Algernon Graves.FSA From the Library of GEORGE CHARLES WILLIAMSON Burgh House , Hampstead. Shelf 14444444 2.7- A PREFACE. The Society op Artists is an Institution the very name of which is known to comparatively few persons in the present day—little known even to those who have given their attention in some degree to the history of English art— and yet the walls of its Exhibition Booms were adorned with some of the choicest examples of Reynolds, Gainsborough, Wilson, and others of our greatest painters; and Romney, who never exhibited at the Royal Academy, sent his Portraits to the Society of which we are now speaking. The first Exhibition of this Society took place at the Rooms of the Society of Arts, and included four examples of Reynolds and three of Richard Wilson, the “Niobe” being one. The Committee of the Society, finding that at the first Exhibition great inconvenience resulted “ from inferior people crowding the Exhibition Room,” resolved that the price of the Catalogue of the next Exhibition be one shilling, and accordingly addressed a letter to the Society of Arts, representing that the Exhibition “was crowded and incommoded by the intrusion of persons whose station and education disqualified them for judging of statuary and painting, and who were made idle and tumultuous by the opportunity of attending a show.” The Society of Arts, however, was deaf to these exclusive notions, and resolved that the Exhibition should be free and open to the public, at proper hours and under proper regulations. This demo¬ cratic resolution caused dissensions among the artists, which resulted in there being two Exhibitions in 1761—the aristocrats exhibiting in “the Great Room VI TREFACE. in Spring Gardens,” then known as Wigley’s Auction Room ; while the demo¬ crats availed themselves of the accommodation ready to be afforded them in the rooms of the Society of Arts. Thus two Institutions were established, each calling itself “ The Society of Artiststhe one still exhibiting at the rooms of the Society of Arts styling itself “The Free Society of Artists,” and the other, which subsequently obtained a Charter, taking the name of “ The Incorporated Society of Artists.” The volumes, the illustrations to which arc noticed in the following pages, contain the Catalogues of the Free Society, and it will be seen that Nollekens exhibited there in 1761, Bacon in 1762, Romney in 1763, and Loutherbourg and Cipriani in 1783. Neither of these celebrities (except Romney) exhibited with the Incorporated Society. The Free Society of Artists continued to exhibit yearly at the rooms of the Society of Arts down to 1764. It exhibited in Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, in 1765 and 1766; at the two Great Exhi¬ bition Rooms in Pall Mall in 1767 and 1768; at Mr. Christie’s new great room next Cumberland House, Pall Mall, from 1769 to 1774; in St. Alban’s Street, Pall Mall, in 1775 and 1776, and again in 1778 to 1780, also in 1782; and at the great rooms in the Haymarket in 1783, when the Society ceased to exhibit. The Catalogues, including that for 1760, are twenty-two in number. A ^pril 27, 1761. CATALOGUE OF THE Paintings, Sculptures, Models, Drawings, Engravings, Now exhibiting in tne Great Room belonging U t he Society for the Encouragement of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, and COMMERCE,. In the Strand. k.j^ k.kk_k kjwl L O N D 0 N: / Panted by William Griffin, in Fetter-Lane, Holbom, MDCCLXI. ,UMH, *%a s *W tf> * /*,_ #>* #6?< * M*M JULV/**/^' # *^^*S** # *tf I # >M M M M*M MM M*M #J* J#^J* *J*i,8 CATALOGUE. Note. Thofe Piftures mark'd thus * were Candidates for the Premiums , given for Hiftorical and Landfcape paintings ; all the others are here for the Public Exhi¬ bition only. PAINTINGS. No. i A Three-quarter portrait of a Gentleman. Jf\. 2 Tv/o children playing with cards, 3 A half-length portrait of Mr. Leveridge, 4 An allegorical picture • 5 A view of Mafon’s Hill in Kent, 6 A boy’s head in crayons, 7 A piece of dead game, 8 A converfation, 9 A portrait of a gentleman educating his dau io A bailor fplicing a rope, * 11 An hiftorical landfcape, reprefenting the Timoleon, B by Wm. Pars, aged 17. Mr. G. Matthias- Mr. Vander Mijn* Mr. Man ini. Mr. W. Tomkins. Mr. Wm. Phethers. Mr. F. Yander Mijn. ghter, Mr. R. Pine. Mr. G. Matthias, retirement of Mr. A. Cozens. 12 A 4 * •n trf* A/ rt No. iz A bunch ; of grapes 13 A kitchen, ■» & [ 4 0 \ Mr - Art - Dcvi5 - _ K,**K#*' Mr. H. C. Schaak. '’Jt* 14. A portrait in crayons of a lady, Mr. D. Dodd. 15 An hiftorical picture of K. Edgar, Elfrida, and Athelwold, Chev. Cafali. 16 Apiece of fruit, Mr. W. Smith, ofChichefter. 17 A whole length of a lady in the character of Clementina in Sir Charles Grandilon, Mr. J. Highmore. 18 A Madona, and a child, Chev. Cafali. 19. A piece of fruit, Mr. W. Smith of Chichefter. * 20 An hiftorical picture of Edward the Martyr, Chev. Cafali. 21 A landfcape, Mr. J. Smith of Chichefter. 22 Cleopatra, ' Chev. Cafali. 23 A country family picking their own hops, Mr. G. Smith of Chichefter. 24 A holy family on copper, 25 A three quarter portrait of a lady, 26 A landfcape, 27 A fibil, 28 A landfcape, with a cart-horfe. u\d\ Mr. H. C. Schaak. Mr. G. Matthias. Mr. J. Colie,. Chev. Cafali. Mr. Ant. Devis. >9 A mother and two children, Mr. R. Pine. 3 0 May-day, Mr. Pyle! 31 A fmall whole length of a gentleman, • Mr. H. C. Schaak. 32 A fea piece, Mr. D. Serres!- 33 A fnow piece. Mr. G. Smith ofChichefter. 34 A view in Glamorganfhire, belonging to G. V. Vernon, jun. Efq. Mr. Anth. Devis. 35 Sufannah and the two Elders, Chev. Cafalr * 36 A landfcape, Mr. J. Smith ofChichefter. 37 A family, Mr. Art. Devis. 38 A woman teaching a child the alphabet, in crayons, Mifs Reed. Chev. Cafali. Mr. Art. Devis. Mifs Reed. Chev. Cafali. 43 A Maflanifla, ■foi bo fin molin'. 40 A family, t oqoi a 41 A lady in crayons. 42 Lot and his two daughters. a No. ISl * 43 A landfcape, 44 A view in Glatnorganfhire, belonging to G 45 A Jandfcape on copper, reprefenting the mot 46 A fea piece 47 A flower piece, 48 A Madona weeping 49 Portrait of a lady, in crayons, 50 A landfcape, 51 A landfcape, reprefenting the evening, 52 A man lighting his pipe, 53 A lady at work by candle-light, in crayons the top of the frame, 54 A lady at work, in crayons, 55 A white froft, 5 6 Lucretia relating Tarquin’s violence. 57 A bunch of grapes, 58 A landfcape of Spring, 59 Our Saviour in the garden, 60 A flower piece, 61 Shepherds and cattle, 62 A fmall whole length of a gentleman, 63 A landfcape, 64 A lady, whole length, 65 A fmall whole length of a lady, 66 A landfcape, 67 A fmall whole length of a gentleman, 68 A fmall whole length of a Jady, 69 A portrait of a young gentleman reading, 70 A landfcape, 71 A gentleman’s head, in crayons, 72 A ftorm and fhipwreck, * 73 A landfcape,, 74 A fea piece. Mr. G. Smith of Chichefter. , V. Vernon, jun. Efq. Mr. Anth. Devis. 'ning, Mr. W. Tomkins. Mr. D. Serres. Mr. T. Keyfe. Chev. Cafali. Mifs Reed. Mr. G. Smith of Chichefter. Mr. Paine. Mr. F. Vander Mijn. and an enamel of the fame on Mr. Manini. Mifs Reed. Mr. G. Smith of Chichefter. Chev. Cafali. Mr. J. C. Mr. G. Smith of Chichefter. Chev. Cafali. Mifs Anning. Chev. Cafali. Mr. H. C. Schaak. Mr. J. Smith of Chichefter. Mr. J. Highmore. Mr. Pyle. Mr. J. Smith of Chichefter. Mr. Pyle. Mr. J. Vander Mijn; Mr. R. Pine. Mr. ,J. Smith of Chichefter. Mr. D. Dodd. Mr. J. Leigh. Mr. Paine. Mr. F. Swaine. 75 A [ 6 3 No. 7$ A rofe bud, - 6 A fea piece, \l w*** “ tion ttonc of the builuing Mr. W. Smith of Chichefter. Mr. F. Swaine. Mr. D. Dodd. 79 A fruit piece 80 An old woman and a boy with fruit, * 8i A view of Warwick cattle, 82 A portrait of a gentleman in crayons, 83 A three-quarter portrait of a gentleman, 84 A fea port, 8 5 The Ocean man of war on fire, 86 A lady at confeflion, 87 A three quarter Portrait of a gentleman. 88 A half length portrait of a lady Mr. R. Pine. Mr. T. Keyfe. Mr. J. VanderMijn. Mr. D. Serres. Mr. Wm. Phethers. Mr. H. C. Schaak. Mr. Leigh. Mr. D. Serres. Mr. Vander Mijn. Mr. R. Cofway, aged 18. Mr. T. Kettle. ■ ■ -.*( ^ '. SCULPTURES and MODELS. 89 A Baflfo-relievo, in Portland-Stone, of Regulus returned to Carthage, Mr. Noliikens. 90 Ditto of Regulus returning to Carthage, Mr. Atkins. 91 A bafio relievo, modelled in clay, of the continence of Scipio, Mr. N. Smith. 92 A baflo relievo, modelled in clay, of a vafe with flowers, Mr. J. Scott. 93 Two ditto of animals, 98 A [ 7 3 No. 94 A ftatue in clay of the dying gladiator, Mr. J. Welfh. 95 Ditto of a Bacchus and a young fatyr, Mr. Nollyken’s. 96 Ditto, in white marble, of our Saviour with the crofs, Mr. Fifher. £7 Ditto, of Jupiter, Mr. Fifher. 98 Ditto, in clay, of the dancing faun, Mr. Nollykens. 99 Two baflo relievo’s, in clay, .•— 100 A model in wax of his preient majefty, Mr. J. GofTet. 101 His late majefty cut in ivory, from the life, Mr. Lud. von Luck. 102 A tripod, from an original defign of Mr. Stuart’s, Mr. Anderfon. 103 A Gothic temple carved in box, Mr. L. Panton. 104 A model in coloured wax of a gentleman, Mr. J. Smith. 105 A fpecimen of a ftained marble table, Mr. R. Chambers. 106 Ditto of various figures ftained in marble, Mr. R. Chambers. 107 A Corinthian capital, with fundry members of mouldings Mr. T Moore. Drawings, Engravings, and Needle-Work. 108 A defign for a military tomb, drawn with chalk, Mr, W. Newton. 109 A drawing of flowers, Mr - J- Donalfon. no Three landfcapes from drawings by M. Bellars, engraved by Mefirs- Chatelin, Ravenet, Grignion, and Mafon. in Two pieces of flowers in water colours, Mr. L. Bower. 112 Four ditto of flowers and plants, Mt. King. 112 A portrait of James Thompfon, the poet, from an original drawing en- 3 graved by , Mr. J- Bafire - 114 A view of Athens in its prefent ftate, from a drawing of Mr. Stuart, en¬ graved by Mr - J* Bafire - C Ilf A C r s i No. x 15 A portrait of James Thompfon, the poet, from a painting of the late Mr. Patoun, Mr. J. Bafire. Mr. A. Cozens. Mifs Hoare. Mr. A. Cozens. M. W. Bellars; Mrs. M. Albert. Mr. J. Collet. -'--I Mr. J. Bafire. 116 Twelve drawings of landfcapes, in one frame, 117 A drawing in chalk of the (lory of queen Either, 118 Four drawings of landfcapes in Indian ink, 119 Two landfcapes in crayons. 120 A piece of flowers in needle work, 121 Two landfcapes in Indian ink, 122 Two engravings from the bafio relievo on the Lanthorn, of Demodhenes, at Athens, 123 A head of Julia Pia, from an antique bull: in the pofleflion of Lyde Brown, Elquire, Mr. J. Bafire. ■124 A view from Salvater Rofii, Mr. R. Pranker. J 25 A drawing of a gentleman’s houfe and gardens, Mr. Donowell. 126 A perfpeftive view of the Doric and Ionic building, from an original drawing, engraved by Mr. J. Bafire. 127 Boreas, the North Wind, one of the figures on the Tower . of the Winds at Athens, Mr. J. Bafire. 128 Two drawings of landfcapes in one frame, Mr. A Cozens 129 Two engraved landfcapes, Mr. R. Pranker. 130 Two drawings of landfcapes in one frame, Mr. A. Cozens 131 A drawing of a view of a gentleman’s houfe and garden, Mr. Donowelk Mr. W. Bellars. Mr. W. Bellars, Mrs. Lonjew. Mifs M. Martin. M:fs M. Martin. Mr. L. Bower. 132 Six views in water-colours in one frame, 133 One ditto, 134 A piece of flowers in needle work, 135 A drawing from Yandike, 136 A drawing from a ftatue of a Flora, 137 A landfcape and figures, in water-colours, 138 A flower-piece in watercolours and a landfcape, Mr. S. Buck, and Mr. Marco, 139 i Iwee landfcapes from drawings by Mr. Bellers, engraved by _ „ . Meffieurs Chatelin, Miller and Canor. 140 Our Saviour on the crofs, from Rambrant, by Mr. Bickham. Miniatures. [ 9 ] MINIATURES. No. 141 Three portaits in water colours, 142 A holy family, in watercolours, 143 A gentleman’s portrait in a ring, 144 Ditto for a ring, \ 145 A lady, in water colour^ 146 Two portraits modelled in wax, 147 One ditto, 148 A model in wax, 149 A landfcape, in water colours, 150 Three heads, in water colours, 151 A portrait of Mr. Chambers, in water colours, 152 A portrait in black-lead, from a painting, 153 The face and reverfe of a medal of his majefty. Mr. R. Cofway. Mr. Millington. Mr. R. Cofway. Mr. Millington, Mr. W. Parrs. Mr. Diemar. Mr. L. Pingo. Mr. Diemar. Mr. Diemar. Mr. Crofle. Mr. Millington; Mr. Cooper, when prince of Wales, Mr. T. Pingo; #########*##************* ********** 1 iA A large window of ftain’d glafs and two fmaller fpecimens. Mr. W. Peckitt of York 1( .r a Book as a fpecimen of a work now in hafid, being a collection of ^ ™ _J J 1 Urr 1\/Tt* T TVTilW fruits and Plants engraved and coloured by 156 Two drawings of St. Martin’s Church, 157 Four human Ikeletons painted in one pi&ure, 1^8 An engraving from a picture of C. Cafali, 159 A fruit piece, 160 Nine imprefiions in wax, engraved by Mr. J. Miller. Mr. T. Malton. Mr. P. E. Hauck. Mr. Ravenett. Mr. T. Keyfe. Mr. R. B. Wray. B. Thofe articles which are not numbered came too late to be inferted ' " in the Catalogue. o •o K }i U T A I M I H Ml: j .V/ ... . r.’i 1 ... ■crsil.T --I t ... . ' • . > . . ni / 8 fit .?.*\ '• . : ' 0 V. Jr:-.. t Z; i ... • o .' t - • / :’;b r:: v ;:i I'. ’-'-rr ' .sioo'cd isjcw ni jn;[ A ( i r iwolo3 ISJtvr nj ,8bt9.-! as:riT I 1 C .. > ,. f bam u ’to v . 7.11 ::s ox.‘i r:! i' :. i ! ^ * j ■» * H J S 5 t ‘S ( £ W V. ■•••! . low f. i f: .'I. i;, ' \ : : > bn-1 sv^na mil 1 . m fc« . :o . 3 T ; £ a.i . f -'«« eXi.w ni incu ' X. > .1 ! vy » 'CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS SCULPTURES MODELS DRAWINGS ENGRAVINGS ETC. 23jFJ20i duj 10 Dificl 3113 CTtOTl 91Utn£ V9(!OfA Ofl 1 tl* NOW EXHIBITING AT THE GREAT ROOM OF THE SOCIETY INSTITUTED FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS MANUFACTURES AND COMMERCE PRICE SIXPENCE MDCCLXII T A IT TO ?J3£[OM £/.{>IU SOMIT T /IIA c i .0i J : OVnVA/I0^3 ?Q/TIWA>KI N-B The Money arifmg from the Sale of the Catalogues will be wholly applied, by the Exhibiters, to the Relief of diftreffed Artifts, or their Widows and Children. / ^M JOAJtTJODKII 3HT HOT. G3TUTTT8 f /II Y r3i:>02 ' 3 ' 7 MN'03 GVIA ?3JIUTD A3U VIA t ■' c Ai/'TUVTD a^Toa A I N T I N G S. R. J. Williams R. E. Pine, Chev. Cafali, Mr. Tho. Redman, R. Cofway, J. El very, R. Pile, J. Hall, J. Williams, R. E Pine, T. Paine, J. H. Schaak, D. Serres, J;. Hall, A. Cozens,. D. Serres, J. Hall, G. James,. Jd. Leigh, I No. 1 A Portrait of a Gentleman. 2 Ditto of a Lady. 3 A Landfcape. 4 A Portrait of a Clergyman. 5 Ditto of a Gentleman. 6 Ditto, y Ditto. 8 A Imall whole length of a Gentleman. 9 A Portait of a Gentleman, io. Ditto. 11 The Portraits of two young Gentlemen. 12 A Landfcape. i 3 A fmall whole length of General Wolf. 14 A View. if A fmall whole length of a Gentleman. 16 A view of Capo de Bove, near Rome. 17 Ditto of a Water-Mill. 18 A fmall whole length of a Gentleman. 19 A whole length Portrait of a Lady of Netturio, a fea-port in the Pope’s Ter¬ ritories. 20 A view in the Mediterranean, with the dory of the good,Samaritan. Note. The Figure's mark'd thus * 'were Candidates for the Premiums, given for Hiforical and Landfcape paintings ; all the others are here for the Public Exibiiion only. W. Smith, Mr. W. Smith, Runciman, T. Paine, C. Stewart, T. Keyfe, J. H. Schaak, W. Smith, R. E. Pine, D. Serres, G. Smith, W- Smith, G. Smith, W. Tomkins, G. James, D. Dodd, J. H. Schaak, G. Smith, R. Terry, C. Clayton, R. Pile, G. Matthias, A. Carpentiers, G. Matthias, Chev. Cafali, W. Pether, Mifs Reed, G. Smith, 21 Piece of Fruit. 22 A Landl'cape. 2-1 Ditto with the ftory of Jupiter and Io. 24 A Landicape, reprefenting a Summer’s Evening. 25 A Roie Bud. 26 A party of the Light-Horfe at an Ale- houfe door. 27 A Piece of Fruit. 28 A Bunch of Grapes. 2 9 A whole length Portrait of his late Majefty 30 A Landfcape, with the Story of Diana and Adteon. 31 A Landfcape. 32 A Piece of Fruit. 33 A Snow Piece. 54 A Thiftle, with Butterflies. ; 35 A whole length of a Lady of Petrella, in the Kingdom of Naples. 36 A Portrait in Crayons. 37 A fmall whole length of the Duke of York, by Memory. 38 A Landfcape. 39 Ditto. 4.0 A Piece of Fruit, in Crayons. 41 A fmall whole length of a Boy at Cricket. 4.2 The Portraits of two Children. 4.3 A Portrait of a Lady. 44. A Servant Maid with Chocolate. 4.5 His Majefty in the Charadter of Auguftus, with Macaenas and Agrippa. 46 A Portrait in Crayons of a Gentleman. 47 Ditto of a young Lady playing witha Hare. 48 A Landfcape. 49 Kin S 3 No. *Chev. Cafali, Mr. W. Smith, Chev. Cafali, Mifs Reed, Mr. W. Pether, W. Tomkins, Frank Vander Mijn, G. Smith, T. Payne, Smith, D. Serres, D. Serres, J. Clayton, Jd. Leigh, D. Serres, A. Cozens, Art. Devis, 49 King Stephen brought Prifoner to the Emprefs Matilda, j'o A Piece of Cattle. 5 i Sampfon and Dalila. 52 A Portrait in Crayons of a young Gentle¬ man, with a Dog. 53 A Head in Crayons of a Fryer, pj. ALandfcape. 5 5 A Portrait. 56 A Landfcape. 57 A Horfe and Groom. 38 A Landfcape. fg A Sea Piece by Moonlight. 60 Ditto a frefh Gale. 61 A Piece of Fruit in Crayons. 62 A Ship-wreck near Cape Can tin in Africa, r 63 A View of Leghorn Light-houfe and l Mole, with Row-galleys, 64 A Landfcape. r 65 A fmall whole length Portrait of a gentle- I man. Mr. Vander Mijn, jun. W. Pars. * G. Smith, J. Smith, R. Colway, Chev. Cafali, Mr. W. Smith, Chev. Cafali, Mr. G. Matthias, R. E. Pine, T. Keyfe, 66 A Portrait. ‘67 Ditto. 68 A Landfcape. 69 Ditto. 70 Ditto. 71 A Portrait of a young gentleman. 72 The Judgement of Paris. 73 A Rofe Bud. 74 A Magdalen, 7 j* A Portrait. 70 The Portraits of two children, j77 A Piece of Flowers. 178 Ditto of Grapes. M Mr. Wm. Pars, No. 79 A Portrait. Vander Mijn, jun. 80 Ditto. J. Smith, 81 A Landfcape. 0 *J. Smith, 82 Ditto. G. Smith, Chev. Cafali, 83 Ditto. 84 Our Saviour fupported by Angels. Mr. G. Smith, 85 A Moon-light. G. Smith, 86 A Ram, See. s snidmoT T. Keyfe, 87 A Piece of Fruit. »M rJ ieV . G. Smith, 88 A Snow Piece. G. Smith, R. E. Pine, J. Collet, *\V. Tomkins, Ar. Devis, R. E. Pine, T. Keyfe, G. Matthias, J. Parker, J. El very, W. Tomkins, T. Payne, R. Cofway, Chev. Cafali, Mr. D. Bond, Turner, T. Keyfe, W. Tomkins, 89 A Landfcape. • 90 A Portrait of a gentleman and his Daughter 191 A Gipfey telling fome Country Girls their l Fortunes. 92 A Landfcape. r 93 A fmall whole length Portrait of a gentle- t man. 94 A Portrait of a Gentleman. 95 A Piece of Flowers. 96 A Portrait. j97 APiece of Wildfowl in Crayons, I98 A Portrait ditto. ;99 A Portrait. 100 Ditto. 101 A fketch of a Landfcape. 102 A Landfcape. 103 A Portrait of a Gentleman. 1 04 Ditto of a Lady. 105 A Landfcape. 106 A Corner Cupboard. J07 A Gazette in a Frame. ic8 A fketch of a Landfcape. j 9 ' t i< miniatures. s M I N I A T U R E S. Mr. Bauvais, No. rio9 A Portrait of a Gentleman, j i io Ditto of a Lady. mii Ditto of Ditto. MI2 Ditto of ditto. H. Millington, 1 113 Ditto of a Gentleman, J 114 Ditto of his Majefty. *"115 Ditto of ditto. Tho. Redman, f 116 Ditto of a Lady. I117 Ditto of a Gentleman. Mifs E. Charpine, Mr. Donaldfon, 118 F'our Portraits, 2 water colour, 2 enamel. 119 A Portrait of a Gentleman. Crofs, j L20 Ditto of a Gentleman. 1 1 21 Ditto of ditto. R. Cofway, W. Pether, 5122 A Magdalen. M23 Portrait of a Lady. 124 Ditto of ditto. f-125 Sigifmunda. Finlayfon, j 126 A Portrait of a Gentleman. W. Pars, M27 Ditto of a Lady. 128 Ditto of a Gentleman. S. Finney, r Two Portraits in enamel. 1 ” Two ditto water colours. C. Handafyde, r Three Portraits in enamel. 1 0 One ditto water colours. D R A W IN GS. 6 Mr. R. Cooper.. Finlayfon, W. Parry, P. Barnard, John Hood,. R. J^ooper, G. Bickham, Mifs Hoare, Mr. R. Earlome, Mils Hooper, Mr. J. Hood, Himfelf, D. Dod. J. Donatdfon, W. Bellcrs, Ditto. W. King, Mil's Hooper, Mr. W. King, A. Runciman, Stevens, GS AND ENGRAVINGS. 131 A Portrait. 132 Head of St. Andrew. ,133 Sampfon flaying the Philiftines from the { group of Juan de Bologna. r.i 3,4 Piece of Ornament with two Swans. * r35 Ditto. 136 A Gale of wind’. F137 A Madona and Child. j 138 A Magdalen, after TrevifanL ' 139 Portraitof his royal high.duke of York. J140 The Children of King Charles I. afterr Vandyke. 141 The Death of Abel. 141 Return of Priam with the body of Hedtor. 143 The Dancing Faun. 144 An Auricula with a Bee. j 45 A Fleet of Ships. 146 The Chevalier Defcazeaux. 147 Two Heads. 148 A Portraitof a Gentleman.. 149 Eight Teinted Drawings. 1 50 A Moonlight in Crayons. 151 A Role, watercolours. 152 A Balket of Flowers. 153 Two Drawings of Plants. 154 Two Landfcapes. r 155 Elevation, Sedfion, and Plan of a'Tem- Mr. R. Cooper. Finlayfon, W. Parry, P. Barnard, John Hood,. R. jfooper, G. Bickham, Mifs Hoare, Mr. R. Earlome, Mils Hooper, Mr. J. Hood, Himfelf, D. Dod. J. Donaldfon, W. Bellcrs, Ditto. W. King, Mifs Hooper, Mr. W. King, A. Runciman, Stevens, M. Candon 7 Mr. Gandon, T. Worlidge, F. Aliamet, W. Pether, R. Prancker, T. Major, G. Bickhain, R. Prancker, No. 156 Ditto. 157 Portrait of Sir Edward Aftley, Bart. JI58 Surrender of Calais, after Mr. Pine. 11 59 A fleeping Venus, after le Moin. 1 60 Metzot. of Mr.Leveridge, after M.Frye. 161 A Land ftorm, after A. Carrache. f 1 6zThe Seafons, after Ferg. 163 A FlemiOi wake, after Teneirs. 164 A fhip-wreck, after Vernet. i 165 A Landfcape and cattle, afterAffelyn and after [Berghem 166 A Riding-fchool, after Wovermans. ri 67 An emblem of peace and war, after | [Rubens. 168 An engraving of a fubjedl, from Milton. SCULPTURES AND MODELS. ♦Mr. Jos. Nollikins, Daniel Eggart, Eckfteine, Bacon, Smith, 169 A Baffo-Releivo, white Marble. Timoclea, brought before Alexander. 170 Ditto, Reprieve of Iphiginia. 171 Ditto, Portland Stone. Death of Epaminondas. 172 Model in Clay. Interview between Coriolanus and Vo- lumnia. 173 Ditto. Ditto. Mr. 8 Mr. Scott, Barnard, Gucnot, Dermot, Van Noft, L. Pingo, M I S C Mr. Chambers, Mifs Jane Shelly, Eliz. Humphry, Mr. Kirk, J. Pingo, L. Pingo, A, Carpenter, 174 Model in Clay, Piece of Flowers. 1Ditto. 176 Ditto. 177 Two Chinefe Figures. 173 ABuftof Mr. Garrick. 179 A Portrait of a Lady in Wax. 180 Ditto of a Gentleman. ELLANEOUS. f 18 1 A Tablet, with an Earl’s Coronet. J Two Initial Letters in Foliage. L Two Backs for Sconces. 182 An Hiftory in Needlework. 183 A Piece of Shell-work. r 184 Copper Medal, the fubjedt, the Naval i Vidtory of Belleifle. 185 Ditto, the Battle of Minden. 186 Ditto, the taking of Guadaloupe. 187 Sixteen Jmpreffions of Seals, 188 A Statue in white Marble of Adteon. appendix. L ady L.Greville, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Hodgfon, Cofway, Serre's, Vand. Mijn, jun. Pars, Yand. M-Ijn, jun. iop A Landfcape, etched after Salvator Rota.. ipo A Drawing of & Head. 191 Seven Drawings of Flowers in Watcr Colours. ip2 Portrait of a Gentleman> Enamel. 193 A Calm. 194 Figures and Fruit. 1 95 A Portrait. 196 Portrait of a Gentleman. 197 Ditto of a Lady. t \ CATALOGUE OF THE Paintings, Sculptures, Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. Price Six-Pence. N. B. The Money arifing from the Sale of thefe Catalogues will be given by the Artifts, immediately after the Exhibition, to fome public Charity. ’ A CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES, ARCHITECTURE, MODELS, DRAWINGS, ENGRAVINGS, &c. NOW EXHIBITING UNDER THE PATRONAGE of the SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, and COMMERCE, AT. THEIR GREAT ROOM in the STRAND. LONDON: Printed by James Harrison, oppofite Stationers-Hall; Lud gat e-Street. MDCCLXIII. [PRICE SIX-PENCE.] t c^*^, « -aws* m «n « k i 4 f ^ k '■'&*& k *sn&. » ¥ -8- .$• $ rift; *MH~ 6-4" ft "4" ■^■•ft-« , 4”ft-^!-Ki-‘ft--ft-"^-^* A C A T A L O G U E, &c. PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES* ARCHITECTURE, MODELS, DRAWINGS, ENGRAVINGS, &c. A'.LIA MET, Mr. FRANCIS, nearth z Chapel, Chelfea* No,. i- W'$€$C*\ N engraved Head g A g BACON, Mr. JOHN, at Mrs, J&fcift, St..Thomas's, kJeGeCjft Southwark.. 2 : Marc Antony, a model, in Alto Relievo, 3» Cleopatra, ditto, ditto.. B AR RAUD, Mr. P H I L I P, Tottenham-Comt-Koad. 4 A fancy-ornament, in black lead. 5 An engraving upon gold, inlaid with tranfparent enamel. B ASIR.E, Mr. J AM E S, Great Queen-Street, Lincoln's*- Inn-Fields.. 6 < An engraved portrait y Ditto, apaece of. architecture,-. B.ELLERS,, ( 4 ) No. ■'bELLERS, Mr. WILLIAM, Popping's Court, Fleet-Street, 8 A view, at Corby, in Cumberland, a fun-fet, in oil, 9 A fun-let, in crayons. 10 A moon-light, ditto. 11 Ditto, in black and white chalks. , _ ., . 12 A view of the water-falls and iron-works at Backborough Bridge, in Weftmoreland, a tinted drawing. 13 Ditto of the Ide of Wight-Hills, from Love-Lane, Southampton, ditto. 14 Ditto of a pieqe of water, at Paulton’s, in Hamplhue, ditto, i, Ditto of another at Ipyng, in Sufiex, ditto. B I C K H A M, Mr. GEORGE, May s-Buildings. 16 A fchool, a drawing after Rembrandt. 17 An head, ditto, after ditto. 18 An etching of a boy, after Vanderbank. BOND, Mr. DANIEL, at Birmingham. 19 A large landfcape. BREWER, Mr. JOHN, at the Eagle , in Rupert-Street. 20 A fmall landfcape, in water colours. 21 Ditto. 22 Ditto. 23 Ditto. 24 Ditto. 25 Ditto. BREWER, Mrs. Rupert-Streef. 26 Five miniatures in one frame. B R U N I A S, Mr. AUGUSTIN, Broad-Street , Carnaby-Market. 27 A large landfcape, with ruins. BUTLER, Mr. J A M E S, at Mrs. Woodifield's t Maiden-Lane, Covent-Garden. 28 A fouth-eaft view of Chefterton-PIoufe, in Warwickfhire. 29 The weft entrance into the great room of Kenelworth-Caftle. 30 A drawing of a landfcape, after Mr. Bond of Birmingham. CAR- No. [ 5 ] CARPENTER, Mr. AARON, Hay-Market. 31 Thirteen impreffions of feals engraved in Reel, in a frame. CARPENTIERS, Mr. ADRIAN, Charles-Street , Covent-Garden. 32 A lady and her daughter, half length. C A S A L T, Chev- ANDREA, Gerard-Street, Soho. 33 An whole length of St. Peter. 34 Ditto of St. Paul. 35 A Madona. COSWAY, Mr. RICHARD, atMr. Clark's, near Beaufort- Buildings , in the Strand. 36 A portrait of a young gentleman dancing a hornpipe, in the habit Of a failor. 37 A magdalen. 38 Two portraits, in miniature. CHAMBERS, Mr. ROBERT, at Mr. Kilby's, High-Holborn\ 39 A defign in architecture, of a plan and elevation of a grotefque building, with its teffilated floor. 40 A marble tablet, with a baron’s coronet ftained thereon. 41 Ditto, with a rofe. 42 Ditto, with a tulip. CHARPINE, Mifs E. King-Street, Golden-Square. 43 A miniature. 44 Ditto. CLAYTON, Mr. JOHN, Little Piazza, Covent-Garden . 45 A piece of fruit, in crayons. 46 Grapes, in oil. COMER, Mr. JOHN, at St. Katherine's, near the Tower. 47 A portrait, three quarters. COPE, Mr. S. Ba/inghaB-Strtet. A drawing. B CROSS*, [ 6 ] No. CROSS, Mr. R I C H A R D, Henrietta-Street , Covent-Garden,. 49 A portrait of a gentleman, in watercolours. 50 A portrait of a gentleman, in enamel. 51 A lady in the chara&erof Diana, three quarters. 52 A portrait of a lady, for a ring. DEV IS, Mr. ARTHUR, Great Queen-Street , Lincoln's-inn-he s. 53 A family, with a view of the gentleman’s houle. C4 A gentleman’s portrait, kit-cat. _ cc Two voung ladies, with grapes, &c. in a landicape. DEV IS, Mr. ANTHONY, No. 56 A morning view. 57 An evening view. . at r The third premium for c8 A large landfcape, a cool morning. N. B. 5 Landfcape-fainting (ten guineas) for the prefent year. <59 A view in Wales. 60 Ditto. DODD, Mr,DANIEL,at Old-Ford , near- Bom. 61 A portrait, in crayons. 62 Ditto, ditto. 64 Diuoofan ho^family, in an oval, embellifhed with flowers, DCNALDSCN, Mr. JOHN, Princes-Street, Leicejler-Fieldr. 65 A portrait of a lady, three quarters. _ 66 A miniature of a gentleman in a turkilh habit. 67 Ditto of two young ladies. 68 A drawing, in black lead. D U P A R T, Mrs. at Mr. ‘Taylor's, Shoe-maker, in Cockjpur-Street. « 69 An old woman. 70 A young woman. 7 1 A bladt boy, with a bafket of flowers. EDWARDS, No. [ 7 ] EDWARDS, Mr, JOHN, Great Queen's-Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. A piece of flowers and fruit, in crayons. 73 Ditto of flowers, ditto. 74 Ditto, ditto, in oiL 75 Ditto, ditto. FINLAYSON, Mr. JOHN, Berwick-Street, Soho. 76 A miniature of a gentleman. 77 Ditto of a lady. 78 Ditto, in enamel. FINLAYSON, Mrs. Berwick-Street , 79 Birds, in colours. G A N D O N, Mr.. JAMES, Poland-Street. go An elevation of a London houfe, fit for a perfon of diftindion. 81 A tranfverfe fedion of the fame. G A R D N O R, Mr. JOHN, at his Academy, at Kenfington. 82 A drawing, with a Ipecimen of penmanfhip. 83 Ditto- GEO rg E, Mr. JOHN, Ration-Garden. 84 A portrait in crayons. 85 Ditto. 86 Ditto, three quarters. GRESSE, Mr. JOHN ALEXANDER, in Hafels-Row , Lottenham-Cour t-Road. j 7 A large landfcape. HALL, Mr. J O H N, Hewlett a-Street , Covent-Garden. 88 A favourite ipaniel, from the iite. HEATHER, [«] No. ■' HEATHER, Mr. JOHN, at Cbicbefier. 89 A flower piece. 90 Ditto. 91 Ditto. 92 Ditto. 93 A thiftle. H O A R E, Mifs, at Bath. 94 The parting of Hefbor and Andromache, a drawing. HODGSON, Mr. ED WARD, Wbite-Hart-Court, Bijbopfgate-Strut. 95 A flower piece, in water colours. 96 Ditto, ditto. HOOD, Mr. J O H N, at Umebonfe-Corner. 97 A fleet of men of war in harbour, reprefenting a naval court-martial, a drawing. 9 8 A ftorm, and (hipwreck, ditto. J A M E S, Mr. GEORGE, Dean-Street , Soho. 99 A portrait. 100 Children with a dog. 101 A child with a cat. K E Y S E, Mr. T H O M A S, Cock-Court , Ludgate-Hill 102 A piece of flowers in oil. 103 Ditto. 104 Ditto. 105 Ditto. 106 Ditto. 107 Ditto, of fruit. 108 Ditto. 109 The bone for the criticks. no A landfcape. KING, [ 9 ] No. KING, Mr. WILLIAM, at fotteridge. 11 r The paffion flower, with its fruit. H2 Rhododendron. 113 A branch of apples. 1x4 Aftringof eggs. By a LADY unknown, lie. A garland of flowers, in crayons. LAWRENSON, Mr. WILLIAM, Great RuJfel-Jlmt , Bloomjbury. 116 A portrait, three quarters. 117 A drawing of a laughing boy. LEIGH, Mr. JARED, Wardrobe-Court , Doftors-Commons. 118 A fea port, with a watch tower, after fun-fet. x x 9 A view of the river Merfey near Liverpoole, with the fun d.fperfing 120 A tempeft with lightning, and a fhipwreek. 121 The moon riflng, wherein is introduced the idolatry of the Southern Africans. M A N I N I, Chev. GAETANO, New Bond-Street. Edward the Black Prince prefenting his royal prifoner, John of France, to King Edward III. after the battle of Poiftiers. 123 Spring 124 Summer 125 Autumn 126 Winter MASON, Mr. JAMES, Phoenix-Court , Hart-Street, Covent-Garden. 127 A landfcape and figures, engraved after Pillement. 128 A view of Belleifle, after a pi&ure of Mr. D. Serres. 129 A view, after a drawing of Mr. William Bellers, a fun-fet. x 30 Ditto, after ditto, a morning. , 31 A landfcape, after Mr. Cainlborougb. M F,, IAN 132 Ditto, after ditto. c ME^LIAN, 122 No. [ « ] MELLIAN, Mr. C. F. MAXIMILIAN, Haymarkct. 133 Venus and Cupid, with a marine deity offering them coral, &c, baffo relievo in metal. MILLINGTON, Mr. HENRY, at the Crown and Pearl , the South-fide of Leicefier-Square. 134 A miniature, his own portrait 135 Ditto, of a lady. 136 Ditto, of ditto. 137 Ditto, of a gentleman. MITCHELL, Mr. THOMAS, Tower-Hill, 138 A fleet clofe-haul’d, in a brilk gale, proceeding to lea.' 139 Ships in a ftorm. MOORE, Mr. THOMAS, at Mr. Shove's , Maiden-Lane , Covent-Garden. 140 A Doric entablature. M O R L A N D, Mr. H E N R Y, Haymarht. 141 A portrait of a gentleman, in crayons. MORI IMER, Mr. JOHN, Lawrence-Lane, Cheapjide. '142 Edward the Confeffor fpoiling his mother of her effefts and treafure N. B. The fecond premium for Hiftory-Painting ffifty guineas' for the prefent year. 1 ° ‘ PAILLOU, Mr. PETER, Hajfel's-Row, Tottenham-Court- Road. 143 AP 'rf.t«?ga!.r aterCOlOUrS ’ thel >“° f ‘hewoocl. and cock T . PARKEK - Mr - JOHN, PMngtm. The Of David Rizzio in the prefence of Mary Queen of . 45 His own portrait " Scotland, Vol. I, Page ,07,] • - ib PARKER, No. [ ii 3 PARKER, Mr. JOHN, Stangate-Lane. 146 A cock, in crayons. PARRY, Mr. WILLIAM, Market-Street , St. James's. 147 A view of the infide of the Duke of Richmond s gallery. PARS, Mr. W I L L I A M, oppofite Beaufort-Buildings in the Strand. 148 A portrait, half length. 149 A boy with a candle. PAYNE, Mr. THOMAS, King-Street , Golden-Square. 150, A large landfcape and figures. 151 Ditto. 152 A fmall ditto. 153 Ditt0 - PAYNE, Mr. J. at the Herald's College. 154 Llis own portrait. p E T H E R, Mr. WILLIAM, at the Bell , Cmprnt- Street , Soho. 155 An head of a difbanded foldier, in crayons. 156 A portrait of a gentleman, ditto. 157 Ditto in miniature. 158 A drawing of two heads in black chalk. PINE, Mr. ROBERT EDGE, RANK E R, Mr. ROBERT, Berwick-Street, Solo, 165 St. Francis in an exftacy, a drawing after Cavedom. PYLE, Mr. ROBERT, at Mr. Rackflrow's , Fleet-Street. 166 A Tailor’s rendezvous. 167 A portrait, three quarters. 168 Ditto. RACKSTROW, Mr. BENJAMIN, Fleet-Street. - 169 A bufto of the Marquis of Granby, large as the life. 170 Ditto of Mr. Frye. 171 Ditto of a do&or of laws. ' *'. READ, Mifs C AT H E RINE, St. James's Place. 172 A portrait of Her Majefty with the Prince of Wales, in crayons. 173 A portrait of a lady, ditto. 174 Ditto, ditto. 175 Ditto, of a young gentleman. 176 A miniature of a lady in the chara&er of a Roman matron. READ, Mr. NICHOLAS, St. Martin's-Lane. •177 A medallion of Sir Ifaac Newton. REDMOND, Mr. THOMAS, Maxfeld-Street, Soho. 178 A portrait, kit-cat. 179 Four miniatures in one frame. ROPER No. C 13 ] ROPER, Mr. RICHARD, Little St. Martin's-Lane. 180 A piece of dogs. 181 A hare, kit-cat. 182 The horfe Turpin, half length. , R U M N E Y, Mr. GEORGE, Cbaring-Crofs. 183 The death of Gen. Wolfe. N. B. To this pidture was adjudged a bounty (twenty five guineas) this prefent year. 184 A fcene in King Lear, as written by Shakefpeare. SAUNDERS, Mr. PAUL, near Sofyo-Square. 185 A piece of fowls, tapeftry, in the Chaillot manner. SCH AAK, Mr. J. S. C. No. 8. College-Street, Wejtminjier. 186 An humorous converfation. 187 A portraE, full length. 188 A fmall head. 189 Ditto of a fryar. 190 A portrait of a gentleman, kit-cat. 191 A rendezvous of foldiers near a camp. SERRES, Mr. DOMINICK, oppofite the Black-Bear , Piccadilly. 192 The ftorm that preceded Her Majefty’s arrival, with a view of the royal y?cht, &c. 193 The arrival of Her Majefty, at Harwich. 194 A view of the Englilh fquadron off Belleifle. 195 A view of Landguard fort. 196 A view of Halifax in Nova Scotia, taken from George island. 197 Ditto from the Citadel-hill. 198 Ditto of the Governor’s houfe at Halifax. 199 A fmall piece of Shipping. SHACKLETON, JOHN, Efq-, principal painter in or¬ dinary to His Majefty, Berkeley-Street, Berkeley-Square, zoo A pqrtrait of His Majefty. 201 A portrait, half length. 202 Ditto, three quarters. S M I T H, Mr. W I L L I A M, at Chichejter. 203 A piede of fruit. D SMITH, No. [ i+ 1 SMITH, Mr. G E O R G E, of Cbichefter , at Mr. Perry's , oppofite Soutbampton-Streel, Strand. 204 A large landfcape. JY. B. The firft premium for Landfcape-Paint- ing (fifty guineas) for the prefent year. 205 A fun-fet. ao6 A mid. SM 1 T H, Mr. J O H N, of Cbicbefter, at Mr. Perry's, oppofite Southampton - Street, Strand. 207 A Landlcape. SMITH, Meff. GEORGE and J O H N, of Cbicbejler, •208 A landfcape. 209 Ditto. SMITH, Mr. NATHANIEL, St. Martin's-Lane. 210 A bufto, as large as the life. 211 A figure of Time, imitating a bronze. STEVENS, Mr. EDWARD, Poland-Street. 212 An elevation of a London houfe, fit for a perfon of diftin&ion. 213 A tranfverfe fe< 5 tion of the fame. 214 An elevation of a villa, in the Doric ftile. 215 Ditto, in the Ionic. STEUART, Mr. C H A R L E S, at the Angel in Glafshoufe-Street. 216 A large landfcape. N. B. The fecond premium for Landfcape-Paint- irig (twenty-five guineas) for the prefent year. 217 Ditto, fmaller. SWAIN E, Mr. F. Strutton-Ground, JVeJlminJler. 218 The great ftorm at fort St. David’s, in the Eaft Indies ; in which fe- veral of His Majefty’s fhips, under the command of Admiral Bof- cawen, were loft. 219 A moon-light, its companion. 220 Afrefh gale, with a view of the Pierced Ifland, a remarkable rock in the Gulph of St. Laurence. TAYLOR, TAYLOR, Mr. RICHARD, Ba/mghaU-Street. 2 21 A drawing. TERRY, Mr. ROBERT, the corner of Bear-Street , Leicejler-Fields. 222 A large landfcape. TODDERICK, Mifs, at the Star and Garter Warehoufe , Taviftock-Street , Covent-Garden. 223 A miniature of Her Majefty. TOMKINS, Mr. WILLIAM, at Mr. Turner’s, Surgeon, iS/. Martin’s-Lane. 224 A large landfcape. 225 Ditto, fmaller. 226 Tea equipage, painted by candle-light. TOWN, Mr. FRANCIS, Long-Acre. 227 A large landfcape, with a feene in Shakefpear’s Cymbeline. V A N D E R M I J N, Mr. FRANK, King-Street, Soho. 228 A portrait of a lady, kit-cat. 229 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto. 230 Ditto of a gentleman, three quarters. 231 Ditto of a lady, a Iketch. YANDER MIJ N, Mr. ROBERT, King-Street, Soho-. 232 A fruit piece, kit-cat. 233 Ditto, fmaller. V I S P R E, Mr. VICTOR, at the Golden-Fan , Marybone- Street , (fent in by General Howard.) 2 34 A fruit piece, painted upon glafs, after a new manner. 235 Ditto, with flowers 236 Ditto, with a decanter of wine. WALSH, Mr. J O H N, South-Street , Berkeley-Square. 237 A bulk) of a lady. WEBSTER, [ * 6 ] No. WEBSTER, Mr. S. Covent-Garden. ’ » 238 A portrait, half-length. WILLIAMS, Mr. JOHN, Great Scotland-Yard, oppofite the Admiralty. 239 A portrait, three quarters. 240 Ditto, of a young gentleman. 241 A portrait. 242 Ditto. WILLIAMS, Mr. JAMES, Scotland-Yard. 243 A portrait of a gentleman, three quarters. 244 A deception. WILLIAMS, Mr. W. at Manchefler. 243 A landfcape, with the fable of Chamont, and the Witch, from Otway’s Orphan WOOLLETT, Mr. WILLIAM, Long's-Court, Leicejler-Fields. 246 Phaeton’s fhit to Apollo, a proof print. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. By a LADY. 247 A fruit-piece, in needle-work. 248 Ditto. Mrs. ELIZABETH KERR, Elm-Court , 'temple. 249 A bunch of flowers, in tent-ftitch. Mrs. CLARK, at Mr. Rackjlrcw's, Fleet-Street. 250 A cucumber vine, in compofition. Mrs. ANNE GOUYN, at Mrs. Camfu's, Hofier, Piccadilly. 251 Two pieces of flowers, cut in card. FINIS. A CATALOGU E OF THE PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES, ARCHITECTURE, MODELS, DRAWINGS, ENGRAVINGS, &>c. NOW EXHIBITING UNDER THE PATRONAGE of the SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, and COMMERCE, A T THEIR GREAT ROOM in the STRAND, L ' O N D O N, •Printed by James Harrison, oppofite Stationers- Hal G Lud gate-Street. M DCC LXIV. [ PRICE SIX-PENCE. ] 3 IT ) \ V J O T v -1 a : & T i3 ' » j v / f _.'.. r . ..-1) ,i\ '*■' • - i//; DM »,. - rr ▼ ▼ - > X 4. A, i- 1 * •* * * T ' . * U * ) ‘ yi\ r a c 3 i T HE Money arifing from the Sale of **“ C ^T AL ,°9 UES j' will be applied to the Relief of d.ftrefled and decayed Artists, their Widows and Children. r ?T • ^ ft ; ' • t ' « i 1 <4 Paintings, Sculptures, Architecture, Models, Drawings, Engravings, ^Y. Mr. ALIAMET, near the chapel, at ChelJca, PRINT of the nativity, from Ann.Carraci. N. B. 1 no firft premium (thirty guineas) for the prelent year. Mr. BARRETT, in Orchard Jim!, near Oxford-road. ~ A A large landfcape and figures. N. B. The firft pre¬ mium in landfcape-painting (fifty guineas) xor the prefent year. BLACK, in Bollon-ftmt, Piccadilly . Mr 3 A portrait of a lady, whole length. Mr. BOND, at Birmingham. , A lar-e landfcape and figures. IV. B. The fecond premium in landicape painting (twenty-five guineas) for the prefent year. 5 A fmaller ditto. 6 A ditto. 7 A ditto, with a water-fall. 8 A ditto. q A ditto, with: the ftory of the good Samaritan. Mr. BELLER No. Mr. B E L L E R S, in Popping's-court, Fleet-Jlreet. 10 A view of the head of Ulfwater in Cumberland. 11 A ditto from the great walk at Corby, in ditto. 12 A ditto of St. Conftantines cell, in ditto. 13 A ditto of Penrith caftle, in ditto. Mr. B A R R A U D, in Tottenham-court-road, 14 A piece of engraving, on filver, in bafio-relievo. Mr. B A S I R E, in Great-queen-jlreet. 15 The afeention of the virgin, after a drawing of Carlo Marratti. it> A landl'cape, after Robert Price, Efq. 17 Three figures, after a drawing of Mr. Stuart. Mr. BARCLAY, at Tottenham , in Middlefex. 1 8 A miniature of a gentleman. 19 A ditto 20 A ditto of a lady. 21 A ditto. Mr. BOWDEN, at Gof port in Hants . 22 An etching. Mr. B E R T R A U D, at Mr. Eldridge's y in Cecil-Jlreet, in the Strand. 23 A gentleman in his uniform, in crayons. 24 A gentleman " v - . 25 A gentleman going a fhooting. 26 A child lying, and pointing to a bird. A 1 f Mr ’ f 11 A u M B , E R S ’ 3t Mr ' Kilb y' s ' in High-tfolfoh. 27 A defign of a marble chimney-piece, adapted for ftainim 2 A marble tablet, flamed, 111 imitation -of Porphyry. .1M ^g- 29 Mr. COLLET, oppofite the chapel, the end of Bedford-row Rakes quarrelling with the watchmen, &c. „ Mr. CHAMBERLIN 30 King Alfred, in a cottage, large as life. Mr. CROSSE, in Iknrietta-ftrcet. Covent rarden 31 A portrait in miniature 5 tire jtik of Rubens. " ^ 32 A ditto, of a gentleman, in enamel. 33 A half-length of a gentleman, in oil. L C S RY in Met-Jlrcet. 34 A portrait of a gentleman. • ■C.i.ll 1 £ Mr. COS W A Y, _ _ _ No* Mr. COSWAY, near Beaufort-buildings, in the Strand. 35 A portrait of a gentleman in his ftudy, with a fervant. 3d A miniature of a lady. Mr. C L E V E L E Y, at Deptford. 37 A large fea-piece. Mr. DANIEL, in the Old-Bailey . 38 Dead game, in oil. * Mr. DODD, at Old-ford , near Bow, in Middlefex. 39 An old man’s head, in crayons. 40 A ditto. 41 A head in Chiaro Ofcuro Mr. DAWES, in Green-fireet, Leicefter-fields. 42 The redcrois knight, in the cave of defpair. [See Spencer’s Fairy Queen, book I. chap. ix. ver. 52.] Mr. DENNYS, at Mr. Hawthorn’s, Meard's-court, Wardour-fireet, Soho. 43 A landfcape, ornamented with coraline, &cc. Mr. DANCE, at Rome. 44 A nobleman and his tutor. Mr. E L L M E R, at Farnham , in Surry. 45 A hare, and hen pheaiant. 46 A cock and hen pheafant. 47 A brace of patridges. Mr. F O U G E R O N, in Great St. Andrew’s-ftreet. Seven-dials. 48 A view of the church of St. Paul, and the parade, at Nova Scotia. Mr. FINCH, at Mr. Bovek's, on Snow-hill. 49 A portrait of a gentleman. Mr. FORD, at Bath. r, o A bufto of young Mr. Worlidge, in white marble. Mr. G R E S S E, in Tollcnham-ccurt-road, 51 A portrait in miniature. 52 A ditto. 53 A Madona, in a round. Mr. GEORGE, in Hatton-Gardeii. 54 Three Cherokees, in oil, a half-length. 55 A portrait of a lady, in crayons. 56 A ditto of a gentletttan. 57 A ditto. B Mr. GAkDNOR, No, 5 S 59 60 61 62 6 i 64 65 66 67 68 % 71 C 6 ] Mr. GARDNOR, m after of the academy at Kenfington. A landfcape and figures, an evening, in oil. A ditto. A drawing. A ditto, with a fpecimen of penmanfliip. A landfcape and figures, in enamel. A ditto. •) ! ■ A ditto. A GENTLEMAN, unknown. A portrait of a lady. A GENTLEMAN, at Woolwich. A fea piece, fmall. A ditto. Mr.. GRIFFITHS, Middle-Temple. A deception. A ditto. A GENTLEMAN, at Cambridge. A Madona. A Narciflus, three quarters. Our Saviour in the garden. A GENTLEMAN at JVejlmmfter. Leva ?. Jib a o vil A 1 v IT rv 3 f I .tM uci A 73 A portrait of Mr. Boyce. Mr. H AMBLETON, at Mr. Lee's, the upper end of Bm-Jlreet. 74 The death ofHe&or, in chiaro ofeuro. N. B. Thefirft premium (eigh¬ teen guineas) for the prelent year. 75 A portrait of a child. Mr. H O O D, at LimebouCe- corner. 76 A large fea piece, a drawing. 77 A ditto, a calm. 78 A ditto, a gale. 79 A ditto. Mr. HODGSON, in Mitre-court, St. Paul's Church-yard. So A large piece of flowers, in water colours. Mifs HOAR E, at Bath. 81 A drawing of the return of Regulus to Carthage. Mr. HOPKINSON, at Mr. Bartindale's , Great Pultney-Jlreet , Goldcn-fyucut. 82 A country feene from nature, in oil. Mr. JONES, in Stanhope-Jlreet, Clare-Market. 83 A fruit piece. Mri KEYSE, No. [ 7 ] Mr. KEYSE, oppofite the end of Fetter-lane, in Fleet-fir set, 84 A bafket of Grapes. 85 A fruit and flower piece. 86 A fruit piece. 87 A ditto. 88 A floWer piece. 89 A ditto. 90 A piece of fruit in crayons, fixed in a new manner, which water cannot injure. 91 A ditto, ditto. 92 A ditto. 93 A ditto. 94 A ditto. Mr. KING, at Totteridge , in Middlefex. i * 95 A polianthus, in water colours. 96 A double primrofe, ditto. 97 A faccaflino, ditto. 98 A flower piece, ditto. Mr. LAW R E N S O N, jun. in Great RuJfcl-Jlreet , Bloomjlury. 99 A portait of an old gentleman. 100 A head, in crayons. jy btnbrm,. ono) gnufttcq-^loJlm m cnmrtra'itj Mr. LOOKER, at Mr . Philpot's, Bettors-commons, 101 A coat of arms ornamented on vellum. Mr. LEWIN, pupil to Mr Hodgfon, in Mitre-court, St Paul's- church-yard. 102 A drawing of a human figure in red chalks. 103 A ditto. Mr. LEIGH, near St. Paul's. 104 A landfcape and figures, a fketch. ip5 An enemy’s Ihip run afhore, and funk in a gale. 106 The tempeft view, (exhibited laft year) becalmed. Mr. LENS, at a Peruke-maker’s, in Gennan-Jlreet, St. James's. 107 A Medora. 108 A Madona and child. 109 A portrait of a gentleman. 1 10 Ditto of a lady. Mr. MASON, 183 No. Mr. MASON, inPiw'.v-tj//o’, le^acre, 111 A view of Hauifax, an engraving. 112 A Ditto. A \ . i ' J 113 A ditto. 114 A view of the landing of His Majefty’s troops at the'Havantta. is^voR A 82 .OJjib A f 8 116 in one frame ,0350 / .033 ib A .OJJiL A . 03 )ih A ••fr lot op IBsa&l A rp lawofl A A head. Mr. MILLINGTON, in Leicejler-fquem. f A miniature of his Majefty J A ditto of a gentleman I A ditto [ A ditto 117 A frnall flower. Mafter MAYNARD. 118 A drawing of one of the light horfe. Mr. MALTON, in the Strand. 119 A perfpeftive view of the infide of St. Stephen, Wallforook, Mr. MELLIAN in Erovh-Jheet. 120 A baflo relievo in Bronze. Mr. M U N N, in Stanhope-Jircet , C!are-markct, 121 A French lady, three quarters. 122 A piece of cattle. Mr. MORTIMER, Great-piazza, in Covent-garden. 123 St. Paul preaching to the antient Druids in Britain. N. B. The firft premium in hlftory-painting (one hundred guineas) for the prefent year. Mr. 0 \ I.RTON, oppofite Grijhayn College, in BiJhopfgate-Jlreet. 124 A defign of a Gothic pavilion, for a garden. Mr. PENNINGTON, >»• in. Ludgate-fir,eet. , 23 A drawing, in black chalks, of a groupe. 120 A ditto of a human ngure. 0 .otltb A £ i Mr. P E R R Y, in Knnvles’srcourt, near St. Paul's. 127 A drawing with a pen, taken ac Wallworth near Camberwell, 128 A print of Dr. Hyde. Mr. PR ANKER, in Berxtick-Jlreei, Sake. m 129 Two plans and elevations of Holkham, in Norfolk, (the feat of the Right lion, the Counrcis of Leicefter.) 130 A vignetfor a Peerage of England. Mr. PARK E R, at Chichefier. 131 A piece of ftill life, in crayons. Mr. PARRS, No. [ 9 ] Mr,, PARRS, oppofite Beaufort-buildings, in the Strand. 132 A portrait of a young gentleman, three quarters. 133 A miniature. 134 Charaftacus before the Emperor Claudius. Mr. PRESTO N, in Oxendcn fired. 135 A miniature of a lady. Mr. P O W L E, at Mr. Brockes's, in Rofe-Jlreet, Covent-garden. 126 A miniature, in the manner of Mr. Worlidoe. 137 A ditto. Mr. ROPER, in Little St. Martin's-lane. 138 A portrait of a gentleman. 139 Ditto. 140 Ditto of a lady and her daughter. Mr. REDMOND, at Mr. Bruguir' s, in Maxfield-fireet, Soho. 141 Three miniatures in one frame 142 A portrait of a gentleman, in oil, three quarters. 143 A ditto. 144 A ditto. 145 A ditto, his own portrait, a fketch. Mr. READ, oppofite Slaughter's Coffee-houfe, in St. Martin's-lane. 146 Amarble ftatue, a Diana. N. B. The firft premium (one hundred and forty guineas) for the prelent year. Mr. ROMNEY, in James-fireet, Covent-garden. 147 A portrait of a young lady. 148. Samfon and Dalilah,—not finilhed. Mifs REED, in St. James's Place. 149 A portrait of a lady, in crayons. 150 A ditto of a child, ditto. Mr. SERVANT, in Myer's-court, Bean-fired, Soho. J51 A large landlcape and figures, being a view near Naples, 152 A ditto, a wood feene. Mr. S W A IN E, in Stret ten- ground, Wefiminficr. 1 53 A fea piece, a fun-fet view. N.B. The fecond premium (fifteen gui¬ neas) for the prefent year. ° 154 Four ditto, fmaller. 155 A ditto, moon light. Mr. SCHAAK) C OSllCI No. Mp s c H A A K, in Colhge-fkrect, MfoW"' , 5 6 A portrait of a gentleman on horicback. 157 A fmall head. ' 58 A dUt0 ' Mr. SERRES, in Piccadilly. I59 A large lea piece, painted by defirc, in the fide of emet. ,6 °r r W. 8i SMITH t ofC^ at Mrs. Jemn% Milliner,in Scutbampton-fireet , in the Strand. 161 A trUlt P, “ e r ' G SMITH of CbictofUr, ditto. 162 A landfcape and figures. " >3 A d n ° Mr. J. SMITH of Cbicbejler, ditto. 164. A landlcape and figures; . , . Meffrs. G. and J. SMITH of Cbtcbejler. 165 A large landfcape and figures. 166 A ditto, fmaller. , . , „ - .1 , Mr. ST'ANDLEY, in Oxendon-Jlreet , Hey market. 167 A portrait of a lady in crayons, kit-cat. 168 Ditto cf a young gentleman. Mr. SUMMERS, in Portland-fir eet. 169 A fmall whole length of a boy. Mr S T E U A R T, in Glafiboufe-fimt. , -o A large landfcape and figure;. N. B. The rhrrd premrum m landfcape- ‘ painting (ten guineas) for the prefent year. Mr. WEBSTER, in Covent-garden. 1 1 •nib A -jib A >cr>2i ■. lot T71 A portrait of a gentleman. / Mr. SHaAR PE’s pupil. 172 A flower-piece, in oil. Mr. T O M K 1 N S, in St. Martin s-lane. 173 A fmall landfcape and figures. 174 A ditto. 175 Butterflies, and other infe&s. 176 A ditto. ,77 A Butterfly. Mr. T A Y L O R, in Ba/ingball-firtel. 178 A landfcape in Indian ink. to t.:.da. : .iM i 03 . . .i A 1^1 ; , A •.a I , ' ( fit 1 No. Mr. F.VANDERMIJ N, oppofite the end of Fritb-Jircet, Soho. 179 A portrait of a gentleman, three quarters. 180 A ditto. 18 1 A ditto, in oval. a , e , Mr. R. V A N D E R M I J N, in hng-ftrett; Sobs. 182 A fruit-piece, three quarters. 183 A ditto, fmaller. Mr. A. VANDER M I J N, the upper end of htgh-Holborn. 184 A fruit piece. 183 A ditto. , „ „ _ Mr. VANDYKE, in Frith-finet, Soho. 186 A fea officer, half-length. r , ,c 7 A portrait of a lady and child, in the chara&er of a Madona. ~' Mifs V 1 V A R E S, in viewport-ftreet. 188 A compofition of flowers. v . . ,- Mr. V 1 V A R E S, fun. iri Newport fimt. 189 A drawing of a landfcape, &c. 190 A ditto. VANDER MIJN, in High-Holbcrn. , 9 i A portrait of a boy, a fmall three quarters. 192 MnV I S P R E, jun. at Mr. Ticbtans, in Warwick-Jlnet, Gcldhi-fquarc. 193 A fruit piece, &c. on glals. 194 Mr. WRIGHT, in Craven-ftreet, in the Sir and. 195 A fea piece, with a lquall of rain. N. B. The firft premium (thirty guineas) for the prqfent year. Mr. W I L L I A M S, in Scotland-yard, Wejtminjier. 196 A young lady playing with a dog. 197 A clergyman, kit-cat. 198 A lady, three quarters. 199 A young gentleman, ditto. 200 A gentleman, ditto. Mr. W A L S H, Scutb-flreet , in Crcjvenorfquarc. 201 A model in clay. _ ■ ___ miscellaneous articles: Mr. BEDFORD, of Birmingham. 202 A coach pannel. 203 A ditto. * 1 ■ 204 A ditto of paper mache (being the firft ever made in England.) ^/liJs L A K A aL tr m i N . Mils CARTER,. \aRraa&\.o vAr.- 205 A piece of dead game, in iK.edie-worky .. .« t ij . 206 A landfcape and cattle, ditto. Mi lb CLEMMES, in Sbug-laner 207 A bunch or flowers in tec t ftitph. .y . Mrs. HUDSON, in Pali-Mali: 208 The hermitage in Richmond gardens. , ' l%t& H U:MP Hli-Y &!$t:./ 209 A flower piece in Ihcll work. A LnDY in Scotland. • v j .».*✓ I 210 Bellifarius, in lieedje-work. ' - ' ' " ■ 1 Mr. M O O R E, in A 'ewgaU-Jlrcet. 211 A piecfe of hew invented gib paper. ; i <0 j. o 1 ‘ r "7 E ix . Mr. B 1 CKH A M, in May's-buildings. 212 Two nower pieces. , Mr. PIN G O, in Kirby-Jireet, Hatton-gdrden. 213 The face aijd reverie of the Catch.Club med^- 214 A model in wax. . .... . *>/:, "■-at ’ -. • Mr. KIRK, in Henrietta jtrect,Coverit-gdrdsn. ' : 215 A frame withimpreflions of feals. ^ 1 : > - Mr. E. EDWARDS * ** 216 The death of Tatius. N. B. The fecoha premium (feven guineas) the prefent year. . . jjc Mr. BRONI A J i P 1 * W . ! 217 A large landfcape and - figures'. ” «- 1 ; t i Mr, D E R M O T, at Bozv. 218 Shaking figures, in imitation of the Chinefe. Mr. BACON. 219 A model in clay. tiuit A lM :i.t utaio /. By a TAD Y . n. 220 A piece of ruins, &c. in needle-work. .0;.;., Mr. L. - 7 . HOLM. 221 A balfo relievo in marble/ Mr. J. ECKSTEIN. 222 A balTo relievo, in marble. Mr. --- 223 A model in clay. / - J: G 1 Cl .H i[ FINIS. Jr.*3 s:h Jy odd :.:q do .00 A / ■ . > A IQI IQt for dpi 8 qi uos lot 10S To L .‘.J _ V I A C A T A L O G U E O F T H E Paintings, Sculptures, Archite&ure, Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. NOW EXHIBITING BY THE BODY of ARTISTS, Diftrefled A floriated for the Relief of their BRETHREN, their WIDOWS, and CHILDRE N. A T Mr. MOREING’s Great Room, in MAIDEN-LANE, COVENT-GARDEN. This Catalogue is entered in the Hall-Book of the Company of Stationers. LONDON, Printed by James Harrison, oppofite Stationers’-Hall, Lud gat e-Street, m.dcc.lxv. (PRICE SIX-PENCE.] ry .1 M t 3gnbrri? r c 2gniv£'ignil t agniv/fii (I • . I T I ( ! I H X 3 H t Y il ' ij r• - :» nfl trit t A tiii V / O H /-woaiv/ -ibiH j • M *1 ;i CI A 1 II Ij bns T A •I VI A .1 - 'A .1 Q I A M ni ,:zoo5l r a onO e' -V .m s a a ao -T v: a v o o I 3 il 01.1 o r ,i - : . ■_ i to*;.': . ^noD j;!j Ho iiooti-ikl t sell ni latino t: S’joojataD a: IT o ct v: o' j r a T 2 •: ■ F‘ :■■ *; -p ,vi o c t a h >. H a i • t :iaai 3-a r aoxio J .VjC.I . 030 .,! t [ ..ID'13'1-1112 H :>I .'13 j \*d bo)?!n I Paintings, Sculptures, Architecture, Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. rf The Performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of. Mr. A L I A M E T, at Chelfea. CIRCUMCISION, after Guido. Mr. BAB U, at Mr. Stephen's , Bookfeller , between the ‘Temple-gates. A gentleman, in crayons. ' A lady, ditto. Two miniatures. Mr. BARBER, No. 3, FurnivaTs-inn-court , Holborn. 5 A lady in the chara&er of Diana. Mr. BARCLAY, Mr. BARCLAY, Tottenham , Middlesex. 6 * Vefpafian, from an antique Onyx. 7 A portrait of a lady. t Ditto of a child. Mr. B A S I R E, in Great Queen-Jlreet, Lincoln's-inn-fields. 9 The engraving of the Mediterranean pafifes, from the defigns of Mr. Stuart, Engravings in imitation of drawings, 11 o Five, after drawings of Guercino. 11 One, after Caracci. 12 Ditto, after Baciccio. i j Portrait of Bernini, after Salv. Rofa. 14 Ditto of Mr. Fielding, after Mr. Hogarth, i - A landicape, after R. Price, Efq-, 16 A drawing, after Raphael. Mr. E. BELK. 17 A defign for a theatrical fereen. Mr. B E L L E R S, in Fokin's-court , Fleet-Jlrect. 1 $ A fun-riling, in crayons. 19 Ditto letting, ditto, so A view of Southampton, teinted. 2 1 Ditto from the end of Port’s Down towards Chichefter. 22 Ditto in Suffex. Mr. B I C K H A M, May's-buildings. 23 Ambition, a drawing on a boy’s kite. Mr. BOND, of Birmingham. 24 * A landfcape and figures. 25 A ditto. 26 A ditto. 27 A ditto. 28 A girl knitting, with a landicape. Mr. BREWER, in Rupert-ftreet , near the Hay market. J29 A large landfcape, in water colours. Mr. NATHAN I El [ s ] No. Mr. NATHANIEL BROWN, No. io, Clifford's-inn. 30 A portrait from the life. 31 A ditto of a lady. Mr. AARON CARPENTER, in Middle Scotland-yard. 32 Nine impreflions from engravings on fteel. Mr. CARVE R, of Dublin. 33 * A large landfcape. 34 * A fmall upright ditto. CHEVALIER CASALI, Gerard-ffreet , Soho.. 35 * Angelica and Medorus, half length. 36 * Bacchus and Ariadne, it’s companion. Angelica and Medorus, fmaller. 08 Bacchus and Ariadne, it’s companion. 39 * Virtue recording the adls of illuftnous men. /• 40 * A Madona reading, 41 * A ditto weeping. a.2 * Galatea, in imitation of alto relievo. _ 42 * The three Graces, from the Herculaneum, in ditto. 44 * A head of Pompey, in imitation of ftone. 45 Lucretia. 46 Jofeph and his miftrefs. 47 Sophonifba. Mr CHAMBERS at Mr. Franklyn's, in Bartlet's-bmldings, IicJborn. The emblem of iEfculapius -j A coat of ai ms ( marble. * A r«f rhandeliers I 48 A pair of chandeliers - A cucumber in Broad-Jlreel, Soho. Mils CHAR PIN, at No.. 7, 4.9. A lady in a fnuff-box. 50 A gentleman. 51 A lady. . „ T , . * a ditto, ftyle of Sir Peter Lely. 5 " Mr. CHARPI-N, at No. 7 , Broad-Jirett, Soho. * A landfcape, with Gyphes merry-making. 23 Mi f s CLARK, at Mr. Rackfirow s, in Fleet-ffreet. .4 * A pifture of embroidery in fat-tin ftich. Mr. CLEVELEY, [ 6 ] Mr. C L E V E L E Y, at Deptford . 55 * A fixty gun (hip in her timbers. 56 An Indiaman juft fet up. 57 * A view of Portfmoutlv, with (hipping Mr. COLLET,a/Mr. B dm ml's.HairMerchant, Ja>W-firert,Coxen;.garde A ferief of pictures, called, a love-match, 58 1 ft. Courtfhip. 59 2d. An elopement 60 3d. The honey-moon. 61 4th. Matrimony. 62 * A landfcape, with a water-mill. 6? lliadi tafte in low lile. J O 64 A car. 65 A portrait of a lady. Mr. COOLEY, at Mr. Mylne’s, in Arundel-flrcet. 66 * A plan, elevation, and le&ions of a villa foraperfon of quality. Mr. COPE, in Bafmghall-Jlreet. 67 * A fruit-piece, in crayons. Mr. CROSSE, Henrietta fireet , Covent-garden, 68 A minature. 69 A ditto. 70 A ditto. 71 A ditto. 72 A ditto. 73 A ditto. s:. r f 2 Mr. DANIEL, in the Old-bailey. 74 * A woodcock. 75 * A ditto and other birds. m Mr. D A W E S, at Mr. Brifbayne’s, in Greert-Jireet, Leicejler-fields. 76 • The downfal of SHAKESPEAR, reprefented on a modern ftage. 77 The death of Socrates. 78 The martyrdom of St. Stephen. 79 * A view in Hyde-Park. So * A landfcape and figures, it’s companion. .‘Of if. Mr. HUGE No. Mr. HUGH PRIMROSE DEANE, at Mr. George's, the corner of Heatbcock-court , in the Strand. 81 * A fmall landfcape. 8 2 * A view taken from the top of RicbmoruMull looking down the river. 83 * A ditto, it’s companion. Mr. D. DODD, at Bow, Middlcfex. 84 * A Jew’s head, in crayons. 85 A portrait of a gentleman, ditto, 86 * An old man’s head, ditto. 87 * A flower-piece, ditto. Mr. WILLIAM D U F OUR, at Mr. Roux's, Engraver, in Rupert-Jireet, Haymarket. 88 His own portrait. 89 A gentleman. 00 A lady. Mr. ELMER, Farnham , Surry. 9! * A brace of pheafants. 92 * Waterfowl. 93 A bafket of flrawberries. 94 * Dead game, &c. 95 * A brace of patridges. 96 * A brace of pheafants. 97 * A mackarel. Mr. FOUGERON, jun. in Great St. Andrew's-fireet. 98 * A drawing, after nature. Mr. FICHKER in Vine-Jlreet, Piccadilly. 99 * A tablet, for a chimney, of flowers, fruits, &c. feprefenting the four feafons. Mr. G A R D N O R, Majler of the Academy , Kenfmgton-fquare. 100 * A large landfcape and figures, in oyl. io 1 * A ditto. 102 * A landfcape, feen through a window. 103 A drawing, with afpecimenof penmanlhip. 104 * A drawing in Indian ink. 105 A teinted drawing Mr. GARD NOR’s Mr. GARDNOR’s Pupils. xo6 A landfcape in Indian ink, with a fpecimen of penmanffiip. 107 A piece of flowers in water colours, with ditto. 108 A ditto. Mr. G A R D N O R, jun. 109 * A drawing 110 A ditto Mr. GEORGE, near Hatton-garden. 111 A portrait, in crayons. 112 A ditto. 113 A ditto. Mr. G O L D A R, at Mrs. Mathews's, Brook-Jlreet , Holborn. 114 A proof print, from a picture of Mr. Collet’s. Mr. JOHN GRIFFITHS, Middle Temple-lane. 11 5 * Enthufiafm difplayed, in the charafter of a methodift preacher and his congregation in Moorfields. 116 * A deception. Mr. H A M I L T O N, at Mr. Lee's, Broad-court, Long-acre. 117 A fmall whole length of an officer. 1 1 8 A ditto. — Mr. THOMAS HEAR N, at Mr. Bijbop's, Maiden-lane . 119 * A landfcape. Mr. HEATHER, Pupil to Mr. George Smith, at Chichejler. 120 An auricula. 1 2 1 A thiftle. 122 A landfcape. 124 125 * A ditto. IO! SO! Mr. EDWARD HODGSON, in Mitre-court , St. Paul's- church-yard. 123 * A drawing in chalk, in the manner of Gio. Batta. Piazzeta. * A piece of flowers in water colours. .rpmacrrmyi to nsransrp e rinw c §niwBib A rot .;!ai n;v nl ni jjniwmb A * 401 Mr. KEAN, Mathematical and Dr awing-Mafler, Devonprre-Jlmt , - Red-lyon-fquare. 126 * A landfcape. Mr. J d . LEIGH No. L 9 J Mr. J J . LEIGH, near Doftors’-commons. 127 A fhip in diftrels, driving into a creek in a gale of wind. 128 The morning. 129 An evfening. 130 * A romantic view, with a rainbow •» wherein is introduced, the ftory of Perieus and Andromeda. Mr. MASON, Windmill-Jlreet , T ottenham-cour thread. 131 An etching, from a picture of Seignior Zuccarelli. 132 A ditto from Claude Lorain. 133 A ditto from Teniers. Mr. MURRAY, at the Violin , oppofite the Falcon , Fetter-lane, Fleet-Jlreet. 134 His own portrait, in oyl. 135 A gentleman in miniature. 136 A ditto. Mr. OVERTON, at Mr. Satcbell’s, Swit bin's-lane. i 3 7 * A large plan and elevation of the front of St. Peter’s cathedral at Rome. Mr. JOHN PARKER, Pupil to Mr. Smith of Chichejler, ^8 * A landfcape. 139 * A winter view. 140 A landfcape. 141 A ditto. Mr. SYDNEY PARKINSON, in Queen's-head-court, Windmill-Jlreet. 142 * A piece of flowers painted on filk. Mr. PARSONS, CaJile-Jlreet, Leicejler-fields. !43 * A piece of fruit. 144 * A ditto. Mr. THOMAS PINGO, fen. Great-kirby-Jlreet , Hatton-garden. - A coronation medal of Staniflaus Auguftus, king of Poland, from an original drawing fent from Warfaw. Mr. JOHN PING O, cf Great-kirby-Jlreet, Hatton-garden. 146 A medal of the battle at Plafiey. Mr LEWIS PINGO, in Great-kirby-Jlreet , Hatton-garden. 147 A model in wax of the king of Poland, from the above 14 8 A fmall model of a gentleman. _ Mr. P R A N K E R, c 10 J N °’ Mr PRANKE R, a in Bread-fired , «wr Carnaby-market. ,49 A»J^g for fpe-ge of England, fom *4 deigns of Me. Cipriani. 150 A ditto from ditto. 151 A ditto from ditto. ^ , Mifs READ, St. James s-flace, 152 The two young princes. i«2 A voung lady playing with a kitten. . Mr. EDMUND RICH, i# Bolfiverfireet, near Cavendtjh-/quart. lei. * Elevation of the weft-front of Moor-park- houfe, the feat of Sir Lau¬ rence Dundafs, Bart, near Rickmanfworth, Hertfordfhire. x r - * The ruins of the temple of Minerva, at Athens, drawn with a pen. Mr. ROGERS, Engraver and Enameller, at Dobfotfs China-Jboj>, in St. Martin's-cotcrt, near Leicejier-fields. 156 * The Lord’s prayer engraved in enamel in a ring, in lefs compifs than a filver penny. Mr. R O M N E Y, at No. 5. Coney-court, Gray's-inn. 157 * A lady’s head, in thecharafter of a faint, three quarters. 158 A portrait of a gentleman, three quarters. Mr. ROPER, Little St. Martin's-lane. 159 A portrait of a gentleman in oyl, kit-cat. 160 A ditto of himfelf, in crayons. 161 * A horfe and groom. • 1 - , Mr. RY SBRACK, . Cavendi/h-fquare. 162 The adoration of the golden calf, a drawing. 163 The apprehending of our Saviour in the garden, ditto. 164 The defcentof ./Eneas. Mr. D. SANDS, Bean-fired, Soho. 165 * The Afcenf ion, a drawing. Mr 7 ~~S*C H EEMAK-E R, in Vine-fireet, Piccadilly. 166 A model of Homer. 167 A model of a figure in Admiral Watfon’s monument. 168 A ditto of ditto. 169 A ditto of ditto. Mr. S C H E E M A K E R, jun. 170 Two round balfo relievos, reprcl'enting dancing nymphs, from the defig of Mr. Stuart. 171 A Bacchus, from ditto. 1 72 A frefh gale. Mr. SEYM OIT R, o A ns Mr. SCOTT. y 11 N<*. I (£ Olti I O • i nature, water-colours.. Mrs. SEYMOUR in PUfidd-Jlmt, floxton, nearShoreditch. 173 * A head of the king of Poland, cut on vellum with fciffars. 174 Alandfcape. 175 * A bunch of fancy flowers. Twelve watch papers in one frame. _ ' Mr. SAM. SIERVENT, Goldfmith, Rofoimn s-row, Chrkew ;... 177 * A fi'lver candleftick, richly ornamented. 77 Mr. GEORGE SMITH, of Chchejler. 178 * Spring. 179 Sun-fett. 180 Autumn, x 81 A landfcape. 182 * A ditto. -p ,82 * A piece of fruit on a plate. Mr. STUART, /» St. James s-fouare. 183 A view of ancient buildings in Athens, painted from natun 184 Ditto. \ , 185 Ditto. j&oiMai/bir ?J 186 D M°' DU T 1 JU 1 LLAY, at Mr. Bmnfield's, in Eaft-fmet, Red-lyon-fquare. tR 7 * Britannia encouraging am, xn enamel. ' 7 Mr- JOSEPH T R O U G H T, Draper s-court, Lothbury. T oo * A defian for*a country-houfe for a perfon of quality. f 88 Mr. F“ VANDERMIJN, King fireet, St. Anns, Soho. 189 * A portrait of a boy, half length. 190 * M?s° V AND ERMI J N, Great St. Andrew' s-Jlreet, Seven-dials. 101 A portrait of a young lady, whole length. , ,x* 9 Mr. VERSOHAEFELT, Chief Sculptor tohs Serene Highnefs the Elector Palatine. to2 * A large bas relief, in marble. 9 Mr. WttDIN G, at the Golden-headi .Sulton-Jlreet, Soho. 103 Two miniatures. . 7 i rJ . , Mr. WILKIN S, at Mr. Martin's, Broker, m Hcundfditch. 194 * A ftornl. —> * A ditto. 96 A light breeze. 97 A calm. 98 * A game cock/ Mr. JOHN No. .-<1 Mr. J O H N W I L L I A M S, Scotland-yard. 199 A young gentleman, whole length. 200 A ditto, three quarters. 201 A gentleman, ditto. 202 A lady, ditto. 203 A gentleman, ditto. 204 * James Dodd, the poetical foldier. Mr. JAMES WILLIAMS, at a Cabinet-maker's, eppo/nt the King's Head, the corner of Majham-ftreet, Wejtminfter. 205 * A deception 206 * A piece of fruit. 207 * A piece of dill life. 208 * A leg of mutton. Mr. W O R L I D G E, Bcdford-Jlreet. 209 * A Head. 210 * A ditto in theftileof Rembrandt. Mr. ZUCCARELLI, Bond-Jlreet. 211 A landfcape, in which is introduced the ftoryof Cadmus killing thedragon. 212 A fmall landfcape. A GENTLEMAN at Woolwich. 213 * A fea-piece, by moonlight. 214 Innocence, a miniature, in enamel. The Rev. Mr. GYLES, at Worc^ter. 215 A fmall landfcape. Mr. JONES, at Darby. 216 A piece of fruit. Mifs ANGELICA KAFFMAN, at Rome. 217 A portrait of a gentleman. Mr. REDMOND, at Mr. Bruguires, Maxwell-Street, Soho. 218 A miniature of a young gentleman. ■ . •• • • 1 . n n I • 1 -. * " k ^ « I .'A /: -*.V A y*X 1 -. 0 K Id J A CATALOGUE © F THE Paintings, Sculptures, Architecture, Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. NOW EXHIBITIN G B Y T H E ARTISTS, ASSOCIATED FOR THE RELIEF of their Diftreffed BRETHREN, their WIDOWS, and CHILDREN, A T Mr. MOREING’s Great-Room, in MAIDEN-LANE, COVENT- GARDEN. Printed by JAMES HARRISON, Oppofite Stationer s’ - Hal l, Lodgate-Street, mdcclxvi. CATALOGUE, &c. Paintings, Sculptures, Architecture, Models, Drawings, Engravings, No. The Performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of. Mr. BARBOR, Furnival’s-inn-court, No. 4. -HEAD in chalks. Two miniatures. Mr. BARCLAY, Tottenham High-crojs. A print from the tryal Crown piece of Thomas Simon, in the poffeflion of Thomas Hollis, Eiq. 2 A portrait of a young gentleman in miniature. Mr. B A S I R E, Great gueen-Jlreet , Lincoln's- inn-fichh. 3 A portrait.. 4 A ditto. 5 A ditto. „ , _ _ 6 An engraving after a defign of Mr. Stuart. 7 A ditto in imitation of a drawing after Romanelli. Mr. BEAUPRE, at Mr. Barrett's, Mafon , Charing- crop, t A Iketch of a monument for Mr. Churchill. Mr. B E L L E R S, Pokin's-court , Fleet-Jimt. a * A piece of water at Woodford, in Efiex. jo * A view in a gentleman’s garden, at ditto, j 1 * A view from Staines-bridge. . , . , ,2 * Three vUm of Armahwaiie-bay m Comberlaad. D E t _ [ 4 ] No. „ Mr. BLONDE LL, at Mr. Rom tin's, in Panlcn-Jlreet , Lcicejler-fidds. 13 A view of the infide of a fepulchral church. 14 A fketch of the ruins of the temple of Union at Rome. 15 A ditto of the ruins of the monument of Bacchus at ditto. Mi". BOND, of Birmingham. 16 * A landfcape, with Sampfon and the Lyon. 17 * A ditto, with large cattle. 18 A ditto, and figures. 19 A ditto 20 * A ditto, with a water fall. Mr. B R O W N, No. 10. Clifford!s-ivn. 2 1 A young gentlemen, kit cat 22 A young lady, ditto. r t 1’ Mr. B U N C K, at Stangate , Lambeth.- 23 A candle-light. • 1 24 A Dutch girl, with a lamp. 25 * Jofeph and his Mitlrefs, ditto. 26 * A Madona. ‘ : ! " • 4 r t :,.t, » A • y . , * > g Mr. AARON CARPENTER, Middle Scotland-yard , oppoftt the Admiralty. 27 Nine imprefiions from engravings on Reel. Mr. CARPENTIERS, Charles- ft rest. Covent-garden. 28 A portrait of a gentleman, half length. 29 Ditto of a lady, three quarters. 30 Ditto of his own portrait. 31 * A landfcape. 32 * A ditto with figures. 33 * A ditto with a Diogenes. CHEVALIER CAS S A L I, Cerard-ftreet , Soho. 34 * Mary Magdalen weeping. 35 * Lucretia complaining to her friends, in chiaro ofcuro. 36 * Jupiter, a bufto, ditto. 37 * Lucretia, ditto. 38 * A paftoral picture. 39' * Ditto, it’s -com panion. 40 * Our Saviour fleeping with Cherubs. <» 01 11 LI Mr. CHAM- No. 4 * 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5 1 5 2 53 54 55 5 6 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 [ s 3 Mr. CHAMBERS, at Mr. Standees, near Red-lyon-Jlreet, Hotter n, A defign of a tomb. The arms of the Hon. Howard family.' Cypher and creft of ditto. Initials of a gentleman’s name and creft. * Coronet and cypher. * A head of one of the kings of Colen- * A pomegranate. * Appear. * An apple. Mifs C H A R P I N, No. 7, Broad-ftreet , Carnaby-market. > Stained marble. A gentleman in miniature. Mr. C H I N N E R Y, jun. Gough-fquare. A portrait, in crayons. Mr. C L E V E L E Y, at Deptford. * A ftorm.—The prince andprincefs of Brunfwick going over to Holland. * A fleet of (hips of war coming to an anchor. * The Lord Clive and the Ambufcade taking Nova-Colonia in the river Plate- Mr. COLLET, at Mr. Walker' s, James-Jlreet, Covent-garden. A modern facrifice. The lazy lover, — it’s companion. An eflay on woman. * Grown gentlemen learning to dance. A portrait of a gentleman. Mr. COOLE Y, at Mr. My he's, in Arundel-ft red. A geometrical view of St. Stephen’s church, Wallbrook. Mr. COPE, at Sir Samuel Fludycr's, Bafmghall-Jlreet. * A fruit-piece, in crayons. Mr. COSWAY, near Beaufort-buildings , in the Strand. A portrait of a lady, three quarters. A ditto of a young gentleman. Mr. CROSSE, at the Naked-Boy, Henrietta-Jlreet , Covent-garden. A miniature of a gentleman, enamel. A fquare picture, in water colours. Mr. DANIEL, * No. [ 6 ] Mr. DANIEL, in the Old-bailey. 66 A large piece of dead game. Mr. DAWES, at Mr. Brifbayne' s, Green-Jlreet , Leicefler-fields 67 * The dying ufurer, or the wife the phyfician. Mr. D O D D, at Bozo. 68 A lady, in crayons. 69 An old gentleman, ditto. Mr. ELMER, of Farnbam, Surry. 70 * Pheafant, wild duck and partridges. 71 * Wild fowl. 72 * A brace of carp. , 73 * Fruit. 74 * Ditto. 75 * Ditto 76 * Woodcocks and a fnipe. 77 * Brace of partridges. 78 * Fruit. 79 * Dead game. 80 * North view of Farnham-caftle. Mifs. FILLONNIERE, the corner of Knowls's-court , Little Carter-lane . 81 * A flower-piece. Mr. FROST, EJfex-ftreet , Strand. 82 A miniature. Mr. G A R D N O R, Majier of the Academy at Kenfmgton. 83 A landfcape in oil. 84 Ditto. 8 5 A view of Windfor Caftle, in ditto. 86 A view near Kew, withadiftant view of the prince of Wales’s Houfe, in Indian ink, with a fpecimen of penmanihip. 87 A ditto of Chepftow-Caftle, in Monmouthihire, with ditto. Mr. GARDNOR, jun. 88 A teinted drawing. 89 A ditto. Mr. GARDNOR’s [ 7 3 Mr; GARDNOR’s Pupils. co A drawing. , . , 91 A ditto, with a landfcape feen througn a window. By a GENTLEMAN. 92 * A landfcape and figures. By a GENTLEMAN. 93 * St. Terefia, in the manner of Andrea Sacchi. -j- 93 * St. Francis, ditto. By a GENTLEMAN. 94 A gale. &c * A calm. , J Mr. GEORGE, near Hat ton-gar den. 96 A portrait of a lady, in crayons. 97 A gentleman, ditto. Mr G O L D A R, at Mr. Holland’s, in New North-Jlreet , Red-lyon-fquare 98 An unfinilhed print, from a picture of Mr. Collet, call’d the honey-moon. Mr. GRIFFITHS, Middle Temple-lane. 99 A view, of the infide of the Temple church. 100 A deception. Mr. HEARN, at Mr. Wosllett’s, Long court, Leicejler-fields. 101 Adrawing of Malmlbury abbey, Wiltlhire. Mr. HILL S, Seal Engraver , at the Crown in Weft-Smithfield. T02 A frame of impreffions of feals. Mr. HODGSON, in Mitre-court, St. Paul’s-church-yard. 103 * A flower piece. Mr. HOOD, Limehoufe. -f- 103 A large fea-piece, in Indian Ink. Mi fa HUMPHREYS, at Mr. Humphreys’ s Shell-war,eboufe, St. Martin’s lane.' 104 * A piece of flowers in {hell-work. Mifs ANGELICA r « 1 No. Mifs ANGELICA KAUFFMAN, at Rome. 105 A fliepherd and flaepherdefs in Arcadia, moralizing at the fide of a fepul- chre, whilft others are dancing at a diftance. Mr. KEAN, Drawing-Mafier, little Dean's-Tard, Wefiminfier. + 105 A landfcapc from nature. Mifs LABAR, at No. 3. Warwick-eourt , Hdborn. 10 6 Alandfcape worked in human hair. By a LADY. 107 Flowers and infefts, in watercolours. By a young LADY. t 107 A madona. Mr. L E I G H. 108 The morning. 109 * The departure, with a gale coming on. 110* The tempell, with a wreck. 111 * A moon-light. CHEVALIER MANINI, New Bond-fireet. 112 * Religion. 113 * Britannia encouraging the Arts. —Raphael and Michael Angelo in the back ground. 114 * A crucifixion. 115 Piftura. Mr. MASON, Windmill-fireet, Tottenham-court-road. 116 A view in Kew Gardens, from a drawing, by Mr. Woollet. 117 A ditto from ditto. 118 An etching of Lord Weftmoreland’s houle, from ditto. Mr. 1 HOMAS MAY, jun. FLumfiy , Hampjbire. t 118 A model, in wax. Mr. M E L L I S H, Hoxton-fquare. 119 A moon light, with fhipping. 120 A view of Dover, with ditto. CHE \ AL 1 ER MENCKS, Principal painter to the King of Spain 1 1 1 A magdalen. Matter MILE S, at the Rev. Mr. Barclay's, at Tottenham High-crofs. 122 Miniature of a hori'e. . Mr. THOMAS I 143 An engraving from a pidture of Mr. George Smith. Mr. MURRAY, at the Violin, oppofite the Golden F.alcon, Fetter-lane, pltet-ftreet. 124 A portrait of a gentleman. 125 Ditto of a lady. Mr. NOLLIKENS, on his Jludies at Rome. 126 Two vidtors in the Panathenean games. Mr. OVERTON, at Mrs. Williams’s, in Bafing-lane. 12 7 Plan and geometrical elevation of a large country Houfe for a perfon of quality. 128 Elevation of the principal front of the fame Houfe towards the garden. Mr. P A R K E R, of Chichefter. 129 * A landfcape. 130 * A ditto + 130 * Two ditto. Mr. SYDNEY PARKINSON, in Queen's-head-court. Windmill-fireet , Hay-market. 131 * A piece of flowers 132 * A ditto 133 * A drawing in red chalk. Mr. C. P H I L I P S, at Mr. Philips's, Attorney, in Cajlle■ court, Fulwoods Rents. 134 Venus and Cupid from a picture of Francifco, Salviati in Capt. Gar¬ dener’s colledtion. Mr. PICARD, Hanover-fir eet, near Caflle-firect, Long-acre. 1 pc A head of the Duke of Cumberland, in mother of pearl. Mr. THOMAS P I N G O, Gray's-inn-lane. 136 Two medals engraved to (trike gold and filver on the eledlion ot his Royal Elighnefs Prince Frederick to the bifhoprick of Ofnaburgh. 137 A pattern of a crown piece of Staniflaus Auguftus King of Poland. Mr. LEWIS P I N G O, Gray's-inn-lane. 138 A fmall model in wax, of a young gentleman. Mr. P O W L E, Pupil to Mr. V/orlidge. 119 A quarter half length, in oyl. 140 Aminiature. C Mr. FRANKER [ 10 ] No. Mr, FRANKER, Brond-Jlrttt, Stb», j41 The elevation and fcdfion of a temple, from the defigns of Mr. Overton Mr. RED M O N D, at Mr. Bruguire's , Masnvell-ftmt, Scbo. 142 A miniature. 143 A ditto Mr. ROMNEY, at No. 5. Coney -court, Gray' s-inn. 144 A conversation. J45 A portrait of a gentleman, three quarters. Mr. T. RYDER, at Mr. Ba/ire’s, Great Queen ftreet, Lincoln's-Inn- field} 146 A drawing after le Moyne. Mr. R Y S B R A C K, Cavendifb-fquare. 147 CoriolariUs. 148 Diana giving her nymphs orders to chace. 149 Carrying an Officer to interment. Mr. S A R N E Y. 150 A piece of flowers in water colours. Mf. S C H E E M A K E R, in Vine fireet , Piccadilly. f 150 A model of a monument. -f 151 A bufto in marble. Mr. T. SCHEEMAKER, Vine- fireet, Piccadilly. 151 A model — Paris conducing Helen to the fei-fide. 152 A ditto—Quintus Cincinnatus recalled from his retirement to the di£ta- torffiip. JOHN SHACKLETON, Efq. principal painter in ordinary to bis Majejly. 153 A gentleman, whole length. 154 Lord Northumberland’s Armenian, a portrait. ■j- 154 A portrait. Mrs. SEYMOUR, in Pitfield-Jlreet, Hoxton. 155 * An ornament for a coat of arms, cut in vellum with fcifiars. 156 * A cypher, the fize of a watch paper, ditto. Mr. S M I T H, of Chicbejler. 157 * A large landfcape and figures. 158 A fmall ditto. 159 A winter piece. 1 60 A froft piece The C |‘ ] Ns, The Rev. Mr. SPOONER, of Chejhaw, Bucks, 161 *His own portrait. Mr. STUART, Oxford-Real 161 The ftory of Ulyfles and Naufica.—Homer’s Odyft. being a {ketch fop a larger picture. 163 A view of the amphitheatre of Pola in Iftria, in water colours, from nature, 164 A ditto of the temple in Pola, dedicated to Rome and Auguftus, ditto. I.65 A ditto of the temple of Minerva Polia, in the citadel of Athens, ditto. 166 A ditto of the temple of Thefeus in the city of Athens, ditto. 167 A drawing of the ftory of Cyrus, Eleazor, and Nebuchadnezzar, from the travels of Cyrus, written by the late chevalier Ramfey. 168 A ditto of a fawn and nymphs dancing in honour of Bacchus. MODELS from the DESIGNS of Mr. STUART. 169 Cupid unveiling Modefty, by T. Scheemaker. 170 Cupid prefenting the enfigns of vidory to Venus, after Ihe has gained the golden apple, by ditto. 171 A nymph lupplying Bacchus with wine. Mr. T O W N E, oppofite Beaufort-Buildings , Strand. 172 A water-fall. 173 A landfcape. Mr. TROUGHT, Chelfea. 174 A general plan and elevation, for a country villa for a perfon of quality. 175 Plan, elevation, and fedion for an affembly room intended to be built at Chelfea. • Mr. VANDER HAGEN, at Mr. Ry/lrack's j7 6 A bafto relievo in marble of a nymph and genii. 177 A ditto of a facrifice to Hercules. Mr. F. VANDER M I J N. *78 ‘A portrait of a gentleman, three quarters. j 79 A ditto. j8o A ditto. 181 A ditto of a young gentleman. Mrs. VANDER M I J N. 18 2 A portrait of a lady, three quarters. Mr. WILKINS, at Mr. Sadler's, Red-lyon-Jlreel, 183 A fleet coming to an anchor in a gale. 184 * A fhipwreck. f 184 A fea-piece. Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, Great Scotland-yard, oppefite the Admiralty. 185 A gentleman, half length. 186 An old man, kit cat, 187 A C '*.] No. 187 A gentleman, three quarters. 188 Ditto, ditto. 18q Ditto, ditto. . Mr. TAMES WILLIAMS, at Mrs. Pitre s, Box-maker, in St. Martin's-lane. 190 * A deception. 191 * Ditto. 192 * Ditto. Mr. WORLIDGE, in Great Queen-flreet, Lincoln s-lnn-FicUs. 194 His wife and fon, a whole length. iqc William Kenrick, Efq. three quarters. 196 The hundred guilder print after Rembrandt. 107 The head of Medula, antique. 97 Mrs. WORLIDGE. 198 A landfcape in needle work. 199 A model of the Queen. 200 A ditto of the duke of York. Mr. ZAFFANII, Lincoln s-Inn-Fields. 201 Their Royal Hjghneffes the Prince of Wales and Prince Frederick as cupids, with a landfcape on copper. Mr. Z U C C A R E L L I, Piccadilly. 202 A large landfcape, with the ftory of Dejanira. O 203 A polianthus. 204 His own portrait M I T T T E By a GENTLE M A N • By a GENTLE M A N. D. By a GENTLEMAN. oqc An impreflion of the Great Seal. Mr. MOORE. 206 A lady’s head, a model. 207 A child s head, ditto. 208 Boys with a bird’s neft, ditto. 209 A bull of a gentleman. 210 Two bafib relievos of cattle, in marbie. S. A CATALOGUE or THE Paintings, Sculptures, Archite&ure, Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. NOW EXHIBITING BY THE FREE SOCIETY of artists, associated for the RELIEF of their Distressed and Decayed BRETHREN, their WIDOWS and CHILDREN, at the two new great exhibition-rooms in PALL-MALL, next the Bottom of the HAY-MARKET. *% # $ ts k. jd PRINTED for the S O C I E 1 Y, tMES HARRISON, O PPOSITE TO STATIONER S’-HALE. M DCC LXVII. » .sfefcoM { o-iu/j 3 jirbiA .spriiln r 7 . •1 «8TSI FisA £o Y 1J1I308 >!•;! L f u 2 v a : •> .> ? a ■ Y / ! j;! '^noj .• . . i ,■ T a / iv .,K ,* <• «Y T a I o o kt V V .« rr t 7 -* 1 1 JA .i* i n - *■« , t 3bl « « * •fr z*h K m t w W $ JWK & « 3 HC f X <§• A CATALOGUE, & c . Paintings, Sculptures, Architecture, Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. No. The performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of; and thole bus marked § are in the Print Room. Mr. ALLEN, MaJham-Jlreet, JVeJlminfter 1 FJRfiRPSLARGE fea-piece. $ A S JAMES PETTIT ANDREWS, Efqr«* Jg^ honorary Exhibitor. 2 § A Iate fliipwrecfc in the Me of Wight, 3 §An infide view of a cave near the Needles. 4 §An outfxde view of ditto. 1 Drawings all taken on the fpot. Mr. BALDWIN, No. 2. Fleet-ditch. 5 § A P lan of a country feat for a nobleman. 6 §The elevation of ditto. 7 §A fedbion of ditto. 8 §The geometrical plan and elevation of Black-fryars bridge. 9 §A plan of the intended regifter-office for Scotland. 10 §The elevation and fedbion of ditto. 11 §A defign of a temple. 12 §A geometrical engraving of the front of Holkham-hall in Norfolk. Mr, T BANK S, t ♦ ] Ko - Mr. T. BANK S, Not BM-fimU 0^rl-r«i. ,i SThe ranfotning the body of Heftor. Mr BARBER, ct Mr. 14 A portrait of . gentleman in^rge — j 5 Ditto of a lady, Mr WILLIAM BARCLAY, *>«»*»> l6 $A miniature of an old gentleman. !s JulteSW, fron^a- “ tU l oe - in §DittoNar. Lee in Bedlam. 20 §Ditto Algernon Sidney. 21 §Ditto devout fingers. Mri B A S I R E, .^f^^Sffpiaore of 22 kA whole length engraving of Lord Lao, Mr. Reynolds, in Guildhall. Mr. R O B E R T B E E S L Y, in HOkfr*. St. Luk,\ 2 3 § A deception. 24 § A fruit-piece 25 $lt’s companion. 26 § A fruit-piece. 27 §Ditto. 28 §Ditto fmall. 29 §Ditto larger. Mr. BELLERS, Poppin's-court, Fleet-jlreei. 3 0 A view of Winander Meer, a fun fet. „ I §*A moon light in Crayons. 22 ^Afun-fet, ditto, it’s companion. i*A view towards Cumberland fort, near Portfmouth. f k*A view of Ulfwater towards Penrith beacon. oc k*a ditto towards Water Millock. Mr. B L O N D E L L ' No. [ s ] Mr. blondell; 3 6 §Fourteen drawings in one frame, being different defigns in architec¬ ture, compofed in the ancient Roman, and Egyptian manner. 37 §A ruin, a compofition. 38 §The infide of St. Stephen’s Walbroke, fcraped by himfelf after his own drawing in the cabinet of his Majefty. Mr. BOND, at Birmingham . 39 *A large landfcape and figures. 40 *The Ihepherds keeping their flocks by night. 41 *A landfcape and figures. 42 A ditto. 43 *A land ftorm. 44 *A ditto. 45 ^Haymakers going out in the morning. 46 *The return of the haymakers in the evening. 47 *A landfcape and figures. Mr. BROWN, fent in by James Pettit Andrews , E/f. 48 A Iquirrel. 49 A Angular kind of parroquet. Mr. N A T H A N I E L B R O W N, /No. 10. Clifford's-inn. 50 §A young lady, three quarters. 51 §A gentleman, ditto. 52 §A fmall head. Mr. J. H. BUNCK, Stangate, Lambeth. 53 §*A view on the Rhine, with a view of the Alps. 54 §*Chrift feeding the multitude, 55 *A boy and girl with a moufe trap, candle light. 56 §*Chrift delivering the woman taken in adultery. 57 *A woman with a lamp. 58 *A philofopher, candlelight. Mr. CALVERT, pupil to Mr. Moore, in Berner's-Jlreet, Oxford-road. 59 §A baffo relievo in Portland ftone.—the death of Socrates. 60 §A drawing—a head of Scipio Africanus. 61 §A ditto of Democritus. B Mr, CHARLES [r 6 ] Mr. CHARLES CAMERON, next door to Lord Egremont's No. Piccadilly. 6 a_§A proof print of the ancient Thermo. 63 §A ditto. 64 §A ditto. 65 §A ditto. 66 §A ditto. 67 §A ditto. Mr. AARON CARPENTER, //fo Corner of Little Chapel . Jireet, oppofite Lady D'Acres's Alms Houfes. 68 §A frame of eighteen imprefiions, from engravings bn fteel. Mr. CARTWRIGHT, at Mr. Morton's , White-horfe-yard, Clare-market. ■ L 69 §A portrait of a gentleman’s head, three quarters. 70 *A fancy head. Mr. CASANOVA, Bond-Jlreet: < 71 A large battle-piece. 72 An army palling the Alps, with their march and repofe. CHEVALIER CASSALI, Gerard-Jlreet, Soho. 73 *Virtue. 7 74 *Fame, it’s companion. 75 *The judgment of Paris. 76 ^Bacchus. 77 *Cupid, it’s companion. 78 *Mater Dolorofa. 79 §*A balfo relievo, chiaro ofcuro. , -:u\» M-fb ilhfio-.f J Mr. ROBERT CHAMBERS, next the Sun and Dove, High. Holborn. 80 §A tablet, with initial letters and creft.’ ' 81 §A creft of a coat of arms. 82 ^Initial letters. 83 §*An apple. 84 §*A pear. 85 §*A cucumber, 86 §*A peach. 87 §*A tulip. 'Stained marble. Mife No. [ 7 ] Mifs C H A R P I N, No. 7. Broad-fireet , Soho. 88 §A portrait of a gentleman in miniature. 89 §Ditto of a lady. Mr. CLEVELEY, at Deptford. 90 *The landing of her Majefty at Harwich. 91 *A view of Gillingham fort —a fun fet. Mr. CLEVELEY, jun. at Deptford. 92 §*A drawing from a print of Mr. Gainlborough. 93 §*A fmall fogg — a drawing. Mr. COLLETT, at Mr. Walker's , Cabinet-maker, James-Street , Covent-garden. 94 *A lyon and lyonefs. 95 *A view of Mr. Garrick’s temple at Hampton. 96 *A landfcape with cattle. 97 The difcovery, or virtue in danger. 98 *A recruiting ferjeant perfuading a countryman to enlift. 99 *A refcue, or the Tars triumphant. Mr. COOLEY, at Mr. Maine's, Arundel-Street , Strand. 100 §A defignfor a houfe near town.] Mr. DANIEL, in the Great Old-bailey. 101 *A piece of ftill Life. Mr. DAWES, at Mr. Brijbayne's, Green-Jlreet, Leicejler-felds. 102 *The hen-peck’d hufband. Mr. D E R M O T, at Bow. t 103 §*A mandarin. 104 §*A lady, it’s companion. 105 §*A bonza 106 §*A bonzefs Mr. D E V I S, Great Queen-Jlreet, Lincolns-inn-fields. 107 A lady, whole length. 108 A gentleman on horfeback. 109 A fmall portrait. Mr. D O D D, [[ 8 1 Mr. D O D D, in Portland-row , near the Chapel. 110 Mr. Garrick between tragedy and comedy, in crayons, larger than the metzotinto print. A portrait of a gentleman, ditto. §A mcthodift holding forth in a garret—A (ketch in chiaro ofcuro. Mr: ELMER, of Farnham , Surry. 113 *A heron and fpaniel. 114 *A hare, pheafant, &c. 115 *A brace of pheafapts. 116 *A hare, partridges, pheafant, &c. 117 *A brace of partridges. No iix 112 .12; i: - ;: Xtci -niiiiO 'f t . ,0 3lorr:t .iVvTo-j i: •nribsohs l-tnovi i ’IiiW iO An 7 insw* t • ..3 10 118 *A jay, thrufh, &c. 1x9 * A hawk and lapwing. 120 *A flower piece. 121 *Plu mbs and peaches. 122 *Grapes. .no: 123 *A bafket of ftrawberries. 124 *Fruit and flowers. J25 *Fruit. ; am: 126 * A medley. i 2 j §*A cock pheafant, teal, and woodcock. 1^8 *A pheafent, partridges, &c. Mrs. MARIANNE FILLONNIERE, the corner.of Knowles's-court, Car ter-lane, Doftors-commons. *29 §*A garland of ever-greens, and fpring flowers. Mafter FLAXMAN, at Mr. Flaxman's, New-ftreet, Covent-garden. 130 §A large model of Hercules in plaifter. 131 § A ditto of Omphale ditto Mr. G A N T H O N Y, Mafter of Billingfgate-ward Jchool. 132 §The crucifixion in a curious piece of miniature writing, containing the 19th chapter of St. John (being 42 verfes) and part of the 53d. chapter of Ifaiah. Mr. JOHN GARDNOR, Mafter of the Academy in Kenfmgton-fquart. X33 *A large landfcape in oyl. 134 * A ditto.. 135 A fmall ditto. 136 § A drawing in black-lead pencil, with a fpecimen of penmanfhip. 137 §A view of Alfcot houfe and park, in Indian ink, with ditto. Mr. GARD NOR’s [ 9 ] No. Mr. G A R D N O R’s pupils. 138 §A view of Windfor caftle, &c with a fpecimen of penmanfhip. 139 §A landfcape with ditto. Mr. RICHARD GARDNOR, Drawing-mafter. 140 §A teinted drawing. 141 §A ditto. 142 §A piece of flowers in water colours. Mr. EDMUND GARVEY, at Mr. Hargreaves, Upholder » near Slaughter's, Coffee-houfe, St. Martin's-lane. 143 A view of Rome from the Florence road. 144 A view from Albano towards Rome. 145 A view of the lake of Nemea towards Larifla. 146 A view near the grand Chartrufe in Dauphine. A GENTLEMAN. 147 A landfcape and figures. 148 A landfcape. 149 A ditto. 150 §*A fmall landfcape with water-falls. 151 §*A bridge in ruins. A GENTLEMAN at Chatham. 152 *A large fea-piece. 153 *A ftrong gale. 154 A fea port. 155 *A view. 1 r,6 *A ditto. A GENTLEMAN. 157 A bunch of grapes—a drawing. A GENTLEMAN. 158 §A drawing of the Tank or Pool of Teppy Colum, near Madura in the Eaft-Indies. 159 §Ditto the entrance to the pagoda of Serringham in the Eaft-Indies. 160 §Ditto a choultry (or place of refrefhment) a building common on the road in Indoftan. 161 §A miniature of Anaverdy Ally Caun, Nabob of Arcot, painted from the life. A GENTLEMAN. 162 *A landfcape. C Mr. J OH N [ 1 ° ] No. Mr. JOHN GRIFFITH S, Middle Temple. 163 §A perfpedtive view of the infide of the middle Temple Hall. 164 §A dog.] 165 §A cat. • Mr. IIAGART Y, Queen-ftreet, Golden-fquare. 166 §A Landfcape. Mr. DU HAMEL, at Mrs. Eckle's, Churcb-Jlreet, St. Ann's , Soho. 167 § A painting, bas-relief, boys returning from thcchace. 168 §A ditto, ditto, the fame fubjedt. 169 A fketch in colours, from a capital pidture of Rubens, the property of Mr. Du Hamel, reprefenting the Continence of Scipio. The original is 9 feet, 8 inches, by 12 feet, 2 inches. 170 § A drawing, from ditto. Mr. SILVESTER HARDEN, honorary Exhibitor. 171 § A miniature of a lady. 172 §Ditto of gentleman—firft attempt. 1 73 §A fmall half length in oil, ditto. Mr. THOMAS HEARN, at Mr. Woollet's, Long's-court, Leicejler fields- 174 § A print engraved after a pidture of Mr. Richards. 175 §*A Drawing. Mr. HEINS, at Mr. Cabufac's near St. Clement's Church , Strand. 176 A portrait of a gentleman. Mr. J. HILLS, Seal Engraver , No. 40, Fetter lane, Fleet-Jlreet. 177 §A Frame of Imprefiions in wax. Mr. EDW. HODGSON, Drawing-Mafter in Oxendon-Jlreet, Hay-market. 178 *A piece of flowers, water colours. 179 *A ditto. Mr. FRANCIS HOLMAN, Bell-Dock , Wapping. 180 §The Prince George, admiral Broderick, in the Bay of Bifcay, on the 13th of April, 1758. 181 §A lea convoy in a ftorm. 182 §Eaft India flapping turning towards the Downs, with a view of Kingf- gate, in the ifle of Thanet. Mr. HOOD, Limehoufe. 183 §*A ftorm, with ftiips in diftrefs. 184 § A ditto, with a light-houfe. Mifs. ELIZABETH [ 11 ] No. Mifs ELIZABETH HUMPHREY, near New-fireet, St. Martin's-lane, 185 §*Two birds in Ihell-work, on a rock, decorated with corals, fea- plants, &c. Mr. J O U F F R O Y, in the Hay-market. 186 A portrait of a lady. 187 *King David and Bathiheba, on glafs. Mr. KEAN, writing and drawing mafier, Little Dean's-yard, Wejlminjler. 188 A landfcape. 189 A ditto from nature. Mr. KITCHINGMAN, at the Naked Boy, Bedford-Jireet , Covent-garden. 190 A large miniature. Mifs L A B A R, No. 3. Warwick-court , Holhorn. 191 §A landfcape in human hair. By a LADY from Nuremberg , font in by James Pettit Andrews, Efq. 192 An auricula. 193 An hyacinth. By a LADY. 194 §*A medley. By a young LADY, at Mrs. Walkingame's Boarding-fchool, Kenfington. 195 §A flower piece in water colours. Mr. L ELG H, near Doctors-commons. 196 *The evening, a large landfcape, with an antique temple, and paflengers waiting for the ferry-boat. 197 *A ftorm, with the effedt of lightening, and a wreck. 198 *A tempeft, with the deftrudtion of a watch-tower, and a fhip foundring. 199 A landfcape and figures—-A fketch of mid-day. Chevalier M A N I N I, New Bond-Jlreet. 200 Britannia giving a reward to a young ardfi:; Raphael and Michael Angelo looking on. 201 All beings paying their tribute to fpring. 202 Ariadne with her children. 203 Silvia and Dorinda —Paftor Fido. 204 The judgment of Paris. Mr. MASON, Windmill-fireet, Tottenham-court-road. 205 An engraved view of Pembroke town and caftle, after a capital pidture painted by Mr. R. Wilfon. Mr. GEORGE MAY , of Rumfey, Hants. *06 A model of a lady’s head in wax. Mr. MERCATI, [ 12 ] Mr. MERCATI* at Mr. Brum's, carver, in Princes-fireet, Cavendi/h-faum. 207 §A deception. Matter MILES, at the Rev. Mr. Barclay's, Tottenham, Middle/ex. 208 §A horfe. Mr. MOOR E, Berner's-Jlrect, Oxford-road. 209 §A marble flat vie, whole length, the portrait of a gentleman. 210 §A bnftoof clay-~A ditto. 211 §A marble baflo-relievo, a fhepherd and flock. 212 §A ditto of a centaur, from the painting in Herculaneum. 213 § A model of a dog in clay. Matter MOOR E. 2 14 §A head in red chalk. 215 §A ditto. 216 §A model of goats in clay. 217 §Ditto a flag and dog, ditto. 218 §Ditto a boar and dog, ditto. Mr. M ORLAND, in Noel-Jlreet, the upper end of Berwick-JiretL 219 A portrait of his Majefty. 220 Ditto of her Majefty. 221 An hiftorical head. 222 Ditto. 1 223 Ditto. 224 Ditto. 225 A girl finging ballads, in oil. 226 A boy delivering a letter to the poft, ditto. 227 §A beggar boy. 228 §A boy playing with a moufe. 229 A portrait of an officer. 230 A portrait of a lady, in crayons. 231 *A young lady in a Turkilh drefs, ditto. Mr. MORRIS, at Mr. Woollett's Long's-ceurt, Leicefter-fitlds. 232 §A print engraved after a pifture of Mr. Wilfon. Mr. JAMES M U N N, in St. Martin's-lane. 233 §A landfcape in Indian ink. 234 §A head on vellum, black lead. Mr. MURRAY, No. 17, Shoe-lane , Fleet-Jlreet. 235 §A miniature of his Majefty. 236 § Ditto of a lady. Mr. PARSER No. C i? ] Mr. PARKER, at Stangate, Lambeth. 237 §*A large landfcape. 238 *A fmall ditto, 239 * A ditto. Mr. C. PHILLIPS, No. 18. Crown-court , Bow-fir eet, Covent-garden. 240 §Stealing the bleffing, from a pifture of Spagnioletti, in the colle&ion of the Earl of Chefterfield. Mr. DANIEL PINCOT, artificial Stone-manufatturer, in Goulfion-fquare, White-chapel. 241 § A landfcape. 242 ^Several pieces of artificial ftone. 243 §Ditto. 244 §Ditto. 245 §An antique baffo relievo, in artificial ftone, unburned. Mr. THOMAS P I N G O , at the Golden Head, on the paved Stones, Graf s-inn-lane. 246 §A copper medal of Charles Lord Camden, defigned by Mr. Stuart. Mr. LEWIS P I N G O, at the Golden Head, on the paved Stones, Graf s-inn-lane. 247 §A model in wax. 248 §A ditto. 249 §A ditto. Mr. J. P O I T V I N, Eagle-fireet, Red-lyon-fquare. 250 §A Dutch maftiff. Mr. ROMNEY, at No. 5. Coney-court, Graf s-inn-lane. _ _ 251 Portraits of two fitters, half length. Mr. RUNCIMAN, at Mr. Read's, Taylor, King-fireet,-Golden-fquare. 252 *Silenus and Satyrs. 253 Danae. 254 §*A ftorm. 255 *Aftnall landfcape. Mr. T. RYDER, at Mr. Bafire's, Great Queenfireel, Lincoln’s-inn-fields. 256 §A drawing of the Virgin, our Saviour, and St. John, after Barroccio. Mr. R Y S B R A C K, Vere-fireet, Oxford-chapel. 257 §The aflumption of the Vigin Mary. 258 §Melchizedeck offering refrefhment to Abraham and his people. 259 §Jofeph fold by his brethren. D Mr. SCHEEMAKER, [ 14 ] No. Mr. SCHEEMAKER, Vine-fireet, Piccadilly. 260 §Pudicitia. 261 ^Eloquence. Mr. T. SCHEEMAKER, Vine-firset , Ptccaduly. 262 §A baffo relievo, two boys playing with birds. Mr. JAMES SCOULER, at the two Red Lamps , n Great Newport -fir eet. Long-acre. 26 j A lady playing on the guitar, a miniature, from the life. Mrs. SEYMOUR, in Pitfield-fireet, Hoxton. 264 §A frame of various devices, cut in vellum with fcifiars, containing The Lord’s prayer, with her name, and date of the month and year, in the compafs of a filver three-pence. A cypher, with his Majefty’s creft. A cupid crowning two hearts. A George and the Dragon. A device. Mr. THOMAS SIMPSON, Red-fyon-fireet, CkrkenweU. 265 §A drawing from nature in water colours. 066 & A n O fiem.uorrl from a nii^VllTP nf VTf. Mr. SME ASTERS, at Mr. XeifeVs,Taylor, Rupert fir eet,near theHay-markt. 2 67 §*A landfcape and figures. ' Mr. GEORGE SMITH, from Chicbefier , at Mr. ’Thomas Bradfords, Stock-Broker, over againft Salijbury Court , Fleet-fir eet. 268 A large landfcape and figures. 269 A fmaller, ditto. 270 A ditto. 271 A ditto. 2/2 A ditto. The Rev. Mr. THOMAS SPOONER, of Cbejham , Buck 273 §A view in Chefham, with figures. Mr. JAMES STEWERT, War dour-fir eet, Soho 274 §A marble buft of a woman. Mr. STUART, Oxford-Road. 275 §A view of the arch of Adrian at Athens. 276 §A view of the remains of the aqueduft of Adrian. 277 §A view of the Panagia Spiliotiffa, or lady of the Grot, at Athens. Mr SWA IN E, lower end of Slretton-ground, Wefiminfier. 278 *Afrefhgale. 279 *A calm. 280 *A moon light. 281 *A landfcape and fhipping. Mr. TAYLOR, [ *5 3 No. Mr. TAYLOR, at Oxford , fent by James Pettit Andrews , Eft. 282 § A portrait. 283 § A ditto. 284 §A ditto. Mr. LA-TOUR, at Mr. Vanderdeijfeon , Great Pulteney-ftreet , Golden-fquare. 285 §*Emblematical figures, fupporting a medallion of the king, a whole length. 286 *Judith, a ditto. 287 §*Bacchanals. 288 A portrait of a gentleman. Mr. T R O U G H T, at Chelfea. 289 §A defign for a gentleman’s villa, intended to be built in the North Riding of Yorklhire. 290 §A defign calculated for a military gentleman, with regular ballions, in the angles of a fquare. Mr. VANDERGUCHT, at the Golden Head , Great Brook-ftr.Grofvenor-f. 29 x A poor man and his family. 292 A woman’s head in profile, from the life. 2Q2 §A portrait of a boy, ditto. r _ , . , Mr. VANDER HAGEN, at Mr. Ryjbrack’s , in Vere-fireet , Oxford-road. 294 § A bull of his Royal Highnefs the late Duke of Cumberland, in Ivory. 295 §Two girls, after Fiamingo, ditto. 296 §A medal of Rubens. 297 §A ditto of Vandyke. 298 §A ditto of Oliver Cromwell. Mr. VAND. MEULEN, in Little Caftle-Jir. oppoftte Winfley-fir. Oxford-market. 299 §*A baffo relievo, in marble — the fupplication of Veturia to her fon Coriolanus. Mr. F. VANDERMIJN, Broad-fleet, Soho. 300 A portrait of a gentleman. 301 §A ditto. 302 A ditto of a boy. 303 A ditto of a lady. 204 §A ditto 6 Mrs. VANDERMIJN. 305 *A large piece of fruit. 306 *A fmaller ditto. 307 *A ditto. 308 A ditto. 309 A i'ead of a boy. 310 A fmall flower piece. Mr. VOYER \ [ *6 ] No. Mr. VANDYKE, in Prince's-ftreet, oppeftte Gerrard-ftreet, Sofa, *311 A large whole length of a gentleman. 3 f 2 A whole length of a young gentleman. 313 A ditto 6i a child with a creolian fervant. 314 A portrait of a lady, three-quarters. 315 Ditto of a lady with a parrot, ditto. 316 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto. Mr. V O Y E R, at Mr. Weft's, Brazier, near the Blanket-war ehouft. Prince's-ftreet, S. Ann's. 217 §A piece of flowers in wax. Mr. W I L K I N S, Red-lyon-Jireet, Holborn. 318 A fea-piece — a hard gale with fhips on a lee fhore. 319 §A fleet of fhips coming to an anchor 320 Commodore Keppel in the Torbay, finking a feventy-four gun lhip, in the engagement off Belleifle. 321 The departure of the Queen of Denmark from Harwich. Mr. JAMES WILLIAMS, Mr. Duke's, the corntr of Chandois-ftreet, St. Martin's-lane. 322 §*A Diana and Endymion, a deception of an engraving. 323 A deception. p 324 §*Ditto, in imitation of black chalk. 325 §*Ditto, in imitation of red chalk. 326 §A clergyman, three quarters. Mrs. W O R L I D G E, Great Sfueen-ftreet, Lincoln's-im-fields. 327 The Duke of York in crayons. 328 A bunch of grapes in needle-work. 3 29 A portrait of a lady. 330 A ditto of a gentleman. Mr. ZUCCARELLI, Piccadilly. 331 Alandfcape with Figures. OMITTED. By a young GENTLEMAN, at Mr. Burgh's Academy, Newington-green. 332 §A landfcape in water colours. By a young GENTLEMAN, at the fame place. 333 §A landfcape in Indian ink. finis. A CATALOGUE 4 0 F T H E Paintings, Sculptures, Defigns m Architec¬ ture, Models, Drawings, Prints, &c. NOW EXHIBITING B Y T H E FREE SOCIETY of ARTISTS, associated for the RELIEF of their Distressed and Decayed BRETHREN, their WIDOWS and CHILDREN, A T T H E GREAT ROOM in P A L L n M A L E. Being the NINTH YEAR of their EXHIBITION. # * * # * * * %\ I ^ ^ 3L kj* JAMES PRINTED for the SOCIETY, HARRISON, OPPOSITE ST ATIONERS’-HALL.' \ mdcc LX VIII. ;; . ... efyhfy gtyOfo in cr> y o,,s - Mr. BALDWIN, Architect, St. Ann's court , Soh-fquare. 4 Elevation of a defign for a royal palace. 5 Section of St. Bride’s church, and elevation of the fteeple. 6 Perfpedtive view of a villa in Norfolk. 7 A defign for a new ftreet from Black-Fryers-bridge to Ludgate-ftreet. 8 Elevation of a defign for a gentleman’s country feat. 9 Sketch, of a cottage for a farmer in Suflex.. Mr. THOMAS [ 4 ] No. Mr. T H O M A S B A N K S, New Bird-fir eel, Oxford-road. io The judgment of Paris, a model. Mr. BARBER, at Mr, Singleton's, New Exchange-buildings, 11 A miniature, in oil. 12 A ditto, in water-colours. 13 A head in oil, as large as life. Mr. BARCLAY, at Tottenham, Middlefex. 44 A child’s head, in miniature. J, ^ Algernon Sidney, ditto. Mr. B A S I R E, Great Queen-fireet, Lincoln's-inn-fields. 16 A portrait of Mr. Lock, after a drawing by Cipriani. 17 An imitation of adrawing of Poufiin. 18 An imitation of a drawing of Rylbrack. 1 9 Six fmall academy figures. Mr . ROBERT B E E S L Y, in Helmet-row, St. Luke's. 20 *A fruit-piece. Mr. B E L L E R S, Poppin's-court, Fleet-fireet. 21 A fun-fet, moil. , 22 *A view of Derwent-water, in Cumberland. _ *A ditto of Greyftock church in ditto, terminating in Saddle-back. 24 *A ditto from Weatherel, towards Warwick banks, in ditto. *Ditto of Redbridge, from Eling, Hants. 26 ‘Ditto of Che-Tor, on the river Wye, Derbyfhire. 27 ‘Ditto of Penrith-caftle, in Cumberland. Mr. BOND, of Birmingham. 28 *A large landfcape and figures. 29 *A fmaller ditto. 3 0 *A ditto, with figures and cattle. 3 , *A ditto, it's companion. Mr. B R O M P T O N, V Mr. BROMPTON. 32 A gentleman, whole length. 33 Ditto, a half length. 34 A lady’s head, a fmall pidture in oil. 35 A lady, fmall whole length. Mr. NATHANIEL BROWN, No. 10, Clifford's -inn, 36 A portrait, kit-cat. 37 A ditto, ditto. 38 A ditto, three quarters. 39 A ditto, ditto. 40 *A flower-piece. 41 *A ditto. 42 *A landfcape. 43 *A fruit-piece. Mr. B U N C K, Stangate , Lambctb. 44 * A boy, drawing by candle-light. 45 *Dead game, and fruit. 46 *A holy family, in a landfcape. CHEVALIER CASSALI. 47 *Cleopatra. 48 *Boys and goats. 49 *Ditto. Mr. CHAMBERS, next door to the Sun and Dove, High Holborn. 50 A creft, ftained in marble. 51 *An apple, ditto. 52 *A pear, ditto. Mr. JOHN CLEVELEY, Deptford. 53 *A large fea-piece, with an Indiaman, B Mr. JOHN \ f 6 l No. Mr. )OHN C L E V E L E Y, jun. Deptford. 54 *Two drawings in one fame. Mr. C LO W E S, Gutter-lane , Cheapfide. 55 The hen-pecked hufband, a metzotinto, after Mr. Dawes. 56 The dying ufurer, or the wife the phyfician, a ditto after ditto. . <* „ - • f ef » - W . • - . * . v * „ Mr. COLLETT, at Mr. Walker's, James-Jlreet , Covent-garden. 57 *A landfcape. 58 The female bruifers, *9 The canonical beau. 60 A fmall piece of lyons. * . • | j / 1 ♦ 1 Mr. DAWES, at Mr. Brijbaynds , Green-Jlreet , Leieejler -fields. 61 A ftatute-hall. . , , Mr. D E V I S, Great Quem-freet, Uncobfs-'tnn-fulds. 62 A portrait, three quarters. '63 A ditto, fmall. ^ .'.[-it 64 A ditto, ditto. T . ,yod /.* • . jy; 1 ijo rt A* . Mr. D. DODD, in Portland-row, mar the chapel. (>5 A portrait of a lady of quality, in crayons. 66 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto 67 Ditto of Mr. Fielding, ditto. 68 Ditto of a young gentleman, ditto. 69 Ditto of Mr. Darley, ditto. 70 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto. 71 Ditto of a lady, ditto. 72 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto. 73 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto. 74 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto. 75 Buckhorfe, a fketch ditto. 76 A fmall fketch of heads with a petr. Matter DODD. Matter DODD. 77 A fmall (ketch of heads in caricatura. Mr. DOWNMAN, pupil of Mr. Weft. 78 Head of a gentleman. Mr. ELMER, of Farnbam , Surry. 79 *A pheafant, wood-pigeon, and wood-pecker. 80 *A hare, wood-pecker, and lapwing. 81 *A fnared hare. 82 *A moor-hen, dabchick, king’s-filher, &c. 83 *Ajay, bullfinch, and fieldfare. 84 *W oodcocks and a fnipe. 85 *Ajay, bullfinch, and ftarling. 86 *A flower-piece. 87 *A bafketof ftrawberries. 88 *Ditto 89 *A fruit-piece. 90 *Cucumbers and a bough of plumbs. 91 An election medley. 92 *A beggar. Mr. F A B R 1 S. 9 j Four drawings of views in Naples. Mrs. FILLIONIERE, the corner of Knowles' s-cour't , Carter- lane. 94 *A garland of flowers. Matter JOHN FLAXMAN, at Mr, Flaxman's, New-ftreet, Covent-garden. 9 5 A figure of Minerva. 96 A butt of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield. 97 Ditto of a gentleman. N ° Matter WILLIAM F L A X M A N, at Mr. Fk*mn\ Nm~ Jlreet , Covent-garden. 98 Veny9, a ba(To relievo. Mrs. FRANCIS, Bo/well-court , Queen-fquare, Bkomjbury. 99 A flower-piece, in water-colours. Mr. G A R V E Y, at Bath. joo A ftudy from Purcefield, the feat of Val Morris, Efq. ( * •• • r‘ *‘ ; * By a GENTLEMAN. 101 *The morning, a fea-port with the good Samaritan. 102 *Noon, a ditto, view with ruins, &c. 10j *A romantic fcene, in a gale of wind; with a fhipwreck. 104 *The evening doling in, and a hurricane coming on. ,05 *A land-ftorm, wherein is introduced, the artift deftroyed by that lightening he attempts to paint. 106 *A fmall fea-port, a fquall of wind, a (ketch, 107 *A ditto, a calm evening, a ditto. ',>, . i ; • T r By aGENTLEMAN. 108 A defign for a monument. By aGENTLEMAN, at Canterbury. tog A view of Athens, from a drawing taken on the fpot. 410 A view of the Promontory Sunium, and the temple of Minerva, ditto* By a young GENTLEMAN, at Rome. 111 A drawing, from a baflb relievo, of Michael Angelo. Mr. GRIFFITH, Middle-Temple. 112 *The detedion. Mr. GRIMALDI, at Mr. Alley's, in Great Queen-Jlreet, Lincoln's- inn-Jields. 113 A portrait of a lady in miniature. Mr. HAGGARTI Mr. HAGGAR.TI, fifiueen-fitreet, Goldcn-fiquare. 1x4 *A landfcape and figures, half length, Mr. DU HAMEL, at Mrs. Eckle's, Churcb-Jireet, St. Ann's , Soho. 115 *A converfation. 116 *A drawing of boys, in chalks. Mr. HEARN, at Mr. Woollet's , Green-filreet, Leicefiler-fields. 417 *A landfcape, in water colours 118 *A ditto, in ditto. Mr. HILLS, Seal engraver. No. 16, Bagnio-court , Newgat e-fir eet. 119 Two engravings of feals. Mr. HODGSON, Drawing matter , Oxendon-Jlreet, Hay-market. 120 *A fummer garland, in water colours. 121 *A bottle of flowers. 122 * A ditto, it’s companion. 123 A fmall flower piece. Mr. HOLMA N, at Bell-dock , IVapping. 1 24 *A view of the Downs, from Deal beach. » * • ' , | • * ^ m Mr. H O O D, at Limehoufie-caufeway. 125 A fea-piece, a drawing in Indian ink. 126 A ditto, ditto. 127 A ditto, ditto. Mr. KEAN, Drawing-Majler, in Dean's-yard, Wefilminfiler. 128 A landfcape. Mr. KITCHINGM AN. 129 A frame with miniatures. Mifs LABARE, at Mr. Dove's, in James-Jireet, Covent-garden. 130 *A landfcape wrought with a needle, in human hair. By a L A D Y of Quality. 131 Two drawings after Guercino. st By [ 10 ] No. Bv a young LADY. 132 The Aurora of Guido, a drawing in Indian ink. By a young LADY. 133 A landfcape, Mr. LAMBERT, of Lewes , Suffex. J34 *A view of a houfe and water-mill at Frantfield, Suffex. 135 *A ram, painted from nature. 136 *Ewe and lambs, it’s companion, ditto. 137 *A drawing in black lead, from a pidure of Mr. George Smith. 138 *A view of Lewes caftle, it’s companion, ditto. 139 *Two fmall pidures of Iheep. Mr. M E R C A T I, Drawing-Majler, at Mr. Brunet's, in Princes- Jlreet, Cavendifh-fquare. 140 *A view of Tivoli, in water colours. 141 *The temple of St. Stephen at Rome, ditto. 142 *A landfcape, in crayons. 143 *A head, in black chalk. 144 *Mount Vefuvius, in crayons. Mr. MILLER, in Green-fireet t Grofvenor-fquare. 145 A gentleman on horfeback, half length. 146 A converfation, a drawing. Mr. JOHN MILTON, of Charlton , Kent. 147 A fea-piece, half length—a ftorm. 148 A ditto, ditto—a fog. Mr. MITCHEL, at Chatham , Kent. 149 *A large fea-piece, being a view of Sheernefs and the Nore, with the Fame man of war, and the Chatham yatchfc. 150 *A moon-light, with fhipping. 151 A fhipwreck. 152 *A fmall ditto. 153 A fea-piece, by moon-light. 154 *An evening view of a fea port. Mr. MOORE, Mr. MOORE, in Berner's-ftnet , Oxford-road. 155 A marble bufto. 156 A group of boys, with a bird’s-neft and cat. Matter MOORE, pupil to Mr. Hodgfon. 157 A drawing of flowers, in black lead. 158 A model of a beaver, rabbits, &c. Matter CHARLES MOORE. 159 A head, in chalk. 160 A ditto Mr. M O R L A N D, Noel-Jtreet, the upper end of Berwick-Jlreet, Soho. 161 * A portrait, in crayons. 162 *A ditto, ditto. 163 *A fervant with a candle. 164 * A fervant ironing. 165 A portrait, in crayons. 166 *A ballad-finger. Mr. M U N N, in Well’s-Jireet, Oxford-road. 16 7 A defign of a circular temple. Mr. MUNGO MURRAY, at Mr. Morgan's , Ludgate-Jlreet. Naval Architecture explained. 168 The feCtion of the frame timbers of a 60 gun fliip, fo contrived that they may be laid on a plane, and delineated as in the prints, letters A and B. 169 The model of the fame fhip, and fo conftruCted that all the planks are delineated on the furface, and from thence extended on a plan as in the prints C and D. Mr. NOLLIKENS, at Rome. 170 Caftor and Pollux, two large ftatues, in marble. Mr. PARKER, Stangate, Lambeth. r7i A large landfcape. 1 Mr. C. PHILLIPS, No. [ 12 ] Mr. C. PHILLIPS, No. i 8. Crown-court, Bow-Jlreet , Covent-garden. 172 Proof print, in metzotinto of a holy family, from Parmegiano, in the collection of Lord Trevor. Mr. DANIEL PINCOT, near King's-arms-Jlairs, on the narrow wall, Lambeth. 173 *A landfcape. Mr. THOMAS P I N G O, at the Golden Head, Gray's-inn-lane. 174 A proof of a guinea, for his majefty’s mint at Hanover. • -• ’ ' ' ' « * " >{ • - - i Mr. LEWIS P I N G O, at the fame place. 175 A portrait of a young lady, in wax. 176 A ditto. Mr. P O W L E, at Mr. Afhley's, in Great Queen-Jlreet , Lincoln's-inn-fields. 1 77 A portrait of a lady, a miniature. 178 A ditto, ditto. Mils READ, Jermyn-Jlreet. 179 Portraits of a nobleman’s children, in crayons. Mr. ROMNEY, at the Golden Head, Great Newport-Jlreet , Long-acre . 180 A large family piece. 181 A portrait of a gentleman. 182 A ditto. Mr. R Y S B R A C K, Vere-Jlreet, Oxford-chapel. 183 The deluge. 184 Noah facrificing after the deluge ceafed. 185 Jofeph telling his dream to his brethren. ANTONIO DEL SARTO. 186 Mary hath chofen the better part, a drawing. Mr. SARTORIUS, at Smith's Warehoufe, in Ryder's-court, near Cranborne-alley , LeiceJIer-fields. 187 Two hunters. 188 *Dumplin, a horfe, the property of Lieutenant Colonel Calcraft, late his royal highnefs the duke’s. Mr. T. SCHEEMAKER, No. Mr. T. SCHEEMAKER, Vine-pect, Piccadilly. iS9 Adonis fleeping, a model. 190 Two boys, ditto. Mrs. SEYMOUR, in Pitfieldpeet , Hex ten, z91 The arms of a knight of the bath, with the collar of the order round it, cut ir. vellum with feiflars. 192 A gentleman and lady’s arms, ditto. 193 A cypher and creft, ditto. 194 *A flower-pot, ditto. 395 *An emblem of peace, ditto. 196 ^Twelve devices in one frame, for watch papers or lids of fnuff- boxes, ditto. 197 *A knot of fancy flowers, ditto. 398 *A fprig, ditto. 199 *A device for a trinket, ditto. Mr. SIMPSON, Red-lyon-Jlreet , Ckrkemvell. 200 Four engravings of frontifpieces to Dr. Wilkie’s fables. Mr. GEORGE SMITH, of Chicefter. 201 A landfcape, half length. 202 A landfcape. 203 *A ditto. 204 *A winter-piece. 205 *Summer, it’s companion. 206 *A fmall landfcape. 207 *A ditto. 208 *Still life. Mr. ADAM SMITH, at Mr. Fumpnc's , Great Wyld-peet , Lincoln's-inn-fields. 209 The black rocks and tower, in the opera of Cymon, a ftained drawing. 210 The Hon. Commodore Byron, a proof print. 211 General Amherft, ditto. 212 Foflils, ditto. D Mr. SAMUEL r. *4 ] Mr. SAMUEL SMITH, Bottom. 213 A view of an antient Choragic monument, now the church of Our Lady, of the grotto at Athens. The Rev. Mr. SPOONER, at Cbejham , Bucks. 214' A deception. Mr. STUART, Oxford-road. 215 The judgment of Paris. 216 The defign of a medal for Sir Edward Hawke’s viftory in Quiberot bay, a drawing. 217 A medufa’s head, from an antique cameo. 218 The choice of Hercules, 219 The judgment of Midas. Mr. S W A I N E. the lower end of Stret ton-ground, IVejlminjier. 220 *A large calm, a fea-port. 221 *A moon-light. 222 *A brilk gale. 223 *A harveft moon. 224 *A frefh gale. 2’5 * A calm, a fea-port. 226 *Summer, a fun-fet. 227 * Winter. 228 *A landfcape and fhipping, 229 *A ditto. . , Mifs TODDERICK, next door to Marybone-gardens. 230 A young lady, hiftorical, a miniature. Mr: T R O U G H T, Bottom. 231 A pavilion for a garden, a diftant view. 232 Mafter BENJAMIN VANDERGUTCHT, at tb e Golden Head, Great Brook-Jlreet , Grofoenor-fquare. A portrait of a boy. Mr. VANDERMEULEN, No. [ >5 ] Mr. V ANDERMEULEN, in Little Caftle-Jlreet , vppo/tte TVinJley-Jlreet , Oxford-market. 233 *A bafs relief, in marble. 234 Genii playing with a dog, a model in terra cota. Mr. F. V A N D E R M I J N. 235 An officer, whole length. 236 A lady, half length. 237 A portrait, three quarters. Mr. A. V A N D E R M I J N. _ A , . 238 Six final 1 fruit pieces. Mrs. VANDERMIJN. 239 A portrait of a child. Mr. VANDYKE. 240 A fmall whole length of a lady. 241 A portrait of a young gentleman. Mr. WHITE, oppofite Compton-Jlmt, in Greek-Jlreet , Soho. 242 The elevation of a gentleman’s houfe at Wimbledon. 243 The fection of a gentleman’s houfe in thebiffiopric of Durham. 244 Antique Doric frize and architrave, being the firft attempt after the man. ner of Piranefi. _ 245 An elevation of a gentleman’s feat in Yorkffiire. Mr. CHARLES WHITE, Architect at the Lower. 246 Geometrical feftion of his majefty’s guard-chamber at St James’s Palace. Mr WILKINS, at Mrs. Sadlers, Red-lion-Jlreet, Holhorn. 247 *A reprefentation of the ftorm at the liege of Pondicherry, with a view of that town, from a {ketch taken on the ipol. 248 *A gale of wind off the Rock of Gibralter. Ifo 4 * the mouth of the Med»a y . Mr. WILLIAMS No. [ 16 ] Mr. WI L L I A M S, at Mr. Dukes , the corner of Chandois-flreet, St. Martins-lane. 251 *A portrait of a lady. 252 *An imitation. 253 *A piece of fruit. 254. *A deception, jn imitation of black chalk. 255 *A ditto, from a print of the duke of Cumberland. Mr. WOODYEAR, at Mr. Fiddies, TaviJtock-Jlreet, Covent-garden' 256 A portrait, in wax. 257 A ditto. Mr. ZEIGLER 258 Danae, a miniature. FINIS. I CATALOGUE OF THE Paintings, Sculptures, Archite&ure, Models, Drawings, Engravings, NOW exhibiting b y t h e FREE SOCIETY of ARTISTS, 7 ASSOCIATED FOR THE RELIEF of their Distressed BRETHREN, their WIDOWS and CHILDREN, „ >v : Vi A T Mr. CHRISTIE’S NEW GREAT ROOM, next CUMBER¬ LAND-HOUSE, PALL-MALL. ^ Every Purchafer of a Performance mil be infilled to a Free- Admiffion Ticket during the Exhibition. *** The Perfon who attends in the Room has a LiJI of the Prices of fuch Performances as are to be fold. • j v to ' i _ CATALOGUE, £*. ¥ « IS Paintings, Sculptures, Architecture, Models, Drawings, Engravings, grV. The Performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of. No. Mr. A L L E N, Greenwich. VIEW on the banks of Newfoundland. — The land *■ ™ difeovered through a difperfing fog. % Mrs. ASHLEY, in Queen-Jlreet, Lincoln’s-inn-fields. 2 3 F. w f;' 3 * A bunch of grapes, in cravons 4 A b ** ™" tr ““P eth « “> »» good man's cars, ditto. 5 A magdalen, ditto. $5 The portrait of a gentleman, in ditto. Mr. B A R R O W, Furnival's-inn-court, No. 4. 6 A lady — a miniature. Mr. B A S I R R, Great ®ueen-ftreet, Lincoln's-inn-jidds. 7 A portrait. 8 A ditto. 9 An elevation of the temple of Bacchus in the Ionian antiquities. 10 A tail-piece — in ditto. n 11 ^. n lmitation of a drawing after Pietro di Cortona. 12 The window of St. Margaret’s church Weftminfter. Mr. ROBERT No. [ 4 ] Mr. ROBERT BEESLY, in Hornet-row, St. Luke's, 13 *A piece of poppies from nature. 14 *A fruit piece. 15 *A ditto. 16 *A ditto. 17 *A large ditto. 18 * A fmall ditto. 19 * A ditto. 20 * Auriculas from nature. Mr. B E L L E R S, Poppin's-court, Fleet-Jireet . 21 *A view of Netley abbey, near Southampton.. 22 *Ditto of Derwentwater, and the vale of Kefwick. 23 *Ditto of Winander Meer. 24 *Ditto of Ulfwater. 2 - *Ditto of the road to Scotland from Carhlle. 26 *Ditto of a fmall lake near lpyng in Sufiex. 27 *A lmall view. Mr. BLACKBURN, at Mr. Wilkes's, oppofite Bover-ftreet , Piccadilly. 28 Rinaldo and Armida. 20 Icarus and Daedalus. 30 Silenus and iEgte. - Virg. Eclogue 6. Mr. BOND, of Birmingham. 31 *A landfcape. 32 *A ditto. Mr. B R O M P T O N, in Broad-Jlreet, Soho. 33 A lady in the character of Hebe—a fmall whole length. 34 A portrait of a gentleman—half length. Mr. NATHANIEL BROWN, Silver-Jlreet, Golden-fquare. 35 A young lady—three quarters. 36 A gentleman—kit cat. 37 *A fruit piece. 38 * A flower piece. 39 *Dogs and dead game. 40 *A fmall landfcape. Mr. DE [ s ] Mr. DE BRUYN, Little CaJlle-Jlreet , Oxford-market, 41 A facrifice to Bacchus, in imitation of marble. Mr. B U N C K, Stangate, Lambeth. 42 *A landfcape and figures. 43 *A ditto, and ditto. 44 *Boys with a moufe in a trap by candle-light. CHEVALIER CASALI, at Rome. 45 *Herodias with the Baptift’s head, in the manner of Guido. 46 *Judith. 47 *Sampfon and Dalilah. 48 *A baflo relievo from the antique in chiaro ofcuro. 49 *A ditto. 50 *A head in the manner of Lanfranc. Mr. CHAMBERS, next door to the Sun and Dove, High-Holborn. 51 *The plan and fe&ions of the royal vault in Weftminfter-abbey, taken on the fpot. 52 A monumental farcophagus. Mailer C L A P H A M, Pupil to Mr. Dodd. 55 *A bafket of flowers, in crayons. Mr. JOHN CLEVELY, Deptford. 56 *A view in Harwich harbour—a calm. 57 •It’s companion—a frefh gale. 58 *A cutter, and other fmall craft—a calm. Mr. JOHN CLEVELY, jun. Deptford. 59 A man of war going out of port—a drawing. Mr. CLOWES, Gutter-lane, Cheapfide. 60 A metzotinto, a proof, — rural life. 61 Ditto, ditto. C Mr. DAWES, C 6 3 No. Mr. D A W E, pupil to Mr. Morland. 62 A proof print from a painting of Mr. Morland. 63 A ditto, ditto. 64 A ditto, ditto. Mr. DAWES, at Mr. Brijbayris , Green-Jlreet , Leicefter-f.dd^ 65 *Courtfhip for money. 66 *The cuckold-maker caught. Mafter DAY, Pupil to Mr. Dodd.' 67 A portrait of a young gentleman, in crayons. Mr. D E V I S, Great Queen-Jlreet, Lincoln's-inn-felds. • » 68 A head. 69 A ditto, profile. * vimiuU * - • Mr. DIGHTON, jun. No. 65. Fetter-lane. 70 A medley. 71 A portrait of a lady, in India ink 72 A head, in ditto Mr. DODD, in Portland-row , near the chapel. 73 A lady, "1 74 A ditto, 75 A ditto, 76 A gentleman, 77 *Buckhorfe, J 78 *A metzotinto of Buckhorfe. 77 *Buckhorfe, Mafter DODD, 79 *A converfation, in crayons. Mifs D O D D.- 80 A Rofe. Mr. ELMER No. [ 7 ] Mr. ELMER, of Farnbam , Surry. 81 A hare. 82 A pheafant. 83 *Fifh. 84 *Woodcocks and pheafant. 85 *Foxes. 86 *A mifer. 87 A fanatic. 88 Pheafant, partridge, and fnipe. 89 * Melon and ftrawberries. 90 A portrait of a gentleman. 91 A brace of partridges. 92 Jay, fnipe, &c. 93 A candle-light. $93 A hare, pheafant, and jay. Mrs. FILLIONIERE, the corner of Knowles's-court. Carter-lane. 94 *A bafket of flowers — in paper. Mailer JOHN FLAXMAN, at Mr. Covent-garden. 95 The affaffinating of Julius Caefar, a model. Mrs. F R A N C I S, Bofwell-court, Queen-fquare, Bloomfbury. 495 Two flower pieces. J Mr. GAL E, at Mr. Braim's, under the Piazza , Covent-garden. 96 A dome bed — a drawing. Mr. G A R D N O R, „ Birmingham 97 A landfcape — a drawing. 98 A flower piece — water colours. By a GENTLEMAN. 49 ° A view with ruins. t 99 *A ditto, ditto. By No. [ 8 ; ] By a GENTLEMAN. 99 *A drawing for a print, 100 *A ditto, 101 *Fruit from nature. By a GENTLEMAN. £101 *Two fruit pieces. ADAM GORDON, Efq. ' *> 102 Beiifarius — in Indian ink. Mr. GRIFFITHS, Middle ‘Temple. 103 A plate of fruit. Mr. G R I M B A L S T O N, in Silver-Jlreet , cppofite Great Pulteney-Jlreet , Golden-fquare. 104 His own portrait. : . /• 10 5 The portrait of a lady. Mr. H A G G A R T H I, ueen-Jlreet , Golden-fquare . 106 Ruins. Mr. HEARN, at Mr. Woollet's, Green-Jlreet , Leicefter-fields. 107 A drawing, in water-colours. Mr HODGE, at Frame-Work-Knitter?-ball > Red-crofs-fireet , Cripplegate. 108 *A medley. 109 *A fruit piece. Mr. FI O D G S O N, Brawing-majler , Greek-Jlreet , ». *«• on z z:\z2Z: i-zzz the coift of Hoi,and ’ M X ££ hefcr> wi ‘ h pMt of the rira 149 *A ltrong gale. 150 *A moon-light. A . . ^ r ' MOORE, Berner's-Jireet, Oxford-read. 151 An original ftatue of Apollo — in marble. 152 A dog —m ditto. 153 A medallion — in ditto. 154 A bufto in clay — a portrait. 155 A fketch in ditto —from a drawing of Mr. Stuart. Mailer MOORE. 156 A mare and foal —a model. \% aX-LZ: Wkha bird ' S ” eft a " d — drawing. Mailer CHARLES MOORE. 1 59 A medallion — in chiaro ofeuro. 160 A hawk —in ditto. 1 61 A fmall portrait. Mr. M O R L A N D, Nxl-Jtmt, tie ufftr mi of Btrmck- >62 A portrait. Jinx, Soto. 3 A lad 7’ s rrj aid foaping linen. 1 64 *An oilier girl. 165 *A lady in a mafquerade habit. Mr - M U R R A Y, at No. 11, Lombard-Jlreet, Wbile-fryars 166 A miniature of a lady. 167 Ditto of a gentleman. a Mr. SAMUEL EUCLID OLIVER, * Mr. "a. Colim-h oi + ^ . • St ' Martin's-lane, Strand. J167 A portrait, in wax. Ji68 A ditto. Mailer N °‘ Matter OUGHT, Pupil to Mr. Dodd . 168 ‘The wranglers, in crayons. ... Mr. THOMAS PARKINSON, No. 7. Baynes s-row. Cold-bat fitds. 160 Ahead, in crayons. Mr. C. PHILLIPS, in Paris. 170 A metzotinto of a lady. Mr. D A N 1 E L P l N C O T, near King's-arms-fiatrs , » the Narrow-wall, Lambeth. 171 A landlcape. Mr THOMAS PI N G O, at the Golden-head, Gray's-inn-lane. 172 A medal of the late Lord Anfon, on the reverfe is a figure repretenuog 7 dreumnavigation, round it are difpofed fix crowns ot laurel, » which are inferibed the names of the principal officers, who ferved with his lordffiip in the expedition round the world. . Mr. L E W I S PIN GO. 173 A portrait of a gentleman, in wax. Mifs READ, jun. Jermyn-Jireet. ,74 The Efquimaux woman and child, in crayons. 175 A child, ditto Mr. RICHARDS, near Sir George Whitmore's , Hoxton. 176 *A landfcape. Captain R I O V, Architect, at Mr. Cafs's, in Great Maddox-Jlreit, near Hanover-fquare. 177 A ground plan for a royal palace. , , 1 78 Elevations of the three courts, and a fedhon of the fame, upo greateft extent, to a larger fcale. 179 The plan of a Corinthian portico, with it’s fe&ion, propofed tor tti Royal Exchange at Dublin. j go Elevations of the two grand fronts of the fame, to a larger fcale. j8i Plan and elevation of a villa, with it’s offices. Mr. ROMNEY, at the Golden-head, Great Newpert-Jlreet, Long-acre. 182 A family piece. 183 A lady whole length. 184 A ditto,ditto. „ No. [ >3 ] Mr. RYSBRACK, Vere-Jlreet, Oxford-chapel. 185 /Eneas carrying his father Anchifes from the burning of Troy. 18.6 /Eneas, Anchifes, and the Trojans in the illes of the Strophades. 187 /Eneas and the Sybil entering the ffiadesto vifit his father Anchifes. Mr. SARTORIUS, at Mr. Smith's Warehoufe in Ryder's-court, near Cranbcrn-alley , Leicejler-fields. 188 *Grooms fcraping Gimerackand Bellario, after a fweat. 189 A favourite hunter, the property of Mr. Martin. 190 *Marwick Ball. 191 Bay Malton beating Otho at Newmarket. 192 An Officer on horfeback. 193 A favourite old mare, the property of Mr. Pennyman. Mr. SCHEEMAKER, jun. at Mr. Scheemaker's, Vine-freet f Piccadilly. 194 A model of Ceres* Mrs. SEYMOUR, in Pitfield-Jlreet , Hoxton. 195 A coat of arms with fupporters, cut in vellum, with fciffars. 196 A gentleman’s arms, ditto. 197 *Two devices, ditto. Mr. GEORGE SMITH, of Chichejler, at Mr. Bradford's , No. 132, Fleet-Jlreet. 198 *A Iandfcape and figures—half length. 199 A ditto fmaller. 200 *A fruit piece. 261 A ditto. 202 A ditto. 203 A Iandfcape and figures, three quarters. 204 A ditto, with the fun going down. 205 *A fmall Iandfcape. 206 *A ditto. 207 A ditto. 208 *A froft piece. Mr. ADAM ,.S M I T H, at Mr. Fumf one's, Great Wild-freet^ Lincoln' s-inn-fields. 209 The free-mafon’s fword of ftate — an engraving. E Mr. A. [ *4 ] N °* Mr. A. SOLD I, Piccadilly. 210 A madona. SUBSCRIBTION S are received by Melfrs. Drummonds and Co. Banke I at Charing-crofs •, Sir George Colebrooke, Bart, and Co. in Threa needle-ftreet, and at Mr. Chriftie’s New Room, next Cumberland-hou Pall-Mall, where the pi&ure of the brave Paoli is exhibited. v fine mezzotinto, from the original painting, 2o by 14, will be publifl in a few days by Carrington Bowles, in St. Paul’s Church Yard. atalogue of THE untings, Sculptures, Architeaure, Models, Drawings, Engravings, £jV. now- exhibiting BY THE OCIETY OF ARTISTS, i . \. ' • associated for the IE L I E F of their Distressed BRETHREN, their WIDOWS and CHILDREN, * 1 \ A AT t. CHRISTIE’S NEW GREAT ROOM, next CUMBER. LAND-HOUSE, PALL-MALL. l Being the Eleventh Year of their Exhibition. Unanimity. i - 2 •ss w. 3 4 5 6 A 7 A 8 A The Performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of. Mr. ALLEN, Greenwich. SUN-SET with a fmall fhower of rain goin°- down si the Swim a i tie entrance into Lilbon harbour. night ftorm. moon light, three quarters, calm, ditto. Mrs. ASHLEY, in Queen's-fireet, Lincoln's-inn-fields. 9 *The birth of St. John, to *Two heads in the manner of Rembrandt. 11 *Two landfcapes in needle-work. 12 A portrait of his late royal Highnefs the Duke of York. 13 A portrait. 14 A ditto. , iii! 1 t No. [ 4 j r. JOHN ATKINSON, at Mr. Atkinfon's, St. Margaret's- Jlreet , IVeflminJler. 15 A kitchen. 16 A moon light. 17 A landfcape. Mr. B A S IR E, Great Queen's-JJreet, Lincoln's-inn-fields. j 8 A proof print of Pylades and Oreftes, after a picture of Mr. Weft. 19 St. Catherine, after Dominichino. 20 Cupid with the fword of Mars, after Carracchio. Mr. B E L L E R S, Poppin's-court , Fleet-Jlreet. 21 *A view of the head of Winander Meer in Weftmoreland. 22 *A view from the late Sir William Lowther’s Park in Lancalhire 23 *A view of Brougham Caftle in Cumberland. 24 *A view of Warwick-hall under an arch of the bridge in ditto. Mr. D E B R U Y N, Little-cafile-Jlreet , Oxford-market. 25 Sculpture—in chiaro ofcuro. 26 Painting—ditto. Mr. B U N C K, Stangate, Lambeth. 27 *A landfcape and figures. 28 *A ditto. 29 *A ditto. 30 *An old woman reading by candle-light. 31 *A boy blowing charcoal. 32 *A cat attempting a bird in a cage. Mr. BURGESS, Gloucefter-ftreet , Queen's-fquare, Bloomfbury. 33 A portrait of the prefent high prieft of the Jews, in London. 34 A portrait. 35 A ditto—by Memory. 36 A portrait of a lady in chalk. Mr. WILLIAM BURGESS, No. 33, Maiden-lane , Covent-garden. ? 3 & A portrait of a young gentleman in black and white chalk. Mr. CALDWALL, <1 [ s ] ■No. Mr. CALDWALL, Angel-court, Great Windmill-Jlreet . 37 A converfation of monkies—an engraving from D. Teniers. Mr. CAL LARD. 38 A landfcape. 39 Two ditto. Mr. C A M P L I N G, at Mr. Seaman’s, Eigh-ftreet, Mary bone. 40 The elevation of the principal front of the royal exchange, Dublin. 41 Ditto of a defign for one fide of a grand fquare. 42 Ditto of a delign for a town houfe for a perfon of diftindtion. 43 Ditto of a defign for a country houfe. Mr. CHAMBERS, next door to the Sun and Dove, Eigh-Holborn. 44 Coat of arms. 45 Coronet and creft. 46 Initial letters and creft.. 47 *A pomegranate. Mafter C L A P H A M, pupil to Mr. Dodd . 48 A portrait of an old man’s head. Mr. JOHN CLEVELY, Deptford, 49 *A cutter going into Sheernefs. 50 *A calm. 51 *A frefh gale, it’s companion. Mr. 52 A moon-light. 53 A fchool boy. 54 A portrait. 55 Cat and fifh. CLOWES, Gutter-lane, .Metzotintos. Chtapfide . Mifs CRICKET, pupil to Mrs. Filloniere . 56 A bunch of flowers. i B 57 A proof No. C ^ ] Mr. DAW E, Pupil . to Mr. Moriand. 57 A proof print in metzotinto of a lady’s maid foaping linen. 58 A ditto — of a girl opening oyfters. 59 A ditto — of a lady in a mafquerade habit. 60 A ditto — of a ditto. Mr. DAWES, at Mr. Brijbayn's , Green-Jlreet, Leicefier-fields. 61 *Scene III. Aft I., in Macbeth. Mr. D E V I S, Great Queen's-Jltreet, Lincoln's-inn-fields. 62 A gentleman—whole length. 63 A lady—kitcat. 64 A portrait of a child. Mr. D I G H T O N, jun. No. 65 Fetter-lane. 65 A portrait of a gentleman, in Indian ink. 66 A ditto—black lead. Mr. DODD, Great Portland-fireet , near Cavendifih-fquarc. 67 The portraits of three gentlemen—fmall whole length. 68 The true rhubarb plant, from nature, in the garden of Mr. James Inglifh, at Hampftead. ■ ^ Mr. D O N N, Maddox-Jltreet. 6 a View of the weft front of Audley-End houfe, the feat of Sir John Griffin Griffin taken at the great road to Newmarket. Stained 70 View of the eaft front of ditto, taken in the ffirubbery by Drawings. the fide of the park. J Mr. EICHEL, at Mrs. Drug's, Grafs-inn-lane. 71 Jofeph. 72 A landfcape. 73 It’s companion. Mr. ELMER, / fo. t 7 ] Mr. ELMER, of Farnham , Surry, at No. 44 Watling-Jlreet. 4 Spaniel and pheafant. 5 *Pheafants, jay, &c. 6 *Hare and partridges. 7 *Fifh. 8 *A Hare. 9 *A pheafant and fnipe. 0 *A pheafant and partridges. 1 *A mackarel. 2 *A lobfter and oyfters. 3 *Whiting, gurnet, and oyfters. 4 *Strawberries. 5 *Portrait of a beggar. 6 * Ditto— a pedlar. 7 *Ditto—apeafant. 8 *Ditto— an old woman knitting. 9 *Ditto— an old man reading by candle-light. 0 *Ditto— a fchool boy. 1 *Ditto— a beggar. 2 *Small birds. 3 *Ditto. 4 *Pheafants, hare, and fpaniel. 5 *Bittern, teal, and pheafant. Mr. F E A R Y, Dean’s-Yard , Weftminjler. 6 *A view from Maife-hill in Greenwich-park. 7 *A view of a ftorm breaking from the Surry fide of Weftminfter-bridge Mr. FII.LIETTE, at Mr. Chandler’s, in CaJlle-Jlreet, Long-acre), 8 A Flemilh country diverfion Mrs. FILLION 1 ERE, the corner of Knowtis-court, Carter-lane, j 9 *A bunch of flowers. Mrs. ELIZABETH FORSTER, at Mr. Humphrey's, St. Martin’s-lane, Charing-irofs. 00 *A vafe with flowers in fhell-work. Mrs. FRANCIS, No. [ 9 ] Mr.HEARN, at Mr. Woollen's, Green-fireet, Leicejler-fields. 119 *A drawing in water-colours. 120 * A ditto— from Hyde-Park. 'Mr. HODGE, Frame-work-knitters-ball, Red-crofs-Jlreet, Cripplegett, 121 *A painting in imitation of a print. Mr. HODGSON, drawing-mafier, Greek-fireet, Sobo . 122 *A drawing of a landfcape in black lead, teinted. 123 * A ditto. 124 *A ditto. ,25 *A pot of flowers in water-colours. 126 *An orange lilly ditto. J27 *An holyoak. Mifs HODGSON. 128 Rofes in water-colours. 129 Tulips — ditto. Mr. H O L, M A N, Broad-fireet , St. Georges, Middlefex. 130 ’Departure of the Spanilh fleet from Cadiz. £130 The entrance of a fca-port in the ifland of Candia. Mr. JEANS, at Edinburgh. *31 Silenus and JEgle. Mr. K1LBURN, pupil to Mr. Hodgfon. 132 Tulips in water-colours 133 Lilac—ditto. 134 White rofe—ditto. 135 Dog-briar rofe—ditto. Mr. K I L L E N B E C K, in Broad-court, Long-acre. j 3 6 A portrait of Jedidia Buxton, famous for calculating by memory the greateft and moft intricate numbers. 137 A portrait of a clergyman. C Mr. WILLIAM No. crio]i Mr. WILLIAM KING, Well-JIreH, Oxford-Road. 138 The graces crowning the arts—3 model. Mr. KRAMER, at Mr. Lucas’s , Silver-Jlreet, Golden-fquare. 139 A portrait of the king of Denmark. 140 Ditto of a lady. 141 Ditto of a gentleman. Mifs L A B A R E, at Mr. Dove's, James-Jlreet , Covent-garden. 142 A landfcape inhuman hair. By a LADY. 143 A defign for a fan. 144 A drawing from, a picture of Albano. 145 A ditto — from, a pidture of Swanevelt. 146 A ditto—' Venus with the fhell, from the antique. By a LADY. 147 A portrait in c ra yons. By a young LADY. 148 The wife mens offering. By a young LAD Y. 149 The portrait of a pointer. Mr. LAMBERT, of Lewes , Sujfex, at Mr. Ujhnfons, No. 48 Bell-yard , Temple-Bar. 150 *A landfcape. 151 *Ditto— ewes and lambs. 152 *Ditto— a farm-yard with cattle. Mr. LAMBERT, jun. of Lewes, Su£ex. 153 *A flower-piece. 154 *A piece of variegated cabbage. 155 *Two fmall pieces of flowers. iff) *Two ditto— of fruit. Mi. LOVEGROVE, No. i » ] Mr. LO\ EGROVE, Great Marlow , Bucks. 157 A miniature. Mr. MARRIS, at Mr. Devis’s , Great Queen's-fireet, Lincoln's-inn-fields. 158 *A deception. 159 *A ditto. 160 *A ditto. 161 *A ditto. Mr. MAYNARD, at Mr. Devis's, Great Queen' s-fireet .Lincoln's- inn-fields. 162 * A deception. • , 163 *A ditto. Mr. JOHN MILTON, King's-ftreet , Soho. 164 *Rocks and (hipping, a fogg—a fmall half length. 165 *Ditto — a ftorm — it’s companion 166 *A large (hooting piece, with pointers (landing. 167 *A ditto cock (hooting—it’s companion. 168 *Rocks and (hipping—a fun-fet, large. 169 *Ditto—a mill—fmall. 170 *Ditto—a ftorm,—it’s companion. Mr. M J N X, in Spain. 171 A magdalen. Mr. MITCHEL, of Chatham , Kent. 1J2 *A fea-port in the Mediterranean with the Maltefe gallies, and an Engliih merchant (hip, &c. Mr. MOORE, Berner's-fireet, Oxford-Road. 173 A marble bull, the portrait of a gentleman. 174 A baffo relievo — the Aldiberrandin marriage.—A tablet for a chimney- piece. 7 175 Bacchanalians — a ditto. 176 Somnus — a ditto. J176 The model of a dog in clay. M after [ I* ] No ' Matter MOORE. 177 A drawing in black lead. _ the portr ait of a lady of quality. 178 A dog and duck — a model. 1 7q The triumph of Bacchus — a ditto. Matter CHARLES MOORE. 180 A madona. 181 A head in black chalk — a drawing. 182 A medallion in chiaro ofeuro. 183 Two boys in ditto — after Fiammgs. 184 Lucretia after Guerchino. Mr. WILLIAM MOORE, at Mr. Nettleton’s, Red-Lionfiwt , Clerkenwell. 185 A frame of bracelet and rings in hair. Mr. M O R L A N D, in Bknbeim-Jlrect, the upper end of Bond-flrcet. 186 A portrait of a lady in crayons. Mr. MURRAY, at the Golden-heady oppcfilt the Talbot-inn, in Surry-ftrttt , Strand. rS7 A miniature of a lady. 188 Ditto of a gentleman. Mr. NOLLIKENS, at Rome. 189 A model — The portrait of a gentleman. jqo A marble bufto—ditto. 291 Paris, after the antique — A model in terra cota. Mr. THOMAS PARKINSON, at Mr. Cox’s, Great Ruft fired. Covent-garden. 19s Portrait of a gentleman—fmall whole length. 193 Ditto—ditto unfinifned. 194 Ditto of a young lady, in crayons. !05 Ditto of a young lady and gentleman, ditto. 196 Ditto of a black woman, ditto. Mr. PASSAVANT, at Mr. Rujh's, No. 6. Ludgate-hll 197 A landfcape, in hair. 198 A ditto. 199 Five fmall ditto and an urn Mr. PHILLP Mr. PHILLIPS, No. 18, New Crown-court, Bow-Jireel, Covent-garden, 200 A print from Rembrandt. 201 Mr. THOMAS P I N G O, Gray's-inn-lane. A medal engraved for the worlhipful company of furgeons, given in gold to the faculty, as a reward for any new difcovery in furgery. Mr. JOHN PINGO, Gray' s-inn-lane, *An impreffion in wax, from a fteel feal of Apollo’s head, from the? antique. 2° j A frame of imprefiions in wax, from feals. 202 Mr. LEWIS PINGO, Gray' s-inn-lane. 204 A portrait of his majefty in wax. Mr. RICHARDS, near Sir George Whitmore's, Hoxton. 205 *A fmall landfcape. 206 *A ditto. 207 *A ditto 208 *A ditto 209 *A ditto half length 210 *A ditto fmall 211 *A ditto fmall 212 *A ditto fmall Mr. WILLIAM ROBINSON, a/ Kingjland-road. 213 Plan and elevation of a church. Mr. SARTORIUS, at Smith's Warehoufe, Ryder's-court, Cranborn-alley. LeiceJler-Jields. 214 Brood mare and foals. 215 Hollyhock. 216 Cumberland—a hunter. 217 Roach—ditto 218 Whirligig 219 Young Crop—dito 220 Old Crop—ditto • . .. 221 Sportfman, a half length. 11 Mr. J A M E S No. [ 14 ] Mr. JAMES SCARLET, pupil to Mr. Stuart , 222 An infant girl with a fquirrel. 223 A dito with two perroqucts. 224 Two boys, the one drawing the other, playing on the lyre.’ Mr. SCHEEMAKER, jun. at Mr. Scbeemaker's, Vine-Jlreet, Piccadilly. 225 A baffo relievo of boys. 226 A model in terracota, of Venus anointing herfelf after bathing, from a defign of Mr. Stuart. J226 Two fea horfes, after a defign of Mr. Stuart — Models in clay. Mr. SCRATCHLEY, at Mr. Darley's, No. 39, Strand. 227 Four antique vafes. Mrs. SEYMOUR, in Pitfieldftreet , Hoxton. 228 An emblem of Wifdom and Innocence — cut in vellum with fciflars 229 An ornament for a coat of arms — ditto. 230 A cypher, with hair under it —ditto, 231 Childrens hair ornamented with cuttings. 232 *Five emblems of love and friendfhip — ditto. 233 *A fquirrel with a nut bough — ditto. Mr. S t H I R R E F F, at Mr. Burgefs's, in GlouceJler-Jlreet, Queen's* fquare, Bloomfbury. 234 A landfcape in chalks. Mailer SMART, pupil to Mr. Dodd. 235 A group of rofes in crayons. Mr. GEORGE SMITH, of Chichefler , Suffer, at Mr. Bradfords, No. 132, Fleet-Jlreet. 236 *A large landfcape. 237 *A ditto. 228 *A Snow piece. 239 8 A ditto. 240 *A fchool piece, three quarters. 241 *Ruins — ditto. 2*2 *A fummer piece. 243 *A ditto. 244 *A fmall fruit piece. 245 *A ditto. • Mr. ADAM, -_ : _ : _ ; _' _ *5 ] No Mr. ADAM SMITH, at Mr. Furmfione's, Great JVild-fireet, Lincoln's-inn fields. 246 St. Chriftopher’s church. The Rev. Mr. SPOONER, at Chejham, Buck. $246 A portrait. 247 A deception. Mr. S W A I N E, the lower end of Stretton-ground, Wefiminder. J247 *A moon-light. J248 *A Ctilm. 248 *A fea-piece. 249 *A Ihip on fire. 2 50 *Two'lmall landfcapes on copper. Mr. MON AMY SWAIN E, 251 *Cucumbers and onions. Mifs T O D D E R I C K, in Berner-fireet. J251 The portrait of a lady, in miniature. Mr. BENJAMIN VANDERGUTCHT, at the Golden-head, Lower Brook-fireet, Grofvenor-fquare. 252 Portrait of a young gentleman, three quarters. 253 Ditto of a clergyman, ditto. 254 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto. 255 *A girl with a dog and cat. Mr. VANDER MEULEN, in Little Cafile-fireet, oppofitt Winfiej-fireet, Oxford-market, 256 A madona and child—a model, in terracota. 257 St. Matthew—ditto, ditto. 258 St. John the evangelift—ditto, ditto. 259 A tablet, Jupiter and Leda, in clay. Mr. F. VANDERMIJN, at Mr. Cartier's, in Spur-fireet. Leicefier -fields 260 A portrait of a young Gentleman. ' Mr. VANDYKE, at Mr. Tj/ler's, IVardour-ftreet, Soho. 261 262 A portrait, three quarters. A ditto, ditto. Mr. WALDEGARVE, James-fireet. Wefiminficr. 263 A landfcape 264 Twoditto- - kit cat. three quarters. Mr. WLKINS, [ 16 ] No. Mr. W I L X IN S, Ship-yard, Temple-Bar. $6.3 *The reparation of'Admiral Holborn’s fleet off Louilbourgh on the 25th of September,. 1757. 2 66 *The lofs of the Litchfield on the coaft of Africa. Mr. WILLIAMS, at the-Golden-head, Mercer-ftrcet , Long-Acre, 267 *His prefent majefty — a painting in imitation of a print 268 *The Marguis of Granby — ditto. 269 *Lady Sarah. Bunbdry — ditto. 270 *Horie and lion — ditto. 271 *Ditto it’s companion — ditto. 272 *Saint John — ditto. 2 73 . *Buckhorfe a deception. 274 *A piece of fruit. Mils WILL. I AMS, at Mrs, Towers's, 275 A portrait in crayons. 27 6 *A fancy headJlitto. La .V !.o 1 i o c.'dl • • ' *1 / A I * . « , . 3 v •A f Sherrard-Jlreet, Golden-fquare, tn in© bits tnJinmcO* £2 .//1 3 > CV.< V .tl.l Mifs HARE, at Mrs . Tork-Jtreet , 5 /. James's-fquare 277 *Birds. . 278 *Ditto. .; ...j 279 ^Flowers. .:.o 280 *Strawberries. » - -a .* . Mr. C O L L E T, C%. 281 The travelling mufician. 282 A landfcape. •’ Mrs. VANDERMIJN. 283 A fruit-piece. Mafter DODD. 284 A head;- . . Mr. HOOD, Duke's-Jhore, Limehoufe. 285 A fea-ftorm, in Indian ink. 286 Painting. 287 Poetry. 288 Mulic. 289 The patron. Mr. J A C K S O N, pupil of Piezzetta . V < * N S. A CATALOGUE OF THE Paintings, Sculptures, Defigns in Archite&urc, Models, Drawings, Engravings, NOW EXHIBITING BY THE society of artists, ASSOCIATED FOR THE RELIEF of their Distressed BRETHREN, their WIDOWS and CHILDREN, A T Mr. CHRISTIE'S NEW GREAT ROOM, „«t CUMBERLAND HOUSE, PALL-MALL. Being the TWELFTH YEAR of their EXHIBITION. Unanimity. M #■*>#** £***£ PRINTED for the SOCIETY, B Y mary harrison, opposite stationers-hall. M DCC LXXL c? Every Purchafer of a Performance ■will be intitlei to a free Admif -. fion Ticket, during the 'Exhibition. *** The Per/on who attends in the Room has a Liji of the Prices of fucb Performances as are to be fold. CATALOGUE, &c. ' t / < ***Hf******** *********** ** Sf ****^*^* m Paintings, Sculptures, Defigns in Architecture* Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. The Performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of. No. Mr. ALLEN, Greenwich. 1 SEA-PIECE by moonlight. fa - Mrs. ASHLEY, Great Queen-Jlreet , Lincoln s-inn-f.elds.. 2 wK The king of Denmark, in crayons. 3 ksj^ScsLsf An woman ’ s head, m Mr. J O H N ATKINSON, College-fireet , Wefiminfitr .. A view in Hyde-Park. Mr. BAS 1 RE,, No. C + ] . Mr. B A S I R E, Great Queen-Jlreet , Lincoln't-intt-fields. 5 An hiftorical engraving, reprefenting Pylades and Oreftes, brought before Iphigenia. 6 A portrait of Dr. Hoadley, late bifhop of Winchefter, after a wax model by Mr. Gofiett. ; A whole length portrait of Sir George Savile, Bart. Mr. WILLIAM B E L L E R S, Poppin’s-court , Fleet-fireet. h A view of Lord’s Ifland, and Derventwater. 9 *A view from the Park of Ditto, io *A view of By well bay in Northumberland, x i *A view of the ruin of Penrith caftle in Cumberland. Mr. NATHANIEL BROWN, Silver-Jlreet , Golden-fauare. 12 A head of a Jewifh Rabbi. 13 A lady, kit-cat. 14 A portrait of a gentleman. 15 *An emblematical figure of poetry. 16 *A fmall pifture, in the fliie of Gerard Dou. - . 17 *Dogs and dead game. x 8 *A piece of fruit. 19 *A flower-piece. 20 *A fmall fruit-piece. Mr. DE BRUYN, No. 29, Little Cajlle-fireet , Oxford-market. 21 Bachanalians with a goat, in chiaro ofcuro. Mr BURGESS, fen. GlouceJler-Jlreet , Queen’s-fquare, Blcomjbury. 22 A drawing, in chalks, of the High Prieft of the c London. S * the S reat Synagogue in 23 *An academical fludy, after the life 24 * A ditto. 25 *A ditto. 26 *A ditto. 27 A conversation, in oil. 28 A portrait, in ditto. Mr. WILLIAM No. Mr. WILLIAM BURGESS, Drawing-mafier, No. 33, Maiden-lane, Covent-garden. 29 Portrait of a young gentleman, kit-cat, unfinilhed. 30 Ditto of a gentleman, three quarters. 3 1 Ditto of a gentleman, in black and white chalk. 32 Ditto of a young gentleman, in ditto. 33 Ditto of a child, ditto. 34 *A defign of a landfcape, in Italian chalk 35 *Flora, a true Englifh fetter, the property of - Nightingale, Efq* a teinted drawing. Mr. B YCK, Little Gro/venor-fireet. 36 * A group of artificial flowers, in (hell-work. 3 7 A bunch of black grapes. Mr. CALDWALL, Angel-court, Great Windmill-fireet. •f-37 The gypfies, a print from Collet. Mr. CAMPLING, at Mr, Seaman's, High-fir set, Marybonc. 38 A large drawing—a villa, with offices, 39 A fmaller ditto. Mr. CHAMBERS, No. 265, High-Holborn. 4® An armed knight. 41 *An apple. 42 *A pear. 43 *A cucumber. ■ Stained marble. . Mr. C H E N U, Painter in Varnijh to the late King Stanifiaus, at Mr. ' Treinder's, Little Quein-ftreet, Lincoln's-inn-fields, 44 *A Chinefe concert, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, &c. Mr. CHUBBARD, Liverpool. 45 A view on the river Dee. 46 A ditto on the river Merfey. Mr. CLAPHAM, at Mr. Dodd's, Great Portland-firtet, near Cavendijh- Square. 47 A (ketch of a head, in crayons. B Mr. JOHN No. Mr. JOHN CLEVELY, Deptford. 48 *A fea-piece. 49 *A ditto. 50 *A fmall calm. 51 *A ditto. a:. 1 . .tiol Mr. CLOWES, No. 18", Gutter-lane , CheapfuTe . 51 A portrait of a young gentleman—a print. 53 The female bruifers—a ditto, after CofieW. 54 A print. Mr. COLLET, 55 *The city Syrens. Mr. D A R L Y, Profeffor and ‘Teacher ef Ornament , No. 39, Strand, 56 Eight {ketches of Yafes, in imitation of the antique, for the different manufactures of Great Britain, &c. Chelfea . Mifs D A V I E S, at Mifs Lane's, No. 15., Cook e\-court, Carey-Jirett. 57 Hair worked with a needle. Mr. DA WE S, at Mr. Brijbayri’s, Green-Jlreet, Leicejlerfields.. 58 ^Reformers of manners. Mr. DAY, at Mr. Dodd's, Great Portland-ftreet, Cavendijb-fquare. 59 A portrait- of young gentleman in crayons. Mrs. DENHAM, No. 2, Whitcombe-Jlreet , near Coventry-fireet . 60 *Room for meditation. Mr. D I G H T O N, jun. No. 65, Fetter-lane. 61 The portraits of four gentlemen, a conver-fation, in chalks. 62 Portrait of a lady in mafquerade, a miniature. 63 *The French hair drefler difcoveredj „ . c. #[wr.. 7 . J. Tainted Sketches. fc 4 May Day, it s companion. C Mr. DODD, No. 43, Great Portland-Jlreet , near Cavtndt/h-fquan. 65 A portrait of a gentleman in crayons. 66 A ditto, in ditto, 67 *A landfcape and figures in oik 68 *A ditto, in ditto 69 * A fmall convention in oil. 70 *A ditto, in ditto. Made rt wi Matter D O D.D. 71 *A (ketch of a Dutch painter at work. Mr. EICHEL. 72 *A landfcape 73 *A ditto. Mr. ELMER, of Farnbam, Surry, No. 44, Watling-Jlreet. 74 *Dead game, boy and dog. 75 * A hop-picker. 76 *A girl reading by candle-light 77 *An old man’s head. 78 *A boy with young birds. 79 *A pheafant 80 *A hare. 8 x *A pheafant, partridge, and fnipe'. 8 2 * A fea^gull. 83 *A woodcock and jay. 84 *Ajay, king’s-fifher, and bull-finch* 85 *Fruit. 86 * Ditto. 87 *A bunch of grapes. 88 *A difh of fruit. 89 A portrait Mr. F E A R Y, Dean's-yard , Wefiminfttr. 90 *A view taken from Highgate-hill. 91 *A fun-fet, unfinifhed. Mrs. F I L L 1 O N I E R E, the corner of Knowles's-court. Carter-lane 92 *A flower-piece. 93 *A ditto. Mrs. FRANCIS, Bofwell-court , Queen's-fquare, Bloom/bury. 94 The winter (hrub and flowers, painted from nature in water-colours. Mr. GAINES, St. James's-market, pupil to Mr. Hodgfon. 95 A teinted drawing of frview on Hampftead-heathy 9:(i A !>t( Mr. ATKINSON, Drawhg-Majier, [Remington-lane, Newington Butts. 2 *j 0 feph, the virgin and child, and the angej_ 3 *A landfcape by moon-light 4 *A ditto 5 *An old woman knitting 6 *It’s companion *A fmall painting in the manner of Oftard 8 *A moon-light—it’s companion 9 *A girl paring turnips 10 fit’s companion [ 4 ] Mr. BALDWI N, Market-ftreet , Horfe-ferry, Wejlminfter. 11 A defign for a town houfe Mr. JAMES BASIRE, Great Queen-ftreet, Lincoln's-inn-fields. 12 The portrait of the late Bifhop of Winchefler, after a wax model by Mr. GolTet 13 Lulworth Caftle—the feat of Edward Weld, Efq. 14 The Nyl-ghau, an Indian animal, after a pidure painted by Mr. Stubbs. See an account of this curious animal by William Hunter, M. D. F. R. S. in the Philofophical Tranfadions, Vol. 61 15 An hiftorical engraving after the defign of Mr. Edwards, intended for the works of Shakefpear 1 6 A ditto—for ditto Mr. WILLIAM B E L L E R S, Poppin's-court, Fleet-Jlreet, 17 *A view of Derwent-water, in Cumberland 18 *A view of a Imall lake in Sufiex 19 *A view towards Cumberland Fort, Hamplhire Mifs BEST, Pupil to Mr. Atkinfon. • * 20 A drawing in bifto Mr. BLACKMORE, No. 14, Denmark-Jlreet , in the- Strand. 21 An engraving of a gentleman Mr. LEWIS BODIE, Suffolk-flreet, Hay-market. 22 Nine miniatures, in one frame Mr. B O H S E, at Mr. Moore's , Berner's-Jlreet. 23 A vafe with grapes and fwaggs of ivy—a tablet for a clfimney-piece Mr. WILLIAM BOND, jun. No. 132, White Chapel. 24 A view of Limehoufe church and the country adjacent 25 A view of Colchefter caftle Mailer JOHN BRADFORD, at Mr. Bradford's , No. 132, Fleet-Street , 26 A drawing from plaifter Mr. BURGESS, [ 5 3 No. Mr. BURGESS, fen. Gloucefier-ftreet, near Red Lyon-fauare, Bloomjburyi 27 A converfation in oyl 28 A portrait of a lady in ditto Mr. CALDWELL, Angel-court , Great JVindmill-Jlreet, Piccadilly. 29 The Bold Attempt, an engraving after a pidture of Mr* Collett Mr. JAMES CAMPLING, Great Marybone-fireet , Cavendifh-fqttare. 30 A plan and elevation of a bridge Mr. CHAMBERS, No. 256, High Holborn. 31 A Lord’s coronet and initial letter, on a tablet 32 *An apple 33 *A pear J Mr. JOHN CLEVELY, New Row, Deptford. 3 4 *A calm S 5 *A ditto 36 * A view of Deptford-yard, with the launching of the Grafton Mr. CLOWES, No. 18, Gutter-lane , Cbeapfide. Metzotintos Mifs Le COCQ, Honorary Exhibitor. 39 Portrait of a lady in miniature Mr. COLLET, Chelfea. 40 A landfcape Mr. D A W E, No. 4, Goodge-fireet, Tottenham Court Road. 41 Portrait of a clergyman in crayons Mifs DEYILLERUNE, in Cafik-court, Strand. 42 A portrait of a lady playing on the guittar 43 Ditto of a gentleman 44 Ditto of a lady 45 A fancy head of a lady, in crayons 46 A ditto of a ditto, in ditto B Mr. DIGHTON. [ 6 3 N'o. Mr. D I G H T O N, jun. No. 65, Fetter-lane, Holborn. 47 Portraits of two ladies, fmall, w hole lengths, in chalk 48 A portrait of a lady in miniature Mr. DODD, No. 3, Old Bailey. 49 A portrait of a gentleman, in oyl 50 A ditto, in ditto 51 *A woman frying pancakes, in ditto 52 *A Turk’s head, a portrait, in ditto 53 The portrait of an author, in crayons 54 *Buckhorfe Mailer DORRINGTON, Pupil to Mifs Williams,. 55 A drawing in chalks from pi aider, £irft attempt Mr. DU THUILLAY, oppofite the Chapel, Five-Fields-Row, Cbtlfir 56 A portrait of the King of Poland, in enamel 57 A Madona, in ditto s Mrs. FILLIONIERE, No. 10, Little Carter-lane, St. Paul's. 58 A fprig of mofs rofes—water colours Mrs. FRANCIS, Bofwell- court, Queen's-Jqttare, Bloomjbury, 59 A piece of flowers from Nature, in water colours bo A fcarlet martagon, ditto 61 A houfe leek plant in bloom, ditto Mr. JAMES FROST, Wandfwerth, Surry. 62 A landfcape with figures 63 A deception Mr. G A M B E L, Pupil to Mr. Zinck. 64 *Two fmall pidlures of the Annunciation, in enamel, after Guido By a GENTLEMAN, Honorary Exhibitor. 65 A reprefent^tion of the imperial crown in the Tower No. By a GENTLEMAN, Honorary Exhibitor. 66 A view of Weftoning church in Bedfordlbire—a drawing By a GENT L E M A N. 67 *A morning, 68 *An- evening—it’s companion By a GENTLEMAN. 69 Portrait of, a clergyman 70 Ditto of a gentleman 71 Ditto of ditto 72 *Ditto of a lady—final! whole length 73 *Ditto of a dog By a GENTLEMAN. 74 A portrait of a lady, : in chalks 75 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto Mr. GRIFFITHS, Middle 'Temple . 76 A.-view from- the between Newington and Camberwell 77 A deception Mr. GRIMBALSTON, Silver-Jlreet, Golden-Jquare. 78 A favourite horfe, from life - Mr. GROOMBRIDGE, of Goudhurjl , Kent. 79 The portrait of an artift Mr. H A G A R T Y, Queen-fireet , Golden-fquare. 80 *A fea-piece, with a tender to a man of war 81 *An Italian greyhound 82 f A landfcape, from Nature 83 *A ditto—it’s companion Mr. HARDWICK, at the Tower. 84 A portrait of a gentleman, in crayons Mr. HAYOIT [ 8 ] No. y Mr. HAYOIT, No. 20, Portman-Jlreet , Portman-fpuare. #5 A large branch of double holyhock, f rom Nature 86 A bunch of grapes B AM I I V . J b K 'd Mr. HODGSON, Drawing-ma/ler, Greek-Jlreet, Soho. 87 *A piece of flowers, in water colours, tranfparent Mifs HODGSON. • . ' Xi 0 0. 8 8 *A piece of flowers, in water colours . A ."'. It ... T Yl 71 B v9 Mr. J A M E S HOG, Pupil to Mr. Caldwell. 89 A drawing of a head, in crayons 90 A ditto Mr. HENRY JOURET, jun. No. 37, Maiden-lane, Covext-garden. 91 A drawing in red chalks Mifs ISAACS, No. 7, Bell Savage bin , Ludgate-Jlreet. 92 Hannibal, when nine years old, fwearing at the altar of Jupiter et( enmity to the Romans i ' 93 A piece of fruit, in crayons, from Nature 94 *A green-ftall 95 ^Orderly drum of the firft regiment of guards 96 Butterflies, and other infedts—a deception 97 *A fruit piece 98 *A piece of ftiH life 99 *A ditto Mr. KILLENBECK, [ 9 J No. , , Mr. KILLINGBECK, at Mr. Tot ton's, in Mount -pee t. Berkley -/quart. 100 A portrait of an old gentleman 101 Ditto of an old lady- 102 An Arabian horfe, large as life, belonging to Harry Verelft, Ef?j. 103 A view of a gentleman’s houfe, with cattle, and a remarkable inftance of a turkey-cock feizing a hawk 104 *A fmall picture of Carbineer, a race-horfe belonging to Mr. Wentworth Mr. KING, No. 48, Well's-Jtreet, Oxford-road. 105 The portrait of a negro, in clay Mafter KING. X06 The head of Plato, after Plaifter—a drawing Mrs. LAB ARE, oppofite the Chapel, Great Chapel-fireeet, Broad-way, Wejlminjler. joj A landfcape in human hair, wrought with a needle Mr. LAMBERT, of Lewes, Sujfex, at Mr. Ufionfon's , No. 48, Bell-yard, Temple-bar. 10 8 *A fmall landfcape, with cattle , 09 *A ditto Mr. LAMBERT, iun. of Lewes, SuJJex. 110 * A fmall piece of flowers j 11 *A ditto Mr MARTIN, No. 10, Sidney's-alley, Leicefter-fieldf. ji 2 A water-piece and other devices, in human hair Mr. CHARLES MAY, at Mr. Bellas's, Poppin's-court, Fleetfirott. 113 A portrait of a yOung gentleman 114 A ditto Mr. FRANCISCO MELLE, South Moltonfireet. 115 *Boadicea, widow *f Prafatagus, King of the Iceni, ill treated by Caius Decianus the Procurator C Mr. MITAN, \ f* No [ 'io 1 ’Kir. M I T V A N, No.' 18/ Pcrtlanl-Jireet, Cavendijh-fitiare. x 16 A model in clay * , Mr. MITCHEL, Builders Affiant cf his Majejlfs Dock-yard, Chatham. 117 The engaging and taking Thurot’s fquadron, by Capt. Elliot Mr. MOORE, Berner's-Jlreet, Oxford-road. 118 A bafs relief; the triumph of Backus—a tabidt for a chimney piece 119 A ditto of a Faun, offering a fheep'to Pomona—ft ditto 120 A ditto of Britannia 121 The defign of the monument to be erefted to the memory of the late Earl Ligonier—in terra cota 122 *Ariftotle—a deception for a library, in ftone 123 A monumental medafion Mr. JOHN MOORE, 'jun. 124 A medallion of Queen Ann, in marble 125 A ditto of King George II. in ditto 126 A ditto of his prefent Majefty, in ditto 127 *A call of Mr. Moore’s Aldeberandini marriage. 1 28 Two boys—a bafs relief c ..." Mr. CHARLES MOORE. 129 *A portrait of old Simon, three-quarters 130 A ditto of a iady, ditto u i f i 1 1 121 A ditto of a ditto, ditto J ' / y ^ 132 A ditto of a young gentleman 4 nd ’dog, r ditto 133 A ditto of a gentleman, ditto 134 *Daedalus and Icarus, ditto 135 *Charon and Achilles, ditto 136 *A hare and a dog, ditto z 37 *St. Ann inttruefing the Virgin Mary, kit-cat . , 138 The interview between the Princels Oberhea and Captain Wallis, in the illand of Otaheitee Matter JAMES MOORE. 139 Drawings in Indian ink with a pen Mr. HENRY C sj» 3 Mr. 'HENRY MO R R L AN D, Modfieck'piet. ' 140 *A connofieur and tired boy Mr. PARKER, at Rome. 141 *Diogenes, the philofopher, difputing the ufefulnefs of utenfils, and upon feeing a countryman drink out of his hand, throws away hit cup 142 *A landfcape—a clearing up after rain, with figures Mr. P E T H E R, at Mr. Ltwer’s, Moor-fields. 143 A landfcape Mr. THOMAS PETHER, No. 2, Berwick-Jlreet, Soho. 144 A bull of his Majefty, in compofition 145 A portrait, in wax 146 A ditto 147 A ditto 148 A child ‘49 A portrait of a gentleman, in wax » , Mr. PHILLIPS, Engraver and Teacher of Drawing , No. 18,- Crown- court., Bow-Jlreet , Covent-garden. 150 An engraving of the head oPShakefpear 151 A teinted drawing of a young lady’s portrait * Mr. PEREGRINE PHILLIPS, at Mr. Burgefs’s, in Gloucefier-ftreet, Red Lyon-fquare. 52 A drawing, in chalks-—Edward Neville, the flout Earl of Warwick, joins Edward the 4th, and kills his horfe as a pledge of his fidelity 1 . - ■ Mr. THOMAS PINGO, Engraver and Medalift , Graf s-inn-lane. 153 A fmall medal for an Irifh fociety in America Mr. JOHN PINGO, Engraver , Grafs-inn-lane. •1 £4 An impreffion in wax of Neptune’s head 155 A frame of feal impreffions : Mr. HENRY 1 ;fl if**] \ Mr. HENRY PINGO, Pattern Drawer, in JVorJhif-Jlrett, At.*., 156 »A pot of crocufes, in oyl 157 *A ditto—it’s companion 158 *Roie buds in oyl 159 *Mofs ditto—it’s companion 160 *Rofe buds, in oyl—fmaller 161 *Mofs ditto—it’s companion—ditto 162 *A defign of a fkreen, in water colours, for embroidery 163 *A china bottle of rofes—water colours 164 * A double bloflfom peach—it’s companion *65 *A bafket of flowers 166 *Mofs rofes, in an oval frame 167 *Jonquils and polyanthufes—it’s companion 168 *Carnations 169 *It’s companion Mr. LEWIS PINGO, Modeler and Medalijl, Grafs Inn Lane. 170 A portrait of Dr. Mead, in wax 171 A medal of the Marquis of Granby Mr. P I T H O U, at Mr. Penlfs , Mercers frtet, Long-acre. 172 *A landfcape, with gentlemen going out a Ihooting in the morning 173 *An evening—it’s companion 174 *Venus’s departure from Adonis, from Le Fontaine’s poems 175 Telemachus relating his adventures to Calypfo—water colours Mailer ISAAC POPPLEWELL, War dour-ftreet, Soho. 176 A drawing Mifs ELIZA PRESTON, York. 177 A landfcape, in chalks j 78 A ditto Mr. PRESTON, at Mr. HenderfoiCs , Prince’s-Jireet, St. Ann's. 179 A fmall whole length of a gentleman—a drawing in Indian ink 180 A ditto of a boy Mafter GEORGE PURDON, at Mr. Burgefs's Drawing Acadeny, Maiden-lane. 181 A landfcape, in black chalk 1 82 Two dogs, in ditto Mr. EDWARD Mr. EDWARD RICHARDS, Charlton, Kent. 83 *A landfcape—the morning, with a mill 84 *A ditto—a ftorrn, with the fun coming out 85 *A fmall landfcape—Summer 86 *A ditto—Autumn 87 *A ditto—Winter Mr. SARTORIUS, at Mr. Smith's , the Corner of Dean-Jlreet, oppofite St. Ann's Church , Soho. 88 A pair of coach horfes, 7 the property of the Right Hon. the Lord 189 A chefnut gelding, £ Melbourne 190 A black mare, the property of the Right Hon. Lord Abergavenny 1 9 1 A bay gelding, the property of the Hon. Mr. George Henry Nevile [92 A large fpaniel 193 A gentleman and his fervant on horleback [94 A gentleman taking a flying leap [95 A gentleman on a lwinging trot 196 *A fox Mafter SARTORIUS. [97 A dog Mr. G. W. SARTORIUS, Windmill-fireet. [98 *A fruit-piece Mr. SCHEEMAKER, No. 6, Great Titchfeld-Jlreet, Oxford-market. [99 Arion—a model in terra cota too Portrait of an artift—a model Mr. JAMES SCOTT, at Mr. Harper's Academy, Harley-fir eet, Cavendijh -fquare. ioi A landfcape—a drawing Mrs. SEYMOUR, Pitfield-Jlreet , Hoxton. 202 Two coats of arms, cut in vellum with fcilfars 203 * A parrot, in an oval frame 204 *A cypher 205 *A knot of fancy flowers 206 *Two birds, with a motto 207 *Cupid trying to chool'e a fincere heart 208 *A dove with an olive branch 20 9 .A fprig D M,r, Cl [ 14 ] No. . ' Mifs S E Y M O U R. 2x0 *A bunch of flowers, in raifed paper 211 A fmall bafket of flowers Mr. WILLIAM SHEERS, at Mr. Horlb's t in Gloucejler-fireet. 21 z A drawing, in chalk 213 A ditto Mr. GEORGE SMITH, of Cbicbejler , Suffex, at Mr. Bradford’s No. 132, Fleet-Jireet . 214 *A mufical thrafher playing on his pipe in a barn'to his ruftic family 215 *A glowing evening 216 *A fnow-piece, with a houfe on fire 2 17 *A landfcape—it’s companion 218 *A morning—x fnow-piece 219 *Cottagers in a wood—it’s companion 220 A landfcape, with a water-fall The Rev. Mr. SPOONER, at Cbsfljam, Bucks , an Honorary Exhibitor 221 Aaron 222 Pi&a opera, tom. IV. a deception 223 A landfcape, with a ftory from the Pilgrim’s Progrefs JAMES STUART, Efq. Leitejkr-fields. Specimens of the unpublijl’ed Part of Mr. Stuart's Grecian Antiquities, 224 A general view of the Acropolis, or fortrefs of Athens 225 A view of the temple of Pandrofus, and Minerva Polias 226 A view of the ruined theatre of Bacchus 227 A view of the Panagia Spiliotifia, or Choragic Monument 228 Elevation of the Choragic Monument 229 A view of the temple of Thefeus 230 A view of the Monument of Philopappus—unfinilhed proof 231 Elevation of the Monument of Philopappus 232 A view of a Colonnade at Salonicha 233 Plan and elevation of the Colonnade 234 Plan and elevation of the Aquaedqdl of Adrian 235 View of a ruined temple at Corinth 236 An ancient ballb-relievo on the folid rock in the marble quarries at Paros 237 Interview of the hon. Commodore Byron, and the Patagonians 228 The natives of Otaheitee attacking the Dolphin frigate, Capt. Wallis 239 Interview of the Princefs Oberhea and Capt. Wallis, in Otaheitee 240 The Kongaroo, an animal in New Holland—undeferibed by any Na- xuralift Mr. SWAINE, No. Mr. SWAIN E, Stretton Ground, Weftminfter. ^41 *A view on a river 242 A ihipwreck, by moon-light 243 A moon-light—calm Mr. MON AMY SWAINE, at Mr. Swine's, Stretton Ground, Weft minfter. 244 *A Dutch view Mr. T I D D, Gray's Inn Lane. 245 A drawing Mr. TROIvES, jun. at Mr. brakes's, Deanftreet, Soho. 246 A lion and lioneis Mr TURMEAU, jun. Great Earl-ftreet, Seven Dials. 247 Shakefpear’s monument in hair, with various others Mailer I. TURNER, Battle-Bridge Wells , Pancras. 248 A drawing in pen and ink 249 A ditto 250 A ditto Mr. VANDERMEULEN, in Little Caftle-ftreet , oppoftte Winley-ftreet , Oxford-Market. 251 A portrait of a young gentleman—a model 252 A ditto of a young lady, a medallion ditto Mailer VANDERMEULEN. 253 *The head of our Saviour—a bafs relief, in marble 254 *A Madona—ditto 255 St. John the Evangelift—ditto 256 St. Luke—ditto 257 Bacchus—a model in clay Mr. W A L D E G R A V E, James-Jlreet, Weft minfter. 258 *A landfcape 259 *A ditto 260 * A ditto 261 *A dittp 262 *A ditto Mailer W 1 LBOURN, at Mr. Darley's, Strand. 263 A drawing Mr. WI lK!NS, No. [ 16 ] Mr. WILKINS, at Mrs. Gafter's, Hyde-jlreet , Bloomfhury-market. 264. *The- burning and deftroying of the Tuikifh fleet, in the bay of Chime, in the Archipelago 265 A divifion of the Ruffian fleet, at mid-night, July 7, 1770. 266 *A view of the laft great eruption of Mount Vefuvius, wittva view of the city and bay of Naples, from a drawing taken on the fpot 267 A ftorm and fliipwreck 268 A portrait of a boy with a dog Mrs. WILKINS. 269 A portrait of an old man, Zen. 270 An old woman—it’s companion,.} r attem P t: Mr. WILLIAMS, at the Golden Head , Mercer-fireet y Long-acre. 271 A portrait of a clergyman 272 *A deception 2 73 *A ditto Mifs WILLIAMS, at Mrs. ‘Towers's, Sberrard-Jlreet , Goldcn fquare. 274 *A lady unmalked, a fancy head 275 *A ditto—it’s companion 276 *An old man 277 *An old woman—it’s companion Mafter WOOLEY, at the Seven Stars , Vere-Jlrect, Oxford-chapel. 278 A moon-light 279 A drawing of the mother and feven fons—Maccabees 280 Ruins of part of the Colofeum at Rome Mils YOUNG, Pupil to Mr. Atkinfon. 281 A tulip, from Nature, in watercolours CATALOGUE OF THE Paintings, Sculptures, Defigns in Ardhite&ure, Models, Drawings, Engravings, NOW EXHIBITING E Y T H E SOCIETY of ARTISTS, ASSOCIATED FOR THE RELIEF of their Distressed BRETHREN, their WIDOWS and CHILDREN. A T Mr. CHRISTIE’S GREAT ROOM, next CUMBERLAND HOUSE, PALL MALL. Being the F I F T E ENTH YEAR of their EXHIBITION. Unanimity eWs m PRINTED for the SOCIETY, B Y MARY HARRISON, OPPOSITE S TATIONERS - HALL, M. DCC. LXXIY. /. D A State of the Society’s Accounts brought down from the Year 1766, when the Society had £.600 Stock (3 per Cents.) in the Bank of England, to the Year 1773, inclufive. Clear Produce of Exhibitions and Receipts from Honorary Members, and of the Intereii of the Stock in the Bank. Afliftance given to proper Claimants. £■ '■ d. In 1767 — 245 16 8 In 1767 - 9 9 O 1768 — 142 8 1768 ——- 27 6 O 1769 - 189 11 7 i 1769 - 132 16 6 1770 -- 105 3 O > 77 ° —— j8 18 0 1771 - 104 12 O > 77 > - 42 s 0 1772 — 125 0 IO 1772 »— - 52 O 0 >773 —— 8 » 2 1 i • - 6 >773 - 36 25 0 £■993 >4 11 £- 3>9 9 6 Stock. In 1766 - £.600 Increaic of Stock in the 3 per Cents. In 1767 1768 1769 * 77 ° > 77 * 1772 >773 - £'* 5 ° O G d C d T A \ ATALOGU E, OF THE Paintings, Sculptures, Defigns in Architecture, Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. & Every Pur chafer of a Performance will be entitled to a free Admifion-Picket, during the Exhibition. *** The Perfon who attends in the Room has a Lift of the Prices of Juch Performances as are to be fold. The Performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of. Mr. ALLEYNE, at Mr. Handy's , Porter Street,near Newport Market. I XX>*:C*OS. P ORTR AIT of a young lady >5 1 1 f, Mr. ATKINSON, Drawing Mafier, Ranelagb-Walk, Chelfea. 2 * A. landfcape, by moon light A ditto by ditto—it’s companion 4 * A cobler at work 5 * A girl waihing radilhes—it’s companion. 6 * A Froft piece 7 * A Thaw—its companion 8 A head of Chrift ‘ 9 A landfcape J* Drawings in black chalk. to A boar Mrs. BARNET, No. 2, Hind-Court, Fleet-Street. 11 A piece of flowers in needle-work. 12 A coat of arms, ditto. Mr. JAMES BARRALET. 13 *A drawing—a fcene in Macbeth. 14 *A ditto, ditto. No. Mr. JAMES BA SIRE, Great Queen-Street, Lincoln's- Inn-Fields. 15 A Medufa, from an antique gem, in the colledtion of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough. 16 A proof print of a clergyman. 17 A ditto, ditto. 18 A proof print. 19 A ditto of a cathedral church. 20 Lullworth caitle, the feat of Edward Weld, Efq. Mr. B EESLEY, at the Right Hon. the Earl Verne?s. 21 *A large fruit piece, from Nature. 22 ‘Fruit and flowers, ditto. 23 ‘Fruit, it’s companion, ditto. 24 *A flower piece, ditto. 25 *A partridge, ditto. 26 *A bafket of mufhrooms, and bough of plumbs, ditto. 27 ‘Peaches find plumbs, ditto. 28 * A piece of poppies, ditto. 29 *A filh, ftill life, ditto. Mrs. B E E S L E Y, at the Right Hon. the Earl Verne?s, 30 ‘Fruit and flowers, from Nature. 31 ‘Ditto, it’s companion. Mr. BLONDELL, Alhemarle-Street. 32 The judgment of Paris Mr. WILLIAM BOND, jun. No. 132, White-Chapel. 33 Ruins on the coafl: of Suflex. LIEUTENANT BRAY, of the Navy, Deal. Honorary exhibitor. 34 A mackrill, in water colours 35 Dead game, ditto Mr. SAMUEL BUCK, at Mr. Cahufac's , No. 203, oppofitt St. Clement's Church , Strand. 36 A drawing of St. Winifred’s well and chapel at Holy-well, in Flint- fhire. Mr. C A L D W A L L, Angel-Court , Great Windmill-Street , Piccadilly. 37 A view of an amphitheatre, a touched proof, from a painting, by Mr. Stuart. 38 A view of the monument of Philopappus,-at Athens. 39 An ornament for the title to a map of the county of Wilts, from a drawing by Mr. Cipriani. Mr. • . .ojjii A* *1 ( 5 > No. Mr. JAMES CAMPLING, Great Marybone-Street , Camndi/h-Squan. 40 An elevation of a villa, with the offices. 41 The elevation and defign for a church at St. Mary-le-bonne. Mr. CANTER, Vine-Street , Piccadilly. 4a *A perfpedive view of the Efcurial in Spain, taken on the fpot< CHEVALIER CASSALI. 43 A madona. 44 45 Mr. CHAMBERS, No. 265, High-Holborn. \ ftained marble. A creft, 5 Mr. C L E V E L Y New-Row , Deptford. 46 A view from the water of Meflrs. Barnard and Dudman’s Ship-Yard, Deptford. 47 *A view of the parade at Portfmouth from the platform. 48 *A view from the Tally port at Portfmouth. Mr. COLLET, Chelfea. 49 A Landfcape. Mr. DAWE, at Mr. Hammond’s , Greek-Street , Soho. 50 A portrait of a lady, in crayons. 51 A connofieur and tired boy, after apidure of Mr. Morland?., , . 52 The unlucky boy, after ditto 5 6 ZOtin Mr. DAWES, Green-Jlreet, Leicejler Fields 53 *A feene in Macbeth 54 *Reformers of manners. Mr. D IG H T O N, at Mr, Glanvill’s, eppojite St. Qlewent's Gfcurcb. 55 A portrait of a gentleman 56 *Ditto of a lady Mr. DODD, No. 3, Old Bailey, cpj *A portrait of Mrs. Gardner. ^8 *A ditto of Nathan Potts, of the Robin Hood fociety. Mr. DU THUILLAY, No. 9, Tottenham-Court fyad. 59 *The Virgin, our Saviour, and St. John. 60 *St. Genevive 61 *The late Polifh Embaffador €2 *A Philqfopher’s Head after Rubenfr B Mr. ELLIOTT No: ( 6 ) Mr. E I. L I O T T, at Mr. Sharp's, in Leadenhall-Street. 63 *A perfpeftive view of the European fa&ory at Canton in China. 64 *A view of the green, &c. at Calcutta, in Bengal. Mr. E L M E R, Farnham, Surry. 65 *A lobfter and oyfters. 66 *A brace of carp and a cat. 67 *Dead birds. 68 *It’s companion. Mr. F A V I E R, No. 2, King-Street , St. Ann's , Soho. 69 *A drawing with the pen Mrs. F I L L I O N 1 E R E, No. 10, Little Carter-Lane , St. Paul's. 70 *A piece of flowers, in water colours. Mrs. FRANCIS, Bojwell Court, Queen's Square, Bloomsbury. 71 A landfcape in a peculiar tafte. 72 AChinefe After, in watercolours. 73 A piece of flowers in ditto Mr. FRENCH, No. 6, Scroop's Court, Holborn. 74 *A Storm. 75 * A Magician’s cell. 76 *A fmall landfcape. 77 *A ditto. Mr. JAMES FROST, Wandfworth, Surry. 78 *A landfcape with figures. Merry-making. 79 *A ditto, with Gypfies in a wood. 80 *A ditto, with a view through a Rock. 81 *A deception. 82 A landfcape with figures and cattle. 83 *A deception in the manner of Perelle. 84 *A ditto—it’s companion. By a GENTLEMAN. 85 A landfcape. 86 A ditto. 87 A ditto. 88 A ditto. 89 A ditto. 90 A Banditto driving a female prisoner into a cave.' By a GENTLEMAN. 91 *A landfcape, with the ftory of Venus and Adonis. By a GENTLEMAN. 92 A landfcape. By a GENTLEMAN. 93 A print after a landfcape painted by Mr. Collet. 94 A ditto—after a landicape painted by Mr. G. Smith. By a GENTLEMAN. 95 A ftudy, in crayons, after the celebrated Magdalen of Correggio. By a GENTLEMAN. 96 A view of the defign for a building at Stratford Place. 97 A ditto. 98 A ditto. 99 A ditto, xoo A ditto. By a GENTLEMAN. 101 A piece of fowls. 102 A lion and lionefs. By a young GENTLEMAN, a pupil of Mr. Atkinfon. 103 A tulip from Nature. 104 A landfcape in Indian ink. 105 A ditto in ditto. 106 A landfcape in biftre. By a young GENTLEMAN, a pupil of Mr. Atkinfon. 107 A landfcape in Indian ink. 108 A ditto in ditto. By a young GENTLEMAN, a pupil of Mr. Atkinfon, 109 A landfcape in black chalk. Mailer B. GOODEN, 'Tottenham Court Road. no A head in chalks. Mr. GRIFFITHS, Middle Tempi ?. hi Aaron, &c. worlhiping the molten image. Mifs GRIFFITHS, No. 155, upper Thames Street. 112 A piece of flowers. Mr, GRIM. ( 8 ) Na. Mr. GRIMBALSTON, Silver Street, Golden Square. 113 The portrait of a gentleman in wax. Mr. GROOMBRIDGE, Bromley , Kent. 114 *Anold mill from nature. 115 *A barn from ditto. 11 6 *An old man’s head from ditto Mr. H A G A R T Y, Queen-Jlreet, G olden-fquare. 117 *A landfcape. 118 *A ditto. Mr. HAGARTY, jun. at Mr. Hagartfs , Queen-Jlreet , Golden-fquare. 119 *A drawing of St. Jerome. 120 A ditto of a Lady. 121 *An old man’s head, from life. 122 * A landfcape, 123 *Sufanna and the two Elders. 1.24 *Lot and his daughters. Mr. H A Y O I T, No. 20, Portman-Street, Port man-fquare. 125 A piece of tulips from nature, in oil. Mr. R. P. HODGE, Red-Crofs Street , Cripplegate. 126 A deception. 127 A piece of grapes and peaches. Mr. HODGE, Prince's-Row, Pimlico . 128 A frame of miniatures. Mr. HODGSON, Drawing-Majler , Greek-Jlreet , Sohe, *29 * A drawing in chalks, cattle. 130 *A ditto in black lead after Frye. 131 *A piece of flowers. 132 * A ditto. 133 *A honeyfuckle. Matter HORSLEY, James-Street, Covent-Gardeft. 134 A head in chalks. Mr. HUNTER, No. 25, Fetter-Lane. A plan and elevation for a gentleman’s houfe in Somerfetlhire. ” nathaniei - ( 9 3 NATHANIEL JONES, Efq. Middle-Temple —Honorary Exhibitor. 136 A defign for a portal, propofed to be eroded on the Temple embank ment on the Thames. Mr. B. JONES, at Mr. Pether's. No. 30, Berwick-Street, Sob/. 137 A head in black chalk. 138 Two heads in ditto, fketches. 139 A rofe, in black lead. 140 Three miniatures unfiniflied. Mr. HENRY JOURET, jun. No. 37, Maiden-Lane , Covent-Garden. 141 A drawing of an academy figure in chalks. Mils ISAACS, No. 2, Hind-Court , Fleet-Street. 142 Portrait of a young gentlemen, in crayons. 143 Ditto of a lady in miniature. 144 Ditto, ditto. 145 Ditto, a Madona. 146 Ditto of a boy in crayons. 147 A miniature. 148 A ditto. 149 A ditto. Mr. KILLINGBECK, at Mrs. Totten's , Mount-Street , Berkley-fquart, 150 A horfe. Mr. KING, No. 48, Well's Street , Oxford-Road. 151 Portrait of a gentleman. Mr. KIN G, jun. 152 A lion after the antique. Mrs. LABARE, No. 2, Nottingham-Street , Maty-Bone, High-Street. 153 Three fmall pieces of j human hair wrought with a needle. By a L A D Y. 154 A piece of flowers in needle-work. By a Y OUNG LADY. 155 A piece of needle-work, after a pidure of Mr. Elmer. By a YOUNG LADY, pupil of Mr. Atkinfon, 156 A glafs of flowers. ^ By J* $ ( 10 ) No. By s YOUNG LADY, pupil of Mr, Atkinfon. i £7 A landfcape, in black lead. 158 A ditto in ditto. 159 A douhle daffodil, ditto. By a YOUNG LADY, pupil of Mr. Atkinfon. 160 A landfcape, in black lead. By a YOUNG LADY, pupil of Mr. Atkinfon. x61 A landfcape, in Indian ink. Mlfs LEIGNES, (aged twelve years,) at Mr. Leignes, Northumberland > Street, Strand. , 1 62 A portrait of her brother. Mr. LERPINIER, Faux-Hall Road. 163 A landfcape. Mr. SAMUEL LEWIS, ( 'Draftfman to the Plantation Office, Whitehall ,) No. 55, Chandois-Street, Covent-Garden. 164 A medley. 165 *A piece of miniature writing. 166 Ditto. Mr. ROBERT LUPTON, No. 3, Back-Hill, Hatton-Garden . 167 *A deception. Mr. DAVID LYON, at Capt. Scott's, Pottenbam-Court-Road. 168 A mare and foal 169 A pointer, from life. Mifs ELIZABETH MARTIN, Pupil to Mr. Hodgfon 170 A piece of flowers. Mr. MAY, No. 67, Tooley-Street, Sottthwark, 171 *A country girl offering flowers for fale. 172 *A portrait of an old man. 173 *Ditto, an old woman—^.companion. 174 Ditto of a lady 175 Ditto of a gentleman. Mr. F R A N CI S C O M E L L E, No. 3, Soutb-Molton Strut, Grofuenor-fquare. 176 *The death of Lucretia. Mr. MILTON/ Peckham, Surry. 177 *A landfcape and figures. Mr. ( »'■> Mr. M I T C H E L, Builders affiftant of bis Majejly's Dock- Yard, Deptford. 178 *An evening with a fliip on the Careen ; with filhing boats and figures Mr. MOORE, Berners-Street, Oxford-Road. 179 A portrait of a nobleman, a clay model 180 A ditto, ditto ,. .. 181 A group of children, with a cat and bird s nett, in marble, 182 A monumental medallion, reprefenting Piety, in ditto 183 A ditto of King William and Queen Mary. 184 A ditto of King George the Firft. 185 A ditto of a young gentleman, a model. Mr. J O H N MOORE. 186 The Good Shepherd—A model. Matter JAMES MOORE. 187 A young Chrift fleeping on the crofs, attended by St. John 188 A portrait of a gentleman. 189 A fmall landfcape with cattle. 190 *A deception. 191 * A ditto Mr. MORE AND, No. 3 6, Windmill Street, Tottenham Court Road. 192 ^Spring. 193 *Sumrtier. 194 *Autumn. 195 *Winter. iq6 *A girl opening oyfters. 200 *His Majefty 205 * Ditto. 206 *Ditto. 207 *Ditto. 208 *The unlucky boy. Mr. Mcrland’s Mr. M O R LAN DY Pieces continued. 209 * A lady’s maid foaping fame fine linnen, zra *A country girl with peaches. 2i 1 »pj en ty w ith a cornucopia of fruit 212 *Flora holding fome flowers. 213 *Peace with a dove. 214 *A fervant with her hand before a candle. 215 A girl ironing fome fleeves. 216 *Two drawings. 217 *An idea of Turkifli beauty. Mr. P E T H E R, No. 30, Berwick-Street, Soho. 218 *A portrait of a gentleman. 219 A lady, ditto. 220 A gentleman, ditto. . 221 A ditto, ditto, 222 A young gentleman, in white wax. 223 A. child, ditto. 224 His own portrait, ditto, 225 A coaxing boy, a (ketch in red wax. 226 Birds, &c. ditto. Mr. A B R A H A M P E T H E R, at Mr. Pether's. 227 *A candle light. 228 * A moon light. 229 *A lamp light. 230 *A landfcape. 231 Still life. Mr. PEREGRINE PHILLIP’s, at Mr. Burgefds, No. 3$, Lamb's-Conduit-PaJJage, near the Fomdlmg-Hofpital. 232 A drawing of beafts, in red chalks. Mr. THOMAS PINGO, Engraver to his Majefifs Mint. 233 A proof of a guinea, from a new dye, Mr. JOHN PINGO, Engraver , Gray's-Inn-Lane. 234 A head of Cleopatra. Mafter GEORGE PURDON, at Mr. Burgefs’s, No. 33,’ Maiden-Lane , Covent-Garden. 235 A landfcape, in water colours. 236 Apollo, in chalks. Mr.' Mafter Mr. M c QUOID, No. 4, Bridge Row, near Wejhninjler Bridge Turnpike Bacchanalian boys in chiaro oleuro. Mr. THOMAS RAYNER, 238 Dutch chorifters. Mr. EDWARD RICHARDS, No. 4, Colebrook Row, HoxtcW, 239 A brace of pointers. Mr. RICHARDS, oppo/ite St. James's. Church, Piccadilly. 240 Nymphs bathing. 241 A land ftorm. 242 A moon light. 243 King Lear. Mr. ROBERTS, Engraver, near the Three Ccmpaffes, Lambeth- Marjh. 244 An explanatory plate, for a treatife on perfpe&ive pubhfhing by Mr. Malton 245 A ditto Mr. SARTORIUS, the corner of Dean-Jtreet, oppoftte St. Ann's Church , Soho. 246 *A hare. 247 *Stripling and Milkfbp. 248 Brood mares and colts. 249 A gentleman and lady. 250 An officer of the Royal Forefters. 251 Portrait of a gelding called Buff-coat. 252 A couple of woodcocks. 253 A fhooting poney. , _ r. 254 The original pidture (taken from the Anatomy of Dr, Bridges mare) the property of —— Cave, Efq. 255 A gentleman fhooting. 256 A favourite mare. Mafter SARTORIUS. 257 Brood mare and colt 258 Two brood mares and colts. y 259 A Spanilh dog. Mr. SCHEEMAKER, No. 6 , Great Tichfield-Jlreet , Oxford-Market. 260 The fketch of a monument after a defign of Mr. Stuart. 261 A finifhed model of the two boys on the Sarcophagus fupporting the arms on a larger feale. 262 Models of the portraits on the aforefaid monument. ■'V> ( »4 ) SCOTT, Grays I„„ Lane. Grange-Street, Covent-Garitn. Matter E D M U M D 2£3 A drawing Mr. SERVANDONI, at Mr. Rayner’s, No. 6 . Leicejler-Fields. 264 A portrait of a gentleman 2$5 *A landlcjpe, water colours 266 *A ditto—it’s companion 267 *Kuins in architecture. Mr. SIIELDON, at Mr. Jobfon’s, Bow-Street , 268 »A fruit piece half length. 269 A Portrait of a gentleman. A ditto A ditto Mr. G E O. S M I T I I, of Chicbejier, Suffix. *A landfcape. *A ditto. Adecep“ r „. SPOONER ’ e “‘ h ’ HonoraryErtlbte. AMES STUART, Efq. L.iaJt.r.FUU, 2 JO 271 272 2 73 J 275 A view of the infide of an amphitheatre 9 276 A view of a ruin in Thefialonica taken on the f pot N n water colours. 277 A ruin in Italy. -> P J 278 A view of the monument of Philopappus 279 A view of the bridge over the Iliffus 280 A view of the arch of Adrian at Athens. 281 Front of the temple of Thefeus at Athens. 282 Sedtion of the pronaos of the temple of The¬ feus at Athens. 28.5 Ornaments of the temple of Pandrofus in the Acropolis of Athens. * 284 The capital of the columns in a ruin called the Incantada 285 Leda, one of the eight figures remaining in the Incantada. 286 Doric Capital and Entablature of Minerva Parthenion in the Acropolis of Athens. 287 The bafe capital and entablature of the por¬ tico of Minerva Polias, in the Acropolis 01 Athens. z 83 The foffit and part of the freeze of the Temple of Thefeus, withthemouldings at large. 289 Monument of Dorotheus at Andros. Specimens of a work ot Antiquities, preparing for publication. I Mf. ( *5 ) Mr. S W A IN E, Stretlon Ground-, Wejtminftcr. 290 *A frefh gale, fun rife 291 *A view of Purfleet, with an Eaft Indiaman lying in Lonng Reach, a calm. Mr. MONAMY SWAINE, at Mr. Swaine’s, Stretton Ground , hVeJlminfter. 292 A drawing ot a farm houfe. Mailer JULIUS TIDD, at Mr. 1 idd's, Gray’s Inn-Lane . 293 Adam and Eve, in Paradiie—a drawing in pen and ink. Mils 1 O D D E R I C K, Berner’s-Street. 294 A miniature of a lady. Mr. TURNER, Brook-Street , Grofvenor-Square. v 295 ^Flowers. 296 *Fruit. 297 *Ditto- Mr. VANDERMEULEN, Little Cajlle-Strest , cppofite Winfley- Street, Oxford-Market. 298 *A buft of a young fawn, in marble. 299 A Iketch for a fountain, in plainer. Matter VANDERMEULEN. 300 *A fmall butt of Venus, in marble. 301 *The four Evangeiifts, in ditto. Mils VILLEBRUNE, at Mr. Durfier’s, Frith-Street , Soho, 302 *Painting. 303 *Muiic. Mr. WEST, Majler of the Academy in Dublin. 304 *The adoration of the Ihepherds—a drawing in the pofieffion of M^ Idagarty. Mr. WILLIAMS, at the Golden-Head , Mercer-Street , Long-Acre. 305 A portrait of a Gentleman. 306 A lfnall portrait of a Lady. 307 *The death of General Wolfe. 308 *A deception. 309 *A fmall piece of flowers. Mifs WILLIAMS, at Mrs. Towers's, Sherrard-Street , Golden-Square. 3 to A Portrait of a Gentleman, in Crayons. 3 *« A ditto, ditto, ditto « \ c ( 16 ) No. Mr. W. WOO LEY, Vere Street, Oxford Read. 31? A landfcape, and water fall. Mifs WILLS, Talbot Court , Graeechurch Street. 313 A piece of infetts. 314 A ditto,—it’s companion. 315 Mofs rofes and jeffamin. 316 A honey-fuckle, it’s companion, ^317 An apple bloffom. Mr. WALDEGRAVE, James-Street, Wejlnmfter. 317 *A landfcape. 318 *A ditto. 319 *A ditto. 320 *A ditto. WATLINGTON, Ozier-Lsne. 321 A Portrait in chalks. 222 A ditto. _ . _ , 323 A drawing after Mr. Gainfborougn. Mr. WHITE, No. 44, Devonjhire-Street, Queen's-Square, BloomJburj 324 Portrait of a Lady in Miniature. Mr. WILKINS, No. 1, Hyde-Street, Bloomjbury-Market. * The burning and deftroying the Turkiffi fleet, in the bay of Chifme, in 3 J the Archipelago, by a divifion of the Ruffian fleet, at midnight, July 7th, 1770. 326 *A calm. 327 * A ftorm. 328 *David playing on the harp. 329 *Mackrill 330 *Strawberries and birds 331 »A bafket of ftraw berries 332 *St. Cecilia 333 *A calm. 334 *A table piece. Mrs. WILKINS. 335 A portrait of a lady, in crayons. 336 A ditto of a boy, ditto. 337 *A Madona, ditto. A Pupil of Mr. ZINK. 338 *Two pi&ures of the annunciation, after Guido. OMITTED. No. o M C *7 ) I T T E D. Mr. JOHN B ARRALET, No. 30, Frith Stmt , Soho, 339 A landfcape. 240 *A ditto. 4 Mafter JAMESMOORE. 341 Count Hugolino,—a fketch after Michael Angelo, in the chapel of Sixtus the Vtht Rome,—See Dante’s Inferno. Mr. HODGES, on the expedition to the South Sea. 342 A view of the Cape of Good Hope, taken on the fpot from on board the Refolution, Capt. Cooke. 343 A phyfxc nut tree, in the ifland of St. Jago. 344 A view in the ifland of St. Jago. 345 The fouth eaft point of Fonchial Bay. 346 A view in the ifland of Madeira. Mr. GAINSBOROUGH, Bath. 347 The portrait of a nobleman. A. Z. at Mr. Pether’s, No. 30, Berwick Street, Soho. 348 *Aftudy, from Nature. 349 A portrait of Mr.’ Scalley. 350 A ditto of a lady. 351 *A frame with (ketches. 352 A portrait of a gentlemen. Mr. CROUCH, No. 94, Oxford Street. 353 A portrait of a lady. 354 A Chrift. Mr. WILLIAM SHUTTER, King's Street, Soho. 355 *A view of Netly abbey in Northamptonlhire 356 *A ditto of St. Agathy’s monaftery near Richmond in Yorkfhire ' Mr. BROWN, Princes Street, Wejiminjier . 357 A portrait ef a gentleman 358 A ditto 359 A ditto, of a lady 360 A fatyr with cupids. 361 Diana and Endymion , „ _ Mr. A T K. I N S O N. . 362 *A landfcape, with a mill 363 *A ditto, with ditto 364 *A kitchen 265 A portrait of a young gentleman Mr. ( i* ) No. .... . a . , „ Mr. GRIFFITHS. 366 *A portrait of a Philofopher. Mr. ROBERT RAYNER. 307 A Monk at devotion. TT . B y » Young GENTLEMAN. 368 His own portrait. By a GENTLEMAN. 369 "A deception. Mr. E V A N S, South Wales. 370 *A landfcape, with dead game. Mrs. WILKINS. 371 *A fancy head. TT> B y a GENTLEMAN. 372 His Majefty’s coat of arms. BODSKINSON, No. 29, Arundel Street, Strand, 373 A defign for a villa. A drawing. 374 Ground plan of ditto. 375 A fancy piece of a Gentleman’s eftate. A drawing;. 376 Survey of Cumberland, An engraving. By A L A D Y. 377 A pidgeon, in needle-work. 0 . , > gentleman. 378 A landfcape, with figures. . . . , By a GENTLEMAN. 379 A portait of a gentleman. By a G E N T L E M A N. 380 A landfcape. 381 A ditto, in the manner of Vandeveldt. o t , ^f. r ‘ U C H, No. 94, Oxford Street. 382 Latona, Apollo, and Diana. „o A • Mr " « O D G E S, on the Expedition to the South St*. 3 ** A view of S*. Jago from the Bay of Pwto Prava 384 A view of Fonchral in the iflund of Madeira ’ 355 A defign for an organ. T ° P B I N G. 386 *The vocaMady, or L L 1 A M S. 3«7 *A portrait ^of" Dr.^Goldfeith! W# ’ * ^ kruU 3»3 *A ditto of an oid man. No. ( 19 ) Mr. WALD RE, 389 *Jupiter and Thetis. No. 20, Frith-Street , Sob), Mr. B R O W Nj 390 The laughing boy. 391 A portrait of a gentleman. 392 A ditto. Mr. WILLIAM CLARKE, N0.34, Shee-Lm 393 A drawing of the church of St. Martin in the Fields. Mr. D. P. D O D D, No. 3, Old Bailey . 394 An artift in his ftudy. 39s A teinted drawing of Boors at Dutch pins. Mr. Du T H U I L L A Y. 396 The portrait of an artift. Mr. WILKINS. 397 A view of Mount Vefuvius from Naples. By a GENTLEMAN. 398 A fnow-piece—A drawing. By the late Mr. C A L L A R D, 399 *A landfcape. 400 *A ditto. 401 *A ditto. 402 *A land-ftorm. Mr. SWAINE, Wejlminjhr. 463 *A moon light. 404 *A landfcape. 4°5 A fea piece. FINIS. a CATAL OG UE OF THE Paintings, Sculptures, Defigns in Archite&ure, Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. NOW exhibit ing B y T H E i,' ■ • ; ■ . . i. .. j ; i;: . - w SOCIETY OF ARTISTS, ASSOCIATED FOR THE V ' T ' • . * - . : ; ; ; n ; relief of their d I s tressed BRETHREN, their WIDOWS and CHILDREN, AT THEIR \ \ V V. • j- -•- . * V l • i EXHIBITION ROOM and ACADEMY, in St. ALRAN’s* STREET, PALLMALL. ' \ 1 Being the SIXTEENTH YEAR of their EXHIBlTTON. 11 ---- MU «-U _ Unanimity. jd k XL @ M mtez '■.f xr'i-' v s >*v' PRINTED for the SOCIETY, B Y MARY HARRISON, OPPOSITE STATIONERS HALL, M.DCC.LXXV. A State of the Society’s Accounts brought down from the Year 1766, when the Society had Stock (3 per Cents.) in the Bank of England, to the Year i 774 . inclufive* ) \ ' -• Clear Produce of Exhibitions and Receipts from Honorary Members, and of the Intereft of the Stock in the Bank. £. t. d. In 1767 — 245 l6 8 1768 - 142. 8 3 i 1769 - 189 11 7 i 1770 - 105 3 0 1771 - 104 12 0 1772 - * 2 5 0 10 *773 - 177 + - 81 104 2 1 6 4 £.1097 16 J \ AMance given to proper Claimants. £■ '• d In 1767 —— 9 9 0 »768 - i 7 6 9 - 27 6 0 132 16 6 1770 - 18 18 0 1771 - 42 5 0 1772 - 52 O 0 *773 - 1774 - - 3 6 >5 *9 »9 0 © £•339 8 6 Stock. In 1766 ■ £ . 600 Increafe of Stock in the , 3 'P er Cents. 1767 - 250 ,. 7 68 - - KK> ,769 - p 1770 - - 100 1 77 I - 5 ° ,772 _- 50 1 77 3 - 50 a //t - ,1 « M , fej* « ^ M ft* M ft* ^ ft*.» ft* # , « « » K K K catalogue OF THE Paintings, Sculptures, Defigns in Architecture, Models, Drawings, Engravings, &c. 15* Every Purchafer of a Performance mlf be entitled to a free Admifjiort Picket during the Exhibition. *** Phe Perfon who attends in the Room has a Lijl of the Prices of fuck Performances as are to be fold. The Performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of. Mr. ALLA N, Edinburgh. i*X&Q&Q*XRAV ELLERS kindling a fiie +i *Soldiers drefling their Popper—it’s companion a r T 15 Ki % 2 A ballad finger * A mar ^ et girl-—it’s companion Mr. WILLIAM ALSOP, Wandfworthy Surry. 3 A portrait of a gentleman—fmall whole length t3 Ditto of a lady—ditto ■o Mr. ATKINSON, No r>38? * [4 1 Mr. ATKINSON, Drawing-Mapr , Randagh-Walk,, Cbdfea. 4 A drawing of an academy figure? in cha , ks *}-4 A ditto, ditto $ 5 A landfcape by mpon-light; „ ;; . ; ... . ; ; . •. ; 6 A ditto, ditto 7 An honey fuckle 8 A coronilla 9 A rofe with buds 10 The Chriftmas rofe_ Mr. JAMES BARRALET, Dean's-Tard, Wepninpr , 11 *A drawing—a landfcape and figures 1 s * A ditto t . «‘or? i w p'tf I - ? • *> ’■'•o f /I A .Water colours 1? *A ditto 13 *A ditto 14 *A ditto -v >mv£'T2nii t i\v. r ;TG?-, g!i 1 c o ' G 1 - - Mr. JAMES BAS 1 -R E, Engr - a 40 *A holy family 41 *A landfcape and figures 42 *A Dutch girl in a cellar by lamp-light .4.3 * A philoiopher-—fandle-light . , Mr. CALDWALL, Angel Court , Great Windmill-Jlreet, Haymarket. 44 Portrait of the Rev, Mr. Baxter 45 Ditto 46 Ditto 47 Ditto 48 Ditto 49 Ditto 50 Ditto 31 Ditto Engravings from original Pic¬ tures for the Nonconform formifts Memorial Rev. Mr. Calamy Rev.. Mr. Caryl Rev. Mr- Howe Rev. Mr. Charnock Rev.; John Owen, D.D. Rev. Tho.Goodwin, D.D Rev. William Bates, D.D. Mr. CANTER, Vine Street , Piccadilly. 52 A view of London from York-Buildings 53 A fancy piece of architecture . 54 Wardour Caftle, belonging to the Right Hon. the Earl of Arundel t.A - A jyjr. CHAMBERS, No, 265, High Holborn. 55 A coat of arms ftained into marblo B Mafler rr ^ ] No. Matter CHILD, at Mr. Sharp’s Academy, Clapbam , pupil t$ Mr. Hcdgfon. 56 A drawing of an academy figure in chalk Mr. C L E V E L E Y, New Row , Deptford. 57 *A view of Portfmouth 58 *A ditto of Spithead from Portfmouth 59 *A fea-piece 60 *A fmall fea fight 61 *A Ditto 62 *A fea engagement; with a fire {hip burning a Ih'rp of war Mr. COLLET, Chelfea. 63 *The court candidate and patriotic cobler 64 *A lionefs feizing a bull ‘65 *A view of Calais taken from the fide of the canal leading from thence to St. Omer s I-':; 1 "'m ’ ' '.: ,j /. Mr. D A W E, at Mr- Hammond's-, Greek-Jlreet , Soiw, 66 A laundry maid hanging linen out of a window.—a metzotinto, after a painting of Mr. Morland 67 A cupid—a metzotinto—after a painting of Mr. Cofway 68 The female lucubration—ditto~after a painting of Mr. Foldfton Mr. DEVIS, Junior, at Mr. Devis's, Great Queen-Jlreet, Linctliis- Inn-Fields. 69 A group of boys 70 *A Madona Matter DEVIS. 71 Head of a veftal virgin, a drawing in chalk ■fy 1 A group of heads, ditto Mr. DODD, No. 3, Old Bailey. 72 A portrait of a gentleman Mr. W. D O N N, Fttrnham-Green. 73 Plan of a country houfe +73 Elevation of ditto ...... Mr. FORD, at Mr. Turner’s, Marybone Street, Golden Square- 74 Portrait of a gentleman +74 Ditto of a lady, Mr. FRANCIS Mrs. FRANCIS, Bofwell Court, Queen's Square, Bhomfbury. 75 A tnadona in crayons 76 A bafket of rofes, in water colours, from nature 77 A bunch of grapes Mr. FLOWER FREEMAN,, Junior, Buckle Street, Goodman's Fields, Honorary Exhibitor. 78 A convention Mr. JOSEPH FREEMAN, at Mr. Cobbold?s, Haydon Square, Minories* Honorary Exhibitor. 79 A drawing in chalks after Piazetta Mr. JAMES FROST, Wandfworth , Surry, 80 *A fmall landfcape—a drawing after Perelle 81 * A ditto after ditto 82 *A Dutch merry making after Teniers—a deception By a GENTLEMAN, 85 A portrait—a ftained drawing By a GENTLEMAN. 84 A head By a Gentleman, Pupu of Mr. Atkinfon . 85 A landfcape, 7 , A, . r > water colours 86 A ditto, 5 By a GENTLEMAN, Pupil of Mr. Atkinfon-. 87 The ten-weeks ftock—water colours By a GENTLEMAN, Pupil of Mr, Atkinfon. 88 A drawing of an academy figure 1 ■ , 89 A ditto, ditto ^ in c a s By a young GENTLEMAN. 90 Portrait of a lady ByaGENTLEMAN. 9! *A portrait of a gentleman By a GENTLEMAN/ 92 * A deception ' gy \ Plj 1 8 -] No. By a GENTLEMAN, at Mr. Turner's, Marybone-Street, Golden-Square. 93 *A l'andfcape and cattle 94 *A ditto, in the ftile of Vangoen 95 * A landfcape and figures By a GENTLEMAN. •96 *A landfcape 97 *A ditto 98 *A battle *99 * A ditto—it’s companion 100 *Still life By a GENTLEMAN. 101 *Fruit J02 *Ditto 103 *Ditto 104 *A birds neft with young ones 105 *A ditto with eggs 106 *Eruit 107 *Ditto ic8 * Flowers 109 *Ditto Mr. GROOMBRIDGE, No. 11, Fcppn's Court, Fleet Street. i/1..I) ‘19i ' ' ,r, . , ^ c**0 fiOlbrnf A no A portrait in miniature ’ - r v in A ditto 112 A ditto ' « 113 Ditto of a lady . ' Mr. H A G A R. T Y, Queen-Street, Golden-Square. 114 *The birth of our Saviour, after an original drawing of Mr. Weft 115 Portrait of a lady—fmall whole length Mr. HAG ARTY, jun . at Mr. Hagartfs,. Queen-Street, Golden-Square, u 6 *A drawing in chalks 117 * A d itto 11S *A ditto. a Vi ..1 .». Mr. HAYOIT,. Mr. H A Y O I T, No. 20, Portman-Strtet, Portman-fquare, 119 A piece of flowers, a ftudy from Nature, in oil 120 A tulip ditto 121 A ditto ‘ ditto Mr. S. H E W S O N. 122 *Sc. Peter releafed out of prifon by the angel, after Rembrandt 123 *A philofopher 124 *A landfcape Mr. H O D G E, No. 6 , Prince's Row, near the Queen's Palace , Buckingham -Gate. 125 A miniature l 26 A ditto Mr, HODGSON, Drawing Mafter, Little St. Martin's Lane . 127 *Fruit—a drawing in chalks 128 *Ditto—it’s companion Mifs HODGSON. 129 *A damafk rofe—water colours Mr. HODSKINSON, No. 29, Arundel-Street, Strand. 130 A view of the bridge Nonpareil, between Calais and St. Omer’s, form¬ ing crofs roads, over crols canals 131 The ground plan of ditto—the roads and top of the bridge with ths feftion 132 A defign for improvements to the Park and Pleafure-ground at Norbury in Surry—a fpecimen in Indian ink Mr. C. PI O N E, Pall-Mall, ■ft33 A portrait of a lady Mr. JAMES JOHNSON, near JVejlminJler-Bridge, Surry. J133 The Banqueting-Houfe, Whitehall Mafter GEORGE KEATING, at Mr. Keating's, Air-Street , Piccadilly. 134 A Friar’s head in chalk Mr. KILLINGBECK, at Mr. Totten's, Mount-Street, Berkley-Square. *35 A greyhound Mr. KING, Junior, at Mr. King’s, No. 54, Wells Street, Oxford-Road* * 3 ° A Madona—a model C Mr. LANARK, I Mrs. LABARE, No, 2, Nottingham Street , Marybone High Street. 137 A landfcape in human hair By a young LADY, Pupil of Mr. Atkinfon. 138 Carnations and fweet fcented peas—water colours By a young LADY, Pupil of Mr. Atkinfon. 139 Rofe buds—water colours By a young L A D Y Pupil of Mr. Atkinfon. 140 The Vargo pink—water colours By a LADY. 141 A miniature of a lady Mr. BENJAMIN LYON, No. r, Angel-Court, oppofite Somerfet-Houfe< y Strand. 142 *Portrait of a clergyman Mr. DAVID LYON, at Mr. Mucball's, No. 15, Tottenham-Court. Road. 143 *A fportfman and dog 144 * A fmall landfcape and figures—water colours 145 A fmall fox-hunting—the full chafe—unfinilhed -m Mailer RICHARD MACKAY, at Mr. Mackay’s, oppofite Bond-Street Piccadilly. 146 A head in chalks Mrs. MACKLEOD, Honorary Exhibitor. 147 Flowers in needle-work—tapeftry Mifs MART I N, Pupil to Mr. Hodgfon. 148 A pot of flowers—watercolours Mr. MAY, No. 2, Warwick Lane , Newgate Street. 149 A portrait of a young gentleman ip,o Ditto, of a child Mr. MAYNARD, No. 1, Corner of New Ormond-ftreet, near the Foundling Hofpital. 151 *An American plant, called the Pope’s Head 152 *Ditto, ditto .»<• 153 A portrait of a lady, three quarters ' Mr. FRANCISCO No. t >1 ] Mr. FRANCISCO MELLE, No, 50, South Molton-Jlrat, Grofuenor- Square, 154 *Archite£ture—miniature 155 *Ditto, ditto 156 *A country girl, ditto 157 *A profpedt of the^Roman Colifeum, ditto Mr. MOORE, Berner’s-Jlreet, Oxford-Road 158 A buft of a nobleman 159 A ditto 160 A model of Robert Earl Ferrers ■, c 161 A dicto of his lady } for a monument 163 The foldiers rulhing upon Archimedes at his ftudy—a model 1 164 Alexander ordering the works of Homer to be depolited in a lTablets calket J Mr. MOORE, Junior; 165 A monumental medalion Mr. JAMES MOORE. 166 A view of the port of Antwerp on the Scheld 167 A portrait of Rubens 168 A ditto of Gerardon Mr. MORLAND, No. 36, Great Windmill -fireet, Tottenbam-Court- Road. 169 *A lady’s maid foapingTome fine linen 170 *A girl opening oyfters by a lanthorn 171 *A country beggar boy 1 72 *A girl wiping her Ihoulders after bathing . 173 *A boy teifing a cat with a moufe 174 *A girl ironing fome Ihift fleeves 175 A portrait in crayons 176 Ditto 177 Ditto 178 Ditto 179 Ditto 180 Sygifmonda weeping over Guifcardo’s heart—See Dryden’s fables 181 ^The Virgin and Chrift 182 A view of a rifing ground with a flat country Mr. MOR- No. [ 12 1 Mr. M OR LAND’S Pieces continued. 183 A fog in September 184 * A moon-light 185 *A ftormof wind, rain and lightning 186 *An Italian connoifeur and tired boy— Theconnoifeur is anadmirer of no pictures but Italian, therefore his talle is greatly affronted on beinj Ihewn a Dutch picture, neverthelefs his attention is engaged by fome effeft he fees in the landfcape—has forgot the boy who is tired with holding the picture in a heavy frame, which he is juft ready to drop 187 *The unlucky boy—The boy finding the maid afleep is going to tickle her nofe with her thread-paper, is laughing at the thought of he r fneefing, but is on his guard expedting on her awaking a flap on his face for his unlucky trick 188 *A boy delivering a letter to a general poft girl—the boy has loft the penny, is intreating the girl to take the letter without the money, expe&ing his mafter will correct him on his return if the letter is not delivered, Ihe appears unwilling to deny his requeft to fave him from the beating Mafter GEORGE MORLAND, (Ten Tears old.) 189 A Iketch from idea, in chalks 190 A ditto, ditto, ditto Mr. MORRIS, Engraver, No. 5, Ely-Court , Holborn. 191 Three engravings of cielings Mr. N O D D E R, Panton-Jlreet , Leicejler-Fields. 192 *The Choice of Hercules, painted in a peculiar manner—with human hair 193 *A frame, with the heads of Hercules and Iole—painted in oil on fa.tin Mr. OUGHT, Sun-Tavern-Fields , Sbadwell. 194 A portrait of a gentleman, half length Mafter PARKER, Pupil to Mr. Hcdgfon. 195 A head of a faint—a drawing in chalk Mr. A. f 196 *A landfcape 1,07- ’Ditto,, evening 19S *It’s companion 199 *A landfcape 200 *It’s companion 201 ^Evening 302 *A rocky hill 203 *A fnow piece 204 ^Cottages v 205 ^Evening 206 *A Imall landfcape- 207 *A landfcape Mr.. THOMAS PETHERpvtf Mr. Petherms, Marybone. 208 A drawing,, in brown ink 209 A portrait of a lady—miniature , Mr, LEWIS PINGO, Golden Head., Grays-Inn-Lane . 210 A portrait of a gentleman 211 A model of a medal 212 A model of juftice 213 A frame with four medals, viz. 3 His majefty Mr. Penn J - l O : ■ ; •. Dr. Mead Marquis of Granby Mr. GEORGE PUR DON. 2x4 A landfcape, a ftained drawing Mr. EDWARD RICHARDS, No. 4, Colebrooke-Row , Hoxtom 215 A fog difperfing j kit-cac 216 A ftorm going off, ditto 217 A moon-light ... , Mr. RICHIARDJ, oppofite St. James's Churchy Piccadilly. 218 The naval review at Portfmouth 219 A view in Italy < ' * 220 Ditto in Rome £ Mr. ROBERTS } in wax. .B •1 V? / P v us () 0 £ [ 14 ] No. . ( Mr. ROBERTS, Engraver , Afa. 74, Gray's-lm-Latte. 22 1 A proof print of a fraftured lkull 222 Ditto of the internal, and external, view of Ihells drawn and engraved for John Strange, Efq. 223 A proof print of a fpecies of a coral 224 Ditto, of infedts engraved 225 Ditto, of a landfcape and cattle 226 Ditto, of the eledtrical parts and tranverfe fedtion of the Torpedo, drawn and engraved for John Walfh, Efq. Mr. W, ROT H, Great Queen-ftreet. 227 A portrait of a lady in a mafquerade drefs—fmall half length 228 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto, ditto Mr. ROTH, Junior, Great Queen-Street. 229 Portrait of a lady, fmall half length ^ 230 Ditto of a gentleman, fmall three quarters _ , + 230 St. Agnes , Mr. SARTORIUS, No. 10, Meard’s-Court, Dean-Jtreet , Sc bo. 231 Mechanick—a ftallion, the property of Mr. Emerfon 232 Brahim, a Barb, the property of Mr. Hall , - ■ i>: z 33 A hunting mare .siv am •<:. r - : 234 Brood Mares ../x, • ... Matter SARTORIUS. • . 235 A galloway Mr. BERNARD SCALE, at Mangroves, near Brentwood, EJfex. 236 A drawing of llrs MijCftysPhtdnik Park in Ireland 237 Ditto, afurvey of Carton Park, the feat of his grace the duke of Leiri- fter,. in Ireland . -•/. \h (.<.-■.!• .VC: . . 238 Ditto, the demefne of Sheffield Place in Suffex, the feat of John Baker Holroyd, Efq. . c '. ; > ; q r: Mr. SCHEEMAKER, No. 6 , Great Titchfield-Jlreei, Oxford Market. 239 A portrait of a gentleman-^ Wiodel’ < I. --- •' '• 240 A monumental medalion—ditto 1. ; oro . v. 'vji . . - 241 A boy leaning on a vale for a monument, ditto 3fT,oH f.. oiJi I a ja . u* pit 0,2 Maft«r No. C *5 ] Matter EDMUND SCOTT, No. 74j Gray's-Inn-Lane. 242 Portrait of a gentleman 243 Ditto, of a lady 244 Ditto, of a young gentleman ^ c ^ a ^ 3 245 An academy figure Mrs. SEYMOUR, No. 8, in the Curtain Road, near Shoreditch. 246 A coat of arms cut in vellum With fciflars Mr. SHELDON, at Mr. Jobfon's, Bow-ftrm, Covent-Garden 247 Portrait of a child, whole length 248 His own portrait Mr. SHERLOCK, No. 1, Harris-Ccurt, near the Pantheon, Oxford-Road 249 A carving in wood Mr. STOWLEY, at Mr. Mercer's , No, 45, Gray's-Inn-Lane. 250 The portrait of a lady in chalks JAMES STUART, Efq. Leicefler-Fields. 251 A defign for a medal in honour of General Wolfe 252 Ditto ditto of Admiral Hawke 253 The defign from which the Catch Club medal was executed Mr. S W A I N E, Stretton-Ground, Weftminfler. ' 254 *A frelh gale, kit-cat 255 *A calm 256 *Afun-fet—calm 257 * A frelh gale 258 *A mo6n-lighfr—it’s companion 259 *A landfcape in oval 260 *A moon-light—it’s companion 261 *A fea calm 262 *A ditto—it’s oompanion 263 *A landfcape, cattle and figures 264 *A froft piece—it’s companion 265 *A frelh gale 266 *A calm—it’s companion 267 *A fmall landfcape 268 *A ditto—it’s companion 269 *A fmall landfcape 270 *Ditto—it’s companion , 2 7 1 ’Travellers Mrs \ r >6 i No. Mrs. THOMAS. 272 * An old woman’s head 273 *St. Catharine • S Matter JULIUS TIDD, at Mr. Tidd's, Gray's-Inn-Lane. 274 A drawing of a monument Mr. VANDERMEULEN, Little Cajlle-Street , cppafite dVinJUy-StrttU Ovfnrd-Market. w * ^ 276 *The marriage of Cupid and Pfyche, a tablet in marble 277 A defign for a pediment, in clay 278 A buftof a-young lady—a model 279 A medallion, in itucco 280 The four feafons, in ditto Mr. VANDERMEULEN, Junior. 281 *A fmall butt of a Madona, in marble Mr. WHITE, Devonjhire-Street, Queen-Square, Bloomjbury. 282 A drawing of the antient gate that flood at Whitehall, built by King Henry VII. and pulled down in 1759 283 View of the Piazza, Covent-Garden, a teinted proof, engraved for Mr, Malton*s Treatife on Perfpeftive Mr. WILKINS, No. 1, Hyde-Street, Bloomjbury Market. 284 A piece of dead birds -{-284 Hare, pheafant and woodcock. Mifs WILLIAMS, at Mr. Butcher's Toy-Shop, Hay-Market. 285 *The mufical fhepherd Mr. WOODALL, Halfted, EJfex. 286 A Iandfcape 287 A ditto hO < n: OMIT "T E D. By a GENTLEMAN. 288 A view of the ruins of the temple of Apollo near Baia, in the kingdom of Naples 289 Another ruined temple near Baia no A view of the bay of Naples No. [ l 7 ] By a GENTLEMAN. spi A landfcape in the manner of Berghem By a GENTLEMAN. 292 A fhip on fire By a GENTLEMAN. 293 A lion and horfe By a GENTLEMAN. 294 Cattle in the manner of Rofa of Tivoli, r Mrs. FILLIONIERE, No. ro. Little Carter Lane , Doctor's Commons. 2.95 Flowers in pafte By a GENTLEMAN. 296 A landfGape By a GENTLEMAN,. 297 A deeping Venus. Mr. D O D D. 298 Portrait of young lady in crayons,fmall oval 299 Ditto of an artift, ditto 300 Ditto ot a lady in oil, ditto 301 Ditto of himfelf, ditto * Mr. DODD, at Mr. Dodd's, No. 3, Old Bailey. 3°2 *The farmer’s amorous man—a fketch in oil Mr. WAL DEGRAVE, James's Street , JVeJlminJler. 303 *The infide of a temple 304 *A fmall landfcape 3°5 *lt’s companion Mifs M A C K A Y. 306 A piece of flowers in water colours Mr. D E V I S, Great £>ueen Street.. 307 A head Mr, RALPH, at Cbelfea. 308 *A moon light 309 *A fun-fet E Mr. M < QUOID, I A C A T A L OF T PICTURES, SCULPTURES, &c. BY THE SOCIETY OF artists, (Continued from the Year 1759, upon the ' ORIGINAL INSTITUTION) \ Now open to the PUBLIC, at their EXHIBITION room I N St. ALBAN 's STREET, PALL-MALL. Quod, fuit auditu gratum cecinere Poetce ; Quod pule hr um afpetfu pifiores pingere curant. PRINTED for the SOCIETY, By M. HARRISON, No. 2, Red-Lion Court, Fleet-Street. O G U E H E M DCC LXXVI. A CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES, SCULPTURES, &c. & Every Pur chafer of a Performance will he entitled to a free AdmiJJion Ticket during the Exhibition. ** ‘The Perfon who attends in the Room has a Lift of the Prices of fitch Performances as are to befold. The Performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of. Mr. JAMES BASIRE, Great §>ueen-ftreet, Lincoln' s-Inn-Fields. 2 PORTRAIT of Dr. Monro—engraved from the original pi&ure painted by Allen Ramfay, Efq. 2 ^X. A - 1 ^ A proof print of the north-eaft view of the city of Algiers in Barbary—painted by Mr. Robert Wilkins 4 A \ [ 4 ) No 4 A plan of Algiers, with the lanthorn, caftle, batteries and foundings— engraved by fubfcription —For further particulars enquire of the perfon who attends in the Exhibition Room 5 An engraved portrait of Andrew Marvel from an antient pi&ure 6 An engraving of a fingular portrait after nature Mr. ROBERT BEESLEY, at Buckingham. 7 *A piece of dead birds, from nature 8 *Peaches, ditto Mr. JOHN BEESLEY. 9 *Peaches on a mahogany board, from nature 10 *Plumbs and peaches—it’s companion, ditto 11 *Plumbs, ditto 12 ^Apples and grapes, ditto Mr. WILLIAM BELL, at Mr. Thickbroom's , Organ-builder , New Round-court, Strand. 1 2 *Sufanna and the two elders Mailer F A S FI A M BLAKE, No. io, Bury-Jlreet , St. James's. 14 Butterflies and moths, in water colours 15 A view at the back of Holland Houfe, waflied—ditto 16 A wolf caught in a trap Mr. LEWIS BODE, Princes-Jlreet, near the Hay-market. 17 Portraits in miniature Mr. WILLIAM BOND, jun. No. 132, White-chapel. 18 Mutual love 1 19 Ditto—it’s companion $ cr ‘-yons 20 Satyr and nymph—a drawing in black and white chalk, after Rubens Mr. CALD WALL, Angel Court, Great Windmill-Jtreet, Haymarket. 21 Portrait of Mrs. Medalle, with a bull of her father the late Lawrence Sterne—an engraving from a picture by Mr. Weft 22 Five portraits—engravings 23 Portrait of the Rev. Obadiah Hughes ^ engrav i ngs - Mr. 24 Ditto of Daniel Williams, D. D. HHHM [ 5 ] No. Mr. CANTER, Vine-Jlmt , Piccadilly. 25 *Solitude —a piece of ruins 26 *An ornamental piece to place over a chimney 27 A view of Wardour with Wardour Caftle 28 *A fancy piece of ruins Mr. CARTER, No.. 3, Union-Jlreet, Oxford-Road. 29 A drawing of various parts of the Chapter-Houfe belonging to Exeter Cathedral qo A ditto of the tomb of Leofrius, in Exeter Cathedral 31 The tomb of Seffrid, the firft Bilhop of Chichelter—erefted in that Cathedral in the year 1199. 32 The tomb of William Sylk in Exeter Cathedral—eredted in the year 1485. He was Sub Chaunter there; and reported to be the Donor of the Luminaries, or Candle-lights, burnt in the Choir between the Feafts of Allhallontide and Candlemas Mr. CHAMBERS, No. 265, High Holhorn. 33 *A Baton’s coronet- 7 ftained marble 34 A creft i 35 *Plan of the royal vault in Weftminfter-Abby 36 *Sedtions of ditto 37 A monumental farcophagus f37 The Jewry Walls, or Holy Bones in St. Nicholas Church-yard, Leicefter Mr. C L E V E L E Y, New-Row, Deptford. 38 *A view of the fleet at Spithead, from the platform at Portfmouth whea hisMajefty was there 39 *A view of the Sally Port, Portfmouth 40 *A ditto of the launching of the Grafton at Deptford, when their Ma- jefties were prefent 41 *A fea piece, with a jetty head 42 *A ditto, with a fort 43 *A fea piece 44 *A fmall ditto 45 *A ditto 46 *A ditto Mr. COLLET, Chelfea. +46 The feathered fair in a fright M r B [ 6 ] No. Mr. R. CORBOULD, No. 6, Cbandos/freet, Covent-Garden. 47 *The morning—afcer Claude—a ftained drawing 48 *A bunch of grapes 49 An oval landfcape—the morning -j-49 A ftained drawing—the evening Mr. W. C R O U C H, No. 205, High Hulbcrn. 50 A head in miniature Mr. THOMAS ANTHONY DEVIS, Junior, at Mr. Devis’s, Great Queen-ftreet, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. 51 A portrait of a young gentleman 52 Ditto of a young lady in an oval fmall 53 Ditto ditto 54 Ditto ditto 55 Ditto ditto 56 Ditto of a child—fmall whole length 57 Ditto of a gentleman ditto 58 Boys—hiftorical Mr. FIELDING, at Mr. Leignes, Nortbumberland-Jlreet. 59 A dog’s head in chalk Mrs. FILLONIERF, No. 10, Little Carter Lane, Doctors Commons. 60 Flowdrs in coloured wax 61 Ditto, ditto Mr. JAMES FITTLER, at Mr. Fittler's, Wells-ftreet , near Germain Jlreet, St. James’s. 61 A moon-light-a {ketch 63 *A portrait of General Wolfe, in chalks—ditto Mr. FOR D, at Mr. Turner’s, Marybone-Jlreet , Golden Square. 64 A miniature Mrs. FRANCIS, Bofwell Court, Queen's Square, BloomJburj. 65 A piece of flowers, in water-colours—from nature 66 A honey fuckle, ditto 67 A double peach-bloom, ditto 68 Afptigof currants, ditto 69 A piece of fruit, ditto Mr- Mr. F L O W E R FREEMAN, Junior, Honorary Exhibitor . 70 A portrait of a gentleman—in crayons 71 A view near Windfor—a ftained drawing Mr. JOSEPH FREEMAN, Honorary Exhibitor. 72 A froft piece in chalks Mr. JAMES FROST, Wandfworth , Surry. 73 fmal 1 landfcape—a drawing after Perelle 74 *A ditto after ditto 75 *A landfcape and figures By a GENTLEMAN.. 76 *The defrauded infurer By a GENTLEMAN.. 77 A piece of ftill life 78 A fieldfare Mr. WATSON. 79 *A landfcape 80 *A moon-light 81 *A view of the Tower of London 82 *Ditto of London-bridge 83 ‘Ditto of Black Friars-bridge 84 *Ditto of Weftminfter-bridge 85 *A view in Venice 86 * A. converfation. By a GENTLEMAN. 87 ‘Danae 8S ‘Regaling after hunting 89 ‘Fruit 90 ‘Ditto 91 ‘Flowers 92 ‘Ditto 93 *A cock Canary bird 94 *A hen ditto Mils \ c !»t, No Mifs ANN GLADWELL. 95 A Dutchman’s head in chalk Mifs SOPHIA GRANGER. 96 A landfcape—a drawing in biftre Mr. HENRY GREEN, Jun. at Mr. Grten's, King-fir cet, Covent-garden. 97 Head of St. Andrew—in chalks 98 A landfcape in India ink Mr. GRIMBALSTONE, Silver-Jlreet, Golden-fquare. 99 A portrait of a gentleman in wax Mr. HAGARTY, Queen-ftreet , Golden Square. 100 *A landfcape, with a water fall lox * A ditto 102 *A ditto its companion 103 *A piece of cattle 104 *Ditto horfes Mr. HAGARTY, Junior, at Mr.Hagarty's , gueen-Jlreet , Goldin Square. 105 * A Rained drawing 106 *A view near Erith, Kent Mafter ROBERT HALFORD, at Mr. Day's School , Fulham. 107 The meeting of Ifaac and Rebecca Mr. HARDING, No. 5, George's-court, Bennet's-hill, Dollor’s Commons. 108 Portrait of a gentleman, large miniature 109 Ditto, a little boy—ditto Mr. HAT, No. 24, King-Jlreet, Soho. 110 A portrait in miniature 111 A ditto Mr. H A Y O I T, No. 20, Portman jlreety Pertman-fquart. 112 A tulip, from nature—in oil 113 A ditto—ditto Mr. rC 9 f No. Mr. S. HEW SON, No, n, in Great. Marybone-Jtreet. 114 *A landfcape and figures 115 *A ditto, cattle, &c. 1 1 6 "Rubens, with hi? wife and child. ♦An old head from nature -j-117 *A ditto n8 *An old friar’s head Mr. R. P. HODGE, No. 48, Red Crofs-ftreet, Cripplegate. 119 A deception. 120 fruit Mr. HODG S ON, Drawing Mafter, Little St. Martin’s Lane. f 120 * An emblematical piece of flowers +i2i A portrait in chalks Mr H O D S K 1 N S O N, No. 29, Arundel-ftreet , Strand. 121 A ground plan of the Free Mafons-Hall 1 Being the original defigns 122 A feft'an of the fide of ditto k adapted to the place where 123 A ditto of the two ends of ditto J the Hall is now building 124 *A perfpedtive view of a building. Mr. CAMILLUS HONE, Pall-Mall. 125 A portrait of a young lady 126 *A St. Francis 127 *The Spartan boy Mr. JAMES, at Peterborough. 128 * An oval landfcape—fifhing 129 "Ditto—its companion 130 *Ditto—a thunder ftorm i- 3 1 *Ditto—its companion 132 *An upright oval landfcape, with the good Samaritan. 133 "Ditto—the flight into Egypt 134 "The Mifer weighing light-gold—fmalloval 135 *A head of Lear in the ftorm—ditto 136 *A three quarter landfcape—ferry-boat. 137 "Ditto—return from the market C Mafter No. [ io ] Matter GEORGE KEATING, at Mr. Keating's , Air- Jlreet , Piccadilly. 138 A head of a Circadian lady 139 A ditto—it’s companion Matter FRANCIS KELSEY, St. James's-Jlreet. 140 A chimney-fweeper—in chalks Mr. KILLINGBECK, at Mr. Ryle's , Mount.dreet, Berkley. Square, 141 Perdita, a mare belonging to Sir John Lifter Kaye, Bart. 142 *Brood mares and foal 143 Portrait of an engineer 144 Ditto of an artift 145 *Euryalus, a race-horfe, winning the King’s plate at Newmarket 146 *A watchman atteep 147 A proof-print of Jedediah Buxton, the furprizing calculator Mrs. L A B A R E, No. 2, Clerkenwell-green. 148 Human hair wrought with a needle Signor LABRUZZI, Rome. 149 Portrait of a naval officer—large whole length By a LADY. 150 *A compofition 151 ‘Ditto 152 *Ditto 153 *Ditto Mr. WILLIAM L E G G. 154 Elevation of a (table now building at a gentleman’s feat near Wragby, in Lincolnfhire Mifs L E 155 A ftained drawing 156 A ditto 157 A ditto 158 A head in chalks 3 D Matter ( ^I [ II ] No. Matter L El G N E S, Northumberland-Jlreei. i|9 A head in chalk Mr. SAMUEL LEWIS, No. 55, Chandois-Jireet, Covent garden. 160 A deception—a drawing with a pen on one Iheet of paper 161 A ditto 162 Alandfcapein black lead Mr. E. MARTIN. 163 *A view in Paris taken from the Pont Neuf Mr. MAY, No. 202, near St. Clement's-Church, Strand. 164 A fmall portrait of a gentleman •v. 165 A ditto Mr. JAMES MOORE, No. 69, Berner's Jireet. 166 A portrait of a young lady 167 Ditto of a young gentleman Mr. M O R L A N D, No. 3 6, Great Windmill-ftreet , Tottenham Court Road. 168 *A moonlight in crayons 169 *A woman wiping herfhoulders after bathing -f-i69 *The unlucky boy 170 * An emblematical pidtureof peace Matter GEORGE MORLAND, (Twelve Years Old.) 171 A conference—a ftained drawing 172 Ditto—ditto 173 A corn-loft—ditto 174 A cow-farm—ditto 175 A waftier-woman—ditto 176 A farm-houfe in a wood— ditto Mr. MORRIS, Engraver , No. 5, Eb)-court, Holborn. 177 An engraving of an elevation 178 Ditto of a deling Mr. No. in i[ 12 ] Mr. NODDER, Panton-Jlreet, Leicejler-fields. 179 A frame containing *A portrait in miniature "I £ f0m t h e ant ;q UC painted on fattin, ♦The head of Socrates S oi] n ♦Ditto of Virgil J Matter RICHARD P E R R I N G, at the Rev. Mr. Binjield'i at Weft-end, near Hampftead. 180 A Landfcape—India ink Mr. A. P E T H E R. 181 *A landfcape 182 *A ditto 183 *A ditto—rocks 184 *A fmall ditto 185 *An evening and rain 186 * A moon-light Mr. PEREGRINE PHILIPS, at Mejfrs. Browns , No. 4, Pall-mall. 187 Chrift and the unbelieving Apoftle 188 AfatyrandVenus 7 Drawings in cha i ks 189 It’s companion i Mr. S. M‘QJJ O I D, No. 4. Bridge-row , Lambetb-marfi. 190 *A piece of flapping—an attempt 191 *A figure in chiaro ofcuro 192 *Coriolanus Mr. J. ROBERTS, Engraver, No. 13, Little New-Jlrctl, Shoe Lane. 193 Seftion and chimney-piece of the library at Cane-wood, from the defign of Meffrs. Adams 194 deling of the library of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, from ditto Mr. No. [ 13 ] Mr. JOHN SARTORIUS, at Mr. Sartorm . a®- Meard'scourt , Dean-ftreel , Soho 195 *A Spanifh horfe, the property of Mr. Emerfon 196 ^Unkenneling the hounds 197 Portrait of a dog Mr. SCHEEMAKER, No. 6, Great fhchfield-ftreet, Oxford- market. 198 A portrait of a gentleman in marble 199 A ditto of a lady—a model 200 A tablet of Apollo and Cybele Mrs. SEYMOUR, No. 8, in the Curtain-road , near Shoreditch • 201 A coat of arms cut in vellum with fciflars 202 A pot of flowers in an oval frame 203 *G. R. in a cypher 204 *A Cupid 205 *A ditto 206 *An emblem of friendfhip 207 *Four others Mifs SEYMOUR. 208 Two knots of flowers in raifed paper, in oval frames Mr. J. SMITH, at Mr. Bradjhaw's , James-ftreet , Covent-garden. 209 A portrait in crayons Mr. V ANDERMEULEN, Little CaJlle-Jlreet , oppofite WinJley-Jlreet, Oxford-market. 210 A portrait of a nobleman in wax 211 Ditto of a lady—ditto 212 Ditto of a gentleman—ditto 213 Ditto, ditto 214 Ditto, ditto * 15 Ditto of a lady in coloured wax D • i . Mr. No. [ 14 1 Mr. VANDERMEULEN, junior. 216 *A fmall bull in marble Mr. WALDEGRAVE, James-Jit eet, Wejlminftcr. 217 *A landfcape 218 *A fruit piece - 219 * A ditto ■—.220 *A ditto Mr. WILKINS, No. 1. Ilydc-Jlreet, Bloomjbury. 221 *A view of the Ihip Hibernia, a Dublin Trader, on fire, after driving through London-Bridge 222 *A cat and fi(h 223 *A view of Dover Caftle 224 “A view of the harbour of St. John, in Newfoundland, with the manner of drying the filh on theftages 225 *A f orm Mailer JOHN WILKINS. 226 A horfe Mailer JAMES WILKINS. 227 A dog Mr. WILLIAMS, No. 33, Chandos-Jlreet, St. Martin'e-lane. 228 Portrait of a lady 229 Ditto of a black girl 230 * A deception 231 *A ditto Mifs WILLIAMS, at Mr. Butcher's ‘Toy" Shop in the Haymarktt. 232 Portrait of a young gentleman in crayons 233 Ditto 234 Ditto painted on marble with crayons Mr. No. [ r 5 ] By a GENTLEMAN. 235 A fmall miniature Mr. ROoERT WINDE, at Mr. JDrcJler’s Boarding-Schssl, Hampjlead. 236 An old beggar and boy Mr. WOODALL, Baffled, E/ex. 237 *A landfcape—from nature 238 *Morning—a fmall firm yard—from dittC 239 *Evening—it’s companion OMITTED. Matter D E V I S. 240 A drawing of a Venus from the antique By a GENTLEMAN. 241 *A Madona and child By a GENTLEMAN. 242 A landfcape By a GENTLEMAN. 243 A portrait of an officer By a LADY. 244 A dog Mr. H A G A R T Y, junior. 245 Portrait of a lady Mr. H E W S O N. 247 Portrait of a young lady—fmall half length Mr No. [ 16 ] Mr. P. LAMBERT, No. i, Tottenbam-Jlrtet, Tottenham- court-road. 248 An engraving 249 Ui ct0 —' c ’s companion Mr. M O R L A N D. 250 *A lady’s maid foaping linen 251 *A girl ironing fhift Beeves 252 *A girl opening oyfters by a lanthorn 253 *A girl firrging ballads Mr. DODD, No. 3, Old Bailey , Ludgate-bill. 254 *A portrait of Mrs. Gardner 1 255 A ditto of a child > fmall ovals, in oil 256 A ditto of a young lady J 257 A ditto of a gentleman—in crayons -f-257 A ditto of Mrs. M. C. Rudd Mr. DODD, jun. . 258 A portrait of a lady—large miniature By a GENTLEMAN. 59 *A hare 260 *A calm Mr. MILTON, Peckbam, Surry. r ' *• Mr. 261* A farm-yard 262* A landscape 263* A ditto 264* A frefh gale 265* A calm REED. a a .1 sfBo ns ' L < ' X' X 4a XJ 1\ L. ybel £ lo 3!J.lS10 l M O 8 Yl H I I ."M I Nad ilsml—vbsl snuOT s io jisinou F I N I S. J \ 1 A CATALO GUE PICTURES, SCULPTURES, &c BY THE Society of ARTISTS, (Continued from the Year 1759, upon the ORIGINAL INSTITUTION) Now open to the PUBLIC, at their EXHIBITION ROOM St. ALBAN's STREET, PALL-MALL. Quod fuit auditu gratum cecinbe Poeta ; Quod pulchrum afpeblu piBores pingere curant. PRINTED for the SvO 3 1 E T Y, By M, HARRISON, No. 2, Red-Lion-Court, Fleet-Street. A CATALOG U E V OF THE PICTURES, SCULPTURES, tfc. Every Pur chafer of a Performance will be entitled to a free AdmiJJlon Picket during the Exhibition. *** The Perfon who attends in the Room has a Lifl of the Prices of fuch Performances as are to be fold. The Performances marked thus * are to be difpofed of. Mr. A L C O C K, No. 2> Craig's court, Charing-crofs. No. 1 >K>3CO>I BANDITTI 2 yt' a Ditto—wounded 2 y,( Venerable Bede writing the Homilies .. Portrait of a gentleman—fmall whole length A mifer I Portrait of the real Ikull of Oliver Cromwell, late in the pofidbon of. Mr. Ruffell Mr. A L S O P, Wandfworlb , Surry. 7 A portrait of a gentleman—large oval Mr. t I 8 *The water-crefs man 9 *A ftory out of Fingal xo *A ditto out of ditto 11 *A landfcape and figures Y Drawings 12 *A ditto—with a cart-houfe Mr.- JAMES BARRALET, No. 50, Bowling-green-lane , ClerkenvoeU. 1.3 A ditto of cattle *A ditto—with a cart-houfe A ditto of cattle Mr. JAMES BASIRE, Great Queen-Jlreet, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. 14 An engraved portrait of Capt. Cook, from the painting by Mr. Hodges 1 5 An engraved portrait of Mr. Pryce, of the. county of Cornwal, from the painting by Mr. Clifford 16 An engraved hiftorical landfcape, from the painting by Mr. Hodges 17 An engraved portrait of a native of the Ifle of Tanna, from a drawing bv Mr. Hodges 18 An engraved portrait of a woman and child, natives of the Me of Tanna, from a drawing by Mr. Hodges 19 A native of II Terra del Fueago Mr. JOHN BEESLEY, London. 20 A piece of fruit 21 A landfcape 22 * A 'oafket of ftrawberries Mr. ROBERT BEESLEY, Streatham, Surry. 23 *A landfcape 24 *A neft of young robins Mrs. BEESLEY. 25 A fmall piece of flowers 26 Omai Mr. CALDWALL, Angel-court t Great Windmill-fireet^ Piccadilly t -„ wx 1-no, xvAacauiy 31 Portrait of Garth 32 Portrait of Waller Mr. No, C 5 ] Mr. CHAMBERS, No. 263, High Holborn. 33 *The Hebrew alphabet with the points 34 *The plan of the harbour of Dover 35 *A Baron’s coronet 7 ftained marble 36 Initial letters 5 Mr. CLEVELEY, Deptford. 37 *The Prince and Princefs of Brunfwick going over to Holland 38 *A view of Sheernefs 39 *A banqueting of the gods Mr. D E V I S, jun. Great Queen-Jlreet , Lincolns-Inn - Fields. 40 Portrait of a young lady—whole length 41 Ditto of a child—ditto 42 Ditto of a naval officer 43 *A fancy head , 44 A boy playing on the violin—in the manner of F. H 45 *Tobias and the angel 46 A portrait ih the ftile of Rembrandt Matter ARTHUR DEVIS. 47 A portrait of a young lady 48 A ditto of a ditto Mr. D. DODD, No. 25, Ludgate-ftreet. 49 A portrait of a young lady—in oil 1 5® A ditto of a ditto _ 51 A ditto of a young gentleman—in ditto Mr. D. P- D O D D. 52 A fketch—in oil . Mr CHARLES DUFOUR, at Mr. Grimbalfion s, Sther-Jlreet , Golden-fquare. 53 A fmall landfcape Mr. FROST, IVandfworth, Surry. - 54 *A fmall landfcape—a drawing in black and white 55 *A ditto—with figures and cattle 56 *A ditto—it’s companion Mr# jzm No. Mr. GANDY, Liverpool. 57 *A piece of fifh 58 *A fhip-piece Mr. G A R B R A N D, No. 77, Long Acre. 59 Portrait of a gentleman—whole length 60 Ditto of a clergyman 61 Ditto of a young lady 62 A Venus By a GENTLEMAN. 63 *A landfcape 64 *A ditto 65 *A ditto Mr. G N O L O B Y. 66 A fketch of a boy—in chalk 67 A figure—pen and ink Mr. WILLIAM GRIMBALSTON, Silver-Jlreet , Coldcn-Jquare. 68 A portrait of a gentleman—in white wax Mr. HAG ARTY, Queen Jlreet , Golden-fquare. 6c) *A view of Colvefton Houfe, &c. in the county of Kildare, in Ireland 70 *A view of Mr. Tutte’s houfe and garden at Hammerfmith 71 *A lyon 72 *A landfcape 73 *A ditto - ».j ... 74 *A view near Erith—in water colours 75 *The adoration of the fhepherds Mr, H A G A R T Y, jun. 76 *A head in black chalks—a drawing 77 *A ditto 78 *A ditto of a boy 79 *A drawing in chalks—after Chev. Cafali 80 *A ditto—after ditto Mr. HECKEL, at Mr. Pope's, in Little RuJJel-Jlreet, Covertt-gardcn. 81 *A chafed filyer plate of the crucifixion o Ojj ib A t,v I [ 7 3 82 A deception Mr. JOHN HONE, No. 94, Pall-Mall 83 A portrait of a gentleman 84 A pheafant By a LADY. 85 *A landfcape 86 *A ditto 87 *A ditto Mr. LERPINIERE, Vaux-hall-road. 88 A view of a farm houfe near Marlow, in Bnckinghamfhire. Mr. MORTIMER, No. 16, Marybone-Jireet, Golden-Jquare. 89 *A figure of Comedy 90 *A landfcape—in the ftile of Yangoen 91 *A fea-piece—in the ftile of ditto Mr. OUGHT, Long-Acre. 92 A portrait of a little girl with flowers 93 Ditto of a little boy 94 Ditto of a lady 95 Ditto of a gentleman 96 Ditto of a ditto 97 Ditto of a ditto 98 Ditto of a ditto 99 Ditto of a ditto Mr. T. P E T H E R, Norwich. 100 Seven portraits—in white wax 101 Two miniatures 102 Two heads—(ketches in chalk 103 A portrait of a young gentlertian—in' oil Mr. I 8 ] No Mr. CHARLES PHILLIPS, No. u, Heming's-rcw, St. Martin's-lane. io + Tycho fighting the evil fpirit, in the Chriftmas Tale—from a pifture painted by °P. J. De Loutherbourg, Efq. painter to the King of France, member of the Academies Royal of Paris, London, and Marfailles 105 A print—being a compofition of engraving, aqua-fortis, aqua-tinta, and mezzotinto manner Mr. M‘ QJJ O I D, No. 4, Bridge-fireit-row, near Wefiminfier-bridge- turnpike. 106 *Aconfeffion—in chiaro ofcuro 107 *An oval figure—in ditto , , , , 108 *Boys—in ditto 109 *An old man’s head—in colours Mr. FRANCIS RAYMOND, Upper Tcoting, Surry. 110 A miniature Mr. S A L V E N D A. in *A landfcape—in water colours 112 *A ditto—in ditto Mr. SANDERS. 113 A round landfcape 114 A ditto 115 A fmall ditto , 116 A ditto Mr. J. N. S A R T O R I U S, No. 2, Macclesjield-Jireet, Sobo. 117 *Brood mares 118 *Dorimant beating Shark and other race horfes t. me j t S’; vV .11 i. 1 ' - ..r • ‘ 11C. 4^ JHiig a iooui ( 03*79 *Apollo—in oil o Mr. P E T H E R. 1 8o *A fmall lanfcape >8i *A ditto *82 *A ditto ‘ Vi Mr. t 12 ] No. Mr. SARTORIUS, jun 183 A portrait of a lady . 'Mifs WILLIAMS. . k •— i. % * 184. A portrait of a young lady—in crayons 185 A ditto of a young gentleman—'ditto Mr. BROWN. 186 A portrait of a lady 187 Ditto of an artift 188 Ditto of a ditto 'I ■- A I 189 His own portrait 190 Ditto of a gentleman 191 Ditto of a youth 192 Ditto of a little boy Mr. SIMPSON. 105 *A converfation * a j 194 *A ditto 195 *A landfcape—in the ftile of Teniers Mr. CANTER* No. 14, Vine Street . 196 *A fancy pjece of ruins ,... 197 *A view of the convent of St. Lawrence, commonly called the Efcu* rial, in Spain 198 *It’s companion—a view of the Buen Ridro in Madrid By a GENTLEMAN. 199 A portrait—in white wax 200 A ditto—ditto 201 A medallion—ditto—from a defign of Mr. Stuart .... Mr. C A L D W A L L. ■202 Vignette for Lord Hardwicke’s State Papers—from a defign of Mr. Stuart 203 A landfcape 204 A ditto Vij fli—e.i j 7 A -i . Mr. GARBRAND, 205 *An oval figure—in colours 206 *A head in chiaro ofcuro Mr. M ‘ Q_U O 1 D. F I N I S. a -r> /r? <- ^ /'--<' /■ Ax ^ ( Coi^/Ux^^ frtrnv &bu ’ ''/'ff, &£jl> (Gx-fAp t.'yt^^ A. v^l^f fefe^A^ ^ fi^rvij- cr^je^ A AAj>x A < ^JC ^ < /> /£»-***, rA az/j tXXl1 X <^/Ax* /$* AA> — A^AoXo, &■«>; Aex, «Z / /A 6 Ajl> XccXe. M /y ,Ao, <# a*yrt+tn->. A? 2, /£<* MDCGhXXl X\ / a j / &- aS'yii'f/f+. l^er^JtrjCt* tu, Gfe* /£? **, \ -*' / ^yr^<7 &€*.-• st s> ^ ~ ^ _ ____——- *//{'. ArA<-^ C/M^c €^Cu-€nrr^ § ''w.'Y. , / 4./.W- -A *Wy- «/S c / AeS - /*/&> - a «'— t/*- SSfj — S/sic^ "Sp ><* At/! SZr ^/re^/ A • / SS, < /&&& J?re*A> , » * * $ *&'\A- 7 ^~t S * &/L , /y a_,Ss Cf^/’/'/ e, SS(/ £>-• /3? f*lY-' Cf' ySf/Tr /a^f ^ SS (S-o-rj Oc'i'jcJ 4 . ' r / J vi /r c^r~c*y oks 7 /^ trii. c* t* ycS Ao^A - .fu ft/frf &ftje x -» r rff,’ /o f /tZe+i'i? i ft/Cs .- .. , _ ^ Crf /£> <^L a/xSrfa — , Cx^rtArt^s cftiPf- 4 , // /l i rflin-H ru C^ex* O'*- - irf^ c *' ’ - ft** 06 ~ fti/'- ft* M n S* / .. /f^/j — ^ /(^ vv/ c fta d ( r' t’j, $t l ft<<> 4 nj*~,-e/ft *^~ a**£&>/**»<£**> ** ~ " ?«*** —Jimio a> */'>> <2*a> <*' 'f 6y ftoL^t* / ftveu>\ f rff/srfxrfZ CxietrroC 1/ OsrW. - af/^s *> ^ Jr*.,, /£ A/*41 in eft vfftu**-*/st+fty jf a Ye«s <*? - ^ ** *^*7 ftct u* xf* 1 ^ r • fl " ' ' // rfa -* rf rsi*; rff ' <” y * / /,f Cr*j>ijs - c - a/St*. <*- As*'<**'? >f /tl'* fairf/t^ax-v^s ■ , y , // • / crf.«^J>. — «/V^ ^ *0 ft / y rfAji* ,/fajt-t*'- f ftrf fter fti 4 ftp** {*-'/, fte /r 4 sx-wa « Sectary /*" < 3 > yi L-u J V c £ — ^i^i/i^t-1, /'t'C' i^ /'t-r 'i Ce .ft / ftk. ft ti* .> c\ ftft&i s sft* ft ft r> — oft *_ ftft; t~) tr t?* o ft ftftQ- CKsft* ifl/r tftrf -«• (ft-£ ftft & ftz ftl c/tx ftsSrf ft#^ a^ft — CL, ftAsfto ft, f/ — rft-0 Ax r / 2rf ^ rfyixrC£rfx> c/f -yrfl n-t-o /Ifafa i8 0- /fadUAe^aa, ^Yy // o /iyt /fat e < ' > ^ ; fa),- -< d',t/ fafap'ssr Y fa/r^? fa C < a- > 50 fa fa<’i /r -A* 4 ^a, /*&,///■, r c*i< J / fa fa//, d^ //■ ao fa/u /'A f <' /<* 1 *■< p Y fa/ * * 1 JZ * fa far-e *) ■— /aaxaAj .-Ass « /rr'< O > /fa y sSto- t fuj) . /? > Suso-d/e/ ^ ///?', aj /lifa , a^0/ f - tA '£ /fa^f fafa fa,a ■x fa r /fas, farif/faa^, A fafa y/aw, /in. cA rtY faC,/r//t*A. jpAfad*stA*j r . .^2-y / <^ 4^ .2- ^ / vv V- l^ 1 ■ ^ \^v •—' — «^• ' "y - — T - - 1/V-- / IX^_ S & faefa/of ^(, />«« j fat.A/Xsasd/, Asta S farr/sj/ fard /fad) t*Ao <*£7 (i-t* facn-Z/i ^sc* Sa?/ S-fadCAsu, ay- Y^a> faoi'Cffas cfa $ off*/,* SS, ( Oafa. 2fa, s6(/?^ , . V fa fa//, faasrr^a fa 0 A04x, «/«vv «/" dtrfadtAAd/ r>S /fa, 6 & //fa , ^/" fag, /A f/ 3 •—■ y A, As l (S^AAfaus^ / oa^oC /faju (?^< Am r>c-u J /aj, /Zfafaos^ /fay, ry • ty A - -i-< y< «■ -. « LAftJ?J A/, rfa^faoyy , /°yfa 3 , A: 0 ,y/y/fafayzi/- 0 &, C. O a f. d / a fascism ) . ' // < 0 / fay/i fa*fa o*-*-^ St<*+**-** * 6 o**s*<~ 0 7 < 5 L 0/< C ) f . ,, . (/Z nj%, v« cZyAsdr^^y jr+faxe** , <^V Odfa /fa"A * '-y^AArS,^ fat'lA £/ l * As, X) eS • ^j •»* AZ Sf!-a.~/^t -e-cjp^ — aVA n< *kv -(fte^L^ ^^> AS, A?oSA ei- /?o //, Arjoi^ocA, /ht*r, StrAcA S6 a A-A fix/X, ^ orCrA,, ' A/S A)eSS*> - Ui t C*n*^ 0 v*A*n~J * ^ /Pf/; t*u. ■ &*■** S7 >scA_Sey+,szSi Sg>/s r A/^ AZ y/0VuaS/ ^Xtr\.Xcn*-A So A /f&Le^cst^? SoCi^\yycZ ^ ' /•/ y As A„e/x XoSrA, SftyS s%**±so»//*y *X SA a3-AsjAL aa/o, y^nSAZ oj y/u,*,cAeX J 2 AL /AA'A<, / (A+o SSoaA' A/s/o A/_A,. , c/j &ccA Ae^cAy — y/nuttXl VS&rA SetOfXS /AS A^A . /'A^'l^c/<7i-irvL Ao'^Ss S$ ^ALXt^aXA Sa/. -eA}y*/y> a~~>oC S^^AZ *A*Ao ~ tXr a+isu^ c'/Sp„S/, S S y AZ XcXA-» 5 S'*y^*A*fc,«/s> £ /?., >*AjL StttjcrS/, sA> f O 1 yUja^i n j Sisto S/p ., AiS! .^»»W/ SASO SZ:\//t^-cA4sXfA SsctsJ sfafs/,' ArZA < £3 AAy4<- \ -£sx 0 x g/*x yesx - XT'Si&ts 0 ^ 7 ' 2^0 6 £ 6 L s& y/t) c/f 4 ^ st^/riXAsyx* 4^c'/)#*-Vy otv^aO frfft 6$ p*~ /Uf*v< y 4*r f « /6-> uy Y> > ftstAY *? * «->, Jt *£_, lra>^ cY tYw;e /iejZ/e Softer* yr -XAXfrUxA^ a£& yCes/tt *-'aaj y - fry Aus A*/, 77 x fA A A . A- *y.f 3 Y/As-aY, y yy* a* ft YAftp So $,/?*>*,afrfr, ^ci*y/tY OY^oO Aa-YYY*,., - Ay jy.„. 4 , f- 81 Osftr< Yc**A err* ,y «*» Jf *2 fr) (Yd-e ft (X, • y Y 8 % A c,;> oJUeA, ^ r ^ " <7 7 ft uaj /fry y^yC^y ft* fr a Yfr*^ 8y a. ysY/a, ^ y Pf^*& s£a/VLye &9 — Ato dt^S tlAY! ftftyp eft ft* // f ft*+4 84ffc^YA*7L±. ’^™ e== 7 p " — / ^ ^ f *»ot id — f 7AA (7 1 fr fry G.yduift - ^> y7>o>y<‘> eurGru^ yfy. u • to /ft/, //r ■ a W.. a / A A tv/sr r / J . *■/*<><* 88 &s/i viYi cha 4 - ///x e r > J < s o a / Sj /< , dv'/Yo Jo /(, /ctvtv oivte «/C^> A/. A± <■ v. /l* 7 A , - (Jui at /%.j!eA JZ *tf vu cr/ai ("S t „.s*~>, urt //, a /ay ^0 &sn-csc SS /^4 t /?a.Ai. App all , JJf A/x/x aw C (/ a j A A a, a /r i /Ao y a> yt/A / AevtJa***> ■ /ov AbcAie cy cl (j * tin -* / ? jzvx j < /o/ fl.Mte>w- yrAtj /tiAXLAj- A- * Si , Ostajct /t'CAvC** /c-A. / ivrt)(Ah_yx M± evdsA'isv ((a Ay, # 7 ///, ^ /ou vs, / ?,*> /O f /Ssias A /i e0 / A fr/o , /o & /'ax A n \ 4 cy (f~> jjttAy /jf 'HA /aA A fr/g r / r /t* /A, A/toJy /O l) A% viest-v/vs ,/ y^Aa f A/oj /s'*y * A Yy yf fjt , ^ASt /Apii, W*> /( < j y v r 7 f o cx/xj rC- A'cu/ty, ,iA) A Ag/iai?. /os /%S AtJ'i* '/j/tiAsaiA) 0[ylt a/j* Si <-<.44 SrAJ ? So Ss /// Sf7.< p 64S> Sjft Vt** s?< W\J> A/ t A " A A {/crexA^f /cf g C/L*' CMv ASIA CiA’, rC Co # Ayy-y — <* - y+rsJiryj CjAj r A, O // /ex x cf. A'Ul U»/-/Ar* yysetAo crf /fy, *"' J Acyyzx. c*y '/itayCfAj AjyCir, //xy /&**/, /?i erw_t / . //4 0 (rr p ,,t (ah /C<\ y — <£», 00tsG>**/*A*y //3 tfs Ja /t^A — (An C/e> ' A &X/l/vi //A At-a A, - /^to yA-tyjL'fxx. At ''A ta f^ y (T At-t*-f-e? ( A/f - /4u y A, Ay Ary _ /Q^ (>Ct,etA,n'( xy /Arturr r/er/faACc4e f Co yCsjr -(Airy (ye-yC, $i/A /Cy/Ac'/t * /*- , fa/ *yy ...fa/fafa/ fa & CL e/riaxMiArf Cd'// t- . ^Ir / & y-* " & ehXx^r*/, • OyytA ,flAA JC- art > fact. x -> ' xi fhA /£ ?y rr , /; / / uA. 'Hay^. 4< ,y / 0 ^> ^x.^ , v Liz d <-vC/y„ _ oCyAAfL Ll-S & j» A-Aaa.joJ^ e, e*y( / (at, /Ot/ -£lA(xo CrrCxrfxy'f /!(/ & 6vy at, 0 /, sA-u » — eA\Ta/xsiyxf (u .yy ^ r^Aj* AA*> CHA Hn,,r /n, 3 f, So* <*,,, AAooA, . eAo' C- S (L /CtruxtA, ~/u*A *r ,] /fafafa/>. fa 7 fa<-//’faA/>; fa/fix/fa - fatr^rA,- falsn^'/fa fa/if*/ fa»fa^ 7 QSLf /2,j'*\fafajt^ /w/ tr£oL4 Aa* W-'C’lAsp/sU t0 &C/L' f*-<*J* AZa u faScn 6 cruA, v. & oS/faUj/fau^ 1U £?r ^/W/e© C/ V /O-i— * 4^ tris/^OA^-re^ <*J ---- - //•/' Zoi+Afaent ci+ny, Qpf/ /2g*-J%^fact46 A-aj/ — tA * J )<& fa ' /fsi+l.fat<.*Ar^rr,’ '* '/**+, 7 C4>\ y££pf*Mt'+> */'*' /^ w «, /fa/fa fa’ffafae m 4! ** ^ , /Jo ^ ( 2 ,ia, at' p £■ faa^'cfc c-*fa~e-> /J/ **CL ^ fa/ifa ■ /sz, ^ /- Ay, fak ' Z^crrJy , A°t, /fafafs->/^-fa ffat/ux i < J ( Av ’ . -^- AJ 3 fafayfat^s CJ0? V/ 't*y /). yAcfat 1* '/ — £*-Ax7 <7It <74 ■ /aWy r- cyy -ay. /fa,/, AZot'A, A °/s, /? fa/o^fa^^^ Zoc*^ . /J 6 A/fat &a* £, tr/ /faA c sAZcxsuiaj yfacu; a^> Ja/wfa-Ayy^^ Cfi (jCtx > fac^yy cx//<,Atxscfas i fll\j AA/t, 044? /l/p 0 f /l4 U*t 14 4lSi0l*stsU-“? j /A / if'/zG-t/ /fary 4* &+T-S**^ faa.104^/< ty A< j fa/f , 1 7%ji? ySevo t4 Sir fa fat 01 / 0 ^*/ fay fafai4 / l fai < b r 2vo faa 4T 44 sc*n,. p&j cO /2tf c C/J i*jf/.e cs Ct 4- / l'T/0 /-Pj o2*iyx^0K? *—-~ (Tl*^ Olj /#-&"&■/> C() O > AVaS7/19i /^nyCKAj /l#-v x/e*7 i'K~yf-c4r'U^*'y f 40 fak/i*sc/> jft */y /Xt*2Sc tor/ csu tj ( / Av\j>^)0>Si4Syx.0so AaA 'L&^esetfayij ■ efo.‘ /At, trffJn) SCoCej C0 Aa //■ fact A/ZAj&AA /t lAs* /tf v SaT/*? . /j? 0 4f/l/ f 6/lrf Stft&j ... XV-.- ^/. 0 » c? 0 0 t . /r» /I .. A fas . fa. _. . _ V M a. M - fat t , J (/ Ql/^t Jt c _ _ . . .,_ ...... r *>' 0>in 0-/, fa->.i t,>S pit fae, ^? /, , , f/t/; cfaxjax ,0 , fA tn,fa A / ffa //x> > , . ' #fa '/ ' y «r< << 4 , fat* S. fa/sKC'fa, A,Zf faAr.jA A A 3y CLj /C< ^ /r< , ~2 / 3 g*a SUL/ / 3 f & /&y A o/itJ ' oi* s a.s'st*ats ojts /7-tn*i jzj /(/p Xy/ptSl-Ptt A*. AAJt-> ^S& AiU /C/I & fiy 1~/l// f^tls/v OtAsf Iff ft S /xstrsf^., /U/A /^/i. /or t/s J . 7 t ° ^~/ X'/ r Xh'^xX 1 ^'' 't/I Xn A CH > ^ ^ ^ ^ / sts/A/l AsVt^f Aft- /(/i A t //<-> — y/r o « yy sOrAsirSe> Ae^f AA. /Q(f /7m. Su 6t t 4 erf a, Zt if\ rSfti Cast-/- Aftt-s) G> - eu e>/v e+ * / •tf9 0> oojL cr/A^sX*ft/s/A/f^~ * /(fj /loti /fifty/) Stft^ //*-/'* S- i- S. - An /AtvuiJC* ./Asa^A & &, ’ 7/ / A/itj e/ cA* ' i ' tj f X' , - v '* j '' **- j ' ^^/S’ 0 4 x-. Sij&t'ft ! a i Atssf\ fe, rtf' XAci^si esests f) jj - ft/,if /ifx d. oCl-O/o > . /S3 Ous e .4cJ,^^ /irntu, ^ (/A X/i/'r , /£/ & y,A sA - t/tftS>^ /■$ S'* 3-S /trxsl.v.j _ /As~tr?j?., is c >*a- 6,Xss O ^ eAtS. AA> /At. £<**>+> '<*7* & ^ -AT l/Hx- - St.'^.- // /$ x- cSL c-o. Aa. < t /Sy * ALs/Arv^i /6o • fi * 6/, ^/trisUstJ /Sz. X ^ c/iSSt, //lS 77r/ f/.. //- 6 /f ///I-Sfti t. s>ss7 /?insj AA‘/t^j>-i-rsfv^y £ ! . , 'S St ScciAje/i c. o . 6/As j> f7 'yyrArt t-j 03 Cia> CA i” I ^ A /, fa /6 (/ x /&;e*'£Sa /h ''.- (/0.0 Ws'i^-U se-c XtA^Qs\ XeAs , /A * <3 / ^\ V\ OotA /6 6 P c/AsO >y asy t-U / fa y lylr of Os 4yyi*si'i-y fa Sy /70 *-<* St m* ■ cry fo -S*s*sr *>-> £*> A-tos sSCrists forfrf. Avus>' /A?* /Ztnoo&ouj /ttLt/rny - S*s /04 reAUUy, Ciso /// */df,sy Os6-m,S '/ps's /L*st fo . ■ts'Ssf to <£sfrlS«-A. , //(/> (/ai-vx ss^/e tut -O-u Sri* > t /U4* s, f'o J f t ft S// 0 fe+st, p/LorC &vy^,C /Alysgofo-/ -. JyZ, (2. /o-tyc f* - ays<*j . /ao^voe. i**^. Atf ^| 0t/UA f * /7t t* ^ f. P f/ <* > * ^iUtUy f t4_> f&t* e tTAjp. ' faff fat \Jrj_c_tsj_ i/t 4J>A /? ft 4* y /vc, . /VO if A> e/*A, ) . , ' s, / s s s l C-lsis /?<<>'^«o CvaxsSt, //S /i y-ut-iosc .y y/i^cf-*4 J Af t-t/X-ps* s&*y. /yX Ps osA-ti/r- XL is\ A^7 fa a jc/y /faA 7f/t £ A si 1*4 , /t 0 /, S/}yf/f. fafapjrA_ //& ^U n*Y , '77*4 ; j * * A X /yS ^ <2* C-aAs asuset /i4 X /Ua -/f to fr f Asu , At/. /£2, j2s A e>a >s2 -, -Mh ? 0 ^ 6 c fat* o-X* 'n-4^ /a yj^c/s y 7, y# *.o«t j, //-tsa Jl* A. t /<. /gsu< Jh Asji ^dy^cA/ // y* ct^y. //j a. A* jCOP(> — 10 AJ J'P ?*/; /I /\y rA A /&(/ A> oA< r //o /& 0tsc£- (J < ' ery%/u4 '/'tjypy a a /yy< r^f/pA . ^ UA , t / f, 4 *fo/t«.^c!L /tA.cAe) /O c«yU> /S'C AiVCa, /Sy , //AesistA / 4f)j>A *s - c^A /AlA 4/> 4 , VIA ?, frt. 0 /i't-LAAl i , & ApAA A>y /£<} -OcA/a, — eCo/fir \A)iA ) &y> AA erA ir °A ^2^ ^. . A/ 7 , /9 c/ r //*. ^ £Sj>^ Atrr cr/ y'ayyyAAAf , A 6 t Oj /InjtAAJ— tr/ /&eri-t' /paa AA , tyZ. Alt v/ Aaa/ia As cS ,S A / «> fiA/tr* cZa r/j /y, tAH r • -<■/£ AZ Aj //< t /to} Ai An aAaj p/s pt , y/«y A ■ & - A ^ A ****A ^ J 'A ' A A &~> A / ? 4 'i/L / OtrtA Si frjdStriA A^'-' Adc* ffg~ A, Avi A* tfmsvrvuitAAp ti 1 • a y p Zr A -a Avm-ct'A r) 7 ' A ■ ** ^ r tA /?g cZia A/* a, 'aih > A a*/* 4 c ' t< ***'> Ac* A-cy Au a A ^ ^ -qaa^/a ,A-1 Zfy j/aCvt^AfAnAr ^ rflAj CA Pa A Ap* O <24 Av < ApSS- (J y Aj j Ao cAy S?S Oaaa y/« A< >&A<-> f AStAACP <\a£ A f & Ai ASi^o- A /fr-PiA AJ t*A j y/0 Ay //Ay. /a . « • .: 1 (jo £ (Jie/jA^ ^A A.rx i /f vAA^ iA)S tAAl £.\j , Ay //t t Ssryi-f — Sr y^t S 8 A f * S /sCtynsYt C;*j/ J>> /S o/sASo //Y. . /'Sf- tt't ^/ Af^rru j’j z/%j£j’ S A cStYeg t'fA&tJ -, .11/ *// eS ott<>ray ay'r/iP, cYv/S A . a Sly ? XY > 2 3a222s ■ '&s /^aj 22? -iaa *s *23 * sb 2 H(f^* £A //f> //An. 22> S'A e CT^/^ '’h/' jfm /^ aA /h/, Ylisvn >*'A, //Ctvty Av»,y Ae*S, <4/" *** , 2l£ J? 'Xst Iz&^/iAYo Izyz* Auto 218 *SL £ a Ztf* /3rJ/* ^2i_S - ~2^CS>—C4. <^ 1 * -0 2 r 23 o ^ 22 ~ &' c '/t'i & /, 2 3 / ^ 2 /rfju cr^f 22&&oc&ir*f As. /v’cS/y at /(,S Stl A^yje, AssS, Aaauj r 'Y , , 2 3 c2jlc& rf *> /<*' *’/<<' tyitS ' y /r> „ . L s 22y \/2ty i * a c {v 22s A< 22* v w. ~ $8*22 Cyfi.'A*) /tij/&lS>-. CW^cr-t cy'Ay* o/aStj 2 $ 6 * Sis tStCAt,, Yinja S(. Ay o A*?** ■>t(-(«f/e, / Cat n ' /> > J t» / r*r lA 1 cy ya its A-tf . n IcUtYCkAA 3 art a i* M SS «■ Styrta offSt. 'Af J> A/i SlASatA . I / 1 / i/ V y f >0 /ycS . t & j? < y 23 A &** * rO/ft, ftAA'A d (Z^/y/'o 'Z ^>- >wv^ /// <»/ ^tZf /Paa^/a y, aJ /fi A A/<* e /»/» /y-r /fyft / ffa e a^' ^rSc/PM /£///><# . -PA/O 'PL A A 0 P, i0\4 y 44<-*->*i ■* Au.t*J> /u/ '/ ^ - ?(/?,'* a ./ajJ'Av p /'*S-/a ft-'rvi*. oO^So /pi/- /trfi** ■_ S^ eS r- A ,. S43 yle.Vs.* / p/dP-ur sY*^*S ftAf* J, &£,. **2z SlcrA/ «<^ /y ^ -V'"' — «_z AxA-rMs^r /ZlS- ^ / Soy <&S£vC<4^rS*AJ f'lirt /?t*y S4*4v4*,, V f ^ ,3 o eugji ^ /<*> ./^ £ <£, ^r6el^tS oZ, *4A > s Or f' it' ?j/y Sn^y cAL> tSj4 f /o, Afa/l Q/lS> 0 Ps-tAj' /P^/j -14AJL S m Pdf’ v'Ac’ yd 4/1 /\-0 as( tp AuA i? 5 t, ZV £»j &*-. 2 sz A> Auy. 4 $. Jz O «/ P c ld* / , c Q/Z/*, SP/o, ■m /imZ eZfcx r rr , ay>jt4*jf fto^fe. £ tA0 /pin >0 n / Or a p • 2,63 />i r6o 2K. - AJ < /'/S's/s/Se. , Sa w/?& tty *zA /busA^y -y/zii/ - J*?4»esT. / -''^'pr /”^j /?*// __ ^ Ay ■& ' y A 2 /m^ d/A azAA , t'cJ. /y ^ds^A^y ^ ^ W &, J£z. du//^AU a? aa& ef^z/A <^jA*vy/^AA ._ A%S ^ A(' /A///A ^, J%) * A^Astest/ A/S/US A&vMA, Ad^dz^aZAez ... 694/ di/ ?v •* . SyJ~// ///A , /_ y 4 *‘ ■/Add? Jr>r ^&btt/'-yy£c*i/ jy a/A y ^ Ad/A A A Aft A^cwA^. *y'<0^'~' ,'.'; 1 7 <'<* ustyesy /* — <& ^ ,)$ cS'/tfr y£'*?/>'. z^u;6-tv ! Sr;/#. Jd. Sf dtvr&y /zsjcy ^ / «_// 'f/errr&vs c -- 77/ 7/77^ /^L^w 1 i ^ *-' ^yfazMc*?# estzS aAazA^aIz’A, * ^4C a 0Al*z^4/, r J%?tZ'',C^£//—= ^ecadJ<& J/+ <- ^At/ty~^ zr/r^/y /%*?£> Jj/ •&* a£ -^' /,. _V Uf ./ •4V/"—’ y^ ^ ! - y\ydzi>!A^i-7!? jfyz/ zi/ AttACfiAL^^ 1 yz* y&yj ^ y>'t 40 i00t/?4 43 ■A^fkSdy vS00 ■W \s-y/y'* **/ sZ' rr^s?. •x&ecs # 44 C 4 " 4 t ?■//■/‘/S' snrS- '/’>’ S"-, / ’' >4 ' '/‘^ • / 4/*<0ws 4f#&//&/^A043 : &0M0/ Ate4&<4&!4/ , / w«W'i //t/<30/, \:M 003 , £HLj. ■ y 4/* e ‘ : y[ /4;/4/c'i/-t 4*> / S3* W& /04/£0f'S?f 0#' / f///>;/ 44///t3 ' '//;<■■ 040 A ,y - - /fcM ' Ay t ? /?'// t^??y S‘7'/2^ , ' , ..//rj'w/. ■//$, rSsrMs/ ft ^ f '/ // sc & y . , ft* //* yV A '///jy , //*■ fK/AyiW'suS'tl^, ( V //7/y/M /• -tsz/ /4'/i , y?j > Z m* , '/ ///////SY,///'. ■/%c * ■ z/ ^Zy//, / • 'j/St/Wl'' y ^s7Ay^7/ir.sJv fy-si,? / ssf/'l/ - / /1 Z/¥ s //-/■'////'///' , s//?s^/y/7‘ i/Zn ///* > Z / ,/// ■/?lt?Z-S,/ r 'l- ,/SU„f /S'?/// V I / . ./ ^ (.>4?// Atyy<_?fyy 7 /fayZZ /Zs/w/y rJ/Y'?sry//y/m,t s/J/s ,' /yst,/.,//; / W '/jZ^S*//»,i#/l/p l , ' /?/* 7 //./ '//S*///fy '/i lcpS/a??/ y //- /A/Z^yA /#/ y/M^? wvZ0#, J&/A* ^ . £ ZZ/M/Za^y sZ/y. (/ZZZ,/Zsy'^^Z-^ /trs,// ,Z?y? /Z'S Z /' f ZZ/4,,/Z' /?//%■ ZZ//Z^ ,*i?ss,?sx!/.'rZ,J-t /fy ' Z/ '/fl s/Z#: ///ZZjZ / ZZf /S/M/J ' J &*'’ Z y ZZyA^/'/s/a #' ,,/ZA/y/; A . yy ^z/zM/y/sZs/'/j/y. /-ti ///M**y*/^ «*#%* yZ <* 4 Za&y&d/Zy'' w y /M. J? / ZZ/ JZ /£/, y &*/. ts/d-■ '/>/?////, * y** i cy&x- #vv yf y^w// ,* '/// 'T IM y /'S/ Uf'; //■<■/ A CjJLujry sfyyC/p-JsM ^ / / y,*^/} c / st'C. Mjtf rfrf&US/i'rf'sJ ' y */&? s yZ'SeJjj&y •rffyzsrf; rf *-v/ '-rf's-f'rfsrfiJ v . rfrfj/Tk/- t/rf/^tJ *s£J ' , ' Ayer: jvMM? M-?/y ^ AV /trfrzrf erfrffrf ^ ¥~d.y rf'sy/<-rf'rf -trf^/rfZ'. srfrfn/rfrf& j *- .- rfrfsf*S / /d:J? . A/ /s/s/ss . *rf -irffijf***t*rrfL <&**■ ‘frjy rfrfay/sMiX, Oyvjfrd&rf, tSK' s&t&ty'&*S •* S,Z ' rfrfrfy Y 'y. *&■ c -tf rf/rf rfrjrf/rfl'^ Y' 2 *rf /U *’ 4 ’ , -t/rf'Visrffr rfrf rfsy'S'ta/ Xcfj rff/yrf/rf '5 tcfrfrfrffcj/j'/'A"A rfjn -*■«£’ V ' 'ft'rfjrfs'Oyrfrf 1 'Si'srf (yt-'Zsfrt-y, -Meftfisrfwarf^/-/ wv/%, rfrfr.//^rfrff Jsrfs'M *s/ rfLMyj a v a> ^rf^erfs^i- ■* 4 . (srfrffrf y /• ■* y/ crfrftMsvrf^e^orf'M' dybw?*/ rfrf& *s 6sf " . ■A { .\ 'ywys/ztyy AA yyS-zzyy/^J , -AA/ytcyAn^ y/A A y/ -XyC/f' yAyA^^A‘ “A^u/eAf • , / y/A ?AA^/A0tyyy?-iteyyAAsi'($?z/yA&y4A %y/Y eAy^/A^yAAAyazyywy) y/.a-zt. AAr/y, /Af eAtvAf & *5 '-^" A-^'A— „,- JALA - AA 4 *-caig*s' iA/'/A/fa /sf////' oyy&M. ~A/'y, Afz/yuyA rfeAt'/t/y ''s /;;/ 4 A? /Zk r^-AAcAAwAAyni, csAy+ilsiS' ;/A /*7 / / - r^y/sT jLy/y-}-/iy»//* • y///u/'Jy ^yAAfcjAz/sAty/ ^ AA eyAAn-yyyy / ., mz/ajzrj* 'Axty y?' / s/ .sA/i .y <• *A' .V AstA- • . / /AA?J./&c /AAs/Al.' /// Ay/Ay /y^/A A/AjAz/yzi 11 yj/iyz//^ cAA. A/AAtAACA//y~ c ^Ay~y /&/ AyAA/f/tf*'. A'AyzA&ty't/^/yA', ~^y-y> : A^/A *^ 4 / — S<2/ ^A/yAyA //yyA-y/stTyt^Aty'/?, A AtStyf/t* ^ °//A/* „ A*/ -A yyy. AAuye*?? y/& AAyzy>-y/f ^ytAyy / /A Ay^y^' y?y AA/A-^ A * y-A/A ..> b /AAAyy AAyfu A/f /y/y&; y A// ■ rJ/AyyAA/yj / / < AA/Att/ y / yy ' >'. //’v/V'W.’-y' f/ ’" /■• S/. yy.A AAAI/A a/a^ _ A a' y///iyj. A/yyautt*/? A^y- -A >./ ,; • _ /Af^/AiAyyA iAy*/u/y A/ysiA/ty, /yy^^ *-/AtW - y/t^ya/tA ’-A/A^a aA /duyAja/A'/l'‘*t*y>f a /?£/&- //>f Afiy.Al y///AA—y ■'. //A&esAiiA. f * . ' ./. / y/u/A— A.. yjy Af A/waa-mm ■ie£j JIOC27 ,..yf'/'-‘' S// Ld/tJ , /Ltr- s/f. 's&rh/bt/'' n %U,CS£S2o/toVts Wat'et/Mj .m ’/f/ur/Yt. V ./ ' //S /sy c/, «0$^yr /J/sm /fcyt-i/ / / y<’ y ■ w/d, MM ‘t/sy/s /%bavrj¥/^*7, /f > yy$$}&»*//£*'■*, t / •. /,' /1 - v ' r \ \. ■ ^y.,.//")/ ,'¥/’//!i/s **£/ -V%&£*U// 4 -/fawu/, ah Wp-JJZ' gz&J7&-*€/#tyv/y0jga^cs&r 4/e/ #/*/&.//ee*vi/y£t/ " c/. i//; SvM „ j£L A?tfd%pfA'.*'&/y4tS'/ /%& a?s/!Ze**ts/t/ '/&??■ Y/t /.//Aji/.-zi-'/ ^j4, r />t/. f^ vr'j 'A/.'/Py/t- edfe/^/ytUi '•// y/J- 'Z/fW-de/' y/et£' /j n/4/ , A/ W/e 'Syjjf/- / J,yl <-4¥/-tv/, //'/ .y/t'i'/l/S// /. Jtf/ Y.////J / j jt?2, ,wM/ wf j/fr c-vWy JsJ */ £/ (/ *~^ryT/) Cx./ Z/./j'A' C 16/ 6*Y/r' £-£<1/ ' £S ftX'C-ZSc// C y/fz/z/y t^wi */*/&*&/ Jjf/y&z/ s&A/'/r/ty , yfe /y/saJ/y Hflfl a. .. . y *./as py P f s/p /'/"/'* / . / . y M c-W/- 7/7/2' v/ey /m 2/7 .,.ASt-^/sz/d. tg^^c/ofr- p/? t P/PJ/PAy^i^yf , ptz /bynyiAs 7' TTly M / / WfrPf, 2& *%0L <(' , ^ , V/ 7 * ^// iJ-fl / tC'i > aU*64?f S-?f ///Z/'I /'/‘/f SSiJ P22 PTpA, 7 V i\j *PS j4i O cyztj ■ j/f \' : ' 5 ’ / , MpA-- °77'//? M fz/y Py U//7/ cAw tTTcP ■ ^.^, r v vn , rv IKS V Cfs,c~~'- _ _ _ _ 222 /&.//// W A /&Aw'e.-ljk/p7L’ #f /jJW?P7//' ' ' //, P/P* ■*■232 , ( / ,p / ^ '/U > t»L ^//ndPLay^tP/^ pa Jp ^ -■?// 1 / / fP/ , ..i/f‘#%i/ *2/2 C- /j JP/7/f JP M/awy<*»?-. - M& t 2/4P&L y-.j ■ iy, 4/ y/;/y/2 / l/sz/y, / 2/7 /7/4p/-/7pJ p'/^tp 2/z 1 /*■?>*!* w?/ &*u/P)w/fM/ ~?J J lit £4/ 'r 2/J /pyy>ap', P//i/pzP J& jy.KZLj. y/ •?<>4- tJf. (/Jfy; Pf J7 t^- " pi' u'Z/M -.z , A - yw ^'//3pA&P*'s$~, i , JArAfM:^ , j , •;//*/ - P ' /■'' //*'<-■<■>"'«/ ■ ‘ ■'■< • /p- PM y CAa/t'eP’ »/■■ '/AMPi/. II Or f/ydl' '.s/? fa. v jg ^ e.'fyti’sLl', <- '//? '■ /ff, Ss.vl/, &/v;. ‘ / '$gjJ4&zr*t/ t/a/ssMls / ' 0 'y*u /y)/y//l_ / a ^ri'/, c/> ■> r $ Aj//Va ~ '$£////*/■/-> ywiufri/ /a/tpx, *;/. . . ^ ^ /y id" e -'/'fi ■ZteoraM Mia*!/ -J#/?/■> W./ 'Sjt/, --, /Z /ffyytfnSyjr _ z/^£i/zJ$rfZ^*2/, L’jwsmajio t- Z'/f'- Jiy. J M ^ /.//-//f/, *s/$ .ey/p Sy^syiZ:>6-' ///{S-//J _ //y, cZ/Zy//siJeZywi y/?/<)// S/ 0 , V ■ J . y. > <-■?(. /s7J//u'-//'£rtY a/id. '/■ -$df Ay.-i/s/v-xA/Zy/ 6'/Zrir&trffi/ Z^uaU^Z • cAf, zy , . ■ ./ /yyti&A*yMZ c /yAZfe/.dWs^/ - /yswa/LzAi/ */j«a4t / '. //?#??/Atd/ '-A. C' h ZS~ /?■■//-/< tj4/ / M * . , %?£/#'}&/, t / /i '.. %/*/?{/?///#/■, ,/ . oflwy&wy 7 <- /ZtrJ//*, /Zs'Z/yyy^Z *Jsfa/, yyZ/Z*t'/ Ayt/wu/, %/s/rJ7m / / ^//^uLyjoJ Z?t##/, cMA , ,.//? * (?<%we/ , < /'/?$, s,ij/-//’>/ /AaMtyd <*Zs/dA ft /AyZZ^ l ny to defert it; and the falfe delicacy of fome were hurt by the plan being founded for the purpofes of charitably contributing to relieve the dif- treffes of their brother Artifts. The Public, however, have leen the In- fiitution in its proper light; and, from the firft to the lad, have afforded the warmed Encouragement, and not with-held their power¬ ful Patronage. Notwithftanding Death and Defertion have reduced the Number of the Members of this Society, the Wifh of being able to relieve Diftrefs continues to animate the prefent Members, and prompts them ftill to fupport the origjoaUnftitution. They wifli to be confidered not as Rivals to any other Society, but as the Nurfery of Young Artifts, whole \\ orks, if placed near thofe of a Royal Academician, may make no very refpeftable Figure, yet the Dawning of Genius deferves Protection. Some PiClurrs appearing in this Exhibition, the Labour of Artifts be¬ longing to other Societies, it is neceflary to fay, they are fent in by . Gentlemen who are defirous of contributing to the Entertainment of the Public, and do fervice to this Society ; and thofe Gentlemen who with to belong to, or exhibit with it, either as Artifts, or Honorary Mem¬ bers, are defked to fend their Addrefs to Mr. Hagarthy, Queen-Street Golden-Squar?, The Plan is now laid before the Public: if they in general, and the Artil's in particular, will warmly fcpport it, they will do great credit to themfelves; if not, the Endeavours or the ew Artifts who now conftitute the Society, muft fail; but they will have the heart-telt Satisfaction of having difcharged their Duty as Men ; they have brought forward to Reputation fome of the mod eminent, and they have relieved fome of the mod unfortunate. A CATALOGUE Of Paintings, Sculptures, Defigns in Architecture, Models, Drawings, Prints, &c. fiar Thofe Pieces which are marked * are for Sale.—A Perfon attends in the Room with the Prices. The Purchafer of any Article will be entitled to an Admiffion Ticket, during Exhibition. ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ThE Deftru&ion of the Floating Batteries before Gibrahtar^ ■ *2 A Smith’s Forge, by Moonlight M ^MFmus *3 Landfcape > Mr . might •: 5 4 SWSLi M a„dB.nd;t ti , . , Mr. Sartorius , jun- *8 Brood Mares o A Scene in the Fair Penitent * ,o View of an Open Country through a Rock i i Fruit Piece 12 Landfcape . iVJ -•>3 Lady old H^tTand Newfoundland Dog 14 Portrait of an jyi r , ^ arior i USi jun. * / 5 Entrance of a Country ^ lllage ^ Williams *i 6 Water Mill jvir. Graham i 7 Portrait Mr. Wtggoni T S-vSfS Arunde. in Sri* with t he Caitle belonging <0J*e Duke of Norfolk & Lads 20 Landfcape in Sea Weed Mr. Bencraft Mr. Vernon Mr. Brown Mr. Sheets Mr. Court _ • • « • _ [ _ > 2 i Portrait in Black Lead, a Drawing 22 Landfcape in Sea Wedd Landfcape in Water Colours Flowers, a Study Large Flower Piece in Ditto 26 View of Sion Houfe, on the Thames 27 Landfcape in Sea Weed 28 ~ 29 Landfcape in Sea Weed *30 Honeyfuccles, a Study 31 Portrait of a Small Spaniel Dog 32 Portrait of a Young Gentleman 33 Portrait of a Grey Galloway *34 Landfcape Drawing, in Black Lead, of a young Lady 35 pitto *36 Landfcape and Figures 37 Portrait of a Young Gentleman *38 Landfcape and Ruins *39 Evening Scene, with Cattle and Figures \ *40 Landfcape 41 Sun Set *42 View on the Tyber 43 Portrait of a Fox Dog 44 A Scene in Vauxhal! 45 View of a Caftle on the Banks of a River *46 A Hunting Piece 47 Moon Light 48 Landfcape and Sea Weed *49 Horfe and Landfcape 50 Landfcape and Ruins 51 Portrait of a Lady 52 Ditto of Brood Mares and Foals '53 Painting in Water Colours *54 Statuary Chimney Piece, in Flutes, in Imitation of Porphory . !_ Mr. Richter 55 A Deception 56 An Old Lady Reading *57 Landfcape *58 Portrait of a Black Horfe 59 A Landfcape, in Sea Weed 60 Portrait *61 Lydia ’ St. Peter, a Study for a large Pidture Matter Chambers A Lady Mr. Earnjl Mr. Hodgfon Mr. Hodgfon Mr. Baker A Lady Mr. Townlcy A Lady Mr. Hodgjon Mr. Sartorius. jun. Mr. Borgnis Mr. Sartorius, jun. Mr. Bamfield Mr. Hill Mr. Monarchy Mrs. Wether ell Mr. Fortinelli Mr. Brookes Mr, Watben Mr. Pajfall Mr. Ho are Mr. Sartorius , jun. Mr. Carew Mr. Mills Mr. Sartorius, jun. Mr. Pether A Lady Mr. Gray Mr. Immanuel Mr. Borgnis Mr. Sartorius, jun. Mr. Samfon Mr. Wagg Mr. Paye Mr. Richards Mr. Gray A Lady Mr. Sartorius, jun. Mr. Toung Mr. Weft t 5 ] 69 70 7 1 72 73 *63 Madona and Child 64 Portrait of a Lady, Miniature 6 5 Portrait, in Wax *66 Apple, ftained in Marble *67 The Sacred Types 68 African Crown Bird in Water Colour* Bacchante’s Head A Frame with Five Miniature Heads Portrait, in Wax •, a Model A Frame with Sixteen Miniatures in D.tto t Portrait in Miniature 74 Portrait of a Young Lady, Ditto yg A Frame with twenty-one Landfcapes, in Sea Weed 76 Portraic ol a young Head, in Miniature 77 Ditto 78 A Frame with nineteen Landfcapes, Sea Weed 79 A Model in Wax of a Lady’s Head Portrait of a Lady Ditto coloured-Wax of Ditto Portraic of a Gentleman in Miniature Ditto of a Lady Frame, with five Miniatures, in Hair A Pear in (lained Marble A Tablet, with facred Names in Ditto A Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Gentleman Boy Blowing a Bladder Landscape Flower Piece Ditto Small whole Length of a Lady 80 81 82 S3' 84 *«5 86 88 *89 90 *92 93 Mr. Cafzalt Mr. Vaughn Mafter Chambers Mr. Chambers Ditto Mr. Fowler Mr. Thompfon Mr. Bode Mr. McKenzie A Gentleman Mr. Turner Mr. Bone A Gentleman Mr. Townley Mr. Turner A Gentleman Mr. M'Kenzie Mr. JohnJlone Mr. May Mr. Nevitf Mr. Bone Mr. PVFfon Me- Chambers Ditto Mifs Furly A Lady Mr. Wright Mr. Mudge Mr. Barney Mr. Sketchley Mr. Thompjen jun. Dops Fighting for a Bone 93 Paintingf in Water Colours for a Fann Mount *96 A Statuary Chimney-piece inlaid with Scagliola 97 Landfcape *98 Flower Piece Mr. Sartorius jun. Mr. Frimt Mr. Richter Mr. F ether Mr. Barney Mr. Thomas Mrs. Angelica Kauffman ,r A vSw of cho Dlbdnn and Houfc belonging ,0 tbe Duk* ^ Norfolk, at Dorking, Suriy Mr.FroS iC2 A Drawing . . _ . 103 A View of a Mountain in Italy Moonlight 99 Ditto Mr. M Mr. Monarchy Mr. Pether t lotf Land-Storm *ic6 Small Landfcape and Cattle Ditto, in the Italian Style Bacchanalian Revelling A young Artift Cottage and Cattle A Drawing, a View of Dover Ditto, a Sea View Ditto, a View of Gibralter Landfcape and Cattle / Dead Birds Landlcape and Cattle Flowers, a Study Drawing, in Water Colours Boy and Afs Ruins Jupiter and Califta Sun Set Canterbury Gate, a Model in Paper A Coat of Arms in ftained Marble A Drawing in Water Colours An Old Cart-Horfe Dead Birds A -Landfcape Flowers, a Study A Portrait of a Gentleman A Landlc. pe View of Elfinore 07 *ro8 109 110 v nt *t I 2 *J 13 I 14 116 117 *118 119 *120 *121 *124 123 124 *125 126 J27 12 8 *129 130 13 1 *I 3 2 *133 *134 l 35 " 136 137 238 f *39 T40 Drawing, a Ditto 01 Santa Cruz and the Peak of Teneriff Ditto, a View of Harwich View of Newington Turnpike * * Portrait of a Dog and Horle Mr. Sartorius, Junior Drawing in Chalks, from a Pi&ure of Guido Mr. Townley Honorary Mr. Brookes Mr. Pether Ditto Mr. Cypriani Mr. Salijbury Mr. Pether Mr. Clevely Ditto Ditto Mr. Bodilo Mr. Rimes Mr. Watt on Mr. Hodgjon Mr. Norbury Mr. Davifon Mr. Canter Mr.Zocchi Mr. Pether Mr. Jones Mr. Chambers Mr. Norbury Mr. Fleckney Air. Elmer Mr. Qmnjborougk Mr. Hcdgfon Mr. Bowles Mr. Pether Air. Ckveley Ditto Ditto Mr Zeer *4* 142 143 144 145 A Small w hole Lengtn of a Gentleman Horfes, Grooms and Dogs Engagement between Admiral Parker Dogger Bank Flowers a Study A View in Italy A Landfcape A Ditto Cattle Mr. Sartorius, Junior and the Dutch, off the Mr. Luny Mr. Hodgfon Mr. Fromont Mr. James Mr. Black Mr. Carree [ 7 ] 146 View on the Thames 147 Ditto 148 ViewofDort *149 Landfcape 150 Shipping *15^ Fruit *152 Pheafa'nts *153 Landfcape 154 Ploughing 155 Landfcape *156 Fowls 1 57 Whole Length of a Gentleman *158 -Dead Game 159 Fruit Piece 160 A Magdalen 161 Landfcape and Cattle 162 Ditto *163 Helen 164 Venus and Cupid 165 Landfcape 166 Ditto 167 Portrait of a Child 168 Drawing of Lear *169 Proof Impreffion ofMackbeth 170 Portrait of a Boy 171 A Deer Hunter 172 A Proof Impreffion of Fingal 173 A Drawing from Woverman 174 Drawing of a Coat of Arms *175 Ditto in China Ink 17b Engraving for the Antiquities of Athens Mr. Brookes Ditto Mr. Moore Mr. Pether Mr. PValkerfon Mr. ‘Thomas Ditto l Mr. Gray Mr. Stables Mr. Black Mr. Gray Honorary Mr. Thomas Mr. Beejlcy Mr. Floyd Mr. Williams Ditto Mrs. Angelica Kauffman Mifs Murphy Mr. Macphijk Mr. Martindale Mr. Goddard Majter Bowman Mr. Woolett Mr. Goddard Mr. Riley Mr. Parker Mr. Argent Mr. Stables Mr. L. Prince Mr. Larpineer 177 Portrait of the Woman dilcovered in the late Capt. Cook’s laft Voyage Mr. Baftre 178 An Indian Funeral Mr. Aletz 1 79 Landfcape, in Water-Colours Mr. Brookes 180 Portrait of a Lady, in Crayons Mr. Goddard j 81 Architecture Mr . Rickardfon 182 The Weft Front of Croyland, an Engraving Mr. Baftre 183 Portrait of Mr. William Bowyer, Ditto Ditto 184 Drawing of a Lion Air. Argent 185 Portrait of a Man difeovered in the late Captain Cook’s laft Voyage Mr. Baftre Mr. Metz Mr. tVat I on Mr. S'-ables *189 A Drawing of a Landfcape, with Cattle Mr. L. Prince 190 Architecture Engraved fur the Antiquities of Athens J. Stuart , Efq tgi Boy s Head 192 A Tyger 193 View of a Sea-port 194 Drawing of a Head *195 Landfcape 196 An Imitation of BafTo Relievo 197 A Landfcape *198 Fruit, a Study in Crayons *199 Flowers, in Water-Colours 200 A Study in Crayons, of Fruit 201 Drawing, in Chalk, of an Old Woman 202 Lions *203 Annett, printed in Colours 204 Medallion of St. Paul’s *205 Drawing, in Black Lead, of St. John 206 A Battle-Piece, in Miniature 207 Flowers 208 Medallion of Sir Chriftopher Wren *209 Lubin, printed in Colours 210 Dancing Bears 211 A Monumental Sarcophogas Miniature of a Sea-port May-Day, printed in Colours A Drawing, in Pen and Ink 21 h Drawing of a Head, after Raphael 2:6 Sybil's Head, from Guercino, in Black Chalk Mr. Townley 21- fragments of a Baffo Relievo, in a ruined Temple in the Acro¬ polis, at Athens J■ Stuart , Efq. 2t8 Drawing of a Head, after Raphael Mr. Simpkins 219 Ditto, from a Picture of Guercino, of Bathlheba Mr .Townley 220 Ditto, of Ariadne’s Head 221 Flowers *222 A Duck in Oil Colours 223 Architecture 224 Flead, in Red Chalk, from Raphael *25 Sybil’s Head, from Guercino, in Ditto, 212 *■213 214 Majler Bowman Mr. Bennett Signicr Barrilli Majler Bowman Mr. Chatelin Mr. M'Quoid Mr. Warner Mr. Hodgjon Ditto Mr. Gaab Matter Bowman Mr. Burnett Mr. Gaugoin Mr. Gaab Mr. Garden Signior Barrelli Mr . WilJ'on Mr. Gaab Mr. Gaugoin Mr. Stables Mr. Chambers Signior Calcavella Mr. Gaugain Mr. M’Quoid, jun. Mr. Simpkins Ditto Mr. Uodgfon Mr. ‘Thomas J. Stuart, Efq. Mr. Simpkins Mr. ‘Townley t 9 ] ^226 AnEngi'aving of Col. Tarlton *227 Chimney Sweepers Garland, printed In Colours 228 A Drawing of Flowers and Inlefts 229 An Infideof an Ale-houle at an Eleftion Time 230 A Landlcape *231 Flowers *232 A Landfcape 2 3 A Head in Crayons 23+ A Horfe *235 Fruit Piece 236 Broughton 237 Lobfter and Oytiers Mr. ToWnley Mr. Gaugoin Mr. Hayoit Mr. Hay Mr. Hum Mr. Tioma s Mr. Gainsborough Mrs Speucir Air. Brookes Mr. Thomas A Gentleman Mr. Elmer 238 Frontispiece to Mr. Harris’s Philological Difquifitions, a Drawing J. Stuart , Efq. *239 Fruit Piece *240 Lions Fruit Piece Froft Piece A Stage of Aricnlas Brood Mare and Foal *241 *242 *244 Peaches 245 Three Artifts 246 Fifh and Cat 247 Cattle *248 Drawing of a Landfcape 249 Landfcape 250 Return from Finchley *251 Landfcape *252 Flower Piece 253 Cattle *254 Drawing of a Landlcape 255 Captain of Banditti Mr. Thomas Mr. Thomas Ditto A Young Lady Mr. Thomas Air. Sartorius, jun. Mr. Thomas A Gentleman Mr. Elmer Mr. Thornbold Sophia Rawlins , Mr.Hagarthy Mr. Collett Mr. Hum Mr. Thomas Mr. Whatjbn Mifs Sophia Rawlins Mr. Floyd Mr. Hay Air. Hum J. Stuart, Elq. J. Stuart, Efq. Mr. Htort 256 A Head 257 A Landfcape and Building 258 Seftion of the Propylea at Athens 259 A Leda, from the Antique, a Drawing 260 Flowers 261 Plan of the Propylea in the Acropolis of Athens, engraved for the Antiquities of Athens J. Stuart, Efq. Seftion of the Propylea for the Antiquities of Athens J. Stuart, Elq. The Capital of the Columns in a Ruin, called Incantada, for the Antiquities of Athens 262 The Propylea in the Acropolis of Athens Vol. 2d. Chap. 3d. J-. Stuart, Efq. 263 A Drawing from a Bafs relievo at Athens J . Stuait, Efq. [ 10 ] A Drawing Mr. Thomas Mr. Woolett Mr. Thomas Honorary Mr. Thomas Mrs. Ann Robinfon Mr. Thomas Mr. Goddard Mr. Goddard Mr. IVoolett Mafter Bowman Mr. Thomas Mr. Ireland Mr. JohnJlone Mr. Sayer Mr. Stables *264 Fruit *>265 A Proof print, from Claude *266 Cherries 267 Fruit Peice *268 Cherries 269 Filligree Paper *270 Flowers, a ftudy 271 Portrait of a Lady 272 Portrait of a Boy *273 Proof Print, from Mr. Wilfon 274 275 Tulips 276 A Landfcape 277 A Tinted Drawing 278 Fruit 279 Portrait of a Gentleman *8o Drawing of a Cafe for Medals for the Emprcfs of Rufila 0 Mr. M'Evoan 281 A Drawing of Fruit Mr. Perry 282 A Drawing of the Entrance of the Dock-Yard at Portfmouth, 5 Mr. mite 283 Sixteen Miniatures, in Human Hair Mr. Wilfon 284 A Drawing # Mr. Metz 285 A View of Lord Adam Gordoa’s Houfe in the Green-Park 3 Mr. Fowler 286 Portrait of a Sea Officer Mr. Goddard 287 A Drawing, in Crayons Mr. Ireland 288 A View of Old WhitehaJl Gate Mr. White 289 Drawing of Flowers Mr. Parry 290 A Head, in Chalks Mr. Hagarthy , jun. 291 A Drawing of Caliban, Trincolo, and Stephano Mr. Grainger 292 A Thiftle 293 Fruit Pcice 294 A Drawing for Monumental Tombs 295 Flowers, a Study 296 Baflo Relievo, A Modell Mr. Reed Honorary Mr. Chambers Mr. Hodgfon Mr. Scheemaker 297 Boys, in Ciaro’ Scuro *298 Bunch of Grapes 299 Head of Chrift 300 Landfcape 301 A Deception 302 A Scene in Hamlet *303 Fruit 304 Auricula A Pupil of J. Stuart, Elq. Mr. Thomas Mr. Floyd Mr. Drake Mr. Sayer Mr. Hogarth Mr. Thomas Mr. Sayer Mr. Clevely Ditto Ditto [ 11 3 “305 Drawing of Shipping *306 Ditto *307 Ditto, a View of the Caftle of Flufhing 308 Drawing of the Judgment of Midas *309 Drawing of Shipping Mr. Ckvtlty 310 Landfcape Mr. Waggntr Ditto • Ditto Shipping Mr. Clevelty Ditto Ditto Moonlight Drawing Mr.Frofl Landfcape Honorary A Marble Table Scagliola, Mr. Richter 7 Drawing of a Boy Mr. Parry 3 18 Head Peices for feveral Chapters of Athenian Antiquities J. Stuart, Elq. 9i a A Drawing of a Boy Majier Bowman 320 Shipping Mr. Todd 321 A Pointer Mr.Montagaant *322 The Frenchman’s Arrival at Dover in Aqua Tinta Mr. Loxtherbourg *323 On his Journey to London in Ditto Ditto *224 Mrs Hartley, after Mr. Nixon, a Print in the Manner of Chalk 3 * Mr. Phillips 325 Landfcape ^ e ‘\ er 326 Model of a Gentleman’* Bull Mr.Schetmahr 327 Sketch of a Monument, from a Defign of J. Stuart Efq. Ditto 3 >‘ 312 3 1 3 314 3*5 *3:6 317 328 Bull of a Child, in Marble 329 A Mungo’s Head 330 A Sketch, Hiftorical *331 Proof Print of the Death of Dido *332 Ditto of Charity, after Vandyke 333 Drawing in Architecture 334 Ditto *22c Flower Peicc *336 Ditto *337 Ditto *338 A Drawing, in Biftre 329 Map of England, Needle-Work Needle-Work Landfcape, in Water Colours Ditto A Stained Drawing A Ditto *345 Implements for Sporting *346 A Landfcape *347 Ditt0 340 * 34 * *342 343 *344 Ditto Mr. Bartolozzi Ditto Mr. Newton Ditto Mr. Beeflcy Ditto Ditto Mr. Mart indale Mifs Williams Mrs. Labart Mr. Turner Ditto Honorary Ditto Hr. Richards Mr. Pollard Ditto Mifs T bur gar • . . , D.tto Mils Sheil/s *351 A Welch Squire, a Drawing in Biftre Mr.De Loutherbourg *332 La belle Savoyarde, des Boulevans des Paris, a tinted Drawing Mr. Fi'.vrc *353 Wefton and Dragon, a Drawing Mr De Loirtkerpuurg *354 The Amorous Admiral, on a Look-out Cruize, a Drawing in Biftre Mr. De Loutherbourg *355 Jeune Fille d’Albis, Canton de Zurich a Tinted Drawing Mr. bavre *3-,0 Paifon du Canton de Zurich., Ditto Ditto *357 The Entrance into, and coming out of, Weftminfter Hall ■■*358 The firft and lafh.Qa^s qf Term, from Drawings by Mr.De Lou- theibcurg, engraved in the'Manner of Chalk Mr. Phillips *359 Paifan du Fryamt pres de Bremgarten, a Tinted Drawing Mr. Fovre # 36'q Kervante de Lion, Ditto Ditto *361 Paifane du Cant,on de Zurich Ditto *362 Fnbourgeoife Allemande en Habit de noces, Ditto Ditto *303 Painting in Water Colours, after Carlo Cignani Mr. Leonard 363 A proof P int of General Wolte, on White Sattin 366 A Hind’s Held Mr. Woolett Mr. Sartortus 367 A Hack Ditto 368 Birds, in Wat“r-Colours- Mr. Ljhden '369 Flowers, in Ditto Ditto ’370 Ditto Ditto' *371 Cattle, in Oil Mr. Manuel *372 Dog and Kennel Mr. O’Keeffe 373 Flowers, in China, Mr. Lsndtn 374 Ditto 375 Vandyke’s Head, in Pen-and-ink 376 A Drawing of a Landlcape, in Biftre Mr. Sandby 377 A Ditto, in Water-Colours A Gentleman 378 Pinks Honorary ’379 A L.ady, in the Chara&er of Flora Honorary *380 A Ditto, in the Character of Pomona *381 A Head of our Saviour, crown’d with Thorns *382 Two Models, in Wax, the King and Queen *383 Two Ditto, the Triumph of Cupid and Bacchus *384 Two Ditto, Agrophinaand the Goddefs of Health *385 Two Ditto, of Garrick and Shakefpeare *386 Two Ditto, of Boys *387 Two Ditto, of Keppel and Bacchus Ditto The NAMES of the ARTISTS, with their Places of Abode ; with References to the Pages in the Catalogue where their Works arc to be found. A. _/\_RGENT, Mr. No. i, BrownVCourt, Green-Street, Grofrenor-Square page 7 B. ' ■■'!.' ,1 .;■ BAKER, Mr. P 4 BANFIELD, Mr. No- Man’s-Square, Minories p 4 BARNEY, Mr. Woolverhampton p 5 BARRILLI, Mr. P 8 BASIRE, Mr. Great Queen-Street, Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields p7 BEESLEY, p 7 i i BENCRAFT, Mr. p 3 BENNETT, Mr. No. 100, Oxford-Street p 8 BLACK, Mr. p 6 7 BROOKES, Mr. No. 368, Oxford-Street p 4, 6, 7, 9 BROWN, Mr. p 3 BODE, Mr. p S BODILO, Mr. p 6 BONK, Mr. No. 10, Great-Bath-Street, CoU-Bath-Fields p $ BORGNIS, Mr. No. 39, Mary-le-Bone-Strcet, Golden-Square p 4 BURNET, Mr. p 8 BOWLES, Mr. p 6 BOWMAN, Mailer, Alderfgate Street 7, 8, 9 V AN ALPHABETICAL LIST. ire. C. CALCAVEL'LA, Signior p 8 CANTER, Me. Vine-Street, Piccadilly p J, 5, 6 CAREE, Mr. Lambeth p6 CAREW, Mr. Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields p 4 CASZALI, Mr. p .5 CHAMBERS, Mr. No, ti, Brownlow-Street, Hoihorn p 5, 6, 8, <• CHAMBERS, Mailer p 3. $ CLEVELEY, Me. Pimlico 6, 11 COLLET, Mr. p 9 COLLINS, SOPHYA Mifs at Mr. Gamble’s, No. 1*7, Pall-mall COURT, Mr. at Mr. HewfoiPs, No. 75, Great Portland-Street-Caver.dilh-Square p 3 CYPRIANI, Mr. p 6 DAVISON, Mr. p 6 DRAKE, Mr. Vine-Street, Piccadilly p 11 E. F.ARNST, Mr. Denmark-Strect, Soho p 4 ELMER, Mr. p 6 F. FLECKNEY, Mr. p 6 FLOYD, Mr. South-Street, Grofvenor-Squarc p 7, 9, 11 FOWLER, Mr. Mill’s, Coffee-houfc, Gerrard-Street, Soho p5, 10 FRIMT, Mr. Wellclofe-Fair p 5 FROMONT, Mr. p 6 FROST, Mr. Wandfworth p5, 11 FURLY, Mils p 5 G. GAAB, Mr. No. King-Street, Seven-Dials p 8 GAINSBOROUGH Mr. p 6 GARREE, Mr. p 6 . 9 ':M \ ■1-t \ AN ALPHABETICAL LIST; *c GAUGOIN, Mr. No. 4, Compton-Street, Soho p 8 9 GODDARD, Mr. p 7 GODDARD, Mr. p 7 GRAHAM, Mr. No. 57, Bow-Lane, Cheapfrde p 5 GRANGER, Mr. p 10 GRAY, Mr. King’s Road, Bedford-row p 4 7 GURDEN, Mr. p 8 H. ' HAGARTHY, Mr. Queen-Street, Golden-Square p 9 HAY, Mr. p 9 HAYOIT, Mr. p 9 HILL, Mr. P 4 HEAM, Mr. Nc. 6, George’s-Court, St. John’s-Lane, Clcrkenwell HOAR, Mr. p 4 HODGSON, Mr. Jermyn-Street, St. James** p 4, 6, 8, 10, HOGARTH, Mr. p ri HURN, Mr. p 9 IMMANUEL, Mr. p 4 IRELAND, Mr. p to JOHNSTON, Mr. pj, 10 JONES, Mr. p 6 KAUFFMAN, Mrs. Naples p 3, S, “ KENTISH, Mr. P 3 L. LARPINEER, Mr. 7 LUCAS, Mr. Afbentrce-Court, Water-Lane, Fleet-Street LUNY, Mr. at Mr. Merle’s, No. 36, Leadenhall-Street p 6 I. J. K. i t M. M’KENZIE, Mr. No. 4, Walker’s-Court, Berwick-Street, Soho p $ V AN ALPHABETICAL LIST, fcc, M’FF.RGUS, Mr. p 3 M’PHISK, Mr. p 7 MARTINDALE, Mr.p7 JVI'EWAN, Mr. No. 36, Berwick-Street, Soho p 10 M’QUOID, Mr. Surry-Side, Wcllminfler-Bridge p 8 MAY, Mr. at Mr. Gamble’s Print-Seller, Pall-Mail p 5 METZ, Mr. Grofvenor-Row, Chelfea p 7, 8, to MILLS, Mr. p 4 MONARCHY, Mr. Piccadilly p 4, 15 MONTGAANT, Mr. No. 53 Leadenhall-Street MOORE, Mr. No. 48, Widegatc-Strcet, Whitechapel p 7 MUDGE, Mr. Chelfea p 5 MURPHY, Mifs p 7 N. NE\TNT, D. M. No. it, Great-Bath-Street, Cold-Bath-Fieldsp 5 NEWTON, Mr. p 11 NORBURk, Mr. No. 3, WalkerVCourr, Berwick-Street, Soho p 6 P. PARKER, Mr. p 7 PARRY, Mr. p to, it PASSALL, Mr. p 4 PAYE, Mr. p 4 PERRY, Mr. p to PETHER, A. Mr. Portland-Strect p 4, 5, 6, 7, ir TETHER, T. Mr. Little-Britain PHILLIPS, Mr. Walker’s-Court, Berwick-Street, Soho RAWLINS, Sophia p 9 RKIL 0 , Mr. p 10 RICHARDS, Mr. p4 RWSARDSON, Mr. No. 105, Great-Tiichfield-Strect, Cavendilh-Square p RICHTER, Mr. Great Newport-Street ROBINSON, Ann p 10 RYLEY, Mr. No.jta, Grcat-Titcblield-Street, Man bone p 7 A -2ST- A L, P H-A BETICAL LIST f - . ,? *7 - _ S. v • 1 c \i «T*'l sV SALISBURY, Mr. at Weftbury p 6 SAMSON, Mr. p 4 SARIORIUS, Mr. Junior, No io, Wclls-Strect p 3, 4 r 6 SAYER, Mr. p 10 j 1 S ’ * SCHEEMAKER, Mr. No. 6, Great Titchfield-Street, Oxford-Market, p 10 SHEELS, Mr. P 3 ' e SHEILLS, SARAH Mifs, No. 14, Lambeth-Terrace SIMPKINS. Mr. London-Street p 8 5KETCHLEY, Mr. at the Academy Mary-le-Bone-Pallage, Wilk-Street, Oxford- road p 5, 11 SPENCER, Mr. p 9 SQUIM, Mr. Lambeth STABLES, Mr. Tottenham-Court-Road p 7, 8, 10 STUART, J. Efq. Leicelter-Square p 8, 9, 10, n SWAIN, Mr. at Mr. Merle’s, No. 36, Leadenhall-Strect p 5 SWANTON, Mr. t T. THOMAS, A^Mr. No. 40, Long-Acrep 5, 7, 9, 10, n THOMPSON, THOMAS Mr. Junior, Wallworth, Surry p S THORNBOLD, Mr. p 9 THURGAR, LUCY Mifs, No. ro, Surry-Street, Strand TODD, Mr. Wapping Wall p 11 TOWNLEY, Mr. Arlington-Street p 4, 6, 8, 9, TURNER, Mr. Snow-Hill p 5 V. VAUGHN, Mr. P 5 VERNON, Mr. Shoe-Lane p 3 W. WAGGNER, Mr. No. 12 Oxford-Street p 11 WAGG, Mr. P 4 WALKERSON, Mr. P 7 AN ALPHABETICAL L I S T, &*• WANTER, Mr. Soho-Square p 3 WARNER, Mr. p 8 WATHAN, Mr p 4 < WATTON, Mr. p 6 WATSON, Mr. p7 WATSON, Mr. p $ WETHERILL, Mrs. p 4 WHITE, Mr. Greenwich Hofpital p 10 WIGGONI, Mr. Temple-Lane p 3 WILLIAMS, Mr. Marfhall-Street, Carnaby-Market p 3, 7 WILSON, Mr. at Mr. Gilden’s, No. 457, Strand p £, 8, 10 WRIGHT, Mr. Derby p 5 YOUNG, Mr. p 4 ZEEBROS, Mr. Marybone-Street, Golden-Square p 3 ZEER, Mr. p 6 ZUCCH 1 , Mr. p 3, 4, 6 i \ THE ORIGINAL PLAN O F T H E ARTIST’s SOCIETY.' It is well-known there is farce a Profejtotl or Bufnefs that has not by prudent forejigbt and (economy, ejlablijhed certain Funds for the fupport of the difrejfed and decayed of their own number, when more public provifton has been wanting. The profejfors of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, which hold the fir ft; rank among the Arts in the ornaments and beauties of life , are almoft the only body who , through that inattention incident to men of genius are deftitute of fuch proviftonit is not nature alone that gives perfeBion to their works-, Artifts muft be ajjified by Jhtdy, obfervation, and praBice, without which genius is inefficient, and the intenfe application neccfiary thereto frequently affcBs both their health and eircumfianccs,. while the inconfideratc part of the world is apt to conceive A contempt for the art, from the appearance, and even the Misfortunes , of the Artift. It is alfo certain, that private Artifts, by ajjifiing one another, have brought theft arts to fuch perfection, as ju-ftly entitled them to public patronage, and thereby gave rife to thofe academies and Infiitutions which do honour to the countries where they are eft' tablijhed ; and whoever confults the hifiory and progrefs of the Arts muft be fenfible , that in proportion to fuch encouragement, they have either flourijhed or declined. Theft Artifts acknowledge that encouragement which the pMlo r during their late Exhi¬ bitions, exprejfed in their favourthey confider it as a p-omifing omen of then future fuccrfi and can by no means omit fo favourable an opportunity of enahhng merst to emerge from obfeurity, and guard againf the accidents of life they arc fubjeH to, ,n common with the reft of ntankind, and which too often render them the greatef objeto of compafjion , bccaufe true merit is generally accompanied with madefy. We, the fbuferibers, , therefore, having maturely confidercd what is premiftd agree t. form ourfclves into an inf station, founded on the fentiments of honour, companion, and prudence ; to be called, A Free Society of Artists, affociated for Relief of diftreffed and decayed Brethren, their Widows and Children. Society. E I R S T.. [ 2 1 Annual Exhibitions, Fill ST. It is agreed there fliall be one annual Exhibition, and all Artifts in and tn what manner p . . Sculpture, or Architecture, who fliall exhibit one or more ot' their per- Artifts are to become 8 ’ r ’ ... , members of this So- formances, at fuch time, and in fuch place, and manner, as directed, fliall be- < - lct >' 4 come members of this Society, upon their conforming to the Regulations hereafter fpecified. Every Afttft, who fliall, for five years fucceffively, exhibit as above, fliall become a perpetual member of this Society. But, as accidents may happen, any members, after exhibiting for two years fueceffiVely, may omit one year (at one time only) -on paying the fum of two guineas towards the fund for that year, and continue fuch omiffions and payments till they have compleated five years Exhibitions, in which calc, and not before, they fliall be deemed perpetual Members. Provided that ficknefs or oeceflary abfence out of thefe kingdoms (the reality and neceffity of which being made appear to the Society) fliall not forfeit any privilege to members, if, on recovery or return, they fulfil the five years Exhibition- as pre¬ scribed ; nor fliall a member’s death, after being admitted into this Society, deprive his widow or children of an) benefit accruing from the fame. Every Artift, who exhibited with this Body the prefent year 1762, and who fliall fign and feal this agreement before the 25th of March, 1763, fliall be deemed a founder of this Society, and the fame fliall be allowed one of the five years Exhi¬ bitions necefiary to conftitute a perpetual member. How Exhibitions are SECOND. A general meeting fliall be held within ten days after every Exhi- to be conducted, and to appoint a time and place for the next, and choofe the officers for the the necefiary officers elefted. enfuing year. The committee then chofen fliall be inftrufted to prepare for, and direft the man¬ ner of the next year’s Exhibition, according to the following general rules : 1 ft. They fliall reject no works prefented them, but fuch as are offenfiye to niodefty, or judged unworthy Exhibition. 2d. In hanging the Pictures, and difpofing of ether works, they fliall fliew no refpect to perfons, but place them in fuch manner, as to the beft of then- judgement, fliall appear for the advantage of the whole, and the honour of Exhibition.—But any perfon may appeal from their determination to a general meeting, which Iliad be held, at leaft, three days before every Exhibition. 3d. The catalogues fliall be made by ranging the Artift’s names in capital letters, and alphabetical order, with their places of abode annexed thereto, immediately under ' which fliall be mentioned the work or works exhibited by fuch Aral!, numerically marked in the margin. 4th. They fliall have the diredion of printing and felling catalogues, or fixing a price for admiffion into the Exhibition, and they, or any perfons by them autho¬ rized, fliall receive the money for the fame, and daily, or weekly, lodge it in feme reputable banker’s hands, till the expiration of the Exhibition. A fair book fliall be kept by the Secretary, of fuch receipts and depofits, open to the in- fpedtion of any member ; and they fliall make a faithful report of their manage¬ ment [ 3 ] ment at the nest general meeting, in order to be difcharged from fuch annual truft. ' THIRD. For the purpofes herein mentioned, there fhall be a fund accumulated Ho w the fund is to of not lefs than 2000I. by the profits of Exhibitions, or otherways, as a foundation be railed, for a further provifion, if found prafticable. In order to raife this fum, three fourths of the net produce of fu :h Exhil i’ions and other Receipts, fliall be annually accumulated, and the fubfcribing members hold it as an inviolable principle, that no part either of the principal or intereft be touch¬ ed till the faid accumulations complete the faid fum of 2000 1 . The fame is alfo to be underflood of all further accumulations, which are to ceafe when the Society unauimoufly agrees thereto. FOURTH. As many focieties have fuffered through the cunning of iil-defign- How , he fu ..j ; s t0 ing perfons, who have taken advantage of their not being duly and legally inroll- be lecured. ed, and thereby evaded the payment of funis of money entrufted them by fuch fo¬ cieties ; it is hereby agreed, that this prefent inftitution fhall be forthwith inrolled of record in his Majefty’s Court of King’s Bench.*-That all monies received fliall, fo foon as poffible, after the fame amounts to the fum of fifty pounds, be placed out at interell: on government or real fecurity, by a majority of the Officers and committee for the time being, as truftees for the fund ; and, in cafe of the death of any of them, a general meeting fliall be called immediately, and another appoint¬ ed in his room ; they fliall take proper fecurities, in their own names, and give the fociety a declaration of truft ; which, with the original deed inrolled, and other fecurities, fhall be depolited in any banker’s, or other fate perfon’s hands, to be approved of by the fociety. FIFTH. The remaining net fourth part of the produce of fuch Exhibitions, b^tppUed?" 1 ' ' S l ° and other receipts, with the intereft arifirig from the capital fund, when confolidated, fliall be annually appropriated to the relief, of the diftrefled of this body, their widows, or children, in equitable and fair proportions, by the Society at any of their meet¬ ings ; and the committee may, at any tiiite, difcretionally, apply a fum, not ex¬ ceeding ten pounds, to relieve thofe who are in immediate diftrefs, or towards the interment of any member: and, in cafe the whole fliall not be expended at the end of any year, the remainder may be applied to what purpofe the Society fhall agree for the good thereof, according to any by-laws to be hereafter made. SIXTH. There fliall be immediately appointed, and afterwards annually elefl- what . effc l crs art ed, a President, two Vice Presidents, and eight members, who, together, fliall be a bnefs, and how to committee for one year, to manage and dirca as before and hereafter fpecificd, viz. be determined. The l’rcfidcnt (or a Vice Preiident in his abfence; to prefide and keep order in the Society, and keep the books of by-laws and proceedings. A fecrctary fliall be ap¬ pointed, who is not, nor fliall be, a member, during his continuance in that office ; he fliall take minutes, give notice of the meetings to every member, and have charge of the rough minutes only, in order to enter the fame in the Society’s books, the committee fliall alfo prepare every matter relative to the Society, to be approved or rejefted at the general meetings : they fliall meet monthly, with power of adjournment; and any member of the Society may attend and vote at fuch com¬ mittees, as at the general meetings. < . There ' * It hath been inrolled accordingly. t 4 1 7 'here fliail be four quarterly general meetings, be Tides thefe appointed before and after the Exhibitions, \iz. on the 18th day of October, (being the feall of St. Luke) the 28th day of January, the l8thdav of April, and the 18th day of July in every year. I he committee fhall then report, hoiv, and to what extent, they have ul'ed the diferetionary power ertruded to them, and all other matters tranfadled by them - fair books of their proceedings being kept for that purpofe. Eleven members prefont at a general meeting may proceed to bufinefs, and five do the lame at a committee. All matters fhall be- determined by a majority of hands, or, if demanded, by ballot, both in the genera) meetings, and in the committees; and the committee may choofe their own chairman and proceed to bufinefs. < Upon what terms ervi'HTU benefaSors are to ^ E V h N 1 H. Any Perfon who lliail incline to encourage this laudable under- mLary "members . ^°~ may b ® eIeaed ’ and become a temporary or perpetual honorary member on paying one guinea annually or ten guineas at one time, and thereby have all free accel's to Exhibitions, their advice and afliftance, at any general meeting, will be duly regarded ; but to have no vote under this infiitution. lImi„Tby-laws!° n ’ L A S T L Y ' That this Socict E hereb y rcfer7e a power to themfelves and fuc- cellors, to make what by-laws may, from time to time, be found neceflary, to- w-ards carrying oh this defign, and for extending this plan to other laudable pur- poles, for the improvement of Arts, and the benefit of Artifts in general ; which by-laws are to be prepared by the committee, for the time being, and never con¬ firmed ay lefs than two general meetings, which fhall be called by letters, and pub¬ lic advertisements it being always underftood they do not interfere with, or in any manner contradict, thefe ordinances, which, (as to the original accumulation) are to be confidcred as fundamental and unalterable for ever. A W ABSTRACT of this SOCIETY’S PROCEEDINGS. I If, the year 1762, this Society was founded o the above plan. This metropolis afford¬ ed them numerous injlances of patronage ; and their affociation fucceeded, even beyond the expectation of it’s members. The manner by which the fund is raifed appears by the plan , and, though but an yaut body, the Society apprehend it may not be amifs to acquaint the public , with this Jhort account of their proceedings. From the commencement of this affociation ,, no, a finale member, afflicted with Sicknefs , t-c. ever apphed in vain-, they have been relieved with, from three, five, ten, fifteen, twenty and one hundred guineas each .—and, befidcs the cajh in the Ireafurer’s hands, f S y hath, ‘™> in thc Twelve Hundred Pounds, three per cents, which cannot be alienated from the above purpofes in the plan, on any pretence whatever. If the Public continue to favour their intentions, this Society may be able, in a few years, to/often ther.gourofdifirefs, in a* liberal and extenfin manner, to every Artifiwho oiay be under the neceff.ty of making an Application. lV" K- V^Jks^j^A Y\ V JUr JoufvWPi Ipffiy hwh Wy^W\^\ w V l HP?- wlP\\ vv^ ^ssi$f 1- 1^3 jSr y* V k ^II v JvatyMf .... i(VV -'C/V -J'ij 'r'.&&'¥t £ ^ > » 'i/V&j&tyyVtiJtiyk? . i XL ajUUUUjl mmM Algernon Graves Valuation* ro* Probate. Insurance Ac Portraits identified 42. c f v /Ji /9// <0e~~ 2)^ i* IaTjU^ 7 — V 7 - « ^ <-/ * f<. J +** 24 +**- y«**^ <3M- cyl/c/<-l £L<*4?