CATALOGUE OF A CHOICE and VERY CAPITAL COLLECTION of HIGH FINISHED ORIGINAL CABINET OF THE Sftaltan, jfrenri), jflenttsf) anto Dutch gdjools, THE GENUINE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, WHO COLLECTED THEM WITH GREAT JUDGMENT & INFINITE TASTE : ' COMPRISING Select and beautiful Specimens of the following great and esteemed Masters , IN THE FINEST PRESERVATION, VIZ. G. ROMANO, S. ROSA, REMBRANDT, SCHALKEN, JD. DI VOLTERRA, CLAUDE, G. DOW, TERBURG, GAROFALO, POUSSIN, WOUVERMANS, CAPELLA, TITIAN, RUBENS, BOTH, BEGA, GIORGIONE, V. DYCK, RUYSDAEL, WAN ANTS, BASSANO, PA ROC EL, A. V. DE VELDE, WATERLOO, CARRACCI, TENIERS, J. STEEN, ROMYN, DOMEN1CH1NO, OSTADE, DE HOOGE, V. DER NEERj ALBANO, DUSAltT, HACKAEKT, DE V LI EGER. WLtyty tmli toe ^olD top auction* By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room , Pall Mall , On SATURDAY, the 2d Day of MARCH, 1811, PRECISELY AT ONE O’CLOCK. May be Viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had of Mr. Christie, Pall Mall, Conditions of Sale. k 1 ' ; • > ' v * •> . " X *- ■ " '• - •• * -• - i. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is—Above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s in the Pound, in part of payment of the Purchase Money; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchase Money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment, shall be forfeited, all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. A CATALOGUE, &C. &C. &Cr • . I C , -1 j f • If* / ’% . *. r .... SATURDAY, MARCH the 2d, 1811, Ostacle. Mol a. Van Goyen •• .. Vanderdoes.. • • Van Mecheln • • -- Moucheron. De Vlieger. Jansens.. • -Brauwer • Bredael • /3 1 An Interior with Boors Drinking, circular 2 St. Bruno in a Landscape 3 A Winter scene with Figures Skaiting 4 A Landscape, Cattle, and Figures 5 Inside of a Cathedral, with a Procession 6 Landscape and Figures 7 A View in the Mouth of the Maes, a very silvery picture, equal to W. Vandevelde 8 A view near the Hague, a true representation of Nature, delicately finished 9 La Petite Gazette, exquisitely pencilled ; a cabinet Gem 10 The Siege of Belgrade, with a battle between the Turks and Austrians; the finest work of the master 11 The Companion, of equal merit 12 A Conversation, painted in a silvery tone and with great effect ■Ditto* •• J. Steen 4 Ruysdael... 13 i ^1 i BaSSatl •••*•••!•• R ~7" J. Ostade*.- // / ■^'"—Ruysdael. 16 ■■■ ■ Dominichino. 17 ' .^-^Vanderneer. 18 - Artois and Teniers • • • 19 ^ Giorgione. 20 J7/?2-^Tcniers Jo — - Dusart. js — ■ Schalkcn.* ... 23 Dosso Dossi. M'r Waterloo. ,... 25 Vandyck. Vanderneer. ... 27 /<*> G. Dow... ... 28 2J - N. Poussin. .... 29 — Le Due. .... 30 *7 Pordenone. 31 O • Poet • • • • • • ••• ( 4 ) View in Holland, with a Ferry-boat, very brilliant Christ bearing his Cross, with many Figures; most powerfully coloured, fully equal to Titian The Schoolmaster ; the subject and effect true to Nature A Romantic Landscape, vigorously painted St. Catherine, full of expression and finely coloured View in Holland, moonlight; full of effect, capital A View near Brussels with the Town of Mechlin in the distance, most brilliantly coloured, enriched with Figures by Teniers David with the Head of Goliah An Incantation, finely coloured and touched with great spirit The Exterior of a Cabaret with Horses and Figures, a most pleasing picture The Sculptor enamonred of his Model: the effect of candlelight is illusive; exquisitely finished A Virgin and Child; the expression lovely, and brilliantly coloured—the works of this master are very rare A Woody Landscape, a faithful representation of Nature with fine Figures by Lingleback, in his best manner The Infant Christ leaning on a Globe and trampling on a Serpent, painted with great vigour View on the Banks of a River by Moonlight, with a Village in the distance, finely enamelled and most exquisitely- finished—a cabinet Gem Portrait of Rembrandt’s Wife and Child, treated as a Reposo. This exquisite bijou combines with his own delicate finishing, all the force and effect of his master Rembrandt Bacchanalians, finely drawn and vigourously coloured The Interior of a Guard-House, with Cavaliers and their Ladies Playing at Cards, &c. This charming Picture is finished equal to Francis Mieris, and is a chef d’ceuvre of the master The Tribute Money. The dignified character of the Saviour is finely contrasted with the attendant figure Cleopatra dissolving the Pearl at a Banquet with Marc Antony, most elegantly composed, the colouring and finishing ^exquisite 1 J/C#' 4? £co %J> G. Romano Garofalo... Hackaert Bega. Jo H 133 Wynants. D. da Voltcrra • Parrocel . De Hooge. Wouvermans *. * 63 //& — Claude G. Poussin Ditto. Vandyck • • 34 - 4o Titian Both • ( s ) 33 Scipio distributing Rewards to his Officers, drawn and painted with all the vigour which characterizes the works of this great master 34 The Annunciation, an elegant and highly coloured cabinet Picture, in which the Artist has emulated the powers of Raphael 35 A rich Sunny Landscape, embellished with beautiful Cattle and Figures by Asselyn at the entrance into a Forest; the enamel and execution of this picture are exquisite 36 The Interior of a Cabaret, with Boors drinking, finely co¬ lored and delicately pencilled—a very superior pictn^ of this master 37 A Woody Landscape, with ^'S u ' es by Lingelback, painted wi.ii gieat spirit and truth 38 Christ bearing his Cross—the subject is treated with all the grandeur of this great and rare master 39 The Death of the Chevalier Bayard, this picture is painted with vigour, and the most rich effect of colour, and is equal to the finest works of Titian and Rembrant 40 A Lady feeding her Parrot, elegantly dressed in white sattin, which is painted with an effect that is absolutely deceptive 42 A Halt of Travellers in a Mountainous Country, a highly colored and charming cabinet picture 42 A beautiful Sunny Landscape, with Cattle and Figures ; the effect of the distance is truly admirable, and the whole exquisitely finished 43 A grand romantic Landscape and Figures, painted in his finest time and manner 44 The companion of equal if not superior merit 45 King Charles the. Second, when a boy; this Picture for delicacy of colour and pencilling, equals the finest works of this elegant Master, and is in the finest state of preservation 46 Misers locking up their Treasure, richly coloured and execu¬ ted with a fine free pencil 47 A most brilliant and charming Landscape ornamented with Cattle and Figures by A. Vandcvelde, truly a cabinet gem f //# —* Capella • /#// ........ 49 *7— "■* A. Ostade.. 50 'Veo __ . 51 A. V. Velde ........ 52 <3f 7<" A. Caracci..•....... 53 — ^na \ Wouverman*.. 54 7 r Romyn ... • ... 55 . 56 7i/M> A. Ostade... _ 57 A View in the Maes with a fleet; of Transports with Troops on board lying at anchor, the calmness and transparency of the water and the genial warmth of the sun are admirably expressed, truly a chef d’ceuvre of this great master An Old Man and Woman with a Maimed Soldier begging by the road side at the entrance of a Village, the characters are finely expressed, and touched with a free and spirited pencil, a silvery picture A View in Holland wiih a variety of Figures amusing them¬ selves on the Ice ; the effect of the distance is delightful, and winter is robbed of its chilling effect by the magic of Ostade’s colour Philosupw.* u, a grfand Landscape; an enamelled and most brilliant picture, combining the the powers of this great master with the silvery effect of Claude An early Morning Scene with Ladies and Gentlemen preparing for the Chacej the Huntsmen, Horses, and Dogs in attendance, which are exquisitely painted: a brilliant and charming picture A Reposo in a grand Landscape with an Angel presenting flowers to the Infant Christ; a charming cabinet picture of this great master A Skirmish of Cavalry, with a party of Peasants, the figures full' of action expressed with the greatest truth, the colouring rich and harmonious, and touched with delicacy and freedom, capital A grand Italian Landscape with Ruins, enriched with most beautiful groups of Oxen, Sheep and Goats, finely composed—The Cattle are drawn and coloured equal to Berchem and K- du Jardin in their finest manner, and the whole is in no respect inferior to those great masters The Flight into Egypt: this subject is treated with all the elegance and sweetness for which this master is so justly celebrated—a most brilliant cabinet picture An Interior with Boers playing at Cards, the colouring and local effect are truly magical, and the figures painted with great truth, in his best manner—a cabinet gem F. Mieris • • Terburg.... tyri y /* ^raet. 'V- ■ . 58 .59 ........ 60 Corregio • • • / V . 61 /ff Rembrandt • / . 62 - Rubens ... • . 63 J9 Giorgione • • .. 64 Minerva protecting the Arts and Sciences, admirably colored ; a most capital Picture of this rare and valuable master A Cavalier with a Lady in Conversation, finely contrasted and painted in the most delicate manner—this bijou is from the Choiseuil collection Portraits of the Burgomaster Six with his Family : an exquisite Picture, which with all the delicacy and high finishing of G. Dow and Mieris, combines an elegance rarely to be met with in the Dutch School—The works of this master are so rare that it may truly be stiled unique—a chef d’oeuvre An Angel’s Head ’ this beautiful Study is from the Cabinet of a Nobleman at Verona, and possesses all the grace, sweetness and magic of Chiaro Scuro observable in the works of this great master—a cabinet gem Portrait of Rembrandt’s Sister. The wonderful effect of coloi, the richness of the enamel, combined with a true repre¬ sentation of nature in the whole, render this charming portrait most desirable 1 —to such a height of illusion has Rembrandt carried his Art in this picture, that the figure appears starting from the canvas Venus arresting Mars, and interceding to mitigate the horrors of war—a most spirited and beautiful easel picture. In this much cel«brated subject Rubens has united terror with grace and sweetness—it is richly colored The Virgin and Child attended by a Saint—this subject is grandly treated, and is a noble specimen of the rich colouring of the Venetian School—capital FINIS. C. SaMetuu, Printer, 17,St. Martin’s l*tf. THE GETTY