Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_81 CATALOQUE OF THE COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN AND Hernratifcre Objects COLLECTED BY MARK MILBANK, ESQ. and which are Sold owing to the death of SIR FREDERICK MILBANK, Bart. late of Thorpe Perrow, Bedale ; and Barningham Park, Barnard Castle: WHICH SEtll be &olb tig Auction &2 Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOO DS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs, Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. »o« — On FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1808, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following were Collected by MARK MILBANK, Esq., and are Sold owing to the death of SIR FREDERICK MILBANK, Bart., late of Thorpe Per row, Bedale, Yorkshire; and Banning- ham Park, Barnard Castle . OLD NANKIN. « # 1 Fifteen plates of different patterns • t 2 A pair of circular dishes, painted with bamboos and flowers 11 in. diam.; and six others, of different patterns „ O 3 a pair of larger ditto, with flowers—14 in. diam .; and a pair, similar- -15j in. diam. 4 Three ditto, with river scenes and buildings—12J in. diam.; and a pair of octagonal shaped deep dishes, with lotus plants * ^ 5 Six octagonal-shaped dishes, in sizes, painted with fir trees and deer ^ 6 Four small circular dishes, with birds, deer and pomegranates; a pair of deep plates, with a river scene and flowers ; one, with hops and trellis border ; a small tea-pot, with flowers ; and seven blue and white cups £) 7 Nine deep plates, with flowers, and trellis borders; five other plates ; four small ditto ; an escallop shell and three cov^s B 2 4 CHINESE ENAMELLED PORCELAIN. 8 A tea-pot, enamelled with figures; three small basins and three saucers, with flowers, &c.; four egg-shell saucers and a cup, with figures; a pair of match-pots ; a powdered blue /, /f. o 2 •fv /. 10 /., /I. an . /£>. * 12 £. /if 7 a is /A- //'.Z 14 c» pencilled with gold ; and one other A bowl, enamelled with flowers and birds ; one, with a river scene and buildings ; one, with figures in pink scale borders; and one, painted with dragons and fish in red A tankard, enamelled with pheasants, peonies and other flowers— famille rose A small deep bowl, enamelled with kylins, plants and lotus^^r ' border in brilliant colours —famille rose l/f***, A circular dish, enamelled with lotus, kiku and butterflies— ^ 14^ in. diam .; and a smaller ditto, with flowers and rocks— 13 in. diam.—famille verte / A Pair op Flat-Shaped Vases and Covers, surmounted by A kylins, and with open dragon handles, enamelled with figures in colours on red and gold ground—18 in. high A pair of hexagonal-shaped vases, enamelled with figures, flowers and butterflies ; and a flower-pot and stand, with figures /& A pair of large hexagonal-shaped flower-pots, and stand, enam¬ elled with figures, utensils and flowers on key-pattern borders / - /£ , o 16 A pair of circular old Japan dishes, painted with flowers in red, blue and gold—14 in. diam. /Ls/-?' A dish, with waved edge, and flowers in blue and gold; a Kaga ' ware dish, enamelled with a bird, fir trees and coloured'^ ornument; three Japan shell-shaped dishes ; and a basin 18 Twenty Japan cups; ten saucers ; a tea-pot and cover; and four plates, with flowers, &c. in red, blue and gold * 70 . 5 ' r ^19 A circular dish, of Canton enamel, painted with figures, vases and fruit on white ground in lilac trellis border, and with rubj coloured back—16£ in. diam.; and a plate, similar 20 A small octagonal-shaped ditto dish, painted with figures and views on translucent green ground ; and a pair of small vase^, nearly similar ENGLISH PORCELAIN AND WARE. . 21 ~ 022 Eleven Crown Derby plates, painted with willows, peonies other flowers in Japanese taste A small Crown Derby vase, dark blue, white and gold, fitted with a bouquet of coloured flowers ; a small triple flower vase ; ■° 23 ’ .I" , <0 25 .26 two Lowestoft cups and three saucers ; a Leeds ware muffin- dish and cover; five knife-rests; and five other pieces A Chelsea figure of a girl, with flowers, and a lamb at her feet, on scroll plinth An old English porcelain dessert service, painted with flowers on white ground, consisting of— Two oblong dishes, on feet Twenty-three other dishes // Four sauce-tureens, covers and stands, and Seventeen plates Part of a Spode service, with flowers in red, consisting of salad- bowl, two sauce-tureens, covers and stands, two dishes, a cover, and six plates, a punch-bowl, painted with dead game * and holly wreaths, a pair of large tankards, red, blue and gold, a pair of bread trenchers, and twenty-one ironstone and other dinner plates A Wedgwood supper service, consisting of centre and four shaped dishes and covers in circular mahogany tray, sixteen plates, and three other pieces B 3 6 WORCESTER. ^^ ^27 A pair of old Worcester basins and stands, painted with flowei^ ' in Japanese taste, and dark blue and gold bands -*'-*-*- £' . & 28 A shaped basin and stand; and a mug, similar - 29 A fluted tea-pot, with flower sprays in blue; a dark blue and gold cup, painted with flowers ; a white basket-pattern cup, with/ tSfzrt^ //• monogram and coronet; and seven blue and white cups 30 A pair of beakers, painted with Cymon and Iphigenia and Sappho and Phaon, on salmon, white and gold grounjLby Chamberlains £2 . / . 31 Twenty-four small plates, painted with named views in the centre ‘ ^ in pink, white and gold borders, with gilt gadroon edges— Flight , Barr and Barr 32 A breakfast service, painted with rose sprays and other flowers, r / and dark blue and gold bands —by Flight , Barr and Barr — consisting of eleven dishes and nine covers, six plates, twenty- one smaller plates, two basins, twenty breakfast-cups and saucers, nine coffee-cups and seventeen saucers 33 A Tea Service, painted with views and figures in gilt medallions on apple-green ground, a crest in the centre, and with gilt ' ° gadroon edges, consisting of— Sixteen tea-cups Seven coffee-cups Twenty-nine saucers, and Ten plates By Flight , Barr and Barr 7 34 A Dessert Service, apple-green, white and gold, painted with wreaths of roses, and coat-of-arms in the centre, with gilt gadroon edges, consisting of— A pair of campana vase-shaped ice-pails, covers and liners Centre dish, on foot Four square Four oval, and Four shell-shaped dishes, and Fifteen plates By Flight , Barr and Barr 35 A Dinner Service, painted with wreaths of roses on white ground, and crest in the centre, with shaped and gilt gadroon edges, consisting of— A pair of soup-tureens, covers and stands Seven vegetable-dishes, covers and liners A salad-bowl Twenty dishes, in sizes A pair of circular ditto Seventy dinner-plates Twenty-three soup-plates Twenty-three dessert-plates, and Ten custard-cups and covers By Flight , Barr and Barr CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN. ^ 36 A Furstenberg Tea and Coffee Service, painted with figures, ruins, &c. in lake, and with gilt borders, consisting of tea-pot, coffee-pot, milk-jug, canister and covers, sucrier, basin, and twelve tea-cups and saucers r O 37 A Bottcher ware cup and saucer, painted with hunting scenes, arabesques and other ornament in gold 8 /#. 2. 7o O 38 An Amstel basin, painted with birds and insects; and three Le Nove tea-cups and saucers, with initials J.N. in red and borders & 39 A Vienna toilet-pot and cover, painted with a nymph disarming Cupid, on coloured and richly gilt ground “^40 Four small Berlin dessert baskets, on stems formed as a group of . children, painted with views and flowers , £741 A ditto seated figure of a nymph; and a pair of scroll candle- y ' sticks, on stems formed as boys SEVRES. a?„ //L. ^2 A small Sevres jug and cover and basin, painted with roses in, gilt wreaths on white ground 2- &~r 43 A plate, painted with a basket of flowers and fruit in turquoise, white and gold border (2^ //•//• A double sauce-boat, painted with flowers in green and gold ribbon borders on pink ground ; and a boat-shaped dish, nearly^ similar, painted with children ' //■ 0 f C 45 A small dish, nearly similar, painted with birds ; and a cup an<^^£ fl H A A%1 r I ■ I ■ w 9 M M * saucer, with flowers DRESDEN. /(/. 46 A pair of tea-cups and saucers, painted with garden scenes, figures and flowers in lake /• » ^ 47 A pair of ditto, painted with views and figures in red in richly^ gilt borders 2-/0 . ^ 48 A pair of ditto, with pastoral subjects in gilt borders '■7 * 0 49 A paii- of ditto, with landscape and peasants; and a saucer /2s/ similar 0 o 0 50 A cup and saucer, painted with landscapes, buildings and figures in pale pink and gilt scroll borders ; and a Marcolini ditto, . , - with landscapes, ruins and figures —by Theill 51 A cup and saucer, painted with views in pink scale borders with gilt scrolls ; a shaped cup and saucer, with coast scenes in gilt, borders ; a saucer, painted with Cupids; and one other 52 A pair of fluted cups and saucers, painted with harbour scenes and figures in gilt borders on turquoise ground; and a wjaite Vienna milk-jug and cover, with views in sepia t ^3 Thirteen plates, with zigzag edges, enamelled with vines and squirrels, and panels of coloured chequer pattern in the style of the old Chinese Hizen porcelain; and a ^jsh, with escalloped edge, similar & 54 Five shell-shaped dishes, with nearly similar decoration 55 Seven plates, with basket-pattern borders, painted with birds and insects; and seven ditto, nearly similar, with spirally fluted basket borders C? 56 A dessert stand, painted with flowers, on tree-trunk stem with children in relief; an oval-shaped plateau, painted with bouquets and sprays of flowers in basket borders; and a candelabrum, on figure stem for three lights * <^57 An ecuelle, cover and stand, painted with garden scenes, figures and flowers in colours; and one, fluted, and painted with garden scenes, figures and flowers in brown in gilt borders, 0 53 A pair of vases, with pierced necks and covers, bust handles and gilt festoons, painted with seaports, figures and flowers 59 A cabaret, painted with garden scenes and figures on blue, white and gold ground, consisting of plateau, tea-pot, milk-jug sucrier and cover, and two cups and saucers *&~ir & 10 MAJOLICA AND FAIENCE. TO A square majolica ink-stand, with terminal winged figures at the 4/. ^ /- /. Z /. Z ju ugurutt ut mo * angles; and a triple salt-cellar, on scroll feet 61 A majolica salt-cellar, formed as a griffin, painted with a figure ; and one, with figure handles, painted with a fleur-de-lis 62 Four small Abruzzi plates, painted with figures and Cupids on the borders; and two, painted with landscapes and coatsn^^^ 63 Eight flat ditto, painted with landscapes, buildings and figures 64 A circular ink-stand, painted with a portrait; a small double sauce-boat; and a Minton’s tankard, with figures in relief, coloured C) 65 A circular Palissy tazza, with The Beheading of John the Baptist, n in border of foliage—9^ in. diam. //**' ^ 66 A circular Delft dish, painted with a landscape and figure in blue; one, with foliage; four plates; and a blue and white Spode^^ dish DECOBATIVE OBJECTS. Si-/. & ^67 A plate, painted with birds and insects, by Feuillet, and mouate^ with metal-gilt foot, and rims with doves, as a tazza / t k 68 A pair of large oval Sevres plaques, painted with The Triumph of Amphitrite and Europa, in turquoise and gold borders—in gilt frames /y./y. 0 69 A pair of oviform vases, painted with figures and birds in / medallions on blue ground, and mounted with handles, rims vf- and feet of chased or-molu, on dove-coloured marble plinths— 16 in. high 70 A ruby, green and gold Bohemian glass service, consisting of two tazze, two tub-shaped dishes, bowl and stand, sixteen leaf¬ shaped dishes, four small baskets, twelve small jugs, and a pair of bottles and stoppers 11 71 A pair of glass vases, painted with flowers on white and blue ground, and mounted with metal-gilt; a coloured an d gilt 0 glass jug and cover, cup and saucer, and two small dishes 72 An old French coffre-fort, of inlaid woods, with rising lid, con¬ taining secret drawers, and fall-down front, mounted with brass bands, hinges and corner ornaments tts * & FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.