Architectural and Ornamental Details of ANCIENT ROME Measured and Drawn by Charles Moreau, Architect First Published in Paris about 1800 MCMXIX The Architectural Book Publishing Company Paul Wenzel and Maurice Krakow Thirty-one East Twelfth Street Details of a Candelaber in the Vatican Roman Capital Small Altars from the Villa Borghese n ' . * m iMSf: Mm Base and Cornice from the Forum of Nerva x of Entablement from the Forum of Nerva Frieze and Architrave from the Forum of Nerva Cornice and Architrave Details from the Forum of Nerva XIV Cornice of the Temple of Antonin and Faustine Frieze from the Temple of Antonin and F? ) Capital from the Temple of Antonin and Fans tine A Detail of the Same Capital Fragment of a Candelaber in the Vatican Museum xx Tripod of Apollo in the Vatican Museum Small Altar in the Villa Borghese Candelaber ^- 4 ;—— 1 "-- 4 — jJ s ' Uls* k v y/fcv/ra ..,V T ll _ Frieze and Cornice of a Fragment Found in Rome Drip Stone from the Temple of Jupiter, the Thunderer Architrave Details from the Temple of Jupiter, the Thunderer yliwiA BriM| ,v N ' V^^lM^wiB} i ■ «npBH Sfllllfi ^wW- ffifltt asSesSssvSiMv HHHHH Detail from the Temple of Jupiter, Chimeras in the Vatican Museum Roman Chair in the Museum of the Vatican '