m PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE BEING . A COURSE of LESSONS, EXHIBITING Eafy and concife RULES for drawing juftly all Sorts ' of Objefts. / Adapted to the USE of SCHOOLS. By H. CLARK E. IN TWO VOLUMES. V O L. | Sempre la pratica di pittura de be all brought exactly over the point T, which will then be united in one. Bring likewife the plane L y M perpendicular to G D, and let the planes V S F y V s v, thereby become refpectively pa- rallel to the planes O M X U, L y M. Alfo let the line S 2 be parallel to the line A B, S C perpendicular to V A, and S Z perpendicular to V V. In this Scheme as well as the laft, the planes G D, AT, the lines I N, V A, S C, and the points S, C, are the fame as in Fig. 1. The plane V S V is the parallel of the original plane OMXU; the plane Vsv the Parallel of L y M, def 7. and therefore the lines and it will be the picture of the given triangle A B K. By the Interferon. Draw S i parallel to F H, S 2 parallel to PI E, and S3 parallel to F E. Then from the points of interfection i, 2, 3, draw the directors 1 1, 2 2, 3 3 ; and h e f will be the peripe&ive of the triangle HEF LESSON PERSPECTIVE, LESSON IV. 7*o put a Square in Perfpeflive* Operation. Let A B C D be a given fquare, of which a fide is parallel to the line of interfec- tion. Having found the feats, draw the direc- tors to the centre of the picture, and the vifual rays will inter feci; them in the points ab c d\ which being joined will give the perfpeclive of the fquare. If the fquare be fituated obliquely to the line of interfection as E F G H, find the points of interferon i, i, 2, 2, and the vanifhing points 1, 2 ; then the directors being drawn to their re- fpective vanilhing points, will, by their inter- ferons, form the figure e fg h ; which will be the perfpective of the fquare when viewed on an angle. LESSON 32 Practical lesson v. To find the Perfpeffive of the Ordinate Figures, a Pentagon and a Dodecagon, Operation. Let P be the given Pentagon. Find the directing points by producing each fide to the line of interferon. Then find the va- nishing points, i, 2, 3, 4, and draw the directors ; which will form the perfpective of the given pentagon by their interferons. When the figure confifts of many fides, the perfpective is moft conveniently found by Seats. So to find the picture of the Dodecagon D ; find the feats of all the angular points ^ from whence draw the directors to the centre. Then draw the vifual rays, and join the points of inter- feron and trie figure made thereby will be a true reprefentation of the given Dodecagon. LESSON PERSPECTIVE, LESSON VL to, each parallel to i% and join no, and there will be formed a true reprefentation of the parallelopipedon. If the line n o produced paries through the vanifh- ing point 2, it mew sthat the drawing is accurate,. LESSON XIL To find the Perfpeflive of a Square Pillar. Operation. Let A B C D be the ground plan, or feat of the pillar on the ground plane, of which find the perfpective as before. From the feat of the line D C, raife the line of eleva- tion ; on which take L M equal to the given height of the pillar, and draw the line M C. Then raife the perpendiculars de, a /, and bg ; and draw e f parallel to d a, and fg to the centre C , and it will produce the perfpecYive of the given pillar. If it {lands obliquely to the line of interfec- tion, find the interfering and vanilhing points 1, 2. 4 o PRACTICAL i, 2. Then draw the directors ; and the inter- fections will give the appearance of the bafe of the pillar efg h. Make % i the line of eleva- tion, on which take 2 f equal to the given height of the pillar ; and draw the line i 2, to which raife the perpendiculars e k, f L From k to the vanfhing point 1, draw k m, and raife the perpendicular h m ; fo will the true perfpec- tive of the pillar be had. The learner will find little or no difficulty in thefe two laft lefibns, if he remembers, That all lines which are parallel to one another in the given object, will always have a common va- niihing point ; for from that the reafon of the operations will be obvious. LESSON XIII. To find the Perfpefiive of a Pyramid. Operation. Throw the ground plan of the pyramid into perfpeclive ; and then imagine a pole PERSPECTIVE. 41 pole to pafs from the centre of the bafe to th® vertex. From the centre of the picture refer the point e to the line of interferon, and raife the line of elevation L F, which make equal to the given height of the pyramid then - draw F C ; and the point where it cuts the per- pendicular e b 9 will be the vertex of the pyra- mid. Laftly, draw a b, b b 9 c b, and db ; and the perfpeclive of the pyramid will be com- pleted. If the pyramid is inverted or ftands upon its vertex, find the perfpeclive of the ground plan e fg) and the centre 2, by vanifhing points, as before. Then make 1 M the line of elevation 1 and draw M 1, and raife the perpendiculars gg y e e* From g draw g 2, and raife the perpen- dicular //. Lailly, join ei 9 gi> and / /; and the perfpective of the inverted pyramid will be had. E LESSON 42 PRACTICAL LESSON XIV. To put an Houfe in Perfpective. Operation. Let A B D E be the ground plan, and the angle BHD the pitch of the roof. Having thrown the ground plan into perfpective as before, raife the perpendiculars g b 9 f k ; and on the line of elevation, take P F equal to the given height of the raifing, and FH equal to F H. Then draw H C and make h k parallel to a b ; and m h> n k, ko will be the pofitions of the rafters. The reft is plain from the figure. LESSON XV. To find the Perfpeflive of an Houfe with an Hip» Roof viewed upon an Angle. Operation. Let A B C D be the plan of the raifing, and F E the height of the pitch. Throw the ground plan into perfpective, and raife the indefinite PERSPECTIVE. 43 indefinite perpendiculars G H, IK, L O. Then, on the line of elevation, take P M equal to the height of the railing, and M N equal to F E the pitch of the roof. Draw M F, N V 9 and through the interferon H draw the inde- finite line v t ; then raife the perpendiculars d r, a /, draw t and raife the perpendicular h X.< Laftly, join r k> t K, and X O ; which will be the perfpeclive of the Hip-Rafters. The reft needs no explanation. LESSON XVI. T o find the Appearance of a Pole inclined to the Horizon ; the Angle of Inclination^ and the Situation on the Ground Plane being given. Operation. Let A D be the pole, A B its feat on the ground plane G D, and the angle BAD the inclination of the pole to the ground plane. Produce C S, and make the angle C s Z equal to the angle BAD: So will Z be the vanilhing point of the line A D. Find the per- E 2 fpeclive 44 PRACTICAL fpective of the point A by its feat s \ and on the line of elevation take sg equal to B D, and draw gc and A Z. Then will ad be the picture of the inclined pole. For if we imagine the plane Z s C to be brought up perpendicular to Z C, and the plane G D turned back into its proper fituation, s C will be parallel to A B, and s Z parallel to AD; becaufe the angles C sZ and BAD are equal. And becaufe the points A B D are in the fame plane, and perpendicular to the ground plane - 3 and sg equal to BD, and perpendicular to the line of interferon IN; therefore sg and ad are in the fame plane, which is alfo perpendicu- lar to the ground plane G D. Hence a d is the appearance of the pole A D on the perfpec- tive plane. LESSON PERSPECTIVE. LESSON XVII. fo find the Perfpeffive of a Parallelogram inclined to the Ground Plane^ and parallel to the line of Interferon, having the ufual Data. Operation. Let O M X U be the parallelo- gram, O U its interferon with the ground plane, and L O M its angle of inclination. Make the angle C S Z equal to the angle L O M then will Z be the vanifhing point of the parallelogram. Having found the perfpeo tive of O U as before, take L M on the line of elevation equal to L M $ and at r ? M C, o Z, and u Z. Then make mx parallel to 4 u t and omxu will be the perfpedive of the given parallelogram. For when Fig. 2. is put in its proper pofition, the plane S Z will be the parallel of the original plane OMXU, (becaufe the angle C S Z is equal to the angle of inclination L O M) and V Z A its vanifhing line. And fin'Ce S Z is parallel 46 PRACTICAL parallel to the fides of the inclined plane O M and U X, and interfe&s the perfpective plane in the point Z, it is therefore the vanifhing point of the fides of the inclined plane, def 8. And LM is the altitude of the point M above the ground plane, and o u the perfpedtive of OU; therefore omxu is the perfpeclive of the given plane OMXU. LESSON XVIII. T o find the Perfpeclive of a Pointy on a Plane in- clined to the Horizon^ and parallel to the Line of Interfeclion* Operation. Let OMXU be the original plane ; and omxu the perfpective of it, as be- fore. From B, the given point on the orginal plane, draw B x perpendicular to O M, and xy perpendicular to OL; then will xy be the height of the given point B above the ground plane. Draw B s perpendicular to I N, which will in PERSPECTIVE, 47 in this cafe give the feat of the point B, becaufe OU is parallel to IN; then draw the primary director s C, and from the point of interferon with the inclined plane, draw the fecondary di- rector k Z. Make s t the line of elevation, on which take s t equal to y x - 9 then draw the line / C, and it will interfect the fecondary di- rector k Z in b which is the perfpective of the given point B on the inclined plane. For if the plane O X (Fig. 2.) be brought to its proper elevation above the ground plane, it will be evident that x y is the height of the point B above the faid plane. And fince a plane which is perpendicular to the horizon may be imagined to pafs through B s, the point B will be in the interferon of that plane and the original one OX. (Ax. III.) But kr is the .perfpective of that interferon, and / j is the diftance of the given point from the ground plane ; therefore b is the perfpective of the point B, as required. L ESS O N 4 8 PRACTICAL LESSON XIX. To find the Appearance of a Line fituated on an in* dined Plane, which is parallel to the Line of In* terfeclion. Operation. Let om x u be the perfpecYive of the original plane as before, and A B the given line. Having drawn A X perpendicular to O M, and X Y perpendicular to O L, take O i equal to O y ; and draw i b parallel to B x 9 and B b parallel to O x ; then will b be the ground feat of the point B* Produce A B to c 9 and draw b cy, and it will give the ground feat of a perpendicular plane pairing through the given line A B on the inclined plane. Find v the vanifhing point of b y 9 and draw the primary directory y v. Take Z S equal to Z S, and make the angle Z S V equal to bB c, and V will be the vanifhing point of the line A B. Then draw the fecondary director /V, and it will produce an indefinite reprefentation PERSPECTIVE. 49 of the line A B. From the point of interfecYion j, make jY a line of elevation, on which take y x equal to y x, and y Y equal to Y X, and draw x v 9 Y v ; and thefe lines will interfect the fecondary director in the points b 9 a ; fo will a b be the perfpective of the line A B. For let all the planes in Fig. 2. be brought into their proper pofitions, then will h evidently appear to be the ground feat of the point B \ and therefore a plane palling through A c 9 perpen- dicular to the ground plane, will interfe6t that plane in the line by. (Ax, L) And becaufe S V is parallel to the line A B, and interfefe the picture in V, the line /V will be the per- fpeclive of the interfection of the perpendicular and inclined planes. But the line A B is in that interfe&ion, and y x and y Y are the re- fpeclive heights of the points A and B above y v, which is the perfpective of the ground feat of the perpendicular plane Y v y 5 therefore a b is the reprefentation of the given line A B on the inclined plane. F. LESSON PRACTICAL LESSON XX. ST o find the Perfpetlive of a Figure, Jituated on a Plane inclined to the Horizon, and parallel to the Line of Interferon. Operation. Let O M X U be the original plane as before, O U the interferon with the ground plane, L O M the angle of inclination, and A B C D the given figure. Make the angle C S Z equal to the angle LOM; and parallel to O U draw V Z A, which will be the va- nifhing line of the original plane O M X U. Make Z S equal to Z S ; and draw S V pa- rallel to B A, and S A parallel to BD; then will V be the vanifhing point of the lines A B, C D \ and A the vanifhing point of the lines B D, AC. Produce A B to r, and C D to c. Find b the feat of B on the ground plane, and draw bey, and parallel thereto draw c y, which will be the feats of two perpendicular planes paffing through A B and C D ; and therefore y> y y will be their points of interfeclion. Find PERSPECTIVE. Find v the vanifhing point of thefe lines, and draw the primary directors y v, yv ; and from their points of interfedtion with the inclined plane /, /, draw the fecondary directors / V, /V; which will give an indefinite reprefenta- tion of the lines A B and C D. Produce D B to p, and C A to q\ and draw pp^ qq y each parallel to O L. On the line of elevation take L p equal to L p, and L q equal to L q> and and draw p C, q C ; then from the points of their interfedion with the fide of the inclined plane, draw p A y q A; and abed will be the perfpective of the figure A B C D on the in- clined plane. For when the planes VN and MLjy (Fig. 2.) are fet perpendicular to the ground plane, S A will appear to be parallel to Bp and there- fore the point A will be the vanifhing point of the fides of the figure B D and AC. And fince L pi L q, are the refpedlive heights of the points />, above the ground plane, the lines p A, q A, will be indefinite reprefentations of the fides of the figure, B D and AC; but by the laft leflbn the lines /V, /V, are alfo indefinite F 2 rep re- 52 PRACTICAL reprefentations of the fides A B, CD; therefore the interfe&ions of thefe lines will form the per- fpedive of the given figure A B C D. LESS'ON XXI. T 9 find the Appearance of a Pole inclined to the Horizon, and fituated obliquely to the Line of Interferon. Operation. Let O M be the pole, O L its feat on the ground plane, and L O M its angle of inclination. From v the vaniming point of O L, take v s equal to v S and make the angle v s V equal to the angle LOM; then will V be the vaniming point of the pole O M. Draw o V, and on the line of elevation take y M equal to L M, and draw TS/Lv 9 fo will om ht the perfpeclive of the in- clined pole, as required. For let the inclined plane O M X U, (Fig; 3.) be raifed to its proper angle, and fuppofe the fide PERSPECTIVE. 53 fide of it MO to be an inclined pole. Then, becaufe S v is parallel to O L, and v s equal to v S, the line v f will coincide with v S, when brought forward to the eye at S, and the plane v sV be parallel to the plane L O M. And fince the angle v s V is equal to the angle LOM, sV will be parallel to O M, and in- terfect the picture in V - 9 which is therefore the vanifhing point of the pole O M. The other part of the operation is plain from the preceding leflbns. LESSON XXIL To find the Perfpeffive of a Parallelogram inclined to the Horizon^ and fituated obliquely to the Line of Interferon* Operation. Let OMXU be the original plane, LOM its angle of inclination, and O U its line of interferon with the ground plane. Produce MO to y 9 X U to y, and U O to w j and find the vanifhing points % V y of the lines 54 PRACTICAL lines U U w. Take vs equal to yS 9 and make the angle v s V equal to the angle of in- clination L O M j and V will be the vanifhing point of the fides of the inclined plane O M and U X. From o and u the refpective inter- ferons of the primary directors wV 9 y ov % and w V, y u v, draw o V, u V , and on the line of elevation take y M . equal to L M ; then draw M v, and through the interferon x draw Fm 9 and o m x u will be the appearance of the inclined plane. For when Fig. 3. is put in a proper pofition, s V will plainly appear to be parallel to O M, and V v will be the vanifhing line of the plane L O M, becaufe that plane is perpendicular to the ground plane, and the angle v sV equal to the angle LOM. Therefore V, v, and V will be the refpecYive vanifhing points of the lines O M, O L, and O U. LESSON PERSPECTIVE. 55 L E S S O N XXIII: To find the Appearance of a Point > Jituated on an inclined Plane, which ftands obliquely to the Line of Interferon. Operation. Let OMXU be the original plane, and B the given point. Find the per- fpective of the inclined plane o m x u 9 as before, and draw B y parallel to O y, then from the point of interferon y, draw the primary direc- tor y z\ and from the point of interaction r, draw the fecondary director r V. Make B x parallel to OU, and xy parallel to LM- 3 then will xy be the perpendicular height of the point B above the ground plane. Then on the line of elevation y M, take y x equal to xy 9 and draw x v - 9 and through g 9 the interfection with the fide of the inclined plane, draw V b \ and the point of interfeclion b y with the fecondary di- rector r V, will be the perfpective of the given point on the inclined plane. For $6 PRACTICAL For when the original plane, Fig. 3. is fet to its proper elevation, xy will plainly appear to be the perpendicular height of the point B above the ground plane. And fince the point B is fituated in the interferon of the two lines x B and / B, (which are refpectively paral- lel to O U and OM) the perfpeclive interfec- tion of thofe lines will evidently be the perfpec- tive of the given point. For Vb is an inde- finite reprefentation of the former, and r V of the latter ; therefore b, their point of interfec- tion, is the perfpective of the given point, as required. , LESSON XXIV. T* 0 find the Perfpeclive of a Line, which is fituated on a Plane inclined to the Horizon, and to the Line of Interfeclion. Operation. Let A B be the given line on the original plane O M X U. The perfpecYive of the inclined plane being found as before, find the PERSPECTIVE. 57 the points of interferon y, of the given points A and B. Draw the primary directors y rv, y tv 9 alfo the fecondary directors r V, and t V ; and on the line of elevation take y x equal to y x 9 and y X equal to Y X. Then draw the lines x v, X v ; and from the points of interferon with the fide of the inclined plane draw V gb, Vna, and join by and the line a b will be the appearance of the line A B on the inclined plane. This is evident from the laft ieiTon. LESSON XXV. To find the Appearance of a plane Figure? fituated on a Plane, inclined to the Horizon^ and oblique to the Line of Interferon. Operation. The inclined plane being thrown into perfpective as before, draw the parallels B y, A y 9 and C y ; and the primary directors y rv, y t vi and y ev. Alfo from the points of interferon with the inclined plane, draw the G fecondary 58 PRACTICAL fecondary directors r V, t V, and e V. Then, on the line of elevation y M, take the perpendi- cular heights of the points of the triangle above the ground plane, y x, T X, and Y X ; and draw the lines xv 9 Xv, and X v. Laftly, through g h the points of interferon with the inclined plane, draw Vg V h c> and V n a. So will a b c be the perfpective of the triangle on the inclined plane. This is alfo evident from kflbn XXIII. LESSON XXVL To find the Perfpettive of the fame Triangle, by Vanijhing Points* Operation. Take Oi equal to Oy% and draw i b parallel to O U, and B / parallel to O M ; then will b be the ground feat of the point B. And after the fame manner will c, the ground feat of the point C, be found. Pro- duce the fides of the triangle to p, z, and d-, and from the points b and c 9 draw the lines b p i, bz2, PERSPECTIVE. 59 h2, r i 3 ; and they will reprefent the ground feats of three perpendicular planes, paffing through the fides of the given triangle on the in- clined plane. Then find their refpective vanifh- ing points i, 2, 3 ; draw the primary directors 1 1 j 22, 3 3 and through the points V, draw a ftraight line, and it will be the vanishing line of the inclined plane. Take V S equal to V S, and V S equal to V s and make the angles 1 S V 9 2 S Z 7 , and 3 5 F, refpeclively equal to the angles Cp U, A 2 U, and A iU; Laftly, from the points of interjection of the primary directors with the inclined plane, /, and /, draw the fecondary directors k 1, * 2, jf 3 •, and they will form, by their interferons on the inclined plane, the triangle a b c ; which is the perfpective of the original one ABC. For when the original plane OMXU (Fig. 3.) is brought to its proper elevation, the point b will plainly appear to be the ground ieat of the original point B, a the ground feat of A, and the line bey (b z 2) the ground feat of a perpendicular plane interfering the original plane in the line A B. And after the fame manner it G 2 will 6o PRACTICAL will appear that the lines b i, c 3, are the ground feats of two perpendicular planes, paffing through the lines BC, AC, refpeclively, which are fituated on the inclined plane. Alfo when all the planes are brought to the eye, perpendi- cular to the point T on the ground plane, the line v s will evidently coincide with v S, the line V s with V and the line V S with VS. And becaufe S V is parallel to O U, and s V parallel to O M, the plane V S V is parallel to the inclined plane OMXU, and interfects the picture in the line V V\ which is therefore the van idling line of the original plane OMXU, def. 8. Now, becaufe S V is parallel to O U, and the angle 2 SV equal to the angle A z U, the line S 2 is parallel to the fide of the triangle A B. And for the fame reafon, the lines 6' 1, S 3, are refpeclively parallel to the lines B C, A C and therefore the points 1, 2, 3, in the vanifhing line V F, are the vanifhing points of the fides of the triangle. LESSON PERSPECTIVE. 61 L E S S O N XXVII. SI o put an, Hexahedron in PerfpebJive^ /landing upon an angular Point. Operation. By the Interjections^ or vanishing Points. Let HKNQ^bea fide of the given Hexahedron, Take K O equal to the diagonal H N, and complete the parallelogram KOPH, which will then reprefcnt a vertical lection of the Hexahedron ftanding on one of its angular points. Upon the diameter F C (equal to I R) defcribe the regular hexagon ABCDEF: and find V and v % the refpective vanilhing points of A D and B E. Take v s equal to v S ^ and make the angles v s V, VvW^ each equal to the angle KHI; and the angle Vvw equal to the angle P H R. Then will V and W be the vanifhing points of thofe interferons of the fides of the Hexahedron which are not paraU lei to the picture and w the vanifhing point of a diagonal. By the interfection of the line AD, Gi PRACTICAL A D, find <2, g, the perfpcctive of the points A, G and on the line of elevation, take L M equal to H O, and L p equal to IK; draw the lines p V 9 M V 9 and raife the perpen- diculars apy gr\ then will p reprefent one an- gular point, and r the vertex of the given Hexa- hedron, on the perfpective plane. Now, fince the interferons of the fides of the original object, which are perpendicular to the lines A B, FC, and E D, are parallel to the perfpective plane, they will have no vaniming point ; therefore, draw indefinitely p u, r /, and g n> each parallel to s V, and complete the Hexahedron by draw- ing the lines rw 9 nh, r r z/, p /, and p g 9 as in the figure. For if we imagine the planes vsV, V $ v> and ^i/W, to be each turned up on the lines v Y'i V z\ and V\Y respectively, fo that the line i s may coincide with v S, and Vv with FS 9 then will sV plainly appear to be the parallel of the interferons of the fides of the Hexahedron p f 9 u r, and nh \ vW the paral- lel of rfo, u % and pg; and *v*w the parallel of the diagonal r n. LESSON PERSPECTIVE. 63 LESSON XXVIIL To find the Appearance of a Dodecahedron . Operation. By Seats. Let a b be a line af- fumed at pleafure. Take a e equal to half of a b 9 from the centre e dcfcribe the arch bf„ and draw the ftraight line b f\ then from the centre a defcribe the arch b J, and draw d c parallel to fb. Defcribe two concentric penta- gons, of which the fides A P, C D, are respec- tively equal to a b, b c ; and complete the ground plan as in the figure. Make F 0, F I, F K, F Lj and F D, refpedtively equal to F0 5 FI, FK, FL, and FD; and raife the perpendiculars F ON, K //, and D E. Then make IG equal to I L, and L E equal to CD; alfo make G N parallel and equal to L £, and EH parallel and equal to IG 0 and join NH; then will GILEHN be a vertical fedtion of the Dodecahedron, {landing on a fide. Having found the perfpedtive of the ground 64 PRACTICAL ground plan, take de equal to D E, dg equal to FG, and dh equal to K H and draw e C, gC, and h C. Refer all the angular points in the perfpeclive ground plan to the line dC, as b i 9 c £, &c. from which raife perpendiculars to the line h C ; then will the interferons of the perpendiculars, drawn from the correlpond- ing points in the perfpeclive plan and feclion, give the appearance of the angular points of the Dodecahedron, as b q 9 r q ; p w, o *», &c. The reft is plain from the figure. The mathematical reader, I fuppofe, will readily perceive from the method of operation, that the fides of the concentric pentagons are in the ratio of the fegments cf a line cut in extreme and mean proportion. LESSON XXIX. To find the Perfpefffce cf an Icofahedron. Operation. By vanifloing Points. Find the lines H E and I D as before ; and complete the PERSPECTIVE. 65 the plan and fcction, as in the figure then find S and », the vanifhing points of L M* and H I. Take S s equal to S S ; and draw s V parallel to A F 9 and s v parallel to B E i alfo take ny equal to S v 0 and n V equal to S V. Then will V be the vanifhing point of the fides of the triangular faces H I, P Qj and v the vanifh- ing point of the perpendiculars of the faces W H, K Alfo V and y will be the re- fpe'ctive vanifhing points of the lines M L s TO, and U L, T Y. And becaufe FA, AB, BE, ED, DC, and C F are all parallel to the perfpeclive plane, they will therefore be parallel in the picture to their refpeclive lines in the fection. Find m d the perfpe&ive of M D, being the fide of the triangular face MDP, on which the body refts ; ui 0 the perfpeclive of the horizontal face A I O ; and the points u, w 9 and h y Then from V 9 draw V ml% and from draw yuh) alfo draw V i b 9 and vwb- 9 and make d e 9 and b e 9 refpectively parallel to D E 9 and B E. Laftly, join the points a /, i /, I b 7 mb 9 b d> be, i e 9 and 0 e ; and the figure formed thereby, will reprefent fo much of the H Icofahe- 66 PRACTICAL Icofahedron as will be vifible to the fpectator's eye, at the diftance C S. After the fame manner, and by the fame va- nifhing points, may the perfpeftive of the other fides of the body be obtained ; but thefe are here omitted to avoid a confufion of lines. LESSON XXX. To put a Sphere or Globe in Perfpeffive. Operation, Let A B be the dimenfions of the Globe, and A the feat of the centre on the ground plane. Make D R on the line of eleva- tion equal to A B the femidiameter of the Globe; from whence find g the perfpeclive of the cen- tre. Make C S perpendicular to C R, and equal to C S, and draw S g alfo make R q perpendicular to C R, and equal to A D. Take AG equal to qg, and GF equal to g S \ and make the angle F G I equal to the angle CgS. Draw I G K, and KL, HI, each PERSPECTIVE. 67 each perpendicular to A F ; and take g i equal to G I, and g k equal to G K. Take alio N M, M O, rdpeclively equal toKL, HI; and from the centre V defcribe the femicircle O P N, and draw M P perpendicular to N O. Laftly, bifecl: k i in d, through which draw p m 9 per- pendicular to k 4 and equal to P M ; then will kmip, to the eye of the fpeclator, be four ex- treme points on the furface of the fphere 5 through which an eilipfe being defcribed, will give the appearance of the whole fphere on the perfpective plane. As it would be in vain to attempt to (how the reafon of this operation to any but the mathe- matical reader, the common learner tnuft there- fore reft fatisfied with the bare operation, and pafs by the following demo nitration. Imagine the triangle C S g to be brought forward, and the triangle R qg turned back- ward, fo as to be both perpendicular to the per- fpeclive plane. Then, becaufe the lines D R, R C, are both in the fame plane, R q is per- pendicular to DR; and fince R q is equal to H 2 A B 68 PRACTICAL A B the diftance of the centre of the globe from the perfpective plane, and g is the perfpective of the centre, Sg, g q, is a ftraight line paffing from the centre of the glebe to the fpectator's eye, and cutting the picture in g. JCow it is evident, *hat the rays proceeding from the ex- tremities of the fphere to the eye will form a cone; and as this is cut obliquely by the per- fpective plane in the angle S g C, the feet ion will be an ellipfe , therefore, fince A F is equal to S g q 9 AG equal to qg 9 and the angle FGI equal to the angle S g C, IK will be the tranf- verfeof the fection. And by the property of the curve L K multiplied into I H is equal to the fquare of the conjugate •, but N M is equal to K L, and M O equal to H I ; therefore M P is a mean proportional between KL and H I, which is equal to the conjugate, or morteft ap- parent diameter of the fphere. Q^E. D. Remark. From hence appears the necefiiry of a picture being looked upon from a right point of view, in order to produce a proper effect in the fpectator's eye. For the figure here drawn is a perfect ellipfe, when placed directly before PERSPECTIVE. 69 before the eye ; but when looked at obliquely at the given diftance, it appears perfectly circular, and is an exact reprefentation of a globe. And the fame is to be obferved in all perfpective draw- ings whatever ; otherwife, when the diftance is taken very near the perfpective plane, or the ob- ject, feen very obliquely, the common rules of perfpective will not exhibit a true reprefentation. But if the eye be brought to the proper point of view, the drawing will no longer appear diftorted, but will produce the fame image in the eye as the object irfelf would, if feen from a propor- tionable height and diftance. I think we may from hence obferve, that it would be no bad method, if our capital landfcape painters, and even thofe in portrait too, were to write down on the back of the canvas, the height of the Centre, and the Diftance of the Perfpec- tive plane. For then, the Picture mio-ht be placed to the greateft advantage, fo that not only the contour, but alfo the light and made in the colouring, would appear to the eye, exactly agreeable to the painter's intention ; in which light, it is plain, no drawing can be feen from any other point of view. SCIAGRAPHIC PRACTICAL SCIAGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE. Or, the Method of finding the Shadows of Objecls^ on the Perfpeclive Plane. Shadowing from a Radiant Point ; as Torch, Candle, &c. LESSON XXXI. To find the Shadow of a Pole^ which is perpendicu- lar to the Ground Plane ; having the Ground Seats, and Heights of the Light and Pole given. Operation. Let L and P be the refpe&ive ground feats of the light and pole ; and 1 H, N K, their refpective heights above the ground plane. Having found the perfpective of the |] *ht and pole, by the lines of elevation I H, NKj PERSPECTIVE. yi , N K from /, the feat of the light on the per- fpeclive plane, draw Ip s-, and from b 9 the point of light, draw hk s; then will p s hz the fhadow of the pole. For as the pole is fuppofed to be a line only, and the light a pointy a plane may be imagined to pafs through them both (Ax. III.); but this plane will interfect the perfpeclive ground plane in the line Is (Ax. I.) ; therefore p s will evi- dently be the fhadow of the pole p k 9 on the picture. LESSON XXXII. To find the Shadow of a plane ObjetJ, when it is perpendicular to the Ground Plane. Operation. Let ABCD be the original ob- ject, and B C its feat on the ground plane L the original feat of the light, and I H the height of it. Produce C B to N, and make N K equal to ABj and from thence find the per- 72 PRACTICAL perfpective of the given object, abed. From /, the perfpeetive feat of the light, through the points b r, draw the indefinite lines le, If-, and from draw the rays of light h a e, h d f\ and join e f. Then will befc be the perfpec- tive fhadow of the object abed. For the planes h I e> hlf, h e f pafs through the ftraight lines ab, de, ad, and in- terfecl: the ground plane in the lines b e, c f and ef refpeclively (Ax. I. III.) therefore the lines b cf and ef, are the refpeclive fhadows of a by cd, and a d, which are the extremities of the given objeel: ; and confequently befc is the fliadow of the whole figure abed. LESSON XXXIII. To find the Shadows of Inclined Planes ^ fuppofe an inverted Pyramid. Operation. Let ABC be the feat of the py- ramid on the ground plane ; and L the feat of the PERSPECTIVE. 73 the light. Through L, draw the indefinite line P I perpendicular to the line of interferon y and join A L, B L, CL, and D L ; refpec- tively parallel to which draw D D b, and D c ; and they will reprefent the feveral interfec- tions of the inclined planes, or fides of the pyra- mid produced, with the ground plane. Find d the perfpe&ive of and upon the director I C, find the perfpective of the points a- % from which draw the indefinite lines b d b, c d c 9 and a d a. Having found (by the feat L and elevation I H) the point of light h on the pic- ture, draw the rays b a q i h c c, b b b y and join b c , c ay then will d a 9 a c> c b, and b d > be the feveral perfpective interferons of the in- - clined planes, which may be imagined to pafs through the extremities of the pyramid, with the ground plane y and therefore the fpace included d a cb d will be the ihadow of the pyramids I LESSON PRACTICAL, LESSON XXXIV. s To find the Shadow of a plane circular Ring. Operation. Let rpou be the appearance of the Ring on the perfpective plane, and v the va- nifhing point of its ground feat. Draw the lines vry, vpo, vum \ and raife any number of perpen- diculars, as my, ab,ur, &c. Then, from the feat of the light /, draw the indefinite lines Imn, lag, lut, &c. and the interferons of the rays h on, hzg 9 hrt, &c. will give the correfponding points of the fhadow ; which being joined with a fteady hand, will form a true reprefentation of the fhadow of the whole objecl:. LESSON XXXV. find the Shadow of an Hoop. Operation. Let bqpr be the Hoop in per- fpedtive, and C the vanifhing point of its ground PERSPECTIVE. 75 ground feat; h the perfpective of the light, and / its feat on the picture. Through x 9 the cen- tre of the circular edge of the Hoop b q e r 9 draw the perpendicular r x q ; and from the cen- tre of the picture C, draw the lines C q a 9 C x b 9 Crr, and raife the perpendiculars, c a 9 f d. Then, from the feat of the light /, draw the indefinite lines / c i y Ir t, If s ; and the rays proceeding from the light at h 9 through the points q, e, will interfect thofe lines in the cor- refponding points of the fhadow /, /, s ; through which and the point r the elliptical figure ritsr being traced, will mow the fhadow of the circular edge of the Hoop b q e r on the perfpective ground plane. In the fame manner proceed with the other circular edge of nig, and through the points mvnum defcribe an ellipfe, and complete the fhadow as in the figure. If thefe four points be not thought fufficient to trace the ellipfe through, we may eafily find as many more as we pleafe, by raifing per- pendiculars from the directing line c C ; and then proceeding as before, by drawing lines from / and h, through, the refpedtive feats and I 2 inter- 7 6 PRACTICAL interferons of the perpendiculars with the edge of the Hoop. LESSON XXXVI. To find the Shadow of a Pyramid, when it is in- tercepted hy Objetls fianding upon the Ground Plane. Operation. Let the intercepting objects be a parallelopipedon and a wall \ which are thrown into perfpective, from the given dimenfions and fituations on the ground plane. Then imagine a perpendicular plane to pafs through the point of light h and the vertex of the Pyramid •, and it will evidently interfecl the ground plane in the line IC ; the parallelopipedon in the lines m m, m 4, 4 q and the wall in the line o r. Now it is plain from the figure, -fince the plane h IC pafles through the perpendicular of the Pyramid, that a C b is the fhadow of it on the ground plane (fuppofing the intercepting objects removed) ; therefore having produced m m to /, from the points PERSPECTIVE, ( 77 points of interferon x, 2, draw 1 /, 2 ty and refpectively parallel to a C, £C, draw ^4, 23. Lailly from the points of interferon 5, and 6, draw 5 r and 6 r \ and the fhadow of the Pyra- mid will be truly reprefented as it falls upon the given objects. LESSON XXXVII. To find the Perfpeclive and Shadow of a Crofs, con- Jifting of two plane Parallelograms interfering each other in any angle. Operation. Let A B C D be the feat of the Crofs on the ground plane, and A E F D its feclion. Find V and v 9 the vanifhing points of BC and AB; take VS equal to FS; and make the angles V SY^ V S W, refpec- tively equal to D A F, and ADE; then will V be the vanifhing point of the plane A F, and W the vanifhing point of the plane ED. Find ah the perfpective of AB, and raife the perpendiculars a g J bh\ then, on the line of elevation, make Ik equal to A E, draw kV 9 and yS PRACTICAL and vgb. Having thus determined the points a 9 b 9 g 9 b, draw a V, b V, £ W, h W, and complete the perfpective of the Crofs by means of the vanifhing point v> as in the figure. From m the feat of the light, draw the inde- finite lines m b p 9 m a q, mrn 9 m o i ; and from the radiant point b 9 draw the rays b b p, and htn. Then to the vanifhing point v 9 draw p q 9 n i ; and join a t 9 b n, r p 9 o q 9 and it will give the perfpective of the fhadow. For the extre- mities of the Crofs g h 9 a t 9 are parallel to the ground plane, and p q, n i 9 are their refpective fhadows on that plane, they will therefore be parallel to each other, and have a common va- nifhing point. The fhadow might alfo be determined by drawing one ray of light only, as bp for fince the points h t are in a fbraight line which is pa- rallel to the ground plane, and having its vanifh- ing point in V 9 a line being drawn from p to V will determine the point n ; from whence i and n may be found as before, and thereby the whole fhadcw completed. Shadowing PERSPECTIVE. 79 Shadowing from the Sun, The Magnitude of the Earth being but a Point when compared to the Sun's Di (lance, the Rays of Light which fall thereon, will evidently proceed in a Direction parallel to each other. Therefore to find the Shadow of any Object by the Sun, we need only know the Direction of the Rays with refpect to the Line of Interferon - y and their Inclination to the Ground Plane. LESSON XXXVIII. T0 find the Shadow of an upright Plane> when the Sun is in the Plane of the Picture. Operation, Let A B D F be a parallelogram feen on the perfpe&ive plane ; and ah c the angle of the fun's altitude, or inclination of the rays of light to the ground plane, Draw the indefinite So PRACTICAL indefinite lines A G, and F H, each parallel to the line of interfedtion I N ; and LBG, L D H, each parallel to the ray of light a b. Then join G H, and A G H F will be the fliadow of the parallelogram. LESSON XXXIX. To find the Shadow of a 'perpendicular Plane, when the Sun is behind the Plane of the PicJure. Operation. Let A D be the original feat of the parallelogram abed-, p A the direction of the fun's rays ; and p A r the angle of the fun's altitude, or inclination of the rays to the ground plane. Find V the vanifhing point of p A, and take V s equal to V S \ then make the angle V sV equal to the angle p A r, and V will be the vanifhing point of the fun's rays. Laftly, from V draw the lines V c e, Vdf> in- definitely, and the parallel rays of light V b e, V cf, will interfect them in the points /, e therefore a efd is the perfpedcive of the fliadow. If PERSPECTIVE. 81 If the line e f produced, meets the line of in- terferon in W the vanifhing point of A it mows that the drawing is accurate. LESSON XL. To find the Shadow of an upright Plane, when the Sun is before the Perfpeftive Plane, or Pifture. Operation. Let A B be the ground feat of the parallelogram ac db\ pq the direction of the fun's rays ; and rqp their angle of inclina- tion to the ground plane. Having found V the vaniming point of p q, take Vs equal to FS 9 and make the angle FsV equal to the angle r q p \ then will V be the vanifhing point of the fun's rays. Therefore, by drawing the lines a V, bV, c V, d V, and joining the points of interferon / e, the perfpective fhadow of the parallelogram b ef a will be determined. The reafon of the method of Operation in thefe two lad leflons will be obvious, by irna- K gining 82 PRACTICAL gining the plane S C V to be turned up perpen- dicular to the picture, and the plane V s v fa raifed up that the line V s may coincide with VS for then the line s V will evidently be pa- rallel to the rays of light, and interfect the pic- ture in V, which is therefore their common va- nifhing point (def. 8.) And, moreover, becaufe V is the vanifhing point of the direction of the rays on the ground plane, it is plain that the interfec- tions of the lines, drawn through the extremities of the object to thofe vanifhing points, will give the perfpective of the fhadow of the parallelo- gram. If this be clearly underftood, there can no difficulties occur in finding the fhadow of any kind of object whatever, whether the rays pro- ceed in a direction parallel to each other, or di- verge from a radiant point. CATOPTRIC PERSPECTIVE. 83 CATOPTRIC PERSPECTIVE. Or the Method of finding the Appearance of an Ob- ject on the Perfpeclive Plane, when reflecled from a plane Surface. An Object feen by Reflexion, always appears to the Eye of the Spectator, at the fame perpen- dicular Diftance on the other Side the reflecting Surface, as the Object itfelf is on this Side. Therefore to find the Perfpective of an Object feen by Reflexion, we need only fuppofe it to be fimilarly fituated on the other Side the reflecting Plane ; and then proceed according to the fore- going LefTons. LESSON 8 4 PRACTICAL LESSON XLI. To find the Perfpetlive of the Reflexion of an Ob- jeft> fituated on an horizontal reflecting Plane> or Surface ; as Water^ Glafs, &c. Operation. Let BR be the brink of the water, and B A a perpendicular pole. Draw Ba perpendicular to BR, and equal to B A; then will B a be the fhadow, or reflexion of the pole on the water. If the object (lands at a diftance from the water (but on the fame level or plane) as at D, make D c perpendicular to BR, and equal to DC; and ce will be fo much of the object as can be feen by reflexion in that fituation of the eye. To find the fhadow of the fquare pillar G F, produce GE, HF, and KI, indefinitely; and make E^, F h, each equal to the height of the pillar. Then to the centre C draw h k C, and gib km will be the reflexion of the pillar on the water PERSPECTIVE. 85 water. In like manner will the reflexion of the cube M be found, by the vanilhing points V and v the object and its fnadow having always a common vanifhing point. LE S S O N XLIL 5T 0 find the Reflexion of an ObjeB^ when fituated above the horizontal reflecting Surface , as on a Bank by the Side of a River \ . &c. Operation. Let Mn be the brink of the water, and BmnM. a perpendicular eminence or bank. Firft take M b equal to M B, and draw the irregular line b u for the reflexion of the bank.. Then, if the object be clofe to the edge of the bank as at B, produce A B, and make 3VE a equal to MA; then will b a be the fhade, or reflexion on the water. If the ob- ject be fituated at a diftance from the edge of the bank, as the pole at E ; from the centre C draw C E G, let fall the perpendicular GH, and S6 PRACTICAL and drav/ H I C then produce D E indefinite- ly, and the point of interferon I will be the feat of the pole on the horizontal reflecting fur- face continued. Therefore take I d equal to I D, and di will be the reflexion on the water. By the fame method, with the vanifhing points (V, v) of the fides of the triangular prifm K L tf, KL£, find R, the feat of KL; then make R k equai to R K, and draw the lines k v, k V ; and the figure formed by the inte;fec~lions of the perpendicular fides of the prifm produced, will be the perfpective of the fhadow. To find the reflexion of the pyramid, firft find o the feat of the centre q 9 as before then make op, px, x /, and x r, refpeclively equal loop, p x, x% and x r and draw pp 9 t p, and it will produce the (hade or reflexion of the pyramid. > LESSON" PERSPECTIVE, 87 LESSON XLI1I. 2*0 find the Reflexion of a Pole from a polifhed Plane or Looking-Glafs^ when both are perpendi- cular to the Ground Plane, Operation. Let A B and P be the refpec- tive ground feats of the looking-glafs and pole. Draw Pp perpendicular to AB; and make rp equal to rP. Having found the reprefen- tation of the reflecting plane on the picture, a bfg ' y find the perfpective of an upright plane, the ground feat of which is P p, and height af- fumed at pleafure. Then will the perfpective of that fide of the perpendicular plane of which the feat is p y be the reflexion of the pole on the looking-glafs. For the planes afg D E e d, are perpen- dicular to the ground plane, and to each other. And becaufe rp is equal to r P ; d t 9 en, are refpe&ively equal to / D 5 n E, and perpendicu- lar 88 PRACTICAL. lar to the reflecting plane ; therefore d e is the perfpective reflexion of D E. LESSON XLIV. To find the Reflexion of a fquare Pillar viewed on an Angle i when the reflecting Plane is filiated obliquely to the Line of Interferon. Operation. Let A B be the original feat of the reflecting plane, and D E F G the feat of the pillar. Make i d equal to D i, 2 e equal to E 2, &c. and complete the fquare d efg ; which will then reprefent the bafe of a pillar fimilarly fituated on the other fide the reflecting furface A B. Having determined w, x, the vanifhing, points of E F, E D, the bafe of the given pillar; V, the vanifhing points of d e, dg, the reflexion of the bafe ; and v the vanifh- ing point of D d ; then find the perfpective of the pillar m and nb or the perfpective of defg. Then raife the indefinite perpendiculars ty, n 0, r x > and to v the vanifhing point of lines per- pendicular VIYY > PERSPECTIVE. 89 pendicular to the reflecting plane, draw mv\ and the point of interferon q with the perpen- dicular n 0, will be the correfponding point in the reflexion ; from whence the whole may be completed by the vanifhing points V V, as in the figure. Or, the reprefentation of the re- flexion might be mown without the vanifhing point by finding the perfpective of a pillar of the fame height with the original one, and ground feat d e fg. LESSO N XLV. Ho find the Perfpetlive of the Reflexion of a per- pendicular Pole, when the reflecting Surface or Glafs is inclined to the Ground Plane. Operation. Suppofe A B to be the feat of the glafs, DBE the angle of inclination, and P the feat of the pole. Having thrown the glafs and pole into perfpective by leffons VIII. and XXII. from the centre C, draw C H perpen- dicular to v V the vanifhing line of the re flee- L ting 9 o PRACTICAL ting plane, and produce it indefinitely towards W. Take CK equal to CS, and perpendicu- lar to H W then draw K H and K W, mak- ing the angle H K W a right one ; fo will W be the vanifhing point of lines perpendicular to the plane of the glafs. Make the angle DBF equal to DBA, and the angle V s Y equal to FBE; then will Y be the vanifhing point of the reflexion of the pole± Draw O W and TW; and OTW will be a plane perpendicu- lar to the glafs, and interfering it in the line r N. Laftly, from N, the point where the pole cuts the reflecting plane continued, draw N Y ; and o t will be the perfpeclive of the reflexion of the whole pole T O, fuppofing the plane of the glafs to be continued downwards ; and o x that part of it which will be vifible to the eye at the diftance C S.- Or, find Z the vanifhing point of B H, the angle of the reflexion of P B with the feat of the glafs, to which draw n Z, and it will cut T W in / ; from whence draw / Y, which will give t o, as before, for the reflexion of T O. LESSON PERSPECTIVE. LESSON XLVI. T o find the Appearance of the Reflexion of a Pyra- mid, from an inclined Looking- Glafs. Operation. From the feat of the glafs A B, and angle of inclination to the ground plane DBH, find the vanifhing line of the glafs Vv. From whence find W, the vanifhing point of lines perpendicular to the plane of the glafs ; arid Z the van i Pain g point of lines on the re- flected ground plane, which are perpendicular to the interfedtion of that plane and the glafs. Then proceed as in the laft lelTon to find the re- flexion of the perpendicular or pole of the pyra- mid o d, by its vanifhing point Y ; and from the perfpective of the feat of the pyramid, draw the lines a i, c 2, d 3, b 4, perpendicular to the line of interaction P v. To the vanifhing points Z and W, draw reflectively 1 Z, 2 Z, &c. and c W, d W, &c. and the points of in- terferon a cb will give the reflexion of the L 2 bafe 92 PRACTICAL bafe of the pyramid. Laftly, join o a, o c, oh, and it will produce the perfpedtive of the re- flexion of the whole pyramid. If what has been done before be well under- ftood, and the law of reflexion attended to, the learner will eafily fee the reafon of the whole operation in thefe two laft lelfons. LESSON XL VII. To take the requifite Mcafurcmcnts for pitting an Objeff in Perfpeffive. Operation. Let C be a chair to be put in perfpeclive, and E the fpectator's eye. Then, any where betwixt the eye and the object on the ground plane, fuppofe the line IN to be drawn to reprefent the interfection of the ground plane with the plane of the picture. Let alfo M L T R reprefent the paper on the drawing- board, on which draw IN for the line of inter- feclion. Meafure the height of your eye P E from PERSPECTIVE. 93 from the ground plane, and make IV equal to it; then draw V A 9 on which take at pleafure the point C for the centre of the picture. Per- pendicular to I N, meafure P B, to which make C S equal, for the diftance of the eye from the perfpective plane. Imagine d i, a 2 to be lines perpendicular to I N \ and meafure B 1, B2, Thefe diltances being fet off from D towards N give the points ^, q ; from which raife per- pendiculars, and make p m equal to d 1, and q n equal to a 2. Laftly, raife qr perpendicu- lar to IN for the line of elevation ; on which take qo equal to b and qr equal to b f. So will every requifite be known to find the per- fpeclive of the object by the preceding leifons. Remark. If abed be a right angled figure^ and d 1 equal to a 2, the object will be viewed partially. And if • d 1, a 2 be not equal, the object will be viewed on an angle, and muft therefore have two points of diminution. If B falls at an equal diftance between the points i, and 2, it will produce a central view. LESSON PRACTICAL LESSON XLVHl. To find the Dijlance cf the Piflure. As this is a point of the greater importance in perfpective, it would be well for every one, who would either draw well themfelves, or be able to judge properly of a piece of drawing, to to be particularly attentive to it being equally as neceffary to the fpeculative connoilTeur as to the real artift. For no one can form a proper judgment of the beauties or defects of either por- trait or landfcape, unlefs he knows exactly the centre and diftance of the picture ; as it cannot poffibly appear to the eye of the fpectator in any other point of view, agreeable to the painter's intention, as we have before obferved. Irt order then that the learner may have a clear idea of this very effentiai point towards giving a juft representation of any object, it may not be amifs to give a fhort explanation of the ftructure of the eye, whereby he will the more readily PERSPECTIVE. 95 readily fee the reafon why one diftance of the picture is preferable to another. ' In Fig. 5. which reprefents an eye in its juft proportion, A is called the Cornea Tunica ; B the Uvea, in which is a fmall perforation c, called the Pupil, through which the rays of light enter; C the Aqueous Humour ; D the Cry- ft aline Humour, which is nearly of the form of a double convex lens, being fufpended in the middle of the eye by an annulus of mufcular fibres, called the Ligamentum Ciliare, as at a and b \ E the Vitreous Humour ; F the coat called Choroides \ G the coat called Sclerotica, being a part of the Dura Mater continued about the ball of the eye on its inner part ^ H the Op- tic Nerve \ and I the Retina, which is a part of the Optic Nerve, expanded over all the interior part of the eye to a and b. Each of thefe parts have a different refractive power, which all con- cur towards dlftincl vifion, by forming the image of every external object on the retina, which is by nature appointed the immediate or- gan of fight. Thus 9 96 PRACTICAL Thus, if A B be an object placed at any dif- tance from the eye, a pencil of rays proceeding from any point C will firft fall on the cornea, and then be refracted by the aqueous humour under it to a point M, in the axis of the pencil behind the retina. The rays then falling on the cryftaline humour are again refracted, and meet the axis ftill nearer the retina at N. After which they enter the vitreous humour, where they are again refracted fo as to meet the axis on the retina at Hence it appears, that the rays of light in flowing from every part of an object A B placed at a proper diftance from the eye, will form an image on the retina, which is always inverted, or in a contrary pofition to that of the object, becaufe the rays which come from the extreme parts thereof A, B, crofs each other in the middle of the pupil. Now it has been found from repeated meafure- ments of the feveral parts of the eye, that the extremities of the cryftaline humour fubtend an angle at the pupil of about 90 degrees ; confe- quently no object can be distinctly feen by the eye PERSPECTIVE. 97 eye under an angle which is greater than that. For if we fuppofe the object A B to be brought nearer to the eye as at A B, it is plain that the ex- treme rays A c y B c> in palling through the pupil, will not fall on the cryftaline humour, but on the ligamentum ciliare, and therefore cannot be duly refracted to the retina. And though the rays pro- ceeding from an object fubtending an angle at the eye of ,90 degrees, may be refracted to the fundus, yet it will not be feen diftinctly ; for as the rays have a greater or lefs force as they are lefs or more oblique, it follows, that thofe rays which pafs through the very middle of the cryftaline are of moft efficacy in caufing vifion, as entering the pupil perpendicularly, and failing in the fame direction on the retina. Agreeable to this, it is found from obfervation, that any large ob- ject is beft viewed at an angle of about 60 de- grees, and fmaller objects under any angle be- tween that and 30 degrees; If the object be very fmall it cannot poffibly be feen diftinctly un- der a greater angle than 30 degrees, becaufe the refractive powers of the humours will not admit of a lefs diftance, which in a perfect eye is never lefs than fix or feven inches. Indeed when an M object 98 PRACTICAL object is not far diftant, there is a power in the eye of lengthening the focal diftance after the laft refraction in the vitreous humour, and there- by adjufting itfelf for diftinct vifion at different diftances but as this is limited to a very narrow fpace, it cannot fenfibly affect the above angle for fmall objects* It has been a matter of dis- pute for fome time among the gentlemen of the faculty, whether this is effected by means of the ligamentum ciliare, in bringing the cryflaline humour a little nearer the cornea or, by a power in the optic nerve to alter the convexity of that humour. But to mow the application of this more im- mediately to the practice of perfpective, let A B C D, Fig 6. be a fquare fituated on the ground plane, I N the line of interferon, V A the vanifhing line, &c. as before. Now if the eye of the fpectator was at s, it is plain he could not fee the two ends of the fquare A and B, becaufe the eye could fee at mofl but fo much of it as is comprehended under the right angle c s d. But if the eye was at /, it could fee the ends A and B, becaufe the angle afb is a right PERSPECTIVE. 99 right one. And the eye would fee the ends A and B better at S, and better yet at S, where the angle a S b is 60 degrees. And from fuch a diftance, the objects may be feen in perfection ; the vifual angle being neither too great nor too little. Therefore when the perfpective plane is imagined to be contiguous to the nearer! part of an object,- the diftance C S mud be taken fo large as to make the angle C b S not lefs than 45 degrees. But as the perfpective plane may be imagined to ft and any where betwixt the fpec- tator's eye and the object, it is evident that this is not a general rule, though it is given as fuch in moil books of perfpective. For it is plain from Fig. 5. that whether the perfpective plane be placed contiguous to the object, as at PE; or any where nearer to the eye, as at p e , that the object A B will appear to the fpectator's eye under the fame angle A c B. But if we fuppofe the object to be placed at p e, it would fubtend an angle at c greater than a right one 5 and therefore could not be diftinctly feen by the eye at that diftance. Hence it appears, that it is not the diftance of the piElure^ but the diftance M 2 of ioo PRACTICAL of the otyeft that muft be principally regarded in the practice of perfpective. Now let E F D C, Fig. 6. be a parallelogram placed at a diftance from the line of interfection, and we (hall have this general rule for finding the diftance of the picture, when the object is viewed under a given angle. Draw C H perpen- dicular to I N, and make the angle H F Z equal to the complement of half the ariumed angle (which muft not be greater than 60, nor lefs than 45 degrees, as hath been obferved before) and Z K will be the true diftance of the picture, for the object to appear to the fpectator's eye under the given angle. THEATRICAL PERSPECTIVE. lot THEATRICAL PERSPECTIVE, As the whole Defign of a Theatre is founded in Perfpective, it ought to be ftrictly regulated by the Rules thereof. For if we imagine a tranfparent Plane to be put in the Place of the Profcene or Curtain, it is evident, that an Ob- ferver would view the whole Affair tranfacted perfpectively and therefore, not only the Stage, but alfo the Sides and Ceiling, Profcenes and Poftfcenes mould be all in regular Perfpective. Hence it is, that the whole Houfe, internally, is fo contrived, as to reprefent a perfpective View of an hollow Parallelopipedon, or large Room, about three or four Times as long as it is broad or deep, the Ceiling, Sides, and Floor 5 all converging by the Rules of Perfpective to the Centre of the Picture at the fartheft End 5 which is the remoteft Part of the Stage. LESSON jo2 PRACTICAL LESSON XLIX. To determine the Form and Pqfition of the Stage the Vanijloing Lines and Centres of the Scenery ; and the Situations and Lengths of the Grooves for the fliding and lateral Scenes. Operation. Let A B D E be an horizontal plane, F'G a line drawn through the middle of it, and F H the height of the eye. Then if H c be drawn parallel to F G, it will cut the profccne or perfpective plane I K L N, in C ; which is therefore the centre of the picture, and and V A the vanifhing line. Now upon this perfpective plane the picture of the ftage will be represented by INC; the lateral fcenes or fides by I K C, N LC; and the aerial fcene or ceiling by KLC; all which Ihculd have a per- fect coincidence in the fpectator's eye with the parts they reprefent. This is effected in the fol- lowing manner: In Mead PERSPECTIVE. 103 Inftead of the upright plane I L, let another plane I N a v be placed on the fame line I N, and fo far inclined, that its elevation G c may be j uft equal to the height of the eye F H. Then will the end of the inclined plane v a ex- actly coincide to the eye at H with the vanifh- ing line V A, and the perfpeclive ground plane INC on the profcene be projected into the large one INc; which is therefore the true form and elevation of the ftage. The heights of the feveral lateral fcenes, or Aiders, are to be adjufted from the inclination of the lines K I c ; and the diftances for the grooves may be thus found \ Divide the line N C, which is the perfpective of the ground line of the ftage, into the perfpeclive equal parts, 1, 1 ; 2, 2 ; 3, 3, &c. and from H refer them to the fide of the ftage N c \ then will 1, i y 2, 2 , 3, 3, &c. be the true places and diftances of the grooves, for the lateral fcenes to appear in true perfpective to the eye of a fpectator at H. The vanilhing line V of any poftfcene iiklmy is beft found by a fed ion of the ftage € O G 5 104 PRACTICAL fOG; from whence the height of the eye A C, from the bottom of the fcene, is eafily determined to any given diftance from the profcene O P being only the difference betv/een the height of the horizontal plane O C, and the perpendicu- lar height of the ftage A P in that pjace. By obferving this rule, there will be a perfect uni- formity in the fcenery as the vanifhing line of every poftfcene will then be in the fame hori- zontal plane, and the whole will thereby have a very agreeable and natural appearance to the fpeciators. It appears from what has been faid, that a perfon will fee a theatrical performance mod juftly reprefented, from the farther! end of the pit, or in the middle boxes ; where every thing will appear to the greateft advantage. For the eye will then be in the centre of the perfpeclivc plane, and at a proper diftance from the pro- fcene, which generally appears there under an angle of about 55 or 60 degrees. The Man- chefter Theatre-Royal is admirably well execut- ed in this refpecl, and does great honour to the judgment PERSPECTIVE. 105 judgment of the projectors. For to the eye of an obferver fituated at the farther end of the pit, or in the middle boxes, there is a perfect coinci- dence in the perfpective, not only of the poft- fcenes, but alfo of the ftage and lateral fcenes ; all uniting in one common point of view. And the diftance of the front of the middle boxes from the orcheftra is fo adjufled, that the pro- i fcene, or field of view, fubtends an angle at the eye of the fpeclator of 60 degrees ; under which angle we have before mown, any large objects will be feen in the greateft perfection, N HORIZONTAL io6 PRACTICAL HORIZONTAL PERSPECTIVE. This Kind of Perfpective relates chiefly to Ceiling Pieces *, which, when properly executed, will make the Objects appear to the Spectator's Eye, as if they were drawn on the Sides of the Room continued upwards. And in order to produce this Deception, nothing more needs be done, than to make the Centre of the Ceiling the Centre of the Pitture and the Height of it above the Spectator's Eye the Bijiance of the Piffure-, and then proceed according to the foregoing Direc- tions for Objects fituated on the Ground Plane. LESSON PERSPECTIVE. 107 LESSON L. refpectively parallel to the fides of the ceiling C B, B A, AD, DC. And abed will be the perfpective ceiling, which will appear as if it were elevated higher by C D than before and the parts A a d D, D d c C, Cf^Bj and B b a A will have the fame effect to the eye at S, as if the fides of the room were actually continued upwards to that height. LESSON LI. o draw the Reprefentation of a Window upon tk a flat Ceilings which jJoall appear to the Specla- tor's Eye, as if it were in the Side of the Room continued upwards. Operation. Let A B C D be the ceiling of the room, and abed the perfpective of it. Let alfo EF be the breadth, and E^ the height of the window ; and E e the thicknefs of the wall. To the centre of the picture C, draw EC, eC, and F/$ then draw g S, and make PERSPECTIVE. 109 m mfi refpectively parallel to AD, A B ; and it will produce a juft reprefentation of a win- dow in the fide of the room, when it is completed as on the oppofite fide A B. If the window be arched at the top, find the points otxp as before \ and take hi equal to the height of the arch, and draw i S. Then make r v parallel to B C, vu parallel to A B, and u s parallel to B C. Laftly, draw the curved lines 0 /, xp, and finidi the whole ac- cording to the figure on the other fide AD $ and it will have the defired effect to an eye oppofite to C, and at the diflance S C. After the fame manner may cylinders, pilafters, arches, doors, cornices, domes, human figures, &c. be drawn on a ceiling, fo as to appear upright, or per- pendicular to the ground plane ; which is fully exemplified in the fecond volume. The practical method of drawing upon ceil- ings, is to lay down the dimenfions of the ceiling upon paper, and with the height of the room as the diflance, to finifh the whole drawing, both with regard to the lines and colouring; then trans- no PRACTICAL i transferring the whole to the ceiling by reticu- lation, and finifhing it agreeable to the model. LESSON LII. Direclions for taking Perfpeffive Views without any Measurements. Operation. Having fixed your paper on the drawing-board, draw a line to reprefent the bafe line of the picture, or the place on which you ffand ; and about the middle of the paper draw another line parallel to it, for the horizon or boundary of your fight. Then, in order to fad* liiate the meafuring of the diftanccs of each part of the view by your eye, draw the neareft object on the left hand, as church, houfe, tree, &c. £s accurately as you can. Having done this, hold the edge of your drawing-board horizon- tally, fo as to cut or lie over the extremities of the next difcant object \ and obferve what part of the object on the fore-ground is there covered by the edge of the board. Then draw, or ima- gine PERSPECTIVE. in gine to be drawn, on the paper, a line parallel to the bafe line and palling through the corres- ponding part of the object already drawn on your paper. Thus proceed till you have got to the moft remote objects. Then do the fame with what is to be feen on your right hand, and you will have every thing laid down pretty near the truth, both with refpect to diftance and pro- portion. When you have finiuhed your rough draft, which may be done in black lead, Italian chalk, &c. transfer the whole to the paper on which you intend to complete your drawing and before you begin to out-line or finifh any part of it, correct the perfpective by obferving the following directions : i. All objects, as the fides of houfes, walls, hedges, walks, avenues, &c. which you obferved to be parallel to your drawing-board (when held in the before-mention- ed pofition J muft alfo be parallel to the line of interferon or bafe line in the picture. 2. What- ever you obferved to be perpendicular to the board, muft diminifh into the centre of the pic- ture. 3. If an object was fituated obliquely to the board, lay the edge of a ruler along any line which is horizontal, as the eaves of an houfe, &c. and H2 PRACTICAL and mark the point where it cuts the vanifhing or horizontal line, and that will be the point of di- minution, and alfo the vanifhing point of all other objects which were in the like fituation in rdpe£t to the drawing board. 4. If in produc- ing the flant lines of the fame object, you fhould find that they do not interfect in the vanifhing line, it mows that you have not been accurate in your rough fketch, which muft therefore be cor- rected by the point of interferon being brought into the vanifhing line. For it cannot poffibly happen in that manner, unlefs the object ftands inclined to the horizon. When your out-line, is correct, begin with the fhading part : This is bed performed by fhad- ing the whole faintly over firft, and fb proceeding by degrees of made till you have made the whole agreeable to your eye. By this method you will be better able to judge of the propriety of the fhades, than by finifhing it by piece-meal, which a great many practife very injudicioufly. You muft likewife obferve to make all your light and fhades fall one way, and let every thing have its proper motion, as trees fhaken by the wind, the PERSPECTIVE. 03 the faiali boughs bending more than the large ones ; water agitated by the wind, and dafhing againit mips or boats, or falling from a precipice upon rocks and ftones, and fpurting again into the air. The work mould always imitate the feafon it is intended to reprefent, and every view- have its proper adjuncts ; as the farm-houfe mould be accompanied with herds of cattle, flocks of fheep, mills, woods, &c. But to ac- quire a facility of performing with propriety all the additional graces in a perfpective view, a good copy will be found of far greater fervice than a verbal defcription. I know of none more proper for this purpofe than Collet's landfcapes, Plate LII. is added for the learner's exercife 5 where C is the centre of the picture C S the diftance ; a b c the falient angle of the central piers, ib their perpendicular projection, and V, V their vanifhing points; and e b the breadth of the bridge. . THE END OF THE FIRST VOLUME I r / / rtttement THE fecond Volume of this Work will be publiftied as foon as ever the Plates can be got ready ; which will occafion fome Delay, as they confift chiefly of finifh- ed Objects, Views, &c. and are executed in a very maf- terly Manner. In the Prefs, and will fpeedily be publi/bed, by the fame Author, I. The Rationale of Circulating Numbers ; with the Inveftigations of all the Rules and peculiar ProcefTes ufed in that Part of Decimal Arithmetic. To which are added feveral curious Mathematical Que ft ions, with fome ufeful Remarks on adfected Equations, and the Finding of Fluents. Adapted to the Ufe of Schools. Price 5 s. in Boards. 3vo. In this Treatife the young mathematical Reader will meet with many Things which are not only curious, but will alfo afford him much Information in thofe Parts of the Mathematics which Teem to be rather obfcure. In adfecled Equations, a very clear and concife Rule is given for extracting the Cubic Root of an impoffible Binomial ; whereby Cardan's Theorem is rendered generally ufeful, in finding the Roots of an Equation when they are all real, as well as when there is but one real, and two ima- ginary. The Impoffibility of obtaining general Formula for the Surfolid and other higher Equations is alfo mown, and the Reafon of it. The Method of tabulating literal Equations is likewife fully explained, and illuflrated with Examples ; ( ) Examples from whence the Reverfion of a Series, however affected with Radicals, is rendered extremely eaiy. In Fluxions, the Principles are fully explained, by avoiding all metaphyfical Confiderations, and rendered clear to the loweft Capacity. The whole Bufinefs of finding Fluxions is reduced to one general Rule ; and the particular Forms of fluxionary Expreffions are fo dif- tinguifhed, that the Learner may almcft immediately de- termine in what Manner the Fluent may be obtained. The Correction of a Fluent is alfo clearly explained, and the Reafon of it. And at the End is given a complete Catalogue of the mod approved Authors in the feveral Branches of Mathematics, Philofophy, and Aftronomy. IT. An EfTay on the Ufefuinefs of Mathematical Learn- ing ; wherein is fhown the progreflive Growth of the Mathematics, from their Infancy to theprefent Time; and a Comparifon drawn between the Ancients and Moderns ; proving the high Estimation they were held in by the for- mer, as comprehending Kofid rOL Ma^uaTtf, or the whole Circle of Human Learning. With an Al- phabetical Account of the moll eminent Geometers and Mathematicians, ancient and modern, and the Works they have published. To which is added, A Treatife on Magic Squares, tranflated from the French of Frenicle, as publithed in Les Onv rages de Mathematique par Mef- fieurs de P Academic Roy ale de Sciences, with feveral Ad- ditions and Remarks : A Subject, though not very in- fere/ting in itfelf ; yet, which affords- the Mind a pleafing Satisfaction in ohferving the wonderful Properties of Numbers, Price 6s. in Boards, 8yd, A T ( ) AT THE COMMERCIAL and MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL, In Salford, near Manchester, Youth are Boarded, and inftru&ed in all thofe Branches of Learning, which qualify them either for the Army, Na- vy, Counting-Houfe, or any Artificers Bufmefs. By B. CLARKE, A COURSE ( ) A COURSE of LECTURES O N GEOGRAPHY and ASTRONOMY, Commences twice every Year, viz. On the fir ft of February, 2nd ends about Midfummer ; and on the firft of July and ends November. At which Times any Pcribn may enter for the Conrfe. The Times of Attendance are, 3 o'clock on Thurldays, and 2 o'clock on Saturdays, in the Afternoons, at the Lecture Room under the School. The Terms are, 2S. 6d. Entrance, and One Guinea the Courfe. The Heads of the Lectures are as follow : A N introductory DHcourfe, fiiew- XjL ing the Neceffity, Ufefulnefs, and Excellency of the Knowledge of Geography, a Defcription cf the Globes, with their Appendages, »nd other necefDry Definitions of Terms relating thereto, with their Derivations. Of the feveral Pofitions of the Sphere in RefpecT- to the Horizon, and of the inhabitants of the Globe in Refpcct or their Stuations to one another. All the u r efui Problems perform- ed on the Terreft rial Globe. Of the ufe of Maps, general and pirticular, and of the constituent Parts of the Terraqueous Globe, as they are delineated thereon. A general Defcription of the Ban h and Seas, and a particular Defcrip- tion of Europe, in which is given the Geography of ancient Britain. A Defcription of Afia, with the ancient LetTer Afia, and the ancient Mefopotamia, Afiyria, Babylon, or the Chaldeans, and Armenia. A Defcription of Africa and A- merica, with a Comparifcn of the Kxtent of the four ancient Mo- narchies, and of the four prefent ge- neral Religions. The Navigation of UiyfTes, ac- cording to Homer, and of ^Eneas, according to Virgil. Romanum Imper'ium ad Acmen evec- tum : or, a Defcription of the Ro- man Empire at its utmolt Height. The Geography cf the four an- cient Monarchies, of all the Places mentioned in the four Gofpels, and of the Travels and Voyages of St. Paul, and the other Apoftles. Of the folar Syftem. The Sun and its Properties, with the agro- nomical Problems relating thereto. The Laws, Nature, Magnitude, Difiances, and Motions of the Planets, and the agronomical Prob- lems relating to them. Of the fixed Stars, their Diftance, Magnitude, Order, Number, Names, and Appearances, with Problems how to know, and where to find them in the Firmament. Of the Nature of Comets. Of the feveral Syftems of the World, ancient and modern, &c. And of the Origin and Reafcn of the Characters, Figures, and Name; given to the Planets, Signs, and Conlttllations ; with the claffical Stories and poetical Fictions relat- ing thereto. In ( ) In the Courfe of thefe Lectures, which are particularly adapted to the Capacities of young Gentlemen ft u dying the Claffics, and to fiich as are defirous of being acquainted with the Aftrorwn Scientia, abftracted from mathematical Cal- culations, is mown the Method of finding the Latitude, from the obferved Altitude and Azimuth, by an accurate Inftrument. Alfo the Method of making an Obfervation at Sea, by the Had- ley's Quadrant, and Smeaton's Top, &c— — The Globes, Maps, Charts, and other explanatory Schemes made Ufe of for Illuftration, are all new, and of the bell Conftruclion, N. B. The Tickets for Admiffion are not transferable ; but will admit the Purchafer gratis, in any future Courfe. No more than twelve Perfons can enter for the fame Courfe. I THE GETTY CEP UBRARi'