Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofvalua00chri_46 CATALOGUE OF THE /o7. I?R? JweZQ Lot kM/ VALUABLE COLLECTION OF OLD SPORTING PRINTS FORMED BY THAT WELL-KNOWN AMATEUR AND CONNOISSEUR, CHARLES WILKINSON, ESQ. DECEASED, Late of 70 AYENUE DES CHAMPS ELYSEES, PARIS: WHICH (by Order of the Representative) Mill be fag Jlurtion bu Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS. AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KINCt STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, t Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, t. James's Square , S. W CONDITIONS OF SALE. -— 0 - - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 11. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. Tlio Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VJ. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account he removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-saio shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -- On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. In the Folio. o O o 4 1 King George III. Returning from Hunting, after Pollard, by Dubourg —in colours ^ 2 Two Hacks, after Stubbs, by G. T. Stubbs —printed in colours 3 Minister, after Sartorius; and Mare and Foal, after Ansell 2 4 Refreshing; and Going Home, after H. Aiken, by Sutherland— in colours 2 5 Going Out, after Jones, by C. Turner; and Setter and Partridges, after Seymour 2 O G Two of His Majesty’s State Horses ; and The Earl of Chesterfield’s State Carriage, after Chalon, by W. Ward —a pair 2 O 7 Chaise Horses ; and Coach Horses, after Garrard, by J. Young —a pair 2 0 8 Lambert’s Leap, after Pollard, by P. Dawe 4 COACHING. / 2 . o / - / . 0 10 rll /, /<* ' * , 0 12 ^C/ . /0 . O 13 /a • AA * u Ac 15 /. / . ^ 16 -v, S'. a 17 A Fine Young English Gentleman, after Aiken; A Stanhope Phaeton; &c. -*-/* 4 The Chaise Match, after Seymour ; and two others ^ jr ^ /> 3 1812 ; and Start for the St. Leger, 1816, after n P.ll-pf ATI HPIa rvTYY _ 0 n nrilr\MX*Q 9 r * Clifton Thomson —in colours 2 ^t-^-^88 The Derby Stakes of 1828 and 1829; and The Ascot Gold Cup, 1829, after J. Pollard —a set of three, in colours 3 yy 89 Chantilly Races, 1841, after Campion and Herring — proofs, in * colours 2 va. 6 yy v- x ? '*0 Epsom, after J. Pollard, by C. Hunt — a set of six, in colours / ^ j 91 Doncaster Races, after Pollard ; and The St. Leger of 1839, after > „ J. F. Herring —in colours 2 / * ^92 Doncaster Races : t The St. Leger of 1836, after Pollard, by > Harris—a set of three, in colours 3 yr /?• /£>. J93 Epsom, Goodwood, and Ascot Races, after Pollard, by Pyall— a- ditto , ditto 3 l?/* A* . O 94 Epsom Races, after Pollard, by Smart and Hunt — a set of three , in colours 3 y^ y# ' o 95 The Liverpool Great National Steeplechase, 1839, after Harris— /y plates 1 and 4, in colours 2 • & 96 Newton Races, 1831, after C. Towne, by Hunt —in colours /97 -The Wolverhampton Stakes, 1839, after F. C. Turner —ditto 9 0 98 The Grand Stand, Goodwood, by 0. Hunt— ditto (S' 0 98a Epsom : The Great Derby Stakes; and Ascot : His Majesty’s s Gold Plate, after J. Pollard —in colours 2 » ^100 Epsom Paces, after Aiken, by Sutherland— a pair, in colours 2 ’ ^ 0 101 A Steeplechase, after H. Aiken— in colours 2 O 102 Steeplechase Incidents —in colours 3 ^ -n—*' 103 The First Steeplechase on Record, after Aiken, by J. Harris— / ^//S a set of four, in colours 4 f 104 Chances op the Steeplechase, after J. Pollard — a set °f ^ / seven , in colours 7 / ” * O 105 Aylesbury Grand Steeplechase, after Pollard, by Harris— a set of four, in colours 4 0 106 The Leamington Grand Steeplechase, after Turner, by C. Hunt— ditto, ditto 4 O 107 St. Albans Steeplechase, after Pollard, by Peeves and Hunt , .j, — a set of four, with key 4 HUNTING. O 108 Hunting Subjects : a set of four etchings; and two, after Pollard rf) s* * g ) , O 109 Going Out in the Morning ; and The Death, after Seymour, by j? / / * Walker & 110 The Hunter’s Annual, after Davis— a set of seven lithographs 7 di O HI Francis Astley and his Harriers, after B. Marshall; and Break- ? •// ? ing Cover, after Reinagle —proof 2 ^' & 112 Fox-Hunting Scenes, after H. Aiken —a set of four, in colours ; &c. 113 Another Set, after ditto, by J. Clark— in colours 0 114 Hold Hard! Going at a Stone Wall; and two others, after ditto —ditto 4 10 J /„ n 115 Going Down; Coming Up; A Hunter; and The Death, after /''V' ditto —ditto y^ <^116 A Slapping Pace; Topping a Flight of Rails; and two others^ ^ /. J. Hunting Subjects —a set of three , in colours / > . k ^ f k kk 11 , ^133 Z7 134 1 135 r J 136 137 An Easter Hunt, after Pollard, by Dubourg; and Easter JP y Monday —both in colours % Yellowham Wood; and The Cock-Tails Done, after Hodges, by Aiken and Reeve —a pair, in colours 2 The Chase; and Death of the Roebuck, after ditto, by ditto- ditto Hare-Hunting : Finding; and Ware Turnips! after ditto, by 0^ „ Reeve —ditto 2 Full Cry ; and Going Home by Moonlight, after Pollard, by t 138 139 Havell —ditto Hunting Scenes: a set of four coloured etchings 2 JS- A Hunting Scene, after Sartorius, by Pollard; and Death of the 2 zrtu . O 140 0 141 TP 142 , *7 143 ^-*^144 145 , ^ . Z 146 : 2? H7 y . ^148 . 2 ? 1^9 150 Fox— both in colours Full Crv ; and The Death, after Pollard and Gill— a pair, in colours, 'proofs 2 Breaking Cover ; and The Death, after Pollard, by Havell— y proofs, in colours 2 The Leap; The Death ; and one other, after Aiken, by Bentley/ —in colours 3 The Chase, alter Davis; and The Death, after Aiken, by T. Sutherland —in colours 2 Unkennelling, after Aiken, by Sutherland— proof, in colours 00^ Hunting in Cover ; The Chase ; and The Death, after Davis, / by Sutherland— a set of three, in colours 3 00 , 0- A Fox Chase, after Wolstenholme, by B. Reeve —set of four, ~ in colours The Quoun Hunt, after Aiken, by F. C. Lewis— a set of eight, . - in colours —with original wrapper T A Village Meet —proof before all letters, in colours Sir Masterman Sykes and his Hounds, after Chalon, by W. Ward— in colours Fox-Hunting, after Rowlandson —a set of four, aquatints ^y4 ' 12 /2, /a. & 1 FoxrlTuntcrs Meeting; Breaking Cover; Fox Chase; and The ^ Death, after Pollard, by C. Hunt— a set of four , in colours 4 7 ^ so A 2 /• . O 152 First Introduction to Hounds; and Renewal of Acquaintance with Hounds, after Aiken, by J. Harris —in colours A • ^ k /k CELEBRITIES OF THE PRIZE RING. Portraits of John Jackson — proof -, James Figg ; and Polkin- horn 3 °C Portraits of Baldwin ; Holt; E. Turner ; and others 6 Portraits of Tom Cribb ; John Langan ; Curtis; and others Mendoza, after Gillray ; Tom Cribb, after D. Guest; &c. 4 Dutch Sam, by P. Roberts; Molineaux; and Richmond— in colours 3 Johnny Walker, after Henning, by C. Hunt —in colours-, and one other 2 27 Heenan; and Tom Sayers— in colours 2 Tom Cribb, after Jackson; and Owen Swift, by H. Meyer— in colours 2 ' ^ Molineux, after D. Guest, by J. Young —open letter proof lA James W aril, after Daniells, by Mclnnes— proof, coloured Humphreys, after Whitley, by J. Young ; and John Broughton 4 2 13 X 169 The Fight between Broome and Hannan, after Heath— in cohurs —with key & 170 Interior of the Fives Court, with Randall and Turner sparring, * y , after Blake— in colours 171 Coloured Caricatures referring to the Prize Ring ^ ^ - 172 The Fights between Humphreys and Mendoza ; Mendoza and y Ward; and two others 4 173 The Champion Triumphant— in colours; The Bruiser Bruised ; __ and Sparring, by Cruickshank 3 O 174 The Fives Court, after Collins ; The Bruiser Bruised— in colours 3 175 A Milling Match, after Rowlandson— in colours; and The o / • 3 f Triumph ; &c. , O 176 The Fight between Spring and Langan, by Clements and Pitman —in colours * & 177 Boxing Match between Humphreys and Mendoza, after Einsle, by Grozer , & 178 The Fight between Heenan and Sayers, 1860, after Walton^-r coloured, framed —with key & 179 The Same Fight, by Jem Ward —coloured, framed FINTS. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Cliaring Cross.