GUIDE THROUGH THE GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS OF THE IMPERIAL MUSEUM OF THE LOUVKi PRICE 6 FRANCS PARIS PRINTED BY CHARLES DE MOURGtJES BROTHE^- 8, P.LK JEAIS-JACQIES ROITSSEAD 1862 SB IMPERIAL MUSEUM OF THE LOUVRE GUIDE THROUGH THE GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS OF THE IMPERIAL MUSEUM OF THE LOUVRE -^PS^^>^>^^^^=5^ PARIS PRINTED BY CHARLES DE MOURGUES BROTHERS 8, RUE J. -J. ROUSSEAU 1862 INTRODUCTION This Guide is divided into three distinct parts, com- prising : The First, the Italian and Spanish Schools. The Second, the German, Flemish and Dutch Schools. The Third, the French School. The second part of this book, is distinguislied fror the first and third, by a coloured edge. In each of these divisions will be founcl : 1° The accurate names of the Artists. 2° The dates and places of their birth and death, taken from the most authentic sources. 3° The names of the masters, when known, of whoi>i. the Artists were pupils. li° The dimensions of the paintings, the material ^ which theF are painted, and the size of the figures. 5° T\m ilescription of the subjects represented. 6° Th® origin of the paintings; that is, the indication ct tb« time at which they were added to the collection, a . . tte names of the Sovereigns who bought them. We shal feowever observe that when we make use of the expres-» sion Old collection, it is because we were unable to dis- ewer exactly, the * ; mission of the painting n INTRODUCTION. into the Museum ; and that, under the denomination of Napoleon Museum, which relates to Napoleon the First, we have united the works collected under the first Re- public, the Consulate, and the Empire. Each part has a separate set of numbers correspondi ng with those of the pictures of each school, which bear be- sides, on the frames, the names of the Artists. The red numbers, indicate the Italian and Spanish Paintings. The bltie numbers, indicate the German, Flemish or Dutch Paintings. The black numbers. Indicate the French Paintings. Persons wishing to have more ample details of the lives of the Artists whose names are mentioned in this book, and to know more of the historical particulars, rela- ting to each painting exhibited, as well as the indication of the engravings made after it, will find that information in the work published in French, by M' Fr^d^ric Villot, Chief Keeper of the Picture Department of the Impe- rial Museums, work of which this Guide, translated by M' A. Delaunay, is an abridgment The collection of pictures composing the Museum of Paintings, at the Louvre, is exhibited in the following rooms : 1° The Large Hall, in which has been united a selection of the master-pieces of the different Schools. 2" The Grand Gallery, adjoining the Hall. This gallery is divided into six parts, and six small saloons. The two first are dedicated to the Italian and Spanish Schools. — The first small saloon contains the early paintings of the German and Flemish Schools — The third and fourth parts, separated by a small saloon, belong to the German, Flemish and Dutch Masters. — The oldest pic- tures of the French Artists, have been collected in the third small saloon. The fifth part is reserved for the French School, which occupied also the sixth part (now IINTRODUCTION. VII closed, being under repair), and went as far as the time of Louis XIV. 3* The visitor, retracing his steps, after having passed through the Gallery of Apollo, the Round Hall and the room of Antique Bronzes, reaches the Large Hail of the Modem French School, formerly called the Hall of the seven chimneys. In this Hall is found a selection of the most cele- brated paintings of artists, who lived from the end of the last century until the present time, but who are no longer living; the Louvre only admitting the works of deceased artists. 4° The nine rooms adjoining this Hall, and which suc- ceed each otlier, parallel with the river, contain the re- mainder of the French pictures, classed by centuries, beginning at the end of that of Louis XIII, or the first part of the reign of Louis XIV, until the most modern age. 5° After having gone through the Museum of the Sove- reigns, three other rooms are reached, in which have been assembled together, the Flemish , Dutch and Italian pain- tings, which for want of room (until the completion of the Louvre), or from other causes, have not been admitted into the Grand Gallery. 6° Finally, in the large hall called the Assembly Room, adjoining the hall of Henri II, the enamels and earthen vases are exhibited ; also the celebrated paintings of the battles of Alexander, executed by Gh. le Brun, for Louis XIV and several others of minor value. V^ith the exception of the Large Hall, in which no cla sification has been preserved, the pictures have been cla sed, as much as possible, according to their chronologica order. The works of the same artist have been collected together, in order to judge of his various styles, at diffe- rent periods ; and, after having grouped together the ar- tists of the same school, the most remarkable paintings have been placed in the most conspicuous places, in order to facilitate the examination and study of them. VIII ENTRODUCnflg, A considerable number of the paintings of the MuseuT& have been engraved by skilful artists; these engravings are sold in the Louvre itself, in the department of the Chal- cography. A selection of these prints is exhibited, in the rooms adjoining those of the Drawings, where the Catalogue of the complete collection may be found. F. V. April 25th 185». EXPLANAHON OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS VOLUME. fl. — Height w. — Width. c. — Canvass. w. — Wood. cop. — Copper. Fig. — Heads or Figures, Nat S. — Natural Size. SmaUS. — Small Size. NOTA Bene. -^ The paintings designated In the cata- logue, by an asterisk placed near the number, are not exhibited, having been taken out of rooms, whichare now closed on account of repairs. To enable the reader to understand the dimensions of the paintings, we here subjoin a comparative scale ol French and English measures : fe«t. iMko. 0" 01 (1 centimetre) is equal to 0. 05 (5 id. ) — 0. 10 (1 decimetre) — 0. 20 (20 centimetres) — 0. 25 (25 id. ) 0. 60 (50 id. 0. 75 (75 id. 1. 00 (1 metre) 2. 00 3. 00 A* 00 5. 00 (5 id. ) 1 (X mecre; (2 id. ) (3 id. ) (ti id. s 0. 0,394 0. 1,970 0. 3,937 0. 7,874 0. 9,8ZUi 1. 6,688 2. 4,532 a 3,371 a 6,741 9. 10,112 13. 1,483 16. 4,854 PART I ITALIAN AND SPANISH SCHOOLS ITALIAN SCHOOLS. ALBAXI (Francesco), born in Bologna the 17 th of March 1578, died in the same city the kth of October ICtO. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Denis Calvaert and of ihe Carracci. 1 God the Father sends the angel Gabriel to Mary, H. 0,3 2. — ■W.0,42. — Oval shape. — Painted on canvass pasted on wood. — Heads 0, i 5. In the center of the picture, the Father, supported by a group of angels and a scepter in his hand, leans on the globe placed on his knees. He orders the archangel Ga- briel to announce to Mary that she will become the mo- ther of the Saviour; below Gabriel, is an angel bringing a branch of lily. On the left, Peace and Justice are seated on a cloud, holding, one a palm, the other a sword ; an angel, placed near them, shows a scroU. On the right, Faith and Hope are embracing each other. In the uppei part of the painting, the Heavens opened show the hea- venly host. Collection of Louis XIV. 2 The Annunciation. H. 0,7 4. — W. 0,43. — C. — Heads 0,3 3. On the right, the Virgin in a kneeling posture, turns at the aspect of the angei Gabriel who advances born 1 2 ALBANL on a cloud, his arms crossed on his breast and holding in his riglit hand a lily. The IJoly Ghost, under the form of a do\e, descends from Heaven accompanied by three angels. Collection of Louis XIV. B The Annuncialion. H. 0,19. — W. o,i4. — Cop. — Heads o,lO. Repetition of the preceding picture, Collcclion of Louis XIV. A The sojourn in Egypt, H. 0,7 4. — W. 0,9 5. — C. — Heads, o,25. Two angels kneeling offer fruits and fio-vvers to the Infant Jesus seated on the knees of his mother; a third one, on the other side, lowers the branch of a tree, so that the Virgin may gather the fruit; on the right, saint Joseph leads the ass towards a river barred by a cascade. In the clouds, angels are bringing baskets of different fruits which they have just gathered. Napoleon Museum. 5 The sojourn in Egypt, n. 0,76. — • W. 0,95. — Cop. — Heads 0,28. Saint Joseph in meditation holds a book on his knees. On the right, an angel leads the ass to a spring, flowing from a rock. — Uepetition of the preceding picture with a few alterations. Collection of Louis XIV. 6 Holy Family. H. 0,57. — W. 0,43. — Cop, — Heads, 0,25. Under a portico of the corinthian order, the Virgin, •eated, supports the Infant Jesus in his cradle; the ALBANI. 3 young saint John bends his knees to him and receives his caresses. Behind them is Saint Elisabeth; on the right, saint Joseph, holding a book and his elbow leaning on a table, interrupts his reading to contemplate tliem; in tlie back ground, on the left, tAvo angels, their hands crossed on their breast, adore the Saviour. In the air, are two angels, flowers which the other scatters. Collection of Louis XIV. 7 Apparition of Jesus to Magdalen. H. 0,19. — V\\ 0,14. — Cop. — Heads, o,l2. On the right, Mary Magdalen, her hair in disorder and a vase of perfumes in her hand, is kneeling before Christ leaning on a spade. In the back ground, behind Mary Magdalen, two angels are seated on the edge of the sepulchre, at the entrance of the cave. Collecliou of Louis XIV. 8 Saint Francis in prayer, H. 0,17. —W. 0,15. — Cop. — Heads 0,22. At the entrance of a grotto, the saint, seen at half length, nearly in profile aod turned towards the left, rests one hand on his breast and the other on a skull ; he looks at the cross with fervor, and a ray of light plays round his head. Hills in the back ground. Napoleon Museum. 9 The toilet of Venus, H. 2,03. — W. 2,52. — C. —• Heads 0,65. Upon a terrace on the sea shore, and in front of a portico of the doric order, Venus is looking at herself in a glass which Cupid presents. A little to the left, three Loves are near a table on which is placed a vase of flowers. On the right . in the middle of a basin, is a a ALBANL rich fountain ornamented with sculpture. In the back ground, a palace; in the air, the car of the goddess; Loves feeding the swans, and playing on musical iii- strumsnts. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. 10 The repose of Venus and Vulcatu E. 2,03. — W. 2,5.5. — C. — Heads 0,65. On the left, Venus rests on a couch, and VUiCaT\ stretched at her feet, leans on his hammer. Two Loves present the goddess with a shield pierced by arrows. On the right, Loves are forging and sharpening darts ; others are finishing and trying bows. Diana, born on a cloud, accompanied by two nymphs, holds a javeUn. Collection of Louis XIV, 11 The disarmed Loves. H. 1,9 8. — W. 2,4 5, — C. — Heads 0,6 5. In the midst of a forest, the Loves are sleeping on cushion?. The nymphs of Diana surprise and disarm them. On the left, a nymph is cutting the wings of Love, while her companion is carrying away his bow and quiver. On the right, another njmph breaks a bow on her knee. In the back ground, Calisto and one of her companions ; in the air, Diana born on clouds. Collection of Louis XIV, 12 Adonis led to Venus by the Loves, H. 2,03. — W. 2,55. — C. — Heads 0,65. On the right. Love conducts Adonis, leading a dog^ to Venus reposing on cusliions, in the shade of largfi trees where Loves arc playing, while otiiers who are watching by the side of the goddess seem , by their signs, to recommend silence and secrecy. A river for ALBANL 5 ming several cascades, is flowing through high moun- tains, and descends from the back to the fore ground. Loves are bathing in it; in the air, two Loves are holding a large white veil. Collection of Louis XIV. 13 Apollo watching the flocks of Admetes, H. 0,88. — W. 1,03. — Cop. — Head3 o,32 Towards the right, Apollo, holding with one hand his lyre and his crook with the other, is seated on a hillock. Mercury flies towards him, to announce to him the end of his exile ; he shows to the god in the distance, the Muses assembled on the banks of the Hippocrene, and Pegasus on the summit of the Helicon. On the left, the flocks of Admetes; mountains are in the back ground ; in the Heavens, tbf divinities of Olympus bora on clouds. • Collection of Louis XIV. he triumph of Cybele, II. 0,88. — W. 1,03. — Cop. — Heads 0,30. Cybele seated between two lions, on a throne raised by three steps, extends her arms, raises her eyes to Heaven, invokes tiie heat of the sun which grows and ripens the protluctions of the earth. On the left, on one of the steps of the throne, Ceres is seated; and, in the fore ground. Flora on wlioso head Love is placing a wreath of flowers. On tiie riglit, near the throne, Bac- chus is standing, pros!i-ing grapes in a golden cup; and, in front, I'omona is seated on tlie ground, surrounded with fruits. In tJiC back ground, Vim and satyrs are watchi]]g the flocks. In the air, Apollo driving his car. 15 Actcvon metamorphosed into a stag, H. 0,50. — W. 0,61. — Cop. — I-Iec.ds o,53. Diana, surrounded by her nymphs, is seated on a hillock on the banks of a stream : she extends her arms 6 AXB^NI. tOAvards Actaeon , whose metamorphosis is already commencing. Collection of Louis XIV. 16 ActcBon metamorphosed into a stag, H. 0,76. — W. 1,00. — C. — Heads 0,32. Diana, entirely naked, and standing in the middle of her frightened nymphs, who cover themselves with their draperies, extends her hand towards Acticon, who takes flight and whose head is already commencing to be transformed. Collection of Louis XIV. 17 Actoion metamorphosed into a stag, H. 0,67. — W. 0,93. — C. — Heads 0,32. Repetition of the preceding picture. Collection of Louis XIV. 18 Apollo and Daphne, H. 0,17. — W. 0,3 5. — Cop. — Heads 0,12. On the right, Apollo, his bow in his hand, pursues Daphne, who flies from him armed with a javelin. In the air, Love born on a cloud. Collection of Louis XIV. 19 Salmacis and Hermaphrodite, H. 0,14. — W.0,31. — Cop. — Heads 0,10. On the left, Salmacis, hidden behind some trees, perceives Hermaphrodite, who is stripping off his clothes, to bathe in the fountain of that nymph. Collection of Louis XIV. ALBANE, 20 Venus and Adonis. H.0,46. — W. 0,62. — C. —Heads 0,28. In the shade of large trees, Venus surrounded by Loves, is stretched on cushions. One of the Loves leads towards her Adonis who admires her; another plays with the dog of the hunter. Collection of Louis XIV. 21 Latona metamorphosing peasants into frogs, H. 0,75. — W. 0,70. — C. — Heads 0,40. Latona, seated under a tree and holding her tvvo children, Apollo and Diana, is surrounded by fishermen; the head of one of them has already been metamor- phosed. Collection of Louis XIV. 22 Ulysses with Circe, E. 0,45. — AV. 0,57. — Cop. — Heads o,30. Ulysses, a sword in his hand, threatens Circe who has just been metamorphosing his companions into SAvine. In the air, Mercury is seen flying, after having succoured Ulysses ; the women of Circe are behind her in an attitude of terror. Collection of Louis XIV. ALBAIVE (After). 23 Lucretia dying by her own hand. H. 1,89. — W. 1,30. — C. — Heads Nat. S,- Lucretia, her eyes raised tov/ards Heaven, and kneeling on an ele\ated cushion, is preparing to stab herself i/vith a poniardL Old collection. 8 ALBERTINEILL AI..BERTIXELLI (Mariotto), born in Florence towards 1667, died at A5, towards 1512. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Cosimo Roselli. 2li Saint Ir^nme and saint Zenobe adoring the Jnfd:>y ^esus in the arms of the Virgin, H. 1,86. — W. 1,76. — C. — ncals Nal. S. The Virgin, standing on a pedestal, holds in her arms, the Infant Jesus, who blesses saint Jerome and saint Zenobe, bishop of Florence, both kneeling by his side. In the distance, on the left, saint Jerome is praying at the foot of a crucifix; on the right. Saint Zenobe visiting the suburbs of Florence and restoring to life a young man, whom they were just going to inter. On the plinth of the bas-relief, placed under the feet of the Virgin, and representing Adam and Eve near the tree of knowledge, is written : MARIOCTI. DEBERTINELLIS. OPVS. A. D. M. D VL Napoleon Museum. 25 Jesus appearing to Magdalen, H. 0,57. — T. 0,48. — C. — Heads 0,34. Mary Magdalen, on her knees, extends her arms towards Christ who is leaning on a gardening implement. In the back ground, on the left, Jesus is seen coming out of the sepulchre and the guards are thrown on the ground. Collection of Louis XIV. ALEXANDRE VEROIVESE — GS^^Tcrciii.) ALFAIVf (Orazio di Domenico), born in Perugia towards 1510, died during the Christmas holy days in 1583. -^ Roman School.) Pupil of bis father Domcni«» AlOoai. ALLEGRL » 26 Mystic marriage of saint Catherine of Alex- andria. H. 2,12. —W. 1,4 5. — W. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin, seated on a throne raised up by one step, is holding on her knees the Infant Jesus, who places the nuptial ring on the finger of saint Catherine of Alexan- dria, kneeling on the left, leaning on the fragment of a wheel, and holding a palm. Behind saint Catherine, saint Antony of Padua, holds in one hand a branch of lily, and a heart in the other. On the right, saint Francis d' Assise is standing, carrying a book and a crucifix. On the step of the throne, between two sculptured figures, a scroll on v.;.'rh is written the date : A. D. M. D. XLVIIl. Napoleon Museum. ALLEGRI (Antonio), called il Correggio, bom in Cor- reggio {in the duchy of Modena) in laOZi, died in the same cihj the bth of March 1534. — (Lombard SchoM.) The name of his master is not known. 27 Mystic manna ge of saint Catherine of Alex- andria, H. 1,0 5. — vv, 1,02. — \V. -- Figures half length Nat. S. Saint Catlierine receives a ring from the [nfant Jesus, seated on tlie knees of the Virgin. On tlie r;glit, saint Sebastian holding arrows in liis hands, is staijuing behind saint CaMierine. in tlic baek ground is seen, on the left, the martyrdom of tliC-e two Sithits. Collcclion of Louis XIV. 28 The sleep of Antiope. H. i,90i — W. 1,24. — C. — Deads xXat. S. Antiope, reposing on a blue drapery, has her head resting on her right arm and is holding an arrow ir 10 ALLEGRl. her left hrmd; at her feet, Cupid sleeps on the skin of a lion, having near him his torch. On the left, near a tree, Jupiter, under the form of a satyr, raises the drapery -which is covering Antiope and considers her with attention. Collection of Louis XIV. ALLEGRl {School of A^TOTiio.) 29 Christ crowned with thorns, H. 0,54. — W. 0,45. — C. — Bust Nat. S. His hands are bound and he holds a reed. Collection of Louis XYL ALLOUI (Cristofano) , born in Florence ihe Mtli of October 1517, died in 1621. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Alessandro AUori, his father, and of Sanli di Tito. SO Isabella ofArragon at the feet of Charles VIII, E. 1,21. — W. 1,5 7. — C. — Heads o,80. Charles VIII crossing Lombardy in IZiOZi, to conquer the kingdom of Naples, stopped in the castle of Pavia, and desired to see the young duke, John Galeas, suffering from a cruel malady. The presence of Louis Sforce, called the Moor, uncle and tutor of tbo young duke, prevented the two princes from speaking together in liberty. The king, whose page carries liis mantle adorned with tleurs de lys, extiinds his scepter towards Isabella, kneeling before him. On the left another page is raising a velvet drapery with golden bands. In the back ground, on the right, the young invalid duke. Collection of Louis XVIU. ALUNNO* 11 AHJ^^XO (NiCOLO) Di FoLTGNO. He was born in Foligno, Pictures by him are known dated in lZi58 and in l/i99. It appears that he was stilt tiving after 1500. — (Ombrian School.) He is believed to have been a pupil of Bartolommeo di Tomaso de Foligno: SI Step of an altar divided in six compartments : 1<> Scroll supported by two angels. H. 0,36. — W. 0,15. — "W. — Deads 0,15. It contains an inscription in elegiac latin verses defaced by 'time, reproduced in the Lettere pittoriche Perugine oi Annibale Mariotti; but without the abrevia- tions that are in the original text : Ad Uclorevi. Mobile testata e pingi pia Brisida tjdd Hoc opus ; 1 nimiu munera grata Deo, Si petis auctoris nomen : Nicholaus Aluntu Fulginis, palrie pulcra corona sucb, Octo quinclies ccniu a mi'dibus anni Cu 7iianus 1711] otita est u!luna vanuerantt Sed (^s plus meruit ^so, te judice, lector, Cu causa dcdciit Brisida et ille manum? To the reader. — By her will, the pious Brisida formerly ordered to paint that splendid work. present too agreeable to God! If thon askest the name of the author, it is Nicolas Alunno de Foligno, worthy child of his countr3\ Fifteen times a hundred years less eight, had elapsed when the hist toucii was put to it. But who had the most merit, I make theeajuge, reader, Brisida who ordered it or the hand that executed it? 2° The prayer in the garden of Olives, H. 0,36. — W. 0,35. — W. — Heads o,i5. On the left, Jesus kneeling, to whom an angel presents the chalice; on the right, in front, the apostles are asleep ; in the back ground, Judas showing Christ to the soldiers. iS ALUNNO. 5* The scourging, H. 0,36. — W. 0,40. — W. — Headi 0,15. A torturer binds Christ to the column of an eaifice, on which are inscribed the letters S. P. Q. R. A* Christ taken to the cross, H. 0,36. — W, 0,64. — Heads, o,i5. On the left, the Virgin supported by the holy women. 6« Christ between the two thieves, H. 0,36. — W. 0,77. — W. — Heads oi5. Two angels are receiving the blood which flows from the hands of Christ 6* Joseph of Arimathcea and Nicodemus on the way to Calvary^ H. 0,36. — W, 0,15. — W. — Heads 0,15. Joseph of Arimathjea is holding the hammer, and Nicodemus the pincers which they are going to use to remove Christ from the cross. Napoleon Museum. 4MERIGHI or MORIGI (MicnEL-ANGiOLO), rrt//^(f IL Caravvcgio, fainter and engraver, born in Caravaggio, near Milan, in 1569, died in 1609 at Porto-ErcoUl — {LomV)ard School.) He bad no master, studied the vorks of Giorgion and Nature; AMERIGHI. 18 32 The death of the Virgin, H. 3,69. — W. 2,45. — C. — HeadsNal. S. The Virgin is extended on her death bed; the apostles and their disciples are plunged in grief. On the fore ground, a woman seated, absorbed in the greatest sorrow, is wiping her tears. Collection of Louis XIV. 33 The fortune teller, H. 0,99. -- W. 1,3 1. — C. — Figures half length. Nat. S. A gipsy is holding the hand of a richly dressed young man, who seems to listen to him attentively. Collection of Louis XIV, Zh A concert, H. 1,21. — W. 1,7 2. -— C. — Figures half lenglh. Nat. S. Eight musicians, standing before a desk, sing and play on several instruments; an organist, seated on a stool, accompanies them. Old collection. 35 Portrait in full length of Atof de Vignacourt, grand master of Malta in 1601. H. 1,95. — W. 1,34. — C. — Heads Nat. S. He is standing covered with armor, and holds a staff of commandment Near him, a page is carrying his helmet. Collection of Louis XFV. iU ANDREA DE MILAN. ANDREA DE MILAiV, milanese painter who was flourishing in 1502. — (Lombard School.) 36 The crucifixion* H. 1,10. — W. 0,77. — W. — Fleada 0,35. Christ stretched on the cross, is surrounded by roman soldiers ; one of them holds in his hand the lance with which he has just been piercing the side of the Saviour. In tiie fore ground, the Virgin, fainting, is supported by a holy woman ; near her, saint John raises his eyes towards Christ. On the opposite side, two soldiers stooping are playing with dice, for his garment without a seam. In the distance a city is seen, bel"ore which flows a river covered with galleys and ships. — This picture is signed : andreas. mediglaneiNsis. fa. 1503. AIVDUEA DEL SARTO5 AADRE DEL SARTE. - See Vannucchi. AXDREA LUIGI DI ASSISI, called l'Ingegno, born towards 1^70, died towards 1556. — (Ombrian SchooL) It is Ihought thay he may have had Nicolo Alunno for master 37 Holy Family. H. 2,13. — W. 1,4 8. — Arched shape. — W.— Heads half. S. Angels are supporting the throne on which the Virgin seated, presents her son to be adored by two holy mar- tyrs. She is accompanied by saint Joseph and another saint. On the lower part of the throne is written : ave MARIA GRACTIE PLENA. N&poleon Museum. AXDREA VICEXTIX". — See Michieli (Andrea db\ AiNGELI (FiLiPPO d'). 1& A-iVDREASI (Ippolito), called l'Andreasino, born in Mantua in 15Zi8, died in the same cily the bth of June 1608. Probably a pupil of the Mazzola from Parma. 38 The Holy Fcunily served by the angels* H. 0,69. — W. 0,54. — C. — Heads 0,30. The Virgin sitting on a carved seat, is holding on her knees the Infant Jesus; saint Elisabeth standing, is leaning on the back of the Virgin's seat; farther off, saint Joseph, sitting and holding a staff, points to the young saint John. Three angels are otTering grapes to the Infant Jesus, and three others, in a tree, gather fruits, with which they are filling a baslcet. Farther off a young and an old man walking in a road, situated between two liillocks, covered with trees and adorned with buildings. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. ANDUIA (Tdccio or Tdzio di), was painting in the church of saint James, in Savona, in lZi87. — (Genoese School.) 39 Christ in the midst of the apostles, H. 0,18. — W. 2,04. — W. «— Figures half length 0,4 0, Jesus, in the center of the painting, rests his left hand on a globe and raises the right one in the attitude of blessing. By his side, are saint John and saint Peter; the other apostles are grouped by two and opposite to each other, excepting at the extremities, where an apostle is iso'ated. Step of an altar piece with a gilt and stamped ground. ANGELI (FiLippo d'), called II Napolitano, painter, engraver, born in Rome towards 1600, died in 1660. — (Roman SchooL) Pupil of his father. 16 ANGELI (FILIPPO). 40 The satyr and the peasant, l\ 0,37. — W. 0,50. — C. — Heads 0,25. On the left, the peasant seated, blows on his spoon. On the right, the satyr is standing, his two hands leaning on the table. In tlie back ground, in the center, a woman is standing, holding a child in her arms. Old colIeclioD. ANGELI (Giuseppe), born towards 1715^ was still living in 1793. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Gio. Eallisla Piazzelta. 41 The soldier and the young drummer, H. 0,82. — W. 0,68. — C. — Figures half length. Nat. S. A soldier, a furred cap on his head, and a cloak on his shoulders, is leaning on his sword and listens to a child who is beating the drum at his side. Old collection. AIVGELICO(lL Beato). — See Giovanni (Fra). ANSEL MI ( Michel- Angelo), called also Michel -An- GELO DA LuccA or DA SiENA, born in Lucca in lZi9i, xvas still living at the end o/"155i. — (Lombard School.) Pupil of Gio. Ant. called the Sodoma or of Barlolommco Ne- roni dit Riccio according to other authors. ^2 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus adored by saint John the Baptist and by saint Stephen. H. 1,69. — W. 1,23. — W. — Heads Small Xat. The Virgin seated, holding her child in her arms. Is bom on clouds, and surrounded by a host of angels. BARBARELLT. il Saint John the Baptist, kneeling, raises his eyes to Hea- ven ; liis cross is placed before him; saint Stephen, martyr, holds a palm, and points to those ^vords, in- scribed on a book which an angel presents him : Ecce vias celos apertos, — et Jesum statem a dextris virtutis Dei. Napoleon Museum. ARPIXO (IL Cavaliere d'). — S^^Cesarl ASS IS I. — See Andrea Ldigi d' Assist. BAGiVACAVALLO. — See Ramenghi. BARBARELLI (Giorgio), ca//^c^ II Giorgione, bom in Castel-Franco , or according to some autliors , in Vise- lago , village of the province of Trevise, in Ihll , died in 1511. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Giovanni Bellini, A 5 Holy family, several saints and a Donor, H, 1,0 0. — W. 1,3 6.— W. — Figures half length, Small Si On the left, the Virgin seated, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, saint Joseph is placed behind her. On the right, saint Sebastian, pierced with arrows, bound to a tree, and saint Catherine are before them. Quite in the fore ground, in the center, the Donor whose bust and profile only are seen. Collection of Louis XIV. hh Rural concert, H. 1,10. — "W. 1,38. — C. — Figures half size. A naked woman, turning her back, a flute in her hand, and two young men, of whom one. holds a lute, are sea- t8 BARBIERI. ted on the grass, and seem to be conversing together. On the left and standing, a woman, whose drapery only covers the lower part of the body, pours in a sort of stone reservoir, the water contained in a glass vase. Colleclion of Louis XIV. BARBARELLI {Attributed to). lib The head of saint John the Baptist presented to Salome. H. 0,78. — W. 0,64. — W. — Heads o,65. The daughter of Herodias, standing, receives from an executioner in armor, the head of saint John placed in a dish. On the left, in the distance, the executioner points to the head of the saint whom he has just beheaded. Collection of Lonis XIV. BARBIERI (Giovanni Francesco), called II Gdercino, bom at Cento, small town in the province of Bologna, the Sth ofFebruanj, 1591, died in 1666.— (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Paolo Zagnoni and of Cremonini. A6 Lot and his daughters. H. 1,72. — W. 2,21. — C. — Heads Nat. S« Lot, seated on a mountain, between his two daugh- ters, empties the cup which one of them fills. In the back ground, the wife of Lot, changed into a pillar of salt, and the burning of Sodom, CoUeciion of Louis XYIIL BARBIERI. t» hi The Virgin and the Infant Jesus. The Virgin, standing and seen at half length, supports on a table, the Infant Jesus, in the act of giving his Napoleon Museum. 48 The resurrection of Lazarus. H. 1,99. — W. 2,33. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Christ standing, extends his arm towards Lazarus whose bonds a young man is loosening. Mary and Mar- tha, sisters of Lazarus, are, one at the feet of Christ, the other near the sepulchre with two disciples. On the right, a man leaning over the tomb, holds his nose on account of the odor. Ck)llection of Louis XVI. 49 The Virgin and saint Peter. H. 1,22. — W. 1.59.— C. Figures hal! length. Nat. S. The Virgin seated, her hands resting on her knees, is motionless with grief; saint Peter, wiping his eyes, shows his sorrow and repentance. Collection of Louis XIV. 50 Saint Peter in prayer. H. 0,7 5, — W. 0,60. — C. — Bust Nat. S. His head is bare, turned to the right, and he holds in his hands a key and an open book. Napoleon Museum. 20 BARBIERI. 51 Saint Paul. H. 0,7 5. — W. 0,61. — C. — Bust. Nat. S. [le is represented bare headed, nearly in profile, turned to the left, one hand resting on the hilt of a sword. Napoleon Museum. 52 Salome receiving the head of saint John the Baptist. H. 1,39. — W. i,G7. — C. — Figures half length. Nat. S. Salome, daughter of Herodias, receives in a basin tlie head of saint John the Baptist, which an executioner is holding by tlie hair. Napoleon Museum. 53 Vision of saint Jerome, II. 0,42. — W. 0,48. — Cop. — neads 0,48. Saint Jerome, stretched on a mat in h!s grotto, wakens sei-^ed with terror, at the sound of the trumpet of the last judgment, blown by an angel, ^ear him on the ground, are two books and a skull. Collection of Louis XIV. 54 Saint Francis d' Assise and saint Benedict, H. 2,80. — W. 1,83. — C. — Heads Nat. S. An angel appears in the air, to saint Francis d' Assise and saint Benedict. The latter, clothed in white, holding a book and the pastoral stafT in his hand, listens to the , sounds of the celestial musi^ which ravishes saint Frcncis d' Assise. Napoleon Museum, BARBIERL 21 55 The holy protectors of the city of Medina, H. 3,32. — W. 2,30. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin, accompanied by two angels, and born on the clouds, holds in her arms, the Infant Jesus, who is givin^ his blessing. Saint Geminian, bishop, is receiving from°an angel the raised map of tlie city of Modena; behind him, another angel bears his crosier. Saint John the Baptist kneeling, intercedes with Mary. On the right, Saint George standing, clothed in armor, leans on his sword; in the back ground, saint Peter, martyr, monk of the order of saint Dominick. Napoleon Museum. 56 Hersilia separating Romulus and Tatius, H. 2,53. — W. 2,67. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Hersilia holds the arm of Romulus, and casts suppli- cating looks towards his father, whose armed hand a Sabine woman is also arresting. In the back ground, battle of the Sabines and Romans. Napoleon Museum. 57 Circe, H. 1,24. — W. 0,9 6. — C. — Figures half length. Nat. S. Her head dressed with a turban, adorned with feathers and a diamond clasp , the sorceress holds in her right hand a wand, and in the left a golden vase ; near her, on a table, another vase and an open book in which are traced cabali.stic characters. CoWiTjou of Louis XIV • -■ «2 BARBIEM. 58 Portrait of Guerchin. W. 0,77. — W. 0,62. — C. — Bust Nat. S. He is represented bare headed, three quarters, turned to the left, with long hair, a white collar turned down, and a garment of black watered silk; he holds in his hand his pallet and his brushes. Old collection. 59 Saint John in the desert, H. 2,43. — W. 1,69. — C — Heads Nat. S. Saint John, standing, holds in his left hand a cross made of reeds, and in the right a cup in which he receives the water which gushes from a rock. Old collection. 60 Saint Cecilia, H. 1,22. — "W. 1,00. — C, — Figures down lo the knees. Nat. S. She is represented three quarters, turned to the left, seated and playing on the organ. Old collection. BAROCCI (Federigo), or Fiori d'Urbino, painter asti engraver, born in Ur bine in 1528, died the ZOth of Sep^ tember 1612. — (Roman School.) Pupil of Fraucesco Menzocchi and of Ballisla Franco. 61 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus adored by saint Anthony and saint Lucy, H. 2,85. — W. 2,20. — C. — Heads Nat. S, Seated on clouds and crowned by two angels, the BARTOLO. 23 Virgin holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, who presents a palm to saint Lucy, prostrate at his feet. Behind the saint, an angel caries in a cup, the eyes of which she was deprived, while suffering martyrdom ; en the other side, on the left, saint Anthony abbot, kneeling on the ground, meditates on the Holy Scrip- tures. In the back ground a city. Napoleon Museum. 62 Saint Catherine. H. 0,82. — W. 0,68. — C. — Bust Nat. S. She has a crown on her head, her eyes raised to Heaven, one hand resting on her breast, and the other on the hilt of a sword. Near her is a wheel with iron spikes, instrument of her martyrdom. Colleclion of Louis XYIIL BARTOLO (Taddeo di), boi-n in Sienna in 1363, died in 1A22. — (Florentine SchooL) The name of his master is not known; f»3 Altar piece divided in three compartments, 1" The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 1,4 2. — W. 0,7 2. — W\ — Heads small size. The Virgin, seated and surrounded by cherubs, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus ; he is standing and plays with a little bird. BARTOLO. 2* Saint Gerard and saint PauL H. 1,30. — W. 0,70. — W. — Heads i,io. Saint Gerard, clothed in the habit of his order, leans his right hand on a crutch, and holds in his left a rosary ; saint Paul holds a sr/ord in his right hand, and In the left a scroll on whicb is written : Andromanos. 3* Saint Andrew and saint Nicolas, bishop ofMyra. H. 1,30. — W. 0,70. — W. — Heads i,io. Saint Andrew holds 6i cross in his right hand and a book in his left; saint Nicolas carries a crosier in his right hand, and in his left a book and three besants. Over the sides are the medallions of saint Gregory, pope, and of saint Louis, king of France. Napoleon Museum. BARTOLOMMEO (Fra) DEL FATTORIXO, called Baccio della Porta, or II Frate, bom in the village of Savignano, near Florence, in l/i69, died in ike convent of Saint Mark, at Florence, the eth of October 1517. — (Flo- rentine School.) Pupil of Cosimo Roselll. QIi The angelic salutation, H, 0,96. — W. 0,76. — W,— Heads 0,42. The Virgin, a book in her hand, is seated on a plat- form in a niche, and contemplates the angel Gabriel, who appears in the air, carrying a branch of lily. Saint John tlie Baptist, saint Paul, saint Jerome, saint Francis, are standing on each side of the Virgin ; saint Margaret on the left, and saint Magdalen on the right, are knee- ling in the fore ground of the painting, the first holdin^? a cross, and the second a vase. Collcclion of Franci* l^ BARTOLOMMEO. 25 65 The Virgin, saint Catherine of Sienna , ana several Saints. H. 2,57. — W. 2,28. — W. — Heads small S. The Virgin, seated on a throne, accompanied by saint Peter, saint Bartholomew, saint Vincent and other perso n- age?, holding branches of palm, presides at the mystic marriage of the Infant Jesus witli saint Catherine, who is kneeling before him. Behind the Virgin, saint Francis and saint bominick embrace each other, in token of the affection which unites them. In the upper part, angels are supporting the curtains of the canopy which is over the throne. On the steps of the throne is written : orate PRO piCTORE. M. D. XI ; and On the lower one : bartholo:\ie FLOREN. OR. PRAE. Collection of Francis I. BARTOLOMMEO Dl GEIVTILE DA CRBIIVO. The year of his birth and of his death are unknown; it is however certain by the date of his paintings, that he ivas stit living in 1508. — (Roman School.) 66 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus. H. 1,5 5. — W. 0,80. — "W. — Heads small size. The Virgin, seated on a throne arched and inlaid v/iih costly marble, holds in her arms the Infant Jesus, wiio wears a coral necklace. At the bottom of the picture is written : BARTOLOMEVS. M. GENTILIS . DE . VRBIN . PINXIT. ANN. MCCCCLXXXXVII. And upon the arch of the monument : O MATER, DEI. MEMENTO. MET, Collection of Louis-Philippe. BASSAN — 5eePoNTE. 20 BATTONI, BATTO^^I (II CAVALTERE PoMPEio GiROLAMO), bom at Lucca 1708, died at Rome in 11 %1. — (Roman School.) Pupil of Gio. Dominico Brugieri and of Gio. Dom. Lombardi. 67 The Virgin, her eyes cast clowns and her hands crossed on her breast, H. 0,47. — W. 0,37. — C. — Bust. Nat. S. Old colleclion. B E C C A F U M 1. —See Mec arino. BED OLD (GiROLAMO). — See Mazzolo. (Girolamo.) BELLINI (Gentile), born in Venice in 1A21, died in the same city the 2dd of February 1507. — ( Venetian School.) Pupil of his father Jacopo Bellini. 68 Reception of a Venetian ambassador at Con- stantinople, n. 1,18. •— W. 2,03. — C. — Heads o,38. The Venetian ambassador, clothed in red, accom- panied by five personages dressed in black, is presented to an old man wearing a turban and seated on a divan placed before the door of a palace. On the steps and in the court, a great number of Orientals, of whom one is on horseback, accompanied by two soldiers. In the bacli jjround, the garden and terraces of the palace. Colleclion of Louis XIY. 69 Portraits of John and Gentil Bellin, H. 0,44. — W. 0,63. — C. — Busts Nat. S, They are placed in front of each other, and have both, a cap and a garment trimmed with fur. John, seen BELTRAFFIO. 27 nearly In profile, turned to the right, has lon^ black hair; those of Gentil, turned to the left, are reddish. Behind them and in the center, are draperies ; on each side a landscape. Collection of Louis XIV. B E L L I iV I. {School of Giovanni. ) 70 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 0,74. — W, 0,86. — C. — Busts small S. The Infant Jesus is in the arms of the Virgin ; on the right, saint Sebastian pierced with arrows, and bound to a tree. Old collection. BELTRAFFIO ( Giovanni- Antonio ),' ^mi in l/i67, died in 1516. — (Lombard School.) Pupil of Leonardo da Vinci. 71 The Virgin of the Casio family, H. 1,86. — W. 1,84. — W. — Heads large S. In the center of the painting, the Virgin, seated and holding the Infant Jesus on her knees, receives the homage of two Donors kneeling on each side of the picture. On the left, the eldest presented by saint John the Baptist, is Girolamo Casi, or da Casio, father of Giacomo, who, placed in the angle of the right side, his cap in his hand, wears on his head, in his poetical capacity, a wreath of laurel. Near him, saint Sebastian is standing, his hands tied behind his back, and bound to a tree. Above the head of the Virgin, in a cloud, is an angel playing on a lute. Napoleon Museum. 28 BENOZZO DI LESE GOZZOLI. BENOZZO DI LESE GOZZOLI, born in Flo- rence in l/i23, was still living in 1^85. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Fra Giovanni da Fiesole. 72 The triumph of saint Thomas d'Aquin, 11. 2,27. — "W. 1,02. — W. — Deads half size. This composition is divided intothree parts. In the upper part : Jesus Christ, in his glory, surrounded by cherubs. On his right, saint Paul holding a book and a sword ; on his left, Moses is showing the tables of the Law. Before them and on each side, the four Evangelists are writing under the divine inspiration. The Saviour pronounces those words written below him : BENE SCRIPSISTI DEME TH0:\1MA. In the center part : Saint Thomas, seated in the midst of a ray of light, between Aristotle and Plato. He is holding several works on his knees; at his feet is stretched the Doctor of the University of Paris, Guillaiune de Saint- Amour, overcome by the eloquence of the saint. On the book placed near him is written : Et faciens causas infinitas imprimii librit Aristotclis phisicorii. Round the nimbus of the saint, one may road: Saivctus Thokmas Deacxai; lower down, on the rijht, is found that inscription : Vere hic est lume eccli.sie; and on the left: Hic adiveni omnem via discipline. In thelow'er part of the picture: the pope Alexander IV, seated on a throne, and having two attendants near him, presides in 1!256, the meeting of Anagni, held about the contests of the mendicant orders, attacked by CuilLiumc de Saint- Amour and defended by Saint Thomas d'Arjuin. This last personage is the monk sitting on the fore ground and turning his back. The friar placed at his right is saint Bonaventure. Jean des Ursins and Hugues de Saint- Cher are the two cardinals seated near the pope. Near Ungues are seen the bishop of Messina, then Albert-the- Great, dominican, holy master of the palace; the chiefs of the orders, such as Humbert de Romans, general of the dominicans, the doctors Peter and John, sent to the pope by Louis IX ; and others. Napoleon Museum. BERRETTINI. 29 BERIVARDINO PERUGIIVO. — See Perugino. BERRETTI^^I (Pietro) DA CORTOIVA, called PlETRE DE GORTONE, painter architect and writer, born in Cortona {in Tuscany) the 1st of November 1596, died in Rome the i6th of maij 1669. — (Roman School.) Pupil of Andrea Commodi and of Baccio Carpi. 73 Alliance of Jacob and ofLaban, H. 1,9 7. — W. 1,7 5. — C, — Heads small size. Laban and Jacob are standing before an altar on which they have just been immolating a ram ; Lia and Rachel, daughters of Laban and wives of Jacob, are also stand- ing, with their children, under the shade of trees from which a drapery is hanging. On the right, on the fore ground, a servant his head covered with ivy, is gathering wood to burn the victim. Colleclion of Louis XYI. Ih The Nativity of the J^irgin. H. 1,6 8. — W. 1,21. — C. — Heads small S. Mary, who has just been born, is lying on the knees of a woman, who after having swaddled her, is preparing to wrap her up with bands; two other women kneeling on each side are attending the child. In the back ground saint Ann lying down and waited upon by two servants; a third woman is bringing a silver vase. Old collection. 75 Saint Martine. H. 0,49. — W. 0,35. — C'p. — Heads 0,35. The emperor Alexander Sovcrus wanted to con.pcl Martine, a christian woman of noble birth . to worsl'i p 30 BERRETTINI. the false gods. Hardly had she gone in the temple of Apollo, that having made the sign of the cross, the statue of the god was thrown down as well as part of the edifice, the people and the priests being crushed by the ruins. The saint, kneeling, surrounded with ruins raises her eyes to Heaven. In the back ground, on the right, the emperor Alexander Severus; in the midst of the clouds, cherubs are seen. Old collection. 76 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus and saint Martine. H. 1.28. — W. 1,60. — C. — Heads small S. The Infant Jesus, sitting on the knees of his mother, holds in one hand a lily and a palm in the other; saint Martine, kneeling before him, is leaning on an iron pitchfork the' instrument of her torture. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 77 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus adored by saint Martine, H. 1,15. — W. 1,50. — C. — Figures half length. Nat. S. The Infant Jesus, seated on the knees of his mother, receives from saint Martine a branch of lily ; the saint is holding apalm and an instrument with iron pikes, with which she was tortured. Collection of Louis- XV. 78 Romulus and Remus harbored by Faustulus. H. 2,5 1. — W. 2,06. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Faustulus, shepherd of Amulius, is Ijringing to his wife, in the fold of his garment, one of tlic two children he has just found; a little boy is leaning on the knees of his mother, aiid a servant girl is standing behind her. BIANGHI. 31 In the back ground, shepherds are surrounding the wolf, which is still suckling the other child. Napoleon Museum, 79 Meeting of JEneas and Dido at a hunt. H. 1,20. — W. 1,74, — C. Heads o,80. jEneas followed by a warrior who carries his jave- lins, meets with Dido, having a bow in her hand. Two Loves are near her. In the air are seen two other Loves of ■which one is aiming a dart at /Eneas. In the back ground, a vessel near the shore. Old collecUon, BIAiVCHI (Francesco), called II Frari), bom in ilxhl^ died the %tfi of February 1510. — (Lombard School) The name of his master is not known. 80 The Virgin on her throne^ the Infant Jesus and two saints. H. 2,2 0. — W. 1,3 8. W. — Heads, Nat. S, The Virgin, seated on an elevated throne, holds the Infant Jesus on her knees ; two angels at the foot of the throne are playing, one on a viol, the other on a guitar. Saint Benedict in his abbot's dress, saint Quentin in armor and leaning on a sword, are standing on each side of the picture. In the back gound, through an open gallery, supported by pillars decorated with arabesques, a hilly country may be seen. Napoleon Museum. BOLOGx\ESE (IL). — See Grimaldi. 32 BONIFAZIO. ''-l?emfi*^chooT) '■"- '''""^ '""^' '"">' "--^ '■" 15G2. The na,oe or his master is not Known. t^i The resurrection of Lazaru,. H. 2,8.. _c._ Heads, Small S. ea»e "cfeltSrill^ ,-. kneeling on f head; auotheMs howln/hk n'.' 0°^°^ 'hem turns the air which rises from theimb.' °°"° "''^^'''^ Old collection. H. 1,55.— -W. 2,05. — \Y, Heads small S. the infant Jesus tol^ wl om is p!in«n"i"Tlfe"vn''''" ""^^^ eyes to the ground '^"''•^^"'^ ^ ^"^^11 cross, casts his Collection of Louis XIV. 83 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, saint Catherine saint Agnes and the tittle saint John' n. ,,04. — w, 1,51. — c. _ Heads small R. BONVIGINO. 33 Agnes, holding a branch of palm, has the little saint John near her ; on the other side, saint Catherine of Alexandria is leaning on a wheel, instrument of her martyrdom. Napoleon Museum. BONIIVI (GiROLAMO), called l'Anconitano, from the name of Ancona, his birthplace. He lived about the year 1C60. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Francesco Albani. 8 A Christ adored by angels, by saint Sebastian, and by buint Bonaventure, V H, 2,48. — W. 1,78. — C. — Heads Nat. S. In the back ground, Christ holding a reed and bearing the crown of thorns, is supported by an angel; two other angels are kneeling before him. In the fore ground, on the left, is saint Sebastian bound to a pillar, his body pierced with arrows; and on the right, saint Bonaven- ture, on his knees, is pointing to the Saviour. Napoleon Museum. BONVICIXO (Alessandro), called II Moretto da Brescia, born in Rovato {in the territory of Brescia), about 1500, died in his country about 1560. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of his father and of Flonano Ferramola. 85 Saint Bernardin of Sienna arid saint Louis of Sicily, H- 1,13. — W. 0,60. — W. —Arched at the top. — Heads small S. The two saints are standing; saint Bernardin, friar of the order of saint Francis at Sienna holds a patine, in 2. SU BONVICINO. his hand; saint Louis, bishop of Toulouse, wears a mantle adorned with lleurs do lys, and is leaning on a crosier. Napoleon Museum. 86 Saint Bonaventure and saint Antony of Padua, H. 1,13, — W. 0,60. — W; arched at the top. — Heads small S. The two saints are standing ; saint Bonaventure, car- dinal and bishop of Albano, wears the cardinal's hat, and is leaning on a crosier ; saint Antony of Padua, monk of the order of Franciscans, holds a branch of lily and a book. Napoleon Museum. SOIVZI (PiETRO Paolo), called II Gobbo de' Caracci, born in Cortona about 1580, died at the age of GO , under the ponlificate of Urban VIIL (1623-16^/1.) — (BolognesG School.) Pupil of Annibale Caracci and of Gio. Batl. Viola. 87 Latona metamorphosing the peasants into frogs, H. 0,34. — W. 0,45. — Oval shape. — W. Latona, fatigued with walking, and holding her two children Apollo and Diana in her arms, seats herself on the borders of the lake, intending to quench her thirst. The peasants, in the act of cutting the sea weeds and rushes, having troubled the water, to prevent her from drinking, the goddess metamorphoses them into frogs. In the back ground, are seen nastures and animals. Old collection. BOKDONE. 55 BORDOlVE (Paris), born at Trevise in 1500, died at Venice the i9th of January 1570. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Tiziano Vecellio. 88 Vertumnus and Pomona, H. 1,30. — W. 1,24. — Oval shape. — C. —Half length, Nat. S. Napoleon Museum. 89 Portrait of a man, H. 1,07. — W. 0,86. — C. — Bust Nat. S. He wears a furred robe, and leans the left hand on a table ; in the right, he holds a paper on which is written : Sp*\ domino Jeronimo Crofft... Magior suo semper ohservuant, — Augusta. On a column the arms of this personage are carved ; a griffin standing, holding a scroll in his claws, and on the shield, the letters t. s. The following inscription is read : ^tatis, sUiE. ann. xxvii. md xxxx, and on the bottom of the chair : pari. b. f. Collection of Louis XIV. 90 Supposed portraits of Philip 11^ king of Spain, and of his preceptor, H. 1,15. W. 0,53. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Both are resting their hand on a globe, symbol of the vast power to which Philip was called, or of his great knowledge of mathematics. Napoleon Museum. 36 BOSCHI. BOSCHI (Francesco), bom in 1619, died in 1675. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Malleo Rosselli. 91 Portrait of Galileus, H. 0,5 1. — W. 0,4 5. — C. — Bust. Nat. S. Three quarter view. His head is bare and turned to the left, nis beard and hair are white. He wears a turned down collar, and a black garment, Colleclion of Louis XYIII. BOSELLI (Antonio), born at S. Gio. Bianco {in the valley of Brembana). His most ancient known work is dated the iod of February 1509; he still lived in 1527. — (Vene- tian School.) Tbc name of his master is not known. 92 Four heads of saints : 1* SairU Cecilia^ 2° Saint Agnes, 3* Saint Mary Magdalen, li* Saint Bar be* H. 0,26. — W. 0,33. —The n** i and 4, wood ; the n°' 2 and 3, canvass. Wapoleon Museum. BOTTICELLI 'Sandro). — Slie Yiuvzvi, BKONZINO. 37 BRONZIIVO (Angiolo) , painf^r, engraver and poet, born at Florence about 1502, died in the month, of November 1612, — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Jacopo Carrucci, called il Pontormo. 93 Christ appearing to Magdalen, H. 2,91. — W. 1,9 5. — W. — Heads Nat. S. Jesus Christ, holding a spade in his hand, appears to IMagdalen, who falls at his feet. At the sight of Christ, two holy women placed near Magdalen, show their astonishment. In the back ground are seen Calvary, the city of Jerusalem , and near the sepulchre , an angel announcing to iMary IMagdalen and her companions that Jesus has risen from the dead. Napoleon Museum. 9A Portrait of a sculptor, H. 1,11. — AV. 0,9 1. — W. — Half length, Nat. S. He is clothed in black and holds a little statue of bronze. Collection of Louis XIY. BRON ZING, —5^5 Allori (Chrtstofano). BRUSASORCI (Felice). — 5^5 Riccio. CAGNACCl (Gdido). — See Canlassi (Guidq). GALABRESE. — See Preti (Maria). 38 CALCAR. CALCAR (Johan-Stephan von) boym in Catcar {in the duchy of Cieves) in lZi99, died at Naples in 15/i6. — (Ve- netian School.) Pupil of Tiziano Vecellio. 95 Portrait of a man* H. 1,09. — W. 0,88. — C. — Half length, Nat. S. He has a reddish and pointed beard, his head bare and his hair short; he is clothed in a black robe, over a purple doublet ; his left hand rests on his hip, and his right leaning on the pedestal of a column, is holding a paper. On the column is seen a shield bearing on azure ground three golden poppies, and on which is written : ANNO 15/i0 iETATis 26. This coat of arms is repeated on the ring worn by this personage, with the addition of three letters : N. V. B. Collection of Louis XIV. CAIiDAUA (PoLiDORO), called Polidore de Caravage born in Caravaggio {in the province of Milan), about t/is year lZi75, died at Messina in 1593. — (PiOman school.) Pupil of Giovanni da Odine. 96 Psyche received in Olympus. H. 1,04. — \V. 1,58. — W. — Heads 0,48. Jupiter, seated in the midst of the divinities of Olym- pus, offers the cup of immortality to Psyche, presented by Mercury. Collection of Louis XIV. CALIARI (Paolo), called Paolo Veronese, born at Verona in 1528, died the idth of April 1588. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Antonio Bad :1c, his i.:ncl>' CALIARI. 39 97 The angels leading Lot and hh danghters out of Sodom. H. 0,93. — W. 1,20. — C. — Heads 0,70. An angel is conducting the daughters of Lot out of Sodom. One of them carries two baskets, the other leans on the arm of the angel, to tie her buskin. A lit- tle farther off, another angol is guiding the steps of Lot; and in the back ground, on the right, his wife, who had turned to look at the destruction of the city, is changed into a pillar of salt Old colleclion. 98 Suzannak in the baUu H. 1,98. W. 1,98. — C. — Heads Nat. S. On the right, Suzannah, seated near the bath, wraps herself in her clothes at the approach of the old men. Behind the figures, is a circular wall terminated on the left by the statue of a satyr. On the right a fountain. At the feet of Suzannah, near the w^ater, is a little dog. Colleclion of Louis XIV, ■)9 Esther fainting, H. 2,00. "W. — 3,10. — C. — Heads Nat. S. On the right, Ahassuerus, seated on an elevated throne between two columns, clothed v>ith royal magnificence, surrounded by the nobles of his court, and having his favourite dwarf near him, is looking at the queen with anger. On the left, Esther, is senseless in the arms of her attendants. In the back ground, behind her, are two figures on a sort of balcony ; in the center, a statue in a niche. Collection of Louis XIV. iO CALIARL 100 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, saint Catht^ rine, saint Benedict and saint George, H. 0,99. — W. 0.90. — C. — Heads 0,70. The Virgin, seated on a throne, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus standing. On the right, saint Catherine of Alexandria, a palm branch in her hand, presents to the Saviour saint Benedict kneeling. On the other side, saint George is standing, covered with armor and hold- ing his lance. Colleclion of Louis XIV, 101 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, saint Joseph, saint Elisabeth, Mary Magdalen and a Benedictine nun. H. 0,51. — W. 0,43. — C. pasted on wood. Heads, 0,27. On the left, the Virgin seated is holding in her arms the Infant Jesus ; Magdalen raises his hand to be kissed by a Benedictine nun, who is kneeling before him, and is presented by saint Joseph. Behind the Virgin is saint Elisabeth weaving a wreath of flowers. In the back ground, is a bed with a rich canopy, an opened window, and a vase placed on a balustrade. Collection of Louis XIV« 102 Jesus cures the mother in law of Peter. H. 0,42. — W. 0,36. •— Paper pasted on canvass. Heads, 0,20. In the middle of a sort of vestibule, Jesus Christ standing, touches the hand of the sick woman, lying on a bed with carved posts, and under a rich canopy. The mother in law of Peter is supported by a young girl, Dlaced behind her, and the disciples of Jesus, Peter and CALIARI. ^ Ul John are standing on the other side of the bed. An old man is struck with astonishment at this sudden cure. On the right is a woman loolcing out of the window ; in the back ground, a range of arches and several figures. Old collection. 103 The wedding at Carta, H. 6,66. — W. 9,90. •-" C. — Heads larger than Ufe. Christ and the Virgin, a ray of glory round their heads, are seated in the center of an immense table, round which are seated a great number of guests. The newly married couple occupy the extremity of the table, at the left. Between the, two sides, musicians are playing. Behind the table, an elevated balcony with a balustrade, is occupied by attendants who are carving the meats, or bringing dishes and vases; farther off, and on each side, are seen porticos of the corinthian order, filled with spectators, and in the back groud a steeple. Napoleon Museum. lOA The repast at the house of Simon the Pharisee. H, 4,54. — W. 9,7 4. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Jesus Christ, seated at the corner of a table, shows to Simon, who is placed opposite to him, Magdalen kneeling, who having emptied a vase of perfumes on the feet of the Saviour, is wiping them Avith her hair ; Judas, before another table, is rising and speaking to Christ. The two tables, laid out under a circular portico, ornamented with columns, are occupied by the disciples of Jesus and other guests. Behind the tables and on each side a buffet covered with gold and silver plate. In the back ground are seen rich edifices, whose balconies are filled Avith spectators. Two angels, in the air, are carrying a scroll on which is written : GAVDlVxM IN COELO SVPER ViNO PECGATORE POENITENTIAM AGEiNTE. Collection of Louis XIV. Zi2 CALIARI. 105 Jesus Christ on the way to Calvary. H. 0,5 8. — W. 0,71. — W. — Heads, 0,5 5 Christ faints under the weight of the cross, which two executioners are holding. Farther off, on the left, the Virgin senseless in the arms of Mary Magdalen. In the back ground the city of Jerusalem. Collectiou of Louis XIV. 106 Christ between the two thieves. H. 1,02. — W. 1,02. — C. ^ — Heads 0,45. On the left, Jesus crucified between the two thieves, his head leaning on one side, appears to be breathing his last. Saint John supports the Virgin v, ho has fainted. Magdalen embraces the foot of the cross, and looks with grief at the agony of the Saviour. In the fore ground, are two holy women ; one holds the hand of the Virgin, and the other is hiding her face. In the left corner, are seen executioners, of whom one, turning his back, has a hand resting on the neck of a piebald horse. In the back ground, Jerusalem. Collection of Louis XIV. 107 The pilgrims of Emmaus. H. 2,9 0. — W. 4,i8. — C. — Heads Nat. S. In a vestibule ornamented with fluted columns, Christ seated before a table, between the two disciples, raises his eyes to Heaven, and blesses the bread ; behind Christ, are three servants bringing dishes, it is said that I^aul Veronese has painted himself and a part of his family in the picture. On tlie rigjit, his wife, standing, holds a little child in her arms. Two of her sons are near lier ; one appears to be trying to hide himself behind her mantle, while tlie other kneeling, endeavours to detain in Jiis l'.ancls a little spaniel. Two little girls clothed in damask, are playing Ijefore the table with a large dog. CALIARI. Zi3 In the back ground, on the left, a town and the country; the pilgrims and Christ are seen in the distance. On this painting is written in letters of gold : Paolo Veronese. Collection of Louis XIV. 108 Portrait of a woman, H. 1,15. — W. 0,95. C. — Figure to the kR^e*, Nat. S. She is clothed in a black dress, and holds by the hand a little boy^ who is playing with a dog. Napoleon Museum. •CALIARI (Attributed to), 109 The adoration of the shepherds, H. 0,90. — TV. 1,60. — C. — Heads, 0,70. The Infant Jesus, lying on straw, and held by the Virgin, is adored by two kneeling shepherds. Behind the Virgin, on the left, are seen saint Joseph, a child and the ass. On the right, near a column, a shepherd with a goat. Old collection. CALIARI {School of). 110 Rebecca and Eliezer, H. 2,47. — TV. 3,45. — C. — Heads Nat. S, Eliezer, at the foot of a ruin surrounded by trees, presents to Rebecca some jewels, which two negroes have l^rouglit in a casket, and have just deposited on the edge of a well. On the Itit, several drojuedaries. Collection of Louis XIV. UU CALIARI. Ill Portrait of a woman, H. 1,10. — W. 0,90. — Half length Nat. S. She is dressed in black, and seen almost in profile, turned to the right. She holds her gloves in one hand, and in the other the ribbon of her belt. Old collection. CAMP I (Bernardino), painter and author, born in Cre- mona in 1522; was still living in 1590. — (Lombard School.) Pupil of Giulio Campi and Ippolilo Costa. 112 The mother of sorrows, H. 1,63. — W. 1,60. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin kneeling, raises her eyes to Heaven, in presence of the body of Christ, taken dovv^n from the cross and laid in his winding sheet. Napoleon Museum. CAIVAL (Antonio da), called Canaletti, painter and engraver, born in Venice the iSih of October 1697, died in the same city, the 20th of August ilGS). — Venetian School.) Pupil of BcrnardodaCanal, his father. 113 View of the church called la Madona dell a Salute, at Venice, H. 1,24. — W. 2,13. — C. — Heads 0,10. It was built in accomplishment of a vow, made by the Senate, for the cessation of the plague, which ravaged Venice in 1G30. Tiie first stone was laid by the doge, CAINLASSI. h5 Nicolas Contarini, in 1631. The architecture is by B. Longheno. •Jollectioa of Louis XVIII. CANALETTI {School of). nil View of the church, and of saint Mark's square, at Venice. H. 0,66. — W. 0,98. — C. — Heads 0,04. Old collection. 115 View of the ducal palace at Venice, and of the pier, taken from la riva degli Schia- voni, beyond the bridge della Paglia. H. 0,66. — V>^ 0,98. — C. — Heads 0,04. In the distance is seen the custom house, and the church called la Madonna della Saluta. Old collection. CANLASSI (Gdido), called Cagnacci, 6om in Castel- San-Arcangelo , near Rimini, en 1601, died at Vienna in 1681. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Guido Reni. 116 Saint John the Baptist, H. 1,48. — W. 1,14. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Seated, and leaning on a rock, he holds in his right hand a cross made of reed, and caresses a sheep, whose foot is resting on his left arm. Napoleon Museum. AC CANTARINL CAIVTARINI (Simone) da Pesaro, called le PESARfesE painter and engraver, born at Oropezza, near Pesaro , in 1612; died at Verona the ibth of October 16/i8. — (Bolo- gnese School.) ^ Pupil of Giacomo PandolQni and of Claudio Ridolfi. 117 The repose of the Holy Family. H. 0,41. — W, 0,57. — W. — Heads, o,65. The Virgin, seated on the ground, is supporting the Infant Jesus, who holds out his arms to her; near her is saint Joseph, seated at the foot of a tree. Collection of Louis XVI. 118 The repose of the Holy Family. H. 0,41. — W. o,5 7» — C. pasted on wood. Heads 0,60. The Virgin, seated on the ground, seems to be rocking the Infant Jesus to sleep, in her arms ; farther off, on the left, saint Joseph is sleeping, his head leaning on his hand. In the back ground a landscape. Collection of Louis XIV« 11 The Holy Family, ii. 1,48, — W. 2,00. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin , the Infant Jesus , saint Ann and saint Joseph. In the upper part, two angels scattering flowcnj on the Virgin. Old collection. CARAVAGE. —See Amerighi (Michel-Angiolo). GARPACGIO. 47 CARDI (LoDOVico) DA CiGOLi, painter, sculptor, archi- tect and musician, bom in the borough of Cigoli, near Florence, the i2th of September 1559, died at Rome the bth of June 1613. — (Florentine School.) , Pupil of Alessandro Allori, of Buonlalenli and of santi di Tito. 120 The flight into Egypt. , H. ?,5i. — W. 0,37. — C. — Heads 0,22. The Virgin, riding on a mule, gives the breast to the Infant Jesus; on the left, saint Joseph walks near her, leaning on a staff; an angel guides them across a stream. In the distance ^re seen buildings and trees. Old collection. 121 Saint Francis in contemplation, H. 0,79. — W. 0,59. — C. — Bust Nat. S. He is seen in profile, turned towards the left, and joining his hands which bear the marks of the nails. Collection of Louis XYIII. 122 Portrait of a man ^ H. 0,5 0. — W. 0,42. — C. — Bust Nat. S. Three quarter view. He is turned to the left, his head covered with a large brimmed cap , aud wears a black garment. Napoleon Museum. CARPACCfO (Vittore), born in Venice, according to some historians , and in Capo d' I stria according to other authors, about l/i50. He was still living in 1522, and Ri- dolft slates that he died at a vemj advanced age. — (Ve- netian School.) Probably a pupil of the Bellini. us CARPACaO. 123 Preaching of saint Stephen, in Jerusalem, ! H. 1,52. — W. 1,9 5. — C. — Heads 0,6 5. Saint Stephen, standing on a pedestal on which Is seen the portrait of an emperor, preaches the Gospel in Jerusalem. He is surrounded by senators of the syna- gogue, by freedmen, Cyreneaus, Alexandrians, Cilicians and by the different people of Asia who are listening to him. Napoleon Museum. CARRACCI (LOBOYico), painter, engraver and sculptor, born in Bologna the ^ist of April 1555, died in the same city the iSth of December 1619. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Prospero Fonlana. 124 The Annunciation, H. 0,48. — AV. 0,34. — C. — Heads o,30. On the left, Gabriel, kneeling on clouds, and holding In his hand a branch of lily, shows the Heavens to Mary, kneeling in front of him, on a richly carved prie-Dieu. The Heavens opened show a host of angels and of che- rubs. In the back ground, an open window and the' country are seen. Collection of Louis XIV. 125 'Fhe Nativity of Christ, H, 0,37. — W. 0,51. — C. — Heads 0,27. The Virgin in a kneeling posture, her arms crossed on her breast, contemplates the Infant Jesus lying on a cloth, which saint Joseph is raising. Two shepherds, of whom one is holding a child on his shoulders, are CARACCI (LODOVICO). 49 approaching the Saviour ; farther off, an angel is leading another shepherd. On the left two angels standing near the ox and the ass, whose heads only are seen. Finally, other angels born on clouds, are scattering flowers on the new born Infant Collection of Louis XIV. 126 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 0,9 2. — W. 0,9 2. — Round shape. <— Canvass pasted on wood. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin is holding the Infant Jesus with her left hand, and leans the right one on a book. Collection of Louis XV. 127 Jesus Christ dead on the knees of the Virgin, H. 0,33. — W. 0,25. — Cop. — Heads 0,30. Jesus is lying in his winding sheet, his head leaning on the knees of the Virgin, who is looking with grief towards the cross, on which her son was nailed. On the right, Mary Magdalen prostrate, raises the hand of the Saviour, and contemplates, in tears, his still gaping wounds. Collection of Louis XVII I. 128 Apparition of the Virgin and of the Infant Jesus to saint Hyacinthus. H. 3,7 5. — W, 2, 23, — C. — Heads larger than life. The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, born on clouds, accompanied by a host of angels and cherubs forming a concert, appear to Saint Hyacinthus , monk of the / 50 CARRAGGl (LODOVICO). Dominican order. The Saint, kneeling in a temple adorned with columns, is praying before a marble table supported by an angel and on which is written : « GAVDE FILI HIACINTE QUIA 0RATI0?fES TV^ GRAT^E SVNT FILIO MEO QVID QVID AB EG PER ME PETIERIS IMPETRABIS. » Napoleon Museum. CARRACCl (A/Zer LODOVICO). 129 Saint Francis in ecstasy, H. 0,47. — W. 0,38. — C. pasted on Tfood. ■— Heads 0,10. The saint, in ecstasy before an altar, and holding a crucifix, is supi)orted by an angel. Above the altar, three angels in the air. Old collection. CARRACCl ( Annibale ) , painter and engraver, born in Bologna the '6d of November 1560, died in Rome tlie i6ih of July 1609. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Ludovico Carracci. 130 T/ie sacrifice of A braham, U. 0,43. — W. 0,34. — Cop. — Heads 0,08. On the left, the angel is stopping the arm o-; Abraham, ready to immolate Isaac, kneeling on the summit of a steep mountain ; under him, a ram whosf horns are caught in a bush. On the right, in the valley, at the foot of the mountain, the two servants of Abra- ham, taking care of an ass. Collection of Louis XIV. ^ GARRACGl (Ars'NiBALE). 51 i31 The death of Absalom, H. 0,45. — 0,34. — Cop. — Heads o,i». Joab , on horseback , is piercing with a lanco Absalom, caught by his hair in a tree. Collection of Lotiis XIV. 132 The birth of the Virgin. H. 2,7 4. — W. 1,5 5. — Arched shape. — C. — Heads Nat. S. God the Father, in the midst of a host of angels, is presiding at the birth of the Virgin. Some women are taking care of the child. In the back ground, on a more elevated platform, saint Ann, in her bed, is attended by two servants; near her, saint Joachim is giving thanks to God. Napoleon Museum. 133 The angelic salutation, H. 0,34. — W. 0,27. — Cop. — Heads o,25. On the right, the Virgin, in a kneeling posture, her hand on her breast, raises her eyes to Heaven. Opposite to the Virgin, the archangel Gabriel, a branch of lily in his hand, is pointing to the Father and to the Holy Ghost born on clouds, and surounded by a host of angels. Collection of Louis XIV. 134 The Nativity of Jesus Christ, H. 1,03. — W. 0,83. — C. Heads 0,59. In the center of the picture, the Infant Jesus, lying in the manger, is adored by the Virgin, saint Joseph and the kneeling shepherds. The Heavens opened show a 52 CARRACCi (Annibale). concert of angels and cherubs. One of them is bearing a scroll on which is written : Gloria in excelsis Deo. Daylight view. CoUeclion of Louia XIV. w\ 135 T he N ativity of J esus Christ, / H. 0,42. — W. 0,30. — Cop. — Heads 0,27. The Infant Jesus, lying in the manger, is enveloped by a divine light, which illuminates the stable, in which are the Virgin, two angels and a shepherd kneeling. Behind them, tvvo other shepherds appear at the stable window with a lantern. On the right, saint Joseph is opening a door; near him, a young man seen by the light of a torch. In the upper part a host of angels forming a concert. The picture is signed : H. A^•NIBAL Carache, signature evidently false and by a french hand. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. 186 The Virgin and the cherries, H. 1,20. — W. 0,9 7. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin is holding on her knees the Infant Jesus ; saint Joseph is holding his hand and giving him cherries. Napoleon Museum. 137 The sleep of the Infant Jesus, H. 0,38. — W. 0,47. — C. — Half figures 0,05, The Virgin, standing, supports the Infant Jesus sleeping on a table covered with a cloth, and is making signs to the young saint John, who streches out his hand to touch the Saviour, not to disturb his sleep. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. CARRACGI (Annibale). 53 138 Apparition of the Virgin to saint Luke and to saint Catherine, H. 4,01. — W. 2,26. — Arched at the top.— C. — Heads larger than life. On the left, saint Luke, kneeling, is imploring the Virgin, who appears to him in her glory, holding the Infant Jesus, and surrounded by the other evangelists. At the feet of the saint, a pallet and other implements for painting. On the right, saint Catherine, her foot on the wheel, the instrument of her torture, is pointing to the celestial apparition, and leaning on the pedestal of a nlumn, on which is written : Annibal Garactids, F. A, D. XGir. Napoleon Museum. 139 Preaching of saint John the Baptist in the desert; landscape, H. 0,40. — W. 0,52. — C. — Heads o,io. Seated on a rock on the banks of the Jordan, at the entrance of a cave, saint John is surrounded by Jews, who are listening to him. On the left, a man, in a boat with two rowers, is crossing the river. Collection of Louis XIV. ^ ihO Christ dead on the knees of the Virgin, y^ H. 2,77. — W. 1,87. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Jesus Christ dead is lying in his winding sheet ; his head resting on the knees of his mother, who contem- plates him with grief; near her, Magdalen, standing and leaning on the sepulchre, is holding her hair in her right hand. On the left and behind Jesus Christ, saint Francis, kneeling, his hands crossed, meditates on the wounds of the Saviour, which two angels are showing to him, and watering with their t^x^ Napoleon Museum. 64 CARRACGI (AnnibALE). ^ lAl Christ in his tomb, H. 0,43. — W. 0,31. — Cop. — Heads 0,32. The body of Jesus Christ, placed at the entrance Oi the sepulchre, is supported on one side by the Virgin, who overwhelmed with grief, lets her head fall on her son's shoulder; and by Mary oMagdalen, at the feet of whom is the vase of perfumes. Behind Jesus Christ, Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Salome ; farther off, saint John leaning on a rock and raising his eyes towards Heaven. Collection of Louis XIV. 142 The resurrection of Christ, H, 2,17. — W. 1,60. — Arched ad the lop. — C, Heads half S. Jesus Christ, surrounded by a host of angels, comes out radiant from the sepulchre. At the quaking of the earth, terror seizes the soldiers who are watching him : one takes flight, carrying a^vay the banner ; the other expresses his anger by touching the hilt of his sword ; two others, in the fore ground, are thrown down half dead with fright; a fitth is lying profoundly asleep, on the sepulchre itself, whose seals are still untouched : On the tomb is written : Akkibal Carratius pikgebat. M. DXCIll. Napoleon Museum. lZi3 The resurrection of Christ, H. 0,40. — W. 0,30. — Cop, — Heads 0,18. This picture is, with very few changes, the repetition of the preceding number. Collection of Louis XIV. y CARRACCI (ArfNiBALE). 65 1/i/l Mary Magdalen, ^ . P Caa^- H. 1,4 8. — W. 1,05. — C. ~ Herds Nat. S. She is standing at the entrance of a grotto, and is looking at a cross. At the foot of the cross, an open book on a rock. Collection of Louis XVIII. IAS Martyrdom of saint Stephen, H. 0,50. — "SV. 0,67. — C. pasted on wood. — Heads 0,17. On the left, saint Stephen kneeling on a hillock, his arms extended, his eyes turned towards Heaven, is stoned to death by the Jews, out of the walls of the city. A soldier with a helmet and a cuirass, raises with bolh hands the stone he is going to throw at the saint. On the right, the young Saul, afterwards saint Paul, seated on the ground, is keeping the clothes of the Jews. An angel, holding a crown and a palm, is flying towards the martyr. The Heavens opened show God the Father leaning on a globe, Jesus Christ and some angels. • CoUeclion of Louis XIV. lZi6 Martyrdom of saint Stephen, H. 0,40. — AV. 0,53. — Cop. — Heads o,20. On the left, saint Stephen, his hands joined and kneeling at the foot of a tower, forming part of the ramparts of Jerusalem, is stoned to death by the Jews ; near him, a young man raises an immense stone to throw at him. On the right, the young Saul, seated at the foot of a tree, extends his arms in astonishment. In the air is seen an angel, who is bringing to the saint the crown and palm of martyrdom ; XhQ opened Heavens show God the Father, leaning on a globe, Jesus Christ holding the cross, and three angels. C'^llecMon of Louis XIV. 66 CARRACCI (Annibale). t. / l/i7 Saint Sebastian bound to the trunk of a tree, and pierced with arrows* H. 1,31. — W. c,96. -- C. — Heads half S. At his feet are seen his armour, his garments, and in the distance, the soldiers, who are returning to Rome, after the execution of the sentence pronounced against him. Collection of Louis XIV. IAS The Infant Hercules. H. 0,17. — 0,14. — C. — Heads 0,16. The young Hercules, one knee on his cradle, smothers one of the serpents with his left hand ; another serpent is crushed by the knee of the infant hero , and twines round his right arm. Napoleon Museum. 1A9 Diana discovering the pregnancy of Caiisto. H. 1,61. — W. 2,05. — C. — Heads 0,24. On the left, a mass of rocks, from which flows a fall of water in cascades. In the fore ground, three nymphs are taking off the garments of Calisto. On the right, Diana seated, leaning on her bow and surrounded by nymphs, is extending her hand towards Calisto. Old collection , 150 Concert on the water, H. 0,40. — "W. 0,52. — C. — Heads 0,05 to 0,08. In the fore ground, in a boat guided by two mariners, a young man and three women are singing and playing CARRACGI (Annibale). 57 on divers instruments. Farther off, on the left, is the terrace of a palace, whose steps are washed by the river; in the back ground, a stone bridge with three arches. Colleclion of Louis XIV, 151 The fisheiij, H. 1,36. — W. 2,53. — C. — Heads 0,65. In a skiff guided by a boatman, are seen a woman carrying nets, and a fisherman who is emptying a basket full of fish into another placed on the shore. On the left, two l^nnters are seated on the edge of the water, with game in their hands; on the right, a fisher- man is presenting fish to a young man, who is leaning on a spear, accompanied by two ladies. In the back ground, fishermen are seen dragging a net. Collection of Louis XIV. 152 The hunt, H. 1,36. — W. 2,53. — C. — Heads 0,65, On the left, a horseman and a lady are ascending a steep road ; the upper part of their bodies, and the heads of their horses alone are seen ; they are riding towards the hounds, which an attendant is pointing out to them. On the right, tv/o domestics are taking provisions out of a basket ; another is cooling two bot- tles in a stream. Farther off a huntsman, on an emi- nence, is blowing his horn. Collection of Louis XIV. 153 Landscape, H. a,30. — W. 0,37. — W. Two travellers salute in passing the offerings hung by a hermit on a tree, under the image of saint Antony. On 3 58 CAPiRACCI (Annibale). the opposite side, is seen a fall of water forming two cascades. CoUeclion of Louis XlV. 15 A Landscape, H. 0,80. — W. 1,04. — C. — Heads 0,U. On the banks of a river in which some youths are bathing, are seen men playins: at dice; others are seated at the foot of a tree, in the back ground, a bridge thrown across the river, and an extensive country. Old collection. 155 Portrait of a man, H. 1,10. — W, 0,90. — C. — Bust Nat. S. He has a bare head and a pointed beard ; in his right hand he holds a writing, and his left is resting on a skull. Old coUeciion. CARRACCI (Antonio Marziale), painter and engraver, bern in Venice in 1583, died at Rome on Palm Sunday, in 1618. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil and natural son of Agoslino Carracci. 156 The deluge, H. 1,66. — W, 2,47. — C. — Heads 0,65» On the left, a man, whose back is turned, is endea- vouring to climb a rock on which is seen a woman kneeling. Farther off, a man is clasping with force the trunk of a tree. In the center is a bark half sunken in tlie waves. On the right, on an eminence, a family pros- trate and lost in grief; a naked man is standing and stretching his arms towards Heaven, which he implo- res. In the back ground Noah's ark. Collection of Louis XIV. CARRUCCL 59 CARRIICCI (Jacopo), called II Pontormo, born in Pon- tormo {in Florenlino) in lZi93, died in 1598. — (Floren- tine School.) Pupil of Leonardo da Vinci, 6f M. Alberlinelli, of P. Cosimo and of Andrea del Sarto. 157 The Holy Family. H. 2,28. — W. 1,76.— W. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin, seated on the knees of saint Ann, is sup- porting the Infant Jesus ; on the two sides of this group are placed saint Sebastian, the apostle saint Peter, and the good thief. Napoleon Museum, 158 Portrait of an engrafier on stone, presumed to be that of Giovanni delle Corniole or Cor^ niuoley contemporary of Pontormo, H. 0,69. — W. 0,50. — "W. — Bust Nat. S. He is seen nearly full face, his head covered with a cap with lappets ; he is holding in his right hand a gra- ving tool, and he has near him, on a table, a jewel or which he is working. Collection of Louis XIV, CARRUCCI {After), 159 The Visitation of the Virgin, H. 2,7 5. — W. 1,68. — Arched form. — W. — Heads small S. The Virgin, on the steps of an outer stairs, leading to the house of Zachary, extends her hand to saint Eiisa- 60 CARRUCCT. beth, who bends the knee before her. Behind the mo- ther of the forerunner, saint Joseph, leaning on a staff, appears to be explaining to an old man the object of the voyage. The painter has supposed that Zachary was young ; he has represented him standing on the second step which leads to his habitation, and holding a large book open ; a sign by which he is known. In the fore ground, on the left, a woman is seated on the steps, and behind her, another woman standing, carrying a bundle on her head. Over the door is written : Q VN. HOC. Ml. VT. VE. Napoleon Museum. CASTIGLIOXE (Giovanni-Benedetto), called II Grechetto or II Benedetto, painter and engraver, born in Genoa in 1616, died at Mantua in 1670. — (Genoese School.) Pupil of G. Baltista Paggi and of Gio. Andrea de Ferrari. 160 Melchisedech, king of Salem, offers bread and wine to Abraham, and b/ci^t^es him. H. 1,00. — W. 1,25. — C. — Heads 0,50. On the right, three men on horseback are driving «neep and oxen; in the fore ground, a sieve, housekeep- ing utensils, a helmet, a trumpet and weapons ; in the back ground, prisoners and Melchisedec. Old collection. '!6l The adoration of the shepherds. H. 0,68. — W. 0,52. — Cop. — Heads 0,30. On the left, the Virgin with the Infant Jesus in her arms ; behind her. saint JoseDh. his elbow \,eaning on CASTIGLIONE. 61 the pedestal of a column. On the right, a shepherd kneeling is holding a lamb ; near him three other she- pherds : one of them-is playing on the hautboy, and anotlier takes off his cap. On clouds are four angels, one of whom is incensing the new born Infant. Old collfcclion. 162 The sellers chased from the temple, H. 0,98. — W. 1,20. — G. — Heads 0,50. On the left, the sellers, near a table, some seated, others standing, are carrying away vases and chests. In the fore ground are seen frightened sheep, ducks, hens and game, heaped confusedly together. In the back ground, Jesus Christ driving out the sellers. Old collection. 163 Caravan, H. 1,15. — W. 1,35. — C. — Heads 0,5 0. On the left, two camels and a man near an ox. In the fore ground are vases, a porcupine, and different animals. On the right, behind a sort of trunk, covered with a drapery, a man leading an ass. Old collection. 16/i Bacchantes and Satyrs, H. 1,45. — W. 1,95. — C. — Heads 0,70. A satyr is leaning on a woman, who is sitting and holding a laurel wreath. On the left, another woman, seated at the foot of a tree, playing on the tabour. On the right are seen game, vases, and an ass, whose head alone Is seen. Old collection. 62 CASTIGLIONE. 165 Birds and animals. H. 2,73. — W. 4,14. — C. On the left, in the fore ground, is a little dog fright- ening two ducks. Farther off, a swan, a ram, a goat, two dogs, mattresses, chests, vases and a large silver dish. On a trunk is a peacock ; another peacock is on a pedestal, concealed by a heavy drapery. In the back ground is seen a caravan, which has sometimes caused this paint- ing to be designated by the little of The departure of Jacob for Mesopotamia, Old collection. 166 Animals. H. 0,99. — W. 1,25. — C. — Heads 0,50. In the fore ground, a horse, a sheep, a duck, a goat and divers animals. On the left, a parrot in a tree. On the right, a woman carrying a vase on her head ; an old man and a Moor wearing a turban , and holding a brass dish. Collection of Louis XIV. 167 Tfie poultry yard, H. 0,99. — W. 1,23. — C. — Heads 0,50. In the fore ground, goats, a dog, a cat, a sheep and different animals ; in the back ground, in the middle of the poultry yard, is a woman carrying a copper vase, and an ass laden with kitchen utensils. Old collection. GAVEDOIVE (Jagopo), born in Sassuolo {in the duchy of Modena) in April 1577, died in 1600. — (Bologneso School.) Papil of Passarolli of Baldi and of ilie Carrach-', CESARI. 63 168 Saint Cecilia, H. 1,17. — W. 0,9 0. — C. — Half length Nat. S. Saint Cecilia, seated before an organ, raises her eyes to Heaven. Old collection. CERQUOZZI (Michel-Angelo), <7«//^vup Napoleon Museum. CRETI (DONATO), born in Cremona the llxth of May 1671, died the 29th January 1749. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Lorenzo PasineUi. DOiN'DUCCL 69 181 ^ child sleeping, H. 0,31. — W. 0,38. — C. — Heads 0,38. A young boy, lying on a bed, is holding a fruit which he would not abandon in his sleep. Collection of Louis XVI. DANIEL DE VOLTERRE. — See PaccuRELLi. DDL CI ( Agnese), died after the year 1686. — (Floren- tine School.) Pupil of her father Carlo Dolcit 182 The Saviour of the world, H.0,34. — W.0,2 6. — Cop. — Fig. half length 0,50. Jesus, seated before a table, on which a chalice is placed, holds a loaf and appears to be pronouncing the words of the consecration. Napoleon Museum* DOMINIQUIN. — See Zampieri. DOXDUCCI (Giovanni-Andrea), ca//e^LEiMASTELLETTA, bom in Bologna, the il\th of February 1575, died in the same city, the 2bth of April 1655. — (Bolognese SchooL) Pupil of the Carracci. 70 183 Jesus and the Virgin appear to saint Francis d' Assise. H. 0,48. — W, Oj33. — W. — Heads 0,30. Saint Francis, kneeling on the first step of the altar, m the church of Notre-Dame-des-Anges, has just depos- ited on it, the crown of red and white roses, sprung from the thorns on which he had laid in the month of January, to allay the ardour of his passions. In the upper part , the Virgin , kneeling on the clouds and her hands joined on her breast, implores, in favor of saint Francis, Christ surrounded with angels and che- rubs, rolleclion of Louis XIV. DONO (Paolo di), called Paolo Uccello or Uccelli, born between 1396 and l/i02, died about lZi79. — (Floren- tine School.) The name of Iiis master is not known. 18A Portraits of Giotto, of Uccello, ofDonatello, of Brunelleschi and of Giovanni Manetti, H. 0,42. — W. 2,10, ~ W. — Busts Nat. S, These personages are painted in bust, and under eacn of them, is written their name, in gilt letters. Collection of Louis PLilippe. DOS SI (Dosso AND Battista), both from Dosso, village near Cento {in the province of Ferrara). Dosso, born, as is generally believed, about l/i79, died after 15G0. The date of the birth of Battista, who died in 15Zi5, is unknown, — (School of Ferrara.) Pupils of Lorenzo Costa. DUGHET. 71 185 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus and saint Joseph. H. 0,44. — W. 0,30. — Arched shape. — Cop. — Heads 0,25. The Virgin, an open book on her knees, and seated near a rustic edifice, supports the Infant Jesus, who is standing on a cushion, placed on a pedestal. Near them, saint Joseph, his elbow leaning on a wall, is contem- plating them. In the back ground, a ladder and a rustic habitation. Napoleon Museum. 185 bis. Saint Jerome, H. 1.06. — Y>\ 1,52. — G. — Heads 0,65. Towards the left, at the entrance of a grotto, saint Jerome, half naked, Ijing on the ground, his hands joi- ned and his ej-es turned towards a crucifix, is bound to the trunk of a tree. IS'ear him, two open books, of which one is lying on a skull. On the right, a lion and the bones of a deer. Farther off, buildings on the banks of a wide river, running between mountains and crossed by a bridge, upon which are passing camels and an ass, loa- ded with packages. In the back ground, elevated moun- tains and the river, forming a cascade. Bought in 18 52, DUGHET (Gaspre or Guaspre), called Gasparo Poussin, born in Rome, in the monili of May, 1613, died in tlie same cihj, the 25th of May 1675. — (Roman School.) Pupil of Nicolas Poussin. 186 Landscape. H. 1,00. -- W. 1,37. — C Three travellers are resting near a river, and one of them is leaning on a greyhound- On the river, a boat 72 DUGHET. guided by three men, and on the banks, three horses at full gallop. Collection of Louis XYIII. DUGHET {Imitation of). 187 Lansdcape* H. 1,97. — W. 1,14. — C. — Heads 0,15. In the fore-ground, the trunk of a broken tree, in the midst of rocks and plants in bloom. Farther off, Hercules combating the hydra. In the back ground, buildings separated by two trees. Behind the buildings mountains are seen. Old collection. EMPOLI. —See Ghimentl FABRIANO (Gentile da). — See Gentile. FALCOIVE (Aniello), painter and engraver, born in 'Naples in 1600, died in 1665. — (Neapolitan School.) Pupil of Jusepe de Ribera. 188 Combat of Turks and Knights, H. 1,37. — W. 1,66. — C. — Head8 0,40. The fight takes place in a defile, at the foot of rocks. Farther off are seen other knights, fighting on a hill, in the midst of a cloud of dust. Mountains in the back ground. On a saddle, on the right, is read the date of 1631. Collection of Louis XIV. FETI. 73 p AS SOLO (Bernardino), born in Pavia, was living in 1518. — (Lombard School.) There is no biographical information of this artist, 1 89 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 1,38. — W. — 0,83. — W. — Heads small S. The Virgin, seated on a throne, ornamented by a drapery, is holding the Infant Jesus in her arms, in the fore ground, flowers and plants ; in the back ground, mountains are seen. On the picture is written : bernar- DINVS. FAXOLVS. DE PAPIA FACIEBAT 1518. "f- Napoleon Museum. FERRARI (Gaddenzio), painter, sculptor, architect, mathematician and poet, born in ikSU in Valdugia, in the valley of the same name, near Milan; died in Milan about the end of 15Zi9. •— (Lombard School. ) Pupil of Girolarao Giovenone, of Lionatdo da Vinci, of Slefano Scollo and of Pietro Vannucci, 190 Saint Paul in meditation, H. 2,00. — W. 1,47.— W. — Heads Nat. S. The apostle, seated in his cell, before a table, is leaning his right hand on an open book, placed on a desk. Through the window is a second composition representing the miraculous conversion of the saint. On the lower part of the table is \vritten the date of 1543, and below, the name of gaudentius. Napoleon Museum. ;# FETI (DOMENico), born in Rome, in 1589, died in Venice, in 1624. — (Roman School) Pupil of Cigoli. lU FETI. 191 The Emperor Nero, H. 1,5 1. — W. 1,12. — C. — Fig. half lenglh, larger iLan life. He is standing, crowned with laureis, uad holds a staff of command. Collection of Louis XVI. 192 Rural life. H. 0,75. — W. 0,65. — C. — Heads 0,48. A woman seated on the ground, spinning at the foot of a tree ; near her are two young children. In the distance, a husbandman driving a plough. Collection of Louis XIV. 193 Melancholy, H. 1,68. — W. 1,28. — C. — Heads Nal. S. A woman kneeling, her right arm leaning on a heap of stones, is supporting her head with her left hand, aud considering a skull with attention. At her feet, a pallet, brushes, a fragment of a statue, a book and a dog tied up. Behind her, on a stand, a globe and a clepsydra. In iie back ground, ruins are seen. Collection of Louis XIV. l&A The guardian angel, H. 2,92. — W. 1,88. — C. — Heads Nal. S. An angel, standing on steps, rests his hand on tne shoulder of a young man, and is showing the Heavens to him; the evil spirit, surrounded by serpents, is precipitating himself into a blazing abyss. Collection of Louis XIV. FILIPEPI. 75 FIESOLE (Fra Giovanni da). — See Giovanni, FILIPEPI (Alessandro), called Sandro Botticelli, painter and engraver, born in Florence in lZiZi7, died in 1515. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Botlicelli and of Fra Filippo Lippi. 195 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, Diameter 1,14. — Round shape. — "W. — Heads Nat. S. The Infant Jesus, seated on the knees of the Virgin, is leaning his left hand on a pomegranate, and the right on the arm of his mother, who has just been inscribing the Magnificat in dihoo^, held by two young saints, pre- sented by their guardian angel. The archangel saint Michael places on the head of the Virgin, a starry crown, which reflects the rays of the sun, sign of the divine splendor. Napoleon Museum. 196 The Virgin^ the Infant Jesus and saint John. H. 0,93. — W. 0,69. — W. — Heads Nat. S. On the right, the Virgin, seen in profile, and turned towards the left , is sitting in a garden, holding on her knees, the Infant Jesus, clothed in a shirt without sleeves. On the left, is the young saint John, his hands crossed on his breast, near' a stand, on which is placed abook. Collection of Louis XVI'^.. FILIPEPI (School on. 76 FILIPEPI. 197 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus. H. 0,63. — W. 0,47. — W. — Heads small S. The Virgin, seen three quarter, turned towards the left, holding on her knees, the Infant Jesus, dressed in a shirt of transparent linen, spangled with golden flowers, is seated near an open window, through which is seen a river, flowing at the foot of the mountains. Napoleon Museum. FOSCIII (Ferdinando). This painter, liiile known, was living in Bologna in Uie i sUi century. 19S Landscape; snow scene. H. 0,7 6. — W. 1,6 2. — Heads 0,09. A wooden bridge is seen, over which is passing a man with a laden mule. Old collection. FRA BARTOLOMMEO. - 5^^ Bartolommeo. FRA BASTIAXO. — See Ldciano (Sebastiano di). FRA GIOVANNI DA FIESOLE. - See Gio- vanni. FRA LIPPL — SeeU^n, FRA SEBASTIAXO DEL PIOMBO. - Sa Luciano (Sebastiano di.) GARBO. 77 FRAIVCIA. — See Raibolini. FRARI (II). — See Bianchi (Francesco.) GADDI (Taddeo), or Taddeo di Gaddo Gaddi, born in Florence about 1300, died the 20lh of August 1366. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Giotto. 199 Altar step divided into three compartments, H. 0,34. — "W. o,G7 (each compartment). — W. — Heads 0,20. 1° On the left, the body of saint John the Baptist beheaded, seen through the bars of a jail ; in the center, Herod Antipater, celebrating with two friends the anni- versary of his birthday ; a soldier is presenting to him the head of the saint. On the right, Salome delivering to her mother the head of saint John. T Jesus Christ nailed on the cross between the two thieves ; the Virgin fainting is attended by the holy women ; saint Longin armed with a lance, and other soldiers. 3° Jesus Christ on his throne, accompanied by saint John, gives up to the demons, Judas Iscariot, whom Death leads before him, a rope round his neck. In another compartment, the beheading of saint John the Baptist Napoleou Museum, GARBO (Raffaello del), called II Raffaellino, born in Florence, about 1AG6, died in 152/i. (Florentine School.) Pupil of Filippino Lippi 78 GARBO. 200 The crownmg of the Virgin, H. 2,92. — W. 1,62. — Arcbed at the top. — "W. Heads small S. In the center of light, the Virgin, seated, and her hands joined, is receiving from her son, the crown ol immortality. The l]oI\^ Ghost hovers over the head of Christ and of the Virgin, whose feet are resting on the heads of three cherubs. Four angels, holding a lute, a dulcimer, a harp and a viol, are making celestial music. In the lower part of the painting, four monks : saint Benedict, with a book and a scourge ; saint Salvi, bishop of Verona, holding a crosier and a book ; saint Giovanni- Gualberto-Azzini, founder of the order of Valombreuse, showing a crucifix ; saint Bernardo Degli Uberti, cardinal, and bishop of Parma, wearing the red hat, and a mitre in his hand. Napoleon Museum. GAROFOLO. - See Tisio. GASPRE. -See Dughet. GEIVIVARI (Cesare), born in Cento in 16Zil, died the i2th of February 1G88. — (Eolognese School.) Pupil of Francesco Babieri. 201 The Virgin nursing the Infant Jesus, H. 0,98. — W, 0,80. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin, seated, and seen half length, is holding with her left hand tlie Infant Jesus on her knees, and with her right is giving him the breast. Napoleon Museum. GHIRLANDAJO (Benedetto). 7ft GENTILE DA FABRIANO, born in Fabriano {near Ancona) about 1370; died in Rome at iho close of 1A50. — (Ombrian School.) Pupil of Allegretto Nuzi di Gubbio. 202 The presentation in the temple* H. 0,26. — W. 0,61. — \V, — Heads 0,17. Under the peristyle of the temple of Jerusalem, the blessed Simeon, accompanied by the prophetess Ann, receives in his arms the divine Infant and blesses the Lord. He gives him back to his mother, who has come in order to fulfil the prescriptions of the law. She is followed by saint Joseph, bringing two young doves. Behind him, in front of the temple, two women approach, to assist at the ceremony. On the opposite side, a poor cripple is speaking to an old woman, leaning on a stick. Napoleon Museum. GENTILE (Bartolommeo di) da Urbino. — See Bar- TOLOMMEO. GENTILESCm (Orazio). — See Lorn, SIItULANDAJO or GRTLLANDAJO (Benedetto), born in lZt58, died about lZi99. — (Florentine School.) 203 Jesus Christ on his ivay to Calvary, H. 1,91. — W. 1,91, — W. — Heads small S. Christ, led to the torture by the executioners and soldiers, carries his cross, with the aid of Simon of Cyreae. He turns towards the Virgin, who is followed 80 GHIRLANDAJO (Benedetto). by the holy women and saint John ; on the right, the blessed Veronica, kneeling, is holding the holy shroud. Napoleon Museum. GHIRLANDAJO or GRILLANDAJO (Domemco), painter, goldsmith, worker in mosaics, born in l/i/i9, died about l/i98. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Alessio Baldovinelli. 20Zi The Visitation, H. 1,72. — W. 1,65. — W.— Heads Nat. S. In presence of IMary of Cleophas, mother of saint James the Younger, and l\lary of Salome, spouse of Zebedee, the Virgin receives with modesty the homage of saint Elisa- beth. The interview takes place under an arched vesti- bule. In the back ground, mountains and a part of the town, inhabited by Zachary. This painting bears the date of : MCCCCLXXXXI. Napoleon Museum. GHIRLAIVDAJO (Ridolfo), born in Florence, in 1/482. It is known that he was still living in 153Zi. Vasari states that he died at the age of 75. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of David Ghirlandajo, his uncle, and of FraBartolommeo della Porta, 205 The crowning of the Virgin. H. 2,90. — W. 1,91. — W. — Heads small S. In the clouds, the Virgin, prostrate at the feet of her son, receives with humility, the immortal crown ; the angels celebrate this glorious event, l)y tlieir concerts. In the lower part of the picture, saint Peter, Dominican and Martyr, saint John the Baptist, Mary Magdalen, saint GlORDAiNO. bl Jerome, saint Francis d'Assise and saint Dominick are kneeling in adoration. This picture is dated ; mdiii. Napoleon Museum. G I O R D A X O ( Luc A ) , born in Naples in 1632, died it the same city the i2th of January 1705. — (Neapolitan School.) Pupil of Giusepe de Ribera and of Pietro Berreltini. 206 The presentation of Jesus in the temple* H, !,-3. — W. 2,07. — C, — Heads half S. The Virgin, accompanied by saint Joseph, and kneeling on the steps of the temple of Jerusalem, presents the Infant Jesus to the High priest, who is attended by young levites ; on the right several women, of whom one holds a child by the hand, are following the Virgin. Old collection. 207 Jesus submits to death for the salvation of man . H. 1,51. — W. 1,24. — C. — Heads 0,90. The Infant Jesus, presented by the Virgin, and accompanied by saint Joseph and an angel, accepts the instruments of his Passion, which are brought to him by angels. God the Father, borne on clouds, is contemplating him ; and the Holy Ghost sheds on him a ray of light. Napoleon Museum. 208 Maj^s and Venus. H. 0,63. — W. 0,76. — C. — Heads 0,55. !^Iars is leaving Venus, who is lying on a couch sup- ported by the statue of a satyr. Two women assist at 82 GIORDANO. tho toilet of the goddess. A cupid with the wings of a butterfly, is playing with a dog; another cupid is leaning on a globe, round Avliich a serpent is creeping. In the back ground, Vulcan is working at liis forge. Old collcclion. [iIORGIO^\ — See Barbarelli. GIOTTO Dl BONDONE, painter, sculptor, architect, en- gineer and poet, born in the borough of Vcspignano, in a place called Colle, fourteen miles from Florence, in 1276; died the Sih of January 1336. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of CimaLue. 209 Saint Francis d* Assise receiving the stigmata, H. 3^1 4. — vr. 1,62. — W. — Heads small S. Saint Francis having retired in 122Zi, two years before his death, on the mount Delia Vernia, to fast forty days, saw, during his prayers, the apparition of a seraph, having six flaming and shining wings; between which he saw the figure of a man, who had his feet and hands extended, and nailed to a cross. Ills wings were so arranged, that two were elevated above his liead, two were "stretched out to fly, and the other two, covered all his bod}'. At this moment, the marks of the wounds of the Saviour, appeared on the hands and feet of the Saint, and his right side received also a wound, as if from the thrust of a lance. Giotto has represented all the details of this legend; the vision is vanishing, and already the cross has disappeared. In the lower part of the paint- ing, the artist has represented three other episodes of the life of saint Francis. 1® Vision of Pope Innocent HI, Heads 0,50. During his sleep, saint Francis appears to him, wearing the hab't- "f his order, and supporting the GIOTTO. 83 church of Saint-Jean-de-Latran, which Is falling in ruins. Saint Peter inspires the pope to protect the order of Franciscan friars, founded by saint Francis. 2° Saint Francis, followed by the first twelve monks of his order, receives from Pope Innocent III, in 1210^ the habit and sta- tutes of the order. Heads 0,3 0. The pontiff is attended by Guy, bishop of Assise, and by the cardinal Jean-de-Saint-Paul, bishop of Sabina. 30 Saint Francis speaking to the birds* Heads o,3o. The birds are listening attentively to the preaching of saint Francis. The legend states that they sang alterna- tely Avith him when he was reciting his office; and were silent at his command. On the lower part of the picture is written : OPUS lOGTI. FLORENTmi. Napoleon Museum. GIOTTO {School of), 210 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus» H. 0,56. — W. 0,21. — W. — Heads 0,24. The Virgin, seated on a throne, holds the Infant Jesus on her knees. Saint John the Baptist and saint Peter are in adoration, at the foot of the throne ; other holy personages are placed behind them. In the upper par lof the embossed ornaments, Jesus Christ seated, , holding a book, has his hand raised, in the attitude of giving his blessing, and is accompanied by four seraphs. Collection of Charles X. tH GIOTTO. 211 Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles, H. 0,30. — W. 2,8 0. — W. — Figures half length. Altar piece divided into thirteen compartments, 212 Calvary. H. 0,40. — W. 0,71. — W. — Heads o,25. Saint John is standing at the foot of the cross; on the other side, the Virgin is fainting in the arms of the holy women. Collection of Charles X. 213 The obsequies of saint Bernard, H. 0,31- — W. 0,40. — W. — Heads 0,20. He gave up his soul to God the 20th of August 1153, in presence of a great number of bishops, abbots and monks, who had come from all parts, to receive his last blessing. IJe was buried in the tunic of saint Malachi, which he always wore when he celebrated the holy mysteries. Before he was interred, one of his followers, who had been for several years afllicted with epilepsy, having approached his body, was cured on the spot. {Vie des Saints, par le P. Giry.) Napoleon Museum. GIOVAlV\^I (Fra) da Fiesole, called l'Angelico or II BEATO Angelico, bom in 1387, near the borough of Vic- cliio, in the -province of Mugello {in Tuscany); died in 1A55. — (Florentine School.) The name of his master is unknown. GIOVANNI. 85 2]!i The crowning of the Virgin and the miracles of saint Dominic k, H. 2, 1 3 . — W. 2, u . — \V, — Figures small S. The Christ, clothed in roj^al vestments, is seated on a ihrone with rich columns, and raised on nine marble teps of different colours, probably symbolical. A place 6Yi his right is reserved for his mother. He holds in his hands a crown, which he is about placing on the head of the Virgin, kneehng before him, her hands crossed on her breast. On each side of the throne, twelve angels, with purple wings, flowing robes, and flames over their heads, are holding trumpets and different instruments, and celebrate by their music, the solemnity. One of the angels on the left, is in prayer. Below the angels are the saints, eighteen on the left, and twenty two on the right. To designate with accuracy the elect represented in the painting, the author has written the name of some on the halo, surrounding their heads, or on the hem of their garments, and has given to others, symbols, by which they are known. Thus, on the left, is seen the name of Moses, of saint John the Baptist, of the apostles saint Andrew, saint Peter, saint Bartholomew, saint James the Younger, and saint Simon. The Evangelists saint John and saint ]\Iark liave each a book in the hand. Saint Agustin, bishop of Hippona, is holding a pen. The founders of orders, saint Benedict, saint Antony, saint Francis d'Assise have mantles spangled with stars, or gilt flowers. Saint Dominick holds a lily and a book. The mantle of saint Thomas d'Aquin has a clasp in the form of a sun. The emperor Charlemagne has a crown adorned with fleurs de lis. Finally, saint Nicholas, bishop ofMyra, has near him, as a symbol, three golden balls which are an allusion to the three purses of gold, which he once gave to a needy gentleman, to marry his three daughters, whom he was on the point of abandoning to seduction. On the right, under the angels, round the halo, are written the names of king David, of the apostles saint Mathias, saint Paul, saint Thaddeus, saint James the 86 GIOVANNL Klder, saint Philip, and of saint Mathew, Evangelist. Saint Peter the Dominican is known by the wound on his head; saint Laurence by the gridiron. Saint Stephen, a palm in his hand, is clothed in a dalmatic; saint George is in armor ; Magdalen, kneeling, is offering a vase of perfumes; saint Cecilia has a crown of roses; the veil of saint Clare is covered with crosses and golden stars; saint Catherine of Alexandria is leaning on the wheel, the instrument of her torture; finally saint Agnes is holding a young Iamb in her arms. The small pictures of the lower part, represent : The ^rst on the left : the vision of Pope Innocent HI. The Pope was unwilling to approve the plan of the order which Saint Dominick presented to him in 1215. One aight the Pope saw in a dream, the church of Saint- Jean-de Latran, ready to fall down ; saint Dominick w^as hastening to support the edifice. Struck by the meaning of this dream. Innocent encouraged the undertaking of the pious founder. He is represented sleeping in the castle i>i Saint-Ange with the tower such as it was, at the time when the painter was living. — H. 0,22. — W. 0,29. — Heads 0, 15. In the second picture, the saint, after having obtained the confirmation of his order of Preachers, was in prayer in the basilic of Saint Peter, when the apostles saint Peter and saint Paul appeared and presented to him, the first a staff, the second a book, the symbols of preaching and of travels in foreign lands. A monk who accompanies saint Dominick is also kneeling, but turned on one side, so that he does not see the apparition, and is continuing to pray. — H. 0,22. — "W. 0, 30 — Heads 0, 15. The third painting is divided into two parts; a young man named Napoleone, nephew to the cardinal Stephano called Fossa Nova, riding in Rome on horseback, fell on the pavement and was killed. Saint Dominick was at the time with the cardinal in the Chapter, in a convent of nuns which he had founded. The cardinal, hearing Df the accident that had belallen his nephew, fainted in the arms of the saint. At the solicitation of his compa- nion Tancred, saint Dominick caused the body of tho young man to be brought ; began to Dray,then advancing GIOVANNI. 87 towards the young horseman who was still lying down , in the name of Christ he ordered him to rise, which he did accordingly. — H. 0, 22. - W. 0, 31. — Heads 0, 15. In the fourth picture, the Saviour, risen from the dead, standing on the sepulchre, amongst the instru- ments of his Passion, is looking at his mother and at his beloved disciple who are seated and are shedding tears. — H. 0, 22. — W. 0, 23. — Heads 0, 15. The fifth one is divided in two parts ; on the left, is a square in front of a church. Saint Dominick, accompa- nied by one of his disciples, is handing to an envoy of the Albigenses a book in which he had made a profession of faith of the Christian truths, and refuted the doctrines of that sect. — On the right, in the i..teriGr of a house, several Albigenses are collected round a fire in which they have thrown the book. According to the legend, a book containing the heretical doctrines had been'imme- diately consumed, while the book of saint Dominick had sprung out three times, from the flames, and had remained untouched. -- H. 0, 22, — W. 0, 31. — Heads 0, 15. In the sixth : the writers of the legend state that the confidence of saint Dominick in Providence was so great, that he caused his disciples to seat themselves at table, when he had neither bread, meat, nor other food to give them, and that angels supplied them in abund- ance, with the food they were in need of. —HO, 22. — W. 0, 31. — Heads 0, 12. In the seventh, saint Dominick, dying in his cell, in 1221. He is blessing his disciples and is exhorting them. The words of the saint, inscribed on a scroll, are the same that are written in the book of the large picture. Outside of the cell, is seen the accomplishment of a vision which appeared to the Prior of the convent of the Dominicans of Brixen, at the time when his spiritual master drew his last breath. He saw two ladders des- cending from Heaven, and touching the earth; the Saviour and the Virgin were holding their extremities, and angels were seen going up, and coming down. There was a throne on which the saint was seated, radiant with light. The ladders having been afterwards taken up to Heaven, the throne went up with them. With 88 GIOVANNI. the exception of the peculiarity of the throne, the painter has exactly followed the legend. — H. 0, 22. — W. 0, 28. — Heads 0,1 Zi. Napoleon Museum. GIULIO ROMANO. - See Pippi. GOBBO (IL) DE' CARACCI. ~5^^Bonzi. GOZZOLI (Benozzo). — 5^e Benozzo. G RIM ALDI (Gio Francesco), called II Bolognese , painter, engrave?^ and architect, born in Bologna in 1606, died in Rome in 1680. •— (Bolognese School.) Pupil of the Carracci. 215 Women bathing ; landscape, H. 0,33. — W. 0.42. — Cop. — Heads 0,10. A river, shaded by large trees, is barred in the back ground by a cascade. On the left, on the banks, are three women half naked ; one of them, lying on a cushion, is raising her drapery. Old collecUon, 216 Landscape, II. 0,34. — W. 0,42. — Cop. — Heads 0,70. On the left, clothed in draperies, a man is adressing another personage seated on the edge of the road. In the midst of a river, a man sitting in a boat, and on the bank, a boatman appearing to invite two women to enter it. In the back ground, buildings on a hillock. Old collcclion. GOARDI. 89 217 Landscape. H. 0,34. — W. 0,42. — C. — Heads 0,10. On the right, in the fore ground, two women, three children and a youth, are seated on a square stone; farther off, a boat with five persons in it. On the other side of the river, buildings at the foot of a hill, sur- ^ mounted by a sort of fortress. Old collection. 218 Women washing; landscape, H. 0,57. — W. 0,68. — C. — Heads 0,10. A woman is washing on the banks of a river ; near her, two other women accompanied by a child, are car- rying on their heads a basket full of linen. In the back ground are seen buildings, and a bridge thrown across the river. Old collection. GUALTIEUl. — 5^5CiMABDE. GUARDI (Francesco), born in Venice in 1712, died in 1793. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Antonio da Canal, called Canaletti. 219 View of Venice^ H. 0,67. — W. 1,00. — Heads 0,05. The doge on the Bucentaurus coming out of the port of the island of Lido, the day of the Ascension. The sea is covered with gondolas and boats dressed with flags. Old collection. 90 GUAnDL 220 The doge going in procession to the church of Santa-Maria-deUa-Salute , in Venice, to assist at the commemoration of the cessation of the plague in 1630. H. 0,6 7. — "\V. 1,00. — C. — Heads o,0 5. The steps leading to the church are crowded with people. On the left, gondolas are ranged, side by side. On the right, the crowd is pressing on wooden bridges placed across the boats. Old collection. 221 Iloiy Thursday in Venice, H. 0,67. «— W, 1,00.— C— Heads 0,08. A gilt and splendidly ornamented temple is built on the Piazzetta; gondoliers are executing the feats of strength of Hercules. The doge is looking on from the gallery of the Ducal palace. Old collection. 222 Feast of Corpus Domini at Venice* H. 0,67. — W. 0,98. — C. — Heads 0,07. The Square of Saint Mark is decorated with a circular gallery, under which are passing in procession the Doge, the dignitaries and the religious societies, following the Holy Sacrament. Old collection, 223 Crowning of the Doge, on the top of the stairs of the Giants, in the Ducal palace, at Venice. H. 0,67. — W. 1,00. — C. — Heads 0,08. A senator is placing the ducal cap on the head of the Doge ; soldiers are standing on each side, on the steps GUARDL 91 of the stairs. Numerous spectators fill the court , the galleries and the windows of the first floor. 011 colbcijon. 224 Procession of the Doge to the church of Saint Zachary, on Easter Sunday. H. 0,67. — W. 0,98. — C. — Heads 0,10. The Doge is followed and preceded by dignitaries carrying the candlestick, the ducal horn, the^parasol, the golden chair and the sword, signs of his rank. Old collection. 225 The hall of the College^ in the Ducal palace, at Venice. H. 0,66. — W^ 1,00. — C, — Heads o,io. The Doge is on his throne, surrounded by his coun- sellors. A crowd of masks fill the hall. Old collection. GUASPRE. -- See Dughet. GUERCIXO ( IL ) c?r Le Guerchin. — See Barbieri, GUIDO and LE GUIDE. — 5^e Reni. GUIDO CAG]\ACCI. - See Cagnacci. iXGEGXO (L'), — ^52 Andrea Luigi di Assisi. 92 LANFRANCIJL JOSEPllV (Le). ~ 5eeGESARi. JULES ROMAIN. - 5^^ Pippi. LANFRAXCHI or LANFRAXCO (II cavaliere GIOVANM Di STEFA^'0, bom in Parma in 1580 according to Passeri, in 1581 and 1582 according to other biographers, died the 20th ofnovember 16Zi7. — (Lombard School.) Pupil of Agostino Carracci. 226 Agar succoured by an angeL n. 1,3 8. — W. 1,59. — C. — Heads Nat. S. An angel is showing to Agar, seated at the foot of a ruin, a spring of water, to quench the tnirst of her son Ismael. Collection of Louis XIV. 227 Saint Peter in prayer. H. 1,28. — W. 0,9 7. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Saint Peter standing, seen half length, and his hands joined, raises his eyes to Heaven; near him are laying on a rock the Iceys of the Cliurch. In the back ground, on the right, a bridge and mountains are seen. Old collection, 228 The separation of saint Peter and saint Paul. H. 1,07. — W. 1,59, — C. — Heads, 0,60. On the right, saint Peter, escorted by soldiers, and dragged with violence by an executioner, is turning LAURL 93 back towards saint Paul, whom three guards are also leading to the place of torture, and takes his last leave of him. In the back ground, the gates of Ostia and the walls of Rome. Collection of Louis XIY. 229 The crowning of the Virgin, H. 2,20. — W. 1,44. — C. — HeadsNat. S. The Virgin, born on a cloud, is crowned by her son whom angels are surrounding. In the fore ground, sainv, Austin and saint William, kneeling, implore the pro- tection of Christ and of his mother; near them, are three angels, one holding a mitre, and the two others a book. Collection of Louis XIV. 230 Pan offering the fleece to Diana, H. 0,7 5. — W. 1,00. — C. — Heads o,CO. The goddess^ seated on a cloud, is receiving from Pan, sitting on the ground, a handful of wool proceeding from the fleece of a goat, seen behind him. Collection of Louis XIV. LAURI (FiLippo), born in Rome, in 1623, died in 169/t. — (Roman School.) Pupil of his father Baldassare Lauri, and of Angelo Caroselli. 231 Saint Francis d' Assise in ecstacy» H. 0,48. — W. 0,38. — C. — Heads o,35. Saint Francis, being sick, thought that music might, relieve his suff"erings ; but by humility, he dared not grant himself that pleasure. God rewarded so much LAUKL virtue, and soon after, a chorus of angels filled him with rapture and ecstacy. The saint weakened by fas- ting and the want of sleep, is slumbering on a rock, holding a cross and a skull on his knees ; near him is an open book. Over his head, an angel, surrounded by cherubs, plays on the viol. In the back ground, a monk seated and reading. Old colleclion. 232 Sacrifice to the god Pan, H. 0,50. — W. 0,58. — C. — Heads 0,25. In the center of the picture, a man, standing, nearly naked, is pouring wine on the flame, which rises from an altar, placed in front of the statue of the god Pan, reposing. On the left, two women are kneeling ; one of them is holding grapes, the other a vase and a cup, in whidh she is pouring wine. On the right, a satyr knee- ling, pulling a goat by the horns; another carrying a basket of grapes on his head ; a child is blowing a horn. Old colleclion. LIPPI (Fra Filippo), born about the year 1M2 in Flo- rence, died in Spoleto the 8lh of October 1^69. — (Floren- tine School.) The name of bis master is not known. 233 The Nativity of Jesus Christ, H. 1,69. — W. 1,60. — W. — Heads small S. Lying on the ground, before a stable in ruins, the Infant Jesus is adored by the Virgin and saint Joseph, kneeling. In the upper part, in the center, is the Holy Ghost, and on each side an angel with his hands joi- ned. On the ).e{"t, a landscape, and shepherds watching their flocks. One of those shepherds is playing on the flute. Napoleon Museum. LOMI. 06 234 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus adored by two holy abbots, H. 2,17. — W. 2,44. — W. — Heads small S. The Virgin, standing on the first steps of a throne, is presenting the Infant Jesus to two holy abbots, on their knees, holding in their hand a crosier, sign of their dignity. On each side, two archangels standing, are carrying branches of lily, and are accompanied by a host of angels. Napoleon Museum, LOMI (Orazio) Gentileschi or de Gentileschi, bom in Pisa the 9th of July 1562, died in England, in 16/i6. — (I'lorentine School.) Pupil of Aurelio, his brother, and of Baccio, his uncle. 235 Repose of the Holy Family. H. 1,58. — ^.V. 2,25.— C. — Heads Nat.S. The Virgin, seated on the ground, is giving the breast to the Infant Jesus ; on the left, saint Joseph, w orn out with fatigue, has fallen asleep, lying on his travelling bag. Collection of Louis XIV. 236 Portrait ofayoung man» H. 0,52. — W. 0,48. — W. — Bust Nat. S. His head is leaning on his left haD<3, aud he holds a uU in the right. Old culleclion. 96 LORENZIO Dl PA VIA. LOREIVZO Dl PA VIA, livedin Savona in i5i3. — (Genoese School.) There is no biographical notice of this painlPT. 237 The family of the Holy Virgin, H. 2, 02. — W. 1,44. — C. — Heads small S. The Virgin is holding the Infant Jesus on her knees ; near her is saint Joseph. Behind the Virgin, saint Ann, her mother, and her three husbands, Joachim, Cleophas and Salome. On the right of tlie Virgin, Mary, daughter of Cleophas, and her children, Jude Thaddeus, James the Y ounger, and Joseph the Just ; near her, is her husband Alpheus. On the right of the blessed Virgin, is Mary, second sister of the Virgin, and daughter of Salome, her spouse Zebedee, and her children, James the Elder, and John the Evangelist. The names of these personages are written over their heads, or on scrolls. Signed : lavrentius. papien. fecit, mdxiii. Napoleon Museum* LOTTO (Lorenzo), born in Venice, about lZi80, died in Loretto between 1555 and 1560. — (Venetian School.) He is believed to have been a pupil of Andrea Previlali, and afterwards of Gio, Bellini, 238 The ivomari taken in adultery brought to Jesus, H. 1,24. — W. 1,5 6. — C. — Figures half length small size. Jesus Christ is surrounded by Scribes and Pharisees, who arebringing before him a woman, taken in adultery. Her hands are tied, and a soldier holds her by the hair. Collection of Louis XIV. 97 LUCIANO (Sebastiano di), called Fra Bastiano del PiOMBO), born in Venice in l/i85, died at Rome, in 15Zi7. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Giovanni Bellini. 239 The Visitation of the Virgin. H. 1,68.— W. 1,32. — c. — Figures half length Nat. S. The Virgin, accompanied by two women, is received by saint Elisabeth ; in the distance is seen Zachary, who is descending the steps of a peristyle. A man, whose back is turned, announces to him the arrival of the Virgin. — Signed : sebastianvs venetvs fagiebat rom^ M. D. XXI. Collection of Francis I, LUINI or LOVINI da Luino (Bernardino), born about lZi60 in Luino {on lake Major); was still living in 1530. (Lombard School.) He is supposed to have been a pupil of Stefano Scolto. 2/iO Holy Family. H. 0,51. — W. 0,56. — W. — Figures halflenglL, half S. Jesus is standing, with his left arm round the neck of his mother, who supports him. Saint Joseph, leaning on a staff, and placed behind the Virgin, is considering them with attention. Old collection. LtinL Jesus asleep. H. 0,92.-- W. 0,7 3. — W.— Figures half lenglh, Kal. S. The Virpin standing, holds in her arms the Infant Jesus sleeping; an angel is spreading belore her a white cloth, in which to wrap the Saviour. Tv\o other angels, placed beliind the Virgin, are holding, one a scroll, the other a cushion. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 2/i2 Salome, clang t her of Ilerodias, receiving the head of saint John the Baptist, H. 0,62. — W. 0,53.— - W. — Figures Lalf leaglb, half S. The daughter of Ilerodias, receives in a basin the head of saint John the Baptist, which is presented to her by an executioner, of whom the arm only is seer. Colleclion of Louis XIV. LUTI (Benedetto), born in Florence in 1666, die,i ai Home in \.Tlh. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Domenico Gabbiaoi. 243 Mary Magdalen, H. 1,67. — W. i,'28. — C. — Heads NalS. Saint Mary IMagdalen, seated on a stone, is contem- plating a crucilix, which she holds in her hands;. A book and a skull are placed near her on a stone. Two cherubs are Hying above her head. Colleclion of Louis XVI. 2Mi Magdalen in meditation, H. 1,04. — W. 0,7 5. — C. — Half lenglh Nat. S. She is meditating on a skull. Old colleclion. MACHIAVELLI (Zenobio de') lived in ihllu - (Florentine School.) Pupil of Benozzo Gozzoli. J>1 uivx rAAA4 2^5 The crowning of the Virgin, H. 1,64. — W. 1,66. — - W. Heads smp.U 9. Jesus Christ is crowning the Virgin, in presence of saint John the Baptist, saint Francis d' Assise, Magdalen, the apostle saint Peter, and the angels, who are singing the praises of the Lord. On this painting is written : OPVSCOOBII. DEMACfllAVELLIS. MCCCGLXXIII. Napolecn Museum. MAKFREDI (Bartolommeo), born in Ustiano, borough near Mantua, in 1580, according to Zani; died in 1617. — (Roman School.) Pupil of Cliristofano Roncalli. '2IiQ Drinking scene. H. 1,29. — W. 1,92, — C. —Half lenglh, Nat, S. Four men, seated round a stone table, in bas relief, aredrinkingandsinging. Oneof them, on the right, holds out his glass to a butler, who is pouring in it," the wine contained in a bottle; opposite to him another is playin^r 100 MANFREDL on a musical instrument, and two others of the com* pany are listening to him. Behind, are two servants standing, of whom one is eating macaroni, and the other lifting a bottle to his lips. Ck)lleclion of Louis XIV. 2!i 7 The fortune teller. H. 1,2 7. — W, 1,5 0. —C, — Halflength, Nat. S, A woman seated, is having her fortune told by two Egyptians, and shows her hand to the younger. A ca- valier placed behind her, is holding the head of a dead bird. Collection of Louis XVIII. MANFREDi {Attributed to), 2A8 Judith holding the head of Hoiophernes, H. 1,14. — W.0,9 2. — C. — Figures half length, Nat. S. She is accompanied by a woman, holding the bag, destined to hold the head of Hoiophernes. Old collection. MAIVTEGNA (Andrea), painter, engraver, architect and geometer, born in Padua in lZi31, died the i3th of September 1506. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Francesco Squarcione, 2/i9 Christ between the two thieves, II. 0,67. — W. 0,93. — W, — Heads 0,32. On the summit of Calvary, Jesus is crucified between two thieves. Soldiers are guarding him, three of whom are MANTEGNA. 101 playing at dice, for his garments ; on the left, saint John, standing, is showing the excess of his grief; far- ther off, the Virgin, accompanied by the holy women, is weeping over the death of her son. In the back ground, a road made in the rock, and conducting to Jerusalem. Napoleon Museum, The Virgin known as The Virgin of the Vic^ tory, H, 2,8 0. — W, 1,66. — C. — Heads small S. Seated on a throne of marble of different colours, and adorned with bas-reliefs in gold, the Virgin holds the Infant Jesus, standing on her knees; the mantle which covers her, is supported on one side by the archangel saint Michael, leaning on a sword, and on the other by saint Maurice, both clothed in rich armor. Behind them on the right, are seen saint Longin, with a red helmet, and on the other side, saint Andrew, patrons of the city of Mantua. Near the Virgin, is the young saint John standing, and farther off his mother, saint Elisabeth, kneeling, a coral rosary in her hand. Finally, on the left, and on the steps of the throne, is seen the marquis of Mantua, John-Francis of Gonzague, in full armor, and decorated with the order of saint Maurice, knee- ling, giving thanks to the Virgin, who holds out her hand to him, in sign of protection, while her Son is giving him his blessing. The niche in which is placed the throne of the Virgin, is ornamented with festoons of verdure, mixed with flowers, fruits, coral, pearls and precious stones of every kind. Napoleon Museum. ^51 Parnassus^ an allegorical composition. In the fore ground, on the. left, the Muses dancing to the sound of Appollo's lyre. On the right, ^lercury, leaning on Pegasu^is holding a long caduceus, Behinc MANTEGNA. Mercury, the Helicon from wich are flowing the waters of theHippocrene. In the center of the picture, on a rock forming an archway, and through which the country is seen, Venus is standing, accompanied by Mars, armed with his lance, and clothed in armour. Lower down, on the same rock. Cupid, his bow in his hand, is exciting the jealousy of Vulcan. The spouse of Venus leaves his forge, and threatens the goddess and his rivaL Old collection. 252 Wisdom victorious over the Vices, H. 1,60, — W. 1,92. — C. — Heads 0,60. Minerva, preceded by Chastity under the form of Diana, and of Philosophy, under that of a woman bearing a torch, chases before her, andis pursuing Luxury, iiaving the feet of a satyr; Idleness and Sloth are sunk in a slough; Fraud, !\lalice. Drunkenness, Lust and Ignorance, born by Ingratitude and Avarice. Justice, Strength, and Temperance, hovering in the air, are coming back, to dwell on the earth. Old collection. MARATTA or MARATTI (Carlo), painicr and en- graver, born in Canicrano {near Ancona), in IG'25, died at IXome Hie ibi/i of December 1713. — (Uoman School.) Pupil of Andrea Sacclii. 253 The Nativity. U, 0,97. — W. 0,97. — C. — Heads 0,48. The Virgin, seated near a stable in ruins, is holding in her arms the Infant Jesus, wliom angels arc contemp- lating with love. Saint Joseph, standing near the Virgin, showsthe divine Infant to a group of shejiherds kneeling, ol whom oneiscarrying a basket of fruits. On the riirht, another group of shepherds: one of them, kneeling, MARATTA. having at his feet a lamb, doves, etc. , is holding a w by the hand. Angels descending from Heaven on of light, are bringing flowers and incensing tie new Infant. In the back ground, a woman and other sheph followed by an ass. Colleciion of Louis XIV, 254 Jesiis sleeping. H. 1,25. — W. 1,00. — W. — Heads Nat. S, The Virgin is holding in her hands a gauze veil, with which she is about covering Jesus sleeping, his head leaning on his right hand, and his left arm placed on a pillow. She is accompanied by saint Catherine of Alexan- dria, and by three angels, standing near the bed. — This picture is signed : GAllOLUS MARATTA FINXIT 1697. Collection of Louis XIV. 255 Preaching of saint John the Baptist, H, 0,90. — W. 1,00, — C — Ueads 0,48. Saint John, standing and raising his arms, Is sur- rounded by Israelites, who are listening to him. Eehind him, a man his elbow leaning on a hillock, his head resting on his hands, and two men wrapped up in tlieir mantles. On the riglit, a jew seated, is explaining to an old man, the meaning of the words of the saint. Farther off, a group of five personages of grave aspect, of whom GDC is leaning his chin on a crutch. Collection of Louis XIV. 256 Mystic marriage of saint Catherine, H, 0,44, -- W, 0,32. — C. — Heads 0,40, The Infant Jesus, seated on the kneess of the Virgin, Is putting a rinir on the finger of saint Catherine of Alexandria, kneeling before him. Near the saint, and on lOa MARATTA. the ground, a palm and the fragment of a wheel. An angel and three cherubs, born on clouds, are contemp- lating the scene. Collection of Louis XV, 7 Portrait of Mary-Magdalen Rospigliosi. H. 0,9 4. — W, 0,7 4. — C. — Figures half length Nat. S. She is standing, three quarters, turned to the left, and dressed in black; her arms are half bare and she is holding a fan in her right hand, which she is leaning on a table, on which is placed a letter having this supers- cription : AL Iir et C"' sig'^ la Sig" Maria Madalena Rospigliosi per Carlo Maratii, Collection of Louis XVIII. 258 Portrait of Carlo Maratta, H. 0,70, — W, 0,58. — C. — Bust NaU S. The artist has painted himself nearly in profile, turned to the right, his head bare, and dressed in black. Old collection. aiASSOXE (Giovanni), of Alexandria; he lived in IZiOO. — (Genoese School.) There is no reliable informalion of the life of this painter. 259 Altar piece divided into three compartments: 1° The Nativity, H, 1,7 7.— W. 0,7 7.— W. — Heads half S. The Virgin and saint Joseph kneeling, are adoring the Infant Jesus, lyin^j on a wliite cloth. God the Father MASSONE, 105 surrounded by seraphs, appears in Heaven, preceded by two angels, holding a scroll, on wich is written : Gloria in excelsis Deo et intera pax homibus boe volutat.ln the back ground , the group of the Magi coming out of Bethleem. In the fore ground is written : Jonnes Mazonus de alexa pinxit. 2° Saint Francis standing, and Pope Sixtus I V kneeling. H. 1,11. — W, 0,57, — W, — Heads half S. Fr. Alescola della Rovere, son of a fisherman and mariner when }oung, afterwards Franciscan friar, became general of his order. Paul H, at the recommen- dation of cardinal Bessarion, had him admitted in the holy college, under the name of Saint-Pierre-es-Liens ; he was elected pope in l/i71, and died in lZi8/i. 3* Saint Antony of Padua and the Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere kneeling. H. 1,11. — W. 0,57. — W. — Heads half S, This last, nephew of Sixtus IV, was born in Savona in IZiSo; created cardinal in lZi71, he was elected to the chair of saint Peter, under the name of Julius II, and died in 1513. It is said that his warlike humour caused him to take the name of Julius, in memory of Julius Cesar. Collection of Louis XYHI. MASTELETTA, - See Donducci. MAXIME (Le Chevalier). - See Stanzioni. 106 MAZZOLA. PiIAZZOLA (Francesco), called II Parmigianino or Le Parmesan, 'painter and engraver, born in, Farma the nth of January 1503, died the 2Uth of August 15/i0 in Casalmaggiore, — (Lombard School.) Pupil of his uncles Michele and Pier, Ilario Mazzola. 260 Holy Family. H. 0,42. — W, 0,34, -— W. — Heads 0,35. The Virgin, seated, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, who is embracing the young saint John , mounted on the cradle of the Saviour. Behind the Virgin, are saint Joseph and saint Elisabeth. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 261 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus and saint MaV'^ garet, H, 0,46. — W. 0,35. — W, — Heads 0,40. The Virgin, seated, is presenting the Infant Jesus to saint Margaret, kneeling, and designated by the dragon, wliose head is seen. On the left, behind the Virgin, saint Benedict, abbot, in adoration; on the other side, an angel and saint Jerome, holding a crucifix. Colleclion of Louis XIV. MXZZOLX {After), 262 Jesus Christ laid in the sepulchre. \l 0,93. — W. 0,74. — C, — Heads 0,60. Christ, lying in his winding sheet, and near the edge of the tomb, is supported by a iioly woman, in the back MAZZOLINI. 107 ground, the Virgin fainting, and in the fore ground saint John, seen only half length. Colleclion of Louis XVI 263 Mystic marriage of saint Catherine* H. 0,7 5, — W. 0,64. — C. — Heads 0,80. The Virgin, seated, is holding on her l^nees, the Infant Jesus, who is putting the nuptial ring on the finger ot saint Catherine of Alexandria. The saint is leaning her other hand on a table, near which is the iron spiked wheel, instrument of her torture. Saint Joseph , in bust, is placed at one of the lower angles of the frame, before the seat of the Virgin. Collection of Louis XIV. MAZZOLA or MAZZOLIIVO (Girolamo), bom in Moile, now called S.-Lazzaro, near Parma; was stiU pain- ting in 1566. — (Lombard School.) Pupil of Francesco Mazzola. 264 The adoration of the Messiah, H. 4,8 4.— W. 3,0 5. — C, — Heads larger than life. The Virgin, kneeling on tlie steps of an edifice in ruins, is presenting iier son, to be adored by the shepherds, and by a holy bishop, wliose crosier is lying on the ground. The Heavens opened, show a host of angels born on clouds. Collection of diaries X. SIAZZOLIXI (LoDOvico), born about l/i81, died about 1530, at tfie age of h9, — (School of Ferrara.) He is believed to have been a pupil of Lorenzo Costa. 108 MAZZOLINL 265 Holy Family, H. 0,35. — W. 0,28. — W. — Heads o,28. The Virgin, seated between two arches, through which the country is seen, is holding on her Icnees the Infant Jesus, who plays with a little monkey. Saint Joseph, standing, and in a respectful attitude, is bringing in his hand, fruits and seeds. In the upper part, God the feather on clouds, leaning on a globe. Over the head of the Virgin, the Holy Ghost, in the midst of rays of light Old colleclion. AIAZZUOLA. —See Mazzola, MECHARINO or MICHARIIVO (Domenico), called Beccafumi {Attributed to), painter, sculptor and engraver, born near Sienna in lZi84; died, according to Vasari, in 15/i9. The father delta Valle states that he was still living in 1551. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Gio. Battisla Tozzo, 266 Jesus in the garden of Olives. H. 1,10. — W. 0,80. — Cop. — Heads, 0,60, Jesus Christ is kneeling near a palm tree. An angel is presenting to him the chalice, and in the fore ground, are three apostles sleeping. In the back ground, Judas pointing out Jesus Christ to the soldiers. Colleclion of Louis XVHI, MICHEL-ANGELO DA LUCCA o» DA SIENNA. — See Anselm' MOLA. 109 MICHEL-AXGE DES BATAILLES.— 5^^ Cerqdazzl MICHIELI (Andrea de'), called II Vicentino, born in Vicenza in 1539, died in 161/i. — (Venetian School.) The name of his master is not known. 267 Reception of Henri III in Venice^ in 157/i. H. 0,85. — W. 1,52. — C. — Heads, o,20. On theleft, Henry the third, coming out of the royal galley, which had gone for him to Murano, is crossing the bridge thrown across the canal. The king has on his right, the Cardinal of S. Sisto, and on his left the Doge, Luigi Moncenigo. The patriarch Giovanni Trevi- sano, placed under a canopy, born by six procurators of Saint-Mark, comes to meet him. The bridge leads to a triumphal arch, built by Palladio, and to a gallery where an altar is erected. On the left, in the back ground, the fort of Saint Andrew, and the Bucentaure, wliich is going to receive the monarch. On the riglit, a crowd of spectators of all ages, sexes, and countries, whom guards armed with halberds, are trying to main- tain in order. In the fore ground, are seen gilt boats, gondolas laden with soldiers and musicians blowing the trumpet, and beating the drum. Old collection. MOLA (Pietro-Frakcesco), painter and engraver, boi'n in Coldre, diocese of Coma, in the province of Milan, in 1612 according to Passein, his contemporary; died at Rome in 1668. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Prospero Orsi and of Giuseooe d'Arpino, 110 MOLA. 268 Agar in the desert. H. 0,27. — W. 0,35.— Cep, — Heads 0,12. Towards the left, the angel appears in Heaven, tc Agar, kneeling before her son expiring with thirst, stretched on the ground, and is showing her a spring concealed in the midst of trees and rocks. Old coUeclion. 269 Repose of the Holy Family, H. 0,41. — W. 0,33. — C. —Heads, 0,40. The Virgin, seated in the midst of fragments of ar- chitecture, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus; saint Joseph, leaning on a stone, whicii ornaments a bas-relief representing a figure seated on the ground, and whose back is turned, has a book iu his hand. Old coUeclion. 270 Saint John the Baptist preaching in the desert, H. 1,62. — W. 1,23. — C. — Heads 0,70. On the borders of a wood in which palm trees are seen, saint John, a cross in his hand, a lamb at liis feet, is seated on a rock, surrounded by the inbabiiants of Judea, who have come to listen to liis Word, and receive baptism. The saint is showing them in the distance, on the left, Christ who is coming towards him. CoUeclion of Louis XV. 271 Saint John the Baptist preaching in the desert, H. 0,37. — W. 0,27. — W. — Heads, 0,20. Old coUection. ill 272 Vision of saint Bruno in the desert. H. 0,94. — W. 0,70. — C. — Heads 0,50, Saint Bruno, stretched on the ground, at the foot of a tree, and leaning on a stone, sees in a trance three cherubs, who appear to him in Heaven; near him, on the left, are seen a cross, a skull and an open book. Collection of Louis XIV. 273 Herminia watching sheep* H. 0,70. — W. 0,94, — C. — Heads o,S7. Herminia, seated under the shade of a beech tree, a crook in her hand, and watching her flocks, is car\ ing the name of Tancred on the bark. In the back ground, a river and mountains. Collection of Louis XIY, 27 A Tancred succoured by Herminia^ H. o,69.--W. 0,93, —C. — Heads from 0,3210 0,37, Tancred, stretched on the ground, is raised by Vafrin, his squire ; Ilenninia, kneeling, supports with one hand the arm of 'J ancred, and with the other, uncovers an(? probes his wounds. In the back ground is seen, the bodj of Argant lying in the dust Colleclion of Louis XIY, JMORETTO (IL) DA BRESCIA. - 5^^ Bonvicino. MUZIA%^0 (GiROLAMO), born in Aquafredda {in the ter- ritory of Brescia) in 1530, died at Home, the 21th of April 1590. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Girolamo Romania'^. 112 MUZIANO. 275 Incredulity of saint Thomas* n. 0,5 2. — W. 0,6 3.— W.— Heads 0,48. Saint Thomas, kneeling, touches the side of Christ, who is standing in the midst of his disciples. Colleclion of Louis XIV, 276 Resicrrection of Lazarus* H. 1,25. — W. 0,92. — W. — Heads 0,86. In presence of his disciples, and at the prayer of Martha and Mary, Jesus restores to life Lazarus, who is lying in his shroud, near his tomb. Napoleon Museum. OGGIOIVE. — See Uggione.. ORIZZONTE. — 5^^ (in the Flemish School) Bloomen. PADOVAIVIIVO (IL). Padouan {Le), — See Varotar. PALM A (Jacopo), called II Vecchio o?- Le Viecx, born about l/i80, in Seinnalta {village near Bergamo), died about 15/i8. — (Venetian School.) Supposed pupil of Giovanni Bellini. 277 The angels appearing to the shepherds, ex voto. H. 1,4 0. — W. 2,10. — C. — Heads small S. The Virgin seated, is supporting the Infant Jesus laid in II cradle; salat Joseph, leaning on a staff, is near her. PANINL 113 A young shepherd, kneeling, his hands crossed on his breast, is in adoration before Christ. On the left, behind the kneeling Virgin, the donatrix. In the back ground, two shepherds, are contemplating the angels in the air. Collection of Louis XIV. PAN INI (Giovanni-Paolo), born in Placentia in 1695, died at Rome, the list of October 1768. — (Roman School.) Pupil of Andrea Lucalelli and of Benedetto Luti. 278 Banquet given under a portico of the Ionic order. H. 2,12. — W. 2,12. — Round shape. — C. — Heads 0.7 0. Under a portico of the Ionic order, a banquet and nu- merous guests. On the left, a buffet with silver dishes. In the fore ground, two men, of w horn one is pouring the wine contained in a silver vase, into another vase of the same metal. Two dogs are placed near him. Collection of Louis XVI. 279 Banquet given under a portico of the Ionic order. H. 0,3 5. — W. 0,38. — C. — Heads. o,io. Repetition on a small scale, and in a square form, of the preceding picture. Old collection. 280 Concert given in the interior of a circular gallery of the Doric order* H. 0,38. — W. 0,39. — C. — Heads 0,io, A circular gallery of the Doric order, discloses in the back ground, a palace and the country. On the left iili PANINI. In a tribune half dosed by curtains, is an old man sea- ted, a woman and three men standing. In front, musi- cians seated before a table, are forming. a concert. On the riiiht are several personages, two vases of silver on the ground, and in the distance, a statue of Apollo holding a lyre. Old colleclioD, 281 Buins of architecture of the Doric order, H. 1,7 1. — AV. 2,4 5. — C. — Heads, o,i8. A man, standing on a part of the ruined entablature, is discoursing in presence of persons fantastically clad; in the back ground is seen a round temple of the Ionic order. — The painting is signed : I. P. P., IlOALE,17/i3. Collection of Louis XVI. 282 Ruins of architecture, H. 0,7 2. — W. 0,9 7. — C. — Heads 0,2 4. The artist 1ms united in this painting, different ruins, and several fragments of antique sculpture. The arch of Janus, and the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius are particularly noticed. Old colleclion. 283 i4 preacher in the midst of ruins, in Rome. H. 0,72. — W. 0,07. — - C. — Heads, o,24. A man, seated against the columns of a ruined por- tico, is preaching to soldiers and shepherds, grouped round him. Among the ruins tliat cover the ground, is seen on the right a statue of Abundance, and in the distance, the Pantheon of Agrippa. — This painting is signed : I. P. P. ROMiE 17Zi3. Old collection. PANINI. 115 28Zi Ruins of architecture. H. 0,6 6. — W. 0,5 0, — C — Heads 0,19. On the right, a wall in ruins, the trunk of a tree, and a ruined cliapiter oftlie Corinthian order. In the midst of the ruins, four men are conversing together; one of them, a helmet on his head, is standing, and leaning on a lance. In the back ground, a river flowing between rocks. Old collection. 285 Interior of saint Peter ^ at Rome, H. 1,5 0. — W. 2,2 5. — C. — Heads 0,12. The Cardinal de Polignac, minister of France in 1723, visiting the interior of tlie basilic. Tnis picture is signed : I. P. PANLM ROM^ iMDCCXXX. Collection of Louis-Philippe. 286 Concert given the l^th of November M^^, in the court of the palace of the embassy in Rome J to celebrate the birth of the dau- phin, son of Louis XV, born the hih of September 1729. H. 2,40. — W, 2,4 7. — C. — Heads 0,18. « The Cardinal de Polignac had caused the court of the palace of the embassy, to be transformed into a magnificent theatre, lighted by a number of lustres. The front of the court was occupied by the stage, supported by clouds, where a hundred and thirty musicians were ranged and clothed to represent genii, with wreatlis of laurel on tlieir heads, and belts and black bracelets, ornamented with precious stones. The six musicians representing Jupiter, Apollo, Mars, Astrcea, Peace and Fortune, were clothed as the fable represents these divinities, and having their attributes. They were 116 PANDJL all seated on clouds. The five arches, forming five per pectives, which made as many galleries at the end which are seen the golden statues of llugues-Gap Philippe Auguste, saint Louis, Henri IV, Louis XiV, e The words of the cantata were by Wetastasio, and music by Leonard Vini. » {Mercure de France, Decem 1729, page 3,125). Collection of Louis Philippe. 287 Preparations for the fire works, and the deco- rations for the festival in the square oj Navonna, in Ro7ne, the ZOth of Novemba II'IQ^ on the occasion of the birth of thi dauphin, H. 1,10. — W. 2,5 0. — C. — Heads o,ll. In the midst of the crowd which fills the square , is seen the Cardinal de Polignac, accompanied by a nume- rous suite, and inspecting the preparations for the ifestival.— This painting is signed : I B. PANLNI fee. Rome, Placen. 1729. Collection of Louis XV, P ARMIGIANIIVO (II) or Le Parmesan. — See Maz- zoLA (Francesco). PASSIGNANO. — See Cresti (Domenico). PAUL VEROIVESE. — 5^^Caliari. PELLEGRIXI (Antonio), born in Venice in 1675, died the bth of November 17Zil. — (Venetian SchooL) Pupil of Sebastiauo Ricci and of Paolo Pagan:. PESELLO. 117 288 Allegory, H. 0,99. — W. 0,8 5. — C. — Figures half length Nat. S. Modesty is offering the picture of Pellegrini to the Academy, personified under the figure of Painting, and the Genius of France writes down the favourabl3 jugdment, she has pronounced upon it. Napoleon Museum. PERUGIIV. — 5^^ Vanucci (Pietro). PERUGIIVO (Bernardino), painted from lZi98 to 152Zu — (Ombrian School.) There is no biographical information of this artist. 289 Jesus on the cross. H. 2,11. — W. 1,36, — Arched shape. — W, — Heads small S. Two angels, in the air, are expressing their grief at the sight of Jesus Christ crucified. The blessed Giles, Franciscan, is embracing the foot of the cross; he is accompanied by the mother of the Saviour, and the well beloved disciple, both kneeling and overcome with grief. Napoleon Museum. PESARESE (Le) — 5^eCANTARmi. PESELLO (Francesco), or Pesello Peselli, calledlh Pesellino, born in Florence in l/i26, died the 29th of July 1^57. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of his father Giuliano d'Arrigo called il Pesello, il8 PESELLO. 290 Altar piece divided into two compartments : !• Saint Francis d* Assise, on Mount Ver^ nia, receiving the stigmata^ in presence of brother Leo, who appears dazzled by the divine splendor of the seraph, H, 0,29. — \y, 0,4 5. — W. —Heads 0,20. 2'* The holy brothers Cosmas and Da- mian, visiting a sick man, and giving him relief, H, 0,29 W, 0,4 5, — W, — Heads 0,20. Napoleon Museum, PIERO DI COSIMO ROSSELLT, born in Florence in ihkit died in 1521. — (Florentine Schooi.) Pupil of Cosimo Roselli. 291 The croivning of the Virgin, H. 2,7 2. — W, 1,9 4» — Arched shape. — W. — Heads small S. God the Father, a tiara on his head, in the midst of a host of angels, is placing the crown of immortality on the head of the kneeling Virgin. In the lower part of the picture, saint Jerome, saint Francis of Assise, saint Bonaventura and saint Louis, bishop of Toulouse, are standing, with iheir attributes. Napoleon Museum, PIETRE DE CORTONE. -5^eBERRETTiNi. PU^. ETRO DELLA VECCHIA. - See Vecchia. INTURICCHIO (Bernardino di Benedetto, called II) born in Perugia in lZi5Zi, died at Sienna, the iith oi December 1513. — (Ombrian School.) Vasari states that he was a pupil of Pietro Vanucd. 292 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus. H, 0,41. — W. 0,32. — W. — Heads 0,60, The Virgin, star.Jing, and seen at half length , holds in her arms the Infant Jesus, who is has a scroll in his left hand. Napoleon Museum, PIPPI (GiULio), called Gwiuio Romano, painter, architect and engineer, boim in Rome in lZi99, died the ist of JSo- vember 15Zi6. — (Roman School.) Pupil of Raffaello Sanzio, 293 The Nativity. H. 2,7 5. — W. 2,12, — W, — Heads Nat S. The Infant Jesus, lying on the ground upon straw, is adored by the Virghi and saint Joseph, kneeling. Behind them are seen several shepherds, of whom one is carrying a lamb on his should^ rs, and who bend before the Lord. On the right, saint John, standing, holds a chalice, from which issues forth a sei'pent; on the left, saint Longin is leaning on the iance, with which he pierced the side of the Saviour, and holds in his hand a crystal vase. In the back ground is seen, through an opening in the stable, shepherds watching 120 PIPPI- their flocks, and the angel who announces to them, the coming of the Messiah. Collection of Louis XIV. 294 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus and saint John, H. 0,29. — W. 0,26. — W. — Figures baU lenglL 0,4 5. The Virgin seated, is holding in her arms the Infant Jesus. On the right, the young saint John, seen at half length, and holding a cross of reed, round which is a scroll bearing the inscription : EccE Agnus Dei. Napoleon Museum. 295 The triumph of Titus and Vespasian, H. 1,21, — W, 1,70. — "W. — Heads 0,60. Vespasian and his son Titus, conquerors of Judea, crowned with the laurels of Victory, are standing in the same car, drawn by four piebald horses, and are about passing under the triumphal arch, erected in commem- oration of this event. Two squires, crowned with laurels, are leading the horses; on the left, a soldier, also crowned, is carrying a precious vase. Before the car, a roman officer holds by the hair a Jewess, personnifica- tion of conquered Judea ; he is preceded by a soldier, carrying the candlestick with seven branches, of the temple of Jerusalem. In the back ground, the country of Uome, where, a short time afterwards, Vespasian caused the Coliseum to be built by the Jews reduced to slavery. Collection of Louis XIV, 296 Venus and Vulcan, H. 0,38. — W. 0,26. — W. — Heads 0,35, Venus, seated near Vulcan, whose arm is passed round her waist, and on whose shoulder is a bundle of arrows. PONTE (JACOPOj. 121 takes with one hand, flowers from a vase supported by three Loves, and with the other, places an arrow in the nuiver of Cupid, who is bending his bow. Another Love presents her with a butterfly. Collection of Louis XIV. 297 Portrait of Julius Roman, H. 0,5 8. — W. 0,4 4. — W. —Bust Nat. S. He is represented half length, bare headed, nearly full face ; his hair is short and curly, his beard long and he is clothed in black. Collection of Louis XIV. POLIDORE DE CARAVAGE. - 5^5 Caldara. POIVTE (Jacopo da), called II Bassano, or Jacques Bassan, bom in Bassano in 1510, died in the same city the iSth of February 1592. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of his father Francesco da Ponte, 298 The beasts entering the Ark, H. 1,02. — W. 1,21. — C. —Heads o,32 to o,37. On the left, two lions, ascending a plank which leads to the Ark ; below, a woman stooping, near housekee- ping utensils; on the right, a sheep, a goat, an ox and an ass, led by a man. Collection of Louis XIV. 299 Moses striking the rock, H. 0,9 3. — W. 1,11. — C. — Heads 0,3 5. On the left, a man on horseback, receiving water in avase ; at the font, nf tiie rock, children and men in a 6 122 PONTE (JACoro). stooping posture, catching the water, to give it to tha animals. In the back ground, Closes and Aaron. Colleclion of Louis XIV, T he adoration of the shepherds. H. 1,26. — W. 1,00. — C. — Heads 0,60. The Virgin, kneeling near the Infant Jesus, lying in the cradle, raises the clothing which covers him, and presents him to the adoration of the shepherds, while saint Joseph contemplates him with admiration. The Heavens opened, show a host of angels. Collection of Louis XIV. 301 The wedding at Cana. C, 1,52. —W. 2,14. — C. — Heads half S. Jesus Christ, seated on the left before the table, is blessing the vases which are presented to him ; the Virgin is opposite the Saviour, near the bride. At the side of Christ, a young man is playing on the guitar; two attendants of whom one is carrying a dish, and the other leaning his hand on a table, laden with meats. On 1 the right, three persons engaged in preparations for the feast. In the fore ground, fruits, viols, vases and a tub with fish. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 002 Jesus on the way to Calvary. H. 1,33. — W. 1,87, — C. — Heads 0,60. Jesus Christ, on his knees, is fainting under the weight of the cross, which he is carrying with the aid of Simon of Cyrene. The Virgin, postrate, is supported by the iioly women. Farther oft", on the road leading to Calvary, an executioner, carrying a ladder, and several horsemen. Colleclion of Louis XIV, 1H3NTE (Jacopo). 123 303 The preparations for the sepulture of Jesus. H, 1,54. — W, 2,25. — C. — Heads Nat S. Ine body of Christ, stretched at the foot of the cross, is supported by Joseph of Arimathcea, who is wrapping him in a winding sheet ; behind him, near the ladder, is Nicodemus. At the feet of Christ, the Virgin, supported by a holy woman, leans towards her son ; by her side, Mary Magdalen kneeling, and in prayer; farther off, Saint John, standing and raising his hands. A flambeau on which is burning a wax taper, is placed on the ground, near the body of Christ, and throws light on the picture. Collection at Louis XIY, SOil The pilgrims of Emmaus* H. 0,95. — W. 1,12. —C— Heads 0,40. On the right, in the back ground, the pilgrims are seated round a table, attended by a page. On the left, a buffet, with housekeeping utensils; and a woman en- gaged in cleaning the vases. In the center, a man is seated in an arm-chair. Collection of Louis-Philippe, iS05 The labours of the c&untry during the harvest, H. 0,89. — W. 1,00. — C — Heads 0,60. On the right, a man in a tree, is gathering its fruit ; at the foot of the tree, a woman seated, seems to preside over the harvest; near her, another woman kneeling, is cleaning vases. On the left, the reapers, and two oxen yoked to a cart loaded with hay. Old collectioi]« 124 PONTE (Jacopo). 306 Labours of the country during the vintage. H. 0,9 7. — W. 1,2 0. — C. — Heads 0,5o. On the left, men are repairing casks; in the center, a child is drinking out of a cup ; on the right, a man is treading grapes in a tub ; in the back ground, oxen are dragging the vintage tubs, and a man climbing a tree. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 807 Portrait of John of Bologna, sculptor, born in Douai in 152/i, died in 1608; pupil of Michel- Ange, H. 0,61. — W. 0,52. — C. — BuslNaU S. He is turned towards the right, and his head is bare. He wears a ruflf, and a black doublet. Napoleon Museum. PONTE (Francesco da), called II Bassano or FRAivgois Bassan, born in Bassano in 1550, died the Uth of July 1592. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of his father Jacopo da Ponle, 308 Fish market on the sea shore, H. 1,20, — W. 1,5 5. — C. — Heads 0,7 0. A young man followed by a dog, and a man, a purse in his hand, are standing before a fish stall. Belli nd them, a man stooping, holds a basket full of oysters. In the back ground, fishing boats and buildings. — This pic- ture is signed : BASS" FRANC*. F. Old colleclion. POIVTORMO. — See Carrucci. PRETI. 125 PORTA (BACCIO DELLA). — See Bartolommeo. PORTA (Giuseppe), called Salviati, painter, mathema- tician and architect, born in Castel-Niiovo di Garfagnana in 1520; was still living in 1572. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Francesco Salviati, 509 Adam and Eve after the sin. H. 2,21. — W. 1,74. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Adam and Eve are flying with terror, from the tree of knowledge, round which the serpent is twined. Old collection. PRETI (Mattia), called II Calabrese, born in Taverna {in Calabria) , the Ikth of February 1613 , died at Malta the i3th of January 1699. — (Neapolitan School.) Pupil of Giovanni Lanfranco. 310 Saint Paul et saint Antony in the desert, H. 1,7 9. — W. 1,2 5. — C. — Heads NaU S. The two saints, seated, and their eyes raised towards Heaven, are giving thanks to the Lord, for the bread a raven brings to them every day, in the desert. Napoleon Museum. HI Martyrdom of saint Andrew, at Patras [in Achaia) . H.o,34.—W. 0,43,— C— Figures half lenglho, 35. The saint, tied with ropes to a cross, is looking up to Heaven. On the risht. a voune: man leaning on a staff, 126 PRETL is contemplating him ; on the other side, the proconsul, followed by one of his guards, is waiting for the saint to expire. In the back ground, are two old men. Old colleclion. PRETI {School of). 312 Saint Peter denying the Saviour, H. 1,19. — W. 1,67. — C. — Figures half length Nat. S. Saint Peter has denied his master, before the servant of the grand priest; a soldier recognises and threatens him, by touching his sword. Napoleon Museum. PRIMATICCIO (Francesco), painter, sculptor and architect, born in Bologna in 150/i; died in Paris in 1570. ^- (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Innocenzio Firancucci da Imola and of Bartolommeo Ramenghi. 313 T he chastity of Scipio. H. 1,27. — W. 1,17. — C. — Figures small S. On the left, Scipio, on an elevated seat, is showing to the young Allatius his bride, accompanied by an old woman ; two prisoners are on their knees, at the foot of the steps. The general is surrounded by his soldiers, of whom one is carrying the consular fasces. Napoleon Museum. PRIMATICCIO iAfter\ PRIMATICCIO. 127 ^14 Portrait of Diane de Poitiers^ duchess of Valentinois. H. 0,7 2. — W. 0,60. — C, »— Bust Nat S. She is represented naked, holding an arrow in her right hand, and caressing Cupid, holding a bow. On th^ wood of the bow is written : LAViiMA. FO^'T. DE. ZAP- PIS. FAGIEBAT. M. D. LXXXXII. Collection of Louis Philippe. PRIMATICCIO {After). 315 Concert. H. 1,40. — W. 1,33. — C. — Figures small S. On each side of the picture, a woman is seated on the ground. Two children are lying on the knees of the one on the left. Farther off, in the center, two women, of whom one is resting her hand on a sort of key-board, placed on the table. In the back ground, on the left, a man playing on a tabour, and a woman holding a lute. On the right, a Love trying to di'aw away an old man, wrapped up in long draperies. Behind some trees, are two other Loves. Old collection. PRIMATICCIO [School of)* 316 The Earth wakening Morpheus. H. 0,9 6. — W. 1,17. — C. — Figures half S. ^iorpheus, asleep, is lying on the ground, leaning on cushions. Cybele, a diadem formed of towers on her head, and alighting from her car, drawn by a lion, of which the head alone is seen, rests one hand on the shoulder of -—-^ PRLMATiCCiU. Morpheus, and with the other, is pointing to Time trying to detain Night, who is flying away. Old collection. ROCACCINI ( Giulio-Cesare ) , -painter and sculptor, born in Bologna; painted about the end of the XVI**^ cen-^ iury, — (Lombard School.) Pupil of his father Ercole Procaccini. 317 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus^ adored by saint John the Baptist^ saint Francis d' Assise, and saint Catherine of Alexan- dria, H. 1,45. — W. 1,12. — W. — Figures Nat. S. The Virgin, a knee on the ground, is holding in her arms the Infant Jesus, seated on the other knee. The young saint John, stooping at her feet, is carrying a cross of reeds, and a lamb. Saint Francis d' Assise , kneeling, holding a book, andsaint Catherine of Alexan- dria, leaning on a broken wheel, are on each side of the Virgin. Collection of Louis XIV. FFAELLO DEL GARBO, called II Raffaellino. See Gar BO. FFAELLO SANZIO. ~ See Sanzio. AIBOLIIVI (Francesco), called II Francia, bom in Bologna between 1Z|50 and l/t53, died in the same city i/ie 6f/i of January 1517. — (Bologncse School.) Pu pil of Marco Zoppo. RENL 129 318 Portrait of a man, H. 0,68. — W. 0,50. — W. — Heads small S. He is standing, dressed in black, and his head cover with a cap with lappets. He is leaning his left arm, the angle of a stone pedestal, and his right han is resting on the wrist of the left one. In the ba ground a landscape. CoUeclion of Louis XTV. RAMENGHI (Bartolommeo), called II Bagnacavallo, bom in Bagnacavallo {borough of Romagna) in l/i8Zi, died at Bologna in uie month, of August 15Zi2. — (Roman School.) Pupil of Francesco Raibolini called le Francia. U9 The Circumcision. H. 1,13. — W. 1,2 2. — C. — Heads, o,5 5. The Infant Jesus, supported by his mother, and placed over a basin, is circumcised by the High Priest. Near the Virgin, a woman carrying two young doves in a cup, and farther on the right, saint Joseph. The temple of Jerusalem, supported by richly carved twisted columns, is filled with a numerous assemblage. In front of the back door, surmounted by armories, is the candlestick with seven branches. Collection of Louis XIV, RAPHAEL. — See Sanzio. REN I (Gdido), painter and engraver, bom in Calvenzano, near Bologna, the hth of November 1575; died the iSth of August 16Zi2 — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Denis Calvaerl and of ihe Carracci, .6* 150 RENL 320 David conqueror of Goliath. H. 2,20. — W. 1,60. — C. — Heads Nat. S, Standing, having a feather in his cap, David, leaning on the shaft of a column, is holding his sling, in his right hand, and in the left, the head of Goliath, resting on a pedestal. The sword of the giant is at his feet Collection of Louis XIV, 321 The Annunciation, H. 3,19. — W. 2,22, — C. — Heads Nats. On the left, the archangel Gabriel, wearing a stole, holding a lily and born on a cloud, appears to the Virgin, kneeliu,!?, :ind having her hands joined; behind the Virgin, a vase of flowers, placed on a table. The Holy Ghost, descending from Heaven, is surrounded by a host of angels. Napoleon Museum, 322 The Purification of the Virgin^ U. 2,86. — W. 2,01. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin, kneeling before the altar, has just given her son to Simeon. Iler hands joined, she is listening with respect, to the wor^is of the holy man, who, holding the child in his arms, presents him to the Lord, and is reciting his canticle of praise. Saint Joseph is by his side, and saint Ann is seen behind the Virgin, with the rest of the family. In the fore ground, a young girl kneeling, 7S otfering two doves, according to the law; on the opposite side, a child is teasing two other doves, placed on a table. NaDoicon Museum. RENI. 131 323 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 1,15. — W. 1,15. — Round shape. — C. — Figures half lenglh Nal. S. The Virgin, seated, is holding on her knees, the Infant Jesus sleeping, and raises with her left hand, tha cloth on which he is lying. Collection of Louis XIV, 324 The Virgin^ the Infant Jesus and saint John. H. 0,25. — W. 0,19. — Cop. — Heads 0,26. The Virgin, seated, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, giving his blessing to young saint John, who kisses his feet. On the right, in the back ground, on the edge of a window, is a vase of flowers. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. 325 Jesus and the Samaritan woman, H. 0,59. — W. 0,82. — C. — Heads o,50. On the right, the Samaritan woman, standing, a vase in her hand, is listening to the word of Christ seated, and leaning on the brink of the well. In the distance, the city of Samaria. Colleelion of Louis XIV. 326 Jesus Christ giving to saint Peter the keys oj of the Church, H. 3,4 2. — W. 2,12. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Standing in the midst of the apostles, Jesus Christ is handing the keys of his Church to Saint Peter, who receives them kneeling. On the left, among the apostles, saint John is seen, behind Jesus Christ. Naooleon Museum. 132 RENI. 527 Christ in the garden of Olives* H. 0,57. — W. 0,43. — Cop. — Head3 0,40* Christ, his hands joined, and kneeling on a rock, raises his eyes to Heaven. Near him, an angel, born on a cloud, is holding the cross with his left hand, and presents hira the chalice with the right. Over the head of Christ, other angels are bringing the instruments of his Passion. In the back ground, the apostles sleeping ; farther yet, Judas leading the soldiers. Collection of Louis XIV. 328 Ecce homo. H. 0,62. — W. 0,48. — C. — Heads Nat. S, The head of Christ, crowned with thorns, is surrounded by a ray of light Collection of Louis XIV. 329 Mary Magdalen. U. 0,66. — W. 0,57. — Cop. — Rust Nat. S. She is raising her eyes towards Heaven, and crossing her hands on her breast. Collection of Louis XIV. 330 Mary Magdalen. H. 1,1 'i. — W. 0,9 5. — C. — Half Icnglh Nat. Si Magdalen, her hands joined, her eyes turned towards a crucifix, is doing penance for her sins, in a cave. Collection of Louis XIV. RENI. 133 331 Saint John the Baptist in ecstasy. H. iji4, — w. 0,97. — C. — Half length Nat. S. He holds a staff in his right hand, and is resting the left on his breast. Collection of Louis XV. 332 Saint Sebastian. H. 1,17. — W. 1,32. — C. — Figures to the knees Nat. S. Saint Sebastian, his two arms bound behind him to a tree, and his body pierced with an arrow, raises his eyes towards Heaven ; in the back ground, the roman soldiers departing. Collection of Louis XIV. 333 Saint Francis in ecstasy. H. 1,93. — W. 1,29. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The saint, kneeling before a crucifix, is holding a skull. Through the opening of the grotto a steep country is seen. Collection of Louis XIV. 33/i The union ofDraiving and Painting, H. 1,21. — W. 1,21. — Round shape. — C -— Figures half length Nat. s. Drawing, represented as a young man holding a pencil, is resting his hand on the shoulder of a young girl holding a pallet, emblem of Painting ; both are seated before a table. Collection of Louis XIV» 134 RENL 335 Hercules killing the hydra* H. 2,61. — W. 1,97. — C. — Larger tlian iife. Hercules, armed with his club, strikes the monster, who shows his heads near a rock. Colleclion of Louis XIV# 336 Combat of Hercules and Achelous, H. 2,61* — W. 1,92. — C. — Larger than life. Hercules covered with the lion*s skin, is wrestling with Achelous, and forces him down on the ground. Collection of Louis XIY« 337 The centaur Nessus carrying off Dejanira, H. 2,59. — W. 1,93. — C. — Larger than life. Hercules victorious, was returning with Dejanira, whom he had espoused ; he confides her to Nessus to carry her across the river Evena, which had overflowed. The Centaur, amorous of the princess, attempts to carry her off; but Hercules, from the opposite bank, shoots him with an arrow, which wounds him mortally. Collection of Louis XIV. 338 Hercules on his funeral pile, H. 2,60. — W. 1,94. — C. — Larger than life. Hercules, unable to bear the consuming fire, which the poisoned tunic of Nessus had spread through his veins, stretches himself on the funeral pile, which he had erected, and expires, raising his eyes and arms towards Heaven. Collection of Louis XIV, RENL 135 339 TherapeofUeletu H. 2,53. — W. 2,65. — C. — Nat. S. Pan's, preceded by Cupid, and holding Helen by the hand, hurries her towards the vessel, wliich contains his companions. Three women follow Helen, carrying her jewels and her dog. A little negro is holding a monkey. Napoleon Museum. RENI {Attributed to). 3A0 The Infant Jesus sleeping. H. 0,3 9. — W. 0,3 0. — Oval shape. — Sklc, Heads 0,32. The Virgin holding a book, saint Joseph and two angels, are contemplating the Infant Jesus, lying on a white sheet, his head leaning on a cushion. Farther off, on the right, saint Elisabeth , seated, is caressing tbo young saint John the Baptist, and, behind her, is Zachary meditating on the Holy Scriptures. Napoleon Museum, ElEIVI {After). SAl David conqueror of Goliath. H. 2,28. — W. 1,64. — C. — Larger liian H' Napoleon Museum. 136 RENL U2 Cupid. H. 1,35. — W. 1,00. — C. — Nat. S. Standing, and leaning on a rock, he is holding a bow in his right hand, and in his left an arrow, of which he appears to be examining the point. Old collection. RICCI or RIZZI (SebASTIANO) , born in Cividal di Belluno, in the Venetian States, in 1662, died in Venice, the iWiofMay 173/i, at the age 0/72,— (Venetian School.) Pupil of Federigo Cervelli. 3/i3 Allegorical subject, H. 1,13. — W. 0,85. — C. —Heads 0,80. France, under the form of Minerva, clothed in a costume half civil and half militar}^ tramples Ignorance under her feet, and crowns Courage seated on the ground, and holding a lance. The Genius of the Arts, a torch in his hand, and other Genii bearing the attributes of France, and a horn of Plenty, surround the principal group. In the lower part of the painting, a pallet, a music book, and several accessories relating to the Arts and Sciences. Napoleon Museum. ^hh Jesus Christ giving the keys of Paradise saint Peter, H.0,80. — W. 0,44. — C, — Heads 0,23. Jesus Christ, surrounded by his disciples, and stan on the second step of a stairs, leading to an edific which only one column is seen, gives the keys of Church to Saint Peter, prostrate before him. On the RIGCIARELLI. 137 saint James, a pilgrim's staff in his hand ; on the ground, an open book, and a swosij^ ; in the Heavens, angels born on clouds. Old collection. 3A5 Polyxena before the tomb of Achilles, H. 0,56. — W. 0,98. — C. — Heads 0,28. Polyxena is about being sacrificed to the manes o Achilles, to whom she was affianced. A warrior is leading her by the hand, to the monument which contains the ashes of the hero. On the right, a priest, kneeling, is making libations on a tripod, a young acolyte is carrying the sacred knife, on a silver dish, and in the back ground, other priests are occupied with the prepara- tions for the sacrifice. On the left, are soldiers, and a young girl, hiding her face in terror, and prostrate on the knees of her mother. Old collection. 3Zi6 Chastity ofScipio. H. 0,56. — W. 0,98. — C. — Heads 0,23. Scipio, seated on a throne, raised by three steps, extends his hands towards the young Allatius, kneeling before him. On the right, an old man is holding by the hand, the young bride. On each side, are soldiers and pages. In front, vases and a casket, upset. Old collection. RIGCIARELLI or RICIARELLI (Daniele), called Daniele da Volterra, jjainter and sculptor, born, in Volterra {in Tuscany) in 1509; died the htk of April 1566 , according to Vasari, at the age of 57. — (Floren- tine School.) Pupil of G. Ant. Razzi, of Baldassare Peruzzi and of Pierino del Vaga. 138 RICGIARELLL 3/i7 David slaying Goliath, H. 1,33. — W. 1,72. — Slate. — Nat. S. David has his right knee on Goliath, whom he haa overthrown, and raises his cimeter to slay him. Collection of Louis XIV. RIGCIO (Felice) , called II Brdsasorci, born in Verona in 15/i0, died in 1605. — (Venetian School). Pupil of his father Domenico Kiccio and of Jacopo Ligozzi. 3A8 Holy Family, H. 0,8 7. — W. 0,97. — C. — Half length, smalls. The Virgin, seated, is holding in her arms the Infant Jesus ; behind lier, on the right, is saint Joseph; saint Ursula, standing on the other side, is offering a dove to the Infant Jesus. Napoleon Museum. ROBUSTI (Jacopo), called II Tintoretto, bom in Venice, in 1512, died the 3ist of May 1594. — (Vene- tian School.) Pupil of Tiziano Vecellio. 8A9 Susannah at the bath* H. 1,67. — W. 2,38. — C. — Nat. S. Susannah, seated under the trees, near a bath, is renting her left foot on the knee of one of her attendants, who 13 cutting her nails ; another woman placed behind her, is combing her hair. In the distance, are seen the two old men, standing near a table. Frogs, ducks, a hen ROBUSTI. 139 and other animals are playing on the grass, and in the water. Collection of Louis XIV. 350 The body of Christ and two angels. H. 0,29. — W. 0,19. — W. -— Heads 0,15. Christ, seated on the edge of the sepulchre, and hall wrapped in his winding sheet, is supported by an angel. Before him, another angel, seated on a stone, and holding a torch, is wiping his tears. Old collection. 351 Paradise, H. 1,43. — "W. 3,62 — C. — Heads 0,45. Surrounded by celestial glory, Jesus Christ is crown ing the Virgin ; on each side are ranged the apostles ; then, in hierarchical order, the Evangelists, the fathers and doctors of the Church, the Virgins, Confessors, Martyrs, the orders of the celestial militia, all of whom, their eyes turned towards Christ, are singing his praises, and glorifying him. Napoleon Museum. 352 Portrait ofTintoret. H. 0,61. — W. 0,51. — C. —Bust Nat. S. He painted himself in his hold age, full face, with short hair, a long white beard, and clothed in a black toga, trimmed with fur. On the top of the picture is written : iacobvs tentoretvs. pict"^ VENxi^'. And lower on the right : ipsivs f. Old collection. Portrait of a man. H. 1,14. — W. 0,90. — C. —Half length Nat. S. His head is bald, and he wears a long beard ; he is clad in a black robe, holds in his left hand a hand- kerchief, and in his right a cap. Collection of Louis XIV. ROBUSTI {Attributed to). 354 The last supper. H. 0,80. — W. 1,2 2. — C. — Heads o,3 8. Jesus Christ, at table, and surrounded by his disciples, lays his hand on saint John, who is leaning on the table, and pronounces these words : One of you ivill betraij me. The apostles express their astonishment by their atti- tude, and appear to be protesting their innocence. In front, a disciple kneelinir, is holding a cup and lifting a bottle of wine, placed on the ground. On the left, near a column, is a vase. In the back ground, seated on a stairs, a woman spinning. On the right, on a stool, draperies and a book. Old collection. flOMANELLl (Giova:;m-Francesco), born in Viterbe in 1610, died in the month of July 1662. — (Roman School.) Pupil of rincarlini and of Pictro Berrellini. 355 Venus pouring balm on the wound of JSneas. H. 1,60. — W. 2,17. — C. — Small S. On the left, vEneas seated, and leaning on his lance, is succoured by lapis, kneeling before him. Venus, ROSA. 141 resting on a cloud, receives from two Loves, the balm ^vhich she pours on the wound of her son. In the fore ground, before ^Eneas, is a woman kneeling and weeping; behind him warriors. On the right, two other warriors, standing. Old collection. 356 Venus and Adonis, H. 0,54. — W. 0,66. — Oval shape in the width. — C. — Small S. Cupid shows to Venus, resting on a couch, Adonis who is approaching, leading a dog. Old coUectioiJ. 357 The manna in the desert* H. 2,00. — W. 2,14. — Nat. S. In front, on the left, a woman lying on the ground, receives in a vase, the manna which a child is bringing to her. Behind her, a woman kneelin^, is catching the manna in her hands, and another woman hanging clothes. On the right, .Moses, standing, is turned towards a man, who has his arms stretched out in the attitude of adoration. Before them, two young men gather manna, and preserve it in vases. In the back ground, other women with vases. Old collection. UOSA (Salvator), 'painter, engraver, poet and musician, born in the village of Renella, near Naples, the 20th of June 1615; died at Borne the ibth af March 1673.— (Nea- politan School.) Pupil of his uncle Paolo Greco and of Francesco Fracanzanot ih^ ROSA. 358 The angel Raphael and the young Tobias* H. 0,26. — W. 0,21. — W. The angel, holding a rod in his hand, orders the young Tobias to seize by the fins, the fish which menaces to devour him. Old collection. 359 Apparition of Samuel* s spirit to SauL H. 2,73. — W. 1,94. — C. —Nat. S. The spirit of Samuel, enveloped in a long vi'hite drapery, is invoked by the "Witch of Endor, who is stirring the fire of a tripod. Saul, prostrate on the ground, raises his eyes towards Samuel, and interrogates him upon the issue of the war, between David and the Philistines : behind the Pythoness, are seen owls and skeletons of fantastic shapes; in the back ground, the two guards of Saul are seized with terror. Collection of Louis XIV, 360 A battle ground, H. 2,17. — W. 3,51. — C. — Heads 0,60. Warriors, in antique costume, are fighting on foot and on horseback, near the ruins of a temple. In the distance is seen a body of cavalry, pursuing fugitives; at the foot of rocks, and in another part, vessels in flames near a steep shore. This painting is signed : Saluator IlosA. Besides, on the thigh of a horse are seen an S and an R interlaced, being the initials of the artist Collection of Louia XiV ROSSELLI (COSIMO). i4a Landscape, H. 1,42 — W. 1,9 3. — C. — Heads 0,20. On the right, a sportsman, is shooting a bird J war- riors are reposing on the summit of a rock. Collection of Louis XYIII. TkOSX {Imitation of SkiykTOV). 362 Landscape and sea piece, H. 0,48. — W. 0,63. — C — Heads 0,l4. On the left, on a height, are warriors clothed in armory and lower down, a bark and mariners. Old collection. 363 Sea piece, H. 0,48. — W. 0,72. — C. — Heads 0,08. In the fore ground, a man, standing, a stick in his hand, is conversing with another man, seated before him. Farther off, fishermen and boats. In the background, on the right, rocks are seen. Collection of Louis XVIII, ROSSELLI (Cosmo), born in Florence in 1^30. The year of his death is unknown; his will is dated the 25M of November 1506. — (Florentine School) lupil of Neri di Bicci. IM ROSSFXLI (Cosmo). 36A The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 1,89. — W. 1,77, — W. — Small size. The Virgin presents her son to the adoration of the angels, of saint Mary Magdalen, and of saint Bernard, who is writing under the divine inspiration. Napoleon Museum, ROSSELLI (Matteo), born in Florence the iOth of Au- gust 1578, died the Wh of January 1650. — • (Floren- tine School.) Pupil of Gregorio Paganini. 365 The sojourn in Egipt, H. 1,75. — W. 2,18. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Saint Joseph, seated at the foot of a tree, holding on his knees the Infant Jesus, to whom the Virgin is pre- senting fruit; at his feet are lying a gourd and a bun- dle. Two angels, of whom one is near the Virgin, are offer g flowers to the Infant Jesus; two others hover over his head, and are throwing to him the fruit of a palm tree. Napoleon Museum. 366 The triumph of David, H. 2,3 5. — W. 2,9 5. — C. — Heads Nat. S. David, conqueror of Goliath, is holding the head and the sword of the giant ; several women are accompa- nying him, playing on divers instruments. On this painting is read : opvs MATTHiEi rossellii floren- TiNi 1630. Collection of Louis XIV. ROSSO 145 ROSSI (Francesco de') called II Salviati, born in Flo- rence, in 1510, died at Rome the iith of November 1563.— (Florentine School.) Pupil of Cecco Salviali, of Bandinelli and of Rafaellodel Brescfe 367 The incredulity of saint Thomas, H. 2,7 5. — W. 2,32. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Christ, standing in the midst of the apostles, and having near him a scroll, on which a cross is painted, shows his \Younds to saint Thomas, kneeling before him. Napoleon Museum. ROSSO DEL ROSSO or ROSSO DE' ROSSI, painter and archatect, born in Florence in lZi96, died in Paris in 15/il. — (Florentine School.) The name of his master is not known. B6S Christ at the sepulchre, H. 1,25. — W. 1,62. — C. — Heads small S: The body of Christ, lying on a cushion at the entrance of the cave, is supported by r>;icodemus ; Magdalen is raising his feet; the Virgin, kneeling, her hands exten- ded, is fainting in the arms of one of the holy women. Napoleon Museum. 9 The challenge of the Pier ides, H. 0,31. — W. 0,63. — C. ~ Heads 0,12, Apollo, Minerva, Bacchus, Mercury, the nymphs and three rivers, placed on the summit of Parnassus, are presiding over the combat, between the Muses and the Pierides. In the fore ground, on the left, on the banks 14B ROSSO DEL ROSSO. of the Hippocrene, which flows from Parnassus, group of the nine Muses, with their characteristic butes; on tlie right, the ni ne Pierides. One of Muses, is composing, accompanying herself on lyre ; one of the Pierides is also singing, playing on dulcimer. Collection of Louis XIV. SA-BBATTINI (Lorenzo), called Lorenzino da Eo- LOGNA, born in Bologna about 1533, died at Rome in 1517, — (Bolognese School.) The name of his master is not known. 370 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus and saint John, H. 1,73. — W. 1,42. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Jesus, standing on his cradle, and supported by his mother, shows the Heavens to the young precursor, who kneels before him, presenting a crossof reeds. On one of the stones on the floor, on the right, is written : LAVRENS, SABADIS, PICTOR, BO.NO, SANTI DiNI , KRI GREGORl Xiii FECIT ANNO M. D. LXXli. Napoleon Museum* ACCHI DI PA VIA {PiEK-¥nkvcEsco), was painting in Lombardy, ant at Genoa from 1512 to 1526. — (Lom- bard School.) The name of his master is nol known. 71 The Doctors of the Church, with the symbols of the Evangelists. H. 1,9 8. — W, 1,67. — W. — Heads small S. Under an open portico, supported by pilasters, deco- rated with rich arabesgues, the four Doctors of the latiu SALVI DA SASSOFERRATO. lZi7 Church, are seated round a white marble table ; near them, are noticed the symbols given to the Evangelists : the eagle is by the side of saint Austin, bishop of Hipp- ona; the ox, near the Pope, Gregory-the-Great, the an- gel, near saint Jerome ; the winged lion, near saint Ambrose, who is cutting a pen. Before him, a discipline indicates his severe conduct towards the emperor Theo- dosius, v^ ho had too rigorously punished the inhabitants of Thessalonica. On a scroll, placed near the foot of a table, is written : Petri. Frakcisci. Sachi. de. Papia, opvs 1516, Napoleon Museum. SALVATOR. — See Rosa. SALVI DA SASSOFERRATO (Gioyanni-Battista), born in Sassoferrato {near Ancona) the iilh of July 1605, died at Rome the Sth of April 1635. — (Roman School.) Pupil of his father Tarquino Salvi, and of Jacopo Yisnali. 372 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 0,7 6. — W. 0,62. — C. — Figures half Icnglli Nat. S. The Virgin, seated, holds on her knees the Infant Je- sus, half naked and asleep, his head resting on the breast of his mother. In the upper part of the painting, on each side, the head of a cherub, in the midst of clouds. Collection of Louis XYIII. 373 The Assumption of the Virgin, H. 1,43. — W. 0,85. — C. — Heads small S. In the midst of a glory, the Virgin is standing, her hands joined, her eyes raised towards Heaven, her feet resting f^^ clouds, in the lower part, three heads of 148 SAVI DA SASSOFERRATO. cherubs, and on each side, three other heads of che- rubs placed s}'mmetrically. Old collection. 37A The Virgin praying, H. 0,47. — - W. 0,36. — C. — Bust Nat. S. The Virgin is represented three quarters, turned towards the left, her eyes cast down, her head covered with a white drapery, her hands joined, and in the at- titude of prayer or of adoration. Old collection. SALVIATI (Francesco). —-5^5 Rossi (Francesco de'), SALVIATI (Giuseppe). — See Porta. SANZIO (Raffaello), painter and architect, born in Ur- bino on Good Friday , the 1%lh of March lZi83; died on Good Friday, the 6ih of April 1520. ~ (Roman School.) Pupil of his father Giovanni Sanli, and of Pietro Vannucci. o75 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus j and the yoiing saint John; composition known under the name of Lb. belle Jardiniere. n. 1,22. — W. 0,8 0. — Arched at the top. — Heads small S. The Virgin, seated, contemplates the Infant Jesus, who is standing, leaning on her, and looking at her; the young saint John, kneeling before Christ, holds a small cross of reeds. In the distance, are seen, a vast country and a cUurch. On the lieca of U^V^^Ja's garment, is written: SANZIO. 169 Raphaello. Vrb., and higher up on thetrimming, behind the elbow of the left arm : m. d. vii Collection of Francis Is ^76 The Virgin J the Infant Jesus sleeping , and the young saint John, H, 0,68i; — W. 0,44. — W. — Heads 0,60. The Infant Jesus is reposing on a sheet, and a pillow placed on a stone; the Virgin, her head crowned with a diadem, and stooping before her son, raises the cloth that covers him, to show lam to the young saint John, kneeling, and in the attitude of adoration. In the back ground, edifices in ruins are seen. Old collection 377 Holy Family* H. 2,07. — W, 1,40. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The Infant Jesus is springing from his cradle, into the arms of his mother ; he is adored by saint John, presen- ted to him by saint Elisabeth. An angel, is scattering flowers on the Virgin ; another is prostrate ; and saint Joseph is absorbed in meditation. On the edge of the Virgin's mantle, is written; Raphael, vrbinas. pingebat. I. D. X. VIII., and higher up, also on the border of the mantle : Romae. Collection of Francis I. 378 The Virgin, saint Elisabeth, and the Infant Jesus caressing the young saint John, H. 0,3 8« — W. 0,3 2. — W. — Heads 0,3 5, On the right, the Infant Jesus, standing, leaning on the Virgin, his feet resting on his cradle, takes in his hands the head of the young saint John, whom saint SANZIO. Elisabeth, kneeling, is presenting to him. Behind the fi- gures, trees and part of a wall in ruins. On the right and left, a landscape. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. 379 Saint Margaret, H. 1,7 8. — W. 1,22. — C. — Heads small S. Saint Margaret, standing and holding a branch of palm, tramples under her feet, a monster whose gaping jaws are seen. Collection of Francis I. 380 Saint Michael, H. 0,31. — W. 0,27. — W. — Heads 0,18. The archangel, in armor, and his head covered with a helmet, strikes with his sword a dragon, whose tail is twisted round his leg. Round him, are crowding fan- tastic monsters. In the distance are seen, a city in flames, and several damned souls, tormented by fantastiq shapes. Collection of Louis XIV. 381 Saint George. H. 0,32. — W. 0,27. — W. — Heads, 0,16. Saint George in armor, mounted on a white horse, combats with a sword a dragon, whom he has already pierced with his lance, of which the fragments are seen on the ground. In the distance is seen flying, a young girl with a crow n on her head, symbol of Cappadocia, res- cued from idolatry. Collection uf Francis I. SANZIO. 151 2 Saint Michael overthrowing the Demon. H. 2,68. — W. 1,60. — C. — Heads Nat. S. In the middle of a frightful desert, covered with rocks, with flames from the infernal gulf issuing there- from, the archangel saint Michael, with an iron and golden armor, born in the air by his wings, has just thrown down Satan, by touching him slightly with his foot, and is preparing to strike him with his lance. On the edge of the garment of saint Michael, is written : RAPHAEL VRBIiXAS. PINGEBAT M. D. XVIII. Collection of Francis 1. 883 Portrait of Balthazar Castiglione, H. 0,82. — W. 0,67. — C. — Bust Nat S. He is seen three quarters, turned to the left ; he has a black cap, a long beard, and wears a robe trimmed with fur. Collection of Louis XIV. 384 Portrait of Jane ofArragon, H. 1,20. — W. 0,9 5. — C. — Half length Nat. S This princess, daughter of Ferdinand of Arragon, duke of Montalto, grand-daughter of Ferdinand I, king of Naples, married to the prince Ascanio Golonna, constable of Naples, died in 1577 ; she is represented three quarters, turned to the left, with long hair, her head dressed with a red velvet toque, ornamented with precious stones, and clothed in a dress of the same texture. She is sitting, in a hall splendidly decorated, her left hand resting on her knee, and the right holding the fur which covers her shoulder. On the left, in the back ground, a woman, her back turned, is leaning on a balustrade between two columns, and farther off are a garden and green walks. Colleclion of Francis I. 162 SANZIO. 385 Portrait of a young man, II. 0,59. — W. 0,44. — W. — Bust Nat Si This young man, between 15 and 16 years of age, has fair hair, and wears a blaclc cap. His elbow is leaning on a stone parapet, and his head is leaning on his rig hi hand. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. 386 Portraits oftivo men. H. 0,99. — W. 0,83. — C. »— Halflenglh Nat. S. The first personage is represented behind a low waL holding in his left hand, the hilt of his sword, and seeming to point to an object not seen in the painting. His head is bare, and he is turning towards a man farther off, on the left. This last, is seen nearly full face, and is resting his hand, on the shoulder of his companion. Collection of Francis I. SAIVZIO {School of ViKTYkY.U.0), 387 Plenty, model of a fountain, H. 0,38. — W. 0,31. — W. — Heads 0,25. The nymph, holding a horn filled with fruit, is stand- ing in a niche, with compartments of marble, of (lilferent colours. In the lower part, a figure head of which a shell forms the mouth, 'i'his painting is signed: RAPHAEL VRBi.xAs, but thls Signature seems to be pos- terior to the time at which this picture was painted. Ck)lleclion of Louis XIV. SAWZIO. 153 388 Portrait of a man. H. 0,68. — W. 0,58. — W. — Bust Nat. S. He wears a cap, and has a black gannent. He is turned to the right, placed before a desk, and holding a pen. Old collection. SANZIO (A/f^r Raffaello). 389 The Virm'jf , the Infant Jesus and saint Joseph, composition known by the name of la, Vierge de la maison Loreto. n. 1,21. — W. 0,91. — W. —Heads Nat. S. The Virgin, is contemplating the Infant Jesus, lying on a table, and is raising the cloth which covers him ; the Saviour, holds ont his arms to his mother, behind whom is saint Joseph. Collection of Louis XVIIU 390 The School of Athens. H. 5,04. — W. 8,07. — C. — Heads larger than Kfe. Collectiou of Louis XIV. 391 The mass. H. 5,04. — W. 6,91. — C— Heads larger than life . Collection of Louis XIV. — Copy by Bon Boulogne. 392 The battle of Const antine. H. 4,35. — W. 10,30. — C. — Heads Nat. S, (k^tection of Louis XIV. — Copy by Bon Boulogne. 154 SANZIO. 393 The dispute for llie Holy Sacrament. H. 5,80. — V\'. 8,10. — C. — Heads Nat, S, Old coileclion. — Copy by Tiersonnier, 39 A A woman seated, resting her foot on the heat. of a lamb; allegorical subject, H, 2,26. — W. 1,20. — C. — Heads larger llian life. Old collection. SARTO (Andrea del), o;' Andre del Sarte. — See Vannccchi. SASSOFERRATO. — See Salvi (Giovanni-Battista). SAVOLDI or SAVOLDO (GiovANNi-OiROLAMO),^cm in Brescia; was painting in 15ZiO. — (Veneiian School.) The name of his master is not known. 395 Portrait of a man, H. 0,9 1. — W. 1,23. — C. — Half length Nat S. He is represented three quarters, turned to the right, dressed in red velvet, with a cuirass, and sitting in a hall ornamented with mirrors, w hich reflect liis portrait Tliis painting is signed : opera di Jovanni Jeronjmo de Bressa di Sauoldi. Coileclion of Francis I. SCHIAVOXE (Andrea), painter and engraver, bom in Sebenico {in Dalmatia) in 1552, died in 1582. — (Vene- tian School.) He learned to paint by studying Uie works of Giorgion and of Titian. SCHIDONE. 155 396 Bust of saint John the Baptist, H. 0,49. — W. 0,37. — Oval shape. — C.^ — Nat. S. His eyes are cast down, and he is covered with a lamb's skin. Old collection. SCHIDOiXE or SCHEDOXE (Bartolommeo), born about 1580 in Modena, died in 1615. (Lombard Schooh) He studied the works of Antonio Allegri called le Correge, 397 Holy family. H. 1,05. — W. 0,88. — C. — Half length Nat. S. The Virgin is holding, standing on a table, the In- fant Jesus, who is pointing to saint Joseph, leaning on a crutch. Napoleon Museum. 398 Christ carried to the sepulchre, H. 0,36. — W. 0,29. — W. — Heads 0,30, The body of Christ is supported by Nicodemus and saint John kneeling; Joseph of Arimathrea is near them. An angel, holding a torch, guides them with his light Collection of Louis XVI, 399 Christ in his tomb. H. 2,4 8. — W, 1,81. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The body of Christ, about to be buried, is placed jr. the edge of the sepulchre, while saint John and Jc' .^h of Arimathrea, are holding him by the arms, and bj Jie upper part of his body; Mary Magdalen, kneeling, ai- SCHIDONE. ses his feet, to help in placing him in the tomb. The Virgin, accompanied by a holy woman, and Kicodemus, standing behind saint John, are contemplating this scene with grief. Napoleon Museum. SEBASTIAIVO DEL PIOMBO. - See LuciAKi (Sebastiako di). SEIIVAIVDOIVI (Giovanni -Geronimo), architect, seem painter, born in Florence the ^1d of May 1695, died in Paris the i9th of January 1766. — (Roman School.) Pupil of G. P. Panini. /iOO Ruins of antique monuments, H. 2,62. — AV. 1,96. — C. — Heads 0,17. An obelisk is seen through an arch in ruins ; in the fore ground, are two warriors, near a woman seated, and holding a child. In the back ground, a colonnade of the Doric order, and several horsemen. Napoleon Museum. SGUAZZELLA or SQUAZZELLA (Andrea), was iminiing in 1519. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Andrea Yannucchi called Andrea del Sarto. AOl Christ laid in the tomb. n 1,5 4. — W. 1,9 5. — W. — Hoads small S ri/e bod/ of Christ, stretched on the ground, at the ei trance of the cave, is raised by Kicodemus. TheVir- gi 1, kneeli.ig before him, falls senseless in the arms of Jooeph of Arimathsea. and is succoured by Mary of Sa- SOLARI. 157 lome. Mary Magdalen, prostrate on the ground, is kiss- ing the feet of Christ; saint John, and a holy woman on her knees, are contemplating with emotion her fervent piety. Napoleon Museum. STGXORELLI, di Gilio or Egidio (Luca) called LucA D4 CoRTONA, born in Coriona about 1441, died after 152ZU — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Pietro della Francesca. A02 The birth of the Virgin. H. 0,33. — W. 0,70. — W, — Heads 0,23. Saint Ann, lying in her bed, is giving to a woman, the new born infant. An old man, whose back is turned, is leaning on the foot of the bed. A woman is stooping to lift up a vase and a basin. On the right, saint Joachim, seated on the ground, is writing on his knees. On the left, a man is opening the door of the apartment. Collection of Louis XVIII. SOLARI or SOLARIO (Andrea di) called II Gobbo, born in 1458, died after 1509. — (Lombard School.) He studied the school of Lionardo da Vinci. /i03 The Virgin nursing the Infant Jesus, H. 0,60. — W. 0,50. — W. — Heads small S. The Virgin, her head covered with a white veil, is stooping to give the breast to the Infant Jesus, lying on a green cushion, which is placed on a marble table. Behind the Virgin, are trees and on each side, the country. This painting is sigued, in gothic characters : \NDUEAS DE SOLAUiO FA. Old collection* 158 SOLARI. SOLAUIO {Attributed to). Oh Portrait of Charles d'Amboise, H. 0,7 5. — W. 0,52. — W. — Bust Nat. S. He wears a cap with a medal, and has round his neck the collar of the order of saint Michael. Old collection. SOLIMEXA (Francesco) called l'Abate Ciccio, boi-n in Nocera de' Pagani {in the territory of Naples), the btli of April illxl. — (NeapoHtan School.) Pupil of his father, Angclo Solimene, of Francesco di Maria, and of Giacomo del Po. Zi05 Adam and Eve in the terrestrial paradise, watched by Satan. H. 0,54. — W. 0,44. — Cop. — Heads 0,32. Adam, seated on a rock, is conversing with Eve, who is standing before him, her elbow leaning on a stone; divers animals are plaj^ing about them. Farther off, Satan under a human form, spreadini? his wings, is holding the serpent whose form he is going to assume, and introduces it into Eden. In the air, several groups Collection of Louis XVI. A06 Ileliodorus driven out of the temple, II. 1,50. — W. 2,00. — C. — • Heads 0,35. Notwtihstanding the lively representations of the High Priest Onias, Ileliodorus, in obedience to the or- ders of Seleucus, has entered the temple of Jerusalem, with the intention of carrying off the treasure ; but SPADx\. 159 his followers are thrown down by a divine power. He himself, seized with terror, is trampled under the fe^ of a horse, mounted by a warrior in dazzling armor; scourged by two young men of surprising strength and beauty, struck blind, driven from the temple, he is only restored to health, by the prayers of Jonias. Collection of Louis XVL SPA DA (Leonello or Lionello), born in Bologna in 1576, died in Parma the 11th of May 1622. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of the Carracci, of C. Baglione and of G. Curli. 107 The return of the Prodigal Child. H. 1,60. — W. 1,19. — C. — Half length Nat S. Covered with rags, and almost naked, the Prodigal Child, leaning on a stalf, presents himself before his father, who covers him with his mantle, and pardons him. Napoleon Museum. 408 Martyrdom of saint Christopher, H. 3,iO. — ^y, 2,00. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Saint Christopher, Ganaanite of gigantic stature, is kneeling, despoiled of his garments ; his arms are bound behind his back, by a rope which an executioner is holding. Another executioner, his head covered by a cap with feathers, is drawing the sword with which he is going to slay him. A roman soldier assists at the execution. In the air is seen an angel, who is bringing lO the saint the palm of martyrdom. On the lower part )f the painting is written : decolatio saxcti christo- PiiORi, and below, is the monogram of the painter, com- posed of a sword (in italian spada) traversed by the letter L. Napoleon Museum. 160 A09 jEneas and Anchises. H. 1,94. — W. 1,33. — C. — Heads Nat. S. iEneas, accompanied by the young Ascagna, is carry- ing on his shoulders his father Anchises. The aged man is receiving from Creusa, spouse of the pious ^neas, the household gods saved from the burning of Troy. Collection of Louis XIII. 410 The Concert. H. 1,42. — W. 1,72. --• C. — Half length Nat. S. Four young men, round atable, are preparing to exe- cute a piece of music. One of them is tuning his lute; another, also standing, and having a violin in his hands, shows Avith his bow, to a young man seated, a music book, which the latter is holding ; the youngest, placed on the right, at the corner of the table, is putt- ing his finger to his lips, to enjoin silence. Collection of Louis XIV. SPAGNUOLO (Lo). — See Grespi. SQUAZZELLA. —See Sguazzella. STANZIONI (Massimo), called Le Chevalier Maxime, -painter, architect and author, born in JSaples in 1585, died in 1656.— (Neapolitan School.) Pupil of Gio.-Battisla Caracciolo. STROZZI. /ill Saint Sebastian. [1. 1^5 4 — w. 1,29. — C. — Heads Nat. S, The saint is lying on the ground. A woman is exa- mining his wounds, and draws out an arrow, from his left shoulder. Behind him, a man, and in the back ground, two children. Collection of Louis XVIII, STROZZI or STROZZA (Bernardo), called II Capucino 07' II Prete Genovese, painter and engraver, born in Genoa in 1581 , died in Venice the 3d of August leZiZi. —(Genoese School.) Pupil of Pictro Sorri. lil'2 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus born on clouds. H. 2,24. — Y/. 1,32. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Under the Virgin, an angel is showing the attributes of the sovereign power; a sword, a scepter, a crown, a book, on which are written these words : SUPREMA LEX ESTO; on the left, a pile of arms are seen, and on the right, a plummet. Napoleon Museum. rllS Saint Antony of Padua and the Infant Jesm, H. 0,98. — W. 0,77. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The saint, clothed in the haliit of his order, is seen half length ; he holds in his left hand, a branch of lily, and with the right, a book, on which is seated the Infant Jesus, who caresses him. Old coUeclion. 162 STROZZI. STROZZI {Attributed to). tilh Joseph explaining the dreams. H. 1,15. — W. 1,50. — C. — Half length Nal. S, Joseph is explaining, in the jail, to the cupbearer and to the pantler of Pharaoh, the dreams which they have had the preceding night. Collection of Louis Philippe. 415 The young saint John the Baptist, H. 0,76. — W. 0,61. — C. — Half length Nat. S. He holds across ofreefJs, and is resting his right arm on a lamb. Old collection. TIARTIVI (Alessandro), born in Bologna the 10th of March 1577, died in the same citij the Sth of February 1668. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Spinelli, of Prospero Fonlana, and of Bartolomraeo Cesi. 416 The repentance of saint Joseph, H. 3,20. — W. 2,12. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Saint Joseph, assured by a dream, of the innocence of his spouse, is led by an angel to the feet of the Virgin, and is asking her pardon, for the suspicions he had conceived about her pregnancy. The Virgin, raises him, and shows the Heavens to him, to let him know, that this miracle 'has been performed, by the operation of the Holy Ghost, and that they must submit to the decrees of Providence. The angel, placed behind saint Joseph, TISIO. J 63 is recommending silence to other angels, who are surrounding the couple, and flying over their heads. In the back ground, a portico. Napoleon Museum. I3fTI (Giova>'NI-Battista), born in Paiina about 1590, died before 1620. — (Lombard School.) Pupil of Orazio Sammachini, 417 The mystery of the Passion, H. 2,53. — W. 1,56. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The Infant Jesus, naked and sleeping, is lying on the knees of the Virgin. During his sleep, the angels are presenting to him , the instruments of his Passion : the nails, the crown of thorns, and the chalice. Behind the Virgin, saint Joseph and a holy bishop. In front of the painting, saint John the Baptist, playing with a sheep. Napoleon Museum. TINTORETTO (II) LE TIIVTORET. - See ROBUSTI. TISIO (Benvenuto), called II Garofalo or Garofolo, born in Garofolo [in the province of Ferrara) in 1481, died the 6th of September 1559. — (School of Ferrara.) Pupil of Dom. Panelti, of Boccacino Boccaci and of Baldini. /il8 The Circumcision, H. 0,35. — W. 0,49. — W. — Heads, 0,28. m the center of the painting, saint Ann, seated, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, ^vho appears frightened 16/1 TISIO. at the sight of the instrument, held by the High-Priest, sitting on a bench adorned with sculpture. Behind the High-Priest, on the right, the Virgin, saint Joseph, saint Elisabeth and two women ; on the other side, near saint Ann, Zachary, standing, holding the Infant Jesus by the arm. He is accompanied by levites, and other per- sonages, among whom are noticed, in the fore ground, an aged man with a long beard, leaning on a staff, and a child who appears to be climbing, and wishing to take refuge in his arms. In the back ground, the sanc- tuary, the altar with perfumes, the clandlestick with seven branches, and two priests wdio are conversing together. Collection of Louis XIV, /il9 Holy Famihj, H, 0,4 4. — W. 0,3 2. — Arched at the top. W. — Heads 0,3 2. The Virgin, seated, holds the Infant Jesus standing, while saint Joseph, kneeling on the right, presents to the Saviour, a lamb, which saint Elisabeth and the young saint John have brought to him. Napoleon Museum^ /i20 Holy Family, II. 0,40, — W. 0,32. — W. — Heads 0,30, The Virgin, seated, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, who is extending his hands to saint Joseph, kneling. On the left, on the other side, saint Elisabeth presents the young saint John, who is bringing a lamb. In the back ground, between two columns, of which the pedestal and the base only are seen, an opening, which discovers a city, and hilly mountaiaa. Colleclion of Louis XIV. TREVISANI. 1G5 /i21 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 0,52. — W. 0,40. — "W. — Heads half size. The Virgin, standing, holds a veil in her hands, and considers the Infant Jesus, entirely naked, and sleeping in his cradle. A raised green curtain, discovers a landscape. Colleclion of Louis XIV. /i22 The mystery of the Passion, l^U H. 0,58. — W. 0,45, — W, — Heads 0,30. Lying on the dress of the Virgin, the Infant Jesus is sleeping, while his mother, kneeling, her hands joined, is adoring him. Opposite to her, on the left, an angel, one knee on the ground, presents to her, tbe winding sheet and the crown of thorns. In a glory, angels are holding the column, the cross, the lance, the spunge and the other instruments of the Passion. In the back ground, a fountain, columns in ruins and a city are seen. Collection of Louis XIV. TITIEN, TIZIAI^O. — See Vecellio. TREVISANI (Francesco), born in Capo d'lstria the iOih of April 1656, died at Rome the oOth of July 1746. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Antonio Zanclii. i 23 The Infant Jesus sleeping, H. 1,51.— W. 1,26. — C— Heads Nj^^ga The Virgin is covering with a drapery, the Infant Jesus, sleeping in his cradle; the ^^oung m nt John is 166 TREVISANI. kissing his hand ; three angels, standing near the cradle, are forming a concert. Colleclion of Louis XIV. Ii2!i The Virgin and the Infant Jesus* H. 0,7 1. — W. 0,5 0. — Cop. — Piists Nat. S. The Infant Jesus, seated on a table, shows to his mother , a granadilla, mystic symbol of his Passion ; the Virgin, who is supporting him, presents him with ti>« stalk of a lily. Old collection. TURCHI (Alessandro), or Alexandre VEI\0\ESE, called l'Orbetto, born in Verona in 1582, died at IXomc in 16Zi8. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Felice Riccio and of Caiiello Caliari, /i25 Tlie deluge. H. 0,74. — W. 0,96. — C. — Heads 0,40. The inhabitants of the earth, in order to escape the inundation, are seeking a refuge on the heiglils. A man leads his wife and child under a tent ; anotlicr man is saving a woman fi'om the waves; near them, is a child, covering himself with a drapery; farther oil", two men are clinging to the branches of a tree. In the back ground, the ark, born on the waters. Collection of Louis XIV. 426 Samson and Dalilah, II. 1,59. — AV. 2,56. — C. — Beads Nai. S. Dalilah, lying on a couch, is making signs to two Philistine soldiers, to seize Samson, sleeping, his head TUuCIlI. 167 leaning on her knees. A barber is cutting a tuft of Sam- son's hair ; two children are holding his sword, and the jaw of the ass, which he used as a club. Collectiou of Louis XIV, 27 The ivoman taken in adult cry. H. 0,29. — W. 0,37. — Cop. — Heads 0,25. On the left, Jesus Christ, stooping, writes with his finger on the ground. Four of his disciples are with him, and three men are bringing before him , the woman taken in adultery, who is standing with her hands joined. Old colleclioD, /i28 The mystic marriage of saint Catherine, H. 1,2 4.— ^V. 1,7 7. -- C. — Half Icnglli iS'at. S. The Infant Jesus, seated on the knees of the Virgin, is putting a ring on the finger of saint Gaiheriiie of Alexandria, A^iio is resting her left hand on a wheel, instrument of her martyrdom. Collection of Louis XlVf /i29 Death of Cleopatra. H. 2,5 5. — W. 2,67. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Mark-Antony, whom two soldiers have just carried into the tomb, in which Cleopatra had taken refuge, is expiring, stretched on a couch. The queen stings herself in the breast with an asp; two of her women are sup- porting her, three others are expressing their grief. Napoleon Museum. UCCELLO (PaoloJ. — sv^ Da-in Paolo di). 1G3 UGGIONE. UGGIOIVE or Oggione (Marco), horn in Ugfjione {Hamlet near Milan) about IZ18O, died in 1530. — (Lom- bard School.) Pupil of Lionardo da Vinci. /i30 Holy Family. H. 1,18. — W. 0,71. — Arched shape. — W. — . Heads 0,5 5. Saint Ann, saint Joachim, the Virgin and saint Joseph, are adoring the Infant Jesus, who is seated on the ground, and refuses to young saint John, the bird he is holding in his hand. Farther off, shepherds contem- plate with astonishment, three angels, who are singing in Heaven, the praises of the Lord; and the pastor lea- ding the ass and the ox, whose breath served to warm Jesus, whem he came into the world. Napoleon Museum. VACCARO (Andrea), bom in Naples in 1598, died in 1760. ^' (Neapolitan School.) Pupil of Girolamo Imparato. /i31 Venus and Adonis^ H. 2,05. — W. 2,64. — C. — Deads Nat. S. Venus gives vent to her grief, at the sight of Adonis, victim' of the jealousy of Mars, and wounded mortally, by a wild boar. Napoleon Museum. ANNI (Tl cavaliere Francesco), painter, engraver, architect and engineer, born in Sienna in 15G3, died in the same city the 2bth of October 1609. — (Florentine SchDul.) Pupil of Archanjjelo Salimhcni, of Bart. Passaroili and of Gio. dc' Yccchi. VANNI (Francesco). 169 A32 The repose of the Holy Family. H. 0,28. — W. 0,21. — Cop. — Heads half lenglh 0,3 0. The Virgin, holding in her arms the Infant Jesus in swaddling clothes, is taking some food out of a dish, presented to her by an angel, ^ear her, saint Joseph, leaning on a rock, is holding clicrries. Old coUeclion. ii33 The repose in Egypt. H. 0,51. — W, 0,37. — W. — Deads 0,40. The Infant Jesus, naked, and standing on the knees of the Virgin who is seated, throws his head back to look at two cherries, which saint Joseph is presenting to him ; on the ground, a bundle and a small cask. Napoleon Museum . hZh Martyrdom of saint Irene. H. 0,51. — W. 0,37. — W, — Heads o,4o. This virgin, having concealed the holy books, against the orders of tne emperor Diocletian, was put in prison, and, after having been pierced by an arrow, was burned, by order of Dulcetius. An executioner is tying the hands of the saint kneeling, who raises her eyes to Heaven, and whose breast is pierced with an arrow. Old collcclion. VANXI {Aitributed to Francesco). A35 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus* H. 0,55. — W, 0,44. — C. — Heads 0,60j The Infant Jesus, standing, leaning on the knees of the Virgin seated, turns his head, to look- at saint a 170 VA>'iM (Francesco). Joseph, placed behind him, and holding fruits In his hand. Napoleon Museum. V i\ WT (TuRTNO Di), boj'n in Pisa, was painting in 13ZiO. — (I'lorentine Scliool.) The name of his master is not known. 436 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 1,30. — W. 0,7 1. — W. — Heads small S. The Virgin, seated on a throne, holds on her knees, the In'aiit Jesus. Two angels, kneeling on eacli side of" the tlirone, are playing, one on the viol, the other on the psaltery; a')Ove them, are other celestial spu'its in adoration. In the lowei" pai-t of this picture is ^v^tlcn : TVRI.NVS Va.NiMIS 1)11 I'lSlS UL riQSlT. * Napoleon Museum. VAWrrCflf (Andrea), called Andrea del Sarto, born in Florence in l/j88, died in the same city in 1530. — (Florentine School.) Pupil of Gio Barilc and of Pielro di Cosimo. A 3 7 Charity, H. 1,8 5. — W. 1,37. — C. — Heads Naf. S. She i« represented by a woman seated on a hillock, with two children on her knees; one of them takes the breast with avidity; the other s;uilin.i:, is showing her a bunch of nuts, which he holds in his hand; al; her feet, a third child is sleeping, liis head leaning on a di'apery. Landscape in the back i;roun/^- — On the left, VANNUCCIII. 171 on the ground, on a paper, is -^vritten : Andreas sartvs FLORExMIiNVS ME PLNXIT MDXVIII. Collection of Francis I. 438 Holy Family. H. 1,41. — W. 1,06. — W. — Heads Nat. S. On the left, the Virgin, seated on the ground, holds the Infant Jesus, who is turning his head towards ^^aint Elisabeth. The young saint John, standing and raising his right hand towards Heaven, is held by his mother. Two angels are behind the Virgin. Collection of Francis I. ^39 Holy Family. H. i,os — W. 0,88. — Oval shape. — C. — Heads small S. The Virgin, kneeling on the ground, seen nearly in profile, and turned towards the left, is holding the In- fant Jesus; the young saint John is near him, in the arms of saint Elisabeth. On the right, behind the Vir- gin, saint Joseph is leaning on a staff. On the ground, on the left, is written : andrea. del. sarto. floren- TLNO faciebat; and afterwards, tho initials a v. Old colleclion. VANXUCCHI {After). 540 The Annunciation, H. 0,94. — W. 1,90. — Arclicd shape. — W. — Heads small S. The Virgin, seated, her eyes cast down, in tho atti- tude of surprise and meditation, is listening to theangel kneelinsr before her, and J^olding a branch of lily. 172 VAINNUCCm. Between the two figures, a vase of flowers and a book, placed on the edge of a low wail. Collection of Louis XVIII. AXXIICCT (PiETno), mllrd II Pfrugiivo or Le Pi:- r.LT.iN, born in Cast alio c/ella I'icve {near Perugia) in IZi^f), died at Castcllo- Foiditjnano {in the vicinity of Penigia)^ in December 152Zi. — (Ombriaii School.) Pupil of Andrea del Vcroccliio. hhl The Naiivily of Jesus Christ, H. 1,50. — W. 1,36. — W. — Heads small S^ The Virgin, saint Joseph and three angels, are kneel- ing round the Infant Jesus who is lying on a white cloth, his legs crossed, and putting in his mouth the first fingei" of his riglit hand. Bt^in'nd saint Joseph, a'-e tvio shcpiierds; one is holding a lamb; farther oil", the otlier is watching his flock, on a hillock, and listening to an angel. In the back ground are seen the three Kings, and the city of Bethleem. Three angels in the dir, are hold- ing a scroll. CoUeclion of Louis Philippe. AA2 The Virgin holding the Infant Jesus, adored by two saints and two an gets. Round shape, — Diaracler i,5i. — W. .— Heads small S. In the center of a court paved with marble, sur- rounded by a breast-high wall, the Virgin, seated, her feet resting on a stool, adorned with arabe.^(|ues, is holding the Infant Jesus on her knees On the left, standing, saint Hose, carrying a vase of crystal and a branch of roses; on the riglit, saint Catherine holding a palm and a book, i-'arther off, on the low wall, on each side of the Virgin, an angel standing, in the atti- tude of adoration. nought in 18 50. VANNUCCI. 173. flilS The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, saint Joseph and saint Catherine, H. 0,80. — W. 0,66. — W. — Half length, smallS The Virgin, seated, holds on her knees the Infant Jesu-% in the attitude of blessing Behind the Virgin, saint Joseph standing, his hands joined; on tiie otiier side, saint Catherine holding a palm. Colleclion of Louis XYIII. Ixhh Saint Paul. Round shape. — Diameter i , o 2 . — C. — Half Icnglh Nat. S. His right hand is resting on a sword. Napoleon Museum, AA5 Combat of Love and Chastity, H. 1,56. — W. 1,92. — C. — Heads 0,45. Sat3TS and Cupids are combating the Nymphs, in a meadow dedicated to Venus, as indicated by a scroll, attacljed to a post, on which is written : ve.xeri. The Loves witli golden bows, are dragging the women along by the hair, or with silken cords. Chastity is breaking their bows, their arrows, and strikes them with ther torches. Farther off, on the banks of a river, Europa is seen, carried away by Jupiter, metamorphosed into a bull. Daphne changed into a laurel tree, etc., and in the air, xMercury, holding his caduceus. Old collection. VANiXUCCI {After^. 17Zi VANNUCCL hliQ The Virgin and the Infant Jesus. H. 0,50. — W. 0,38. — W. — Half length small S. The I Virgin, seated, is holding on her knees, the Infant Jesus, in the act of blessing. Colleclion of Louis XIV. VANNUCCI {School of)' hhl Christ between the Virgin and saint John, H. 0,36. — W. 0,79. — C. — Heads 0,35. Jesus Christ, crowned witii thorns, half naked, and seated ou the edge of his tomb, is supported on each side, by the Virgin and by saint John. Napoleon Museum, Ixh^ Saint Francis d' Assise , receiving the stig- mata^ in presence of brother Leo. H. 0,38. — W. 0,81. — W. — Heads 0,34. On the left, saint Francis kneeh'ng. On the right, saint Leo lying on the ground, and rising up by leaning on a book. In the background, on eacliside, buildings are seen. In the center, hills and a river. Old collection. hhO Saint Jerome in the desert, H. 0,38. — W. 0,7 6. — W. — Heads 0,34. The saint half divested of his clothes, and kneeling before a crucifix, is going to strike iiis breast with a stone. On the left, the lion walking. On the right, the grotto of the saint In the back ground, hills and a river. Old colleclion. VAROTARI. 175 VANVITELLI or Vanvitf.t. (OAsrATsf,), called Dagu Ocr.niALi, bnrn in Utrecht in 16Zi7, disci in Rome, in 17o6. (Roman School. ) The name of his master is not known. /i50 View of Venice, H. 0,46. — W. 0,9^. — C. — Heads ©,05. The square of Snint Mark, «Jeen from the Promralie yiovefle, the cnmpfini'n, the church of Saint Alark ; in the hack ground, la Piazzetta; farther off, saint George the Elder. Old collection. /i51 Vietv of the extreme end of la Piazzetta^ taken from the riva degli Sc/davoni. D. 0,46. — W. 0,93. — C. — Heads 0,05. The Doire, followed by a numerous e??cort, coming back to tiie palace of f^aint Ahxrk, after the ceremony of his marriage with the sea. On the loft, the golden barks which have accompanied tlie Bucentaurus. Old collection. VAROTART (ALESSAxnno), called II Padovtwno or Lk I^adouav, hnrn in Padua in 1500, died in 1G50. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of his father Dario Varotari, 52 Vemis and Cupid, H. 1,20. — ^\^ 1,69. — . C. — Heads Nal. S, Venus lying on a couch, is playing with Cupid. Collection of Charles X 17C \A S A n f (Giorgio) , painter and architect, born in Arezu in 1512, died at Florence ike Tltli of June ibllx. — (I'lo- rentiiie bchool.) Pupil of Guillaumede Marseille, du BuonaroUi and of Andrea del Sarlo. 453 The angelic salutation, H. 2,16. — W. 1,67. — W. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin, seated near her couch, her ej^es cast down, is resting with modesty, a hand on her breast, and holds a book in her hand. The angel Gabriel, tLneeling on clouds, a branch of lily in his hand, accomp.ishes with respect his divine mission. The Holy Ghost hovers over their heads, and illuminates the room with his rays. Napolcou Museum. htili Saint Peter walking on the waters, H. 1,38. — W. 1,04. — V/. — Heads 0,75. In the fore ground, Jesus is holding out his hand to saint Peter, who implores him. In the back ground, the bark is seen. Napoleon Museum. /i55 The last supper, H. 0,9 3. — W. 1,5 1. — W, — Heads 0,8 5. Christ and the apostles, are seated on benches round theta^jle. in the center, and in front, Judas holding tlie purse. On the right, a basin with vases cooling. On the left, a gold and silver vase, another in marble. Napoleon Museum. 177 A56 The Passion of Jesus Christ, H. 0,61. — W. 0,5 1. — W. — Heads 0,15. This painting is divided into ten compartments , whicli countain divers subjects of the Passion. The one in the center represents Christ, nailed on the cross. In the nine others are seen : J.-G. washing the feet of the apostles, — the last supper, — J.-C. in the garden cf Olives, — the kiss of Judas, — J.-C. before Pilate, — the scourging. — J.-C. shown to the people, — the road to Calvary. — J.-C. laid in the tomb. Collection of Louis XVIII, VECCIIIA (PiETRO Della) born in Venice, in 1605, died in the same cihj, in 1678. — (Venetian School.) He was a pupil of Alessandro Yarolari, called il Padovinano, khl Portrait of a man, H. 1,5 1. — W, 1,13. — Halflenglh Nat. S. He is represented wearing a toque with feathers, the costume in fashion about the beginning of theXVlt^ cen- tury, and his sword half out of the sheath. Old colleclion. VECELLIO (TiziANO) born in the borough of Pieve {chief town of the ancient province of Cadore) in l/i77, died of the plague the 11th of August 1576. — (Venetian School.) Pupil of Giovanni Bellini. i58 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, saint Stephen, Saint Ambrose and saint Maurice. H. 1,0 8. — W. 1,3 2. — C. — Half length, Nat. S. The Virgin, seated, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, lying on a cloth, and raises the veil which covers s. 178 VECELLIO. hin. Near her, saint Ambrose, bishop of Milan, standing, ^rearing a red cap and a robe of the same colour, and an open book in his liands ; saint Stephen, deacon and marUr, carrying a palm; and saint Maurice, in armor, chiel' of the Theban legion in Armenia. Collection of Louis XIV. /i59 Holy Fcnnily. H. 0,7 0. — W. 0,84. -« C— Deads half S. The Virgin, seated on the ground, rests her left hand on a white rabbit, which the Infant Jesus, in the arms of saint Catherine, seems to desire. Farther off, on the right, saint Joseph, stooping, is caressing a black sheep : a ilock is grazing near him, and in the back ground, a vast country is seen. — This painting is signed : Ticianus F. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. AGO The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, saint Agnes and saint John. H, 1,57. — W. 1,60, — C. — Heads small S. Prostrate before the Virgin seated, holding the Infant Jesus standing on her knees, saint Agnes has in her left hand, a palm, and is resting the right on the head of a lamb, led by the young saint John. Collection of Louis XIV. A61 Holy Family. H. 0,81. — W. 1,08. — C. — noads 0,37 to 0,40. The Virgin, seated, holds the Infant Jesus, to whom the young saint John is bringing a lamb; saint Joseph i near them. Two angels born on a cloud, are carrying a cross. Tollcclion of Louis XIV. VECELLIO. 17J^ hQ2 The pilgrims of Emmmis* n. 1,69. — W. 2,44. — C. — Ucads small 5. Jesus Christ, sentod at table, between his two dii=c' pies, is blessing the bread : near him, a domestic stan ' ing, his arms bare, and Ins hands in his belt; bel)i;i ; one oftiie disciples, on the left, a youn;^ page briniri:: a dish ; under the table, a cat and a dog. — Signed Tic IAN : Collection of Louis XIV, A63 Christ between a soldier and an executioner. Round shnpe. — Diamelcr 1,14, — W, — Hal length Nat. S. Christ, turned towards the right, the upper part of his body despoiled of his garments, his hands bound, is led to death, by an executioner, placed on the rigiit] and a soldier in armor, and wearing a helmet, who is behind him, on the left. Collection of Louis XIV hQh The crowning of thorns » H. 3,03. — W. 1,80. — W. —Heads Nat. S. Christ, a reed in his hand, despoiled of his garments, and covered with a scarlet mantle, put on him out of mockery, is seated on the steps of the prcetorium. \ soldier, placed in front and turning his back, is holding his hands bound; other soldiers are spitting in his face^ striking him with their reeds, and foi'cini? on his liead a crown of thorns. The prteto ium is of an embossed rusf'c arcliitecture, and abo\ e t le door of the (mmsou, is seen the bust of Tiberirs with this inscription : Tib!:rius C^sar, placed there b/ the painter, to indi- cate that it was under the reign, and by the order of that emperor, that Jesus Giirist_wa5 cailed on the cross. 180 VECELLIO. — On the ower part of one of the steps is written TITIAWVSF. Napoleon Museum. A65 Christ carried to the tomb. H. 1,48. — W. 2,05. — C. — Heads Nal. S. The body of Christ, supported by Joseph of Arimat- hcea, Nicodemus, and a third disciple, is going to be deposited in the sepulchre ; saint John is supporting the Virgin, overwhelmed vv'ith grief. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 466 Saint Jerome kneeling before a crucifix. H. 0,80. — W. 1,02. — C. — Heads 0,40. In a desert traversed with trees and rocks, the saint, kneeling before a crucifix, attached to the trunk of a tree, is striking his breast with a stone; the hat of a cardinal is placed before him on a rock. On the right, the lion which was the companion of the saint in his solitude. Collection of Louis XIV. A67 A session of the council of Trent. H, 1,17. — W. 1,76. — C. — Heads 0,27. In the back ground, ranged in a half circle, on the right and left of the president, and behind them, the Chiefs of orders with a guard of othcers and soldiers. On the right, a bishop reading in the pulpit, and in a sort of tribune, priests are placed before a de^k. Collection of Louii XV. VEGELI.10, 481 468 Jupiter and Antiope; composition known by the name ofLd Venus del Pardo. H. 1,9 6. — W. 3,8 5, — C. — Heads Nat. S. Jupiter, under the form of a satyr, is seated at the feet of Antiope, sleeping under a tree, and raises the veil which covers her; over her, Cupid, placed on the branch of a tree, is shooting a dart against Jupiter. Farther off, a woman, with tlo^vers in her hand, is sea- led near a satyr, and a huntsman, leading two dogs, sliows to his companion, w ho is blowing a horn, a stag at bay. Collection of Louis XIV. liQ9 Portrait of Francis /, king of France, H. 1,09. — W. 0,89. — C. — Half length Nat. S, This prince, seen in profile, turned to the right, has his head covei ed with a scrt of black velvet toque, ornamented with a white feather, and a diamond clasp. He wears a golden string, from which a medal is hang- ing. IJis doublet, slashed with red satin, is covered with a habit lined with fur, also slashed. His hand is resting on the hilt of his sword. Collection of Francis I« 470 Portrait of Alphonsiis d* Arabs, Marquis de Guast, andofa young woman, accompanied by three allegorical figures, H. 1,21. — W, 1,07. — C. — Half length Nat. S, Avalos, standing, his head bare and in armor, rests his left hand on the breast of a young woman seated, wiio holds with both hands, on her knees, a glass ball. On the right, a ciipid bringing a bundle of arrows; a woman, seen in profile, her head crowned \vith myrtle, her right hand resting on her breast, in a respectful attitude ; behind her, a figure, of whom only the fore- 182 VFXELLIO. shortened head is seen, is holding up her hands to support a basket of tlowers. Collection of Louis XIV. fi7i Portraits of a young woman at her toilet, and ofaman holding two mirrors. H. 0,96. •- W. o,7e. — C. — Half length Nat. S. Theyoung woman, Standing, her dress half unfastened, holds in one hand her hair, and in the other a bottle of perfume. A man, placed behind her, presents her with two mirrors. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. 472 Portrait of a man. H. 1,18. — W. 0,9 6. — C. —Half length Nat. S. His head is bare, three quarters, turned to the left, and he wears a bearJ and moustaches. His right hand is resting on his hip, and the thunb of his left hand is passed in a scarf which is round his body. Collection of Louis XIV. 473 Portrait of a young man, H. 1,00. — W. 0,89. — C. —Half length Nal. S. He is represented three quarters, turned to the right, his head bare, dressed in black and his elbow leaning on a pedestal ; his right hand is bare, the left is gloved. -- This picture is signed : ticianvs f. Collection of Louis XiV. 474 Portrait of a man. H. 0,99. — W. 0,8'i. — C. — Half length Nat. His head, seen nearly full face, is bare, and he a long beard ; he is clothed in, a Wack doublet. VECELLIO. 183 leans against a pilaster, resting his right hand, on the hilt of his sword. Colleclion of Louis XIV. /i75 Portrait of a Commander of the Order oj Malta. H. 0,60. — AV. 0,51. — C. — Cusl Nat. S. He is seen three quarters, turned to the left, and ha> a long reddish beard. The cross of Malta is suspended to a chain, twisted three times round his neck, and he is clothed in a furred pelisse. Old collection. VECELLIO {Attributed to TiziA!?o). /l76 Portrait Qfa man, n. 0,9 9. — W. 0,82. — C. — Half length Nat. S. He is represented three quarters, turned to the left, and clothed in a black robe; his right hand is open, and the left is resting on his knee ; in the back ground. a column with a pedestal ; in front, a table is seen. Old collection. /1 77 Portrait of a man* n. 0,90. -— W. 0,73. — C. — Half length Nat. S. His head is bare, seen three quarters, turned to the right, and wears a black robe, which discovers his plaited shirt. His left hand >s gloved, and the right is holding another glove. Collection of Louis XIV. 184 VECfiLLIO. VECELLIO {Afler Tiziano). (i78 Portrait of the Cardinal Tlippolyte de Me- dit is. H. 0,64. — W. 0,55. — W. — Bust Nat. S. He is represented three quarters, turned to the left, his head covered with a red toque with straight plumes, and adorned with a clasp of precious stones. The collar of his garment is standing. Collection of Louis XIV. 479 The Virgin, and the Infant Jesus adored by two angels, H. 0,73. — W. 0,63. — C. pasted on wood. — Hall length small S. The Virgin, seated, her hands joined, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, lying on a cloth, of which an angel is supporting one of the corners; near the Vir- gin, anutlier augel, his hands crossed on his bre;ist, is in the attitude of adoration. Collection of Louis XIV. VERONESE (Alexandre). —SeeTmzm, VERONESE (Paul). — 5^e Galiari. VICENTIXO (Andrea), - 5g« Miciiieli (Andrea de'). VINCI (Lionardo da) painter, sculptor, architect, engin- eer, philusuphcr, author and musician, born in i/i52 in the castle of Vinci, in the valley of Arno, near Florence; died in the castle of Clot or Clou.c, near Aniboise, the 2d of May 1519. — (Morentine School.) Pupil of Andrea del Verocchio. VINCI. 185 /iSO Saint John the Baptist, H. 0,69. — W. 0,57. — W. — Half length small S. The paint, seen half length, holds a cross of reeds in his left hand, and points to Heaven with the right, ile is covered nitii a lamb's sJ^in, which leaves bare the upper part of his body. CoUeciion of Francis I. /iSl The Virgin, the Infant Jesus and saint Amu H. 1,7 0. — W. 1,29. — W. — Nat. S. The Virgin, seated on the knees of saint Ann, stoops to take the infant Je:?us, who is on the ground, caressing a lamb, in the back ground, a hilly landscape. Collcclion of Louis XIV. 482 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, the young saint John and an angeL II. i,99» — W. 1,22. — Arched at the lop. — C. — Small S. The Infant Jesus, seated and supported by an angel, is giving his blessing to the young saint John, who is presented to him by^tlie Virgin. In the back ground, a grotto, a landscape, and rocks of a fantastic sliape, which have caused to be i Vierge aux Rockers, Collection of Francis I. A83 Portrait of a woman, 11. 0,62. — W. 0,44. — "W. — Bust small S. The head is seen three quarters, turned to the left; the hair is smooth, the forehftaa circled with a black 1«6 VINCL ribbon, fastened by a diamond ; she wears a necklace, and is clothed in a red dress, adorned with en^ibroide- ries. Collection of Francis I. iS/a Portrait ofMonaLisa, known by the name oj la Joconde. H. 0,7 7. — W. 0,5 3. — W. — Bust Nat. S. She is seen full face, and seated in an arm chair ; her hands are crossed over each other. Behind her, au(/ beyond a low wall, a vast country is seen. Collection of Francis I. /i85 Bacchus. H. 1,7 7, — W, 1,15. — C. — Heads small S. He is crowned with vine leaves, seated on a stone, and leaning on a thyrsus. Collection of Louis XIV, V live I {After LlONARDO DA). /i86 The last supper. H. 2,6 0. — W. 5,49. — C. — Ileads Nat. S. Old collection. VI\CI {School o/*LioxAnDO da). /IS 7 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, saint Elisabeth, saint John and saint Michael, II. 0,90. — W. o,fi9. — C. — Ucads 0,90. TheViririn, sented, holds on her knees the Tiifant.Tesus, to whom tlie archangel saint Michael, kneeling, is prcs- ZAMPIERL 187 enting a scale, symbol of eternal justice. Near the Vir- gin, saint Elisabeth and the young saint John, who is seated and holding a lamb. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. d8S Portrait a ivoman, n. 0,50. — W, 0,3 5. — W. — Bust small S. She Is seen in profile, turned to the right, her head dressed with red vol vet, embroidered with pearls and gold ; a black veil falls over her shoulders, and she wears a blue dress. Colic c lion of Louis XIV. VOLTERRE (Daniel de). — See Ricciarelli. Z All PIER T (DoMFNTCO), called Tl Domenichtno, painter, arrhitert , born the 1\st of October 1581 , died at Naples the iblh of April IGZil. — (Bolognese School.) Pupil of Denis Calvaerl and afterwards of the Carracci. &89 God punishes Adam and Eve for their diso- bedience » H. 0,95. — W. 0,75. — Cop. —Heads o,4o. Cod the Father, born in the air by a host of anirels, is reproacliinc Adam with is disobedience. Adam, standing n ar tlie tree of ] ermen are drawing their nets; farther off, musicians in a bark, are singing and playing on divers instruments. On the opposite shore, a shepherd is driving a Hock of sheep. On the right, a woman riding on a mule, holds a young child in her arms. In the back ground, buildings and high mountains are sten. Collection of Louis XIV, ZAMPIEBJ ( AiMlmted iG). ZAMPIERI. 2 Saint Austin washing the feet of Jesus, who is appearing to hi)^ under the form of a pil- grim. H. 0,67. — W. OjCG. <^ Cop. — Heads 0,40. Jesus Christ is clad as a pilgrim, and saint Austin as a friar. Books, a mitre, and a t^kull, are placed on tlie table. Angels are filling the upper part oi' the painting. Culleciioa of Louis XIY. UNKNOWN ARTISTS. BYZANTINE SCHOOL. 503 The Virgin giving the breast to the Infant Jesus, H. 0,39. — W. 0,33. — W. —Half length, half S. Napoleon Museum. 504 The Virgin embracing the Infant Jesus, n. 0,5 6. — W. 0,4 4, — Halflenglh, small S, In the upper part, on each side, an angel. On the edge, and in eight medallions, the Evangelists with their attributes. CoUeclion of Charles X. 505 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 0,91. — W. 0,70. — Cop. — Halflenglh Nat. S, Their complexion is black. Russian painting on gilt ground, in imitation of the Byzantine works. ITALIAN SCHOOLS. XlVtli CENTURY. 506 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, saint John the Baptist and saint Francis. H. 0,34. — W. 0,30. — W, The Virgin, seated on a throne, is holding the Infant Jesus in her arms. On the right, saint John the Baptist, 9 19/1 UNKNOWN ARTISTS. carrying a scroll on which is written : ecce agnds dei QUI TOLLiT PECCATA MU.\Di. On the left, saint Francis, a lily in his right hand, and a book in the left. Collection of Charles X. 507 The crowning of the Virgin, II. 1,13. — W. 0,6 6. — Arched shape. — W. — Heads half S. Jesus Christ is placing on the head of the Virgin, the crown of immortality ; m the lower part, two angels kneeling. Napoleon Museum. XVth CENTURY. 508 Portrait of saint Louis, second son of Char- les 11, le Boiteux, king of Naples, of Sicily and of Jerusalem, born in Nocera in Feb- ruary 1275^ bishop of Toulouse at the age of 19, and died the 19th of August 1298. H. 0,48.— W. 0,35. — W. — Bust halfS. i is re] inga 1 left He is represented three quarters, turned to the left, holding a book in his right hand, and a crosier in the Collection of Louis XVIII. 509 Saint Jerome. H. 0,35. — W. 0,15. — W. — Heads o,30. He is standing, clothed In a robe of coarse cloth, and holding a book ; the hat of a cardinal is at his feet On the edge is written in gothic characters : sancta fiesola, UNKNOWN AliriSTS. ^ 195 which evidently is relating to a figure, formerly placed in the upper part. Gilt ground. 510 Saint Clare and saint Louis, king of France. H. 1,50. — W, 0,14. — W. — Heads 0,50. 511 Saint Jerome and saint John the Baptist, H. 1,50. — W, 0,14. — W. — Heads o,50. 512 Saint Roch and saint John the Baptist, H. 1,60. — W. 0,14. — W. — Heads 0,65 513 Saint Jerome and saint Francis d' Assise. H. 1,60 — W. 0,14. — W. — Heads 0,6 5. b\h Altar piece divided into two parts, forming six compartments : LOWER PART. !• In the center. — Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen, H. 1,26. — W. 0,71. — W. — Heads 1,00. 2" On the left, — Saint Peter, martyr^ an cl saint Francis, H. 1,16. — W. 0,53. — W. — Heads 0,90. 3<* On the right, — Saint Antony of Padua, and saint Nicholas of Tolentino, H. 1,16. — W. 0,53. — W. — - Heads o,90. UNKNOWN ARTISTS. UPPER PART. A'* On the right, — The Virgin kneeling, H. 0,65. — W. 0,30. — W. — Heads o,40. 5° On the left, — The angel Gabriel, H. 0,65. — W. 0,30. — W. — Heads 0,35. 6** In the center, — Christ on the cross, be- tween the Virgin and saint John, H. 0,70. — W. 0,41. — W. — Heads 0,30. Those six works, painted on a gilt and stamped ground, are contained in the same frame, on the lower part of which is written : Hoc opus fecit fieri nobile dus cclas angelus de fa- ds 11x11. The noble Lord Nicolas Angelus de Fatius (in Italian Angelo de' Fazi) had this picture painted in ihll, 515 The Virgin and the Infant] Jesus, H. 0,87. W, — 0,58. — W. — Heads small S. The Virgin, seated, holds the Infant Jesus placed on her knee; before her is seen, on a stone balustrade, the Holy Ghost under the form of a dove, whose head is lighted by a glory, and on the side, an open book, ia which the Virgin appears to be readingi This painting is probably by Andrea Vcrocchio or by Lorenz* di Credi when young 516 The birth of the Virgin, H. 0,24. — W. 0,46. — . W. — Heads 0,13. This composition is divided into three distinct parts : women are taking care of the new born infant; through the door and windows, saint Ann is perceived in her UNKNOWN ARTISTa 197 bed, assisted by two other women ; in the next room, saint Joachim, accompanied by an old man, is listening to a young boy who is speaking to him. Old collection. XVltli CENTURY. 517 Portrait of a woman, H. 0,69. — W. 0,53. — W. — Bust Nat. S. She is seen nearly full face, holding a necklace in her left hand, and gloves in the right. The ciphers formed by the letters G. A. and B. I. are repeated several times on the band which confines her long hair, parted in the middle, and indicate probably the initials of her name. Napoleon Museum, 518 Portrait of a man. H. 0,69, — W. 0,5 3» — W. — Bust Nat. S. He is seen three quarters, turned to the right, his head covered with a toque ; he holds in his right hand, which is gloved, a letter, on which is written : Dono Bernardo di Salia, and lower down : in dlo ; which means : to Lord Bernardo di Sala in his house. Napoleon Museum. 519 Portrait of a sculptor, H. 0,92. — W. 0,68. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Three quarters. He is turned to the left, a toque on his head, leaning his right hand on a marble head, and his left arm on a stone plinth, on which is Iving a chisel, to which he is pointing. Collection of Louis XIV. Portrait of Ccesar Borgia, Cardinal, after^ wards duke of Valentinois, H. 0,9 5. — W. 0,7 7. — C. — Bust Nat. S. Three quarters. He is turned towards the left, has 9 beard and moustaches, a bare neck , wears a plai ted shirt, and a garment trimmed with fur. Old collection. 5 20 bis. Portrait of a man at arms, H. 1,00.— W. 0,8 6. —W. — Half length Nat. S. He is represented seated, nearly full face, with a beard ana moustaches, his head covered with a black toque, ornamented by a chain of gold, and a medal. He wears a gold band on his neck, a cuirass and armlets, and sleeves of a plushy texture, with red, white, and green stripes. His right hand is leaning on his hip, and the left is passed in a ring of the hilt of his sword, to which are fastened two small knives. Colleclion of Napoleon ill. — (Venetian School.) 521 Portrait of an old man, H. 0,6 5. — W. 0,52. — C. — Bust Nat. S. He is seen nearly full face, his head covered with a toque, and his beard is reddish. Old collection. — (Venetian School.) 522 Portrait of a man, H. 0,5 8. — W. 0,46. — . C. — Bast Nat. S. Three quarters. He is turned to the left, his head bare, wears a beard and moustaches, and is dressed in black. Old colleclion. — CVeneLian ScJionL^ UNKNOWN ARTISTS. 523 Picture of human life, H. 2,72. — W. 3,62. — C. — Heads o,40. This painting is the picturesque realization of an legory attributed to Cebes, disciple of Socrates. As exact description of this picture would occupy too mu space, we will confine ourselves to giving here, a. abridgment of the allegory of the Grecian philosopher, abridgment sufficient for the explanation of the compo- sition. — The human race, engendered by Nature and Time, crowds the entrance of the temple of Life. Genius, under the form of an old man, instructs those who en- ter, about the route they ought to follow. Near the door Imposture is seated on a throne, intoxicating them, by making them drink the beverage of Ignorance and Error. Admitted in the interior, they are welcomed by women representing the Opinions, the Passions, and the Vices. They seduce them, by promising to conduct them to happiness and fortune. They soon meet with the blind goddess, placed on a globe of crystal; she despoils some, and bestows her favors on others. After having quitted Fortune, they find Intemperance, Debauchery, Avarice and Flattery, who are watching for those who have accepted their gifts. They flatter them, and pro- mise them a life exempt from sorrow. Persuaded by their honied words, they give themselves up to their de- ceitful caresses ; but soon, ruined and dishonoured, they become the slaves of these women, who induce them to commjt all the crimes. Then the culprits a/e given over to Sorrow, who has for satellites. Grief, Pain, Mourning and Despair. The unhappy sinners then finish their lives in the dungeon of Misfortune, unless Repen- tance delivers them, by showing them the route of Instruction, which is to regenerate them. At the entrance of a second enclosure, a Avoman, adorned with art, welcomes the multitude : her name is False Knowledge. Deceived by her, the poets, orators, musicians, astrol- ogers, geometers, epicurians, critics, etc., believe they have found True Knowledge, and wander in the enclo- sure. However, those who perceive at last that they are under the yoke of Opinion, of Error and of Ignorance, direct their steps towards heights of difficult access, where two robust wo^i^n ,^,iy;^,Qr-atfnn and Patience, are UNKNOWN ARTISTS. holding out their arms to them, and encouraging them to surmount the obstacles. After having cleared those steep rocks, they find another enclosure, another door, a meadow, abode of the Blessed spirits, inhabited by Hap- piness and the Virtues. At the door is standing Ti'ue Knowledge, accompanied by Truth and Persuasion. She cures her guests, by presenting to them a salutary beve- rage. When they have been purified, they are introdu- ced into the abode of Science, in which Strength, Justice, Integrity, Temperance, Moderation, Liberty, Chastity and Gentleness are dwelling. The Virtues introduce the tra- vellers to Happiness, whose temple is built on a hill, overlooliing all the others. Seated on a throne, she crowns the conquerors of the Vices, and these only, can hereafter go through the enclosure of life, without fear of being attacked again, by the seductions and misfor- tunes, which have assailed their first steps in life. — On a book, held by one of the personages of this picture, is written : Danieli opvs. Daniel is evidently the name or one of the names of the author of this painting, whose execution recalls the style of Schiavone and of Boni- fazio ; but we have not as yet, found any document, which would allow us to give biographical informations of the artist, whom we have thought fit to rank pro- visionally, among the unknown Venetian painters of thexvith century. 524 Repast often personages seated before a table; ground of architecture, H.0,26. — ■W.0,41. — C. — Figurcshalf length 0,20^ Old collection." — Venetian sketch. 625 Holy Family, H. 1,50. — W. 2,37. — C. — Heads small S. The Virgin, seated on the ground, saint Joseph, three angels and saint Joachim, are adoring the Infant Jesus; he is lying on a drapery, and raises his arms to receive a cross, which is held by young saint John, and which saint Elisabeth takes away from him. Old collection- UNKNOWN ARTISTS. 201 526 Portrait of Michel-Ange. H. 0,58i — W. 0,36. — W. — NaU S. He is seen nearly full face, and his. head singularly covered with a sort of linen bands. On the lower part of the picture, is written : Micha. Ange. Bonarottanus* Florentinus sculptor. Optimus, Anno, Mtatis, Sues. 47. Collection of Louis XIV. 627 Portrait of a man. H. 0,G2. — W. — 0,52, ^ C. — Bust Nat. S. He is represented three quarters, turned to the left. He wears a black toque on his head ; has his right hand on his breast, and holds his gloves in the left. Collection of Louis XYIII. 528 Bacchanalian reveis, H. 0,36. — W. 0,27. — C. — Heads 0,10. Venus is seated between Bacchus and Ceres. On the left, a cupid lying on a cask, and another drawing wino from the cask in a cup. Near them, a satyr drinking out of a leather bottle, and another pressing a bunch of grapes. Collection of Louis XVIU. 529 The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, and saint John The Baptist, H. 0,74. — W, 0,58. — W. — Half length, smallS. Jesus, seated on a cushion, and supported by his mother, receives a cross of reeds, which saint John the Baptist is presenting to liira. Old collection. 9. 202 UNKNOVViS ARTISTS. 530 Holy Famihj, 11. 0,64. — W. 0,53. — W. — Small S. The young saint John is presenting a cross to the Infant Jesus, supported by the Virgin. Near her is saint Joseph. Collcclion of Louis XIV. 531 Head of an angel, H. 0,4 5. — W. 0,36. — Oval shape. — C. — Nat. S. Old colleclion. 532 Mystic subject, H. 2,40. — W. 1,48. — C. — NaU S. In presence of the Virgin, saint Joseph and saint Dominick, saint Francis of Assise is offering tc Jesus, the red and white roses produced in January, Oy the thorns on which he had Iain, to overcome the tempta- tions of tlie evil spirit Napoleon Museum. ^33 Portrait of an architect, H. 0,83. — W. 0,60. — W. — Nat. S. He is represented three quarters, turned to the right, his head bare, with a short beard and moustaches. In one hand he is holding a chapiter of the Corinthian order, and in the other a compass. — On tb«e painting the following inscription is written : A^Aatis. Sux, 30. 15. 1. Old colleclion. UNKNOWN ARTISTS. 203 5 3 A The angel of the Lord appears to saint Peter in the prison. H. 1,19. — W. 1,89. — C. — Nal. S. Saint Peter is lying on the ground, with other pris- oners and a soldier. The angel kneeling, shows to saint Peter the door of the prison. Old collection. ^35 T he rape of Europa, H. 1,90. — W. 1,17. — C. — Heads 0,40. Jupiter under the form of a bull, has dashed into the sea, carrying off Europa, frightened, who holds him by the horns. On the shore, are five of Iier companions in tears, tlieir arms extended towards the daugiiter of Agenor. In the air, two cupids shooting darts at Europa, and two others hojrding flowers and a crown. Old collectioD« XVIltli CENTURY. 536 Saint Sebastian succoured by thehobj Women, H. 1,79. — W. 1,46. — C. — Nat. S. Irene, a Christian widow, is dressing, with her atten- dant, the wounds of saint Sebastian, pierced with arrows. Napoleon Museum. 537 Death of a young Woman, H. 2,00. — W. 2,60. — C. — Nat. S. A young woman, who has just been delivered, is stretched expiring, on her bed. On the left, her husband, standing, one arm resting on the pillow, contemplates her, and is shedding tears. At the foot of the bed, the nurse, holding the new born infant ; on the left, two 204 UNKNOWN ARTISTS. children weeping ; on tlie right, in the back ground, a woman warming swaddling clothes. Old collection. 538-4 Sabine peasant girl. H. 0,98. ~ W. 0,74. — C. — Nat, S. She is seen full face, her body turned to the right, her head covered with a veil, and holds a basket of flowers. Collection of Charles X. 539 Perspective of the city of Rome about 1660. H. I,21i — W. 2,21. — c. The Dome of Saint Peter and the castle of Saint Ange are seen. On the left, a man, a woman and a child, in pilgrims' dresses. Old collection. 5/iO Landscape, H, 0,86. — W, 1,30. —Heads 0,20. On the right, saint Francis, kneeling, his arms extended ; not far from him, his companion seated on the ground, and holding a Dook. On the left, a stag near a rivulet, and two ducks in the water. In the back ground, high mountains, and on the left, a monastery with a steeple. Old collection, — (Bolognese School.) bill Landscape, H. 1,47. — W. 2,22, — C. — Heads 0,25. On the edge of a winding road, at the foot of moun- tains, covered with trees, a peasant girl, seated, is lean- UNKNOWN ARTISTS. 205 ing on a young man ; near tliem a young woman stand- ing, holding a child in her arms, is looking at them; farther ofif, on the same road, a man and a woman, leading a child. In the back ground, on the left, a convent near which are two monks. Old collection. bli2 Landscape. H. i,47. — W. 2,22. — C. — Heads 0,25. In a forest intersected by rocks, a sportsman is shoot- ing, and his dog is running in pursuit of the game ; near him, a man seated, and another standing, leaning on a stick. On the right, a woman riding a mule, accom- panied by a young boy, playing on the bagpipe. In the distance is a convent, and in the horizon , high moun- tains are seen. Old collection. 5Z{3 Dancing before the door of an inn. H, 0,4 7. — W. ,6 6. — C. — Heads 0,15, In the center of the painting, a peasant, covered with a goat's skin, is dancing with a woman, whom lie holds by the hand. On the right, two musicians, one playing on the flageolet, the other on the bagpipe ; a man on horseback, leaning on a basket ; a woman spinning at the door of the inn, children, goats. On the left, in the back ground, a cart drawn by two oxen. Old collection. SPANISH SCHOOLS.. COLLAIVTES (Francisco), born in Madrid in 1599, died in 1656. Pupil of Yincenzo Cavducci. bhk The burning bush, H. 1,16. — W. 1,62. — C. — Heads 0>35^ On mount Horeb, in the midst of a flame, coming out of a bush without consuming it, the Lord appears to Moses, and announces to him, that he has chosen him to deliver the Hebrews from the tyranny of the Egyp- tians. Collection of Louis XIV. ESPAGNOLET. - See Ribera, E S T E B A IV. — 5^^ Mdrillo. MORALES (Luis de), called El Divino, bom in Badajoz about 1509, died in that city in 1586. The name of his master is not known. 5^5 Jesus- Christ carrying his cross. H. 0,9 3. — W. 0,7 0. — W. — Half length, Nat. S. Collection of Louis XVIII, ^08 MORALES. WURILLO (Bartolome Esteban), bom in Seville in 1618 ; died in that city the Sd of April 1682. Pupil of Juan del Castillo and of Diego Velasquez. 546 The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin. H. 1,7 2. — W. 2,8 5. — C. — Nat. S. She is standing, born on clouds, surrounded by che- rubs, her hands joined, her feet resting on the crescent of the moon, whose points are turned upwards. On the left, a group of five figures seen half length. On the right, in the air, two angels are holding a scroll, on which is written : in principio dilexit eam. Collectiou of Louis XVIII. 546 bis. The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin, H. 2,74. — W. 1,90. — C. — Nat. S, In the midst of a glory, and surrounded by groups of angels, the Virgin, her hair flowing, her hands cross- ed on her breast, her feet resting on the crescent of the moon, whose points are turned upwards, is rising, born on clouds, in the immensity of the Heavens. Bought the iQ^ii of May 18 52, at the sale of the collection of Marshall-General Soult , Duke of Dalmalia , for the sum of 615,300 francs. 5A7 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus, H. 1,66. — W. 1,25. — C. — Nat. S. The Virgin, seated on a stone bench, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, wno Is playing with a rosary. Colleclion of Louis XVI. MURILLO. 209 548 The Holy Family, . H. 2,40. —W. 1,90. —C. — Nat. S. The Virgin, seated on a hillock, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, standing, who receives a cross of reeds, which is presented to him by the young saint John, supported by saint Elisabeth. God the Father, surrounded by a host of angels, contemplates the Infant Jesus, over whose head is hovering the Holy Ghost, under the form of a dove. This painting is signed : Bartholom. de Murillo F. Hispan, Collection of Louis XVI. 549 Jesus on the mount of Olives, H. 0,36. — W. 0,28. — Marble. — Heads 0,28. An angel is presenting to Christ kneeling, the chalice and the cross; in the back ground, on the right, are seen the apostles, sleeping at the foot of a tree, and farther off, a group of soldiers, coming to seize upon Jesus. Collection of Louis XVI. 550 Christ at the column and Saint Peter, H. 0,36. — W. 0,28. — Marble. — Heads 0,25 . On the left, saint Peter is kneeling before Christ, whose hands, tied behind his back, are bound to a column. The keys of the Church and a book, are lying on the ground before him. Collection of Louis XVI, 551 The young beggar, H. 1,37. — W. 1,15. — C. — Nat. S. A young beggar, seated near a window and lighted by a ray of the sun, is busily engaged in lousing him- MMILLO. self; a jug, and a basket of fruits are near him on the ground. Collection of Louis XVI, RILLO (After), Sabit AusLin meditating, H. 1,04. — W. 0,84 — C. — Halflenglh Nat. S. Seated in an arm chair, and before a table on which books are placed, the saint is turning his head towards Heaven. God the Father and Jesus Christ are seen, born on clouds. Collection of Charles X. RIBEUA {Le chevalier Josef ou Jdsepe de), called l'Espagnolet, painter and engraver, born the i2th of January 1588 in Jdtiva {now called San-Felipe) , near Valencia, died at Naples in 1656. Pupil of Francisco Ribalta and of M. A. Amerighi. 553 The adoration of the shepherds, H. 2,38. — W. 1,7 9. — C. — Larger than life. The Virgin, her hands joined, is prostrate before the Infant Jesus, lying in a wooden manger filled with straw. Three shepherds and a woman are surrounding and adoring him ; one of them has deposited a young kid at the foot of the manger. In the distance is seen an angel, who is appearing to shepherds, watching over their flocks on a hill. — This painting is signed : Jusepe IMbera, espahol Academico Romano F, 1650. Napoleon Museum, VELASQUEZ. 211 RIBERA {School of), hhh Hercules at rest, H. 2,16. — W. 1,58. — C. — Larger than life. He is seated, and leans on his club. Old collection. Velasquez (Don Diego Rodriguez de Silva y), born the 6th of June 1559 in Seville, died at Madrid the 1th of August 1660. Pupil of Herrera the Elder, and aflenivards of Francisco Pacheco. 555 Portrait of the Infant Marguerite-Thirese. H. 0,70. — W. 0,59. — C. — Bust Nat. S. She was the daughter of Philip IV, king of Spain, and of his spouse, Marie-Anne d'Autriche. She was born the 12th of July 1631, was married to the emperor Leopold in 1666, and died the 11th of March, 1673. She is seen three quarters, turned to the left, with a pink bow in her hair, a white dress trimmed with black lace, her right hand resting on an arm-chair. On the upper part of the picture is written : LINFANTE MARGVERITE. Old collection. 556 Portrait half length of Don Pedro Moscoso de Alt amir a, dean of the royal chapel of Toledo ^ afterwards Cardinal, H. 0,92. — W. 0,7 3. — Bust Nat. S. His head is bare, seen three quarters, turned to the left ; he is dressed in blacky and holds in his right hand VALASQUEZ. a small prayer book. — In the back ground, ofi the left, is written JE 51 followed by a D or a B interlaced wit han N ; on the right, 1633. Bought in 18 49, 557 Collection of portraits, H. 0,47. — W. 0,77, — C. -- Heads 0,32. The thirteen personages, represented in this painting are said to have been celebrated artists, contemporari f of Velasquez. He has painted himself on the left, dress e in black, and Murillo, of whom hardly anything eU but the head is seen, is near him. Bought in 1851. ^58 View of the Escurial palace, H. 1,66. — W. 2,38. — 0. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF ITALIAN AND SPANISH ARTISTE ■WHOSE WORKS ARE MENTIONED IN THE 1st PART OF THE CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS EXHIBITED IN THE GALLERIES OF THE LOUVRE. Lanzi, in his history of painting in Italy, admits the existence of fourteen principal schools. Those multiplied subdivisions, introduced evidently through a national interest, and to throw a certain eclat on localilies which have produced but few eminent artists, appear tous more fictitious than real. Founding our opinion on analogy of style, of principle and execution, we have thought that it would be more simple, and more correct, to reduce the schools of Italy to nine, observing at the same time, that even this number might be reduced. CLASSIFICATION OF LANZI. CLASSIFICATION OF THE CATALOGUE, Florentine School, [ Florentine SchooL School of Sienna i , . Ombrian School (is not men- Roman School \ ^ioned i° Lanzi). I Roman School. Venetian School Venetian School. School of Mantua... — Modena... — Parma > Lombard School. — Cremona... Milanese School , School of Ferrara School of Ferrara. Bolognese School Bolognese School. Piedmontese — I >....... Genoese — Genoese — \ Neapolitan — Neapolitan — In the following table, we have named, in the first place, the artists, the dales of whose births and deaths are certain or nearly so ; 214 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. we have then placed, separately, those whose dates are unknown, bu* who lived in the same age. It is not useless to mention heve, that if these dates, furnished by Italian documents, are indicated the most frequently, according to the roman custom ; they are however, expressed for the Tuscan painters, according to the custom of the time in which they lived, Tuscany only adopted the common era in 17 50 : formerly the years were dated from the Annunciation, or ab Incarnatione . The ignorance of. this custom, abandoned, readopted, then changed, according to the\ epoch and the different places of Tuscany, might give rise to many errors, which can be easily avoided, by consulting the work of Filippo Brunetti, in which this rather obscure subject, is treated in a manner which leaves nothing to desire. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. XIIl''' CENTURY. Cimabue or Guallieri (Giovanni). — (Flor. S.)... 1240 after 1302 Giotto di Bondone. — (Flor. S) 12:6 1 3 3 6 Xiy*^ CENTURY. Taddi (Taddeo) or Taddeo di Gaddo Gaddi. — (Fi/or S.) about 1300 1366 Bartolo (Taddeo di). — (Flor. S.) 1363 1422 Gentile da Fabriano. — (Ombr. S.) about i37 1450 Giovanni (Fra) da Fiesole, called I'Angelico. — (Flor. S.) 1387 1455 Dono (Paolo di) called Paolo Ucello. — (Flor. S.) Born between 139 6 and 1402 about I479 Vaiini (Turino di), — (Flor, S.) Painted in 1340 XV*^ CENTURY. Lippi (Fra Filippo). — (Flor. S.) about 14 12 1469 Bellini (Gentile), — (\"enct. S.) i42i i507 Benozzo di Lese Gozzoli. — (Flor. S.) 1424 after 1435 Pesello ^Francesco) or PeseUo Peselli, called il Pesellino — (Flor. S.) i426 1457 Rosselli (Cosimo). — (Flor.S.) 1 430 after isoG Mantegua (Andrea). — (Venet.S.) I43i 1506 Rosselli (Piero di Cosimo). — (Flor. S.) 1 441 15 21 Signorelli di Gilio or Egidio (Luca) called Luca da Corlona. (Flor.S.) about i44i after 1524 Vannucci (Pieiro), called 11 Perugino. — (Ombr. S.) 1446 1524 Bianchi (Francesco) called II Frari. — (Lomb. S.) 144 7 1510 Filipepi (Alessandro), ca?Zed Sandro Bolticeli. — (Flor. S.) «.<.e<»^ 1447 1515 216 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Born. Died. GhirlandjoorGrillandajo(Domenico).— (FlorS.) 1 449 about 1498 Carpaccio (Yiltore). — O'enet. S.) about 1450 after 1522 Raibolini (Francesco, called 11 Francia. — (Bolog. S) 1450 10 1453 1517 • Vinci (Lionardo da). — (?\oy, S.) 1452 1519 Credi (Lorenzo di). — (Fiar. S.) 1453 after 153 5 Pintoriccio (Bernardino di Benedetto, ca^Zed II). — (Ombr. S.) 1454 1513 Gliirlandajo or Grillandajo (Benedetto). — (Flor. S.) 1458 about 1499 Solari or Solario (Andrea di). — (Lomb. S.)... 14 58 after 1509 Cima (Giovanni Battista) da Conegliano. — (VeneU S.) About 1460 after i5i7 Luini or Lovini da Luino (Bernardino). — (Lomb. S.) About 1460 after 1530 Costa (Lorenzo). (S. of Ferrara) 1460 1535 Garbo (Raffadlo del), called II Raffaelino. — (Flor. S.) .....About 1466 1524 Albertlnelli (Mariotto). — (Flor. S.) About 14 67 about i 520 Beltraffio (Giovanni Antonio). — (Lomb. S.) 1467 1516 Bartolommeo (Fra) del Falorino, called Baccio della Porta or 11 Frate. — (Flor. S.) i469 isit Andrea Luigi di Assisi, called I'lngegno. — (Ombr. S.) About 1470 about 1556 Barbarelli (Giorgio), called II Giorgione. — (Venet. S.) 1477 1511 Vecellio (Tiziano). — (Venet. S.) 1477 1576 Dossi (Dosso). — (S. of Ferrara) About 1479 after 1560 Uggione or Oggione (Marco). — (Lomb. S.) About i480 1530 Palma (Jacopo), called \\ Yecchio. — O'enet. S.) About 1480 about i548 Lotto (Lorenzo). — (Venet, S.) About 1430 after i555 JIazzolini (Lodovico). — (S. of Ferrara).... About i48l about 15 30 Tisio (Benvenuto), called II Garofalo or Garo- folo. — (S. of Ferrara.) i48i 1559 Ghirlandajo (Ridolfo). — (Flor. S.) 1482 about 1557 Sanzio (Raffaello). — (Rom. S.) i483 1520 Ramonghi (Bartolommeo), called II Bagnaca- vallo. — (Rom. S.) 1484 1542 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 217 Born. Died. Ferrari (Gaudenzio). — (Lomb. S.).... 1484 1549 Mecharino or Micharino (Domenico), called Bec- cafumi. (Flor. S.) „ i4S4 i549 Lucciauo (Sebastiauo di), called Fra Bastiano del Piombo. — O'enet. S.) i485 1547 Vannucchi (Andrea), called Andrea del Sarto. — (Flor. S. ) 1488 1530 Anselmi (Michel Angelo). — (Lomb. S.) 1491 after 1554 Carruci (Jacopo), called II Pontormo. — (Flor. S.) 1493 1558 Allegri (Aalonio), called 11 Corregio. — (Lomb. S.) 1494 1534 Caldara (Polidoro), called Polidore de Cara- vage. — (RonuS About. i49 5 Rosso del Rosso or Rosso de' Rossi. — (Flor, S.) 1 4 9 6 Calcar (Johan Stephen Van). — (Venet. S.) 1499 Pippi(Giulio) caZZed Giulio Romano. — (Rom. S.) 149 9 Alunno (Nicolo) di Foligno. — (Omb. S.) Painted from 1458 Machiaveli (Zenobio do'). — (Flor. S.) Painted in Andria (Tuccio or Tuzio di). — (Gen. S.) Lived in Massone (Giovanni) of Alexandria. — (Gen. S.) Lived in Perugino (Bernardino), — (Omb. S, ) Painted from 149 8 XVl*** CENTURY. Eonvicino (Alessandro) , called \\ Moretto da Brescia (Venet. S.) About 1500 about 1 560 Bonifazio. — (^^enet^ S.) About 1500 1562 Bordone (Paris). — (^^enct. S.) 1500 15T0 Bronzino ( Angiolo). — (Flor. S. ) About i 5 o 2 15 7 2 Mazzola (Francesco) , called II Parmigianino or le Parmesan. — (Lomb, S.) i503 i54o Primaliccio (Francesco). — (Rolog. S) i:o4 1570 Ricciarelli or Riciarelli (Daniello), called Daniele da Volterra. — (Flor. S.) 1509 i566 Feti (Domenico). — (Rom. S.) 1599 1624 Rossi(Francescode'),ca(tZedIlSalviali. — (TlorS.) 1510 15 6' Alfani (OrA^io dlJOomenico). — (Rom. S, About 1510 1 5 a* '"^^ 10 1543 1541 1546 1546 to 1500 1474 1487 1490 to 1524 218 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Born. Died. Ponte (Jacopo da), called II Bassano or Jacques Bassan. (\'enet. S.) l5io 1592 Vasari (Giorgio. —(Flor.S.) 15I2 1574 Robust! (Jacopo), called U Tiutorelto. — (Veiiel. S.) 1512 1594 Porta (Giuseppe), caZi'edllSalviati. — (Venet.S.). 1520 after 1572 Schiavone (Andrea). — (Venel. S.) 1522 i582 Campi (Bernardino. — (Lomb. S.) 1522 1590 Caliari (Paolo), called Paolo Veronese. — O'enet. S.) 1528 1588 Barocci (Federigo). — (Rora. S 1528 i6ia Muziano (Girolamo), — (\'enel. S.) 1530 1590 Sabaltini (Lorenzo), called Lorenzino da Bolo- gna (Bolog. S.) About 1533 1577 Michieli (Andrea de'), called II Vicentino. — (Venel. S.) 1539 I6l4 Riccio (Felice) called 11 Brusasorci. — (Venet. S.) 1 5 4 1 6 5 Andreasi (I ppoliio), co^/ed TAndreasino. — .... i548 luos Ponte (Francesco da), called II Bassano. — (VeneU S.) 1550 |592 Chimenti (Jacopo) da Empoli. — (Flor. S.) 1554 i6 4o Carracci (Lodovico). — (Bolog. S) 1555 i6i9 Cresti (Domenico) da Passignano. — (Flor. S.) About 1558 1638 Cardi (Lodovico) da Cigoli. — (Flor. S.) 1559 1613 Carracci (Anuibale). — (Bulog. S. ) 1560 1609 Cesare (Giuseppe), called II cavalicre d'Arpino or le Josephin. — (Rom. S.) 15 'o or i568 1640 Lomi (Orazio) Genlileschi or de' Genlilesciii, — (Flor.S.) 1562 1646 Vanni (11 cavalicre Francesco). — (Flor. S.)..., 1563 1609 Amerlghl (Michel Angiolo), called il Caravaggio. (Lomb. S.) 1569 1609 Reni (Guido). — (Bolog. S.) 1575 i642 Donduccl (Giovanni Andrea) caf/ed le Masleletta. — (Bolog. S.) 1575 1655 Spada (Leonello or Lionello). — (Bolog. S.) 1576 1622 AUori (Crisiofano). — (Flor.S.) 157T i62i Cavedone (Jap^nft'u — nj«»^j ^J??*-:..-.^.,^. 1577 1660 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 219 Bora. Died. Tiarini (Alessandro). — (Bolog. S.) 1577 1668 Rosselli (Matteo). — (Flor. S.) 1578 1650 Albani (Francesco). — (Bolog. S) 1578 1660 Schidone or Schedone (Bariolom.). — (Lomb. S.) About. 1580 1615 Manfredi (Barlolommeo). — (Rom. S.) 1580 1617 Bonzi (Pietro Paolo), called il Gobbo de' Carracci. — Bolog. S.) About 1580 about 164( Lanfranchi or Lanfranco (il cavaliere Giovanni di Slefano). — (Lomb. S.) 1580 or 1582 1647 Zampieri (Domenico), called il Domenichino. — (Bolog. S.) 1581 1641 Strozzi or Strozza (Bernardo), called il Gapucino or il Prete Genovese. — (Gen. S.) i58i i644 Turchi (Alessandro), called Alessandro Vero- nese. — C\'enet. S.) 1582 1648 Carracci (Antonio Marziale). — (Bolog. S.) 1583 1618 Stanzione (Massimo), called le chevalier Maxirae. — (Neap. S.) i585 1656 Tinti (Giovanni Baltista). — (Lomb. S.). About 1 590 before 16 *-iO Varolari (Alessandro), called il Padovanino. — Crenel. S.) 1590 1650 Barbieri (Giovanni Francesco), called il Guercino. — (Bolog. S.) 1591 1668 Berrettini (Pietro) da Cortona, called Pietre de Corione. — (Rom. S.) 1596 1669 Vaccaro (Andrea). — (Neap. S.) 1598 1670 Andrea de Milan. — (Lomb. S.) Painted in 1502 Bartolommeodi Gentile da Urbino. — (Rom. S.) » after i5 08 Sacchi di Pavia (Pier. -Francesco). — (Lomb. S.) Painted from , 15l2loi526 Lorenzo di Pavia. — (Gen. S.) Lived in 1513 Fassolo (Bernardino). — (Lomb.S.)... Lived in 1518 Sguazella or Squazella (Andrea). — (Flor. S.) Painted in ,,, 1519 Boselli (Antonio). — (^'enet. S.) -after 1527 Dossi (Baltista). — (Bolog. S) » i545 Savoldi or Savoldo (Giovanni-Girolamo). — (Tenet. S.) Painted in 1540 220 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Eoro. Died. Mazzola orMazzolino (Girolamo). — (Lomb. S.) » after 1566 Proccaccini (Giulio-Cesare). — (Lomb. S.) Painted about the end of the XVhh century. XVII*'* CENTURY. Angeli (Filippo de*) called il Napolitano. — (Rom. S.). About 1600 16 60 Falcone (Aniello). — (Neap. S.) ,......„ i6oo 166 5 Cerquozzi (Michel-Angelo), called Michel- Angelo dalle Battaglie. — (Rom. S.) i600 or 1602 1660 Canlassi (Guido) caZZed Gagnacci. — (Rolog. S.) i6oi 1681 Vecchia (Pielro della). — (Venet. S.) 1605 1678 Salvi da Sassoferrato (Giovanni-Batiista). — (Rom. S.) 1605 168S Grimaldi (Gio-Francesco), called il Bolognese. — (Bolog. S.) , .-. 1606 1680 Romanelli (Giovanni-Francesco). — (Rom. S.).. I610 1662 Cantarini (Simone) da Pesaro, called le Pesa- r^Se. — (Bolog. S.) 1612 1648 Dughet (Gaspre or Guaspre), called Gasparo Poussin. — (Rom. S.) 1613 1675 Preti (Mania), caWed il Calabrese. — (Neap. S.) 16I3 16 99 Rosa (Salvator). — (Neap. S.) I6i5 1673 Castiglione (Giovanni-Benedetto), called il Gre- chetto or le Benedette. — (Gen. S.) 16I6 i670 Boschi (Francesco). — (Flor. S) 1619 1675 Lauri (Filippo). — (Rom. S.) 1623 1694 ^I aratta (Carlo). — (Rom. S.) 1625 I7t3 Gi ordano (Luca). — (Neap. S.) 1632 1705 Gennari (Cesare). — (Bolog. S.) I64i 1688 Vanvitelli (Gasparo), called Dagli Occhiali. — (Rom. S.) 1647 1736 Mola (Pietro Francesco). — (Bolog. S.) 1652 1668 Trcvisani (Francesco). — (Vend. S.) 16 56 1746 Soliraena (Francesco), called I'Abbale Ciccio. — (Neap. S.) 1657 1747 *cci ou Rizzi (Scbastiano). — CVcnct. S.) i662 1734 CHROiNOLOGIGAL TABLE. 221 Born, Died, Crespi (Giuseppe-Maria), called lo Spagnuolo. — (Bolog. S) , 1665 1741 Luti (Benedetto^ — (Flor. S.) 1666 i724 Creti (Donate). — (Bolog. S.) i67i 1749 Pellegrini (^intonio). — (Venet. S.) 1675 i74i Servandoni (Giavonni-Geronimo). — (Rom. S,), i69 5 17 66 Pauini (Giovanni- Paolo). — (Rom, S.) i69 5 17 68 Canal (Antonio da), caZZed Canaletti. — (Venet. S.) i697 1763 Bonini (Girolamo), called rAnconitano. — (Bolog. S. )., Painted about 1660 Dolci (Agnese). — (Flor. S.) » after 168G XVIII* CENTURY. Battoni (il cavaliere Pompeo Girolamo), — (Rom. S.) 1708 1787 Guardi (Francesco). — (Venet. S.) I712 1793 Angeli (Giuseppe). — (Venet. S.) About 1715 after 1793 Foschi (Ferdinando), Lived in the XVI 11 th century. SFAKTZSH SCHOOL. XVI^^ CENTURY. Morales (Luis de) About 1509 1586 Ribera (le chevalier Josef or Jusepe de), called I'Espagnolet i588 i636 CoUantes (Francesco) 1599 1656 Velasquez (Don Diego Rodriguez da Silva y)..., 1599 1660 XVII^^ CENTURY. Murillo (Bartholome-Esteban) 1618 1682 PAKT II. SERBIAN , FLEMISH AND DUTCH SCHOOLS. INTRODUCTION, , Notwithstanding our desire of giving to the artists then real names, and of adopting for each of them one single mode of appellation , we could not entirely succeed, be- cause the orthography of the Flemish and Dutch proper names, of the xviith century, were not more settled than that of the Italian proper names, in the xvth and the xvit^ century. So there are found paintings, signed in an authentic manner Rembrandt and Rembrant ; Berchem and Berghem ; Ruisdael and Ruysdael ; Peter, Pieter, Peetef Neefts, Necffs or Neefs, etc ; and though the Germans write generally Johann, and the Dutch Jan, there are however among those last names some Johan and some Johannes. Those differences in the transcription of names are so frequent, that Iloubraken himself, for example, in his alphabetical tables, placed at the end of each volume, does not always exactly reproduce those he has been using in the coarse of the artist's biography. However, as we were in need of a guide, we have used him the most frequently, for the School of tfie Netherlands. GERMAN, FLEMISH AND DUTCH SCHOOLS. ASSELYIV (Jan), bom in Antwerp about 1610, died at Amsterdam in 1660. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Jan Meel and of Ezaias van den Velde. 1 View of the bridge ofLamentano on the Teverone. H. 0,5S. — W. 0,58. — C. — Heads 0,07. A woman on an ox, and conversing with another woman, is going to ford the river. Farther off and on the left, animals are also crossing the Teverone. Old colleclion, 2 Landscape, H. 0,7 2. — W. 0,4 2. ~ Oval shape, — C. ~- Heads 0,0 6. On the left, surrounded by trees and bushes, a tower built on a rock overlooks a river flowing between steep mountains. At the foot of the rock, a muleteer is unloading two mules; near him, a galley-slave is show- ing two boats laden with merchandise. In front, a man carrying a package, and preceded by his dog. Setting sun. Old colleclion. 10. 226 ASSELYN. 3 View of the Tiber. H. o,65» — W. 0,88. — C. — Heads 0,08. On the left, and in the fore ground, a mass of rocks. InthebacK ground, a bridge with four arches, protected by a tower and leading to an eminence, on which are buildings. Two shepherds riding, one on an ass, the other on an ox, and preceded by their cattle, are cros- sing the river. Old collection. h Ruins in the counlry near Rome. H. 0,78. — W. 0,39. — Oval shape. — C. — Heads 0,09.^ Two shepherds , are seated near a hut, built at the foot of a fragment of an antique aqueduct; near them are grazing goats and she€p. In. the back ground, high mountains are seen* Old collection. BACKUISEIV. BAKHUYSEIV or BACKYSEN (Ludolff), painter and engraver, born in Emden, town in Westphalia, in 1631, died at Amsterdam, the 1th of No^ vember 1709. — (Dutch School.) Papil of Aldert van £verding«n. 5 Dutch Squadron. n. 1,71. — W. 2,85. — U It is composed of ten men of war, in two divisions, and on two line^ Collection of Louia XIV BACKUISEN. 6 Sea Piece, H. i,2T. — W. 2.20. — C. —Heads 0,07. Tiie sea is covered with barks and sliips. The stem of one of these vessels, on the left, is carveJ, and bears the following inscription : an de spie. gel 16G6, Ludol/f Backysen. In the horizon, the city of Amsterdam, of which the name is written on the left, on the lower part of the picture. Collection of Louis XV. 7 Sea piece, H. 0,46. — W. 0,85. — C. ~ Heads 0,0«. On the left, at the foot of an old tree almost entirely despoiled of its bark and branches, a man standing, a woman seated, and a child placed on a promontory, are looking at barks struggling against the rising tide. — Signed : L. Back. Collection of Louis XVIII. 8 Sea piece. U. 0,66. — W. 0,80. — C. — Heads o,05. On a rough sea, two sailors are steering a boat tovr ards a bark, whose sail is very much inclined. At some dis- tance, and on the right, a large Dutch vessel ; farther off other boats are seen. Napoleon Museum. 9 Sea piece. H. 0,5 0. — W. 0,68. — C — Heads 0,08. On the left, two fishermen are standing near a bark fastened to the shore; a Dutch vessel driven by the wind, 228 BACKUISEN. is leaving the coast In the back ground, several other vessels. Collection of Louis XVIII. BALEN (IlENRiK van), boi^n in Antwerp in 1560, died ih the same city in 1632. — (Floniaii School.) Pupil of Adam van Noort. 10 The repast of the gods, IT. 0,56. — W. 0,85. — W. ^ Heads 0,30. On the sea-shore, and at the entrance of a grotto decorated with shells, Neptune, Apollo, Saturn and Mars, are seated at a table, and served by nymphs ; on the right, a Cupid is presenting a cup to Mars ; on the left, two divinities are bringing fruits, a lobster, and a Cupid is dragging a large fish. Farther off, on the right, a table laden with plate. In the back ground, on the left, the triumph of Amphitrite. — Signed : H. V Balen. Old collection. BAMfiOGIIE^ - See Laar. BARENT VAN BRUSSEL. --SeeOY^tzr. BAUDOIN. — See BouDEwm'j, BEEUSTRAETEIV or BEERSTRAATEIV (A.- Jo- hannes), was painting in 1664. — (Dutch School.) There is no biographical informalion of this artist, 11 The old port of Genoa, H. 0,94. — W. 1,29. — C, — Heads o,09. The front of a church, terminated on the right, by a high square tower, and preceded by a peristyle, with BEGA (KORNELis Begyn). 229 columns and pilasters of red marble. In front, on the right, a small sculptured monument, on which is a cross, and Duilt at the foot of a stairs, leading down to the sea. On the ground, two dismounted cannon, and a broken l^hapiter. On the left, in the gulf, a vessel bearing the J)utch flag, and a boat filled with soldiers ; farther off, other vessels and a fort. — Signed : Johannes Beerstraa- ten fecit 1662. Collection of Louis XVIII. BEGA (Abraham or Adriaan), the date of his birth is not known; died at the end of the xvii^i^ century. — (Dutch School.) He followed the slvle of Nicolaas Bergliem, 12 Landscape. E. 0,6 i. — W. 0,5 0. — C. In the middle of a grove, two goats are before the antique whiie marble statue of a woman, whose pedestal is round, and concealed by brambles and thistles. Landscape. Signed : A. Bega. Old collection. BEGA (KoRNELis Begyn, dit) painter and engraver, bom in Harlem in 1620, and not in 1610 as has been stated, died of the plague in tlie same city the 21th of August i66Zi. —(Dutch School.) Pupil of Adriaan van Ostade. 13 Bustic scene, H. 0,4 4. — W. 0,39. — C. pasted on wood. — Heads 0,2 5, A man, seated near a table, is resting his hand on the shoulder of a woman, placed near him; on the right, 230 BEG A (KORNELIS Begyn). the first steps of a stairs. — Signed, on a plank on the ground ; G. Bega, A" 1652. Napoleon Museum. DEHAM or BOEHM (Hans-Sebald), painter ana engraver, born in Nuremberg in 1500, died at Frankfort on the Mein about 1550. — (German School.) Pupil of his uncle Battel Beham and of Albrecht Durcr. ill Subjects taken from the history of David, H. 1,28. — W. 1,31. — W. — Heads 0,05 to 0,07. This painting intended to be laid flat, and looked at like a table, is divided into four triangles by gilt lances, ornamented by coats of arms, which, beginning at the four angles, end in a square in the center, whose sides are parallel with those of the table. This square is itself diagonally separated in four equal parts, by the wings of four golden sphinx, each supporting a scroll on which is inscribed a latin distich, containing the explanation of the subject placed under it. 1" Entrance of King Saul into Jerusalem, after the defeat of the Philistines, Saul is on horseback, followed by a body of horsemen and foot soldiers ; David is near him. Women coming to meet them, are singing the praises of the latter, accom- panying themselves on divers instruments. In the back ground, the walls and the buildings of the city. On the scroll is written : FERT DAVio PRImOS SAVLi PRiELATVS HONORES DvM Novvs occiso mIles ab host redIt Regvm. xviii. 2* David and Bethsabee, Bethsabee, in a garden, is seated on the edge of a basin, in which she is bathing one of her less. Her women are ,:: 231 surrounding her, and pointing to a madman, who is running away, raising up his garment. In the fore ground, a stag and raDbits. At the end of a square, on the left, David at the window of his palace; on the square, David is handing to Uriah, spouse of Bethsabee, a message for Joab, who was besieging Rabbath. On the scroll IS written : Hang vioEx et svBiTO yism Rex ardet amore GLiSClT AD iNFANDA:\I S.EVA Lir.iDO NECEM. ii Pi £ GYM xi. On the right, Cardinal Albert, surrounded by several personages, is leaning on a balustrade. A scroll bears this German inscription : Albrech Von Goiis Gnaden Der HEiucnEN ROMisSCBEN KiRCHEN DES TlTELS. S. PETRi ADVInCVLA PrIeSTER CARDInAL DES IlEiLiOEN Stvls Zv MeIlNCZ Vnd Des StIft Magdebvrg Erczbischof Chvrfvrst Des HEiLioEN Uo.\i ReIcHS DVRCH GeRMAnIeN ERCZCA^XZLER Vnd PrImas ADMi>isTRATOR Zv Halberstat Marggraf Zv Brandenbvrg Zv StettIn Pvmern Der Cassvben Vr>D Wenden Herczog Bvrggraf Zv Nvrmberg Vnd Fvrst Zv Rvgen. 3* Siege of Rabbath, In front, on the right, tents are seen ; on the left, troops in battle order; .n the back ground, other troops storming the ramparts. On this scroll is written : MiTTlTVR iNNCCVVS PERITVRVS AB HOSTE MArItVS QVA TVTAM TENEAT CiEDE LiBiDO vIaM ii Regum. xi. 4« The Prophet Nathan before David. A square surrounded by rich buildings. The prophet Nathan is reproaching David with the crime he has committed; he is showing to him the poor man, whom the rich man has just deprived of the only sheep he pos- sessed. On the scroll 232 BEHAM. Nathan advlterII Davida redargvIt . vnam Delicias InopIs qui rapvisset ovem. . ii regvm xii. On the left, the painter, represented behind a desk, standing, a toque on his head and a compass in his hand. On the desk, the initials h s b; and on the wall, behind the painter, the following inscription : Sebaldvs behan Noribergensis PICTURAM HANG IlLUSTRISSIMO PRiNCiPi Alberto Card : archiep. : Moc : Hvivs artis aliarvmqve OMNIYM AMATORI, SVMMA CVRA PINGENS ABSOLVEBAT. ANO. 153Zl. Each of the four lances dividing the painting, bears four escutcheons of the principalities submitted to car- dinal Albert, and whose names are written on small scrolls ; these are : MAGDEBVRG, H . PART, . G . BVCZGAW, B. NVRMBERG. — HALBERSTAT. , . H . MALSGAST., . G . REPIN., . H . STETIN. — . H . RVGEN, . H . BVMMERN, . HE . BERNSTEIN irde tllB shield the word regalia); . m . brandenburg. — mencz, . H . CASSVBEN, . H . VSTVM., G . HOHENZOLLERN. Collection of Louis XIV. BERCHEM. — See Berghem. BERCKE YDEIV. — See Berfeyden. BERGEN or BERGHEN (Dirk van), born in Har^ lenij died about 1680. — (Dutch School.) Pupil or Andriaan van den Velde, 15 Landscape and animais, H. 0,60. — W. 0,7 2. — C. — Heads o,i4, A sheep, a ram, and a white bull are crossing a rivu- let, which flows on the o^m of ^ road. On the iQi't, a goat BERGHEM. 233 has already forded the streairu Farther off, a shepherd is leading a herd, composed of oxen, cows, goats and sheep, and is driving before him a mule loaded and richly caparisoned. In the back ground, a woman hol- ding her child in her arms, and riding an ass, which a man is leading by the bridle. — Signed : D. V. Bergen, 1688. Old collection. J 6 Landscape. H. 0,26. — W. 0,32. — C. pasted on wood. — Heads 0,05. A white horse and two cows , of which one is lying down, are near a tree. Farther off, on the right, a sheep is drinking from a rivulet. On the left, in the back ground, a peasant girl seated. — Signed : D. V. Berghen. Old collection. BERGHEM or BERCHEM (Nicolaas), painter and engraver, born in Harlem in i62Zi, died in the same city the I8th of February 1683. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of van Goyen. of N. Mojaert, of P. Grebber, of J. Wils and of J. B. Weenix. 17 View of the environs of Nice. H. 0,9 5. — W. 1,38. — C. — Heads 0,13. On the left, a village and a tower in ruins, on which is a mill, built on the banks of the Var, which falls into the sea, at some distance. In the horizon, the Alps, whose tops are lost in the clouds. On the right, on a road which is winding between trees and rocks, a shepherd and a peasant girl, carrying a basket on her head, are driving cattle. — Signed on the right ; C. Berghem. Collection of Louis XVI, 234 BERGHEM. 18 Landscape and animals, H. 1,3 0. — W, 1,9 5. — C. — Heads 0,20. On the left, rocks and large trees, on the banks of river, which crosses a road. At the foot ol the trees, sportsman, seated, and two coupled dogs, of which on is drinking. A shepherd, his legs bare, holding a lam in his arms, is crossing the ford. On the road, towards the right, a man, riding a mule laden with packages; near him, a woman on horseback, followed by two cows, and speaking to a country woman on foot, carrying a child and a bundle. Farther off, a man with an ox and an ass, preparing to cross the river. In the back ground, another man, leading animals, has stopped before an inn, on the edge of the road. — Signed : C. Berg hem F. 1653. Collection of Louis XVU 19 Thefora, n. 0,32. — W. 0,40, — W. —Heads 0,05. Three shepherds, folloved by four dogs, and driving a herd of cattle, are fording a river, which flows into a valley, terminated at the horizon, by high mountains. In the fore ground, towards the left, and on the banks of the river, a woman on horseback, is conversing with one of the shepherds, who is leaning on a long sti 32 Portrait of a man. H. 0,70. — W. 0,57. — C. — Bust Nat. S. He wears a furred cap, a grey garment, and two silver medals fastened to his left arm. He holds before him a foot-stove, on the top of which is placed an earthen chafing dish, filled with coals; he has taken one with a small tongs and is approaching it to his mouth. — Signed, on the side of the foot-stove : A, Bloe- maert Fe. '• Collection of Louis-Philippe. BLOEMEN or BLOOM (Johan or Jdlius-Franz van), called Orizonte, painter and engraver, born in Antwerp in 1656, died in Rome, in 17/t8, or i7Zi9.— (Flemish School.) The name of his master is unknown. 33 Italian scene. H. 0,74. — W. 0,98. — C. — Heads 0,1?. In the fore ground, two men seated near a road, are speaking to a woman standing. Farther off, on the left, a man is lying in the shade of large trees, and before him, another man leaning on a stick. On the right, a fountain, where three young girls are coming to draw water. In the back ground, buildings and a vast plain. Old collection, Zk Italian scene, H. 0,73. — W. 0,99. — C. — Heads 0,io. In the fore ground, a winding road, bordered on the left by a river, and on the right by large trees. A shep- herd, seated on a rock, on the road side, is talking with a woman standing, who carries a bundle on her head. On the other side of the river, and near the trees, are two women seated, and a man staading, leaning on 2ZiO BLOEMEN (van). a stick. In the back ground, at the foot of high mountains, a city and ruins of the Doric order. Old collection. 35 Italian scene, H. 0,99. — W. 1,37. — C. — Heads 0,14. On a road which winds through large trees and rocks, a man and a woman seated, are talking to a shepherd, standing and leaning on a stick. On the other side of the road, a city with towers and battlements ; factories on the water's edge, and high mountains in the horizon. Old collection. 36 Landscape, H. 0,98. — W. 1,33. — C. — Heads 0,15. Shepherds, watching their flocks, are resting on the banks of a river, which divides the country into two parts. On the right, is seen a woman on horseback. Old collection. 37 Landscape, H. 0,72. — W. 0,96. — C — Heads, 0,12. On the left, three men, two seated on the ground and one standing, followed by two greyhounds, are resting on the side of a sinuous road, leading to a river. In the back ground, a city built against hills. Collection of Louis XIV. 38 Landscape, H. 0,72. — W. 0,96. — C. — Heads 0,i2t Three shepherds, in antique costume, are resting on the road side ; two are lying down, one is standing. BOL. 2il Farther off, on the left, other shepherds are leading a flock near a torrent. In the back ground, on the summit of a mountain, buildings surrounded by trees. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. i>OEHM (Hans-Sebald). — 5eeB£HAM. BOL (Ferdinand), painter and engraver, bom in Dordrechv about 1610, died at Amsterdam in 1681. — (Dutch School.) He was one of the best pupils of Rembrandt. 39 A Philosopher in meditation, H. 1,45. — W. 1,37. — C. — Half length Nat. S. An old man with white moustaches, and clothed in a robe of serge, under which is seen a red garment, is seated in an arm-chair ; he is leaning on a cane and holds a letter. On a table covered with a cloth, a book, a skull, a guitar, a flute, a map of the world, a helmet and an embroidered scarf are placed before him. Collection of Louis XVI. AO A young Dutch prince, in a chariot drawn by goats, H. 2,11. — W. 2,49. — C. — Heads Nat. S. A young prince, wearing a green toque, embroidered with silver, and a doublet of the same color, with a chaiD, and a medal of gold on his neck, is seated in a gilt chariot drawn by two goats ; he is supported by a youn^ page. A child with a toque and a red dress, placed in front of the chariot, holds the reins. Four genii accom- pany the chariot : one guides the goats, the others are playing on the tabour and trkag]^- — Signed : f bol. 165/u Old collecUoQ «1 2/i2 BOL hi Portrait of a matfiematician» H. 0,77, — "W. 0,63. — a — Bust Nat. S, Three quarters. He is turned to the right, with a black cap on his head, and \vears a black garment. He is leaning on a stone plinth, holding in his hand a sort of brass ruler, and pointing to a figure of geometry, traced in chalk on the wall, on the right. Colleclion of Louis XV, A2 Portrait of a man, H. 1,18. — W. 0,99. — C. — Half length. He is dressed in black, his head bare, seen nearly full face ; wears a white collar, has his right hand resting on his hip, and the left leaning on a stone balustrade, on which his hat is placed. Signed ; F. BoL 1659. Napoleon Museum. BORCH. — See Terbdrg. BOTH (Jan), called Both d'Italie, painter and engraver, bom in Utrecht in 1610, died in 1650. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Abraham Bloemaert. A3 Landscape, H. 1,56. — W. 2,11, — C. s— Heads 0,18. A gentleman on horseback, and a lady on a mule, are coming down a road, bordered by trees and rocks, under the care of a guide, who is speaking to a peasant, seated on a mound on the road side. Farther otf, on the left, a man is riding his horse over a wooden bridge, which BOUDEWYNS. 243 crosses a torrent. In the back ground, a valley and mountains, illuminated by the setting sun. — Signed : J. Both. Collection of Louis XVI, Ilk Landscape, H. 0,70.— W. 0,58. — C. — Heads o,06. In a hollow road, overlooked by rocks, two asses loaded, are led by a peasant. In the fore ground, another peasant is talking to a shepherd, near whom, a dog and two goats are lying. Mountains in the back ground. Sunset Napoleon Museum. BOUCK or BOUCLE (Van). The date of his birth is unknown; died at the Hotel-Dieu, in Paris, in 1673. ~ — (Flemish School.) He was a pupil of Snyders, and painted animals particularly, 45 Valet watching game. H. 1,5 8. — W. 2,16. ■— a — Nat. S. On the right, a valet, seated, and holding a basket in which are bottles, is smTounded by dogs ; before him, and placed on the ground, are a buck, a woodcock, a heron and other game. Old collection, BOUDEWYXS ( Anton-Frahz ) , 'painter and engraver, — (Flemish School.) Pupil of van der Meulen, i6 Fish market, H. 0,52, — W. 0,81. — W, — Heads o,08. On the borders of a canal of a town in Holland, fish- ermen are landing fish ; farther off, market womeo 2/ia BOUDEWYNS. under sheds, and customers. On the canal, sail and rovvboats ; in the back ground a large church. Old collection. 3RAUWEn, BRAWER, BRAUER, BROWER and BUOIjWESl, (Adriaan), painter and engraver, born in Uo.rlem in 1608 , died at Antwerp in 16/i0. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Franck Hals. 47 A tap room. H. 0,20. — W, 0,28. — W. — Heads 0,15. A man, turning his back, seated on a washing tub upset, and resting his elbows on a table. Another, opposite to him, is lighting his pipe, with coals, placed in a chafing-dish, on the ground. Farther off, on the right, a man is kissing a woman, seated on a bench. In the back ground, against a chimney, a little girl, and two men standing and talking. Old coUeclion. BRECKELEIVCAMP or BRECKLIIVCAMP (Qdirir van), lived in 1660 and in 1668. — (Dutch School.) The name of his master is unknown. kS A monk writing, H, 0,21. — W. 0,17. — W, —Figures half length. Seated on a bench, near a small table, where an inkstand is placed, an old man with a white beard, clothed in coarse clothe is writing in a large book, which he holds on his knees. Old colleclion. EREEMBERG. 2Zi5 BREDA ( JOHANN \A^ ), born in Antwerp the i9th of March 1683, died in the same city the i9th of February 1750. — (Flemish School.) He imitated the style of Breughel de Velours and of Wouwerman, h9 A Camp, H. 0,21. — W. 0,25. — Cop. — Heads o,06. A body of troops, have erected their tents on each side of a road, near a village. In the fore ground, a trooper is holding a horse by the bridle ; behind him, a white horse saddled, is eating out of a trough, at the foot of which, another horse is lying down. Collection of Louis XVIII. BREEMBERG (Bartolomeus), painter and engraver, born in Utrecht, in 1620, died in 1660 or 1663. — (Dutch School.) The name of his master is unknown, 50 Landscape, — The repose of the Holy Family. H. 0,27. — W. 0,35. — Cop. — Heads 0,09, On the left, saint Joseph, seated on fragments of ar- chitecture, and leaning on a stone; near him, the Vir- gin, also seated, and holding the Infant Jesus, sleeping. On the right, in the back ground, shepherds pasturing their flocks, at the foot of the ruins. Old collection. 51 Martyrdom of saint Stephen, H. 0,40. — W. 0,54. —Cop, — Heads 0,12. Saint Stephen is stoned to death, near the walls of Rome, at the gate of saint Sebastian. In the center of the 246 BREEMBERG. painting, a man is trusting the young Saul, with the care of his clothes. On the left, standing on ruins, two men, of whom one is drawing his sword, and driving back with his foot, a young man , attempting to scale the ruins. Under them, three doctors of the law are con-» versing together. Collection of Louis XTV, 62 View ofCampo-Vaccino in Rome. H. 0,54. — W. 0,74. — W. — Heads 0,09, Near the ruins of the Golisseum, women are washing linen at a fountain, and a man watering his horse. In front, a man, leading a cow with a halter, is talking with an old man, and a shepherd holding a stick; far- ther off, on the left, another shepherd is watching his cattle at the foot of the ruins; on the right, a woman is walking near an ass. In the back ground , the mole of Adrian, now called the castle of Saint-Ange. Old collection. 53 View of Campo- Vaccina, H, 0,40, — W. 0,5 5, — Cop, — Heads o,06. Repetition of the preceding picture, with a few less figures. Old collection. bti Ruins of ancient Rome, H, 0,26. — W. 0,34. — Cop, — Heads 0,05. Before the remains of a temple of the Ionic or- der, peasants are driving their herds. Farther off, a cattle market, at the foot of a rotundo in ruins. Amongst the figures in the fore ground', a woman is seen nur- sing her child, whom another child is caressing. Old collection- BREUGHEL (Peter). . 2A7 55 Landscape, — Ruins of ancient Rome, H. 0,43. — W, 0,56, — Cop, — Heads o,09. On the right, at the foot of a monument, decorated with a bas-relief representing a sacrifice, a woman is washing linen at a fountain; near her, two men, of whom one is holding a horse laden with packages, are talking together. On the left, farther off, the gate of the Farnese gardens, part of the remains of the palace of the Gesars,and animals. In the back ground the country of Rome. Old colleclion, BRECKLIlVCAMP. — 5^^ BRECKELENCAMPb BREUGHEL (Peter), catted Le Vieux, born in Breughel, vittage near Breda, according to some authors in 1510, and more probabty according to others, in 1530, died in Brussels about 1600. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Pieter Koeck d'Alost and of Hieronymus Kock. 56 Village scene, H. 0,12. — W, 0,17. — W, — Heads 0,025. On a road near the banks of a river, two country- women and a peasant are seated on the ground, with bundles near them. They are talking to a man, driving a cart drawn by a white horse, and leaning on a stick. On the right, boats are fastened to the shore. In the back ground, a wooden bridge on the river, and, on the left, several personages standing before an inn. Old colleclioD, 57 Dancing in the country. H. 0,12. — W, 0,17, — W. — Heads o,03. Peasants are dancing in the middle of a large street in a village, and in front of an inn. On the left, other 248 BREUGHEL (Peter). peasants, standing near a pond, and a man, watering a v»'hit5 horse. In the fore ground, a woman seated, Avith her child ; near her, two men and another woman standing. Old collection. IREUGHEL (JoHANN),ca//cf/ De Velours, born in Bna:- sels in 1569, according to Resta, and, according to oiha authors in 1575 or in 1589; died in 1625, or in 16/i2 according to Felibien. — (Flemish School. ) Pupil of Peter Koeck d'Alost and of Goe KindU 58 The terrestrial Paradise, H. 0,46. — W. 0,67 — Cop. In the fore ground, animals, in the shade of large trees. On the left, a horse, a lion, a tiger; in the cen- ter, a peacock ; on the right, a wolf. In the back ground, on the left, God the Father, Adam and Eve; on the right, aquatic birds on a river. Napoleon Museum. 59 The air, II. 0,4 5. — W. 0,6 5. — Cop. — Heads o,i5. Urania, seated on clouds hovering over an immense valle3% holds in one hand a celestial globe, and in the other, a white parrot. Near her, the Genius of Astron- omy is observing with a telescope, the cars of Apollo and Diana, driven through the Heavens. Several small genii of the air, are pursuing birds. On the right, in the fore ground, other genii arc near optical instruments. On the ground, and on the trees, birds of every kind. — Signed, on one of the instruments : brveghel, 1621. Napoleon Museum. BREUGHFX (Johann). 2Zi9 60 The battle of ArbeUes, H, o,86, — W» 1,35. — W. — Heads 0,12. The battle takes place in an immense valley, bounded on the right by high woodland mountains, and on the side of a hill , with large trees. The number of figures, which the painter has introduced in this composition, is incalculable. On the right, are seen the family of Darius made prisoners, and the wife of the King, kneeling to Alexander, surrounded by soldiers. Old collection. 61 Landscape. — Vertumnus and Pomona, H. 0,49. — W. 0,64. — W. ~ Heads 0,12, In the center of the composition, Pomona, a sickle in her hand, and seated at the foot of a tree, loaded with fruit, appears to be listening to the complaints of Vertumnus, who has taken the form of an old woman. On the left, in the fore ground, fruits of all kinds, are lying on the ground ; farther off, gardens and a palace. On the right, a cart, and, beyond it, a canal, on the banks of which is built a rustic habitation. In the back ground on an eminence, a windmill ; in the horizon, a steeple. Given in 1 8 5 by M' Pierret. 62 View of Tivoli. Round shape. — Diameter 0,21. — Cop.— Heads 0,03. In the fore ground, horsemen having just crossed a large bridge , and near which is built , on a rock , the temple of the Sibyl; farther oxT, men, bathing their horses. Napoleon Museum. a 3 Landscape. H, 0,14. — W, 0j20, — Cop. '— Heads 0,025, A boat, carrying several richly clad personages , is landing on a shore where valets, horses and a carriage 250 BREUGHEL (Johann). are waiting. Farther off, other boats fastened near the shore, and in the back ground, the entrance of a village. Old coUeclion. 6A Landscape, - H. 0,13. — W. 0,19. — Cop, — Heads 0,025. On a road passing before a mill, two horsemen are meeting a chariot, drawn by three horses ; farther off, asheplierd driving a herd of cattle. In the background, a church in ruins. Old collection. BRIL (Matthaus), born in Antwerp, in 1550, died at Home in 158/i. — (Flemish School.) The name of his master is unknown. 65 Landscape. — The Deer htinU H. 1,0 5. — Yv'. 1,3 6. — C. — Heads 0,15. In the midst of a forest, hunters and a woman on horseback, are pursuing the deer, at bay. In the back ground, on the right, a man, leading a caparisoned mule, and laden with packages. On the other side, a vast meadow, and mountains in the horizon. Old collection. ^6 Landscape, — The stag hunt, H. 1,05. — V\\ 1,35. — C. — Heads, 0,15. On the left, a horseman, and other huntsmen on foot, are coming down a steep pathway, with their dogs, and are pursuing a stag, which is rushing towards a pond, at the foot of a hill. On the right, rabbits are seen. Old collection. BRIL (Paul). 261 BRIL (Paul), painter and engraver, bom in Antwerp in 155Zi, died at Rome, in 1626. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Daniel Wortelmans, or rather of Damien Oortelman. 7 Landscape » — Duck shooting, H. 1,04. — W. 1,47. — C. — Heads o,i5. On the right, behind a large tree, two sportsmen on the catch, are watching ducks, on the borders of a pond, situated in the center of a thick forest. On the other side of the pond, oxen and cows. Old collection.* 68 Landscape, — Diana and hernymphs, H. 1,04. — W. 1,47. — C. — Heads, 0,15. In the fore ground, a river shaded by large trees, and crossed by a wooden bridge. Diana, a quiver on her back, a bow in her hand, crosses the bridge followed by two of her nymphs. Farther off, other nymphs leading the dogs. Old collection. 69 Landscape, — Fishermen, H. 0,46. — W, 0,71. — C — Heads 0,07. On the right, on the banks of a river, winding between two hills covered with trees, a fisherman standing, holds his net on his shoulder ; another man is seated on the ground. Farther off, two men are pushing a boat through aquatic plants. On the left, rocks, trees, a dog and rabbits are seen. In the back ground, a cascade, which 252 BRIL (Paul). is falling from high mountains into a river, crossed by a wooden bridge. — Signed : Pa. Brilli, 162Zi. Collection of Louis XIV. '0 Landscape. — Pan and Syrinx, H. 0,38. — W. 0,60. — Cop. — Heads 0,06. On the left, the nymph Syrinx, pursued by the god Pan, is rushing into the river Ladon, in Arcadia, where she is metamorphosed into a reed. Farther ofT, on the right, a nymph, bathing at the foot of a mass of rocks, and fauns standing near those rocks, which form a sort of grotto. Collection of Louis XIV. 71 Landscape, H. 0,70. — W. 1,01. — C, — Heads 0,I2. In the fore ground , on the left, near a rustic habi- tation, a woman is milking a cow. On the right, a shepherd, goats and ducks. Farther off, a river, flowing between rocks, from Avhich is falling a cascade. Cattle are coming to the river. — This painting is signed i Paol Brilli 1620, Napoleon Museum. 72 Landscape. II. 0,46. — W. 0,7 5. — W. — Heads 0,07. Cows are seen coming out of a stable, and going towards a small wooden bridge, leading to a road on the left. At the end of this road, a house with a door, open- ing on the country. In the fore ground, and in tlie cen- ter of the painting, a man, a stick in his hand, guiding the animals as they come out. On the right, two women are washing linen in a tub; another is drawing water from a well. On the left, three ducks are seen, r\,\ cnllL-oiicn. CEULEN (VAN). 73 Landscape. H. 0,97. — W. 1,44. — C. — Heads 0,10. On a road, which passes before a villa, situated on a hill, shepherds are leading: flocks of goats and sheep ; ducks are dabbling in a pond. On the left, beyond the road, on an eminence, ruins, surrounded by trees, and a valley, bounded by mountains. — Signed : P. Bril p. 1617. Old collection , 7/i Landscape* — Saint Jerome in prayer, H. 0,87. — W. 1,15. — C. — Heads 0,12. On the left, in the middle of a defile, formed by im- mense rocks, saint Jerome is kneeling in his hut, before a crucifix; his lion is near him. Farther off, two men, of whom one is riding an ass, are coming down from the rocks. On the right, two shepherds, goats and sheep. — Signed : P. Bril 1609. Old collection. BROUWER or BROWER. — See Brauwer. CEULEiV or KEULEJV (Cornelis-Janson van). The year of his birth is unknown, and Nagler fixes that of his death in 1656. A painting by him is known to be dated 16Zi7. — (Dutch School.) The name of his master is unknown. 75 Portrait of a man, H. 1,10. — W. 0,9 0. — C. — Half length, Nat. S, He wears moustaches, a beard on his chin, and his hair is parted in the middle. He has a black garment 254 CEULEN (van). and a mantle of the same colour, cuffs, and a small turned down white collar. CoUeclion of Louis XVIII. CHAMPAIGiVE (Philippe de), bom in Brusselsin 1602, died in Paris the ihtli of August 167/i, and was buried at Saint-Gervais» — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Bouillon, of Michel Bourdeaux, of Fouqpuire and ol rAllemand. 76 The repast at the house of Simon the Pharisee. II. 2,92. — W. 3,99. — C. — Nat. S. The table of the banquet is laid at the end of a large hall, terminated by a portico, composed of two columns, placed between two pilasters of the Ionic order. The guests of Simon are Ijing on couches, placed round the table. On the left, Magdalen prostrate , is wiping with her hair the feet of Christ, whose sandals are on the ground, and who is pointing out the repenting sinner to Simon, lying opposite to him. In front, and in the center of the picture, a large brass vase, where per- fumes are burning, placed on a stool, also of metal, and born by feet in the shape of claws. Napoleon Museum, 77 Jesus Christ celebrating the Passover with his disciples, H. 1,58. — W. 2,33. — C. — Heads small S. In the center of the painting, Christ, seated at a table, surrounded by his twelve disciples, of whom three are standing, is raising his eyes towards Heaven, and holds the bread which he is going to consecrate. On the table is seen a small vase with two handles ; another much larger, in the shape of a jug, is placed on the ground, in the fore ground. Napoleon Mnsenm. CHAMPAIGxME (de). 255 78 Christ on the cross. H. 1,46. — - W. 0,80. — C. — Half S. Of ?erusflem^^ ^^°^^^ ^^^ ^^®" ^^® ^^^^ ^^^ ramparts 01(1 collectioD. 79 Christ in his winding sheet. H. 0,6 8. — AV. 1,9 7. — C. — Heads Nat, S. Below the head of Christ, on the left, the crown of thorns. On the edge of the stone which supports the bodv almost entirely naked, is incribed : Quicumque baptizaii sumus inChnsto Jesu, in morte ipsius baptizciti sumus, Consepuitiemmsimus cum iUo per baptismum in mortem, Romanor. 6. v. 3 and U. Napoleou Museum. 80 Apparition of saint Gervase and saint Protase to Saint Ambrose, bishop of Milan. H. 3,60. — W. 6,81. — C. — Larger than life. Saint Ambrose, kneeling, is contemolating the lumi- nous apparition of two martyrs, brought to him by saint Paul. Under the clouds which bear them, are seen fasces of hctors, a bow, a quiver full of arrows, a trumpet an oar, green wreaths, and a vase fall of gold pieces.' On the right, behind saint Ambrose, two candelabras, and the episcopal seat, under a canopy of red velvet. In the back ground, behind a balustrade, the Milanese in croAvds, are witnessing the miracle, in the basilic of j-.aint-Fehx-and-Saint-.Nabor. It is night, a few lamps light dimly the church, and the moon, which is seen through the windows, shines with a bright light. Old colleclion 256 CHAMPAIGNE (de). 81 Removal of the bodies of saint Gervase andsaint Protase, H.3,60.— W. 6,81. —C.-— Heads larger than life. After having been disinterred, by the orders of saint Ambrose, bishop of Milan, the bodies of the two saints, lying on a bed, are transported in procession by prelates, to the basilic Fausta. In the fore ground, on the left, a man possessed with an evil spirit, thrown down and held by two men, one of whom is showing him the martyrs; near them, a man kneeling, his hands joined, and his arms extended towards the two saints. On the right, a man prostrate. ^ Old collection. 82 The apostle saint Philip. H, 1^17. — W. 0,89. — C. — Half length Nat, S. The saint carries on his left arm a cross, the instru- ment of his martyrdom, and raises his eyes towards Heaven, which he appears to be imploring. Napoleon Museum, 83 Portraits of Mother Catherine-Agnes Arnaidd, and of sister Catherine de Sainte Suzanne, daughter of Philippe de Champaigne, H. 1,65. — W. 2,29. — C. — Heads Nat. S, Sister Sainte Suzanne is seated in a straw arm chair, her hands joined, a box of relics open on her knees, her feet on a stool covered with a cushion. On the right, near her, a prayer book on a straw chair; behind the stool, Mother Agnes kneeling, is praying, her hands joined, and illuminated by celestial rays; behind the head of sister Sainte Suzanne, a wooden cross is hanging on the wall of the cell. On the painting is written the following inscription : CHAIMPAIGNE (de). 257 CHRISTO ViM MEDICO ANDIARVM ET CORPORVM. SOROR CATHARIXA SVSA^A'A DE CHAMPAIGNE POST FEBREM. 1Z|. ME^'SI v-\I CONTVMACIA ET MAGNITVDL\E SYMPTOMATVM MEDICIS FORMIDATAM, lATERCEPTO MOTV DDIIDII FERE' COR PORTS, NATVRA lAM FATISCENTE MEDICIS CEDENTIBVS, IVrsCTIS CVM MATRE CATHARIIN'A AGXETE PRECIBVS PVACTO, TEMPORIS PERFECTAM SANITATEM CO:VSECVTA SE ITERVM OFFERT. PHILIPPVS DE CHAMPAIGNE HANC IMAGINEM TANTI M'IRACVLI, ET L^TITI^ SV.E TESTEM APPOSVIT A" 1662 Old collection. Sh Landscape. H. 2,20. — W. 3,26. — C. — Heads 0,40. On the right, a mass of rocks, from which is falling in cascades a torrent, which afterwards flows into a pond. Between the pond and the rocks, a monk is knee- ling in adoration, before a rustic altar. On the left, and on the other side of a wooden bridge, thrown across the torrent, iMary, niece of saint Abraham, hermit, is receiving in her cell the visit of a recluse. Old collection. "Sb Landscape, H. 2,20. — W. 3,36. — C. — Heads 0,40. In the fore ground, on the left, a torrent, across which are thrown two planks, fixed by stakes. Near the bridge, two men are carrying a woman, lying on a litter. Farther on the left, a 'grotto surrounded by large trees, in the midst of which the penitent Mary, kneeling, her hands joined, is praying to Heaven, for a 258 CHAMPAIGiNE (de). sick person, kneeling before her, and supported by a man. In the back ground, a road leading to buildings, situated on the borders of a lake , bounded on the horizon by high mountains. Old collection. 6 Louis XIII crowned by Victory, H. 2,26. — W. 1,7 6. — C. — Heads Nat, S. Louis XIII Standing, wearing a cuirass, cuishes, armlets and a white scarf, covering the ribbon of the order of the Holy Ghost, has the right hand resting on his hip, and leans with the left on a cane. His helmet and his gauntlets are on a table, covered with a red cloth, and placed in front of a curtain of the same colour. Victory, flj'ing, and holding a palm branch in the left hand, places on his head, a wreath of laurels. In the back ground, the city and the mole of La Rochelle. — On the left, on the ground, is seen the following inscription : .... AVXILIO SOCIOS, QVI FORTIBVS ARMIS .... DFNDIT, LiESAQAE IVRA DEI. Old collection. 87 Full length portrait of Armand-Jean du Pies- sis, due de Richelieu, Cardinal and Minister of State, born in 1515, diedin 16/i2. H. 2,22. — W. 1,55. — C. — Head Nat. S. He is standing, in the costume of a cardinal, his head covered with a red calotte, and wearing the ribbon of the order of the Holy Ghost; he is holding his cap in his right hand. In the back ground, a curtain with large figures. Old coilectioo. CHAMPAIGNE (de). 259 88 Portrait of Robert Arnaiid d*AndiUy. H. 0,91. — W. 0,-2. — C. — Bust, Nat. S. He is seen nearly full face, his head bare, wrapped in a mantle, and his right hand resting on the railing of the window; under this railing is written : Phi*. Champaigne. F. a** 1650. Napoleon Museum. 89 Portrait of Philippe de Champaigne, H. 1,19. — W. 0,91. — C. — BustNaU S. He is standing, seen three quarters, his head bare, wrapped in a black mantle, leaning on a mound, his right hand resting on his breast. He holds in the left hand, a scroll, on which is the date of 1668. Behind him, a cluster of trees ; in the back ground, on the left, a landscape and the city of Brussels : Sainte Gudule and the front of the Town-House are also seen. Old collection. 90 Portrait of a man, H. j88. — W, 0,68. — C. — Bust Nat. S. Three quarters. He is turned to the left and his head is bare. He is dressed in black, with plaited cuffs, and a small white collar. He is turning over the leaves of a volume of Seneca, placed on four other volumes, which he uses as a desk ; those books are placed on a sort of stone wall, decorated with ovolos, on which is written the date A" 16Zt8. Collection of Louis XYIII. 91 Portrait of a young girl. H. 1,23. — W. 0,89. — C, — Nat. S. She wears a cap and white apron, trimmed with lace, cufifs, a collar, a grey dress with slashed sleeves, ace or- 260 CHA^JPAIGNE (de). ding to the fashion adopted under Louis XIII, and hold> on her finger a falcon. In the l^ack ground, curtain and a table, covered with red velvet. — On the righi on the lower part of the painting is written : age 5 years a MONTHS. Old collection. 92 Portrait of a young girl five or six years old. H. 0,60. — W. 0,56. — Oval shape. — C. — Half length Nat. S. She is seen full face, and her hands joined; wears a veil on her head, a white dress, and a blue mantle. Old collection. 93 Portrait of a woman, H. 0,61. — W. 0,51. — C. — Bust Nat. S. Three quarters. She is turned to the left, wears a brown dress, a black veil on her head, and a ribbon of the same colour round her neck. Collection of Charles X, OA Portraits of Francois Mansard and of Claude Perrault, architects. H. 0,85. — W. 1,12. — C. — Bust Nat. S, Mansard is on the left, his head bare, with a black mantle, and PeiTault on the right, also bareheaded, with a white collar, a grey coat and a mantle of the same colour, are both leaning on a stone plinth. Perrault is pointing to a monument, in front of which, is seen the statue of a woman, holding a crown. On the plinth is written the names of those two personages : on the left, Mansard; on the right, h." 1656, PerrautU Collection of Louis-Philippe. CRAESBEKE (van). 261 95 Education of Achilles. — Archery, H. 1,00. — W. 3,57. — C. — Heads 0,60. On the left, the young Achilles, accompanied by the centaur Chiron, is preparing to shoot at a target, placed on a wall, at the other extremity of the painting. INear Achilles, are youths holding javelins, and near the mark, behind a barrier, several spectators. Old eollection. 96 Education of Achilles. — Chariot races. H. 1,00. — W. 3,57. — C. — Heads o,60. The young Achilles is driving a chariot, drawn by four white horses. Before him, on the right, the centaur Chiron, a quiver on his shoulder, a crown in one hand, and a palm branch in the other. In the back ground a barrier and spectators. Old collection. CRAESBEKE or GRAESBEEK (Joost van), /;^m in Brussels in 1608, died at Antwerp in IGZil. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Brauwer, 97 Craesbeke painting a portrait, H. 0,85. — W. 1,02. — W. — Heads 0,45. A man, with a broad brimmed hat, is seated close to a table covered with a cloth, on which he is resting his right arm. He holds in his right hand a brush, and in his left a little dog. A young man standing, his hat under his arm, is leaning on the back of the chair of the mo- del, and is looking at the portrait. Farther on the right, a young page, his head uncovered, carries a sword too large for his size, which is probably the one the model has taken off. Craesbeke, seated before his easel, turns his head, and looks at a glass of wine, offered to him by an attendant, placed behind the table. Quite on the left, 262 CRAESBEKE (van). a man standing, is singing and accompanying hims with a guitar. In the back ground, a servant ente bringing a cup on a plate. A picture representing gr tesque figures, and a bed with large curtains; in th fore ground and in the center of the picture, a small stool with a pipe and tobacco lying on it, are the onlj furniture in the room. Collection of Louis XVI. CRAEYER. —5^5 Grayer. CRANACH or KRANACH Le Viedx, called Lvci^s Sunder), painter and engraver, born in Cranach, in the diocess of Bamberg {in Franconia), in l/i72; died at Wei- mar, in 1553, at the age of Sk. — (German School.) He is supposed to have been the pupil of his father. 98 Venus in a landscape, H. 0,38. — W. 0,26. — W. — Heads 0,3i. Venus is standing naked, a red toque on her head, and is holding a light gauze scarf. She wears a necklace of gold, ornamented with pearls and precious stones. Behind her, on the left, trees are seen ; in the back ground, on the right, a high mountain, on which a city is built ; below, another city with fortifications, a church and high steeples, which are reflected in a lake. On the gKound , on the right, is seen a sort of winged dragon, holding a ring, the artist's mark; and the date of 1529. Napoleon Museum. 99 Portrait of Jean Frederic III, Duke and Elec- tor of Saxony, surnamcd the Magnanimous, born m 1503, died inlbhh. H. 0,13. — W. 0,14. — W. — BusU His head is covered with a black toque, his beard and moustaches almost white, and bn wears a robe trimmed GRAYER (de). 263 with fur. On the left, the winged dragon, mark of the artist, and the date of 1532. On the right, on the upper part of the painting, is written in german characters ; Fridericli der Drit churfurst und herzog zu Sachessen, Napoleon Museum. 100 Portrait of a man, II. 0,51. — W. 0,37. — W. — Bust small S. His hands are joined. He wears a beard and moustache! and a blaclc toque, ornamented with feathers of the same colour, and jewels. A gold chain, twisted four times round his neck, is fastened by a sort of dolphin, holding in its mouth a ball of chased gold. The linen which covers the upper part of his breast, is crossed by three horizontal bands of red silk, on which are embroi- dered in beads, this sign g, without doubt the initial of his name. His doublet, formed with alternate bands of satin and of black velvet, is covered with a robe of the same texture, and trimmed with fur. On the left, above his shoulder, is seen the winged dragon, mark of the artist, and the date 1531. Napoleon Museum. CRAYER, KRAYER or CRAEYER (Gaspard de), born in Antwerp in 1582 or 1585, died in Ghent the 11th of January 1669. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Raphael Coxcie. 101 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus adored by numerous saints. H, 3,89. — W. 2,73. — C. — Nat. S. The Virgin, seated on an elevated throne, in front of a niche, holds on her knees the Infant Jesus, who is receiving a basket of ros&% from saint Dorothea. Behind 26Zi GRAYER (de). her saint Barbe, and her tower. At the foot of tlie throne, on the right, saint Magdalen de Ruzzi, carmelite ; on the steps, saint Austin kneeling, offering a burning heart. In the center, an angel carrying his crosier. On the left, saint Antony, holding a rosary and a cross ; finally, saint Stephen, a palm in his hand. Old collection. 102 Saint Austin in ecstasy, H. 2,90. — W. 1,95. — C. — HeadsNat. S. Saint Austin in his episcopal costume, kneeling, and supported by two angels, is receiving the celestial rays, passing through clouds, on which three angels are born. On the right, a young deacon is holding the mitre of the bishop, and an angel his crosier. On the left. Religion, standing, wearing a cope, with the keys, the cross, the tiara; and the Holy Ghost, hoveringover his head, is pointing to the saint. Before Religion, a child naked, carrying a book and a branch of an olive tree, is lean- ing on a marble escutcheon, where are painted vo- mes on the sides of which is written : opera sancti AVGVSTINI. CoUeclion of Louis XVI, 103 Equestrian portrait of Ferdinand, Infant of Spain, Archduke of Austria, Governor of the Netherlands, surnamcd le Cardinal- Infant, born in 1609^ died in 16/il. H. 3,0 2. — W. '2,4 3. — C. — Heads Nat. S; His head is bare, he wears an armor, on which a red scarf is placed crosswise, and leans on a staff of com- mand. He is riding a bay horse, with a very small head: the saddle is red. Landscape. Collectiou of Louis-Philippe. CUTP. 265 CUYP or KUYP (AAlbert), painter and engraver, born in Dordrecht in 1605. The date of his death is uncertairi, but it is known by his name being inscribed in the city register, that he was still living m 1672.— (Dutch School). Pupil of Jakob-Gerrilz Cuyp. 104 Landscape. H. 1,71 — W. 2,29. — C. — Heads 0,60. On the left, a shepherd seated, is playing on the pipe, and watching six cows, of which three are lying down. Two children, standing near him, are listening to him, and patting his dog. In the bacli ground, on the same side, beyond a river ; a town, a steeple, and two mills are seen. On the right, on a height, are sheep, led by a shepherd and two children, — Signed : A. Cuyp. Collection of Louis XM. 105 A riding party, H. 1,19. — W. 1,52. — C. — Heads 0,55. A horseman, dressed in red, is riding a dapple grey horse ; an attendant, a cimeter at his side, in a respect- ful attitude, holds with one hand, the bridle of his horse, and with the other the stirrup, to which the horseman is pointing with his whip. On the left, behind the prin- cipal personage, another horseman dressed in black, riding a bay horse, has just come out of a low and arched gate. On the right, in the fore ground, two dogs, of which one is lying down. In the back ground, hills, two shepherds near a house, and watching a flock of sheep. Collection of Louis XIV. 106 The riding party, e. 1,17. — W. 1,82. — C. — Heads 'j, 5 5, A horseman, dressed in blue velvet, a sort of ^hlte turban on his head, riding a dapple grey horse, is pas^ 12 266 CUYP. ing in front of a wood, accompanied by two personages of inferior rank, also on liorseback. The one who is in front, turns back to speak to him; the other, who is beliind, is receiving a partridge from a game-keeper, followed by two dogs. On the right, the country; three cows lying down, and one standing; in the back ground, are seen high hills, towers in ruins, and buildings, be- fore which are a few horses and figures. Colleclion of Louis XYI. 1 07 Portraits of children, H. 1,24. — W. i,00. — C. — Heads Nat. S. A young girl, her head bare, dressed in yellow, seat- ed, and holding a crook, is feeding with leaves a goat, held by a young boy, kneeling, and who wears a broad brimmed hat. Old collection. 108 Portrait of a man, H. 0,78. — W. 0,65. — W. — Bust Nat. S. He wears a black toque with a white feather, a white neckcloth, and a coat of purple velvet; he holds a par- tridge and a gun. Collection ot Louis XYIII. 09 Sea piece. II. 1,08. — W. 1,48. — C. — Heads o,io. Three sail boats are beaten about in a stormy sea. On the left, a skiff, manned by three rowers; farther off, on the right, a house built on stakes, and near which the masts of other vessels are seen. Flashes of lightning are seen in the Heavens. Old collection. DEKKER. 267 DAEL (JEAN-FRANgois van), born in Antwerp the Tlih of May 176Zi, knight of the Legion of Honour in 1825, died in Paris the 20th of March 1840. — (Flemish School.) The name of his master is not known. 110 Flowers in an agate vase, placed on a marbte table. H. 0,82. — W. 0,63 — C. Hollyhocks, yellow roses, tulips,»peonles, carnations, etc., compose this bouquet. Roses and primroses are scattered at the foot of the vase. — Signed : Van DAEL 1816. Collection of Louis XVIII. ill Fruits lying on a marble table, H. 0,82. — "W. 0,62. — W. Black and white grapes, peaches, plums, apricots and two pine-apples. Signed : Van Dael 1819. Collection of Louis XYIII. 112 Flowers in an agate vase ^ placed on a marble table. H. 1,1 6, — W, 0,8 8, — C. Roses, peonies, tulips, hollyhocks, yellow roses, etc., a pine-apple is placed at the foot of the vase. — Signed : Van Dael 1823. Collection of Charles X. DEKKER or DECKER (Conrad or Goenraet), painter and engraver. Lived in the middle of the xviith ceri^ tury, — (Dutch School.) There is no informalion p£ this arlist, who imitated the stjle or J, Ruisdael 268 DEKKER. H3 Landscape. H. o,6T. — W. 0,82. — C. — Heads 0,05. On the left, in front of a cottage, shaded by large trees, and built near a river, a woman is washing linen : near her, a young girl standing, is carrying a basket. On the right, farther off*, a peasant, a woman leading a child by the hand, and two fishermen, near the water. Old collection. 11 4 Landscape, H. 0,52. — W. 0,67. — W. — Heads 0,05. Two cottages on the banl^s of a river, on which is passing a boat, carrying a man, a woman and two young girls. On the left, in the shade of a large tree, another young girl, and a man seated; near them, is a dog. — The figures are by Uonor6 Fragonard. Old colleetion. DELEIV or DEELEN (Dirck van), born in Alkmaar in 1607 according to certain biographers , and in Heusden ' according to others, who have erroneously fixed the date of his birth in 1625, and even in 1635. The year of his death is unknown ; it is however certain, by the dates of several of his paintings, that he lived after 1651. — (flemish School.) Pupil of Frans Hals. 15 The players at foot-ball, H. 0,32. — W. 0,54. — W. —Heads 0,09. In a court, surrounded by edifices of the Doric order, and communicating by two arcades with a yard, which leads to a garden, men are playing at foot ball. In the fore ground, on a peristyle higher than the court, a guard standing, holding a halberd, and three personages, of whom two are seated, are looking at the players. In DENNERt 269 the center of the painting, and in front, a nobleman, a lady and two dogs. On each side of the peristyle, a portico of the palace; under the one on the right, a woman standing. — Signed on the pedestal of a column on the left : Dirck vanDelen, 1628. Old collection. DEiVIS (Simon-Joseph-Alexandre-Clement), bom in Antwerp the loth of April 1755, died at Naples the Ut of January 1813. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of H. J, Antonissen. 116 Landscape, — View of Arpino. H. 2,12. — W. 1,61. — ■ C. — Heads 0,13. In front of the painting, two bulls, menacing each other with their horns. Farther off, a shepherd standing, leaning against a tree, is playing^on the pipe, and watch- ing his cattle. Old collection. DEIVIVER (Balthasar), bom in Hamburg , the ibth of November 1685, died in the same city, the Ihth of April 17 A7. — (German School.) He studied drawing with a professor in Altona, and paintiQ in Dantzig. 117 Portrait of a woman. H. 0,38. — W. 0,31. — Cop. — Nat. S. She appears to be about sixty years old; and wears on her ^head a white veil, covered with a blue silk drapery. — Signed : Denner fee. 172/i. London. Bought the 24th of May 18 52. 270 DIEPENBEEK (van). DIEPEiVBEEK (Abraham van), born in Bois-le-Duc» in 1620, accordiiig to d'ArgenviUe; in 1607 according ta Fiiessly, died in Antwerp in 1675. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Rubens. 118 Cletia crossing the Tiber, and carrying away her companions with her, H. 1,15. — W. 1,45. — C. — Heads 0,50. Clelia, riding a white horse, v^^ith one of her compa- nions behind her, is already crossing the river. Other young girls, despoiled of their garments, are getting in the water, or trying to mount on horseback. On the left, the Tiber, under the form of an old man, seated, holding an urn, and leaning on a stone, on which is sculptured in bas-relief, Romulus and Remus, suckled by the w^olf. In the back ground, on the right, on rocks, the soldiers of Porsenna, pursuing the Roman women, and preparing to cast javelins at them. 3^19 Portraits of a man and a woman, H. 1,70.— W, 2,36. — C. —Nat. S. A woman, clothed in satin, is seated at the foot of a tree, playing on a guitar. Cupid, an arrow in his hand, resting on one knee, is pulling towards her, a young man dressed as a shepherd, and holding a toque. Behind him a ram, two sheep and a goat. Landscape. Old coUcclion. DIETERICH, DIETRICH or DIETRICY (Christian- Wilhelm-Ernst), painter and engraver, born in Weimar the SQth of October 1712, died in Dresden in 177/|. — (German School.) JPupii of his father, and of Alp-^^'^dvc Thiecle. DOV. 271 The woman taken in adultery, H. 1,09, — W. 0,87. — C. — Heads. 0,33. Jesus Christ is speaking to the Pharisees, who sur- round hiiu. Standing before him, is the woman taken in adulter}-, r round of architecture; tribunes between the columns of the temple. — Signed : Dietrix Piiix. 1753. Collection of Louis-Philippe. DOV or DOU (Gerard), born in Ley den m 1598, died in 167/! , or in 1680 according to other authors, — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Peter KoQwhoorn and of Rembrandt. 121 The dropsical woman, II. 0,83. —W. 0,67. — W. — neads^,32. In a large arched hall, seen through a raised curtain of tapestry, an old woman, her eyes lifted to Heaven, is sea- ted in an arm chair, before a window. Her daughter, in tears, is at her knees, and holding her hand, while a servant is offering to the invalid, a spoonful of medicine. The doctor, standing, considers with attention the con- tents of the phial, which he is bringing to the light On the left, a large book is placed on a desk near the win- dow, and on the other side, a costly decanter is cooling in a marble basin. — Signed, on the edge of the f~ ^k ; 1663. G. DOV. + ovT, 65 jaer. Napoleon Museum, 22 Silver ewer. H. 0,98. — W. 0,81. — W. The ewer and the silver dish, richly ornamented, are placed in a niche cut in a Avail. — Signed : G. dov, in red on the edge of the napkin. This picture is on the lid of an ebony box, which contained the painting of the Dropsical womaru 272 DOV, 123 The village grocer, H. 0,38. — W. 0,28. — Arched at the top. - W. — Figures half length. On the right, the grocer is standing, a table before her, and holding scales. On the other side of the table, an old woman seated, is counting money; behind her, a young servant girl, her arm passing through the handle of a wooden pail, placed on the table, is talking to the grocer. In the back ground, a boy is carrying a vase with care. This composition is inserted in a win- dow. On its edge, vegetables and an earthen bottle. Higher up, a willow basket, containing eggs, hanging on the wall. Among the objects placed behind the grocer, are seen a pot with the letters rfvs, a small mortar, Avith the date of 16Zi7, and a slate with the sig- nature G. DOV. Napoleon Museum, 124 The trumpet er. H. 0,3 8. — W. 0,29. — W. — Figures halflength. A young man, seen half length, richly clad, a toque with feathers on his head, is blowing the trumpet, be- fore a window arched at the top, and half closed by a blue curtain with silver figures, raised so as to allow the interior of the aipartmentto be seen. On the railing of the window, an ewer in a basin, and a rich carpet, which falling outside, conceals part of a bas-relief, re« presenting children playing with a goat, carved on the wall. In the back ground, two men and two women seated at table, and a servant girl behind them. — SigneG. Dov. Collection of Louis XVI, 125 The Dutch cook. H, 0,3 5, — W. 0,2 7. — W, — Figures half length. On the edge of a window, a lantern, a skimmer and carrots. On the other side of the window, a cook is seen DOV. 275 half length, pouring water out of a jug, in a hollow dish placed on a table, where are seen a cabbage, a candlestick, a kettle and a basket. A cage is hanging from the ceiling; on the left, a window with glass panes. Collection of Louis XVI, 126 A woman hanging a chicken to a ivindow. H. 0,27, — W. 0,20. — W» — Figures half length. A. woman seen half length, her left hand resting on a large brass vase with a handle, and the edges orna- mented with f: / :res, is hanging a chicken to a nail , driven in the embrasure of an arched window. On the right, on the railing, a large kettle upset, a candle- stick, and above, a cage hanging. In the back ground, two raised curtains. — Signed on the window : G. Dov. 1650. Collection of Loais XVI* 127 The gold weigher, H. 0,27. — W, 0,22. — W. — Figures half length. An old man, seated before a table on which is a cas- ket, is weighing pieces of gold in a small scale. Bag^ of money are placed on a sheet of parchment, from which hangs a large seal of red sealing wax, represen ting a horseman, — Signed on the unrolled parchment G, Dov 1664. Old collection. 128 The tooth drawer, H. 0,32, — W. 0,25, — W. — Heads 0,18. A doctor is engaged in drawing the tooth of a peas- ant, seated in an arm chair. In front, on the groun d, a basket with eggs, a straw hat and a stick. Collection of Lout? XR. 12. 27A DOV. 129 Reading the Bible. H. 0,50. — W. 0,40, — W, — Heads 0,25, An old woman with spectacles, seated on a chair, before an open window, is reading the Bible to an old man, sitting opposite her, and holding a stick in his right hand. The foot of the old man is resting on the bar of a stool, covered with a towel, on which is a dish full of fish. On the right, on the ground, a brass vase, a spinning wheel and onions ; farther off, in the upper part of a cupboard, a crucifix. In the back ground, a ladder and a cafek. A cage is hanging from the ceiling, and a drapery is thrown on a beam. Collection of Louis XIV. ISO Portrait of Gerard Dov. H. 0,29. — W. 0,21. — Arched at the top. — W. — Figure3 half length. He is placed in the embrasure of a window , seen nearly full face, a toque on his head, and clothed in a furred robe ; he holds in his left hand his pallet and his brushes ; his right arm rests on the edge of the window, and his right hand falls outside. At the end of the apartment, which is arched, an easel is seen. — Signed : on the edge of the window : G. Dov. Old collection. 131 Portrait of an old ivoman. H, 0,12. — W. 0,09. — Oval shape. — W. — Figures half Icngll], She is seen three quarters, turned to the left, a cap with muslin bands on her head, and clothed in a purple velvet dress, trimmed with fur. Seated before a table, covered with a green cloth, she holds a book, which DUCHATEL. 275 she is reading with attention ; her hands, though holding the book, are joined, and her attitude seems to show that sne is engaged in pious reading. — Signed in the ground G. Dov. Collection of Louis XVI. mOOGSLOOT or DROECH-SLOOT (Joosr- CORNELisz). The date, and the place of his birth are un- known. Some authors give him for birth place, Gorcum, others Dordrecht. He still lived in 1668. — (Dutch School.) The name of his master is unknown. 132 Troops passing through a village, H. 0,39. — W. 0,48. — W. — Heads 0,08. A country woman, kneeling, and a peasant, standing near her, his hat in his hand, are imploring the clemency of two horsemen. On the right, in front of the picture, a single horseman at full gallop. ~ Signed : J. C. D. S. 1645. Old collection. DUC (JAN Le). — 5^e DucQ. DUCFIATEL (FRANgois), born in Brussels in 1625. The date of his death is unknown — (Flemish School.) He was a pupil, and imitator of David Teniers le Jeune. 133 Portrait of a horseman and of two other per* sonages, H. 0,71. — W. 0,54, — C. — Heads o,40. A horseman richly dressed, a hat with feathers on his head, a stick in his hand, turns back, looking on the left, and appears to be waiting for somebody. On the right, near the horse's head, a nobleman, his two hands 276 DUCHATEL. on his hips. On the left, behind the horse, another per- sonage, and a young man, who is blowing a trumpet. In the back ground, a carriage under an arch, beyond which the sky and trees are seen. The three principal figures must be portraits. Old collection. iiUCQ or DUC (JAnLe), painter and engraver, bor, in The Hague in 1636, died in the same city. According to Descamps the year of his death is unknown; it was it 1695 according to other authors. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Paulus Potter. ISA Interior of a guard house. H, 0,55. — W. 0,84. — W« — Heads 0,24. On the left, in the fore ground, two soldiers arc playing cards on a drum; a woman and a child are looking at them. Farther off, three other soldiers seat- ed, of whom one is smoking. On the opposite side, an officer seems to be courting a woman , elegantly dressed; she is seated, and holds in her hand a pearl necklace ; at her feet are seen a large quantity of jewels' of every kind. Collection of Louis XVIII. 135 The marauders. H. 0,37. — W. 0,50. — W. — Heads 0,20. A woman kneeling, is imploring the chief of a troop of marauders. On the right, a man seated on a drum ; farther off, three soldiers are lighting their pipes, and at the end of the room, on the left, a man searching a trunk. Old collection. DYCK (VAN). 277 DUJARDIIV (KAREL). — 5eeJARDIN. DYCK (Anton van), painter and engraver ^ bom in Antwerp the 22d of March 1599, died in Black friars, near London^ the 9th of December IQtii* — (Flemisb School.) Pupil of van Balen and of Rubens. 136 The Virgin and The Infant Jesus. H. 1,15. -— W. 1,57. — C. — Half length Nat. S. The Virgin seated, holding the Infant Jesus on her knees , is presenting him to be adored by Magdalen ; behind her, king David and saint John the Baptist, co- vered with his goat's skin, and leaning on a staff. Collection of Louis XIV. 137 The Virgin and the Donors, H. 2,50. — W. 1,85. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The Virgin, seated on a rock, holds her son on her knees. The Infant Jesus, with liis left hand, touches the moustache of a man, dressed in black, kneeling before him, and who is resting his joined hands on the knees of the Virgin. Near this personage, his wife, also dressed in black, and kneeling. Two angels, holding flowers, hover over their heads. Collection of Louis XIV, 138 Christ mourned by the Virgin and the angelSs H. 0,33. — W. 0,45. — C. — Heads o,25. The body of Clirist, taken down from the cross , and supported by the Virgin, who raises her eyes to Heaven, 278 DYCK (VAN). is adored by three angels, in the attitude of grief, the middle of the clouds, four cherubs are seen. Collection of Louis XIV. 139 Saint Sebastian succoured by angels, H, 1,97. — W. 1,45. — C. —Nat. S. The saint, leaning on his left arm, is stretched against a tree, to which his right arm is yet bound. Two angels are near him; one of them is pulling out the last arrow by which he was pierced, the other is compassionating his sufferings. Collection of Louis XIV. lAO Venus asking of Vulcan weapons for jEneas, H. 2,20, — W. 1,4 5. — C. — Heads small S. Venus, preceded by Cupid, who carries a sword in the sheath, and supported by Love, is advancing towards Vulcan. The god, a knee leaning on a stone, has his hand resting on a cuirass. A shield and other parts of an armor, are on the ground. On the left,over the head of Venus, another Love who has just shot an arrow at Vul- can. In the back ground, two cyclops, armed with hammers. Collection of Louis XIV. lAl Reynold and Armida. H. 1,83. — W. 1,09. — C. — Heads 0,65. Reynold disarmed, lying on the ground, rests his head on the knees of Armida, who is presenting to him a mirror held by Love. On the left, Loves are playing with the sword of the warrior. On the right, two Loves near an open chest containing jewels ; one is holding a feather DYCK (VAN). 279 fan; the other has put on a red velvet slipper, and tied a scarf round his leg. On the left, behind a bush, the heads of Ubald and of his companion are seen. Napoleon Museum. •1^2 Portrait of Charles I, king of England, H. 2,7 2.— W. 2,12. — C. — Nat. S. On the left, the king standing, wearing a broad brim- med hat with a feather, a white satin waistcoat, red vel- vet breeches, bucicskin boots with spurs, and a sword hanging to a rich shoulder-belt, leans the right hand on a cane, the left is resting on his hip and holds a glove. On the right, a horse of wliich only half the body is seen. A master of the horse, who is said to be the Mar- quis of Hamilton, has one hand on the horse's neck, and is holding the bridle. Behind and seen in profile, is a page carrying the king's mantle. Landscape. — On the ground is written, on the right : carolvs I rex magn^e BRiTANN^, etc. , and below, a little to the left : A. Van DiiCK. F. Collection of Louis XV. IAS Portraits of the children of Charles /. H. 0,48. — W, 0,55. — W. — Heads 0,35. Charles, Prince of Wales (afterwards Charles 11), dressed in yellow satin, his right arm leaning on the base of a column, is holding by the hand his brother James, Duke of York (afterwards James 11), who still wears a frock and cap; the Princess Mary, their sister, afterwards married to William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, is standing near them. On the left, a dog is near the Prince of Wales. On the right, an open door leading to a garden. Napoleon Museum. 280 DICK (TAH). 144 Portrait of Charles Lewis {or Lodowick) , ist of the name, Duke of Bavaria, born in 1617^ died in 1680^ and of Robert {or Rupert), his brother, afterwards made Duke of Cumber- land, by Charles I, born in 1619^ died in 1682. H. 1,22. — W. 1,51. — C. — Nearly half U^nglh Nat. S. The prince Rupert is seen full face, Lis head bare, in armor, but without gauntlets. A lace collar falls over his cuirass ; his left hand is leaning on the hilt of his sword, and his right holds a staff of command. The prince Charles is represented three quarters, his left hand on his side and the other on his cuirass. In the back ground, on the right, a wall ; on the left, a red curtain with black figures ; in the center a landscape. Collection of Louis XIV. 145 Portrait of Isabelle-Claire-EugMe d'Autri- che. Infanta of Spain, Sovereign of the Netherlands^ born in 1566^ died in 163^. H. 1,17. — W. 0,90. -- C. — Half length Nat. S. She is standing, dressed as a nun of the order of Saint Clare, having taken the veil after the loss of her husband, Albert III, Archduke of Austria, who died in 1621 ; she wears a dark grey dress', a white neck- handkerchief, a black cloak, and a cord round her waist. She is raising with her two hands, which are joined, the right side of her cloak. Collection of Louis XIV. M Equestrian portrait of Francois de Moncade, Marquis of Aytona, Generalissimo of the Spanish troops in the Netherlands, born in 1586^ died in 1635. H. 3,07. — W. 2,42. — C. — Nat. S. He is represented on horseback, nearly fuH face, hi? DYGK (van). 281 head bare, in armor, a red silk scarf round his left arm, and holds a staff of command. Landscape. Napoleon Museum. 147 Bust of Francois de Moncade. H. 0,68. — W. 0,58. — Oval shape. — C. — Bust Nat. S. Sketch for the equestrian portrait K l/i6. Collection of Louis XIV. 148 Portraits of a man and a child. H. 2,04. — W. 1,3 5. — C. — Nat. S. He is standing,his head bare, clothed in black, and near a door, through which he is going to pass. He is holding up his mantle with the right hand, and wears a ring on the fourth finger of the left hand. On the right, a little girl standing, also bareheaded, wearing a black dress and a yellow petticoat, is speaking to him and is also preparing to leave the room. On the outside is a column in the wall. — Companion of the following painting. Collection of Louis XIV. 149 Portraits of a lady and her daughter, H. 2,04. — W. 1,35. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The lady, seated in a red arm-chair, has her head bare, and is dressed in black satin. Her head, turned to the right, three quarters, is seen in front of a red curtain, behind which appears the base of several columns. She wears a pearl necklace, and on her breast a gold cross, enriched with precious stones, and a chain, twisted three times round her neck. On the right, near the arm-cliair, is a little girl standing, with a white dress looped up, which discovers a blue petticoat, trimmed with four rows of gold braid. Collection of Louis XIV. DYCK (VAN). or traits of Jean Griisset Richardot, Presi- dent of the privy council of the Netherlands, born in Champ lit te in 15/iO^ diedin Brussels, the Zd of September 1609, and of his son, H. 1,10. — W. 0,7 5. — W. —. Half lenglh Nat. S, He is represented standing, his head bare, full face, wears a beard and moustaches, is dressed in black, and wrapped in a mantle trimmed with fur. lie holds a book in his left hand, and is resting the right on the shoulder of his son. The la tter, also full face, is dressed in white satin, his right hand resting on his hip. In the back ground, on the left, a curtain and a wall are seen ; on the right, a column ; in the center, the countr}^ — On the upper part of the painting is written : M. le PRESIDENT PiiciiARDOT. This inscription, which has been retouched, is not easily seen. CoUeclion of Louis XVI. 151 Portrait of the Duke of Richmond, H. 1,06. — W. 0,8 3. — C. — Half lenglh Nat. S. Three quarters. He is standing, turned to the left, without a waistcoat, and with crimson satin breeches. His fair hair falls in curls on his neck , and the turned down collar ofhis shirt, has a large diamond for a clasp. He is holding an orange, or rather a sort of pear, in his left hand ; the right is leaning on his hip. Landscape. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. 152 Portrait of van Dyck. H, 0,68. — W. 0,58. — Oval shape. — C. — Bust Nat. S. Three quarters. He is represented bareheaded, turned to the left ; and wears a doublet of green velvet un- buttoned, which discovers his shirt. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. DYCK (VAN). 283 153 Portrait of a man, H. 1,12. — W. 0,92. — C. — Half length Nat. S. Three quarters. He is standing, turned to the right, and his head uncovered. He has chesnut hair, a light beard and moustaches. He wears a black cloak, and a coat of the same colour with slashed sleeves. His right hand is resting on his hip, and the left on the hilt of his sword. Behind him a column and a red curtain. Setting sun. Old collection. 15 A Portrait of a man, H. 1,16. — W. 0,94. — C. — Half length Nat. S. He is standing seen three quarters, turned to the left, his head bare, with long curled hair, falling on his neck, moustaches and a tuft on the chin. He wears a black doublet unbuttoned at the bottom, and slashed sleeves, discovering his shirt. His left hand is resting on his hip, and his right arm is leaning on the base of an embossed square pilaster. A black cloak is thrown across his left shoulder. Old collection. 155 Portrait of a man, H. 1,26. — W. 1,02. — C. — Half length Nat. S. His head is bare, his hair long; he wears a brown cloak and a light green satin doublet ; his left hand is resting on his hip. In the back ground, on the right a pilaster. Old collection. DYCK (Philip van), called Le Petit van Dyck, boim in Amsterdam in 1680, died at The Hague, in .1753 ; or accor- ding to van Eynden and van der Wiligen, in 1752, at the age of 73, which would fix the date of his birth wl679. — (Dutch School. ) Pupil of Arnold Boonen. 284 DYGK (VAN). 156 Sarah presenting Agar to Abraham, H. 0,50. — W. 0,40. — Cop. — Heads o,30. Agar, entirely naked, a knee resting on a stool, ii. placed before the coach, on which Abraham is lying. The latter, his body half raised, is contemplating her with admiration, and lays one of his hands on her shoulder. Behind the couch, Sarah standing, and wra]>- ped in a large mantle, la the back ground, a servant is raising a curtain, to see what is passing in the room. Colleclion of Louis XVI, 157 Abraham dismissing Agar and her son IsmaeU H. 0,50. — W. 0,40. — Cop. — Heads o,30. Abraham sends Agar away from his tent. Placed behind her, he has the left hand resting on her slioul- der, and with the right, appears to point out to her the road she is to follow. Agar is holding by the hand, her son Ismael, who turns towards the young Isaac ; the latter runs to Sarah, his mother, the lower part of whose body is hidden by a pedestal. Landscape. — Signed : P. V. Dyck. Collection of Louis XVI. EECKHOUT or HEGKOUT (Gerbrandt van den), painter and engraver, born in Amsterdam the idth of Au- gust 1621, died the 22d of July iG7Zi. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Rembrandt. 58 Ann consecrating her son to the Lord, U. 1,17. — W. 1,43. — C. — Heads o,50, Ann kneeling, and acco;iip:inied by her husband Elcana, who is standing on her right, presents her son to the High Priest Heli, seated on a throne. In the fore ground, se\ eral vases are seen ; iu the back ground, on the right, servants and cattle. Napoleon Museum. EVERDINGEN (van). LZHEIMER or ELSHEIIVER (Adam), vainter and engraver, born in Frankfort on the Mein in 157/i, died in Rome in 1620. — (German School.) Pupil of Philipp Offembach. 9 The Flight into Egypt, H. 0,30. — W. 0,43. — W. — Heads 0,08. The Virgin, on an ass laden with baggnge, is holding the Infant "jesus in her arms. Joseph, who accompanies her, holds a lighted t^^-ch in the left hand, and is giving a straw to the Infant .'^esiis. On the right, a lake; on the left, large trees, shepherds aiid their flocks, near a fire. Moonlight. Old collection. 160 The good Samaritan. ^ H. 0,21. — W. 0,26. — Cop.— Heads o,i5. The good Samaritan takes a phial out of a chest, and aided by his servant, is preparing to dress the wounds of the traveller, stretched on tlie ground, and nearly naked. The head of a horse, partly concealed by a tree is seen, and in the back ground, the priest and levite. who had passed before the wounded man, without hav- ing succoured him. Old collection. EVERDIlVGErV (Albert vaa"), painter and engraver, born in Alkmaart in 1621, died in the same city in the month of November 1675. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Roland Savery and Peter Molyn, called Tempesta. 286 EVERDii\GEN (van). 161 Landscape. H. 1,7-2. — W. 2,20. — C. — Heads 0,05, Hilly and savage site, crossed by a river, which falls in cascades on the right, and is turning a mill. On the left, houses, before which several travellers on horse- back are passing. On the same side, is built a gothic church, on the top of a rock. — Signed : A. V, Everdin- gen. Napoleon Museum. EYCK (Jan van), bom about 1390 in Eyck, afterwards called Ouden or Alden-Eyck, a small village close to Maes- seyck, town ofLimburg (duchy of Gueldres)\diedin Bruges, in July IZiZil. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Lis brother, Hubert van Eyck, 162 The Virgin and the Donor, H. 0,66. — W. 0,62. — W. — Heads 0,60. Under a rich portico, ending in throe arcades, and paved with flags of different coloured marble, the Virgin is seated on the right, her head bare, her hair loose, and only confined on the forehead by a narrow black ribbon. She is wrapped in an ample red mantle edged with gold, enriched with pearls and precious stones. Above the gold braid, a second trimming encloses passages of the Scriptures, embroidered in gold, and interrupted by the folds ; on the part of the mantle which touches the ground, these words however may be read : exlltata suji in libano.... An angel, dressed in a lon^j" blue robe, is hovering over the Virgin , and is going to place on her head, a rich golden crown, covered with pearls and precious stones. The Virgin, holds the Infant Jesus seated on her knees, he supports in his left hand, a crystal globe of the world, with a cross of gold and precious stones, and he raises his right hand to bless a Donor, kneeling opposite to him. This Donor, dressed in a gold and brown brocade robe, trimmed with fur, has his hands joined, and is leaning on a prie-Dieu, on KVCK (VAK). 287 which are placed a cushion and an open prayer book. The chapiters of the pilasters at the end of the hall, represent subjects of the Holy Scriptures, carved in bas- reliefs. Through the three arcades, is seen a garden with lily stalks, roses, cornflags, and terminated by a terrace with battlements. Peacocks and other birds are in the garden, and a man, leaning on his cane, is standing near another personage, who is bending over to look from one; of the battlements. Beyond the garden, a river with a bridge protected by a tower, and islands are seen. On the right, a city with churches ; on the left the suburbs, and in the back ground, a chain of mountains. Napoleon Museum, FAES (Peter van der), catled Le Chevalier Lely, born in Soest {in Westphalia) in 1618, died in London in 1680. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Pieter Greber. 163 Meleager presenting to Atalanta the head of the ivild boar of Calydon, H. 1,38. — W. 0,95. — C. — Half S. Meleager, followed by his dog, and having behind him three men, of whom one wears a turban, and carries a lance, is presenting to Atalanta, the head of the wild boar. Landscape. Napoleon Museum, iQh Portrait of a man, H. 0,10. — VV. 0,08. — Oval shape. — Cop, — Bust. Ills head is bare, he wears long hair, moustaches and 288 ETCK (VAN). a beard on his chin. lie has a large falling collar, trim- med with lace. Old collection. F AES, called Lely {Attributed to), 165 Portrait of a Woman, H. 1,05. — W. 0,85. — C. — Half length Nat. S Her hair is without ornament; she wears a pearl necklace, short sleeves, and a red silk mantle. Old collection. FALE^S (Carl van), boim in Antwerp, in 168Zi, died in Paris the 29th of May 1733, at the age ofli9. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of F. Francken. 166 The meet. H. 0,45, — W. 0,58. — C. — Heads 0,09. On the right, a woman on horseback, her back turned, is speaking to a groom, who has alighted , and holds her horse by the bridle. Near them, a huntsman, a falcon on his wrist, and another horseman, taking a glass of wine, offered to him by a peasant girl. At the door of a village inn, whose walls are covered Willi vines, a man is leaning against a cask, and playing on the violin. In the fore ground, on the right, a woman seated on a bag, and two children, who are asking her for some eggs, contained in a basket, placed before her. A valet, leaning on a stick, and holding a dog in a leash, is looking at them. On the left, three vvonien washing ; farther off, three men are bathing in a river, and two other men, of whom one is carrying falcons on a sticL, In the back ground, a village and mountains are seen. On the thigh of the horse held by the groom, are written the artist's initials : cvf. Old CQ) J.ft at i Qg> FIGTOOR. 289 167 Halt of the huntsmen, H. 0,45. — W. 0,58. — C. — Heads 0,09. In the fore ground, on the left, a lady, seated, and holding a little dog on her knees, is helping herself to fruit, brought to her in a basket, by a negro page. JS'ear the lady, a huntsnian, standing, leaning on his gun, and holding his horse by the bridle. Behind her, is another personage, who is speaking to her. In the center of the painting, a horseman, his back turned, giving money to a child, who holds his hat, and a woman riding. On the right, a shepherd seated, leaning on a crook, patting a dog, and watching goats and sheep. In the back ground, on the left, a terrace, at the extremity of a park, and the statue of afaun, stooping. On the right, a river; buildings on the two banks, and mountains are seen. Old collection. FICTOOR or VJCTOOR (Jan), vainted in 1640. — (Dutch School.) There is no reliable information of this artist. 168 Isaac blessing Jacob* H. 1,65. — W. 2,03. — C. — Nat. S. Isaac lying down, holds the hands of Jacob, kneel- ing at the foot of the bed. Rebecca is standing on the right, behind an arm chair, on which is placed a dish of venison. Napoleon Museum. 169 Portrait of a young girl, H. 0,9 3. — W. 0,7 8. — C, — Half length Nat. S. A young girl, richly dressed, is looking out of a window, of which she is going to close the shutter; she is pulling it by a ring, through which she has passed 13 FICTOOR. two fingers of her left hand. Her right hand is gloved, and holds the other glove. —Signed : Jan Fictoor f, 16/iO. Napoleon Museum. I^ AM A EL, FLEMAEL or FLEMALLE (Bar- tiiolome), called Bertholet, painter and architect, born in Liege in 1612 , died in the same city the lUh of July 1675. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Trippez and of Gerard Doufflest. 1 70 The mysteries of the Old and New Testament, H. 2,66. — W. 1,77. — C. — Heads 0,22. Old collection. lilNCK (Govaert), bornin Gleves, in December 1616, died in Amsterdam, the M of December 1660. — (Dutch School. ) Pupil of Lambert Jacobs and of Rembrandt. 171 An angel announces to the shepherds the birth of Jesus Christ, H. 1,55. — \V. 1,96. — C. — Heads 0,50. On the left are the flocks. On the right, the shep- herds, of whom several have not yet wakened. On a cloud, the angel standing, clothed in white, and sur- rounded by other angels. Napoleon Museum. 172 Portrait of a young girl, H. 0,66. — W. 0,54. -— C. — Bust Nat. S. She is seen three quarters, turned to the left, rlc dressed, and wears on her head, a wreath of flow with a row of pearls. She is holding a crook, and FRANGK. 291 ing on the edge of a window .— Signed G. Flinck, f 16/il. Old collection. FRAIVCK, FRAIVCKEN or VRANCK (Franz), called Le Vieux, born in Herentals, or in Antwerp, about 15ZiZi, died in tne latter city, the 6th of October 1616. -* (Flemish School.) Pupil of Frans Floris. 173 The History of Esther. H. 0,47. — V> . 0,62. — W. — Heads 0,23. This painting represents several episodes of the life of Esther. In the fore ground, on the right, on a sort of terrace, the repast at which the queen is accusing Aman, in presence of Assuerus. Above this subject, but farther off, and under a portico, Esther, kneeling, and fainting before Assuerus, seated on his throne. Below, on the left, the triumph of Mardochee; finally, in the back ground, Aman hung by the neck. Collection of Louis XVIII* FRAXCK Le Jedne {Attributed to Franz). nil The parable of the Prodigal Son, H. 0,62. — "W. 0,8 6. — W. — Heads in the cen- ter composition, 0,18 ; in the camaieu part from 0,0 8 to o,io. This painting is composed of a large central subject coloured, and of eight smaller subjects, in camaieu. The camaieu of the higher and lower parts, are as wide as the principal subject; those on tiie side fill its height ; finally those placed at the angles, are smaller. The central piece represents the departure of the Prodigal son. Behind his father, who is embracing him, is a group of women, in tears. On the right, his richly ca- parisoned horse is waiting for him, and his attendant, 292 FRANCK. the foot in the stirrup is taking leave of a servant. On the left, on a pedestal, the date of 1633, and near it, on the ground : D" ffranck fet in. The smaller subject! in camaieu, beginning in the upper angle on the left, are representing 1" The Prodigal Son , asking his por- tion of his father; T At table with courtesans; 3° Ask- ing alms; h" Kneeling, and praying near a trough, in which the hogs are drinking; 5" On his way back to the paternal roof; 6" Reception by his father, who raises him, and takes him in his arms; 1" The father causing a fat calf to be killed, to celebrate the return of his son; 8° The banquet of rejoicings. Napoleon Museum* 175 The Passion, H. 0,64. — W. 0,48. — W. — Heads in the prin- cipal piece, Oji4 ; in the camaieu part from 0,0 8 to 0,12. The center of the painting is filled by a large coloured subject ; eight camaieu pieces are round it. The prin- cipal composition represents Christ nailed on the cross, between two thieves. The holy women and saint John, are standing near the cross; Magdalen, kneeling, is embracing it. On the left, the soldiers playing at dice, for the garments of Christ. On the right, other soldiers in armor, and standing. Beginning by the upper part, on the left, the camaieux represent : Christ in the garden of olives; Christ carried away by the soldiers; Jesus be- fore Caiphas Jesus before Pilate; Christ crowned with thorns; the Scourging; Christ shown to the people; Christ carrying his cross. At the four angles, are placed the four Evangelists, painted in the same manner. — Signed, quite on the left : ffranck in. Napoleon Museum. 176 Visit ofaprince to the Treasury of a Church, H. 0,74. — W. 1,05. — W. — Heads o,28. A Polish prince, w^earing a turban with feathers, accompanied by a numerous suite of men, of women, and attendants carrying presents, is arriving at the — ■• 293 Treasury of a Church. One of the attendants, holding a cross enriched with precious stones, seems to be asking the Prince where to place it ; the latter is pointing out to him, a table laden with chased gold vases. Behhid the table, priests in surplices are showing an open cupboard, filled with pieces of plate; on the walls are hanging paintings, representing the repose of the Holy Family, the carrying of the cross, and saint Veronica. Towards the center of the painting, at the end of the churcli, an altar, in front of which, pilgrims and different personages are kneeling. On the right, another cupboard, filled with precious objects which are also shown to the suite. Signed: A" 1633. D\ Franck in. et f. Collection of Louis-Philippe. FYT (Johannes), painter and engraver, born in Antwerp in 1625. The date of his death is unknown, — (Flemish School.) The name of his master is unknown. 177 Game and fruits, H. 0,99. — W. 1,41. — G. A basket of grapes, another basket of woven rushes, a hare, partridges, bullfinches, woodcocks, and other game placed on a table, covered with a green cloth, and a napkin. In the back ground, on the right, a cat is seen. Napoleon Museum. 178 Game in a larder, H. I,38, — W»: 1,76« — C. A kitchen table, as well as the ground, is covered with game of all kinds, such as hare, partridges, wild ducks^ etc. A cat, partly hidden by a hare, hung by the legs, turns its head, and looks at two little monkeys, climbing on the edge of a window. Old collection. 294 FYT. 179 A dog devouring game, H. 0,86. — W. 1,20. — c. A hare, partridges, woodcocks, etc. , are placed on the ground, near a bas-relief; a dog is devouring a piece of game. Signed : Johannes Fyt 1651. GLAUBER (Johannes), called Polidor, painter and engraver, born in Utrecht in 16Zi6, died at Amsterdam in 1726. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of N. Berghem. 180 Landscape* H. 1,92. — W. 2,46. — C. — Heads 0,30. On the right, in a valley intersected with trees and rocks, a shepherdess is lying at the feet of a young man, who plays on the pipe. In front of the painting, a woman carrying a bundle on her head, has stopped, and is listening to him. On the left, on the other side of a stream, which crosses the fore ground, a shepherd seated in the shade of large trees, is watching his fiock. In the back ground are seen shepherds dancing. — Sign- ed : J. Glauber 1686. Napoleon Museum. GOSSAERT. —SeeMkBVSE. GO YEN (Jan van), painter and engraver , born in Ley den in 1596, died at The Hague in 1656. — (Dut-ch School.) Pupil of Jan NicolaV, of Schilder poort, of van Mann, of Henri Klok and of Willem Gerrilz. 181 Banks of a river in Holland. H. 1,13. — W. 1,54. — C. Heads 0,12. On a river, passing before a village, of which the church is seen, a boat, manned by several sailors, is GOYEN (van). 295 sailing against the stream. ^Jear it, on the left, a bark with three fishermen. In front of the painting, two fisher- men drawing their nets, a woman, kneeling near a basket, and a child standing. On the other side of the river, a shepherd, driving his cattle to a boat, guided by mariners. — Signed, on the boat : V G. 1653 Collection of Louis XYI. 182 A canal in Holland. H. 0,40. — W. 0,60. — W. —Heads 0,02. Two large sail boats, manned by several sailors, and two skiffs, are going against the stream. On the left, oxen are grazing on a slip of land, which advances into the water. On the right, on the other side of the canal, a house, built on stakes, and, in the back ground, a large number of boats. Signed, on the largest boat : V 0. 1647. Old coUecliou. 183 A river, H. 0,98. — W. 1,34. — C. — Heads 0,10. On the left, in the fore ground, three fishermen in a boat, are drawing their nets. On the right, several houses on the side of a road, raised ov^er the river. A man holding a basket, is coming down a few steps to join two other men, who are already in a boat. On the side of the road, opposite to the river, a castle and a high tower, in ruins. Farther off, at the foot of a windmill, boats loaded with flour, and a man going up a stairs, with a bag on his back. In the back ground, sail boats, and, on the banks of the river, trees and a church. — Signed, on the boat, on the left : V G. 164A. Colleclion of Louis XYL 184 Sea piece. H. 0,74. — W. 1,08. — W. — Heads o,06. The sea is covered with skiffs and sail boats. On the right, on the shore, three windmills, a city and a church, 206 GOYEN (van). with a large square tower. — Signed, on the boat in the fore ground, containing eight persons : V. Goyen 16Zi7. Old collection. ^RAESBEEK. — See Craesbeke. GRIEF, GRIP, GRYEF or GRIFIR (Anton), lived in the middle of the xviith century, — (Flemish School.) There is no information about this artist. 185 Landscape and game, H. 0,21. — W. 0,29. — W. — Heads o,iO. On the left, hares, partridges and other game, hang- ing from the branch of a tree, and resting on a square stone. Farther off, on the right, a huntsman seated on the ground, blowing his horn, and surrounded by his dogs. — Signed on the stone : A. Gryef f. Old collcclion. GRIFFIER (Jan), painter and engraver, born in Am-' sterdam in 16/i5, according to Immerzeel, or in 1656 ac^ cording to Descamp, and C. Weijerman, died in London, in 1718 or 172/i. — (Dutch Schooh) Pupil of Roeland Rograan. 186 View of the borders of the Rhine, H. 0,37. — W. 0,47. — W. — Heads 0,05. On the left, an old castle built on a hill, and surroun- ded by trees. A stairs cut in the rock, leads to it. At the foot of the stairs, casks, chests, wheels and several personages. In the fore ground, casks, and other figures. In the center of the painting, the river flowiDg near a HAGEN (VAN). 297 town, in which many church steeples are seen. On the river, boats loaded, and a vessel v\'ith gilt carvings. In the back ground, high mountains, sloping down towards the shore. Old collection. 187 View of the banks of the Rhine* H. 0,37. — W. 0,47. — W. — Heads o,o4. On the left, in the fore ground, a peasant's hut. Far- ther oflf, harvesters ; a cart loaded with sheafs of wheat, and a peasant on the top of it, holding a small flag. Still farther, a castle built on roclcs, and surrounded by trees. Opposite to the castle, and on the other side of the river, a city, with churches and a castle, built on a hill which overlooks it. Behind the city, very high mountains, with other buildings. Old collection. GRYEF. — See Grief. HAGEX (Jan van)» born in The Hague » painted about 1660. — (Dutch School.) The date of his birth, that of his death, and the name of master are unknown. 188 View in Holland, H. 0,60. — vr. 0,7 6. — C. — Heads 0,02. In the fore ground, sheep and a cow, grazing in a meadow ; on the right, on a road bordered with trees, a man on horseback, and three other personages. The painting is divided in the center, and in its width by a river; on the other side of the river, a plain, and hills are seen. Old collecliua. 13. 298 HAGEN (VAN). 189 Landscape, H. 0,24. — W. 0,32. — W. — Heads 0,05, Near a river, which flows at the foot of a woody hill, a man standing, his bade turned, and leaning on a stick, is speaking to another man, seated on the ground. Farther off, towards the left, peasants and asses, laden with packages, are fording the river. On the right, a woman is washing near a farm, situated on the borders of the water. Collection of Louis XV, HALS (FrAns), bojm in Mechlin, in 158Z|, died in Harlem, the 20th of August 1666. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Carl van Mander. 190 Portrait to the waist of Bene Descartes. H. 0,76. — W. 0,68. — C. — BustNal. S. His head is bare, seen three quarters, and turned to the right. He wears a falling collar, a black mantle, and holds a hat in his hand. Old collection. HEDA (Willem-KlAASZ), born in Harlem, in 159/i. The date of his aeath is unknown ; de Bray painted his portrait at the age of 8^, in 1678. — (Dutch School.) His master is unknown. 191 A dessert. H. 0,44. — W. 0,56, — W* On a table half covered by a cloth, two silver dishes with remains of pastry, and a silver spoon ; two silver vases, a large glass with wine, another smaller glass up- set, a knife, nuts , and hazel nuts. — Signe on the largest silver vase : Heda 1637. Napoleon Museum. HEEMSKEKK. HECKOUT. - See Eecxodt. ilEEM (Jan Davidz de), bom in Utrecht in 1660, or ir 160i according to some biographers, died at Antwerp i. 167a. — Putch School.) Papil of his father David de Heem, 192 Fruits and dishes on a table. H. 0,59. — W. 0,43. — W. On a table covered with a green cloth , edged with golden fringe, a bunch of grapes, strawberries in a bowl of blue and white china, an opened oyster, a half peeled lemon on a a silver dish, a shrimp, etc. — This painting is signed : J. de Heem f. Napoleon Museum. 193 Fruits and dishes on a table. H. 1,49. — W. 2,03. — C. On a table covered with a cloth, are seen pell-mell cups, rich ewers, and dishes filled with fruits; also knives, a table cloth and a watch. On the left, a guitar is leaning against the table ; on the right, in front, aro two decanters, cooling in a large vase of metal. Collection of Louis XIV. HEEMSEIV. — See Hemsen. flEEMSKERK (Egbert), called Le Paysan or Le Viedx, born in Horlem, in 1610; was living yet in 1680. — (Dutch School.) He painted in the sivie c? T<»-weTg and of Brauwer, 300 HEEMSKERIC 194 Interior of a cabaret, H. 0,58 — W. 0,83. — W. — Heads 0,22. Near a table are men drinking ; another man seated, holding a paper in his hand, and singing; near him, a violin player. — Signed on the right : H K. Old coUeclion. 195 Interior of a cabaret, II. 0,58. — W, 0,83. — W. — Heads 0,22. A soldier and two peasants are seated round a table, on which is served a joint of meat, in the fore ground, on the left, a man is drawing beer in a pot, from a cask. — Signed on the cask : h k. Old collection. HEINSIUS (JohANN-Ernst). The date of the birth of this artist, who was still living in 1787, is unknown, — (German School.) The name of his master is unknown. 196 Portrait of Marie'Louise'T/iMse-Victoire de France [Madame Victoire), fifth daughter of Louis XV ^ born in Versailles the iith of May 1733^ died at Trieste in 1799. H. 0,38. — W. 1,04. — C. — Nat, S. The Princess, in a dress of blue silk, is seated on an arm chair, ornamented with fleurs-de-lys. She holds a fan in her right hand, and is leaning her left arm on a cushion, also with fleurs-de-lys. Her head, seen three quarters, is turned to the left, — Signed Heinsius PiNXiT, 1786. CoUeclion of Louis XVI. HELST (VAN der). 301 HELST (Bartholomeds van der), born in Harlem in 1601, in d613 or in 1618, according to different authors; died in Amsterdam, according to some biographers, in 1670. — (Dutch School.) The name of his master is unknovrn. 197 The air hery prize, H. 0,5 0. — W. 0,67. — C. pasted on wood, *- Heads 0,5 0. Four chiefs of the company of archers of Amsterdam, are seated round a table, coverea with a cloth of diffe- rent coloured stripes. The personage who is on the left, holds a silver gilt goblet, richly cnased; the one in the center has an ebony scepter m his hand, terminated by a silver gilt bird; farther off, a third person, his elbow leaning on the table, is aadressing nis colleagues; fi- nally, behind the table, a fourth Judge is holding* a collar,, from whicli is hanging a je^vel, representing a bird. On the left, farther off, a woman is carrying a drinking horn, inlaid with silver. On the right, in the back ground, are three young men with bows and arrows. On a slate lying on the ground, and leaning against the table, is written the name of the three conquerors, and \0',\evdo^\n, Ba?ihoh7neus van der Heist fecit il653. In the left corner, and in front, a spaniel lying down. Collection of Louis XVI. 198 Portrait of a man. U. 1,0 0. — W. 0,7 9. — C. — Half length Nat. S. lie is bare headed, and seen full face. He wears a lace collar turned down, fastened with strings ending in tassels. He is dressed in black with slashed sleeves, disco vermg his shirt. His left hand Is on his breast, and his right, resting on his side. Colleclion of Louis XVIII. 302 KELHT (van deb). 199 Portrait of a woman, H. 1,00. — W. 0,79. — C. — Half length Nat. S. The head is seen three quarters, and turned to the left She wears a black dress, a frill, and white cuffs. The under dress is yellow. She holds her fan with both hands. In the back ground, an open window discovers a landscape. On the edge is written: Van der Heist, 1655. Collection of Louis XVIII. HEMLING. — See Memling. HEMSSEIV (Jan van), born in Antwerp about 1500. — (Dutch School.) There is no biographical notice of this artist. 200 The young Tobias restoring his father's sight. H. 1,40. — W. 1,7 2.— W. —Heads Nat. S. Tobias the elder, is seated , his arms crossed on his breast, hishead supported by Ann, his wife, and by Sarah. The young Tobias, holding in his left hand a dish, is touching with his right, the eyes of his father. Behind him, the angel Raphael, is leaning on a long staff. Land- scape. On the ground towards the left is written : joanes DE HEM MESSEN 1555 . INVEN TOR ET PICTOR. Napoleon Museum. IIEUSCII or HEUSCHE (Willelm or Guiliam de), painter and engraver, born in Utrecht, in 1638, died in the same city, at a very advanced age, or according to some authors in 1712. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Jan Both« 303 20 i iMndscape, H. 0,35. — W. 0,45. — Cop. — Heads 0,05. On the left, in a path bordered by trees, and by the Bide of a small river, two shepherds are passing with an ass, a cow, a goat and a sheep. Farther off, a man is disappearing, riding an ass. In the back ground, shepherds driving in their flocks, and in the center, ';iigh mountains. — This painting is signed : G. D. Heusch, F, Napoleon Museum. IIEYDEX (Jan van der), bom in Gorcum, in 1637, died in Amsterdam the 2Sth of September 1712, — (Dutch Schooh) His first master was a painter on glass, whose name is unknown. 202 View of the Tohn House of Amsterdam, H. 0,72, — W. 0,86. — C. — Heads 0,07. The construction of this vast monument, built on the square called the Dam, was commenced the 28th of October 16Zi8. The soil on which it was ouilt being a marsh, it was necessary to sink, 13659 stakes. The whole building cost thirty millions of ilorins. The artist placed himself, to paint this edifice, on the side of an old house called tfie Weighing house, because the merchandise is weighed there. — On the left of this picture is written: J. V D. Hey den A" 1668. — The figures are by Adriaan van den Velde. Collection of Louis XVI. 203 Church and Square of a city in Holland. H. 0,45. — W. 0,56. — W. —Heads 0,06. In the fore ground, on the left, a large house, with a sign and a shed, roofed with wood, of which only a 304 HEYDEN (van der). part is seen. Farther off, buildings shaded by trees, and a church with two towers. — Signed : V. Heydeiu — The figures are by Adriaan van den Velde. Old collection. 20 !i View of a village on the borders of a canal* H. 0,45. —W. 0,52» — W. — Heads 0,03. On the right, on a road which borders a canal, a castle, and farther off a church. In the fore ground, a gentleman and lady are promenading ; peasants, seated on the parapet which overlooks the canal, are looking at a boat, laden with merchandise, which is approach- ing the shore. In the middle of the canal, two little boats are at anchor. — The boats are by Willem van den Velde, and the figures by his brother Adriaan. Colleclion of Louis XYI. HOBBEMA (MEIIVDERT or MIIVDER-HOUT), lived in 1663; the last known date of his works is 1669. — (Dutch School.) The dates of his birth and death are unknown ; he is believed to have been a pupil of Salomon Ruisdael. 205 Landscape, II. 0,60. — V,'. 0,80. — W. — ITeads 0,04. Forest scene. On the left, a cluster of large trees, a hollow oak, lopped of its branches, excepting one, which is covered with leaves, and half stripped of its bark. In the fore ground, a pool. On the right, an open- ing in the wood, and on a sinuous road which crosses the forest, a woman seated, who is talking with a peasant and a child standing. Bought in 18 50. IJOLBEUS. 305 HOLBEIN (Hans), Le Jevne, painter, sculptor, engraver and architect, born in Augsbourg in li98, died in London in 155Zi. — (German School.) Pupil of his father, 206 Portrait of Nicolas Kratzer, astronomer of the King of En gland Henry VIII^ born in Mu- 7iichal?outllihS, H. 0,83. — W. 0,67. — W. — Bust Nat. S. Th^ head is nearly in profile, and turned to the right. He wears a black toque, a black robe, over which is a brown garment. He is seated before a table, on which are seen scissors, a ruler, a square, a hammer, a com- pass, etc. ; he holds a compass in his right hand, and in his left a polyhedron in box wood, on the different sides of which are traced circles, divided by lines. On the right, hanging on the v/all in a niche, different ma- thematical instruments. On the table is a paper, on which is written : Imago ad vivani effigiem expressa Nicolai Kratzeri monacenssis q. (qui) bauarg (bavarus) erat quadragessimii anni>, tpre (tempore), illo gplebat (complebat) 1528. Collection of Louis XIV. 207 Portrait of William Warham^ born in lZi58, Bishop of London in 1502^ archbishop of Canterbury in 150/i^ died in 1532. H. 0,8 2. — W. 0,66. — W. — Half length, Nat. S. Three quarters. He is turned to the left, wears a black cap with lappets, a surplice gathered in the neck, and showing the red edge of an under garment. The upper robe is white, trimmed with black, and with fur. His hands are leaning on a cushion of gold brocade. Near him, an open prayer book. Behind, on the right, a mitre, enriched with pearls, and two books with gilt edges and clasps, are lying on a table, covered with a cloth. On the left, a cross studded with precious stones, bearing 306 HOLBEIN. an enamelled escutcheon, with the arms of the Arch- bishop, and on which is written : avxilivm. mev?j a dno. In the upper part of the picture, the following inscript- ion is seen : Anno : Dm MDXXVIJ Etatis sue LXX, Collection of Louis XIV. 208 Portrait of D idler Erasme, born in Rotter^ dam in l/i67, died in Basel {Switzerland) in 1536. H. 0,42. — W. 0,32. — W. — Bust half S. Erasme is seen in profile, turned to the left. He wears a toque, and black garment. He is se ated before a table, writing with a reed. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 209 Portrait of an aged man, H. 0,36. — W. 0,28. — W. — Bust small S. Three quarters. He is turned to the left, wears a large black toque, and a brown robe over a black gar- ment His two hands are resting on each other, and he holds a little book, covered with red velvet Collection of Louis XIV, 210 Portrait of Thomas More^ grand chancellor oj England^ borninlliSO, beheaded m 1538^ by order of Henry VIII. H. 0,3 9. — W. 0,31. — - W. —Bust half S. He is seen three quarters, his head turned towards the right. lie wears a black toque, a black robe trimmed with fur, with open sleeves, which discover the green sleeves, also trimmed with fur, of the under garment He holds in his right hand a gold cross, which hangs fi'om a chain, passed round his neck, and ia the left, a folded paper. Collection of Louis XIV • ^ HONDEKOETER. 307 211 Portrait ofAnneofCleves, Queen of England, fourth wife of Heniij VIII, died in 1557. H, 0,6 5. — W. 0,4 8. — Painted on vellum pasted on canvass. — Half length small S. She is standing, seen full face, her hands joined. She wearsacap of cloth of gold, enriched with pearls and pre- cious stones, a dress of red velvet, trimmed with gold braid, ornamented with pearls; a rich necklace, rings on her fingers and thumb. Collection of Louis XIV. 212 Portrait of Sir Richard SouthweL H. 0,47. — W. 0,38. — W. — Bust small S. He is seen nearly in profile, and his head turned to- wards the right. He wears a black toque, ornamented with a cameo in a gold setting, and a robe of purple velvet, over a garment with black satin sleeves. He wears a gold chain, and his two hands are resting on each other. — In the back ground on the left, is written in letters of gold : .x°. ivlii. Ai>?JO. .H. VIII.XXVIII", and on the right : ^tatis sv^e. ANNO XXXIII. Napoleon Museum. 213 Portrait of a man, H. 0,42. — W. 0,33. — W. — Bust half S. His head, seen nearly in profile, and turned to the left, is covered with a black toque ; he wears a garment lined with fur, and in the left hand, he holds a carna- tion and a rosary, from which is hanging a small skull. Collection of Louis XIV. HOXDEKOETER (Melchior), bom in Utrecht in 1636, died in the same city, the 3d of April 1695. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of his father* Gisbert Hondekoeter, and of J. B. Weenix. 308 HONDEKOETER. 21 A Biras in a park, H. 1,32. — W. 1,63. —• C. Near a stone pedestal on which a parrot is perched, two peacocks and a pheasant arc seen. On the left, aiiii in front of the painting, a monkey holding a bunch of grapes. In the back ground, a fountain and swans. Collection of Louis XVIII. HOXTIIOPiST (Gerard), painter and engraver, born in Utrecht in 1592. He painted still at The Hague in 1682; some authors state that he died in 1G66, others in 1680. — (Dutch School. ) Pupil of Abraham Bloemaert. 215 Pilate ivashing his hands before the people, H, 1,5 3. — W. 2,0 5. — C. — Half length, Nat. S. Pilate, seated, his hands over a basin, receives the water, which a servant on the left, is pourin3- on them. On the right, a soldier, of whom only part of the face is seen, raises a drapery, and appears to observe atten- tively what is passing in the room. In the back ground, on the left, Christ carrying his cross, and dragged away by soldiers. Napoleon Museum. 216 Concert, U. 1,68. — W. 1,78. — C. — Halflength, Nat. S. On the right, a woman clothed in yellow, her neck and arms bare, with feathers in her hair, is seated and sings, accompanying herself on the lute. On the left, behind, a woman standing, wearing a dress with blue and yellow stripes, is also singing, accompanying herself on the same instrument. Behind her, another woman, singing and looking at music. Finally, in the back ground, in the center, two women are also singing ; HONTHORST. 309 one of them is holding a book. On each side of the pain- ting, a red curtain, and in the upper part, two flying cupids are holding, one a crown, the other a palm. This painting is signed : G. Honthorst fe. 162/i. Old collection. 217 T he triumph of Silemis. H. 2,08, — W. 2,76. — C. — Nat. S. The' old Silenus, riding on an ass, is supported by a bacchante and a satyr, who is helping him to lift to his lips, a vase filled with wine. Another satyr is preceding him, and showing him another vase. On the right, a child on a goat. Collection of Charles X. 218 Portrait of Charles-Louis, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Elector, afterwards Duke of Bavaria, died in 1680. H. 0,73. — W. 0,60. — Oval shape. — W. <>- Bust Nat. S. His head is bare and turned to the right. He wears a scarf round his neck, and a red mantle, looped up on the right shoulder, which discovers a cuirass. — Signed : G. Honthost, 16/i0. Old collection. 219 Portrait of Robert, or Rupert of Bavaria, Duke of Cumberland, Palatine of the Rhine, brother of the preceding, died in 1682. H. 0,73. — W. 0,60. — Oval shape. — W. — Bust Nat. S. He is seen three quarters, turned to the right, and bare headed. He wears a lace collar, a green scarf, and a cuirass. Old collection. 310 HONTHORST. 220 A woman playing on the lute* H. 0,82. — W. 0,68. — C. — Bust Nal. S. She is smiling, turns her head to the right, and holds a lute, which she appears to be tuning. Sne wears a blue feather in her hair, and a drapery of the same colour, on her shoulders. — Signed in the upper part, on the right : G. Honthost /*. 161/i. Old collection. 221 The young shepherd, H. 0,65. — W. 0,53. — C. — Bast Nat. S. He wears a grey hat and a sheep's skin, over a gar- ment, of which only the sleeves are seen. He turns to the left and is holding a pipe. Landscape. Old collection, HONTHORST {Attributed to), 222 Saint Peter denying Jesus Christ, H. 1,50. — - W. 1,97. — C. — Half length Nat. S,; Four soldiers are playing at cards, round a lighted table. One of them, placed in front, and whose back alone is seen, is turning to the left, to seize the mantle of saint Peter, to whom the servant is pointing. Napoleon Museum. HOOCH, HOOGHE or HOOGE (Pieter de), lived about tlie middle of the XYii^^ century, — (Dutch School.) There is no information about his life. 223 Interior of a Dutch house* H. 0,60. — W. 0,47. — ■W,— Heads 0,28. In the fore ground, on the right, a woman, seated before a tub, placed on a small table, is chopping vege- HUCHTENBURGH (van). 311 tables ; near her, a littlegirl is holding atoy. In the back ground, another woman, her back turned, is crossing a yard. — Signed : p. d. hooch. Napoleon Museum. li Interior of a Dutch house, H. 0,67. — W. 0,77. — C. — Heads 0,35. On the left, before a large marble mantel piece, a woman is playing cards with a man, and showing her game to a horseman, standing on her left, and holding a glass in his hand. In the back ground, a young woman is standing in the embrasure of a door, and talking with another horseman. On the right, a young servant is bringing a bottle. — Signed : P. D. Hooch. Napoleon Museum. HUCHTEXBURGH or HUGTEXBURCH (Johan van), painter and engraver, born in Harlem in 16/i6, died at Armsterdani in 1733. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Jan Wyk, and of his brother Jacob Huchtenburgh. 225 A Cavalry Charge. n. 0,63. — W. 0,82. — C. — Heads 0,20. A horseman is holding his hat with the left hand, and with the right, is aiming a pistol at another horseman, who wears a furred cap on his head, and is armed with a sword. On the left, several Turks are seen flying in a hollow road. One of them is carrying a standard. In the back ground, on the right, a battle scene, and a city in flames. — Signed : J. F. Huchtenburgh, Old colleclion. 226 View of a fortified city, with the preparatiom for a siege, H. 1,16. — W. 1,45. — G. — Heads 0,10. In the fore ground, several trenches, filled with sold- iers, cannons and mortars. Oa the left, troops march- 312 HUCHTENBURGH (van). ing towards the city, by a covered way. In the back ground, the city, answering the fire of the besiegers. On the right, a river, which separates the city from a suburb, and falls into the sea, at the horizon. ■— Sig- ned : Hugtemb.., the rest of the signature is defaced. Old collection. HUYSMANS (CORNELis) , surnamcd Huysmans de Malines, born in Antwety in I6Z18, died in Mechlin, the ist of June 1727. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of G. de Wit, and of Jacob van Artois. 227 Forest scene, H. 1,66. — W. 2,37. — C. — Heads 0,12. On the left, crumbled ground, covered with brush- wood and lopped trees. In the shade of large trees, snepherds watching their flocks. In the back ground, a cottage. Bought in I822. 228 Entrance of a forest, H. 1,67. — W. 2,34. — C. — Heads 0,12. On the left, large trees. In the fore ground, two hunts- men, of whom one is loading his gun; the other, his dog near him, is on the w-atch, behind a bush. In the back ground, on the right, a river and mountains are seen. Collection of Louis XVIII. 229 Forest scene, H. 1,61. — W. 2,31. — C. — Heads 0,15- The forest is crossed by a deep road, passing in front of a cottage. On the left, in the fore ground, a woman is leading three cows and a sheep, to drink in a pool. HUYSUM (VAN). 313 Near her, a little girl with a basket on her arm ; farther off, two women are carrying bundles and grass on their heads, and a peasant is walking, leaning on a stick. On the left, four wood-cutters, sawing and splitting trees ; a woman and a child seated. Collection of Louis XVIII. ^ZQ Borders of a forest, H. 1,61. — W. 2,31. — C. — Heads 0,15. On the left, in a hollow road, shaded by large trees, four country women are carrying bundles and baskets; near them are two sportsmen followed by their dogs. Farther off, in the center, a shepherd, and a herd of cattle near a pool, beyond which a cottage is seen. On the right, a peasant, armed with a gun, and also follow- ed by his dog, is aiming at a bird, perched on a tree. Collection of Louis XVIII. HUYSUM (Jan van), born in Amsterdam the Uh of April 1682, died in the same city the Sth of February 17/i9. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of his father Justus van Huysum. 231 Landscape. n. 0,54. — W. 0,65. — C. — Heads 0,07. On the left, a tomb shaded by high trees, and young girls gathering flowers. Farther off, on the right, the ruins of a portico, and in the back ground, a palace, built on the borders of a lake, and overlooked in the hori- zon, by high mountains. — Signed : Jan Van Huy- sunif 1717. Collection of Louis XVL 232 Landscape, H. 0,23. — W. 0,29. — Vv. — Heads 0,03. On the right, on the banks of a river, a monument ia ruins, an arch shaded with trees, a woman seated on mu HTjysuM (VAN). the ground, a child and a man, standing. On the left, a single arched bridge, on \vhich are passing an ass and two men; on the other side of the river, several build- ings are seen. In the back ground, high mountains. — Signed : Jan F. Ilmjsinn fecit. Old colleclioD. 233 Liindscape, H. 0,23. — W. 0,29. — W. — Heads 0,03. In front, a river, and men and women bathing. Far ther off, men swimming, a boat; and on the left, twt shepherds watching their flocks. Beyond the river, high monuments, built at the foot of a mountain. In the back ground, on the right, a bridge and buildings. — Signed: Jan V. Iluysumfe, Old colleclion. 234 Landscape. H. 0,08. — W, 0,11. — W. — Heads o,02. In front, a woman, holding a child by the hand, and carrying a bundle on her head, is talking to another w^oman; a man is carrying a load on his back; another is driving in his flock. On the right a cluster of large trees. Old colleclion. 235 Basket of flowers placed on a marble table, H. 0,53. — W. 0,4 1. — W. It contains roses of different kinds, larkspurs, ane- mones, and auriculas. Butterflies and insects, arc resting on the flONvers. — Signed : Jan Van llmjsum fecit, Colleclion of Louis XVI, HUYSUM (VAN). 315 ,236 Basket of flowers, placed on a marble table. n. 0,63. — W. 0,53. — W. The basket, of braided rushes, is filled with tulips, narcissus, hyacinths and auriculas. — Signed : Jan Van Hwjsum fecit CoUection of Louis XVI. 237 Fruits and flowers, H. 0,63. — W, 0,53. — W. Peaches, black and white grapes, plums, melons, and raspberries are mixed with a few flowers, on a marble table. — Signed : Jan Van Hiiysum feciU Collection of Louis XVI. 238 Flowers and fruits, H. 0,80. — W. 0,61. — W. On a marble cornice, are placed black and white grapes, peaches, plums, raspberries, a cut melon, a poppy, morning-glories, a stem of white hyacinth, butterflies, insects of different kinds, and a snail. In the back ground, a park, and on the right, vases and statues. — Signed : Jan Van HUysum fecit. Collection of Louis XVI. 239 Vase of flowers, H. 0,80. — W. 0,61. — W, In a vase, ornamented by a bas-relief representing childrens' games, and placed on a marble table, are roses of ditferent kinds, poppies, tulips, anemones, etc. In the back groucci, a man coming down the steps of a stairs, anJ showing a marble group, representing a man carrying off a woman. Kumerous insects are creeping 316 nUYSUM (VAN). on the flowers, or flying over them. — This painting is signed : Jan Van Hiiysum fecit. Collection of Louis XVI. lliO Large vase ornamented with bas-reliefs^ and filled with flowers of different kinds, H. 1,38. — W. 1,08. — C. It is placed on a marble pedestal ; at the foot of the vase is a bird's nest and eggs. — Signed : J. F. HiXysum fecit Collection of Louis XYI. JANSSENS (Victor-Honore), born in Brussels in IQQUf died in the same city in 1739. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Volders. 241 Hot-cockles. H. 0,58. — W. 0,83. — C. — Heads o,2o. On the left, near a pedestal, a man is talking with a woman, standing. On the right, against a row of col- umns, under a niche, w-here statues of Venus and Cupid are seen, a gentleman, seated near a lady play- ing on the guitar, and several persons playing hot- cockles. Garden in the back ground. — Signed : H» Janssens fecit* Old collection. JARDIN or JARDYN (Karel dd), painter and engraver, born in Amsterdam about 1635, died at Venice, the 20th of November 1678. — (Dutch School.) Pupil otN* Berghem, or according to other authors of P. Potter. JARDIN (DU). 317 242 Calvary, H. 0,97. — W. 0,84. — W. — Heads 0,25. On the left, Jesus Christ is nailed on the cross, be- tween two thieves; IMagdalen and saint John a'e on each side of the cross. In front, the Virgin seated, and three holy women. In a corner, a horseman in armor, talking to a man half naked, who holds the spunge, at the end of a stick. On the right, other horsemen with standards, and, at the foot of the cross, on which is nailed the bad thief, soldiers playing at dice for the garment of Christ. — Signed in the center : K. dd Iardi^' fee 1661. Collection of Louis XIV« 2/i3 The Italian Mountebanks. IJ. 0,42. — W. 0,52. — C, — Heads 0,I3. On the right, in front of tents erected before a house, and through which Punchinello is passing his head, a buffoon is performing on boards placed upon casks. Near him is an open chest, filled with drugs. At the foot of the estrade. Harlequin is seated on a stool, and playing on the guitar. On the left, a group of spec- tators, among whom are seen a woman, carrying a child on her back, aman, wrapped in a large cloak, an ass, and a young boy mounted on a mule, the rich muzzle of which, bears the letters b-a. In the back ground, hills with ruins and poplar trees. —Signed : K. Dv. Iardin fee. 1657 Collection of Louis XVI. ^hh The Ford. [Italian site.) H. 0,23, — W. 0,30. — VV. — Heads 0,025. A peasant, accompanied by a child, an ass and a dog, is crossing a shallow stream, which flows at the foot of a hill, on which a chapel is built. Farther off, on the right, acountryman, four cows, and a goat are fording the rivulet. In the back ground, high and barren moun- tains are seen. — Signed : K. Dv. Iardin. Collection of Louis XVI, 245 T he pasture ground, H. 0,51. — W. 0,46. — C. — Heads 0,04. In front, a sheep standing, a sheep and two lambs lying down, two chickens and a cow browsing. On the right, a calf lying down. Farther off, two horses, of which one is resting his head on the other's neck. On the left,' a cluster of trees, under which is seen the horizon, a shepherd seated on the ground, and patting his dog. — - Signed : K. dv. Iardin. fee. Collection of Louis XVI. 246 The grove. H.0,54. — W.0,44.— C. In the fore ground, a cow standing ; another cow, two sheep, a lamb and an ass lying down. Farther oflf, on the right, two rocks, a tree nearly bare, and a stream, forming a cascade. In the back ground, hills and trees are seen. — Signed : K : du : Iardin : fe. 16Zi6. Collection of Louis XVI. 7 Landscape and animals, H. 0,65. — W. 0,58. — C. — Heads 0,12. On the left, a man on horseback, followed by two coupled dogs, throws a few pieces of money in a young beggar's hat. Near the latter, a young girl, seated on the ground near a cottage, surrounded with straw mats, holds a spinning wheel, and caresses a dog. In front, a cow, a sheep, and a goat lying down. Hills in the back ground. — Signed : k. dv jar. din. Old collection. 2/i8 Landscape and animals. H. 0,32. —W. 0,26. — W. — Heads 0,10. In the fore ground, a piebald horse, very thin and without harness, watched by two ragged little boys; JORDAENS. 319 one of them is seated. On the left, an ass and her colt lying down, a sheep standing. In the back ground, a white wall, and the tops of several Italian buildings. Old collection. 2li9 Landscape and animals, H. 0,9 1. — W. 1,21. — C. — Heads 0,11. On the left, in the fore ground, a cow and a dog. In the middle of a stream, wdiich flows between woody and steep shores, a cart, on which is seen a woman, seated on bags and holding a child ; a young peasant is push- ing the cart, another, older, leads the horse by the bridle. Behind, a man riding on a mule; in front, a peasant with bare legs, carrying a woman in his arms. In the stream, an ass and three goats ; farther off, on the right, an ass braying, near a colt. In the back ground, a bridge thrown across a fall of water, and in the dis- tance, mountains covered with trees, and overlooked by battled walls and towers. — Signed : K. dv. iardin fe. 1660. Collection of Louis XVIII. 250 Portrait of a man, H. 0,22. — W. 0,19. — Cop. — Bust. His head is bare, and he has moustaches. He wears a black doublet, a falling collar, and a black cloak, which he holds with his left hand. — Signed : K. dv. iardin fe. 1657. Collection of Louis XVI. JORDAEIVS or JORDAANS (Jakob), painter and engraver, bom in Antwerp the lOth of Maij 1593, died in the same city, the iSth of October 1678; was buried in the reformed church of the borough of Putte, near Antwerp, — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Adam yan Noorl, 320 JORDAENS. 25 j Jesus driving the sellers out of the Temple. II. 2,88. — W. 4,36. — C. — Heads Nal. S. On the left, a j^oung negro holding an ass, and an old woman putting poultry in a cage, in the center, a con- fused group, in which are seen an ass, a dog barking, a sheep, a young boy thrown down, a man falling with the ])ench on which he was seated, a woman and her child, whom she is nursing. Oh the right, Christ, a whip in his hand. At the door of the Temple, a woman carrying vegetables on her head, two old men, of whom only the heads are seen, a man, leaning on a stick, and a child, putting chickens in a basket. In the back ground, two publicans, seated before a desk, placed between two columns, and a man watching what is passing from the top of a pedestal. Old collection. 52 The Last Judgment, H. 3,9 1. — W. 3,00. — C, — Heads 0,68. In the lower part, the resurrection of the dead. On the right, a crowd of damned souls, precipitated into the bottomless abyss. On the left, the elect, carried to Heaven by angels. In the upper part, Christ, surrounded by blessed spirits; over his head, the Holy Ghost in a glory. —Signed i. ior. fec. 1G53. Old collection. 253 The four Evangelists. H. 1,3 4. — W. 1,18. ~C. — Half length, Nat. S. Saint John, clothed in white, and his hands crossed on his breast, saint Matthew, holding a book and a pau saint Mark and saint Luke, are standing, and in medi- tation, before a table placed on the left, on which is seen a book open, and resting on other volumes. Collection of Louis XVI. JORDAENS. 321 25A The Infancy of Jupiter. H. 1,50. — W, 2,03. — C. — Nat. S. On the left, the infant Jupiter seated on the ground, is crying, and showing a pot to a woman, who is milli- ing the goat, Amalthea. On the right, a satyr is seen. Colleclion of Louis XVIII. 255 Twelfth night. H. i,=i2.— W. 2,04. — C. — Half length, Nat S Round a tabie abundantly supplied, a Flemish family is celebrating Twelfth night. On the left, the father, seated in an arm chair, having a crown on his head, lifts his glass to his lips; behind him, a young man, standing, pours out beer for a man, seated, who is hold- ing out his glass. Farther off, a man is presenting a rich cup, to a young woman wearing a toque, near whom is a little girl. On the right, a young man holding a pewter pot, and an old woman are seen ; behind them, a ser- vant bringing a dish. In front, a young woman, seated on a chair, is turning, and holding out her glass. Collection of Louis XVI. 256 Concert after the repast, H. 1,5 4. — W. 2,0 8.— C. — Half length, Nat. S. Seated before a table, covered with dishes and fruit, an old man holds a silver pot, beating time with the hd. On the left, an old woman, seated in a large willow arm chair, on which is perched an owl, is singing, and looking at a piece of music; before her, a child is blow- ing in a small flageolet. On the right, a young woman, a child on her knees, holds a glass uith her riglit hand. In the back ground, a woman standing, is singing with a child in her arms; near her a man is playing on the bagpipes. — On the painting, the following inscription is written : Yt genus est genius concors consentus ab ortu. Collection of Louis XVI. 14. 322 JOUDAENS. 257 Portrait of Michel-Adrien Ruyter, Dutch Admiral, H. 0,94. — W. 0,73. — C. — Bust Nat. S. His head is bare, his left hand resting on a gilt bal- dric ; the right, holding a glove, is resting on his side. CoUeclion of Louis XVIII. JUSTE d'Allemagne, lived in lZi51. — (German School.) There is no reliable informalion of this artist. ^58 Altar piece divided into three compartments : 1** The Annunciation. H. 1,56. — W. 1,07. — W. — Half S. The Virgin, kneeling, is receiving with emotion the messenger of the Lord ; from the open gallery in which she is praying, the country and the city of Nazareth are discovered. 2° Saint Benedict and mint Austin. H. 0,98. — W. 0,48. — W. — Half S. 30 Saint .Stephen^ Deacon^ and saint Angc, Carmelite, H. 0,98. — W. 0,48. — W.— Half S, Collection of Louis XVIII. JiALF (Willem), painter and engraver, bor» in Amster- dam in 1650, died in the same citxj, the 30th of June 1693. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Henri Pol, KESSEL (van), 323 259 Interior of a cottage, H. 0,4 0. — W. 0,5 3 — W. — Heads 0,13. At the foot of a coarse table covered with meat, house- keeping utensils, two cabbages, and other vegetables are scaUered on the ground ; a broom is resting against a wooden partition, on which a chicken is perched ; near it, a servant is standing on the sill of a door, which is reached by a short ladder. In the fore ground, on the left, a dorsel full of vegetables, is leaning against the edge of a well, and in the back ground, a man and a woman are seen near a chimney. Collection of Louis XVI. KAREL DU JARDIN. ~ 5^^ Jardin (Du). KESSEL (JOHAXNVAN), born in Antwerp in 1626, died in the same city. The date of his death is not 'preci- sely known. Several authors state that it took place in 1678 or 1679, and Palomino Velasco fixes the date of his death in 1708, and at Madrid, — (Flemish School. ) Pupil of Simon de Vos. 260 The Holy Family in t fie center of a Wreatfiof flowers. H. 0,7 2. — W. 0,5 3. — W. — Dimension of the medallion: h 0,29 ; W. 0,2-2; Heads 0,23. The wreath of flowers surrounds an hexagonal medallion, in which are seen the Virgin seated, the Infant Jesus standing, or>3 foot on the serpent, and hold- ing in his left hand the globe of the world. On the right, saint Joseph, his elbow leaning on a table. On the left, an angel holding a harp. At the four corners of the painting, the Evangelists are seen ; in the upper part, God the Father; in the lower part, Satan and Death, vanquished. These last compositions are in grey ca- maieu. Napoleon Museum, 32!i LAAfi (van), K E U L E N. — 5^e Ceulen. KRAIVACH. —See Cranach. KRAYER. — See Grayer. KUYP. — 555CUYP. LAAR or LAER (Pieter van), surnamed Bamboccio, Bamboche or Le Snuffelaer, painter and engraver, born in Laaren, near Naarden {in Holland), died in Harlem in 1673, in 167/i or 1675, according to the different bio- graphers. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Johann del Carapo. 261 The departure from the inn* H. 0,33. — W. 0,43. — Oval shape. — W. — Heads 0,12. Two travellers are preparing to continue their jour- ney ; one of them is already on horseback , and the other, standing on a stone, is about mounting his horse. Behind them, on the right, the hostess, a mug in her hand, is assisting at their departure. Old collection. 1162 The Shepherds. H. 0,33. — W. 0,43. — Oval shape. — W. — Heads 0,12. On the banks of a river bounded by mountains, a wo- man stooping, is milking a goat; near her, a shepherd, seated on the ground, is playing on the pipe ; a cow, a goat, and a dog are near him. Old colleclion. LAIBESSE (oe). 325 LAIRESSE (Gerard de), painter, engraver and author^ born in Liege in 1640, buried in Amsterdam the 2Wi of Julij 1711. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of his father Renier de Lairesse. 263 The Institution of the Eucharist, H. 1,39. — "W. 1,63. — C. — Heads 0,70. Jesus is seated at table with his disciples. On the left, a negro is pouring the wine, contained in an ewer, into another vase, placed to cool in a copper basin. On the right, a costly ewer and tray, a dog gnawing a bone, and a large wax taper, placed on the ground. In the back ground, columns, between which several women are seen. On the copper basin on the left, is w^ritten the artist's monogram, formed of the letters G. L. Collection of Louis XYI. 26Zi Landing of Cleopatra at the port of Tarsus, II. 0,6 0. — W. 0,67. — C. — Heads 0,27. On the left, near the quay, the richly carved prow of a galley, and Cleopatra, led by Antony, at the foot of the steps of a door of honor. On the right, before this door, a woman seated, with a child; an old woman, a young boy and a soldier. In the back ground, on the left, vases, statues and buildings; under the door, three sol- diers, and farther off, on the upper steps, the King, waiting for Cleopatra. ~ On the sail of the galley, are written the artist's initals : G. L. Collection of Louis XVI. 265 Children dancing, H. 0,57. — W. 0,76. — C. Heads 0,40. A bacchante, seated on the ground near a monument, !i iiolding a triangle, to the sound of which, six naked children are dancing. iN'ear her are a vase, grapes on a tray, and a delph vase with blue fii^ures, bearing the 326 LAIRESSE (de). initials of the painter. — This painting is also signed : G. Lairesse in et /". Collection of Charles X, 266 Hercules between Vice and Virtue, H. 1,13. — W. 1,8 4. — C. — Half length, Nat. S. In the center of the composition, the young Hercules, beardless, holds in his right hand, his club resting on his shoulder. On the left. Virtue standing near a pe- destal ; between the two figures, a young woman. On the right. Vice, under the form of a woman richly atti- red, seated, and trying to detain Hercules by his arm ; behind her, an aged woman. In the back ground, trees are seen, and on the left, part of a circular temple. Old collection, LEDUC. — See Ddcq. LELY. — See Faes. LIEVEXS, LIVEA^S or LYVIX^S (Jan), painter and engraver, born in Ley den, the Ikth of October 1607. The greater number of biographers state, that the date of his death is unknown; some suppose it to have been in 1663; Sandrard believes that he was still living, when his work was published, which was in 1683. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of G. van Schooten and of Pieler Lastman . 267 The Virgin visiting saint Elisabeth, H. 2,80. — W. 1,98. — C. — Nat. S. The Virgin, is pressing in her arms Elisabeth, clothed in a long purple velvet dress, trimmed with fur, and followed by a small white dog. On the left, Joseph, con- versing with the High Priest Zachary, who is standing on the right, on the threshold of his door ; a young boy is behind him. — Signed I. L. Colleclion of Louis XVI, LINGELBACU (Van). 327 LIMBORCH or LIMBORGH (Hendrik van), born in The Hague in 1680, died in 1758. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of J. Hendrik Brandon, of Robert du Val and of Adriaan van der Werff. 268 The repose of the Holy Family, H. 0,72. — W. 0,55. — C. — Heads 0,48. On the right, the Virgin seated on a mound, holding a roll of parchment; behind her, saint Josepli Ijing down, his head resting on his left hand. Before^ the Virgin, the Infant Jesus, on ■>Y]iose head the young saint John is placing a wreath of flowers, while saint Ann is raising a white veil which covered it. On the left, an old man with a long beard, richly clad, his right hand resting on a pedestal in front of his house, is speaking with respect, to the Virgin. This last head appears to be a portrait — Signed, on the pedestal : H. V. Lim- BORCH. F. Old collection. 269 The Golden Age. H. 0,63. — W. 0,85. — Heads 0,35. In the center, a young man seated on a mound, is placing with his riglit hand, a flower on the head of a young woman, stooping, and on whose knees is leaning a child, sleeping. On the right, a naked woman, standing, her back turned, holding a wreath of flowers; and two children attempting to seize a pear, which a woman is presenting to them. Quite in the fore ground, and half in the water, a child, who has a fish in his hand; another carrying a duck, to which a third child is giving a worm to eat. On the left, men, women and children, eating, drinking and dancing. — Signed : H. V. Ldiborch. F. Collection of Louis XVI. LIXGELBACH (Johannes), painter and engraver, bom in Frankfort on the Mein in 1625, died in Amsterdam in 1687. — (Dutch School.) The name of his master is not known 328 LIiNGELBACII. 270 Vegetable market in Rome, H. 0,69, — W. 0,87." — C. — Heads o,20. On the left, a man on a mule, and three others, play- ing morra. In the center, a woman walking, holding a little boy by the hand ; a young girl, arranging vegeta- bles lying on the ground. On the right, a market woman seated, and near her, also seated, a peasant, holding a basket covered with a cloth. Behind this group, three men, to whom a woman placed at a window is beckon- ing. In the back ground, on the right, the stairs of Monte-Cavallo, with its marble horses seen in profile. On the left, a column and a carriage. — Signed : I. LiNGELBACH, 1670. Old collection. 271 VietJD of a sea port in Italy, H. 0,69. — W. 0,83. — C. — Heads o,20. On the left, under a sort of portico in ruins, two men, reading a bill pasted on one of the columns. At the foot of the column, two galley-slaves, one seated on the ground, the other on a bale of merchandise, and a por- ter, carrying a cask on his back; near him, a gentleman talking to a lady, whom a negro is protecting from the sun, by holding a large parasol over her head; a beggar, seated on the ground, is asking alms from her. On the right, four sailors, of whom three are seated, and a Levantine, standing near a package. In the back ground, a large bridsre with several arches, and terminated by a large round tower. — Signed : LLingelbach fecit. Napoleon Museum. 272 Peasants drinking before the door of an inn. H. 0,36. — W. 0,47. — C. — HeaJsOjlB. In the center, an Italian peasant, a basket on her arm, and seated on the ground, extends her hand to receive LOO (VAN). 329 a glass, which a peasant covered with a sheep's skin, and seated on a bench, is presenting to her. On the right, in front of the inn, the landlord holding a bottle, a young boy carrying away a dish, a peasant, seated on a step, and leaning on his basket. Behind, a man holding a glass, and another personage, his elbow leaning on a cask. Farther off, a cart, a peasant watering his horse at a fountain, over which is a Triton. In the back ground, houses and a dome are seen. Collection of Louis XVIII. 273 Landscape, ^H. 0,69. — W. 0,61. — C. — Heads 0,14. In the center of the fore ground, a peasant on horse- back, is holding a basket containing poultry-, and is talking to a man standing. On the left, another peasant riding, with his ^vife behind him, is speaking to a man, carrying a dorsel. On the right, are seated a man and a woman, her arm passed through the handle of her basket, on which a child is re&ting his hand. In the back ground, on the right, a labourer ; on the left, t\vo men fishing with rods, harvesters, a river and hills are seen. The landscape is by Wynants. — - This pain- ting bears the signatures of the two artists : J.Wynaiiis, en Lingelbach. Old collection. LIVEIVS. — See Lievens. LOO (Jakob van) or VAIVLOO, born in Sluys {in Flanders) in 161^, died in Faris, the IQtIi of November 1670. — (Dutch School.) He was the son and pupil of Jan van Loo. 27Zi Portrait of Michel Corneille the father, pain-- ter and rector of the Royal Academy , died in 166/ij at the age ofQi. H. 1,18. — \V. 0,8 8. — C. — Half length, Nat. S. He is represented his head bare, and turned to the right. Hewears a large falling collar, a black garment, 330 '--' C'A.s;. and a mantle of the same colour. His right hand is ieaL> ing on his hip. Old collection. 275 Head of a Woman, H. 1,0 3. — W. 0,8 0. — C. — Half length, Nat. S^ She is represented nearly naked, turned to the left, and her right hand resting on her breast. Old collection. L Y V INS.— See Lie vens. MAAS or MAES (Aaert or Arnold van), painter and engraver, born in Gouda in 1620, died in the same city in 166Zi. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of David Teniers. 276 Interior of a guard house. H. 0,51. — W. 0,77. — C. — Heads o,40. On the left, three soldiers playing at dice, on a large drum ; behind them, a woman, standing. On the right, in the back ground, three figures. Collection ol Louis XVIII. MABUSE (Jan van), or GOSSAERT according to Fioritlo, born in Maubeuge {in Hainault) about in l/i70, died in Antwerp in 1532. — (Flemish School.) The name of his master is not known. 277 Portrait of Jean Caronddet, Chancellor of Flanders, born in Dole in lZi69, died in Mechlin theSth of February ibhli. n. 0,43. — W. 0,27. — W. — Bust small S. IJis head is bare, and he has no beard; his hands are joined, and he wears a mantle, trimmed with fur, — MATSTS (QuiNTEN). 331 Round the frame is written : representacion. de. mes IRE. JEHAN. CARONDELET. HAVLT. DOYEN. DE. BeSANQON. EN. SON. eage. de. Zi8. A. ; and on the lower part : fait l'an 1517. — Behind the pannel is painted a niche, where are seen suspended the arms of Carondelet, and the letters I G twined in ribbons; below the niche is written his motto : matvra. 278 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus. H. 0,43. — W. 0,27. — W. — Small S. The Virgin is seen to the waist, her head bare, her hair flowing, with a pearl band ; she holds in her arms the Infant Jesus nearly naked. — Round the frame is written : mediatrix, nostra, qve. es. post. devm. spes. SOLA. Tvo. FiLio. ME. REPRESENTA. ; and in the lower part : johannes. Melbodie. pingebat. — Behind this paunel is painted, in a niche, a skull without its lower jaw; above, on a scroll, this legend is written in gothic letters : facile contemnIt omnia qvi se semper cogitat MORiTVRVM. Hiecrinimus. 1517. ; and on the lower part the device : matvra. Collection of Louis-Philippe. MALBODIUS or MALBOGI. — S^^iMabuse. SiASSYS* —See Matsys. MATS YS (QumiEN or Quentin), born in Antwerp, about l/i60. It appears from two authentic documents, that he was still living, the Sth of July 1530, but that he was dead, the Vlth of October 1531. — (Flemish School.) The name of his master is unknown. 279 The banker and his wife. H. 0,7 1. — W. 0,68. — W. — Half length, small S, On the left, a man with a toque on his head, clothed in a blue robe, with the collar and sleeves trimmed witJi fur^iis seated befo^-e a taJ^le covered with a green 332 MATSYS (Quinten). cloth, and is weigliing gold pieces in a scale. On the right, by his side, his -svife, dressed in red, and seated, like him, on a bench with a back to it, is holding a ■ missal witii paintings, open before her, and looks at him weighing the gold. On tlie table, a glass, pearls on black silk, rings on a piece of rolled paper, a weight, and a mirror, which reflects the bust of a man dressed in red, and reading near a w'indow, through which trees and a steeple are seen. In the back ground, two shelves against the wail; on the edge oftlie lower one, are hang- ing a case, a scale, and a ring, to wdiich is attached a sort of rosary. On the upper shelf is a glass bottle, an orange, papers, registers, and a bundle of letters, on the covers of which is written in gothic characters : Quinien Matsijs schilder 1518 (or 1519?) Napoleon Museum. MATSYS (Qdinten) — {Attributed to), 280 Christ taken down from the cross. H. 2,20. — W. 2,14. — Sloped in the upper corners. — W. — Small S. In the center of the composition, Nicodemus, still standing on the ladder, is taking down the body of Christ, which he is holding in his arms. Above him, an attendant, a hammer in his belt, is supporting the left arm of the Saviour. A holy woman, kneeling, and in tears, is pressing the right arm with grief: while the legs are born by Joseph of Arimathcca standing, and by Mary Magdalen, kneeling; behind her, another holy woman is presenting the crown of thorns to Jo.^eph of Arimathfea. On the left, saint John, clothed in red, is receiving in his arms, the Virgin fainting, fn front, a skull is on the ground, a tibia near the cross, and be- fore Magdalen, a vase of perfumes ou which is her glove. Napoleon Museum. MATSYS (Jan), was painting from 1531 to 1565. — (Flemish School.) Son of Q. Malsys and pupil of Jakel OsVens. MEEL 333 281 David and Beihsabee. H. 1,62. — W. 1,97. — W. — Nat. S. Bethsabee, nearly naked, wearing a pearl necklace, and bracelets on her arms, is seated on the terrace of her garden. Near her, on the right, two women kneel- ing; one is holding a spuuge in a basin, the other is carrying a vase. On the left, the messenger of the king, and behind him a young negro, holding in a leash a greyhound, on which a little dog is rushing. Farther ofif, still on the left, on a gallery of his palace, David accom- panied by several personages. In the back ground, gar- dens and a city are seen. — On the cornice of the palace is written : 1562. coaxes massHs pingebat. Given by the Count de Morny, in 18 52. MEEL or AIIEL (Jan), painter and engraver, bom in Antwerp in 1599, died in Turin, in 166/i, or according to Passeri, in 1656. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of G. Zeegers in Flanders, and of Andrea Sacclii at^ Rome. 282 The beggar. H. 0,15. — W. 0,25. — Tin. — Heads 0,08. A beggar is asking alms from peasants, who are eat- ing near the door of a cottage. In the back ground, on the left, cows and goats. Old Collection. 283 The Neapolitan barber. H. 0,15. — W. 0,2 5. — Tin. — Heads o,08. On the right, at the foot of a sort of tower, a barber, standing, is shaving a man, seated on a stone. On the left, lazzaroni, standing or lying down, are nlaying. In the back ground a seaport is seen. Old collection. 334 MEEL. 284 Landscape* Diameter 0,5 4, — Round sliape, *- C. •— Heads 0,14. A woman, seated, is watching her flock ; near her, a young shepherd is playing with his dog. In the back ground, a thatched hut, built against rocks. Old collection. 285 The soldiers' halt, H. 0,39. — W. 0,51. — Oval shape. — Cop» — Heads 0,0 8. At the entrance of a grotto, in which soldiers are playing at cards, an officer is giving orders to a hal- berdier. On the right, in the grotto, is seen a cavalier, feeding his horse, and outside, tents auQ i. caariot Old collection. 286 The travellers* dinner. H. 0,39. — W. 0,51. — Oval shape. — Cop. — Heads o,09. On the left, travellers seated on the ground, are eat- ing, near a cart drawn by two oxen. On the right, peas- ants, seated at a table set oa the outside of an inu, are singing and drinking, to ih^-. sound of a bagpipe; a man on horseback, driving a h^rse laden with packages, ana small casks, holds his glass to be filled by a groom ; far- ther off, a servant girl, accompanied by a child, is throw- ing grain to the chickens. In the back ground, hills and two horsemen are seen. Old collection. MEER (Jan van de ), born in 1628, in Sclwonhven, near Utrecht, according to Iloubraken; in Harlem, according to d'Argenvillc, who fixes the dale of his death in 1691, while other authors give the date of 17 11.— (Dutch School.) He is believed to have been a pupil of Broers, MEMLING. 335 287 Entrance of an inn. H. 0,70. — W. 0,66. — C, — Heads 0,32. A man dressed in red, seated before the door of an inn, a pipe in his hand, is speaking to a servant girl, standing before him, and holding a pewter mug and a glass. Near them, a dog, and in the back ground, the country is seen.— Signed J. van der Meer, 1652 (or 1653). Old collection. MELCODIE. — SeeMABVSE, MEMLIXG (Hans), painted from l/i70 to l/i8Zi. — (Fle- mish School. ) He studied the school of van Eyck, and ^jerhaps had Rogier van der Weyden for master. 288 Saint John the Baptist. H. 0,48. — W. 0,12. — W, — Heads 0,32. He is represented in the middle of a landscane, turned to the right, wearing a camel's hair sL.rt, ifght at the waist, and his hands bare. In the distance, tlie painter has represented several suljjects, drawn from the life of the saint; he is seen, on the banks of a river, bap- tising Jesus Christ; farther off, he harangues the people; on a mountain, in front of a castle with battlements, he is beheaded, and his head is taken by Salome, to He- rodias. Bought in 1 8 5 1 . 289 Saint Mary Magdalen, H. 0,48. — W. 0,12. — W. Heads, o,32. She is standing in the middl-e of a landscape, turned to the left, wearing a scarlet velvet robe, with gold figures, and a dark purple mantle; she carries a \asti 336 MEMLING. of perfumes in one hand, and with the other, she is hold- ing her mantle. In the back ground, on the left, the re- surrection of Lazarus, and IMagdalen, kneeling at the feet of Christ, at the house of Simon tlie leper. On the right, Christ .appearing to Magdalen, under the form of a gardener. Farther off, a cave in a rock, where the saint had retired. Two angels are carrying her off to Heaven. Bou{:bt in J 85i. ?wlElVGS (Anton-Rafael), painter and author, born in Aussig {in Bohemia)^ the i2th of Marchil^S, died in Rome, the 29th of June 1779. — (German School.) Pupil of bis father. 290 Portrait of Marie- Ame lie-Christine de Saxe, Queen of Spain, Consort of Charles 111, born in illlx, died in 1760. H. 1,29. — W. 0,9 7. — C; — Half lenglli, Nat. S. The Princess has her hair combed back, and powdered; she wears hanging eardrops, and a diamond necklace, over a black velvet ribbon, A decoration is fastened to her grey silk dress with large figures, which is adorned with feathers. Sne holds in her right hand, two white pinks, and a fan in the left. Behind, the balustrade of a terrace, and a stone vase, filled with flowers. Land- scape. Old collection. MESSYS. — See Matsys. METSYS. — 5^6 Matsys. METSU (Gabriel), born in Lexjdcn in 1615, died in Amsterdam in 1658. — (Dutch School.) There is no iuformalion about bis lifo. METSO. S3V z9l The woman taken in adultery, H. i,35s — W. 1,64. — C. — Heads 0,60. On the right, a soldier leaning against a column. la the center, Christ writing these Avords on the ground : Qui smepeccato est vestrum, primus in illam lapidem. miltat {et ait) Midier ubi sunt qui te accusabant ? JSemo te con- demnarit ? Nemo DNE. Nee ego te condemnabo vade in pace, ' etiam ampliiis noli peccare. An old man with spectacles, is reading what Christ has been writing. Before him, the woman taken in adultery, in tears, to Avhom the High Priest is showing the law. Near her, a soldier, holding her dress. In the fore ground, on the left, a scribe dressed in red, turning his back, and seen half length, is mounting the steps of the Temple, with a book under his arm. — Signed : G. Uetsu a" 1653. Old collection. 292 The vegetable market in Amsterdam, H. 0,95. — W. 0,82, — C — Heads 0,28. In the fore ground, on the left, an old cook, her hands on her hips, is disputing with a market woman, seated on a vrheelbarrow, full of vegetables. Behind the latter, is a. peasant, carrying a wicker cage on his back. In the center, a burgher's wife with an apron, her ai'm passed in the handle of a tin can, is smiling at the attentions of a young man, dressed in red. On the right, a hen on the ground, a basket of vegetables, a spaniel, looking at a cock, perched on a wicker cage. Farther off, on the left, a cook is bargaining for a hare, with a woman who is in a stall. In the center, a man with a wig, wearing a collar, and a black mantle ; on the right, an old woman seated before a table, and selling cordials to a man dressed as a Turk, who is taking money out of his] purse. A large tree, on the left, occupies nearly all the upper part of the painting. In the back ground, a canal, a boat, and on the other side, houses are seen. Signed, on a paper on the ground : Metsiu Collection of Louis XYI. METSU. A n officer receiving a lady, H. 0,63. — W. 0,47. — W. — Heads 0,33. On the right, near a table covered with a cloth, an odicer, standing in a respectful attitude, his hat in his hand, is ordering refreshments for a lady who is seated, and holding a glass. Behind her, on the left, a page is carrying a silver salver, on which is a lemon. In front, a little dog with a collar, a glove on the ground, a chair, against which a cane is leaning. In the back ground, a half opened curtain ; on the right, a tall chimney piece, with marble columns. Old collection. 29/i The music lesson, H. 0,31. — W. 0,25. — W. — Heads 0,22, A woman, in a dress of white satin, with a red bodice, is sitting at a harpsichord, and is placing Iier right hand on the key board. A young man in a mantle, standing behind her chair, holds his hat in his left hand, and points with" his right, to the music placed on the harp- sichord. On the left, a window with a red curtain, raised. — Signed, on a paper, placed on the harpsi- chord : G. Metsiu Colleclion of Louii XVIH, 295 The chemist. H. 0,21. — W. 0,24. — W. — Half length. He is seen nearly in profile, and turned to the left. He is seated near a window, and holds on his knees an open book. On the edge of the window, are placed an inkstand, a bronze mortar, and a china vase. A framed sign, on which is seen a man, sliowing a phial, is hung on the left, out of the window, of which the upper part is covered with ivy. In the back of the apartment, are seen books on shelves, and a globe. — Signed, on the back of one of the books. Metsu* Colleclion of Louis XVI. MEULEN (VAN der). 339 296 A Dutch woman, H. 0,28. — W. 0,26. — W. — Half length* She is seated near a table, covered with a cloth ; her left hand is leaning on the table, holding a glass, and in the right, a poi of beer. On the table, a decanter of cordials, and a pipe. In the back ground, a chimney piece, of which the upper part is supported by a carya- tide. Old collection. 297 A Dutch cook. H. 0,28. — Wa 0,26. — W. — Half length. She is seated, and pealing apples. Before her, on the left, on a table, covered by an old cloth, a hare and a small pail are seen. — Signed, in the upper part of the painting, on the left : G. Metsu, Old collection* 298 Portrait of CorneUle Tromp, Dutch Admiral, born in 1629^ died in 1691. H. 0,93. — W. 0,76. — C. — Half length, NaU S, He wears a black hat, a red coat, a wide baldric, and black gloves, edged with gold and silver fringe. His left hand is resting on his hip, and the right is leaning on a cane. Napoleon Museum* MEULEN (Anton Franz van der), born in Brussels, in 163^, died in Paris, the ibih of October 1690. (Flemish School.) Pupil of Peter Snayera, S^iO MEULEN (VAN DER). 299 The army of the King^ encamped before Tour^ nay {June 1667). II. 2,65. — W. 3,85. — C. — Heads 0,33. In the fore ground, on the left, in the middle of a group of horses, waggons and baggage, a man is arran- ging clothes in a trunk. On the right, near a tent, sol- diers, lying down on the ground, are playing cards, and a monk is reading a book. In the back ground, horsemen in the plain, and the city in the horizon. Colleclion of Louis XIV, 300 Arrival of Louis XIV before Douai, which he had invested by his cavalry ^ in 1667. n. 2,20. — H. 3,28. — C. — Heads o,33. In the fore ground, an equipage with the King's live- ries, and mules laden with baggage ; one of them falls under its load, and men are trying to raise it up. Far- ther off, on the left, the road, obstructed with horsemen, carriages, and chariots. Squadrons of cavalry are far^ ming in the plain. In the horizon the city is seen. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 301 Entrance of Louis XI V and of the Queen Ma^ rie-Therese in Douai [August 1667) . H. 0,63. — W. 0,78, — C. — Heads 0,30. The Queen, in her coach, is receiving the homage of the magistrates kneeling before her; one of them is reading a harangue. On the left, near the coach, Louis XIV on horseback, surrounded by his guards. Collection of Louis XIV. 302 View of the army of the King, marching on Courtray, which was taken the \%t hof Jidy 1667. II. 2,30. — "W. 3,26. — C. — Heads 0,33, The King, holding his hat, to prevent its being blown of by the wind, and followed bv his ofBcer",- is rito? MEULEIN (VAN DER). SZil is filled with troops and baggage. In the fore ground, two soldiers, lying down. Collection of Louis XIV. 303 View of the city and Siege of Oiidenarde, which, the king commanded in person. at . , in 1667. H. 2,13. — W. 3,33. — C. — Heads 0,33. In the center of the composition, Louis XIV, accom- panied by the Marshal de Turenne, is followed by se- veral horsemen. An officer, whose horse is prancing, is speaking to the King, his hat in his hand. On the left, a group of four cavaliers, of whom one, who has his back turned, is holding his hat. Collection of Louis XIV. 304 Entrance of Louis XIV , and of the Queen Marie'Therhe, in Arras [August 1667). H. 2,32. — ^V, 3,31. — C. — Heads 0,28. On the right, the queen, in a coach drawn by six white horses, is accompanied by the ladies of her suite, and surrounded by her pages. Behind the coach, Louis XIV and Monsieur, on horseback, and followed by a bril- liant escort. On the left, a large crowd ; in the back ground the city is seen. Collection of Louis XIV. 305 View of the city of Lisle, on the side of the prioiij of Fives ^ and the army of the king, before the Place [August 1667). H. 2,30. — W. 3,28. — C. — Heads 0,30. On the left, Louis XIV on horseback, followed by his guards, and three officers, ^\\t\\ hats in their hands, who appear to be receiving his orders. Farther off, a 3A2 MEULEN (van der). small river, which washes the gardens of the priory, bounded on the right l)y a road, to which a small bridge is leading. In the back ground, a vast plain, and the city of Lisle. Collection of Louis XIV. lOQ Battle near the canal of Bruges {August 1667), , H. 0,50. — \V, 0,80. — C. — Heads 0,25. In the fore ground, on the right, Louis XIV, followed by several horsemen, is giving orders to a General I galloping at his side, his hat in his hand. Farther off, troops are crossing the canal. In the back ground, a charge of cavalry, and the besieged city, in flames. Collection of Louis XIV. 307 Vievo of the city of Dole^ surrendered to Louis XIV, the Ihth of February 1668. H. 2,16. — W. 2,9 4, — C. — Heads 0,3 3. On the left, on a mound, the King on horseback, and followed by his officers, appears to be speaking to a foot-guard ; a cavalier, gallopmg, takes ofi' his hat, as he passes near him. On the right, several soldiers, seated round a fire, burning near a cottage. In the back ground, the city. Collection of Louis XIV. 308 The crossing of the Rhine [l^th of Jun,', 1672). H. 0,50. — W. 1,11. — C. — Heads o,28. Louis xrv, riding a piebald horse, and surrounded by the Princes and his Generals, is giving orders to an officer on foot. Farther off, the artillery is protecting the cavalry, which is crossing the river. Collection of Louis XIV. MEULEN (VAN der). 343 309 Arrival of the King at the camp before Maes- tricht (ml673). H. 2,31. — W, 3,32. — C. — Heads 0,33. The King is riding a vvliite horse, and surrounded by his guards. An officer seen full face, is speaking to him. On the left, two other cavaliers, galloping towards th c King ; one of them lifts his hand to his hat ; in front, l page putting on his boots. In the back ground, the cit3% Colleclion of Louis XIV, 310 View of the city and castle ofDinan, on the MaesCj besieged, and taken by Louis XI V [May 1675) . H. 2,33. — W, 3,31. — C, Heads 0,30. On the left, the King, surrounded by his officers, is riding towards the city, situated on the banks of the Maese; on the right, rocks, fragments of buildings, a cross, and in the back ground, the castle, built on the rock. Collection of Louis XIV, 311 Valenciennes taken by storm by Louis XIV {IQthof March iQ77), H, 2,26. — W. 3,35, — C. — Heads o,33. Louis XIV, riding a light bay horse, followed by an es- cort of cavaliers with mantles, is giving orders to an officer, who is arriving at full gallop ; he appears to be pointing out to him with his cane, the spot to which he is to repair. Farther off, on the left, the body guards are in battle order, in the plain ; and the cavalry riding towards the besieged city. Collection of Louis XIV. SZi/i MEULEN (VAN der). 312 Vieix) of the cufj of Luxembiirgh on the side of the Springs of Mansfeld, taken the ^d of June IQSli. H. 2,22. — W. 4,00. — C. — Heads, o,30. In the center, and in the fore ground, horses, of whicji one is cream coloured, are held by grooms. A personag £> wearing a mantle, is talking to a valet, dressecf in redi ; a beggar kneeling, is asking alms from him. On th c left, a blind man led by a child, is questioned by officers . Collection of Louis XIV. 313 Siege of the city and castles of Namur [June 1692). H. 2,06. — V\\ 3,25, — C. — Heads o,30. In the fore ground, a group of cavaliers, of whom one, in a red mantle, appears to be speaking to the King, who is dressed in blue, and riding a sorrel horse. Farther off, a convoy of baggage, going towards a road, by the side of a rivulet. In the plain, the troops are forming. In the back ground, the city, overlooked by a rock, on which is built the citadel, whose guns are fi- ring on the enemy. Colieclion of Louis XIV. 31/i View of the palace of Fontainebleau on the side of the gardens, H. 1,90. — W, 3,35. — C. — Heads o,33. In the fore ground, the hunt, passing in the midst of the rocks of Avon. Louis XIV, at the head of his oflicers, is pursuing the stag, closely followed by the dogs. Far- ther off, the guards and carriages of the King. In the back ground, the flower garden, the palace and its dependencies. In the horizon, the forest i3 seen. Colieclion of Louis XIV- MEULEN (van der). 3/i5 315 View of the castle of Vincennes^ taken from the park. fl, 0,96. — W» 1,26. — C. — Heads o,i8. Towards the right, at the entrance of the forest of Vincennes, the King, on a gre}' horse, carrying a gun, is followed by his pages, on foot, and preceded by seven dogs. On the left, a group of noblemen, on horseback. In the back ground, troops are seen; and in the distance, the castle and park of Vincennes. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 316 Battle at the entrance of a forest, H. 1,3 6. — W. 2,18, — C — Heads o,2o. On the left, a body of cavalry is fighting at the issue of a forest; cavaliers unhorsed, and wounded horses, are lying on the ground. Farther off, in one of the defiles of the forest, another fight is taking place. In the fore ground, a soldier is threatening with his sword, anothei' soldier, thrown down, whom he seizes by the throat. A dead man is stretched near them. In the hori- zon, mountains are seen. Old collection. 317 Fight near a bridge, H. 0,23. — W, 0,33, — W. — Heads o,03. On the left, a combat of cavalry is taking place, on a single arched bridge ; men and horses are falling into the river. In the fore ground, a standard bearer, in the center of a group of cavaliers. — Signed on the lower part, on the right : a. f. v. mevlen. a. brvil. Colleclion of Louis XIV. 318 Fight near a bridge, H. 0,23.— W. 0,33. — W. —Heads 0,03. A fight of cavalry is taking place near a rivulet, crossed by a sinale arched bridge, covered with comba- i6 MEULEN (VAN der). tants. In the back ground, above the bridge, carts without horses are attaclced. Their defenders are aban- doning tliem, and flying in disorder. — Signed, on the bridge : a. f. v. mevlen. Collection of Louis XIV. B19 Military convoy, H. 0,19. — W. 0,27. — Oval shape. — Cop. — Heads 0,03. Horsemen, of whom one is dressed in red, and wears a hat with feathers, are accompanying soldiers on foot, in a hollow road. Towards the right, three soldiers, seated on the ground, and another, lying down asleep. In the bacJ' ground, a chariot with an escort, and a farm on a hill. ~ Signed, on the wall of the farm : af. v. MEVLEN. CoUeclion of Louis XVI. 320 Halt of horsemen, H. 0,19. — W. 0,27. — Oval shape. — Cop. — Heads o,03. Some horsemen, after having stopped before the door of an inn, are getting ready to start; a countryman, his hat in his hand, is showing the way to two of them, and on the right, a beggar, seated on the edge of the road, is asking alms from them. In the back ground, other horsemen are seen, riding towards a building, situated on a hill. — Signed, on the top of the house : v. mevlen. CoUeclion of Louis XVI. 321 Horses, H. 0,55. — W. 0,66, — C. Five horses on the same canvass, and without any ground. On the left, a white horse, and behind it, a bay. In the center, a white horse, of which tlie croup is seen, and on the right, two piebald horses. Old collection. MIEBiS (Fraks van). 347 MI EL, — See Meel. MIEREVELT — 5^5 Mireveld. MfEUIS Le Vieux (Frans van), born in Delft, in 1635. the iOfh of Api'il, according to Weyermann, or the 16'A according to Houbraken; died in Ley den the iWi of March 1681. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Abraham Toornvliet, of Gerard Dov, and of Adria^^ van Tempel. %12 Portrait of a man, H. 0,24. — ~W. 0,19. — W. — Half length. He is seen full face, his head bare, wrapped in a red velvet mantle; his right arm is resting on the end of a balustrade, on which his hat, and a stone vase, with a poppy, are placed; he holds a cane with an ivory handle. On the right, the head of a greyhound, and behind, a young negro. In the back ground, on the left, a buil- ding; and in a niche, a statue of Venus. On the right, hills, buildings and trees are seen. — Signed on the balustrade : F. Van Mieris, Collection of Louis XYI. 323 A woman at her toilet, H, 0,27. — W. 0,22. — W. — Half length. A woman, richly attired, and seated before a table, on which is placed a large mirror, is combing her hain On the right, a negress is bringing an ewer, and a basin. The open door discovers on the side, a portico with columns. Colleclion of Louis XVI. Z2!i A tea party, H. 0,40. — W. 0,34. — W. — Heads o,22. Under a portico, two women richly dressed, are sea- ted near a table ; one of them, in a white satin dress, is 3A8 MIERIS (Frans van). looking at the bottom of a cup, which she holds in the right hand; the other, with two blue feathers in her hair, is pouring out the tea. Behind her, a man standing, his back turned, is talking to a woman. On the left, a statue in the shade, only lighted on the side. On the ground, a small frame, sewing silk in a basket, an em- broidered slipper with a heel. On the right, a little dog, And a chair, placed under a red curtain, raised. In the back ground, two niches with statues. Old coUeclion. 525 A Flemish family, H. 0,4U — 0,32. — W. — Heads 0,23. A Lady, seated with a foot resting on a foot-warmer, is giving the breast to a child, wrapped in swaddling clothes. On the right, two men; one, bareheaded, is seated in an armchair; the other, standing behind the latter, wears a large hat, and is looking at the child. On the left, near the lady, a wicker cradle. In front, a cat, and a dog, barking. In the back ground, a servant girl, kneeling near a chimney. Old colleclion. MIERIS (WiLLEM van), painter and sculptor, born in Ley den, in 1662, died in the same city , the 2!xth of Ja- nuary 17/|7. — (Dutch School.) Son and pupil of Frans van Mieris le Vieux, 326 Soap bubbles. 11. 0,3 1. — W^ 0,26. — \V. — Half lenglh. Behind an arched window, a young boy is holding in one hand a bubble, at the end of a pipe, and a leather purse in the other. Farther off, on the left, a young girl, carrying grapes in her apron, is showing a bunch of them, with her right hand ; and a child is looking at the bird in a wicker cage, placed on the edge of the win- dow. Under it, a bas-relief, renrcsenting children playing MIGINON. 3Zi9 with a goat, and hidden on the right, by a rich drapery, falling outside. Old collection, 327 The game shop, H. 0,3 0. — W. 0,26. — W, — Half length. Behind an arched window, a young man is holding a chicken by the legs, and showing it to a woman, on the left, who is offering him a piece of money. On the same side, a hare, hanging from the window, on the edge of w^hich a knife, a red partridge, a duck and a napkin are seen. On the right, a wicker cage, hanging outside of the window, of which the lower part is or- namented with a bas-relif, representing children play- ing with a dog and a goat. Old collection. 828 The cook, H. 0,47. — W. 0,38. — W. — Half length. She is drawing aside the curtain of her window, to hang a chicken on a nail, to which two partridges are already suspended, and is speaking to a young boy, holding a dish, full of meat. On the left, a carpet, car- rots and a cabbage, lying on the edge of the window ; a wicker cage is hanging outside. Under the window, or- namented with a bas-relief, representing children play- ing, a magpie is pecking at two carrots. On the right, in front, a large earthen vase, in which a poppy is planted. Napoleon Museum. MIGXON or MliVJOl^ (Abraham), born in Frank- fort in 1637, died at Wedztar, in 1679. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Jacob Moreels, S29 The nest of chaffinches, H. 0,82. — Y,". 1,00. — C. A nest of chaffinches is on a cask, placed before a gun, of which only the barrel is seen. The mother is 350 MIGNON. flying, and brings a worm to her young ones. On the right, a squirrel, and dead birds, hanging by the beaks to branches of trees. Fishes, tied together by the gills, are suspended to the cask, or heaped before it, on the ground. In the midst of the flowers, are seen adders, and reptiles of different kinds. On the left, mushrooms, and in the back ground, a pond with frogs. — Signed : «1. Mignon fee. Collection of Louis XIV. 330 Field flowers^ birds, insects and reptiles, H. 0,48. — W. 0,42, — W. Daisies, corn-flowers, wild poppies and gramineous plants, are growing at the foot of a shrub, in which is a bird's nest ; an adder is gliding through the leaves, watching a lizard. On the left, near mushrooms, a mouse. — Signed : A. Mignon f. Old collection, 331 Flowers in a glass vase, H. 0,48. — W. 0,42. — W. Roses, tulips, an iris, a pink, an anemone, a poppy and other flowers, are in a crystal vase, placed on a stone ledge. Below, in front, an ear of corn, three cher- ries, a snail, and two snow-drops, on the same stalk.-— Signed : A. Mignon, Old collection. 332 Flowers in a glass vase, placed on a stone pe^ destal, H. 0,88. — W. 0,68. — C. Among the flowers are poppies, roses, an orange, tulips, hydrangeas, peonies, a pink, etc. Below, and in the center, an ear of wheat, on which a little butterfly is resting. Quite on the right, a larger butterfly, near a rose. On the vase is seen the reflection of a window. — Signed : A. Mignon fe. Collection of Louis XIV. ftiiJlLVhLU G'51 333 Fioivcrrs^ fruits, birds , and insects, H. 0,99. — W. 0,84. — C. On the right, on a stone, at the foot of a tree, large grapes. In the center, on the ground, a branch full of apricots, peaches, plums, and a melon. On the left, gourds are seen. In the back ground, on the same side, an arch, supported by columns. In the midst of the fruit, a mouse, creeping into a bird's nest, containing four eggs. Old collection. 334 Flowers, fruits and insects. H. 0,75. — W. 0,60.-— C. A basket with handles, placed on a shell In a niche, contains black and white grapes, peaches, chestnuts, cherries, plums, mulberries, etc. On the shelf, on the right, large grapes ; in the middle, a quince, and peach- es; on the left, a melon, and an ear of corn. Butter- flies of different kinds, are flying about the fruit and flowers. — Signed : A. Mignon fe. Old collection. MIN JON. — See Mignon. MIREVELD or MIEREVELT (Michiel-Jansz), iminter and engraver, born in Delft, in 1568, died in the same city, the 21th of July 16Zil. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Hieronymus Wierx and of Blockland. / 335 Portrait of a man, H. 0,63. — W. 0,51. — W. — Bust NaU S. His head is bare, seen three quarters, turned to the right; his beard and moustaches are almost white; he wears a fluted ruff, a doublet of black silk, and a velvet Sffi MmEVELD. mantle, of the same colour, trimmed with fur. the ground is written : .^tatis 69 A\ 1617. Old coUecUon, 336 Portrait of a woinan, H. 1,20.— W. 0,89. — W. — Halflenglh, Nat. S, She is seen three quarters, and turned to the left; wears a white cap, trimmed with lace, a chain of gold round her neck, and a wide fluted frill. Her dress is black, with small buttons ornamenting the waist; she has deep cuffs, trimmed with lace, and holds in her left hand, gloves, on which are embroidered strawberries, birds, and butterflies. On the ground is written : jEta- tiis su. 3/i. Anno IGoh. Napoleon Museum. 337 Portrait of a man, H. 1,21.— W. 0,9 1. — W.— Half length, Nat. ?. His head is bare, seen three quarters, and turned to the right ; has a beard and curled up moustaches, and wears a large falling frill. He is dressed in black, and his right hand is resting on his side; with the left, he is holding his mantle. Napoleon Museum. MOL (PiETER van), bom in Antwerp, in 1580, died in Paris the St/i of April 1650. — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Arlhus Wolfort and of Rubens. 338 The taking down from the cross, H. 2,06. — W. 1,46. — C. — Nat S. Saint John is supporting the body of Christ, which the Virgin, kneeling, is touching, overcome with grief. On the left, behind her, two holy women, standing. On MONI (de). 353 the right, Mary Magdalen is holding the left hand of Christ, and is kissing it. Nicodemus is placed behind saint John. In front, a basket full of tools, a copper basin, and the instruments of the Passion, are seen. Old collection. MOLYN Le Viedx (Pieter), painter and engraver, bom in Harlem about 1600, died in 165Zi, according to Bal- kema. — (Dutch School.) There is no information about his life. 339 Charge of cavalry, H. 0,5 0. — W. 0,64. — W. — Heads 0,12. On the right, on a road at the foot of a hill, on which a cottage, surrounded by palisades is built, horsemen are fighting with the sword and pistol. In the fore ground, a disabled soldier, whose back is turned, is crawling on his hands. On the left, a man holding a sword, is flying towards a clump of trees. In the back ground, mountains and a cavalier at full gallop. — Signed on the right, on a stone, with the initials PM, and dated 16Zi3. Old collection. MOXI (LUDWIG de), born in Breda in 1698, died at Leij- den, the i5th of September 1771. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of van Kessel, of Emmanuel Biset, and of Phlipp yan Dyck. ^liO A family scene, H. 0,33, — W. 0,27. — W. — Half length. On the right, a young girl, standing before a window, is holding a cat in her arms. Near her, a young boy, whose cap is placed on the edge of the window, is playing with a bird, and resting his left hand, on an J5i MONI.(DE). earthen jar. Behind him, a man in a mantle, is showing a purse to the young girl. — Signed : L. de Moni, Ts'apolcon Museum. ftlOO S» (Karel de), painter and engraver, born in Leijden, ike lid of February 1656, died at The Hague, the IQlh of February 1738. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Gerard Dov, Abraham van den Tempel, Franz Mieris and of Godefried Schalken. till A Dutch family, H. o,GO. — W. 0,76. ~ C. — Heads o,40. Under the peristyle of a palace, a woman, richly cloth- ed and holding an olive brauch in her hand, is sitting in a gilt arm chair. On the right, a personage, under the form of Mercury, is sitting near her, on bales of merchandise; he holds a caducous in the hand, which he leans on her shoulder. On the left, a horn of plenty overturned, and three little children, of wliom one has feathers on his head, are carrying llawers and fruits. At the feet of the woman, on the ground, jewels, pieces of gold and silver, a mirror, china, a book, an elephant's tooth, etc. In the back ground, a garden. — Signed : G. D. Moor, Old collection. MOR, MOOR, MORE, or MORO (Amonis de), bom in Utrecht in 1525, died in Antwerp in 1581. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Jan Schoree), Zh^ Portrait of a man, H. 1,0 0. — W. 0,8 0. — W. — Half length, Nal. S. He has a bare head, moustaches, very little beard, a fluted ruff, a doublet of black satin, with open and falling sleeves. His left hand is resting on his side; with the NEEFS. 355 right, he is pointing to a watch, placed on a tabl^ — Signed : A7it. Mor pingebat 1565. Napoleon Museum. SA3 The dwarf of Charles Quint. H. 1,27. — W. 0,93. — W. — Nal. S. He is represented full length, natural size, in court dress, a gold chain round his neck, a sword, by his side, and a mace in his right hand ; he is resting the left on a Spanish dog, which is standing near him, and whose collar is ornamented with a coat of arms. Collection of Louis XIV. MOUCHEROIV (Frederik), born in Embden, in 1632 or 1633, died in Amsterdam, in 1686. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Asselyu. Zhh Starting for the hunt, H, 0,78. — W. 0,66. — C. — Heads 0,07. On the right, at the extremity of a parli, a stairs ter- minated by two pedestals, ornamented ^vith sculpture, and supporting large vases. A gentleman, and lady are coming down the steps, and are going to mount horses, held by a groom, on a terrace extending to the foot of the stairs. In the center, a horseman. On the left, two dogs running after each other. Farther oflT, a groom of the kennel seated, to whom is speaking a huntsman, standing, and leaning on his gun. In the back ground, a plain, between hills and mountains. CollecUon of Louis XVI. \EEFS, IVEEFFS or \EEFTS Le Vieux (Peter, Peeter or Pieter), born in Antwerp, about 1570, died in 1651. — (Flemish School. ) Pupil of HenJrick van bleenwvck. 356 NEEFS. 345 Saint Peter delivered from prison^ H. 0,48. — W. 0,63. — W. — Heads o,06. On the left, near a chafing dish containing coals, two guards sleeping, and a man, having his back turned, and chains on his feet. Opposite to the latter, the angel, taking Saint Peter by the hand, and showing him the way out of the prison. Towards the center, a turnkey, seated against a pillar, and sleeping; more to the right, two soldiers asleep, their elbows leaning on a table. On the right, a stairs leading to a subterraneous passage ; cuirasses, and lances leaning against the wall. Night scene. — This painting is signed : Peeter Neeffs. 01(1 collection. 3/i6 Interior of a Cathedral, H. 0,62, — W. 1,0 2. — W, — Heads o,08. In the nave, beggars, asking alms fi-orn a crowd of women, coming out of the church, preceded by pages, carrying torches. Farther off, men seated, are assisting at a funeral service. On the left, in a side chapel, a priest is celebrating mass. Napoleon Museum. ^hl Interior of a Cathedral. H, 0,50. — W. 0,64. — C. — Heads o,04. On the right, in the nave, a horseman in a red mantle, is visiting the church ; farther to the right, in the center aisle, a man is conversing with a monk. — Signed, in the upper part of the painting, on the left : den avden neeffs (le vieux Neeffs). Napoleon Museum. 348 Interior of a Cathedral, H 0,88. — W. i_,io.— -W. — Heads 0,14. In the fore ground, and in the center, a group of four personages, conversing together. On their right, a boar- KEEFa 357 gar with crutches; on their left, a greyhound. On the left, seated on the ground, against a pillar, a woman is giving the breast to a child. In the center of the church, a priest is sajing mass, at an altar placed against a pillar. Men and women are kneeling round him. — Signed : p. keefts. Old collection. 349 Interior of a Church. H. 0,24. — W. 0,34. — C. — Heads 0,0l. On the left, three women, prostrate before a sculptu- red madona, placed against a pillar, lighted by the rays of the sun. Towards the center, two women standing, talking to a priest in a surplice. On the right, two chil- dren, and a man in a red mantle, seated, and drawing. Signed : peeter keefs. Old cclleclion. 350 Interior of a Church. , H. 0,06. — "^.V. 0,09. — Oval shape. — Cop. -- Heads 0,01, Two horsemen, accompanied by three pages, are visiting a church, which the sacristan is showing to them. Old collection. 351 Interior of a Church, H« 0,0 6. — W, 0,0 9, — Oval shape. — Cop. — Heads 0,0 1. On the left, two ladies are coming in, preceded by a page, holding torch. On the right, two horsemen, followed by a dog, are talking to an ecclesiastic. Old cclleclion. 368 NEEFS. 352 Interior of a Church, H. 0,3 3. — W. 0,2 5. — C. — Heads 0,05. In the fore ground, on the left, a peasant with his hat on his head, is kneeling, and holding a rosary ; he has a dog near him. Farther ofl\ a vvoman, seated on the ground, against a pillar, with her child in her arms. On the right, a priest in a surplice, is conversing with a personage in a red mantle, who is followed by a page. Old coUectioru 353 Interior of a Church, H. 0,24. — W, 0,22. — W. — Heads 0,03. In the fore ground, on the left, two personages are conversing together, and near them, a dog. On the right, a lady whose back is turned, followed by a page; and farther off, in the middle of the church, a group of four men. Old collection. NEER (Aart, Arthds or Arnodld van der), bom in Amsterdam in 1613, or 1619 according to other authors. The biographers fix the date of his death, in the year 1 683 or 168/i, though G. van Spaan, in his history of Rotter- dam, cites him among the painters who were still living in that city, in 1691. — (Dutch School.) The name of his master is unknown. S5/i A canal in Holland, H, 0, 48, — ^V. 0, 80, — W. — Heads o, C5. On the right, three cows; two are lying on a neck of land, near which is a bark without a sail. On the left is seen the other side of the canal, bordered by trees and houses. In the fore ground, a man, leaning against a wooden fence. Farther o(!', a man in a boat, which he guides with a pole. In the back ground, in the midst KEER (van der). 35t> of houses, the steeple of a church. Sunset. — On the right, on a plank near the cow, which is standing, the monogram of the artist, composed of the letters av. dn. Old collection. S55 A road passing through a village. H. 0, 68. — W. 0, 61. — C. — Heads 0, 09. ! On the right, houses on the borders of a canal, in' which is seen the reflection of the moon, and foui" ducks, swimming. On the road, in the fore ground, trees cut down, a wheel, a dog, and two personages conver- sing together. Farther off, a peasant with a basket, and a, followed by a man on foot. On the left, trees and houses , surrounded by fences. At the foot of a tree, on the riglit, the monogram of the artist, composed of the letters av and d>er (the words der lieer may be formed with these four last letters). Bought the 2 4tli of T^Iav, 18 02. IVEER (Eglou van der), born in Amsterdam, in 16Zi3^ died at Dusseldorf, the M of May 1703. (Dutch School.) Pupil of his father, Aart van der Neer, and of Jacob van Loo, 356 Landscape, H- 0,32. — W. 0,40. — C. —Heads 0,04. On the right, a chariot drawn by two horses, in which a man and a woman are seated, has just descen- ded a steep road, bordered with rocks. A horseuian, followed by a dog, is waiting, while his servant is wa* tering his hoi'se in a strccim. Farther off, on the left, women, carrying jugs and bundles, are winding their way towards a castle, seen in the distance. Collection of Louis XV. 360 NEER (VAN). 357 The Fismonger, H. o,v!0. — W. 0,16. — W. — Half length. She wears on her head, a sort of black hat; and holds; on the edge of an arched window, a tub in which aro herrings. Onions, lilies, and carnations are near the tub, on the right. On the railing of the window, a stri- ped piece of cloth is seen. On the left, in the back ground, two seamen are seated, one of them is smoking; the mast of a vessel, a carriage driving into the sea and several figures. — Signed, on the window, on the left : Eglon Van der Neei\ Napoleon Museum. NETSCHER (Caspar or Caspar), 6om in Heidelberg, in 1639, died at The Hague, the idth of January 168/i. — (Dutch School) Pupil of Koster and of Terburg, S58 The singing lesson, H, 0,48, — W. 0,38. — Arched. — W. — Heads o, '26. On a terrace, a young woman in a white satin dress, seated near a table, covered by a cloth, is holding a piece of music, and singing. Behind her, on the left, a woman, standing, and leaning against the back of the arm chair, appears to be listening. On the other side of the tabic, on the right, the teacher, seated, holds a lute in one hand, and beats time with a scroll of paper, which is in his other hand. In the fore ground, on the left, a copper pail, in which two earthen jars are cool- ing. On the table, a silver dish, with peaches, and a bunch of grapes. In the back ground, a niche, in which are the statues of Hercules and Antheus. On the left, trees are seen, behind the balustrade. — Signed, on the lower part of the piece of music, held by the woman singing : G.Netscher, Old collection. NICASIUS. 359 The violoncello lesson, H. 0,4 8. — W. 0,3 8. — Arched, — Vv'. — Heads 0,2 6. In the center, a woman dressed in white satin, seated before a table, covered with a cloth, plays on the vio- loncello. Her teacher, bareheaded, is holding the music, which the pupil is looking at, turning her head. On the right, behindachair, a young boy standing, his hat in his^left hand, his violin in the right, has his eyes fixed on the music master. In the back ground, a mirror, hanging to the wall — Signed, on the lower part of the piece of music. G A Netsclur f, (the G, the A and the iV are interlaced). Old collection, NETSCHEPi (CoxsTANTiN), bom in The Hague in 1670, died in the same city in 1722. — (Dutch School.) He was the son of Gaspar Nelscher, and imitated his style. 360 Ve?ius iveeping for Adonis ^ who is metamor- phosed into an anemone. H. 0,41. — \\. 0,32. — C. — Heads o,28. Seated on a mound, Venus, her head turned to the left, her breast bare, a flowing scarf thrown round her, joins her hands, and contemplates with grief, the ane- mone, into which Adonis has been changed. In the back ground, on the right, a dog, pursuing a wild boar, the cause of his death. Collection of Louis XVI. NICASIUS (Bernaert), bcrn in Antiverp in 1608, ad- mitted into the Paris Acadennj, the 11 th of October 1663, aied the i6th of September 1678, at the age of 70. — (Fle- mish School.) Pupil of Snydera. 16 362 NICASIUS. 361 Birds. H. 1,40. — W. 1,17. — C. On the branch of a tree, a large parrot. At the foot of the tree, a silver grey pheasant, and an aquatic bird, with a spoonbill. In the back ground, a pond, and trees are seen. Old collection. 362 Birds and quadrupeds, H; 1,45. — 1,13. — c. On the right, a hare at the foot of a tree, on which are perched, an owl, a magpie and other birds. On the left, another hare, near a tree, on the branches of which, are also birds, of different kinds. Old coUeclioD. NICKELLE (ISACK VAN), painted about the middle of the xviith century. — (Dutch School.) He imitated the style of van Vliet, 363 Hall of a palace. H, 0,65. — W. 0,60. ~ C. — Heads 0,10. On each side of the hall, a portico, with four marble columns, supporting a large gallery with a balustrade, and enclosed in four arched pavilions. Through the far- thest portico, two gardens are seen, separated by a stairs with a double banister, and a wall, with niches contain- ing statues. In the middle of the first garden, a basin, with a fountain. In the horizon, a river, and mountains. In the fore ground, a lady, with her back turned, is saluted by three men, of whom one wears an ecclesias- tical costume. On the right, under the vestibule, four gentlemen, conversing together. On the upper gallery of the fore groun^i- three fio-nroc.. on the farthest one, OOST (VAN). 363 an altar, covered with a cloth, and three personages are seen. — Signed : Isack : Van : Nickelle, Collection of Louis-Philippe, OMMEGANCK (Balthasar-Paul) born in Antwerp, ^ the 16th of December 1755, died in the same city, the iBth of January 1826. (Flemish School.) Pupil of Henri-Joseph Antonissen. 36/i Landscape and animals, H. 1,00. — W. 1,24. — C. — Heads o,i4. On the right, cows in a meadow. Farther off, a shep- herd standing, a woman, kneeling to milk a goat, and a child, drinking milk out of a porringer. On the left, near a large tree, a goat in a rivulet; near it, a sheep, and another goat. Farther off, a man and a woman, dri- ving a flock of sheep. In the distance, a river, with buildings on the bank, and in the horizon, mountains are seen. — Signed JS. P. Ommeganck 1781. Napoleon Museum. 365 Landscape and animals, H. 0,68. — W^ 0,92. — W. — Heads 0,15. On the right, a shepherd, lying on the ground ; near him, three sheep and a ram, also lying down, another sheep, rubbing its head against a tree. In the back ground, four cows, and a man crossing a rivulet. Far- ther off, high woody mountains. On the left, goats and sheep reposing; a woman seated, and a man, showing a piece of bread to his dog. Behind them, on a rock, two goats. — Signed : B. P. Ommeganck, ft., I' an 10. Napoleon Museum. OOST Le Vieux (Jacob van), born in Bruges, about 1600, died in the same city, in 1671. — (Flemish SchooL) The name of his master is unknown. 364 COST (van). 366 Saint Charles Borromeus giving communion to sufferers attacked by the plague, at Mi- lan, in 1576. H. 3,50. — W. 2,57. — C. — Nat. S. la front, a Avoman, a man and a child dead, are stretch- ed on the ground. A young man is holding his nose with one hand, and with the other draws aside a child, which is attempting to take; the breast of his mother, who has just expired. In the center, the saint, followed by three acolytes, holds a chalice, and is giving commu- nion to four persons, kneeling on the left, before him. In the air, cherubs and angels, on clouds. Napoleon Museum. ORLEY (Bernardin van), or BARENT VAIV BRUSSEL. Tlte greatest number of biographers state that he lived 70 years, but do not agree about the dates of his birth and death; some state that he was born in Brus- sels, in l/iTO, othei's in l/i90. Finally, the date of his death, has been successively fixed in the years ISZjl, 1550 and 1560, without any proofs based on authentic documents. — (Flemish School.) The name of his master is unknown. 367 The marriage of the Virgin, H. 0,67. — W. 0,86. — Heads 0,35. In front of a green velvet tent, which encloses the ark of the covenant, the High Triest is uniting Saint Joseph and the Virgin, who are accompanied by a nume- rous company. On the right of the tent, an angel is seen hovering, and playing on the harp„ On the left, another angel, also in the air, and playing on a lute. In the fore ground, on the left, against a column, two old men, conversing together. In the back ground, on each side of the tent, an arch, discovering the heavens and trees. — The painter lias used gold in the garments of the OSTADE (Adriaan van). 365 Virgin, of Saint Joseph, and of the High Priest, as well as in the ornaments of the tent. Collection of Louis XYIII. OS (Jan van), born in Middelharnis {in Holland) in illxht died in 1808. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of A. Schouman. B68 Flowers and fruits, e. 0,72. — W. 0,55. — W. On a marble stand, in the center of the painting, a cut melon, and above, black and white grapes. On the right, a peach, a cracked nut, plums, and a cabbage leaf. On the left a cut pomegranate, white currants, a lemon sliced and half pealed, and an ear of corn, which a mouse is nibbling. Higher up, against a sort of earthen jar, hazel nuts, and a pine apple; on the other side, on the right, white and red hollyhocks. — Signed : J, Van Os fecit 1771. Napoleon Museum, OSTADE (Adriaan van), painter and engraver, bom in Lubeck, in 1610, died in Amsterdam, in 1685. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Franz Hals. 369 The family of Adriaan van Ostade, H. 0,70. — W. 0.80. — W. — Heads o,30. On the left, Adriaan sitting next to his wife, whose hand he is holding. Behind him, his eldest son standing, and bareheaded. On the right, his five daughters ; the youngest, leaning on her mother's knee, is taking cherdes, which one of her sisters, seated on the ground, is presenting to her. In the center, farther back, a young man and woman, standing, supposed to be Isack van Ostade and his wife. In the back ground, on the left, a high posted bed. On each side of the door, a painting, SC6 OSTADE (AdriAAN van). in an ebony frame. On the right, a marble mantel piece, Avhich is ornamented with a bas-relief, and supported by columns. Carnations and roses are scattered on the floor. Collection of Louis XYl. 370 The schoolmaster, H. 0,40. — W. 0,33. — W. — Heads 0,12. On the right, at the foot of a stairs, a little girl seated on a bench, a slate in her hand, and two little boys : one of them is taking a paper out of a box, and the other is reading. At the top of the stairs, a little boy, holding a basket on his head. Near the stairs, seated before a tal)le, the school master is threatening with his rod, a child, holding his hat, and crying ; near him are two otluT children, and before the table, a little girl is seen, seated on thelloor. On the left a little boy, a large hat on his head, seated on a low chair, his elbows lean- ing on a bench, and reading. In the back ground, near a window, children sitting on each side of a table, and studying. — Signed, on the side of the table : A. V, Ostade 1662. Colleclion of Louis XVL 371 The Fish market, H. 0,41. — \V. 0,3 5. — C. On the left, a fishmonger, seen half length, seated before a table, and holding a fish by the head. On the table, a knife, flounders, and a whiting. In the back ground, a covered market, in which fishermen, sellers, and customers, are crowding. Napoleon Museum. 372 Interior of a cottage, H. 0,34. — W. 0,44. — W. — Heads 0,07. In the back ground, seated near a chimney, a woman is nursing a child, lying on her knees. On the other OSTADE (Adriaan van). 367 side of the chimney, a peasant, seated in an arm-chair. On the left, near a window, a cradle, and a table, on which are a napkin, a knife, a loaf of bread, and a jug. At the foot of the table, a dog is lying down. Towards the center, in the fore ground, a chicken, and on the right, a man on a ladder. The floor is strewed with in- struments, with rustic pieces of furniture, and provisions of different kinds. — Signed : A. V, Ostade 16/i2. Colleclion of Louis XVI. Zl^ A man of business in his cabinet* H. 0,34. — W. 0,28. — W. — Half length. Seated in a large arm chair, an old man, seen three quarters, turned to the left, is reading a paper, with attention; before him, on the left, a desk is seen, placed on a table covered with a cloth, on which papers, pens, a seal of red wax, and an inkstand are placed pell mell. A few books and bundles of pens, are placed on a shelf, above the table. Collection of Louis XV. V7Ix The smoker, H. 0,28. — W. 0,23. — W. — Half length. A peasant, seated before a stool, on which is a pot of beer, holds with his left hand a chafing dish, and is going to light his pipe. In the back ground, near a win- dow, two other peasants are playing cards ; a servant girl standing, a jug in her hand, is looking at them, as she goes out of the room. Collection of Louis XVI. 375 A man drinking, H. 0,18. — W. 0,14. — W. — Half length. He is represented a hat on his head, and nearly full face. He holds a glass in his right hand, and a pewter mug in the left. — Signed : A. V. Ostade 1668. Collection of Louis XYI» 368 OSTADE (ISACK van). OSTADE (ISACK van), bom in Lubeck, about 1613, or 1617, according to other biographers. It is thought that he died about 165Zi, but this date is not certain. — (Dutch School.) He was a \ounger brollier of Adriaan vanOslade, andhis pupiU 376 Halt of travellers at the door of an inn. H. 0,58. — W. 0,83. — W. — Heads o,io. On the left, on the side of a road, crossing a village, an inn is seen. Near a pump, a man is watering, a horse. Before the door of the inn, the landlord pouring out beer for a horseman, riding a white horse, whose back is turned, and a young bo}', holding the bridle of ano- ther horse. More in the center of the composition, a cha- riot draAvn by a horse, eating out of a manger, near which a child is stooping to take a pail. On the right, a young peasant, and three dogs. In the back ground, a cart drawn by two horses and an ox, and a peasant, leaning on a stick, speaking to a woman holding a little cask. Near them, a child is seen. — Signed, on the left, on the manger, near the pump : Isack van Ostade, Old collection. 377 The Halt, H. 0,50. — VV. 0,46. — W. — Heads 0,09. A man in a cart, has stopped at the door of a beer house, and has called for drink, while his horse is smelling the oats, placed in a manger. Several coun- trymen are resting, on the right, near the house, and talking to a servant girl. On the left, in the back ground, a shepherd, leading three cows to pasture. Old colleclion. ^78-4 frozen canal in Holland. H. 1,00. — W. 0,50. — C. — Heads 0,20. On the left, on the steep borders of a frozen canal, a cottage, and a large tree, stripj^ed of its leaves, are PENGZ. 369 seen. A horse drawing a sleigh, is ascending the shore, in the fore ground, four children are playing with a sledge, standing on the ground. Farther off, on the right, a man, a woman and a child, are approaching on skates. In the baclc ground on the same side, two mills, on the borders of the canal. — Signed, on the right, on a boat : Isack Ostade, Collection of Louis XVI. o79 A frozen canal in Holland. H. 1,10. — W. 1,54. — C. — Heads 0,20. On the ^igh^ n a sloping road, passing between the borders of a frozen canal, and the cottages of a village, a woman and a child, chickens, a chariot loaded with straw, drawn by two horses, and driven by a peasant. On the canal, a man stooping is arranging his skates ; two children are pushing a cask on a rustic sledge. The canal, and the road are covered with people. In the back ground, on the left, a church is seen; farther off, a mill and other buildings, on the borders of the canal. ~ Signed, on the sleigh : Isack van Ostade. Collection of Louis XVIII, OTTO VEIVIUS. - See Veen. PEXCZ, PEXS, PEIiXS, PEi\EZ or PEIVZ (Gregorius), painter and engi^aver, born in Nuremberg, between 1500 and 1510, died in Breslaw, in 1550 according to Doppel- mayr. — (German School.) He studied the school of Albrecht Durer. PEXCZ {Attributed to G). B80 Saint Mark the Evangelist. H. 1,32. — W. 1,35. — C. — Half length, Nat. S. He is seated, his head leaning on his left hand, his elbow on a book with a clasp, placed on a table, on 16. 370 PENCZ. which are seen a decanter with flowers and an hour- glass. He is pointing with the right hand, to a sheet of paper half unrolled, lying an another table before him. On the side, a skull, an inkstand, a pen, a pair of spectacles, and a case. Behind him, on the left, the lion, of which only the head is seen. In the back ground, an open window discovers the country. In the upper part, an angel, raising a curtain. Collection of Louis XVIII, POEL (Egbert van der), born in Rotterdam. A 'painting by him is dated 165/i, and it is thought that he died in 1690. — (Dutch School.) There is no information of the biography of this artist. 381 A cottage. H, 0,5 9. — W, 0,83. — Oval shape. — W. — Heads 0,13. On the left, in front of a sort of inn, whose walls are covered with vine leaves, three men, of whom one is standing, is receiving a jug from the landlady, who is seen at the window ; the second is holding a glass in his hand, and the third one is talking to a woman, sea- ted on the ground near him, and who is nursing her child. On the right, farther off, an open stable, in which a horse is seen ; chickens, harnesses, casks, a cart and several farming implements. In the ground, on the right, trees are seen. — Signed : JS Van der Poet. Collection of Louis XVI. POELEXBURG (Kornelis), born in Utrecht in 158G. Though Uoubraken and the biographers who have followed him, fix the date of his death in 16G0 , his name is still in the register of the painting Academy of Utrecht, of th$ year 1665-1666. •— (Dutch School.) Pupil of Abraham Bloemaert, POELEx\BURG. 371 382 Sarah advising Abraham to espouse his slave Agar, H. 0,10. — W. 0,08. — W. — Heads o,07. On the left, Abraham and Sarah, standing; the latter is shownig to him Agar sleeping, in sort of cottage, which fills the back ground of the painting. Signed, under the bed on which Agar is reposing : G P. Old collection. 383 The Angels announcing to the shepherds the birth of the Messiah. H. 0,76. — W. 0,66. — W. — Heads 0,25. In the fore ground, a shepherd, lying on the ground, and sleeping. On the left, a pack saddle. On the right a cow, a goat, and a dog. Farther oft\ on the right, ft front of a hut, a group of six persons, among whom is seen a woman standing, raising her arms to lieaven, and illuminated by a divine light, in the back ground, on the left, five cows, two asses, a shepherd asleep before a cottage, and another shepherd, kneeling. In the air, angels, on clouds. On the left, another angel, pointing to the divine light. Napoleou Museum. 38/i The meadow. H. 0,16. — W. 0,21. — Cop. — Heads 0,06. On the left, a woman standing, and near her, on lower ground, a man half concealed by a stone. On the right, a cow lying down, and other cows, scattered about the country, in the lower part, and on the left. In the back ground, hills are seen, and in the horizon, high moun- tains. Old collection. 372 POELENBURG. 385. Women bathing, H. 0,16. — W. 0,21, — W. —Heads 0,06. On the left, three women half naked on the steej borders of a river, crossed by a wooden bridge, thrown on the remains of ancient buildiugs. Farther off, on the right, a shepherd, driving a cow, and two sheep. On the left, a mountain is seen. Old collection. 86 Women coming out of the bath, H. 0,15. — W. 0,25. — Cop. — Heads 0,05. In front of a river, flowing between steep banks, and near a cluster of trees, five women have just come out of the bath, and are putting on their garments. On the right, on the opposite shore, shepherds are driving their flocks. — Signed : C. P. CoUeclion of Louis XV. 387 Ruins of the palace of the Emperors, and of the tetnple of Minei^a-Medica, in Rome. H. 0,16. — W. 0,26. — W. — Heads 0,06. On the left, a shepherd, leaning on his crook, and followed by his dog, is pointing out her way to a woman, holding a child. In the plain, oxen grazing, and a peasant, leading a horse. On the right, ruins are seen and in the back ground, on the left, other ruins. - Signed : C. P. Collection of Louis XV. 388 Diana at the bath, H. 0,51. — W. 0,78. — W, — Heads 0,16. The nymphs, companions of Diana, naked like herself, arc standing on the shor<>^, and form several groups. On PORBUS (PiETER). 373 the left, two dogs. Towards the center of the painting, a woman, standing and turning her back, is carrying under her arm, an arrow and a red drapery. On the right, and on the opposite shore, rocks, and a cascade, which forms a rivulet. In the back ground, Actaeon, metamorphosed and pursued by his dogs. In the horizon, high mountains are seen. — Signed, on a stone : G. P. F. Collection of Louis XIV. 389 Nymphs and a satyr. Round shape. — Diameter 0,27. — W, — Heads 0, 1 0, On the right, in a sort of defile formed by rocks, two women are seated, opposite to each other. The nearest is naked, and has her back turned; near her, another woman, also seated, whom a child is holding by the hand. Towards the center of the composition, a naked child, seated, holding a white goat with a rope. Farther off, on the right, a satyr standing, carrying fruit ; near him, a woman. In the back ground, three cows. Collection of Louis XVIII. POELENBURG {Attributed to), 390 Saint John the Baptist in the desert, H. 0,32. — W. 0,40. — W, — Heads 0,09. On the left, saint John, holding a cross; before him, an angel kneeling. Farther off, a shepherd, riding an ass, is driving his flocks towards a rivulet, formed by a stream, which falls in cascades between rocks. In the back ground.; ruins are seen. The entrance of a cave, arched at the top, encloses the composition. Old collection. PORBUS or POURBUS {Vi^im), painter and en- gineer, born in Gouda {in Holland) in 1510, or in 1513, according to other biographers , died at Bruges in 1583. Some writers state that he died the 30th of January 1584. (Flemish School.) The name of his master is unknown. 374 PORBUS (Pieter). 391 The resurrection of Christ, H. 0,79. — W. 0,68. — W. — Heads, o,36. In the center of the composition, the tomb in which the body of Christ was deposited. Tlie seals placed on the lid, and bearing the impression of a crescent, under a star, are still untouched. On the left, two guards, of whom one leans his arms and head on the tomb. On the right, two other guards in terror, are holding before their eyes, the one his hand, the other his shield, not to be dazzled by the divine light. Above the tomb, Jesus Christ on a bright cloud, holding a cross of reeds, to which is attached a scroll, with a red cross on it. In the back ground, on the left, two flying soldiers are seen. On the right, personages arriving with lanterns. — Signed : v, povrbvs faciebat a" dni 1566. CoUecliou of Louis-Philippe. POIIBUS or POUUBUS Le Jeune (Franz), born in Antwerp in 1570, died in Paris in 1622. — (Flemish School.) He was the pupil of his father Frauz Porhus le Vieux, 392 The last supper, H. 2,87. — W. 3,70. — C. — Heads Nat. S. The apostles are seated in couples, upon benches on each side of the table ; an empty place in the middle, discovers Christ, who has before him a dish, a glass, and a loaf of bread. On the left, Judas standing, his back turned, his right hand resting on the table, his left hildingthe purse behind him, is protesting his inno- cence. In the back ground, a drapery is hung before a door with pilasters. — Signed on the left, on the pave- ment : F. povrbvs IV FAC. A° 1618. Old coUeclion. PORBL'S (Franz). 375 393 Saint Francis d' Assise receiving the stigmata. H. 2,07. — W. 1,63. — C. — Heads Nat. S. Saint Francis d' Assise, kneeling-, turned towards the right, and his hands extended, is receiving the stigmata from Christ, who appears to him with wings, in the middle of a glory. On the right, near the saint, a skull; on the left, his sandals. On the same side, but fartlier off, brother Leo, seated on the ground, partly concealed by a mound, and seized with astonishment. In the back ground, rocks and trees. — Signed on a stone : f, p. f. A° 1620. Napoleon Museum. 394 Portrait of Henri IV ^ King of France, decea* sedin 1610. H. 0,40. — W. 0,28 — C. — Heads 0,29, He is Standing, full length, in armor, and wears a white scarf, crossed over the ribbon of the order of the Holy Ghost; he leans the right hand on his helmet, placed on a table, covered by a red velvet cloth, and the left on the hilt of his sword. In the back ground, pilas- ters ; and on the left, a red curtain, raised. Old colleclion. S95 Portrait of Henri IV , King of France. H. 0,37. — W. 0,2 5. — W. — Heads 0,29, He is Standing, full length, dressed in black, and wears the ribbon of the order of the Holy Ghost ; he is resting his right hand on a table, covered with a red cloth, bound \vith gold braid, on which his hat is pla- ced. The left hand is on his side, in the back ground, pilasters; and on the left, a green curtain, raised, — Signed : F. Porbvs : Fe : A.° 1610. Old collection. 376 PORBUS (Franz). 396 Portrait of Marie de Medicis^ Queen of France, deceased m 16Z|2. H. 3,07. — W. 1,87. — C. — Head Nat, S. She is standing under a canopy of red velvet, with bands of gold ; tlie curtains are raised, and a niche hung with drapery, is seen in the back ground, between two columns of black marble. The Queen has a crown on her head ; a dress of blue velvet sprinkled with fleurs de lys, edged with ermine, enriched with pearls and precious stones, and a velvet mantle, also sprinkled with fleurs de lys, and lined with ermine. — Signed, on the base of the column, on the right : F. Povrbvs, fe. Old collection. 397 Portrait of Guillaume du Vair, born in Paris in 1556^ Keeper of the Seals of France, under Louis XIII, deceased in 1621. n. 0,6 0. — W. 0,5 0. — C, — Bust Nat. S. He is represented nearly full face, with a small cap on his head. His hair is short; he wears a beard and moustaches, his collar turned down, a black doublet, and a garment of black velvet, with large sleeves, and facings of red silk. Old collection. POT (Henri), bom in Harlem in 1600, died in 1656. — (Dutch School. ) U is supposed ibat he studied the school of Frans Hals. 398 Portrait of Charles I, king of England, be- headed in 16Zi9. U. 0,34. — W. 0,27, — W. — Heads o,22. He is represented standing, full length, bareheaded, turned to the left, wrapped in a mantle, his right hand PINACKER. 377 resting on his hip, and the left on the hilt of his sword. Before him, a table covered with a cloth, on which are placed the scepter, the crown, and the royal globe. — Signed : hp. fesit. 1632. Napoleon Museum. POTTER (Paulus), painter and engraver, bornin Enck- hmjsen, in 1625, died in Amsterdam, in January 165/i. (Dutch School.) Pupil of his father Pieter Potter. 399 Horses tied at the door of a cottage. H. 0,23. — W. 0,25. — W. — Heads o,06. Two draft-horses are placed before a trough, near a cottage. Farther off, on the right, a groom, carr3-ing a pail, and followed by a dog. In the back ground, a vast meadowy in which cattle are grazing, and in the horizon, a village. — Signed, on the chimney : Paw/w^ PotteriQhl. Old collection. AOO The pasture ground. H. 0,83. — W. 1,21. — C. In the fore ground of a large meadow, on the left, an ox standing near a tree, close to a wooden fence ; be- hind it, an ox lying down, and on the right, another one standing. Farther off, and in the center, three sheep, grazing. In the back ground, on the right, a cottage, surrounded with trees, and in the horizon, a village, be- hind which a stormy sky is seen. Collection of Louis XVI. PYXACKER (Adam), born in Pynacker, between Schic' dam and Delft, in 1621, died in Delft in 1673, — ( Dutch School). The name of his master is unknown. 378 PYN ACKER, ZiOl The inn. H. 0,80. — W. 0,7 7. — W. — Heads o. iS. At the door of an inn, which is reached by a flight of steps, a woman is handing a glass to a traveller. Lower down, in front, two mules and a muleteer, engaged in arranging the baggage. In the fore ground, on the riglit, a goat, browsing near a bush. In the back ground, a cart drawn by two oxen, and driven by a ploughboy. — Signed : A. Pynacker. Collection of Louis XVI. ii02 Landscape and sea piece, H. 0;50 . — W. 0,5 6. — C. — Heads o,08. On the left, an old tower, built on a steep hill, over- looks an arm of the sea, enclosed in rocks. At the foot of the tower, a small vessel is at anchor ; and before it a long boat, carrying travellers and baggage, is steer- ing towards the shore. Shepherds are reposing near a pathway, leading to the tower. Setting sun. Old collection. /i03 Landscape. H. 1,08. — W. 0,8 3. — C. — Heads, 0,12. In the fore ground, on the right, the trunk of a dead tree, another large tree, and plants of different kinds. In the center, a cow, standing. Farther off, two peasants, seated on the ground, and surrounded by their flocks. Farther off, on a woody hill, a hut, several shepherds, and goats are seen. — Signed, in the corner, on the right : A. Pynacker. Napoleon Museum. 11 E M B 11 A X D T VAN R Y N , painter and engr aver , born in the mill of his father, between the villages of Leyden^ dorp and Koukerk, near the town ofLeyden, in 1608, died in Amsterdam^ the Uh of October 1669. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of Jacob van Swanenbourg, of Picter Lastman and of Jakob Pinas. REMBRANDT VAN RYN. 379 404 The angel Raphael leaving Tobias, H. 0,68. — W. 0,52. — W. —Heads 0,25. On the left, on the threshold of the house, raised by a few steps, Sarah, wife of the young Tobias, her hands joined, is standing, in an attitude of astonishment; near her, Ann, her mother, confused at having doubted the divine protection, turns away her head, and is dropping her crutch. At the foot of the steps, Tobias the elder, prostrate, and his son, kneeling. In the upper part, on the right, the angel Raphael, his baclv turned, ascending to Heaven, through clouds. — Signed : Rem- brandt, f., 1637. Old collection. 405 The Samaritan having the wounded traveller taken into an inn, H. 1,14. — W. 1,35. — C. — Heads 0,45. Twopersons have just taken off his horse, the traveller, whose wounds have been dressed by the good Samaritan, and are carrying him into an inn, while a servant, on the left, is holding the horse, by the bridle. On the right, on the steps, the Samaritan, a purse in his hand, is turn- ing towards the wounded man, and recommends him to the hostess, who is seen at the door. Farther off, against a wall, two horses, having their backs turned; and, above, a window, whose shutters are open, and through which three persons are looking. On the left, in the back ground, the country, a bridge with two arches, a city with a gate, and a tower on each side. — Dated 16Zi8. Collection of Louis XVI, 406 Saint Matthew the Evangelist, H. 0,96. — Vr. o,Si. ~ C. — Buil Nat. S. He is seen three quarteri, Vuined to the right, and £ppeari5 to be rellectins, he v\ears a sort of toque, his 380 REMBRANDT VAN RYN. left hand resting on his beard; the right, holding a pen, is on an open book, before him. Behind, on the left, the angel, a hand on the slioulder of the saint, is inspiring him, and whispering to him.— S>i^UQd: Rembrandt /"., i661. Uld collection. 407 The pilgrims of Emmaus, H. 0,68. — W. 0,65. — VV. — rieads 0,34. Jesus Christ, seated in the middle of the table, breaks the bread which he has just been blessing, and is recog- nised by his disciples, who are seized with respect and astonishment. On the left, one of them, his back turned, has his hands joined. On the right, the second disciple, is seen in profile, a hand leaning on the table, the other on the arm of liis chair. Behind him, a servant, bringing a dish. In the back ground, a niche, between two pilas- ters.— Signed : Rembrandt f., 16Zi8. Colleclion of Louis XVI, 408 A philosop/ier meditating, H. Oj29. — W. 0,33. — W. — Heads 0,08. In a large arched hall, lighted on the left by a window, divided into three compartments, an old man with a long beard, a calotte on his head, and wearing a furred robe, is seated near a table, on which is seen a casket, supporting an open book. His hands are joined, and he appears to be reflecting. On the right, a winding wooden stairs, in the middle of which a woman going up with a pail is seen. In the foreground, on the same side, ano- ther W'oman is holding with one hand, a kettle hanging on the pot-hook, and with the other, is stirring the fire with the t<>ngs. Behind her, on a plank, and in front, on the ground, vases, and kitchen ustensils. — Signed on the lower part, on the left, in a hand extremely fine, and difficult to read : R. Van Ryn., 1633. CoUeclion of Louis XVI. REMBRANDT VAN RYN. 38^ A 09 A philosopher meditating, H. 0,28. — W. 0,33. — W. — Heads 0,08. On the right, in a sort of arched gallery, and opposite to a window, divided into four compartments, an old man, seated before a table, on which are seen an open book, two others closed, and a globe, appears to be ab- sorbed in meditation ; he has a toque on his head, and wears a furred robe; he holds his left arm on his beard, and leans the right on the arm of his chair. In the fore ground, on the left, a winding wooden stairs; farther off, a gallery, parallel with the other, but lower; and in the back ground, a door leading to another stairs. Collection of Louis XVI. 410 The joiner's home, H. 0,41. — W„ 0,34.— W. — Heads 0,15. In a work-shop, into which the light penetrates on the left, by a large arched window, a woman, seated near a cradle, is nursing her child, on whom a ray of the sun is shining ; near her, an old woman, holding a book and spectacles, is caressing the child. Farther off, the joiner, standing near the window, his back turned, is planing a board. On the right, a high chimney, in which a kettle is seen, hanging to a pot hook. — Signed, on the left : Rembrandt f,, iQliO, Old collection. All Venus and Cupid, H. 1,10. — W. 0,88. — C. — Half length Nat. S. Venus, richly dressed in the Dutch fashion, is seated, and holds on her knees, the infant Cupid, whose head is leaning against her cheek, Cupid is dressed in a small tunic, has wings, his arms bare, and is resting his hand on his mother's breast Old collection. REMBRANDT VAN RYN. Iil2 Portrait of Rembrandt. H. 0,5 8. — W. 0,4 5. — Oval shape, — W. — Bust Nat. S. He is represented three quarters, turned to the right, bareheaded, with short and frizzled hair, small mous- taches, and a beard on his chin. He wears on his dark purple velvet mantle, a gold chain, with precious stones, which is clasped on his breast — Signed : Rembrandt, f, 1633. Napoleon Museum. 413 Portrait of Rembrandt, E, 0,68. — W. 0,5 3. — Oral shape. — W. — Bust Nat, S. He is seen nearly full face ; he has short bair, mous- taches, a beard on his chin, a velvet toque adorned by a small gold chain, with precious stones, and on his mantle, another gold chain, also with precious stones, which he is holding in his left hand. — Signed : Rem-^ brandt. f, 163A. Old collection hlH Portrait of Rembrandt, H. 0,80. — W. 0,62. — Oval shape. — W. ~ Bust Nat. S. He has painted himself three quarters, his head turned to the right. lie has moustaches, a beard on his chin, long hair, flowing on his neck, and wears a black velvet toque, adorned with a gold chain, and precious stones. A pearl is hanging from his ear. He is wrapped in a mantle edged with embroidery, and fa;?tened by a clasp, on his breast. In the back ground, on the right, a low wall, a fluted pillar, and farther off, an arched door. — Signed : Rembrandt f, 1637. Collection of Louis XVI, REMBRANDT VAN RYN. 383 /il5 Portrait of Rembrandt, when old, H. 1,11.— W. 0,83. — C. — Half length, Nat. S. He is seen three quarters, turned to the right, with short and grey hair, moustaches and whiskers. He has a white cloth on his head, and wears a robe trimmed with fur. He holds his pallet and his brushes in his left hand, and in the right, a maulstick. On the right, canvass on an easel. — Signed : Rem. f. 1660, Collection of Louis XIV. A 16 Portrait of an old man, H. 0,70, — AV. 0,5 6. — Oval shape. — W. — Bust Nat. S. He is represented full face, his head bare, nearly bald, with a long beard, moustaches turning grey, and wrapped in a mantle. His right hand is resting on his shirt, near his neck, — Signed : Rembrandt^ 1638. Old collection. 417 Portrait of a young man, H. 0,73. — - W. 0,61. — C. — Bust Nat. S. He is represented nearly full face, with small mousta- ches, and longhair. He wears a large toque with a gold chain, and a doublet with gold buttons, half open, which discovers the shirt on his breast. His left hand is partly concealed in his doublet. — Signed : Rem' brandt, 1658. Napoleon Museum, /il8 Portrait of a man, H. 0,26. — "W. 0,19. — W, — Bust. He is seen nearly full face, with a furred cap on his head. He has grey ^^'^^ a inn^: beard, and brown mous- REMB!\ANDT VAN RTN. taches ; he wears over his garment, a mantle open m front. Old collection. 19 Portrait of a woman, H. 0,72. — W. 0,60. — C. — Bust Nat» S. She is represeniled nearly three quarters, turned to Jhe left, with her hair combed back on the forehead, and falling in curls, on each side. She wears on the top of her head, a green velvet toque with red ribbons; diamond eardrops, each of which ends in a large pearl, her mantle trimmed with fur, open in front, discovers a plaited chemisette, and a clasp, also ending in a large pearl. Old collecliou. REMBRANDT {School of). A20 Jesus in Emmaus. H. 0,48. — W. 0,62. — C. — Heads 0,30. Jesus Christ, seated in the middle of the table, holds the bread and blesses it. On the left, near an open window, a disciple is seen, whose back is lighted by the sun. On the right, the second disciple, seen in profile, one hand on the table, the other on the arm of his chair. Behind him, a woman leaning her left liand on the back of the chair. In front of the table at which the disciples are seated, is a balustrade, on which a gar- ment is placed. Old collection. ROKES (Hendrick-Martenz), sumamed Zorg, bom in Rotterdam, in 1621, died in 1682. — (Dutch School.) Pupil of David Tenicrs and of Willem Buytenweg, ROOST £85 A2i Interior of a Kitchen. H. 0,48. — W. 0,63. — W. — Heads 0,14. Towards the center of the composition, on a cask, an eartlien jug with a pewter lid, and a naplcin. On the ground, to the left, a copper kettle, a basket with onions, overturned ; pewter dishes, a spoon and a cull- lender. In the center, a jug, a bottle covered Avith wicker work, copper dishes, and a kettle. On the right, a basket liUed with different utensils, a chair, a lantern, and fagots. In the back ground, on the same side, a large brass fountain, near Avhich a peasant is stooping ; on the left, near a chimney, and standing before a table, a man, with his hand resting on the shoulder of a wo- man, and the other on her neck-handkerchief. Old collection. jlOMEYiV (WiLLEM), born in Utrecht, painted from 16/>0 to 1660. — (Dutch School.) I'upil of Melcliior Hondekoeter. /i22 Landscape with animals, H, 0,33. — W. 0,40. — C. — Heads 0,12. In a pasture ground, five sheep, and three rams, most of them lying on the grass. On the right, an ox standing, and behind it, a shepherd seated, his back turned, and seen half length. In the back ground, on the left, on a road passing between mountains, a man, walking, and leaning on a stick; and an ass, loaded with baggage. — Signed X. Romeyn. Old collection. IIOOS (Philipp-Peter), catted Rosa di Tivoli, painter and engraver, born in Frankfort on the Mein, in 1655, ^"^^ at Home, in 1705. — (German School.) inil of his father, Johann-Heinrich Rocs. 17 3So ilOOS. ifi'23 A ivo If devouring a sheep, H. 1,9 1, — W. 2,48. — c. — Nat. s. On the left, the wolf, half concealed by the trunk of a tree, holds in his mouth, a piece of the bleeding flesh of a sheep, -which he has just killed. On the right, frightened a goat, and sheep are running away. In the back ground , a shepherd and his flock, flying towards a house. CuUcclion of Louis XV, IU>TTEi\i!AMMEFi (Johann), bom in Munich, in 156/i, died in Augsburg, not in IGOZi, 1607 or JGC8, as most of the biographers have stated; but, according to the funereal register of the Cathedral, in 1623. — (German School. ) Pupil of Lis father Thomas RoUenhammer, and of J, Donnaner. ix'llx The death of Adonis, H. 1,55. — W. 1,99. — C. — Heads small S, On the left, Venus fainting, having near her a Cupid holding an arrow, is supported by one of the Graces : in the center, another is raising the body of Adonis, stretched on a mantle ; and on the right, a tliird stand- ing, is about covering him with a veil. A Cupid flying, is contemplating Adonis with grief, and has his hands crossed on his j)reast. In the back ground, Cupids are pursuing the wild boar, and piercing it with their darts. Old collection. BUBEIVS (Peter-Paul), born in Siegm {Duchy o\ Nassau)^ the 2dth of June 1577, died at Antwerp, the '60th of May 16A0, at the age of 02 years and 11 months, — (Flemish School.) Pupil of Adam van Noort, and of Otto Venius. RUBENS. 35/ A25 The flight of Lot. • H. 0,7 5 — W. 1,19. — W. — ileads 0,4*. On the right, an angel, with his wings spread, is leading Lot, and showing him tlie way. In the center of tlie composition, another angel is hurrying off the wife of the patriarch, who is turning back towards him, her eyes wet with tears, and joining her hands. On the left, one of the daughters of Lot, a basket full of jewels on her arm, is holding the bridle of an ass, laden with cups, vases, gold and silver plate. Behind the ass, only hall out of the gate of the city, the second daughter, carry- ing a basket full of fruits on her head. In the air, are four demons, armed with thunderbolts, which they are hurling on the city. — Signed : Pe. Pa. RVBENS Fe. A° 1625, Old collection. A26 The Prophet Elias in the desert, H. 4,71. — W. 4,13, — C. — Head larger than life. The prophet is represented in profile, turned to the left, his body half covered with the skin of a wild beast, and a white drapery. An angel is presenting to him a loaf of bread, and a glass, in the shape of a chalice, filled with water. This painting represents tapestry hangings, under an entablature, between two twisted columns of the Composite order. Collection of Louis XVIIL 427 The adoration of the Magi, H. 2,8 0. — W. 2,18. — C. — Heads Nat, S. In the fore ground, on tne left, the Virgin standing, holds the Infant Jesus seated on a cushion, placed on straw, which covers a sort of pedestal. He puts his left hand, in a shell full of gold pieces, which one of the kings, kneeling, is presenting to him. On the right, another of the kings, also kneeling, is holding a gold vase. Farther off, and in the center- the black kini:, a 388 RUBENS. turban on his head, is carrying an open casket. On the left, behind the Virgin, saint Joseph, standing; and in the back ground, the ox, eating from a rack. On the right, a group of four soldiers, and an arched door tlirough which the Heavens are seen. Old collection. h 28 The Virgin surrounded by the Holy Imwcen ts, H. 1,38. — W. 1,00. — C. — Heads 0,70. The Virgin, holding the Infant Jesus in her arms, is borne on clouds, and supported by groups of angels, ^vithout wings. Above her, two of them are holding a crown over her head; others have palm branches in their hands. CoUeclion of Louis XIV, /|29 The Virgin^ the Infant Jesus, and an angel, in the center of awreath of flowers. H. 0,85. — W. 0,65. — W. — Size of the me- dallion : L. 0,3 8 ; w. 0.28. The Virgin seated, seen half length, holds the Infant Jesus on her knees. An angel is placing a wreath of flow- ers, on the head of the Virgin, and cherubs are hover- ing round her. This composition, in the shape of a medallion, is surrounded by a wreath of flowers, in the center of Avhich are birds of different kinds, monkeys, insects, lizards, etc. Napoleon Museum. ',3 The flight into Egypt, H. 0,75. — W. 1,10. — W. — Heads 0,23, The Virgin, her head turned to the right, on the side of a river, which she has just been crossing, and holding the Infant Jesus in her arms, is riding the ass, which an angel is leading across a rivulet. Another angel is ho- vering on the right of the Virgin, and is illuminated, as well as the other figures of the group, by the light which emanates from the divine child. Saint Joseph, wrapped in a mantle, leaning on a stick, is turning with anxiety, to see if two horsemen wdio are galloping on the right, on the banks of the river, are not in pursuit of them The disk of the moon is reflected in the water, and a frightened heron flies from a cluster of reeds. In the back ground, on the left, at the foot of a rock, surroun- ded by trees, three shepherds are lying near a fire; a woman, standing, cows, sheep and a dog are also seen. The Heavens are studded with stars. Collection of Louis XIV. 431 Christ nailed on the cross, H. 3,33. — W. 2J82. — C. — Nat. S. In the center, Christ is nailed on the cross. The Virgin, is standing on the left; and on the right, Saint John. Mary :Magdalen kneeling, is kissing the feet of the Saviour. In the back ground, hills are seen ; on the left of the cross, two soldiers, of whom one is carrying the lad- der, are leaving the ground ; and two men are turning back, looking with compassion at Christ Old collection. 482 T he triuynph of Religion, H. 4,81. — W. 5,9 5. — C. — Larger than life. On the left, two angels with wings, are drawing a gol- den car, on which are placed, on each side of a globe. Religion kneeling, holding the cross, and Faith, showing the chalice of Life. Two angels are flying forward, carrying the crown of thorns and the nails; two others are following the car and pushing it. Near them on tlie right, an old man, leaning on a stick ; a man, holding a book and a celestial globe, personating Science ; and a woman v.ith six nipples, synijolical image of Nature. Behind these figures, come Asia and Africa, represented by a negro, and a man with ad bronzed complexion. Tv^ o angels, of whom one is holding a torch, are hovering over their heads. In the center, in the upper part, two 300 RUBENS. angels are supporting a scroll, on which are written these words : fides catiiolica. Finally, two other angels, ^re unrolling this painting, which represents tapestry, before the opening of a rich portico, on the base of which is seen a golden chafing-dish, and a heart in a crucible, in the midst of flames. On each side of the bra- sier,is seen a winged monster, with the head and breast of a woman, the claws of a lion, and the tail of a fish. Collection of Louis XVIII. 'i33 Tliomyris, Queen of the Scythians, causes the head of Cyrus, to be dipped in a vase filled with blood, H. 2,63. — W. i,99. — C. — Nat. S. On the right, under a red velvet canopy, Thomyris, in a satin d^ess, embroidered with gold, wearing a royal mantle lined with ermine, her scepter in her hand, is seated on a throne, raised on five steps, and covered with a carpet. At the foot of the throne, are seen two young women, and an old one, of whom the head, and a hand, resting on the shoulder ofone of the young ones, only are seen. On the left, a soldier, his arm bare, is about dipping the head of Cyrus into a chased gold basin; a little dog is licking the blood, which has fallen on the carpet. A man dressed in a crimson robe; a furred cap on his head, and his hands behind his back, is looking at the head ^f Cyrus. A minister is near the Queen, and tv,^o soldiers, are standing behind her. In the back ground, two twisted columns, and the Heavens are seen. Collection of Louis XIV. !x^h The Destiny of Marie de Mddicis, n. 3,94. — *W. 1,55. — C. ~ Nat. S. The Fates, seated on clouds, are weaving the destiny of Marie de Medicis. In the upper part, Juno, leaniog tenderly on the shoulder of Jupiter, is asking him to let her be present at the birth of the princess. collection ol Louis XIII. RUBENS. 391 ft 3 5 Birth of Marie de Mcdicis, in Florence, the IQth of April ihlh, II. 3,94. — W. 2,9 5. — C. — Nat. S. Lucina, the goddess who presides over births, holding the torch of Life, places the infant princess, in the hands of the city of Florence, seated before the door of an edifice. T\yo children are supporting an escutcheon with a fleur de lys; and the river Arno, on which a lion is leaning, is resting near a cluster of reeds. The happy hours are scattering flowers over ^larie de Medicis, and her good genius, carrying a horn of plenty, from which are falling out the ensigns of royalty , hastens to announce her birth, of which theraonth is indicated by the sign of the Sagittarius, which is seen in Heaven. Collection of Louis XIII. ^36 Education of Marie de Medicis, IT. 3,9 4. — W. 2,9 5. — C. — Nat. S. Minerva is presiding over the education of the 5'Oung princess, and makes her write on her knees. The Graces are offering her a wreath; Apollo, playing on the vio- loncello, is inspiring her wit;i the taste for music, and Mercury, cominir do^-n from Heaven, is endowing her with the gift of eloquence. In the back ground, the fountain of Castaiia; in front, on the ground, implements of painting, sculpture and music. The draperies which cover the Graces, have been added since Rubens. Collection of Louis XIII. A37 Henri IV receiving the portrait of Marie de Medicis. H. 3,94. — W. 2,95. — C. — Nat. S. The portrait is presented by Cupid and Hymen ; France, placed near the King, is inviting him to contract an alliance, agreeable to Jupiter and Juno, who are seen seated on clouds. Near Henri IV, two Cupids are taking 392 RUBENS. possession of his helmet and shield, as a symbol of the long peace, which this marriage will procure to Francev Collection of Louis Xlll. A 3 8 Marriage of Marie de Medicis and Henri IV, H. 3,94. — W. 2,95. — C. — Nat. S. The 5th of Octoljer 1600, the Grand-Duke Ferdinand, marries b}^ pi'0X3% in the name of the king, the Princess his niece. Hymen, holding a torch, is carrying the mantle of the young Queen. The Cardinal Pierre Aldo- brandini gives the nuptial blessing, in the church of Santa-.Maria-del-Fiore. In the suite of .Marie de Jdedicis are seen Christine de Lorraine, Grand-Duchess of Tus- cany, and Eleonore de Medicis, Duchess of Mantua. On the side of the Grand Duke, Roger de Bellegarde, Grand Master of the Horse afterwards Duke de Belle- garde, bearer of the procuration of Henri IV , and the I\]arquis de Sillery, who negociated the marriage. On the altar, a group of marble is seen, representing Christ dead, lying on the knees of God the Father. '"^Uecllon of Louis XIII. A 3 9 Landing of Marie de MMicis, in the port of Marseilles, the '6d of November 1600. H. 3,94. — W. 2,95. — C. — Nat. S. France, the city of Marseilles and its clergy , are going to meet the new Queen, and are presenting her with the canopy. liubcns has supposed that the Grand Duke himself, had accompanied his niece; but he re- mains in tlie gallery, while the Duchess of :\lantua, and the Grand Duchess of Tuscany are folloving Marie de Medicis, of whom Fame, is announcing in the air, the happy arrival. The fore ground is occupied by Tritons andNaiuds, who wish to moor the vessel; and Neptune arrives to watch over the landing. Collection of Louis Xlll. RUBEX3. 393 hkO Marriage of Henri IV and Marie de Mklicis celebrated in Lyons the iOth of December 1600. H. 3,9 4. ~W, 2,9 5. — C, — Nat. S. The city of Lyons, seated in a car, drawn by twc lions, is raising her eyes to Heaven, and admiring th- royal couple, who are there represented by Jupiter aud Juno. Hymen is near them, and pointing, with one hand, to the constellation of Venus, under whose influence, this marriage has been celebrated. Collection c! I.u;.Is XIII, hlii Birth of Louis XIII in Fontainebleau, the T7th of September 1601. H. 3,94. — W. 2,9 5. — C. — Nat. S. Marie de M^dicis, her head leaning on the arm of Fortune, has just given birtli to the Dauphin, and is looking at him with a lively satisfaction, which changes into joy the pains of childbirth. On one side. Justice is confiding the infant prince to the Genius of Health ; on the other side. Fecundity, Avho, in her horn of plenty is showing to the Queen, the five other children to Collection of Louis XIH, hh^ Henri IV setting out for the German war, confides t-o the Queen, the government of the kingdom. H. 3,9 4. -- Y,'. 2,9 5. — G. — Xal. S. In 1610, the King, having resolved to command in person, the army which was w^aging war in Germany, to oppose the invasion of the Duciiy of Cleves, by the House of Austria, invests, before his departure, Marie de Medicis, with the government; and is giving her a globe, on which are the arms of France. The Dauphin, after- 17. )U RUBENS. wards Louis XITI, standing betweeen them, gives his lian(^. to his mother. Armed olficers are vvaiting for the king and two ladies are attending the Queen. Collection of Louis XIII. A/i 3 Coronation of Marie de Medicis, H. 3,94. — W. 7,27. — C. — NaU S. This ceremony took place in Saint-Denis th 13^ii or May 1610. The Queen is represented kneehng, clothed in the royal mantle. The Cardinals de Gondy and do Sourdis are assisting the Cardinal de Joyeuse, who is crowning her. The Dauphin (Louis XlII), and his joung sister, Henriette de France, are by her side. Tlie Duke de Ventadour is carrying the scepter; and the Cheva- lier de Vcndome, the hand of Justice. Marie de ^I4dicis is accompanied by the Queen Marguerite do valois, first wife of Henri IV, who could not, on account of her rank, dispense from appearing in the suite ; by Madame, eldest daughter of France, and oy the Princesses of the court. The Princess de Conti,and the Duchess de .Mont- pensier bore the train of the Queen's mantle; :\les" de Souvre and de Bethune held the skirt, for the Dauphiii, and the Duke d'Anjou, wlio took the place of the Duke d'Orleans, who was ill at the time. In the back ground, the king is seen in a tribune, from which he is ^vit- nessing the ceremony. A little below, are the ambassa- dors of the foreign powers. Collection of Louis XIII. hlili Apotheosis of Henri IV ; Regency of Marie de MMicis. H. 3,94. — W. 7,27. — C. — Nat. S. Henri, carried away by Time, is received in Olympus, by Jupiter. Lower down, and on Earth, Bellona, carry- ing a trophy, and Victory, seated on a lieap of arms, are expressing the grief whicli the death of the hero has caused them; while the Hydra of rebellion, though wounded, raises still its menacing head. On the otiier side of the painting, the Queen, dressed in mourning, RUBENS. 395 her eyes bathed in tears, is seated on the throne. She is accompanied by Minerva and Prudence. France knee- ling, is presenting her with the government, under tSie form of a globe, with fleurs de lys; and the Regency, with the helm of the State. The Lords of the Court are assuring her of their fidelity and devotion. Collection of Louis XIH. /i4 5 The government of the Queen, H. 3,94. — W. 7,02. — C. — Nat. S. All Olympus has assembled to preside over the go- vernment of Marie de Medicis. Jupiter and Juno, sym- bols of Providence, attach to the globe of France, several doves, emblems of gentleness; they trust the reins to Cupid ; before them, are Peace and Concord. Meanwhile^ Apollo, armed with his arrows, Minerva with her lance, and Mars, whom Venus seeks in vain to detain, are cha- sing away Discord, Envy, Hatred and Fraud; enemies of the public felicity. Collection of Louis XIIL A AC Voyage of Marie de Medicis to Pont-de-Cd {in Anjou), H. 3,94. — W. 2,95. — C. — Nat. S. The Queen, w^earing a helmet with green and white feathers, riding a white horse, and foilo^vedby Strength, (indicated by a liqii), has just subdued Pont-de-Ce, where a civil war was fomenting. Victory is crowning her, and Fame is publishing her success. In the back ground is seen a conquered city, of which the magis- trates are offering their submission, to the officers of the royal troops. Collection of Louis XIIL hhl Exchange of the two Princesses, on the river of AndayCy the %th of November 1615. H. 3,94. — W. 2,95. — C. — Nat. S- Two years after the death of Henri IV, the Regent had concluded a treaty, having for object a double ai- see RUBENS. liance, between the courts of France and Spain. Elisabeth de France, eldest dau2:liter of Henri IV, was to marry the Infant of Spain, afterwards King, under the name of Philip IV; and Anne d'Autriche, Louis Xlll. France and Spain, distinguished by their attributes, are giving and receiving the two new Queens. Happiness, in the Hea- vens, surrounded by a host of Cupids, is scattering a golden shower over thcin ; a river and a naiad, are otfer- ing them pearls and coral. CoUeclion of Louis XIII. iiliS Prosperity under the Regenqj. H. 3,94. — Y\'. 2,9 5. — C. — Nat. S. The Queen, on her throne, is holding in one hand, the scepter, and in the other, a scale; Minerva, and Cupid are by her side. Plenty and Prosperity are distributing medals, laurels, and other re^vards to the Genii of the Fine Arts, who are trampling on Ignorance, Slander, and Envy. Time, crowned with the several pi*o- ductions of the seasons, is conducting France to the golden age. CoUeclion of Louis XIII. A 4 9 Majority of Louis XllL II. 3,9 4. — W. 2,9 5. — C. — Nal. S. Marie de ivledicis is giving up to her son, the govern- ment of the State, under the form of a vessel, of which he is holding tlie helm ; and which is set in motion by Strength, Religion, Good Faith and Justice; each indi- cated by an escutcheon, bearing their symbols; near the mast, France is standing, a globe with fleurs de lys in one hand, and a sword in the other. Other Virtues are go- verning the sails; Fame is publishing the wisdom of the Queen, in her government. In the Heavens are seei> the constellations .-f Castor and Pollux, omen of happy voyages. CoUeclion of Louis XUI, RUBENS. 397 A 50 The Queen flies from the castle of Biois, in the night beiiveen the list and the 22^ of February 1619. H. 3,94. — W. 2,95. — C. — Nat. S. Louis Xlir, by the advice of his courtiers, Iiad conn- iied Marie de xMedicisin the castle of Blois. Accompanied only by the count of Bresne and by Duplessis, she escaped from it, ])y a \vindovv, from which one of her women, named Catherine, is seen descending. r\Iinerva is trusting the Queen to the fidelity and courage of the Duke d'Epernon, who is waiting for her, with a few officers ; they all appear to be reassuring her, by their protestations of zeal and devotion. (It is by license, that Iiuliens introduces here, the Duke d'Epernon; for though he favoured, the escape of the Queen ; he was vraiting for her in Montrichard, with sixty horsemen, to take her to Loches.) Night, with the wings of a bat, unfolds a starry veil, to protect her flight, and Aurora, who is preceding her with a torch, shows that the event took place at the dawn of day. Colleclion of Louis XIII, /i51 Bcconciliation of Marie de Medicis with her son, H. 3,94. — W. 2,95. — C. — Nat S. The Queen is holding a council at Angers, with the Cardinals La Valette and de La Rochefoucauld. The latter is inviting her to accept the olive branch, which Mercury is presenting to her, and to be reconciled to Louis XUl; the Cardinal de La Valette, on the contrary, is holding her by the arm, to show that he is of a diffe- rent opinion ; Prudence, placed on the left of the Queen, seems to indicate to her to beware. (It is again by a painter's licence, that Faibens has given here the Roman purple, to one of the sons of the Duke d'Epernon; he was only at the time. Archbishop of Toulouse, and afterwards Cardinal de La Valette.) CoUeclion of Louis XIII, 398 RUBENS. /i52 The Conclusion of peace, H. 3,9 4. — W. 2,9 5. — C. — Nat. S. Mercury and Innocence are introducing Marie de M6- dicis, into the temple of Peace; notwithstanding the violent efiforls, and the impotent rage of Fraud, Fury, and Envy. Peace is extinguishing the torch of war, or a heap of arms, become useless. Collection of Louis XIII. 453 Interview of Marie cle Midicis with her son. H. 3,9 4. — W. 2,9 5. — C. — Nat. S. To show the uprightness of their intentions, Louis XIII and liis mother, are giving to each other, in Heaven, testimonies of a sincere union ; expressed in a symbo- lical manner by Ciiarity, pressing on her breast, one of the cliildren^ who serve as her attributes; on the other side of the painting, is seen the government of France, preceded by Courage, overcoming the Hydra of rebellion. Collection of Louis XIII. h^h The triumph of Truth, H. 3,94. — W. 1,60. — C. — Nat. S. Truth, supported by Time, ascends to Heaven, where theQueen and her son, holding a medallion, representing two joined hands, over which is a heart, are reconciled ; after having acknowledged that false counsels alone, had been the cause of their misunderstanding. Collection of Louis XIII. A55 Portrait of Francois de Midicis, Grand-Duke of Tuscany, father of Marie de MMicis, deceased in 1587. H. 2,47. — W. 1,16. — C. — Nat. S. He is standing, bareheaded, clothed in a black velvet mantle, lined with ermine, and leaning on a cane. The RUBENS. 399 cross he wears on his breast, is that of the order of Saint Stephen, instituted by his father, Come de Medic is. In the back ground, a raised curtain, and a balustrade^ Colleclion of Louis XIII. /i 56 Portrait of Jeanne (VAutriche, Grand-D iichess of Tuscany, daughter of the Emperor Fer-^ dinand I, mother of Marie de Medicis, deceased in Ibis. H. 2,47. — V,'. 1,16. — C. — Nat, S. She is standing, wearing a black velvet toque, ador- ned with pearls, and white feathers. The under dress, and the upper one, open in front, and shorter than tliO first, are ornamented with pearls and embroideries. Collection of Louis XIII. /i57 Portrait ofMariedeMMcis^ Queen of France^ deceased in 16/i2^ at the age of^S. H. 2,7 6. — W. 1,49. — C. — Larger than life. She is represented asBellona, full face, and standing; a helmet on her head, holding the scepter in one hand, and a statue of Victory in the other. She is surrounded by the emblems of war, and two Genii are holding over her head, a wreath of laurels. Collection of Louis XIII. 658 Portrait of the Baron Henri de Vicq, ambas- sador of the Netherlands, at the court of France, H, 0,73. — W. 0,54. — W. — Bust Nat. S. fie is seen nearly full face, bareheaded, with mousta- ches, and his beard already grey. He is dressed in black, and has a fluted ruff round his neck. In the back ground, a red curtain. Bougiit iu 18 50» ^00 RUBENS. A59 Portrait of Elisabeth de France^ daughter of Henri IV, who married, in 1615^ the In- fant of Spain Philip, afterwards King of Spain, under the name of Philip IV, She died in Madrid in IQhh^ at the age ofli2, H. 1,0 6. — W. 0,9 3. — W. — Half length, Nat. S. She is seated in a large red velvet arm-chair, seen three quarters, and turned to the left. Her under dress js blue, embroidered with gold; and the upper one, open in front, is of black satin. She wears her hair combed back ; a crown on her head, a ruflf, cuffs, and a rich necklace of pearls and emeralds; she holds in her right hand, on her knees, a bouquet composed of roses, lilies and jasmin. On the right, behind her, a red cur- tain. On the left, in the back ground, the interior of a palace, richly decorated. CoUeclion of Louis XIV. A60 Portrait ofll^lMe Fourment, second wife of Rubens, and two qf his children, H. 1,13. — W. 0,82. — \y, — Small S. The wife of Rubens, dressed in white, is seated in an arm-chair, and seen nearly in profile, turned to the left. She wears a large grey beaver hat, with feathers, which throws a light shade on the face ; and holds on her knees, a little boy, wearing a black toque, with feathers and red bows. On the left, a little girl, standing, hol- ding up her apron. The heads in this painting are pretty well finished; but the rest is only a sketch. In the back ground, between the two children, a tree, and a bird flying ; on the right, near the chair, two hands of ano- ther child, are seen. Collection of Louis XVI. /i61 Portrait of a lad]j of the Boonen family. H. 0,62. — W. 0,47. — W. — Bust Nat. S. She is represented three quarters , turned to the left, with precious stones in her hair. She wears ucarl ear ZiOl drops, a black satin dress, embroidered witli gold ; and holds in her right hand, a chain of gold and precious stones, twisted three times round her neck. Behind her, a raised red curtain is seen. Napoleon Museum. A 62 Fair in a village, H. i,49» — W. 2,61. — W. — Heads o,44. On the left, rustic houses and trees; near a table set on trestles, numerous groups of drinkers. In the fore ground, lying on bunches of straw, women giving the breast to their children, and an old one giving drink to a young boy, both having their backs turned, and their heads thrown back. In the center, a man, and a woman seated, both holding the same pot of beer; and a peasant, kissing a woman, lying on the grass. On the right, a tub containing plates and dishes, and a towel wnich a dog is licking; an empty cask floating on a pool, in which two ducks are sw imming. On the edge of the pool, earthen pans, a kettle, a wheel supported by a post, on which are placed a copper vase and two ear- then ones ; a chicken, a pail, a rake and a pig, of wliich only the head is seen, coming out of a smalf thatched hut Farther off, a musician, playing on the violin, another on the bagpipes. A crowd of peasants are seen dancing. In the horizon, meadows, hills, and quite on the right, the steeple of a village. Collection of Louis XIY. /i63 Tournament near the moat of a castle, H. 0,73. — W. 1,08. — V\'. — Hc;