; and when that was declared illegal, they fled from their houses to the fields. But there, too, the bishops were upon them.®^ Lauderdale, who, for many years, was at the head of affairs, was greatly influenced by the new 1661. This curious diary, written by John Nicoll, and extending from 1650 to 1667, was printed at Edinburgh, in 1836, by the Bannatyne Club, and is now not ■often met with. Wodrow's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. i. pp. 383, 390-395. Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 38 ; “ A court of ecclesiastical commission was pro- cured by Sharp.” See also p. 41 : “ Under the influence of Sharp and the prelates, which Lauderdale’s friends were unable to resist, the government seemed to be ac- tuated by a blind resentment against its own subjects.” Compare Burnett History of his own Time, vol. i. p. 365. “The truth is, the whole face of the government looked liker the proceedings of an inquisition, than of legal courts; and yet Sharp was never satisfied.” Another contemporary, Kirkton, says of these Commissioners : “ For ought I could hear, never one appeared before them that escapt without pun- ishment. Their custom was, without premonition or lybell, to ask a man a question, and judge him presently, either upon his silence or his answer.” ...... “They many times doubled the legal punishment ; and not being satisfied with the fyne appointed by law, they used to add religation to some remote places, or deportation to Barbadoes, or selling into slavery.” Kirkton' s History of the Church of Scotland, p. 206. See also Kaphtali, or the Wrestlings of the Church of Scotland, 1667,_pp< 126-130. But as particular cases bring such matters more clearly before the mind, I will transcribe, from Crookshank’s History of the Church of Scotland, vol. i. p. 154, the sentences pronounced on a single occasion by this episcopal court. “ The treatment of some of the parishioners of Ancrum is not to be omitted. When their excellent minister, Mr. Livingstone, was taken from them, one Mr. James Scot, who was under the sentence of excommunication, was presented to that charge. On the day fixed for his settlement, several people did meet together to oppose it; and particularly a country woman, desiring to speak with him in order to dissuade him from intruding himself upon a reclaiming people, pulled him by the cloak, intreating him to hear her a little ; whereupon he turned and beat her with his staff.^ This provoi^ed two or three boys to throw a few stones, which neither touched him nor any of his company. However, it was presently looked upon as a treasonable tu- mult, and therefoi’e the sheriff and justices of the peace in that bounds fined and imprisoned some of these people, which, one would think, might atone for a crime of this nature. But the high-commission, not thinking that sufficient, ordered those criminals to be brought before them. Accordingly, the four boys and this woman, with two brothers of hers of the name of Turnbull, were brought prisoners to Edin- burgh. The four boys confessed, that, upon Scot’s beating the woman, they had thrown each his stone. The commissioner told them that hanging was too good for them. However, the sentence of this merciless court only was, that they should be scourged through the city of Edinburgh, burnt in the face with a hot iron, and then sold as slaves to Barbadoes. The boys endured their punishment like men and Christians, to the admiration of multitudes. The two brothers were banished to Virginia; and the wmman was ordered to be whipped through the town of Jed- burgh. Burnet, bishop of Glasgow, when applied to that she might be spared lest she°should be with child, mildly answered. That he would make them claw the itch out of her shoulders.” They were invested with such immense power, that “ the old set of bishops made by the parliament, 1612, were but pigmies to the present high and mighty lords.” Wodrow's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. i. p. 262. See also, at p. 286, the remarks of Douglas : “ It is no wonder then the complaint against their bishops be, that their little finger is thicker than the loins of the former.” , SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 225 prelates, and aided them with the authority of the executive.** Under their united auspices, a new contrivance was hit upon ; and a body of soldiers, commanded by Turner, a drunken and ferocious soldier, was let loose upon the people.®^ The sufferers, galled to madness, rose in arms. This was made the pretence, in 1667, for fresh military executions, by which some of the fairest parts of western Scotland were devastated, house burned, men tortured, women ravished.®® In 1670, an act of parliament In 1663, Middleton was dismissed; and was succeeded by Lauderdale, who “ was dependent upon the prelates, and was compelled to yield to their most furious demands.” Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 33. “ The influence, or rather the tyranny, which was thus at the discretion of the prelates, was unlimited ; and they exercised it with an unsparing hand.” Bower's History of the University of Edinburgh, vol. i. p. 284. “ Sir James Turner, that commanded them, was naturally fierce, but was mad when he was drunk ; and that was very often.” Burnet's History of his own Time, vol. i. p. 364. Kirkton {History of the Church, p. 221) says: “Sir James Turner hade made ane expedition to the west countrey to subdue it to the bishops, in the year 1664; another in the year 1665 ; and a third in the year 1666 ; and this was the worst.” Full particulars will be found in Wodi'ow's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. i. pp. 3'73-3V5, 411, vol. ii. pp. 8, IT, vol. iii. pp. 264, 265. “This method of dragooning people to the church, as it is contrary to the spirit of Chris- tianity, so it was a stranger in Scotland, till Bishop Sharpe and the prelates brought it in.” vol. i. p. 401. Sir James Turner, whose Memoirs, written by himself, were not published till thirty years ago, relates an anecdote of his own drunkenness in a strain of maudlin piety well worthy of his career. Turner's Memoirs of his own Life, Edinburgh, 1829, 4to, pp. 42, 43. At p. 206, this impudent man writes : “ And yet I confesse, my humour never was, nor is not yet, one of the calmest ; when it will be, God onlie knoues ; yet by many sad passages of my life, I know that it hath beene good for me to be afflicted." Perhaps, however, he may take the benefit of his assertion (p. 144), “ that I was so farre from exceeding or transgressing my commission and instructions, that I never came the full length of them.” Considering the cruelties he committed, what sort of instructions could his superiors have given to him ? “ Sir James Turner lately had forced Galloway to rise in arras, by his cruelty the last and former years ; but he was an easy master, compared with General Dal- ziel, his ruffians, and Sir William Bannatyne, this year.” Wodrow's Church of Scot- land, vol. ii. p. 62. Dalziel “ cruelly tortured whom he would.” p. 63. One woman “is brought prisoner to Kilmarnock, where she was sentenced to be let dow'n to a deep pit, under the house of the dean, full of toads and other vile creatures. Her shrieks thence were heard at a great distance.” p. 64. Two countrymen w'ere “ bound together with cords, and hanged up by their thumbs to a tree, there to hang all night.” Ibid. Sir William Banuatync’s soldiers seized a woman, “and bound her, and put lighted matches betwixt her fingers for several hours ; the torture and pain made her almost distracted ; she lost one of her hands, and in a few days she died.” Ibid. “ Oppressions, murders, robberies, rapes.” p. 65. “ He made great fires, and laid down men to roast before them, when they would not, or could not, give him the money he required, or the information he was seeking.” p. 104. See also Crookshank's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. i. pp. 204-20T. This His- tory is based upon Wodrow’s great work, but contains many facts with which Wod- row was unacquainted. See Crookshank, vol. i. p. 11. Respecting the outrages in 1667, there are some horrible details in a book published in that very year, under the title of Naphtali, or the Wrestlings of the Church of Scotland. See, especially, the summary at p. 174 : “ wounding, beating, stripping and imprisoning men’s per- sons, violent breaking of their houses both by day and night, and beating and wounding of wives and children, ravishing and deflowring of women, forcing wives and other persons by fired matches and other tortures to discover their husbands and nearest relations, although it be not within the compass of their knowledge, and 226 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE was passed, declaring that whoever preached in the fields with-t out permission should be put to death.®* Some lawyers were found bold enough to defend innocent men, when they were tried for their lives ; it was therefore determined to silence them also, and, in 1674, a great part of the Faculty of Advocates was expelled from Edinburgh.®^ In 1678, by the express com- mand of government, the Highlanders were brought down from their mountains, and, during three months, were encouraged to slay, plunder, and burn at their pleasure, the inhabitants of the most populous and industrious parts of Scotland. For centuries, the bitterest animosity had existed between the Highlanders and Lowlanders ; and now these savage mountaineers were called from their homes, that they might take full revenge. And, well they glutted their ire. During three months, they enjoyed every license. Eight thousand®® armed Highlanders, invited by the English government, and receiving beforehand an indemnity for every excess,®® were left to work their will upon the towns and villages of W estern Scotland. They spared neither age nor sex. They deprived the people of their property ; they even stripped them of their clothes, and sent them out naked to die in the fields. Upon many, they inflicted the most horrible tor- tures. Children, torn from their mothers, were foully abused ; while both mothers and daughters were subjected to a fate, compared to which death would have been a, joyful alternative.’’® driving and spoiling all their goods that can be carried away, without respect to guilt or innocency.” That whosoever without licence or authoritie forsaid shall preach, expound Scripture, or pray at any of these meetings in the ffeild, or in any house wher ther be moe persons nor the house contains, so as some of them be without doors (which is heerby declared to be a feild conventicle), or who shall convocat any number of people to these meetings, shall be punished with death and confiscation of ther goods.” Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. viii. p. 9, edit. 1820, folio. This was on the 13th August 1670. The immediate pretence being, to do away with appeals. See Lainq's Historv o/ vol. iv. pp. 72-74. J Savage hosts of Highlanders were sent down to depopulate the western shires to the number of ten or eleven thousand, who acted most outrageous barbarities, even almost to the laying some counties desolate.” A Cloud of TVitnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Jesus Christ, edit. Glasgow, 1779, p. 18. But most authori- ties state tlie number to have been eight thousand. See Kirktords History, p. 386 ; Arnot s History of Edinhurgh, p. 164 j Rurnet's History of his own Time, vol. ii. p. 134; Denholm s History of Glasgow, p. 67 ; and Life and Sufferings of John Hisbet, in Select Biographies, published by the Wodrow Societv, vol. ii. p. 381. Chalmers, however, in his Caledonia, vol. iii. p. 692, says 10,000. (1 indemnified against all pursuits, civil and criminal, on account of killing, wounding, apprehending, or imprisoning, such as should oppose them.” Crookshank's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. i. pp. 337, 33S. Short and imperfect notices of this “ Highland Host,” as it was called at the time, may be found in Kirktord s History, pp. 385-390, and in Crookshank' s History, vol. i. pp. 364, 366. But the fullest account of the enormities committed by these barbarians, is in Wodrow’s great work, collected from authentic and official docu- ments. See his History of the Church of Scotland, vol. ii. pp. 376-413, 421-432, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 227 It "was in tliis way, that the English government sought to break the spirit, and to change the opinions, of the Scotch people. The nobles looked on in silence, and, so far from re- sisting, had not even the courage to remonstrate. The parlia- ment was equally servile, and sanctioned whatever the govern- ment demanded. Still, the people were firm. Their clergy, drawn from the middle classes, clung to them ; they clung to their clergy, and both were unchanged. The bishops were hated as allies of the government, and were with reason regarded as public enemies. They were known to have favoured, and often to have suggested, the atrocities which had been com- mitted and they were so pleased with the punishment in- flicted upon their opponents, that no one was surprised, when, a few years later, they, in an address to James II., the most cruel of all the Stuarts, declared that he was the darling of heaven, and hoped that God might give him the hearts of his subjects, and the necks of his enemies.’’® The character of the prince whom the bishops thus delight- ed to honour, is now well understood. Horrible as were the crimes which had been perpetrated, they were surpassed by what occurred, when he, in 1680 , assumed the direction of affairs.’® He had worked himself to that pitch of iniquity, as vol. iii. pp. 1C>, 79, 486. They were provided beforehand with implements of tor- ture. “ They had good store of iron shackles, as if they were to lead back vast numbers of slaves, and thumb-locks, as they call them ” (z. e. thumb-screws), “ to make their examination and trials with.” vol. ii. p. 389. “ In some places they tor- tured people, by scorching their bodies at vast fires, and otherwise.” vol. ii, p. 422. Compare Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 88. “ Neither age nor sex was exempt from outrage, and torture was freely employed to extort a confession of hidden wealth.” And, at p. 91, “The Highlanders, after exacting free quarters, and wasting the country for three months, were dismissed to their hills with impu- nity and wealth.” “Indeed, the whole of the severity, hardships, and bloodshed from this year” 1661), “until the revolution, was either actually brought on by the bishops, pro- cured by them, or done for their support.” Wodrow's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. i. p. 223. “ It was our prelates who pushed the council to most of their severities.” p. 247. “The bishops, indeed, violently pushed prosecutions.” Crookshank's History of the Church, vol. i. p. 298. In 1666, “ As to the prelates, they resolved to use all severities, and to take all imaginable cruel and rigorous ways and courses, first against the rest of the prisoners, and then against the whole west of Scotland.” Row's Continuation of Blair's Autobiography, pp, 606, 606, edit. Edinburgh, 1848. This interesting work is edited by Dr. M‘Crie, and published by the Wodrow Society. In 1688, “the bishops concurred in a pious and convivial address to James, as the darling of heaven, that God might give him the hearts of his subjects and the necks of his enemies.” Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 193. “After the Duke of York came down in October (1680), “the persecution turned yet more severe.” Wodrow' s History of the Church of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 225. “Persecution and tyranny, mainly promoted by the Duke of York’s instiga- tion.” Shields' Hind let loose, \4Ti . “ Immediately upon his mounting the throne, the executions and acts prosecuting the persecution of the poor wanderers, were more cruel than ever.” p. 200. 228 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE to derive actual enjoyment from witnessing the agonies of his fellow-creatures. This is an abyss of wickedness, into which even the most corrupt natures rarely fall. There have been, and always will be, many men who care nothing for human suffering, and who will inflict any amount of pain, in order to gain certain ends. But to take delight in the spectacle, is a peculiar and hideous abomination. James, however, was so dead to shame, that he did not care even to conceal his horrible taste. Whenever torture was inflicted, he was sure to be present, feasting his eyes, and revelling with a fiendish joy.’'^ It makes our flesh creep, to think that such a man should have been the ruler of millions. But what shall we say to the Scotch bishops, who applauded him, of whose conduct they were daily witnesses ? Where can we find language strong enough to stigmatize those recreant priests, who, having passed years in attempting to subjugate the liberties of their country, did, towards the close of their career, and just before their final fall, band together, and employ their united authority, as ministers of a holy and peaceful religion, to stamp with public approval, a prince, whose malignant cruelty made him loathed by his contemporaries, and whose revolting predilections, unless we ascribe them to a diseased brain, are not only a slur upon the age which tolerated them, but a disgrace to the higher instincts of our common nature ? So utterly corrupt, however, were the ruling classes in Scotland, that such crimes seem hardly to have excited indig- nation. The sufferers were refractory subjects, and against them every thing was lawful. The usual torture, which was called the torture of the boots, was to place the leg in a frame, This was well known in Scotland ; and is evidently alluded to by a writer of that time, the Rev. Alexander Shields, who calls James not a man, but a monster. See Shields' Hind let loose, 168V, p. 365. “This man, or monster rather, that is now mounted the throne.” And a monster surely he was. Compare Crookshank's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 66, where it is mentioned that, when Spreul was tortured, “the Duke of York was pleased to gratify his eyes with this delightful scene.” Also, Wodrow's History, vol. iii. p. 253, and Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 116. According to Burnet, the duke’s pleasure at witnessing human agony was a cold, and, as it were, a speculative pleasure, as if he were present for the purpose of contemplating some curious experiment. But James was so ex- citable a man, that this is hardly likely. At all events, the remarks of Burnet have a painful interest for those who study these dark, and, as we may rejoice to think, these very rare forms of human malignity. “ When any are to be struck in the boots, it is done in the presence of the council ; and upon that occasion almost all offer to run away. The sight is so dreadful, that without an order restraining such a number to stay, the board would be forsaken. But the duke, while he had been in Scotland, was so far from withdrawing, that he looked on all the while with an unmoved indifference, and with an intention as if he had been to look on some curious experiment. This gave a terrible idea of him to all that observed it, as of a man that had no bowels nor humanity in him.” Burnet's History of his own Time, vol. ii. pp. 416, 41V. SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 229 into which wedges were driven, until the hones were broken.’^® But when James visited Scotland, an opinion began to grow up, that this was too lenient, and that other means must be devised. The spirit which he communicated to his subordinates, animat- ed his immediate successors ; and, in 1684, during his absence, a new instrument was introduced, termed the thumbikins. This was composed of small steel screws, arranged with such diabolical art, that not only the thumb, but also the whole hand, could be compressed by them, producing pain more exquisite than any hitherto known, and having, moreover, the advantage of not endangering life ; so that the torture could be frequently repeated on the same person,'^® After this, little more need be saidJ^ From the mere mention of such things, the mind recoils with disgust. The reader of the history of that time, sickens and faints at the contrivances by which these abject creatures sought to stifle public opinion, and to ruin, for ever, a gallant and high-spirited people. But now, as before, they laboured in vain. More yet was, however, to be borne. The short reign of James II. was ushered in by an act of singular barbarity. A few weeks after this bad man came to the throne, all the children in Annandale and Nithsdale, between the ages of six and ten, were seized by the soldiers, separated from their parents, and threatened with Shields (A Hind let loose, p. 186) describes the boots, as “a cruel engine of iron, whereby, with wedges, the leg is tortured until the marrow come out of the bone.” Compare Naphtali, or the Wrestlings of the Church of Scotland, 1667, p. 268 : “the extraordinary compression both of flesh, sinews, and bones, by the force of timber wedges and hammer.” In 1684, Carstairs was subjected to thi.s torture. See his own account, in a letter printed in Wodrow's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. iv. pp. 96-100. He writes (p. 99) : “ After this communing, the king’s smith was called in, to bring in a new instrument to torture by the thumbkiiis, tliat had never been used before. For whereas the former was only to screw on two pieces of iron above and below with finger and thumb, these were made to turn about the screw with the whole hand. And under this torture, I continued near an hour and a half.” See also the case of Spence, in the same year, in Burnet's History of his own Time,Yo\. ii. p. 418. “ Little screws of steel were made use of, that screwed the thumbs with so exquisite a torment, that he sunk under this ; for Lord Perth told him, they would screw every joint of his whole body, one after another, till he took the oath.” Laing (History of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 143) says, “the thumbikins; small screws of steel that compressed the thumb and the whole hand with an exquisite torture ; an invention brought by Drummond and Dalziel from Russia.” For other notices, see FountainhalVs Notes of Scottish Affairs {vora 1680 till 1701, Edinburgh, 4to, 1822, pp. 41, 97, 101; Bowers History of the University of Edinburgh, vol. ii. p. 30; Crookshanic's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 192 : A Cloud of Wit- nesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Jesus Christ, edit. Glasgow, 1779, p. 371 ; and of Walter Smith, p. 85, in the second volume of Walker’s Biographia Presby- teriana, Edinburgh, 1827. ’’’’ “In 1684, the Scottish nation was in the most distressing and pitiable situation that can be imagined.” . . . “ The state of society had now become such, that, in Edinburgh, attention to ordinary business was neglected, and every one was jealous of his neighbour.” Bower's History of the University of Edinburgh, vol. i. p. 307. 230 CONDITION or SCOTLAND DURING THE immediate death/* The next step was, to banish, by wholesale, large numbers of adults who were shipped off to unhealthy settlements ; many of the men first losing their ears, and the women being branded, some on the hand, some on the cheek/® Those, however, who remained behind, were equal to the emer- gency, and were ready to do what remained to be done. In 1688, as in 1642, the Scotch people and the English people united against their common oppressor, who saved himself by sudden and ignominious flight. He was a coward as well as a despot, and from him there was no further danger. The bishops, indeed, loved him ; but they were an insignificant body, and had enough to do to look to themselves. His only powerful friends were the Highlanders. That barbarous race thought, with regret, of those bygone days ■when the government had not only allowed them, but had ordered them, to plunder and oppress their southern neighbours. For this purpose, Charles II. had availed himself of their services ; and it could hardly be doubted, that if the Stuart dynasty were restored, they would be again employed, and would again enrich them- selves by pillaging the Lowlanders.® ® War was their chief “ Upon the 10th of March, all freeholders, heritors, and gentlemen in Niths- dale and Annandale, and, I suppose, in most other shires of the kingdom, but I name those as being the scene of the severities now used, were summoned to attend the king’s standard ; and the militia in the several shires were raised. 'Wherever Claver- house came, he resolved upon narrow and universal work. He used to set his horse upon the hills and eminences, and that in dilferent parties, that none might escape ; and there his foot went through the lower, marshy, and mossy places, where the horse could not do so well. The shire he parcelled out in so many divisions, and six or eight miles square would be taken in at once. In every division, the whole inhabitants, men and women, young and old, without distinction, were all driven into one convenient place.” . . . “ All the children in the division were gathered together by themselves, under ten years, and above six years of age, and a party of soldiers were drawn out before them. Then they were bid pray, for they were go- ing to be shot. Some of them would answer. Sir, we cannot pray.” . . . “At other times, they treated them most inhumanly, threatening them with death, and at some little distance would fire pistols wdthout ball in their face. Some of the poor children were frighted almost out of their wits, and others of them stood all out with a courage perfectly above their age. These accounts are so far out of the ordinary way of mankind, that I would not have insert them, had I not before me several informations agreeing in all these circumstances, written at this time by peo- ple who knew the truth of them.” Wodrow's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. iv. pp. 266, 256. “Numbers were transported to Jamaica, Barbadoes, and the North American settlements ; but the women were not unfrequently burnt in the cheek, and the ears of the men were lopt off, to prevent, or to detect, their retui’n.” Lainfs History of NcotZaW, vol. iv. p. 162. “Great multitudes banished.” Wodrow's History of the Church, vol. iv. p. 211. In July 1686, “ the men are ordered to have their ears crept, and the women to be marked in their hand.” p. 217. “ To have the following stigma and mark, that they may be known as banished persons if they shall return to this kingdom, viz., that the men have one of their ears cut off by the hand of the hangman, and that the women be burnt by the same hand on the cheek with a burned iron.” p. 218. These are extracts from the proceedings of the privy-council. “ James II. favoured the Highland clans.” Note in FountainhaW s Scottish SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 231 amusement ; it was also their livelihood ; and it was the only t mg that they understood.®* Besides this, the mere fact that dames no longer possessed authority, wonderfully increased their loyalty towards him. The Highlanders flourished by rapine, and traded in anarchy.®* They, therefore, hated any government which was strong enough to punish crime ; and the btuarts being now far away, this nation of thieves loved them with an ardour which nothing but their absence could have caused. From William III., they feared restraint : but the exiled prince could do them no hurt, and would look on their excesses as the natural result of their zeal. Not that they cared about the principle of monarchical succession, or speculated on the doctrine of divine right.®® The only succes- sion that interested them, was that of their chiefs. Their only notion of right, was to do what those chiefs commanded. Being miserably poor,®^ they, in raising a rebellion, risked Affairs from 1680 till 1701, p. 100. He could hardly do otherwise. The alliance was natural, and ready-made for him. T robbing, which, however, in one form or other, is always a part of war. In this, they were very apt. Burnet {History of his own Time, vol. i. p. 67) pithilv describes^ them as good at robbing;” and Burton {Lives of Lovat and Forbes, p. 47) says, To steal even vestments was considerably more creditable than to make them. Otherwise, they were completely absorbed by their passion for war. See inomsons Memoirs of the Jacobites, vol. ii. pp. 176, 176, London, 1845. Revenge was accounted a duty, the destruction of a neighbour a meritorious exploit, and rapine an honourable employment.” Browne^s History of the Highlands, vol. IV. p. 395. The spirit of rivalry between the clans kept up a taste for hostili- ty and converted rapine into a service of honour.” Ihomson's Memoirs of the Jaco- bites, vol. 11 . p. 229. •' Hence, looking, as they did, merely at the physical qualities of individuals, the appearance of the Pretender in 1715 disgusted them, notwithstanding his splendid 1 ® I’emarks in Burton's History of Scotland irom 1689 to th f PP- 198. 199- At p. 383, Mr. Burton justly observes, that those who really knew the itighlanders were aware that the followers were ®**PPp’'ters of King James’s claim to the throne of Britain, than of Maria Theresa s to the throne of Hungary. They went with the policy of the head of the clan, whatever that might be ; and though upwards of half a century’s advo- cacy of the exiled house’ (this refers to the last rebellion in 1745) “had made dacobitism appear a political creed in some clans, it was among the followers, high and lovv, little better than a nomenclature, which might be changed with circum- stances. Since Robertson, Mr. Burton and Mr. Chambers are, I will venture to say, the two writers who have taken the most accurate and comprehensive views of the history of Scotland. Robertson’s History stops short where the most important period begins; and his materials were scanty. But what he effected with those ofh^s works ^ wonderful. To my mind, his History of Scotland is much the greatest curious description of their appearance, given by the Derby Mercury va. 1746 (m Ihomsons Memoirs of the Jacobites, vol. iii. p. 115), may be compared with the statement in Anderson's Brize Essay on the Highlands, Edinburgh, in Cattle were the main resources of the tribe — the acquisition of these the great object of their hostile forays. The precarious crops gave them wherewithal to bake their oaten cakes, or distil their ale or whisky. When these lailed, the crowded population suffered every extreme of misery and want. At one time m particular, in Sutherland, they were compelled to subsist on broth made of \iettles, thickened with a little oatmeal. At another, those who had cattle, to have 232 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE nothing except their lives, of which, in that state of society, men are always reckless. If they failed, they encountered a speedy, and, as they deemed it, an honourable death. If they succeeded, they gained fame and wealth. In either case, they were sure of many enjoyments. They were sure of being able, for a time at least, to indulge in pillage and murder, and to practise, without restraint, those excesses which they regarded as the choicest guerdon of a soldier’s career. So far, therefore, from wondering at the rebellions of 1715 and 1745,®® the only wonder is, that they did not break out sooner, and that they were not better supported. In 1745, when the sudden appearance of the rebels struck England with terror, and when they penetrated even to the heart of the king- dom, their numbers, even at their height, including Lowland and English recruits, never reached six thousand men. The ordinary amount was five thousand ;®® and they cared so little about the cause for which they professed to fight, that, in 1715 when they numbered much stronger than in 1745, they refused to enter England, and make head against the government, until they were bribed by the promise of additional pay.®’' So, too, recourse to the expedient of bleeding them, and mixing the blood with oatmeal, which they afterwards cut into slices and fried.” Several writers erroneously term them “ unnatural.” See, for instance, Rag's History of the Rebellion^ London, 1'746, pp. 168, 169 ; and Home's History of the Rebellion, London, 1802, 4to, p. 347. 86 u the rebels began their march to the southward, they were not 6000 men complete.” Home's History of the Rebellion in the Year 1746, 4to, p. 137. At Stirling the army, “ after the junction was made, amounted to somewhat more than 9000 men, the greatest number that Charles ever had under his command.” p. 164. But the actual invaders of England were much fewer. “The number of the rebels when they began their march into England, was a few above 6000 foot, with about 500 on horseback.” Home, p. 331. Browne {History of the Highlands, vol. iii. p. 140) says : “ When mustered at Carlisle, the prince’s army amounted only to about 4500 men; and Lord George Murray states that, at Derby, “we were not above five thousand fighting men, if so many.” Jacobite Memoirs of the Rebellion of 1745, edited by Robert Chambers, Edinburgh, 1834, p. 54. Another writer, re- lying mainly on traditional evidence, says, “ Charles, at the head of 4000 Highlanders, marched as far as Derby.” Brown's History of Glasgow, vol. ii. p. 41, Edinburgh, 1797. Compare Johnstone's Memoirs of the Rebellion, 3d edit., London, 1822, pp. xxxvii. xxxviii. 30-32, 62. Johnstone says, p. 60, “M. Patullo, our muster-master, reviewed our army at Carlisle, when it did not exceed four thousand five hundred men.” Afterwards, returning to Scotland, “our army was suddenly increased to eight thousand men, the double of what it was when we were in England.” p. 111. “ Orders were given to proceed in the direction of Carlisle, and recall the de- tachment sent forward to Dumfries. The Highlanders, still true to their stagnant principles, refused obedience.” .... “Pecuniary negotiations were now com- menced, and they were offered sixpence a day of regular pay — reasonable remunera- tion at that period to ordinary troops, but to the wild children of the mountain a glittering bribe, which the most steady obstinacy would alone resist. It was partly effective.” Burton's History of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 168. “And from this day, the Highlanders had sixpence a head per day payed them to keep them in good order and under command.” Patten! s History of the late Rebellion, London, 1717, p. 73. "-"ie also, on the unwillingness of the Highlanders to enter England, Roe's History SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 233 in 1745 after they had won the battle of Preston-pans, the only result of that great victory was, that the Highlanders, instead of^ striking a fresh blow, deserted in large bodies, that they obtained, and which alone they valued. They heeded not whether Stuart or Hanoverian gained the day ; and at this critical moment they were unable, says the historian, to resist their desire to return to their glens, and decorate their huts with the spoil.®® ^ There are, indeed few things more absurd than that lying spirit of romance, which represents the rising of the Highland- ers as the outburst of a devoted loyalty. Nothing was further from their minds than this. The Highlanders have crimes enough to account for, without being burdened by needless re- proach. They were thieves and murderers ; but that was in their way of life, and they felt not the stigma. Though they were ignorant and ferocious, they were not so foolish as to be personally attached to that degraded family, which, before the accession ot William III., occupied the throne of Scotland To love such men as Charles II., and James II., may, perhaps, be excused as one of those peculiarities of taste of which one some- times hears. But to love all their descendants ; to feel an attection so comprehensive as to take in the whole dynasty, and for the sake of gratifying that eccentric passion, not only to undergo great hardships, but to inflict enormous evil upon two of pie Rebellion ’London, 1Y46, 2d edit. pp. 2V0, 271. Browne says ( History of the fj^lands vol. 11 . pp. 300, 304): “The aversion of the Highlanders, fr^m dita ^ campaign in England, was almost insuperable but “ by the aid up^ToVSTtirfortrs^o^f^ -- P--^>ed productf of civilisatiL which could not ®cch acquisitions, a considerable number could b, brougM do4„ from the and°8noll Th ^ expected from them, for ae soon as they were loaded with plunder Imd Sed .Lr» o“" '"'‘“S >■»'«. “egeniu.ot,he „Ji„„ had acquiLa new ous nrSc? ons ®P‘”' «f the times, the numer- ous productions on pohtical and commercial subjects, with which it daily teemed land ^ nge.” Ur.fortunatJ^^r Seotl be mien ^ supplanted. Still the movement was great, Ind not to Boldk/toiSi?u^’ t^ey began to throw off their armour and allow the pi n Pp. t ^ industrious craftsman.” Penny's Traditions of «» On’ ufp^’ particularly applies to the citizens of Perth, or T wonlH rffu hereditary or proprietary jurisdictions,” which conferred the right, f .power of p,„,i„g people to death, see Bnrton’. tcoUand, Yol. l p, 426, Yol. 11 . p. 402. The teehnieal term for so monstrous a pi mlfge. 238 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE institution of this sort, which made a man a judge, not because he was apt for the office, but because he was born under par- ticular circumstances, was a folly which the revolutionary tem- per of the eighteenth century was not likely to spare ihe innovating spirit for which that age was remarkable, could hardly fail to attack so preposterous a custom ; and its extinction was facilitated, both by the decline of the nobles who possessed the privilege, and by the rise of their natural opponents, the trading Ld commercial classes. The decay of the Scotch nobility, in the eighteenth century, may be traced to two special causes, in addition to those general causes which were weakening the aristocracy nearly all over Europe. With the general causes, which were common to England and to most parts ot the tinent, we are not now concerned. It is enough to say, that they were entirely dependent on that advance of knowledge, which, by increasing the authority of the intellectual class, undermines, and must eventually overthrow, mere hereditary and accidental distinctions. But those causes which were con- fined to Scotland, had a more political character, and though they were purely local, they harmonized with the whole tram of events, and ought to be noticed, as links of a vast chai^ which connects the present state of that singular country with The first cause was the Union of Scotland with England, in 1707, which struck a heavy blow at the Scotch aristocracy. By it, the legislature of the smaller country was absorbed in that of the larger, and the hereditary legislators suddenly sunk into insignificance. In the Scotch parliament, there were a hundred and forty-five peers, all of whom, except sixteen, were, by the Act of Union, deprived of the power ot making laws. was the right “ of pit and gallows.” Pitcairn's Criminal Trials in Scotland, vol. ii. p. 94; and Mackenzie's Laws and Customs of Scotland ^n 100 187, 210. This meant, that men were to be hung, and women to be downed. See also Arnot's History of Edinburgh v 224 ; Founta^nhall « ^^5! fairs, p 139 ; Hume's History of the House of Douglas, vol. i. p. 346 Lettice s Scot £ ’p^ 271 ; SinclaiSs Scotland, vol. i. p. 417, vol. iv. p. 478, yol. vi. pp. 195^, 258 vol. viii. pp. 129, 348, vol. xui. p. 663, vol. xiv. p. 34, vol. zvu. pp. 442, 600, vol {History of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 346) says, that in the co- in the Scotdsh parliament were 160 ; the peers 145.” Of these peers, the Treaty of Union declared that » sixteen shaU be the number to sit Lords.” De Foe's History of the Union between England ^ 1786, 4to, pp. 205, 638. The English House of Lords jV l^s See Ihe Lockhart Papers, London, 1817, 4to, vol. i. pp. sible to mistake the result of this sweeping measure, by ' . , JTnion o time, “ Scotland was to retrench her nobility.” De Foe's 495. Compare p. 471 : “ The nobUity being thereby, as it ^^re ^graded of ^ characters.” In 1710, a Scotchman writes m his journal ; I* lancholyest sights to any that have any sense of our antient Nobihty, to see the SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 239 These sixteen were sent off to London, and took their seats in the House of Lords, of which they formed a small and miserable fraction. On every subject, however important to their own country, they were easily outvoted ; their manners, their ges- ticulations, and particularly their comical mode of pronouncing English, were openly ridiculed and the chiefs of this old and powerful aristocracy found themselves, to their utter amaze- ment, looked on as men of no account, and they were often obliged to fawn and cringe at the levee of the minister, in order to procure a place for some needy dependent. Their friends and relations applied to them lor offices, and generally applied in vain. Indeed, the Scotch nobles being very poor, wanted for themselves more than the Enghsh government was inclined to give, and in the eagerness of their clamour, they lost both dignity and reputation. They were exposed to mortifying going throu for votes, and making partys, and giving their votes to others who once had their oun vote ; and I suspect many of them reu the bargain fhey made, in giv- ing their oun pouer away.” Wodrow's Analecta, vol. i. p. 308. ““ The Scotch, consequently, became so eager to do away with this source of mirth, that even as late as the year 1761, when the notorious lecturer, Sheridan, visited Edinburgh, “ such was the rage for speaking with an English accent, that more than three hundred gentlemen, among whom were the most eminent in the country for rank and learning, attended him.” Ritchie's Life of Hume, London, 1807, p. 94. It was, however, during about twenty years immediately after the Union, that the Scotch members of Parliament, both Lords and Commons, were most jeered at in London, and were treated with marked disrespect, socially and politically. Not only were they mocked and lampooned, but they were also made tools of. In September 1711, Wodrow writes {Analecta, vol. 1. p. 848, 4to, 1842): “In the beginning of this (month), I hear a generall dissatisfaction our Nobilityj that wer at last Parliament, have at their treatment at London. They complean they are only made use of as tools among the English, and cast by when their party designes are over.” The next year (1712), the Scotch members of 'the House of Com- mons met together, and expressed their “high resentment of the uncivil, haughty treatment they mett with from the English.” The Loclchart JPapevs, London, 1817, 4to, vol. i. p. 417. See, further. Burton's Historv if Scotland, vol. ii. p. 27! “ Without descending to rudeness, the polished contemporaries of Wharton and St. John could madden the sensitive and haughty Scots by light shafts of raillery, about their pronunciation or knowledge of parliamentary etiquette.” Some curious ob- servations upon the way in which the Scotch pronounced English, late in the seven- teenth century, will be found in Mover's Short Account of Scotland, London, 1702, pp. 13, 14. The author of this book was chaplain to a Scotch regiment. Among many illustrations with which contemporary memoirs abound, the following is by no means the worst. Burnet, as a Scotchman, thirdvs proper to say that those of his countrymen who were sent to parliament, “were persons of such distinction, that they very well deserved ” the respect and esteem with which they were treated. To which. Lord Dartmouth adds : “ and were very importunate to have their deserts rewarded. A Scotch earl pressed Lord Godolphin extremely for a place. He said there was none vacant. The other said, his lordship could soon make one so, if he pleased. Lord Godolphin asked him, if he expected to have any body killed to make room ? He said. No ; but Lord Dartmouth commonly voted against the court, and every body wondered that he had not been turned out before now. Lord Godolphin told him, he hoped his lordship did not expect that he should be the person to propose it ; and advised him never to mention it any more, for fear the queen should come to hear of it j for if she did, his lordship would run great risk never to have a place as long as she lived. But he could not forbear tell- 240 CONDITION or SCOTLAND DURING THE rebuffs, and tbeir true position being soon known, weakened their influence at home, among a people already prepared to throw off their authority. To this, however, they were com- paratively indifferent, as they looked for future fortune, not to Scotland, but to England. London became the centre of their intrigues and their hopes. Those who had no seat in the House of Lords, longed to have one, and it was notorious, that the darling object of nearly every Scotch noble was to be made an English peer.^“® The scone of their ambition being shifted, they were gradually weaned from their old associations. Direct- ing everywhere, how ill the lord treasurer had used him.” Burnet's History of his own Time, vol. v. p. 349, Oxford, 1823. Compare the account, in 1710, in Wodrow's Analecta, vol. i. p. 293. “Argyle is both picked {i. e. piqued) at Marlburrou, and his brother Yla, for refuising him a regiment ; and Godolphin should have said to the Queen that my Lord Yla was not to be trusted with a regiment ! The Earl of Marr was one of the greatest cronnies Godolphine had, till the matter of his pension, after the Secretary office was taken from him, came about. Godolphine caused draw it during pleasure ; Marr expected it during life, which the Treasurer would not yield to, and therefore they brake.” The history of the time is full of these wretch- ed squabbles, which show what the Scotch nobles were made of. Indeed, their rapacity was so shameless, that, in 1711, several of them refused to perform their legislative duties in London, unless they received some offices w hich they expected. “ About the midle of this moncth, I hear ther was a meeting of severall of our Scots Peers, at the Viscount of Kilsyth’s, where they concerteU not to goe up to this par- liament till peremptorily writ for ; and (also) some assurance be given of the places they were made to hope for last session and have missed.” Wodrow's Analecta, vol. i. p. 365. ha 1712, the same Scotchman writes {Analecta, vol. ii. p. 8): “ Our Scots Peers’ secession from the House of Peers makes much noise; but they doe not hold by it. They somtimes come and somtimes goe, and they render themselves base in the eyes of the English." See also a letter “ concerning the Scots Peerage,” in Somers Tracts, vol. xii. p. 607, edit. Scott, London, 1814, 4to. A Scotch writer, twenty years after the Union, says: “Most of our gentle- men and people of quality, who have the best estates in our country, live lor the most part at London.” Reasons for improving the Fisheries and Linen Manufac- ture of Scotland, London, 1727, p. 22. I do not know who wrote this curious little treatise ; but the author was evidently a native of Scotland. See p. 26. I have, however, still earlier evidence to adduce. A letter from Wodrow, dated 9th of August, 1725, complains of “the general sending our youth of quality to England ; and a letter to him, in 1716, describes the Anglicizing process going on among the Scotch aristocracy, only nine years alter the Union. Most ol our Lords and others here do so much depend on the English for thei-r posts, and seeking Homewhat or other, that their mouths are almost quite stopped ; and re&Wy most of them go into the English way in all things." WodrotTs Correspondence, vol. ii. p. 196, vok iii. p. 224. The Earl of Marr lost popularity in Scotland, on account of the court he paid to Lord Godolphin ; for, he “ appears to have passed much more 'time in intrigues in London than among the gardens of Alloa.” Thomson's Memoirs of the Jacobites, vol. i. p. 36. Even Earl Hay, in his anxiety to advance himself at the English court, “used to regret his being a Scots peer, and to wish earnestly he was a commoner. Jjetters of Lord Grange, in The Miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol. iii. p. 89, Aber^ deen, 4to, 1846. Indeed, their expectation ran so high, as to induce a hope, not only that those Commissioners of the Union who were Scotch peers should be made English ones, but that “ the whole nobility of Scotland might in time be admitted.’’ Laing s Histwy of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 346. Compare The Lockhart Papers, vol. i. pp. 298, S43 : “ the Scots Peerage, many of whom had been bubled with the hopes of being themselves created British Peers.” Also The Gordon Letters, in The Miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol. iii. pp. 227, 228. SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 241 ly this was apparent, the foundation of their power was gone. From that moment, their real nationality vanished. It became evident that their patriotism was but a selfish passion. They ceased to love a country which could give them nothing, and, as a natural consequence, their country ceased to love them. Thus it was that this great tie was severed. In this, as in all similar movements, there were, of course, exceptions. Some of the nobles were disinterested, and some of their dependents were faithful. But, looking at the Lowlands as a whole, there can be no doubt that, before the middle of the eighteenth cen- tury, that bond of affection was gone, which, in former times, made tens of thousands of Scotchmen ready to follow their superiors in any cause, and to sacrifice their lives at a nod. That spirit, which was once deemed ardent and generous, but which a deeper analysis shows to be mean and servile, was now almost extinct, except among the barbarous Highlanders, whose ignorance of affairs long prevented them from being influenced by the stream of events. That the proximate cause of this change was the Union, will probably be denied by no one who has minutely studied the history of the period. And that the change was beneficial, can only be questioned by those senti- mental dreamers, with whom life is a matter rather of feeling than of judgment, and who, despising real and tangible inter- ests, reproach their own age with its material prosperity, and with its love of luxury, as if they were the result of low and sordid desires unknown to the loftier temper of bygone days. To visionaries of this sort, it may well appear that the barbar- ous and ignorant noble, surrounded by a host of devoted retain- ers, and living with rude simphcity in his own dull and wretched castle, forms a beautiful picture of those unmercenary and uncalculating times, when men, instead of seeking for knowl- edge, or for wealth, or for comfort, were content with the frugal innocence of their fathers, and when, protection being accorded by one class, and gratitude felt by the other, the subordination of society was maintained, and its different parts were knit together by sympathy, and by the force of common emotions, instead of, as now, by the coarse maxims of a vulgar and selfish utility. Those, however, whose knowledge gives them some acquaint- ance with the real course of human affairs, will see that in Scotland, as in all civilized countries, the decline of aristocratic power forms an essential part of the general progress. It must, therefore, be esteemed a fortunate circumstance, that, among the Scotch, where that power had long been enormous, it was weakened in the eighteenth century, not only by general causes. 242 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE which were operating elsewhere, hut also hy two smaller and more special causes. The first of these minor causes was, as we have just seen, the Union with England, The other cause was, comparatively speaking, insignificant, hut still it produced decided effect, particularly in the northern districts. It con- sisted in the fact, that some of the oldest Highland nobles were concerned in the rebellion of 1745, and that, when that rebellion was put down, those who escaped from the sword, were glad to save their lives by flying abroad, leaving their dependents to shift for themselves. They became attached to the court of the Pretender, or, at all events, intrigued for him. That, indeed, was their only chance, their estates at home being forfeited. For nearly forty years, several great families were in exile, and although, about 1784, they began to return, other associations had been formed during their absence, and new ideas had arisen, both in their own minds, and in the minds of their retainers. A fresh generation had grown up, and fresh influences had been brought to bear. Strangers, with whom the people had no sympathy, had intruded upon the estates of the nobles, and though they might receive obedience, it was an obedience unac- companied by deference. The real reverence was gone ; the homage of the heart was no more. And as this state of things lasted for about forty years, it interrupted the old train of thought ; and the former habits were so completely broken, that, even when the chiefs were restored to their forfeited hon- ours, they found that there was another part of their inheritance which they were unable to recover, and that they had lost for ever that unreserved submission, which, in times of yore, had been willingly paid to their fathers. The Chevalier de Johnstone, in his plaintive remarks on the battle of Cullo- den, says : “ The ruin of many of the most illustrious families in Scotland imme- diately followed our defeat.” Johnstone's Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1746, p. 211. He, of course, could not perceive that, sad as such ruin was to the individual suf- ferers, it was an immense benefit to the nation. Mr. Skene, referring to the year 1748, says of the Highlanders ; “ their long-cherished idea of clanship gradually gave way under the absence and ruin of so many of their chiefs.” Skene's High- landers^ vol. i. p. 147. 106 “ A.bout 1784, the exiled families began to return.” Penny's Traditions of Perth, p. 41. See also MacphersorC s Annals of Commerce, vol. iv. p. 63. In 1784, “a bill passed the Commons without opposition,” to restore the “Forfeited Estates” in the north of Scotland. See Parliamentary History, vol. xxiv. pp. 1316-1322. On that occasion, Fox said (p. 1321), the proprietors “had been sufficiently punished by forty years’ deprivation of their fortunes for the faults of their ancestors.” Dean Ramsay, in his Reminiscences (6th edit. Edinburgh, 1869, p. 67), notices that, owing to “ transfers of property and extinction of old families in the Highlands, as well as from more general causes,” the old clannish affection “is passing away.” But this intelligent observer has not indicated the connexion between so important a fact and the Rebellion of 1746. In 1792, Heron writes : “ The prejudices of clan- ship have almost died away.” .... “The dependents of the family of Kenmure are still attached t® its representative with much of that affection and respect with SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 243 Owing to these circumstances, the course of affairs in Scot- land during the eighteenth century, and especially during the first half of it, was marked by a more rapid decline of the infiuence of the higher ranks than was seen in any other coun- try. It was, therefore, an easy task for the English government to procure a law, which, by ahohshing hereditary jurisdictions, deprived the Scotch aristocracy, in 1748, of the last great ensign of their power. The law, being suited to the spirit of the times, worked well ; and in the Highlands, in particular, it was one immediate cause of the establishment of something like the order of a settled state. But in this instance, as in every other, the real and overruling cause is to he found in the con- dition of the surrounding society. A few generations earlier, hardly any one would have thought of abolishing these mischiev- ous jurisdictions, which were then deemed beneficial, and were respected, as belonging to the great families by natural and inalienable right. Such an opinion was the inevitable result of the state of things then existing. This being the case, it is certain that, if the legislature had, at that time, been so rash as to lay its hand on what the nation respected, popular sym- pathy would have been aroused, and the nobles would have been strengthened by what was intended to weaken them.''’® In 1748, however, matters were very different. Public opinion had changed ; and this change of opinion was not only the cause of the new law, hut was the reason of the new law being which the tribes of the Highlands have till lately been accustomed to adhere to their lord.” Heron's Journey through the Western Counties of Scotland, 2d edit., Perth, 1799, vol. i. p. 248, vol. ii. p. 154. See also the remarks made, in the same year, in Lettice's Letters on a Tour through various Harts of Scotland, London, 1794, p. 340. To trace the movement back still further. Pennant writes, in 1769 : “ But in many parts of the Highlands, their character begins to be more faintly marked: they mix more with the w'orld ; and become daily less attached to their chiefs." . . . “During the Feudal reign, their love for their chieftain induced them to bear many things, at present intolerable." These tw'o important passages are in the 4th edition of Pennants Tour in Scotland, vol. i. p. 194, vol. ii. p. 307, Dublin, 1775. They prove that, twenty-four years after the rebellion of 1745, the decay of affection was so manifest, as to strike a candid, and careful, but by no means philosophic, ob- server. For Pennant to have discerned these changes, they must already liave risen to the surface. Other and corroborative evidence will be found in Sinclair's Account of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 545, Edinburgh, 1792; and vol. iii. pp. 377, 437, vol, xiii. p. 310, vol. xv. p. 592, vol. xx. p. 33. Burton's History of Scotland, vol. ii. pp. 535-537. Struthers' History of Scot- land. Glasgow, 1828, vol. ii. pp. 519-525. ““ Maepherson {^Annals of Commerce, vol. iii. p. 259) says, “ This excellent statute may not unfitly be termed a new magna charta to the free people of Scotland.” I cannot, therefore, agree with Maepherson, who asserts, in his valuable work, that the abolition of these jurisdictions “ should undoubtedly have been made an essential preliminary of the consolidating union of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland, concluded forty years before.” Maepherson' s Annals of Commerce, vol. iii. p. 257. Compare De Foe's History of the Union between England and Scotland, pp. 458, 459, London, 1786, 4to. 244 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE eflfective. And so it always is. They, indeed, whose knowledga is almost confined to what they see passing around them, and who, on account of their ignorance, are termed practical men, may talk as they will about the reforms which government has introduced, and the improvement to he expected from legislation. But whoever will take a wider and more commanding view of afiairs, will soon discover that such hopes are chimerical. They will learn that lawgivers are nearly always the obstructors or society, instead of its helpers ; and that, in the extremely few cases in which their measures have turned out well, their suc- cess has been owing to the fact, that, contrary to their usual custom, they have implicitly obeyed the spirit of their time, and have been, as they always should be, the mere servants of the people, to whose wishes they are hound to give a public and legal sanction. Another striking peculiarity of Scotland, during the remark- able period we are now considering, was the sudden rise of trad- ing and manufacturing interests. This preceded, by a whole generation, the celebrated statute of 1748, and was one of the causes of it, in so far as it weakened the great families, against whom that statute was directed. The movement may be traced back, as I have already noticed, to the end of the seventeenth century, and it was in active operation before the first twenty years of the eighteenth century had passed away. A mercan- tile and money-making spirit was difiused to an extent formerly unknown ; and men becoming valued for their wealth as well as for their birth, a new standard of excellence was introduced, and new actors appeared on the scene. Heretofore, persons were respected solely for their parentage ; now they were also respect- ed for their riches. The old aristocracy, made uneasy by the change, did every thing they could to thwart and discourage these young and dangerous rivals. ““ Nor can we wonder at their feeling somewhat sore. The tendency which was exhibited, was, indeed, fatal to their pretensions. Instead of asking who was a man's father, the question became, how much he had got. And certainly, if either question is to be put, the latter is the more rational. Wealth is a real and substantial thing, which ministers to our pleasures, increases our comfort, multiplies our resources, and not unfrequently alleviates our pains. But birth is a dream and a shadow, which, so far from benefiting either body or mind, only pufis up its possessor with an imaginary excellence, and teaches him to despise those whom nature has “* In 1'740, “ the rising manufacturing and trading interests of the country” were “ looked down upon and discouraged by the feudal aristocracy.” Burton's Lives »/ Lovat and Forbes, p. 361. SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 245 made his superiors, and who, whether engaged in adding to our knowledge or to our wealth, are, in either case, ameliorating the condition of society, and rendering to it true and valuable service. This antagonism between the aristocratic and trading spirit, lies in the nature of things, and is essential, however it may he disguised at particular periods. Therefore it is, that the history of trade has a philosophic importance in reference to the progress of society, quite independent of practical considerations. On this account, I have called the attention of the reader to what otherwise would be foreign to the objects of the present intro- duction ; and I will now trace, as briefly as possible, the begin- ning of that great industrial movement, to the extension of which the overthrow of the Scotch aristocracy is to be partly ascribed. The Union with England, which was completed in 1707 produced immediate and striking efiects on trade. Its flrst effect was, to throw open to the Scotch a new and extensive cornmerce with the English colonies in America. Before the Union, no goods of any kind could be landed in Scotland from the American plantations, unless they had first been landed in England, and paid duty there ; nor even, in that case, might they be conveyed by any Scotch vessel. This was one of many foolish regulations by which our legislators interfered with the natural course of affairs, and injured the interests of their own country, as well as those of their neighbours. For- merly, however, such laws were considered to be extremely sagacious, and politicians were constantly contriving protective schemes of this sort, which, with the best intentions, inflicted incalculable harm. But if, as seems probable, one of their objects, in this instance, was to retard the improvement of Scot- land, they were more than usually successful in effecting the purpose at which they aimed. For, the whole of the western coast, being cut off from direct intercourse with the American colonies, was debarred from the only foreign trade it could Whereas Scotland had, before this, prohibited all the English woollen man- ufactures, under severe penalties, and England, on the other hand, had excluded the Scots from trading with Scots sliips to their colonies in America, directly from Scot- land, and had confiscated even their own English ships trading to the said Colonies from England, if navigated or manned with above one-third Scots seamen,” etc. Be Foe’s History of the Union, p. 603. In 1696, the wise men in our English par- liament passed a law, “that on no pretence whatever any kind of goods from the English American plantations should hereafter be put on shore, either in the king- doms of Ireland or Scotland, without being first landed in England, and having also paid the duties there, under forfeiture of ship and cargo.” MacphersorC s Annals of Uommercc, vol. ii. p. 684. Certainly, the more a man knows of the history of legis- lation, the more he ■will wonder that nations should have been able to advance in the face of the formidable impediments which legislators have thrown in their way. 246 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE advantageously follow ; since the European ports lay to the east, and could not be reached by the inhabitants of Western Scotland without a long circumnavigation, which prevented them from competing, on equal terms, with their countrymen, who, sailing from the other side, were already near the chief seats of commerce. The consequence was, that Glasgow and the other western ports remained almost stationary ; having comparatively few means of gratifying that enterprising spirit, which rose among them late in the seventeenth century, and not daring to trade with those prosperous colonies which were just before them across the Atlantic, but from which they were entirely excluded by the jealous precautions of the English par- liament."* When, however, by the Act of Union, the two countries be- came one, these precautions were discontinued, and Scotland was allowed to hold direct intercourse with America and the West India Islands. The result which this produced on the national industry, was almost instantaneous, because it gave vent to a spirit which had begun to appear among the people late in the seventeenth century, and because it was aided by those still more general causes, which, in most parts of Europe, predisposed that age to increased industry. The west of Scot- land, being nearest to America, was the first to feel the move- ment. In 1*707, the inhabitants of Greenock, without the interference of government, imposed on themselves a voluntary assessment, with the object of constructing a harbour. In this undertaking, they displayed so much zeal, that, by the year 1710, the whole of the works were completed ; a pier and capacious harbour were erected, and Greenock was suddenly raised from insignificance to take an important part in the trade of the Atlantic. “• For a while, the merchants were content to carry “ A spirit for commerce appears to have been raised among the inhabitants of Glasgow between the periods of 1660 and 1707, when the Union with England took place.” .... But, “ whatever their trade was, at this time, it could not be considerable ; the ports to which they were obliged to trade, lay all to the eastward ; the circumnavigation of the island would, therefore, prove an almost insurmount- able bar to the commerce of Glasgow; the people upon the east coast, from their situation, would be in possession of almost the whole commerce of Scotland.” Gib- son's History of Glasgow, p. 205, Glasgow, 1777. 113 “The importance of the measure induced the inhabitants of Greenock to make a contract with the superior, by which they agreed to an assessment of Is. 4- upon pohtica,! subjects enlightened views, do, upon all religious subjects, display a littleness of mind, an illiberality of sentiment ^ of persecuting others, which shows that the Protestantism of which they boast has done them no good ; that, in the most important matters, it has left them as narrow as it found them ; and that it has been unable to free Hiem from prejudices which make them the laughing-stock of Hurope, and which have turned the very name of the Scotch Kirk into a by- word and a reproach among educated men. i shall now endeavour to explain how all this arose, and how such apparent inconsistencies are to be reconciled. That they may be reconciled, and that the inconsistencies are merely ap- parent and not real, will be at once admitted by whoever is capable of a scientific conception of history. For, in the moral world, as in the physical world, nothing is anomalous ; nothing 18 unn^ural ; nothing^ is strange. All is order, symmetry, and opposites, but there are no contradictions. In the character of a nation, inconsistency is impossible. Such however, is still the backward condition of the human mind, and with so evil and jaundiced an eye do we approach the greatest problems, that not only common writers, but even men from whom better things might be hoped, are on this point involved in com stant confusion, perplexing themselves and their readers by speak- ing of mconsistency, as if it were a quality belonging to the sub- ject which they investigate, instead of being, as it really is, a measure of their own ignorance. It is the business of the histo- rian to remove this ignorance, by showing that the movements of nations are perfectly regular, and that, like all other movements, they are solely determined by their antecedents. If he cannot do this, he is no historian. He may be an annalist, or a biog- rapher, or a chronicler, but higher than that he cannot rise, an eLLTt ^ passage, the opinions of an eminent German and of that ^ - when he last visited Scotland, remarked p priest-ridden nation ik Europe; stand the force of this observahon." Notes on the United States of North America iy George Combe, Tol. iii. p. 32, Edinburgh, 1841. ' America 256 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE unless he is imbued with that spirit of science which teaches, as an article of faith, the doctrine of uniform sequence ; in other words, the doctrine that certain events having already happened, certain other events corresponding to them will also happen. To seize this idea with firmness, and to apply it on all occasions, without listening to any exceptions, is extremely difficult, but it must be done by whoever wishes to elevate the study of his- tory from its present crude and informal state, and do what he may towards placing it in its proper rank, as the head and chief of all the sciences. Even then, he cannot perform his task un- less his materials are ample, and derived from sources of unques- tioned credibility. But if his facts are sufficiently numerous ; if they are very diversified ; if they have been collected from such various quarters that they can check and confront each other, so as to do away with all suspicion of their testimony being garbled j and if he who uses them possesses that faculty of generalization, without which nothing great can be achieved, he will hardly fail in bringing some part of his labours to a prosper- ous issue, provided he devotes all his strength to that one enter- prise, postponing to it every other object of ambition, and sacri- ficing to it many interests which men hold dear. Some of the most pleasurable incentives to action, he must disregard. Not for him, are those rewards, which, in other pursuits, the same en- ergy would have earned j not for him, the sweets of popular ap- plause ; not for him, the luxury of power ; not for him, a share in the councils of his country ; not for him, a conspicuous and honoured place before the public eye. Albeit conscious of what he could do, he may not compete in the great contest ; he can- not hope to win the prize ; he cannot even enjoy the excitement of the struggle. To him, the arena is closed. His recompense lies within himself, and he must learn to care little for the s} m- pathy of his fellow-creatures, or for such honours as they are able to bestow. So far from looking for these things, he should rather be prepared for that obloquy which always awaits^ those, who, by opening up new veins of thought, disturb the prejudices of their contemporaries. While ignorance, and worse than igno- rance, is imputed to him, while his motives are misrepresented and his integrity impeached, while he is accused of denying the value of moral principles, and of attacking the foundation of all religion, as if he were some public enemy, who made it his busi- ness to corrupt society, and whose delight it was to see what evil he could do ; while these charges are brought forward, and repeated from mouth to mouth, he must be capable of pursuing in silence the even tenor of his way, without swerving, without SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTUEIES. 257 pausing, and without stepping from his path to notice the angry outcries which he cannot hut hear, and which he is more than human if he does not long to rebuke. These are the qual- ities, and these the high resolves, indispensable to him, who, on the most important of all subjects, believing that the old road is worn out and useless, seeks to strike out a new one for him- self, and, in the effort, not only perhaps exhausts his strength, hut is sure to incur the enmity of those who are bent on main- taining the ancient scheme unimpaired. To solve the great problem of affairs to detect those hidden circumstances which determine the march and destiny of nations ; and to find, in the events of the past, a key to the proceedings of the future, is nothing less than to unite into a single science all the laws of the moral and physical world. Whoever does this, will build up afresh the fabric of our knowledge, re-arrange its various parts, and harmonize its apparent discrepancies. Perchance, the human mind is hardly ready for so vast an enterprise. At all events, he who undertakes it will meet with little sympathy, and will find few to help him. And let him toil as he may, the sun and noontide of his life shall pass by, the evening of his days shall overtake him, and he himself have to quit the scene, leaving that unfinished which he had vainly hoped to complete. He may lay the foundation ; it will be for his successors to raise the edifice. Their hands will give the last touch ; they will reap the glory ; their names will be remembered when his is forgotten. It is, indeed, too true, that such a work requires, not only several minds, but also the successive experience of several generations. Once, I own, I thought otherwise. Once, when I first caught sight of the whole field of knowledge, and seemed, however dimly, to discern its various parts and the relation they bore to each other, I was so entranced with its surpassing beauty, that the judgment was beguiled, and I deemed myself able, not only to cover the surface, but also to master the de- tails. Little did I know how the horizon enlarges as well as recedes, and how vainly we grasp at the fleeting forms, which melt away and elude us in the distance. Of all that I had hoped to do, I now find but too surely how small a part I shall accomplish. In those early aspirations, there was much that was fanciful ; perhaps there was much that was foolish. Per- haps, too, they contained a moral defect, and savoured of an arrogance which belongs to a strength that refuses to recog- nize its own weakness. Still, even now that they are defeated and brought to nought, I cannot repent having indulged in them, but, on the contrary, I would willingly recall them if I 62 258 CONDITION OF SCOTLAND DURING THE could. For, sucli hopes belong to that joyous and sanguine period of life, when alone we are really happy ; when the emo- tions are more active than the judgment ; when experience has not yet hardened our nature ; when the affections are not yet blighted and nipped to the core ; and when the bitterness of disappointment not having yet been felt, difficulties are unheed- ed, obstacles are unseen, ambition is a pleasure instead of a pang, and the blood coursing swiftly through the veins, the pulse beats high, while the heart throbs at the prospect of tlie future. Those are glorious days ; but they go from us, and nothing can compensate their absence. To me, they now seem more like the visions of a disordered fancy, than the sober reali- ties of things that were, and are not. It is painful to make this confession ; but I owe it to the reader, because I would not have him to suppose that either in this, or in the future volumes of my History, I shall be able to redeem my pledge, and to perform all that I promised. Something, I hope to achieve which will interest the thinkers of this age ; and some- thing, perhaps, on which posterity may build. It will, how- ever, only be a fragment of my original design. In the two last chapters I have attempted, and in the two next chapters I shall still further attempt, to solve a curious problem in the history of Scotland, which is intimately connected with other problems of a yet graver import : but though the solution will, I believe, be complete, the evidence of the solution will, most assuredly, be imperfect. I regret to add, that such imperfec- tion is henceforth an essential part of my plan. It is essential, because I despair of supplying those deficiencies in my knowl- edge, of which I grow more sensible in proportion as my views become more extensive. It is also essential, because, after a fair estimate of my own strength, of the probable duration of my life, and of the limits to which industry can safely be push- ed, I have been driven to the conclusion, that this Introduction, which I had projected as a solid foundation on which the his- tory of England might subsequently be raised, must either be greatly curtailed, and consequently shorn of its force, or that, if not curtailed, there will hardly be a chance of my being able to narrate, with the amplitude and fulness of detail which they richly deserve, the deeds of that great and splendid nation with which I am best acquainted, and of which it is my pride to count myself a member. It is with the free, the noble, and the high-minded English people, that my sympathies are most closely connected ; on them my affections naturally centre ; from their literature, and from their example, my best lessons SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES. 259 Lave been learnt ; and it is now the most cherished and the most sacred desire of my heart, that I may succeed in writing their history, and in unfolding the successive phases of their mighty career, while I am yet somewhat equal to the task, and before my faculties have begun to dwindle', or the power oi con tinuous attention has begun to decay. CHAPTER V. examination of the scotch intellect during the seventeenth CENTURY. The remaining part of this volume, I purpose to devote to an attempt to unravel still further that twofold paradox, which forms the prominent peculiarity of the history of Scotland. The paradox consists, as we have seen, in the fact, first, that the same people have long been liberal in politics, and illiberal in religion j and, secondly, that the brilliant, inquisitive, and sceptical literature, which they produced in the eighteenth century, was unable to weaken their superstition, or to instil into them wiser and larger maxims on religious matters. From an early period, there were, as I have endeavoured to show, many circumstances which predisposed the Scotch to supersti- tion, and, so far, had a general connexion with the subject before us. But the remarkable phenomenon with which we are immediately concerned, may, I think, be traced to two distinct causes. The first cause was, that, for a hundred and twenty years after the establishment of Protestantism, the rulers of Scotland either neglected the church or persecuted it, thereby driving the clergy into the arms of the people, from whom alone they could obtain sympathy and support. Hence an alliance between the two parties, more intimate than would otherwise have been possible ; and hence, too, the rise of that democratic spirit which was the necessary consequence of such an union, and which the clergy encouraged, because they were opposed and thwarted by the upper classes. So far, the result was extremely beneficial, as it produced a love of independence and a hatred of tyranny, which, twice during the seventeenth cen- tury, saved the country from the yoke of a cruel despotism. But these very circumstances, which guarded the people against political despotism, exposed them all the more to ecclesiastical despotism. For, having uo one to trust except their preachers, AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT. 261 they trusted them entirely, and upon all subjects. The clergy gradually became supreme, not only in spiritual matters, but also in temporal ones. Late in the sixteeenth century, they had been glad to take refuge among the people ; before the middle of the seventeenth century, they ruled the people. How shamefully they abused their power, and how, by encouraging the worst kind of superstition, they prolonged the reign of ignorance, and stopped the march of society, will be related in the course of this chapter ; but, in fairness to them, we ought to acknowledge, that the religious servitude into which the Scotch fell during the seventeenth century, was, on the whole, a willing one,^ and that, mischievous as it was, it had at least a noble origin, inasmuch as the influence of the Protestant clergy is mainly to be ascribed to the fearlessness with which they came forward as leaders of the people, at a period when that post was full of danger, and when the upper classes were ready to unite with the crown in destroying the last vestiges of na- tional liberty. To trace the operation of this cause of Scotch superstition, will be the business of the present chapter ; while, in the next and concluding chapter, I shall examine the other cause, which I have as yet hardly mentioned. This latter inquiry will in- volve some considerations respecting the philosophy of method, still imperfectly appreciated among us, and on which the his- tory of the Scotch mind will throw considerable light. For, it will appear, that, during the eighteenth century, the ablest Scotchmen, with hardly an exception, adopted a method of in- vestigating truth, which cut them off from the sympathies of their countrymen, and prevented their works from producing the effect which they might otherwise have done. The result was, that though a very sceptical literature was produced, scepticism made no progress, and therefore superstition was undiminished. The highly-educated minds, indeed, were affect- ed; but they formed a class apart, and there were no means of communication between them and the people. That this was owing to the method which literary men employed, I hope to prove^ in the next chapter ; and if I succeed in doing so, it will be evident, that I have been guilty of no exaggeration in term- ing this the second great cause of the prolongation of Scotch superstition, since it was sufficiently powerful to prevent the intellectual classes from exercising their natural functions as the disturbers of old opinions. We have already seen, that, almost immediately after the Reformation, ill-feeling arose between the upper classes and the spiritual leaders of the Protestant church, and that this ill- 262 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT feeling increased until, in 1580, it vented itself by the abolition of episcopacy. This bold and decisive measure made the breach irreparable. The preachers had now committed themselves too far to recede, even if they had desired to do so ; and from that moment, uniting themselves heartily with the people, they took up a position which they have never since abandoned. During the remaining twenty-three years that J ames was in Scotland, they were occupied in exciting the people against their rulers ; and as they became more democratic, so did the crown and nobles grow more hostile, and display, for the first time, a dis- position to combine together in defence of their common inter- ests. In 1603, James ascended the throne of England, and the struggle began in earnest. It lasted, with few interruptions, eighty-five years, and, during its continuance, the Presbyterian clergy never wavered ; they were always steady to the good cause ; always on the side of the people. This greatly increased their influence ; and what favoured it still more was, that, besides being the champions of popular liberty, they were also the champions of national independence. When James I. and the two Charles’s attempted to force episcopacy upon Scotland, the Scotch rejected it, not only because they hated the institu- tion, but also because they looked on it as the mark of a foreign domination, which they were determined to resist. Their near- est and most dangerous enemy was England ; and they spurned the idea of receiving bishops who must, in the first instance, be consecrated in London, and who, it was certain, would never have been admitted into Scotland unless England had been the stronger country. It was, therefore, on patriotic, as well as religious, grounds, that the Scotch clergy, during the seven- teenth century, struggled against episcopacy ; * and when they overthrew it, in 1638, their bold and determined conduct asso- ciated, in the popular mind, the love of country with the love of the church. Subsequent events strengthened this association.* 'In 1638, one of the most eminent of the Scotch clergy writes : “Our maine feare ” is “ to have our religion lost, our throats cutted, our poore countrey made ane English province, to be disposed upon for ever hereafter at the will of a Bishope of Canterburie.” Baillie's Letters and Journals, vol. i. p. 66. Compare p. 450. “This kirk is a free and independant kirk, no less then the kingdom is a free and independant kingdom; and as our own Patriots can best judge what is for the good of the kingdom, so our own Pastors should be most able to judge what form of worship beseemeth our Reformation, and what serveth most for the good of the People.” Two generations later, one of the most popular arguments against the Union was, that it might enable the English to force episcopacy upon Scotland. See Be Foe's History of the Union between England and Scotland, pp. 222, 284, 359. “ The danger of the Church of Scotland, from the suffrages of English bishops,” &c. * The hatred which the Scotch naturally felt against the English for having in- flicted so much suffering upon them, was intense about the middle of the seventeenth eentury, notwithstanding the temporary union of the two nations against Charles. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 263 In 1650, Cromwell invaded Scotland, overthrew the Scotch in the battle of Dunbar, and intrusted to Monk the task of curbing their spirit, by building fortresses, and establishing a long chain of military posts.® The nation, cowed and broken, gave way, and, for the first time for three centuries, felt the pressure of a foreign yoke. The clergy alone remained firm.^ Cromwell, who knew that they were the chief obstacle to completing his conquest, hated them, and did every thing he could to ruin them.® But their power was too deeply seated to be shaken. From their pulpits, they continued to influence and animate the people. In face of the invaders, and in spite of them, the Scotch church continued to hold its General Assemblies, until the sum- mer of 1653. Then, indeed, they had to yield to brute force and the people, to their unutterable grief, beheld the venerated representatives of the Scotch kirk driven from their place of meeting by English soldiers, and led hke criminals through the streets of Edinburgh.® In 1652, “ the criminal record is full of cases of murder of English soldiers. They were cut off by the people whenever a fitting opportunity occurred, and were as much detested in Scotland as the French soldiers were in Spain during the Peninsu- lar war.” The Spottiswoode Mhcellany, vol. ii. p. 98, Edinburgh, 1845. See also p. 167 : “a nationall quarrell, and not for the Stuarts.” “ Browne's History of the Highlands, vol. ii. pp. 75-77 : “the English army was augmented to twenty thousand men, and citadels erected in several towns, and a long chain of military stations drawn across the country to curb the inhabitants.” Clarendon, under the year 1655, says, “Though Scotland was vanquished, and subdued, to that degree, that there was no place nor person who made the least show of opposing Cromwell ; who, by the administration of Monk, made the yoke very grievous to the whole nation ; yet the preachers kept their pulpit license ; and, more for the affront that was offered to presbytery, than the conscience of what was due to majesty, many of them presumed to pray for the king ; and generally, though secretly, exasperated the minds of the people against the present government.” Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, p. 803. ® And, what they must have felt very acutely, he would not go to hear them preach. A writer of that time informs us that, even in 1648, when Cromwell was in Edinburgh, “he went not to their churches; but it is constantle reported that ewerie day he had sermons in his oune ludginge, himself being the preacher, when- soewer the spirit came upon him ; which took him lyk the fitts of an ague, somtyms twise, somtyms thryse in a day.” Gordon's Britane's Distemper, p. 212. In 1650, according to another contemporary, “ he made stables of all the churches for hes horsses quhersoeuer he came, and burned all the seatts and pewes in them ; riffled the ministers housses, and distrayed ther comes.” Balfour's Annales of Scotland, vol. IV. p. 88. The clergy, on the other hand, employing a resource with which their profession has always been familiar, represented Cromwell as opposing Providence, because he was opposing them. Rutherford {^Religious Betters, reprinted Glasgow, 1824, p. 346) says, that he fought “against the Lord’s secret ones;” and Row ((70/1- tinuation of Blair's Autobiography, p. 335), under the year 1658, triumphantly ob- serves : “ In the beginning of September this year, the Protector, that old fox, died. It was observed, as a remarkable cast of divine providence, that he died upon the 3d of September, which he, glorying of routing of our armies at Dunbar and Wor- cester on that day, used to call his day. On that same very day the Just Judge called him to an account,” &c. ® See contemporary notices of this, in Nicoll's Diary, p. 110; and in The Diary tf Hr, John Bamont of Newton, pp. 56, 67. But the best account is that given by 264 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT Thus it was that in Scotland, after the latter part of the sixteenth century, every thing tended to increase the reputation of the clergy, by raising them to the foremost rank among the defenders of their country. And it was hut natural that the spiritual classes, finding themselves in the ascendant, should conduct the contest according to views habitual to their profes- sion, and should he anxious for religious advantages, rather than for temporal benefits. The war which the Scotch waged against Charles I. partook more of the character of a crusade than any war ever carried on by a Protestant nation.'^ The main object w^as, to raise up presbyters, and to destroy bishops. Prelacy was the accursed thing, and that must be rooted out at every haz- Baillie, in a letter to Calamy, dated Glasgow, 2Yth July 1653. He writes: “That on the 20th of July last, when our Generali Asseniblie was sett in the ordinarie tynie and place, Lieutenant-Colonell Cotterall besett the church with some rattes of mus- queteirs and a troup of horse; himself (after our fast, wherein Mr. Dickson and Mr. Dowglas had two gracious sermons) entered the Assemblie-house, and, immediately after Mr. Dickson the Moderator his prayer, required audience ; wherein he inquired. If we did sitt there by the authority of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England? or of the Commanders-in-chiefe of the English forces? or of the English Judges in Scotland? The Moderator replyed. That wm were ane Ecclesiasticall synod, ane Spirituall court of Jesus Christ, which medled not with any thing Civile ; that our authorise wes from God, and established by the lawes of the land yet stain- ing unrepealed ; that, by the Solemn League and Covenant, the most of the English army stood obliedged to defend our Generali Assemblie. When some speeches of this kind had passed, the Lieutenant-Colonell told us, his order was to dissolve us ; whereupon he commanded all of us to follow him, else he w'ould drag us out of the rowme. When we had entered a Protestation of this unheard-of and unexampled violence, we did ryse and follow him ; he ledd us all through the whole streets a myle out of the towne, encompassing us with foot-companies of musqueteirs, and horsemen without ; all the people gazing and mourning as at the saddest spectacle they had ever seen. When he had ledd us a myle without the towne, he then declared what further he had in commission. That we should not dare to meet any more above three in number ; and that against eight o’clock to-morrow, we should depart the towne, under paine of being guiltie of breaking the publick peace : And the day following, by sound of trumpet, we were commanded off towne under the paine of present imprisonment. Thus our Generali Assemblie, the glory and strength of our Church upon earth, is, by your souldiarie, crushed and trod under foot, with- out the least provocatione from us, at this time, either in word or deed.” Baillie's Letters and Journals, vol. iii. pp. 225, 226. ’ In August 1640, the army marched into England; and “it was very refreshfull to remark, that after we came to ane quarter at night, there was nothing almost to be heard throughout the whole army but singing of psalms, prayer, a“ reading of Scripture by the souldiers in their severall hutts.” Select Biographies, edited by Mr. Tweedie for the Wodrow Society, vol. i. p. 163. “The most zealous among them boasted, they should carry the triumphant banners of the covenant to Rome itself.” Arnot's History of Edinburgh, p. 124. In 1644, the celebrated divine, Andrew Cant, was appointed by the Commissioners of the General Asseinbly “to preach at the opening of the Parliament, wherein he satisfied their expectation fully. For, the main point he drove at in his sermon, was to state an opposition betwixt King Charles and King Jesus (as he was pleased to speak), and upon that account to press resistance to King Charles for the interest of King Jesus. It may be wondered that such doctrine should have relish’d with men brought up in the knowledge of the Scriptures ; and yet, such was the madness of the times, that none who preach d in public since the beginning of the Troubles, had been so cried up as he w as for that sermon.” Guthry's Memoirs, pp. 136, 137. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 265 ard. To this, all other considerations were subordinate.® The Scotch loved liberty, and hated England. Yet, even these two passions, notwithstanding their strength, were as nothing, in comparison with their intense desire to extend and to propagate, if need he at the point of the sword, their own Presbyterian polity. This was their first and paramount duty. They fought, indeed, for freedom, but, above aU, they fought for religion. In their eyes, Charles was the idolatrous head of an idolatrous church, and that church they were resolved to destroy. They felt that their cause was holy, and they went forth full of confi- dence, convinced that the sword of Gideon was drawn on their side, and that their enemies would be delivered up to them. The rebellion, therefore, against Charles, which, on the part of the English, was essentially secular,® was, on the part of the Scotch, essentially religious. This was because with us, the laymen were stronger than the clergy ; while with them, the clergy were stronger than the laymen. In 1643, both nations having united against the king, it was thought advisable that an intimate alliance should he concluded ; but, in the negotia- tions which followed, it is noticed, by a contemporary observer, that though the English merely wished for a civil league, the Scotch demanded a religious covenant.^® And as they would only continue the war on condition that this was granted, the English were obliged to give way. The result was the Solemn League and Covenant, by which what seemed a cordial union was efiected between the two countries." Such a compact was, however, sure to be short-lived, as each party had different ob- jects ; the aim of the English being political, while that of the ® “ The rooting out of prelacy and the wicked hierarchy therein so obyiously described, is the main duty.” Naphtali, or the Wrestlings of the Church of Scot- land, pp. 63, 64. This refers to the Covenant of 1643. So, too, the continuator of Row's History of the Kirk, p. 621, says, under the year 1639, that the object of the war was, “to withstand the prelaticall faction and malignant, countenanced by the kinge in his owne persone.” Compare the outbreak of the Reverend Samuel Ruther- ford, against “ the accursed and wretched prelates, the Antichrist’s first-born, and the first fruit of his foul womb.” Rutherford's Religious Letters, p. I'JQ. ® Onr civil war was not religious ; but was a struggle between the Crown and the Parliament. See a note in Buckle's History of Civilization, vol. i. pp. 259, 260. In September 1643, Baillie, writing an account of the proceedings of the Westminster Assembly in the preceding month, says, “In our committees also we had hard enough debates. The English were for a civill League, we for a religious Covenant.” Letter to Mr. William Spang, dated 22d September 1643, in Baillie' s Letters and Journals, vol. ii. p. 90. “ “ The Solemn League and Covenant,” which “ is memorable as the first approach towards an intimate union between the kingdoms, but, according to the intolerant principles of the age, a federal alliance was constructed on the frail and narrow basis of religious communion.” Laing's History of Scotland, vol. iii. pp. 268, 259. The passage, however, which I have quoted, in the last note, from Baillie, shows that England was not responsible for the intolerant principles, or, cons*- ^uently, for narrow baais. 266 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT Bcotch was religious. The consequences of this difference were soon apparent. In January 1645, negotiations having been opened with the king, commissioners met at Uxbridge, with the view of concluding a peace. The attempt failed, as might have been expected, seeing that, not only were the pretensions of the king irreconcilable with those of his opponents, but that the pretensions of his opponents were irreconcilable with each other. At Uxbridge, during the conferences, the Scotch expressed their readiness to concede to him what he required, if he would gratify them in regard to the Church ; while the English, occu- pying themselves with civil and political questions, cared less, says Clarendon, for what concerned the Church than for any thing else.^^ A better illustration could hardly be found of the secular character of the English rebellion, as compared with the spiritual character of the Scotch rebellion. Indeed, the Scotch, so far from concealing this, boasted of it, and evidently thought that it proved how superior they were to their worldly-niinded neighbours. In Februaiy 1645, the General Assembly issued an address to the nation, including not only those who were at home, but also those who served in armies out of Scotland. In this document, which, proceeding from such a quarter, neces- sarily exercised great influence, political considerations, as hav- ing to do merely with the temporal happiness of men, are treat- ed as insignificant, and almost despicable. That Eupert was defeated, and that York and Newcastle were taken, were but trifling matters. They were only the means of accomplishing an end, and that end was the reformation of religion in England, and the establishment there of the pure Presbyterian polity. The Chancellor of Scotland “did as good as conclude ‘that if the king would satisfy them in the business of the Church, they would not concern themselves in any of the other demands.’” . . . “And it was manifest enough, by the private conferences with other of the commissioners, that the parliament took none of the points in controversy less to heart, or were less united in, than in what concerned the Church.” Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, edit. Oxford, 1843, p. 522. See also p. 627 : “ that the Scots would insist upon the whole government of the Church, and in all other matters would defer to the king.” See this extraordinary document in Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland from 1638 to 1842, pp. 122-128, Edinburgh, 1843. It is entitled “A Bolemne and seasonable warning to the noblemen, barons, gentlemen, burrows, ministers, and commons of Scotland ; as also to armies without and within this king- dom.” In it (p. 123) occurs the following passage : “ And for our part, our forces sent into that kingdom, in pursuance of that Covenant, have been so mercifully and manifestly assisted and blessed from heaven (though in the midsof many dangers and distresses, and much want and hardship), and have been so farre instrumental! to the foyling and scattering of two principall armies , first, the Marquesse of New Castle his army; and afterward Prince Rupert’s and his together; and to the re- ducing of two strong cities, York and Newcastle, that we have what to answer the enemy that reproacheth us concerning that businesse, and that which may make in- iquitie it self to stop her mouth. But which is more unto us than all victories or whatsomever temporall blessing, the reformation of religion in England, and nniformi* DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 267 A war, undertaken with suck holy objects, and conceived in so elevated a spirit, was supposed to be placed under the im- mediate protection of the Deity, on whose behalf it was carried on. In the language of the time, it was a war for God, and for God’s church. Every victory that was obtained, was the result, not of the skill of the general, nor of the valour of the troops, hut was an answer to prayer. When a battle was lost, it was either because God was vexed at the sins of the people,*® or else to show them that they must not trust to the arms of the flesh.*® ty therein between both kingdoms (a principal end of that Covenant), is so far advanced, that the English Service-Book with the Holy-Dayes and many other cere- monies contained in it, together with the Prelacy, the fountain of all these, are abolished and taken away by ordinance of parliament, and a directory for the wor- ship of God in all the three kingdoms agreed upon in the Assemblies, and in the Parliaments of both kingdoms, without a contrary voice in either; the government of the kirk by congregational elderships, classical presbyteries, provincial and na- tional assemblies, is agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, which is also voted and concluded in both Houses of the Parliament of England.” In 1644, “God ansuered our Wednesday’s prayers: Balfour and Waller had gotten a glorious victorie over Forth and Hopton, and routed them totallie, horse £aillie's Letters and Journals, vol. ii. p. 155. In the same year, thanks- givings being offered at Aberdeen for the victory of Leslie over Rupert, “ oure minister Mr. Wiliiam Strathauchin declairit out of pulpit that this victory wes miraculous, wrocht by the fynger of God.” Spalding^s History of the Troubles, vol. ii. p. 254. In 1648, the Commissioners of the General Assembly, in an address to the Prince of Wales, stated that the Deity had been “fighting for his people;” meaning by his people, the Scotch people. They added, that the fact of their enemies having been repulsed, was a proof “ how sore the Lord had been displeased with their way.” Clarendon State Papers, vol. ii. p. 424, Oxford, I'T'iS, folio. Two Scotch notices are now before me of the fatal battle of Dunbar. Accord- ing to one, the defeat was intended to testify against “tlie great sin and wicked- ness” of the people. Naphtali, or the Wrestlings «/ the Church of Scotland, p. 75. According to the other, it was owing to the anger of the Deity at the Scotch show- ing any favour to the partizans of Charles. For, says the Reverend Alexander Shields, “ both at that time, and since that time, the Lord never countenanced an expedition where that malignant interest was taken in unto tlie state of the quarrel. Upon this, our land was invaded by Oliver Cromwell, who defeat our army at Dun- bar, where the anger of the Lord was evidently seen to smoke against us, for espous- ing that interest.” Shield’s Hind let loose, p. 75. These opinions were formed after the battle. Before the battle, a different hypothesis was broached. Sir Edward Walker, who was in Scotland at the time, tells us, that the clergy assured the people that “they had an army of saints, and that they could not be beaten.” Journal of Affairs in Scotland in 1650, in Walker's Historical Discourses, London, 1705, folio, p. 165. ** “Each new victory of Montrose was expressly attributed to the admonitory ‘ indignation of the Lord ’ against his chosen people for their sin, in ‘ trusting too much to the arm of flesh.’” Napier's lAfe of Montrose, Edinburgh, 1840, p. 283. Compare Guthrie's Considerations contributing unto the Discovery of the Dangers that threaten Religion, pp. 274, 275, reprinted Edinburgh, 1846. Guthrie was at the height of his reputation in the middle of the seventeenth century. Lord Somerville says of the Scotch, when they were making war against Charles I., that it was “ ordinary for them, dureing the whoU tyme of this warre, to attribute ther great successe to the goodnesse and justice of their cause, untill Divyne Justice trysted them with some crosse dispensatione, and then you might have heard this language from them, that it pleased the Lord to give his oune the heavyest end of the tree to bear, that the saints and people of God must still be sufferers while they are here away ; that that malignant party was God’s rod to punish them for their unthank- fuUnesse,” &c. Somerville's Memorie of the S&mervilles, vol. ii. pp. 351, 352. 268 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTElrHECT Nothing was natural ; all was supernatural. The entire course of affairs was governed, not by their own antecedents, but by a series of miracles. To assist the Scotch, winds were changed, and storms were lulled. Such intelligence as was important for them to receive, was often brought by sea ; and, on those occasions, it was expected that, if the wind were unfavourable. Providence would interfere, would shift it from one quarter to another, and, when the news had safely arrived, would allow it to return to its former direction. It was in this way that, in Scotland, every thing conspired to strengthen that religious element which the force of circum- stances had, at an early period, made prominent, and which now threatened to absorb all the other elements of the national character. The clergy were supreme ; and habits of mind, natural and becoming to themselves, were diffused among all classes. The theories of a single profession outweighed those of all other professions j and not only war, but also trade, liter- ature, science, and art, were held of no account unless they min- istered to the general feeling. A state of society so narrow and so one-sided, has never been seen in any other country equally civilized. Nor did there appear much chance of abating this strange monopoly. As the seventeenth century advanced, the same train of events was continued ; the clergy and the people always making common cause against the crown, and being, by the necessity of self-preservation, forced into the most intimate union with each other. Of this, the preachers availed themselves to strengthen their own influence ; and for upwards^ of a cen- tury their exertions stopped all intellectual culture, discouraged all independent inquiry, made men in religious matters fearful and austere, and coloured the whole national character with that dark hue, which, though now gradually softening, it still retains. The Scotch during the seventeenth century, instead of culti- vating the arts of life, improving their minds, or adding to their wealth, passed the greater part of their time in what were called religious exercises. The sermons were so long and so frequent, that they absorbed all leisure, and yet the people wer» never weary of hearing them. When a preacher was once in the pulpit, the only limit to his loquacity was his strength. Being sure of a patient and reverential audience, he went on as long " Baillie mentions, in 1644, an instance of these expectations being fulfilled. He says {^Letters and Journals, vol. ii. p. 138), “These things were brought in at a Tery important nick of time, by God’s gracious providence : Never a more quick passage from Holy Island to Yarmouth in thirtie houres; they had not cast anchor halfe an houre till the wind turned contrare.” Compare p. 142: “If this were past, w© look for a new lyfe and vigoure in all affaires, especiallie if it please God to send a sweet north-wind, carrying the certain news of the taking of Newcastle, which we dailie expect.” DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 269 as he could. If he discoursed for two hours without intermis- sion, he was valued as a zealous pastor, who had the good of his flock at heart ^ and this was about as much as an ordinary clergyman could perform, because, in uttering his sentiments, he was expected to display great vehemence, and to evince his earnestness by toiling and sweating abundantly. This bound- ary was, however, often passed by those who were equal to the labor ; and F orbes, w'ho was vigorous as well as voluble, thought nothing of preaching for five or six hours. But, in the ordi- nary course of nature, such feats were rare ; and, as the people were in these matters extremely eager, an ingenious contrivance was hit upon whereby their desires might be satisfied. On great occasions, several clergymen were present in the same church, in order that, when one was fatigued, he might leave the pulpit, and be succeeded by another, who, in his turn, was followed by a third ; the patience of the hearers being apparently inex- haustible. Indeed, the Scotch, by the middle of the seven- teenth century, had grown accustomed to look up to their min- ister as if he were a god, and to dwell with rapture upon every word that dropt from his lips. To hear a favourite preacher, they would incur any fatigue, and would undertake long jour- neys without sleep or food.*^* Their power of attention was No one, perhaps, carried this further than John Menzies, the celebrated pro- fessor of divinity at Aberdeen. “Such was his uncommon fervour in the pulpit, that, we are informed, he ‘ used to change his shirt always after preaching, and to wet two or three napkins with tears every sermon.’ ” Note in Wodrow's C(yrrespond- ence, vol. ii. p. 222. James Forbes, also, was “an able and zealous preacher who after every sermon behooved to change his shirt, he spoke with such vehemeucy and sweating.” Select Biographies, published by the Wodrow Society, vol. i. p. 333. Lord Somerville, who wrote in 1679, mentions “their thundering preachings.” Memorie of the Somervilles, vol. ii. p. 88S. A traditionary anecdote, related by the Dean of Edinburgh, refers to a later period, but is characteristic of the class. Another description I have heard of an energetic preacher more forcible than delicate— ‘Eh, our minister had a great power o’ watter, for he grat, and spat, and swat like mischeef.’ ” Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character, bv E. B. Ram- say, Dean of Edinburgh, p. 201. He “ was a very learned and pious man ; he had a strange faculty of preaching five or six hours at a time.” Burnet s History of his own Time, vol. i. p. 38. Even early in the eighteenth century, when theological fervour was beginning to decline, and sermons were consequently shorter, Hugh Thomson came near to Forbes. He was the longest preacher ever I heard, and would have preached four (or) five hours, and was not generally under two hours; that almost every body expected.” • • ■ " .* ^ piouse good man, and a fervent affectionat preacher, and, when I heard him, he had a vast deal of heads, and a great deal of matter, and generally practicall, but very long.” Wodrovds A.naiecta, vol. iv. p. 203. In 1663j Lamont casually mentions, in his journal, that “the one came doune from the pulpit and the other went vp, in the tyme that the psalme after the first sermon was singing, so that ther was no intermission of the exercise, nether were the peopell dismissed till both sermons were ended.” The Diary of Mr. John Lamont of^ Newton, p. 68. Burnet {History of his own Time, vol. i. p. 92) says, “ I remember in one fast day there were six sermons preached without intermission. I was there myself, and not a little weary of so tedious a service.” When Guthrie preached at Fenwick, “ his church, although a large country 270 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT marvellous. The same congregation would sometimes remain together for ten hours, listening to sermons and prayers, inter- spersed with singings and readings.*^^ In an account of Scot- land in 1670, it is stated that, in a single church in Edinburgh, thirty sermons were delivered every week.^® Nor is this at all unlikely, considering the religious enthusiasm of the age. For, in those times, the people delighted in the most harassing and ascetic devotions. Thus, for instance, in 1653, when the sacra- ment was administered, they pursued the following course. On Wednesday, they fasted, and listened to prayers and sermons for more than eight hours. On Saturday, they heard two or three sermons ; and on Sunday, the number of sermons was^ so great that they stayed in church more than twelve hours ; while, to conclude the whole, three or four additional ones were preached on Monday by way of thanksgiving.®^ Such eagerness, and yet such patience, indicate a state of society altogether peculiar, and for which we find no parallel in the history of any civilized country. This intense desire to hear whatever the preachers had to say, was, in itself, a homage of the most flattering kind, and was naturally accompanied by a belief that they were endowed with a light which was withheld from their less gifted countrymen. It is not surprising that one, was overlaid and crowded every Sabbath-day, and very many, without doors, from distant parishes, such as Glasgow, Paisley, Hamilton, Laiierk, Kilbryde, Glas- ford, Strathaven, Newmills, Egelsham, and many other places, who hungered for the pure gospel preached, and got a meal by the word of his ministry. It was their usual practice to come to Fenwick on Saturday, and to spend the greatest part of the night in prayer to God, and conversation about the great conctyns of their souls, to attend the public worship on the Sabbath, to dedicate the remainder of that holy day in religious exercises, and then to go home on Monday the length of ten, twelve or twenty miles, without grudging in the least at the long way, want of sleep or other refreshments ; neither did they find themselves the less prepared for any other business through the week.” Howie's JBiographia Scoticana, 2d edit., Glasgow, 1781, p. 311. One woman went forty miles to hear Livingstone preach. See her own statement, in Wodrow's Analecta, vol. ii. p. 249. “ Spalding gives the following account of what happened at Aberdeen in 1644. “So heir in Old Abirdene, upone the sevint of July, we had ane fast, entering the churche be nyne houris, and continewit praying and preiching whill tua houris. Efter sermon, the people sat still heiring reiding whill efternone s sermon began and endit, whiche continewit till half hour to sex. Then the prayer bell rang to the evening prayeris, and continewit whill seven.” Spalding's History of the Troubles, vol. ii. p. 244, edit. Edinburgh, 1829, 4to. See also p. 42: ‘ the people keipit churche all dav.” This was also at Aberdeen, in 1642. “ Out of one pulpit now they have thirty sermons per week, all under one roof.” A Modern Account of Scotland, in The Harleian Miscellany, voL iv. p. 138, edit. Park, London, 1810, 4to. . , “But where the greatest part was more sound, they gave the sacranaent with a new and unusual solemnity. On the Wednesday before, they held a fast day, w'ltli prayers and sermons for about eight or ten hours together : on the Saturday they had two or three preparation sermons : and on the_ Lord’s day they had so very many, that the action continued above twelve hours in some places : and all ended with three or four sermons on Monday for thanksgiving.” Bur7iet s History of hu own Time, vol. i. p. 108. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 271 the clergy, who, at no period, and in no nation, have been remarkable for their meekness, or for a want of confidence in themselves, should under circumstances so eminently favourable to their pretensions have been somewhat elated, and should have claimed an authority even greater than that which was conceded to them. And as this is intimately connected with the subsequent history of Scotland, it will be necessary to col- lect some evidence respecting their conduct, which will have the further advantage of exhibiting the true character of spirit- ual domination, and of showing how it works, not only on the intellectual, but also on the practical life of a people. According to the Presbyterian polity, which reached its height in the seventeenth century, the clergyman of the parish selected a certain number of laymen on whom he could depend, and who, under the name of elders, were his councillors, or rather the ministers of his authority. They, when assembled together, formed what was called the Kirk- Session, and this little court, which enforced the decisions uttered in the pulpit, was so supported by the superstitious reverence of the people, that it was far more powerful than any civil tribunal. By its aid, the minister became supreme. For, whoever presumed to disobey him was excommunicated, was deprived of his property, and was believed to have incurred the penalty of eternal per- dition.®® Against such weapons, in such a state of society, resistance was impossible. The clergy interfered with every “ The power of those kirk-sessions, which are now private assemblages, in whose meetings and proceedings the public take no interest whatever, is defined to be the cognizance of parochial matters and cases of scandal; but in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, especially during the Covenanting reign of terror after the outbreak of the Civil War against Charles L, the kirk-sessions of Scotland were the sources of excessive tyranny and oppression — were arbitrary, inquisitorial, and revengeful, to an extent which exceeds all belief. It is truly stated by the author of the ‘ Memoirs of Locheill ’ — ‘ Every parish had a tyrant, who made the greatest Lord in his district stoop to his authority. The kirk was the place where he kept his court ; the pulpit his throne or tribunal from whence he issued out his terrible decrees; and twelve or fourteen sour ignorant enthusiasts, under the title of Elders, composed his council. If any, of what quality soever, had the assurance to disobey his orders, the dreadful sentence of excommunication was immediately thundered out against him, his goods and chattels confiscated and seized, and he himself being looked upon as actually in the possession of the devil, and .irretrievably doomed to eternal perdition.’ ” Introduction to The Kirk-Session Register of Perth, in The Spottiswoode Miscellany, vol. ii. pp. 229, 230, Edinburgh, 1845. In regard to the perdition which the sentence of excommunication was supposed to involve, one of the most influential Scotch divines of that time merely expresses the prevailing notion, when he asserts, that whoever was excommunicated was thereby given up to Satan. “ That he who is excommunicated may be truly said to be delivered to Sathan is undeniable.” Gillespie's Aaron's Rod Blossoming, or the Divine Ordinance of Church Government Vindicated, 1646, 4to, p. 239. “Excommunication, which is a shutting out of a Church-member from the Church, whereby Sathan commeth to get dominion and power over him.” Rjid., p. 29Y. “ Sure I am an excommunicate person may truly be said to be delivered to Sathan.” p. 424. 272 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT man’s private concerns, ordered how he should govern his family, and often took upon themselves the personal control of hia household.^® Their minions, the elders, were every where ; for each parish was divided into several quarters, and to each quarter one of these officials was allotted, in order that he might take special notice of what was done in his own district.®’ Besides this, spies were appointed, so that nothing could escape 'their supervision.®® Not only the streets, hut even private houses, were searched, and ransacked, to see if any one was absent from church while the minister was preaching.®® To him, all must listen, and him all must obey. Without the Clarendon, under the year 1640, emphatically says {History of the Hebellion, p. 67), “The preacher reprehended the husband, governed the wife, chastised the children, and insulted over the servants, in the houses of the greatest men.” The theory was, that “ ministers and elders must be submitted unto as fathers.” Shield's Hnquh’y into Church Communion^ 2d edit., Edinburgh, 1747, p. 66. In the middle of the seventeenth century, one of the most famous of the Scotch preachers openly asserted the right of his profession to interfere in family matters, on the ground that such was the custom in the time of Joshua. “ The Ministers of God’s house have not only the ministry of holy things, as Word and Sacraments, committed to their charge, but also the power of ecclesiastical government to take order with scanda- lous offences within the familie ; both these are here promised to Joshua and the Priests.” Hutcheson! s Exposition of the Minor Prophets^ vol. iii. p. 72, London, 1654. In 1603, the Presbytery of Aberdeen took upon themselves to order that every master of a house should keep a rod, that his family, including his ser- viuxts, might be beaten if they used improper language. “It is concludit that thair salbe in ewerie houss a palmar.” Selections from the Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, printed for the Spalding Club, 4to, Aberdeen, 1846, p. 194. It also appears (p. 303) that, in 1674, the clergyman was expected to exercise supervision over all visitors to private houses ; since he ought to be informed, “iff ther be anie persone receaved in the familie without testimo- niall presented to the minister.” In 1650, it was ordered, “ That everie paroche be divydit in severall quarteris, and each elder his owne quarter, over which he is to have special! inspectioun, and that everie elder visit his quarter once everie month at least, according to the act of the Generali Assemblie, 1649, and in thair visitatioun tak notice of all disorderlie w^alkeris, especiallie neglectouris of God’s worship in thair families, sueareris, haunt- eris of aill houses, especiallie at vnseasonable tymes, and long sitteris thair, and drinkeris of healthis; and that he dilate these to the Sessioun.” Selections from the Minutes of the Synod of Fife, printed for the Abbotsford Club, Edinburgh, 1837, 4to, p. 168. “The elders each one in his own quarter, for trying the manners of the people.” The Government and Order of the Church q/ Edinburgh, 1690, p. 14. This scarce little volume, is reprinted from the edition of 1641. See the adver- tisement at the beginning. In 1662, the Kirk-Session of Glasgow “ brot boyes and servants before them, for breaking the Sabbath, and other faults. They had clandestine censors, and gave money to some for this end.” Wodrow's Collections, vol. ii. part ii. p. 74, Glasgow, 1848, 4to. “ It is thocht expedient that ane baillie with tua of the sessioun pas throw the towne everie Sabboth day, and nott sic as thay find absent fra the sermones ather afoir or efter none ; and for that effect that thay pas and sersche sic houss as they think niaist meit, and pas athort the streittis.” Selections from the Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, p. 26. “ To pas throw the towne to cans the people resort to the hering of the sermones.” p. 59. “ Ganging throw the towne on the ordinar preiching dayes in the wcik, als weill as on the Sabotk day, to cans the people resort to the sermones.” p. 77. See also p. 94; and Wbd~ row's Collections, vol. ii. part ii. p. 37 : “ the Session allous the searchers to go int* houses and apprehend absents from the kirk.” DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 273 consent of his tribunal, no person might engage himself either a domestic servant, or as a field labourer. If any one incurred the displeasure of the clergy, they did not scruple to summon • his ^ servants and force them to state whatever they knew respecting him, and whatever they had seen done in his house. To speak disrespectfully of a preacher was a grievous offence to differ from him was a heresy even to pass him in the streets without saluting him, was punished as a crime. His very name was regarded as sacred, and not to he taken in vain. And that it might he properly protected, and held in due honour, an Assembly of the Church, in 1642 , forbad it to be used in any public paper unless the consent of the holy man had been previously obtained. These and similar proceedings, being upheld by public opin- Another peculiarity was the supervision wielded over the luovenients of peo- ple to such a degree that they could neither obtain lodging nor employment except by a licence from the Kirk-Session, or, by defying this police court, expose them- selves to fine and imprisonment.” Lawson's Book of Perth, p. xxxvii Edinburo’h 1847. J > f o , In 1662, Sir Alexander Irvine indignantly writes, that the presbytery of Aber- deen, “ when they had tried many wayes, bot in vaine, to mak probable this their vame imaginatione, they, at lenthe, when all other meanes failed thame, by ane un- paralelled barbaritie, enforced my serwandis to reweall upon oathe what they sawe, herd, or knewe done within my house, beyond which no Turkische inquisitione could pase. 17ie Miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol. iii. p. 206, Aberdeen, 1846, 4to. In 1656, a servant was ordered to be brought before the Kirk-Session of Aber- deen ^ for her rayleing againest Mr, Andrew Cant, minister, in saying that becaus the said Mr. Andrew spak againest Yuill, he spak lyke ane old fool.” Selections from the Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, p. 138. In 1642, the Presbytery of Lanark had up a certain James Baillie, because he stated the extremely probable circumstance, “ that two fooles mett togither, when the Minister and his sone mett togither.” Selections from the Registers of the Presby- tery of Lanark, printed for the Abbotsford Club, Edinburgh, 1839, 4to, p. 30. In 1644, If you dissent from them in a theological tenet, it is heresv." 1 resbytery Displayed, 1644, p. 39, reprinted London, 1663, 4to. In 1637, “If "ye depai t from what L taught you in a hair-breadth for fear or favour of men, or desire of case in this world, I take heaven and earth to witness, that ill shall come upon you in end.” Rutherfordls Religious Letters, p. 116. In 1607, “Mr. William Cow- pcr, Minister, complained upon Robert Keir that he had disdainfully spoken of his doctrine. The (Kirk) Session ordained him to be warned to the morrow.” Law- sovls Book of Perth, p. 247. In 1619, a man was summoned before the Kirk -Session of Perth, because, among other things, he would not perform “ that civil duty of salutation, as be- conies him to his pastor j” but “passed by him without using any kind of rever- ence. The Chronicle of Perth, Edinburgh, 1831, 4to, p. 80. The complaint was preferred by the minister himself. Indeed, the Scotch clergy took these things so much to heart, that they set up a theory to the effect that whoever showed them any disrespect, was prompted thereto by Satan. “ It is Satan’s great engine to draw men to contemne God and his word, under pretext of disrespect and prejudice against the , Messengers only.” . . . . “ It may let us see their guilt who despise most eminent ordinary Messengers.” Hutcheson's Exposition of the Minor Prophets, vol. i. pp. 205, 233. r j r . The General Assembly of St. Andrews, in 1642, passed “an act against using ministers’ names in any of the public papers, without their own consent.” Steven- son s History of the Church of Scotland, p. 603. 274 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT ion, were completely successful. Indeed, they could hardly have been otherwise, seeing that it was generally believed that who- ever gainsaid the clergy, would be visited, not only with tempo- ral penalties, but also spiritual ones. For such a crime, there was punishment here, and there was punishment hereafter. The preachers willingly fostered a delusion by which they bene- fited. They told their hearers, that what was spoken in the pulpit was binding upon aU believers, and was to be regarded as immediately proceeding from the Deity.^® This proposition being established, other propositions naturally followed. The clergy believed that they alone were privy to the counsels of the Almighty, and that, by virtue of this knowledge, they could determine what any man’s future state would be.®’^ Groing still further, they claimed the power, not only of foretelling his future state, but also of controlling it ; and they did not scruple to affirm that, by their censures, they could open and shut the kingdom of heaven.®® As if this were not enough, they also gave out that a word of theirs could hasten the moment ^ of death, and by cutting off the sinner in his prime, could bring him at once before the judgment-seat of God.®® “ Directions for a believer’s walk, given by Christ’s ministers from his word, are his own, and are accounted by him as if he did immediately speak them liimself. Durham's Exposition of the Song of Solomon, p. 102. I quote irom the Glasgow reprint of 1788. That my references may be easily verified, and any error, if error there be, detected, I mention that the exact edidon used will, in every case, be found specified in the List of Authors at the beginning of the volume. But, if it will give the reader any additional confidence, I will venture to observe, that I am always scrupulously careful in reference to quotations, having looked out each pas- sage afresh, as the sheets came from the printer’s hands. Some of the circumstances narrated in this chapter are so monstrous, that I hope to be excused in sa}ing that I have taken all possible pains to secure their literal accuracy. ^ “ Yea, such was their arrogance, that, as if they had been privy to the coun- cils of God, or the dispensers of his vengeance to the world, they presumed to pro- nounce upon their future state, and doomed them, both body and eteriim torments.” Wishart's Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose, p. 287. “Ye heard of me the whole counsel of God.” Eutherford's Religious Letters, p. 16. I am free from the blood of all men; for I have communicated to you the whole counsel of God.” Ibid., p. 191. “ This is the great business of Gospel Ministers, to dedare the whole counsel of God.” IlalyburtorC s Great Concern of Salvation, p. 4. ^ Assert- ing that he had declared the whole counsel of God, and had keeped nothing back. Life of the Rev. Alexander Peden, p. 41, in vol. i. of Walkers Biographia Presbyte- riana. , , i -.u “The power of the keys is given to the ministers of the church, wherewith not only by the preaching of the word, but also to church censures, (sic) they open and shut the kingdom of heaven.” Dickson's Truth's Victoi'y over Error, p. 282. “To preach the Word, impugne, rebuik, admonishe, exhort and correct, and that under no less painc then casting both bodie and soull into eternall hell s Forbes' Certaine Records touching the Estate of the Kirk, p. 519. ^ The next words, ‘ Whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, being spoken to the Apostles, and in them to other Ministers of Jesus Christ.” Gillespies Aarons Rod Blossoming, p. 8C6. “ The keys of the kingdom of Heaven .... are mitted and intrusted to the pastors and other ruling officers of the Church. Ibid., p. 260. ^ . 1. T 1 “ Gird up the loins of your mind, and make you ready for meeting the Lord; DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 275 Utterly horrible as such a pretension now appears, it was made, not only with impunity, but with advantage ; and nu- merous instances are recorded, in which the people believed that it was strictly enforced. The celebrated John Welsh, sit- ting one night at table, round which a party were assembled at supper, began to discourse to the company respecting the state of their souls. Those who were present listened with humility; but to this general feeling there was one exception. For, it so happened that a Roman Catholic was in the room, and he, of course, disagreed with the opinions expressed by the Presby- terian divine. If he had been a cautious man, he would have kept his disapeement to himself ; but being a hot-headed youth, and being impatient at seeing a single person engross the conversation, he lost his temper, and not only ridiculed W^elsh, but actually made faces at him. Thereupon, W^elsh charged the company to take heed, and see what the Lord was about to do to him who mocked. Scarcely had this threat been uttered, when it was carried into execution. He who had dared to jest at the minister, suddenly fell, sank under the table, and died there in the presence of the whole party,^“ I have often summoned you, and now I summon you again, to compear before your Judge, ^to make a reckoning of your life.” Rutherford's Religious Letters, p. 235. Mr. Cameron, musing a little, said, ‘ You, and all who do not know my God in mercy, shall know him in his judgments, which shall be sudden and surprising in a few days upon you ; and I, as a sent servant of Jesus Christ, whose commission I bear, and whose badge I wear upon my breast, give you warning and leave you to the justice of God.’ _ Accordingly, in a few days after, the said Andrew, being in perfect health, took his breakfast plentifully, and before he rose fell a vomiting, and vomited his heart’s blood in the very vessel out of which he had taken his break- ^ most frightful manner.” Howie's Biographia Scoticana, p. 406. _ Sitting at supper with the Lord Ochiltree (who was uncle to Mr. Welsh’s wife) as his manner was, he entertained the company with godly and edifying discourse, which was well received by all the company save only one debauched Popish young gentleman, who sometimes laughed, and sometimes mocked and made faces ; thereupon Air. W^elsh brake out into a sad abrupt charge upon all the company to I)e silent, and observe the work of the Lord upon that profane mocker, which they should presently behold : upon which immediately the profane wretch sunk down and died beneath the table, but never returned to life again, to the great astonish- company.” History of Mr. John Welsh, Minister of the Gospel at Ayr, m Select Biographies, vol. i. p. 29. “ Air. Welsh being by the Captain(', set at the^ upper end, intertained the company with grave and edifying discourse which all delighted to hear, save this young Papist who wdth laughter and derision laboured to silence him, which was little regarded by Mr. Welsh. But after supper while the guests sate a little, this youth stood up at the lower end of the table, and while Air. Welsh proceeded from grave to gracious entertainment of his company, the youth came to that height of insolence as with the finger to point at him and with the face to make flouting grimaces, whereby he grieved the holy man, so as on a suddain he was forced to a silence. The whole company, who had heard him with delight, were silent with him. Within a little, Mr. Welsh, as moved by the spirit of God, broke forth into these wmrds : ‘ Gentlemen, the spirit of God is provoked against us, and I shall intreat you not to be afraid to see what God shall do among you before you rise from the table, for he will smite some of you with death before 276 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT This happened early in the seventeenth century, and, being bruited abroad, ic became a great terror to all evil-doers. But, after a time, its effect appears to have been weakened ; since another man was equally rash some forty or fifty years after- wards. It seems that a Scotch clergyman, of considerable repute, Mr. Thomas Hog, was, like Welsh, sitting at supper, when it so chanced that the servant forgot to lay the knives. Mr. Hog, thinking the opportunity a favourable one, observed that such forgetfulness was of little moment, and that, while we thought so much of our comforts here, it was far more necessary to consider our condition hereafter. A gentleman present, amused, either by the manner of Mr. Hog, or by the skill with which he introduced the topics of his own profession, was unable to restrain himself, and burst into a violent fit ot laughter. The minister, however, was not to be checked, and he continued after such a fashion that the laughter was repeat- ed louder than ever. At length Mr. Hog turned round, and told his merry comrade that very shortly he should seek for mercy, but find it not. That same night, the scoffer was taken ill, and in great alarm sent for Mr. Hog. It was, however, useless. Before the clergyman could reach his room, the sinner was lying dead, a lost and ruined man.^^ you go hence.’ All were silently astonished, waiting to see the issue with fear. And while every man feared himselfe, except the insolent youth, he fel down dead suddenly at the foot of the table to shew the power of God’s jealousie against the mockers of his Spirit and the offers of his grace.” Fleming's l^uljilling of the Scrip- ture, pp. 3'74, 375. “ When they sat doun to supper, it seems, knives were forgote ; and when the servant was rebuked, Mr. Hogg said, there was noe matter, for he had one in his pocket, and it was a necessary companion for a travailer; and, as his use was upon evry thing, he took occasion to raise a spirituall discourse Iroin it ; ‘If we wer soe carefull about accommodations in our way here, what care should we take in our spirituall journey ! ’ and the like •, at which the factour takes a kink of laughing. Mr. Hogg looked at him with a frown, and went on in his discourse. Within a litle, at somewhat or other, he laughed out yet louder, and Mr. Hogg stoped a litle, and looked him very stern in the face, and went on in his discourse, upon Ae free grace of God ; and, at some expression or other, the man fell a laughing and flouting very loud: Upon which Mr. Hogg stoped, and directed his discourse to him, to this purpose : ‘ Alace ! ’ sayes he, ‘ my soul is afflicted to say what I must say to you, sii , and I am constrained and pressed in spirit to say it, and cannot help it. Sir, you nou dispise the grace of God, and mock at it ; but I tell you, in the name of the Lord, that the time is coming, and that very shortly, when you (will) seek ane ofler of grace, but shall not find it! ’ Upon which the man arose, laughing and flouting, and went to his room. After he was away, the lady asked Mr. Hogg, thought would come upon him ? He answered, he kneu noe more then he had and that he was constrained and oblidgcd to say it against his inclination ; and he could not accompt for some of these impressions he sometimes felt, and after Provi- dences would clear, and that shortly ; but what it was, w'hen, or where, he kneu not; The man told some of the servants that a phanatick Minister had been pronouncing a curse on him, but he did not value him nor it either. After Mr. Hogg had been somtime with the lady, he went to his room ; and after he had, as he used to doe, Epent some time in prayer, he putt off his cloaths, and just as he was stepping into DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 277 Nor was it merely in private houses that such examples were made. Sometimes the clergyman denounced the offender from the pulpit, and the punishment was as public as the offence. It is^ said that Gabriel Semple, when preaching, had a strange habit of putting out his tongue, and that this excited the mirth of a drunken man, who went into the church, and, by way of derision, put out his tongue also. But, to his horW, he found that, though he could put it out, he could not draw it in again. The result was, that the tongue stiffened ; it lost all sensibility ; and, paralysis coming on, the man died a few days after his transgression,^® Occasionally, the penalty was less severe, though the mir- acle was equally conspicuous. In 1682, a certain woman took upon herself to scold the famous divine, Peden, who was justly regarded as^ one of the great lights of the Scotch Church. I wonder, said that eminent man, “ I wonder your tongue is not sore with so much idle clatter,” She indignantly replied, that she had never suffered, either from a sore tongue, or from a sore mouth. He told her that she soon would. And the consequence of his saying so was, that her tongue and gums swelled to that degree, that for some days she was unable to take her usual food.^® She escaped with her life ; others were more sharply han- dled A clergyman was interrupted in the midst of his sermon by three gentlemen leaving the church. It is not stated that there was any thing offensive in their manner ; but their object in going was to amuse themselves at some fair or race, and the Ills bedd, a servant comes and knocks at the dore and crye.s, ‘For the Lord’s sake. Ml. Hogg, come doun staires, presently, to the factour’s room!’ He put on his cloaths as quickly as possible, and came doun, but tlie wretch was dead before he Materials for a History of Remarkable Providences, mostly relating to Scotch Ministers and Christians, by the Rev. Robert Wodrow vol n pp. 265, 266. Compare Ihe Life of Mr. Thomas Hog, in Howie's Biographia, version is given, slightly different, but essentially the same. nni rl«. v country, he heard this story, which was not doubted about Geddart” (i. e. Jedburgh) : “ jMr. Gabriel Semple had gote a hab- ite, when speaking and preaching, of putting out his tongue, and licking his lipps very frequently. Iher was a fellou that used to ape him, in a way of mock; and one day, m a drukeu caball, he was aping him and putting out his tongue ; and it turned stiffe and sensless, and he could not drau it in again, but in a feu dayes dyed. This accompt is soe odd, that I wish I may have it confirmed from other hands ” Wodrow' s Analecta, vol. ii. p. 187. About the same time, wading Douglas-water very deep,” (he) “came to a a goodwife of the house insisted (as most part of women do not keep a bridle-hand) in chiding of him ; which made him to fret, and said, I wonder that so much idle clatter. She said, I never had a sore tongue nor mouth all my days. He said. It will not be long so. Accordingly, het tongue and gooms swelled so, that she could get no meat taken for some days.” Account of ^e Life and Heath of Mr. Walter Smith, p. 93, in vol. ii. of Waiker't Biographia Presbyteriana. 278 AN EXAMINATION OP THE SCOTCH INTELLECT minister, no doulit, thought that they should, have been content with the gratification of hearing him. At all events, he was dissatisfied, and, after the sermon was over, he^ censured their jonduct, and threatened them with the divine displeasure. His words w’ere remembered, and, to the awe of his parishioners, every tittle was fulfillod. Of the three gentlemen, all died vio-. lent deaths ; one of them broke his neck hy falling from his horse, and another was found in his room with his throat cut.^^ Oases of this sort were frequent during the seventeenth^ cen- tury ; and as in that credulous age they were firmly believed and widely circulated, the power of the clergy was consolidated by them. The Laird of Hilton once ventured to pull a minis- ter out of a pulpit which was not his own, and into which he had unlawfully intruded. “ For the injury you have done to the servant of God,” cried the enraged preacher, “ you shall be brought into this church like a sticked sow.” And so indeed he was. Yet a little while, and Hilton became entangled in a quarrel, was run through the body, and his corpse, still bleed- ing, was carried into the very church where the outrage had been committed.^® ** “ I hear from Lady Henriett Campbell, who was present at a Communion at Jeddart (Jedburgh), some years before Mr. Gabriel Semple’s death, that, either on the fast day, or Saturnday, ther wer three gentlmen either in the parish or noturely knouen thereabout, who rose in the time of the last sermon, and with their seryanta went out of (the church), either to some fair or some race, not far off. After ser- mon, when Mr. Semple rose to give the ordinary advertisments, he began with taking nottice of this, and said, he had remarked three gentlmen rise in time of sermon, and contemptuously and boldly leave God’s service to goe to a fair, or race, as he supposed ; but saves, ‘ It’s born in upon me, and I am perswaded of it, the Lord will not suffer them to goe off time, without some remarkable judgment, and I am much mistaken if the most part that have seen them committ the sm, will not hear of the punishment of such open despite to the ordinances of Christ.’ This per- emptoryness did very much surprize Lady H(enriett), and coming home from ser- mon with my Lord Lothian and his Lady, in coach, she expressed her surprize at it. My Lord Lothian said, ‘ The Minister is a man of God, and I am perswaded not one word of his will fall to the ground! ’ Within some feu moneths, my Lord or my Lady, writing to Lady H(enriett), signifyed to her, that one of these gentlmen was found in his room, (if I forgett not), with his throat cutt ^ and a second, being drunk, fell off his horse, and broke his neck; and some while after, shee heard the third had dyed some violent death.” Wodrovi’s Analecta, vol. i. pp. 344, 345. “In the time of sermon, the Laird of Hiltoun comes in, and charges him in the midst of his work, to come out of (the) pulpite, in the king’s name. Mr. Doug- lasse refused; whereupon the Laird comes to the pulpit, and pulls him out by force! When he sau he behoved to yeild, he said, ‘Hiltoun, for this injury you have done to the servant of God, knou what you are to meet with! In a litle time you shall be brought into this very church, like a sticked sou! ’ And in some litle time after, Hilton was run throu the body, and dyed by, if I mistake not, Annandale s brother, either in a douell or a drunken toilzie, and his corpes wer brought in, all bleeding, into that church. ‘ Touch not mine annoynted, and doe my prophets noe harm ! ’ W odrow's Analecta, vol. ii. p. 154. In the same work (vol. iv. p. 2f.8), the Reverend Mr. Wodrow writes, that he had been subsequently informed, “that the story is very true about the denuntiation upon the Laird ot Hiitoun, as I nave (I think) pub- lished it; and ther is a man yet alive who was witnes to it, and in the church at the time.” During the seventeenth century. 279 Even when a clergyman was in prison, he retained the same power. His authority was delegated to him from on high and no temporal misfortune could curtail it. In 1673, the Keverend Alexander Peden, when in confinement, heard a younff girl laughing at him outside the door of his room, while he was engaged m those vociferous devotions, for which he was cele- brated. The mirth of the poor child cost her dear. Peden denounced against her the judgment of God. In consequence 01 that denunciation, the wind blew her from a rock on which she was walking, and swept her into the sea, where she was quickly drowned.^® Sometimes the vengeance of the clergy extended to the innocent offspring of the man who had offended them. A cer- tain minister, whose ^ name has not been preserved, met with opposition in his parish, and fell into pecuniary and other diffi- culties. He applied for aid to a trader, who, being wealthy ought, he thought, to afford him assistance. The trader how- ever, thought otherwise, and refused. Upon this, the clergy- man declared that God would visit him. The result was, that his business not only declined, but his mind became impaired, 1 • idiot. He had two sons and two daughters Poth his sons went mad. One of his daughters, likewise, lost her reason. The other daughter being married, even her hus- band became destitute, and the children of that marriage be- came beggars, that the heinous crime might be visited to the third generation.^’’ worshinTf morning, being about the publick ^ K ^ of thirteen or fourteen years, eame to the chamber-door, mocking with loud laughter: He said. Poor thing, thou mocks and laughs at the worship of God; but ere long, God shall write such k sudden sur- Verv fhor^tfvTherP^ shall stay thy laughing, and thou shalt not escape it. wind n ^d J upon the rock, and there came a blast of 45 ; 1 o T r of Walker's Biographia pLhytc- ^ S' u XT Howie s Biographta Fresbifteriana, p. 487. , , f J’ordyce, in Aberdeen) tells me this following accompt, which he had from persoiiall observation: When he lived near ErazeSmrge in the North ^cre was a Munster setled there jVe devoluto, the touu being big^otted against f '7 encouragment from one Ougstoim, 1 thmi his name was, who had professed much respect for him and that wtv A while after, in some difficulty, the Minister came to him, and desired his co^unte- annithinTlftirrd ' “l f ^e at first put the Minister off with delay ; and within a htle plainly mocked him, and would doe nothing. The Minister came fount " litle from the place, and gave hinf aurfc! rp™ ^“^*1 uud said, ‘I expected much from that man and urP^ ^ assistance, in soe comfortless a setleraeiit as I have ven- tured on; and he has not only disappointed me, but mocked me! ’ And the Minis- ter was like to sink under the thoughts of this Carriage ; and after some s lenfe he rod’SrbvTr'T.'p”;, 7"““’ Sme and spoken by me. God wiU visite that man, and something more than ordinary 280 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT To prosecute a minister, or even to assert one’s rights against him before a civil tribunal, was not only a hazard, but a certain ruin. About the year 1665, James Fraser was sued in a court of law for a large sum of money, said to be due from his father s estate. As usually happens in these cases, the party sued, con- sidered that he was unjustly treated, and that his oppoimnt had no right to make the claim. So far, all was natural. But the peculiarity was, that Fraser, against whom the action was brought, was a young man preparing for^ the ministry, and, therefore, under the immediate protection ^ of Providence. Such an one Was not to be vexed with impunity ; and we are assured by Fraser himself, that God specially interposed to Pre- vent his ruin ; that one of his opponents was made unable to appear in court, and that the Lord, laying his hand upon the others, put them to death, in order that every obstacle mig be at once removed.^® will befall him and his ! ’ My informer was very much stunned and grieved at such a peremptory declaration. However, it was accomplished, to my inlormer s per- sonal! knowledge. The man was a trader, who was very rich, worth near tour or five thousand pounds sterling in stock. He had two sons and two daughters. Within some litle time, one of his sons turned distracted, and I think continoues soe stm. The other son, in some distemper, turned silly, and litle better, ana dyed. His daughters, one was maryed, and her husband lost all his stock a sea, twice or thrice; his good-father stocked him once or twice, and all was sUU lost, and they and their children are miserable. The other daughter fell into a dis- temper, wherein she lost her reason. The man himself, after that time never throve; his means wasted away insensibly; and throu all things, he fell under melancholy, and turned silly, and dyed stupide. All tliis fell out in some feu years after what passed above ; and my relator kneu all this particularly, and had occasion to be upon the man’s bussiness and affairs.” Wodrow's Analecta, vol. ii. pp. 176, 17 b. See also, in another work by this eminent Scotch divine, an account of what happened, when “a rash young man” having destroyed the property of a clergyman, named Boyd, “ it was observed that that family did never thrive afterwards, bi^ were in a decaying condition till they are reduced almost to nothing.” Wodrows Collections uvon the Lives of Ministers of the Church of Scotland, vol. ii. part i. p. 215. See Fraser’s Life of Himself, in vol. ii. of Select Biographies, edited by the Rev W. K Tweedie. “Ncrthing now remained of all my father’s great fortune but a siiall wadset of sixteen chalders, liferented likewise by my mother. And about the same time a new (though an unjust) adversary charges both her and me 36 000 merks, and a reduction of our rights ; so that our whole livelihood was eithe gone or at the stake. For four years did this adversary vex us, and w^ like to have undone us as to our temporal condition, had not the Lord prevented, p. . > ignorant what defences to make, had in my company a registrate horning, wbich l accidentally and without premeditation (God putting it in my mind at the saine time) did cast in, by which he, being the king’s rebel, was incapacitate from pursuing ma And the Lord so ordered it that he never after compeared to trouble me, by which means I was delivered from a loss and a fashery, and had but one court to wait upon.” p. 202. “ My condition during this time was a wrestling condition with the sons of Zeruiah that were too strong for me; little or no overcoming, yet violent wrestlin"-.” .... “ For I humbled myself under the sense of the calamities ot our family, and my own particular wants ; I besought him to keep us from utter destruc- tion. And the Lord was pleased to hear ; he destroyed hy death rn.y chief adversa- ries, I found shifts to pay my many petty debts, gained our law-action, and was re- Stored to some of my ancient possessions again.” pp. 227, 228, DUEING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 281 While stories of this sort were generally believed, it was hut natural that an opinion should grow up that it was dangerous to meddle with a minister, or in any way to interfere with his con- duct.^® The clergy, intoxicated hy the possession of power, reached to sucH a pitch of arrogance, that they did not scruple to declare, that whoever respected Christ, was hound, on that very account, to respect them.®® They denounced the judg- ments of God upon all who refused to hear the opinions they propounded in their pulpits.® ‘ Nor did this apply merely to persons who usually formed their audience. Such was their con- ceit, and so greedy were they after applause, that they would not allow even a stranger to remain in their parish, unless he, too, came to listen to what they chose to say.®^ Because they had “ So hazardous a thing it is to meddle with Christ’s sent servants.” Life of Mr. William Guthrie^ Minister at Fenwick, by the Rev. William Dunlop, reprinted in Select Biographies, vol. ii. p. 62. To arrest a clergyman on a civil or criminal process, was an act full of danger, inasmuch as the Deity would hardly fail to avenge it. This applied even to the officers who executed the arrest, as well as to him by whom it was ordered. See, for instance, Some Remarkable Passages of the Life arid Death of Mr. John Semple, Minister of the Gospel, p. 17 1 (in Walker's Biographia Preshyteriana, vol. i.). “Some time thereafter, he gat orders to apprehend Mr. Semple ; he intreated to excuse him, for Mr. Semple was the minister and man he would not meddle with ; for he was sure, if he did that, some terrible mischief would suddenly befal him. Mr. Arthur Coupar, who was Mr. Semple’s precentor, told these passages to a Reverend Minister in the church, yet alive, worthy of all credit, who- told me.” Durham boasts that, “ when Ministers have most to do, and meet with most opposition, God often furnisheth them accordingly with more boldnesse, gifts, and assistance than ordinary. Christ’s witnesses are a terrible party ; for as few as these witnesses are, none of their opposits do gain at their hand; whoever hurteth them shall in this manner be killed. Though they be despicable in sackcloth, yet better oppose a king in his strength, and giving orders from his throne covered in cloath of state, than them: though they may burn some and imprison others, yet their opposers will pay sickerly for it. This is not because of any worth that is in them, or for their own sake ; But 1. for His sake and for His authority that sendeth them. 2. for the event of their word, which will certainly come to passe, and that more terribly, and as certainly, as ever any temporall judgement was brought on by Moses or Elias.” Durham! s Commentarie upon the Book of the Revelation, p. 416. 60 “These who are trusted by Christ to be keepers of the vineyard, and his min- isters, ought also to be respected by the people over whom they are set ; and Christ allows this on them. Where Christ is respected and gets his due, there the keepers will be respected and get their due.” Durham's Exposition of the Song of Solomon, pp. 450, 451. Fergusson complacently says, that to affront a clergyman by not be- lieving his statement, or “ message,” as ho terms it, is a “ dishonour done to God,” Fergusson' s Exposition of the Epistles of Paul, p. 422. “As it is true concerning vs, that necessitie lyeth vpon vs to preach, and woe will bee to vs if wee preach not ; so it is true concerning you, that a necessitie lyeth vpon you to heare, and woe will be to you if you heare not." Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 166. “ The following order was promulgated by the Kirk-Session of Aberdeen on the 12th July 1607. “ The said day, inrespect it wes delatit to the sessioun that thair is sindrie landrart gentillmen and vtheris cum to this towne, quha mackis thair resi- dence thairin, and resortis not to the preching nather on Saboth nor vlk dayes; thairfor, it is ordanit that thrie elderis of everie quarter convene with the ministrie. in the sessioun hous, immediatlie efter the ending of the sermone on Tuysday nixt, and thair tak vp the names of the gentillmen and vtheris skipperis duelling in this burgh, quha kepis nocht the Kirk, nor resortis not to the hering of Godis word;. 282 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT adopted the Presbyterian polity, they asserted that the Almighty had never failed to punish every one who tried to supersede it and as this was the perfection of the church, those who were blind to its merits, were given over to wrath, and were, indeed, the slaves of Satan.® “ The clergy, who held this laii- guage respecting their opponents, exhausted the choicest epi- thet^ of praise on themselves, and on their own pursuits. When one of them got into the pulpit, or took a pen in his hand, he seemed as if he could not find words strong enough to express his sense of the surpassing importance of that class of and thair names being taken vp, ordains ane off the ministeris, with a baillie, to pas vnto thaine and admoneis tharae to cum to the preichingis, and keip the Kirk, vther- vayes to remowe thaniG aff the towne.” Selections fvoni the Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery and Synod of Aberdeen, p. 68. It was not enough to go occa- sionally to church; the attendance must be regular; otherwise the clergy were dis- satisfied, and punished the delinquents. In the Presbytery Book ot Strathbogie it is recorded that, on the 29th September 1649, “Mr. Johne Reidfurd being posed quhat diligence he had vsedto the Lady Frendraught, reported, shoe had hard three sermons, and so, as he thought, shoe intended to contiuow ane heaiei. The breth- eren, considering her long continowed contumacie and delay ot her process, by heiring a sermon now and then, thought not that hind of heiring satisfactorie, quher- for Mr. Robert Watson, and Mr. Robert Irving, ver ordained to goe with Mr. Johne Reidfurd, and requyre the said Lady to subscryv the Covenant, quherby shoe might testifie her conformitie vith the Kirk of Scotland, quhilk, if shoe refused, the said Mr. Johne vas ordained to pronunce the sentence ot excommunicatioun against hir before the Provinciall Assemblie, as he void be answerable therto.’’ Extracts from the Presbytery Booh of Strathbogie, p. 115- Neither distance, nor illness, might be pleaded as a valid excuse. Under no circumstances, would the preachers tolerate the affront of any one displaying an unwillingness to hear their sermons. In _1650, “ compeired the Lord Oliphant, being summondit for not keeping his parish kirk ot Abercherdour, vho declared his inabilitie of bodie many tymes, and the want of houses for accommodating him and his familie so farr distant trom the same, vas the onlie cans, quhilk he promised to amend in tym comming. Mr. John Reidturd ordained to report the same to the presbytrie, and vpon his continowed absence, to processe him.” Presbytery Book of Strathbogie, p. 149. See more on this subject in Registers of the Presbytery of Lanarh, pp. 5, 33, 67 ; Minutes of the Pre^yteries of St. Andrews and Cupar, pp. 67, 68, 90, 163; Minutes of fie Synod of Bife, pp. is, 66, 132; and Spalding's History of the Troubles, vol. ii. p. 67. Spalmng also mentions (p. 114) that at Aberdeen, in 1643, the clergy discoursed every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, in the afternoon; on which occasions, “ the people is com- pellit to attend their Lectiireis, or then cryit out aga-iiist.” , , , “ And it may be truly said, as the Church of Scotland hath had no detractors, but such as were ignorant of her, or mis-informed about her, yr whom faction, par- tiality, prejudice, wickedness, or love of unlawful liberty did inspire; so no peison or party hath endeavoured hithertil to root out Presbytery, but the Lord hath made it a burdensome stone unto them.” Naphtali, sig. B 2 rev. “The Lords wrath shall so meet his enemies in the teeth, wheresoever they turn, tnat they shall be forced to forsake their pursuing of the Church.” Hickson's Explication of the Birst B'ifty Psalms, T>. 115. „ „ , 54 a (.j.ue children of the Kirk are indeed the excellent ones of the earth, and princes indeed, wherever they live, in comparison of all other men vdio are ^ beastly slaves of Satan.” Hickson's Explication of the First Fifty Psfms, p. 312. Another high authority carefully identifies “ the true religion’ with ‘ the true pres- byterial profession.” See An Enquiry into Church Communion by Mr. Atexander Shields, Minister of the Gospel at St. Andrews, p. 126. His remark applies to the “ Burgess-oaths.” DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 283 which he was himself a member.®® They alone knew the truth ; they alone were able to inform and enlighten mankind. They had their instruction direct from heaven ; they were, in fact, the ambassadors of Christ ; from him they received their ap- pointment ; and since no one else could reward them, so no one else had a right to rule them.®® As they were messengers sent by the Almighty, they were rightly termed angels, and it was the duty of the people to listen to their minister, as if he really were an angel who had descended upon earth.®’' His parish- M Fergusson gives an ingenious turn to this, and says that it was their duty to praise their own profession, not for their own sake, but for the sake of others. “It is the duty of Christ’s ministers to commend and magnify their office, not for gaining praise and esteem to themselves, 2 Cor. iii. 1, but that the malice of Satan and his instruments may be hereby frustrated; 2 Cor. xi. 12, who labours to bring that sacred calling into contempt ; that so it may have the less of success upon people’s hearts.” FergusHon's Exposition of the Epistles of Paul, p. 180. “ Neither is there any mediate authoritie betweeue the Lord and his ambas- sadours, in the affaires of their message ; he only sendeth them ; he alone gives them to be pastors and doctors, etc. ; he alone shall judge them ; he alone shall re- ward them ; to him alone they must give an accompt of their dispensation ; and he himselfe alone doth immcdiatlie rule them by his spirit and word.” Forbes' Certains Records touching the Estate of the Kirk, p. 435. In reference to these amazing pre- tensions, the Scotch clergy were constantly terming themselves the ambassadors of the Deity ; thereby placing themselves infinitely above all other men. See for in- stance, Durham's Commentarie upon the Book of the Revelation, pp. 86, 100, 160. Durham s Law Unsealed, pp. 85, 96. HalyhurtoEs Cheat Concern of Salvation, p. 402. Fergussonls Exposition of the Epistles of Paul, pp. 17, 273. Shields' Enquiry into Church Communion, p. 72. Binning' s Sermons, vol. ii. p. 118, vol. iii. p. 178. Ahernethy's Physicke for the Soule, p. 122. Monro's Sermons, p. 207. Gillespie's Aaron s Rod Blossoming, pp. 240, 413. Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 166. Ruther- ford's B ree Disputation against Pretended Liberty of Conscience, p. 41. Dickson's Pruth s Victor y over Lrror , p. 274. Gray's Great and Precious Promises, pp. 50, 74. Flemings Fulfilling of the Scripture, p. 429. Cockburn's Jacob's Vow, or Maris Felicity and Duty, p. 401. Hutcheson's Exposition of the Booh of Job, pp. 461, 479. ./ > m “ Ministers are called Angels, because they are God’s Messengers, intrusted by Him with a high and heavenly imployment ; and it is a title that should put Ministers in mind of their duty, to do God’s will on earth as the Angels do it in heaven, in a spiritual and heavenly way, cheerfully, willingly and readily ; and it shoiddput people in mind of their duty, to take this word off Ministers' hands, as from Angels. Durhanis Commentarie upon the Book of the Revelation, p. 496. “Th('rc- fore are Ministers called Angels, and Angels, Ministers.” p. 696. Cockburn says that this is the reason why “ we should behave ourselves decently and reverently ” in church; “ for if the presence of Kings overawe us, how much more should the presence of God and Angels.” Cockburn's Jacob's Vow, or Mads F'elicity and Duty, p. 356. Another Scotch divine asserts that he and his brethren are able to instruct the angels, and free them from their ignorance. See the audacious passage in F'cr- gusson s Exposition of the Epistles of Paid, p. 180: “ This may commend the min- isters of the gospel not a little unto men, and beget reverence in them towards the same, that even the blessed angels are in some sort bettered by it, and that it is therefore respected by them : for Paul commendeth his office from this, that by occasion thereof ‘ unto the principalities and powers, was made known the manifold wisdom of God.’ Though angels be most knowing creatures, as enjoying the imme- diate sight and presence of God, Matt, xviii. 10, yet they are ignorant of some things, which, by God's way of dispensing the Gospel to his church, they come to a more full knowledge off." After this, it is a slight matter to find Monro insisting tiiat “ the people should consider our character as the most difficult and most sacred.” Mon- ro's Sermons, p. 202. 384 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT ionerSj therefore, were hound, not only to acknowledge him and provide for him, hut also to submit to him.®® Indeed, no one could refuse ohedience, who considered who the clergy were, and what functions they performed. Besides being ambassadors and angels, they were watchmen, who spied out every danger, and whose sleepless vigilance protected the faithful.®® They were the joy and delight of the earth. They were musicians, singing the songs of sweetness 5 n^y? they were sirens, who sought to allure men from the evil path, and save them from perishing.®® They were chosen arrows, stored up in the quiver of God.®‘ They were burning lights and shining torches, ^^ithout them, darkness would prevail 5 but their presence illu- mined the world, and made things clear.® ^ Hence they were called stars, which title also expressed the eminence of their office, and its superiority over all others.®® To make this stid “He is obliged to minister unto them in the gospel; and they are obliged to submit to him, strengthen him, acknowledge him, communicate to him in dl good things, and to provide for him,” etc. Durham's Commentarie upon the Book oj the Revelation, p. 90. That the clergy are “ rulers and governors, ’ and that their business is “ ruling and watching over the flock,” is likewise affirmed \n Gillespies Aaron's Rod Blossoming, pp. 172, 313. Compare The Correspondence of the Rev. Robert Wodrow, vol. i. p. 181: “rule over the people and speak the word; and Rutherford's Free Disputation against Pretended Liberty of Conscierice, p. 41: tne commanding power in the Ambassadour of Christ.” See also the “ reverential esti- mation ” inculcated in Boston's Sermons, p. 186. _ p i • “Called watchmen by a name borrowed from the practice ot centmeis in armies or cities.” They are “ Satan’s greatest eye-sores.” Hutcheson's Exposition on the Minor Prophets, vol. ii. p. 158, vol. iii. p. 208. “Th^^being made watch- men, do thereby blmome the butt of Satan’s malice.” . . . “The Enemy’s principal design is sure to be against the watchman, because he prevents the surprising ot his peode by Satan, at least ’tis his business to do so.” Halyburton s Great Cancan of Salvation, p. 24. Compare Guthrie's Considerations coniributirig unto the Dis- covery of the Dangers that threaten Religion, p. 259 ; Fergusson s Exposition of the Epistles of Paul, pp. 97, 106; Durham's Exposition of the Song of Solomon, pp. 278, 443 ; and Wodrow's Correspondence, vol. i. pp. 84, 244. One of the most popular of the Scotch preachers in the seventeenth cen^ry, actually ranks himself, in this respect, as doing the same work as the Son ot Ood. “ Christ and his ministers are the musicians that do apply their songs to catch mens ears and hearts, if so be they may stop their course and not perish. Ihese art» blessed syrens that do so.” Binning' s Sermons, vol. iii. p. 266.^ ^ Kutherford terms himself, “a chosen arrow hid in his quiver. Howies Bio- nraphia Scoticana, p. 230. To read the coarse materialism contained m this and other extracts, will, I know, shock, and so far offend, many pure and reflned minds, whose feelings I would not needles.sly wound. But no one can understand the his- tory of the Scotch intellect, who refuses to enter into these matters; and it is tor the reader to choose whether or not he will remain ignorant of what I, as an histo- rian, am bound to disclose. His remedy is easy. He has only either to shut the book, or else to pass on at once to the next chapter. . , • i. j ..x “ The Lord calleth men to be preachers, and hath them m his hand as starres, holding them out sometime to one part of the world, and sometime to another, that we may communicate light to them that are sitting in darkness. ’ Cowper s Heaven Opened, p. 360. , . , . . v Ministers are called Stars, for these reasons : I. To signifie and point out the eminence and dignity of the office, that it is a glorious and shineing office. 11. o point out what is the especiall end of this office ; It is to give light ; as the use ot DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 285 more apparent, prodigies were vouchsafed, and strange lights might occasionally be seen, which, hovering round the form of the minister, confirmed his supernatural mission.®^ The pro- fane wished to jest at these things, but they were too notorious to be denied ; and there was a well-known case, in which, at the death of a clergyman, a star was miraculously exhibited in the firmament, and was seen by many persons, although it was then midday.®® Nor was this to be regarded as a solitary occurrence. On the contrary, it usually happened, that when a Scotch minister departed from this life, the event was accompanied by portents, in order that the people might understand that something terrible was going on, and that they were incurring a serious, perhaps an irretrievable, loss. Sometimes the candles would be mysteriously extinguished, without any wind, and without any one touching them.®® Sometimes, even when the clergyman was preaching, the supernatural appearance of an animal would announce his approaching end in face of the congregation, who might vainly mourn what they were unable to avert.® Some- times the body of the holy man would remain for years un- Stars is to give light to the world ; so it’s Ministers’ main imployment to shine and give light to others ; to make the world, which is a dark night, to be lightsome.” Durhani's Commentarie upon the Book of the Revelation, p. 43. See also pp. 161, 368 ; and Dickson's Truth! s Victory over Error, p. 176. The Rev. James Kirkton says of the Rev. John Welsh, that some one who observed him walking, “ saw clearly a strange light surround him, and heard him speak strange words about his spiritual joy.” Select Biographies, edited by the Rev. W. K. Tweedie, vol. i. p. 12. But more than this remains to be told. The hearts of the Scotch clergy were so lifted up with pride, that they believed — horrible to relate — that they had audible and verbal communications from the Almighty God, which bystanders could hear. One of these stories, relating also to Welsh, will be found, as tradition handed it down, in Howie's Biographia Scoticana, p. 148. I cannot quote such blasphemy ; and those who doubt my statement had better refer to the second edition of Bowie’s work, pubhshed at Glasgow in 1781. It may probably be met with in the British Museum. ®® “Mr. Johne M‘Birnie at Aberdeen, (but first at the South Ferrie, over aganis the Castell of Broughtie,) a most zealous and painfull pastor, a great opposer of hierarchie. He was a shyning torch and a burning starre ; wherefore the Lord mi- raculouslie made, at his death, a starre to appeare in heaven at the noone-tyde of the day ; whilk many yit alive testifies that they did evidentlie see it, (at Whitsun- day 1609.”) Row's History of the Kirk of Scotland, p. 421. ®® Mr. James Stirling, minister of Barony, Glasgow, writes respecting his father, Mr. John Stirling, minister at Kilbarchan, that the “day he was burryed ther wer two great candles burning in the chamber, and they did go out most surprisingly without any wind causing them to go out.” Analecta, or Materials for a History of Remarkable Providences, by the Rev. Robert Wodrow, vol. iii. p. 37. ®’ “ This night, Glanderston told me, that it was reported for a truth at Bur- roustoness, that about six weeks since Mr. David Williamson was preaching in his own church in Edinburgh, and in the middle of the sermon, a ratton came and sat doun on his Bible. This made him stope ; and after a little pause, he told the con- gregation that this was a message of God to him, and broke off his sermon, and took a formall fareweel of his people, and went borne, and continoues sick.” Wodr row's Analecta, vol. i. p. 12. 286 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT changed and undecayed ; death not having the power over it which it would have had over the corpse of a common person.®* On other occasions, notice was given him of his death, years before it occurred and, to strike greater awe into the public mind, it was remarked, that when one minister died, others were taken away at the same time, so that, the bereavement being more widely felt, men might, by the magnitude of the shock, be rendered sensible of the inestimable value of those preachers whose lives were happily spared.’'* It was, moreover, generally understood, that a minister, dur- ing his abode in this world, was miraculously watched over and protected. He was peculiarly favoured by angels, who, though they did good offices to all members of the true church, were especially kind to the clergy and it was well known, that the celebrated Rutherford, when only four years old, having fallen into a well, was pulled out by an angel, who came there for the purpose of saving his life.'’® Another clergyman, who 88 n pame person ” {i. e. the Rev. Mr. White) “ adds, that some years ago, when Mr. Bruce’s grave was opened, to lay in his grandchild, his body was almost fresh and uncorrupted, to the great wonder of many ; and if I right remember, the grave was again filled up, and another made. The fresh body had no noisome smell. It was then nearly eighty years after he was buried. My informer was minister of Larbert when this happened.” Wod7'ow'’s Life of Bruce, p. 160, prefixed to Bruce’s Sermons. 6» a jjg 11 (joPn Lockhart) “ tells me Mr. Robert Raton, minister at Barnweel, his father-in-lau, had a particular for-notice, seven or eight years before, of his death : That he signifyed so much to my informer.” . . . “ When my informer came, he did not apprehend any hazard, and signifyed so much to his father-in-lau, Mr. Raton. He answered, ‘ John, John, I am to dye at this time ; and this is the time God warned me of, as I told you.’ In eight or ten dayes he dyed. Mr. Raton was a man very much (beloved) and mighty in prayer.” Wodrow's Analecta, vol. hi. p. 451. Compare the case of Henderson \VL{Wodrow's Correspondence, vol. hi. p. 33,) where the notice was much shorter, but “ all fell out as he had foretold.” “ Generally, I observe that Ministers’ deaths are not single, but severall of them together.” Wodi-ow's Analecta, vol. hi. p. 2Y5. The Rev. William Row (in his Continuation of Blair's Autobiography, p. 153) says, “ Without all doubt, though it cannot be proven from Scripture, that every one has a tutelar angel, yet it is certain that the good angels do many good offices to the people of God, especially to his ministers and ambassadors, which we do not see, and do not remark or know.” “ Mr. James Stirling, and Mr. Robert Muir, and severall others in the com- pany, agreed on this accompt of Mr. Rutherford. When about four years old, he was playing about his father’s house, and a sister of his, somewhat older than he, with him. Mr. Rutherford fell into a well severall fathoms deep, and not full, but faced about with heuen stone, soe that it was not possible for any body to get up almost, far less a child. When he fell in, his sister ran into the house near by, and told that Samuell was fallen into the well; upon which his father and mother ran out, and found him sitting on the grasse beside the well ; and when they asked him, Hou he gote out ? he said, after he was once at the bottome, he came up to the tope, and ther was a bonny young man pulled him out by the hand. Ther w’as noe body near by at the time ; and soe they concluded it was noe doubt ane angell. The Lord had much to doe wdth him.” Wodrow's Analecta, vol. i. p. 67. See also vol. iii. pp. 88, 89, where this circumstance is again mentioned as “ a tradition anent him ” in the place of his birth. PURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 287 was in the habit of over-sleeping himself, used to be roused to his duty in the morning, by three mysterious knocks at his door, which, if they did not produce a proper effect, were repeated close to his bed. These knocks never failed on Sunday, and on days when he had to administer the communion ; and they lasted during the whole of his ministry, until he became old and infirm, when they entirely ceased.’'® By the propagation of these and similar stories, in a coun- try already prepared for their reception, the Scotch mind became imbued with a belief in miraculous interposition, to an extent which would be utterly incredible if it were not attested by a host of contemporary and unimpeachable witnesses. The clergy, partly because they shared in the general delusion, and partly because they derived benefit from it, did every thing they could to increase the superstition of their countrymen, and to familiarize them with notions of the supernatural world, such as can only be paralleled in the monastic legends of the middle ages.^^ How they laboured to corrupt the national intellect, and how successful they were in that base vocation, has been hitherto known to no modern reader ] because no one has had the pa- tience to peruse their interminable discourses, commentaries, “Mr. William Trail, minister at***, tells me that his father, Mr. William Trail, minister at Borthwick, used every morning, when he had publick work on his hand, to hear three knocks at his chamber dore ; and if, throu wearynes, or heavi- ness, he did sitt these, ther wer ordinarily three knocks at his bed-head, which he never durst sitt, but gott up to his work. This was ordinarily about three in the morning. This, at first, in his youth, frighted him ; but at tenth it turned easy to him, and he believed these knocks and awakniugs proceeded from a good art. That these never failed him on Sabbaths and at Communions, when he was oblidged to rise early : That when he turned old and infirm, toward the close of his dayes, they in- tirely ceased and left him.” Wodrow's Analecta, vol. ii. p. 307. This work, in four quarto volumes, is invaluable for the history of the Scotch mind; being a vast reper- tory of the opinions and traditions of the clergy, during the seventeenth, and early part of the eighteenth century. Wodrow was a man of ability, certainly above the average ; his honesty is unimpeachable, as the jealous scrutiny which the episco- palians have made of his great work on the History ot the Church of Scotland, de- cisively proves; and he was in the constant habit of personal and epistolary com- munication with the leading characters of his age. I have, therefore, freely used his Analecta; also his Collections upon the Lives of 'Ministers, which is likewise in four quarto volumes ; and his Correspondence, in three thick octavo volumes.^ It would be difficult to find a more competent witness respecting the sentiments of his ecclesiastical brethren. It would be impossible to find a more candid one. In illustration of this, a volume might be filled with extracts from the writings of the Scotch divines of the seventeenth century. The following passage is, perhaps, as good as any. “Yea, it can hardly be instanced any great change, or revolution in the earth, which hath not had some such extraordinary herald going before. Can the world deny how sometimes these prodigious signes have been shaped out to point at the very nature of the stroke then imminent, by a strange resemblance to the same, such as a flaming sword in the air, the appearance of armies fighting even sometimes upon the earth, to the view of many most sober and judicious on- lookers, also showers of blood, the noise of drummes, and such like, which are known usually to go before warr and commotions.” Meming's Fulfilling of the Scripture^ 1681, p. 216. 288 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT and the other religious literature in which their sentiments are preserved. As, however, the preachers were, in Scotland, more influential than all other classes put together, it is only hy com- paring their statements with what is to he found in the general memoirs and correspondence of the time, that we can at all succeed in re-constructing the history of a period, which, to the philosophic student of the human mind, is full of great, though melancholy, interest. I shall, therefore, make no apology for entering into still further details respecting these matters ; and I hope to put the reader in possession of such facts as will con- nect the past history of Scotland with its present state, and will enable him to understand why it is, that so great a people are, in many respects, still struggling in darkness, simply because they still live under the shadow of that long and terrible night, which, for more than a century, covered the land. It will also appear, that their hardness and moroseness of character, their want of gaiety, and their indifference to maoy of the enjoyments •of life, are traceable to the same cause, and are the natural product of the gloomy and ascetic opinions inculcated by their rehgious teachers. For, in that age, as in every other, the clergy, once possessed of power, showed themselves harsh and unfeel- ing masters. They kept the people in a worse than Egyptian bondage, inasmuch as they enslaved mind as well as body, and not only deprived men of innocent amusements, but taught them that those amusements were sinful. And so thoroughly did they do their work, that, though a hundred and flfty years have elapsed since their supremacy began to wane, the imprint of their hands is every where discernible. The people still bear the marks of the lash ; the memory of their former servitude lives among them ; and they crouch before their clergy, as they did of old, abandoning their rights, sacrificing their independ- ence, and yielding up their consciences, to the dictates of an intolerant and ambitious priesthood. Of all the means of intimidation employed by the Scotch clergy, none was more ef0.cacious than the doctrines they pro- pounded respecting evil spirits and future punishment. On these subjects, they constantly uttered the most appalling threats. The language, which they used, was calculated to madden men with fear, and to drive them to the depths of de- spair. That it often had this consequence, and produced most fatal results, we shall presently see. And, what made it more effectual was, that it completely harmonized with those other gloomy and ascetic notions which the clergy inculcated, and according to which, pleasures being regarded as sinful, suffer- ings were regarded as religious. Hence that love of inflicting DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 289 pain, and that delight in horrible and revolting ideas, which characterized the Scotch mind during the seventeenth century. A few specimens of the prevailing opinions will enable the reader to understand the temper of the time, and to appreciate the resources which the Scotch clergy could wield, and the materials with which they built up the fabric of their power. It was generally believed, that the world was overrun by evil spirits, who not only went up and down the earth, but also lived in the air, and whose business it was to tempt and hurt mankind.'^® Their number was infinite, and they were to be found at all places and in all seasons. At their head was Satan himself, whose delight it was to appear in person, ensnaring or terrifying every one he met.’'® With this object, he assumed various forms. One day, he would visit the earth as a black dog on another day, as a raven ;'’® on another, he would be Durham, after mentioning “ old abbacies or monasteries, or castles when walls stand and none dwelleth in them,” adds, “If it be asked. If there be such a thing, as the haunting of evill spirits in these desolate places? We answer 1. That there are evill spirits rangeing up and down through the earth is certain, even though hell be their prison properly, yet have they a sort of dominion and abode both in the earth and air; partly, as a piece of their curse, this is laid on them to wander; partly, as their exercise to tempt men, or bring spirituall or temporall hurt to them,” &c. Durham's Commentarie upon the Booh of the Revelation, p. 582. So too, Hutcheson’s Exposition of the Book of Job, p. 9) : “We should remember that we sojourn in a world where Devils are, and do haunt among us;” and Fleming {^Fulfilling of the Scripture, p. 217): “But the truth itself is sure, that such a party is at this day, encompassing the earth, and trafficking up and down there, to prove which by arguments were to light a candle to let men see that it is day, while it is known what ordinary familiar converse many have therewith." One of their favourite abodes was the Shetland Islands, where, in the middle of the seventeenth century, “ almost every family had a Brouny or evil spirit so called.” See the account given by the Rev. John Brand, in his work entitled A Brief Description of Orkney, Zet- land, Pightland Firth, and Caithness, pp. Ill, 112, Edinburgh, 1701. 78 jg uQt whom he assaulteth not.” Ahernethy's Physicke for the Soule, p. 101. “On the right hand and on the left.” Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 273. Even early in the eighteenth century, the “most popular divines” in Scotland, affirmed that Satan “ frequently appears clothed in a corporeal substance.” Memoirs of Charles Lee Lewes, written by Himself vol. iii. pp. 29, 80, London, 1805. ” “This night James Lochheid told me, that last year, if I mistake not, at the Communion of Bafron, he was much helped all day. At night, when dark some- what, he went out to the feilds to pray ; and a terrible slavish fear came on him, that he almost lost his senses. Houever, he resolved to goe on to his duty. By (the time) he was at the place, his fear was off him ; and lying on a knou-side, a black dogg came to his head and stood. He said he kneu it to be Satan, and shooke his hand, but found nothing, it evanishing.” .... “ Lord, help against his devices, and strengthen against them ! ” Wodrovds Analecta, vol. i. p. 24. The Registers of the Presbytery cf Lanark, p. 77, contain a declaration, in 1650, that “ the devill appeared like a little whelpe,” and afterwards, “ like a brown whelpe.” '’® The celebrated Peden was present when “ there came down the appearance of a raven, and sat upon one man’s head.” Thereupon, “ going home, Mr. Peden said to his land-lord, I always thought there was Devilry among you, but I never thought that he did appear visibly among you, till now I have seen it. 0, for the Lord’s sake quit this way.” The Life and Death of Mr. Alexander Peden, late Minister of the Oospel at New Glenluce in Calloway, pp. Ill, 112, in vol, i. of Walker's Biographia Presbyteriana, 290 AN EXAMINATION OF TUB SCOTCH INTELLECT heard in the distance, roaring like a hull.’’* He appeared some-, times as a white man in black clothes and sometimes he came as a black man in black clothes, when it was remarked that his voice was ghastly, that he wore no shoes, and that one of his feet was cloven.® ‘ His stratagems were endless. For, in the opinion of divines, his cunning increased with his age ; and having been studying for more than five thousand years, he had now attained to unexampled dexterity.®^ He could, and he did, seize both men and women, and carry them away through the air.®® Usually, he wore the garb of laymen, but it was said, that, on more than one occasion, he had impudently “ I heard a voice just before me on the other side of the hedge, and it seemed to be like the groaning of an aged man. It continued so some time. I knew no man could be there ; for, on the other side of the hedge, where I heard the groan- ing, there was a great stank or pool. I nothing doubted but it was Satan, and I guessed his design ; but still I went on to beg the child’s life. At length he roared and made a noise like a bull, and that very loud. From all this I concluded, that 1 had been provoking God some way or other in the duty, and that he was angry with me, and had let the enemy loose on me, and might give him leave to tear me in pieces. This made me intreat of God, to shew me wherefore he contended, and begged he would rebuke Satan. The enemy continued to make a noise like a bull, and seemed to be coming about the hedge towards the door of the summer-seat, bellowing as he came along.” Stevenson' s Hare, Soul-Strengthenhig, and Comforting Cordial for Old and Young Christians, p. ‘29. This book was published, and pre- pared for the press, by the Rev. William Guppies. See Mr. Guppies’ letter at the beginning. ““ In 1684, with “black deaths, and a blue band, and white handcuffs.” Sin- clair's Satan's Invisible World Discovered, p. 8. “ He observed one of the black man’s feet to be cloven, and that the black man’s apparel was black, and that he had a blue band about his neck, and white hand-culfs, and that he had hoggers upon his legs without shoes ; and that the black man’s voice was hollow and ghastly.” Satan's Invisible World Discovered, p. 9. “ The devil appeared in the shape of a black man.” p. 31. See also Descrip- tion of Orloiey, p. 126 : “ all in black.” “ The acquired knowledge of the Devill is great, hee being an advancing stu- dent, and still learning now above five thousand yeares.” Rutherford's Christ Dying and Drawing Sinners to Himselfe, p. 204. “ He knowes very well, partly by the quicknesse of his nature, and partly by long experience, being now very neere six thousand yeeres old.” Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 219. “Uee, being compared with vs, hath many vantages ; as that he is more subtill in nature, being of greater experience, and more ancient, being now almost sixe thousand yeeres old.” Ibid., p. 403. “ The diuell here is both diligent and cunning, and (now almost of sixe thousand yeeres) of great experience.” Abernethy's Physicke for the Soule, p. 142. “ Satan, such an ingenious and experimental spirit.” Binning' s Sermons, vol. i. p. 67. “Ilis great sleight and cunning.” Ibid., p. 110. Other eulogies of his skill may be seen in Fergusson's Exposition of the Epistles of Paul, p. 476 ; and in Fleming's Ful- filling of the Scripture, p. 45. A “ minister,” whose name is not mentioned, states that he is “ of an excellent substance, of great natural parts, long experience, and deep understanding.” Sinclair's Satan's Invisible World Discovered, p. 78. In Professor Sinclair’s work {Satan's Invisible World Discovered, p. 141), we find, in 1684, “ an evident instance, that the devil can transport the bodies of men and women through the air. It is true, he did not carry her far off, but not for want of skill and power.” Late in the seventeenth century, it was generally believed that one of Satan’s accomplices was literally “ strangled in his chair by the devil, least he should make a confession to the detriment of the service.” Crawfurd's History of the Shire of Renfrew, part iii. p. 319. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 291 attired himself as a minister of the gospel.®^ At all events, in orie dress or other, he frequently appeared to the clergy, and tried to coax them over to his side.®® In that, of course, he failed ; hut, out of the ministry, few, indeed, could withstand him. He could raise storms and tempests ; he could work, not only on the mind, hut also on the organs of the body, making men hear and see whatever he chose.®® Of his victims, some See the account of a young preacher being deceived in this way, in Wodrow's Analecta, vol. i. pp. 103, 104. The Rev. Robert Blair detected the cheat, and “ with ane awful seriousness appearing in his countenance, began to tell the youth his hazard, and that the man whom he took for a Minister was the Divel, who had tre- panned him, and brought him into his net; advised him to be earnest with God in prayer, and likewise not to give way to dispair, for ther was yet hope.” The preacher had, on this occasion, been so far duped as to give the devil “ a written promise” to do whatever he was requested. As soon as the Rev. Mr. Blair ascer- tained this fact, he took the young man before the Presbytery, and narrated the circumstance to the members. “ They were all strangely affected with it, and re- solved unanimously to dispatch the Presbitry business presently, and to stay all night in town, and on the morrow to meet for prayer in one of the most retired churches of the Presbitry, acquainting none with their business, (but) taking the youth alongst with them, whom they keeped alwise close by them. Which was done, and after the Ministers had prayed all of them round, except Mr. Blair, who prayed last, in time of his prayer there came a violent rushing of wind upon the church, so great that they thought the church should have fallen down about their ears, and with that the youth’s paper and covenant” {i. e. the covemint which he had signed at the request of Satan) “droops down from the roof of the church among the Ministers.” Bo u devil strikes at them, that in them he may strike at the whole congre- gation.” Boston's Sermons, p. 186. Fleming {Fulfilling of the Scripture, p. 379) gives an account of his appearing to one of the Scotch clergy. Compare Wodrow's Analecta, vol. iv. p. 110. In 1624, Bruce writes, “ I heard his voice as vively as ever I heard any thing, not being sleeping, but waking.” Life of Bruce, p. 8, pre- fixed to Bruce's Sermons. The only remedy was immediate re.sistance. “ It is the duty of called ministers to go on with courage in the work of the Lord, notwith- standing of any discouragement of that kind, receiving manfully the first onset chiefly of Satan’s fury, as knowing their ceding to him will make him more cruel.” Fergassoris Exposition of the Epistles of Paul, In the seventeenth century, the Scotch clergy often complimented each other on having baffled him, and thereby put him in a passion. Thus, in 1626, Dickson writes to Boyd: “The devil is mad against you, he fears his kingdom.” Life of Robert Boyd, in Wodrow's Collections upon the Lives of Ministers, vol. ii. part i. p. 238. See also pp. Kid, 236. sa u delude ears, eyes, &c., either by misrepresenting external objects, or by inward disturbing of the faculties and organes, whereby men and women may, and do often, apprehend that they hear, see, &c. such and such things, which, in- deed, they do not.” Durham's Commentarie upon the Book of Revelation, p. 128. “Raise tempests.” Binning' s Sermons, yo\. i. p. 122. “ Ilis power and might, wliereby through God’s permission, he doth raise up storms, commove the elements, destroy cattle,” &c. Fergusson's Exposition of the Epistles of L^ aid, p. 264. “Hee can work curiously and strongly on the walls of bodily organs, on the shop that the understanding soule lodgeth in, and on the necessary tooles, organs, and powers of fancie, imagination, memory, humours, senses, spirits, bloud,” &c. Rutherford's Christ Dying, p. 212. Semple, giving notice of his intention to administer the sacrament, told the congregation “that the Devil would be so envious about the good work they were to go about, that he was afraid he would be permitted to raise a storm in the air with a speat of rain, to raise the waters, designing to drown some of them ; but it will not be within the compass of his power to drown any of you, no not so much as a dog.” Remarkable Passages of the Life and Death of Mr. John Semple, Minister of the Gospel, pp. 1C8, 169, in vol. i. of Walker's Biographia Presbyteriana. 292 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT he prompted to commit suicide,®’’ others to commit murder.®* StiU, formidable as he was, no Christian was considered to have attained to a full religious experience, unless he had literally seen him, talked to him, and fought with him.®® The cler^ were constantly preaching about him, and preparing their audi- ence for an interview with their great enemy. The consequence was, that the people became almost crazed with fear. When- ever the preacher mentioned Satan, the consternation was so great, that the church resounded with sighs and groans.®" The aspect of a Scotch congregation in those days, is, indeed, hard for us to conceive. Not unfrequently the people, benumbed and stupefied with awe, were rooted to their seats by the hor- rible fascination exercised over them, which compelled them to listen, though they are described as gasping for breath, and with their hair standing on end.®‘ Such impressions were not easily effaced. Images of terror were left on the mind, and followed the people to their homes, and in their daily pursuits. They believed that the devil was always, and literally, at hand ; that he was haunting them, speaking to them, and tempting them. There was no escape. Go where they would, he was there. A sudden noise, nay, even the sight of an inanimate object, such as a stone, was capable of reviving the association ^ Sinclair's Satan's Invisible World Discovered, p. IS^Z. Memoirs of the Life and Experiences of Marion, Laird of Greenock, with a Preface by the Rev. Mr. Cock, pp. 43, 44, 46, 84, 85, 172, 222, 223. “ I shall next show how the murderer Satan visibly appeared to a wicked man, stirred him up to stab me, and how mercifully I was delivered therefrom.” The Autobiography of Mr. Robert Blair, Minister of St. Aiidrew's, p. 66. See also Fleming's Fulfilling of the Scripture, pp. 37 9, 380. “ One Mr. Thomas Hogg, a very popular presbyterian preacher in the North, asked a person of great learning, in a religious conference, whether or not he had seen the Devil? It was answered him, ‘That he had never seen him in any visible appearance.’ ‘ Then, I assure you,’ saith Mr. Hogg, ‘ that you can never be happy till you see him in that manner ; that is, untill you have both a personal converse and combat with him.’” Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, pp. 28, 29. 90 a Ye go to the kirk, and when ye hear the devil or hell named in the preach- ing, ye sigh and make a noise.” The Last and Heavenly Speeches of John, Viscount Kenmure, in Select Biographies, vol. i. p. 405. Andrew Gray, who died in 1656, used such language, “ that his contemporary, the foresaid Mr. Durham, observed. That many times he caused the very hairs of their head to stand up.” Home's Biographia Scoticana, p. 217. James Hutcheson boasted of this sort of success. “As he expressed it, ‘I was not a quarter of ane hour in upon it, till I sau a dozen of them all gasping before me.’ He preached with great freedorne all day, and fourteen or twenty dated their conversion from that sermon.” Wodrow's Analecta, vol. i. p. 131. When Dickson preached, “many were so choaked and taken by the heart, that through terroiir, the spirit in such a measure convincing them of sin, in hearing of the word they have been made to fall c /er, and thus carried out of the church.” Fleming's Fulfilling of the Scripture, p. 347. There was hardly any kind of resource which these men disdained. Alexan- der Dunlop “ entered into the ministry at Paislay, about the year 1643 or 1644.” .... “He used in the pulpit, to have a kind of groan at the end of some sentences. Mr. Peebles called it a holy groan.” Wodrow's Analecta, vol. iii. pp. 16, 21. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 293 of ideas, and of bringing back to the memory the language uttered from the pulpit.®® Nor is it strange that this should be the case. All over Scotland, the sermons were, with hardly an exception, formed after the same plan, and directed to the same end. To excite fear, was the paramount object.®® The clergy boasted, that it was their special mission to thunder out the wrath and curses of the Lord.®^ In their eyes, the Deity was not a beneficent being, but a cruel and remorseless tyrant. They declared that all mankind, a very small portion only excepted, were doomed to eternal misery. And when they came to describe what that misery was, their dark imaginations revelled and gloated at the prospect. In the pictures which they drew, they reproduced and heightened the barbarous imagery of a barbarous age. They delighted in telling their hearers, that they would be roasted in great fires, and hung up by their tongues.®® They A schoolmaster, recording his religious experiences ( Wodrow's Analecta^ vol. i. p. 24G), says : “ If any thing had given a knock, I would start and shiver, the seeing of a dogg made me affrayed, the seeing of a stone in the feild made me afifrayed, and as I thought a voice in my head saying, ‘ It’s Satan.’ ” Only those who are extensively read in the theological literature of that time, can form an idea of this, its almost universal tendency. During about a hundred and twenty years, the Scotch pulpits resounded with the most frightful denuncia- tions. The sins of the people, the vengeance of God, the activity of Satan, and the pains of hell, were the leading topics. In this world, calamities of every kind were announced as inevitable ; they were immediately at hand ; that generation, perhaps that year, should not pass away without the worst evils which could be conceived, falling on the w’hole country. I will merely quote the opening of a sermon which is now lying before me, and which was preached, in 1682, by no less a man than Alex- ander Peden. “ There is three or four things that I have to tell you this day ; and the first is this, A bloody sword, a bloody sword, a bloody sword, for thee, 6 Scot- land, that shall reach the most part of you to the very heart. And the second is this. Many a mile shall ye travel in thee, 0 Scotland ! and shall see nothing but waste places. The third is this. The most fertile places in thee, 0 Scotland ! shall be waste as the mountain tops. And fourthly. The women with child in thee, 0 Scotland 1 shall be dashed in pieces. And fifthly. There hath been many conventi- cles in thee, O Scotland! but ere it be long, God shall have a conventicle in thee, that shall make thee Scotland tremble. Many a preaching hath God wared on thee, 0 Scotland! but ere it be long God’s judgments shall be as frequent in Scotland as these precious meetings, wherein he sent forth his faithful servants to give faithful warning in his name of their hazard in apostatizing from God, and in breaking all his noble vows. God sent out a Welsh, a Cameron, a Cargill, and a Semple to preach to thee ; but ere long God shall preach to thee by a bloody sword.” Ser- mons by Eminent Divines, pp. 4'7, 48. To “thunder out the Lord’s wrath and curse.” Durham's Commentarie upon the Book of the Revelation, p. 191. “ It is the duty of Ministers to preach judgments.” Hutcheson's Exposition on the Minor Prophets, vol. i. p. 93. “ If ministers when they threaten be not the more serious and fervent, the most terrible threatening will but little affect the most part of hearers.” Fergusson's Exposition of the Epistles of Paul, p. 421. The clergy were not ashamed to propagate a story of a boy who, in a trance, had been mysteriously conveyed to hell, and thence permitted to revisit the earth. His account, which is carefully preserved by the Rev. Robert Wodrow {Analecta^ vol. i. p. 61) was, that “ ther wer great fires and men roasted in them, and then cast into rivers of cold water, and then into boyling water ; others hung up by the tongue.” 294 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT were to be lashed with scorpions, and see their companions writhing and howling around them.®® They were to be thrown into boiling oil and scalding lead.®’' A river of fire and brim- stone, broader than the earth, was prepared for them ;®® in that, they were to be immersed ; their bones, their lungs, and their liver, were to boil, but never be consumed.®® At the same time, worms were to prey upon them ; and while these were gnawing at their bodies, they were to be surrounded by devils, mocking and making pastime of their pains.’®® Such were the first stages of su:fering, and they were only the first. For the tor- ture, besides being unceasing, was to become gradually worse. So refined was the cruelty, that one hell was succeeded by another ; and, lest the sufierer should grow callous, he was, after a time, moved on, that he might undergo fresh agonies in fresh places, provision being made that the torment should not pall on the sense, but should be varied in its character, as well as eternal in its duration.’®’ All this was the work of the God of the Scotch clergy.’®* It was not only his work, it was his joy and his pride. For, according to them, hell was created before man came into the world ; the Almighty, they did not scruple to say, having spent his previous leisure in preparing and completing this place of torture, so that, when the human race appeared, it might be “ Scortched in hell-fire and hear the howling of their fellow-prisoners, and see the ugly devils, the bloody scorpions with which Satan lasheth miserable soules.” Rutherford s Christ Dying ^ pp. 491, 492. “ Boiling oil, burning brimstone, scalding lead.” Sermons by Eminent Divines, p. 362. “A river of fire and brimstone broader than the earth.” Rutherford's Reli- gious Letters, p. 35. “See the poor wretches lying in bundles, boiling eternally in that stre:im of brimstone.” HalyhurtoiCs Great Concern of Salvation, p. 63. “Tongue, lungs, and liver, bones and all, shall boil and fry in a torturing fire.” Rutherfords Religious Letters, p. 17. “They will be universal torments, every part of the creature being tormented in that flame. When one is cast into a fiery furnace, the tire makes its way into the very bowels, and leaves no member untouched : what part then can have ease, when the damned swim in a lake of fire burning with brimstone ? ” Boston's Human Nature in its Fourfold State, p. 458. 100 u-yyj-ijjg wormes are sporting with thy bones, the devils shall make pastime jof thy paines.” Abernethy's Physicke for the Soule, p. 97. “They will have the society of devils in their torments, being shut up with them in hell.” Boston's Human Nature in its Fourfold State, p. 442. “Their ears filled with frightful veil- ings of the infernal crew.” Jbid., p. 460. This fundamental doctrine of the Scotch divines is tersely summed up in Bhi- ning's Sermons, vol. iii. p. 130: “You shall go out of one hell into a w'orse; eter- nity is the measure of its continuance, and the degrees of itself are answerable to its duration.” The author of these sermons died in 1653. And, according to them, the barbarous cruelty was the natural result of His Omniscience. It is with pain, that I transcribe the following impious passage. “ Consider, Who is the contriver of these torments. There have been some very exquisite torments contrived by the wit of men, the naming of which, if ye under- stood their nature, were enough to fill your hearts with horror ; but all these fall as far short of the torments ye are to endure, as the wisdom of man falls short of that oj DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 295 ready for their reception.*®® Ample, however, as the arrange- ments were, they were insufficient ; and hell, not being hig enough to contain the countless victims incessantly poured into it, had, in these latter days, been enlarged.*®^ There was now sufficient room. But in that vast expanse there was no void, for the whole of it reverberated with the shrieks and yells of undying agony.*®® They rent the air with horrid sound, and, amid their pauses, other scenes occurred, if possible, still more excruciating. Loud reproaches filled the ear : children re- proaching their parents, and servants reproaching their masters. Then, indeed, terror was rife, and abounded on every side. For, while the child cursed his father, the father, consumed by remorse, felt his own guilt ; and both children and fathers made hell echo with their piercing screams, writhing in con- vulsive agony at the torments which they sufiered, and knovf- ing that other torments more grievous still were reserved for them.*®® Even now such language freezes the blood, when we consider what must have passed through the minds of those who could bring themselves to utter it. The enunciation of such ideas unfolds the character of the men, and lays bare their inmost spirit. We shudder, when we think of the dark and corrupted fancy, the vindictive musings, the wild, lawless, and uncertain thoughts which must have been harboured by those who could GodP .... Infinite wisdom has contrived that evil." The Great Concern of Sal- vation, hy the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Halyburton, edit. Edinburgh, 1722, p. 154. “Men wonder what he could be doing all that time, if we call it time which hath no beginning, and how he was employed.” . . . “ Remember that which a godly man answered some M'anton curious wit, who, in scorn, demanded the same of him — ‘ He was preparing hell for curious and proud fools,’ said he.” Binning' s Sermons, vol. i. p. 194. “Hell hath inlarged itselfe.” Aherneihy's Physielce for the Soule, p. 146. 105 “Eternal shriekings.” Sermons by Eminent Divines, p. 394. “Screakings and howlings.” Gray's Great and Precious Promises, p. 20. “0! the screechs and yels that will be in hell.” Durham's Commentarie upon the Book of the Rev- elation, p. 654. “ The horrible scrieches of them who are burnt in it.” Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 175. 108 “ When children and servants shall go, as it were, in sholes to the Pit, cur.s* ing their parents and their masters who brought them there. And parents and masters of families shall be in multitudes plunged headlong in endless destruction, because they have not only murdered their own souls, but also imbrued their hands in the blood of their children and servants. 0 how doleful will the reckoning be amongst them at that day ! When the children and servants shall upbraid their parents and masters. ‘ Now, now, we must to the Pit, and we have you to blame for it; your cursed example, and lamentable negligence has brought us to the Pit.’ ” • . . “ And on the other hand, how will the shrieks of parents lill every ear ? ‘I have damn’d myself, I have damn’d my children, I have damn’d my servants. While I fed their bodies, and clotlied their backs, I have ruined their souls, and brought double damnation on myself.’ ” Halyburton' s Great Concern of Salvation, pp. 527, 628. See this further worked out in Bo sions Human Nature in its Four- fold State, pp. 378, 379; “curses instead of salutation:!, and tearing of themselves, 4nd raging against one another, instead of the wonted embraces.” 296 AN EXAMINATION OE THE SCOTCH INTELLECT combine and arrange the different parts of tbis hideous schema No hesitation, no compunction, no feelings of mercy, ever seem to have entered their breasts. It is evident, that their noUons were well matured ; it is equally evident, that they delighted in them. They were marked by a unity of conception, and were enfor^^ed with a freshness and vigour of language, shows that their heart was in their work. But before this could have happened, they must have been dead to every emotion of pity and of tenderness. Yet, they were the teachers of a o-reat nation, and were, in every respect, the most influential persons in that nation. The people, credulous and grossly igno- rant, listened and believed. We, at this distance of time, and living in another realm of thought, can form but a faint concep- tion of the effect which these horrible conceits produced upon them. They were convinced that, in this world, they weie in- cessantly pursued by the devil, and that he, and other evfl spirits, were constantly hovering around them, in bodily and visible shape, tempting them, and luring them on to destruction. In the next world, the most frightful and unheard-of punish- ments awaited them ; while both this world and the next governed by an avenging Deity, whose wrath it was impossible to propitiate. No wonder that, with these ideas before thein, their reason should often give way, and that a religious mania should set in, under whose influence they, in black despair, put an end to their lives. 107 William Vetch, “preaching in the town of Jedburg to a great congregation, said ‘There are two thousand of you here to day, but I am sure fourscore ot you will’ not be saved;’ upon which, three of his ignorant hearers being m despair, despatch’d themselves soon after.” Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, y. 23. bee also the life, or rather panegyric, of Vetch in Howie's Biographia Scoticana, where this circumstance is not denied, but, on the contrary, is stated to be no ‘ disparagement to him ” p. 606. The frame of mind which the teachings ot the clergy encouraged, and which provoked self-murder, is vividly depicted by Samuel Rutherford, the most popular of all the Scotch divines of the seventeenth century. Oh ! hee heth down, &ud hell beddethwith him; hee sleepeth, and hell and hee dreame together , he riseth, and hell goeth to the fields with him; hee goes to his garden, there is helh “The man goes to his table, 0! hee dare not eat, hee hath no nght to the creature ; to eat is sin and hell ; so hell is in every dish. To live is snme hee would faine chuse strangling; every act of breathing is sin and hell. Hee goes to ch™, there is a dog as great as a mountaine before his eye: Here be terrors. Ruther- ford's Christ Hying, 1647, 4to, pp. 41, 42. Now, listen to the confessions of two of the tortured victims of the doctrines enunciated by the clergy ; pctims who, after undergoing ineifable agony, were more than once, according to their own ac- count, tempted to put an end to their lives. “ The cloud lasted for two years and some months.” . . . “The arrows of the Almighty did drink up my spirits; night and day his hand lay heavy upon me, so that even my bodily moisture was turned into the drought of summer. When I said sometimes that my couch would ease my complaint, I was filled with tossings to the dawning of the day. . . . Amidst all my downcastings, I had the roaring lion to grapple with who likes well to fish m muddy waters. He strongly suggested to me that I should not eat, because I had no right to food ; or if I ventured to do it, the enemy assured me, that the wrath ot DtJSiNG THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 291 ^ Little comfort, indeed, could men then gain from their re^ hgion Not only the devil, as the author of all evil, but even He whom we recognise as the author of all good, was, in the eyes of the Scotch clergy, a cruel and vindictive being’ moved with anger like themselves. They looked into their own hearts and there they found the picture of their God. According to them, He was a God of terror, instead of a God of love.^“® To Him, they imputed the worst passions of their own peevish and irritable nature. ^ They ascribed to him, revenge, cunning and a constant disposition to inflict pain. While they declared that nearly all mankind were sinners beyond the chance of redemp- tion, and were, indeed, predestined to eternal ruin, they did not scruple to accuse the Deity of resorting to artiflce against these unhappy victims ; lying in wait for them, that He might catch them unawares.^"® The Scotch clergy taught their hearers, that ^e Almighty was ^ so sanguinary, and so prone to anger, that Hg raged even against walls and houses and senseless creatureSj wreaking His fury more than ever, and scattering desolation on every side."® Sooner than miss His fell and malignant purpose, God would go down with my morsel; and that I had forfeited a right to the divine lavour, and, therefore, had nothing to do with any of God’s creatures.” . . . “ How- ever, so violent were the temptations of the strong enemy, that I frequently forsjot to eat my bread, and durst not attempt it; and when, through the persuasion of my wife, I at any time did it, the enemy through the day did buffet me in a violent wav assuring me that the wrath of God had gone over with what I had taken.” . “ The enemy after all did so pursue me, that he violently suggested to my soul that* some time or other, God would suddenly destroy me as with a thunder-clap: which so filled my soul with fear and pain, that, every now and then, I looked about me to receive the divine blow, still expecting it was a coming; yea, many a night I durst not sleep, lest I had awakened in everlasting flames.” Stevenson's Rare Car- PP’ Another poor creature, after hearing one of Smiton’s sermons, in 1740, says, “ Now, I saw myself to be a condemned criminal ; but I knew not the day of my execution. I thought that there was nothing between me and hell, but the brittle thread of natural life.” . . . “And in this drea(}ful confusion, I durst not sleep lest i had awakened in everlasting flames “And Satan violently assaulted me to take away my own life, seeing there was no mercy for me.” . . . “ Soon after this I was again violently assaulted by the tempter to take away my own life ; he presented to me a knife therewith to do it ; no person being in the house but myself. The enemv pursued me so close, that I could not endure so much as to see the knife in my sight, but laid it away.” . . . “One evening, as I was upon the street, Satan vio- lently assaulted me to go into the sea and drown myself; it would be the easiest death. Such a fear of Satan then fell upon me, as made my joints to shake, so that It was much for me to walk home ; and when I camq to the door, I found nobody within ; I was afraid to go into the house, lest Satan should get power over me.” Memoirs of the Life and Experiences of Marion. Laird of Greenock, pp. 13 14 19 46, 223, 224. > Ft ““ Binning says, that “since the first rebellion” (that is, the fall of Adam) ‘ there is nothing to be seen but the terrible countenance of an angry God ” Bin- ninc/'s Sermons, vol. iii. p. 264. , „ ^ '''’6re, lie in wait to take all advantages of sinners to undo them. Hutcheson s Exposition on the Minor Prophets, vol. i. p. 247. His wrath rages against walls, and houses, and senselesse creatures mor« now then at that time ” (i. e. at the time when the Old Testament was written). See what desolation he hath wrought in Ireland, what eating of horses, of infants^ 298 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT He would, they said, let loose avenging angels, to fall upon men and upon their families Independently of this resource. He had various ways whereby He could at once content Himself and plague His creatures, as was particularly shown in the de- vices which He employed to bring famine on a people."^ When a country was starving, it was because God, in His anger, had smitten the soil, had stopped the clouds from yielding their moisture, and thus made the fruits of the earth to witheiG^® All the intolerable sufferings caused by a want of food, the slow deaths, the agony, the general misery, the crimes which that misery produced, the anguish of the mother as she saw her children wasting away and could give them no bread, all this was His act, and the work of His hands. In His anger. He would sometimes injure the crops by making the spring so back- and of killed souldiers, hath beene in that land, and in Germany.” Rutherford’s Free Disputation against Pretended Liberty of Conscience, pp. 244, 246. m “Albeit there were no earthly man to pursue Christ’s enemies ; yet avenging angels, or evil spirits shall be let forth upon them and their families to trouble them.” Dickson's Explication of the First Fifty Psalms, p. 229. “ God hath many waves and meanes whereby to plague man, and reach his contentments." Hutcheson' s Exposition on the Minor Prophets, vol. i. p. 286. ‘‘ God hath variety of means whereby to plague men, and to bring upon them any affliction he intendeth against them ; and particularly he hath several wayes whereby to bring on famine. He can arrne all his creatures to cut off men’s provision, one of them after another ; he can make the change of aire, and small insects do that worke when he pleaseth.” Ibid., vol. i. p. 422. The same divine, in another elaborate treatise, distinctly imputes to the Deity a sensation of pleasure in injuring even the innocent. “When God sends out a scourge, of sword, famine, or pestilence, sud- denly to overthrow and cut people off, not only are the wicked reached thereby (^which is here supposed), but even the innocent, that is such as are righteous and free of gross provocations ; for, in any other sense, none are innocent, or free ot sin, in this life. Yea, further, in trying of the innocent by these scourges, the Lord seems to act as one delighted with it, and little resenting the great extremities where- with they are pressed.” Hutcheson' s Exposition of the Book of Job, 1669, folio, p. 123. Compare p. 359. “ It pleaseth the Lord to exercise great variety in afflicting the children of men,” &c. But, after all, mere extracts can give but a faint idea of the dark and malignant spirit which pervades these writings. 113 u The present death and famine quhilk seases vpon many, quhairby God his heavie wrath is evideatlie perceaved to be kindlit against vs.” Selections from the Minutes of the Synod of Fife, p. 98. “ Smiting of the fruits of the ground.” Hutche- sods Exposition on the Minor Prophets, vol. i. p. 277. “Makes fruits to wither. Ibid., vol. ii. p. 183. “Hee restraines the clouds, and bindeth up the wombe of heaven, in extreme drought.” Rutherford's Christ Dying, p. 62. “Sometime hee maketh the heaueu aboue as brasse, and the earth beneath as iron; so that albeit men labour and sow, yet they receiue no encrease : sometime againe hee giues in due season the first and latter raine, so that the earth renders abundance, but the Lord by blasting windes, or by the caterpiller, canker-worme and grasse-hopper doth consume them, who come out as exacters and officers sent from God to poind men in their goods.” Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 433. “ Under the late dearth this people suffered greatly, the poor were numerous, and many, especially about the town of Kilsyth, were at the point of starving ; yet, as I frequently observed to them, I could not see any one turning to the Ix>rd who smote them, or crying to him because of their sins, while they howled upon their bedt for bread." Robe's Narratives of the Extraordinary Work of the Spirit of God, p. 68. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 299 ward, and the weather so cold and rainy, as to insure a deficien- cy in the coming harvest. Or else, He would deceive men, by sending them a favourable season, and, after letting them toil and sweat in the hope of an abundant supply. He would, at the last moment, suddenly step in, and destroy the corn just as it was fit to be reaped."® For, the God of the Scotch Kirk was a God who tantalized His creatures as well as punished them ; and when He was provoked. He would first allure men by encouraging their expectations, in order that their subse- quent misery might be more poignant."’' Under the inhuence of this horrible creed, and from the unbounded sway exercised by the clergy who advocated it, the Scotch mind was thrown into such a state, that, during the seventeenth, and part of the eighteenth, century, some of the noblest feelings of which our nature is capable, the feelings of hope, of love, and of gratitude, were set aside, and were replaced by the dictates of a servile and ignominious fear. The physical sufferings to which the human frame is liable, nay, even the very accidents to which we are casually exposed, were believed to proceed, not from our ignorance, nor from our carelessness, but from the rage of the Deity. If a fire chanced to break out in Edinburgh, the greatest alarm was excited, because it was the voice of God crying out against a luxurious and dissolute city."® If a boil or a sore appeared on your body, that, too, was a divine punishment, and it was more than doubtful whether it might lawfully be cured."® The small-pox, being NicolVs Diary, pp. 152, 153. Much rain in the autumn, was “the Lord’s dis- pleasure upon the land.” Minutes of the Presbyteries of St A 7 idrews and Cuvar p. 1V9. ^ ^ j r Men sweat, till, sow much, and the sun and summer, and clouds, warnie dewes and raines smile upon comes and meddowes, yet God steppeth in between the mouth of the husbandman and the sickle, and blasteth all.” Rutherford's Christ Dying, p. 87. Compare Baillie's Letters, voX.Wi, p. 62, on the “continuance of very intemperate rain upon the corns,” as one of the “ great signs of the wrath of God.” 117 “ When the Lord is provoked, he can not only send an affliction, but so order it, by faire appearances of a better lot, and heightening of the sinners expectation and desire, as may make it most sad.” Hutcheson's Exposition on the Mmor Prophets, vol. iii. pp. 9, 10. In 1696, thei’e was a fire in Edinburgh; whereupon Moncrief, in his sermon next day, “ told us, ‘That God’s voice was crying to this city, and that he was come to the very ports, and was crying over the walls to us; that we should amend our ways, lest he should come to our city, and consume us in a terrible manner.’ I can- not tell what this dispensation of Providence wrought on me,” &c. Memoirs or Spiritual Exercises of Elizabeth Wast, vyritten by her own Hand, pp. 41, 42. See also, at pp. 122, 123, the account of another conflagration, where it is said, “there was much of God to be seen in this fire.” Compare a curious passage in Colder- wood s History of the Kirk of Scotland, vol. vii. pp. 466, 456. The Rev. James Fraser had a boil, and afterwards a fever. “During this sickness he miraculously allayed the pain of my boil, and speedily, and that without means, cured it ; for however T bought some things to prevent it, yet looking on it as a punishment from God, I knew not if I could be free to take the rod out of hia 300 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT one of the most fatal as well as one of the most loathsome of all diseases, was especially sent by God ; and, on that account, the remedy of inoculation was scouted as a profane attempt to frus- trate His intentions.'^® Other disorders, which, though less ter- rible, were very painful, proceeded from the same source, and all owed their origin to tlw anger of the Almighty.'*" In every thing. His power was displayed, not by increasing the happiness of men, nor by adding to their comforts, but by hurting and vexing them in all possible ways. His hand, always raised against the people, would sometimes deprive them of wine by causing the vintage to fail sometimes, would destroy their cattle in a storm ; and sometimes would even make dogs hand, and to counterwork him.” Memoirs of the Rev. James Fraser of Brea, Minis- ter of the Gospel at Culross, written by Himself in Select Biographies, \ol. ii. p. 223. Durham declaims against “Sinful shunning and shifting olf suflering ; ” and Ruther- ford says, “No man should rejoice at weakness and diseases; but I think we may have a sort of gladness at boils and sores, because without them, Christ’s fingers, as a slain Lord, should never have touched our skin.” Durham's Law Unsealed, p. 160 ; Rutherford's Religious Letters, p. 265. I do not know what effect these passages may produce upon the reader ; but it makes my flesh creep to quote them. Compare Stevenson's Rare, Saul- strengthening, and Comforting Cordial, p. 36. It was not until late in the eighteenth century, that the Scotch clergy gave up this notion. At last, even they became influenced by the ridicule to w’hich their superstition exposed them, and which produced more effect than any argument could have done. The doctrines, however, which they and their predecessors had long inculcated, had so corrupted the popular mind, that instances will, I believe, be found even in the nineteenth century, of the Scotch deeming precautions against small-pox to be criminal, or, as they called it, flying in the face of Providence. The latest evidence I can at this moment put my hand on, is in a volume published in 179Y. It is stated by the Rev. John Paterson, that, in the parish of Auldearn, in the county of Nairn, “Very few have fallen a sacrifice to the small-pox, though the people are in general averse to inoculation, from the general gloominess of their faith, which teaches them, that all diseases which afflict the human fi’ame are in- stances of the Divine interposition, for the punishment of sin; any interference, therefore, on their part, they deem an usurpation of the prerogative of the Almighty.” Sinclair's Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. xix. p. 618, Edinburgh, 1797. See also vol. xiv. p. 52, Edinburgh, 1795. This is well said. No doubt, so abject, and so pernicious, a superstition among the people, was the result of “ the general gloominess of their faith.” But the Rev. John Paterson has forgotten to add, that the gloominess of which he complains, was in strict conformity with the teachings of the most able, the most energetic, and the most venerated ot the Scotch clergy. Mr. Paterson renders scant justice to his countrymen, and should rather have praised the tenacity with which they adhered to the instructions they had long been accus- tomcd to rBCOivc* The Rev. John Welsh, when suffering from a painful disorder, and also from other troubles, writes ; “ My douleurs ar impossible to expresse.” . • the Lord’s indignation.” See his letter, in Miscellany of the Wodrow Society, vol. i. p. 658. See also Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 128. A pain in one’s side was the work of “ the Lord ” (Memoirs of Marion Laird, p. 96) ; so was a sore throat ( Wast s Memoirs, p. 203) ; and so was the fever in pleurisy, Rohe's Narratives of the Extraor- dinary Work of the Spirit of God, p. 66. « t, • In January 1653, “This tyme, and mony monethis before, thair wes great ekairshtie of wynes. In this also appered Godis justice toward this natioun for abusing of that blissing many yeiris befoir.” Nicoll's Diary, p. 105. This idea was so deeply rooted, that we actually find a public fast and nunuli' ation ordered, on account of “ this present uncouth storme of frost and snaw. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 301 Hte their legs when they least expected Sometimes, He would display His wrath by making the weather excessively dry sometimes, by making it equally wet.*®® He was al- ways punishing ; always busy in increasing the general suffer- ing, or, to use the language of the time, making the creature smart under the rod.*®’’ Every fresh war was the result of His special interference ; it was not caused by the meddling folly or insensate ambition of statesmen, but it was the immediate work of the Deity, who was thus made responsible for all the devastations, the murders, and other crimes more horrible still, which war produces.*®® In the intervals of peace, which, at that period, were very rare. He had other means of vexing man- kind. The shock of an earthquake was a mark of His displeas- ure ;*®* a comet was a sign of coming tribulation ;*®“ and when an eclipse appeared, the panic was so universal, that persons of all ranks hastened to church to deprecate His wrath.*®* What quhilk hes continewit sa lang that the bestiall ar dieing thik fauld.” Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, p. 82. 124 u Tjjere was a dog bit my leg most desperately. I no sooner received this, but I saw the hand of God in it.” TUas^’s Memoirs, p. 1 14. 125 u ipjjg evident documentis of Goddis wrath aganes the land, be the extraordi- narie drouth.” Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, 126 (jrphe hynous synnes of the land produced much takines of Godis wraith; namelie, in this spring tyme, for all Februar and a great pairt of Marche wer full of bavie weittis.” NicoU's Diary, p. 162. HalyburtorC s Great Concern of Salvation, p. 85. Fleming's Fulflling of Scrip- ture, pp. 101, 149, 176. Balfour' s Annales, vol i. p. 169. Boston’s Sermons, p. 52, Boston's Human Nature in its Fourfold State, pp. 67, 136. Memoirs of Marion Laird, pp. 63, 90, 113, 163. Hutcheson! s Exposition of the Book of Job, pp. 62, 91, 140,^87,242,310,449,471,476, 627,528. 128 is one of the sharp scourges whereby God punisheth wicked nations ; and it cometh upon a people, not accidentally but by the especial providence of God, who hath peace_ and war in his own hand.” Hutcheson's Exposition on the Minor Prophets, yol. ii. p. 3. In 1644, “Civill war wracks Spaine, and lately wracked Italic : it is coming by appearance shortlie upon France. The just Lord, who Ix!- holds with patience the wickednesse of nations, at last aWses «» /wrie.” .... “The Swedish and Danish fleets, after a hott fight, are making for a new onsett ; great blood is feared shall be shortly shed there, both by sea and land. The anger of the Lord against all christendome is great.” Baillie's Letters and Journals, vol. ii. pp. 190, 228. “ Earthquakes, whereby God, when he is angry, overthrows and overturns very mountains.” Hutcheson's Exposition of the Book of Job, p. 114. “The minis- tris and sessioun convening in the sessioun hous, considdering the fearfull earth- quak that wes yisternicht, the aucht of this instant, throughout this haill citie about nine houris at evin, to be a document that God is angrie aganes the land and aganes this citie in particular, for the manifauld sinnis of the people,” &c. Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, p. 64. 130 u Whatever natural causes may be adduced for those alarming appearances,, the system of comets is yet so uncertain, and they have so frequently preceded desolating strokes and turns in public affairs, that they seem designed in providence to stir up sinners to seriousness. Those preachers from heaven, when God’s mes- sengers were silenced, neither prince nor prelate could stop.” Wodrow's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. i. p. 421. 181 “People of all sortes rane to the churches to deprecat God’s wrath.” BdU four’s Annales, vol. i. p. 403. This was in 1598. 302 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT they heard there, would increase their fear, instead of allaying it. For the clergy taught their hearers, that even so ordinary an event as thunder, was meant to excite awe, and was sent for the purpose of showing to men with how terrible a master they had to deal.^^'^ Not to tremble at thunder was, therefore, a mark of impiety ; and, in this respect, man was unfavourably contrasted with the lower animals, since they were invariably moved by this symptom of divine power. These visitations, eclipses, comets, earthquakes, thunder, famine, pestilence, war, disease, blights in the air, failures in the crops, cold winters, dry summers, these, and the like, were, in the opinion of the Scotch divines, outbreaks of the anger of the Almighty against the sins of men ; and that such out- breaks were incessant is not surprising, when we consider that, in the same age, and according to the same creed, the most in- nocent, and even praiseworthy, actions were deemed sinful, and worthy of chastisement. The opinions held on this subject are not only curious, but extremely instructive. Besides forming an important part of the history of the human mind, they sup~ ply decisive proof of the danger of allowing a single profession to exalt itself above all other professions. For, in Scotland, as elsewhere, directly the clergy succeeded in occupying a more than ordinary amount of public attention, they availed them- selves of that circumstance to propagate those ascetic doctrines, which, while they strike at the root of human happiness, benefit no one except the class which advocates them. That class, in- deed, can hardly fail to reap advantage from a policy, which, by increasing the apprehensions to which the ignorance and timid- ity of men make them too liable, does also increase their eager- ness to fiy for support to their spiritual advisers. And the greater the apprehension, the greater the eagerness.^ Of this, the Scotch clergy, who were perfect masters of their own art, were well aware. Under their influence, a system of morals was established, which, representing nearly every act as sinful, kept the people in perpetual dread, lest unwittingly they were “ By it, he leanifests his power and shows himself terrible.” Durham's Com- mentarie upon the Book of the Revelatio7i, p. 33. Compare Rows History of the Kirk, p. 333 ; and a passage in Laird's Memoirs, p. 69, which shows how greedily their credulous hearers imbibed such notions: “There were several signal evidences that the Lord’s righteous judgments were abroad in the earth ; great claps of thunder, &c. ■ 133 n rpjjg stupidity and senselessnesse of man is greater than that of the brute creatures, which are all more moved with the thunder than the hearts of men for the most part.” Dickson' s Explication of the First Fifty Psalms, p. 193. Hutcheson makes a similar remark concerning earthquakes. “ The shaking and trembling of insensible creatures, when God is angry, serves to condemn men, who are not sen- sible of it, nor will stoop under his hand.” Hvicheson's Exposition of the Book of Job, p. 115. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 303 committing some enormous offence, which would bring upon their heads a signal and overwhelming punishment. According to this code, all the natural affections, all social pleasures, all amusements, and all the joyous instincts of the human heart were sinful, and were to be rooted out. It was sinful tor a mother to wish to have sons and, if she had any, it was sinful to be anxious about their welfare. It was a sin to please yourself, or to please others ; for, by adopting either course, you were sure to displease God.^^® All pleasures, therefore, however slight in themselves, or however lawful they might appear must be carefully avoided. When mixing in society, we should edify tne company, if the gift of edification had been be- should by no means attempt to amuse tnem. Cheerfulness, especialJy when it rose to laughter was to be guarded against ; and we should choose for our associates . born two or three daughters, and was sinfully anxious after a son to heir the estate of Colsfeild.” Wodrow^s Analecta, vol. iii. p 293. terrible creed, the amiable mother of Duncan Forbes, wilting to him respecting his own health and that of his brother, speaks of my sinful God-provoking anxiety, both for your souls and bodies.” ^BurtoJs Lives of Uvat and Forhe,, p. 274. The theological theory, underlying and su-^e^ J^our Jold btate, p 184. Hence its rigid application on days set apart for relidous thaTsome of tL^s7ot f"’’ of Saint Andrews, vol. i. p. 458) mentions ttiat some ot the Scotch clergy, m drawing up regulations for the government of a colony inserted the following clause : “ No husband shall kiss his wffe, and no moth- er shall kiss her child on the Sabbath day.” ’ pleasing God. Binmvgs Sermons, vol. ii. p. 65. Elsewhere (vol. ii p 45 V Amity to ourselves IS enmity to God.” ' H 137 ‘‘Pleasures are most carefully to be auoided : because they both harme and P- P- authority says, Beate downe thy body, and bring it to subiection by abstaining, not only but also from lawfull and indifferent deli"hts ” t") Hutcheson's Exposition of Job, p. 6, “ there is no time wherein men are more ready to miscarry, and discover any bitter root in them, then when f*"? creatures, and amidst occasions of mirth and cheerfulness. How this doctrine ripened, cannot be better illustrated than from ColoneTRWk!,H^^^^® P*'"^ eighteenth century, by Such nf^h^ ^ in ^ educated man, who had seen urcpSnf degree, be called a man of the world. In Shccrb^ wedding, and, on his return home, he writes : “I was cheerful, and perhaps gave too great a swing to raillery, but I hope not light or vain m conversation. I desire always to have my speech seasoned with salt, and minis- tering profit to the hearers. Sitting up late, and merry enough, though I hope inno ^ 7^4 W V • 7 ./ ^ ustify myself.” The Life and Diary of Lieut. -Col. J. Blackader, by Andrew Crichton, p. 458. On another occasion (p. 611), in 1720 he was at an evening party. “ The young people were merry. I laid a restraint upon myself for h?pL- but little, only so as not to show moroseness or ill- breedmg. We sat late, but the conversation was innocent, and no drinking but as we pleased. However, much time is spent ; which I dare not justify. Ln all things V? something that may cealpd t^Jcc^Tl^’n•^"^’•®^^l®^ biographer (p. 437), “Conversation, when it Sh^oup-ht degenerating into idle entertainment, WDicn ought to be checked rather than encouraged.” 304 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT grave and sorrowful men, who were not likely to indulge in so foolish a practice.*^® Smiling, provided it stopped short of laughter, might occasionally be allowed ; still, being a carnal pastime, it was a sin to smile on Sunday. Even on week- days, those who were most imbued with religious principles hardly ever smiled, but sighed, groaned, and wept.*^‘ A true Christian would be careful, in his movements, to preserve inva- riable gravity, never running, but walking soberly, and not treading out in a brisk and lively manner, as unbelievers are wont to do.‘^® So, too, if he wrote to a friend, he must beware »s§ (1 Prequeiit the gravest company, and the fellowship of those that are sor- tOwfull.” A-bernethy's Physicke for the Soule, p. 416. Compare the attacks on too much carnal mirth and laughter,” in Durham's Law Unsealed, p. 323 ; in Fleming's Fidfilling of the Scripture, p. 226 ; and in Fergusson's Exposition of the Epistles of p. 227. See also Gray's Spiritual Warfare, p. 42. Cowper says, “ Woe be unto them that now laugh, for assuredly they shall weepe, the end of their joy shall be endlesse mourning and gnashing of teeth, they shall shed tears abundantly with Esau, but shall find no place for mercy.” Cowper' s Heaven Opened, p. 271. Hutche- son, in a strain of unusual liberality, permits occasional laughter. He says, “There is a faculty of laughing given to men, which certainly is given for use, at least at sometimes ; and diversions are sometime needfull for men who are serious and em- ployed in weighty affairs.” “ And particularly, laughter is sometime lawful for magistrates and others in publick charge, not only that they may recreate them- selves, but that, thereby, and by the like insinuating carriage, they may gain the affection of the people.” Hutcheson's Exposition of the Book of Job, edit, folio, 1669, pp. 389, 390. In 1650, when Charles II. was in Scotland, “ the clergy reprehended him very sharply, if he smiled on those days” (Sundays). Clarendords History of the Rebellion, book xiii. p. 747, edit. Oxford, 1843. It is said of Donald Cargill, that ‘‘ his very countenance was edifying to be- holders; often sighing with deep groans.” A Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Pre- rogatives of Jesus Christ, p. 423. The celebrated James Durham was “ a person of the utmost gravity, and scarce smiled at anything.” Howie's Biographia Scoticana, p. 226. Of Livingston, we are told “ that he was a very affectionate person, and weeped much; that it was his ordinary way, and might be observed almost every Sabbath, that when he came into the pulpite he sate doun a little, and looked first to the one end of the kirk, and then to the other ; and then, ordinarly, the tear shott in his eye, and he weeped, and oftimes he began his preface and his work weeping.” Wodrow's Analecta, vol. ii. p. 249. James Alexander “ used to weep much in prayer and preaching ; he was every way most savoury.” Ibid., vol. iii. p. 89. As to the Rev. John Carstairs, “ his band in the Sabbath would have been all wett, as if it liad been douked, with tears, before he was done with his first prayer.” p. 48. Aird, minister of Dalserf, “ weeping much” {Ibid., vol. iii. p. 66), “ Mr. James Stirling tells me was a most fervent, affectionat, weeping preacher.” p. 172 ; and the Rev. Alexander Dunlop was noted for what was termed “ a holy groan,” vol. iii p. 21. See also, on weeping as a mark of religion, Wast's Memoirs, pp. 83, 84; and Robe's Narratives of the Extraordinary Work of the Spirit of God, pp. 21, 31, 75, 150. One passage from the most popular of the Scotch preachers, I hesitate as to the propriety of quoting ; but it is essential that their ideas should be known, if the history of Scotland is to be understood. Rutherford, after stating whom it is that we should seek to imitate, adds : “Christ did never laugh on earth that we read of, but he wept.” Rutherford's Christ Dying, 1647, 4to, p. 525. I publish this with no irreverent spirit ; God forbid that I should. But I will not be deterred from letting this age see the real character of a system which aimed at destroying all human happiness, exciting slavish and abject fear, and turning this glorious world into one vast theatre of woe. m “Walk with a sober pace, not ‘ tinkling with your feet.”’ Memoirs of the DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 305 lest his letter should contain any thing like jocoseness ; since jesting is incompatible with a holy and serious lifed^® It was, moreover, wrong to take pleasure in beautiful sce- nery ; for a pious man had no concern with such matters, which were beneath him, and the admiration of which should be left to the unconverted.'^^ The unregenerate might delight in these vanities, but they who were properly instructed, saw Nature as she really was, and knew that as she, for about five thousand years, had been constantly on the move, her vigour was well-nigh spent, and her pristine energy had departed.'^® To the eye of ignorance, she still seemed fair and fresh ; the fact, however, was, that she was worn out and decrepit ; she was suffering from extreme old age ; her frame, no longer elastic, was leaning on one side, and she soon would perish,'^® Owing to the sin Rev. James Fraser, vrritten by Himself, in Select Biographies, toI. ii. p. 280. “It is somewhat like this, or less than this, which the Lord condemneth, Isa. iii. 16, ‘Walking and mincing, or tripping and making a tinkling with their feet.’ What is that but disdaining the grave way of walking, to aifect an art in it? as many do now in our days ; and shall this be displeasing to the Lord, and not the other ? seeing he loveth, and is best pleased with, the native way of carrying the body.” Durhanis Law Unsealed, p. 324. “The believer hath, or at least ought to have, and, if he be like himself, will have, a well ordered walk, and will be in his carriage stately and princely.” Durham's Exposition of the Song of Solomon, p. 365. “ At home, writing letters to a friend. My vein is inclined to jest and hu- mour. The letter was too comical and jocose ; and after I had sent it away, I had a check that it was too light, and jesting foolishly. I sent and got it back, and de- stroyed it. My temper goes too far that way, and I ought to check it and be more on my guard, and study edification in every thing.” Crichton's Life and Diary of Blackader, pp. 536, 53Y. Even amongst young children, from eight years old and upwards, toys and games were bad ; and it was a good sign when they were uis« carded. “ Some very young, of eight and nine years of age, some twelve and thir- teen. They still inclined more and more to their duty, so that they meet three times a day, in the morning, at night, and at noon. Also they have forsaken all their childish fancies and plays ; so these that have been awakened are known by their countenance and conversation, their walk and behaviour.” Robe's Narratives of the Extraordinary Work of the Spirit of God, pp. 79, 80. 144 K rpQ unmortified man, the world smelleth like the garden of God.” .... “the world is not to him an ill-smelled stinking corps.” Rutherford's Christ Dying, p. 498. But those who were properly mortified, knew that “ the earth is but a pot- ter’s bouse ” {Ibid., p. 286) ; “ an old thred-bare-worn case ” {Ibid., p. 530) ; a “ smoky house ” {Rutherford's Religious Letters, p. 100) ; a “ plaistered, rotten world ” {Ibid., p.l32); and “an ashy and dirty earth ” {Ibid., p. 169). “ The earth also is spotted (like the face ofa woman once beautifull, but now deformed with scabs ofieprosie)with thistles, thornes, and much barren wildernesse.” Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 255. “Wearinesse and motion is laid on Moon and Sunne, and all creatures on this side of the Moon. Seas ebbe and flow, and that’s trouble ; winds blow, rivera move, heavens and stars these five thousand yeares, except one time, have not had sixe minutes rest.” .... “The Sunne that never rests, but moves as swiftly in the night as in the day.” Rutherford's Christ Dying, pp. 12, 167. “ This is the world’s old age ; it is declining ; albeit it seem a fair and beautiful thing in the eyes of them who know no better, and unto them who are of yesterday and know nothing, it Zooks as if it had been created yesterday ; yet the truth is, and a believer knows, it is near the grave.” Binning' s Sermons, vol. iii. p. 372. 146 then, I say, is the state all things ye see, are in, — it is their old age. The creation now is an old rotten house that is all dropping through and leaning to the one side.” Binning' s Sermons, vol, iii. p. 398. 306 AN EXAMINATION OP THE SCOTCH INTELLECT of man, all things were getting worse, and nature was degener- ating so fast, that already the lilies were losing their whiteness, and the roses their smell.^^’’ The heavens were waxing old the very sun, which lighted the earth, was becoming feeble.'’^® This universal degeneracy was sad to think of ; but the profane knew it not. Their ungodly eyes were still pleased by what they saw. Such was the result of their obstinate determination to indulge the senses, all of which were evil ; the eye being, be- yond comparison, the most wicked. Hence, it was especially marked out for divine punishment ; and, being constantly sin- ning, it was afflicted with fifty-two different diseases, that is, one disease for each week in the year.^®“ On this account, it was improper to care for beauty of any kind ; or, to speak more accurately, there was no real beauty. The world afforded nothing worth looking at, save and except the Scotch Kirk, which was incomparably the most beautiful thing under heaven.'®^ To look at that was a lawful enjoyment, but every other pleasure was sinful. To write poetry, for in- stance, was a grievous offence, and worthy of especial condem- nation. ^ To listen to music was equally Avrong ; for men had no right to disport themselves in such idle recreation. Hence the clergy forbad music to be introduced even during the festivi- ties of a marriage neither would they permit, on any occa- “ The lilies and roses, which, no doubt, had more sweetnesse of beauty and smell, before the sin of man made them vanity-sick.” Rutherford's Christ Dying, p. 186. 148 a rpjjg heavens that are supposed to be incorruptible, yet they wax old as doth a garment.” Biniiing's Sermons, vol. i. p. 95. ii'j “'phe neerer the sun drawes to the end of his daily course, the lesse is his strength, for we see the Sunne in the evening decayes in heat ; so it is, the longer by reuolution he turnes about in his sphere, he waxes alway the weaker ; and, to vse the similitude of the holy spirit, as a garment the older it groweth becomes the lesse beautifull.” Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 255. “ It is so delicate by nature, that since it was the first sense that offended, it is, aboue all the rest, made subject (as a condigne punishment) to as many maladies, as there are weekes in a yeere.” Ahernethy' s Physicke for the Soide, p. 501. The Scotch divines were extremely displeased with our eyes. Rutherford contemptu- ously calls them “two clay windows.” Rutherfords Christ Dying, p. 670. Gray, going still further, says, “these cursed eyes of ours.” Gray's Great and Precious Promises, p. 63. 161 u yisible Kirk where God’s ordinances are set up, as he hath ap- pointed, where his word is purely preached, is the most beautifull thing under heaven.” Dickson's Explication of the First Fifty Psalms, p. 341. I have one very late, and, on that account, very curious, instance of the dif- fusion of this feeling in Scotland. In 1767, a vacancy occurred in the mastership of the grammar-school of Greenock. It was offered to John Wilson, the author of “ Clyde.” But, says his biographer, “ the magistrates and minister of Greenock thought fit, before they would admit Mr. AVilson to the superintendance of the gram- mar school, to stipulate that he should abandon ‘the profane and unprofitable art of poem-making.’” Lives of Eminent Scotsmen by the Society of Ancient Scots, 1821, vol. V. p. 169. “ Sept. 22, 1649. — ^The quhilk day the Sessioune caused mak this act, that DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 307 sion, the national entertainment of pipers.*®^ Indeed, it was sinful to look at any exhibition in the streets, even tliough you only looked at it from your own window. Dancing was so extremely sinful, that an edict, expressly prohibiting it, was enacted by the General Assembly, and read in every church in Edinburgh. New Year’s Eve had long been a period of rejoicing in Scotland, as in other parts of Europe. The Church laid her hands on this also, and ordered that no one should sing the songs usual on that day, or should admit such singers into his own private house. At the christening of a child, the Scotch were accustomed to assemble their relations, including their distant cousins, in whom, then as now, they much abounded. But this caused pleasure, and pleasure was sinful. It was, therefore, forbidden ; tbe number of guests was limited ; and the strictest supervis- ion was exercised by the clergy, to prevent the possibility of any one being improperly happy on such occasions. ther sould be no pypers at brydels, and who ever sould have a pyper playing at their brydell on their manage day, sail loose their consigned money, and be farder punisched as the Sessioune thinks fitt.” Extracts from the Registers of the Presby- tery of Glasgow, and of the Kirk Sessions of the Parishes of Cambusnethan Humbie and Stirling, p. 34. This curious volume is a quarto, and without date ; unless, indeed, one of the title-pages is wanting in my copy. See the Minutes of the Kirk Session of Glasgow, in Wodrow's Collections upon the Lives of Ministers, vol. ii. part ii. p. 76 ; also the case of “Mure, pyper,” in Se- lections from the Minutes of the Presbyteries of Saint Andrews and Cupar, p. 72. This notion lingered on, probably to the beginning of this century ; certainly to late in the last. In a work published in Scotland in 1836, it is stated, that a cler- gyman was still alive, who was “ severely censured,” merely because, when Punch was performing, “ the servant w'as sent out to the showman to request him to come below the windows of her master’s house, that the clergyman and his wife might enjoy the sight.” Traditions of Perth by George Penny, Pei th, 1836, p. 124. 168 u pgjj ] 55 Q_ of the commissioun of the Generali Assemblie wes red in all the churches of Edinburgh dischargeing promiscuous dansing.” Nicoll's Diary, p. 3. See also Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1638- 1842, p. 201 ; Register of the Kirk Sessio7i of Cambusnethan, p. 35 ; Minutes of the Presbyteries of St. Andrews and Cupar, pp. 55, 181 ; Minutes of the Synod of Fife, pp. 160, 169, 176; and a choice passage in A Collection of Senno^is by Eminent Divines, p. 61. See Selections from Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, pp. 77, 78, forbidding any one to “giwe ony meatt or drink to these sang- steris or lat thame within thair houss.” The singers were to bo “ put in prisoun.” In 1643 the Presbytery of St. Andrews ordered that “ because of the great abuse that is likewayes among them by conveening multitudes at baptismes and con- tracts, the ministers and sessions are appointed to take strict order for restraineing these abuses, that in number they exceid not sixe or seven. As also ordaines that the hostlers quho mak such feists salbe censured by the sessions.” Minutes of the Presbyteries of St. Andrews and Ciipgr, p. 11. See also Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, pp. 109, 110, complaining of the custom “that everie base servile man in the towne, when he hes a barne to be baptesed, invitis tuelff or sextene persones to be his gossopes and godfatheris to his barne,” &c. ; and enacting “ that it shall not be lesume to any inhabitant within this hurt quhasoever, to invite any raa persones to be godfatheris to thair barne in ony tyme cumming bot tua or four at the most, lyk as the Kirk officier is expresslie commaudit and pro- 308 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT Not only at baptisms, but also at marriages, the same spirit was displayed. In every country, it has been usual to make merry at marriages ; partly from a natural feeling, and partly, perhaps, from a notion that a contract, so often productive of misery, might, at all events, begin with mirth. The Scotch clergy, however, thought otherwise. At the weddings of the poor, they would allow no rejoicing and at the weddings of the rich, it was the custom for one of them to go for the express purpose of preventing an excess of gaiety. A better precaution could hardly be devised ; but they did not trust exclusively to it. To check the lusts of the flesh, they, furthermore, took into account the cookery, the choice of the meats, and the num- ber of the dishes. They were, in fact, so solicitous on these points, and so anxious that the nuptial feast should not be too attractive, that they fixed its cost, and would not allow any person to exceed the sum which they thought proper to name.^®“ Nothing escaped their vigilance. For, in their opinion, even the best man was, at his best time, so full of turpitude, that his actions could not fail to be wicked. ‘ He never passed a day without sinning, and the smallest sin deserved eternal wrath. Indeed, every thing he did was sinful, no matter how pure his motives.*®® Man had been gradually falling lower and hibitt that from hence furth he tak vp no ma names to be godfatheris, nor giwe any ma vp to the redar bot four at the most, vnder all hiest censure he may incur be the contrarie, and this ordinance to be intimat out of pulpitt, that the people pre- tend no ignorance thairof.” They forbad music and dancing ; and they ordered that not more than twen- ty-four persons should be present. See the enactment, in 1647, respecting “Pennie bryddells,” in Minutes of the Presbyteries of St. Andrews and Cupar, p. 117. In 1650, “ The Presbyterie being sadly weghted with the report of the continwance, and exhorbitant and unnecessarly numerous confluences of people at pennie brydles, and of inexpedient and wnlawfull pypeing and dancing at the same, so scandalous andsinfull in thistyme of our Churches lamentable conditioun ; and being apprehen- sive that ministers and Kirk Sessiouns have not bein so vigilant and active (as neid werre), for repressing of these disorders, doe therfor most seriously recommend to ministers and Kirk Sessiouns to represse the same.” Ibid., pp. 169, 170. See, fur- ther, Registers of the Presbytery of Lanark, p. 29 ; and Extracts from the Presby- tery Book of Strathbogie, pp. 4, 144. See two curious instances of limitation of price, in Irving's History of Hxmi- bartonshire, p. 667 ; and in Wodrow's Collections upon the Lives of Ministers, vol. ii. part ii. p. 34. 161 u ^Y'hat a vile, haughty, and base creature he is — how defiled and desperately wicked his nature — how abominable his actions ; in a word, what a compound of darkness and wickedness he is — a heap of defiled dust, and a mass of confusion — a sink of impiety and iniquity, even the best of mankind, those of the rarest and most refined extraction, take them at their best estate." Binning' s Sermons, vol. ii. part ii. p. 302. Compare Boston's Human Nature wits Fo%ir-fold Stale, pp. 26, 27. 16 S arpjjg gjj^ cannot but deserve God’s wrath and curse eternally.” Dick- son's Truth's Victory over Error, p. 71. “ All men, even the regenerate, sin daily.” Jbid., p. 153. “ Our best works have such a mixture of corruption and sin in them, that they deserve his curse and wrath.” Ibid., p. 130. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 309 lower, and had now sunk to a point of debasement, which made jiini infGrior to th6 l)GRsts tliat pGrish,^®^ Eygii bcforG 1 ig wes born, and while he was yet in his mothers womb, his guilt began. And when he grew up, his crimes multiplied thick and fast ; one of the most heinous of them being the practice of teaching children new words, — a horrible custom, justly visited by divine wrath. This, however, was but one of a series of innumerable and incessant offences ; so that the only wonder was, that the earth could restrain herself at the hideous spectacle which man presented, and that she did not open her mouth, as of old, and swallow him even in the midst of his wickedness.*®^ For it was certain, that in the whole creation, there was nothing so deformed and monstrous as he.*®® ’ Such being the case, it behoved the clergy to come forward, and to guard men against their own vices, by controlling their daily actions, and forcing them to a right conduct. This they did vigorously. Aided by the elders, who were their tools and the creatures of their power, they, all over Scotland, organized themselves into legislative bodies, and, in the midst of their little senate, they enacted laws which the people were bound to obey. If they refused, woe be to them. They became unruly sons of the Church, and were liable to be imprisoned, to be fined, or to be whipped,*®* or to be branded with a hot iron,*"® But now, falling away from God, hee hath also so farre degenerated from his owne kind, that he is become inferiour to the beasts.” Oowper's Heaven Opened p. 251. “ 0 ! is not man become so brutish and ignorant, that he may be sent unto the beasts of the field to be instructed of that which is his duty ? ” Gray's Spiritual Warfare, p. 28. “ Men are naturally more bruitish than beasts themselves.” Boston's Human Nature in its Four-fold State, p. 58. “Worse than the beast of the field.” Halyburton's Great Concern of Salvation, p. 71. “ Infants, even in their mother’s belly, have in themselves sufficient guilt to deserve such judgments ; ” i. e. when women with child are “ ript up.” Hutcheson's Exposition on the Minor Prophets, vol. i. p. 265. And in our speech, our Scripture and old Scots names are gone out of re- quest ; instead of Father and Mother, Mamma and Papa, training children to speak nonsense, and what they do not understand. These few instances, amongst many that might be given, are additional causes of God’s wrath.” The Life and Heath of Mr. Alexander Peden, late Minister of the Gospel at New Glenluce, in Galloway in Walker's Biographia Presbyteriana, vol. i. p. 140. * Yea, if the Lord did not restraine her, shee would open her mouth and swallow the wicked, as she did Corah, Dathan, and Abiram.” Cowper's Heaven Opened, p. 2o7. Compare Hutcheson s Exposition on the Elinor Pronhets vol i n 607. ^ ‘ ' 168 Jg jjQthing so monstrous, so deformed in the world, as man.” Bin- ning's Sermons, vol. i. p. 234. “ There is not in all the creation such a miserable creature as man.” Ibid., vol. iii. p. 321. “ Nothing so miserable.” Abernethy's Physicke for the Soule, p. 37. December I7th, 1636. Mention made of a correction house, which the Session ordeans persons to be taken to, both men and women, and appoints them to be whipt every day during the Session’s will.” Wodrow's Collections upon the Lives of Ministers, vol. ii. part ii. p. 67. On the 22d October 1648, the Kirk Session of Dunfermline ordered that a 310 AN EXAMINATION OE THE SCOTCH INTELLECT or to do penance before the whole congregation, humbling them- selves, bare-footed, and with their hair cut on one side,*” while the minister, under pretence of rebuking them, enjoyed his triumph,*’'^ All this was natural enough. For the clergy were the delegates of heaven, and the interpreters of its will. They, therefore, were the best judges of what men ought to do ; and any one whom they censured was bound to submit with humil- ity and repentance.*'^® The arbitrary and irresponsible tribunals, which now sprung up all over Scotland, united the executive authority with the legislative, and exercised both functions at the same time. Declaring that certain acts ought not to be committed, they took the law into their own hands, and punished those who had committed them. According to the principles of this new jurisprudence, of which the clergy were the authors, it became a sin for any Scotchman to travel in a Catholic country.*” It was a sin for any Scotch innkeeper to admit a Cathohc into his inn.*'*® It was a sin for any Scotch town to hold a market certain Janet Robertson “ shall he cartit and scourged through the town, and markit with an hot iron.” Chalmers' History of Dunfermline^ p. 437. *’* “ As they punish by pecuniary tines, so corporally too, by imprisoning the persons of the delinquents, using them disgracefully, carting them through cities, making them stand in logges, as they call them, pillaries (which in the country churches are fixed to the two sides of the main door of the Parish Church), cutting the halfe of their hair, shaving their beards, &c., and it is more than ordinary, by their ‘ original ’ and ‘ proper power,’ to banish them out of the bounds and limits of the parish, or presbytery, as they list to order it.” Presbytery Displayd, p. 4. *” The Scotch clergy of the seventeenth century were not much given to joking; but on one of these occasions a preacher is said to have hazard('d a pun. A woman, named Ann Cantly, being made to do penance, “ Here ” (said the minis- ter), “Here is one upon the stool of repentance, they call her Cantly ; she saith her- self, she is an honest woman, but I trow scantly." Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, p. 125. From what I have read of Scotch theology, I can bear testimony to the accuracy of this book, so far as its general character is concerned. Indeed, the author, through fear of being entirely discredited, has often rather understated his case. As Durham says, in his Exposition, of the Song of Solomon,, p. 451, “It is no burden to an honest believer to acknowledge Christ’s ministers, to obey their doc- trine, and submit to their censures.” *” A man, named Alexander Laurie, was brought before the Kirk Session of Perth, “ and being inquired by the minister if, in his last being out of this country, he had been in Spain, answered that he was in Portugal, but was never present at mass, neither gave reverence to any procession, and that he was never demanded by any concerning his religion. The said Alexander being removed and censured, it was thought good by the (Kirk) Session that he should be admonished not to travel in these parts again, except that they were otherwise reformed in religion.” Extracts from the Kirk-Session Register of Perth, in The Spottiswoode Miscellany, vol. ii. p. 274. Still earlier, that is, in 1592, the clergy attempted to interfere even with commerce, “ allegeing that the marchands could not mak vayage in Spayne without danger of thair sawlis, and tharefore willit thayme in tlie nayme of God to absteyne.” The History of King James the Sext, p. 254. See the case of Patrick Stewart, and Mr. Lawson’s note upon it, in Lawson's Book of Perth, p. 238. In this instance, the “ Roman Catholic gentleman ” had been excommuniaated, which made matters still worse. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 311 either on Saturday or on Monday, because both days were near Sunday It was a sin for a Scotch woman to wait at a tav- ern it was a sin for her to live alone it was also a sin for her to live with unmarried sisters. It was a sin to go from one town to another on Sunday, however pressing the business might be.‘®“ It was a sin to visit your friend on Sunday it was likewise sinful either to have your garden watered, or your beard shaved. Such things were not to be tolerated in a Christian land. No one, on Sunday, should pay attention to his health, or think of his body at all. On that day horse-exer- cise was sinful so was walking in the fields, or in the mea- 178 rpjig Presbytery of Edinburgh, “by their transcendent sole authority, dis- charged any market to be kept on Monday ; the reason was, because it occasioned the travelling of men and horse the Lord’s-day before, which prophahed the Sabbath.” Presbytery Pisplayd, p. 10. In 1650, Saturday was also taken in by another eccle- siastical senate. “ The Presbyterie doe appoint the severall brethren in bur^hes to deale with such as have not changed ther Mondayes and Satterdaves mercats to other dayes of the weeke, that they may doe the same privio ouoque temporeP Minutes of the Presbyteries of St. Andrews and Cupar, p. 63. In 1650, “For ‘the down-bearing of sin,’ women were not allowed to act as waiters in taverns, but ‘ allenarly men-servands and boys.’” Chambers' Annals, vol. ii. p. 196. This order “ wes red and publictlie intimat in all the kirkis of Edinburgh.” NicolVs Diary^ p. 5. 178 “Porsameikle as dilatation being made, that Janet Watson holds an house by herself where she may give occasion of slander, therefore Patrick Pitcairn, elder, is ordained to admonish her in the session’s name, either to marry, or then pass to service, otherwise that she will not be suffered to dwell by herself.” Eirk-Session Records of Perth, in The Chronicle of Perth, p. 86. _ “ Ordains the two sisters, Elspith and Janet Stewart, that they be not found in the house again with their sister, but every one of them shall go to service, or where they may be best entertained without slander, under the penalty of warding their persons and banishment of the town.” Eirk-Session Register, in LawsorCs Book of Perth, p.\m. 180 ‘‘Compeirit William Kinneir, and confest his travelling on the Sabbath day, which he declairit was out of meer necessitie, haveing two watters to croce, and ane tempestuos day, quhilk raoowit him to fear that he wold not get the watters crost and so his credit might faill. He was sharpelie admonished ; and promist newer to doe the lyke again.” Selections from the Records of the Eirk-Session of Aberdeen p. 136. ’ Compearit Thomas Gray, and confest that one Sunday in the morning, he went to Culter to visit a friend, and stayed thair all night, the sessioune warnit him, apud acta, to the next day, and appointed Patrick Gray, his master, to be cited to the next day, to give furder informatioiine in the matter. (Sharply rebuked be- fore the pulpit.)” Selections from the Records of the Eirk-Session of Aberdeen, p. 146. It was reported that Margaret Brotherstone did water her kaill wpon the Sabbath day, and thairwpon was ordained to be cited.” “ Compeired Mar- garet Brotherstone, and confessed her breach of Sabbath in watering of her kaill and thairwpon ordained to give evidence in publick of her repentance the next Lord’s day.” Extracts from, the Register of the Eirk-Session of Humbie, p. 42. Even so late as the middle of the eighteenth century, “clergymen were some- times libelled” ._ . . .“ for shaving ” on Sunday. Sinclair's Statistical Account of hcotland^ vol. xvi. p. 34, Edinburgh, 1Y95. At an earlier period, no one might be shaved on that day. See The Spottiswoode Miscellany, vol. ii. p. 276 • and Lawson's Book of Perth, pp. 224, 225. ^ Compeired John Gordon of Avachie, and confessed that he had transgressed in travailing on the Sabbath day with horse, going for a millston. Referred to the 312 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT dows, or in the streets, or enjoying the fine weather by sitting at the door of your own house, To go to sleep on Sunday, before the duties of the day were over, was also sinful, and deserved church censure.^®® Bathing, being pleasant as well as wholesome, was a particularly grievous offence ; and no man could be allowed to swim on Sunday. It was, in fact, doubt- ful whether swimming was lawful for a Christian at any time, even on week-days, and it was certain that God had, on one occasion, shown His disapproval, by taking away the life of a boy while he was indulging in that carnal practice.^®® That it was a sin to cleanse one’s body, might, indeed, have been taken for granted ; seeing that the Scotch clergy looked on all comforts as sinful in themselves, merely because they were comforts.’®® The great object of life was, to be in a state of constant affliction.^®® Whatever pleased the senses, was to session of Kinor for censure.” Extracts from the Presbytery Book of Strathhogie, p. 2S6. See also the case mentioned in Letters from, a Gentleman in the North of Scotland, vol. i. p. 172; “This riding on horseback of a Sunday was deemed a great scandal.” In 1647, the punishment was ordered of whoever was guilty of “sitting or walking idle upon the streetes and feildes ” on Sunday. Selections from the Minutes of the Synod of Fife, p. 162. In 1742, “sitting idle at the doors” and “sitting about doors” was profane. Robe’s Narratives of the Extraordinary Work of the Spirit of God, pp. Iu9, 110. In 1756, at Perth, “to stroll about the fields, or even to walk upon the inches, was looked upon as extremely sinful, and an intoler- able violation of the fourth commandment.” Penny's Traditions of Perth, p. 36. In 1656, “ Cite Issobell Balfort, servand to William Gordone, tailyeor, beoing found sleeping at the Loche side on the Lord’s day in tyme of sermon.”^ Selections from the Records of the Kirk-Session of Aberdeen, p. 137. It was a sin even for children to feel tired of the interminable sermons which they were forced to hear. Ilalyburton, addressing the young people of his congregation, says, “ Have not you been glad when the Lord’s day was over, or, at least, v:hen the preaching was done, that ye might get your liberty? lias it not been a burden to you, to sit so long in the church ? Well, this is a great sin." See this noticeable passage, in Halybur- ton's Great Concern of Salvation, p. 100. In 1719, the Presbytery of Edinburgh indignantly declares, “Yea, some have arrived at that height of impiety, as not to be ashamed of washing in waters, and swimming in rivers upon the holy Sabbath.” Register of Presbytery of Edinburgh, ‘Pith April 1719, in Arnot's History of Edinburgh, p. 204. So late as 1691, the Kirk-Session of Glasgow attempted to prevent all boys from swimming, whatever the day might be. But as the Church was then on the decline, it was necessary to appeal to the civil authority for help. Wlnit was the re- suit, I have not been able to ascertain. There is, however, a curious notice, in Wodroic's Collections upon the Lives of Ministers, vol. ii. part ii. p. 77, stating that, on “August 6th, 1691, the Session recommends it to the magistrates to think on some overtures for discharging boyes from swimming, in regard one was lately lost. I have met with other evidence respecting this ; but I cannot remember the pas- sages. The Kev. James Fraser says: “ The world is a dangerous thing and a great evil, and the comforts of it a hell.” Select Biographies, vol. ii. p. 220. Compare Gray's Spiritual Warfare, p. 22. “ It is good to be continually afflicted here.” Select Biographies, vol. u. p. 220. Gray, advocating the same doctrine, sums up his remarks by a suggestion, that, “ I think David had never so sweet a time as then, when he was pursued as a, partridge by his son Absalom.” Gray's Great and Precious Promises, p. 14. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, 313 , be suspected. A Cliristian must beware of enjoying his dinner ; for none but the ungodly relished their food.^®® By a parity of reasoning, it was wrong for a man to wish to advance himself in life, or in any way to better his condition. Either to make money, or to save it, was unsuited to Christians ; and even to possess much of it was objectionable, because it not only ministered to human pleasures, but encouraged those habits of foresight and of provision for the future, which are incompatible with complete resignation to the Divine will. To wish for more than was necessary to keep oneself alive, was a sin as well as a folly, and was a violation of the subjection we owe to God.‘®^ That it was contrary to His desire, was, moreover, evident, from the fact that He bestowed wealth liberally upon misers and covetous men ; a remarkable circumstance, which, in the opin- ion of Scotch divines, proved that he was no lover of riches, otherwise He would not give them to such base and sordid persons.*®® “ Suspect that which pleaseth the senses.” Abemethy's Physicke for the Senile, p. 63. Durham, in his long catalogue of sins, mentions as one “ the preparing of meat studiously, that is, when it is too riotously dressed, for pleasing men’s carnal appetite and taste, or palate, by the fineness of it, and other curiosities of that kind.” Durham's Law Unsealed, p. 333. See also p. 48, on “ palate-pleasers ; ” and Dick- son’s opinion of the “ rarest dishes and best meats.” Dickson's Explication of the Psalms, p. 84. According to another of the Scotch divines, whoever makes one gcx)d meal, and has enough left for a second, is in imminent peril. “He that is full, and hath enough to make him fuller, will easily deny God, and be exalted against him : his table shall be a snare to his body, and a snare to his soule.” Abemethy's Physicke for the Soule, p. 421. For, says Abernethy {Physicke for the Soule, p. 488), “ men are loth to lend their eare to the Word, when they abound in prosperity.” So, too, Hutcheson, in hm Exposition of the Book of Job, p. 387 : “Such is the weakness even of godly men, that they can hardly live in a prosperous condition, and not be overtaken with some security, carnal confidence, or other miscarriage.” See this theory worked out in Cockburn' s Jacob's Veno, or Man's Felicity and Duty, pp. 71-76. He says, “ And certainly to crave and be desirous of more than what is competent for the maintenance and support of our lives, is both inconsistent with that dependence and subjection we owe to God, and doth also bespeak a great deal of vanity, folly, and inconsiderateness.” Boston, striking at the very foundation of that practice of providing for the future, which is the first and most important maxim in all civil wisdom, and which peculiarly distinguishes civilized nations from barbarians, asks his hearers, “Why should men rack their heads with cares how to provide for to-morrow, while they know not if they shall then need anything ? ” Boston's Human Nature in its Fourfold State, p. 300. Hutcheson thinks that those who are guilty of such impious prudence, deserve to be starved. “ When men are not content with food and rayment, but would still heap up more, it is just with God to leave them not so much as bread ; and to suffer men to have an evil eye upon them, and to pluek at them, even so long as they have meat.” Hutche- son's Exposition of the Booh of Job, p. 296. Binning, going still further, threatens eternal ruin. “Ye may have things necessary here, — food and raiment ; and if ye seek more, if ye will be rich, and will have superfluities, then ye shall fall into many temptations, snares, and hurtful lusts which shall drown you in perdition.” Binning' s Sermons, vol. iii. p. 366. 1S5 u jp loved riches well, do ye thiak he would give them so liberally, and heap them up upon some base covetous wretches ? Surely no.” Binning' s Sermons 314 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT To be poor, dirty, and hungry, to pass through life in mis- ery, and to leave it with fear, to be plagued with boils, and sores, and diseases of every kind, to be always sighing and groan- ing, to have the face streaming with tears and the chest heav- ing with sobs, in a word, to suffer constant afidiction, and to be tormented in all possible ways ; to undergo these things was deemed a proof of goodness, just as the contrary was a proof of evil. It mattered not what a man liked ; the mere fact of his liking it, made it sinful. Whatever was natural, was wrong. The clergy deprived the people of their holidays, their amuse- ments, their shows, their games, and their sports ; they repressed every appearance of joy, they forbad all merriment, they stopped all festivities, they choked up every avenue by which pleasure could enter, and they spread over the country an universal gloom. 1^6 Then, truly, did darkness sit on the land. Men, in their daily actions and in their very looks, became troubled, melancholy, and ascetic. Their countenance soured, and was downcast. Not only their opinions, but their gait, their de- meanour, their voice, their general aspect, were influenced by that deadly blight which nipped all that was genial and warm. The way of life fell into the sear and yellow leaf ; its tints gradually deepened ; its bloom faded, and passed off ; its spring, its freshness, and its beauty, were gone ; joy and love either disappeared or were forced to hide themselves in obscure corners, until at length the fairest and most endearing parts of our nature, being constantly repressed, ceased to bear fruit, and seemed to be withered into perpetual sterility. Thus it was, that the national character of the Scotch was, in the seventeenth century, dwarfed and mutilated. With na- tions as with individuals, the harmony and free development of life can only be attained by exercising its principal functions boldly and without fear. Those functions are of two kinds ; vol. iii. p. 366. Gray, in his zeal against wealth, propounds another doctrine, which I do not remember to have seen elsewhere. He says, “All that the owner of riches hath, is, the seeing of them ; which a man, who is a passer by, may iikeways have, though he be not possessor of them.” Gray's Spiritual Warfare, p. 128. I hope that the reader will not suspect me of having maliciously invented any of these pas- sages. The books from which they are quoted, are, with only two or three excep- tions, all in my library, and may be examined by persons who are curious in such matters. 196 u ipjjg absence of external appearances of joy in Scotland, in contrast with the frequent holidayings and merry-makings of the continent, has been much remarked upon. W e find in the records of ecclesiastical discipline clear traces of the process by which this distinction was brought about. To the puritan kirk of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, every outward demonstration of natural good spirits was a sort of sin, to be as far as possible repressed.” . . . . “ The whole sunshine of life was, as it were, squeezed out of the community.” Chambers' Annals of Scot' land, vol. i. p. 336, vol. ii. p. 156. DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 315 one set of them increasing the happiness of the mind, another set increasing the happiness of the body. If we could suppose a man completely perfect, we should take for granted that he would unite these two forms of pleasure in the highest degree, and would extract, both from body and mind, every enjoyment consistent with his own happiness, and with the happiness of others. But, as no such character is to be found, it invariably occurs, that even the wisest of us are unable to hold the bal- ance 5 we, therefore, err, some in over-indulging the body, some in over-indulging the mind. Comparing one set of indulgences with the other, there can be no doubt that the intellectual pleasures are, in many respects, superior to the physical j they are more numerous, more varied, more permanent, and more ennobling ; they are less liable to cause satiety in the individual, and they produce more good to the species. But for one person who can enjoy intellectual pleasures, there are at least a hun- dred who can enjoy physical pleasures. The happiness deriv- ed from gratifying the senses, being thus diffused over a wider area, and satisfying, at any given moment, a greater number of persons than the other form of happiness is capable of, does, on that account, possess an importance which many who call them- selves philosophers are unwilling to recognize. Too often have philosophic and speculative thinkers, by a foolish denunciation ot such pleasures, done all in their power to curtail the quantity of happiness of which humanity is susceptible. Forgetting that we have bodies as well as minds, and forgetting, too, that in an inamense majority of instances the body is more active than the mind, that it is more powerful, that it plays a more conspicuous part, and is fitted for greater achievements, such writers com- mit the enormous error of despising that class of actions to which ninety-nine men out of every hundred are most prone, and for which they are best fitted. And for committing this error they pay the penalty of finding their books unread, their systems disregarded, and their scheme of life adopted, perhaps, by a small class of solitary students, but shut out from that great world of reality for which it is unsuited, and in which it would produce the most serious mischief. If, then, we review the history of opinion in connexion with the history of action, we may probably say, that the ascetic no- tions of philosophers, such, for instance, as the doctrines of the Stoics, and similar theories of mortification, have not worked the harm which might have been expected, and have not suc- ceeded in abridging, to any perceptible extent, the substantial happiness of mankind. There are, I apprehend, two reasons why they have failed. In the first place, these philosophers 316 AN EXAMINATION OE THE SCOTCH INTELLECT have, with hardly an exception, had little real acquaintance with human nature, and have, therefore, been unable to touch those chords, and appeal to those hidden motives, by influenc- ing which one man gains over another to his side. And, in the second place, they, fortunately for us, have never possessed au- thority, and have, therefore, been unable either to enforce their doctrine by penalties, or to recommend it by rewards. But, though philosophers have failed in their eflbrt to lessen the pleasures of mankind, there is another body of men, who, in making the same attempt, have met with far greater success. I mean, of course, the theologians, who, considered as a class, have, in every country and in every age, deliberately opposed themselves to gratifications which are essential to the happiness of an overwhelming majority of the human race. Eaising up a Grod of their own creation, whom they hold out as a lover of penance, of sacrifice, and of mortification, they, under this pre- tence, forbid enjoyments which are not only innocent, but praiseworthy. For, every enjoyment by which no one is injured, is innocent ; and every innocent enjoyment is praiseworthy, because it assists in diffusing that spirit of content and of satis- faction which is favourable to the practice of benevolence tow- ards others. The theologians, however, for reasons which I have already stated, cultivate an opposite spirit, and, whenever they have possessed power, they have always prohibited a large number of pleasurable actions, on the ground that such actions are offensive to the Deity. That they have no warrant for this, and that they are simply indulging in peremptory assertions on subjects respecting which we have no trustworthy information, is well known to those who, impartially, and without precon- ceived bias, have studied their arguments, and the evidence which they adduce. On this, however, I need not dilate ; for, inasmuch as men are, almost every year, and certainly every generation, becoming more accustomed to close and accurate reasoning, just in the same proportion is the conviction spread- ing, that theologians proceed from arbitrary assumptions, for which they have no proof, except by appealing to other assump- tions, equally arbitrary and equally unproven. Their whole system reposes upon fear, and upon fear of the worst kind ; since, according to them, the Great Author of our being has used His omnipotence in so cruel a manner as to endow His creatures with tastes, instincts, and desires, which He not only forbids them to gratify, but which, if they do gratify, shall bring on themselves eternal punishment. What the theologians are to the closet, that are the priests to the pulpit. The theologians work upon the studious, who DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 317 read ; the clergy act upon the idle, who listen. Seeing, how- ever, that the same man often performs both offices, and seeing, too, that the spirit and tendency of each office are the same, we may, for practical purposes, consider the two classes as identical ; and, putting them together, and treating them as a whole, it must he admitted by whoever will take a com- prehensive view of what they have actually done, that they have been, not only the most bitter foes of human happi- ness, but also the most successful ones. In their high and palmy days, when they reigned supreme, when credulity was universal and doubt unknown, they afflicted mankind in every possible way ; enjoining fasts, and penances, and pilgrimages, teaching their simple and ignorant victims every kind of austerity, teaching them to flog their own bodies, to tear their own flesh, and to mortify the most natural of their appetites. This was the state of Europe in the middle ages. It is still the state of every part of the world where the priesthood are uncontrolled. Such ascetic and self- tormenting observances are the inevitable issue of the theological spirit, if that spirit is unchecked. Now, and owing to the rapid march of our knowl- edge, it is constantly losing ground, because the scientific and secular spirit is encroaching on its domain. Therefore, in our time, and especially in our country, its most repulsive features are disguised, and it is forced to mask its native ugliness. Among our clergy, a habit of grave and decent compromise has taken the place of that bold and fiery war which their predecessors waged against a sensual and benighted world. Their threats have perceptibly diminished. They now allow us a little pleasure, a little luxury, a little happiness. They no longer tell us to mortify every appetite, and to forego every comfort. The language of power has departed from them. Here and there, we find vestiges of the ancient spirit ; but this is only among uneducated men, addressing an ignorant audience. The superior clergy, who have a character to lose, are grown cautious ; and, whatever their private opinion may be, they rarely venture on those terrific denunciations with which their pulpits once resounded, and which, in times of yore, made the people shrink with fear, and humbled every one except him by whom the denunciation was uttered. Still, though much of this has vanished, enough remains to show what the theological spirit is, and to justify a belief, that nothing but the pressure of public opinion prevents it from breaking out into its former extravagance. Many of the clergy persist in attacking the pleasures of the world, forgetting that, not only the world, but all which the world contains, is the work 318 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT of the Almighty, and that the instincts and desires, which they stigmatize as unholy, are part of His gifts to man. They have yet to learn, that our appetites, being as much a portion of ourselves as any other quality we possess, ought to be indulged, otherwise the whole individual is not developed. If a man suppresses part of himself, he becomes maimed and shorn. The proper limit to self-indulgence is, that he shall neither hurt himself nor hurt others. Short of this, every thing is lawful. It is more than lawful ; it is necessary. He who abstains from safe and moderate gratification of the senses, lets some of his essential faculties fall into abeyance, and must, on that account, be deemed imperfect and unfinished. Such an one is incom- plete ; he is crippled ; he has never reached his full stature. He may be a monk ; he may be a saint ; but a man he is not. And now, more than ever, do we want true and genuine men. No previous age has had so much work to do, and, to accom- plish that work, we need robust and vigorous natures, whose every function has been freely exercised without let or hindrance. Never before, was the practice of life so arduous ; never were the problems presented to the human mind so numerous, or so complicated. Every addition to our knowledge, every fresh idea, opens up new difficulties, and gives birth to new combina- tions. Under this accumulated pressure we shall assuredly sink, if we imitate the credulity of our forefathers, who allowed their energies to be cramped and weakened by those pernicious notions, which the clergy, partly from ignorance, and partly from interest, have, in every age, palmed on the people, and have, thereby, diminished the national happiness, and retarded the inarch of national prosperity. In the same way, we constantly hear of the evils of wealth, and of the sinfulness of loving money ; although it is certain that, after the love of knowledge, there is no one passion which has done so much good to mankind as the love of money. It is to the love of money that we owe all trade and commerce ; in other words, the possession of every comfort and luxury which our own country is unable to supply. Trade and commerce have made us familiar with the productions of many lands, have awakened curiosity, have widened our ideas by bringing us in contact with nations of various manners, speech, and thought, have supplied an outlet for energies which would otherwise have been pent up and wasted, have accustomed men to habits of enterprise, forethought, and calculation, have, moreover, com- municated to us many arts of great utility, and have put us in possession of some of the most valuable remedies with which we are acquainted, either to save life or to lessen pain. These DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 319 things we owe to the love of money. If theologians could suc- ceed in their desire to destroy that love, all these things would cease, and we should relapse into comparative barbarism. The love of money, like all our appetites, is liable to abuse ; but to declaim against it as evil in itself, and, above all, to represent it as a feeling, the indulgence of which provokes the wrath of God, is to betray an ignorance, natural, perhaps, in former ages, but shameful in our time, particularly when it proceeds from men who give themselves out as public teachers, and profess that it is their mission to enlighten the world. Injurious, however, as all this is to the best interests of society, it is nothing in comparison with the doctrines formerly advocated by the Scotch divines. What their ideas were, I have shown from their own sermons, the reading of which has been the most painful literary task I ever undertook, since, in addition to the narrowness and the dogmatism which even the best of such compositions contain, there is, in these productions, a hardness of heart, an austerity of temper, a want of sympathy with human happiness, and a hatred of human nature, such as have rarely been exhibited in any age, and, I rejoice to think, have never been exhibited in any other Protestant country. These things, I have resuscitated from the oblivion in which they have long been buried, partly because it was necessary to do so in order to understand the history of the Scotch mind, and partly because I desired to show what the tendency of theologians is, when that tendency is uncontrolled. Protestants, generally, are too apt to suppose that there is something in their creed which pro- tects them against those hurtful extravagancies which have been, and, to a certain extent, still are, practised in the Catholic Church. Never was a greater mistake. There is but one protection against the tyranny of any class ; and that is, to give that class very little power. Whatever the pretensions of any body of men may be, however smooth their language, and however plausible their claims, they are sure to abuse power, if much of it is conferred on them. The entire history of the world affords no instance to the contrary. In Catholic countries, France alone excepted, the clergy have more authority than in Protestant countries. Therefore, in Catholic countries, they do more harm than in Protestant coun- ties, and their peculiar views are developed with greater freedom. The difference depends, not on the nature of the creed, but on the power of the class. This is very apparent in Scotland, where the clergy, being supreme, did, Protestants though they were, imitate the ascetic, the unsocial, and the cruel doctrines, which, in the Catholic Church, gave rise to convents, fastings, scourgings, and all the other apphances of an uncouth and ungenial superstition. 320 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT Indeed, the Scotch divines, in some of their theories, went beyond any section of the Catholic Church, except the Spanish. They sought to destroy, not only human pleasures, but also human affections. They held that our affections are neces- sarily connected with our lusts, and that we must, therefore, wean ourselves from them as earthly vanities.^®’’ A Christian had no business with love or sympathy. He had his own soul to at- tend to, and that was enough for him. Let him look to him- self. On Sunday, in particular, he must never think of benefit- ing others ; and the Scotch clergy did not hesitate to teach the people, that on that day it was sinful to save a vessel in dis- tress, and that it was a proof of religion to leave ship and crew to perish.'®® They might go ; none but their wives and chil- dren would suffer, and that was nothing in comparison with breaking the Sabbath. So, too, did the clergy teach, that on no occasion must food or shelter be given to a starving man, unless his opinions were orthodox.'®® What need for him to live Indeed, they taught that it was a sin to tolerate his notions at all, and that the proper course was, to visit him with sharp and imme- diate punishment.®"® Going yet further, they broke the domes- “ A Christian should mortifie his affections, which are his predominant lusts, to which our affections are so much joined, and our soul doth so much go out after.” Gh-aij'n Spiritual Warfare, p. 29. “ That blessed work of weaning of affections from all things that are here.” Gray's Great and Precious Promises, p. 86. “ One of our more northern ministers, whose parish lies along the coast be- tween Spey and Findorn, made some fishermen do penance for sabbath-breaking, in going out to sea, though purely with endeavour to save a vessel in distress by a storm.” Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland, vol. i, p. 173. i9» 4( ff jjg master of a family may, and ought to, deny an act of humanity or hos- pitality to strangers that are false teachers.” Rutherford's Free Disputation against Pretended Liberty of Conscience, p. 176. “ The Holy Ghost forbiddeth the master of every Christian family to owne a hereticke as a guest.” Ibid., p. 219. See also p. 236. 200 41 tolleration of all religions is not farre from blasphemy.” Rutherford's Free Disputation against Pretended Liberty of Conscience, p. 20. “ If wolves be permitted to teach what is right in their own erroneous conscience, and there be no ‘ Magistrate to put them to shame,’ Judg. xviii. 7, and no King to pun- ish them, then godlinesse and all that concernes the first Table of the Law must be marred.” Ibid., p. 230. “ Wilde and atheisticall liberty of conscience,” p. 337. “Cursed toleration.” p. 400. See also, in the same work (pp. 110, 244), Ruther- ford’s remarks on the murder of Servetus. In 1645, Baillie, who was then in Lon- don, writes, “ The Independents here plead for a tolleration both for themselfes and other sects. My Dissuasive is come in time to doe service here. We hope God will assist us to remonstrate the wickedness of such an tolleration.” And on account of the Independents wishing to show common charity towards persons who differed in opinions from themselves, Baillie writes next year (1646), “ The Independents has the least zeale to the truth of God of any men we know.” Bail- lie's Letters and Journals, vol. ii. pp. 328, 361. Blair, who was in London in 1649, was sorely vexed with “ the most illegal, irreligious, and wicked proceedings and actings of the sectarian army ; ” one of their crimes being the attempt “ to ruin re- ligion by their toleration.” Continuation of the Autobiography of Mr. Robert Blair, Minister of St. Andrews, p. 213. For other evidence of this persecuting spirit, see Dickson's Truth's Victory over Error, pp. 159, 163, 199-202 ; Abernethy's Physicke for the Soule, p. 215 ; Durham's Exposition of the Song of Solomon, p. 147 ; Dur- DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 321 tic ties, diiid. set parents against their oxfspnng. They taught the father to smite the unbelieving child, and to slay his own boy sooner than allow him to propagate error.®®* As if this were not enough, they tried to extirpate another affection, even more sacred and more devoted still. They laid their rude and merciless hands on the holiest passion of which our nature is capable, the love of a mother for her son. Into that sanctuary, they dared to intrude ; into that, they thrust their gaunt and un- gentle forms. ^ If a mother held opinions of which they disap- proved they did not scruple to invade her household, take away her children, and forbid her to hold communication with them.®®* Or if, perchance, her son had incurred their displeasure, they were not satisfied with forcible separation, but they laboured to corrupt her^ heart, and harden it against her child, so that she might be privy to the act. In one of these cases mentioned in the records of the church of Glasgow, the Kirk-Session of that town summoned before them a woman, merely because she had received into her house her own son, after the clergy had excom- municated him. So effectually did they work upon her mind, that they induced her to promise, not only that she would shut her door against the child, but that she would aid in bringing him to punishment. She had sinned in loving him ; she had sinned, even, in giving him shelter ^ but, says the rec- ord, “ she promised not to do it again, and to tell the magis- trates when he comes next to her.”®®* She promised not to do it again. She promised to forget him, whom she had borne of her womb and suckled at her breast. She promised to forget her boy, who had ofttimes crept to her knees, and had slept in her bosom, and whose ten- der frame she had watched over and nursed. All the dearest ham's Commentarie upon the Book of the Revelation, pp. 141, 143, 330 ; and Shields' Hind let loose, p. 168. “ A third benefit (which is a branch of the former), is zeal in the godly against false teachers, who shall be so tender of the truth and glory of God and the safety of the church (all which are endangered by error), that it shall overcome natural affection in them 5 so that parents shall not spave theit own children^ being seducers, but shall either by an heroick act (such as was in Phinehas, Nund). xxv. 8), them- selves judge him worthy to die, and give sentence and execute it, or cause him to be punished, by bringing him to the Magistrate,” &c » The toleration of a false religion in doctrine or worship, and the exemption of the erroneous from civil punishment, is no more lawful under the New Testament than it was under the Old.” A.n Exposition of the Prophecie of Zechariah, in Hutcheson's Exposition on the Minor Prophets, vol. iii. p. 203, 8vo, 1664. ” Selections from the Registers of the Presbytery of Lanark, pp. x. 33, 66, 63, 66 , ’IZ. I copy the exact words from WodrouPs Collections upon the Lives of Ministers of the Church of Scotland, vol. ii. part ii. p. Yl. An order had been previously ob- tained from the government, “ requiring the magistrates to expell furth of the Toun all excommunicated persons.” 322 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT. associations of the past, all that the most exquisite form of human atfection can give or receive, all that delights the mem- ory, all that brightens the prospect of life, all vanished, all passed away from the mind of this poor woman, at the bidding of her spiritual masters. At one fell swoop, all were gone. So potent were the arts of these men, that they persuaded the mother to conspire against her son, that she might deliver him up to them. They defiled her nature, by purging it of its love. From that day, her soul was polluted. She was lost to herself, as well as lost to her son. To hear of such things, is enough to make one's blood surge again, and raise a tempest in our inmost nature. But to have seen them, to have lived in the midst of them, and yet not to have rebelled against them, is to us utterly inconceivable, and proves in how complete a thraldom the Scotch were held, and how thoroughly their minds, as well as their bodies, were enslaved. What more need I say ? What further evidence need I bring to elucidate the real character of one of the most detest- able tyrannies ever seen on the earth ? When the Scotch Kirk was at the height of its power, we may search history in vain for any institution which can compete with it, except the Span- ish Inquisition. Between these two, there is a close and inti- mate analogy. Both were intolerant, both were cruel, both made war upon the finest parts of human nature, and both destroyed every vestige of religious freedom. One difference, however, there was, of vast importance. In political matters, the Church, which was servile in Spain, was rebellious in Scotland. Hence, the Scotch always had one direction in which they could speak and act with unrestrained liberty. In politics, they found their vent. There, the mind was free. And this was their salvation. This saved them from the fate of Spain, by securing to them the exercise of those faculties which otherwise would have lain dormant, if, indeed, they had not been entirely destroyed by that long and enfeebling servitude in which their clergy retained them, and from which, but for this favourable circumstance, no escape would have been open. CHAPTER VL AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT DUEING THE EIGH- TEENTH CENTURY. To complete the history and analysis of the Scotch mind, I have now to examine the peculiar intellectual movement which ap- peared in the eighteenth century, and which, for several rea- sons, deserves careful attention. It was essentially a reaction against that theological spirit which predominated during the seventeenth century. Such a reaction would hardly have been possible, except for the fact which I have already noticed, name- ly, that the political activity which produced the rebellion against the Stuarts, saved the Scotch mind from stagnating, and prevented that deep slumber into which the progress of superstition would naturally have thrown it. The long and stubborn conflict with a despotic government, kept alive a cer- tain alertness and vigour of understanding, which survived the struggle that gave it birth. When the contest was ended, and peace was restored, the faculties which, for three generations, had been exercised in resisting the executive authority, sought other employment, and found another field in which they could disport themselves. Hence it was, that the boldness which, in the seventeenth century, was practical, became, in the eigh- teenth century, speculative, and produced a literature, which attempted to unsettle former opinions, and to disturb the ancient landmarks of the human mind. The movement was revolutionary, and bore the same relation to ecclesiastical tyran- ny, which the previous movement had borne to poHtical tyranny. But this new rebellion had one striking characteristic. In near- ly every other country, when the intellect has fairly arrayed itself against the exclusive pretensions of the Church, it has happened that the secular philosophy, which has been engen- dered, has been an inductive philosophy, taking for its basis individual and specific experience, and seeking, by that means, 324 AN EXAMINATION OP THE SCOTCH INTELLECT to overthrow the general and traditional notions, on which all church power is founded. The plan has been, to refuse to accept principles which could not be substantiated by facts ; while the opposite and theological plan is, to force the facts to yield to the principles. In the former case, experience precedes theory ; in the latter case, theory precedes experience, and con- trols it. In theology, certain principles are taken for granted ; and, it being deemed impious to question them, all that remains for us is to reason from them downwards. This is the deduc- tive method. On the other hand, the inductive method will concede nothing, but insists upon reasoning upwards, and de- mands that we shall have the liberty of ascertaining the prin- ciples for ourselves. In a complete scheme of our knowledge, and when all our resources are fully developed and marshalled into order, as they must eventually be, the two methods will be, not hostile, but supplementary, and will be combined into a single system. At present, however, we are very far from such a result ; and not oidy is every mind more prone to one method than to another, but we find, historically, that different ages and different countries have been characterized by the extent to which one of these two schemes has predominated ; and we also find, that a study of this antagonism is the surest way of understanding the intellectual condition of any period. That the inductive philosophy is even more marked by its secular tendencies than by its scientific ones, will be evident to whoever observes the epochs in which it has been most active, and has possessed most adherents. Of this, the history of the French mind, in the eighteenth century, affords a good instance, where, after the death of Louis XIV., we may clearly trace the connexion between the growth of the inductive method, and the subsequent overthrow of the Gallican church. In England, too, the rise of the Baconian philosophy, with its determination to subordinate ancient principles to modern experience, was the heaviest blow which has ever been inflicted on the theologians, whose method is to begin, not with experience; but with prin- ciples, which are said to be inscrutable, and which we are bound to believe without further difficulty. And I need hardly remind the reader, that scarcely was that philosophy established among us, when it produced those bold inquiries which quickly ended in the downfall of the English Church under Charles I. From that terrible defeat, our clergy did, for a time, partly rally ; but as their apparent success, in the reign of Charles II., was owing to political changes, and not to social ones, they were unable to recover their hold over society, and, unless the nation should retrograde, there is no possibihty that they ever should recover DURING THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 325 it. Over the inferior order of minds, they still wield great influence ; but the Baconian philosophy, by bringing their favourite method into disrepute, has sapped the very base of their system. From the moment that their mode of investiga- tion was discredited, the secret of their power was gone. From the moment that men began to insist on inquiring into the validity of first principles, instead of accepting them without inquiry, and humbly submitting to them as matters of faith and of necessary belief ; from that moment, the theologians, driven from one post to another, and constantly receding before the pressure of advancing knowledge, have been forced to abandon entrenchment after entrenchment, until what they have retained of their former territory is hardly worth the struggle. As a last resource, they, at the close of the eighteenth century, determined to use the weapons of their opponents ; and Paley and his suc- cessors, enlarging the scheme which Kay and Derham had fee- bly sketched, endeavoured, by a skilful employment of the induc- tive method, to compensate their party for the failure of the deductive one. But their project, though ably conceived, has come to naught. It is now generally admitted, that nothing can be made of it, and that it is impossible to establish the old theological premises by a chain of inductive reasoning. Respect- ing this, the most eminent philosophers agree with the most eminent theologians ; and, since the time of Kant in Germany, and of Coleridge in England, none of our ablest men, even among divines themselves, have recurred to a plan which Paley, indeed, pursued with vigour, but of which our Bridgewater Treatises, our Prize-Essays, and such schoolboy productions, are poor and barren imitations. ‘ No great thinkers now follow this course in matters of religion. On the contrary, they prefer the safer, as well as the more philosophic, method, of dealing with these subjects on transcendental grounds, frankly con- fessing that they elude the grasp of that inductive philosophy which, in the department of science, has achieved such signal triumphs. The opposition of these two methods, and the inapplicability * Of course, I say this merely in reference to their theological bearings. Some of the Bridgewater Treatises, such as Bell’s, Buckland’s, and Prout’s, had great sci- entific merit at the time of their appearance, and may even now be studied with advantage ; but the religious portion of them is pitiable, and shows either that their heart was not in their work, or else that the subject was too wide for them. At all events, it is to be hoped that we shall never again see men of equal eminence hiring themselves out as paid advocates, and receiving fees to support particular opinions. It is truly disgraceful that such great speculative questions, instead of being sub- jected to fair and disinterested argument, with a view of eliciting the truth, should be turned into a pecuniary transaction, in which any one of much money and little wit, can bribe as many persons as he likes, to prejudice the public ear in favour of his own theories. 326 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT of the inductive method to theological pursuits being thus ap- parent, it is not strange that the Scotch should have adopted one of the methods with great zeal, and to the almost complete exclusion of the other. Scotland, being essentially theological, followed the theological plan. The intellectual history of that country, in the seventeenth century, is almost entirely the his- tory of theology. With the single exception of Napier, who was horn in the middle of the sixteenth century, all the most vigorous thinkers were divines. In physical science, scarcely any thing was done.® There was no poetry, no drama, no origi- nal philosophy, no fine compositions, no secular literature, now worth reading.® The only men of real influence, were the clergy. They governed the nation, and the pulpit was the chief engine of their power. From the pulpit, they moved all classes and all sorts of intellects ; the highest, as well as the lowest. There, they instructed them, and threatened them ; saying whatever they liked, and knowing that what they said would he ® “ It is humiliating to have to remark, that the notices of comets which we de- rive from Scotch writers down to this time (1682) contain nothing but accounts of the popular fancies regarding them. Practical astronomy seems to have then been unknown in our country ; and hence, while in other lands, men were carefully ob- serving, computing, and approaching to just conclusions regarding these illustrious strangers of the sky, our diarists could only tell us how many yards long they seemed to be, what ejfects were apprehended from them in the way of wars and pestilence, and how certain pious divines ‘improved’ them for spiritual edifi- cation. Early in this century Scotland had produced one great philosopher, who had supplied his craft with the mathematical instrument by which complex prob- lems, such as the movements of comets, were alone to be solved. It might have been expected that the country of Napier, seventy years after his time, would have had many sons capable of applying his key to such mysteries of nature. But no one had arisen — nor did any rise for fifty years onward, when at length Colin Maclaurin unfolded in the Edinburgh University the sublime philosophy of Newton. There could not be a more expressive signification of the character of the seventeenth century in Scotland. Our unhappy contentions about external religious matters had absorbed the whole genius of the people, rendering to us the age of Cowley, of Waller, and of Milton, as barren of elegant literature, as that of Horrocks, of Halley, and of Newton, was of science.” Chambers' Domestic A.nnals of Scotland, vol. ii. pp. 444, 445. ® “ Thus, during the whole seventeenth century, the English were gradually re- fining their language and their taste; in Scotland, the former was much debased, and the latter almost entirely lost.” History of Scotland, book viii., in Robertson' s Works, p. 260. “ But the taste and science, the genius and the learning of the age, were ab- sorbed in the gulph of religious controversy. At a time when the learning of Sel- den, and the genius of Milton, conspired to adorn England, the Scots were reduced to such writers as Baillie, Rutherford, Guthrie, and the two Gillespies.” Laing's History of Scotland, vol. hi. p. 510. “ From the Restoration down to the Union, the only author of eminence whom Scotland produced was Burnet.” Ibid., vol. iv. p. 406. “The seventeenth century, fatal to the good taste of Italy, threw a total night ov6r Scotland.” .... “Notone writer, who does the least credit to the nation flourished during the century from 1616 to 1715, excepting Burnet, whose name would, indeed, honour the brightest period. In particular, no poet whose works merit preservation arose. By a singular fatality, the century which stands highest in English history and genius, is one of the darkest in those of Si'.otland.” Ancient Scotish Poems, edited by John Pinkerton, vol. i. pp. iii. iv., London, 1786. DURING THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 327 believed. * But all tbeir sermons, and all their controversial writings, are eminently deductive ; not one of them attempts an inductive argument. The bare idea of such a thing never entered their heads. They assumed the truth of their own re- ligious and moral notions, most of which they had borrowed from antiquity ; they made those notions the major premises of their syllogisms, and from them they reasoned downwards, till they obtained their conclusions. They never suspected that premises, taken from ancient times, might be the result of the inductions of those times, and that, as knowledge advanced, the inductions might need revising. They assumed, that God has ^ven to us first principles, and that He, having revealed them, it would ill become us to scrutinize them. That He had re- vealed them, they took for granted, and deemed it unnecessary to prove.® Their method being thus entirely deductive, all they were concerned with was, to beware that no error crept in be- tween the premises and the conclusions. And this part of their task they accomplished with great ability. They were acute dialecticians, and rarely blundered in what is termed the formal part of logic. In dealing with their premises after they ob- tained them, they were extremely skilful ; how they obtained them, they were very heedless. That was a point they never examined with any thing approaching to impartiality. Accord- ing to their method, all that was requisite was, to draw infer- ences from what had been supernaturally communicated. On the other hand, the inductive method would have taught them that the first question was, whether or not they had been su- pernaturally communicated They, as deductive reasoners, assumed the very preliminaries which inductive reasoners would have disputed. They proceeded from generals to particulars, instead of from particulars to generals. And they would not allow either themselves or others to sift the general proposi- tions, which were to cover and control the particular facts. It was enough for them that the wider propositions were already established, and were to be treated according to the rules of * Ray, who visited Scotl.nnd in 1661, could not suppress a little professional envy, when he saw how much higher ecclesiastics were rated there than in England. He says, “ the people here frequent their churches much better than in England, and have their ministers in more esteem and veneration.” Ray's Memorials, edited by l)r. Lankester for the Ray Society, p. 161. ® “ Believing ignorance is much better than rash and presumptuous knowledge. Ask not a reason of these things, but rather adore and tremble at the mystery and majesty of them.” Binning' s Sermons, vol. i. p. 143. Even Biblical criticism was prohibited ; and Dickson says of the diiferent books of the Bible, “ We are not to trouble ourselves about the name of the writer, or time of writing of any part there- of, especially because God of set purpose concealeth the name sundry times of the writer, and the time when it was written.” Dixon's Explication of the Psalms, p. 291. 328 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT the old and syllogistic logic. Indeed, they were so convinced of the impropriety of the inductive method, that they did not hesitate to assert, that it was by means of the syllogism that the Deity communicated His wishes to man.® It was naturally to he expected, that the clergy , holding these views respecting the best means of arriving at truth, should do all in their power to bring over the nation to their side, and should labour to make their own method of investigation entirely supersede the opposite method. Nor was this a very difficult task. The prevailing credulity was one great point in their favour, inasmuch as it made men more willing to accept propositions than to scrutinize them. When the propositions were accepted, nothing was left but to reason from them j and the most active intellects in Scotland, being constantly engaged in this process, acquired complete mastery over it, and the dex- terity they displayed increased its repute. Besides this, the cler- gy, who were its zealous champions, had monopolized all the sources of education, both public and private. In no other Prot- estant country, have they exercised such control over the univer- sities ; not only the doctrines taught, but also the mode of teach- ing them, being, in Scotland, placed under the supervision of the Church." This power they, of course, used to propagate their own plan of obtaining truth ; and, as long as their power re- mained undiminished, it was hardly possible that the opposite, or inductive, plan should gain a hearing. Over grammar- schools, the clergy possessed an authority fully equal to that which they had in the universities.® They also appointed and removed, at their own pleasure, teachers of every grade, from village schoolmasters to tutors in private families.® In this * “Christ from heaven proposeth a syllogism to Saul’s fury.” Rutherfords Christ Dying, p. 180. “ The conclusion of a practical syllogism, whereby the be- liever concludeth from the gospel that he shall be saved.” Durham s Law Unseated, p. 97. “ All assurance is by practical syllogism, the first whereof must needs be a Scripture truth.” Cray's Precious Promises, _ Bower of the University of Edinburgh^ vol. i. p. 217) says, Ihenisto- ry of the universities and of the church is, in modern Europe, and perhaps in every other civilized portion of the globe, very nearly connected. They are more nearly connected in Scotland than in any other civilized country called Protestant ; because the General Assembly have the legal power of inquiring into the economy oi t le institutions, both as it respects the mode of teaching, and the doctrines, whether religious, moral, or physical, which are taught.” Spalding, under the year 1039, gives an instance of the power of the General Assembly in “ the College ot Ulu Aberdeen.” Spalding's History of the Troubles, vol. i. p. 178. See also, on the au. thovity exercised by the General Assembly over the universities, a curious little called The Government and Order of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1^90) * In 1632, the “ ministers” of Perth were greatly displeased because John Kow was made master of the grammar-school without their consent. The Chronicle of Perth, p. 33, where it is stated that, consequently, “ thair wes much outcrying in the pulpett.” _ 1 3 n “ See, for instance. Minutes of the Presbyteries of St, Andrews and Cupar, pp. do, DURING THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 329 way, each generation, as it arose, was brought under their in- fluence, and made subject to their notions. Taking the mind of Scotland while it was young and flexible, they bent it to their own method. Hence, that method became supreme ; it reigned every where ; not a voice was lifted up against it ; and no one had an idea that there was more than one path by which truth could be reached, or that the human understanding was of any use, except to deal deductively with premisses, which were not to be inductively examined. The inductive or analytic spirit being thus unknown, and the deductive or synthetic spirit being alone favoured, it happened that, when, early in the eighteenth century, the circumstances already mentioned gave rise to a great intellectual movement, that movement, though new in its results, was not new in the method by which the results were obtained. A secular philoso- phy was, indeed, established, and the ablest men, instead of being theological, became scientific. But so completely had the theological plan occupied Scotland, that even philosophers were unable to escape from its method, and, as I am about to show, the inductive method exercised no influence over them. This most curious fact is the key to the history of Scotland in the eighteenth century, and explains many events which would otherwise appear incompatible with each other. It also sug- gests an analogy with Germany, where the deductive method has, for a long period, been equally prevalent, owing to precisely the same causes. In both countries, the secular movement of the eighteenth century was unable to become inductive ; and this intellectual affinity between two such otherwise different nations, is, I have no doubt, the principal reason why the Scotch and German philosophies have so remarkably acted and reacted upon each other j Kant and Hamilton being the most finished specimens of their intercourse. To this, England forms a complete contrast. For more than a hundred and fifty years after the death of Bacon, the greatest English thinkers, Newton and Harvey excepted, were eminently inductive ; nor was it until the nineteenth century that signs were clearly ex- hibited of a counter-movement, and an attempt was made to return in some degree to the deductive method. This, we are, 83, 84, 118. One of the entries is, that in January 1648, “The Presbyterie ordain- ed that all young students, who waittes on noblemen or gentlemen within thir bounds, aither to teach ther children, or catechise and pray in ther families, to fre- quent the Presbyterie, that the brether may cognosce what they ar reading, and what proficiencie they make in ther studies, and to know also ther behaviour in the said families, and of their affectione to the Covenant and present religmne.” p. 118. Compare Selections frwn the Registers of the Presbytery of Lannrlc, pp. 56, 65. This I have already touched upon in the first volume, pp. 636, fiSt. Hereaf- 330 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCOTCH INTELLECT in many respects, justified in doing, because, in tbe progress of our knowledge, we have, by a long course of induction, arrived at several conclusions which we may safely treat deductively ; that is to say, we may make them the major premisses of new argu- ments. The same process has been seen in France, where the exclusively inductive philosophy of the eighteenth century pre- ceded a partial resuscitation of deductive philosophy in the nineteenth century. In Scotland, however, there have been no such vicissitudes. In that country, men have always been de- ductive ; even the most original thinkers being unable to liber- ate themselves from the universal tendency, and being forced to accept a method which time had consecrated, and which was interwoven with all the associations of the national mind. To understand the investigation into which we are about to enter, the reader must firmly seize, and keep before his eyes, the essential difference between deduction, which reasons from principles, and induction, which reasons to principles. He must remember, that induction proceeds from smaller to the greater ; deduction, from the greater to the smaller. Induction is from particulars to generals, and from the senses to the ideas ; deduction is from generals to particulars, and from the ideas to the senses. By induction, we rise from the concrete to the abstract ; by deduction, we descend from the abstract to the concrete. Accompanying this distinction, there are certain qualities of mind, which, with extremely few exceptions, char- acterize the age, nation, or individual, in which one of these methods is predominant. The inductive philosopher is naturally cautious, patient, and somewhat creeping ; while the deductive philosopher is more remarkable for boldness, dexterity, and often rashness. The deductive thinker invariably assumes certain premisses, which are quite different from the hypotheses essen- tial to the best induction. These premisses are sometimes borrowed from antiquity ; sometimes they are taken from the notions which happen to prevail in the surrounding society ; ter, and in my special history of the English mind, I shall examine it carefully and in detail. The revival of the old logic is a great symptom of it. Works like those of Whately, De Morgan, and Mansel, could not have been produced in the eigh- teenth century, or, at all events, if by some extraordinary combination of events they had been produced, they would have found no readers. As it is, they have ex- ercised a very extensive and very salutary influence ; and, although Archbishop Whately was not well acquainted with the history of formal logic, his exposition ot its ordinary processes is so admirably clear, that he has probably contributed more than any other man towards impressing his contemporaries with a sense of the value of deductive reasoning. He has, however, not done sufficient justice to the opposite school, and has, indeed, fallen into the old academical error of supposing that all reasoning is by syllogism. W^e might just as well say that all movement is by descent. DURING THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 331 sometimes they are the result of a man’s own peculiar organi- zation; and sometimes, as we shall presently see, they are deliberately invented, with the object of arriving, not at truth, but at an approximation to truth. Finally, and to sum up the whole, we may say that a deductive habit, being essentially synthetic, always tends to multiply original principles or laws ; while the tendency of an inductive habit is to diminish those laws by gradual and successive analysis. These being the two fundamental divisions of human inquiry, it is surely a most remarkable fact in the history of Scotland, that, during the eighteenth century, all the great thinkers belonged to the former division, and that, in the very few in- stances of induction which their works contain, it is evident, from the steps they subsequently took, that they regarded such inductions as unimportant in themselves, and as only valuable in so far as they supplied the premisses for another and deduc- tive investigation. As the various departments of our knowl- edge have never yet been co-ordinated and treated as a whole, probably no one is aware of the universality of this movement in Scotland, and of the extent to which it pervaded every science, and governed every phase of thought. To prove, there- fore, the force with which it acted, I now purpose to examine its working in all the principal forms of speculation, whether physical or moral, and to show that in each the same method was adopted. In doing this, I must, for the sake of clearness, proceed according to a natural arrangement of the different topics ; but I wdll, whenever it is possible, also foUow the chronological order in which the Scotch mind unfolded itself ; so that we may understand, not only the character of that re- markable literature, but likewise the steps of its growth, and the astonishing vigour with which it emancipated itself from the shackles which superstition had imposed. The beginning of the great secular philosophy of Scotland is undoubtedly due to Francis Hutcheson." This eminent man, though born in Ireland, was of Scotch family, and was educated in the University of Glasgow, where he received the appointment of Professor of Philosophy in the year 1729." By his lectures, and by his works, he diffused a taste for bold inquiries See a letter from Sir James Mackintosh to Parr, in Mackintosh's Memoirs^ Lon- don, 1835, vol. i. p. 334. “ To Hutcheson the taste for speculation in Scotland, and all the philosophical opinions (except the Berkleian Humism) may be traced.” M. Cousin {Histoire de la Philosophic, premiere serie, vol. iv. p. 35, Paris, 1846) observes, that before Hutcheson “ il n’avait paru en Ecosse ni un ecrivain ni un pro- fesseur de philosophie un peu remarquable.” 2]/tler's Memoirs of Karnes, Edinburgh, 1814, vol. i. p. 223. Hutcheson's Moral Philosophy, vol. i. p. iii., London, 1755, 4to. 332 AN EXAMINATION OP THE SCOTCH INTELLECT into subjects of tbe deepest importance, but concerning which it had previously been supposed nothing fresh was to be learned ; the Scotch having hitherto been taught, that all truths respect- ing our own nature, which were essential to be known, had been already revealed. Hutcheson, however, did not fear to construct a system of morals according to a plan entirely secular, and no example of which had been exhibited in Scotland before his time. The principles from which he started, were not theo- logical, but metaphysical. They were collected from what he deemed the natural constitution of the mind, instead of being collected, as heretofore, from what had been supernaturally communicated. He, therefore, shifted the field of study. Though he was a firm believer in revelation, he held that the best rules of conduct could be ascertained without its assistance, and could be arrived at by the unaided wit of man ; and that, when arrived at, they were, in their aggregate, to be respected as the Law of Nature.'® This confidence in the power of the human understanding was altogether new in Scotland, and its appearance forms an epoch in the national literature. Previ- ously, men had been taught that the understanding was a rash and foolish thing, which ought to be repressed, and which was unfit to cope with the problems presented to ik" Hutcheson, however, held that it was quite able to deal with them, but that, to do so, it must be free and unfettered. Hence, he stren- uously advocated that right of private judgment which the Scotch Kirk had not only assailed, but had almost destroyed. He insisted that each person had a right to form his opinion according to the evidence he possessed, and that, this right being inalienable, none but weak minds would abstain from exercising it.'® Every one was to judge according to his own “ The intention of Moral Philosophy is to direct men to that course of action which tends most effectually to promote their greatest happiness and perfection ; as far as it can be done by observations and conclusions discoverable from the consti- tution of nature, without any aids of supernatural revelation : these maxims or rules of conduct are therefore reputed as laws of nature, and the system or collection of them is called the Law of Nature.” Hutcheson's Moral Philosophy^ vol. i. p. 1. u