l/U/93 to U/29/93 i^ 5- -JNj%«, ^'^^'li^ ;r ■^^' ¥. ¥ ^^v OF THE r )?EMAINING PORTION OF THE COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES THE PROPERTY OF EDWIN WEBSTER, ESQ., PART OF THE COLLECTION OF WILLIAM WEBSTER, ESQ., Deceased, late of Wyberton House, Lee; ALSO, Choice Modern Pictures FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE COLLfiCTIONS, INCLUDING A Picture by Sir Frederic Leigh|;on, P.R.A. ; "The Battle of Naseby," by Sir John Gilbert, R.A. ; AND " Fredegonda," by L. Alma Tadema, E,.A., FROM THE PRICE COLLECTION: mm tic Solti ^2 S^uctton, &|f Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THSia aEEAT EQQMS, Ll/Slfc!^ 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECI8BLT. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Chbistie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Sqimre, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. TI. Ko person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion, III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery, Yir. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1893, AT ONE O'OLOOK PBB0I8ELY. The Property of ED WIN WEBSTER, Esq., DRAWINGS. W. COLEMAN. 1 Strbatlby Look COPLEY FIELDING. 3 Abundbl P. DE WINT. 4 Cottages W. HUNT. 5 A FisHEB Boy C. PYNE. 6 AndernaoHj on the Ehine B 2 W. JAY. 7 Autumn : Gleaners W. JAY. 8 Memour's Castle JULES LESSOKE. 9 Shoreham Harrour JULES LESSORE. 10 Cottages JULES LESSORE. 1 1 Street Scene, Dieppe LEE. 12 A Girl at a Well J. LINNELL, Sen. 13 MiLKING-TIME LOUIS HAGHE. 14 Interior of St. Mark's, Venice LOUIS HAGHE. 15 An Interior H. F. BRIGGS. 16 EoMEO AND Juliet E. WARREN. 17 FiEST Notes of thk Cuckoo PICTURES. E. C. BARNES. 18 Naughty Polly H. BRIGHT. 19 Cottage and Pond J. CONSTABLE, R.A. -^y- 20 Waterloo Bridge /J'k^'^ /4 X^J'// lAycA:^ p. E. MOREIS, A.E.A. y 40 A SoTj'-wKBTEE /^ y. /(P 7 LE JEUNE. (( 34 The Lord's Prater /4r )r/0 LE COMPTE. /'A 35 WpMEN AT A Well ^^ a /J " J. T. LINNELL. J- 36 Sultry Hours 4^ (^ < / '^ n/^f-tri^^ Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1869 W. LINNELL. ■ / - 37 Across the Common J' 6 x ^ /" ^yC^^^i^t-^^*^ J. T. LINNELL. y 38 The Flight into Egypt / /y><^^i^<^-^^ ' P. E. MOEEIS, A.E.A. i. 39 A SOU'-EASTER /u ?< /J' O'tx.^^y^ P. R. MOEEIS, A.E.A. / 41 A Girl and Goats // -^ ^ ^ P. E. MOEEIS, A.E.A. J 42 Breezy June c/6x /^ )^'uc../ /^^ /'by- /f A. PARSONS. // 62 Autumn : on the Thames A. PARSONS. ^ 63 A QuiBT Pool /2 ^O' //xZ-r^^c^y*-- MARK FISHER. /^ 64 A Landscape, with cows and sheep A. PARSONS. 2 ^ 65 Spbing-time ^^^ 4, o ^,,<-^U^u6ry^ W. HOGARTH. p '' €6 An English Park and Mansion J/Z- 2 11 VAN HUYSUM. ^ 67 A Vase of Flowbbs ^ ^ ^ /Z H. A. OLIVIER. 68 The Fidot Qbodiq n. A. OLIVIER . GO A Dad Ddyii^q day G. MORLAND. h 70 A Wood Sobne, with a sportsman and dogs ^^^^^^^^C-t-^-j^SC J. BREUGHEL. / " 71 A Basket of Flowers, grapes and shells Signed, and dated 1624 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. PICTURES. 72 A WooDBD Landscape S" ^/6 ^ /? 73 Landscapes, with ruins /jly/^ , e-<3-*^/' 2) MODERN. j^ 74 A Huguenot Father /■^y^ /O-y , / CONSTABLE. ^/^ Ih A Windmill ^ ^ x // ^^<4^'i^^-t^c^<,^ ^O ^^t ^ ^ B. GODDARD. 79 Bbeakfast at Sea X ^ >■ J '^ W. GRAHAM. / 80 Interior of St. Mark's, Venice (/La^^"***-^ YT'Ur'o'i.yC^ //^ J. F. HEEEING, Sen., 1854. sz 81 Feeding the Hoese G. E. HICKS. .//L 82 Veiling G. E. HICKS. ^ 83 Italian Minstrels ^ C X /J ' G. E. HICKS. yA 84 Fab from Home ^ ^ ;« /V ' G. E. HICKS, 1878. ^ 85 Day Dbkamb 2^^ ^ -^ ^/^ 86 " Whither " ? iu G. E. DICKS. G. E. HICKS. y 87 Return of the Gleaner 't' x -2 o ^ SIR F. LEIGHTON, P.R.A. J^/ , ^ / 88 COUNT PARIS, accompanied by Friar Laurence and a band of ' musicians, comes to the house of the Capulets to claim his bride ; he finds Juliet stretched, apparently lifeless, on her bed — Borneo and Juliet, Act IV. Scene 5. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1858 F. W. HULME ■ n 89 The Miner's Bridge, Bettwys-y-Coed 90 A Girl C. S. LIDDERDALE. 2 y^ /2 .i;^C^^T..4!i/^L^^i^4.^, C. S. LIDDERDALE. (^ 91 Behind his Time ^^ ^ z <^ C. L. LIDDERDALE. py^ 92 The Wood Gatherer ^£ x / 2_ 'pV''t-c>--i:::><^<'<.^c^ C. S. LIDDERDALE, O 93 Footsteps Behind PIer J'/) k^ /C^^ 14 T. LLOYD. // 94 A Woodland Scene, with sheep , 6 XJ2. / J

-v^^ 6 ^ /^ -^-.ssu^s-i^ W. SHAYER. 105 A Landscape, with peasants and horaes STANFIELD. 107 Near Dinan, Brittany /v// JOHN SYER, 1869. 108 TINTAGEL ^^ y j^ L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A. 109 Btjting the Wbddtng Gown ^^ ^/ / MISS E. THOMPSON. /C 110 Chbistophbe Columbus TURNER. 111 Wbeok off Calais / /^ y / 9 TURNER. 112 Venice ^Z ^ -^ ^ J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. y 113 A Landscape C^^ /^ Oi. , ,,e!^^yi>^^eyC^-t- STANEIELD. / / • 106 At Dinan, Brittany /^ // (^.^Ux^^t^t-^f-T^l^ert^c-^ 16 J. WEBB, c/ ^ 114 At Crawlkt, Sussex J~-k C ^^Ax-^t^^^t-eA.^-i^ y2 J 1^'^ ^ Landscape /Zy/;t CARLO BISEO. 128 A GiKL OF Morocco J- yc Z C. CAVALIE. 129 A Snow Scene: Sunset A?^/i) J. E. CORNET 130 A Scene fkoji Lutch History DOUZETTE. 131 A WiNTEU Scene : Moonlight A. EVERSEN. 132 A Stiieet Scene Z. x Z.i^ ^Z^My^ -t^ FOREIGN PICTURES. S. DE AVENDANO. / 126 The Mediteukanean 6 xJ^ ^^.'.:.r,^ ^' cyy-Cx.-^ /7ty9-^iytA^ .^ V, 18 G. FAVRETTO, // 133 Un Affark d'Amore J^ y^i a ^ ^Xie:^,.^^ G. FAYRETTO. ^/ 134 The Favourites ^^y// ^ B. TE GEMPT. Jy{_ 135 Plunderers /f y ^^ ^ 13G Peace and War P. GIANETTl. 137 Marguerite JG x-^^ /y^e^-^-c^.^C'O^-' B. TE GEMPT. Z4 x// ^ H. HOLLANDER. J/^ 138 Grace Before Meat /^y./2. ^^-^€^6^*^ lOLA. '139 In the Tyrol >^^ r--^^ DE LA MAR. 140 Girl Feeding Kittens SO yc/'^ L. LASSALLE. / 141 Children Sleighing /Z y. / 7 ^ ^k-o^A-yf^ / 19 G. B. LELLI. 143 Alpe della Sokretta 2.^ /<./j_ G. B. LELLI. 144 Christmas in the High Alps P. LOKHORST. 145 Cows IN A Landscape /a x /2, LUDOVICL '/^ 146 Lady Veee de Veue //^ p 147 Roses M. MIOHIS. A, P. MICHIS. 148 A Lucky Morning Uxhihited at Philadelphia #; 2-^*-^-^^ P. MICHIS. p / 149 After the Bal Masqu^ , ^ .^iU^ M. MICHIS. / 150 The Boudoir OF A Prima Donna NASCIAEONE 151 Che Pense //x^ yh^c'^iA.yi^ 20 E. PAOLETTI. ^Z 152 A Venetian Ladt t> PELUSO. X 153 Mandolinata ^ >- / E. PEREGO. ^ 154 An Episode of the Italian Conscription 155 A Brigandess A. lilBOSSI. 7.-e^i-<^ A. RIBOSSI. Z. \ 156 Marino Faliero at the Moment of Arrest \hl A Woman's Head A. RIBOSSI. //^ /Z // G RICCI. 158 An Italian Lake Scene Z^ )c /^ G. RICCL / 159 A Lake Scene, Italy //> ^ 2 ^ Zl /-i^ 160 Italian Lake Scene; and on th^ Ticino — a pair 3 , 14 G. RICCI. /6 V:2<^ LA ROCHE. -/ //J -^' 161 A River Scene: Moonlight /3 ■ey^^^^'i-^^^^ • 2 yi-ui<^^ 21 STEFANO. /4 162 A Pastoral // >^^4^ •M^ /" G. TRENTI. f 164 Avenue at Monza Ji-^2^ F. R. UNTERBERGER. ^^. ^ 165 A Norwegian Fiord Zd^^^Jo F. R. UNTERBERGER. J- __ 166 A Norwegian Fiord /cP^Z^ A. WINDMAIER. / 167 A Woodland Scene : Winter J. ZELGER. y 168 A Swiss Mountain Scene .,•2 ^ 6 FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. m V % M 1^ % Jfe *.j:i^. ^^c:>> ^ ,^^B %^ ■*^^r^. 3^ i?' GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE #v/ 3 3125 00987 1050, fwws