THE MECHANICAL ARTS CONTAINING PRACTICAL TREATISES ON THE VARIOUS ANUAL ARTS, TRADES AND ANUf ACTURES gUustrafcfc numerous engrabmsr# LONDON: * PRINTED FOR RICHARD REES, 62, PALL MALL; GALE, CURTIS, AND FSNNRft; SHERWOOD, NEELEY, AND JONES, P/ TERN0ST£R*R< W, curtis. Plymouth. KMj YE NT THE CIRCLE THE MECHANICAL ARTS THE MECHANICAL ARTS; CONTAINING PRACTICAL TREATISES ON THE VARIOUS MANUAL ARTS, TRADES, AND MANUFACTURES. By THOMAS MARTIN, Civil Engineer, ASSISTED BY EMINENT PROFESSIONAL MECHANICS AND manufacturers. iV 3 llustrateu bp numerous engrabtngs. LONDON: , PRINTED FOR RICHARD REES, 62, PALL MALL; GALE, CURTIS, AND FENNER; AND SHERWOOD, NEELEY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER-ROW; AND W. CURTIS, PLYMOUTH. com m*r V ► i J. M'Creery, Printer, Black-Horse-Court, London. * ' PREFACE. The work now presented to the public, in its complete form, will, it is presumed, recom- mend itself to general attention, as well from its novelty as from the importance of the subjects of which it treats. Of all the numerous Dictionaries of Arts and Sciences published in this country, there is no one that bears any resemblance to “ the Circle of the Mechanical Arts.” In France, indeed, there have been works of the same kind, but they are all executed on too large a scale to become generally useful ; and, by their price, they are necessarily confined to the libraries of the rich, or to the repositories of the learned, which have been founded and maintained at the public expense. Those for whom such works are chiefly adapted, can rarely obtain even a sight of them, and they are thus almost entirely destitute of that utility in improving the arts and manufactures, for which they were naturally designed. Hence has arisen the difficulty and obstacles which the editor of this volume has met with in seeking information on the various topics tWt have come under discussion. In almost all instances he has found persons engaged in trade extremely unwilling to. communicate the processes and manipulations which distinguish their several arts; ana, tn the course of his inquiries, he had frequently to regret that those who were most disposed to afford him assistance were, from want of all literary habits and practice, utterly incapable of rendering him that aid which he could have hoped for by the communication of their ideas in writing. Many persons refused him help lest they should be thought to betray the secrets of their trade, and others were equally reluctant to enter into the nature of their profession, fearing that a free communication of their own thoughts would expose their ignorance of its principles, or would prove that its excellence did not depend upon any thing secret, or that could be concealed. Without, however, troubling the reader with a further enumeration of the difficulties which have beset the editor in his pursuits, and impeded his progress in the attainment of a * practical IV PREFACE. practical knowledge, he will proceed briefly to state some peculiar features of the work which he has, notwithstanding the hinderances thrown in his way, at length, accomplished. The “ Mechanical Exercises,” published by Moxon, more than a century ago, have become exceedingly scarce : in some respects, it has been the wish of the editor of the “ Circle” to follow the example set him by his precursor, yet he has been ambitious of surpassing him in the extent and variety of information contained in his book. Mr. Moxon treated almost exclusively of the arts and trades connected with building ; the editor of the Circle, disdaining so limited a plan, has taken a much more extensive range, and included, in his work, practical treatises on a great variety of other manual arts, trades, and manufactures. The attention of the reader is particularly directed to the long and elaborate article on Carpentry, which forms so large a' proportion of the volum^ and which, it is presumed, will be found the most complete treatise ever published on the subject. No expense has been spared to illustrate this article by numerous engravings. The other articles connected with building, viz., Sawing and Planing, BRiCK-making and BRicx-laying, Slating, Plas- tering, Plumbing, Painting and Glazing; and Turning, which is common to many branches of trade, will be found under their respective heads ; as well as the more general treatises of Architecture, and Masonry. Among the useful and important manipulations common to every individual, as well as to people in distinct trades, will be found, in tIie alphabetical order, Baking and Brewing, with such rules and recipes vriil shew that the convenience of private families have been consulted equally with the interests of those who manufacture on a large scale for the public. • ' , • ^ In the arts connected with, or depending upon, or, at least, which are materially benefited by the principles of modern Chemistry, may be mentioned, Dyeing, and HAT-making; GLAss-making ; Pottery, including the manufacture of Porcelain; SoA.p-making ; STAKCii-making, and Tanning; also Rectification and Distillation, both included under the former term. Of the manufactures carried on to a vast extent in several of the large towns in the northern parts of England, as Manchester, Sheffield, and Birmingham, the reader may be referred to Cotton- PREFACE.' v CoTTON-manufacture and Weaving; BuTTON-making, and Cutlery; to the manu- facture of Files and Nails, and to Wir E-drawing. To these may be added, the manufacture of Guns and Shot, which trades are carried on upon an extensive scale at Birmingham, though the best warranted guns are said to be the production of London workmen, to one of whom, eminent in his profession, the editor, as has been acknowledged in the article, is indebted for the facts contained in his account of the business. Ship building was reckoned too extensive an article for a work to be comprised in a single volume, and has been omitted; nevertheless, the manufacture of Blocks and Roves, connected with it, has been rather fully treated of. The trades, on which the literature of the country depends, will be found in their respective places, as PAPER-making ; Printing, by moveable letters, and on the stereotype plan; and BooK-binding : to these may be added another branch of business, not indeed connected with books, but of which paper is the staple commodity, viz., Staining of Paper, chiefly used in the decoration of our apartments. Hence we have been led to treat of other branches of business not absolutely necessary to the convenience of life, but which are found in every stage of improved society, such are CoACH-making, with which is allied the Wheelwright ; Enamelling; Carving,* and Gilding; GoLD-beating ; Japanning; Engraving, and the Staining of Glass, found under the articles Glass and Glazing. To the public it was a matter of importance that a full article should be given on Watch and CLOCK-making ; this has been done, including a description of all the tools used in the art, and of the facts which led to the invention, and of the principles on which these useful instruments depend. The Cooper, the CoMB-maker, the Currier, and the BASKET-maker, will perceive that considerable pains have been taken to collect and diffuse information respecting the trades which they practise, and which are exceedingly useful in domestic life ; some, indeed, not only on their own account, but for the aid which they afford to other manufacturers. * By mistake, a figure is referred to in this article, which was not intended to be engraved ; and in the article Bridges, page 41, references are erroneously made to Plate II, which was not necessary to illustrate the subject. To Vi PREFACE. To the article Engineering, we may call the attention of our readers, being, if we mistake not, wholly omitted in Cyclopedias ; and, as connected, in some measure with it, we may point out Mining; and Founding, in all its different branches, from the grosser metals to the coining of gold and silver money. As the Mechanical Arts depend much upon the principles of Geometry, we have, by way of Appendix, given a treatise on the practical parts of that science. Upon the whole, we may recommend the Circle of the Mechanical Arts to persons of various classes and ranks in life; as to Gentlemen who are fond of mechanical pursuits, or, who, for amusement, superintend the works going on upon their own estates, or, who wish to be informed of the manufactures established in their own neighbourhood, or which they may meet with in their travels. It will likewise be found extremely useful to persons engaged in trade; to youths apprenticed to learn the arts described; as well as to practical mechanics in general. Finally, the editor throws himself upon the candour of the public $ he does not presume that he has performed all that every reader will expect to find, but he is confident that much is done, and that the favour which he has experienced during the publication of his work in separate parts, will be augmented now the publication is completed. It was originally intended to have given a Second Part , chiefly as a Dictionary of Terms, assimilating itself to other Dictionaries ; but, at the desire of many of his subscribers, the Editor has confined the work to its present extent. London, March 25, 1813. CONTENTS. Page ARCHITECTURE 1 BRIDGES 33 BAKING 45 BASKET-MAKING 62 BLOCK-MAKING 69 BOOK-BINDING 74 BREWING 85 BRICK-LAYING 90 BRICK-MAKING 98 BRUSH-MAKING 105 BUTTON-MAKING . . • 107 CABINET-MAKING 110 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY 122 CARVING AND GILDING 211 COACH-MAKING 218 COMB-MAKING 231 COOPERING 234 COTTON MANUFACTURE 239 CURRYING 253 CUTLERY 260 DYEING 264 ENGINEERING 293 ENAMELLING 317 ENGRAVING 326 FILE-MAKING 336 FOUNDING . 342 GLASS-MAKING 368 GLAZING 380 GOLD-BEATING AND GILT WIRE-DRAWING 385 GUN-MAKING 389 HAT-MAKING 400 JAPANNING 409 MASONRY 414 Page MINING 437 MODELLING 443 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT-MAKING .... 448 NAIL-MAKING 454 NEEDLE-MAKING 458 PAINTING (HOUSE) 460 PAPER-MAKING 465 PATTEN-MAKING 475 PIN-MAKING 476 PIPE-MAKING 478 PLANING 481 PLASTERING 484 PLUMBERY 492 POTTERY 496 PRINTING 504 RECTIFICATION 513 ROPE-MAKING 518 SAWING 522 SHOT-MAKING 526 SLATING 527 SOAP-MAKING 532 STAINING OF PAPER 538 STAKCH-MAKING 539 TALLOW AND WAX CHANDLERY . . .540 TANNING 542 TIN-PLATE-WORKING 546 TURNING 548 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING .... 563 WEAVING 596 WHEEL-WRIGHT 601 WIRE-DRAWING 605 WOOL-COMBING 606 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY 610 *a ' \ . .. .. ' - ' . r - - . . ' * . * ' ' THE CIRCLE OF TITE MECHANICAL ARTS. ARCHITECTURE. Architecture is the art of planning and erecting buildings of any kind, as churches, palaces, temples, dwelling-houses, bridges, n- vemence. What we have said respecting the origin of Grecian architecture, may account for the pecu- liar character of the Arabian, Chinese, and what is commonly called Gothic. The last is the com- mon appellation by which the architecture of the middle ages, is known. In the Arabian mosque, we cannot but see the strong resemblance it bears to a number of small bell tents, encircling a larger one. The caravansary is a court surrounded by small tents, each having its own dome, to which the Greek church of St. Sophia, at Constantinople bears a striking simi- litude. The Chinese architecture appears to be de- rived from the construction of wooden buildings; and Sir George Staunton informs us, that the roofs are of the same^shape as the cover of a square tent. Thus we may trace the different stiles of architecture to the formation of primitive huts; which were con- structed so as best to afford the purposes of shelter or shade, as the climate in which they were erected demanded ; and ofthe most abundant and best calcu- lated materials to answer these ends. We must therefore look to these sources, if we wish to obtain a just idea of the origin of stiles, differing so widely from each other. The architects who built most of the cathedrals in Europe, departed from the stile of Greece and Rome, and introduced another, in which arcades made the principal feature. Not finding in every place quarries, from which blocks could be raised of sufficient size for forming the far projecting cornices ofthe Greek orders, they relinquished these propor- tions, and adopted a style of ornament which did not require such projections. By substituting arches for the horizontal architrave or lintel, they were able to erect buildings of a vast extent, and with spacious openings, using only small pieces of stone. The form adopted for a Christian temple occasioned many intersections of vaultings, and multiplied the arches exceedingly. Constant practice afforded opportu- nities of giving all possible variety to these intersec- tions, and taught the art of ballancing arch against arch in every situation. In process of time arches became principal ornaments, and a wall or a ceiling was not thought properly decorated, until it was filled with mock arches, crossing and cutting each other in every direction. We call the middle ages rude and barbarous, and give to their style of Architecture the appellation of Gothic; but there was surely much knowledge in architects, who could execute such magnificent and difficult works - »s they have left us. More appro- priate appellations for these species of Architecture, would be Sa.von and Norman , so far as relates to buildings of this kind in Britain ; the Saxon being dis- tinguished by the circular, and the Norman by the pointed arch; for, under the guidance of these re- spective nations, each kind displayed its grandeur and peculiarites in the greatest perfection. The ar- chitects of whom we now speak, do not appear to have studied the theory of equilibri ited arches. For a long period, they adopted an arch which was very strong, and permitted considerable irregularities of pressure, namely, the pointed arch. The very deep mouldings with which this arch was ornamented, made the arch-stones very long in proportion to the span ofthe arch. They had, however, studied with great care the mutual thrust of arches on each other ; and they contrived that every invention for this pur- pose should become an ornament, as well as a neces- sary part of the building. Thus we frequently see small buildings having buttresses on the sides. These buttresses are necessary in a large vaulted building, for withstanding the outward pressure of the vaulting; but they are useless when there is a flat ceiling. Pinnacles on the heads of buttresses are - now con- sidered as ornaments; but, originally, they were put there to increase the weight of the buttresses. Even the great tower in the centre of a cathedral, which now constitutes its chief ornament, is a load almost indispensably necessary, for enabling the four principal columns to withstand the combined thrusts of the aisles, the naves, and the transepts. In short, the more closely we examine the ornaments of this style of Architecture, the more shall we per- ceive that they are essential parts ; and the more we consider the whole style, the more clearly shall we see, that it is all deduced from the relish for arcades indulged to extremes, and pushed to the utmost limit of possibility in the execution. This pure Gothic was followed by a middle stile, in which the Grecian and Gothic were blended together. Although the Grecian did not become prevalent in England, until the time of Inigo Jones, yet there existed some speci- mens of it long prior to his day. Perhaps the earliest was Somerset-house, in the Strand, built in 1549. Towards the end of the 15th and beginning ofthe 16th centuries, learning- and the chaste architec- - ture ARCHITECTURE. tnre of the Greeks and Romans began to revive. It first dawned in Italy; and its revival may be attributed to the remains of those magnificent structures which were to be found in that country. From thence an improved method of building was gradually intro- duced into all parts of Europe : and although the Italians for a long time retained the superiority over the other European nations as architects, vet as men of genius from all quarters constantly visited Italy, for the purpose of improvement in this, as well as in the other arts, they were in the course of time equal- led, if not surpassed, by the architects of other na- tions, and even by those of our own country. The orders as now executed bv architects, ore five, viz. the Tuscan , the Doric , the Ionic , the Corinthian, and the Composite, which are distinguished from each other by the column, with its base and capital, and by the entablature. The Tuscan and Composite orders are rejected by many, because they differ but little from the other three, either in their ornaments, or in the offices assigned to them. The Tuscan re- sembling the Doric, deprived of some of its mould- ings; and the Composite differing from the Corin- thian only, by the introduction of the Ionic volute into its capital. The Tuscan order is characterized by its plain and robust appearance; and is, therefore, used only in works where strength and plainess are want- ed; it has been introduced with great effect and taste in that durable monument of ancient grandeur, the Column of Trajan, at Rome. Indeed, general consent has established its proportions, for such j purposes, to be beyond all the other orders. The j Doric possesses nearly the same character for strength as the Tuscan, but it is enlivened by its j peculiar ornaments, the triglyph, mutules, and guttas ; or drops, under the triglyph ; these decorations j characterize the Doric order, and in part are insepa- i rable from it. Its proportions recommend it where | united strength and grandeur are required. The j Ionic partakes of more delicacy than either of the former, and is on that account as well as on account of its Origin, called feminine, and not improperly I supposed to have a matronly appearance. It is com- j posed of a medium between the masculine strength of the Tuscan and Doric, and the slenderness of the Corinthian. The boldness of the capital, with the beauty of the shaft, makes it eligible for porticos, frontispieces, entrances to houses, &c. Dentiles were at first added to the cornice of this order. The Corinthian possesses more delicacy and ornament than either of the other orders; the beauty and richness of the capital, and the delicacy of the shaft, render it the most suitable in those edifices where magnificence and elegance are required. On this account it is frequently used for the internal decora- tion of large state rooms, in which it has a chaste appearance, though at the same time beautiful and superb. The Composite order is the same as the Corinthian in its proportions: and these two orders are nearly alike in their ornaments. The addition of the modern Ionic volute to the capital, gives it alwlder projection. It is applicable in the same manner, and in the same cases as the Corinthian. General principles of Architecture. When about to build, choice of situation is the first thing to be considered. For dwelling houses, a spot should, if possible, be chosen sufficiently elevated to be free from damps and noxious vapours, and at the same time sheltered from the severity of winter. The neighbourhood of fens, and stagnate waters, should always be avoided. It should be a spot where water can be conveniently procured ; where drains may be made with facility and with a proper fall ; and where the principal apartments may have the advantage ot southern and western aspects. Tiie nature of the soil should likewise be examined, either by means of borers or by sinking holes, in order to ascertain if a firm foundation can be. had. Stony or gravelly soils generally afford the best foundation ; yet these are sometimes deceitful, for underneath, layers of gravel, large cavities, or earth of a loose and hollow sub- stance, have frequently been found. In order to de- tect such deceptions, a celebrated Italian architect has recommended that great weights should be for- cibly thrown on the ground, so that by attentively listening to the sound, some idea may be formed ot its firmness or hollowness. A foundation of sand is proverbially bad; marshy, rotten, or boggv ground is equally insecure, and can only be built upon by piling, planking, laying large ledges, &c. In build- ing near the water, great care should be taken to ascertain the depth of the soil to the very bottom ; and this caution should likewise be well attend- ed to, when the ground has been wrought or dug before, or when it has been lately formed by accumulated earth or rubbish. The situation being chosen, the attention of the architect should next be directed to the form of the proposed edifice, together with the arrangement ot the different apartments it is intended to contain. A plan should be made w ith an elevation of each front, and also two or more sections. If the building be a considerable one, it would be advisable to have a perfect model formed with all its minute parts; and that the judgment may not be prejudiced, the model should be made plain, without colours or other beautifying. As the number and distribution of the rooms must depend on the establishment, and niode of living of the employer, the following observations can only be considered as general hints. Utility and external appearance should, undoubtedly, as far as possible, be combined; but in dwelling houses, very little of the former should be sacrificed to the latter. It is generally desirable to di\ide the principal front into three parts; a centre, and two wings. The centre should not appear of too great a magnitude for the wings, nor the wings too magnificent for the centre. The parts should bear a pleasing proportion to each other, both w hen separately considered, and unitedly. A pyramidicul form generally produces, a happy effect ; 4 ARCHITECTURE* effect; but tee choice of the external appearance must depend much on the situation, adjacent scenery Sec. Sec. Boldness and simplicity should be distin- guished from heaviness or poverty; lightness and elegance from frippery and whimsicality. Buildings intended solely tor utility, ought in every part to cor- respond precisely with that intention. The least deviation from use, though contributing to ornament, w ill !>e disagreeable; tor every work of use being considered as a mean to an end, its perfection as a mean is the most important consideration, and every thing in opposition to that, is to be neglected as improper. On the other hand, in buildings in- tended solely for ornament, as columns, obelisks, triumphal arches, &c. beauty alone ought to be re- garded. The principal difficulty in architecture lies in combining use and ornament. In order to accom- plish these ends, different and even opposite means must be employed, and this is the reason why they are so seldom seen united in a due degree. Hence, in all buildings, the only practicable method is to prefer utility or ornament, according to its character; in palaces, and such buildings as admit of a variety of useful contrivances, regularity ought to be preferred; but in dwelling houses that are too small for variety of contrivance, utility ought to prevail; regularity being neglected as far as it stands opposed to convenience. The proportions of doors are determined by the uses for which they are designed. The door of a dwelling house, which ought to correspond to the human size, is confined to seven or eight feet in height, and three or four in breadth. Doors of en- trance vary in their dimensions according to the bright of the story, or according to the magnitude of the building, in which they are placed. j,n private houses, four feet may be the greatest width, vujd in general three feet will be sufficient, except under some peculiar circumstances. A good proportion for doors is that in which their dimensions are in the ! ratio of three to sevep, in small doors, and one to two in large doors. Double doors, with sufficient room between to allow of the one being shut before the other is opened, will contribute much to keep up an equal temperature through the house, especial- ly where the lobby is warmed by a stove, in the entrance doors of public edifices, where there is a frequent ingress and egress ofa multitude of people, their width may be from six to twelve feet. Inside doors should in some measure, be regulated by the height of the stories: this, however, hast* its limit, as there is a certain dimension which ought not to be exceeded, for th p difficulty of shutting the door will be increased by its weight* therefore doors for pri- vate edifices, which are intended to be shut with one close, should never exceed three feet six inches in breadth. In palaces, and in the houses of noblemen, where much company resort, all the doors are. fre- quently thrown open; these maybe much larger than those of inferior edifices; and their width may l>e from four to six feet. In modern houses, it is common to have large folding doors for throwing tw i> rooms into one; in such cases, the proportion of the aperture will often be of a less height than that of twice the breadth, as the doors in the same story are generally one height throughout. The lintels of doors should range with those of the windows, and their breadth should never be less than that of the windows. In the fourth book of Vitruvius, rules are laid down for Doric, Ionic, and Attic doors, all of which have their apertures narrow er at the top than at the bottom, in conformity to those w hich are seen in the ruins of ancient Greek and Roman edi- fices; as in the temple of Minerva Polias, at Athens, and the temple of V esta at Tivoli. Doors of this form have the property of shutting themselves, which reason, probably, occasioned their invention : they have been introduced by a few modern archi- tects, particularly Mr. Soane, in the Bank of Eng- land. As to the situation of the principal entrance, it is evident that the door should be in the middle, as it will not only contribute better to symmetry, but will communicate more readily with all the other parts of the building. Where the internal arrange- ment of the rooms is injured by the door being in the center of the front, a blank door or w indow, having' the appearance of a door, should be substi- tuted, and the entrance made w here it is more con- venient The apertures of exterior doors in blank ar- cades, are generally placed at the same height as the springing of the arch; or if they have dressings, the top of the dressing, whether it l>e the architrave or cornice, is generally placed on the same level with the impost. The most common method of adorning the aperture of a door is with an architrave sur- rounding it; or with a cornice surmounting the architrave : or with a complete entablature. Some- times consoles are introduced, dunking the architrave jambs, and sustaining the ends of the cornice. Some- times the architrave jambs are flanked with pilas- ![ ters of the orders, or of some analogical form, in I which case, the projections of their bases and capitals ! are always less than that of the surrounding archi- trave: and the architrave over the capitals of the pilasters is the same with that of the head of the door. Sometimes the door is adorned w ith one of the live orders. The entrance doors of grand houses are fre- quently adorned with porticos, after the manner of Grecian temples. With regard to windows, the first considerations j are their number and their size. They must be so ar- ! ranged, gs to admit neither more nor less light than I mav be requisite. In the determination of this sub- j ject, regard must be had to the climate, the aspect, the extent, the elevation of the building, and its des- tination, gpel also to the thickness of the walls in which the windows are to be placed; on this circum- stance will partly depend the greater or less quan- tity of light that will be admitted. Where the vyalls are thick, as they commonly are in stone buildings ARCHITECTURE. 5 buildings, the windows should have a considerable splay on the inside, which will admit almost as much light, as it'the windows were externally of the same size with the increased internal dimensions. Sky lights are sometimes used to light stair-cases, but unless they are made with great care, they are very subject to leak, in a country like ours whefe so much rain and snow tails; when they are introduced for stairs, they ought to be double, with a large space between: otherwise they contribute greatly to render houses colder, because they form uneasy communications between the int >rnal warm, and the external cold air. In hot countries, where the sun is seldom clouded, and where its rays dart more in- tensely upon the earth, the light is stronger than in thoi\o ~8 feet three inches to each window. The height of these windows will be S feet six inches, and the Width 3 feet tour inches; and so for any others by the same rule of proportion. Steps of stairs should likewise be accommodated to the hu- man figure, without regarding any other proportion; C they 6 ARCHITECTURE, they are accordingly the same both in large and small 'buildings. In sumptdous buildings, the steps should not be less than four, nor more than six inches high; not more than eighteen, nor less than twelve inches broad; nor less than six feet, nor nor more than lifteen feet long. In ordinary houses they may be somewhat higher and narrower, and tliey must be much shorter in general, but eight or even seven inches is too high for an easy ascent, and they ought never to be less then nine or ten inches broad, nor shorter then three teet. The steps should be laid somewhat sloping, or a little higher behind, which is formed to lessen the labour of ascending. (See mure of this in the articles Carpentry and Joinery.) We come now to consider the form of the build- ing. A cube or square, is a more agreeable figure titan an oblong, or parallel opipedon. This con- stantly holds good in small figures : but a large building inform of a cube, is lumpish and heavy; therefore an oblong form is always preferred for dwelling houses. Care should, however, be taken to avoid making the plan longer titan necessary, as there will be great waste in the passages, and con- siderable difficulty in lighting them. With regard to the internal divisions, it is found more convenient that the rooms should be rectangu- lar, to avoid useless spaces. An hexagonal, or six sided figure leaves no void spaces ; but it determines the rooms to be all of one size, which is both in- convenient and disagreeable for want of variety. Though a cube be the most agreeable figure, and may answer for a room of moderate size : yet, in a very large room, utility requires a different form, j The best form for a long room, is that of a parel- * All prec.nitions to prevent t lie communication of sound to th e bed rooms should be taken. To this end it is advisable to till tb <> >l>;ice between the joists of the floor, above the bed room, with saw" dost, which must be sustained by short pieres of board, nailed against the joists, above the ceiling of the lower apartment. In the distribution of rooms for servants we ran only consult the facilities, of our general plan, and, if possible,- to give every bed room a fire place. There are two things to be attended to in the situation of the kitchen, first to place it as near the dining apartment as possible: secondly to contrive it so that the eiHuvia from the cooking, shall not enter the dining-room through the pa-sage, which should always be a covered one. In town houses it is generally most convenient to place the kitchen beneath the parlour floor ; to prevent the lighter, warmed air charged with the smell from cooking, rising into the dining ns; a seperate funnel like the kitchen chimney, carried op in the same stark, will always afford a remedy. A communica- tion w ith thi- flue must be made hy means of an opening in the ceil- ing of the kitchen, this opening may he closed bv a door, w hen noth- ing^ going on in the kitchen to occasion an unpleasant smell. In every modern house of respectable size water closets are introduced, which of course are situated so as to he convenient to the whole of the house, and at tile same time as iniieh concealed as circumstances will admit of; water closets are now so much improved, that they mav he placed in any part of the house, without the least danger of any unpleasant smell ; tltis, is in a great measure etfected b y means o' pipes, bent down, so as to form ail elbow, in the lower part of which, the last portion of water which is thrown down lodge-, and completely pre- vents anyefliuvia from rising. This contrivance is equally applica- ble to drains, w Inch w ill be treated of in their proper places. Care should be l iken to prevent fie water in tiie pipes from freezing, bv keeping them from the influence of the external air, as it would most infallibly buiat them. leiogram, and this figure is also best calculated for the admission of light ; because, to avoid cross lights, all the windows ought to be in one wall ; and if the opposite wall be at such a distance as not to be fully lighted, the room must be obscure. Dining rooms should be so situated, as to give an easy access to servants who wait at table ; and the fire- place so placed as to warm the room uniformly. In the building of chambers, regard ought to be had, as well to the place of the bed, which is gener- ally six or seven feet square, and the passage, as to the situation of the chimney, which for this con- sideration ought not to be placed just in the middle, but distant from it about two feet, or two feet six ; this, however, will be unnecessary in very large bed-chambers. The height of a room, exceeding nine or ten feet, has little relation to utility; there- fore proportion is the only rule for determining the height, when above that number of feet. Artists, who deal in the beautiful, love fo entertain the eye; palaces and sumptuous buildings, in which grandeur and beauty may be fully displayed, give them an opportunity of shewing their taste. Hut such a propensity is peculiarly unhappy with regard to private dwelling-houses; because in these, utility cannot be sacrificed to magnificence, without hurt- ing their intrinsic worth. There is no opportunity for great variety of form in a small house; and in edifices of this kind, internal convenience has not, hitherto, been happily aclj listed to external regu- larity. Perhaps an accurate coincidence in this respect is beyond the reach of art. Architects, how- ever, constantly split upon this rock, for they never can be persuaded to give over attempting to recon- cile these two incompatible objects; how otherwise should it happen, that of the endless variety of pri- vate dwelling-houses, there should not be one found that is generally agreed upon as a good model ? The unwearied propensity to make a house regular as well as convenient, obliges the architect, in some instances, to sacrifice convenience to regularity, and in others, regularity to convenience; and accord- ingly the house which turns out neither .regular nor convenient, never fails to displease. — Nothing can be more evident, than that the plan of a dwelling- house ought to be suited to the climate ; yet no error is more common than to copy in Britain the form of Italian houses, not forgetting even those parts that are purposely contrived for collecting air, and for excluding the sun ; witness our collon- nades and logies, designed by the Italians to gather cool air, and exclude the beams of the sun ; conve- niences which the climate of this country does not require. We shall next view architecture as one of the fine arts : which will lead us to the examination of such buildings, and parts of buildings, as are cal- culated solely to please the eye. Variety prevails in the works of nature ; but art requires to be guid- ARCHITECTURE. 7 ecj.byru.le and compass. Hence it is, that in such works of art as imitate nature, as in Laying out pleasure grounds, planting, &c. the great aim shonld be to hide every appearance of art, which is done by avoiding regularity, and indulging variety. JBut in works of art that are original, and not imitative, such as architecture, strict regularity and uniformity ought to be studied, as far as consistent with utility. Proportion is not less agreeable than regularity and uniformity; and, therefore, in buildings inten- ded to please the eye, they are all equally essential. It is taken for granted by many writers, that in all the parts of building there are certain strict propor- tions which please the eye, in the same manner as in sound, there are certain strict proportions which please the ear; and that in both the slightest devia- tion is equally disagreeable. But it ought to be considered, that there is no resemblance or relation between the objects of different senses. What pleases the ear in harmmony, is not the proportion of the strings of the instrument, but of the sounds which these strings produce. In architecture, on the contrary, it is the proportion of different quanti- ties that pleases the eye, w ithout the least relation to sound. Perrault in his comparison of the ancients and moderns, goes to the opposite extremes, main- taining that the different proportions assigned to each order of columns are arbitrary, and that the beauty of these proportions is entirely the effect of custom. But he should have considered, that if these proportions had not originally been agreeable, they could never have been established bv custom. For illustrating this point, we shall add a few ex- amples of the agreeableness of different proportions. In a sumptuous edifice, the capital rooms ought to be large, otherwise they will not be proportioned to the size of the building; for the same reason a very large room is improper in a small house. But in things thus related, the mind requires not a pre- cise or single proportion rejecting all others; on the contrary, many different proportions are equally agreeable. It is only when a proportion becomes loose and distant, that the agreeableness abates, and at last vanishes. Accordingly, in buildings, rooms of different proportions are found to be equally agreeable, even v\ here the proportion is not influ- enced by utility. With regard to the proportion the height of a room should bear to the length and breadth, it must be extremely arbitrary, considering the uncertainty of the eve as to the height of a room, when it exceeds l(j or 17 feet. In columns, again, every architect must confess, that the propor- tion of height and thickness varies betwixt eight diameters and ten, and that every proportion be- tween these two extremes is agreeable. Besides there must certainly be a further variation of pro- portion, depending upon the size of the column. A row of columns ten feet high, and a row twice that height, require different proportions; the inter-rolumniations must also differ in proportion according to the height of the row. Proportion of parts is not only itself a beauty, but is inseparably connected with a beauty of the high- est relish, that of concord and harmony ; which will be plain from what fellows. A room, the parts of which are all finely adjusted to each other, strikes us not only with the beauty of proportion, but tv itli a pleasure far superior; the length, the breadth, the height, raise eacli of them a separate emotion. These emotions af-e similar; and though faint when separately felt, they produce in conjunction, the emotion of concord or harmony, which never fads to please. On the other hand, where the length of a room far exceeds the breadth, the mind, comparing to- gether parts so intimately connected, immediately perceives a disagreement or disproportion which offends. Hence a long gallery, however convenient for exercise, is not an agreeable figure for a room. In buildings destined chiefly or solely to please the eye, regularity and proportion are essentially neces- sary, because they are the means of producing beauty. But a skillful artist will not confine bis view to regularity and proportion; lie will also study congruity, which is perceived when tiie form and ornaments of a structure, are suited to the pur- pose for which it is appointed. Hence every build- ing ought to have an expression suited to its desti- | nation. A palace, ought to be sumptuous and grand ; a private dwelling, neat and modest ; a play-house, gay and splendid; and a monument, gloomy and melancholy. Columns, besides their chief destination of being supports, contribute to that p< c diar expression which the destination of a building requires. Columns of different propor- tions serve to express loftiness, lightness, &c. as well as strength. Situation may also contribute to expression: conveniency regulates the situation of a private dwelling-house; and the situation of a palace ought to be lolly. The external structure of a house, leads naturally to its internal structure. A large and spacious room, which is the first that com- monly receives us, is a bad contrivance in several respects. A more agreeable arrangement is a hand- some portico, proportioned to the size and fashion of the front, leading into a waiting-room of a larger size, and this to the great room, all by a progression from small to great. The several offices, which have a place in the plans of houses, should be so arranged, as to appear to compose an inferior part of the whole building ; not totally detached, yet in such order as to keep the more offensive ones as remote as possible from the principal parts of the house. It has been doubted whether a building can admit of any ornaments beyond such as are useful, or at least that have the appearance of being so. But, regarding architecture no less as a fine, than as a useful art, both kinds may be introduced ; though it requires great 8 ARCHITECTURE. great judgment as to the quantity and the arrangement, A private house, and other edifices, where use is the chief aim, admit not indeed of any ornaments but such as have the appearance of utili- ty. But temples, 'triumphal arches, and such build- ings as are chiefly intended for show, may be highly ornamented without any regard to their seeming usefulness. Hence it is that a threefold division of ornaments has been suggested. These are, first, ornaments that are beautiful without relation to use: such as statues, vases, &c. Secondly, objects in themselves not beautiful, but possessing the beau- ty of utility, by imposing on the spectator, and appearing to be useful; such as blind windows. Thirdly, where things are beautiful in themselves, and at the same time assume the appearance of use ; such as pilasters. With regard to the first, we naturally require that a statue shall be so placed as* that it may be seen in every direction, and at vari- ous distances, by having an opportunitv of receding or advancing as we please; statues placed in the niches in fronts of houses, or on the tops of their walls and roofs, ought not to be admitted. Their proper places are in large halls, and in passages that lead to a grand stair-case, &c. To adorn the top of a w r all with a row of vases, is an unhappy conceit ; by placing a tiling, whose natural destination is utility, where it cannot have even the least appearance of it. Firmness and solidity being the proper expressions of a pedestal, whether of a column, or of a statue, it ought to be sparingly ornamented. The ancients never ventured on any bolder ornament than the basso relievo. With respect to ornaments of the second kind, it is a great error to contrive them so as to appear useless. A blind window, therefore, when necessa- ry for regularity, ought to be so disguised as to ap- pear a leal window; when it appears without dis- guise, it is disgustful, as a vain attempt to supply the want of invention ; it shews the irregularity in a stronger light, by signifying that a window ought to be there in point of regularity, but that the archi- tect had not skill sufficient to connect external re- gularity, with internal convenience. As to the third; it is very injudicious to sink pilasters so far into the wall, as to remove totally, or mostly, the appearance of use. They should always project so much from the Avail, as to have tiie appearance of supporting the entablature over them. Of all ornaments the pillar gives the greatest elegance to extensive buildings. The destination of a pillar is to support, really, or in appearance, another part, termed the entablature. With regard to the form of a pillar, it must be observed, that a circle is a more agreeable figure than a square; a globe than a cube ; and a cylinder then a parallel- opipedon. This last, in the language of architec- ture, is saying, that a column is a more agreeable figure than a pilaster; and for that reason it ought to be preferred, Avhen all other circumstances are equal. Another reason concurs, that a column annexed to a Avail, Avhich is a plain surface, makes a greater variety than a pilaster. Besides, pilasters, at a distance are apt to be mistaken for pillars ; anil the spectator is disappointed, AAdien, on a nearer approach, he discovers them to be only pilasters. — Ornaments intended to decorate the orders, should be judiciously adapted to the proper character - m the oo ; nt 8, the extremity of the tang -nt B C, is nearer or more remote from A, the greatest projection. Figure 19. — Draw ATI, parallel to the fillets; produce the vertical line (’ IT, to K, making H K, equal U C, and H I, equal to B I): join A I: divide A I, and A B, each into the same number of equal parts, and through the points of division in these lines, and through the points k and C, draw lines to rrmet each other, and t rough these points draw a curve, and it will be the ovolo required. If B I), were less than the half of A D, the moulding would be elliptical, and if B I), were equal to the half of A f), the moulding would be parabolical. In this example B D, is greater than the half of A D, the moulding is hyperbolical. Of this form is the echinus in ail the Grecian Doric capitals, except the Doric portico at Athens, in which the echinus of the capital is elliptical. Figure 21, is a scotia ortochilus, the fillets may be considered as tangents, and the line parallel to the line joining the fillet as another tangent. Figure 22, a cimarecta, compounded of two quarters of an ellipse upon the axis, Figure 23, a eimareversa compounded of two quarters of an ellipse, from conjugate diameters, which are given in position. These are described upon similar principles to Figures 17 and 18. Figure 20. To describe a hollow to touch with two straight lines B, D and B, A, one oftliem at a given point A. — Let D, be the point of their meeting, make 1) B, on the other line equal to I) A : from the points A and B. draw perpendiculars to each of the lines 1) B, and D A, meeting at (’ • on C, as a cen- tre with the radius C B, or C A, describe an arc B A, and it is done. TO DRAW THE FLUTES OF THE COLUMNS, To draw the flutes of the Doric columns. — On A B, Figure o, — Plate 1. the diameter of the column, describe a semi-circle, and divide the semi- circle into two equal parts: (as the Doric column usually contains twenty flutes, which are in general made shallow, and without fillets) : through every t wo of the divisions draw lines E l, E 2, E 3, E 4, to E 10, between any two divisions, (as Sand 4), describe two arcs, whose vertex is C; on E with a radius E (’, describe the quadrant G, H, J, K, L, M, cutting the lines E A, E 1, E 2, E 3, E 4, «kc. in the points G, H, 1, K, 1/, M, whicu are the centre-; for the flutes ; but if the flutes are wanted deeper, you may make the distance 5 D, half the Lre >dt‘i of a flute, and proceed as shown on t. e other quadrant, and from o, /;, c &c. draw perpen- diculars to the bottom of the column. The Ionic: Corinthian, and Composite orders, have in general twenty four flutes, with a njiet between each; (toe fillet or.e third of a flute, ) in order to have that numb- r, and preserve the just proportion •fa Lute u> a inlet, observe tke loilowh-g rule; divide the semi-circumference. ( Piute 1. Figure 7.) into twelve equal parts, at 1, 2, 3, &c to !2, divide ’ any division into eight equal parts, as that between five and six, then take three of these parts, and on j 1,2, 3, &c to 12, as centres; describe arcs which are | nearly semi-circular as in the plate, and then draw I them to the column. I TO DRAW THE FLUTES AND FILLETS HOUND THE SHAFT OF A COLUMN. If the columns are of stone, or wood, the whole or any part mav be fluted in the following manner; j after being properly rounded, and the ends or joint# made parallel to eacii other, find -the centres of the circles at each end; and if they are not already foWid, cut two holes, directly in the middle at each end, perpendicular to the joints, so that the centers shall be in the middle of the holes ; this being done drive in two pieces of wood, so as to be quite tight in the holes, and to project out about five or six inches ; let the projecting parts be well rounded off, so as to be exactly in the middle of the ends; then make a diminishing rule, as in Plate 1. Figure 3. To fit the curve of the column, let t_-e ends of this diminishing rule be fixed into two pieces a b , which are made to revolve round the pins at the j ends, by means of -notches, or an^ other convenient j wav, so that the curved edge ot the rule, be very I near to the curved surface of the column ; and one side of the rule to tend exactly to the centre. To keep j the rule steady from bending sideways, fix a rule | to the other side, the whole length of the diminislt- j ing rule, of a sufficient strength to keep the dimin- | ishing rule from bending; so that the breadths of I the two rules will be at right angles to each other, I the two end pieces and diminishing rule being fix- | j ed last together, the whole may be turned round I the pins at the ends as centres, like one entire | piece ; then the operation of drawing the flutes and fillets will be as follows; — suppose ii were re- quired to flute the Ionic, Corinthian, or Composite ! ! columns, the circumference at either end will be I I divided into six equal parts, by taking half the j diameter at that end, and applying it round the said 1 1 circumference; then each of these divisions being divided into four, the whole circumference will be divided into twenty-four; in order to have the pro- portion of a flute to a fillet, as 1, to 3, tlivide any one of the last divisions into four equal parts, and one of these parts will lie the breadth of a fillet; which being set off from toe same side of each divi- sion, the whole column will lx 1 divided into flute* and fillets : then by turning the rule round to each mark, or division, you may make a piece of sharp steel draw on the shall of the column, the flutes, j and fillets, to the greatest exactness, by keeping it : close to the side of the rule. This method by far the most ready, as well as the most correct of any tha- we have \et seen; t i* machine is shewn complete on the plate, and we . Lope a careful inspection will render it sufficiently 13 AftCHIT plain ; there are otlier methods of drawing: the flutes on the shaft of a column, as bv drawing- two parallel lines through the centre, at each end of the column, and dividing tiie circumferences at the ends, into a number of flutes and fillets, then bending- a thin rule from the respective divisions at each end. It is necessary to be careful, that the edge of the rule by which you draw, touch the curved surface of the column only ; but, this method however, simple, i-; very liable to error. The methods that some workmen make use of, for setting off the flutes and fillets round the shaft of a column, are as follow : — To draw the fairs and fillets on a column or pilaster. ■ — Plate 1. figure 9. — A B, is any line divided into flutes and fillets, greater than the circumference at the base; on A B, describe the equilateral triangle A B G, draw all the points in A B, to G; then if G C, and G I), are equal to the circumference of the column at the bottom of the shaft, the line C D, will he equal to the same circumference; lay a piece of parchment, or any thing that is pliable, on C 1), and mark all the flutes and fillets on it, then apply this round the column at the bottom, and prick them round it, divide the circumference at top, in the same manner as E E, and draw the flutes with a thin rule, as before. P/'eite 1. Figure 10 — is another method for mark- ing the Aides and fiilets round the ends of the co- lumn ; the line A B, is a line -divided into flutes and fillets, less than tlie circumference of the top part of the column; draw any number of parallel lines, from the divisions of A B, let B C, B I), B E, be at the top or bottom diameter : set one foot of the eompasses in B, and cross the line A F, at G I), or E, draw the line B C, B I), or B E, and either will be divided into flutes and fillets, as before. Plate 1. Figure 11. — Let A B, be the breadth of the pilaster, draw any line A C, take your compass- es at any convenient opening, and run twenty-nine times the said opening, from A, to C : , and join B C, then set your level to the angle A G B, and from the points on A C, draw lines cpttrng A B, as is shewn by the figure, and from tfid-'points on A B, draw the flutes and fillets, with a common guage. There is another method of drawing the flutes of a diminished pilaster, with oifo garage, and at one movement, by making the guage equal to the width ©f the bottom, or something -wider ; ;bdt as this method is erroneous in its principle, no diagram is exhibited. The best method to draw the flutes on a dimin- ished pilaster; is to divide the height of the trunk into any convenient number of equal parts, on a longitudinal line, passing through the middle of the breadth at top and bottom, and through the points of division, draw transverse lines to the longitudinal line; set off the flutes and fillets on each transverse line ; take nails or brads in each corresponding point of each transverse line-, and bend a pliably sjip ECTURE. i of wood round the nails, and draw a line, and pro- ceed till every set of corresponding points are used, and the pilaster will have itsfaGe drawn for the flutes, j- To describe the Ionic Volute , Plate 3, Fig. 4. — Di- vide the height P Q, into 7 parts, upon the third divi- ! sion describe a circle about G, as a centre, whose diameter will be equal to one of the parts ; draw V W, X, 17, and in that square draw another, w'ose angles shall touch the sides of the former square in tiie middle. In order to make the construction or* I the centres appear plain, the centre part is shown j above, of a larger size, aiul the same letters of re- j ference put to each ; divide C 1, and G 2, eqch into three equal parts, at 9, 5, 10 and 6, divide C, 10, into two equal parts at .r, if toe volute is intended to bp at the right hand, as in this example; but if on the left, divide G 9, into two equal parts, and proceed in each case as follows; from x draw the perpendicular line, cutting the side S F, of the square at 1) : from D, make 1) E, and D F, equal to G 1, or G 2, ; join E 1 1 and F II, draw 5 4, 9 8, 10 1 1, and 6 7, parallel to the perpendicular side of the square, cutting E H, and F II, at 4, 8, 3, 7, 11; then I, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1, and 12, are tho centres. Begin at 1, and with the radius 1 A, de- scribe the quadrant A B, of the volute ; on 2, with the radius 2 B, descrii>e the quadrant B C ; on 3 describe the quadrant C D ; proceed in this man- ner with ail the quadrants, till you touch the eye at U, and it will complete one side of the fillet. To' draw the inside of the fillet. — Divide the thick- ness of the list A a, at the top, into twelve equal parts by means of the scale N O R, as follows ; — begin at N, and with any opening of the compass run it twelve times from N, to O ; draw O R, making any angle with O N; make O R. equal the thickness of the fillet at A a; join It N, draw all, b 10, c 9, d 8, & c. parallel to It O, make the thick- ness of the list B 6, equal to a J I ; and D d equal to b 10, &c. at the beginning of every quadrant; join a 6,:jand bisect it by a perpendicular, meeting- the eye a-little within the first centre, set the small distance, within all the other centres, and proceed to describe! the inside of the list, in the same man- ner as the outside, and it will end in a point with the outsidferat U, and the volute will be completed. To draw an angular volute . — Divide the perpen- dicular .height A B, as in Plate 3. Figure 5. into twenty-three equal parts ; take the centre G, ten divisions from the bottom, or thirteen from the top, through the centre G, draw H I, perpendicular to A B; bisect the angle B 10 I by the diagonal line D C; through the first division O above H, on the line A B, draw O E parallel to II I, cutting the line- D C at E, on G as a centre, with a radius G E, des- cribe a circle cutting I) G on the opposite side of the centre at F; divide F E into six equal parts at 3,5, G, 6, 4 F, then on E as a centre with a radius E P describe an arc P C cutting D C at C on F w ith a E radius H architecture. radius F C describe the semicircle C I K, cutting C D at K, on 3 with a distance 3 K describe a semi- circle K L on 4 as a centre with the radius 4 L describe a semi-circle L M, on 5 as a centre, with a radius 5 M, describe a semi-circle M N : lastly on 6, with a radius 6 N, describe a semi-circle N E , touching the centre at E, then figure 1 will be com- pleted. This method will describe an elliptical volute, to a given height, but not to any given width, this is only a preparation to what follows. To describe an elliptical volute , to any given height and projection from the centre. — Div ide the given height L M, Plate 3. Figure 6. into twenty- three equal parts as before, taking the centre E, ten from the bottom, or thirteen from the top, through N, the first division above E, draw N F, cutting the diagonal line E O, at F, on E as a centre, with a radius E F, describe the dotted circle, or through E, draw P Q, at right angles to the diagonal line O S, make E P and E Q, each equal E F, on F, as a centre, with the distance L F, describe an arc L H, cutting E II at right angles to L M at II, from E, make E G, equal to the distance the projection of the volute is intended to be from the centre, divide G II into six equal parts, and set one of the parts to I, make E K, and E R, each equal to the sum of the two lines E F, and G I, through the points K, P, R, Q, complete the parallelogram A, B, C, I), whose sides A B, D 0, are parallel to P Q and AD, 11 C, parallel to K R, draw the diagonals A C and B D, and divide each of them into six equal parts, then on B as a centre, with the radius B L, describe the arc L b , cutting A B, produced at b, on A as a centre, with the radius A b, describe the ate be, cutting A D, produced at c, on D, as eentre with the radius D e, describe an arc c d, cut- ting C D, produced at d, on G, as a centre, with a radius C d, describe an arc d e , on 3, as a centre, with a radius 5 e , describe an arc e f, on 6 as a centre with the radius 6f, describe an arc f g, on 7 as a centre, with the radius 7 g, describe an arc g h on 8 as a centre, with the radius 8 h, describe an arc h i , proceed in tiiis manner, beginning the third revolution at 9, till you end at 12; lastly describe an ellipsis touching the last centre of the third re- solution E, being its centre, and its transverse and conjugate axis being in the same ratio as the length or height of the volute is to its width, and it will be finish ed. Directions for drawing the Tuscan or any other order . — A. Fillet B. Cima recta C. Fillet Moulding D. Corona > IN THE E. Ovolo 1 C'ORNXt’fi F. Fillet G. Cavetto J r Fascia > r Fascia y H. I. Tenia K. Upper L. Lower M. Abacus N. Ovolo O. Fillet P. Neck of the Capital Q. Bead R. Fillet S. Fillet T. Torus V. Plinth Frieze Architrave!. Capital Astracal Base. In the instances which we have chosen of the five orders, the height and projection of the mouldings are marked in minutes, for finding which, a rule is hereafter subjoined. Divide the diameter of the column at the bottom, into two equal parts, called modules, divide each of these into thirty, which are called minutes ; then every member of the order is so many minutes of this scale, either in height or projection ; the opera- tion is as follows ; draw an axis or perpendicular, through the middle of the column ; on this line set all your heights, or on any other line parallel to it ; then make another line parallel to the axis, at the distance of twenty-five minutes, which allows five minutes on each side, for the diminution at top ; from this line set off your projections, as figured at Plate 4 Architecture, for example, the projection of the top fillet A, is 66 minutes, and the projection of the next fillet C is 34 minutes and a quarter; then proceed to draw the cima-recta, as already shewn at Plate 2. Figure 5. and afterwards all the other members. In the Tuscan order, the column is seven diame- ters high, that is, seven times its diameter at the base, the entablature is one-fourth of the height of the column ; but if the order has a pedestal, which is seldom the case, it will be one-fifth part of the entire order in height. To make this practice obvious to the reader, the following examples will be Useful ; — - To find the diameter of the Tuscan column, when that alone is to be executed. — Rule. Divide the height of the column by seven, and the quotient will be the diameter. Example 1. — Suppose it were required to execute the Tuscan column alone, to the height of 22 ieet three inches; demanded the diameter of the co- lumn. 7)22. .3 3 ..2\ So that the diameter of the eolumn is three feet two inches and one-seventh part of an inch. To find, the height of the Tuscan entablature P and the ARCHITECTURE. ii the diameter of its Column, the entire height of the column and entablature being given. — Rule. Divide the height by five, and the quotient will give the height of the entablature last found from the entire height, and the remainder will be the height of the column ; divide this remainder by seven, as before, and the last quotient will be the diameter of the column. Example 2. — Suppose it were required to exe- cute the Tuscan with its entablature, to the height of twenty-two feet one inch ; demanded the height of the entablature, and the diameter of its column. 5)22.. 1 4 .. 5 height of the entablature 7 ) 17 .. S height of the column 2 .. 6- diameter of the column. The diameter of the column being thus found, it will easily be put in, as follows ; suppose it were required to execute a column to two feet six inches and two-seventh parts of an inch ; take a rod of that dimension, and divide it into six equal parts, and the first part again into ten, for minutes, then pro- ceed for practice in the same manner as if the draw- ing were to lie on paper. To find the diameter of the column , the height of the entablature, and height of the ptdestal, when the whole is to be executed to a given height . — Rule. Divide the entire height by live, and the quotient will be the height of the pedestal; subtract this height from the entire height, and the remainder will be tiie height of the column, with its entabla- ture. Divide the remainder again by five, and the quotient will be the height of the entablature; sub- tract the quotient from the first remainder, and the last remainder will be the height of the column ; and this last remainder, being divided by seven, wiilgive the diameter of the column. Example 3. — Let it be required to execute the Tuscan order complete, with an entablature, co- lumn, and pedestal, to the height of thirty feet ; demanded the height of the pedestal, height of the entablature, and diameter of the column ? 5 ) 30 6 feet, the height of the pedestal. 5 ) 24 height of the column and entablature. 4 .. 9~ height of the entablature 7 ) 19 .. 2- height of the column. 2 .. S 5 diameter of the cckiHVn. To draw the Tuscan column to a given height . — ■ Divide the height into seven equal parts, as in the second example ; one will be the diameter of the column, and a scale whereby to proportion the other parts. To draw the Tuscan column, with its entablature , to a given height. — Divide the given height into five equal parts; allow one for the height of the entabla- ture ; and then divide the remaining four into seven parts, of which one will be the diameter of the co- lumn. To draw the Tuscan column and entablature , standing upon a sub-plinth. — Divide the whole height, into twelve equal parts, one will be the height of the sub-plinth ; divide the remaining eleven into five equal parts, one will be the height of the entablature ; divide the remaining four parts into seven, and one will be the diameter of the co- lumn. To draw the Tuscan order entire, with a pedestal - Divide the whole height into five equal parts, the lower one will give the height of the pedestal; di- vide the remaining’ four into live equal parts, the upper one will give the height of the entablature; divide the remaining four of these into seven equal parts, and one is the diameter of the column. The manner of setting off* the parts of the Doric order, is much the same as in the Tuscan; the heights and projection of the parts being taken from the diameter of the column at bottom, forms a scale for each of the orders ; so that the drawing and ex- ecuting of the Tuscan, if well understood, teaches to draw the Doric, or any other order, without further instruction or repetition. The greatest difficulty of the Doric order are the triglyphs ; these, in modern building’s, are placed exactly over the centre of the column, tiiirty minutes wide, so that fifteen minutes are on each side of the axis of the column • the mutules iu the cornice are exactly over them, and of the same breadth ; the small conical trust nun- under the triglyphs are called drops, or bells ; the manner of drawing the triglyphs and bells is as follows ; divide the breadth into twelve equal parts, give one to each half channel on the outside ; two for each space- or interval, and two for each channel, and one space will remain iu the middle; every two divisions or parts is the width of a bell; the side of every bell, if continued, would terminate in a point at the top of the fillet above them ; the spaces between the triglyphs, called metopes, are always square, and sometimes enriched with ox- heads, and sometimes with pateras, according to fancy ; when the column is lluted it has twenty in number, and without fillets. TO PROJECT THE DORIC ORDER. TO A GIVEN HEIGHT. For the column. — Divide the height into eight equal parts, one of the parts is the diameter of the column^ which diameter is to bo divided into sixty *6 ARCHITECTURE. sixty minuses, as has "been 'before directed, for prac- 4 lice. For the column and entablature . — Divide the given height into five equal parts, and the upper part ■will give the height of the entablature; divide the remaining four into eight equal parts, and one will give the diameter of the column. For the column and entablature upon a sub-plinth. — Divide the given height into twelve equal parts, the lower one will give the height of the sub-plinth, divide the remaining eleven into five equal parts, the upper one is the height of the entablature; di- vide the remaining four parts into eight, and one of these is the diameter of the column. For the column and entablature upon a pedestal . — Divide the given height into five equal parts, the lower one is the height of the pedestal ; divide the remaining four into five equal parts, and the upper one is the height of the entablature ; divide the re- maining four of these, into eight equal parts, and one vrill give the diameter of the column. TO PROJECT TIIE IONIC ORDE*R TO A GIVEN HEIGHT. For the column and entablature . — Divide the whole height into six equal parts, give the upper One to the entablature, divide the lower five into nine parts, and one will give the diameter of the column, to be divided into sixty minutes as a scale either to work or draw hv. For the column and entablature on a sub-plinth . — Divide the whole height into twelve equal parts, give the lower one to the 1 sub-plinth, and proceed with the remaining eleven as above, which will give the height of the entablature, and the diameter of the column. For the column , entablature, and pedestal . — In this, or any of the five Orders, the height of the pedestal is always one-fifth part of the entire height : there- fore the height of the entablature, and diameter of the column, may lx? found as before. TO DRAW, OR PROJECT THE CORINTHIAN ORDER. To find the places of the stems of the leaves, divide the semi-plan into eight equal parts, and draw the plan of the leaves, with their stems; firom the side of each stem draw the perpendicular lines to the elevation of tse capital, and it will give the breadth of each stem on the front ; the projection of the top of the leaves, is from a line joining the top of the abacus, and the astragal, at the bottom of the capital. A li the different, parts’ of this order being: figured on the plate, will render any further explanation unnecessary. With respect to the mea- surement, the diameter of the column is one-tenth part of its height; the height of the entablature, and j pedestal, are found in the same manner as in the | Ionic order: that is, the height is divided into six I equal parts, the upper one is for -he height of the J entablature, one half of which will of course be the j diameter of the column. The pedestal takes one- j fifth of the entire order, the sub-plinth one- twelfth. Ti e diameter of the column is one-tenth of its height. TO DRAW, OR SET OFF THE COMFOSITF, ORDER. T' e upper part of this order being the same as the lou.ic angular capital, and the lower part for leaves, the same as the Corinthian: the general heights of the cornice, frieze, architrave, capital, shaft, and base, are consequently the same as that of ti e Corinthian ; the diameter of the column is oi e- tenth part of its Height, as in the Corinthian: the heights and projections of the members are obvious by the same rules. The five orders, correctly drawn from the most approved examples, being given in three plates, might be there referred to as a further illustration of the present subject. OF LINES roll DESCRIBING PEDIMENTS. To elucidate this subject, we have given at Fig. 1, in architecture Plate 3, an elevation of a triangular pediment with its whole extent divided into nine eqwd parts, two of which are assigned fi.r the perpendicular height of the pitch, set off from the upper line of the entire h vel cornice. If the pediment is intended to be open, divide the raking pitch into five equal parts, as in the figure, and give one from the centre each way, for the opening. The same j roportions are to be adopted when the pedi- ment is circular, whether it be close, or open : and, to describe the curve, nothing more is requisite, than to consider the raking lines of this Figure J, as chord lines of a circular pediment, which being bisected, and lines drawn at right angles to the rake, will meet in t e true centre from which the arch i* to be described. In this example, the rakirg cor- nice consists only of the cima recta, which may be practised in cases where the tympan is required to be large, for the admission of groups, or other con- siderable ornaments. Commonly, however, the entire cornice is placed in the raking part, whether close or open: and it must ever he observed, that the face of the tympan, and t: at of the frieze of the level cornice, must be in a right line with each other. It must also be observed, with respect to pediments of the different orders, that when mutules or modillions*, or dentiies, are introduced in tlie* level or lower cornice, the same are likewise to be placed in the rakirg part, ; i d ;n a line with tl em. And lienee, in an open pediment, the due space as- signed for the opening must always give way to a punctual regard to place dentile perpendicularly Cver dentile, from end to end of the pediment. But let it be remembered, that open pediments ought never to be adopted in extern i works. | - In order to manage with accuracy the mitering of | the raking mouldings with their respective returns, let it be observed that three different profiles are re- quisite, shewn at Figure 2, and £f, where a D the i level, b the raking, and r the return moulding of an open pediment. Divide the contour of a into four 1 OF ARCHIT ECTURE. mote equal parts, as at 1, 2, 3, &'c. through wlticli draw right lines parallel with the rake, and from the points 1,2, 3, 4, draw lines parallel with the level moulding; then draw e d at ft perpendicular to the rake, and take the projections 4, 4, &c. and place them on the rake at ft, as shewn in the figure ; and '• through these points describe the contour of the eima |. recta moulding of the raking cornice. Lastly at c, divide f g in the same manner as before at a, and let fall perpendiculars, which by intersecting their re- spective raking-lines, will give the true curve, as will evidently appear by inspecting Figure. 2, where observe, that the projections of the level moulding a are taken from level lines ; but, at ft, the same projections are laid on the raking-lines. Again also at c, 1, 2, 3, are on a level line, taken from 1, 2, 3, on the rake; and tiie same points may be found by taking the several leffgths at 1, 2, 3, 4, on the raking- lines of fl, and placing- them on the similar raking- lines at c. Some architects perform this operation bv bisecting the hypothenusal lines of each moulding, which answering as chords to each curve, the centre at L, Figure 3, is found by the common method of describing a circle that will pass through three given points. PROPORTIONS AND CHARACTERS OF THE ORDERS. • As the ancients vary much in the proportions they have assigned to each order, and as they not only differ from each other, but from themselves also, even in the same edifice; it is reasonable to suppose that they were not bound by any settled rules. M. Perrault has been at great pains to es- tablish this point by chitsing the mean of the two extremes, but it is surely much better to leave this to the judgement of the architect who, if frittered with rules, which confine him to certain proportions, will not be able to use his discretion or taste: so as to meet anv new circumstances in the situation or building in which he may be employed. We do | rot, however, mean to say that the architect is to be j left without compass or guide, but we agree with [ the before cited author, in thinking that the beauty of a column cannot be injured by a deviation, so tri- fling as a few minutes upon the height, and which the most accurate eye cannot detect. It is a re- mark worthy of notice, that the ancient architects did not follow in a servile manner the rules deli- vered by Vitruvius; yet certainly what he wrote ' were the rules by which they planned their great outline, or design, however they might vary the smaller or inferior parts of an edifice. To enumer- ate a few instances of variation : the temple of Min- erva Pollias has six columns in front, yet is prostyle, although Vitruvius allows but four to this order. | The temple of Jupiter Olympus at Athens has no more than eight columns in front, yet is hypsethral, . to which Vitruvius gives ten columns in front. This is a variation recorded by himself, and without any particular notice of the violation of the yule; 17 from which it should appear as not considered of much consequence. This difference is also to be observed betw een the temples built by the Greeks, and those by the Romans. The rule of the former was, to give tb the flanks one column more than double the number of those in front ; thus an octastyle would have se- venteen columns in the flanks, as to the temple of Minerva at Athens. The Romans, on the contrary, gave only double the number of intercolumniations; thus, to an hexastyle, they would make only eleven columns in the flanks, that is, ten intercolumniations, making two columns less in the flanks than the -Greeks made; as is to the temple ol’ Fort una Viri- lis at Rome, and to the temple at Nismes in France. The walls of the cell were always placed, opposite the columns of the pronaos, and posticum, according to the rule ; at least w e know of but one example to the contrary, which is the temple oF - Theseus at Athens. We thought it necessary to . notice these instances of the variation of the ancient architects, that the researches and genius of modern times might not tae led into error, or fettered by ob- serving as law, that which was not adhered to by those we wish to imitate. We have given plates of some of the most approved examples of the orders, with the measurements of each part, as they are in the originals. In the modern proportions in the fol- lowing descriptive account, we have followed Sir William Chambers’s Treatise on Civil Architecture, , which by comparison, will shew the variations of the moderns from the ancients. TUSCAN ORDElt. Of the Tuscan order little historic can be said; its plainness of ornament gives it the first place in most treatises; there is no regular example of this among the remnants of antiquity. Piranisi has given a drawing of a Tuscan base found at Rome, but of what date is uncertain. Vitruvius, in an indistinct manner, lias mentioned the general pro- portions, but through Ins whole book does not refer to one structure of this order. The Trajan and Antonine columns at Rome are reckoned of the Tuscan order, though they have eight diameters for their height: the torus and capitals are certainiv more ornamented than is consistent w ith Tuscan - . plainness. The fluting to the necks also are af- ter the most ancient Doric examples. It is some- what singular there should be no remains of this or- der; and, were it not tor w hat little Vitruvius has written of it, it certainly might have been lost to the moderns. The plainness of its appearance, no doubt, caused it to be neglected at Rome ; but in no other place has been discovered any truly ancient exam- ple. Of the Doric there are unquestionably many remains of a very ancient date; which leads to a probable supposition that the Tuscan is no other tban the Doric more simplified, or deprived of its ornaments to suit certain purposes, where strength and cheapness were banted ; nevertheless it is ap- r IS ARCHITECTURE. plied with propriety and effect, to the entrance of j cities, large gateways, and in military architecture, j -■where dignity and massive .strength are required, j The profile of this order is selected from Palladio j .he having -seen. some remains in Italy, which might j lead him to more Just ideas of the style the ancients j practised. It certainly derived its name, though ‘.not its origin, from the people of Tuscany, who were fond of introducing it into every large and stately edifice. Sir William Chambers gives the Tuscan order the following proportions ; 14 The height of the co- lumn is fourteen, modules, or seven diameters; that .of the whole entablature three modules and a half, which being divided into ten equal parts, three are 'for the height of the architrave, three for the frieze, and the remaining four for the- cornice : the capital is in height one module; the base, including the lower cincture (which is peculiar to the measurement of this order) of the shaft, is also one module; and the shaft, with its .upper cincture and astragal, is •twelve modules; in interior decorations, the height of the column may be fourteen modules and a half, or even fifteen modules, which increase may be in the column only.” It is customary in executing j this order to diminish it one quarter, perhaps with- out sufficient reason ; as its character ofextraordina- j tv strength would be better preserved by the usual diminution of one-eighth or one-sixth. DORIC ORDER Of this there are many examples still remaining; gome of very high antiquity, and of proportions so dissimilar to the practice of later times, that one cannot help concluding they were produced before ; experience had matured the rules of art. In several i buildings exhibited in the ruins of. Paestum, Ionia, and Athens, the height of the columns does not ex- ceed four diameters, or at most four and a half; the Jew appearance of these in large buildings, must surely convince us, usefulness w as regarded more than elegance of design. Indeed the history of tbe Doric order may be divided into three epocha. First, when the columns did not exceed four diame- ters in height, as to the temple called Thoricion , fen leagues from Athens ; here the columns have four diameters, and are not fluted, except four and a half inches under the capital, w ith regular Doric fluting; the rest is smooth. Also to a temple at Corinth, where the columns are only three and a half diame- ters, and are fluted. To which may be added those remaining at Paestum, in Italy; where to one temple the columns are four diameters high, to another about one-third less, and to the other about one-third more. The second era may be presumed, when the columns had not six diameters in height; as to the Propvlea, or grand entrance into ti e citadel of Athens, to the temples of, Minerva and Theseus at the same place, which were built in the flourishing- time of Pericles, whose columns are only five and a quarter diameters high. Also the more ancient temple of Apollo, at Delos, where the' columns have five diameters, and, are smooth or plain; having twenty channels or ilulings three inches long in the neck, or top of the column, and as many at the foot, two inches long. The third point of time is when six or more diameters were allowed, as to the tem- ple , of Augustus at Athens ; eras Stuart, on good evidence, calls it, “ the entrance to a market,” where six diameters are used. These are all w ithout bases' in this division must be included the temple of Her- cules, at Cora, where the columns have eight and three quarters diameter, and are on bases. Vitru- vius allows this to be the most ancient order, and gives the following account of its origin; “Dorns, the son of Helen is and the nymph Optyce, built a temple in the ancient city of Argos, to the goddess Juno which happened to be of this order, but w hich then had no regular proportions; it derived its .name from the patron of the building. This exam- ple, or order, was followed by all the cities of Achaia. Ion, the son of Xuthus afterwards built a temple in Asia, to Apollo Panionius, of this order; and, to render it more agreeable to the eye, he gave six diameters to the column, being guided therein by the example of nature, w hich has given, to the height of man six times the length of his foot.” Modern practice allow s eight diameters, and a base, which was never given to the Doric order by .the ancients; this is another mark of its antiquity ; for certainly the base is no less proper than elegant. Concerning the flutings, whether they were at first practised or not, is impossible to determine; the re- mains of this order of the oldest date have flutings. It appears probable, that, when any thing like orna- ment w as w ished to be added, the fluting of co- lumns early presented itself. There are examples among the antiques of the column being squared off, or wrought with pans, as they are called, instead of hollows- Of this kind is the temple of Minerva at Syracuse, of very ancient Doric ; the pillars are cut in pans or angles, and are without bases. The temple of Diana at the same place is also in the same style of Doric. To the temple of Hercules at Cora, the columns have tlie lower third part with pans, and the upper part of the shaft with the regular Doric fluting, which is a singular instance of mix- ture of style in antique columns. These columns have eight and three quarters diameters for their height, and stand upon bases of a very ungraceful form. The triglyph, a characteristic mark of this order, has the appearance of art; the ends of projecting rafters produce this effect, or near enough, to he improved into w hat w e at present see them ; the places assigned them also corroborate this idea. .Vitruvius says, that in building, they laid the joists from the interior wall to the exterior parts, and as much of the joist as appeared unhandsome w'as saw- ed off, which, not having a pleasing effect, they made tablets like tlie triglyphs now in use, fixed them ARCHITECTURE. 19 ■them against the sawed ehd^, and painted them in .ivax, &c. Thus the triglyphs, inter joists, and metope, in Doric work, had their origin from the disposition of the timbers in the roof; afterwards, in other .works, some made the rafters that were perpendicu- larly over the triglyphs to project out, and carved their project u re ; lienee, as the triglyphs arose from the exposition of the joists, so the mutules under the corona w ere derived from the prefecture of the raf- ters ; wherefore, in stone or marble structures, the nnitules were represented declining, in imitation of the ratters ; and also, on account of the droppings from the eaves, it is proper they should have such a declination. This also explains, the ornament and situation of the gnttae, or drops. The ornaments on the metope, or the space between the triglyphs* may have been originally trophies of the Deity, or imple- ments of sacrifice placed there; the bull’s skull is peculiar to the Doric order. M. Winkelman has taken some pains to prove, from a passage in Euri- pides, that the metopes or spaces between the trig- lyphs were open in the most ancient temples. Ilow this may have been, cannot now' be determined: those structures which remain have the space filled with masonry. The profile we have given is taken from Pal- ladio, which has been considered as a just propor- tion for this masculine order. The modern proportions, from the before-cited author, are as follows. The height of the column, Including its capital and base, is sixteen modules; the height of the entablature, four modules ; w hich being divided into eight parts, two are for the architrave, three for the frieze, and three for the cornice; the base is one module in height; the capital thirty-tw o minutes, or a little more. IONIC ORDER. The origin of this order is accounted for by Vitruvius, in the following manner : — -“Ion, (the same as before-mentioned,) building a temple to Diana, and seeking some new manner to render it more elegant, had recourse as before in the Doric .order, to the human figure; and gave to this new order a feminine delicacy; thus he was the first who gave eight diameters to a column, that, the aspect might lie mere pleasing; and, that its ap- pearance might be more lofty, he added a base, in imitation of a shoe ; the volutes, like locks or plaits of hair, hanging on each side, he gave to the capital, ornamented w ith fruits, or flowers, in festoons and furrows, or flutihgs dow n the column were wrought, resembling the folds or plaits of a matron’s gar- ment. Thus he invented two kinds of columns, in the Doric imitating a manly robust appearance, without ornament; in the Ionic, regarding a female delicacy, accompanied with ornaments pleasing and elegant. Succeeding architects, much approving the taste and ingenuity of this design, allowed eight diameters and a half to this order.” Vitru- vius records ah anecdote much in praise of the I Ionic order, in the following- words : “ the difficul- ty attending the proper adjustment of the mutules, metopes, and triglyphs, in Doric structures, v, us such, as frequently to be a cause of mych inconve- nience and trouble to architects, in large buildings, and also rendered tl eir asrect co; fused: and em- barrassing : • on which account, and the massy ap- pearance of the Doric column, it was thought, im- proper for snored buildings: of this opinion were Tarchepius and Pytheus, with many ancient archi- tects; also the celebrated Hermogenes, who,. ?w ben he was building the temple of JJacchos at Teos, rejected the Doric, though all the marbles were ready cut, and in its stead erected a torn pie of the Ionic order. Our tw o examples of this order arc taken from the two- celebrated edifices, the temple of Eortuna Virilis, and the theatre of Marcellas at Rome. The modern Ionic has tide volute of the capital executed on an angular plan, the same as in the Composite order; so that, viewed every way, it lias the same appearance ; this differs from the ge- neral mode of the antiques, which was to have the volutes parallel. And to Michael Angelo this was attributed as a new invention; but examples are found in the capitals of the angle columns in the temple of Erictheus at Athens, and in the temple of Fortuna V irilis at Rome. Piranasi has endeavoured to prove the first idea of the Ionic volute to have been derived from shells ; and certainly many pleas- ing forms pf convolution may be obtained from the section of shells. The standard of the modern proportions is as fol- lows: The height of the column is eighteen mo- dules, and that of the entablature four modules and a half, or one quarter the height of the column, as in the oilier orders, which is a trifle less than in the re- gular antique Ionics: the capital is twenty-one minutes, and the base thirty minutes in height; the shaft of the , column may be plain, or fluted, w ith twenty or tw enty-four flutings, w hose plan may be a trifle more than a semicircle, because they then ap- pear more distinct ; and the fillet or interval between them must , not be broader than one-third of the breadth of the fluting, nor narrower than one quar- ter thereof; the ornaments of the capital are to cor- respond with the flutings of the shaft; and there must be an ove above the middle of arch fluting. The entablature being divided into ten equal parts, three are for the architrave, three for the frieze, and four for the cornice. In interior decorations, where much delicacy is required, the height of the enta- blature may be reduced to one-fifth of the height of the column. , CORINTHIAN ORDER. This differs from the Ionic only in it&capital; the Ionic capital having no more than one-third of the diameter of the column for its, height; but the Co- rinthian capital is allowed one entire diameter, which gives to the column a noble but delicate j grandeur. The other members placed on the Co- rinthian ■s* AltCHlTEfcTtJftE. rinthian pillar, are common to the TDoric and Ionic orders; for it has no particular species of ornament peculiar to its cornice ; sometimes it has the Doric mutule3 and triglyphs in the architrave; sometimes an Ionic frieze, with dentiles in the cornice ; in a manner, it is no more than a third order, risen out of the former two, which has nothing peculiar to itself but the capital. Its origin Vitruvius records as follows: “A marriageable young lady of Corinth , fell ill, and died; after the interment, her nurse col- j lected together sundry ornaments with which she used to be pleased, and, putting them into a basket, placed it near her tomb; and, lest they should be injured by the weather, she covered the basket with a tile. It happened the basket was placed on a root of acanthus, which in spring shot forth its leaves : j these, running up the side of the basket, natural- formed a kind of volute, in the turn given by the tile to the leaves. Happily Callimachus, a most ingen- ious sculptor, passing that way, was struck with the beauty, elegance, and novelty of the basket sur- rounded by the acanthus leaves ; and, according to this idea or example, he afterwards made columns for the Corinthians, ordaining the proportions such a# constitute the Corinthian order. ” Vitruvius, in the foregoing account, forgot the peculiarities of the Corinthian cornice, or the entablature to that order was not then practised in the manner we find re- maining among ancient buildings ; for to this cornice the modilion is ever an attendant. Hut exactly ac- cording to this description of Vitruvius, is the cor- nice of the portico at Athens, called Poikilie, as re- piesented by the indefatigable Stuart, in his valua- ble antiquities of that ancient city. The beauty and elegance of this order have ren- dered it famous, and the many examples existing among the fragments of antiquity, sufficiently evince the great esteem with which it was regarded. The ravages of cruel and desolating war, however, have not left us one remain of this order, from amoii" the many celebrated examples which the city of Corinth possessed, where arts of every kind, and particularly architecture, eminently flourished and were carried to perfection. In later times the conduct of Lucius Muinrmus, in the destruction of that polished people and city, would have justly been considered as the grossest barbarism ; the temples, the sacred build- ings, were destroyed, and levelled with the ground; so that at one stroke the works of ages were desola- ted, the labours and ingenuity of thousands were destroyed; and posterity deprived of every trace of this orcbr, in the place of its nativity and nurture. Although Home would not suffer Corinth to exist as a rival city, there is no doubt but she deigrted to fol- low the rules and laws of art established by her van- quished enemy, especially in architecture. The elegance and purity of style in many ef 'her build- ings clearly evince Grecian ingenuity and refine- ment. Thr profile we have given, is according do Pal- ladio’s measurements; the universal celebrity of this master, pointed it out as a proper example. The modems have adopted the following propor- tions; the column is twenty modules in lieignt; the entablature five modules; the base one module, and may be either Attic or Corinthian ; the capital has seventy minutes in height; the proportion of the members of the entablature is the same as in the Tuscan and Ionic orders. If the entablature is en- riched, the shaft; of the column may be fluted, and the flutings may be filled to one-third part of their height with cabling, which will strengthen the lower part of the column, and make it less liable to injury. In very rich interior decorations, the ca- biing may be composed of reeds, ribbands, husks, flowers, &c. The capital is enriched with olive- leaves, as almost all the antiques at Koine of this order are ; the acanthus is seldom employed but in the Composite order : the entablature may be redu- ced to two-ninths, or one-fifth of the height of the column; in which case it is best to use the Ionic entablature, or reduce the dentiles of the cornice. COMPOSITE ORDER. The Composite, or Roman order, seems to owe its origin to that constant solicitude after novelty, which ever renders the mind of man restless in en- lightened and highly cultivated ages. The desire of variety and novelty, either of new invention, or com- bination, probably engaged the Roman architects to unite with the proportions and enrichments of the Corinthian order, the angular volute of the Ionic, and by this union to compose a new order. The introduction of the angular Ionic volute, and the omission of the upper row of leaves in the capital, certainly give it a more bold and noble aspect than that of the Corinthian capital, yet different from any of the other orders, possessing an elegance and pro- jection very pleasing, and may be used with very agreeable and happy effects. There are many ex- amples remaining at Rome, which shew the general estimation of this order, in the height of its splen- ! dour and prosperity. In their triumphal arches, it was used w ith good effect, where it produced an agreeable boldness, uniting elegance and ornament. The example given in the annexed plate, is after Vignola ; the justness of the proportions, with the elegance of the ornaments, mark it as a proper standard for the Composite order. The proport ions adapted to it by the moderns are as follow: the height of the column is twenty modules ; and that of the entablature five modules; the capital has seventy minutes in height ; the base measures the same as in the Doric and Ionic orders: and, as the module is less, all its parts will of course be more delicate; the shaft may be enriched with flutings, to the number of twenty or twenty-four, as in the ionic order: there is no reason why they should be aug- mented. The principal members of the entablature I may have the same proportions as the two former j orders, viz. being divided into ten equal parts, three ARCHITECTURE. 21 three are for the height of the architrave, three for the ifrieze, and four for the cornice. We may add here, more to complete the history than to recommend their use, that there are ancient examples of oval columns: where the circle of the column is elongated by a broad plain space on the two opposite sides of the shaft. Of this kind were some fragments found in the island of Delos, by M. le Roy. There are two others at La Trinite du •Mont, at Rome : also in the tomb near Mylassa, m Greece, according" to M. de Choiseul, this elegant structure is very perfect ; is of a square form, on a basement; the pillars are insidated, and support a vaulted ceiling highly enriched; each front has two oval tinted columns with the narrow face outwards; at the angles are pilasters having the same enrich- ments as the columns ; the capitals are Composite, and the volutes are omitted. This elegant little morceau is of white marble, and about nineteen feet square. It has often been contended, that, strictly speak- ing, there are only three orders in architecture, namelv, the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian; the other two, viz. the Tuscan and Composite, being only va- rieties. And perhaps it would simplify mid facili- tate the study of architecture,, were this restriction universally to take place. The only circumstances that can serve to distinguish one order from another, are the form of the column, and its destination. To make the first a distinguishing mark, without regard to the other, would be to multiply orders without end. Destination is more limited, and it leads us to distinguish three kinds of orders ; one plain and strong, for the purpose of supporting plain and massy buildings ; one delicate and graceful, for sustaining buildings of that character; and between these a third, tor supporting buildings of a mixed nature. So that, if destinatioji alone were to be •regarded, the Tuscan is of the same order w ith the Doric, and the Composite with the Corinthian. An order may be divided into two parts, the co- lumn, including the plinth of its base, with the aba- cus of the capital ; and the entablature, which includes all above the capital, and may be divided, in the large, into the architrave, the frieze, and the cornice. By examining the antiques, it will be found, that, in all their profiles, the cyma and the cavetto are constantly used as finishings, and never applied where strength is required; that the ovblo and talon are always employed as supporters to the- essential members of the composition, such as the modillions, deutiles, and corona: that the chief use of the torus ■and astragal, is to fortify the tops and bottoms of columns, and sometimes pedestals, where they are frequently cut in the form of ropes; and that the scotia is employed only to seperate the members of bases, for which purpose the fillet is also used, not only in bases, but in all kinds of profiles. An as- semblage of essential parts and mouldings, is termed a profile ; on the choice, disposition, and propor- tion of these, depends the beauty or deformity of the profile. The most perfect are, such as are com* posed of few mouldings, varied both in form and size, fitly applied with regard to their uses, and so disposed, that the straight and curved ones succeed each other alternately. 1 u every profile there should be a predominant member, to which all the others ought to be subservient, and seem made either to support, to fortify, or to shelter it from the injury of the weather, as in a cornice w'here the corona is principal, the cyma or cavetto cover it, and the mo- diilions, deutilcs, ovolo, and talon, support it. When ornaments, are employed to adorn the moHldings, some of .them should be left plain, in order to form a proper repose ; for, when all are enriched, the figure of the profile is lost. In a cor-, nice the corona should not be ornamented, nor the modillion band ; neither should the different facias of architraves, the plinths of columns, fillets, nor scarcely any square member, be carved ; for they are generally speaking, cither principal in the com- position, or used as boundaries to other parts ; in. either of which cases, their figures should be distinct and unembarassed. The dentile band should re- main uncut, where the ovolo and talon immediately above and below it are enriched; for, when the den- tiles are marked, particularly if they be small, the three members are confounded together, and, being" covered with ornament, are much too rich for the rest of the composition; a .fault carefully to be avoided, as the just and. equal distribution of enrich- ments is on all occasions to be attended to. For, in effect, the ornaments of sculpture in architecture, are like diamonds in a lady’s dress, with which it would be absurd to cover her face, and other parts that are in themselves beautiful.. When mouldings of the same. form and size are employed in one pro- file, they should be enriched with the same kind of ornaments. It must be observed, that all the orna- ments of mouldings are to be regularly disposed, and answering perpendicularly above each other; the middles of the modillions, dentiles, oves, and other ornaments, all in a line ; for nothing is more confused and unseemly, than to distribute them w ithout any kind of order. The larger parts are to regulate the smaller ; all the ornaments in the enta- blature are to be governed by the modillions or mu- tinies; and these are to be. dependant upon the intervals of the columns, and so disposed, that one of them may correspond w ith s the . k axis of each co " lumn. It is farther to be pbserved, that the orna- ments must partake of the . character of the order which they enrich ; and those used in the. .Doric and Ionic orders must be of a simpler kind, and grosser make, than those employed in the Composite, and Corinthian, In the exterior, whatever does not contribute to the general effect pf.the whole build- ARCHITECTURE. in", is ih a great measure useless, and an expence that might more judiciously be employed in places where it could be more attended to. The parts that are in themselves large, and so formed and disposed as to receive broad masses and strong impressions of light and shade, will of course excite great ideas; but, if they are broken into a number of small divi- sions, and their surface so varied as to catch a thou- sand impressions of light, demi-tint, and darkness, the whole will be confused, trifling, and incapable of sousing any great emotions. The appearance of columns is often varied by ad- ding rusticated cinctures at equal (or other) dis- tances to a column : this is a modern invention, which gives a very unnatural appearance, and dis- guises the noble figure of the column. Rustic work is with greater propriety, and better effect, introdu- ced into large entrances, parks, and gardens; also into grottos, baths, or fountains, where an irregular and rough appearance better suits the place 1 and purpose. Le Clerk says, these kind of rustic orna- ments are never to be imitated, excepting in the gates of citadels or prisons, in order to render their entrances more rugged and frightful. The flutings of columns are sometimes wrought pound, or spirally on the column ; there is an ancient example of this, in a small temple below Trevi, in Italy, the plan and elevation of which are given by Palladio, where, of four columns in front, two have their columns spirally, and the two centre onc9 are wrought with leaves on the shaft. The rule for the diminution of columns has ever varied ; the ancients frequently diminished the co- lumn, from the very foot, or from one-quarter or one-third of its height; the latter method is now ge- nerally practised ; the diminution should be seldom less than one-eighth part of the lower diameter of the shaft, nor more than one-sixth, this latter is the more graceful : some, by way of giving a better contour or appearance, allow a small swell, or bcl-. lying, in the lower part of the middle division of the pillar. It w ill here be proper to give the general rules to be observed ia pedestals, where it is necessary to introduce them. Tliey consist of three principal parts ; the base, the dye, and the cornice. A deter- minate rule, however, cannot be given, as they must be made to vaij in height according to the circum- stances which Tender them useful ; they have ever been considered as mere auxiliaries, to give height, and elevate the column above surrounding objects which impede its view. When they are used by choice, it is common to give them one-third, or one- quarter part of the height of the column and enta- blature, which is thus divided : of nine equal parts, two are for the base, one for the cornice, the re- gaining six for the dye, of the pedestal, which is equal in size to the plinth of the column; the en- richments should be regulated by those of the enta- blature, &c. whereby they are made subservient to each distinct order. When columns are in couples, if pedestals are used, they should have but one; also in a colonnade or peristyle there should be but one pedestal continued, having breaks or projec- tions in the cornice, 1 fh, the A roepstyle, more distant than is proper; a pd 5th, the Eustyle, which i&Ahe proper distance. To the pycnostyle* the distance of the inter- colurnniations, is one diameter and a half of the column ; as in the temple of the divine Julius : the temple of Venus in Ciesar’s Forum, and many others after tile same manner. _ The svstyle lias tw o diameters of the column between the nitercoluninia- tion, and the plinths of the- base are equal to the space which is between two plinths; ns in the tem- ple of Fortuna Equestris, near the Stone Theatre ; and others made after the same proprotions. Bet* these sorts are inconvenient; by the frequency of the columns, the view of the door, and the signs qjt trophies- of the deity, are hid, and the narrow ness of the porch is inconvenient for walking. The dias- tyle has this distribution, viz. three diameters of the columns between the intercolumuiations, as in the. tenipik n ARCH II templeof Apollo and Diana. Tins has its inc cmo- niences ; because the architrave, on account of the distance between the columns, is liable to break. Ip the aroeostyle they use neither stone nor marble, but make the beams of durable timber. This kind of building is straggling and heavy, low and broad. The pinnacles are generally ornamented with fictile or earthen-ware, or brass gilt after the Tuscan man- ner, as in the Circus Maximus at the temple of Ce- res, and in Pomney’s temple of Hercules, and also in the capitol. The eustvle manner, for its useful- . ness, beauty, and durability, merits every commen- dation. It is formed by allowing to the distance of the interccdumriiations two diameters and a quar- ter, and to the middle i ntercolumniation only, both before and behind three diameters. Thus the figure has a beautiful aspect, is accessible, without impediment, and round the cell is a stately ambulatory. The rule is this: the front of the building of it is tetrastylc (four co- lumns), is divided into eleven parts and a half, without reckoning the projection of the base of the colump. If it is hexastyle (six columns), it is divi- ded into eighteen parts. If it is octastyle (eight co- lumns), it is divided into twenty-four parts and a half. Of these parts, one, whether the building be tetrastyle, hexastyle, or octastyle, shall he a module, xvhich is to be the thickness of a column. ‘Each fil- tered umni at ion, except the middle one, must be two modules and a quarter; the middle one snail have three modules both before and behind; the height of the columns shall be eight modules and a half: by this division of the i ntercolumniation, the co- lumns have a just proportion. Rome affords no ex- ample of this kind; but at Teos in Asia, is one, the temple of Bacchus, which is octastyle. Hermogenes was the first inventor of these pro- portions; he also first used the octastyle pseudo- dipteral; he first contrived to take away, without (injuring the beauty, the inferior range of columns in the dipteral (which are thirty-four), thereby very much decreasing both the lab ur and expence ; this also gave a very large ambulatory round the cell, and, without missing the superfluity, preserved the majesty of the whole; for the walls and the columns were thus first disposed, that the view, on account of the asperity (asperitas) of the intcrcolumniation, should have more majesty; besides, it has this con- venience of sheltering a great many persons from rain, as well round, as within the cell, which in- cludes a great space. This disposition of pseudo- dipteral buildings was first discovered by the labour of the great and discerning spirit of Hermogenes ; which, like a fountain, will serve posterity from j whence to draw rules for the science of architecture. The columns to the a ram style should have for j their thickness one-eighth part of their height. I Tor the diastyle, the height of the column is to be [' divided into eight parts and a half; one part for the I thickness of the column. For the systyle, the height shall be divided into nine parts and a half; one part for the thickness of the column. Also for the pyc- nostyle, the height shall be divided into ten parts; one part tor the thickness of the column. The eu- style al-o is divided into eight parts and a half, the same as the diastyle ; one part is given for the tliick- liess-rof the column; and for the solidity of its parts it shall have its proper iutercoluraniation. As the space between the columns increases, so ought also the thickness of the columns. If it is araeostyle, and they should only have a ninth or tenth part for their thickness, they will then appear tall and slen* dor, on account of the length of the intervals; for the aisle will in appearance diminish the tiiickness of the columns. On the contrary, if it is pvenostyle, and the columns have an eighth part of their thick- ness, they have a clumsy and ungraceful appearance, on account of the frequency of the columns, and the narrowness of the intervals : for this reason, the symmetry and proportion of each order should be attended to. Also the thickness of the corner co- lumns must be increased one-fiftieth part; for, by tire great surrounding space, they will appear small- er to the view, and it is necessary art should rectify this defect of vision. APPLICATION OP TIIR FIVE ORDERS IN IJUILDINC. Among the ancients, as we have already seen, the use of the orders was very frequent, many of their cities were provided with spacious porticos, their temples were surrounded with colonnades, and their theatres, baths, basilicas, triumphal arclies, mauso- leums, bridges, and other public buildings, were profusedly enriched with columns; as were'likewise the courts, vestibules, and halls, of their private villas and houses. In imitation of the ancients, the moderns have made the orders of architecture the principal orna- ments of their structures. We find them employed in almost every building of consequence; where they are sometimes merely ornamental, but at other times- of real use, serving to support the incumbent weight of any structure erected upon them. On some occasions they are employed alone ; the whole composition consisting only of one or more ranges of columns, with their entablature. Upon other occasions the intervals between the columns are filled up and adorned with arches, doors, windows, niches, statues, basscr-relievos, and other similar inventions. The columns are either placed imme- diately on the pavement, or raised on plinths, pedes- tals, or basements; either engaged in the walls of the building, or standing detached, either near, or at some distance from them; and frequently dif- ferent orders are placed one above another, or inter- mixed with each other on the same level. In these, and in all other cases, in which the orders are intro- duced, particular measures, rules, and precautions, are ARCHITECTURE. are’ to be observed, which we shall now endeavour to explain and illustrate. - OF INTERCOLUMNIATIONS AND ARCADES. | Columns are either engaged or insulated : and, when insulated or detached from the wall, they are either very near, or at a considerable distance from it. When they are placed at a considerable distance from the wail, they are destined to support the en- tablature ; and their distance from each other should bo con sistant both with their real and apparent soli- dity. Engaged columns are attached to the wall, and are not limited in their intercol animations, as they depend on the breadth of the arches, doors, windows, niches, or other decorations, placed in them. Palladio says, the intercolumniation of the Tus- can order was adapted to farm-houses and other rus- I tic works, as it afforded a passage for carts, and was attended with the least expence. In structures built entirely, of stone, they used a shorter interval, more suitable to the length of their marble blocks, and more agreeable to the ponderous fabric which they occasionally supported ; for which reason the diastyle and eustyle inodes were sometimes applied to this order. The moderns have indeed adopted these two as their general rule, and apply them to every order except the Doric. The areostyle, how- ever, is sometimes, by a modern contrivance autho- rised by a fl w examples of the ancients, introduced in porticos and peristyles. This mode of the areos- tyle is from Perrauit, and is managed by placing two columns together at the angles, so close as to admit the two capitals nearly into contact. This manner which is termed grouping, takes off from the excessive width of this kind of interval, whilst it adds to it botii real and apparent strength, as is ex- emplified in St. Paul’s church in London, and in the palace of the Louvre at Paris. Arches, or arcades, are not so magnificent as colo- nades; but they are more solid and less expensive. * They are proper for triumphal entrances, gates of cities, of palaces, of gardens, and of parks, and, in general for all openings that require an extraordi- nary breadth. There are various maimers of adorn- ing arches. Sometimes their piers are rusticated ; sometimes they are adorned with pilasters, termini, ©r caryatides ; and sometimes they are made suffi- ciently broad to admit niches or windows. The circuit'- part of the arch is either surrounded with rustic key-stones, or with an archivoit enriched with ' mouldings ; which, in the middle, is sometimes in- i terrupted by a console, or mask,, serving at the same tirrv as a key ^to the arch, and as a support to the architrave of the order. The archiv oit is sometimes supported by an impost at the head of the pier; and at oiners by columns placed on eac. side of it, with a regular entablature, or architrave and cornice. There are also instances of arcades without piers ; i the arcnes being turned on single columns, as in the 1 2b temple of Faunas at Rome, of the key-stone at the bottom is equal to it archivoit; and its spreading sides are determined by lines drawn from the centre of ' le arch. The Tuscan arch with pedestals is in width four and a halfj and in height eight diaweters and a quarter; and from centre to ceutre of each pier is II si,x ARCHITECTURE. 86 six and three-quarters. In every other particular < they are subject to the preceding rules. The intercolumniation of the Doric order is often attended with peculiar difficulty, arising from the j strict regard that is necessarily paid to the width of the triglyph, and the p er feet ly - square form of the metopes, or their intervals. Resides that, it is ab- j solutely requisite, that a triglyph should be placed •exactly over the centre of every column. For j these reasons, the mutules and triglyphs have been omitted in capital works, both ancient and modern . as in the Coliseum at Rome, and the Royal Hospi- tal at Greemvjch. Pallado lias, however, given one instance of an ancient temple with angular trig!vphs. This structure, which he terms the Temple of Piety, i is mentioned by Vitruvius, with ail eye to the ' difficulty occasioned by the triglyphs being thus \ "placed; which reduces the intercolumniation of the ! two angular columns to one diameter and a quarter, which is less than the pycnostyle. The next inter- II •column iation is still greater, approaching nearly to jl the pireostyle, as is evidently necessary to bring the il triglyph over the centre of the third column from the angle. The next, which is the centre interco- lumniation, and faces the entrance of the temple, is rather more than eustyle, or two diameters and a quarter; and has, in the metope, ditriglvph. Hut the intervals between the triglyph are much too nar- row for their heights, so as to produce an unfavour- able effect. The other spaces are monotriglyph, and are perfect. The regular intercolumniation of the Doric order in the mouotriglyph, or pycnostyle, which admits of one between two columns. The ditriglvph, or euslyle, admits two ; and the araeostvle ! is tritriglypli, or consisting of three; but the most 1 -perfect -of t-.iese is the ditriglyph. When the capitals and bases of coupled Doric co- lumns have their proper projections, and are at any distance from each other, the metope between them j will l>e rather too wide.; but that may be avoided j "by confining the projections, or making the triglyph j one minute more than 4t really should bo, and plac- i ing or removing its centre a minute within the axis i "Of the column, which trifling differences will not be I perceived without the nicest examination. In small buildings, such as temples and other similar orna- * merits for gardens, the intercolumniations may be determined without paying a strict regard to the ge- neral rules for the distances of columns ; always observing, however, that such works must have an i interval that will admit of an easy passage between j tern. Doric "arches, without pedestals, are seven 'dia- meters and three-fourths high, and in width four i diameters and fifteen minutes. The piers are two .modules in front, and in thickness one module, twenty-two minutes and a half; or in proportion to their distance from the wall. From centre to cen- tre each pier F six diameters and fifteen minutes. I Arches of this order, with pedestals, have thdif apertures in height nine diameters and thirty mi- nutes, and in their width five diameters fifteen mi- nutes. The piers are two diameters and fifteen minutes w ide in front, and from centre to centre of each is seven diameters fifteen minutes. With respect to the intercolumniation of the Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite orders, what has been already observed on the subject will suffice : and, as to the arches peculiar to each order, ali that is necessary, after what has been remarked on the two preceding orders, is a careful inspection of the plates, whereon all the dimensions are ascertained, OF ORDERS UPON ORDERS, AND OF BASEMENTS. When, in a building, two or more orders are em- ployed, one above another, the laws of solidify require the strongest should be placed lowermost. Hence the Tuscan must support the Doric, the Do- ric the Ionic, the ionic the Composite or Corin- thian, and tke Composite the Corinthian. This rule, however, is not strictly adhered to. Most authors, place the Composite above the Corinthian. There are likewise examples where the same order is re- peated, as in the theatre of Statilus Taurus, and in tiie Coliseum, and others, where an intermediate order is omitted, and the Ionic placed on the Tus- can, or the Corinthian on the Doric. Hut none of these practices ought to be imitated. In placing columns above one another, the axis of all the co- lumns ought to correspond, or be in the same per- pendicular line, at least in front. W ith regard to the proportions of columns placed above each other, Scamozzi’s rule, that the lower diameter of the superior column should constantly be one, equal to the upper diameter of the inferior is universally esteemed the best, and giv es all the columns the appearance of one long tapering tree, cut into several pieces. In this country, there are few examples of more than two stories of co- lumns in the same elevation; and though in Italy, and other parts of Europe, w e frequently meet w ith three, and sometimes more, yet it is a practice by no means to be imitated; for there is no possibility of avoiding many striking inconsistencies, or of preser- ving the character of each order in its intercol um- nia 1 decorations. Instead of employing several orders one above the other, the ground-ifoor is more judiciously made in the form -of a basement, on which the order that de- corates the principal story is placed. The propor- tions of these basements are not fixed, but depend on the nature of the rooms on the ground floor. In the place of the Porti in Vicenza, the height of the basement is equal to that of the order. In some buildings, its height exceeds two-thirds of that ofthe order: and, in others, only halfthe height ofthe or- der. It is not, however, adviseable to make the basement higher than the order it supports ; neither should it be lower than one-half of the order. The ARCHITECTURE. £7 The usual method of decorating- basements is with rustics of different kinds. The best, where neat- ness and finishing is aimed at, are such as have a smooth surface. Their height, including tiie joint, should never be less, nor much more, than half a module of the order placed on the basement. Their figure may be from a square to a selquialtera : and their joints may he either square or chamfered. The square ones should not be broader than one-eighth of the height of the rustic, nor narrower than one- tenth; and their depth must be equal to their breadth ; those that are chamfered must form a rect- tangle: and the breadth of the whole joint may be from one-fourth to one-third of the height of the flat surface of the rustic. OF PEDIMENTS. Pediments among the Romans, were used only as coverings to their sacred buildings, till Caisar ob- tained leave to cover Ins house with a pointed roof, after the manner of temples. In the remains of an- tiquity we meet with two kinds of pediments, the triangular and circular. The former of these are promiscuously applied to cover small or large bo- dies : but the latter, being of a heavier figure, arc. only vised to cover doors, niches, windows, or gates. As a pediment represents the roof, it should never be employed but as a finishing to the whole compo- sition. The ancients introduced hut few pediments into their buildings, usually contenting themselves with a single one to adorn the middle or principal part. But some of the moderns, and particularly the Italians, have been so immoderately fond of them, that their buildings frequently consist of; scarcely any thing else. The girder being a ncces- j saw part in the construction of a roof, it is an im- propriety to intermit the horizontal entablature of a pediment, by which it is represented, to make room for a niche, an arch, or a window. In regular architecture, r.o other form of pedi- ments can be admitted besides the triangular and circular. Both of them are beautiful: and when a considerable number of pediments are introduced, as when a range of windows are adorned with them, these two figures may be used alternately, as in the riches of the Pantheon, and in those of the temple of Diana at The proportion of pediments depends upon their size: for the same proportions will not do in all cases. When the base of the pe- diment is short. its height must be increased; and, when the pediment is long, the height must be diminished. The best proportion for the height is from one-fifth to one-fourth of the base, according to the extent of the pediment, and the character of the body it covers. The materials of the roof must also he attended to : for, if it be covered with tiles, it will be necessary to raise it more than one- quarter of the base, as was the custom of the an- cients in their Tuscan temples. The tvmpan is always on a line with the front of the frieze; and, when large, admits of various ornaments, as ill the pediment tp the western elevation of the temple of Minerva at Athens. OF BA LEV ST HADES. Ballustrades are sometimes of real use in build- ings; and at other times they are only ornamental. Such as are intended for use, as when they are em- ployed in stair-cases, before windows, or to inclose terraces, &c. must always be nearly of the same height; never exceeding three leet and a half, nor ever less than three. But those that are principal- ly designed for ornament, as when they finish a building, should be proportioned to the architec- ture they accompany ; and their height ought never to exceed four-fifths of the height of the entabla- ture on which they are placed ; nor should it ever lie less than two-thirds thereof, without counting- the zoebolo, or plinth, the height of which must be sufficient to leave the whole ballustrade exposed to view'. Tbc best proportion for ballustrades is to divide the whole given height into thirteen equal parts; eight of these for the height of the bailustre, three for the base, and two for the cornice or rail : or into fourteen (if it be required to make the bailus- tre less), giving eight parts to the bailustre, four to the base, and two to the rail. One of these parts may be called a module ; and, being divided into nine minutes, may serve to determine the dimen- sions of the particular members. in ballustrades, the distance between two bal- lustres should not exceed half the diameter of the bailustre measured in its thickest part, nor be less then ene-third of it. The breadth of the pedestals, when they are placed on columns or pilasters, is regulated by them; the die never being made broader than the top of the shaft, nor much narrower; and, when there are neither columns nor pilasters on the front, the dye should not be much lower than a square, and sel- dom higher. On stairs, or any other inclined planes, the same proportions are to be observed as on horizontal ones. OF A’ I CUES ASD STATUES It has been the custom of every age to enrich different parts of buildings with representations of the human body. Thus the ancients adorned their temples, baths, theatres, &c. with statues of their I deities, heroes, and legislators. The moderns still [ preserve the same custom, placing in their churches, i palaces, &c. statues of illustrious persons, -and even j groups composed of various figures, representing j occurrences collected from history, fables, &c. j Sometimes these statues or groups are detached, liaised on pedestals, and placed contiguous to the | walls of a building, or in the middle of a room, I court, or public square. But they are most fre- j quentlv placed in cavities nlude in the walls, called j niches. Of these there are two sorts, the one forni- ed like an arch in its elevation, and semi-circular j or semi-elliptical in its plan ; the other is a paral- ‘ jelogran* S3 ARCHITECTURE. lelcgram both in its plan and elevation. The pro- portion of both these niches depends on the charac- ters of the statues, or the general form of the groups placed in them. The lowest are at least a double square in height : and the highest never exceed two ami a half of their breadth. With regard to the manner of decorating them, when they are alone in a composition, they are ge- nerally inclosed in a pannel, formed and proportioned like the aperture of a window, and adorned in the same manner. In this case the niche is carried quite down to the bottom ; but on the sides and at the top, a small space is left between the niche and the architrave of the pannel. And when niches are intermixed with windows, they may be adorned in the same manner with the windows, provided the ornaments be of the same figure and dimensions with those of the windows. The size of the statue depends on the dimensions of the niches. They should neither be so large as to have the appearance of bei ng rammed into the niches, as in Santa Maria Majora at Rome; nor so nar- row as to seem lost in them, as in the Pantheon. The distance between the outline of the statue and side of the niche should never be less than one-third of a head, nor more than one half, whether the niche be square or arched ; and, when it is square, the distance from the top of the head to the ceiling of the niche should not be greater than the distance on the sides. Statues are generally raised on a plinth, the height of which may be from one-third to one-half of a head ; and sometimes, where the niches are large, the statues may be raised on small pedes- tals. The character of the statue should always correspond with the character of the architecture with which it is surrounded. Thus, if the order be Doric, Hercules, Jupiter, Mars, yEsculapius, and all male statues, representing beings of a robust and grave nature, may be introduced; if Ionic, then Apollo, Bacchus, &c. and, if Corinthian, Venus, Flora, and others of a delicate nature, should be employed. OF CHIMNEYS AND CHIMNEY PIECES. Chimney-pieces are either made of stone, of mar- ble, or of a mixture of these; also of wood, scaglio- la, or-moulu, or some other nnfragile substances. Those of marble are most costly, but they are also most elegant, and the only ones used in highly-fi- nished apartments; where they are seen either of white or variagated marbles, sometimes inlaid and decorated wit' the materials just mentioned. Ail their ornaments, figures, or profiles, are to be made of the pure white sort; but their friezes, tablets, pan- nals, shafts of columns, and other plain parts, may be of party coloured marbles, such as the yellow of Sienna, the Brocatello of Spain, the Diaspers of Si- cily, and many other modern as well as antique marbles, almost always to be had in London. Fes- toons of flowers, trophies and foliages, frets, and other such decorations, cut in white statuary marble, and .fixed upon grounds of these, have certainly a very delicate effect. But there should never be a- bove two or at most three, different sorts of colours in the same chimney-piece, all brilliant, and harmo- nizing with each other. Neither the Italians nor French have excelled in compositions of this kind ; but Britain, possessed of many able sculptors at different .times, has occasionally surpassed all other nations, both in taste of design and workmanship. The size of the chimney must be regulated by the dimensions of the room where it is placed. In the smallest apartments, the breadth of the aperture , should never be less than three feet, or three feet six inches. In rooms from twenty to twenty-four feet square, or of equal superficial dimensions, it may be from four to four and a half feet broad ; in those of twenty-four to twenty-seven, from four and a half to five; and, in such as exceed these dimensions, the aperture may even be extended to five and a half to six feet. The chimney should- always be situated so as to be immediately seen by those w ho enter the room. The middle of the par- tition-wall is the most proper place in halls, saloons, and other rooms of passage ; but in drawing-rooms, dressing-rooms, and the like, the middle of the back wail is the best situation, in bed rooms, the chimney is alw'ays in the middle of one of the par- tition-walls ; and in closets and other very small places, to save room it is put in a corner. Where ever two chimneys are used in the same room, they should be placed either directly facing each other, if in different walls, or at equal distances from the centre of the wall in which they both are. The proportion of the apertures of chimney- pieces of a moderate size is generally a perfect square ; in small ones it is a trifle higher, and, in large ones, a trifle lower. In designing them, re- ; gard must he had to the nature of the place where j they are to be employed. Such as are inte ded for I halls, saloons, guard-rooms, galleries, and other ; large places, must be composed of large parts, few in number, of distinct and simple forms, and having a bold relief; but chimney-pieces for drawing-rooms dressing-rooms, &c. may be of a more delicate and complicated nature. OF CEILINGS. Ceilings are either flat, or coved in different man- ; ners. The simplest of the flat, kind are those adorn- 1 <'d with large compartments, surrounded with oue ! or several mouldings, or borders, either let into.^he | ceiling, or projecting beyond its surface; and when I the mouldings that torn) the compartments are en- riched, and some of the compartments adorned with well executed ornaments, such ceilings have a good effect. The ornaments and mouldings do not re- quire a bold relief; but, being near the eye they must be finished with taste and neatness. The principal effect of ali fiat ceilings depends very much upon tne richness and beauty of the cor- nice. Coved ARCHITECTURE. 29 Coved ceilings are more expensive : but they are likewise more beautiful. They are used promis- cuously in large and small rooms, and occupy from one-fifth to one-third of the height of the room. If the room be low in proportion to its breadth, the cove must likewise be low; and when it is high the cove must be so likewise, by which means the excess of the height will be rendered less perceptible. But, where the architect isat liberty to proportion the height ofthe room to its superficial dimensions, the most eligible proportion for the cove is one-fourth of the whole height. The figure of the cove is commonly either a quadrant of a circle or of an ellipsis, taking its rise a little above the cornice, and finishing at the bor- der round the great pannel in the centre. The bor- der projects somewhat beyond the coves on the outside; and, on the side towards the pannel, it is generally made of sulficient depth to admit the or- naments of an architrave. In Britain, circular rooms are not much in use ; but they are very beau- tiful. Their height must be the same with that of square rooms ; their ceilings may be flat : but they are handsomer when coved, or of a concave form. When the profiles of rooms are gilt, the ceilings ought likewise to be gilt. The usual method is to gib! ail the ornaments, and to leave all the grounds white,- pearl colour, light blue, or of any other tint proper to set off the gilding to advantage. Histori- cal and oilier paintings are often used with good effect in the centre and angular compartments of large ceilings ; and since the rapid and elegant im- provements in plaster and stucco have been intro- duced, a late invention of painted silk and sattin in various ornaments, from antiques, have likewise been adopted, to adorn the profiles or walls of rooms. These are inclosed in pannels, pilasters, and tablets, according to their destination; and, when they have suitable gilt mouldings, they pro- duce a very gay and splendid effect. Among the greatest ornaments and completest models -of modern architecture in Great Britain, Somerset-place in the Strand, and St. Paul’s cathe- dral rank the first; and, as they might justly be . considered national specimens of the “ sublime and beautiful in building, ” we think it incumbent upon us to describe them here. Somerset-place is erected on the scite of old So- merset-house, on the banks of the Thames. The front towards the Strand is but little more than one hundred and thirty feet long ; and all that an archi- tect could do in so small a compass, and all that he seems to have wished, was to produce an object that should indicate something more considerable within, and excite the spectator’s curiosity to a nearer exa- mination of the whole fabric, of which this is only one external part. His style, in consequence, is bold, simple, and regular, it is an attempt to unite the chastity and order of the Venetian masters with the majestic grandeur ofthe Roman. The parts are few, large, and distinct; the transitions sudden, and strongly marked. No breaks are seen in the gene- ral course of the plan, and little movement in the outline of the elevation ; whence the whole struc- ture has acquired an air of consequence, which few artists, in so narrow a limit, would have given it. This front consists of a rustic basement, supporting columns of the Corinthian order, crowned in the centre with an attic, and at the extremities with a ballustrade. The basement is composed of nine large arches, the three centre ones of which, being open, form the principal entrance ; the others are filled w ith Doric windows, ornamented with pilas- ters, entablatures, and pediments. The key-stones of the arches are adorned with nine masks or heads, finely carved in alto relievo, descriptive of the ocean, and the follow ing principal rivers of England ; Thames, Severn, Humber, Mersey, Tyne, Medway, Dee, and Tweed ; and to these masks are added various emblematical devices, denoting the respec- tive properties and peculiarities of each ; and, as they are executed with much taste and skill, they merit a particular description. Ocean is placed in the centre, and is represented by the venerable head of an old man, whose flowing beard resembles waves, which are filled with various kinds' offish. A crescent is on his forehead, deno- ting the influence of the moon on its waters, and his temples are adorned with crowns, tridents, anti other marks of royalty. Thames is on the right of Ocean; a majestic mask, crowned with billing swans, and luxuriant garlands of fruits and flowers. The hair and beard are nicely dressed and plaited, and the features are expressive of good sense, good humour, and every species of urban perfection. Humber is the next in order to the right ofthe cen- tre; a striking contrast to the Thames. It is an athletic hardy countenance, with the beard and hair disordered by the fury of tempests. The cheeks and eyes are swollen with rage, the mouth is open, and every feature distorted, expressive of the boisterous intractable character of that river. Next are the Mersey and the Dee ; one crowned with garlands of oak, the other with reeds, and divers aquatic pro- ductions. The four first of these are executed 1 by Mr. Wilton, and the last by Signor Carlini. The masks which decorate the arches on the left side, are, first, the Medway ; a head similar to that of - the Thames, but expressive of less urbanity, more negligently dressed, and bearing for emblems the prow of a ship of war, with festoons of hops, and such fruits as enrich its banks. Tweed is next in order ; a rustic mask, with lank hair, a rough beard, and other marks of rural simplicity ; yet hath the ingenious sculptor artfully given it a character of sagacity, valour, fortitude and strength. It is crowned with a garland of roses and thistles. These are by Mr. Wilton. Tyne and Severn are the re- maining two. Tyne is a head-dress artfully com- posed of salmon, intermixed with kelp, and other sea-weeds. Severn is a similar head-dress, cornpo- I sed 30 ARCHITECTURE. sed of sedges and cornucopias, from whence flow abundant streams of water, with lampreys and other fish that abound in that river. These are by Signor Carlini. The floor consists of a principal, and a mezzanine; and before the windows of the building is a ballus- trade. They are besides ornamented with Ionic pi- lasters, entablatures, and pediments: and the three central ones have large tablets, covering the archi- trave and frieze, on which appear medallions of the king, the queen, and the prince of Wales, supported by lions and ornamented with garlands of myrtle, oak, and laurel. The windows of the mezzanine floor are only surrounded with architraves. The attic consists of three divisions, separated by Colos- sal figures, placed above each of the columns. The figures represent four venerable statesmen, in senato- rial robes, each having on his head ,i cap of liberty, and in their hands they bear the emblems of strength and power, derived from unanimity, and maintained by justice, prudence, moderation, and valour. The attic is crowned with a group, consisting of the im- perial arms of the kingdoms, one side of which is supported by the Genius of England, and tire other by Fame, sounding her trumpet. The front of this building, towards the principal court, is considerably longer than that towards the Strand, being near two hundred feet in extent. The centre of t is front is also better distinguished than that towards the Strand; it exhibits a plainness and repose, whereon the eye may rest with pleasure, as on a principal. It is composed of a corps de logis , with two projecting wings; the style of decoration is, however, nearly the same ; the principal variation consisting in the doors, windows, or smaller parts, which are of other forms, and of different dimensions. The five masks on the key-stones of the arches re- present tutelar deities of the place, executed by Mr. Nollekens. Near this front are two sunken courts, surrounded wit i elegant arcades, serving to give light to the basement story of the royal academy, the royal society, and the rooms wherein are depo- sited (he national records. In the middle of each of these courts is a reservoir of water, for the purpose of serving the apartments below, and to be ready in ca«e of fire. They are supplied from the New River. The buildings towards the court form three sides of a square : the style of architecture, and the deco- rations of the wings, differing in form and dimen- sions. The statues of the attic represent America breathing defiance, with the three other quarters of I the globe loaded witli fruits and other tributary treasures; and these are crowned with the British arms on a cartel, surrounded with sea-weeds, sup- ported by Tritons armed with tridents, and holding ! j nets containing fish and other maritime productions, j This truly magnificent building is constructed for the purpose of transacting the business of several j , of His Majesty’s public offices, viz. the privy-seal and signet, the navy, navy-pay, victualling, sick and wounded, ordnance, stamp, lottery, salt tax, hack- ney-coach, hawkers and pedlars, the surveyor-gene- ral of the crown-lands, the duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster, the two auditors of Imprests, the pipe, comptroller of pipe, clerk of the estreats, and trea- surers’s remembrancers. Here are houses for the treasurer, the pay-master, and six commissioners of the navy. Also for three commissioners of the vic- alling and their secretary ; for one commissioner of the stamps, and one of the sick and wounded ; and other apartments for inferior officers. That part of the edifice which fronts the Strand is in possession of the royal society, the antiquarian society, and the royal academy of artists ; and here the annual exhibition of paintings and sculptpre is held. These respectable bodies are also accommo- dated with halls and apartments for their libraries, models, &c. with rooms for their officers, and every other requisite which their national consequence could demand from an enlightened and liberal go- vernment. The buildings which contain the above-mention- ed public offices form the principal court. They are grand, elegant, of great extent, and strikingly indi- cate an exertion of great inventive faculties in the architect, Sir William Chambers ; while the gene- ral disposition affords a pleasing satisfaction. The front towards the Thames is truly magnificent ; it is finished with a noble terrace, with a bullustrade towards the river, and an extensive gravel way for carriages to go all round the external fronts of the whole building. The next noble structure, which does honour to the national character, as well as to the cause of re- ligion, is the cathedral church of St. Paul. This amazing edifice is situated upon a rising ground, be- tween tiie entrances of C icapside and Ludgate- street, in the very centre of the city of London, and upon the scite of the old Cathedral, which vva 3 burnt to the ground in the general conflagration of 1G66. Sir Christopher Wren wasthe architect; and he was desired to prepare the plan of a new fabric, that should excel every building in the universe for magnificence and splendour. To give effect to the execution of so grand a design, the chamber of Lon- don was made an office for the receipt of contribu- tions to defray the expences ; into which, in ten years only, was paid the sum of £ 120,000. Charles If. generously gave a thousand pounds a-year out of bis privy-purse, besides a duty on coals, which produced £5000 a year, over and above all other grants in its favour. Sir Christopher prepared a design well studied and truly magnificent, conforma- ble to the best style of the Greek and Roman ar- checture which all approved except the bishops, who thought it not sufficiently laid out in the cathedral fashion. The design was therefore varied in many respects, ARCHITECTURE. 31 respects, until the plan of the present mighty strnc ture, which is in the form of a long cross, was na- nimously approved ; soon after which the buildin was put in .and, and tiie first stone was laid by Si Christopher himself, on the 21st of June, 1675. T ie foundations being laid, Portland stone w>. chosen to complete the superstructure. The wai are wrought in rustic, and strengthened, as well a adorned, by two row* of double pilasters, one ov< the other; the lower of the Corinthian order, an the upper of the Composite. The spaces between the arches of the windows and the architrave of ti* lower order, are filled with a great variety of gran enrichments, as are also those above. The we* front, towards Ludgate-street, has a most noble at pearance, and is ornamented with a magnificent por tico, a grand pediment, and two stately turrets. The ascent is by a beautiful flight of steps, of black marble, that extends the whole length of the portico, which is formed of twelve lofty Corinthian column^ below, and eight of the Composite order above these are all coupled and fluted. The upper series support a noble pediment, crowned with its acrote- ria, in which is a beautiful representation, in bass- relief, of the conversion of St, Paul, executed in a very masterly manner. The magnificent figure of St. Paul on the apex of the pediment, with St. Peter on his right hand, and St. Jame9 on his left, have also a fine effect. T ie four evangelists, with tueir proper emblems, on the front o! the towers, are judi- ciously disposed and well executed. St. Matthew is distinguished by an angel, St. Mark by a lion, St. L ;ke by an ox, and St. John by an eagle. In the area of this front, on a pedestal of excellent work- manship, is a statue of Queen Ann, formed oi white marble, with proper decorations. The figures on the base represent Britannia with her spear, G 1- lia with a crown, Hibernia with a harp, and Ame- rica with a b w. On ascending the steps, we ap- proacn the interior of the churc ■ by three doors, or- namented on trie top with bass-relief: the middle door, whic : is- by far the largest, is cased with white marble, and over it is a fine piece of basso-relievo, in which Si. Paul is represented preaching to ti*e Bereans, To the north portico there is an ascent by seventeen circular steps of black marble ; and it has a dome, supported by six large fluted columns of ; the Corinthian order, forty-eight inches in diameter. Beneath the upper part of its dome, is a large and vv ! I -proportioned urn, finely ornamented with fes- to ms, and over it a pediment, supported by pilasters in the walls, in the front of which is carved the royal arms, with the regalia, supported by angels ; and on the top, at proper distances, are placed the statues of live of the apostles. The south portico answers in uniformity to the north, and has a dome supported by six beautiful Corinthian columns; but, as the ground is considerably lower on this than on the other side of the church, the ascent is by a flight | of twenty-five steps. This portico has also a pedi- ment above, in w ,ic!i is a phoenix rising out of the lames, with the motto /t esurgam, underneath it, as oeing emblamatical of the present cathedrals rising >ut of the fire of London. On this side of the .nilding are also five statues, which take their situa- ion from that of St. Andrew, on the apex of the ast-mentioned pediment. At the east end of the church is a swoe : .’, or circular projection, for the iltar, finely ornamented with a great variety of the orders, and decorated with sculpture. The dome, that great master-piece of classical architecture, which rises in the centre of the whole fabric, appears exceedingly grand ; twenty-five feet above the roof of the church, is a circular range of thirty-two columns, with niches placed exactly igainst others within ; these are terminated by their entablature, which supports a handsome gallery, adorned with a balustrade, above these columns is i range of pilasters, with windows between, and from the entablature of those the diameter decreases very considerably, and two feet above that it is again contracted. From this part the external sweep of the dome begins, and the arches meet at fifty -two feet above ; on the top of the dome is an elegant balcony, and from its centre rises the lantern, domed with Corinthian columns; and the whole is terminated by a ball, on which stands a cross, both af which are elegantly gilt. When these parts are viewed from below, they greatly deceive the eye of the beholder, on account of their great height, as >hey appear exceedingly small in comparison with their real size, which is amazingly large. This extensive fabric is surrounded, at a proper distance, by a dwarf stone wali, on which is placed the most magnificent ballustrade of cast iron, per- haps in the universe, of about five feet six inches in height, exclusive of t e wail. In this enclosure are seven beautiful iron gates, which, together with the ballustrades, in number about 2500, weigh 200 tons and 811b. which having cost 6d. per pound, tue whole, with other charges, amounted to 1 1,2021. 6d. Tue total cost of the whole fabric, even in those cheap times, wa- 736,7521. 2s. 3£d. On entering at the western door, the mind is struck by the grandeur of the vista; an arcade sup- ported by massy and lofty pillars on each side, divide the church into the body and two ailes, and the view is termina‘ed by the upper extremity of the choir; though it is in some measure obstructed by the organ. T e pillars are adorned with columns and pilasters of the Corinthian and Composite orders, and the arches of the roof are enriched with shields, festoons, chaplets, and other ornaments. Its dimen- sions are as follow : THE PLAN, OR LENGTH AND BREADTH. Feet. Whole length of the church and porch - - 500 Whole length of the cross ------ 250 Breadth 32 ARCHITECTURE. Breadth of the front with the turrets ... Breadth of the front without the turrets - - Breadth of the church and three naves - - Breadth of the church and widest chapels Length of the porch within Breadth of the porch within - Length of the platea at the upper steps - - Breadth of the nave at the door - - - - Breath of the nave at the third pillar, and tribuna Breadth of the side-ailes Distance between the pillars of the nave - - Breadth of the same, single pillars - - - Two right sides of the great pilasters of the cupola ----------- Distance between the same pilasters - - - Outward diameter of the cupola - Inward diameter of the same - - - - - Breadth of the square by the cupola - - - Length of the same From the door within to the cupola - - - From the cupola to the end of the tribuna - Breadth of each of the turrets ----- Outward diameter of the lantern - - - - Whole space upon which one pillar stands - Whole space upon which all the pillars stand THE ELEVATION. From the ground without to the top of the cross - -- -- -- -- -- - The turrets - To the top of the highest statues on the front The first pillars of the Corinthian order - - The breadth of the same ------ Their basis and pedestals ------ Their capital - -- -- -- -- - The architrave, frieze, and cornice - - - The Composite pillars at St. Paul’s - - - The ornaments of the same pillars above and below - -- -- -- -- -- The ball in height - The cross, pedestal, and base - - - - - The triangle of the mezzo relievo, with its cornice - -- -- -- -- -- Width The basis of the cupola to the pedestals of the pillars - - The pillars of the cupola ------ Their basis and pedestals ------ Their capitals, architrave, frieze and cornice From the cornice to the outward slope of the cupola - -- -- -- -- -- The lantern from the cupola to the ball - - The statues upon the front, witli their pedes- tals -.--- - The outward slope of the cupola - - - - The cupola and lantern, from the cornice of the front to top of the cross - - - - - The height of the niches in the front - - - Feet. Width - -- -- -- -- -- - 5 T 1 e first windows in the front - - - - 13 Width --- 7 Tue extent of the ground-plot, on which the building stands, is two acres, sixteen perches, twenty-three yards, and one foot. All the floor of the church and choir, to the altar, is paved with marble ; the altar is paved with por- phyry, polished, and laid in several geometrical figures. The vaulting of the roof is hemispherical, consisting of twenty-four cupolas, cut off semicircu- lar, with segments to join to to the great arches one way, and the other way they are cut across with elliptical cylinders, to let in the upper lights of the nave ; but in the aisles, the lesser cupolas are cut both ways in semicircular sections, and altogether produce a graceful geometrical effect, distinguished with circular wreaths, which is the horizontal sec- tion of tiro cupola. The arches and wreaths are ot stone, carved; the spandrels between are of sound brick, invested with stucco of cockle-shell lime, which becomes as hard as Portland-stone: and which, having large planes between the stone-ribs, are capable of further ornameuts of painting, if required. Besides these twenty-four cupolas, there is a half-cupola at the east: and the great cupola of 108 feet diameter in the middle of the crossing of the great ailes; it is extant out of the wall, and is illumined by the windows of the upper order, which strike down the light through the great colonnade that encircles the dome without, and serves for the hutment of the dome, w hich is brick, of two bnclts thick; but, as it rises every way live feet high, it lias a course of excellent brick of eighteen inches long, i bending through the whole thickness: and, to make 1 it still more secure, it is surrounded with a vast chain of iron, strongly linked together at every ten feet: this chain is let into a channel cut into the bandage of Portland-stone, and defended from the weather by filling the groove with lead. Over the first cupola is raised another structure of a cone of bricks, so built as to support a stone lantern of an elegant figure, and ending in ornaments of copper, gilt; the whole church above the vaulting being covered with a substantial oaken roof and lead, so this cone is covered and hid out of sight by another cupola of timber and lead : between which and the cone are easy stairs, which ascend to the lantern. The contrivance here is astonishing. The light to | these stairs is from the lantern above. The inside of the dome is painted and richly de- corated by Sir James Thornhill, who, in eight com- partments, has represented the principal passages in the history of St. Paul’s life, namely, his conversion; his punishing Elymas the sorcerer with blindness ; his preaching at Athens ; his curing- the poor cripple at Lystra, and the reverence there paid him by the priests of Jupiter as a god; his conver- sion Feet. 180 110 130 180 50 20 100 40 40 17 25 10 25 35 40 145 100 43 3 28 190 170 35 18 875 7000 340 222 135 33 4 13 5 10 25 16 8 29 18 74 38 28 5 2 40 50 15 50 240 14 ARCHITECTURE. ^io» of the gaoler ; his preaching at Ephesus, and the burning the magic books in consequence of the miracles lie there wrought ; his trial before Agrippa : his shipwreck on the island of Melita, or Malta, and his miracle of the viper. The highest or last stone, on the top of the lan- tern, was laid by the hands of Christopher Wren, the surveyor’s son, in the year 1710. Thus was this mighty fabric, lofty enough to be discerned at sea eastward, at Windsor westward, in the space of thirty-five vears, begun and finished by one archi- tect, and under oue bishop of London, Dr. Henry Compton. Whereas St. Peter’s at Rome, the only edifice that can come in competition with it, conti- nued in building 145 years, under twelve successive architects, assisted by the police and interests of the Roman see ; attended by the best artists of the world in sculpture, statuary, painting, and mosaic work, and facilitated by the ready acquisition of marble from the neighbouring quarries of Tivoli. This grand cathedral, thus finished, as an excel- lent author observes, “ is undoubtedly one of the ] most magnificent modern buildings in Europe; all the parts of which it U composed are superlatively beautiful and noble. The north and south fronts in particular are very perfect pieces of architecture ; neither ought the east to go without due applause. The two spires at the westend are in a finished taste; and the portico with the ascent, and the dome that rises in the centre of the whole, afford a very august and surprising prospect.” In short, in surveying this stupendous monument of our country’s genius, the imagination is filled with a lofty kind of admira- tion, which no building of less majesty and grandeur could possibly excite. We might instance as beautiful specimens of the art the fragment of a palace at Whitehall, now used as a chapel, and justly deemed one of the noblest productions of that incomparable master, InigoJones; also, the interior of St. Stephens Church, Walbrook, by Sir Christopher Wren, deemed by foreigners a more splendid proof of his abilities than even St Pauls itself. BRIDGES. Bbidce, in Architecture, is a structure of Ma- sonry, Carpentry, or iron-work, built over a canal, river, or valley, erected for the convenience of pas- sing from one side to the other, and supported by arches or links, and these again supported by piers or hutments. Bridges generally form the continuation of a road or highway, or of a street; in the first case they are often built in a rude and cheap manner, and without attention to those principles which alone insure permanence and solidity; but when they form the entrance to or form the principal street of a large city, their construction is most generally attended w ith great expence, and a degree of elegance and durability is required in their formation, that calls for the utmost skill of the architect. Palladio, in this case, tells us, that bridges ought to have the same qualifications that are judged necessary in all other buildings, namely, that they should be conve- nient, beautiful, and lasting. The perfection of a bridge consists in its having a good foundation, which makes it lasting ; an easy ascent, which makes it convenient ; and a just proportion in its several parts, wbicli renders it beautiful. In the erection of stone bridges, there are several requisites which demand our attention. In the first place, the hut- ments not only receive tjie pressure of the arches, with which they are connected, but they must be capable of resisting in some measure the force of the whole combined. Hence the necessity of a solid I foundation at the opposite sides of the river; with- out which all the arches will be subject to the least partial rents. Bridges ought always to be constructed at right angles to the current, and the piers ought not to bo larger than w hat is absolutely necessary for the sup- port of the arches ; for when they are constructed of an unnecessary thickness, it contracts the current of water, which it is well known w ill increase its velo- city, and thereby render the foundation of each piei* more liable to be undermined. Lastly, we are t« decide on the number and figure of the arches, which are points of great consequence to the whole^ in relation to its strength, usefulness, beauty, and economy. We find a great difference of opinion among ar- chitects in the choice of arches ; and even among mathematicians, who are unquestionably the best judges of the subject; for the strength and solidity of a bridge must depend on mathematical principles. Some have contended that semicircular arches ought in most cases to be preferred, because they press more perpendicularly on their piers, and in propor- tion Jo their number will diminish the pressure on the hutments. Others have preferred elliptical, arches, when they are to be large and but few in number; because the extensive radius of the semi- circular arch would occasion the centre of the bridge to be so high as to render the passage of carriages exceedingly troublesome; an objection which is re- 1 ly moved Si ARCHITECTURE. moved completely In the elliptical form, its eleva- tion being considerably below the semicircle ; and Mr. Muller asserts, that the elliptical arch does not press against the piers with a greater force than a circular one; and being lighter, and constructed with less materials, will consequently be more lasting. ” There are others, however, who prefer the Cate- narian arch to all others, for the purpose of bridges. The celebrated Emerson, in his principles of me- chanics, insists that it is the strongest arch possi- ble to be made, for supporting a, 'great weight.’ But the learned Dr. Ilutton, late professor of the mathematics to the royal military academy, asserts, that the arch of equilibration is the only perfect one •adapted to the principles of bridges. This arch, being in exact equilibrium in all its parts, and having no tendency to break in one part more than another, is therefore the safest and strongest. Every particular figure of the estrados, or upper side of the wall above an arch, requires a peculiar curve for the underside of the arch itself, to form an arch of equilibration ; so that the incumbent pressure on every part may be proportional to the strength or , resistance there. When the arch is equally thick j throughout, a case that can hardly ever happen, j then the Catenarian curve is an arch of equilibration, I but in no other case ; and therefore it is a great mistake in some authors to suppose that this curve is the best figure for arches in all cases, when in reality it commonly the worst. TABLE FOR CONSTRUCTING THE CURVE OF EQUILIBRATION, Value of K I Value of I C Value of K I Value of I .C | Value of K. I Value of I C 0 6.000 21 10.381 ! 36 21.774 2 6.035 22 10.838 j 37 22.948 4 6.144 23 1 1 368 38 24.190 6 6.324 24 11.911 39 25.505 8 6.580 25 12 489 40 26.894 JO 6.914 26 13 106 41 28364 12 7.330 27 13.761 42 29.919 13 7.571 28 14.457 43' 3 1 .563 14 7.834 29 1 >.196 44 33.299 15 8.120 SO 15 980 ; 45 35.135 16 8.430 31 16.811 46 37.075 17 8.766 52 17 693 47 59.126 18 9.168. ! - S3 18.627 48 41.293 19 9.517-; 34 19716 49 43.581 20 9.934 j . 35 20.665 50 46.000 Explanation of the above Table. L'd Figure 1 Plate Bridge, represent, an arch of equilibration, in which suppose D K be 6, D Q be 40, and V Q 50; then the correspondirg values of K I and I C are very readily found by the prece- ding table; thus, if Iv I beSO, then I C is 15‘980. Among all the arches, there is no one, except the mechanical curve of the arch of equilibration, that can admit of an horizontal line at top; }'et this arch is of a form both graceful and convenient, and it may be made higher or lower at pleasure, with the same span or opening. All other arches require extrados that are curved, more or less, either up- wards or downwards. Of these, the elliptical arch approaches the nearest to that of equilibration for equality of strength and convenience; and it is also the best form for most bridges, a it can be made of any height to the same span, its handles being at the same time sufficiently elevated above the water, even when it is very fiat at top. Elliptical arches also look bolder anil lighter, are more uniformly strong, and much cheaper than most others, as they require less materials and labour. Of the other curves, the cycloidal arch is next in quality to the elliptical one, for those properties ; and, lastly, the circle. As to the others, the parabola, hyperbola, and catenary, they are quite inadmissible in bridges that consist of several arches ; but may, in some cases, be employed for a bridge of one single arch which may be in- tended to rise very high, as in such cases they are not much loaded at the hanches. The dimensions of the piers for bridges must be determined by those of the arch. According to Palladio, they should never exceed one-fourth, nor be less than one-sixth of its width. The plans of piers for bridges are generally drawn ofan hexagonal form, having its two long sides parallel to each other ; and at the ends are placed two short ones facing the course of the river at right angles to each other : though sometimes they are made semicircu- lar facing the stream, in order to divide the water, that those things which are impetuously brought down the river, when they strike against them, nay be thrown from the piers, and pass through the middle of the arch. Palladio assigns to the dimen- sions of key-stones, one-seventeenth part of the width of the arch, which judicious proportion we ! may safely venture to recommend. Of a bridge which that celebrated architect designed, lie gives the following proportions: the river w*as ISO feet wide, which he divided into three arches, giving sixty feet to the centre arch, and to the other two, forty-eight feet each. The piers were twelve feet thick, or one-fifth part of the width of the middle arch, and a fourth-part of the smaller ones. The arches were a small portion less than a semicircle; and their key-stone one-seventeenth part of the opening, of the middle arch, and one-fourteenth part of the .other two. In an arch of twenty-four ihet, Palladio makes the length of the key-stone about sixteen inches, w hich is considered as a very eligible size Bridges are generally constructed about thirty feet ARCHITECTURE. feet wide; but in large ones near great towns, a banquette, or raised foot-path, is added on each side, for the convenience of passenges, from six to nine feet each, and raised about a foot above the middle or horse passage; the parapet walls are about eighteen inches thick, and four feet high ; they generally project from the bridge with a cornice un- derneath. In good bridges, to build the parapet but a little part of its height close or solid, and upon that a balustrade of stone or iron, has an elegant effect. The ends of bridges open from the middle of the two large arches with two wings, making an angle of forty-five degrees with the rest, in order to make their entrance more free; these wings are supported by a continuation of the arches; that un- der each wing being smaller than the rest; but the wings of bridges are generally supported by the solid abutments alone. Autumn is considered the most proper season for laying the foundations of a bridge ; because, then the waters are the lowest, and the weather most fa- vourable for such operations. The most simple method of laying the foundations, and' raising the piers up to the water mark, is to turn the river out of its course above the place of the bridge, into a new channel cut for it near the place where it makes an elbow' or turn ; or by rai- sing an enclosure to keep off the water, by driving a double row of stakes very close to one another, with their tops above the surface of the water, like a trench. Hurdles are then put within this double row of stakes, and the side of the row which is next to the intended pier, must be closed up and the hol- low between the two rows filled with rushes and mud, rammed together so hard, that water cannot possibly get through. Then the mud, sand, &c. within the inclosure, must be dug out until a solid foundation appears ; when this cannot be found, a foundation made of wooden piles charred at their ends, are driven in as close as possible. Many eminent architects have made a continued foundation r.f the wdiole length of the bridge, and not merely under each pier. To effect this, one part of the river was excluded at one part, then another, and so joining the whole together by degrees; for it would he im- possible to repel the whole force of the water at once. If the expense of a continued foundation should be thought too great, a separate foundation may be formed lor eacli particular pier, in the form of a ship, with an angle in the head and another in the stern, lying directly even with the current of wa- ter, that tise force of the water may be broken by the angles. Palladio, whose opinion ought generally to be respected : says “ To lay the foundations of pilas- ter-, if the bed of the river be stone- or gravel-stone, you have the foundation without any trouble; but, in case the bottom be quicksand, er gravel, you must dig therein til! you come to solid or firm ground ; or, if that should he found too laborious er 35 impracticable, you must dig moderately deep in the sand, or gravel, and then you must trust in oaken - piles, which will reach the solid or firm ground, with the iron by which their point’s are to be armed. A part only of the bed of the river must be inclosed from the water, and then we are to build there; that the other part being left open, the water may* have its free current; and so go from part to part, j When a river is deep and destitute of a natural : good bed, a foundation may be formed by driving a double row of piles, and filling them in between with ! close materials, and afterwards pumping out the | water, and driving other piles witliin them. When, a river is but moderately deep, and lias a natural good foundation in its bed, capable of supporting a heavy pier ; then a strong oaken frame is to be formed, which is to be buoyed up with boats; oil this frame is laid a thick stratum or layer of stone, cramped together with iron, and joined with strong terrace mortar, the whole of which is to be let gent- ly down to the bed ofthe river, in the place intended for the pier. Lastly when a bridge is to be built a- cross a fordable river or a canal, and where there is a suitable place for turning the course ofthe water, either by a wooden fence placed in a sloping direc- tion across the river, or by a channel sunk on one side of the bed of the river; then a dam must be made entirely across the river with the piles, and sufficiently wide to form the piers in; and the ground dug until a proper foundation appears, and then the piers may be raised all together above low- water mark, and the water turned again into its ori- ginal channels. The ingenious Mr. Robert Semple laid the foun- dation of Essex-bridge in Dublin, in a very deep and rapid stream, in the year 1753, by the following method : round the place where the intended pier was to be built, two rows of strong piles were dri- ven, about thirty inches distance from each other, and which were left at low-water mark. These piles were lined with planks, within which was rammed a quantity of clay, and thereby the external wall of the coffer dam formed. Within this wall were driven a row of piles at about the same distances, and dove- tailed at their edges so as to receive each other, and which formed the extremities ofthe plan of the piers at the level of the bed ofthe river. After having dug to a fine stratum of sand about four feet lower, within these were a great number of other piles driven as deep as they could possibly be* made to pe- I netrate. The intervals of these piles were filled up 4 ' and in order to produce a. solid foundation, the first i course was laid with mortar made up of roach-lime ! and sharp gravel, and on this, large fiat stones were ! rammed to about a foot thick. On this first course was laid a thick coat of dry lime and gravel of the same quality, on w hich was again laid stones, and the mortar as at first ; and so on alternately until i arrived a perfect level with the piles. Three' beams 1 stretclfing m ARC II I T E CTUU E. stretching' tbe whole length of the pier, from sterling 1 -to sterling, were fastened down to the end of these piles, and their intervals filled up with masonry. On this platform’ which was four feet six inches under low water mark, was laid the first course of atones for the pier, cramped together, and jointed with terrace mortar as usual; courses of stones were laid in this manner until arrived to a level with the xvater at ebb tide. The following method of laying the foundations ofwharfs, piers, &c. is the invention of 8. IJentham, esq. engineer of Ilis Majesty’s navv, and is guaranteed to him by letters patent, dated April 2, 1811 ; and which he describes as follows ; “ I Samuel Bentham do hereby declare that the nature of my said invention, and in what manner the 6ame is to be performed, is described by the -drawings and referances hereunto annexed (See Plate \.) and the following description thereof, that is to say, to whatever depth the foundation of any structure is to be laid, underwater or ground. First I combine together above ground or above water, either over the place into which the founda- tion is to be forced, or elsewhere, stone or brick, or other artificially-composed materials, (with or without the introduction of wood or iron in the bottom, or for ties, as occasion may require,) into sometimes a number of distinct masses, and some- times into one entire mass, which when put where they are, or it is to remain, shall constitute the foundation or lower part of any structure, together with more or less, or even the whole of the struc- ture. Secondly. I place those masses, or this mass, in their or its required situation, without the need of, clearing away the water or ground to the depth of | winch they or it are or is to be laid, and in case of j works under water, without the use of any cassion or dam, composed of w ood or other materials, to inclose the work while building, conveying to tlie spot where it is to be deposited or depositing*. Thirdly. I press the foundation masses or mass into the ground, either in its natural or in its arti- ficially prepared state, whether under water or not with a degree of pressure, such as shall be deemed sufficient to prevent the farther injurious yielding | of the ground when the superstructure shall be built up and be applied to use, and in giving this pressure previously to the proceeding with that part ot the superstructure in regard to which any further sinking of the foundation would be injurious*. As to the formation of these masses, they may he either solid or hollow ; or though hollow at first, for the convenience ol floating ; or otherwise removing them from place to place, or of depositing them, they may afterwards be more or less filled up. The exterior may be of one material, for lightuess or { 1 for appearance sake, and tbe interior, for cheapness or for strength, of some different material, as, for instance, the mass may be first formed of a thin bottom, and their walls of brick, for the sake of .lightness ; the walls may afterwards be thickened, or the interior be intire] v filled in with stone, with bricks, or with other artificially composed materials. Wood and iron may be employed as ties, as well as for beams, rafters, or any part of *the superstructure of these masses, as is usual in building of B which the w alls are of masonry or brickwork. The masses may be of any size or shape, from the depth, supposing them solid, of only a few bricks, and of the horizontal dimensions of a square of nine inches, (being the length of an ordinary brick,) or even less, to the size and shape, if hollow, adapted to contain the largest ship, or even several ships at a time, so as to form in one mass a dock or lock, or any other more extensive work. As then the particulars of these masses may vary so much, the selection, in the instance of each parti- cular work, of the most suitable form, material, and i mode of proceeding, must consequently be left to the engineer, architect, mason, bricklayer, or other work- man, to whom the management of the work may be intrusted ; 1 proceed to specify, in the w ay of exam- ple, some particular shapes and dimensions of the masses, and some of the modes which may he em- ployed for the conveying them to their places, depo- siting them, and pressing them down, which shall be metable * to some works of considerable impor- tance and variety, so that a skilful engineer, archi- tect, mason, or bricklayer, assisted in regard to the management of.the masses that are to float by some one conversant in the management of floating bodies, may be enabled, by the consideration of these exam- ples, to vary the construction of the masses and the mode of proceeding in the use of them, according to the nature of the particular w ork he has to carry on, and according to tlie circumstances under which it is to be executed. Supposing that in a situation where at low water the depth of the water is twenty-four feet, and consequently w here a ship of the line may at all -times lie afloat, and where the ground is of such a nature as that within a depth of from five to ten feet from its surface is deemed incapable of bear- ing a solid Avail with the weight of the several arti- cles that may come to be deposited upon it, it be required to construct a wliarf-wal], it mav be pro- ceeded Avitli, according to my mode, as folfoAvs. First let it be ascertained, by means of a probe or otherwise, to Avhat depth, by a knoAvn Aveight pres- j sing upon a base of knoAvn superficial extent, the ground in the -cite of ti e proposed Avail will be penetrated. Let the spot in question be then levell- I ed Compired with . ‘ thereby the better ensure ^ against a "^*'^ c ou £ from partial causes- O. f ■ delay of mav be prepared, of a height to reach from the top of the foundation masses, up, in some case *, as aga as the wall is required to be carried ; and these mas ESHSSsSsfl u oner masses should coincide in dimensions, and £5 over one of the lower ones, or so as to cvteXver two or more of the foundation masses to form bond The masses, whether under or upper ones miv either have their walls thickened alter they are deposited, or they may be entirely filled im or they may be made to serve fox cellars or stoie Sms, o7 Other useful purposes, having been pro- tf to -Lwhile at the instead of forming an entire pier ot masonry foi such a purpose, or by throwing down 8ton^ or of any kind, to form a mound, which would totally interrupt the passage of the current below, as well a, oppose the violence of the waves above two or move r oWs of distinct masses might be deposited in the di- rection of the intended break- water, leaving 1 vow of masses an interv al between mass and mass for the free passage of the tide or current, but placing Z masses of L interior row ^ opposite i to the, inter- vals of the exterior row, so that tue whole t B ■should form a complete impediment to tne direct ac- tion of the waves, yet allowing the tide pass below between the masses even in a cojitraiy direction. Supposing in this case the masses to be cylindrical, say fifty feet diameter, the interval be- tween mass and mass in the row also fifty feet, then, by tw o such rows of masses, those el one row not more than twenty-five or thirty feet distant from I f i JOS e of the other row, the impediment thereby at- forded to the waves, whether coining at right angles ! or oblique to the direction of such break-water, 'j wou ]d in most cases be sufficient for the purpose ot insuring smooth water within the space protected by those masses, while the passage of the tide or cur- ! rent would in no part of the pier be dimimslu draoiv than half. Rut with the view to tne affording a more complete impediment to the action ot the waves, and at the same time a still less impediment to the course of the tide or current, masses be i constructed and deposited of a form suited to seive I as foundation masses in the manner of the piers ot a bridge; and superincumbent masses, prepaied ot a form suited to the extending from one foundation mass to the other, might be deposited, jesting each end upon a foundation mass, forming altogether as ft were a bridge, but differing from an ordinary bridge, inasmuch as with a view to the not op- posing the under surface of the superincumbent mass to the violence of the waves, and to the affording as complete a protection during low watei as at overtimes, the lower part of the continuous structure should be kept as low as to be always under water, even during low w ater. These superincumbent masses haying been made in the first instance hollow, with a view to the fioat- them to the others, on which they are to be depo- sited, if it should not be deemed necessary afterwards to fill them up, to afford greater strength or weight, might be formed with sloping si(ks towards the sule exposed to the violent action of the sea, but w ith perpendicular sides towards the still water, and miilit be made to afford wharfage, and a gieat quantity of inclosed space, applicable to various US S^ipposni^it " be desired 'to build a bridge where the ground on which the piers are to stand has been found, by probing as well as boring, to be of an uniform /enacity," equally yielding, or Jn -Ua be made so by the deposit of any materials, let the foundation of each pier, with more or less of the superstructure, at least so much as t° reach above low water, be of one single mass, and let it be floated, deposited, and pressed in the same manner as is described in regard to the wharf wall. Should the ground be of unequal degrees of <** on any other account it should be advisable that the foundation of each pier, with more or less of its superstructure, should be formed of any greate number of distinct masses, either contiguous to, or more or less distinct from one another, let each pier be proceeded with in distinct masses, as » the ’are of the wharf wall, but varying the forms ol the masses, as may he most eligible for theparmular ourpose of the pier. In cases where the bi id b e is to serve the purpose of a dam, with a sluice 01 a lock, between any of the piers, let a maw be ^con- ARCHITECTURE. struct*? d, of such form and dimensions as shall com- prehend at least all the under- water part of the whole of the sluice, or other work requisite between the piers, together with a part, say half, of each ot the piers, one on each side of the sluice. The bot- tom of each sluice or lock, may be in the form of an inverted, arch, or otherwise; but as a mass so shaped would form only the bottom and two sides of the four requisite to form a cavity, by means of which the mass might be made buoyant, let the two other sides, or ends be formed, in a temporary man- ner, across the space between the half piers, one at each end, so as to keep out the water while such a mass should be building, or at least while it should be transporting to the place in which it would be de- posited, and so that these temporary ends should afterwards he readily taken away. These tempo- rary ends might conveniently and economically be formed of two floating dams, which being- analogous in their use to floating darns employed instead of gates to keep the water out of docks, might be made on the same principles, or otherwise. And if all the arches of a bridge or dam were made of the same size, these two floating dams would serve not only as the temporary sides of the foundation masses for forming all the spaces between the piers, but they would afterwards serve to exclude the water from any of these spaces during the examination, the adjustment, or the repair of the sluices, or other work that might be requisite within these spaces. In a simi- lar manner sluices or locks may be constructed in other situations than that of forming part of a bridge when the perpendicular wall, instead of forming halves of piers, may be made to join into walls of an embankment, or of a bason or canal. In like man- ner a dry dock, for the reception of one or more ships, of any size may be constructed, excepting that in this case the head of the dock would probably be composed of the same material as t!i<- sides, and only one floating dam, o«* other temporary boundary Would be required for one of the ends of the mass, which might be the same dam or gates that would be requisite afterwards for the exclusion of the water from the dock when in use. For the forming an embankment in a situation where there is not, and where it is not required that there should be, a depth of water of more than eight or ten feet where the ground is uniform, and if not level, such as may easily be made so by a digging engine, or otherwise; and w lere cellar room, store-house room, and habi- tations are wanted as near as possible to the water ; masses for an embankment, under such circumstances may be built of any suitable dimensions, in the mode exhibited by Figure 2 ; so as when deposited, to form at once fifty or one hundred feet or more of embankment, the expence of which would little ex- ceed that of a building of the same size, constructed elsewhere, for the other purposes to which such a mass would be at the same time applicable. If it be 39 required to stop the passage of a great body of water, as in the case of damming up a river, masses may be prepared, of the requisite depth, according to the situation they are respectively to be deposited in, and the bed may be prepared in a manner suited to their settling into the ground water-tight ; aud the sides being prepared with or without corres- ponding indentures, and with or without the inter- position of some compressible or elastic substance they may be brought together and deposited at the time of still water, whether high or low water, as best suited to the purpose ; and by placing them in a line somewhat curving towards the side from which the pressure will come, they may, as soon as a difference of level occasions a pressure, be forced by that pressure close together, and into the banks against which they are required to abut. As to the general means of rendering masses for the before-mentioned purpose buoyant and strong, it is evident that, in point of buoyancy, nothing more is required, as before observed, than that they should be of a capacity in proportion to the weight of materials employed, so as to displace a quantity of water sufficiently great for its weight to exceed that of the materials used; so, in regard to the giving the requisite strength, the force with which water presses at different depths is well known, as are various means of using different materials to the best advantage to resist that force. Rut as the forming the sides as well as the bottoms of the masses in the first instance as light as possible, (however much they may be strengthened by ad- ditional materials afterwards) is a matter of more importance than in buildings of the usual kind, I have to observe, that one mode, of very extensive application for giving to such work great strength, with little weight, is the making the walls of the masses double, with cellular partitions, and the bottoms at first very thin, but strengthened by ribs of stone, or brick-work, which may be made in some cases, no thicker than the thickness of au ordinary brick, if the cement be strong, as shewn by Figures 2 and 4. Bottoms of masses so constructed, however great their superficial extent, may be ad- vantageously built on platforms, not more than five or six leet below the level of high water, since by that means the work would be but little iuterrupted by the tide, and they might also be constructed on a platform composed of logs of timber floating on the water ; and as soon as the sides of the masses were carried up sufficiently liigh to make them buoyant, the logs of timber might be drawn from under them. Or cellular bottoms may be formed, by preparing, first, small portions of this bottom, as represented by Figure 4, which portions being applied together, side by side, when floating in the water, and held by some temporary means close together, grout may be applied in the interstices at the place of juncture, so as to cement the portions together; after which these 4.0 ARCHITECTURE. these other si taped compartments, may be raised upon, over thej tinctures so as to connectthese several portions more firmly together, and the work may be proceeded with as if the whole bottom had been built ashore, and united together in one mass in the first instance. The masses for the above mentioned pur- j poses being all of them structures in water, have been spoken of as hollow, a mode of forming them which seems in general preferable for water-works, on account of the facility of floating them about, and of raising or lowering them by the rise and fall of the tide. I have to observe, however, that accord-, ing to my mode masses for such purposes might in many cases be made solid ; and being formed over the spot on which they are to be deposited, they might be supported by tackles, or otherwise, during their construction, and be lowered down into the water as their structure is proceeded with: or they might be formed on land, and slid down on a kind of rail roads, or otherwise, in an inclined direction, one over the other, so as to form a progressive pro- jection from the land into the sea ; or, although formed elsewhere, they might bo floated between vessels, or otherwise, to the place where they are to be deposited. They might also be made hollow, though without being water-tight, and be floated to their places, or even be built afloat, supported by buoyant bodies of various kinds, and in masses of various shapes, particularly in regard to cy- lindrical masses. A cylindrical vessel of wood, hooped together like a cask, might be applied on the inside of a cylindrical mass, by means of which interior support with or without the addition of some farther support, applied on the outsides of the mass, •such a mass might be thus built and deposited, and afterwards be pressed, without the need of making it water-tight, or without the mass itself having* any bottom. In the cas* of a wall, or other erection of an em- bankment, or for other purposes, being to be con- structed on ground which, though dry at the time of low water, is considerably, say five or six feet, un- der water at the time of high water, the foundation iii that case may be laid in distinct masses, built up- on the spot contiguous to one another or not ; of large dimensions, or small, like piles, to such an height as that a fl it bottomed Vessel, loaded with the requisite weight, may be grounded upon them, whereby the stability of the work may be ensured before the superstructure is proceeded with, w ith the same ease as if the work had been more under water. In regard to the masses proper for forming the foundations of structures on land, in the case of the ground being such as though at the surface it be un- fit for the support -of the ^structure, yet there being a firm stratum at no great depth, but varying at dif- ferent parts under the scite of the structure, suppo- sing it be required to make the structure rest on the ribs or walls dividing the bottom into squares, piers, on which, by the turning ofarches from one to the other, or otherwise, an entire support for the superstructure may be found at the surface of the ground, or above it, for the forming of those piera. Let distinct masses of stone, brick-work, or other such materials, be built up, standing* first on the sur- face of the ground, sinking down more or less du- ring their construction ; and when built up to such height from their bottoms as may be supposed suffi- cient to reach to the solid ground, let weights of any kind, such, for instance, as iron ballast, be laid upon them, to press them through the yielding soil on to or into the hard stratum : the foot of each pier being, if requisite, adapted in shape to penetrate the soil with or without a sfloe of cast-iro 1, or other mate- rials, particularly suited to the purpose ; or let this pressure be assisted or be giveji wholly by percus- sion, applying some intermediate substance upon the head of the piers, for the beater to strike upon, with such other precautions as to the weight and velocity of the beater as are known to be suitable to the forc- ing down brittle materia s without injury. Incases where the stability of the structure is made to de- pend on the extent to which the foundation is spread for procuring the requisite support, having estimated the weight, which a given extent, say a yard square, of the foundation, under the dilferent parts of the building, is required to sustain: and having probed the ground, to form some opinion of the depth to which a square yard of surface must be pressed be- fore it will support that weight, let distinct masses be built up perpendicularly on bases of the extent of, say ;t*yard square, contiguous to one another, over the whole scite of the foundation, and up as high as it is supposed they will be pressed into the ground, each mass respectively more or less, in consequence of any variations there may lie in the nature of the ground, or in the weights to be supported by different parts of the foundations. Then let the requisite weight be applied upon each mass, respectively, or, if the means be easy, on several contiguous ones at the same time ; or (as before) let percussion be employed either to a degree calculated to lie at least equal to that of the requisite pressure by weight, or let weight and percussion be jointly employed, until the whole of the distinct masses, constituting the foun- dation, have been submitted to the requisite pressure, f .i cases where the pressure, which different parts of the foundation will have to support, is very different, as that of the foundation for the steeple of a church compared to that of the lighter parts, let the mass or masses forming the foundation for the heavier parts, be always distinct from those for the lighter parts, and let them be pressed with a proportion ably hea- vier weiglit'. These masses when placed contiguous to one another in a proper direction, one with regard to the other, may then be pressed clown, and when pressed ARCHITECTURE-. pressed down, and when pressed down tlrey may be connected together before the superstructure is pro- ceeded with : and in some cases it may be expe- dient to make these masses no larger than piles ot' v/ood, to which, however, they might be preferable, as being of cheaper and more durable materials. EXPLANATION of FIGURES ill PLATE 1 of im4XMG.ES. “ Figure 1, (Plate ] ) A, section. B, plan of a foun- dation mass of brick-work, for a wharf wall in deep b b, parts added gradually to the bottom. Figure 2, A, section of a mass of brick-work to form part of an embankment, and at the same time to serve other purposes of an ordinary building; part of which shews the superstructure, and the parts gradually added to the bottoms to strengthen them as the superstructure advances, and as by that means a sufficient buoyancy is obtained. B, plan of the same. Fiigurc 3, A, section. B, plan of a cylindrical mass of masonry or brick-work, applicable for the foundation of a break-water, or for other purposes. The lines a a distinguish the superstructure and the parts added. Fi"iirc 4, A, longitudinal section. B, transverse section. C, plan of one of the constituent parts to be prepared ashore for the bottom of a mass of any ex^nt, which may be formed by a number of such constituent parts put together afloat. ” f Wooden Bridges now demand our attention. There are various methods of constructing wooden bridges, so as to answer valuable purposes, even to last a very considerable time. The simplest case of these edifices is that, in which the road-way is laid over beams placed horizontally, and supported at each end by piers or posts. This method, how- ever, is deficient in strength, and width of opening: it is therefore necessary in all works of magnitude, to apply the principles of trussing, as used in roofs and centers. Wooden bridges of this kind arethere- lore stiff frames of carpentry, in which, by a proper disposition, beams are put, so as to stand in place of solid bodies, as large as the spaces which the beams enclose ; and thus two or more of these are set in a butment with each other, like vast arch, stones. One of the most important points to be considered in wooden bridge building, is the seasoning and pre- paring of the wood, so as to make it lasting. In seasoning of wood for this purpose, the following particulars should be attended to : it is well known that the decay of fir timber is generally owing ro the sappy nature of its exterior surface, which is by no means capable of being removed by any immediate application of paint, previous to its being seasoned : ©n the contrary, it has been proved, that such an application is actually injurious, since it hinders the free admission of air and heat, which w ould have the property of extracting that sappy quality which so much contributes to decay and rottenness. In con- sequence of this practice, the sap strikes inwardly, 41 and makes its way to the heart of the wood, the sub- stance of which is presently destroyed. As a means of preventing this evil, some burn and scorch the timber over a flaming fire, turning it about till every side acquire a sort of crusty surface; and in doing this, it necessarily follows, that the external moisture is dissipated. After this process, a mixture of pitch and tar, sprinkled with sand and powdered shells, may be advantageously applied to the parts under water. Those more in sight, after being well scorched, and while the wood is hot, should be rub- bed over with linseed oil, mixed with a little tar. This will strike deeply into the grain of the wood, and will soon harden so as to receive as many coats of paint as may appear necessary. It has been found that fir timber, this prepared, is nearly equal to oak for durability. Palladio has given several excellent designs of wooden bridges, Figure 1 Plate 2, of Bridges , one of which was erected on the river Cismone, which separates Italy from Germany, and is 100 feet wide ; this width is divided into six equal parts, and at the end of each part, excepting at the banks, which are strengthened with pilasters of stone, the beams are placed, that form the breadth of the bridge, upon which, a little space being left at their ends, were placed other beams lengthways, which form the. sides. Over these, directly upon the first, the king pos-ts are disposed on each side ; these king posts are connected to the beams, which form the breadth of the bridge; by means of irons passing through the pro jecting ends of the beams, and bolted and pinned through both. The invention of this bridge Palladio considers as very worthy of attention, as it may serve on all occasions where posts cannot vvitli convenience be introduced in the river. lie describes also other methods of constructing wooden bridges, without posts in the water, like the fore-mentioned. The bridges after the first method are to be made in this manner : Figure 2, the banks being strengthened by pilasters when necessity requires, one of the beams forming the breadth of the bridge is to be placed with one end upon the pier, and ti e other end abbut- ting against the first queen post, which is to be con- nected with the beams by irons. Then the second beam being placed at a distance equal to the space between the first beam and the pier, which is to be supported in like manner with a queen, and strut and queen posts, and thus proceeding, as far as re- quired, observing to have a king post in the middle of the length, in which the struts meet both w ays, and collar beams between all the posts, which stiffen and support the whole construction. It should be recollected that when bridges pre constructed after this manner that they are to be wider at the extre- mities, and contract towards the middle. The bridge represented in Fig. 3, is also from Palledio. Its upper part, which is the support of the whole, is inscribed in a flat segment of a circle ; M the ARCHITECTURE. the braces which go from ene kingpost to another, are so disposed, that they cross each other in the middle of the spaces between the kin" posts. The beams that form the floor of the bridge are bound to the king pests, with irons ; and for still greater strength struts may be added at each end, reaching from the piers to the first beams. The design delineated in Figure 4, may be made with a greater or less arch than is there shown. The height of the bridge in which are placed the braces between 1: e king posts, Palladio recommends to be an eleventh part of the span. The French army destroyed in the year 1799 at Schafhussen in Swit- zerland, a wooden bridge, which was erected in the year 1740, by a carpenter of Appenzel, named Ulric Grubenman. At that place the Rhine is exceeding- ly rapid, and several stone bridges, erected by emi- nent architects, had been repeatedly sw'ept away by the torrent. In consequence of this, the above- mentioned ingenious mechanic, offered to erect a wooden bridge, with only one arch, and which should overcome every difficulty, though the river at that place is near four hundred feet across. The magis- trates of Schafhusen would not consent to his pro- posal, but required that it should be built with two arches, and that the middle pier of the old bridge should be employed for that purpose. Ulric Grub- enman obeyed ; but framed his timbers on so curi- ous a principle, that he has left it a doubt w ith sub- sequent architects, whether the bridge really deriv- ed any permanence from the middle pier ; or whe- ther it would not have been equally as secure, if it had been formed only of one arch. A man of the lightest weight, in walking over it, could feel the bfidge tremble under him ; and yet waggons w'ith the heaviest loads passed over it, without appear- ing to be affected by its elastic motion. This simple but truly ingenious notion of Grub- enman has been greatly improved by an engineer in the erection of a bridge in North America. 1\ e span of the arch is about 250 feet, and its rise very small. Figure 6, Plate 2, of Bridges represents three beams of the arch. They are formed of logs of timber 10 or 12 teet long of a suitable curvature without trimming across the grain. Each beam is double, and consisting of two logs applied to each other, side to side, by breaking joints. They are united together by wedges and keys, driven through them at short distances, as at K, U, See. by the me- thod illustrated in the joining of timbers sideways, see Article Carpentry. This being understood, we proceed to exhibit a method by which a number of beams may be united together, so as to compose an arch of any thickness. The beams have other mor- tises worked out of their inner sides, half out of each half of the beam, and the mortises formed as des- cribed in the article alluded to above. Long keys B B, C C, are then made to fit them properly, the notches being so placed as to keep the beams at tlieiF proper distances from each other, and a long wedge A A driven in between the keys will bind the whole together. Timbers by this method are brought into a firm and uniform abutment ; it is indeed extremely flex- ible, having nothing to keep it from bending by an inequality of load, but the transverse strength of the beams at the same time. It is evident that this ten- dency to flexibility may be counteracted by the in- troduction of diagonal pieces ; by which means this construction may be strengthened to any degree of stiffness, and thereby enable it to bear any inequa- lity ofload. When strengthened and supported in this manner it w ill be decidedly preferable to anv construction which has yet been made known ; and it possesses besides the peculiar advantage of having any piece of timber taken out and repaired, without disturb- ing the rest, or by any means endangering the struc- ture. Iron Bridges . — Modern invention has produced bridges of cast iron, which are cheaper than those built with stone. Iron bridges are the exclusive invention of British artists ; and that metal being abundant and cheap, has of late been employed in many works where great strength was required in proportion to the weight of the material. “ Fusible iron, as a material for bridges, ha3 many advantages over stone or wood. It is supe- rior to the first in tenacity and elasticity : and from thence in strength, in the facility of formation, and in the extent of the masses in which it can be ex- hibited ; all which, make it superior, in lightness and cheapness. To wood it is superior in all the same particulars, and in that of durability besides ; in which respect alone, it is inferior to stone. The greatest durability of stone, arises in the first instance, from its being less acted on by the weather, and in the second, from its experiencing less vibra- tion from the motion of carriages on account of the great masses in which it is used. But there are se- veral ways °f guarding against the deficiency of iron in these respects ; paint w r ill prevent corrosion from rust for many years, and instances could bq shewn, where cast iron carriages of garrison guns, have been preserved thus, in an unimpaired state, from the time of the last king William, and the vibration can he greatly diminished, if not totally prevented, by the use of triangular framing through • out, and by putting sheet lead between the joints of the frames. But it is probable both evils might be prevented more effectually by the mode proposed by the late Mr. Samuel Wyatt, to the House of Commons, of filling the vacancies between the iron frames, with some compact cheap material, and none would be more effectual for this purpose, or perhaps cheaper in- the end, than brick cemented by Roman cement, or pozzoiana, or tarras, which, owing its binding ARCHITECTURE. binding nature chiefly to iron ©xyd, would unite to the iron of the bridge in the closest manner, and defend it from every access of air, while the increas- ed mass that would be thus produced, would annihi- late vibration, or reduce it to an imperceptible quantity. But as lightness is a desirable quality in these bridges, perhaps it might be advisable to form hollow bricks purposely for this use ; which, on account of the more complete baking, or burn- ing in the kiln, of which they would be capable, would, perhaps, be equally durable as any stone. As a proof of which opinion, the thin bricks used by the Romans, are still in perfect preservation in many places. Filling up the intervals of the iron bars would also have the advantage of preventing almost entirely their expansion and contraction from change of temperature. Iron may be used for bridges either on the prin- ciple of equilibration, as stone is, or on that of con- nection by framing, as wood is in some bridges, but more generally in roofs. For large bridges, the first is preferable, according to the best opinions : but probably the latter mode would be found cheaper j for small bridges. There has been one specimen of j a wooden bridge built on a very different system J from others, (of which many models are preserved though the French have destroyed the original) that . seems worthy of being imitated in iron, on a greater scale, which is the bridge of 'such a curious structure that stood so many years at Schafhaussen ; and it is probable if the model was studied with this view by an experienced engineer, many useful ideas might be obtained on the subject. The greater flatness of [ the arch, which iron admits of, is an advantage it has over stone, which should not be omitted. It is capable of demonstration, (and has been proved, see Mr. J. W. Boswell’s paper on Roads and Whee l Carriages, inserted in vol. 17, of the Repertory of , Arts, &c.) that every increase of ascent in a road, j adds to the expence of conveying goods over it, in j a greater degree than has been suspected. A lofty j arch has in this respect all the disadvantages of j a high hill, while a flat arch either affords a level road, or one nearly so.” u The difficulty of preparing centering for the large arches (the capability of producing which is one of the greatest advantages of the art of framing iron bridges) is now in a great measure removed, | by the ingenious mode proposed by Mr. Selford, in his Report to the House of Commons on the propos- ed bridge over the Menai.” See Repertory of Arts, &>c. No. 114. For the method of constructing and centering, after the ingenious mode proposed by Mr. Telford, see (enter, article Carpentry. The first iron bridge of any importance seems to be that of Colebrookdale, in Shropshire. This bridge is composed of five rib«, and each rib of three concentric arcs connected together by radiating pieces. The interior arc forms a semicircle, but the ethers extend only to the ciils under the roadway. 4$ These arcs pass through an upright frame of iron at each end, which serves as a guide ; and the small space in the haunches between the frames and the outer arc, is filled in with a ring of about seven feet diameter. Upon the top of the ribs are laid 5 cast iron plates, which sustain the road way. The span of this arch is 100 feet 6 inches, and the height, from the base line to the centre, 40 feet. The road over the bridge is 24 feet wide,, and is imbedded - with clay and iron flag a foot deep. The most ele- gant and ingenious structure of this kind, is the- bridge erected over the Wear at Sunderland, by R. Burdon, Esq, being the result of an invention guar- anteed to him by letters patent, dated September 18, 1795, and whicli he describes as follows: “ I, Rowland Curdon, do declare, that my invention con- sists in applying iron, or other metallic composi- tions, to the purpose of constructing, arches, upon the same principle as stone is now employed, by a subdivision into blocks, easily portable, ansvvering- the key stones of a common arch, which, being brought to bear on each other, gives them all the firmness of the solid stone arch ; whilst, .by the great vacuities in the blocks,. and their respective distances in their lateral position, the arch becomes infinitely lighter than that of stone: and, by the tenacity of the metal, the parts are so intimately connected, that the accurate calculation of the extrados and intradosy so necessary in stone arches of magnitude, is render- ed of much less consequence. The connecting prin- ciple of these iron blocks will be better understood by a reference to the annexed plate of bridge*,, where Figure 6 represents a block of cast iron, five feet in depth from A to A, and tour inches in thick- ness ; having three arms B, B, B, and making a part of a circle or ellipsis; the middle arm is two feet in length from B to C, and the other two are in propor- tion. On each side of the arms are grooves three- quarters of an inch deep, and three inches broad, for the purpose of receiving maleable or bar iron; and in each arm are two bolt holes. D, Figure 7, represents two of these blocks united together, and the joints confined to their respective positions by the bar iron on each side of the arms, as at E, E, E : which, with other similar blocks, so united and bearing upon each other, becomes a rib. F, F, Figure 7, are hollow tubes, six feet long,, and four inches in diameter, having shoulders at each end, with holes answering to those of the blocks. G is- a block of another rib, connected with the former by the tubes F, F, placed horizontally. Through the holes in the shoulders, and arms of the block and bar iron are bolts (fast- ened with cotterels or forelocks) as at H, II , H, H. The blocks being united with each other in ribs, and- the ribs connected and supported laterally, by the^ tubes, as above described, the whole becomes one- mass, having the property of key-stones cramped together. The bridge consists of a single arch, whose span is 23G feet j and as the springing stones on each side project ARCHITECTURE. 44 project two feet, the whole opening- is 240 feet. The arch is a segment of a circle whose diameter is about 414 feet, its versed side being 34 feet: the whole height from low water about one hundred feet. A .series of one hundred and iive blocks form a rib and six of these ribs compose the width of the bridge. The spaces between the arch and the read-way are holed up by cast iron circles, which touch the outer circumference of the arch, and at the same time support the road-way, gradually diminishing from •tiie abutments towards the centre of the bridge. Diagonal iron bars are laid on the tops of the ribs, and extended to the abutments to keep the ribs from ' < twisting. The superstructure is a strong frame ot , timber planked over to support the carriage road, which is composed of marl, limestone, and gravel, with a cement of tar and chalk immediately upon the planks to preserve them. The whole width of the bridge is thirty-two feet. The abutments are mas- ses 'of almost solid masonry, twenty-tour feet in thickness, forty-two in breadth, at bottom, and thir- ty-seven at top. The weight of the iron in this bridge amounts to 260 tons ; 214 of these are cast, and 46 maleable. The w hole expence was 27;00Q1. A very elegant bridge was lately erected over the river Thames at Staines, by the ingenious Mr. Thomas Wilson, who was employed by Mr. Eurdon, in the erection of the preceding bridge. This bridge consisted of a single arch, 181 feet in span, and 16 leet 16 inches in rise, being a segment of a circle whose diameter is4S0 feet. The blocks of winch the ribs were composed, were similar to those in the Wearmoutli bridge, except that these had only two concentric arcs instead of three, as at the latter. The arcs were cast hollow, and the blocks connected by means of dowels and keys. Four ribs formed the breadth of the arch, which were connected together by crossed frames. The spaces between the arch and the road- way were filled up with circles, which supported a covering of iron plates an inch thick ; ] on this was laid the road-way, twenty-seven feet | wide. 270 tons was the weight of the iron employed | in the bridge, and 330 of the road-wav. This ele- | gant bridge, which was considered by far ike most .complete in design, and the best executed, has fal- len, but under circumstances rather to prove its su- periority, than to depreciate the design or the exe- cution ; for ti;e iron-work did not give way until the stone abutments first yielded- the fault was there- fore in the construction of the abutments, and not ih the iron framing. Drazc- Bridge, one that is fastened with hinges at one end only, so that the other may be drawn up; in which case, the bridge stands upright, to hinder the passage over a ditch or moat. 11 yin g- Bridge, one made of leather boats, pon- toon--, casks, hollow- beams, &c. laid on a river, and covered with, planks, for the passage of an army. Tlying-Bridge, a bridge composed of one or more boats, connected together by a sort of flooring, and surrounded with a ballustrade or railing; having also one or more masts, to which is fastened a cable, supported at proper distances by boats, and extend- ed to an anchor, to which the other end is made fast, in the middle of the water. This contrivance per- mits the bridge to move from one side of the river to the other, without any other help than that of the rudder. These bridges consist sometimes of two stories, for the quicker passage of a great number of men, or that infantry and cavalry may pass at the same time. 1 loatiyg-Bridge, is generally constructed of two small bridges, laid one over the other, in such a manner as that the utmost stretches and runs out, by the help of certain cords running through pullies placed along the sides of the under bridge, which push it forw ard till the end of it joins the place it is designed to be fixed on. When these two bridges are stretched out to their full length, so that the two middle ends meet, they are not to be above four or five fathoms long, because, iflonger, they will break. Bridges of Boats are made of wooden or copper boats, fastened with stakes or anchors, and laid over with plank. Pendent or Hanging Bridges, often called Philoso- phical Bridges , are those which are supported only at the two ends on butments, w ithout posts or pillars. Instances of such bridges are given by Palladio and others. The celebrated Dr. Wallts gives the design ofa timber bridge seventy feet long, without any pillars or supports whatever. Dr. Plot also informs us, that there was formerly a large bridge of this kind over the Castle ditch at Tutbury, in Stafford- shire, constructed of pieces of timber only a yard long each, and without any sort of prop w hatever. Rtishen Bridges are made of large sheaves of rushes, covered with planks : they are used for cross'- ing of ground that is boggy, rotten^ or miry. BAKING. Bakikg is the art of preparing bread, or of reducing meals of any kind, whether simple or compound, in- to bread. Man, who appears to be designed by nature to eat of all substances that are capable of nourishing him, and still more of the vegetable then the animal kind, has, from the earliest times, used farinaceous grains as his principal food ; but as these grains cannot be eaten in their natural state without difficulty, means have been contrived for extract ing the farinaceous part, and of preparing it so as to render it a pleasant and whole- some aliment. Those who are accustomed to enjoy all the advan- tngesofthc finest human invention, without reflecting on the labours it has cost to complete them, think all these operations common and trivial: no wonder that tosuch there should appear nothing more easy, than to grind corn, to make it into a paste, and to bake it in a oven. It is, however, certain, that for a long time men no otherwise prepared their corn, then by boiling it in water, and forming viscous cakes, which were neither agreeable to the taste nor easy of digestion. To make good bread, it was necessary to construct machines for grinding and separating the pure flour with little labour and trouble ; and inquires, or perhaps accident, which some observing person availed himself of, dis- covered, that flour, w hen mixed with a certain quan- tity of water and moderately heated, would ferment, by which its viscidity would be nearly destroyed, and would make bread more pleasant to tile taste, and easy of d igestion. There are few nations who do not use bread, or a substitute for it. The Laplanders having no corn, make a kind of bread of dried fish, and the inner rind of the pine, which last is added to make a . Substitutes for xeheaten bread . — 7. Remarks on the structure of a bake-house , with observations on the different construction of ovens, S?c. Ox the Meal Trade. — The great corn-market in this kingdom, is the Corn-Exchange, in Mark- lane, where on Mondays and Fridays are exposed samples, sent by the farmers and corn-merchants tied up in small bags, with a label on each, stating the number of quarters, and at what plac they arc de- posited. Tib within the last sixty years, the dealers in com carried on their trade at Rear Quay, but finding it on many accounts extremely inconvenient, the present Corn-Exchange was erected by a- company of pro- prietors, for their accommodation, and is managed by a committee of three trustrees, chosen by the proprie- tors, who have allotted seventy-two stands, on which the samples are exposed for sale ; sixty-four of which numlxg arc leased out to factors; the other eight are reserved for the Kentish Hoy men. The practice of sending samples instead of the article in bulk, we arc persuaded is injurious to the purchaser ; this evil is expressed by the committee of the House of Commons respecting * We believe the first regular treatise on the art of bread-making', was written by Mr. Kdlin ; to which publication we are indebtedf»r much of the information contained in the present article. N 46 ' BAKING. respecting corn, who state, in their report, that this practice enables the broker to keep back, or expose the quantity on sale as best suits his ends. To this market the millers, mealmen, and corn- chandlers from different parts of the country, resort to transact business The broker has a commission of one shilling per quarter for selling foreign wheat, and sixpence per quarter, for all that comes coastwise ; The buyer has to pay the corn-meter one penny per quarter, as a consideration for ascertaining that the quantify in bulk correspond to the quantity marked on tire sample bag. The purchaser is not compelled to complete his bargain, unless the report of the corn- meter makes the quantities agree. This saves the buyer much trouble, as it frequently happens that the corn does not arrive at Bear Quay for many days after the purchase is made. Most country towns have their markets on stated days, where the corn is com- monly exposed in bulk by the farmer, which is a much fairer way ; as by this the purchaser is enabled to judge how far the market is ill or well supplied with grain. The custom of preventing the sale of corn till a particular hour, is also a very proper one, and although we disapprove of the interference of Government in matters of trade, we cannot sec any evil that could possibly accrue from compelling all sales of corn to be made in (he market, which it in-' convenient to be sent in bulk, might certainly be done by samples Management of the grain in granaries. — After the grain is purchased it is sent to the granaries, wnich, are large buildings of many stories, each of which consists of one entire apartment, where, by turning and screening, it is deprived of its superfluous moisture, and rendered more fit for grinding into flour. These operations arc performed in the follow- ing manner ; the corn being deposited on one of the floors, it is tossed by means of shovels from one end of it to the other, in which operation the dust and any other light substance falls to the floor, w hilst the grain being heavier, reaches the farther end of the loft. It is then screened and spread on the floor about half a foot thick, turning it twice a week, and screen- ing it once, which management must be continued for the first two months. The grain is then laid a foot thick, and for the two next months is turned once a week, and screened less frequently. This manage- ment is to be continued for five or six months, wiien it may he encreased to two feet thick, and the former operations repeated as occasion requires, which will he more frequent in damp than in dry weather. After a year it may be increased in thickness to ib ree feet and turned and screened once in three weeks or a month. By this means corn has been kept in this country more than thirty years, and it is observ- ed that the longer it is kept the more flour it yields, and the purer and whiter is the bread which it makes. Corn is preserved on the Continent in the following manner, for fifty or one hundred years. Grain treat- ed in the same manner as before described, to dry out all superfluous moisture, is deposited in a pit and co- vered with quick lime a little wetted ; this induces the corn to shoot to about the depth of an inch, form- ing thereby a crust which is impervious to air and insects. The pit is then secured by planks laid over it and fastened together. In LordGardenstones’ travels, we meet with the fol- lowing account of preserving corn at Geneva. While the grain conlinues new it is turned about once every twenty days . till it requires a sufficient degree of firm- ness, which generally requires two years. It is then moderately kiln dried, and stowed in the lowest flat of the granary, as high as the floor of the next flat ; on (his manner they proceed lessening the quantity as they rise in each flat, for the purpose of saving ex- pence. By this method they preserve the grain sound for many years. Mr. lidlin relates that, after a thunder storm, corn that is perfectly dry and sound before, will frequently feel quite clammy, and that, if not very well turned and dried, it will be totally spoiled. This effect does not happen to corn above a year old, unless it be such as was not sweated sufficiently in the straw, before it was thrashed out To preserve grain from insects, Mr. E. recommends frequent screening, ventilation, and lodging it dry. As a further preventat’ve, he recommends the floors being rubbed with garlic and dwarf elder, the smell of which will drive them away. Good wdieat should look plump, feel heavy in the hand, and be of a clear transparent amber colour ; and when masticated some time in the mouth, a consi- derable portion of a thick glutinous matter, free from meal, will he left behind. Its taste should be sweetish. W heat with a thick skin yields less meal and darker, and of course fetches a less price. That part of the grain which produces the finest flour is the heart or centre ; this meal ferments readily; but ihe meal pro- duced from that part of the grain immediately under the coating, and which being softer than the. heart, is not so easily reduced to powder, is of an inferior kind, and ferments with yeast with difficulty. Having shewn the manner of preserving grain, we shall now endeavour to give some account of the man- ner of its being ground and manufactured into flour. Mills for grinding corn are generally called grist- mills, and are mostly driven by water. The building, ot the largest mills is commonly three stories high ; on the first floor the corn is ground by means of two mill stones one above the other ; the lower stone is fixed, but the upper one turns upon a spindle, to which motion is given from the water wheel by moans of toothed wheels acting in each other. The surfaces f the two stones, between which the corn is ground, is not flat or plane, the upper one being hollow, and the lower one rounding upwards, or convex ; but as the CAKING. 47 the cencavity or hollow of tlie upper stone exceeds \ tlmt of the convexity or rounding up of the lower, it must be obvious, that the stones come nearer toge- ther at the edges than in the middle. The corn being drivelled from the hopper throngh a hole in the cen- tre of the upper stone, is worked between the stones near two-thirds of the way from (lie centre to the edges, where it begins to be ground, the space at that place being but one-half or three-fourths of the thick- ness of the grains of corn ; it may* however, be in- ' creased or diminished whenever the miller thinks proper, by raising or sinking the upper stone, which w ill of course make the flower finer of coarser. There are furrows cut in the stones, from the centre to the sides, which causes them to cut quicker. When the corn is quite reduced to flour, ii is thrown out of the mill by the centrifurgal force of the upper stone, through a hole made for that purpose into a trough, and from thence descends by means of a wooden trunk into a bin on the ground floor, which is divided into two parts by a partition, and provided with a cover. The bunt or sieve through which the meal passes to rid it of its bran, is a skeleton of aeilindri- cal form, made of iron bars, and extending from one end to the other of (lie bin, not horizontal but a little inclining at one end. T his skeleton is covered with an exceeding fine wove; wire for the first half its length, and the other half with wove wire somewhat coarser; into the upper end of this bunt tlie meal is conducted, and a rotary motion given to it by con- necting it w ith the machinery ; the fine flour falls into the first division of the bin, and the coarser into the second, the bran is discharged at the low er end into the joggling screen, to separate what meal is remaining in tlie bin, which runs downs in a locker below . The meal thus separated is again caught by a second screen, which in the same way separates the twenty-peni v, and what passes down the third screen is called rough stuff, and is made into w hat the corn chandlers call pollard. What conies through the first division of tlie boult is termed fine or household flour ; that which passes through the second division is called sharps ; these are suffered to remain till a sufficient quantity is collected when they are re-ground, the stones being sat closer toge- ther for that purpose and bouited through the cloth, No 17, this is found to produce better flour than if the stones were set sufficiently, close the first grind- ing, ana what does not pass through this cloth is passed through, a cloth of a coarser kind; No. 15, which forms the fine middlings, and that which will not pass No. 15, is dressed through a still coarser, No. 13, and is denominated tuarse middlings, the refuse of which is mixed with the pollard. Sharps are not always re-ground, as they are found to make a biscuit of an excellent quality, which keeps longer then w en made of flour alone ; it is sold to con- tractors for the supply of the navy. The finest English wheat that can be procured is ground, without the admixture of foreign, and sold to the pastry cooks and others, as Hertfordshire whites. This is the .usual course of the mealing trade, and the. following is the produce of a quarter of wheat. Fine Flour 5 Bushels 3 pecks. Seconds ........ half a bushel. Fine Middlings . . 1 Peck. Coarse ditto .... half a peck. Bran 3 Bushels or half a sack. Twenty-penny . . Ditto. Pollard 2 Bushels. The flour is now put into sacks, each sack con- taining five bushels or two hundred and eighty pounds. Flour is better for keeping a short time after being ground, as it seldom makes light bread, when new. Fine flour is very apt to breed insects if kept too long after being ground, which are very destructive ; flour so infested must immediately be made into- bread. The following account, taken from the second volume of “ the Repertory of Arts and Manufac- tures, ” may serv e as a caution to those who may have large quantities of meal in store at one time. On the 14th of December, 1795, about six o’clock in the evening, there took place in the house of M. Giacomelli, baker, in this city of Turin, an explo- sion that burst out the windows and window frames of his front shop, and the report was so loud as to be heard at a considerable distance. At the moment of the explosion a very bright flame, which lasted only a few seconds, was seen in the shop which con- tained near three hundred sacks of flour. In this place a boy w r as employed in emptying out some flour by the light of a lamp. He had his face and arms terribly scorched by the explosion, his hair was burnt, and it w as more than a fortnight before his burns were healed. ” It does not appear that the flour, which caused the above accident, was damp; and Count Morozzo, w o gives the account, mentions several explosions which happened at different places and times. We insert this account to guard those who may have large quantities of flour under their care, to prevent their carrying candles into the store, as it may be attended with the most dreadful consequences. We shall now notice some experiments which were made by Mr. Edlin to ascertain tlie constituent parts of weight. This gentleman took one pound of the seed of wheat that grew on a well-cultivated soil, and ground it in a hand mill; the meal was then sifted through a fine lawn sieve, and when the flour was separated there remained three ounces of bran and twelve ounces of fine Hour: this last was put into a hair sieve, and a stream of water gradually poured ovor it, whilst he k .eaded it into a paste; more water, was added from time to time till the following appearances 48 BAKING. appearances took place : A glutinous substance re- mained in the hand, which was very elastic. The powder which subsided td the bottom of the vessel was starch, and the liquor in which the foregoing articles were suspended, was of a brown colour and a sweetish taste. These were all put by for future experiments, the result of which was as follows : viz. — That the glutinous elastic substance, when dried, became perfectly brittle, resembling glue, and weighed six drachms. Mr. Edlin is -of opinion that to this gluten wheat owes the property of forming an adhesive paste, and its fecility to rise w ith lea- ven, not that it contributes immediately to produce iermentation, which is by no means the case ; but in forming a more tenacious dough or paste. This property exists only in a small degree in barley, and is altogether wanting in potatoes, which our author thinks is the cause why bread, made from these tw o articles, is so difficult of fermentation. That this is •the case, seems certain from the experiments of M. Beccari, of Bologna, and Dr. Cullen, wdio, by adding this substance to barley and potatoes, produced better bread from each, then could be obtained w ith- out this addition. Parmcntier asserts that bread may be made from potatoes alone, this opinion, however, seems to be contrary to the experiments of Mr. Edlin and Dr. Pearson/both being decidedly of opinion that this root cannot be fermented so as to make bread without the admixture of wheaten flour. Hence, they conclude, that no farinacious or mealy substance can be made into good bread, that has not the three constituent parts of wheat ; for, if to the starch of potatoes, some of this glutinous sub- stance be added, with yeast and water, it w ill not form a bread, owing to the -absence of the saccharine or sugery extract, on which the process of fermen- tation depends, and which, if this last substance be added, even in a concentrated state, will immedi- ately commence. It has not yet been ascertained in w hat proportion the glutinous substance is found in wheat, Mr. Win- ter states that it is'less in wet than in dry seasons, and Mr. Edlin thinks it more abundant in wheat growing on land well manured, then from that which is the produce of neglected soils. The fa'cula, or starch, deposited in the bottom of the vessel, was next dried, and was found to be tine w hite starch; as this forms by much the most considerable pa r£ of the grain. Mr. Edlin, thinks it the principal elementary substance of bread, and this opinion is strengthened bv the fact of many thousands of the inhabitants of Ireland, living prin- cipally upon potatoes, which contain starch, in con- siderable quantity, and are altogether destitute of gluten, which has been so much insisted upon, as being so extremely nutritive : this is also corrobo- rated by experiments on feeding animals. It seems j and saccharine extracts. The next experiments were made on the sugary, or saccharine extract, which proved that however small the quantity may be which wheat contains, yet its presence is abso- lutely necessary in the formation of good bread. Mr. Edlin next made a variety of experiments on the composition of yeast, in order to ascertain what share it has in producing fermentation in bread. lie found that the same effect was produced by using the fixed air, or sulphuric acid gas, which was dis- engaged by pouring some diluted sulphuric acid upon powdered marble ; he also collected the gas iroduced by the fermentation of some newly tunned >eer, which likewise produced good bread, similar in all respects, to that made in the usual way. From these experiments he concludes that the principles which enter into bread, are gluten, starch, sugar, and fixed air. THEORY OF FERMENTATION IN BREAD. In order to make this understood by persons altogether unacquainted with chemistry, it is ne- cessary that the following facts should be known - that there are three states of fermentation, which takes place in the following order, viz. the Vinous, which produces wine, beer, &c. the Acetous, and Putrid. All fermentation is an intestine motion of the constituent particles of a moist, fluid, mixed, or compound body, by the continuance ot which motion the particles are gradually removed from their for- mer situation or combination, and again, after some visible separation is made, joined together in a different order and arrangement, so that a new com- pound is formed. The usual method of making bread with yeast, is very simple, and soon performed. The yeast is ad- ded to a part of the flour and well kneaded ; this in a short time swells and rises in the trough, and is called by the bakers setting the sponge. Afterwards the remainder of the flour is added, with a sufficient quantity of water to make it into dough, the whole is then left to ferment and rise. The water being added to the yeast, warm, ex- tricates the air in an elastic state, and the whole being well diffused and mixed with the* mass, every particle must be raised ; the air being kept from escaping by the viscidity of the dough. In this state it is neaded, and made up into loaves, which are then baked, the increase of heat disengaging more of the fixed air, which is further prevented from escaping bv the forming of the crust, the process continuing, the superfluous water is driven out, and the bread becoming firmer, retains that spungy hollowness which distinguishes good bread. From what has already been said, it appears that the saccharine extract of the wheat flour, in conse- quence of moisture, has ’ its constituent principle disengaged, the oxygen seizing the carbenaccous matter, and forming carbonic acid, which is dis- engaged in the form of gas, occasioning the intestine motion. BAKING. 49 motion alkl swelling of the dough just described; but this proeess, if left to itself without the addition of yeast, is extremely slow. This is what is called leavened bread. In making bread without yeast, the process is more tedious, a small quantity of Hour is wetted, and allowed to remain several hours covered up. In this case the water is decomposed : the oxygen of that fluid uniting with the saccharine extract, j bring on fermentation, which is not of a vinous but •of an acetous nature, more flour and water are from time to time added to the leaven, till a sufficient quan- tity is ready for baking. Much nicety is required in conducting this operation, which, if left too long will make the bread sour, and if time enough is not allowed for its raising, heavy bread will be the result. There are many articles in use for exciting speedy | fermentation in flour, which may be all brought un- * der the two following heads : either they are impreg- nated with carbonic acid gas, or contain the princi- ple of acidity : hence we are able to account why light bread is made at Paris with the waters of Gencsse, without yeast. At Pyrmont the same thing is done with .Saltzer water, and in England with ar- tificial Saltzer. There arc also two springs at Sara- j toga, in America, which are possessed of the same j properties. All these waters are highly inipregna- I fed with fixed air. In warm climates where no beer is brewed, the i inhabitants commonly raise their bread by the ace- j tous method as described before, which is generally lj to be perceived by -the sourness of their bread. It -| is. however, possible to make good bread by fliis pro- j I cess, and the mode is often adopted on board our j men of war, in the West Indies, by mixing water ! which has become sour in casks, with the flour, j which uill excite fermentation almost as speedily as yeast. ! in the East Indies, where fermentation is extreme- j Jy qurck, a liquor, called toddy, procured by an in- j - cison being made in the branches or fibres of the co- jj coa nut tree, is used to promote fermentation. OF THE PREPARATION OF BREAD. In order to prepare bread, flour and water are i| kneaded together into a tough paste; this contains j[ the principles of flour, but very little altered, and j not easily digested bv the stomach. The action of j heat produces a considerable change, it renders the j compound more easy to masticate as well as to di- , gest. Bread made in this manner is called unlea- | veiled, and is used for shipping in considerable quantities; but most of the bread used in France, ! Germany, and other European countries, is made i to undergo, previous to baking, a kind of ferment. I The effect of this fermentation is found to be, that I the mass is rendered more digestable and light, by j which expression it is to be understood that it is jj more porous, by ike disengagement of an elastic 1 fluid that separates its parts from each other, as be- fore explained, and greatly increases its bulk. The operation of baking puts a stop to this pro- cess, by evaporating great part of the moisture, and, probably. also, by still farther changing the nature of (he component parts. Bread made according to the preceding method, will not possess that unifor- mity which is requisite, because some parts may be mouldy, while others are not sufficiently changed from dough. The same means have been used in this case as have been found effectual in promoting the fermentation of large masses ; this consists in the use of a leaven or ferment, which is a small portion of some rnatteT of the same kind, but in a more advanced state of fermentation. After this leaven has been well incorporated, by kneading it into fresh dough, it not only brings on the fermen- tation with greater speed, but causes it to take place in the whole mass at the same time : a’nd as soon as this dough lias, by tins means, acquired a due increase of hulk from the air which endeavours to escape, it is judged to be • sufficiently fermented, and ready for the oven. The bread principally used in this country is fer- mented u ith yeast, or the froth which arises on the surface of beer, in the first stage of fermentation. When it is mixed with the dough, it produces a much more speedy fermentation than that obtained from leaven, and the bread is accordingly much lighter, and, unless it is improperly prepared, is never sour. Having thus briefly touched' upon the different kinds of bread, we now pass on to its preparation, which we shall divide into three kinds; 1st, un- leavened bread, 2d, leavened bread, and 3d, car- bonic bread. 1st. — ( idea veiled bread is that which the Jews eat during their passover: the 'custom HvaS intro- duced in remembrance of their hasty departure from Egypt, when they had not leisure to bake leavened, but took the dough before it was ferment- ed, and baked unleavened cakes. In Roman Ca<- tholic countries it is still used, and is prepared with the finest wheaten flour, moistened with Mater, and pressed between two plates, graven like wafer moulds, being first rubbed with wax to prevent the plate from sticking, and when dry it is used. The common method of making unleavened bread is as follows : — Put a peck of. Hour into a kneading- trough, three ounces of salt, and a sufficient quan- tity ot Marin Mater; knead them well together till intimately blended, then roll the dough out into thin cakes, and bake them in a quick oven, in order to render them more porous, taking care to turn them flu ring baking. To make Arabian bread, from' M. Neibuhr’s Travels. — The modes of making broad are different in different parts of Arabia ; but the following man- ner of pounding the grain, however troublesome, O is BAKING. m is in most general practice, and considered plea- santer to the taste than meal, that has been ground in a mill. In the first place, two stones are pro- cured, one convex, and the other concave ; the grain is then placed on the lotver one, and a nian bruises it till it is reduced to a meal ; it is then mixed up with water, and divided into small cakes. In the mean time, an earthern pot, glazed on the inside, is filled with charcoal and set on the fire, and when j it is sufficiently heated, the cakes are laid on the outside of it, without removing the coals, and in a few minutes the bread is taken oft*, half roasted and eaten hot. The wandering Arabs of the desert, when they have not this convenience, use a heated plate of iron, or a gridiron, to bake their cakes ; and when these are wanting, they roll the dough into balls, and put it into a fire of camels’ dung, where it remains covered up till it is sufficiently penetrated by the i heat. Bad as this bread is, it is better than the durra bread, which is in general use among the common people; it is made of coarse millet, knead- ed up with camels milk, oil, butter, or grease, pounded together, and then baked in the embers. M. Neibulir, observes, thgt he could not eat this bread at first, but the people of the country being accustomed to its use, prefer it to barley bread, which they think too light. 2d. Of leavened bread. — This operation consists in keeping some paste or dough till the acetous fer- mentation takes place, when it swells, ratifies, and acquires a sourish and rather disagreeable taste. This fermented dough is then well worked up with Some fresh dough, which is, by that mixture and moderate heat, disposed to a similar but less ad- vanced fermentation than that above mentioned. By this fermentation the dough is attenuated and divided, air is introduced, which being incapable of disengaging itself from the tenacious and solid paste, forms it into small cavities, raises and swells it : hence the small quantity of fermented paste which disposes the rest to ferment, is called the little leaven. When the dough is thus raised, it is in a proper j state to be put into the oven ; where, while it is ! baking, it dilates itself still farther by the rarefec- t.ion of the air, and forms a bread full of eyes or cavities, consequently light, entirely different from the heavy, compact, visous, and indigestible masses made by baking in fermented dough. It often happens that bread made with leavened dough, acquires a sourish, and disagreeable taste, which is said to proceed from too great a quan- tity of leaven, or from leaven in, which the fermen- tation has advanced too far. This circumstance was explained in the last chapter, where it was stated, that unless the principal of acidity is gene- j rated, it will not ferment at all. However, as it | is a subject that deserves particular investigation, we propose, in the following experiments, to enquire if this disagreeable flavour, when it does occur, can be counteracted. Mr. Edlin took one pound of wheat flour, and put it into a kneading trough, and mixed it up into a paste with eight ounces of water, at the temperature of 65°. of Farenheit’s Thermometer. Thisjmixture was placed in 76 degrees of heat. In twelve hours no apparent change had taken place ; but, on ex- amining it at the end of twenty-four hours, he ob- served several bubbles of air, which increased in number on kneading the dough, and on introducing the thermometer, it stood at 70, 1 -fourth, an increase of 5, 10-fourths in the heat, inconsequence of the fer- mentation. At the expiration of thirty six hours he found this little leaven in a complete state of fermentation, and much thinner than on the preceding day; it was also of a sourish taste. lie then added three pounds more flour, one ounce of salt, and a pound and a half of water, by weight ; the w hole was kneaded for about half an hour, and left to ferment again for six hours longer. It was then made up into a proper consistence for baking, which required eight ounces more flour ; and in weighing the whole, it turned out exactly six-pounds, the quantity used in the experiment. His reasons for determining its weight was, to as- certain whether, during fermentation, any sensible quantity of air was absorbed. It was now divided into six equal portions, and made into as many loaves, These w ere placed in the oven, and after remaining in that situation halt* an hour, they were found to be sufficiently baked. This is known by tapping with your finger on the bottom crust, and when done, the sound emitted is sonorous, but if not baked enough, dense. It is a sound difficult to be understood, and can only be learnt by practice. The loaves were removed from the oven, taken off the tins, and placed on a board ; one of them was wrapped in flannel, w hile the others were exposed to the air. When cold they where all weighed, and turned out five pounds two ounces, fourteen ounces less than when they were put into the oven, and ten ounces more than the flour used in the experiment. On weighing the loaf that w as covered with the flannel, and one of the others that had been exposed to the air, though they w'ere of equal weight when taken out of the oven, yet now r the one that was covered up proved to be four scruples heavier than the other, making a difference of three quarters of an ounce in the quartern loaf. They w'ere both cut asunder, and the bread looked porous, w r as tolerably light, and absorbed moisture readily; but the taste was sourish; it seemed as if a small quantity of vinegar was added to the dough, j but still it was palatable. On tasting the crusts, that which had been cover- ed. BAKING. 51 ed up was crisp and easily masticated, while the j other was tough, dense, and in every respect disa- I greeable. In order to make leavened bread without this sour taste, the following experiment was made. lie took one pound of Hour, and mixed it up w ith eight ounces of water, at the temperature of 68°. This was covered up, and set in a warm place for thirty-six hours, at the expiration of which time, he found it in a state of fermentation, and quite sour. — A quart of warm water was added, and suffered to stand for twelve hours more; the clear liquor was then decanted off, which had a taste si- milar to diluted vinegar, and a smell notunlike that emitted from an old pickle jar. Twenty grains of prepared kali was then added to this liquor, which occasioned an effervescence si- milar to that observed in preparing saline draughts. When subsided, as it still continued sour, the like quantity was again added, which entirely destroyed the acidity ; but to be convinced, by a chemical test, a paper was introduced dipped in tincture of turn- sol, which it no longer turned red. It was now evaporated to the consistance of ho- ney, and put by for the night in the morning cry- stals of acetated kali were observed. From the result of these experiments, it may, with probability, be concluded, that, in making lea- vened bread, one ounce of vinegar is generated from a pound of flour during the fermentation of the little leaven ; but as this acid is not necessary, and indeed ought not to be present in good bread, it will be worth while to enquire by what means it might be destroyed, without impeding fermentation. To one pound of flour was added a sufficient quantity of warm water; this was suffered to fer- ment as the last (having ascertained the quantity of vinegar generated in a pound of flour) forty grains of prepared kali were mixed with a little warm water and added to the leaven; on kneading it tog-ether an instant increase of bulk was observable, during which time , the carbonic acid gass, or the principles of yeast was extricated; fo prevent its escape, the dough was sprinkled with a little flour, and covered up with a cloth. Tw o hours after it was found to be amazingly in- creased in bulk, and much more porous than common leaven. Another pound of flour, and a quarter of an ounce of salt were added, and after standing two hours to prove, it was divided into two loaves, and put in the oven. On comparing it when baked with a loaf of lea- vened bread with the same quantity of flour in it, it appeared considerably larger ; and on cutting it the bread was much lighter and more spungy than com- mon leavened bread, without the least acidity. TO MAKE LEAVENED BREAD, BY THE HON. C AT- TAIN COCHRANE. Take a piece of dough, of about a pound weight, and beep it for use, it will keep several days very well. Mix the dough with some warm water, not very hot, and knead it with some flour to ferment andspunge; then take half a bushel of flour, and divide it into four parts : mix a quantity of the flour with the leaven, and a sufficient quantity of water to make it into dough, and knead it well. Let this re- main in a corner of your trough, covered with flan- nel, until it ferments and raises properly ; then dilute it w ith more water, and add another quart of the flour, and let it remain and rise. Do the same with the other two quarters of the flour, one quarter after another, taking particular care never to mix more flour till the last has risen properly. When finish- ed add six ounces of salt, then knead it again, and divide it into eight loaves, making them broad, and not so thick and high as is usually done, by which means they w ill be better soaked. Let them remain on the board to rise, in order to overcome the pres* sure of the hand in forming them ; then put them in the oven, and reserve a piece of dough for the next baking. The dough thus kept, may with proper care be prevented from spoiling, by mixing from time to time small quantities of fresh flour with it. od. Of Carbonic bread. — The invention of beer, furnishes a new matter useful in making bread; this is tl»e froth or yeast formed on the surface of these liquors during fermentation. When it is mixed with J tiie dough, it rises better and more quickly than ordinary leaven, and by means of this the finest and lightest bread is made. Bread well raised with yeast, and baked, differs from the preceding kinds, not only in being less compact, lighter, and of a more agreeable taste, but also in being more miscible in water, with which it does not form a vicous mass, which is of the great- est importance in the progress off digestion, as al- ready observed. There are several preparations of this kind of | bread, made not only with wheat flour, but also j with barley, rye, oats, buck-wheat, maize, rice, beans, and potatoes, the principal preparations of j which will be detailed in their proper orders. The common family way of making bread. — To ' half a bushel of flour add six ounces of salt, a pint j of yeast r and six quarts of water, that has boiled; in warm weather, put the water in nearly cold, bu.t in winter, let it be as warm as the hand can be endur- ed in it without causing pain. This is deemed a good proportion, and the mode of proceeding- is ass follows : — Pot the flopr into a kneading trough, or other vessel used for that purpose, and make a hole in the middle of the flour, put the water into it ; to which, add the yeast and salt, stir them together, and mix up the flour with it till the dough becomes of a very | thick consistence. Cover the whole up warm to ferment and rise, particularly in cold weather; this is called setting the sponge and ou a due ma- I nageraenjfc 52 BAKING. r.ngement of this part of the business, depends the goodness of the bread. After letting it lie in this state as hour and a half, more or less according to the state of the weather, knead it well together, be not sparing of labour, and afterwards lay the whole thick at one end of the kneading trough, and let it lie some time longer covered up. During this part of the process, the oven must be heated; when that is effected, and properly cleansed from ashes, cinders, &c. make the bread into eight loaves, and place them in the oven as expeditiously as possible, observing- to leave a little fire on one side of the mouth of the oven, to give - light while setting, and also to prevent the external air from cooling it. Stop the oven up close, and draw the bread out when baked. The proof of its being well fermented and baked, will appear on putting a slice in water; if it is good bread, it will dissolve entirely into a paste, in the -coiu se of a few hours, without rendering the water turbid or mucilaginous. To make French bread. — Put a pint of milk into three quarts of water: in winter let it be scalding hot, but in summer only milk warm. Then take a quarter of a pound of salt, and a pint and a half of good ale yeast ; stir it into the milk and water, and then with your hand break in a little more than a quarter of a pound of butter; work it well till it be dissolved, then beat up two eggs in a bason, and stir them in. Take about a peck and a half of the finest wheaten flour, called Hertfordshire whites, and mix it with your liquors. In winter vour dough must be pretty stiff, but more slack in summer, so that you may use a little moi'o or less flour according to the stiffness of your dough, but mind to mix it frelJ, and the less you work it the better. You must stir the liquor into the flour as you do for pie- ■£ rust, and after your dough is made, cover it with a -elcth. and let it lie. to rise while the oven is heat- ing. Make it up into bricks or loaves, and put them into the oven ; when they have lain about a quarter of au hour turn them to the other side, and let them lie a qnarter of an hour longer. When done," do not cover them up as bread usually is, but leave them on the board til! they are cold, then chip them all round with a knife, which will be bet- ter than rasping, and make them look more spongy, and of a fine yellow colour; whereas the rasping lakes oft' that fine yellow colour, and makes the bread look too smooth. _ TO MAKE BROWN WHEATEN BREAD, BY SIR JOHN CAI.I,. Suppose a Winchester bushel of good wheat weighs fifty-nine pounds, let it be sent to the mill wnd ground, entirely dovyn, including the bran, the meal will then weigh fifty-eight pounds, for not more than a pound will be lost in grinding; it mu't the:' lie mixed up with water, yeast, and salt, and the dough weighed before it is put into the oven, which win appear to be eighty-eight pofinds. Let it be divided into eighteen loaves, put into the oven, and thoroughly baked ; after they are drawn out and left two hours to cool, they will weigh seventy-four pounds and a half. The bread thus made will be found excellent, and fit for any household use: and was the broad bran taken out, of which there may be about five pounds, in a bushel of wheat, thus manufactured, it w ould ! produce sixteen loaves and a quarter. TO MAKE BREAD WITH ALE THE BRAN ADDED TO IT, BY T. BERNARD, ES.Q. Take seven pounds of bran and pollard, and four- teen quarts of water; boil the whole very gently over a slow fire. When the mixture begins to swell and thicken, let it be frequently stirred, to pre- vent its burning to the bottom or sides of the pan. With two hours boiling it will acquire the consis- | teuce of a custard pudding ; then put it into a clean j clot!:, and twist it until the liquor is squeezed i out ; with a quart of which mix three pints of yeast, and set the sponge for twenty-eight pounds of ; | flour. The bran and pollard, which, when the li« j quor has been squeezed out, is above four times its original weight, before it was boiled, is then to be | set near the fire, in order that it may be kept warm, j In about two hours the sponge will be sufficiently I risen, upon which the bran and pollard, (then lnke- ) warm, but not hot, and into which is to lie sprinkled j about half a pound of salt), should be mixed with j flour, and the whole kneaded up very well together, with a quart of the bran liquor, and it should then ! be baked for two hours and a quarter in a common I oven. The produce weighed, w hen cold, will he half as much again as the same quantity of flour w ould pro- duce in the common way, without the addition of bran. Most of the objections to the use of bran in bread, appear to be founded on a presumption, that • no mode of preparation will make any difference in the degree of nutriment to be derived from it as a food. Though the subject is as yet but little under- stood, yet we have gone far enough to ascertain the i j fact, that in most kinds of grain some increase of j | the ordinary nutritive power may be produced by j culinary process ; the very making of bread affords j an example of this increase. In rice it is very ! | great, and in barley meal, particularly when ‘ used j j j in soup, its increased power of nutriment may be I extended to a surprising degree ; as it is 1 ovv j | well known, that rice, w hen increased by water to a j solid substance of five times its original weight, or I j by the addition of milk, to eight times what it j i originally weighed, is converted from a hard in- I digestible grain, into a wholesome nourishing j j food. ! To make pan bread. — Put a peck of fine flour 1 into a wooden howl that has been previously warm- \ i etl: let it stand before the fire for about an hour, then I BAKING. 53 then mix up a sufficient quantity of salt and yeast with warm water, and make up the bread at once. Cover it with a cloth and let it stand before the fire for about three hours; then make it up into loaves, and put it into earthenware pans, and set them in a quick oven. When well soaked, and nfearly clone, the bread must be taken out of the pans, and set on tins for a few minutes that the crust may brown, they must then be taken out, and wrapped in flannel, and when cold rasped. Bread made in this manner, is much lighter than the common baker’s bread, and when cut, puts on the appearance of honey-comb. It is necessary to remark, that the dough must not be so still’ as usual. TO MAKE BREAD THAT W 1 El/ NEVER RE BITTER, BY MR. JAMES STONE. It frequently happens, iu the summer season, that the brewers, in order to prevent their beer from turning sour, are obliged to use more hops than usual ; the consequence is, that the yeast is very bitter, and gives a disagreeable flavour to the bread. To obvi- ate this inconvenience, Mr. Stone has recommended the following method of raising a bushel of flour with only a tea-spoonful of yeast. If you want to bake a bushel of flour, put it into your kneading trough, then take about three quar- ters of a pint of warm water, and one tea-spoon full of yeast. Stir it, till it is thoroughly mixed with the water; then make a hole in the middle of the flour, large enough to contain two gallons of water. Four in your small quantity ; then take a stick, and stir in some of the flour, until it is as thick as you would make for a batter pudding ; then strew some of the dry flour over it, and let it stand for an hour. Then take a quart more of warm water and pour iri, and with your stick stir in some more flour, until it is as thick as at first ; then shake some more dry flour over it, and leave it for two hours longer, when you will find it rise and break through the dry flour again : you may then add three quarts or a gallon of water, and stir in as before directed, taking care to coyer it with dry flour again, and in about three or four hours more, you may mix up your dough, and cover it up warm. In four or five hours more, you may make it up into loaves, and put it into the oven, and your bread will be as light as if you had used a pint of yeast. It does not require above a quarter of an hour longer than the usual method of baking, forthere is no •time lost but that of adding the water several times, and the bread is always good and never bitter. TO MAKE VV HE ATEN BREAD, AS PRACTISED BY THE BAKERS. Mr. Fdlin wishing to obtain every information on this subject, procured access to a bakehouse, and has given us the following account. “At three o’clock they prepared to set the sponge, for which purpose, two sacks ofhousehold flour were carefully sifted through a brass wire sieve. The following mixture was then prepared. Two ounces of rockey which is a solution of alum * was first put into a tin vessel with a little water, and dissolved over the fire, which bakers call liquor; this w'as poured into the seasoning tub, and nine pounds of salt was thrown in, over rvhich they poured two pails full of hot liquor; yvhen cooled to 84° ofFa- renheit’s thermometer, six pints ofyeast were added; this composition was then stirred yvell together, strained through the seasoning sieve, and emptied into a hole madein the flour, yvhen it yvas mixed up w ith it to the consistency of thick batter. Some flour yvas sprinkled over the top, yvhen it was cover- ed up, to keep in the heat. This operation is called setting quarter sponge. In three hours, two pails full more of yvann liquor were stirred in, and the mass covered up as before. This is termed setting half sponge. Five hours afterwards five more pails of yvarm li- quor were added, and yvhen the yvhole was intimate- ly blended, it was kneaded for upyvards of an hour. The dough yvas then cut into pieees, and throw n oy er the sluice board, and penned to one side of the trough ; some dry flour being sprinkled over, it yvas left to prove, till about three o’clock in the morning, yvhen it was again kneaded for the space of half an hour. The dough yvas taken out of the trough, put on the lid, and cut into pieces. It was then weigh- ed, and four pounds fifteen ounces yvas allowed tor each quartern loaf, the baker observing, that a loafof that size, loses from ten ounces and a half to eleven ounces, while in the oven. It yvas then worked up, and the separate masses were laid in a row till the whole were weighed, and, on counting them after- wards, he found they were equal to one hundred and sixty-three and a half quartern loaves; but this cir- cumstance is variable, as some flours kneaded better than others. It sh&uld have been mentioned that the fire yva? kindled at two o’clock, and continued burning till near four, when the oven was cleansed from dirt and ashes. The bread being put in, the oven was close stop-* ped, till seven o’ clock, when it was opened, and the bread yvithdrawm. TO MAKE ROLES, AS PRACTISED BY BAKERS, The flour yvas sifted and mixed in the same man- ner as yvas done for the bread ; at half past six o’clock they were moulded up, and a slit was cut along the top of each with a knife ; they w ere then set in rows, on a tin, and placed in a proving oven to rise, till a quarter * This practice, though general, ought to be discarded, as R pro- duces obstinate rostjveness, and the hue Dr. Lake, in his treatise on. tae diseases of the viscera, assert* from his own knowledge, that, jalap is often introduced to counteract the astringent quality of the ium. It it proper to add, that there is a very heavy penalty ets, this species of adulteration. M BAKING. quarter of an hour before eight o’clock, when they | were drawn, and set in the oven, which w as closed as before ; at eight o’clock they were taken out, and were slightly brushed over with a buttered brush, which gave the top crust a shining appearance, they were then covered up with flannel till wanted for sale. TO MAKE FRENCH ROLES. Put a peck of flour into a kneading trough, and sift it through a brass wire sieve, then rub in three I ^quarters of a pound of butter, and, when it is inti- mately blended Vith the flour, mix up with it two quarts of warm milk, a quarter of a pound of salt, and a pint of yeast; let these be mixed with the flour, and a sufficient quantity of w arm water to knead it into a dough; it must then stand two hours to prove, when it may be moulded into rolls or bricks, which must be placed on tins and set for an hour in the pro- 'vgr. They must then be put into a brick oven for fwenty minutes, and when draw n, rasped. SO MAKE HOUSEHOLD BREAD, AS PRACTISED BY THE BAKERS. Household bread undergoes the same prepara- tion as wheaten bread, with this difference, that, instead of being made w ith fine flour, it is made of an inferior sort, called seconds flour, and the loaves instead of being marked with a W, are marked with an If : and bakers neglecting this distinction are liable to be fined ; but like all good laws, it is some times evaded, by mixing the two flours together, i and making, the mixture into white bread, w .ich is ! -coloured with chalk or whiting, that the fraud may *iot be detected. TO MAKE STANDARD WHEATEN BREAD. | Send a quarter of wheat to the mill, and let it be -so ground that the flour shall weigh three fourths of the wheat from whence it w'as made, without any mixture or addition ; then let it undergo the same ■preparation as that for wheaten bread, observing before the loaves are put into the oven, to mark them with the letters S W. * SUBSTITUTES FOR WHEATEN BREAD. Since wheat forms our principal support, it is not to be wondered, that from time to time attempts have been made to discover a substance that w ould ^altogether, or in part, supply its place; and we feel •much pleasure in saying, that the enquiry, has been ■so far successful,- that were the public to avail them- selves in times of scarcity, of the advantages of these | j discoveries, it Would very much contribute to lessen ; the consumption, and consequently the price of this staff of life. I Tiie subject of this enquiry is at this time more particularly important, owing to the excessive high, and increasing price of v. beaten-flour ; and we most earnestly recommend to all, at lea t to avail them- selves of the advantages which these experiments, j which we are about to lay before them may afford, j and to such as have Insure for the farther prosec u- i tion of a subject, to the importance of which, every other pursuit seems trifling. The Board of Agriculture, anxious to know what quantity of flour each of the following sorts of grain won Id produce, caused a bushel of each- sort to be purchased, and grqund for their inspection, the re- ! suits of which are as stated in the following tables. I | One bushel of i G ,,„. Weighed. 1 Weight of Flour. AVeightof Bran., Barley 461b. 381b- KHoz. 51b. 10|oz. BuckWheat 46* 38. .9 5. .5 Rye 54 43. .0 9. . b\ Maize 53 44. .0 8. .10* Rice 6 1 1 60. .0 Oats ' 23. .5 13. .104 ! Beans 57* 43. ,5f 12. . 0 Pease 61* 47. .0 J2. . 5 Potatoes 58 8 . .0 This estimate was made when the price of the several articles were as follows : — in the first column is the price of the grain, and in the second the price per pound of each kind of flour, the bran is general- ly considered as an equivalent for the grinding. Grain. Price per bushel , Flour per pound. Barley 5s.. .6d. j 0s.. .lid. Buck Wheat 6 . .0 I 0 . .1* Maize 7 . .6 i 0 . .2 Rye 6 . .6 ! 0 ..if Rice 23 . , .0 0 . A Oats 4 . .0 0 .J Beans 5 . , .6 0 ..If Peas 10 , . .0 1 0 . .3* Barley is employed as a part of diet ip many parts ot this country. Next to wheat, it is the most profitable of the farinaceous grains, and w hen mix- ed w ith a small preparation of that flour, makes as light, and as good bread as that grain, and infinitely cheaper; but bread made of barley flour is not so spongy, and feels heavier in the hand than wheaten. But this is no proof that it is not equally nutrici- ous, as it is a well known fact, that thousands of the healthiest and most robust peasants of this country, never taste any ether bread than that prepared from this grain. It is necessary to remark, that in grinding barley to flour, the French stones should be used in pre- ference to any oilier, as experience has ascertained that they produce flour of a brighter colour, and preserve what the bakers term, the life of the flour; and they are of opinion, that barley ground w ith these stones, raises the bread to the greatest height it can possibly be brought Ao. BAKING. No chemical analysis has yet been made to ascer- tain the composition of barley flour, but we have every reason to believe, that it is either destitute of the glutinous substance of wheat, or possesses it in a very trifling degree. With respect to the starch, on which its nutrickms properties principally de- I pend, that consists of the most considerable part of j the grain : and there can be no doubt, from the facility with which it is converted into malt, that the saccharine extract is more abundant than in wheat. Supposing this statement to be correct, whoever : requires a light porous bread to be made from bar- lev, will find it necessary either to add some of the glutinous substance of wheat, which may lie obtain- ed at the starch manufactories ; or what is common- | Iv practised, a certain proportion of fine wheaten ! Hour. Other substances are sometimes made up j with barley into bread, but that bread must necessa- rily be heavy, unless it contains this peculiar gluten, without which, no light porous bread call be made. To remedy this defect, it is always best to set the sponge with wheat flour altogether, as barley flour does not ferment readily with veast, and add the barley flour, when the dough is going to be made. Bread made in this way requires 1o be kept a lon- ger time in the oven than wheaten bread, and the jj heat should also be somewhat greater. TO M AKE BARLEY litlEAl), BY SIR J. CALL.. || Take forty-four pounds of barley meal; and let it ; j be kneaded up, into dough, with water, yeast, and salt, and divided into eight loaves; wlven thorough- * Iv baked, drawn out of the oven, and left two hours to cool, they will weigh about sixty pounds, This barley bread is very good, and is such as is ; i eaten bv many of the farmers in Devon and Corn- j wall, by most of the labourers in husbandry, and by almost all the miners, even when wheat was much more plentiful, and not above half the price it was during the season of scarcity, TO M AKE MIXED BREAD, BY DU. PENNINGTON. Take fourteen pounds of barley flour, and the same quantity of pulp of potatoes, which is pre- pared by paring the potatoes, and then grating them down into an earthern vessel, and pouring w ater upon them. This must be poured off' in about three hours, as it has a disagreeable earthy taste, and fresh water poured on, which, when changed, will be found nearly clear and insipid. ■ The pulp musi j then be taken out and put in a sieve, that the water i may drain from it, and when tolerably dry, it will | be fit to mix with the flour. Let it be kneaded 1 up into a dough with warm water, and a sufficient quantity of yeast and salt, and after standing, the usual time to prove, they will be found to weigh twenty-eight pounds. Another method of making mixed bread, is, to take two pecks of barley flour, and one peck of rice ; flour. Let these be kneaded up into a dough, ami j baked m the usual wav, when they vyiii be found to produce a very good and nourishing bread. TO MAKE MIXED BREAD, FROM THE REPORTS OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Take four bushels of wheat ground to one sort of flour, extracting only a very small quantity of the coarser sort of bran. Add three bushels and a half of barley flour, bolten through a twelve or fourteen shilling cloth; then mix them up into a dough, in the usual manner, with salt, yeast, and warm water, and let it be divided into half peck loaves, and put into the oven, which must be made hotter than for wheaten bread. Let them remain in three hours and a half, when it will be found a very nourishing good bread. Buck-wheat is so little used as an aliment in this country, that there is little opportunity of studying- its effects ; but ,from all appearance, it has the com- mon quality of the other species of grains. A con- siderable quantity is annually grown in Norfolk; but, it is principally consumed by swine and poul- try, both of which it fattens quick and well. In France, particularly in Britany it is much used^ and is there accounted a very wholesome and nou- rishing grain ; and when properly ground, make* an agreeable and nourishing bread. ,'i peculiarity attends the management of this grain at the mill, which, if not attended to, the flour will not make a bread that is any way palatable. The following account of the mode of using and grinding buck-wheat, in Britany, was communicat- ed to the Board of Agriculture, by an intelligent emigrant from that province. In the first place^if the heat of the sun is not sufficiently powerful to cure it properly, it must be dried in a kiln, and then as much is sent to the mill as is wanted foB a fortnight, or three weeks at the farthest. The mil- ler is careful to grind, in the first instance, so as to separate the meal and the bran from the black, hard, and triangular husk, without grinding it down ; for this purpose, he places the stones in such a manner as only to press lightly, which, takes orf the husk, a process termed running it through the mill-stones. The farinaceons part of the grain is then easily separated from the husk, by winnowing* This pro- cess being over, he proceeds with his grinding and dressing-, the same as with any other grain. TO MAKE BUCKWHEAT BREAD, FROM THE RE- PORTS OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Take a gallon of water, set it over the fire, and when it boils, let a peck of the flour of buck-wheat be mixed with it by degrees, keep it constantly stir- red, so as to prevent any lumps from being formed, till a thick batter is inacle like that of Scotch or Yorkshire pottage. Some salt must be added, then set it over the fire, and allow it to boil an hour and a half. The proper proportion for a cake is then to be poured into an iron kettle that hangs over the fire, and baked, taking care to turn it frequently, lest it should burn, TO BAKING. 56 TO MAKE MI'XEB BREAD THE REPORTS OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Take a peck of the flour of buck-wheat, mix it, and boil it with water, as before described. While this process is going on, let a peck of wheat flour be put in a kneading 1 trough, and rather more than the usual proportion of yeast mixed with it. When the batter is boiled enough, it should be taken off the and fire, when cooled to the degree of blood heat, should be poured into the trough, with the wheaten •flour and yeast ; the whole should now be well kneaded, and stand two hours to prove, when it is to be divided into loaves, and baked, remembering to ke^p it in the oven rather longer than wheaten bread. Bread made in this manner can be safely recom- mended, as certainly, at least not less nutricious, and perhaps more palatable when properly baked, than any other ; but to have it light and good, re- quires some experience, otherwise it w ill be com- pact and heavy. Bye is a grain, whose cultivation is not much en- couraged in this kingdom, but, in the northern parts of Europe it is much used, and considered as nou- rishing food. Bread made of this grain alone, is of a dark colour, and sweetish taste. In some parts of this kingdom, a mixture of rye and w heat is reckoned an excellent bread, and is esteemed more wholesome than that which is made from wheat alone, and as it is well known to be a nutricious grain, its consumption cannot be too strongly re- commended. TO MAKE MIXED BREAD. Take a peck of wheat flour, and the same quan- tity of rye flour ; let these be kneaded together with a-sufficient quantity of yeast, salt, and warm water. It should be covered up w r arm for tw r o hours, to fer- ment, and then divided into loaves, and baked in the usual w ay. TO MAKE A GOOD HOUSEHOLD BREAD, FROM THE REPORTS OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Suppose a bushel of rye to weigh sixty pounds, to that add fifteen pounds of rice. This, when ground down, and only the broad bran taken out, •which seldom exceeds five pounds for that quantity, is thus prepared for household use. Take fourteen pounds of this flour, a sufficient quantity of yeast, salt, and warm water, and let it be made up and baked in the usual way, and it will be found to produce twenty two pounds weight of bread, which is a surplus of three pounds and a half in fourteen pounds, over what is usually produced in the common process of converting household wheat flour into bread. Respecting maize, no direct experiments have yet been made to ascertain its component parts; as it possesses but little sw'eetuess, and does not ferment with yeast, so as to make a light bread; w r e may conclude, that it cither wants the saccharine princi- ple, and the glutinous substance, which render wheat so susceptible of fermentation, or that it pos- sesses them in a very small degree ; at the same time it affords an abundant quantity of starch of the best quality, the imperfections of which may be easily cor- rected by adding a proportion of w heat flour to it, when it may be fermented into a perfect bread. Bice is a hard grain with a coarse while husk, somewhat resembling barley, only whiter, and much harder. From the tedious and defective manner in' which it is cleaned from the husk, ti:e Board of Ag- riculture are of opinion that it might be obtained at a much lower price if imported with the husks on; for from the perfection of our machinery, it might be cleaned at a much less expense than by manual la- bour. The art of making bread from rice, though much spoken of, seems to be very little know n. When the rice is reduced to flour take as much of it as you | think necessary and put into a kneading trough; at the same time heat some water in a saucepan, and having thrown into it a few handfuls of rice, let them boil together for some time; the quantity of rice must be such as to render the water very thick and glutinous. When this glutinous matter is a little cooled, it must be poured upon the rice flour, and the whole well kneaded together, adding thereto a little salt, and a proper quantity of veast. The dough must then be covered with warm cloths, and suffered to stand till it rises. During the fermenta- tion, this paste, which, when kneaded, must have such a proportion of flour as to render it pretty firm, becomes so soft and liquid, that it seems impossible it should be formed into bread, and must be treated as follows. When the dough is rising, the oven must be heat- ed, and w hen it is of a proper degree of heat, take a stew-pau of tin or copper, tinned, to which is fixed a handle of sufficient length to reach to the end of the oven. A little water must be put into this stew-pan, and then it is to be filled with the fermented paste, and covered with cabbage leaves or a sheet of paper. When this is done, the stew-pan is to be put into the oven, and pushed forward to the part where it is in- tended the bread shall be baked ; it must then be quickly turned upside down. The heat of the oven acts upon the paste in such a way as to prevent its spreading, and keeps it m the fonn the stew-pan has given it. In this manner pure rice bread may be made; it comes out of the oven of a fine yelloiv colour, like pastry which lias yolks of eggs in it. It is as agreea- ble to the taste as to the sight, and may be used like wheat bread to eat or put in broth. TO PREPARE BREAD FROM RICE, BY THE MAT- RON OF THE FOUNDLING HOSPITAL . Boil a quarter of a pound of rice till it is quite soft ; then put it on the back part of a sieve to drain, and when it is cold, mix it up with three quarters of 1 a BAKING. 57 h pound of flour, n spoonful of yeast, and a small j table-spoonful of sail. L: t it stand for three hours, ! then knead it up, and roll if in about an handful of ' flour, so as to make too out i de-dry enough to put in j the oven. About an hoar and quarter v, ill bake if, and it will produce one pound fourteen ounces of good white bread, but it should not be cut till if is two days old. To make mixed bread. — Take half a. perk of rice flour, and one peck of wheat seconds flour, mix them together, and knead the dough up with a suffi- cient quantity of salt, yeast, and warm wafer, then divide it into eight loaves and bake it. To make mixed bread. — Take a peek of rice, boil over night till it becomes soft, then put it in a pan, and bv the morning it will be found to have swelled very much. A peck of, should now be boil- ed, skinned, and mashed into a fine pulp, and while hot. be well kneaded up with the rice, and a peck of wheat flour; a sufficient quantity of yeast and salt should now be added, and the dough left in the kneading trough two hours to prove; it is then to be divided into loaves and baked in the usual way. To make oat bread. — Take a peck of oatmeal and an ounce of salt, stir them up into a stiff paste with warm water, roll it out into thin cakes, and hake them in an even or over the embers. This kind of bread is much used in Scotland, a- mong the lower order of peoide, who, from long- cus- tom. prefer it to the best wueaten bread. In some cottages H undergoes the acetous fermentation, and is thereby rendered lighter and more easy of diges- tion : but the generality of people merely soften tiieir oatmeal with water, and bake it over the lire. TO MAKE MIXED DREAD, BV 1)R. R^RIERSOX. Take a peck of oatmeal, the same quantity of se- conds flour, and half a peck of boiled potatoes, skin- ned and mashed, let them be kneaded lip into the dough, with a proper quantity of y east, salt, and warm milk; it should then be made up into loaves, and put into the oven, where it is to remain three hours. The bread thu« prepared rises well in the oven, is of a light brown colour, and by no means unplea- sant flavour: tasting so little of the oatmeal as to be taken, 1 >y those who are unacquainted with its com- posuion, for barley or rye bread. It is sufficiently moist, acrl if put in a proper place, keeps well for a week. Bread made in this way is about eight- ponce kail-penny a peck cheaper then w' beaten bread ; w hich in large lam dies, w ill, at the y ears end amount to a very considerable saving if it was substituted for it. ^ To make mixed bread. — Take one peck of oat meal, -and the satue quantity oi’ rice flour, let these be knead- ed up with a sufficient quantity of warm milk, yeast, and edit, and after standing- a proper time to prove, w ill !>e found a very palatable and wholesome bread. Beans, when dry and husked, are readily broke : dow n into a flue flour of the same nature and proper ! ties as the meal of other grains ; they have a sweeter ! taste, and afford, by proper treatment, a starch equal i to that of wheat : the tbv >ur of bean floor is disa- fyecable ; but if steeped in water Ik fore it is used, this unpleasant will then be hardly perceived. To > : dm bran bread.— -Take a quarter of a peck of bean {‘our, and a little salt, mix them up info a ! thick batter with .wafer, then pour a sufficient quan- I tity to make a cake into an iron kettle, and bake it : over the lire, taking - care to turn it frequently lest' it I should burn. TO MAKE MIXED BREAD, FROM THE REPORTS OF THE BOARD OP AGRICULTURE. Send a bushel of good dry beans to the mill, let 1 the husks be taken oft’, and then grind the meal into a fine flour, which if good, will produce a full bushel I of this flour. Jk< t a peck be soaked for three days in a nan of water, c‘ anging the water every day to take I on its disagreeable flavour; then pour the water | dear off, and put the meal into a sieve to drain: while this fls drying, put a peck of wheat flour in the kneading trough, and mix it up with some salt and yeas!. After it has properly fermented, knead the [ bean flour with it into a dough, and after it has stood a sufficient time to prove, let it be divided into loaves and baked. To make pea bread. — Take a peck of the flour of peas, the like quantity of oatmeal, and two ounces of salt ; knead them up into a stiff paste, w ith warm water, let it be rolled out into thin cakes, and baked over the embers. To make mixed bread. — Take (bur pounds of pea flour, steep it in w ater, as directed for bean*, then knead it up with four nounds of jiotatoe flour, and double that quantity of seconds wheat flour, which has been previously fermented with yeast, and a proper quantity of salt, and let the dough stand to rise, when it must be divided into loaves, and baked. To reduce potatoes to flour. — Put a bushel of kidney potatoes into a large tub, and clean them from the dirt, afterwards scrape them clean with a. brush, and let them be rasped into a pulp, on a bread grater, into a hair sieve, that is placed over a broad deep pail. Lst some water be poured occa- sionally, by one person, oyer the pulp, while ano- ther stirs it with his hand ; (he water iti its passage, j carries the starch with it, which is deposited at the j bottom of the pan. After standing a night, the : water is poured off, and the starch remaining be- | hind is taken out and put into conical baskets like ! those used for salt, covered with cap paper, and '■ hung in a stove to dry by a gentle heat. It is then ! ground in a hand mill, aud passed through a fine j lawn sieve, when it will have the exact appearance of starch, be of a beautiful white colour, and is then ready to make into bread. This powder, with the’ addition of a small quantity of gum fragacanth in Q powder, BAKING,. powder, is in universal request, as a light nourish- ' iug food for invalids, and, is sold in the shops under > 4he name of Indian Arrow Root. A bushel of potatoes that weighs sixty pounds, if they are mealy ought to produce, in this way, eight pounds of flour at least : and suppose an acre of good land, w r ell managed, would yield three hundred bushels, near a ton and a quarter of this flour might be produced : from it. j To make potatoe bread. — Pare one peck of i potatoes, put them into a proper quantity of water, and boil them till they are reduced to a pulp, then j beat them up fine in the water they are boiled in, and j knead them with two pecks of wheat flour, with a j sufficient quantity of yeast and salt, into a dough ; -cover it up, and allow' it to ferment for two hours or upwards, according to the state of the weather ; then make it up into loaves and bake them. To make potatoe bread. — Choose the most mealy sort of potatoes, boil and skin them, take twelve pounds, break and strain them through a very coarse "sieve of hair, so as to redyce the roots as nearly us possible to flour. Mix it up well w ith twenty pounds of wheaten Sour; of this mixture make and set the dough exactly in the same manner, as if it were wholly wheaten. .‘SO MAKE POTATOE BREAD, BY P. COLQUKOEN ESQ: Take three pounds of potatoes, put them into a 'skillet with cola water, hang it ata distance over the Are, so that they may not boil ; then skin and mash them, and whilst warm, bruisfe them with a spoon, put them into a dish before the fire to evaporate the moisture, stirring them frequently, that no part may grow hard: w'hen dry, take them up and rub them as tine as possible between the hands, then add niue pounds of wheaten flour, and with a sufficient quanti- of yeast, and salt, knead it up as other dough. After laying a little while to prove, it should be made into small loaves and baked in a hot oven. To make acorn bread.— Take a quantity of acorns, fully ripe, deprive them of their covers and beat them into a paste, let them lie in water a night, and then pr-’ss it from them, which deprives the acorns entire- ly of their ^stringency. Then dry and powder the mass for use. When wanted, knead it up into a dough with water, and roll it out into thin cakes, -which are to be baked over the embers. TO MAKE CHESNtTx BREAD, BY M. ? ARMENTIEE. Take a peck of horse chesnuts, peel the tkfrs off them, let them be bruised into a paste, dilute the mass with water, which destroys their astringency, and strain them through a sieve; a milky liquor is thus separated, which, on standing, deposits a fine white powder : this, on being dried and ground into Hour, is (bund 'to be without smell or flavour. It is then made up, sometimes by itself, and not unfre- quently with an equal portion of wheat flour, into a paste, with warm mil-, and a lit tie salt, and when kaked makes very good and palatable bread. TO MAKE TFRXIP BREAD, BY J. SANDS, ESQ. Boil the turnips till they become soft enough to mash, and press the water well out of them ; then mix them with an equal weight of wheat meal and make the dough in the usual way, taking care to let the loaves remain rather longer in the oven than for wheaten bread. Sea biscuit is a sort of bread, much dried, to make it keep on long voyages. It was formerly baked twice, or oftener, and prepared six month* before the embarkation. The process of baking biscuit, for the British na- vy, is as follows; — and it is equally simple and inge- nious. The meal, and every other article lieing sup- plied with much certainty and simplicity, large lumps of dough, consisting merely of flour and water mixed up together; and as the quantity is so im- mense, as to preclude the possibility of kneading it by hand, a man manages, or as it is termed, rides a machine, which is called a horse. This machinq is a long roller, about four or five inches in diameter, ! and about seven or eight fret iu length ; it has play to a certain extension, by meaus of a staple in the wall, to which it is connected by means of a sw ivel making r&s action like the machine, by which they cut chaff' for horses. The lump of dough being placed exactly in the centre of a raised platform, which is placed directly under the horse ; the man I its upon tue end of the machine, and literally rides up and down throughout its whole circular direction j till the dough is equally indented ; and this is re- peated till the whole is sufficiently kneaded ; at which times, by the different positions of the line, large or small circles are described, according es they are near to, or distant from the centre of motion of the horse. | The dough, in this state, is handed over to a j second workman, who slices it with a prodigious knife, and it is then in a proper state for these ba- I leers, who attend the ovens ; those are five in num- l>er : and their different departments are as well cal- i culated for expedition and correctness, as the mak- ing of pins, or other mechanical employments. On i each side of a large table, where the dough is laid, stands a workman : at a small table near the oven, j stands another; a fourth stands bv the side of the ! oven, to receive the bread ; and a fifth to supply the peel. By this arrangement, the oven is as regularly filled: and the whole exercise performed in as ax- act time, as a military revolution. The manat the further side of the large table, moulds the dough, having previously formed it into small pieces, till it has the appearance of muffins, although thinner, and , which he does two together, with each hand; and as fast as he accomplishes this task, lie delivers his work over to the man on the other side of the table, who stamps them with a docker, on botli sides with a mark. As he rids himself of this- work, he throws the biscuits on the smaller table, next the oveu, 1 where BAKING. where stands the third workman, whose business is merely to separate the different pieces into two, and place them immediately under the hand of him who supplies the oven, whose work of throwing, or rather chucking the bread upon the peel, must be so exact, that if he looked round for a single moment, it is impossible he should perform it correctly. The ! fifth receives the biscuit on the peel, and arranges it J in the oven : in which duty he is so very expert, j that though the different pieces are thrown at the i rate of seventy in a minute, the peel is always disen- j gaged in time to receive them separately. As the oven stands open during the whole time of j filling it, the biscuits first thrown in, would be first j baked, were there not some counteraction to such I an inconvenience. The remedy lies in the ingenuity i of the man w ho forms the pieces of dough ; and who, | by imperceptible degrees, proportionally diminishes | their size, till the loss of that time, which is taken up i during the filling the oven, has no more elfect to the j disadvantage of one of the biscuits, than to ano- j ther. So much critical exactness, and neat activity occur in the exercise of this labour, that it is difficult to decide whether the palm of excellence i- due to the moulder, the marker, the splitter, the chucker, or the depositor; all of them, like the wheels of a ma- ! chine, seeming to be actuated by the same principle. | The business is to deposit in the oven seventy biscuits J j in a minute; and this is accomplished with the j] regularity of a clock; the clack of the peel, during j| its motion, in the oven operating like the pendulum. The biscuits, thus baked, are kept in repositories, j which recei ve warmth from being placed in drying | lofts over the ovens, till they are sufficiently dry to be packed into bags, without danger of getting mouldy ; and when in such a state, they are then packed into j bags of a hundred weight each, and removed into | storehouses, for immediate use. The number of bakehouses belonging to the j victualling office, at Plymouth, are two, each of ; which contains four ovens, which are heated twenty times a day, and in the course of that time bake a sufficient quantity of bread for 16,000 men. The granaries are large, and well constructed. When the wheat is ground, the flour is conveyed into the upper stories of the bakehouse, whence it descends through a trunk in each, immediately into I the hands of the workmen. The bakehouse belonging to the victualling office, : at Deptford, consists of two divisions, and has twelve ovens, each of which bakes twelve shoots daily; the j quantity of flour used for each shoot, is two bushels, j or 112 pounds, which baked, produce 102 pounds of ; biscuit, Ten pounds are regularly allowed on each : shoot, for shrinkages, &c. The allowance of biscuit in the navy is one pound for each man per day, so that one of the ovens at Deptford, furnisnes bread i daily for 2,040 men. \\ ON THE PREPARATION AXl) PR ESEIi V ATIOS QF YEAST. To make yeast from potatoes, by J. Kirby, Esq. Boil potatoes of the mealy sort, till they are thoroughly soft, skin and mash them very smooth, and put as much hot water on them, as will make a mash of the consistency of common beer yeast, but not thicker. Add to every pound of potatoes, tw r o ounces of treacle, and when just warm, stir in for every pound of potatoes, two large spoonfuls of yeast. Keep it warm till it has done fermenting, and in twenty-four hours it will be fit for use. A. pound of potatoes will make near a quart of yeast, and will keep three months. This yeast has been found to answer the purpose so well, as not to be able to distinguish the bread made with it, from brewers yeast. TO MAKE YEAST, BY DU. LETSOM. Thicken two quarts of water, w ith four ounces of fine flour, boil it for half an hour, then sweeten it with three ounces of brown sugar; when almost cold, pour it with four spoon-fuils of bakers yeast into an earthen jug, deep enough for the fermenta- tion to go on without running over ; place it for a day over the fire, then pour off the thin liquor from the top, shake the remainder, and close it up for use, first straining it through a sieve. To preserve it sweet, set it in a cool cellar, or hang it some depth m a well. Keep some of this to make the next quantity wanted. TO MAKE YEAST, AS PRACTISE!* AT EDINBURGH, BY THE HON. CAPTAIN COCHRANE. Take two ounces of hops, boil them for an hour m two gallons of water, and while boiling hot, scald ten pounds of flour, and stir it very well into a paste ; do this about eleven o’clock in the forenoon, let it stand till six o’clock in the evening, then add about a quart of yeast, to forward the fermentation, and mix them well together. Next morning add as much more flour and water sufficient to make it into a dough, and in- the afternoon it will be fit for setting sponge and baking. Reserve always a pic-; e of old dough to mix with the new batch, instead of yeast, which is necessary, only the first time to hasten the process. THE METHOD OF MAKING YEAST, BY MR. GIL- LISPIE, A BAKER AT LEITH, WHO USES IT IN PREFERENCE TO DISTILLERS YEAST. In the first place you must have a boiler, cooler, vats, and all the apparatus that would be necessary for a small brewery. Then take four bushels of the best malt, ground as for beer, and mash it in the same manner the brewers do, with sixty-two gallons of water, at the temperature of 180° ; let it be close covered up for two hours, then draw the liquor clear off, and pour on the same quantity of water upon the grains a second time, at nearly the boiling point; let this stand an hour, then draw it off, and mix it BAKING. 69 m the coolers with the first wort, and when -it is about blodd warm, add foiy* English quarts of yeast, to produce the fermentation, and after it has began to ferment t:;e first time, (the froth running over into a receiver for the purpose.) throw it back again, and when ii nas fermented again, throve it back a second time, and it will after the third fermentation, be fit for us", as will be perceived b\ its bring <>• the thickness that good yeast ought to be. Fnm bi-,i;eSs of malt, made in tins way, produces about wratv-iour quarts of yea l ; it is an expen-i i "and troublesome way of procuring it, but Mr. Cillispic finds, that a quart ol it will go as far as a gallon of distillers yeast. DESCRIPTION OR THE RAKE HOUSE. The bake liousc is si manufactory where bread is Bjade for sale, la order to render it convenient, it should be attached to the dwelling house, and have ' an inner door opening into the kitchen, and likewise an outer door opening into a small yard, in which there ought to be a well or pump, and also, a shod tiir piling away faggots. The room should be large and commodious, and the iloor laid with stone.i or tiles. On one side should be erected a dresser or counter, with suitable shelves about it; on another a kneading trough, about seven fret long, three feet high, two ami a half broad at top, and sixteen inches at the bottom, with a sluice board to pen the dough up at one end. and a lid to shut down like that of a box. On the third side a copper that will contain from three to four pails of water should be erected, which is far preferable to the filthy custom of heat- ing the water in the oven ; and on the fourth side the oven should be placed. A bakehouse built upon this plan will, perhaps, be as commodious as art can render it ; but of late years, an alteration has been made iu the manner of fitting up the oven and copper, that both may be heated with the same fire. In order to comprehend the usefulness of this im- provement, it will be necessary to state that an oven, built upon the old principle, is usually of an oval shape ; the sides and bottom of brick, tiles, and lime, and arched over at top with a door in front ; and, at the upper part, an enclosed closet with an iron grating, for the tins to stand on, called the proving oven. To heat these ovens, the faggots are introduced and burnt to an ash : it is then removed, and the bottom cleaned out. This takes up a con- siderable space of time, during which period a great deal of heat escapes. A still farther length of time is necessary for putting in the bread, and unless much more fuel is expended than is really necessary, in heating an oven upon this principle, it gets chilled before the loaves are all set in, and the bread is, therefore, liable to fall : a circumstance that una- voidably renders it heavy. To remedy this inconvenience, many intelligent bakers have, within these few years past, had their evens built upon a solid base of brick -ml lime, with a door of iron, furnished with a damper to carry off the steam as it rises. On one side of it is placed a fire with a grating, ash-hole, and iron door,. similar to that under a copper, with a partition to separate it from the oven, and open at one end. Over this is erected a middling-sized rapper with a cock at the bottom, and on one side of it is placed the proving oven -. the whole being diced with brick and plaster. When this oven is required to be heated, the copper is idled with water, and the fire being kindled with coals, the flame runs round the oven, hi a circular direction, and renders it as hot as if heated with wood, without occasioning the least dirt or ill smell ; and the smoke escapes through an ire, whicji passes into the kitchen chimney. When the coal is burnt to a cinder, there is no nc- ■ cessitv to remove it, as it prevents the oven from < ool’ug while the bread is setting in, ami keeps up a regular heat till the door is closed. The advan- tages ofau ow n built upon this construction, are so considerable, independent of the great saving in fuel, that when its principles come to be generally known amongst bakers, there is no doubt but that they will prefer it to those heated w ith wood. In great bakehouses, where rolls and French bread are wanted every half hour, from eight o’clock in the morning t ill eleven, the perpetual oven invented by Count liumford, will be found particularly use- ful: more especially if they, are called upon to bake treat, puddings, and pies, at different hours in the af- ternoon, At present, after they are done, they are obliged to keep the m warm in the proving oven ; but : the crust always becomes heavy, and the meat sod- | (lened :> but in one of these perpetual ovens, they 1 might have such things baked, at the time their cus- tomers required them, without putting themselves to any material inconvenience, and besides, /there would be this farther advantage attending the bak- ing, that the effluvia arising from the different sorts of meal would never be mixed, and occasion an ill ! taste, as it now does iu the great ovens. The follow- j ing is the description given of it by the Count, with I the manner of using it. In the centre of a circular, or, rather, a cylindrical | mass of brick work, about eight feet in diameter, which occupies the middle of* a large room on the ground floor, I constructed a small, circular, closed fire place, for burning either wood, coals, turf, or peat. The diameter of the fireplace is about eleven inches : the grate being placed about ten inches above the floor, and the top of the fire place contract- ed to about four inches. Immediately above (Ids narrow throat six separate canals (each furnished ! with a damper, by means of which its opening can be contracted more or less, or entirely closed), go off horizontally, by which the flame is conducted in- to six separate sets of fines, under six large plates of cast iron, which formed the bottom of six ovens on the same level, and joining each other by their sides, which are concealed m the cylindrical mass of brick work, ifiach of these plates of cast iron, being in BlKINf? fil- th e ferm of an equilateral triangle, they all mde in \ the centre of the cylindrical mass of br;-k v-»rk ; c >.i- I sequenflv the two sides of each, unite i.i a point at the bottom of it, forming an angle of sixty degrees. The flame, after circulating under the bottoms of these ovens, rises up in two canals, concealed in the front wall of each oven, and situated on the right and left of its mouth; and after circulating again in similar flues, on the upper flat surface of another triangular plate of cast iron, which forms the top of the oven, goes off upwards, by a canal furnished with a damper, into a hollow place, situated on the top of the cylindrical mass of brick-work, from which it passes oil’ in an horizontal "iron tube, about seven inches in diameter, suspended near the ceiling, into a chimney, situated on one side of the room. These six ovens, which are contiguous to each other in this mass of brick- work, are united by their sides, by walls made of tiles, about an inch and a half thick, and ten inches square, placed edgwise, and each oven having its separate canal, furnished with a register, communicating with tiie fire place. Any one, or more of them, may be heated at the same time without heating the others, or thp heat may be turned off from one of them to another, in continual succession, and by managing matters properly, the process of baking may be uninterrupted. As soon as the meat pies, or puddings are drawn out of one oven, the tire may be immediately turned under it, to heat it again, whil • that from under which the lire is taken, is tilled with other dishes and closed up. A detail of the -utensils in use, in a bakehouse, may appear uninteresting; and some of our readers may think it perfectly unnecessary; but those bakers who are solicitous to have good bread, would deem the subject incomplete, without noticing them. The o flowing are the most useful and indispensible requisites. The seasoning tub . — This is of the size and shape of the common wash tub, and is intended for mixing the veast, salt, and water together, before the sponge is sot. i The seasoning sieve. — This is a common sized hair sieve, and is used for straining the mixture through, (hat is prepared for setting the sponge. The zc arming pot . — This is a large copper pot, lined with tin, capable of holding two pails f ill of water. It is filled and set in the oven to warm, before the baker sets his sponge. These are net in universal use, as some people use earthern ones; •but this mode of warming the water, however ob- jectionable, is daily practised by the most respecta- ble linkers in the metropolis. The brass-wire sieve . — This is a large round sieve covered with a sheet of very fine wove, brass- wire; its use is not only to sift the flour before it is knead- ed, but also to detect any lumps, or other impurities that may be contained iii it. The pail. The bow!. The spade. These are requisite for a variety of purposes, and are of the same kind as are in common use. The sa't-bin. — This is a bin with a lid to it, simi- lar to a corn-bin. It should hold ttvo sacks of salt, and is usually placed near the oven. The i/cast-tub. — This is a common six-gallon cask, with a larg 1 bung-hole,, and cover, and is used for preserving the yeast. The dough-knife. — This is usually of the size of a large carver, with a round point and blunt, like a painters pallet knife. Its use is to cut the dough, when the baker is kneading it, before he throws it over the sluice board. It is also used when the bread is weighed, to divide the different portions before they are put in the scales. Scales and weights. 'The scraper. — This is a small scraper, like a gar- den hoe, fixed in a short wooden handle. Its use is to scrape the sides and bottom of tiie trough, to pre- vent the dough from adhering and drying there. Marks. — These are four large tin letters, fixed in a wooden handle. One is marked SV. another if. a third S. W. and the fourth M. : and every loaf, whea- ther wheateii, household, standard wheaten, or mix- ed bread, is obliged in conformity to act of parlia- ment, to be marked with' one of those instruments, before it is put into the oven. The rookcr. This is a long piece of iron, in -shape somewhat resembling the letter L, fixed in a wood- en handle. — Its use is to draw out the ashes from all parts of the oven to the mouth. The hoe. — This is a^piece ofiron, similar to a gar- den hoe, fixed in a handle, partly wood, and- partly iron. Its use is to scrape up such dust and loose ashes as escaped the rocker. The szoabber . — This is a common pole, abouteight feet long, with a quantity of wet netting fastened to the end. Its use is to clean out the bottom of the oven, after the ashes have been removed, previous to setting in the bread. P< eles . — There are usually four peeles kept in a bakehouse, viz. the quartern peele, to set in the quartern loaves; the half quartern peele, for the half quartern loaves; the drawing peele, for draw- ing out the bread; and the peele for placing and removing tiie (ins. The quartern peele is a pole about eight feet long, with a wooden blade; about a foot wide -and sixteen inches long, fixed at the end with strong screws. The half quartern peele is of the same kind; about half tiie length, and much smaller. Tiie drawing peele is a strong pole, ten feet long, with a blade, thicker, broader, and longer tfian the others; the peele for setting in the tins,, has a strong blade of iron, instead of wood, which is fixed wiin sen ws brio the hafidle. Tins, — These are iron plates of different sizes. li The GS BASKET-MAKING. The most usual are about an eighth of an inch thick, |! and are used for covering up the bread, and rolls af- two feet wide, and three feet long. The rolls, pies, j ter they are taken out of the oven, and puddings are put upon these tins and then the The' rasp . — This is a large, coarse, broad, (lab baker runs the blade of the peel under each of them, steel tile, with a wooden handle that runs over the and places them into any part of the oven, with the )| hack. Its use is for rasping the burnt crust off the Utmost facility. Il bread, a«d a finer one is kept to rasp the French Hamids , — These are squares of coarse flannel, l| rolls. BASKET-MAKING. Tiir, ancient Britons have been celebrated for their skill in the manufacture of baskets, from the time of the Romans ; and so much were the baskets of this country valued by that people, that immense quantities of them were exported to Rome, where they were held in great estimation, and bore so high a price, that they are mentioned by Juvenal, among the extravagant and expensive furniture of the Ro- I man tables, of his time. Adde et bascaudas et inille esc aria. Add baskets, and a thousand other dishes. That these baskets were manufactured in Britain, We learn from the following epigram of Martial : Barbara de pictis veni baseauda Brilannis, tied me jam mavult die ere Roma suam. A basket, 1, by painted Briton’s wrought, And now to Rome’s imperial city brought. Baskets are made either of rushes, splinters, or willows, which last are, according to their growth, called osiers, and gallows. Osiers for white work are deprived of their bark, by means of an instrument called the brakes. This instrument has two round legs, proceeding out of, and kept asunder by a spring similar to the sheep shears ; from the back of (his spring projects a point or spill, serv ing to attach the tool to a stake. The osier being placed between- the prongs or legs of the brakes is drawn through with the right hand, whilst | •the left hand clasping the ends of the round legs, presses the osier, and thereby bruises and strips the skin. They are afterwards completely cleaned by a common knife. This operation is generally performed by women and children, who, as soon as the osiers are stripped, expose them to the sun and air, in order to dry them ; they are then housed and kept carefully from moisture, which, if attended to, will preserve them tor many years. The same precaution is necessary for preserving ©siers with their bark on, damp being equally in- j jurious to them. When these osiers are intended to be used, they are soaked in water a few days according to their age and dryness. Osiers depriv- ed of their bark, are assorted by the basket-maker into large and small rods, according to the work for which they are intended, the large ones serving to form the slat and skeleton of the basket, and the smaller ones for weaving the bottom and sides. For common work, such as clothes baskets, market baskets, See. the rod is used whole, but for the finer work, as table mats, fruit and work baskets, and such like, the osier is divided into splits and skains, which words denote the different degrees of fine- ness, to which the rods are reduced. The splits are osiers divided into four parts, by means of a tool, called the cleaver, w hich is made by turning a piece of box wood to .a cane, two inches long, and one and a half inches diameter at its base, this is notched in a direction from the base to the point, leaving between the notches four leaves or edges, projecting from the core or centre, so that a section, the short, or transverse way at any part from the large to the small end, would resemble crosses of different sizes, till it terminated in the point. To use it, the osier is cleft across at the large end, directly through the centre or pith, the point of the cleaver is then introduced, cadi leaf or edge of which falls into the cross cleft, made with the knife, and being forced on with the hand from the large to the small end of the osier, divides it into four equal parts, called splits. These are again parsed through another tool, called the shave, which is in many respects similar to the common spoke-shave; but, as it is intended to be held in the left hand, whilst the split is drawn through with the right, it is fitted in a square instead of a long handle. In set-ting tl'.e iron, which is done by means of two screws, one end of it is kept at a greater distance from the stock than the other; the small end of the split being introduced between the iron an< »he stock, BASKET-MAKING. stock, at that one! of fhe blade which is most distant from the stock, taking' care to keep the out -ide or grain of the split next the wood, whilst the pith is presented to tiie iron, in this way it. is drawn through, forcing it as it advances towards vv price, to the great decay of the plantations. The Welch are also used to tie reed sheaves for thatch ; they are so bitter, that cattle will not browse them, unless driven to the extremity of hunger, and rats will not touch them, although they will destroy almost every kind of bandage. They were formerly -rown fin- the coopers, to bind their hoops; but, for is u - they have long given wr-v to th« hazel : they - very tough and durable, and would rank with t ie b; *t sorts for the use of basket-makers, were they of a better colour when peeled. 2d. The [Vest c::v zhy Spaniard . — Tt is supposed to bavc been first introduced into the west of Eng- Ih.e Spaniard, which is a species of the large willow, land, from Spain. It is very different from Spaniard, which is a species of the large wihuw, and used for hedging-wood and hurdles, In the Isle of Ely, it was long in high estimation, until others were introduced, supposed to be superior in some of their qualities ; the bark is of a blueish grey colour, it grows stout and stately, and objects to no soil; tlie grower, however, urges against it, what he thinks to be a strong objection, viz — that it produces a small crop. It bares comparatively | only a few shoots on a head; this is certainly true; i but what then ? — then it is not so profitable. I admit i it, provided only an equal number to be planted on j an acre with those that bear more shoots; but why should the grower tie himself to plant an equal mim- | her of different sorts on a given quantity of land? The nursery man is governed bv no such rule • and the fanner woujd become an object of pity, w ere he to sow an equal quantity of every sort ofgrain on an acre. The Society is bound to draw some line to i prevent fraud, but the planter and farmer would be guided only by the burthen which the land is capa- i file of bearing, fvly experience teaches, that an acre of land will carry of this sort, 14,000 plants with more ease than 12,000 of the best new- kind. 3d. I have not been able to learn where the new hind originated. It is well known every where ; ! and although it must be much older in some conn- 1 lies than others, it is universally called by that name, j There are, however, two sorts : the other is called the last, or best new kind. The bark of the former 1 l is of a light brown colour; that of the latter resem- | bles rusty iron, with light longitudinal stripes; it is j on that account called, by some persons, the Corduroy. When the new kind was first introduced into the I Isle of Ely, it soon expelled most of those of the first I class; the few that are retained are used by the fish- j ermen to make grigs, or twig tunnels, to catch eels | and other fish ; it still maintains considerable repu- tation, but yields to the last new kind, which, be- j sides possessing most of the best properties, produces, on an average, at least four shoots on the head more than any other, and it w ill grow well in a dry mel- low sail. As its shoots are more numerous, a great- er space should be attached to it, to draw nourish- ment from tire earth, and to admit the rays of the sun and circulation of air, so necessary to the growth of every plant : 11.000 an acre is quite sufficient on good land. But the best of all, considered in a public or political view, is 4th, The lunch. Under this name the ground setter is frequently sold; and 1 am informed that it BASKET-MAKING, was so called from its tendency, whennoglected, cillagf, and becomes a good manure. In embanked districts, subject to frequent and long inundations, two cither advantages are obtained from these raised beds: the osiers are thereby removed farther from the reach of the ice, which on a thaw floats into the- lower plantations, and does them much injury. When the waters are high, in the cutting or plant* I ing season, the beds are more accessible than the level ground; but having had the command of t* e water 1 s" summer, by a null or engine, I dug out the peat into turf, having first laid qside tlie uppmr I spit: t e turf beipg remove; , I shall return this spit into the ditch, and plant upon it; thus no ground xvi ! i be lost. In the year 1796 I made an experiment on an ! acre of land of this quality. I ploughed one half of ! it, and t !i e other haif-was. dug with the spade, about i fourteen inches deep; the sod of that thickness was inverted by the spade. The plantation on t c 1 8 ploughed BASKET-MAKING. stf ploughed land was very weak, aiul tailed in many places; that which followed the spade did belter ; but they are both so bad, that they must be renewed this year. On the former, the best land lay upper- most, which, when deprived by the heat, of itf. mois- ture, derived no assistance to suppovt the plants from the peat that lay underneath ; on ihe latter, some of the best land was laid in the ground, but not deep enough to retain a sufficient quantity of moisture. The preceding year 1 planted in a piece contiguous, on banks. as before described; and there the osiers do well. I have a rich loam lying on a bed of potter’s clay. The situation is low, and exposed to the water. French osiers were very scarce, and I could procure I only a few hundreds last year: .determined to eke j them out as far as J could. I laid them down in their j whole length, and pegged them on the* ground; I they struck good roots into the earth, and threw out ! abundant shoots. This experiment, together with that of planting t upon banks, wiil enable us to answer the question , often asked, a Of what length ought the set to be : ” j it depends entirely upon the nature and situation of j ihe land. There should be so much of it in the ground as to enable it to procure moisture; and so much of it out of the ground as to make it accessible in the cutting season, where much weeding is not required : and W'here there are no floods, or where they subside quickly, there ought to be very little of it out of the ground. The nourishment, in that case, w'ill pass immediately from the roots to the rods, or i shoots, without the burden of first, supplying the ! head or stock. Every experiment that I have made confirms my , opinion, that the autumn, and not the spring, is the most proper season for planting. Those who think with me say, that the fall of the leaf indicates the proper time to cut the sets ; it certainly is so in ge- neral ; but the leaf of the osier, like that of the oak i and other trees, will sometimes prolong its depar- ture. The stagnation of the juices is the true crite- rion by which to judge; not on account of the set, j but of the trunk, lest, if you amputate it whilst the , juices are in circulation, it should bleed to death. I have planted in the first week- of October, and the ! sets appeared to remain torpid for the remainder of j the year; about Christmas I took up several of them, | and was much pleased to fir.d they had struck root, although they had given no outward appearance of vegetation from the time of planting. It is probable j that the earth retains a sufficient portion of the sum- | rner heat until toe autumn, to give life to plants at the root, w hen the atmosphere at that time may be so cold, as to discourage any exertions above ground ; and perhaps nature may i;e more vigorous when her operations are confined to one point. When you plant in spring, the set seems (if I may speak so figuratively) to have its attention distracted by tw® operations not very homogenous, the one up- 1 wards, the other downwards. It is impelled to shoot its radicles into the earth, to form its stability, and procure sustenance ; and it is called upon at the same time to put forth its leaver and branches. To speak without a figure, the prolific sun and air conduce to exhaust the juices, in extending the shoots before the roots are sufficiently strong and large to support the drainage; hence it is that, contrary to the com- i monly received opinion, a warm and dry spring is always injurious to the young plantations. If there be not sufficient rain to convey sustenance by the leaf and bark, in aid of the small quantity procured by the root, the plant must die or dwindle, and it is very observable that the first vigour of the late planted set is a sure prognosticator of its decline or dissolution. In the autumn of 1795, 1 made a small plantation, and on the remainder of the piece I planted in March follow ing. In the beginning of May, those last planted were the forwardest, which, for a time, staggered my opinion of the most proper time for planting: but in June, those planted m the autumn had much the advantage, and have conti- nued to grow well. Those that were set in the spring, decayed in summer, and many of them died. When the fibres have been formed before the winter, or when a tendency to form them has been observed, by the swelling of the hark, and particularly at the' eye, the plant is enabled to charge itself with a suf- ficient portion of the juices to answer the demand of spring. The rule, therefore, which I lay down for myself, w'here no obstructions are raised by the water, is to plant as early in the autumn as i can cut the sets, without endangering the parent stock. ” Notwithstanding the prevailing notion, that osiers will not thrive in any situations but such as are wet, we have the testimony of a considerable planter to the contrary. This person has some of the most healthy and flourishing plats we have ever seen, in situations high and dry; and we are informed by him that the basket-makers prefer, for tlie generality of work, osiers grow ing in these situations, to those produced in low and marshy ground. Flis ground was well manured and sown with tur- nips, and the sets or cuttings (which were eighteen inches in length) put about -ten incites into the ground, and about one foot nine inches asunder. This person differs from Mr. Phillips, and prefers I spring planting, which w r e believe to he the prevail- ing custom in the western counties, where the fol- lowing sorts are mostly planted ; namely, the brown-red, orange-red, and yellow. Uut as the basket-maker has occasion for various qualities of osiers, and each of these kinds has its peculiar advan- tages, the planter should put in some of each sort; as this will enable him in a short time to ascertain what kind suits best with the soil and situation. In the trial of another cultivator, detailed in the Transactions of the Society of Arts , — “ the soil is a strong clay, resting on a retentive clay subsoil of great *AKKET-MAKI\«f. 67 great depth. It has lung been in a state of tillage, and is inclosed by Hourihing woody hedges. The soil is naturally of a weak nature, has been much impoverished by bad management, and, as arable land, is not worth five shillings per acre. Th greater part of the plantation in the year 1800. consisted of oats, and received only one ploughing of a mean depth, previous to planting. Nine acres were wheat in 1800, after the summer fallow. Three acres in the same field with the nine, were sown with grass seeds, in the autumn of 1800, and : were planted at the same time with the rest, with- ' out any preparation whatever, except that of liar- rowing once in a place. Eight acres, which were last planted, were in various states of tillage ; some ! were a good fallow in 1800; some were sown with i grass seeds in the autumn of that year ; and some ! w re very grassy, and lmcl lain all the summer j without ploughing. The grassy part, and the part sown with grass seeds, were ploughed once before planting, but the part which was summer fallow, was not ploughed. The planting was began on the 9th of February, 1801, and continued till the whole was finished, which was on the 23d of March. The sets were large cuttings of about eighteen inches in length, thrust into the ground by hand, having from four to six inches of their length above the surface. They w re all planted in rows, from twenty-t.vo, to thirty inches asunder, anil the sets from twelve to twenty-four inches asunder in the rows; but lew were planted at the widest distances.” He adds, that the plants made a more vigorous shoot in spring, then t ey did afterwards; but they are allowed by judges to- look uncommonly well, j Very few sets have failed, perhaps not above a*' hundred on an acre, except in {fie field last planted where the dead sets are more numerous. This may be owing more to the treatment tue sets receiv- ed, than to the time in which they were planted. Ti es were brought round the North, and Soot Forelands, were put out of the ship into a barge, 1 and from thence into a vtaggon, and then remained some, time before they were planted. Those plant- j that succeeded, wheat are much the best osiers : am those planted on the seeds without ploughing art the worst. They are invariably the best where the ground is cleanest; and from this circumstance be is led to think, that summer fallowing before plant- ing would be judicious management A neighbour of his, he says, planted 350 sets in his garden, 341 of which produced osiers ; the rest died. The soil of the garden is clay. They were planted the latter end of March, in rows, thirty inches by twenty-one inches asunder, with beans between the rows. Thr 341 sets, have produced a bundle of osiers of about thirty-eight inches iii circumference ; and. some of v them are upwards of ten teet in length. This * thinks proves, that the soil is congenial, and the tillage favourable to the growth of osiers, iu the , 9 plantation already mentioned, there are several sorts, bnt principally those known by the name of the tic zc Icii/ii." This experiment was made by Mr- ’berry, at New- wood farm, Stoke D’Auberton, in Surrey. The following method is practised, as stated in tlje fifth volume of the Farmer’s Magazine, 1>i the fens, many holts (as they are provincially called,) or plantations of osiers are rais d, which beautify the country, keep the stock warm in the winter, and' irovide much useful wood for baskets, cradles, and all kinds of wicker work, and also for cribs for cat- tle to eat straw or hay out of, and to make stows or hurdles to fence in stacks, part land, &c. &c. or they make hedges that will last four years well, and if allowed to grow live years, many of them would make fork shafts for hay or corn. These holts or plantations of osiers are commonly made in the middle of the land, in the north and east corners, and sometimes at any end, side, or place, that appears most easy, or in any respect, the most desirable. The situation and size of these holts vary exceed- ingly. Sometimes they are made in the middle of lauds, from 10 to 00 yards square, and in others, in the sides or ends, of from 1 yard wide to 11, and from 10 to 100 yards long. The mode of planting is very simple ; it is, first to dig the land from 0 to 12 inches deep, and ti.en to prick down cuttings of 4 years growth, and IS inches long, at about three feet distance from each other. The soil should be moor or clay, or any that is low and wet ; if drowned half the year, it will be but lii.tle the worse.. > These holts or osier plantations must be fenced round, either with dikes which is most common, or with hedges Which is most convenient. The proper season for making them (they seldom fail of growing at any time) is from the fall of the leaf: till very lfite - in the spring, and the sets are very cheap. Such plantations are cut annually for baskets, skrps-, scut- tles, cradles, and all kinds of wicker work, but when, the osiers are kept for. sets, or to make hedging wood, or for stows or hurdle's, they are cut only once in four years. Wherever tiie farmer lias lands that are suited to this sort of cultivation, as there is a con- ■taut demand tor such articles, he should never ne- glect making plantations, as nothing that he can put upon such land will pay him so well. It is observed by Mr. A. Young, that the late Mr. Forby, of Norfolk, knew the value of these planta- tions well, for various purposes. Osiers planted in - nail -mots, and along some of his hedges, supplied nitn with hurjlle-stut? enough to make many eozdns every year, so that he supplieoljumseif entirely with at article, as well as with a profusion of all sorts of baskets, especially, one kind treat ie used for mov- ing cabbage plants, for which purpose they were much better than tumbling the plants loose in a. cart. . BASKET MAKING, cart. The common osiers lie cut for this purpose at three years, and tiiat with y> Dow bark at four. As the planting ofosiers is considered very profit- able to those who may have ground well adapted to it, we subjoin tne following account of the expenses. Of one icr< j »nd a half of osiers, having fourscore boults (of forty-two inches girt) to the acre. Weeding twice or weeding and hoeing, j£l 10 0 Catting 2s. (id. per score 15 0 Sorting 2s. (id. per score 15 0 Whiting or stripping per load, all expenses 2 2 0 Binding per load 7 0 A load consists cf sixscore boults of green or four- - score bo aits of white. The business of a basket maker requires but a small capital either of money or ingenuity, in conse- •squenfce ofwhic , it has b< en fixed upon as one of the most proper occupations for that class of our suffer- ing fellow creatures, the indigent blind, for whom an A vlum was first opened in Liverpool in the year 1790, under the auspices of the Revd. Henry Dan- net, Minister of St. Johns. The following account •fthe institution, selected from Aikin’s History of .Manchester, cannot fail of being interesting to all our readers. “ In reflecting on the situation of those persons who labour under that heavy calami- ty the loss of sight, it must occur to every one that this misfortune is aggravated by the want of employ- ment for the mind, and by a consciousness of being useless to themselves, and in many cases a burthen to ©tears. Frequent experience lias, however, shewn, that blind persons are capable of becoming expert in various mechanical employments, and in some ca- ses of making a surprizing proficiency in useful ac- complishments. The education of persons in this ■situation requires, however, a different process from that which is usually adopted : and it was there- fore suggested that if a school of industry were es- tablished for the blind, vvitii proper instructors, the •ngost Demticial effects might be derived from it. A subscription for this purpose was accordingly open- ed, an t wo -ouses fronting i:;e area before the in- forwKiry, w dye. ly.nied, as a temporary accomodation l for the pupils. The earnestness with which the be~ ' nefits held forth by t is institution, were grasped at by the u- fortunate objects of its kindness, is a con- j vine! g pi’ of. > ai their inactivity was not voluntary, nor t. eir situation ’ opeless. Several pupils were Immediately admitted of different ages, most of w <s BLOCK-MAKING. n legs left long enough to lash through the eyes, round I a mast, yard, Sec. as the top-sail clue-lines, clue- j garnets, and sprit-sail clue-lines, &c. Blocks strapped with a thimble, or hook and thim- j ■ble, have the straps spliced together at the ends. | The block is fixed in one bight, for the splice to lay i on the arse of the block, and the thimble in the other bight; the seizing is put on between the block and thimble, with eight under and six riding turns, ac- cording to the size of the block, each turn strained tight by a heaver; the turns double crossed, and the ends stopped with a wall knot crowned. Blocks strapped with double tails are fixed in the strap similar to blocks with eye-straps; and those with a single tail are spliced in .and served with spun-yarn over the splice. Girt-line blocks are strapped in the house, and the gift-lines reeved, See Elements and Practice of Rigging. Vo/. 1. Bee-blocks are made of elm, in length seven- ninths, the length of the bee in depth, two inches for every foot of length, and in thickness seven- eighths of the depth. A block of this kind is trim- med square, chamfered on the outside edges, and fitted with a sheave in one end, and in the other end j is cut a hole, to be fitted with a sheave, in case the ; other should fail. The sheave-hole is two-sevenths ' of the length of the block, and one-fourth the length of the sheave hole, in breadth, and half the length of the sheave-hole within the end. Bee-blockp are bolted to the outer ends of bow- sprits, under the bees, and the bolts serve like ( the j axis or pin for the sheaves to work upon ; the fore- top-mast stay, reeves through the sheave-hole at the \ foremost end of the starboard bec-biock, and the fore-top-mast preventer, or spring-stay, throng 1 : the | sheave- hole, at the after end of the larboard bee- block. Thick and thin , or quarter -block, is a double I j loci. ! with one sheave thicker than, t.e other, and is used i to lead down the top-sail-sheets, and clue-lines. — | Although these are used for the top-sail-sheets, and intended for the clue # liues, a single block would be I cheaper and better, as the thin sheave is seldom I used for the clue-lines, it being found rather to impede than to facilitate. Small ships in the merchant service, have a double block lashed in the middle of the yard, as he quarter block-, through which the sheets reeve, and lead down on opposite sides. Large si.ips in the merchant service, have a single block lashed on each side of the middle of the yard, and the sheets reeve on their respective sides, and lead down by t’ e mast. Brail-blocks, in rigging the mizen yard, are strapt together in one strap, and lie over the yard, and seize together- tmderneqth ; the t'roat- blocks next the cleats to the mast; the middle-blocks in the middle between the throat-block and peek; the pppk-blocks ‘about three or four feet within the cleats at the peek. Vo jaf, or viol-block , is a single sheaved block. The ■length is ten times the thickness of the sheave- hole, which is three-eighths more than the thickness of the sheave ; the thickness of the sheave is one- tenth more than the diameter of the viol; and the diameter of the sheave is seven times the thickness. The breadth of the block should be eight times the thickness df the sheave, and the thickness two - sevenths of the length. This block is double scor- ed, the sheave is coaked with brass, and the pin is iron, and nearly as thick as the sheave. It is used in heaving up the anchor. The viol passes round the jeer capstan, and through the block, which is lashed to the main-mast, and the cable is fastened in a temporary manner to the viol in several places. It is seldom used except in the largest ships in the royal navy. Check blocks, or half-blocks , are made of elm plank; the length being twice and a half the depth of the top-mast head; the breadth is seven-eighths of the depth of the top-mast-head, and the thickness half that depth. The depth of each tenon, and thickness of the cheek, when the sheave-hole is cut, is each three eighths of the whole thickness, so that the remaining two-eighths are the sheave-hole. The three tenons each are two inches square, one in the middle, and one at each end ; and tne length of the holes is more than the breadth of the block, by the thickness of the sheave. The back of the block is divided into three parts, and one-third on each side is bearded down to one-third the thickness of the cheek on each edge. Pins of iron are made for fastening them to the top-mast head, and for durability, the sheave-holes are coppered. Cheek-blocks are bolt- ed to the thwart-ship sides of the top-mast heads, close up under the cap, the bolts serve as the pin, or axis, for the sheaves to work on; the jib- stay, and haliards, and foretopmast stays, sail-stay, and ha- liards reeve through the cheek blocks at the fore- topmast head, and the maintop mast stay-sail haliards, and middle-stay sail-stay and halyards reeve through the cheek blocks, at the main-top- mast, head. Sister-blocks, are similar to two single blocks, and are formed out of a solid piece, about twenty inches long, one above the other. Between the blocks is a scoring for a middle seizing : a round head is turned at each end, and hollowed underneath to contain the end seizings; along the sides, through which the pins are driven, is a groove or scoring, large enoug i to receive part of the topmast shrouds, in w .k li it is seized. These blocks receive the lifts and reef tackle pendants of the top-sail-yards. Clue line-blocks, in rigging the sprit-sail-yard, are strapped with two eyes, and are lashed’ through those eyes round the yard, three feet without tiie slings ; the lashing to be upon the yard. In rigg- ing die sprit-sail top- -ail-yard, these blocks are strap- ped with two eyes, and are lashed through those eyes round round the yard, about two f-*et w : * Iscut (ho slii-gs. j The fine-line k belts, in rigging the top-fail yard?, \ j a re si rapt \v i.tvtf lashing eyes, and Irish upon the yard three feet without the slings ; the l.h eks bang* • ing underneath the yard, through which the due-linn i reeves, and is strap! with a knot, and leads down 1 upon the deck. In rigging the top-gallant jards, tl.e blocks are strap! with two lashing eyes, and lash j upon the yard three feet without the slings. The jj ■blocks hang under the yard, through which is reev- ] • ed the clue-line, which is stopt with a knot. The leading part leads down the mast, and into the lower shrouds. Some sloops and light rigged vessels have ■no clue-line blocks ; they lower the yards. Mr. Brunei has made a great improvement in these blocks. The old clue-line, or clue garnet- block, (for they are the same except in size) was a single sheaved block, strapped with two eyes ; a knot was made in the end of the clue-ling or gar- net, just at the place where it was attached to the j clue of the sail, to prevent the corner thereof being drawn into, the block. This was not ef- fective, and frequent inconvenience arose, for the I sail being constantly in motion, the rope had a great j tendency to get entangled with the sail, and .drawn j over the sheave. To prevent this, the sheave is j situated in the centre of the block, so as to be whol- ly inclosed except a mortise, where the sheave is j put in. The strap surrounds the lower part of the block, then both ends pass through a hole in the upper part, crossing each other. They are then formed into an eye, by which the block is suspended | from the yard. By this means no accident can hap- ! pen, as the garnet rope is so inclosed in the block. 1 Strap bound blocks , are single blocks, with a j shoulder left on each side, at the upper part, to ad- mit the strap through a little above the pin. These blocks are used at the clues of the square-sails for the clue-garnets, or clue-lines ; and under the yards, the shoulder prevents the strap from chafing. Nirte-pin blocks , are used to lead the running ropes in an horizontal direction. The shells, made of ash, or elm, resemble the form of a nine pin, though flattened on the sides. Their lengths are generally confined to the places in which they are fixed, and this is for the most part under the cross pieces of the fore-castle and quarter-deck bitts. The breadth of the block, sheave, &c. is governed by the rope, and taper at the ends to three eighths of the breadth of the middle ; the pins at each end ser- ving as a vertical axis, is two-thirds of the size cf the end. The thickness is five-eighths of the breadth. These blocks may be turned in a lathe, and flatten- ed afterwards with a spoke-shave. Shoulder -block, is a large single block, left nearly square at the upper end of the block, and cut slop- ing in the direction of the sheave. Shoulder-blocks are used on the lower yard arms, to lead in the top- sail-sheets; and on top-sail yards, to lead in ihetopi- g d 1 ■ : '-beets, and by means of the shoulder are ke< ’ ••mrg’-.t, and prevent the sheets from jambing betv. ■;■. rite. block and the yard; they are also used at t ho outer end ofihe bomkins, to lead in the fore tackle. Hack blocks, are a range of small single block*, made from one solid, by the same proportions as single block-, which ends in form of a dove’s tail for the lashing, by winch they are fastened athwart the bowsprit, to lead- m the running ropes; they are seldom used. Long tackle blocks , are two single sheaves placed one above the other in the same shell. The lower sheave is only two-t birds the size of the other; it is used in combination w ifh a common single block, to form the long tackle, for loading, or any other pur- chase. In the navy and East India service they are . used as yard tackles. The rope is reeved through it in the same manner as it would be through a com- mon double block ; but it is preferred where it is con- venient, because the strap being in the center of the resistance, it hangs more steadily than when the sheaves are on one pin. Monkey blocks, are sometimes used on the lower yards of small merchant ships, to lead (into the mast, or clown upon the dock) the running rigging belong- ing to the sails. The shells are made of ash or elm. Some are only small single blocks attached bv a strap and iron swivel to iron straps, which embrace and nail to the yard the block turning to lead the small ropes in any direction; ethers are nearly eight square, with a roller working in the middle, and a wooden saddle beneath to fit and nail to the yard. • Shoe blocks, are two single blocks, cut in a solid piece, transversely to each other ; they serve for legs and falls of the bunt-lmes, but are seldom used. I) blocks are lumps of oak in the form of the let- ter D, from 12 to 16 inches long, and 8 or 10 ieet wide; they are boiled to the ship’s side in the chan- nels to receive the lifts. Main sheet block is used for the sheet tackle of the mam-sail- booms of small vessels. The pin projects from each side of the block, being in all the same length as the block : the fall or rope of the tackle is belayed or twisted round this pin, to stop it. This block is either single or double, and has a hole through the end to receive its strap. Snatch block, is a single sheave, with a notch cut through one of its cheeks, to admit the rope or fall to be lifted in and out of the block, without putting its end through first. It is a convenient block for heaving any rope in the navy. The snatch blocks are iron bound, terminating at the notched end of the block, with a swivel hook or an eye-bolt, large enough to receive several turns of lashing, which fastens the block to its fixed support. That part of the strap over the notch in the side lifts up with a hinge, and is confined down, when the rope is in the block, by a small pin put across through the end of CLOCK-MAKING. n tSie pin ofthe sheave, which projects up the block, sufficiently to pass through an eye made in the hinge part of the strap. The strap on the other part of the block is let into the block, and confined by the ! >in and some nails. These blocks are used for leavv purchases, where a warp or hawser is brought to the capstan. Clue-garnet blocks. — These are single sheaves sus- pended from the yards, by a strap w ith two eyes : a lashing surrounds the yard and passes through the eyes, so as to suspend the block beneath the yard ; these blocks receive the clue-garnets or ropes which haul up the clues of the sail; this is applied to the main and fore-yard. Deep scalim block , is a small wooden snatch-block, from about nine to ten inches long. The blocks lashed to a ships principal yards, are as follow. To the lozcer i/ctrds. — The jeer-block ; buntline- blocks; leech-line-blocks ; lift-blocks, and topsail- sheet blocks, strapped together ; quarter and slab- line-blocks, strapped together ; clue-garnet blocks ; tricing-blocks ; preventer brace blocks ; pendant blocks; studding-sail halyards blocks. To ike topsail -yards. — Buntline and tye-blocks strapped together; top-gallant-sheet block, and lift block strapped together; jewel block and brace pendant blocks ; clue-line blocks, and block to lead down the top-gallant sheets. To the top-gallant yards. — Jewel, clue-line, and j brace pendant blocks. To the when yard. — Jeer-block; derrick-block: j signal halyard block ; throat brail, middle brail, : and cook brail-blocks. To the cross jack-yard. — Quarter-blocks ; jeer j blocks : and lift and topsail-sheet blocks strapped ! together. Vo the bozesprit. — The bee block, bolted to the bowsprit at the outer end under the bees; forebow- line-blofcks, lashed on each side the fore-stay collar; ! fore-topsail-boW line-block lashed to an eye bolt in ; the bowsprit cap. Fish-block, is hung in a notch at the end of the da- | vit, and serves to haul up the flukes of the anchor to j the ships bow’. Girl-fine blocks , in rigging the fore mast and main and mizen masts, are lashed round the mast head, above the top of the cap; one to hang on each side. The girt lines that reeve through them, lead down upon deck for hoisting the rigging, tops, and cross- tree, and the persons employed to place the riggiug over the mast head. ( al-bloek. is employed to draw the anchor up at the cat-head. Bunt-line blocks, are lashed in rigging the lower- yards, like the leech-line blocks in the middle be- tween them and the slings of the yard. These, in rigging the topsail yards, are spliced round the strap «i the topsail tye-block upon the yard. Deirick-block, in rigging the mizen yard, is strap- ped with eyes, that go round the yard, and lash un- derneath, between the slings and the outer yard-ana or peek; the other block is ^ross seized into the strap, has an eve spliced in each end, and lies upon the mizen cap, and seizes or hangs through the eye* under the cap, or upon the upper side of it. Leech-line-blocks, in rigging the lower yards, arc, lashed round the yard, and through the eye of the strap, ten feet within the cleats on each yard-arm; the blocks hang on the fore part of the yard. Lift-blocks , in rigging the lower yards, are spliced unto the top of the topsail sheet blocks; the lift* reeve through the block ntthe span round the mast - head, between that and the top-mast, then lead down abreast the shrouds, and reeve through a block fas- tened to the side, and are there belayed. In rigging the-topsail yards, the lift blocks are strapped w ith an eye to the side of the yard arm. The lift reeves through the lower sheave in the sister-block in the topmast-shrouds, and through the block on the yard - arm. The standing part hooks to a becket round the topmast-cap, and the leading part leads dowu the side of the mast, and belays to the dead eyes in the low er shrouds. Made blocks, have the shell firmed of several pieces of elm plank, suited to the thickness of the cheeks, sheave holes, and middle part*, and are strongly bolted together with three bolts at each end, driven through and clenched on a ring at the points. These blocks have flatter cheeks and more square ed- ges, than other treble and four-fold blocks. Of this sort are large treble and four-fold blocks, for heaving down sliips, or other heavy purchases. Smaller made blocks of modern invention, are formed of two pieces, joining in the middle; the pin working as patent rollers, let into the inside ofthe cheeks, which are bolted or ri vetted together at the ends. These blocks are thought too complex for the Royal Navy/ and are not so easily remedied in case of failure. Slab-fine blocks, in rigging the lower yards, are strapt with a short lashing eye, that seizes to the span ofthe quarter-blocks underneath the yard. Top -ga llant-s heel blocks , in riggiug top-sail yards, are strapt with two lashing eyes, and lashed upon the yard, close within the clue-line blocks on e^ch side. Top-sail-sheet blocks, in rigging the low er yards, are put over the yard-arms, strapped with an eye of the size ofthe yard-arm. Tricing-blocks, for the yard-tackles, are strapped with a short lashing eye, that seizes round the yard about one third ofthe length within the arm cleats; the blocks hanging under the yard. Tye-blocks, in rigging the top-sail-yards, lashed at the top-mast-head close up to the rigging, under tlu; collar of the stay, as the lower ones ; and the blocks on the yards lash under the fore-part of the yard, as the lower ones, and reeve with a double tye, in large ships, and with a single tye, like the lower, in small L 1 7*4 g?- ON -BINS TNG. ones. The staTiUlng part* ©ft!ie dfvubte tyes clinch [' round the mast-head, then reeve through the double block upon the yard, and up again, and reeve through the block on each side of the mast-head. The blocks are then spliced in their loner ends, and connected by their haliartls to a single block, that is 'strapt with a long strap, with a hook and thimble, that books to a swivel eye-bolt in the channel on each ; side ; the leading part comes in through a block lashed on each side ; the foremost ones abaft the forecastle, and the after ones on the quarter deck. Warping block is made of elm or ash board,; shaped like the body of a bellows : the sides or «heeks are 8T inches broad, in the middle, ami tapered to two inches broad at the ends ; the, back or longest check, is sixteen inches long, and 7- pighths of an inch thick, with a hole bored through the upper end to receive a leathern strap ; the upper cheek is 12 inches long, and 7-cighths of an inch thick, except the lower end, which is 1. 7-eighths 1 inch thick, apd fartfl? fhe s? 5 e?.ve-Iio?e. The sheave is 1, 1- 'fourth inch thick, and 7, I -ha if incises in diameter, mad* of lignumvitae, coaked w it!» brass ; it is let into the checks one eighth of an inch, to prevent the yarn from getting between the sheave a: d the cheeks. The cheeks are fastened together at the lower end with three screws qnd nuts; and the pm, which is iron, is seynn inches long, driven through the middle of the block, with a shoulder cn the upper side, and clinched at the point on the lower side of the shell : the upper part of the pin is tapered small, am! a wooden handle ri vetted upon it. The cheeks have a broad chamfer round the outer edges; the inside edges, and inside of the block above the sheave, are lined with thin iron neatly screwed on, to prevent the block from wear- ing. This block is finished in a neater manner than blocks in general, and is seldom used but by rope- makers, to warp olf the yarn into hauls, for tarring. BOOK-BINDING. The art of Bookbinding, there can be little doubt, must be as ancient as that of writing books; for, whatever might be the substance on which the work , was written, some mode or other of uniting the parts became necessary. The earliest method that we are acquainted with, is that of rolling the different parts ©r sheets round cylinders. Phillatius, a learned Athenian, was either the inventor or improver of this mode of binding, his countrymen having erected ,, a statue to his memory on that account. This method consisted of first glueing together the leaves, and then attaching them to cylinders, round which thev were rolled, this is called Egyptian binding. The present manner of binding books is, however, of great antiquity; some authors state it to be the invention of one of the Attali, kings of Pergamus, to whom w e are also indebted for the mode of prepar- ing parchment. Modern, or square binding, is of two kinds : the one particularly adapted to printed books, where leather forms the general covering, and the other more immediately applied to account books, where parchment or vellum is made use of as the outside covering. We shall begin with the former, and for the purpose of rendering the subject as clear and in- ! telligible as the nature of it w ill allow, we shall ar- j I range it under different heads, beginning with a de- scription of the tools. 1st, The Slarufitig Press, which is a large press, with it s screw perpendicular, and . similar to those used by 1 paper-makers; this is strongly fastened to the room in any convenient situation, its use being to press tlse books flat, in various stages of their progress. 2d, The Cutting Press. This is very different from i the former, and consists of two cheeks, or beams, of [ about three feet in length, laying horizontally on a I tub or frame; in the off cheek is cut two inside screws, and in the near cheek, exactly opposite, is | bored two cylindrical holes, near the ends, through i which two w ooden screws pass, and enter the nuts or ; inside screws in the off cheek. These screws are ' about eighteen inches long, having large heads, i through which are bored at right angles to each other, two holes, for the purpose of introducing the j press pin, by which the books are pinched between | the cheeks. Whatever, therefore, is to be put into j this press, must not exceed in length the distance bf- i tween the two screws. On the upper side of the off i cheek, and running lengthw ise, are nailed two slips, about an inch and Half asunder, forming a groove cr channel, in which the cutting plough is to run. 3rd. The Plough. This, like the former, con- L • _ sists ROOK-BINDIN& gists of two checks, made light and small, which arc ' drawn together Dv a single screw. To one of its cheek- is affixed a knife, which lies flat upon the up- j per face of the cutting pre.-«. The inode of using it ! is this : having placed the book intended to be cut j in the cutting press, with as much of its leaves as j you intend cutting away, rising above it, place the j plough in the groove, and open its cheek so much as to let the point of the knife pass without cutting any part of the book. Grasp with the right hand the head, and with the left hand the other end of the screw, and proceed to draw it towards, and push it from you, shuffling the screw a little each time it passes the book ; and in this manner proceed until the knife has removed that part of the book which is intended to be cut away. 4th. The '.-'ezcing Press. Tiie bed of the sewing press is commonly a piece of hard wood, about one inch thick, one foot wide, ami about two feet long. A groove is cut through it, which extends near its whole length, and about one inch in, from one of its edges; this groove may be about three quarters of an inch wide. Into the bed is fixed two wooden screws furnished with nuts, on that side the board in which the groove is made, and as near the ends as is consistent with strength, and the centre of the screws agreeing with the centre of the groove; a piece of wood is then fitted on the screws, having- two holes in its ends, of sufficient size to admit of its sliding freely up and down on the threads of the screws. The middle of this bar is turned round, leaving the ends fiat, for the purpose of making the holes ; and, as the bar rests upon the nuts, it rises or sinks with them. Its use is to stretch the cords or bands to which the sheets or sections of a hook are sewn. To perform tin's, fasten one end of the cord to the bar, and the other end to a small key, first passing the cord down through the groove : proceed to fasten the number of hands required (which is six for folios, and five for quartos and smaller sizes) in the same manner, and bring the whole to a proper degree of tightness, by means of the two nuts, which force the bar up from the bed of the press. oth. The Beating Stone is commonly fourteen or fifteen inches square on the upper surface, which is required to be smooth. The stone should lie hard and sound, and of considerable thickness. It is ge- nerally placed in a barrel nearly filled w ith sand, which kerns it from springing. Gth. The Beating Hammer. A short heavy hammer, sometimes twelve or fourteen pounds, re- sembling- in some measure the shoemakers’ hammer, having a smooth and convex or round face, the han- dle being about six indies long-. Its use is to beat the book until it becomes solid, fiat, and smooth ; to perform which, about one hundred pages are laid on the beating stone at a time, and held by the corner, firmly, between the finger and thumb of the left hand, to prevent the sheets shifting, whilst they arc beat with the hammer in the right hand, taking care to change the book about, so as to beat the whole equally, and frequently changing the order of the sheets so as to present cadi sheet to the action of the hammer. When books are fresh printed great care must be taken not to beat them too hard, that the print from one page, may not set oft’ on that which i? opposite; and when there are prints, silver paper should be placed before them, to prevent the same thing happening ; indeed, where the engravings arc valuable, they should not be put into the book until it has been beaten. 7th. Gold Knife, commonly a long spatula, or painter’s knife, which is used for cutting the gold leaf into proper sizes on the gold cushion. 8th. The Gold Cushion. This is made by lay- ing a quire of blotting, or other soft paper, on a flat board of the same size, and covering it with a piece of rough calf skin. It should be kept carefully from grease, which is best clone by rubbing some warm ashes over it before it is used. 9th. The Backing Hammer. For this purpose the common shoemaker’s hammer is used, of the largest size. iOth. Ivor a or Bone Knife, for folding- or cut- ting paper. 11th. Pressing Boards , are flat boards made of well seasoned beech, the small ones being about 5- eighths of an inch thick, and the large ones one inclj. The sizes depend on the books they are intended to press, and therefore, are known by the same name, as octavo boards, quarto boards, See. 12tb. Cutting Boards, are slips of feather edged board, thinner one side than the other, the thick side being from one half to one inch, which is re- duced half on the thin side. 13th. Backing Boards. These are the same as the cutting boards, with this difference, that they are a little bevelled on the thick, or upper edge, in order to make the groove which they are intended to form, sharper. TOOLS FOR FINISHING OR HAVING ON THU GOHP. 14th. J tolls. These are brass wheels of various thicknesses, having different figures and designs en- graved, or rather embossed on their edges. They are mounted on a spill of iron, terminating on two checks, through which a hole is made to receive the pin on which the roll turns; the spiil is driven into a long wooden handle, which, when used, rests against (he shoulder ; they are used for rolling the hands on the backs and sides of books. 15th. Pallets are pieces of brass of about two inches long, set in a handle, and engraved like the former. They are much less expensive, but do not make the same dispatch, and they are only applica- ble to the backs of books. I Gth. Back tcojs, are buttons of brass, of various sizes, set in handles, and cut or embossed with vari- ous devices, such as flowers, stars, &c. 17th. BOOK BINDING. 17th. Alphabets of different sizes, all of brass, , for lettering the backs' of books; they are distin- j guishod by octavo, quarto, and folio alphabets, ac- cording to their size. The manner of using the finishing tools will be given when we treat of that part of the art. Books are sent from the printer in quire's ; the sheets are then folded into a certain number of leaves, according to the form in which the book is to appear, viz.— two leaves for folio, four for quarto, eight for octavo, twelve for duodecimo, &c. This is done with the .ivory knife or folder, and in the arrangement of the sheets, the workman is di- ! reeled by the catchword and signature at the bottom of the pages. Great care should be taken in the folding of a book, as its beauty will be much injured by anv inattention to this particular; for when cut, the margin will appear unequal, and in books with small margins, there is some danger of cutting the print. When the leaves are thus folded, they are next beaten, as before described, and the blank paper at beginning and end being added, each book is divided into small parcels, between each of which, a pressing board is to be placed, and the whole put into the standing press, where they should remain for some hours. When the sewing press is prepared with bands or cords, according to the foregoing directions, the books are taken from the standing press, and placed upon the table or bench, with the title-page up- wards. The band* arc now to be adjusted, which is done by keeping them at an equal distance from each otfier, allowing the distance between that band next the head of the book, to be somewhat greater than the distance between themselves, and the dis- tance of the band, which is next the tail or bottom of the hook, to be greater than either. It should here be observed, that when the bands are meant to pro- ject, as is sometimes the case, they are suite red to lie on the surface of the back, but when the back is intended to be fair and smooth, grooves are cut in the back, by screwing the book in the cutting press, and making' a saw-carf for the bands to lie in ; in either case the mode of proceeding is as follows ; lay the blank leaf section on the bed of the sewing press, with its head from von. and. having put the left hand into the middle of tue section, wit!) which you must keep it against the cords, pass with the right hand the needle through the middle of the section, about one inch from the head, turn it round the first band and go to the second, and so cu to the last, and finally, bring the needle out about one inch and half from the bottom. This fixes the first or blank leaf section. The second, or title sheet is proceeded with in the same wav, only changing the direction of the work, this being from tail to head, and the former from head to tail ; but as the back would be too much swollen with the thread, were each set or sheet sewii throughout (unless in | ! cases where the section or sheets are thick,! it hs necessary to sew on two or three sheets in once pass- ing from head to tail, by taking one stitch in the first sheet laid down, and placing a bit of card in t‘>e middle of the sheet before the left hand is withdrawn, in order to find it again with readiness ; then lay down a second sheet and make the second stitch in th is, just as if the first had been continued, withdraw the hand from this, and place a card as before ; then return to the first sheet and make the third stitch, and again return to the second sheet, and so on al- ternately till you reach the end, which is called the kettle stitch. The last two or three sheets should be sewn all through like the first, as the beginning and end ofabook servingfor the hinge ot the covers, require more strength. If three or more sheets are sewn on, the same method is pursued. A little paste should be rubbed along between the first and second sheet, to attach them more firmly together. ( are should be taken not to draw too hard on the thread at the kettle-stitch, which would make the book thinner there than elsewhere. Before the book is glued, stand the book on the table with its back uppermost, supporting it between the two hands and with the thumbs, open and adjust the sets, so as to make it equally thick on all parts ; then knock the back even and flat by turning it down- wards and striking it smartly on the table, while it is held firm betw een the hands. Hold the book in the left hand, with the back upwards, and with a brush glue the back even and well, with glue of a tolerable consistence. This should always be done near the fire in cold weather, as the glue is apt tq be chilled, in which case it will not take sufficent hold on the paper. After the books are glued they must not be dried too hastily as that would render the glue too crisp. When the glue is sufficiently dry, paste the first and second leaves of the end or blank paper to- gether, and w ith a blunt knife, after having untwist- ed the cords or bands, scrape them to a point: then, with the backing hammer, round the back by laying the book on its side with its back from you, hammer- ing gently on the edge of the back, while the hand draws the upper part of the book towards you ; then turn the book and repeat the same on the other side. By this means the back is rounded and prepared for backing, or in other words, for forming a groove or shoulder for the paste-board sides of the bock to lie in ; to accomplish which, having. placed the i .pperor thick edge of* a backing board about one eighth of an inch from the back, with the cords or bands free, turn the book and place another backing board on the other side in the same manner, holding the book firm between the fingers and thumb of the left hand, and taking great care that the boards do not slip, to prevent w hich, wet them a little with the tongue; in this position, with the book suspended between the fin- gers and thumb of the left hand, drop it between the cheeks of the putting press, and screw it up with tlie BOOK-BINDIN^; 77 right hand, letting it a very little above the j Surface of the press ; examine whether the boards j and back keep their position • tlien, with the press pip, screw the book up as tight as possible, ai:d with the backing hammer beat the liack round and even, causing it to spread as much as possible, and thereby forming the grooves for the reception of the boards. The paste-boards being roughly cut with shears to something like the size, are cut to a proper width before they are put on the book, with the plough, to ascertain which, take the width of the book by placing one foot of the compasses close against the shoulder of the groove, and extend the other foot to- wards the fore-edge, piercing two or three leaves with it, in order to ascertain how much it is neces- sary to cut away ; then allow as much more in width as you desire the boards should project bey ond the book, mark it on them, and proceed to cut them with the plough. Place a paste-board on each side the book, and with the bodkin, scratch where the bands come, then lay the boards singly on a block and w ith the hammer and bodkin make two holes to each scratch, one about one quarter of an inch from the edge, and the other half an inch farther in. With a little paste betw een the finger and thumb rub the hands to a point, mid pass them in through the first, and out through the second hole, and then draw them as close home as possible, cutting off the ends of the bands to about half an inch in length, rub the ends w ith a little more paste, and lay the hoard flat on the edge of the press' hammering smartly on the bands to close the holes on them and to make them flat and smooth. The book being now' in hoards, with a fine point or knife, mark where the boards come on the side near the fore-edge. The next step is to cut the edges ; beginning with the fore-edge, which is concave or hollow. This operation, though difficult to des- cribe, is nevertheless very simple. To perform it, the hack, which is now round, is made flat by intro- ducing 2 pieces of thin iron 4 or 5 inches long near the head and tail of the book, between the paste-hoard and the back; the ends of the iron resting on the in- side of the boards, and the back on the middle, the boards standing out from the book at right angles, forming a figure somewhat resembling the letter 1, the stem of the letter representing the .leaves, and the arms, the boards. In this position the leaves are pressed between the fiat of both hands, and the book struck upon the flat of the cutting press so as to take the round out of the back. Two cutting boards are now applied, one before and the other behind, bring- ing the front one, or runner, up so near to the mark, which w as before described, as to leave the boards a sufficient square or projection bey ond the leaves of the book ; then raise the book, by pressing the boards between the fingers and thumb of the left hand, slipping out the irons as you raise it, but taking great care to keep the book from shifting. Then j drop it between the cheeks of the press, which when done and the screws are pressed gently upon it, force it down till the runner, or front board, comes exact- ly even with the surface of the press, the back board rising as much above it as that part of the leaves of the book intended to be cut away, and proceed to cut it as before described. To cut the head and tail, the boards must be drawn as far down from the head, as the bands will admit. Then place the cutting boards as before, having previously marked on the paste boards, with a square, the quantity intended to be cut away ; and cut through boards and all. To cut the tail of the book, draw the boards from the tail tow ards the head, and proceed as be- fore. This is called cutting in boards. To cut out of boards, which is the way in which all school books are done, the fore-edges of as many as can be con- veniently held in the hand, are cut before the backs are rounded, after which they are rounded, backed, and boarded, w hen they are again put into the standi- ing press, and suffered to remain for some hours, and then taken out and the heads and tails cut ajs other books ; but the paste-boards not having been cut to the proper width, previous to their being put j on, are then cut, allowing a proper square, by means of a large pair of shears, like those used by tinmen. | AH kinds of account books are sewed on slips of parchment or vellum, and after being' glued, the edges are cut, and coloured, and tlien the boards put to them by pasting, the board to. the first blank leaf, and the ends of the slips of parchment on which the book is sewn. To return to the printed book ; the edges must now be coloured, and having cut away a very small bit of the four corners of the paste-boards, next the back, it w ill be ready for head-banding, a name given to the small rope of coloured silk or w'orsted which is put at the head and tail of the back, the mode of doing which is, to roll paper under a board to tlieyequiredsjze having, previously pasted it, and having taken a piece of it of a proper length for the book, (which must be fixed in the end of the press) with a needle and silk of one or two colours as is desired, pierce the back at one corner and bring it round the roll of paper, and having fixed the roll, tw ist the different colours of the silk alternately round the band or roll, crossing the one over the other as you change them, and fastening it occasion- ally as you proceed by repiercing the back with the needle. The back must now receive another coat of glue, and be lined with cartridge or other paper in order to render it smooth and to fix the head-bands. To cover it, you must wet the leather first, and ha- ving pressed the water well out, lay it on a paste- board, avoiding touching it with steel or iron, as that will turn it instantly black; and having cut it to the size required, pare the edges thin on a piece of marble or other smooth stone, with the common X shoe-makers 78 BOOK-BINDING. shoe-makers paring knife, cutting from the rough or flesh side of the leather; when thus prepared, paste it evenly over with good paste, and laying the book on its side on it, bring the leather as tight over the sides as you can, turn the edges in, making the cor- ners as neat and flat as possible, by cutting away all the leather which projects beyond the corner of the board, and doubling one over the other by stretching the leather a little, setting and patting {jie leather close as you proceed. After this lay the hook again on its side, and rub the leather smooth, with the edge of the ivory folder or paper knife, drawing the lea- ther up over the head-bands, and setting it in, square and neat on them, and tye twine or thread round the book to nick in the leather by the ends of the head-bands. In drying it, set it with its back to- wards the fire on a clean board at some distance from it, (or, if in summer, in the sun) till the back is nearly dry, which is known by the leather assuming its primitivecolour ; as soon as this is perceived to be the case, with a folder, rub the back up and down, whilst warm, and the glue being softened by the water of the paste and the heat, attaches the leather strongly to the back; whilst the superfluous quantity, if any, is driven out at the head-bands, from which it must be removed with care, that they may not suffer injury from it. Great care should be taken if books are dried bv the fire, not to place them too near it, as the glue is very apt to show through the leather, and the books should frequently be examined, lest they should get too dry for setting. It should here be observed, that if the book is to be bound in rough calf, i. e. with the flesh side of the leather outward, it should not be wetted, but pasted on the grain side, and suffered to lie till sufficiently softened. The next stage is to marble, colour, or spot the sides and back, directions for which, and for colouring the edges, will be found at the end of this treatise, w ith the manner of preparing the colours. After the back is marbled or stained, it is ready for the let- tering piece on the back. Take a piece of morocco, and proceed to strip or divide the grain from the •flesh sif(e, as follows ; having cut through the grain or coloured side, in an oblique direction, with a knife, raise it with your nail so as to take hold of it, then by pulling the one from the other, it will render it thin and fit for your purpose. It is to be obser- ved, however, that some parts of a skin of morocco are more difficult to separate than others, particular- ly near the neck : these parts will therefore be best reserved for other purposes, or they may be pared 1o a proper thickness. The back of your book being- diviaed, with a pair of compasses, into seven com- partments, allowing a large one for that next the tail, proceed to put on the lettering piece by cutting a piece of the thin morocco ot‘ the proper size, and, paring its edges on the paring stone wit 1 a very gltarp knife, and having pasted it well, apply it to the back and rub it well in ta contact, by laying a piece of paper over it, and rubbing it w r ell down with the folding stick. It should have been remar- ked, that after dividing the hack into compartments with the points of the compasses, in order to have a guide in rolling the bands on the back in finishing, a pie.ce of paper, previously doubled many times, is laid across the back where the points of the compasses have marked,, holding it down with the fingers and thumb against the sides ofthe book, and marking by its edge on the back with a folder. The book is now' ready for gilding or, as it is called, Jinish- ing. The back and sides ofthe book are now' to re- ceive three coats ofglaire, which is made by beating the whiles of eggs, with about two drops of sw'eet oil ! to each, until they are quite thin; this is best done by j splitting a small piece of cane or stick, six inches long, and putting through it, at right angles with it, bits of quill: by immersing this in the cup, and roll- ing it round briskly between the palms of the hands, the eggs w ill soon lose their ropiness and be fit for use. Let each coat dry before another is put on. When the last coat ofglaire is dry, rub the back with a greasy or oily rag; and having laid a sheet of gold on the cushion, and divided it into strips suffi- cient to cover the back, lay the back on it gently, and the gold will attach to it; then turn the back up, and press it into contact with a little cotton wool. As the handling of gold is a matter of great nicety, and requires a great deal of practice to do it well, we shall describe the proper manner as near as possible, and give such cautions as are necessary. Books of gold contain 20 leaves, and that sort which is used by binders, is called deep gold, ex- cept for gilding the edges of books or paper, when ale gold is often used, being somewhat cheaper, jay the book of gold on the cushion, and open with the left hand the first leaf, about half way, by doub- ling back the first paper leaf, pressing at the same time with the fingers of the left hand to keep the other parts of the book still; then blow gently against the fore-edge of the book of gold, which will cause the first leaf of gold to rise and turn itself back on the lialfleaf of paper, the other part of the leaf of gold being kept firm by the remainder of the leaf of paper; you must now place the gold knife flat on that part of the book from which the gold was blow'n, by blowing in a contrary direction, so as to drive it into its former situation ; the knife now being under it, the paper is to be removed and the gold raised on the knife, and floated gently tnrough. the air by waving the hand, and deposited flit on the cushion. You must avoid touching the gold or the knife with the hand, as the least grease will cause it to stick. After the gold is placed on the cushion, to cut it, you must first place tiic edge ofthe knife firm- ly and steadily on the gold without drawing it either way, then draw the knife once forwards and backwards keeping it in the direction and pressing- BOOK-BINDING. 79 pressing: pretty haul on it, this will divide the gold without crumpling it. When the book is to be full gilt, or what is termed extra, it is common to gild the back all over in the manner before described, and work the tools on it ; but when it is to be less finished, called calf neat, or half extra, the lettering piece alone is covered with gold, and the bands rolled by laying, or rather taking up on the roll, strips of gold, by rubbing the edge of the roil when hot all over with the oil rag, and pressing it gently on the gold, which is previous- ly cut to the proper width on the gold cushion. The proper degree of heat which the tools ought to be of, is generally known by wetting the finger in the mouth, and applying it to the tooi : if it frizz a little while, it is considered a proper beat, but if the spittle suddenly run off, or disappear, ti e tool is too hot ; it must however he allowed that this is a very vague manner of judging, and a little experience is the only mode by which it is to be ascertained. lu lettering books, which is the first thing done towards finishing, screw them in the cutting press with their heads from you, and the tail inclining a little downwards; and having fixed on the words, select the letters and place them to the fire, seven or eight at a time ; you must now consider how far asumler they ought to be kept, so as to fill the lino, take then two or three of the letters from the fire, and having ascertained whether they are of a prop- er heat, rest the elbow of the left hand on the press, leaning the body forward over the book, raising the left hand, so as to steady the right which grasps the letter, then breathe on the gold, and firmly imprint the letter in its proper place. You may mark the line as a guide, to keep the letters straight on the lettering piece, previously to laying on the gold ; but this is only necessary for beginners. All the back tools and pallets are used in the same manner as letters. The manner of using the rolls, is too obvious to require any other instruction, than what has already beer, given. The gold is now to be cleaned away by rubbing it, with an oil rag, which done, it must be polished with the polishing iron. This tool is a round pipce of iron, 4 or 5 inches long, alittle swelling inthe middle, and polished on one side, out -1 the upper side pro- ceeds a spill, to which is affixed a long wooden handle. w ! ice, when used, rests, against the shoulder; before used, it is heated pretty warm and rubboo j upon an old leather back, on which some fine ashes j are occasionally thrown-, to clean and polish it ; in | this state h is rubbed over the back and sides of tae book, which require to be lightly touched with the oil rag. during the operation. Extra work is some- , times pressed again between horns, which gives it a more exquisite polish. M ISCRTjT, A N EOUS OBSERVATIONS. All stationary work is sewn with strong waxed I thread, and as the vellum or parchment is never at- tached to the back like leather, but lies hollow and loose when the book is open, it cannot of course afford that security to the back, which leather does; it is therefore common to line the back between the slips, with coarse canvas or slips of leather, letting them come as much over the sides, as to paste down with the boards and slips. Tire boards for stationary are not so thick in propoi'tion as for printed work, and, when put on, are placed at least half an inch from the back. On each side the parchment slips which books are sewn upon, you must cut with sciss- ars a very narrow strip, which is not to be pasted down, but left for the purpose of drawing through the parchment when the cover is applied, and serv- ing to attach the cover, before it is pasted to the boards. Parchment or Vellum covers should always be lined before they are put on, and applied before they are quite dry. The edges of stationary work are most commonly sprinkled, and not burnished ; but printed books, whether sprinkled or coloured, are burnished with a dog’s tooth, or agate, set m a long handle, and the leaves of the book being screwed tight between boards in the cutting press, are rub- bed over with them till they have acquired a gloss. In warm weather, gild but a few backs at a time befere finishing, otherwise they wall get too dry. All extra binding is rolled round the sides of the cover, both within and without, and the head-band is generally a double one ; it is also usual to put a register of coloured ribbon, which must be pasted in before the leather back is put on. It is now very common to give an artificial kind of grain to the backs of russia and calf books ; this is done by pressing them between boards, cut for the purpose. Russia leather, being harsh, should be well soaked for half an hour in water, and beat, and rolled, before used. Morocco, requires less glaire for finishing than other leather, and is only rubbed well with a piece of rough calf skin. Polishing with the polishing iron, spoils the grain and destroys its colour. Rough ^ aJf books are finished with hot tools without gold ; the tools should be heated a little hot- ter for the purpose. Keep your gold free from damp, as it spoils it. A charcoal stove, similar to that used by tinmen, is preferable to a coal tire, as the letters and tools suffer less from the former than the latter; another advantage is, that it may be placed near the work. In rolling P>e bands on- the back, the book should be held again i a board, winch is screwed firmly in the cutting press, and projecting nearly the height of the book above it. All extra books nave marblfe paper at beginning and end, besides blank leaves, which when pasted to the cover, is rubbed into the joint neatly, and suffered to dry whilst the book is. open. Befere Is BOOKBINDING. Before gilding 1 fnssia leather, yrasli the cover ©nee with serum of bullocks blood ; this gives it a proper gloss, and prepares it better for receiving the gold. Calf should be glaired three times, and sheep twice, before gilding or polishing. When quarto plates are to be put into an octavo book, the plate should be neatly doubled in the middle, with its face inwards, and a small slip of paper about an inch wide, affixed to the back, half of which is pasted to the front, and the other half left projecting beyond it, to affix it to the book ; this is called guarding. As it sometimes happens, that port- folios for prints are wanted of a larger size than paste-boards are commonly made, the way to obviate this difficulty is to make each cover of two layers of boards, by bringing the joints of one layer, over the middle of the boards which form the other layer, or as it is called by bricklayers and masons, breaking the joints ; by this contrivance, boards may be formed of any size required. You must lay the boards on an even tloor whilst they are drying, placing paste- boards and other heavy substances on them, as they are of course too large for the press. A very good kind of paper for covering memoran- dum and copy books, may be made by mixing with paste any cheap colour, and going over any printed or waste paper with it, then with a comb or piece of flat wood broken across the grain, wave it over the colour, and hang it up to dry. In boiling paste, add a little pouudedjalum to the flour and water before you boil it; and always boil it as thick as vou can, as it keeps much better, and can be thinned l>y adding water as you want it. Always keep good old glaire for finishing, as it produces better impressions of the tools, and gives the gold a better colour. It is a proper thing to keep a second plough, with an old knife in it, for cutting the paste boards, other- wise your knife will never be in order, and will cut the edges rough. Mix a little paste with your common colours, for sprinkling and colouring the edges, to bind them. Too much attention cannot be given to the qua- lity of the thread for sewing the books ; to be good, it should be strong and not too hard twisted, which common threads generally are. Keep thread and silk always well secured from the air. Some- times raised bands are put on books, which have been sewed for flat or fair backs, this is best done by slips of paste board, or vellum, many times doubled, cut in square slips, and glued to the back ; which gives a very rteat effect, if the sharpness and squareness of the artificial bands is preserved after tiie leather is put on, particularly if the bands are given a different colour from that of the back, and tooled neatly. Sometimes head-bands, instead of being round, are square ; the same materials ate made use of for them, as for the hands of backs. In half bound books, parchment corners are preferable to leather ones, as they resist blows better, and ary less troublesome. Before lining your parchment covers for stationary, spunge them with water and lay them one on the other, w ith a weight on them to soften. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MARBLING AND SPRINKLING THE SIDES OF BOOKS. Let the book be put between two wands or slips of wood, with their ends resting on boxes or any other thing that w ill keep the books at a sufficient or convenient height from the floor, inclining the book in any way that you would have the marble- run, which will ever follow the direction that the book is inclined to ; but should it be w ished that the marble he of the tree kind, having a centre or stern, it is easily done by bending each side of the book in the middle, forming a kind of shoot or gutter, so that the water or colour being thrown on, runs first from the sides to the centre, and then through this gutter to the tail of the book, forming a marble somewhat resembling a tree. Let a suffi- cient quantity of each colour be taken out of the bottles, in open cups, w ith a common painters dust- ing brush for each, of a size proportioned to the quan- tity of colour required ; provide also a large pan of clear water, with a large piece of sponge in it for washing away the colours when they have remained a sufficient time on the cover. Every thing being thus prepared, throw on water with a bunch of quills tied together by the feather ends into a kind of brush, in large splashes, by dipping the quills in the water and knocking them gently against the iron press pin, which is held in the left hand, then take a small quantity of any of the colours as hereafter di- rected, on your brush, and having knocked out the superfluous colour by striking it lightly against the press pin, holding it over the cup, from which you took it, then hold the press pin over the book, and strike the brush, so as to let the colour fall in a kind of rain on the cover of the book; and so proceed with all the colours, following the one upon the other as quick as possible, that the whole may run together ; then with the sponge and water wipe them lightly over, and stand them on their ends to dry. If the book is to be spotted or sprinkled, it should be kept flat, not inclining either way ; but should you w ish to have it splashed or mottled, a small degree of inclination may be given to the book, to induce the colours to run together, which sometimes has the happiest effect. To sprinkle the sides or edges of books the pro- cess is the same, having a stiff hair brush cut off square at the ends : you dip it in the colour, and holding it in the left hand, rub over the ends of the brush the folder or ivory knife, this causes the colour to kill on in fine or coarse spots according as the BOOK- BINDING. 8 ] brush is more or less charged with colour. Let vour brushes and sponges be always used for the same colour, ar.d never add spirit to colours till they are about to be used. Always wash out the brushes and sponges in pure water alter using, other- wise they will be soon destroyed. RECE1TTS FOR MARBLING AND STAINING THE BACKS AND SIDES OF BOOKS. Blaclc. Boil half a pound of copperas, in two quarts of soft water ; when a good black and settled, put it into a clean bottle for use. Brown. Haifa pound of the best potash, dissol- ved in one quart of rain water, and when clear bot- tle it for use. Vitriol neater. One ounce of the best oil of vitriol, mixed with three ounces of water : boil it for use. Vinegar blade. Steep iron filings in vinegar or table beer, for twenty-four hours; then give them a quick boil on the fire, and when settled, strain and bottle the liquid for use. Dark sprinkle. Wash the cover of the book with a sponge and very weak potash w ater, and immedi- ately place it between wands or sticks, letting the leaves of the book drop between them, whilst the covers remain extended flat, and sprinkle them very fine and dark with the copperas. Another beautiful sprinkle may be done by giving in addition to the dark sprinkle, a sprinkle of brow r atid vitriol water. Common marble. Wash the cover with weak potash water, and give it a coat of glaire made with whites of eggs ; w hen the cover is dry, put the book between the wands, throw on water, w ith a bunch of qnills, in all directions, and immediately sprinkle with the copperas water and brown ; let the marble remain a few minutes, and then wash it with a clean sponge and water. Another marble. Wash the cover with strong potash water, glaire it, throw on water, use the vinegar black, and lastly throw on a fine sprinkle of vitriol water, which will be a great addition to the marble. A marble in the form of trees may be made by bending the boards in the centre, after their being glaired and washed as before directed. Red spots. Aqua regia. Mix, in a quart bottle, tw F o ounces of the best double aqua fort is ; one table spoonful of spirits of salts ; half an ounce of grain tin, and four ounces of rain water. The whole must remain twenty-four hours before using. Black the cover of the book w ith copperas w ater,, and when dry give it a coat of brazil red. Mix a lit- tle aqua regia and dry brazil together, and w hen set- tled, spot the cover, w hen between the wands, with the red liquid. When the spots are perfectly dry, wash the cover with a sponge and water. Yellow spots. Black the cover of the book, a nd when dry, put it between the w ands. Mix aqua regia and turmeric together, and when settled throw on large, cr small yellow' spots. I Red and Yellow spots. Black the Cover, throw on the yellow spots, and when dry, throw on small spots of liquid red. Wash the cover with a clem sponge and water. Mix no more colours with the spirit than what are wanted for immediate use, as i< destroys the colour. Transparent marble. Marble the boards of the book with a tree down each centre, place it between the wands, and put on each board an oval, made of a thin piece < f press paper, with a piece of lead on each. Black the cover on the outer parts of the oval, and when dry, go over the same with strong brazil water. Throw on red spots, let them dry, then re- move the ovals : wash the cover, where the red spots are, with a clean, sponge and water. Colour the inside of the oval with the following liquid, which will have a beautiful effect. Mix an ounce of spirits of wine and a table-spoonful of powdered turmeric together, in a bottle ; shake the liquid well, and let it settle before using. Give the ovals two fine coats of the liquid, w ith a camel’s hair brush, and when done, cork up the bot- tle to prevent evaporation. Egyptian marble. Before covering the book, colour the leather with Scott's liquid blue, and im- merse in water, to extract the spirit. When the cover has been half an hour in the water, take it out and lay it between pieces of brow n paper till almost drv. Cover the book, place it at a little distance from the fire till perfectly dry, and glaire it. Put the book between wands, throw thereon potash water w ith a bunch of quills, and, lastly, a fine sprinkle of the vinegar black. The book must remain till near- ly dry, and be washed with a sponge and water. Purple marble. After the book is covered and dry, colour the cover with strong hot purple liquid, two or three times. Glaire the cover when dry, and put the book between wands; throw on water with quills, and sprinkle it with strong vitriol water, which will produce bright red veins. After the colours are dry, wash them with a sponge and water. Stone marble. Glaire the cover, and when dry, put the book into the cutting press with the boards sloping, to cause the colours to run gently down. Throw on copperas water freely, with a brush, dip a sponge into the strong potash water, and press it out on different parts of the back, so that the colour may run down each side ; where the brown has left a vacancy, apply vitriol water in the same manned. Let the book remain till the colours are perfectly drv , then wash the cover. Rice marble. Colour the cover with spirits of wine and turmeric, put the book between wands, and throw on rice very regular. Throw on a fine sprinkle of copperas water, till the cover is nearly black, and let it dry. The cover may be sjiotted with red liquid or potash water, before the rice 19, throw n off. Chinese marble. Colour the cover of the book w ith a dark brown, and put it between wands ; mix Y whiting BOOK-BINDING. whiting and water of nt hick consistency, and throw it on in spots or streaks, which must remain till dry. Spot or sprinkle the cover with liquid blue, and lastly, throw ou large spots of the liquid red. The colours must be dry before washing oft' the whiting-. Another marble. Black the cover with copperas water, let it dry, and give it two coats of strong- brazil water. Throw on whiting as above-mentioned, and give the cover a bold sprinkle with the red liquid. Red marble. Before covering the book, it will be necessary to spunge the cover well with lime water, and dry it in brown paper. Boil, on a slow fire, one ounce of brazil dust ; a tea-spoonful of powdered cochineal; a little alum, and half a-pint of the best vinegar, till the whole produce a bright red. Colour the cover two or three times over, while the liquid is hot, and then immerse it in alum and water, previously dissolved. Cover the book in the usual manner, and let it be perfectly dry. Giaire the cover, and put the book between wands; throw’ on potash water with quills, and sprinkle w ith vinegar black. A few drops of aqua regia may be put into the | liquid before colouring the cover, which will give it | a brighter and more permanent red. Wainscot marble. Colour the cover with strong brown, giaire it, and place the book in the cutting press or wands, having the boards flat and even. Throw on water till every part of the boards is cover- ed. Take a sujficient quantity of copperas water in the brush, and dash it on the boards freely ; do the same with potash water, and lastly a boid sprinkle of vitriol water. This marble will have a fine effect, when great attention and care is paid thereto. Japan colouring. After the book is covered and dry, colour the cover with potash water, give it two good coats of brazil wash, and giaire it. Put the book between wands, allowing the boards to slope a little. Dash on copperas water, then with a sponge full of liquid red, press out on the back, and on dif- ferent parts, large drops, which w’ill run down each board, and make a fine shaded red. When the cover is dry, wash it over two or three times with brazil wash, to give it a brighter colour. Green shade. In addition to the stone marble be- fore mentioned, use Scott’s liquid blue in the same manner as the other colours, before finishing the marble with vitriol water. In every recipe for marbling, be careful to let the colours have time to dry, as they then will have their full effect, and shew their brightness to great advan- tage. When the backs are intended to be of one colour, which is very fashionable, and shews the gold to the greatest advantage, a piece of thin pasteboard must be put thereon, previous to marbling, colouring, &c. which will prevent the backs receiving any cowur. The following will be found to answer that pur- pose. Green. Colour the back twice with Scott's liquid blue, when dry, wash it two or three times with sponge and water. Purple. Rub the strong purple wash well on the back, near the fire, three or four times, and wash it, when dry, with clear water. Blue. Colour the back with copperas water, and give it two coats of liquid blue. Brown. Colour the backs with strong potash water. Bead colour. Colour the back with very weak copperas water, or give it a coat of copperas and po'ash water mixed. The backs being so coloured, there will be no oc- casion for coloured lettering pieces, or pieces for the number of volumes. All these are laid on with a sponge. RECEIPTS FOR COLOURING EDGES OF BOOKS, &C. Blue. Two ounces of fine powdered indigo, dis- solved in two onnees of double oil of vitriol, and a tea-spoonfull of spirits of salts. This liquid must be kept iu an open earthen vessel, and remain for a week before it is used ; when a lit- tle is reduced with water, it will make a beautiful sprinkle for the edges. Green. Two ounces of French berries, and a little alum, boiled in a pint of rain water for an halt an hour. Strain the liquid through a fine piece of flannel, and add a little of the liquid blue. The green must be kept in a glass bottle, well corked up, and used for sprinkling, or colouring the edges with a sponge. Purple. Half a pound of logwood chips ; two ounces of powdered alum ; and a small piece of cop- peras ; boil them in three pints of soft w ater, till re- duced to two, and strain the liquid. This purple will be found a cheap colour for sprinkling common work. A fine purple for immediate use, may be obtained from strong potash water and brazil dust. Should any of the colour remain unused, it will, iu a few hours, change to a brown. Orange, f wo ounces of brazil dust ; one ounce of French berries bruised; and a little alum ; boil them to a pint of soft water, and strain and bottle the co- lour for use. This colour may be spotted on the edges, to fancy, with other colours. Brown. Boil in rain Water equal quantities of. logwood and French berries; and to give the colour a darker shade, add a little copperas ; when it is eool, strain and bottle it for use. Red. Half a pound of brazil dust, and two ounces of powdered alum ; boil them well in a pint of vinegar, and a pint of water, till reduced to a pint; strain it through a fine cotton cloth. This liquid red will ba of great use for sprinkling and spotting the edges, together with brown and purple. Gold BOOK-BINDING S3 Gold sprinkle. Put into a marble mortar, half an ounce of pure honey, and one book of gold leaf; rub them well together until they are very fine : add half a pint of clear water, and mix them well to- gether; when the water clears, pour it ofl'a.nd put in more, till the honey is all extracted, and nothing- remains but the gold. Mix one grain of corrosive sublimate, with a tea- , spooufull of spirits of wine, and when dissolved, put 1 the same, together with a little thick gum water, to | the gold, and bottle the liquid for use. Theedffes of the book may be coloured or sprink- ! ; led, with blue, green, or purple ; and lastly, with j j gold liquid, in small or large spots, shaking the bottle 1 1 before using. Burnish the edge when dry, and j I cover it with paper. This gold sprinkle, will be j useful for extra binding. Ladies may also use it for j | ornamenting their fancy works, putting it on with a j j pen or camel hair pencil, and burnishing it with a | dog’s tooth. Rice marble. When the fore edge of a book is j cut, let it remain in the press, and throw on rice in a regular manner, sprinkle the edge witli any dark j colour, till the white paper is covered, then shake off the rice. Various colours may be used, the fore j edge may be coloured with yellow or red, before j using the rice. By laying anv other substance in- j stead of the rice, so as to obstruct the sprinkled I colour, various effects may be produced. Fancy colouring. Let the book remain in the press when cut on the fore edge ; mix whiting and w ater to a thick consistency, and with a small brush, throw it on the edge, in spots or streaks ; w hen the whiting is almost dry, spot the edge with blue, green, purple, and brazil red. When quite dry, shake off the whiting, and brush the edge w ith a soft brush. A sprinkle of dark blue thrown on im- mediately after the whiting, will produce a beautiful shaded edge. Water marble. Provide a wooden trough, two inches deep, and six inches wide. Pour hot water in it till nearly full, and put therein three ounces of gum dragon, which must be dissolved before mar- bling. Grind the following colours on a marble slab, with old ox gal!, very smooth and fine, and procure a small brush and cup for each. Prussian blue. King’s yellow. ' Rose pink, or lake, j Flake white. Lamp black. Green. — Blue and yellow. Orange. — lied and yellow. \ Purple. — Blue and red. Erozon. — Black and yellow. To prevent the water entering the leaves of the book, tie it tight between cutting boards <>< an equal size. Plac^ * e trough in . steady situation i aul throw on the colours with their respective i brushes, beginning with the blue, or any dark colour, and so on till the surface of the water, is covered, The colours may remain in this situation, or be waved with a small iron pin. Hold the book with the edge downwards, and press it even and lightly with the colours, and it will immediately be marbled* Two or three colours only may be used, or as many as the marbler may think proper. Should any of the colours not swim well, which is seldom the case, a few drops, of spirits of wine may be added. Soap marble. The following is a recent discove- ry, by very simple means, and may be used for mar- bling stationary book-edges, or sheets of paper for ladies fancy work. Grind, on a marble slab, prussian blue, with a little brown soap, and water, to a fine pliable con- sistency, that it may be thrown on with a small brush.— Also king’s yellow in the same manner, with white soap. When green is intended for the ground colour, grind it with brown soap, and have king’s yellow with white soap. Lake may be used for a ground colour, and prussian blue ground with white soap. — Brown umber for ground colour, and flake white ground with white soap. Any colour of alight sub- stance may be used for marbling. Marbling. Pour hard clear water into any vessel, large enough for marbling ; throw on large spots of prussian blue, till the surface of the water is nearly covered; then throw on king’s yellow, in small spots,, which will immediately run into streaks or veins in all directions. When marbling book edges, tie the fore edge &c, between boards before rounding the back, and press it lightly on the surface of the colours , which wild make a beautiful marble, and burnish well if requi- red. In like manner, all colours as above mentioned, will have the same effect, provided the ground colour, (that is), the colour thrown in first, be ground with brown soap, and that for the veins with white soap. Sheets of good strong paper may be marbled for ornamenting fire screens, &c. or a thinner kind for half bound books, without any preparation whatever* except a vessel large enough to receive the sheets, and putting them on in a careful manner, that the whole may receive the colours. Gilding vellum . — Glaire the cover once, let it be perfectly dry, and rub it over with the oil rag, where the gilding is intended to be. Make flie roil hot, and work it firm and strong, to make a good impression. Gilding paper and book edges . — With the white of an egg-j mix twice that quantity of water; a table- spoonful of bullocks blood, taken from the top, w • on it lias settled some time; beat them well together for an hour, let the whole stand three days befi re using. The paper must be well pressed, and w on cut. BOOK- BINDING. ZV cut, made very smooth with a piece of glass, or an iron scraper. Put the gilding boards even, on each side of the paper, and screw it tight in the cutting press. With yellow ochre, and gold size mixed together, colour the smooth edge, rub it till it is quite dry, with paper shavings, and burnish the same with the dog’s tooth. Cut the gold leaf, and with a thin piece of paper, previously rubbed on your forehead, to induce the gold to adhere, press it on the gold gently, which will attach itself to the paper, and proceed until there is sufficient to cover the edge. With a camel’s hair brush float the edge with a gilding size, hold the paper on which the gold is, with the lingers of each hand, and lay it gently on the size. When the whole is covered, let the superfluous size run from under the gold, by inclining the press ; stand it a ‘little distance from the fire, till dry ; to ascertain w hich, breathe on the gold, and if it immediately becomes bright, you may conclude it is ready for burnishing. Red Inks — Half a pound of brazil dust, half an ounce of powdered cochineal, a piece of lump sugar and four quarts of vinegar. Let them steep for twelve hours, and boil them on a slow' fire till you have a good red. When the ink is settled, strain it through a piece of fine cotton, and bottle it for use. Slate paper . — Boil glue and water to a good con- sistency, and when on the fire, add lamp-black, and fine powdered emery. Give the paper two coats of the liquid with a fine brush. Splash paper . — Before colouring the paper, it will be necessary, in the first place, to prepare the pro- per colours, and have them bottled for use. They must also, after being boiled, be steeped for twelve hours, in their respective quantities of water and Vinegar, as follows :■ — Purple. — Half a pound of logwood chips, with vinegar and water, each half a pint. Dark red . — Half a pound of brazil dust, with vinegar and water, each one pint. Bright red .- — Before colouring, put a few drops of aqua regia into a small quantity of the dark red. Green . — Half a pound of French berries, bruised; water and vinegar, each one pint, with two ounces of liquid blue. i Brown . — Two ounces of strong potash water, with one ounce of brazil dust, which must not be boiled, but remain till the colour change from a light purple, to brown. ! 1> How .-—Half a pound of French berries, water ! and vinegar, each one pint. The above colours must have a small quantity of alum bruised, put therein, and boiled over a slow fire. Strain them through a piece of fine flannel, or cotton cloth, till quite pure. Dissolve half a pound of alum in two quarts of rainwater; sprinkle it on the sheets of paper for colouring, and lay one upon another. Put the paper between boards, w ith a little pressure thereon, and leave them to soak for five hours before splash- ing. I Purple splash . — Place small stones at a little dis- tance from each other, and lay the sheet thereon ; throw on w ith a brush, purple liquid in splashes. Tortoise shell . — Splash on black ink, and throw on dark red, and yellow spots where the paper is white. Various other combinations may be formed by using different colours. To colour i ellum green. Dissolve an ounce of verdigrise, and an ounce of white wine vinegar, in a bottle, and let them remain near the fire for five days, shaking the bottle three or four times each day. Wash the vellum over with weak potash water, and colour it over tliree times with the green liquid. I BREWING Brewing is the art of making porter, beer, -or, ale. This art is undoubtedly a branch of chemistry, and depends on fixed and invariable principles. Those principles not having been thoroughly inves- tigated, no just and certain theory has yet been ob- tained. We shall, however, insert the best rules which practical observations and experience have hitherto laid down. Malt liquor is essentially composed of water, and the soluble parts of malt and hops, fermented with yeast. Ofzoater. Lightness is considered as a perfec- tion in water, that which weighs least, being gener- ally the purest. In brewing, the difference of water, whether rain, spring, river, or pond, is of little importance, provided it be equally soft and pure ; the chief art consists in the due regulation of heat ; and as soft waters ai«e found in most places, and become more alike when heated to the degree necessary to form extracts from malt, it is evident, that any sort of beer or ale may be brewed with equal success, in all places where malt and hops can be procured. Of Malting . — Malt is barley rendered fit for the purpose of brewing, by being made' to sprout or germinate with degrees of heat nearly equal to those which the seed should be improssed with, when sown iq the ground; and dried with a heat superior to that of vegetation, and capable of check- ing it. The barley is put into a cistern that holds five, ten, twenty, or more quarters, and covered with water about five inches, to allow for its swell- ing; it should remain in the cistern two or three days, more or less, in proportion to the heat of the air, and the state of the barley ; that which has been washed by rains, requires less time than the dryer grain that was saved well, and grew on dry ground. To judge when the corn is fully saturated, some persons drop an iron rod perpendicularly into the cistern ; if the grain readily gives way, it is then considered time to draw off the water. Others take some of the corns, end wavs, between their fingers, and gently crush them ; if they are in all parts mel- low, and the husks open, or start a little from the body of the corn, they conclude it has soaked long* enough. The nicety of this is a material point ; for if it is infused too much, it will lessen the sweet- ness and the spirit of the malt, and cause the beer or ale made from it, to become dead and sour in a short time. The water being well drained off, the grain- should be taken out of the cistern, and laid in a heap, about two feet in height. The corn should not be suffered to acquire so great a degree of heat, in this heap, as to carry on germination too fast, for this would cause the malt to become bitter and ill tasted. Before the acrospire is perceived to length- en, the barley must be dispersed in bpds, on the floor of the malt house, and be turned every four, six, or eight hours, the outward parts inwards, and the bottom upwards, always keeping a clear floor, that the corn, which lies next it, may not be chilled. As soon as it begins to come, or spire, it should be turned every three, four, or five iiours, according to the temperature of the air, (by which this ma- nagement ought to be governed ;) as it comes or works more, the heaps must be spread wider and thinner, in order that it may cool. Thus it may lie, and be worked upon the floor, two or three feet thick, ten or more feet broad, and fourteen or more teet in length, to chip or spire ; and when it is come enough, it is to be turned twelve or sixteen times in twenty-four hours, if the season is warm. When it is fixed and the roots begin to die, it must be thick- ened again, and often carefully turned and worked, that the growth of the root may not revive. The floor should be kept clear, and the malt turned often, that it may neither mould nor acrospire ; i. e. that the blade may not grow out at the opposite ! end to the root ; for if it does, the strength of the ! malt will be destroyed. It is of great consequence in making of malt, that the grain be dried by a very slow and gradual heat; for this purpose it should be thrown into a large heap, and there suffered to grow sensibly hot; in this active condition, it is spread on the kiln, where it is exposed to a heat greater than is necessary for vegetation, by which its further growth is stopped. The time usually allowed for drying a kiln of malt, is from eight, to twelve hours. »When the colour of the barley has not been greatly changed by the heat, it is called pale malt; in proportion to the degree of heat it has been exposed to, the deeper will be the colour, each shade being distinguished by’a different ! name, as brown malt, amber malt, &c. Malt when suf- j ficientlydried, must be taken from the kiln and spread ! in an airy place till it is thoroughly cool; and then put into a heap. When malt is suffered to grow too much, or until the spire has shot through the skin of the barley, though ail that is left be malt, it is not fit | to brew drinks for long keeping. Some maltsters J sprinkle water on malt newly removed from the kiln, to make it appear to have been made a long time, j or, as thej say, to plumo it ; this is a deceit which j Z cannot SG 11 li i:\vl\g. cannot be too much exposed, as by this practice, the i nirchaser is grossly imposed on. The grain by )eing moistened, occupies a greater volume, and soon grows mouldy, heats, and is thereby greatly injured. There are several contrivances made use of for the purpose of drying the malt on, as the iron plate frame, and the tile frame, which are both full of little holes; the brass wired and iron wired frames, and the hair cloth. The iron and tiled frames, were chiefly invented for drying brown malt, and saving of fuel ; these, when thoroughly hot, will scorch the corn in a short time. The w ire frames are better, yet they are apt to scorch the outward part of the corn, which cannot be got off so soon as the hair cloth ad- mits of. The last three ways are much used for drying pale and amber malts, because the malt can be more gradually dried ; but the hair cloth is con- sidered the best of all. Malt is dried with several sorts of fuel, as coke, culm, Welch coal, straw, wood, fern &c. Coke is con- sidered the best, if properly made, because it does not send forth smoke to injure the flavour of the malt. Some persons put a peck or more of peas with every five quarters of barley, to be made into malt, which greatly mellows the drink: beans will do so like- wise, but they will not come so soon, nor mix so con- veniently with the malt as peas. Oats malted in the same manner as barley, will make a weak, soft, mellow, and pleasant drink; but wheat, so treated, will produce a strong, heady, nourishing and line liquor. To know good from bad malt, examine if it has a round body, breaks soft, is full of flour, smells well, and has a thin skin ; chew some of it, and if you find it sw eet and mellow, it is good. If it be hard and steely, and retains something of the nature of barley, it has not been rightly made, and will weigh heavier than that which has been properly malted. Pale malt is the slowest and slackest dried cf any; and will produce a greater length of wort than the brown high dried malt ; for which reason it is sold for two, three, and four shillings per quarter more : it is of all others, the most nutritious, being the most simple, and nearest to its original barley-corn ; and will retain an alkaline and balsamic quality much longer than the brown sort. Amber-coloured malt is dried in a degree between pale and brown ; and is much in use, though but seldom used alone. .Brown malt is the highest dried, and will not ad- mit of as much wort being drawn from it as pale and amber malt. According to Mr. Combrune’s statement, 120 de- grees is the lowest heat for drying pale malt, and 150 the highest for brown malt; and he assumes it as a rinciple, that the heat of the extracting liquor should e in prof ortic n to that with which the malt was dried. When the exciseman takes his gauge ou the floor, he allows ten in the scare; but at times he gauges in the cistern, couch, floor, and kiln ; and where he. makes most, there he fixes his charge. Of Grinding . — It is necessary for malt to be ground, in order to facilitate the action of the water on the grain, which otherwise would be obstructed by the outward skin. Every corn should be cut, but not reduced to flour or meal, for in this state the grist would not be easily penetrable; it is therefore suilicient that every grain be divided into two or three parts. In every brewing, the intention of grinding is the same ; and the transparency of the liquor doss not depend outlie cut of the corn, as is supposed bv many persons. It has been recommend- ed to bruise the malt between two iron cylinders, in- stead of grinding it: if by this means, some of the fine mealy parts are saved, which would otherwise be lost in air, it must be very inconsiderable, and perhaps not equal to the disadvantage of the water not coming in immediate contact with the flour of the grain, so that, upon the whole, the difference between bruising and grinding the grain can be of no great consequence. The constituent parts of malt, like those of all ve- getable sweets, are so inclined to fermentation, that, when once put in motion, it is difficult to retard their progress, retain their preservative qualities, and pre- vent their becoming acid. Among the many means put in practice, to check this forwardness of the malt, none promised so much success as blending with the extracts, the juices of such vegetables as of them- selves, are not easily brought to fermentation. Hops were selected for this purpose, and experience has confirmed their wholeSomeness and efficacy. Hops are an aromatic, grateful bitter, endued with an austere and astringent quality, and guarded by a strong resinous oil. The aromatic parts are volatile, and disengage themselves from the plant with a small heat. To preserve them in the processes of brewing, the hops should be put into the copper as soon as possible, and be thoroughly wetted with the first extract, while the heat of the wort is at the least, and the fire under the copper has little or no effect thereon ; by this means that flavour is retained which would otherwise be dissipated. After hops are bagged, the sooner and tighter they are strained, the better they will keep. If in brew- ing, part of a bag or pocket be left unused, let the upper part of the bag be covered close over the re- mainder, and a heavy weight put upon it, to exclude the air. Of mashing . — The first step in the process of brewing, is mashing, which is performed in a large circular wooden vessel, called a tun, shallow in proportion to its extent, and furnished with a false bottom, a few inches above the real one, pierced with small holes, and made either moveable or fix- ed. There are two side -openings in the interval between the real and false bottom, to which pipes are BREWING. 87 are fixed, one for the purpose of conveying- water inio the tun, and the other for drawing the liquor out of it. The malt is to be strewed evenly over the false bottom of the tun, and then, by means of the side pipe, a proper quantity of hot water is in- troduced from the upper copper. The water rises up through the malt, or, as it is called, the grist, and when the whole quantity is introduced from the upper copper, the mashing begins, the object of which is to effect a perfect mixture of the malt with the water, so that the solute parts may be extract- j ed by it ; for this purpose the grist is incorporated i j with the water, by means of iron rakes, and then ! | the mass is beaten and agitated bv long flat wooden ; joles, resembling oars, which are either worked by j land or machinery. When the mashing is com- | j pleted, the tun is covered, to prevent the escape of | heat, and the whole is suffered to remain at rest for j some time, in order' that the insoluble parts may ! separate from the liquor; the tune it is allowed to j remain still, is various, according to the nature ot‘ the ' liquor to be brewed, and is called the standing of the mash. The side hole is then opened, and the clear wort allowed to run off slowly at first, but more rapidly as it becomes fine, into the lower or boiling copper. Many ingenious machines have been invented for the purpose of mashing: we shall give a description of two, which w r e conceive the best, one of w hich w'as invented by Mr. Goodwynne, the other by Mr. Silvester. Mr. Goodwynne’s mashing engine is of the figure of a half cylinder, with the central line placed hori- zontally. In this central line, an iron shaft is fitted, and turned round by wheelwork from a steam en- gine. It has several iron arms fixed perpendicular- ly upon it at different parts of its length, which, as the shaft revolves, sweep the whole contents of the tun, and having teeth fixed in them, mash the grist. These arms are not all fixed on the same side of the axis, but are arranged at equal angles round it, so as to dip in succession. When by their continual motion the grist is accumulated at one side of the tun, the motion of the shaft is reversed, and this brings the grist back again. Mr. Silvester’s machine, consists of a vertical spindle, in the centre of the mash tun; and upon this an iron arm, of a length sufficient to exiend across the diameter of the tun, slides up and down, through the grist. The arm is provided with teeth, projecting from one side of it like a rake ; and these teeth are so contrived, that when the arm descends, they hang down vertically : but when the arm reaches the bottom of the tun, the teeth are turned by the machine, so as to be horizontal, and are then drawn up, during which action they raise a portion of the grist from the bottom to the top. The next time the arm descends, it is turned round with its spindle, a few degrees, so as to take a fresh portion of the tun ; and in this manner its action continues, till in about bO or 40 strokes it completes its revolution round the tun. This construction admits of the mash tun, being covered close over by large doors, a circumstance of great importance for retaining the heat. The chief thing to be attended to in mashing, is the temperature of the mash, which depends on the heat of water, and on the state of the malt; it t! e water was let in upon the grist boiling hot, the starch which it contains would 1 e dissolved, r.nd converted into a gelatinous substance, in which all the other parts of the malt, and most of the water would be entangled beyond the possibility of reco- very. The most eligible temperature for mashing appears to be from 185° to 190 Q of Fahreneit; tor the first mashing, the heat of the water must be somewhat below this temperature, and low er in pre- portion to the dark colour of tiie malt made use of; for pale malt, the water may be 180 u , but for brown, it ought not to be more than 170°.* The w ort of the first mashing is by much the richest in saccharine , matter ; but to exhaust the malt, a second and a third mashing is required, in which the water may I be safely raised to 190° or upwards. The propor- j tion of w ort to be obtained from each bushel of malt, j depends entirely on the proposed strength of the li- I quor. It is said that 25 or SO gallons of table beer ! may be taken from each bushel of malt. For ale and porter of the superior kinds, only the produce of the first mashing, or six or eight gallons per bushel, are to lie taken. Of boiling and hopping. If only one kind of liquor is made, the produce of the three mashings are to be mixed together; but ifbotli ale and table-beer are required, the wmrt of the first, or of the first and second mashing, is appropriated to the ale, and the remainder is set aside for the beer. All the wort distined for the same liquor, after it has run from the tun, is transferred to the large lower copper, and mixed with a certain proportion of hops. The bet- ter the wort, the more hops are required. In private families, a pound of hops is generally used to every bushel of malt ; but in public brew eries, a much smaller proportion is deemed sufficient. When both ale and table-beer are brewed from thesame malt, the usual practice is to put the whole quantity of hops in the ale wort, which having been boiled some time, are to be transferred to the beer wort, to be again boiled w'ith it. To preserve porter for twelve months, when fer- mented * The process of brewing has within a few years been rendered much more certain by the use of the thermometer, to determine the degree of heat proper for mashing ; and an instrument called a sacchrome- ter, to ascertain the strength and goodness of the wort. This last ir«- strument is a kind of hydrometer and shews live specific gravity of the wort, rather than tlie exact quantity of saccharine matter which it contains. 88 BREWING. mentedat forty degrees, twelve pounds of hops are | considered sufficient for the produce of one quarter of malt; but if heated to sixty degrees, rather more | than double the quantity of hops will be required to preserve the beer the same length of time. For : small beer to be fermented at 40 degrees, three i poundstothe quarter will be sufficient: but atsixty ! degrees, it will require six pounds of new hops, or ! six and three-quarters pounds of old hops, which are j such as have been kept one year, and have, in con- [ sequence, lost some of their good qualities; but this J difference is not worthy of notice, w hen only small quantities are used. - When the hops are mixed with the wort in the copper, the liquor is made to boil, and the best practice is to keep it boiling as fast as possible, till { upon taking a little of the liquor out, it is found to | be full of small tlakes like those of curdled soup. The boiling copper in common breweries, is un- , covered; but in those on a very large scale, it is fitted with a steam-tight cover, from the c ntre of which passes a pipe, that terminates bv several branches in the upper mashing or copper. The steam therefore produced by the boiling, instead oi being wasted, is let into the cold water, and thus raises it i very nearly to the temperature required for mashing, besides impregnating it very sensibly with the essen- tial oil of the hops, in which the flavour resides. Of cooling. When the liquor is boiled, it is dis- charged into a number of coolers, or shallow' tubs, in which it remains until it becomes sufficiently cool to be submitted to fef mentation. It is necessary that the process of cooling should be carried on as expeditiously as possible, particularly in hot weather, and for this reason, the coolers in the great brew- houSes are very shallow. Liquor made from pale malt, and which is intended for immediate drinking, need not be Cooled lower than seventy-five or eighty degrees ; of course this kind of beer may be brewed in almost the hottest weather ; but beer brewed from brown malt, and intended to be kept, must be cooled to nearly sixty degrees, before it is put into a state of fermentation, lienee, spring and autumn have been deemed the most favourable sea- sons, for the manufacture of the best malt liquors. In the summer, worts must bo got as cool Us the Weather will admit of: and it being found, that about three o’clock in the morning is the coolest period of the tw enty-four hour*, this is the time that they should be set to work. • Wr. Jonathan Dixon has a patent for forming the Various vessels in a brewery of cast iron. I his metal seems Very well adapted to the formation of | coolers, Us it Allo ws the heat to pass off more readily than Wood, is not liable to crack in hot weather, and >s altogether free from the great repairs necessary to Wooden ones. O f fermentation. Beer receives its strength and j spirit 'from the process of fermentation, during which j a quantity of fixed air is given out of the fluid,., the wort loses its viscidity and sweet taste ; its specific gravity is diminished, and an inebriating quality is given to the liquor. When the wort is at a proper temperature, the yeast is added to it, in the gyle tun, or square, and in a short time the fermentation be- gins at the sides of the tun, and gradually advance** towards the middle, till the whole surface is covered w ith a white scum, formed of small bubbles, which increase in size as the fermentation advances, form- ing- a head of yeast. Some of the bubbles, on reach- ing the surface, burst, and the film of yeast which covered them sinks, but is again borne up by the ascending bubbles. These films form at first a yel- low, and, as the process advances, a dirty, brown, uneven covering to the yeast, giving it the appear- ance of rocks. In this state the fermentation is at its crisis, and afterwards diminishes. When the head begins to sink, which it does first in the middle of tiie tun, the fermentation is to be checked by cleansing, that is, dividing it into small casks, and allowing any farther yeast which it may produce, to flow off as fast as it rs formed; taking care to keep the casks filled up with fresh liquor, till this discharge ceases, when the bung-hole is to be closed ; and the liquor, after having stood a sufficient time to fine, will be fit for use. In London, from the large capital required in the brewing trade, the brewers find it necessary to make a quick return, and there- fore send the beer out in the rough, as they term it, that is, before it has stood a sufficient time to fine; in this case, a proper quantity of fining is sent with it, which is composed of isinglass dissolved in very sour beer, brewed on purpose, without hops, from a fourth mash. The innkeeper puts the fining into the cask, which mixes with the fecula floating in the beer, and forms a kind of net work, which gradually sinking to the bottom, carries all the impurities with it. Heat increases the violence of fermentation, and and if too great, the process advances so rapidly as to render it difficult to check it at the proper stage, which, if not effected, the acetic fermentation will commence before it has precipitated the mucilage, or m the brewer’s language, purged itself, and cause an unpalatable mixture of acid, from the* excessive fermentation ; and of bitter, from the excess of muci- lage. In the other extreme, where the heat is not sufficient for the fermentation, a decomposition of the wort takes place, and produces an unpalatable liquor, containing a combination of sweet and bitter. In strong pale ales, it is the object of the brewer to give them the greatest possible strength, together w ith a very clear and fine light colour, without con- taining much of vegetable flavour. In brown ales, and porter, a fulness of palate, deep colour, glutinous teste, and vegetable flavour are produced by retain- ing part of the farinaceous matter, instead of expell- ing the whole of it, as in the former instance. ' When the heat of the atmosphere is more than sixty BPEWINa Kilty degrees, the cool of the night must he chosen, j to put tlie wort to work. In lower degrees of the i atmosphere, the wort must be set at a greater heat j than that of the air; for as the tendency to fermen- j tation increases with the heat of the weather, it is necessary to correct it, by putting the liquor to Work colder, in hot weather, than in cold. If the air is at 30 degrees of Fahrenheit, small beer should be set to work at about 70 degrees; beer in- intended for keeping, at 50° ; and amber or gluti- nous ales at 54 w . Wien the air is at 50 w , all these kinds may beset to work at 50°. In the process of fermentation, the temperature of the wort is often increased as much at 10° ; and it may in general be considered, that the wort will be 10° higher at the height of the fermentation, than it was when first put to work, supposing the heat of the air continues the same. Of yeast. The yeast produced from strong beer is the best to effect a temperate and regular fermen- tation ; that from weak small beer should not be used when the other can lie procured ; it being apt to act violently for a short time, and then cease. The quantity of the yeast has some effect on the degree of fermentation; a greater quantity will increase the rapidity of the process, in the same manner as a greater degree of heat would, and vice versa; hence ' a greater proportion of yeast is required in winter than in summer. Small beer intended for immedi- ate use, when the temperature is as low as 40 de- grees, will require about eight pints of yeast t< one quarter of malt; at GO degrees six pints ; at 70 v five pints; and at 80 degrees, only four pints. All kinds of beer intended lor keeping, will re- quire only six pints at 40°, five pints at 60 v four pints at 70°, and three pints at SO 15 . Of colouring- The colour and flavour of porter and brown beer, was formerly derived from high dried malts, which were scorched and partially charred on the kiln, but this practice being found to cause a great waste of the fermentable matter, which might otherwise be extracted from them, has given place to the more economical plan of colouring beer, obtained from pale malt ; the cheapest method of effecting this purpose, is by the addition of burnt sugar, which gives it the desired flavour as well as colour. The mode of preparing the sugar for colouring, is as follows. One hundredweight of coarse brown sugar is put into a cast iron boiler, of a hcmespbe- rical figure, with one gallon of water. This is boil- ed, and kept constantly stirred, till it turns black, and is of the consistence of treacle; the smoke rising from it is now set on fire, and this commu- nicates to the whole, which is suffered to bum about ten or twelve minutes, and then extinguished by putting on the cover of the boiler. While it is hot, it is diluted with water, to bring it into a liquid state. Three parts of the sugar will make two parts of this j P9 colour. When used, it is put into the gyle tun, in the proportion of two or three pounds a barrel ; but this depends upon the colour of the malt from which the liquor is brewed, and the co- lour which tiie beer is intended to have. To avoid the prejudice which tjie public have ge- nerally entertained against the introduction of any matters into the beer, excepting malt and hops, some porter brew ers have of late used a portion of their richest wort, instead of sugar, for making the colour- ing. This is concentrated by boiling it in an iron pan, and is burnt in the same manner as the sugar, over which it has some slight advantage, as the burning the farinaceous matter contained m the wort gives it an agreeable bitter. M. De Roche took out a patent in 1809, for using the husks of the malt for colouring, by burning them to a coffee colour, and mixing them with the malt, at the rate of thirty-one pounds to a quarter of malt ; or the water may be coloured before brewing, by infusing these roasted skins in it. If wort is suffered to remain in the under back too long, a premature fermentation will take place, called by the brewers, foxiness, and the beer pro- duced from such wort, will be nauseous and un- palatable. A grist of malt is said by brewers, to be set, when instead of separating for extraction, it runs in clods, increases in heat, and coagulates. This accident is owing to the over quantity of heat in the water, ap- plied in the extraction. The air included in the grist, whifch is a principal, agent in resolving the malt, being thereby expelled, the mass remains inert, and its parts, adhering too closely together, are with difficulty separated, Though an immediate application of more water to the grist i9 the only remedy, yet as the cohesion is speedy and strong, it seldom takes effect. New malts, w hich have not lost the heat received from the kiln, are most apt to lead the brewer into this error, and generally in the first part of the process. Ol' THE SIGNS W HICH GENERALLY DIRECT THE PROCESSES IN RRE\yiNG. 1. When a white flour settles either in the under back or copper back, which is sometimes the case of a first extract, it is a sure sign such an extract has not been made sufficiently hot, or in technical terms, that the liquor has been taken too slack. 2. Thb first extract should always have some froth, or head, in the under back. 3. The head, or froth, in the under back appear- ing, red, blue, purple, or fiery, shews the liquors to have been taken too hot. 4. When the grist feels slippery, it generally is a sign, that the liquors have been taken too high. 5. Beer ought always to work kind, out of the cask, when cleansed, but the froth in summer will be somewhat more open than in winter. G. When the head of yeast in the gyle tun begins A a * to DO BRICKLAYING. to 9ink, it is a sign that the vinous fermentation is ended. UTENSILS USED IN A BREWI10USE. 1. The liquor-bark is a cistern in which the cold water (or as it is called the liquor,) is reserved for use. 2. The copper , used for heating the liquor. 3. The copper bach. 4. The mash tun in which the operation of mash* J ing is performed. 5. The under back , into which the wort is drawn I off after mashing. 6. The jack-bark which receives the wort after it has | been boiled with the hops, and has, in some brew* eries, a cast iron floor, pierced with small holes, to admit the wort, but retain the hops. 7. The coolers are shallow vessels, in which the wort is soon cooled, by presenting a large surface to the air. 8. The gyle-tuns , or squares in which the liquor is first put to ferment. 9. Working tuns , in which the liquor is cleansed. 10. Store-vats are immense tuns used in large breweries, for keeping beer till wanted for sale. 11. Casks t large and small. BRICKLAYING. Bricklaying is the art of cementing bricks, by lime, or some other cement, so as to form one body. Bricklayers are, in London, by charter, in 1568, a corporate company, consisting of a master, two war- dens, twenty assistants, and seventy-eight on the livery. For the laws relating to bricklayers, see building jct, in the second part of this work. In London, Bricklaying includes the business of walling, tiling, and pav ing with bricks or tiles ; and it is sometimes united with plaistering. In the coun- try, it is very common for the same person to exer- cise masonry, bricklaying and plaistering. Bricklaying is of great antiquity, for we read of it very early in the Mosaic history. TOOLS USED BY BRICKLAYERS. 1st. Walling Tools. — The brick trowel , which is used for taking up and spreading the mortar, in or- der to cement the bricks together, and for cutting the bricks to any shape required. 2d. The hammer , which is used to cut holes in brick walls. S i. The plumb rule , which is generally about 4 feet long, and used with a plumb line, to carry tiie faces of wails up perpendicularly. 4th. The level is from 6 to 12 teet long, and used to fry the level of work as it proceeds, more particu- larly window 'ills and wall plates. 5 : h large square, f>r trying and setting out the sides of buddings at rigid angles. j 6th. The rod, for measuring, is either 5 or 10 feet long, and divided by notches on the edge, into as many feet, the last foot of which is divided into inches. 7th The jointing rule, 8 or 10 feet long, for run- ning the joints of brick work. 8th. The jointer is made of steel, and shaped like the letterS; with this and the rule, the joints in brick-work are marked. 9th. The compasses. They are used for traversing arches, &c. 10th. The raker is a piece of iron, bent like the letter Z. and pointed at both ends : its use is to pick or scrape decayed mortar out of joints in old walls, ' to be replaced by new. 11th. The hod, which consists of two boards put j together at right angles, with a handle or leg, some- what resembling the letter Y, fastened to that part where the two sides meet ; one end of the trough is open and the other closed ; its use is to carry moriar, bricks, stones, &c. up the ladders, on the shoulder, the handle serv ing to k°ep it steady while ascending, and to rest it upon when on the scaffolding. Some sand or dust, is generally strewed over the inner sur- face, when mortar is carried, to prevent its sticking. 12th. The line pins. They are two iron pins for fastening and stretching the line, for the purpose , of laying the courses level. IStii. The rammer. When ground is of a loose * kind. BRICKLAYING 01 kind, this tool is used for compressing it, by beating ' on its surface. 14th. The iron crow and pick axe are used for the purpose of breaking through walls; the crow bar is i used alone for raising large stones, or any other 1 heavy bodies. 15th. The grinding stone, which is used for sharp- I ening any of the tools. 16th. y The banker is a high bench of 6 to 12 feet long, 2 or 3 feet wide, and 2 feet 8 inches high from the ground, and serves as a bench to rub bricks for arches or other work upon. 17th. The camber s/ip, which is a piece of wood of at least half an inch thick, with one of its edges curved, and rising about one inch in six feet ; its use is for drawing the soffit lines of straight arches. If the other edge is curved, it should rise one half as much: this is used for drawing the upper side of straight arches, to allow for their settling. Some w : kmen prefer the upper side of the arch straight. W en the lines are drawn, the camber slip should | be given to the carpenter, to enable him to form the ; centre to the curve of the soffit 18th. The rubbing stone, generally of a cylindric form, about 20 inches m diameter, iixed at one end of the banker. When the bricks are brought a* near the shape as convenient, by the axe, they are bv this rubbed smooth; it is also used for rubbing headers and stretchers, called rubbed returns. 19th. The bedding stone, formed of a piece of mar- ble, about 18 inches long, and 8 or 10 inches wide, with one fair side; its use being to try the rubbed Sides of the brick, which must be first squared, in or- der to try whether the surface of the brick is straight, so as to fit upon the leading- skew-back, or leading end of the arch. 20th. The small square, for trying the bedding of the bricks, and squaring the soffits across the breadth of the bricks. 21st. The betel, for drawing the soffit line on the face of bricks. 22d. The mould is used in giving form to the | back and face of the brick, that it may have its thick- j ness reduced to its proper taper, tc which end, one i edge of the mould, (which has a notch for every j course of the arch,) is brought close to the bed of the j brick already squared, 23d. The scribe is any piece of iron ground to a point, to mark by the edge of the rule or mould. | 21th. The tin saw is for cutting the lines upon j the bricks about one eighth of an inch deep, that when the axe is used, the edges may not spalter j away. It is also used in cutting the soffit through its breadth, in the direction of the tapering lines, drawn on the face and back of the brick ; the cut being made deeper on the lace and back than in the middle of its thickness, for the purpose of entering the axe. The saw i; also usetui in cutting false 1 joints. 25ih. The brick axe is used for axing off the soffits of bricks to the scribes, and saw cuttings. The more care that is taken in axing the less will be the labour of rubbing. 26th. The tamplet is used in taking the leng th of the stretchers and width of the header. Note. The last ten articles relate to the cutting of gauged arches. 27th. The chopping block is any convenient piece of wood, placed so as to be three inches from the ground, supported either on legs, or piers, and used lor axing bricks on. Its length must be according to the number of men that are to work at it. 28tli. The float stone. — This is used to rub the curved surface of the bricks smooth ; it is necessary to bring it as near as possible to the figure of the surface intended to be rubbed before the operation is began. OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ERICKS. Bricks are a kind of artificial stone, made by tem - pering clay to a proper consistence, and forcing it into a mould, to give it shape, which is that of rec- tangular prism, 10 inches in length and 3 in breadth ; these are dried in the sun and then burnt in stacks or clamps, or in a kiln ; in which operation they are reduced to 9 inches long, 4{ broad, and 2{ thick, this, however, varies according to the quality of the clay, and the quantity ofburning. There are several kinds of bricks, as marls, stocks, and place bricks. The principal difference consists in the care in tempering the clay, and diffus- ing the heat through the whole in burning. The finest kinds of marls are called firsts, and are selec- ted for arches over doors and windows, for w r hich they are rubbed to their proper forms ; there are also seconds, which are used for fronting. The best marls are superior to stock bricks in- colour, which is a pale yellow, and consequently more chaste for the front of a house, red being too glaring, particularly for country houses, where it very ill accords with the surrounding scenery. There are also' gray stocks, which are of an in- ferior kind. What are left of the clamp after the marls are se- lected, are called place bricks, packings or sandal bricks; these are of a very inferior quality, not uniformly burnt, and are of a redder colour. Burrs, or, as they are sometimes called, clinkers,, are such as are so much over burnt, as to vitrify and run two or three together. The best red brick, made out of the neighbourhood of London, are used for rubbers. 8ome very good are made at lledgerly, near Windsor, and are called Windsor bricks ; they are very hard, of a fine red colour, and preferred as fire bricks, for which purpose they are much used. Their thickness is only 1} inch, but their length and breadth, are the same as the stock brick. All bricks are sold by the thousand, and each brick, according ta BRICKLAYING. 4)2 to Act of Parliament, must measure 3} Indies long, ] 4 inches wide, and inches thick. There is a kind of brick imported from Hol- land, called Dutch clinkers, very hard, and of a light yellow colour, used much for paving. They mea- sure six inches long and three broad ; the best mode oflaying them is herring-bone wavs. Paving Tiles are a long flat kind of brick, used for laying the floor of dairies, cheese-houses, See. their size is about nine inches long, 4f broad, and l{ thick. The different sorts of tiles for covering houses, are pan tiles, which are IS inches long’, and eight broad, and about half an inch thick; their trans- verse section somewhat resembles the letter, efi being two portions of cylindric surfaces on both sides. The part which is of the greatest radius serves as a channel for conducting the rain, whilst the lesser overlops the edge of the adjoining tile. In the for- mation of the pan tile, a nob is made to project from the surface of the upper end, which serves to hang it on the lath. Laths for tiling are about three-fourths of an inch thick, and 1| inch broad, and most commonly made of deal. The other sorts of tiles are plain tiles, hip tiles, and ridge tiles. FOUNDATIONS. The first thing to be Considered w hen a building is about to be erected, is the foundation. If there are cellars or underground kitchens, it is commonly found that they are of sufficient depth to find a good and solid foundation ; but where this is not the caste, the remedies are to dig deeper, or to drive in large stones with the rammer, or by laying in thick pieces of oak, Crossing the direction of the wall, and planks of the same timber, wider than the intended wall, and running ill the same direction with it. These last are to be spiked firmly to the cross pieces, to prevent their sliding, the ground having been previously well rammed under them. | The mode of ascertaining if the ground be solid, i is by the rammer; if by striking the ground with J this tool, it shake, it must be pierced with a borer, ; such as is Used by well diggers; and having found ] how deep the firm ground is below the surface, you ! must proceed to remove the loose or soft part, taking I care to leave it in the form of steps if it is tapering, |i that the stones may have a solid bearing, -and not j be subject to slide, which Would be likely to happen, | if the ground were dug in the form of an inclined \ plane. If the ground prove variable, and be hard and soft at different places, the best Way is to turn arches J from one hard spot to another. I inerted arches have been used for this purpose with great success, by bringing up the piers, which carry the principal I Weight of the building, to the intended height and thickness, and then turning reversed arches, (as shewn in plate 1 .Jig. 10. J from one pier to another, ft is clear that by this means the piers cannot sink, without carrying the arches, and consequently the ground on which they stand, with them. This con- trivance was recommended by Alberti, and was adopted by Mr. Hook, in building Montague House; and J believe is never omitted, where circumstances of the kind before stated, occur, and w here the ar- chitect employed has any regard to his own or his employer’s interest. Where the hard ground is only to be found under apertures, build your pierson these places, and turn arches from one to the other. In the construction of the arches, some attention must be paid to the breadth of the insisting pier, whether it will cover the arch or not ; for suppose the middle of the piers to rest over the middle of the summit of the arches, then the narrower the piers the more curvature the supporting arch ought to have at the apex. When arches of suspension are used, the inlridos ought to be clear, so that the arch may have the full effect ; but, as observed before, it w ill also be requisite hero that the ground be uniformly hard on which tliepiers are erected, for it is better that it should be uniform, though not so hard as might be wished, than to have it unequally so ; for in the former case the piers w'ould descend uniformly, and the building remain uninjured ; but in the latter, a vertical fracture would take place, and endanger the whole edi- fice. WALLS. The foundation being ready, according to the foregoing directions, the destination, or use of the building, with its magnitude, &c. must be consider- ed, in order to use such materials as are best suited to the end required. Thus, in places much ex- posed to the weather, the hardest and be*.t bricks must be used, and the soft reserved for in-door work, or places where they are less tried ; but in this, re- gard must also be had, to the importance of the building, and whether it is designed for long dura- tion. (n slacking lime, use only as much water as will reduce it to a powder, and only about a bushel of lime at a time, covering it over with sand, in or- der to prevent the gas, which is the virtue of the lime, from escaping . — ( See Cements , in the second part.) This is a better mode than slacking the whole at one time, as there is less surface exposed to the air. Before you use the mortar, it should be beat three or four times over, so as to incorporate the lime and sand, and to reduce all knots or knobs of lime that may have passed the sieve. This very much im- proves the smoothness of the lime, and by driving in ail* to its pores, will make the mortar stronger: as little water is to be used in this process as possible. Whenever mortar is suffered to stand any time be- fore used, it should be be beat again, so as to give it tenacity, and prevent labour to the bricklayer. In dry hot summer w eather, use your mortar soft, in w inter rather stiff. If BRICKLAYING. 03 ifvou lay your bricks in dry weather, and the I work is required to be firm, wet your bricks by dip- ping 1 them in water, or by causing water to be thrown over them before they are used, and your j mortar should be prepared in the best way. Feu i workmen are sufficiently aware of the advantage of j wetting bricks before they are used, but experience ! has shewn that works in which this practice has j been attended to, have been much stronger, than j others, where it has been omitted. It is particular- ly serviceable where work is carried up thin, or in putting in furnaces, grates, &c. In winter, as soon as frosty and stormy weather set in, cover your wall with straw or boards; the for- mer is better than the latter if well secured, as it protects the top of the wall, in some measure from frost, which to building is very prejudicial, particu- larly, when it follows much rain ; for the rain pene- trates to the heart of the Wall, and the frost, by con- verting the water into ice, expands it, and causes the mortar to assume a short and crumbly nature, and altogether destroys its tenacity. In working up the wall, it will be proper not to work more than four or live feet at atime, for as all walls, immediately after building-, shrink, the part which is first brought up will remain stationary, and when the adjoining part is raised to the same height, a shrinking or settling- will take place, and separate the former ti'om the latter, causing- a crack which will become more and more evident, as the work proceeds. In carrying up any particular part, each side should be sloped off, to receive the bond of the adjoining work on the right and left. Nothing but absolute necessity can justify the work being carried higher, in any particular part, than one scaffold, for, wherever it is done, the workman is certainly answer- able for all the evil which may arise lrom such pal- pable error. There are two kinds of bond in brickwork, which differ materially from each other, and as the subject is of the highest importance to the bricklayer, we shall lay before our readers some excellent remarks, contained in a pamphlet, written on this subject, by ! Mr. G. Saunders, who has treated it with a degree of attention which its importance requires. t; Bricks laid lengthways in the direction of the wall are called stretchers, and those laid in an oppo- site way crossing the direction oAthe wall, are called eaders. Old English bond, is a continuation of one kind throughout, in the same course or horizontal layer, and consists of alternate layers of headers and stretchers, (see Figure 1, 2, 3, 4, Plate 1) the head- ers serving to bind the wall together, in a longitudi- nal direction, or lengthways, the stretchers, to pre- vent the wall splitting crossways, or in a transverse direction. Of these two evils, the former is by much the worst kind, and is therefore most dreaded by the bricklayer.” Mr. Saunders is of opinion, that old English brick work is the best security against these acci- dents, as work of this kind, wheresoever it is so much undermined as to cause a fracture, is not sub- ject to either of the above evils, but separates by breaking through the solid brick, just as if the wall were composed of one entire piece. The brick work of the Romans was of this kind of bond, but the specimens of their work, which re- main, are of great thickness, and have three or sometimes more, courses of brick laid at ceitain in- tervals of the height, stretchers on stretchers, and headers on headers, opposite the return Avail, and sometimes at certain distances in the length, forming" piers, that bind the Avail together in a transverse di- rection ; the intervals between these piers were fill- ed up, and formed pannels of rubble or reticulated work ; consequently great substance Avith strength Avas economically obtained. Flemish bond , ( see Plate 1, Figure 5, 6,7,) which is the second kind, consists in placing in the same course alternate headers and stretchers, Avhich dis- position, according to our author, is decidedly inferi- or in every thing but in appearance, and even m this, the difference is so trifling, that few common observers would be struck Avith any great superiori- ty, that the former possesses over the latter. To obtain this, strength is sacrificed, and bricks of tivo qualities are fabricated for the purpose ; a firm brick often rubbed and laid in Avhat the Avorkmen term a putty joint, for the exterior, and an inferior brick for the interior substance of the wall; as these did not correspond in thickness, the exterior and interior sur- face of the Avail, Avould not be otherwise connected together, than by an outside heading brick that was here and there continued of its Avhole length ; but as the Avork does not admit of this at all times, from the want of agreement in the exterior and inte- rior courses ; these headers can only be introduced . where such a correspondence take place, Avhichsome- times may not occur for a considerable space. Walls of this kind consist of tivo faces of four inch work, Avitli very little to connect them together, and what is still worse, the interior face often con- sists ot brick, little better than rubbish. Notwith- standing this, the practice of Flemish bond, has con- tinued from the time of William and Mary, Avhen it was introduced, Avith many other Dutch fashions ; and our Avorkmen are so infatuated Avith this prac- tice, that there is scarcely an instance to be seen of the old English bond. To the Flemish bond alone must be attributed the frequent splitting of Avails into tAvo thicknesses, and various schemes have been, from time to time adopt- ed, for the prevention of this formidable defect. Some have laid laths or slips of hoop iron, occasion, ally, in the horizontal joints between the tAvo cour- ses ; others lay diagonal courses ofbricks at certain heights from each other; but the good effect of this B b last 94 BRICKLAYING. .last practice is much doubted, as in the diagonal course, by their not being continued to the outside, the bricks are much mangled where the strength is wanted. Many other practices are enumerated, to unite cot** plete bond with Flemish facings, but with no better success. In figure 5 Sf G, the interior bricks are dis- posed with intention to unite these two particulars,- the Flemish facings being- only on one side of the wall : but this at least fails far short of the strength, ob- tained by the English manner. There is another evil attending this disposition of the brick, which is the difficulty of its execution, as the adjustment of the bricks in one course must depend on the course beneath, which must be seen or recollected by the workman; the first is difficult, from the joints of the under course being covered with mortar, to bed the .bricks of the succeeding course, and for the workman to carry in his mind, the arrangement of the pro- ceeding course, is more than can reasonably be ex- pected from him, and, unless it be attended to, the joints will be frequently brought to correspond, dividing the wall into several thicknesses, and ren- dering it subject to separation or splitting. In the old English bond, the outside of the last course, points out how the next is to be laid, so that the w orkman cannot easily err. The outside appearance is all that can be urged iu favour of Flemish bond, but even in this, Mr. Saunders is of opinion that were the English man- ner executed with the same attention and neatness that is bestowed on the Flemish, it would be con- sidered as equally handsome. However this maybe, it is surely the duty of all who are concerned in this business, to recommend the adoption of the old English bond, and the following are directions for the execution of it. 1st. Each course to be alternately of headers and stretchers. 2nd. Every brick in the same course must be laid in tiie same direction ; but in no instance is a brick to be placed with its whole length along the side of another, but to be so situated, that the end of one may reach to the middle of the others -which lay contiguous to it, except the outside of the stretching course, where three quarter bricks necessarily occur at the ends, to prevent a continued upright joint in the face work. 3rd. A wall which crosses at a right angle with another, will have all the bricks of the same level course in the same parallel direction, which com- pletely bonds the angles. See Fig. 1, 2, and 3. ( For the measuring of allkinds of brickzcork sec j\ Jcn- suration.) Description of Plate I. — Fig. 1,2 ,3, and I, shew the arrangement of bricks in depths of different thicknesses, so as to form English bond. Fig. 1, is the bond of a wall of 9 inches. To prevent two or vertical joints running over j each other, at the end of the first stretcher from the J corner, place the return corner stretcher, which is a i header, in the face that the stretcher is in below, and | occupies half its length ; a quarter brick is placed ) next on its side, forming together 6| inches, and i leave a lap of 2| inches for the next header, which lies with its middle upon the middle of the header below, and forms a continuation of the bond. The i three quarter brick, or brick-bat, is called a 1 1 closer. ! Another way of effecting, this, is by laying a fbat i at the corner of the stretching course, for when the corner header comes to be laid over it, a lap of 2| incises will be left at the end of the stretchers below for tiie next header, which when laid, its middle will come over the joint below the stretcher, and in this manner form a bond as before. Fig. 2. A fourteen inch or brick and half wall. In this the stretching course, upon one side, is so laid that the middle of the breadth of the bricks upon the opposite side, falls alternately upon the middle of the stretchers, and upon the joints between the stretchers. Fig. 3, a two brick wall. In tbe heading coui'se, ] every alternate header is only half a brick thick on ! both sides, which breaks the joints in the core of i wall. | Fig. 4, a two brick and a half wall. The bricks j are laid as in Fig. 3. Fig. 5, Flemish bond, for a nine inch wall, where j two stretchers lie. between two headers, the length of the headers and the breadth of the stretchers, ex- ! tending the whole thickness of the wall. Fig. 6. a brick and half Flemish bond, one side being laid as in Fig. 4, and the opposite side with a half header opposite to the middle of the stretcher, and the middle of the stretcher opposite the middle of the end of the header. Fig. 7, Another arrangement of Flemish bond ; here the bricks are disposed alike on both sides the ; wall, the tail of the headers being placed con- tiguous to each other, so as to form square spaces in the core of the wall for half bricks. Fig. 8, the corner coin of an upwright wall, English bond. Fig. 9, the coin of an upright wall, Flemish bond. Fig. 10, Reversed arches, to prevent the ground giving way or sinking. Fig. 1 1, a straight arch, which is usually the height of four courses of brick work; the manner of describing it will be shewn in the following figure. Fig. 12, to draw the joints of a straight arch, let A. 11. be the width of the aperture ; describe an equilateral triangle A. D. ('. upon this width; describe a circle round t* e point C\ equal to the thickness of the brick. Draw D. E. parallel to A. II. at the distance equal to the height of four courses, BRICKLAYING. 95 and produce C, A. and C. B. to d. e. lay the straight 1 edge of a rule from c. to d. and with a pair of com- passes, opened to a distance equal to the thickness of a brick, cross the line d. e. at F. removing the rule from the points C. and D. Place the straight edge againt the points C. and F. and with the same, extend the points of the compass, cross the line I). E. at G. proceed in this manner until you come to the j middle, and as it is usual to have a brick in the cen- | tre to key the arch in, if the last distance, which w e will suppose to be h. i. is not equally divided by the middle point K. of D. E. the process must be re- peated till it is found to be so. Though the middle brick tapers more in the same length than the extreme bricks, it is conven- ient to draw' all the bricks with the same mould, which is a great saving of time, and though this is not correctly true, the difference is so trifling as not to affect the practice. It may, however, be proper to observe, that the real taper of the mould is less than J in the middle, but greater than either extreme dis- lj tance; but even the difference bet ween this is so ! j small, that either may be used, or taking half their \ ; difference will come very near the truth. This diff- j erence might easily be shewn by a trigonometrical I calculation, the middle being an isoceles triangle, of which the base and perpendicular are given, the ! j base being a certain part of the top line. In the j triangle upon the sides, you have one angle equal to j 60 degrees, and the side D. F. is given, and 1) G, j = ( D. K. 2 -fK. C 2 )| can easily be found, so that in i ! this triangle the two sides and the contained angle j I are given. Fig’. 13 and 14. — Ornamental brick cornices. The : first is an imitation of the Grecian doric, and t' ; e ! second a dentil cornice. A variety of pleasing symmetry, may be formed by yarious dispositions of the bricks, and frequently without cutting, or it' cut, 1 chamfering only may be used. J ig. 15. Semi-circular arch, two bricks high. | I'ig. 16, 17 18, and 19. Brick piers, of various thicknesses, arranged according to Flemish bond. Fig. 17. A two and half brick pier. J'ig. 18. A three brick pier, and Fig. 19. Three and half brick pier. In each of the foregoing, the arrangement of the j first and second courses is shown. Fig. 21. An elliptic arch, struck from two cen- | tres A and B. Fig. 22. A scheme arch, two bricks high. Fig. 20. Plan of Mr. Tapper’s mode of constructing j groins, which is a great improvement on the common lour-sided groin. The improvement consists in rais- i ing the angle of the groin from an octagonal pier, instead of a square one, which gives more strength, j and from the corners being removed, renders it more i commodious for turning any kind of goods round it ; I tliis renders it particularly advantageous in cellars, a supply of coals warming before ihey arc pushed forward into he fire. The importance of this is known to those who have at- ■nded to the effect of every fresh supply of coals to the boilers of team engines, ;is it instantly stops the hailing, unless this precau- ion is attended to. It also prevents, in a great measure, the cold ir getting in between the door and frame ot the lire- place, wmen requently happens from the difficulty of fitting iron doors, to non rutne>. BRICKLAYING 97 faake it less. It should be observed, however, that 1 am speaking only of ovens, of the size usually adop- ted by bakers, that is, from 8 to about 1G bushels. The oven which I have selected as an example, and of which I have given the necessary drawings tor the instruction of workmen, (see Plate l.) I feel no hesitation in recommending it fir adoption, as it is generally admitted to be the best, and though a difference of opinion may, and does prevail, with regard to some of its dimensions, the principle has hithertoremained unquestioned. The points ofdiffer- ence between myself and Mr. Phillip-, I leave to the determination of those who feel themselves interest- ed in the decision. The greatest objection I have to Mr. P’s account, is, not that he happens to differ with me in the size of the fire hole, for 1 am even willing to allow that it is possible he may be right ; but because the whole of the passage in question is so ambiguously worded, and so loosely put together, that I am persuaded no one can make any thing of it, who is not already familiar with the subject; let any one previously unacquainted with the matter, peruse the description alluded to, and then turn to the Figs. 28, 29, 30, 31, and 3 2, on Plate I. and say whether the idea he had formed from the description, is in any degree realized or no. If we pretend to give advice, it should be done in such terms as are likely to be understood by those to whom it is direct- ed, otherwise instead ofdoing good it is most proba- j ble we may do harm. To return, — the kinds of Coal made use of for heating of ovens, are chiefly the Staffordshire, Hartleys, and Coupen-Main,* as these coals differ only in name, and not in their properties, the only point for consideration is, which will come cheapest, yet 1 should observe, that there may be some little difference in the strength, though 1 have not been able to discover it ; this matter may be worth enquiry. If these coals should on sufficient trial be found so nearly alike in strength, that the difference is not deemed worth notice, there will be no difficulty in deciding which is the cheapest. The weight of a chaldron of coals is about 28 cwi. the Hartleys and Coupen-Main are sold by the chaldron, and the Staffordshire by the ton; in general the Staffordshire coal will be found most expensive. Ovens formed after tins example will hold, accord- ing to their size, as follows : — Ft. Ft. In. 8 wide and 7 0 deep. . . „ 8 bushels of bread. 9 ditto and 7 6 ditto. ... 10 ditto ditto 10 ditto and 8 6 ditto, ... 12 ditto ditto It required to hold less than 8 bushels, or more than 12, reduce or increase the proportions accoitl- ingly. Fig. 28, Plate 1. Is the plan of an oven, (to be heated with coal; which, according to tne above * Wood is frequ^i ilv mitdi' use of instead of coals in ovens of this construction particularly by biscuit bakers. table, will contain 8 bushels of bread, it being 8 feet wide and 7 deep ; the fire hole enters the oven in a direction diagonal with the farthest corner, the sides of the oven are carried nearly straight, and turned as sharp as possible at the haunch and shoulder, this form being supposed better calculated to retain the heat than any other; the flue is imme- diately over the entrance, as described by the dotted enclosure at a, on the plan. Welch lumps or fire bricks are used for the stove or fire hole, and the best, or at least the cheapest place to obtain the lat- ter (in the neighbourhood of London) is at a manu- i factory of this sort in Princes-street Vauxhall, still ! carried on I believe by a person of the name of Gre- j gory. In business of this nature it is usual to in- troduce a considerable quantity of old iron hoops, more especially round and over the oven, in order to I keep the work together ; this precaution is not only necessary with respect to ovens, but is advisable ou ail occasions, where great heat is required ; it is ne- cessary were it merely to prevent the loss of heat, by a seperation of the work, but when it is considered that the escape of the fire, in this way, may be pro- ductive of a still greater evil, in which others may be involved as well as ourselves, the neglect of this precaution becomes unpardonable. A piece of cast iron covers the space before the door of the oven, exactly level with its floor; the opening underneath I is applied to no particular use, but is generally I made a receptacle for lumber ; it is commonly done I more with a view to lessen the expence than with any j other, yet this notion of economy is ridiculed by some, from a persuasion that a great deal of heat j escapes this w ay, if the place can be applied to no real use, I should think it much better done away with, as there is certainly some reason in the objec- tion urged against rt. Fig. 29, Elevation. The mouths of coal ovens are closed with a door of wrought iron, in which is a | small circular hole with a valve for the convenience | of the baker, and to prevent the cooling of the oven, j by a frequent opening of the door. To heat the I oven, the door is thrown back, and a blower is ap- plied to the mouth, so contrived, as not only to I cover the month of the oven, but to enclose also the i throat of the chimney, by which contrivance the I draft is so much encreased, that the necessary degree of heat is very soon obtained ; and if a' any time the oven is too hot, (supposing that the fire is out) it will only be necessary to throw open the furnace ; door and put up the blower for a tew minutes, the j current of cool air -which is thus made to pass J through it, soon reduces the heat to tbg temperature i required, in the blow er is also an opening of the same kind as 't^at in the door, which is opened and shut at pleasure ; the course of the flue is described- by the dotted lines at b. The lead cistern is fixed about five or six inches over the stove, so that the water may be kept warm, but not boiling, from this C c a pipo 98 BRICKMAKING. a pipe Is brought down, fas shewn) with a cock in ■the front. The stove is closed with an iron door, as also the ash pit hole. Fig. 30. Is the blower, as before described. Fig. 31. Is the transverse section from A B on the plan, looking- towards the opening, the fire hole entering the oven at c, the crown is turned, with the bricks on end, and instead of centering, the custom is to fill the whole space with sand, clay, -or rubbish, which is well trod down, and fashioned to the shape which it is intended the crown shall be of. When the upper work is finished, the sand is dug out of the mouth of the oven. Fig. 32. Is the longitudinal section from C to D. In this, the situation, &c. of the flue is clearly evi- •dent, and the sectional line of the blower, when in its is place, described by the dotted line d; tkq space under the oven has been before spoken of. I shall now close this part of the subject, under the fullest conviction that no person can be at a loss, after the information I have givieri', to construct an oven of this kind, th ugh he may previously be un- acquainted with the business. There are several contrivances to heat ovens with coal, but as that which I have offered is generally admitted to be the best, I have deemed it unnecessary to describe any other. This observation relates only to ovens of the size used by bakers, as it is the general practice to heat small ovens with coal.” An oven, particularly well adapted to the baking of meat in public bakehouses, is described at the end of the article Baking. BRICKMAKING. Brick-making, the art of forming and manufac- turing bricks. The earliest mention of bricks is to be found in the historical books of the Old Testament, where we find that Noah’s three sons, together with their wives and children, departed from the eastward, and travelled into the land of Shinar. “ And they said one to another, goto, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly ; and they had brick for stone, and slime,* had they for mortar.” Whether these bricks were really exposed to the action of fire, as the passage before seems to imply, or merely dried m the sun, is a point by no means settled; but ac- cording to the testimony of Herodotus, who was upon the spot, the bricks which composed the tower of Babylon, were baked in furnaces. That unburnt bricks were also employed in the earliest buildings, appears certain, from the testimony of some of the oldest historians, and from proofs still existing. Unburnt bricks were used in Egypt ; the making them was one of the tasks imposed on. the Israelites during their servitude in that country ; butthe old- * T?v slime is meant a bitumen or pitchy substance, with whirl), according to the accounts of travellers, the couutry about Babylon abounds. est edifices, which at present remain there, are prin- cipally of stone. Pococke, however, describes a piramid built of unburnt bricks, called Cloube-el- Menshieh, (the bricks of' Menshieh) which are com- posed of a black sandy earth intermixed with peb- i bles and shells, the sediment deposited by the over- flowing of the Nile. Unburnt bricks are still in I common use in Egypt, and many other parts of the east; they were also used on some occasions by the I Greeks and Romans. At what time burnt bricks were first introduced, or in what country, cannot be determined, nor indeed is it of any moment. The Greeks were certainly acquainted with the art of burning bricks, as appears from Vitruvius, who in- stances several celebrated buildings in which this ma- terial was used, both sun-dried and burnt. This author gives us the following directions for making unburnt bricks. They should not be made of stoney, sandy, or gravelly loam, for such kind of earth renders them heavy ; and upon being wetted with rain after being laid in the wall, they swell and dissolve ; and the straw which is put in them docs not adhere on account of their roughness. The earth of which they are formed should be light chalky white', or red. They should be made in spring of autumn, as being the best time for drying; for the intense BRICKMAKING. intense heat of summer parches the outside before i the inside is dry ; which afterwards drying; in the j building', causes them to shrink and break. They are best when made two years before they are used, as they cannot be sufficiently dry in less time. If they "are used when newly made and moist, the plaister work which is laid on them, remaining firm and stiff, and they shrinking, and consequently not preserving the same height with the incrustation, it is, by such contraction, loosened and seperated. At Utica, therefore, the law allows no bricks to be used before they have lain to dry five years. No bricks of the form now adopted, are fbund in ancient structures ; those being either square or triangular, and more resembling our paving tiles, than bricks, as well in form as in substance. The triangular brick must have possessed considerable advantages over the present kind, their form being calculated to give the most complete bond, and from their thinness they were likely to be better burnt. Bricks have several advantages over stone, from their porous texture ; they unite better with the ce- ment, are much lighter, and the walls built with them are less subject to be damp. The earth proper for making bricks, is a clayey loam, neither abounding too much with sand, which renders them brittle, nor with too large a portion of argillaceous matter, which causes them to shrink and crack in drying. The manufacture of bricks has of late years be- come an object of revenue, and as such, entitled to some consideration ; it is, besides, of the utmost im- portance to the community, inasmuch as the value and comfort of our dwellings, must depend in a great measure on the quality of the materials with which they are constructed, and bricks form no inconsi- derable part of them. The best account we have seen of this art, is given in “ Malcolm’s Compen- dium of Modern Husbandry,” from which we have made the follow ing extract : — “ The Moulds , used in making every sort of brick for building purposes, are ten inches in length, and five in breadth ; and the bricks when burned, usually measure nine inches in length, and four and one half in breadth, so that the clamp shrinks about one inch in ten. But the degree of contraction, (as^we have before seen) which clay undergoes in being burned, does not absolutely depend upon the purity of the clay ; for some city imbibes more moisture than others ; if that which imbibes the most is not ex- posed a much longer time to the frost to divide and separate its particles, and to the heat of the sun to exhale its moisture, than that which imbibes less | and is a shorter time exposed; it follows, that while the one will be reduced one inch, the other may lose two or more. Again, the heat of the kiln or clamp, and the situation of the bricks as to heat, w ill vary ' the diminution of the subject to be burnt. It is of j ^consequence therefore, in the making of sound hard ■ m bricks, that the clay should be dug two or three years before it is used, in order that it may be pul- verized ; and the oftener it is turned and incorpora- ted, the better w ill be the bricks. The earth should have sufficient time to mellow and ferment, which will render it more apt and fit to temper ; and this operation of treading and tempering ought to be performed more than doubly what is usual ; because the goodness of the bricks wholly depends upon the well-performance of its first preparation, since the the earth in itself, before it is wrought, is generally brittle, full of extraneous matter, which requires to be removed, and as it were without unity or sta- bility ; but by adding small quantities of water by degrees to it, and working and incorporating it to- gether, the several parts of it are opened, and by being thus exposed to the atmosphere, a tough gluey substance is formed, which, without such temper- ing, treading, and beating, could not have been pro- duced. Bricks thus tempered, become solid, smooth, hard, and durable, and one brick, thus made, takes up nearly as much earth, as a brick and a half, made in the common w'ay, which are light, full of cracks, and spongy, owing to the want of due work- ing and management; to confirm this observation, we shall give the following experiment, made by M. Gallon. He took a certain quantity of the- earth, prepared for the making of bricks, he let it remain for seven hours, then caused it to be moistened and beaten, during the space of thirty minutes; the next morning the same operation was repeated, and the earth was beaten for thirty minutes ; in the afternoon it was again beaten for fifteen minutes. Thus, this earth had only been Avorked for an hour and quarter longer than usual, but at three different times. The material had ac- quired a greater density, by this preparation ; for a brick made with this earth, weighed five pounds eleven ounces, while another brick made in the same mould, of the earth that had not received this preparation, weighed only five pounds seven ounces. Then having dried these bricks in the air, during the space of thirteen days, and having burnt them with others, without any particular precautions, they Avere examined Avhen taken from the kiln, and it Avas found that the bricks made of the earth, which had been the most worked, still Aveighed four ounces more than the others, each having lost five ounces by the evaporation of the moisture. But their strength was very different, for, on placing them with the centre, on a sharp edge, and loading the two ends, the bricks formed with the well tem- pered earth, Avere broken w ith a weight at each end, of 65 pounds, or 130 pounds in all, while the others were broken with 35 pounds at each end, or 70 pounds in the whole. A mixture of ashes, which is uoav uniformly practised about London, and light sandy earth, which is usually practise din the country, facilitates 100 BRICKMAKING. facilitates the work, and serves also to save coals or | the wood in burning them. The excellency of bricks consists chiefly in the first and last operation ; for bricks made of good earth, and well tempered, become solid and pon- derous, and therefore, will take up a longer time in drying and burning, than our common bncks seem to require. It is also to be observed, tha 1 well drying of bricks, before they are burned, pre- vents cracking and crumbling in their burning ; for when the bricks are too wet, the parts are prevent- ed from adhering together. The best way of or- dering the fire, is, to make it gentle at first, and in- crease it by degrees, as the bricks grow harder. The common computation is, that every acre of land will yield one million of bricks, in every foot in depth, including ashes which are usually mixed with it. In general our fields are shallow with a bottom of gravel, yet we think they will aver- age nearly five feet, though we believe we have none that will run ten twelve or more feet, as about Kingland ; at least such is Mr. Malcolm’s informati- on on this subject. Bricks are made by the thousand, as the most sa- tisfactory mode between master and man, and a handy man could mould in in one day, viz. lfom five in the morning until eight at night, 5000. To assist him in the preparation of the soil, &c. from the heap (which is usually dug after the season for brick- making is oyer and laid up) there is generally a gang consisting of six persons ; one man tempers and prepares the soil, which is done with a hoe made long, in the shape of a mattock, a shovel, scoop, a thick plank or board, and a cuckhold ; with the hoe he pulig down the soil from the great heap, which is chopped backwards with the shovel, to turn it as of- ten as may be necessary, to mix and thoroughly in- corporate the ashes and soil together, because it is to tie understood, that at the time the soil is dug out, and made into this heap, a layer of coal ashes is al- ternately placed between a layer of soil, as often and in such quantities in each layer as the quality of the soil and other circumstances may make necessary. The scoop is used to throw water over this portion that is pulled down with the hoe, in order that it may become, more and more, in a tempering state, more soft and ductile ; and with the board he kneads it together, over which a certain quantity of sand is thrown, and it is then covered with pieces of sack- ing or matting, to keep the sun and air from it. A boy scoops or cuts otf a slice, with an instrument or shovel having a short handle, and the blade of it made concave, called a cuckhold ; this he brings on his arms to the moulding table, which is placed under a moveable shed, upon which, another boy rolls out a lump somewhat bigger than will fit the mould, the table have been previously strewed with sand. The moulder, after dipping his mould into dry sand, placed at one corner of las table, throws the lump prepared, into the mould, and with a flat smooth stick, about eight inches long, previously dipped in a pan of water, strikes off the surplus soil ; lie then immediately turns out the brick upon a stand, or board, of the same size with the brick ; a boy takes it from thence, and places it on a light bar- row, with a lattice- work flame fixed over the frame of tiie barrow, at about three feet high above the wheel, and reduced to about eighteen inches in height towards the handle, forming an inclined plane. The new made bricks are placed on this lattice frame, and over them, sand is thrown in sufficient quantities to prevent their adhering to each other, as well as to prevent in a certain degree their cracking in drying while on the hacks. A boy wheels the barrow to the hacks, and places them with great regularity and dispatch, one above the other, a little diagonally, in in order to give a free passage to the air. Each hack is made wide enough for two bricks, to be placed edgeways across, with a passage-between the heads of each brick ; they are usually made eight bricks high; the bottom bricks at the end of each hack are old ones. In showery weather, wheat or rye straw is care- fully laid over the bricks that are drying on these hacks, to keep them as free from wet as possible ; for the brickmakers do not here, as in some places more distant from the metropolis, go to the expence of roofed coverings, or long sheds; which from the extent of one of these fields would be impossible. If the weather is tolerably fine, a few days is suf- ficient to make them dry enough to be turned, which is done by resetting them more open, and turning them ; and six or eight days more are required be- fore they are fit to be put into the clamp, for kiins are not in use in this part of the country. When sufficiently dry, the clanipniaker levels the ground, generally at one end of the range of hacks, nearly centrical, making the foundation of the intended clamp, somewhat higher than the surrounding ground ; and with place bricks, if they have any, or otherwise, with the driest of those just made, makes a foundation of an oblong form, beginning with the flue, which is nearly a brick wide, and running straight through the clamp. In this flue, dry bavins, coals, and cinders (vulgarly called breese,) are laid and pressed in close, in order that the interstices between wood and coal may be properly filled up. On the sides ofttie flue, the bricks are placed diago- nally about one inch asunder, and between each layer of bricks three or four inches of breese are strewed, and in this manner they build tier upon tier as high as the clamp is meant to be ; never omitt- ing between each layer, as well as between each brick, tiiat is placed diagonally, to put a due portion of breese. When they have made the clamp about six feet long, another flue is made similar in every respect to the preceding, to the extent of the size of the intended clamp, provided only that the bricks are BRICKMAKING. 101 are meant to be burnt off quick, which they will be in about 21 or SO days, according- as the weather may suit. But if there is no immediate hurry for the bricks, the flues are placed about nine feet asunder, and the 'clamp left to burn off slowly. When fire i- set to the clamp, and it burns well, the ash hole, being placed at the west end generally, the mouths are stopped with bricks, and clay laid against them : the outsides of the clamps are plaistered with clay if the weather is at all precarious, or the fire burns furiously: and to the end against which addition is made to the clamp, skreens made of reeds worked into frames about six feet high, and sufficiently wide to be moved about with ease, are placed to keep off the weather, and against any particular side where wet is most prevalent. On the top of the clamp a thick layer ofbreese is uniformly laid. ‘ T: is is the mode of manufacturing the common grey stocks for walls and common buildings; but some brickmakers, in order to mix the soil and ashes more regularly, perform it with a machine, called a clay mill, which a horse turns round. This ma- chine consists of a tub or tun fixed to the ground, in which is placed perpendicularly an instrument re- sembling a worm or screw ; the soil being put in at top, is worked down by the rotary motion 1 of the worm, and is forced out at a hole made on the side near the bottom of the tub. A man supplies the tub with fresh soil, properly moistened, while tie person who supplies the moulder keeps removing that which is thus prepared, or pressed out. Washcd'vmhns, or more properly marls, are made with still greater attention; a circular walled recess is built about four feet deep, and from three to four feet w ide, paved at bottom, and from 10 to 12 feet diameter, having a horse- wheel placed in the cen- ter; the ground is raised all round it, and a plat- form made upon a level with the top of the recess. On this platform the i.orse walks, a pump is fixed into a well, as near to the platform as may be, to supply ihe recess with water as often as occasion may require. A barrow made to fit the recess, and t ick set w ith long iron teeth, Avell loaded, : s chained t the traces of the horse, who drags this after him; a nan wheels a harrow full of soil previously pre- p -red in a heap the same as for the common stocks, a d shoots it regularly round the reces^, he then p mips a certain quantity of water, which, by means O ! troughs or shoots, runs on it. The horse is then s«t i a motion, and the barrow being loaded accor- dingly, forces its way into the soil, admits the water i. io it, anc! by thus tearing and operating i\ mixes t he ingredients a* the same time that it gives an o-oortunity for stones and other ponderous substan- ces to subside to the bottom. The man keeps supply- ing it with fresh soil and water until there is a suffi- cient body iff the recess On one side, but as near to the recess us possible, the ground is made smooth, i and dug out about IS inches or tw'o feet deep into a hollow square; and the soil now becomes paste, and being thereby sufficiently washed, purified, and tluid, troughs are placed from the recess to this hol- low ground, and it is pumped or ladled out with scoops or shovels into tiie troughs, carefully leaving the sediment at the bottom of the recess to be after- wards thrown out on the sides of it, together with stones, bones. &c Over this hollow square or pit the fluid soil diffuses itself, where it settles of an equal thickness, and remains until wanted for u- r> ; the superfluous Avater being either evaporated or drained from it, by its being exposed a certain length of time in so thin a body. W ten they have got a sufficient quantity of washed earth in this pit, ano- ther is made alongside of it, and so they proceed un- til they have got as much thus prepared, as they are likely to want during tiie season. The clamps for burning these better sorts of bricks are individually the same with the other, but great- er care is taken in not o\ r erheating the kiln, and in causing it to burn moderately, as equably and as diffusively at the same time as possible. In the country, bricks are always burnt in kilns, whereby less waste arises, less fuel is consumed, and the bricks are sooner burnt. The bricks are first set or placed in it, and then the kiln being- covered with pieces of bricks, or tiles, the work- men put in some wood, to dry them with a gentle fire ; and this they continue till the bricks are pretty dry, Avhicli takes up two or three days, which is known by the smoke turning from a darkish colour to a transparent smoke ; they then leave off putting in wood, and proceed to make ready for burning, which is performed by putting in brush, furze, spray, heath, brakes, or fern laggots, according to the scarcity or plenty of those articles in the neighbour- hood. But before they put in any faggots they dam up the mouth or mouths of the kiln with pieces of bricks, which is called in some places shinlogs, piled upon one another and close it up with wet brick earth. The shinlog they make so high that there is but just room above to thrust in a faggot ; they th< n proceed to put in more faggots, till the kiln and ns arches look white, and the fire appears at the top of the kiln ■: upon which they slacken the fire for an hour, and let all cool by degrees. Tins they con- tinue to do alternately, heating and slackening till the bricks bn thoroughly burnt, which is usually effected in 48 ’-ours. One of these kilns will burn 20,000 bricks, and is usually J 3 feet long, by 10 i teet six inches in depth, and the height about 12 ffot. j The walls are carried up something out of the per- i pendicular at the top, and inclining towards each I other, so that the area at the top is not more than 114 sqn re feet; the thickness of the walls is one j foot two inches. Dd The ios BRICKMAKING. The bricks are set on flat arches, having holes | left them something like lattice work. Goldham observes that bricks will have double the strength if after one burning they be steeped in water, and burnt a fresh. As every man who has occasion to use bricks, j whether on his own estate, or on that of his land- lord, cannot but be sensible of the great value of a perfectly dry house; and as it is impossible a house J can be dry if bricks are used which are not suffici- ently burnt, such as the place bricks before descri- bed, he will do well to consider whether it will not be more advantageous to him in the end, to make use of no other than the best hard scurd bricks, be the colour of them what they may, and be the cost what it will. Such bricks are easily known by their sound, and by their striking fire with steel. It will be found that, besides the comfort and firmness of the building, they will be cheaper than place bricks, together with the expence of battening the walls. In the interior of the county of Surrey, tiles are almost uniformly used for roofs of houses, and in some instances, on barns : but, between Dorking and Horsham, a heavy, but i ry durable sort of slate stone is qsed. Nearer London, slates, either Welsh or Westmoreland, pi\ vail. As there are many persons who* give the preferance to tiles, it may not be amiss to give the result of a curious ex- periment on -that subject, as related by the bishop of LandafF. “ That sort of slate, other circumstances being the same, is esteemed the best which imbibes the least water ; for the imbibed water not only increa- ses the w eight of the covering, but in frosty wea- ther, being converted into ice, it swells and shivers the slate. This effect of frost is very sensible in tiled houses, but is scarcely felt in those which are slated ; for good slate imbibes but little water, and w hen tiles are well glazed, they are rendered in some measure, with respect to this point, similar to slate. I took a piece of Westmoreland slate, and a piece of common tile, and weighed each of them carefully; the surface of each was about 30 square inches ; both the pieces were immersed in water for about ten mi- nutes, and then taken out and weighed as soon as they had ceased to drip; the tile had imbibed above a seventh part of its weight of water : and the slate bad not imbibed a two-hundredth part of its weight ; indeed the wetting of the slate was merely superficial. I placed both the wet pieces before the fire; in a quarter of an hour the slate was become quite dry, and >ofthe same weight it had before it was put into *the water; but the tile had lost only about twelve grains of water it bad imbibed, which was, as near as could be expected, the very same quantity that had been spread over its surface; for it was the quantity which had been imbibed by the slate, the surface of which was equal to that of the tile; the tile was left to dry in a room heated to 00 degrees, and it did not lose all the water it had imbided in less than six days. The finest sort of blue slate is sold at Kendal for 3s. 6d. per load, which comes to jgl. 15s. per ton, the load weighing two hundred weight. — The coar- sest may be had for 2s. 4d. a load, or jgl. 3s. 4d. per ton. Thirteen loads of the finest sort will cover 42 square yards of roof^ and 18 loads of the coarsest will cover the same space ; so that there is half a ton less weight upon 42 square yards of roof when the finest slate is used, than if it was covered with the coarsest kind, and the difference of the expense of the material, is only 3s. 6d. To balance in some measure the advantage arising from the lightness of the finest slate, it mnst be remarked that it owes its lightness, not so much to any diversity in the compo- nent parts of the stone from which it is split, as to the thinness to which the workmen reduce it ; and it is not able to resist violent winds so well as that which is heavier. A common Cambridge tile weighed 37 ounces : they use at a medium 700 tiles for covering 100 square feet, or about two and a half tons of tile to 42 square yards. Hence, without including the weight of what is used in wrapping over, &c. when a building is covered with copper or lead, it will be seen that 42 square yards of building will be cover- ed by, Cwt. Copper 4 Fine -Slate * ...... . 26 Lead 27 Coarser Slate. ............ 36 Tiles .54 From the foregoing statement, it is evident that the consequences arising from a covering with tiles are two-fold; the first, that owing to the weight of them, we are obliged to make our plates and rafters of the roofs, so much stouter and heavier than there is any occasion to do for slates, even of the coarser sort ; and consequently this increased strength in the timber, must add to the expence of the roof, sup- posing that the same thickness of wall be sufficient. Secondly, it is proved, that from the porosity of the tile, it imbibes one seventh part of its weight, or above file ounces ot water in ten minutes, and that it requires the heat of 60 degrees, which is five ded grees above temperate, and six days to make the tile as dry as it was before it was saturated. How much longer the tile may continue wet, during the moist winter months, if it ever dries at all upon the roofs of onr houses, is a question we are not pre- pared to explain. But Mr. Malcolm thinks, that tiles in a damp state, lodging on timber, for at least six months, must injure the timber, and, together with the unburnt, or place bricks in the walls, must produce an almost perpetual moisture, and make a house damp and unhealthy at all seasons. Before we conclude this article, '-ye -shall lay be- * fo*e BRICKMAKING. fore our readers, an account of Mr. Cartwright’s S atent bricks, as stated in the specification, dated pril 14, 1795. — “ The principle of this invention will readily be comprehended, by supposing the two opposite sides of a common brick to have a groove Or rabbet down the middle, which groove must be a little more than half the width of the side of the brick in which it is made; there will then be left a shoulder on each side of the groove, each of which shoulders will be nearly equal to one quarter of the width of the side of the brick, or to one half of the groove or rabbet. (See Plate!, Miscellanies.) A course of these bricks being laid shoulder to shoul- der, (as in Figure 5,) they will form an indented line, or nearly equal divisions ; the grooves, or rabbets being somewhat wider than the two adjoin- ing shoulders, to allow for mortar, See. When the next course comes on, the shoulders of the bricks which compose it, will fall into the grooves of the first course ; aud the shoulders of the first course w r iil fit into the grooves or rabbets of the second; and so on, as is clearly shewn in the plate. This mode of shaping the bricks is to be preferred, as being perfectly simple; the principle, however, w ill be preserved, in whatever manner they may be made to lock into, or cramp each other, by what- ever form of indenture ; or whether by one groove, or more. But it must be observed, in whatever manner the variations from the simple form {Figure 1.) is made, except by straight lines, the two sides of the brick, &c. must proportionally vary, so that, when they come together in work, they may corres- pond and fit each other; an example of which is exhibited in Figure 2, where a and b slew the op- posite sides of a brick. It may make some small saving in the expence, though pe/haps not a prudent one, if the bricks &c. were of such a width as to ad- mit a common brick, or piece of plain stone, between the shoulders of each of these bricks ; in that case, the groove must be made proportionally wider. For. the purpose of turning the angles, it may be expedient to have bricks or stones, of such size and shape, as to correspond with each wall respectively; this, however, is not absolutely necessary, as the groove' in the bricks, &c. of each wall, where they cross, or meet each other, may be levelled, and the bricks wrap over, as in the common mode. For the purpose of breaking the joints in the depth of the walls, bricks will be required of different lengths, though of the same width. Buildings constructed with bricks, of this principle, w ill require no bond- timber, one universal bond, running through, 'and connecting the whole building together; the walls of which, can neither crack, nor bulge out, without breaking through *the bricks themselves. When these bricks, &c. that is to say, of the simple form, Figure 1, are used for the construction of arches, the sides of the grooves and the shoulders, should be the radius of the circle, of which the intended arch 103 is to be a segment. ( See Figure 3.) Though, if the circle be very large, the difference of the width of the bricks, See. at top and bottom, will be so trif- ling, as to make a minute attention to this particu- lar, scarcely, if at all necessary. When these arches are required to be particularly flat, or are applied in such situations as admit not of end w'alls, as in the construction of bridges, &c. it may be expedient to have the shoulders dove-tailed, to prevent the arch cracking across, or giving way endwise. ( See Figure 4.) If the bricks are as wide at the bottom as at the top, the manner of putting them together by a dove-tail, is obvious ; when not so wide at the. bottom, as the top, on one side of the brick, See. the sides of the shoulders must be parallel, and on the other, the sides of the groove or rabbets must be parallel, so that the two sides of the bricks, &c which fall together, may correspond. (See Figure 4, b c.) In forming an arch, the bricks must be coursed across the centre, on which the arch is turn- ed, and a groove side of the bricks must face the workmen. (See figure 6.) It maybe expedient* though not absolutely necessary, in laying the first two or three courses at least, to begin at the crown, and work downwards each way. In arch-work, the bricks, £?c. may be either laid in mortar, or dry, and the interstices afterwards filled, and wedged up, by pouring in lime putty, plaster of Paris, grouting, or any other convenient material, at the discretion of the workman or builder. It is obvious, that arches upon this principle, having no lateral pressure, can neither expand at the foot, nor spring at the crown ; consequently they will want no abutments, requiring only perpendicular walls to be let into, or to rest upon ; and they will want no superincumbent weight upon the crown to prevent their springing up — a circumstance of great importance, in many instances, in the construction of bridges. Another advantage attending this mode of arching, is, that the centres may be struck immediately ; so that the same centre, (which in no case, need be many feet wide, whatever may be the-breadth of the arch), may be regularly shifted, as the work proceeds. But the greatest, and most striking advantage at - tending this invention, is the absolute security it affords, and at a very reasonable rate, against the possibility of fire; for, from the peculiar properties of this arch, requiring no abutments, it may be laid open, or let into common W'alls, no stronger than what are required for timbers, of' which it will pre- clude the necessity, and save the expence. The different kinds of bricks made in this coun- try, are principally place-bricks, grey, and red stocks, marie facing bricks, and cutting bricks. The place bricks, and stocks, are used in common walling. The niarles are made in the neighbour- hood of London, and used in the outside of build- ings ; these are very beautiful bricks, of a fine yel- low colour, hard, and w'ell burnt, and in every respect 104 BRICKMAKING. respect superior to the stocks. The finest kind of J marie and red bricks, are called cutting bricks, they 1 are used in the arches over windows and doors, being- rubbed to a centre, and gauged to a height. There is also a fine kind of white bricks, made near j Ipswich, which are used for facing, and sometimes j brought to London for that purpose. The Windsor | or fire-bricks, which are made at Hedge rly, a vil- 1 lage near Windsor, are red, and contain a large pro- portion of sand; these are used for coating furnaces, i and lining the ovens of glass houses, where they ! stand the utmost fury of the fire. Dutch clinker j are also imported, long narrow bricks, of a brim- j stone colour, very hard, and well burnt; they are frequently warped, and appear almost vitrified by the heat. The use of them is for paving yards and stables. Sir Henry Wotton, mentions the triangu- lar form of brick, from Daniel Barbara, with com- mendation ; eacli side of these bricks, being a foot. They were used in the time of the Romans. Al- though, on some particular occasions, an alteration m the size of bricks, may not only be admissable, but adviseable, yet, in a general sense, any material deviation from the common form, and size, would be improper. In laying bricks, in the summer season, it is ad- viseable to dip them into water, until they become saturated ; and when the work is left for only one day, the walls should be as carefully covered as in the winter; for at such time the mortar sets too rapidly, and the necessary cohesion is destroyed. This evil is increased by the dust which hangs about bricks, more especially at this time of the year ; and this last circumstance should operate as an addition- al motive for adopting the above expedient. While the injuries to which brick-work is liable, from frost, &c. is known to all ; it is singular, that a point of equal, if not superior importance, should be almost wholly overlooked, or at least, generally deemed too inconsiderable to merit any particular attention. The legislature has often interfered to regulate the manufacture of bricks. By stat. 12, Geo. 1. cap. 35, earth or clay r designed for making bricks for sale, shall be dug and turned at least once be- tween the 1st. of November, and the 1st of Febru- ary, and not be made into bricks till after trie 1st. of March, and no bricks be made for saie but between the 1st. of March and 29th. of September. But by stat. 10, Geo. 3. cap. 49, earth may be dug for ma- king bricks at any time of the year, provided such earl a be turned once before it be made into bricks. And by the former statute, no Spanisii is to be mix- ed with the earth or breese used in the burning of bricks ; and all bricks are to be burnt in kilns or dis- tinct clamps, each set by itself . By stat. Geo. 2, cap. 22, there may be mixed with the brick-earth any quantity of sea-coal ashes, sifted or skreened through a sieve or skreen half an inch wide, and not exceeding 20 loads to the making of 100,000 bricks, each load not exceeding 36 bush- els. And breese may be mixed with coal in the bur- ning of bricks in clamps for sale, &c. Stock bricks, and place bricks, may be burnt in one and the same clamp, so that the stock bricks be set in one distinct parcel, and not mixed and surrounded with place bricks. For the more effectually securing the observation of these laws, it was enacted by 12. Geo. 1. cap. 85. for the better discovery of offenders, that the master and w ardens of the company of tylers and bricklayers should have power to search brick-kilns, &c. but they having permitted, and even encoura- ged divers persons to make bricks contrary to the directions in the said act by 2. Geo. 2. cap. 15, they are divested of that power, and any two, three, or more persons, appointed by the justices of peace, are empowered, within 15 miles of London, to go in the day time into any grounds, sheds or places where any clay or earth shall be digged or digging, for bricks or pan-tiles, or any bricks or pan-tiles shall be making or made for sale, and there to view, search, and inspect the same, &c. Offenders to forfeit 20 shillings for every thousand of unstatutable bricks, and 10 shillings for every thousand of such tiles ; one moiety to the use of the prosecutor, the other to the poor of the parish where the offence shall be committed. By 17. Geo. 3. cap. 42, all bricks made for sale shall when burned, be not less than 8-§ inches long, 2-f thick and 4 w ide. By 43. Geo. 3. c. 69(consolidating the excise duties) passed July 4th. 1803, every thousand of bricks made in Great Britain, not exceeding 10 inches long, 3 inches thick, and 5 inches wide, is lia- ble to a duty of 5s. and exceeding tie foremention- ed dimensions to 10s.; and every thousand of bricks made in Great Britain, and smoothed or polished on one or more sides, not exceeding the superficial dimensions of 10 inches long, and 5 inches wide, is subject to a duty of 12s. ; and if such bricks exceed those dimensions, to the duty on paving tiles. The said duties are to be paid by the makers. An addi- onal duty of lOd. per thousand was imposed on bricks and tiiesj in the ways and means for the year 1805. UTtUSHMAKING. As there is scarcely an article of more general consumption or universal application than brushes, it seems wonderful, that so little lias been done to- wards rendering them more perfect. We are afraid this is in a great measure owing to a principle, too commonly acted on, of making things cheap, rather than good. Such a notion will ever operate strongly, to prevent that gradual improvement of the subject which can only arise from more liberal and extended views. Tbe operation of making a brush, is one of the most simple that can be described, as there is scarce- ly a tool made use of in the business, which is not familiar to every workman. We shall begin With the Stock, into which the hair is fixed ; tl'is is made of any kind of wood that is dry and well seasoned, and being brought to the intended thickness, by planing, &c. it is next sent to be bored with a quantity of holes, of a proper size to receive the bunches of hair. This is done by means of a small collar and mandrel, with a short bit of the intended size, fixed to it by means of an inside screw, cut in the w'ood into which the bit is fitted, which corresponds to the screw on the mandrel. Each bit being thus fitted, is easily changed for a larger or smaller one. The lathe is kepi an motion by a treadle. The workman then takes the pattern, which is simply a piece of hard, thin, wood, with holes bored through it, at proper and regular distances from each other, and of a ‘fize correspond- ing w ith the stock of the brush, to which he attaches it by means of a vice, somewhat similar to those made use of by ladies to confine their work to the table. Things thus arranged, the workman stands at right angles with the mandrel, and his breast against the back puppet, and holding the stock in botli hands, with the pattern towards him, enters the bit into each hole, one after the other, perforating the stock, w hich, from the velocity the bit goes with, is done with astonishing dispatch. This prepares the stock for the reception of the hair, which is previously assorted, both as to colour and quality, in the fol- lowing manner: — Russia hair is imported. in bun- dles, of about 71b. each, each bundle contains a variety of shades, inserted in locks, as they are taken from the animal ; it is the business of the assorter, to select these into heaps, generally four, w hich are, black, white, and grey, and the very bright, which the workmen distinguish by the name of lilly white, and keep for particular purposes ; sometimes, however, the hair is divided into 14 or 15 different kinds. The next operation, is the drawing er combing it, to deprive it of all the shoft hair, and other impurities, as well as to separate and make it lay more even; for this purpose a I 5 steel-toothed comb is fixed to the table, having about JG or 18 teeth, of 3, or 3\ inches long, and about half an inch asunder. These teeth are lix- | ed to a stock of wood, which is attached to the bench. Through this comb the hair is drawn, by taking small quantities at a time, in the band, till jt is deprived of all the short and small hair. The hair is then knocked up even, into smaller bundles, which are tied round, and the small ends of the hair, which of course are of very unequal lengths, are cut j aw ay, by a pair of shears.* In this state it is hand- ] ed to the workman w ho is to set the hair in the stock or wood. This part is performed by a man who sits before a bench, on which is fastened a smooth board, inclining a little towards him ; on this board be opens the bundles of hair, taking care not to discompose its arrangement. Having taken in the left hand a stock or wood, bored with holes, as before described, he bends the end of a fine brass, or iron wire, wound round a reel, into a loop, and passes it, in this doubled state, through the first hole, from the back to the front of the stock; into this loop be puts a small bunch of hair, taken from the bench, he then draws strongly on the double wire, with the right hand, which causes the hair to double over t lie w ire, before it can follow it. into tbe bole, the wire is then a little twisted, by way of fastening, and the next hole proceeded to in the same manner. The wire is never broken off, or cut, unless by accident, through the whole pro- cess, because, after its entrance into the first hole, it, is simply doubled, and passed through, and in draw- ing it back again, the single wire alone is drawn on. In order to prevent the workmen’s hands being injured by the wire, they arm them w ith leather, in the same manner as shoe-makers. After each line of holes is filled, the hair is cut to a proper and equal length, by a pair of large shears, held and opened by the fingers and thumb of the right hand j * Whale hone split very fine, so as to resemble bristles, has of late been much used as a subsitute for hair, it is never used alone, but mixed with hair, and answers all common purposes extremely well. This article is sold of various degrees of fineness; the mode s of manufacturing it vv ill be giveu in the ind part of this work, under I V/httU bone. 1 ‘ Ee 106 BRUSHMAKING. hand, the lower handle resting in a notch on the bench, to enable the workmen to apply more force by bringing the heel of the hand to bear on the up- per handle. Through the lower blade are made two holes, one near the point and the other near the heel ; those are to fasten a piece of hard wood, of a proper and equal thickness, to the inside of the blade, which, when the shears are used, is brought to bear against the stock, and serves to keep the blade at the intended distance from the stock, to leave the hair of a proper length. When cutting away the hair with the shears, the ends of the hair are brought to bear against a board standing up and fastened to the bench, which causes them to fall in a proper position lor future use, these ends are com- monly applied to the making of inferior brushes, such as sweeping brashes, hearth brushes, &c. The brush is now handed to another workman, who lays a thin vineer of wood on the back, which secures the wire and gives the brush a neat and finished appearance. The vineer is applied to the best clothes brushes with glue, but to common shoe or scrubbing brushes, it is only sprigged on with small brads. When the glue is dry, the brush is brought to the intended form with a stock-shave, or patten-ma- kers knife, and finished with glass, paper, Sec. In all brushes of the kind we have been descri- bing, i. e. clothes brushes &c. the tufts of hair are drawn into the hole by doubling them ; the process of fixing the tufts of long haired brushes, such, for instance, as sweeping or hearth brushes, is very diff- erent ; the hair in these last is set into the wood by dipping the ends of small tufts of hair into pitch, (kept warm by a small charcoal fire, over which a vessel containing pitch is kept, ) and splicing it round the pitched end with a bit of thread, then dri- ving it, whilst still warm, into the hole, to which it is attached by the tenacity of the pitch. We are of opinion, that a small quantity of tar would very much improve the pitcli by rendering it more duc- tile, particularly for brushes made in the winter, when it must frequently happen that the pitch is so chilled, by coming in contact with the stock, as to prevent any sticking or cohesion between the hair and the wood. The other class of brushes are such as are made without any holes for the reception of the hair, and may be with propriety called spliced brushes. Of this kind are the painters and glaziers brushes, and the brushes made use of by masons for colouring and washing the walls of houses. The handles of the former are made round and tapering, -and the workman, after having selected a sufficient quantity of hair, surrounds the handle and splices it round wear the small end, the small end of the stick is then passed through a hole in the bench, and the ends fefthe hair resting on the bench, with a hammer or mallet the handle is driven on, till the large end is buried a sufficient depth in the hair, or in other words, till the hair projects far enough beyond the large end of the stick. Masons’ brushes are made bv laying the hair round the flattened end of the stock or handle, and trap- ping it tight with a list of leather, which is drawn tight, and small flat headed nails driven through the leather and hair into the wood. After this the ends of the hair are scared evenly away with a little pitch and a hot iron. Tooth brushes, nail brushes, and brushes for a great variety of other purposes, are manufactured in the manner we have described, the only difference being in the materials of which the stocks are made. Tooth and nail brushes are grooved on the back, for the wire to lie in, which grooves are afterwards filled up with sealing wax, and then polished or scraped to a finish, with files &c. All the waste hair which is drawn out in combing, is sold to the upholsterers for stuffing chairs &c. Brushes for limners, which are sometimes called tools, are made of very soft hogs hair, and as they exceed the size of any single quill, they are kept together by splitting or opening quills and wrapping them round the hair, letting as much of the quill project beyond the root of the hair, as is sufficient to form a socket for the reception of the handle, which is planted in its place, as soon as the splice has suffi- ciently secured the quill to the hair ; the spficing is then continued some way up the handle, and attach- es the brush strongly to it. To bring it to a point, as well as to soften the hair, it is ground on a stone similar to the cutlers grinding stone ; after which the splice is rubbed over with a common kind of sealing wax. Sable brushes are made with much more care than any other kind, and the operation requires much skill and ingenuity. These are all made in single quills from the minutest size to the largest. The great perfection of brushes of this kind is their com- ing to a point and readily springing up to their pro- per shape, after having been bent out of it. The latter quality must chiefly depend on (he goodness of the hair, but the former in a great measure on the skill of the workman. Hair of a proper quality being laid before the worknian, in much the same manner as before described, but not deprived of its small or taper ends, the workman commences by talcing a small quantity of the longest hair, for the center of the brush, which he surrounds with other hair somewhat shorter, and proceeds in this way, applying ten or a dozen hairs at a time, till the brush is of a sufficient size for the intended quill; it is then bound neatly round in two or three places, and the quill being softened by soaking in water, is forced into it from the large to the small end. Ca- mel hair brushes are made in the same way as sable, but from the natural softness and taper of the hair, much less nicety is required: as any quantity/ not exceeding BUTTONMAKING. 107 exceeding 1 the size of a quill will readily come to a point. Brushes sold under this name are most com- monly made of rabbits hair, which the hatters sup- ply, being- unfit for their purpose as they use only the down next the skin. Bottle brushes are made by twisting hair between a wire rope, the hair standing out at right angles to the twisted wire, when a sufficient quantity of hair is put in for the intended purpose, the handle is formed by continuing tho twisted wire to the desired length. BUTTONMAKING. Buttons, are articles of dress, serving to fasten clothes tight about the body, and made of silk, mo- hair, horsehair, thread, metal, & c. The wrought buttons, in silk, mohrair, thread, & c. are chiefly made at Macclesfield, and form the staple commodity of that place. The use of them may be traced back nearly two hundred years ; they were formerly curiously wrought with the needle and made a great figure in full trimmed suits. In order to favour this button trade, an act of parli- ment was passed about a century ago, inflicting a penalty upon the wearer of moulds, covered with cloth of the same garment; and this act, after having fallen into neglect, was again attempted to be enforced with rigour, in 1778, and lured infor- mers were engagea tlioughout the Kingdom to put it into execution, an odious, and very uncommer- cial, mode of enforcing a manufacture, the result of which, was ratiier to promote the use of metal and horn buttons. It may not perhaps be improper to remark that persons wearing buttons consisting merely of a mould, covered with cloth, are still liable to penalties, from forty shillings to five pounds per dozen. The importation of Buttons is prohibited on pain of forfeiture, and a penalty of £ 100 on the importer, and j£50 on the seller. 1. Common buttons are generally made of mohair; some however are made of silk and others of thread, but the last are of a very inferior sort. In order to make a button of this kind, the mohair must be previously wound on a bobbin, and the mould tixed to a board by means of a bodkin thrust through the middle of it; this being done, the workman wraps the mohair round the mould in three, four, or six jj columns, according to the button. 2. %{orse-huir button $. — The moulds of these are covered with a kind of stuff, composed of silk and hair, the warp being balladine silk, and the short horse hair. This stuff is wove with two selvages, in the same manner, and the same loom as ribbons ; it is then cut into square pieces, which are sewn round the moulJs. The superfluous hairs, and hubs of silk, are next taken off, and the button rendered glossy, which is done by putting a quantity of but- tons into a kind of iron sieve, called by the work- men a singing box; then a little spirit of wine being poured into a kind of shallow iron dish, and set on fire, the singing 1 box, containing the buttons, is snaken briskly over the flame ^of the spirit, by which means the superfluous hair, hubs of silk, &c. are burnt off, without injuring the buttons. Great care must be taken to keep the buttons in the sing- ing box constantly in motion, for if they are suffer- ed to rest over the flame, they will immediately burn. When all the superfluous matter is burnt off, the buttons are taken out of the singing box, and put with crumbs of bread into a leather bag, about three feet long, and of a conical shape ; the mouth, (which is at the small end), being tied, the work- man takes an end in each hand, and shakes it brisk- ly with a particular jerk, which cleanses the buttons, and renders them very glossy, and fit for sale. 3. Cold-twist buttons . — The moulds of these are first covered in the same manner as the common buttons ; they are next covered with a thin plate of gold or silver, and then wrought over in different forms, with purle and gimp; the former is a kind of thread, composed of silk and gold wire, twisted ■ together ; and the latter, capillary tubes, of gold j or silver, about the tenth of an inch long, joined j together, by means of a fine needle, filled with silk, > and put through them,‘ in the same manner as beads are strung. 4 . Metal BUTTONMAKING. \108 4. Metal buttons. — Are chiefly manufactured in Birmingham, and form a considerable article of commerce. Buttons, when first given form to, are called blanks, and are either struck out of a large sheet of metal, witli a punch driven by a fly-press, or cast in a pair of flasks, of moderate size, containing 10 or 12 dozen each. In this latter case, the shanks are previously fixed in the sand, exactly in the cen- tre of the impression, formed by each pattern, so as to have their extremities immersed in the melted metal, when poured into the flask, by which means ■they are firmly fixed in the buttons when cooled. The former process is generally used for gilt, and plated buttons, and the latter for those of white and yellow metal. We shall first give an instance of the former mode of procedure, as used in the manufactBre of gilt buttons. The gilding metal is an alloy or copper and zinc, containing a smaller pro- portion of the latter than ordinary brass, and is made either by fusing together the copper and zinc, or by fusing brass, with liie requisite additional pro- portion of copper. This metal is first rolled into sheets, of the intended thickness of the button, and the blanks are then punched out, as before men- tioned. The blanks, when formed, if intended for plain buttons, are usually planished by a single stroke of a plain die, driven by the same engine, the ■fly-press ; when for ornamented buttons, the figure is frequently shuck in like manner, by an appropri- ate die, though there are others which are orna- mented by hand. The shanks, which are made -with wonderful facility and expedition, by means of a very curious engine, are then temporarily attach- ed iew of his work, without being exposed to the fumes of the mercury. The mercury when volati- lized by the heat, will ascend into the 1 top of the chamber, to which is to be fitted, a tube, bent down- vvards, inserted into a tub of cask, through the cover, which should be made air tight ; in this tub or cask, another tube is to be fixed perpendicularly, but bent down at the top, and terminating in an open cask, into which the tube should descend, at least 18 inches. Both the casks must be partly filled with water, nearly ?s high as the mouths of tlu* tubes. Bv this contrivance, the mercury will be condensed in the tubs, and the health of the work- men preserved. The latter cask or tub, Mr. laun- ders recommends being placed outside the building. The last process is burnishing, which finishes, and fits them for carding. The Zi'hitc metal buttons , which are composed of brass, alloyed with different proportions oftin, after having been cast as before mentioned, are polished, with mrrrurv, w i it spread over a smooth surface of copper, riv - erains, worth one -hilling; and threepence, on the tare of . gross, that 'is 144 buttons, each of one inph di.-un; ter, are sufficient to excuse the manufacturer fi om the penalty infUct-d fiv an act of Parliament : yet, many, upon an assav, are found to be deficient oi' this small quantity, and the maker fined, and the buttons forfeited accordingly. Many hundred grosses have been tolerably gilt w ith half that quantity ; to such extent ran gold bespread, ( w hen incorpo- rated v, ith mercury.) over the surface of a smooth. piece of copper.” m by turning them m a lathe, and applying succes- sively, a piece of buffalo skin glued on wood, charged w ith pow-dered grindstone, and oil, rotten stone, and crocus martis. They are then white- boiled, that is, boiled with gram tin, in a solution of crude red tartar, of-argol, and lastly, finished with a buff, with finely prepared crocus. 5. Glass buttons . — These articles are frequently wholly composed of glass, variously coloured, in imitation of the opal, lapis lazule, and other stones. The glass is kept in fusion, and the button nipped out of it whilst in a plastic state, by a pair of iron moulds, like those used for casting pistol shot, adapted to the intended form of the button; the shank is previously inserted into the mould, so that it may become imbedded in the glass when cold. C. Mother of pearl buttons . — The mode of fixing the shanks to mother of pearl buttons, is by drilling a hole in the back of each button which is undercut, that is larger at the bottom than the top; the shank being driven in with a steady stroke, its extremity extends on striking against the bottom of the hole, and becomes firmly rivetted into the button. To these, fossit-stones are frequently added, which are usually attached with isinglass-glue, steel studs are also often rivetted into buttons of this and vari- ous other kinds. 7. Shell buttons . — Are those which consist of a back, generally made of bone, without any shank, but corded with catgut, and covered in front with a thin plate of metal struck with a die. T lie backs are cut out with a brace or stock, the bit of which is a circular saw, similar to the saw made use of in tre- panning, and the four holes through which tire cat- gut passes, are drilled by four drills moving parallel to each other, and acting at once. They are then corded by children, who tie the catgut on the inside; the cavity is filled with melted rosin, and the metal shell applied warm. The button is then pressed be- tween twor centres in a lathe, which are forced toge- ther by a weight acting on a lever, and the edges of the shell turned down during its revolution with a small burnisher. In the year 1700, a patent was granted to Mr. Henry Clay, of Birmingham, for a new method of manufacturing buttons of slale or slit stone: and in 1800, Mr. Joseph, Barnett, of the same place, ob- tained a patent fora mode of making buttons, by fixing two shanks or other fastenings on one button, one at each side, on the under surface, opposite to each other, instead of only one in the centre,. By 36 Geo. 3. c. 6 (K any person putting false marks on gilt buttons, erasing any marks except such as express the real quality, or any other words, except real gilt, or plated, incurs the penalty offor- feiting such buttons, and also £5. for any quantity not exceeding i 2 dozen; and if above, after the rate of £1. for every 12 dozen. The penalty, however, does not extend to those who mark the words dou- Ff ble MO CABINETMAKING. ble and treble gilt, provided, in the case of double 1 gilt buttons, gold shall be equally spread upon their j upper surface, exclusively of the edges, in the pro- j portion of 10 grains to the surface of a circle 12 inches in diameter, and in that of treble gilt, the gold shall amount to 15 grains m the same proportion. The penalty on making false bills of parcels, expressing any other than the real quality of such buttons, is £ L 20. and that on mixing buttons of different quali- ties, forfeiture of the same, and £5. for any number between one and 12 dozen, and above this number £ 1 . for every 12 dozen. In order to ascertain what shall be deemed gilt or plated buttons, gilt buttons shall have gold equally spread upon the up- per surface in the proportion of five grains to the surface of a circle 12 inches in diameter, and plated -buttons shall have the superficies of the upper sur- | face made of a plate of silver fixed upon the copper or a mixture of it with other metals, previously to its being rolled into sheets of fillets. All pecuniary penalties may be recovered by action or suit within i three calendar months, in the court of Westminster, J and one justice may, by warrant, cause metal but- | tons liable to forfeiture, to be seized and kept in I safe custody, to be produced as evidence upon any action, or cause them to be destroyed. Pecuniary pe- nalties may also be adjudged by two justices in the place where the offender resides or the offence is com- mitted. This act, however does not extend to buttons made of gold, silver, tin, pewter, lead, or mixture of tin and lead, or iron tinned, or of Bath or white metal, or any of these metals inlaid with steel, or buttons plated upon shells. CABINETMAKING. The business of a cabinet maker, and that of an •upholsterer, are now so generally united together, that, any observations on either of these branches, may, with propriety be comprehended under one general head. As cabinet making may be considered a superior kind of joinery, so much of its principles, and prac- tice, will be found under that article, as to render, it unnecessary to enter fully into the constructive part of the art, in the present article; we shall therefore confine ourselves to such particulars, as are peculiar to this branch, and endeavour to point out, for the direction of the student, the various qualification^ necessary, to his excelling in it. These are numerous, and diffcult to acquire, and seldom, if ever, concentre in any single person. The complete cabinet -maker, should add to a cor- net taste, and sound judgment ; a knowledge of drawing, perspective, architecture, and mechanics, besides the other qualifications of a good Workman. Although the principles of this art, are equally fix- ed as those of joinery, ( so far as they relate to framing, or putting work together,) yet, from the continual change of fashion, continual modifications of them, become absolutely necessary ; in order to meet some new circumstances in the execution of the endless variety of articles, which,' the waltts, or rather the luxuries of the present state of society require. The art of cabinet making differs from most other arts, in many particulars. In the first place, the articles made by the cabinet maker, are not only very numerous, but there are not, even from the same shop, two articles of the same description, which do not vary in their form and mode of manu- facture. Jn the second place, many pieces of fur- niture are daily falling into disuse, whilst others are ^introduced, which, for a time, are considered as in- dispensably necessary to our comfort. From these circumstances, it must be obvious how impossible it is to lay down precise instructions, as to the for- mation of particular articles of furniture, where shape and dimensions are continually varying, and indeed, were it practicable, it would be necessary, for the reason before stated, that cabinet, like female ; fashions, should be published monthly. Still, how- ever, we may offer some observations that maybe useful ; for though, in some instances, the figure and form of particular articles, may vary, yet the general principles remain the same. As a first step, we should recommend to the student, the practice of drawing from any good models, but more particularly from subjects con- nected with architecture, by which means, he w ill gradually cabinetmakixg. gradually become more and move familiar with the beautiful combinations, so eminently conspicuous in the remains of ancient Greece and Rome. This will not only give him a facility of drawing any thing that may be required, but it will tend to en- large his powers of design, and create juster notions of proportions, which is the very essence of this art. A know ledge of architecture is the more necessary, as the stile of furniture should ever be in unison with the character of the bnilding for which it is designed. An acquaintance with perspective, is no less necessary, than a knowledge of drawing ; and without its aid, the design for any article of furni- ture must be very imperfect; besides, it is some- times necessary, not only to delineate the particu- lar articles of furniture, but to shew the effect it is likely to produce, when placed in the apartment, for which it is designed. By the aid of perspective, one drawing will exhibit more than one side, from one point of view', and consequently, a better, and more connected idea may be formed, of the general effect. There will be no necessity, either for making many drawings for the same piece of furni- ture, in order to shew its effect at different points. As drawing will be noticed under a distinct head, it is unnecessary to enter into the subject here. The same may be said of perspective geometry, and mechanics, which must, of necessity, be seperately considered in re stubborn parts, sufficiently into contact with the ground on which the veneer is to be laid. The wood on which the veneer is to be laid, after being toothed, is to have a coat of glue laid on thin with a brush, this must be suffered to dry before the veneer is applied, and kept warm before the fire. The veneer should be wetted with a sponge on the outside, and the glue laid with a brush on the other, while the whole is kept hot with a quick fire raised by a few shavings. In this state it is put on the piece to be veneered, over the surfaces of which the veneering hammer must be drawn in all directions, so as to drive out the superfluous glue at the edges ; and let it be observed as a general rule, in this as in all matters where cements are used for uniting sub- stances together, that the more closely the surface can be brought together (and consequently the less cement used) the firmer will be the work. In large ciruiar work the same mode is .pursued, except that hand screws, and pieces of heated wood are employed to keep down one end whilst the other is laying*. Smaller work is frequently done with a hot caul. Marquetry differs from the former in many par- ticulars, and may properly be called painting in wood ; as various imitations of nature are/produced in this way. Sometimes coloured glass, marble, tortoise-shell and metals are made use of, either singly or united with w ood ; but such pieces as are composed of stone or glass, are more commonly called mosaic work. The art ofinlaying is very ancient, and is suppos- ed to have passed from east to the west, among other branches of knowledge, brought to the Romans from Asia. At this early period the process was simple, nor did it arrive at any tolerable degree of perfection, till the 15th. century among the Italians ; it seems however to have attained its greatest per- fection in the 17th. century among the French. The finest works of this kind w ere done in black and white only, which is now called Morescos, till John of Verona, a cotemporary with Raphael, w ho had a genius for painting, stained his w ood with dyes or boiled oils, but he went no farther than the re- presentation of buildings and perspectives, which require no great variety of colours. Those who succeeded him, not only improved on the invention of dyeing the woods, by discovering a secret mode of burning them in without consuming, which served exceedingly well for the shadow s ; but they enjoyed the advantage of acquiring a number of fine new woods, of naturally bright colours, by the discovery of America. With these assistances the art is now capable of imitating many things with almost as much exactness and fidelity as painting. The ground whereon the pieces are to be ranged and glued, is ordinarily of oak or fir well dried, and to prevent warping, is composed of several thick- nesses giued together, w'ith the grain of one layer intersecting the direction of the other. When the w'ood required for use has been reduced into leaves or planks of the intended thickness, it is either stained with some colour or made black for shadow, w hich some effect by putting it into sand, intensely heated over the fire, others by steeping it in lime water and sublimate, and others by immersing it in oil of sulphur. Thus coloured, they are reduced to the contour or shape designed in the following man- ner; which, as the operation requires much pati- ence and attention, is considered as the most diffi- cult part of marquetry. The two chief instruments used herein, are the saw and the vice ; tlie latter to hold the materials to- be formed, the former to take off from the extremi- ties as occasion may require. The vice is of w ood, and has one of its chaps fixed ; the other is move- able, and is kept open by a wood spring, similar to the smiths vice, but it differs from it in having no screw, whose office is supplied by means of a cord fastened to a treadle, and acted on by the foot, which thereby draws the chaps together. The leaves to be formed (for frequently three or four of the same kind are united together) are pla- ced w ithin the chaps of the vice, after the design or pattern has been previously glued to the outermost leaf; the workman then presses his foot on the trea- dle, and thus holding the several leaves firmly toge- ther, runs over or rather follows the outline of the design, with very narrow and thin saws. By thus forming two, three, or four pieces together, the workman not only gains time, but the w ork itself is better enabled to sustain the efforts of the saw; which, how delicate soever it may be, and how lightly soever the workman may conduct it, would without such a precaution raise splinters to the great injury of the work. If the w ork i? intended to consist of a single sort of wood, or of tortoise-shell on a tin or copper ground, or vice versa, two leaves only are formed one on another, viz, a leaf of metal, and a leaf of w f ood or shell ; this is called sawing in counter parts, for by filling the cavities of one of the leaves with the pieces coming out of another, the metal may serve as a ground to the wood, and the wood to the metal. The pieces thus formed with the saw, and marked so that their correspondent parts may be readily as- certained, are shadowed in the manner already men- tioned ; they are then veneered or fastened on the common ground, with the best English glue, press- ed together as before described, and finished in the same way, and w ith the sain- materials as the cam rnou veneering ; with this difference, however, that in marquetry, the fine branches, and several of CABINETMAKING. the more delicate parts of the figures, are touched up and finished with the graver. A very beautiful method of producing the resem- blance of painting on wood has lately been discovered, which, as it has the happiest effect, (particularly in representations of animals, shells See.) with less trouble than by any of the proceeding methods, we shall give the best account of the process we have beeii able to procure. When a design has been fixed on, procure a piece of seasoned wood of a close grain and light colour, (holly is to be preferred where it can be got of suffi- cient size) and when the outline of your design has Jieen traced upon it, (which may be done by daub- ing over paper with some grease or oil mixed with the snuffs of candles, and laving it on the wood with the coloured side towards it,) place your design on it, and trace firmly with a skewer er blunt wire, the outline of the subject intended to be transferred to ♦ lie wood; then remove the paper and print, and you will find the outline of your subject sufficiently strong on the wood; if necessary it may be gone over with a black lead pencil, in order to give more force to certain parts. When this is accomplished, place the board on an easel w ith the original design by its side. The tools used for producing the effect are very simple, and are made of small bars of cop- per or iron, (the former of which is prefered) of about four or five inches long and forged with points of different kinds, some sharp, some flat, and others round, with a spill to fix them in a wooden handle, in much the same way as the tinmans soldering-iron. These irons, when heated to a proper degree, are to be used in the same manner as limners use their painting brushes, by applying them first to produce the strongest shadows, and then using them as they cool for the more delicate, taking care during the operation to adapt the different points so as to pro- duce the desired effect. In this way with a very little experience, such surprising force and truth of delineation may be given to designs, that they may be rendered equal almost to the originals. We have seen a representation of a tiger and other animals done in this way, which might certain- ly be mistaken, even by judges, for a painting in oil. ; In this as in painting the rigid hand is supported on ; the maul stick, w hich is held in the left hand ; and it is advisable to have a fire near the work, that the | tools may be frequently heated, which will obviate 1 the necessity of having them heavy, a circumstance 1 that cannot be too much avoided. We may fairly expect from the specimens we have seen of this in- genious mode of painting, that the pannels of cur cabinets may be made to exhibit performances in this way, that shall rival the most successful attempts of imitative art. “Blinds .— The cheapest kind of blind is that form- ed of green canvas fixed to two sticks, either- of ma- ils hogany or wainscot, and iiur.g by a couple of rings, and hooks screwed to the lowermost sash frames. The frames of the sort most commonly used are composed of mahogany, made so as to fold either in two or in one leaf, with green stuff’ of the same kind strained into a rabbet in the frame. These blinds are sometimes fixed with slip hinges, so that the frames may occasionally be taken off. When they are made to fold, they have a bolt on the left side, and a turn buckle in the centre of the right to keep them in their place. The more fashionable blinds are all of wood, pain- ted green, except the frame, which is of mahogany. The blind part is either composed of upright or hor~ rizontal narrow laths which are an eighth part of an inch thick, painted a bright green, and move by means of a lever, to any position, for admitting more or less light. In cutting out laths for Venetian blinds, to pre- vent their warping (which they are disposed to do from their thinness and exposure to the sun) saw them with the hand saw from the edges of a deal, instead of from the centre, which is much more sub- ject to warp. If possible it would be advisable to split them out of clean grown stuff in the same man- ner as common laths, and to plane them up after- wards. The blinds most approv ed of at present are with upright laths, and move by turning a brass kuob at- the upper side of the frame. The latest improvement of these is by Mr. Stubbs of Oxford-street, who caps the ends of the laths with brass, so that they are secure from splitting by the wire put in to move them by. At each end of the laths are two of these wires, whieh by holes communicate with two brass slips let into the top and bottom of the mahogany frame. These brass slips slide past each other in the manner of a paral- lel ruler ; for the laths fixed to the brass, act with them in the same manner as the brass joints to the sides of these sort of rulers. Rolling blinds, foe internal use, are either with spring barrels made of tin, or turn on a plain oak stick of 1| inch diameter. Spring rolling blinds are charged by a worm spring, made of wire, coiled up in a barrel, or cy- linder, which draws the blind up close to the cylin- der, by the relaxing of the spring, in the same way as the chain is wound round the barrel of a watch, by what is commonly called, its going down. Hence, if the power of this spring be not properly adjusted to the length. of the canvas, or in other words, to the height of the window, it is very - liable to go wrong, and get spoiled. If a spring be over- charged, it has not sufficient room in tbe bar- rel, consequently the wire will twist out of form, and the spring will be obstructed ; but if it be not enough charged, then, it is incapable of drawing up the canvas to. the top. To remedy this defect, the hU CABINETMAKING. - spring- must be taken out of the case, by which it is screwed up to the window, and the charge must be increased by a few more turns round the roller, or barrel, before it is put up again. To obviate the detects of these spring blinds, Mr. Stub’s has in- vented a newly constructed spring, which, though -confined to a small barrel, will draw up with ease any length of canvas, to 100 feet, if required. And should a window be uncommonly -narrow and high, which, upon the old plan, always proved a matter of embarrassment, his spring effectually answers the purpose. One peculiar advantage accompanying this new invented spring blind, is its not being subject to the defects of the other kind. These blinds are intend- ed to keep the sun from the too in, not merely on account of heat, but to prevent the discharge of co- lours, and the injury done to elegant furniture, in an apartment where the heat of the sun is suffered to have uninterrupted access. The plain rolling blinds, without springs, are most in use, being fcoth cheaper, and answering the same end. These have either a wood or a brass mlley at each end, one with a channel to receive a ine, and the other without any, to guard the canvas as it rolls up, this is effected by a line passing round in the above channel, fixed to a brass rack, contain- ing a small pulley that receives the line, which, by- being tight, draws down, and -enables the blind to be drawn up to any height. White Silesia is to be obtained of any width from 2 feet 3, to 4 feet G, or wider; a great variety of widths should be kept for making blinds, as it is absolutely necessary to have them exactly the width •of the window, in order that the selvages may be retained, as hemming would otherwise render the widths too thick to roll close about the cylinder. There are also Venetian blinds for the Same pur- pose, that draw tip by pullies fixed on a lath, 1 inch thick, in the same way as a testoon window curtain. External sun blinds are also various. Those for shop windows come down over a roller, (fixed with- in a box or case of wood, which receives the can- vas,) and when let fall from the inside, are stayed by iron rods. There are other blinds now' in use, for shop win- dows, made in light frames strained with canvas, which being hinged to an outer frame, made to re- ceive these^ sometimes three or more m number, move all at one time to any convenient angle, so as to exclude the sun. The mode by which they move all at one time, is by a small lath, screwed to each frame, so that when one is moved, the other neces- sarily follows in a parallel direction, being on the same principle that the parlour blinds, with upright laths, are set in motion : for the screw having play at the head, the frames would fall down of them- selves, if they were not kept in iheir appointed position, by a line lived to the upper frame, and passing through a pulley at the upper end of the outer frame, which is tied to a hook. These blinds are made to take off when they are not wanted. There are other external blinds for the first floor windows, which draw up under a cornice fixed to the outside of the head frame of the window. But these being of canvas, are not so proper for outside blinds, as those of the Venetian kind, with brass chains, instead of the usual way of hanging the laths in green tape. Those last mentioned have been introduced by Mr. Stubbs, as before noticed, and bid fair to answer the intended purpose as external \\ indow blinds. The Venetian part js inclosed un- der a cornice, when drawn up; and in letting them down they are guided by a frame so that the w ind cannot blow them aside.” “ Holts among cabinet-makers, are of various di- mensions and shapes. Those in most common use, are termed Hush brass bolts, from 2 to 30 inches in length and used for book- cases. There, are also bolts of iron with necks, used for dining tables. Some use broad flush brass bolts instead of these. They are set on the inside of the linings of square frames, and shut up into the iron strap hinges by which the loose flaps of such tables are fixed to the bed. To receive the bolt the edge of the strap hinge is filed into a notch, so that when the bolt is shut into it, the strap hinge cannot draw off Bolts, amongst joiners, are of five or six different sorts ; first, plate bolts and also spring bolts are for fastening doors and windows, There are also round bolts of various sizes for large doors and gates, some with necks and others straight. Some curious brass bolts for double doors, are of a late invention; these have plates set on the edge of the door, extending the whole length, so that by a turn of the knob han- dle in the centre of the door, the bolts shut up and down at the same time. By turning the contrary way, the bolts are relieved, and botli the doors open at once, without further trouble. These are very expensive, and only used in grand apartments, most commonly in doors which divide, or open into two spacious rooms. To avoid the great expence of these, there are others that act on nearly the same principle, named, spring latch bolts, which are about 13 inches long, with a stout plate. Two of these are required to a pair of doors, one at the top, the other at the bot- tom ; the bolts are shut by a spring in each, which on being pressed against by the right hand door, become locked, by which botli doors are* secured.’’ ‘ Brass icork is a material article in furniture, botli for ornament and use, and comprehends a great variety of articles, in locks, hinges, and handles ; together with curtain and sideboard rods, mouldings and fret work. In the brass articles adapted f r cabinet work, the French tar exceed this country, as well in their- manner of gilding, si i led ■ or moln. The cabinetmaking. 115 The elegance of their furniture is considered to de- pend chiefly on their superior brass work. Brass beads, and small lines of brass, are now much used in our English furniture, and look very handsome in black rose, and other dark wood grounds. The lines are made of thin sheet brass, which is cut by gunges, made by the cabinetmakers, for that purpose. The brass beads are fixed to the work bv sharp points, soldered to the inside of the bend, and driven into the wood to which the beads are fixed.” Cauls , are sometimes formed out of pieces of solid wood m the shape wanted; at other times they are straight pieces of the length and breadth requi- red, bent to the. proper form by means of saw carls* To prevent the caul from sticking to the veneer with the glue, it is generally oiled before it is applied, rt is afterwards heated and screwed down to the veneer whilst warm, which drives out the superflu- ous glue, and causes the veneer to lie close to the ground. Drawers, are always dovetailed together, but are made variously, in other respects; some have a rnuntan to divide the bottom into two lengths, so that thinner wainscot may serve, and to prevent the joints from giving wav. Slips are sometimes glued on the inside of drawers, and planed to receive the bottom, which is the best method for preventing drawer bottoms from splitting, a circumstance that often occurs when they are confined by a rabbet, and the slip is glued down at the under side. Small drawers, for secretaries and bureaus, are best made by ploughing a dovetail groove in their sides to receive the bottom ; there being objections to the practice of rabbeting them in ; as in this way the drawer bottom frequently loosens, and scrapes against the partition in which it runs : 'but in the dovetail groove, which is formed bv a plane, the bot- tom is secured from foiling down, by being kept clear of the partition about the thickness of a shil- ling. Pillar and claw Tables . — The claws should be carefully dovetailed into the pillar, as upon the closeness of the fit much of the strength depends. An iron plate in one piece with three or four arms to it, according to the number of claws, may be screwed under the claws, which will give great security to the whole. When these tables are intended to turn up, the block orbed fixed at the head of the pillar, should be as large arid thickas convenient, tor much of the steadiness of the table depends upon it. Mouldings. — Cabinetmakers have but lew mould- ing planes, almost the whole of their mouldings being formed with about a dozen pair of hollows and rounds. Since beading has been so much in fashion, planes for the purpose have been introdu- ced. All planes for cabinetmakers have their irons set more upright, than those intended for joiners, as the wood w ith which the former have to work, is in general very cross grained and hard, and would consequently strip were not the irons set in this way. J\fahogany . — Spanish is very preferable to Hon- duras, but it is much dearer. — To season it, it is exposed some time to the sun and air, both in the wet and dry, after which it should bo stowed in the shade in racks, with slips between each plank, that the air mav have freeaccess, which is of the greatest consequence. See more on this subject in the 2nd. part. Hair . — The best picked hair is made of horse or bullocks tails, and should not be mixed with short hair. This is the case however with common hair, and the quality of this article is known by the great- er or less quantity of the short kind that is introdu- ced. The long is frequently picked out and dyed, for the purpose of being weaved into chair-seatings. llim s for tea , sandwich and supper Trays . — These should be glued iqi in three thicknesses in a caul, with the outer one running parallel with the grain of the wood, the middle one across, and each of the three about the thickness of a veneer. When the out- er veneer has been laid on the middle one, whilst straight, it should bo bent as soon as dry into the caul, and the cross joint should be made as close as possible; the inside slip should be then fitted in the same manner, and then forced into the caul about a third its width, so much of it should be glued as re- mains above the rim of the former thicknesses, and as much of the inside of the cross grained slip should be glued as is not covered by the last thickness, which is instantly driven down into its place. The bottoms are then grooved for the reception of the rims, into which they are glued. Handles to trays , should go through and be fas- tened with a nut and screw at the bottom; for if fas- tened only to the rim, they are apt to draw it out, when loaded with any considerable weight. Upper rails for circular llason Stands are frequent- ly glued up in three thicknesses, all running the lengthways of the grain. The two inner thicknesses are of deal, and the outside one of mahogany. Cheese-waggons , are glued up in a caul in two thicknesses, the inner one of which runs the length- ways of the grain, and the outside one across. Planing . — Particular attention should be paid iq planing up wood for cabinet work, to do it very true, and work to the lines afterwards. Mortises and tenons , to be made well, should fit close but not overtight, which some mistake for strong framing, but this never tails to strain the moTV tise, which, though not visible at the time, will ulti- mately prove the destruction of the work.* This cannot be too much attended to in chair-making, the strength of which depends entirely- on the. tenons and mortises. The best way to put together framed work particularly chairs, is by the cramp, as blows with the hammer or mallet frequently produce the worst 116 CABINETMAKING. worst effects, not only by bruising the timber, but frequently by shivering it at parts very remote from the place where the blow was given. This is often the case- in Spanish wood. Chair-making . — To this line the proceeding re- marks are applicable, and it is also requisite that the giieatest possible attention should be paid to the hues of the tenons and mortises, and the closeness of /heir fitting on both sides. They should also be of as great length as possible, as nothing contri- butes more to their strength and steadiness. — No branch of this trade requires a complete knowledge of lines more than that of the chair-maker. Circular rails for tables, and fronts for drawers, are cut ‘out of deal, from 1| inch to 3 inches thick, laid one over the other by breaking or inter- secting the joints as in brickwork. Care however must be taken that the grain run as long as possible at the -ends, for the tenons or dovetails. Some saw- carl a piece of inch deal, and after bending it, glue a piece of canvas on the inside; but this is a bad and weak practice, and is therefore never done by the good workman. Glue .—~ Good glue is particularly necessary in cabinetmaking, for as the joints of mouldings, &c. cannot be fastened as in joinery, with brads, &c. the whole combination of the work must depend on the goodness and strength of the glue. It should there- fore be procured from houses in London, which make a point of selecting strong glue for the trade ; but as this cannot always be depended upon, we shall endeavour to point out the best mode of ascer- taining the qualities of glue. Glue of the best quality, swells most in steeping, but does not dissolve till it is exposed to the fire. When glue is steeped over night, for boiling the next day, and the water is found to be glutinous, and the cakes of course not swelled, these are indi- cations of it being bad glue. Old glue is the bept, and its goodness or strength increases by frequent exposure to heat, if it be not burnt, which is very commonly the case, by over fierce fires and hasty boiling. To prevent this, the double glue pot with water in the outside vessel, is now generally made use of. To such as do not understand glue boiling, it may be proper to observe, that the cakes should be broken conveniently small, and soaked in as much spring water as will barely cover the whole, other- wise it is in danger of being too thin, which cannot be so easily remedied as when too thick. After remain- ing in this state twelve hours, it should then be boiled in a copper vessel, over a gentle fire, until the whole is dissolved ; and for the purpose of assisting this operation, it should be constantly stirred about with a wooden spatula spoon, and not quitted till a perfect dissolution takes place, when it should be poured through a sieve in order to sepe- rate it from scum and filth. After this it should be jmt again into the vessel, and boiled up ovar a smart fire, when it may be poured into a wooden tray to cool, and considered fit for nse. Back boards , in common drawers, are made plain, of half inch deal, but in good work of inch stuff, and are sometimes framed in two, and sometimes in lour pannels. In horse or screen dressing glasses, the back board is framed in four pannels of light clean mahogany, half inch thick, rabbetted for a quarter inch pannel, of soft Honduras, as light as possible, that the whole frame may add as little to the weight of the glass as possible, and only require a small lead weight to balance it. The inner edge of the framing is struck with an ovolo, or quarter round. The back boards or blind frames of large glasses are made of 1| inch deal, into four or six pannels, with the back lioards ploughed into the framing, in order to save the silvering; and as a farther security it is common to line the frames with thin flannel. Silvering glasses, for the method of, see the Second part. “ Bevel, amongst cabinetmakers and joiners, is an instrument used to take any angle with, or to mark a line which is not square. Lor this purpose the blade is made to move in a long groove, inserted in the stock or handle, and fixed to it by a nut and screw, so that it may be altered to suit any degree of obliquity required. In this respect it differs from a square, which is a fixed instrument at the angle of 90 degrees. A mitre bevel is an instru- ment fixed to an angle of 45 degrees, or which is the same thing, the diagonal line of any square. This instrument is sometimes termed, a mitre tern-* plet, in consequence of its use iu cutting mitres. To find the bevel of chair rails, let the learner, plane a piece of thin deal, and if the front rail be 18 inches, and the back 15, let him take half of 3 inches, being the difference, and lay on a square line drawn at one end of the lath ; then if the length of the side rail be 16 inches, he will lay it on from the 1| inch, placed as before mentioned, draw in the 16 inches to the edge of the lath, and cut and plane it to this bevel line. lie will finally, from the side thus prepared place the bevel, and move the blade till it agrees with the square line that was first drawn, which will give the correct line for the back and front joints ofthe proposed side rail. In this manner, by a little practice, the young chair-maker may find out any bevel he wants.” u Butlers Tray . — These trays are generally made of mahogany ; half inch Honduras will do for the sides, but the bottoms ought always to be made of Spanish, or other hard wood, otherwise the glasses' will leave such a print, on soft wood, as cannot easily be erased. Their size runs from about 27 to 30 inches the longest way, by 20 to 22 in width, with one end made nearly open, for the. convenience of easy access to the glasses. The sides are about 3f inches deep, rounded at the top, and scolloped down to the narrow end, or front, (it may be called) CABINETMAKING. 11T in the form of an ogee. These sides have handle holes, about 4 inches long, and cut 1£ inch from the upper edges. There are also dinner trays, knife trays, and comb trays, the first of which is used for carrying dishes and plates to the dining table, their sides are 3\ inches deep, all round, with handle holes in each side, which may be made of good Hon- duras ; but the bottoms should be of Spanish, for the reason before assigned. The length of the largest dinner trays is 32 inches, and their width is 2 feet; full sized tea trays, are nearly' of the same dimensions. Knife trays of the best kind have each two partitions, with a brass handle clasping them, and screwing to their sides, which are 3 or 3f in- ches deep; their inside length is 14 inches, and their width from 10 to 12 inches. The sides of these trays are now made perpendicular. Comb trays are 6 inches by 8, or 9 long, with bevelled sides, and mitred corners. They are mitred upon a block of wood, and keyed at the corners. Cane z cork is now more in practice than it yvas ever known to be at any former period. About SO years since, it was quite out of fashion, owing prin- cipally to the imperfect manner in vlhich it yvas ex- ecuted. Hilton the revival of japanning furniture, it gradually got again into use, and obtained an able state of improvement, so that at present it is introduced into several pieces of furniture, in which its use yvas unknoyvn a few years ago, particularly in the ends of beds which are framed in mahogany, and then caned, for the purpose of keeping in the bed clothes. Sometimes also the bottoms of beds are caned, and small borders of it are introduced round the backs of mahogany chairs, which look very neat. Bed steps too, are caned : indeed canes are very properly used in any thing where lightness,! elasticity, cleanness, and durability, are desirable. The manner of caning is various. The common- est kind is of one skain only, called by caners, bead- work, and running open. There are otl or kinds of tyvo skains, and closer, and firmer. The best work is termed bordering, and is of three skains, some of which are done so very fine and close, that they are less than a sixteenth broad, and in many instances, as fine, comparatively, as some canvas. The cane used for the best work is imported from Bengal, and of a line light straw colour which forms a most agreeable contrast to almost every colour it is joined with. The yellower kind is generally as strong and durable, but that which has lost either the fight straw, or shining yellow colour, ought to be rejected, as having been damaged by salt yvater, or some other accident, in its importation. Carpet . — The Persian and Turkey carpets, are held in most esteem. The Parisian carpets are a tolerable imitation of these; but besides the Persian, Turkey, and Parisian carpets, there are the follow- ing sorts, which have their names from Hie places where they are manufactured ; as Brussels — Kidder- minster — Wilton — Axminster- — Venetian, which is generally striped, and Scotch, which is the most in- ferior, though in most common use, the other sorts, particularly the Brussels, Wilton, and Ax- minster being very expensive. To most of the best kind of carpets, there are suitable borders in narrow widths. The stair car- pets are, half a yard, half ell, and three quarters wide. In cutting out carpets, the upholsterer after having cleared the room of all its furniture, proceeds to line out the border with a chalk line, and mark the mitres correctly in the angles of the room, and round the fire place in particular, as in this part any defects are most observable. He tlien proceeds to cut the mitres of the carpet border, beginning at the fire place, and endeavouring as correctly as pos- sible, to match the pattern at each mitre; in order to do this, he must sometimes cut more or less of the border to waste. He then takes a length of the body carpet, and tacking it up to the border at one end, resents to the strainer, with which he draws it to the other, w here he tacks it again, taking, care, as lie goes on, to match the pattern, which sometimes varies in the whole length, but for which there is no remedy, except by changing the lengths in such a manner as to bring them tolerably near in matching. If the widths do not correspond in number, it then becomes necessary to draw them in at that side of the room where the delficiency may be least seen; but this must be done in such a way that the con- tracted widths may match, and that there may be nothing offensive in the appearance of the whole. To prevent mi placing any of the lengths, or parts of the border, the upholsterer should take sealing thread, and tack them together where he thinks it necessary, in which state they are taken to the shop and completed. If a carpet be cut at home, a plan of the room must be accurately taken on paper, with all the sizes of breaks, door ways, windows, angles &c. which must be transferred to some convenient room at ti borne, by a chalk line and square, and then marking oft" the border, and proceeding as before described. In laying down a carpet it is generally customary to begin with the fire place first, and after having tacked and secured this, to strain it here and there, so as to bring it gradually to, till the whole is strain- ed dose round the room. Every person employed in taking the plan of a room for a carpet, ought to be acquainted w*ith plain geometry. Card tables . — In the manufacture of these, there is frequently much trouble in making them stand true in the upper top; to effect which, various methods have been devised by cabinet makers. Some swell the upper tops, by damping them before they are veneered, supposing that the ground will shrink in I due proportion with the veneer, so as to keep all Uh straight. cabinetmaking US straight This however, often fails, if the top shoiiid happen to imbibe much of the wet tor from be in 2 so much thicker than the veneer, it takes Ion g- er time to dry, and from the veneer being dried first, and losing its power, the ground work natural- ly draws the top round on the upper side. On the ner side Particular care also should be taken tna rSo?ilw°n U on ihe gro3,’ in order that Ac T& workman must avoid using curled yeneo. , ^ sulemay be^placed so as to exclude the operation ot lte 8 tfa os >” cabinetmaking, is a ° f hslSimes happens, that the contrast oftand ISS 4hat the fine sattin wood veneer, would losfe a cons SSp==Sl5S ^“OT^^Kle expenco *«- of B t\v,i V This is always the case when poor tulip oven fte taS of it, is joined to mahogany, IfTt turns by the air, nearly to a mahogany colour. To produce in agreeable contrast m cros^bandu it will require different shades or bands, to the cm fcrent TUaltties of wood of the same species. In light coloured mahogany, of a softqualiy, to* chan°e, dark strong coloured kingswoo nroduS and maintain to the end, a proper conUast. quantity of black, with a red ground, will * p fe53^*iS»as be £ e,he h 7te d btd e a e SaH should be used broader, dmug ** the S'of Ending might to be r£uced m pro- tr3 f I'nthers —Those feathers which are brought from mmm breed numbers of these birds, which prove a profita- ble branch of trade to the poor ‘ i 1 ’''; - also we have large quantities of feather. ZtX Xn filled with good feathers, £SG£3^ te «f3B of ^cleansing them from dirt, before they are filled in * Desks fur Compting-houses, are a^sqMre rail supported on a double row of pillai s, "nil- tS are r -J* oknv and sometimes of deal painted, havingthc upper side frequently lined with cloth, adtl S St'S I m"f wSTatonS, answers the purpose of ’the clothj C A BINETM AKING. 119 end supersedes the necessity of sand. The frames of all large desks should be put together with bed screws, for the convenience of removing them from one place to another. The height in front of such desks should be 3 feet 5 or 6 inches, including the frame to the top of the flap, and the depth of the desk without the frame, should be 4| inches, rising to 9 in the centre. Tambour , in cabinetmaking, is a kind of flexible partition, which is frequently made use of in the shape of covers to ink stands, or as a kind of cur- tain to wash basons, and pot cupboards. It is made by gluing on strong canvas, a number of slips or beads of any kind of wood, which, when dry, may be easily bent into a cylindrical form, and when cut to the width of the aperture it is intended to close, is made to slide in a groove at each end. These doors, or rather screens, are opened or closed, by means of a brass or ivory knob, and for purposes where no great strength or security is wanted, answer very well. Pembroke Table . — The size of such tables is from 3 feet 8 inches, to four feet wide, when open ; and from 31 inches to 3 feet long when the flaps are down. The width of the bed should never be less than 21 inches, but in general the size is from 22 to 25 inches, and the height never exceed 2 feet 4 inches, including castors. Doors . — Although cabinetmakers are not bound bv the rules of architectural proportions in framing doors, yet no doors ought to be less than the diagonal of the square of its width, unless there is some absolute cause for departing from this rule. Doors are variously made by cabinetmakers ; some are framed together, and have pannels ploughed in : and others are rabbetted in with a bead, mitred -round to keep them in. Doors of a small size are glued up in the solid, and sometimes clamped, square, or mitred. In wardrobe doors, great care should be taken to have the stuff* dry, as they have a considerable draught in their shrinking, anti are apt to warp the frames in a manner not easily suscepti- ble of repair. In order toavoid this, it is advisable to let the pannels stand a quarter of an inch within the frame, and fix them dry in by a bead. Round the inner edge of the door frames, a black line may be permitted to cover the edge of the frame standing before the pannels, which, when polished with the mahogany, looks well. The doors of wardrobes should be left half an eighth of an inch over, on bofh sides: (as in time they will shrink, so as to require to be hinged further in,) that the astragal may cover, which ought always to be brass in this piece of fur- niture. Doors for cabinets and commodes, are according to modern taste, framed with a rabbet left, to which green, or other silk is fixed, after they have been w ired by the persons who work it. In designs for book case doors, it is proper to avoid as much as possible all curved lines, as they are difficult to be glazed. Sometimes complicated figures are introduced, by making the pane of glass extend from one right lined bar to another in the door, and laying a kind of false bar over it, of the intended figure, made of the same moulding, with- out rabbet. Hinge , a most useful article in cabinetmaking, of which among many others there are the following varieties. Hinges for tea canisters are made very thin in the joint, and long enough to extend the length of the canister in one piece. They set on perfectly even with the top, so that there is no joint in the way. Hinges for pulpit doors, are made very wide to receive the whole projection of the cornice, which always crosses the door, and therefore it becomes necessary to use wide-projecting but-hinges, which screw on the edge of the door, and also to the fixed part, whereby the deor is thrown out so as to clear the cornice. These hinges are used for other pur- poses where there are any mouldings in the w ay of a door. Swan neck hinges, are a kind of pin-hinge, used for some camp table tops. Ell-hinges for shaving and dressing tables, are adopted for strength, for the ell-part returns on the front and back edge of the swinging part and secures the top. — H tumbler hinge, to set on the edges of any kind of turn-over frame, as that of a sofa bed, or turn-over table tops. Pin-hihges, are to avoid the dissagreeable appear- ance of the knockle of common but-hinges, on the ex- ternal part of neatly finished work. These are let into the ends of doors, so as to bring the center of the pin even with the front, (otherwise it w ill not clear in turning.) and that the projecting strap which has the pin may be behind. It islet into the top and bottom of the carcase, into which the door shuts, and the door end slips into the other strap of the hinge which has not the pin. Butt-hinges, are so called because they butt or stop against some substance of wood, at the edge of any tiling to which they are screwed. There are a great variety of butt-hinges, in the practice of cabinetmaking and joinery. Stop but-hinges, are so named because the door or stop of any piece of w ork only turns a little out of the perpendicular to the edge or surface on w hich they are set, if they are pressed further the hinge will break. Rising but-hinges are such, as turn upon a screw in their joints, and are used in enabling doors w hen they open to clear a carpet, which otherwise they might rnb against. Slip-off* but-hinges are used, in cases where the door or window blind, to which they are screwed, is wanted to be taken off occasionally. Lap-over but-hinges are applied to the top of any piece of w ork, that requires tq be raised about seven • eighths i20 CABINETMAKING. eighths of an inch above the edge, to which it is screwed, so that another top may fall in between them. Desk but-hinges, are similar to those of the com- mon sort, except only that they are made twice the breadth in the strap part. Alkanet . — A species of Anchusa, the root of which is much in use amongst cabinetmakers, for making red oil. The best mode of preparing this, is as follows. — Take a quart of good linseed oil, to which add a quarter of a pound of Alkanet root, as much opened with the hand as possible, that the bark of the root which tinges the oil, may fly off; with this mix about an ounce of dragon’s blood, and another of rose pink, finely pounded in a mortar ; set the whole within a moderate heat for twelve hours at least, though twenty-four would be better. Then strain it through a flannel into a bottle for use. This staining oil is not properly applicable to every sort of mahogany. The open grained Honduras ought first to be polished with wax and turpentine, to fill up the grain, but in general this wood looks best with wax and turpentine only. If however, it should be closed grained and hard, and want briskness of colour, the staining oil will improve it much. All hard mahogany of a bad colour, should be oiled with it, and should stand unpolished for a time, proportioned to its quality and texture of grain. If the oil be laid on hard wood, which is to be polished off immediately, it is of little use ; but if it be permitted to stand fora few days, the oil penetrating the grain, hardens on the surface, and consequently will bear a better polish, and look brighter in colour. Pa' king . — This is a concern in the cabinet branch that requires great care, particularly when the arti- cle to be packed is a large looking glass. Light japanned chairs for bed rooms, are generally packed in slight skeleton cases, after being papered over. Those that arrange the chairs side to side in the case, put a whole width bottom up each end of the case, to receive the hanging bottom the whole length of the case, which is screwed to the under side of the rails of the chairs. When the first three chairs are fixed, they are put down to their place, and the other three are turned down upont hem, after their place has been marked on the batten, they are taken out again, and screwed to it as before describ- ed, with two screws to each side rail. The first three are then fastened to their places, w ith their legs about an inch clear of the bottom of the case. Stays are then placed crosswise under the long batten, to keep it from working in the middle, and the others are laid down in their place with their legs up, and with the seats to each other, (care how- ever being, necessary that they do not rub or touch each other in any part,) and stays are screwed across as before. Others put the hanging battens across the efts© ; consequently every J.wo chairs require two short battens screwed to the under side of the rail, as in the other method. This last way requires a broad bottom on the sides of the skeleton case, placed so as to correspond with the height of the chair seat, and to receive the short battens crosswise. In this manner of packing, the chairs are placed the other way in the case, that is, with their fronts parellel to the ends of the case, and they are then screwed in, two and tw o together. By this mode the case re- requires to be more than half a foot longer than by the other, but the latter requires to be broader. When chairs are gilt, or richly finished, for drawing rooms, they require a close case of full half inch deal, and the packing is performed in the manner already described, but with greater care. Packing cases , for large glasses, should have their sides of deal, from two to three inches thick, and either half lapped or dove-tailed at the corners. The tops and bottoms of such cases should be made of inch deal, with three half w'idth battens of inch stuff, running lengthwise, and well nailed, to keep the top, &c. firm, that the case may not easily warp when the glass is in, and occasion its being broken. It is usual, especially if the glass be conveyed by water, to groove and slip the edges of' the boards, and even to pitch the joints afterwards, for the pur- pose of resisting any dashes of salt water that may occur in the voyage, which w r ould totally ruin the silvering by the slightest access to it. When they are conveyed by land, gluing brown paper over the joints in the inside, will be sufficient, provided the case be otherwise well made. Whether by sea or by land, the case should if possible be kept inau up- right position on one of its sides. In packing one of these glasses, it is necessary to place crosswise on the bottom, three half battens, on which the blind frame of the glass may rest, with the precaution however, ofleaving brass fasteners screwed to the sides of the blind frame, so as to answer the place of the three battens last mentioned. When the glass is in its place, it is common to cover the plate with some kind of paper, and to put at least a batten to each end over the glass, half the width of a deal, which are screwed to the sides of the case. These last battens, if the depth of the case be properly ta- ken at first, will be level w ith the edge of the case, and will therefore prove a sure defence to the top, and prevent it from being pressed down in the cent- er so as to endanger the glass. The glass is then inclosed, and tne top screwed down, (not nailed) with tw r o inch screw nails, two to each board, the joints of which are pitched and canvassed over. Festoon wdndow curtains among upholsterers, are those which draw up by pullies, and hang dow r n in folds or festoons. These curtains are still- in use in bed rooms, notwithstanding the general intro- duction of French rod curtains in genteel houses. A festoon window curtain, consists generally of three pulls, but where a w indow is extensive it has CABINETMAKING. 117 in the form of an ogee. These sides have handle fj holes, about 4 inches long, and cut l£ inch from the j! upper edges. There are also dinner trays, knife fj trays, and comb trays, the first of which is used for j carrying dishes and plates to the dining table, their ^ sides are 3| inches deep, all round, with handle ; holes in each side, which may be made of good Hon- I duras ; but the bottoms should be of Spanish, for ! the reason before assigned. The length of the ! largest dinner trays is 32 inches, and their width is j 2 feet; full sized tea trays, are nearly of the same i dimensions. Knife trays of the best kind have each I two partitions, with a brass handle clasping them, ( and screwing to their sides, which are 3 or 3| in- j ches deep ; their inside length is 14 inches, and j their width from 10 to 12 inches. The sides of j these trays are now made perpendicular. Comb 1 trays are 6 inches by 8, or 9 long, with bevelled sides, and mitred corners. They are mitred upon a block of wood, and keyed at the corners. Cane zaork is now more in practice than it was ever known to be at any former period. About 30 years since, it was quite out of fashion, owing prin- cipally to the imperfect manner in which it was ex- ecuted. But on the revival of japanning furniture, it gradually got again into use, and obtained an able state of improvement, so that at present it is introduced into several pieces of furniture, in which its use was unknown a few years ago, particularly in the ends of beds which are framed in mahogany, and then caned, for the purpose of keeping in the bed clothes. Sometimes also the bottoms of beds I are caned, and small borders of it are introduced j; round the backs of mahogany chairs, which look very neat. Bed steps too, are caned ; indeed canes are very properly used in any thing where lightness,, elasticity, cleanness, and durability, are desirable. The manner of caning is various. The common- est kind is of one skain only, called by caners, bead- work, and running open. There are other kinds of two skains, and closer, and firmer. The best work is termed bordering, and is of three skains, some of which are done ?o very fine and close, that they are less than a sixteenth broad, and in many jnstiynces, as fine, comparatively, as some canvas. The cane used for the best work is imported from Bengal, and of a line light straw colour which forms a most agreeable contrast to almost every colour it is joined with. The yellower kind is generally as Strong and durable, but that which has lost either) the light straw, or shining yellow colour, ought to be rejected, as having been damaged by salt water, or some other accident, in its importation. Carpet . — The Persian and Turkey carpets, are held in most esteem. The Parisian carpets are a tolerable imitation of these; but besides the Per.ian, Turkey, and Parisian carpets, there are the follow- ing sorts, which have their names from the places where they are manufactured ; as Brussels — Kidder- minster — Wilton — Axniinster — Venetian, which is generally striped, and Scotch, which is the most in- ferior, though in most common use, the other sorts, particularly the Brussels, Wilton, and Ax- minster being very expensive. To most of the best kind of carpets, there are suitable borders in narrow widths. The stair car- pets are, half a yard, half ell, and three quarters wide. In cutting out carpets, the upholsterer after having cleared the room of all its furniture, proceeds to line out the border with a chalk line, and mark the mitres correctly in the angles of the room, and round the fire place in particular, as in this part any defects are most observable. He then proceeds to cut the mitres of the carpet border, beginning at the fire place, and endeavouring as correctly as pos- sible, to match the pattern at each mitre; in order to do this, he must sometimes cut more or less of the border to waste. He then takes a length of the body carpet, and tacking it up to the border at one end, resents to the strainer, with which he draws it to the other, where lie tacks it again, taking care, as lie goes on, to match the pattern, which sometimes varies in the whole length, hut for which there is no remedy, except by changing the lengths in such a manner as to bring them tolerably near in matching. If the widths do not correspond in number, it then becomes necessary to draw them in at that side of the room where the defilciency may be least seen ; but this must be done in such a way that the con? tracted widths may match, and that there may be nothing offensive in the appearance of the whole. To prevent misplacing any of the lengths, or parts of the border, the upholsterer should take sealing thread, and tack them together where he thinks it necessary, in which state they are taken to the shop and completed. If a carpet be cut at home, a plan of the room must be accurately taken on paper, with all the sizes of breaks,, door ways, windows, angles &c. which must be transferred to some convenient room at home, by a chalk line and square, and then marking off the border, and proceeding as before described. In laying down a carpet it is generally customary to begin with the fire place first, and after having- tacked and secured this, to strain it here and there, so as to bring it gradually to, till the whole is strain- ed close round the room. Every person employed in taking the plan of a room for a carpet, ought to be acquainted witlrplain geometry. ■Card tables . — In the manufacture of these, there is frequently much trouble in making them stand true in the upper top; to effect which, various methods have been devised by cabinet makers. Some swell the upper tops, by damping them before they are veneered, supposing that the ground will shrink in ,due proportion with the veneer, so as to keep all Hh straight. 118 CABINETMAKING. straight. This however, often fails, if the top should happen to imbibe much of the wet, for from being so much thicker than the veneer, it takes long- er time to dry, and from the veneer being dried first, and losing its power, the ground work natural- ly draws the top round on the upper side. On the other hand, if the ground be quite dry, and the wood of a soft nature, and care be not taken to shrink the veneer between hot cauls, previous to its being glued down, the top will most likely dish on the up- per side. Particular care also should be taken that the top be not left too long in the cauls, for this w ill help to draw it hollow. It is most advisable forthe workman to take out the top soon, and lay the ve- neer side of it down on the ground, m order that the under side, from being exposed to the air may draw the veneered side round. No wood will stand so W ell for these tops, as hard, straight grained mahog- any well seasoned, and jointed in 3 \ inch widths The workman must avoid using curled veneers, anil employ those only which are well dried, that they may a°ree with the groundwork; when well sized with Aue, they may be laid with the hammer wit.) as much safety as in a caul, and sometimes more so; because as soon as they are laid in this way, the un- der side may be turned upwards, and the veneered side may be placed so as to exclude the operation ot or bordering , m cabinetmaking, is a term applied to pannels or compartments ot one sort of wood which are edged, or bordered with that ° f It^ometimes happens, that the contrast of band- ings may be too strong for the ground veneer to which the banding is joined ; m winch case the beau- ty of the veneer will be partly lost, because the eye will be most attracted by the banding, owing to its excessive contrast of colour to the body of the work Suppose the ground to be a delicate, pale^ and rich lv fi Aired sat tin wood, and that there are joined to it a broad black wood border, and another equally broad of white holly, the experiment would prove, that the fine sattin w ood veneer, w ould lose a consi- derable part of its beauty by the borders, -ome de- gree of this excessive contrast is admissible with safety when the ground veneer is less delicate, or the wood is faulty; for then, the eye will be so much attracted by the banding, as to disregard the imper- fections of the ground wood, and consequently he work will be viewed more favourably. On the other hand, the contrast produced by banding, may be, and frequently is, too weak for the ground ve- neer, in which case considerable expence proves of no utility. This is always the case when poor tulip wood, or even the best 6 ( it, is joined to mahogany, for it tutus by the air, nearly to a mahogany colour. To produce an agreeable contrast in cross banding, it will require different shades or bands, to the dif- ferent qualities of wood of the same species. Jn lio-ht coloured mahogany, of a soft quality, and liable to® change, dark strong coloured kmgswood will produce and maintain to the end, a proper contrast. If it be dark hard wood, not so subject to change, the use of a fair coloured East or West India sattin wood, will create a pleasing contrast. Dark red and light yellow, will always harmonize, and a small quantity of black, tvith a retl ground, wilUlso ap- pear very agreeable, as will a little black tv. h a yellow ground. With respect to agreeable con last in banding, it is also necessary to adjust its width in a suitable proportion, to the colour and dimensions of the ground work, for if the colour ot the banding be not strongly opposed to the ground veneer, 1 should be used broader, though it be but a small o-ronnd. But if the contrast be very striking, tne w idth of the banding ought to be reduced m pro- I portion. In cases however, where there is an ex- ! tensive ground, such as in loo tables, the cross band- ' ing wilt bear a greater width and strength ot con- U,i leathers . — Those feathers which are brought from Somersetshire, are esteemed the best, and those from Ireland the worst. Eider-down is imported from Denmark, the ducks which supply it being inhabitants of Hudson’s bay, Greenland, Iceland and Norway. Our own islands west ot Scotland breed numbers of these birds, which prove a Pota- ble branch of trade to the poor inhabitants. Hud- son's bav also furnishes us with good feathers Swandown is brought from Dantzic, from whence also we have large quantities of feathers. Several very imposing arts are practised by bro- kers and dealers in feathers, which the stranger and fair trader ought to be aware of. 1 he ^ the « plucked from living birds, are the best and lightest, and are of an elastic nature, so that a bed . Passed down with the hand, when filled with good feathers, will rise up to its place again. The method of curing leathers is to disperse then over the floor of a room, exposed to the sun, and when thev are thoroughly dried, to put them bags, and beat them with long poles, tor the purpose of cleansing them from dirt, before they are hlle into the tick. „ , Desks for Compting-houses , are generally marie double, with a flap each side, suspended to a square part at the top, where is frequently a double brass rail, supported on a double row of pillais, p same, to sustain such books on, as are not m imme- diate use. The insides of these desks are generally fitted up with holes, for papers, and drawers W notes. Sometimes they are made ot beech or ma- hogany, and sometimes of deal painted, having the upper side frequently lined with cloth, which is a ban way, as it harbours sand and dirt. The mo t advisable method is to use a small quantity ot blot- ting paper, made into the form of a book, to wr e on, which at once, answers the purpose ot the cloth. CABINETMAKING. 119 and supersedes the necessity of sand. The frames of all large desks should be put together with bed screws, for the convenience of removing them from one place to another. The height in front of such desks should be 3 feet 5 or 6 inches, including the frame to the top of the flap, and the depth of the desk without the frame, should be 4£ inches, rising to 9 in the centre. Tambour , in cabinetmaking, is a kind of flexible partition, which is frequently made use of in the shape of covers to ink stands, or as a kind of cur- tain to wash basons, and pot cupboards. It is made by gluing on strong canvas, a number of slips or beads of anv kind of wood, which, when dry, may be easily bent into a cylindrical form, and when cut to the width of the aperture it is intended to close, is made to slide in a groove at each end. These doors, or rather screens, are opened or closed, by means of a brass or ivory knob, and for purposes where no great strength or security is wanted, answer very well. Pembroke Table . — The size of such tables is from 3 feet 8 inches, to four feet wide, when open ; and from 34 inches to 3 feet long when the flaps are down. The width of the bed should never be less than 21 inches, but in general the size is from 22 to 25 inches, and the height never exceed 2 feet 4 inches, including castors. Doors . — Although cabinetmakers are not bound by the rules of architectural proportions in framing doors, yet no doors ought to be less than the diagonal of the square of its width, unless there is some absolute cause for departing from this rule. Doors are variously made by cabinetmakers ; some are framed together, and have pannels ploughed in : and others are rabbetted in with a bead, mitred round to keep them in. Doors of a small size are glued up in the solid, and sometimes clamped, square, or mitred. In w ardrobe doors, great care should be taken to have the stuff drv, as they have a considerable draught in their shrinking, and are apt to warp the frames in a manner not easily suscepti ble of repair. In order tofevoid this, it is advisable to let the pannels stand a quarter of an inch w ithin the frame, and fix them dry in by a bead. Round the inner edge of the door frames, a black line may be permitted to cover the edge of the frame standing- before the pannels, which, when polished with the mahogany, looks well. The doors of wardrobes should be left half an e : ghth of an inch over, on both sides; (as in time they will shrink, so as to require to lie hinged further in,) that the astragal may cover, which ought always to be brass in this piece of fur- niture. Doors for cabinets and commodes, are according to modern taste, framed with a rabbet left, to which green, or other silk is fixed, after they have been wired by the persons who work it. In designs for book case doors, it is proper to avoid as much as possible all curved lines, as they are difficult to be glazed. Sometimes complicated figures are introduced, by making the pane of glass extend from one right lined bar to another in the door, and laying a kind of false bar over it, of the intended figure, made of the same moulding, with- out rabbet. Hinge, a most useful article in cabinetm;iking, of which among many others there are the following varieties. Hinges for tea canisters are made very thin in the joint, and long enough to extend the length of the canister in one piece. They set on perfectly eve^ with the top, so that there is no joint in the way. Hinges for pulpit doors, are made very wide t© receive the whole projection of the cornice, which always crosses the door, and therefore it becomes necessary to use wide-projecting butrhinges, which screw on the edge of the door, and also to the fixed part, whereby the door is thrown out so as to clear the cornice. These hinges are used for other pur- poses where there are any mouldings in the way of a door. Swan neck hinges, are a kind of pin-hinge, used for some camp table tops. Ell-hinges for shaving and dressing tables, are adopted for strength, for the ell-part returns on the front and back edge of the swinging part and secures the top. — H tumbler hinge, to set ©n the edges of any kind of turn-over frame, as that of a sofa bed, or turn-over table tops. Pin-hinges, are to avoid the dissagreeable appear- ance of the knockle of common but-hingps, on the ex- ternal part of neatly finished work. These are let into the ends of doors, so as to bring the center of tiie pin even with the front, (otherwise it will not clear in turning,) and that the projecting strap which has the pin may be behind. It islet into the top and bottom of the carcase, into which the door shuts, and the door end slips into the other strap of the hinge which has not the pin. Butt-hinges, are so called because they butt or stop against some substance of wood, at the edge of any thing to which they are screw ed. There are a great variety of butt-hinges, in the practice of cabinetmaking and joinery. Stop but-liinges, are so named because the door or stop of any piece of wot-k only turns a little out of the perpendicular to the edge or surface on which they are set, if they are pressed further the hinge will break. Rising hut-hinges are such, as turn upon a screw in their joints, and are used in enabling doors when they open to clear a carpet, which otherwise they might rub against. Slip-olf but-liinges are* used, in cases where the door or window blind, to which they are screwed, is wanted to be taken off occasionally. Lap-over but-liinges are applied to the top of any piece ol work, that requires to be raised about seven eighths 120 CABINETMAKING. eighths of an inch above the edge, to which it is screwed, so that another top may fall in between them. Desk hut-hinges, are similar to those of the com- mon sort, except only that they are made twice the breadth in the strap part. Alkanet . — A species of Anchusa, the root of which is much in use amongst cabinetmakers, for making red oil. The best mode of preparing this, is as follows. — Take a quart of good linseed oil, to which add a quarter of a pound of Alkanet root, as much opened with the hand as possible, that the bark of the root which tinges the oil, may fly off; with this mix about an ounce of dragon’s blood, and another of rose pink, finely pounded in a mortar ; set the whole within a moderate heat for twelve hours at least, though twenty-four would be better. Then strain it through a flannel into a bottle for use. This staining oil is not properly applicable to every sort of mahogany. The open grained Honduras ought first to be polished with wax and turpentine, to till up the grain, but in general this wood looks best with wax and turpentine only. If however, it should be closed grained and hard, and want briskness of colour, the staining oil will improve it much. All hard mahogany of a bad colour, should be oiled with it, and should stand unpolished tor a time, proportioned to its quality and texture of grain. If the oil be laid on hard wood, which is to be polished off immediately, it is of little use ; but if it be permitted to stand for a few days, the oil penetrating the grain, hardens on the surface, and consequently will bear a better polish, and look brighter in colour. Parking . — This is a concern in the cabinet branch that requires great care, particularly when the arti- cle to be packed is a large looking glass. Light japanned chairs for bed rooms, are generally packed in slight skeleton cases, after being papered over. Those that arrange the chairs side to side in the case, put a whole width bottom up each end of the case, to receive the hanging bottom the whole length of the case, which is screwed to the under side of the rails of the chairs. When the first three chairs are fixed, they are put down to their place, and the other three are turned down upont hem, after their place has been marked on the batten, they are taken out again, and screwed to it as before describ- ed, with two screws to each side rail. The first three are then fastened to their places, with their legs about an inch clear of the bottom of the case. Stays are then placed crosswise under the long batten, to keep it from working in the middle, and the others are laid down in their place with their legs up, and with the seats to each other, (care how- ever being, necessary that they do not rub or touch each other in ajiy part,) and stays are screwed across as before. Others put the hanging battens across the case : consequently every two chairs require two short battens screwed to the under side of the rail, as in the other method. This last way requires a broad bottom on the sides of the skeleton case, placed so as to correspond with the height of the chair seat, and to receive the short battens crosswise. In this manner of packing, the chairs are placed the other way in the case, that is, with their fronts parellel to the ends of the case, and they are then screwed in, two and two together. By this mode the case re- requires to be more than half a foot longer than by t e other, but the latter requires to be broader. When chairs are gilt, or richly finished, for drawing rooms, they require a close case of full half inch deal, and the packing is performed in the manner already described, but with greater care. Packing cases , for large glasses, should have their sides of deal, from two to three inches thick, and either half lapped or dove-tailed at the corners. The tops and bottoms of such cases should be made of inch deal, with three half width battens of inch stuff, running lengthwise, and well nailed, to keep the top, &c. firm, that the case may not easily warp when the glass is in, and occasion its being broken. It is usual, especially if the glass be conveyed by water, to groove and slip the edges of the boards, and even to pitch the joints afterwards, for the pur- pose of resisting any dashes of salt water that may occur in the voyage, which would totally ruin the silvering by the slightest access to it. \Vhen they are conveyed by land, gluing brown paper over the joints in the inside, will be sufficient, provided the case be otherwise well made. Whether by sea or by land, the case should if possible be kept in an up- right position on one ofits sides. In packing-one of these glasses, it is necessary to place crosswise on the bottom, three half battens, on which the blind frame of the glass may rest, with the precaution however, of leaving brass fasteners screwed to the sides of the blind frame, so as to answer the place of the three battens last mentioned. When the glass is in its place, it is common to cover the plate with some kind of paper, and to put at least a batten to each end over the glass, half the width of a deal, which are screwed to the sides of the case- These last battens, if the depth of the case he properly ta- ken at first, will be level with the edge of the case, and will therefore prove a sure defence to the top, and prevent it from being pressed down in the cent- er so as to endanger the glass. The glass is then inclosed, and tne top screwed down, (not nailed) with two inch screw nails, two to each hoard, the joints of which are pitched and canvassed over. Festoon window curtains' among upholsterers, are those which draw up by pullies, and hang down in folds or festoons. These curtains are still in use in bed rooms, notwithstanding the general intro- duction of French rod curtains in genteel houses. A festoon window curtain, consists generally of three pulls, but where a window is extensive it has CABINETMAKING. or five. According to the number of pulls the win- dow lath must be pullied. Such as have three, are done as follows. — Take 4f inches for the distance of the pullies off each end of the lath, then find the centre, and put the pullies to one side, next to the draw end, equal to their width, that the lines which pass over them may be directed to the right divisions of the curtains. At the draw end there must be three pullies, placed an inch and half from the end. Towards the centre from these, is a pulley 4| inches from the end, (measuring from that side of the pul- ley, through which the line passes,) from which it appears that there will be three pulls, and that two of the lines will be 4f inches off the end of the cur- tain, and the other in the centre. If the lath have five pulls, then it will require four pullies more, to be placed in equal divisions on the length of the lath, and for these two additional ones, there must be two corresponding pulls at the draw end, so that it will require five pullies in the width of the lath, to be fixed as before. Polishing . — Different methods of polishing are of course requisite for different kinds of work, as what is useful in one case, may be injurious in others. In drawers, and pieces of furniture, in which the .fimell of oil would be unpleasant, bees wax rubbed on with a cork, is used, and to remove the clammi- ness left by the wax on the surface, brick dust should be shaken through a stocking, on a fine cloth, and well rubbed into the surface. At other times soft wax, formed whilst warm, by the -intermixture of bees wax and turpentine, to Ml' which is sometimes added a little red oil if the wood should require it. This' is laid on with a cloth, and needs no other cleaning oft than that of' brisk rubbing with a clean rag. The most general mode of polishing, adopted by cabinetmakers, is with oil and fine brick dust, the oil may be either plain linseed oil, or oil stained with alkanet root. In polishing hard wood, the oil should remain on the surface for a week, but soft wood may be cleaned off in two or three days. Care however should be taken to keep the oil from skin- ning over, or drying on the surface, by frequently rubbing it over with the oil rag, moistened with a little additional oil. The brick dust and oil must be applied together, and rubbed in till it thickens, and becomes a kind of putty on the cloth, with which the operation must be continued till the desired effect is produced ; but the use of any fresh brick dust must be carefully avoided. It is then cleared off by some bran of wheaten flour. Chairs are generally polished with the following composition and a brush, and afterwards well rub- bed off without any brick dust or bran. Take bees j wax and a small quantity of turpentine in a clean earthern pan, and place it over the fire till the wax. unites with the turpentine ; add to this a little red lead, finely ground on a stone, and as much fine Oxford, or yellow ochre as will bring it to the colour of bright mahogany. When the composition is taken off the fire, add a little copal varnish to it 5> and turn it into a bason of cold water, and form it i into balls for use. li CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. Carpentry is the art of cutting out, framing, and joining large pieces of wood, to be used in building. Joinery , is also the art of working in wood, or of fitting various pieces of timber together, tor the or- namenting of certain parts of edifices, and is called -by the French, menuiscric, “ small work,” Both these arts are subservient to architecture, being employed in raising, roofing, flooring, and or- namenting buildings of all kinds. The rules in carpentry are much the same as those of joinery; the only difference is, that carpentry includes the larger and rougher kinds of work, and that part which is most material to the construction and sta- bility of an edifice; while joinery comprehends the interior finishing, and ornamental w ood work, Carpentry and joinery may very properly be con- sidered separately. -tinder the former head, we shall enumerate the most usefel tools made usb of by carpenters, and then divide the article into three distinct divisions; the first of which, will treat of the most advantageous modes by which timbers in general may be connected together; the second, will describe and illustrate the several parts of con- structive carpentry, such as centers , roofs , domes , - niches , <^c. ; and conclude with a view of the pro- gress of the art, from Godfrey Richards, to the present time ; and the third, will comprise some in- vestigations and observations relative to the strength -and stress of timber. ENUMERATION OF THE MOST USEFUL CARPENTERS TOOLS. References to Plate 1 of carpentry. Figure 7 represents The Axe. 6 The Adze. • 24 - The Sato. 13 The Socke t c hrssrl. 5 — The Firmer chisstl. 1 The Auger. 3 The G imblet. — 16 The Guage. — less. Figures 17 and 21, are the two halves of a beam, having tables made in them, in the form of obtuse angles, with a ridge in the middle. These are raised sunk, alternately, and when bolted toge- ther, have the ' ppearance of one beam, as is repre- sented in figure 22. Figures IS and 19, respectively shew the section across the sunk and raised parts ; and figure 20 re- presents a section of the beam, when the two parts denoted by figures 17 and 21, are bolted together. When it is Rccessary for the practical carpenter K k id CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. m CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. to scarfe beams after the foregoing method ; he should be particularly careful that all the butting places meet closely together. And he should fur- ther observe, that in scarfing beams after any of the preceding methods, or by any other modes which his ingenuity may suggest, it would be proper to have every butting joint strapped across with iron on both sides. If this material part be well executed, he will find that it will increase the longitudinal resistance at the weakest section, and diminish, in a great degree, the possibility of the bolts being- bent. Timbers may also be joined laterally, by means of keys and dovetails. This method is trnelv in- genious, and deserves to be more generally know n. Figure 5, P/ale 3 , presents a longitudinal section of two pieces, joined in this manner, with the dove- tail pieces and the wedge or key, by means of which they are forced against the ends of the pieces requir- ed to be fixed. In order to make the one press harder against the other, the interior angle of the dove tail ought to be made greater than the exterior one, formed upon the pieces to be joined. Figure 6, is a transverse view of the mortise and ends of the dove-tails and keys, on the outside of the piece, and figure 7, is also a transverse view of the mortise and ends of the dove-tails and keys, but on the inside part of the piece. Figure 8, represents a perspective view of the pieces when joined hy the keys and dovetails. This excellent method maybe adopted in joining parallel pieces together, when the pairs of pieces do not touch each other. The ingenious carpenter, by at- tending to these principles, will find them useful in many cases, particularly in the construction of wooden bridges. With respect to joining timbers endways, butting joints are fixed together with bolts, having a screw ed nut at each end; one of these nuts must be square, and the other round, the round one must have notch- es cut close on its edge. The bolt must be let into each piece, perpendicularly to thejoint, and the nuts must be sunk from one side across the grain, until j the ends of the bolt are enabled to pass the interior j screw, winch is formed on purpose to receive the ox- ! tenor one ; the square nut is first put in, after which one end of the bolt is firmly driven into the bore, made to receive it, and screwed to the nut. j The notched nut is next put in, and the bolt abo in * its place; after this one piece may be turned round upon the other until the joint is quite close, and two dowels should be introduced one on each side of the bolt. One piece should be driven as close to the other, as the nut will permit, and then with a nar- row pointed turn screw, and a mallet, the nut may j be forced round until the joint is entirely close. In the Second Division we proceed to describe and illustrate the several parts of constructive carpentry, such, as centers, roofs &c. &c. Centers . — The term center is used to denote a frame of timber, constructed for the purpose of sup- porting the bricks or stones, during the erection of a vault or arch. The center serves as a foundation for the arch to be built upon, until the work is com- pleted, when it is taken dow n, or which is technically called struck, and if the arch has been properly con- structed, it will stand of itself from its curved figure. When the span is small, and upon a limited scale, as in vaults and cellars under ground, the foundation of the side walls is dug out, the earth is rounded off 1. 1 the interval between them, the arch is thrown over upon it; and when the arch is completed, the earth is dug out and removed, lint the defects of this me- thod are obvious, and it becomes, therefore, necessary to construct frames of timber for carrying the stones or brick, requisite for the construction of the arch. When the arch is to be constructed above ground, but at no great height above the surface, a frame for supporting the arcli stones is easily raised from the ground, and bound together, so as to answ e r the pur- pose required, though frequently there is a great waste of wood on such occasions ; indeed w hen the span of the arch is great, or at a great height above the surface of the ground, the expence of a frame formed in this manner, would not only be enormous, but in many cases it would be useless. Whether the arch be great or small, high or low, a proper econo- my in the wood and workmanship should be observ- ed ; since in proportion to the smallest of the ex- pence incurred, will be the increase of advantage to those concerned, and at the same time proportion- ably greater credit will accrue to the engineer. But it is essential to consider on the other hand, that if in reducing the expense of materials or workman- ship, the center should be constructed too slight, and without a due attention to those principles w hich alone ensure strength, the same may be crush- ed through the pressure of the arch stones, and the- whole fabric may be brought down ; the saving in tins case will be a poor compensation for so serious a loss, and therefore it may be better, perhaps on tiie whole, to have too much wood than too little. Under all the circumstances, it behoves the mecha- nic to obtain the best information that he can on this important subject, which we will endeavour to set in as clear a point of view as possible. This subject may be very properly divided into three branches, in the first of which, it will be pro- per to consider the weight to be supported, in the second, the quantity of materials necessary for the support of such a weight, and in the third, the most effective method of applying these materials. With respect to the first, the weight to be support- ed on the center is the stones, or brick, of which the arch is to be composed. It has be^n determined by several, eminent mathematicians, that when the arch is either asenii- ellipsis, CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 127 ellipsis, or semi-circle, it can be raised to thirty de- grees and upwards without support ; after which, it begins to press on the frames composing the center. It should be recollected particularly that this refers onlv to the semi-elliptical, or semi-circular arch, for "if it be a segment of either of the aforementioned curves, it will not only press sooner upon the center, but also more heavily in proportion to the flatness of the arch. If we take for example a semi-circle whose diameter is 20 feet; then, according to the foregoing observation, there w ill remain 120 degrees of the arch to he supported. Now 120 degrees will mea- sure 20 040 feet, but in order to give the advantage as much as possible to the center, we will call it 21 feet ; and if we suppose the arch stones to be of free- stone 18 inches square, whose specific gravity is 2'532, we shall find by the common operations of multiplication, that the pressure on one rib of the center is 7477‘307 lbs. avordupoise, or about 66'75 Cwt. From hence may be perceived the necessity of strength and firmness for the center; since each frame must sustain the above weight, not only with- out warping, or sinking under the pressure, but without rising in the crown, from any weight on its haunches. To pursue this interesting anti useful sub- ject still farther, by calculating the increase of weight upon a span of 50 feet ; it will be found by the rules of mensuration, that the length of the arch of 120 degrees in a circle whose diameter is 50 teet, is 52'3(i feet; for example, we will suppose the arc?; stone to be 2 feet by feet deep, which gives 5 superficial feet, anti on the supposition that the stone is of the same specific gravity as that before mentioned, the weight supported by one frame of the center, will be found equal to 369 9 Cwt. Hence the weight on the center frame is increased in the proportion of 369 9 to 66'7, or more than five times, besides the allowance necessary to be made for the difference between the stiffness of the center frames ; for, on account of the greater extent of the latter center, the frame that would be sufficiently firm at 20 feet, would give way at 50 feet. In our dissertation on bridges we have made men- tion of those constructed of iron; and therefore it may not be improper to present to the practical carpenter, an example for constructing of centers for them. W e will first examine of what dimensions a cen- ter should be if the arch form the segment of a circle, if the span oft lie arch be 236 feet (being- the span of th° bridge alluded to m. the description of stone, bridges), and if the height above the spring of the arch be 31 feet, the diameter in this case will be easi- ly found to be about 444 feet, and the arch stones in this segment would press upon the center frame, at about IS feet from the spring of the arch. Suppose the arch stone to be 4 feet by 5, which will give 20 superficial feet, and rhe whole measure of the arch to he 444T5 lineal feet; the solid contents will he found to amount to 4132 feet, and the weight to ! 318 7 tons, while the weight of the iron employed is 260 tons. Having now' taken a view of the weight to be supported, we proceed in the second' place to consider, what strength of wood is necessary for the support of such a weight. In determining this, w e shall take a view of such experiments as have been made for ascertaining the strength of different ma- terials, Under the head *■' Strength of Materials in the third general division of Carpentry. We have to consider, in the third place, the most effective method of applying these materials. It is to be observed, that as an arch in its form, approaches in one part towards the perpendicular, and in the other, towards a horizontal line, the actual weight that it will sustain, lies between that force which a body will carry in the perpendicular, and that which produces a fracture upon any mate- rial in the horizontal direction. If the perpendicu- lar be greater than the horizontal line, it will par- take more of the strengtli of the bruising force, than of the transverse fracture ; and this species of fores mav be expressed by the ratio compounded of the bruising or crushing force, and that of the transverse fracture, or more properly, perhaps, it may be term- ed the absolute and relative force. It is much to be regretted, that we are not posr sessed of a sufficient variety of experiments on a large scale, to ascertain the absolute force. At the same time however, it must be admitted that the results of the experiments that have been made, with the observations upon them, will furnish the ingeni- ous carpenter with a tolerable correct knowledge of the principles he may- act upon, and also prevent his using superfluous materials, by applying those prin- ciples, either to horizontal right lines, to those which incline in a right lined direction, or to, curves. Muschenbroeks asserts, that the weight which crushes one inch of sound oak, is 17300 lbs. but if computed from the increase, or as the squares of the diameters, it is only 16000. lbs. It is well known that the -power to break, or. make a transverse frac- ture in the same wood, of the- same length, and of different diameters, (if a considerable difference in diameters be taken,) is twice that produced by the square of the diameter, lly this comparison vve are enabled to judge, that the proportion which exists between the strength of wood and of stone, is 0048 to 17300, or 1 to 2|. We are thus ena- bled to form an estimate of the proportion existing between the arch and the strength of a horizontal line, and we are also enabled to substitute the one material for. the other, in point of strength, w ith sufficient accuracy. Experimentalists agree that a square inch of wood pulled asunder, .or crushed with a weight of between 16000, and 17300 lbs. ; that a piece of wood 18 inches long, and one inch square, may be broken by 406 lbs. ; that a piece 12 inches m- length, may be crushed by 609 I§8 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. lbs.; and apiece 6 inches long, bv 1218 lbs. all which circumstances have been proved by the com- parison of experiments to be consistent with the principles of the lever. If then, the geometrical mean is taken between the elevation of the arch, as pressure or absolute strength, and the length of the horizontal line, this mean will <>ive the strength of the arch above the horizontal line ; for it is clear, that in proportion as the piece of wood may be elevated towards the perpendicular, it will approach so much the‘ nearer to its absolute strength, that in proportion as the arch is flatter, or the piece of wood is les ; inclined, the nearer it will be to a straight line, and that in proportion as it is the more reduced to its relative strength, the position of the arch must be in the ratio compounded of these two. The preceding principles may, now be applied to the construction ot centers of any span, and possess- ing the strength necessary for the support of the arch. Pitot, wrote on this subject about the beginning of the last century, and we shall lay his plan of operation before our readers, premising however, that he has been rather too profuse, in the allotment of his materials. We have already observed, that there is but little or no weight on the centre, until it reaches to about 30 degrees of the arch ; at this height, a stretcher is extended from side to side, which stretcher is sup- ported by two struts from the spring of the arch. Upon the upper part of the stretcher, either imme- diately above, or a little within the upper end of the truss, on each side are two spars connected with the king post, which spring from about the middle of the arch, and divide the stretcher into four parts. Another strut springs from the rise of the arch, and meets the stretcher at this fourth part, from either side of the arch : these last struts are joined by a tie beam, which gives additional strength to the first stretcher ; upon these, on the upper side of the stretcher, two spars join the king post, a little below the other stretcher. The spars are connected together by bridles or cross-spars, from the circular arch, to the lower strut; ribs of a similar formation being placed at proper distances, according to the width of the bridge, and joined by bridging joints, which may be of greater or lesser strength, according to the span of the arch, and the weight it has to support, if no rests are left at the spring of the arch, as a base for the center to rest upon. Let A B, Figure 5 Plate n.of carpentry, be the ends oft wo planks, raised from the foundation, on which the center is intended to rest. Let CD, be the stretcher, extended about 3.5 or 40 degrees from the spring of ti:e arch; or as but little weight rests on the center till it attains that height, the stretcher may be as high as 45 degrees; let also A E, AO, BE, BO, be the two struts on each side ; from each extremity of the center, let BE, AEj be fixed to the stretcher near C and D, and AG, BG, at one fourth of CD, let their stretcher or tie beam CG, be equal to one half of CD, the bridles or cross spars 1,2, 3, &c. from A to C, and froiti B, to I), are intended to prevent the arch from yielding; from A, to C, and from B, to I). The struts EF, EF, meeting the king post, K, in F, and the interior struts GIT, GIT, meeting the king post in 11, support the bridles 4, 5, 6, on each side of the king post ; their use is to stiffen that part of the frame of the center, which supports the upper and more weighty part of the arch. Pitot intended this center to be used in an arch of GO feet span ; and the arch stones seven feet in length ; the weight of a cubic foot he makes ICOlbs. As was proposed, we will first consider the weight to be supported by the frame. It is evident in this case, from the figure, that no strain lies upon the frame below C ; the arch is raised, or can be raised o this height, before the frame is sot, and therefore the perpendicular C c, determines the limit of the absolute pressure upon the centre frame. The part of the arch below C, will rest upon the abutment raised upon the pier: but if there is a pressure upon the lower part of the centre frame, it must be con- tained between the parallels C c, f g; although it will be admitted, that the arch can be raised to the height C, without the support of the centre frame, and that it will suffer what lies between these par; allels, to press upon the frame. To determine the weight of these parts of the arch, the distance be- tween the perpendiculars C c, D d, is 53 feet, the arch stone is 7 feet long, and 3 feet broad, then the weight is 53X 3X 160 lbs.= 178080 lbs. To determine the area between the two par- allels C c, f g, the line f g, perpendicular to the diameter A B, is 13£, the base is 9|, and C f, per- pendicular to it, is 7 feet, the area is 33| feet ; C c, the base of the triangle C fc, is 7*2; and fc is 7 ; the area is 25, and the difference is 8f. If this dif- ference had been the excess of the triangle C f e, above the triangle C f g, it would have been a pressure upon the frame ; but as it is the reverse, the pressure is upon the abutment, it is necessary to observe this distinction, in order that an unnecessary expence ofmaterials and labour may not be" incurred where it is unnecessary. It now becomes proper to inquire, what strength ofmaterials is requisite to support this weight. It lias been laid down as a principle that the dif- ferent pieces of timber composing an arch, act upon each other by their absolute strength ; but that they are liable to the transverse fracture, in proportion to the length of the piece. In a span of GO feet, the length of the piece may be 7 feet, without materially diminishing its strength, in reducing it to the round; and by experiment we learn that the relative strength of 7 feet by 8 inches square is 476491bs. We know also from experiments, that the strength CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 129 is proportioned to tlie depth, though care should be taken for so proportioning the breadth or thickness, that the arch may be prevented from warping, the absolute strength being nearly according to the principle of the before mentioned experiment, as the squares of the depth. The absolute strength to the relative force, has been found by some to be in the proportion of 60 to 1, but by others to be only as 42 to 1 : the absolute strength of the plank (one inch thick and 12 inches wide) is 189163lbs; if the same were two inches thick, it would still be no more than 189163. But, if it were 8 inches square, then every 7 feet of the arch might be broken with J 89 163 lbs. weight. We have found, however, be- fore that the whole weight of the arch is only 178080 lbs. which is 110801bs. less in weight, than that part of the frame is capable of hearing', and as 7 feet is only about one seventh part of 53 ; the frame is sufficiently strong to support the entire weight of the arch, when that weight is divided equally along its whole length. This is not the case with the center frame of an arch, as it is loaded at one place, and not at another; it is therefore apt to yield between the parts where the weight is heaviest, the form of the arch is consequently changed; for the center frame is not limited merely to supporting the arch, bat to keep and preserve it in its true form, and therefore some struts may be necessary to pre- vent its putting the arch out of shape. To remedy this, where the arch begins to press upon the frame at C, draw the cord line C c, Figure 6, which acts as a tie beam to the arch from C, at 35 degrees, to c, at 31 degrees; as beyond this, if the arch frame has alter- ed its form, it will require it, at least, the force of the tie will have a tendency that way. At that part of the arch, where its weight begins to flatten the frame, as at 2, draw the stretcher 2 2, which likew ise acts as a tie beam, w hile it affords support to the bridle 1, on one side, and to 3 the bridle on the other side, from Dd; and thus the arch c d, is prevented from sinking by the tie beams c d. This w ill effectually prevent any yielding of the frame, notwithstanding the immense pressure of the mate- rials composing the arch. The relative proportions oftbe strength of oak and fir, have been nearly ascertained by experiments made by different philosophers, though the results of these experiments do not in all instances exactly agree. We w ill take that of Buffon, which is 3-5ths. Now to reduce a frame of oak, to one of fir of equal strength, divide 8 incises, the diameter of the oak, by 3-5ths. the relative strength of fir, winch gives 1 1-3 id. inches. If we allow If inches, then the depth of the frame will be Of by 2f inches. In this way the strength of the fir arch is rendered equal, and by the addition- al allowance, superior to the oak in strength, at a less expence in wood and workmanship. M. Pitot allowed the rings of his arches to con- sist of pieces of oak. J2 inches broad and six thick. 1 I ii The stretcher CD, is 12 inches square; the strain- ing piece CG, is likewise!2 inches square; the lowei- struts are 8 inches by 10; the king post is 12 inches square ; the upper struts are 10 by 6 ; and the ridges are 20 by 8 old French measure; which dimen- sions may he very easily accomodated to English measure, by observing that the old French inch in equal to P0657 English inches. Pitot allow's the square inch to carry 8650lbs, that is, one half of the absolute strength, which is ascertained by experiment to be about 173001bs. and not the square of the diameter, which would be only 16000lts. But on account of knots he reduces it to 72001i)s. per inch. He then computes the whole load upon the frame to be 7075201bs. which is the weight of the whole arch stones, supposing each stone to be 3 feet broad, and the whole to press upon the frame, which comes very near. Pitot also sup- poses the weight that rests upon the center to be 11-liths. of the whole weight, but assigns no rea- son for his conjecture. Mr. Couplet assumes that it presses by 4-9ths. Our readers, however, have it in their power to examine the principles, and judge for themselves. Figure 7, represents a second form of a center frame, which is described by Pitot, and is adapted to an elliptical arch. Its construction differs in no respect from the former, except only that the two upper struts are parallel ; the strength, as in the for- mer, is superabundant. Both this and the preceding are capable of being divided into three pieces, which circumstance renders them more easy to be managed when erecting, par- ticularly in large spans. Figure 8, exhibits a mode of constructing a center, which is neat and ingenious; but there is much more wood and workmanship expended than is ne- cessary. It is divided into two parts, the base or stretcher L, L, of the upper part, resting upon the lower part of the frame, by which the greatest part is rendered quite superfluous. The lower rests, IT, appear to be necessary only in preventing the stretcher L, L, from yielding, and thereby allowing the arch to Ipse its true curvature. The general maxim of construction adopted by Perronet, a celebrated French architect, was to make the truss consist of several courses of separate trusses, acting independently, as he supposed, of each other, by which mode he sought to avail himself of the united support of them all. Each truss spanned over the whole distance of the piers, and consisted of; number of struts, set end to end, so as to form a polygon. By this ingenious construction, the angles of the ultimate truss lie in lines pointing towards the centre of the curve. Figure 9, represents the centering of the bridge of Cravant, the arches of which are elliptical. The longer axis or span is 60 feet, and the rise 20 feet. The arch stones weigh about 176lbs. per foot, L 1 and 13© CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. and are fouv feet in length, which is the thickness of the arch The truss beams were from 15 to 18 feet long, and 8 inches broad, by 9 inches deep. The entire frame was constructed of oak; the trusses were five in number, and set 5{ feet apart ; and the entire weight of the arch was about GOO tons, or about 112 tons on each truss. Ninety tons of this must be allowed to press the Miss; but a great part of the pressure is sustained by the four beams which form the feet of the truss, and are joined in pairs on each side. The resultant of the parallelo- gram of forces tor these beams, is to one of the sides as 360 to 2 Sj. lienee then 360:285::90:7ll tons the weight on each foot, and the section of each is 144 inches: three tons may therefore be laid with perfect safety on every inch; and the amount of this is 432 tons, which is six times more' than the absolute pressure on the toot beams in their longitudinal direction. The absolute strength ofeacli foot beam is equal to 216 ; tons but from their being more advantage- ously situated, the resultant of the parallelogram of forces which corresponds to its position, is to the side as 438 to 285. This is equal to 58 3-5ths. tons for the strain on each foot ; which is not much above one fourth of the pressure it is capable of bearing. It is evident therefore, that this kind of centering possesses the advantage of superabundant strength. The upper row of struts is sufficient, and nothing is wanting but to procure stiffness for supporting them Figure 10, represents the center constructed by Hupeau, for the bridge of Orleans, which is allowed to be one of the boldest centers ever executed in Europe. The form of the arch is elliptical, with a span of 100 feet, and a rise of 30 feet ; and the arch stones are six feet in length. It is but justice to re- mark that the long beams AB, on each side, were in- troduced by Eerronet, who was appointed architect on the decease of Hupeau ; before the beams A B, were introduced, the centre rose and sunk at the crown. We have now taken a view of the methods adopt- ed by French architects, in the constinction of cen- ters, and of their effects; let us now proceed to con- sider those which have been constructed in our own country. The first that presents itself is the one made use of for Black friars- bridge, a delineation of which appears in Figure 11. The span in this in- stance is 100 feet, and the form elliptical : the arch stones from the haunches aie 7 feet; but near the keystones they are not quite so much, as they de- crease in length from the haunch to the key stone. ! The principles of this center will be easily seen from a view of the figure : it consists of a series of trusses eaoh supporting a point in the arch, the prin- cipal braces having their lower extremities abutting below, at each end of the centering, on the striking phtes, and at the upper end, upon apron pieces, which are bolted to thecurve that support bridgings, for binding the pieces which coinpose-them together at their junction. This center labours under a great disadvantage, from the frequent intersection of. the principal braces with one another. The in- genious Mr. Mylne, made use of the following me- thod of easing or disengaging the center frame from the mason’s work. Each end of the truss was mor- tised into an oak plank cut in the lowerpartas in the figure, a similar piece of oak was placed to receive the upper part of the posts. The blocks rested upon these posts, but where not mortised into them, pieces of wood being interposed instead. The up- per part of these pieces was cut similar to the lower part of the other; the wedge E intended to he driven betwixt them, was notched as the figure shews, and filled up with small pieces of wood, in order to pre- vent the wedge from sliding back by the weight of the arch; which not only appears from the figure as a likely circumstance, but eventually happened. When the time tor striking the center arrived, the inserted pieces of wood Were taken out, and the wedge, (prepared for driving back, by being girt with a ferule round the top,) was removed by a piece of iron driven in with the head, so broad as to cover the whole of the wood. A plank of wood after being sheathed with iron, in the same manner at the one end, was suspended, so that it could act freely in driving back the wedge to any distance, however small, and with certainty. Thus by an equal gradation, the center was eased from the arch, which appeared to have been so equally supported throughout the whole of the operation, and the arch stones so properly laid, that it did not sink above one inch. We shall now suggest some hints which may be found useful in the construction of trussed arches, and tend to remedy the faults and failures that have occurred in practice. In navigable rivers, or in those winch are apt to he swollen by rains or other causes, trussed arches for center frames, are found expedient. In arches where there is no such danger, the frame may be properly secured by posts, from below, which are made to abutt on those parts of the arch where the. greatest strain must fall. In the centers used by Pitot, we have already complained of an unnecessary expenditure of wood and woikmanship. We have also shewn the com- parative strength of oak, and fir wood, for the rings of his frames, which alone ought to have the strength required, in order that they may be fully adequate to support the weight; but as this weight must be gradually applied, the frame shoub^like wise have such a degree of firmness, as to form the exact mould of the arch intended, and, for this purpose, it must he prevented from yielding in any part. Now, as we have already observed, that the frame supports no part of the arch, until its rise from the spring CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. m spring’, t ; about 55 degrees, if a semicircle, and so in proportion fora segment thereof, and, in an ellip- sis, to a part corresponding with the nature of that curve ; the supporting struts and ties can be more particularly directed to support that part of the arch, which bears with the greatest strain upon the center. In Figure 6, Plate 5, where the necessary strength for Pito'.’s arch, is pointed out, the frame of fir, requisite to stiffen' the frame, is 9| by 2 j. The tie beam C c, is joined to those parts of the arch where the strain from being greatest, tends most to raise it in the crown. The length of this tie beam being 25 feet, a d its size 9j by 2f, would require a weight of 90-495 lbs. to make the transverse frac- ture ; but one third of this, at the bridle 1, 3 , is sufficient to resist the strain at that part of the arch. Figure 7, is Pitots centering tor his elliptic arch ; the strength of Figure 6, may answer for this, by giving the ring and tie beams half an inch more depth. Figure 9, represents the centers used by Perronet in erecting the bridges at Nogent and Mayence. The center used at Nogent, was 90 leet span, and 28 feet high ; the cin ei s used at Mayence, was of greater dimt nsions, and we shall therefore here con- sider the weight to be supported. The arch from A to C, measures 42 feet, and the arch stones ; now admitting the arch stones to be 3 feet broad, they would amount to 567 solid feet, which, at ICO lbs. per foot, is equal to 90720 lbs. This is but little more than one half of the semi-circular arch ; and, although it is flatter, the weight is so much the less, that no additional strength is necessary to be given to the frame delineated in Figure 6, for the 60 feet span. The strength of the materials for the 90 feet arch, is likewise sufficient; that it may be rendered more stiff, on account of its greater extent, a tie beam 1, 4, 3. 4, may be added on each side of* the arch, as is represented by the dotted line. In the centering used by Perronet, it appears that notwithstanding the superabundance of wood em- ployed, tlie frame was so much affected, and rose and sunk so much, that the arch deviated considera- bly from its intended forjm. We have already observed,, that Figure 10 is the center frame of the bridge of Orleans, which was j commenced by Hupeau, but finislied by Perronet. ] During the completion of the work by the latter, he >■ found 1 1 se a.-vh and frame give way, for which 1 reason lie strengthened the center frame, by con- tinuing the strut. By forming the base of the triangle 1, 2-, 3, on each side, his frame was render- ed sufficiently stiff, and the inner part below A B, A B, became entirely superfluous. The weight that presses on the arch is great, owing to the length of the arch stone, and the flatness of the arch. That part of the arc?) which presses, contains about 57 degrees, and measures 88 87 feet. Hence, admit- ing the length of the arch stone to be 6. feet, and its width 3, we find the solidity =1596’6, and its weight, (supposing as before, the weight of a solid foot =l601bs.) to be 255456 lbs. The length of each plank of the truss being 7 feet, and its other dimensions 12 by 2. the strength is 189163 lbs. The weight for every 7 feet in length of the arch, is one third of this, viz. ^=63054 l-3rd lbs. and in 88 feet, there are 756652 lbs. to support 255456 lbs. which renders the arch more than three times strong- er, without making any allowance for the strength of the arch, being the mean of the splitting force and transverse section ; the tie beams will be of great use in stiffening the frame. Figure 12, represents the center for Tongueland bridge, the span of w hich was about 105 feet. Figure 13, exhibits the center used for Conon bridge, w'hich was about 55 feet span, and Figure 14 shews the mode of centering for Ballater bridge, the span of which was about 50 feet. Figure 15. is an excellent design for a center, which well merits the attention of the ingenious carpenter. From the examples adduced, and the observations made on them, it must appear evident, that center frames may be constructed of a greater extent than any hitherto used, and with sufficient strength to support almost any mass of materials, necessary for the construction of an arch, it may now be asked, perhaps, why the use of these frames is not continu- ed. It may be objected to this, by the advocates for stone bridges, that stone is more durable, and ele- gant, and when once constructed, is free from the various trusses and tie beams, so necessary in the wooden frame. The advocates for carpentry must admit that w ood is not as durable as stone ; but they have it in their power to prove that bridges can be constructed of w ood at a much less expence than those of stone, and that when they fail in any part, they may easily be replaced again, at a small expence, and made even to last longer than a stone arch. As to neatness and elegance, the frame of wood may be so constructed, as to vie with, if not surpass tiie arch of stone. In order to support this assertion, let Figure 1, Pi ate 6, of carpentry, repre- sent a semi-circular arch, of 60 teet span, with the under arch composed of pieces 5 feet long, 12 inches deep, and 2 inches thick, and the upper arch of the same breadth and depth, joined to the- former in- close contact, so as to form breaking joints, with the several pieces of which the two arches are compos- ed. The absolute strength of this arch, before the two trusses are joined, is upwards of 84 tons, which is mord than three times the weight that can be brought upon it ; mid hence, there is not the least occasion far placing struts below the arch, in order to stiffen it, for it can be stiffened to a much greater advantage above the arch. This however, is not practicable in center frames. Let C D E F, be the road, way, supported by thp perpendicular pieces 132 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 1, 2, 3, See. As tiie carriage acts upon these, ob- liquely, transepts from the arch in a radial direction, give them the advantage of equal pressure upon the arch. Each of these perpendicular pieces is mor- tised into short pieces, which arrange themselves into an arch. These short pieces all abutt one upon another, and forming a fillet over the arch, project so far, that the architraves of any order may be placed along the face of the arch, which will add both to its strength and ornament. By these means., a rib is formed, 12 inches deep, and 4 thick, with a fillet 4 'inches deep, and G inches broad, extending over it, to cover the face of the architrave. Admit the arch to be 42 feet wide, then 7 of these ribs will not be inferior in strength to stone, or any metal; but it may be said, perhaps, that they cannot be so durable. It is well known bow long wood has lasted in roofs, and joists of flooring, and even when it forms a part of the wall of a house built of brick. The interstices between perpendicular bearings of the wood may be built up either brick thick, or brick on edge, which will not only render its preser- vation equal to what it is in a house, but protect it also from the bad effects of being alternately wet and dry, the lower parts of the ribs may be covered with a thin lining. In order to observe any failure or decay in the wood, a door may be left in the side, v/hereby it may be repaired without interrupting the passage over the bridge. The covering before mentioned, ought to be laid in such a manner as to prevent the water from penetrating through, to the injury of the bridge. From the proportional strength of fir and oak, we know that a fir plank of 13| inches, is equal in strength to oak of 12 Indies. Therefore, an arch of wood, does not much exceed the expense incurr- ed in framing a center, either for a stone, or an iron bridge, and certainly it will not be inferior to either of them, in the points of beauty, elegance, or ingenuity. The span here proposed is only 60 feet, but an arch of 500 feet may be required, which must have a center calculated to support the superior weight, and preserve the intended figure. Notwithstanding this increased size of the span, the center frame can be made of strength sufficient to support the superi- or weight, since it can be rendered stiff by the -same method as has been proposed for the 60 feet arch. Such a bridge as this will support any weight that can be laid upon it, and may be formed of any figure, preferred by the architect. Or it may be framed in a manner similar to bridges formed of iron, but it is reasonable to suppose, that one arch over the other will be equally strong, and more easily preserved from the weather, when constructed iii the way before described. The joints may lie secured from opening, by inserting dove-tailed pieces across the joints on the inside of the rib, and the abutments will prevent the ends of the arch from flying out. In consequence of the pressure coming upon the arch obliquely, it may be said to have a tendency to rise at the crown, especially when of a great span ; the only method of preventing this in the center frame, is by- struts and tie beams applied judiciously. By these the rise maybe prevented more effectually, without destroying the effect of the ornamental part of the arch. In the abutment which must be constructed of masonry, beams should be let securely into the wall, with their ends projecting one foot, (as repre- sented by G and K,) and placed so as to correspond with each rib of the road way formed by the beam DE. The tie beams GD, KE, should be joined to these, in such a manner as t'.ie Carpenter may deem most secure ; and from these tie beams, radial struts should be mortised into the fillets at G, Iv, as we have before mentioned, instead of the perpendiculars joining the road way CDEF, and resting on the tie beams G3), KE, supported by the radial struts 4, 5, 6, as represented in the figure. It must now ap- pear evident, that the crown of the arch cannot rise without lifting up, and removing the masses which form the abutments at each end ; and that it cannot sink until the weight laid upon it, absolutely crushes the materials of which the arch is composed. Thus a neat and elegant arch is obtained, tiiat may, at a small comparative expence, be kept up during the revolutions ofages. In the article bridge we presented several very excellent designs from the works of Palladio, which merit the notice of all those who wish to excel in this elegant art. "In addition to these, we have added some other forms ofwooden bridges as exhibited in Figures 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, of Plate 6. In the whole of the preceding designs, there is much room for the display of skili in the proper ad- justment of the scantlings of the timber, and the ob- liquity of the braces to the lengths of the different bears gs. A very oblique strut, or a slender one, will suffice for a small load, and may often give an opportunity to increase the general strength ; while the great timbers, and upright supports, are reserved lor the main pressures. Nothing will improve the composition so much, as reflecting, progressively, and in the order of these latter examples. This alone can preserve the great principle in its simpli- city and full energy. These constructions may be considered as the elements of all that can be done in the art of build- ing wooden bridges, and are to be found, more or less obvious and distinct, in all attempts of this kind. In the same article also (Bridge) we alluded to the ingenious mode of centering proposed by Mr. Telford, in his ‘‘report to a committee of the House of Commons, on the construction of a bridge over the CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 135 ihe Menai.” We shall here make such extracts from this report, as may be found applicable to the subject. 44 Hitherto the centering' has been made by placing supports and working from below, but here I propose to change the mode, and work entirely from above; that is to say, instead 01 ' supporting, I mean to suspend the centering.” (By inspecting Figure 2, Plate 6, of Carpentry , the general principle of this will be readily conceived, and Figure 3, shews tne center frame on a larger scale.) (i I propose, in the first place, to build the mason- ry of the abutments as far back as AB, CD, and in the particular manner shewn in the section.” “ Having carried up the masonry to the level of the road way, I propose, upon the top of each abut- ment, to construct as many frames as there are to be ribs in the centers, and of at least an equal breadth with the top of each rib. These frames to be about fifty feet high above the top of the masonry, and to be rendered perfectly firm and secure. That this can be done, is so evident, I avoid entering into de- tails respecting the mode. These frames are for the purpose of receiving strong blocks, or rollers and chains, and to be acted upon by windlasses, or other powers.” “ 1 next proceed to construct the centering itself: it is proposed to be made of deal baulk, and to con- sist of four separate ribs, each rib consisting of a con tinuation. of timber frames, five feet in width acros 1 - the top and bottom, and varying in depth from twen ty-five feet near the abutment, to seven feet si inches at the middle or crown. Next to the face o the abutment, one set of frames, about fifty feet i;. length, can, by means of temporary scaffolding and iron chain bars, be readily constructed, and fixed upon the masonry offsets of the abutment, and to ho rizontal iron ties laid into the masonry for this pur- pose. A set of these frames, (four in number), ha- ving been fixed against the face of each abutment, they are to be secured together by cross and diago- nal braces ; and there being spaces of only six fee: eight inches left between the ribs, (of which these frames are the commencement, ) they are to be cover- ed with planking, and the whole converted into a platform fifty feet by forty. By the nature of the framing, and from its being secured by horizontal and suspending bars, I presume every person accus- tomed to practical operations, will admit that these platforms may be rendered perfectly firm and se- cure.” “ The second portion of the centering frames ha- ving been previously prepared and fitted together in the carpenter’s yard, are brought in separate pieces, through passages purposely left open in the masonry to the before mentioned platform. They are here put together, and each frame raised by the suspend- ing chain bars, and other means, so that the end which is to be joined to the frame already fixed, shall rest upon a small moveable carriage. It is then to be pushed forward, perhaps upon an iron rail-road, until the strong iron forks which are fix d upon its edge shall fall upon a round iron bar, which forms the outer edge of the first, or abutment frames. When this has been done, strong iron bolts are put through eyes in the forks, and the aforesaid second, portion of frame-work is suffered to descend to its intended position, by means of thft suspending chain bars, until it closes with the end of the previously fixed frame like a rule-joint. Admitting the first frames were firmly fixed and that the hinge part of this joint is sufficiently strong-, and the joint itself about twenty feet deep, I conceive that even without the aid of the suspending bars that this second por- tion of the centering would be supported ; but we will for a moment suppose that it is to be wholly suspended. It is known by experiment, that a bar of good malleable iron, one inch square, will sus- pend SOOOOlbs. and that the powers of suspension are as the sections; consequently a bar of one inch and a half square will suspend 1800001bs. j but the whole weight of this portion of rib, including the weight of the suspending bar, is only about 30000 lbs, or one sixth of the weight that might be safely suspended. And as I propose two suspending chain bars, to each por- tion of rib; if they had the whole to support, they would only be exerting about one-twelfth of their power, and considering the proportion of the weight which rests upon the abutments, they are equal also to support all the iron work of the bridge, «>rid be still farther within their power.” “Having 1 thus provided for the second portions of the centering a degree of security, far beyond vhat can be required ; similar operations are carried on from each abutment, until the parts are joined in the middle, and form a complete centering, and being then braced together, and covered with plank- ing, where necessary, they become one general plat- form, or wooden bridge, on which to lay the iron work.” It is, I presume, needless to observe, that upon uch a centering or platform, the iron work, which ic is understood has been previously fitted, can be put together with the utmost correctness and facili- ty ; the communications from the shores to the centering, will be through the before mentioned passages left in the masonry.” When the main ribs are fixed, covered, and con- nected together, the great' feature of the bridge is compleated, and “ when advanced thus far,” (pro- ceeds Mr. Telford.) u I propose (though not to remove), yet to ease the timber centering, by having the feet of the centering ribs, (which are supported by offsets in the masonry of the front of the abut- ment), placed upon proper wedges ; the rest of the centering to be eased at the same time, by means of the chain bars. Thus the hitherto dangerous opera- M m " tion m CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. tion of striking the centering, will be rendered gradual, and perfectly safe ; insomuch, that this new inode of suspending the centering, instead of sup- porting it from below, may, perhaps, hereafter be adopted as an improvement in constructing iron bridges, even in places not circumstanced as are the Menai Straights. Although the span of the arch is unusually great, yet, by using iron as a material, the weight upon the centre, when compared with large stone arches, is very small, taking the mere arch stones of the centre arch of Blackfriars-bridge at 156 X 43 X 5, equal to 33540 cubic feet of stone, it amounts to 2236 tons ; whereas the whole of the iron-work in the main ribs, cross plates, and ties, and grated covering plates, that is to sav, all that is lying on the centeringat the time it is to be eased, weighs only 1791 tons. It is true, that from the flatness of the iron arch, if left unguarded, a great proportion of this weight would rest upon the cen- tering: but this is counterbalanced bv the operation of the iron ties in the abutments, and wholly com- manded by the suspending chain bars.” The ingenious Mr. J. W. Boswell, has proposed six different modes of constructing centering frames for arches, between abutments and piers, without any support from piles or props beneath, in the 116th number of the Repertory of Arts. Mr. Boswell observes, that Ci the first ideas on this subjeet, occurred (to him) from perusing Mr. Telfords plan for building an iron bridge over the Menai, for which he proposes to form centering without any scaffolding, from beneath, in a method highly ingenious, and of great boldness and origin- ality of design.” Mr. Boswell further observes, that the plans proposed by him, were intended as a farther extension of the idea, to situations in which Mr. Telford’s plan Would not be applicable, and to afford greater facility, and less risk in the execution ; in doing which, (he says) I have not the smallest intention to infringe on what Mr. Telford has already done.” Roofs . — The uppermost part of a building. The roof, properly speaking, comprises the timber work, with the covering of slate, tile, lead, tessera, &c. &c. though carpent rs usually restrain the appli- cation of the word to the timber work only. The forms of roofs are various ; sometimes they are pointed, and sometimes they are square, that is, the pitch or angle of the ridge, forms a right angle, whereby it is a mean ratio between the pointed and ■flat roof, the latter of which, is in the same propor- tion as a triangular pediment, and is chiefly used in Italy, and the hot countries, where falls of snow bnt rarely occur. Sometimes roofs are made in the pinnacle form; sometimes they have a double ridge, and sometimes they are mutilated, that is, they have a false roof, which is laid over the true one ; some- times again they assume the shape of a platform, fa shape mostly adapted in buildings in the east, and sometimes they are truncated, that is, instead of terminating in a ridge, the ridge is cut square off at a certain height, covered with a terrace, and em- compassed with a balustrade. In some cases, roofs are formed so as to resemble a dome. When the walls have been raised to the intended height, the vaults made, the joists laid &c. then the roof is to be raised, which embracing every part of the build- ing, and with its weight equally pressing upon the walls, not only operates as a band to all the work, but protects the inhabitants from rain or snow, the burning heat of the sun, and the moisture of the night, and is of no small advantage to the building itself, in casting off the rain from the walls. It is generally allowed, that the Greeks excelled all nations, in taste, and gave the most perfect models of architectural harmony, within a certain limit, yet they never erected a building which did not exiiibit the roof in the most distinct manner, and though they borrowed much of their model from the orientals, they introduced that form of roof, which the particular nature of their climate pointed out as the best adapted for sheltering them from the rains. The roofs in Persia and Arabia are flat, while those of Greece, are without exception, sloping ; is it not therefore, a gross violation of the true principles of taste in architecture, (as practised in the regions of Europe,) to take away, or endeavour to hide the roof of a house ? And to what can it be ascribed, but to that rage for novelty which now so unfortunately domineers over the minds of the rich ? Our venerable ancestors seemed to be of a very different opinion, and were accustomed to ornament their roofs, as much as any other part of the building, it must be allowed certainly, that they offended against the maxims of true taste, when the gave to this part of a house, (the roof,) the external marks of elegant decoration, which every spectator knew, contained nothing more within than a garret ; but theft suc- cessors, no less offend, by so effectually hiding the roof with a screen, as to render it doubtful whether the house has a roof or not. To be brief, when a house is to be built, orna- ment alone will not effect the purpose; a covering must be raised, and the enormous expence, and other great inconveniences which attend the con- cealment of this necessary protection, by parapets, ballustrades, &c. have compelled architects to con- sider the pent-roof as inadnussable and how its form may be best modified. An unprejudiced man would be determined in this, by the adaptation of a particu- lar form to the meditated purpose. A high pitched roof will, undoubtedly, shoot oft' the rain and snow better than one of a lower pitch. The wind will not so easily blow the dropping ra n, between the slates, nor will it have so much power to strip them oft'. A high pitched roof operates with less pressure on the walls, not only from the strain being less horizontal, but from its admitting of a lighter cover- CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 135 in^. It is, however, more expensive, since it re- quires timbers of greater dimensions to make it equally strong, a greater quantity of materials is necessary to cover it, and it exposes a greater sur- face to the influence of the wind. Very great chan- ges have taken place in the pitch of roofs ; our an- cestors made them very high, and we form them very low, it may now be reasonably asked whether this diversity has been altogether the result of good prin- ciples ? This does not appear to have been the case, and it must be confessed that from its being the pro- fessed aim of our architects to make merely a beautiful object, without considering its advantages, or disadvantages, it is almost vain to look for princi- plein the rules adopted by them. A rivalry seems to have existed in former times between Carpenters and Masons. Many of the baronial llalls are roofed with timber: and the carpenters appeared to have borrowed a great deal of knowledge i:i their construction from the masons, as their wide roofs are frequently found to have been put together with great judgment and ingenuity. Their professed aim was to throw a roof over a very wide building, with as moderate a consumption of timber as pos- sible. Roofs have been constructed CO feet wide, al- though there has not been in them a piece of timber more then 10 feet long and 4 inches square. The roof is in fact that part of a building which requires the greatest degree of skill, and where the exhibi- tion of science is more wanted than in any other part. The task of constructing the roof devolves generally upon the carpenter ; the architect seldom knowing much of the matter. The framing of a great roof is considered by the ingenious and scienti- fic carpenter, as the very touchstone of proficiency in his art; and there is nothing that tends more to shew his fertility of judgment and his knowledge of the principles of his profession. A clear view of the principles on which the construction of roofs de- pends, (so that they may gain all the strength and security that can be desired, without an extrava- gant expence of wood and iron,) cannot but be ac- ceptable to the inquisitive artist. It must be ac- knowledged, that the framing of carpentry, whether for roots, floors, or any other purpose, affords one of the most elegant and satisfactory applications which can be made of mechanical science to the arts of common life. The practical carpenter unfortunate- ly, however, is generally ignorant even of the ele mentary principals of mechanical science, and too frequently our most experienced carpenters have no other knowledge of their business, than what arises from experience and natural sagacity; under such circumstances , what can we expect, but that works, framed by t’ ose who possess only superficial know- ledge of their profession, should either tumble down, ar fall into a state of premature decay. Under this head, we shall endeavour to give an account of the leading principles of this particular branch of carpentry, in a familiar manner, faking for our guide only the simple properties of the lever, and the composition of motion. A knowledge of these will enable the artist to dis- pose his materials to the best possible advantage, with respect to the strains to which they are expo- sed, so as always to know the amount of strain which each individual piece may have to bear. To effect this desirable purpose, it depends on the principles which regulate the strength of the materials, on the manner in which this strength is ex- erted, and the mode in which the strain is laid on the materials. With respect to the first, we shgll refer our readers to the article, Strength of materials at the end of this treatise ; contenting ourselves here with a few passing observations. The iorce which resists the breaking, crushing or the dividing asunderof the materials composing floors, roofs, and framings of every kind, arises either from the immediate or final cohesion of the particles which form that force. We will illustrate this by a simple experiment ; when a weight is suspended by a rope, this weight either tends to break or disunite all the fibres of the rope, or it tends to separate or divide some of the fibres from the rest. It is evi- dent that this union amongst the fibres is produced by twisting, which causes them to adhere to each other so closely, that any one fibre will break rather than quit the part where it was originally placed. The ultimate resistance arises therefore from the co- hesion of the fibres, and the force or strength of all fibrous materials,, is exerted in a similar manner; since the component parts are either broken or pulled out from amongst the rest. Hence we deduce, that the proper measure for the strength of a rope, or a piece of any other material, is the force required in order to break it. The se- paration of the fibres is the most simple strain to which they can be exposed, this strain being just equal to the sum of the forces which, are necessary for breaking or disengaging each fibre. On the contrary, when solid bodies are exposed to great compression, they can resist only in a certain degree;, for we know from experiment that a piece of lead or clay when compressed will be flattened; that a piece of chalk or freestone will be crushed to powder ; and tliat a beam of wood will be crippled, that is, it will swell out in the middle, and its fibres will lose their mutual cohesion, when the piece may be easily crushed by the pressure on it. A piece of matter of any kind may also be des- troyed, by wrenching or twisting it; andabeam or a bar of metal, or a piece of stone, or any other sub- stance may be broken transversely. We may illus- trate these circumstances from a joist or rafter sup- orted at the ends when it is overloaded, or from a eamof any sort fastened by one of itsends in a wall, with a weight or pressure laid on its projecting part. In 136 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. In this last case, however, a transverse fracture will be the result by the weight of the beam itself, should the projecting end be unsupported. This is the species of strain to which the timbers of roofs are most commonly subjected ; and, unfortunately, it is that kind of strain which they are the least able to bear. This is a case which demands the full exercise of the judgement of the carpenter, and against which he must chiefly guard, by endeavouring to avoid the strain in every possible instance, or at least by di- minishing it as much as is within his power. We again, however, refer the reader to the article, Strength of materials , for more information on this particular point. Mr. Couplet of the Royal Academy of Paris, lias given a masterly solution of the problem tor deter- mining the best form, of a kirb roof but the following one, taken from the Encyelopa'dia Britannica, ive shall insert here on account of its elegance. Let A E, Figure 1, Plate 11, represent the width, and C F, the height ; and it is required to construct a roof, A B C I) E, whose rafters A B, B C, C 1), D E, are all to be equal, and which shall be in equilibno. Join CE, and bisect it in II, and draw Oil per- pendicular to CE, meeting A E, in G, and with this point as a centre and distance, G E, or G C, (for they are equal) describe the circle EDC; draw II K, parallel to F E, meeting the circumference in K, draw C K, cutting G II in I) ; join C D, E D, and they will represent the rafters of half the re- quired roof, and the other side may be constructed in the same manner. For the satisfaction of our geometrical readers, we shall explain the preceding construction. We know that the proportion resulting from the equali- ty of the rafters, and the extent of surface through- out the uniform roofing, which they are supposed to support, is, that the loads in the angles C and D, are equal; hence, let E D, be produced till it meets the vertical line F C, in N ; draw also, B P, paral- lel to CD, meeting the same line in P, and join P D, when it is evident, that BC DP, is a parallelo- gram ; let its diagonal B D, be drawn so as to inter- sect C P in R, then divide it into two equal parts, C R, R P, because C~P, is the other diagonal of the parallelogram. Produce K II, to meet C F, in Q, Avhich will be bisected in that point, since CH is equal to HE, and II Q parallel to F E; join K F, which is evidently parallel to D P, and make C S, perpendicular to C F, and equal to F G ; and from the point S, with the distance S F, describe the circle F K W. It will pass through K, because S F is equal to C G, and C Q — Q F, join W K, W S, and produce B C, so as to cut N D, in O. It is now apparent, that the angle W Iv F, at the circumference, is one half of the angle W S F, at the centre, and is consequently equal to W S C, or C G F, and double the angle CE F, or ECS; but ECS, is equal to the sum of E CD, and D C S, and E C D is one half of N D C, and DCS one half of D C O, or C D P, therefore the angle W K F, is equal to N D P, and W K, parallel to N D, and C F is to C W, what CP i« to C N, but C N is equal to C P. and both are to each other, as the loads upon D and these are necessarily equal, and the frame A B C D E, is in equilibrio. The intelligent artist will readily adapt this con- struction to any proportion between the rafters, CD, DE, which other circumstances, such as gar- ret rooms, &c. may require. It must be construct- ed so that NC may be to CP, as CD, to .. 9 - P . g lie must be careful, also, to have the inclination or slope of the upper rafters CB, CD, sufficient to prevent tire penetration of rain, and the effect of high winds, when the roof is intended to be covered, over with slates, tile &c. The only circumstance left for choice in this case, is the proportion of the raf- ters AB, and BC ; but nothing can be more easy than to make NC, bear any required proportion to C P, when the angle B C D is given. The truss for a roof should always be in equilibrio ; when this is the case, the whole force of the struts and braces, (which are introduced in order to preserve its form), will act as it ought, without being expended in any one part mote than may be necessary. We will now proceed to lay down some general rules, agreeably to which all roofs should be con- structed. In doing this we shall consult brevity as much as possible, by exhibiting only the principal and most useful form of roofs; and particularly the mode of throwing a roof over a very wide building, without any intermediate support. The most simple mode of constructing the frame of a roof intended to consist of two rafters AB, and BC, meeting in the ridge B, is shewn at Figure 2. Though this is certainly the most simple form for a roof, it is frequently, however, constructed wrong. We have already seen, that when the weight of any portion of covering is given, a steeper roof requires stronger rafters ; and that when the scantling ot the timber is given, the relative strength of a rafter is inversely as its length. The ingenious Mr. Muller, has determined that the square pitch is the best for a root; but motives of economy have induced Carpen- ters to prefer a low pitch ; for, although a low pitch diminishes the support given by the opposite leg faster than it increases the relative strength of the other, yet this is not of material consequence, since the remaining strength of the opposite leg is still very great; because the supporting leg has to bear up only against compression, from which circum- stance, it is a great deal stronger than the supporting leg acting against a transverse strain. This roof answers its purpose but seldom, owing to its 1ST CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. i*s thrust on the walls*, which is the most hazardous and dangerous of all strains. The generality of walls require ties to keep them on foot, and conse- quently it must be injudicious to subject them to any considerable strain, pressing outwards. When we reflect on the height and thinness of the walls of even a strong house, we may justly feel surprised that they are not thrown down by every strong gust of wind; and this undoubtedly would be the case, if they were not stiffened and secured by the cross walls, joists, and roof, all of which co-operate, in keeping the different parts of the building toge- ther. The following is Mr. Mullers solution to this in- teresting problem. Describe on the width AC, Figure 3, the semicircle AFC, and bisect it by the radius FD. Produce the rafter AB, to the circum- ference in E, join EC, and draw the perpendicular EG. Now* A B : A D :: A C ; A E, and therefore, A E = — and A E, is inversely, as A B, and may therefore represent its strength, in relation to the weight actually lying on it. Also the sup- port which C B, give-; to A B, is as C E, because C E, is perpendicular to A B. Therefore the form which renders A E XE C, a maximum seems to be that which has the greatest strength. But AC:A E:: EC: EG, and E G £ 9» and is therefore A C proportional to A E > U ; after which, on C D, construct another triangle, C b I), having Cb = C V r , and I) b = D W, then these triangles will represent the ends in ledgement. Again, on the line D S, construct the triangle DC, so as that D c, may be equal to D W, and S c, may be equal to S M. In a similar manner, construct the triangle B d O, having B d => li u, and ()d = OK, join d c, and lay off d e, equal to II I ; then join Q e, : which is equal to the principal rafter Q L, and lastly, after having drawn in the purhnes at discre- tion, the ledgeinent of that side of the roof w ill be compleated, md the other side may be performed in like manner. Our observations will next be directed to the roofs, placed on round, and polygonal building^, such as domes, cupolas, and the like. The greatest difficulty in the formation of these kinds of roofs, arises from the mode of framing. It is true, that whatever form of making a truss may be deemed preferable in a square building, it must have the same constituent parts as the truss used in a round one; the only difficulty being in modifying the shape, and connecting the parts at the top. Jtis evident that some of these parts must be discon- tinued before they reach a certain length, and it is also equally evident, that they ought to be cut short alternately, yet care must be always taken to leave sufficient strength, and that the parts may stand equally thick as at tlieir first springing from the base of the dome, by which means the length of the purlines reaching from truss to truss, will never be too much. Nothing, in fact, can be more easy to construct than a round building, continually diminishing until it reaches an apex, such, for in- stance, CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 14S stance, as a spire steeple. Daily prc (ice amongst j builders confirms this observation, for Low of f '-n j do we perceive spires and steeples constructed without centers, and w ithout scaffolding ? Gross indeed, would be the errors in constructing them, if much danger were to be apu-ehended of their falling from a want of equilibrium. In like man- ner, a dome of carpentry, wha may be its shape or construction, can hardly f unless some ; of its parts should lly ont at the bottom arid this can be easily prevented by fixing an i; >u hoop around the bottom, or connecting straps w the joining of the trusses and purlines. Arch ‘ ral beaiov re- quires that a dome should spring almost perpendicu- j larly from the wall, and if we admit this, it may be J readily perceived that the thrust exerted to three out the walls is very small, only it is necessary to guard against the operation of this thrust, and that is, where the tangent inclines about 40 or 50 degrees to the horizon, at which place it will be proper to make a course of firm horizontal joinings. We are of opinion that domes of carpentry may be raised of great extent, as sufficient room appears to offer itstdf for improving this very interesting branch. Ti e Halle du Bled, (which was construct- ed bv an ingenious carpenter named Molineaux), is 200 feet in diameter, although it be not more than a loot in thickness and yet it appears to possess abundant strength. Molineaux, lacing convinced by his mechanical experience, that a very thin shell of timber might be constructed so as to be nearly in equilibrio, and that when hooped or firmly connect-* ed horizontally, it would have all the requisite stiff ness, presented his ingenious project to the magis- trals of Paris, who, having doubts of its practica- bility, submitted the plan to t’ e consideration of the members of the Academy of sciences. Such of these as were competent to thp task, investigated the prin- ciples of the intended construct ion, and w ere imme- diately struck with its propriety, expressing • eir astonishment, that a tiling which appeared to lx? so very obvious, should nave escaped the attention of preceding carpenters. Ti e academy, accordingly, presented a very favourable reoori of the plan, which was immediately carried into execution, ant! being soon ocmpleated, it nnjv stands as a monu- ment, a proof of the inventive g ius of Moli- neaux, and is justly considered one of the most cn nous exhib tions in Paris. The construction t.f tii is dome is very simple • the circular ribs of w hich it is composed, consist of planks nine feet long, thir- teen inches w de, and three inches thick, and each rib consists of three of these planks bolted together in such a manner, that two joints are contrived to meet. A rib is begun, for instance, with apiaukof threp feet long, standing between one of six and another of nine feet; and this is continued to the head of it. At van is distances these ribs are con- nected, horizontally, by purlkies and iron straps, ' which act as so many hoops to the wdiole construc- | t on. When the work arrived at such a height, j that the interval between the ribs formed two thirds j ,ol' the original distance, every third rib was discon- tinued, and the space between was left open and gla- zed. When the work had been carried so much higher, that the distance of the ribs formed one third of the original distance, every second rib, (now con- sisting oftworibs very near each other,) was in like manner discontinued, and the open space wasglazed. At a sinail distance above this, a circular ring of timber was framed into the ribs, by which means a wide opening was made in the middle ; over which is a glazed canopy, with an opening between it and the dot: ^ to allow the heated air to escape. Every beholder is struck with the grandeur and the simplicity of this construction, and every unpre- judiced mind cannot fail to confess, even from the idea we have endeavoured to give, that it must form a beautiful and magnificent object. In the construction of some domes one great difficulty is to be overcome, and that is, when they are unequally loaded by having to support a heavy lanthorn, or cupola, in the middle. In such a case, if the dome were only a mere shell, it must be crush- ed in at the top, or the force of the wind operating on the cupola, might remove it, and its supporter out of their place. The dome of St. Paul’s cathedral is a model of propriety in this particular method of construction, and much valuable information may be derived from considering the principles on which it was erected. These are shewn in Figure 25, of Plate [J, where ABGCBA, represents the dome turned over with bricks, two feet in length, which were nn be on purpose. L F G G F E exhibit a cone of bricks, one foot six inches in thickness, and visible through the opening C C. This cone, aided by the timber work of the dome, supports a cupola constructed of Port- land stone, nearly sixty-four feet in height, and twenty one feet in diameter. The timber work Z Z, is ingeniously tyed together w ith iron cramps, run with lead into the stones M, N, O, P, and then bolted through the hammer beams II II, 1 I, K K, and 1/ L. Prom these principles it may be per- ceived, that the timber work derives considerable support from the brick cone. The construction of this dome affords a strong proof of the profundity of Sir Christopher Wren’s Mathematical judgement, and his unrivalled ex- cellence in constructive carpentry. Figure 21, represents a dome raised over the Register office at Edinburgh, by Messrs. James and Robert Adam. In this instance the construction of this dome appears agreeable to mechanical prin- ciples, and consequently is deserving of attention, particularly w hen it is considered that the span is 50 feet clear, and the thickness only 4{ feet. The . 141 CARPENTRY AM) JOINERY. The principle of a Norman roof is ingenious and simple. The rafters all butt on joggle king posts A E, lid, C 11, &c. (as in Figure 2j) ami then braces or ties are disposed in the intervals. The lies II If, II D, are in a state of extension, while the king post C If, is compressed by them, 'to- wards the walls on each side, as for instance, be- ; tween II and F, F and L, they act as braces, and f are themselves compressed. The ends of these 1 posts were generally ornamented with knots of flowers and other devices, and even the whole tex- ture of the truss was exhibited and dressed out. Short timbers may be employed in these kinds of constructions, and this very circumstance imparts additional strength to the truss; for the reason that the angle which, the brace or tie makes with the raf- ter is more open. All thrust, liken ise, mav be re- moved from the walls, which demands attention. If the pieces A F, B F, E F, were to be. removed, then *he remaining diagonal pieces, will act as ties, and the pieces directed to the centre, will act as struts. The application of this principle to a flat roof, or to a floor, will he productive of advantages similar io those which we have before stated. For instance, a floor, such as a be, having the joint in two pieces a b, b c, with a strut b d, and two ties, will require a much greater weight to break it, than if it bad been a continued joist, like a c, ot the same dimen- sions. Moreover a piece of timber operating as a tie, js much stronger than the same piece if applied as a strut : since in the latter situation it is exposed to bending, and when bent is much less able to with- • stand a very great strain. It must beackonwledged, however, that this advantage is balanced by the great inferiority in point of strength of the joints. The joint of a tie depends wholly on the pins; for which reason, ties are never used in heavy works without strapping the joints with iron. In the roofs we are describing, the diagonal pieces of the middle part only, act entirely as ties, while those towards the sides act as struts or braces. Indeed they are seldom of such simple construction as we have point- ed out, and are more generally constructed like the sketch 1 delineated in Figure 30, where there are two gets of rafters A B, ab, and the angles are filled up with thin planks, which circumstances are produc- tive of strength and stillness. They have likewise a double set of purlines for connecting the different trusses. After the roof has been tings divided into squares, other purlines run between the middle point E, of the rafters, the rafter at E, being supported by a check placed between it and the under rafter. The middle point of each Square of the roof is sup- ported and stiffened by four braces, one of which springs from e, having its opposite braces springing from the similar part of the adjoining truss. The other two braces rise from the middle points of the lower puriinesj which proceed horizontally from a and b, to the next truss, and are supported by planks in the same manner as t*>e rafters. By this contrivance*, the whole construction is rendered very stiff and strong. The figure delineated at Fig. 26, is intended to represent a timber spire, w , >o>e plan is an octagon, and whose height is equal to eight times the length of one of its sides, as is exhibited in tiie drawing. It will not be necessary, in all cases, to limit the height of a spire to eight times the length of one side • of its base, since it may be made to exceed nine or even ten times that length ; and spires constructed in that manner will have all the elegance of well pro* portioned columns. f ig. 27, 28, 29, and SO, represent other plans of spires, which merit the attention of those who are desirous of improving themselves in them profes- sional knowledge. TRUSSING GIRDERS. Fig. 2. and 3, of Plate 7 of Carpentry, shew the most approved method of trussing girders. Fig. 4 represents an horizontal section of Fig. 3. Fig. 5 exhibits a section of the hutment formed 1 y cutting across a b, in A. Fig. (i and 7, represent the two sides of the king- bolt, at C, in Fig. 2, which is made with a wedge- way upon the top, so that it may force out the trusses upon the hutments. TO TIGHTEN THE GIRDERS. The trusses should be let iu close to the sides of the girder, about an inch and a half on each side, .and the head of the king bolt ought to be greased, so as to permit its sliding freely by the ends of the trusses; after screwing the girder close, sideways, the nut of the king bolt may be turned, while ano- ther person strikes the head of the king, at C, with a mallet, which will cause it to start every time it is struck, and produce greater ease at every revolu- tion of the nut, by which means the girder may be brought to any degree of camber that may be neces- sary. This, however, is not generally more than an inch in twenty feet. Fig. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, represent designs of truss- ed partitions. SOFFITS. A soffit is defined, by theoretical carpenters, to oe the covering of any surface whatever with wood ar- ranged on a plane. In a straight wall which flue*! equally all round, it is requisite to describe a soffit with a circular head. On A B, or CD, being the sides of the plan ABCI), Fig. 1, Plate 7, describe semicircles, and produce AC, and BD, to meet in E; then with E as a centre and the distances EA, EC, describe the circular arcs E F, and EG ; next divide the circumference of either of the semicircles into any convenient number of equal parts, (say ten,) and then laying off a similar number of divisions either from A or C, to F or (i, join F E, and the required soffit will be comp lea ted. CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 145 "Next, in a circular wall which flues equally all j[ round, if is required to describe a soffit with a cir- I j ailarhead. ; ; Let A R C D, as in Figure 2, represent the given ( plan, join A B, and having described on it the se- .1 micircle A 13 B; then lay out the soffit in the same , manner as before directed. From the several points j )f division 1, 2,3, 4, (made use of to effect the pre- ;j ;eding) draw tlie perpendicular ordinates II, 22, 33, !j 14 ; join F 1, F 2, F 3, and F 4, so as to intersect the curve line A B, of the plan A iFC D, in the ] points a, b, c, d; through these points draw lines ! narallel to A B, in order to intersect A F, in in, n, o, p ; j next with centre F, ahd distances Fm, Fn, Fo, 1 ind Fp, describe circular arcs so as to intersect res- j )ectively F J, F 2, F 3, and F 4, in the points i, b, c, d; then by these points the half of one edge j >f the soffit is found, from which the other half may *e very readily pricked. The reverse edge is found j n the same manner. Again, let it be required to stretch out a soffit, | ivhena door or window, having a semicircular head, j ;uts into a straight wall, in an oblique direction. In the figure delineated at Figure 3, let A BCD,! represent the given plan ; and at the point B, erect j :he perpendicular B E, so as to intersect D A, pro- luced in E, and on B E, describe a semicircle ; let he circumference of this be divided into any num- ber of equal parts, (say ten) and let the ordinates ; De drawn from the several points of division across : he plan A B C D; next produce B E, indefinitely, i ind on it, lay off the several divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. )f the semicircle, then, when the ordinates have been . ill draw n across, and traced off’ from the plan as the figures and letters direct, the required soffit, will be jompleated. For more complcat information on this subject ive refer to Nicholson’s u Carpenter's new guide." NICHES, Are hollows sunk into a wall for the reception of statues having their bottoms planned according to any segment of a circle or an ellipsis,, and their tops j :erminating or formed into a kind of canopy. Niches are sometimes made square, but they are 4ien entirely destitute of elegance and beauty. Let us suppose, in the first place, the plan of a niche to term the segment of a circle, and its head l semicircle, -to describe the ribs for its top, Let A B C, Figure 4, Plate 7; of Carpentry , re- present the sill, and a, b, c, d, e, f, the front rib; hen it is evident that the head of the niche forms >ne haif part of the segment of a sphere, the base of which portion is the semicircle a, b, c, d, e, f. Hence, then, any one who is conversant with the tlementary principles of spherics, may easily per- :eive^ that each of the required ribs of the niche will )e of the 6ame length, and possess the same degree of mrvatmc as A B, the one half of the sill of the liche; and therefore by it, the several ribs can be readily obtained. We deduce, therefore, from the preceding, that though the sill of the niche and it^ front rib also, should form a semicircle, yet the ribs, could have been obtained in the same manner, by merely applying one half of the sill. Lastly, having given the plan and elevation of an elliptic niche, it is required to find the sweep of the ribs. In Figure 5, describe every rib with a trammel, or bv means of a string and two points, as elucidated in the article geometry in the introduction of this work; by taking the distance on the plan from the base ofeach rib to the center for the extent of each, or one of its axis, and the height of each rib to the height of the top of the niche for the other, the true sweep of each rib w ill be acquired. It will not be necessary to form any moulds, in order to back the ribs of the niche, since the ribs themselves will perform this office; as there will be two ribs of each kind, take the small distances 1 e, 2 d, from the plan at B, and apply them to the bot- tom of the ribs D, and E, from d, to 2, and e, to 1 ; then the backing may be draw n off by the other cor- responding rib, or with a trammel as is exhibited at E, by moving the centre of the trammel towards upon the line e c, from the centre c, equal to th® distance 1 e, letting the trammel rod remain the same as when the inside of the curve was described. Let one of the common ribs of a cove bracket be given to find the angle bracket for a square or rect- angular room, Figure 6. Let A, be the common bracket and be, its base ; draw b a, perpendicular and equal to b c, join a c, which will be the place of the mitre, let any number of ordinates be taken in A, and perpendicular to b c, its base ; and let them be continued so as to meet the mitre line a c ; draw the ordinates of B, ats right angles with it ; then, by pricking the bracket at B, from A, as may be readily seen by the figures, the form of the required angle rib w'ill be shewn. The same rule will do for any other bracket whatever. It should be observed, however, that the angle rib must be backed, either externally or internally, according to the ang le of the room. grouts. . Groins are the angular curves made by the mu- tual intersections of semi-cylinders or arches, and may be considered as either regular, or irregular. A regular groin is properly so called when the in- tersecting arc'. es, whether semicircular, or semi- - elliptical, are of similar diameters and heights; an irregular groin, js properly so called where one of the arches is semicircular, and the other is semi-ellipti- cal ; thus Figure 1, Plate 8, presents the plan of an irregular brick groin, whose body arch A, forms a semicircle, and whose intersecting or side arches B, B, are semi-ellipsis. Figure 2, exhibits a perspective representation of a regular brick groin, the arches of which are semi- circular, of the same diameter, and intersect each P p other CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. U5 other at right angles; and, since any oblique section of a cylinder produces a regular ellip- tic curve, it is evident that the angular ribs of -such groins will be semi-ellipses, having their transverse axis horizontal, and their semi-conjugate vertical. This also will be the case when the in- tersecting or side arches, as at 13, 13, Figure 1, are elliptical, for as 1 2, 3, 4, evidently form the base lines of such sections, it is easy to conceive that their ordinates will coincide with those of the body arch A, which, from being a semicircle, conse- q 11 Mttly produces an elliptic arch, (as is represent- ed at Figure 3,) with its horizontal axis equal t<' I, 2, or 3, 4, and its vertical to A b, ( Figure 1). I may now be perceived that the intersecting arches B B, are formed by the erection of what workmen •call t ie jack ribs, a perspective view of which is exhi- bited at Figure 3, where 2, 3, 4, shew the manner of > ■their being fixed on the body arch A, after it has i been boarded over. To keep these jack ribs true, and in aright line at the top, good workmen place a transverse board upon the crown of the arch, (as shewn in Figure 3 , ) fixing it sufficiently low to re- ceive the thickness of the covering, that the body and intersecting arches may be perfectly even when the whole is covered with boards, as in Figure 2, which represents the state of the groin when ready for turning the brick work over the arches. Le: it the efore be observed that the body arch A, Figure 3, must be entirely covered, before the erection of the jack ribs, whose seat on the body arch, and their several heights, as shewn at C, 2 3, 4, Figure 3, i may be readily found by inspecting ti e figure. | It is next required to find the mould for the jack ribs. Let a b c, Figure 4, be the body arch, and a d e, the intersecting elliptic arch ; draw similar -ordinates to both arches, as 1, 2, 3, See. make them intersect each other, and produce them each way at pleasure. Make g h, equal to the circumference or girt of a b, and g k, equal to the girt of a 1 23 d. I) vide g h, and g k, into four equal parts, (because the qu idrantalarcs of the semicircle and semi-ellipse W re so divided ; then draw through each division p rpendicular lines, so as to cut at right angles the ordinates which were drawn out at pleasure; and if .curves be drawn through the points of their inter- sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, they will produce correct moulds, by vyhich the mitering of each arch, or their respective coverings may be described. Suppose it were required to mark a line on the body arch at Figure 3, contrived so as to touch the extremity of £ach jack rib at the base; in such case the mould 3. 6, 7, Figure 4, must be taken, and if this be made of thin pliable wood, the end h, is fixed to the crown of the body arch at h, Figure 3, when after securing it to that point, the other end 5, is pressed, and with a pencil the required curve is traced out. After a similar manner the other mould, 8, 9, 10, 'may be applied to the intersections of the elliptic arch, and if we suppose it to be covered, as is shewn at Figure 2, and the arch to be drawn back and se- parated from the body, the mould 8, 9, 10, bent over the boards, will be found to coincide with their ends, provided the arches are of the same dimensions, which is not the ca.-e, however, in this example, al- though in theory the principles are entirely the same. In fixing the ribs of the body arch, at Figure 2, Cd are strong wooden posts, and i i are the ends of beams extending the w'ude length’ of the groin, and supported by nests under each rib. The gir- ders of each rib lie between, which are omitted, however, at e, m order to gtve a clear view, of the internal paris of t he arch. These long beams also act on the principle ofw dges, as mav be een at e; so that w on the brick-work is properly set, they are eased gr-.iuuaUy, ami the wooden r,bs, beams, and posts, are easily struck and cleared away. Let us next consider the plan of an ascending or descending groin, and also of t he side arches, in order to find the intersection of the angles, and the moulds for describing the curvature of the intersect- ing arches, the general principle of which problem, is the same as that of the preceding. To project the present figure, let one quarter of the body rib B, be divided into four equal parts, as at 1. 2, 3, Figure 5, and let the lines be drawn from these points, to the perpendiculars 4, 3, and continued round to 4, 6; then let the lines of descent 48, 67, See. be drawn, and make C, equal to one of the given side arches in the descent, though the intro- duction of more would make no difference. From the several points I, 2, 3, &c. of the arch C, where the lines of descent cut the circumference of C, draw lines perpendicular to the lines of descent, and con- tinue them m .pleasure. Again, from the same points 1,2 3, ivc. at C, draw lines peipendicular to the lines of descent, and let them also be produc- ed at plea •re Again, from the same points 1,2, 3, &c. at C, draw fines perpendicular to the sides of the plan A, and from the points in 13, repeat toe same operation, when the intersection of these lines will give the curves of the arches on the plan, as will appear on inspecting the diagram. When fines have been drawn from C, perpendicular to the lines of descent, measure the girt of the quarter arch at B, and transfer it to the center line at C, as 4, a, b, c, d, through which divisions, draw lines par- allel to the descent, when their intersections will produce the required curve for the mould, which is to be applied in the same manner as pointed out in the foregoing example. The figure delineated at Figured, represents a groin, whose intersecting, or side arch B, is Gothic, and under pitch, that is, it has its perpendicular height less than the height of the body arch A, which forms a semi-circle; From J3, the intersect- ing arch, project a line from 1. round to 1, at the CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 147 body arch A, and from I, let fall a perpendicular to s, the centre of the side arch, at A, draw the cord line 3,4,5, and let it be divided into four equal parts; draw lines also from 2, through each division, and produce them until they cut the arch, then from 1, draw lines through the points on the arch to the perpendicular o p : take o p, and place it on the side arch 13, so as to create the same divi- sions as at A, then let the cords of the side arch be drawn, and divided into four equal parts, and pro- ceed as before at A ; finally, draw lines from 1, to o p, so as to intersect the lines which issue from the centre 2, and the intersecting points will give the curve of the side rib I). When the plan line p sj of the angular rib is drawn, let s q. be drawn per- pendicular to it, then take the height of the inter- j seeling arch 1,2, and place it to 9; then let the cord line p q, be drawn, and proceed with the rest as before, and the angular rib E, will be produced as required. The same operation may be perform- ed by ordinates in the common way, as is represent- ed on the opposite side of the figure. This groin is intended for plaster, and conse- quently very great exactness is required in the for- mation of the angular ribs, and the utmost correct- ness i • cessary also on the under side, to produce regu arii\ and smootnness in the ceiling. /.'Y' r 7, represents the plan of another plaster gr; ,v .ose body arch A, forms a semi-ellipsis, ad vv..o>e intersecting ones H, 13, re semi-circular; 1), :s the angular rib, described by ordinates, as appears by the corresponding: numerals, which me- thod we have already described. The plan ex- hibited at C, shews the jack and angular ribs, as shewn in the preceding examples. The next object of !he readers attention is the plan of a curved groin, which may be applied, either to brick work or plaster, though in the present instance, il will be confined to tiie latter. Let a, b, c, d, ' i-yi/re 8. be considered as the plan of the body an !), and if this plan be continued round until it form an entire circle, nothing more j would be requisite than to repeat what is exhibited ] in the figure before us. Let A, A, represent the j body arches, and 13. B, the intersect mg arc! es, when ! in order to find the curvature of the angular ribs, adopt the following method. Let the base, of the arch A, be divided into eoiai p- r‘s inn v nh points, raise perpendiculars to p, q; r then produce the sides of the pia; until t ; ie\ meet ai S, and divide the curve a, b into 8 equal parts, from wf ich , points of division, dr. w right lines to the centre s, j let these be intersected by describing the several , curves, by the centre s, from the several divisions of 1 the base ot the body arch A : through the points thus found draw the several curve lines, and they j will form, when they arc placed perpendicularly on their base, the correct plan of the angular ribs. The vertical curve of the ribs, is found in the j following manner; draw d, g, and make it equal in length to the curve line C d, then lay the girt of the curve line C a, from A to h, and divide it into four equal parts. Take the ordinates from A, and let them be transferred to their corresponding places in E, and D, when the curve, passing through these points, will lie the vertical arch of the angular ribs. It must be obs^rvdJ, that when E am! 1), are fixed on the plan, they are supposed capable of being bent so as to coincide with the angular curves on the plan, otherwise they must be shaped to that curve, out of timber of a suitable thickness ; and for this reason the intersecting arches divide the curves of their plan into the same number of equal parts, as before, which is exemplified at efJ3, where e f, is made equal to the length of a b, on the curve, and i s k, is rendered equal to the curve c d, and when their ordinates are drawn, all that remains, is to transfer the several corresponding ones from A, by yvhich the elliptic curves of the intersecting arches are found, and when placed on their plan, they must be made to coincide with their curved plans a b, and c d, by the same means as were used for obtain- ing the angular ribs. The jack ribs of the body arches A, A, will be straight on their plan, as at w, and must be placed in the direction of the radials, from the centre s. The jack ribs of the intersecting arches, must be curved on the plan, in conformity to their distance from the centre s, as represented by n. Figure 9 exhibits the plan of a cylindro-cylindric, or Welsh groin, or one under pitch, the body and Intersect ing arches of which are composed of semicir- cles or of similar segments, whose intersections meet on a curve plane, and therefore their plan will be a carve, a- in the foregoing example. When the intersecting arch 13, has been divided into any num- ber of* equal parts, let lines be drawn at pleasure, perpendicular to its base. From the points 1,2,3, 4, let lines be carried round to the body arch A, as at 1, 2, 3, 4, from whence,- drayv lines perpendicular to the base line of A, and where ti ese intersect at 1,-2, 3, 4, drawn curve line, which will give the plan of the angular rib of the arch. The nb itself at 1), may be found as usual, and to this the numerals afford a direction, To find the mould necessary to describe the curvature of the intersect- ing arches when laid on the body arch A, take the girt of the angular rib D, in the inside, at 1, 2, 3, 4, and draw a right line at E ; then take the ordinates, from the cord line of the plan of the angular rib, and place them respectively at 1, 2, 3, 4, which will produce the required mould. The angular rib in this figure will be curved both ways, similar to the shape of the circular groin, which lias been before d scribed, the same means of describing 'the former m y be made use of, as were adopted with respect to the latter. Figure 10, displays the method of describing the ribs of a groin over stairs upon a circular plan ? in , which 148 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. which the body rib is supposed to be given. Let the tread of as many steps be taken as may be thought convenient, and of corresponding height, which lay down at F; when draw the plan of the angles as in the other groins ; then take the length round the middle of the steps at E, and lay it from a to b, at F ; make d e perpendicular to b c, at D equal to d e at F ; draw the hypothenuse a c, with the perpendi- culars, from d c up to B, and mark B from A, as the figures direct; when B will be the mould to stand over a b ; at the angles draw the cords a 4, and 4 in; let a 9, 4 h, be perpendicular to them, and each be equal to half the height d e, at B or F ; next draw the hypothenuses g 4, and h m, and the perpendicular ordinates, from the cords, through the intersection of the other lines that meet at the angles ; after which trace the moulds J), and c, from the given rib I A, and the moulds wiil be formed for the angle, or intersecting ribs. The angle ribs D, and C, are shewn in contrary positions, with a view to avoid confusion, through an intermixture of their lines. ( Nicholson s Carpenter's New Guide , page 30.) The several parts of constructive carpentry, hav- ing now been described, in this second division we shall proceed to compleat our account, by enumera- ting the various authors who have written on the sub- ject, and giving some extracts from their several works. Among the Italians Scrlio, and Andrew Palladio, have been particularly eminent for their designs in carpentry. The first book of the latter was translat- ed by Godfrey Richards, an Englishman, at the end of which he gave some remarks of his own, which well merit attention. This translation, with the re- maiks, attained a third edition in 1676. Among original English works, have been Moxon’s Me- chanical Exercise, a second edition of which appear- ed in 1693; Halfpenny’s Art of sound building , printed in 1725; Thb Carpenters Companion , by Smith, published in 1733; Ancient masonry, by Batty Langley, which appeared in the same year; The British Carpenter, by Francis Price, printed in 1765, which has attained a fifth edition ; and The Gent'cmcn's and Builder s Repository , by Edward Hoppus, printed in 1738; The Builders Complete Assistant, by Batty Langley, published in the same year; The Builder's and Workman s Treasury, by the same authpr, printed in 1741; and also The Builder's J< reel, by the same author ; The London Art of Building, by William Salmon, a third edi- tion of which appeared in 1748; The British Archi- tect, by Abraham Swan, a second edition of which was published in 1750; Designs in Carpentry, by the same author, printed in 1759; several pieces of carpentry in A Complete Bodj of Architecture, written by Isaac Ware, and published in 1768; The Carpenter's and Joiner's Repository , by William Pain, printed isi 1778; The Carpenters Pocket Di- i : < torpj l>v the same author. ; printed in 1780:. The 11 Golden Rule, by the same author, printed in 1781 ; The British Palladio, by the same author, printed in 1788; 7 he Practical Builder, and The Practical House Carpenter, by the same author, printed in 1791 ; The Carpenter's New Guide, by Peter Nichol- son, the last edition of which appeared in 1808; The Carpenter's and Joiner's Assistant, by the same author, a third edition of which was printed in 1810; various articles on carpentry, in Rees’s Cyclopcedia ; A Treatise on Carpentry, in the Edinburgh Encyclo- paedia ; and a treatise on the same subject, in the Me- chanical Exercises, published in 1812, all by the same author ; A long article on Carpentry, in a Sup- plement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica , written by Professor Robison, of Edinburgh ; and an article on carpentry, in A Course of Lectures on Natural j Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts, by Thomas Young, M. 1). Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution of Great Britain ; and some valuable articles on carpentry in the Architectural Dictionary, now publishing by Mr. Peter Nicolson, six parts of this Dictionary are already published; and if we may be allowed to consider these as a crite- rion of the work, we feel ourselves perfectly justifi- ed in pronouncing it to be one of the most useful of" the kind that was ever published. It may not be uninteresting to the reader to take a view of these different works. The articles on carpentry by Godfrey Richards, comprise u Rules and instructions for framing all manner of roofs, whether square or bevel, either above or under pitch, according to the best manner practised in England.” “ Also to find the length of hips and sleepers, with the back or hip mould, never yet published by any ar- chitect, modern and antique ; a curiosity worth the regard, even of the most curious workmen ; exactly demonstrated by that ingenious architect, Mr. William Pope.” “ Instructions to find the length and back of the hip, so as it may answer the side and the end of the perpendicular line of the gable end, the two skirts, the side of the roofin piano, or lyingin legment with the hip and gable end, the diagonal and perpendicu- lar lines being laid down proportional to any breadth or length, by which the most ingenious may serve himself, and an ordinary capacity (already acquaint- ed with the use of the ruler and compass) may plainly demonstrate all the parts cf a roof, whether square or bevel, above pitch or under pitch, by lines oi‘ proportion.” “ To find the length of the hip.” “ To find the back of the hip, so that it may answer both sides and ends of the roof, whether square or bevel.” u Of roofs bevel at one end, and square at the other, the gable end square, and the bevel end hipped.” “ To find the length of each hip, distinct, one I from CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. from the other, of the longest hips. To find the back of the longest hip. To find the shortest hip. To find the back of the hip.” “ Of a roof bevel at both ends, and broader at one end than the other.” The subjects treated of in Moron's Mechanical l Xtrciscs. are, “AC, HD, CD, NO, Ground-plates, V 'all-plates, Lressumniers, Lintels , the Thickness of the H a l. A li, Also a Ground-plate , or Ground-sell. P P, The Summer. Q Q O. Girders. 1, The iVell-holefor the Stairs, and Stair-case. M, Leaving a way for (he Chimnies. b b , Trimmers for the Chimney-way and Stair- vase. a a a a, Joists. Of Framing for the Floors. — Figure 1 Plate 9. — The four Plates, A U, A N, N O, and IJ O, hy ing on the foundation, are called Ground-plates. They ought to be formed of good oak, and for this size of building, about eight inches broad, and six inches deep. They should be framed into one another with a tenon and mortise. The longer ground- plates, A N, and ii O, are commonly tenoned into the front and rear ground-plates, A I>, and N O, and into these two-side ground-plates, mortises are .made for the tenons at the ends of the joists, which should be fitted somewhat loosely in, at about ten inches distance from one another, as in the draft. These ground-plates must be bored with an inch and half Auger, -ana well pinned into one another with round oaken pins, made tapering towards the point, and so strong, that with the hard blows of a mallet, they may drive stiff into the auger-hole and keep the tenon firmly in the mortise. The manner of making a tenon and mortise is taught in Joinery but because the stuff Carpenters work upon, is generally heavy timber, and consequently not so easily managed as the light stuff joiners work upon ; therefore they do not at first pin their tenons into -their mortises with wooden pins, lest they should be out of square, or any other intended position ; but in laying a block or some other piece of timber under the corner of the frame-work in order to bear it hollow oft' the foundation, or whatever else ft lies -upon, hook-pins are driven into the four auger-holes in tho corners of the ground-plates, and one by one tit the plates either to a square, or any other intend- ed position. And when so fitted, the hook pins are driven out, and the wooden pins are driven in, (as aforesaid) and when the wooden blocks have been taken away one by one, from under the corners ofthe frame, it is permitted to fall into its place. “ Rut before thevpin up the frame of ground-plates, they must set in the summer marked P P, and the girders Q Q, and ail the joists marked a a a a, &c. mid the trimmers for the stair-case, and chimney-way marked b b, and the binding joists marked c e, for else you cannot get their tenons into their respective 14 <^ mortise-holes. They lit all these in, while the frame of ground-plates lies loose, and may, corner by corner, be opened to let the respective tenons in- to their respective mortises, after which they frame the raising-plates i nst as the ground-plates are fram- ed, and then frame the roof into the raising-plate- with beams, joists, &c. “ 1'he summer is in this ground-plate placed at 2 a feet distance front the front, and is to be of the same scantling as the principal plates, for reasons which shall be shewn hereafter.' And the girders are also to be of the same scantling as the summers and ground-plates. Though, according to the nice rules of architecture, the back-girder need not be so strong as the front-girder, because it bears but at 14 feet length; and the front-girder bears at 24 feet length; yet carpenters (for uniformity) generally make them so, unless they build an house by the great, and are agreed for the sum of money, &c. “ Thejoists bearing at 8 feet, (as here they do) are to be 7 inches deep, and 3 inches broad. “ The trimmers and trimming joists are 5 inches broad and 7 inches deep, and these joists, trimmers, and trimming joists, are all to be pinned into their respective mortices ; and then their flatness is tried with the level, as was taught. OP SETTING ri> THE CARCASS. “ Though the ground -plates, girders, &e, be part ofthe carcass, jet I thought fit in the last section they should be laid, before I treated of the super- structure, which I shall now handle. The four cor- ner posts called the principal posts marked A A, should !>e each of one piece, so long as to -reach up to the beam ofthe roof, or raising-plate, and of the scantling as the ground-plates, viz. 8 inches broad, and 6 inches thick, and set with one of its narrow- est sides towards the front. Its lower end is to be tenoned, ar;d let into a mortise made near the cor- ner oft e ground-plate frame; audits upper end hath also a tenon on it, to fit into a mortise made in the beam ofthe roof, or rasing-piece. “ At tire height ofthe first story in this principal post, must be made two mortises, one to receive the tenon at the end of the bressummer that lies in the front, and the other to enter la in the tenon ar the end of the bressummer that lies in the return side. “ Tw o such mortises must also be made in this principal post, at the height of the second story, to receive the tenon at the ends of the bressummers for that story. “ Though 1 have spoken singularly of one princi- pal pot, yei as you work this, you must work all four principal posts: and then set them plumb up- right, w hich you must try with a plumb-line. “ Having erected the principal posts upright, you must enter the tenons of the bressummers into their proper mortises, and with a nail or two, (about a single ten ora double ten) tack one end of a deal board, or some other like piece of stuff to the bres- summer, an d the other end to the framed work of the Q q floor '15 0 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. floor, to keep the principal posts upright and in their places. Then set up the several posts between the principal posts; but these posts must be tenon- ed at each end, because they are to be no longer than to reach from story to story, or from intertie to inter- tie, and are to be framed into the upper andunder bres- pummer. Jfthe intei ties be not long enough, they set up a principal post between two or three lengths, to reach from the ground-plate up to the raising- plates. u It is to he remembered, that the bressummers and girders are laid flat upon one of their broadest sides, with their two narrowest sides perpendicular to the ground-plot ; but the joists are to he laid contrary : for they are framed so as to lie with one of their narrowest sides upwards, with their two broadest sides perpendicular to the ground-plot. The reason is, because the stuff of the bressummers and girders are less weakened by cutting the mor- tises in them in this position, than in the other posi- tion : for as the tenons for those mortises are cut be- tween the top and bottom sides, and the flat of the tenons are no broader than the flat of the narrowest side of the joists : so the mortises they are to fit in- to, need be no broader than the breadth ofthe tenon, and the tenons are not to be above an inch thick, and consequently the mortises are to be made with an inch mortice chissel, as is shewn in joinery, for great care must be taken that the bressummers and girders be not weakened more than needs, lest the whole floor dance. “ These tenons are cut through the two narrow- est sides, rather than between the two broadest sides, because the stuff ofthe girders retains more strength when least of the grain of the stuff is cut : and the tenons being made between the narrowest sides of the joists, require their mortise holes no longer than the breadth of that tenon ; and that tenon being but an inch thick, requires its mortise to be but an inch wide to receive it; so that you mortise into the girder no more than three inches wide with the grain of the stuff, and one inch broad contrary to the grain of the stuff. But should the tenon be cut between the two broad sides of the joists, the mortise would be three inches long, and but one inch broad, and consequently you must cut into the girder three inches cross the grain of the stuff, which would weaken it more than cutting six inches with the grain, and one inch cross. “ But it may be objected that the tenons of the joists being so small, and bearing at an inch thick- ness must needs be too weak. “ Answer, first, though the tenons be indeed but an inch thick, and three inches broad; yet the whole bearing ofthe joists do not solely depend upon tbeir tenons : because the girders they are framed into, prove commonly somewhat wainny upon their upper sides, and the joists are always scribed to project over that vyaynniness, and so strengthen their bearing, by so much as they project over the rcund- ness or waynniness of the upper side of the girder. “ Secondly, the floor is boarded w ith the length of the boards athwart the joists, and these boards firm- ly nailed down to the joists, w hich also adds a great strength to them. “ Thirdly, the joists are seldom made to bear at above ten foot in length, and should by the rule of good workmanship, not lie above ten inches asunder at the most ; so that this short bearing andciose dis- charging of one another, renders the w ole floor firm enough for all common Occupation. But if the joists do bear at above ten foot in length, it ought to be the care of the master workman to provide stronger stuff for them, viz. thicker and broader. If not, they cut a tusk on the upper side of the tenon, and let that tusk into the upper side of the gir- I tiers. “ Having erected the principal post, and other posts, and fitted in the bressummers, girders, joists, &c. upon the first floor, they pin up all the frame of carcass- work. But though the girders and joists des- cribed for this first floor, lie proper enough for it j yet for the second story, and in this particular case, the joists lie not proper for the second story; be- cause in the second story we have described a bal- cony. “ Therefore in this case you must frame the front - bressummer about seven inches lower into the prin- cipal posts ; because the joists for the second floor are not to be mortised into the bressummer to lie even at the top with it, but must lie upon the bres— summer, and project over it so far as the balcony is designed to project beyond the upright of the front. And thus laying the joists upon the bressummer ren- ders them much stronger to bear the balcony, than if the joists were tenoned into the front of the bres- summer, and projected from it into the street. “ But the truth is, though J have given you a draft of the joists lying athwart the front and rear for the first floor, you may as well make them range with the two sides on the first floor. But then the bressummer that reaches from front to rear in the middle of the floor must be stronger; and girders must then be tenoned into the bressummer and the ground-plates, at such a distance, that the joists may not bear at above ten foot in length. And the te- nons of the joists must be tenoned into the girders, so that they will then range with the two sides. * “ But a word more of the bressummer; I say (as before) that the bressummer to bear at so great length must be made stronger, though it should he discharged at the length ofthe shop, (viz. at 25 feet), with a brick wall, or a foundation brought up of brick. But if it should have no discharge of brick- work, but bear at the whole 40 feet m length, youc bressummer must be yet considerably stronger than it need be were it to bear but 25 feet in length; be- cause the shorter all the bearings of timbers are, the firmer they bear. But then the framing work will take up more labour, and-m many cases it js cheap- CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. er to put in stronger stuff for long bearings, than to put a girder between to discharge the length of the joists to be framed into the girders. “ But to make short of this argument, I shall give you the scheme of scantlings of timber, at several bearings, for summers, girders, joists, rafters, &c. as they are set down in the Act of Parliament for rebuilding the city of London, alter the late dreadful fire; which scantlings were well considered by able workmen, before this adoption was reduced into an Act. Scantlings of 7 imber for the first sorts of Houses. Ff. In. In. For the Floor S w ™! ,nder 15 •••• 12 ar "| f l Wall-plates — 7 and 5 Ft. t at foot . . 8 ? r T . For the Roof S Principal Rafters under 15 fat top 5$ 6 Inc “ f Single Rafters 4 and 3 inches. Length Foot. Thickness. Depth. Joists to 10 3 and .... 7; . , Garret Floors 3 .... - .... and .... 6$ Inches. Scantlings of Timber for the other two sorts of Houses. Brtvidth. Depth. Thickness. Depth. Ft. Ft. In. In. Summers or Gir- ders which bear in length from rio. •to. .15. .11. . and . • 8 1 1 Ini fc 1 ii: .to. . 18. •to. .21. .13. .14. .and. .and. 1 III: • to. .21. .to. .26. . 16. .17. .and. .and :‘?J JO feet J In. Principal Discharges upon Piers in the first? 13. .and. . 1‘ Story in the Fronts $ 15. .and. .1: rhickness. Inches, depth equal to their owu floors. In. In. flO. .and. .6 Wall-Plates, or Raising Pieces and Beams < 8. .and. .6 C 7 . . and . . 5 In. In 3.. 6 > 3 . .7 3. . 8 3.. 8 In. Binding Joists with their Trim- ming Joists ? ~ > ~ Seantlings wide) Side- Thickness, rails. 1 brick £' 151 Bottom paved plain, and then 1 brick on edge circular. Lintels of Oak in the Ft. f IB S 1st and 2d story . . ?3d story Length. Ft. i at foot, top I Priori = I ■isj I i o in Sal foot.. 10? pal Rafters) 1S •• , -- 21 fat top .. from ioi o. Sat foot.. 12? In. ... 8. .and . . . . 5. .and . Thickness. In. In. n ....7 24.. to .26 . 9S tt foot .13? it top .. 9$ Purlins from. . Single Rafters . . Length Ft. ' Ft. In. In. S 15. .to. .18 9 8 < 18. .to. .21 12 9 Ft. In. In. S not exceeding in length 9.. 5.. 4 tout exceeding in length 6. .4. .3£ Scantlings for Sawed Timber and Laths, usually brought out of the West Country, not less than Breadth. Thickness. Ft. In. In. Single Quarters in length ... .8 Double Quarters in length . .8, Sawed Joists in length 8 Laths in length . First sort of Houses | 2d and 3d sorts ..3*. .4 . ..6 . • U- Corner Piers M ddle or Single Piers Double Piers between House and I: ouse Door-Jambs and Heads quarter and J inch. Inches. Corner Piers hi id, lie or Single P Double Piers bet House and House . . . Door Jambs and Heads een ^ 14 and J 8 12 and 8 Ft. In. . 2 6 square . - 18 square 24 and 18 14 and 10 Arch . . 1 brick on end We next proceed to Smith’s Carpenter's Com- panion , in which are many observations, very judi- cious and worthy to transcription; the introduc- tion of this work, is interesting, and commences in (he following manner. “ The usefulness of carpenter’s work in building, and the little notice taken of it by authors who have treated of architecture, and the few there be that rightly understand it, prompted me to write the fol- lowing treatise. “ Carpenter’s work is one of the most valuable branches of architecture; it was contemporary with the first ages of the world; and with the knowledge of this art, Noah closely and firmly connected those timbers in the ark, which were so nicely wrought, that they not only kept the water from penetrating into it, but were proof against the tempest and the rolling billows, when, in its womb, it carried all the tenants of the earth and air. “ Those naval preparations, through all ages of the world, as well as those stupendous temples and edifices, erected in all countries, demonstrate the perfection of this art. t The innumerable floating buildings , which roll from one country to another t irough tempestuous storms, tossed from the moun- tain’s height to the depths of the ocean, without in- juring the vessel, evidently shew the vast use and judgment of carpenter’s work. “ But as that branch of it which relates to templar or domed uses, is the subject of this work, I shall on- ly heat ofits usefulness in them; and may venture to affirm that carpenter’s work is the chief tie and connection of a building; it is the ligament which binds the walls together. f “ The bond-timbers, which strengthen and tie the j angles of a building, and prevent its separating, is 1 t!le work of the carpenter. Linteling over doors and windows, with other dischargements of weight, it is his care to perform. “ Botyl timbers in cross walls, when settlements happen, if they are well applied, prevent the cracking of the walls, for they keep the whole together, and every partsettleth alike, which would fill the build- ings with gaps and chasms if neglected. “ Next, the floors; the rightly framing them, by trussing the girders, by placing them on joists, so that they come near no funnels of chimnies ; the manner of tenanting, tusking, framing of tim- bers for chimneys, stairs, &c. I say, all these are the business ot the carpenter to see carefully per- formed. “ Partitions of timber, their manner of trussing to prevent cracking, settlements, &c. and the dis- charge of weight of girders, beams, or cross walls, is carpenter’s work ; as is, likewise, the framing of tim- ber bridges. “ Roots of various sorts, for common houses, large edifices; 152 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. edifices, or churches, their manner of framing, the height of their pitch, their strength, usefulness, &c. with the various manner of performing all the e works, is the subject of this treatise, which I have rendered intelligible to every capacity, by designs ol several sorts, and have described them in such a manner, that w*ll render the work useful to carpen- ters; in particular, such who are acquainted with the manner of performing these operations of fra- ming. If it should he objected, that there are feu 'things here treated of, but what every carpenter knows, I could wish such objectors had been at the pains 1 have taken to inform the world, since I reap no advantage bv it, but the satisfaction of communi- cating any thing which may prove serviceable to my countrymen. “ The first thing which the carpenter must consi- der for the carrying on a building, is the plan, in which vou are to prepare your timber in having it cut into proper scantlings, which shall be hereafter .noted. “ You are to prepare for lintelings and bond-tim- bers : for lintels over doors or windows, stuff of five inches thick and seven broad, and it is a slight way of building to put in any of less scantling; as for door-cases, their manner of making, and scantlings •of stuff, it is needless to speak of; it is the best way •to have them put in when the foundations are brought up high enoughfor them. Bond-timbers should be -dovetailed at the angles of the building and cross walls. And here note, that it is a durable, though “expensive way, to have all fir timber, which is laid in the walls of the building, to be pitched with pitch and grease mixed together; the quantity of •g rease, one pound to four pounds of pitch. All these things are the care of the carpenter. “ Bond-timbers should be four or five inches thick for cross walls, and in the angles of a building, six or seven inches, and proportionality broad; six or eight feet long in each wail : and it would not be amiss to place them six or eight feet distant all the height of the building, in every angle- ;md cross wall; these, if a building be on on infirm founda- tion, cause the whole to settle together, and prevent the cracks and fractures which happen if this be ne- glected. “ We eome now to the floors, in which these tilings are to he observed; the magnitude of the room, the manner of framing, and the scantlings of the timber. For the first, you are to observe to lay the girders always the shortest way, and not to have a joist at any time exceeding twelve feet in length. “ The first common method of framing floors, is where the joists are framed flush with the top of the girder.” (The trimming-joists supposed to come against chimneys and stairs, are always thicker than common joists .) “ Being weakened by mortising. !! I i! I ii ; i ! 1 i f , ■Scantling of joists, when a floor is framed in this manner, ought to be as followeth : Common Joists. Trimmers. ft. Ion-. £cantiing in i inches. i ft. long. Scantling in 1 inches. j 5 6 ! 8 9 10 11 12 7 X ; 7 X 2 } |! 7 X 2| |! 8X3 ! 8 X 31 8 X 3j j (■9x4 j 5 6 | 7 8 | 9 10 j 7X3 I 7x4 7X5 8x4 8X5 9x6 “ These are such proportions, as will render the work sufficiently capable of sustaining any common weight. s- The next manner of framing- floors, is with binding joists framed flush with the under side of the girder; and about three or four incites below ihe ti p of the girder, to receive the bridgings, which are those which lie across the binding-joists, and are pinned down to them with pins of wood, or spikes of iron. These binding-joists should be framed about three feet, or three feet six inches distant from one another, and their thickness four or five inches, or in the proportion to the length of their bearing, as trimming joists. “ These floors, if they settle out of a level with the building, are made level when the bridgings are put in, which is generally afterthe building is cover- ed in, and nearly compleatcd ; they are generally double tenanted. The binding-joists are chased, and the ceiling-joists tenanted into them, and put in generally after the building is up. These ceiling joists should lie 13 or 14 inches apart, and the scant- ling 2 or 3 inches square, and in large buildings 3 and 4. As for the bridgings, which lie bn the top of the binding-joists, they may be placed 12 or 11 inches distant, their scantling 3 and 4, or .51 and 5; their bearing being only from binding-joist to joist, which is three feet, or three feet 6 inches, and these are laid even with the top of the girder to receive the boarding. We come now to speak of girders; and first, for their scantling, take these proportions: ft. long | Scantling in inches. B. D. 10 8 X 10 12 81 X 10 11 9 x 101 16 91 X 101 IS 10 X ii 20 11 X 12 22 111 X J3 1 24 ■12 X 14 | CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 15 * And observe, that as every weight, added, to the weight of the timber in the floor, in itself occa- sions it to nettle, the girders should be cut camlier; if a 10 feet bearing, half an inch camber; if 20 feet bearing, an inch camber, &c. in proportion to the length of the bearing. “ And farther to strengthen the girder, and pre- rent its sagging, as it is called among workmen, that is, its bending downwards, I. have given you several wavs of trussing girders, which have been most of them practised. u The manner of trussing these girders, is, first, to saw the girder down the middle, the deepest way : then take two pieces of dry oak, aoout or 5 inches wide, and 4 inches thick ; let half the piece be let in one side of the girder, and half into the other. “ Another way, which is by cutting the girder through, and driving a wedge against the ends of the trusses. When these are thus prepared, bolt them together with iron bolts and keys; or much rather, a screw at the end of the bolt. “ Some carpenters cut their girders down the middle, and bolt them together, without trussing July changing the ends different from what they “row, whereby the grain of the wood is crossed, and it becomes much stronger titan if it had continued without sawing down the middle, and thus putting it together. Some in trussing girders, make use of other trusses. “ The girder being thus trussed and put together, proceed in framing the joists, as in common floors. The strongest way being double tenanting and tusking, as is shewn in the binding- joists. Before 1 leave tin's part of floors, I shall observe to you :Lat the best and most workmanlike manner of framing floors, is to plane the upper edge of your [oists straight; for the straighter and truer your oists lie, the truer your boarding will lie, which is a *reat ornament to a magnificent room ; but if you rame without binding-joists, and lay on bridgings, jlane the bridgings, and lay them very straight aud evel ; this care taken, will save a great deal of rouble in laving down the boarding, which you are jften lorced to chip and fur up, to make them lie iven, and those furrings are not only troublesome, jut are apt to give wav, and occasion the creeking >f the boards as you walk on them. It would be a! good way. to turn arches of brick over the ends of he girders of the floors, because if any alteration aappens, they are easily taken out, “ I come now to partitions of timber, with their manner of framing. Timber partitions have these properties attending them ; they take up less room, md are cheaper than those ofbrick. “ As to roofs, there is a plate to go round abuild- ng, which may or may not be deemed a part of the •oof; it may be deemed the foundation and tie of! he roof and. walls, or it may be taken as only that on which the roof lieth. These plates are to l>e dovetailed at the angles and tenanted together >« their length, several ways. The beams of the roo£ which serve as girders to the ceiling-floors, (and in- to which all the principal rafters of the roof are tenanted) are dovetailed, or yvhat by workmen is termed cogged down to the plate, which prev n $ its flying out from the foot of the rafter, whose but- ment is against it; aud in the angles of a building, pieces dovetailed across the angles of the plate, serve to keep it from spreading, and is the foot of the hip. “ The common pitch of roofs is to have the rafter’s length, if it span the building at once, to be three-fourths of the breadth of the building. Some make them flatter^ as a pediment pitch ; and the old Gothic way was to make them the whole breadth. “ The common pitch is not only unpleasing to the eye, but is attended with this inconvenience ; if there is a gutter round the building, tiie steepness of' the roof occasions the rain to come with so sudden a velocity into the pipes, which are to convey the water from the gutters, that they till the gutter ; and sometimes so fast, that the water runneth over the covering of the roof, and does great injury to the timber. &c. of the building; and the steeper the roof is, the longer the rafters, aud the greater quan- tity of timber must he used in the roof, as well as the more weight from the great quantity of timber, and the weakening the principal timbers, by adding more to its own weight. “ And the pedimenCpitch is inconvenient, in lying too flat, for those climates so. frequently subject to ram, and heavy snows, which last would press and vastly incommode the building, and would lie much longer on the roof, its declivity being so small ; be- sides, in keen winds, attended with rain, the rain would drive in under the covering of slate or tiles, and create much decay in the timber. “ Proportion of beams whose bearing varieth, take the following rule i LfDgih of beam in feel. Scantling in inches. 12 6 X 8 16 6k X 8f 20 6k X 9 21 7 X 91 28 7k X 91 32 8 X 10 36 8i X J0| 40 81 X 11 44 9 X 12 “ The principal rafter should be nearly as thick at the bottom as the beam, and diminish in its R r length 154 CARPENTRY and joinery. length one-fifth or one-sixth of its breadth: the king-posts should be as thick as the top of the prin- cipal rafter, and the breadth according to the big- ness of the struts you intend to let into them, the middle part being left something broader than the thickness. <( Struts may diminish as the rafters do, one-fifth, or one sixth of their length. In placing struts and collar-beams, the dividing the rafter into as many equal par as you propose bearings, is the rule, because every part of the principal will have its equal distant bearings. “ Purlins are of the same thickness as the prin- cipal rafter, and the proportion of the breadth is six to eight ; that is, if the rafter be six inches thick, let the purlins be six inches thick, and eight inches broad if it be nine inches thick, the breadth of the purlins is twelve inches broad, &c. “ N. B. The purlins are those pieces into which the small rafters are tenanted, and they are tenanted into the principal rafter. Length of purlins is gen- erally from six to eleven feet, not exceeding that length. “ Small rafters; their scantlings two inches and a half, and four inches ; three inches, and four inches and a half; and three inches aud a half, and five inches : according to the magnitude of'the roof and length of the rafters. Small rafters should not ex- ceed seven feet in length in a purlined roof; if it happen that the length of the principal be above fif- teen feet, it is best to put in two tier of purlins in the length of the rafter.” In respect to the construction of roofs for coves,] he has the following observations: “ The use of coving a room of considerable height, is, first,, the making of it much lighter than it would otherwise be, if level in the ceiling ; the rays of light in a cove are reflected back again into the rooms, which would be otherwise lost and confused in a room with a flat ceiling. u Likewise, all rooms w ith circular roofs or ceil- ings are more commodious and useful for enter-! tctinment, for music, &c. The angles of incidence are always equal to those of reflection ; ^o the undu- lation of sounds flying on any cove, or spherical part ofa building, reverberate on the audience; and ifj spherical, no part of the sphere can receive the vi- bration, but it will return in the same direction from whence the undulation first began. The re- flecting rays of light, and the reverberation of sounds, proceed from the same cause, and from incidents naturally affecting the eye and the ear.” Mr. Smith’s work is illustrated by thirty-three plates; twenty of which are designs of roofs, and five are plans or elevations of wooden bridges. The next work to be reviewed, is the British Car- penter, by Mr. Francis Price, whose treatise has obtained the recommendation, of Messrs. Hawks- moor, James, and Gibbs. From this we shall also quote the introductory part, with some descriptions and observations, which, though they may not be so methodically arranged, as those of the last author, are, in general correct, and well founded. “ As all buildings are composed of three princi- pal parts, viz. strength, use, and beauty, therefore carpentry naturally comes in among the essential heads of architecture. It is an art that has been taken notice of, by all the most famous architects: therefore these and the like circumstances, prompt- ed me to compile the most approved methods of connecting timber together, for most of the various uses in buildings, with the rules necessary to be observed therein; but when 1 considered such a treatise might not give a sufficient variety, therefore it appeared necessary to add several other things appertaining to the art, in order to make the whole particularly useful. “ I have used my utmost endeavours to render this treatise not only intelligible to carpenters, but a t the same time to be of use to the ingenious theo- rist in building; and have digested it in such a man- ner as to need little or no explanation, otherways than carefully inspecting the Plates. “ Nevertheless it may not be improper, in this place, to mention some general observations. There is a moisture in all timber; therefore all bearing- timber ought to have a moderate camber, or round- ness, for till that moisture is in some sort dryed out, the said timber will sag with its own weight ; and that chiefly is the reason girders are trussed and used, as in its place will be shewn. But here ob- i serve that girders are best trussed when they are first sawn out, for by their drying and shrinking, it tightens the trusses in them yet more. “ Observe also, that all beams, or ties, be cut, or forced in framing, to a camber, or roundness, such as an inch in the length of eighteen feet ; and that principal rafters be also cut, or forced up to a cam- ber, or roundness, as before. The reason of this is, all trusses, though eve so well framed, by the shrinking of the timber, and weight of the covering, will sag, and sometimes so much as to offend the eye of the beholder; so that by (his preparation, your truss will ever appear well. |j c ‘ Also observe, that all case-bays, either in floors u or roofs, do not exceed twelve feet it possible ; that is, do not let your joists in floors, your purlins in ! roofs, & c . exceed twelve feet in their if gth or bear- jing; but rather let the bearing be eight, nine, or ten feet ; which should be observed in forming a plan. “ Also in bridging floor, do not place your bind- ing, or strong joists above three, four, or five feet apart; and that your bridgings, or common joists, I are not above ten or twelve inches apart, that is, between one joist and the other. “ Here also observe, never to make double te- nants or tenons, for bearing uses, such as binding joists, CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 155' foists, common-joists, or purlins ; for, in the first place, it weakens very much whatever you frame it into ; and, in the second place, it is a rarity to have a draught in both tenons, that is, to draw your joint elose by the pin : for the said pin, by passing through both tenons, (if there is a draught to each,) must bend so much, that without the pin be as tough as wire, it must needs break in driving, and conse- quently do more hurt than, good.” lie then proceeds to notice the scarfing of beams, the method of trussing girders, arid the modes of connecting the various joints of roofing. He next describes bridging floors, and the plan of laying down the sides of roofs in piano, in adverting to which, he shews the backings of the hips, according to Pope’s principle, and how the side joint of a pur- lin may be found, so as to cut it by a templet, sup- posing there be no room, or occasion to frame it into the hip. Mr. Price’s rules for finding the pitch of the raf- ters for different coverings, deserve attention. “ Take any width, to be covered with lead; divide the width, first into two parts ; and one of them, again into four, as 1, 2, 3, 4 ; at 2, and with two of these parts, describe the quarter circle, which gives a proper pitch, or slope to be covered with lead, and is called a pediment pitch. “ Again, take any width, and to be covered with pantiles ; divide it, as before, into two parts, and again one of them into four, as 1, 2, 3, 4; with three parts, as at 3, describe the quarter circle, which gives a proper pitch for the use.” “Also take any width, arid to be covered with plain tiles, divide it into two parts, with one make a quarter-circle, as the pricked line shews ; which gives a pitch, or slope, proper for use, Mr. Price next presents his readers with some de- signs for the fronts of buildings, required to have the ground story open, and to lie supported with story osts ; his observations next apply to woo len ridges, and he gives the following rules for the construction of one “ I have inserted a bridge that may be more ac- ceptable than the foregoing ones, because it is adapted to public and private uses, by being so formed of small parts, that it may be carried to any assigned place, and there put together at a short notice. “ This bridge H, Figure 2, Plate 9, I suppose to consist of two principal l ibs, as i, k, made thus, the width of the place is spanned at once by an arch ri- sing one sixth part of its extent; its curve is divided into five parts, which I propose to be of good sea- soned English oak plank, of three inches thick, and twelve broad, their joint or meeting tends to the centre of the arch ; within this rib is another, cut out of plank as before, of three inches thick, and nine broad ; in such sort as to break the joints of the other. In each of these nbs, are made four mortises, of four inches broad, and three high, and in the middle of the said nine inch plank, (these mor- tises are best set out with a templet, on which the said mortises have been truly divided and adjusted;) lastly, put each principal rib up in its place, driving loose keys m!o some of the mortises, to hold the said two thicknesses together: while other help is ready to drive in the joists, which have a shoulder inward, and a mortise in them outw ard ; through which, keys being drove, keeps the whole together; on these joists, lay your planks, gravel; &c.' so is your bridge compleat, and suitable to a river, &c. of thirty-six feet w ide. “ In case the river, &c. be forty or fifty feet w ide, the stuff should be larger, and more particularly framed ; as is shew n in part of the plan enlarged, as I : these planks ought to be four inches thick, and sixteen wide; and the inner ones that break the joints, four inches thick, and twelve broad ; in each of these are six montises, four of which are four inches wide, and two high ; through these are drove keys, w hich keep the ribs the better together ; the other two mortises are six inches wide, and four high; into these are framed the joists, of six inches, by twelve ; the tenons of these joists are mortised to receive the posts, which serve as keys; as is shewn in the section K, and the small keys are shewn as in L ; all which inspection will explain. That of M, is a method whereby to make a good hut- ment in case the ground be not solid ; and is by driving two piles perpendicularly, and two sloping; the Ireads of both being cut off so as to be embraced by the cill, or resting-plate ; which will appear by the pricked lines draw n from the plan I, and the let- ters ot reference. “ All that I conceive necessary to be said farther, is, that the whole being performed without iron, it is therefore capable ofbeing painted on every part, by which means the timber may be preserved ; for though in some respects iron is indispensably ne- cessary, yet, if in such cases w here things are, or may be often moved, the iron will rust and scale," so as that the parts will become loose in process of time ; which, as I said before, if made of sound tim- ber will always keep tight and firm together. It may not be amiss to observe, that whereas some may imagine this arch of timber is liable to give way, w hen a weight conies on any particular part, and rise w here there is no weight, such objectors may be satisfied that no part can yield, or give way, till the said six keys are broke short off at once, which no weight can possibly do. Mr. Price, speaking of the circular domes, ob- serves, that “ of what lias been hitherto described, nothing appears so beautiful when done, as domes, or circular roofs ; and as far as I can perceive, no- thing has appeared so difficult in doi t g, therefore it will be proper to speak something of them.” Figure 3, Plate 9. — ■“ Let B represent a plan, ip which • 56 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. which let by b , b, be the plate on the supposed wall ; and letc, c, c, be the kirb on which stands a lantern, or cupola ; also let a, a, a , represent the principal ribs. “ From the plan B, make the section A ; in which the kirb, or plate b should be in two thick- nesses ; as also that of c, by which it is made strong- er ; and indeed the principal ribs would lie much better to be in two thicknesses. The best timber for this use is English oak ; because abundance of that naturally grows crooked. As to the curve or sweep of this dome A, it is a semicircle; although in that point, every one may use his pleasure ; and in it are described the purlins rf, e , from which per- pendiculars are dropped to the plan B ; so that f is the mould the lower purlins are to be cut out by, before they are shaped or squared for use ; and that of g, is the mould for the upper purlins. I rather shew it with purlins, because under this head, may be shewn the manner of framing circular roofs in form of a cone. “ To shape these purlins, observe, in A, as at d and e, the are so squared, that the joints of the sup- posed small ribs are equal. Observe, as at c, tiie corners of the purlin, from which the perpendiculars are let fall to the plan B. So that your purlin being first cutout to the thickness required, as appears in e, and also to the sweep f ; so that k is the mould for the bottom, and l the mould for the top ; by w'hich, and the lines for the cornets of the said pur- lin e, the same may be truly shaped and squared. “ IV. B. This particular ought to be well di- gested, it being a principal observation in a circular roof. “ And from the purlin d , in the section A, per- pendiculars are dropped to the plan B : and in which it appears that h is the mould for the top, and i the mould for the bottom ; so may this be squared, which compleats the performance. As to other particulars, due inspection will explain them. If any should say, a dome cannot be done so safe without a cavity as usual, let them view St. Ste- phen’s, Walbrook, Stock’s-market, built by that great architect, Sir Christopher Wren.” “ On perusing the foregoing dome, which has no vacancy, and that of St. Paul’s dome, that has so great a one, 1 thought necessary to represent one at a medium, and which seems very concisely adapted to a temple, of eighty feet diameter in the clear: the walls I have represented one eighth part of the opening. — Figure 4. “ I suppose this a temple standing clear from other buildings, so that one may have a beautiful view of it ; as to its performance, it is sufficiently explained in the foregoing plate; the vacancy gives a great strength to it, and renders it more capable of bearing the cupola: for, by framing that part of the section C, as at a, a, in the manner represented in D, it not only gives an opening for the lig .t to illuminate the inside, but gives a great strength t# the whole. “ N. B. In all roofs of a great extent, the wind is to be prepared against, as strictly as the weight of the materials which cover it, because it has so great a force in storms of wind, and rain : that is, it acts with more violence than the materials do, they being, (what we may call) a steady pressure. “ The plan D, may be observed to consist of two square frames of timber, crossing each other, and halved together, the corners of which, and the inter* sections prove a very good tie, and at the same time is of a resisting nature ; so that it becomes the chief connection in the dome. “ I suppose this dome to consist of sixteen prin- cipal ribs; which is a mean betwixt the foregoiug one, which has but eight, and that of St. Paul’s, that has thirty-two ; this also may be framed with pur- lins, or may have ribs let into these principal onesy horizontally ; so that the boards that cover it, may stand upright as it were; although I don’t think that a material point. If the plan were to be pre- pared for twelve principal ribs, then two equilateral triangles, crossing each other, might better suit than to half two squares together.” He next shews the method of covering polygonal buildings. 1 n Figure 5, “ let A be the plan, the upper part of which is half an octagon. It is observable, that a circular roof, as B, should extend no farther than the upright of its support, and there made so as to carry oft’ the water ; whereas an ogee roof, as C, may extend to the extremity of the comice, without injury to its strength, or offence to the eye of the most curious ; also, a hollow roof, as D, may extend to the extremity of the cornice. “ It appears to me, that many angles of a cupola give it beauty ; therefore the sweep E, is a regular curve, the base line l k, being taken from the angle of the octagon in the plan A, as at l k. This curve E, is divided into a number of equal parts, in order to trace the common rib, F, from the said angular rib E; observe, in A; the base of the common rib, f 1, w hich is placed in F, as from l to f ; continue the perpendicular, l, at pleasure ; take the base l k, in E, on which are the perpendiculars dropped from the curve, and observe to place that distance, lc l, in E, from f, in F, to any part where it cuts the per- pendicular l in F, as at m ; from these divisions raise perpendiculars, so by continuing the base lines from the divisions in E, to these perpendiculars in F, their intersection, or meeting, is a curve or sweep exactly agreeable, and which, indeed, may serve as a standard rule to trace any moulding whatever. “ To back the said angle-bracket, D, observe to describe the thickness of it on your plan, as in A, at ky which shews how much your mould must be shifted, as may appear in D. This also may be CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 157 be observed to be a general rule for the backing of anj bracket.”" “ In G, is the angular bracket of an O G roof, taken from the plan A : as at 1, c, and H, is the common rib, or bracket /,/, traced from G, as above is shewn. As also the manner of backing the hip G, which must of course appear by inspection. Figure 1 Plate 10, Let A be the plan of a vault to be centered for groins. At a, ft, c, d, are piers, generally prepared in with the foundation, which bear the weight of the brickwork. First, resolve on the curve you would have, as de e, being a semi- circle, which is shewn by the section B. Begin in A at dec ; center through, as it were a common vault, and board it; which being done, to make your groin set centers, as from a to c, and from b to d, divide the curve dec into four equal parts, as at g and f ; so are g, e,f, small centers, you will want to nail on the centers first boarded, whose place, or plan is at k; these small centers may be put in at pleasure, according to the bearing of your boards, that is, as to the distance between each center. To make your groin straight on its base, at some little height over the centers, strain a line from b to c, or from d to o, from which drop perpendiculars on your boarding, first fixed at as many places as you please: there drive in nails, and bend a straight rod till it I touch them all ; and then, with a pencil or chalk, describe the curve so formed, to which bring the boards to be nailed on these little centers, and their joints will form a straight groin.” Figure 2. “ Let C be a plan of greater extent, and which suppose to be supported by two piers, as/,/. The section D is composed of entire semi- circles, th.en, consequently, your curves in the section E will be elliptical, as />,«, d, and may be described with a trammel. What was said in A explains this at one view. “ If these pillars should be in the way, view the plan and sections again : first, form the principal curve, as D at a ghb , being an ellipsis, so that the centers will be a Gothic sweep against the windows, as e g a: trace the curve d h b in E, agreeable to e g a, in D, with which center it, as shewn in A’, and make good your groins to the sides : lastly, make a flat center, as at g h i h, which flatness is shewn in either of the profiles or sections D and E, and fix it on your centers before compleated, which, doubtless, due inspection will make plain, and hereby you avoid the pillars, which are equally firm. “ N. B. The cause of these centers against the windows being a Gotnic arch, proceeds from their making part of the whole sweep or arch, which though it does not add to its beauty, it does to its strength in a particular manner. “ He next say?, regarding variety, I have given here another method for vaults, and which, indeed, may give more pleasure to the reader, as being a curiosity never before published* and may appear more intelligible than that in the foregoing.” FigureS— “ View the plan G and its section If, which is composed of entire semicircles, as bfe : see also tiie section I, which is an ellipsis traced- from bf e in FI ; but for use, nothing is more true than the trammel. “ See this plan again, and also its section I, from which is described the curvilinear face K, and - also the face of the semicircular arches, as L, all being | alike. And this is what I call a more accurate me- ! thod for finding the groin, so as to be straight over } its base, and at the same time gives a standard: j rule whereby to account for any curvey or face of j a ceiling whatever. The- curve in- 1 is divided i regularly, though seemingly into unequal parts, j which being drawn to the groin in the plan G, as I appears by the figures F, 2* 3, 4, 5, 6* 7, 8, 9, and | which are transferred into L at 1, 2, 3, &c. Also the circle bfe in is divided into eiglvteen equal parts ; the half- consequently into nine, which appears from b to e in L. This method doubtless will be plain,; and therefore needs no farther explana- ! tion. | “ That of K belongs to the section I, extended-? as it were, and that of L belongs to one of the small arches of H, also stretched out, they being alk alike.” “N. B. To find the groin by a more common- method, do thus; erect a straight piece of a board, or the like, on the corner of the pier the groin springs from, and drive in a nail at the point of the groin’s meeting, on which fasten one end of a chalked line, straining it tight, slide it down the side of the said straight, piece, and it will form the groin so as to stand perpendicularly over its base.” Mr. Price then shews the nature of oblique or rampant arches, with the manner oi tracing the base or seat of the angle ribs of an annular groin, his table for the scantlings of timber, with accompany^ ing rerourks are too valuable to be emoted. A TABLE f Fur the Table see the- following Page J CARPENTRY AND JOINERY, a TABLE FOR THE SCANTLINGS OF TIMBER. A Proportion for Timbers for smalt Buildings. J Proportion for Timbers for large Bttfl dings. \ Bearing Pb Height if 8 feet 10 12 sts of Fir Scantling 4 inch. square 5 6 Bearing Posts of Oak Height i Scantling if 10 feet 6 inch sq 12 8 14 1 10 Bearing P< Height if 8 feet 12 16 ists of Fir Scantling 5 inch sq. 8 i 10 Bearing Po Height if 8 feet 12 16 ists of Oak Scantling 8 inch sq. 12 16 Girders of Fir Bearing 1 Scantling if 16 feet S ins. by 11 20 10 12J 24 | 12 14 Girders of Oak Bearing i Scantling if 16 feet 10 ins. by 15 20 12 14 24 1 14 15 Girders Bearing if 16 feet 20 24 of Fir Scantling 94 ins. by 13 12 14 134 15 Girders of Oak Bearing r Settling if 16 feet 1 12 ins. by 14 20 15 15 24 1 18 16 Joists < Bearing if 6 feet 9 12 5f Fir Scantling 5 ins. by 24 6j n 8 2i Joists of Oak Bearing | Scantling if 6 feet 5 ins. by 3 9 74 3 12 l 10 3 Joists Bearing if 6 feet 9 12 of Fir Scantling 5 ins. by 3 74 ' 3 10 3 Joists , Bearing if 6 feet 9 12 jf Oak Scantling 6 ins. by 3 9 3 12 3 Bridging Bearing if 6 feet 8 10 rs of Fir -Scantling 4 ins. by 2£ 5 n 6 3 Bridging Bearing if 6 feet 8 10 s of Oak Scantling 4 inch by 3 54 3 7 3 Bridging Bearing if 6 feet 8 10 ;s of Fir Scantling 4 inch by 3 54 3 7 3 Bridgings of Oak Bearing j Scantling if 6 feet 1 5 ins. by 34 8 64 34 10 1 8 34 Small Raf Bearing if 8 feet 10 12 Hers of Fir Scantling , 34 ins. by 24 44 2 54 24 Small Rafters of Oak Bearing 1 Scantling if 8 feet 1 44 ins. by 3 10 54 3 12 1 64 3 Small Rafters of Fir Bearing 1 Scantling if 8 feet ] 44 ins. by S 10 I 54 3 12 1 64 3 Small Rafters of Oak Bearing 1 Scantling if 8 feet 1 54 ins. by 3 10 7 3 12 j 9 3 Beams of Fir, or ties Length i Scantling j if 30 feet 1 6 ins. by 7 45 9 8j -60 1 12 11 Beams of 0 Length if 30 feet 45 60 'ak, or Ties Scantling 7 ins. by 8 10 114 13 15 Beams of Fir. or Ties Length > Scantling if SO feet 7 ins. bv 8 45 10 114 60 1 13 15 Beams of O Length if 30 feet 45 60 ak, or Ties Scantling 8 ins. by 9 11 124 14 16 Principal Rafters of Fir Scantling Length 1 Top 1 Bottom ■ if 24 ft. )5 in. & 6 6 in. & 1 36 6J 68 1C 48 18 10ll0 Vi Principal Rafters of Oak Scantling Length 1 Top | Bottom if 24 ft.l? in. &8 8 in. & 9 36 j8 9 9 104 48 (9 10|l0 12 Principal Rafters of Fir Scantling Length i Top Bottom if 24 ft. 7 in. & fi 8 in. & 9 36 8 9 9 104 48 >9 10 10 12 Principal Rafters of Oak Scantling Length Top | Bottom if 21 ft. 8 in & 9 9 in. & 10 36 9 10 10 12 48 10 12(12 H CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 159 u Although this table seems so plain as to need no explanation, it may not be amiss to observe some particulars, such as that all binding or strong joists, ought to be half as thick again as common joists; that is, if a common joist be given three inches thick, a binding-joist should be four inches and a half thick, although the same depth. “ Observe also, that ifconveniency do notallow of posts in partitions being square, in such cases mul- tiply the square of the side of the posts, as here given, by itself: for instance, if it be six inches square, then as six times six is thirty-6ix, conse- uently to keep this post nearly to the same strength, nd some number that shall agree thereto; as sup- pose the partition to be four inches thick, then let your post be nine inches the other way, so that nine times four is thirty-six, being the same as six times six; so that the strength is nearly the same, although being equal in its squares is best for the strength. “ Posts that go the height of two or three stories, need not hold this proportion, because at every floor it will meet with a tie; admit a post was required of thirty feet high, and in this height there were three stories ; two of ten feet, and one of eight. Look for posts of fir of ten feet high, their scantling is five inches square, i. e. twenty- five square inches; which double for the two stories. “ And take also that of eight feet high, being four inches square, i. e. sixteen square inches, all which being added together, make sixty-four square inches; so that such a post would be eight inches square. Gn occasion it may be lessened in each story as it rises. “ I do not insist that the scantlings of timber ought to be exactly as by this table is expressed, but may be varied in some respects, as the workmen shall see fit ; the reason of its being inserted is in consideration of the scantlings of timber, as formally settled by Act of Parliament, and which, if compar- ed, will prove the necessity and use of this table. “ As to plates on walls, or bressummers to sup- port walls, 1 do not find they can come into any regular proportion, as the rest do, therefore must be lett to discretion.” In Mr. Langley’s publications, many interesting particulars are to be found relating to carpentry. Concerning partitions, he offers the following re- marks in his Builder's Complete Assistant . “ When partitions have solid bearings through- out their whole extent, they have no need to be trussed ; but when they can be supported but in some particular places, then they require to be trussed in such a manner, that the whole weight shall rest perpendicularly upon the places appoint- ed for their support, and no where else. Partitions are made of different heights to carry one, two, or more floors, as the kinds of buddings require. “ The first things to be considered in works of this kind, are, the weight that is to be supported ; the goodness and kind of timber that is to be em- ployed; and proper scantlings necessary for that purpose. “ The strength of timber in general is always in proportion to the quantity of solid matter it con- tains. The quantity of solid matter in timber is always more or less, as the timber is more or less heavy ; hence it is, that all heavy woods, as oak, box, mahogany, lignum-vita', &c. are stronger than elder, deal, sycamore, See. which are lighter or (rather) less heavy ; and, indeed, for the same rea- son, iron is not so strong as steel ; which is heavier than iron ; and steel is not so strong as brass or cop- per, which are both heavier than steel. To prove this, make two equal cubes of any two kinds of timb- er, suppose the one of fir, the other of oak ; weigh them singly, and note their respective weights; this done, prepare two pieces of the same timbers, of equal lengths, suppose each five feet in length, -and let each be tried up as nearly square as can be, but to stTch scantlings, that the weight of a piece of oak may be to the weight of a piece of fir, as the cube of oak, is to the cube of fir ; then those two pieces being laid horizontally hollow, with equal bear- ings, and being loaded in their middles with in- creased equal weights, it will be seen that they will bend or sag equally ; which is a demonstration that their strengths are* to each other as the quantity of solid matter contained in them.” (Mr. Langley is here evidently wrong, for the relation between weight and strength is not general. In some cases the very reverse takes place to what he asserts.) “ As the whole weight on partitions is supported by the principal post, their scantlings must be first considered, and which should Le done in two diff- erent manners, viz. first, when the quarters, com- monly called studs, are to be filled with brick-work, and rendered thereon ; and, lastly, when to be lath- ed and plastered on both sides. “ When the quarters are to be filled between with brickwork, the thickness of the principal posts should be as much less than the breadth of a brick, as twice the thickness of a lath; so that when these posts are lathed to hold on the rendering, the laths on both sides may be flush with the surfaces of the brickwork. And to give these posts a sufficient strength, their breadth must be increased at discre- tion ; but when the quarters are to be lathed on both sides, or when wainscottingis to be placed against the partitioning, then the thickness of the posts may- be made greater at pleasure. The usual scantlings for the principal posts of fir, of 8 feet in height, is 4 or 5 inches square : of 10 feet in height, 5 or 6 inches square; of 12 feet in height, 6 or 7 inches sqnare; of 14 feet in height, 7 or 8 inches square ; of 16 feet in height, from 9 to 10 inches square. But these last, m CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. last, in my opinion, are full large, where no very great weight is to be supported. As oak is nracn stronger than fir, the scantling of oak posts need not be so large as those of fir ; and therefore the scant- lings assigned by Mr. Price, in his Treatise of Car- pentry , are absurd, as being much larger than those he has assigned for fir roofs. To find the just scant- ling of oaken posts, that shall have the same strength of any given fir posts, this is the rule : u As the weight of a cube of fir is to the weight of a cube of oak, of the same magnitude, so is the area of the square end of any fir post to the area of the end of an oaken post, and whose square root is equal to the side of the oaken post required.” (This assertion is obviously incorrect, and al- most refutes itself.) « The distances of principal posts are generally about tea feet, and of the quarters about fourteen inches ; but when they are to be lathed on both sides, the distances of the quarters should be such as will be agreeable to the lengths of the laths, other- wise there will be a great waste in the laths. The thicknesses of ground-plates and risings, are gener- ally from two inches and a half to four inches, and are scarfed together. « Forthe better disposing of the weight imposed on girders, lintels should always be firmly bedded on a sufficient number of short pieces of oak, laid across the walls, vulgarly called templets , which are of ex- cellent use. “ Let girders be laid in piers, or in lintels over windows; it will in both these cases be commenda- ble to turn small arches over their ends, that in case their ends are first decayed, they may be renewed at pleasure, without disturbing any part of the brick-work; and for their preservation, anoint their ends with melted pitch and grease, viz. of pitch four of grease one ; and, indeed, were lintels to be covered with pitch and grease also, it would con- tribute very greatly to their duration. “ In the carrying up the several walls of build- ings, it should be carefully observed, to lay m bond- timbers on templets, as aforesaid, at every six or seven feet in height, cogged down, and braced to- gether with diagonal pieces at every angle, which will bind the whole together in the most substan- tial manner, and prevent fractures by unequal set- tlement. “ The distances of girders should never exceed twelve feet, and their scantlings must be proportion- ed according to their lengths ; as by experience it is "known that a scantling of 1 1 inches by 8 inches, is sufficient for a fir girder of 10 feet in length, the area of whose end is 88 inches, it is very easy to find the proper scantling for a girder of any greater length, suppose 20 feet, by this rule ; as 10 feet, the length of the first girder, is to 88 feet, the area of its endLj so is 20 feet, the length of the second gir- der, to 176, the area of its end. “ Now to find its scantling, that, being multiplied into each other, shall produce 176 inches, the area found, one of them must be given, viz. either (he depth or thickness. In this example, the given depth shall be 12 inches, therefore divide 176 by 12, and the quotient is 14 inches and two-thirds, which is the other scantling, or breadth required.” “ To prevent the sagging of short girders, it is usual to cut them camber : that is, to cut them, with an angle in the midst of their lengths, so that their middles shall rise above the level of their ends, as many half inches as the girder contains times ten feet. And, indeed, girders of the greatest length, although trussed, should be cut camber in the same manner.” It may be proper here to notice, that the camber- ing of girders does not prevent them from sagging, though perhaps it may obviate their becoming con- cave on the upper side. With regard to trussing girders, the flitches should not be cut to a camber, but brought into this state in the act of trussing. u The next order is joists, of which there are five kinds, viz. common-joists, binding-joists, trimming- joists, bridging-joists, and ceiling-joists. First,, common-joists are used in ordinary buildings, whose scantlings in fir are generally made as follows, viz. — Common joists, ns used in! small buildings. Length Scantling in in feet inches 6 6£ X 21 9 6{ X 21 12 8 X" 21 (In looking at the table, it will naturally be asked why should the scantling of the joist 9 feet in length, be no more than of 6 feet ? This must be a mis- take.) “ But in large buildings, the scantlings are much larger, where it is common to make joi»t6 of the following dimensions : — Common joists, as employed in large buildings Length Scantling in in feet inches 6 5 X 3 9 71 X 3 12 10 X 3 £l As oak is ranch heavier than fir, it is customary to make the scantlings of oak joists larger than those of fir ; but 1 believe it to be entirely wrong, for CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 161 for the reason before given, relating to the strength of timber. “ Secondly, binding-joists are generally made half as thick again, as common joists of the same lengths;” and “are framed flush with the under surface of the girders, to receive the ceiling joists, and about 3 or 4 inches below their upper surfaces, to receive the bridging joists ; so that the upper surfaces of the bridging-joists may be exactly flush, ©r level, with the girder, to receive the boarding. “ The distances that binding-joists should be laid at, should not exceed 6 feet, though some lay them at greater distances, which is not so well, because the bridging, and ceiling-joists, must be made of larger scantlings, to carry the weight of the ceiling and boarding, and consequently a greater quantity of timber must be employed. But, however, as thi9 particular is at the will of the carpenter, I shall only add that the scantlings for bridgings of fir,” to their several lengths, are as follow : — Bridgings of Fir. iit ar mg. Scantling. feel inches by incho 6 4X3 8 5X3 10 7X3 “ Their distances from each other, about 12 or 14 inches.” He then goes to the subject of roofs. “ As the common method of framing the trusses of principal rafters of large roofs, is to lay the whole weight of the beam and covering upon the feet, they therefore should be secured at the beam with iron straps, to prevent their flying out, in case that the tenons should fail ; but as I apprehend this method was capable of improvement, I therefore considered that if under the lower parts of principal rafters, there be discharging struts framed into the beams and pricked posts, thev will discharge the principal rafters from the greatest part of the whole weight.” “This is an improvement, but the idea seems to have originated with Price and is to be found among his designs of roots. It certainly gives an additional security to the principal rafters, so that if the outer abutment should fail, the roof will still be supported by the inner one. His scantlings of ftr timbers for roofs are as fol- lows. Beams Lengt h Scantling feet inches by inches 30 6 X 7 45 & X 7 60 10 X 8| 75 KH X 10 90 12 x 104 Principal Rafters Length Scanning at top Scant ting at Botm. feet incites by inches. inches by inches 24 5 X 6 7 X 6 36 7 X 6 ' 9 X 7 41 9 X 7 , 10 X 74 60 10 X 74 1 10 X 9 72 10 X 9 11 X 94 Small Rafters Length Scantling feet inrhrs by inches 8 4 4X3 10 5X3 12 6X3 Mr. Langley in the same work gives examples of floors, made of short lengths, for the diversion of the curious; plans of various scarfings, and laying out J of roofs in ledgement ; with methods of tracing angle | brackets, and covering niches or domes. He speaks j also, of straight, circular, and elliptical arches in circular walls. The Builder's and Workman's Treasury of De- signs, by the same author, contains an appendix and fourteen plates, illustrative of carpentry. In The L ondon Art of Building, written by Sal- mon, t ere is nothing original. His principals of roofing are similar to those of Godfrey Richards, Independently of these he gives only a few designs of roofs. In The British Architect, the production of Mr. , Abraham Swan, there is nothing eitia r very original and his constructions of carpentry are but scanty, j From the designs in Carpentry given by Mf. I T t IsagiC 162 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. Isaac Ware in his Complete Body of Architecture , and accompanying observations, we shall select a few, for the information of our readers. “ Figures 1 and 2, Plate 13. — Siiews how plates laid on walls are joined together. “ Figure 3, The manner of putting beams to- gether of three pieces, where extraordinary lengths are required. These will be equally strong as if they were of one piece of timber. A, shews the three pieces laid down and struck out ; the scarf or lap is supposed to be 10 feet, divided into 6 lengths of tables; the hatched ones are sunk an inch or more, and when turned up, one will fit into the other with great exactness, which must be bolted to- gether as in letter B.” “ Figure 4, Is the upper face of a truss beam, where C, D, is 1-third of its length ; it is mortised at D, four inches down; and as deep as C, as the templet on which it lies ; this must be headed with a right butment, that is, square with the top or bot- tom of the braces. It is supposed to span 40 feet. “ E, upright of the said beam, with the disposition of its braces. “ Figure 5, Another kind of truss of the same length, 40 feet between wall .and wall. “ F, Is a short beam 13 feet 4 inches, and placed on the back of the long beam G. The side braces will be about 13 feet 4 indies long, 6 inches by 4 inches square, with iron straps to clasp them and the upper beam, which is to be bolted to the lower beam G. The upper beam F, will be 12 inches by 10 inches square, which receive the ends of the bind- ing joists in the middle ; and those on each side, ' will lie upon the under beam G. 12 inches, by 12 inches square, the upper binding joists to be 4 inches by 7 inches, the under ones 6 inches by 4 inches square, the ceiling joists 3 inches by 2 inches. C{ Note, the iron straps must be so ordered that they come not foul with the binding joists.” “ Figure 6, exhibits a large truss roof which spans 60 feet between wall and wall, the principles of it are taken from a bridge in Palladio’s 3rd, book of architecture, chap. 7. The beam H, 65 feet long, may be made of 3 lengths of timber put together, as before decri bed, and the following scantlings will be sufficient, viz. In In II. Beam 12 by 8 square. 1. I. Principal rafters . .10 8 K. Middle kingpost 10 8 L. L. Side king post.- 10 8 M. M. The under rafters to the > „ „ principles. ^ 8 8 N. N. Braces... 8 8 O. O. Level rafters on whic: 4 boarding is nailed to receive > 6 3f slating \ 4i This roof is framed in an uncommon way, the tenons being made in the head of the kingpost, and the mortises in the head of the principal rafters, as is shewn more at large in Figure 14. The tenons may be about an inch thick, made in the middle, which will admit of strong butment cheeks on each side. “ Figure 7, is framed after the common manner, except the crown piece.” “ Figure 8, shews a truss which spans 44 feet, and whose perpendicular length is equal to £ part of the beam. In In A. the beam . .10 by 8 square. B. Kingpost 10 8 G. Principal rafters 10 8 D. Braces 8 6 Small rafters 5 3f u Figure 9, is a truss whose perpendicular height is equal to half the length of the beam, 22 feet, and which is framed with purlins for the small rafters to go downward, in order to receive laths for laying tiles on. In. In. The Beam E, 44, feet long, is ... .10 by 8 F and G principal rafters and king > 8 post $ II. H. H. II. The purlins 8 6 “ The lower purlins must be framed in flush with the upper side of the principal rafter, and the upper one framed 3 inches below, for the upper small rafters to lie upon it, which small rafters are 4 inches bv 3 inches square, and the under one 5 inches by 3 inches; and this is called the common pitch of roofs. “ Figure 10, is a truss of 54 feet span, whose sides or principal rafters are made to the common pitch ; and for the conveniency of gaining room in the garrets, it is finished with three small roofs.” “ Figure 11, is the same kind of truss, leaving out the three small roofs, and making the top a flat on which a ballustrade may be placed, or a breast- work raised as in the figure.” He next shews a kind of trusses peculiarly adapt- ed for the roofs of churches. “ Figure 12, is the most uncommon and best; this is framed in the manner described at large, in the third figure underneath it. The scantlings sufficient for this truss are : — In. In. A. The upper beam 12 by 8 square. B. B. Principal rafters 10 G. C. Lower beams 10 D. D. Truss braces from theiower ) jq beam to the upper beam. . . $ E. King post 10 F. Braces to the king post 8 G. Middle rib for the compass > g ceiling, to be in four parts . $ II. H. The side ribs, ditto 8 I. I. Puncheons on the top of the > columns . . S 10 K, K, CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 163 In. In. K K. Truss braces to the mid- ) r r die rib ... S L. L. Braces to the side ribs .... 6 6 SCANTLINGS TO THE 13th, FIGURE. A. The beam .... 12 by 9 square. B. B. Puncheons on the top of> ^ the columns $ C. C. Principal rafters 12 9 D. Kingpost 12 9 E. E. Braces 6 6 F. F. Under short beam. 12 9 G. G. Braces to it 8 8 “ Figure 14, explains the manner of framing 1 truss roofs two different ways ; one side shews the king post A, whose scantlings are 10 inches by 8 inches square ; this has a 4 inch mortise at B, which, receives the 4 inch tenon , letter C, the head of the principal rafter, D, the beam has a like mortise at E, which receives the tenon F, which is the foot of the principal rafter G. The other side of the king post A, has an inch and quarter tenon in the middle ofits thickness, as at If, made fit to receive the mortise I, in the head of the principal rafter. The like tenon is made at the other end of the beam D, as at K, and there is a mortise in the foot of the raft- er L, to clasp the same.” “ In this method of framing, which is quite un- common, care must be taken that it be done with great exactness, that the butments may be good.” “ As there are various proportions for the pitch of roofs, we have here inserted the several degrees that are most useful, from the pediment pitch to that of the equilateral triangle, called the pinnacle and des- cribed by Figure 15, (in which,) A. is the pediment pitch. B. rises \ the length ofits base line. C. rises equal to one half. D. is the medium between that and the pediment. E. is its height given by the length of the rafter, equal to £ of its base line. F. the equilateral triangle. “ There is no article in the whole compass of the architect’s employment, that is more important, or more worthy of a distinct consideration, than the roof ; and there is this satisfaction for the mind of the man of genius in that profession, that there is no part in which is greater room for improvement.” “ In order to understand, rightly, in what manner to undertake such improvement, he must first com- prehend perfectly the idea and intent of this part of a building, and what is generally known concerning its structure.” “ The great caution is, that the roof be neither too massy nor too slight : in the one case, ii will be too heavy, and in the other to light for the house. Both extremes are to be avoided, for in architecture every extreme is to be shunned ; but of the two, the over weight of roof is more to be regarded than too much slightness. This part is in'tended not only to cover the building, but to press upon the walls, and by that bearing, to unite and hold all together. This, it w»ll not be massy enough to perform, if too little timber be employed, so that extreme is to be shunned; but, in practice, -the great and common error is on the other side ; and he will do the most acceptable service to his profession, who shall shew how to retrench, and execute the same roof, with a. smaller quantity of timber; he will by this, take off an unnecessary load from the walls, and a large and useless expence to the owner.” “ The roof of a house properly expresses the frame of wood-work which is raised upon the walls, and the covering of slate, tile, or lead, which is laid over it ; and thus, the architect is to understand it, for he is to compute its weight entire, when he con- siders the proportion of its pressure, to the supports ; but, in the common manner of speaking, only the carpentry or timber work is understood, under this term.” “ The forms of a roof may be various. The three principal kinds are, the flat, the square, and the pointed ; to these we are to add the pinnacle roof, the double ridged, and the mutilated root. This last is very beautiful, and is called the man- sard roof, after the name of a French architect, its inventor. Lastly, we are to name the platform, and truncated roofs, and adding to all these, the dome, we shall have the list of the principal kinds. We might add, the ogee roof, which is a piece of French architecture, neither commodious, nor grace- ful ; and some others, which fancy often prefers to better kinds, but of these we shall treat more large- ly hereafter, the intent in this place being to give a general idea of the roof, its nature, proper weight* and proportion.” “ When the roof is pointed, its best proportion is to have the profile an equilateral triangle. In the square roof, the angle of the ridge is a right angle ; this, therefore, is a middle proportion, between the pointed, and the flat roof, which is in the same pro- portion as a triangular pediment, The pinnacle roof has its name from its form, being carried up in resemblance of a pinnacle. The mansard consists of a true and a false one ; the false roof lying over the true. The platform roof, is common in the East, and the truncated kind approaches to the nature of it. This is cut of!' at a certain height, ’instead of rising to a ridge, and this part is covered sometimes with a terrace, and encompassed with a balustrade. Of the dome we shall speak in its place, and of the other species of roofs. This ac- count is sufficient for the general idea of the nature, and form, of this part of an edifice.” u Whatever be the form of the roof, the architect must take care in the construction to preserve its weight equally on the separate parts, that it may not bear more upon one side of the building than another 101 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. another, and in the construction of the whole edi- fice, he will do well to contrive, that the inner walls bear their share of the load, that more than is needful be not laid upon the outer ones.” The roof surrounding every part of the build- ing, and pressing equally upon every part, becomes what it was intended, a band of union and firmness, as well as a covering to the whole. It preserves the walls also, by throwing the rain off from them. Tae making the middle or inside walls assist in supporting the roof, is best done by making them support the girders, and this has many ways an ex- eel lent effect : for a roof in this case, is not in dan- ger of falling from the rotting of the end of a girder, which is otherwise very often, either entirely de- structive to this part, or at least an inconvenience j very difficult to be supplied.” Concerning floors lie says : u We have reserved the mentioning of floors, till we had considered the walls and the roof of the edifice, because they are introduced in this order in the building of a house; the practice being not to lay them till the house is enclosed and covered in, because otherwise they would be injured by the weather. We are to ad- vise the young architect to get the boards ready long before, because although they are not to be used for a considerable time, it will be of great advantage to let them -stand To .season. As soon, therefore, as the plan of the building is laid, and the dimensions of the several rooms allotted, let the boards for the floor be cut and rough-planed; then being carefully put by, in a dry airy place, they will be in a good measure seasoned by the time they are put to use.” u The floors of all the rooms upon the same story, and of all the passages between them, should be per- fectly even : not so much as a threshold should be suffered to rise above the level of the rest ; and if in any part there be a room or closet whose floor is lower than the general surface, it should not be left so, but raised to the level of the rest, what is want- ing being supplied by a false one.” “ We have hitherto spoke of timber floors, by ( which name is properly expressed nothing more than the covering of boards on which we tread; but in the usual acceptation it stands for the whole body I of the work in this part : comprehending the framed ! work of timber which supports the boards, as well as the covering itself which is fixed upon it. But be- side these, which are the most general, and as it ware universal floors of common houses about Lon- dmi, there are several other kinds used in country! buildings, and by some in the most elegant and highly finished.” The next author is Mr. William Pain ; but his works having been already enumerated, we shall p iss on to the “ The Carpenter's New Guide , by Mr. P 'ter Nicholson, the last edition of which was print- ed in lbOik Mr. Nicholson in his preface, observes ' Strain, may be defined as the force ex- erted upon a body in order to break it. Thus, every part of a piiiar is equally strained by the load which it sustains ; and it is evident that no structure can be considered fit for its purpose, unless the strength prevailing in all its parts, be at least equal to the stress laid on, or the strain excited in those parts ; from hence may be perceived the necessity of becoming acquainted with . the nature of the resistance made by various bodies, since it will teach us to proportion the materials in a ma- chine or structure of any kind, so as that there shall be neither a surplus nor a deficiency. It has been justly observed by an excellent writer, that in a nation so eminent as this for invention and ingenuity in all species of manufactures, and in particular, so distinguished for its improvements in machinery of every kind, it is somewhat singular that no writer has treated it in the detail, which its importance and difficulty demands. The man of science who visits our great manufactories, is delight- U u ed CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 16 ff ed with the ingenuity which he observes in every pavt, the innumerable inventions which come from individual artisans, and the determined purpose of improvement and refinement which he sees in every workshop. Every cotton mill appears an ccademy of mechanical science; and mechanical invention is spreading from these fountains over the whole kingdom. But the philosopher is mortified to see this ardent spirit so cramped by ignorance of prin- ciple; and many of these original and brilliant thoughts, obscured and clogged with needless and even hurtful additions, and a complication of machi- nery which cSiecks improvement by its appearance of ingenuity. There is nothing in which this wart of scientific education, this ignorance of principle, is so frequently observed, as in the injudicious proportion of the parts of machines and other mechanical struc- tures; proportions and forms of parts in which the strength of position are 'r.owise regulated by the strains to which they are exposed, and where repeat- ed failures have been the only lessons.” ,4, It cannot be otherwise ’ the same author con- tinues “ We have no means of instruction, except two very short and abstracted treatises of the late Mr. Emerson, on the strength of materials. We do not recollect a performance in our language from which ourarti-ts can get information. Treatises written expressly on different branches of mcclmnical arts, are totally silent on this which, is the basis and only principle of their performances. Who would imagine that Price's British Carpenter , the work of the first reputation in this country, and of which the sole aim is to teach the carpenter to erect solid and durable structures ; does not contain one proposition, or one reason, by which one form of a thing can be shewn to be stronger or weaker than another ? We doubt very much if one carpenter in a hundred can give a reason to convince his own mind, (hat a joist is stronger when laid on its edge, than when laid on its broad side. We speak in this strong manner, in hopes of exciting some man of science to publish a system of instruction on this subject.” The strength of materials arises immediately, or ultimately, from the attraction of cohesion which is observable in almost every natural object, and is, in reality, that which holds their component parts to- gether. Now as cohesion admits of various modifications in its different appearances of perfect softness, elasticity, hardness See. and has a great influence on the strength of bodies, it will bv no means ad- mit of the application of mathematical calculations, with that precision and certain success, which are desirable in a point of so much importance. The texture of materials is a subject of no less importance, and experiments in this respect, have been made by Couplet, De la Hire, Pitot, and Du Hamel: but the same remark is applicable to them, as to the experiments on the cohesion of bodies^ and, consequently being so limited, that infor- mation is not to be obtained from them which we could wish. Buffon, however, carried on some ex- periments on a more extensive and proportionately useful scale, and from him only are to be obtain- ed those measures, which may be relied on with safety and success. Our countrymen Emerson, and Banks, have it is true, made several experiments on the strength of bodies, but their researches too have been so limit- ed and imperfect, as to preclude the student from placing any particular confidence in their results. It may not be irrelevant to observe here, that ex- periments may be considered as nothing less than a- narration of certain detached facts, if some general principles are not established, by which we can gen- eralise their results. Some idea, for instance, may be entertained of that medium or cause, by the intervention of which, an external force applied to one part of a lever, joist, or pillar, occasions a strain on a distant part. This can be nothing more or less than the cohesion existing between the parts which are brought into action, or as we more shortly express it, excited. In order properly to comprehend the nature of cohe- sion, it will be necessary to take a view of its laws, or rather of those general facts which are observable in its operations. In doing this, however, it will be sufficient to notice such general laws only, as seem to present the most immediate information of the circumstances required to be attended to by me- chanics in general, if they would wish to unite strength with simplicity and economy, in their several constructions. 1st. We have presumptive evidence to prove, that all bodies are elastic in a certain degree, that is when their form or bulk is changed by certain moderate compressions, it requires the continuance of the force producing the change, in order to con- tinue the body in its altered state, and when the compressing force is removed, the body recovers its original form and tension. 2d. That whatever may be the situation of the particles composing a body, with respect to each other when in a state of quiescence, they are kept i.i their respective places, by the balance of oppos- ing forces. 3d. It is an established matter of fact, that every- body has some degree of compressibility, as well as of dilatability ; and when the changes produced in its dimensions are so moderate, that the body com- pleatly recovers its original- form on the cessation of the changing force, the extensions or compressions, bear a sensible proportion to the extending, or com- pressing forces ; and, therefore, the connecting forces are proportioned to the distance, at which the particles are diverted, or separated, from their usual state of quiescence.. CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 16? 4th. It is universally observable, that when the dilatations have proceeded to a certain length, a less addition of force is afterwards sufficient to in- 'crease the dilatation in the same degree. For in- stance, when a pillar of wood is overloaded, it swells out, and small crevices appear in the direc- tion of the fibres. After this, it will not bear half of the previous load. 5th, That the forces connecting the particles com- posing tangible or solid bodies, are altered by a variation of distance, not only in degree, but also in kind. Having now enumerated the principal modes, in which cohesion confers strength on solid bodies, we proceed to consider the strains to which this strength may be opposed. These strains are four in number, viz. — 1st. A piece of matter may be torn asunder, as is the case with ropes, king posts, tie beams, stretchers, &c. &c. 2d. It may be crushed, as is the case with pillars, truss beams, &c. &c. 3d. It may be broken across, as happens to a joist or lever of any kind, or 4th. It may be wrenched or twisted, as is the case with the axle of a wheel, the nail of a press, &e. &c. , With respect to the first strain, it may be observ- ed, that it is the simplest of all strains, and that the others are but modifications of it ; it being directly opposed to the force of cohesion, without much being influenced, except in a slight degree in its action, by any particular circumstances. When a prismatic, or cylindrical body ofconsiderable length, such as a rope, or a rod of wood, or metal, has any force exerted on one of its ends, it will naturally be resisted by the other, from the effect or operation of cohesion. When this body is fastened at one end, we may -conceive all its parts to be in a similar state of tension, since all experiments on natural bodies concur to prove, that the forces which connect their particles, in any way whatever, are equal and oppo- site. Since all parts are thus equally stretched, it fol- lows, that the strain in any transverse section, as well as in every point of that section is the same. It then, the body be of any homogeneous texture, the cohesion of the parts is equable, and from every part being equally stretched, the particles are di- verted or separated from their usual state of qui- escence, to equal distances ; of course the connecting powers of cohesion thus excited, and now exerted i: opposition to the straining force, are also equal. 1 i is evident, therefore, that this external force mat i be increased by degrees, so as gradually to separate the parts composing the body, more and more from each other, and that the connecting forces of cohe- sion, will bear a relative proportion to the increase of distance, til! finally some particles weaken : then the rest are overcome by the pressure or tension, when a fracture ensues, and the body itself is soon crushed, or broken in all its parts. If the external force be insufficient to produce any permanent change on the body, and that body recovers its form- er dimensions, when the operating force is with- drawn, it is clear that this strain may be repeated, whenever desired, and that the body which has withstood it once, will always be equal to the task of withstanding it. This circumstance should not only be attended to in constructions of every kind, but kept constantly in view in every investigation of the subject. Bodies of a fibrous texture, exhibit very great va- rieties in their modes of cohesion. In some, the fibres have no lateral connecting force, as in the case of a rope. The only way in w hich all the fibres compo- sing a piece of matter can be made to unite their strength, is by twisting them together, which has the effect of bending each to each, so fast, that any one of them will rather break than be separated in a per- fect state from the remainder. In timber, the fibres are held together by some glutinous cement, which is seldom however, as strong as the fibre, and tor this reason timber is much easier pulled asunder when operated on in a direction transverse to the fibres; but, nevertheless, there is every possible variety in this particular. In stretching and breaking fibrous bodies, though the visible extension is frequently very considerable, it does not solely arise from the increasing the dis- tance of the particles composing the cohering fibre, but is chiefly occasioned by drawing the crooked fibre straight. In this respect a great diversity pre- vails, as well as in the powers required to withstand a strain. In some woods, such as fir, the fibres on which the strength most depends, are very straight, and woods of this nature, it should be remarkeo, are generally very elastic, and break abruptly when overstrained; others, as oak, have their resisting fibres very crooked, and stretch very sensibly wh<'i& ~ subjected to a strain. These kinds of woods do i ot break so suddenly, but exhibit visible signs of a derangement of texture. Tiie absolute attraction of cohesion, or strength, is proportioned to the area of the section wilier* s'ands at right angles with the extending force. This will be readily admitted in the case of fibrous bodies, if ve suppose the fibres composing litem to he equally strong and dense, and to be disposed similarly t. r itj,a the whole section ; there is a necessity tor admittn g this, or else tiie diversity must be stated and the co=> | hesion must be measured accordingly. The following ooservation may be admitted as a gen al proposition in this respect; the absolute strength in any paat of a body, which enables* it to resist being pulled asunder , or the force which must be employed to tear it asunder in that pa-t,. bears a proportion to the area of the section which stands 168 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. stands at right angles with the extending forte. Hence, then, we may deduce that cylindrical and prismatic rods are equally strong in every part, and will break alike in any part, and that bodies formed into unequal sections, will always break in the most slender part. The length of the prism or cylinder produces no effect on the strength ; and the vulgar notion that a long rope may be broken more easily than a short one, is altogether absurd. — It may be further observed, that the absolute strengths of bo- dies whose sections are similar to each other, bear a relative proportion to the squares of their diameters, or homologous sides of the section. The weight of the body itself, may in some instan- ces, be employed to strain and to break it ; as is the case with a rope, which may be so long as to break by its own weight. — When the rope hangs in a per- pendicular direction, although its strength is equal in every part, the fracture will take place towards the upper end, since the strain on any part is equal to the weight of all below it, cr in other words, it- relative strength in any part, or power of w ithstand- ing the strain to which it is subjected, is inversely as the quantity below that part. When the rope is stretched horizontally, the strain arising from its weight, oftens bears a very sensible proportion to its whole strength. Let A E B, Figure I, represent any portion of such a rope, in which case, the curve A E B, will be the catenaria ; and if the tangents A C, B C, be drawn through the points of suspension, if the par- allelogram A B C D, be compleated, and if the diagonal also I) C, be drawn ; D C will be to A C, as the weight of the rope A E B, is to the strain exerted at A, and the strain exerted at B, will be found by a similar process. When a suspended body is required to be so strong throughout, as to carry its ow n weight in any part, the section in that part must be proportioned to the solid contents of all below it. If A a e, ( Fi- gure 2. ) be supposed to represent a section of a colloidal spindle, we must have A C 2 : a c 2 :: A E B sol : a E b sol. The curve A a e, is known among mathematicians, by the name of the logarithmic curve, of which C c, is the axis. These are the chief general rules, which can with safety be deduced from our clearest, though imper- fect conceptions of the nature of that cohesion, which connects bodies together, and in order to make a practical use of these, it is necessary that we should be acquainted with those modes of ascertaining the attraction of cohesion in solid bodies, which are most commonly employed by practical mechanics. As the cohesion of bodies of the same kind, are known to differ in innumerable circumstances, we will take for the measure of cohesion, the -weight of pounds avoirdupoise, which suflice to tear asunder a rod, or bundle, of one inch square. From this, it will be easy to compute the strength, correspond- ing to any other dimensions. With regard to the tenacity, or strength of w ood : 1st. The wood which surrounds immediately the pith, or heart of the tree, is supposed to be the weakest, and this weakness is greater, as the tree is older. We give this as the result of experiments made by Muschenbroek; but Buffon says, his ex- periments proved to him, that the heart of a sound tree is the strongest; for winch assertion, however, he assigns no authority. It is certain, from accurate observations which have been made on very large oaks and lirs, that the heart is much weaker than the exterior parts. 2d. The fibres next the bark, commonly called, the white or idea, are also weaker than the rest, and the w'ood gradually increases in strength, as it re- cedes from the centre to the blea. 3d. The wood is stronger in the middle of the trunk, than at the springing of the branches, or at the root ; and the wood forming a branch, is weaker than that of the trunk. 4th. The wood on the northern side of all trees which grow in Europe, is the weakest, while that oti the south-eastern side is the strongest, this differ- ence is most remarkable in hedge row trees, and such as grow singly. The heart of a tree never lies in its centre, but always towards its northern side, and the annual coats of wood are thinner on that side. — In conformity with this, it is a general opi- nion of carpenters that timber is stronger in propor- tion to the thickness of its annual plates. The trachea, or air vessels, being the same in diameter and number of rows, in trees of the same species, occasion the visible separation between the annual plates, for which reason when these are thicker, they contain a greater portion of the simple ligneous fibres. 3th. All woods are most tenacious while green • but after the trees are felled, that tenacity is consi- derably diminished by their drying. Muschenbroek is the only author who has given us an opportunity of judging minutely in this respect. The woods which he selected for experiment were all formed into slips, part of each of which was cut away to a parallelopiped, of 1-fifth of an inch square, and therefore 1-twenty-fifth of a square inch in sec- tion. The absolute strengths of a square inch, were as follows Pounds Locust tree .20100 Jnjeb ...18500 Beech and oak 17300 Orange 15300 Alder 13900 Elm 13200 Mulberry 12500 Willow ' 12500 Ash 12000 Plum CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. I6ST Pounds Plum J 1800 Elder 10000 Pomegranate 9750 Lemon 9250 Tamarind 8750 Fir 8330 Walnut 8130 Pitch pine 7050 Quince 6750 Cypress 6000 Poplar 5500 Cedar 4880 Muschenbroek, gives a very minute detail of his experiments on the ash and walnut, in which he states the weights required to tear asunder slips ta- ken from the four sides of. these, trees, and on each side, in a regular progression from the centre to the circumference^ The numbeis in the foregoing ta- ble corresponding with these two woods may be con- sidered, '-therefore, as the average of more than fifty trials of each. He- mentions also that all the other numbers were calculated with the same care. For these reasons some- confidence may be placed in the results; though they carry the degrees of tenacity considerably higher, than those enumerated by some other writers. Phot and Parent observe; that a weight of sixty pounds will just tear asunder a square line of saund. oak, but that it will bear fifty pounds with safety. This gives 8640 for the great- est strength of a square inch, which is much inferior to Muschenbroek’s calculation. To the foregoing table may be added : — Pounds Ivory 16270, Bone 5250 Horn . * . . . 8750 Whalebone 7500 Tooth of sea calf 4075 These numbers express something more - than the utmost attraction of cohesion, the weights are such as will very quickly, (that is in a minute or two,) tear the rods asunder. In general it may be; observed, that two-thirds of these weights will greatly impair] the strength after a considerable time, and that one | half is the utmost that can remain suspended at them,] without incurring the risk of their demolition . and j on this calculation of One half of the nominal weight, the engineer should reckon in all his constructions ; though, even in this respect, there are great shades of difference Woods of a very straight fibre, such] as fir, .will suffer less injury from- a load which is] not sufficient to break'them, immediately. Mr. Emerson mentions the following as the j weights, or loads, which maybe safelysuspenued to ; an inch square, of the several bodies herealter enu-j S8.erut.ed, Pounds Iron 76400 Brass .35600 Hempen Rope 19600 Ivory 15700 Oak Box; Yew and > ^ rlum tree. ^ Elm-, Ash, and Beech. . . . 6070 Walnut, and Plum 5360 Red fir, Holly, Elder, > 5m Plane, and Crab. . . . > Cherry, and Hazel 4760 Alder, Asp, Birch, and ^ 4390 Willow Lead 430 Freestone 914 This ingenious gentleman has laid down as a practical rule, that a cylinder whose diameter is d' inches, will carry, when loaded to one fourth of its' absolute strength, as follows.- — Iron . Good Oak . Fir. . rope , 135 \ »r"' It is necessary to remark that the ranks which the different woods hold in Mr. Emerson’s list, in point oftenacity, differs materially from those- assigned to- some of them by Muschenbroek. Secondly we observe that bodies may be crushed. — It is an object of the first importance to ascertain the weight, pressure, or strain, which may belaid on* solid -bodies without the danger of crushing them. Posts and pillars of - all kinds are exposed to this strain in its most simple form, and there are some ‘cases where the strain is enormous, as, for instance, where it arises from the oblique position of the parts, which is the case with “trots, brace?, and trusses, and frequently occurs in our great works. Some general knowledge of the principle which - determines the strength of bodies in opposition to this strain, must be allowed to be desirable. Un- fortunately we are much more at a loss in this res-< pect, than in the proceeding. It is the opinion of some eminent men, that the re- sistance which bodies are capable of making to air attempt to crush them, bears a proportion to the ex- ternal force ; for as each particle composing the bo- dy is similarly and equally acted upon, the aggre- gate resistance of that body, must correspond with- the extent of the- section. This principle, however, is considered as ill- founded, by others no less eminent for their scientific and experimental knowledge. But as it must be acknowledged, that the relation existing between the dimensions and the strength of a pillar has notbeea established on solid mechanical principle ■£. •170 carpentry and joinery. principles, an^ • y contradicts the!! prevalent '■ r^igth as proportional to the aid appear that the re- i ([”• . ; <: fi the internal structure oi - • nn J experiment seems to be the only ! u ,c< rtai ing the general lav/s of cohe- 1 sion, . be of a fibrous texture, with its fibres situtu- ■ i the direction of the pressure, and slightly ( imected with each other by some kind of cement, sue:. a body will fail only when the cement cc; n ecling them gives way, and they are detached from each other. Something like this may be observed in wooden pillars, in which it would appear, that the resi stance must be as the number of equally re- sisting fibres, and as their mutual support jointly, or as some function of the area of the section. Pre- cisely the same thing will happen., if the fibres are naturally crooked, provided some similarity in their form be supposed. We must imagine always that some similarity of kind exists, or otherwise it will be absurd to aim at any general inferences. In all cases, therefore, we can hardly hesitate to admit, that the strength exerted in opposition to compression, bears-a relative proportion to a certain function of the area of the section. It does not appear that the strength of a pillar is at all affected by its length, as the whole length of a cylinder or prism is equally pressed. If, indeed, these bodies may be supposed to bend under the pressure, the case is materially altered, because, then, they are subject to the influence of a trans- verse strain, which, it is well known, increases with the length of the pillar. This, however, will l>e considered under the next class of strains. Parent has shown that the force required to crush a body, is nearly equal to that .which will tear it asunder. He observes, also, that it requires some- thing more than sixty pounds on every square line, to crush a piece of sound oak ; but this rule is by no means general. Glass, for instance, will carry a hundred times more on it than oak in this way, but will not bear suspended above four or five times as much. 'Oak will suspend a great deal more than fir, but fir will carry twice as much as a pillar, j Woods of a soft texture, although they may he com- posed of very tenacious fibres, are move easily crush- ed by the load upon them. This softness of texture is chiefly owing to the crooked nature of their fibres, and to the existance of considerable vacuities be- tween each fibre, so that they are more easily bent in a lateral direction and crushed. When a post is overstrained by its load, it is observed to swell sen- sibly in diameter. in all cases where the fibres lye oblique to the strain, the strength is considerably diminished, which may be ascribed to the circumstance, that the partsin such case, slide on each other, and the con- necting force of the cementing matter, is for that rea- son easier overcome. Mr. Gauthey in the fourth volume of RozieFs Journal de Physique s p «:h !• ished hcre eltot some experiments wh 7. had made on email rectangu- lar paralieiopir , cut horn n great variety of stones. The following ;d:le exhibits the medium results of several trials, on two very similar sorts of free- stone, one of which, was among the hardest, and the other among the softest kinds used in building, The first column expresses the lengt A B, of the section, in French lines, or 12ths of an inch; the second points out the breadth II C; the third shews the area of the section, in square lines ; the fourth exhibits the number of ounces required to crush the piece ; the fifth represents the weight then borne by each square line, or twelfth of an inch of the section : and the sixth displays the round numbers, to which Mr. Gauthey imagines that those in the fifth co- lumn approximate. 1 HARD STONE. frji l AB BC ABXBC 1 Weight Force 1 1 8 1 8 1 64 1 736 J 15 12 2 12 96 I 2625 273 24 r ' « 1 16 1 128 I 4496 35 1 36 SOFT STONE. 4 9 16 144 560 39 4 1 5 9 18 162 848 5-3 45 6 18 18 024 2928 9 9 1 7 18 24 432 5296 12 2 12 It maybe proper to observe, that the first and third columns, compared with the fifth and sixth, ought to furnish similar results, because the first and fifth respectively form half of the third and sixth, but the third, it will be remarked, is three times stronger than the first, while the sixth is only twice as strong as the fifth. It is-evident, however, that the strength increases in a much greater ratio than the area of the section, and that a square twelfth part of an inch, can carry more and more weight, in proportion to the increased dimensions of the section, of which it forms a part. In the series of experiments on the soft stone, the individual strength of a square line, seems to increase nearly in the proportion of the section of which it is a part. Mr. Gauthey, deduces from the whole of his numer- ous experiments, that a pillar, formed of hard stone from Givry, whose section is a square foot, will hear w ith perfect safety 604000 pounds, that its ex- treme strength is 871000, and that the most inferior instance of strength is 400000. The soft bed of Givry stone, bad for its smallest strength, 187000, for its greatest 311000, and for its safe load 249000. Tins gentleman’s measure of the suspending strength of stone, is very small in proportion to its power of supporting a load laid above it. He found that a prism, of the hard bed of Givry stone, the section of which was one foot, was liable 171 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. to be torn asunder, when subjected to a weight of 4600 pound, and when firmly fixed horizontally in a wall, that it was broken by a weight of 56000 pounds, suspended a foot from the wall. If the prism rests on two props, separated a foot from each other, it will be broken by 206000 lbs. when that weight operates, or is laid on its middle. These experiments differ so very widely from each other, in their several results, that they cannot be deemed of much advantage to us. A judicious series of .experiments on this most interesting subject, would be exceedingly valuable, and its uselulness cannot be too highly estimated. In the construction of wooden bridges, centers, &c. this species of strain, is very frequently found, and, therefore it is particularly entitled to the attention of the engineer. But how few engineers can find sufficient leisure in the hurried operations of their business, for prosecutingexperiments with that cool- ness and patient investigation, which the subject demands? It is singular, that in an empire like this, and in a matter of such unquestionable impor- tance, that some person of sufficient judgement and abilities, has not been appointed to institute the necessary enquiries, on an extensive and liberal scale, into the various strains to which materials in general are subject. V The only way in which we can effect any good, during the absence of tliese essential experiments, is by paying a careful attention to the manner in which fractures are produced. By attending to this, there maybe some prospect of introducing a degree of accuracy, bv mathematical measurement, which is an object “ devoutly to be wished for,” in matters of this kind. BODIES .WAV BE BROKEX ACROSS. The strain which most commonly acts on mate- rials of any nature, is (hat which tends to break them in a transverse direction. This species of strain, however, is but seldom effected, or rather tried in that simple manner which the subject ap- parently admits of; for when a beam projects ho- rizontally from a wall, and a weight is suspended from its extremity, the beam is most commonly broken near the wall, in which case the intermedi- ate part has performed the operation of a lever. It sometimes, though rarely happens, that the pin in the joint of a pair of pincers or scissars, is cut through by the strain ; and this is almost the only instance of a simple transverse fracture. In conse- quence of its being so rare, we shall content our- selves with remarking, that in this case, the strength of the piece bears a proportion to the area of the section. Experiments have been made in the fol- lowing manner, for discovering the resistances made by bodies to tins species of strain. Two ir n bars vveye disposed horizontally, at the distance of an inch from each other; a third bar was then hung perpendicularly between them, being supported by a pin made of the substance intended to be exa- mined. This pin was made in the shape off a prism, so as to acommodate itself to the holes in the three bars, which were made very exact, and ofsijnikir -izeaud shape. A scale was next suspended at the lower end of the perpendicular bar, end loaded till it tore out that part of the pin which occupied the middle hole, which load was, evidently, the measure of the lateral cohesions of two sections. The side bars were made so as to grasp the middle bar pretty strongly between them, and thai no distance might intervene between the conflicting pressures. This would have combined the energy of a lever, with the purely transverse pressure; for which reason it was necess- ary that the internal parts of the holes should not be smaller than the edges. Great irregularities occurred in the first experiments, in consequence ot the pins being somewhat tighter within, than at the edges ; but when this had been corrected, the trials became extremely regular. Three sets of holes were employed on this occasion ; viz. a circle, a square, and an equilateral triangle, though the square was occasionally converted into a rectangle, the length of which was equal to twice its breadth. | hi all the experiments the strength was found to bear an exact proportion to the area of the section, to act perfectly independent of its figure or position, and to rise considerably abov e the direct cohesion ; that is, it required the operation of considerably more than twice the force to tear out this middle piece, than to rend the pin asunder by a direct pull A piece of fine free stone required 205 pounds to rend it directly asunder, while 575 were required to break it in this way. The difference was very con- stant in any one substance, but it varied from four thirds to six-thirds in todies of different kinds, and was smallest in those of a fibrous texture. But the more common case, where the energy of a lever intervenes, demands a strict consideration. Let ABCD, Fig. 3, be supposed to represent tl>e vertical section of a prismatic solid, projecting ho- rizontally from a wall in which it is firmly fixed; and let a weight P, be hung on it at B, or let any power P, act at B, in a direction perpendicular to A B. — Let this body also be considered to possess insuperable strength in every part, except in the vertical section 1) A, perpendicular to its length, in which section only it must break. — Let the cohesion be uniform throughout the whole of this section ; that is, let each of the adjoining particles of the two I parts cohere with an equal force f. There I are two ways in which it may then break. The part A B C l), may simply slide down along the surface of the fracture, provided the power acting at B, be equal to the accumulated force which is ex- erted by every particle, composing the section, in the direction A D. But let this'be supposed as effect- ually prevented by something supporting the point 173 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. A. The action at P, tends to make the body turn round .A for round a horizontal line passing through A at right angles with A B) in the same manner as round a joint. This, it cannot do without separa- ting at the line D A, in which case the adjoining particles at D, orat E, will be separated horizontally. But freir attraction of cohesion resists this separa- tion. In order, therefore, that the fracture may happen at the place iptended, the energy of the power P, acting by means of the lever A B, must be superior to the accumulated energies of the compo- nent particles. The energy of each depends not only on its cohesive, or connecting force, hut also on its peculiar situation ; for the supposed insuperable firmness of -the rest of the body, renders it a lever turning round the fulcrum A, and the individual! cohesive power of each particle, such as D or E, ! acts by means of the arm, DA or E A. The precise j energy of each particle will consequently be ascor each fibre being = 1, the cohesion of the whole tine’ is f X d or f d. The accumulated energy, therefore, of the cohe- sion in the instant of fracture, is f d X{d. Now- this must be equal, or just inferior to the energy of ; the power employed to break it. Let the length A B, be called 1; then P x l, is. the corresponding energy ot the power. This gives us f d X y ri- ll 1, for. the equation of the equilibrium correspond- ing to the vertical section A B C D. Let us suppose, however, that the fracture is not permitted at D A, but at another section m n, more- remote from B. From the body being prismatic, all the vertical sections are equal; and, . therefore, f d f d. is the same as before : but the energy of the- power is nevertheless increased, it being in this in- stance, =P X B n, instead of P X B A. Hence, we may see, that when the prismatic body is not insuperably strong in all its parts, but only moderate- tained by multiplying the force individually exerted jl lv, though equally strong throughout, it mud break by it at the moment of fracture, by the arm of the ! j close at the wall, where the strain or energy of the lever which enables it to act. * j; power exerts itself with the greatest effect. We may- Let us then suppose, that at the moment of frac- 1 see likewise, that a power which is just able to break tury, every individual particle- exerts an equal force j st at the wall, is unable to break it any where f. The energy of D, will be DA x f, that of EJ; will be E A- X f, and that of the whole will be the sum of all these products. Let the depth D A, of Let the depth D A d part of it, as A E, be called x, then the space oe cupied by any particle will be x. The cohesion of i else ; and- that the absolute cohesion f d, which ; withstands the power p in., the section D A, will not- withstand it in the section m n, though it resists. the section,' be called d, and let any undetermined ■ j >»ore in the section op. . .n. " • .. .. ji This example affords a criterion for distinguish- jling between absolute and relative strength. The. relative strength of a section has a reference to the strain actually exerted on that section; and this re- this space may be represented by f x, and that of the whole by f d. The energy by which each ele- ment x, of the line D A, or d, resists the fracture, will be f x x, and the whole accumulated energies will be f x xx. Tliis is well known to be f X t d 2 , or fd x | d. It is the same thing, there- fore, as it the cohesion fd, of the whole section, had] been concentred together at the point G, which is] in the middle of DA. A similar conclusion may be! deduced from other principles. Suppose the beam, ] instead of projecting horizontally from a wall, to be] suspended from a ceiling, in which it is firmly fixed.! lative strength is properly measured, by the power, which is just able to balance, or overcome it, when applied at its proper place. Now since we hack fd \ d = pi, we deduce p = f°r the measure .of the strength of the section D A, as it relates to the*, power applied at B. If the solid be a rectangular beam, whose broadth is b, it is evident that all its vertical sections will be equal, and that AG or |ri, is precisely the same in all. Therefore the equation- expressing the equilibrium existing between the mo- mentum of the external force, and the accumulated- momenta of cohesion, will be p l=fdbx id., j The product d b, evidently expresses the area of tiie ! section of fracture, which we may call s ; the equi- thus : pl=fs i d, and pvmueu iru m a cemng, m wmcn n is nrmiy liet us next consider what effect the equal or accu-*! librium may be expressed in ulated cohesion of -every part, has in preventingthe 2l:d:-:fs:p. lower part from separating from the upper, by open- V; Now fs, properly expresses the absolute cohe- rour.d-the joint A. The equal cohesion operates ■ sion of the section of- fracture, and p, is n proper* ty would do , \\ measure of its strength, as it relates just in the same maimer as equal gravity but in a direction diametrically opposite. AYA know ] ] applied at I>. to a power? AVe • may, therefore, say, that twice- that the effect of this will be the same as if the whole ! the length of a rectangular beam , is to the depth as lh in the middle of D A. Now the number of fibres j that of equal gravity, it- follows, that whatever may as bke length d of the line, and the cohesion of be the figure of the section,, the relative strength ii 173 Carpentry and joinery. will be the sAme, as if the absolute cohesion of all ] the fibres, were exerted at the centre of gravity of 1 the section. Let g represent the distance between tlie centre of gravity of the section and the axis of fracture, we shall have p 1 = f g s and therefore 1: g::fs:p. This analogy m words is not unworthy of the readers recollection, and may be thus stated. The length of a prismatic beam of any shape is to the height of the centre of gravity above the lower side , what the absolute cohesion is, to the strength that bears relation to this length .” Since the relative strength of a rectangular beam b d2 f, 21 it follows, that the relative strengths of different beams, not only bear a proportion to the absolute cohesion ofthe particles, and to the breadth, but t© the square ofthe depth directly, and to the length inversely ; in prisms also whose sections are similar, the strengths are as the cubes of the diame- ters. This investigation has been conducted on the hypothesis of equal cohesion, a law not exactly con- formable to the operations of nature. We know, for instance, when a force is applied transversely at B, that the beam bending downwards, becomes con- vex on the upper side; and that that side is, con- sequently, on the stretch. The particles at D are further removed from each other, than those at E, for which reason they exert greater cohesive forces. It is impossible to ascertain with certainty in what proportion each fibre is extended : but we will sup- pose for example, that their remoteness from each other is proportioned to the distance from A, a sup- position which is by no means improbable. Now recollecting the general law, that the attractive for- ces exerted by dilated particles, are proportioned to the extent of their being dilated ; let us suppose the beam to be so much bent, that the particles at D are compelled to exert their utmost energy, and that this fibre is just ready to break, or even actually breaks ; it is plain in this instance, that an absolute fracture must ensue, since the force originally su- perior to the full cohesion of the particle at D, and a certain portion of the cohesion of all the rest, w ill become more than superior to the full cohesion ofthe particle next within D, and a smaller portion of the cohesiotf" ofthe remainder. Let F, represent as before, the full force of the exterior fibre D, exerted by it in the moment of breaking, when the force exerted at the same instant by the fibre E, will be shewn by this analogy, viz d : x :: f : and the force really exerted by the fibre E, is The force exerted by a fibre whose thickness is x. f x x is therefore — but this foree resists the strain d through its being enabled to act by means of the • fx ^ x lever E A, or x, its momentum therefore, is -1— and the aggregate momentum of all the fibres in the line A E, will be f /*!?• This, when x, is taken J d equal to d, will express the momentum ofthe whole fibres in the line AD, which is f-^- or fd X now f d expresses the absolute cohesion of the whole line A D. The accumulated momentum, is conse- quently the same as if the absolute cohesion of the whole line were exerted at the distance of one Jhird of A D, from A. From the preceding, it follows, that the equatiou expressing the equilibrium of the strain and cohe- sion, is p l=f d '/(. % d, from whence the following analogy may be deduced, viz. “ As thrice the length is to the depth, so is the absolute cohesion to the relative strength." This equation and proportion apply equally to rectangular beams, whose breadth may be b; since we shall fhen have p 1 f b d X id. We see, also, that the relative strength is not only proportioned to the absolute cohesion of the par- ticles, and to the breadth, but to the square of the depth directly, and to the length inversely: forp is the measure of the force with which it is resisted, and p === ^ . In this respect, therefore, the hypothesis, coincides with that of Galileo, except, that it assigns to every beam a smaller proportion of the absolute cohesion in the section of fracture, in the proportion of three to two. Galileo supposes that this section has a mo- mentum equal to one half of its absolute strength, while in our hypothesis, it is only one third. In beams of a different form, the proportion may be different. The consideration of the intricate problem of the elastic curve, which was first investigat- ed by the celebrated James Bernouilli, is too deep and profound to be discussed in a publication like this, and we shall therefore briefly observe, in the first place, that the elastic curve cannot be a circle, but becomes gradually more incurvated, in propor- tion as it recedes from the point where the strain- ing forces are applied. At this point it has no cur- vature, and if the bar were extended even beyond this point, still there would be no curvature. Jn conformity with this principle, when a beam is sup- ported at the ends, and loaded in the middle, the curvature is greatest in the middle : but at the props, or beyond them, if the beam extend farther, there is no curvature. Therefore, when a beam Y y projecting 174 : CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. projecting 20 feet from a wall, is bent to a certain | curvature at the wall, by a weight suspended at the end, and a beam of the same size projecting 20 feet, is bent to the very same curvature at the wall, by a greater weight, at 10 feet distance, the figure and the mechanical state of the beam in the vicinity of the wall, is different in these two cases, though the cur- vature close to the wall is the same in both. In the former case every part of the beam is incurvated ; sn the latter, all beyond the 10 feet, is without cur- vature. In the former case the curvature at the distance of five feet from the wall, is three fourths of the curvature at the wall ; in the latter, the cur- vature at the same place, is only one half of that at the wall. This circumstance must tend to weaken the long beam, throughout the whole interval of five ft*ef, because the greater curvature resalts from the greater extension of the fibres. In the next place, we may remark, that a certain determinate curvature being suitable to every beam, it cannot be exceeded without breaking it ; since two adjoining particles are thereby separated, and an end is put to their cohesion. A fibre, can be ex- tended only to a certain degree of its length. The ultimate extension of the outer fibres, must bear a certain proportion to its length, and this proportion is similar in the point of depth, to the radius of ul- timate curvature, which is, therefore, determinate. Consequently, a beam of uniform breadth and depth, is most incurvated where the strain is greatest, and will necessarily break in the most incurvated part. But by changing its form, so as to render the strength of its different sections in the ratio of the strain, it is evident that the curvature will be the sqme throughout, or that it may be made to vary according to any law. Again, since the depth of the beam is thus pro- portioned to the radius of ultimate curvature, this curvature is inversely as the depth, and may be ex- pressed by - . d We may observe also, that when a weight is sus- pended on the end of a prismatic beam, tbe curva- ture bears a very near proportion to the weight, and the length directly, and to the breadth and the cube of the depth inversely; for the strength is known to be and let us suppose that this produces the ultimate curvature V, when, d if the b°am be loaded with a smaller weight w, and if the consequent curvature be represented by C, we shall have bd2f 3.1 ' W C : consequent- ly, by incorporating the extreme and mean terms, and reducing the resulting equation, we shall de- duce C This ma J be said also of a beam supported at its ends, and loaded between tbe props ; by the same method, the curvature may be deter- mined in its different parts, whether it arises from the load, from its weight, or from the united opera- tion of both. When a weight operates either at one end, or in the middle of a beam, the point where this weight is applied is necessarily bent down, and the distance- through wdiich it descends, has been termed the deflection ; this may be considered as tiie versed sine of the arch into which the beam is bent, by the operation of the weight, and, therefore, is as the curvature when the length of the arch is given, (ad- mitting the flexure to be moderate) or as the square of the length of the arch, when the curvature is given. The deflection consequently is as the curva- ture, and as the square of the length of the arch jointly; that, s, as 12 x-j-^or as The deflection from the original shape, is as the bending weight and the cube of the length directly, and as the breadth and the cube of the depth inversely. We may further observe, that in beams just rea- dy to break, the curvature is proportioned to the in- verse depth, and that the deflection bears a propor- tion to the square ofthe length divided by the depth ; for the ultimate curvature at the breaking part is constantly the same whatever may be the length ; and in this case the deflection is as the square ofthe length. From this subject may be deduced various theo- rems, which afford excellent methods of enquiry, into the laws of corpuscular action. James Ber- noulli, however, called this law, (which was origin- ally laid down by t!ie celebrated Dr. Hooke,) into question. Mariotte corrected it ; but yet it does not properly explain the mechanism of transverse strains, as has been fully proved by various experiments. Du Ilamel made assiduous researches into the- compressibility of bodies, which tended to confirm the observation of an eminent philosopher ; “ that the power of resisting a transverse strain is diminish, ed by compressibility, and so much the more di. . minished as the stuff is more compressible.” Du Hamel, took 16 bars of willow, 2 feet long, and \ an inch square, and after supporting them by props under the ends, he subjected them to the operation of weights suspended at the middle. Four of them were broken by weights of 40, 4 !, 47 and 52 pounds ; the mean of which is 45ibs. He then cut through one third of four of them, on the upper side, and filled up each cut, with a thin piece of harder w ood stuck in tolerably tight. These se- I veral CARPENTRY veral pieces were then broken by weights of 48, 54, 50 and 52 pounds ; the mean of which is 511bs. Four others were then cut through one half, and broken by 47, 49, 50 and561bs; the mean of which is 481bs. The other four were cut through two- thirds, and their mean strength was 42lbs. At another time Du Hamel took six battens of willow 36 inches long, and 1£ square; after suitable experiments, he found that they were broken by 525 pounds at a medium. Six bars were next cut through one-third, and each cut was filled with a wedge of hard wood stuck in with a little force, these were broken by 551 pounds on the average. Six other bars were broken by 542lbs on the me- dium, w hen cut half through, and the cuts were fill- ed up in a similar manner. Six other bars were cut three-fourths through, and broken by the pressure of 530 pounds on a medium. A batten was cut three-fourths through, and load- ed until nearly broken, it was then unloaded, and a thicker wedge was introduced tightly into the cut, so as to straighten the batten, by tilling up the space left by the compression of the wood, when the bat- ten was broken by 577 pounds. From these experiments we may, perceive that more than two-thirds of the thickness, we may, perhaps, with safety say nearly three-fourths con- tributed nothing to the strength. From hence, we see also, that the compressibility, of bodies has a very great influence on their power of w ithstand- ing a transverse strain. We may observe, likewise, that in this most favourable supposition of equal dilatations and compressions, the strength is reduc- ed to one half of the value of what it would have been, had the body been incompressible ; and, al- though this may not seem obvious, at first sight, yet it w ill, readily, appear when the case is considered. In the instant of fracture, a smaller portion of the section exerts its actual cohesive forces, while a part of it serves only as a fulcrum to the lever, by whose means the strain on the section is produced ; and we may further perceive, that this diminution of strength does not depend so much on the sensible compressibility, as on the proportion it bears to the power of being dilated by equal forces. The fore- going experiments on battens of willow, moreover shew, that its compressibility is very nearly equal to its dilatability. Experiment alone can render us efficient aid, in investigating the degree of proportion that exists between the compressibility, and dilatability of bo- dies ; and the nature of the strain we have just been considering, is peculiarly adapted to guide us jn. the research. Thus, if a piece of w ood, an inch square, requires 12000 pounds to tear it asunder by a direct pull, while 200 pounds will break it trans- versely, by acting JO inches from the centre of frac- AND JOINERY. 175 ture, we may conclude that the attractive and repul- sive forces are equal. Ry the ideas we entertain concerning the particular constitution of such fibrous bodies as timber, we are led to conceive that the sensible compression, which arises from the bending up of the compressed fibres, are much great- er than the real corpuscular extensions. Tins cir- cumstance, however, will be better comprehended, after we have considered what must happen during the fracture. An undulated fibre can be drawn straight only, when the corpuscular extension begins ; but it may be bent up by compression to any degree, the corpuscular compression, being but little affected all the time. This fact is of an im- portant nature. Though the forces of corpuscular repulsion, may be deemed almost insuperable by any compression we can employ, a sensible compression, nevertheless may be produced, by forces not enor- mous, but sufficient to cripple the beam. The proportional strengths of different pieces, fol- low the same ratio ; for, although the relative strength of a prismatic solid have been considered as extremely different in the foregoing hypotheses, yet the proportional strengths of different pieces fol- low the same ratio, that is, the direct ratio of the breadth, the direct ratio of the square of the depth, and the inverse ratio of the length. We derive, al- so, from this important tact, tiie useful information, that the strength of a piece depends most on those dimensions which lie in the direction of the strain ; or, to use other words, it depends more on its depth than on its thickness. The strength of a bar of timber, two inches in depth, and one in thickness^ is four times more than that of a bar of an inch square, while, at the same time, it is twice as strong as a bar two inches .broad, and an inch deep. The manner in which cohesion opposes itself to a strain, may be farther exhibited and applied, by supposing a triangular beam to be fixed firmly by one end in a wail, with its other end unsupported, and to be acted on by a certain weight ; in which position it will bear three times more weight, when one of its sides is uppermost, as it would if it w ere undermost. Thus, for example, the triangular beam, delineated at Figure 4, is tlnee times as strong, when the side A R is uppermost, and the edge D C is undermost, as it wouid have been, if the edge D C were upper- most, and the side A R undermost. Hence, also, we may find, that the strongest rect- angular beam, which can be cut out of a given cy- lindrical tree, is not that, which contains the great- est quantity of timber, but that the product of whose breadth, by the square of its depth, is a maximum, or the greatest possible. The following solution will shew', that the squares of the breadth and depth with the square of the diameter, are, respectively, as the numbers 1, 2 and 3. In Figure 5, let A R, the diameter of the cylin- drical tree, be designated by D } let the depth A C, •f 176 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. of the beam, be shewn by d, and the breadth B C j by x, then, when B C, is horizontal, the lateral | strength w ill be truly represented by d 2 x, which, jj agreeably to the conditions of the problem, must be a maximum ; but we know, from the nature of the figure, that A C 2 = A B 2 — B C 2 , or d 2 = D 2 — x 2 , hence, then (D 2 — x 2 ) x =D 2 x— x3 expresses the maximum : this put in fluxions, is D 2 x — 3 x 2 x =o, or D 2 x = 3 x 2 x, whence 3 x 2 == D 2 and therefore d 2 = D- — x 2 =3 x 2 — x 2 —2 x 2 , consequently x 2 : d 2 : D 2 :: I : 2 : 3 as before ob- served* From this solution, we deduce the following very easy mode of construction, which every practical carpenter may apply with the greatest facility. Divide the diameter A B, into three equal parts, at the points E F ; erect the perpendiculars E D, F C, and join the points C D, to the extremities of the diameter, when A B C D, will be a section of the rectangular beam required. For, in consequence of A E, A D, and A B, being in continued propor- tion, we have A E : AB :: A D 2 : A B 2 ; and simi- larly A F : A B :: A C 2 : A B 2 . Ifence, A E : A F : A B :: A D 2 : A C 2 : A B 2 :: 1 : 2 : 3. The ratio of x to d, is very nearly that of 3 to 7, or still more neariy, that of 12 to 17. The strength of A B C D, is to that of A a B b, as 10000 to 9186, and the weight and expence, are as 10000 to 10607 ; so that A B C D, is preferable to A a B b, in the proportion of 10607, to 9186, or nearly as 115 to 100. A square beam from the same cylinder, would have its side =Dy/| = f Dy'S. Its solidity would be to that of the strongest beam, as \ D 2 to 4 D 2 y/2, or as | to | ^/2, or as 5 to '4714; while its strength would be to that of the strongest beam as (D|/|) 3 to Dy/| y fD 2 , or as Iy/2 to %\Z3> or as 3560 to 3849. We may further remark, in conformity with the observation just now made, that either of these beams will be enabled to exert its greatest lateral strength, when the diagonal part of one of its ends is placed in a vertical position; since, from the area of the section being the same in both positions, the strength is known to vary in the same manner as the distance of the centre of gravity varies from the base of fracture ; but when one of the sides is verti- cal as in Figure 6, the distance of the centre of gra- vity of the end will be A I or I D, that is, equal to half the side ; whereas in the case where the di- agonal is vertical, as in Figure 7, that distance will be C £ or E I), that is, half the diagonal. By the application of the same principle, we may discover, that a hollow tube is stronger than a solid rod containing the same quantity of matter. Let the diagram, delineateid~at Figure 10, repre- sent the section of a cylindrical tube, of which A F and B E are the exterior and interior diameters, and C the centre ; draw B D perpendicular to B C, and join D C ; then because B D 2 = C D 2 — C B 2 , B D is the measure of the radius of a circle, which 1 contains the same quantity of matter as the ring. If | the strength be estimated by the first hypothesis, the ; strength of the tube will be to that of the solid cy- linder, whose radius is B D, as A C y B D 2 to B D X B D 2 , or as A C to B D by division of ratio. Otherwise, let A B E, H I K, as in Figures 9 and 10, represent the ends of two cylinders of equal length, and containing equal quantities of matter, the former of which, however, is supposed to form the section ofa tube, composed of cylinders with a common axis. We know that the lateral strengths are conjointly, as the areas and the distances of the centres of gravity of the sections, from A or from B, accordingly as the fractures may terminate at the one or the other point ; but the areas of the annulus, in Figure 9, and of the circle in Fig. 10, are equal, and the centres of gravity of both are at their centres of magnitude, for which reason, since the radii vary in the same manner as the diameters, the strengths, in this case, also vary in a similar ratio. When the area of a circular section is given, its diameter is greater if the section form an annulus, than when it is a circle without any cavity ; and since the power, with which the parts of the cylinder resist the operation of extraneous force, is greater in the same proportion, it follows, according to the theory thus stated, that the strength may be increas- ed, indefinitely, without increasing the quantity of matter. The absurdity of this conclusion becomes mani- fest, when we enquire, will not the tube be render- ed flaccid after the diameter exceeds a certain limit, and therefore bend under the smallest additional weight ? The fact is simply this, the foregoing theory is founded on the supposition, that the figure of the section will constantly remain circular; but this supposition does not apply, except under those cir- cumstances, where the pressure or stroke upon the tube, will not cause its section to degenerate from its circular shape to an elliptical, or any other figure. By way of illustration, let a hole be bored, lengthwise, through a cylinder of half its diameter, then the strength in this instance, is diminished fth. while the quantity of matter is diminished *th. Galileo, from a consideration of this subject justly concludes, that nature, in a thousand operations, greatly augments the strength of substances without increasing thc-ir weight ; as is manifested in the bones of animals, and the feathers of birds, as well as in most tubes, or hollow trunks, which though light, greatly resist any effort made to bend or break them. “ Thus (says he) if a wheat straw, which supports an ear that is heavier than the whole stalk 177 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. were made of the same quantity of matter but solid, it would bend or break with far greater ease than it now does And witli the same reason art has ob- served, and experience confirmed, that an hollow cane, or tube of w ood or metal, is much stronger and more firm, than if, while it continued of the same weight and length, it were solid, as it would then, of consequence, be not so thick ; and therefore art has contrived a method to make lances hollow' within, when they are required to be both light and strong.” In this instance, as in many others, imi- tating the wisdom of nature. In all such instauces, however, there is an obvious distinction between the works ofnature and those of art ; “ in the former” (as M. Girard remarks, when treating of the same subject,) “ the cause and effect essentially agree : the one cannot uudergo any mo- dification, w ithout the others experiencing a corres- pondent change ; or, to speak more precisely, a new effect always results from a new cause. — In the pro- ductions of human industry, on the contrary, there is no necessary proportion between the effect and cause; if, for example, a determinate weight is to be raised, it is indifferent whether w e use the thread which has precisely the adequate force, or the cable which has a superahundent one ; while, if the same weight had rested naturally suspended, it would have done so by means of fibres peculiarly appropri- ated, in their organization, to the object, and whose disposition would have presented the most advan- tageous form. Perfection resides in a single point, at which nature arrives without effort ; w hile man is obliged, by repeated trials, to pass over an im- mense space which separates 1) im fr®m it.” Our best engineers have w isely begun to imitate nature, by making many parts of their machinery hollow, such as t ; e axles of cast iron &c. In the supposition of homogeneous texture, the fracture happens as soon as the particles on the up- per sides 1) A, Figure 11, are separated beyond their utmost limit of cohesion ; this is a determined quantity, and the piece bends until a similar degree of extension is produced in the outermost fibre. It- follows, as a very necessary consequence, that the smaller we suppose the distance to be, between the upper, part of the beam and the centre of frac- ture C, the greater w ill be the curvature acquired by the beam before it breaks. We may perceive, therefore, that an increase of depth not only renders a beam stronger, but stiffer; how ever, if the parallel fibres are supposed to slide on each other, the degree ofstreegth and stiffness will be diminished. In- stead of one beam, let us, by way of illustration, suppose A B C 1), and C D E l’, to represent two equal beams, which do not-co-here, but whose ag- gregate maguitude.shaU- be equal to the former bcarov In tins iiHtajice it is plain that each of them w ill bend, and that the extension of the fibres C 1) of the under beam will not, by any means, prevent the I compression of the adjoining fibres C D of the upper beam. The two beams therefore, instead of being four times as strong as a single beam, will only be of twice the strength ; and they w ill moreover bend as much as a single beam would be affected, by half the load. This, undoubtedly, could be prevented, if it were possible to unite the two beams firmly in the joint C D, so as to prevent one from sliding on the other. In smaller works, however, it may be effected by gluing them together with a cement, proportioned, in point of strength, to the natural lateral cohesion of the fibres; But as this desideratum cannot be obtained in large works, the sliding may be prevented by jog- | s>ling (he beams together : various methods for | which have been already exhibited in our third plate I of Carpentry. j It is, nevertheless, possible to combine strength I with pliability, by forming a beam of several thim i planks laid on each other, tilLthey form the requjr- | ed depth, and afterwards leav ing them at full liber- I tv to slide on each other. Coacii springs are formed ’after this mode, as is shewn in Figure 12. Neither j joggles nor holts of any kind should be introduced A among the planks ; but they must be kept together solely by straps contrived so as to surround them, or by something else of a similar nature. From long experience, practical meuhave been ena- bled to introduce into their constructions many princi- ples which sound theory does not decline to sanction. This,- for instance, when a mortise is required to be cut out of a piece exposed to a cross strain, it should betaken from that side which becomes concave by the strain, as in Figure 13, but by no means as in Figure IF. Farther, when a pieceis to be strengthened by the' addition of another, the piece to be added, should be fixed to the side which grows convex by the strain, as in Figures 15 and 16. We shall next consider the analogy that exists be- ! tw een the strain on a beam projecting from a wall, and j loaded at the extremity, and a beam supported at I both ends, and loaded at some intermediate part. | Let A C H, Figure 16, represent the beam sup-' I ported by the props A and B, and loaded at its mid-' j die point C, w ith a weight W ; when it is evident ! that the beam will receive the same Support, and become subject to the same strain, as if, instead of i the supports A and B, the' ropes A a E, B b F, | w hich pass over the pullies a, b, were to be substi- ; tuted, and have the proper weights E, F, fastened to ! them. These weights are equal to the suppoVt af- ■ forded by the points of support, while their sum is equivalent to the weight W; and' on whatever point W, may be bung, -the weights E and J’, are to j the weight \V, in the proportion of D B, and 1) A, ; to A B. from hence,: it appears, that the strain on the section G 1), ''arises immediately from the upward 1 action of- the rones A a, and B b, er from the. pres- Z z sure 178 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. sure exerted upwards by tfoS points of support A and B, and the office of the weight W, is obliging the beam to oppose this strain. The beam has a ten- dency to break in the section C D, because the ropes pull it upwards at E and G, while the weight W, confines it down at G. It inclines to open at D, and C, becomes the centre of fracture. The strain, therefore, is the same as if the half A D, were fixed in the wall, and a weight equal to the one-fourth of W, were applied at G. From these circumstances we may conclude, that a beam supported, but not fixed at. both ends, and loaded in the middle, will bear four times as much weight as it would be capable of supporting at one extremity, when tlie other is last in a wall. The strain occasioned at any point I, by a weight in the middle part, as it would be wjien deprived of the two remote eonnections. It may be thought, perhaps, from the preceding observation, that the joist of a floor, or a girder, will derive an increase of strength, from being firm- ly built in the wall. However plausible this idea may appear, the fact is, that it derives but little ad- ditional strength, for the hold thus afforded to it, is too circumscribed m its effect, to render much essen- tial service, and farther, it tends greatly to shatter and crack the wall, when the beam is pressed by any considerable load, since it forces im the Avail with all the energy of a long lever. For this reason, those builders who are most eminent for their prac- tical knowledge, never allow the ends of their joists or girders, to be bound tight in walls ; but Avhen the W, suspended at any other point D, is W X B 1 5 1 joists of adjoining rooms lie in the same direction, DA • • i j ; they justly consider it a great advantage gained, to 1 or it is known, that An J AD 1 . *» l the p have thorn in one piece, because, in that form, they | are twice as strong as when composed of tivo | lengths. j Having taken a vieiv of the circumstances which I affect the strength of any section of a solid body, | when strained transversely, it may next be proper (o | take noticeof some of the chief modifications of the I strain itself, that occur most frequently in our con- | structions. This strain depends on the operation of external ! force, and also on the lever on which it acts ; for, j! since the strain may be produced in any section, by Aihen D forms tlie;! nieans ofthe cohesion of those parts which intervene '! between the section, (under consideration), and the 1 point of application of the external force, the body I must have sufficient energy in all those intervening j parts, to excite the strain in the remote section, and in every part it must be able to resist the strain ex- X A B pressure occasioned at B. This would be balanced by some weight F, acting over the pulley b, which tends to break the beam at I, by acting on the lever I B. The pressure at B, is W and there- D A x tore the strain at I, is W X J B In a similar maim 1 B. when tee strain occasioned A D at the point D, by the weight V/, is W X ^ p X 1) B, which is equal to -§ W. middle point. Hence then, we deduce, that the general strain on a beam arising from a particular weight, bears a proportion to the rectangle of the parts composing the beam, and is greatest Avhen the load is laid on tlie j I - , , fiddle of the beam, which latter circumstance, is c,ted in that part 1 he body, therefore, ought to be anfirmed by daily experience. 1 equally strong, it is useless to have any one part confirmed by daily experience, Farther the strain at I, by a load at D, is equ; . 11 stronger ; because the piece will nevertheless break 5 ! when it is not stronger throughout, and it is useless to the strain at I) l.v the same load at 1 and then to make j, stronger ™ith resard to its strain, for it ^irzilll :it I tivim n nurl II ie ir\ t ho L't»*oin Air tno i I . . " s! .. . . . 1 strain at 1, from a load at I), is to the strain by the same load at I, as I) A, is to I A. If ive noAv sup- pose the beam to be firmly framed at the two ends L M, into the upright posts L N, M O, placed be- ij Avill, neAertheless, equally tail in the part that is too ' 1 weak. If the strain arises from a weight suspended at one extremity, Avhile the other end is supposed to lie ftx- yond the former points of support A B, then it will ’ ed firm , - in a wall . or if eactl transverse section of carry twice as much as when its ends Avere free : for tllA H«,m ho rprtanomlnr • «W» ; .ro «ovProl of admitting the beam to be sawn through at C D, the Aveight W, suspended there, Avill be but just suffici- ent to break it at A and B, Avhile, by restoring the the beam be rectangular ; there are several Avays of i forming the beam so as to render it equally strong i throughout. r , „ 1 Let Figure 17, represent the intended beam, connection of the fibres composing the section G I), which is £ xed to the Vertical Avail B E, and has a it mil require anotner weight W, to break it there wei , t w suspended at A, its extremity. It is ob- a le same ime. I 1 vious that the effort made by the weight W, upon It should be observed, therefore, that lvhen any ar ,y point D, ofthe beam, will, by the common pro- piece of timber is firmly connected at three fixed perties of the lever, be as the rectangle W X A D points B, A, L , il will bear a greater load between., or as \ () since the weight W is constant and inva- any two of thorn, than if it had no connection with j r iable. The strength also at any point D, is as the the remote point ; and if it be firmly fastened at the : breadth into the square of the depth at that place, lour points L, A, B, M, it will be twice as strong or as the breadth C D, the depth being constant. ii Consequently carpentry and joinery. 17-0 OfcnsequPfitly, when the beam is equally strong throughout, the strength and stress are in an invaria- ble ratio, and we shall have CD, constantly as A C ; and therefore A C D must be a rectilineal triangle, and the form of the beam a wedge. Again, it we suppose the beam to be of uniform breadth, its length must be proportional every where to the square of its depth, if it be fixed hori- zontally by one end in a wall, and a weight operate on the extremity of the other. The following solution, will exhibit this most in- teresting particular, in a clear point ofview. On referring to Figure 18, we observe that the stress is as the lei’S'tii A D in the same manner as in the preceding, and that the strength is as the breadth into the square of the depth, or because the breadth is constant by the conditions of the problem, the strength is as C D- . But the stress and strain must remain in a constant ratio : wherefore A D must va- ry as C D 2 ; this law, it may be bserved, acts inva- riably throughout the figure, and is the well known property of a parabola whose vertex is A. The following circumstance, which is worthy of notice, may be immediately deduced from the pre- ceding solution, by way of corollary. Since the par- abola is f of the parallelogram which circumscribes i . ;t follows, that parabolic beams require less mat- t -r i:;an prismatic ones ; this circumstance maybe be- neficially attended to, in cases where iron is used. — It is also deserving of remark. That the beams of balances intended to support very great weights, may be constructed of a parabo- lic shape, which will have the effect of saving materi- als w ithout any diminution of useful strength. To pursue this subject still farther, let us suppose that another beam has one end fixed to a wall, and is diminished gradually towards the other end, where a weight, if suspended, so that all its vertical sections, such as circles, squares, similar polygons &c. may lye similar ; in this case, in order to render the beam equally strong throughout, the bounding] curve must be in the form of a cubic parabola. j similar, the strengths will varyas the cubes of the depths. Hence, in this case, AF is as D C3 , which is a well known property of the cubic parabola. All these modes of forming beams render them equally strong in all their parts, and they are all supposed to have the same section at the front of : the wall, or at the fulcrum. They are not, however, equally stiff. The beam represented in Fig. 17, will bend the least, upon the whole, while that in Figure K), will bend the most, but the curvatures at the fulcrum will be precisely the same in all the beams. The same principles, and the same construction, ! apply to beams when supported at their ends, and loaded at some intermediate part We have hitherto confined our remarks to the supposition that theexternal straining force acts only in one point of the beam. But, it is proper to ob- serve, that this may be uniformly distributed all over the beam. To form a beam equally strong under such circumstances, the shape must be contriv- ed very differently from the former. If we suppose a beam to project from a wall, and to be of equal breadth tlioughout, with its 9ides form- ing vertical planes parallel to each other, and to the length the vertical section, in the direction of its length, must be a triangle instead of a common par- abola : since the weight uniformly distributed over the part, from lying beyond any section, is as the length beyond that section, and since also this wav it may be considered as collected at its centre of grav ity, which of course is the middle of that length, the lever by which this load strains the sec- tion of cour>e bears a proportion to the same length. The strain on the section is as the square of that lengthy and the section must have strength in the same proportion. From its strengths being a-s the breadth, and the square of the depth, and from the breadths being constant, the square of the depth of any section must be as the square of its distance from the end, and the depth must be as that distance; and, therefore, the longitudinal vertical section must form a triangle. But if all the transverse sections are supposed to be squares, circles, or any other similar figures, the strength of every section must be proportioned to the square of the lengths beyond that section, or the square of those sections, distance from the end; in which case, the sides of the beum must be a semicu- bical parabola. If the upper and undersurfaces are supposed to be horizontal planes, it is evident that the breadth must be proportioned to the square of the distance from the end; and the horizontal sections maybe formed by arches of the common parabola, having the length for their tangents at the vertex. We shall next direct our attention to the proper form of a beam intended to be fixed at one end, and uniformly loaded throughout its whole length, so as it may be rendered equally strong in all its parts. The vertical sides of this beam we will suppose to be parallel planes, in which case the beam will be of equal thickness throughout, and, therefore, the strength at any part D C, will be as C D 2 ., or a's C c 2 , accordingly as A DB, or A c B, represent the bottom of the beam ( Fig. 20). Now the stress at the point D, is as the rectangle A D,X^ B; for which reason C D 2 or C c 2 must vary as A D,xb B, in order to ensure equal strength throughout. This, it is well known, is the fundamental principle of the ellipse, the vertices of which are A and B. If the transverse sections be similar, we roust make C D 2 , as A CxC B. If the upper and under surfaces are parallel, the 1 breadth roust be as A C X C B, If, i80 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. If, however, the beam is necessarily loaded at some given point C, and we would have it equally able, in all its parts, to resist the strain arising from the weight at C, we must proportion the strength of every transverse section between C, and either end, to its distance from that end; for which reason, if the sides are parallel vertical planes, we must make CD-’: E F- : : A C : A E. If the sections are similar, then C IP : E I ' 3 ;; A C : A E. Ifthe upper and under surfaces are parallel, then the breadth at C : breadth at E; ; A C: A E. The same principles lead to the conclusion, that all circular plates, whether large or small, provided they be of the same matter and thickness, and sup- ported all round on the edges, will bear equal weights. This conclusion applies also to square plates, or any other ones of a similar figure. The w-eight, moreover, which a square plate will bear, is to that able to be borne by a bar of the same matter and thickness, as twice the length of the bar to its breadth. There is yet another modification of the strain which tends to break a body transversely, and which occurs very frequently ; this is the strain arising from, its own weight, and it requires some considera- tion in many instances. When a beam projects from a wall, every section is strained, by the weight of all that projects beyond it. This weight may be considered as operating at its centre of gravity. Hence, the strain on any sec- tion is*iu the joint ratio of the weight of the part which projects beyond it, and the distance of its cen- tre of gravity from the section. The determination of this strain, as well as of the strength required to withstand it, is more difficult of attainment than the former, because the mode in which the piece may be formed to meet or adjust the strain, has a considerable influence or. the strain i t- '•elf. It may be admitted, perhaps, as a general principle, that the strength of cohesion in every sec- tion, must be as the product of the weig ht beyond it multiplied by the distance of its centre of gravity. The result of the application of this general princi- ple is, that the depth must be as the square of the distance from the extremity, and the curve will then form a parabola touching the horizontal axis of the figure. We may perceive, therefore, that a conoid formed by the rotation of this figure round its axis, will have sufficient strength m every .section, to bear its o\vn weight. A projecting beam becopres- less, able to bear its . own weight, in proportion to the extent qf its far- ther projection ; and whatever, may be the strength of the section, the length, nevertheless, may be such as to render it liable to break, bv. its own weight. For instance, if we suppose two- beams to be com- j posed of similar matter, with their diameters and i lengths in equal proportion, but that the shorter beam can only just bear its own weight, then the longer beam will not be able to do the same ; since the strengths of the sections, are as the cubes of the diameter, while the strains are as the fourth powers oft he same. From these considerations, we may take it for granted, that in all cases where a strain is produced by the weight of the parts composing a machine, or structure of any kind, the smaller bodies are more capable of withstanding it than the greater. Indeed a limit seems to be set by the hand of nature to the size of machines, of whatever materials they may be constructed; for, even when the weight of the parts, composing a machine is not taken into the account, i we cannot enlarge it so as to produce a similar proportion in all its parts. A limit is evidently set by nature to the size of animals and plants, when formed of the same matter. The attraction of cohe- sion in an herbcould not support it, if it were increas- ed to the size of a tree, neither could ail oak support: itself, if it were forty or fifty times larger than it is,, nor could an animal resembling in its make, a long legged spider be augmented to the size of a man. The celebrated Dr. Gregory, has some invaluable observations on this subject in his “ Treatise on* Mechanics He says “ From the preceding deductions it fol- lows, that greater beams and bars must be in greater, danger of breaking, than the less similar ones ; and that, thougli a less beam may be firm and secure, yet a greater similar one may be made so long, as. necessarily to break by its own weight. Hence, Galileo justly concludes that what appears very firm, and succeeds well in models, may be very weak and unstable, or even fall to pieces by its weight, when, it conies to be executed in large dimensions, accord-, ing to the model. From the same principles he argues, that there are necessarily limits in the works, of nature and art, which they cannot surpass in mag- nitude ; that immensely great ships, palaces, tem-s pics, &c. cannot be erected, their yards, beams, bolts,. &c. falling asunder by reason of their weight. Were trees of a very enormous magnitude, their branches would, in like manner, fan off. Large animals have not strength in proportion to their size;, and if there w r ere any land animals much iarger than, those we know, they could hardly move, and would, be perpetually subjected to most dangerous accidents. ■ As to the animals of the sea, indeed, the case is diff% i event, as the gravity of the water sustains those I animals in great measure, and in fact these are known. ! to be sometimes vastly larger than the greatest land, j animals ; it is, says Galileo, impossible for nature to [give bones for, men, horses, .or other animals, so formed, as to subsist, and proportionally to perform, their offices, when such animals should be enlarged to .immense .heights, unless she- uses, matter .much firmer, and more resisting than she commonly does ; !l or 181 CARPENTRY A or should make hones of a thickness out of all pro- portion ; whence the figure and appearance of the animal must be monstrous. This he supposes the Italian poet hinted at, when he said.” “ Whatever height we to the giant give, He cannot without equal thickness live.” « And this sentiment being suggested to us by per- petual experience, we naturally join the idea of greater strength and force with the grosser propor- tions, and that of agility with the more delicate ones,- The same admirable philosopher likewise remarks, in connection with this subject, that a greater column is in much more danger of being broken by a fall, than a similar small one ; that a man is in greater danger from accidents than a child; that an insect can sustain a weight many times greater than itself; whereas a much larger animal, as a horse, could scarcely carry another horse of his own size. The ingenious student may easily extend these practical remarks, to any cases which may come before him.” The compression of materials is another object, that demands our most serious consideration. In adverting to the operation of strains of this kind, it is absolutely impossible to conceive how a piece of timber, that is perfectly straight, can be bent, crip- pled, or broken, by the application of any force what- ever at the extremes, But, if a very small force be supposed to act in the middle, in a direction at right angles with the length, it will be sufficient to give it some certain small degree of curvature ; and if a powerful force be likewise supposed to act at the ends, at the same time, so as both the greater and the lesser force shall press on the timber in the di- rection of its length, these forces will conjoin toge- ther in producing the effect of a fracture. The iirst autlu r who considered the compression of columns with any degree of proper attention, was the ingenions and learned Euler This eminent philosopher in the Berlin Memoirs ( or 1757, publish- ed his “ Theory on the strength of columns.'" The general proposition endeavoured to be established by this theory is, that the strength of prismatic columns is in the direct quadruplicate ratio of their diameters, and the inverse ratio of their lengths. lie prosecuted this subject in the Petersburgh commen- taries for 1778, where he confirms his former theory. Muschenbroek has compared Eulers theory with the results of his own experiments, but the comparison has produced nothing that is satisfactory; since the variation existing between the experiments and the theory, is so enormous, as to offer no argument for the correctness of the latter. Still, however, the ex- periments do not contradict it, though they are so very anomalous, as to lead to no conclusion or gen- eral rule whatever. In consequence of our intimation, that the theory of Euler may be deemed erroneous, it may be asked, what is the true proportion inthe strength of pillars er columns ? We have not the means of giving a ND JOINERY. satisfactory answer, which could proceed only from the result of a previous experience oftne proportion existing between the extensions, and compressions, produced by the operation of equal forces ; that is, from knowing accurately the absolute compressions produced by a given force, as well as the degree o>f that derangement of par s, which is termed crippling,! Unfortunately very little is known on these points, and consequently a wide field of experimental enqui- ry lies before us. It may be considered fortunate, however, that the force required to cripple a beam is prodigious, and that a very small lateral support, onlv, is sufficient to prevent that bending, which pla- ces the beam m imminent danger of destruction. A judicious mechanic will always employ transverse bridles, (as they are termed), in order to stay the middle of long beams intended to perform the office of pillars, truss beams, struts, &c. and exposed from the nature of their peculiar position, to immense pressures in the direction of their lengths, but such stays should be arranged in a judicious, as w'ell as economical manner. As experiments on the transverse strength of bodies are easily made, they have been ac- cordingly very numerous, particularly on timber : but amid this great variety of experiments, few have afforded that practical information which is so desirable. The generality of them have been made on very small scantlings, (in which the una- voidable natural inequalities, bear too great a pro- portion to the strength of the whole piece,) for which reason, the results of the experiments of different persons have varied considerably, and even between those made by the same person, great irregularities have existed. Belidor, has presented us in his “ Science des Ingenieurs ,” with the most complete series of expe- riments that has come under our notice. — His re- sults appear in the following table; and the pieces on which he made his several trials, were sound, even grained oak. The column B comprises the breadth of the pieces in inches; the column D contains their depths; the column L includes their lengths; P demonstrates the weight (in pounds) which broke them, when hung on their middles • and the column M points out the mediums. In order to obtain the respective strengths of pieces of different dimensions, with more certainty, three pieces of each dimension were tried, under the expectation that the medium would be better shewn, by repeated trials, than by a single experi- ment. A3 Experiments m CARPENTRY AND JOINERY B d| l 1 p M Experiments 1st, ends loose 1 1 18 | 400 415 • 405 406 Experiments 2d, ends (irmly fixed 1 1 1 18 18 ' GOO GOO 624 810 795 812 608 Experiments 3d, ends loose 2 805 Experiments 4th ends loose 1 9 1 18 1570 1580 1590 1580 Experiments 5th, ends loose 1 I 36 185 195 1 M 1 187 Experiments 6th, ends fixed 1 1 36 285 280' 285 283 Experiments 7th, ends loose 2 2 36 1550 1G20 1585 1585 Experiments 8th, ends loose 2} 36 1665 1675 1640 1660 By comparing the first experiment with the third, the strength appears proportional to the breadth, while the length and depth of each piece are the same. By comparing the first and fourth experiments to- gether, the strength appears as the square of the depth nearly, while the breadth and length are all the same. By comparing the first and fifth experiments toge- ther, the strength appears to be nearl y as the lengths, inversely, while the breadth and depth of each piece are the same. By comparing the fifth and seventh experiments together, the strengths appear to bear a near pro- portion to the breadth, multiplied by the square of the depth, while the length is the same in both. By comparing the first and seventh experiments together, the strengths are shewn to be as the square of the depth, multiplied by the breadth, and divided by the length. Experiments the first and second shew the increase of strength acquired by fastening the ends, to be in the proportion of 2 to 3. Experi- ments the fifth and sixth demonstrate the same thing. This, irregularity in the result of experiments may be ascribed to the fibrous or plated texture of timber ; which, as is well known, consists of annual additions, whose cohesion with each other is much weaker than that of their own fibres. Let the dia- gram denoted by Figure 21, represent an horizontal section of a tree, and the parallelograms A B C D, a b c d, exhibit the section of two battens cat out of the tree, for the purpose ol making experiments. In these parallelograms we intend A D, a d to point out the measure of their depths, and D C, d o to re- present that of their breadths. It is evident that the fibres composing the section A B C D, may be con- sidered as an assemblage of planks set edgeways, while those which form the section abed, may be considered as laid flatways ; but we know both from theory, and experience, that the former is stronger than the latter, and the reason of this may be easily explained. A series of planks, set edgeways, will form a stronger beam than planks laid on each other like the plates of a coach spring. Bufftfn made some experiments on oak, in order to ascertain the ratio of strength in these parallelograms ; after- many trials, he found that the strength of A B C I), was to a b c d, nearly as 8 to 7. Buffon, however* (like other experimentalists) did not take care to have the plates of the battens disposed in a similar manner with respect to the strain ; still had this precaution been taken, his experiments would not have furnished sure grounds of computation forcon-> structing works in which large timbers are required; and, it should be observed, that, as large timbers oc- cupy a great deal if not the whole of the section of a tree, their strength is proportionably less than that of a small lath or batten. Here, again, we feel ourselves embarassed and at a loss for the want of an extensive series of suitable experiments on large timbers. To unite the principles of accuate theory with the results of judicious and extensive experiments, would, ultimately, tend to promote the arts and manu- factures of this country. Besides, as an excel-* lent writer most justly observes, “ a forbidding dis- tance, and awkward jealousy, seem to subsist between the theorists, and the practical men engaged in the cultivation of mechanics in this country.” And, therefore, it is amost laudable task toendeavour “ to shorten this distance,, and to eradicate this jealousy.” For, while vve prize the deductions of sound theory, and rely firmly upon their results, we should never- theless recollect, that, “ as ail general principles im? ply the exercise of abstraction, it would be highly injudicious not to regard them hi their practical ap- plications as approximations, the defects of which must be supplied, as indeed the principles them- selves are deduced, from experience.” Theoretical as well as practical men would not only greatly pro- mote their mutual interests, by blending and uniting their efforts, but render an essential service to me- chanical science. There are few persons who do not enjoy sufficient occasional leisure and opportunity, for making some experiments on the strengths of bo- dies; the results of their several efforts, would tend to elucidate and advance the subject. But since these CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. those experiments, when made on an extensive scale, arc both laborious, and beyond the means of most in- dividuals who may be inclined to enquire into the subject, it is singular in an empire like this, which is certainly the most eminent in the world for its ex- tensive mechanical structures, that a judicious series of suitable experiments has not been made, on a li- beral and extensive scale, with a view to the know- ledge of those laws which regulate the strengths of different materials, accordingly as different strains may operate. Amid this deplorable want of information in our own country, we must have recourse to the Conti- nents and solicit the aid of those philosophers, who have investigated the subject with the most atten- tion. Buffon and Du Hamel were supplied by the old government of France, with ample funds and extensive apparatus for carrying on the necessary experiments. A description of these is to be found in the memoirs of the French academy for 1740, 1741, 1742, and 1768 ; as well as in Du Hamel’s in- genious performances snr V Exploitation dcs arbres, ct sur fa Conservation et le Transport de Bois,. ( )ur readers may not be dissatisfied with an abstract of M. Buffons experiments. This ingenious philosopher-prosecuted, during two years, a variety of experiments on small battens of oak. He found, however, from these experiments, that the variation in a single layer, or in part of a layer, either more or less, or even a different dispo- sition of them, had so much influence that he was under the necessity ofabandoning the method, and proceeding to operate on the largest beams that he Gould possibly break. The annexed table shews a series of experiments, on bars of sound oak, four inches squaie, and free from knots. M | 2 | 3 j 4 1 5 60 5350 3-5 I 2 9 56 5275 | 4 5 | 22 68 4600 3-75 I 15 63 I 4500 j 4 7 [ 13 ! q S 77 1 4100 1 4-85 ! 1 14 * 71 | 3950 | 5'5 | [ 12 i 10 I 1 f & 1 3625 58 3 1 1 15 1 i 82 | 3600 1 6-5 | | 15, ! 12 ! S mo \ l 98 I 3050 I 2925 | 7 '1 8 I The first column exhibits the length of the bar, in clear feet, between the supports. The second expresses the weight of the bar in pou nds, on the second day after it was foiled, as evinced by experiments performed on two bars of each sort. Each of the first three pairs consisted of 183 two cuts of the same tree. The one next thq root was always found to be the heaviest, and Buffon uniformly observed, that the heaviest was constantly the strongest, and recommends this particular as a sure rule for the choice of timber. He observes, also, that this always proved to be the case when the timber, by growing vigorously, had formed very thick annual layers ; but this circumstance takes place only during the advances of the tree, to a state of maturity, because the strengths of the different circles, approach in a gradual manner to equality, during the tree’s healthy growth, when they decrease in these parts in a contrary manner. The third column, represents the number of pounds required to break the tree, in the coui'se of a few minutes. The fourth column, points out the number of' inches in which a tree bends down before breaking. The fifth column, shews the time at which it broke. The experiments made on other sizes, w r ere con- ducted in a similar way. All the beams were form- ed square, and their sizes in inches are signified at. the head of the columns, in the following table. In the first column are expressed their lengths in feet.. 1 4 | 5 6 7 I 8 1 A 7 5312 11525 18950- 32200 47649 i 1525 8 4550 9787 15525 26050 39750 10085 9 4025 8308 13J50 22350 32800 8964 10 3612 7125 11250 19475 27750 8068 12 2987 6075 9100 16175 23450 6723 14 5300 7475 13225 19775 5763 16 4350 ' 6362. 11000 16375 50 42 18 3700 5562 9245 13200 4482 20 3225 4950 8375 11487 4034 22 2975 3667 24 2162 3362 28 1775 2881 M. Buffon, in. order to effect uniformity in his experiments, had all his trees felled in the same season of the year, squared the day after, and operat- ed on the third day, when he found also, that the strength of oak timber diminished much in the course of drying. — After a piece of this green timber had been placed in the situation required for the experi- ment, and weights nearly sufficient to break it. were applied with briskness, a very sensible smoke was perceived to issue from its two ends, with a sharp hissing noise, which continued during the whole of the time the tree was bending and cracking. This result undeniably proved, that the whole length of the tree was strained, (which may be inferred, indeed from its bending through its whole length,) and, nothing, perhaps, could evince in a stronger manner. m CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. manner the powerful effects of compression. The experiments made by our philosopher on the five inch bars, he considered as his standard of com- parison, and he accordingly prosecuted his enquiries to a greater extent, on pieces of this dimension. The deductions derivable from the theory which has been adopted, would make us think that the re- lative strength of bars of the same section, is inverse- ly as their lengths ; but Buffon’s experiments (ex- cepting those in the first column), deviated very con- siderably from this rule. For instance, by referring to the last table, we perceive that the strength of the bar 28 feet long and 5 inches square, is 1775; and that the strength of a bar 5 inches square, and 14 feet long, is by the same table 5300 ; but we know that the strength of the 14 feet bar ought to be double that of 28 feet, in which case the strength of the latter bar in this, would be 2650, whereas it is only 1775. Again, the bar of 7 feet ought to possess double the strength of that of 14 feet, but this is not the case, for the strength of the latter is 5300, where- as half the strength of the former is 5762 5. In like manner, the strength of the 8 feet bar ought to be treble that of the 24 feet, wiiereas the strength of the latter is 2162, while one-third of the strength of the former is 3262 3. So also the strength of the 7 feet bar ought to be four times that of the 28 feet bar, but the strength of the latter we perceive is on- ly 1775, while one fourth of the strength of the former is 2881. The column A specifies the strength which by the theory, each of the five inch bars ought to have exhibited. The foregoing defect seems to prevail in all the experiments from the first to the last ; it may be ob- served also in the experiments of Belidor, as well as in all those we have noticed, from whence we may conclude that it is a law of nature, depending on the true principles of cohesion, and the invariable operations of mechanics. But still the difficulty is inexplicable ; for the only effect produced by the length of a beam, isan increase of the strain at the section of fracture, arising from the operation of the intervening beam as a lever ; though we cannot see clearly how the mode of action of the fibres in this section is effected, so as to change either their cohesion or the situation of its centre of effort ; and yet something of the kind must happen. There are certain circumstances, however, which must contribute to render a smaller weight suffi- cient, (as in the experiments of Buffon,) to break a long beam, than in the exact inverse proportion of its length ; for the weight of the beam itselfincreases the strain as much, as if half of it were added to the strain, and operated on it as a farther weight. The weight of every beam on which Buffon performed his experiments, was very nearly 74 pounds per each cubic foot ; but these beams were by far too small, to account, in a satisfactory way, for the devia- tion from the theory. Even the half w eights of the 5 inch beams, whose respective lengths were 28, 14, and 7 feet, were only 182, 92 and 45 pounds, which rendered the actual strains in the experiments 1 1560, 5390, and 1956; but these, it is evident, de- viate considerably from the before mentioned propor- tions of the beams, 4, 2 and 1. Buffon observes, that healthy trees are universally ! strongest at the root end ; of course when a long i beam is made use of, its middle point, where the fracture takes place in the experiment, is situated in ; a weak (perhaps the weakest) part of the tree. The trials nevertheless of the 4 inch beams, proved that i the difference arising from this cause is almost in- j sensible. | Again, it is probable, that the relative strength of beams decreases faster than the inverse ratio of their lengths ; we have, already observed, that when a j weight operates on the middle of a beam so as to I break it, its whole length is affected, and therefore [ a certain definite curvature of a beam, of a given form, is always accompanied by rupture. Let us sup- pose two beams, whose lengths are respectively 10 and 20 feet, to be bent to the same degree, at their { places of fixture m a wall ; and we shall find that the weight operating on the former is nearly double I that which hangs on the latter. — But the lorm of any j portion, of these tw'o beams, (say tor 5 feet immedi- j ately adjoining to the wall,) differs considerably, since the curvature of the first beam at this distance, is only one half of its curvature at the wall, while the curvature of the latter in the corresponding part, is three-fourths of the same curvature at the wall. Hence, therefore, through the whole of the interme- diate space of 5 feet, the curvature of the former is less than that of the latter, and consequently the latter beam must be weaker throughout. It like- wise occasions the fibres of the beam to slide more on each other, whereby their lateral union is effect- ed ; and therefore those possessed of greater degrees of strength will not render assistance to those tjiat have less. In addition to this, the force with which the fibres of shorter beams are pressed laterally on each other, is double, and must of course impede the mutual sliding of the fibres. In fact this lateral compression is not only calculated to change the law of longitudinal cohesion, but to increase the strength ofthe very surface of fracture. It is much to be desired, that the engineer would carefully remember, that a beam of quadruple length, instead of possessing one fourth of the strength, has only about one sixth, and the ingeni- ous theorist should enquire into the nature, as well as the cause of this diminution, in order that he may be enabled to furnish the mechanic, with a more ac- curate rule for computation. Our want of an intimate acquaintance with the law, by which the cohesion existing between parti- cles is changed by ail alteration of distance ; de- prives us of the means of discovering the precise relation CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 185 relation which exists between the curvature and the momentum of cohesion, and in order to obtain some rules whereby the strengths of different solids may be calculated, it will be necessary to multiply experiments. The experiments of Buffon furnish us, however, with considerable assistance in this particular. If we select, for instance, any number in the column of the 5 inch beams, and add to it the sum ot half the weight of the beam, with the con- stant number 1245, a set of numbers will he given very near the reciprocals of the lengths. From this we may readily deduce a convenient formula, very easy to be remembered. Let the length of the beam of 5 inches square be designated by a, the number 1245 by hi, and the weight known to break the beam by w« then we shall have ^ ° — m = p. Thus, the weight required to break the 7 foot bar, is 1 1525 and let 1 be 18, then we shall hnve (w-j-m)a — ni — CH5254 - 1245)7 _ 1245 __ 3?20 __ which lo diff rs about ~ from the result furnished us by that experiment. This formula may be applied with success to all the other lengths, except those of 10 and 24 feet. Although this formula cannot be admitted as universally true,, yet it will be found to be tolerably correet in a great variety of lengths. We w ill next consider the relation that exists be- tween the strength and the square of the depth of the section. By comparing the numbers in any hori- zontal row of the table, we shall perceive on trial, that the numbers of the five inch bars are uniformly greater than those of the rest. If the numbers, how- ever, in this column be omitted, or uniformly di- minished about one-sixteenth, as to their strength, I the different sizes will be found to differ but little from the ratio of the square of the depth, as deter- 1 mined by theory ; though we should observe that a j small deficiency takes place in the larger beams. j Our next enquiry will be directed to the absolute' cohesion and the relative strength. The values de- ‘ ducible from experiments on absolute strength, must Jl be confined to very small pieces, in consequence of 1 ! the very great force which is required*©, tear them ! asunder. The whole we can furnish on- this- head for the consideration of our readers, are two- passages extracted from Muschenbroek’s “ I.ssais de Phi/- ' sique” In one of these passages he observes tliuta j piece of sound oak ^of an inch square, was torn- j asunder by 1 150pounds and in the other,. that an oak plank one inch in thickness, and twelve inches broad, will suspend about 1 1S9I62 pounds. . We nwy .conclude from these passages, that the cohesion i of a square inch is 15755 and 15763 pounds. Bou- guer, another experimentalist, observes that a rod of sound oak, one fourth of an inch square, will be torn asunder by a 1000 pounds, which furnishes ther round number 16000, for the cohesion of a square inch. It may not be unprofitable to the reader to com- pare those circumstances with the experiments made by Buffon on four inch beams. The absolute cohesion ot the before mentioned section is 16X16000=256000; were every fibre to exert its entire energy, at the moment in which the fracture takes place, the effect of the momentum of cohesion would be the same as if it had entirely act- ed at the centre :>f gravity of the section, at the dis- tance of two inches from the axis of fracture, and therefore it is 256000 X2r=5 12000. We shall find ! by reference to the last table, that the beam 7 feet j long and 4 inches square, w as broken by a weight i of 5312 pounds, suspended on its middle ; but if it [ had been suspended at its extremity, projecting 42 inches from a wall, it would have been broken by j one half of the foregoing weight, viz. 2656 pounds. The momentum of this strain is, 42x2656=111552; being in equilibrio with the actual momentum of cohesion, w hich is 11 1552 instead of 512000; con- sequently the strength is diminished in the propor- tion of 5 1 2000,' to i l l-352; or nearly as 4* 59: 1. The ignorance that prevails relative to the par- ticular situation of the centre of effort, renders it altogether useless to consider the full cohesion that employs its energies, at the centre of gravity, and produces the momentum 512000 ; we may, how- ever, convert the whole into a simple multiplier n of the length, and say, that n times the length is t ? the. depth , as the absolute cohesion of (he section is to the absolute strength. If, therefore, we represent in inches the breadth by b, the depth by d, the length by /, and the abso- lute cohesion of a square inch by s; the relative strength, or the external force p, which balances it, , - . b d2 s . 13 in- round numbers —— — Wo cannot attribute this diminution of strength to any inequality of those cohesive forces which may be-exerted at the instant of fracture ; since we must know, from the centre of effort in a rectangular beam, being situated at one-third of the height, that the relative strength would be \ j - S , and that p would be 8127 instead of 2656. This great diminution may be ascribed to the compression of the under part of the beam ; and w'e have before observed; that the forces actually exert- ed by the particles of a- body, when stretched or com- pressed, are very nearly proportioned to the distan- ces to which the particles are drawn from- their 'na- tural positions; and thougii in cases of great com- B 3 pression 186 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. pression trhe forces may increase a faster ratio, yet ] this increase will produce no sensible change in the present question, because the body is broken before the compressions have proceeded so far; in fact, we may conceive that the compressed parts are crip- pled before the extended parts are torn asunder. Muschenbroek asserts this with a considerable degree of confidence, and says that although oak will suspend half as much again as fir, yet it will wot support, as a pillar, two-thirds of the load which fir will support in that form. The experiments of BufFon, furnish us “with a useful practical rule, without our being obliged to rely- on any value of the absolute cohesion of oak. From knowing that the strength is nearly as the breadth, and the square of the depth ; and the in- verse of the length, and taking for the sake of con- venience the length of tiie beam in feet, and its breadth and depth in inches; and also knowing from the table, that a beam four inches square, and' seven feet between the supports, is broken by 5312 t iounds, we may conclude that, a batten, one foot in ength between the supports, and one inch square, will be broken by 581 pound*. Hence, the strength of any other oak beam, or the weight barely re- quired to break it, when hung on its middle, is 581 b, d and 1, respectively representing the breadth, depth, arid length. In some of our former inquiries, we have found a considerable deviation from the inverse proportion of the length, and we must necessarily accommodate our rule to it. -When the number 1245 was added to each of the numbers in the column of the five inch bars, a set of numbers was produced, which were very nearly reciprocals of the lengths; if w'e make a similar addition to the other columns, but in propor- tion to the cubes of their dimensions, we shall have nearly the same result. Hence, to find the necessa- ry number, say, as 5 3 ♦ 4 1 ;; 1245 J 647, the re- quired number, this added to 5312, gives 5959, the 64th part whereof, we may call 93, which answers to a bar '7 feet long, and an inch square. Hence, 93x7> Will be the reciprocal corresponding to a bar of one foot; this is 651, and after taking from it the present correction, which is- ^,--==10, 641 will re- 4b main for the strength of the bar. From this result, we obtain the general rule 651 b d 2 T — 10bd2— p which we may otherwise state in words, as follows in order to render it clearer to those who are not versed in Algebra. Multiply the breadth of the beam , in inches, twice by the depth, and this again by 651, and divide the whole by the length in feet. From the quotient , take ■10 times the product, (which arises by multiplying the breadth of the beam , in inches, twice by the depth ), and the remainder is the number qf pounds required to break the beam. Example . — Required the weight necessary to break an oak beam 16 feet long between the props, and seven inches square. Here, p .= 65 1 X 7x7 2 16 -10 X 7X7 2 =10526, whereas the experiment gives 11000. Example . — Required the weight necessary to break an oak beam, 12 feet long, between the props and six inches square. Here, p — 65 lx-^-— 10x6 X6- =9558, while the experiment furnishes us only with 9100. Example . — It is required to determine the weight barely necessary to break an oak beam 20 feet long between the props, and five inches square. Here p = 651 X 5X5 - 20 10 X 5X5- =3818, while the table exhibits only 3225. We may compare, in a like manner, any other dimension; but we shall find that the rule is most deficient when applied to the five inch bars, which, we have before observed, appear stronger than the rest. The sure way of applying the foregoing rule, is to suppose the beam square, by increasing or di- minishing its breadth, till it becomes equal to its depth; then find the strength, by this rule, and in- crease or dimmish it agreeably to the change which has taken place in its breadth, when there can be no doubt, that the strength of the beam, given as aa example, will he double that of a beam of the same depth, and half the breadth. it may be necessary, perhaps, to remind the read- er, that the whole of the preceding calculations and observations, are founded on the supposition, that the weight applied is the greatest which a beam will bear for a very few minutes. Buffon observes, that two-thirds of this weight, w ill sensibly impair the strength of the beam, and indeed will frequent- ly break it, if permitted to operate continually, for two or three months. One half bent the beam when applied only for a few minutes, but though, as he observes, this weight may be borne by it, for any length of time, still the beam will contract a certain curvature, from which it will not easily get into its pristine state. One third seemed to produce no permanent effect on the beam, which recovered its original shape, even after it had been kept loaded for several months. But this depends on the pieces being seasoned, for a piece just felled, will break under one fourth of a given weight, while a third of the same .weight may be laid on the well season- ed piece, for any length of time, without giving tlie beam a sett. We are destitute of experiments on the strength of other kinds of timber. M. Buffon, says, that fir possesses CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. possesses about f ths of the strength of oak. Parent, however, asserts, that it possesses jjths; while Emerson, says it has fds. Before we conclude our enquiries into this parti- cular strain, we would wish to impress on the minds of practical men in general, the necessity of avoiding transverse strains, as much as possible, since the in- jury that many structures have sustained from their influence is incalculable. BODIES MAY Bi; WRENCHED OR TW'ISTED. The species of strain operates on all axles which connect with the working, or moveable parts of machines. The resistance occasioned by this species of strain, must be proportioned to the number of particles, when all the particles act alike. In proof of this, let E FCD represent a body possessing insuperable strength, but cohering in a weaker manner in the common surface A B which separates the body into two parts, viz. A BCD, ABFE; then, if one part, as ABCD is supposed to be pushed laterally in the direction A B, it becomes evident that it can only yield there, and that the re- sistance produced will be proportioned to the sur- face. The same-result will take place, if w r e suppose a thin cylindrical tube to be twisted in contrary direc- tions, in which case it will undoubtedly fail first in that section where the cohesion of the fibres is the least. This section forms the ciruum Terence of a ■circle, for which reason the particles composing the two parts contiguous to this circumference, will be drawn from each in a lateral direction : and the to- tal or absolute resistance, will be as the number of particles exhibiting an equal degrc*'' of resistance, -which is in fact, the -circumference. Within the cir- cumference to which we have just alluded, let .us; conceive a series of tubes till they reach the centre. Now if the particles composing each of these tubes, exerted a similar degree of force, the resistance offer- ed by each ring of the section would be as its circum- ference and its breadth, (which we will suppose to be indefinitely small) the entire resistance would be as the surface ; and this would represent the resist- ance of a solid cylinder. But the external parts of a cylinder when twisted by the application of an external force applied to its circumference, will ! suffer a greater circular extension than the internal, and it appears that this extension will bear a propor- tion to the distance of the particles from the axis. This proportion would seem to be very probable, and if it really exist, the forces simultaneously ex- erted by each particle, will be as their several dis- tances from the axis. Consequently, the entire force exerted by each ring will be as the square of its rar dius, and the accumulated force actually exerted, j will be as the cube of that radius. By referring to Figure 23, we shall have the ac- cumulated force exerted by the whole of a cylinder, m whose radius is A C, is to the accumulated force ex- erted, at the same by the part whose radius is C E as A C 3 to C E 3 . The whole cohesion exerted in this instance, is just two thirds of what it would be if all the parti- cles exerted the same attractive forces, as are ex- erted by the particles in the external circumference. This will appear evident, if we first suppose the rectangle A C c a to be erected in a position perpen- dicular to the plane of the circle, along the line AC, and then, that it is permitted to revolve round the C c. This rectangle, by its motion, will generate a cylinder, whose height "will be denoted by C c or A a, which will have the circle K A II for its base* Next if the triangle C c a be likewise permitted to perform a revolution around the line 0 c, it will describe the surface of a cone. Now the cylindri- cal surface supposed to be generated by Aa, will re- present the whole cohesion exerted by the circum- ference A II K ; the cylindrical surface generated bv E e, w ill shew the cohesion exerted by the cir- cumference ELM; the solid generated by the trian- gle CA a will display the cohesion exerted by the entire circle A II K ; and the cylinder generated by the rectangle A C c c will exhibit the measure of the cohesion exerted by the same surface, supposing each particle to suffer the extension A a. It is evident, in the first instance, that the solid produced by revolution of the triangle C E e, is to that generated by A a C, as E C 3 to AC 3 . In the next instance, the solid generated by A a C is (wo-tlnrds of the cylinder, because the cone generat- ed by C c a, forms one-third of it. It may now be supposed, that the cylinder may be twisted so powerfully, that the particles, situated in the exterior circumference, must lose their cohesion, when little daubt can be entertained, that it will be wrenched asunder, in consequence of all the inner cir- cles giving way in succession* If we admit this, then abodv, the texture of which is homogeneous will re- sist a simple twist with two-thirds of the force with which it would resist it, if an attempt were made to force one part laterally from the other, or with one- third part of the force which will cut it asunder by a square edged tool. When two cylinders are wrenched asunder, we ! must, of necessity., conclude, that the external parti- cles of each are placed just beyond their limits of cohesion, that they are extended equally, and oper- ate with equal farces; from whence it follows, that in the instant of fracture the entire sum of the forces actually exerted, is as the squares of the diameters. The real strength of the section, and the relation it bears to its absolute lateral strength being now as- certained, our next business is to enquire into its j strength, as it relates to the external force which ' may be employed to break it. The straining force and the cohesion oppose each other, on the .principle of levers ; and the cen- tre 188 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. tre of the section may be the neutral point, the position of which is not disturbed. Lei r represent the radius of the cylinder f, the force exerted later- ally by an exterior particle, x the indeterminate distance of any circumference, and x> tlie infinitely small interval between the concentric arches. Now the forces being- as the extensions, and they, being as their distances from the axis, the cohesion, actually exerted at any part of the ring, will be fx x the fx- x force exerted by the entire ring- — and the mo- mentum of cohesion, (which, in any ring, is as the force multiplied by its lever) will be f x3 x Con- sequently, . the accumulated momentum will be / f X 3 x fx4 — — and when x, becomes equal to r, it vtill beilL— Jjf.= } fr3 . 4 r 4 From hence we learn, that the particular strength •f an axle, by which it resists being wrench- ed asunder,: by a force- acting at a given dis tance from the axis, is as the cube of the diameter. Again, the expression ^ f r 3 , may be decomposed into the factors f r- X i r , the former of which, f r 2 expresses the full lateral cohesion of the section ; while the momentum thereof, is the same as if the full lateral cohesion were accumulated at a point, distant from. the axis, one fourth of the radius of the cylinder. Let d denote the measure of the diameter of the cylinder; in inches,, f the number of pounds which measure the lateral cohesioinof a circular inch, 1 the length of the lever,, by. which the straining force re- presented by p, . is supposedi to act, . and we shall f d 3 have — _ — p 1, front which, may be deduced, O' fd 3 P== ~8T In general, therefore; the- particular strength which enables an axle to resist its being wrenched asunder by twisting, is as-the cube of it3 diameter.. The interior parts do not act so poveerfullyras the exterior, for if a hole be bored out of an axle,. equal in size to one half of its diameter, the strength will be diminished only one eighth, while the quantity of matter will decrease one fourth; from whence it follows, that hollow axles are stronger than solid Ones, containing the same quantity of matter. The propriety of Engineers- introducing this very impo ant improvement into their machines, be- comes now very obvious, since the parts, so con- strue A, have not only the advantage of being mucJi stiffer, but they furnish much better means for fixing the flanches made use of to connect them with the wheels or levers, by which they are turned and strained. We shall now introduce to the notice and’ obser- vation of the student, a variety of propositions and deductions, chiefly selected from Emerson’s excel- lent treatise of Mechanics. Proposition. — If a beam of timber, ( Figure 1, Plate Uf,) be supported at C and B, lying upon the wall, ACE, w r ith one end, and if G be the centre of gravity of the whole weight sustained ; and the line F G H, be drawn peniendicular to the horizon, and C F, and 11H; to C B, and B F, drawn ; I say, The weight of! the whole body I" H. Pressure at the top C, I B II, Thrust or pressure at the base B > F B, ... , and in these se- are respect, vely as j yeral directions .,> If the beam support any weight, the beam and weight must be considered as one body, whose cen- tre of gravity, is G. -Then the end C is supported by the plane BCE; and the other end B may be supposed to- be sustained by a plane perpendicular to B F; therefore the weight and forces at C and B, are respectively as F II, li H, and B F.” “ Cor. I. — Produce F B towards Q, then B Q> is the direction of the pressure at B ; and the press- ures at B in, the directions BQ, F D,DB, are as F B, F D, D B ” “ Cor. 2. — Draw Dr perpendicular to B C, and draw C D, then the weight, pressure at the top, di- rect pressure at bottom, and horizontal pressure at bottom, are respectively as C B, B D, D C, and Dr.” “ For since the angles B C F, B D- F, are right ; a circle described upon the diameter. B F, will pass through C D. Therefore Z_B C D = B F D standing on the same arch BD, and because theZ-G B H and Z- S at D are right, B H F = C B D ;• therefore, the triangles F II B, and C B D are. sim- ilar, and the figure B RDF similar to the figure I) B r C, whence F II *B H;B FjB D* are as C D;B D;D C;and Dr.” “ Cor. 3. — All this holds true for any force instead, of gravity, acting in direction G D.” Proposition. — If B C, fig. 2, be any beam bearing any weight, G the centre of gravity of the whole ; and if it lean against the perpendicular wall C A, and. be supported in that position ; draw B A, C F, parallel, and F G I) perpendicular to the horizon ; and.drawF B, then The whole weight j FD Pi-ess ur a at the top C j BD Thrusts-or pressure at the bottom j. F B and in the same B ace respectively as J directions’ For CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. m u For the end C is sustained by the plane A C; and if the end B be supposed to be susiained by a plane perpendicular to F B: then the weight, and f ressure at top and bottom, ureas D F, 1) B, F B. f you suppose the end B is not sustained by a plane perpendicular to F B, the body will not be support- ed at all.” “ Cor. -f F B be produced to Q, then B Q is the direction of the pressure at B: and the perpendi- cular pressure at B (F D) is equal to the weight; and the horizontal pressure at 13 (B D), is equal to the pressure against C.” “ /Proposition . — If a heavy beam, or one bearing a weight be sustained at C, ( Figure 3,) and move- able about a point C; whilst the other end II lies upon the wall 13 E, and if 1 1 G F be drawn through the centre ot gravity G, perpendicular to the hori- zon. and B F, C II, perpendicular to B C, and C F be drawn; then The whole weight ") H F Pressure at B I II C Force acting at C \ C F, . -i I and in these di- are respectively as . „ 1 •’ J rections. “ For the end B is sustained by the plane C B, and the end C may be supposed to be sustained by a plane perpendicular to F C, or by a cord in direc tion C F. Then since Ii C is parallel to ii F, the as IT, F C F, II <3: weight, force at C, pressure at 13, are respectively “ Cor . But if, instead of lying upon the inclined plane at 15, the end B be laid upon the horizontal plane A B, then the weight and the pressure at B’ and C, are respectively as 13 C, G C, and B G ; and in this case there is no lateral pressure.” “ For 13 F will be perpendicular to B A, and par- allel to II F, and consequently C F is also parallel to If F, therefore the forces at C, (3, B, are as B G, B A’, and C G.” Proposition . — If a heavy beam B C, ( Figure 4-) whose centre of gravity is G, bd supported upon two posts B A, C I); and be moveable about the points, A, 13, C, I), and if A B, DO, produced, meet in any point II, of the line GF dyaVn perpen- dicular to the horizon ; and if from any point F, in the line G F, F E, be drawn parallel to A 13 H I say, The whole weight A If F Pressure at O | HE Thrust or pressure at B, V E F, are respect ively as and ifl * hese di ‘ ‘ J rections For tire points A, 13, 0, TX being in a plane per- pendicular to the horizon, the body may be suppos- ed to be supported by two planes at 15, 0, perpendi- cular to«A B, D C ; or by two ropes 13 H, 0 If: and in either case, .the weight in direr ion II G, tlie pressure at 13; C; in directions II 15, II C, are as H F, E F, and H E. C or. Hence, whether a body be sustained by two ropes, B H, C II, or by two posts AB, CD, or by two planes perpendicular to BA, CD; the body then can only Ire at rest, when the plumb line 11 G F, passes through G, the centre of gravity of the whole weight sustained, or which is the same thing, when A B, D C, intersect in the plumb-line II G F^ passing through the centre of gravity.” SCHOLIUM. “ By the construction of these four last proposi tions, there is formed the triangle of pressure, re- presenting the several forces. In which, the line of gravity (or plumb line passing through the centre of gravity,) always represents the absolute weight, and the other sides, the corresponding pressures.” Proposition . — If several beams A 13, I3C, CD, E, in x, then the weight C, the forces in directions C B, and C I), areas r B, C 13, and C r, respectively, and the weight C, is to the weight D, as B r to w x.” “ Cor. 2. — The foree, or thrust, at C, in direction CB, or at 13, in direction I3C, is as the secant of the elevation of the line B C, above the horizon.” “ For, force in direction C 13 j force in direction C I) ! ; C B ; C r ; ; S. C r B, or r C m, or s C I ) ♦ 8.r B C ; ; cos. elevation of C D ♦ cos. elevation of C B :: sec. elevation of C 13 Jsec. elevation Cl); because the secants are reciprocally as the cosines.’’ 3C “ Cor, J90 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. “ Cor. 3 . — Draw C p, D m, parallel to D E, C JB, then the weights on 0 and D, to preserve the equi- librium, will be as C m to D p, and therefore, it all the weights are given, and the position of two lines C D, D E, then the positions of all the rest C 11, 11 A, &c. will be successively found. For let the force in direction C D, or D C, be C D, then C p is the force in direction D E, and D m, in direction C B. And D p, or the weight D, is the force com- pounded ofD C, C p; and C m, or the weight C, is the force compounded of C I), D m.” “ Cor. 4. — If the weights, lie not on the angles B C, D, See. let the places of their centres of gravity be at g, h, k, 1, and let g, h, k, 1, also express their weights. And take the weight Br= A g * h C, .ns g +irc h ’ 1 E Bh, , kD, T x Ck, : rc h +irD k ’ D =cT) k + p 1, &c. then B, C, D, &c. will be the weights lying upon the respective angles.” “ Cor. 5. — If the weights were to act upwards, in the directions m C, p D, &c, or which is the same thing, if the figure A, B, C, D, E, F, was turned upside down, and the weights remain the same, and the points A F, lie fkfed as before. All the angles at B, C, I), &c. and consequently the whole figure will remain the same as before ; and that whether the lines A B, B C, C D, 8c c. be flexible or inflexi- ble cords or timbers.” “ This will easily appear, by the demonstration of the prop. For the ratio of the forces at any angle C, will be the same, whether they act towards the point C, or from it ; that is, it will be the same tiling, whether the weight at any angle C, acts in direction C m, or C s, and as the forces were sup- posed before to thrust against C, the same forces now do pull from it.” “ Scholiun. — If DA, B F, Figure 6, be a semi- circle, whose diameter is D F, draw A G, perpen dicular to D F, then the force or weight at any place A, to preserve the equilibrium, w ill be re- ciprocally as A G 3 , or directly as the cube of the secant of the arch B A.” “ Likewise it follows from Cor. 5, that if any c >rds of equal lengths, be stretched to the same de- gree of curvature, the stretching forces will be as the weights of the cords.” Proposition. — If the distance of the walls ADand BC be given, Fig. 7, and AB, AC be two beams of timber ofequal thickness: the one horizontal, the other inclined ; and if two equal weights P, Q, be suspended in the middle of them ; the stress is equal in both, and the one will as soon break as the other, by these equal weights.” “ For AC: All;: weight P : A® P— pressure A 0 against the plane, or part of the weight the beam A C sustains. And the stress upon A C P>^ A C A Cor ABxP; and the stress < n A B isQxA B, which i3 equal to A BxP, because the weights P, Q are equal. Therefore, the stress being the same, and the beams being of equal thickness, one will bear as much as the other, and they will botk break together.” “ Cor. 1 If the beams be loaded with weights in any other places in the: same perpendicular line as F, G ; they will bear equal stress, and one will as soon break as the other.” “ For they are cut into parts similar to one ano- ther; and therefore stress at -F: stress by P: 1 A F C :•£ A C- A G B ; stress by B: stress by Q or stress by P. Therefore stress at F= stress at B.” u Cor. 2. If the two beams be loaded in propor- tion to their lengths; the stress by these weights, or by their own weights, will be as their lengths; and therefore the longer, that stands aslope, will sooner break.” “ For the stress upon A C was A BxP, and the stress on A B was A BxQ ; but since P and Q are to one another, as A C and A B, therefore the stress on A C and A B w ill be as A Bx A C and A J>X AB; that is, as A C to A B. And in regard lo their own weights, these are also proportional to their lengths.” “ Proposition . — Let A B, A C, Figure 8, be two beams of timber of equal length ami thickness, the one horizontal, the other set sloping, if C D be per- pendicular to A B, and they be loaded in the mid- dle with tw’o weights, P, Q, which are to one ano- ther as A C to A I), then the stress w ill be equal .in both, and one will as soon break as the other.” “ For AC: A D; 1 P:-A^ P=pressure ofP in A the middle of A C. And by supposition, AC: AD;i P : Q ; therefore P=Qj the weight in A L the middle tff A B. Therefore the forces in the mid- dle of the two beams are the same, and the lengths of the beams being the same, therefore the stress is equal upon both of them ; and being of equal thick- ness, if one breaks, (he other will break.” “ Cor. If the weights P, Q, be equal upon the two equal beams A B, A C, the stress upon A B w ill be to the stress upon A C, as A B or A C to AD, the same holds in regard to their own weights.” For the weight Q is increased in that proportion. “ Proposition .—If several pieces of timber be ap- plied to any mechanical use where strength is requir- ed, not only the parts of the same piece, but the se- veral pieces in regard to one another, ought to be so adj usted for bigness, that the strength may be al- ways CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. ways proportional to the stress they are to en- dure.” This proposition, Mr. Emerson observes, is the foundation of all good mechanism, and ought to be regarded in all sorts of tools and instruments we work with, as well as in the several parts of any en- gine; for who that is wise, will overload himself with his work tools, or make them biggerand heavier then the work requires? Neither ought they to be so -slender as not to be able to perform their office. In all engines, it must be considered what weight every beam is to carry, and proportion the strength accor- dingly. All levers must be made strongest at the place where they are strained the most ; in levers of the first kind, they must 1m? strongest at the support ; in those of the second kind, at the weight; in those of the third kind, at the power, and diminish propor- tionally from that point. The axles of wheels and pullies, the teeth of wheels, which bear greater weights, or act with greater force, must be made stronger, and those lighter, that have light work to do. Ropes must be so much stronger cm’ weaker, as they have more or less tension ; and in general, all the parts of a machine must have such a degree of strength, as to be able to perform its office, and mo more ; for an excess of strength in any nr.rt does no qjood, but adds unnecessary weight to tne machine, which clogs and retards its motion, and makes it languid and dead. And on the other hand, a de- fect of strengh where it is wanted, will be a means to make the engine fail in that part, and -go to ruin. So necessary it is to adjust the strength to the stress, that a good mechanic will never neglect, it; but will contrive all the parts in due proportion, by which means they w ill last all alike, and the whole machine will be disposed to fail all at once. And this will ever distinguish a good mechanic from a bad one, who either makes some parts so defective, imperfect, and feeble, as to fail very soon ; or makes others, so strong or clumsy, as to out-last all the rest-” “ From this general rule follows, “ Cor. ~1 . — In several pieces of timber of the same sort, or in different parts of the -same piece; the breadth multiplied by 'the square of the depth, must be as the length, multiplied by the weight to be borne, for then the strength will be as the stress. “ Cor. 2. — The breadth multiplied by the square of the depth, and divided by the product of the length and weight, must be the same in all.” “ Cor . 3. — tftince, may be computed the strength of timber, proper for several uses in building. As, “ First. — To find the dimensions of joists and boards for flooring. Let b, d, 1, be the breadth, depth, and length, of a joist, n, — the number of them, x = their distance, g=the depth of a board, w = the weight, then n b d 2 ;= the strength of all the joists, and w 1 = the stress on them, also, nig 2 = the strength of the boards, and w x, their 19 i stress ; therefore, 1— = w i n 1 g 2 and. - — §L — for the distance of the joists, dr the length of b d 2 board between them. Or b — V'Sl d 2 x , or d 2 as — , and so on, according to -what is wanted.” Secondly.— To find the dimensions of square tim- ber for the roof of a house, — Let r, s, 1, be the length Of the ribs, spars, and hits, so far as they bear ; x, y, z, their breadth or depth, n, the distance of the hats, w '= the weight upon a rib, c=the cosine of elevation of the roof. Then by reason of the inchned plane^-^x c = ^ ie weight upon a spar. And l n w -r- the weight upon a lat, for the ribs and lats lie liprizontally. Therefore, Ay \543z — X c lx - r r s Whence, x 3 = r * y 3 , and x L — : 1-2 sz ' - c4 s 1- n Hence, if any one x, y, or z, be given, and all the rest of the quantities ; the other two may be found. Or in general, any two being unknown, they may be found, from having the rest given.” u For example. — Let r=9 feet, ft — 4 feet, 1=15 inches, n=l 1 inches, c=707, the cosine of 45° the pitch of the roof. And assume y=2{ inches, then x =2{ j=7 * 1 inches, and z =2{ V 3'535 y 3=1 ’ inches.” “ Proposition. — If any weight be laid on the beam A B, as at C, (see Figure 9, and 10 , ) or any force applied to it at C, the beam will be bent through a space C I), proportional to the weight or force ap- plied at C; and the resistance of the beam will be as the space it is bent through nearly.” “ In order to find the law of resistance of beams of timber, or such like bodies, against any weights laid upon them, or straining them, I took a piece -of wood planed square, and supporting it at both ends A, B, I laid successively on the middle of it at C, 1,2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, and 8 pounds; and 1 found the middle point C to descend through the spaces 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 respectively. And repeat- ing the same experiment with the weights 3, G, 91bs. they all descended through spaces, either accurately or very nearly as the numbers 1, 2, .3. I tried the same things with springs of metal, and found the space through w hich they were bent, proportional to the weight suspended. I also tried several experi- ments of this kind with wires, hairs, and other elas- tic flexible bodies, by hanging weights at them : and ‘ 192 CARPENTRY AND JOTNERY and I found that the increase of their lengths, by j stretching, was in each of them proportional to the ] weights hung at them ; except when they were going to break, and then the increase was something greater. It may b“ observed, that none of these bo- dies regained their first figure, when the weights were taken olf, except well tempered, springs ; so that there are no natural bodies perfectly elastic. And even springs are observed by experience to grow weaker by often bending ; and by remaining some time unbent, will recover part oftheir strength; and are something stronger in cold than in hot wea- ther. Rut at any time, a spring, and all such bodies observe this law, that they have the least resistance when least bent, and in all cases are bent through spaces nearly proportional to the weights or forces applied. And. therefore, 1 think this law is suffi- ciently established, that the resistance any of these j bodies makes, is. proportional to the space through which it is bent, or that it exerts a force propor- tional to the distance it is stretched to.” “■ Tlie knowledge of this property of springy bo- dies is of great use in mechanics, for by this means a spring may be contrived to pull at all times with equal strength, as in the fusee of a watch: or it may be made to draw in any proportion of strength required.” “ The action of a spring may be compared to the lifting up a chain of weights, lying upon a plane, or to the lifting a cylinder of timber out of the water endways.” This author farther observes, that “ the proposi- tions before laid down concerning the strength and stress of timber, &c. are also of excellent use in several concerns of life, and particularly in Architec- ture: and upon these principles a great many prob- lems may he resolved, relating to the due proportion ofstrength in several bodies, according to their parti- cular positions and weights they are to bear, some of Which I shall briefly enumerate.” If a piece of timber is to be holed with a mor- tice hole, the beam will be stronger when it is taken out ofthe middle, than if it be taken out of either side. And in a beam supported at both ends, it is stronger when the hole is taken out of the tipper side than the under one, provided apiece of wood is driven hard into fillup the hole.” “ I fa piece is to be spliced upon the end of a beam to he supported at both ends, it will he stronger when spliced mn the under side of a beam, than on the up- per side. But if the beam is supported only at one end, to bear a weight on the other, it is stronger when spliced on the upper side.” “ When a small lever &c. is nailed to a body to remove it, or suspend it by, the strain is. greater upon the nail nearest the bund, or point where the power is applied.” If a slender cylinder, is to be supported by two the distance of the pins ought to be i parts of the length of the cylinder, that is f its length, the pins equidistant from its ends, and then the cylinder will endure the least bending or strain by its weights.” “ By the same principles, if a wall faces the wind, and if the section of it be a right angled triangle, or the foreside he perpendicular to the horizon, and the backside terminated by a sloping plane inter- secting the other plane in the top of the wall, such a wall will be equally strong in all its parts to resist the wind, if the parts ofthe wall cohere strongly to- gether ; but if it be built of loose materials, it is bet- ter to be convex on the backside, in form of a para- bola.” I f a wall is to support a bank of earth, or any lluid body, it ought to be built concave in form of a semi-cubical parabola, whose vertex is at the top of the wall ; this is when the parts of the wall stick well together ; lmt if the parts be loOse, then a right line or sloping plane ought to be its figure. Such walls will be equally strong throughout.” “ All spires of churches in the form of cones or pyramids, are equally strong in all parts to resist the wind ; but when the parts cohere not together, parabolic conoids are equally strong throughout.” Likewise, if there he a pillar erected in the form of the logarithmic curve, the assymptote being the axis, it cannot be crushed to pieces in one part sooner than in another, by its own weight. And if such a pillar be turned upside down, and suspend at the thick end in the air, it will be no sooner pulled asunder in one part than another by its own weight. And the case is the same if the small end be cut otf, and instead of it, a cylinder be added, whose height is half the snbtangent.” The same author states' also his having found by experience, that there is a great deal of difference in strength, in d iff rent pieces of the very same tree, . some pieces I . have found would not bear half the weight that others would do. The wood of the houghs and branches is far weaker than that of the body ; the wood ofthe great limbs- is stronger than . that ofthe small ones, and the wood in the heart of a sound tree is the strongest of all. I have also found by experience, that a piece of timber, which has borne a great weight for a. small time, has broke with a far less weight, when left upon it for a longer time.. Wood, is likewise, weaker yvlien it is green, and . strongest when thoroughly dried, land should be two or three years old at least. If wood happens to be sappy it will be'Weaker upon that account, and will likewise decay sooner. Knots in wood weaken it very much, and this often causes it to break where > a knot is, Also when wood is cross grained, as it often happens in sawing; this will weaken it more or less, according as it runs -more or less cross the grain. And l have found by experience, that tough wood cross the grain, such as elm or askis 7,, 8 or 10 times weaker than straight; aud wood that easily splits CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. splits, 9UCh as' fir, is 16, 18, or 20 times weaker. A/id tor common use it is hardly possible to find wood but it must be subject to some of those things. Besides when timbet* iies long in a building, it is apt to decay, or to be worm eaten, which must needs very much impair its strength. From all which it appears, that a large allowance ought to be made l«r the strength of wood, when applied to any use, especially where it is designed to continue for a long time.” We come next, to some observations and examples of that ingenious experimental philosopher Air. John Banks, contained in his useful treatise on the Pcicxr of Machines." which w ork we strongly re- commend to the attention of mechanics in general. This Gentleman Commences wiih“ Rules and ob- servations respecting the form and strength of beams of wood nnd iron for supporting weights, working engines, &c. ‘‘If the materials of which different beam# are made, be equally good, the comparative strength under any regular form may easily be investigated. But we find by experiment that t^e same kind of wood, and of the^anje form and dimensions, will break with very different weights; or, one piece is much stronger than another, not on(y cut out of the same tree, but out of the same rod: or, a piece of a gi\ en length, planed equally thick, and cut ill two or three pieces, these pieces w ill be broken with different weights. Iron also varies in strength, and not only from different furnaces, hut from the same furnace, and .the same melting; but this seems to be owing to some imperfection in the casting, and in general iron is much more uni- form than wood. The resistance which any beam or of wood or iron affords, will be as tlie sum of the products of all the fibres, between the top and bot- tom, multiplied by they- respective distances from the top. /‘or if a=— length, b==breadth and ■/. — 1 depth, we shall have zX z ? ar) d divided by 4* the fluent of zz— 52 ; hence. ^ = the w hole resis- 2 '2 i tance, which wh«i the weight is suspended from the® middle of the beam, must be divided by half the j 1 hj-2 * length. or by ' , which w ill be equal to—'-- ; which j ‘ 2 1 a expresses the strength ofthe beam. From which we! liave the following Rule . — u Multiply the breadth in inches by the square of the depth in int lies , and divide that product ; by the Unrjb in incurs, the quotient is a fraction, or j K'hole number, ore. which expresses the comparative strength of the beam. j “ i’he dimensions may be taken in feet, or the, breadth and depth in inches, and tlie length in feet,’ but to compare one piece with anotlier they must all be Jaken in tire same manner. From a great num- 10S her of experiments which I have made on the strength of wood, and that on pieces of various lengths and breadths, &c. 1 found that the worst or weakest piece of dry heart of oak, 1 inch square and 1 foot long, did bear 6(50 pounds, though much bend- ed, and two pounds more broke it. The strongest piece I have tried of the same dimensions, broke* with 074 pounds. “ The worst piece of deal 1 have tried, bore 46$ pounds, but broke with 4 more. The best piece Imre 600 pounds, but broke with a little more. These pieces were 1 inch square, and 1 foot long. Example 1.— K Given a piece of oak 6 incite# square, and 8 feet in length, to find what weight sus- pended from the middle will break it. Solution . — “ In the worst piece of oak 1 inok | square, and 12 inches long, the strength is 1 squar- ed, viz. the depth squared and multiplied by the breadth, and divided by the length, which is_I . In tlie given piece we have G the depth squared equal SG, which multiplied by the breadth (6) gives 216^ j which divided by the length 86, give?.. , or, ; hence as _JL is to 660 pounds, so ls_JL to 17850 i 12 4 ! pounds. ‘‘ From the above, we may compute tlie following weights, >vhich placed opposite to the fraction or whole number, which is obtained by the rule before given, and the dimensions taken in inches; ih the se- cond column, in leet; in the third, the breadth and i depth in inches, and the length in feet. 2 Jc *5 J: j= , r: -C Weight in pounds which will nearly break it, 1st | € ' C 2 5 c Om g b£ J c SZ ! CD Length in Feet, 3(1 — — — * 660 L_ 66 0 1 660 792 j- ' 14256 ± 880 J L 990 * 19008 4 1650 i 1320; 1 4 O' 28512 3 1980 J 1980. _1_ 38016 4 1 264 d 1 3960 57024 5 1 330 0 I 7920; , Ti_ 114048 G 396 0 2 15940, Y 1140480 8 5280 3 2,3760, 10 6600 4 31680, 3I> M Example 194 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. u Fxamplc. — Given, the length of an oak beam 1C feet, breadth 15 inches, and depth 18 inches, re- quired its strength; or, the weight which suspend ed from the middle, will nearly break it.” “ 1. Let the dimensions be taken in inches, and we have X 15-r~ pd column, as 1 is to CG0 pounds, so is 303 75 to 200475 pounds, the answer.” “ A beam of the above dimensions is commonly used for working a steam engine, the cylinder of which is from 20 to 24 inches diameter, suppose 22 inches, then the greatest pressure that can possibly act upon the beam will not exceed 10000 pounds; hence, the beam would require above 20 times the force of the engine to break it, nevertheless if it was much weaker, the engine might bend it, and in time br-eak it. (( Suppose we take the above beam for a standard, or conclude that every beam ought to be able to bear 20 times as much as it is employed to do. Then what must be the dimensions of a beam 20 leet long, r to work a cylinder 36 inches diameter. “ Solution . — The weight suspended from the ends of the beam will be as the squares of the diameters of the cylinders, viz. as 22 squared, and 36 squared, or as 484 to 1296, the last divided by the first, gives 2‘6777, or 4 • so that the strength of the new 121 beam must be 2"6777 times as great as the other. The strength of the first, when the breadth and deptli are taken in inches, and the length in feet is expressed by 1215 which multiplied by ^j-, gi ves 393660 . e q Ua i 813 34 for the strength. If no re- 484 . gard is paid to the ratio of the breadth and depth, the problem is simply answered by assuming the breadth what we please, suppose 18 inches, and z=the depth we shall have -^^-=813 , 34 ; and z 2 will equal — = 903"71 ; the square lo root of which is =z, or the depth = 30 inches nearly. Otherwise, let the depth be taken at 27 inches and let l=r:breadlh, then our theorem will become 13 34; or,b^M? 4 X 20 20 ’ 729 22 31 inches. IN WORBS, “ Jhtk. — Multiply the expression for the strength, hi/ the length if the beam in feet, and divide that hi/ the square of the depth in inches , the quotient will he the breadth in inches. N. B. Though the above two beams are equal- ly strong, yet the second contains about 84 feet more wood than the first. problem 2. “ Let it be required to make a beam equally strong with the last, and of the same length, but that the ratio of the breadth to the depth be as 2 to 3, or in fany other proportion ? Let a = length in feet, b = breadth, z = depth, and s z= 813-34. the expression for the strength. “ Then will = 813^34 ; and z 2 — a — ‘ ^ - a -also by the problem, as 2 * 3 ; b * z; lienee, 2 z= 3b; and z=z 3 b which squared, 9 b 2 , s a ; also — - b _9b3 : ± from = 7229-7 the cnbe root of which, is 19*337, the breadth in inches, and as 2 * 3 ‘ *. 19*337 ; 29 005, the depth in indies. “ If m is to n as the breadth to the depth, we shall have the following general theorem, viz. b 3 = m 2 s a problem 3. “ Required to make a beam 24 feet long, to work a cylinder 24 inches diameter, and that the breadth be to the depth, as 3 to 7. “ To find an expression for the strength of the beam, we may say from the last problem, as 484, the square of the diameter of the cylinder, is to the ex- pression for the strength of its beam, so is 576, the square of the diameter of the present cylinder, to a number which will express its strength, viz. as 484 J 1215 . 4 * 576 l 36T487, the number required. “ But when the length is taken in feet, and the breadth and depth in inches, we know that an oak beam, which will just break with 660 pounds, has its strength expressed by 1, and if we wish to have a beam which will bear 20 times as much as it is intended to load it with, we may take part of the CARPENTRY AND JOINERY, reii the load, viz. of 060, or S3, and say, as S3 ♦ 1 i l t«'ice the area of the intended cylinder multiplied bv 14, to the strength of the beam, in this case, as S3 ; 1 12672 * 3 84, the strength. Rut this is much more than the real load of a common 2 feet cylinder, if it should amount to even 10 pounds per inch, the whole would be only 8040 pounds, anil ns 33 l i ! ! 8640 J 261 8 the strength : let a beam be constructed, by both expressions, viz bv 384 and 262. In th.e first case, by the general 'theorem, If* ss an3 s a — - — in the problem, m =; 3, and n tss 7 , also a := 44, and s 1 — ; S84, therefore ^ X 384 X 24 — 49 b 3 = 3692 7, the cube root of which is the breadth == I P918 inches ; and as 3 * 7 ; : II *918 * 27-808 inches, the depth. 1 have known a beam of deal of this size, used for a 2 feet cylinder, but in a few years it was much bended, though there was no danger of its' breaking. “ Secondly, when the strength is expressed by ~262, we have every thing the same as before, except s = 262, therefore ^ X *26- X £4 —^ ,3 — 49 ’ and the breadth = 10-492 inches, and as 3 t 7 • * 10 4D2 : 24-48 inches, the depth. “ But suppose the engineer, wishes it to support any greater Weight, for instance, 25 times its com- mon load, he may divide 660 by 25, and the quo- tient will be 26 4 ; then as 26-4 * 1 ; ; 8610 ; 327 2 the expression for the strength, and 327-2 x24x9 49 __ b3 I44g 357 ; cube root is 1 1 99 - — h And as 3 J 7 ; ; 11 29 J 26 34, the depth. “ By the above process, we find the strength of a Team to work a 12 inch cylinder expressed by 96, /from which we have the following “ Rule.—Se/mire the dumujer of the cylinder in feet, and multiply the prodiu t by 90 >• life last pro- duct zcill express the strength. N. B. The depth and breadth are taken in inches, and the length in feet, which I think is the most convenient in general. The length of the beam will make no difference, for the dimensions will turn out so as to make it equally stroDg of any length, for example. PROBLEM 4. “ Required a beam 16 feet long, to work a cylin- der of 30 inches diameter, and that the breadth be to the depth, as 3 to 5. Solution. — “ 25 feet squared, is 6 25; which by the rule, multiplied by 96, gives 600 for the strength. “ Then by the theorem, b 3 ■ — m2 63 , m 2 — q . n^ 1 n 2 =25 ; p — 600 ; a — : 16, therefore ^X600xJ6 25 =b 3 =3156 ^ the cube root of which, is 15-139 ! inches, and as 3 is to 5, so is file breadth I5T19 to t e depth 25 198 inches. ; “ Let it be required to make a beam for the same cylinder of 24 feet, then wiH / ) X60QX2A --.h3 — |j 25 the bread (h=5 184, the cube root <»f w hich, is 17*307, i from which w«* find the depth 28 845 inches. This | J is equally strong with the first, but contains much 1 1 more wood. PROBLEM 5. !j u Required n deal beam 16 feet Jong, to work a jf cylinder of I foot diameter, the breadth to the depth, as o to a. | Solution. — •“ If we take the pressure at 14 pound* |f per inch, t!ie weight upon the centre will be about : 3168 pounds, also the worst piece of fir, one inch ! square, and one foot long, bore 460 pounds, and | broke with 7 pounds more;hence, if we take_f part of 460, viz. 23 pounds, and say, as 23 t 1 (the ex- pression for its strength,) so is 3168: 137 7 the strength. Theft from the tlieorem we multiply the length, the strength, and the square of the ratio of the breadth togetlier, and divide by the square of the ratio of the depth, v.x. 1 6 X 137 7x9 ; s 973- ] r )Q t h e 25 cube root of which, is 9 9 inches for the breadth, then as 3: 5| 1 9*9 : 16 5 inches, the depth. “ Hence, if the square of the diameter of any cy- linder in feet, is multiplied by 138, for the strength of a deal beam, it will, without breaking, support more tlian 20 times as much weight as the engine can ever exert upon it. Experiments on the strength of oalc. “ Tiiese experiments have been made 011 pieces of one inch square, and one foot long, and from that size to 2 inches square, and five feet long, to men- ) tionall the trials would take uptime and room to no J great purpose. It may be sufficient to observe, that when the computations made on the different pieces, and applied to pieces ] inch square, and 1 foot long, that the worst would bear 6 60 pounds, and the best not more than 974. From similar experiments on deal of the same dimensions, I found the w orst which I used would just break witli 460, and the strongest with 690 pounds. “ But in all the computations, I have taken the Worst pieces to compute from, and at the same time have made them to bear 20 times as much as the load they have to support ; not taking notice of their own weight, which would have made the process much more troublesome. problem 6 “ Required the length of a piece of oak one inch square, so that it may just break with its own Weight. Solution. — u Let x=tbe length in feet, and one foot ^96 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. foot in length weigh -ji_ of a pound. Then a? 1 : JO COO :: J : 222. flte weight which will break it. but x x the bar only acts With half its own weight qt the cen- tre, therefore the weight of the bar, must be 10 equal »to_^2 X-i viz. 1222 ; or, 13200= x f x i 0 4.x ’ , and x= v /33 00 =5?‘44 feet. Experiments on the strength of cast iron. Of late cast iron has been used in various ca*ses in place of sioue or wood, as in bridges, engine beams, pillars, rail wavs, or roads, &o. ami is still likely to be more in use. The following experi- ments wyre given to me by Messrs. Reynolds, of Kefley, at the same time requesting me to make them as public as I could, for the advantage of others. Experiments on the strength of cast iron, tried at Ketky, March, 1795. N. B. The different bars were all cast at oho lime out of the same air furnace, and the iron was very soft in the above, we have" “ * E '' X »_9 9 X t«X* D G x D C 7x7 =- — i=9 6979 tons, for the pressure against the spur I) B. “ For the perpendicular upright axle A C, we have pressure against the E C xW _ 16 X 3 I1C 7 =6-8571. CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. m 8571 ton?, the force tending- to brr'drk tae said piece at B, FXAMPT.R 2. Gi\en E C — 12 B C = 6 D c = 6 7 1)8 = 9 W = 4 u Required the pressure on the spur, and the 1 h rizontal pre^su'-e agains the upright. u , D IS x E C £W = » XJ9 Xj. = I0 74 i) c. x n c o x o.i the pressure against the end of the spur. The pres* , ■ E C y W 12 x 4 sure against tiie post, is ^ g ==o In this example, let A C and C E, be oak beams, each 10 inches square,, and the spur D IS. be six • u'i i ii p r 1 r 1 • 1000 inches square. 1 he strength of hi is_^ ^ 94 1-: which, multiplied by 000, gives 3-1132 pounds, which, suspended at E, would break ifie beam C E at D. The length of the upright A (', is 12 feet, and has its strength expressed by ^ , wide multiplied by 069, produces 55000 pounds, the 31132x12 weight which would break it at B. Hu*~ ^7 — * 0 6 — 0 2904, the pressure at B, which is 7201 pounds more than the neam A C can support. Tiie strength of the spur IS D is ^ X 0 X 0 — - 24. which niulti- 9 plied by 2, gives 48 tons for the strength, or 107520 pounds. ll„ tPBX EC XW _ 9 X 12X3113^ DGxUC = 3302256, 40 2 0 A 6.7 =83638 pounds, which is 23882 pounds less than the force requisite to break the spur From the above, it appears that the upright A C is the weakest part : but from the principles alreadv explained, the ingenious mechanic will easily proper tion the parts so as to be equally strong. I will add one example. In the above crane the horiz nta! 'beam bears 31 132 pounds, the length of the spu and upright being given, what must be their dimen- sions, that is, how much square, to be equally Strong as the above horizontal beam ? “ fhrst for the spur. Let z=u side o r the square, then z \ x 4 ISO =31132 pounds, or z 3 — 9X&1 132 • iJ '448 a =12 542 : and z=( 62‘542 1 *=3:9694 inches. S- coiid. — rhe strength ot tiie upright is expressed b y - — which must be equal to 62264, 62264 X 12 _ 1132C0g; Us cube lyet it be required to make * crane of cast iron to bear 4 owl. but t at ii may be perfectly saie, ief it be calculated for 10 cwt. and let A C = C L 3 feet, also B C = t 1) = H foot. Solution . — Let the thickness of t e iron be half are nch, and put z =■ depth ot C L. rtien as 1 J 2190 : ; r£ X i ♦ 1120, from which we find z- =• 1, ~^=3 06S5; the square root of which, is the- 365 depth = 1-75 inches. The pressure upon the spue at I), in the direction D G = 1120 pounds; the length of the spur is 2' 12 feet, and as D G (15) ♦ D B (2 12) :: J 120 : 1583, for . the pressure iu ■ e direction I) B. As a bar one inch squ ire, and o le foot long, will bear 15 tons, or 33600 pounds, z- f hence z 3 — . root is 10:422 660 z, the side of the square post. 1583, from which we find z the side of the prop or spur= .46385 of Next, f 560' X_3 1 120 pounds, the p rest- ive say as 1 J 33600 \ vve find z the side of the pr , an inch square. Next, for the upright, we have CExW B C 1-5 sure against B,- then as I * 2190 '. , X — the square 5 3 X 2 of the breadth to 1120 pounds, the same as C L, as they are of the same length, and the breadth will be the same, that is 175 inches. We shall now present to the attention of ouc readers,' a few interesting problems, collected from, various sources. In the 6th number of that valuable publication, the “ Gentleman's Mathematical Companion we find the following question proposed by the truly ingenious' Mr.. Joseph Edwards, private teacher of themiatbematics, at Hoxton, and most elegantly re- solved by him, iu the succeeding year. PROBLEM. “ Let S denote the strength of a parellolopipedic beam of timber, at any given place, tbuud according to the- common principles. Required the strength at the same place, supposing the expansion aud contraction of the fibres, when at the greatest, to nave a given ratio.” SOLUTION. “ Lei the parallelogram A BCD, (Fig. 16.) re- present tiie given beam supported at the middle of B C, by the fulcrum F, and strained by two equal weights suspended to its ends ; and parallel to which let E F be a section. In the investigation of the lateral strength of timber, upon the common principles, the common fulcrum of the bended levers, B F E, C F E, is supposed to be in the surface of the beam at F, and- consequently that all the longitudinal fibres resist (iix_ various degn es) the tendency of the force of the weights t<> overcome t ie cohesion at the section, in -■ the direction of t eir lengths but when the fibres are susceptible-both of contraction by pressure, and' expansion— *00 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. expansion by tension, it is evident, that the beam will, as soon as it is submitted to the action of suffi- cient weights, turn (until it breaks) about that point (O) in E F, which divides the expanded from the contracted fibres, and of the latter, an equal number in each part F A, F D, may be imagined to press upon each other at O F, and form a common finite base, upon which the said levers are supported when they strain the fibres between O and E. Now from hence, it is evident, that the magnitude of O F de- pends upon the ratio e e to F F, if these lines repre- sent the increment am! decrement of an expanded and contracted fibre, respectively: which being given, that of E O ; O F is also given by sim./\ s; and E F being given, E 0,0 F, are eachgiven.” “ Again, draw J () K [] B C, then (by prop. 57 Emerson’s Mech. ) the strength of the beam A I O K D, of which the depth is E O, and fulcrum (), is as — ~ when O K is given, and the breaking tension of a fibre at O, =1 ; also Id. = sum of all the ten- ’ 2 sionsat EO, therefore it is evident that alithe fibres in the beam, AK would be broke by a force at K, which is as if the arm OF, of the double lever K O E, o K O F, were not prevented from turning about the fulcrum O, by t he resistance of those fibres at O F, which belong to the part J F of the beam, which resistanc ^ appears from what has 2 E o-j-2 F E 11 been quoted above, and the property of the lever. Moreover, because the resistance at O F is equal to C 2 ' the sum of all the tensions at E O ° E Eo o ♦ E O 2 E o-f 2 F O + X(E O — O F), the greatest weight that the given beam will support, or the least that will break it. But ■—- ? /' is as the o strength of the beam, according to Emerson’s prin- ciples; therefore — t ^ , - ^ -X E F I *. E F J E O ;; S ♦ S X the strength of the given beam as required. Hence it follows, if the beam be soft and elastic (as fir, yew, &c.) that it will ac- quire additional strength by cutting a piece out of the under part on each side of O F, and subtituting a similar one of a firmer texture in its stead.” lu the 14ih number of the Mathematical Com- panion, we find the following interesting question, proposed by Mr. John Surtees, of Houghton Le Spring, in the county of Durham. - A" beam of a given length, haying its perpen- dicular section every where a plane triangle vertex upwards, projects horizontally from a wall. Com- pare its strength, when whole, to support a weight at its end, with the strength of the remaining piece, after of the section from the vertex is cut away parallel to the horizon ; also with the strength of the remaining piece, after -f, &c. is cut away, the weight of the beam itself not being considered.” “ Note — In Emerson's Mechanics , page 114, it is asserted, that, when is cut away, the remaining j piece is stronger than when whole, which is a para- dox in mechanics. But 1 presume that a true solu- tion to the above will prove that to be a mistake.” The correctness of this assertion, the ingenious pro- poser fully demonstrated (on the supposition that the beam was destitute of weight), in the 15th num- ber of the same publication ; to which the reader is [ referred for a very excellent solution of the forego- ing question. The writer of this article has received the follow- ing very elegant and masterly solution of this inter- esting problem, from Mr. William Watts, of Ply- mouth ; a Gentleman whose eminent scientific at- tainments, are surpassed only by his ingenuous mo- desty. “ Let the triangle ABC ( Fig. 17,) represent a perpendicular section ofa beam, supposed to project horizontally from a wall, and let a weight W be ap- plied at the other extremity to break it ; also let A B C represent the section when the fracture lake* place, the fulcrum being at D. “ Put C D=a, D B=b, D E=v, and E F=»y. Let L also denote the length, anu W the weight of | the whole beam, and let 1 and w be considered as the length and weight of any trapezoid or horizontal sec- tion oft he beam. Then by sim. triangles C D (a) J i BD (b): : CE (a— v) J EF (y)=iL (a— v), and by a substituting this value ofy in the known formula y v it will become (a v 2 v — v 3 v) the fluxion of a a 2 the strength of the beam: and by integrating each term, we shall have .V. 1 h _Z 4 —the strength of the 5a 4a 2 trapezoid B D E F, which expression when v=a becomes b a 2 , the direct lateral strength of the entire beam. These two strengths are to each other in the ra tio of b a 2 3 a 4 a 2 or of 1 ;l v5 -S'*- a 1 yi;- . “ This ratio expresses only the relation existing b‘“tw»‘en the strengths or efforts that tend to preserve the adhesion of the fibres. If, therefore, we would take into consideration the efforts that tend to des- troy their adhesion, these efforts being in the inverse ratio of the strengths, will be found to vary both as to the weights of the respective beams, and the dis- tance at which those weights act; therefore by in- corporating CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 201 corpornfirg the direct and inverse ratio?, we readi- ly find tiiat the strengths are to each other in the (*£) ••••<“> or of i ♦ ^ v3 3 "V .( 111 ) (?) when the lengths are the same. “ £.r. I. If vm^ a, then by the first form, the ra- tio Tor the direct strengths becomes 4 ! j — s 729 3X4096^ or as oig7 to 2018. 6501 "** Example 2. — If vr= $ a, then the ratio of the 4 \y QjQ direct strength (I) becomes, m 1 * — — — -S or as 2187 to 1715.” 6o61 “ Example 3. — If v =3 then by form (1), the ratio of the direct strengths becomes m 1 J ^ or ag 2]87 tQ 12g6 „ 606 1 “ Example 4. — If vrr-gn, then by form (I) the ratio of the direct strengths becomes :=rl 792 3 X 625 6561 or as 2187 to 875.” “ If we continue the examples by supposing vm ^a, -jj a, &c. & c. w e shall obtain a series of results the whole of which, with the preceding, are exhibit- ed in the following table, where the several ratios aie arranged in their proper order. "2018 when 1 ninth is cat away. 17)5. . . 1296. . . 875. . . 512.. . 24 3. .. 80. . , IK, . 0.. . t “ Remark . — It appears by the preceding solution, that the whole triangular beam is stronger than any remaining trapezoid whatever, after any triangular prism, similar to the given beam, is out off from the top parallel to the horizon, and that Emerson was mistaken (at least in theory) in asserting that when 4 ofthe altitude oftbe triangular prism is cut away ; the remaining piece is stronger than when whole. But it should not be forgotten that the entire beam, being in the form of a triangular prism, and having a sharp edge at tire vertex, is deemed by practical men, much more liable to spring than it would be if the upper edge were cut off parallel to the base of the prism: and it is probable that this circumstance may more than compensate for the loss of strength, occasioned by f ofthe altitude of the beam being cut off from the top: but this I presume can only be de- termined by suitable experiment. On comparing this solution with the one given by the proposer in the Mathematical Companion they will be seen to present the same results ; from which circumstance it is evident that theory contradicts the assertion of Emerson, and all that remains now, is to institute a series of experiments, in order to as- certain the conclusion which may will be the deficiency in strength of the hollow beam, when it breaks at b; and (.2 d b — c a) X c a 3 will be the defect of strength when it breaks at n or f, which is greater than the former.. For the same reason the deficiency in strength required to break it at d, will be (2 b d-f-a c) X ac - Let A D, (Fie itre 21 J be a beam in a horizontal position, supported at the end A by the upright piece A E; it is required to find the position of ano- ther piece B C of a given length, so as it may. sup- port A D w ith the greatest force possible. Let B C denote the absolute strength of the beam B C ; when agreably to the principles of the resolu- tion of forces, ,.C F will express that part of it w hich is employed m supporting A D : consequently by the property of the lever, A CxC F is to be a. maximum. But it is well known that the rectangle of two- quantities forms a maximum, when those quantities are equal; therefore B C i- in the best position for supporting A D, when A C=A B, or when the an- gl»p A B C, is equal to the angle A C B. From these data, we learn that tlie cross bars of gates should not be placed diagonally, as they most commonly are; because the bar in that position coun- teracts, in a great measure, what it is intended to remedy. We have- now com plea ted what we proposed, in this third and last division of Carpentry; hut wo cannot permit ourselves to conclude it, without ac- knowledging how deeply we are indebted to the la- bours of different authors, for much important and valuable assistance throughout the whole of our en- quiries. To the Encyclopaedia's. Britunmca and Lon* dint n sis. Rees's Cyclopaedia , Emerson's, Gregory's, and Marratts Mechanics , Banks-on the pozeer of Ma- chines, the different treatises on Carpentry , aha va- rious other works, . v/e acknowledge our- elves in- debted in a particular manner, and would refer the enquiring student to the publications we have allude ed to, for more particular information; and we can assure him that they will be found correct guides in general to a knowledge of those subjects which have been treated of in this part of our article. JOINERY We have already defined to be the art of work- ing in wood, or of fitting various pieces of timber to each other, for the purpose of ornamental appen- dages to certain parts of edifices, which are called by the French, menuiserie, “ small work.” ENUMERATION OF THE MOST UESFUX, JOINERS TOOLS. Figure 30 represents the Jack Plane. 31 Trying Plane. 3A . Smoothing Planer. 32 and 53 ...... Plane Irons. 26 ■ 27 - 8 Tenon Saw. Compass Saw. Keyhole Saw. Square, Bred. Figure.IT CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 903 Figure 1 7 4 14 15 29 ■ 35 37 , 10 2 20 28 38 Gmged Mortice chisseh Gouge. Turn Screw. Plough. Moulding Plane. Pincers. Brad Axel. Stock and Bit . Side Hook. Work Bench. Rule. Besides these, Joiners make nse of a variety of other tools, whose general forms are nearly similar to those exhibited in the Plate ; and which consist of the Tong Plane , Jointer , Compass Plane , Fork staff plane, Straight Block , Sinking Rehatting Planes , Skew mouthed Rebutting planes , Square mouthed Rehalting planes , Side Rebutting Planes Bed Planes of various sizes, Snipes bill, Hollows and Rounds, Moulding Plainest of various kinds, (which would be endless to enumerate), Centre Bit, Count- er sink, Rimers, Taper Shell Bit, Drawing Knife, Ripping Saw, Half Ripper, Hand Saw, Pannel Saw, Sash Saw, Dovetail Saw, Mortice Guage . Mitre Box , Shooting Block, S freight Edge, Winding SHeks, Mitre Square ; and several others, which are likewise in common use, both with the Carpenter, and Joiner. STAIR CASES. Palladio, after observing that “ great care ought to be taken in the placing of staircases,” so “that they may not obstruct other places, nor be obstruct- ed by them”, says that “ three openings are required in staircases; the first is the door through which one goes upto the staircase, which the less it is hid to them that enter into the house, so much the more it is to be commended. And it woulxl please me much, if it was in a place, where before that one comes to it, the most beautiful part of the house 1 was seen ; because it makes the house (although it should i>e little) seem very large; but however, let it be manifest and easily found. “ The second opening is the windows that are ne- cessary to give light to the steps ; they ought to be in the middle, and high, that the light may bespread equally, every where alike, “ The third is the opening through which one en- ters into the floor above ; this ought to lead us into ample, beautiful, and adorned places. Stairs cases ought to be proportioned in width,; and commodiousness, to the dimensions and use of; $he building m which they may be placed. The height of a s(,ep ought not to exceed seven inches,! norm any case should be less than four: but six ! inches is a general height. The breadth of the steps should not be less than twelve inches, if it can pos- sibly be avoided • nor should they ever be -more than eighteen; and to render the ascent free from the in- erruption of persons descending, their length should not exceed twelve, nor be less than four, except in common and smalt buildings, whose area will not admit ofa staircase of more than three feet. That the ascent may be both safe and agreeable, it is re- quisite also to introduce some convenient aperture i'or light, which ought to be as nearly opposite to the first entrance to the stairs, as the nature of the building will permit. An equal distribution of light to each flight of stairs ought to be particularly re- garded ; for which reason, the apertures or window's are commonly placed at the landings or half spaces: though sometimes the whole is lighted from a dome. Staircases are of various kinds ; some w ind round a newel in the middle, while the risers of the steps are straight, and sometimes curved ; others are of a cir- cular plan, but forma well in the centre. The same may be observed of those whose plans are el- liptical ; the most common, however, are those whose plan - form a square or parallelogram. The ancients entertained a singular notion, that the number of steps ought to be uneven, in- order that, when the right foot was placed on the first stair in ascending, the ascem might terminate w ith the same foot. This was considered as a favourable omen, on most occasions, and they imagined, that, when they entered a temple in this way, it produced greater and more sincere devotion. Palladio, apparently actuated by this superstitious motive, allows the staircase of a dwelling house, eleven or thirteen steps to each flight. Wiren a staircase winds round a newel or column, whether its plan be circular or elliptical, the diameter is di- vided into three equal parts, two of which are set apart for the steps and one for the column. But in circular or elliptical staircases which are open, or form a well in the middle, the diameter is divided into four equal parts; two of which are assigned for the steps, and two for the well or void -space in the centre. Modern staircases, however, have often a kind of well ofa mixed form ; straight on each side, and circular at the returns of each flight. The openings of these wells vary in- the point of width, but seldom exceed eighteen or twenty inches. To most staircases it -is absolutely necessary, both for convenience and ornament, toaffix hand-rails; these generally begin from the ground by a twisted scroll, which produces a very good effect. In the following observations, as illustrated by the various figures in the annexed plate, will be found a satisfactory explanation of their construction. The diagram, delineated at Figure I, shews the plan of the first step, formed with a scroll to receive the newel post, and ballusters, of the twisted hand rail ; a, forms the projecting nosing of the step; b, exhibits the thickness of the bracket, and c, points out the string board. In order to describe the scroll, take the distance between the points 1 and o, in f04 Carpentry and joinery. m Figure 3, anil lay it off from A to 3, in Figure 2, when divide this distance into three equal parts, in the points 1 and 2; next draw 3, 4, at right angles to A 3, aiid equal to four of the parts A 1 : join A 4 : then with centre 4, and distance 4 3, describe a circular arc, intersecting A 4, in 5, and divide i! into twelve equal parts; finally, through the point 4, and the several points of division, draw the rad i’ till they intersect the line A 3, as in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. which completes the scale for drawing the scroll required. .After the several radial lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. in Figure 3, are drawn, take from / igure 2, the space 3. 2, and lay it from the centre O to 2, in Figure 3, then with t e same opening, fix one foot of the compasses on 2, and with the other describe a small arc, as at G, when, from 1, with the same opening describe another arc, intersecting it at C. From the centre C, thus found, draw the arch 2, I. Again from Figure 2, lay the distance 3, 3, from O, on the radical 3, with this distance obtain a centre as before, and describe the arch 3, 2, proceeding in the same manner with the rest Ry contracting the line 4, 3, in Figure. 2, it is evident, that a scroll may be drawn more open, or with less convoluti n, as in Figure 4 ; consequently, by increasing the length 4, 3, the scroll will acquire more convolu- tion : and therefore the scroll, by these means, may be varied as desired. Figure 5, shews the pitch- board or raking, whereby the falling mould of the twist may be ascertained. The dotted lines, drawn from the hand rail to the pitch-board, display its width, which should be kept level, as it winds about. The lines a, 3, b, 2, continued round to D, express how much half the width of thp rail rises on the pitch-board, from its first commencement to 3. The same pitch board is also shewn at D, and the method of finding the outside mould is likewise exhibited for the twist of the hand rail, after its sides are so squared, as to he every way in. a perpendicular direction to its ground plan. This, however, can- not be effected, unless the proper mould for the hand- rail, be previously found, which may be done thus. Let 13, in Figure 6 , be considered as that part of the plan of the hand rail, comprehended between 1, 3, in Figure 3, and D, the pitch board, which shews the rake or bevel of the hand rail ; after this has been divided into any number of equal parts, let ordinates be drawn to the plan B, as a, b, &c. when from the rakirg line e, d, draw the corresponding ordinates at right angles with it ; and with the com- passes transfer the several ordinates from 3 to G, as a, b, to. c, d, and 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively; then, by tracing a curve line through these points, G, will be an accurate mould for the upper side of the hand rail. But front the twist of the hand rails requiring a greater substance of wood than the straight part, it may easily be determined thus : delineate the square of the hand rail on the pitch- board, as a, in Figure 7, when parallel lines drawn from the opposite angles, will sltew the ihickness required, as at 1, 2. In conformity with this, 1, m, n, in Figure 8, points out the manner of glueing up the rail, with the necessary additional thickness of wood, h -fore described. This additional thickness is composed of so many pieces, and so varied in glueing, in order to assist in the more easy formation of the twist. The-best method of glueing these, we are acquainted with, is to effect it in the straight way of the grain, when, if' the wood be properly matched, the whole will ap- pear to be one solid piece. To reduce these pieces in a proper manner, and to enable the whole twist to present an agreeable appearance to the eye, it will be necessary to have a falling mould, in order that, when each part of the twist is so squared, as to answer in every part, to a perpendicular line over its plane, when placed in its proper position, the mould may bo applied to the out- side of the rail round the twist. Ilonce, In Fig 5, consider D as the pitch board and O P as the level of the scroll at 3, 4. When take the stretch of a line supposed to be girted from l to 3, in Fig 3, which transfer to O Pat D; then divide each side of the angle formed by the raking and level line, into any number of equal parts, as 1, 2, each way, and the points produced by the intersections of the lines drawn i'rom each division, will form a curve, per- fectly easy, and sufficiently accurate for the purpose required. If a scroll be required to take its spring fi om any part of the second step, let the pitch board be drawn as at Fig. 6, after which proceed in every particular as before. Fig. 9, represents the plan of a hand- rail, winch includes five steps. M, denotes the quarter plan, D the pitch of five steps; and R the face-mould for the hand-rail, if it is intended to be cut out of the solid ; if otherwise, thin veneers should be glued round a cylinder, constructed for the purpose, on which each step and riser must be marked, as shewn at A, in order that the thin slips at btor the hand-rail, and those at a, for the string* ing-board, may be laid down correctly To illustrate this subject as much as possible, we present our readers with several different kinds of staircases. Figures 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 in Plate l,and Figures 1,2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7 in Plate 2, exhibit the plans and sections of different kinds of stair- cases; all of which may be constructed upon true geometrical principles, and which will be found, when executed in a workmanlike manner, to comprise some of the finest, and most ingenious parts, of the elegant art of Joinery. From this variety of plans for staircases, it will be no difficult task to select such, as may be adapted to almost every species of building from the rural cottage to the magnificent villa; but the follow- ing CA RPENTRY AND JOINERY. 205 inor general rules should be attended to before any j kind of staircase is erected. It will be necessary to J consider, first, the height of the floor to which the i staircase may ascend, secondly the rise and number j of steps necessary for the height, thirdly, the best mode ofdividing the number of steps by such half- spaces, (or breathing places) as may be required on the way, fourthly, the height of the space above the head, commonly called the head-way, and lastly, whether the breadth of the ascent be proportioned to the whole building, and sufficient for the purpose in- tended; so as to avoid the inconvenient meeting of j persons ascending and descending at the same time. : A staircase should in all cases, where practica- ble, be liberally supplied with light, in order to avoid slips, falls, &c. this light may proceed either from the sides, from a sky-light, or a cupola at the ton, according as the nature of the situation will allow. Previously, however, to the commencement of the work, it will be proper to delineate a plan of the in- tended stairs, and to lay out the whole in ledge- inent, which may be effected as follows. Admit that the parallelogram ABC D Jig. 8, re- present the plan of a rectangular staircase; when respectively draw a b, b d, d c, and c a parallel to A B, B 1), I) C, and C A, and at a distance from them, equal to the intended length of the steps, which may l»e from three feet to ten or twelve feet, as may be required, and within it draw the thick- ness of the hand rail. Nextlet d b, b a, and a c be divided into such a number of steps that the aggra- gate of their several heights may be equal to the whole height to be ascended ; when, take the sum formed by she heights of the several steps included between d and b, and at the distance draw G F par al lei to BD. Join F F, and produce the plan of each step, to meet it; then set up the heights of the first step, anil draw it parallel to B E, until it meet the base line of the second step, next set up the height of the se- cond step, draw it parallel to B E; and proceed ii like manner to set up the heights of all the remain- ing steps unto F. Next after making B I equal to B G and drawing I K parallel to A B, at the point K begin to set up the steps unto the poiut L, and draw L M parallel to N O ; make N M equal to N O and draw O S parallel to A C ; at P begin to set up the steps, as before, unto Q, when Q T will be equal to the height of the story, and the several figures B G F E, B 1 K L M N, together with A OP QR S C, will shew the several sides of the staircase laid out in ledgement, as required. If the workman examines and considers the pre- ceding example in. an attentive manner, he will soon learn to lay down any other staircase in ledgement. M r Price offers the following observations on the forming of scrolls, &c. &c. “ First, form a scroll with chalk, or a pencil, agreeable to the bigness of the place in which it is to stand ; next resolve on the bigness of your stuff to be used tor your rails, and also your mouldings on the side thereof as in C. Let d, -be the center of your chalked scroll in D : on which describe, with ihe projection of your mouldings from C, the small circle d; take from C half the bigness of the stuff, as e, g, ore, f, which add to the small circle, and form the circle f, i, t ; which is the bigness of the eye of the scroll. This done, take the distance from i, to the inside ofthe rail, as t ;e supposed chalked scroll, which suppose k : with it, make a diminishing scale, by setting that distance up, from t, to 1; draw the line k, 1 ; place one foot of your compasses in k, de- scibe the part of a circle t, S ; which divide into eight equal parts, because here your supposed chalk- ed scroll was to come into its eye, or block, at one revolution of a circle. Scrolls may be made to any number of revolutions desired, by the same rule ; Witness that above in Figure E. “ Place one foot of your compasses in d, describe the large circle w, 1, 1, u ; which always divide into eight parts, because you strike one-eightii part of a circle every time, till you come into the eye, or block i, t, Ii : from the said divisions on the large circle, draw lines through, for on them your sections meet, which form the scroll. It is observable in drawing your sections, that they dont end inthe line drawn through the great circle, only the outside scroll; for those of the inside scroll end on a line drawn to each respective center. I suppose A, and B, to be two steps : the rest I think cannot tail of being understood, by observing the letters and fi- gures, which shew each part distinctly. “ In order to make the squaring of a twisted-rail easy, see the plan F, which is the same as that in the foregoing, find the poiut of touch b. From these curves a mould must be traced out, in order to form a sweep, which when applied on the rake, is agreea- ble to this of a, b, c, d, as that ofK. (It is first to be observed that you will want wood extraordinary, both on the top ofthe rail, as in L, at e, a ; and also under the same, as g, h.) To find which observe w ere your sweep begins in the plan F, as at a, c: also observe, that o, and n, is the end of the twisted part. Therefore from a, to a, divide into a number of equal parts,soasto transfer them on some line, as in M, from a, to n ; also divide the inside of F, as fromc, to o, into equal parts, so as to transfer them on some line, as in N, from c, to o ; take the distance e, a, in F ; apply it to the pitch-board, as from g, to e ; take the pitch board 1, with it place e, to c, in N ; draw the line d, q, and make the point s ; di- vide from d, to s, into eight equal parts, also from d, too, into the same number: draw the lines which form a sweep, whose use shall be hereafter shewn. Likewise take the pitch-board I, and apply e, to a, in M \ draw the line e, p, and make the point r; ■G g from m CARPENTRY AND JOINERY frome, to r, divide into eight equal parts; also from l e, to n, do likewise ; draw straight lines from each] division ; that curve shews how much wood is want- ing on the back of the rail, as b, t, which describe in L, trom e, to a ; and there describe the bigness of the rail ; which shews how mnch wood is wanting, as may be observed by what was said above. The other part of the twist is cut out of a parallel piece, as O. Which thickness extraordinary is shewn in L, at e, a. “ To square the twisted part of the rail, having so much wood extraordinary on the top and bottoiri, observe in F, from a, to e, and from c, to f, must be traced, as was above mentioned. Take a, e, in F, apply it to the pitch-board I, it shews i>-, i, which length place in K, from k, to i; also take from F, the distance b, d, apply it to the pitch-board 1, it 8hewsg, m, which length place in K, from 1, to m. Xhs» done, trace out the raking’ mould K, agreeable to the plan F, which by inspection, and a little prac- tice will become easy, and without which nothing is known truly. 1 say the wood extraordinary being accounted for in L, both oil the top and the bottom of the rail, observe to place your stroke f, in its trim place, that is, at the beginning of the twisted part; take the raking mould K, set i, to f, in L ; there strike it by ; with the angle of your pitch-board des- cribe the pricked line f; by the side of the rail, then apply the mould K, to i he bottom ; set l, to this pricked line, and there describe by it, with your pen- cil ; lasily, cut that wood away ; also cut the re- maining part of the scroll out of the block, as O : then glue these together, and bend both moulds, M, and N, round the rail : strike them by that, aud cut the wood away ; so will the back of your rail he ex- actly square, and fit to work. “ You are always to observe this general rule, via. to conceive each respective paragraph as it occurs, before you begin another; the neglect of which, ap- pears by some who cannot conceive the particulars of the foregoing plate, although I had put it in so clear a light. “ I have here described three distinct methods of squaring- the twisted part of a rail, which may be known, and the rail squared, with more ease than iri the foregoing plate. But when done, they will not have that agreeable turn, in their twisted part, as they would have, if done by the foregoing unerring rule, as may more clearly appear, by the following explanation. u That of P* 1 , is the raking mould, taken from K, (whose use and application was therein clearly shewn ;J that of Q*, is the pitch- board, taken from I, which gives the rake, or declivity of the rail. “ In R*,_is shewn how to square a rail, without bending a templet round the twisted part thereof ; and which is by being guided by the back; first des- cribe the bigness of the stuff to be used, as a, b, h, i,; which shews how much wood will bo wanted at bot- tom; supposing S*, to be the side of the rail. And because the grain of the wood should be agreeable to tiie falling of the twist, therefore consider how many thicknesses of stuff will make the wood reqi >r- ed to cut the twist out of; a* .ere three. There- fore as in S'*, continue the line a, h; place one foot of your compasses m a, make fie section, or part of a circle c, d; divide it into fourparN, as J,’2, 3, 4, because the rail S*, must be always reckoned as one; this bv inspection shews how tnegrain of the wood is to be manae°d, as appears by the .shape of the sever- al pieces, T *, U*, W*, w tich are better if cut so by the pitch-board, before glewed together.” “ (n X*, is shewn how to square the t wasted part, making the bottom your amide ; the section shews how much wood is wanted on the back. “ Jn Y*, is shewn how to square the twisted part, making a middle line on the back your guide ; the section shews the wood wanting on the back, and at the bottom. That of Z*, may be cut out of a parallel piece, of the thickness of the intended rail, which when it is glued to the twisted part, will want little or no humouring. “ N. U. There is a nicety in working the mitre thereof, as k, 1, m.” “ You are to observe, the foregoing plates must be weli understood, and then, in this Plate (3), the lengths of the newel, and ballusters that stand under the twist or scroll are truly described ; that is, their length and bevels may be known before the rail be put up m its place; and that it may prove easy, observe the plan of the twist or scroll is the same as before, and so are the two steps P, acd Q, and the pitch board R. First, resolve on the bigness of youy ballusters, as a, h, c, d, e, f, ; and also the newel. Divide the said ballusters truly on a line drawn in the middle of the rail ; for then, what is wide on one side, is narrower on the other It is for that reason 1 chuse to divide them on a middle line. Describe the plai* of the ballusters, as p, q : r,. s; t, u ; u, w ; x, y; and z ; for there your twisted part ends ; from thence to the eye is level, u Observe where your scroll begins, as at 1 ; and on some line, as above, in Y ; first make a point at 1 ; then from your plan take the dis ances p, q : r, s; t, v ; u, w ; x, y ; and z ; which transfer, as above, observing to have regard to place truly each dis- tance from 1, both ways, as p, q ; r, s ; t, v ; u, vv ; x, y ; and z. — Observe also, to take from the plan the distance from 1,, which apply to the pitch board R, as from h, to n. which gives the length h, o; take this pitch board, and apply it on the line above, which by inspection the letters will shew ; this gives the slope of the rail, as h, o, &c. From o, to h, and form h, to y, from the curve by equal divisions, and drawing straight lines, as w r as beiore shewn. a Lastly, CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 207 u Lastly, having the le*’gths of vour fixed bal- lusters, as a, b, describe the steps S, and T, with the pitch board. So that by continuing perpendicu- lar lines, from the points on the line fir*t terminat- ed, to the said curve, and to the steps, you have the accurate lengths of the ballusters, as a, b, c, d. e, f, the newel g, being the same length as f, be- cause gt T, or z, the twi-ted part ends. “ The curvy of the first, or curtail step P, is formed by the same rule as delivered for the plan of the rail. “ It may not be amiss to observe, particularly the point of the sweep, or curves beginning, and being particular also in its application, by which this, and the foregoing, though represented w ith but two steps the same in fact, as though I had described a whole flight, to shew its use. He tlu£b£jMfcserves, that “ zealous to promote what may be useful, in this plate, I have made easy the difficulty of squaring a rail that ramps on a cir- cular base. Observe, W, is the plan of a stair case ; and at the landing is a quarter circle ; to make this easy ; in X, is three s eps, described by a larger scale. 1 ikewise in Y, is the plan of the rail, as was before shewn in Plate 2. A considerable thickness of wood more than usual, is required on the back of this rail, as in &, at p, b; which w ill appear more plain by inspecting Plate 2 ; as also the method to trace your moulds that shall bend round the saifl rail. Let the sides be squared as was shewn in Plate 2. Observe here in Figure 2, the line k, p, o: take the distance k, p, and place it on some line, at pleasure, as in Z, then divide the outer circle in Y, into a number of equal parts, as into six, as from to h, which transfer to Z, as g, ], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, h. The point of the ramp may lie observed to fall with- in the fifth division, as at s, so that by the intersec- tion of straight lines, and equal divisions, you de- scribe the sweep for the ramp g, b, which makes Z, the mould to bend round the outside of the said rail. “ Observe also in Y, from b, to f, divide it into six equal parts, which transfer to &, as from e, to f, (and observe again,) the ramp Sails within the fifth division, as at r. So divide the distance from e, to g, and from g. to b, into equal parts, and bv drawing straight lines, you have the sweep b, e. From the point b, to p, is (lie thickness you want to be added, extraordinary to the back of the rail &, and which is the inner mould: so that by bending both these moulds round the rail, and by drawing .-them with a pencil, and cutting away the -superfluous wood you have an exact square back. There seems no diffi- culty now left, uiimentioned, to square twisted rails in any form whatever. “ Because I have all along strove to give variety, observe M: in which is shewn a method to have your newel under a twist, the same length as the rest ; by which means also the rail twists no farther than the first quarter, and consequently the remain- ing part may be cut out of a plank, of the thickness of our rail, without twisting at all. There seems no explanation wanting to clear this point, but in- spection. and a good conception of Plate 2 In this of M, 1, f, is the thickness of wood extraordinary wanting on the back of the rail. OF DOORS AND WINDOWS. In forming the apertures of doors, whether arched or quadrangular, the height should, in general, be about double their breadth, or a little more. It was necessity, most probably, that gave birth to this pro- portion, which habit has confirmed and rendered ab- solute. The disposition of doors and windows, and assigning to them their proper dimensions, accord- ing to the purposes for which they are intended, are not the business of the Joiner, but of the Architect ; for which reason we shall here advert only to the common method of decorating doors and windows, the former of which have an architrave, around the sides and top of the aperture, with a regular frieze and cornice upon it. In some cases, the cornice is supported by a console, on each side of the door, and sometimes, besides an architrave, the aperture is adorned with columns, pilasters, &c. which support a regular entablature, with a pediment, or with some other termination, either in architecture or sculp - ture. Front doors, intended to be ornamented with any of the orders, should not be less than three feet six inches wide; the height should be twice the width and one sixth part more, which might also be the height of the column ; the abacus may be then taken out of that dimension, in order to separate the door from the fen light. The windows of the principal floor are generally most enriched. The simplest method of adorning them is, with an archi- trave surrounding the aperture, and crowned with a frieze or cornice. The v/indows of the ground floor are sometimes left entirely destitute of any orna- ment ; at other times are surrounded with rustics, or a regular architrave having a freize or cornice. The w-ndows-of the second floor, have- generally an archfe : rave carried entirely round tlie aperture; and the line method is adopted in adorning attic nd Mezzanine windows; but the two latter seldom possess either frieze or cornice; while the windows of the second floor are often crowned with both. Mr Price offers the following observations on the proportions necessary to be observed in ornamenting doors, windows, &c. Thie width of either being given, make-its height ^qual to two diameters ; or two diameters and a ixtli part; which, is esteemed as the best proportion, l’iie said width being made as the use and conve- iency of the place allows, divide it into six equal parts, one of which is for the architrave as in II ; Plate 4, which being divided inio four equal parts, three give the height of the friezeS ; and five, such parts £08 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. parts give the height of the cornice T; all which is easily conceived by the scale, therefore to nn think- ing can want no explanation, otherwise than due in- spection. “ Again, admit that of V, was an architrave pro- portioned as before. U, being the frieze, and W, the cornice, the method is as before, (the ornaments only varying;) these members will be easily conceived, bv duly inspecting the scales; and as to the curves of each moulding, enough seems to have been shewn i n the foregoing plates. “ N. B. The first face of the architrave should be as fir from the frame oPthe door, or window, as t o breadth of the whole architrave; observe also ■■that this proportion is taken from the width between one architrave and the other, as will be shewn in its ■ : du" place. “ Admit the aichitrave X, were one sixth part of tlv* opening: winch being divided into four parts, as before, the frieze Y, has three such parts, and an half, as appears by the scale; and the cornice Z, has five parts as in the other examples. Each of these cornices projects equal to their eight : and the frieze in all being formed bv an equilateral triangle, made with one third part thereof, gives the projec- tion of the architrave; whose parts are shewn dis- tinctly, by the scales. “ The architrave A, being one sixth part of the opening; is divided into four parts ; of which, the i frieze B, 1ms three and one fourth : and cornice C, I lias five such parts. So that here are four manners offorming the ornaments of doors and windows ac- cording to Palladio: With regard to the hanging of doors, shutters, or flaps with hinges, care should always be token to place the centre of the hinge in the middle of the joint; but, as in many cases there is a necessity for throwing back a flap to some distance from the joint; the distance between the joint, and the in- tended point, must be divided into two equal parts, which point of division will denote the situation of the centre of the hinge. Sometimes doors are re- quired ho be hung in such a manner, that when folded back, they shall be at a certain distance from each other, as is frequently desirable in Churches and Chapels, this may be easily effected by binges, with knees projecting to half that distance. In all elegant rooms, it is necessary to contrive, that the doors when opened, should pass clear over the carpet : now, it is evident, that this cannot be the case, if the iamb on which the door hangs, is truly perpendicular, and the bottom of the door is close to the floor, as tlm bottom of doors commonly are. An inconsiderate observer might recommend a part of the bottom of the door to be cut off, in order to permit its free passage over the carpet, but still, when the door is shut, an open space will in- tervene between it and the floor, unless as in some cases, the carpet is continued through the opening I of the door to an adjoining passage or room. When i this is not the case, t lie room will be rendered cold ‘ and uncomfortable ; and the necessity of contriving ; some method to remedy the defect, becomes imme- ! diately obvious. This remedy may always be lj round by hanging the door with rising hinges, con- j! struct^d for the purpose, with a spiral groove, which jj winding round the knuckle as the door opens, ji gives it a free passage over the carpet. Hinges, however, thus constructed, requires that the door should be bevelled at the top next to the ledge or door catch, in proportion to their rise at one quar- ter of their revolution. This is the most elegant and effectual mode of enabling a door to bear the carpel ; but various other modes were made use of, before ti e discovery of rising hinges. Such as raising the floor under the door, as much as the thickness of the carpet might re uire. Making the knuckle of the bottom hinge project an eighth of an inch beyond the per- pendicular direction of the top hinge, — fixing the jamb to which the door might lie hung, about the i eighth of an inch out of the perpendicular ; and i ."lacing a common bu't hinge at the top, and one with a projecting knee at the bottom. These modes may be practised on common occa- sions, but where elegance and accuracy are requir- ed, the former method is entitled to a decided pre- j fere nee. i We proceed now to quote from the before men- tioned author “ The Proportions of Pediments and their Dependants. To raise the pitch, or slope of a pediment, with grace and beauty, says Palladio, divide the width given into nine equal parts, two of which will be its perpendicula. height, as in D ; for, says he, if it rise one fourth of its width, it will be too high; and if one fifth, it will be too low. Therefore the most comely proportion, will be two ninths ns before. “ And in consideration that no pediment can be performed without two kinds of cornice, (except it be kneed at its botto.M or springing, which is reckoned a kind of defect, ) therefore to give each of the cymas such a shape or curve, as shall agree in their miter, do thus. Describe the curve of the level cornice F, ( Plate 4,> as a, b, c, by two such portions of circles, as that the centers for forming each, may be on an horizontal, or level line, drawn through the middle of the said cyma; as * * c, d; being the projecture thereof. Draw lines from the points of the said cyma, agreeable to the slope of the pediment, which gives or terminates the big- ness of the raking cornice or cyma G ; so tiiat by drawing a line through the middle of the said mem- ber, on it are the centers * *, by which the curves e, f v g are described; the projecture g, h, being as before. In case a break or return be made in the pediment, then another kind of cyma must be form- ed, which shall agree with the two former, as 11 , the centers CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. centers for forming each curve, being on an horizon- tal line drawn through the middle of the cyma, as be- fore; i, k, 1, is the curve whose projecture as be- fore is 1, m; these three kinds of cornice being thus formed, will agree with each other, without the trouble of tracing. But if the given curve be not described as before, then observe the method propos- ed in I; by which the curveof any raking moulding whatever, may be truly described. Admit the cor- nice given wereK; n, o, p, being its curve, and p, q, its projecture ; bv making points on the said curve, draw lines from them, agreeable to the slope of the pediment, on which place each respective projecture from K, to L, so is r, s, t, its curve, the projecture being t, u, as before. And if a break or | return be made as M, then transfer the several pro- j jectures from K, observing that the points be on the | lines drawn agreeable to the rake of the pediment, so will w, x, y, be the curve, and v, z, the projecture as before; which no doubt but inspection explains. LAVING OF FLOORS. The chief excellence of a floor, consists in its being perfectly level, and no higher in any one part than another : but experience teaches, that this de- sirable object must frequently be sacrificed to consider- ations of convenience. The mode recommended for hanging doors, furnishes a sufficient proof of the cor- rectness of this observation, A frequent defect is ob- servable in floor-, (the origin of which may be attributed to the carpenter) arising from their sinking in the middle, or in those parts that are unsupported, which circumstance demon- strates how necessary it is that every floor should possess a certain degree of camber, in order that when it settles or the niofiture has exhaled, it may be as near to a plane as possible. — \Y hen the joists are depressed in the middle, it will be proper to fur them up ; on the contrary, when they project in the middle, they ought to be reduced by the adze ; the former however, is most generally the case. The joints of flooring boards, are either square, plowed and tongued, rebatted or dowelled ; the boards being nailed on each edge, when thejoints are square, or plowed and tongued; but when the dowel work is executed in a proper manner; the outer edge only is nailed, and this is effected by driving the brad, in an oblique direction, through the edge, without suffering it to pass through the upper sur- face of the hoard. The headings are in some cases square; in others splayed or plowed, and ton- gued. GROUNDS, Are pieces of wood fixed to the wall around doors, windows, &c. for the purpose of receiving the ar- chitraves; they are also fixed in different positions in rooms, in order to receive the various kinds of mouldings required in ornamenting the same, such as basest snrbases, chimney jpieces &c. See. Now as 2t)D nothing has a more dissagreeahle effect to the eye. than the untrue appearance of any work of this kind, it is absolutely necessary if the w'orkman would avoid deformity, to fix all grounds in a true vertical position, both on their edge and face, and in a firm and solid manner to the wall. OF GLUING UP THU BASE, SHAFT, AND CAPITAL OF COLUMNS. To each order belongs a particular kind of base, and the first operation required, is that of gluing up the base. Figure 1, Plate 5, exhibits the mode of mitring the bottom course together, which must be effected on a perfectly flat board, and by fitting all the joints as close as possible. Whenthe course has been well glued together, and secured on the inside with blocks at the several angles, the top of the course must be planed quite smooth and out of winding; after this, the next course must be glued on, and the joint must be broken in the middle of the under course, (as shewn by the dotted lines in the plate) by which means as many courses can be glued down as may be required. When the whole is thorough- ly dry, the operations of the turner may com- mence. The shaft of a column should be glued up in eight or more staves, according to its intended di- mensions ; but care should be alw'ays taken to have the joint in the middle of a fillet, and not in a flute, which would impair its strength very much. Figures 2, and 3, shew a plan of the upper and lower ends, or the horizontal section at top and bot- tom. If eight pieces are sufficient to form the column, let an octagon be described round the ends, and let lines be draw'll from each angle of the octa- gon to the centre; when the bevel of the edges of the staves will be given for thejoints, which must be quite straight from top to bottom, though the staves be narrower at the top, as shewn in fig. 3. These staves must be of sufficient thickness, because their outsides have to assume a curvature proportioned to the swell of the column by means of a diminishing rule ; next glue the pieces together one after the other as the glue dries; block them well at the cor- ners in the inside, which will greatly strengthen the joints ; and proceed in this manner to the last stave; but all the blocks must be glued on and dried, be- fore the last 6tave can be fastened. Pieces, however, may be glued quite across for the last stave, and fix- ed to the inside of the two adjoining staves, or they may be fixed by screws to each stave : in which case the under side of the last stave must be planed so as to rub well on the cross pieces. When the stave is put in, and glued upon the cross pieces, it may be driven tig-lit home, like a wedge, and the whole will be firm and substantial throughout; great care, nevertheless, ought to be taken, as to preparing the staves and blocks out of 3 H wood CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. *fO wood, thoroughly dry, because, after the lapse of some time, if the wood be moist, the column will be in danger of tailing to pieces at the joints. It will be necessary also to make each piece according to the plaji, for a trifling error in any one piece, will make a verv material difference in the column after gluing. When the glue used in combining the column is dry, the angles must he regularly worked off all round ; and the column will then have double the number of sides, or cants, bearing a proportion- able regularity to each other. Proceed in a similar manner to work off the angles as before, so as to make the sides, or cant of the column quite regular. Lastly, let a plan be formed, in order to fit the curve of the column at the bottom, or render it rather flatter, then round oft’ all the angles, until the surface of the column is perfectly smooth. One thing to be observed, with respect to the moulds employed in jointing the staves together, is, that they cannot be considered as exactly true when ap- plied in a direction perpendicular to the joint. The most correct mode, is that made use of in finding the backing of a hip rafter, which has been already noticed ; but this exactness, nevertheless, is not always attended to, in consequence of the difficulty of discerning the deviation in some instances. When the column is quite finished, it should be well painted, . by way of protection from the effects of the weather. Sometimes columns are glued up in two halves, in which cases those two halves are glued together, and the blockings are introduced a considerable way by hand ; but if the column be too long, a rod of sufficient length may be used. Both these methods have some inconveniences, which cannot be avoided; by the former method, the last joints cannot be rubbed together from the obstacle present- ed by the tapering, of the stave; but if this be glued quickly, it will be pretty sound ; by the latter me- thod there will be an uncertainty of the blockings being sound. In all cases, however, care should be taken to place the grain of the blocking piece in the same direction as the grain of the column, so as that they may both expand and shrink alike, when affect- ed by the weather. OF GLUING UF THU IONIC CAPITAL. Figure 4. represents tne mode practised in gluing up a capital. The parts denoted by B, &c are triangular blocks of wood, glued upon (he front, in order to complete the anguiar square; up >u them the pieces A, A, A, &c. are glued, and this is considered the best method of gluiog up the capital. Another method is, to glue the triangular olocks C, C, at the angle of the abacus, t ew 'lie four sides of the abacus as D, E, F, may be made of one entire length, and mitred at the horns, or they may have a joint in the middle of the abacus, where the rose is placed, as the workman shall think fit : this method, will do either fora column, or a pilaster. Figures 5, and 6, are designs of simp fronts. Figure 7, shews the method of b- nding a cornice ! round the internal part of a circular bod^ on the i spring. Figure 8, exhibits the mode of bending a-cornice | round the external part of a circular body. Ou the I spring, draw the lines A B, to the centre of the body C B ; and describe the arch line D E, G F, which will be the edge of the cornice, when bent straight round the body. Figure 9, exiiibits the mode of describing angle bars, for shop fronts. A. represents a common bar, and B, the angle bar, which is of the same thickness and placed in its intended position ; draw a, a, per- pendicular to a, m, intersecting the side of the angle bar in a, then take the distance a, a, on the angle bar, and lay it from a, oil the common bar, so as it may intersect its middle in a, also ; join the points a a, and draw b b, c c, d d, See. in the same in a parallel direction to a a ; next, draw from the points b, c, d, &c. in A, the dotted lines b b, c c, d d, &c. to intersect the middle ot the angular bar in b, c, d, &c. then lay ff from these points in the angu- lar bar, the several distances b b, c c, d d, &c. respectively equal to b b, c c, d d, &c. in the com- j moil bar, which, on being traced out will give the proper form of the angle bar. END OF CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. CARVING CARVING AND GILDING. The operations of carving and gilding are usually connected as one trade, though in fact the\are total- ly distinct branches of manufacture, performed by different persons, and generally in different houses. The art of gilding depends chiefly on the materials made use of, but in carving much ingenuity is re- quired on the part of the workman, if lie would ex- cel, and obtain the reputation of a designer as well as the character of a mere workman. Carving . — Is the art or act of cutting or fashion- ing a hard body, by means of some sharp instrument, especially a chisel. In this general sense of the term, it may be said to include statuary and engrav- ing, ; ut our business is witli carving in wood. To do this the figure or design should be either modell- ed in clay or drawn on the wood to be carved. When the design is drawn on the block intended for use, the other parts of the wood which are not cover- ed bv the lines of the designs are to be cut away wi ll instruments, as chisels, sharp pointed knives, &c. a< apted to the purpose The wood tiiat is best fitted for fine carving is that which is hard, tough} and close, and to prepare it for the business, and tor receiving the design, it must be washed over with a mixture of w r hite lead and water, by which it will take tlie ink or crayon, without the smallest difficulty. Sometimes the design is drawn on paper, and .past- ed on the block : in this case the whitening is omitt- ed, and it is sufficient if the wood be planed smooth and even. Then moistening the figured side of the design with a solution of gum tragacanth in water, the workman puts it very evenly on the block, and when it i> quite dry, he wets it slightly, and frets off tlie surface of the paper gently, till all the strokes of the figure appear distinct. It is now adapted to the operation of the carver, or the cutter in wood. Carving in wood has long been in the backr ground, as a branch of the arts, nor can this be won- dered at, when the methods in which it is commonly ta ght and practiced are considered. A boy with Very little education, and no prev ious knowledge in drawing, is bound apprentice to a carver, and is ex- pected to go to his bench and follow the beaten track of those who are acquainted only with the practical part of the trade, and who can give no reasons for the rules which their experience suggests. Among the men who are at all capable of instructing the boy in a proper manner, there are very few who wiii ! take much concern or trouble about tlie business. They i are indeed, sometimes generous enough to tell him ; that it is only by gaining a competent knowledge of ! drawing and modellings that he cansucceed; andad- vise him to devote his leisure hours to this purpose, a sacrifice which a youth is seldom inclined to make, and therefore at the end of seven years he is sent in- ' to the world as a carver, with as little knowledge as I those whom he has been obliged servilely to irni- j tate during the whole of his apprenticeship. This ' ignorance might have been fully obviated, if the j youth had been previously instructed in drawing and j modelling, by means of which a person would at- j tain much higher degrees of perfection, in carving, in in the short space of two years, than those who have practiced for twenty, without these advantages. There are only eleven master carvers in London, and about sixty Journeymen (though at one time there were six hundred) many of the latter are now very old. They make no shew of their work, and live only in private houses. In trade they are principal- ly known to the upholsterers, are a distinct class from those who keep shops and w rite “ Carvers and Gilders” over their doors, for it can be proved, that hundreds of the latter never saw a carving tool in tiieirlives. Enough has now been said to shew that in order to obtain perfection, or indeed any real knowledge in carving, it is necessary to have a sufficient know- ledge of drawing to make a good sketch, and to be able to model what is required to be carved. Mo- delling clay is prepared and sold at tiie potteries, and requires only to be kept damp. Carving in wood is principally confined to foliage, shells, scrolls and such like ornaments. A leaf appears to be one of the best subjects for a carver to model. He should copy from nature, and select one, tlie form, undulations and terms of which are pleasing to the eye. The dock leaf^and that of the rhubarb plant, are admirably adapted to the purpose. On a piece of wood about halt an inch thick, and of a size proportioned to the leaf to be copied, the clay must be formed into a rough imitation of it ; the fingers are at first the principal tools to be used, yet for those parts which they cannot reach, and those touches which they cannot accomplish, it will be necessary to use a modelling tool. Having succeed- ed in modelling the subject to be carved, it will be 212 CARVING AND GILDING. necessary to make the mould, and cast it in plaster of Paris, for the clav is difficult to preserve, unless baked in a kiln. The mould is made in the fol- lowing manner; plaster of Paris, which easily mixes with water, should be made of the consistency of thick cream, and should be spread all over the mo- ' del. When the plaister is set, the board should then be removed, the clay picked carefully out, and a 'mould will be obtained, called a wiffete mould, which must be left in cold water for a quarter of an hour. When vised as a cast, it should be rubbed over with a mixture of hogs lard, and the droppings of sweet oil. The plaster of Paris is to be mixed as before, and poured into the mould, which afterwards should be knocked off with a chisel and mallet, by small pieces at a time, a leaf will then appear of the same farm as that modelled in clay, which the carver may proceed to copy in any sort of wood, but lime tree is the best suited to beginners. The tools used for carving, are of various forms and sizes ; the best, and indeed almost the only ones that are fit for use, are made by Mr. Addis, of Dept- ford, but they are sold by different ironmongers in London. In proceeding to carve, it is best to make a rough sketch on the wood, which can be after- wards paired to the outline; for all small work, the superfluous wood may be cut away with the tool in the hand, but when large, a mallet will be necessa- ry ; the hand will soon, by practice, become accus- tomed to the use of it. Carving is most interesting work, and a person soon gets a zest for it, and is astonished to see what a few cuts will produce, if copied from a good model made by his own, or some more skilful hand. Many carvers can produce common figures, but to carve the human figure, it is necessary to know Anatomy, for without that knowledge, though the figures may be called pretty by those who cannot distinguish the defects, to others who are good judges, they will appear poor, and sometimes highly ludicrous. The operation of carving may be greatly assisted by an instrument similar to one used by sculptors, and called a gallows, which any common joiner can make ( see Plate Miscellanies, Figure I ). A, is a slide that moves over any part of the model, B B, another that can be raised or depressed, to get the heights and depths, and is fitted to them by means of a screw. The method of using this instrument, is easily understood, and is very simple ; it is merely held in the hand, and rests upon the two legs C C. In sharpening the tools, care must be taken to bevel them equally from both sides, the large ones on a grinding stone, and the small ones on a rag- stone ; they must be set with slips of Turkey stone ; four sizes will answer all sorts of tools. To shar- pen the inside of the crooked tools, a little machine * much resembling a common spinning wheel, is used, the wheel of it should be about fourteen inches in diameter, a handle should be affixed to turn it, the spindle should be square, with small circles of lead fitted on it shaped according to the sweep or form of the tool ; a. little sand and water facilitates the sharp- ening. The carvers make this machine for their own use, for the value of a few shillings. G1T.DING. The art of gilding or l iving a thin superficial coating of metal on wood, and otiier substances, has been lo- g practised a id highly esteemed, both for its utility and the splendid effect which it produces. Gold, from its great beauty, and from the length of time during which it may be exposed to the action of the air without tarnishing, is unquestionably the most valuable of all substances for the purposes of i decoration : but on account of its great price, and weight, it can only be used, for general purposes, in j t he shape of a fine skm, or leafjas it is usually called. Gold is the most malleable and ductile of all sub- j stances, and therefore a given weight of it, notwith- standing its high specific gravity, may, by beating, be made to cover a larger suifac<>, than an equal t quantity of any other body whatever i The different states in which gold is used for the purposes of gilding, are the following; (1) in the • shape ofleaf gold of different degrees of thickness, and formed eit er of the pure metal, or of an alloy t of this with silv er : (2) as an amalgam of gold ; and i ( 3 ) in gold powder. The leaf-gold is procured by the gilder from the gold-beater, whose art consists in hammering a | number of thin rolled plates of the metal, between 1 1 skins or animal membranes, j| The amalgam ol gold is made by heating in a crucible, some pure quick-silver; and when it is ; nearly in the boiling state, about the sixth part of [ its weight of fine gold in thin plates, heated red hot, ! is to be immersed in it. The mixture soon becomes - homogenous, and then it is allowed to cool. When ‘ cold it is to be put in a piece of soft leather, and by ! gradual pressure, the fluid part of the amalgam con- | sisting almost wholly of mercury, may be forced l through the pores of the leather, while the gold, com- [ bined with about twice its weight of mercury, ! will remain behind, forming a yellow silvery mass i of the consistency of butter. This, ’"after being bruised and ground in a mortar, or shaken in a ; strong phial, with repeated portions of salt and | ! water, till the water comes away quite clear and un- j! soiled, is fit for use, and may be kept for any length |j of time, without injuring, in a corked phial, jj It is of the utmost importance, that the materials ' of this amalgam, and especially the mercury, should ^ be perfectly pure, as the least portion oflead or bis- , ; muth would very materially injure the beauty of the gilding, by deteriorating the colour of the gold, and i\ filling it with black specks. j Gold -in powder, is prepared by three different ; methods :; the first and most simple is, to put into a j glass or earthen mortar, some gold leaf, with a little honey, CARVING AND GILDING. 213 honey, or thick gum wafer, and to grind the mixture for a considerable time, till the gold is reduced to extremely minute fragments, when this is done, the honey or gum may be washed away, leaving the gold behind in a fLky or pulverulent state. A more ef fectual and quicker method of reducing gold to a state of powder, is to dissolve it in Aqua Regia, or. as it is denominated in the new chemistry, in nitro- muriatic acid, and then precipiate it with a piece of copoer. The precipitate, after b°ing digested in distilled vinegar, and then washed with pure water an 1 Iried. i« in the form of a very fine powder, and is said to work better, and is fitter for burnishing than the powder obtained from leaf-gold. The very finest ground gold is produced by heating very gra- dually the gold amalgam, already described in an open earthen vessel, and containing the fire till the w lole of the mercury is evaporated, taking care that the amalgam s mil be constantly stirred with a rod of glass, to prevent the particles of gold from ; adhering as the mercury flies off. When the mercu- ry is completely evaporated, the residual gold j being then ground in a Wedgwood-ware mortar, with a little water and afterwards dried is fit for) use. j Gilding is performed either with or without heat. By the first of these methods, those substances are gilt which are not liable to alteration, by exposure] to a moderate heat, such as metals, glass, and por- celain. Tne second method is practise^ with those] substauces as wood, paper, lead &c. which- would be destroyed by being raised to ^ temperature requi- site for gilding the former. Our business is chieily with wood.. Gilding on wood, both in oil and burnish, is at re.ent at its highest perfection, and is executed in jondon, better than in any other part of the world. That which is brought from France and other parts of the Continent, is by no means equal ; not that it is to be inferred from hence, that gliding is well ex- ecuted by all who undertake it in the Metropolis Many men who have worked there all their lives, are unable properly to gild a common picture frame, though they get employment, and give satisfaction. It is however hoped a better judgement will be form- ed from the instructions, here given, from which it has been known, that a person bred a cabinetmaker, who never before- saw gilding, has accomplished the work in the best stvle in the course of six months. Of about 130 persons, who call themselves carvers and gilders, the greater number are gilders only ; they live in private streets, and make uo shew of their work. BURNISHED GILDING ON WOOD. To begin with picture frames or mouldings, which are the simplest. In an earthen pan that will hold a quart, take three half pints of strong size, make it very hot, but do not let it boil ; add some of the best j whiting powdered fine, mix them with a brush, j kept for the purpose, or beat them with a piece' of t flowing manner. To smooth, or produce the surface that is required, pieces of lime-wood, or fir, soaked in water, instead of pumice, are used, shaped round, flat, or angular, as may be found necessary, occasionally wrapping round them strips of coarse linen cloth. In smoothing, care must be taken not to rub off too much of the whitening, or the gilding w ill look poor, and prevent the burnishing of those parts thereby brought tqo near the wood. The dry- ing may be hastened in summer by the sun, in win- ter by placing before the tire, not too near, or the whitening will chip. Mix a little strong size, with four times as much water, in a half pint earthen pan; these proportions should beadaptea so as to make it three parts full, add a quantity twice the size of a large wall-nut, and half as much prepared yellow stone ochre, mix them well together, with a brush, and coat the work once over, when dry, rub it slightly with glass paper, half worn out ; to im- prove the surface, and proceed to mix and lay on the gold size. In another half pint earthen pan, half full of clear size, mix a quantity of burnished gold size, twice as big as a large wall-nut, with which, coat the work twice over. When dry, bur- nish the parts intended to be matted with a burnish- ing stone, and then give it another coat of the same gold size, it must now be reduced by adding to it about two tea-spoons full of water, and as much gold size as you can take upon the point of a knife, coat those parts only, that are intended to be burnish- ed, and here it must be observed, that in laying gold size on carved work after it is yellowed, those parts should be missed, that are too small to to re- ceive the gold even from the smallest pencil, such as the small eyes of foliage &c. to which, effect must afterwards be given, with high coloured or-molu. And proceed to lay on the gold with a cushion, knife and tip, as will be described in oil gilding; but in burnish gilding, Camels-hair pencils must be used for the small parts, and swanquiil pencils for the large, dipped in clear water, to wet the Work as fast as the gold can be laid on. The hollows and flats must be gilt first, and perfectly dry before the other parts can be proceeded with, when the work is all gilt and dry, burnish the parts intended. And should there be any faults, which ca i only arise from not being carefully wetted, or from grease those parts must be rubbed off to the whitening, with n linen wrapt round the finger, when they are dry they must be gold sized, gilt and burnished. Then reduce a little clear size with hot water, so that when cold, it will merely set, this being the weakest size used in burnish gilding, much care should be taken, that it is not too strong, or it will shew all the joint? of the gold. When dry, lay on a coat of this, and when completely dry, rub it over with cotton. In double gilding, which is the best style, the matted parts should be again gilt, using water towel as before, after which-, coat them a fresh with the weak size, use the cotton, and if faults ap- pear, treat them as will be directed in oil gilding, not to stand in the weather. After the faults are all covered, give another coat of the weak size, use' the cotton, and then give on© of clear size, to keep* the gold firm, a coat of or-molu, completes the pro- cess. Observe swan quills and camels hair-pencils, only, are used after the gold is laid on, and care must be taken in sizing the matted parts, not to touch those that are burnished, which cannot be [ improved after the burnishing stone. 1 If it be necessary to embellish the frames or work to he gilt in burnish gold, with composition, it may I be had in London, soft from the press, and can be put on after the smoothing, with a little hot thick whitening, or weak glue. What is squeezed out" round the edges in pressing it close, may be taken off with a brush and cold water, it must then have a coat of thin white, to remove any grease, and be fi- nished like the rest of work. The composition may also be put on oil-gold work that is not to stand in the weather, but does not require the thin white, and must be finished in the manner of oil gilding; com- position is easily moistened when dry. by wrapping it in a wet linen cloth, for twenty four hours. OIL GILDING TO STAND I\ THE WEATHER. The object to be gilt, whether metal, stone, or wood, must be coated three tunes over with a mix- ture of linseed oil, white lead, and a small quantity of spirits of turpentine, if it be wood, it should be previously rubbed with glass-paper, or fish-skin. When the last coat is dry, the work should be gold- sized ; take any quantity of gold-size, and with a common hog’s hair brush, kept in water for the pur- pose, mix it with boiled liuseed oil till it is so thin that when a little of it be laid on the work to be gilt, the white paint before put on, will appear through, though it must not be made so thin as to lose the tinge of the yellow ochre, then proceed to lay it on sparingly, with fine hogs-hair brushes, proportioned to the parts of the work, when the gold size is good, it will dry in twelve hours, if laid on in the evening, it will be fit for gilding the next morning. Sometimes in winter, and when the gold- -ize is fresh made, it will take two or three days ; to prevent this, an expedient may be used, unknown to the generality of Gilders, to mix with it a small quantity CARVING AND GILDING. 215 quantity of J apaners gold size, which will hasten the drying, but in this instance, when it begins to have ti e tack, hereafter to be explained, it dries very quickly, therefore, great care should be taken to get the gold on as fast as possible. In order to ascer- tain its fitness for receiving the gold, the work must be touched with the finger, if it feel somewhat adhe- sive or clammy, but not so as to be brought off bv the finger, it has the (nek, or in other words, is in a fit state for gilding : but if it be so clammy as to come off on being touched, or have any inclination thereto, it is not sufficiently dry, if it have no suck- ing quality, it is too dry, and must be sized over again before it can be gilt. In laying on the gold, a tip is used which must be previously rubbe.d with a little tallow grease to make it hold, but it must be so little as to shew no appearance. When the surface to be gilt, whether round, hollow, or fiat, is suffici- ently large and plain to contain whole leaves, they may be taken from the book, which must he held in the left hand, by the part that is sewed, the leaves of it turned carefully over, and kept always so steady, that the gold maybe undisturbed, and lie perfectly flat, take the tip in the right hand, touch the leaf of gold about half an inch deep, on the side opposite the sewing of the book, both bands must then be moved to the place meant gilt. Hav- ing laid the edge of the leaf already attached to the tip, upon the work, which is always considered as having the tack, it will be caught and held fast by the gold size, and the tip will be left at liberty ; the bock must be slowly drawn away, followed as it moves by the tip which is now used gently to press the gold close to the work, until the whole leaf is on, whieh must be repeated until those parts large enough to receive a leaf, are all gilt. This method is in use with a few of the best gilders, and may be acquired in an hours practice. For those parts that are too small for the entire leaf, it is necessary tc use a cushion, upon which about half a hook of gold may be blown out, one leaf at a time, each cue carefully turned until it lies nearly flat, when by puffing as near as possible on the centre, it will be- come smooth and even, and must be cut in strips, with a knife used for the purpose, according to the widths of the different members and mouldings, and then laid oh with the tip. As the work advances, or when it is gilt all over, it must be pressed clos< with a bit of unspun cotton, then brusr.ed over with a dry, soft, hogs-hair brush, one previously used a littie in the whitening, will best answer "the pur- pose, in order to clear away any loose particles cf the gold leaf. If any defective parts appear, those winch cannot be mended bv pressing upon them the loose gold just brushed off, which may be done with the brush in hand, or a bit of cotton must be covered in the following manner. Cut a leaf of gold into small square pieces, proportioned to the defects, and with the camel’s hair pencil slightly moistening the tip'of it, s l>y putting it to the lip, place a piece on each faulty part, which must be again pressed with the cotton. The work is then finished unless the faulty parts are too dry to re- ceive the gold; when they must be again gold sized and gilt, as before directed. In general, boys do not acquire the method of using the gold on the cushion, in less than three months, though a person determined to accomplish it. may do so in one week. Picture frames, and other work in “ oil gilding, that is not to be exposed to the weather,” to be well done, must be prepared as tar as smoothing, in the same way as Work to be gilt in burnished gold. When smooth, and after being rubbed with glass paper, it must be coated twice over with size, ra- ther weaker than that used for whitening, that which is stale answers best. The gold size must be laid on as before directed in oil gilding, and when the work is gilt, pressed with the cotton, and brush- ed over. If faults appear, they must be treated thus ; take a little weak size, as directed in burnish gilding, coat the work all over when dry, wet each part where a fault appears with clear water, and lay on it a piece of gold, with a camel’s hair pencil, as before described. This is not to be pressed with the cotton, but gently rubbed with it when com- pleatly dry, w hich it will be in half an hour, (as will all the coat9 that are used for gilding, except oil gold size,) give the work another coat of the weak size, then one of clear size which completes the gilding, but the effect is considerably heightened with a coat of or- mol u, such as is used to finish the matted part of the burnished gilding. TO MAKE STRONG SIZE. Take a clean saucepan of any size most conveni- ent, fill it nearly with water, when heated as much as the hand can bear, keep putting in cuttings of parchment Which best answer the purpose, or gloveis white leather shreds, pressing them down well with the hand, till they are within an inch and half of the surfuce of the water, boil them slowly for one hour and a half, and the strong size will be made ; pass it through a hair sieve into a pan, and set it aside for use, the same parchment or shreds, will again yield the same quantity of size, stale size stinks and is unfit for use. Clear size, differs only from the preceding, in these particulars, it must be made in smaller quan- tises; the parchment or shreds must be washed in several waters milk warm, till no dirt appears, it should boil only fiifteen minutes; be passed tlmough a finer sieve ami when reduced care must be taken t v at the water is perfectly clean. TO MAKE GOLD SIZE FOR, BURNISHED GILDING. Take one pound of pipe clay, put it into an earth- en pan full of water, when soaked, pour off the water and 216 CARVING AND GILDING. and grind it on a stone, .with a muller, such as is used by house painters : now and then sprinkling it with water as it becomes dry; care must be take., that no dirt or grease be on the stone or muller, and as it is ground, put it into another pan : then tak*' half announce of’ the best black lead, the eighth oi an ounce of mutton suet, poifnd them together wit!> the muller, and then proceed to grind them particu- larly well, using water as before directed for the pipe clay, when ground, put them into a smaller pan; grind >alfau ounce of the best red chalk, and mix the black lead, suet and chalk well together, on the stone, with a pallet knife, and add to them the clay, until these ingredients are thoroughly mixed , J put them into a covered earthen pan to prevent dust or dirt, to be used as wanted. Ten or twenty pounds! may be made at a time. The gold size must be moistpned once a month or oftener with clean water to prevent it from getbng dry, in « i; ich case it would be necessary to °rind it again. Care should J be taken in selecting these ingredients; the best black lead dust from the saw of the penciimakers, is most fit for the purpose, it may be had for Id. the pound at any respectable shop in that line, while the best black lead in the lump s‘>ils at from two to four guineas per pound. In choosing the clay take that which has the least grit, it may be discovered by putting a little into the mouth, the darkest is gene- rally the best, of which the greatest choice is to be had at the pipemakers, The softest red chalk, sucli as is used for drawing must be chosen, though the gold size may be very well made without any, as its principal use is to hmghten the colour of the gold when burnished. PREPARED PIPE CLAY AND YELLOW STONE OCHRE. The pipe clay must be chosen and ground, as di- rected in making gold size, then laid by for use in a covered earthen pan, and occasionally moistened as the gold size. The stone ochre must be of the best quality, and prepared in the same manner. TO MAKE OR-MOLU. In half a pint of clear water, gently boil two ounces of the best gamboge powdered fine, for five minutes, strain it through a linen cloth, put it into a corked bottle. Take one ounce of saffron, half an ounce of tur- meric, and one quarter of an ounce of dragons blood, boil them in one pint of clear water, for fifteen j minutes, now and then stirring them from the bottom, strain them also through a linen cloth, and put them | into a corked bottle. skin that will arise from the boiling, and put it im- mediately into another pan, add four drops of the gamboge liquor, two drops of the repass, stir them round, and the or-molu is made and fit for use. The eves of foliage &c. in carved work, must be - niched with a little of the gamboge liquor, called igh coloured or-molu, unmixed wftn any thing else. The or-mulu in general use though it is by no means the best, is made by dissolving the gamboge in spirits of wine, instead of water, which will give t the appearance of clear varnish; but when dropp- ed into clear size to be substituted in this ease for starch, it will be yellow ; the quantities of the in- gredients are alike in both cases. Piaster figures, vases, busts, & c. are gilt both in burnished gold and oil gilding, by coating them, first, with very hot weak size, and afterwards four times over with hot clear s'ze, if any holes appear, they must be evenly filled up with putty, made of strong size and whiting; the rest of the process is the same as after smoothing in both cases. To gild paper in burnished gold, it must be tack- ed to a board by each corner, gold sized and gilt, it must be burnished on a piece of plate glass, bedded in putty, or on a clean marble flag. TO MAKE OIL GOLD SIZE. Put as much linseed oil into a broad earthen vessel as will cover the bottom an inch deep, and add to it as much water, four or live inches, let the vessel containing this, be exposed to the weather for three or four weeks, occasionally stirring it till the oil ap- pears of the consistency of treacle, it must then be separated from the water, put into a long bottle, or separating funnel used by the chemists, and placed in such a degree of heat as will render it perfectly fluid, the clear part should then be poured off, and it will be fit for use; take any quantity of the best yellow stone ochre, and a fourth part of white lead, mix them with the oil on a flag, using a muller and j pallet knife, this mixture is oil gold size, it must be put into an earthen vessel, and covered with water, to prevent it from skinning. This gold size is very troublesome to make, and may be bought in its highest perfection, which is six or seven years old, at JNorgroves or his success- ors in Oxford-street, corner of Swallows-street, from whence it can be sent to any part of the King- dom . BRONZING ON WOOD. The preparation for it is entirely the same as for gilding, until the work is smoothed, when it must be coated with a mixture of clear size and lampblack. — Put about five or six nobs of starch into a clean j| Grind separately with water on a stone wit . a mul- half pint earthen pan, make them into a paste, with j ler, the following ingredients; Prussian blue, patent a teaspoon-full of clean water, using the finger, then M yellow, raw umber, lamp-black and pipe clay. Take add water till the pan is three parts full, boil it for! a small pan three parts full of size, not quite as one minute, and it will beclearlikeclear size, blow off, strong as that which is denominated, clear size m CARVING AND GILDING. 217 gilding, add such quantities of the ingredients as will make a good colour, (half as much more of the pipe clay as of the rest is generally found to suc- ceed,) this, however, must be directed by fancy, as the appearance of real bronze is of various colours, give the work a coat with this mixture, when dry, another, and proceed to lay on the bronze, which is sold at most of the colour shops ; w ith a fine bogs hair brush, the tip as slightly as possible, moistened i« water, take up a small quantity of the bronze powder, which lay upon the colour, when drv, the w ork must be burnished all over, taking care iiot to chip it up, or the whole of the operation must be repeated for the chipped parts. After burnishing, take a little castile soap, make a lather rather thin, and with it coat the work all over, to take off the glare of the burnish, finish by rubbing it carefully over with a piece of woollen cloth ; the appearance of gangreen which belongs to the cavities, is made by slightly wetting them with a small camels hair pencil, dipped in the lather, over which a little dust of verditer gum must be shaken: w hen dry, what is superfluous, may be brushed off with a hogs hair tool. ■END OF CARVING AND GILDING 5 K COACH-MAKING COACH-MAKING. The coach maker manufactures coaches and 'I chaises of all kind', which are, of course, as various I in their constructions as they are in name. The li- mits of our work will notallow us to enter very ex- 1 tensively into this subject; we shall, however, say | enough to give the mechanic and the gentleman an j adequate idea of the structure of the more common j kinds of carriages: referring our readers to Mr. Felton’s Treatise on Carriages &c. in three Volumes octavo, for more particular and minute details. To this work we readily acknowledge our obligations for much valuable information, in the practical part of the business of coach making. A -coach has been defined, “ a convenient carriage suspended on springs, and moving on four wheel'” ir- ended originally for the conveyance of persons i t j upper circles of society, but now become very common among the middling classes, in almost all c viiized countries. In London, there are 1,100 | hackney coaches constantly employed for the co - wyance of its inhabitants from one place to ano- ther. In Bristol, in Liverpool, and in Berming- ham, and perhaps in other large towns; coaches of the same kind are used for the same purposes., The fashions with regard to the form and ornament of coaches and other carriages for pleasure, are perpe- tually changing; the chief kinds now in use, are the close coach and chariot, the landau, which can lower its roof^ and part of its sides, like the head of a phoe- ton ; the barouche, or open summer carriage, made on the lightest construction, the chariot which is intended only for two or three persons; the laudau- let, or chariot whose head unfolds back; the phoeton and caravan, which have only a head and no win- dows, with a leathern apron, arising from the foot- board to the waist. These all run upon four wheels. Of the two-w eeled vehicles, there is the curricle drawn by two horses, each bearing on a narrow saddle, the end of a sliding-bar or yoke that upholds a cent al pole ; the gig, chaise, or wiskey that have each only one horse, which moves between a pair of j shafts, borne nearly horizontally, by means of a leathern sling passing over the saddle tree. When a gig &c. has t wo horses, one preceding the other in harness, the machine and its horses are taken to- gether, denominated a Tandem , a kitin word signi- fying at length. The art of coaph making, has, within the last fifty #r sixty years, been carded to a very high degree of perfection, wth respect to the strength and elegance of the several sorts of mac dues included in that branch of manufacture. Coach, and coach harness makers, though professions of a different nature, are oriveleged by each ott er, to follow either’ or both trades. T te coach maker is generally understood to be the principal in the business, being the person who makes the wood-work. There are however, Put very few professions, in which a greater number, ofartisans are necessarily employed, sue.; as wheel- wright.-, smiths, painters, carvers and gilders, cur- riers, iacemakers, woolien cloth manufacturers, and many others. It is an invariable rule, that carriages of every kind should be adapted, not only to their different uses, but also to the different places for which they are intended. A coach that is the best possible for the paved streets of London and other large towns, :s not the most proper for country use, and one that is adapted to the excellent roads of England, would not be fit for many parts of the Continent. The construction of every carriage should be as light as the nature of the place it is destined for, and its necessary work will admit : superior strength, can only be effected by addition in the weight of mate- rials, which a regard to the horses, will make a person very careful not unnecessarily to increase. The great art then consists in building as iignt as possible, yet So as sufficiently to secure the carriage fiom danger; what a light carriage may lose, by wearing a shorter time, than one muc heavier, is more than compensated by the preservation of the cattle. The form of the structure of a carriage depends much on fancy ; the size is proportioned to tiie in- tention of its use, and regulated by the width of the seat and the height of the roof; the timbers of a car- riage body should be of dry ash, and lormed with great exactness; the pannels are made of soft -(might grained mahogany, smoothed to a fine sur- face, and litted or fixed in prepared grooves, or bradded on the surfaces of the framing, the insides are to be well secured by gluing, blocking and canvas, to the pannels, the roof arid lining or inner parts are made of deal boards. As no parts of the training of the body, if well ex- ecuted are likely to fail by u-e, a reparation in con- sequence of accidents is all tiial is to be expected. Tbe pannels generally suffer most injury, cituer frqm COACH-MAKING. from excessive heat, or from (Tie bad quality of tlie timber; of course, gr at attention is required in se- lecting 1 good board* for this article, w 1 i'ich if not very drv and well seasoned, are sure to fail by drawing from the grooves, bulging or cracking. Even though the timbers are good, if the carriage is exposed to any ex’-ss of hor weather, it is a great chance but they wiil flv : but no discredit ought to attach to the builder from that circumstance. The first summer a carriage is used w ll prove the sufficiency of the pannels. So soon as they be- gin to start from the grooves, as they mostly will, in some degree, the builder should examine, and relieve them where confined, to prevent cracking. A little drawing from the grooves is to be expected, and is of no material consequence; but if they crack, it w.ll be a disagreeable object to the eve. As sufficient room in the carriage makes the seats, its capacity should be the first object, and the width of the body ought to be in proportion to the number it is meant to accommodate. Open bodies have this advantage, that three can sit with tolerable ease on the same length of seat, as would accommodate two iaa confined one. A full sized Beat for a close body to contain three persons, is about four feet one or two inches- that of an open body, three feet five or six inches. This latter size is sufficient for two persons in a close carriage, but a seat of from two tbet seven inches, to two feet eigh* or ten inches, is sufficient in the open bodies. T : e width across the seats is never regular, but is adapted to the shape of the body. The usual width is from 14 to 18 indies. The height of, the seat from the bottom, is in general 14 inches, and from the seat upward to the roof, from 3 feet 6 inches to 3 feet 9 inches without the cushion. It frequently becomes convenient to make the seat moveable, which is sometimes necessary to give freedom to extraordinary head dresses. Few people rise above 3 feet from the seat, so that al- lowing two inches for the cushions, there is left in the clear, without the head dress, from lour to seven inches. The bodies of a post chaise and chariot do not differ from each other, but the purposes tor which they are intended, alter their name. The chariot is distinguished from the post ‘chaise, by the addition of a coach box to the carriage part. The post chaise being intended for road work, and the chariot generally for town use. The materials of carriages meant Kir post w ork only, are some whiff lighter than those of a town carriage; but when alternately used the strength mu*t be sufficient for either. T ie fr linings are not required to be so strong for one or two, as for three persons. Ifa carriage is generally u.-e'd for three, the length of the seat should be from four feet, to four feet one or two indies, but if only for a third person, occasionally, three feet eight inches will he sufficient, with a scat to draw out ! i i I 219 from the centre. A greater :s usually allow - ed at the front, than ai the back of the seat, to ren- der it more commodious for t‘ e elbows. The door lights or windows, are frequently contracted on \he seat side, that the passengers may be more secure from outward observation, while at the same time, there is a sufficient view from within. The follow- ing is a description of a body, complete in all its part , as given by Mr. Feitoi). The upper parts, except the roofs, are generally called upper quarters, that is, side and back quarters. The usual inode of finishing these, is by filling the vacancy wi h deal boardings, firmly battened on the inside, and cover- ing the surface with leather, tightly strained on, and nailed at the inside edges; over which a moulding goes, and is sewed at the outside edges, making a welt, or is nailed in a prepared rabbet, and covered also with mouldings. Other quarters have, the va- cancy, the pillars, and rails, covered with a parrnel or mahogany board, finely smoothed on the outside. The leathered surface is the most secure; the panriel surface looks the best; but the brads, with which they are confined, and the other nullings of the h< ad- plafes, mouldings, &c. occasion them. frequently to split. “ The sword-case is prepared in the same man- ner as the quarters, either with a leather or mahogany surface. 41 As the present is an improved mofhod of putting in the lower side pannels in a rounded form, they are. thus. represented It adds considerably to the full- ness of the side, and exhibits the painting thereon to a much greater advantage ; this is done by the door and standing pillars being left full on the oijtsides, and reduced by rounding thorn towards the bot- tom. “ The inside woyk, w here the glasses are contaiu- ed in the front and doors, is only lined or cased w ith the boardings, and nailed in rabbets on those pillars which form the lights or windows ; the other inside work is battening, blocking, and gluing of canvas, along the edges, and across the grain of the pannels, which gluing very much preserves and strengthens them. The blocking is also a material assistance to the strength, which is done by a half-square, cut across, or angle-ways, cutting it also in short lengths, and gluing the square sides against the pannel and its framing - . “ The battens are lobg, thin pieces of board, plac- ed across the grainjof the wood, bradded. or secured by blocks, or canvass, - in order to strengthen or support those parts to which they are applied. The inside work, idler being thus finished, should be immediately painted all over, except the seats, and in particular the door and front pannels, before the lining-boards are fixed in, so as to expose no timber to the air uncovered with paint, as the air materially effects it, particularly the wide boards, or pannels, as they swell in wet, and shrink in dry seasons : COACH-MAKING. seasons: a proper attention, in this particular, is i indispensably necessary.” The accommodation of a coach body makas it con- ; vement for large families, being- for the most par! j capable of holding six persons accasionally ; but as i the size of the body affects the weight of the whole i machine, the builder has only to proportion it to the ) number it is intended' to contain. The difference of j this from the chariot already described, i- only in the’ length, for I he addition of a seat side, and every part of the framing bears the same name in bir th car- riages, but it may be observed that the coach has no fore pillar like the chariot, because it has no win- dows in front. The bodies of the landau and laudaulet, differ no- thing in shape from those already mentioned. The j landau is of the coach, the landaidet of the chariot form. The .weight ofthese is so much greater than that c.f the carriages m their simple structure, that’ they are now but seldom used. The difference, however, excepting additional strength ol timber, is only from the middle rails upward, to which height the doors open. It is usual to add a spring-bolt on that side of the door, which shuts to prevent its being opened when either the glass or shutter is up. In open carriages, as phaetons, curricles &c. there is a great variety of forms, therefore no general rule can be observed in building them, but they are mostly fastened according to the fancy of their owner. Those intended for single horses, are for ti e most part light, the length of the seat is general- ly adapted for two persons only, those for two horses, are made of stronger timbers and are more roomy. The method of hanging the bodies depends also on fancy, or a conception of ea-e ; and some bodies are not hung at all, but fixed on the shaft of the carriage, depending entirely for their ease on the spring- which are fixed underneath, and which sup- port the shafts on the axletree. The heads to some open bodies are permanently fixed, and otiiers are made to take off, but the addi- tion of their weight and their great expence, fre quenfiy render their use objectionable. The gig body is principally used in a curricle, or handsome chaise carriage. The hind loops which suspend the we.ght, are fixed through the corner pillars. The method of hanging at the fort- part varies according to the taste and judgment of the builder, or the situation of the body. The side pannels may fill the space between the two pillars, but in conformity to the present mode of building, the side is divided at the standing pillar, by a door, or an imitation thereof, preserving the same shape. In either case, whether a sham, or real door, it pro- jects above tiie surface of the pannels. The size of the body varies according to the purposes for which it is intended, but in general, the measure is from ~ feet 10 inches, to 3 feet 2 inches on the seat. Though the word four wheeled carriage usually implies a carriage complete, yet it is distinguished among builders, as the under part only, or frame with the wheels, on which the body is placed. It i - the carriage which bears the stress of the whole machine, and of course, every thing depends on its strength. It should be well proportioned, accord- ing to the weight ii ;s meant to support, always allowing rather an over than under proportion, to avoid the risk of accidents. A proper application of tiie iron work to support the pressure, is a thing' materially to be attended to, and great care should be taken that there are no flaws in it. The timbers which are of ash, should lie of young trees, of the -i congest kind, free from knots, and perfectly sea- soned before they are used, and as many parts of the framing are obliged to 'be curved, it is best to -elect such timbers as are grown as nearly as pos- sible to the shape. The workmanship must be strong and firm, and not partially strained in any of ds parts, as it is liable to much racking in its use. The timbers throng. .out, are lessened or reduced for the sake of external appearance, which appear- ance is assisted also with moulding edges and Carv- ing- All four wheel carriages are divided into two parts ; the upper and under carriage. The upper is the main one on which the body is hung, the un- der carriage is the conductor, and turns by means of a lever, called the pole, acting on a centre pin, called the perch bolt. The hind wheels belong to the upper part, the fore wheels to the under. Of lour wheel carriages there are two sorts, the perch and crane neck, in which there is a material difference in the building and properties, but this does not effect the bodies, as they will hang equally well on either. The perch carriage is of the most simple construction, and lighter than the crane neck, and as tiie width of the streets in London, gives every advantage to their use in turning, they are the most general. The crane neck carriage has by much the superiority for convenience and ele- gance, and every grand or state equipage, is of this construction ; but the weight of the cranes, and the additional strength of materials necessary for the support, make carriages of this sort considerably heavier than the other. The track in which the wheels of every carriage are to run, is generally the same, except when in- tended for particular roads, in which waggons and other heavy carriages are principally used; these leave deep ruts, in which light carriages must like- wise go, or be liable to accident. All four wheel carriages should have the hind and fore wheels to roll in the same track, the ordinary width of the wheels is four feet eight or ten inches, that of wag- gons or carts, generally measure more then five feet, to which chaise wheels, (being principally intended for the country,) are adapted. It is ’’immaterial to what COACH-MAKING. 22 i what width wheels are set, if used for running upon •tones, but upon soft and marshy roads if exactnes, is not attended to, the draught is considerably in- creased. The different heights of the hind and fore wheels, make also a difference m the length of their axletrees, agreeably to the proportion they bear to each other, the fore wheel has the longest axletree by one or two inches between the shoulders. The length of the carriage is regulated by the size or length of the body which it is intended to carry ; but it always takes its measure from the centres of the hind and fore axletrees. In general, a perch formed carriage, measures nine feet two inches for a chariot, and nine feet eight inches for a coach, but in a crane-neck carriage, on account of the bow for the wheels to pass under the measure, in a chariot, is nine feet six inches, in a coach ten feet. We shall now give a more particular account of the perch as described by Mr. Felton ; and after- wards explain the nature of Mr. Edward Stracey’s invention for an improved method of hanging the bodies, and of constructing the perches of four wheeled carriages, by which he says, such carriages are less liable to be overturned, and for which in- vention he obtained some years since his majesty’s letters patent. “ The perch is the main timber of the carriage, which extends through the hind and fore spring tran- som ( r bars. By it the principal part of the upper carriage is supported. The hind part is supported, and united to it, by means of hooping two extending timbers, called wings, on the side. The fore end is fixed or united to the perch by means of a strong piece, hooped at the top, and framed through the fore transom, called a hooping piece ; but some car- riages have a horizontal whefel in the front, the same as the crane-neck carriages ; and these have no hooping piece to the perch, but are secured by means of side-plates. Those on the general princi- ple have, at the bottom in front, a flat piece, left ex- tended, called a tongue, which goes through a large mortice in the fore axletree bed, and through which the perch-bolt passes ; its use is to keep the fore axletree bed steady in its place. “ Sometimes the perch is made of a bent form, called a compass perch, for the purpose of admitting the body to iiang low, or to form a more agreeable line to the shape thereof; those perches are of a very ancient form, but are now revived with considera- ble improvement from their original shape, and are become the prevailing fashion When the carriage is intended for a whole or horizontal wheel, the perch has no booping-piece, but is bolted by the plates at each end to tCe inside ofthe transoms. “ Plating with iron the sides of perches is a great improvement, and is now most generally dhne, and always must be, to those compass perches, if re- quired to be light in their appearance, as the size of the timber is so much reduced by cutting them to this shape. “ To the straight or compass perch, iron plating on the sides is a great addition, as it will admit the tim- bers to be so much reduced, that a sufficient strength is preserved, though but half the usual size; the plates, as fixed edge- ways to the sides of the perch, will support ten times more weight than if flat : wavs on the bottom, which is the method of plating a perch in the plain or common way; and many of those carriages which are made up for sale, have even the bottom plate omitted; but the certain con- sequence of this superficial method is, the sinking or settling of the perch, whereby the carriage is con- tracted quite out of its form, to the great injury of it, both for use and appearance, and there is no re- medy but by a new one.” Mr. Stracey’s invention embraces four objects 1. The constructing of the perch of a four-wheeled carriage, in such a manner, that either of the axle- trees may have a vertical motion independent of the other; so that the axletrees may be in different lanes at the same time. 2. The hanging of the ody on the springs of such a . carriage, in such a manner as will tend not only to diminish the liabili- ty of its being overturned, but add also to the ease of its motion. 3* The forming a collar-brace, which shall almost immediately bring the body to ail equili- brium, should the centre of gravity be moved. 4»; The forming a perch-bolt, by. the use of which the carriage may be more easily turned to the right or left, and the friction that now takes place, by the use of the common pereh-bolts between the wheel plates, the transom bed, and the fore axletree bed reduced almost to nothing. Carriages constructed on this principle differ but little in appearance from other four-wheel carriages ; the chief distinction lying in the construction of the perch, and its having a revolving motion, and in the hanging of the body on the springs. The perch - being allowed to turn on its axis, the fore axletree bed may have any degree of obliquity required, pro- vided the body is not hung on the carriage, without affecting the horizontally of the hind axletree bed, and vice versa ; and it is by the instrumentality of this motion, co-operating with the mode of hanging the body on the springs, and by the aid of coilar- braces, that the body of the carriage may be kept nearly on the true level, or at least sufficiently so to prevent its being overturned, .although either the fore or the hind axletree may have a great degree of fibliquity from the plane ofthe horizon. A-s similar effect and security may be obtained by inverting tne construction of the perch, and by having Ahe fixed; part of the perch m the hind axletree bed, and the revolving part in the transom bed in front; or. by making the perch revolve on an axis at each end, or by any other mode which will allow the hind and fore axletree beds, when connected by means of a perch, to be in different planes at one and the same time, as by permitting- one axletree bed, provided that the body is not hung on the carriage, to re- 3 h main S22 fcOACH-MAKING. main parallel to the plane of the horizon, and by making' the other stand perpendicular to it. The principal variation of this invention, from the common method of hanging the body on its springs, consists in the body-loops, which must be so extend- ed, that the ends of them may come nearly under the shackles of their respective springs, and each of them so formed, as to end in a cylindrical axis of one to two inches or more in length, and of sufficient strength to support the body ; and on each of these body- loop axes, a shackle, for the reception of one of the inainbraces, should befitted, ending in a cy- lindrical box or rocket, made so as to work and turn on the axis of the body-loop, and secured to it by a nut and pin ; and the connection between these shackles and their respective boxes should be by means of a strong joint, working towards the front and hind part of the carriage in the direction of the perch. The body is to be hung by the main braces, attached to these shackles on the springs, in the same manner as other carriage-bodies are usually hung. When the body is this hung, the action is as follows; should either of the hind or fore wheel: descend into a low spot in the road, Gr ascend a rais ed surface, the boxes or sockets on the body loops will turn on their axes, and keep the w hole on a proper equilibrium, so as not to be overturned. Another part of the invention is the application of a cylinder to the collar-braces of carriages, by means of which, should the centre of gravity of the body of the carriage be moved by any inequalities in the road or otherwise, either to the right or left, the equilibrium will be almost immediately restored by the motion of the cylinder, or roller on its axis, and the consequent lapping and unlapping of the straps; for to whichever side the body is impelled, on that side will the collar brace be lengthened, and of course the opposite collar brace proportionally shortened; one side is made to operate as a check upon the other, in order to bring the body to its true centre. The last part of the invention is the perch-bolt, which being properly placed, the fore axletree bed may be turned either to the right or the left, with much greater ease than if the common perch-bolt were made use of, the usual friction between the beds and wheel-plates, being almost w holly remov- ed from their being gradually separated by the lift- ing of the screw, in the act of turning . — See Reperto- ry, New Scries Vol. xiv. The timbers of the crane neck carriage, are of the same description as those of the last, excepting the perch and hooping-timbers, which are not used. The hind and fore ends are fixed to the cranes, which makes the bearings more steady than those of a perch carriage. The whole will be better under- stood by the following description. Figure 1, 6f plate is an elevation of a crane- necked coach complete, Figure 2, is a front view of it, shewing the fore wheels and under carriage ; and Figure 3, is the horizontal plan of the same, many parts of this are too evident and universally known to require any reference, as the wheels, the body, the coach box, the boot, the springs &c. A a, are the two cranes which are made of iron, and answer in their use, to the wooden perch of the common carriage, which is the main timber of the carriage, extending and connecting the hind and fore spring transom I) D, and E E, or cross-bars which support the springs F F and G G, and thus forming one frame called the upper carriage, in which the body is suspended. The two iron cranes a a, form the same connec- tion, but in a more complete manner, and they have a bend or neck at b, which admits the fore wheels to pass under them when the carriage is turned sliort- about; the cranes are united to the fore carriage, by being screwed fast into the fore spring transom D, and they are farther screwed by clipping them dow n to a cross timber near A, in Figure l,and marked 11 in Figure 3, it is called the budget bar, from the circumstance of its bearing the boot or budget, and it has two pieces A A, called nunters framed into it, which connect it with the fore transom I>, these pieces make a platform or frame, on w hich the bud- get immediately rests; the springs F, are bolted to the transom, at the lower end, and hate ail iron brace F Figure J, called the spring stay. The fore transom, or foie spring b ?r D, is the most essential part of the cross framing, it is a strong timber to which the cranes are fixed, by pas- sing through it as before mentioned, therefore, an under carriage is attached thereto, by means of a large, round, iron pin d, Figure 3, which passes through its centre, on the bottom is a thick, flat plate, made flush to the edges, called the transom plate, on the ends the springs are fixed, and on the top the boot or the blocks that support it, are rested. — • E, is the hind transom, or hind spring bar, some- thing similar in its use to the fore transom, but not required to be of such strength, to this the ends of the cranes are fastened, and the timbers called Hun- ters, which run parallel with them, are framed into and unite it with the hind axle bed II, on the ends the springs G G, are fixed ; the blocks or pump handles I I, are placed on the top to support the foot board K, or platform, and the footman’s step piece bolted on the outside. II, is the hind axle-tree bed, it is a strong timber which receives the axle tree, the cranes a a, as be- fore mentioned, are securely fastened to it, and it is connected by two pieces called nunters, as before mentioned, with the bend transmit E, the bottom is grooved to receive the axle tree, which groove is called the bedding for the axle tree, but is usually bedded at the ends only. At the two ends of this timbers are left projections called cuttoos, which cover the top or back ends of the wheels, to sheltfr the COACH-MAKING. flhe axle free arms from the dirt, which would other- wise get in behind the wheels, and clog them. I I, are the hind blocks, which are called pump handles ; when further extended than what is here represented, they are frequently called raisers, as their use is only to heighten the platform from the hind framings, that the appearance may be light, and that the footman may be sufficiently raised, according to the height of the body ; they are bolted i on to the axletree bed and spring bar E, and to prevent the too heavy appearance, there are often neatly ornamented with carving. The footboard or platform K, on which the cushion for the servant stands, is a flat thick elm board, bolted on with blocks to which it is also screwed. — L, the boot, a large box made of strong elm board, nailed and screwed together, having a door in the front, which door should be made framed, and boarded, and confined by a bolt and thumb nut ; the surface of this boot should always be covered with a rugset, or japanning leather; it is bolted across the transom D, the boot or budget bar B, and fore blocks as shewn in Figure 1, and is sometimes rais- ed on side blocks, to lighten the appearance of the fore end of the carriage. — The parts marked M N O P, including the fore wheels, are called the fore or under carriage, united to the upper carriage by the perch bolt. M, The fore axletree bed, which is required to be a strong piece of timber, in which the fore axletree is bedded; on this the upper carriage rests. In this timber the futchels N N,are fixed, it is also cultoved on the end, the same as the hind bed. N N, The futchels, are two light timbers, fixed through the fore axletree bed, contracted in the front, to receive the pole O, which part of the futchels is called the chaps : but they widen towards the hind end, on the top of which the horizontal circle P C, is placed with proper blocks to raise it. Across the fore ends of the chips of N N, the splinter board P, is fixed; the futchels are framed in a slant direction, to give a proper height to the pole ; they have iron braces beneath, but sometimes the futchels are framed in a horizontal direction, and are made to rise in a cant from the front of the hori- zontal wheel, otherwise the pole must be compassed to raise it to a proper height. P, the splinter bar, is a long timber to which the horses traces are attached ; on the ends are sockets, with eyes, in which the wheel irons g, are placed, and extend from thence to the ends of the axletree arms, holding the splinter bar tightly back to op- pose the strain of die draught, which is taken from the axletrees at the ends by the wheel irons, and at the mid lie from the futchels, proper roller bolts h h, being fixed at hang by, and g, is the shackle for the other Figure 7, is the scroll spring ; this is a peculiar formed spring for ease, and is used to various kinds I 225 of carriages, it restp, and is fixed on a long block for phaetons, or on the two bars only for coaches, &c. at the bearings m m ; the bottom is sometimes turned up in a scroll form, for ornament only, in imitation of the upper part ; the brace is hung by a shackle, or placed round the spring, and passing- through a loop n, is fixed in a jack P, at the bottom, which is a little roller, to take up the length of the brace at pleasure, by which the body hangs. Figure 8, is a spring used to light whiskeys or chairs, it is fixed on the axletree, byajevv’s harp staple at o, which staple is united with the spring hoop and bolts through the axletree ; it supports the weight at eacii end, by one or two loops p p, which are fixed at the bottom of the shafts; it is mostly fixed at one end, but has room to play at the other. These springs most generally have only one loop at the hind end, in which it is fixed, and the other end bears on a thin plate, fixed to the bottom of the shafts, sometimes two such springs are com- bined together for a gig, in a manner as shewn in Figure 4. The axletrees of the carriage on which the wheel revolves, are of tw o sorts, the one is made flat, and called a bedded axletree, it being sunk in the tim- bers ; the other is of an octagon form, flat only at the ends, which are bedded. The arms that pass through the wheels should be made perfectly round, and stronger at the shoulder than at the end, which is screwed to receive a nut; through this and the axletree the linch-pin passes to keep all tight The nuts are made with a collar at the face, and a tem- porary collar or washer is driven on to the back of the arms, which forms two shoulders for the wheel to wear against, and helps to preserve the grease from running out. The axletrees being the princi- pal, or only support of the carriage, the greatest attention and care should be given in the selection of good iron, and in the manufacture of the material ; taking care that it is well wrought, and of sufficient strength, making it rather stronger than necessary,, to avoid risking the life of the passenger, by the oversetting- of the carriage, which mostly happens when an axletree breaks. By the bend of the axle- trees the wheels are regulated to any width at bot- tom, to suit the bracks of the roads in which they are to run, and are confined in the carriage by means of clips, hoops and bolts. Tiie shape of the axletree between the shoulders, varies according to its situation, or the form of the timber w ith which it is united ; those axle trees are the most firm that are flat bedded in the timber. The axletree- boxes frequently called wheel boxes, are long caseings fitted close to the arms of the axle- tree, and securely fixed in the wheel stocks or naves, they are usually made of w rought sheet iron, of a substance proportioned to the weight of the carriage. Tlieir use is to contain a supply of grease, and to prevent the effects of friction, whereby the wheels 3 M ar e 226 COACH-MAKING. are much assisted in their motion. There are many sorts of axletrees and boxes, either for the purpose of containing a longer supply of grease or oil; or to be more durable, or to secure the wheels, and lessen the draught. These are all great advantages, and though the expence is great, their utility must be more than adequate to it. The common axle- tree and box, are of a conical figure, being strongest at the back or shoulder, and regularly tapering to the end, through which the linch pin is fitted, a nut is screwed on the end of the axle, to keep the wheel on, the linch pin passes through this nut to prevent it from turning round, and coming off. This axle and box is most generally used, being simple and cheap, in comparison with the others; the box is the only part which wears, and is frequently obliged to be refitted to the arms, otherwise they give the wheel an unsteady motion, and soon exhaust the supply of grease. Mr. Collinge of Westminster-road, has for many years past manufactured a patent cylindrial axle- tree and box, which has very great advantages over the common sort. They have been a considerable time in use, and their advantages have also been fully proved, which principally lie, 1st. in the length bf time they wear, — 2d. in the silent and steady mo- tion they preserve to the wheels, — 3d. the retaining the oil to prosecute a journey of two thousand miles without being once replenished ; and 4th. they are very durable, and but little subject to be out of order. Those axletrees and boxes have also gone through some sonsiderable improvements since their origin, and have met with such encouragement that it has induced other persons to copy them so closely, as -scarcely to admit of a decision in favour of either. Figure 5, is a section of the axletree and box, in which I, is the axle tree arm made as perfectly cy- lindrical as possible, and of a peculiarly hard sur- face, the middle reduced to contain the oil necessary to feed the axletrees at the two bearings b b, having a shoulder e, against Which the wheel box K K, takes its bearings, the adjoining collar is grooved for a washer to preserve the oil, and prevent noise in its use, with a rim e e, on the collar of the axle- tree, to answer the use of the cuttoo. The end f, is double screwedto receive two nuts for securing the wheel ; the one screw turns the way of the wheel, the other the reverse, and is meant as an additional security. K K, is the wheel box cut through the middle, -whrcli is made of a very hard metal, nicely polished, and fitted to the arms, having a recess at the back part for containing a supply of oil. It has two shoulders c, the back one tits close to the rim of the collar, which it covers, the fore one projects without the surface of the wheel stock, and is screwed ©n the inside to receive the screw of the cap L, which covers the nut and receives the waste -of oil, is most- ly made of brass and screwed on, or in the box against the front of the wheel stock. This form of the cap is used to all but the common axletree. The wheels to four wheel carriages, should be formed as nearly of a height as the appearance and construction will permit, and if not required for heavy work, or bad roads, the lighter they are the better. The fixtures from whence the draught is taken, should be placed rather above the centre of the largest wheel, for advantage of draoght. The members of a wheel are of three descriptions, viz. — the nave, the spokes, and the fellies ; the nave is the stock, made of elm, in which all the spckeS are fixed, and in which the axletree or wheel-box is confined to receive the axle arms. The spokes are straight, made of oak, firmly tenoned in the nave; these are the support of the fellies or wheel rim. The fellies made of ash or beech, form the rim of the wheel, and are divided into short lengths, in the proportion of one to every two spokes; those are fixed on the spokes, and on them iron strakes are nailed. The height ol the wheels regulates the number of spokes and fellies that they are to contain, the larger the circumference of the wheel is, the greater num- ber of spokes is required ; they should not be more to any wheel than fifteen inches distance on the fellies. The usual height of wheels extends to five feet 8 inches, and are divided in four proportions, to con- tain from 8 to 14 spokes, and half that number of fellies ; these are denominated eights, tens, twelves, or fourteens, which are the numbers of spokes in a wheel, or fellies in a pair. The height which re- gulates the number for an eight-spoked wheel, should not exceed three feet 2 inches, for a ten, 4 feet 6 inches, for a twelve, 5 feet 4 inches, for a fourteen, 5 feet 8 inches ; these are the greatest heights for the different numbers of spokes to each wheel. As the fore wheels of a four wheel carriage receives more stress than the hind ones, the rule is when the hind wheels are of that height to require 14 spokes; the fore ones, if under the necessary height before stated, should have twelve, never al- lowing the fore wheels to have more than two spokes less than what is needful for the hind ones. The patent or bent timber wheel, has the rim of one piece, bent to the circle, instead of being put together in short lengths, or fellies, which are hewn to the shape; the strength of the bent timber is pre- served while the other is destroyed ; besides, it is hooped with one piece of iron, instead of being shod with strakes, and will often last twice the time in wear that the others will and has a much lighter and neater appearance, on which account it is often prefered. The mock patent, or hooped wheel, comes very near the others in appearance and use, particularly if made COACH-MAKING. 227 made with ash fellies ; as the preservation of both lies chiefly in the hoops that the wheels are rimmed with. It is composed partly, on the patent plan, and partly on common method, having the timber the same as the strake, and the iron as the patent wheel. The common sort of wheels are preferred by many, on account of their being more easily repair- ed, than the hooped or patent wheel-, but, though the repairing of them is more difficult, yet they are much less subject to need it. Boots and budgets are mostly understood as one article, though so differently called; they are intend- ed for one purpose, which is that of carrying lug- gage, and are usually fixed on the fore part of the carriage, between the spring*; the principal differ- ence lies in this ; one is made with a loose cover, and is properly the budget, being made convenient for trunks ; these sort of budgets, for travelling car- riages, or common post-chaises, are, by far, the most useful, the others are boots, of a trunk form, made more square, and adapted to town carriages, but can be of no other advantage than that of carrying loose hay, horse-cloths, &c. From one or other of these boots, conveniencies are sometimes made for the substitute of a coach-box, to save labour to the horse when the carriage is used for post-wcrk, or to preserve an uninterrupted view from within. Boots are frequently used at the fore end of phaetons, and then mostly have the fore springs fix- ed thereto, by means of carved blocks, which are bolted to their sides ; these usually have the step for the entrance to the body, fixed or hung. Boots and budgets are sometimes used to the hind part of travelling carriages, but more frequently to the hind parts of phaetons, gigs, or curricles, and are of two sizes less than what are used to coaches or chariots. Platforms, raisers, or blocks, are added to a car- riage, either as matter of necessity or appearance, their use is to elevate and support the budget, boot, hind foot-board, and springs ; they are generally placed on the side of the carriage, and relieve the inside framings from being obscured by the plat- forms, as they are lightened and moulded, and give the carriage a more airy appearance. A handsome coach-box, is a great ornament to a Carriage. Of these there are various sorts now in- troduced, to save unnecessary burden to the horse, and fatigue to the driver, which are two very mate- rial objects. The objection by many persons to a coach- box, is the obstruction it gives to the view; but they may be so adapted as not materially to af- fect the sight; and any convenience, however simple, is better than fatiguing both man and horse; but, to carriages used in town, a substantial coach- box is indispensably necessary, as it affords so material an advantage to the driver. The standard coach-box is the most general and •simple in use, as it is light, and convenient to re- move; it is prefered for those carriages that are al- ternately used for town and country ; these kind of boxes are simply fixed by means of plates, which clip the transom, and are stayed on the hind or boot bar, and fixed with collar-bolts. The Salisbury boot, though bulky and of a heavy appearance, is by far the most convenient and fash- ionable coach-box in use; it is boot and coach-box together: and although it be apparently heavy, it is not more so than the common box and boot, toge- ther, as the inside is all a cavity, which is peculiarly convenient for luggage, having a large, flat bottom, which resting on the framings or blocks, makes it more steady than coach-boxes, on the common prin- ciples. This sort, however, is not so convenient to remove, and when taken off, the vacant space must be filled by another kind of budget, such as is usual- ly put on to post-chaises. We shall now proceed to some practical direc- tions, with regard to the structure of a carriage. Previously to making the body of a carriage, a drawing is made on a square canvas, by this the workman makes his patterns, marks out his timber, and saws it according to those patterns. The bot- tom which is the essential or main timber of the whole, (as all the rest principally depend upon it), is of a circular form, four feet long, compassed six inches from the centre, two inches deep, five inches and half wide in the centre, reduced at the ends to two inches. From the front of the bottom side, at the distance of two feet nine inches, close to the outer circle are framed the standing pillars, the length two feet six inches, one inch and three quar- ters thick, and two inches and three quarters deep, sweeping outward at the bottom, three inches to make the side of the body of a circular form, The front pillars are two feet six inches long, and nine inches wide at the bottom, reduced by an easy sweep to two inches and three quarters at the top, and the whole is two inches and three quarters thick, framed into the front of the bottom side two inches from the point on the outer circle. The cor- ner pillar (two feet six inches long, two inches square, compassed at the bottom five inches, to make a continuation of the sweep of the bottom side, and form a circular quarter), is let into the extreme hind point of the bottom side on the outer circle. To the inside of the bottom side, is framed the front bar three feet long, two inches and an half square, at the distance of two inches from the point, th« hind bar three feet four inches long, two inches and an half square, framed in the same manner three inches from the point. On the bottom of the bot- tom side, is fitted a wooden rocker, which continues from end to end, three inches wide, and four deep, in the centre, reduced to a point at the ends, fixed on with iron bolts, level with the inside of the bot- tom side. To the rocker the bottom, (consisting of deal boards grooved in each other), is nailed and strengthened 228 COACff-MA KlN G. strengthened with iron plates, extending from back | to front; the outside elbow is then framed, the length two feet one incli and a quarter thick, and i three inches wide, in the middle reduced to one inch and an half at the ends, and turns up at the back part two inches, in an easy sweep is fixed on the standing pillar nineteen inches from the bottom side, and the turn up part on the corner pillar four- teen inches from the bottom side. In the hind pil- lar is framed the rail, three feet five inches long, one inch thick, four inches deep, 12 inches from the bot- tom side, over which at the distance of five inches, i is framed the sword case rail of the same length, j H inches square, compassed 1 inch, between the I standing pillars is framed the seat rail, 4 feet long, I 2 inches square, at the distance of 6 inches from the j bottom side, square with that to the inside of the i corner pillars, is screwed the back seat rail. The j front lattesi rail, 3 feet seven inches long, £ inch j thick, and l£ inches deep, is framed in the front pillars, distant from the bottom point one foot four inches. The fence rail of the same dimensions 10 inches higher. The doors are made with two up- rig'ht pillars, both of the same dimensions and sweep as the standing pillars, one of w hich is called the hinge pillar, the other the shutting pillar, in which is framed a batten and fence rail, of the same dimen- sions and distance as the front 2 feet long, each compassed 1 inch on the outside, making a regular sweep with the elbow. In the bottom is framed the door bottom, 2 feet long, 2| inches thick, and 3f inches deep in the centre, compassed to the top of the bottom side. The whole body being now framed, is grooved out to receive the pannels and rounded off for carving; when carved, the pannelling commences, which is of! dry mahogany, planed thin to the grooves, the hind pannel is then cut to the size between the corner pillars; the lower back rail and bottom bar being then compassed by heat to the sweep of the pillar, and fixed to the bottom sides with the pillars, through which 2 iron bolts are driven and' screwed on the inside. — The same process is observed with the front quarters, and doors, previous to which, battens are fixed to force the pannelson the sides to a circular form ; the pannels are then strengthened on the inside by small pieces of wood If inches square and-£ inch thick, fixed all over them with glue, which is called blocking— The swordcase is then fixed in the hind part, by screwing two solid pieces of ash to the corner pillar projecting in the centre s inches, round which is turned by means of heat, a thin deal board strengthened inside with glue and canvas ; the doors are then hung with brass hinges, fixed in the fore pillars, and fastened when shut with a spring lock and dovetail catch to the standing pillars, round the bottom and upright edges, are screwed brass rabbit plates, to give a good finish and hide the joints. The pillarsare then pre- pared for the head. In the standing pillar is fixed a strong iron joint, to which is fitted the top pillar j of tvvo teet long, and three inches square, in the top ■ of it is fixed the top door case with a joint and I hinge, three inches from the standing pillar full length, three feet six inches by three inches in the centre, reduced at both ends to 2£ inches ; the front pillar of one foot ten inches in length, and 2£ inches square, fastened with a double hinge joint, the front of the door case fitted at bottom, on the top of the front pillar, and fixed to that with a strong dove- tail lock ; the front top rail 3 feet 7 inches long, and 2£ inches square, compassed 1 inch, and the top and bottom is fixed to the front part of the doer cases. In the centre of the fore end is fixed the middle front pillar, length four feet, 2£ inches wide, and j I£ inches thick, in the centre of which pillar, is a i hock joint, the upper part fastening with a do ve- i tail plate and bolt. The whole of the pillarsare j then grooved out for the glasses and blinds; the \ doors and front outside, being now finished, the in- side is boarded up with thin deal to receive the lining and preserve the glasses. The seat is then | finished, by fixing boards on the seat rails, from the back pannel one foot eight inches. The hind upper quarter is formed by two cotnpass slats (fixed to a | neck plate in the standing pillar joint), 2 feet eight j inches long, 2 inches at top, reduced to 1 inch at bottom and 1 inch thick ; on the top of the hind slat, is fixed the back rail 3 feet 5 inches long, bv 2 inches square, sweeped to correspond with the front rail, on the top of the other slat is fixed a hoopstick of the same, sweep 3 feet 10 inches, by 1 inch thick and 2 inches wide. On the top of the door case at e fixed three more hoop sticks of the same dimensions, at the distance of 2 inches from each other. On the back of the elbow' and to the corner pillar, is fixed a strong iron prop, which projects six inches from the body; secured inside by an iron stay, as also one on the top of the standing pillar projecting 1£ inches, in the ends of which props the main joint is fixed; the low'erslat and top rail is then fixed up IS inches from the back rail; and the upper slat and hoopstick fixed 10 inches from it, on the elbows made to the sweep are fixed two strong iron plates 5 inches deep. The steps are then fixed in the centre of the door way in the bottom sides with bolts, width 11 inches depth, if treble, 11 inches, if single, 1G inches, cased round with deal to conceal them, (when the body is tummed) ; the body loops are fixed on the bottom of the rockers, with bolts and nut headed screws, the hind body loops 13 inches compressed to fancy; the front body loop to the head 18 inches from which pro- ceeds a horn 6 inches long, jointed at top, to a split stay, which takes the foot board at 18 inches distant* ; the other part extending upwards to the bottom of the barouch seat 18 inches; there is also an iron stay fixed in a socket at the top part in front of the fore pillar, which fastens to the bottom of the seat at the distance COACH-MAKING. distance of 16 inches from the body; the width of the seat 15 inches, and length 31 inches, rounded at the hind corners, made of a solid board, on the top of which an iron is fixed 12 inches high, level with the outside; the foot board 31 inches long, 17 inches deep, and from the seat to the centre 18 inches, which finishes the body from the coacli maker’s bench. 1 lie body being compleated from the coach maker’s, it is usual next to cover the sword each side with lact?, through which the hand holders pass, and are nailed firm to the standing pillars, fix in the front, finishing the sides with the line of lace, which forms part of the front light, fix on the door lining, finishing the edges with a row of parting lace all round. The steps are mostly now very hand- somely finished, one side being morocco, and lined with cloth or velvet, welted all round, and the front bound w ith broad lace. The treads are usually car- i i : j... a. i'.. i • J case w ith a piece of fine neats leather prepared for j pet, and besides a carpet fitted in the bottom : most that purpose, and put on wet with paste or white j j carriages Itave spring curtains made of silk, on bar- lead to keep it from rising in the hollow part. A j| rels with silvered ends, the cutting out and fix' very great improvement has lately taken place in co- vering the top parts of coaches, and chariots, by put- ting the leather on whole, so as to prevent the possi- bility of wet penetrating, as was frequently the case when put on in separate pieces, and joined on each other by nails &c. The pannels of the body are painted three or four times with o 1 colour, and se- veral times after with a composition of ground white lead, spruce or brown ochre, turpentine and varnish, and when hard, rubbed to a smooth sur- face with pumice stones and water, the colour what- ever jt may be, is laid a sufficient number of times to be solid, and varnished twice, previous to arms, if any being put on, afterwards varnished as often as required being various according to colour &c. &c. The process of painting the carriage, is by giving it a sufficient number of coats to fill up the grain of the wood, rubbing it between each coat with fine sand paper, till it becomes smooth, then ornament it by picking out, and varnish it as often as the nature of :he colour requires, which never exceeds four times, rhe inside of the body is then trimmed, the art of vhich consists, in fitting a lining in it composed of doth, leather lace <$-c. j n the most ornamental and iomfortt'ble manner. The roof, the doors, front, >otton: quarters, seatfall, and the bottom part of the fushioes are usually cloth, the upper quarters, top aid bottom back, elbows, and top of the cushions norocco. The process is this; first cut out the roof and .11 the larger parts of the lining; fit the pockets md falls on the front and doors, the pockets and falls re usvialJy bound with broad lace. The morocco art of the lining with the exception of the cushions nil elbows, are made with canvas backs, and bound pith narrow lace, stuffed full with curled hair, and ufted with silk or worsted. When the lining is cut ut and made up, proceed to line the inside of the word case with serge, or shalloon of the colour of ie lining, paste up slips of cloth round the lights, nd paste cloth on the recess of the door left to con- do^ he step; nail lace all round the lights, and inish round the 6ame with narrow lace, called part- ig, fix in the elbows, the bottom, back, bottom uarters, top back, and top quarters, fixing up the )of which is fastened to the hoop sticks by narrow ips ol list nailed to them, and screwed to the roof, he pillars are lined with slips of cloth, bound on up of which, forms a part of the inside trimming. ’ The outside upper part is covered with oiled linen, previous to being covered with very strong grained neats leather, which is closed and welted together to fit the roof quarters and back, and when fixed on, completes the trimmings of the body, the seat, the top iron, is usually platted with neats leather, and japaned, round it a squab or cushion is fitted, the back part of strong leather, the front or inside cloth puckered in full, and welted all round, stuffed and tufted, and fixed in the top iron with straps made up with buckles. Inside the iron the cushion for the seat is fitted, and a fall is fixed along the front part, a deep valance all round the seat of very strong leather, and a leather from the foot board to the front of the seat, which is called a heel leather, bodies are a greater or less degree, ornamented with beading, of which there are three sorts, plated, brass, and queens metal; by the quality of which, buckles, han- dles, crests, and other ornaments are guided, on the front upper pillars are fixed the lamps, which have been much improved of late years, and are usually made to burn candles; the body and carriage thus prepared, are fixed together, by suspending the body loops to the springs of the carriages, by leather braces made of several strips, strongly sewed, toge- ther with buckles fixed in them; there are also cheek and collar braces, fixed to the upper and lower part of the body, to prevent any violent motion whieli it would otherwise have. Mr. Birch, of Great Queen-street, London, ob- tained, in the year 1807, a patent for an improve- ment in the construction ot the roofs and upper quarters of Landaus, Barouches, and other carriages, the upper parts of which are made to fall down, which improvement is thus described. Frame and fix in the top quarter rails to the tops of the standing pillars and slats, and fix the slats to the neck plates ; rabbi the under parts of the stand- ing pillars, the top quarter rails and the slats, and board them with thin deals, or any other proper ma- terial. Let -the crown-pieces or cornice rails be long enough to bevel or mitre into the comers of the top of the standing pillars; and let in the hinges and thimble catches on the top of the crown-pieces and top of the quarter rails. Fix on the hoop sticks and back and front rails, and board them all up, except 3 N Vi & 230 COACH-MAKING. the two hoop sticks which are nearest to the hinges, which may be placed as close as possible, to admit of the head sticking conveniently low. Conceal oi let in one or more boxed locks to the centre hoop sticks, or at least the hoop sticks which unite the thimble catches, and fix them so as that they may be opened by a key on the inside of the carriage. Stretch strong canvas, or other fit material, and nail it or otherwise fasten it, both on the inside and t outside of the slats and elbows, and stuff it between with flocks or tow, or other fit material. Likewise stretch and nail on or fasten canvas, or any other proper material, to the top hoop-sticks, on the root which are nearest the hinges before you put on the leather covering. The patentee says, that in travelling, a carriage built upon this construction, will carry one or more imperials on its roof, without interfering with the regular process of opening it, and when in that situ- ation, will remain without doing the least injury to its upper parts. Another advantage is mentioned, viz. that the spring curtains to the landaus remain without being removed, whereas those on the old plan were obliged to be taken down before there, was a possibility of opening it. END OF COACH-MAKING. COMB-MAKING COMB-MAKING, The Comb is a well known instrument, made of horn, ivory, tortoise-shell, box, or holly- wood; and is used for separating’, adjusting, cleansing, and or- namenting the hair. The commoner sorts of combs, are generally made of the horns of bullocks, or of elephants and sea horses teeth ; some are made of tortoise-shell, and others of box, holly, and other hard woods. Bullocks horns are thus prepared to be manufac- tured into combs ; the tip.? are to be sawn off, after which they are to be held in the flame of a wood fire, till they become nearly as soft as leather. In this state they are split open on one side and pressed in a machine between two iron plates, then plunged into a trough of water, from which they come out hard and flat. When the horn is cut to the size in- tended for the required combs, several pieces are laid upon a pair of tongs, adapted to the business, over a fire, made chiefly of joiners shavings, to soften them. They are frequently turned, and when sufficiently soft, are put into a vice and screwed tight to complete the flattening. When this process is finished, the horns are perfectly flat arid hard ; they are then given to a man who shaves, planes, or scrapes off the rough parts with a knife, similar in shape to one used by coopers, having two handles, which the comb-maker works from him, across the grain of the horn, from one end of the intended comb to the other. When both sides are perfectly smooth, it is delivered to the person who cuts the teeth. This workman fastens it with wedges, by that part meant for the back, into an instrument ealled a clam. The clam has a long handle, which the workman places under him as he sits, by which means he renders the object of his work firm and steady, and he has, at the same time, both hands at liberty to be. employed in the operation. The cut- ting of the teeth is commenced by a double saw, of which each blade is something like the small one with which joiners and cabinet-makers cut their fine work, with this he forms the teeth. As this instru- ment leaves the work square, and rather in a rough state, particularly in the inside edge of each tooth, it is followed by another about the size and shape of a case knife, having teeth like a file, on each flat side. After this, two others of the same shape, but each finer cut, than the other follow. One stroke on each side of the comb is then given by a rasping tool, which is used to take of any roughness that i may remain on the sides of the teeth; it is now de- 1 livered to another operator, who polishes it with rot- ; ten stone and oil, applying them with a piece of buff leather. The process used for making ivory-combs, is near- ly the same as that just described, excepting that the ivory is first sawn into thin slices. The ivory from Ceylon, is reckoned the best, as being less liable to turn yellow, by exposure to the atmosphere. The I whiteness which ivory acquires, depends chiefly on | the degree of dryness which it has acquired. When yellow, its gelatinous matter is altered by the air, and appears combined with the oxygon of the atmos- phere. Heat cannot be made use of for making ivory pliant, though it is rendered softer by being expos- ed to that agent. It is, as we have observed, divid- ed by the saw, and for very delicate work, the oper- | ation is sometimes performed underwater, to pre- i vent its being heated or rent by the action of the tool. It is polished with pumice stone and tripoli. Ivory has been said to become soft by being placed in mustard, but both ivory and bone are softened by leing immersed in an alkaline-ley made of soda and quick-lime. We shall now give some account of the method of cutting combs adopted by Mr. William Biinday, of Camden town, and who obtained his Majety’s let- ters patent for the invention. The term of his exclu- sive privilege being we apprehend compleated, it is open to any manufacturer to make what use he pleas- es of the discovery. It appears, says the writer in the monthly maga- zine, at first sight to be a singular circumstance, that in a country famous for its attention to mecha- nical processes, the teeth of ivory combs, should he cut one stroke after the other, by the human hand, assisted by no other tool than a pair of saw s rudely fastened in a wooden back, and kept asunder, by means ofa small slip of wood. With these rough implements, however it is, that the very delicate su- perfine ivory combs, containing from 50 to 00 teeth in an inch, are manufactured. It may readily be conceived, that the imaginations of mechanical men, mu9t have been employed in an attempt to solve the practical problem of constructing a machine, which without skill in the agent or first mover, might per- form all that men converted by practice, into a kind of living machines, are capable of doing, but w ith less cost, or greater product, in proportion, as it is 1 easier 232 CO MB- MAKING. easier to maintain the one than the other. Accord- ingly it is not difficult to find traces of attempts of this kind during 1 the last 40 years, in the traditions of our manufacturing towns and counties. From what causes their failure may have arisen, since none of them have been established to supersede the old practice, is not easy to discover, but it is certain, that Mr. Bundy’s machine, is the first and only one which has yet appeared at the patent office. Its con- struction is as follows : An iron fly wheel of three feet in diameter, is moved by a crank and treadle, or by any other pow- er or means of application. On the same axis, is a wheel or pulley of 15 inches diameter, which by a gut, drives another pulley of nine inches attached to a puppet head above, sheers resembling those of a common foot lathe. An arbor is driven by this up- per wheel, in the same manner as work is thrown round between centres before the mandrell in the common lathe. On the arbor are fixed a number of circular cutters, about two inches diameter, corres- ponding 1o the notches intended to be cut in the combs. These cutters are all of a thickness, and have brass washers between them, and also from ano- ther arbor in a frame there are steel pieces, called guiders, which stand between the cutters, and keep them regularly asunder, just above the place where the comb enters. The comb is held b ,- a plate and two screws, upon the top of a block or carriage, which runs off and on by means of a platform, and dovetail upon the lathe bed. The comb moves in its own plane, right on- ward, to the centre or axis of the cutters, and the carriage is driven by a screw of ten threads in the inch, into which a knife edge from the carriage falls, instead of a nut. On the extremity or tail of thf ! screw is fixed a spur wheel of thirty teeth driven by an endless screw, the arbor of which last is of Bourse parallel to the arbor of the cutters. It is driven by a pulley of six inches concetric with the cutting ar- bor, and itself has a pulley of three. Hence if the great wheel be moved once round, per second, the arbor will revolve y times and the endless screw arbor %° times but from the dimensions of the screw, 30 revolutions of the end- less screw make j^inch of the tooth, or 150 revolu- tions make | inch. With this length of tooth, the great wheel will revolve 45 times, and the cutting arbor 75 times. One side of the comb will therefore be cut in three quarters of a minute. The combs are pointed by applying them to an arbor, clothed with cutters, with chamfered edges and teeth -j-i inch deep, they are applied by the hand. This arbor is driven by a wheel on the .crank axis. » The cutters are made of tempered steel, as are also the guides, the teeth of the cutters are set so as to clear the back or following part from the friction isi the cut The cutters, the cutter washers, the guides, and the guide washers, are all ground fiat and thin, upon a brass plate, in the same manner as optical work is ground ; during which operation, the piece is re- tained again on an upper movable plate, of its own size, by means ofa circular rim or edge which is ad- justable by screws, so as to form a deeper or shallow- er cell, as may be required, The guides are one twentieth part thinner than the washers of the cutters, and the guide washers are somewhat thicker than the cutters, and there are grooves in the sides of the guides that the teeth of tiie cutters may pass clear, notwitlistanding their side sets. The writer had an opportunity of examining one of the cutters of this artist, which had been given- by him to a friend. It was beautifully wrought, very uniform in its thickness, which was about the of an inch, and the sets of the teeth which seemed to have been affected by the blow of a punch on every other tooth was extremely accurate, it was not perfectly flat, but had that kind of flex- ure which workman call a buckle. He also saw an ivory comb of 40 teeth in the inch, which was very uniform, and equal to the best work done by hand, except that the cut seemed too wide. It appears to be placed beyond a doubt, that combs may really be cut in this way ; but whether to advantage, must depend on the cast and durabili- ty of the cutter?, which it is to be feared, may be bended and spoiled in a course of work, by their in- cessant friction between the guides. It may also be remarked, that they cannot be taken off the arbor to sharpen or repair, and be put on again without changing the degree of fineness in the comb they will cut. For if we suppose an error of one thou- santh of an inch in grinding or callipering the cutters and washers, or in the different force of screwing them together on the arbor ; this will make a dif- ference of one third of an inch, or the breadth of se- venteen teeth in a superfine comb. No,. 6, which if coarser would bring it more than half way to the sort called dandriff, or if finer, would equal the bbx- comb. Besides, which a much less difference would iotally destroy the agreement or fitting between cutting and pointing. A more particular account of the patent invention, with engravings, may be found in the repertory of arts for the year 1796. Tortoiseshell combs, as they are called, are very much used. It has, however, been properly observ- ed by authors, that the hard strong covering which encloses tortoises, and which is used on these occa- sions, is improperly denominated a shell; being of a bony contexture, but covered on the outside with scales, or rather plates of a horny substance. There are two general kinds of tortoises, viz. the land and the sea tortoise; the latter is divided into many dis- tinct species, but if the testudo-imbricuta of Lin- nceus, which alone furnishes that beautiful shell so much COMB-MAKING. 233 much admired in European countries. The spoils i of the tortoise consist in thirteen leaves or scales, eight of them are flat, and five bent. The best tor- toise shell is thick, clear, transparent, of the colour of antimony, sprinkled with brown and white. Tortoise shell, like horn, becomes soft in a mo- derate heat, as that of boiling water, so as to be j pressed in a mould, into any form, the shell being i previously cut into plates of a proper size. Two j plates may likewise be united into one by heat and pressure, the edges being thoroughly cieaned^and made to fit close to one another. The tortoise shell is conveniently heated for this purpose by ap- plying a hot iron above and beneath the juncture, I with the interposition ofa wet cloth, to prevent the I shell from being scorched by the irons ; these irons ! should be pretty thick that they may not loose their heat before the union is effected. Tortoise shell being in so much request, many j methods have been invented for the purpose of j staining horn so as to imitate tortoise shell; of which the following is one. The horn to be dyed, being first pressed into a flat form, is to be spread over w ith a kind of paste made of two parts of quick lime and one of litharge, brought into a proper degree of consistency with soap-ley. This paste must be put overall the parts of the horn except such as are intended to be left transparent, to give it a nearer resemblance to tor- toise shell ; the horn must remain in this state till the paste lie quite dry, when it is to be rubbed off*. It requires a considerable share of taste, and judge- ment to dispose the paste in such a manner as to form a variety, of transparent parts, of different mag- nitudes and figures, to look like nature. Some parts are, bv a neat process rendered semi-transpa- rent, which is effected by mixing whitening with a part of the paste, to weaken its operatiou in parti- cular places; by this means spots ofa reddish brown will be produced, so as greatly to increase the beau- ty of the work. Horn thus dyed is manufactured into combs, which are frequently sokl for real tor- toise shell, we shall now add two or three other di- rections on subjects connected with this business, To make horn soft. — Take w od-aslies and quick lime : of these make a strong ley, and filter it clear, boil the shavings or chips of horn therein, and they will soon be reduced to a paste, this may be colour- ed, and cast into any form required. To prepare horn leaves in imitation of tortoise-shell. — Take of quick lime one pound, and litharge of silver eight ounces,- mix them into a paste with urine, and make spots with it, m w hat form or shape you please, on both sides of the horn ; when dry, rub off the powder, and repeat this- as- many times as necessary. Then take Vermillion, prepared with size, lay it all over one side of the horn, as also on the wood, to which you intend ^to fasten it. For raised work, form the horn in a mould of any shape, and when dry give it colour with the aforesaid paste and vermillion, then lay clear glue, both on the horn and the wood on which it is to be fixed, and close it together. This work is to be done in rather a warm place, it is then to stand all (night ; the roughnesses are to be cut or filed off, and the horn polished with tripoli and linseed oil. Work finished in this manner is well adapted for ladies combs. Another method of imitating tortoise-shell with horns. — Take of Nitrous acid two ounces, and of fine silver one drachm ; let the silver be dissolved, and having spotted or marbled your horn with wax, strike the solution over it,. let it dry of itself, and the horn will be in tliose places which are free from wax, ofa brown or black colour. To d/ye Ivor// greeny to be used as combs. — A green dye may be given to ivory, by steeping it in nitrous acid, tinged with copper or verdigris, or in two parts of verdigris, and one of sal ammoniac, ground well together, with strong white wine vinegar pour- ed on them ; and by converting the nitrous acid into aqua regia, by dissolving a fourth part of its weight of sal ammoniac in it, ivory may be stained of a fine purple colour. To di/e Ivor iy, S>e. zvith other colours. — Ivory, bone, horn, and other substances adapted to the manufacture of combs may be stained yellow, by- boiling them first in a solution of one pound of allum in two quarts of water, and then boiling them in a solution of turmeric root. Ivory, See. may be stained blue, by first staining it green, and then dipping it in a solution of pearl ashes, made strong, and boiling hot. It may be accomplished also by boiling in the tincture of indigo, prepared by the dyers, and afterwards in a solution of tartar, made by dissolving three ounces of white tartar, or cream of tartar in a quart of water. Combs are sometimes set with brilliant stones, pearls, and even diamonds ; some are studded wit'll cut steel, these are of different shapes, and are used . to fasten up the hair when ladies dress without caps. Of course combs may be had of all prices from a few pence to almost any sum. Journeymen comb makers will earn from 25s. to two guineas per week. END OF COMB-MAKING. 30 COOPERING. COOPERING. Coopering consists in manufacturing casks and I ^vessels used for containing and transporting all kinds of liquids, &c. It must have been a trade almost coeval with our existence, it being of the very first necessity. The art of coopering has ena- bled man to possess and retain the richest viands of foreign climes. It promotes and facilitates the export and import of the produce of distant coun- tries, which have enriched the merchant, supplied the wants and luxuries of the people, enriched the revenues, and given spirit to navigation. It is im- possible in reflecting on the utility of this trade, not to feel that it occupies a much greater -space in our existence than it at first appears to do. It supplies in the first place, all the necessary fa- ’ cilitates of our very extensive breweries and distil- leries. It enables our colonies to exist, by offering 1 a ready transit to their produce, and in fine, it is a j trade which has developed to unreflecting man, the bounties of divine providence in a most especial manner. The trade in London is divided into several ramifications, and the persons carrying it on ns well as-the journeymen, confine themselves res pectively. They are designated by first “ Butt Cooper,” whose employ consists in manufacturing all kinds of casks for breweries, &c. also the Pun- cheons and Hogsheads for distilleries. Their working tools are but few in number, the first, an “ adze,” similar to the same tool made use of by Carpenters, except the handle only being about ten inches long, he has also an axe, with this and the adze he re- duces the staves to the form he wishes, he has also a bench, consisting of a piece of simple plank, and generally 4 or 5 feet long, and one foot wide, stand- ing on four feet, raised to about 2 feet high at one end, and 18 inches at the other, forming an inclined lane on its top ; there is a stop and two upright eeps at each end of the top of the ber. h, which serve the purpose of keeping the stave firm- ly on it, in the operation of jointing. Their planes consist of two or three only, called “jointers,” , similar to the same kind of tool used by Joiners. It is used by the butt cooper from 3 to 4 feel long, and with which he makes all his joints, it requires to be kept in good order, and to be exactly true on its face, and the mouth of the plane 6mall, with the iron thin and sharp. The shave is a machine similar to a tool called a u spoke-shave,” of rather larger dimensions than the common ones used by Carpenters; but coopers use them of various sizes, it is a sharpened piece of hardened metal, with two legs let into a small block of beech- wood, rounded on the face, and shaped af the ends so as to be held in the hand by the work- men, the iron is sharpened as planes are, and it is fixed in the stock by two small wedges. With this tool the cooper smooths and finishes the inside and outside of all Iris casks, rounds and shapes their edges, and in fine finishes his work for use. The tool called a tooth, commonly “ the old woman’s tooth,” is made not unlike the “ shave,” except the iron which is in fact the tooth, it is very narrow approaching an arris, and it is kept sharp, and used for making grooves round the top and bottom of the staves, to receive the ends of the cask. They use also a series of Bilts, called centre and doweling Bitts, the former are used for making perforations to insert cocks and other conveniences for filling or emptying the casks, the latter tor bori.ig the edges of two opposite joints, in the tops and bottoms of vessels required to be doweled together. • Doweling is no more than fixing in oaken pins in the joints; and made use of, only to large vessels to prevent the joints from swagging from tfieir pieces ; it is of the greatest utility, and a good cooper never neglects to do it ; it is confined to the tops and bottoms only. A hoop “ technically” is to the cooper a model, into which befits all his staves; this model or hoop is of ascertained dimensions, and is as various as the numerous different vessels made use of, for instance, they have a hoop for butts, hogsheads, puncheons, barrels and all other casks required for the different quantities of liquids to be vended at a butt coopery, on a large scale. These hoops are laid down, and the work is divided among the most expert in their several ways. Some men are employed in hewing the staves and reducing them to their lengths, others in jointing and fitting them into the hoop, and some in preparing the tops and bottoms, while others are cleaning and smooth- ing the staves to receive the ends and final hooping. The staves made use of by the but cooper, are invari- ably ofoak, and until very lately, wholly imported from the Baltic, and sold in the market by a mer- chant, called the stave merchant. The staves are imported in the several lengths required, and sold by the thousand, under the following designations, viz. Pipe staves about five feet b inches long, two inches thick and six inches wide ; hogshead staves four feet long ; barrel staves three feet 6 inches long. There COOPERING. 235 There are also to be met with, long and short head- ings. the former run about 30 inches in length, and the latter from 20 to 24 inches ; these various staves are found to meet most of the required purposes of coopery. The retail merchant sorts and divides them for the consumer into the best pipe staves, se- conds &c and the same to the hogshead, and barrell staves. The headings are sold generally as import- ed, the Dantzick and Ilamboro staves are consider- ed the best. Although great quantites are imported from Riga, Memel and Koningsberg; the pipe 'staves ! from Dantzick or Ilamboro, will letch from £ 200 to £250 per thousand, of six score to the hundred, and they rose lately when all communication with the Baltic was stopped, as high as £500 per thou- sand, and the smaller staves in a proportion. This event gave rise to the introduction of staves from Canada, which soon superseded the necessity of the importation from the Baltic, and there is now in the market from our own possessions, m America abun- dance of staves of all descriptions; sold by the de- signation of Quebec and Canada staves, and at two thirds the price of those from the Baltic, they are however, not found to be so durable, lmt they work better, and make a neater utensil. The Dantzick 6taves still continue to be purchased for the Brew- eries, in preference to the American, from the expe- rience of its superioritv in strength and durability. All the American wood, possesses more beauty than strength. In the article of fir, of which there is an immense consumption in these Kingdoms, and which have latterly received almost their whole supply from Canada, and in order to encourage the impor- tation from these settlements, the import duties have been made considerably less, than from the Baltic, but in building as in coopery, the cleanness and straightness of the grain ofthe timber, is a poor set off for its want of strength and durability; which qualities the timbers from America, certainly want in comparison of those from northern Europe. Iron the cooper is not in need off, because its place can be supplied with other materials ; except for his working tools. But England abounding in iron, it is found economical to make our hooping of that metal. Iron hoops are obviously the best for the butt cooper, whose staves are usually of good substance; but in cases in which the staves are thin, iron hoops should be avoided, or at least but partially employ- ed. The oxide of iron of w hich these hoops supply abundance (commonly known as rust) eats away and destroys the wood with which it comes in contact, as well as the hooping itself ; Foreign casks are seldom bound by iron; not always from the want of the me- tal, but from fancying that it may have chalybeate qualities upon their contents; it is particularly avoided in France, and indeed, in all wine countries, and in France the best coopeiy is practised. The hooping is sold as most iron work usually is, by the hundred, in various lengths, previously wrought in a mill at the furnaces, of great variety of thick- ness, (he hooping is cut by the cooper, to the length he requires to hoop his butts, or other vessel, punch- ed at the lap, and cold rivetted. Previously to put- ting on the hooping, the staves are dryed either by being exposed to an open fire, or in kilns, the latter is now the most approved in large manufactures. Kundlet-cooper is a second branch of this trade, he makes use of all the tools, used by the butt cooper, except, perhaps bis collection maybe on a smaller scale. This manufacturer makes the bottles j of various small contents for the use ofthe distiller, who sends out his spirits in them, consisting of, from l gallon bottles and upwards to 20 gallons ; he usee the long and short headings, which he rends into two or more in thickness, according to the substance re- quired in his bottles. This is an extensive branch of business, if it be considered how r numerous our wants are made by the ingenuity ot the distiller, whose chief concern is in giving a zest to the palate; and his success is too apparent in the multiplied nos- trums offered, to the w eary public, under the appel- lation of cordials. As these are increased, the rund- iet cooper finds his account important. Dry cooper finds his employment in manufactur- ing hogsheads, and casks for the containing of every kind of dry produce, the leading feature of the consumption in his line, is in making hogsheads for sugar. Ilis tools are of the same description as before named, but he works the staves out of all kinds of w ood, and is not obliged to be so neat in his fittings as the butt or rundlet cooper. It is an extensive line of business at all sea-ports, in whieh great exports are constantly making, he supplies casks to pack the supplies in, of all dry natures, for both army and navy, as the cloathing and hats ; be- sides military stores, are, for convenience usually packed in casks. His business is also extensive in supply ing convenient security in packages for the Apothecary general to the army, whose medicines are forwarded in a dry state securely enclosed in casks, prepared by the drv cooper. Whi*e cooper, bis employ comes home to every housekeeper, because in every establishment, is to be recognised some machine or other supplied to it by his industry. He manufactures all domestic utensils, such as are used in private brewing, in washing, dairies, in making churns, pails, and every convenience required in all the multiplied purposes of our domestic economy. At the white coopers, is to lie found the most extensive employment of the staves called long and short headings ; he is the greatest consumer of this article ; he proceeds in a similar way in the manufactory of his goods, as is described under the head of butt cooper ; but lie rends his staves into several thicknesses, in order to make his utensils lighter and better adapted to their required purposes, he makes use of many different kinds of hoops, the iron hoops lie procures by weight j ready m COOPERING. ready milled and fit for use, which he adopts and cold rivets on all his goods bound by iron hooping : many of the articles manufactured by this trades- man, are secured by wooden hoops, for instance : all tubs used in laundries and dairies ; these hoops known to the trade by “ white hoops” are rended out of ash wood, and are of various substance for use. When this hoop is neatly cleaned up, it gives a cleanliness to the appearance of the vessels, and so finished is always pretered for the laundry and dairy. This kind of hoop is sold at the white hoop merchants, and the average price is from 40 to 50s. per hundred off) score. There are at the same de- pot, hoops of all descriptions, for the numerous in- ferior vessels, and of prices varying from 12 s. per hundred to 30s. The white cooper finding his ac- count with the housekeeper, usually keeps a shop, at which place commonly may be found exposed for sale, almost every article required in the domestic concerns of an establishment. In London to this branch of coopery, is sometimes added turnery, which in a retail shop, supplies all kinds of brushes and baskets, with many other little tilings, required for comfort and convenience, at the white coopers, all jobs are done in repairs, and alteration to casks and coopery ofevery description. The manufacture of backs and vats for brewers and distillers, does not necessarily belong to coopery, it is a distinct branch of trade, and performed by per- sons called back and vat makers ; they work in En- glish oak commonly, and they take care to select that which is soundest and freest from knots, and saw it out into two inch, Sj and 3 inch planks, which are laid by for seasoning. Carpenters work at this business, as the machines are of all shapes; for instance, the coolers for breweries, are commonly oblong squares, and are made by this tradesman. The only particulars required in making good cool- ers, is that the sides be adequately strong, the joints well fitted, and the whole not too deep, the sides of a cooler of ordinary dimensions, should beat least 2| inches thick, the joints should be well plowed and toiigned, the bottoms should be jointed in a similar way, and these will require dowelling; the end- are grooved into the sides, and the whole is spilled to- gether with iron pins ; these vessels are sometimes scorched or charred in their insides, for the double purpose of preventing their decay, and also the too rapid acidity of the liquor exposed to cool in them. Mash-tuns, the under and jack backs, w orking- tuns, and store vats, for the still and brewhouse, get best manufactured at the back makers, as every thing he does is on a large scale. He keeps materials bet- ter adapted to its well performance than can be found at the butt coopers. All the above vessels are usually made round, they are prepared in a similar manner to the work ofthe butt maker, except, gener- ally from staves of English oak ; some of these vats are immense, particularly those called store vats, containing from 20 to 30 butts and upwards ; the hoops are necessarily of iron, very strong and fre- quently joined by a nut and screw rivet, which al- lows of removal in case of repair or accident. Wine cooper is a person employed in drawing otf, bottling and packing wine, spirits, or malt liquor; in London, many persons follow this business only, and keep in their employ several assistants, it is common for persons ofthe first consequence to em- ploy the wine cooper to take charge of their wines. He has stipulated prices for all he does, charging his hottli ng off by the pipe, half pipe, or as it may happen ; lie keeps a working butt cooper in his em- ploy to repair and job in the upholding, and sup- porting the several casks in which wine and spirits are contained. I nder the trade of the cooper, may be introduced the manufacture of canteens, these are small vessels made of wood, in which soldiers when on their march, or in the field, carry their liquor. These vessels were formerly made of tin, b,ut the use of wooden canteens has for some time been general in the british armies. They are made, in shape, very like barrels, cylindrical, seven inches and a half in diameter, and four inches long on the outside, hold- ing three pints. These vessels have for some years since been manufactured oil a larger scale by Mr. George Smart of Ordnance Wharf, Westminster Bridge, who has contrived a very complete set of machines for abridging of labour in the business. The wood made use of is the best foreign oak, which is first sawn out into boards a quarter of an inch thick; these, after they are planed, are cut in the direction ofthe grain, in slips of an inch and a quarter broad, by means of a circular saw called a ripping saw. This saw is made of steel plate with very fine teeth, and on the end of its axis is a pul- ley, turned by a band going round it, and likewise round a large drum driven by a horse-wheel ; the plane of the saw in the ripping machine is not fixed exactlvat right angles to the bench, but at a proper angle for the staves of the canteen, which are cut from these slips, when put together to form a cylin- der of the true size. The accuracy with which th ise saws cut, is so great that the edges do not re- quire to be planed. There is a guide for the edge ofthe board as it is cut, which, for cutting slips of different widths, can be moved nearer to, or farther from the saw. by loosening the thumb-nut, the screw from which moves in an opening, in the bench, and is always kept parallel to the plane of the saw by two levers. A workman takes one of the boards, and puts its edge against the guide : when he pushes it forward, the saw cuts it along into slips very quick: these slips are delivered to another workman, who uses a cross-cutting saw. There is a groove cut in the bench to receive a slider, across one end of which another piece is fixed, having a notch in the under- COOPERING. 237 side for the saw to pass through when it is slid for- wards. The end of the slip which is to be cross-cut, is pushed up close to the guide) and the piece ar< ! slide are driven towards the saw which cuts it off instantly; the slide is then drawn back, and the slip pushed up to the guide for another length as be- fore. These pieces which are 4| inches long and J| broad, are for the staves of the canteen. The staves which have a hole in them for the cork or bung, are first cut out by the same means as the common staves, but they are of twice the thickness. The hole is bored in the following manner; there is a spindle with a pulley on it, turned by a band, going quite- round it, and a drum, with a velocity of 1800 revolutions in a minute; at the end of this is a male screw to fasten on a common borer or centre bit ; there are two smooth wooden rails, for a slider to move upon, in the middle of which is fastened a small piece of wood having a hole through it, and a shoulder. The workman takes a stave out of the box, and putting one of its ends against the shoulder of the slider, and one of its edges against the bot- tom board, holds it fast, while he pushes it forward against the borer. When the common and bung staves are thus pre- pared, they are given to another workman, who lias a thick block of wood, in which is turned a circular groove about half an inch deep, and a quarter of an inch wide,* which is for setting the staves up in : when the groove rs filled with staves, the man takes a screw-hoop, which is a thin plate of steel, with a square lump at one end, and another near the other end, to receive a screw, to lighten it; the workman puts this tool over the staves, and turns the screw, till the staves are brought close enough, to drive on the iron truss hoop. These cylinders are taken to another person who turns them in a lathe, which is set to work, and the ends of the staves are turned smooth by a tool laid in a notch of the rest; another tool like a hook is then used, for cutting the groove on the inside of the staves for receiving the head. The boards for the heads are first sawn out, into squares, which are then cut circular by a lathe. The next operation is heading and hooping the canteens, which is done by knocking off one of the truss hoops, and putting one of the heads into the groove; the staves are then tightened by the screw- hoop, so that the hoop of the canteen may be driven on ; the other head is then put in, and the hoop on, in the same manner. After this the wires are fixed, which are for receiving the belt by which the can- teen Is carried by the soldier. They are next to be proved, by pouring a small quantity of hot water into them, and stopping the cork-hole with a wooden stopper, they are shaken briskly, and the hot water rarefying the air within, the same will rush out vio- lently and discover any small leak that may be left. The slips of iron plate for the hoops are cut from ^ larg e plates of sheet-iron by shears, worked with a powerful lever ;• the plate is pushed forwards from behind bv one man, while another is lifting up the lever till it reaches the stops; the man at the handle then pushes it down, and cuts the length of a hoop at once off the plate, when the lever is down the underside of it pushes down the stop, so that the hoop may fall off, and the lever is lifted up to cut another hoop as before. The holes for the rivets of the hoops are next punched by a machine formed by a lever, having a punch fixed in it ; under this is fixed a dove-tailed groove to hold a piece of steel, whiph has several holes of different sizes in it, to suit different punches, any one of which can be brought under the punch, and fixed by screws, in each side of the groove ; across the top bf the groove an iron plate is fixed, with a hole in it, for the punch to go through; its use is to prevent the hoop, which is put under it, af- ter it is punched, from rising with tlife punch. The boy who works this machine lifts up the lever, puts one end of the hoop under the plate, and then pushes it down, which makes the hole; he then lifts it up again, and puts the other end under to make the hole in it, first hooking the hole before made over a pin whiqh determines its length. After the hole is punched, a machine is used to cut the ends of the hoops round, they are then bent round a block, and rive,tted in the common way. By these ingenious contrivances, the operations are rendered so simple, that a good workman will head and hoop 200 canteens in about 14 hours ; and two active men will cut with the shears 60 hoops in a minute. Great attention, we are told, must be paid to keeping the truss hoops always of the proper size, as they are apt to expand with continual use, and if they are too large, the heads of the canteens will not fit. We must not finish this article without noticing an invention of Mr. Smart, for which he, obtained in the month of May last, his Majesty’s letters pa- tent, which is for an improved method of preparing timber so as to prevent its shrinking. The great inconvenience in the article of coopering is that the vessels being kept a considerable time in dry places are apt to fall to pieces, and thereby require addi- tional and heavy expence in repairs or refitting. This has been the case with canteens, so that govern- ment have, from time to time, been put to vast ex- pences in remaking, or at least in rejoining vessels that, perhaps, they have never used. It is difficult to manufacture such small vessels as we are speak- ing of perfectly free from leakage, and upon the old plan, perhaps ten per cent, in the number made, were returned on the hands of the manufacturer, being found to leak, when examined in the way al- ready described ; but since the method has been adopted, of which we are now going to give an ac- connt, we are credibly informed that not a single can- 3 P teea / .238 COOPERING. teen out of 30,000 has been returned as unfit on ac- count ofleakage. The nature of the invention we shall give chiefly in the words of the patentee; in many cases, in which the shrinkage occasioned in timber, by exposure to hot or dry air, or to any cir- cumstance which abstracts moisture from the pores of wood is productive of injurious consequences; this is prevented by a previous compression of the wood, with a proper application of certain mechanical powers, into a less volume, than can ever be induc- ed by the common causes which occasion shrinkage. This invention will be particularly useful to coopers, vat-makers, and likewise to builders and other per- sons who work in wood, and to whom it is of impor- tance, that their work should not fail by heat and dryness. Thus in preparing staves for vats or casks, the staves are cut square on the edges, and then passed between a pair of rollers made with be- velled grooves in them, so as to press the wood on the edges into the bevel that is necessary to give the required votundity according to the width of the staves, that are to form the casks and vats. The beading boards are passed through parallel rollers, loaded in proportion as the wood is hard and thick. For canteens or the smaller kinds of work, I press, says Mr. Smart, ray staves with a screw-press, or j lever which not only bevels them, but its action on the inner edges gives them a degree of curvature which facilitates the subsequent cooperage. Vessels . made of staves previously submitted to such a pro- I cess as I have described by any means fitted to pro- : duce the effect required will be always tight, whether full or empty. The wood being pressed into a clos- er state than it could ever attain by shrinking, nor do the stave require the insertion of rushes be- tween the joints, as is often done, in the common | wavs of forming casks, and other vessels destined to 5 contain liquors. — Again, in carpentering ; the best ! performed trussing commonly gives way, owing to the subsequent shrinkage of the timber ; this evil is prevented by my invention ; all that is necessary, being to press, by means of a screw-press, what is commonly called the crown of the king-post, and al- so the base of the truss into a less volume than dry- ing could ever occasion, before inserting the trusses. The boards to be employed for flooring, should be passed edge ways between rollers to close the fibres of the wood, before laying down the floor. From the above description, no competent workman will be at a loss to adapt his wood to the purpose to which it is to be applied. END OF COOPERING. COTTON-MANUFACTURE. COTTON-MAN GFACTUR E. This, which is flow the most important of our national manufacture, is of modern date. The spin- ning of cotton into thread, which is the most labo- rious and important part of the whole manufacture, was before the year 1767, performed only by hand, one person spinning a single thread at a time, by a simple machine. Since this period, machinery has been introduced to perform every part of the spin- ning process, in the most perfect and expeditious manner that can be conceived, and it is these ma- chines which have enabled the English manufac- turers to supersede all others in this branch ; and in the course of half a century, to raise the cotton trade from the humblest of the domestic arts, which was formerly confined to the fire side of the labour- ing poor, and produced few articles except for our home consumption, to one of the staple trades of the country, affording at tSie same time the greatest variety of fabrics for our internal consumption, suit- ed as well for the ordinary wants and comforts, as for the elegancies of life, and giving us a decided superiority in every market in the world, except in the delicate fine muslins from India. The patient natives of the east still maintain their ancient pre- eminence in the fineT kinds of muslin, some of which of most exquisite beauty and fineness are sold in this country, as high as ten or twelve guineas per yard. In productions like these, no rivalship can exist; In India, they are looked upon as master i pieces of art, and the time employed by an Indian I weaver in their production, would ruin an Eu- j ropean manufacturer. The common kinds of Indian muslins, or such as I are adapted to general use, are also preferred by our English ladies, to those of our home manufac- ture, as enduring greater hardships, iind as better retaining their white colour. This excellence which exists to a certain degree, is the result of no superi- ority in the manufacturing processes, but in the raw material, of which that of India is the finest and best in the world. The manner: of manufacturing cotton in India, forms a remarkable contrast to the European me- thod, In Europe a vast apparatus of machinery is used in every part of the process, while in India, the simplest instruments are made to produce fabricks of that exquisite fineness, which it is the boast of our manufacturers to imitate, and which, as yet, they can scarcely equal. The cotton-wool in India, is prepared for the spinner without cards, is spun for the weaver without wheels, and is woven in looms, which the weaver can move from one place to another, with as much facility as the web itself The operation which our manufacturers perform by carding engines, is executed by the Indians with nothing more than a bow, the string of which by repeated vibrations, raises the cotton- wool to a downy fleece, in the same way that ouv hatters prepare their furs for felting, an operation which may be seen in most towns . — (See Hat-mak- ing) The fine thread or yarn, from which the choicest Indian muslins are made, are spun from cotton, thus prepared by the distaff and spindle, which it is evident, was practised by the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians, from their fables and their sculptures. No ill mg can be more simple than tins implement, but it requires much dexterity to work it ; this yarn is then woven in the loom, winch is the most simple that can be imagined, consisting merely of two bamboo rollers, one for the warp, and the other for the web, and a pair of' geer. The shuttle performs the double office, of shuttle and batten, and for this purpose is made like a large netting needle, and of a length somewhat exceeding the breadth of the piece. This apparatus tlie weaver carries to whatever tree affords a shade most grateful to him, under which he digs a hole, large enough to contain his legs, and the lower part of the geer ; he then stretches his warp, by fastening his bamboo rollers at a due distance from each other, on the turf, by wooden pins ; the balances of the geer he fastens to some convenient branch of the tree over his head, two loops underneath the geer in which he inserts, his great toes serve instead of treadles, and bis long shuttle which also performs the office of batten, draws the weft, throws the warp, and afterwards strikes it up close to the web. In such looms as this are made those admirable muslins whose delicate ietcture the European could never equal, with all his complicated machinery. The processes of which we shall now explain. The raw cotton-wool, is the produce of a plant about the size of a current bush, a native of the torrid zone, though it is produced in parts of Tur- key, as tar as 45? north latitude, the cotton is sepa- rated from the seeds of the plant by a mill, and after this 240 COTTON-MANUKA CTUJIE. this preparation it is packed up in hags for the ir fleece , th? - i European market, wiierethe great consumption lies. J through a fui The finest sort comes from Bengal and the coast of 1 1 '~ iL : 1 Coromandel, where cotton makes a very considera- ble article in commerce. But the g’reatest part of the cotton manufactured in this country, is the produce of the AVest India islands, and Smyrna, the most esteemed is white, long, and soft. Those who buv it in bales should see that it has not been wet, moisture being very prejudicial to it. The generality of cotton is white, but some i9 of a nankeen colour, and is invaluable in the manufacture of that article, as it fades ve.y little, even with long use, and frequent washing. The elasticity of cotton is inconceiveable ; it may be pressed into a 50th part of the space into which the strongest packers can reduce it by personal ex- ertion: large screws are erected at many sea-ports where cotton is shipped, for the purpose of bringing the bales into the sinallett compass, so as to save freight. Cotton can only be imported as a raw ma- terial, in which form it comes to us, from the Le- vant, the West Indies, South America, and the East Indies. It comes to us without any further prepara- tion than being pretty carefully picked out ot the pod, on which it grows, and the seeds separated. Still much dirt, husk, and other impurites remain in it, these are separated by women,' at the cotton mills, who pick it over and beat it, with rods to dis- entangle the knotted parts ; this beating is some- times performed by the machine called a batting machine, or else the cotton is subjected to the open- ing machine ; these processes remove all dirt, dust, and cotton, seeds, of which the cotton in its raw state contains a great number, and would be very pre judicial to the operations of the more delicate ma- chines, the cotton when first packed up in the bags is as before stated, compressed very closely for the convenience of stowage, and this condenses it into a hard matted mass, but the batting striking it violent- ly with small sticks, causes the fibres by their natu- ral elasticity, and the motion occasioned among them, gradually to loosen and disengages themselves, and the cotton by repeated strokes recovers all its original volume and is prepared for carding. In the machine which performs this operation, the cot- ton is exposed to the action of an immense number of loose teeth stuck in leather, in the manner of a brush, these teeth are fixed upon cylinders acting against each other, and the cotton being introduced between them, is combed or carded by the teeth, until almost every individual fibre of the cotton is separated and drawn straight, and every little knot- ty and entangled part disengaged ; by passing gra- dually through the machine. Being carried from one cylinder to another, the cotton is dispersed lightly and evenly, among the teeth of the whole surface of the last or finishing cylinder, from winch it is detached by a curious mechanism in a continued is drawn off and contracted, by passing ntie', in which the fleece being hemmed m on both sides, is gradually contracted to a thick roll. Tins may be continued to any length, as long as tfie machine is supplied with cotton ; the roll or band of cotton is drawn off between two rollers, which Compress it into a pretty firm flat ribband, called a carding or sliver about two iuches broad, which the rollers deliver into a tin can, placed to receive it, and in this it is removed to the drawing frame, which consists of a system of rollers, revolv- ing with different velocities, either from the variation of size in the pairs of rollers, or by their performing a different number of revolutions, in the same space of time, or from botli these causes united. Three or more cardings from the carding machine, coiled up in deep tin cans, are applied at once to these roll- ers, in their passage through which, they not only coalesce so as to form one single drawing, but are also draw n out or extended in length. This process is repeated several times, three four or more draw- ings as they are now called being united and passed again between the rollers, the number introduced being so varied, that the last drawing - may be of a size proportioned to the fineness of the thread, into which it is intended to be spun. By this operation, the -fibres of the cotton are drawn out longitudinal- ly, and disposed in an uniform and parallel direc- tion, and all inequalities of thickness are done away, by the frequent doubling or joining of so many dif- ferent lengths. The operation of carding effects this in a certain degree, yet the fibres though parallel are not straight, but many of them are doubled, as may easily be supposed, from the teeth of the cards, catching the fibres sometimes in the middle, which become hooked or fastened upon them ; but when the carding has been passed 4 or 5 times through the drawing frame, every fibre is stretched out at full length, and disposed in the most even and regular direction, so that each fibre, will when twisted into thread, "take its proper share of any strain the thread may be subjected to. If any crooked fibres are twisted into a thread, they will communicate no strength to such thread, until it is so much stretched, that the crooked fibres become straightened x but be- fore this happens, those fibres which are already ex- tended to their full lengths must be broken. The fibres of cotton are by these processes, pre- pared for spinning, but the slivers must first be re- duced to a small size, this is done by the roving frame, which like the drawing frame, extends or draws out the sliver, reducing it from a large band to a coarse and loose thread. The roving iraine immediately after having drawn and reduced it to the intended size, gives it a very slight twist form- ing a loose thread winch is called the roving, this is the first rudiment of a thread. Although in this state. , it is extremely tender, and will not carry a wejght COTTON-MANUFACTURE. 241 Weight of two ounces, it is much more cohesive for its size than before roving, because the twist given it, makes all the longitudinal fibres bind each other to- gether, and compress those which lie athwart. In drawing a single fibre, others are drawn out along with it, and” if we take hold of the whole assemblage, in two places, about an inch or two asunder, we shall find that we may draw it to nearly twice its length, without any risk of its separating in any intermediate part, or becoming much smaller in one part than another. The rovings are now spun into a strong thread, by the spinning frame, which is little more than a repetition of the operation of the roving frame. The roving being drawing out and extended to reduce it to any de- gree of fineness, and then the proper twist being given, forms it into a firm and strong thread. The strength of this thread depends much upon the perfection of the preparatory processes of picking, carding, drawing, and roving, for as every inch of the roving will meet, with the same degree of drawing, and receives the same twist in the spinning frame, every inequality and fault in the roving, either as to the regularity of its size, or the pro- per extension of its fibres, will continue in the thread in nearly the same degree. Such are the processes through which the cotton passes, from the raw cotton, or cotton wool, as im- ported, to the finished thread. We shall now proceed to enlarge upon each subject, and describe the machi- nery by which these operations are effected, in the most expeditious and perfect manner ; for the explanation of these, we have appropriated two plates, but it cannot be expected that we should, in so limited a work, give a complete account of all the machines used in the cotton manufacture, we can only give an outline of the whole, by detailing the most important of the machines, and content ourselves with verbal descriptions of the others ; First, as the invention of these machines has been the grand source of our commercial greatness, within the last thirty years, it is but right that we should enter into a brief history of the rise and progress of the cotton manufacture, and give due credit to those ingenious men, to whom we as a nation are so greatly indebted, for the original discoveries, and successive improve- ments upon them. The spinning of cotton was before the year 1769* performed by hand, a person working at a machine, called a one thread wheel, consisting of a single spin- dle, put in motion by a wheel and band, turned by the right hand, whilst the thread was managed by the left. This composed the whole of the spinning apparatus, on which one person could with difficulty produce a pound of thread, by close and diligent application in the whole day. The goods then manufactured were strong and coarse, compared with those of the present day, and little or no thread, finer than from sixteen to twenty hanks in the pound, each hank measuring 840 yards, was then spun, it was subject, as may readily be conceived, to great inequalities, its evenness depending greatly on the de- licacy of touch, which the spinner by long habit had acquired, and varied with every little difference, in the extension of the thread during twisting, and the revo- lution of the spindle in portions of ttie same length. As the demand for cotton goods increased, various con- trivances were thought of, for expediting this part of the manufacture, but though many were very ingenious, none were so successful as to come into general use, until 1767, when the spinning jenny was invented by James Hargreaves, a plain, industrious, but illiterate man, a weaver in the neighbourhood of Blackburn, in Lancashire. The first jenny consisted of eight spindles, all worked together, by a band from one wheel ; and the machine was provided with an apparatus, which held all the eight threads at once, in the same manner as the spinner held the cotton, between the finger and thumb. The cotton was at this period prepared for spinning by hand-cards, these were small square boards, upon which a sheet of leather, furnished with wire teeth, was stretched ; the carder held one of these in each hand, and putting the cotton between them, they were scraped with one edge over the surface of the other card, in the direction of its teeth ; the cotton was then, by a parti- cular manoeuvre, removed, and coiled up into short soft rolls, which were called cardings. These were of the thickness of a candle, and from eight to twelve inches long, possessing little strength or tenacity, the slightest force being sufficient to break or pull them asunder. One end of this roll being held between the finger and thumb of the spinner, and the other twisted round the point of the spindle, was rapidly drawn out dur- ing its revolution, and formed a coarse soft thread, called a roving. This operation of twisting and draw- ing was afterwards repeated, and the roving was con- verted into a smaller, firmer and longer thread. To this operation the term spinning was more particularly ap- plied, the first being considered as preparatory, and w'as called roving. For some time after the introduction of the jenny, this mode of roving on the single spindle continued ia use, the joining of the carding rendering manual dex- terity absolutely necessary. The jenny was soon after its invention enlarged, in the number of spindles to twelve aftd sixteen, and made such rapid progress, as to alarm the minds of the ignorant and misguided mul- titude, with the idea, that all manual labour would soon be annihilated by the use of these machines ; and they broke into Hargreaves’ house and destroyed his machine ; this outrage induced him to remove to Nottingham, where he was invited by the stocking weavers, and as- sisted in the erection and management of a mill, not- withstanding a serious opposition from the lower orders of the people at first. Here the machine was gradually enlarged to thirty, fifty, and eighty spindles, and became very general ; but the jealousy of the lower classes of people still continued, and though no scarcity of work had been experienced, they assembled in Lancashire in 1779, and destroyed all the jennies, which worked mor e 8 Q than COTTON-MANUFACTURE. 242 than twenty spindles ; but in three or four years after Hargreaves’ first invention, its further extension was stopped by the appearance of a superior mechanic, this was the celebrated Sir Richard, at that time Mr. Ark- wright, whose invention and perseverance raised him from the most humble occupation in society, to great affluence and honour ; this ingenious gentleman turned his attention to the whole of the manufacture, and in- deed his chief improvements were in the preparatory processes. Hargreaves had made a great improvement in carding, by applying two or three cards upon the same stock or handle, and suspending the upper cards, which from their weight and size, would otherwise have been unmanageable, from the ceiling of the room, by a cord passed over a pulley, to the other end of which was affixed a weight or counterpoise. With these, one woman could perform twice as much work, and with greater ease, than she could do before in the common way. The stock cards were soon after succeeded by cylindric cards, the invention of which is claimed by so many different persons, that it is impossible now to de- termine to whom the merit is due. Among the first who employed them, was the late Mr. Peele, who con- structed a carding engine with cylinders, as early as the year 1762, in which he was assisted by Hargreaves. Mr. Peele’s engine consisted of two or more cylinders, covered with cards, but it had no contrivance for stripping or taking off the carded cotton. This was performed by two women with hand cards, who alternately applied them to the last or finishing cylinder. Mr. Arkwright very materially improved this carding machine, by several minor contrivances, but chiefly by the crank and comb. He employed, like his predeces- sors, two or more large cylinders, covered with cards, revolving in opposite directions, and nearly in contact Avith each other ; they were surmounted with other smaller cylinders covered in like manner, by whose re- volutions, in various directions, and with different ve- locities, the cotton was carded and delivered to the last or finishing cylinder, from which it was stripped off by various contrivances. The cards of the first invented machines were nailed on the stripes or sheets, of six or eight inches broad, and the margin of each sheet in which the nails were driven, being destitute of teeth, formed so many intervals or furrows across the surface of the cylinder. The cotton was stripped off at first by hand, as in Mr. Peele’s machine, and afterwards by a fluted cylinder, or by a roller, armed with stripes of tin plate or iron, standing erect like the floats of an undershot wheel, and which revolving quicker than the card, and in close contact with it, scraped off the cotton in distinct portions from each stripe or sheet, which fell into a receptacle below. This was a harsh and rude operation, and injured not only the carding, but the cards themselves. Mr. Arkwright substituted for the fluted cylinder, a plate of metal, called the comb, finely toothed at the edge, and moved rapidly up and dowm in a perpendicu- lar direction, by a crank. The slight, but reiterated strokes of this comb, acting on the teeth of the cards, detached the cotton in a fine uniform fleece. On the finishing cylinders also, narrow fillet cards, as they are termed, wound round in a spiral form, were substituted by Mr. Arkwright for the ordinary cards, nailed across. The continuity of the fleece was thus preserved, which was destroyed before, by the intervals or furrows, to which we have alluded, and being gradually contracted in its size, by passing through a kind of funnel, and flat- tened or compressed between two rollers, Avas delivered into a tin can, in one continued, uniform, perpetual, carding, so long as the machine was kept in motion, and Avas supplied with the raAV material. But Mr. Arkwright’s grand improvement was the in- vention of preparing the cotton by rollers ; it is essen- tial to good spinning that the fibres shall be disposed exactly parallel to each other, which is effected by draw- ing out or extending the mass of cotton, by certain parts, resembling the fingers and thumb of the spinner ; the contrivance for this purpose consisted of a certain number of pairs of cylinders, each pair revolving in con- tact with its fellow. Suppose then that a loose thread, or lightly twisted roving of cotton, was made to pass betAveen one pair of cylinders, properly adapted w'ith a facing for holding it, and that it proceeded from thence to another pair, whose surfaces revolved Avith a much greater velocity; it is evident, that this quicker revolu- tion would draw out the cotton, and render it thinner and longer when it came to be delivered on the other side. This is the operation which the spinner performs Avith his finger and thumb ; and if the cotton be deli- vered in this state to a spinning apparatus, it will be converted into thread. The immediate spinning apparatus, or that part Avhich gives tw'ist to the thread, w'as made by Mr. Arkwright, on a totally different principle from the jenny. He em- ployed the spindle of the old flax Avheel, which was used for those substances, whose fibres, from their na- ture, but more particularly from their length, w'ould not admit of the preparatory process of carding. Their fibres were dressed and disposed in an even and parallel direction, by an operation resembling combing, and were then coiled round the head of the distaff, affixed to a wheel, furnished with a spindle, bobbin, and fly. The fly and spindle moved together, and Avere kept in rapid motion by a wheel and band, vvorked by the foot of the spinner. The bobbin which received the thread, ran loose upon the spindle, and moved only by the friction of its ends, in proportion as the fibres of the flax Avere disengaged from the distaff, by the finger and thumb of the spinner, and were twisted by the fly. If we suppose the machine itself to be left at liberty, and turned without the assistance of the spinner, the twisted thread being draw'n inwards by the bobbin, would natu- rally gather more of the material, and form an irregular thread, thicker and thicker, till at length the difficulty of drawing out so large a portion of the material, as had acquired the twist, would become greater than that of snapping the thread, which would accordingly break. COTTON-MANUFACTURE. 243 It is the business of the spinner to prevent this, by hold- ing the material between the finger and thumb, and by separating the hand during the act of pinching, that the intermediate part may be drawn out to the degree of fineness previous to the twist. To accomplish these purposes by machinery, the ob- ject of Mr. Arkwright’s invention, two conditions be- came indispensably necessary, 1st, that the raw material, should be so prepared, as to require none of that intellectual skill, which is alone capable of separating the knotty or entangled parts, as they offer themselves. And, 2dly, that it should be drawn out, by certain parts, resembling the finger and thumb of the spinner. The first of these was com- pletely fulfilled by the various machines and contrivances for the preparation of cotton for spinning, which Sir Richard afterwards invented; and obtained a patent for; the second was accomplished in his first and capital ma- chine, since called the twist or Water Frame. He contrived to make the rotary carding and spinning en- gines, to move by horse, by water, and by steam ; and thus by saving of labour, and with the advantage of a patent monopoly, he was in a few years rendered one of the most opulent of our manufacturers. Mr. Arkwright also applied his invention of the rol- lers, to other parts of the process, viz. the preparation of the cotton immediately after carding, to obtain the greatest equality of thickness and parallelism of the fibres, by the drawing frame which we have before de- scribed. He had many difficulties to struggle with, in bringing these inventions, and improvements to perfec- tion ; he first attempted to put his ideas in practice at Liverpool, but not receiving proper encouragement, he entered into partnership w ith Mr. Smalley, of Preston, in Lancashire, but their property failing, they went to Nottingham, and there by the assistance of wealthy in- dividuals, erected a considerable cotton mill, turned by horses ; but this mode of proceedure w'as found too ex- pensive, and another mill on a larger scale was erected at Cromford, in Derbyshire, in the year 1771, the ma- chinery of which w'as put in motion by water. This mill is still at work, and deserves notice as being the first of those numerous establishments, which were very quickly erected in various parts of the country ; and the manufacture being thus firmly established, Mr. Ark- wright’s claims to the inventions were disputed, and his patent right contested in the Court of King’s Bench, and after much litigation between him and a host of opulent manufacturers, who had now entered into the business, the letters patent were cancelled on the ground, of his not being the original inventor. The. court en- tered into the examination of the origin of every idea, and the assistance he derived, from every one of his workmen ; but upon the whole, w ithout minutely de- tailing further particulars, it appears that cotton spinning was no new attempt wheti Mr. Arkwright embarked in it ; but many difficulties occurred in bringing it to per- fection, and in his hands the carding and spinning of cotton, became a national manufacture. According to his statement, it appeared that the advancement of it, during a period of five years, cost him, and those that were concerned with him, 12,000/. before they derived from it any profit, and it must be allowed that he alone had sufficient perseverance, activity, and skill, to per- fect a scheme, in the prosecution of which many others had failed, and to render it valuable to himself and the public. It appeared on the trial, that Mr. Arkwright certainly received many ideas from Mr. Kay, a clock- maker of Warrington, who was in some way concerned with him in making the first machines; but injustice to the memory of Arkwright, it must be stated, that the higher praise of completing the invention, of bringing it to its present state of perfection, and making it a grand instrument of national prosperity, was exclusively his own. He who suggests a new' and important principle, has only advanced one step into the field of discovery, and has a claim upon the liberality of his country, and the grateful recollections of posterity ; but he who pursues it through all its ramifications, exhausts all its resources, and extends it to all the purposes, to which it is appli- cable, has certainly performed a task far beyond the powers of the original inventor. Such are the relative merits of Mr. Kay and Mr. Arkwright. This truly eminent man, at the same time that he was inventing and improving machinery, was also engaged in other undertakings, which any person, judging from general appearance, must have pronounced incompatible with such pursuits. While he was taking measures to secure to himself a fair proportion of the fruits of his industry and ingenuity, he was extending the business on a large scale ; he was introducing into every department of the manufacture, a system of industry, order, and cleanli- ness, till then unknown in any manufactory where great numbers of people w'ere employed together, but which he so effectually accomplished, that his example might be regarded as the origin of all similar improvements. The merits of Sir R. Arkwright may be summed up with observing, that the object in which he was engaged was of the highest public value ; that though his family were enriched by it, the benefits which have accrued to the nation have been incalculably greater; and that upon the whole he is entitled to the respect and admiration of the W'orld. He was knighted by His Majesty in 1786, and died in August 1792 at his princely mansion near his mills at Crumford ; report says, he left a property of more than half a million of money in value, though he began the world as only a country hair-dresser. The system of spinning introduced by Sir Richard, was found most particularly applicable to the production of thread for warp, or stocking yarn, w hilst the Jenny of Hargreaves, was chiefly employed in spinning the w'oof or weft, for the coarse kinds of which it is better adapted than the perfect machine which Sir Richard invented. The jenny for some years after its introduction spun all the twist and weft in the kingdom, the use of this machine has lipwever since been almost superseded by a third machine called a mule, for the invention of which we are indebted to the ingenuity of Mr. Samuel Crompton <244 COTTON-MANUFACTURE. of Bolton, who lately (1812) received a reward of 5,000 l. from parliament, it appearing that he had de- rived but little benefit from the invention. The mule was invented about the year 1776, during the term of Sir Richard’s patent right, and did not on that account come into general use till after its expiration ; it is a compound of the two machines of Arkwright and Har- greaves, and is considered as its name imports, the off- spring of the twist frame and jenny. It consists of a sys- tem of rollers like those of the twist frame, through which the roving is drawn and received upon spin- dles, revolving like those of the jenny, and from which it acquires the twist. The carriage on which the spin- dles are disposed is moveable, and receding from the rollers somewhat quicker than the thread is delivered, draws or extends it in the same manner as is done by the jenny. This completes the series of machines now in use, and is the only very important discovery in spinning since the inventions of Sir R. Arkwright, on which in- deed its chief merit is founded. Of its excellence, and also of those other machines employed in the dif- ferent preparatory processes, some idea may perhaps be formed, when it is stated that a pound of fine cotton has been spun on the mule into 350 hanks, each hank measuring 840 yards, and forming together a thread 167 miles in length. DESCRIPTION OF THE MACHINES. The picking of cotton is necessarily performed by hand, as it requires a discretionary power, which a machine cannot possess. This department is therefore conducted without the aid of mechanism. The batting is the first machine the cotton passes through ; here the cotton is spread by women upon a platform, which is in constant motion, from one end of the machine to the other, and therefore carries the cotton along upon it, and in its passage it receives the strokes of several | small sticks, or rods, which alternately beat upon it with a very sharp stroke. This platform is formed of a long cord, which is repeatedly passed over tw'o rollers, one of which is supported at one end of the frame, the other is at the opposite end ; the cord passing round from one of these to the other 20 or 30 times, and having all the turns made parallel to each other at about an inch asunder, forms an horizontal platform for the support of the cotton. Whilst it is under the operation of the batting, one of the rollers is kept in constant motion by the train of wheel-work which re- ceives its motion from the main spindle of the machine ; by these means the endless rope, which extends from one roller to the other, and forms the platform for the cotton, is in constant motion, and the cotton which is laid upon it at one end traverses slowly to the other, receiving in its passage the blows of the batting rods, which strike upon it alternately. Their action is pro- duced in a very curious manner, being attached by joints to the upper ends of the vertical lever, which, by means of cranks upon the main spindle, have an alter- nating motion to and from the platform. The rods are attached to their levers by a short spindle, upon which they move as on an axis, and have pulleys fixed at the side of them, which, by straps fixed to the framing at one end of each, and to the circumference of these pulleys at the other ends, turn the pulleys and -rods over at the same time that they advance to and recede from the platform by the motion of the levers to which they are attached ; thus the motion of the rods exactly imitates the action of the arm of a person beating the cotton with a small cane, for the vertical levers just mentioned may be considered as the motion of the arm on the joint of the shoulder, drawing the cane backwards when it is lifted up on the elbow joint as a centre to fetch a stroke, and advancing while it is falling to make the stroke ; let the joint of the levers with the rods represent the el- bow joint, and the operation of the movement is the same. The machine has four rods on each side, which act alternately with great rapidity, and the whole move- ment is regulated by a fly w heel. The batting machine, though not a leading one in the cotton manufacture, is of important use in saving labour and beating the cotton in a very regular manner, for no part can escape its action. The machine called a devil, or more properly the opening machine, is used for similar purposes as the batting machine, though it is not to be considered as one of the same series, being used for the coarser sorts of cotton in the same stage as the batting engine is used for the finer sorts. It consists of a large cylinder, put in rapid motion by an endless band passing round a pulley upon its axis. This cylinder has a great number of teeth fixed into its periphery, and the hood or casing which encloses it contain a set of similar teeth, or spikes, fixed within side of it, and situated very near the spikes of the cylin- der as they revolve. The cotton enters into the machine between a pair of fluted rollers, which are placed imme- diately above each other just before the cylinder, a heavy weight being suspended from the pivots of the upper roller causes them to press together with a sufficient force to draw the cotton in between them, and the flutes or indentions of the two rollers mutually locking into each other, they take the cotton the more certainly. The lower roller is turned round by means of wheel-work from the main spindle ; the cotton is spread out upon an end- less feeding cloth, strained between two rollers, one of which works very close to the fluted feeding roller, and is turned round thereby, so that the cloth, and the cotton spread out upon it by children are kept in constant motion towards the cylinder, and delivers the cotton between the feeding roller. These give it regularly to the cylinder, which is rapidly revolving, and its teeth take the cotton and carry it round between the cylinder and the hood, working it between their teeth to open and unravel every knot or tuft of cotton. After passing through the machine, the cotton is thrown out finished, having been opened in every part so as to completely disentangle it ; and the dust, cotton seeds, or any other extraneous matter COTTON-MANUFACTURE. 245 matter drop out through a wire grating, which encloses the lower half of the cylinder and prevents the escape of the cotton until it has passed quite round it. Some of the most improved mills use opening machines, which are provided with two cylinders revolving against each other, so that they resemble two of these machines put together, by which means the cotton is more completely worked in passing through them. Gar ding-machine . — This we have before described, in general terms, to consist of a number of cylinders covered with wire teeth ; but for its more particular ex- planation we must refer to Plate I. Fig. 1, which is a section : here B B is a large cylinder turned rapidly round by an endless strap on the pulley A ; the surface of the cylinder is covered with cards, the sheets of leather for which are glued or nailed on in stripes or sheets parallel with its axis, and disposed in such a di- rection that when it revolves in the direction of the ar- row the teeth upon it go with their points forward, so that if a lock of cotton was held against them, it would be drawn inwards upon the teeth. The cylinder re- volves under an arch c c, lined with the same kinds of cards which are shewn in Fig. 2.; the teeth are dispos- ed to meet those of the cylinder. D is a second cylinder of cards, the teeth meeting the first, its mo- tion being taken by a large bevelled wheel f, on the end of its spindle from a small pinion on the end of an inclined axis r, which at the other end receives its mo- tion by a pair of equal bevel wheels from the spindle of the great cylinder B B. Before the cylinder at b, are a pair of fluted feeding rollers, between which the cotton passes, and is delivered to the cylinder, the cotton is spread out upon a feeding cloth e which tra- verses constantly round two rollers g h, one of which is turned by means of a pinion from the feeding rollers ; these receive their motion from a wheel on the end of the cylinder D by means of bevil wheels, and an in- clined spindle not seen in the figure, but its direction is shewn by the dotted line a a. The cotton is taken off the cylinder D in a continued fleece by the mechanism described in Figs. 1 and 3, w'hich is called the comb, or taker off. This is a rod or iron bar i i, situated pa- rallel to the axis of the cylinder, and cut on the lower edge with fine teeth like a comb ; it rises and falls pa- rallel to itself by being united to two rods k, which are guided by two levers l l ; the lower ends of the rods k k are, as shewn in Fig. 1. jointed to two small cranks m formed on a spindle which is turned by a pulley n with an endless strap from a pulley fixed on the main axis close behind the great pulley A. Now by the motion of these cranks the rod i i rises and falls, and at the same time moves a little to and from the surface of the cylinder D. By this motion it scrapes downwards be- tween the teeth thereof, and in consequence removes the cotton from them the whole length of the cylinder at once, and the motion of the crank is so quick, that by the time this piece of cotton so detached from the great cylinder D, has moved with the cylinder as much as its own breadth, the crank makes another stroke, and in consequence the second piece detached from the teeth, adheres to the first, the third adheres tp the second, and so on. The cotton is thus stripped, or skinned off the cylinder, in a continued and connected fleece. This fleece, as is shewn in Fig. 1, is received upon a plain cylinder E, which is turned slowly round, by means of pulleys and a band from the pulley dotted round the centre of the cylinder D. F is a small roller gently pressing upon the fleece, to make it lap evenly upon the surface of the cylinder E, as the same turns round, and takes it up when stripped off the surface of the cylinder D. G is the main drum, or wheel, which turns the ma- chine ; it is fixed on a spindle extending the whole length of the mill, being suspended by brackets like o from the ceiling, and turning forty or fifty machines in a row. I K, Fig. 1, are two small cylinders called urchins, they are covered with cards and revolve, so that their teeth act with the teeth of the great cylinder, through proper openings left between the top bars or rails, com- posing the arch CC ; the urchins are turned slowly round in the direction of the arrows, by means of a band xx from a wheel on the spindle of the cylinder D. To explain the action of this machine, we must give some idea of the nature of the operation of carding ; the card may be compared to a brush, made with wires instead of hairs, stuck through a sheet of leather, the wires not being perpendicular to the plane, but all in- clined one way, in a certain angle, see fig. 2, where R and S are these sheets of leather for a pair of cards, and TT, or VV, represent the teeth or card wires re- spectively belonging to each. Beneath is a view of one wire insulated, shewing the two teeth, with their bend in the shank, called the knee bend, by which they are inclined to the leather, in the manner before mentioned. Now we may conceive, that cotton being stuck upon the teeth of one of these cards, another may be applied to it, and combed or scraped in such a direction, as to strike the cotton inwards upon the teeth, rather than tend to draw it out. Of the consequences of a repe- tition of the strokes of the empty card in this direction, upon the fall, one is a more equable distribution of the cotton, upon the surface of the teeth, and in doing this the fibres are combed and laid straight. Then, il one card be drawn in an opposite direction over the other, it will, in consequence of the inclination of its wires, take the whole of the cotton out of the card, whose inclination is the contrary way. The cotton being spread out evenly upon the feed- ing cloth e, and advancing with the cloth, it is thrown in between the fluted feeding rollers b, which deliver it gra- dually and equally to the cylinder, by this it is carried round until it meet the urchin I, which is turning round very slowly, and its teeth meeting the teeth of the great cy- linder, take off part of the cotton therefrom, and carry it round till it meets K, which moves so as to take the cotton off from I, and return it again to the great cy- linder. The object of thus transferring it, is to obtain a more regular and equable distribution, than the feed- 3 R ing 246 COTTON-MANUFACTURE. ing or spreading the cotton upon the cloth e, will make upon the cylinder. The great cylinder thus receiving the cotton, carries it round and cards it against the teeth lining the arch CC ; in this process it becomes more equably distributed over the teeth in the cylinder, and gets carded ; in so doing the cotton continues in this manner, hanging sometimes in the teeth of the cylinder, and sometimes in those of the arch, but slowly advanc- ing till it comes to the cylinder D, whose teeth meeting those of the cylinder, and turning round very slowly take the cotton from it in a very regular and even film spread over its whole surface. This film it carries round to the comb i, by which it is detached, as before de- scribed, and lapped round the cylinder E, which conti- nues to lap up the fleece upon it, until it has made fif- teen or twenty turns, and of course as many revolutions of the fleece round its circumference. The attendant then breaks it off ; by dividing it at one part and spread- ing it out straight, it will form a fleece called a lap, which is the length of the circumference of the cylinder, and consisting of fifteen or twenty thicknesses. By this admirable contrivance great regularity is obtained in the thickness of the lap, because, if at any one part, the fleece produced by the machine is thinner or thicker, than it ought to be, in consequence of any irregularity in the spreading of the cotton wool upon the cloth, previous to carding, such irregularity will have no sen- sible effect upon the ultimate thickness of the lap, be- cause it is composed of thirty or forty strata, and there is no probability that the inequalities of these several strata will fall beneath each other, but every chance that they will be equally dispersed through the whole, and thus correct each other. The lap when taken off, is laid flat on a cloth, with which it is rolled up and con- veyed to a second carding machine, and spread out upon its feeding cloth ; in this machine it undergoes exactly the same operation as in the first, and the fleece is detached from the cylinder D in the same manner, but instead of going to the lapping cylinder E, as we have described, it is gathered up as shewn at X in fig. 3, into a tin funnel marked p*; it then passes between a pair of rollers q r, which compress and flatten the fleece in its contracted state, into a pretty firm, and connected sliver or band Y, and deliver it into a tin can. The low est of these rollers r is situated upon a spindle s, extending across the frame, and turned by a pulley t upon the end of it, which is connected by an endless band, with the pulley z upon the spindle of the cylinder D. By these means, the fibres of cotton are disentangled from all knots, and the whole is reduced from the en- tangled and matted wool, to a regular and equable sliver or band, which is conveyed away in the tin can, to the drawing frame, which we shall next describe by the help of fig. 5, which is a section of the operative part of the machine, taken through its middle ; EEEE re- present four of the perpetual slivers or endless cardings we have just described, entering into it; let A repre- sent the section of a roller, whose pivot does not turn, in a pivot hole, but in the bottom of a long narrow notch B, cut in an iron standard ; a is the section of another iron roller, whose pivot is retained in the same notches at each end, while the roller itself lies or rests on the roller A, below it. The surfaces of these rollers are fluted lengthwise like a column, only the fluting are very small and sharp, like deep strokes of engraving very close together ; it is plain, that if the roller A be made to turn slowly round its axis, by machinery, in the direction as expressed by the dart ; the roughness of the flutings will take hold of the similar roughness of the upper roller, and carry it round also in the direction of the dart, while its pivots are engaged in the notches B, which they cannot quit. If, therefore, we introduce the end F of the cotton sliver, or band EF, formed by the carding machine, it will be pulled in by this motion, and will be delivered out on the other side, considera- bly compressed by the weight of the upper roller a , which is of iron, and is also pressed down by a piece of brass, which rests on its pivots, or other proper places, and is loaded with a weight C. There is nothing to hinder this motion of the riband thus compressed between the rollers, and it will therefore be drawn through from the cans. The compressed part, after passing through, would hang down and be piled up on the floor as it is drawn through ; but it is not per- mitted to hang down in this manner, it is brought to another pair of sharp fluted iron rollers, K and L. Supposing this pair of rollers to be of the same diame- ter, and to turn round in the same time and in the same direction with the rollers A, a, it is plain that K and L would drag in the compressed riband and would de- liver it on the other side, still more compressed. But the roller K is made, by the wheel work, to turn round more swiftly than A. The difference of velocity at the surface of the rollers, is, however, very small, not ex- ceeding one part in twelve or fifteen. But the conse- quence of this difference is, that the skein of cotton will be lengthened in the same proportion ; for the upper roller pressing on the under ones with considera- ble force, their sharp flutings take good hold of the cotton between them. Since K and L take up the cot- ton faster than A and a deliver it out, it must either be forcibly pulled through between the first roller, or it must be stretched a little by the fibres slipping among each other, or it must break. When the extension is so very moderate as we have just now said, the only effect of it is merely to begin to draw the fibres, (which at present are lying in every pos- sible direction) into a more favourable position, for the subsequent extensions. The fibres being thus drawn together, the cotton is introduced between a third pair of rollers O P, con- structed in the same way, but so moved by the wheel- work, that the surface of O moves nearly, or full three times as fast as the surface of K, the roller P being also well loaded, they take a firm hold of the cotton, and the part between K and O is nearly or wholly trebled in its length, or the sliver is extended to almost four times the length in which it enters between A a. After the sliver COTTON-MANUFACTURE. 247 sliver has passed through the three pairs of rollers it is conducted through a tin funnel H, being drawn for- ward, by a pair of rollers R S, this contracts it into a regular sliver, and it is delivered at G into a can. The upper roller S, is merely pressed down upon the under one by its own weight, and therefore compresses it but little, though sufficiently together with the con- traction, produced by the funnel H, to unite the four slivers EEEE, which enter together into one which passes out at G, between the rollers RS. These rollers do not draw or extend the cotton ; their velocities be- ing accurately adapted to take up the four slivers as fast as they come through the other pairs, and by drawing them all together through the funnel H, to unite the four into one, and the slight pressure of the rollers compresses them into a firm and connected sliver, which though compounded of four, is only the same size as any one of the four put in, because it is drawn out to four times the length. The effect of the machine has only been to straighten and lay the fibres parallel to each other ; for the motion which the drawing produces among them always tends to extend each individual fibre to its full length, and it is necessary to unite seve- ral slivers together, or the drawing would reduce the sliver to such a small size, that it would not bear sufficient extension without separating and breaking across. Figs. 4 and 6 explain the wheelwork, which commu- nicates the motion from one roller to the others, Fig. 4 being a view of the wheel-work at one end of the rollers, and Fig. 5 the wheels at the opposite end. The mo- tion is given to the whole machine by a strap and pulley D, Fig. 5. on the end of the pivot of the roller O. On the opposite end of this roller, the small wheel g, Fig. 6, is fixed and turns h, which is mounted only on a stud, and carries with it a pinion i, this turns a wheel k, on the end of the pivot of the roller K ; now as the wheel g is larger than h, the latter will move much slower, and as i is smaller than k, this will move slower than either ; the proportions are so adapted, that K and k will only turn once for three times of O g, but the proportions vary in different mills. On the other end of the roller K, a pinion f, Fig. 4, is fixed, this turns an intermediate or connecting wheel e, and thus gives motion to the wheel d, fixed on the end of the roller A, which has the roller a over it ; now the wheel f be- ing, in its diameter and number of teeth, to d as twelve to fifteen, of course the relative velocities of the rollers A and K will bear that proportion as before stated. The rollers R S are turned by means of a strap, from a pulley on the pivot of the front roller O. The reader will by this perfectly comprehend Sir R. Arkwright’s great principle of cotton spinning, by, viz. the drawing by rollers, which extends the fibres in so perfect a manner. As the drawing frame takes in four slivers E E E, and draws them into one at G, this is repeated four times over, by passing the sliver as many times- through the machine; therefore, by this process the sliver is drawn out (4x4=16x4=64x4=256) to 256 times the original length, as produced by the carding machine. In this state the sliver presents a most beautiful ap- pearance, being so extremely regular in its size, and all the fibres being drawn so straight, that it bears a beau- tiful glossy or silky appearance. After this preparation of the sliver it must be reduced in size to a small thread, this is done at two operations, the first called roving, and the next spinning. The general effect of the spin- ning process is, to draw out this massive sliver, and to twist it as it is drawn out ; but this is not to be done by the fingers pulling out as many fibres of the cotton at once, as are necessary for composing a thread of the intended fineness, and continuing this manipulation, re- gularly across the whole end of the riband, and thus as it were nibbling the whole of it away. The fingers must be directed, for this purpose by an attentive eye ; but in performing this by machinery, the whole riband must be drawn out together and twisted as it is drawn ; this requires great art and very delicate management, it cannot be done at once, that is, the cotton sliver cannot be first stretched or drawn out to the length that is produc- ed ; from the tenth of an inch of the sliver, and then twisted. There is not cohesion enough, for this pur- pose it would only break off, a bit of the sliver and could make no further use of it, for the fibres of cotton are very little implicated among each other in the sliver, because the operation of carding and drawing has laid them almost parallel, in the sliver ; and though com- pressed a little by its contraction in the card, from a fleece of twenty inches to a riband of two, and after- wards compressed between the rollers of the drawing frame, yet they were so slightly that a few fibres may be drawn out without bringing many others along with them. For these reasons, the whole thickness and breadth of two or three inches, is stretched to a very minute quantity, and then a very slight degree of twist is given it, viz. about two or three turns in the inch, so that it shall now compose an extremely soft and spungy cylinder, which cannot be called a thread or cord, be- cause it has scarcely any firmness and is merely rounder or slenderer than before being stretched to about thrice the former length. This is called a roving, and the operation is performed in the roving frame which is shewn in Figs. 7, 8, and 9, the first being a front ele- vation, and the other a cross section, the reduction of the sliver is affected by rollers in the same manner as the drawing frame, but only two ends being put through together, instead of four, the size is of course reduced : but this reduction renders it so delicate, that it is neces- sary to give it a slight twist to render it sufficiently co- hesive to bear handling. The machine contains three heads or frames A A of rollers, each of which receives four ends or slivers from the can, BB Fig. 8, which are those brought from the drawing frame, and enter between the back rollers a, and are drawn out from the cans between them, and the other rollers b to the proper degree of fineness, but which varies with the quality of the yarn which is to be spun. '248 COTTON-MANUFACTURE. spun. Each of the slivers after passing through the rollers, is received into a tin can D, through a small funnel E, at the mouth of which the can is set up in a frame dd ef, called the skeleton. It is supported on a pivot at bottom, and is kept in rapid motion by a band, working on a pulley fixed at the bottom of the skeleton ; the neck of the funnel E, is guided by a collar to keep the whole steadily upright, as it revolves. The rollers of this machine act in the same manner as those of the drawing frame, but have only two pairs of rollers instead of three ; they are turned round by means of contrate wheels g ; on the end of each, which are work- ed by pinions on the tops of as many vertical spindles k, which at their lower ends have pulleys turning the skeletons, by means of bands ; the spindles k are turned round by a strap l which passes round and is common to all when the machine is ever so long, the strap re- ceives its motion, by passing round the drum F, the spindle G of which is turned by the mill, the drum also receives other straps as at m, to turn other frames in different directions ; I is the sliding coupling box, by which the drum can at any time be detached from its spindle, raising it by the lever K, and then its points do not touch. The arms of the drum, which being fitted on a round part of the spindle does not turn with it, but on letting down the box I, which is fitted on a square, it is put in motion, and also the other machi- nery. By a similar contrivance any one of the spindles k can be detached, and the two skeletons which it turns will then stand still while the cans D are removed. The manner of action in this machine is easily gather- ed from the description, the slivers pass two together, through the rollers, and are reduced or drawn out there- in to the proper degree of fineness; then falling into the funnels E, of the revolving cans, they are by the rapid mo- tion thereof twisted round ; because the centrifugal force disposes the cotton to lay round the inside of the can in a regular coil, forming as it were a lining of cotton, to the whole of the interior surface ; and by this means the end of the roving becomes in a manner attached to the can, and is twisted round by its motion so as to form a coarse loose thread with a very slight twist, and a very soft and open substance. Such is the state of the rov- ing as prepared by the roving frame. All the preced- ing processes are to be considered as the preparation ; and the operation of spinning is not yet begun. These preparations are the most tedious, and require more at- tendance and hard labour than any subsequent part of the business. For the slivers from which the rovings are made, are so light and bulky, that a few yards only can be piled up in the cans set to receive them from the carding and drawing. A person must therefore attend and watch each roller of the drawing and roving frames to join fresh slivers as they are expended. It is also the most important department in the manufacture; for as every inch will meet with precisely the same drawing and same twisting in the subsequent parts of the process, therefore, every inequality and fault of the sliver, indeed of the fleece as it quits the finishing card, will continue through the whole manufacture, in a greater or less degree, being only diminished not corrected by the drawing, doubling, &c. It is evident that the roving produced by these operations must be exceedingly uni- form ; the uniformity really produced exceeds all ex- pectation ; for even although there be some small ine- qualities in the carded fleece, yet these are not matted clots, which the card could not equalize, and only con- sist of a little more thickness of cotton in some places than in others. This inequality will first be diminished by the lapping of the fleece in the breaking card ; and when such a part of the sliver comes to the first roller of the drawing frame, it will be rather more stretched by the second. That this may be done with greater cer- tainty the weights of the first rollers are made very small, so that the middle part of the sliver can be drawn through while the outer parts remain fast hold. As a preparation for spinning, the rovings must be wound upon bobbins from the cans D of the roving frame, which are taken away from the skeletons as soon as they are filled, and carried to the winding machine, Fig. 10. which however only shews the operative parts of the machine, the frame being omitted. The chief part of it is a cylinder A, which is turned rouud by a winch handle B ; the bobbins a a on which the rovings b b are to be wound rest with their weight upon the surface of this cylinder, and are carried round by it with great rapidity, and wind up the rovings, which are guided by pins projecting fro nr a rail d d, which has by the machine a slow traversing motion from one end of the bobbing to the other, and thus lays the cotton regularly on the whole length. The bobbins are merely put loosely on a wire e, and can quickly be changed for others when they are filled, they are then carried to the spining frame (see Fig. 1 1 and 12 of Plate II.) the former beiug a front view and the other a side section. In both of them, A represents the bobbins filled with rovings which is to be spun into thread ; they are set up in a rack or frame over head, and are conducted down at a a through rollers bed, which are the same as the drawing frame, and extend it in length 10, 12, or 1(5 times, accordingly as the yarn which is to be spun re- quires to be finer or coarser. This is delivered out to the spinning apparatus or spindles : these are straight steel arbors, on the low r er end of which the pulleys, or hafts as they are called, receive the bands f for turning them. These spindles are mounted in a frame common to them all, which consists of two rails B C, the lower one supporting the points or toes of the spindles, and the other having bearings for the cylindrical parts of each spindle, and a wire staple is fixed over each to keep them up to their bearings. Above this bearing the spindle is only a straight cylindrical wire, and on the upper end of it the fork or flyer h is fastened either by : screwing it on, or it is stuck fast on by friction, which is sufficient to carry it about. The two arms or branches of the flyer are sufficiently distant for them to revolve round clear about the bobbin k, which is fitted loosely upon the cylindrical spindle, and with liberty to slide freely COTTON-MANUFACTURE. «49 freely up and down upon it. The weight of the bobbin is supported by resting on a piece of wood attached to a rail M, which has a slow rising and falling motion, equal in extent to the length of the bobbin between its shoulders, by which means the thread as it comes through the eye, is formed at the ends of either of the branches h of the flyer, and is wound by the motion thereof upon the bobbin. It becomes equally distribut- ed throughout its length, giving it a cylindrical figure instead of keeping all the thread at one part like a barrel, as would happen if the bobbin did not rise and fall. The spindles are constantly kept in rapid motion by the machine, and twist the fibres round each other the instant their ends come out, before the rollers leave the other ends, or they would fall to pieces ; being drawn out so fine, that the cohesion of the fibres is insufficient to bear any thing, and the twist given to the roving is entirely lost ; for it was at first only one turn in one or one and a half inches in length, and this one and a half inch being by the draught of the rollers drawn out 10 or 12 times the length, the twist of one turn in this length is imperceptible, and adds no strength whatever to the roving, so that it is necessary the spin- dle should by the connexion of the thread passing down from the rollers to its flyer, give a tw'ist to the fibres the instant they come through the rollers, which they do by the thread being conducted down from the rollers through the eye formed at the end of either of the branches of the flyer, which revolves with the greatest rapidity along with the spindle, and then gives the twist to the thread ; the bobbin does not partake of the mo- tion of the spindle, but is retained by the friction of its lower end resting on the piece of wood l, and this is increased by a washer of leather put under it. This friction gives such a resistance to the motion of the bobbin, that the motion of the flyer running round it will lay the thread evenly upon it as fast as the rollers suffer it to come forwards. The motion of the whole machine is communicated in the same manner as the roving frame by a vertical spindle D to a drum E which receives a strap n for one frame, and a similar one o for another. The former of these straps extends the whole length of the machine, turning all the vertical spindles p on both sides of the frame by means of pulleys on the lower ends of them. Each of these vertical spindles puts in motion four spindles and the rollers belonging to them ; the former by the bands f, which go round the wheel r upon the spindles p, and the rollers it turns by a pinion at the top of each, turning a contrate or face wheel t on the end of each roller. It is to be observed that the frame, Fig. 11, is in practice extended to contain 40 or 60 spindles on each side instead of four, and one of the vertical spindles p, is provided for every four spindles, but the strap n is | common to them all. The wheelwork for turning the rollers is shewn in Fig. 13, and needs no explanation, being the same with those already described. The rise and fall of the rail m, and all the bobbins upon it, is thus produced ; they are both suspended from the oppo- site ends of a horizontal lever L L M, which has a third arm M proceeding from it, which bears against the surface of a part N, which is a wheel of that figure turning slowly round, and thus moving the lower LLM and producing an alternate rise and fall of all the bob- bins in the frame. The heart is turned round by a wheel R, Fig. ] 1, on the end of its spindle worked by | a pinion upon a spindle S, which also carries a wheel T, and this is turned round by means of a worm cut upon the main spindle of the frame. The drum can at any time be detached from its spin- dle, and then the whole frame will stand still ; for this purpose the spindle D passes through the drum E, a circular fitting, so that it slips freely round within it w'ithout giving motion to the drum, except when it is cast into gear ; this is done by two locking bolts w, shewn by dotted lines passing through the drum, and both fixed into a collar or socket x, fitted to slide up and down the spindle. It has a groove formed round it, in which a fork at the end of a lever is received, so that the forked lever embraces the piece w in the groove, and when lifted up raises the two locking bolts with it, and unlocks the drum from the spindle D by withdraw- ing the locking bolts from their contact W'ith an arm j\ which is fixed fast on the spindle beneath the drum, and therefore turns with it ; but the locking bolts being let down that their ends may project through the drum and intercept the cross arm f of the spindles, the drum and all the machinery is put in motion. In like manner each of the pulleys of the vertical spindles p which receive the great strap n are fitted to slip round on their spin- dles p, but can at any time be united thereto to give them motion by a locking box bayonet z, which is cast in or out of action at pleasure by a small lever in ex- actly the same manner as the locking of the principal drum ; therefore by this lever any four spindles can be detached from the machine at pleasure, and their mo- tion stopped to change the bobbins when they are filled with thread, which is then finished, and requires only to be reeled off the bobbins for the weaver or other purpose. From this account it appears that the process of spin- ning differs but very little from the roving, except that the twist given after its last stretching in length is so much greater than the roving, being intended to give the yarn hardness and firmness, so that it will after- wards break rather than stretch any more. The per- fection of the ultimate thread or yarn depends in a great measure on the extreme softness of the roving, for it is this only which makes it susceptible of an equable stretching ; all the fibres yielding and separat- ing alike, and this property w'ill be greatly influenced by the quantity of twist given by the roving frame ; for these points no very distinct rule can be given. It is various in different mills and with different species of cotton wool, as may be easily imagined. T*he imme- diate mechanism or manipulation must be skilfully ac- commodated to the nature of that friction which the 3 S fibres 250 COTTON MANUFACTURE. fibres of cotton exert on each other, enabling one of them to pull others along with it. This is greatly aided by the contorted curled form of a cotton fibre, and a considerable degree of elasticity which it pos- sesses. In this respect it greatly resembles woollen fibres, and differs exceedingly from those of flax ; and it is for this reason that it is so extremely difficult to spin ; flax in this way ; its fibres become lank, and take any shape by the slightest compression, especially when damp. But beside this, the surface of a cotton fibre has a harshness or roughness which greatly augments their mutual friction. This probably is the reason why it is so unfit for lint and other dressing for wounds, and is refused by the surgeons even in the meanest hospitals. But its harshness and elasticity fit it admirably for the manufacture of yam. Even the shortness of the fibre is favourable; and the manufacture would be very diffi- cult if the fibre were thrice as long as it generally is. If it be just so long that in the finished thread a fibre will rather break than come out from among the rest, it is plain that no additional length can make the yarn any stronger, with the same degree of compression by twining. A long fibre will indeed give the same firmness of adherence with a smaller. This would be an advantage in any other yarn ; but in cotton were it less it would become woolly and rough by the smallest use, and it is already too much disposed to teazle out. Now, suppose the fibres much longer, some of them may chance to be stretched along the sliver through their whole length. If the sliver is pulled in opposite directions, by pinching it at each end of such long fibres, it is plain that it will not stretch till this fibre be broken up, or drawn out ; and that while it is in its extended state, it is acting on the other fibres in a very unequable manner, according to their positions, and renders the whole apt to separate and draw more irregularly. This is one great obstacle to the spinning of flax by similar machinery. We have now described the whole process of cotton spinning, and have only to explain how the thread is converted into cloth. The machine called a reel takes off the thread from the bobbins of the spinning frame and winds it into hanks, each of which is 840 yards in length, which are tw'isted up for package. The size of the thread is denominated by the number of these hanks which will weigh a pound ; and in this state it is sent to market, where the weavers buy it. But va- rious kinds of yarn are made for sale ; some is dyed, others bleached; some twisted two threads together after spinning, and one of these threads is often dyed whilst the other remains white to produce speckled colours. Sometimes the thread is wound on quills for the weavers shuttle, at other times the yarn is formed into hanks previously to their being dyed, in order that the parts so tied may be prevented from taking the co- lour. This is done that the thread may be disposed to warp in the weaving loom, so as to produce the clouds which are seen in various species of cotton goods, especially gingams. A large cotton mill is generally a vast building of five or six stories high ; the two low'est are usually for the spinning frames, if they are for water twist, because of the great weight and vibration caused by these ma- chines. The third and fourth floors contain the card- ing, drawing, and roving machines. The fifth story is appropriated to the reeling, doubling, twisting, and other operations performed on the finished thread. The sixth, which is usually in the roof, is for the bat- ting machine or opening machine, and for the cotton pickers, who for a large mill are very numerous. The general machinery of the cotton mill, by which the various engines described are set in motion, is as follows : the moving power, whether a fall of water or a steam engine, is, by intervening wheels adapted to its nature, made to turn round a vertical shaft, which passes through all the stories or floors of which the mill consists ; in each of which it is furnished with a hori- zontal toothed wheel which gives motion to a vertical wheel, to which is attached a horizontal shaft going across one end of the floor, which gives motion to two I or more other horizontal shafts, according to the | breadth of the building, which run the whole length of the story. These again give motion to small vertical shafts which sustain the large drums that set the spin- ning frames in motion. The horizontal shafts have also drums on them, from whence bands proceed by which the carding engines and drawing machines are turned. What is said of the general arrangement of the mill- work can only be understood in a general sense, for the number and position of the horizontal shafts set in mo- tion by the vertical shaft must vary according to the nature of the buildings, and the disposition of the frames in each floor of them. Where it can be done, it is best to have the vertical shaft placed in the middle of the building, with the horizontal shafts proceed- ing from both sides of it at every floor, for then the horizontal shafts sustain less of that twisting mo- tion which is very injurious to them, and to which they would be more liable if of the whole length of the building. The spinning frames are attended by children to piece the threads when they break, and the whole attendance of the various engines is for the most part performed by children also. The numbers of persons of the tender age employed in large mills amount to several hundreds. Some of the great cotton mills w'ere worked inces- santly night and day, and different sets of children I relieved each other in succession in attending them. This system was found to be very injurious to their health. An act of parliament w'as passed enforcing salu- tary regulations on these points, which have been warmly seconded by the hnmane proprietors of some of the most eminent mills, who have their buildings now W'ell ventilated and warmed. They have also paid proper attention to the food, clothing, and personal cleanliness of the children, and they have them taught to read and write, and take care that they receive in- structions COTTON-M A NUFA CTURE . 251 structions as to their morals and religion both of which were shamefully neglected in former times. We must now turn our attention to the weaving of the yarn, or twist so spun ; the machine used in this process is the loom, there are a great variety of different looms, but the most simple and common is that used for weaving plain cloth of any materials, as cptton, thread, silk, wool, &c. &c. On examining any piece of plain cloth, it will be found to be composed of two distinct sets of threads or yarns, running in two directions per- pendicular to each other, those threads in the direction of the length, are called the warp, and extend entire from one end of the piece of cloth to the other, those threads running across the cloth perpendicular to the w arp, are called the woof or weft, it is in fact one con- tinued thread through the whole piece of cloth, being woven alternately over and under each thread of the warp, until it arrives at the outside thread ; it then passes round the thread and returns back over and under each thread as before, but in such a manner that it now goes over each thread which it passes under before, thus firmly knitting or weaving the whole together. The outside thread of the warp round which the woof is doubled is called the salvage, and caunot be unravelled without breaking the woof. The breadth of the cloth determines the number of threads the w'arp shall contain, and its quality or fineness limits the thickness of the threads and their distance asunder ; these things being settled the weaver takes the proper number of threads of the right length and stretches them out parallel to each other in a field or long building, and rolls them all together upon a cy- lindrical roller A Fig. 1 , called the yarn beam. This at least was the practice formerly but the same operation is now performed much more conveniently and expeditiously by a machine called the warping mill ; this is a very large reel on which the requisite number of threads are wound all together, and then transferred to the cloth beam. After the cotton is spun it is frequently made into warps fit for the weavers before it leaves the mills. This operation is performed on the machine, called a warping mill, which consists of a light frame work forming the outline of an octagonal prism, or one of more numerous sides about six feet diameter, and seven feet high, that is turned round on a vertical axis by a band that passes from a grooved wheel on the axis, to another grooved wheel turned by a winch, and is placed under the seat on w hich the warper sits. The bobbins which sustain the twist, are placed on a vertical rack suspended from the ceiling and the threads from them pass between two small upright rollers, on a piece of wood which slides perpendicularly along an upright bar, fixed at one side of the revolving frame. A small cord passes from a part of the axis, that rises above the frame over a pulley at the top of the fixed bar down to the sliding guide, which it slowly draws up by coiling round the axis as the frame turns round, by which means the yarn is wound spirally about the frame, to the length of which the warp is required ; to this extent when the yarn arrives it is crossed on pins projecting from the frame, and the mill is turned the reverse way, by which the slide descends, and the yarn is laid along the same spiral downwards along which it before ascended. Whtm the w arp is completed to the number of threads required for the web, for which it is intended, it is taken off the mills and wound up into a ball, the cross- ing being first properly secured for the use of the weaver, and in this state it is sold to the weaving ma- nufacturer when the mill owner is not concerned in this branch of business himself. The weaver opens and unwinds this ball and rolls it up upon his cloth beam with very little trouble com- pared with the old method of extending all the yarns at once. The beam thus filled with yarn, is placed in the Loom at B Fig. 14 and 15 Plate II, which are an end view and section of a loom, the other ends of the yarn are made fast to a similar beam A, called the cloth beam, and upon which they are rolled up after being made into cloth ; dd, are two sticks connected together by several threads, the number of which is equal to half the number of yarns upon the warp, this system of threads is called a heddle, ee is another similar heddle. Behind the former, and in the middle of each thread, composing the heddle is a loop through which the yarns of the warp are passed, one half of them going through the loops of the heddle ee, and the other half passing between the threads of the heddle ee, and afterwards through the eyes of the other heddle dd. The two heddles dd and ee are connected together by two small cords going over pulleys r , suspended from the top of the loom, so that when one heddle is drawn down the other will be raised up, as shewn in the figure 14 ; the heddles receive their motion from levers or treadles DF moved by the weaver’s feet, the yams of the warp being passed alternately through the loops of the heddles, so that by pressing down one treadle as D, all the yarns y belonging to the heddle d are drawn down, and by means of the cords and pulleys r, the other heddle e with all the yarns z belonging to it are raised up, leav- ing a space of about two inches between the two sets of yarn. FGGHI is a frame called the batten, suspended by its upper bar F from the upper rail of the loom, so that it can swing backwards or forwards. The bottom bar H shewn separate in Fig. 16, is much broader than the rails GG, and projects before their plane about an inch and a half, forming a sheff, called the shuttle race. The end of the bar H has boards nailed on each side of it, and at the ends to form two short troughs II, in which pieces of wood kk, called pickers or drivers are guided, by two small wires fixed at one end to the up- rights GG, and at the other ends to the end pieces of the troughs II. Each pecker has a string fastened to it which is tied to a handle p, which the weaver holds in his right hand when at work, to pull the pecker back- wards and forwards. The shuttle Fig. 17, is a small 252 COTTON-MANUFACTURE. piece of wood, pointed at each end, about six inches long, having an oblong mortice in it, containing a small bobbin K, on winch is wound the thread for the woof, and the end of it comes through a small hole m in the shuttle called the eye. The shuttle has two little wheels n n, on the under- side, by which it runs upon the shuttle race H. The weaver sits on the seat M, which hangs by pivots at its ends, that it may adapt itself to the most easy posture, when the weaver sits upon it ; it is lifted out when the workman gets into the loom, and he puts it in after him ; he leans his breast against the cloth roll A, and places his feet upon the treadles DE ; in his right hand he holds the handle p of the peckers, and in his left he holds one of the uprights G of the batton ; he com- mences the operation of weaving, by pressing down one of the treadles by his foot, this depresses one half of the yarns of the warp, and raises the others as before described, the shuttle is placed in one of the troughs I, against one of the peckers, then by drawing the handle of the pecker with a sudden jerk, drives the pecker against the shuttle, and thrQws it across the warp upon the shuttle race into the other trough I, leaving the thread of the weft which was wound on the bobbin K after it. With his left hand he then pulls the batten towards him by the frame of canes R, the thread of the warp before lying loose between the warp, is driven up towards the cloth roll, leaving it straight, the weaver now presses down his other foot, this reverses the ope- ration, pulling down the heddle which was up before, and raising the other, the same of the yarn of the warp. By the other pecker, he now throws the shuttle back again, leaving the woof after it between the yarns of the warp, and by drawing up the batten, beats it close up to the thread thrown before; in this manner the operation is continued until a few inches of the cloth are w'oven ; it is then wound round the cloth roll, by putting a short lever into a hole made in the roll, and turning it round. A click acting in the teeth of a sc rated wheel w, Fig. 15, prevents the return of the roll ; the yarn roll B has a cord lapped round it, one of the cords is tied to the frame of the loom, the other has a weight R hung to it ; this rope causes a friction, which prevents the roll turning, unless the yarn is drawn by the cloth beam, this always preserves a pro- per tension in the yarn. TT are two smooth sticks put between the yarns, to keep their position and pre- serve the threads or yarns from entangling ; these sticks or rods, are kept at a uniform distance from the hed- dles, either by tying them together, or by a small cord with a hook at one end, which lays hold of the front rod, and a weight at the other, which hangs over the yarn beam B. The cloth is kept extended during the operation of weaving, by means of two pieces of hard wood, with small sharp points in their ends, which lay hold of the edges or selvages of the cloth. These pieces called the temples, are connected by a cord, passing obliquely through holes, or notches in each piece. By this cord they can be lengthened or shortened according to the breadth of the web. They are kept fast after the cloth is stretched, by a small bar, turning on a centre fixed in one of the pieces, with its longer end projecting closely over the edge of the other piece. If the pattern, or course of changes, in the order of raising and depressing the threads of the warp be vari- ous, so that the weaver could not manage the requisite number of treadles, it is done by a great number of strings, which pass over pulleys above the loom, and are drawn one after another by a little boy, above whose head they are disposed in two rows by the sides, and between two looms. These looms are therefore called draw boys. The boys will shortly be set aside, for ma- chinery which is rapidly introducing as a substitute. For the formation of springs, &c. of various colours, there are often as many shuttles as colours, or a number of little swivel looms, such as they use for the weaving of tapes, introduced occasionally, as many as there are sprigs in the breadth of a piece. Quiltings appear to be two distinct cloths, tied, as it were, together by stitches, which go through both cloths, and in some cases, as in bed quilts, there is a shuttle which throws in a quantity of coarsely spun cotton, to serve as a kind of wadding. The counterpanes are woven with two shuttles, one containing a much coarser weft than the other; the coarser of the threads is picked up at intervals with an iron pin, rather hooked at the point, so as to form knobs disposed in a sort of pattern. The webs, as the piece of cloth are called, when taken from the loom, are covered with an irregular knap or down, from the projection of the short fibres of the cotton wool, which is removed by passing the webs over a red hot iron plate that burns it off. The apparatus for this operation, consists of an iron semi-cylinder, set horizontally in brick work, having a fire placed under it with an iron door, through which fuel may be introduced ; at each side of this is placed a light wooden roller of rail work, turning freely on an iron axis by a winch ; from the same uprights which support these rollers, are suspended light frames on each side, which turn on pivots in their centres, by de- pressing the further ends of which the ends next the stove raise up a rail, which runs across near the iron semi-cylinder, and which mostly consists of a light iron rod. i After the fire placed beneath the iron burner has made it red hot, the web, whose surface is to be burned is rolled up on one of these cylinders, or reels, and the end of it is passed over the lifters, and red hot iron to the other cylinder ; a man stands at each reel, and the instant the one at the empty reel begins to turn, the lifters are lowered, so as to let the web come in con- tact with the red hot iron, by which means its whole surface is drawn over the iron, with that degree of ve- locity which is just sufficient to burn off those loose filaments without injuring its fabric. The very finest muslins undergo this operation, and though they are so CURRYING. 253 thin, that the least deviation from the proper velocity in passing them over the iron, causes them to be burned through, yet there very seldom happens any accident, which shews that the process is more hazardous in appearance than reality. After burning, the webs are all washed in a wheel, and then bleached in the oxigenated muriatic acid, di- luted to its proper strength. These preparations are repeated alternately, till the goods have attained the requisite whiteness ; and between each dipping they are laid out upon the ground, and exposed to the action of the sun and air. When completely bleached, they are either smoothed upon long tables, with smoothing irons, or calendered, that is, stretched and pressed between a course of rollers, by which they acquire a fine gloss. Calicoes are printed exactly in the same way as the kerseymeres in Yorkshire, but the works are usually upon a much larger scale. Thicksets, corduroys, velveteens, &c. are cut upon long tables, with a knife, of a construction somewhat like the sting of a wasp, terminating in a very sharp point, defended on each side by a sort of sheath. This point is introduced under the upper course of threads, which are intended to be cut, and with great ease carried forward the whole length of the table. The rapid increase of the cotton trade appears to have been owing in a great measure to the more liberal introduction of machinery into every part of it, than into any other of our staple manufactures. The utility and policy of employing machines to shorten labour, has been a subject which has exercised the pens of many ingenious writers, while their introduction into almost every branch of manufacture, has been attended in the outset with much riot and disorder. They are undoubt- edly wonderful productions of human genius, the pro- gressive exertions of which neither can, nor ought to be stopped; they enable a manufacture to produce a better article than can be made by the hand, in consequence of the uniformity, and certainty of their operations. CURRYING. CURRYING is the art of dressing or preparing lea- ther for shoes, and a variety of other purposes, after it has undergone the process of tanning. The currying trade has, like some others, been hi- therto much neglected, in works of this nature, which may, perhaps, be attributed in a great measure to the difficulty of obtaining assistance from those who have it in their power to communicate the requisite informa- tion. Many valuable treatises have, no doubt, been furnished by men of practical knowledge in various branches of the arts and manufactures, but in general, principals in a manufacturing trade, however they may be inclined to disclose their secrets for the gratification of the public, are too much absorbed in their daily oc- cupations to engage in undertakings foreign to their accustomed pursuits. This may be more particularly said of the currying trade, where personal attendance is indispensable, and it is scarcely necessary to add, that the persons usually employed in laborious occupations are not, in general, the description of men from whom an accurate and intelligent account of any art or ma- nufacture can be reasonably expected. When, how- ever, the manufacture of leather is compared with the other productions of this country, and its importance, as an article of commerce, and general consumption, is considered, it will appear desirable that the public, and those more immediately concerned, should be in possession of a circumstantial knowledge of the several branches of the leather trade. Our more general observations will be reserved as properly belonging to the article Tanning. We shall, at present, confine ourselves to that part of the trade which is compre- hended in the article before us, introducing, by the way, such occasional remarks as are connected with the subject, in addition to the manual operations of the journeyman. Curriers exercise their trade under a li- cense from the Board of Excise, which they take out an- nually, and they are obliged to specify in the entry, every room in which leather is deposited, as well as the vats and tubs in which it is soaked. Their premises are, of course, subject to the inspection of Excise Officers : and any hide or skin not having the tanners duty-mark, is liable to seizure. This is occasionally productive of trouble and vexation, as it frequently happens, that in rounding the skin, the duty-mark is cut off, unless the skin be stamped so far towards the middle and more useful parts, as to be an injury. By a late amendment of an Act of Parliament, the tanners in Scotland are said to enjoy the liberty of currying their own goods, but the implication is ambiguous, and in England the 3 T union 254 CURRYING. union of the two trades is still prohibited under severe penalties. The only reason for this prohibition is pro- bably to prevent the evasion of the tanners’ duty, which might otherwise be facilitated, by transferring the tanned goods immediately into the hands of the currier ; but if there should appear to be an advantage in uniting the trades of currying and tanning, of which under certain local circumstances we cannot entertain a doubt, this objection might be easily and readily obviated, by le- vying the Excise duty, not on the weight of the tanned leather, but on the measure of the tanners’ pits, which has always been the practice in Ireland. The premises of a currier usually consist of a shav- ing shop, scouring house, and rough leather warehouse, pn the ground floor, aud above these are erected the drying sheds, which are weather-boarded, and calcu- lated to admit a free draught of air, where the wet leather is hung on hooks fixed in rails, which are placed horizontally in rows. The stuffing tables, which are of mahogany, are also fixed here ; the lower floors are differently arranged by different persons, according to the extent of the premises, and the business to be carried on. Where a choice of situation offers, that will be preferred in which the air has free access to the sheds, and at a proper distance from foundries and steam engines, the smoke and smuts issuing from these buildings being a great annoyance to the currier, and in- jurious to saddle and boot-top leather in particular, the value of which depends much on the brightness and regularity of colour. An open yard is a useful appen- dage, and in extensive concerns cannot well be dis- pensed with. The coach and saddle currying is in many instances a distinct trade in London, but it is sometimes connected with the shoe trade, and in the country they are generally united and carried on by the same person. The skin or shoe trade will come first under consi- deration, in which is comprehended the dressing of calf, seal, horse, and dog skins, with the lightest ox and cow hides, for shoe upper leathers ; and to this is usually at- tached the business of a leather-cutter, which implies the cutting up of heavy tanned hides, called crop leather, for soles, and curried goods for shoe upper leathers, welts, &c. for the retailer and consumer. It is a general practice to weigh the skins and mark them singly before they are put into work, which enables the master to ascertain his profit on every lot of goods, or on every skin if he w ishes to be so particular, and also assists his judgment in buying and assorting the different kinds of goods, and in applying them to the particular purposes for which they are calculated. This requires as much ex- perience as any part of the trade, and a moderate profit is often wasted for want of proper attention in the per- son, usually the foreman in large concerns, who fills this department. In laying in rough goods the buyer should be well informed in the varieties of tannage, as well as the growth peculiar to different parts of the country, which are as readily distinguishable as the cattle themselves to an experienced dealer. Tanned goods are sold chiefly by weight, and the buyer must have in view the quality of the leather, pattern, and substance ; the latter is unequal and varies in the same lot of goods and in different parts of the same skin. The proportion of thin loose leather to the middle or prime parts of the skin, is a principal consideration w'ith the buyer, and he always finds the skin of the cow, or any other female animal more level, of a finer texture, and consequently more valuable than that of the male ; the firmness and fineness of leather depends much on the treatment it has had in the tanner’s pits. It is part of his duty to con- tract and fill the looser parts of the skin, which will be seen in its proper place - y the gashing of the skin by the butcher, is also a matter of much consequence to the buyer and requires all his caution, as the extent of the mischief does not always appeal - , until the fibrous mat- ter adhering to the flesh side, and which connects the skin to the carcase be removed by the currier’s knife. An act was passed in the year 1800, inflicting certain penalties on the butcher in proportion to the damage done to the skin, and persons have been appointed to the markets throughout the kingdom, to inspect the skins and levy the fines by information before a magis- trate, in proportion to the damage, but it has been found inefficient from the total negligence of the inspec tors in some places, and more so from the good under- standing the Tanner finds it his interest to keep up with the butcher. Unfortunately the currier and not the tanner, who is the only check on the butcher, is the principal sufferer by his negligence. It may be matter of doubt how far enactments of this nature have a bene- ficial effect. We believe trade seldom does so well as when left to itself, at the same time it must be admitted that the law which we now speak of, if properly en- forced, would go to prevent the destruction of much valuable property, and may be salutary so long as the tanning and currying trades remain separate. The recent repeal of statute 1st, James I. has relieved the trade from a vexatious tax by abolishing the useless offices of Searchers and Sealers of Leather. Until the year 1808, Leadenhall Market was subject to the troublesome interference of these officers, who were obliged to compromise a duty it was impossible to execute ; and we believe the most strenuous among those who at that time assisted in supporting such a re- gulation, now consider their own judgment well substi- tuted for the obnoxious statute. The country leather dealers had long before wisely relieved themselves of its restrictions. Experience soon teaches the buyer to dis- criminate between well tanned and well dried leather, and the contrary, and according as a deficiency in either deteriorates the value so is the price given ; this act also extended to currying and shoemaking, and persons an- nually appointed from among the master curriers paid a yearly visit to every house in the trade professedly to examine and correct any deviation from the established method of manufacturing their goods. They however very commendably satisfied themselves with exacting a small contribution from each house to defray the ex- penses CURRYING. 235 penses of a dinner for the collectors. To confine ma- nufacturers to the use of certain materials and restrict curriers to the ancient mode of dressing leather would have been an effectual bar to improvement, and was too absurd to be acted upon at the present day; but to come to practical currying ; the dressing of a calf skin for shoe upper-leathers will give a good general idea of the process ; we will, therefore, take one as it is receiv- ed from the tanner and pursue the operation through the hauds of the workman to its finished state. The offal parts, such are the face, tail and shanks, being first taken off, which is called rounding the skin, it is deli- vered into the journeyman’s hands, who throws it into a vat or tub of water to soak preparatory to the operation of shaving, which is performed by a knife of a peculiar make, and it will be necessary to give a description of this tool as well as the beam on which the leather is shaved. The beam, so called by the curriers, is a post about three feet high, fixed in a slightly inclined posi- tion on a firm stage or platform, which is raised eight or ten inches from the floor for the man to stand upon ; this post is about four inches thick and eight inches wide, and is faced with a board of lignum vitae of the same breadth. The knife has two edges, the blade is rectangular about twelve inches long and from four to six inches wide, and varying in size and weight according to the work to be performed ; one end has a straight and the other a cross handle in the plane of the knife. It is brought to a wire edge by rubbing on a stone of a coarse grit, which is afterwards taken off, and a finer edge produced by a finer and softer stone. The cross handle of the knife is then firmly fixed between the workman’s knees, and while in a kneeling posture, he turns the edges to an angle with their former position by means of a polished steel, similar in shape to a butcher’s steel. They are kept in order, chiefly by a smaller steel, which the man holds constantly between his fingers, and passes along the knifes, the point within and the side without the groove formed by the turned edge, as occasion requires ; and as often as the edges are worn with use they are renewed in the same way. The name of Cox of Gloucester, is known throughout Europe as the principal maker of curriers’ knives. Lane of Cirencester is also an approved maker, and a patent has lately been obtained by Mr. Bingley of Birmingham, for an improvement in the manufacture of curriers’ knives. These have not yet been sufficiently tried to decide on the merits of the improvement, but from what we have seen of them they are certainly well worth the master’s attention. We say the master, be- cause there is always a prejudice to encounter in the introduction of any new tool, or indeed any alteration whatever in the mode of manufacture. Having thus prepared the knife, the wet skin is thrown over the beam with the flesh side outwards, and the man keeps it in its position by the pressure of his knees as he leans over the beam. The knife is then applied horizontally to the leather, and by repeated strokes downwards it is reduced to the substance re- quired. The angular edge does not merely scrape the skin, but in the hands of a skilful man takes off a shaving the full breadth of the beam at every stroke of the knife. The man’s whole strength is exerted' in shaving, and great care as well as ingenuity is necessary to avoid galling, or reducing the skin more in some parts than others. Long practice has not always been sufficient to make a man expert at this operation ; many journeymen of long standing find a difficulty even in making the knife cut, and some have never attained the art. Here will be seen the importance of a well ma- nufactured tool ; a flaw or a crack in the metal renders it useless, and a regular temper throughout the knife is a desirable object, in which Mr.Bingley’s are said to excel. He rivets a plate of steel properly tempered between two iron plates, instead of welding the whole together, which is the case with other makers ; and thereby, as he properly observes, making the thicker and thinner parts unequal in temper according to the unequal influence of the same degree of heat on the thicker and thinner parts of the knife. In order to keep the substance of the skin equal, the man frequently examines it in the course of shaving in every part, by passing it double through his fingers, and when sufficiently reduced he throws it a second time into a tub of fresh water to be scoured and exteuded : for this purpose it is laid on a stone table, to which the flesh side adheres, and worked with the edge of a small square stone fixed in a stock or handle. Pumice stone is used, but not so much as formerly. With a brush the skin is cleansed from a whitish substance called the bloom, which all leather tanned with bark is fouud to contain. The natural folds of the grain disappear in the extension of the skin, and to effect this completely it is sometimes scoured a second time, for which the workman makes an extra charge. Changing the water has of itself a good ef- fect in recovering dead or stale leather, and the trifling additional expense is well laid out. The skin is then removed to the drying shed, to be stuffed with a mix- ture of cod oil and tallow called dubbing, which is applied to both sides of the leather, but in larger quan- tities on the flesh than the grain side. The dubbing is composed of about two parts oil and one part of tallow melted and well stirred together in cooling, so as to be perfectly incorporated in a smooth butter-like consistence. In conjunction with this mix- ture, sod oil, which is a mixture of the cod oil with the grease expressed from sheep skins, &c. by the skinners and feltmongers is sometimes used, but is never applied to bright coloured leather, and is much less used than in times past. Leather lightly stuffed will not wear so well as when it is rendered soft and flexible with the oil and tallow ; and on the other hand, if over stuffed, the colour of the grain is darkened, and the oil itself, which moderately used is so great a pre- servative, becomes a cause of decay. The only motive for using more oil than adds to the quality of the leather is to increase the weight ; but to admit of a good polish, less is usually applied than is really bene- ficial 256 CURRYING. ficial to the leather. The firmer and stronger parts of the skin require more than the looser parts to make them soft, which must be attended to in laying it on. In this state it is hung on the hooks to dry. In the course of drying most of the oily matter will be ab- sorbed, and what remains on the surface still feeds the leather, and is suffered to continue until the skin is wanted for finishing. Severe frosty weather will of course suspend the scouring, drying, and stuffing, and is apt to injure the texture of the leather when frozen in the sheds, at the same time it brightens the colour ; and the kinds of leather which are valuable on account of colour are consequently improved. The shed drying not being sufficient in winter, the leather is afterwards dried off in a stove, and then follows the boarding or bruising. The board used for this purpose is toothed or grooved, similar to the crimping board used by the ladies, and is slung on the hand by a leather strap. The skin is doubled and worked with a coarse board of this description until well softened, and is then whitened or lightly shaved over again with a half-worn pair of edges, which leaves the flesh side clean, and in a proper state to receive the colour used in waxing. Before it is waxed, however, it is boarded a second time, and the impression of the board often remains, particularly if the leather be uot perfectly dry. The skin is now said to be finished russet, in which state it keeps best ; and when wanted for sale it is again given out to be waxed. In London, this work is chiefly done by apprentices, being the most simple but the dirtiest part of the whole process. The blacking, usually termed colour, is a composition of oil, lamp-black and tallow, which is well rubbed into the flesh side with a hard brush, great care being taken to keep the grain side clean. A coat of strong size and tallow is then laid on with a soft brush, and is afterwards rubbed with a smoothing glass, and, lastly, it receives the finishing gloss from a little thin size laid on with a sponge. After the first coat of size the skin is hung up a few hours to allow the size and colour to dry and incorporate, and a lump of hard tallow is rubbed lightly over the surface. The skin is thus com- pletely finished for the consumer, and leather so dressed is found superior in point of appearance and durability to any other method. Indeed, the blacking of the prime parts of calf leather on the grain has almost entirely given way to waxing ; an additional reason for which may be that it is much better adapted for the polish it is afterwards to receive from the destructive shining blackiug now in general use. The middle and firmer part of the skin only is fit for the better purposes, the outer and thinner portion being thrown by and sold at inferior prices. These offal parts are frequently cut off before the skin is put into work, and dressed sepa- rately from the butt or middle, and when that is the case it is usually blackened on the grain side. Horse, seal, and dog skins are also blackened on the grain, which varies the latter part of the process materially. After shaving, the leather is well washed with urine as a mordant on the scouring stone, to prepare it for the first application of a solution of copperas, which is given it in the course of scouring, and communicates the black dye. It is then stuffed in the manner before described, but more plentifully than waxed leather, and hung in the shed to dry ; when taken down, the remains of the oily matter adhering to the surface of the leather is scraped off with a thin iron, formed and storked like the stone before mentioned, and which is afterwards made use of to stone or set the leather smooth on the table. Here it receives a second application of cop- peras and bullocks gall, which produces a complete [ black, and this part of the process is called seasoning. The copperas is applied with caution, lest by a too plentiful use of it the leather be injured. It should scarcely penetrate the cuticle or grain of the skin, and if used too strong the grain is burnt up and destroyed. The use of copperas is at all times injurious as may be | daily observed in the use of black harness leather for instance, which cracks and decays sooner than brown « leather. While the leather is damp with this liquid, i and in the course of seasoning, the graining board is | applied as before ; only as the grain is now to be worn J outwards, the workman is more particular in giving that side a neat appearance by raising . the grain neatly and regularly. The coarser kinds of grain leather are also at this time hardened with a tooth slicker called a dicing iron, which leaves a lasting impression, or an artificial grain is imprinted by means of an engraved roller to imitate seal skin, which is found to answer better than the board covered w'ith fish skin formerly in use. This is not done so much with a view to increase its value by imitating a better description of leather, as to harden and compress the looser parts of offal leather. It is now finished off with a little clear cod oil, and is termed grained offal. The thin parts of the horse hide are dressed in this manner, and are called cordovan, being probably an imitation of the manufacture of leather at Cordova in Spain. The Act of James, already referred to, prohibited the use of horse leather, clearly from ; ignorance in the legislators of that day, and the infant 1 state of the manufactures of the country ; horse leather having been found quite as useful as some other de- | scriptions of leather, and little inferior to calf skin, and i is now in very general use. The middle and stouter parts are cut out for boot legs ; and as leg dressing is as j curious (whether of calf or cordovan) as any part of the currying business, we shall be particular in describing [ the process. The piece intended for a leg being cut j of a proper length, and tapering a little towards the small, is first soaked and scoured, having been al- | ready shaved in the hide, it is then marked and num- j bered to match its fellow, of a corresponding size and I substance. The breadth of the small is measured, and the number of inches marked with a piece of copperas i (which w'rites legibly on wet leather) as a guide for the bootmaker in fitting it to the leg. It is then blackened, if cordovan, but instead of again extending it on the scouring stone, it is worked inwards with the slicker, I and the width partially reduced in that part which is CURRYING. 257 to form the small. The wet leather is then placed on a plain mahogany board between two curved irons ap- proaching to a semicircle, the convex sides of which are made to approach and recede from each other, and are screwed down at a distance according to the size re- quired for the small of the leg. The slicker is then employed to work the leather and contract it within the limits of the frame by which the breadth is reduced from two to four inches, and the leather thickened in proportion, or so much of the surface transferred to the substance ; the leg thus treated will be elastic when dry, and after giving out sufficiently to admit the foot, closes to the shape of the w r earer. This, however, is not so much a matter of attention since the introduction of Hessian boots, which are cut out of the finished skin, and stand hollow without regard to shape ; but though the other description of legs called draft legs are not so much taken in, they continue to be dressed in the same way. The advantage of this method is nothing more than as it regards the fitting of a new pair of boots ; fre- quent exposure to wet will soon destroy the effects of the currier’s ingenuity. Leg dressing is the lightest and most profitable work to the journeyman in the shoe curry- ing ; it requires superior workmanship, and generally is given to the man most distinguished as a complete and able currier, or to the man who has been longest in the shop. The leg is stuffed, dried, and finished in the usual manner. Some few years since cordovan legs were exported in large quantities to North America, but from recent improvements in the art of currying in that part of the world, the demand has entirely failed ; and cordovan having given way to calf legs for home consumption, the horse hide is now used chiefly for ladies’ shoes. The Spanish American horse hides have lately been dressed thin and smooth on the grain to imi- tate kid leather, for which, as far as respects durability, it is a good substitute. Perhaps it is not generally known that the butt, or that part of the horse hide which extends from the hip joints to the tail and is divided by the crupper, is much thicker than any other part of the skin, and the texture totally different. It consists of a callous substance called shell by the curriers, and has been used chiefly for thin soles and soldiers’ stocks. It had always been considered difficult to shave from its brittleness con- stantly breaking away under the knife ; but latterly, by using the precaution of stuffing it previously, it has been shaved and used for the backs of hessian boots, for which it is well adapted as it bears an admirable polish. The boar’s skin has. this peculiarity in a still greater degree as to substance, in that part which covers the breast and shoulders ; it is called the boar’s shield, from the means of defence it affords him. In the horse it is in- tended by nature for the same purpose, that animal being known when at liberty to receive the heels of his adver- sary on the part above mentioned. In the seal skin there is this remarkable property, that the skin is equally stout and firm in every part. Seal leather has a neat appearance, but being very soft and porous it admits wet, and is not so durable as most other kinds of leather, dog skins are tough, and good wear, and from their neatness are generally used for dress shoes ; they are curried in the same manner as all other grain shoe leather ; dressed leather cannot be kept long without injury, it always retains a degree of moisture, or if ever so well dried, imbibes it from the atmosphere, and consequently after laying together will become spotted with mildew ; and if dressed with bad oil, it sticks together so firmly by means of a gummy substance, thrown out more or less by all stale leather, that the grain is often destroyed in tearing it asunder. When this is the case, the leather is in a perishing state, and of little comparative value ; but wax leather is far less liable to this injury from keeping, than when blackened on the grain, the copperas adding to the effect, by its corroding properties. The fashionably white boot-top leather has been, and still is an object of competition ; the finest calf skins are selected for this purpose, and it has exercised the ingenuity of most of the London cur- riers, to discover the means of extracting the colour of the tan, and to substitute a clear white, or cream co- lour, in its stead. An ingenious currier in the West of England, was in possession of a superior method of doing this, and reaped the benefit of his chemical know- ledge exclusively for some years, and though the means he used have long since been no secret, in the method of applying them many are still deficient ; and we believe few have equalled, and none have excelled his manu- facture. Sumack is a principal ingredient in the com- position, and that alone in the best tannages is effectual, but as suitable skins cannot be procured in sufficient quantities, it is found necessary to resort to a prepara- tion of tin, which is also used in the bleaching of linen. Muriatic and vitriolic acid are applied to extract acci- dental stains, and are sometimes added to the boot-top composition, but have been found extremely pernicious to the leather. Immersion in a warm decoction of su- mack, and the solution of tin, answers fully under pro- per management. The skirts and flaps and hog skins, for the seats of saddles, are now generally done in this way, and are brought to a perfection, in point of co- lour, never before known. The top-skin trade has, however, suffered materially since the introduction of painted boot-tops, which have an imposing appearance when new, and may be cleaned by simple washing with soap and water; but the great disadvantage is, that friction soon destroys the varnish, and totally precludes their use for riding. There are several other articles in shoe currying, such as binding, welt leather, &c. &f.\ which it would be trespassing too much on the reader’s patience to describe minutely, and having already en- larged on the principal, we shall now pass on to the hide trade, which includes the dressing of ox and cow hides, for coach, harness, saddle, and military purposes ; this, as was before observed, forms a distinct branch of the currying trade. Harness leather is dressed from the strongest and heaviest dressing hides, and the substance is not reduced in shaving, but merely the rough flesh 3 U taken 258 CURRIERS. taken off; for reins, the butt is reduced to a level with the thinner parts, and for both these uses the hide is first divided, or slit down the back, from head to tail, for the convenience of the workman ; and after being shaved and scoured, is blackened in the same manner as grain shoe leather. But before it is stuffed it is hung on the poles and semi-dried, and then stoned or set, in order to make the surface smooth, preparatory to re- ceiving the dubbing, which is now laid on in quantities, proportioned to the substance of the hide, which is then replaced on the poles until nearly dry. The grain be- ing cleansed with the urine and ox galls, it receives the last application of copperas. A roll of hard tallow is then rubbed over the grain, which the man works into the leather with a stone, and after a second coat of tal- low it hangs up till completely dry ; it now only remains I to be finished with a smoother stone, or a glass of the same form. Brown harness differs only in the omission I of the copperas and the tallow in finishing, and, per- j haps, is not quite so much stuffed in the first place. Japan hides, for the roofs and bodies of coaches, are j shaved down to a thin substance, and carefully levelled, 1 then stoned and set, and they are fit for the coach- i maker’s use ; the japanning is the coachmaker’s pro- vince after the hide is fitted to the coach body. Hides ! for the heads of open carriages are selected from light, roomy, and the least defective hides, and require the best of workmanship ; they are blackened on the grain I side, and the leather is softened, and the grain is raised in the same manner as black grain shoe leather. These hides, for the thinner purposes, being so very much re- duced from their original substance, and the shavings of no other use than for fuel, an engine was invented, and has been many years in use, for splitting the hide into two parts, so as to divide the substance, and thereby obtain a useful piece of leather, which w'ould otherwise be wasted in shavings, which it does in a very expedi- tious manner ; the engine is in the hands of a person in London, who allows a small sum to the currier on each hide sent him to split, and reserves the flesh piece as his owm remuneration. An ingenious attempt was made some years since to reduce the shavings to a pulp, and to reunite them so as to resemble pasteboard, by the same means as rags are converted into paper ; we believe the intention was to use it for the covering of coaches, in- stead of the hide itself, but after repeated trials it was given up as a fruitless experiment. The thinnest of all the hide leather is that which is used for the lining of carriages, it is dressed bright rus- set, but the coloured goat skins, called Morocco leather, are more generally applied. The seats of army saddles are cut out of thin hide leather, of this description, as being less expensive and quite as durable as hog skins, but the hunting saddles in general use are universally made of hog skins ; the skirts and flaps are cut out to pattern, usually from the rough tanned hide, and go through the top skin process to improve the colour. Bridle leather is cut into pairs of butts and middlings, I which signify the middle and butt of the hide ; the neck j and belly parts being used for inferior purposes. The army consumes vast quantities of leather for harness, saddles, caps, and accoutrements, which all go through the curriers’ hands ; and the Government Contracts for accoutrements &c. are great objects of contention in that line of business. The belts and straps are cut out of light cow hides, which are curried much after the manner the same kind of hides are done for strong shoe leather. Curried leather being strong in propor- tion to the substance, and more capable of resisting wet, is now preferred to losh or buff, for belts and straps, and the manufacture of buff is considerably diminished in consequence ; it would be useless, and almost end- less, to enumerate all the different purposes to which curried leather is applied; enough we trust has been j said to make this branch of our manufactures intelli- gible, and we shall now advert to other matters con- ' nected with the trade ; in the first place, the relations j between master and man claim some attention. The frequent disagreements, and the inconveniences arising ( from them, have of late given importance to the sub- I ject, and as every person connected with the leather I trade, (particularly curriers) are more or less interested in it, the few observations we shall make will not be deemed irrelevant. The w'ages of a journeyman in the shoe or skin trade, are from thirty to forty-five shillings per week, accord- ing to his strength and ability, and in the hide trade it is not uncommon for a good workman to earn three pounds, this being heavier work. The men are paid by the job or piece, according to a printed list of prices agreed on between the masters and men in a committee, appointed by each of the parties, and the London list is a general guide for the country ; this list is subject to occasional variations, but when a general advance is re- quired by the men, it frequently if not always leads to disputes and sometimes to a general turn out, or refusal on the part of the men to work at the former prices. They usually take an opportunity of demanding an in- crease of wages, at a time when their employers have the greatest occasion for their services, and their de- mands are not always confined to the limits of equity. On the other hand the masters are sometimes backward in attending to their reasonable claims or in offering such an advance as may be proper in the circumstances of the case, until the pertinacity and independent spirit of the journeymen, compel them to take their demands into consideration from a regard to their own interest; the men have long since organized themselves into a friendly society, and raised a fund for the relief of their sick, and to support their travelling members while in search of work ; this fund we believe is occasionally perverted, and enables them to contend with effect against their powerful opponents. Unanimity is how'-- ever seldom to be depended on in either party, and their disagreements are generally brought to a crisis by secessions from both sides. Unreasonable as the men sometimes are we cannot applaud the conduct of the masters, when they resort to prosecutions for combina- CURRIERS. 259 tions, it is ungenerous to take an advantage which the law undoubtedly gives them of crushing and stifling the complaints of the men on whom they depend, and who are an acknowledged valuable and industrious part of the community. Every man has a natural and just right to set a price on the labour of his hands, “ his labour (says an able and celebrated writer) is his property and a meeting of working mechanics, for the purpose of ascertaining and fixing its relative value is fully as justifiable in a moral view, as a meeting of merchants and tradesmen, to regulate and resolve on the prices they choose to compel the public to pay for their wares, which are the produce of labour, and is perhaps less a matter of real concern to the public or the legislature. It may be difficult to point out a distinction between the two cases of conspiracy, and we are in short of opinion that the market for labour as well as the produce of labour should be free, and doubt whether the policy which would go to deprive tKe working classes of this privilege, can be defended on any fair and equitable principle. From recent observation, and the consider- ation we have given to the subject, we are convinced that a]j the contentions between the men and their em- ployers may be traced to the existing apprentice laws, which are the grand source of the evil. All those who have not served seven years are excluded thereby from getting th'eir bread in the way and at the trade, that may be most congenial to their more mature inclinations, and also prevent the master from employing such per- sons, as may in his judgment best suit his purpose, and providing substitutes in case he should be deserted by i his men. These laws consign young persons to a seven -years’ bondage indiscriminately, whether the particular trade to be learned may really require seven years or a seventh part of that time, and without regard to the age, abilities, or conduct of the lad; and this, as it should seem, for the purpose of giving the master the profits of his laborious industry. At the same time they place in the hands of the journeyman a monopoly, to which they have no just pretensions, to the invidious exclusion of a considerable portion of the industrious classes, from the more profitable application of their labour and talents. The laws against combinations and conspiracies are intended as a check, but are totally in- adequate to counteract the result of so improvident an enactment, as recent circumstances have evinced, and it may be reasonably hoped, that the subject will not long escape the notice of the public. Since writing the foregoing an additional duty has been laid on leather, of three halfpence per pound. On the policy of this tax we shall not now offer any re- marks, having already trespassed on our limits, and shall only observe generally, that scarcely any town, however small, but has its currier, and leather curried in the country is mostly vended in the neighbourhood in small quantities to the consumers ; but a sufficient proportion is sent for sale to London, to engage the attention of several respectable factors, and one house in particular makes the sale of dressed goods its chief concern. The currier derives his name from the word Coriarius, a worker in leather, and for the antiquity of the trade (al- though not the modern art of currying), the reader may be referred to the 17th book of the Iliad, line 450. “ As when a slaughter’d Bull’s yet reeking hide “ Strain’d with full force and tugg’d from side to side, “ The brawny' Curriers stretch, and labour o’er “ The extended surface, drunk with fat and gore, “ So tugging, &c. The curriers have been an incorporated body ever since the reign of James I. CUTLERY. The manufacture of edged tools is one of the first arts among men in every state of society. Workmen in general are aware of ;he necessity that the instruments of their respective trades should be made to possess the qualities adapted to the operations by which they gain their subsistence : and, among the various subdivisions of labour, there is no material upon which the skill of mechanics is more exercised than steel. The makers of files, of chisels, of planes, and saws, and the infinite variety of knives, all occupy departments separate from each other, and possess their respective degrees of cele- brity, which are grounded on their knowledge of the peculiar kinds of steel, as well as the methods of work- ing them, which are best adapted to the intended ope- rations. Many of these methods are kept secret ; but there are some manufacturers who have no reserve with regard to the manipulations of their art, and have the spirit to assert their claims to public encouragement upon the fair ground of the address and integrity with which they conduct their labours. This article will be much indebted to the communications of Mr. Stodart, inserted in some of our periodical publications, and to a very able article on the subject in the New Cyclo- pedia. Though cutlery, in the general sense, comprises all those articles denominated edge-tools, it is more parti- cularly confined to the manufacture of knives, forks, scissars, pen-knives, razors, and swords. Damascus was anciently famed for its razors and swords. The latter are said to possess the advantages of flexibility, elasticity and hardness. Those articles of cutlery which do not require a fine polish, and are of low price, are made from *steel (which see). Those articles which require the edge to possess great tenacity, and at the same time superior hardness is not required, are made from sheer steel. The finer kinds of cutlery are made from steel which has been in a state of fusion, and which is termed cast-steel, no other kinds being susceptible of a fine polish. Table knives are mostly made of sheer-steel, the tang and shoulder being of iron, the blade being attached by giving them a welding heat. The knives after forging are hardened by heating them red hot, and plunging them into water ; they are afterwards heated over the fire till they become blue and then ground. The handles of table-knives are made of ivory, horn, bone, stag-horn, and wood, into which the blades are cemented with resin and pulverized brick. Forks are made almost altogether, by the aid of the stamp and appropriate dies. The prongs only are har- dened and tempered. Razors are made of cast-steel, the edge of a razor requiring the combined advantages of great hardness and tenacity. After the razor blade is forged, it is hardened by gradually heating it to a bright red heat and plunging it into cold water. It is tempered by heating it afterwards till a brightened part appears of a straw colour. It would be more equally effected by sand, or what is still better in hot oil, or fusible mixture, consisting of eight parts of bismuth, five of lead, and three of tin ; a thermometer being placed in the liquid at the time the razors are immersed, for the purpose of indicating the proper temperature, which is about 500 of Fahrenheit. After the razor has been ground into its proper shape, it is finished by polishing. The glazor is formed of wood, faced with an alloy of lead and tin ; after its face is turned to the proper form and size it is filled with notches which are filled up with emery and tallow. This instrument gives the razor a smooth and uniform surface and a fine edge. The polisher consists of a piece of circular wood run- ning upon an axis, like that of the stone or the glazor. It is coated with leather, having its surface covered with crocus martis. The handles of high priced razors are made of ivory and tortoise shell, but in general they are of polished horn, which are preferred as well on ac- count of their cheapness as their durability. The horn is cut into pieces and placed between two dies, having a recess of the shape of the handle. By this process the horn admits of a considerable extension ; if the horn is not previously black, the handles are dyed black by means of logwood and green vitriol. The clear horn handles are sometimes stained so as to imitate the tor- toise-shell : this is effected by laying upon the handle a composition of three parts of potash, one of minium, ten of quick-lime, and as much water as will make the whole into a pulpy mass. Those parts of the handle requiring darker shades, are covered thicker than the other. After this substance is laid upon the handles, they are placed before the fire the time requisite for giving the proper effect. The manufacture of pen- knives is divided into three departments ; the first is the forging of the blades, the spring, and the iron scales ; the second, the grinding and polishing of the blades ; and the third, the handling, which consists in fitting up all the parts, and finishing the knife. The blades are made of the best cast steel, and hardened and tempered to about the same degree with that of razors. In grind- ing they are made a little more concave on one sidfe than the other, in other respects they are treated in a similar way CUTLERY. 261 way to razors. The handles are covered with horn, ivory, and sometimes Ayood ; but the most durable are those of stag-horn. The general fault in pen-knives is that of being too soft. The temper ought to be not higher than a straw colour, as it seldom happens that a pen-knife is so hard as to snap on the edge. The beauty and elegance of polished steel is not displayed to more advantage than in the manufacture of the finer kinds of scissars. The steel employed for the more valuable scissars should be cast steel of the choicest qualities; it must possess hardness and uniformity of texture for the sake of assuming a fine polish, great te- nacity when hot for the purpose of forming the bow or ring of the scissar, which requires to be extended from a solid piece having a hole previously punched through it. It ought also to be very tenacious when cold, to al- low that delicacy of form observed in those scissars termed ladies’ scissars. After the scissars are forged as near to the same size as the eye of the workman can ascertain, they are paired. The bows and some other parts are filed to their intended form : the blades are also roughly ground, and the two sides properly ad- justed to each other, after being bound together with wire and hardened up to the bows. They are after- wards heated till they become of a purple colour, which indicates their proper temper. Almost all the remaining part of the work is performed at the grinding mill, with the stone, the lap, the polisher, and the brush ; the latter is used to polish those parts which have been filed, and which the lap and the polisher cannot touch. Previously to screwing the scissars together for the last time, they are rubbed over with the powder of quick lime, and afterwards wiped clean with a skin of soft sheep leather. The quick-lime absorbs the mois- ture from the surface, to which the rusting of steel is justly attributed. Scissars are sometimes beautifully ornamented by blueing and gilding, and also with studs of gold or polished steel. The very large scissars are partly of iron and partly of steel, the shanks and bows being of the former. These, as well as those all of steel, which are not hardened all over, cannot be po- lished : an inferior sort of lustre, however, is given to them by means of a burnish of hardened polished steel, which is very easily distinguished from the real polish by the irregularity of the surface. Having entered into these particulars relating to the manufacture of the usual articles found in cutlers’ shops, we shall speak of some of the more general principles that are applicable to the finer articles of cutlery. Cutlers do not use any coating to their work at the hardening heat as the file cutters do ; and indeed it seems evidently unnecessary when the article is intended to be tempered and ground. The best rule is toharden as little as possible above the state intended to be produced by tempering. Work which has been overheated has a crumbly edge, and will not afford the wire hereafter to be described. The proper heat is a cherry red visible by day-light. No advantage is obtained from the use of salt in the water, or cooling that fluid, or from using mercury instead of water, but it may be remarked, that questions respecting the fluid are, properly speaking, applicable only to files, gravers, and such tools as are intended to be left at the extreme of hardness. Yet though Mr. Stodart does not seem to attach much va- lue to peculiarities in the process of hardening, he men- tions it as the observation and practice of one of his workmen, that the charcoal fire should be made up with shavings of leather: and upon being asked what good he supposed the leather could do, this workman replied, that he could take upon him to say, that he never had a razor crack in the hardening since he had used this method, though it was a very common accident before. It appears from the consideration of other facts, that this process is likely to prove advan- tageous. When brittle substances crack in cooling, it always happens from the outside contracting and be- coming too small to contain the interior parts. But it is known, that hard steel occupies more space than when soft, and it may easily be inferred, that the nearer the steel approaches to the state of iron the less will be this increase of dimensions. If, then, we suppose a razor, or any other piece of steel, to be heated in an open fire with a current of air passing through it, the exter- nal part will, by the loss of carbon become less steely than before ; and when the whole piece comes to be hardened, the inside will be too large for the external part, which will probably crack. But if the piece of steel be wrapped up in the cementing mixture, or if the fire itself contain animal coal, and is put together so as to operate in the manner of that mixture, the external part, instead of being degraded by this heat, will be more carbonated than the internal part, in consequence of which it will be so far from splitting or buwting during its cooling, that it will be acted upon in a con- trary direction, tending to render it more dense and solid. One of the greatest difficulties in hardening steel works of any considerable extent, more especially such articles as are formed of thin plates, or have a variety of parts of different sizes, consists in the apparent imprac- ticability of heating the thicker parts before the slighter are burned away ; besides which, even for a piece of uniform figure, it is no easy matter to make up a fire which shall give a speedy heat and be nearly of the same intensity throughout. “ This difficulty,” says Mr. Nicholson, “ formed a very considerable impediment to my success in a course of delicate steel work, in which I was engaged about seven years ago ; but after various unsuccessful experiments, I succeeded in removing it by the use of a bath of melted lead, which for very justi- fiable reasons has been kept a secret till now. Pure lead, that is to say, lead containing little or no tin, is ignited to a moderate redness and then well stirred. Into this the piece is plunged for a few seconds ; that is to say, until when brought near the surface that part does not appear less luminous than the rest. The piece is then speedily stirred about in the bath, suddenly drawn out and plunged into a large mass of water. In this manner a plate of steel may be hardened so as to 3 X be 262 CUTLERY. be perfectly brittle, and yet continue so sound as to ling like a bell ; an effect which I never could produce . in any other way. Mr. Stodart has lately made trial of this method, and considers it to be a great acquisition ! to the art, as in fact I found it.” The letting dowm, or j tempering of hard steel, is considered as absolutely ne- cessary for the production of a fine and durable edge. It has been usual to do this by heating the hardened steel till its bright surface exhibits some known colour | by oxidation. The first is a very faint straw colour, | becoming deeper and deeper by increase of heat to a ^ fine deep golden yellow, which changes irregularly to a purple, then to an uniform blue, succeeded by white j and several successive faint repetitions of these series. j It is well known, that the hardest state of tempered i instruments, such as razors and surgeons’ instruments, , is indicated by this straw colour ; that a deeper colour is required for leather-cutters’ knives and other tools that require the edge to be turned on one side ; that the blue which indicates a good temper for springs is almost too soft for any cutting instrument, except saws and such tools as are sharpened with a file, and that the lower states of hardness are not at all adapted to this use. But it is of considerable importance that the let- ting down or tempering, as well as the hardening, should be effected by heat equally applied, and that the temperatures, especially at the lower heats, where greater hardness is to be left, should be more precisely ascertained than can be done by the different shades of oxidation. Mr. Hartley first practised the method of immersing hard steel in heated oil, or the fusible com- pound of lead five parts, tin three, and bismuth eight. The temperature of either of these fluids may be as- I certained in the usual manner, when it does not exceed j the point at which mercury boils : and by this contri- vance the same advantages are obtained in lowering the temperature of an whole instrument, or any number of them at once, as have already been stated in favour of my method of hardening. Oil is preferable to the fusible mixture for several reasons. It is cheaper; it admits of the work being seen during the immer- sion by reason of its transparency ; and there is no occasion for any contrivance to prevent the work from floating. Mr. Nicholson requested Mr. Stodart to favour him with an account of the temperatures at which the seve- ral colours make their appearance upon hardened steel ; in compliance with which he made a series of experi- ments upon surgeons’ needles hardened, highly polished, and exposed to a gradual heat while floating at the sur- face of the fusible mixture. The appearances are as follow : “ No. 1. taken out at 430* of Fahrenheit. This temperature leaves the steel in the most excellent state for razors and scalpels. The tarnish, or faint yellowish tinge it produces is too evanescent to be observed with- out comparison with another piece of polished steel. Instruments in this state retain their edge much longer than those upon which the actual straw colour has been brought, as is the common practice. Mr. S. informs me (says Mr. Nicholson) that 430* is the lowest tem- perature for letting down, and that the lower degrees will not afford a firm edge. No. 2, at 440°, and 3 at 450'’. These needles differ so little ill their appearance from No. 1, that it is not easy to arrange them with certainty when misplaced. No. 4 has the evident tinge which workmen call pale straw colour. It was taken out at 460°, and has the usual temper of pen-knives, razors, and other fine edge tools. It is much softer than No. 1 , as Mr. Stodart assures me, and this differ- ence exhibits a valuable proof of the advantages of this method of tempering. Nos. 2, 6, 7 and 8, exhibit successive deeper shades of colour, having been respec- tively taken out at the temperatures 470°, 480°, 490°, and 500°. The last is of a bright brownish metallic yellow, very slightly inclining to purple. No. 9 ob- tained an uniform deep blue at the temperature of ,080°. The intermediate shades produced on steel by heats between 500° and 580° are yellow', brown, red, and purple, which are exhibited irregularly on different parts of the surface. As I had before seen this irregularity , particularly on the surface of a razor of Wootz, and had found in my own experience, that the colours on different kinds of steel do not correspond with like degrees of temper, and probably of temperature fin their pro- duction, I was desirous that some experiments might be made upon it by the same skilful artist. Four beauti- fully polished blades were therefdre exposed to heat on the fusible metal. The first was taken up when it had acquired the fine yellow, or uniform deep straw colour. The second remained on the mixture till the part nearest the stem had become purplish, at which period a number of small round spots of a purplish colour appeared in the clear yellow of the blade. The third was left till the thicker parts of the blade were of a deep ruddy purple, but the concave face still continued yellow. This also acquired spots like the other, and a slight cloudiness. These three blades were of cast steel ; the fourth, which was made out of a piece called styrian steel, was left upon the mixture till the red tinge had pervaded almost the whole of its concave face. Two or three spots appeared upon this blade* but the greater part of its surface was variegated with blue clouds, disposed in «uch a manner as to produce those waving lines which in Damascus steel are called the water. Two results are more immediately sug- gested by these facts ; first, that the irregular produc- tion of a deep colour upon the surface of bright- ened steel, may serve to indicate the want of uniformity in its composition ; and secondly, that the deep colour being observed to come on first at the thickest parts, Mr. Stodart was disposed to think, that its more speedy appearance was owing to those parts not having been hardened. Suppose our cutting instrument to be forged, hardened, and let down or tempered. It re- mains to be ground, polished, and set. The grinding of fine cutlery is performed upon a grind-stone of a fine close grit, called a Bilson grind- stone, and sold at the tool shops in London at a moderate price. The cutlers CUTLERY. 263 cutlers use water, and do not seem to know any thing of the method by tallow. The face of the work is rendered finer by subsequent grinding upon mahogany cylinder^, with emery of different fineness, or upon cylinders faced with hard pewter, called laps, which are preferable to those with a wooden face. The last po- lish is given upon a cylinder faced with buff leather, to which crocus, or the red oxide of iron is applied with water. This last operation is attended with consider- able danger of heating the work, and almost instantly reducing its temper along the thin edge, which at the same time acquires the colours of oxidation. The set- ting now r remains to be performed, which is a work of much delicacy and skill : so much so, indeed, that Mr. Stodart says, he cannot produce the most exquisite and perfect edge if interrupted by conversation, or even by noises in the street. The tool is first whetted upon a hone with oil, by rubbing it backwards and forwards. In all the processes of grinding or wearing down the edge, but more especially in the setting, the artist ap- pears to prefer that stroke w'hich leads the edge accord- ing to the action of cutting, instead of making the back run first along the stone. This proceeding is very judicious ; for if there be any lump or particle of stone or other substance lying upon the face of the grinder, and the back of the tool be first run over it, it will proceed beneath the edge and lift it up, at the same time producing a notch. But on the other hand, if the edge be made to move foremost and meet such particle, it will slide beneath it and suffer no injury. Another condition in whetting is, that the hand should not bear heavy ; because it is evident, that the same stone must produce a more uniform edge if the steel be wore away by many, than by few strokes. It is also of essential importance that the hone itself should be of a fine texture, or that its silicious particles should be very minute. The grind-stone leaves a ragged edge, which it is the first effect of whetting to reduce so thin that it may be bended backwards and forwards. This flexible part is called the wire, and if the whetting were to be conti- nued too long it would break off in pieces without regularity, leaving a finer though still very imperfect edge, and tending to produce accident while lying on the face of the stone. The wire is taken off by raising the face of the knife to an angle of about 50 degrees with the surface of the stone, and giving a light stroke edge foremost alternately towards each end of the stone. These strokes produce an edge, the faces of which are inclined to each other in an angle of about 100 degrees, and to which the wire is so slightly ad- herent that it may often be taken away entire, and is easily removed by lightly drawing the edge along the finger nail. The edge thus cleared, is generally very even : but it is too thick, and must again be reduced by whetting. A finer wire is by this means produced, which will require to be again taken off, if for want of judgment or delicacy of hand, the artist should have carried it too far. But we will suppose the ob- tuse edge to be very even, and the second wire to be scarcely perceptible. In this case the last edge will be very acute, but neither so even nor so strong as to be durably useful. The finish is given by two or more alternate light strokes w ith the edge slanting foremost, and the blade of the knife raised, so that its plane forms an angle of about 28 degrees with the face of the stone. This is the angle w'hich by careful observation and measurement, I find Mr. Stodart habitually uses for the finest surgeons’ instruments, and which he consi- ders as the best for razors, and other keen cutting tools. The angle of edge is therefore about 56 degrees. The excellence and uniformity of a fine edge may be ascer- tained, by its mode of operation when lightly drawm along the surface of the skin, or leather, or any orga- nized soft substance. Lancets are tried by suffering the point to drop gently through a piece of thin soft leather. If the edge be exquisite, it will not only pass with fa- cility, but there will not be the least noise produced, any more than if it had dropped into water. This kind of edge cannot be produced, but by performing the last two or more strokes on the green hone. The opera- tion of strapping is similar to that of grinding or whet- ting, and is performed by means of the angular particle of fine crocus, or other material bedded in the face of the strap. It requires, less skill than the operation of setting, and is very apt, from the elasticity of the strap, to enlarge the angle of the edge or round it too much.” We shall now, as a conclusion to the article, give an account of a patent granted to Mr. Arnold Wilde of Sheffield, for making all kinds of plane-irons, scythes, sickles, drawing-knives, and other edge-tools from a preparation of cast steel and iron united and incorpo- rated by means of fire. This invention is thus de- scribed, “ Take a mould of cast iron, or other fit ma- terial, of a dimension that will best suit the size of the article intended to be manufactured ; then take a piece of wrought iron and prepare it by heating in the fire and hammering it, or in any other manner, to the size you want ; then fix the iron in the mould, leaving a suf- ficient vacancy to receive the cast steel in a fluid stale. In such a direction as that, when the cast steel is poured into the mould, the iron may be either in the middle or the centre of the cast steel, or on one or both sides of the cast steel, or in such other direction as may best suit the purpose for w'hich the iron and cast steel when incorporated shall be wanted. Then put the crucible or pot into the furnace or fire till the steel becomes liquid. When you suppose the steel to be nearly in a fluid state, take your piece of iron which you intend to incorporate with the cast steel, put it into the fire and heat it to what is usually called a welding heat ; then take the iron out of the fire, clear it from any scale of dirt, and fix it in the mould in the like direction you had before fitted it ; take care that your steel be | now in a fluid state, and immediately on your taking I the iron out of the fire, take the crucible or pot cour taining the melted steel from the furnace or fire, and immediately after the iron thus heated shall be fitted in the 264 DYEING. the mould pour or turn the fluid steel into the space or vacancy left in the mould to receive the same, which will incorporate with the iron, and become one solid mass or body of cast steel and iron united. To make all sorts of plane irons, scythes, sickles, drawing knives, hay knives, and all other kinds of edge tools of cast iron and steel, united as herein before mentioned, forge, roll, slit, or tilt in such a way as is proper for any or either of the articles intended to be manufactured; then the article may be made in the usual manner, or by such other mode as a workman may judge most con- venient. To harden Sword-blades. — Sword-blades are to be made tough, so as not to snap or break in pushing against any thing capable of resistance ; they must also be of a keen edge, for which purpose they must all along the middle be hardened with oil and butter, to make them tough, and the edges with such things as shall be prescribed hereafter for hardening edged in- struments. This work requires not a little care in the practice. How to imitate the Damascan Blades . — This may be done to such perfection that they cannot be dis- tinguished from the real Damascan blades. First po- lish your blade in the best manner, and finish it by rub- bing with flour of chalk ; then take chalk mixed with water, and rub it with your finger well together on your hand; with this touch the polished blade, and make spots at pleasure, and set them to dry before the sun, or a fire ; then take water in which tartar has been dissolved, and wet your blade all over therewith, and those places that are left clear from chalk will change to a black colour ; a little after, wash all off with clear water, and the places where the chalk has been will be bright. How the Damascan Blades are hardened . — The Turks take fresh goat’s blood, and after they have made their blades red hot, they quench them therein ; this they repeat nine times running, which, it is said, makes their blades so hard as to cut iron. DISTILLATION. See Rectification, in which article the processes of both operations will be given. DYEING. The origin of the art of dyeing is involved in the same kind of obscurity which pervades the history of all those arts connected with the common wants and ne- cessities of life. “ They have,” says a good writer, originated in times beyond the reach of history, or tradition, and are the offspring of the natural faculties of man directed by the great primeval wants of food, shelter and raiment. The art of dyeing is of course posterior to many of these, and is founded less on the necessities than on the passions of mankind.” A love of distinction is common to man in every stage of civi- lization, but that passion for admiration which is dis- played in a love of ornament is peculiar to him in his most uncultivated state. Hence savage nations delight in brilliant and gaudy colours, and many paint their skins of various hues. Accident probably furnished a multitude of instances of observation which enabled the rudest people to imitate the colours of birds and beasts. The bruising of a fruit, a flower, or leaf, is one of the most natural and obvious occurrences to which we should look for the first notion of applying vegetable juices to dyeing, and the knowledge of tingent properties of va- rious herbs was thus early acquired. Nevertheless the art must have waited the progress of industry and luxury before it became extended and improved. It probably made considerable progress, antecedent to the period in which regular history begins. Moses speaks of stuffs dyed blue, and purple, and scarlet, and of sheep-skins dyed red. These colours, if they answered the names now made use of, in any tolerable degree, required much skill in the preparation, and the knowledge of them implies a very DYEING. 26 o very advanced state of the art at that period. We shall mention but a single fact, to shew in what way the know- ledge of colours was first discovered. The colour which appears to have been earliest brought to perfection, arid which was held in the highest estimation, was purple. It was to chance alone, according to the tradition of an- tiquity, that this was discovered. A dog, instigated by hunger, having broken a shell on the sea-shore, his mouth became stained with such a colour as excited the admiration of all who saw it. They applied it to stuffs, and succeeded. The testimony of Homer confirms the antiquity of this discovery and this poet ascribes to the heroes of that age, in which it became known, orna- ments and clothes of purple. The Tyrians succeeded best in dyeing stuffs of purple. They, it should seem, used nothing to make their colour but purple shells taken out of the sea. They made a bath of the liquor which they extracted from these fishes, in this they steeped their wool a certain time, and afterwards took it out, and steeped it in another boiler, in which was the buc- cina or trumpet fish. This is all that the ancients tell us of the practice of the Tyrians, and we learn that wool, which had received this double Tyrian dye, was so cost- ly, that in the reign of Augustus, each pound sold for 1,000 Roman denarii, or about 36£. sterling. It is further added, that this excessive great price ought not to surprise us, when the tedious nature of the process is considered, and the small quantity of dye afforded by the shell-fish, from each of which not more than a sin- gle drop was obtained. For 50lbs. of wool they used no less than 200lbs. of the liquor of the buccinum, and lOOlbs. of that of the purpura. The art of dyeing among the Greeks appears to have made no great pro- gress ; the dress of the people was of cloth that had re- ceived no dye, and which might be washed. The rich preferred coloured clothes : they esteemed such as were dyed scarlet with the kerrnes, but they valued still more highly those of purple. Among the Greeks, indeed, the useful arts were degraded, even in the estimation of phi- losophers, and this contempt descended to the Romans. The use of vegetable dyes appears to have been in a great measure unknown to these people, though the in- habitants of Gaul, according to Pliny, imitated all co- lours, even the Tyrian purple, and the scarlet, with the juice of herbs. According to this historian, they stained white cloths with certain drugs, which have the proper- ty of absorbing them, but which exhibited no appear- ance of any dye till they have been boiled in a cauldron, from which they are withdrawn painted or stained with various colours. What is most extraordinary, says Pli- ny, is, that the cauldron containing only colour of one hue, should impart to the cloth shades of various kinds, according to the nature of the drugs which were laid on, and the colours are so fixed that they can never be washed out. These observations will give the reader some idea of the ancient methods of dyeing ; it would not comport with the limits of our work to trace the history to the present period ; much less to enter into the various the- ories advanced on the subject. The first explanation offered of the theory of dyeing was purely mechanical. According to Hellot, the saline substances employed in dyeing serve to open and enlarge the pores of the fibres to be dyed ; the colouring matter is then deposited in these pores, after which the natural elasticity of the fibre returning, shuts in the particles of colouring matter, and the salts solidifying over them, serve as a kind of cement to keep them in their place. Many insuperable objec- tions have been brought against this and similar theories of dyeing : it is particularly incompetent to explain the great difference between animal and vegetable matter in absorbing and retaining colour, and the use of mordants as a bond of union between the colour and the fibre to be dyed. Chemical affinity, which will be explained in its place, is probably the great agent in the operations of dyeing ; almost every fact and experiment go to prove the truth of this opinion, which was first adopted by Bergman. A detailed account of all the processes, would fill a larger volume than that which we now offer to the public; all, therefore, that we can do, is to give a brief view of the leading facts and operations, and re- fer the reader to a few of the most satisfactory documents in our own and the French language, particularly to Bertholet’s Elements of Dyeing. Dyeing is the art of communicating a permanent co- lour to any substance, but is generally employed in a more limited sense, and is applied to the art of giving colours to wool, silk, cotton, or flax, or to thread or cloth fabricated of these substances. The Colouring Principle is the property which substances possess of uniformly reflecting one or more rays of light from coloured bodies. These coloured bo- dies transferred to a white body, to which they impart their proper colour, form, in this w r ay, colouring prin- ciples. Colouring bodies transferred to bodies al- ready coloured, confound or mingle their colours with that of these same bodies, and hence is produced a mixt colour. The aptitude, or faculty of reflecting particular rays, is of little consequence. There are some bodies which display different colours according to the angle under which they are seen ; while there are others, the mere pulverization of which changes the colour, without altering their nature. Nothing more is necessary to enable us to form a judgment as to the facility with which the dispositions of bodies become changed in their property, of reflecting different colours, than to cast a cursory glance on the phenomena attendant on the oxydation of metals. Thus we behold successively appearing in them, blue, yellow, red, and black, from almost imperceptible differences in the proportion of the oxygen with the metal. The same phenomena are still more observable in vegetable and animal bodies, the colours of which appear or disappear according as the light acts upon them. The colouring principle must not, therefore, be re- garded as a particular colour, existing separately and distinctly from the coloured body. It is merely a facul- ty which the constituent parts of bodies possess, of re- 3 Y fleeting 266 DYEING. fleeting particular rays of light decomposed at their sur- faces. This faculty may be variously modified by changes produced in the arrangement of the molecules, by the proportions between the constituent principles, &c. We cannot foretel what may be the colour of a compound body, from the nature of the principles which compose it, when not previously ascertained by experi- ment. Frequently two colourless bodies form a coloured compound, as may be observed in metallic oxyds, of which the metal and oxygen are without colour. Hence it appears, that we can only ascertain, by a series of well-conducted experiments, what colours may be pro- duced by the combinations of different bodies. The colouring principles being as numerous as the coloured bodies, we may readily perceive how limited must be the conception of those chemists who see no- thing but extracts or resins in colouring substances. The colouring principles are, every where, either simple or compound. They are regarded as simple, when the co- lour cannot be decomposed ; such as blue, yellow, red, to which we may add the green and black furnished by vegetables. They are regarded as compound, when the colour results from the combination of several simple or primitive colours ; such as violet, common green, &c. It seldom happens that the simple colours, which by their combination form a compound colour, possess the same fixity, and are acted on in a similar manner by re- agents ; hence we are able to decompose a compound colour, and extract from it the elements separately. Hence may be explained, why a green colour becomes, in time, blue or yellow, according as these two prin- ciples possess more or less fixity. By changing the pro- portions of the elementary colours, a variety of different shades may be obtained, and in this way, by varying the mixture of green and blue, all the different shades from the lilac, to a very deep violet green, and nearly black, are produced. The colours of bodies often proceed merely from very slight modifications, produced by the action of light on their surfaces, as may be seen in the colours of fruits, flowers, and insects. Sometimes the colour of bodies appears to be more deeply seated, as in substances, which are always of an uniform colour, when sheltered from the influence of air and light. Roots furnish us with examples of this kind. In general, the colour of bodies, when produced by the effects of light, is fugaceous, while that of sub- stances protected from its influence is fixed and suscep- tible of forming good colours. It may be considered as an established principle that colour is so much more durable as the recipient resists more powerfully the in- fluence of air, heat, and water. Hence it is, that re- sins, fecula, and metallic oxyds retain their colours better than mucous and extractive matters, &c. It must not however be inferred from this principle, that a good and permanent colour may not be obtained by employing certain mucous, or extractive matters ; but then it is necessary to furnish it with a new base, so as to change the nature of the body, and consequently its affinities. Hence we are led to conclude, that the fixity of a colouring principle does not depend on its unalterability, but on the nature of the mordant with which it is combined, and on the affinities of this last combination with the stuff to which it is transferred ; whilst the changeable nature of the colouring principle rests on the character of the recipient in which it is na- turally held. In regard to the nature of the coloured principles, the solvents ought to be greatly varied water, acids, and alkalies are those most generally employed. Alco- hol is seldom used, except when we wish to act on the colour of very small bodies. Of all these vehicles, water is the most common, because "few of the colour- ing principles are insoluble in it. Alkalies are employed to dissolve the colouring mat- ter contained in indigo, in the flowers of bastard saffron, 8tc. The acids are used, in some cases, to dissolve certain colours, and particularly to precipitate the co- louring principles from their solutions in alkalies. Much has been written on the effects produced by waters in dyeing. And nothing is more common than to refer the brilliancy of some colours, and the poverty of others to this cause. Without adopting implicitly what has been published on this subject, it must be allowed that waters contribute essentially to the quality of dyes ; and we may even add, that different colours, as well as the same colours in different states, require that waters of very different natures should be employ- ed. To establish this second proposition, it is sufficient to take a cursory view of the principal operations of dyeing. If the object is to scour, or cleanse any stuff by soap, or alkali, the water must be pure; since other- wise the soap is decomposed by earthy salts, and there is formed a combination of oil and earth, insoluble in water, and incapable of producing the effect expected. The alkali likewise decomposes the earthy saline matter, becomes saturated with the acid, and produces no fur- ther effect, while the earth being set free, combines with the stuff, and changes its colour. Still and stand- ing waters are, in general, the most saturated with earthy saline matters. Rapid and running waters are much more pure. There are nevertheless some foul and almost stagnant waters which are greatly celebrated in dyeing, because the putrid animal and vegetable matters suspended in them operate to form ammonia and sulphureted hydro- gen, which precipitate the earthy and metallic principles. Stagnant waters possess moreover the advantage over running waters in washing cotton stuffs, in order to free them from the alum or oil not fixed in their texture ; for, in this case, it is necessary to moisten all the parts of the stuff, equally, to extract from it all the uncom- bined mordant ; and it is difficult to accomplish this end by the employment of running water, without the colour being meagre, and blended with different shades. Clear and running water ought to be preferred for the cleansing of stuffs when taken out of the dyeing bath ; they effectually remove every portion of matter not fixed in the stuff, and develope the colour in full perfection. Waters DYEING. Waters impregnated with calcareous salts are parti- cularly prejudicial to the dyeing cotton of a red colour. The lime which is precipitated by the galls, alum, and washing, tarnish and obscure the colour to such a degree that it is almost impossible to revive it. But in as far as calcareous earth tends to augment the solidity of the red colour and its modifications, selenitic waters do not prove injurious, where the object is to obtain a dark colour. As calcareous salts change scarlet into crimson, it is obvious when this colour is the object, the use of sele- nitic waters must prove more advantageous than hurtful. Calcareous salts dissolved in water, exclusively of coun- teracting a change in colours, possess the inconvenience of weakening the solvent action of the liquid holding them in solution ; whence it results, that the colouring principle is dissolved in a less quantity than in selenitic water. It appears to be an unquestionable fact, that the waters which keep the earths suspended, are less prejudicial than those which hold them in solution. In the first case they do not adhere to the stuff, while in the second they are precipitated by means of a double affinity, and enter into combination with a mordant which transfers and fixes them on the stuff. Of all the earthy principles which are found in water, lime is the most common, and that alone which can prove injurious. Alumine and magnesia never produce any bad effect. The sulphate of iron is almost the only metallic salt found existing in waters ; and in however small a pro- portion it be contained, it produces very sensible effects upon colours, particularly upon silk and cotton stuffs ; those of wool are much less affected by it. The sul- phate of iron acts, especially upon stuffs that have been subjected to the operation of galling, and produces brownish tints which modify all the colours imparted to them. The nature of the colouring principles not only regulates the choice of the solvents to be employed, but also enables us to assign to each its proper use. Thus coloured resins are dissolved in alcohol and form the colouring principle of varnishes. Metallic oxyds when fused with alkalies, earths, &c. are employed to stain glass, enamels, and pottery-ware. Oils and fecula are dissolved in alkalies or lime ; and the extractive principle is transferred to the stuff by the means of water. As we are yet very little acquainted with the cause of colour in bodies, we shall confine ourselves to relate some facts relative to the mode in which the colouring principle is developed. In proportion as oxygen enters into combination with i a metal, its colour becomes changed, and a difference in the proportions suffices to produce blue, yellow, red, black. The effect produced by the oxygen is more or less durable according to its affinities with the metal. Sometimes the colour disappears with the oxygen dis- engaged by a gentle heat; more frequently, however, the combination is so intimate, that it supports, without suffering any change, a heat approaching that of vitrifi- cation. Excepting some resinous bodies, and some extracts, the colours of vegetables are obtained by 267 subjecting them to fermentation. Indigo, woad, turnsol, &c. furnish examples of this kind. In all cases wherein a blue colour is produced by fermentation, it appears that carbon acts a chief part. Indigo contains twenty-three parts of carbon to forty-seven of colouring matter; vegetables yield by solution a carbon of a very fine blue ; and it seems pro- bable that when the blue colour is obtained by fermen- tation, the carbonaceous matter is nearly set free, and remains combined with an oil, which gives additional fixity to the colour, and indicates the most suitable solvent. Of Mordants . — Few colouring principles possess such decided affinities as to form a permanent union with a stuff on contact or application alone. There are cases where the same vehicle which deposits the colour can also erase it; but this kind of daubing does not deserve the appellation of dyeing. Some metallic oxyds, especially those of iron, as well as several astringent and resinous substances, are susceptible of contracting a kind of adhesion to stuffs without any other intermedia. But in general the adhesion of the colouring prin- ciple with a stuff is facilitated by the intermedium of a third body which is termed a mordant. Most chemists who have written on the subject of dyeing before chemical science had attained its present degree of perfection, have applied the most absurd theories to the action of mordants. Hellot, as we have seen, conceived, that the preparation given to stuffs in order to dispose them to receive the dye, acted by cleansing and opening the pores ; and he adds, that it is i probable the colouring particles are incased in these pores in the same manner as a diamond is set in the collet of a ring. Macquer has adopted the same theory ; and we owe to Bergmann and Berthollet the improve- ment of conducting all the operations of dyeing on the general laws of affinities. According to the principles adopted by these ce- lebrated chemists, mordants must be regarded as the intermedia of the union or affinity between the colouring principle and the stuff. In combining separately the colouring principle with the mordant, or disposing this last on the stuff, we produce compounds endowed with affinities, in consequence of which they contract an union with bodies, which by themselves would have had no affinity with any of their constituent prin- ciples. The affinity of the mordant with the stuff, and with the colouring principle, may be rendered evident by direct experiments. M. Berthollet has shewn that wool boiled with alum decomposes a portion of this salt, and combines with the alumine ; he has shewn further, that the undecomposed portion of the alum dissolved a little of . the animal substance. The same chemist has demonstrated that cream of tartar and alum are not decomposed by boiling, though the cream of tartar is rendered more soluble by this mixture. He adds, that when a mixture of these two salts are boiled with wool, a decomposition takes place, which prove that the wool acts as an intermedium. Wool 268 DYEING. Wool boiled with alum alone is hard to the touch, but treated with cream of tartar and alum it feels soft, and receives a fuller and more vivid colour. The de- composition of alum by animal substances dissolved in alkali, proves that alumine combines with them. Thus, if a solution of alum be mingled with isinglass, and precipitated by an alkali, the alumine unites with the gelatine, forming a semi-transparent body which dries with difficulty. The decomposition of alum is not so readily produced by vegetable substances ; though the astringent principle certainly decomposes it ; and when this principle is deposited on a stuff, which after being dried is put into a solution of alum, a combination takes place between the alumine and tannin. In this case the concurrence of animal and vegetable substances produces a more perfect decomposition of the alum, as is evident in the preparation to which cotton cloth is subjected, in order to render it fit to receive a madder red. To demonstrate the great affinity between alum and the colouring principles, it is sufficient to observe, that it forms the excipient of all the colours known in the arts under the name of lacs. When any coloured body is boiled in a solution of alum, and precipitated by an alkali, the alumine combines with the coloured preci- pitate and forms a lac. Alumine, according to the method of M. Thenard, may even be very intimately mixed with metallic colours, such as prussiate of iron, oxyd of cobalt, &c. In order that any body be fit to act as a mordant, it is not sufficient that it possess an affinity with the colouring principle, or with the stuff ; it must also be perfectly white, otherwise its colour, mixing with that of the colouring principle, would pro- duce a mixed colour. There are cases, however, in which certain bodies can serve at the same time as a mordant and a colouring principle ; thus the oxyd of iron is employed along with a madder red, in order to dye cotton violet, and which, if employed alone, would produce a very deep nankeen colour. Mordants ought to be little subjected to change by the action of the air and water ; as otherwise they render the colours cloudy. We must not judge of a mordant, disposed on a stuff, and combined with the colouring principle from its original properties, as the new combination imports to it new qualities ; and it is according to them that an opinion must be formed re- specting it. Thus, for example, alumine which is very soluble in fixed alkalies, when uncombined with any other substance, becomes insoluble when, in the cotton prepared for Adrianople red, it is united with tannin and oil. At present the two mordants most generally employ- ed are, alum and muriate of tin. By decomposing alum by the acetate of lead, an acetate of alumine is obtained, which is preferable to alum, because the alumine is more easily disengaged from it, and the acid thus liberated is less corrosive. The oxyd of tin possesses very marked affinities with the colouring principles, of which it heightens the co- lour, especially those of scarlet and madder red. The oxyd of iron displays more decided affinities with the stuffs, with which it combines in an almost indelible manner. But as it is naturally coloured, it can only be em- ployed in dyeing compound or mixed colours ; in this last case the colour is harsh, unless it be softened by dipping such red stuffs in a solution of alum saturated with potash. The oxyd of copper is also employed as a mordant, but most generally in conjunction with iron in dyeing black; sometimes it is used alone in dyeing cotton of a yellow colour. Lime, and all the calcareous salts may be considered as mordants; it is true they darken or obscure reds, but they give a brilliancy to the astringent principle, heighten blues, particularly metallic blues, and impart fixity to all colours. The most complicated mordant employed in dyeing is that used for the Adrianople red ; it is composed of alumine, oil, and the astringent principle. This com- bination of three bodies, which is successively formed by the numerous operations to which the cotton is sub- jected, possesses none of the properties of the three constituent bodies. And though the madder red may be fixed by any one of these three substances sepa- rately taken, yet the same degree of fixity is not imparted to it as when this triple combination is pro- duced. The best mordants are those which have not only a decided affinity with the colouring principle, but also with the stuff ; and it is this property which renders alum preferable to all the other salts ; but, as in general they have a greater affinity with the colouring principle than with the stuff, we first apply them to the stuff, and afterwards expose it thus prepared to the action of the colouring principle. If we pursue a contrary course, a lac will be formed, or the affinities between the alum and the colouring principle will be saturated, and exert no further action on the stuff. The mordant then applied to a stuff’, first exerts its action on the stuff and combines w'ith it ; after which it attracts and retains the colouring principle. The stuff can only imbibe a certain portion of alum, so that when it is completely saturated with this salt, it ought to be rinced through water, in order to free it from that portion of the alum which is not fixed ; since, without this precaution, the superabundant alum will remain in the bath, and absorb the colouring principle, to the prejudice of the stuff. When the stuff is not washed after the process of aluming, it is boiled in the solution, or preserved wet for some time, in order to produce a more intimate union between it and the alum. These processes are only proper for the preparation of woollen stuffs, which have more affinity with alum than those made of cotton or flax. The affinity of mordants with the stuff, is sometimes so great, that nothing more is necessary but placing it in their solu- tion, in order fully to impregnate it with them. Cotton DYEING. 269 Cotton dipped in a solution of sulphate of iron, for example, almost instantaneously assumes a nankeen colour ; and when the oxyd is suspended in the solu- tion, it is sufficient to put the cotton into the bath for a short time, to fix it on the stuff, and to render the bath perfectly transparent. Although it is the general practice to impregnate the stuff with the mordant be- fore the application of the colour, there is nevertheless exceptions to this rule ; for example, in the manufac- tures of printed linens, when the object is to impress on the same stuff several different shades of blue, they first apply the colours with glue, and afterwards dip this species of painting successively into lime water, the solution of the sulphate of lime, and the lixivium of potash. When the colours are fixed by this means, the stuff is transferred into a bath, slightly acidulated by sulphuric acid, which purifies and whitens those por- tions of the stuff which have not been printed. The mordant generally unites two properties, that of fixing the colour, and imparting to it brilliancy. If cotton, impregnated with the acetate of alumine, be dipped into a bath of quercitron, of a muddy dull colour, we see it immediately assume a brilliant yellow cloud, at the same time that the cotton becomes coloured. When this composition is poured into a bath of co- chineal, the colour instantaneously changes, and acquires the beautiful tint natural to scarlet. In this case, the oxyd of tin combines with the colour, and forms a compound, having such a strong affinity with the wool, that it is sufficient to plunge it into the bath, that it may extract all the colour. In the dyeing of some colours, it is necessary to employ separately one mordant for the stuff, and another for the colouring principle. For ex- ample, when we wish to impart a crimson colour to wool, the stuff is prepared with 5 oz. of alum to the pound of stuff ; and the colouring bath is composed of 5oz. of cochineal, and two ounces and a half of tartar; to this mixture, is added, after it has reached the boil- ing point, ten ounces of the solution of tin. Of the substances to which colours are communicated in the art of dyeing . — In the limited sense to which we have here restricted the art of dyeing, the substances to which colours are usually communicated by means of this art, are wool, silk, cotton, flax, and hemp. Of these, the two first are animal substances, and the three latter are derived from the vegetable kingdom. Animal sub- stances are distinguished from those which have a vege- table origin, by the nature of their constituent parts. The former contain a large proportion of azote, which exists sparingly in the latter. Hydrogen is found in greater abundance in animal matters, than in vegetable productions. In the distillation of animal and vegetable substances, the difference of their constituent parts is not less remarkable. The former afford a large pro- portion of ammonia, the latter yield very little, and sometimes give out an acid. Animal matters afford much oil, while vegetable substances rarely afford it in any perceptible quantity. From the nature of their component parts, animal substances produce a bright flame in burning ; and their combustion is accompanied with a penetrating odour, owing no doubt to the form- ation and emission of ammonia and oil. Animal mat- ters run rapidly into the putrefactive process, while ve- getable substances more slowly undergo the changes which are induced by fermentation. The constituent principles of animal substances have a stronger tendency than those which enter into the composition of vegetable matters, to assume the elastic form, therefore the cohesive force existing between the particles of the former is inferior to that of the particles of the latter. Hence animal matters are more disposed to combine with other substances, more liable to be destroyed by different agents, and more readily enter into combination with colouring particles. Thus, ani- mal substances are destroyed by the caustic fixed alka- lies, and they are decomposed by the mineral acids. The action of acids and alkalies on silk is less powerful than upon wool, and it is less disposed to combine with the particles of colouring matter. In this respect it bears a resemblance to vegetable substances; but on these the action of alkalies and acids is less powerful than on animal substances ; and the action of acids is more feeble on cotton than on flax or hemp. We shall now treat of these substances: Wool, which is well known as the covering of sheep, derives its value from the length and fineness of its filaments. The fila- ments of wool are considerably elastic, for they may be drawn out beyond their usual length, and when the force is removed, they recover it again. They resemble the arrangement of the scales of a fish, which cover each other from the head of the animal to its tail. This pe- culiarity of structure of the filaments of hair and wool is proved by a simple experiment. If a hair be laid hold of by the root in one hand, and drawn between the fingers of the other hand, from the root to the point, scarcely any friction or resistance is perceived ; but if it be grasped by the point, and passed in the same manner between the fingers from the point towards the root, a resistance is felt, and a tremulous motion is perceptible to the touch. Thus the texture of the surface of hair or wool is not the same from the root towards the point, as it is from the point towards the root. Wool is naturally covered with a kind of grease or oil, which is found to preserve it from insects or moths, and on this account the greasy matter is not removed, or the wool is not scoured till it is to be dyed or spun. The pro- cess for scouring wool is this : it is put for about a quarter of an hour into a kettle, with a sufficient quan- tity of water, to which a fourth part of putrid urine has been added. It is then heated, occasionally stirred, and being taken out, is allowed to drain. It is next put into a basket, and exposed to a stream of running water, and moved about till the grease is so completely sepa- rated, that it no longer renders the water turbid. The more carefully and completely this process is performed, the better the wool is fitted to receive the colouring matter. Our chemical readers will perceive the nature of the changes which are affected in this process of 3 Z scouring. 270 DYEING. scouring. The ammonia, which exists in the urine, I combines with the oil of the wool, and forms a soap, | which being soluble in water, is dissolved, and carried ] off. Wool is either dyed in the fleece, or after it is | spun into threads, or when it is manufactured into cloth. 1 For the purpose of forming cloths of mixed colours, it is dyed before it is spun ; for the purposes of tapestry, I it is dyed in the state of thread ; but more frequently j it is subjected to this process after it has been manufac- tured into cloth. In these different states, the quantity of colouring matter taken up is very different. The | proportion is largest when it is dyed in the fleece, be- cause then the filaments being more separated, a greater surface is exposed to the action of the colouring par- ticles. For a similar reason the quantity of colour taken up is greater when in the state of thread or yarn, than when it is formed into cloth. But cloths them- selves must vary in this respect, according to their dif- ferent qualities. Their different degrees of fineness, or closeness of texture, will produce considerable variations; the difference also in the quantity and dimensions of the substances to be dyed, the different qualities of the ingredients employed and the different circumstances in which the process is performed, should be a caution against trusting to precise quantities, regulated by weight or measure, which are recommended according to ge- neral rules. According to the texture of the wool, and the nature of the colouring matter employed, it is found to be more or less penetrated with this matter. The wool from the thighs and tails of some sheep, receives colours with difficulty, and the finest cloth is never completely penetrated with the scarlet dye. The inte- rior of the cloth appears always when cut, of a lighter shade, and sometimes even white. Silk, which forms the basis of one of the richest and j most splendid parts of dress, among the wealthy in I civilized society, is the production of different insects. | The phalasna bombyx, or silk worm, which is a native of China, attracted the attention of mankind in that country, from the earliest ages. The honour of having j first collected and prepared silk from the cocoons in : which it is wound up by the insect, during its meta- morphoses, is ascribed to the wife of an emperor. The phalama atlas, which is also a native of China, is said to form larger cocoons, and to yield a stronger silk. The silk-worm was first carried from China to Hin- dostan, and afterwards to Persia. About the middle of the sixth century, two monks returned from India to Constantinople, and brought with them a number of silk-worms, with instructions for managing and breeding them, as well as for collecting, preparing, and manufacturing the silk. Establishments were thus formed at Corinth, Athens, and other parts of Greece. The crusades, which though very injuri- ous, in some respects to the world, greatly contri- buted to the diffusion of different kinds of know- ledge, by the intercourse which took place between different countries, proved useful in disseminating the knowledge of rearing the silk-worm, and manu- facturing its valuable productions. Roger, king of Sicily, about the year 1130, returning from one of these expeditions, brought with him from Greece, se- veral prisoners, who were acquainted with the manage- ment of silk-worms, and the manufacturing of silk. Under their superintendence, manufactories were esta- blished at Palermo and Calabria. This example was soon adopted, and followed in different parts of Italy, and Spain. In the time of James I. an attempt was made to establish the silk-worm in England. For this purpose the culture of the mulberry-tree on which the insects feed, was recommended by that prince to his subjects ; but the attempts have been hitherto unsuc- cessful. The fibres of silk are covered with a coating or na- tural varnish of a gummy nature. To this are ascribed its stiffness and elasticity. Besides this varnish, the silk usually met with in Europe, is impregnated with a substance of a yellow colour, and for most of the pur- poses to which silk is applied, it is necessary that it should be deprived, both of the varnish and of the co- louring matter. On this account it must be subjected to the operation of scouring. A hundred pounds of silk boiled in a solution of 20 lbs. of soap for three or four hours, adding new portions of water during the evaporation, are sufficiently prepared for receiving com- mon colours. For blue, the proportion of soap must be increased; and scarlet, cherry-colour, &c. require still a greater proportion, for the ground must be whiter for these colours. Silk, which is to be employed white, must undergo three operations. In the first the hanks are immersed in a hot solution of 30 lbs. of soap to 100 of silk. When the immersed part is freed from its gum, which is known by its whiteness, the hanks are shaken over, so that the part which was not previously immersed may undergo the same operation. They are then wrung out and the process is completed. In the second operation the silk is put into bags of coarse cloth, each bag containing 20 or 30 lbs. These bags are boiled for an hour and a half, in a solution of soap prepared as before, but with less soap ; and that they may not receive too much heat, by touching the bottom of the kettle, they must be kept constantly stirred during the operation. The object of the third operation is to communicate to the silk different shades, to render the white more agreeable. These are known by different names, as China-white, silver- white, &c. For this purpose a solution of soap is also I prepared, of which the proper degree of strength is as- certained by its manner of frothing by agitation. For the China-white, which is required to have a tinge of red, a small quantity of anatto is added, and the silk is shaken over till it has acquired the shade which is want- ed. In other whites, a blue tinge is given by adding u little blue to the solution v of soap. The azure-white is communicated by means of indigo. It has long been an object of considerable importance, to deprive silk of it colouring matter, without destroying the, on which its stiffness and elasticity depend. A process for DYEING. 271 this purpose was discovered by Beaume, but as it was not made public, others have been led to it by experi- ment. The following account, given by Berthollet, is all that has transpired concerning this process. A mix- ture is made with a small quantity of muriatic acid and alcohol. The muriatic acid should be in a state of purity, and should be entirely free from nitric acid, which would give the silk a yellow colour. In the mixture thus prepared, the silk is to be immersed. One of the most difficult parts of the process, is to produce a uniform whiteness. In dyeing the whitened silk, there is also considerable difficulty, to prevent its curling, so that it is recommended to keep it constantly stretched during the drying. The muriatic acid is use- ful in this process, by softening the gum, and assist- ing the alcohol to dissolve the colouring particles which are combined with it. The alcohol which has been impregnated with the colouring matter may be separated from it and purified, that it may serve for future operations, and thus render the process more economical. This may be done by distillation with a moderate heat, in glass or stone-ware vessels. The preparation with alum is a very important pre- liminary operation in the dyeing of silk. Without this process, few colours would have either beauty or dura- bility. Forty or fifty pounds of alum, dissolved in warm water are mixed in a vat, with as many pailfuls of water ; and to prevent the crystallization of the salt, the solution must be carefully stirred during the mixture. The silk being previously washed and beetled, is im- mersed in this alum liquor, and at the end of eight or nine hours it is wrung out, and w ashed in a stream of water. A hundred and fifty pounds of silk may be pre- pared in the above quantity of liquor ; but when it grows w'eak, which may be known by the taste, 20 or 2 5 lbs. of dissolved alum are to be added, and the ad- dition repeated till the liquor acquires a disagreeable smell. It may even then be employed in the prepara- tion of silk intended for darker colours, till its whole strength is dissipated. The preparation of silk with alum must be made in the cold ; for if the liquor is employed hot the lustre is apt to be impaired. Cotton is the down or wool contained in the pods of a shrubby plant, which is a native of warm climates. Of this genus of plants there are four species, one of which only is perennial, the other three are annual plants ; but of these there are many varieties. The principal differences among cottons consist in the length and fineness of the-filaments, and in their strength and colour. The peculiar structure of the fibres of cotton is not w'ell known. According to the microscopic ob- servations of Leuwenhoeck they have two sharp sides, to which are ascribed the irritation and inflammation of wounds and ulcers when they are dressed with cotton instead of lint. This peculiarity of structure may oc- casion some difference in the conformation and number of the pores, on w'hich the disposition of cotton to admit and retain colours better than linen seems to depend. In this respect it is inferior to wool and silk, I because orr account of its vegetable nature, its affinity for colouring matter is less powerful. It is well known I that silk, cotton, and linen have a weaker affinity for colouring matter than wool, w hich has been explained ; that the pores of these substances are smaller . than those of wool, and that the colouring particles enter them less freely. But according to Dr. Bancroft, the reverse of this seems to be the fact; for there is little difficulty in making silk, cotton, and linen imbibe colouring matter, even when it is applied cold without any artifi- j cial dilatation of the pores, which is always necessary in ! the dyeing of wool. The only difficulty is to make them | retain the colours after the matter has been imbibed ; because being admitted into their undulated pores, the particles cannot be afterwards compressed and retained by the contraction of these pores, as is the case with wool. It requires double the quantity of cochineal which is necessary for wool to communicate a crimson colour to silk ; a proof that it can take up a greater quantity, and consequently that the pores are suffi- ciently large and accessible. Unbleached cotton is always preferred for dyeing Turkey red, because in this state the colour is found to be most permanent ; which is ascribed to the pores or interstices being less open than after it has undergone the process of bleach- ing. The same thing is observed of raw silk. It is found to combine more easily with the colouring matter, and to receive a more permanent colour in this state j than after it has been scoured and whitened. “ The openness of cotton and linen, (says Dr. Bancroft) and i their consequent readiness to imbibe both colouring I particles, and the earthy or metallic bases employed to fix most of them, are circumstances upon which the art of dyeing and calico printing is in a great degree founded.” To prepare cotton stuff for receiving the dye several operations are necessary. It must first un- dergo the process of scouring. By some it is boiled in alkaline lye : it should be kept boiling for two hours, then wrung out and rinsed in a stream of water till the water comes off clear. The stuffs to be prepared should be soaked in water mixed with not more than one-fiftieth part of sulphuric acid, and then carefully washed in a stream of water and dried. In this opera- tion the acid combines with a portion of earth and iron, which would have interrupted the full effect of the co- louring matter in the process of dyeing. Aluming is another preliminary process in the dyeing of cotton. The alum is to be dissolved, and each pound of cotton stuff requires four ounces of alum. By some a solution of soda, about one-sixteenth part of the alum, and by others a small quantity of tartar and arsenic are added. The thread is impregnated by working it in small quan- tities with this solution. The whole is then put into a vessel, and the remaining part of the liquor is poured upon it. It is now left for 24 hours, after which it is [ removed to a stream of w'ater, and allowed to remain j for an hour and a half or two hours, to extract part of ; the alum. It is then to be w'ashed. By this operation [ cotton gains about one-fortieth part of its weight. The 272 DYEING. The operation of galling is another preparatory pro- cess in the dyeing of cotton stuffs. The quantity of astringent matter employed must be proportioned to its quality. Powdered galls are boiled for two hours in a proportion of water, regulated by the quantity of thread to be galled. This solution being reduced to such a temperature as the hand can bear, is divided into a num- ber of equal parts, that the thread may be wrought in separate parcels. The whole stuff is then put into a vessel, and the remaining liquor poured upon it, as in the former process. It is then left for 24 hours, if it is to be dyed black, but for other colours 12 or 15 hours are found sufficient. It is then wrung out and dried. Berthollet informs us, that cotton which has been alumed acquired more weight in the galling than that which had not undergone the process; for although alum adheres but in small quantities to cotton, it com- municates to it a greater power of combining, both with the astringent principle and with the colouring particles. Flax and hemp nearly resemble each other in their general properties ; and so far as relates to the pro- cesses of dyeing, what is said of the one may be ap- plied to the other. Flax or lint is obtained from the back of linum usitatissimum, and hemp from that of cannabis sativa. Before flax is properly prepared to receive the dye, it must be subjected to several pro- cesses. The most important is that of watering, by which the fibrous parts of the plant are separated, and brought to that state in which they can be spun into threads. As the quantity and quality of the product depend much on this operation, it becomes of the greatest consequence that it be properly conducted. During this process, carbonic acid and hydrogen gas are given out. The extrication of these is owing to a glutinous juice which holds the green colouring part of the plant in solution, and which is the medium of union between the cortical and ligneous parts, under- going a certain degree of putrefaction. This substance seems to resemble the glutinous parts which dissolved in the juice obtained from plants by pressure, is sepa- rated from the colouring particles by heat, readily be- come putrid, and by distillation affords ammonia. But although it is held in solution w ith the expressed juice, it cannot be separated from the cortical parts com- pletely by means of water ; and hence it happens, that hemp or flax watered in two strong a current, has not the requisite softness and flexibility. But if the water employed in this operation be stagnant and in a putrid state, the hemp or flax becomes of a brown colour, and loses its fineness. In the one case the putrefactive pro- cess is interrupted; in the other it is continued too long and carried too far. The process, therefore, is performed with the greatest advantage near the banks of rivers, where the water may be changed so fre- quently as to prevent such a degree of putrefaction as would be injurious to the flax, as well as prejudicial to the workmen from noxious exhalations ; and yet not so frequently as to retard *or interrupt those changes which are necessary for rendering the glutinous sub- stance soluble in water. By watering flax, and by drying before and after that process, the green co- loured particles undergo a similar change to that which is observed in the green substance of the plants ex- posed to the action of air and light. The next part of the process is to spread it out upon the grass, and thus expose it for some time to the air and sun. By this means the colour of the lint is improved, and the ligneous part becomes so brittle that it is easily sepa- rated from the fibrous part. This operation is usually performed by machinery. Flax which is intended for dyeing must be subjected to a similar series of opera- tions with cotton in the different processes of scowering, aluming, and galling. Of the operations of dyeing . — Before we proceed to the detail of the processes of dyeing, we shall throw out a few hints on the operations in general. The works, which are carried on in extensive manufactories, are followed with advantages which are unknowm to those that are conducted on a limited scale or in a detached manner. By the subdivision of labour, each workman directing his attention to one or a few objects, ac- quires a great facility and perfection of execution, by w'hich the saving of time and labour becomes consider- able. This principle is particularly applicable to the art of dyeing, because the preparation which remains after one operation may be frequently employed in another. A bath from which the colouring matter has been in a great measure extracted in the first operation may be useful for other stuffs, or with the addition of a fresh portion of ingredients may form a new bath. The galls which have been applied to the galling of silk may answ'er a similar purpose for cotton or wool. A dye- house, which should be set down as near as possible to a stream of water, should be spacious and well lighted. It should be floored with plaster; and proper means should be adopted to carry off water or spent baths by channels or gutters, so that every operation may be conducted with the utmost attention to cleanliness. The size and position of the chaldrons are to be regulated by the nature and extent of the operations for which they are designed. Excepting for scarlet and other delicate colours in which tin is used as a mordant, the caldrons should be of brass or copper. Brass, being less apt than copper to be acted on by means of chemical agents, and to communicate spots to the stuffs, is fitter for the purpose of a dyeing vessel. It is of the greatest consequence that the coppers or caldrons be well cleaned for every operation ; and that vessels of a large size should be furnished at the bottom with a pipe and [ stop-cock for the greater convenience of emptying them. I There must be a hole in the wall or chimney above each copper, to admit poles for the purpose of draining the ! stuffs which are immersed, so that the liquor may fall back into the vessel, and no part may be lost. Dyes for silk where a boiling heat is not necessary are pre- pared in troughs or backs, which are long copper or t wooden vessels. The colours which are used for silk are DYEING. are extremely delicate. They must therefore be dried quickly, and not be long exposed to the action of the air, that there may be no risk of change. For this purpose, it is necessary to have a drying room heated with a stove. For pieces of stuffs, a winch or reel must be constructed, the ends of which are supported by two iron forks, which may be put up at pleasure in holes made in the curb on which the edges of the copper rest. The manipulations in dyeing are neither difficult nor complicated. Their object is to impregnate the stuff with the colouring particles, which are dissolved in the bath. For this purpose the action of the air is neces- sary, not only in fixing the colouring particles, but in rendering them more vivid ; while those which have not been fixed in. the stuff are to be carefully re- moved. In dyeing whole pieces of stuff, or a number of pieces at once, the winch or reel must be employed. One end of the stuff is first laid across it, and by turn- ing it quickly round the whole passes over it. By turning it afterwards the contrary way, that part of the stuff which was first immersed will be the last in the second immersion, and thus the colouring matter will be communicated as equally as possible. In dyeing w'ool in the fleece, a kind of broad ladder with very close rounds, called by dyers a scraw or scray, is used. This is placed over the copper, and the wool is put upon it for the purpose of draining and exposure to the air. If wool is dyed in the state of thread, or in skeins, rods are to be passed through them, and the hanks turned upon the skein sticks in the liquor. To separate the superabundant colouring particles, or those which have not been fixed in the stuff, after being dyed, it must be wrung out. This operation is performed with a cylindrical piece of w ood, one end of which is fixed in the wall, or in a post. This operation is re- peated a number of times successively, for the purpose of drying the stuffs more rapidly, and communicating a brighter lustre. In dyeing, one colour is frequently communicated to stuffs with the intention of applying another upon it, and thus a compound colour is pro- duced. The first of these operations is called giving a > ground. When it is found necessary to pass stuffs several times through the same liquor, each particular operation is called a dip. A colour is said to be rosed, when a red colour having a yellow tinge is changed to a shade inclining to a crimson or ruby colour ; and the conversion of a yellow red to a more complete red is called heightening the colour. We shall now make a few observations on the qualities and effects of dif- ferent kinds of water, which may be considered as one of the most essential agents in the art of dyeing. It is almost unnecessary to say, that water which is muddy or contains putrid substances should not be employed ; and indeed no kind of water which possesses qualities distinguished by the taste, ought to be used. .Water which holds in solution earthy salts, has a very consi- derable action on colouring matters, which action is chiefly produced by means of these salts. Such, for instance, are the nitrates of lime and magnesia, muriate ns of lime and magnesia, sulphate of lime, and carbonate of lime and of magnesia. These salts, which have earthy bases, oppose the solution of the colouring par- ticles, and by entering into combination with many of them, cause a precipitation, by which means the co- lour is at one time deeper and at other times duller and more faint than would otherwise be the case. Water impregnated with the carbonates of lime and magnesia, yield a precipitate when they are boiled, for the excess of carbonic acid which held them in solution is driven off by the heat ; the earths are thus precipitated, and ad- hering to the stuffs to be dyed, render them dirty, and prevent the colouring matter from combining with them. It is of much consequence to be able to dis- tinguish the different kinds of water which come under the denomination of hard water, that they may be avoided in the essential operations of - dyeing ; but to detect different principles contained in such waters, and to ascertain their quantity with precision, require great skill and very delicate management of chemical opera- tions, w hich the experienced chemist only can be sup- posed to possess. As it is not always in the power of the dyer to choose pure water, means of correcting the w ater which would be injurious to his processes, and particularly for the dyeing of delicate colours have been proposed. Water in which bran has been allowed to become sour, is most commonly employed for this purpose. This is known by the name of sours, or sour water. The method of preparing sour water is the following : twen- ty-four bushels of bran are put into a vessel that wdll contain about ten hogsheads. A large boiler is filled with water, and when it is just ready to boil it is poured into the vessel. Soon after, the acid fermenta- tion commences, and in about twenty-four hours the liquor is fit to be applied to use. Water which is im- pregnated with earthy salts, after being treated in this way, forms no precipitate by boiling. It is probable ! that the sour water decomposes the carbonate of lime and magnesia, because the vegetable acid w'hich is i formed during the fermentation, combines with the earthy basis and sets the carbonic acid at liberty. Some of the substances with which waters are impregnated, or those w hich are merely diffused in them in a state of very minute division, may be separated by means of mucilaginous matters. The mucilage coagulates by means of heat, and carrying with it the earths separated by boiling as well as those substances which are simply mixed with the water and render it turbid, rises to the surface, and forming a scum may be easily removed. (JJ the practice of Dyeing . — We have already endea- voured to give a general view of the principles on which the art of dyeing depends. We have considered the physical and chemical properties of colours and colour- ing matters; the nature of the substances to which j colours are communicated, and the agents or means by which this is effected; and from the experiments and observations of philosophers, whose investigations have been directed to this subject, it appears that these 4 A changes 274 DYEING. changes are entirely owing to chemical affinities, by which decompositions are effected, and new combina- tions formed among the constituent parts of the sub- stances employed. It is only by the application of the principles of che- mistry that this art can be improved and perfected. But the application of these principles must be made by the practical dyer himself, not by the chemist in his labo- ratory, or during an occasional visit to the manufactory. For in the complicated processes of dyeing, conducted on an extensive scale, a thousand circumstances will be overlooked by the most acute and discerning chemist, which will not escape the habitual observation of the philosophical artist. Colours have been usually distributed by dyers into two classes. These have been denominated simple and compound colours. Simple colours, which are com- monly reckoned four in number, are such as cannot be produced by the mixing together different colours. Co- lours denominated compound may be produced by the mixture of any two of the simple colours in different proportions. Thus red, yellow', and blue, are inca- pable of being produced by any combination of others, and are therefore considered as simple colours. Blue and red, which compose a purple, blue and yellow a green, and red and yellow an orange, are compound colours ; but none of these, by any composition what- ever, will afford a red, yellow, or blue. Dr. Bancroft, in his elaborate treatise on tKe philoso- phy of permanent colours, divides colouring matters into two classes. The first includes those colouring sub- stances which, being in a state of solution may be per- manently fixed on any stuff w ithout any mordant, or the intermediate action of earthy or metallic bases. In the second class are comprehended those matters which cannot be fixed without the action of mordants. The first he has denominated substantive colours ; because the colour is fixed without the aid of any other body : and the second adjective, because they become perma- nent only with the addition of a mordant. The ce- lebrated purple produced by the liquor obtained from the shell-fish and indigo, are examples of sub- stantive colours. Prussian blue and cochineal are ad- jective colours. The usual division of colours is into simple and compound, which seems to form an ar- rangement equally convenient and perspicuous. OF SIMPLE COLOURS. Simple colours are such as cannot be produced by the mixture of other colours. They are the foundation of all other colours, and therefore come naturally to be first treated of. The simple colours are four, viz. 1. Red. 2. Yellow. 3. Blue. 4. Black. To these a fifth is added by some ; namely, brow n, or faw n colour ; although it may be produced by the combination of other colours. The nature of the colouring substances which are employed to produce these colours, and the processes by which they are fixed on the several stuffs, will form the subjects of the following article. Red colours, from different degrees of intensity have received different names, as crimson, scarlet, besides a great variety of shades which are less striking, aud come under no particular denomination. We shall treat of the nature and properties of the substances which are employed in dyeing red, yellow, blue and black, and then give an account of the different processes which are followed in fixing these colouring matters on animal and vegetable productions. 1. Of the substances em- ployed in dying red. The colouring matters which are principally employed in dyeing red, are madder, co- chineal, kermes, lac, archil, carthamus, brasil wood, and logwood. Madder is very extensively employed in dyeing. It is the root of a plant (rubia tinctorura, Lin.) of which there are two varieties. It is cultivated in different parts of Europe, and the best, it is said, is brought from Zealand. Madder, as it is prepared for dyeing, is dis- tinguished into different kinds. What is called grape madder is obtained from the principal roots ; the none grape is produced from the stalks, which by being buried in the earth are converted into roots, and are called layers. The roots being dried, and the earthy matters which adhere to them being separated by shaking them in a bag, or beating them lightly on a wooden hurdle, they are reduced to powder by means of manual labour or with machinery. All the parts of madder do not yield the same colouring matter. The outer bark and the ligneous part within give a yellowish dye, which injures the red. These parts may be separated in consequence of the different degrees of facility with which they are reduced to pow'der. The result of the experiments of a French chemist shew, that the fresh root of madder may be used with as much advantage in dyeing, as when it is dried and powdered. Four pounds of fresh madder, he ob- served are equal to one of the dry, although in drying it loses seven-eights of its weight. When the fresh roots are to be used, they are to be well washed in a current of water immediately after they are taken out of the ground, and afterwards cut into pieces and bruised. In dyeing with the fresh roots, allowance should be made for the quantity of water which they contain, so that a smaller proportion should be put into the bath. The colouring matter of madder is soluble in al- cohol, and by evaporation a deep red residuum is formed. In this solution sulphuric acid produces a fawn-coloured precipitate ; fixed alkali, one of a violet colour, and the sulphate of potash a precipitate of a fine red. Alum, nitre, chalk, acetate of lead, and muriate of tin, afford precipitates in the solution of madder in alcohol of various shades. The colouring matter of madder is also soluble in water. By maceration in several portions of cold water successively, the last receives only a fawn colour, which appears entirely different from the peculiar colouring particles of this substance. It resembles what is extracted from woods aud DYEING. 275 and other roots, and perhaps exists only in the ligneous I and cortical parts. The colouring matter may be ex- i tracted either by hot or cold water ; in the latter the ! colour is most beautiful. The decoction is of a brown- ish colour. The colouring matter of madder cannot be extracted without a great deal of water. Two ounces of madder require three quarts of water. Alum forms in the infusion of madder a deep brownish red precipi- tate ; the supernatant liquor is yellowish, inclining to brown. Alkaline carbonates precipitate from this last liquor a lake of a blood-red colour; with the addition of more alkali, the precipitate is re-dissolved, and the liquor becomes red. Calcareous earth precipitates a darker and browner coloured lake than alkalies. Cochineal, which furnishes a valuable dye stuff, and about the nature of which there was at first a good deal of uncertainty, is an insect. It is produced on dif- ferent species of the cactus or Indian fig. When the Spaniards first arrived in Mexico, they saw the cochi- neal employed by the native inhabitants in communicat- ing colours to some part of their habitations, their orna- ments, and also in dyeing cotton. Struck with its beau- tiful colour, they transmitted accounts of it to the Spanish ministry, who about the year 1523, ordered Cortes to direct his attention to the propagation of this substance. The inhabitants of Europe were long mis- taken concerning the nature and origin of cochineal, by supposing it to be the grain or seed of a plant. This opinion was first contradicted in a paper published in the third volume of the Philosophical Transactions, in 1668, and four years afterwards Dr. Lister, in the seventh volume of the same work, throws out a con- jecture, that cochineal may be a sort of kermes. Dif- ferent opinions concerning the origin of this substance were entertained till about the beginning of the year 1757, when Mr. Ellis obtained some of the joints of the plant on which the insects breed from South Carolina, and presented them the same year to the Royal So- ciety. These specimens, Mr. Ellis observes, were full of the nests of this insect, in which it appeared in its various states, in the most minute when it walks about, to the state when it becomes fixed and wrapt up in a fine web which it spius about itself. With the assist- ance of the microscope, Mr. Ellis discovered the true male insect in the parcels w hich had been sent to him from America. It is supposed there may be 150 or 200 females for one male. These discoveries proved indisputably that the cochineal is an animal production. The female cochineal insect adheres to the same spot of the tree on which it is produced during her whole life. As soon as the female is delivered of its numerous pro- geny, it becomes a mere husk and dies. In Mexico it is therefore an object of great importance to prevent this, and to collect them in the fecundated state. For this purpose they are picked from the plants, put into a linen bag, which is immersed in hot water to destroy the life of the young insects, and then carefully dried. In this state they are imported into Europe. Fine cochineal, if it has been properly prepared and kept, ought to be of a gray colour with a shade of purple. The gray colour is owing to a powder with which it is naturally covered, and part of which it still retains. The colouring matter extracted by the water in which the insect has been killed produces the purple shade. In a dry place, cochineal may be kept for a long time without losing any of its properties. Hellot made experiments on cochineal 130 years old, and found that it produced' the same effect as if it had been quite new. Cochineal yields its colouring matter to water ; and the decoction, which is of a crimson colour inclining to violet, may be kept for a long time without losing its transparency or becoming putrid. If this decoction be evaporated, and the residue or extract be digested in alcohol, the colouring part dissolves and leaves a residuum of the colour of wine lees, of which fresh alcohol cannot deprive it. The alcohol of cochi- neal affords, by evaporation, a transparent residuum of a deep red, which being dried has the appearance of a resin. A small quantity of sulphuric acid added to the decoction of cochineal, produces a red colour inclining to yellow, and a small quantity of a beautiful red preei- pitate. The experiments of Berthollet and Bancroft shew that the colouring matter of cochineal is not entirely extracted by means of water. Dr. Bancroft found, that after the whole of it which could be extracted by water was obtained, by adding a little potash to the seemingly exhausted sediment, and pouring on it fresh boiling water it yielded a new quantity of colouring matter, equal to one-eighth of what had been given out to the water ; and Berthollet found the same effect produced with the addition of tartar, from which he concludes that tartar favours the solution of the colouring part of the cochineal. Kermes, another animal substance which is exten- sively employed in dyeing, is an insect that breeds on a species of oak which grow s in most of the southern parts of Europe, and in many parts of Asia. Kermes is chiefly obtained from Languedoc, Spain, and Portu- gal. The insects ^re collected in the month of May or l June, when the female, which alone is useful, is dis- tended with eggs. To destroy the young insects, the kermes is exposed to the steam of vinegar for about half an hour, or steeped in vinegar for 10 or 12 hours. They are afterwards dried on linen cloths, and brought to market. When the living insect is bruised it gives out a red colour. The smell is somewhat pleasant ; the taste is bitter and pungent. It gives out its colouring matter both to water and alcohol, to which it also imparts smell and taste. The colour is also retained in the extract, which is obtained both from the tincture and from the infusion. Kermes is one of the most ancient dyeing drugs; and although the colours which it com- municates to cloth are less bright and vivid than those of cochineal, and on that account it has been less ex- tensively employed in dyeing since the latter was known, yet they have been found to be exceedingly permanent. 276 DYEING. The fine blood-red colour which is to be seen on old tapestries in different parts of Europe was produced from kermes, with an aluminous mordant, and seems to have suffered no change though some of them are 200 or 300 years old. The colour obtained from kermes was formerly called scarlet in grain, because' it was supposed that the insect was a grain; and from the chief manufactory having been at one time in Ve- nice, it was called Venetian scarlet. Lac is an animal production which has been long known in India, and used for dyeing silk and other pur- poses. It is the nidus of the coccus lacca, and is gene- rally produced on the small branches of the croton lacciferum. Three kinds of lac are well known in commerce : 1 . Stick lac is the substance or comb in its natural state, forming a crust on the small branches or twigs. 2. Seed lac is said to be only the above sepa- rated from the twigs, and reduced into small fragments. Mr. Hatchett, who has examined this substance, found the best specimens considerably deprived of their co- louring matter. According to the information which he received from Mr. Wilkins, the silk dyers in Bengal produce the seed lac by pounding crude lac into small fragments, and extracting part of the colouring matter by boiling. 8. Shell lac is prepared from the cells liquefied, strained, and formed into thin transparent la- mina. The best lac is of a deep red colour; when it is pale and pierced at the top, the value is greatly diminished, for then the insects have left their cells, and it can no longer be of use as a dye stuff. The decoction of powdered stick lac in water gives a deep crimson colour. With one-fifth of borax, lac becomes more soluble in water. Pure soda and car- bonate of soda completely dissolve the different kinds of lac, and produce a deeper colour than that which is obtained by means of borax. Pure potash speedily | dissolves all the varieties of lac; the colour approaches ! to purple. Pure ammonia and carbonate of ammonia readily act on the colouring matter of lac. Alcohol : dissolves a considerable portion of the lac, and yields a fine red colour. i^rchil is a vegetable substance of great use in dye- | ing. It is employed in the form of a paste, which is j of a red violet colour. It is chiefly obtained from two species of lichen. The first, which is called Canary- Archil, because the lichen from which it is prepared grows abundantly in the Canary islands, is most valued. It is prepared by reducing the plant to a fine powder, which is afterwards passed through a sieve and slightly moistened with stale urine. The mixture is daily stirred, each time adding a certain proportion of soda in pow- der, till it acquire a clove colour. It is then put into a wooden cask, and urine, lime-water, or a solution of sulphate of lime, (gypsum), is added in sufficient quan- tity to cover the mixture. In this state it is kept; but to preserve it any length of time, it is necessary to moisten it occasionally with urine. By a similar prepa- ration, other species of lichen may be used in dyeing. In this country the “ lichen omphalodes” and “ tartareus” are frequently employed for dyeing coarse cloths. Archil gives out its colouring matter to water, am- monia, and alcohol. The infusion of archil is of a crimson colour, with a shade of violet. The addition of an acid converts it to a red colour. Fixed alkalies only render it of a deeper shade ; because its natural colour has been already modified by the ammonia with which it is combined in the preparation. To cold marble the aqueous infusion of archil communicates a fine violet colour, or blue inclining to purple. The affinity between the stone and the colouring matter is so strong that it resists the action of the air longer than colours which it gives to other substances. The colour thus communicated to marble has remained for two years unchanged. Archil is also soluble in alcohol. This tincture is employed for making spirit of wine thermometers. A singular phenomenon was observed by the Abbe Nollet w'heu the tincture was excluded from the air. In a few years it was entirely deprived of its colour. The contact of air restored the colour; but it was again de- stroyed when deprived of it. Cprthamus, or bastard saffron, a vegetable substance used in dyeing, is the flower of an annual plant which is cultivated in Spain, Egypt, and the Levant. There are two varieties of this plant, the one with larger, the other with smaller leaves. The variety with larger leaves is cultivated in Egypt. The method of preparing the flowers of carthamus in Egypt, as it is described by Hasselquist, is the follow- ing. After being pressed between two stones to squeeze out the juice, they are washed several times with salt water, pressed between the hands, and spread out on mats in the open air to dry. Carthamus contains two colouring substances ; a yel- low substance which is soluble in water, and as it is of no use is extracted by the process mentioned above by squeezing the flowers between the stones till no more colour can be pressed out. The flowers become red- dish in this operation, and lose nearly one half of theifc weight. The other colouring matter, which is red, is soluble in alkaline carbonates, and it is precipitated by means of an acid. A vegetable acid, as lemon juice, has been found to produce the finest colour. Next to this sulphuric acid produces the best effect, provided too great a quantity, which would alter and destroy the colour, be not employed. From the colouring matter extracted by means of an alkali, and precipitated with an acid, is procured the substance called rouge, which is employed as a paint for the skin. The solution of carthamus is prepared with crystals of soda, and precipitated with lemon juice which has stood some days to settle. Brazil wood is of very extensive use in dyeing. It is the wood of the caesalpinia crista, Linn, and is a na- tive of America and the West Indies. The colouring matter of Brazil wood is soluble in water, and the whole of it may be extracted by conti- nuing the boiling for a sufficient length of time. The decoction DYEING. 277 decoction is of a fine red colour. The residuum, which as black, yields a considerable portion of colouring mat- ter to alkalies. This colouring matter is also soluble in alcohol, and in ammonia, and the colour is deeper than that of the aqueous solution. The tincture of Brazil wood in alcohol gives to hot marble a red colour, which afterwards changes to violet. The fresh decoction yields, with sulphuric acid, a small portion of a red precipitate inclining to fawn colour. Nitric acid first produces a yel- low colour, but by adding more, a deep orange. Oxalic acid produces a precipitate of an orange red. Tartar furnishes a small precipitate : with the addition of fixed alkali, the decoction becomes of a deep crimson or vio- let colour. Ammonia gives ‘a brighter purple; alum produces a copious red precipitate, inclining to crimson. The decoction of Brazil wood, which is called juice of Brazil, is found to answer better for the processes of dyeing, when it has been kept some time, and has even undergone some degree of fermentation, than when it has been fresh prepared. The colour, by keeping, be- comes of a yellowish red. Logwood, sometimes called India or Campeachy wood, is a tree which grows to a considerable size in Jamaica, and the eastern shore of the bay of Campeachy. Its specific gravity is greater than that of water ; it has a fine grain, aud is susceptible of a fine polish. Logwood yields its colouring matter, which is a fine red, readily and copiously to alcohol. It is more sparingly soluble in water, and the decoction inclines a little to violet or purple. When it is left some time to itself, it becomes yellowish, and at length black. It becomes yellow also by the action of acids ; alkalies produce a deeper colour, and convert it to a purple or violet. Of Yellow. In dyeing yellow, it is necessary to employ mordants, because the affinity of yellow colouring matters for either animal or vegetable stuffs, is not sufficiently strong to produce durable colours. Yellow colours, therefore, belong to that class which Dr. Bancroft has denominat- ed adjective colours. The substances capable of giving a yellow colour to different stuffs are very numerous; they do not all pro- duce similar quantities of colouring matter ; their dye is not equally free ; the colours they impart incline more or less to orange or green ; they possess various degrees of brightness and permanency, and differ considerably in price ; circumstances by which the choice of the dyer ought always to be regulated. But those commonly employed in dyeing yellow, are weld, fustic , anotta, and quercitron bark. Of the substances employed in dyeing yellow. — Weld is a plant which grows wild in Britain, and in different European countries. Its leaves are long, narrow, and of a bright green, but the whole plant is made use of in dyeing of yellow. There are two kinds of weld, culti- vated and wild, the former of which is deemed more valuable than the latter, as it yields a much greater pro- portion of colouring matter. When this plant is fully ripe, it is pulled, dried, and bound up In bundles for the use of the dyer. The wild species grows higher and has a stronger stalk than that which is cultivated, by which the one may be readily distinguished from the other. A strong decoction of weld is of a brownish yellow colour, and if very much diluted with water, the colour inclines to a green. An alkali gives to this decoction a deeper colour, aud the precipitate it occasions is not soluble in alkalies. Most of the acids give it a paler tinge, occasioning a little precipitate which is soluble in alkalies. Alumina has so strong an affinity for the co- louring matter of weld, that it can even abstract it from sulphuric acid, and the oxide of tin produces a similar effect. Fustic is procured from a tree of considerable magni- tude, which grows in the West Indies. The wood is yellow, as its name imports, with orange veins. Ever since the discovery of America it has been used in dye- ing, as appears from a paper in the Transactions of the Royal Society, of which Sir William Petty was the au- thor. Its price is moderate, the colour it imparts is. permanent, and it readily combines with indigo, which properties give it a claim to attention as a valuable ingre- dient in dyeing. Before it can be employed as a dye- stuff, it must be cut into chips and put in a bag, that it may not fix in and tear the stuff, to which it is to im- part its colouring matter. When a decoction of yellow wood or fustic is made very strong, the colour is of a reddish yellow, and w'hen diluted it is of an orange yellow, which it readily yields to water. It becomes turbid by means of acids, its co- lour is of a pale yellow, and the greenish precipitate may be re-dissolved by alkalies. The sulphates of zinc, iron, and copper, as well as alum, throw down precipi- tates composed of the colouring matter and the different bases of the salts employed. Anotta is a species of paste of a red colour, obtained from the berries of the bixa orellana, Linn., which is a native of America. The anotta of commerce is import- ed from America to Europe in cakes of two or three pounds weight, where it is prepared from the seeds of the tree mentioned above ; but the Americans are said to be in possession of a species of anotta superior to that which they export, both for the brilliancy and perma- nency of the colour it imparts. They bruise the seeds with their hands moistened with oil, separating with a knife the paste as it is formed, and drying it in the sun; but the seeds are pounded with water when designed for sale, and allowed to undergo the process of ferment- ation. Auotta yields its colouring matter more readily to al- cohol than to water, on which account it is used in yel- low varnishes, to which an orange tinge is intended to be given. Acids form a precipitate with a decoction of anotta of an orange colour, which is soluble in alka- lies, but solutions of common salt produce no sensible change. Quercitron, as it is denominated by Dr. Bancroft, is- 4 B the 278 DYEING. the quercus nigra of Linnaeus, and is a large tree which grows spontaneously in North America. The bark of it yields a considerable quantity of colouring matter, which was first discovered by Dr. Bancroft in the year 1784, in whom the use and application of it in dyeing were exclusively vested for a certain term of years by virtue of an act of parliament. Quercitron bark readily imparts its colouring matter to water at 100° of Fahrenheit, which is of a yellowish brown, capable of being darkened by alkalies, and brightened by acids. Besides the substances already mentioned as employed in the dyeing of yellow, we may add saw-wort to the number, a plant which yields a colouring matter nearly similar to that of weld, and may of consequence be used as a proper substitute. Dyer’s broom produces a yel- low of a very indifferent nature, and is therefore only em- ployed in dyeing stuffs of the coarsest kind. Turmeric is a native production both of the East and West Indies, and yields a more copious quantity of colouring matter than any other yellow dye-stuff; but it will probably never be of any essential service in dyeing yellow, as no mordant has yet been discovered, capable of giving per- manency to its colour. Chamomile yields a faint yellow colour, the hue of which is not unpleasant, but it is far from being durable, and even mordants are not capable of fixing it. Fenugreek yields seeds which, when ground, commu- nicate to stuffs a pale yellow of tolerable durability ; and the best mordants are found to be alum and muriate of soda, or common salt. In Switzerland and in England, the seeds of purple trefoil are sometimes employed in the art of dyeing, on which Vogler made a number of experiments, in order to ascertain what colours they would produce : and he found that a fine deep yellow was afforded by a bath made of a solution of these seeds with potash ; that sul- phuric acid yielded a light yellow, and sulphate of cop- per or blue vitriol, a yellow inclining to green. M. Dize informs us, that the seeds of trefoil impart to wool a beautiful orange-colour, and to silk a greenish yel- low ; and that while aluming is necessary in the process of dyeing with the seeds of trefoil, a solution of tin can- not be employed. Of Blue. The next of the simple colours is blue. The only substances which are used in dyeing blue, are indigo and woad. Indigo was not used for the purpose of dyeing in Eu- rope, till near the middle of the 16th century. A sub- stance is mentioned by Pliny, which was brought from India, and termed indicum y which seems to have been the same as the indigo of the moderns ; but it does not appear that either the Greeks or the Romans knew how to dissolve indigo, or its use in dyeing, although it was applied as a paint. It was, however, known long before as a dye in India. The first indigo which was employ- ed for the purpose of dyeing by Europeans, was brought by the Dutch from India. One of the species of the plant from which it is obtained, was discovered by the Portuguese in Brazil, where it grows spontaneously, as well as in other parts of America. Being afterwards successfully cultivated in Mexico, and some islands of the West Indies, the whole of the indigo employed in Europe was supplied from these countries. The indigo from the East Indies has, however, of late recovered its character, and is imported into Britain in consider- able quantities. There are three species of the indigo plant, which are usually cultivated in America. The first is the indigo- fera tinctoria, which besides being a smaller and less hardy plant, is inferior to the others on account of its pulp, but as it yields a greater proportion, it is general- ly preferred. The second is the indigofera disperma, or Guatimala indigo plant. This is a taller and hardier plant, and affords a pulp of a superior quality to the former. The third is the indigofera argentea, which is the hardiest of the three species, and yields a pulp of the finest quality, though in smallest proportion. When the indigo plant has arrived at maturity, it is cut a few inches above the ground, disposed in strata in a large vessel or steeper, and being kept down with boards, is covered with water; and in this state it is left to ferment till the pulp is extracted. The process com- mences by the evolution of heat, and the emission of a great quantity of carbonic acid gas. When the ferment- ation has continued for a sufficient length of time, which is known by the tops becoming tender and pale, the li- quor, which is now of a green colour, is drawn off' into large flat vessels, called beaters, where it is agitated with buckets or other convenient apparatus, till blue flocculae begin to appear. To promote this granulation or separation of the flocculae, it is usual to add clear lime water till the liquor in which they are suspended becomes quite colourless. The liquor, being sufficiently impreg- nated with the lime water, is left at rest to allow the particles of the colouring matter to precipitate ; after which the supernatant liquor is drawn off, and the sedi- ment collected into linen bags, which are suspended for some time, to let the water drain off. It is then put into square boxes, or formed into lumps and dried in the shade. The indigo thus prepared is in a state fit for the market. Indigo exhibits various shades of colour, which is also owing to the mixture of foreign substances. The most common shades are blue, violet, and copper colour. The object of the processes that are followed in the manufacture of indigo, is to extract from the plants which yield it, a green substance, W'hich is soluble in water. This substance, which has a strong affinity for oxygen, gradually attracts it from the air, becomes of a blue colour, and is then insoluble in w'ater. This ab- sorption is greatly promoted by agitation, for then a greater surface is exposed to the action of the air ; and the lime-water, by combining with carbonic acid, w hich exists in the green matter, also promotes the separation of the indigo. Indigo DYEING. 279 Indigo is employed in dyeing, both in the state of liquid blue, or as a sulphate of indigo, from which is obtaiued the beautiful colour called Saxon blue, and also in the state of simple indigo, or the indigo of commerce. In dyeing with indigo, it must be reduced to the state of the green matter as it exists in the plants, or when it is first extracted from them. It must be deprived of the oxygen, to the combination of which the blue colour is owing. In this state it becomes soluble in water by means of the alkalies. To effect this separation of the oxygen, the indigo must be mixed with a solution of some substance which has a stronger affinity for oxygen than the green matter of indigo. Such substances are green oxide of iron, and metallic sulphurets. Lime, green sulphate of iron, and indigo, are mixed together in water, and during this mixture the indigo is deprived of its blue colour, becomes green, and is dissolved, while the green oxide of iron is converted into the red oxide. In this process, part of the lime decomposes die sulphate of iron, and as the green oxide is set at li- berty, it attracts oxygen from the indigo, and reduces it to the state of green matter, which is immediately dis- solved by the action of the rest of the lime. Indigo is also deprived of its oxygen, and prepared for dyeing by another process. Some vegetable matter is added to the indigo mixed with w'ater, with the view of exciting fermentation, and quick lime or an alkali is added to the solution, that the indigo, as it is converted into the green matter, may be dissolved. Another plant, known under the name of pastel, or woad, is employed for dyeing blue, which is cultivated in France and in England. When the plant has reached maturity, it is cut down, washed in a river, and speedily dried in the sun. It is then ground in a mill, and re- duced to a paste, which is formed into heaps, covered up to protect them from the rain, and at the end of a fortnight the heap is opened, to mix the whole well to- gether. It is afterwards formed into round balls, which are exposed to the wind and sun, that the moisture may be evaporated. The balls are heaped upon one ano- ther, become gradually hot, and exhale the smell of ammonia. To promote the fermentation, which is stronger in proportion to the quantity heaped up, and the temperature of the season, the heap is to be sprin- kled with water till it falls down in the state of coarse powder, in which state it appears in commerce. The blue colour obtained from woad is very permanent, but has little lustre. Of Black. * The next of the simple colours is black. Of the sub- stances employed in dyeing black. — There are few sub- stances which have the property of producing a perma- nent black colour, without any addition. The juice of some plants produces this effect on cotton and linen. A black colour is obtained from the juice of the cashew nut, which will not wash out, and even resists the pro- cess of boiling with soap or alkalies. The cashew nut of India is employed for marking linen. That of the I West Indies also yields a permanent dye, but the colour has a brownish shade. The juice of some other plants, as that of the toxicodendron, or sloes, affords a durable blueish black colour; but these substances cannot be obtained in sufficient quantity, even if they afforded co- lours equal to those produced by the common pro- cesses. The principal substances which are employed to give a black colour are gall nuts, which contain the astringent principle, or tan, and the red oxide of iron. The black colour is produced by the combination of the astringent principle with the oxide of iron, held in solution by an acid, and fixed on the stuff. When the particles are precipitated from the mixture of tan and a solution of iron, they have only a blue colour ; but after they are exposed for some time to the air, and moistened with water, the colour becomes deeper, although the blue shade is still perceptible. After the particles are fixed on the stuff, the shade becomes much deeper. Logwood is not to be considered as affording a black dye, blit it is much employed to give a lustre to black colours. We have already described its nature and pro- perties, among the substances from which red colouring matters are obtained. Black colours are rarely produced by a simple com- bination between the colouring matter and the stuff; but are usually fixed by means of mordants, as in the case of the black particles which are the result of a combination of the astringent principle and the oxide of iron, held in solution by an acid. But when the particles are preci- pitated from the mixture of an astringent and a solution of iron, they have only a blue colour. By being expos- ed to the air, and moistened with water, the colour becomes deeper, although the blue shade is still percep- tible. No fine black colour is ever obtaiued, unless the stuffs are freely exposed to the air. In dyeiug black, therefore, the operations must be conducted at different intervals. Berthollet has observed that black stuffs, when brought in contact with oxygen gas, diminish its volume, so that some portion of it is absorbed. Of Brown. The last of the simple colours is brown. This is also known under the name of fawn colour. It is that brown colour which has a shade of yellow, and might perhaps be considered as a compound colour, although it is communicated to stuffs by one process. Of the substances employed in dyeing brown. — The vegetable substances which are capable of inducing a fawn or brown colour on different stuffs, are very nu- merous, but those chiefly employed for this purpose are walnut peels and sumach. The peels constitute the green covering of the nut ; they are internally of a white colour, which is converted into brown or black by expo- sure to the air. The skin, when impregnated with the juice of walnut peels, becomes of a brown or almost black colour. When the inner part of the peel, taken fresh, is put into weak oxymuriatic acid, is assumes a brown colour. If the decoction of walnut peels be fil- tered 280 DYEING. tered and exposed to the air, its colour becomes of a deep brown ; the pellicles, on evaporation, are almost black ; the liquor detached from these yields a brown extract completely soluble in water. The colouring particles are precipitated from a decoction of walnut peels, by means of alcohol, and they are soluble in wa- ter. No apparent change is at first produced by a so- lution of potash, but it gradually becomes turbid, and the colour is deepened. A copious precipitate of a fawn colour, approaching to an ash colour, is produced in a decoction of walnut peels, by means of a solution of tin, and the remaining liquor has a slightly yellow tinge. A decoction of walnut peels yields a small quantity of fawn-coloured precipitate by means of a solution of alum, and the liquor remains of the same colour. The same properties are exhibited by a decoction of the walnut- tree wood, but the colouring matter is not obtained from it in such abundance as from the peels ; and the bark may also be used with advantage in dyeing. The affinity of the colouring matter of walnut peels for wool is very strong ; and it readily imparts to it a durable colour, which even mordants do not seem ca- pable of increasing, but they are generally understood to give it additional brightness. A lively and very rich co- lour is obtained with the assistance of alum. Walnut peels afford a great variety of pleasing shades, and as they require not the intervention of mordants, the soft- ness of the wool is preserved, and the process of dyeing becomes both cheap and simple. Walnut peels are not gathered till the nuts are com- pletely ripe, when they are put into large casks, along with as much water as is sufficient to cover them. When used in dyeing at the Gobelins in Paris, Berthollet in- forms us, they are kept for upwards of a year, and very extensively used ; but if not made use of till the end of two years, they yield a greater quantity of colouring matter, at w'hich time their odour has become peculiarly disagreeable and fetid. The peels, separated from the nuts before they arrive at maturity, may likewise be used in dyeing, but in this state they do not keep so long. Sumach is a shrub produced naturally in Palestine, Syria, Portugal, and Spain, being carefully cultivated in the two last of these countries. Its shoots are annu- ally cut down, dried, and reduced to powder in a mill, by which process they are prepared for the purposes of dyeing. The infusion of sumach, which is of a fawn colour with a greenish tinge, is changed into a brown by expo- sure to the air. A solution of potash has little action on the recent infusion of sumach ; its colour is changed to yellow by the action of acids ; the liquor becomes turbid by means of alum, a small quantity of precipitate being at the same time formed, and the supernatant liquor re- maining yellow. The bark of the birch-tree ( betula alba , Linn.) yields a decoction of a clear fawn colour, but it soon becomes turbid and brown. The addition of a solution of alum m the open air, produces a copious yellow precipitate ; a solution of tin gives also a copious precipitate of a clear yellow colour. With solutions of iron, the decoc- tion of the birch-tree strikes a black colour, and it dis- solves in considerable quantity the oxide of iron, but in smaller proportion than the decoction of walnut peels. On account of this property it is employed in the pre- paration of black vats for dyeing thread. Saunders, or sandal wood, is also employed for the purpose of giving a fawn colour. There are three kinds of sandal wood, the white, the yellow, and the red. The last only, which is a compact heavy wood, brought from the Coromandel coast, is used in dyeing. By ex- posure to the air it becomes of a brown colour ; when employed in dyeing, it is reduced to fine powder, and it yields a fawn colour with a brownish shade, inclining to red. But the colouring matter which it yields of it- self is in small quantity, and it is said that it gives harshness to woollen stuffs. When it is mixed with other substances, as sumach, walnut peels, or galls, the quantity of colouring matter is increased ; it gives a more durable colour, and produces considerable modifications in the colouring matter with which it is mixed. Sandal wood yields its colouring matter to brandy, or diluted alcohol, more readily than to water. Having given some account of the general principles of dyeing, and of the substances made use of, we shall now confine ourselves chiefly to those facts that may be useful to private persons and families in the common concerns of life. Two distinct manufactures belong to the subject of dyeing, the one is the art of giving an uniform colour to an entire piece of stuff ; the other is the art of fixing various coloured patterns on an uniform ground, which being chiefly employed on cotton and calico, is called calico-printing. The fundamental principles of each art, as far as relates to the chemical action of the fibres of the stuff upon the different dyes and their mordants, is the same, but the particular modes of application wide- ly differ. We shall now mention some of the processes in the business of dyeing, many of which will be appli- cable to private persons and families ; after this we shall give an account of the art of calico-printing. The pro- cess of dyeing in the piece consists of a few simple ope- rations, repeated two, three, or more times, according to circumstances, with many minute variations in the temperature, time of immersion, &c., according to the nature of the stuff, and the colour to be given, by rules, which, after all, experience and practice alone can teach. Our authorities will be the best that we can select from, viz. Berthollet, Bancroft, Hellot, Chaptal : the Encyclopedia Britannica ; the British En- cyclopedia, Aikin’s Dictionary of Chemistry, and other works of established merit. It must, however, not be forgotten, that the variety in the processes actually used is almost endless : every dyer, whether on the small or large scale, having his particular receipt, in which slight variations in the quantity or quality of ingredients, the time or order of application, and other minute circum- stances, are found to render the colour somewhat more or less full, durable, glossy, &c. DYEING. 281 The mode of dyeing Silk or Worsted of a fine Carnation Colour. — First take, to each pound of silk, four handfuls of wheaten bran ; put it into two pails of water ; boil it ; pour it into a tub, and let it J stand all night ; then take half the quantity of that water, and put into it half a pound of alum, a quarter of a pound of red tartar, beaten to a fine powder, and half an ounce of finely powdered turmeric ; boil them toge- ther, and stir them w'ell about with a stick ; after they have boiled for a quarter of an hour, take the kettle off the fire ; put in the silk, and cover the kettle close, to prevent the steam from flying out : leave it thus for three hours ; then rinse your silk in cold water, beat and wring it on a wooden pin, and hang it up to dry. Then take a quarter of a pound of powdered gall-nuts, and put the powder into a pail of river water; boil it for one hour ; then take off the kettle, and when you can bear your hand in it, put in your silk, and let it lay an hour, then take it out, and hang it up to dry. When the silk is dry, and you would dye it of a crimson colour, weigh to each pound of silk, three quarters of an ounce of finely powdered cochineal ; then put it in the pail with the remaining lye, and having well mixed it, pour it into a kettle ; when it boils, cover it well, to prevent any dust falling into it. After you have put in three quarters of a pound of alum, and two ounces and a half of tartar, both finely powdered, let it boil for a quarter of an hour ; then take it off the fire ; let it cool a little, and put in the silk ; stir it well with a stick, to prevent its being clouded ; and when cool, wring it out. If the colour is qpt deep enough, hang the kettle again over the fire; and when it has boiled, and is grown lukewarm again, repeat the stirring in of the silk ; then hang it upon a wooden pin fastened in a post, and wring and beat it w ith a stick ; after this, rinse the dyed silk in hot lye, wherein, to one pound of silk, dissolve half an ounce of Newcastle soap ; afterwards rinse it in cold water. Hang the skeins of silk on a wooden pin, put- ting a little handstick to the bottom part, and thus hav- ing worked it, wring it and beat it round, and hang it to dry. Another method of dyeing Silk a Crimson Red . — Take of good Roman alum, powdered, half an ounce ; tartar, powdered, one ounce ; sulphuric acid a quarter of an ounce ; put them into a pewter kettle, and pour as much w ater on them as is sufficient for half an ounce of the silk you purpose dyeing ; when it is ready to boil, put in the silk, which before you must boil in bran ; boil it for an hour, or more ; then wring it out, and put to the liquor half an ounce of cochineal, finely powder- ed, and sixty drops of sulphuric acid ; when ready to boil, put in the silk again, and let it soak for four hours ; then take clean water, drop into it a little of this acid ; rinse therein the silk ; take it out again, and dry it on sticks in the shade. This will be a high colour : but if you would have it of a deep crimson, take, instead of sulphuric acid, pure water of ammonia, to rinse your silk in. General Observations in dyeing Crimson, Scarlet, or Purple.— 1st. Your boiler or kettle must be of good pewter, quite clean, and free from any soil or grease. 2d. The prepared tartar must be put in when the water is lukewarm. 3d. If you intend to dye woollen or worst- ed yarn, you may put it in the first boiling, and let it boil for two hours. 4th. When boiled, take it out, rinse it, clean the kettle, and put in the water for the second boiling. 3th. This second boiling is performed in the same manner as the first ; then put in cochineal, finely powdered ; when it boils, stir it well about.. 6th. Now the silk, which before has been w ashed and cleans- ed in the first lye, is to be put in, on a winch, which is continually turned about, in order to prevent the colours from fixing in clouds. 7th. When the colour is to your mind, take it out ; rinse it clean, and hang it up in a room, or a shady place, where it may be free from dust. 8th. When the acid is put into the second boiling, it causes a coarse froth to swim at top, which you must carefully take off. Of Scarlet Dyeing. Scarlet dyeing, in general, is a distinct and separate branch of trade, the materials being of that delicate kind as easily to be injured by any accidental admixture of other colours, and part of the apparatus being some- what different from common dyeing. The boiler, in which the cochineal bath is made, is generally of tin or strongly tinned copper ; because a solution of tin is the mordant employed in the process, and therefore no mis- chief can arise from its being in contact with the same metal. The w'ater made use of must be soft and pure, hard water having a tendency to produce a rose-colour, which, however, is corrected by boiling bran or starch in it. The infusion of cochineal is naturally of a fine crimson, and with a mordant it fixes on woollen and silk with great firmness, but weakly and with consider- able difficulty on linen and cotton. Alum was the first employed to fix the colour of cochineal on wool. It does sensibly alter the natural tint, and it gives a deep and durable crimson. It will even restore the crimson to cloth dyed scarlet by the compound tin mordant. The effect of tin in heightening the colour of cochineal w'as discovered by a German chemist, named Kuster, who was settled at Bow ; in the vicinity of London, about the year 1 543, and on this account scarlet is called the Bow-dye in this country. Woollen cloth is usually dyed scarlet in two opera- tions, though a single one will suffice, but in general it is less convenient. To dye 100 lbs. of zeool or woollen cloth Scarlet. — Take 8 or 10 pounds of tartar, put tffem into the boiler with a sufficient quantity of soft w^ter, and six or eight ounces of cochineal. Afterwards 10 or 12 pounds of the nitro-muriate of tin are to be added, and when the mixture is ready to boil, the cloth, previously wet- ted, is put into the dyeing liquor, turned through it by a w inch for an hour and a half, the liquor being kept boiling the whole time. The cloth is then taken out and rinsed, and is found by this first process to have ac- 4 C quired 282 DYEING. quired a flesh colour. The boiler is now emptied, and again filled with fresh water, and when nearly boiling, from five to six pounds of cochineal are thrown in, and well stirred ; after which ten pounds more of the solu- tion of tin are added, and the cloth is then put in, and turned through the boiling liquor, at first briskly, and then slowly for. half an hour. It is then washed and dried in the usual manner. The proportion of cochineal to dye a full scarlet, is an ounce to a pound of cloth ; hence, from the high price of this article, the cochineal dye is one of the most expensive of all the processes in the whole art of dyeing. When a bright flame-coloured scarlet is wanted, a little yellow fustic is added to the first bath, or else some turmeric is added to the cochineal in the second. The ease with which alkaline and earthy salts coun- teract the yellow part of these colours, causes the scar- let cloth to be changed more or less to a rose or crim- son by fulling. If the scarlet, when finished, has too much of an orange tint, this may be corrected by after- wards boiling the cloth in a hard water, or one that contains an earthy salt. After the full scarlet has been given to the cloth, the liquor still retains part of the co- chineal, with a large portion of the mordant, and this is used for the lighter dyes ; or, with the addition of fustic, madder, and other ingredients, it is employed for a vast variety of mixed, or, as they are called, degraded reds, orange, &c. To dye a pound of wool Scarlet . — Boil it in a tin vessel, with something less than a quart of water : three drams of tartar, and an ounce and a half of cochineal : when the ebullition begins, add an ounce and a half of tin, and the whole to be boiled a quarter of an hour ; the vessel is then taken from the fire, and the solution poured into a large caldron of boiling water, at the instant the cloth is immersed in it. Dr. Bancroft recommends a method of dyeing scarlet in which a much smaller portion of cochineal produces an equal effect. He imagined scarlet, from his experi- ments, to be a compound colour, caused by about three-fourths of crimson or rose colour, and one-fourth of pure bright yellow. Hence he infers, that when the natural crimson of the cochineal is made scarlet by the usual process, a fourth of the colouring matter of the cochineal must be changed from its natural crimson to a yellow colour, by the action of the solution of tin. On this account, he introduced a bright yellow dye into the bath with the cochineal, and reduced the quantity of this more expensive ingredient. He found that a mixture of two pounds of sulphuric acid with three pounds of mu- riatic acid poured on fourteen ounces of granulated tin, with exposure to heat, produced a solution of tin, that had twice the effect of the common nitro-muriatic solu- tion, at less than one-third of the expense, and which raised the colours more, without producing a yellow shade. For the yellow dye this excellent chemist used quercitron bark. The Dutch manner of dyeing Scarlet . — Boil the cloth in water, with alum, tartar, rock salt, nitric acid, and pea flowers, in a pew ter kettle ; then put into the same kettle, starch, tartar, and cochineal, finely pow- dered, stirring or turning the cloth well about ; thus you may, by adding more or less cochineal, raise the colour to what height you please. General Observations for dyeing Cloth of a Red or Scarlet colour . — 1st. The cloth must be well soaked in a lye made of alum and tartar ; this is commonly done with tw'o parts of alum and one part of tartar. 2d. For strengthening the red colour, prepare a w ater of bran or starch : bran water is thus prepared ; take five or six quarts of wheaten bran; boil it over a slow fire in rain- water for a quarter of an hour, and then put it, with some cold water, into a small vessel, mixing it up with a handful of leaven (the sourer it is made the better) ; this causes the water to be soft, and the cloth to become mellow : it is commonly used in the firSt boiling, and mixed with the alum water. 3d. Agaric, is an ingre- dient used in dyeing of reds, but few dyers can give any reason for its virtue : as it is of a dry and spongy nature, it may reasonably be supposed, that it contracts the greasiness which may happen to be in the dye. 4th. Arsenic is a very dangerous ingredient ; nitric or muria- tic acid may supply its place as well. 5th. Scarlet is a variety of crimson colour : the nitric acid is the chief ingredient in the change ; this may be tried in a wine glass, wherein a deep crimson colour is put : by adding drops of nitric acid to it, it w ill change into a scarlet. 6th. Observe that you always take one part of tartar to two parts of alum ; most dyers prefer the white to the red tartar ; but, however, in crimson colours, and others that turn upon the brown, the red tartar is chosen by many as preferable to the white. To prepare the Cloth for dyeing of Scarlet. — First, take, to one pound of cloth, one part of bran water and two parts of river water ; put into it two ounces of alum and one ounce of tartar ; when it boils and froths, skim it, and put in the cloth ; turn it therein for an hour; then take it out and rinse it. To dye Cloth of a common Red. — Take, to tw'enty yards of cloth, three pounds of alum, one pound and a half of tartar, and one-third of a pound of chalk ; puf them into a kettle with water, and boil them ; take six pounds of good madder, and a wine-glassful of vinegar; let them be warmed together ; put in the cloth, and turn it round upon the winch till you observe it red enough ; then rinse it out, and it will be of a fine reds Another method. — Take four pounds of alum, two pounds of tartar, four ounces of white lead, and half a bushel of wheaten bran ; put these ingredients, together with the cloth, into a kettle ; let it boil for an hour and a half, and leave it to soak all night ; then rinse it, and take, for the dye, one pound of good madder, tw r o ounces of Orleans yellow, one ounce and a half of tur- meric, and two ounces of nitric acid : boil them : turn the cloth with a winch for three quarters of an hour, and it will be a good red. To dye a Crimson with Archil. — Put clean water into the kettle, and to each pound of silk take twelve ounces DYEING. ounces of archil; in this turn your silk, and wring it out ; then dissolve, to each pound of silk, a quarter of a pound of alum, and as much white arsenic ; in this liquor put the silk all night to soak, then wring it out; this done, take to each pound of silk two ounces of cochineal, two ounces of galls, two ounces of gum, with a little turmeric : in this boil the silk for two hours ; let it soak all night, and in the morning rinse it out. To dye Worsted, Stuff, or Yarn of a Crimson Co- lour.— Take, to each pound of worsted, two ounces of alum, two ounces of white tarter, two ounces of nitrous acid, half an ounce of pew ter, quarter of a pound of madder, and a quarter of a pound of logwood ; put them together in fair water, boiling the worsted therein for a considerable time : then take it out, and w hen cool rinse it in clean water ; then boil it again, and put to j each pound of worsted a quarter of a pound of log- wood. Another Method. — Take, to eight pounds of worst- | ed, six gallons of water, and eight handfuls of wheaten | bran, let them stand all night to settle ; in the morning pour it clear off and filter it ; take thereof half the quantity, adding as much clear water to it ; boil it up, and put into it one pound of alum, and half a pound of tartar ; then put in the worsted, and let it boil for two hours, stirring it up and down all the while it is ' boiling with a stick. Then boil the other half part of your bran water, mixing it with the same quantity of fair water as before ; when it boils, put into it four ounces of cochineal, two ounces of finely powdered tartar; stir it well about, and when it has boiled for a little while, put in your stuffs : keep stirring it from one end of the kettle to the other with a stick, or turn it on a winch till you see the colour is to your mind ; then take it out of the kettle, let it cool, and rinse it in fair water. Another for Silk. — Take, to each pound of silk, a ' quarter of a pound of powdered Brasil wood; boil it ' up, and strain it through a sieve into a tub, and pour I water to it till it is just warm : in this, turn your silk, [ which before has been prepared as has been directed ; and when all the strength is drawrn out, rinse, wring, | and dry it. Crimson may be produced either by dyeing the wool this colour at once, or by first dyeing scarlet and i then changing the shade to that required. To dye j crimson by a single process, somewhat different from that which has been described : a solution of two ounces and a half of alum, and an ounce and a half of tartar are employed for every pound of stuff, for each of which an ounce of cochineal is afterwards used in dyeing. A solution of tin may be employed, but in smaller proportions than for the dyeing of scarlet. To render the crimson deeper, and give it more bloom, archil, as we have seen, and potash are frequently used, but this bloom is extremely fugacious. Scarlet gives a crimson by means of alkalies, alum, and earthy salts. Crimson is the natural colour of the cochineal, and to produce it from a stuff dyed scarlet the stuff is boiled an 2&3 hour in the solution of alum, the strength of which is to be regulated by the depth of the shade required. To dye a fine Carnation. — Take, to each pound of silk, after it is rinsed and dried, four pounds of saf- flower : put the safflower in a bag, and wash it in clean water till the water comes clear from it; then take the safflower out of the bag, press it between your hands, and rub it asunder in a clean tub; take to each pound of silk four ounces of potash ; work it well to- gether with the safflower; divide it into two parts; pour one part thereof into a close sack, that will keep the pot-ash from coming out, otherwise it will make the silk speckled; pour clear water over to draw the strength out of the safflower ; then take, to each pound of silk, a quarter of a pint of lemon juice, di- vide that also into two parts, and put each to the two quantities of safflower ; hang your silk well dried on clean sticks, and dip it in the first part of the liquor continually for an hour; then wring it well out and hang it again on sticks : having prepared the other part of the safflower as you did the first, dip it therein as before for the space of an hour ; then wring it well and hang it up to dry in the shade, and you will have a fine colour. A Carnation for Woollen. — Take four ounces of ceruss, three ounces and a half of arsenic, one pound of burnt tartar, one pound of alum; boil your stuffs with these ingredients for two hours; then take them out and hang them up ; the next morning make a dye of tw'o pounds of good madder, two ounces of turmeric, and three ounces of aqua-fortis. To dye a Carnation on Silk or Cotton. — Take three pounds of alum, three ounces of arsenic, and four ounces of ceruss ; boil your silk or cotton therein for an hour; then take it out and rinse it in fair water; after which make a lye of eight pounds of madder, and two ounces of muriate of ammonia ; soak the silk or cotton therein all night; boil it a little in fair water, and put into it one ounce of pot-ash ; then pour in some of the lye, and every time you pour the colour will grow the deeper, so that you may bring it to what degree you please. Another Method. — Take, to one pound of silk, cotton, or yarn, one ounce of tartar, and half an ounce of white starch, boil them together in fair water ; then put in one quarter of an ounce of cochineal, a quarter of an ounce oi starch, and a quarter of an ounce of pewter dissolved in half an ounce of aqua-fortis, and mixed with fair water ; when the water with the starch and tartar has boiled for some time, supply it with the cochineal and the above aqua-fortis; put in your silk or whatever you have a mind to dye, and you will have it of a fine colour. Another Method. — Take one ounce of tartar ; starch and lemon juice, of each half an ounce ; cream of tar- tar a quarter of an ounce ; boil them together in fair water, adding a quarter of an ounce of turmeric : put in half an ounce of cochineal, and, a little while after, one ounce of aqua-fortis, in which you have dissolved a quarter of an ounce of pewter, then put in your silk. Method 284 DYEING. Method of dyeing Broad Cloth of a Carnation colour. — Take liquor of wheaten bran, three pounds of alum, tartar two or three ounces ; boil them, and then immerse in it twenty yards of broad cloth : after it has boiled three hours, cool and wash it ; take fresh clear bran liquor in sufficient quantity, and five pounds of madder, boil as usual. Of dyeing blue. — Blue may be dyed by woad alone, which would give a permanent, but not a deep blue ; but if indigo be mixed with it a very rich colour will be obtained. The following is a method : Of preparing a blue Vat. — Into a vat about seven feet and a half deep, and five and a half broad are to be thrown about 400 lbs. of woad broken in pieces. Thirty pounds of weld are boiled in a copper about three hours, in a sufficient quantity to fill the vat ; when this decoction is made, twenty pounds of madder and some bran are to be added, and it is then to be boiled half an hour longer. This bath is to be cooled with twenty buckets of water ; and after it is settled, the weld is to be taken out, and it is to be poured into the vat: all the time it is running into the vat, and for a quarter of an hour longer, it is to be stirred with a rake. The vat is then covered up very hot and left to stand six hours, when it is raked again for half an hour, and this opera- tion is repeated every three hours. When blue veins appear on the surface of the vat, eight or nine pounds of quick-lime are thrown in : at the same time, or im- mediately after, the indigo is put into the vat, being first ground fine in a mill with the least possible quantity of water. When diluted to the consistence of thick pap, it is drawn off at the lower part of the mill, and thrown into the vat. The quantity of indigo depends on the shade of colour required. A vat which contains no woad is called an indigo vat. The vessel used for this preparation is of copper, into which is poured w'ater, in the proportion of 120 gallons of this, six pounds of potash, twelve ounces of madder and six pounds of bran have been boiled : six pounds of indigo ground in water are then put in, and after carefully raking it the vat is covered, and a slow fire kept round it. Twelve hours after it is filled, it is to be raked a second time, which is to be repeated at similar intervals of time, till it comes to a blue, which will generally happen in forty- eight hours: if the bath be well managed it will be of a fine green covered with coppery scales, and a fine blue scum. In this vat the indigo is rendered soluble in the water by the alkali instead of the lime. A second method for preparing a blue Vat.— Heat soft water in a kettle ; put into it four or five handfuls of wheaten bran, together with four pounds of potash ; when that is dissolved, boil it for an hour and add four pounds of madder ; with this boil it for an hour longer, then pour the water into the vat ; do not fill it by the height of a foot, and cover your vat ; then set it with indigo and woad, of each six pounds, and two pounds of potash ; put this into a small kettle in warm water, set it on a slow fire and let it boil gently for half an hour, stirring it all the while ; then pour that to the other liquors already in the vat. To set a vat with indigo only, you must boil the first lye with potash, four or five handfuls of bran, and half or three quarters of a pound of madder ; this boil a quarter of an hour, and when settled it will be fit for use. Then grind your | indigo in a bowl with an iron smooth ball very fine, i pouring on some of the lye and mixing it together : when settled, pour the clear into the blue vat ; and, on the sediment of the indigo, pour again some of the lye; this you should repeat till you see the blue tincture is extracted clearly from it. It is to be observed, that the madder must be but sparingly used, for it only alters the colour and makes it of a violet blue, which, if you design to have, cochineal is the fitter for. The mixed colours in blue are the following: dark blue, deep blue, high blue, sky blue, pale blue, dead blue, and whitish blue. By mixing of blue and crimson, purple, co- lumbine, amaranth, and violet colours are produced ; and from those mixtures may also be drawn the pearl, silver, gridlin, &c. colours. From a middling blue and crim- son are produced the following colours, viz. the pansy, brown grey, and deep brown. Care must be taken that in setting the blue vat you do not overboil the lye, by which the colour becomes muddy and changeable; be also sparing of the potash, for too much gives the blue a greenish and false hue. Directions for setting another Blue Vat; with ob- servations upon the management, both for Silk and W orsted. — Take half a bushel of clean beech ashes, well sifted ; of this make a lye with three pails of river or rain water ; pour it into a tub, and put in two handfuls of wheaten bran, two ounces of madder, two ounces of white tartar finely powdered, one pound of potash, half a pound of indigo, pounded ; stir it all w'ell toge- ther once every twelve hours, for fourteen days suc- cessively ; when the liquid appears green on the fingers it is fit for dyeing ; stir it every morning, and when done cover it. When you are going to dye silk, first wash the silk in a fresh warm lye; wring it out, and dip it into the vat. You may dye it of what shade you please, by holding it longer or shorter in the dye. When the colour is to your mind, wring the silk ; and having another tub ready at hand with a clear lye, rinse your silk ; . then wash and beat it in fair water, and hang it up to dry. When the vat is wasted, fill it with the lye ; but if it grows too weak, supply it with half a pound of potash, half a pound of madder, one handful of wheaten bran, and half a handful of white tartar ; let it stand for eight days, stirring it every tw'elve hours, and it w'ill be again fit for use. Another Method for Woollen. — Fill a kettle with w’ater, boil it up, and put potash into it ; after it has boiled with that a little, put in two or three handfuls of bran; let it boil for a quarter of an hour and then cover it ; take it off the fire, and let it settle. Pound indigo as fine as flour ; then pour the above lye to it, stir and let it settle, and pour the clear lye into the vat ; then pour more lye to the sediment, stir it, and when settled, pour that into the vat also ; repeat this till the indigo DYEING. 285 indigo is wasted. Or, take to a quarter of a pound of indigo half a pound of potash, a quarter of a pound of madder, three handfuls of borax ; let them boil for half an hour, and then settle ; with this lye grind your indigo in a copper bowl ; put this in an old vat of indigo, or on a new one of woad, and it will make it fit for use in twenty-four hours. Hellot describes two vats, in which the indigo is dissolved by means of urine. Madder is added to them ; in the one vinegar is put, in the other alum and tartar, of each an equal weight to the indigo. It is probable the indigo is dissolved in them by the ammo- nia formed in the urine. To dye Saxon blue. — Take four parts of sulphuric acid and pour them on one part of indigo, in fine pow- der : let the mixture be stirred some time, and having stood twenty-four hours, one part of dry potash in fine powder is added : the whole is to be again well stirred, and having stood a day and night, more or less water is added gradually. This colour derives its name from having been discovered at Grossenhayn, in Saxony, by the chemist Barth. To dye cloth with it, it must be prepared with alum and tartar : a greater or less pro- portion of indigo is put into the bath, according as the shade required is deep or light : for deep shades the stuff must be passed several times through the bath : lighter shades may be dyed after the deep ones, but they have more lustre when dyed in a fresh bath. According to Chaptal, when wool is to be dyed in a blue vat, the operator fixes to the sides of the vat iron or copper hoops, which are fastened with cords to the hooks on the sides of the vat ; the inner sides of these hoops are furnished with a net, and when wool is to be dyed, he puts above it another net thicker than the former. These preparations are necessary to prevent the cloth coming into contact with, or disturbing the deposition at the bottom of the vat. When the cal- dron is thus furnished, the stuff previously wrung out of tepid w'ater is put into it, and kept a longer or shorter time according to the degree of strength that is to be imparted to the colour. When taken out it is wrung above the copper and exposed to the air. The green colour which it has imbibed in the bath is instantly changed by the action of the atmosphere. In dyeing Saxon blue according to this chemist, a mordant is used of three ounces and three quarters of alum and two ounces and a quarter of cream of tartar to one pound and a quarter of cloth. After being boiled in this composition an hour, the stuff is left in it about twenty-four hours longer. The colour bath is pre- pared by pouring into boiling water an ounce, or rather less, of the solution of indigo in sulphuric acid to one pound and a quarter of cloth, which is boiled in it twenty or thirty minutes, and after being taken out it is carefully washed. Dark blues cannot be produced in the indigo vat : to obtain the Tuvkish blue, which is the deepest of all, it is necessary to immerse the silks in a very strong warm bath of savory before putting it into the vat. Royal Blue is also very deep and permanent, and to obtain this, cochineal is employed instead of savory. This last blue may be imitated by immersing the silk in a solu- tion of one ounce and a half of verdigris to one pound and a quarter of silk ; the silk is afterwards disposed in a bath of Indian wood, in which it assumes a blue co- lour, which is fixed by passing it through the vat. Silks to be dyed blue are usually boiled in a bath composed of 44 lbs. of soap to about 110 lbs. of silk; it is care- fully washed, after which it is made into skeins and plunged into the vat till it has acquired the desired shade. Yellow is usually imparted to woollen substances by a decoction of woad, but as this plant yields its colouring principle with difficulty, alkalies are employed to assist in its extraction. Alkalies are chiefly used for this purpose in the dyeing of linen or cotton, and their place must be supplied by salt, sal-ammoniac, and alum, when wood is to be applied to animal substances which are dissolved in alkalies. Lime is sometimes used to heighten yellow colours. A good yellow of different tints may be procured by boiling woad with marine salt, lime, or alum : the salt produces the deepest shade : alum renders the colour brighter, am- monia imparts a greenish hue to the bath, tartar gives a very pale shade, and copperas changes it to a brown. To dye Silk yellow. — Silks intended for a yellow colour are boiled in the proportion of about one pound of soap to five pounds of silk; they are afterwards washed, alumed, and exposed on rods. The yellow bath is prepared by boiling two pounds and a quarter of woad to the pound of silk about a quarter of an hour. This bath is strained through a sieve, and cooled till the hand can be kept in it, before the silk is immersed in the vat. A golden hue may be imparted to yellow by means of annotta. To dye Silk of a poppy colour. — The most beau- tiful red imparted to silk is that termed poppy: this colour is procured by precipitating on stuff, bastard saf- fron held in a solution of potash. With this view, when the silk is washed and put on rods, citric juice is poured into the bath till it acquires a cherry colour. It is then well stirred, and the silk repeatedly let down into it till it has acquired a sufficient colour. To pro- duce a full poppy colour the silk is wrung on coming out of the first bath, which it exhausts, and is then put into the second. Five or six baths are requisite to impart to it a flame colour. The poppy colour is heightened by putting the silk through tepid water aci- dulated with lemon-juice. Annotta, three or four shades paler than aurora is requisite for silks, before exposing them to the colouring principle of bastard saffron. The poppy colour communicated by this last dye may be imitated by Brazil wood. To dye Silk of a straw yellow. — Take alum and rinse your silk well as before directed, then boil to each pound of silk one pound of fustic, and let them stand for a quarter of an hour : put into a tub large enough for the quantity of the silk, a sufficient quantity 4 W of 286 DYEING. of that lye and fair water ; in this rinse the silk ; fill the kettle again with water and let it boil for an hour, and having wrung the silk out of the first liquor, and hung it on sticks, prepare a stronger lye than the first ; in this dip your silk till the colour wished for is ob- tained. Another Method. — Put into a clean kettle, to each pound of silk, two pounds of fustic, let it boil for an hour, then put in six ounces of gall ; let them boil to- gether half an hour longer. The silk, being alumed and rinsed, is turned about in this colour ; then take it out of the kettle and wring it; dip it in potash lye and wring it out again ; theu put it into the kettle, let it soak a whole night, and in the morning rinse, beat it out, and hang it up to dry. To dye Yarn of a Yellow Colour. — In a kettle of strong lye put a bundle of woad and let it boil, then pour off the lye, and take, to one pound and a half of yarn, half an ounce of verdigris, and half an ounce of alum; put it into a quart of brown Brasil wood liquor boiled with lye, stir it well together, and pour it in and mix it with the woad lye ; in this soak your yarn over night, and it will be of a good yellow. To dye Silk an Orange Colour. — After you have cleaned your kettle well, fill it with clean rain water, and take to each pound of silk four ounces of potash, and four ounces of Orleans yellow, sift it through a sieve into the kettle ; when it is well melted, and you have taken care not to let any of the ingredients stick about the kettle, put in your silk, which before you have prepared and alumed as has been directed, turn it round on the winch and let it boil up ; then take and wring it out, beat it, and rinse it ; next prepare an- other kettle, and take to each pound of silk twelve ounces of gall-nuts ; let the gall-nuts boil for two hours, then cool it for the same space of time, after which put in the silk for three or four hours, wring it out, rinse, beat, and dry it. Another Orange Colour. — Soak the white silk in alum water as you do in dyeing of yellow : take two ounces of Orleans yellow, put it over night in water, together with one ounce of potash : boil it up, add to it, after it has boiled half an hour, one ounce of pow- dered turmeric ; stir it with a stick, and after a little while put your alumed silk into it for two or three hours, according to what height you would have your colour, rinse it out in soap-suds till it looks clear, after- wards clear it in fair water, and dress it according to art. A fine Brimstone Yellow for Worsted. — Take three pounds of alum, one pound of tartar, and three ounces of salt; boil the doth with these materials for one hour ; pour off that water, and pour fresh into the kettle; make a strong bath of weld ; let it boil, then turn the cloth twice or thrice quickly upon the winch, and it will have a fine brimstone colour. A Lemon Colour. — Take three pounds of alum, three ounces of ceruss, and three ounces of arsenic ; with these ingredients boil the cloth for an hour and a half ; pour off that water, and make a lye of sixteen pounds of yellow flowers, and three ounces of turmeric ; then draw or winch your cloth through quickly, and you will have it of a fine lemon colour. To dye an Olive Colour. — To dye this colour, ob- serve the first directions for dyeing a brimstone colour ; then make a lye of gall-nuts and vitriol, but not too strong ; draw your stuff quickly through, three or four times, according as you would have it, either deeper or lighter. To dye a Gold Colour. — Having first dyed your silk, worsted, cotton, or linen, of a yellow colour, take, to each pound of the commodity, one ounce of yellow chips, and of potash a drachm ; boil for half an hour ; then put in your silk, and turn it till the colour required is produced. Weld is considered by most dyers as the yellow which unites beauty with durability in the highest de- gree. To dye wool or woollen cloth Yellow. — The wool is first cleansed, and then passed through a bath of about 4 parts alum, and 1 of tartar, to every 16 parts of wool. It is then dyed in the weld bath, for which from 3 to 4 parts of weld are used to one part of wool. A golden yellow, with more or less orange, is given *by a weak madder after the welding. Silk is dyed of a golden yellow generally with weld alone. The stuff is first boiled in soap water, alumed and washed, then passed twice through a weld bath in which, the second time, some alkali is dissolved, which gives a rich golden hue to the natural yellow of the plant. A small quan- tity of annotta still further deepens the colour. The so- lutions of tin apply well to silk, and with weld give it a bright clear yellow. To dye cotton Yellow. — It is first cleansed with wood-ashes and water, rinsed, alumed, and dried, and then passed through a yellow bath, in which the weld at least equals the cotton in weight. When the colour is sufficiently taken, the cotton is thrown into a bath of sulphate of copper and water, and kept there for an hour, after which it is boiled in a solution of white soap, and finally washed and dried. If a deeper jonquil yellow be required, the aluming is omitted, and instead, a little verdegris is added to the weld bath, and the cotton finished with soda. In giving the lively greenish lemon yellow, weld is preferred to all other materials. Wool may be dyed a fast yellow colour with querci- tron, by being first cleansed, and then boiled for an hour with one-sixth of its weight of alum in water ; then without rincing, transferred into the vessel containing a decoction of as much quercitron bark as there was used of alum, and turned through the boiling liquor over the winch till the colour appears to have taken. Chalk or alkali is of great service in yellow-dyeing, whether with weld, quercitron, or any other colour, when the mordant is alum, as this addition helps to bring out and heighten the dye. The salts of tin, being powerful mordants for almost every DYEING. 287 every colouring matter, may be employed with advan- tage in dyeing yellow of the finest colours. Dr. Ban- croft recommends the murio-sulphate of tin, of which lOlbs. with as much quercitron bark, are sufficient to give the highest orange yellow to lOOlbs. of cloth. The process is as follows : First, tie up the bark in a bag and put it into the boil- er, and when boiled in water a few minutes, let the tin solution be added, and the mixture well stirred ; the cloth, previously scoured and wetted, is passed briskly through the liquor over a winch for about a quarter of an hour. Of Blacks. — The black commonly given to all kinds of stuff, is that which is produced by some vege- table astringent, particularly galls, with the salts of iron, but many circumstances must be attended to, in order to produce a full and good colour. Wool takes this kind of black with much more ease than linen or cotton. Hellot’s process is as follows : For every 50lbs. of cloth take 8lbs. of logwood, and as much galls, both bruised or powdered, tie them loosely in a bag, and boil in a moderate sized copper for about twelve hours with sufficient water. Put one-third of this decoction, with a pound of verdigris, into another copper, and soak the cloth in it for two hours, keeping the liquor scalding hot, but not boiling. Take out the cloth, add to the same copper another third of the first decoction, with 4lbs. of vitriol or sulphate of iron, and bring it again to a scalding heat, and soak the cloth in it for an hour, stirring it well all the time. Then take out the cloth, and add the remaining third of the decoc- tion with 8 or lOlbs. of sumach, boil the whole, lower the heat with a little cold water, add a pound more of vitriol, and return the cloth for an hour longer. The cloth'is then washed and aired, and returned to the bath again for an hour, after which it is well washed in run- ning water and fulled. It is, lastly, passed through a yellow bath of weld for a short time, to give a higher gloss and softness to the black. The common blacks, however, are given in a much simpler manner, the stuff, previously dyed blue, being first soaked in a bath of galls and boiled for two hours, and then passed through another bath of logwood and vitriol at a scalding heat, after which it is washed and fulled. To dye Woollen Stuffs of a Black colour . — Fine cloths, and such stuffs as will bear the price, must be first dyed of a deep blue, in a fresh vat of pure indigo ; after which, boil the stuffs in alum and tartar ; then dye in madder ; and, lastly, with galls of Aleppo, sulphate of iron, and sumach, dye it black. To prevent the colour soiling when the cloths are made up, they must, before they are sent to the dye-house, be well scoured in a scouring mill. Middling stuffs, after they have been prepared by scouring, and drawn through a blue vat, are dyed black with gall-nuts and vitriol. For or- dinary wool, or woollen stuffs, take of walnut-tree branches and shells, a sufficient quantity ; with this boil your stuff to a brown colour, then draw it through the black dye, made with the bark of elder, iron or copper filings, and Indian wood. To dye Linen of a Black colour. — Take filings of iron, wash them, and add to them the bark of elder- tree : boil them up together, and dip your linen therein. To dye Woollen of a good Black. — 1st. Take two pounds of gall-nuts, two pounds of the bark of elder- tree, one pound and a half of yellow chips, boil them for three hours ; then put in youi stuff, turn it well with the winch, and when you perceive it black enough, take it out and cool it. 2. Take one ounce and a half of muriate of ammonia, with this boil your stuff gently for an hour long, turning it all the while with the winch ; then take it out again and let it cool. 3. Take two pounds and a half of vitriol, a quarter of a pound of su- mach ; boil your stuff therein for an hour ; then cool and rinse it, and it will be of a good black. Another Black colour for Woollen. — For the first boiling, take two pounds of gall-nuts, half a pound of Brazil wood, two pounds and a half of madder ; boil your cloth with these ingredients for three hours, then take it out to cool ; for the second boiling, take one ouuce and a half of sal ammoniac ; and for the third, two ounces and a half of vitriol, three quarters of a pound of Brazil, and a quarter of a pound of tallow. Another Black colour for Plush. — Put the follow- ing ingredients into a large vessel ; viz. eight pounds of elder bark, eight pounds of sumach, twelve pounds of oaken chips, nine pounds of sulphate of iron, two pounds of wild marjoram, six pounds of tile-dust, some waste of a grindstone, six pounds of walnut leaves, half a pound of burnt tartar, two pounds of salt, four pounds of woad ; on these pour boiling water till your vessel is full : your plush, after it is well boiled and cleansed, must be well galled, by boiling it in one pound and a half of sumach, eight ounces of madder, two ounces and a half of burnt nitre, half an ounce of muriate of am- monia, one ounce and a half of sulphate of iron, half an ounce of burnt tartar ; then take it out, and let it dry, without rinsing it. Then fill the kettle with the above liquor, and boil and dye your plush in the manner as you do other stuffs, turning it round with the winch. When the colour is to your mind, take out the plush, let it cool, and rinse and hang it up to dry. To dye Silk of a good Black. — In a kettle contain- ing six pails of water, put two pounds of beaten gall- nuts, four pounds of sumach, a quarter of a pound of madder, half a pound of antimony finely powdered, four ox galls, four ounces of gum tragacanth dissolved in fair water, fine beaten elder bark two ounces, and one ounce and a half of iron file-dust ; put these ingredients into the water, and let them boil for two hours ; then fill it up with a pailful of barley-water, and let it boil for an hour longer ; put in your silk, and boil it for half an hour slowly : then take it out and rinse it in a tub, with clean water, and pour that again into the kettle ; the silk you rinse quite clean in a running water, then hang it up, and when it is dry, put it in the copper again ; boil it slowly for half an hour, as before j then rinse it 288 DYEING. in a tub, and again in rain water ; when dry, take good lye, put into it two ounces of potash, and when they are dissolved, rinse the silk therein quickly, then in running water ; this done, hang it to dry, and order it as you do other coloured silks. This colour will also dye all sorts of manufactured woollen stuffs. To give the black silk a fine gloss, you must, before the last dipping, put in, for each pound, one ounce of isinglass dissolved in water. Of Green. Having given an account of some pro- cesses for dyeing the simple colours, red, blue, yellow, and black, we may touch on those that are compound, so called as being produced in dyeing by mixtures of the simple colours, though in certain cases substances are found which produce compound colours w ithout any ad- dition. To dye woollen green, either a blue or a yellow dye may be first given to it, but the first is generally used, because the yellow dye of the stuff would injure the blue bath. The intensity of the blue must ever be propor- tioned to the shade of green required. When the blue dye is given, the yellow is communicated by some of the processes already described. The cloth having the pro- per ground, is washed at the fulling mill, and boiled as for the common process of welding, but when the shade is to be light, the proportion of salts should be less. In this case, the quantity of weld used should also be less, but for all other shades it should be greater than for dyeing simple yellow. Saxon greens are obtained from sulphate of indigo. From six to eight pounds of quercitron bark, enclosed in a bag, should be put into the bath for every hundred pounds of cloth, with only a small proportion of water, just as it begins to grow warm. When the water boils, six pounds of murio-sulphate of tin should be put in, and in a few minutes after, about four pounds of alum ; these having boiled five or six minutes, cold water should be added, and the fire diminished, so as to bring down the heat of the liquor nearly to what the hand is just able to bear : after this, as much sulphate of indigo is to be added as will suffice to produce the shade of green required, taking care to mix it thoroughly with the bath. The cloth having been previously scoured and moistened, should then be expeditiously put into the liquor, and turned very briskly through it for a quarter of an hour, that the colour may apply itself evenly in every part. By this method beautiful greens may be dyed in half an hour. A fine Green for dyeing Silk. — Take, to one pound of silk, a quarter of a pound of alum and two ounces of white tartar ; put them together in hot water to dissolve, then put in your silk, and let it soak all night ; take it out the next morning, and hang it up to dry ; then take one pound of fustic, and boil it in four gallons of water for an hour ; take out the fustic, fling it away, and put into the kettle half an ounce of fine beaten verdigris ; stir it about for a quarter of an hour, draw it off into a tub, and let it cool; then put into that colour an ounce of potash ; stir it together with a stick ; dip into it your silk, till you think it yellow enough ; rinse it in fair wa- ter, and hang it up to dry, then dip it in the blue vat, till you think it enough; rinse it again, and beat it over the pin, and hang it up to dry : thus you may change the shades of your green, by dipping either more or less in the blue or yellow. For the green, take, to one pound of silk, three ounces of verdigris beaten to a fine powder, infuse it in a pint of wine vinegar for a night, then put it on the fire ; when hot, stir it with a stick] and keep it from boiling ; in this put your silk two or three hours, or if you would have it of a light colour, let it soak but for half an hour ; then take scalding hot water, and in a trough, with soap, beat and work up a clear lather; in this rinse your silk, then hang it up to dry ; rinse it again in river water, beat it well, and when it is well cleaned and dried, dress it. To dye Linen of a Green colour. — Soak your linen overnight in strong alum water, then take it out and dry it : take woad, boil it for an hour ; take out the woad, and put in one ounce of powdered verdigris, according to the quantity you have to dye ; stir it together briskly, with the linen ; then put in a piece of potash the size of an hen’s egg, and you will have your linen of a yellow colour, which, when dried a little, and put into a blue vat, will turn green. Cotton and linen are, in another process, scoured in the usual way, and then first dyed blue : after being cleaned, they are dipped in the weld bath to produce a green colour. As it is difficult to give cotton velvet an uniform colour in the blue vat, it is first dyed yellow with turmeric, and the process completed by giving it a green by sulphate of indigo. The different shades of olive, &c. are given to cotton thread, after it has received a blue ground by galling it, dipping it in a weaker or stronger bath of iron liquor, then in the weld bath, and afterwards in the bath with sulphate of copper ; the colour is, lastly, brightened with soap. Yellow colours are rendered more intense by means of alkalies, sulphate of lime, and ammoniacal salts, but they become fainter by means of acids, and solutions of tin and alum. To dye a Grey colour. — Grey is a middle colour, between black and white, which, beginning with a white grey, approaches by degrees to a black grey : it may be observed, that if the black colour was to be prepared only of gall-nuts and sulphate of iron, it w'ould procure but an indifferent grey, but if to these ordinary ingre- dients for dyeing of stuffs, you add some Indian wood, you may procure white grey, pearl colour, lead colour, whitish grey, iron grey, black grey, brown grey, &c. Some of these colours require a little tincture of woad. To dye a Brozm-red colour either on Silk or Worst- ed. — First, after you have prepared your silk or worst- ed, in the manner directed for dyeing of red colours, boil it in madder ; then slacken the fire, and add to the madder liquor some black colour prepared as has been shewn : then stir the fire, and when'the dye is hot, work the commodities you have to dye therein, till you see them dark enough. But the best w'ay to dye this colour DYEING. 289 is in a blue vat ; therefore choose one either lighter or darker, according as you would have your colour, then alum and rinse your silk in fair water ; this done, work it in the kettle with madder, till you find it answer your purpose. Another. — Put into a kettle of hot water a handful of madder, stir it together, and let it stand a little : then take the woollen stuff, w r et it first, then let it run over the winch into the kettle, turning it constantly ; if you see it does not make the colour high enough, add a handful more of madder, rinsing the stuff or silk some- times, to see whether it is to your liking. Then put some black colour into the kettle, mix it well together, and when hot, turn your silks or stuffs with the winch, and dye them either of a blacker hue by adding more -black, or a redder by putting in less. To dye a Brown colour. — Brown colours are pro- duced by the root, bark, and leaves of walnut trees, and also by walnut shells ; china-root might also be used for brow'n colours, but it being of a disagreeable scent, it should only be used for hair colours in stuffs, for which, and the olive colours, it is of more use : the best browns are dyed with woad and walnut tree root. A Nutmeg colour, on Stuffs. — Take three pounds of alum, and half a pound of tartar ; put this into a kettle of water, and boil your stuff for an hour and a half, then take it out to cool. Take one pound and a half of yel- low flowers, three pounds of madder, one pound of gall-nuts ; put them, together with the stuff, into a ket- tle ; boil and turn it with a winch till it is red enough, and take it out to cool ; then take two pounds of sul- phate of iron, which before is dissolved in warm water, put it into the kettle, and turn the stuff till the colour is to your mind, then rinse it out. — Or, take half a bushel of green walnut shells, or walnut tree root, to a kettle of w'ater, and when it begins to boil, put in the stuff, over a winch ; turn it about three or four times, then take it out and let it cool ; after it is cold, boil the li- quor again, and put the stuff in ; turn it for half an hour, and take it out and let it cool ; then put one pound of gall-nuts, three pounds of madder, together with the stuffs, into the kettle ; let it boil for an hour ; take it out and let it cool again ; take one pound of sulphate of iron, put it in, stir it well about, then put in again the stuffs over the winch ; turn and boil it till you perceive your colour deep enough, then take it out and rinse it. Of dyeing with Madder. — It has been a common rule to take, to eight pounds of madder, one pound of tartar. Alum and tartar are used for preparing the commodities; for attracting and preserving the colour. Potash heightens the colour very much, as does bran water ; brandy is of peculiar use ; it attracts the colour, makes it look clear and fine, and frees the subtillest particles from its dregs and impurities. Some dyers, and indeed' most, ascribe the same virtue to urine ; but although it may be of much use when fresh, it is highly prejudicial to light colours when stale, for it causes the colour tabe of a heavy and unpleasant hue : this ought, -therefore, to be a caution to such as would dye light and tender colours. The experiment may be tried in a glass of clean water, in which litmus, being first dis- solved and filtered, is poured in: if to this liquid, which is blue, you pour some muriatic acid, it will turn red ; and mixing it with a little dissolved alkali, it will re- sume its former colour : if you put too much of the latter, the liquid will turn green: and thus you may change the colour, by adding more or less of either the one or the other ingredient to it. To dye Silk of a Madder Colour . — Prepare it as has been directed under the article of dyeing silk “ a crimson colour.” This done, put a pailful of river water into a kettle, together with half a pound of mad- der ; boil it for an hour, and take care it boils not oyer, then let it run off clear into another vessel, stirring into it one ounce of turmeric ; then put in your silk, let it lay therein till cold, then wring it out and beat it ; this done, take half a pound of good Brazil wood, boil it in bran water for an hour, clear it off in another vessel, and put in your silk ; rinse it out in soap-lye, and then in running water ; after which dry and dress it. Another method. — After you have prepared your silk for dyeing, hang it on sticks, and to each pound of silk take eleven ounces of madder, and four ounces of nut- galls ; put these into a kettle with clean rain-water ; hang in your silk, and augment the heat till it is ready to boil ; then turn your silk in it for half an hour, and prevent its boiling, by lessening the fire : after this, rinse and beat it out ; hang it again on sticks, in a tub with cold water, in which you have put some potash; this gives it beauty : then rinse and dry it. How this madder is made use of for dyeing of worsted or stuffs, has been shewn already. Of the Mixture of Colours. — Although we have touched on this subject already, yet we shall say some- thing more about it. Pure or unmixed colours are rarely found in nature, lied is uniformly found inter- mingled with yellow ; scarlet and madder colours are composed of these two principles. Indigo, which ap- pears to furnish the most perfect blue, is always de- based by a yellowish matter, which is removed by ebullition. Exclusively of these natural mixtures, the artificial shades formed out of them are extremely numerous : we shall only refer to a few of the leading ones, which may be comprehended in the following classes. 1. A mixture of blue and yellow, which pro- duces all the intermediate shades between the yellowish green and the dark green verging to black. 2. A mixture of red and blue, which comprehends all the shades from a deep violet colour to a lilac. 3. A mixture of red and yellow, which embraces all the shades from a scarlet colour to that of musk and tobacco. 1 . To form on wool the mixture of blue and yellow, we first impart to the stuff the blue ground : and the green so produced becomes deeper as the blue is more intense. When the cloths are taken out of the blue vat, they are boiled in the same manner as those in- tended to be dyed by woad, and for this purpose a 4 E DYEING. decoction of that substance is prepared in which the stuffs are immersed. Green is rendered brown by log- wood and a small portion of iron. Green is transferred to cotton by a nearly similar process, but instead of the mordant composed of alum and tartar, the acetate of alumine is used. To impart. a Green toSilk . — After boiling it with soap, it is strongly alumed ; then slightly washed in running water, and stretched in a woad bath. To render the colour darker and to vary its shade, a decoction of Indian wood of fustic, annotta, & c. is introduced into the woad bath, Savory is preferred to woad, when the blue vat is employed, because the colour which it imparts inclines naturally to green. The green obtain- ed by the solution of indigo in the sulphuric acid, is, as we have seen, called Saxon green ; it is more bril- liant but less durable than that which has just been described. This cloth is prepared as in dyeing with woad ; after it has been washed, it is boiled in the same bath an hour and a half, with yellow chips. When the heat of the bath is moderated so that the hand can bear it, we introduce one pound and a quarter of the solution of indigo for every eighteen yards of cloth ; the cloth is then to be immersed iu it, turned at first rapidly, but afterwards more slowly. The cloth must be taken out before the bath begins to boil. Woad may be substituted instead of the yellow wood, and the shades varied at pleasure, by varying the pro- portions of the ingredients. When the blue has been dyed in the vat, it is more permanent than the yellow ; whence it happens, that the green colour changes to blue in the course of time ; while ou the contrary, when the blue is given by the solution of indigo in sulphuric acid, the yellow is most durable. 2. The combination of red and blue forms the violet colour, and the shades dependent upon it. This com- bination exists naturally in logwood : it is likewise de- veloped in most of the lichens by fermentation, but it is not fixed in either of these two states. To give a good violet tint to woollen cloth, it is slightly dyed in a blue vat; after which it is boiled, during an hour and a half, in a bath composed of three ounces and three quarters of alum and about half an ounce of alum to one pound and a quarter of cloth. A bath is then prepared of one ounce and a half of cochi- neal and half an ounce of tartar, in which the cloth is boiled an hour or more, when it assumes a blue colour. By the addition of alum and tartar to the violet bath, we may obtain all the inferior shades of lilac, dove, mallows, &c. The violet colours imparted to silk are divided into two kinds, the true and false ; to produce the first, the silk is dyed in the same manner as crimson, except that neither tartar nor the solution of tin are mingled with the bath. To produce a very beautiful violet three ounces of cochineal is employed to one pound and a quarter of silk. The stuff is then passed through a weaker vat, and to impart still greater beauty to the colour, it is afterwards immersed in a savory bath. | The most beautiful false violets are prepared with j savory, they are readily known by the property which I they possess of becoming red by the action of acids. A good violet may be given to cotton, by dyeing it with madder, and afterwards passing it through a blue vat. The beauty of this colour depends on the mea- greness of the red. The true violet is only imparted to cotton by com- bining oxide of iron with madder red. The iron must be applied to the cotton previously to its being im- mersed in the madder bath. It is not easy to obtain this colour uniform, because the iron deposited on the cotton is apt to become unequally oxydated in drying. To obviate this, the cottons should be washed after receiving the mordant, and be plunged into the madder bath while wet. All the different shades may be ob- tained by combining alum with the sulphate of iron, calcined to redness, in different proportions, in forming the mordant for violets. When a very beautiful violet is the object, it is ne- cessary, on taking the cotton out of the oil, to pass it into the mordant already described ; then to wash it with care, and plunge it into a cold madder vat ; after which it must be again washed, immersed into a new bath of madder and boiled for an hour, and, lastly, brightened by washing with soap. 3. Yellow, intimately combined with red, may be variously modified. By boiling fustic in a scarlet bath, heightened by a small portion of cre*m of tartar, and the composition of tin, we may produce successively a pomegranate, orange, and jonquil colour. The fustic is added to the cochineal, in proportion to the shade required. The addition of a little madder will produce a gold colour. Madder red unites with yellow, and gradually changes it from an orange to the other different shades. If instead of the bright yellow's we use plants giving out a brownish colour, such as many astringent vegetables, we obtain more solid, but less brilliant colours. Thus, hazel roots, sumach, See. produces tobacco and musk colours. Maroon and wine colours may be imparted to silk by logwood, fustic, &c. : a decoction of fustic forms the foundation of the bath, to which is ajided about a fourth part of the juice of fernambucca, and an eighth of logwood. The silks are to be alumed before they are immersed in this bath. If brown shades are re- quired, the Indian wood is employed in a greater pro- portion than the Brazil wood. Of the jirt of Transposing , or Changing Colours. * — Most colours, when transferred to stuffs, undergo os suffer some change. This art is termed, by dyers, changing or turning the bath. This is one of the most delicate and interesting operations connected with dye- ing. In it resides nearly all the mystery of the art. We can here only briefly sketch the principal changes, or alterations, that may be produced on a colour, by the action of colourless bodies. For more particular information on the processes of dyeing, we must refer DYEING. 291 the reader to those works which treat professedly on the subject. The acid solution of tin reddens cochineal, and brightens the colour of its decoction. Cream of tartar renders of a blighter yellow the same colouring prin- ciple. The solution of alum changes a scarlet into a crimson. Hence it is that cloth, to which alum has been applied as a mordant, assumes a crimson colour in the scarlet bath. The scarlet is converted by the alkalies into violet. The red of cochineal is changed by sea salt into lilac shades, which approach to a blue. Sal ammonia deepens it, without depriving it of the red. Gypsum changes the red into blue. The red of cochi- neal is converted by copperas into violet. Hot water renders it blue, by impairing the vivacity of the red. The madder red is susceptible of the same modifications, though less perceptibly. The acids render it yellow, and change it to orange. Lime, and other calcareous salts, impart to it a vinous colour. The alkalies are employed to give a rose tint to the red of Brasil wood, and to form a false crimson upon silk. The alkalies give a yellow shade to the red of carthamus, or bastard saffron. Its colour may be restored by citron or lemon juice. The alkalies develop the colour in all vegetables employed to furnish a yellow' dye. A solution of potash is even used to transfer to cotton the colouring prin- ciple of w'oad. The alkalies disguise the red colour which is combined in the annotta with the yellow ; the acids destroy or counteract their effect, so that by the aid of these two salts, may be communicated to the annotta all the intermediate shades of colour, from the lightest yellow to an orange. The alkalies convert into a permanent orange the yellow procured from wool and silk by the nitric acid. For this purpose it is sufficient to pass these two stuffs, coloured by the acid, into a' caustic alkali. By employing the acid at 25, or 28 degrees, a very beautiful colour is obtained. The al- kalies are also employed to change the violet procured from Brazil and Indian wood ; they improve the colour of the Brazil, and render brighter the violet of the logwood. Silk prepared as for the true violet, may be changed into purple, by means of a little arsenic introduced into the cochineal bath. What relates to the art of chang- ing, or transposing colours, may, in general, be re- duced to very simple principles. 1st. When the reds are pure, the acids render them pale, or of an orange tinge, by assimilating them to a yellow colour. Alum, cream of tartar, the solution of tin, and acids, produce the same effect. 2. When the reds are mixed with a portion of blue, not possessing much fixity, the acids exalt the colour, by destroying or reddening the blue. Examples of this are furnished by fernambucca, and by nearly all the false vegetable reds. 3. The alkalies destroy the resinous reds, and develop the yellow which is united with them. The red tint of the annotta, as well as that of the carthamus, is effaced by them ; acids restore it. 4. Alkalies restore the violet colours, reddened by acids, with greater intensity than they for- merly possessed. 5. Sea salt, and all the calcareous salts, change the reds into a bluish crimson, f). Iron, and all its combinations, impart a brown tint to red and yellow colours. Thus are produced all the different browns, which are at present so much in vogue. Of the Exaltation of Colours . — The beauty of co- lours depends unquestionably on making a proper choice of materials; but in the mode of combining and height- ening them, consists the art of dyeing. Washing im- proves the colour, by depriving the stuff of the colour- ing matter uncombined with it. It ought to be per- formed in clear and running water. The alkalies are employed to heighten certain colours. Thus, for ex- ample, in order to impart greater brilliancy to the Adrianople red, the cotton after maddering, is boiled on a lye of soda for twenty-four or thirty-six hours; after which it is washed and again boiled in a solution of soap. The violet colours transferred to cotton by the oxyd of iron and madder are heightened and improved in a similar manner. The colour, which appears a black on taking the cotton out of the bath, becomes bright, and forms a beautiful violet. It may be re- marked, that the violet is changed into red by the ac- tion of alkalies, and into blue by that of soap. The acids likewise prove useful, by putting the poppy- coloured silks through tepid water acidulated by citron juice, the colour is rendered more brilliant and pleas- ing to the eye. The orauge extracted from annotta is heightened and improved by the citric acid. All the acids destroy the violet colour which the cochineal sometimes assumes on wool, and exalt it to the shade of scarlet. They render the madder red slightly yellowt M. Hausmann proposes to pass the cottons on being out of the blue vat, into a water acidulated by the sul- phuric acid, having ascertained that the colour was by this means rendered more intense. Blacks, transferred into a saponaceous solution, or into water agitated for a considerable time with a little oil, assume a deep red colour. The drying of. stuffs in the sun, or in a clear day, spoils or destroys their delicate and lively colours. Drying in the shade preserves them. We shall now conclude the article with an account of Calico-printing, for which we shall be indebted chiefly to Aiken’s valuable Dictionary of Chemistry and the Arts. Calico-Printing. — “ To apply a coloured pattern on a white or coloured ground two general methods ap- pear practicable ; the one, to weave the pattern into the cloth with threads dyed of the requisite colours, the other to devise some method of topical dyeing, which shall, like a picture, confine the desired colours to those parts only that are figured by the intended patterns. The former is the delicate business of the embroiderer or the tapestry weaver ; the latter is the ingenious art of the calico-printer. The history of this art and the de- tail of the vast variety of processes employed in produc- ing the various coloured patterns, it would be- super- fluous to enter into, especially as most of w'hat has been described of general dyeing applies (as far as the che- mical 292 DYEING. mical principles of the art are concerned) to topical dyeing. A few examples, therefore, of the peculiar manipulations of calico-printing will suffice. It is par- ticularly, though not entirely, with the adjective colours, or those that require a mordant, that calico-printing is concerned, as this very circumstance affords a ready method of giving a permanent colour only to the pat- tern part; for if this latter only is impregnated with the mordant, and the whole cloth is then uniformly dyed, the natural effect of exposure to sun and air will be to discharge all the colour from every part of the cloth except where it had previously received the mordant, and thus a coloured pattern will be produced on a white ground. This partial application of mordants therefore, followed by general dyeing, constitutes the greater part of calico-printing, besides which, however, a further variety of application often occurs as some- times colours themselves are painted or pencilled in to assist the general effect, which therefore require no subsequent operation ; and occasionally other contri- vances are used to fix, or alter, or discharge colours, according as the proposed pattern may require it. Two mordants are more particularly used by calico-printers, though equally serviceable in general dyeing ; the one is acetite of alumine with a portion of alum, the other is a solution of iron in some vegetable acid. The acetite of alumine is always made by double decomposition of alum and sugar of lead, but the proportions of each vary much according to circumstances, and probably to the fancy of the colour mixer. In general, three pounds of alum (or in that proportion) are thrown into a barrel, and when dissolved, a pound, to a pound and a half of sugar of lead are added, and the whole frequently stirred during two days. On settling, a dear liquor is found at top, which consists of acetite of alumine, but still containing much undecomposed alum, and a dense white sediment remains at bottom, which is sulphate of lead. The clear liquor is the part used for the mordant, but previously two ounces of pearl-ash and as much chalk are added, more entirely to neutralize any excess of acid, and partly to decompose the solution; for though the mordant must be in a saline state entirely to fix itself to the fibres of the cotton, it should seem that the true intermedium between the cotton and the dye is the alumine, and not the acids that hold it in solution, and hence the weaker the adhesion of these is to the alumine, the stronger will be the triple union be- tween the colour, the earth, and the cotton fibre. The other mordant constantly in use with the printers'* is a solution of iron in vinegar, sour beer, pyroligenous acid, or other vegetable acids, and which therefore is chiefly an acetite of iron mixed with a portion of tar- trite, perhaps gallate, and other salts of this metal. To make these mordants fit for printing, and give them such a consistence as will enable them to dry in a figured pattern without running into the adjoining parts, they are thickened with paste to the consistence of jelly ; and when to be used, this jelly is squeezed through a very fine sieve by a particular and simple contrivance, on the surface of which it lies as a thin coating conve- nient to be transferred to the printing blocks. The mordant, when naturally colourless, is a little tinged with Brazil wood (which being a very fugitive dye does not impair the general effect) that the workmen may see the impression on the cloth and fix the pattern with accuracy. The instrument by which the impression is given (or what answers to the types in the printing of books) is a piece of hard wood, generally holly, about a foot long, on which the pattern is carved, nearly as in wood engraving, and is strengthened at the back with a thicker piece of oak glued on. The parts of the pattern that are to receive a large body of colour, and consequently require a corresponding quantity of mor- dant are given by pieces of old hat inlaid into the block which are found to take up the mordant in a more uniform way than any other material. Of late years also some of the finer patterns are given by sheet copper fixed on a block-like filigree work, which gives a finer and sharper line to the figured pattern. Fine work is sometimes given still more expeditiously by engraved copper-plate and the rolling press, as in common pic- ture engraving. The general process of the simple kind of calico-printing therefore, is the following : the cotton cloth, previously bleached with alkali and much washing, and calendered to smooth the surface, is stretched on a long table covered with woollen cloth when the printer first lays the block on the sieve that contains the mordant, then applies it steadily on the cloth, and strikes it a smart blow on the back with a wooden mallet to give a strong impression. This he repeats successively, each time carefully laying the block in the proper direction so as not to overlap the last impression, till the whole is finished. In this way the patterns are impressed with one or more kinds of mordant as may be required ; after which the cloth is strongly dryed in a stoved room, that both fixes the mordant more firmly to the cotton, and volatilizes much of the acetous acid in fumes very sensible to the smell. When dry, the cloth is taken to a cistern containing very warm water, in which cow-dung is dif- fused, and there it is worked about to dissolve out the paste and other superfluous part of the mordant, suffi- cient being yet left firmly united to the fibres of the cloth to fix the dye in the subsequent process. The cloth is then rinced and thoroughly cleaned, after which it is dyed in the usual way. The cloth comes out of the dyeing cistern entirely coloured (yellow, for example, when the dye has been weld) ; it is then again washed with water, boiled with bran and water, alternating with exposure to air on the bleach field, and other bleaching processes ; till, at last, ail the colour of the ground has disappeared, and that only remains which has been fixed to the pattern by the mordant.” ENGINEERING. Engineer civil, in contradistinction to the same profession attendant on military works, is a person of considerable importance in society : his employ embra- ces pre-eminently canals and their attendants, reservoirs, locks, basons, aqueducts, tunnels, bridges, docks and buildings in water, erecting beacons and light-houses, the cutting and forming roads, making iron rail roads, &c. &c. To make the expert engineer requires consi- derable talent in the individual, joined to great personal firmness, with a cautious enterprise. He should be a mathematician of the first order, with a ready aptitude of extending its powers to practical purposes, expe- rienced in local nature, with science and command competent to assist and improve her, so as to effect all the multiplied wants of a great commanding and pow- erful people. — The cutting of canals is the first in order, and is of a very early date ; for we find the Cnidians, a people of Asia Minor, projecting an undertaking of this nature : they wished the isthmus, which joined their territory, to connect itself with the continent. The oracle was consulted, and it was interdicted. (Herodotus, 1. i. c. 174.) Basons and canals were formed in Boeotia, says Strabo, supplied by the lake Copais. The great river Euphrates was connected with the Tigris by means of a canal. A branch was also formed by Trajan near Coche, to join the same river. The Greeks, as well as the Romans, formed the design of making a canal across the Isthmus of Corinth, which joins Achaia, for the purpose of obtaining a passage by the Ionian sea. A similar plan was projected between the Euxine and Caspian seas. The Roman generals were fully im- pressed w ith the utility of canals, of which they execut- ed many, as the ruins now existing demonstrate. They connected the Rhine with the Iosel, and also the former river with the Moselle. Savary says, the canals in Egypt amounted in number to eighty, but they were more for the purpose of irrigation than communication. The Nile was joined to the Red Sea by an artificial channel; the work was commenced by Necos, who was followed by Sesostris and Darius ; the latter relin- quished the undertaking on the information reaching him that the Red Sea being so much above the level of the land in Egypt, it would be difficult if not impos- sible to prevent the overflowing of the banks, and con- sequent inundation of the country. The alarm was just ; but the engineer w ould have been but little acquainted with his subject not to have shewn the practicability of avoiding such a calamity. Under Ptolomy the Second the undertaking was completed. Its width was upwards of 100 cubits, reckoning 22 inches to each cubit; and in its depth sufficient to allow of the navigation of the largest vessels. By this canal India was enriched w'ith the commerce of Egypt, Persia, and the coast of Africa. China, in her institutions hostile to art, has nevertheless encouraged the making of canals ; and their convenience having aided in supplying a ready transit of her commodities she has, more perhaps from cunning than a wish to develope the powers of the human mind, intersected her country with them. The canal which runs from Canton to Pekin is in length upwards of 800 miles, and was executed about 700 years since : it has no locks, tunnels, or aqueducts, and when stopped by mountains or other impediments, they have recourse to a rolling bridge, and sometimes to inclined planes. These rolling bridges consist of a number of cylindrical rollers which turn easily on pivots, and are sometimes put in motion by a windmill, so that the same ma- chinery serves a double purpose, that of working the mill and drawing up vessels. In this manner they draw' their vessels from the canal on one side of a mountain to the other. In Europe, the nurse of science and the arts, to which in a great measure must be referred the suc- cessful completion of all great works, artificial rivers has presented an everlasting monument. In the year 1666, Louis the Fourteenth gave directions for con- structing a plan to connect the ocean with the Medi- terranean by the canal of Languedoc. This was a bold undertaking if it be considered that all the details con- nected with it were to be created, every thing was new ; Francis Riquet was the engineer, and he lived to com- plete it. This canal is upwards of 64 leagues in length, and is furnished with 104 locks. It runs through rocks in some places of 1,000 paces in extent, in others it passes valleys and bridges by means of aqueducts of vast height. It joins the river Garonne near Thoulouse and terminates in the lake Tau, which extends it to the Port of Cette. It was began by forming a large reservoir 4,000 paces in circumference and 24 deep, which was supplied by water issuing from the mountain Noire. In Germany and the Low Countries, canals form the principal means of communication between one place and another. The canal of Bruges runs to the sea at Ostend, and is extended to Ghent, Brussels, Antwerp, and many other places : it is in depth suffi- cient to allow of merchantmen coming to the warehouse of its owner. These canals pass into the very streets of the above-named towns ; indeed, in all Flanders and Holland, in towns of any importance, the streets are 4F intersected 294 ENGINEERING. intersected by the canals. In the line of the canal the street is sufficiently wide to admit of two commodious roads on its sides, which are not unfrequently planted with double row's of trees. Canal navigation in Eng- land may almost be said to have been began by the late Duke of Bridgewater in the year 1759; since which time the internal commerce having increased with the developement of the industry of the people, canals have been cut, which has given it a ready transit to every populous part of the island. The engineer in- trusted with the making of a canal, should be fully informed by the projectors of all they wish to accom- plish ; and if he be a person of integrity and skill, in him their confidence should be placed. The prelimi- naries to an undertaking of this nature, consists in forming a minute survey of every part of the country through which the line of the canal is proposed to pass ; and this should be done in the first instance by the prin- cipal engineer : all the principal heights should be ac- curately noted and ascertained ; memorandums should be taken of all objects within the districts through which it is intended to pass, rivulets and mill streams marked so as easily to be referred to ; the breadths of the various summits or ranges of high and low’ land that are to be passed should be ascertained. When a survey is so far accomplished, a rough sketch or map should be prepared, laying down to a scale every prin- cipal object within the proposed line. This map will enable the projectors to see the various obstacles to be encountered in the w ork ; and also the engineer to dis- play his talent in surmounting them. When so much is accomplished, the adviseable height of the summit- j level of the canal must be ascertained in order to find the number and fall required in the several locks neces- j sary to be constructed on its line, the proposed sum- mit level should be traced along the hills and ranges of high-land, to see how far it is practicable to reduce it to the required height by filling up the low land by the excavated earth, or by deep cutting or tunnelling. When the summit-level is finally determined on, and also the line of the proposed canal, all springs and rivulets which rise above or cross this line should be traced, and the quantity of water they discharge accurately gauged : this part of the work is of the very greatest importance, as it may be turned to considerable account in affording a supply of water to the line in its neighbourhood. Mr. Eytelwein, engineer to the King of Prussia, has shewn many important facts connected with this part of the subject, deduced from experience and mathematical investigation. Dr. Young has compiled them, and they have been given to the public through the medium of the Journals of the Royal Institution, or see Ni- cholson’s Journal, vol. 3. p. 25. In setting out the canal a good spirit level with telescopic sights is required for tracing the levels, and when traced they are marked particularly by what is termed a Bench-mark, which is ho more than stakes driven into the ground at usually of the distance of every two or three chains, with their tops exactly projecting above the earth so much as to ascer- tain the top-water level. After this line shall have been thus traced and the bench-marks fixed, it should be accurately revised, and all sudden bends in its course rectified, so as to produce an easy undulating curve ; it would be desirable to get the line as straight as possible, but ranges of high-land, property of particular descrip- tions sometimes intervene which prevents it. In such cases, as in the former for instance, it is often found more desirable to bend the line than to have recourse to deep cutting or tunnelling : in the latter description may be included gentlemen’s parks, gardens, &c., and as few canal acts protect the proprietors in violating such property, the line must vary its course so as to pass round them. The widths and depths of canals vary in reference to the boats intended to work in them ; 30 feet is a good width at the summit level ; and it is sometimes varied with us to as low as 18 feet. In Holland they make theirs from 50 to 70 feet, and sometimes more. The Bruges Canal is 80 feet wide and 16 feet deep. The slopes to the sides of canals is of considerable importance, and this consideration has given rise to many speculations, which have added very little to the stock of information already collected. Mr. Eytelwien has recommended that the breadth at the bottom should be two-thirds of- the depth, and at the surface ten-thirds ; the banks will then be in general capable of retaining their form. The area of such a section is twice the square of the depth, and the hydraulic mean depth two-thirds of the actual depth. See Nicholson’s Journal, vol. 3, p. 33. The practice in our canals is to so apportion the side slopes that one foot in depth will give a horizontal base of one foot and a half. The depth of the w'ater must be in some measure deduced from the nature of the soil to be cut through, and the draught of the boats to be employed on it. The average depth of our canals lays between 4 and 8 feet, and the banks are made one foot higher than the water is intended to stand in them. The fall given to a canal, in order to produce a stream or velo- city in the water, varies with the local difficulties to be overcome ; and since inland navigation is determined to a precise point or place, the navigator calculates little upon the velocity of the stream downwards, know- ing if it were made great what he might save in going down it would be lost in returning. Four inches in a mile is conceived to be a good fall for a canal 18 feet upon the summit level, and 7 feet at bottom, and 4 feet deep : the velocity of the stream in such a canal is, according to Professor Robinson, 17 inches in a second at the surface, 14 in the middle, and 10 at the bottom : from such a deduction it will not be difficult to extend the calculation to canals of greater or less dimensions. This conclusion is, however, only true of a straight river flowing through an equable channel ; and as our canals are seldom straight for a mile together, but vary their course as frequently as change of place presents new difficulties, it follows, that the banks of the canals will be more often in a curved direction than a straight one ; and Mr. Eytelwein anticipating such a circumstance, ENGINEERING. 295 circumstance, remarks, e washed to carry off the su- perfluous saline matter, but it may be employed also without edulcoration ; in that state it is even more fixed, and more beautiful. It does not require much flux.; the flux which appeared to me to be best suited to it, is composed of alum, minium, marine salt, and enamel sand. This flux must be compounded in such a man- ner as to render it sufficiently fusible for its object : from two to three parts of it are mixed with the colour. In general, three parts of flux are used for one of co- lour ; but this dose may and ought to be varied accord- ing to the nature of the colour and the shade of it required. Red calx of iron alone, when it enters into fusion with glass, gives a colour which seems to be black ; but if the colour be diluted with a sufficient quantity of glass, it at last becomes of a transparent yellow. Thus, the colour really produced by calx of iron combined with glass is a yellow colour, but which being accumulated, becomes so dark, that it appears black. In the process above given for making the red colour, the oxyde of iron does not fuse ; and this is the essential point ; for if this colour is carried in the fire to vitrification, it becomes black, or yellowish, .and disap- pears if the coat be thin, and the oxyde of iron present be only in a small quantity. Yellow. — Though yellow may be obtained in a direct manner, compound yellow's are preferred, be- cause they are more certain in their effect, and more easily applied, than the yellow which may be directly obtained from silver. The compound yellows are ob- tained in consequence of the same principles as the red colour of iron. For this purpose we employ metallic oxydes, the vitrification of which must be prevented by mixing with them other substances, such as refractory earths, or metallic oxydes difficult to be fused. The metallic calces which form the bases of the yellow co- lours are generally those of lead ; as minium, the white calx of lead, or litharge, the white calx of antimony, called diaphoretic antimony ; that called “ crocus me- tallorum” is also employed. This regulus, pulverised, and mixed with w'hite oxyde, gives likewise a yellow. The following are the different compositions used : one part of the white oxyde of antimony, one of the white oxyde of lead (or two or three) ; these doses are exceedingly variable ; one part of alum, and one of sal-ammoniac. When these matters have been all pulverised, and mixed well together, they are put in a vessel over a fire sufficient to sublimate and decompose the sal-ammoniac ; and when the matter has assumed a yellow colour, the operation is finished. The calces of lead mixed in a small quantity either with silex or alumine, also with the pure calx of tin, exceedingly white, give likewise yellows. One part of the oxyde of lead is added to tw o, three, or four of the other sub- stances above-mentioned. In these different composi- tions for yellow, you may use also oxyde of iron, either pure, or that kind which has been prepared with alum and vitriol of iron : you will then obtain different shades of yellow. From what has been said, you may vary these compositions of yellow as much as you please. Yellows require so little flux, that one or two parts, in general, to one of the colour, are sufficient. Saline fluxes are improper for them, and especially those which contain nitre. They must be used with fluxes composed of enamel sand, oxyde of lead, and borax, without ma- rine salt. A yellow may be obtained also directly from silver. All these mixtures may be varied, and you may try others. For this purpose you may use sulphate of silver, or any oxyde of that metal mixed with alumine or silex, or even with both, in equal quantities. The whole must be gently heated until the yellow colour ap- pears, and the matter is to be employed with the fluxes pointed out for yellows. Yellow of silver, like purple, cannot endure a strong heat : a nitric solution of silver may be precipitated by the ammoniacal phosphate of soda, and you will obtain a yellow precipitate, which may be used to paint in that colour with fluxes, which ought then to be a little harder. Besides the methods above-mentioned, the best manner of employing the oxyde of silver is, in my opinion, to employ it pure : in that case, you do not paint, but stain. It will be sufficient, then, to lay a light coating on the place which you wish to stain yellow, and to heat the article gently to give it the colour. You must not employ too strong a heat : the degree will easily be found by practice. When the article has been sufficiently heated, you take it from the fire and separate the coating of oxyde, which will be found reduced to a regulus. You will then ob- serve the place which it occupied tinged of a beautiful yellow colour, without thickness. It is chiefly on transparent glass that this process succeeds best. Very fine 324 ENAMELLING. fine silver filings produce the same effect : but what seemed to succeed best m this case was sulphate of silver well ground up with a little w'ater, that it may be extended very smooth. From what has been said, it may readily be seen that this yellow must not be employed like other colours; that it must not be applied till the rest have been fused ; for, as it is exceedingly fusible, and ready to change, it would be injured by the other colours; and as the coating of silver which is reduced must be removed the fluxes would fix it, and prevent the possibility of its being afterwards separated. Work- ing on glass is not attended with this inconvenience, be- cause the silver-yellow*" is applied on the opposite side to that on which the other colours are laid. Green. — Green is obtained directly from the oxyde of copper. All the oxydes of copper are good; they require little flux, which even must not be too fusible : one part or two of flux will be sufficient for one oxyde. This colour agrees with all the fluxes, the saline as well as the metallic, which tends to vary a little the shades. A mixture of yellow and blue is also used to produce green. Those who paint figures or portraits employ glass composed in this manner; but those who paint glazed vessels, either earthen-ware or porcelain, employ in general copper green. Independently of the beauti- ful green colour produced by oxydated copper, it pro- duces also a very beautiful red colour. This beautiful red colour, produced by copper, is exceedingly fugitive. The oxyde of copper gives red only when it contains very little oxygen, and approaches near to the state of a regulus. Notwithstanding the difficulty of employing this oxyde for a red colour, a method has been found to stain transparent glass with different shades of a very beautiful red colour by means of calx of copper. The process is as follows : you do not employ the calx of copper pure, but add to it calx of iron, which for that purpose must not be too much calcined; you add also a very small quantity of calx of copper to the mass of glass which you are desirous of tinging. The glass at first must have only a very slight tinge of green, inclin- ing to yellow. When the glass has that colour you make it pass to red, and even a very dark red, by mixing with it red tartar in powder, or even tallow. You must mix this matter w'ell in the glass,/ and it will assume a very dark red colour. The glass swells up very much by this addition. Before it is worked it must be suffered to settle, and become compact ; but as soon as it has fully assumed the colour it must be immediately worked, for the colour does not remain long, and even often disappears while working ; but it may be restored by heating the glass at the flame of a lamp. It is difficult to make this colour well ; but when it succeeds it is very beautiful, and has a great deal of splendour. By employing the calx of copper alone for the processes above mentioned, you will obtain, when you succeed well, a red similar to the most beautiful carmine. The calx of iron changes the red into ver- milion, according to the quantity added. If we had certain processes for the making this colour, we should obtain all the shades of red from pure red to orange, by using, in different proportions, the oxyde of copper and that of iron. The calx of copper fuses argil more easily than silex : the case is the same with calx of iron. If you fuse two or three parts of argil with one of the oxyde of copper, and if the heat be sufficient, you will obtain a very opake enamel, and of a vermilion red colour : the oxyde of copper passes from red to green through yellow, so that the enamel of copper, which becomes red at a strong heat, may be yellow with a weaker heat. The same effect may be produced by de-oxydating copper in different degrees: this will be ef- fected according as the heat is more or less violent. The above composition might, I think, be employed to give a vermilion red colour to porcelain. The heat of the porcelain furnace ought to be of sufficient strength to produce the proper effect. The calx of iron fused also with argil, in the same proportions as the calx of copper, gives a very beautiful black. These proportions may, however, he varied. Blue. — Blue is obtained from the oxyde of cobalt. It is the most fixed of all colours, and becomes equally beautiful with a weak as with a strong heat. The blue produced by cobalt is more beautiful the purer it is, and the more it is oxydated. Arsenic does not hurt it. The saline fluxes which contain nitre are those best suited to it : you add a little also when you employ that flux which contains a little calcined borax or glass of borax, though you may employ it also with that flux alone. But the flux which, according to my experi- ments, gives to cobalt-blue the greatest splendour and beauty is that composed of white glass (which contains no metallic calx) of borax, nitre, and diaphoretic anti- mony well washed. When this glass is made for the purpose of being employed as a flux for blue, you may add less of the w hite oxyde of antimony : a sixth of the whole will be sufficient. Violet. — Black calx of manganese, employed with saline fluxes, gives a very beautiful violet. By varying the fluxes, the shade of the colour may also be varied : it is very fixed as long as it retains its oxygen. The oxyde of manganese may produce different colours ; but for that purpose it will be necessary that w e should be able to fix its oxygen in it in different proportions. How to effect this has perhaps never yet been disco- vered. These are all the colours obtained from metals. From this it is evident that something still remains to be discovered. We do not know what might be produced by the oxydes of platina, tungsten, molybdena, and nickel : all these oxydes are still to be tried ; each of them must produce a colour, and perhaps red, which is obtained neither directly nor with facility from any of the metallic substances formerly known and hitherto employed. Having laid before the English artist the result of M. Clouet’s Researches, as they were presented ta the French National Institute, of which he was an associ- ate ; we shall add a few general observations taken from those of our own countrymen who have made the sub- ject ENAMELLING. 325 ject of enamelling their study and employment. The most beautiful and expensive colour known in this branch of the art is an exquisitely fine rich and pur- plish tinge, given by the salts and oxydes of gold, espe- cially the purple precipitate formed by tin in one form or other, and the nitro-muriate of gold, and also by fulminating gold. This fine colour, however, requires much skill in the artist to be fully brought out. Other and commoner reds are given by the oxyde of iron, but this requires the mixture of alumine, 'or some other sub- stance refractory in the fire, otherwise what would under proper circumstances be a full red will degene- rate into a black. Yellow is either given by the oxyde of silver alone, or by the oxydes of lead and antimony, with simi- lar mixtures to those required for iron. The silver is as tender a colour as gold, and .as readily injured or lost in a high heat. Green is given by the oxyde of copper, or it may also be produced by a mixture of yellow colours. Blue is given by cobalt, and this seems the most certain of all enamel colours, and as easy to be managed. Black is produced by a mixture of co- balt and manganese. “ The reader,” says Mr. Aikin, in his Chemical Dictionary, “ may conceive how much the difficulties of this nice art are increased, when the object is not merely to lay an uniform coloured glazing on a metallic surface, but also to paint that surface with figures and other designs that require extreme delicacy of outline, accuracy of shading, and selection of co- louring. The enamel painter has to work not with actual colours, but with mixtures which he knows from experience will produce certain colours after the opera- tion of the fire, and to the common skill of the painter in the arrangement of his pallet and the choice of his colours ; the enameller has to add an infinite quantity of practical knowledge of the chemical operation of one metallic oxyde on another, the fusibility of his materials, and the utmost degree of heat at which they will retain not only the accuracy of the figures which he has given, but the precise shade of colour which he intends to lay on. Painting in enamel requires a succession of firings; first, of the ground which is to receive the design, and which itself requires two firings, and then of the differ- ent parts of the design itself. The ground is laid on in the same general way as the common watch face enamelling already described. The colours are the dif- ferent metallic oxydes melted with some or other vi- trescent mixture, and ground to extreme fineness. These are worked up with an essential oil, that of spike is preferred, and next to it the oil of lavender, to the proper consistence of oil colours, and are laid on with a very fine hair brush. The essential oil should be very pure, and the use of this rather than any fixed oil, is probably that the whole may evaporate completely in a moderate heat, and leave no carbonaceous matter in contact with the colour when red-hot, which might af- fect its degree of oxydation, and thence the shade of colour which it is intended to produce. As the colour of some of the vitrified metallic oxydes, such as that of gold, will stand only at a moderate heat, while others will bear and even require a higher temperature to be properly fixed, it forms a great part of the technical skilT of the artist to apply different colours in their pro- per order ; fixing first those shades which are produced by the colours that will endure the highest degree of heat, and finishing with those that demand the least heat. The outline of the design is first traced on the enamel, ground and burnt in ; after which the parts are filled up gradually with repeated burnings to the last and finest touches of the tenderest enamel.” Those who paint on enamel, on earthen-ware, porce- lain, &c., must regulate the fusibility of the colours by the most tender of those employed, as, for example, the purple. When the degree which is best suited to purple has been found, the other less fusible colours may be so regulated (by additions of flux), when it is necessary to fuse all the colours at the same time, and at the same degree of heat. You may paint also in enamel without flux ; but all the colours do not equally stand the heat w hich must be employed. If the enamel, however, on which you paint be very fusible, they may all penetrate it. This manner of. painting gives no thickness of colour ; on the contrary, the colours sink into the enamel at the places where the tints are strong- est. To make them penetrate and give them lustre, a pretty strong fire will be necessary to soften the enamel and bring it to a state of fusion. This method cannot be practised but on enamel composed with sand, which I call enamel-sand, as already mentioned. It may be readily seen, also, that the colours and enamel, capable of enduring the greatest heat, will be the most solid, and the least liable to be changed by the air. On this subject we shall have occasion to enlarge under the ar- ticles Glass and Porcelain Manufactures. The following method of filling up engraving on sil- ver with a durable black enamel is practised in Persia and India. They take half an ounce of silver, two ounces and a half of copper, three ounces and a half of lead, twelve ounces of sulphur, tw'o ounces and a half of sal-ammo- niac. The metals are melted together and poured into a crucible, which has been before filled with pulverised sulphur made into a paste by means of water ; the cru- cible is then immediately covered that the sulphur may not take fire, and thisregulus is calcined over a smelting fire until the superfluous sulphur be burned away. This regulus is then coarsely pounded, and with a solution of sal ammoniac formed into a paste, which is rubbed into the engraving on silver plate. The silver is then w'iped clean, and suffered to become so hot under the muffle, that the substance rubbed into the strokes of the en- graving melts and adheres to the metal. The silver is afterwards wetted with the solution of sal-ammoniac, and again placed under the muffle till it becomes red hot. The engraved surface may then be smoothed and po- lished without any danger of the black substance, which is an artificial kind of silver ore, either dropping out or decaying. In this manner is all the silver plate brought from Russia ornamented with black engraved figures, 4 O ENGRAVING The art of engraving, in England, has gradually arisen to its present advanced state from the rude me- chanical practice by our British ancestors. That it was practised in this island from a very early period, may be seen by the remains of the instruments of war, and other antiquities, which have been found in the Celtic and Saxon tumuli : these frequently bear the marks of the graver, or of some tool very similar to it ; and the nu- merous coins of antiquity must satisfy every inquirer of the early British existence of this species of engraving, an art which is thought to have been introduced from Rome. Engraving has been performed in different countries, and at different periods of time, on various substances, chiefly on metals, wood, and the oriental precious stones, which are called gems, but with instruments that have varied but little since they were first invented. The metals upon which engraving is chiefly employed, are copper and steel, the former for producing impres- sions on paper in various ways, the latter for striking coins, medals, &c. Engraving on copper, for the purpose of producing impressions on paper, may almost be said to be an art of modern invention ; for though the ancients ornamented their armour, metal vases, &c., by this means, they appear never to have thought of printing from the incisions, or lines, cut with the graver, nor was it thought of till about the middle of the 15 th century. This art is chiefly employed in representing historical subjects, landscapes, portraits, &c., after pic- tures, or other designs made for the purpose. Engraving on copper, for the purpose of producing impressions on paper, may be divided into several spe- cies ; as engraving in aquatinta ; in the chalk manner ; with aquafortis ; engraving on mezzotinto, and the ori- ginal art of engraving in lines. We shall begin with the latter. Engraving is the cutting lines upon a copper-plate, by means of a steel instrument called a graver, without the use of aquafortis. This, as we have observed, was the first way of producing copper-plate prints that was practised, and is still much used in historical subjects, portraits, and in finishing landscapes. The tools neces- sary for this art are, gravers, a scraper, a burnisher, an oil-stone, a sand bag, an oil rubber, and some good charcoal. The gravers are made of tempered steel, fitted into short wooden handles. They are square and lo- zenge-shaped. The first are used in cutting broad strokes, the other for fainter and more delicate lines. The scraper is a three-edged tool, for rubbing off the burr raised by the graver. Burnishers are for reducing lines that are too deep, or burnishing out any scratches or holes in the copper: they are of hard steel, rounded and po- lished. The oil-stone is for whetting the gravers, etching points, &c. The sand-bag, or cushion, is for laying the plate upon, for the conveniency of turning it in any direction. The oil rubber and charcoal are for polishing the plate. As great attention is required to whet the graver, particularly the belly of it, care must be taken to lay the two angles of the graver which are to be held next the plate, flat upon the stone, and rub them steadily, till the belly rises gradually above the plate ; otherwise it will dig into the copper, and then it will be impossible to keep a point, or execute the work with freedom. For this purpose, keep your right arm close to your side, and place the fore-finger of your left hand upon that part of the graver which lies uppermost on the stone. In order to whet the face, place the flat part of the handle in the hollow of the hand, with the belly of the graver upwards, upon a moderate slope, and rub the extremity upon the stone, till it has an exceedingly sharp point. When the graver is too hard, as may be known by the frequent breaking of the point, the method of tempering it is as follows : Heat a poker red-hot, and hold the graver upon it, within half an inch of the point, till the steel changes to a light straw co- lour ; then put the point into oil to cool ; or, hold the graver close to the flame of a candle, till it be of the same colour, and cool it in the tallow. Be not hasty in tempering ; for sometimes a little whetting will bring it to a good condition, when it is but a little too hard. To hold the graver, cut off that part of the handle which is upon the same line with the belly, or sharp edge of the graver, making that side flat, that it may be no obstruction. Hold the handle in the hollow of the hand, and extending your fore-finger towards the point, let it rest on the back of the graver, that you may guide it flat and parallel with the plate. To lay the design upon the plate, after you have po- lished it fine and smooth, heat it so that it will melt virgin-wax, with which rub it thinly and equally over, and let it cool. Then the design ..which you are about to lay on, must be drawn on paper, with a black-lead pencil, and laid upon the plate, w'ith its pencilled side upon the w ax ; then press it, and with a burnisher go over every part of the design, and when you take off the paper, you will find all the lines which you drew with ENGRAVING. the black-lead pencil upon the waxed plate, as if it had been drawn on it ; then with a sharp pointed tool trace the design through the wax upon the plate, and you may then take off the wax, and proceed to work. Let the table or board you work at, be firm and steady ; upon which place your sand-bag with the plate upon it, and, holding the graver as above directed, proceed in the following manner : For straight strokes, move the right hand forwards ; leaning lighter where the stroke should be fine, and harder where you would have it broader. For circular or crooked strokes, hold the graver firmly, moving your hand or the plate, as you see convenient. Learn to carry the hand with such dexterity, that you may end your stroke as finely as you began it ; and if you have occasion to make one part deeper or blacker than another, do it by degrees : and take care that your strokes be not too close, nor too wide. In the course of your work, scrape off the roughness which arises, with your scraper ; but be care- ful not to scratch the plate, and that you may see your W'ork properly as you go on, rub it with the oil-rubber, and wipe the plate clean, which will take off the glare of the copper, and shew what you have done to advan- tage. Any mistakes or scratches in the plate may be rubbed out with the burnisher, and the part levelled with the scraper, polishing it again lightly with the bur- nisher, or charcoal. Having thus attained the use of the graver, according to the foregoing rules, you will be able to finish the piece, by graving up the several parts to the colour required ; beginning with the fainter parts, and advancing gradually with the stronger, till the whole is completed. The dry point or needle (so called because not used till the ground is taken off the plate) is principally employed in the extremely light parts of wa- ter, sky, drapery, architecture, &c. After all, in the conduct of the graver and dry point, it is difficult to lay down rules which shall lead to emi- nence in the art. Every thing seems to depend on the habit, disposition, and genius of the artist. A person cannot expect to excel very much in engraving, who is not a good master of design, and he ought to be well acquainted with perspective, the principles of architec- ture, and anatomy. He will, by these means, be able, by proper degradations of strong and faint tints, to throw backward and bring forward the figures, and other ob- jects of a picture or design, which he proposes to imi- tate. To preserve equality and union in his w-orks, the engraver should always sketch out the principal objects of his piece before he undertakes to finish them. In addition to the rules already given, we may observe, that the strokes of the graver should never be crossed too much in the lozenge manner, particularly in the re- presentations of muscle or flesh, because sharp angles produce the unpleasing effect of lattice-work, and take from the eye the repose which is agreeable to it, in all kinds of picturesque designs : there are exceptions to this rule, as in the case of clouds, the representation of tempests, waves of the sea, the skins of hairy animals, 327 or the leaves of trees, in which this method of crossing may be admitted. In managing the strokes, the actions oF'the figures, and of all their parts, should be considered, and, as in painting, it should be bbserved how they advance to- wards or recede from the eye, and the graver must, of course, be guided according to the risings or the cavities of the muscles or folds, making the strokes wider and fainter in the light, and closer and firmer in the shades ; thus the figures will not appear jagged, and the outlines may be formed and terminated without being -cut too hard. However, though the strokes break off where the muscle begins, yet they ought always to have a cer- tain connexion with each other, so that the first stroke may often serve by its return to make the second, which will shew the freedom and taste of the artist. In en- graving the muscles of the human figure, the effect may be produced in the lighter parts, by what are called long pecks of the gravers, or by round dots, or by dots a little lengthened, or what will be better, by a judi- cious mixture of these together. With regard to the hair, the engraver should begin his work by laying the principal grounds, and sketching the chief shades with a few strokes, which may be finished with finer and thin- ner strokes to the extremities. In the representation of architecture, the work ought not to be made too black, because as the edifices are usually constructed with stone, marble, &c., the colour, being reflected on all sides, does not produce dark shades, as is the case of other substances. Where sculpture is to be represented, white points must not be put in the pupils of the eyes of the figures, and in engravings after paintings ; nor must the hair or beard be represented as in nature, which makes the locks appear flowing in the air, because, as is evident, in sculpture there can be no such appear- ances. It is impossible to lay down rules that shall apply to all the subjects concerned in this art, since it is required that they must be varied with almost every substance: thus, to instance the engraving cloths of different kinds, linen should be done with finer and closer lines than other sorts of stuff, and should be executed with single strokes. Woollen cloth should be engraved wide : shining stuffs, as silk or sattin, which are known to produce flat and broken folds, should be engraved harder and straighter than the others. Velvet and plush should be always interlined. Metals are also repre- sented by interlining, or by clear single strokes. Calm waters are best represented by strokes that are straight and parallel to the horizon, interlined with those that are finer, omitting such places as, in consequence of gleams of light, exhibit the shining appearance of wa- ter ; and the forms of objects reflected from the water, are expressed by the same strokes, retouched more strongly, or faintly, as occasion may require. For agitated waters, as the waves of the sea, the first strokes should follow the w'aves, and may be interlined. In cascades, the strokes should follow the fall. In land- scapes. 328 ENGRAVING. scapes, the trees, rocks, earth, and herbage, should be etched as much as possible : nothing is to be left to the graver, but perfecting, softening, and strengthening. The dry point produces an effect more delicate than the graver can, and may be used to great advantage in linen, skies, distances,, ice, and often water. In al- most every thing it is proper to etch the shadows, only leaving the lighter tints for the dry point, graver, &c. To prevent any obstruction from too great a degree of light, the use of a sash made of transparent or fan paper, pasted on a frame, and placed sloping at a con- venient distance between your work and the light, will preserve the sight ; and when the sun shines, it cannot possibly be dispensed with. Of Mezzotinto Scraping . — This art, which is of late date, is recommended by the ease with which it is executed, especially by those who understand drawing. Mezzotinto prints are those which have no strokes of the graver, but whose lights and shades are blended toge- ther, and appear like a drawing in Indian-ink. They are different from aquatinta; but as both resemble In- dian-ink, the difference is not easily described. Mez- zotiuto is applied to portraits and historical subjects ; and aquatinta is chiefly used for landscape and archi- tecture. The tools necessary for mezzotinto scraping, are, the grounding-tool, burnishers, and scrapers. To lay the mezzotinto ground, lay your plate, with a piece of flannel under it, upon the table, hold the tool in your hand perpendicularly; lean upon it moderately hard, continually rocking your hand in a right line from end to end, till you have wholly covered the plate in one direction ; next cross the strokes from’side to side, afterwards from corner to corner, working the tool each time all over the plate, in every direction, almost like the points of a compass ; taking care not to let the tool cut (in one direction) twice in a place. This done, the plate will be full, and would, if it were printed, appear completely black. Having laid the ground, take the scrapings of black chalk, and with a piece of rag rub them over the plate ; or the plate may be smoked with candles. Now take the drawing, and having rubbed the back with red chalk-dust, mixed with flake-white, proceed to trace it on the plate. To form the lights and shadows, take a blunt needle, and mark the out- lines only, then scrape off the lights in every part of the plate, as clean and smooth as possible, in proportion to the strength of the lights in your drawing, taking care not to hurt the outlines. The use of the burnisher is to soften the extreme light parts after the scraper is done with ; such as the tip of the nose, forehead, linen, 8tc., which might otherwise, when proved, appear rather misty than clear. Another method used by mezzotinto scrapers, is, to etch the outlines of the original, and the folds in dra- pery, making the breadth of the shadows by dots, which having bit to a proper depth with aquafortis, they take off the ground used in etching, and having laid the mez- zotinto ground, proceed to scrape as above described. When the plate is ready, send it to the copper-plate printer, and get it proved. When the proof is dry, touch it with white chalk where it should be lighter, and with black chalk where it should be darker ; and when the print is re-touched, proceed as before, for the lights ; and for the shades, use a small grounding tool ; prove it again ; and so proceed to prove and touch, till it is entirely to your mind. Mr. Robert Lawrie, in the year J 776, proposed to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufac- tures, &c., a new method of printing mezzotinto prints in colours, for which he received a premium of thirty guineas. He says he was induced to attempt this me- thod, owing to the great expense attending the exe- cution of good engravings, which had more than answered his most sanguine expectations. In this man- ner, animals, plants, &c., for illustrating Natural His- tory, may be finished in their proper colours, very much like drawings, and greatly resembling nature. The plates will also admit of being repaired, so as to furnish a large impression. The following is an explanation of his method : A copper-plate with an etched or engraved outline, dotted next the lights, and filled in with mezzotinto ground, is printed in colours after nature, or from a picture, by the following process. The plate being warmed in the usual manner, the colours are applied by means of stump camel-hair pencils to the different parts, as the subject suggests ; it is then wiped with a coarse gauze canvass, any other being improper; after this, it is wiped clean with the hand, and being again warmed, is passed through the press. The colours are mixed with burnt linseed oil, and those generally used by painters are proper. Of Engraving in Aquatinta . — Aquatinta is a me- thod of producing prints very much resembling drawings in Indian-ink. The principle of the process consists in corroding the copper with aquafortis, in such a manner, that an impression from it has the appearance of a tint laid on the paper. This is effected by covering the copper with a powder, or some substance which takes a granulated form, so as to prevent the aquafortis from actiug where the particles adhere, and by this means cause it to corrode the copper partially, and in the in- terstices only. When these particles are extremely minute and near to each other, the impression from the plate appears to the naked eye exactly like a wash of Indian-ink ; but when they are larger, the granulation is more distinct, and as this may be varied at pleasure, it is capable of being adapted with great success, to a variety of purposes and subjects. This powder, or granulation, is called the aquatinta grain, and there are two general modes of producing it. We shall first describe what is called the powder-grain, because it was the first that was used. Having etched the outline on a copper-plate, prepared in the usual way by the coppersmith, some of the substance must be finely • powdered and sifted, which will melt with heat, and when cold will adhere to the plate, and resist the action ENGRAVING. of aquafortis. The substances which have been used for this purpose, either separately or mixed, are as- phaltum, Burgundy pitch, rosin, gum copal, gum- mastich ; and in a greater or less degree, all the resins j and gum-resins will answer the purpose. Common ! rosin has been most generally used, and answers tole- rably well ; though gum copal makes a grain that resists the aquafortis better. The substance intended to be used for the grain, must now be distributed over the plate as equally as possible ; and different methods of performing this essential part of the operation have been used by different engravers, and at different times. The most usual way, is to tie up some of the powder in a piece of muslin, and strike it against a piece of stick, held at a considerable height above the plate ; by this, the pow’der that issues Jails gently, and settles equally over the plate. Every one must have observed how uniformly hair-powder settles upon the furniture after the operations of the hair-dresser, which may afford a hint towards the best mode of performing this part of the process. The powder must fall upon it from a considerable height, and there must be a suffi- ciently large cloud of the dust formed. The plate being covered equally over with the dust, or powder, the operator is next to proceed to fix it upon the plate, by heating it gently, so as to melt the particles. This may be effected by holding under the plate lighted pieces of brown paper rolled up, and moving them about till every part of the powder is melted ; this will be known by its change of colour, which will turn brownish. It must now be suffered to cool, when it may be examined with a magnifier, and if the grains or particles appear to be uniformly distributed, it is ready for the next part of the process. The design or draw- ing to be engraved must now be examined, and such parts of it as are perfectly white are to be remarked. Those corresponding parts of the plate must be covered or stopped out, as it is called, with turpentine-varnish, diluted with turpentine to a proper consistence, to work freely with the pencil, and mixed with lamp-black to give it colour ; for if transparent, the touches of the pencil would not be so distinctly seen. The margin of the plate must also be covered with varnish. When the stopping-out is sufficiently dry, a border of wax must be raised round the plale, in the same manner as in etching, and the aquafortis, properly diluted with w ater, poured on. This is called biting in, and is the part of the process which is most uncertain, and which re- quires the greatest degree of experience. When the aquafortis has lain on so long that the plate, when printed, would produce the lightest tint in the drawing, it is poured off, and the plate washed with w'ater and dried. When it is quite dry, the Tightest tints in the drawing are stopped out, and the aqupfortis poured on as before ; and the same process is repeated as often as j there are tints to be produced on the plate. Although many plates are etched entirely by this method of stop- i ping out and biting in alternately, yet it may easily be conceived, that in general, it would be very difficult to ! 3*2i) stop round, and leave out all the finishing touches, as also the leaves of trees, and many other objects, which it would be impossible to execute with the necessary- degree of freedom in this manner. To overcome this difficulty, another very ingenious process has been in- vented, by which these touches are laid on the plate with the same ease and expedition as they are in a drawing in lndian-ink. Fine washed whiting is mixed with a little treacle or sugar, and diluted with water in the pencil, so as to work freely, and this is laid on the plate covered with the aquatint ground, in the same manner and on the same parts as ink on the drawing. When this is dry, the whole plate is varnished over w ith a weak and thin varnish of turpentine, asphaltum, or mastich, and then suffered to dry, when the aqua- fortis is poured on. The varnish will immediately break up in the parts w'here the treacle mixture was laid, and expose all those places to the action of the acid, while the rest of the plate remains secure. The effect of this will be, that all the touches or places where the treacle w'as used will be bit in deeper than the rest, and will have all the precision and firmness of touches in lndian-ink. After the plate is completely bit-in, the bordering-w'ax is taken off, by heating the plate a little with a lighted piece of paper ; and it is then cleared from the ground and varnish by oil of tur- pentine, and wiped clean with a rag and a little fine whiting, when it is ready for the printer. The principal disadvantages of this method of aquatinting are, that it is extremely difficult to produce the required degree of coarseness or fineness in the grain, and that plates so engraved do not print many impressions before they are worn out. It is therefore now very seldom used, though it is occasionally of service. We next proceed to describe the second method of producing the aquatint ground, which is generally prac- tised. Some resinous substance is dissolved in spirits of wine, as common rosin, Burgundy pitch, or mastich, and this solution is poured all over the pla.e, which is then held in a slanting direction till the superfluous fluid drains off ; and it is laid down to dry, which it does in a few minutes. If the plate be then examined with the magnifier, it will be found that the spirit in evaporating has left the resin in a granulated state, or rather that the latter has cracked in every direction, still adhering firmly to the copper. A grain is thus produced with the greatest ease, which is extremely regular and beautiful, and much superior for most purposes to that produced byMhe former method. After the grain is formed, every part of the process is conducted in the same manner as has been described. Having thus given a general idea of the art, we shall mention some particulars necessary to be attended to, in order to ensure success in the operation. The spirits of wine used for the solution must be highly rectified and of the best quality. What is sold in the shops generally contains camphire, which would entirely spoil the grain. Rosin, Burgundy pitch, and gum-mastic, when dis- solved in spirits of wine, produce grains of a differen': 4 P appearance 330 ENGRAVING. appearance and figure, and are sometimes used sepa- rately and sometimes mixed in different proportions, according to the taste of the artist, some using one sub- stance and some another. In order to produce a coarser or finer grain, it is necessary to use a greater or smaller quantity of resin; and to ascertain the proper proportions several spare pieces of copper must be pro- vided, on which the liquid may be poured and the grain examined before it is applied to the plate to be engraved. After the solution is made it must stand still and undis- turbed for a day or two, till all the impurities of the resin have settled to the bottom and the fluid is quite pellucid. No other method of freeing it from those impurities has been found to answer ; straining it through linen or muslin only fills it with hairs, which are ruinous to the grain. The room in which the liquid is poured on the plate must be perfectly still and free j from dust, which, whenever it falls on the plate while wet, causes a white spot, that it is impossible to re- l move without laying the grain afresh. The plate must also be previously cleaned with the greatest possible care with a rag and whiting, as the smallest stain or particle of grease produces a streak or blemish in the grain. All these attentions are absolutely necessary to i produce a tolerably regular grain ; and, after every I thing that can be done by the most experienced artists, j still there is much uncertainty in the process. They are 1 sometimes obliged to lay on the grains several times, J before they procure one sufficiently regular. The same | proportions of materials do not always produce the | same effect, as it depends in some degree on their qua- j lities : and it is even materially altered by the weather. These difficulties are not to be surmounted but by a great deal of experience ; and those who are daily in the habit of practising the art are frequently liable to the most unaccountable accidents. Indeed, it is much to be lamented that so elegant and useful a process should be so extremely delicate and uncertain. It being neces- sary to hold the plate in a slanting direction in order to drain off the superfluous fluid, there will naturally be a greater body of the liquid at the bottom than at the top of the plate. On this account, a grain laid in this way is always coarser at the side of the plate that was held lowermost. The most usual way is to keep the coarsest side for the fore ground, that being generally the part which has the deepest shadows. In large landscapes sometimes various parts are laid with different grains, according to the nature of the subject. The finer the grain is the more nearly does the impression resemble Indian-ink, and the fitter it is for imitating drawings : but very fine grains have several disadvantages ; for they are apt to come off before the aquafortis has lain on long enough to produce the desired depth ; and as the plate is not corroded so deep, it sooner wears out in printing, whereas coarser grains are firmer, the acid goes deeper, and the plate will throw off a great many more impressions. The reason of all this is evident, when it is considered that in the fine grains the particles are small and near each other, and consequently the aquafortis, which acts laterally as well as downwards, soon undermines the particles and causes them to come off. If left too long on the plate, the acid \ftould eat away the grain entirely. On these accounts, therefore, the moderately coarse grains are more sought after, and answer better the purpose of the publisher than the fine grains which were formerly in use. Although there are considerable difficulties in laying properly the aquatint grain, yet the corroding the copper, or biting- in, so as to produce exactly the tint required, is still more precarious and uncertain. All engravers allow that no positive rules can be laid down, bv which the success of this process can be secured ; nothing but a great deal of experience and attentive observation can enable the artist to do it with any degree of certainty. There are some hint3, however, which may be of con- siderable importance to the person who wishes to attain the practice of this art. It is evident that the longer the acid remains on the copper the deeper it bites, and consequently the darker will be the shade in the im- pression. It may be of some use, therefore, to have several bits of copper laid with aquatint grounds of the same, kind to be used in the plate, and to let the aqua- fortis remain for different lengths of time on each ; and then to examine the tints produced in one, two, three,, four minutes, or longer. Observations of this kind frequently repeated, and with different degrees of strength of the acid, will at length assist the judgment in guessing at the tint which is produced in the plate. A magnifier is also useful to examine the grain, and to observe the depth to which it is bit. It must be ob- served, that no proof of the plate can be obtained till the whole process is finished. If any part appears to have been bit too dark it must be burnished down with a steel burnisher ; but this requires great delicacy and good management not to make the shade streaky ; and as the beauty and durability of the grain are always somewhat injured by it, it should be avoided as much as possible. Those parts which are not dark enough must have a fresh grain laid over them, and be stopped round with varnish, and subjected again to the aqua- fortis. This is called re-biting, and requires peculiar care and attention. The plate must be very well cleaned out with turpentine before the grain is laid on, which should be pretty coarse, otherwise it will not lay upon the heights only, as is necessary in order to pro- duce the same grain. If the new grain is different from the former it will not be so clear nor so firm, but rot- ten. We have now given a general account of the process of engraving in aquatint, and we believe that no material circumstance has been omitted that can be communicated without seeing the operation ; but after all, it must be confessed that no primed directions what- ever can enable a person to practise it perfectly. Its success depends upon so many niceties and attention to circumstances apparently trifling, that the person who attempts it must not be surprised if he does not suc- ceed at first, it is a species of engraving simple and expeditious, if every thing goes on well ; but it is very precarious, ENGRAVING. 331 precarious, and the errors whidh are made are rectified with great difficulty. It seems to be adapfed chiefly for imitation of sketches, washed drawings, and slight subjects ; but does not appear to be at all calculated to produce prints from finished pictures, as it is not susceptible of that accuracy in the balance of tints necessary for this pur- pose. Nor does it appear to be suitable for book- plates, as it does not print a sufficient number of im- pressions. It is therefore not to be put in competition with the other modes of engraving. If confined to those subjects for which it is calculated, it must be allowed to be extremely useful, as it is expeditious, and may be attained w ith much less trouble than any other mode of engraving. But even this circumstance is a source of mischief, as it occasions the production of a multitude of prints that have no other effect. than that of vitiating the public taste. Engraving in aquatint w'as invented by Le Prince, a French artist, who kept his process a long time secret, and it is said he sold his prints at first as drawings; but he appears to have been acquainted only with the powder-grain and the common method of stopping-out. The prints which he produced are still some of the finest specimens of the art. Mr. Paul Sandby was the first who practised it in this country, and it was by him communicated to Mr. Jukes. It is now practised very generally all over Europe, but no where more successfully than in this kingdom. We now' come to Etching ; an important branch of the art of engraving, in which the lines or strokes, in- stead of being cut with a tool or graver, are corroded or bit in with nitrous acid. In almost all engravings on copper that are executed in the stroke manner, etching and graving are combined, the plate being generally begun by etching and finished by the hand of the en- graver. Subjects that receive the most assistance from the art of etching are landscapes, architecture, and machinery. It is not applicable, or only in a small degree, to portraits and historical designs. In de- scribing the instruments and materials used in this art, we may observe that copper-plates on which the de- signs are made may be obtained ready prepared at the coppersmiths. Etching-points or needles are pointed instruments of steel about an inch long, fixed in handles of hard wood about six inches in length, and of the size of a large 1 goose-quill. They should be made of well tempered j metal, and fixed very firmly in the centre of the handle. They must be brought to an accurately conical point by rubbing upon an oil stone. A parallel ruler is neces- sary for drawing parallel straight lines, though Mr. Low'ry, Mr. Porter and others substitute for this a machine to be described that greatly facilitates the labour, and performs the work with more accuracy and j regularity. Nitrous acid is used for corroding or biting-in the j rough sketch of the engraving. The bordering wax for ; surrounding the margin of the copper-plate when the j acid is to be poured on, is composed of one part of j bees-wax and two parts of pitch. These are to be melted together in an ' iron ladle, and when melted to be thrown into warm water, after which they are to be j moulded into rolls of a convenient size. Turpentine varnish is used for covering the copper- plate in those parts which are not to be corroded with the acid. This varnish is to be mixed with lamp-black, that it may be seen better when laid upon the plate. The etching-ground is used for covering the plate, pre- viously to drawing the lines upon it with the needles. The composition of this is thus described : take of vir- gin-wax and asphaltum, each a pound and a quarter, of black pitch and Burgundy pitch each half an ounce ; melt the wax and pitch together in an earthen pipkin, and add to them by degrees the asphaltum finely pow r - dered. The whole is now to be boiled together, and when sufficiently boiled it is to be poured into warm water and formed into balls for use. To lay the ground for etching, proceed in the fol- lowing manner: having cleaned the copper-plate with some tine whiting and a linen rag, to free it from all grease, fix a hand-vice to some part of it where no j w ork is intended to be, to serve as a handle for managing it by when warm. Roll up some coarse brown paper, I and light one end ; then hold the back of the plate over | the burning paper, moving it about until every part of it is equally heated, so as to melt the etching-ground, which should be wrapped up in a bit of taffeta, to pre- vent any dirt that may happen to be among it, from with what is melted upon the plate. If the large, it will be best to heat it over a chafing- I dish with some clear coals. It must be heated just sufficient to melt the ground, but not so much as to I burn it. When a sufficient quantity of the etching- ground has been rubbed upon the plate, it must be dabbed, or beat gently, w'hile the plate is hot, with a small dabber made of cotton wrapped up in a piece of taffeta, by which operation the ground is distributed more equally over the plate than it could be by any other means. When the plate is thus uniformly and thinly covered wdth the varnish, it must be blackened by smoking it with a wax-taper. For this purpose twist together three or four pieces of w ax-taper, to make a larger flame, and while the plate is still w'arm, hold it with the varnished side downwards, and move the smoky j part of the lighted taper over its surface, till it is made almost quite black ; taking care not to let the w’ick touch the varnish, and that the latter get no smear or stain. In laying the etching-ground, great care must be taken that no particles of dust or dirt of any kind settle upon it, as that w'ould be found very troublesome in etching ; the room therefore in which it is laid should be as still as possible and free from dust. The ground being now laid, and suffered to cool, the next operation is to transfer the design to the plate. For this purpose a tracing on oiled paper must now be made, from the design to be etched, w'ith pen and ink, having a very small quantity of ox’s gall mixed with mixing plate be 332 ENGRAVING. ■with it, to make the oiled paper take it; also a piece of thin paper of the same size, musv be rubbed over with red chalk, powdered, by means of some cotton. Then laying the red chalked paper, with its chalked side next the ground, on the plate, put the tracing over it, and fasten them both together, and to the plate, by a little bit of the bordering- wax. When all this is prepared, take a blunt etching needle, and go gently all over the lines in the tracing ; by which means the chalked paper will be pressed against the ground, and the lines of the tracing will be transferred to the ground: on taking off the papers, they will be seen distinctly. The plate is now prepared for drawing through the lines which have been marked upon the ground. For this, the etching-points or needles are employed, lean- ing hard or lightly, according to the degree of strength required in the lines. Points of different sizes and forms are also used, for making lines of different thick- ness, though commonly this is effected by the biting-in with the aquafortis. A margin or border of wax must now be formed all round the plate, to hold the aquafortis when it is poured on. To do this, the bordering-wax already described must be put into lukewarm water to soften it, and render it easily worked by the hand. When suffi- ciently pliable, it must be drawn out into long rolls, and put round the edges of the plate, pressing it down firm, and forming it with the fingers into a neat wall or margin. A spout must be formed in one corner, to pour off the aquafortis by afterwards. The nitrous acid is now to be diluted with four or five times as much water, or more, according as the plate is to be bit quick or slow, and poured upon the plate. In a few minutes you will see minute bubbles of air filling all the lines that have been drawn on the . copper, which are to be removed by a feather ; and the plate must be now and then swept , as it is called, or kept free from air-bubbles. By the more or less rapid production of these bubbles, you judge of the rapidity with which the acid acts upon the copper. The biting- in of the plate is the most uncertain part of the process, and nothing but very great experience can enable any one to tell when the plate is bit enough, as you cannot easily see the thickness and depth of the line till the ground is taken off. When you judge, from the time the acid has been on, ;>nd the rapidity of the biting, that those lines which you wish to be the faintest are as deep as you wish, you pour off the aquafortis by the spout, wash the plate with water, and dry it by blowing with bellows, or by the fire, taking care not to melt the ground. Those lines that are not intended to be bit any deeper, must now be stopped up with turpentine-varnish mixed with a little lamp-black, and laid on with a camel’s-hair pencil ; and when this is thoroughly dry, the aquafortis may be poured on again, to bite the other lines that are required to be deeper. This process of stopping-out and biting-in, is to be repeated as often as there are to be lines of different degrees of thickness, taking care not to make any mistake in stopping-out wrong lines. It is also necessary to be particularly careful to stop- out with the varnish, those parts from which the ground may happen to have come off by the action of the acid, otherwise you will have parts bit that were not intended, which is called foul-biting. When the biting-iu is quite finished, the next operation is to remove the bordering- wax and the ground, in order that you may see what success you have had ; for till then, this cannot be known exactly. To take off the bordering-wax, the plate must be heated by a piece of lighted paper, which softens the wax in contact with the plate, and oc- casions it to come off quite clean. Oil of turpentine is now poured upon the ground, and the plate is rubbed with a bit of linen rag, which removes all the ground. Lastly, it is cleaned off with whitening. The success of the etching may now be known, but it is necessary to get an impression taken upon paper by a copper-plate printer. This impression is called a proof. If any parts are not bit so deep as w r ere intended, the process may be repeated, provided the lines are not too faintly bit to admit of it. This second biting-in the same lines, is called re-biting , and is done as fol- lows : melt a little of the etching-ground- on a spare piece of copper, and dab it a little, to get some on the dabber; then, having cleaned out, with whiting, the lines that are to be re-bit, heat the plate gently, and dab it very lightly with the dabber. By this, the parts between the lines will be covered with the ground, but the lines themselves will not be filled up, and conse- quently will be exposed to the action of the aquafortis. This is a very delicate process, and must be performed with great care. The rest of the plate must now be varnished over, the bordering wax put on again, and the biting repeated in the same manner as at first. If any part should be bit too deep, it is more difficult to recover it, or make it fainter: this i« generally done by burnishing the part down, or rubbing it with a piece of charcoal. This will make the lines shallower, and cause them not to print so black. Should any small parts of the lines have missed al- together in the biting, they may be cut with the graver : which is also sometimes employed to cross the lines of the etching, and thus to work up a more finished effect. Dry-pointing, as it is technically called, is a method employed for softening the harsh effects usually appa- rent in an etching. This is done by cutting with the etching-point upon the copper without any ground or varnish. This does not make a very deep line, and is used for covering the light, where delicate tints and soft shadows are wanting. By varying these processes of etching, graving, and dry-pointing, the plate may be W’orked -up to the full effect intended. Engraving in dots, which has been very much prac- tised within the last twenty years, is an old invention, and was the only mode discovered by the Italians. Augustine engraving. S3 3 Augustine of Venice, who flourished from 1509 to 1536 , used it in several of his earliest works, but con- fined it to the representation of flesh, as in an undat- ed print of an old man seated on a bank, with a cottage in the back-ground. It is seen, likewise, in a print of a single figure standing, holding a cup and looking up- wards, by Giulio Campagnola. The back-ground is executed with round dots made apparently with a dry point. The figure is outlined with a stroke deeply en- graved and finished with dots, in a manner greatly resembling prints engraved by Demarteau, at Paris, in imitation of red chalk. The hair and beard are ex- pressed by strokes. Having gone through the mechanical preparations, | which require care and experience, the engraver’s task j as an artist or man of taste properly begins. He may now call forth his inventive powers. The forms of his objects must now be severally drawn, and his shadows, tints, and lights, excepting such as he may prefer to leave to be executed by the graver, or dry point, be etched by employing lines more close or more open, and pressing on his needles more lightly or strongly, in order that he may vary his lines with the nature of the object. The characteristic advantage of etching, for certain purposes, over lines cut with the graver, consists in the unlimited freedom of which this mode of art is susceptible. The etching-needle, meeting little resistance from the varnish, glides along the surface of the plate, and easily takes any turn that the taste of the“ artist may direct, or his hand accomplish ; and hence it is well adapted to the expression of that class of objects which are denominated by the term picturesque, such as trees, rocks, ruins, cottages, the hair of animals, broken ground, or other rough and irregular surfaces. With the view of etching subjects of these kinds, Mr. Lowry several years since invented and constructed divers instruments and machines which he has suc- cessfully employed in the fine engravings executed by his hand or under his direction. One of these was for etching successive lines either equi-distant, or in just graduation from being wide apart to almost the nearest approximation ; the compass of the instrument being commensurate with every possible demand of art. Another machine is for striking elliptical, parabolical, and hyperbolical curves, and, in general, all those lines which are known by geometricians under the denomi- nation of geometrical curves, from the dimensions of the point of a needle to an extent of four or five feet. He has also constructed other machinery for facilitating I particular operations of etching, and ensuring precision in describing arcs of circles of every radius, lines converging to points at all distances, various kinds of spiral lines and the cogs and smaller teeth of wheel-work. These in- ventions combine elegance and utility, and are of high value if only considered as auxiliaries of the imitative part of this branch of engraving, but as connected with the other departments of science, they are of incalcu- i lable advantage. The accuracy of their operations ap- pears to be perfect, as far as can be ascertained by the j | human senses aided with powerful magnifying glasses, j Mr. Lowry has never published an account of his J; machines: he, Mr. Porter, and others who make use i of them endeavour to keep their construction a secret. To this Mr. William Nicholson alludes in his Journal for January 1799, and says, that upon his first hearing of the fact, he thought and asserted that it would be ,'i easy to make such a tool. He accordingly, at the in- j tervals of his leisure, did accomplish the object. He disclaimed the merit of originality of thought in substi- ; tuting mechanical operations instead of hand-work, and he adds “ those who have seen the screw gear of Ramsden’s great dividing engine will perceive that I P have done little more than distribute the parts of this I tool in what appeared to me to be the most simple and j convenient manner.” It is difficult to give an intel- ligible description of this machine without the aid of figures, and as the machine has not been deemed suf- ficiently perfect to get into general use, it does not seem to claim that degree of importance which engrav- ings would bestow upon it. It consists of a frame fixed to a drawing-board, and resembles a sliding-rule and serves to guide a sliding-piece. There is a screw having forty threads to an inch ; and there are two cocks, of which one is fixed to the frame, and bears a clip or pair of nuts, which open and shut with a joint like compasses, and either embrace the screw by a regularly tapped part when shut, or leave it at liberty when open. The other cock is fixed to the sliding piece : it carries a steel ruler, which though sufficiently strong, is thin enough to adapt itself to slight variations of thickness of the plate beneath it. “ In my instru- ment,” says Mr. Nicholson, “ I have made it adjusta- ble to much greater variations of thickness, by means of an horizontal axis; but as this contrivance adds to the expense, and diminishes the simplicity of the instru- ment, 1 would rather recommend that great variations should be allowed for by putting paper or thin slips of metal underneath the plate as may be required.” The end of the screw is turned down, and fixed in the cock by means of a nut and washer : the upper part of the cock is filed round, and cut into teeth, of which fifty would complete the whole circle. The centre of this external circular part corresponds with the axis of the screw, and there are shewn in the figure two short cy- lindrical pieces which are hollow', and apply to each other so as to form a kind of box. Within, and fixed to one of these cylindrical pieces, which is fixed to the screws itself, there is a ratchet wheel divided into 50 teeth ; and within the cylindrical piece there is a ratchet wheel, which holds When the said piece is moved by its handle from right to left, but which escapes when that handle is moved in a contrary direction. The lever or arm is likew ise supported by the stem of the screw*', and occu- pies the remaining space between the handle and the cock. At the outer extremity of this lever there is a small steel blade, which, by means of a back spring exactly resembling that of a pocket knife, may be made to form a continuation of the lever itself, or by being 4 Q placed ENGRAVING. 334 placed at right angles to the level', may be made to rest in any of the divisions between the teeth of the circum- ference of the cock, and consequently will by that means confine the lever to the position in which it is placed. The handle cannot pass the lever because this last is too thick, and there is a stud or pin upon the face of the cock, which prevents the handle from being moved beyond a certain determinate station to the left hand. And, lastly, the ruler may be of any required length, and serves, by means of a thumb-screw at one end, and another at the opposite end, to secure the copper-plate against the drawing-board in the usual manner. Such is the construction of the machine : its use is thus set forth : — By drawing back a claw, the screw is set at liberty, and the ruler may be brought to any required distance by hand. The plate may then be duly placed and secured to. the board, and the clip drawn gently together by the claw. In this situation, if the lever be placed at a considerable distance from the handle, ‘that handle may be moved to the right, during which the click will gather upon the ratchet-wheel ; and then being returned to the left, it will carry the screw round. The gentle pressure, exerted by means of the claw, will tend to close the clip upon the screw, as soon as it comes into a fair position by its rotation ; at which instant the claw will suddenly fall into its place, and the machine is ready for work, excepting that the adjustment for the fineness or coarseness of the stroke must be first made. This is done by the lever. If the steel blade be dropped into the first notch beginning on the left hand, the handle will be confined ; if at the se- cond notch, the handle, upon being moved backwards and forwards between the pin and lever, will move the screw through one tooth, or the one-fiftieth of a turn each time, and consequently will carry the ruler through the Ya'ao th part of an inch. If the blade of the lever be placed in any other of the notches, the quantity passed over, at each return of the handle, will be greater or less according to the number. As there are but twenty-six notches, the greatest single shift of this instrument will be the ^th part of an inch ; but as .this shift is so readily made, it is easy, even with this fine screw, to reach greater intervals, by moving the handle , once, twice, or even three times, between stroke and stroke. Thus, for the -Vth of an inch, or t gg a ths, the j number of intervals cannot be passed over at one stroke; but if the blade be set at the twentieth notch, the ruler will be shifted exactly that quantity, by two movements of the handle. Soon after Mr. Nicholson had given this account to the public, Mr. 'Lowry permitted him to take a view of his machine for ruling, which he found to be entirely different from the one just described. “ As he, (Mr. Lowry,) has no actual division in the part which pro- duces the shift, he can regulate his distances to incom- mensurate, as well as commensurate measures. The parallax of the ruling point, against which I had made no provision, is, by a very simple and happy contriv- ance, taken away in common ruling, or rendered varia- ble at pleasure, for the purpose of thickening the stroke in shading.” Engravers have frequently complained of the inconve- nience which they experience from the fumes which proceed from the action of the nitrous acid upon the copper, when the plate is large. To remedy this, Mr. Cornelius Varley reeommends that the artist should get a frame made of deal, three or four inches deep, co- vered with a plate of glass, and open at one side ; the side opposite to this is to have a round opening commu- nicating, by means of a common iron pipe, with the ash-pit of any little stove or other fire-place, shut up from all other access of air but what must pass through the pipe. Any fumes rising from a copper-plate laid under such a frame will be carried backward into the iron-pipe by the current of air required to maintain combustion in the stove, and will by this means be car- ried up the chimney, in place of being allowed to fly about in the apartment. The pipe may be used by carrying it down through the table to the floor, and so i along to the place wherever the chimney is ; and when the flame is not wanted, the pipe, at one of the join- ings, may be made to answer the purpose of a' hinge, by which to turn up the frame against the wall, where it may be secured, while out of use, by a button, &c. Before we conclude this article, we may give an account of another subject or two closely connected with it. Of these, the first is Mr. Samuel Toplis’s (of Gainsborough) method of writing and engraving in oil, and multiplying copies on paper, parchment, linen, and other materials of flexible texture, which is as follows : Have in readiness a well-polished, silver, copper, or other metal plate, or earthen-ware, or horn, and have ready a cushion, or as a substitute for a cushion, a fresh bladder filled with air. On the cushion, or its substitute, with a painter’s brush, a knife, a folding- stick, or other convenient instrument, spread a fine coat of strong printing ink, or in the absence of this, paint, or other substance of a viscous nature may be used, provided it be of such a consistence as will admit of separation without running. Take the plate, holding it by the corners alternately, and suffer it to touch the ink, paint, &c., by gentle puttings or fallings of the plate, till the whole become coated. With a piece of hard wood reduced to a point fit for making strokes, engrave or delineate the subject required. The plate thus coated, engraved, or delineated, must be then taken to a rolling-press, and on it lay a dry or a moist sheet of paper, skin of parchment, or leather, &c. ; on any of these lay a woollen cloth, or other such body, and giving the requisite pressure, there will be found a fair copy of all matters engraved or otherwise delineated on the coated plate, in white characters. If more than one copy is required, the force meant to be applied must be divided by the number of copies wanted. This invention, says the author of it, is intended to convey useful knowledge, or the delineations of fancy, to the various parts of the habitable globe, in a different and more ENGRAVING. 335 more curious manner than by any other means that have hitherto been practised or attempted. The art may be extended through the mediums of painting, japanning, calico-printing, to all bodies possessing plain surfaces, of whatever shape or use, amidst our various arts and manufactures ; for it is able to figure that essential part of dress, linen, in a cheaper and readier way than by any yet adopted. The following is a description of a moveable table for the use of engravers, invented by the Abbe Joseph Longhi, a very ingenious Italian artist. He was led to this by observing how common it is for engravers to die at an early period of their lives : “ It too often hap- pens,” he says, that those artists who apply themselves the most assiduously to their art, fall early victims to their diligence, so that their first essays become their last works.” Reflecting on the causes that led to this, he found it to proceed from the very hurtful attitude in which the engraver is placed at his work ; for in engraving a plate, even of a middling size, if the plate be placed horizontally upon a cushion, it is not only impossible to perform the work without a very injurious curvature of the body ; but it lays the foundation of those complaints which so often prove fatal to artists. The intention of the Abbe, in the invention of the table now to be described, was, that those artists should be able to work either standing or sitting, without any injurious bending of the body ; for this purpose he began by placing the copper -plate upon a desk, revolving on a centre, but he soon found that one centre was insuffi- cient ; it became necessary, therefore, that the board upon which the plate was to be fixed, should have a great number of square holes underneath, by which it might be put upon the axis or pivot in any part, as oc- casion might require. He says this table is much more commodious for engraving than any other method ; for, when it is necessary to engrave in the corner of a plate, it is difficult to do it on a cushion in the usual way, that is, by supporting it w ith the left hand, and keeping it quite motionless ; and the smallest motion in the plate renders it impossible to perform the work properly ; but upon this table, where the plate is fixed upon a pivot or axis, and supported by a projecting part under it, the left hand has less to do, and the plate always turns round parallel to what it rests upon. The upper or moveable part of the table consists of a thin plank, to the bottom of which is united an iron plate, w ith a number of square holes made to fit exact- ly that part of the axis which protrudes. The under- board is made to rise and fall at pleasure, in the man- ner of a desk, by meaus of a pair of hinges, in the middle of which is the thick protruding axis just men- tioned, that comes through a circle of iron. There is also a still larger circle of iron, of the same height as the smaller one, that serves for the moveable board to rest upon, as it is turned round. There is a foot by which the desk part is supported at any required height. Engraving on Wood . — Engraving on wood is a pro- cess exactly the reverse to engraving on copper. In the latter, the strokes to be printed are sunk, or cut into the copper, and a rolling-press is used for printing it ; but in engraving on wood, all the w ood is cut away, except the lines to be printed, which are left standing up like types, and the mode of printing is the same as that used in letter-press. The wood used for this pur- pose is box-wood, which is planed quite smooth. The design is then drawn upon the w'ood itself w : ith black- lead, and all the w'ood is cut away with gravers and other proper tools, except the lines that are drawn. Or sometimes the design is drawn upon paper, and pasted upon the wood, which is cut ds before. This art is of considerable difficulty, and there are compara- tively very few who practise it. But of late years, the art of cutting designs upon wood has arrived at a vast degree of perfection, especially under the celebrated Bewicks, of Newcastle, who have carried their execu- tion in this respect to a pitch of elegance rivalling, and in some instances, almost surpassing copper-plate en- graving, which before their time was believed to be utterly unattainable. On this subject Mr. P. Wilson, of Glasgow, ob- serves, “ Having often regretted that such rare speci- mens of art as they have produced w'ere so perishable, from the frailness of the materials upon which so much genius and labour were expended, I was induced to send to Mr. Tassie, among other models, some designs in box-wood, executed by Mr. Bewick, with direc- tions to mould from them, in the view of obtaining casts or copies in glass. The returns which I received to all those patterns completely answered my expecta- tions, as being at once as perfect as the originals.” From the success of this experiment, and from what has been established in the way of making glass safely resist any degree of pressure, it will readily occur, that an improvement of considerable magnitude may depend upon a proper co-operation of the two arts of engraving upon box-w’ood or upon brass, and of moulding, with a view of obtaining such cuts or engravings in so dura- ble a substance as glass. We shall resume this subject, under the head Gj.ass- Making. FILE-MAKING, W E shall Introduce this article with some admirable observations on the progress of mechanical discovery, exemplified in an account of machines for cutting files, by Mr. Wm. Nicholson. “ The folly and consequent distress of pursuing ex- periments in chemistry, for the sole purpose of com- mercial advantage, has been repeatedly observed, both by public writers, and in private life. The obscurity which attends the processes of this art, the imperfec- tions of theory, and the seductions of hope, have united to lead men in pursuit of medicines of uncommon powers, and agents which should convert the cheaper metals into gold and silver. It is a subject of no won- der, to those who have not suffered their mental habits to be vitiated by these seductive analogies, that difficul- ties and disappointment should attend the life of a man thus employed. But mechanics have, in general, been more favourably regarded. A number of simple and admirably useful effects are produced by the operation of machines. We daily see improvements produced by means easily understood. The mechanic, who endea- vours to strike into a new path, finds he can reason from what has been done-before him, and usually begins his work with a conviction that the results he is desirous of obtaining will infallibly happen. Hence it is, that a prodigious number of new schemes find their way into books, on which both the author and the reader set a high value, and of which the futility is discerned only by a few practical men. Some of my readers have supposed this source of information to be much more productive than it really is. A very slight inquiry con- cerning new machines and inventions, whether they have been carried into effect, and whether they have superseded the old methods of operation, will immedi- ately strike out of the list of valuable articles not less than nine-tenths of the objects to which the public at- tention is solicited. And if it be asserted, that the description of such abortive projects might be of use to afford hints to speculators, I must take the liberty to observe, that it is a most serious thing to engage in a new invention, an are employed for grinding other glides. Tho»g srindin- is by far the most expeditious method, it does § „ot gwe tha/truth to the surface which can be effected by filing. If the price of the articles would admit, however, it would be well to render the surface more even by the file after grinding. If the surface be not fiat, it is obviohs, that when the file is used foi fibng ® lar^e surface, those teeth in the hollow parts o ie will not be brought into action. It is from attention to this circumstance, and to the care m annealing and har- dening, that the Lancashire file-makers have genera y excelled. They are, however, confined chiefly to the small articles, since the larger files would not pay for the process of striping. The tools of the consist of an anvil placed upon a block of such a hei e ht that the man sits to his work. He has also a piece of lead alloyed with tin, on which he lays the files when • one side is cut. The chisel and hammer are of such size as the size and cut of the file require. He is also provided with a leathern strap, which goes over each end S the file and passes round his feet winch are intro- duced into the strap on each side in the same manner as stirrups are used. The file-cutter, therefore, sits as if he were on horseback, holding his chisel with one hand! his hammer in the other, at the same time he secures the file in its place by the pressure of his feet 1U Greatpams ought to be taken in preparing the edge of the chfsel. It is, in the first place, hardened and wiih oil It is not required to be very shaip, the bot- tom o“tbe tooth requiring to be rather open to prevent The^dg^S a Is? ‘required to be" very smooth in order -a. *c. * i /’nil im-ruttin or are, previous to cutting SSSFgsSSi SefKood "ce much smoother , Th, ,meration of simple file-cutting seems to be of to machinery, it is said, ma a fidelle Ouverture thurin Jousse, m a work entitled , p. he \ n An- ri r Art- dp Serruner, published at La ■ > de 1 Ait de Serru " er » V 1 627. gives a drawing and jou, so long ago. h file is drawn along by A^icau Philosophical Socle.,, of FILE-MAKING. 339 which we shall give some account, as we shall of an- other for which Mr. William Nicholson obtained a pa- tent in the year !802; premising that the principal re- quisites in a machine for file-cutting, are that the metal from which it is manufactured should be steadily sup- ported, and the chisel adapted to the face without any unequal bearing. The American machine consists of a bench of well seasoned oak, and the face of it planed very smooth ; and a carriage on which the files are laid, which moves along the face of the bench parallel to its sides, and carries the files gradually under the edge of the cutter or chisel while the teeth are cut. The carriage is made to move by a contrivance somewhat similar to that which carries the log against the saw of a saw-mill. The lever or arm, which carries the cutter, works on the centres of two screws which are fixed into two pillars in a direction right across the bench. By tightening or loosening these screws, the arm which carries the chisel may be made to work more or less steady. There is likewise a regulating-screw, by means of which the files may be made coarser or finer : also a bed of lead, which is let into a cavity formed in the body of the car- riage, somewhat broader and longer than the largest- sized files ; the upper face of this bed of lead is formed variously, so as to fit the different kinds of files which may be required. When the file or files are laid in their place, the ma- chine must be regulated by the screw to cut them of a due degree of fineness. This machine is described as being so simple, that when properly adjusted a blind per- son may cut a file with more exactness than can be done in | the usual method with the keenest sight ; for by striking I with a hammer on the head of the cutter or chisel all the movements are set at work ; and by repeating the stroke with the hammer, the files on one side will at length be cut ; then they must be turned, and the ope- ration repeated for cutting the other side. This ma- chine may be made to work by water as readily as by hand, to cut coarse or fine, large or small files, or any number at a time : but it may be more particularly use- ful for cutting the very fine small files for watchmakers. We shall now give an account of the machine, for which Mr. Nicholson obtained His Majesty’s letters patent. “ My machinery,” says the patentee, “ consists in four essential parts, suitably constructed and combined together ; namely, First, a carriage or apparatus, in or by which the file is fixed or held and moved along, for the purpose of receiving the successive strokes of a cut- ter or chisel. Secondly, the anvil, by which the file is supported beneath the part which receives the stroke. Thirdly, the regulating gear, by which the distance between stroke and stroke is determined and governed. And, fourthly, the apparatus for giving the stroke or cut. The four several parts are supported by, or at- tached to a frame or platform of solid and secure work- j manship, either of wood or metal, or both, according j j to the nature of the work intended to be performed, and j I the judgment and choice of the engineer. The car- riage is a long block of wood, or metal, of the figure of a parallelipidon, or nearly so, having a portion cut out between its upper and lower surfaces to admit the anvil to stand therein, without coming into contact with the carriage itself. The said carriage is made of such a length that the excavation here described shall be consi- derably longer than the longest files intended to be cut; and it is supported upon straight bearers from the plat- form, upon which by projecting pieces, or slides, or wheels, or friction-rollers, it can be moved endwise in a straight lined direction, without shake or deviation. At one end of the said excavation is fixed a clip re- sembling an hand-vice for holding the file by its tail or tang ; and in the opposite end of the said excavation there is a sliding block or piece, which being brought up to the other end of the file does, by means of a notch or other obvious contrivance, prevent it from being moved sideways. The said clip is so fixed at its head or shank by means of an horizontal axis on gudgeons and sockets, that the file is at liberty to move up and dow n, but not sidew ays or a-twist. In this manner it is that the file being fixed in the carriage is pressed down upon the anvil by a lever and weight proceeding from the platform, and bearing upon the face of the file by a small roller of wood, ivory, bone, or soft metal. The anvil is solidly fixed on the platform, and may be of any suitable figure which shall be sufficiently massy to re- ceive and resist the blow ; but its upper part must be so contracted as to stand up in the excavation of the car- riage and support the file; and the upper part of all must be constructed in such a manner that it shall fairly ap- ply itself to the under surface of the file, and support it without leaving any hollow space, notwithstanding any casual irregularities of the said surface. I produce this effect by making a cavity in the anvil of the figure of a portion of a sphere, not much less than an hemisphere, and in this cavity I place (with grease between) a piece of iron or steel made exactly to fit, but of which the lower surface is a greater portion of the sphere, and the upper surface flat and plain. The file rests upon this last flat or plain surface, which is either faced with lead, or (in preference) a slip of lead is put under the tile and turned round the tang thereof, so as to move along with it. It is evident that the upper or moveable piece of the said anvil will, by sliding in its socket, ac- commodate and apply itself constantly to the surface of the file, which is pressed and struck against it. Or, otherwise, I make the concavity in the upper moveable piece, and make the fixed part convex : or, otherwise, I support the upper part, or in some cases the whole of my anvil upon opposite gudgeons, in the manner of the gimbals of sea compasses : or, otherwise, I form the upper part of my anvil cylindrical, of a large diameter, supported on thick gudgeons, the axis of the said cylin- der being short, and at right angles to the motion of the carriage : or, otherwise, I form only a small por- tion, namely, the upper extremity of my anvil of a cy- ; iiudrical form as aforesaid, and cause the same to con- tinue 340 FILE-MAKING. tinue motionless by fashioning the same out of the same mass as the rest of the anvil, or fixing the same thereto. And in both the last-mentioned cases of the cylindrical structure I fix the head or shank of the clip (by which the tang is held), not by a single axis or pair of gud- geons, but by an universal joint or ball and socket, so that the file becomes at liberty to adapt itself not only upwards and downwards, but also in the way of rotation or a-twist, and supplies the want of motion in the anvil by the facility with which itself can be moved in the last- mentioned manner. “ The regulating-gear is that part of the machinery by which the carriage, and consequently the file is drawn along. It consists of a screw revolving between centres fixed to the platform, and acting upon a nut attached to the carriage with usual and well known precautions for working of measuring screws ; and the nut being mac^e to open by a joint when the carriage is required to be disengaged and slided back. And the said screw is moved either constantly by a slow motion from the first mover, or (which is better) by interrupted equal motions, so as to draw the carriage during the interval between stroke and stroke. And the quantities of those respec- tive equal motions may be produced and governed at pleasure by wheel-work applied to the head of the screw, or by the well known apparatus used in the ma- thematical dividing engine for circles; or by various other contrivances well known to workmen of competent skill, and therefore unnecessary to be described at large : or, otherwise, the motion of the carriage may be pro- duced by a toothed rack from the carriage drawn by a pinion ; and this pinion moved by a ratchet-wheel on the same arbor moved by a click-lever, which shall -gather up and drive a greater or less number of teeth, accord- ing to the coarseness or fineness of the file; and the click- lever itself maybe moved by a tripping piece from the first mover, or by various other evident means of connexion : or, otherwise, the said carriage may be moved by a small cylinder, and rope or chain constantly acting : or, otherwise, the said motion may be effected by a train of two or more wheels, suffered to move by any of the escapements used in time-pieces, and the fineness of stroke may be regulated either by changing the wheels as in the common fuzee engine, or by the greater or less frequency of escape during each turn of the first mover. And in every case I prefer a counter-weight to the carriage, acting either constantly against, or con- stantly in the direction of its motion ; though this is not absolutely necessary when the work is well executed. I may also observe, that it is possible to construct my said machinery by fixing and rendering motionless that part which I hove called the carriage, provided the other three principal parts be made to move instead of the carriage itself; but I consider this disposition as less eligible than that which requires the carriage to be moved. The apparatus for giving the stroke or cut, consists of a chisel, which is held between the jaws of a mouth-piece or claws resembling a strong hand-vice without teeth. One of the jaws is made very stout, and the chisel is formed narrow from edge to back, and wide from side to side, and has a semi-circular protu- berance on its back, which rests in a circular notch in the strong jaw aforesaid; and there are two or three bended flat rings or washers of iron or metal under the thumb-screw of the said mouth-piece or claws, which prevent the chisel from becoming loose by the stroke : or, otherwise, the said chisel may have a notch, or a hole, instead of a protuberance, to meet a correspond- ent part in the mouth-piece or claws ; but I prefer the first-mentioned construction. By the construction of the chisel as here mentioned and fixed, the edge of the said instrument is at liberty to apply itself fairly from side to side of the file notwithstanding any winding or irregu- larity, whatever may be the fineness of the cut upon a broad surface. The mouth-piece, with its chisel, is firmly fixed in another piece, which by its motion gives the stroke. This last-mentioned piece may either be a lever or a moveable carriage between upright sliders ; but I greatly prefer the lever. The chisel must be so fixed that the moving piece shall carry it fairly edge- onwards to the file without scraping or slapping in the least ; and the obliquity of the stroke may be adjusted by fixing the centres of the level either higher or lower at pleasure, or by inclining the last-mentioned sliders. The lever may be raised and let fall (or the other chi- sel apparatus moved) by a tripping-piece or snail-work, or other usual connexion with the first mover ; and its power of stroke may be increased by the addition of a weight, or by the action of a spring; which last method is of excellent use, and may (if required from the vary- ing breadth of the file) be made to increase or diminish its power during the run by several easy and commonly used methods or contrivances for pressing more or less against the spring. Or, otherwise, the lever, or hold- ing-piece, may be kept immediately above the file by the re-action of a slight spring, of weight, and be struck by an hammer moved and acted upon by the first mover, as aforesaid : and to this method I give the preference, because the lever will then have less strain upon its pivots ; or, the said lever may even be sup- ported by spring-joints without any pivots or centres at all. Or, instead of a hammer, the blow may be given by a ram, or a fly and screw, but I give the preference to the hammer. The lever may move in a vertical circle immediately over the file, or in an oblique circle at right angles to it, or at any intermediate angle consist- ent with the foregoing instructions : and the chisel may be set with its edge at any angle whatever, with the line of the length of the lever ; but, in general, I have set the lever in the first-mentioned position, and have va- ried the angle between the chisel-edge and the lever, according to the intended slope of the cut upon the face of the file. The edge of the chisel must be sharpened to such an angle as the intended cut and strength of burr may require. Lastly, I describe the general action of the said machinery as follows: 1. The file being pre- pared as usual for cutting, must be fixed in the clip of the carriage, and the sliding-block brought up andjixed, to FILE-MAKING. to steady its other extremity. 2. The nut of the screw being then opened (or the other regulating gear disen- gaged,) the carriage is slided to its place, so that the chisel may be situated over that part of the file which is to receive the first stroke. 3. The nut is then closed (or the other regulating gear connected) and the small roller of the pressing lever is made to bear upon the face of the file. 4. The first mover being then put into action, raises and lets fall the apparatus for giving the stroke by which the file receives a cut. And, 5, immediately afterwards, or during the same action, as the case may be, (according to the construction as before described,) the regulating gear moves the car- riage, and consequently the file, through a determinate space. 6. The cut is then again given ; and in this manner (the strength of cut being duly proportioned to the space between cut and cut,) the file becomes cut throughout. 7. The file is then taken out and cut on the other side. 8. The burr is then taken off, or not, as the artist may think best ; and the cross-strokes are given over the surfaces as before. And the said ma- chinery, by certain slight, necessary, and obvious changes in the structure and disposition of the chisels, and some other of the parts thereof, is adapted to ma- nufacture all other forms and descriptions of files, whe- ther floats, rasps, half-round, three-square, or any other figure or denomination. Three things are strictly to be observed in har- dening files ; first, to prepare the file on the surface, so as to prevent it from being oxydated by the atmosphere, when the file is red hot, which effect would not only take off the sharpness of the tooth, but render the whole surface so rough, that the file would, in a little time, become clogged with the substance it had to work. Se- condly, the heat ought to be very uniformly red through- out, and the water in which it is quenched fresh and cold, for the purpose of giving it the proper degree of hardness. Lastly, the manner of immersion is of great importance, to prevent the files from warping, which in long thin files is very difficult. The first object is ac- complished by laying a substance upon the surface, which, when it fuses, forms as it were a varnish upon it, defending the metal from the action of the oxy- gen of the air. Formerly the process consisted in first coating the surface of the file with ale-grounds, and then covering it over with pulverised common salt. Af- ter this coating becomes dry, the files are heated red- hot, and hardened; afterwards, the surface is lightly brushed over with the dust of cokes, wheu it appears white and metallic, as if it had not been heated. This process has lately been improved, at least so far as re- lates to the economy of the salt, which, from the quantity used, and the increase of duty, had become a serious object. Those who use the improved method are now consuming about one-fourth the quantity of salt used in the old method. The process consists in dissolving the salt in w'ater to saturation, which is about three pounds to the gallon, and stiffening it with ale-grounds, or with the cheapest kind of flour, such as that of beans, to about the consistence of thick cream. The files only require to be dipped into this substance, and immedi- ately heated and hardened. The grounds or the flour are of no other use than to give the mass consistence, and by that means, allowing a larger quantity of salt to be laid upon the surface. In this method, the salt forms immediately a firm coating. As soon as the water is evaporated, the whole of it becomes fused upon the file. In the old method, the dry salt was so loosely attached to the file, that the greatest part of it was rubbed off into the fire, and was sublimed up the chim- ney, without producing any effect. Some file-makers are in the.habit of using the coal of burnt leather, which doubtless produces some effect ; but the carbon is ge- nerally so ill prepared for the purpose, and the time of its operation so short, as to render the effect very little. Animal carbon, when properly prepared and mixed with the above hardening composition, is capable of giving hardness to the surface even of an iron file. The car- bonaceous matter may be readily obtained from any of the soft parts of animals, or from blood. For this pur- pose, however, the refuse of shoe-makers and curriers is the most convenient. After the volatile parts have been distilled over, from an iron still, a bright shining coal is left behind, which, w'hen reduced to powder, is fit to mix with the salt. Let about equal parts, by bulk, of this powder, and muriate of soda, be mixed together, and brought to the consistence of cream, by the addition of water. Or mix the powdered carbon with a saturated solution of the salt, till it become of the above consistence. Files which are intended to be very hard, should be covered with this composition^ previously to hardening. By this method, files maae of iron, which in itself is insusceptible of hardening, ac- quires a superficial hardness sufficient to answer the purposes of any file whatever. Files of this kind may be bent into any form, and in consequence are rendered useful for sculptors and die-sinkers. The mode of heating the file for hardening, is by means of a fire similar to that employed by common smiths. The file is to be held in a pair of tongs by the tang or tail, and introduced into the fire, consisting of very small cokes, pushing it more or less into the fire, for the sake of heating it regularly. When it is uni- formly heated of a cherry colour, it is fit to quench in the water. An oven is commonly used for the larger kind of files, into which the blast of the bellows is di- rected, being open at one end for the purpose of intro- ducing the files and the fuel. After the file is properly heated, for the purpose of hardening, it should be cooled as quickly as possible ; this is usually done by quenching it in the coldest water. Clear spring water, free from animal and vegetable matter, is best calcula- ted for the hardening files. When files are properly hardened, they are brushed over with water and powdered coke, when the surface becomes clean and metallic. They may likewise be dipped into lime-water, and dried befQre the fire as ra- pidly as possible, after which they should be rubbed 4 S over 342 FOUNDING. over with olive oil, in which is mixed a little oil of turpentine while warm, and then they are finished. In the operations of filing, the coarser cut files are always to be succeeded by the finer ; and the general rule is, to lean heavy on the file in thrusting it forward, because the teeth of the file are made to cut forwards. But in drawing the file back again for a second stroke, it is to be lifted just above the work, to prevent its cut- ting as it comes back. The rough or coarse-toothed file, called a rubber, serves to take off the unevenness of the work, left by the hammer in forging. The bastard- toothed file, as it is technically called, is to take out too deep cuts and file-strokes made by the rough file. The fine-toothed files take out the cuts or file-strokes which the bastard file made, and the smooth file those left by the fine file. FOUNDING. The art of founding in metal, or casting it, now occupies a space in our wants which entitles it to con- siderable attention. If the Greeks, and after them the Romans, perfected it in as far as refers to casting in brass and bronze, w'e have extended it more than they did, inasmuch as w r e have turned it to all the great fea- tures of general utility. Iron constitutes the grand staple in modern founding. The great abundance of this metal, with its consequent cheapness, together with the developements of chemistry, has, amongst us, opened to it a field, and created for it a demand, by which its operations may go on ad infinitum, and it is hoped with a success commensurate. Founding is as multiplied as there are metals suscep- tible of fusion by elevation of temperature; and as all those that are at present known are in some way or other so, it follows that all may be founded. In addi- tion to w'hich, it has now been shewm, that the earths (always considered as elements by the ancients) are metals, deprived only of their distinguishing character- I istics by their excessive affinity to oxygen. Sir H. j Davy, to whom these discoveries were left to be achieved, has demonstrated the fact, and numerous me- tals, or, as he has termed them, metaloids, have been added to the nomenclature of those previously known. How far his discoveries may be extended, it is impossi- : ble to conjecture : he has shewn that the calcareous earths, as weU as potash and soda, are susceptible, by being exposed to high degrees of temperature, of changing their form, and flowing like melted silver, possessing all the distinguishing characteristics by which we determine a metallic substance. The French che- mists have repeated his experiments, and confirmed his discoveries, from which a new epoch in science has arisen.* * See Sir H, Davy's Papers, Philosophical Transactions, 1809, 10, It. Founding will be divided into its various and distinct branches, and will include founding in brass and bronze, iron in all its multiplied ways, also bell and type founding, with some observations on casting in the precious metals. Brass is a compound of copper and zinc, but from the excessive volatility of the latter, it is difficult to as- certain the precise proportion it contains of each ; but they become, by being fused together, a homogeneous malleable yellow metal, of great utility in supplying the medium to a beautiful and extensive manufacture of works in brass, required in our domestic economy, as well as a very important part in the arts, in which it is also employed in the founding of statues, 8tc. &c. Founders in brass require an exact model, in wood or otherwise, of the article to be founded ; and this is most frequently required to be in two parts, exactly joined together, and fitted by small pins, and the cast- ing, in such a case, is performed by two operations, that is, one half at one time and one half at another, and in manner following, viz. The founder provides himself with a yellowish sharp sand, which is required to be well washed, to free it of all earthy and other particles. This sand is prepared for use by a process called tewing, which consists in working up the sand in a moist state, over a board about one foot square, which is placed over a box to receive what may fall over in the tewing. A roller about 2 feet long and 2 inches in diameter is em- ployed in rolling the sand about until it is brought into that state which is deemed proper for its business : a long-bladed knife is also required to cut it in pieces. With the roller and the knife the tewing is finished for use, by being alternately rolled and cu(. When the sand is so far prepared, the moulder provides himself with a table or board, which in size must be regulated by the castings about to be performed on it. The edges of the table or board are surrounded by a ledge, in order to support the tewed stuff ; the table so pre- viously FOUNDING. 343 viously prepared is filled up with the sand as high as the top of the ledge, which is in a moderately moistened state, and which must be pressed closely down upon the table in every part. When the operation has so far ad- vanced, the models must be all examined, to see that they are in a state to come nicely out of the mould, and if not found so, they must be cleaned or altered till the founder is satisfied with them. All models require the greatest accuracy in their making, or it will be vain to suppose any thing good can be performed by the founder. When the models are found to be in a state to be founded, one half, generally longitudinally, is taken first, and this is applied on the mould, and pressed down into the tewed stuff or sand, so as to leave its form completely indented in it, and which must be very carefully looked to and examined minutely, to see that there are no small holes, as every part in the indented sand must be a perfect cameo of the models submitted and pressed into it. If it should not be found perfect, new sand must be added, and the model re-indented and pressed into it, till it leaves its impression in a state pro- per to receive the metal. In the same manner, other models intended to be founded on the same table, must be prepared and indented into the sand. When the ta- blets completely ready for the metal, it is carried away to the melter, who himself examines its state, and also the cameos, and who lays along the middle of the mould the half of a small wire of brass, which he presses into the sand, so as to form a small channel for the melted brass to flow in, and which he terms the master-jet or canal. It is so disposed as to meet the ledge on one side, and far euough to reach the last pat- tern on the other ; from this is made several lesser jets or branches, extending themselves to each pattern on the table, and by which means the fluid metal is con- veyed to all the different indented impressions required to be cast on the table. When the work is so far for- warded, it is deemed ready for the foundry ; but pre- viously to which, the whole is sprinkled over with mill- dust, and when it is so sprinkled, the table is placed in an oven of moderate temperature till it gets dry, or in a state which is deemed proper to receive the melted brass. The first table being thus far completed, it is either turned upside down and the moulds or patterns taken out, or the moulder begins to prepare another table exactly similar to the one he has just completed, in which he indents and presses the other half of the mould, or he turns the table already finished and con- taining the first half of the patterns upside down ; pre- viously, however, to doing which, it will be necessary for him to loosen the pattern which is fixed in the sand a little all round, with any small instrument that will just open away the sand from its edges, in order to its coming from out of the table more easily. This eco- nomy in founding, of making one half of each pattern to be cast answer the purpose of the whole pattern, is a very common practice in brass founding, and enables the manufacturer to sell his goods at a much cheaper rate than he would otherwise be enabled to do, if he | was obliged to have a full pattern of all goods to be founded. When he has loosened the sand from about the pattern, and taken it out of the first table, the work is proceeded in, of preparing the counterpart or other half of the mould with the same pattern, or otherwise, and in a frame exactly corresponding with the former, excepting only that it is prepared with small pins, to enter holes which are made in the first half of the mo- del, and into which the pins enter, and secure the two halves together. It is obvious, that the accuracy in the joining will depend wholly upon the neatness and truth of fixing and boring for the pins. When the table containing the counterpart is finished, the patterns are all properly indented in the sand, which is done as has been before described for the first table, and when completed, it is carried away to the melter, who, after enlarging the principal jet of the counterpart, and making the cross jets to the various patterns, and sprink- ling them as before with mill-dust : it is then set in the oven till it has received a sufficient drying to be ready for the melted metal ; after which, and when both parts of the model are deemed sufficiently dry, they are joined together by means of the pins and holes, previously pre- pared in the upper and under model : and to prevent their rising up or slipping aside by the force of the melted brass, which is to come in, flaming with heat, and through a small hole contrived in the principal or master jet, the precaution is taken of locking the two tables down in a kind of press made with screws ; or, if the mould be too large to admit of being screwed easily, wedges are had recourse to, to fix the tables together, to prevent accidents. The moulds thus fixed in the press, or wedged, are placed near the furnace, and every arrangement is made for it to receive the melted brass as it comes out of the crucible. All being so far arranged, and the moulds ready, the metal is prepared, by being heated to a complete fusion in an earthen crucible, commonly about 10 inches high and 4 inches in diameter. The furnace for promoting the fusion of the brass is similar to a smith’s forge, having bellows of large dimensions operated upon by a lever, as well as a chimney over the furnace for the smoke to escape through. The hearth of the furnace is of masonry or brick-work, secured by an outer rim of iron, in the centre of which is the fire-place, and which consists in making a void or cavity, from 12 to 18 inches square, and reaching quite down to the bottom or floor of the foundry. The void or cavity is divided into two parts by an iron grating, on the upper side of which is placed the fuel, and in the midst of it the crucible con- taining the metal ; the lower part of the cavity is ap- propriated to admit the air to the fire, and also to receive the waste or cinders falling from the fire. The fuel consists of dry beechen wood cut into small billets, and previously baked, to make then) more readily com- bustible, and which are, when a fire is required, put into the cavity in the hearth, and w'ell lighted. The crucible, when full of brass, should be placed dowui in the centre of the fire, so that it may play all round it. 544 FOUNDING. and it should be covered with an earthen cover, or tile, to promote the heat of the fire upon the metal. All the time the metal is preparing, the attendant keeps blowing up the fire ; and in order to keep the heat from escaping through the chimney, or in flame, a piece of tile is placed over the fire and aperture of the furnace. As the heat operates in melting the metal, it sinks nearer to the bottom of the crucible, when fresh metal is added till the crucible is quite full. The brass is previously prepared for melting, by being broken into small frag- ments in a mortar, and when sufficiently beaten and broken for use, it is put into the crucible by an iron ladle, which has a long hollow arm or shank of small diameter, but sufficiently large to admit the fragments of metal rolling through it into the crucible, into which the fresh brass is dropped from out of the cylindrical arm of the iron ladle. As the crucible is filled with metal, preparation must be made, when it is deemed ready to be removed, for the purpose of running it into the moulds, to remove it easily from out of the fire, which is done by a pair of iron tongs with their feet bent inwards. The crucible is taken hold of by these tongs, and carried away to the mould, into which the melted brass is poured, through the aperture communi- cating to the master-jet of each mould ; the metal is carried round to each jet, and the metal poured in till the crucible is emptied, or the moulds filled. It is usual to fuse rather more brass than is required for the casting ; as by having too little, the work could not be at that time finished, which would occasion delays in opening the tables. As soon as the moulds are run, water is spriukled over the tables, to cool and fix the metal ; after which the presses or wedges are removed from the frames, and the works just founded are removed out of the sand, to be cleaned and finished for sale. The tewing-stuff or sand is afterwards taken out of the frames to be worked up again for another casting. The sand, by a repetition of use, becomes quite black, by reason of the charcoal that it collects from the foundry ; but its blackness does not render it unfit to be employed in other tables for moulding or casting. In foundings of brass in which the models are large, au expedient is had recourse to, of rendering them lighter and more economical, by performing the casting hollow'. This is done by making a core or heart, roughly resembling the pattern, and composed of clay and white crucible dust well kneaded and mixed toge- ther with water, and which is covered with wax, ex- actly representing the article to be cast ; or the core may be suspended in the centre of the indents made in the sand. When the article is required to have but one perfect side, as is common in most cabinet articles, the melted metal, in such a case, is prevented from filling the indent by the space occupied by the core, and it will, be in thickness corresponding to the size which the h( art or core takes up, in proportion to the size of the work to be founded. In the former case, when the article is to have both or all round of a full pattern, wax is employed, and is so adjusted to the core, that the metal may, in passing the jet, displace it, and leave its resemblance, and also its thickness, of brass, in the indent in the table. If it be a pattern of a complicated form, there would arise a difficulty in getting the core out after it was founded. The pattern must then be performed or moulded in two separate ones, and also the foundings ; the part left out of the first pattern must be performed in a second ; and afterwards fitted and soldered to the first. This mode is common at Bir- mingham, in making handles for locks, and shutter fastenings, which are commonly round. The plain knobs, for locks, &c., are made in halves and soldered together: the wrought ones, as they are called, ('from being ornamented ) are cast with a solid shank and spindle, and the bell or handle part of the knob is hol- low, and open at its opposite end, which is afterwards supplied by a separate piece or cap. The cores of many of these Birmingham brass-works are made to occupy so much of the pattern, that the brass is not thicker than a shilling. Many of the brass-manufacturers who work on a large scale, employ a steam-engine to punch many of the articles from sheet metal, from dies previously formed. By this operation almost all the common brass goods, (such as hand-plates to doors, roses to door and cabinet furniture, and many light goods) are made. The punched goods are very cheap, but of very little strength or durability, as may be noticed in many of the brass articles employed in our domestic economy. Brass mouldings, plain or wrought, are generally cast solid, and in moderate lengths ; a pattern in wood, clay, or wax, is required, and the only pre- cautions previously to founding them are, that they be carefully indented in the saud-table. If the mouldings be large and much carved, a core may be used for these also, taking care to leave the metal sufficiently thick to allow of finishing up afterwards, without injuring the effect of the pattern. All brass, as well as other foundings, require, when taken out of the sand, to be cleaned up and made com- plete ; as they seldom come out exactly perfect. This is done in brass-founding, by filing off the cores, and filling up the small holes with melted metal or solder. These imperfections frequently occur by air-bubbles, which are generated by the heat of the metal. Some brass-works are cast to a rough pattern, for instance, all those which are cylindrical in shape; and such kind of goods are put into a lathe and turned, and smoothed up afterwards (See our article Turning). Articles in brass which are sculptured, are generally left in a mat- state ou their grounds, and the raised parts burnished up by hand ; the mat-state refers to such parts only which are left without polish, or in a state in which the brass is found when it first comes out of the sand, with the addition of cleaning and perfecting only. The burnishing consists in making the raised parts quite complete, and afterwards laying them down tight upon a bench, or in a vice, whichever is most conve- nient ; FOUNDING. 34o nient; and working up the face of the brass with a bent tool composed of a shaft of steel, about half an inch wide and eight or nine inches in length, fixed firmly in an handle of wood. The end of the tool is turned up about a quarter of an inch, and ground away on its inner edge. With this tool the workmen rub the part to be heightened, as it is termed. They have these heightening tools of various widths, some one-eighth of an inch wide only, and others as much as three-quarters of an inch. With such tools they operate upon all the various sized parts to be heightened ; and as the part is thus rubbed, the workman dips his tool in a lacquer, which is standing near him in an earthen-ware dish. This lacquer is commonly prepared from turmeric dis- solved in spirits of wine, and which will be afterwards explained under the head of lacquering. Chasing, or enchasing as it is called, is also em- ployed to brass works. It is a similar operation to height- ening, except that it is employed in the more delicate works of sculpture to give them greater sharpness and effect. The French excel in chasing, as their nume- rous small ornaments used as decorations to chimney- pieces, time-pieces, vases, &c. &c., fully demonstrate; many of which are in brass as well as in d’ormolu. Brass castings which are plain are cleaned up for sale by being filed smooth or turned so by the turner, and afterwards polished by being rubbed with emery till the surface becomes regular and tolerably even, after which they are finished with tripoli. To keep brass works from tarnishing and getting black by exposure to the air, the brass-workers have recourse to lacquering. Lac- queriug consists in covering the brass, moderately heated over a stove containing an open charcoal fire, with a liquid, also moderately warm, composed of saffron and Spanish annotta, each two drams put into a bottle with a pint of highly rectified spirits of wine, which when to- gether should be placed in a moderate heat and often shaken, from this a very strong tincture will be obtained, which must be afterwards strained through a coarse linen cloth to take out the dregs of the annotta and saf- fron ; it is then to be returned to the bottle, and three ounces of seed-lac powdered must be added to it, and the whole again heated till the seed-lac be completely dissolved ; after which it is fit for use, and will form a good and pale-coloured lacquer, which will prevent the brass from changing colour by exposure to the air. It is laid on the brass by a camel’s-hair pencil as thin as it can be spread, and requires nothing to be done to it after it is so spread but a moderate rubbing. If the brass be required to be of a redder colour, increase the proportion of annotta in the lacquer, and it will be accomplished. All the best kind of brass-works are gilt to prevent their changing colour, and this consti- tutes the desideratum in the works in d’or molu. The more important part of casting in brass consists in founding statues, busts, basso-relievos, vases, &c. The Greeks and Romans practised it to an immense extent, as may be seen from the vast number of statues and other works which have come down to us of both these people. The Greeks also formed most of their instruments of brass, which we make of iron and steel. Homer describes most of the arms in his poems, offensive and defensive, as brazen. He calls the Greeks by the general epithet of brass-coated, and seldom men- tions steel. In Herculaneum, Pompeia, Stabea, &c. were found many arms and instruments formed of brass or bronze, while very few of iron were discovered. Those of brass were adapted to the purposes of agri- culture, mechanics, mathematics, architecture, &c. In Pompeia was found a complete set of surgeons’ in- struments formed of bronze, which shew r s that a prefer- ence was given to that metal. In the founding of statues, busts, &c., three things in particular require attention : namely, the mould, the wax, and shell or coat, the inner mould or core, so called from being in the middle or heart of the statue. In preparing the core the moulder is required to give it the attitude and contour of the figure intended to be founded. The use of the core is to support the wax and shell, to lessen the w'eight and save the metal. The core is made and raised on an iron grate sufficiently strong to sustain it, and it is farther strengthened by bars or ribs of iron. The core is made of strong potter’s-clay tempered with water, and mixed up with horse-dung and hair, all kneaded and incorporated to- gether ; with this it is modelled and fashioned previously to the sculptors laying over it the wax ; some moulders use plaster of Paris and sifted brick-dust mixed toge- ther with water for their cores. The iron bars which support the core are so adjusted that they can be taken from out of the figure after it is founded, and the holes are restored by solder, &c. ; but it is necessary in full sized figures to leave some of the iron bars affixed to the core to steady its projecting parts. After the core is finished and got tolerably firm and dry, the operation of laying on the waxen covering to represent the figure is performed, which muS be all done, wrought and fashioned by the sculptor himself, and by him adjusted to the core. Some sculptors work the wax separately, and after- wards dispose and arrange it on the ribs of iron, filling up the void spaces in the middle afterwards w ith liquid plaster and brick-dust, by which plan the core is made as, or in proportion to, the sculptor’s progress in working the w ax-model. Care must be taken, how- ever, in modelling the wax in both cases to make it of an uniform substance, in order to the metal being so in the work, of which the wax is its previous representa- tive. When the waxen model is finished to the core, or adapted and filled afterwards, small tubes of wax are fixed perpendicularly to it from top to bottom, to serve not only as jets to convey the melted metal to all parts of the work, but as vent-holes to allow a passage to the air generated by the heated brass in flowing into the mould, and which if not admitted readily to escape would occasion so much disorder in it as would much injure the beauty of the work. Sculptors adjust the weight of the metal required in this kind of founding by the wax taken up in the model. One 4 T pound 346 FOUNDING. pound of wax so employed will require ten pounds of metal to occupy its space in the casting. The work having advanced in progress so far will now require covering with a shell. This consists of a kind of coat or crust laid over the wax, which being of a soft nature easily takes and preserves the impression which it afterwards communicates to the metal upon its occu- pying the place of the wax, which is between the shell and core. The shell is composed of clay and white crucible dust well ground, screened, and mixed up with water to the consistence of paint, like which it is used. The moulder applies it by laying it over the wax with a camel’s-hair or other soft pencil, which will require eight or nine times going over, allowing it time to dry between each successive coat. After this coating is firm upon the wax, and which is used only to protect it from those which are to follow, the second part or coating is made up of common earth mixed w ith horse- dung : this is spread all over the model, and in such thickness as to withstand in some measure the weight of the intended metal. To this coating or impression is added a third, composed almost wholly of dung, with a proportion of earth sufficient only to render it a little more tough and firm when used. When this is tolera- bly dry, the shell is finished by laying on several more coats or impressions of the same composition, made strong and stiff by successive workings with the hand. When this is finished and is deemed adequate to support the heated metal, it is farther secured and strengthened by several bands or hoops of iron, bound round it at about six inches from each other, and fastened at bot- tom to the grate on which the statue stands. Above the head of the statue is made an iron circle for the purpose also of confining the shell and statue, to this circle the hoops are fastened at top. It may be considered when the moulding is arrived at this state to be in a condition to receive the melted metal ; but it is not so exactly as will soon appear. The mould, as has bfeen before observed, is made upon an iron grate : under this grate is a furnace and flue, in w'hich at this period of the work a mode- rate fire is to be made, and the aperture of communication therew ith stopped up so as to keep in the heat. As the heat increases and begins to operate upon the mould, preparation must be made to allow of the wax running freely from out of the shell : for this purpose pipes are contrived at the base of the mould, so that it may run gently 6ff and through these pipes. As soon as it is all run off, the pipes are nicely stopped up with earth to prevent the air entering them, &c. When this is done, the shell is surrounded by any matter that has non- conducting properties, for instance, pieces of brick put round and piled up of good thickness, secured by earth, will answer the end ; and the whole should be finally coated outside with loam as a farther protection to keep in the heat. After the shell is adequately surrounded with mate- rials to keep off the effect of the air, the fire in the furnace is augmented till such time as both the matter surrounding.the shell and it also become red-hot, and which in ordinary circumstances will . take place in twenty-four hours time ; the fire is then extinguished and the whole allowed to cool : after which the matter which has been packed round the shell is taken away, and its place occupied with earth moistened and closely pressed to the mould in order to make it more firm and steady. It will, when having advanced so far, be in a state to receive the melted metal ; to prepare which for the casting, a furnace is made a few feet above the one employed to heat the mould : it is formed like an oven having three apertures, one of which is for a vent, the other to admit the fuel, and the last to let the melted metal flow through and out of the furnace. This last aperture should be kept very close whilst the metal is fusing, when it has arrived at that state which is deemed proper for runniug it into the shell, and which is known by the quick separation and escape of the zinc of the brass. A little tube is laid to convey it into an earthen-ware bason, which is fixed up over the top of the mould. Into this bason all the large branches from the jets enter, and from which is conveyed the metal into all the parts of the mould. The jets are all stopped up with a kind of plugs, which are kept close till the bason which is to supply the metal be full. When the furnace is first opened for this purpose, the melted brass gushes forward like a torrent of fire, and is pre- vented from entering any of the jets by the plugs, till the bason is sufficiently full to be ready to begin with the mould, and w'hich is esteemed so when the brass it contains is adequate to the supply of all the jets at once, upon which occasion the plugs from all of them are withdrawn. The plug3 consist of a long iron rod, with a head at one end capable of filling the whole diameter of each tube. The hole in the furnace in w'hich the melted metal is contained is opened with a long piece of iron fitted on the end of a pole to allow of the fur- nace-man ke eping at a distance from it, as many acci- dents occur by the red-hot metal coming in contact with the air, particularly if it be damp, in which case the most violent explosions take place. The bason is filled almost in an instant after the furnace-plug is withdrawn, and the metal is then let into the several jets communicating with the model, which when they have emptied them- selves into the shell or mould the founding is finished, in as far as the casting is concerned. The rest of the work is completed by the sculptor, who takes the new brass figure from out of the mould and earth in w'hich it was encompassed, saws off the jets, and repairs and restores the parts where required. His tools for this j purpose consist of chisels of various sizes, gravers, puncheons, files, &c. In casting colossal statues a somewhat different mode is pursued than the one already described, and this arises wholly from the size, it being found difficult to remove the moulds of such colossal works; to obvi- ate this difficulty, it is worked and prepared upon the spot where it is to be cast. There are two ways of performing this, and some founders prefer the one and some the other. By the first plan a square hole is FOUNDING. 547 dug into the earth somewhat larger than would be required for the mould, and its sides are hemmed up with brick-work : at its bottom is formed a hole below' the bottom of the one already prepared, as a furnace, and which must be built up with brick-w ork, having an aperture made outwards into another pit prepared near it, from which the fuel is put into the furnace. The top of the furnace in the first hole is covered by a grating of iron, and on this is moulded and placed the case of the statue to be cast, and also its w'axen coating; in doing which the same process is ob- served by the sculptor as that already described. Near the edge of the large pit in which the model is placed is erected the furnace to melt the metal, and which is similar to the oue already described for com- mon figure-casting, except being of larger dimensions ; it has like that three apertures, one for putting in the wood, another for vent, and a third to run the metal out at. By the second plan of founding colossal figures, it is thought sufficient to work the mould above ground, adopting the same mode with respect to a fur- nace and grate underneath it. For, whether under ground or above it, to keep in the heat when drying the core and melting the wax, is that which is more parti- cularly sought for ; to do which in the most effectual way four walls of brick-work are built up round the model, in the middle of which is fixed the grate and furnace ; and on one side above is formed the mass of building intended for the furnace, which is to be appropriated to the melting of the metal. When the whole is finished and ready, a fire is made in the fire- place under the core of the model, and kept up so as to produce a moderate heat to dry the core, and also to melt away the wax from off it, which runs down by tubes as has been before remarked upon, and indeed no difference whatever takes place in such founding, ex- cept every thing being on a larger scale. When the wax is run off and the fire extinguished in the furnace, bricks are filled in at random, either into the hole, if founding under ground, or into the area between the wails if above ground ; after this is done the fire in the furnace is again lighted, and blown up and aug- mented till such time as both the core and bricks are of a red-heat, when the fire is again extinguished and the whole is left to cool ; and when cooled the bricks are removed and all is cleared aw'ay, and the space again occupied by moistened earth to secure and steady the model. Nothing now remains but running in the metal, which is performed as has been before described for smaller foundings of statues. Thecasting figures in brass is not much practised among the modems at this time, although it was a good deal followed at the restoration of the arts in the loth century. At that time brass-works were had recourse to in the decoration of most buildings of any consider- ation, and in order to supply the metal at little cost, several of the ancient edifices then existing were muti- lated for the purpose. In Rome many of the vaultings to the temples were ornamented by having their lacuna- j ria relieved by pateras and other decorations of brass ®r I silver ; these the popes of the times removed to compose | the childish ornaments for their then erecting or newly ! consecrated Catholic churches. France, Germany, ; and England, at that time subject to the same caprice i in religion as well as in the arts, adopted a similar style of decoration in their religious edifices, as numerous I reliques still existing in tombs, shrines, screens, and I other parts of their cathedrals and religious houses fully demonstrate. Amongst us certainly, and particu- larly after Henry the Eighth’s separation from the church of Rome, such works were discontinued as ca- tholic and idolatrous. Elizabeth, proceeding in the reformation already commenced by her predecessor, not only destroyed the images but the pictures also, and at the same time strictly forbad any thing of the kind to be admitted in future under the severest penal- ties. The rebellion in 1648 completed what the reform- ation had begun. The fanatics of this time defaced whatever they could get at, that the former inquisition had spared ; they tore down the brass from the monu- ments and screens, carried away the plate from the altars, broke the painted windows, and dilapidated the tombs of the saints, crying out in their work of spolia- tion “ cursed be he that doth the w ork of the Lord deceitfully.” After this it would be vain to look in I England for works in brass of any consideration, as lit— I tie was spared but what w as too remote for the Vandals | of these reigns to get at. From this time among us a void or chaos existed and continued to exist in works of art, till a more enlightened policy began to unbend : itself, which happened about the middle of the se- venteenth century. But the effects of the persecution had been felt so much that the liberal arts had lost their ! practisers from the terror of the times, hence the in- i troduction of foreigners to do that w'hich w'e had been j forbidden to practise, and the consequent notion about our inability in works of taste, which is much too insipid and ridiculous at this time to need refuta- ’ tion. All the principal cities of ancient Greece and Rome i boasted of their w'ealth by enumerating their statues of brass. Athens, Delphos, and Rhodes are each re- ported to have had in and about their temples 3,000 brass statues. And Marcus Scaurus, though an edile ; only, adorned the Circus tit Rome w ith upw ards of that 1 number of statues of brass, during the time of the j celebrating of the Circension Shows. It afterwards, in consequence of this taste continuing to prevail at Rome, of forming and collecting works in brass, used to I be a proverb among the visitors of that celebrated city, i “ that in Rome the people of brass were not less nu- I; merous than the Roman people.” It now remains to treat of a much more recent ap- plication of brass than has hitherto fell under our notice, ! and which, if considered in its effects, is calculated to i be equally striking, if not of displaying equal intelligence with those parts of the founding of brass already de- i scribed. The founding of pieces of brass-artillery, in- cluding 348 FOUNDING. eluding cannon, mortars, &c. See., was the common practice after the invention of gunpowder first took place. It is true the art of founding iron was then known, but not so well understood as it was soon after- wards, and is at present. In consequence of the igno- rance of the chemical properties incident to iron, all the first cannon cast of it were not found capable, when adequately charged, of projecting balls without being shivered in pieces ; by reason of which brass was employed in artillery, and is partially continued to be used to the present period. As to the metal it is somewhat different to that which is made use of for statues and other works of brass, inasmuch as it contains a proportion of tin, which is not found in them. A cannon is always cast in its shape somewhat conical, or more properly of the frustum of a cone; it has the thickest metal at the breech, in consequence of the greatest effort of the gunpowder being there ; it di- minishes from thence to the muzzle, and is so propor- tioned the one to the other, that if the mouth be deter- mined to be two inches, the breech is made six inches : with respect to the length it is measured among artil- lerymen by calibers taken at the muzzle of the gun. They say, according to a proportion previously deter- mined, that one caliber in diameter of six inches at the muzzle requires a length of twenty calibers to be given to the gun ; or if the diameter of the bore be six inches, the shaft or depth of it will be ten feet. In apportion- ing the ball to the caliber, about one-sixth of play is allowed it. The composition of the brass of which cannon is formed is somewhat different in different countries ; the proportion with us is, to 10 lbs. of tin we add 100 lbs. of copper; whereas in the brass of statues zinc is em- ployed instead of tin. However, the respective quantities of different metals that should enter into the composition of brass ordnance is not so decided as to be given with mathematical accuracy. The usual pro- portions are to 240 lbs. of metal deemed fit for casting, or which has been previously cast, are put GSlbs.of cop- per, 25 lbs. of common brass, and 12 lbs. of tin. The Germans, who are fond of brass ordnance, prepared as follows; viz. to 4,200 lbs. of metal fit to cast again, they add 3,68744 lbs. of copper, 204|4lbs. of brass, and 307|f-lbs. of tin. The French are reported to use in their brass for guns the proportions of lOOlbs. of cop- per to 61bs. of common brass and 9 lbs. of tin, and this proportion is sometimes varied by others to 100 lbs. of copper, lOlbs. of common brass, and 15 lbs. of tin. All cannon, &c. are cast solid, and. their insides bored out afterwards ; and this is effected by means of a machine invented at Strasburgh, and continued to be used till very lately at all the depots for founding ordnance. The gun to be bored by this machine was placed in a verti- cal position, which was turned or put in motion by a windmill, horse, &c. This mode is now laid aside in a great measure, and instead of the gun being raised vertically it is laid down horizontally, and the boring goes on by means of steam or some other power. The instrument employed in both ways is nearly similar, ex- cepting the change of its position. It is so contrived that while the boring is advancing the outside is cleaning and polishing ; hence the gun is finished all to its carriage at the same time. The casting of guns is performed as has been already described for statues, &,c., excepting only no core is re- quired, it being cast solid ; the shell-wax, furnace, &c., are alike in both processes, and enlarged in proportion to the size and quantity of the casting required to be made. Bronze, or by the Italians Bronzo, was well known to the ancients. Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all made use of it, and that in most cases to their important works as connected with sculpture and the ornamental parts of architecture. Bronze was selected by these people as bearing a finer edge, and not so likely as either of its component parts to oxydate by exposure to the air : hence they made statues of it to adorn the approaches to their cities and public edifices, affixed it in beautiful and highly relieved ornaments to the friezes of their temples, cast it in basso-relievos to represent the paraphernalia of their games and festivals, which were retained in compartments about their works dedicated to their gods ; and, finally, wrought it into baths, tripods, vases, lamps, and other purposes of utility and ornament ; specimens of many of which have by its iustructibility come down to us, as may be seen exhibited in the numerous public galleries on the Con- tinent, at Rome, Naples, Florence, and Paris, with some in our own Museum. The Egyptian bronze consisted, according to Basari, of two-thirds brass and one-third copper. Pliny says, “ the Grecian bronze was formed by adding one- tenth lead, and one-twentieth silver, to the two-thirds brass and the one-third copper of the Egyptian bronze,” and this was the proportion afterwards made useof by the Roman statuaries. The G reek bronzes very obviously ap- pear to possess a difference of composition to any that have been founded amongthe moderns. The famous horses (four in number), said to have been the vvoik of Lysip- pus, which now adorn the approaches of the palace of the Thuilleries at Paris, having been brought there, as a trophy of the victories of its present emperor Napoleon, from Venice, exhibit at once, to bronzists, that the an- cient metal of that name was, in its composition, very different from that which is now made and called after that designation : — the modern bronze is commonly made of two-thirds copper, fused with one-third of brass ; and very lately, from the great demand for all kinds of ornaments in this metal, in forming the deco- rative parts to our apartments, and supports to our articles of furniture, lead, with zinc in small propor- tions, have been added to the copper and brass. These variations have been one cause of the greater brilliancy and compactness to be observed in modern castings of this metal, in comparison of those founded a few years since. So common is bronze-work become at this time, that every petty brass-worker pretends to be an adept in founding of this metal ; however, nothing is to FOUNDING. 349 be feared in the attempt, as the efforts of such bronzists will not carry them beyond the work of the furnace. The alloying of the several metals to form bronze is found to promote in it a readier fusibility than is pos- sessed by either of its component parts in their pure metallic state ; and this is a property very much to its advantage in the castings of large works. Modern works in bronze become numerous in proportion to the advancement in the arts. Bronze-casting is employed in forming equestrian statues, colossal and other iigures in alto-relievo, to set-off and adorn public places. It is com- petent, when in the hand of an artist, of giving a zest to architecture ; inasmuch as by its tint, as w ell as by the great variety of the forms it is susceptible of being made into, it is able to add richness by its opposi- j tion, and at the same time it finishes the forms of those parts of architecture requiring it. Bronze casting is performed in the following manner, viz. 1. The figure or pattern to be cast must have a mould, and this is prepared aud laid on a plaster cast, previously wrought and finished by the sculptor. The mould is made of plaster of Paris, rendered moist by beiug mixed up with water ; to this preparation is added brick-dust, in the proportion of one-third of the former to two-thirds of the latter. This is carefully laid on the mould, with strength in proportion to the weight of metal intended to be used in the founding. In its joints small channels should be cut tending upwards, and from different parts of the internal hollow, to allow of vent for the air to escape through, as the heated metal runs in upon the mould. A thin layer of clay should be spread over the inside of it, and of the thickness which it is intended the bronze should be. Within-side of the clay, a filling up of plaster and brick-dust, in the pro- portions as before described, will be required to com- pose the core : but if the work to be cast be large, before the plaster and brick-dust are poured into the mould to form the core, a skeleton composed of iron bars, as a support for the figure, should be prepared and fixed ; after which, the filling up of the core may be proceeded in. When this is done, the mould must be opened again, and the layer of clay taken out of it, and the core thoroughly dried, and even burned with a char- coal fire, or with straw ; for if the least damp remain, the cast will be blown to pieces when the hot-metal comes in contact with it, in running it into the mould, and the workmen employed about the work be maimed or killed by the dispersion of the heated bronze. After the core, &c., has been properly dried, and is deemed ready for the work, it should be laid in the mould, and supported in its place by short rods of bronze, which should run through the mould into the core. All being so far advanced, the mould should be clad and bound round with iron, of strength proportionate to the size of the w ork to be cast ; after which, the mould should be ! laid in a situation for running in the metal, and must be I supported for the purpose, by bricks, 8tc. Great care ' should be taken that every part be perfectly dried, be- 1 fore any metal be run into the mould ; or, as has been ! before observed, the most fatal consequences will arise to those w ho may be about the work. A channel must be made from the furnace in which the melted metal is, in order to its running to the principal jet of the mould, | and with a descent, to promote its flowing rapidly. The jets, furnace, &c. &c., are all contrived as has been before described for casting figures in brass. In yesaris’s Lives, is a chapter on brass-founding; and there is also some very useful observations in the Life of Bevenuto Cellini, vide Pliny’s Natural His- tory. The smaller works in bronze are founded by pre- viously being modelled in wax, to which a coating of I clay is adapted and dried (See Brass Casting). Bronze works are cleaned up and repaired after being founded, in a similar manner to which figures in brass are, and with the same kind of tools ; but this last touch of perfecting what may have been left imperfect by the mould, should invariably be done by the statuary or modeller himself ; as no one is so competent to keep up the spirit of the original work, as he who invented it, and gave effect to his invention, by making the model. The principal works executed in London in bronze, claiming particular notice, are, the equestrian statue at Charing Cross, of Charles the First ; the colossal statue of his present Majesty, together with the basso-relievos, and other insignia, in the square of Somerset Place, executed by the late Mr.Bacon. The statue of Francis, duke of Bedford, with the attributes of agriculture on the pedestal, to the promoting of which he had devoted his time and fortune : this work has been very recently placed, on the south-side of Russell Square, and was executed by Mr. R. Westmacolt. The last public work of bronze is the equestrian statue of William III., erected in the centre of St. James’s Square, and is the work of Mr. J. Bacon, Jun. There are also many bronzes of great merit in the provinces ; and there are many more at this time under execution at our sculp- tors. Mr. Flaxman, who is called “ the Phidias of the moderns,” is now executing a statue of the late Sir John Moore, K. B., who w'as unfortunately killed at the ever-memorable battle of Corunna. This work is calculated, from its superiority in design and chasteness of style and execution, to establish the sculptor’s genius on principles as imperishable as the metal is from which the work has been wrought. It is intended to be raised at Edinburgh when complete, and it will be so in a few months. The founding of iron, if it be considered in how' mul- tiplied away it is now employed, makes it occupy a space in the public economy of very great importance, and that of an infinitely superior description to any of the other discoveries which have already been made as appertain- ing to the arts. Cast-iron is now' employed (in addition to what it has been hitherto, and which is too well known to be re- cited) in the formation of bridges of great extent ; in roofs, and the girders and joists in buildings, as well as 4 U the 350 FOUNDING. the sash-frames and sashes. It has aiso been used with success in wheels and other machinery to our steam- engines, and aiso for their cylinders. It is founded hollow, in the form of columns, partaking of the three known designations in architecture ; and has been lately used to compose the immense mains, and branches from them, to our public water-works. The facility of casting it, with its consequent cheapness, has been a means of creating a trade for it to our trans-atlantic friends, which, until the interruption of that amity which has now so long subsisted, was excessively pro- fitable. Birmingham and its neighbourhood is the great entrepot for works of all kinds in iron. Here are the furnaces which supply the world w'ith the goods wrought to every device required for the people’s comfort, accom- modation, ease, or luxury. Tram.or rail-roads have founded their success in the application and facility of casting their rails of iron. Canal works are largely concerned in promoting iron founding, as by these the labour at- tending making them has been much abridged, and its details rendered more secure and permanent. It sup- plies the modern means of w ar, by facilitating the form- ation of artillery of every description, and that in a better and more improved manner, than had hitherto I been done by the other means had recourse to for that | purpose. And it is daily arriving at so improved a ! state, that it will not be too much to say, “ that in a few years cast-iron will be the desideratum in architec- ture, engineering, and the arts.” A foundry of iron is, when calculated to do business on a large scale, situated near, and connected with, the ore and the blast furnaces, as here it is that the ore- smelting is done ; and where that is performed, castings can be executed better, and much more cheap, than when it is done at separate establishments ; it is also better done, because, as more metal is heated at a time at such furnaces, there is a better chance of getting the castings perfect. It is cheaper, from this very ob- vious circumstance, that as the new metal is smelted, it is at once cast into the work required, instead of being run into pigs, as they are termed, to be re-heated in another furnace, and then to be founded. This addi- tional heating, with the cost of removal and labour, is saved by founding it into what is required at its first being smelted. The foundry, or place in which the furnaces are placed, is a building of oblong shape, surrounded by walls of masonry or brick-work, of a single story in height, and its size is determined by the extent of the business proposed to be done in it. At the Carron or Charron Iron Works, in Scotland, there are many such buildings all connected to one grand establishment. There are also several in Derbyshire : but those of the most considerable importance are in Staffordshire, at Colebrooke-dale, Wilienhall, &c. In London there are many extensive works of this description, and where they do many things on a large scale : and these are mostly situated at Lambeth. Wherever a foundry is to be formed, a dry situation should be selected for it ; as dampness would totally prevent any thing being cast with tolerable accuracy, besides rendering the founding, in such places, dangerous to the workmen employed. The floor of a building for this business should be j about 10 feet deep, and composed of a kind of loamy- sand ; and if the place selected does not afford this con- venience naturally, the ground must be excavated, and such sand brought to All up the excavation. This ioamy sand is for the purpose of burying large moulds j beneath its surface, so that the metal may be conveyed to them by channels or soughs hollowed out of the sand, and through which it runs from the furnace to the mould to be cast. A foundry, or casting-house, is provided with as many air or reverberating furnaces, in addition to the blast furnaces, as is required for the ex- tent of the works to be founded at it. An air or rever- berating furnace is only used occasionally, either when the metal contained in the blast furnace is not sufficient, or when the quality made in it is not proper for the work about to be cast. The difference in the qualities of the metals arise from their containing too much or too little carbon ; and this is corrected by the founder, by mixing them with better or worse metal, till they are rendered fit for the purpose required. Cupolas are also wanted in a foundry, as they are called, and are similar to the blast furnace, except being of somewhat smaller capacity : they are used to melt small quantities of metal, when it is wanted in haste ; as the reverberatory or blast furnaces will take more time in filling the charge of metal than the cupola does, by reason of their being of larger capacity ; but the founding by cupolas re- quires more machinery, from which circumstance it is not so well adapted to answer the purpose of the founder, as founding with a reverberatory or blast furnace is. A much greater stock of flasks and other implements are wanted to make the moulds with, than are required by the caster who performs his work by means of either of the other furnaces. These kind of furnaces are always in use at large foundrys, as at these places can be em- ployed the whole charge of metal they are capable of containing. In the foundry, by a blast furnace, a pit is sunk at a convenient distance from the furnace, and the moulds for all large articles, such as pipes, &c., are placed vertically in it, withiu reach of the crane, that they may be raised or lowered in the pit. The metal is conveyed from the furnace by a gutter or sough, made in the floor of the foundry, and a small iron trough filled with sand conducts the fluid metal into the moulds. This method of performing foundings to large works, is an improve- ment on the old one, (which consisted in burying the pattern in sand,) and which has caused a great sav- ing in labour and time. The flasks for this method of casting are founded of iron. It is now a practice, at most of our large foundrys, to substitute sand for loam castings, in cases in which there are a great number of articles of the same kind to be cast ; so that the expense of the flasks becomes an object of no great importance. When it happens that the articles are intricate, the sand founding. 351 is wetted so much as to vender it sufficiently adhesive to make it mould, and receive the form of the pattern completely ; after this is done, it is necessary to dry the mould, to prevent accidents by the explosion of the hot-metal, when running the cast. For this purpose, stoves are used, in which an equal and moderate de- gree of temperature is’produced, and of a capacity ade- quate to contain a good number of the patterns. The moulds, when ready to be dried, are placed upon a carriage adapted to the purpose, and on which they are arranged and conveyed to the oven ; and when dry, which generally happens in about half an hour, they are withdrawn, and a new set placed upon the carriage. Every foundry should be provided with one or more cranes, so placed as to be easily got at when it is re- quired to raise or lower any large piece of casting ; they should also have a boring-mill, for clearing out and forming the internal surface of all hollow casting, such as pipes, cylinders for steam-engines, &c. &c.; and the same machinery which turns the large lathes for this purpose, is also employed in the turnings of heavy mill- axes, pistons ; the rollers in sugar mills, and the lamel- lating of iron, called “ laminating rollers it gives motion to all these at the same time, and also blows the cupolas. At the foundrys in which the blast furnace is employed, this operation is supplied by a small pipe from the great blowing engine of the furnace. The moulding of large pieces of casting which are required to be hollow, is made in loam, and consists in laying down an iron ring upon the ground, of the dia- meter of the proposed caliber of the wwk to be cast, and which has a rod of iron in its centre ; after this is done, bricks, clay, and wet-loam, are mixed toge- ther, and built up within the ring, and round the iron rod, of somewhat less diameter than the cylinder about to be cast, and for which this is to form the core. The whole, when built, is bound round with iron hoops to protect it, and a fire is made in it to dry it, and when properly dried, a coating of loam is spread over it, and smoothed ; this coat fills up, and makes it the pro- per size for the inside of the cylinder, and is called the core of the mould. Another cylinder is built and plastered in the same manner, but without hoops, whose diameter is the same as the outside of the cylin- der to be founded. When this is finished, it is covered over with charcoal-dust, or charcoal ground, which is' mixed up with water, like paint, and laid on with a brush ; and a thin coating of loam mixed up with hair is then laid over the charcoal previously spread upon the inner cylinder. When all these are quite dry, a man gets into the cylinder, and w'ith a picker pulls away from the core the bricks, and then with a trowel cuts away also the loam, leaving the inside of the external cylinder, which is called the mould, quite smooth. This part of the work is effected by the coat of charcoal, which prevents the two coats of loam from adhering together. While this is doing, a deep pit is dug, and into this the core is let down by a crane, and when down, the mould is lowered down over it, and when adjusted in its place, sand is thrown in and rammed round about it, to about the half of its height ; after which a flat cover of dried loam is put on the top of the mould and core, and pieces of rounded wood are put into the holes which had been before made for pouring in the metal. The plugs which keep open these holes are carefully taken out, and small channels prepared for the metal to run through from the furnace. Before the metal is run into the mould, it may be necessary to observe, that it must be perfectly well dried, and every part of the mould examined, to see that it be in a proper state to receive the metal. Sand or open casting is used for such articles as will allow of cutting into two pieces, or even more, the models of which are indented in the sand, and the metal is run in between flasks. As to the prices charged for castings in iron, they are regulated by the nature of the article required to be founded. At the smelting furnace, work of a large size is cast at little more than the price of the pigs, and this addition is created only by the moulding. Iron roofing to buildings, composed of all the detail of principal and other rafters, modelled, fitted, and put up complete, has been agreed to be done for the writer of this article after the rate of 11s. per cwt., founded at Birmingham and erected in the centre of London, and this price is to embrace the whole expense of the carriage and labour to raise it up and fix it completely on the build- ing for which it is intended. The water pipes for the Grand Junction Company were founded at Colebrooke- Dale, and at a much less price than those above recited for the roofing. In London, cast iron work is more than | treble the price which is charged for it at Birmingham. The founders in London will have from 17s. to 23s. per hundred for the larger piping, and as to the roof- ing it is doubtful if they could do it all, at any rate they would not do it for double the price. Gallery, or bal- cony railing, is founded generally in pannels of about five feet in length, and charged by the hundred as other foundings are ; such goods are always cast in open sand ; they are charged in London at from 28s. to 33s. per hundred weight, if the pattern be troublesome or diffi- cult a greater price would be required for it ; and this last estimate for cast iron founding, will be a very good ratio on which calculations may be made for cast- ings in London. But the great foundrys in the country are the places at which things on a large scale should be had from, if economy be at all to be considered. The manufacture of artillery, when of iron, was not, at first, conducted by casting it. Bars were so adjusted together, and bound by hoops, as to render them capable of withstanding the charge of pow'der and the projection of ball ; but to do this, they were obliged to be excessively large, and consequently became so ponderous, as in some measure to be unmanageable. The casting of them was then had recourse to, and it was usual to do that hollow ; from which circumstance, and from fonnd- ing being in its infancy, mauy accidents occurred by the metal not being always adequate to withstand a power- ful charge, or a repetition of it. Hence, fouuding artillery 352 FOUNDING. artillery solid, and boring its inside out afterwards, was adopted, as the most likely method to avoid these inconve- niencies, and which having been more successful than hollow casting, cannon have continued to be so cast ever since, with such other improvements as have gradually developed themselves. It is generally believed that cannon have been made use of in Europe ever since the year 1338, and that they were employed for naval purposes, in the Baltic Sea, in 1350 ; at any rate, it is certain they were used by the Venetians in 1366, at the siege of Claudia Jessa. Larrey ascribes the invention of brass cannon to J. Owen; he asserts, there were none such known in England till the year 1535, and that iron cannon were, for the first time, cast in it in 1547- Specimens of great guns, as they were first used, and before the cast- ing of them in foundrys came into use, are still to be seen in many parts of Europe, and some also in the Tower of London, and at Woolwich. They were, at first, called bombardes, and afterwards cannon. It was usual, formerly, to designate those which had been made uncommonly large, or had been supposed to have performed any uncommon service, by a particular name; accordingly, Louis the Twelfth, in 1503, had 12 brass cannon cast of extraordinary size, called after the 12 peers of France ; the Spaniards and Portuguese named theirs after their saints. The emperor Charles the Vth, when he went against Tunis, had 12 cannon founded, which he called “ the twelve Apostles.” At Milan there is a 70 pounder called “ the Pimontelli and there is one at Bois-le-Duc called the Devil.” At Dover Castle there is a 60 pounder called “ Queen Eli- zabeth’s Pocket-Pistol ;” there is an 80 pounder at Ber- lin, called “ the Thunderer ;” two 60 pounders at Bremen, called “ the Messengers of Bad News ;” and there is one at Rome, made of the nails which fastened the copper and bronze ornaments about the portico of the Pantheon, with this inscription on it, “ Ex clavis trabalibus porticus Agrippae.” At present, cannon take their names from the weight of the balls which they are intended to discharge : thus, a piece that discharges a ball of 24lbs. is called a 24 pounder, and that which takes a ball of 12lbs. a 12 pounder, and so on. Guns for ships consist of the following weights, viz. of 42, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9 , 6, and 3 pounders. Garrison guns are of 42, 32, 24, IS, 12, 9 , and 6 pounders. Battering guns are of 24, 18, and 12 pounders. Field pieces consist of 12, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1, and ± pounders. In addition to the artillery already named, there are mortars, howitzers, &c. &c. A mortar is a sort of cannon, with a short shaft, a large bore, and chamber. Mortars are thought to be the first pieces of artillery that were used, as they were employed for the purpose of throwing red-hot balls and stones. Mortars are also made use of for throwing hollow balls and shells filled with powder, in sufficient quantity to burst them. The ingenious D saguliers contrived a method of throwing bags from them, filled each with from four to six hun- dred shot of different dimensions, and with adequate success. The effect of such au application must be awful and tremendous. Mortars are distinguished by artillery-men, by the diameter of their bores ; hence a mortar with a bore of thirteen inches is called a 13 inch mortar, and one of eight inches, an 8 inch mortar, and so on. The sizes, lengths, and every detail and parti- cular connected with the proportions of artillery, are settled and arranged by tables issued from the Board of Ordnance ; and no piece of artillery can be made use of, unless conformable to the table published by its sanction. For a full description of all the various guns, their calibers and size of the metal, 8tc., allowed to be made for the use of the state, and also those w'hich are used by the French, since the year 1793, when the table of their guns received many alterations, consult article Cannon, Dr. Rees’s Cyclopedia. The founding of artillery is conducted in a similar manner to other foundings in iron. The gun intended to be cast is moulded in the sand, from a model previ- ously formed either in wood or clay. When the mould is complete and ready for the metal, it is suffered to run through a channel or gutter into the mould. The smaller guns are moulded on tables, and one half of the mould is formed in one table, and its counterpart or other half in another table. The counterpart is fitted to the first half by means of small pins which keep the two firmly together, and when so adjusted they are put under a heavy weight or into screws, to keep them from separating while the hot metal is running in to fill the model. Till about forty years ago a cannon was cast with a cylindrical cavity, having nearly the same diameter with the intended caliber of the piece, and was afterwards enlarged and cleaned out by a machine adapted to the purpose. It consisted of tw o vertical bars of cast-iron from eight to ten feet in height, or in proportion to the gun to be bored, and confined by being screwed with nuts and screws to four cross-beams of the same metal, between which an iron frame w r as adjusted, composed of twm upright pieces fitted parallel to the vertical bars and framed to three cross rails, into which is fitted the drill for boring out the gun. On their edges are eight small pieces of iron, projecting so much as to clasp the vertical-bars and to form a groove to keep the frame steady in sliding down while drilling out the inside of the cannon. In the centre of the upright frame is placed the gun to be bored out, with its small end dowmwards, and held to the frame by three bands of iron which are screwed to trunnions or fixed round it, one of which is placed at the breech, another in the middle, and the last at its muzzle: these bands are placed to prevent the gun from turning round by the action of the drill bar. At the bottom under the gun and drill, is placed a copper or iron pan of a circular shape, about twelve inches in diameter, with a project- ing rim of about two inches in height for receiving the chips of metal separated from the piece while its inside is cleaning out. At the top of the sliding-frame are fixed large hooks, to which are looped, by iron loops, two FOUNDING. 353 two three-w heeled block pulleys with lines, for the pur- pose of raising and lowering the cannon upon the drill. The drill bar is turned or moved round by a horse or horses, and the gun is kept to the work by its own weight pressing upon the head of the drill. The drill bar is provided with a piece of iron rather larger than the diameter of the bore of the gun, and fixed upon the shaft of the drill to prevent it entering too far into the piece. This machine is now nearly out of use for boring and cleaning out artillery, as they are now invariably founded solid, and the drilling is per- formed in a different manner. The reason of disconti- nuing to cast guns hollow arose from the uncertainty of getting them sound by that way of founding. Cannon cast hollow were always more or less spongy, and nu- merous cavities were formed round the cores, which could not be removed by the drilling. Guns, or in- deed any other founding required to be left hollow in their insides, must be moulded on a core or heart, and which is previously explained in the casting of brass and bronze. Some of the cavities left in the cores of guns by the hollow founding, were often found to be so deep that the boring would not take them out; and from i this reason, and the uncertainty of the work being ! fitted to its intended purpose, solid casting was had j recourse to and adopted at every foundry ; since which j time a new kind of machine for the purpose of boring out their insides has been invented and used, and which consists chiefly in the difference of placing the gun. By the first method the cannon to be drilled was suspended in a vertical frame as has just been described, whereas the gun is now laid down horizontally. The j machine is somewhat different in its details in every establishment for gun-work, and experience can only determine which is the best. The one at the Garrat iron-works is found well adapted to answer the pur- pose ; and there is also a very elaborate one at Wool- wich, as well as at the Carron or Charon works in the North. The machine at Garrat consists of a long frame composed of ledgers of iron laid down on the ground, j of length adequate to receive guns of any dimension ; it is raised upon cross ledgers of wood to about two feet j from the ground, having four upright shafts to support the gun, and also the drill for boring it. The drill bar i rests on a block which is fitted near the muzzle of the gun, the other end of it is supported by a small carriage, which has wheels by which it is moved on the ledgers of the frame. To the bottom of the carriage is fixed an iron rack which works into a pinion, the rack is employed to move forward or backward the gun while under the operation of boring. It is kept steady j to the pinion by a roller, and on the end of its axis a J •capstan head is fixed with holes in it to receive one end of an iron bar fixed to the side of the frame, while the other end is loaded with a weight for the purpose of advancing the borer into the gun, and is shifted as the boring proceeds, and this is known by the weight sus- pended at its end falling to the ground. After the guns are bored and their inside cleaned out, and their out- sides turned to the shape desired, their touch-holes are to be drilled, which is done by an instrument mounted in a frame of wood ; and which has at one end for the convenience of removing easily when it is to be used, wheels, and on this the frame is moved close to the gun requiring its touch-hole to be made. The cannon is laid on two blocks of wood of sufficient height to raise the wheels off the ground, which will prevent its running back while the hole is making. The drill, with its bow for turning it round, is then to be fixed between the touch-hole of the gun and the block. The block is advanced forward by using the arm of a bent lever, wffiich is assisted by the means of a weight suspended on its opposite arm. On a beam over the machine is fixed a screw, the lower end of which is hollow' for a few inches to receive one end of the drill, and on its other end is fixed a wheel or head to act as a fly to the upper part of the bore. To the shaft of the drill, two strings of catgut are fastened and twisted with their opposite ends tied to a handle, which operates by being twisted backwards and forwards, and with the motion of the bore in forming the touch-hole to the gun. Cannon are always cast with a large cap at their muzzle, this originally was cut off with a saw, but now a machine is used for the purpose which a man works by a turning lathe; and as the turning goes on, the turner uses a chisel, w'ith which he cuts into the gun to about one and a half inch deep. The cap so cut is broken off by being hammered. Bells follow next in order. The aera of their inven- tion is somewhat obscure, as we find no traces by which we can discover whether they were known to the ancients or not. It is not improbable but that they came into use at the spreading of the Christian religion, as some notices respecting them may be traced as early as the seventh century ;* but they w r ere at this time very small, and, it is probable, used only on particular occasions, and erected in cupolas. However, in the tenth century large ones became common, about the middle of which we find several of the churches were furnished with them by the munificence of our kings ; and the account we have of St. Dunstan’s gifts to Malrns- bury abbey, plainly shew's they were not very common among us in that age, for he says, “ the liberality of that prelate consisted chiefly in doing such things as were then wonderful and strange in England, among which he reckous the large bells and organs which he gave them, and from this time they became more fre- quent, and afterwards the common furniture to churches. Bells no doubt at first suggested the necessity of tower:. Towers promised to the imagination something noble and extraordinary in the uncommon effects they were capable of producing by their requisite loftiness and variety of forms. The Chinese have long been distinguished by their partiality for bells, and some of theirs are of large dimensions. There are also very * Bede. Hist. lib. 4. cap. 22. 4 X large S54 FOUNDING. large bells in almost every cathedral on the Continent, besides many in England. f The manner of casting bells is similar to that ot .ta- tues, except that the metal is different, there being m bell-metal about one-fifth of tin, whereas there is no tin in the brass of statues. The dimensions of the core and wax in modelling a bell, if it be to be one of a ring of several, must be formed on a kind °f scale 01 dia- pason, which will give the height, aperture, and thick- ness of the shell necessary to the several tones required The exterior of the bell is formed into rings fashioned into mouldings, and sometimes inscriptions, mottos, and figures are also added to adorn and set off its outside ; all these are previously modelled and afterwards moulded in wax upon the core. The clapper or tongue is not properly a part of the bell, and is furnished by other hands: with us it is usually of iron, and is suspended in the middle of the bell. The Chinese make it 6 f wood, leavin" a hole under the cannon of the bell to mciease its sound. Our proportions of bells consist in making the diameter fifteen times as thick as the brim, and its length twelve times. The bell itself consists of its sounding bow, which is terminated by an inferior circle, which diminishes thinner and thinner as it approaches to the brim or that part on which the clapper strikes, and which is required to be left rather thicker than the rest both above and below ; also the outward sinking or pro- perly the waist of the bell, or the point under which it grows wider to the brim and the upper vase, or top or dome of the bell, or that part which is above the waist. The pallet is the inside of the vase or dome to which the clapper is suspended. The vent and hollowed branches of metal which unite with the cannon to re- ceive the iron-keys by which the bell is hung to its beam of support, where it must be exactly counter- poised. The height of a bell is in proportion to its diameter as twelve is to fifteen, or m the proportion ot the fundamental sound to its third major, from which it follows that the sound of a bell is principally composed of the sound of its extremity or brim as a fundamental of the sound of the crown, and which is an octave to it, and that of the height, which is a third. To mould a bell for casting, the following prepara- tions must be made. Earth must be collected, and that which is most cohesive is the best, and it must be well ground and sifted. Brick or stone must be gotten for the mine, with which it must be steined. Horse- dung, hair, and hemp, must be mixed with the eaith to render the composition for moulding more firm and binding. The wax to mould the inscriptions, coats ot arms, and other insignia about the outer suiface o the bell: also tallow must be mixed with the wax m equal proportions, to make it mould more freely; which when mixed, a slight layer of it is put upon the model or outer mould, previously to any of the orna- ments being applied to it. A scaffold is raised upon tressels round the mine, upon which is placed the earth «rossly diluted with water, to make it mix better with the dung ; and, last of all, shelves are to be placed, on which the models, &c., of the different ornaments or inscriptions to be cast upon the bell are put. A hole is now to be dug of an adequate depth to contain the mould of the bell, together with the case of it, or can- non, under ground, and about six inches below the level of the ground of the foundry. It must be wide enough to allow of a free passage between the mould and walls, or between one mould and another when several bells are to be cast. At the centre of the hole a stake is erected, which is fixed firmly m the ground, this supports an iron peg, on which the pivot of the second branch of the compasses of construction turns, (these compasses are the chief instruments for making the mould, and consist of two legs joined to a thud at its apex). The stake is surrounded by solid brickwork, of about six inches in height and of the diameter of the bell ; this is called the mill-stone. The parts of the mould consist of the core, the model of the bell, and the shell. When the outer surface of the core is formed, it is raised up with bricks, which are laid m courses of equal height upon a layer of earth; as each brick is lai* the work is brought near to the branch of the compasses on which the curve of the core is shaped, so as that there may remain between it and the curve the distance of a line, to be afterwards filled up with layers of ce- ment. The building of the core is continued to the top, leaving only an opening for the coals to be put in to bake the core. This work is covered with a layer of cement made of earth and horse-dung, and on which is moved the compass of construction, to make it of an even smoothness every where. Having finished the fiist layer in this way, the fire is put into the core b) fillin it half with coals through an opening kept ; s J ut du " n f | baking, and with a cake of earth which has been sepa 1 rately baked. The first fire consumes the stake and it is left in the core a half and sometimes a whole day .the first layer having become thoroughly dry, it is covered with a second, also a third and fourth, each bem sur- rounded with a board and also the compasses, and also thoroughly dried before another is proceeded on. lhe core being thus finished, the compasses are taken to pieces with the intention of cutting away the thickness of the model, which when done they are again put m their places to begin another piece of the mould. I h u piece consists of a mixture of earth and hair applied with the hand upon the core m several cakes, these a L close together if properly applied Fins par of the work is finished afterwards in several additional layers of cement of the same matter smoothed by tfe compasses and thoroughly dried before another is laid on. lhe first layer of the model is a mixture of wax and tallow, which } is spread over the whole. When the work has so far proceeded, the inscriptions or other ms jia n-. tended to be cast upon the bell are app ied, forcing which a pencil is used dipped m a vesse of wax melted in a chafing dish; this is done for every letter, o fig re intended to be upon the bell. Before the s e enm the compasses are taken to pieces, m older to cut (away all the wood that fills the place of the fhicknesa FOUNDING. 355 which is intended to be given to the shell. When this is done and all is clear, the shell is begun, the first layer of which is the same earth sifted very fine. While it is tem- pering with water, it is mixed up with cow-hair to make it cohere ; the whole, being a third cullis, is gently poured on the model, and fills exactly all the sinuosities of the figures, and this is repeated till the whole is two lines in thickness upon the model ; when these layers are properly dried they cover it with a second of the same matter, but somewhat thicker than those previ- ously laid on ; the compasses are now tried, and a fire is lighted in the core, so as to melt off the wax of the inscription, &c. ; after which the layers of the shell are proceeded in by means of the compasses. There is now to be added to the composition a quantity of hemp, which is spread upon the layers and afterwards smoothed upon the board of the compasses. The shell varies from four to five inches lower than the mill-stone before observed, but surrounds it quite close, and pre- vents the extravasation of the metal. The wax should be taken out before melting the metal. The case of the bell requires a separate work, which is done during the drying of the several incrustations of the cements. It has seven rings ; the last is called the bridge, and united to the others, it being a perpendicular support to strengthen the curves. It has an aperture at its top to admit an iron peg and bent at its bottom, and this is introduced into tw'o holes in the beam fastened with tw'o strong iron keys. The rings are modelled w'ith masses of beaten earth, that are dried in the fire in order to have them hollow. The rings are gently pressed upon a layer of earth, and cow-hair to about one-half of their depth and then taken out, and care should be taken not to break the mould. This operation is repeated twelve times for twelve half moulds, that is, two and two united make the hollow of the six rings ; the same is done for the hollow of the bridge They are all united together upon the open place left for the coals to be put into the oven. The rings which are to form the ears are put first into this open place, with the iron ring to support the clapper of the bell. After which a round cake of clay is made to fill up the dia- meter of the thickness of the core. This cake after having been baked is placed upon the opening, and fastened by a thin mortar spread over it, which binds the cover close to the core. The hollow of the mould is filled with an earth sufficiently moist to fix itself on the place which is strewed at several times upon the cover of the core; it is then beaten gently with a pestle, and afterwards smoothed by a workman at top with a wooden trowel dipped in water. Upon this cover, which is afterwards to be taken off, is assembled the hollow of the rings ; and when every thing is in its proper place, the outside of the hollows are strength- ened with mortar, in order to bind them to the bridge and keep them steady, and at the bottom by means of a cake of the same mortar, and which fills up the whole aperture of the shell. This is left to dry, that it may afterwards be removed without breaking. To make room for the heated metal, the rings are taken out of the hollows in the mould, as it is in these hollows that the metal is to pass as it enters into the voids in the mould. The shell being thus unloaded of its rings, the mill-stone j is arranged by having placed under it five or six pieces of wood of about two feet long, and thick enough to reach almost to the lower part of the shell ; between these and the mould wooden wedges are driven, in order to shake the shell from off the model, so as to be pulled away and removed up out of the pit. When this and the wax are removed, the model and layer of earth are arranged for the founding, as it is through tiiese the melted metal must pass into the hollows made by the rings, and which are between the shell and core. The inside of the shell is last of all dried by burning straw under it, this helps to smooth the surface of the bell. The shell is put in the place so as to leave the same interval between it and the core as w'as before ; and before the hollows of the rings on the cap are put on again two vents are made, which are united to the rings, and also to each other, by a mass of baked cement ; after which this mass of the cap is put on, the rings and thevent over the bell are soldered to the cap by cement ; which is dried by gradual heat by covering it with burning coals. So much having been done, the pit surrounding the whole is filled up with earth, being pressed strongly all the time of putting in close round the mould. The furnace has a place for the fire and another to contain the metal ; the fire-place has a large chimney with a spacious ash-hole. The furnace which contains the metal is vaulted, and its bottom is made of earth rammed down, the rest is built of brick-work. It has four apertures, the first of which admits the flame pro- jected by the fire to reverberate, the second is closed by a stopple, which is opened for the metal to run through ; the other two are to separate the dross and scoriee by allowing the attendant of the furnace to in- troduce a wooden rake through it for the purpose. These apertures also pass the thick smoke. The ground or floor of the furnace is built sloping for the metal to run down. When the metal is fused and ready to fill the shell, which should be examined minutely in every part to see if it be dry and ready to receive it ; when all is deemed ready, the metal is suffered to run into the shell by the apertures prepared to admit it, after which it is allowed to fix and cool. It is then taken out, ex- amined, and cleaned, in a similar manner to what has been before explained for brass and bronze castings. The sound of a bell is said to arise from the vibrations of its parts much like that of a musical chord. The stroke of the clapper, it is evident, must change its figure, which if round make it oval ; but the metal having a degree of elasticity, that part which the stroke drives farthest from the centre will fly back again, and this even for a time somewhat nearer the centre than it was before, so that the two points which before were the extremes of the longer diameter now become those of the shorter ; thus the circumference of the bell un- dergoes alternate changes of figure, and bj that means 356 FOUNDING. gives that tremulous motion to the air of which sound consists. M. Perault remarks, “ that the sound of the same bell or chord is a compound of the sound of the several parts, so that were the parts homogeneous and the dimensions of the figure uniform, there would be such a perfect mixture of all their sounds as constitutes one uniform, smooth and even sound, and the contrary circumstances produce harshness. This he proves from the bell differing in time according to the part which is striken, and yet strike it any where there is a motion of all the parts. He therefore considers bells as compos- ed of an infinite number of rings, which according to the different dimensions have different tones, as chords of different lengths have, and when struck the vibrating parts immediately stricken determine the tone ; being supported by a sufficient number of consonant tones in the other part. M. Hawksbee has found that the sound of a bell stricken under water is one-fourth deeper than when in the air, though Mersunnus says, “ it is the same pitch in both states.” Bells are observed to be heard farther when suspended in plains than on hills, and still farther in valleys than on plains — the reason of which it will not be difficult to assign, if it be considered that the higher the sonorous body is the rarer is its medium, consequently the less impulse it receives, and the less proper vehicle it has to convey it to adistance. Bells have been cast of enormous dimensions, and nations seem in some measure to have vied w ith one another on this subject. The Continent abounds with large bells. In China also there are many of uncom- mon proportions, and w r e have among ourselves several, but the largest in the world is at Moscow, buried in a swamp from its weight, having overset the tower in which it was suspended. Clark, in his travels, says, the numberless bells of Moscow' continue to ring during the whole Easter week tinkling and tolling with- out any harmony or order. The large bell near the cathedral is only used on important occasions, and yields the finest and most solemn tone I ever heard. When it sounds, a deep and hollow murmur vibrates all over Moscow', like the fullest and low'est tones of a vast organ, or the rolling of distant thunder. This bell is suspended in a tower called the Belfry of St. Isan, beneath others which though of less size are enormous. It is forty feet nine inches in circumference, sixteen inches and a half thick, and it weighs more than fifty-seven tons. The great bell of Moscow, known to be the largest ever founded, is in a deep pit in the midst of the Kremlin. The history of its fall is a fable, and as writers continue to copy each other the story continues to be propagated., The fact is the bell remains in the place where it was originally cast ; it never was sus- pended. The Russians might as well attempt to sus- pend a first-rate line of battle ship with all its guns and stores. A fire took place in the Kremlin, the flames of which caught the building erected over the pit in which the bell yet remained ; in consequence of this the metal became hot, and w ater thrown to extinguish the fire fell upon the bell, causing the fracture which has taken place. It reaches from the bottom of the cave where it lays to the roof. The entrance to the cave is by a trap-door placed even with the surface of the earth. We (Messrs. Clark and Cripps) found the steps very dangerous, some of them were wanting and others broken, which occasioned me a severe fall down to the extent of the whole first flight, and a narrow escape for my life in not being dashed upon the bell. In conse- quence of this accident a sentinel was stationed after- wards at the trap-door, to prevent people becoming victims to their curiosity. He might have been as w'ell employed in mending the steps, as in waiting all day to say they were broken. The bell is truly a mountain of metal ; they relate that it contains a very large proportion of gold and silver ; for that while it was in fusion, the nobles and the people cast in as votive offer- ings their plate and money. It is permitted to doubt the truth of traditionary tales, particularly in Russia, w'here people are much disposed to relate what they have heard without once reflecting on its probability. I endeavoured in vain to assay a small part. The natives regard it with superstitious veneration, and they would not allow even a grain to be filed off ; at the same time it may be said the compound has a white shining ap- pearance unlike bell-metal in general. And perhaps its silvery appearance has strengthened, if not given rise to a conjecture respecting the richness of its materials. On festival days the peasants visit the bell as they would a church, considering it an act of devotion ; and they cross themselves as they descend and ascend the steps leading to the bell. The bottom of the pit is covered by water, mud, and large pieces of timber, which, added to the darkness, render it always an unpleasant and unwholesome place, in addition to the danger aris- ing from the steps which lead to the bottom. I went frequently there in order to ascertain the dimensions of the bell with exactness. To my great surprise, during one of those visits half a dozen Russian officers w hom 1 found in the pit, agreed to assist me in the admeasure- ment: it so nearly agreed with the account published by Jonas Hanway that the difference is not worth notice : this is somewhat remarkable, considering the difficulty of exactly measuring w'hat is partly buried in the earth, and the circumference of which is not en- tire. No one, I believe, has yet ascertained the size of the lower rim of the bell, which would afford still greater dimensions than those we obtained, but it is entirely buried in the earth; about ten persons w'ere pre- sent when I admeasured the part which remains ex- posed to observation ; we applied a strong cord close to the metal in all parts of its periphery, and round the lower part where it touched the ground, taking care at the same time not to stretch the cord. From the piece of the bell broken off, it was ascertained that we had thus measured within two feet of its lower extremity. The circumference obtained was sixty-seven feet five inches, which allow's a diameter of twenty-two feet five inches and one-third. We then took the perpendicular height from the top of the bell, and found it correspond exactly FOUNDING. 357 exactly with the statement made by J. Harnvay, viz. twenty-one feet four inches and a half. In the stoutest part, that in which it should have received the blow of the clapper its thickness equalled twenty-three inches : we were enabled to ascertain this by placing our hands under water where the fracture had taken place, w hich is about seven feet high from the top of the bell. The weight of this enormous mass of metal has been com- puted to be 443,772lbs., which if valued at 3s. per pound, amounts to 66, 56ol. 16s. lying unemployed and of no use to any one *. It is reported to have been cast during the reign of the Empress Anne. The founding of Types is so nearly allied to printing that it is almost impossible to trace the former through its progress without saying something of the latter : they are together the noblest invention that was ever achieved by man, whether if considered as adapted to meliorate our condition, or elevate us to that rank as intellectual beings for which we were intended by our Creator. — Printing has pre-eminently contributed to promote this. — It has also humanized our nature by turning the mind to higher enjoyments than those to be derived by mere animal exertion. — By printing, as con- nected with rational governments, public liberty has been secured, and its maxims taught through its facili- ties. What the ancient orators did by frequently ad- dressing the people, we do by a much more compen- dious mode, viz. through the Liberty of the Press. Through printing many have been found to be oracles, which but for it would never have been known, and consequently society would have lost the talents of some of its most brilliant members. Printing cannot be thought too much of ; its importance is so obvious and necessary, that if one thing is more likely than another to keep off an age of darkness from ever again surrounding us it will be printing. — If the ancient nations had been enabled to print, the multitude would have been more enlightened. Hence there would have been more equality, and the power of dazzling by words, allowed to the few, must have stood the test of being examined as things, a privilege belonging to the mo- derns derived alone from printing. The progress of philosophy is entirely owing to the facilities in this art, in as much as it has registered its advances in a medium always to be consulted, and of course always open to be improved. The arts, religion, and law are dependent upon it ; a large library is an epitome at once exhibiting the joint labours of genius ; — here the reflecting mind may estimate, and that truly, the importance of type- making and also printing, because in it are to be found registered by their joint aid the powers of man, how- ever directed. The invention of types is supposed to have taken place at Mentz, about the beginning of the fourteenth century. They were first formed of beechen-wood, which not being calculated for much wear were soon * It is not improbable but this may be corrected by the present inhabitants of the Kremlin and of Moscow. The French are too expert at removals, and too eager for plunder, to ncclect the great bell at Moscow, if it be good for any thing. laid aside, and improved by being cut in metal. Lau- nentius had the honour of this latter invention : however the cut-metal types were tedious in making, hence they were soon succeeded by founding. Theodosius Martin brought some of these latter kind of types into Holland from Strasbourg in 1472, and many books were there printed with them. From this time, and from Holland being a country oF great resort for foreigners, they were exported from thence to most of the principal towns in Europe. In 1490 they were sent to Con- stantinople, by the middle of the next century to Africa and America, and to Russia in 1560; but from motives either of policy or superstition they were there destroyed as soon as their powers were made known. The first types used in England were at Oxford about the middle of the fourteenth century. Thomas Bou- cheir petitioned Henry VI. for this purpose, who granted his petition, and a press was put up at Oxford, worked by types brought from Holland. Caxton, who had been much in the Low Countries and Holland, had studied and made himself fully master of the busi- ness of using types, and when he came back to Eng- land established printing-presses: and as Caxton’s books were more numerous than Bouchier’s, to him generally has been given the honour of introducing printing in England. Caxton’s press began to work in 1471, at least nothing was done by him before that date is known ; whereas there is a book still at Cambridge with the date of its impression from Bouchier’s press at Oxford, anno 1468. The existence of this book has robbed Caxton of the glory he had long possessed of being the author of printing in this kingdom. From this time may be dated the power of England : those who thought it no distinction to be able to read before, now became ashamed at seeing a book con- taining that which formed the motive to conversation among a few priests beyond their ability to understand : hence the introduction of schools and seminaries, some of which were established by the royal authority. — To be able to read was the first effort, for very few were so at this time. As the rudiments of education became improved, books were multiplied and printing en- couraged ; and this progress has been gradually de- veloping itself up to the present period. But a few centuries ago, so great was the distinction given to those who were enabled to read, that an education was supposed to be finished by having accomplished it ; to write also w'as by no means thought necessary, and was left to be done by a very few. The education of the women was much neglected until w ithin the last century ; as knowledge w as thought to be necessary only to the men. But for the cutting of types and printing, Europe might have remained to be governed by popes and car- dinals : by their means alone the politics of such go- vernors were exhibited, known, and execrated. Types- continued to be cast with very few improvements, ex- cepting those which have arisen from out of the change in the shape of the letters, till the beginning of the se- venteenth century. Wm. Casion set up a foundry for 4 Y types 358 FOUNDING. types in 1720, where more ingenuity was employed than had been done previously. But nevertheless there was but little effected in the bolder parts of this art ; if we except some attempts made by Baskerville of Bir- mingham. Messrs. Fry and Son, about the year 1764, established their foundry, adopting Baskerville’s me- thod; but after some fruitless attempts to carry it into effect, found it necessary to re-cut the whole of the letters so founded on the Caslon plan. Mr. Jackson who had served his apprenticeship with Caslon, began business by the direction of Mr. Bowyer, about 1770, and cut some very extraordinary and beautiful types. He also cut a new Arabic type for Richardson’s Dictionary of that language, as well as a copy of the Alexandrian Testament for Dr. Woide, which is now in the Museum. He invented a method of founding the large types by a mould and matrix which had previously been cast in sand. In 1784 there was an attempt made to establish a foundry, by an ingenious gentleman of the name of Stephenson, at which much talent was displayed in all the detail of the art; but it not answering his purpose he gave it up, and the moulds and matrixes were dis- posed of. About this time (1792) Mr. V. Figgins, who had been long known as possessing considerable taste in all the higher departments of this art, was en- couraged by Mr. Nichols to employ it on his own account. His first production was that type from which Bowyer got up that splendid edition of Hume’s England, said to have been twelve years in printing. He also, under the direction of Sir William Ousely, produced a Persian type, never before attempted in Eng- land ; from which, and many oilier works, such as good Greek, Hebrew, &c., he has established his fame as a founder in this art much to his credit and reputation. — About 1793 Mr. Thorn began his foundry, and pro- duced some fine specimens ; — but the great change in letter founding, which has given rise to all the elegant types with which our books are now printed, took place about 1800, by the enterprise of Messrs. Caslon and Catherwood ; they set about re-cutting and improving the whole business.. Their first attempt embraced the Italic character, to which they gave a more elegant shape by making the fine strokes of such characters more clear and chaste than had hitherto been done. This improvement they extended to the other types by making their down strokes very thick and their up ones clear and fine. This change at first fascinated the booksellers, but it has been found since very much to hurt the sight, and for which it is now rejected : these kind of types were called technically fat-faced. This alteration in the shape of the type gave life to type-founding, inasmuch as the other principal founders saw' themselves about to be left behind and superseded, unless they produced their work equally adapted to the fashion then brought into vogue for using fine types. Hence the rivalship of Fry, Figgins, and Thorn, who were soon upon equal terms with their opponents Cas- lon and Catherwood, in consequence of which the art has improved in a very great degree, and particularly in the larger sized letters. The business of a letter founder or cutter, as it is now followed, consists of the following particulars, viz. he should be provided with a vice, hand-vice, ham- mers, and files of all sorts, similar to those made use of by watch-makers, and suitable to the several letters to be cut ; in addition to which he will require a flat- gauge made of box to hold a rod of steel on the body of the mould, and fitted exactly perpendicular to the flat of a file. A sliding gauge, the use of which is to measure and set off the distances between the shoulder and the tooth, and to mark it off from the end or edge of the work. A face gauge, w'hich is a square notch cut wdth a file into the edge of a thin plate of steel, iron, or brass of the thickness of a sixpence only, and which is used for proportioning the face of each sort I of letter ; viz. long letters, ascending letters, and short letters : there must be three gauges, one of which, for the long letters, is the length of the whole body, and supposed to be divided into forty-two equal parts; the gauge for the ascending letters, either Roman or Italic, are five-sevenths or thirty parts of forty-two, and thirty-three parts for the English face. The gauge for ; the short letters is three-sevenths, or eighteen parts of forty-two of the whole body, and for the Roman and I Italic twenty-two parts of the English face. The Italic or other standing gauges are to measure the scope of the Italic stems, by applying the top and bottom of the gauge to the top and bottom lines of the letters, and the other side of the gauge to the stem of the letter, for when the letter complies with these three sides of the gauge that letter has its true shape. The next care of the letter cutter is to prepare himself with good steel punches, well tempered, and quite free from vents or veins, on the face of which he draws the exact shape of the letter with pen and ink, if the letter be large, or with a smooth blunted point of a needle if it be small ; and then with sizeable and properly shaped and pointed gravers, with which he digs or sculptures out the steel betw een the strokes or marks he has previously made on the face of the punch, and which he leaves standing. Having w'ell shaped the inside strokes of his letter, he deepens the hollows with the same tools : for if a letter be not deep in proportion to its width, it will w hen used at press print black and be good for nothing. This work is generally regulated by the depth of the counter part; these are worked on the outside with pro- per tools and files till it be fit for the matrix. But be- fore w 7 e proceed to the sinking and justifying of the matrixes, as they are called, a mould must be provided for the purpose. Every mould is composed of an upper and under part. The upper part is in all re- spects made like the under part, excepting the addition of a stool behind the latter connected with a bow and spring. It has a small round wire between the body and carriage near tlie break, where the under part hath a small rounding or groove made in its body. This w ire, or FOUNDING. or rather half wire, in the upper part makes the sinking in the shank of the letter, when part of it is received into the groove in the under part; their tw’o parts are exactly fitted, by being gauged into one another, viz. the male gauge into the female gauge, that when the upper part of the mould is properly placed on, and in j the under part of the mould, both together make the | entire mould, and it may be slidden backwards for use, so far that the edges of either of the bodies on the middle of either carriage comes just to the edge of the female gauge as it is in each carriage ; and they may be slidden forwards so far that the bodies of either carriage may touch each other, and the sliding of these two parts of the mould backwards makes the shank of the letter thicker, because the bodies in each part stand wider asunder, and the sliding them forwards makes the shank of the letter thinner by the bodies on each part of the mould coming closer together. The parts deno- minated the mould consist of die carriage body, male- gauge, mouth-piece, register, female-gauge, hag and bottom-plates, and a piece of wood on which lies the bottom-plate, also the mouth, throat, pallet, nick, stool, spring, bow, &c. Having proceeded so far, the mould must be justified as it is called, and which is done by first justifying the body, which consists in cast- ing about twenty proofs or samples of the letters, which are all set in a composing stick with their nicks towards the right hand ; after which, by comparing these with the pattern letters set up in the same ma- chine, the exact measure of the body to be cast is seen. The caster now tries if the two sides of the body are parallel, or that the body be no bigger at the head than at the foot ; and this he does by taking the number of his proofs, and turning them with their heads to the feet of the other half, and if then the heads and feet be found exactly even upon each other, and neither to drive out or to get in, the two sides are deemed to be parallel. He farther tries whether the two sides of the thickness of the letters be parallel by setting the proofs in the composing stick with their nicks upwards, and then turning one half with their heads to their feet of the other half ; and if the heads and feet be exactly on each other, and neither drive out nor get in, the two sides of the thickness are considered as parallel. The mould thus justified, the next business is to prepare the ma- trixes. A matrix is a piece of brass or copper of about one and a half inch long, and of a thickness in proportion to die size of the letter it is intended to con- tain. In this metal matrix is sunk the face of the letter intended to be cast, and which is done by striking in the letter punch a small way; after which the sides and face of the matrix must be justified or proved, and cleaned with files to get rid of all bunching made by the sinking of the punch. Every thing being thus prepared, it is brought to the furnace, which is built of bricks up- right and with four square sides. The stove for the fuel and metal being at the top, a round hole is made for the pan to contain the metal, and which is put into a stone hollowed out to receive it. Foundrys of conse- 359 quence have several of these kinds of furnaces attached to them. The metal of which the types are to be cast is gene- neraily prepared in large quantities by being fused and run into bars of about 20lb. each; these are cut and delivered to the workmen in such quantities as are re- quired for the castings he is about to perform. There are in use among the type founders of the present day about twenty different sizes of types, all of which are cast in moulds and matrixes ; besides | about ten more which are usually cast from patterns in sand; however, the preference being given by the founders to moulds and matrixes, they are now be- ginning to cast these latter letters in that way also. To give a tolerably correct idea of the various sized types now made use of, we shall add the number and size of the lines each will make in a foot, and accompany them by their present prices at per pound. The types are known by the following designations, viz. TABLE. No. of Lines. s. d. Diamond of - 204 to each foot, per lb. 13 0 Pearl - - - 178 — 8 6 Nonpareil - - 143 — 7 6 Minion - - 128 5 6 Brevier - - 112^ _ 4 6 Bourgeois - - 102 — 4 0 Long Primer 89 — 3 4 Small Pica 83 — 2 10 Pica - - - 711 — 2 10 English - - 64 — 2 10 Great Primer 51 — 2 6 Paragon - - 441 — 2 6 Double Pica - 411 — 2 6 Two-line Pica 351 — 2 4 Two-line English 32 — 2 4 2-line Gt. Primer 251 — 2 4 2-line Double Pica 20] : — 2 4 Cannons - - 18 — 2 2 Four-line Pica 171 — 2 2 Five-line Pica 141 — 2 2 The Hebrew, Greek, and all oriental characters are charged for at double prices. The large sized let- ters are those which are usually cast in sand, called “ sand-letters;” they are divided and charged as follows, viz. 6, 7,' 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18 lines Pica at 2s. per lb. The method adopted in casting the smaller types from Diamond to Five-line Pica is by the punch, which is formed of steel, with some letter of brass, with its outside edge boarded for the purpose of holding it more conveniently by the circular-spring, which is so fixed as to keep the matrix in its right place ; and which is of a size so as to be easily Held in the hand ; this forms the mould of the body or shank of the type, and is adapted to cast every letter, figure and point, with the alteration of changing of what is termed the matrix. There is a very great accuracy required in the mould 360 FOUNDING. and matrix of the type founder, and this will appear very obvious, if it be considered how many thousands of little types are placed together even in a common newspaper. To make a matrix, the letter must be cut first on steel, which is brought to so soft a state as to be easily cut with a graver. Some founders prefer striking the inside openings of the letter with another punch, and which they call the counter-punch : the outside parts are then filed up with files suited to the purpose. This operation is a very delicate part of the work, and will require the greatest care and expertness, keeping in view at the same time the following particulars, viz. that the letter about to be cut should be as clear as it is possible to make it, and no uneven parts left by the graver or the file, but so finished, that however hard the impression may be, nothing but the face of the type should be allowed to print. The letters should also be of the same gauge or size, so as to range even both at the top and bottom ; for without it, the beauty of the printing would be spoiled ; and farther, if some of the letters should appear larger or smaller than others, it would be liable to a similar objection. The m is generally the first cut, and with the assistance of a gauge ; all the other letters are cut sq as to correspond to it. The letter cutter must also take care that his new letters have all the same proportions, and that the down or fat strokes be quite uniform. When the punch is ready, and it is esteemed so by being first hardened and tempered : it is struck a given depth into a piece of oblong square copper, which is previously prepared on one side by being burnished, this is the matrix; after which it is put into the hands of the jus- tifier, to be so adjusted that all the types that are to be cast in it may range or line with the other letters of the same fount. If it happen that they be Roman letters they must so stand as to be perfectly upright, and if Italics all preserve the same inclination, standing at the same time compact and at proper and equal distances from each other. The justifier has it not in his power to alter or amend the face of the letter, it will remain as it was originally cut; his business being only to put the matrix into such a state as that it may cast fac-similes of the letters punched. Sometimes when the letter is first struck, it may turn out to be too thick, and would stand so, m mam; in which case he files it away from the sides of the matrix, and again tries it, and continues to file it till it be brought s.o as to stand, mmam. Nothing is more unpleasant than to see the types in printing stand as though some- thing was to go between them, and perhaps others crowded together so close as almost to touch. In a well executed fount every word, though it may be made up of separate types should present one whole and uniform piece. Great care, patience, and skill are necessary in this part of letter-founding. It is possible that a very indifferent cut fount may by good justifica- tion make a respectable appearance in print, whereas the best if badly justified would not be tolerable. The mould and the set of matrixes being quite ready they are consigned to the hand of the caster, who is previously provided with a platform to stand upon, and which is raised up about three feet from the floor, and also with a furnace as before described ; he has a bench too on which he puts his work, and a board standing up before him to keep off the melted metal from scalding him while casting. After all is so far ready, his first business is to try the matrix of the letter he is going to cast, m, for instance, comes first in the mould ; he be- gins by taking up the mould in his left hand, and with his right puts up the circular spring to keep the matrix close up to the face of the mould, and then with a small ladle adapted to the size of the work, he takes from out of the pan on the furnace as much metal as will fill the mould, and at the same instant that he turns the metal from out of the ladle into the mouth of it, he throws up his hand in which is held the mould with a sudden jerk or shake, thus he forces the melted metal down into the face of the matrix. The expertness with which this shake is performed, constitutes a good or bad caster ; for if it be not performed so that the ma- trix and mould by the jerk are forced down against the metal, it is likely to turn out a bad letter. After the letter is cast, he releases the spring and takes the face of the type from the matrix, and which is done by pressing the thumb of his right hand against the top of the matrix ; and then he picks out the type and goes ou | again with the casting. In the casting of every type there are five distinct ope- : rations to be performed ; for instance, 1st. to put up the spring ; 2d. to run in the metal and make the jerk ; 3d. to release the spring ; 4th. to deliver the face; 5th. to open the mould and pick out the type : these are all distinctly performed at the manufacture of every letter, and so conveniently is the apparatus for doing them formed, that an expert caster can on an average make from six to seven thousand letters per day. When a caster has cast as many letters as are wanted of the same mould, he exchanges the matrix for another, and clears away the other letters from his bench or table ; a boy, called a breaking-off boy, is then employed to take off the break or rim of the letter ; this he does with such expe- dition that some boys will break off five or six thousand in an hour ; when he has taken off all the breaks he re- turns them to the caster to be remelted and recast into other types. From the breaking-off boy the new types are put into the hands of the rubber, to have their rag I or beer as it is called removed, and which is done so | as to allow' the letters to be afterwards placed even and | regular. The rubber does this by rubbing the two flat ! sides of the type only, taking it up by his right hand and placing its face uppermost between his two fore fingers ; he afterwards rubs it backwards and forwards, he then turns it at the edge of the thumb of his right hand and rubs its other side also on the same stone, dropping the types as fast as so rubbed into his apron, which being tied round him, and put under the stone forms a cup to receive the rubbed types. The rubbing is performed w'ith great rapidity by an experienced rubber, FOUNDING. 361 rubber, as lie can do from twenty to twenty-five thousand a day. There are some kinds of letters that never come into the hands of the rubber, and these consist of the Italic/’, fit fit {fit and/// with some of the Roman also; these are f, j, ff. The letters called kerned of the Italic cha- racter are nevertheless an exception, as they will be re- quired to be rubbed on one side only ; these letters are d, g, j, p, &c. The kerned letters are afterwards put into the hand of the kerner to kern, which he per- forms by fixing a file into the edge of his bench by its shank, after which he lays with his right-hand the type obliquely on the file, so that the kern shall hang over it ; then with his thumb on the type and his fore- finger under the file he forces it up, and then drawing it down again drops it into his lap as the rubber does. When he has so kerned all the types requiring to be done he lays them all singly on a stick called the kerning stick ; after which a knife is used to cut away that part of the swell of the type which would otherwise prevent its laying close to the one which is to follow it. This part of the work is tedious, and the most expert hand at it cannot do more than from five to six thousand a day. The types thus rubbed and kerned are to be taken by a boy who is called a setting-up boy. His bu- siness is to arrange them with the nicks and faces, which he does on sticks about two feet six inches in length. This is performed very rapidly, as a boy will place from twenty-five to thirty thousand a day. They are now to be consigned to the hand of the dresser or finisher, whose business is to smooth the two sides (or as it is techically termed the back and nick of the types) which the rubbing had not done, and also to make even the foot of the type where the run was broken off after casting, and to takeout all the bad types that had failed in the casting, or had been spoiled in some of the subsequent finishings. It will be difficult to convey a complete idea of the mode of dressing types, but we will attempt it. The types are, as before stated, ar- ranged on sticks. The dresser is provided with what is called a bed, which is fastened down on his bench. It consists of a square piece of mahogany or oak of about two feet four inches long, one foot wide, and four inches and a half in thickness ; this is hollowed out to the depth of one inch and three quarters, and tapering in its width from seven inches at one end to six inches at the other. In this hollow are placed the blocks, in which the types are put with their feet upwards, for the purpose of planing off the roughness which had been left by the break and run. The blocks on which the letters are dressed are made of good seasoned beechen wood, and in two parts, each of which is about one foot ten inches in length and one inch and three quarters square. One of them is provid- ed with a tongue, and the other with a groove to receive it. The types are placed with their faces downwards on the tongue in the block, after which the two blocks are w edged together, the part of the tongue not occupied by the types entering the groove in the other block, which completely secures them to the blocks and bed. By this means five or six hundred types are firmly fixed, and ready to be planed ; which is done by using a plane with a tongue of iron that moves in a groove cut in the upper square of the block, and parallel with the type in it, and so w r orked as just to plane out the breaks of the letters ; after which the types are loosened from the blocks and taken out and laid upon a stick, and then with a knife having two edges rather concave inwards, made by grinding it so, first one side of the letter is scraped and then the other. The dresser afterwards tries them, to detect the errors, if any have been made by the justifiers or casters, and then with a glass picks out all the imperfect types. When so much is done, they are given into the hands of a telling and passing boy. He counts out for the multi- plied purpose of paying the several distinct hands which have been employed on the types, such as the caster, breaking off boy, rubbers, kerners, and setting-up boy, and who are all paid by the piece at so much a thou- sand. An expert caster cannot get more than 30s. per week, and the other persons employed in and about the letter foundry in the same proportion. The letter caster has also a duty to perform not yet mentioned, which consists in his seeing that the fount be cast regular, and that the letters keep their due propor- tions ; and the necessity of due attention being paid to this must be more or less obvious to every English reader, inasmuch as the number of letters used are so very different from each other ; as, for instance, in the proportion which e is to 12,000 so it is to 16,000 of b. The types may now be considered as finished, and are to be counted out by a boy in pieces making the size of an octavo page, and if not for exportation or the country, they are put into a wrapper and rolled up and put by in what is technically called a “ coffin.” Besides the making of the types already described, there are also required in printing, spaces ; these are used to separate the words. Quadrats are also wanted to fill up the ends of short lines, &c. Of these kind of types there are generally cast four sizes, designated by the thick, middle, thin, and hair; of the quadrats, n, m, 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m. The thick spaces are in their thickness equal to three of the body of the type, the middle four, the thin five, and the hair is made as thin as it can possibly be cast. Of the quadrats, the n is equal to one-half of its body ; the m an exact square of its body, and the 2 m equal to two of its body, &c. &c. These kind of types are all cast without a matrix, and in manner follow ing, viz. by the fixing of a piece of copper only on the face of the mould, and not re- moving the spring while casting them, which the caster is obliged to do in casting the other types. By this means he w ill be enabled to perform in a day almost as many more castings of these kinds of type-spaces as he can of the letters. The metal of the type-founder consists of lead and regulus of autimony fused together. It is made of many different degrees of hardness by putting different quantities 4 Z of 362 FOUNDING. of each together, and this is regulated by the size of the types about to be founded with it. For the smallest sized types the hardest metal is required, which is made of the following proportions, viz. 25 regulus to 75 of lead, and for the other sizes sometimes as low as 15 regulus to 85 of lead. The method of casting the large sized types consists in punching the letter through a piece of brass, and afterwards rivetting it on a back to form a matrix. These kind of moulds are too large to be held in the caster’s hand for the purpose of founding. The weight of the metal being adequate of itself to completely fill the mould without the shake or jerk had recourse to in common casting. These kind of moulds are hung up, and the heated metal is poured into them. The largest types of all are cast in open sand similar to brass casting, already explained under that head. The moulds and matrixes of the letter-founder are so valuable, that, if lost, nothing could restore them, it being a work in collecting them of more time than the ordinary life of a man. Hence founders keep their matrixes in strong rooms of iron or stone, into which they are placed by the superintendent of the foundry as soon as done with and every night. The mould of the type-founder is composed of two sides framed together, and called the upper and under sides, and formed by preparing two pieces of flat steel three inches in length, three-eighths of an inch in thick- ness, and seven-eighths of an inch in width, and this last dimension constitutes the length of the body of the type ; these together are called the carriages, on each of which is fastened down, on their right-hand side, another piece of steel, in length equal to one-half of that of the carriage, and is of the same width as the carriage, and of a similar thickness to the body of the type intended to be founded in the mould. Such pieces of steel are called the bodies of the moulds, and are fastened down to form it by a screw which is made to pass from the under part of the carriage and through its body, and also by the block, which is afterwards driven downwards through apertures made in both the body and carriage, and having above a head in length equal to one and a half of that of the body of the car- riage. An opening of the same length and width is made on the left-hand side of the carriage, w'hich is termed the block-notch. The whole is received on plates, which are regulated so that their lengths are equal to that of the carriage, and their width is two inches and three quarters. The carriage and body are so fixed as to be almost three-eighths of an inch above the bottom of the plate, and are fastened by a short screw going quite through the plate, and into the body at a place just behind the block-notch. The other opposite end of the carriage is received by the shank of the block, and passes through the plate as well as the body and carriage, which is secured by a screw fastened by a nut. Before the body is finally fixed down on the carriage, the nicks are placed in it, which consist of small pieces of steel ; regulated both in their size and number by the nicks designed to be made in the type: . These are all neatly let iri between the body and the carriage on the upper side of the mould. In the body part of the under side there are also openings made just to receive the nicks. Above the body and carriage is screwed to each plate a piece of steel one inch in its length, and turned up a little on its inner or right side, and projecting so as to come exactly even with the front. This is termed the jace of the mould, through which the metal descends to the type ; the opening to which is sometimes increased by affixing on each side a piece of brass called its mouth- piece. On the opposite edges of the carriages and bodies are screwed the registers, which consist of pins of steel of nearly the length of the body, and stand- ing up as high as the blocks : on the underside of which is passed a plate to fix a letter above it, which will make it come even with the face of the carriage and its body. A piece of steel called the stool is also fixed for the matrix to stand on, which is to regulate it to the mould and register. Opposite to the stool there is a hole made, through which the matrix is to pass. After the whole is so far arranged and prepared it is fixed on boards to be cast; to the lowermost of which a circular wire spring is fixed, which is so adapted as easily to^turn over the stool for the purpose of keeping the matrix firmly on it, and also close up against the face of the mould. On the top of each of the boards, and just opposite the opening where the metal is to be poured in, is placed a small piece of wire three inches long, rather bent at its upper end, and called “ the hag,” the purpose of which is to allow the caster more easily to take the type out of the mould after it is founded. There has been no improvement of any great ira- i portance in the manufacture of types for the last sixty years. The letter-founder’s talent having been more directed to improve the face of his letters than the me- thod of casting them. There was nevertheless a scheme set on foot about five years since by a Mr. White who had come from America, which had for its object the enabling the founder to cast a great number of letter^ at one time, we believe thirty or more ; this was explained to most of the principal founders, and with much plausibility too ; although it was by them finally rejected, but not without a trial having been previously ! made. About the same time a Mens. Didot proposed a plan for a similar object, assisted by Mr. Donkin an Engineer. Their machine was intended to abridge the labour by performing the whole operation of the work by the assistance of a boy only. They erected their machine, and invited the founders to see it work, to whom, they offered the invention. The contrivance is generally admitted to be in the highest degree ingenious and novel, and very likely eventually to turn out of great utility. This invention has now been secured by a pa- tent, but it is not yet got into work. Messrs. Caslon and Catherwood about three years since obtained a patent for an invention of theirs, which had for its object to lessen the number of motions required by the common FOUNDING. 363 common method of casting. Their machine was set in motion by a small lever placed on the under side of the mould, the pressing of which with the thumb released the matrix, and delivered the face ; after which, when the mould was again closed, and the thumb relieved, the wire was re-fixed to the matrix. This invention was calculated to save labour, and would enable a work- man who could cast by the common method 6,000 let- ters a day to perform 7,500 by the using of this ma- chine. There was some practical objections to it, but the chief was the alarm of die men, w ho, feared that the other foundrys might be induced to adopt it, in case of which their wages might be reduced. From the temper manifested by the men on the occasion it has now beeu laid aside. It is rather surprising, amidst the numerous improvements that are daily developing them- selves, that none of the founders have produced either a script or musical type, at least one worthy of public notice : the first attempt at which was made by Mr. H. Fought in 1768, but it was never brought into general use. In 1784 one was cut under the direction of Dr. Arnold ; it turned out, however, of too complex a na- ture, and was consequently but little used. A good type of this description might be considered a desidera- tum in typography, and were such an one to be executed in a manner becoming the genius of the times in which we live, it would tend very much to improve the taste as well as reduce the price of all musical compositions ; a circumstance of no small importance, if it be consi- dered how generally a taste for music is now cultivated. Precious Metals. Gold and silver, in as far as they are connected with founding, are, in comparison w'ith the other metals, very little employed : excepting it be in the first in- stance, when they are run into bars or ingots. They are each perfectly homogeneous, from whatever mines they may have been taken ; these metals are likewise malleable and divisible into the most minute propor- tions, and from their scarcity, and consequent high price, they become not too bulky for the common pur- poses of commerce : hence they have been employed from the earliest date as the medium of exchange be- tween one nation and another, and they continue to be so employed up to the present time. The chemists say of gold that in colour it is an orange red, or a reddish yellow, and that it has no perceptible taste or smell, and bears a most brilliant lustre ; it is in hardness equal only to 6i, and of a specific gravity 19:3.* No other substance is equal to it in ductility or malleability ; it may be beaten out into leaves so thin, that one grain will cover 5&| square inches. An ounce of gold upon a silver wire is capable of being extended to more than 1 ,300 miles in length, and a wire wholly of gold of 0,078 of an inch in diameter is capable of supporting a weight of 150,07 pounds avoirdupoise without breaking. It * Distilled water being reckoned its unity. melts, according to Mortimer, at 1,301 of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, and in melting assumes a bright bluish green colour. It expands in the act of fusion, and consequently contracts while becoming solid more than most other metals, which renders it less proper for castings in moulds. It is, indeed, so soft in its natural, or as it is termed, virgin state, that it is found almost incapable of being so used : it is however found, by fusing it with small proportions of copper and sil- ver, to become more hard, without losing its colour or brilliancy. The Romans, according to Pancton, were the first who taught the art of alloying or mixing baser metals with their gold, which he stigmatizes as criminal. — Pliny says (lib. xxxiii. ch. 3.) that they mixed in the proportion of one-eighth alloy with their silver. “ Li- vius Drusus in tribunata plebis Octavam partem aeris argento miscuit.” Goldsmiths usually announce the purity of the gold which they sell as follows,* viz. pure or virgin gold they suppose divided into 24 parts, called carats, and gold which is said to be that of 23 carats fine, means that it is mixed with an alloy of 1 part of some other metal and 23 of gold. Gold of 22 carats means an alloy of 22 parts gold and 2 of some other metal. The number of carats expressed always specifies the pure gold, and what that number wants of 24 indicates the quantity of alloy. Thus gold of 12 carats would be an alloy containing 12 parts gold and 12 of some other metal. With us the carat is divided into four grains; among the Germans into 12, and by the French into 32. The quality of the alloy has been always considered of importance ; it is commonly of copper, and with some composed of a mixture of silver and copper. On this subject, a series of experiments were instituted in 1793, by Messrs. Cavendish and Hatchet, which may be seen in the Philosophical Transactions for 1803. Silver approaches very nearly to gold in all its cha- racteristic properties, with the exception of its colour, which is a fine white : like gold, it has neither taste or smell ; its hardness is equal to 7. When melted, its specific gravity is 10,474, and when hammered 10,510. Its malleability is also excessive, as it may be beaten out into leaves of only -rdstrw of an inch in thickness. Its ductility is equally remarkable, as it may be drawn out into a w ire much finer than a human hair, so fine indeed, that a single grain of silver may be extended 400 feet in length. Its tenacity is such, that a wire of silver 0,078 inch in diameter is capable of supporting a weight equal to 187,13 lbs. avoirdupoise without break- ing. According to the calculations of Mortimer, its fusing point is 1,000 of Fahrenheit’s thermometer. The business of founding or casting these metals is Consigned to the artists known as the gold and silver- smith. In the city of London they are formed into a company, and enjoy many particular privileges. Their * The fullest treatise on gold hitherto published is that of Dr. Lewis’s. See the Philosophical Commerce of the Arts. business 364 FOUNDING. business consists in manufacturing gold and silver into ' numerous vessels and utensils both for utility and orna- ment, which they do either in the mould, or beat it out \ with a hammer or other engine. All works requiiingto \ have raised or embossed figures are cast in moulds, the subjects for which are previously designed by an artist, and modelled afterwards in wax. Messrs. Rundell and Bridge, who are the most extensively employed of any house in London as goldsmiths, keep constantly in their employ, for this purpose, several very ingenious artists, j whose whole time is taken up in designing and model- ling different articles to be cast in gold and silver, some of which embrace combinations the most chaste and classical, and are calculated to go very far in creating a I laste and relish among our nobility for sculpture in I basso-relievo wrought in the precious metals. W. Theed, Esq. A. R. A. is their principal designer. Plates or dishes of silver and gold are beaten out from bars of either metal, as well as spoons and all the lesser description of goods commonly made of them. Vases, cups, and such like articles, are formed also from plates, as well as their ears or handles, which are beaten or hammered into pieces of the shape required, and af- terwards soldered together ; the shafts of vases and cups are in two pieces or halves only, and their ears into three or more, according to the composition of their shape. The mouldings also of such kind of utensils are performed by the hammer, and fastened to the shafts of such vessels for which they are intended by soldering. — The business of the goldsmith formerly required a much more divided labour than it does at present, for they were then obliged to prepare the metals by hammering them into plates, for the purposes required, from the ingot ; but there are now in use mills called flatting mills, which reduce the ingot cr bar to the thinness wanted, and at a very small expense. Every goldsmith ought to be capable of designing and drawing, with a knowledge of modelling sufficient to understand its effect when it comes to be founded in metal. He also should be somewhat expert in che- mistry and metallurgy, to enable him to assay the mixed metals, and to alloy the pure ones with address. He will also require a knowledge in mathematics to defend | himself from fraud in his purchases of the virgin-metal, I and also to divide it out accurately to his manufactu- rers, for them to work it into the various purposes for which it may be intended. When gold or silver is melted it is poured into moulds previously formed to receive it, or sometimes into frames for founding it into bars ; the methods practised for doing which is the same as that previously described for castings of brass in sand, both with regard to the frame, the manner of working the earth, and that of ranging the models or patterns. There is, however, a difference, inasmuch as the heated metal in the brass castings is taken out of the crucible with ladles, and poured into the aperture in the mould, from whence it runs into jets and patterns; while for gold and silver the crucible containing the fluid metal is taken off the fire with a pair of tongs made for the purpose, and the metal is poured from it into the moulds. The Brazils furnish most of the gold now seen in commerce ; there are, however, no gold mines worked there. ITie metal is disseminated in sand and other alluvial depositions. Gold, silver, and copper, among the moderns, are employed as the medium of exchange, as these metals are found by long experience the fittest materials for money, being less subject to decay than most other articles of value. Whether coining be of equal anti- quity with money may admit of doubt, especially as most of the ancient writers are so frequent in their men- tion of leathern-money, paper-money, wooden-money, &c. That such articles may have been used as money is not improbable ; but it is extremely unlikely that in using such money, either could have been adapted to any portable shape to answer that purpose. In ef- fect they were the commodities, and became current for one another by the way of exchange. Herodotus ascribes the invention of coins to the Lydians, and Pliny attributes it to Bacchus. Lycurgus ordered that iron money only should be used at Sparta. Silver is reported by Pliny not to have been coined at Rome until about the year 480 of the city, nor gold uutil about the year 640. The same author thus mentions its illegal debasement (lib. 33. c. 9) “ Miscuit denario triumvir Antonius ferrum miscuit aeri falsas monetae.” In England the standard for gold is 44> that is eleven parts of pure metal and one part of alloy. The standard for silver is -II, that is, eleven ounces two dwts. of pure silver and eighteen dwts. of alloy, making together one pound. This proportion of silver is said to have been fixed by Richard 1. by the assistance of certain persons from the Eastern parts of Germany, from which cir- cumstance it was called Easterling; and hence the word sterling, which w'as afterwards the name given for the silver penny, and which is now applied to all lawful money in Great Britain. The coining of money was originally performed with the hammer, and afterwards with the mill, and then again with the hammer ; by either of which methods the pieces of metal are stamped or struck with punches, or dies, on which are engraven the sovereign, effigies, arms, legend, &c. The puncheon consists of a highly tempered piece of steel, upon which the coin is sunk in relievo, and again upon the matrix, which is another piece of steel of about four or five inches long, formed square at the bottom, and rounded at its top. The moulding of the border and letters are added on the matrix with small and sharp steel pun- cheons, and when it is thus finished it is called the die. In coining by the mill the bars of gold or silver, after having been moulded, are taken out of the moulds, scraped, and brushed. They are then flatted in the mill, and reduced to the proper thickness to suit the species of money about to be coined ; which, if it be gold- coin, the plates are previously to being sent to be milled, put in a furnace, heated, and then cooled in water ; but if of silver the metal is passed through the FOUNDING. mill without this additional heating and cooling. The plates, whether of gold, silver or copper, when reduced to their proper thickness are cut out into round pieces called blanks, or planchets. This cutting is performed by an instrument which is fastened to the lower extre- mity of an arbor, the upper end of which is formed into a screw, which being turned by an iron-handle moves the arbor, and lets a punch of well-sharpened steel fall on the plates to be cut, by means of which a piece is punched out ; afterwards the pieces which are so cut out are brought to the standard w’eight by tiling or rasp- ing, and the corners and pieces of the plates left by the circles are returned to the melter by the denomination of sizals. The pieces are now weighed in a very accu- rate and well adjusted balance, and afterwards carried to the blanching room. Here it is that the gold blanks are brought to their proper colour, and the silver ones are whitened. For the former of which the operation is performed by heating them in a furnace, and when cooled, boiling them successively in two copper vessels containing water, common salt, and tartar ; and after being well boiled in this menstruum they are scoured with sand and cleanly washed in pure water, and dried over a wood-tire in a sieve composed of copper wire. Formerly the planchets as soon as blanched were car- ried to the press to be struck, and receive their impres- sion ; but they are now always first milled. The ma- chine for this purpose consists of two plates of steel in form of rulers, on which the edging of the coin is engraven, a half on the one, and a half on the other. One of these plates is immoveable, the other moveable and slides on a plate of copper by means of a handle and a wheel, or pinion of iron, the teeth of which catch in other teeth w'hich are on the surface of the sliding plate. The planehet being placed horizontally between these two plates, is carried along by the motion of the moveable one, so as by the time that it has made a half turn it is found marked all round. For the coining of medals the process is nearly the same as for that of money. The principal difference consisting in this; viz. money having but a small relievo, receives its impres- sion at a single stroke of the engine ; whereas for medals their high relievo makes several strokes necessary, for which purpose the piece is taken out from between the dies, heated, and returned again ; which process for medallions is sometimes repeated as many as a dozen or more times before the full impression is given them. Some medallious, in a very high relievo, are obliged to 365 be cast in sand, and afterwards perfected by being sent to the press. In coining with the hammer, the bars, of metal on being taken out of the moulds are heated and stretched on an anvil, after which they are cut in pieces, farther stretched, and then clipped with shears to their required shape, and until they become reduced to the standard- weight and to the size of the specie to be coined. The blanks, or planchets, thus formed are carried as before to the blanching-room, where they undergo the same operation as the milled money, and are then sent to the minter to be stamped with the hammer. For this ope- ration two puncheons, or matrixes are used, the one called the pile, the other the truss, or quiver; each of which is engraven dent-ways, the pile bearing the arms, and the truss the image, legend, date, &c. The pile is about eight inches high and has a kind of talon, or heel, in its middle and ends. This kind of figure was given by reason of its being more easily sunk, and at the same time more firmly fastened to the block on which the money is struck. The minter for striking the coin lays the planehet horizontally on the pile and covers it with the truss, which he holds steadily in his left hand, giving to it several small blows, more or less, as the relievo of the die is more or less deep. About twenty years ago, Messrs. Boulton and Watt, of Bir- mingham, began to apply the power of steam to the operations of coining, and have since coined a large quantity of money, such as farthings, halfpence, penny and two-penny pieces of copper for the Government, which have been seen in circulation. They have also re-coined an immense number of Spanish dollars for the Bank, known in circulation as Bank Tokens, without their having been first melted, or any thing done to them except their being restamped. The ma- chinery for this purpose is calculated to save labour prodigiously, as it is reported to be capable, by the as- sistance of three or four boys only, of striking or re- stamping 30,000 pieces of money in an hour, besides at the same time keeping an unerring account of the num- ber of pieces stricken. The coinage of England was originally performed wholly in the Tower of London, where there was a corporation for it under the title of the Mint. But lately there has been erected a gigantic building on the void ground north of the Tower for that purpose, in which has been placed an engine by Messrs. Boulton and Watt, and by this in future the national coins are to be stamped. 5 A GLASS- GLASS-MAKING. Glass, in a chemical sense, denotes any substance or mixture, earthy, saline, or metallic, which is reduced by igneous fusion to the shape of a hard, brittle, uni- form mass, which breaks with a conchoidal fracture passing into splinters, and with a high degree of lustre. Most glasses of this kind are also transparent. But as the term glass is commonly used in the arts and manu- factures, it signifies that transparent, solid, brittle, fac- titious substance, produced by the vitrification of sili- ceous earths with various salts and metallic oxydes, which is applicable to innumerable purposes of orna- ment and comfort, as well as of scientific investigation and research. Such are the definitions or descriptions of this substance ; but Merret, in his notes on Neri’s Treatise on Glass-Making, mentions certain characters or properties of glass, by which it is distinguished from all other bodies : of these we shall enumerate the fol- lowing. — It is an artificial concrete of salt and sand or stones ; — it is fusible by a strong heat, and when fused is tenacious and coherent ; — it does not waste nor con- sume in the fire ; — it is ductile when red-hot, and may be fashioned into any form, but is not malleable ; and is capable of being blown into a hollow ; it is frangible, always diaphanous, whether hot or cold ; flexible and elastic : — it may be graven, or cut with a diamond, or other hard stones and emery ; — it receives any colour or dye, and admits of being polished : — it is the most pli- able thing in the world, and that which best retains the fashion given it. It would not be consistent with the plan and object of this work, to enter very deeply into the history of Glass and Glass-making, but we may observe, that so far from its being a modern invention, it was known in the days of Aristotle, who flourished three centuries and a half before the Christian era, and who gives two pro- blems upon glass, of which the first is, why we see through it ? the second, why it is not malleable ? Theophrastus, who flourished about 300 years before Christ, describes glass as having been made of the sand of the river Belus : and the sphere of Archimedes is a remarkable instance of the perfection to which the art of glass-making had been brought at that early period, namely, B. C. 209. For the sake of our younger readers, we may remind them that Virgil, in his Vth Eneid, compares the clearness of the water of the Fa- cine lake to glass ; and Horace, in his third book of the Odes, mentions glass in such terms, as shew that its transparency was brought to great perfection. In the time of Strabo, who lived in the first century of the Christian era, the manufacture of glass was undoubtedly well understood, and had become a considerable article of trade. Seneca, who lived in the same century, seems not only to have been well acquainted with glass as a transparent substance, but also understood its magnify- ing powers, when formed into a convex shape. Pliny relates the manner of the discovery of glass. It was, he says, first made of sand found in the river Belus, a small stream of Galilee, running from the foot of Mount Carmel. The report of the discovery was, that a Phoenician merchant ship, laden with nitre or mine- ral alkali, being driven on the coast, and the crew going ashore for provisions, and dressing their victuals upon the sands, made use of some lumps of alkali to support their kettles. Hence a vitrification of the sand beneath the fire was produced, which afforded a hint for the manufacture. To come to more modern times : according to the venerable Bede, artificers skilled in making glass were brought over into England in the year 674 ; others, however, suppose this to have happened more than fifty years later, or about the year 726. Till this time the art of making glass, or at least of applying it to the purposes of ornamenting churches, was not known in Britain. Glass windows did not begin to be used before the year 1180, and fora considerable time they were very scarce in private houses, and considered as a kind of luxury, and as marks of great magnificence. Italy had them first, next France, and from France they came into England. Venice for many years excelled all Europe in the fineness of its glasses, and in the thir- teenth century the Venetians were the only people who had the secret of making crystal looking-glasses, which they performed by blowing nearly in the same manner as a considerable quantity of the common mirror-glass is now manufactured. The regular glass manufacture was begun in England 1557; the finer sort was made in Crutched Friars, London; and the very fine flint glass, little inferior to that of Venice, was first manu- factured in the Savoy. The first glass plates for look- ing-glasses and coach-windows, were made in 1673 at Lambeth under the protection and auspices of the Duke of Buckingham, who, in 1670, introduced the manufacture of fine glass into England by means of Ve- netian artists with great success ; so that within a cen- tury GLASS-MAKING. 367 tury and a half, the French and English have even ri- valled and surpassed the Venetians, and we are no longer supplied from abroad. The French made a considerable improvement in the art of glass-making, by the invention of a method to cast very large plates, till then unknown, and scarcely even yet practised by any but themselves and the English. That court ap- plied itself with great industry and ardour to cultivate and improve the glass manufacture. A company was established by letters patent, and it was provided by an arret not only that the working in glass should not derogate any thing from nobility, but even that none of lower degree than nobles should be allowed to work therein. In 1665, under the celebrated Colbert, a company for “ blown mirror-glass” was established at Cherbourg, on the plan of the Venetian manufacture; but the art of casting glass was invented in France about the year 1688. A company was soon established for this branch of manufacture, which was first carried on at Paris and soon after removed to St. Goblin, where it probably still exists. An extensive manufactory of this kind was established in this country, near Pres- cot in Lancashire in the year 1773, and they have suc- ceeded in producing plates, rivalling, if not surpassing in size, quality, and brilliancy the most celebrated con- tinental manufactures. This company, now in Lon- don, furnishes plates from 12 inches to 12 feet in length, and full half these dimensions in breadth. Of Mineral Combinations with regard to Vitrifi- cation. — Glass presents a great variety of qualities; but as this essentially belongs to the proportions of the sub- stances employed, and particularly to their different degrees of purity, we shall confine ourselves to de- tailing the general principles upon which vitrification is founded, and the principal operations by which it is executed. Pure substances vitrify w'ith difficulty, and the glass which proceeds from them is in general dry and very brittle. But the same substances mixed, enter more easily into fusion. Alumine and lime, although unvitrifiable separately, are easily reduced into glass when mixed together. The alkalis facilitate the fusion and vitrification of all the earthy principles. On ac- count of this property, these salts are employed for forming the base of the composition of glass manufac- tured for our use. Besides the degree of fusibility which the alkalis communicate to the earthy substances, they give to the glass which proceeds from their mixture with the earths, a pliability which admits of its being wrought, blown, extended, and even hammered while it is warm and soft. The manufactories where glass is made are called glass-works. The compositions, the working, and the furnaces, vary in the different manu- factories, according to the nature of the glass made in them: hence the various denominations of bottle-glass, flint-glass, plate-glass, crystal-glass, &c. But what- ever may be the nature of the' glass to be made, there are certain principles essentially dependent upon science which are applicable to all glass-works, and according to which all the operations are directed. These general principles have for their object every thing relating to the manufacture of the pots or crucibles, to the compo- sition of the substances, to the construction of the fur- nace, to the management of the fire, and to the manner of working the glass. We shall glance at each of these subjects in succession. Of the Manufacture of Crucibles, or Glass-Pots . — Good crucibles ensure the success of a glass-work. This truth can only be felt by those who have appreciated the loss occasioned by pots which break or melt, the loss of time, and the difficulty of replacing them. Clay forms the basis of glass-house pots. But as the quali- ties of clays are very variable, because they are naturally and constantly mixed in various proportions, with lime, i silex, iron, and magnesia, which renders them more or less fusible, the clay must be picked before employing it. The qualities of a good clay are as follow: 1st. It must not vitrify upon an exposure of several days in the hottest place of the furnace. 2nd. It must preserve its form without sinking down, or becoming soft. 3rd. It must be wrought and moulded easily. 4th. It must un- dergo the action of the fire without contracting, or | cracking. 5th. Good clay assumes, upon being fired, a very great hardness and compactness. When we have ascertained all these qualities in the clay, it must be still picked, in order to separate from j it every thing foreign or prejudicial. To this effect it must be carefully picked, in order to take out the py- rites and all the small coloured veins, which render it fusible : w'e may content ourselves with raking together the pieces tinged with ochre, and separating all the co- louring principle from them. After having taken away every visible impurity, the clay must be diluted and soaked in w'ater ; it is afterwards passed through sieves, in order to separate the coarse, weighty, and insoluble bodies from it. Sand, quartz, or mica, do not sensibly injure the qualities of clay, particularly if they are in small quantity : but mixtures of calcareous earths, plaster, pyrites, and metallic oxydes, render clay im- proper for glass-house pots, as it is material to give | to the sides of a crucible such a thickness only as to i render it capable of resisting the effects of the substance ; it contains, and the shocks it receives in the work. | M. Loysel has suggested, that we should calculate the tenacity of the clay, by forming small sticks of it in the form of parallelipipedons, w'hich he dries at a tem- perature of 25 degrees of Reaumur, and one of the extremities of which he reduces to a diameter of six lines. He fastens this extremity in a cubical cavity ; and at the distance of f 8 lines he suspends, from one of these sticks, the saucer of a pair of scales, in which he places weights until they produce a fracture in the stick. He observed, that good clay employed for crucibles of three feet diameter by three feet six lines thick, did not break, except with a weight of 56 ounces ; and that of J a furnace of fusion of eight feet diameter, by a weight of 24 ounces. But clay, employed by itself contracts too much, and it is mixed for forming the composition of pots, with the broken pieces of crucibles, ground, and 56S GLASS-MAKING. and well cleared of all vitrified matter, or with clay strongly fired. Great care must be taken not to em- ploy sand in forming pots, because the alkali employed in making the glass would act upon the sand, dissolve it, and speedily destroy the crucibles. After having prepared the clay well, it is mixed with the cement formed of ground fragments of crucibles, and a paste is made with it which has such a consistence that a leaden bullet of four ounces weight may sink into it complete- ly upon falling from a height taken between 66 and 83 inches. This paste must be dressed with the greatest care in a proper place, and out of the way of all dust, and the mixture of every foreign substance. When the paste is thus prepared, either the one or the other of the two following processes may be employed for making the crucible. 1st. In some glass-houses they have a wooden mould, furnished in the inside with a strong and well-stretched cloth. Rolls of -paste are applied to the interior surface of this cloth, and the frame of the crucible is successively raised, by gradually diminishing its thickness from the bottom to the upper edge. 2d. In other glass-houses, the workman has a round piece of wood, a little broader than the crucible is to be, and he raises with his hand, and without a mould, his cruci- ble upon this kind of foundation. This last method is preferable to the former, because the workman can work his paste at all places, and he leaves no cracks nor crevices in the body of the crucible, and he can join perfectly and uniformly all the parts. This process is particularly necessary in the bottle glass-houses, because this composition corrodes the crucibles more than any other. When the pots are manufactured, they are al- lowed to dry in the shade, at a temperature of 10 or 13 degrees of Reaumur’s thermometer. We should equally dread a too strong heat, which might crack the pot ; or a too sharp cold, which might freeze it ; dampness and currents of air should be also carefully avoided : the apartment which serves as the drying-place should be 6hut, and very little frequented. When the pots begin to be dry, they are enclosed in a close place, w'here the heat is constantly kept up to 25 or 30 degrees of Reau- mur. From this they are brought out to be put in use. For this purpose, they are exposed by degrees to a heat which produces redness, and in this state they may be placed upon their seat in the furnace. Prudence re- quires, that they should not be charged w ith any compo- sition after they are placed upon the furnace, until they have undergone the strongest possible heat for 24 hours. Of the Construction of Glass-House Furnaces . — The paste intended for making the bricks of a glass- house furnace is prepared by mixing crude with fired clay, or rather, with broken pieces of crucibles : white infusible quartz, or a very refractory sand, are also em- ployed instead of fired clay. In order to pound the pieces of quartz more completely, they are made red- hot, and then thrown into w ater. This operation, as is well known, renders them pulverulent, without hurting their refractory quality. Bricks are sometimes used which have not been fired ; these are merely dried in the air to such a degree, that a leaden bullet, falling from a height of from 25 to 45 feet, only sinks half its bulk into the brick. The furnace of a glass-house is always erected in the middle of very spacious premises, in order that the working and the surface of it may be easy. The draught of the furnace is effected by means of four currents of air, which enter the hall at separate aper- tures, and unite at right angles at the grate of the fire. The interior form of the furnace is almost always that of a square, or of a rectangular parallelogram, the broadest sides of which are occupied by the pots, which are supported and fixed on trevets or shelves. The in- terval between these shelves or trevets, forms the grate upon which the combustibles are placed. The fire is fed by apertures made in the sides : the pots are charged and emptied by means of openings immediately above them, and which exactly correspond with them, in or- der that the business may be more easily conducted. The furnace- is surmounted or terminated by an arch, w'hich rests upon the two longest sides, and w'hich is full of holes, in order to establish a proper draught, and to give a passage to the flame, which also heats other arches placed before these angles, or above the vault. Of the Substances employed in the Composition of Glass.-— Silex and the alkalis form the base of glass in all countries : the other ingredients are, properly speak- ing, only accessary for facilitating the flux and purifying the glass, or for giving it any peculiar quality. The purest silices and alkalis form the clearest glass, and it is this composition which forms the basis of ail the ope- rations of glass-houses. But silex and alkali exist no where pure ; it is only by troublesome, difficult, and expensive processes that w'e can bring them to this degree of purity. These substances are therefore very generally employed in the state in which nature and commerce afford them. Attention must be paid, how- ever, among the varieties which these two substances present, to choose such as experience has shewn to give constantly the production we are desirous of obtaining. In some delicate works, such as the making of fine crystal or plate glass, the alkali of commerce is puri- fied, in order to clear it of all foreign bodies. In ge- neral, white sand is the purest, but it is also the most refractory ; the coloured sands fuse much more easily. Alicant soda holds the first place among the alkalis of commerce. It is therefore most employed in the deli- cate operations of the glass-works. Sicilian ashes, the salicornia and sea-w'rack are employed in the manufac ture of all the common clear glass. Potash and salt are also well adapted for vitrification : the latter is em- ployed in most of the manufactories of drinking-glasses and crystal-glass, as it is called. In France, the ashes of our fires melted with sand is the most general com- position of bottle-glass. When the sand is very fusible, lixiviated ashes may be employed. I have seen, says M. Chaptal, most excellent bottle-glass formed with lixiviated ashes and river sand, mixed with equal parts of quartz and rubbish of lava. The salts contained in GLASS-MAKING. 369 the alkalis enter into fusion, and swim upon the surface of the metal (as the workmen call it), in the state of a very fluid liquid, which must be carefully taken off with a ladle or skimmer before beginning to work the glass. This precaution is only necessary when sodas are em- ployed highly charged with marine salt. The glass- works where these kinds of soda were used, made a con- siderable trade of this salt, which was sold by the name of glass-house salt, when the gabelle, or salt-tax, rose to such an enormous height in France. Glass-house salt is also known by the name of gall of glass, or sandiver; and when the matter is not well melted, or when all the marine salt is not evaporated, it is found dispersed through the glass in small grains, which injure much the beauty and solidity of the article. When we wish to purify soda for delicate operations, it is dissolved in water, in order to separate by a previous operation, every thing that may be insoluble ; it is afterwards eva- porated, and concentrated to forty degrees of Baume’s areometer, in order to precipitate the foreign salts, which crystallize; the remaining liquor is afterwards concentrated to dryness, and by this means W'e obtain a very pure salt of soda. We may even obtain it in crys- tals, by stopping the evaporation at the degree of a sirupy consistence. The proportions of the substances which form the composition of glass, vary according to the nature of the sand, the purity of the alkalis, the quality of the glass, and the degree of heat in the furnace. Experience alone must prescribe and deter- mine the most proper composition: the more fusible the sand is, the less alkali it requires ; the purer the alkali, the greater is the quantity of sand which is ne- cessary in the composition. In order to facilitate the fusion of the compounds, and to give the glass more ductility, more weight, and less hardness ; oxyde of lead is added to the composition, in variable propor- tions, according to the object in view. Minium, or red-lead, is always preferred for this purpose in the manufactories of crystal-glass. The oxyde of manganese is also used, by the name of glass-maker’s soap, in order to clear the glass of all colouring matter. Its effect must probably be chiefly ascribed to the facility with which it gives up its oxygen, which combines with the colouring principles, and destroys them. Too much red-lead makes the glass yellow ; this defect may be corrected by applying a lit- tle oxyde of cobalt, which, in its turn, will produce a blue colour, if in excess. Too much manganese gives it a violet colour, and forms streaks, or violet-coloured ribbons, in the thick parts of the glass. This fault may be corrected, by throwing a combustible body into the melted mass. There are circumstances where a tried composition attains a proper degree of fusion with great difficulty ; this may proceed from the draught of the furnace being interrupted, or when the fire is ill ma- naged; in this case, borax, or arsenic, must be re- sorted to for restoring the fusion. The latter substance is held in the bottom of the pots, until it has evapora- ted in fumes; it spreads through the whole mass, agi- tates it, and hastens the flux of it. Arsenic serves in particular for destroying the green colour of glass, be- sides the advantage it has of facilitating the flux. The glass is coloured with the metallic oxydes ; cobalt makes blue; manganese, violet; glass of antimony, yellow; precipitate of Cassius, purple; chrome, green, &c. Various colours may be obtained by the mixture of these oxydes ; and we may obtain all ihe shades we desire. OJ'theFlux of the Substances forming the Composition of Glass . — The flux of the substances embraces two principal operations; first, the fritte; secoud, the fusion. If we throw into the crucible, the substance which forms the composition, without having prepared it by a previous strong calcination, the crucibles would be destroyed in a short time, in consequence of the water which would be disengaged on the first impression of the fire; the flux would be almost impossible, in con- sequence of the greater fusibility of the alkali, which would come to the surface; the glass would be co- loured, and the paste itself would experience a swell- ing which would drive it over the crucible. In order to obviate all these inconveniences, the substances un- dergo the fritte, in all the glass-works, before put into the pots to be melted. The fritte is conducted on the substances either separately or in their state of mixture and composition. The second method is preferable, for the reasons I have above given. The fritte is exe- cuted in furnaces made in the glass-house ; and which very often communicate with the melting furnace, from which they receive the heat by apertures made at the base of the great arch, and at the angles. These places are then called fritte arches. The substances are fritted some time, keeping them red-hot, and by this means they often receive a commencement of a pasty fusion, which unites the parts of the composition so asr to form one mass. The manufacturers of bottle glass, already mentioned, give the form of bowls to their composition, in order to roast it more completely. Others throw the composi- tion, when well mixed, upon the bottom of the arch, taking care to strew it very thinly, in order that the calcination may act equally upon all the parts. Pre- vious to putting the composition into the melting-pots, a new activity is given to the fire, and it is stirred three or four hours before charging them. The pots are charged at two, and even three times : a fresh quantity of composition is not added until the first quantity is melted. As soon as the pot is filled the fire is carefully kept up, for a longer or shorter time, according to the fusibility of the composition and the draught of the furnace. Ten or twelve hours is suffi- cient to melt the whole composition ; but although it is w'ell melted, it is not yet fit for working. It must be allowed to settle, to clear itself of the numberless bubbles which are dispersed through the paste ; and this effect can only be produced by keeping the compo- sition at a very liquid fusion for some hours. This operation is called fining. When the glass is thus fined down, or rendered fit for working with, the heat of the 5 B fire 370 GLASS-MAKING. fire is allowed gradually to diminksh by adding no more coals to it. The vitreous mass then assumes a little more consistency, which facilitates the work. ' Of zoorkingthe Glass in Glass-houses . — The working of glass is very simple ; but notwithstanding this, it requires a great deal of practice, and no one can expect to become a good artist in this branch of the business, if he has not acquired the art early in life. Every thing respecting the working of the glass may be reduced to the act of blowing or running it. In blowing the glass, an iron tube about five feet long is used ; with this the workman takes out of the pot the quantity of glass ne- cessary for his operation : the air, which he exhales from I his lungs through the hollow of the tube into the mass of glass he has taken up, distends it; he afterwards gives this mass, while it is distending, the form and dimen- sions he wishes. Compasses, scissars, and other iron tools are employed to shape, pare, or dilate the glass. Care is taken to present it to the furnace as soon as it begins to cool ; when again heated, and it begins to j melt, it is withdrawn, in order to bestow additional i labour upon it. The softness of glass, when it is made red-hot, forms such a contrast to its fragility when it is cold, that it would be difficult to conceive how easily it may be kneaded, soldered, and distended, if we did, not see it actually done before our eyes. Much has been said of the malleability of glass; re- searches have been made in order to recover this im- portant art, which it was thought the ancients possessed; and people have been unwilling to allow that there is no metal more ductile or more malleable than glass when red hot; or that this art, supposed to exist among the ancients, is practised among the moderns every day in our glass-houses. Plate-glass is formed by pouring melted glass upon a copper table, the surface of which is very flat, and by passing a level above the melted | matter, in order to give the plate an uniform thickness. I This operation is very similar to that by which metallic tablets are formed, by throwing melted metal upon sand. In order that the glass may be less brittle, it is necessary that it should be cooled very slowly : this last operation is called annealing. In the large manufacto- ries of bottle-glass, the glass is annealed in furnaces made in the angles of the room where the melting fur- nace is: these furnaces are red-hot when the glass is deposited in them, and as soon as they are filled with the glass articles, the apertures are closed, and the heat j allowed to subside of itself. In small glass-houses, the annealing furnace is generally placed upon the melting- furnace, or at one side of it, so as to be heated by the j current of flame which escapes from the furnace; this 1 ig merely, properly speaking, the commencement of a very wide flue, and which insensibly diminishes in width the further it is removed from the fire; so that the glass deposited at its base gradually cools as it is drawn towards the extremity. The glass is annealed very imperfectly in this manner, because it cools too quickly. Of the Combustibles employed in Glass-works . — Two kinds of combustibles are used in glass-works ; wood and coals. The employment of the latter is very ad- vantageous, but it colours the glass by producing a fuliginous matter which is deposited upon the melted mass, and tinges it of a yellow hue. When we w ish to make a clear or crystal glass, therefore, we must take the precaution of covering the pots, to which only one aperture must be left, corresponding with the working- hole ; this is called working with covered pots. When wood is employed, it must be carefully dried ; the flux, in this case, is easier, and the work expedited. Elm, beech, and oak, are the three best woods for a melting- furnace. The resinous woods give out too much smoke. It requires an active and intelligent person to manage the fire of a glass-house ; care must be taken neither to choke it with too much fuel or to let the heat fall off. It must be fed by renewing the fuel in small quantities at a time, and at short intervals. The weight of clear glass to that of water, is : : 23 : 10. That of argil and alkali : : 25 : 10. That of lime and alkali : : 27 : 10. The metallic oxydes add to its gravity. Such is very much the practice in France : we shall now detail the processes adopted in our owm country, and describe the materials made use of in the several manufactures. It will have been observed that glass contains invariably two essential ingredients, silex and- an alkali ; these are the only things necessary ; these, as we have seen, were the only substances from which glass was made accidentally on the shores of the river JBelus; the sand existed on the spot, and the saline substance was the substance in contact with the sand, and made use of as supports to the kettles in which the provisions were to be dressed. The fire, rendered fierce by being exposed to the open air, soon united the sand and the saline substances in fusion, and produced that glass which was the object of so fortunate and important a discovery. Though sand and a saline substance are all that are absolutely necessary in the manufacture of glass, yet several other substances are likewise made use of for particular purposes, among which may be particularly noticed, lime, in the form of chalk, that is a combina- tion of lime and carbonic acid, or what is chemically denominated a carbonate of lime, borax, the oxydes of lead, manganese, arsenic and nitre. Perhaps a brief account of these will be agreeable to the reader in this place, though we shall have occasion to renew the sub- jects in an alphabetical form in the second part of our work. Silex may be found in almost all parts of the known world ; but of different kinds, and of various degrees of purity, and such will be selected in the manufacture as is adapted to the nature and fineness of the glass re- quired ; the siliceous material generally used in this ! country is sea-sand, which it is well known consists of minute rounded grains of quartz, which are sufficiently small to be used w ithout any other preparation than that of washing. Sand well adapted for the manufacture of glass is found on the coast of Norfolk near Lynn, and GLASS-MAKING. 371 and likewise on the Western shores of the Isle of Wight. Common black gun-flints afford a very pure kind of silex, which before they are used must be heated red-hot, and instantly quenched in cold water. The heat w hitens the flints and the water splits them in every possible direction, after which they may be ground without difficulty in mills constructed for this kind of work. This ground flint is chiefly confined to the manufactures of the potteries, and is but seldom re- sorted to in glass-works. The alkali used in the manu- facture of glass is either soda or potash. It is used in the state of a carbonate, though it is evident that the carbouic-acid-gas is diiven off in the process, and the glass is a compound of silex and pure alkali, and not an alkaline carbonate. The finest flint-glass requires the best pearl-ashes, purified by solution and evapora- tion, but intei ior glass is made w ith coarser substances, as barilla, where it is abundant ; w'ith common wood- ashes, and with kelp. These alkalis, it is true, are impure; but this does not prevent their dissolving the silex iuto a very good and perfect glass, for the very impurities, consisting of neutral salts, lime, and other earths, assist in vinification. Glass made from these alkalis has always a greenish tinge, owing to the iron contained in them. Lime, in the form of chalk, is used only in small proportions, because if much is used the glass becomes opaque, and milky on cooling, though it w as perfectly transparent w hen hot : hence the reason of what is called smoky glass among the glaziers. The proper proportions are, to 100 parts of silex and alkali, only 6 or 7 of quick-lime can be added. Lime, though mischievous, if used too liberally, has its particular uses when properly proportioned, for besides affording a cheap flux, it renders the glass easier to work and much less liable to crack by sudden and violent changes of temperature. Borax is the best flux that is known; its high price is the only objection to its more general use; this prevents it from being used in common glasses, but it is never omitted in the finer kinds of plate glass, and those other articles of manufacture that are required to be clear and free from specks and bubbles. Borax renders all vitrescent compounds into w hich it enters remarkably thin+b lowing, as the phrase is, and there- fore peculiarly adapted for being cast in a mould, w hich is the way plate-glass is manufactured. A very small quantity of will correct any deficient strength in the alkali. The oxydes of lead, of which litharge and minium are the only ones employed in the large way, are of great importance in glass-making. Li- tharge, of itself, melts into a very dense, clear, yellow, transparent glass, fusible at a low degree of heat ; and when melted, it acts so powerfully on all kinds of earthen vessels as to run through the common porous crucibles in a very short time, like liquor through a filter, but vitrifying and corroding the bottom of the crucible - in its passage. Litharge, therefore, is not only a most powerful flux to all earthly mixtures, but im- parts to glass the valuable qualities of greater density, aud greater power of refracting the rays of light ; of bearing any sudden changes of temperature ; of greater tenacity when red-hot, and therefore easier to be worked. Most of the finer glasses contain a considera- ble quantity of this oxyde, particularly the London flint- glass, or that species which is used for most of the pur- poses of the table, for lustres, and other ornamental works, which when cut into various forms display such beauty and brilliance, as to present a most dazzling ap- pearance, for artificial gems and for most optical pur- j poses. Glass, however, in which there is much lead, I has the defect of being extremely soft so as to be readily scratched and injured by almost every hard body it rubs against. It is likewise so fusible, that thin tubes made of it will bend with ease in the flame of a candle, and will sink down into a shapeless mass, at a moderate red-heat. This quality is often very useful for chemical purposes, but in other cases it is a great defect. If lead is in excess, there is great danger that the glass will be corroded by the contact of acrid liquors. The black oxyde of manganese has been long used in this manufacture : its ancient name was “ glass soap,” which proves that it was used for the purpose of clear- ing the glass from any accidental foulness of colour, which it might otherwise contract from the impurity of the alkali or other materials employed. The oxyde of manganese is a very powerful flux for earthy matters,, which is seen in the result of all attempts to reduce it to a reguline state in the usual way of combining with a saline carbonaceous flux, and heating in a naked cru- cible. Not a particle of the oxyde is reduced in this way, but the crucible constantly runs down, in a heat sufficiently intense for the reduction of the manganese, together with all its contents into a green flag. The only way known at present of reducing this oxyde, is to enclose it without any saline or earthy addition in a crucible lined w'ith charcoal, and apply, to it a very intense heat. Manganese like lead gives a density to glass, and has like that metal a tendency to settle to the bottom of the pots where it accumulates, and being here out of the way of most of the discolouring addi- tions, it yields a purple tinge immediately adhering to, the bottom, and- partly corrodes the pots, so that when they are worn out and broken up they are thickly in- crusted with a purple vitrescent flag easily separable by the hammer, * The white oxyde of arsenic is another flux used in this manufacture : this is volatile in the fire in pro- portion as it approaches the metallic state, and hence it is of great advantage to employ nitre to oxygenate it more highly, and to render it more fixed. Arsenic is a powerful and a cheap flux, but it must be used only in great moderation, as taking a longer time to mix ultimately with glass, and allowing it to be per- fectly clear, than almost any other additions that can be employed. Glass in which arsenic is not most inti- mately combined has a milky hue, which increases by age ; and when this oxyde is in excess the glass tends to deliquesce, and gradually to become soft, and at length a decomposition will take place. Drinking glasses, GLASS-MAKING. 372 glasses, and others used for purposes connected with our food, should not be made with this flux, as being one of the most dangerous poisons. As arsenic is en- tirely volatilized, when in contact with any carbona- ceous matter, another use has been made of it, which is to disperse the carbon that may remain in the glass- pot, owing to any defect in the calcination of the alkali, or any other more latent cause. When this happens small lumps of white arsenic are thrust to the bottom of the glass-pots, and stirred in with the con- tents, and the fumes of the arsenic meeting with the existing carbon diffused through the glass unites with it, is speedily volatilized, and the glass is left entirely free both from the carbon and arsenic that was added. Nitre is used, in glass-making, only in small quan- tities, and is an accessary ingredient for particular pur- poses. Nitre is readily decomposed, giving out a large quantity of oxygen, some nitrous gas, and azote, leaving behind its pure potash. It is of great service in destroying any carbonaceous matter in the ingredients of glass : it is also useful in fixing arsenic, and in keep- ing up the tinging power communicated by manganese. The same circumstance of keeping metallic oxydes up to their highest state of oxygenation, also renders this salt often useful, sometimes indeed essentially necessary in the preparation of certain coloured glasses. While glass is in fusion the substances which enter into its compositiou may be considered as combined with each other, so as to form a homogeneous mass similar to water, holding in solution a variety of salts. If it be cooled down very gradually, the different ten- dency of the constituents to assume solid forms at peculiar temperatures, wdll cause them to separate successively in crystals, in the same manner as salts held in solution in water assume the form of crys- tals, when the liquid is slowly evaporated. But if the glass be rapidly cooled down to the point of con- gelation, the constituents have not time to separate in succession, and the glass remains the same homogeneous compound, as while in a state of fusion ; just as would happen to a saline solution if suddenly exposed to a degree of cold sufficient to congeal it completely. Hence it should seem that the vitreous quality depends entirely upon the fusibility of the mixture, and the suddenness with which it is cooled down to the point of congelation. The solid substance is precisely the same as to its chemical composition, as if it were still in a state of fusion ; the sudden abstraction of heat hav- ing been the means of fixing the constituents before they had time to assume a new' arrangement. All fusi- ble mixtures, as we have seen, of the earths with fixed alkalis, &c., may be made at pleasure to assume the form of glass, or the appearance which characterizes stone or porcelain, according to the rate of cooling ; and glass may be deprived of its vitreous form merely by fusing it, and cooling it down with sufficient slowness to enable the constituents to separate in succession. Experiments have been made on this subject by Reau- mur and Lewis, who have both pointed out the method of converting different kinds of glass into an opaque, white, hard, refractory substance like porcelain. Lewis, however, demonstrated, by a variety of experiments, that it is not every kind of glass that can be converted into porcelain. He succeeded only with those that were composed of a variety of constituents, because such glasses alone contain ingredients that become solid in succession. Green-glass, which is apt to acquire a crystallized form, succeeded the best w'ith him, and he found that the temperature w'hich was peculiarly adapted to the change, is that in which the glass is softened with- out being melted. It was the curious experiment of Sir James Hail on basalt and green-stone, that first led to an explanation upon what the vitreous state of sub* stances depends. He found that glass, consisting of various earthy bodies, loses its vitreous state, and as- sumes that of a stone, if more than a minute or tw r o elapses while it is cooling down from the complete fusion to the point at which it congeals. There are, it is w'ell known, different kinds of glass in common use in this country, adapted to various pur- poses. The finest is plate-glass, of which looking- glasses are manufactured : flint-glass, or, as it is fre- quently denominated, crystal, is not much behind the | plate-glass in the excellence of its qualities. These are both perfectly transparent and colourless, heavy and very brilliant. They are composed of fixed alkali, pure silex, calcined flints, and litharge. The proportions, as far as can be obtained, will be given hereafter. Flint-glass contains also much oxyde of lead ; though it is solid, it does not appear to be absolutely impervious to gaseous bodies, at least when heated nearly to the melting point. Dr. Lew’is surrounded a piece of it with charcoal pow'der, and kept it some time in a heat not quite sufficient to melt it. The lead was revived in drops through the whole substance of the glass. Dr. Priestley ascertained, that glass tubes, filled w'ith hydrogen gas, and heated, became quite black, from the revival of the lead. When alkaline hydrosulphurets are kept in glass phials, the inside is coated with a black rust, which is, in fact, the lead separated by the sulphur from the glass. Crown-glass is made without lead ; it is, therefore, much lighter than flint-glass. It consists chiefly of fixed alkali, fused with siliceous sand. Bottle-glass is the coarsest and cheapest kind, and in this but little fixed alkali enters into the composition. It consists of an alkaline earth, combined with alumine and silica. In this country it is composed of sand and the refuse of the soap-boiler, which is the lime employed in ren- dering his alkali caustic, and of the earthy matters with which that alkali was contaminated. Some of this kind of glass was analized by M. Vanquelin, and was found to be composed of Silex - -- -- -- -- - 57 Lime '----------31 Alumine - -- -- -- -- 4 Oxydes of manganese and iron - - 4^ 96 Loss 4 100 A small GLASS-MAKING. 373 A small portion of potash was also discerned, but it -was too small to admit of being appreciated. Of the different species of glass, the most fusible is flint-glass, and the least fusible bottle-glass. Flint-glass melts at the temperature of 19° Wedgwood; crown- glass at 30°, and bottle-glass at 47°. The properties that distinguish good glass are as follows. It is perfectly transparent, and its hardness very considerable : its spe- cific gravity varies from 2.3, to 4, according to the materials of which it is composed. When cold it is brittle ; but when at red-heat it is one of the most ductile bodies known, and may be drawn into threads nearly invisible to the naked eye. It is almost perfectly elastic, and of course is one of the most sonorous of bodies. Few chemical agents have any action upon it ; but fluaeic acid dissolves it with great rapidity. Although glass is chiefly made of sand, flints, fixed alkalies and metallic oxydes, yet there are various other substances which frequently enter into the composition, and which should therefore not be wholly omitted in the description. “ Polverine” or “ Rochetta” is one that is procured from the Levant, and is prepared from a plant.called kali, which is cut down in the summer, dried in the sun, and burnt in heaps either on the open ground or on iron grates; the ashes falling into a pit grow into a hard mass, and are fit for use when pu- rified. “ Kelp’' which grows upon our coasts, and the ashes of the “ fucus vesiculosus” furnish a similar salt : to these we may add the “ barilla” of Spain. To prepare Ashes for making Glass. — Take what quantity and what sort of wood-ashes you will, except those of oak ; have a tub ready with a spigot and faucet towards the bottom, and in this tub put a layer of straw, and fliug your ashes on it ; then pour water upon them and let the ashes soak thoroughly until the water stands above them : let it thus continue over night, then draw out the faucet and receive the lye in another tub, put under the first for this purpose : if the lye looks troubled, pour it again on the ashes, and let it settle until it is clear and is of an amber colour. This clarified lye put by, and pour fresh water on the ashes ; let this also stand over night ; then draw it off, and you will have a weak lye, which, instead of water, pour upon fresh ashes ; the remaining ashes are of use in the manuring of land. After you have made a sufficient quantity of lye, pour it into an iron cauldron, bricked up like a brewing or washing copper, but let it not be filled above three parts full. On the top of the brick- work place a little barrel with lye ; towards the bot- tom of which bore a hole, and put a small faucet in, to let the lye run gently into the caldron, in a stream about the roundness of a straw ; but this you must ma- nage according to the quantity of lye, for you ought to mind how much the lye evaporates, and make the lye in the barrel run proportionally to supply that diminu- tion. Care must be taken that the lye do not run over in the first boiling ; but if you find it will, put some cold lye to it, and slacken the fire, and let all the lye boil geDtly to a dry salt: when this salt is cold, break it and put it into the calcar, and raise your fire by de- grees until the salt is red hot, yet so as not to melt it. If you think it calcined enough, take out a piece and let it cool, then break it in tw'o, and if it is tho- roughly white, it is done enough ; but if there remains a blackness in the middle it must be put in the calcar again, until it comes out completely white. If you will have it still finer, you must dissolve it again, filtrate it, boil it, and calcine it as before : the oftener this is repeated the more will the salt be cleared from the earthy particles, and it may be made as clear as crystal and as white as snow. Of this may be made the finest glass possible. According to Dr. Merret, the best ashes in England are burnt from thistles and hop- stalks, after the hops are gathered : and among trees the mulberry is reckoned to afford the best salt. The most thorny and prickly plants are observed to yield better and more salt than others; also herbs that are bitter, as hops, wormwood, &c. Tobacco stalks, when burnt, produce likewise plenty of salt : and it is observed that fern ashes yield more salt than any other ashes. Dr. Thomson, to whose admirable work on chemistry we have been indebted for part of this article, says the fullest account of glass-making is to be found in a treatise by Neri, an Italian. Dr. Merret, an Eng- ! fish man, translated it into Latin, and enriched it with i notes. Kunkel translated this Latin edition into Ger- man, with additions, which were the result of his own i numerous experiments on glass-making. Kunkel’s work was translated into French in 1732. An elaborate ac- count of glass-making has been published in the “ Arts et Metiers ;” and since that a small volume on glass- making has been written in French by Loysell. To make the Glass Frit . — Take w'hite silver sand ; wash it, and separate all the impurities from it, and let it dry, or rather calcine it. Of this take sixty pounds, and of prepared ashes thirty pounds, mix them well to- gether, then set them in the melting furnace ; the lon- ger it is melting the clearer will the glass be made. If it stands for two days and two nights, it will be fit to work with, or to tinge with what colour you please. Before you work it, add forty pounds of lead and half a pound of manganese to it. Or, take ashes, prepared as above, sixty pounds, of prepared silver sand one hundred and sixty pounds, arsenic four pounds, white lead two pounds, clear dry nitre ten pounds, borax two pounds ; mix all well together, and proceed as has been directed, and you will have a beautiful crystal. Glass-blozeing. — Glass-blowing is the art of forming vessels of glass. The term, however, is exclusively applied to those vessels which are blown by the mouth. The operation is exceedingly simple : the workman has a tube of iron, the end of which he dips into a pot of melted glass, and thus gathers a small quantity of glass on the end of it ; he then applies the other end of the tube to his mouth and blows air through it, this air en- ters into the body of the fluid glass, and expands it out into a hollow globe, similar to the soap bladders blown from a tobacco-pipe. Various methods are used to S74 GLASS-MAKING. bring these hollow globes into forms of the different utensils in common domestic use. The first and greatest of the glass-blower’s implements is the furnace, which consists of two large domes set one over the other ; the lower one stands over a long grating (on a level with the ground,) on which the fuel is placed ; be- neath the grate is the ash-pit, and a large arch leading to it conveys air to the furnace. In the sides of the lower dome, as many holes or mouths are made as there are workmen to make use of the furnace, and before each mouth a pot of melted glass is placed. The pots are very large, like crucibles, and will hold from three to four hundred weight of liquid glass : they are supported upon three small piers of brick- work, resting on the floor of the furnace. The form reverberates the flame from the roof down upon the pots, and they are placed at some distance within the furnace, that the flame may get between the wall and the pots. The upper dome is built upon the other, and its floor made flat by filling up, round the roof of the lower dome, with brick-work ; there is a small chimney that opens from the top of the lower dome into the middle of the floor of the upper one, which conveys the smoke away from it, and a flue from the upper dome leads it completely from the furnace. The upper dome is used for annealing the glass, and is exactly si- milar to a large oven ; it has three mouths, and in dif- ferent parts a small flight of steps leads up to each. A green-glass furnace is square ; and at each angle it has an arch for annealing or cooling glasses or bottles. The metal is wrought on two opposite sides, and on the other two they have their colours, into which are made linnet holes for the fire to come from the furnace to bake the frit, and to discharge the smoke. Fires are made in the arches to anneal the work, so that the whole process is done in one furnace. These furnaces must not be of brick, but hard sandy stones. In j France they build the outside of brick ; and the inner part, to bear the fire, is made of a sort of fuller’s earth or tobacco-pipe clay, of which they also make their melting pots. In Britain the pots are usually made of Stourbridge clay. It is observed, that the roughest work in this art is the changing the pot3 when they are worn out or cracked. In this case the great working hole must be uncovered ; the faulty pot must be taken out with iron hooks and forks, and a new one must be speedily put in its place through the flames (for glass-furnaces are always kept burning) by the hands only. In doing this the man guards himself with a garment made of skins, in the shape of a pantaloon, that covers him all but his eyes, and is thoroughly wet- ted all over : his eyes are defended by proper shaped glass of a green colour. We now come to describe the smaller implements, which are as follows: 1. A bench, or stool, with two arms at its ends, which are a little inclined to the hori- zon. 2. A pair of shears, or rather pliers, formed of one piece of steel : they have no sharp edges and spring open of themselves if permitted. 3. A pair of com- | passes to measure the work, and ascertain when it is brought to the proper size. 4. A pair of common shears for cutting soft glass. 6. A blowing-pipe, which is a wrought iron tube, three or four feet long, covered with twine at the end by which it is held. We may now explain the use of these tools in the manufacture of some vessel, as a lamp, & c. The operation is con- ducted by three workmen. The first takes the blowing- pipe, and after heating it to a red-heat at the mouth of the furnace, dips it into the pot of melted glass, at the same time turning it round that it may take up the glass, which has then much the consistence of turpen- tine ; in the quantity of metal he is guided by expe- I l ienee, and must proportion it to the size of the vessel to be blown ; he then brings it from the furnace to the stool, and rolls the lump of glass upon it to bring it to a round form, after which he blows through the pipe, resting the glass upon an iron plate behind the stool and rolling it backwards and forwards. The blowing makes the glass hollow, and he has several methods of bringing it to a proper shape to be worked ; by simply blowing, it would assume a figure nearly globular ; if he wants it any bigger, in the equatorial diameter, he lays the pipe on a hook driven into the side of the stool and turns it round very quickly, the centrifugal force soon enlarges it in the equator. If, on the other hand, he wishes to lengthen its polar diameter he holds the pipe perpendicular, the glass hanging downwards, its weight lengthening it, and to shorten the polar diameter he holds the pipe upright, the glass at the top ; by blowing through the pipe the capacity is increased, and the thickness of the glass of the vessel diminished^ We now suppose, that by a very dexterous application of the above methods the workman has brought it to a proper shape; he now carries it to the mouth of the furnace, and holds it in to get a fresh heat, (for by this time it is become too stiff to work easily), taking care to turn it round slowly, that it may not alter its figure. The ves- sel in this stage is delivered to the second, or principal workman, the other two being only assistants ; he is seated upon the stool, and lays the blowing-pipe with the glass at its end across its arm, and with his left hand rolls the pipe along the arms, turning the glass and pipe round at the same time; in his right hand he holds the pliers, whose blades are rubbed oyer with a small piece of bees-wax, and as the glass turns round he presses the blade of the shears against it, following it with the shears as it rolls, at the end or side as occasion requires, until he has brought it to the proper size, which he determines by the compasses, though not materially al- tering its figure, the first workman kneeling on the ground, and blowing with his mouth at the end of the pipe when directed by his principal. The third work- man now produces a small rod, which is dipped into the melting-pot to take up a small piece of metal to serve as cement ; the end of this rod he applies to the centre of the glass just opposite the blowing-pipe, the principal workman directing it by holding its end be- tween his pliers ; the rod by the small p.ece of glass on its GLASS-MAKING. 375 its end immediately slicks to the glass vessel, and the third workman draws it away, both workmen turning their rods round, but in contrary directions ; this ope- ration forms a short tube on the end. The principal workman then takes the short tube between the blades of a pair of pliers exactly like the others, but which are not covered with bees-wax ; the cold of these pliers instantly cracks the glass all round, and a very slight jerk struck upon the rod breaks it off. A hole is now made in the end of the glass, which is enlarged by the pliers while the glass is turned, until the neck is brought to the proper size and length to fit the brass cup as be- fore described, and the inferior half of the lamp is brought to its shape and size in the same manner. In order to form the upper half, the third workman has in the mean time been preparing a round lump of glass on the end of one of the rods, which he applies hot to the end of the neck, it being guided by the principal work- man, and it immediately holds tight ; he then breaks off the other neck by the cold pliers, and thus separates it from the blowing-pipe. The glass is now heated a third time, and brought from the furnace to the princi- pal workman, who enlarges the small orifice at the end by turning it round, and holding the pliers against it until he enlarges it to the right shape : it is now' finished, and the third workman takes it to a stool strewed over with small coals ; he rests the rod upon the edge of the stool, and with a file files the joint at the bottom neck, it soon breaks off and the lamp falta upon the coals, the distance being so very small as to be in no danger of breaking ; a boy now puts the end of a long stick into the open mouth of the glass, and thus carries it to the annealing oven where it remains some hours ; when taken out it must be cooled gradually, and is fit for sale. Method of making Plate-Glass . — The materials of the finest plate-glass are white sand, soda, and lime, to which are added manganese and zaffre, or any other oxyde of cobalt for particular colouring purposes. The sand is of the finest and whitest kind, and is previously passed through a wire sieve of moderate closeness into water, where it is well stirred and washed till all dirt and impurity are got rid of. The sharpest grained sand is preferred, and indeed it is found that the grains of moderate size melt with the alkali sooner than either the very fine dust or the larger fragments. The alkali used is always soda, and there seems good reason to prefer this to potash, as glasses made with soda are found to be softer and to flow thinner when hot, and yet to be equally durable when cold. Besides, the neu- tral salts with the basis of soda, which constitute the glass-gall in this instance, such as the muriate and sul- phate of soda, appear to be dissipated more readily by the fire than the corresponding salts of potash. Lime is of considerable use, and adds much to the fusibility of the other materials, supplying in this respect the use of litharge in the flint glass. Too much lime, however, impairs the colour and solidity of the glass. The colouring, or rather discolouring substances used are azure, or cobalt blue, and manganese. The latter is here in the state in which its effects is that of giving a slight red tinge, which mixes with the blue of the cobalt, and the natural yellow of the other materials ; and if properly proportioned they neutralize each other so that scarcely any tint remains. Besides these ingre- dients there is always a great quantity of fragments of glass arising from what is spilt in the casting and the ends cut off in shaping the plates, which are made friable by quenching in water when hot, and used in this state with the fresh materials. Of the above ma- terials the sand, soda, lime, and manganese are first mixed together with great care, and are fritted in small furnaces built for this purpose, the heat being gradu- ally raised to a full red-white, and kept at this point with frequent stirring till the materials undergo no further change, nor give any kind of vapour. The azure and the glass fragments being already perfectly vitrified, are not added till towards the end of the pro- cess, which lasts about six hours. The glass-house for this manufacture differs in several particulars from the common houses for blowing glass, being about eighteen feet long and fifteen wide, made of good bricks. They are particularly distinguished from the common fur- naces by containing two kinds of crucibles ; the larger ones, called “ pots,” are in the form of an inverted and truncated cone, and in these the glass is melted. The others are smaller, called “ cuvettes. Another essential part of this furnace is the flat table (of which there is one corresponding with each pot) on which the glass is cast. These tables are of copper-plate, about ten feet by six, supported by masonry ; and contiguous to each, on the same level, are flat ovens heated from underneath, upon which the glass when cast and sufficiently cooled may be slid without difficulty from off the table, and then an- nealed^ The tops of the flat oven and the table are on a level with the corresponding opening of the furnace, whence the cuvettes are withdrawn. When the glass is thoroughly melted and fine, the cuvette is filled in the fol- lowing way : the workman takes a copper ladle about ten inches in diameter, and fixed to an iron handle seven feet long, plunges it into the glass-pot, brings it up full of melted glass and empties it into the cuvette, the ladle being supported at the bottom by a strong iron rest held by two other workmen, lest the red-hot cop- per should bend and give way with the weight of the glass within. The cuvette being filled is suffered to remain in the furnace for some hours, that the bubbles formed by this disturbance of the glass may have entirely disappeared, and the samples taken out from time to time become quite clear and limpid. The door of the furnace is now opened, the cuvette is slid out and pulled upon a low iron cradle, and immediately drawn on to the side of the copper table, where it is hoisted by a tackle and iron chains, and overset upon a table, on which a thick flood of melted glass flows and spreads in every direction to an equal thickness. It is then made quite smooth and uniform at the surface, by passing over it a heavy hollow roller or cylinder of copper 376 GLASS-MAKING. copper made true and smooth by turning, after it is cast, and weighing about 5 00 pounds. At the same time, the empty cuvette is returned by the iron cradle to its proper place within the furnace. The number of workmen required for the whole process of casting is at least twenty, each of which has his separate employ- ment. The plate being cast, the inspector examines whether there are any bubbles on any part of the sur- face, and if found, the plate is immediately cut up through them. The plate being now cool is slid by an iron instrument from the casting table to the contiguous annealing oven, previously well heated, and is carefully taken up and ranged within it. Each oven will contain six entire plates, and when full, all the openings are stopped with clay, and the plates allowed to remain there for ten days or a fortnight, to be thoroughly an- nealed. When fit to be taken out of the annealing oven they are sent away to receive all the subsequent opera- tions of polishing, silvering, &c.; but first the edges are cut smooth and squared. This is done by a diamond, which is passed along the surface' of the glass upon a square ruler in the manner of glaziers, and made to cut into the substance of the glass to a certain depth. The cut is opened by gently knocking with a small hammer on the under side of the glass just beneath, and the piece comes off, and the roughnesses are removed by pincers. The plate is then finished as far as the glass- house business is concerned. The glass is now to be polished, which is done w r ith sand and water ; the glass being first fastened down to a wooden frame, with plaster of Paris, the operation is performed by means of another glass, fastened in a frame, which is made to rub upon the other, wet sand being interspersed between the two. As the surfaces of the plates wear down, the sand is used finer and finer. Emery is next used of two or three degrees of fineness, which brings the glass to an even surface, but it is still perfectly opaque. To render it transparent, colcothar, which is the residue left in the retorts of the aquafortis makers, is applied. The polishing instrument is a block of wood, covered with several folds of cloth and carded wool, so as to make a firm elastic cushion. This block is worked by the hand ; but to increase the pressure of the polisher, the handle is lengthened by a wooden spring, bent to a bow three or four feet long, which, at the other extre- mit}', rests against a fixed point to a beam placed above. The plate is now fastened to a table with plaster, co- vered with colcothar, and the polisher begins his ope- ration by working it backwards and forwards over the surface of the plate till one side is done ; then the other is to be polished in the same manner. Crown-glass is the name given to the best window glass, the composition of which varies very consider- ably : but a good glass of this kiud may be made with 200 parts of soda, 300 of fine sand, 33 of lime, and from 250 to 300 of the ground fragments of glass that has already been worked. A small quantity of arsenic is sometimes added to facilitate the fusion. Zafre, or lire oxyde of cobalt, with ground flint is often used to correct the dingy yellow which the inferior kind of crown-glass naturally acquires. The manufacture of 1 the common window glass, though made by blowing, is carried on* very differently from that of the common flint glass articles, as the object is to produce a lar^e flat and very thin plate, which is afterwards to be cut by the glazier’s diamond into the required shapes and sizes. It is difficult to convey to the reader a proper and pre- cise idea of the process by mere description, but it may be mentioned, that the workman takes a large mass of glass on the hollow iron rod, and by rolling it on an iron plate, and swinging it backwards and forwards, causes it to lengthen by its own weight into a cylinder, which is then rendered hollow by blowing with a force of breath till it is brought out to the requisite thickness. The hollow cylinder is then opened by holding it to the fire, which, by expanding the air confined within it (the hole of the iron rod being stopped) bursts it at its weakest part ; and when still soft it is ripped up through its whole length by iron shears, opened out into a flat sur- face, and then it is finished by annealing as usual. Common green bottle glass is another kind, which is made almost entirely of sand, lime, and sometimes clay, alkaline ashes of any kind, according as cheapness or convenience direct, and more especially of kelp in this country ; of barilla varec and the other varieties of soda, in France ; and of w ood ashes in many parts of Germany, and in North America. The following com- position has been given as a good and cheap material for bottle-glass, 100 parts of common sand, 30 of varec (a coarse kind of kelp made on the western coasts of France) ■ 1 60 of the lixiviated earth of ashes, 30 of fresh wood ash, 80 of brick clay, and about 100 of broken glass. Bottle-glass is a very hard, well vitrified glass, not very heavy relatively to its bulk, and being fused at a very high degree of heat, and from other- circumstances, it resists the corrosive action of all liquids much better than flint-glass. Besides being used for w'ine and beer bottles, it is much employed for very large retorts, subliming vessels, and other processes of chemistry, for which it is admirably adapted, being able to bear as much as a pretty full red-heat, without melting or sinking down into a shapeless lump. Compositions for White and Crystal-Glass . — To make crystal-glass, take of the whitest terso, pounded small, and sifted as fine as flour, two hundred pounds ; of the salt of polverine one hundred and thirty pounds ; mix them together, and put them into the furnace called the calcar, first heating it. For an hour keep a mo- derate fire, and keep stirring the materials with a proper rake, that they may incorporate and calcine together; increasing the fire for five hours ; after which the matter is taken out, being sufficiently calcined, and is called frit. After this, remove it immediately from the calcar to a dry place, and cover it up from dust, for three or four months. Now, to make the crystal glass, take of the above crystal flit, called also bollito, and set it in the melting pots in the furnace, adding to it a due quantity of manganese ; when the two are fused, cast the flour GLASS-MAKING. 377 flour into fair water, to clear it of the salt called sandi- ver, which would otherwise make the crystal obscure and cloudy. This washing must be repeated again and again, till the crystal be fully purged ; or this scum may be taken off by proper ladles. Now set it to boil for four, five, or six days ; which being finished, see whe- ther it have manganese enough, and if it be yet greenish, add more manganese at discretion, by little and little at a time, taking care not to over dose it, because it will in- cline it to a blackish hue. Let it clarify, and become of a shining hue ; which done, it is fit to be used, and blown into vessels of any kind. Or, 120 parts of fine sand, 40 of purified pearl-ash, 35 of litharge, 13 of nitre, and a small quantity of black oxyde of manga- nese, make a good glass. Compositions for Flint-Glass. — Flint-glass, as it is usually called by us, is of the same general kind with that, which, in other places, is called crystal-glass. It lias this name from its having been originally made with calcined flints, before the use of white sand w’as under- stood ; and it has retained this name, though there are now no flints used in its composition. This glass differs from the crystal-glass in having lead in its composition, to flux it, and white sand for its body, whereas the fluxes used in the other are salts, or arsenic, and the body consists of tarso, white river pebbles, and such kind of stones. To the lead and white sand a due proportion of nitre is added, and a small quantity of magnesia. The most perfect kind of flint-glass is made by fusing, in a very strong fire, one hundred and tw enty pounds of white sand, fifty pounds of red-lead, forty pounds of the purest pearl-ash, twenty pounds of nitre, and five ounces of magnesia. Another composition of flint- glass is said to be the following : one hundred and twenty pounds of white sand, fifty-four pounds of the purest pearl-ash, thirty-six pounds of red-lead, twelve pounds of nitre, and six ounces of magnesia. To either of the above compositions a pound or two of arsenic may be added, to increase the flux of the com- position. A still cheaper flint-glass may be made with one hundred and twenty pounds of white sand, thirty- five pounds of the best pearl-ash, forty pounds of red- lead, thirteen pounds of nitre, six pounds of arsenic, and four ounces of magnesia ; or, instead of the arsenic, may be substituted fifteen pounds of common salt ; but this will make it more brittle than the other. But the cheapest of all the compositions hitherto employed, consists of one hundred and twenty pounds of white sand, thirty pounds of red-lead, twenty pounds of the best pearl-ash, ten pounds of nitre, fifteen pounds of common salt, and six pounds of arsenic. Or, 100 parts of sand, 80 to 85 of red-lead, 35 to 40 of pearl- ash, two or three of nitre, and one ounce of man- ganese. The oxyde of lead may be reduced in this glass. Of silvering Glass . — Glass when smoothed and po- lished does not acquire the property of reflecting ob- jects till it has been silvered, as it is called, an opera- tion effected by means of an amalgam of tin and quick- silver. The tin-leaf employed must be of the size of the glass, because, when pieces of that metal are united by means of mercury, they exhibit the appearance of lines. Tin is one of those metallic substances which become soonest oxidated by the means of mercury. If there remains a portion of that oxyde or calx, of a blackish gray colour, on the leaf of tin, it produces a spot or stain in the mirror, and that part cannot reflect objects presented to it : great care, therefore, is taken in silvering glass to remove the calx of tin from the sur- face of the amalgam. The process is as follows : — The leaf of tin is laid on a very smooth stone table, and mercury being poured over the metal, it is ex- tended over the surface of it by means of a rubber made of bits of cloth. At the same moment the sur- face of the leaf of tin becomes covered with blackish oxyde, which is removed with the rubber. More mer- cury is then poured over the tin, where it remains at a level to the thickness of more than a line, without run- ning off. The glass is applied in a horizontal direction to the table at one of its extremities, and being pushed forwards it drives before it the oxyde of tin which is at the surface of the amalgam. A number of leaden weights, covered with cloth, are then placed on the glass which floats on the amalgam, in order to press it down. Without this precaution the glass would exhibit the interstices of the crystals resulting from the amal- gam. These crystals have the form of large square laminae irregularly disposed. To obtain leaves of tin, which are sometimes six or seven feet in length, with a proportionate breadth, they are not rolled but hammered after the manner of gold- beaters. The prepared tin is first cast between two plates of polished iron, or between two smooth stones not of a porous nature, such as thunder-stone. Twelve of these plates are placed over each other; and they are then beat on a stone mass with heavy hammers, one side of which is plain and the other rounded. The plates joined toge- ther are first beaten w ith the latter : when they become extended the number of the plates is doubled, so that they amount sometimes to eighty or more. They are then smoothed with the flat side of the hammer, and are beat till they acquire the length of six or seven feet, and the breadth of four or five. The small block of tin from which they are formed is at first ten inches long, six in breadth, and a line and a quarter in thick- ness. When the leaves are of less extent, and thin, from eighty to a hundred of them are smoothed together. Tin, extracted from the amalgam which has been employed for silvering glass, exhibits a remarkable pe- culiarity. When fused in an iron pan, its whole sur- face becomes covered with a multitude of tetraedral prismatic crystals, two or three lines in length and a quarter of a line in thickness. The interior of these pieces of tin, w'hen cut with a chisel, have a grayer tint than pure tin, which is as white as silver. The latter crystallizes also by cooling ; but it requires care. When it begins to be fixed, decant the part which is still in fusion, and there will remain at the bottom of the cru- 5 D cible 37S GLASS-MAKING. cible beautiful crystals of a dull while colour, which appeared to me to be cubes or parallelopipedons. Painting on Glass . — The primitive manner of paint- ing on glass was very simple, and, of consequence, very easy ; it consisted in the mere arrangement of pieces of glass of different colours, in some sort of symmetry ; and constituted a kind of what we call Mo- saic work. Afterwards, when they came to attempt more regular designs, and even to represent figures raised with all their shades, their whole address went no farther than to the drawing the contours of the figures in black, with water colours, and hatching the draperies after the same manner, on glasses of the co- lour of the object intended to be painted. For the carnations they chose glass of a bright red ; upon which they designed the principal lineaments of the face, &c. with black. At last, the taste for this sort of painting being considerably improved, and the art being found applicable to the adorning of the churches, basilicas, &c., they found means of incorporating the colours with the glass itself, by exposing them to a proper de- gree of fire, after the colours had been laid on. Those beautiful works, among the painters in glass, which were made in the glass-house, were of two^ kinds : in some, the colour was diffused through the whole body of glass ; in others, w'hicli were the more common, the colour was only on one side, scarcely pe- netrating within the substance above one-third of a line ; though this was, more or less, according to the nature of the colour, the yellow being always found to enter the deepest. These last, though not so strong and beautiful as the former, were of more advantage to the workmen ; because, on the same glass, though already coloured, they could shew other kinds of colours, where there was occasion to embroider draperies, enrich them with foliages, or represent other ornaments of gold, silver, &c. In order to this, they made use of emery ; grinding, or wearing dow’n the surface of the glass, till such time as they were got through the colour to the clear glass : this done, they applied the proper colours on the other side of the glass. By this means the new colours were prevented from running and mixing among the former, when the glasses came to be exposed to the fire, as will hereafter be shewn. When the intended ornaments were to appear white, or silvered, they contented themselves to bare the gloss of its colour w ith emery, without applying any new co- lour at all ; and it was in this manner that they wrought the lights and heightening* on all kinds of colours. The painting with vitreous colours on glass depends entirely on the same principles as painting in enamel, and the manner of executing it is likewise the same, except that in this the transparency of the colours being indispensa- bly requisite, no substances can be used to form them but such as vitrify perfectly : and, therefore, the great object is to find a set of colours which are composed of such substances, as, by the admixture of other bodies, may promote their vitrification and fusion ; are capable of being converted into glass : and melting, in that state, with less heat than is sufficient to melt such other kinds of glass as may be chosen for the ground or body to be painted, to temper these colours, so as to make them proper to be worked with a pencil,, and to burn or reduce them by heat, to a due state of fusion, with- out injuring or melting the glass which constitutes the body painted. The first thing to be done, in order to paint on glass, in the modern way, is to design, and even colour, the whole subject on paper. Then they make choice of pieces of glass proper to receive the several parts, and proceed to di\ide or distribute the design itself, or the paper it is drawn on, into pieces suitable to those of glass ; having always a view that the glasses may join in the contours of the figures, and the folds of the draperies ; that the carnations and other finer parts may not be damaged by the lead wherewith the pieces are to be joined together. The distribution being made, they mark all the glasses, as well as papers, with letters or numbers, that they may be known again ; which done, applying each part of the design on the glass intended for it, they copy or transfer the design upon this glass, with the black colour, diluted in gum w’ater, by tracing and following all the lines and strokes, as they appear through the glass, with the point of a pencil. When these first strokes are well dried, which hap- pens in about two days, the work being only in black and white, they give it a slight wash over, urine, gum arabic, and a little black ; and this several times repeated, according as the shades are desired to be heightened ; with this precaution, never to apply a new wash, till the former is sufficiently dried. This done, the lights and risings are given, by rubbing off the co- lour in the respective places, with a wooden point or the handle of the pencil. As to the other colours above-mentioned, they are used with gum water, much as in painting in miniature, taking care to apply them lightly, for fear of effacing the outlines of the design ; or even, for the greater security, to apply them on the other side, especially yellow, which is very pernicious to other colours by blending therewith. And here too, as in pieces of black and white, par- ticular regard must be alw'ays had not to lay colour on colour, or lay on a new lay till such time as the former are well dried. It may be added, that the yellow is the only colour that penetrates through the glass, and incorporates therewith by the fire ; the rest, and parti- cularly the blue, which is very difficult to use, remain- ing on the surface, or at least entering very little. When the painting of all the pieces is finished, they are carried to the furnace or oven, to anneal or bake the colours. The furnace here used is small, built of brick, from eighteen to thirty inches square. At six inches from the bottom is an aperture to put in the fuel and maintain the fire. Over this aperture is a grate, made of three square bars of iron, which traverse the furnace and divide it into two parts. Two inches above this partition is another little aperture, through which GLASS-MAKING. 379 which they take out pieces to examine how the opera- tion goes forward. On the grate is placed a square earthen pan, six or seven inches deep, and five or six inches less every way than the perimeter of the fur- nace. On one side hereof is a little aperture, through which to make the trials, placed directly opposite to that of the furnaces destined for the same end. In this pan are the pieces of glass to be placed in the following manner ; first, the bottom of the pan is covered with three strata or layers of quicklime pulverized ; those strata being separated by two others of old broken glass ; the design whereof is to secure the painted glass from the too iutense heat of the fire. This done, the glasses are laid horizontally on the last, or uppermost layer of lime. The first row of glass they cover over with a layer of the same powder an inch deep ; over this they lay another range of glasses ; and thus alter- nately till the pan is quite full, taking care that the whole heap always ends with a layer of the lime- powder. The pan thus prepared, they cover up the furnace with tiles on a square table of earthenware, closely luted all round, only having five little apertures, one at each corner and another iu the middle to serve as chim- neys. Things thus disposed, there remains nothing but to give the fire to the work. The fire for the two first hours must be very moderate, and must be increased in proportion as the coction advances for the space of ten or twelve hours, in which time it is usually com- pleted. At last the fire, which at first was only of charcoal is to be of dry wood ; so that the flame covers the whole pan, and even issues out at the chimneys. During the last hours they make assays from time to time by taking out pieces laid for that purpose, through the little aperture of the furnace and pan, to see whe- ther the yellow be perfect, and the other colours in good order. When the annealing is thought sufficient, they proceed with great haste to extinguish the fire, which otherwise would soon burn the colours and break the glasses. We have been favoured with some practical in- formation on this subject by Mr. Collins, glass-manu- facturer of the Strand, near Temple Bar, and to him we are indebted for some valuable receipts, w'hich we shall present to our readers. This ingenious gentle- man has always specimens of his art by him, and he is exceedingly ready to give every information on the sub- ject to inquiring and scientific persons. He is now 'en- gaged upon a grand window for the cathedral at Exeter, and another for his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, w hich will probably at least rival any of our modern manufac- tures in this way. “ Enamel colours and painting on glass,” says Mr. Collins, “ differ totally from all others, it being requisite on glass that the colours used should appear transparent, and bear, (without blistering in the kiln) to be laid on very thick. In every other style of enamel painting, the fluxes must be so compounded as to bring the j beauty of the colour on the surface, and they do not require to be any thing like the substance compared to those used on glass. “ Crown window glass is the best for the purpose of enamelling upon, its principal composition or base being silex, which is not only the best substance for receiving colours, but also by far the best as the base for the fluxes. “ The best fluxes are obtained from finely calcined flints, lead and salts forming the fusing matter; these latter must be carefully used in various proportions, as the colours or oxydes require. “ Receipts fok the Colours. — From gold only is prepared any pink or rose colours, although it has often been asserted that the French have pre- pared it from iron, which may sometimes answer for an orange-red, but will never produce a pink ; and is very far (even as a red) from being so fixed a colour as those made from gold, although it has been stated to be more so. In fact, a colour being w r ell fixed (oil the contrary) depends as much upon the properties of the flux being rightly prepared to receive it as on the oxyde or colouring matter itself, which experiment only can firmly elucidate. “ All metals should be as far removed from their metallic sta e as possible, and when in that state from which it w'ould be the most difficult to restore it, it is best calculated for the purpose, therefore gold precipi- tated by tin is better than that by an alkali, being a much more perfect oxyde. Besides that, tin is the firmest and best base for receiving and holding the co- lour struck from gold. “ In combining the fluxes so that they shall bear the greatest possible affinity for the oxydes intended, rests the principal art of colour-making. “ In the solutions of gold and tin, it is best to use more of the nitric and as Tittle of the muriatic acid as possible, and the larger the proportion of metal that can be dissolved in a certain portion of acids the better. “ In the solution of gold the beauty of the colour rests principally in the precipitate ; to obtain the best, use the w ater as hot as possible ; into about a pint of which drop a little gold (about 15 or 20 drops), then the tin most carefully bv a drop at a time until it be- comes as nearly as possible the colour of port-wine at the edge of the bason ; it will then instantly precipi- tate itself. Wash it several times with very hot w'ater ; it must now be mixed with its flux before it is suffered to dry. “ Rose colour should always be made from an oxyde that inclines to the pink (as it occasionally differs) ; the flux should contain scarcely any lead, a small portion of silver is then added and the whole finely ground be- fore dry. “ I have entered at greater length into the pink and rose colours produced from gold than on any others, they being by far the most difficult to produce, and should never be made but on a bright and clear sun- shiny 380 GLAZING. shiny day, which I am persuaded has great influence on the preparation, as you never can produce this co- lour good with a damp atmosphere or a cloudy sky. “ Blue is made from cobalt ; the best is that pre- pared by fire, as in Staffordshire, being more con- densed than that which is prepared by the acids. It is then fused with borax ground fine and washed several times; when dry, mixed with the flux and melted together. “ Purple is made from an oxyde that inclines to the j blue, and the flux may contain a much larger portion of lead, &c. as the rose colour, only omitting the silver. “ Yellows are made from varied proportions of the oxydes of antimony and lead. Tin is best omitted and silex used in its place ; the whole to be well melted. “ Orange. Prepared as the yellow, only introducing a small quantity of the purple oxyde of gold, and melted as yellow. “ Brown is made from manganese and antimony ground with the flux, and well melted together. “ Black is best when made from good iron scales and oxyde of cobalt, with a little of the darkest possi- ble purple oxydes of gold, mixed with the flux and melted together. “ Green is made from copper oxydated by fire, united with the flux, and well melted. It is then mixed with yellow to produce a grass green, and with white enamel ( made by arsenic) to produce a blue- green. “ White, which is seldom used on glass, is made from arsenic mixed with the flux, and when in a state of fusion kept well covered. Tin is also considered, for some pur- poses, the only thing from which a good fixed white can be made, but all that I have yet seen made in this country is very bad. The Venetian white enamel can only be depended on, which latter more particularly applies to enamelling on copper.* “ Ruby. That produced by the ancients is what has made the greatest noise, the art of making which being considered lost, and for this reason principally admired. But this is an error, as that beautiful colour is now made in as great perfection as ever, and equally well understood. Ruby may be made either from gold or copper. When made from the ' latter the colour is liable to change by various degrees of heat, any thing above a red-heat totally dissipating it. That made from gold is perfectly fixed, though not quite so deep a tint ; with this latter, antimony, iron, and silver are used. With the copper red tartar. “ Paintings on glass require infinitely more care in burning than enamel, both on account of the superior size and brittleness of the substance ; it therefore requires many hours annealing. “ In the preparing of glass and enamel colours there is great difference ; but the oxydes or colouring matters are alike in all, excepting the yellow, which on glass is produced from silver, on enamel from antimony. “ A fine red is produced on glass by the union of silver and antimony.” * The hard white enamel is but very little understood in this country. By some its base (as I before observed) is stated to be the oxyde of tin, but it is very doubtful. This is that substance used as the first ground or coating of the copper-plates for ena- mel painting, over which a somewhat more transparent and softer enamel (termed flux) is laid, which melting sooner than the first is better adapted for receiving the colours. In this style of paint- ing so little can be done before it is necessary to fire the picture, that it frequently requires a dozen fires to complete a painting. GLAZING. Glazing .is by no means unimportant; it is one among the numerous dispensations of Providence to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his people, in climates subject, by their position, more or less to the vicissitudes of an irregular atmosphere. The ancient nations were more favoured in these respects than the moderns : hence they did not so much require the pro- tection to be derived from filling the apertures of their dwellings with glass, as is the case with us. And it is perhaps from this circumstance, that we find so very few notions among them of such an application. The win- dows discovered at Herculaneum and Pompeia were filled with squares of Amber, although glass was not unknown at the time ; but it might have been considered of too much importance to be appropriated to such a purpose. That the Greeks had windows in their build- ings, is ascertained from the ruins of their buildings still extant. The vestibule of the Temple of Minerva Polias, leading to that of the Pandrosium at Athens, has windows, or at least apertures for their reception ; and from the nature of their construction, the marble jaum being adapted to receive in them a frame, it is probable these apertures were enclosed with some sub- stance of a diaphanous nature ; as there can be no doubt but GLAZING. 381 but that they were left for the purpose of admitting light as well as perhaps air. Neither is it imagined that glass windows were very common even at Rome, although most of their celebrated authors frequently make mention of glass, but it was so rare as to be attainable only by the superior people. If it had been common, or at least in the way in which we are in the habit of considering it, Nero might have gotten his drinking glasses somewhat cheaper than he is reported to have done. Another circumstance also shews that glass was by no means brought to perfection, for instead of the Roman ladies' using '•polished plates of it at their toilet, silver highly wrought and polished was adopted. It may be said, “ that although glass was not employed for mirrors it might have been for windows.” To which it may be answered, “ if it had been common for the latter, it could not have long remained uncommon for the former, as the silvering we employ to make it answer that purpose could have been supplied by numerous other devices.” The first notice we have of the application of glass to the purpose of glazing windows occurs in Bede’s History de Locis Sanctis, c. 6, who, speaking of the church on Mount Olivet near Jerusalem, says, “ in the West front of it were eight windows, which on some occasions used to be illuminated w-ith lamps, which shone so bright through the glass that the mount seemed in a blaze.” And the same author affirms, that the Abbot Benedict was the first who introduced the art of nfanufacturing of glass into this kingdom by bringing over artists from the Continent for that purpose. This happeued about 660 , at which time architecture had made considerable progress, and many religious houses were then building and had been already erected. And if it be consi- dered to what perfection this business of glass had been brought even in a century or two after, particularly in the work of staining and painting it, &c. it will not be too much to infer that its improvement advanced with the architecture of the time ; to which it was so well adapted both to give it splendour as well as improve and add a variety by its contrast. Glazing, as it is now practised, embraces the cut- ting of all the varieties of glass manufactured for win- dows, together with fixing it in sashes by means of tacks and a stopping of putty ; also the forming of casement# and securing the glass by bands of lead fastened to outside frames of iron. The glazier is in- trusted likewise with the windows for public buildings as well as private, composed of an infinite variety of coloured and painted glass, embracing all the diversified tints in nature, so combined by opposing them in con- trary shades and figures as to produce a pleasing whole, or coup d’ceif. These departments constitute the pre- eminent employ of the glazier of the present time, and is that in which he values himself most upon in per- forming. We have now in London several tradesmen who have pursued this part of their business with a I laudable zeal, and have produced specimens of colour- ! ing as well as painting on glass much superior in point j of drawing and arrangement to any that was done .during the period of our ancestors. We have already referred to Mr. Collins in the Strand, and we may add Mr. Backler of Newman-street, and Mr. Mil- ler of Swallow-street. This latter artist has been employed in the restoration of the windows to Henry the Seventh’s Chapel at Westminster, in which he has shewn an antiquarian knowledge highly credita- ble to his talents. He has also been engaged in the restoring of several windows in the cathedrals in the provinces, and has executed some superb windows for a villa at Sunbury, in Middlesex, each window having figures in groups after the paintings of Domeni- chino. They are painted in all the brilliancy of co- lours for which the original pictures were distinguished. The mode of charging for this kind of business is re- gulated by the design proposed to be executed. Plain colours in glass are not much more expensive than good common glass, and may be introduced to produce a very pleasing effect of itself, observing to vary the tints and shapes of the glass. Plain coloured glass is charged by the pound, while all other glass is charged by the foot superficial, and the former varies only as the difficulty and expense of the colouring. All. the com- mon tints, for instance, orange, greens, and reds, & c. are on an average charged from six to seven shillings a pound, and blues, &c. somewhat more. The manufac- ture of the real ruby, for which the ancient windows in our churches are so much distinguished is now lost; and no modern artist has yet been enabled successfully to imi- tate it ; of course all that is at present made use of is of the antient glass of that colour, and consequently be- comes very dear, and difficult from its scarcity to be obtained at any price. The most -ancient species of glazing was in head- work, as our many cathedrals and religious houses, still extant, demonstrate ; and fixing glass in leaden frames is still continued for the same description of buildings. The business of a glazier, if considered in its most sim- ple operations, consists in fitting all the various kinds of glass manufactured and sold, into sashes previously prepared to receive them. The sashes as they are now made have a groove or rebate formed on the back of their cross and vertical bars adapted to admit the glass ; into these rebates the glazier minutely fits the squares, which he beds in a composition called putty. The putty consists of pounded whiting beaten up with linseed oil, and so kneeded and worked together as to make a tough end tenacious cement, and is of great durability ; this the glazier colours to suit the sashes he may have in hand. If they are common deal sashes, the putty is left and used as first manufactured ; but if they are mahogany, it is coloured with ochre till it approaches more nearly that of the sashes. In glazing window's the colour of the glass is that on which the greatest beauty is given to the work ; and to effect this successfully many different manufactories have been established. The most usual kind of window- glass now found at the glazier’s is called crown-glass ; 382 GLAZING. it is picked and divided at the manufactory into the se- veral different kinds which are known as first, seconds, and thirds, and which particularly denote the qualities of the several kinds of glass, the first being known as best crown, the next in quality second crown, and the last thirds, or third crown, the price of each varying according to the quality. The glass is in pieces called tables of about three feet in diameter each, and when selected and picked as above they are packed in crates, twelve of such tables being put in each crate of best glass, fifteen in the seconds, and eighteen in the thirds. The crates consist of an open framing of unhewn wood, and the glass is packed in them in straw for security. The glaziers purchase such glass by the crate, although the duty on it is collected by the pound. The price of a crate of glass varies as its quality, the best crown being now (since the late additional duty) worth per crate about four guineas, the seconds three, and the thirds two guineas. There are several manufactories for what is called crown-glass, but the most esteemed in the market is that which is made at Newcastle and in its neighbourhood. Green glass is another of these species, and which is greatly in demand for all the purposes in which colour is not so particularly sought for. This sort of glass is used in the glazing of the windows of cottages, also for green and hot-houses, to which it is found to answer every purpose. It is not more than one-half the cost of the crown-glass. The green-glass appears to have been the most ancient kind made use of, as most of the vestiges remaining in the old windows approach very nearly in their quality to what is now sold under that designation* The glaziers also prepare the crown-glass so as to produce an opaque effect : it is adapted to pre- vent the inconvenience of being overlooked. It is technically called ground-glass, w'hich is not improper, inasmuch as it is rendered opaque by rubbing away the polish from off its surface, to do which the glazier takes care to have the sheets or panes of glass brought to their proper size, then they are laid down smoothly as well as firm, either on sand, or any other substance which is adapted to admit of its lying securely. He then rubs it with sand and water or emery till the polish be completely removed ; it is then washed, dried, and stopped into the window for which it was prepared. There was a species of glass made at Venice originally, which was manufac- tured wholly for this purpose, and is now to be seen in many counting-houses and old buildings. Its general appearance presented an uneven surface, appearing as though indented all over with wires, leaving the inter- vening shapes in the form of lozenges. This glass was very thick and strong, and is of the description known as plate-glass. None of it has been imported into England for many years past ; in consequence of which grinding the crown-glass, as above described, has been made use of to answer the same purpose. How- ever, at this time it is manufactured and sold in tables at the depth for plate glass lately established in East- Smithfield, where it is known and sold under the de- nomination of Venice plate-glass. The crown-glass not admitting of being cut to very large sized squares, and as the fashion of making fold- ing sashes has become general, recourse has been had to obtain tables of sizes adequate to admit of pieces being taken out of them adapted to glaze such windows. This was first attempted at a glass-house at Ratcliff, near London ; it failed however, from there not being a demand capable of supporting such a manufactory. However, at this time the Newcastle people are suc- ceeding in producing their tables in size commensurate to answer almost every purpose. j The most beautiful glass made use of is that sold i by the British Plate-Glass Company in Albion Place, which is manufactured by them at Ravenscroft, in Lan- cashire. This glass is nearly colourless, and of a suf- ficient thickness to admit of its being polished to the greatest delicacy. From this dep6t looking-glasses may be obtained of surprising dimensions in point of size ; and from hence it is that most of the plate-glass, so much the fashion in our window's at this time, is ob- v tained. This company sell their glass in proportion to its size, the value increasing as it increases. At their warehouse are to be seen thousands of different sized plates, every one of which labelled of its size in inches only, as it is by inches that such glass is bought and | sold. The glaziers, in glazing windows of plate-glass, strike it out to the size required by a fine diamond, after w hich they break off the pieces by pincers ; such glass ! varies in its thickness from one-eighth to as much as a quarter of an inch. Purchasers of glass of this Com- pany may almost always get suited in the sizes they may want at the depot in Albion Place, but if the pieces are larger than the size required, the loss occa- sioned by reducing it falls ou the buyer, as he must pay for the whole of its admeasurement. But if an order be left to be executed, and time allowed to send to the manufactory at Ravenscroft, the glass is sent in sizes exactly corresponding to the order given, and will be j charged as such only : this circumstance is of some im- portance when large quantities are required, as is not unfrequently the case at this time, when plate-glass is so much in fashion. The company often require three or four months to execute an order of any magnitude. The value of such kind of glass is very considerable in comparison of the other sorts, common sized squares for windows amounting from two to three pounds each, and sometimes, in French window's, as high as five pounds. It is, nevertheless, so much preferred at this time, that even our shop windows in the leading streets are daily becoming glazed with it. There are also many other sorts of plate-glass in use, among these, that which is called German-sheet is the most esteemed ; its colour is beautiful, being the most colourless of any made, but its outside appearance is disagreeable, arising from its appearing so uneven or wavy. GLAZING. 383 #iw. Indeed it resembles, on its outside, a substance which hus been subjected to the hammer. The plate- glass seen in windows, of a red tint, was much in use about twenty years since, and is of German manufac- ture, and known among the glaziers as Bohemian plate- glass ; its colour at first was calculated to strike, but co- lour is no recommendation to glass, and hence it is now almost quite laid aside. Glaziers value their work by feet, inches, and parts, and the value of the glass increases as that of the size of its squares. Their charges are regulated by the Master and Wardens and Court-assistants of the Com- pany of Glaziers, who are generally not very unmindful of themselves. The table of their present charges runs us : — . . s d Best crown, m squares, not exceeding 3 ft. j ^ 1Q ‘ in each square .3 Ditto, ditto, 2 ft. 6 in. in each square . . 3 4 Ditto, ditto, 2 ft. ditto 3 2 Ditto, ditto, under 2 ft. ditto .... 30 Second crown, of similar proportions, is about 10 per cent, cheaper than the best crown. And thirds, in a proportion of 10 per cent, still cheaper than the seconds. Green-glass is the cheapest window glass made, and is put into new sashes at a price not exceeding eighteen pence per foot. All kinds of bent-glass, for circular or other win- dows, varies in its price in proportion to its size and to the trouble in obtaining and fitting it in. Cottage, and some kind of church-windows are glazed in squares, or other figures, in leaden rebates, such kind of glass, when so fitted in windows of the shape of a rhombus, are technically called “ quarries.” The lead for such windows is cast and drawn for the purpose, and purchased by the glaziers in packages by the cwt. ; it is cut to the sizes and lengths required, and soldered together at their intersections : the leaden work is of various sizes in proportion to the strength of the work for which it is wanted. This metal, which is 1 used instead of the cross-bars of sashes, is so soft as to be easily bent where the groove is left in it for the glass ; one side or cheek of which is pressed down all round, the shape left in it for the glass by a small tool called a stopping-knife, and the quarry is put into, the place so made for it, and, with the same tool, the side of the groove which had been thus bent down to admit it, is raised up to the quarry, and is afterwards smooth- ed close to it. These kind of windows are farther strengthened by vertical and cross bars of iron, to which the leaden ones are secured by bands soldered to the latter, and bent and twisted round the former ; in cot- tage windows these bars are often of wood to which the bands are fastened in a similar manner. Glaziers now cut all their glass out with the diamond, whereas formerly an iron was made use of for that pur- pose, called a grozing-iron : there is reason to believe that this process was tedious, and even difficult ; and, perhaps, inapplicable to the separating of the plate- glass. The grozing-iron was an instrument made, in i(s shape, not unlike a key such as is used for the purpose of opening and shutting locks ; it had wards in its sides w'hich were applied to scratch the surface and snap off the part required to be separated. The diamond now in general use is as complete for this purpose as can possibly be wished, as, by drawing it merely over the glass to be cut, its surface becomes so regularly frac- - tured as to allow, by a small pressure downwards, the piece operated upon to be easily removed, and that without much chance of accident. For this purpose, the diamond spark must be left in its natural state as found in the mines, as its principal virtue lies in its outw'ard-coat. It is ascertained that when it is cut or polished it loses all its power in promoting the fracture on the glass. To make the diamond useful to the gla- zier, it is fixed in lead secured by a ferrule of brass, which is fastened to a handle of ebony or other hard wood, the whole together not assuming a size larger than a moderate sized drawing-pencil. The diamond, thus described, constitutes the principal working-tool of the glazier, and its scarcity renders its value to a jour- neyman of some little importance ; some masters in this business supply their men with this tool, while others require them to find their own. The other tools which they use consist of a rule commonly of three feet in length, divided into thirty-six parts or inches, and each part or inch again divided into fractions. With this rule the squares and tables of glass are di- vided, and cut to the several sizes wanted. A glazier also wants several small straight-edges for the diamond to work against. A straight-edge consists merely of a thin piece of mahogany, or other hard w'ood, about two inches wide, and one-eighth of an inch in thick- ness, wrought quite parallel, having its faces right and left splayed off a little to allow of the diamond being drawn more correctly against its edge. They have also stopping-knives for bedding the glass in the wooden re- bates of the sashes ; a stopping-knife is no more than an instrument similar to a common dinner-knife reduced in the length of the blade to about three inches, and ground away on each of its edges till they approach to an apex. With this knife he smooths and spreads the putty to secure the glass in the sashes. In repairs of w'indows for broken squares, which the glazier calls “ stopping in,” or “ squares stopped in,” he makes use of another knife for the purpose of hacking out the old putty, and which is termed the “ hacking-out tool,” and consists literally of no more than an old broken knife ground sharp on its edge, and also at the end where it has been broken off from the rest of the blade. The old putty is cut out of the rebates by applying the hacking-out tool all round them, by striking it at its thickest or upper edge with a common small hammer until the whole of the old putty is removed, which, when done, the rebate of the sash is scraped and smoothed all round by the stopping-knife, and the new square of glass is cut into the sash, bedded in putty, and finished. The glazier also requires a pair of compasses made, in one of 384 GLAZING. of their legs, with a socket adapted to receive the handle I of the diamond ; with the compasses so prepared he draws and cuts out all the shapes of glass required for the glazing of fan-lights, or other circular portions of glass wanted in sashes. The business of a glazier also includes cleaning the glass in windows in inhabited houses ; this forms no in- considerable portion of his trade in London, and many of the masters, when in a large way, keep one or more men constantly employed in it, the charge for which is regulated by the number of windows cleaned, or the number of squares in each sash. When the windows exceed twelve squares in each they are num- bered and charged at per dozen, the price varying from 6d. to 8d. each dozen. When the sashes are folding, or what is better known as French-windows, the squares of glass in such sashes running much larger, a third more is charged for the cleaning of them than for the common windows. The master glazier takes the risk of breaking of glass by his men, when employed in this business. There are in London several tradesmen known only as glass-cutters ; their business embraces the cutting out of the glass only, which they retail in pieces or squares exactly to the size applied for, the parties purchasing un- dertaking of themselves the business of stopping them in. The prices of the glaziers are very irregular when left to themselves to make their own charges. They adopt those of the Glaziers’ Company usually, and it is from these charges which the surveyors regulate theirs from (or, as it is generally called, the measure and value) ; but glazing may be done (with a good profit to the glazier) at 15 per cent, less than either, and with glass as good, and as neatly and well cut in as it is generally by the master who adopts his charges from the Company’s list of prices. Good glazing requires that all the glass be cut full into the rebates, that is, that the glass fill the void left for it in the sash com- pletely. When the glass is cut too small, or even too large, it is easily broken by the pressure of the air from within, or by the wind from without ; careless glaziers not unfrequently, when they have cut their glass too small, leave the putty projecting from the wood very full all round to hide this defect in their glazing, but no glazier who has any respect for his reputation would suffer glass so cut to be sent from out of his premises. The putty in no case should project beyond the line of the wood in the inside, or, more properly, the mould- ing side of the window ; but should be exactly fair and level with it in every part. Large squares of glass should be firmly bedded in the rebate of the sash in putty of a moderate consistence in point of tempering, and when so bedded all round, small sprigs or tacks should be driven into the rebates to further secure it in the sash, and the whole should afterwards be further covered with another lining of putty spread quite smooth all round the rebate on the outside. Sashes, of whatever description they may be, should be once painted over, or, as it is called, primed, before they are put into the hand of the glazier, as the putty will be more firm and durable by adopting such a previous priming. Lately there has been a considerable additional duty on glass, amounting in the way in which the public are charged for it to at least 20 per cent. ; the prices be- fore recited embrace this additional rate. Every con- sumer of glass when in want Df a large quantity, should, previously to giving his order to the glazier, specially agree for its price and also quality ; for the latter purpose, to name particularly of what kind of glass the windows are to be glazed, referring to the sashes themselves for their sizes ; by sending to several of the trade for an estimate of the price in this manner, he will get his work performed at a value far below the usual or Company’s price. It should, however, be ob- served that what is said of the glazier, in this respect, is applicable to every other branch of the building business. In the decoration of the windows of our churches, for w hich the zeal and piety of our ancestors were so remarkable, and in which they arrived at so great a degree of perfection in having produced colours on glass at once of superior beauty and brilliancy to any thing since accomplished, the superior excellence in their colours w'as retained in all its splendour through the several reigns antecedent to that of Elizabeth ; after which, and in consequence of the interdiction of art from the then cherished opinions of their works being idolatrous, and in no way conformable to the spirit of the religious notions then taking effect by the re- formation, it began to fail. The ruby-coloured glass, so much esteemed at this time, began to disappear at that period, and did completely so during the reign of her successor James I. Many attempts have been since made to recover it, but the trials and expenses at- tending them having been tedious and enormous, has deterred the artists from yet having successfully followed up its pursuit, in consequence of which no glass of the ruby kind is now manufactured. The value of painted windows, as has been before observed, will entirely depend on their design, and the variety of colours to be introduced in them. Some curious estimates of the expense of such windows, as they were executed for the sumptuous chapel in King’s College, at Cambridge, may be seen in the Appendix to Britton’s Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, which is made for eighteen windows of the upper story of the chapel, and runs thus, viz. that the work is agreed to be executed “ with good, clene, sure and perfytite glasse, and oryent colours, and imagery.” These to be equal to the windows of the King’s New Chapel, at Westminster : Six of the windows to be finished with- in twelve months, and the other twelve windows within four years. To bind all the windows “ with double bands of leade for defence of great wyndes and outra- gious vvethering, after the rate of two-pence evry ffootte,” the glass to be 16 pence per foot. The glaziers (“ Willi- amson and Symondes”) to the work were bound to perform the conditions of the indenture under a pe- nalty of 500 “ markes sterlinges.” GOLD- GOLD-BEATING AND GILTAVlRE DRAWING, The business of the gold-beater is to reduce solid gold and silver into what is denominated leaf-gold and silver, though the metals in this state are many degrees thinner and finer than any leaf whatever. Gold and silver leaf is absolutely necessary in many other trades, and it will be our business in this article to explain the method by which the solid and dense substance is re- duced to this state of almost inconceivable thinness, in which, notwithstanding its specific gravity, it will float in the air like a feather. Gold in itself, and when very pure, is soft, easily cut or graved, and so tough, that when at length made to break by repeated bendings, backwards or forwards, the fracture on each of the pieces, appears drawn out like a wedge. The colour of pure gold, by reflected light, is a full bright yellow, tending on one hand towards orange, and, on the other, towards a brass yellow. Gold fused with borax becomes paler than usual, but when fused with nitre it becomes more highly coloured ; hence, as this metal is reckoned beautiful in proportion to the fulness and brilliancy of its colour, the borax flux used by goldsmiths is generally mixed with a sufficient quan- tity of nitre to counterbalance its discolouring pro- perty. The colour of gold, when in high fusion, is of a bluish green, of a similar tint with that of gold by transmitted light : this latter may be observed by laying a leaf of gold between two thin plates of colourless glass, and holding it between the eye and a strong light. The great value which has at all times been fixed on gold, its beautiful colour, incorruptibility, and great compactness, render its ductility an object of vast im- portance. On this depend sundry arts and manufac- tures, in which the solid mass is extended to an asto- nishing tenuity, and variously applied on the surface of other bodies, as well for ornament as preservation. The gold, in preparation for the leaf, is melted in a black-lead crucible, with some borax, in a wind fur- nace : as soon as it is in perfect fusion, it is poured into an iron ingot-mould, six or eight inches long, and three-quarters of an inch wide, previously greased and heated, so as to make the tallow run and smoke, but not to take flame. When the gold is fixed and solid it is made red-hot to burn off" the unctuous matter, and then forged on an anvil into a long plate, which is still further extended by being passed frequently between I polished steel rollers, till it becomes no thicker than a ribbon or a sheet of paper. Formerly, the whole of | this process was done by means of the hammer; but the use of the flatting-mill abridges the operation, and I renders the plate of a more uniform thickness. The ! plate, or, as it is sometimes called, the ribbon, is di- vided by compasses, and cut with shears into equal ! pieces, which, consequently, are of equal weights : j these are now forged on the anvil till they are an inch square, and afterwards well annealed to correct the ri- ; gidity which the metal has contracted in the hammering and flatting. Two ounces of gold, or 960 grains, make j an hundred and fifty of these squares, whence each j plate w eighs little more than six grains, they are found to be about the T ^th part of an inch thick, that is, about 760 such leaves placed upon each other, and [ pressed close together, would take up in thickness only I an inch. To proceed in the extension of these small | plates it is necessary to interpose some smooth body i between them and the hammer, for the purpose of softening the blow, and defending the gold from its im- mediate action, as also to place between every two of the plates some intermediate substance, which, while it prevents their uniting together, or injuring one another, ! may suffer them freely to extend. These objects are attained by means of certain animal membranes. Gold-beaters make use of three kinds of membranes, viz. for the outside cover, common parchment made of sheep-skin is used ; for interlaying with the gold, first, the smoothest and closest vellum, made of calves-skin ; and, afterwards, the much finer skins of ox-gut, stript off from the large straight gut slit open, curiously prepared for the express purpose, and hence called gold-beaters’ .skin. According to Dr. Lewis, the preparation of these last is a distinct business, practised only by two or three persons in the kingdom. The general process is supposed to consist in applying them one upon an- other, by the smooth sides, in a moist state, in which they readily cohere and unite inseparably, stretching them very carefully on a frame, scraping off the fat and rough matter, so as to leave only the fine exterior membrane of the intestine, at the same time beating them between double leaves of paper, to force out what grease may remain in them, and then drying and press- ing them. Notwithstanding the vast extent to which gold is beaten between these skins, and the great tenuity of the skins themselves, they yet sustain continual re- 5 F petitions 386 GOLD-BEATING AND GILT-WIRE DRAWING. petitions of the process for several months, without ap- pearing to extend or grow thinner. The beating of gold is performed on a smooth block of black marble, of a weight from two to four or five hundred weight ; the heavier it is the better it is adapted to the purpose for which it is employed. It is about nine inches square on. the upper surface, and sometimes less, fitted into the middle of a wooden frame about two feet square, so as that the surface of the marble and the frame form one continuous plane. Three of the sides are furnished with a high ledge, and the front, which is open, has a leathern flap fastened to it, which the gold-beater makes use of as an apron, for preserv- ing the fragments of gold that fall off". Three hammers are employed, each of which is furnished with two round and somewhat convex faces, but the workman in general uses only one of these faces. The first is called the catch-hammer, is about four inches in di- ameter, and weighs from fifteen to twenty pounds ; the second, called the shodering-hammer, and weighs about twelve pounds : the third, called the gold or finishing hammer, weighs ten pounds. The French make use of four hammers, differing in size and shape from those of our workmen. They have only one face, being, in figure, truncated cones ; the first has very little convexity, is five inches in diameter, and weighs fourteen pounds; the second is more convex than the first, and only about half its weight ; the third is still more convex, weighs about four pounds, and is only two inches wide. The fourth, or finishing-ham- mer, is nearly as heavy as the first, but narrower by an inch, and is the most convex of all. A hundred and fifty of the pieces of gold are inter- laid with leaves of vellum, three or four inches square, one leaf being placed between every two of the pieces ; and there are about tweuty other of the vellum on the outsides, over these is drawn a parchment case, open at both ends, and over this another in a contrary direc- tion, so that the gold and vellum are kept tight and close on all sides. The whole is beaten with the heaviest hammer, and occasionally turned upside down till the gold is stretched to the extent of the vellum ; the case being from time to time opened to ascertain how the extension goes on, and the packet is, some- times, bent and rolled, as it were, between the hands, for procuring sufficient freedom to the gold, or, to use the workmen's phrase, “ to make the gold work.” The pieces, when extended to the size of the vellum, are taken out from between the vellum-leaves, and cut into four with a steel knife, and the 600 divisions are inter- laid in the same manner with pieces of the ox-gut skins five inches square. The beating is again repeated with a lighter hammer, till the , golden plates have again ac- quired the extent of the skins : they are now a second time divided into four, but the instrument used for this purpose is a piece of cane cut to a very thin edge, the leaves, in this stage of the business being so light, that the moisture of the air or breath, condensing on a metal knife, would occasion them to stick to it. These last divisions are now too numerous to admit of thei being beaten at once, they are parted into three parcels which are beaten separately, with the smallest hammer, till they are stretched for the third time to the size of the skins ; they are now reduced to the greatest thinness they will admit of, though it is said that the French carry the business one step farther. In the beating, the process, however simple, appears to require a good deal of address, in order to apply the hammers so as to extend the metal uniformly from the middle to the sides ; a single improper blow is apt, not only to break the gold leaves, but to cut the skins. After the last beating, the leaves are taken up by the end of a cane instrument, and being blown fiat on a leather cushion, are cut to a size, oue by one, w ith a square frame of cane made of a proper sharpness ; they are then fitted into books of tw r enty-five leaves each, the paper of which is well smoothed, and rubbed with red-bole to prevent their sticking to it. The process of gold-beating is considerably influ- enced by the weather. In wet weather, the skins grow damp, which renders the operation more tedious. A frosty season is still more injurious to it, the cold affect- ing the metallic leaves themselves so that they cannot be easily blown flat, but break, wrinkle, or run toge- ther.* Gold-leaf ought to be prepared from the finest gold, as any alloy, however small, would injure the co- lour and make it too hard for working. But though the gold-beater cannot advantageously diminish the | quantity of gold in the leaf by the mixture of any other substance w'ith the gold, yet methods have been devised for saving the precious metal, by producing a kind of leaf called party-gold, whose basis is silver, and which has only a superficial coat of gold on one side : this is done by placing upon one another a thick leaf of silver and a much thinner one of gold, and being heated and pressed together, they unite and cohere ; and being then beaten into fine leaves, as in the process already described, the gold, though it is in quantity only about one-fourth of that of the silver, continue^ every where to cover it, the extension of the former keeping pace with that of the latter. We shall now proceed to speak of the preparation for gilt-wire. What is called gold-wire, or gilt-w'ire, has only an exterior covering of gold, the internal part being silver. A rod of silver, above an inch thick, two feet in length, and weighing about 20 lbs., is coated | with gold, and then reduced into wire, by drawing it successively through a number of holes, made in steel j plates, diminishing almost insensibly in regular degrees. The purity of gold employed for this use is a point of great importance, for on this depends the beauty and the durability of colour when w’rought into laces, bro- cades, and other articles of consumption. With re- spect to the silver, which makes up the internal body of the wire, its fineness is of less importance; it is said to be eveu better when it is alloyed, because very fine silver, when annealed in the fire, becomes so soft as to suffer GOLD-BEATING AND GILT-WIRE DRAWING. 387 suffer die golden coat, in some measure, to sink in it, and hence the admixture of a little copper communi- cates to it a sufficient degree of hardness for preventing this inconvenience. The gold is employed in thick leaves, prepared for the purpose, which are applied all over the silver rod, and pressed down smooth with a steel burnisher. Several of the gold leaves are laid over one another, according as the gilding is required more or less thick. The smallest proportion allowed is 100 grains of gold to a pound of silver, or 3,760 grains. The largest proportion for the best double gilt wire, was, formerly, 120 grains to a pound; but it is pro- bably a good deal increased. The beginning of the process, as well as the prepa- ration and gilding of the silver rod, is performed by the refiner, who uses plates of hardened steel with a piece of tough iron welded on the back to prevent the steel from breaking. In this back part the holes are much wider than the corresponding ones in steel, and of a conical shape ; partly, that the rod may not be scratched against the outer edge, and partly for receiv- ing some bees-wax, which makes the rod pass more easily, and preserves the gold from being rubbed off. The plate being properly secured, one end of the rod, made somewhat smaller than the rest, is pushed through such a hole as will admit of it ; and being taken hold of by pincers, adapted to the purpose, whose chaps are toothed somewhat like a file, to keep the rod from slip- ping out by the violence necessary for drawing it out, the handles or branches of the clamps are bent upwards, and an iron loop put over the curvature, so that the force, which pulls them horizontally by the loop, serves at the same time to press them together. To the loop is fastened a rope, the farther end of which goes round a capstan, or upright cylinder with cross-bars, which requires the strength of several men to turn it. The rod, thus drawn through, is well annealed, then passed in the same manner through the next hole, and the an- nealing and drawing repeated, less and less force suffic- ing as it diminishes in thickness. When reduced to the size of a quill, it is delivered in coils to the wire- drawer. The remainder of the process requires plates of a different quality, those made of steel being apt to fret the wire, and strip off the gold. There are two sorts of these plates, one of considerable thickness, for the wire in its larger state, the other only about half as thick, for the finer wire, where less force is sufficient in drawing. These plates, though, in a measure, ra- ther brittle, have sufficient toughness to admit of the holes being beaten up, or contracted, by a few blows of a hammer ; so that when any of them have been widened by a length of wire being drawn through, they are thus reduced again to the proper dimensions for preserving the gradation. The holes, after each beat- ing U P> are opened by a long slender instrument, called a point, made of refined steel ; one end of which, to the length of about five inches, is round, and serves as a handle ; the rest, about twice as long, is square, and tapered to a fine point. The first holes being so far worn, as to be unfit for bearing further reductions, the next to them, grown likewise wider, supply their places, and are themselves successively supplied by those which follow ; of course, as each ptate is furnished with seve- ral more of the same holes than are wanted at first, it continues to afford a complete series, after a consider- [ able number of the larger has become unserviceable. Great part of the dexterity of the workman consists in adapting the hole to the wire ; that the wire may not pass so easily, as not to receive sufficient extension, or so difficultly as to be broken in the drawing. For deter- mining this point with greater certainty than could be done from the mere resistance of the wire, he uses a brass plate called a size, on which is measured, by means of notches, like stops, cut at one end, the in- crease which a certain length of wire should gain in passing through a fresh hole : if the wire is found to stretch too much or too little, the hole is widened or contracted. As the extension is adjusted by this instru- I merit, there are others for measuring the degree of I fineness of the wire itself. Slits of different widths, made in thick polished iron rings, serve as gauges for this use. The wire-drawer’s process begins with annealing the large wire received from the refiner ; this is performed by placing it coiled up on some lighted charcoal in a cylindrical cavity called the pit, made for this purpose, under a chimney, about six inches deep, and throwing more burniug charcoal over it ; the pit having no aper- ture at bottom to admit air, the fuel burns languidly, affording only sufficient heat to make the metal red-hot, without endangering its melting. Being then quenched in water for the sake of expe- dition in cooling it, though the metaj would doubtless be softened more effectually if suffered to cool leisurely, one end of it is passed through the first hole in the thick plate, and fastened to an upright wooden cy- linder, six or eight inches in diameter : in the top of the cylinder are fixed two staples, and through these is passed the long arm of a handle, by which the cylinder is turned on its axis by several men. In the continua- tion of this part of the process, the wire is frequently annealed and quenched, after passing through every hole or every other hole, till it is brought to about the size of the small end of a tobacco-pipe; and in this state it is cut into portions for the fine wire- drawer. In this last part of the wire-drawing proeess, an- nealing is not needful ; but it is still as necessary as before to wax the wire at every hole. Much less force being now sufficient for drawing it through the plate, a different instrument is used. A kind of wheel or circular piece of wood, much wider than the fore- going cylinder, is placed horizontally in its upper sur- face and some small holes at different distances from the axis, and into one or another of these, according to the force required, is occasionally inserted the point of an upright handle, whose upper end is received in a hole made in a cross bar above. From this the wire is 388 GOLD-BEATING AND GILT-WIRE DRAWING. is wound off upon a smaller cylinder called a rocket, placed on the spindle of a spinning-wheel ; and this last cylinder being fixed on its axis behind the plate, the wire is again drawn through upon the first ; and being at length brought to the proper fineness, it is annealed to fit it for the flatting-mill. This annealing is performed in a different manner from the foregoing ones, and with much less heat ; for if the wire was now made red-hot it would wholly lose its golden colour, and become black, bluish, or white, as is often experienced in different parcels of gilt wire. Being wound upon a large hollow copper bobbin, the bobbin is set upright, some lighted charcoal or small-coal placed round it and brought gradually nearer and nearer, and some small-coal put in the cavity of the bobbin, the wire being carefully watched, that as soon as it appears of a proper colour it may be immediately removed from the heat. This is an ope- ration of great nicety, and is generally performed by the master himself. The wire, though it in good mea- sure retains the springiness which it had acquired in the drawing, and does not prove near so soft as it 1 might be made by a greater heat, is nevertheless found to be sufficiently so for yielding with ease to the flatting mill. The flatting-mill consists of two rolls, turned in a lathe to a perfect rounduess, exquisitely polished, placed with their axis parallel one over another, set by screws till their circumferences come almost into contact, and both made to go round by one handle ; the lowermost is about ten inches in diameter, the upper commonly little more than two, though some make it considerably larger ; and indeed it would be more convenient if ) made as large, or nearly so, as the lower ; their width or thickness is about an inch and a quarter. The wire unwinding from a bobbin, and passing first between the leaves of an old book pressed by a small weight, which kept it somewhat tight, and then through a narrow slit in an upright piece of wood called a ketch, which gives notice of any knot or doubling, is directed by means of a small conical hole in a piece of iron called a guide, to any particular part of the width of the rolls, that if there should be any imperfection or inequality of the surface the wire may be kept from those parts ; and that when one part is soiled by the passage of a length of wire, the w'ire may be shifted till the w hole width of the rolls is soiled, so as to require being cleaned and polished anew with the fine powder called putty, prepared by calcining a mixture of lead and tin : the workmen value the rolls from the number of threads they will receive, that is, from the number of places which the wire can thus be shifted to ; good rolls will receive forty threads. The wire flatted be- tween the rolls is wound again as it comes through, on a bobbin, which is turned by a wheel fixed on the axis of one of the rolls, and so proportioned that the motion of the bobbin just keeps pace with that of the rolls. The vast extent to which gold is apparently stretched in the foregoing operations, has induced several persons to make experiments for determining its exact degree by mensuration and weight. In an experiment of Reaumur’s, forty-two square inches and three tenths of gold leaf weighed one grain troy ; and Mr. Boyle found that fifty and seven-tenths w-eighed but a grain. The thickness of the gold leaf examined by the one was the 207,355th, and of that by the other only the 248,532nd j part of an inch. 1 Dr. Halley found, that of superfine gilt-wire six feet j weighed a grain: M. de Reaumur makes about four j inches more go to the same weight ; and Mr. Boyle is | said, if there be no error in the numbers, to have had I gilt-wire much finer than any of these. Allowing six feet to make a grain, and the proportion of gold to be that commonly used by our wire-draw'ers ; the length to which a grain of gold is extended on the wire, comes to be nearly 352 feet. In flatting, the w’ire is extended, according to M. de Reaumur, one-seventh part of its length, and to the width of one ninety-sixth of an inch ; in some trials that have been made by the workmen, the extension in length appeared less, but that in breadth so much greater that the square extension was at least equal to that assigned by Reaumur. Hence one grain of gold is stretched on the flatted wire to the length of above 401 feet, to a surface of above 100 square inches, and to the thinness of the 492,090th part of an inch. M. de Reaumur carries the extension of gold to a much greater degree. He says the wire continues gilded when only one part of gold is used to 360 of silver, and that it may be stretched in flatting one- fourth of its length, and to the width of one forty- eighth of an inch. In this case, a grain of gold must be extended upwards of a mile, and cover an area of 1,400 square inches. He computes the thickness of the golden coat in the thinnest parts of some gilt wire to be no more than the 14000,000th part of an inch, so that it is only about a hundredth part of the thickness of gold leaf. Yet notwithstanding this amazing tenuity, if a piece of the gilt wire be immersed in warm aquafortis, which will gradually dissolve and eat out the silver, the remaining golden coat will still hang together, and form, while the fluid prevents it from collapsing, a continuous opaque tube. To succeed in this experi- ment, the aquafortis must not be very strong, nor the heat great ; for then the acid, acting hastily and impe- tuously upon the silver, would disunite the particles of the gold. Whether any other metal can be extended to an equal degree is not yet clear, for as it is the great value of gold which engages the workmen to endeavour as much as possible to stretch it to the largest surface, the same efforts have not been made in regard to the less valuable metals : to make a fair comparison, trial should be made of extending silver upon the surface of gold in the same manner as gold is extended upon silver. It may be observed also, that as gold is nearly as GUN-MAKING. 389 heavy again as silver, or contains nearly double the quan- tity of matter under an equal volume, so, if equal weights of the two metals be stretched lo equal ex- tents, the silver will be little more than half the thinness of the gold ; and conversely, if silver could be brought to equal tenuity with gold in regard to bulk, it would, in regard to quantity of matter, be nearly of double extensibility. There are various methods of applying the gold thus extended, to cover the surface of other bodies. For laces and brocades, the flatted gilt-wire is spun on threads of yellow silk, approaching as near as may be to the colour of gold itself. The wire, winding oflf from a bobbin, twists about the thread as it spins round, and by means of curious machinery, too com- plex to be described here, a number of threads is thus twisted at once by the turning of one wheel. The principal art consists in so regulating the motion, that the several circumvolutions of the flatted wire on each thread may just touch one another, and form as it were, one continued covering. It is said that at Milan there is made a sort of flatted wire gilt only on one side, which is wound upon the thread, so that only the gilt side appears; and that the preparation of this w'ire is kept a secret, and has been attempted in other places with little success. There is also a gilt copper w'ire, made in the same manner as the gilt silver. Savary observes, that this kind of wire, called false geld, is prepared chiefly at Nuremburg ; and that the ordinances of France require it to be spun, for its distinction of the gilt silver, on flaxen or | hempen threads. One of our writers takes notice, that the Chinese, instead of flatted gilt-wire, use slips of gilt paper, which they intemeave in their stuffs and twist upon silk threads ; this practice he in- considerately proposes as a hint to the British weaver. Whatever be the pretended beauty of the stuffs of this kind of manufacture, it is obvious that they must want durability. The Chinese themselves, according to Du Halde’s account, sensible of this imperfection, scarcely use them any otherwise than in tapestries, and such other ornaments as are not intended to be much worn or exposed to moisture. Paper, wood, and other like subjects are gilded by spreading upon them some adhesive substances, and when almost dry, so as but just to make the gold stick, applying gold or gilt leaf, and pressing it down with a bunch of cotton or the bottom of a hare’s foot : when growm thoroughly dry the superfluous or loose gold is wiped off, and the fixed golden coat burnished with a dog’s tooth or with a smooth piece of agate or peb- ble. Different kinds of adhesive matters are employed for this use : where resistance to rain or moisture is required, oil paints ; in most other cases a size, made from the cuttings of parchment or white leather by boiling them in water. GUN-MAKING. The business of the gun-smith is the manufacturing of fire arms of the smaller sort, as muskets, fowling- pieces, pistols, &c. The principal part of all these instruments is the barrel, which, however, is not made by those who call themselves gun-smiths, but by per- sons who forge them in a large way, and who have forges and premises adapted to the business ; the forges used by gun-smiths being on a much smaller scale than those required for the manufacture of the barrels. Besides among gun-smiths we find great attention paid to the division of labour : one man or set of men, for instance, is employed in what is termed .the boring, though, in truth, the barrels are formed at first with a bore throughout, but not with that accuracy which is required for these kind of instruments : other persons are employed to file and polish the outside of the barrel ; to some is allotted the business of making and fixing the breech, the touch-hole, &c.: others forge the gun-locks in a rough w'ay, and others are employed to file, polish, and put together the several parts of which the locks are composed, &.c. By the attention and civility of Mr. W. H. Mortimer, of Fleet- street, we have had an opportunity of examining the several departments of this manufacture, and shall en- deavour to describe them iu a familiar manner to our readers, noticing, in the course of the article, certain inventions for which His Majesty’s letters patent have been obtained. The barrel, which we are first to describe, ought to possess the following properties : lightness, that it may incommode the person who carries it as little as possible, and strength, to enable it to bear a full charge without any risk of bursting : it ought to be constructed so as not to recoil with violence, and it ought to be of 5 G sufficient 390 GUN-MAKING. sufficient length to carry the shot or bullet to as great a distance as the force of the powder employed is capa- ble of doing. The imperfections to which a gun-barrel is liable in forging are of three sorts, viz. the chink, the crack, and th q flaw : the chink is a solution of continuity, running lengthwise of the barrel : the crack is more irregular in its form than the chink, and running in a transverse direction or across the barrel : the flaw dif- fers from both ; it is a small plate or scale which ad- heres to the barrel by a narrow base, from which it spreads out as the head of a nail does from its shank ; and when separated, leaves a pit or hollow in the metal. The chink and the flaw are of much greater conse- , quence than the crack, as the effort of the powder is exerted upon the circumference, and not upon the length of the barrel. The flaw is more frequent than the chink : when external and superficial, they are all three defects in point of neatness only ; but when situ- ated within the barrel, they are of material disadvantage by affording a lodgment to moisture and foulness that corrode the iron, and thus continually enlarge the exca- vation until the barrel bursts or at least becomes ex- ceedingly dangerous to use. The crack is of but little consequence if near the muzzle of the barrel; but if at the breech end it should never be attempted to be mended, and indeed by respectable manufacturers, such as the gentleman alluded to, never is. W e shall now proceed to describe the several parts of the gun, beginning with the barrels. To form a gun-barrel in the manner generally prac- tised for those denominated common, the workmen begin by heating and hammering out a bar of iron into the form of a flat ruler, thinner at the end intended for the muzzle, and thicker at that for the breech ; the length, breadth, and thickness of the whole plate being regulated by the intended length, diameter, and weight of the barrel. This oblong plate of metal is then, by repeated heating and hammering, turned round a cylindrical rod of tempered iron, called a mandril, whose diameter is considerably less than the intended bore of the barrel. The edges of the plate are made to overlap each other about half an inch, and are welded together by heating the tube in lengths of two or three inches at a time, and hammering it with very brisk but moderate strokes, upon an anvil which has a number of semicircular furrows in it, adapted to the various sizes of barrels. The heat required for welding is the bright white heat, which immediately precedes fusion, and at which the particles of the metal unite and blend so intimately with each other, that, when properly managed, not a trace is left of their former separation : this degree of heat is generally known by a number of brilliant sparks flying off from the iron whilst in the fire ; although it requires much practice and experience to ascertain the degree of heat required for welding iron, which possesses various qualities, aud is seldom alike. Every time the barrel is withdrawn from the forge, the workman strikes the end of it once or twice gently against the anvil in a horizontal direction: this operation serves to consolidate the particles of the metal more perfectly, and to obliterate any appearance of a seam in the barrel. The mandril is then introduced into the bore or cavity ; and the barrel, being placed in one of the furrows or moulds of the anvil, is hammered very briskly by two persons besides the forger, who all the time keeps turning the barrel round in the mould, so that every point of the heated portion may come equally under the action of the hammers. These heatings and hammerings are repeated until the whole of the barrel has undergone the same operation, and all its parts are rendered as perfectly continuous as if it had been bored out of a solid piece. For better w r ork the barrel is forged in separate pieces of eight or nine inches in length, and then welded together lengthwise as well as in the lap- ping over. The other mode being the easiest done, and the quickest, is the most usual. The barrel, when forged, is either finished in the common manner, or made to .undergo the operation of twisting, which is a process employed on those barrels that are intended to be of a superior quality and price to others. This operation consists in heating the bar- rel in portions of a few inches at a time, to a high degree of red-heat ; when one end of it is screwed into a vice, and into the other is introduced a square piece of iron with a handle like an augur, and by means of these the fibres of the heated portion are twisted in a spiral direction, that is thought to resist the effort of the powder much better than a longitudinal one. Pistol barrels that are to go in pairs, such as duelling pistols, are forged in one piece, and are cut asunder at the muzzles after they have been bored ; by which there is not only a saving of iron and of labour, but a certainty of the caliber being perfectly the same in both. The next operation consists in giving to the barrel its proper caliber; this is termed boring, which is done in the following manner. Two beams of very strong wood, as oak, each about six inches in diameter, and six or seven feet long, are placed horizontally and parallel to one another, having their extremities mortised upon a strong upright piece about three feet high, and firmly fixed. A space of from two to four intffies is left between the horizontal pieces, in which a piece of wood is made to slide, by having at either end a tenon let into a groove which runs on the inside of each beam throughout its whole length. Through this sliding piece a strong pin or bolt of iron is driven or screwed in a perpendicular direction, having at its upper end a round hole large enough to admit the breech of the barrel, which is secured in it by means of a piece of iron that serves as a wedge, and a vertical screw pass- ing through the upper part of the hole, A chain is fastened to a staple on one side of the sliding piece which runs between the two horizontal beams, and passing over a pulley at one end of the machine, has a weight hooked to it. An upright piece of timber is fixed above this pulley and between the end of the beams, GUN-MAKING. 391 beams, having its upper end perforated by the axis of an iron crank furnished with a square socket 5 the other axis being supported by the wail or by a strong post, and loaded with a heavy wheel of cast iron to give it force. The axes of the crank are in a line with the hole in the bolt already described. The borer being then fixed into the socket of the crank, has its other end previously well oiled, introduced into the barrel, whose breech part is made fast in the hole of the bolt : the chain is then carried over the pulley, and the weight hooked on : the crank being then turned with the hand, the barrel advances as the borer cuts its way till it has passed through the whole length. The boring-bit is a rod of iron somewhat longer than the barrel ; one end being made to fit the socket of the crank, and the other being furnished with a cylindrical plug of tempered steel, about an inch and a half in length, and having its surface cut in the man- ner of a perpetual screw, the threads being flat, about a quarter of an inch in breadth, and running with very little obliquity. This form gives the bit a very strong hold of the metal ; and the threads being sharp at the edges, scoop out and remove every roughness and inequality from the inside of the barrel, and render the cavity smooth and equal throughout. Only two of the threads are brought into action, the others being pre- vented from touching the barrel by tying on one side a piece of wood, of almost any kind, which is called a spill. A number of bits, each a little larger than the preceding one, are afterwards successively passed through the barrel in the same way until it has acquired the intended caliber. The equality of the bore is so essential to the excellence of a piece, that the greatest accuracy in every other particular will not compensate for the want of it. With regard to this, every thing almost depends on the eye of the workman: he chooses a good light for his business, and discovers in an in- stant if there be the smallest defect. To a stranger looking through a finely bored barrel, with a proper light, an optical illusion presents itself, the farther end does not appear to be open throughout as it really is, but to have a small, but perfectly circular hole, in the centre of a finely polished mirror. Another observa- tion worth noticing is, that though the bore of the barrel is perfectly even and straight, yet that during the process of boring it has a continual motion, which to a by-stander seems quite sufficient to throw it out of the straight line. The barrel may be now considered as quite finished with regard to its inside : at least it has nothing more to be done to it by the maker, after which it is in a condition to receive its proper form and proportions externally by means of the file. To do this with accuracy, four flat sides or faces are first formed ; then eight, then sixteen, and so on, until it is made quite round, except the reinforced part, which in most of the modem work is left with eight sides. This octagonal form is certainly more elegant than the round one formerly in use : but it adds to the weight of the barrel without increasing its strength ; for the effort of the powder will always be sustained by the thinnest part of the circumference without any regard to those places that are thicker than the rest. It is absolutely necessary to the soundness of a barrel, that it should be of an equal thickness on every side; or, in the language of the workmen, a barrel ought to be perfectly upright. In order to arrive as nearly as possible to this perfect equality, the gun- smiths employ an instrument which they call a com- pass. It consists of an iron rod, bent so as to form two parallel branches about an inch distant from each other. One of these branches is introduced into the barrel, and kept closely applied to the side by means of one or more springs with w-hich it is furnished : the other branch descends parallel to this, on the outside, and has several screws passing through it with their points directed to the barrel. By screwing these until their points touch the surface of the barrel, and then turning the instrument round wdtliin the bore, it is seen where the metal is too thick, and how much it must be reduced in order to render every part of the barrel per- fectly equal throughout its circumference. Before we proceed in the work of the gun, we may notice a patent invention for the manufacture of gun- barrels by Mr. Bradley. This invention consists in the manufacturing of iron skelps for making barrels for fire-arms, wholly and entirely by rollers instead of by forge-hammers, which is the present mode of making them. For this purpose Mr. Bradley takes a pair of rollers about fifteen inches in diameter, which have been previously drilled and turned with four grooves requisite for manufacturing the sort of skelps required, and fixes them in such a frame as is generally used in working rollers. He then takes a bar of iron cut to the proper weight, as wide as the breech-end of the skelp required, which is heated in an air-furnace to what is called a welding heat, and puts it in the first instance through a groove in the roller. By this process the groove is cut or hollowed out iu such a manner as to give out or produce the bar or piece of iron four inches wide at one end, and, by a gradual diminution, tw'o inches and a half at the other. The bar must then be passed successively through three grooves formed similar to each other in principle, but cut in such a manner as after being passed through each of them gradually to bring the skelp to its proper form and size. These grooves are turned and chipped in such a manner as to make the bar or piece of iron after it has passed through them and is become a skelp, four inches and one-eighth wide at the breech and three-eighths of an inch thick, and three inches and one-eighth wide and barely three-sixteenths of an inch thick at the other end. The edges are made thinner than the middle, which is left, as the welders term it, thick on the back ; and being in every respect of the proper dimensions for finished 392 GUN MAKING. finished skelps, they are thus produced by the rollers only without the aid of hammers, shears, or cutters, or any other machinery or implement whatever. The advantages stated by the patentee of this inven- tion over the common mode, is, that the barrels made from them turn very sound and clear, and are free from flaws : when welded they grind and bore much clearer than hammered ones. The pure metallic particles being compressed by the rollers both edge-ways and flat-ways at the same time, cohere more closely together; nor are the skelps liable to reins or flaws as those are which are edged up in a less hot state under a forge hammer. Barrels from these skelps will stand a much stronger proof than those from forged ones. We shall also notice an improvement in the manu- facture of barrels of all descriptions of fire-arms, made by Messrs. James and Jones of Birmingham, and for which they have obtained His Majesty’s letters patent. This improvement may be thus described : the paten- tees take a skelp or piece of iron adapted for the pur- pose of making barrels for fire-arms which is to be brought into a form proper for welding, and then heated in a furnace so constructed as to give a regular welding heat to one half of the barrel at a time ; and when heated sufficiently, the mandril or stamp is to be put expeditiously into it, and the barrel placed or held on a grooved anvil, upon which several hammers worked by steam are caused to fall or strike with great velocity upon such portions of the barrel desired to be welded, and when sufficiently welded the stamp is to be withdrawn. The number, weight, and velocity of the hammers may be varied according to the descrip- tion of the barrel desired. They should be ranged in a straight line side by side, as true and as close together as they will work free, and cover a space in length of about twenty inches and in width four or five : they should work very true, and to do so they may be fixed, connected and worked by machinery. Or, in- stead of welding the barrels by hammers the same thing may be done between a pair of rollers grooved to fit the form of the barrel, the rollers having either an alternate or rotary motion and worked by steam, water, or other mechanical powers, but the hammer seems to be best as making the soundest and most perfect barrels. The great advantage of this method above others is, that the barrels are made sounder and more expeditiously than they can be by the common method. The invention extends also to the turning of barrels in an improved turning machine or lathe, with cutters or sharp steel instruments or tools, worked by machinery and an assistant may attend three or four turning ma- chines or lathes, and finish a great number of barrels ready for filing much more perfect and true than they can be done by grinding, or by any other method now in use w ith the same pow er and manual labour. Ground bar- rels are very frequently unequal sided, one side having twice the substance of metal as the other ; but by this new' method they are more equal, and consequently much stronger with the same weight of metal than if the barrel were unequal ; and when the barrel is set right a more certain and much better aim may be taken. “ These,” say the patentees, u we consider 1 great advantages in the use and value of a musket or other barrel. We also do away with the use of ex- pensive grindstones, from which dangerous accidents very frequently happen, and the necessity of grinding the barrels which is at all times a laborious, dangerous, and unhealthy business, whereas our method of turning barrels is comparatively a safe, easy, and healthful occupation.” To form the screw' in the breech-end of the barrel, the first tool employed is a plug of tempered steel, somewhat conical, and having upon its surface the threads of a male screw. This tool, which is termed a screw'-tap, being introduced into the barrel, it is turned from left to right and back again, until it has marked out the three or four first threads of the screw : another less conical tap is then introduced, and when this has carried on the impression of the screw as far as it is intended to go, a third tap is employed, which is nearly cylindrical, and scarcely differs from the plug of the breech w'hich is intended to fill the screw thus formed in the barrel. The breech-plug has its screw formed by means of a screw-plate made of tempered steel, and has several female screws corresponding with the taps employed to form that in the barrel. A plug of seven or eight threads is sufficiently long, and the threads ought to be neat and sharp, so as to fill com- pletely the turns made in the barrel by the tap. The breech-plug is afterwards case-hardened, or has its surface converted into steel by being covered over with shavings of horn or pairings of horse-hoof, and kept red hot in the fire for some time, after which it is plunged into water. It should be observed that the breeching of a gun is of considerable importance in its shooting well. Al- most every maker has a breech of his own contrivance : it consists of a male screw to fit the female one made in the barrel ; a centre-hole or chamber, and an anti- chamber. The outside circumference may be made of With steam, water, &c. The patentees give in their any shape or form. The advantages arising from this specification a full description of this new invented; kind of breeching over that formeily used are, that the lathe, which they say may be made of cast iron, or of shot are thrown in a more perfect direction and with any other metal or substance adapted for the purpose. The principal and advantages of this invention of turning barrels, &c. by the lathe worked by steam, &c. are, that when the barrel is fixed in its place it is turned without any farther aid or assistance from the workmen, by which means one more skilful foreman greater velocity ; that the barrel is much less subject to j grow partially foul : that it is safer and goes off more j instantaneously, and also that it causes the whole powder to inflame. It was customary with the gun-smiths ! in France to solder on the loops and the aim before they breeched the barrel. The English never restrict themselves > GUN-MAKING. 393 themselves to this, making use of soft solder only for this purpose. While the French use hard solder that requires great heat, which is apt to injure the inside so much as to require a repetition of tine-boring. The last operation is that of colouring the barrel, previously to which it is polished with fine emery and oil, until it presents to the eye, throughout its whole length, and in whatever direction we observe it, a per- fectly smooth, equal, and splendid surface. Formerly, barrels were coloured by exposing them to a degree of heat which produced an elegant blue tinge; but, as this effect arises from a degree of oxydation taking place upon the surface of the metal, the inside of the barrel always suffered by undergoing the same change. This, therefore, added to the painful sensation excited in the eye, by looking along a barrel so coloured, has caused the practice of bluing to be disused for some time past. Instead of it, barrels are now browned, as it is termed. To do this, the barrel is rubbed over with nitrous or sulphuric acid, diluted with water, and laid by until a coat of rust is formed upon it, more or less, according to the colour wanted ; a little oil is then ap- plied ; and the surface being rubbed dry, is polished by means of a hard brush and bees-w'ax. When the bar- rels intended for a double-barrelled piece are dressed to their proper thickness, which is generally less than for single barrels, each of them is filed flat on the side where it is to join the other, so that they may fit close together. Two corresponding notches are then made at the muzzle and breach of each barrel ; and into these are fitted two small pieces of iron, to hold them more strongly together. The barrels being united by tinning the parts where they touch, the ribs are fitted in, and made fast by the same means. These ribs are the tri- angular pieces of iron which are placed between the barrels, running on the upper and under sides their whole length, and serving to hold them more firmly together. The under rib is a late improvement, and is found more effectually to prevent the barrels from w arping. When the barrels are thus joined, they are polished and coloured in the manner already de- scribed. The twisted barrels are deservedly celebrated for their superior elegance and strength, but not justly so for the accuracy with which they throw either ball or shot. The iron employed in them is formed of stubs, which are old horse-shoe nails procured from country farriers, and from poor people who gain a subsistence by picking them up on the great roads leading to the metropolis. These are originally formed from the softest and toughest iron that can be had ; and this is still further purified by the numerous heatings and ham- merings it has undergone in being reduced from a bar into the size and form of nails. They cost about ten shillings the hundred weight, and twenty-eight pounds are required to make a single barrel of the ordinary size. A hoop of iron, about an inch broad, and six or seven inches in diameter, is placed perpendicularly ; and the stubs, previously freed from dirt by washing, are neatly piled in it, with their heads outermost on each side, until the hoop is quite filled and wedged tight with them ; the whole resembling a rough circular cake of iron. This is put into the fire until it has attained a white heat, when it is hammered, either by the strength of the arm, or by the force of machinery, until it coalesces, and becomes one solid mass of iron : the hoop is thten removed, and the heatings and ham- merings repeated, until the iron, being thus wrought and kneaded, is freed from every impurity, and rendered very tough and close in the grain : the workman jhen proceeds to draw it out into pieces of about twenty-four inches in length, half an inch or more in breadth, and half an inch in thickness. These pieces, however, are not all of the same thickness, some being more and others less than what we have mentioned, according to the proposed thickness of the barrel, and that part of it which the piece is intended to form. One of these pieces, being heated red-hot for five or six inches, is turned like a screw cork-screw, without any other tools than the anvil and hammer. The remaining portions are successively treated in the same manner, until the whole piece is turned into a spiral, forming a tube whose diameter corresponds with that of the intended barrel. Four of these are generally sufficient to form a barrel of the ordinary length, which is from thirty-two to thirty-eight inches ; and the two which form the breech, or reinforced part, are considerably r thicker than those which constitute the fore-part or muzzle of the barrel. The workman first welds one of these tubes to a part of an old barrel, which serves as a handle. He then proceeds to unite the turns of the spiral to each other, by heating the tube two or three inches at a time, to a bright white heat, and striking the end of it several times against the anvil in a horizontal direc- tion, and with considerable force : this is termed jump- ing by the barrel ; and the heats given for this purpose are called jumping heats. A mandril is then intro- duced into the cavity ; and the heated portion is ham- mered lightly, to flatten the ridges, or burs, raised by the jumping at the place where the spirals are joined. As soon as one piece' is jumped its whole length, another is welded to it, and treated in the same manner, until the four pieces are united ; when the part of the old barrel, being no longer necessary, is cut off. The welding the turns of the spiral is performed exactly in the same manner as before described, and is repeated three times. * The barrel is afterwards finished in the same way as a common one. Stub-iron is also wrought into plain barrels ; which, as they require a great deal less labour, are only half the price of the twisted ones. The proving of barrels differ in different countries. The Spanish proof is a very severe one ; but, as it is made before the barrel is filed, it is not satisfactory. At the royal manufactories of St. Etienne and Charle- ville, in France, there were inspectors appointed to see that no barrels were sent out of these places, whether for the king’s use or for public sale, without being 5 H proved. 394 GUN-MAKING. proved. The first proof was made with a ball exactly fitting the caliber, and an ounce of powder. The se- cond was made with the same sized ball and half an ounce of powder. The reason given for the second proof, is, that the first may have strained the barrel so much, though the injury be not visible, that it will not bear a second trial with a smaller charge ; and it is said there really are some of these barrels which stand the first proof, and yet give w 7 ay in the second. The usual proof of the Paris barrels is a double charge of pow- der and shot ; that is, two or two and a half ounces of shot. The English Tower-proof, and that of the Whitechapel Company, incorporated by charter for proving of arms, are made with a ball of the proper caliber, and a charge of powder equal in weight to this ball : the proof is the same for every size and species of barrel, and not repeated. It may be safely asserted, that a good barrel very seldom bursts, unless it be charged too highly, or in an improper manner. Whenever, for example, from the ball not being rammed home, a space is left between it and the powder, there is a great risk of the barrel bursting on being discharged. We say, a great risk, because, even under these circumstances, it frequently happens that the barrel does not burst. If the ball j stops near to the powder, a very small w indage is suf- j ficient to prevent this accident ; and it is very rare that j the ball touches the barrel in every part of its circum mouth of the piece being in this case much greater than that afforded by the sides of the barrel. Except in the circumstances mentioned, or in case of an over- charge, it is very rare that a barrel bursts. Whenever it happens independently of these, it is from a defect in the work, and that either the barrel has been imper- fectly welded, or that a deep flaw has taken place in some part of it : or, lastly, that through want of care in the boring or filing, it is left of unequal thickness in its sides. The last defect is the most common, espe- cially in low-priced barrels ; and, as pieces more fre- quently burst from it than from the other defects, it ought to be particularly guarded against. The elastic fluid which is set loose by the inflammation of the powder, and which endeavours to expand itself equally in every direction, being repelled by the stronger parts, acts with additional force against the weaker ones, and frequently bursts its way through them ; which would not have been the case had the sides been of the same thickness and strength, and not afforded an unequal re- percussion. The weakness of any part of the barrel, occasioned by the inequality of the caliber, will still more certainly be the cause of bursting than that pro- duced by the filing ; because the inflamed fluid being suddenly expanded at the wider part, must suffer a com- pression before it can pass onward, and the whole force is then excited against the weak place ; for gunpowder acts in the radii of a circle, and exerts the same force ference, unless it has been driven in by force with an I on every part of the circumference of the circle. The iron ram-rod, in which case it moulds itself to the ca- vity, and blocks it up completely. Should this happen, the barrel, however strong it is, will burst, even when the space between the ball and the powder is but very inconsiderable ; and the greater the space that inter- venes, the more certainly will this event take place. Mr. Robins, when speaking of this matter, says, “ A moderate charge of powder, wlien it has expanded itself through the vacant space, and reaches the ball, will, by the velocity each part has acquired, accumulate j itself behind the ball, and will thereby be condensed j prodigiously ; whence, if the barrel be not of an extra- ordinary strength in that part, it must infallibly burst. ; The truth of his I have experienced in a very good | Tower musquet, forged of very tough iron ; for, charg- ing it with twelve pennyweights of powder, and placing the ball (loosely) sixteen inches from the breech : on the firing of it, the part of the barrel just behind the bullet was swelled out to double its diameter, like a blown bladder, and two large pieces of two inches long were blown out of it.” The same accident will often take place from the mouth of the piece being filled with earth or snow, as sometimes happens when we are leaping a ditch, with the muzzle of the piece pointed forwards ; and, if in such cases the barrel do not burst, it is because these foreign bodies stop it up but very loosely. For the same reason, a barrel will certainly burst, if fired when the muzzle is thrust into w'ater but a very little way below the surface ; the resistance given to the passage of the inflamed powder through the conclusion to be drawn from all this is, that a thin and | light barrel, which is perfectly upright, that is, of equal j thickness in every part of its circumference, is much j less liable to burst than one which is considerably thicker and heavier, but which, from being badly filed and bored - , is left of unequal strength in its sides. It has been found that the flight of balls, both from cannon and small arms, is liable to very considerable variations; and that the piece, notwithstanding it w'as firmly fixed, and fired with the same weight of powder, sometimes throws the ball to the right, sometimes to the left, sometimes above, and at other times below the mark. It has also been observed, that the degree of deflection increases in a much greater proportion than the distance of the object fired at : thus, at double the distance the deflection of the ball from the line on which the piece is pointed is considerably more than double, and at treble the distance more than treble what it was in the first. Mr. Robins secured a musket- ball upon a block of w'ood, and firing it with a ball, at a board of a foot square, sixty yards distant, found that it missed the board only once in sixteen successive discharges ; yet when fired with a srpaller charge, at the distance of seven hundred and sixty yards, it some- times threw the ball one hundred yards to the right, and, at other times, one hundred to the left of the line it was pointed in. The direction upwards and down- wards also w'as found equally uncertain, the ball some- times bending so much downwards as to fall two hun- dred yaids short of its range at other times. Yet the nicest GUN-MAKING. S95 nicest examination could not discover that the barrel had started in the least from the position in which it ^cvas first fixed. It is impossible to fit a ball so accu- rately to any plain piece, but that it will rub more against one side of the barrel than another, in its pas- . sage through it. Whatever side, therefore, it rubs against on its quitting the muzzle, it will acquire a whirling motion towards that side, and will be found to bend die line of its flight in the same direction, whether it be to the right or the left, upwards, downwards, or obliquely. This deflection from a straight line arises from the resistance which the air gives to the flight of the bullet, it being greatest on that side where the whirling motion conspires with the progressive one, and least on that | side where it is opposed to it : thus, if the ball, in its ' passage out, rubs against the left side of the barrel, it I will whirl towards that side ; and, as the right side of j the ball will therefore turn up against the air during its j flight, the resistance of the air will become greatest on the right side, and the ball be forced away to the left, which w'as the direction it whirled in. If the axis round which the ball whirls preserved its position during the I whole of the flight, the deflection would be in the same direction from the one end of the track to the other. But, from accidents that are unavoidable, the axis of the whirl frequently changes its position several times during the flight ; so that the ball, instead of bending its course uniformly in the same direction, often de- scribes a track that is variously contorted. So great, liow'ever, is the tendency of the ball to deflect itself to- j wards the side it rubs against, that although, when fired out of a barrel that is bent towards the left hand, it will be thrown from the piece in the direction of the bend, yet as the ball in this case will be forced to rub against the right side of the muzzle, and thus turn its left side up against the air, so it will be found to alter its course during the flight, and bend away towards the right-hand, so as to fall a considerable way to the right of the line in which the piece was pointed. From what has been said, it will readily appear, that ; these variations will be more frequent and considerable when the ball runs very loose in the piece ; or when, j from any roughness on its surface, or on the inside of the barrel, a considerable degree of friction takes place between them. With a view to prevent friction, it has ' been proposed to grease the ball ; but this will be of little service. All that can be done in a plain barrel, i is; to have the balls cast very solid and true, and after- wards milled in the same manner as is now practised upon shot : the barrel also should be very smooth on the inside, and the ball fit it very accurately, so as to leave scarcely any windage. And yet, with the help of all these, it will still be very difficult to prevent it altogether ; for gravity will constantly act, and friction on the under side will naturally be occasioned by the weight of the ball. From considering the causes of this aberration in the flight of the bullets, it will be pretty evident, that the only means of correcting it is by preventing the ball from rubbing more against one side of the barrel than another in passing through it ; and by giving to the bullet a motion, which will counteract every accidental one, and preserve its direction by making the resistance of the air upon its fore part continue the same in every part of the flight. The contrivance for this purpose is termed rifling, and consists in forming upon the inside of barrels a number of furrows, either in a straight or spiral direction ; into these the ball is moulded, and any rolling motion along the sides of the barrel, in its passage out, thereby prevented. Barrels of this con- struction have been in use upon the Continent since the middle of the sixteenth century, but were little known, and still less employed in England, until within these fifty years. The spiral rifled barrels, however, have entirely su- perceded the straight rifled ones, because, although the latter prevented the rolling motion of the ball that takes place in a plain barrel, yet they do not communicate any other motion, that could serve ,to correct the varia- tions that may occur during the flight. The furrows, or channels, which are termed the rifles, vary in num- ber according to the fancy of the workman, or that of the purchaser, but are neve* less than six, or more thau twelve, in a common-sized piece. Their depth is equally subject to variation ; but the breadth of the fur- rows and of the threads is generally the same. In some of the pieces, the spirals make a half-turn, in others, three-fourths, and in others, again, an entire revolution in the length of the barrel : an entire revolution, how- ever, is the most common, though, from the great difference in the length of rifle-barrels, there should be some standard assigned for the obliquity of the spirals which would communicate a rotary motion to the ball, sufficient to correct any aberration in its flight ; and this might be determined by comparing the effects of a number of pieces ; that differed only in the obliquity of the rifles. Barrels intended to be rifled are previously bored and smoothed within, in the manner already described : they are, however, forged as much thicker than plain barrels as the depth of the rifles ; for, although the threads of the spiral add to the w'eight of the barrel, they do not increase its strength in the least, with re- gard to the force exerted upon it by the powder. These pieces are charged in various ways. In general, the ball, w'hich is sometimes larger than the caliber be- fore it was rifled, is driven down to the powder, by means of an iron rammer, struck with a mallet, where- by that zone of the ball which is in contact with the sides of the barrel becomes indented all round, and is moulded to the form of the rifles. When the piece is fired, the projections of the ball which fill the rifles, being obliged to follow the sw'eep of the spiral, the ball thereby acquires a rotary motion upon an axis that cor- responds with the line of its direction ; so that the side of the bullet w'hich lay foremost in the barrel continues foremost during the whole of the flight. By this means 396 GUN-MAKING. means the resistance’of the air is opposed directly to the bullet’s progress, and not exerted more against one part than another of that side which moves foremost ; and accordingly the bullet preserves the line of its direction with very great steadiness. It now remains to speak of the sights, which, although they do not constitute the essential part of a rifle, as they may be used with a plain bored barrel, yet as that is seldom done, and as they are always used with a rifle it will not be proper to omit mentioning them. It may be strictly said, that no part of the path of the bullet when fired from a rifle or musket, is in a right line, as gravity acts upon the bullet the instant it quits the mouth of the piece, and, although at a small distance it is not very perceptible, yet it is considerably so at one hundred yards, and at two hundred yards the ball would probably strike the ground before it could reach the object aimed at. To remedy this inconveni- ence, it is found necessary to aim at exactly such a height above the object as the ball would have been de- pressed to by the power of gravity had it been aimed at it point blank, &c. ; that if we suppose this depression to be a foot in a hundred yards, we must aim a foot above the object. But here another inconvenience arises, for if we aim above the object, by raising the muzzle of our piece, the object is excluded from our view, by the intervention of the barrel, so that we are prevented from measuring the distance with our eye, and, instead of one, are liable to aim two or three above it. The second difficulty is removed by depressing the breach of the gun instead of elevating the muzzle, and the quantity of the depression is measured with great uicety by what are called the sights. On the upper surface of the barrel, at right angles •with its axis, is fixed a piece of flat thin iron, about six inches from the breech, and on the centre of its top a small square notch is filed. This is called the back sight. The front sight is nothing more than the small knob of iron, or brass, which is fixed on all fowling- pieces, about half an inch from the muzzle. When aim is taken, the eye is raised over the back sight till the front sight appears through the notch which is then brought upon the object. With respect to the gun-lock, great care is taken iu the manufacture of this article, and in the finishing it. This consists of divers parts, such as the cock, which is the part containing the flint: the priming-pan, to hold a small quantity of powder, which is connected with that in the barrel : the hammer, that which covers the priming, and against the upper part of which the flint strikes : the trigger, used to bring the flint and hammer in contact ; and certain springs, as the main- spring* tire rear-spring, &c., which are concealed in the stock, and which are adapted either to hold the cock on the half-cock, whole cock, or to extricate it at the xnoment of firing the piece. Many attempts have been made to improve this part of the instrument, and to render it more safe in the hands either of inexperienced or careless persons, be- cause, in common locks, it sometimes happens that the piece will go off when it is only on the half-cock, and when it ought to be perfectly secure from accident. The “ Society” in the Adelphi, for the encourage- ment of Arts, Manufactures, &c., have rewarded many persons for their ingenuity in this respect. We shall notice the improvements of Mr. Webb, and of Mr. Dodd ; to the former they presented twenty guineas, as a mark of their approbation : to the latter, their ho- norary medal and ten guineas. Mr. Webb’s improvement may be thus described : — The lock is so contrived that when it is on full-cock, and the trigger pulled in the common manner, it re- turns to the half-cock only, unless at the same time that the trigger is pulled, the pressure of the thumb is ap- plied on a spring placed upon the but or stock of the gun ; in which case it gives fire in the usual way. The object of the invention is to guard against accidents which arise when fire-arms are left loaded, or the mis- fortunes which frequently happen from twigs of trees or bushes catching the trigger when sportsmen are passing through hedges, &c. Mr. Dodd says his improved lock is so perfectly se- cure as to preclude the possibility of its firing when on the half-cock, either by accident, violence, or design. It possesses all the advantages of stop or bolt-cocks, without the inconveniences to which they are liable. Our readers shall hear his own account as taken from the twenty-second volume of the “ Transactions” of the Society of Arts : — “ Though these improved locks are perfectly secure at half-cock, they will fire from whole-cock, with much more certainty than a lock having a hair-trigger, be- cause less complex, and with equal fleetness. “ A most valuable improvement in this lock is, that pulling the trigger, when the piece is at half-cock, ren- ders it more and more secure, the reverse of this being the case with common locks ; for the more powerfully the trigger is pulled when they are at half-cock, the more insecure they become. “ Another truly essential improvement is, that this lock cannot possibly catch and stop, at the position of half-cock, when passing from the whole-cock, and miss fire ; a serious misfortune, to which locks made on the common principle are so liable, that to prevent it, all the best of these use a peculiar piece of machinery called a fly, or detachant. “ The improved locks will be much less liable to be out of repair, as the bents are much deeper, and run through the solid metal direct towards the centre of the tumbler : unlike the usual bents, they are small, point- ed, and the line of their depth near the circumference of the tumbler. Hence they are apt to be snapped off, or easily w T orn away, and fire from half-cock, as too frequently and fatally occurs. “ When these improved locks require cleaning, they are of so plain and simple a construction, as easily to be taken to pieces, and put together by any soldier or sportsman. “To GUN-MAKING. 397 “ To put one of these improved locks to an old j stock, it is merely necessary to make some trivial alter- ations in the excavation of the wood. “ The sportsman who has one of these improved locks to a fowling-piece, if the trigger should become entangled with a twig, may forcibly pull his piece away, assured, that in so doing, he increases his safety : but, if it be a common lock, he must turn back, and cautiously unloose, lest the piece explode. “ The improved locks possess four times the strength of common locks where the latter are weakest, and are of equal strength in all other parts. “ Among the many contrivances and complicated means to prevent pieces going off at half-cock, bolts have principally been used ; but they are ill adapted to the purpose, exclusive of the additional expense ; for few people, when alarmed, have the presence of mind first to unbolt the piece to render it fit for service, but they instantly attempt to cock. Disappointment adds to their agitation, and increases the confusion ; and, ere they recollect their mistake, the lost moments, at such a junc- ture, may occasion the loss of their lives ; especially from free-booters and rifle-men, who are always prepared be- fore they attack, and seldom shew mercy to them from whom it appeared they had none to expect. But this lock is admirably devised for safety and service, as it merely need be cocked for use, and half-cocked for se- curity ; both which can be performed with expedition equal to that of any other lock that ever was made public. “ Common locks are subject to the most momentous failing of a false or delusive half-cock ; for the nose of the sear rests on the point of the half-cock bent, which, as it causes no alteration in the external appearance, cannot be discovered, and its sad effects prevented. This very serious accident frequently occurs among re- cruits and unskilful gunners, from inattention to a very fine punctilio of military exercise ; but it is utterly im- possible that this should ever occur w'ith the improved lock, by accident or even by design. The improved lock is constructed on more mechanical principles, and is much simpler, and more easy to manufacture, than any other lock. Hence, there will be no increase of expense in execution, but a considerable decrease to the locks of rifles, fowling-pieces, pistols, &c. “ Simplicity alone, is deemed a valuable improve- ment ; but, to this excellency, the improved lock unites a pleasing variety of new and useful superiorities, with- out sacrificing any advantage which the best of common locks at present possess. “ These improvements are equally applicable to all descriptions of fire-arms, civil as well as military.” We shall now give a description of a gun-lock, for which His Majesty’s letters patent have been obtained by Mr. Manton, of Dorset-street. — In this the hammer acts downwards, and opens that side of the pan nearest the cock to admit the sparks of the prime. The hammer returning to its jointing, fills up the opening in the pan, and it is furnished with a strong steel pan, fastened by a stud in the back, and a small screw' through the ham- | mer. At the end of the hammer face, nearest the pan, is a small groove or notch, sunk in the hammer to carry off any wet that may come down upon it. The hammer is fixed to the plate by the same screw that fastens the hammer-spring on the inside. The hole in the shank of the hammer being screwed, it turns on the hammer- springs which comes through the plate about three- eighths of an inch. On the inside of the hammer- spring there is a projection one-fourth of an inch long, which comes through a square hole in the plate, into a hole in the shank of the hammer, and forces it to return to its jointing with the pan, when the lock is brought to half-cock. The cock is flat on the inside, and is barely one-eighth of an inch thick. It passes between the plate and the hammer when it comes down. The jaws project outwards, to answ er the ham- mer. A bulge is left on the breast of the cock to render the fitting of the squares of the tumbler more strong and perfect. When the lock is struck down, the flint comes in contact with the hammer-face, near the end, and forces it down sufficiently to admit the sparks into the pan. The inside of the pan is round, and the same size from end to end. About one-third is cut out to receive part of the hammer. The main-spring has a stud like others. The end of the stud size is bevelled to fit under the end of the nib, by which it is prevented from rising. The crane of the tumbler has a roller in the end, on which the main-spring acts. The bridle has a strong leg on the inside, with a round stud, which fits into the plate near the sear-nose, to prevent it from twisting when the tumbler comes in contact with the eye to stop the cock. The sear acts on the tumbler in the usual way, but the shank is nearly vertical instead of horizontal. The sear-spring acts on a shoulder, left on the outside of the sear for that purpose, and forces the sear-nose to the tumbler. The pan of this lock is primed from the touch-hole by the compression of the air in loading. The following are described as the principal advan- tages derived from this lock : — 1. The pan being solid with the plate at the top, protects the prime from wet. 2. The hammer opening downwards, and the flint act- ing in a direct line with the pan, the sparks communi- cate quicker to the prime. 3. The hammer returns to its jointing with the pan when the lock is brought to half-cock, without any additional trouble to the user. 4. The lowness and compactness of the lock altoge- ther, render it much less difficult to protect from wet, and much less liable to accidents by catching, in cover- shooting, than locks of the present construction. The lock, as we have already observed, is let into the gun-stock, which is uniformly manufactured from the wood of the w'alnut-tree, of which the gun-smith always keeps a large stock, and well seasoned. The gun-stocks are usually made by workmen at their own homes, because one man will fashion gun-stocks suffi- cient for the wants of several gun-smiths. Before any of the pieces described are appropriated for service, it is necessary, as we have already observed, 5 I to 398 GUN-MAKING. to have each undergo a particular trial of its soundness, which is called a proof, to be made by or before one authorized for the purpose, called the proof-master. To make a proof of the piece a proper place is chosen, which is to be terminated by a mount of earth, very thick, to receive the bullets fired agaiust it, that none of them may run through it. The piece is laid on the ground supported only in the middle by a block of wood. It is fired at three times ; the first with pow- der of the weight of the bullet, and the two others with three quarters of the weight ; after which a little more powder is put in to singe the piece ; and, after this, water, which is impressed with a spunge, putting the finger on the touch-hole, to discover if there be any cracks ; which done, they are examined with the cat, which is a piece of iron with three grasps, disposed in the form of a triangle, and of the caliber of the piece. Having gone through the principal parts of the bu- siness to be treated on, we shall conclude the article with an account of the gun-flint, which is of great im- portance in the practice of gunnery, and the proper forming of which is a distinct trade in France, and is thus described : — In France, the best flints are found in the neighbour- hood of St. Aignan, in the department of the Loire et Cher, and in that of the Indre, and the departments that occupy the valleys of Siene et Marne ; they occur as horizontal banks in fletz-limestone, particularly chalk, and also in marl. Among twenty of such beds or layers, situate one above the other, at the distance of about twenty feet, there is generally only one, very seldom two, that furnish good gun-flints. All those of a good quality are coated with a white earthy rind. On the banks of the Cher, the flints are excavated by means of shafts of from forty to fifty feet in depth, from whence levels or horizontal galleries are carried into the only good stratum which is known in that district ; but on the banks of the Seine, in the hillocks j of Rocheguyon, where the cliffs of chalk present ! broken precipices, one of these beds, which contain the best sort, is at about six fathoms’ distance from the upper surface of the great mass of chalk. The characters by which the good flints are distin- guished from those less fit for being manufactured, are the following : — Their surface is rather convex, ap- proaching to globular ; those that are amorphous, or of a very irregular form, such as knobbed, branched, & c., are generally full of imperfections. Good flint nodules seldom exceed the weight of twenty pounds ; nor are those that weigh less than one or two pounds considered as being of a good quality. Internally, they should ap- j pear unctuous and rather shining, with a grain too fine to be perceptible to the eye. The colour may vary j from honey yellow to blackish brown, but the tint should be uniform in the same nodule. Their transpa- rency should be sufficient to admit letters to be distin- guished through a piece of stone of a quarter of a line thick, laid close upon the paper. Their fracture should be perfectly smooth and equal throughout, and the frag- ment slightly conchoidal. The last of these properties is most essential, since on it depends the facility with which the nodule is divided into gun-flints. All flints that prove deficient in any one of the above characters, either naturally or by a long exposure to the air, are called intractable, and rejected by the workmen. The tools made use of by the makers of gun-flints are four in number. — 1. A hammer, or mace of iron, with a square head, the weight of which does not ex- ceed two pounds, with a handle of seven or eight inches long. This tool is not made of steel, for an ex- cess of hardness would render the strokes too hard or dry, and would shatter the nodules irregularly, instead of breaking them by a clear fracture. 2. A hammer with two points. This is made of good steel, well hardened ; its weight does not exceed sixteen ounces, it need not weigh more than ten ounces. Its handle is jseven inches long, passing through it in such a manner that the points of the hammer are nearer the hand of the workman than the centre of gravity of the mass. The form and size of the hammers of dif- ferent workmen vary a little ; but this disposition of the points is common to them all, and is of consequence to the force and certainty of the blow. 3. The disk hammer, or roulette, a small tool which represents a solid wheel, or segment of a cylinder, two inches and four lines in diameter ; its weight does not exceed four ounces. It is made of steel not hardened, and is fixed on a handle six inches in length, which passes through a square hole in the centre. 4. A chisel tapering and levelled at both extremities, seven or eight inches long, made of steel not hardened ; this is set on a block of wood, which, at the same time serves as a bench for the workmen. To these four tools we may add a file, for the pur- pose of restoring the chisel from time to time. After having selected a good mass of flint the follow- ing operations are performed by the workmen : — 1. To break the Block. — The workman being seated on the ground, places the nodule of flint on his left thigh, and applies slight strokes with the square ham- mer, to divide it into smaller pieces of about a pound and a half each, with broad surfaces, and almost even fracture, the strokes should be moderate, lest the mass crack and split in the wrong direction. 2. To cleave and chip the Flint. — The principal operation is to split the flint well, or to chip off the scales of the length, thickness, and shape adapted to be afterwards fashioned into gun-flints. In this part the greatest degree of address and certainty of manipula- tion are required. The fracture of the flint is not con- fined to any particular direction, it may be clipped in all parts with equal facility. The workman holds the piece of flint in his left hand not supported, and strikes with the pointed hammer on the edges of the great planes produced by the first breaking, by which means the white coating of the flint is removed in the form of small scales, and the mass of the flint itself laid bare ; after which he con- tinues GUN-MAKING. 399 tinues to chip off similar scaly portions from the pure mass of the flint. These scaly portions are nearly one inch and a half wide, two inches and a half long, and their thickness in the middle is of about two lines. They are slightly convex below, and consequently leave in the part of the flint from which they were i separated a space slightly concave, longitudinally bor- dered by two rather projecting straight lines or ridges. These ridges produced by the separation of the flrst scales, must naturally constitute nearly the middle of the subsequent pieces, and such scales alone as have their ridges thus placed in the middle are fit to be made into gun-flints. In this manner the workman continues to split or chip the mass of flint in various directions, until the defects usually found in the inte- rior render it impossible to make the fractures re- quired, or until the piece is reduced too much to ! receive the small blows by which the flint is divided. 3. To fashion the Gun-flint . — Five different parts may j be distinguished in a gun-flint. 1. The sloping facet, | or bevel part, which is impelled against the hammer of j the lock of the gun. Its width should be from two to ! three-twelfths of an inch : if it were broader it would I be too liable to break ; and if more obtuse, the scin- j filiation would be less brisk. 2dly. The sides, or late- ral edges, which are always rather irregular. 3dly. The back, or the part opposite the tapering edge : this is the thickest part of the flint. 4thly. The under sur- face, which is uninterrupted and rather convex. And, 5thly. The upper facet between the tapering edge and the back, which receives the upper claw of the cock ; it is slightly concave. In order to fashion the flint, those scales are selected that have at least one of the above-mentioned longitu- dinal ridges: the workman fixes on one of the two tapering borders to form the striking edge ; after which tlie two sides of the stone that are to form the lateral edges, as well as the part which is to form the back, are successively placed on the edge of the chisel in such a manner that the convex surface of the flint, which rests on the fore-finger of his left hand, is turned towards that tool. He then, with the roulette, applies some slight strokes to the flint just opposite the edge of the chisel underneath ; by which means the flint breaks exactly along the edge of the chisel. 4. The finishing operation is the trimming, or the | process of giving the flint a smooth and equal edge this is done by turning the stone and placing the edge of its tapering end on the chisel, in which situa- tion it is completed by five or six slight strokes with the solid wheel. The whole operation of making a gun-flint is per- formed in less than one minute. A good workman is able to manufacture a thousand good chips or scales a day, if the flint nodules be of a good quality ; and in the same manner he can fashion 500 gun-flints in a day ; so that in the space of three days he is able to cleave and finish a thousand gun-flints w'ithout further assist- ance. This work leaves a great quantity of refuse, for scarcely more than half of the scales are good, and nearly half the mass in the best flints is incapable of being chipped out, so that it seldom happens that the largest nodules will furnish more than fifty gun-flints. Such scales as have a crust, or are too thick to be made into gun-flints, are used for the more common purpose of striking a light. The gun-flints are sorted out ac- cording to their perfection, and the use to which they are to be applied. They are classed into extra and common flints : flints for pistols, muskets, and fowling- pieces. This account of gun-flints is taken from a paper published by Citizen Dolomieu in the third vo- lume of the “ Memoires de l’lnstitute Nationale,” which was translated and partly abridged in the second number of Nicholson’s Journal, octavo edition. It is said, that a single workman, named Stephen Buffet, who emigrated from the commune of Meunes to the banks of the Seine, where he has carried on this art for about thirty years by himself, was the person from whom Dolomieu obtained the present instruction^. There are a few other places in France where this art is practised, but in none to the extent of the places before-mentioned. The author has not met with this manufactory in any other countries, except in the terri- tory, of Nicenza, and one of the cantons of Sicily. He remarks that it may be carried on elsewhere, though probably overlooked by travellers, on account of its apparent insignificance. I believe it is practised at Purfleet, in the county of Kent, and in various other parts of England. HAT-MAKING. Some kind of covering for the head, either for defence or ornament, appears to have been generally worn in all ages and countries where the inhabitants have made any progress in the arts of civilized life. It has, indeed, been stated on the authority of Herodo- tus, that the Egyptians w 7 ere accustomed to appear | bare-headed ; but this assertion must be considered as | subject to limitation, probably comprising only some of the poorer classes of the community, as from other documents it appears they were no strangers to this article of dress, and it is well known that a crown was the signature of royal authority. The form, substance, and colour of head-dresses have been exceedingly va- rious, according to the different circumstances or hu- mour of the w'earers. The Persians wore turbans, and other nations inhabiting the Indian Peninsula, wore a kind of covering for the head which, like the thick-laid thatch of a lowly cottage, seemed calculated to divest the whole building of all proportion. The imperial turban is said to have been composed of almost a whole | bale of muslin, twisted and formed nearly in an oval shape, surmounted w ith a woollen cap, encircled with a radiated crow n : the ministerial turban was smaller in its dimensions, but of superior altitude. The turban of the chief magi, on account of his superior eminence, was higher than those of the monarch and minister united; and, by a regular gradation preserved among those of the inferior magi, the most ignorant could ascertain their situation and dignity. The Jews wore a variety similar to those of the nations with whom they were connected. From the Persians they borrowed those large turbans which adorned their elders, doctors, and scribes. The mitre of the priests was their own. Several of their tribes adopted the caps which the Ro- mans were accustomed to give their slaves on their ma- numission ;* and which is said to have borne a great re- semblance to some worn by the polished Jews to this day. The ancient helmets were a substitute for hats, made.of steel, brass, and sometimes more costly metals. In our own country, Stowe informs us, that “ The English used to ride and go winter and summer in knit caps, cloth hoods, and the best sort in silk thrummed hats.” Head dresses, from their variety, simplicity, and mu- tability, had hitherto been an object of little regard in a manufacturing or commercial point of view. The in- * The ancient Koiqans gave a pileus or cap to their slaves in the ceremony of making jthem free : whence the proverb vocure servos ad pileum. llenCty also on medals the cap is the symbol of Liberty, who is represehtt^t' either as bearing it on the top of a spear or holding it by the’jToint in her right hand. troduction of felt hats has occasioned a uniformity and extent to this article of dress unknown in former ages ; and has proved of considerable importance to the manu- facturer and the tradesman. Curiosity is naturally excited to become acquainted with the particulars respecting their invention, and the subsequent stages of improvement in the manufacture ; but the operation of individual interest, so generally connected with the useful arts, seems to have concealed the whole in ob- scurity, and little information on the subject can now be obtained. The hatters have a tradition among them, that w'hile St. Clement, the fourth bishop of Rome, was fleeing from his persecutors, his feet became blistered, and, to afford him relief, he w r as induced to put w ool between his sandals and the soles of his feet. On continuing his journey, the wool, by the perspiration, motion, and pressure of the feet, assumed a uniformly compact sub- stance, which has since been denominated felt. When he afterwards settled at Rome, it is said he improved the discovery; and from this circumstance has been dated the origin of felting. It affords a confirmation to the truth of the account that the hatters in Ireland, and in several other catholic countries, still hold a festi- val on St. Clement’s day. It does not appear, however, that St. Clement so far improved the occurrence, as to ’ have hats formed of this substance : these are said to have been invented at Paris, by a Swiss, about the j commencement of the 15th century. They w r ere not generally known till Charles the Seventh made his tri- umphant entry into Rouen in the year 1449, when, from F. Daniel’s account of that entry, it appears he astonished the whole city by appearing in a hat lined with red silk, and surmounted by a plume of feathers ; ! from this entry their general use is dated, j When the clergy first adopted this part of dress, it was considered as an unwarrantable indulgence : councils were held, and regulations published, forbidding any priest or religious person to appear abroad so covered ; and enjoining them to keep to the use of chaperons or hoods, made of black cloth, with decent cornets : if they were poor, they were, at least, to have cornets fastened to their hats, upon penalty of suspension and I excommunication. And, by the statute of 13 Eliza- ; beth, every person above the age of seven years, and under a certain degree, was obliged on Sundays and holidays to wear a woollen cap, made in England, and finished by some of the fraternity of cappers, under the penalty of three shillings and four-pence for every day’s neglect. This statute was repealed the 39th Eliz. How HAT-MAKING. 401 How far the manufacture of hats was practised on the Continent before they were made in England, we are not able to say ; from Stow’s Chronicle we learn, that about the beginning of Henry the Eighth, began the making of Spanish felts in England, by Spaniards and Dutchmen : from hence it appears, that before this time, in Spain and Holland they were no strangers to the art. In the second year of James the First, the felt-makers of London obtained a corporation, and hired a hall near Christ-church, the king granting them va- rious privileges and liberties for their support. Hats are at present made in different countries on the Conti- nent, and in America ; but they have not been made in any considerable quantities, or attended to as an article of commerce, except in France and our own country. From France they were exported, in large quantities, to England, Spain, Italy, and Germany : the quantity now made there is inconsiderable : England has, in its turn, become the grand mart for the manufacture ; and from hence the article is exported to different parts of the Continent, America, and various other parts of the globe. To encourage the manufacture of hats our own laws prohibit their importation. Felt hat-making consists in a method of working up wool or hair into a species of cloth, independently of either spinning or weaving ; and giving it a convenient form, with a degree of stiffening sufficient to preserve j its figure, and to answer the purposes of wearing. The mechanism of felting is curious and interesting : it de- pends on the conformation of all animal hairs and wool, which disposes them to unite with each other in such a manner as to produce a firm and compact sub- stance. On examining hairs, or filaments of wool, with the naked eye, or even by a low magnifying power of the j microscope, they appear perfectly smooth and even. Their surface, notwithstanding, is by no means smooth; but composed of lamellae, covering each other from the root to the point, in a manner resembling that by which the scales of a fish cover the animal from the head downwards. This disposition of the lamellae on the surface of hairs is discoverable by holding a hair with one hand, and drawing it between two fingers of the other, in the different directions from the root to the point, and from the point to the root. In the former case no sensible friction takes place, nor is any rough- ness discoverable : in the latter we discover a very sen- sible resistance, which is most readily discerned by moistening the fingers. The following experiment is still more decisive. By holding a hair between the fore-finger and thumb, and rubbing it in the longitudinal direction, a progressive motion takes place, and this motion is invariably towards the root, or with the root of the hair foremost. For example : if the hair be held in a perpendicular direction with the root upwards, by rubbing the finger and thumb together, it will be found to assume a motion by which the extremity of the hair, pointing upwards, will rise still higher ; but if the hair is turned, so that the extremity farthest from the root be placed upwards, its rising motion is discontinued, and it immediately recedes downwards. This is analo- gous to w'hat happens when children, by way of sport, introduce an ear of rye or barley between the wrist and the shirt, the points of the beards of which are directed outwards. By the various motions of the arm, this ear, sometimes catching against the shirt, sometimes against the skin, takes a progressive motion backwards, and soon gets up to the arm-pit. It is very clear, that this effect is produced by the beards of the ear, and, indeed, chiefly by the asperities upon those beards, which being all directed towards the point do not per- mit the ear to move in any other direction than towards that part to which it w'as united to the stalk. This conformation of the surface of hairs and wool, which appear to be composed of hard lamellae or aspe- rites, placed over each other likes tiles from the root to the point, lays the foundation of felting. In a layer of the material, by the operation it undergoes, the hairs are brought into close contact by their progressive and uniform motion towards the root ; and meeting in va- rious directions they become twisted together, the lamillae of the different hairs fixing themselves to others directed in a contrary way, at the same time, preserving the whole in a close and compact substance. The materials in general use are, lambs’ wool, rab- bits and hares’ fur, beaver, seal wool, monkey stuff, or neuter wool, camels’ hair, goats’ hair or estridge, silk, and cotton. Moles’ fur, and otter wool, are likewise sometimes made use of. The foreign lambs’ wool ge- nerally used is the Italian, Spanish, and Peruvian, or vicuna wool, commonly known among hatters by the name of red wool. Our native wools are of various qualities : those in most esteem are the Herefordshire, or Ross wool, Southdown, Wye-side, Wiltshire, So- merset, and Hampshire. There is likewise wool sheared from Spanish lambs bred in England, known by the name of merino. Cod-wool is the wool plucked from lambs who die in the birth ; long cod-wool is that plucked from lambs that die in early life. The best fur is from the backs of the different animals, and it decreases in value as it approaches the belly. Rabbits’ fur, including the backs, and the best part of the sides mixed together, is known in the market by the name of best stuff; the fur from the bellies and worst part of the sides, seconds ; that from odd bits of skins, 8tc., clippings ; and the fur taken from rabbit-skins, when they are out of season, is denominated quarter-wool. The fur from unseasoned hare-skins is called stage hare-wool : with this is mixed also the inferior fur from seasoned skins. The best fur from the beaver is ruffing ; the next in value, cheek-napping ; and the inferior sorts are black- wooms, brown-wooms, white-wooms, brown-stage, and white-stage. Old-coat is taken from the beaver-skins that have been worn by the savages ; but little of this article is now imported. The wools are washed and carded, and when very long, cut to a moderate length with a chopping-knife, or hatchet, on a wooden block. White Russia best-* 5 K stuff 402 HAT-MAKING. stuff and hares’ wool, and the most inferior stuffs, as clippings, tail-wool, & c., are improved by the opera- tion of carrotting. For this purpose, a layer of the stuff is placed in a box, or any suitable vessel, not of metal, and sprinkled over with a mixture of about one part nitrous, or nitrous and sulphuric acid, and six parts water, by means of a brush. A second layer is then placed in the vessel, which is again sprinkled with the acid mixture ; this is repeated till it is full. To prevent the liquor running down into the bottom of the vessel, without equally wetting all the stuff, its posi- tion is frequently changed in the course of the day : it is then kept in the digesting heat of a stove all night. By this treatment the stuffs acquire a ruddy or reddish yel- low colour, like the inner part of a carrot, from which it derives its name. In felting any of these materials together, the first object of the workman is to obtain the most complete separation of the fibres, and to dispose a layer of them in every possible direction w ith regard to each other ; this is effected by means of bowing. For this purpose, a platform of w'ood, about four feet wide, is erected against the wall of a convenient shop, and divided by side partitions about the same width from each other, into distinct portions, for the convenience of different workmen, called hurdles, each of which is enlightened by a small window'. To each hurdle is suspended a bow, by means of a small cord fixed to the ceiling, or any other convenient place, consisting of a pole about seven feet long, generally made of deal-wood, to which are fixed two bridges of hard wood, the upper one nearest the window, called the cock, and, the lower one, the breech. To the upper part of the pole, above the cock, is fastened a cat-gut line, or bow-string, of considerable length, and twisted round the pole, leaving only sufficient to bring over the cock and breech, and to fasten to the lower part of the pole : thus, when the string breaks, it is partly untwisted from the upper end of the bow, and the necessity of a new one is pre- vented. To preserve the wood from wearing by the action of the bow-string, a strip of horse-skin, or vel- lum, is fastened to the edge of each bridge ; and near the cord, by which the bow is suspended, is fastened a small strap to place the hand in, which enables the workman to hold it with firmness. The bow'-pin is a small stick with a knob at each end for plucking the bow-string. As the process of making is a little different iu dif- ferent kinds of hats, we shall first describe the manu- facture of wool hats, or cordies. A quantity of carded wool, of one or more sorts, sufficient for one hat, ge- nerally about seven or eight ounces, is laid on the hurdle, towards the left. The workman then holding the bow horizontally in his left hand, under the strap, and the bow-pin in his right, placing the bow-string near the right-hand edge of the material, gives it a pluck with the pin. The string immediately flies back nearer to the pole than its situation was when at rest, strikes into the wool, and, instantaneously returning to its ori- ginal position, scatters a part before it to a distance proportioned to the force with which it was pulled. By repeated strokes the whole is thus worked, ob- serving, after each stroke to raise the string, by giving the bow a turn with the left hand. This breaking over, as it is termed, is repeated several times, more or less, in proportion to the difficulty w'ith which the hairs are disunited : when all the fibres are completely separated, the material is again placed towards the left-hand side of the hurdle, and the workman proceeds, with more order than before, to scatter the wool to the right-hand, so as to form a thin regular layer ; which he effects by duly proportioning the force of his strokes, and the position of the bow. When about one-third part is thus bowed, it is formed by the hands into an oval figure, ending in acute angles at the extremities. This portion of the material, thus formed, is called a batt. The batt is hardened by a slight pressure with the hands for a short time, so as to connect it together suf- ficiently to bear careful handling. Another batt is then formed of the same dimensions ; and with the remain- ing third part, two smaller batts are formed, which are separately united to the primary ones by a little pressure. This gives each of them a more uniform consistence than w'ould be obtained by forming single batts only. It was formerly common to form six batts for each hat, but few are now willing to devote sufficient for the purpose. It is necessary to remark, that the batts are bowed thicker in that part which is designed to form the band of the intended hat ; and to give them a finish, the edges are torn round even by the right-hand, w hile the pressure of the left prevents their being torn in too far. It now remains to connect the parts together in some convenient form, and to proceed in the operation of felting. For this purpose, a w r et cloth is folded so as to form a triangle, and laid on one of the batts. The extremities of the batts, with a small portion of the upper part is then folded over the cloth, and the edges meet- ing over each other form a conical cap. This cap is laid on the second batt with the joining downwards, which being also folded up in the same manner, their places of junction will be diametrically opposite each other. This is laid on a second wet cloth, which is closely folded over the whole, so as to preserve the tri- angular figure ; it is then ready for basoning. The bason is a circular piece of iron, exactly the same as those commonly used in Wales for baking over the fire, called backstones. This is laid over a hole in a plank, underneath which is a small grating fitted to the plank for this purpose. The prepared cap is then laid on the warm iron, and the process of felting carried on by folding, pressing, and sprinkling it continually with water. The corners beiug folded over a little, the base is first turned up towards the tip ; and in this state it is worked a short time by pressing with the hands, moving them backwards and forw'ards, and shifting them .about in various directions. Each side is then HAT-MAKING. 403 then folded over towards the other alternately, the tip part towards the base ; and, in general, it may be folded in any or every direction, repeating the pressure and working of the wool, and sprinkling it successively after every fold. By this pressure and working the wool in various directions, the points of contact is multiplied ; and the agitation given to each hair causing a pro- gressive motion towards the root, and a coalition with each other, it soon acquires some degree of firmness and contracts in its dimensions. On taking off the cloth, and opening the hood or cap, it will be found that the edges, or original folds, will not have that even and uniform appearance with the rest of the surface, but small ridges will be formed by a small part of the sides felting together at the outward edges, which will be considerable if care has not been taken in the first place to fold the batt closely over the in-layer. It is found necessary, therefore, to alter the position of the original edges, by turning round the cap, to extend them a little with the finger so as to produce a uniform surface, and with the hood in this position to continue the basoning as before. It is afterwards turned inside outw'ards, and the same ope- ration continued. The workman afterwards opens the hood, holds it up to the light and looks through it from the inside to discover any parts that may be unusually j thin ; and, on any of these parts, which are deficient, | a little wool is added from that which was torn off the j edges of the batt ; and by working that particular part | on the bason it is made to unite. When this is done, the process of basoning is completed, which generally takes from about twenty minutes to half an hour. The hood now consists of a soft spungy kind of stuff, and its texture is loose and imperfect. To produce a more intimate cohesion of the hairs with each other, and obtain the requisite degree of consistence, it must undergo a kind of fulling, and a more effectual me- chanical operation. For this purpose, the hats are first boiled in an iron boiler, in a mixture of about one part urine to six parts soft water, from six to eight hours. To prevent their touching the boiler, they are enclosed in a cloth ; a basket, or, more generally, a lining of straw' is placed round the sides, and at the bottom of the boiler. The felting is completed by working or planking at a water bath. For the conveni- ence of any particular number of workmen, an appa- ratus, called a battery, is generally made use of for this part of the process, consisting of a proportionate number of wooden planks, joined together in the form of the frustrum of a pyramid, supported by stone or brick work, and meeting at the bottom in a kettle, under which is a fire-place. The number of planks is most commonly from five to seven ; and according to the number made use of, it is called a five, six, or seven-room battery, &c. Each plank is from two to three feet broad at the upper edge, and about two feet deep. The kettle is generally of I cast iron or lead, and kept full of soft water, as nearly | boiling as the nature of the operation will admit. To facilitate the felting, it is found necessary to add some softening material to the bath : for this purpose, some spermaceti, a marrow-bone, or shreds of wash-leather, have been thrown in ; but oatmeal is at present almost universally used : about a table-spoonful is thrown into the kettle, and occasionally repeated as fresh water is added, or as it may be found necessary. The more greasy substances will answer for the purpose of plank- ing, but it prevents the hats from taking a good dye : leather-shreds answer very well, but are not always so easy of access as oatmeal. The operation commences by dipping the article in the bath, and gently rolling it in various directions, ob- serving a degree of regularity, as in basoning, or its receiving more w'ork in some parts than others, will soon give it an irregular and shapeless appearance. It is necessary to be careful at first to turn the hood inside outwards, and to shift the position of its sides fre- quently to prevent their felting together, of which, in the subsequent stages of the process there will be no danger. By working a short time in this way, the arti- cle will be found to have acquired a considerably firmer texture, and to have contracted very rapidly in its di- mensions. The workman then applies leathern gloves, or flat pieces of stout leather, to the palms of his hands, to secure them in some degree from the heat of the water, and continues to dip it much oftener, and to roll it much harder than before, as it requires more labour in this degree of felting, to obtain the requisite firmness and consistence. In the first gentle rolling, an impulse, nearly equal, was given to the hairs in every direction, and hence it so readily contracted in its di- mensions at the same time that it acquired a degree of firmness in substance. In rolling it harder, the pressure is more particularly on the flat surface of the felt, and this acquires a more compact texture, without an equal contraction in the size. It is how r ever necessary to pre- vent any contraction in size w hen it is sufficiently shrunk, and yet w'orked to any degree of consistency. For this purpose, a small roller of wood, called a w’alking-pin, is made use of : over this the edges of the felt are turned, and the whole is rolled in various directions with the walking-pin enclosed by the surrounding felt ; at the same time, continuing to dip it often in the bath. This completes the working at plank ; and on the labour thus given its service in wearing will princi- pally depend. The intended hat, after the preceding operation, still possesses the conical figure first given it, consisting of a soft flexible felt, capable, with a moderate degree of force of being extended in every direction. The next thing to be done is to give it the required form. For this purpose, the edge of the hood is turned up about one and a half or tw o inches : the point is then indented with the fingers, and the hood turned over, so as to produce a second inner fold about the same depth. From three to five folds are thus formed, and the whole has the appearance af a flat piece, consisting of a num- ber of concentric circles, or wave-like undulations. This 404 HAT-MAKING. This is laid upon the plank, and the workman, keeping it wet with clean warm water, extends the central point with the fingers of his right hand, at the same time pressing it down with his left, and turning it round on the plank, till a flat portion is formed equal to the intended crown of the hat. The flat part is then placed in a block, and the remainder pulled down with the hands round its sides and a string tied tight round ; it is forced down to the bottom of the block with a wooden or copper stamper, which forms the band. The brim will now have a curling inclination towards the crown, but is soon flattened ,by wetting and ex- tending the edges. The water is afterwards pressed out of the hat with the blunt edge of the stamper, and the nap is raised by carding it in any direction with a small wired instrument called a raising card. The hat is then taken oft' the block and placed in a stove to dry, when it is ready for the subsequent operations of dyeing, stif- fening, and finishing. These instructions for blocking refer particularly to the common round hat now r gene- rally w'orn ; but from the nature of the felt it will be seen that any form may easily be given it by the skill of the workman, with a corresponding block. This account we have given comprises the general principles of hat-making, and is the foundation of every variety in the art. These common wool hats, or plain cordies are of one uniform contexture throughout ; but ingenuity has contrived a method of making the most of the materials employed, by placing the best side out- wards. This is done by laying on the body of the hat when partly felted a finer and more valuable material, in the same direction it has when on the back of the animal. For the purpose of covering wool hats, the articles made use of are cod-wool and camel’s hair : the former of which, after washing and carding, is boiled about an hour and a half in one part urine to about twelve or fourteen parts of water. The hats covered in this manner are bowed, basoned, and boiled in the usual manner, the common materials being used only in less quantity, proportioned to the addition intended to be made. A thin layer of the prepared cod-wool, with or without the addition of hair, is then bow'ed for each side of the triangular hood, so as just to meet at the edges ; and another piece to go all round on the inside to the depth of the intended brim. The pieces are laid on the principal stuff or body of the hat, and worked on by basoning in the manner already de- scribed: the hairs assuming a motion towards the root, uniformly fix themselves in that direction, leaving the extremities outward which constitute the required nap. After this addition of the nap, the planking takes place as before. For obtaining a variety of cordies of different value, they are partially as well as wholly covered with dif- ferent proportions of napping, and on bodies of wool more or less valuable. Next to the plain hats succeed the tips : these have only a nap sufficient to cover the crown and reach a short way down the sides. To save the trouble of basoning the nap on these kind of hats, it is only laid on w'ith the hands, the hood turned so that the nap may be inside, and a layer of some proper flexible substance, commonly long horse-hair, placed between the sides to prevent its uniting : in this manner it is taken immediately to the plank. The second class is tips and naps ; these, as w'ell as a cod-wool tip, have a nap of the same on the underside of the brim. And, lastly, succeeds the covers.' A good cover takes about tw'o ounces of cod-wool, and a hair cover about half an ounce of hair in addition to the cod-wool ; these are commonly bowed together ; and the former is scarcely ever used for a nap without the addition of the latter. Stuff hats appear to have been originally made throughout of beaver ; the instructions given in the old accounts of hat-making is, to mix three parts of old coat with two parts of castor; but hats made in this way would be much higher in price than any now in general use. The beaver at present is scarce ever used except in the outward nap, and the body of the hat is composed of various inferior stuffs in any proportion ; commonly with the addition of a little Spanish or of vicuna wool, and sometimes a small quantity of silk is added. A patent was granted Mr. James Burn, of Alnwick, Northumberland, for making superfine hats, which, contrary to general modern practice, appear to have been of one uniform consistence. The composition consists of three ounces and a half of moles’ fur, two ounces and a half of beaver, and a quarter of an ounce of Aleppo wool ; “ and in order to subdue the obsti- nate nature of the mole fur,” says Mr. Bnrn, “ so that it may incorporate with other furs usually made into hats, I use a little aqua regia ; but as that process destroys the elastic quality of the fur, I correct it by a little sweet or Florence oil, which sheathes the pungent points of the^aqua regia.” M. Monge says, “ that the hairs of the beaver, the rabbit, the hare, &c., being naturally straight, cannot alone be employed in felting till they have undergone a preliminary operation, which consists in rubbing or combining them before they are taken off the skin, with a brush dipped in a solution of mercury in aqua- fortis (nitrous acid). This liquor, acting only on one side of the substance of the hairs, changes their direction from a right line, and gives them that disposition to felting which wool naturally possesses.” However plausible this may appear in theory, experience teaches it is unnecessary in practice, as no difficulty is found in felting stuffs without any mixture of wool ; and though the solution might have been made use of in France, we cannot learn that it has been employed in any ma- nufactory in England. Stuffs possess, in general, a greater tendency to felt- ing than wool, and in consequence some sqpall dif- ference is observed in the manufacture. As the fibres are more easily separable, a slighter bow w'ith a finer bow-string is used than that made use of in wool. When the stuffs are bowed in the usual way, the batts are formed and gently pressed down with a piece of osier work, called a gathering basket, consisting of open HAT-MAKING. 405 open straight bars only interwove sufficiently to connect it together, and preserve it in form ; it is from eighteen to twenty inches square. This is constantly kept on the hurdle, for the purpose of shifting the stuff as well as for forming the batts. Sometimes one or two of these baskets are placed under the stuff to separate any im- purities that may pass through. To obtain this end more effectually, in the metropolis and several places in the North of England, a fine moveable wire frame is placed on the hurdle on which the stuff is broken over, which is again removed, and the impurities swept off the hurdle for forming the batts. These have their first degree of compactness given them by laying on a hardening skin of smooth leather, or sailcloth ; and gently pressing with the hands which are at the same time slightly moved backwards and for- wards to cause the entangling of the fibres. The cap is formed in the same manner as wool hats, only the in-layer for stuff is a piece of wetted paper instead of cloth. When folded up in a wet cloth it is worked on the hurdle in the same manner that other hats are on the bason, but without any heat except what is im- parted by the hands or any subsequent sprinkling. After being thus basoned without any boiling, th^y are im- mediately taken to the battery to undergo the operation of planking. In consequence of the superior smooth- ness of furs over wool, any softening material in the kettle is unnecessary : but it is indispensable that some substitute be made use of which will have an effect equivalent to boiling in the former case. For this pur- pose, wine lees was formerly iu general use, but this has given place to sulphuric acid, which from the small- ness of the quantity made use of is cheaper, and more easily obtained. About a wine-glassful of the acid is added to the kettle of water ; in pouring in which great care is necessary to prevent its sprinkling- over the operator : it is afterwards added in small quan- tities as it is found necessary. Into this bath the hat is first dipped, and then suffered to lie on the plank till cold again. This is called soaking, which is unne- cessary in hats that are previously boiled. In America, we understand, it is the practice to boil stuff hats as well as cordies. It appears that the acid in carrotting, boiling, and working at the plank must act as a chemical agent on the substance of the hairs, but iu what way it does not appear that experiments have been made with a view to ascertain : practical hatters seldom give themselves the trouble to think on the subject. M. Chaussier conjectures that it may produce, either by softening or swelling the hairs, a certain alteration which is necessary to bring about the cohesion of the different fibres. It is said, “ that acid of any kind, by taking out the greasy substances on each pile of hair allows the roughness on the surface of each to operate with their full effect, and thus facilitates the mechanical action of felting.” The action of felting being promoted, however, by greasy substances, renders this last solution a little doubtful. Perhaps some kind of mucilaginous substance may be on the surface of the hairs, as conjectured by Mr. Nicholson, which is dis. engaged by the action of the acid. In the course of planking, imperfections are disco- vered ; knots and other hard substances which occa- sionally remain in the stuff when imperfectly bowed, are picked out with a bodkin, and the stuff which was torn off the edges of the batts is added to such parts as are found deficient. This is laid on the imperfect parts, sprinkled over with a brush called a stopping-brush, and patted down with it while wet : by this means it incor- porates w'ith the rest. In the same manner the nap is laid on, which is generally added towards the conclu- sion ; and it is gently rolled in a horse-hair cloth till the nap is slightly attached. The nap will be longer or shorter, as it receives more or less work after it is added, which causes it to enter a proportionable depth into the body of the hat. Plated hats are an article of more modern date : they are said to have been invented in the north of England ' sometime within the last fifty years ; and Lancashire and Cheshire is at present the principal seat of their manu- facture. These are a middle class between cordies and stuffs, designed as a substitute for the latter at a more reasonable expense : to effect this purpose the different kinds of stuff are plated on wool bodies. But in con- sequence of the looser texture and thicker substance of this kind of felt, a nap of much finer materials could i not be laid on in the usual manner so as to appear to I advantage : it is found requisite therefore to have re- ! course to another expedient. The wool body, after it I is boiled in about one part urine to three parts water, ! and has been worked sufficiently to complete the felting, ! is laid over a hair-cloth on the plank : the nap is then laid on the surface, sprinkled with a brush, and patted down. A layer of old stuff, or stuff which has its pro- perties of felting destroyed, and carded cotton, or either of these separately, is bowed and laid on in the same manner, commonly mixed with a small portion of napping ; and sometimes another layer is added. It is then slightly rolled a short time in the hair-cloth ; but as the nap, by the process of rolling, would soon be lost by penetrating too deeply into the felt, it is disconti- nued, and the nap is fixed on by the operation of shaking and patting with the stopping-brush. The workman dips the article in the bath, and holding it by one of its edges between the forefinger and thumb of each hand, strikes it down on the hair-cloth, at the same time depressing his hands in such a manner that the most distant edge may have an inclination given it to turn upwards, and thus after striking upon the cloth it is immediately raised off. This shaking is continued by repeated strokes in quick succession, frequently changing its position, and continuing the dipping, and patting it frequently with the brush. By this process the hairs are just fixed in by the roots, without sinking too deeply, and a long flowing nap is obtained. The cotton and old stuff during the operation, sticking on the body of the hat by means of the hot liquor, preserve the nap from flying off ; at the same time, by enabling 5 L it 406 HAT-MAKING. it to hold a greater body of the fluid, the work is faci- litated, and the nap is also preserved from the conti- nued action of the brush. When the nap is completely fastened, which will be in about half an hour, the cotton and old stuff is loosened by striking with a flat stick, and continuing the shaking. In a short time it will appear in a loose flake over the surface, which is taken off with the fin- gers whilst the nap remains fixed by the roots in the substance of the felt : the cotton and old stuff is dried and, preserved for future use. In plating, as the bodies are first boiled, and as the nap laid on is of a soft, smooth nature, nothing is made use of in the kettle but > clean water. Best stuff, hares’ wool, neuter wool, seal wooi, or a mixture of any of the stuffs, are made use of according to the intended quality. Neuter wool has a short, neat appearance as a nap ; seal wool naps are much esteemed, and wear remarkably well : for the best plates, some beaver is added to the other stuffs made use of. It has lately become a practice to unite the common method of napping with that of plating in stuff hats, which have the name of shake-offs given them. After a slight nap is first rolled on, a second, and principal nap, Is shaken on in the same manner as in plated hats. A shorter fur may in this manner be applied to advantage, or one of the usual length will produce a more showy nap. Hats have been worn of various colours, but those most in use at present are black, drab, and white. The white hats, which are only intended for ladies and children, have a nap of rabbits’ fur, selected from the white skins. Drab hats are also made of stuffs of the natural colour, assorted for that purpose. In dyeing black, the articles now in general use are logwood, of which Campeachy wa3 the best, copperas, and verdi- grease. French verdigrease is far superior to the Eng- lish. For dyeing common cordy hats, the general pro- portions for twelve dozen are about tw'enty-four pounds of logwood, seven of copperas, and a quarter of a pound of verdigrease. The logwood is chipped, and left in the boiler to soak the preceding night ; part of the copperas and verdigrease is then added and boiled with the logwood. The hats are each, fastened on a block with a string tied round the band and boiled in the liquor, sometimes turning those nearest the surface, and placing a weight upon them to keep them under the liquor. After boiling about an hour they are taken out and exposed to the air, while a fresh quantity is boiled in the kettle the same time as before. This boiling and airing is repeated several times according to the strength of the dye, the perfection required, or the nature of the materials to be dyed, as experience has shewn that the action of the atmospheric air, or the oxygen it con- tains, very much contributes to improve the dye; the remainder of the copperas and verdigrease is added in a decreased proportion to each suit. Common hats that | are easily dyed have now' generally two suits only ; best ! hats from three to four. On account of the high price of verdigrease, sulphate of copper or blue vitriol is frequently made use of in dyeing common hats in a larger proportion, or a mix- ture of about equal parts of each. But those dyed with verdigrease only have the brightest appearance after finishing. After dyeing, the hats are well washed in clean water. The following is the method of dyeing practised in France : one hundred pounds of logwood, twelve pounds of gum, and six pounds of galls are boiled in a i proper quantity of water for some hours ; after which about six pounds of verdigrease and ten pounds of green vitriol are added, and the liquor kept just simmering, at a heat a little below boiling. Ten or twelve dozen hats are immediately put in, each on its block, aud kept down by cross bars for about an hour and a half ; they are then taken out and aired, and the same number of others putin their room. The two sets of hats are thus dipped and aired alternately dight times each, the liquor being refreshed each time with more of the ingredients, but in less quantity than at first. This account of dyeing must of course refer only to the bet- ter sort of hats. We are not aware that gum has ever been used in this country ; galls, on account of their price, are seldom used in England at present. A cheap substitute may be found in oak-bark, which we believe is not generally known among the hatters ; and we should apprehend it might be employed to considerable advantage. It re- i quires no other preparation than to be cut or coarsely broken, and it is said to furnish a dye much fuller, more beautiful and more durable. The following is extracted from the report of the Lyceum of Arts : ^Experiments were made by order of the College of Pharmacy at the Manufactory of Beaugolin and Morel. Two boilers of about 220 hats each were made ready ; one for the gall-nuts, and the other for the bark. Twelve hats in each were I marked : they w'ere of the same stuff and the same size, had been prepared with all the precautions w hich each I of the two methods required ; and the whole process i was carefully observed by a commissioner who attended i for the purpose. After all these hats had been properly , dried, cleaned, and brushed, they were placed indiscri- minately on a table. Several of the most expert dyers in Paris were invited to select from the twenty-four hats the twelve which should appear to them to be best dyed. These dyers arrived separately at two different times, so that there w r ere two selections ; and in both cases, one hat excepted, these dyers pointed out as the best dyed those hats which had been treated with the oak bark.” In January 1782, Mr. Golding, of London, ob- tained a patent for dyeing hats green on the underside, a specification of which is published in the fifth volume of the Repertory. The principal difficulty in this process, HAT-MAKING. 407 process, is to preserve the upper part of the brim, and the crown of the hat from the action of the dye. His method consisted in spreading over the upper surface, with a painter’s brush, a thin paste made of flour or clay, and enclosing it in a funnel either of metal or wood to prevent the dye from penetrating. The hats are first boiled in alum and argil ; and afterwards, Mr. Golding says, “ in a dye prepared of fustic, tur- meric, ebony, weld, safflower, saffron, indigo, and vitriol, with chamber-lye, or pea^l-ash, at the option of the dyer; sometimes all used together, sometimes otherwise, according to the intention of the dyer, and to the colour required.” If any portion of the dye has penetrated the hat, so as to occasion spots on the other side, they may be removed by washing with a strong warm alkaline liquor ; but as yellow spots will after- wards remain, they are removed by means of a small quantity of either of the mineral acids. The green under-side hats are now generally stained without boil- ing, with a strong dye, which has for its basis a solu- tion of indigo in the sulphuric acid. Sometimes the brim of the hat is composed of two separate pieces of felt, the under piece of which is first dyed green, and afterwards glued to the upper part. It is necessary to observe, that soft water should always be made use of in dyeing ; and as it is not readily obtained in some situations, the following method of communicating its properties to common hard water, may not be unacceptable. Twenty-four bushels of bran is put into a vessel capable of containing ten hogsheads. A large boiler is filled with water, and w hen just ready to boil is poured into the vessel. Soon after the acid fermentation begins, and in about twenty-four hours, the water is ready for use. After the hats are dried, the next operation they un- dergo is that of stiffening. For the common purposes of stiffening, glue and vinegar dregs, beer grounds, or dregs from the distilleries, are the articles made use of. The hat, for this purpose, is put into the crown of an- other large one, called a stiffening- hat, which is only felted and blocked, and has its crown slit open to admit the hat to be stiffened, of any depth the more readily. These are placed in the hole of a plank, on which the brims are supported. The dregs are then first applied warm, with a brush similar to a large painting-brush, on the inside of the crown only ; this is done by hold- ing the brush in the right-hand, while the left-hand, holding the brim of the stiffening-hat, continually turns it round, that the enclosed may be uniformly covered with the dregs. The dregs are made use of as they are the cheapest mucilage, and give a degree of firmness to the hat, at the same time, preventing the glue from penetrating through to the surface. After this is dry, the glue is applied to the crown in the same manner, which is made in the proportion of about one pound of glue to three pints of w'ater. After it is laid on with the brush, it is well rubbed round with the hand ; for which purpose it is found expedient to employ a second person in the business, who receives the hat of the first person as fast as the glue is laid on with the brush. It was remarked that, in the first formation of the hat, the part designed for the band was laid thicker than any other ; as this part has the most wear — as the wet is most likely to penetrate here — and as the general firm- ness of the hat depends on the strength of the band, it is likewise necessary to attend particularly to this part in the stiffening. In stiffening a quantity of hats, the crowns only are thus attended to in the first place. In common hats, the grounds are frequently mixed with the glue, and laid on at the same time. The brims are next stiffened with a common soft brush, and glue only, which is ap- plied to the underside. This is well w'orked into the body of the felt with the hand, and the hats are placed in a stove to dry. When dry, the nap on the underside of the brim will be glued down to the felt ; this is re- moved from the surface by scouring it with a brush and a quantity of warm soap-suds ; which is pressed out of the nap by the blunt edge of a wooden or copper stamper. Ladies’ light hats, and some of the children’s fancies, are stiffened with the application of starch, or common flour paste only. In France, the composition of gum arabic, common gum of that country, and Flanders’ glue, are employed for the purpose of stiffening. The brittleness of gum arabic has been found an inconvenience, and a substi- tute has been sought for in some simple preparation from their indigenous plants. M. Chaussier observes, that “ mucilage is found in great quantity in many plants ; it may easily be extracted by boiling ; and a factitious gum, which is both supple and tenacious, may be formed by evaporation. These considerations led me to recommend, for the purpose of stiffening, a so- lution of glue in a strong and mucilaginous decoction of linseed. This preparation has been long used in the manufactory (of the Cote d’or) ; and is both more eco- nomical, and more conducive to the beauty of the w'ork. Since that time, M. Margeron having communicated, to me some observations respecting the mucilage which may be extracted from the leaves of the horse-chesnut tree, and having ascertained how great a quantity of mucilaginous and glutinous matter these leaves furnish, especially when the foliation is in full vigour, a solu- tion of glue, in a strong decoction of them, has been used with great success.” Perhaps this mucilage from the leaves of the horse-chesnut might be worthy the at- tention of the English hat-maker. As glue is subject to the action of moisture, hats, stiffened of that material alone, are not perfectly water- proof. Several expedients have been devised to obviate this inconvenience : one of the methods, perhaps, most generally known, is that of balling. A ball is formed by melting about three parts rosin, four parts bees-wax, and two parts mutton suet. This is frequently rubbed over the inside part of the hat while planking, particu- larly over that part which is to form the band. After balling, the hats are stiffened with glue in the usual manner. In 408 HAT-MAKING. In 1802, Messrs. Ovej and Jepsin, of London, ' obtained a patent for a method of water-proof s stiffening. This was done by preparing a double hat ; s the under one was made of coarse materials, stiffened, ' and covered with a cement made of one pound and three- : quarters of flour, three quarts of water, one ounce of alum, ] and two ounces of rosin ; the latter was finely pulverized, ’ and added while the rest was boiling ; stirring it toge- ' ther until dissolved. The under part of the finer out- side casing was also covered with the same, and then ! placed over the other, and united together by pressing I with a cool iron. Water-proof stiffening, particularly : for best hats, has lately been much attended to, and ; various are the methods employed by different manufac- > turers ; but nothing appears to have so completely an- swered the purpose, and, at the same time to have been so advantageous in wearing, as that of stiffening with a solution of caoutchouc, or gum-elastic. The exact method of the process is, at present, confined to a few hands, and industriously concealed from publicity. The dry hat, after stiffening, is very rigid, and of an irregular figure ; preparatory to finishing, therefore, it i is fresh blocked. For this purpose, it is necessary to ! soften the glue, which is done by the operation of steam. A hot iron is placed within a circular wooden frame, on which a wet cloth is thrown ; the crown of the hat is then laid over the rising steam, whilst the brim rests on the frame ; and thus it is soon rendered sufficiently soft to receive the impression of a block of the intended size and shape. By the use of a hot iron, generally from twenty to twenty-five pounds in weight, a small card, brushes, &c., with the addition of water, the nap has the requisite direction given it, and receives its smoothness, and polish. Minute directions here, are unnecessary ; the judgment of the workman must be his principal director. It may not be useless to remark, that in watering the hats, which is done with a soft wetting-brush for that purpose, the giving them plenty of water, and quickly passing a pretty hot iron over them, gives the glue a firmness and smartness, in which it will be deficient by more cautious wetting, and more dilatory operations. If a little glue is acci- dentally drawn through the hat, by the heat of the iron, a wetted brush is laid on the iron a little to heat it suf- ficiently; and by the application of the warm, moist brush, and carding, it is soon extracted. Instead of water, oil was formerly used in finishing all descrip- tions of hats, and, for the coarsest sort of wool hats, the practice has prevailed till very lately. The instrument generally made use of for cutting the brims of round hats, is merely a small worn-out card. At the outer edge a number of notches is cut for the purpose of inserting the point of a knife. The inner edge of the card, and the handle, is placed close to the crown of the hat, while on the block ; and by placing the point of a knife in the proper notch, and drawing it round with the card, still keeping it close to the crown, the brim is evenly cut to any required dimen- sions. The hat is put in shape by curling the edges with the iron over a small rope for that purpose, stretching the hat out in an oval form by placing a screw or common stick across, and forming the brim with the hands while it is w'arm. The coarse hairs are picked out of the fine hats with a pair of steel pickers, and then given to be lined and bound; after which, it receives the last finish, and is ready for the wearer. Some years ago, Mr. Hance, of Tooley-street, Southwark, obtained a patent for a method of rendering beaver and other hats water-proof, which is thus de- scribed : — He takes a thin shell made of wool, hair, and fine beaver, to form the crown of the hat, and an- other shell, or plate, of the same materials, for the brim. These parts are to be dyed black, and finished without glue or other stiffening, in order that they may not be injured by the rain, which, in other beaver hats, after being exposed to a heavy shower, draws out the glue and sticks down the nap, and makes it ap- pear old and greasy. The shell may be made in one piece only, in the shape of the hat, blocked deep enough to admit of the brim being cut from the crown : ! the under side of the shell and the inside of the crown, must then be made water-proof, by first laying on a coat of size or thin paste, strong enough to bear a coat of copal-varnish, and, when thoroughly dry, another coat of boiled linseed oil. When dry, the crown must be put on a block, and a willow or cotton body or shape, wove on purpose, put into the inside of the crown and cemented in it. When dry, it must be finished with a hot iron, and the crown is done. The brim must, in like manner, be cemented to a substance or body made with willow, or other fit material suffi- ciently thick to make the inside of the brim. The brim and body are now to be pressed together, after which, the under side of the brim may be covered with another shell of beaver or silk shag. The crown and brim are now to be sewed together : the edge of the brim must be oiled and varnished with copal-var- nish and boiled linseed-oil, to prevent any rain getting in. The cement used, for sticking the parts together, may be made with one pound of gum Senegal, one pound of starch, one pound of glue, and one ounce of bees-wax, to be boiled in a quart of water. Hats made in this way, require only to be wiped dry after they have been-exposed to the heaviest rain. Hats are likewise made, for women’s wear, of chips, straw, or cane, by platting, and sewing the plats toge- ther, beginning with the centre of the crown, and working round till the whole is finished. Hats, for the same purpose, are also woven, and made of horse- hair, silk, and other substances. There are few manu- factures in the kingdom in which se little capital is re- quired, or the knowledge of the art so soon obtained, as in that of straw-platting. One guinea is quite suffi- cient for the purchase of the machines and materials for employing a hundred persons for some months. The straw is cut at the joints, and the outer skin or co- vering being removed, it is sorted into bundles of equal sizes, JAPANNING. 409 Sizes, of eight or ten inches in length, and a foot in circumference. The straws, thus prepared, are to be dipped in water, and when the moisture is shaken out, the bundles are set on their edges, in a box, which is sufficiently close to prevent the evaporation of smoke. In the middle of the box is an earthen dish, containing brimstone, broken in small pieces or rougIH pounded, which is set on' lire, and the box covered over and kept in the open air a few hours. The next thing to be perform- ed, is, the splitting of the straws, and one person, with the help of a small machine, will split as many as j fifty braiders can work up. The straws wbpn split, are termed splints of which each worker has certain quantity : on one end is wrapped a linen cloth, which is held under the arm, and the straws drawn out as wanted. Platters should acquire the habit of using their second fingers aud thumbs, instead of the fore- i fingers, which are often required to assist in turning the splints, and very much facilitate the platting. Each platier should have a small linen work-bag, and a piece of paste-board to roll the plat round. After five yards have been w orked up, it should be wound about a piece of board half a yard wide, fastened at the top with yarn, and kept there several days to form it into a proper shape. Four of these parcels, or a score, is the mea- surement by w'hich the plat is sold. We shall now give the specification of Mr. Peter Boileau’s patent for a new and improved manufacture of straw iuto hats, bonnets, 8cc. which is as follow's : — Prepare the straw by separating it at each joint, and taking off all the outside skin or covering. One end must be cut pointed, that is, in the form of a pen, that it may be inserted into the hollow of another, as it is worked. It must then be immersed in w’ater, so that the water may pass through its tube, which takes off its brittleness, and makes it work uniform, take the shape of the block, and preserve its natural shape. The straw, being thus prepared, take a mould of wood, or other material, exactly of the form or shape of the crown of the hat, bonnet, or other article you propose to make ; and, at the top of it, from the centre, draw' or describe a small circle ; from that circle, draw or describe per- pendicular, serpentine, diagonal, or other lines or curves, as fancy may dictate. As those lines or curves form the ribs or separations of the work when com- plete, at the top of each of these lines or curves, where they touch the circle, fix a small nail, or pin ; to which tie or fasten a double wire, covered or unco- vered, which wire must be twice the length of the line or curve, and tied or fastened to the nail or pin, just in the middle of the wire, that there may be two equal ends of wire to work. Begin working, by intro- ducing the pipe or quill straw betwixt the two wires ; which wire must be drawn tight, and even with the line or curve. Repeat the same at every line or curve round the block ; that is to say, let one wire go over, and the other under, the straw', at every line or curve. To the end of it join the straw, by introducing the sharp end of another straw into the former, just at the line or curve, and continue jims to the bottom of the block. To make the brim of the hat, or bonnet, or to perform any flat work, take a sheet of thick paste- board, and, Rafter drawing the circle, for a hat or bon- net, formed Dy the bottom of the crown, and for other flat work at will, draw lines or curves according to fancy, as before ; and, instead of nails or pins, as de- scribed, to be fixed into the , block, make two small holes at the top of the lines or curves on the circle, through which pass the wire, and tie it in the same manner as to the nails or pins. When finished, the brim is to be sewed, or otherwise fixed, to the crown, or it may be continued to be worked on the paste-bohrd to the crown, so that the hat or bonnet shall be all in one piece, without separation. Fix or place, in the space left by the circle at the top of the crown, a device of straw, or any other ornament, and likewise round the edge of the brim, when the work will be complete. It may be observed, that, being worked with wire, a variety of form or shape may be obtained, without injury to the work. JAPANNING. Japanning is the art of varnishing and drawing figures on wood, in the same manner as is done by the iiiftives of Japan, in the East Indies. The substances which admit of being japanned are almost every kind that are dry and rigid, or not too flexible ; as wood, metals, leather, and paper prepared. The varnish said to be used in China and Japan is I composed of turpentine and a curious sort of oil, which they boil up to a proper consistence. Persons who work in this business are liable to swellings and inflam- mations in tiie hands and face, but these are produced I from the lack and not from the varnish. The lack is j the sap or juice of a tree, which flows on cutting the lower part of the trunk of the tree, and is received in 5 M vessels 410 JAPANNING. vessels set on purpose under the incisions. This juice I is of the colour and consistence of cream, when it runs from the tree, but as it comes in contact with the air, it becomes black. It is only used in this state ; the method of preparing it is to set it out in the open air, in large flat bowls, and that the whole may be of the same uniform colour, it is kept continually stirring for many hours, almost without intermission. By this me- thod it becomes of a fine deep black ; burnt wood is now mixed with it, and then spreading it thin over any board or substance which they mean to japan, they dry it in the sun, and it is soon harder than the board on which it is laid. When this is quite dry it is polished with a smooth stone and water, till it is as even as glass, and then, wiping it dry, ''they lay on the varnish, made of oil and turpentine. If the work is to be of any other colour than black, that colour is to be mixed with the varnish, and then the whole spread on evenly and thin, because on this depends the principal art of varnishing. When there*are to be figures in gold and silver, these must be traced out with a pencil in the varnish, over the rest of the work ; and when this var- nish is almost dry, the leaf-gold, or silver, is to be laid on, and polished afterwards with some smooth sub- stance. Wood and metals do not require any other prepara- tion, but to have their surface perfectly even and clean : but leather should be securely strained either on frames or on boards : as its bending or forming folds would otherwise crack and force off the coats of var- nish : and paper should be treated in the same manner, and have a previous strong coat of some kind of size ; but it is rarely made the subject of japanning till it is converted into papier mach&, or wrought by other means into such form that its original state, particularly with respect to flexibility, is lost. One principal variation from the method formerly used in japanning is, the using or omitting any priming or undercoat on the work to be japanned. In the older practice, such priming was always used ; and is at present retained in the French manner of japanning coaches and snuff-boxes of the papier mache ; but, in the Birmingham manufacture here, it has been always rejected. The advantage of using such priming or un- der-coat is, that it makes a saving in the quantity of varnish used ; because the matter of which the priming is composed fills up the inequalities of the body to be varnished ; and makes it easy, by means of rubbing and water-polishing, to gain an even surface for the var- nish ; and this was, therefore, such a convenience in the case of wood, as the giving a hardness and firmness to the ground w'as also in the case of leather, that it became an established method ; and is, therefore, re- tained even in the instance of the papier mach£ by the French, who applied the received method of japanning to that kind of work on its introduction. There is, ne- vertheless, this inconvenience always attending the use of an under-coat of size, that the japan coats of varnish and colour will be constantly liable to be cracked and peeled off by any violence, and will not endure near so long as the bodies japanned in the same manner, but without any such priming ; as may be easily observed in comparing the wear of the Paris and Birmingham snuff-boxes ; which latter, w'hen good of their kind, never peel or crack, or suffer any damage, unless by great violence, and such a continued rubbing as wastes aw ay the substance of the varnish ; while the japan coats of the Parisians crack and fly off in flakes, when- ever any knock or fall, particularly near the edges, ex- pose them to be injured. But the Birmingham manu- facture^ who originally practised the japanning only on metal, to which the reason above given for the use of priming did not extend, and who took up this art of themselves as an invention, of course omitted at first the use of any such under-coat; and not finding it more necessary in the instance of papier mach& than on metals, continue still to reject it. On which account, the boxes of their manufacture are, with regard to the wear, greatly better than the French. The laying on the colours in gum-w'ater, instead of varnish, is also another variation from the method of japanning formerly practised ; but the much greater strength of the w'ork, where they are laid on in varnish or oil, has occasioned this way to be exploded with the greatest reason in all regular manufactures : however, they who may practise japanning on cabinets, or other such pieces as are not exposed to much wear and violence, for their amusement only, and, consequently, may not find it worth their while to encumber them- selves with the preparations necessary for the other me- thods, may paint with water-colours on an under-coat laid on the w'ood, or other substance, of which the piece to be japanned is formed ; and then finish with the proper coats of varnish, according to the methods below taught; and if the colours are tempered with the strongest isinglass, size, and honey, instead of gum-water, and laid on very flat and even, the work will not be much inferior in appearance to that done by the other method, and will last as long as the old japan. Priming . — The priming is of the same nature with that called clear-coating, by the house-painters; and con- sists only in laying on and drying in the most even manner, a composition of size and whiting, or, sometimes, lime instead of the latter. The common size has been ge- nerally used for this purpose : but w'here the work is of a nicer kind, it is better to employ the glovers’, or the parchment size ; and if a third of isinglass be added, it will be still better, and, if not laid on too thick, is much less liable to peel and crack. The work should be prepared by this priming, by being well smoothed with the fish-skin or glass-shaver, and, being made tho- roughly clean, should be brushed over once or twice with hot size, and diluted with two-thirds of water, if it be of the common strength. The priming should then be laid on with a brush as evenly as possible ; and should be formed of a size whose consistence is betwixt the com- mon kind and glue, mixed with as much whiting as will I give JAPANNING. 411 give it a sufficient body of colour to hide the surface of whatever it is laid upon, but not more. If the surface be very clean on which the priming is used, two coats of it laid on in this manner will be suf- ficient ; but if, on trial with a fine wet rag, it will not receive a proper water-polish on account of any inequa- lities not sufficiently filled up and covered, one or more coats must be given it ; and whether a greater or less number be used, the work should be smoothed, after the last coat but one is dry, by rubbing it with the Dutch rushes. When the last coat is dry, the water- polish should be given, by passing over every part of it with a fine rag gently moistened, till the whole appear perfectly plain and even. The priming will then be completed, and the work ready to receive the painting, or coloured varnish : the rest of the proceed- ings being the same in this case as where no priming is used. When wood or leather is to be japanned, and no priming is used, the best preparation is to lay two or three coats of coarse varnish, composed in the follow- ing manner: — Take of rectified spirits of wine one pint, and of coarse seed-lac and resin, each, two ounces. Dissolve the seed-lac and resin in the spirit ; and then strain off the varnish. This varnish, as well as all others formed of spirits of wine, must be laid on in a warm place ; and, if it can be conveniently ma- naged, the piece of work to be varnished should be made warm likewise ; and, for the same reason, all dampness should be avoided ; for either cold or moisture chills this kind of varnish, and prevents it taking proper hold of the substance on which it is laid. Japan-Grounds . — When the work is so prepared, or by the priming with the composition of size and whiting above described, the proper japan-ground must be laid on, which is much the best formed of shell-lac varnish, and the colour desired, if white be not in question, which demands a peculiar treatment, or great brightness be not required, when also other means must be pursued. The colours used with the shell-lac varnish may be any pigments whatever, which give the tint of the ground desired ; and they may be mixed toge- ther to form browns or any compound colours. As metals never require to be under-coated with whiting, they may be treated in the same manner as wood or leather, when the under-coat is omitted, ex- cept in the instances referred to below. White Japan-Grounds . — The forming a ground per- fectly white, and of the first degree of hardness, re- mains hitherto a desideratum, or matter sought for, in the art of japanning, as there are no substances which form a very hard varnish but what have too much colour not to injure the whiteness, when laid on of a due thick- ness over the w'ork. The nearest approach, however, to a perfect white varnish, already known, is made by the following composition : — Take flake-white, or white-lead, washed over and ground up with a sixth of its weight of starch, and then dried ; and temper it properly for spreading with the mastich- varnish. Lay these on the body to be japanned, prepared either with or without the under-coat of whiting, in the manner as above ordered ; and then varnish it over with five or six coats of the following varnish; — Provide any quantity of the best seed-lac, and pick out of it all the clearest and whitest grains, reserving the more coloured and fouler parts for the coarse var- nishes, such as that used for priming or preparing wood or leather. Take of this picked seed-lac two ounces, and, of gum animi, three ounces, and dissolve them, being previously reduced to a gross powder, in about a quart of spirit of wine, and strain off the clear varnish. The seed-lac will yet give a slight tinge to this com- position, but cannot be omitted where the varnish is wanted to be hard ; though, when a softer will answer the end, the proportion may be diminished, and a little crude turpentine added to the gum-animi to take off the brittleness. A very good varnish, free entirely from all brittle- ness, may be formed by dissolving as much gum-animi as the oil will take, in old nut or poppy oil, which must be made to boil gently when the gum is put into it. The ground of white colour itself may be laid on in this varnish, and then a coat or two of it may be put over the ground ; but it must be well diluted with oil of turpentine when it is used. This, though free from brittleness, is nevertheless liable to suffer by being indented or bruised by any slight strokes ; and it will not well bear any polish, but may be brought to a very smooth surface without, if it be judiciously managed in the laying it on. It is likewise somewhat tedious in drying, and will require some time where several coats are laid on ; as the last ought not to contain much oil of turpentine. Blue Japan Grounds . — Grounds may be formed of bright Prussian blue, or verditer glazed over by Prus- sian blue, or of smalt. The colour may be best mixed with shell-lac varnish, and brought to a polishing state by five or six coats of varnish of seed-lac : but the var- nish, nevertheless, will somewhat injure the colour by giving to a true blue a cast of green, and fouling, in some degree, a warm blue by the yellow it contains ; where, therefore, a bright blue is required, and a less degree of hardness can be dispensed with, the method before directed in the case of white grounds must be pursued. For a scarlet japan ground, vermilion may be used : but the vermilion has a glaring effect that renders it much less beautiful than the crimson produced by glazing it over with carmine or fine lake ; or even with rose-pink, which has a very good effect used for this purpose. For a very bright crimson, nevertheless, in- stead of glazing with carmine the Indian lake should be used, dissolved in the spirit of which the varnish is compounded, which it readily admits of when good ; and in this case, instead of glazing with the shell-lac varnish, the upper or polishing coats need only be used, as they will equally receive and convey the tinge of the Indian 412 JAPANNING. Indian lake, which may be actually dissolved by spirit of wine ; and this will be found a much cheaper me- thod than the using carmine. If, nevertheless, the highest degree of brightness be required, the white var- nishes must be used. For bright yellow grounds, the king’s yellow, or the turpeth mineral should be employed, either alone or mixed with fine Dutch pink ; and the effect may be still more heightened by dissolving powdered turmeric root in the spirit of wine, of which the upper or polish- ing coat is made ; which spirit of wine must be strained j from off the dregs before the seed-lac be added to it to form the varnish. Green grounds may be produced by mixing the king’s yellow and bright Prussian blue, or rather the turpeth 1 mineral and Prussian blue ; and a cheap but less ! perfect kind by verdigris with a little of the above- I mentioned yellows or Dutch pink. But where a very bright green is wanted, the crystals of verdigris, called distilled verdigris, should be employed ; and to heighten the effect, they should be laid on a ground of leaf- gold, which renders the colour extremely brilliant and pleasing. Orange-coloured japan grounds may be formed by- mixing vermilion or red lead with king’s yellow or Dutch pink, or the orange-lac, which will make a brighter orange ground than can be produced by any mixture. Purple japan grounds may be produced by the mixture of lake and Prussian blue ; another kind may be made by vermilion and Prussian blue. They may be treated as the rest with respect to the varnish. Black grounds may be formed by either ivory-black or lamp-black : but the former is preferable where it is perfectly good. These may be always laid on with shell-lac varnish, and have their upper or polishing- coats of common seed-lac varnish, as the tinge or ful- ness of the varnish can be here no injury. For forming the common black japan grounds by- means of heat on metal, the piece of work to be japanned must be painted over with drying oil; and when it is of moderate dryness, must be put into a stove of such a degree of heat as will change the oil to black, w'ithout burning it so as to destroy or weaken its tenacity. The stove should not be too hoi when the work is put into it, nor the heat increased too fast, either of which errors would make it blister; but the slower the heat is augmented, and the longer it is con- tinued, provided it be restrained within the due degree, the harder will be the coat of japan. This kind of varnish requires no polish, having received when pro- perly managed, a sufficient one from the heat. The best kind of tortoise-shell ground produced by- heat is not less valuable for its great hardness, and en- during to be made hotter than boiling water without damage, than for its beautiful appearance. It is to be made by means of a varnish prepared in the following manner: take of good linseed-oil one gallon, and of umber half a pound ; boil them together till the oil become very brown and thick ; strain it then through a coarse cloth, and set it again to boil, in which state it must be continued till it acquire a pitchy consistence, when it will be fit for use. Having prepared thus the varnish, clean well the metal plate which is to be japanned ; and then lay ver- milion tempered with shell-lac varnish, or with drying oil diluted with oil of turpentine, very thinly, on the places intended to imitate the more transparent parts of the tortoise-shell. When the vermilion is dry, brush over the whole with the black varnish, tempered to a due consistence with oil of turpentine ; and when it is set and firm, put the work into a stove, where it may undergo a very strong heat, and be continued a consi- derable time ; if even three weeks or a month, it will be the better. This was given amongst other receipts by Kunckel ; but appears to have been neglected till it was revived with great success in the Birmingham manufactures, where it was not only the ground of snuff-boxes, dressing- boxes, and other such lesser pieces, but of those beau- tiful tea-w'aiters which have been so justly esteemed and admired in several parts of Europe where they have been sent. This ground may be decorated w'ith paint- ing and gilding in the same manner as any other var- nished surface, which had best be done after the ground has been duly hardened by the hot stove ; but it is well to give a second annealing with a more gentle heat after it is finished. Method of painting Japan Work . — Japan work ought properly to be painted with colours in varnish, though, in order for the greater dispatch, and in some very nice works in small, for the freer use of the pencil, the colours are frequently tempered in oil ; which should previously have a fourth part of its weight of gum animi dissolved in it ; or, in default of that, of the gums sandarac or mastic. When the oil is thus used it should be well diluted with spirit of turpentine, that the colours may be laid more evenly and thin ; by which means fewer of the polishing or upper coats of varnish become necessary. Jn some instances water colours are laid on grounds -of gold, in the manner of other paintings; and are best when so used in their proper appearance, without any varnish over them; and they are also sometimes so managed as to have the effect of embossed work. The colours employed in this way for painting, are both pre- pared by means of isinglass size corrected with honey or sugar-candy. The body of which the embossed work is raised, need not, however, be tinged with the exterior colour, but may be best formed of very strong gum- water, thickened to a proper consistence by bole- armenian and whiting in equal parts ; which being laid on the proper figure and repaired when dry, may be then painted with the proper colours tempered in the isinglass size, or in the general manner with shell-lac varnish. Method of varnishing Japan Work . — The last and finishing part of japanning lies in the layirfg on and polishing JAPANNING. 41S polishing the outer coats of varnish ; which are neces- sary, as well in the pieces that have only one simple ground of colour, as with those that are painted. This is in general best done with common seed-lac varnish, except in the instances and on those occasions where we have already shewn other methods to be more expe- dient : and the same reasons which decide as to the fitness or impropriety of the varnishes, with respect to the colours of the ground, hold equally with regard to those of the painting : for where brightness is the most material point, and a tinge of yellow will injure it, seed-lac must give way to the whiter gums ; but where hardness and a greater tenacity are most essential, it must be adhered to : and where both are so necessary, that it is proper one should give w’ay to the other in a certain degree reciprocally, a mixed varnish must be adopted. This mixed varnish, as w'e have already observed, should be made of the picked seed-lac. The common seed-lac varnish, which is the most useful preparation of the kind hitherto invented, may be thus made : take of seed-lac three ounces, and put it into water to free it from the sticks and filth that are frequently in- termixed w ith it ; and w hich must be done by stirring it about, and then pouring off the water and adding- fresh quantities in order to repeat the operation till it be freed from all impurities, as it very effectually may be by this means. Dry it then and powder it grossly aud put it with a pint of rectified spirit of wine into a bottle, of which it will not fill above two-thirds. Shake the mixture well together, and place the bottle in a gentle heat till the seed appear to be dissolved, the shaking being in the mean time repeated as often as may be convenient ; and then pour off all that can be obtained clear by this method, and strain the remainder through a coarse cloth. The varnish thus prepared must be kept for use in a bottle well stopt. When the spirit of w'ine is very strong, it will dissolve a greater proportion of the seed-lac : but this will satu- rate the common, which is seldom of a strength suffi- cient for making varnishes in perfection. As the chill- ing, which is the most inconvenient accident attending those of this kind, is prevented, or produced more fre- quently, according to the strength of the spirit ; we shall therefore take this opportunity of showing a method by which weaker rectified spirits, may with great ease at any time be freed from the phlegm, and ren- dered of the first degree of strength. Take a pint of the common rectified spirit of wine, and put it into a bottle of which it will not fill above three parts. Add to it half an ounce of pearl-ashes, salt of tartar, or any other alkaline salt, heated red-hot and powdered as well as it can be without much loss of its heat : shake the mixture frequently for the space of half an hour, before which time a great part of the phlegm will be separated from the spirit, and will ap- pear together with the undissolved part of the salts in the bottom of the bottle. Let the spirit then be poured off or freed from the phlegm aud salts by means of a tritorium or separating funnel ; and let half an ounce of the pearl-ashes, heated and powdered as be- fore, be added to it, and the same treatment repeated. This may be done a third time if the quantity of phlegm separated by the addition of the pearl-ashes appear consi- derable. An ounce of alum, reduced to powder and made hot but not burnt, must then be put into the spirit, and suffered to remain some hours, the bottle being frequently shaken : after which, the spirit, being poured off from it, will be fit for use. The manner of using the seed-lac or white varnishes is the same, except with regard to the substance, used in polishing ; which, where a pure white or great clear- ness of other colours is in question, should be itself white : whereas the browner sorts of polishing dust, as being cheaper and doing their business with greater dispatch, may be used in other cases. The pieces of work to be varnished should be placed near a fire, or in a room where there is a stove and made perfectly dry ; and then the varnish may be rubbed over them by the proper brushes made for that purpose, beginning in the middle aud passing the brush to one end ; and then with an- other stroke from the middle passing it to the other. But no part should be crossed or twice passed over in forming one coat, where it can possibly be avoided. When one coat is dry another must be laid over it ; and this must be continued at least five or six times or more, if on trial there be not sufficient thickness of varnish to bear the polish without laying bare the painting or the ground colour underneath. When a sufficient number of coats is thus laid on, the work is fit to be polished ; which must be done, in common cases, by rubbing it with a rag dipped in Tripoli or pumice-stone, commonly called rotten stone, finely powdered ; but towards the end of the rubbing a little oil of any kind should be used along with the powder ; and when the work appears sufficiently bright and glossy, it should be well rubbed with the oil alone to clean it from the powder, and give it a still brighter lustre. In the case of white grounds, instead of the Tripoli or pumice-stone, fine putty or whiting must be used, both which should be washed over to prevent the danger of damaging the work from any sand or other gritty matter that may happen to be commixed with them. It is a great improvement of all kinds of japan work to harden the varnish by means of heat, which in every degree that it can be applied short of what would burn or calcine the matter tends to give it a more firm and strong texture. Where metals form the body, there- fore, a very hot stove may be used, and the pieces of work may be continued in it a considerable time ; espe- cially if the heat be gradually increased; but where wood is in question, heat mtist be sparingly used, as it would otherwise warp or shrink the body so a >' to in- jure the general figure. 5 N MASONRY. MASONRY. Masonry, includes, in practical architecture, the hewing of stones into the various shapes required in the multiplied purposes of building, the assembling them together by joints, level, perpendicular or otherwise, by the aid of cement, iron, lead, &c., the well doing of which requires much practical dexterity, with some skill in geometry and mechanics. It will be ne- cessary to divide it into several ramifications, arising partly from local necessity, which has been in some measure its parent through all its vicissitudes, and which may be said to have followed the rise and fall of empires. Masonry, in Egypt, Greece and Italy, consisted chiefly in performing works almost incredible in their extent and in the use of materials, equally so if considered in de- tail. These countries seem to have been favoured in every way to be eternalized ; they abounded in porphyries and marbles, which the people found the means of extracting in pieces better adapted to promote magnifi- cence in their works than contrivance in their arrange- ment. Modern masonry has consisted more in piling stone on stone to a vast height than in covering extent of plan, in which has been developed adequate skill if j not magnificence. Considering it as an handicraft art, I the institutions of Egypt tended most towards pro- moting its exquisiteness. Trades and even professions having been there hereditary, the way of life of each individual became predestined, his ambition conse- quently circumscribed, and his exertions hence limit- ed to the working only according to a scale given him, and without any other consideration. In Greece, where a more liberal policy prevailed, we see the artist and the artisan united, the one in conceiving and the other in giving substance and effect to his conceptions ; here masonry preserved all the beauty of the rigid Egyptian school, improved and expanded so as to have given life and health as it were to Art itself. It is im- possible in the study of architecture (as it was in Greece during its perfection) not to admire the skill of her artisans ; for although the mechanical contrivance must have been previously arranged by the architect ; yet to effect this, much must have remained to the care of the mason. It is abundantly proved that the ancient Egyptians were intimately acquainted with the process of harden- ing metal, without which little could have been done in working marble ; the mason requiring few other tools except what are of hardened metal. The triangle, square, and plumb-line, Sic. assist him in fixing what he has previously reduced by the mallet and chisel to its required dimension and shape. As to the laising pon- derous columns, architraves, and cornices to their ap- pointed destinations, of which there are numerous astonishing instances still in existence, this must have depended more on machinery of great power, or in some instances, as is more probable, on the inclined plane than on the mason : for it w'as the practice of the ancients in works of great magnitude to pre- pare, and that often at the quarry, so much only of the column, architrave, &c. as immediately referred to its joinings, leaving the detail or mouldings to be w orked and formed after the blocks had reached their destinations, and to this circumstance perhaps are to be attributed no small part of their present sharpness and brilliancy. Many of the columns in the temples in Upper Egypt are entirely of one piece of granite, and w 7 hen of more they were so minutely joined (and without cement) as to defeat detection. In the Temple of Hermopo'.is, such are the colossal proportions, that the diameter of the columns is eight feet ten inches each, and they are placed at equal intermediate distances ; so that the space between the two middle columns within which the gate is included is twelve feet, the portico is 120 feet, and its height is sixty feet. The architrave is com- posed of five stones tw'enty-two feet long, and the frieze of as many. The only remaining stone of the cornice is thirty-four feet. These particulars will convey an idea both of the power and skill which the Egyptians possessed to raise enormous masses, and the magnificence of the materials which they employed ; but in using such colossal materials it was almost im- practicable to employ cement in their joinings, the weight of the mass alone being adequate to ensure their solidity. The Pyramids afford another instance of elaborate masonry ; and it may be here remarked that it is only governments sacerdotally despotical who could dare to undertake to build them, and people stu- pidly fanatical who could contribute to their execu- tion : but, to speak of them as they are, Grobert esti- mates the base of that of Cheops to 720. feet and its height 448 feet ; that of Chephrenes 655 feet and 390 in height ; and there is one somewhat smaller. They are wholly composed of large blocks of granite so inter- woven by the skill of the architect and mason as to have defied MASONRY. 415 defied the ravages of man and time. These blocks are united together by being crossed and bonded, the joints being constantly made over each solid, and the parts which secured the sarcophagus are dovetailed together. Walls of this nature were used by the Greeks, and called emplection : and Vitruvius says, “ The faces of stones in walls of this kind are smooth ; the rest is left as it grows in the quarry, being secured by alternate joints and mortar. The ancients made use of several sorts of walls, in all which they appear to have con- sidered it indispensable to employ more or less of masonry. They had their reticulated walls, and also the uncertain : of these two the reticulative kind is the most handsome ; but the joints are so ordered that in all parts the courses have an inferior position ; whereas in the uncertain the materials rest firmly one upon another, and are interwoven together, so that they are much stronger than the recticulated, though not so handsome. In this kind of wall the courses were always level, but the upright joints were not ranged regularly or perpendicularly to each other in the alternate courses, nor in any other re- spect correspondently, but were disposed uncertainly, ac- cording to the accidental size of the stone or brick. Thus our bricks ard commonly ranged in ordinary walls, in which all that is regarded is that the upright joints in two adjoining courses do not coincide (See article Brick- layiug for English and Flemish Bond). Both these sorts of walls are formed of very small pieces that they may be saturated with mortar, which adds greatly to their solidity. To saturate a wall with mortar is a practice which ought to be had recourse to in every case practicable in which brick or small 6tones are made use of. It consists in saturating fresh lime with water, and pour- ing it while hot among the masonry in the body of the wall. The walls called by the Greeks Isodomum, is when all the courses were of an equal thickness, and Pseudo- sodomum or false when they were unequal. Both these walls are firm in proportion to the compactness of the mass and the solid nature of the stones, which when so, they do not absorb the moisture from the mortar, but it preserves its humidity to a great age ; and being situated in regular and level courses the mortar is prevented from falling ; and the whole thickness of the wall being united it endures almost perpetually. In the wall called emplec- tion the faces of the stones are smooth, the rest is left as it comes from the quarry, being secured with alternate joints aud mortar. This kind of building admits of greater expedition, as the artificer can quickly raise a case or shell which serves for the two faces of the work, filling up the middle with rubble-work and mortar. Walls of this kind therefore consist of three coats, two being the faces and one the rubble core, which is in the middle ; but the great works of the Greeks were not done in this manner ; they not only built the facing courses regularly but also the alternate joints through the whole thickness, not ramming the middle with | rubble but building it the same as the face, and of one united coat constructed the wall : besides this, they often disposed single pieces, which they called diatonos,* in the thickness of the wall, extending from one surface to the other, which bound and exceedingly strengthened the wall. It is imperious on those, therefore, who are in- trusted with works requiring great strength as well as durability, to weigh and consider well the different ways of uniting the several parts of the masonry of a wall, without which no work can be effected with credit. The Roman emplection had sometimes partial cores of rubble work or brick, many examples of which still exist, which is a sufficient proof of its strength and durability ; but the Greeks wrought their w'alls through- out in the same manner as the facings or fronts, as their temples now existing testify, which manner of working no doubt they received from the Egyptians, both coun- tries having aimed to eternalize its monuments. At the revival of the arts in Europe in the fifteenth century, Italy abounded in ancient examples, on which the wealth of the world had been exhausted. The artist aud the artisan, although perhaps with equal zeal to their predecessors, found the means inadequate to effect works of the description from which they had formed their studies. Hence arose the miserable ex- pedients in modern masonry, to enumerate which is only to consecrate its poverty, and to emblazon its pigmy efforts, for such they are compared to the great works of Egypt, Greece, and Rome ; in the former of which countries whole quarries were wrought into sump- tuous temples, approached through avenues of marble, leagues in extent, sculptured into sphinxes, obelisks, &c. so much so that a modern traveller, who has witnessed the ruins, remarked, “ while examining the mass, the imagination becomes fatigued with the mere thought of describing it. In the temple of Karnac, the por- tico alone contains 100 columns, the smallest of which is seven feet and a half in diameter and the largest eleven feet. The space occupied by its circumva- lation contains lakes and mountains ; while avenues of sphinxes reach even to the very gates. In short, to form a competent idea of so much magnificence, it is necessary the reader should fancy what is before him to be a dream, for even the spectator cannot believe his eyes.” Modern masonry is confined more to the working in freestone than in marble, in the former of which these islands abound, which offer many facilities arising from the nature of its quality in reducing it to all the required shapes in modern construction. At Bath and all the W estern counties they saw it by a toothed saw into smaller scantling, which is again cut by the mason with a hand-saw, and afterwards hewn by an axe, then dragged and smoothed in the same way, according to the required situation or the quality of the proposed work for which the stone is intended. The workman’s * All these several kinds of walls, made use of in building by the ancient Greeks and Romans, are to be seen by referring to New- ton’s Vitruvius, vol. I. tools 416 MASONRY. tools consist of a hand-saw similar to what is made use of by carpenters ; a drag, which is commonly nothing more than a piece of an old saw. He has also his chisels and gouges, gauges and moulds for his sunk and moulded work, which are all afterwards cleaned up by the drag. In Gloucestershire, the masons often use planes for their mouldings, the stones there being more crisp and not intersected by shells, 8tc., which prevent their general adoption with regard to many other freestones. Portland freestone is the common stone made use of by the masons in London, which is brought from the island of that name in blocks of almost all dimensions roughly hewn. Its hardness gives it many requisites to produce exquisite masonry. It is sawn into scantling by the friction of sharp siliceous earth -and water by means of a framed plate saw of iron. It is afterwards worked by the mallet and chisel to the required form, and then rubbed to a smooth face with sand or grits by hand. Most of our public buildings are composed of this stone ; and it has been the practice to make use of it in private ones for the kerbs, strings, fascias, columns, cornices and balustrades, when all the other parts were of other materials. Internally, for the floors of halls, j vestibules, staircases, &c. Portland stone is decidedly the I handsomest freestone known, and capable of bearing as fine an arras in moulding as marble, which is the probable reason of its preference, although many other freestones might be obtained at half the original cost and without its great additional expense of freight and I duty. The two latter, however, has risen so high of late that the Gloucestershire stone is now at the wharfs j as its competitor, and is daily coming more into use, and perhaps may in a few years in some measure super- ! sede it; it having been already employed in several j works of consequence, in which it has been found to answer the purpose best ; and as the masons get | more used to it Portland stone will be discontinued, ex- cepting for the internal work, where it will always be ; preferred from its superior neatness. The granites of Cornwall and that called Dundee stone from North Britain are now employed for all ■works in which great solidity and wear are required. It has been sought for and used at the several Docks, 1 also at the new Bridges. Its excessive hardness is as | much the terror of the London masons as the Glou- I cestershire stone is for its softness ; on account of which has arisen the necessity of bringing to London the workmen as well as the stone, there not having been found persons in London who would undertake to work it. The bringing round of the granites to Lon- don and other places arose in the first instance from the necessity of finding something more solid and durable for the locks and basons of canals. The freestone of the neighbourhood having been generally found inade- quate, these deriiands gave rise to the more multiplied working of the several quarries. Hence it is that now all these different qualities of stone are regularly to be found in the markets, and modern masons will hence- forth have the credit of effecting more lastifig works than those from freestone, by a judicious blending aiid arrangement of all the several qualities of stones, to the various purposes of strength and ornament, than they have hitherto had it in their power to do. A substan- tial foundation is of the first importance in masonry, without which no -work can be considered as durable. However, in modern construction this vital part of a building is almost usually intrustec| to the car- penter and bricklayer ; the former for thq purpose of piling such ground as is found inferior, soft, and marshy, and to the latter to raise the needful walls in the substructure in which little or no masonry is em- ployed. Some architects latterly have abandoned planking, many dilapidations having been occasioned by its decay. Planking consists in bedding strong boards of oak or fir the whole length and breadth of the proposed foun- dation ; {he former should never be less than three inches and the latter five inches in thickness. And it would be a wise precaution to scorch them all over previously to laying them down. When the magnitude of the superstructure requires that the solid earth should be pierced, piling is had recourse to; it consists in forcing into the infirm ground piles of squared fir, oak, or any other wood, usually about nine or ten inches square, of sufficient tenacity to withstand the driving, the required length being previously ascertained by boring the ground. The ends of the piles are com- monly cased, or as it is called, shoed with pointed iron, and their upper ends or tops are cased with the same me- tal. The machine for forcing them consists of a frame of wood (the height of which must be regulated according to that of the pile and the power required in forcing it), framed and braced with broad and secure ledgers and feet: at the top is a cast-iron wheel usually about eighteen inches in diameter, the outer edge fluted to admit of a rope or chain to move in it, which rope or chain is attached to the axis of an iron cylindrical beater, which for ordinary purposes is from five to seven hun- dred lbs. in weight. This cylinder slides sometimes in grooves in the upright frame, and often on the face of the upright. There is also a ladder attached to the machine for the purpose of adjusting the chain in the wheel, and for oiling the machine : ten or even twenty or more men are employed, according to the nature of the soil through which the piles are to be driven, and they work the beater by raising it up and down in the frame, each taking the end of a rope for the purpose, which being all attached to the chain serve as so many handles. The labour is considered so hard, that it is not unusual, where a great many piles are to be driven, to employ double sets of men to work the beater alter- nately. Mr. Labelyn drove the piles of some of the foundations' of Westminster Bridge by a machine worked by a horse. The machinery was considered in- tricate, and not practical for general purposes, and con- sequently it has been discontinued. The piles are usu- ally driven as close together as they can be, and when finished their tops are sawn off and the intervals filled up, MASONRY. 417 up, by the Romans with coal, by us with chalk and rubble ; and their tops are planked in the same manner as is described before for foundations in which planking only has been employed. At the London docks the piles were all grooved on their opposite sides, and forced into the earth close to- gether, and when all were so driven in, a tongue was forced down between each sufficiently strong to bind the whole together, and produce a continued chain of wooden piling connected from one end to the other of die foundation. Some architects have not deemed either planking or piling eligible for foundations in infirm or swampy ground, but have had recourse to a cradle, which consists of oak in quartering, and sometimes of fir, strongly framed and braced together in bays and in lengths of from five to ten feet, and of adequate width for the superstructure : these frames were again covered over by cross pieces or joists, and the whole w as bedded firmly on the ground, and filled up flush by chalk or rubble work, for receiving the foundation of the brick or stone wall, and this has been found to answer per- fectly well, and is safer than in trusting to planking only, because if the decay of the quarters of the cradle should take place, they being but partial, and the rubble still remaining united, a sinking of the building is avoided, which is of the greatest importance, and which is but too often the case in the practice by planking only. In the foundations of bridges, the practice generally adopted by the ancients and moderns has been to lay the piers dry, either by turning the water into a new course, temporarily, or by the erection of a coffer- dam. A coffer-dam consists of a double chain of piles driven into the ground at a sufficient distance from the intended pier, to admit the work being conve- niently proceeded in; when the piles are all firmly fixed in the earth, strong horizontal beams are framed and bolted to them with braces to stiffen the interme- diate parts ; they are finally planked inside and out, which forms a complete case, and the void between each casing is filled by fat mould or strong earth ; thus secured, very little water is found to percolate, and this is removed by pumping. They have also practised another method somewhat more ingenious. The em- peror Claudius practised it at the port of Ostia ; Dra- guet Keys at the Mosque in the sea of Constantinople; Peronet at Pont Nieully, near Paris; and Sir Samuel Benthnm at some works at Sheerness. It consisted of forming a strong grating of timber, covered with planks, which at once forms a floating raft, and the floor upon which the stone pier is to be erected ; the pier is built upon the raft, and is composed of stones amply se- cured, and rendered by cement water-tight; the whole body is so arranged as to float upon the water until it has advanced in height; so that, if it w-ere sunk, it should be above low'-w'ater-mark (if in a tidal river), or higher, as might be found expedient; this levity is obtained either by the assistance of vessels to which the raft is attached by ropes, or sometimes by the pier being worked up with sufficient vacuities to render it specifi- cally lighter than an equal bulk of water ; the pier is then sunk, either by letting the w ater into the vacuities, or by loosening the ropes (as the case may be), but it should be particularly observed previously to prepare the bed of the river to receive the intended pier. — - This is done by machines of the description of ballast- heavers, and care should also be taken that the bottom of the masonry ground be level ; should this not be the case, it must be raised either by pumping the water from out of the vacuities, or (if built in former man- ner) by means of machinery in the vessels ; the opera- tion is performed, in either case, till it ground to the satisfaction of the architect. Mr. Labelyn, in the erec- tion of Westminster bridge, conceiving he had improved upon this latter method, erected the piers of it in caissons, or water-tight-boxes ; the bulk of the box producing a mass, though loaded with the pier, speci- fically lighter than an equal bulk of water ; after each pier had been erected, the sides of the box served again for boxes of other piers ; the pier was sunk, and raised after the same manner as before described. Mr. Mylne, in erecting Blackfriars bridge, adopted the same method in regard to the caissons. The practice adopted in the middle ages, as, at the bridges of Avignon, St. Esprit, Lyons, London, York, Newcastle, Rochester, &c., until modern times, was to drive piles into the bottom of the river, in the site of the intended pier, and then to cut them off a little be- low low water; the interstices w'ere then filled with stone and strong cement : upon the piles they laid a grating of timber, boarded with thick boarding, which, so prepared, formed the floor to receive the intended pier ; the workmen taking advantage of the times of low water, till the pier had risen to the level of high- water-mark. This manner is of the purest simplicity, nor does it require the aid of any machine beyond a pile-driving engine. The foundations of the piers of London bridge, as appeared from that which was re- moved, when the two small arches were converted into one, was composed of a quadruple row of piles driven in close together on the exterior site of the pier, forming a case to receive the stone and cement ; it was not ascer- tained whether there were piles in the heart of the pier, for as soon as the exterior piles w'ere taken out, the great force of the water cleared away the remainder, which were carried down the river. With a view to protect the piers of this bridge there have been constructed round them what are called starlings. A starling consists of an enclosure of piles driven into the bed of the river close together, and secured by horizontal pieces of timber, bolted by iron to the tops of the piles ; and the void within, to the piling of the pier, is filled with chalk, gravel, stone, &c., so as to form a complete defence to the internal piling upon which the stone piers are erected. It has been very improperly stated, that starlings are necessary to defend the piers in rivers liable to tidal currents, when constructed after the manner last de- scribed ; on the contrary, the use of a starling is not to 5 O * defend 418 MASONRY. defend piers of any particular construction, they have been used generally when by the plan of the bridge too little water-way has been left. The walls of modern buildings are sometimes built for ornament, but more often in which both it and so- lidity are sought for. In London they are regulated by a specific Act of Parliament, but the act having been framed more as a protection from fire than as a security against dilapidation, a prudent builder finds it eligible to trust to the law to avoid inconvenience, but to strengthen his walls beyond the law to prevent their ruin. It is too much to ask for specifics in regard to the thickness of walls : they must be regulated, first, in reference to the nature of the materials to be employed ; and, se- condly, to the magnitude of the fabric to be erected. Walls of stone may be made one-fifth thinner than those of bricks ; and brick walls, in the basement and ground stories of buildings of the first rate, should be reticulated with stone to prevent their splitting, a circumstance too much disregarded by our present builders. A plinth in masonry is the first stone inserted above the ground ; it is in one or more pieces, according to its situation, projecting beyond the wall above it about an inch ; its projecting edge sloped downwards, or moulded, to carry off the water that may fall on it. Ashlering is a term used by masons to designate the plain stone-work of the front of a building, in which all that is regarded is getting the stone (which is com- monly no more than a casing to the wall) to a smooth face, called its plain-work. The courses should not be too high, and the joints should be crossed regularly, which will improve its appearance, and add to its solidity. Fascia is a plain course of stone generally about one foot in height, projecting before the face of the ashlering about an inch, or in a line with the plinth of the building; it is fluted on its under edge (called by the workmen, throating), as a check to prevent the water from running over the ashlering ; its upper edge is sloped downwards for the same purpose. It is commonly inserted above the windows of the ground stories, viz. between them and those of the principal story. Cills . — These belong to the apertures of the doors and windows, at the bottom of which they are fixed ; their thickness is various, most commonly about four inches and a half ; they are also fluted on their un- der edges, and sunk on their upper sides, projecting somewhat beyond the ashlering, commonly about two inches. Imposts . — These are insertions of stone with their front-facings commonly moulded, and sometimes left plain, and when so left they are prepared in a similar way to the fascias above described. They form the springing-stones to the arches in the apertures of a building, and are of the greatest utility. Cornice . — This forms the crown to the ashlering at the summit of a building ; it is frequently the part which is marked particularly by the architect to designate the particular order of his work, and when so, it is moulded to that character; hence there are cornices wrought after the three known orders in architecture, viz. the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, when per- haps no column of either is employed in the work, the cornice alone designating the particular style of the edifice. In working the cornice the mason should pre- pare the top or upper side, by splaying it away towards its front edge, that it may more readily convey off the water which may fall on it. At the joints of each of the stones of the cornice, throughout the whole length of the building, that part of each stone which comes nearest at the joints should be left projecting upwards a small way, called, by workmen, saddling the joints ; the intention of which is to keep the rain-water from entering them, and washing out the cement; such joints, however, should be chased or indented, and such chases should be run full of lead. When dowels of iron are employed they should be fixed by melted lead also. Blocking Course . — This is a course of stone tra- versing the top of the cornice, to which it is fixed, it is commonly in its height equal to the projection of the cornice. It is of great utility in giving support to the latter by its weight, and to w'hich it adds grace. It at the same time admits of gutters being formed behiud- it to convey away the superfluous water from the co- vering of the building. The joints in it should always cross those of the cornice, and should be plugged with lead, or cramped on their upper edges with iron. The Romans sometimes dove-tailed the joints of such courses of stone. Parapets. — These'are of great ornament to the upper part of an edifice. They were used by the Greeks, and afterwards by the Romans, and are composed of three parts, viz. the plinth, w'hich is the blocking course to the cornice ; also, the shaft, or die, which is the part immediately above the plinth. It has a cornice, which is on its top, and projects in its mouldings suffi- ciently to carry off the rain-water from the shaft and plinth. In buildings of the Corinthian style the shaft of the parapet is perforated in the parts immediately over the apertures in the elevation, and balustrade enclo- sures are inserted in the perforations. The architects have devised the parapets with reference to the roof of the building which it is intended to obscure. Pilasters . — In modern design these are frequently very capriciously applied. They are vertical shafts of square- edged stone, having but a small projection, with capi- tals and bases like columns ; they are placed by us often on the face of the wall, and with a cornice over them. In Greek architecture they are to be met with com- monly on the ends of the walls behind the columns, in which application their face was made double the width of their sides, their capitals differed materially from those of the columns which they accompanied, they were somewhat larger at bottom than at top, but without any entasis or swell. The best examples are to be found in Steuart’s MASONRY. 419 Steuart’s Ruins of Athens, viz. to the Propylea, tem- ple of Minerva Polias, &c. See. Architraves adorn the apertures of a building, pro- jecting somewhat from the face of the ashlering ; they have their facing sunk with mouldings, and also their outside edges. When they traverse the curve of an arch they are called archivolts. They give beauty to the exterior of a building, and the best examples of them are to be found in the ancient Greek buildings, and in many also in Italy. Rusticating, in architecture and masonry, consists in forming horizontal sinkings or grooves in the stone ashlering of an elevation, intersected by vertical or cross ones, perhaps invented to break the plainness of the wall, and to denote more obviously the crossing or bond of the stones. It is often formed by splaying away the edges of the stone only ; in this style the groove forms the elbow of a geometrical square. Many architects omit the vertical grooves in rustics, so that their walls present an uniform series of horizontal sinkings. The French architects have been very fond of this method, as may be seen in the buildings at Paris ; and the Bank of England is an instance of it in this country. There are abundance of ancient examples in each of the three manners. Columns. — These comprise, generally, a conoidal shaft, with a small diminution upwards to their upper diameter, amounting generally to about one-sixth less than the lower diameter. They have sometimes a swell or entasis in, their whole height (see Rules for makiug, article Architecture), but this practice was by no means general. The Greek ruins do not seem to coun'enance such a departure from nature, nevertheless it is found to have been commonly practised among the Roman buildings. The proportions of columns from the Egyptians to the Greeks have varied but little ; the columns of the former, in their large temples, as at Thebes, amount to about four and a half diameters only in their height. The columns of the Parthenon, at Athens, are little more than five. In the best Roman examples they were increased to upwards of seven di- ameters. The columns of alt the Grecian remains are fluted, and the fluting differs in each example. The Doric shafts have their flutes in very flat segments finished to an arris. To the other columns to the temples of Erectheus, Minerva Polias, &c. (both of the Ionic style), flutings of the semi-ellipsis shape with fillets were adapted. The application of columns has been that in which the architect has most endeavoured to display his ge- nius. The Greeks surrounded their public works with them; their porticos carried this kind of splendour to its highest, as in them may be sought and found the whole syntax of architecture and masonry. To con- struct a temple in the Greek manner required a con- summate knowledge of architecture, combined with an exquisite taste united to great judgment. In the Par- thenon, at Athens, is to be found the most elaborate display of masonry in the world. This temple to Mi- nerva is the best example of this important branch (see Plate I., Fig. 4). The columns are all constructed of single blocks in diameter, and in courses of more than a diameter in height (BB, Fig. a). The wall enclosing the cell of the temple {Fig. 4), is formed of a single course of marble blocks, in thickness, shewing a face inside and outside, the vertical joints corresponding over each other, and in seventeen horizontal courses, reckon- ing from the bottom of the architrave to the top of the upper step, and rising to an height of thirty-three feet. The capitals to the columns consist each of one single block, two feet nine inches high, and the architrave lies upon them. The architraves are composed of three blocks in thickness from face to back, each in length extending from centre to centre of the columns, and above fourteen feet long each, and that over the central intercolumniation is seventeen feet, and each block also the whole height of the architrave, and of an equal thickness. The frieze is in two regular courses in height, and each course wants so much of being the whole thickness of the frieze as allows the metope to lie against it. The triglyph tails are (AA, Fig. 2) in one height, but does not go through it, and was so formed that the back of the block was considerably narrower where it went into the frieze than the breadth of the triglyph, so that each side of the triglyph pro- jected on to the face of the slab of the metope (BB, Fig. 2) several inches, thus forming a rebate which en- closed the metope ; and which completely prevented their removal without taking off the cornice and pedi- ment, and gave strength and solidity to the whole sculp- tures of the friezes. The cornice is in blocks, which are the width of one mutule and one of the spaces be- tween them (Elevation, Fig. 1), their ends forming a complete course on the inside. The tympanum of the pediment is composed of one course of upright slabs on the outside face, with horizontal courses behind them. The pavement of the temple is in squares of equal size, of about five feet each, and about one foot in thickness (two or three of which are amongst Lord Elgin’s Athenian marbles), joined with the most mathe- matical precision. The perfect state in which the monuments of Greece still remain, which have not been destroyed by violence, is a proof of the great judgment with which they were constructed. The famous temple to Minerva would have been entire at this day if a bomb had not been thrown into it by the Venetians, when it was used as the powder magazine of the Turks. The Propylea, ap- plied to the same purpose, was struck by lightning, and blown up. The temple of Theseus, not having been exposed to accidents of this nature, is almost as entire as when first erected. The little choragie monument of Thrasyllus, as well as that of Lysicrates, are also entire. These are sufficient instances to shew the great judgment employed by the Athenians in the construc- tion of their buildings, and it is hoped to impress on modern architects and masons the utility of employing large blocks, and also of causing great accuracy in joining 420 MASONRY. joining them tpgether, without which masonry is not better than bricklaying. The core of rubble work now remaining in many of their walls is impenetrable to a tool, an additional proof if any be wanting of the care employed in cementing the masonry. The mode of erecting columns into screens or por- ticos remains to be treated on. The Doric column was effected in Greece without a base, it having a large diameter which compounded for this deficiency. This column was invariably approached by three steps, (see Fig. 4. c c c) the third or last forming the floor on which it was built. The lower shafts, as well as the intended intercolumniation, were accurately marked out on the floor, and on the parts to which the columns were designed to be placed. A circle \yas drawn about -j%th of the diameter of that of the column, which was sunk down (See Plate I. Fig. 3. D D.). The lower shaft was accurately shaped at its lowest extremity to the proposed diameter (A, Fig. 3), leaving it so much longer as to fit into the sinking in the upper step, which formed for it a kind of rebate ; by thus fixing all the shafts in the floor their intercoluinniations were exactly preserved. The column is composed of blocks (BB, Fig. 4), of, at least, a diameter in height, exactly jointed, and, by the Greeks, without the least cement between them. In the centre of each joint were made square sinkings for the purpose of putting in a joggle ; this joggle enters both the upper and lower shafts, and serves to prevent the moving or fracture of the column by any lateral thrust it might receive. The joggles in the columns of the Parthenon were of olive- wood ; they are commonly with us of iron painted over, or of lead ; and, in columns of marble, they are copper. The latter metal being preferred by reason of its not being so liable to oxydate as the former, and consequently not so probable to stain the stone, which is too often the case by iron joggling. The joining of columns in free-stone has been found more difficult than in marble, and the French masons have a practice to avoid the failure of the two arrisses of the joint, which might be borrowed with success for the constructing of columns of some of our softer free- stones. It consists in sinking away the edge of the joints, by which means a groove is formed at every one, throughout the whole height of the column. Travellers who have seen their porticos have compared them to cheeses piled one on the other, the courses appearing, by this practice, to be so regularly marked. This me- thod is not had recourse to but for plain shafts : it is not altogether of modern invention, as there are some ancient remains in which it appears, but in them it may fie conjectured to have been for a very different pur- pose. It served to admit the shafts being adorned by flowers and other insignia on the occasion of their shews and games. In the French capital they even now, on their public illuminations, affix row’s of lamps on their columns, making use of these grooves to adjust them regularly, which produces a very good effect. The shafts of columns in large works intended to be adorned by flutes, are erected plain, and the fluting chiselled out afterwards. The ancients commonly^ formed the two ex'reme ends of the fluting previously, as may be seen in the remaining columns of the temple of Apollo, in the island of Delos, a practice admitting of great accuracy and neatness. The finishing the detail of both sculpture and masonry on the building itself w’as a universal practice among the ancients : they raised their columns first in rough blocks, on them the architraves and friezes, and surmounted the whole by the cornice, finishing such parts only down as were not con- veniently to be got at in the building ; hence, perhaps, in some measure, arose that striking proportion of parts together with the beautiful curvature and finish given to all the profiles in Grecian buildings. The Greeks, who carried architecture to its highest, seem by their skill to have even chained down the public convenience to submit to her notions of subli- mity. Thus we find, that the general basement of the Parthenon is composed of three gradations, or steps, (Plate I. Fig. 4, ccc ) not proportioned to the human step, but to the diameter of the columns it supports, and forms one single feature extending through the length of the temple, and of strength and consequence sufficient to give stability and breadth to the mass above it. The same means were pursued in all their works, viz. in those of the Ionic and Corinthian styles, for the Greeks affected none other. The bases and capitals to the columns, and also the antse, were executed on the building, as well as the accessories or ornamented parts ; and although this practice is not common among us, our neighbours, the French, who certainly are much our superiors in architecture, always adopt it. It has one great public convenience (besides admitting greater ac- curacy in finishing) by allowing of more rapidity in carrying forward the work, blocks being inserted for and instead of laboured bases and capitals, from w hich circumstances the case of the building is sooner ready to receive its roof, and the interior may be more quickly prepared for its intended purpose than by wait- ing for all the several parts to be previously wrought’ and finished to be inserted in the progress of the work ; hence the public convenience becomes sooner supplied, and if the finances should fail of fully effecting the whole intention of the design, such failure would only effect the ornamental part ; enough will remain to exhi- bit the genius of the architect, and the work may be completed, if it be worthy, in more prosperous cir- cumstances. The French people seem fully to have fallen in with this idea, for they have frequently left unfinished the decorative part of their edifices, as there are now to be seen at Paris and other places whole ranges of columns and pilasters with no indication of their precise order, except what may be collected from the shape and size of the blocks inserted in the walls to form them. Pavements have occupied considerable attention in architecture, and consequently masonry. The Greek temples were paved with white marble, the same as that MASONRY. 421 that of which the temple itself was constructed ; and consisted of large squares joined with great precision, and of such thickness as secured their stability; the remaining stones in the Propylea, at Athens, are fifteen inches in thickness ; and those in the Minerva temple, eighteen inches. The Turks have found the greatest difficulty in removing them, as has been their practice, for the purpose of making lime for their pre- sent houses. Tessellated Mosaic pavements were used by the Athenians, and consisted in forming, by inlaying mar- ble in various specimens, to exhibit the most agreeable and fanciful designs. Mr. Steuart discovered a frag- ment of one, of great beauty, in the Ionic temple on the Ilissus, at Athens. In the disclosures at Pom- peii many floors were found to be so paved. There does not, however, appear in Greece such marks of luxury and extravagance in the decorative parts of their buildings as the opulent Romans displayed, who, not content with inserting in their floors pieces of mar- ble of the most beautiful kind, had them painted and varied with different colours. This custom commenced under Claudius. Under Nero they began to cover the marble with gold, thus the marble of Numidia was gilded, and that of Phrygia was stained with purple. The mode of staining marble w as so perfect that the dyers of Lacedemon and Tyre were envious of the purple lustre which their marbles exhibited. Pieces of solid gold, called crassum aurum, and of the same me- tal beaten out called u bracteae,” were inlaid. Some women, says Seneca, “ had baths paved with pure silver; they placed their feet on the same kind of metal in which their food was served up.” Such and other traits of splendour are mentioned in the descrip-» tion which Statius gives of the country-house of Man- lius Vopiscus. Arching is that in w'hich the modern mason has ex- ceedingly excelled the ancient. In Greece, if it were understood, it was but little practised ; but there, as in Egypt, the necessity of it was not so imperious as it was afterwards in Italy, and latterly in Europe ; the former countries abounded in quarries of marble, from which they could collect pieces of sufficient dimension to compose lintels for all their apertures, and also for the roofs of their porticos, which were formed of marble ; and they appear satisfied in this application, without having had recourse to arching, which they must, bad not their marble been adequate to the support of great weights laying in horizontal positions. The Romans, who were indebted to the Greeks for all that they performed on scientific principles in architecture, took the rules that were afforded in arching (although scanty) by their teachers, and if they did not much im- prove them, made them more common ; hence we find, in most of the Roman edifices arches in all positions, in some of which there is great boldness of design, as well as intelligence displayed ; but, as is usual in the infancy of an invention, they appear never to have carried them above, or varied them from, the portion of a circle altering its versed sign only to answer the numerous purposes of strength and ornament in building. — The ancient Roman architects seem not to have been conducted, in these their principles of arcuation, by certain and geometrical principles, experience and imitation served them principally as guides. The circle with them answered every purpose ; and experience having shewn its utility, no one seems to have pressed from the ranks to exhibit his enterprise by a devia- tion ; this was left for the work of the moderns, and, like the late developements in chemistry, to which it nearly approaches in both genius and importance, may, in its results, eventually connect the most distant by the easiest possible means, as w'ell as promote the convenience of the present and admiration of succeed- ing ages. The masonry of an arch herein to be treated of, is so intimately connected with the theory, that it appears almost impossible to explain the one without giving some information respecting the other. In theory, an arch may be explained as follows, viz. to consist of se- ries of stones, called voissoirs, in the shape of trun- cated wedges which resist each other, through their inclined sides, by means of that weight whereby they would otherwise fall, and are suspended in the air with- out any support from below, where a concavity is formed. The voissoirs are subject to forces which arise from their own weight, from external pressure, from friction, and the cohesion of matter; all these forces compose 'a system which ought to be in equilibration ; and, moreover, that state ought to have a consistence firm and durable. It was not till near the end of the seventeenth century when the Newtonian mathematics opened the road to true mechanical science, that the mathematicians directed any part of their attention to the theory of arches. Dr. Hook gave the first hint of a principle, when he affirmed, that the figure into which a chain or rope, perfectly flexible, will arrange itself, when suspended from tw'o hooks, becomes, when in- verted, the proper form for an arch constituted of stones of uniform weight and size. The reason on which he grounded his assertion, is, simply, that the forces with which the parts of a standing arch press mutually on each other, in the latter case, are precisely equal and opposite to those with which they pull each other in the case of suspension. This principle, true as far as it goes, gave rise to most of the specious theories of the mathematicians ; for they did not consider that though- an arch of equal voissoirs might be thus balanced, it would require much other matter to be placed over it, to fill up the space between the extrados and a road- way, if used for the purpose of a bridge, and that this superincumbent mass must necessarily destroy the equili- brium previously existing in the unloaded arch. There is a certain thickness in the crown which will put the catenaria in equilibrio, even with a horizontal road- way ; but this thickness is so great that the pressure at the vertex is equal to the horizontal thrust : the only si- 5 P tuation, 422 MASONRY. tuation, therefore, in which the catenarian would be proper, is in an arcade, carrying a height of dead wall above it. During these discussions on the celebrated catenaria, a new system of arching developed itself. It was deduced from the consideration of the arch-stones being frustrums, or parts of wedges ; hence the mathe- matical properties of the wedge were introduced into the science, and employed to establish the theory of what were called balanced arches ; this practice was taught in France by La Hire, Parent, Varignon, Beli- dor, 'Riou, &c., and some bridges were formed on its principles, viz. Pont La Concorde, at Paris, and also one arch at Nieully. It required that the arch-stones should be as long as economy would admit, and, if possible, to fill up all the space between the intrados and extrados of the bridge ; and further, they are all to be locked together by bars and wedges of iron, which will prevent the possibility of their sliding, on the arch quitting the centering ; a circumstance not before ac- complished in arching. The theorist not yet having brought the practical architect to adopt his visions, raised another system, which is said to secure a perfectly equilibrated structure, by making an equality at every point of the curve. The deduction from this theory consists in making the height of the wail incumbent on any point of the in- trados, directly as the cube of the secant of the curve’s inclination to the horizon at that point, or inversely as the radius of curvature there. It must be added, that this theory expects the joints of the voissoirs to be per- fectly smooth, and not to be connected by any cement, and therefore to sustain each other merely' by the equili- brium of their vertical pressure ; and the theorist says, “ an arch which thus sustains itself, must be stronger than another which would not, because when in ima- gination we suppose both to acquire connexion by ce- ment, the first preserves the influence of this connex- ion unimpaired ; whereas in the other, part of the co- hesion is wasted in counteracting the tendency of some parts to break off from the rest by want of equilibrium. From these systems have been made tables for forming I arches to equilibrate, by which the nature of each voissoir may be found to any degree of curvation, and Dr. Hutton has simplified it for practical men — (see Table, article Arch, Part I, page 341). The prac- tical mason, however neat in the execution of his work, finds it extremely difficult to get the joints of the arch- stones so smooth as is required by these systems ; and even if he succeeds in doing so, circumstances may take place in the construction of the work to render it j useless ; for instance, the abutments may sink a little, and one may retire more than another, hence will arise an alteration in the arch, and, consequently, in the shape of the joints ; but there are other circumstances to be anticipated, known to the practical architect (if even a sinking of the abutments should not take place), which is an alteration in the centre on which the masonry is raised. It is ascertained, that however firmly it may be constructed and supported, its curvature will vary as it receives the weight of the stone arch. It not being possible that the centre could be loaded all at once, produces this variation; but even if the centre should be so constructed as to remain firm and unalterable, a sinking w ill ensue on its removal ; this, as the prac- tice is, is done gradually, and all the arch-stones in some measure follow it; the middle ones squeezing the lateral ones aside, which compresses all between them ; hence the latter arch stones alter their shape, a sinking of the crown ensues, consequently a general change of form of not only the joints, but of the arch also. Some architects, to secure as little friction in the joints as possible, have covered their surfaces with sheet-lead, and this practice was followed in the bridge of Blackfriars, at Norwich, by Mr. Soane. It cannot be too strongly recommended to the mason concerned in arching, to make all the joints meet as correctly as possible, using the least possible quantity of cement be- tween them : the practice of wedging in the voissoirs at the crown of the arch, commonly practised, should be done with caution, or, instead of preventing a sinking, it may endanger the whole arch. Peronet, who was architect to so many bridges in France, and whose ex- perience and sagacity in this branch of practice, had developed more than a whole magazine of theorists could do, rejected it. His rejection of it was not how r - ever to the principle, but to the uncertainty in the persons employed to perform it ; he conceived that the stones might be so fractured in forcing them in, that no two flat surfaces w'ould present themselves in that part of the arch. — Nieully, one of the finest bridges he built, and which the writer of this article has repeatedly ex- amined, is of a very superior construction ; the road occasions very little elevation, no more than sufficient to keep it dry. The arches and piers are quite unique in their shape, of considerable span, and so apparently fiat and thin in the crown, as at first sight to create a doubt if they be of stone. It is a principle in the French bridges that the passengers may see their road- w r ay from one end to the other. It would not be en- dured by them to be ascending mountains over the in- land waters ; and if their bridges are not so strong as ours, they exhibit more intelligence, convenience, and beauty. The figures of arches are as various in their shape as the most fastidious ideas of convenience can require ; they w'ere, in the bridges of the Romans, semi-circles ; by the moderns, of every form and curvature fancy can suggest, or geometry delineate ; but the practical mason should endeavour in effecting arches, if he ex- pects the praise of intelligent men, to protect them by some reference to known principles. Every arch of curvature (and it cannot be an arch without it, although it may be a lintel), should be described by its praxis in known geometry, and if it require one, two, or more centres to develope its form, the workman should not forget that these points once ascertained are his guides to find the shape of the voissoirs or arch-stones. The joints of an arch are all traced from the centres of their • curvature, MASONRY. 423 curvature, so that as a general axiom it may be assumed, for instance, speaking of a semi-circle, that its centre supplies the principle of giving form to the voissoirs ; if a segment, the centre of the circle of which it is the segment, be its versed sign what it may. If an ellipsis, which is neither more nor less than three segments, the arch-joints must be drawn from the centres of each cor- respondent circle, and so on to the parabola, hyper- bola, Sic. : if these principles were attended to by the practical mason, the failure of so many arches in the smaller works w'ould be prevented, and the arch itself appear more neat ; inasmuch as principle would be op- posed to that which is most commonly done-by chance, as may be seen by any attentive observer, ou looking at the arches in some of our buildings. Of Domes . — A dome is said to be less difficult of construction than an arch, by reason that the ten- dency of each part to fall is counteracted not only by the pressure of the parts above and below, but also by the resistance of those which are situated on each side. A dome may therefore be erected without any tempo- rary support, like the centre which is required for the construction of an arch, and it may at last be left open at the summit, without standing in need of a key-stone. The Greeks seem no more to have employed domes than they did arches, one # only having been preserved, and in that there is nothing to require any of the prin- ciples of the Tambour-wall, as it is composed of a single piece. The Romans certainly affected domes, in which they developed great enterprise, genius and taste. Vitruvius says nothing about them, though he gives proportions for his monoptereal buildings, as, probably, they were but little employed in his time ; but we have still existing the Pantheon of Agrippa, over which there is a beautiful hemispherical roof, and it is probable that all their round temples were so roofed ; indeed, in the remains of the Sybils’ temple at Tivoli, there are evident marks of such a covering. The masonry of domes must be conducted on similar principles to those recommended for arching, excepting only that the figure of each voissoir or wedge will be so shaped as to fit the void in a sphere instead of its sec- tions. The weight of masonry in a dome, however, will require all the force of mind in the architect and mason to prevent its forcing out its lower parts ; for instance, if it rises in a direction too nearly vertical, with its form spherical, and its thickness equable, it will require to be confined by a chain or hoop, as soon as the rise reaches *to about iiths of the whole diameter ; but if the pre- caution be taken of diminishing the thickness of the masonry as it rises, it will not require to be so bound. The dome of the Pantheon is nearly circular, and its l^*yer parts are so much thicker than its upper parts as to afford sufficient resistance to their pressure, and this was further prevented from spreading by being fur- nished with many projections which answer the pur- pose of abutments and buttresses. * The monument of Lysicrates, at Athens, I At the restoration of the Arts in Italy, in the fifteenth century, the architects, no doubt struck with the amaz- ing effect of domes, from viewing that remaining to the 1 Pantheon, projected many to the cathedrals and other edifices at that time undertaken ; but their skill was not equal to their zeal, and many attempts from want of the former, failed. At Constantinople, the church of St. Sophia was covered by a dome, and its history will be useful to prevent the temerity of the unscientific. Anthemius and Isidorus, whom the emperor Justinian had selected as architects the most proper for conducting the works of this celebrated edifice, seem to have known but little of the matter. Anthemius had boasted to Justi- nian that he would outdo the magnificence of the Ro- man Pantheon, for he would hang a greater dome than it aloft in the air ; accordingly he attempted to raise it on the heads of four piers, distant from each other about one hundred and fifteen feet, and about the same height. He had probably seen the magnificent vaultings of the temple of Mars the Avenger, and also of the temple of Peace, at Rome, the thrusts of the vaultings of which were withstood by two masses of solid wall which joined the side walls of the temple at right angles, and extended sidewise to a great distance. It was evident that the walls of this temple could not yield to the pressure of the vault- ing, without pushing these immense buttresses along their foundations ; he therefore in imitation placed four but- tresses to aid his piers. They are almost solid masses of stone, extending at least ninety feet from the piers to the north and to the south, forming, as it were, the side walls of the cross. They effectually secured them from the thrusts of the two great arches of the nave which supported the dome ; but there was no such pro- vision against the thrust of the great north and south arches. Anthemius trusted for this to the half dome which covered the semi-circular east end of the church, and which occupied the whole eastern arch of the great dome : but when the dome was finished, and had stood a few months, it pushed the' two eastern piers, with their buttresses, from the perpendicular, making them lean to the eastward, and the dome and half dome fell in. Isidorus, who succeeded to the work on the death of Anthemius, strengthened the piers on the east side, by filling up some hollows, and again raised the dome, but things gave way before it was finished ; and while they were building in one part it was falling in another. The pillars and walls of the eastern semi-circular end were much shattered by this time. Isidorus, seeing they could give no resistance to the push which was so evi- dently directed that w'ay, erected some clumsy but- tresses on the east wall of the square which surrounded the w'hole Greek-cross, and these w'ere roofed in with it, forming a sort of cloister, and leaning against the piers of the dome, and thus opposed the thrusts of the great north and south arches. The dome was now turned for the third time, and many contrivances were adopted for making it extremely light. It was made offensively flat, and, except the ribs, it was roofed with pumice- 424 MASONRY. pumice-stone; but, notwithstanding these precautions, the arches settled so as to alarm the architects, and they made all sure by filling up the whole from top to bottom with arcades in three stories. The lowest arcade was very lofty, supported by four noble marble columns, and thus preserved, in some measure, the church in the form of a Greek-cross. The story above formed a gallery for the women, and had six columns in front, so that they did not bear fairly on those below. The third story was a dead w'all, filling up the arch, and pierced with three rows of small ill-shaped windows : in this uuworkmanlike shape it has stood till now, and is the oldest church in the world, but it is an ugly mis- shapen mass of deformity and ignorance, resembling any thing rather than what it w'as intended for, viz. a beau- tiful piece of architecture. But there has been domes effected since in every part of Europe, combining and displaying, in this species of building, every requisite of beauty and strength. The one to St. Peter’s, at Rome, is a superb undertaking ; and the set-off to it in this country, of St. Paul’s, is another, in which equal taleut is developed ; but this latter dome is more remarkable for its carpentry than its masonry. At Paris they have that to the church of the Invalids, a beautiful work ; and one, of very recent con- struction, to St. Genevieve, now called the Pantheon ; on the frieze of the portico of w hich is the following in- scription in bronze letters, Aux grand hommes la Patrie connoisante. This latter dome, including the peristyle on which it rests, is perhaps the most beautiful in form and composition in existence. The peristyle is formed by fifty-two columns of the Corinthian order, completely in- j sulated, and standing on a circular stylobate, each above j fifty feet high. The dome rises above the cornice of the peristyle in a beautiful curved line, and, on its top, is formed a pedestal and gallery. On the pedestal is erected a bronze statue of the figure of Fame, twenty- eight feet high : but here, as in St. Sophia, the work of dilapidation has commenced. It w'as observed, after the dome was raised, that the columns composing the interior began to sink with the weight. This inte- rior consisted of four naves, over the centre of which was the lantern and dome ; they are decorated with one hundred and thirty fluted columns of the Corinthian order, twenty-eight feet high, completely insulated ; the shafts of some of which began to fracture at their joinings, which obviously arose from the inadequacy of the material they were composed of, and, to remove this defect, the architects have directed the walling Up of the intercolum- niation at the four quarters of the screen, in order to prevent its further giving way ; and this now having been done, a monument at once of great genius and taste may be preserved. A dome has been erected to the rotundo of the Bank of England, in which the principles of the ancient one of the Pantheon, at Rome, has been followed. It takes its spring from a wall of great thickness, on which it is bedded, furnished by many projections externally graduated like steps, which answer the purpose of but- tresses. It is open at its summit, like that from which it is copied, and from which the interior of the build- ing receives its light. It composes, on the whole, a structure unique, and very honourable to the talents of the architect, Mr. Soane. The masonry of Gothic architecture now remains to be treated. It is pretty generally agreed among anti- quaries, that we had few, if any, buildings of stone previous to the Norman advent: indeed, it is observed, “ that before that event most of our monasteries and church buildings were of wood.” “ All the monasteries of my realm,” saith king Edgar, in his charter to the abbey of Malmesbury, dated in the year 974, “ to the sight are nothing but worm-eaten and rotten timber and boards:” and that upon the Norman conquest such timber fabrics grew out of use, and gave place to stone buildings, raised upon arches ; a form of structure in- troduced by that nation, furnished with stone from Caen, in Normandy. “ In the year 1087 (Stow’s words of the cathedral of London) this church of St. Paul was burnt with fire, and therewith most part of the city : Mauritius, then bishop, began therefore the new foundation of a new church of St. Paul ; a work that men of that time judged would never have been finished, it was to them so wonderful for length and breadth, as also the same was builded upon arches of stone, for defence of fire ; which was a manner of work before that time unknown to the people of this nation, and then brought from the French, and the stone was fetched from Caen, in Nor- mandy.” St. Mary le Bow church, in] London, being built much about the same time, and manner, that is, on arches of stone, was therefore called New Mary church, or. St. Mary leBow; as Stratford bridge, being the first builded with arches of stone, was therefore called Stratford le Bow. This, doubtless, is that new kind of architecture the continuer of Bede intends, where speaking of the Normans, lie saith, “ you may observe every where in villages, churches ; and in cities and villages, monasteries erect- ed with a new kind of architecture/’ And again, speaking doubtfully of the age of the eastern part of the choir of Canterbury, he adds, “ I dare constantly and confidently deny it to be elder than the Norman conquest, because of the building it upon arches, a form of architecture, though in use with, and, among the Romans long before, yet, after their departure, not used here in England till the Normans brought it over with them from France.” It is barely probable that we should have continued ignorant of masonry till this period, and that we did not there is abundant proof. With regard to the churches being of wood, the only authority produced for it, is the expression in one of king Edgar’s charters concern- ing the ruinous state of the monasteries in his time. It is true, indeed, some of their fabrics seem to have been totally formed of timber. Bede, in his Ecclesiastical His- tory, mentions a chapel so built on occasion, of the conversion of Edwin, king of Northumberland, for the purpose MASONRY. 425 purpose of his baptism. But he likewise informs us, that soon after the king was baptized, he laid the foundation of a stately and magnificent fabric of stone : this king was baptized in the year 627, several hundred years previously to the reign of the Norman king; so that there is a great probability that the art of constructing buildings of strength, supported by arches and vaulting, was well understood long before. Among the fabrics of these times may be included many heathen temples, some of which were built by the Saxons themselves. In what these temples differed from the Christian churches may be difficult to determine with any certainty ; pope Gre- gory, however, advised Augustin not to demolish them, but only that the idols that were in them should be removed and destroyed, and then consecrated to the service of the true God. As the work of conversion was at this time going on rapidly, a zeal began to display itself iu erect- ing churches and other places of worship. One of the first erected Saxon churches of any consequence appears to have been at Canterbury, and Bede says, “ it was called St. Peter, and in which all the bodies of the bishops of Canterbury were interred.” From this time to the conquest, and for some time after, Saxon archi- tecture was the prevailing taste of the nation, and many edifices combining all the requisites of true building were made. The characteristic marks of this style are these : — The walls were very thick, generally without buttresses; the arches, both within and without, as well as those over the doors and windows, semi-circular, and supported by very solid or rather clumsy columns, with a kind of regular base and capital. In short, plainness and solidity constitute the striking features of this method of building : nevertheless, the architects of those days sometimes deviated from this rule, their ca- pitals were adorned with carvings of foliage, and even animals; and their massive columns were decorated with small half-columns united to them, and their sur- faces ornamented with spirals, squares, lozenges, net- work, and other figures, either engraven or in relievo ; various instances of these may be seen in the cathedral of Canterbury, the monastery at Landisfern, the ca- thedral at Durham, and the ruined choir at Orford, in Suffolk. Their arches too, though generally plain, sometimes came in for more than their share of orna- ments ; particularly those over the chief doors, some of these were overloaded with a profusion of carving. Bishop Warburton, in his notes on Pope’s Epistles, says, “ all our ancient churches are called, without dis- tinction, Gothic, but erroneously. They are of two sorts ; the one built in the Saxon times, the other in the Nor- man.” Several cathedral and collegiate churches of the first sort are yet remaining, either in whole or in part ; of which, says he, this was the original. When the Saxon kings became Christians, their piety (which was the piety of the times) consisted chiefly in building churches at home, or performing pilgrimages abroad, especially to the Holy Laud ; and these spiritual exercises assisted and supported one another. For the most venerable, as well as most elegant models of religious edifices were then in Palestine. From these the Saxon builders took the whole of their ideas, as may be seen by comparing the drawings which travellers have given us of the churches still standing in that country, with the Saxon remains of what we find at home. Now the archi- tecture of the Holy Land was Grecian, or rather Ro- man, but greatly fallen from its ancient elegance. Our Saxon performance was indeed a bad copy of it, yet still the footsteps of the ancient art appeared in the cir- cular arches, the entire columns, the division of the entablature into a sort of architrave, frieze and cornice, and a solidity equally diffused over the whole mass. To the Saxon style of building succeeded the Nor- man, or pointed style. The marks which constitute its character are its numerous and prominent buttresses, its lofty spires and pinnacles, its large and ramified win- dows, its ornamental niches or canopies, its sculptured saints, the delicate lace-work of its fretted roofs, and the profusion of ornaments lavished indiscriminately over the whole building ; but its peculiar distinguishing cha- racteristics are, the small clustered pillars and pointed arches formed by the segments of two intersected cir- cles, which arches, though last brought into use, are of more simple construction than the semi-circular ones. Sir C. Wren, who, in his Parentalia, has considered this style of building, refers it to Saracen origin. He says, “ the Holy war gave the Christians who had been there an idea of the Saracen works, which w'ere after- wards by them imitated in the west, and they refined upon it every day as they proceeded in building churches. The Italians (among whom were yet some Greek re- fugees), and with them French, Germans, and Flemings, joined into a fraternity of architects, procured papal bulls for their encouragement and particular privileges. They styled themselves Free-masons, and ranged from one nation to another as they found churches to be built (for very many in those ages were every w’here build- ing, through piety or emulation) ; their government was regular, and where they fixed, near the building iu hand, they made a camp of huts. A surveyor governed in chief ; every tenth man was called a warden, and overlooked each nine : the gentlemen of the neighbour- hood, either out of charity, or commutation of penance, gave the materials and carriage.” He proceeds, “ those who have seen the exact accounts in records of the charge of the fabrics of some of our cathedrals, near four hundred years old, cannot but have a great esteem for their economy, and admire how soon they erected such lofty structures. Indeed, great height they thought the greatest magnificence. Few stones were used but W'hat a man might carry up a ladder on his back from scaffold to scaffold, though they had pulleys and spoked wheels upon occasions ; but having rejected cornices, they had no need of great engines, stone upon stone was easily piled up to great heights, therefore the pride of their works was in pinnacles and steeples.” The difficulty of tracing the origin of the buildings l with pointed arches, in this country, in some measure vanishes by a close inspection, for towards the latter end 5 Q of 426 MASONRY. of Henry the Second’s reign some pointed arches appear, and also the columns are more slender, supporting archi- volts of a different style,- but they do not appear to have wholly prevailed during this reign, as some short solid columns and semi-circular arches are retained, and mixed with the pointed ones. An example of this is seen in the west end of the Old Temple church, and at j York, where under the choir remains much of the an- cient work, the arches of which are but just pointed and rise on short round pillars : both these were built in that reign. In the reign of the third Henry, the -pointed style seems to have gained a complete footing. Indeed like all novelties when once admitted, the rage of fashion made it become so prevalent, that many of the ancient and solid buildings erected in previous reigns were taken down in order to be re-edified in the new taste, or had additions made to them in this mode of architecture. The cathedral church of Salisbury was begun early in this reign and finished in 1253. It is entirely in the pointed style, and is considered the best pattern of that age. Its excellency is undoubtedly in a great measure owing to its being constructed on one plan, whence has arisen a symmetry and proportion of parts not to be met with in many of our other cathedral churches. In Edward the First and Second’s reign no very material alteration appears to have been made, except perhaps towards the end of the latter king’s reign the vaulting of the roofs became more decorated than before ; for now the principal ribs being spread over the inner face of the arch run into an assemblage of tracery, dividing the roof into various angular compart- ments, and were usually ornamented at their intersections with orbs gilded, heads of figures, and other embossed work. The columns consisted of an assemblage of small pillars or shafts, not detached or separate from the body of the column, but made a part of it. The vvindows were also greatly enlarged and divided into several compartments by stone mullions branching off at the top into various ramifications, and more particu- larly so, those to the Eastern and Western ends of the buildings, which were large, often taking up nearly the whole breadth of the nave and as high almost as the vaulting, set off by numerous details of beautifully painted glass representing kings, saints, martyrs, and confessors. Ely cathedral furnishes abundant specimens of the style of the first and second Edwards. The same style after- wards began to prevail all over the kingdom, and conti- nued improving through every successive reign to its final decline in Henry the Eighth’s, and its total overthrow in Edward the Sixth’s and Elizabeth’s time. In Henry the Seventh’s time this species of building arrived at a perfection surpassing every thing that had before been seen. Every detail of the sculpture and masonry was better executed ; a taste for statuary began to appear ; the ribs and vaulting of the roofs, which had been before large and seemingly formed for strength and support became now divided, and as from a centre spreading themselves over the vaulting, which gave the whole the appearance of embroidery with clusters of pendant ornaments hanging down from the roofs. The most striking instance of this kind is, the chapel of King Hen- ry the Seventh at Westminster, King’s College Chapel at Cambridge is another instance of the superlative style of architecture of these reigns. This magnificent edi- j fice had its principal ornaments during Henry the Eighth’s reign. The towers were finished, as well as most of its spreading roofs and tracery work ; some curious do- cuments still existing in the archives of the college shew the contracts of the artificers employed, and exhi- bit a singular contrast to modern valuations. In one contract is set forth the following items, concerning the erecting of the “ fynyals” or pinnacles for twenty- one buttresses, and finishing one of the towers, one “ fynyal” having been previously set up as a pattern. The contract runs thus, “ for every pinacle to be paid 61. 13s. 4d ; and for all the said pinnacles o£l00, and for the upper part of the tower (viz. from the open-work Upwards) <£100 ; the provost, &c. to find iron-work to the amount of £5 for each pinnacle. In this reign bricks became much in use, the arches were flatter than in the time of the Edwards. The exquisite tracery adorning the roofs and vaulting made this kind of arch necessary, in order to bring the work of the sculptor nearer the spectator’s eye. In all Cardinal Wolsey’s buildings is to be seen this low-pointed arch. It was described from four centres, was very round at the haunches, and the angle at the top was very obtuse. There is now a generally prevailing opinion among antiquaries, that this style of architecture took its rise - and received its culture in this kingdom, arising partly from the numerous remains still extant ; in which they fancy they can trace all its various improvements until it arrives at its greatest perfection and glory. From this understanding and concurrence among professional men, e they have now in their writings discarded the term o Gothic, as applied to the manner of building from the f thirteenth to the sixteenth century, and have substituted - the word English ; and for the style which subsisted pre- e viously to the former period, and was introduced at the e conquest, and whose chief characteristic and feature is an e highly-pointed arch, they call Norman ; and to all buildings d before the conquest they apply the term Saxon. The >. architecture used by the Saxons is very properly called e Saxon. The improvements introduced after the Nor- - man conquest justify the application of Norman to the i- edifices of that period. il The nation assumed a new character about the time n of Henry the Second. The language properly called y English was then formed, and an architecture founded a on the Norman and Saxon, but extremely different n from both, was invented, cherished, and employed by is the English ; this is now called the English style. The ; term Gothic certainly has no real application to the ar- e chitecture for which it is applied to distinguish ; these rt people, (viz. the Goths and Vandals) had ceased to ig make any figure in the world long before this species le of building was in use. Sir C. YVren is the first English MASONRY. 427 English writer who has applied it to designate this species of architecture, who most probably adopted it from the Italians of the fifteenth century, who were in the habit of applying it to all the buildings not done after the fashion of the remains then existing in Italy. The term “ La Maniera Gotica” was used, partly no doubt in contempt and partly to distinguish such Works from what was considered by them the legitimate style of architecture. This digression on the architecture of these islands, was deemed eligible and necessary, as it would have been absurd to treat of their masonry without some notices of the buildings to which it had been applied. The desideratum of skill in all these works in which the division of stone has produced the most striking effects is iu the arching and vaulting. The other ma- sonry was performed in the usual manner, adopting the means to the local advantages derivable from the nature of the material to be employed. The process of work- ing in freestone was the mason’s chief employ ; this they did with considerable address and judgment : they made the walls of great thickness, composed of many small stones accurately wrought and blended together and with great compactness. The height of those walls, together with the long and highly-pointed windows covered by a vaulted deling, made it necessary to erect buttresses ; these prevented the long narrow piers between the win- dows from splitting, and secured the side-walls from the thrust of the ribs aud arches of the vaultings.) The pinna- cles which crowned the buttresses, and which were car- ried considerably above the parapets of the roofs, added by their weight to the solidity of the piers, as well as i strengthened the whole range of the wall. Their towers strengthened the quoins of the walls, and besides ad- mitted of staircases being formed within them to com- municate with every story of the building, as also with the roof itself. The roof of King’s College Chapel at Cam- bridge is justly esteemed the finest specimen of arching in existence, and exhibits at the same time an elaborate display of art and workmanship in every end of its de- partments. It consists of a series of arches, one passing through the .whole building, and several others which find their centres in the several side buttresses ; these are locked together in their intersections or apexes by a large key-stone shaped wedge-like, surrounded by additional keys cone-like, which altogether form a circular key at each intersection of the groin, with the square-shaped key-stone in its centre. These are placed in the centre of every compartment at equal distances along the central rib, which passes from East to West. A small rib intersects this, and crosses the roof almost in a horizontal line, and a much larger rib running parallel with it springs from the capitals of the clustered columns which run up betw'een the w indows, taking its spring directly against the buttress. Hence is supported this truly magical roof by a se- ries of double arches, excentric to each buttress, with one main arch passing through the whole; yet all materially dependant on each other, and suspend- I ing that weight of stone which appears laid almost flat from side to side of the chapel. It is asserted by Malden, that the stones composing the groining are not more than three inches in thickness ; they, how- ever, vary, and are nearer to six inches. The keys are large and well fitted ; besides they drop down as pen- dants, and are richly carved. There is a tradition which has been repeated by every writer who has written about this edifice, taken from Walpole’s Anec- dotes of the Arts, that SirC. Wren became so much de- lighted with the style of this vaulting that he went once a year to survey it, and said, “ that if any man would shew him where to place the first stone, he w'ould en- gage to build such another.” That the most accom- plished architect of his time could commit himself by making so futile an observation is doubtful. It is never- theless certain, that in this roof will be found successfully executed one of the most difficult tasks in architecture. Masons employ certain technical phrases by which they designate every part of their work employed in building, some of which have been previously noticed ; and in point of the value of each description of w'ork, that is ascertained by a datum to be hence explained, and which has arisen from out of the experience attending on the general w T ay adopted for the admeasuring of artificers’ works. It does not appear to have been a very early practice among the surveyors and masons to separate all the distinct portions of labour which are employed about their hewn stone into the several different species, calculating the difficulty in each, and appor- tioning a value commensurate, which is now the com- mon and universal practice. This manner of assessing the value of the labour and also of the materials, arose in its beginning from out of necessity, there having been found no other means of putting down the avarice and injustice of the master artificers. On its first intro- duction it met with very general opposition from all mechanics ; but its rationality, together with its truth and accuracy soon gave it that ascendency over this self- ishness which it was so well calculated to produce. Hence at this time every part of masonry as w'ell as other artificers w'orks are divided and again subdivided into all their several distinct parts, a value being assigned to each, which is found adequately to remunerate them for all their toil as well as the incidental expenses attending on the execution and erection of their several wmrks. In the admeasuring of mason’s work the measurer is provided with two rods, commonly of five feet in length each, divided into five equal parts or feet, and each foot again subdivided into halves and quarter feet : sometimes the feet are also drawn in inches, but this latter method is by no means universal. When the stone to be measured approximates to fractions, the common rule is applied to ascertain them. All the stone is first mea- sured, beginning at that w hich is fixed nearest to the top of the building, and then taking the labour to it ; and every piece of stone which exceeds in its thickness two inches is valued by the cubic foot, and all other stones under that thickness are deemed to be slabs, and are 428 MASONRY. are valued at per foot superficial ; these latter generally embrace the paving-stones of all descriptions, as well as chimney-pieces, copings, &c. There are also some portions of the labour as well as the stone which are valued by the foot measure running ; of this class are the groovings in lusticated work, fiutings in the shafts of columns;: and pilasters, joints in gallery floors, called (joggled joints,) rebates in stairs, with the throatings to cills and copings, &c. &c. In the latter description may be included the various sorts of copings employed on the tops of walls and parapets, narrow slips to chimney-pieces, Sec. Sec. The dimen- sions are all accurately put down in a book, which for convenience is ruledj into three divisions on its left-hand side, the middle division being about one-third of the width of those on its sides ; this middle column is that in which the inches and parts are expressed, and in the left-hand column the feet, together with the number of times the dimension is to be repeated or added, and the last for placing the quantities when cubed and squared ; for in taking the dimensions it often happens that there may be several pieces of stone of the same size, and this the measurer marks in his book, as well as at the same time writing down the nature of the stone, and also the species of labour about it. His dimension book stands thus : 3/6 -.O') . .. 3 : Of 3 : 4£ Portland Landing. :9) 3/7 : 6 84 : 4 Plain Work Do. 3:9 3/7 : 6 22 : 6 Groove Do. By thus arranging the dimension book, every particle of stone and labour on it is ascertained with the greatest accuracy and dispatch ; they are all afterwards to be abstracted, which consists in ruling out a loose sheet of paper into as many columns or divisions as are required for all the several species of work which has been mea- sured, and writing over the head of each of the co- lumns the particular kind to be inserted in it ; for in- stance, beginning with cube of Portland, all of it which has been measured is brought into the column under that head, plain-work under its head, also sunk-work, moulded work, and the several running measures all stand respectively ; and when so separated, they are to be cast up at the bottom of each several column, where is to be seen the whole of the several quantities, after which they are made out into bills, beginning with the cubes first, then the superficies, and lastly the running measures. The works which are valued singly or by their number, are similarly classed and placed last of all at the bottom of the account. For thus measuring, cubing, and squaring the quantities, and valuing and finishing the account, surveyors’ charge two and a half per cent on the gross amount. The plain-work on stone consists merely in the cleaning up of its surface, and the rule for finding how much of it is to be measured, is by observing that the mason is entitled to all that is not covered, that is, to every part of it which may be seen. Sunk-work embraces that kind of labour to stone which requires the surface or any other portion of it to be sunk down by chiselling it away. The tops of all window-cills, for instance, are sunk for the purpose of more readily con- veying away the water which falls on them. Moulded- work consists in forming on the edges of the stone cer- tain forms, known in architecture as mouldings, that is, to make it more obvious. Cornices, architraves, and such parts of an edifice in which stone is employed are fashioned into a variety of curved or other forms. The dimensions of moulded work is ascertained by girting it with a string or piece of tape over to every one and into all its several parts, and then measuring the length of the string or tape so girted, which will be the width of the moulded-work, and the length of the cornice, Sec. Sec. will be its length, which when squared together will give the superficial quantity of moulded-work. Masons have also their circular-work ; this kind of labour is ad- measured in the same way as has been described for the moulded-work, viz. by girting it all round. There are distinct valuations for every one of these different spe- cies of labour. Nevertheless, it is not deemed here essential to recite them, as they vary as the price of the workmen’s wages does, except in London where they are uniform, but in the country they are somewhat lower, the value of workmanship being less by reason of the men having much less wages. Masonry en pise. This is a species of building entitled to considerable attention, arising from out of its oeconoiny as well as its general utility. Every country abounds with the materials from which it may be formed, and in all nations it may be had recourse to for the building of useful as well as ornamental dwellings with fewer tools and with less of mechanism and machinery than is required for any kind of building now practised. In the year 1791, a work was published at Paris by M. Francois Cointereax, containing an account of a method of building strong and durable walls and houses with no other materials than earth, and which has been practised for ages in the province of Lyons, though little known to the rest of France or any other part of Europe. It appeared to be attended with so many advantages, that many gentle- men in this country who employ their leisure in the study of rural economy, were induced to make trial of its efficacy, and the event of their experiments has been of a nature to make them wish by all possible means to extend the knowledge and practice of so beneficial an art. With a view to promote this desirable end, the account contained in the following pages has been ex- tracted from the French work, and it will be found to contain every necessary instruction required by those into whose hands the original work may not have fallen, or who being unacquainted with the language may have been prevented from consulting it. The appearance of those MASONRY. 439 those wretched hovels which arc built with mud in »onie parts of England, will perhaps dispose many persons to doubt the strength and durability of houses which are composed of no other materials than earth. The French author says, “ the possibility of raising the ivalls of houses two or even three stories high, with I earth only, which will sustain floors loaded with the j heaviest weights, and of building the largest manufac- tories in this manner may astonish every one who has not been an eye-witness of such things.” But it is I hoped that a description of the manner of building will i sufficiently explain the reason of its superiority. The word pise, or en pise, is a technical term made i use of in the country where the work about to be de- | scribed is in common practice, and it has been retained I because it cannot be rendered by any adequate word in the English language. Pise is a very simple manner of operation ; it is merely by compressing earth in moulds or cases that we may arrive at building houses of any size and height. This art, though until very lately con- fined to the single province of the Lyonese in France was known and practised at a very early period of an- tiquity, as appears from a passage in Pliny’s Natural { History, lib. 34. c. 14, which is exactly a description of j this manner of building. M. Goiffon, who published a 1 treatise on Pise in 1772, is of opinion that the art was ! practised by the Romans, and by them introduced into I France; and the Abb6 Rozier, in his Journal de Phy- sique, says, “ that he has discovered some traces of it in Catalonia,” so that Spain, like France, has a single province in which this ancient manner of building has been preserved. The art, however, will deserve to be introduced into more general use. The cheapness of the materials which it requires, and the great saving of time and labour which it admits of, must recommend it in all places and on all occasions. But the French author says, “ that it will be particularly useful in hilly countries, where carriage is difficult and sometimes im- practicable ; and for farm-buildings, which as they must be made of considerable extent, are usually very ex- pensive without yielding any adequate return. All earths are fit for the purpose when they have not the lightness of poor lands nor the stiffness of clay ; second- ly, all earths fit for vegetation ; thirdly, brick-earth ; but these if they are used alone are apt to crack, owing to the quantity of moisture which they contain. This, 1 however, does not hinder persons who understand the business from using them to a good effect. Fourthly, strong earths with a mixture of small gravel, which for that reason cannot serve for making either bricks, tiles, or pottery. These gravelly earths are very useful, the lest pise is made of them. These general principles may suffice without over-burdening the memory of the reader, and from the following remarks may be known j what earths are fittest to be employed by themselves — ' when those have been described, it will remain to point \ out such as must be mixed with others, in order that i they may acquire the necessary quality. The following appearances indicate that the earth in which they are found are fit for building ; for instance, when a pick-axe, spade, or plough brings up large lumps of earth at a time ; when arable land lies in clods or lumps : when field-mice have made themselves subter- raneous passages in the earth, all these are favourable signs. When the roads of a village having been worn away by the water continually running over and through them are lower than the contiguous lands, and the sides of those roads support themselves almost up- right, it is a sure mark that the pise may be executed in that village.. One may also discover the fitness of the soil by trying to break with one’s fingers the little clods of earth in the roads and find a difficulty in so doing, or by observing the ruts of the road in which tire cart-wIieeJs make a sort of pise by their pressure ; whenever there are deep ruts in a road one may be sure of finding abundance of proper earth. Such earth is found at the bottom of slopes of low lands that are cul- tivated, because every year the rain brings down the fat or good earth. It is frequently found on the banks of rivers, but above all it is found at the foot of hills where vines are planted. In digging trenches and cel- lars for building, it generally happens that what comes out of them is fit for the purpose. As it may sometimes happen that earth of a proper quality is not to be found on the spot where it is in- tended to build, it becomes of importance to attend to the method of mixing earths ; for though the earth which is near at hand may not of itself be proper, it is very probable that it may be rendered so by the mixture of a small quantity of another earth fetched from a distance. The principle on which a mixture must be made is very simple ; strong earths must be tempered with light; those in which clay predominates with others that are composed more of chalk and sand ; and those of a rich glutinous substance, w'ith others of a poor and barren nature. The degree in which these qualities of the earths prevail, must determine the proportions of the mixture, which it is impossible here to point out for every particular case but which may be learnt by a little practice. It would not be amiss to mix with the earth some small pebbles, gravel, rubbish of mortar, or in short any small mineral substance ; but none of the animal or vegetable kind must be admitted. Such hard substances bind the earth firmly between them, and being pressed in all directions contribute very much to the solidity of the whole, so that well worked earth in which there is an admixture of gravel becomes so hard in about two years time, that a chisel must be applied to break it as though it were freestone. First Experiment to ascertain the Qualities of Earth proper for making Pise. — Take a wooden tub or pail without a bottom, dig a hole in the ground of a court or garden, and at the bottom of that hole fix a piece of stone flat and level, place your tub upon the stone, filling round it the earth that has been dug out to make the hole, and ram it well that the tub may be en- closed to prevent its bursting ; then ram into the tub the earth you mean to try, putting in at each time about 5 R the 430 MASONRY. the thickness of three or four fingers’ breadth ; when this is well rammed, add as much more and ram it in the same manner, and so for the third and fourth, &c., till the earth is raised above the brim. This superflu- ous earth must be scraped off extremely smooth, and rendered as even as the under part will be which lies on the stone. Loosen with a spade the earth round the tub, and you will then be able to take it out, and with it the compressed earth that it contains ; then turn the tub upside down, and if it be wider at the top than at the bottom, as such vessels usually are, the pise will easily come out ; but if it should happen to stick let it dry in the air twenty-four hours, you will then find the earth is loose enough to fall out of itself. You must be careful to cover this lump of pise with a little board, for though a shower of rain falling in an oblique direc- tion will not injure it, yet it may be a little damaged if the rain fall perpendicular, and especially if it receive it so for any length of time. Leave the lump exposed to the air, only covered over with a board or flat stone ; and if it continue without cracking or crumbling, and increases daily in density and compactness as its natural moisture decreases by evaporation, you may be sure that the earth is fit for building. But you must re- member that it is necessary that the earth employed should be taken from a little below the surface of the ground, in order that it may be neither too dry nor too wet. It must be observed also, that if the earth is not well pressed around the outside of the tub before it is filled ; though the hoops were of iron they would burst, so great is the pressure of the beaten earth against the mould, of whatever size it may be. Second Experiment. — This trial may be made in the house : having brought from the field the earth you want to try, press it in a stone mortar with a pestle of wood, brass, or iron (the latter is best), or with a ham- mer ; fill the mortar above its edge and then with a large knife or some other instrument take off the su- perabundant earth even with the brim ; if you then find that the earth will not quit the mortar you must expose it to the sun or near a fire, and when it is sufficiently dry it may be taken out without difficulty by turning the mortar upside down on a flat stone or on the floor. It will have the shape of the mortar, and if exposed as above directed will shew the qualities of the earth. In building en pise and preparing the earth all the operations are very simple and easy ; there is nothing to be done but to dig up the earth with a pick-axe, break the clods with a shovel so as to divide it well, and then lay it in a heap, which is very necessary; be- cause as the labourers throw' up that heap the lumps of earth and large stones will roll to the bottom, when another man may break them or draw them away with a rake. It must be observed, that there should be an interval of about an inch and a quarter between the teeth of the rake, so that the stones and pebbles of llhe size of a walnut or something more may escape, and that it may draw off only the largest. If the earth that has been dug has not the proper quality, which is seldom the case, and it be necessary to fetch some better from a distance, then the mixture must be made in this manner ; one man must throw one shovel-ful of the best sort, while the others throw five or six of the inferior sort on the heap, and so more or less ac- cording to the proportion; which has been previously ascertained. No more earth should be prepared than the men can work in one day or a little more, that they may not be in want when about the building ; but if rain be expected you must have at hand either planks, mats or old cloths to lay over the heap of earth, so that the rain may not wet it, and then as soon as the rain is over the men may resume their work, which without this precaution must be delayed; for it must be remembered that the earth cannot be used when it is either too dry or too wet, and therefore if the rain should wet it after it has been prepared, the meu will be obliged to wait till it has recovered its pro- per consistency ; a delay which w ould be equally dis advantageous to them and their employer. When the earth has been soaked by rain, instead of suffering com- pression it becomes mud in the moulds, and even though it be but a little too moist it cannot be worked ; it swells under the blows of the rammer, and a stroke in one place makes it rise in another. When this is the case it is better to stop the work, for the men find so much difficulty that it is not worth while to proceed. But there is not the same necessity of discontinuing the work when the earth is too dry, for it is easy to give it the necessary degree of moisture in such a case ; to do which it should be sprinkled w ith a watering-pot, and afterwards w'ell mixed up together, it will then be fit for use. It has already been observed that no vege- table substance should be left in the earth, therefore in digging, as well as laying the earth in a heap, great care should be taken to pick out all sprigs and herbs, all bits of straw or hay, chips or shavings of w'ood, and in general every thing that can rot or suffer a change in the earth. Implements used in Buildings of Pise. — Besides the common tools, such as spades, trowels, baskets, wg- tering-pots, &c., a hatchet w ill be required as well as a plumb, rule, hammer, and nails. The other ma- chinery consists of a mould and a rammer, &c., of which it will be necessary to give a particular description ac- companied by drawings. Plate II. Fig. 1 . is one side of the mould in which the earth is to be compressed, and-seen on its outside. Fig. 2, the other side seen within-side. Fig. 3, the head of the mould seen without-side. Fig. 4, the other face seen within-side. , Fig. b, the wedges to secure the upright posts in tlie joists, Fig. 9 and 10 . Fig. (i, a round piece of wood called the wall-gauge. Fig. 7, one of the upright posts seen on its flat side with its tenon to enter the mortise in the joists. % MASONRY, 431 Fig. 8, The sarhe on its back also with its tenon. Fig. 9, a joist in which the mortises are made to re- ceive the tenon of the uprights and wedges seen flatways. Fig. 10, the same with its side and bottom seen. Fig. 11, the mould for the pise wall put together, in which are seen all its several parts. Fig. 12, the rammer (or pisoir) for ramming the earth in the mould. For the construction of the mould take several planks each ten feet long, of some light wood, in order that the mould may be easy to handle : deal is the best, as being least liable to warp, to prevent which the board should be straight, sound, well seasoned, and with as few knots as possible ; let them be ploughed and tongued together and planed on both sides. These planks so prepared should be fastened together by four good strong ledges, as seen Fig.. 1 . The mould must be two feet nine inches in height, and two handles composed of pieces of strong rope should be affixed to each of the sides ( sec Figs. 1 and L 2.). The head of the mould, which serves to form the angle of the building must be made of two narrow pieces of wood ploughed, tongued, and ledged together ; its breadth eighteen inches and height three feet, and planed on both of its sides (see Figs. 3 and 4), where it may be remarked that this part of the mould diminishes gradually to the top, in order that the wall may be made to diminish in the same degree ; all the boards mentioned for making the case of the mould should be of whole or one inch and a quarter deal. The wedges, Fig. 5, must be at least an inch thick and from eight to twelve inches long : and as to the gauge, Fig. 6, it must be cut in its length equal to the thickness of the wall you mean to erect. The six or eight ledges that are necessary to secure the two large sides of the mould serve also to receive a corresponding number of upright posts, stand- ing on a similar number of joists. The posts or up- rights, Figs. 7 anil 8, may be made of either wood sawed square, or of round wood of any kind : so that one may use indifferently the ends of rafters, joists, small trees or their branches. These posts are to exceed the height of the mould by eighteen inches, they must therefore be about five feet high, including the tenons (which should be six inches long), and in their scantling about three inches by four inches. That part which is to bear against the ledges of the mould must be flat and strait, the other sides need not be worked with so much truth. The joists, Fig. 9, also may be mgde of the same sort of stuff, and should be three feet six inches long and in scantling three inches and a half by three inches ; on the broad part of which must be made the two mortises (as marked Fig. 9 and 10), each ten inches and a half long and about one and a half inch wide, and at each end three and a half inches must be left projecting beyond the mortises, so th^t the interval between for the mould will remain fourteen inches. These dimensions must be observed in order that the t\yo sides of the mould may incline towards each other, and the thickness of the wall be gradually diminished till it be reduced to fourteen inches at the roof. The dimensions of the joists then are as I follows, viz. ... The two ends remaining beyond the mortises three and a half inches each . . — ; 7 The two mortises ten and a half inches each 1:9 The interval between the mortises . . 1:2 Total length of the joists, Fig. 9 and 10 3:6 The most simple things are sometimes difficult to be understood without being seen, an elevation of the sec- tion therefore of the whole machine has been annexed (see Fig. 11). The following is a list of its several parts enumerated in the same order, and which the workmen must be careful to observe when they are about to erect the mould. Section of the Mould on the Wall. A, a stone or brick foundation, one foot six inches thick, on which a wall of earth is to be raised. 13 B, the joists placed across the foundation w all. C C, the two sides of the mould, including between them three inches of the foundation wail. D D, the upright posts, the tenons of which fit into the mortises of the joists. E, the w'all gauge, which affixes the width of the mould at top, and which is shorter than the thickness of the wall at bottom for the purpose of regulating the dimension of the wall to be erected. F, a cord about half an inch in diameter, making several turns round the tops of the posts to secure the frame at top. G, a round stick, which by being wound round fas- tens the cord and holds the posts tight together. II H, the wedges which enter into the mortises in the joists, and keep the posts and moulds firmly fixed against the wall. Such is the process employed in erecting the mould, a coutrary order must be observed in taking it to pieces. To do which, the rope must be unloosened, the wedges taken out, and the posts, the mould, and the joists re- moved, in order to fix up the whole again. The instrument with which the earth is rammed into the mould is a tool of the greatest consequence, and on which the firmness and durability of the pise will much depend ; in short, the perfection of the work will be in proportion to its goodness. It is called a pisoir, or rammer, and though it may appear very easy to make, yet more difficulty will be found in the execution than is at first apprehended ; a better idea of its construction may be formed by examining Plate II, Fig. 12, in which it is delineated, than any words can convey. It should be m.ide of some kind of hard wood, either oak;, ash, beech, & c., or, which is preferable, the roots of either of these. Method of working Pise.— Let us not confound pist; with that miserable way of building with clay, or mud more properly, mixed w ith hay or straw, which is often seen in country villages. Though some have been un- able 432 MASONRY. able or unwilling to distinguish between them, nothing in reality can be more different. Those wretched huts are built in the very worst manner that could be ima- gined, whereas pise contains all the best principles of masonry, together with some rules peculiar to itself. Plate II. Fig. 13, represents the plan of a cottage arranged for two rooms ; A A, the windows ; B B, the fire-places ; C, the cross or partition-wall ; D D, the door-ways, the building of which will be described according to the method of Pise. To begin with the foundation, as seen Fig. 1 1, A : this may be made of any kind of masonry or brick-work that is durable, and must be raised to the height of two feet above the ground, which is necessary to secure the walls from the moisture of the earth, and the splashing of the rain which will drop from the eaves of the roof. When the foundation-walls are built up level all round the cottage, and eighteen inches thick, mark upon them the distances at which the joists are to be set for receiving the moulds, those distances should be three feet each from centre to centre of the joists (see B B, Fig. II); each side of the mould being ten feet long, will divide itself into three lengths of three feet each and leave six inches at each end, which serves to lengthen the mould at the angles of the house, and are useful for many other purposes. After having set all the joists of the mould in their places, the masonry of the foundation must be raised up six inches, that is, till it be level with the upper face of the mould-joists ; there will therefore be upon the whole a bjjse of tw'O and a half feet, which in most cases will be found more than sufficient to hinder the rain, frost, snow, or damps from injuring the w'alls. Raise the mould immediately on this new masonry, placing it immediately over one of the angles of the wall. The method of raising the mould has already been described. The head of it (See Plate II, Fig. 3 and 4) is to be placed against the angle, and should have eighteen inches in breadth at the bottom, and seventeen and a half inches only at the top ; thus the sides of the mould will incline upwards, and produce that diminution in the thickness of the wall which is usual in buildings of this nature. The w'edges (Fig. 5) must then be driven in, and the upright posts (D D, Fig. 1 ]) w-ell secured by cords, and the head of the mould fixed by iron pins or with screws and nuts ; after which the pre- paration of setting the mould is complete, and the workmen may begin the filling up of the pise wall. A M'orkman should be placed in each of the three divisions of the mould, taking care to put the best at the angle, as it will be his business to direct the w ork of the other two, and to occasionally apply a plumb rule to the wall and mould, to prevent the mould from swerving from its upright position. The labourers who dig and prepare the earth, must give it in small quantities to the work- men in the mould, who after having spread it with their feet, begin to press it with the rammer. They must only receive so much at a time as w ill cover the bottom ot the mould to the thickness of three or four inches ; the strokes of the rammer should be given close to the sides of the mould, and afterwards applied to evefy other part of the surface ; the men should cross their strokes so that the earth may be pressed in every direc- tion. Those who stand next to one another in the mould should so regulate their strokes as to be at the same time under the cora, because that part cannot be got at without difficulty and must be struck obliquely ; with this precaution the whole will be equally compressed. The man who is stationed at the angle of the wall, should beat carefully against the head of the mould, and for the sake of the appearance, or perhaps to increase the strength of the building, it is usual to spread at every six inches a layer of mortar near the head, in imitation of the joints in stone-w'ork. Care must be taken that no fresh earth is received into the mould till the first layer is properly beaten, w'hich may be ascertained by striking it w ith the rammer, the strokes of which should leave hardly any impression on the face. They must proceed in this manner, putting into the mould layer after layer till it is filled up completely; when this is done the machine may be taken to pieces, and the earth which it contained will remain firm and upright, of about nine feet in length and about two feet and a half in height. The mould may be then replaced for another length, including one inch of that which has first been completed, and that no joints may appear in the work, the different lengths are united and made to press one on another. In the second lengths and most of the following, the head of the mould is useless, as it is only made use of at the quoins or angles. When the work- men have gone round the whole building, taking the mould to pieces and putting it together again succes- sively, they must begin upon the partition-wall : in it the head of the mould must be used, as the jaumbs to the doors are to be squared like the angles of the house. When the jaumb next to a cross-wall is very narrow it must be made of other materials such as brickwork, | &c. The first course being thus completed w'e proceed j to the second ; and here it must be observed that, if in laying the first course we begin with an angle, we must proceed with the second in a contrary direction. It may be easily conceived that with this precaution the joints (see Fig. 14) of the several lengths will be in- clined in opposite directions, which will contribute very much to the firmness of the work. There is no reason to fear overcharging the first course with the second, though but just laid, for three courses may be laid without danger in one day. The grooves for receiving the joists should be marked out at the distance of three feet from one another, as before described, but not im- mediately over the former grooves (see Fig. 14, A), but over the middle points betw een them ; these grooves must be chased or cut out of the pise with a pickaxe, and the second course completed in the same manner as the first, except that it must be proceeded in, in a con- trary manner, as before observed, and that the head of the mould and also the wall-gauge must be diminished, in order that the same inclination of the sides to one another which was given in the first course may be per- severed MASONRY. 433 severed in for the second, &c. It must, however, be remarked, that this second course is not exactly to be continued like the firsts as it is necessary that the par- tition-wall should join or bind (see Fig. 14, B B) into the external wall, or rather that all the walls of the building, whether outside or partition-walls, which meet at an angle or otherwise, should cross each other at every corner ; in pursuance, therefore, of this rule, when the work has been advanced from E to F (see plan Fig. 13) or perhaps not quite so far as F, leave the exterior end walls and turn the mould to the partition c, applying the base of it to F, and when the w'ork has been carried along the partition wall as far as the door- way D, bring back the mould to the part which re- mained unfinished in the exterior wall, and after having filled up the space, carry the mould on, beyond the partition wall, and complete the course. The reason why the partition wall in the side opposite (or where the small jaumb of the door is) is not to be connected in the same manner with this interior wall, has already been given ; viz. that it ought to be made of w ood or brickwork and not of pise ; but the third course must be carried over the head of the doorway, and join into the wall as directed for the other side. This description of the two first courses is equally applicable to all the others, and will enable any person to build a house with no other materials than earth, of whatever height and extent he pleases. With respect to gables (if any are designed to be made) they cannot be crossed in their courses as they are detached from one another, but as their height is inconsiderable, and as they are besides connected together by the roof, that part of the w'ork will not be of any material consequence for them. They may be made without any difficulty by merely marking their inclination in the mould and filling in and working up the earth accordingly. It has been observed that each course will be two and a half feet high if the mould is two feet nine inches, for the mould must invariably include three inches of the course beneath, for this reason the grooves are made six inches deep, though the joists are only three inches in thickness. If the directions which have been given for diminishing the thickness of the walls are observed, that thickness will be reduced to fifteen inches at the roof in a house consisting of six courses of pise in height, for in each course there will be an inclination of half an inch. The gables might be reduced to fourteen inches only in thickness, as an interval of fourteen inches only was left between the mortises of the joists, and by increasing or diminishing that interval the thickness of the walls may be regulated at pleasure. Such is the method of build- ing which has been practised by the Lyonnese for many centuries. Houses so built, are strong, healthy, and very cheap, they will last a great length of time, for the French author says, “ he had pulled down some of them which from the title deeds in the possession of the pro- prietors, appeared to have been erected 165 years, though they had been but ill kept in repair. The rich traders of Lyons have no other way of building their country houses. An outside covering of painting in fresco, W'hich is attended with very little expense, con- ceals from the eye of the spectator the nature of the building, and is a handsome ornament to the house. That kind of painting has more freshness and brilliancy than any other, because water does not impair the colours. No size, oil, or any thing expensive is re- quired for it, manual labour is almost all that is wanted either by the rich or the poor. Any person may make his house look as splendid as he pleases for a few pence laid out in red or yellow' ochre, or in other mine- ral colours. Strangers who have sailed upon the Rhone probably never suspected that those beautiful houses which they saw rising on the hills around them, were built of nothing but earth, nay, many persons have dwelt for a considerable time in such houses without ever being aware of their singular construction. Farmers in that country generally have them simply white-washed, but others who have a greater taste for ornamenting, add pilasters, window-cases, pannels and decorations of various kinds. There is every reason for introducing this method of building into all parts of the kingdom, whether we consider the honour of the nation as con- cerned in the neatness of its villages, the great saving of wood it will occasion and the consequent security from fire, or the health of the inhabitants, to which it will greatly contribute, as such houses are never liable to th6 extremes of heat and cold. It is attended with many circumstances that are advantageous to the state as well as to individuals. It saves both time and labour in build- ing, and the houses may be inhabited almost immedi- ately after they are finished, for which latter purpose the holes made for the joists of the mould should not be closed up directly, for the air, if suffered to circulate through them, will dry the walls more speedily. The Method of forming the Apertures in Pise Buildings. — The openings for the doors and windows must be left at the time of building the walls. This may be done by placing within the mould one or two of the heads of the mould as may be found necessary, w herever the wall is to terminate and the opening to commence. They should be made sloping a little in order to leave room for the frames and, sashes. The exterior decorations of the windows and doors are usually made by the rich of stone or bricks, and by the poor of wood, which latter have a bad effect on the appearance of the house, as wood will never unite well with pise-work ; and, notwithstanding the greatest pre- cautions, the exterior covering will break and fall off the wood, whereas stone or brick-work unite perfectly with the pise, and retain their plaster, and, of course, their paint, of which it forms the ground. The chim- ney-pieces (BB, Fig. 13) are laid and united with the walls in the same manner as in a common building, and the flues are also very firmly connected with them, being made of brick-w'ork. But a very particular ad- vantage is that the apartments may be very handsomely finished without making any jaumbs'to the inside doors, 5 S either 434 MASONRY. either of stone or wood. The faciugs of wood to the earthen wall will render jaumbs unnecessary, and why | should the expense of any other finishing be incurred, when the doors may be hung on the grounds or wain- scot of the apartments ? Beating or compressing earth is used in many dif- ferent sorts of work. The ancients employed it in making their rough walls ; the Spaniards, the French, and others, for some of the floors of their apartments. The intent of the ancient architects, when they recom- mended the beating of cement and other compositions used in buildings, was to prevent them from shrinking or cracking, and it is employed for the same purpose in buildings which are made of earth. The beating, by repeated strokes, forces out from the earth the super- fluous water w'hich it contained, and closely unites all the particles together, by w'hich means the natural at- traction of the panicles is made to operate, as it is by other causes in the fermentation of stoues. Hence arises the increasing of strength and the astonishing durability which houses of this kind are found to possess. On the Height of Pise Wall which may he raised in a Day. — In one single day three courses, of about three feet in height each, may be raised one over an- other, so that a wall of earth of about eight or nine feet, or one story high, may be raised in one day. Ex- perience has proved, that as soon as the builders have raised their walls to a proper height for the flooring, the heaviest beams and rafters may without danger be placed on the walls thus newdy made, and that the thickest timber of a roof may be placed on the gables of pise the very instant they are completed. To make good walls of pise it is not sufficient that the earth be well beaten, we must also learn to unite them well together. In houses of brick or stone, to consolidate their parts they make use of angles and binders of free-stone, and of iron-braces and cramp- irons, which are very expensive; but here the binders cost very little, consisting only of thin pieces of wood, a few cramps and nails, and these are found suf- ficient to give the greatest solidity to buildings of pis6. The first course H, Fig. 13, being laid on the front and inner walls of a house, we begin with the second, and if for the inferior course has been directed from G to E, Fig. 1 3, it must for this second be directed from G to II ; but before this second course is began, lay at the bottom of the mould a board about five or six feet long, resting on the angle G, and extending length- wise towards H ; this board must be rough as the sawyers have left it, and about an inch thick, and in breadth about eight, nine, or ten inches, so that there may remain on each side four or five inches of the earth of the wall, which is eighteen inches in thickness ; by this means the board will be entirely concealed in the body of the pise, and w hen there placed, neither the air nor damp can reach it, and, of course, there is no danger of its rotting. This has been often proved by expe- rience, as in taking down old houses of pise such boards I have always been found perfectly sound, and many that have not lost the colour of new' wood. It is easy to conceive how much this board will equalize the pressure of the work raised above it, and will also contribute to bind together the two lengths G E, and to strengthen the angle G ; but this is not all, it is useful (particularly when the earth is not of a very good quality) to put ends of planks into the pise after it has been rammed to about half the height of the mould. These ends of planks should be only ten or eleven inches long, to leave, as before, a few inches of earth on each side of the wall ; if it is eighteen inches thick, they should be laid crosswise (as the plank before-mentioned is laid lengthwise) over the whole course, at the distance of about two feet from one another, and will serve to equalize the pressure of the upper parts of the work on the low'er course of the pise. The boards mentioned need only be placed at the angles of exterior walls, and in those parts where the partition-wall joins to those of the exterior wall. The same directions that have been here given for the second course must be observed at each succeeding course up to the roof. By these means the reader will perceive that an innumerable quantity of holders or binders will be formed which sometimes draw to the right, sometimes to the left, of the angles, and which powerfully unite the front walls with those of the partitions, the several parts deriving mutual support from one another, and the whole being rendered compact and solid. Hence these houses, made of earth alone, are able to resist the violence of the highest w'inds, storms, and tempests. The height of each story being known, boards of three or four feet in length should be placed before-hand in the pis£, in those places where the beams are to be fixed; and as soon as the mould no longer occupies that place the beams may be laid on for each story, and the pis6 may be continued as high as the place on which you intend to erect the roof. On building Park or Garden Walls en Pise.— With respect to w'alls for enclosures of parks, gardens, yards, &c., the mould must be fixed in an angle, or against a building, if the wall is to reach so far, and the work- men must proceed from thence to the other extremity of the wall, and when they have fixed the first course they must raise the mould to make the second, return- ing to the place where they began the first. But when a very great enclosure is to be made, as, for instance, a park- wall, then, for the sake of speed, it is necessary to set several moulds and men to w'ork. In such a case, a mould should be placed at each end, and the number of men be double ; they will work at the same time, and meet in the middle of the wall, where they ! will close the first course, after which each set of men ' raise their mould to make their second course, and both setting out again for the middle, continue’ working in op- posite directions towards the ends where they first began. Besides the advantages of strength and cheapness this method of building possesses that of speed in the exe- cution. That the reader may know the time that i§ required MASONRY, 435 required for building a house or an enclosure, he need only be told that a mason used to the work can, with the help of his labourer, when the earth lies near him, build in one day six feet square of the pise. If two men can build in one day six feet square, it is evident that six men, which is the necessary number to work the mould (viz. three in the mould and three to dig and prepare the earth), will build, in the course of sixteen days, or three weeks at most, a house similar to plan delineated Plate II, Fig. 13, and such a house is estimated to contain two hundred and eighty-eight feet square of wall. A very short space of time therefore is sufficient for a man to build himself a solid and lasting habitation. These facts, which have been proved by numberless instances, afford a proposition by which every one may determine the time that his house or wall will take in building, having first ascertained the number of feet it will contain . — Thus, if he wishes to have a wall five hundred and forty feet long, and six feet high, it will be finished in one month with one single mould and six men, and if he doubles both moulds and men it will be done in fifteen days. These are simple but necessary instructions, for they will prevent the in- convenience to which many are exposed from having the completion of their building protracted beyond the time that they originally expected. All persons who wish to build may hence contract with a builder that the work shall be finished on such a day, or that he shall indemnify them for all the losses which they may incur from his failure in the making good of his engage- ment. On the Plastering necessary to Pise Buildings . — The outside covering of plaster which is proper for pise-walls is quite different from that which is made use of on any other w alls ; it is necessary too, to take the proportion for laying it on. If a house of pis6 has been began in February, and completed in April, the cover- ing may be laid on in the autumn, or, that is to say, five or six months after it is finished, or if it is finished in the beginning of November (at which time the masons generally give over working pis6) it may be laid on in the spring. In this interval the walls will be suf- ficiently dried ; but it must not be imagined that 'it is drought or cold that extracts the moisture from the earthen wall ; it is only the air, and particularly the north air, which is of itself sufficient either in summer or winter to dry a pise wall thoroughly. If you happen to lay your plaster over them before the dampness is entirely gone off, you must expect that the sweat of the wall will cast off the plaster. To prepare a wall for plastering, indent them with the point of a hammer or hatchet without being afraid of spoiling the surface left by the mould ; all those little dents must be made as close together as possible, and cut in from the top to the bottom, so that every hole may have a little rest in the inferior part, w hich will serve to retain and support the plaster. To do this the masons must make a small scaffold in the holes which the joists of the mould have left. This scaffold may be made in a few minutes, and when with the assistance of it they have indented the upper parts of the house, they must run a stiff brush over the indented surface to remove all dust or loose earth. The walls thus prepared, they may lay on the plastering, but before the manner of doing this is de- scribed it should be observed that there are two kinds of plaster that may be used in the pis6, viz. rough-cast and stuccoing. Rough-cast consists of a small quan- tity of mortar, diluted with water in a tub, to which a trowel of pure lime is added, so as to make it about the thickness of cream ; stucco is nothing more than poor mortar, which the labourers make up in a clean place near the lime-pit, and carry to the masons on the scaffold. Such is the manner of preparing the co- verings, let us now see the manner of employing them. For rough casting, one workman and his labourer are sufficient ; the workman on tire scaffold sprinkling with a brush the wall he has indented, swept and prepared, after w hich he dips another brush made of bits of reed, box, &c. into the tub which contains the rough-cast, and throws it with the brush against the w-all ; when he has covered with as much equality as possible so much of the wall as is within his reach, he lowers his scaffold, and stops up the holes of the joists with stones or old plaster, &c., does as before, and continues lowering his scaffold in the same manner till he comes to the bottom of the house. This rough-cast, which is at- tended with so little expense or trouble, is, notwith- standing, the best covering that can be made for pis6- walls, and for all other like constructions; it contri- butes to preserve the building, and though not beauti- ful, has the recommendation of being attainable by people in moderate circumstances. It is the peculiar advantage of these buildings that all the materials they require are cheap, and the workmanship simple and easy. The process of stuccoing is very different. T wo work- men and two labourers are requisite ; the two workmen being on the scaffold, and one of the labourers making up the mortar, while the other carries it, with water, and serves the workmen. One of the workmen holds in his light hand a trowel, and, in the other, a brush with which he sprinkles the wall, having before well indented and swept it; after which he lays on a few trowels full of stucco, which he spreads as much as possible with the same trowel, and then he lays it on more, and thus continues his work. The second work- man has also in his left hand a brush, and in his right a small wooden-float ; he sprinkles water over the mortar his partner has spread, and rubs over the part he has wetted with this wooden-float. The reader easily per- ceives the progress of this work. The first workman lays on the plaster and advances gradually, the second follows and polishes ; one labourer makes up the stucco, the other carries it and serves the workmen. By this progress the smoothest finish and cheapest plastering is made. At the same time that the plaster is laid on, it may also be whitened by the use of lime alone, which is 436 MASONRY. is also an object of economy, since it saves white-lead, &c. For this purpose, dilute lime in a tub of very clear water, and let a labourer take some of it in a pot and carry it to the workmen, who must lay it on with a brush ; this, as well as all other colours, adheres to the plaster and never falls off, although it is used with water only, without either size or oil. This is to be attri- buted to the precaution of laying on the colour whilst the plaster is still wet, as it grows dry it incorporates mineral colours with its own substance, and makes them last as long as itself. Lime is of very general utility, it is used in building, in plastering, and in white-washing ; and it will appear from the chapter about to be added on Painting, that, for that purpose also, it may be employed with advantage. Those who intend to build therefore ought always to have a store of lime by them, and it should be slaked a long time before it is used to prevent cre- vices and blisters, which, without this precaution, will arise in the plaster, and give it so disagreeable an ap- pearance that it will be necessary to do the work over again. The reason of it is this, there will always re- main in the lime some particles that have not been slaked in the pit, as all the stones are not reduced to lime in the kiln, and those stones will resist the action of the water for a time and will burst from the plaster after it has been laid, leaving the crevices above-men- tioned. This circumstance will not happen if the lime, after being slaked, is left to stand some time before it is used ; indeed it would not be amiss to let it lie by a whole year. With regard to the expense of walls of pis6, of w'hich labour constitutes the principal, and as labour is dearer in some places than in others, the best inode of esti- mating it will be from the quantity of such work that a man can perform in one day. Mr. Salmon, of Woburn, has found, by employing a man in such work, that he will perform easily, in a day of ten hours, J | square yards superficial, from which he has estimated the ex- pense as follows : — Labour in making facing-composition, filling- s. d. in, and ramming, to a sixteen-inch wall, I when the earth is at hand (labourers’ wages >2 2 being at Woburn Is. lOd. per day), per yard k superficial Value of lime used in the composition rammed into the face of a yard superficial (lime be- >0- 3 ing 8 d. per bushel) ) Lime and labour for rubbing-up and finishing | Q ^ the outside face of the wall j Total for finishing and facing on one side 2 8 If a garden wall, or otherwise, which will re- 7 ^ „ quire facing and finishing on both sides . . ) U Total for walls finished on both sides 3 4 On the Painting in Fresco to Pise Buddings, fyc . — That kind of painting, which is known by name of fresco, is the most beautiful and the cheapest of any, and it is that which the French author recommends for the deco- ration of pise buildings. The most celebrated painters were very partial to it, and Rome has furnished many excellent models in its higher departments, which should engage us to restore it from that neglect and disuse into which it has without reason been suffered to fall. Whoever wishes to have his house painted in fresco, must have a painter ready, and place him on the scaffold with the workmen. The latter lay on the mortar as before directed, and are attentive to spread it very even to receive the paint. When they have finished one part they suspend their work to give the painter time to do his ; for if they continued working on, the painter, who cannot go on so fast as they do, would find the mortar too dry, and the colours would not incorporate with it. It is absolutely necessary that the plasterer’s w'ork should be subordinate to that of the painter, for which reason it is sometimes so arranged, that the latter works, while the former are gone to their meals ; and when, in his turn, he retires from work, he traces out the part that the plasterers are to cover during his absence, foreseeing how much he shall be able to paint in the course of the day. All these precautions are taken to prevent the too speedy drying of the mortar, and to save the proper time to lay on the colours whilst it is fresh. Although this work does not profess to teach the art of painting in fresco, it may perhaps be found to contain directions sufficient for the execution of it in an ordinary manner. To make the colour you mean to give a country-house, dilute in a large tub a sufficient quantity of lime which has been slaked a long time: you must dilute, in another tub or pot, some ochre, either yellow or red, or any other mineral colour you please, but always in very clean water; after which, pour a little of the colour into the large tub, and stir it about with a stick or spatula, so as to mix it well with the lime. Take some of the colour on a brush and try it on a board or wall, and if it be too deep or too light add fresh lime or colour from the tub ; and, by repeated trials, you will bring it to the tint you wish to give the house. The colour being made for the body of the house, the frames for the doors and windows are next to be considered, and a new colour chosen to distin- guish them from the rest of the front. If the body of the house be painted yellow, or a pale red, the angles and frames may be while or blue ; if it be grey, they may be yellow or deep red ; and in all cases it will be a very easy matter to put the most suitable colours. The plasterers are equal to painting the fronts of houses in a common way ; but when builders or pro- prietors wish to have them decorated in a superior w'ay they must call in a painter, whose business it is to do it. These paintings in fresco are more lively and more brilliant than any other, because the colours are not deadened by size and oil, which do not enter into their composition ; their effect is surprising, and that pleasure may be had at a little expense. Note. MINING. 437 Note . — The plaster proper to serve as a ground for fresco painting or colouring, is made of one part lime, and three parts clean, sharp, washed sand. This part of painting has been executed with great success at Woburn Abbey, and other places. It is not very usual to slake the lime in England so long before it is wanted, but it is an excellent practice, especially if it be wood-burnt. In addition to the elaborate French-work on Pise, there has now been published in the twenty-seventh volume of the Transactions of the Society of Arts, some very useful experiments made in it by Mr. Sal- mon, which may be found of great utility to such as propose making any buildings after the pis6 manner. MINING. Mining is the art of digging into and penetrating the earth beneath its surface, either for the purpose of discovering and working veins of metallic ores and other valuable substances, or for forming subterranean pas- sages for military operations. To carry on all the processes of mining requires the combination of very considerable skill in several difficult branches of engineering. Most countries in which me- tallic veins are found, have the strata under the upper soil, consisting of rock of various degrees of hardness, it is therefore an essential part of the miner’s art, and what indeed particularly distinguishes him from a common labourer, to be able to break ground of this sort under all the disadvantages of being cramped for room, exposed to constant streams of water, and not unfrequently to unwholesome air. In Cornwall the workmen generally divide the ground, or rock, into two general classes, one of which they call working-ground, and the other is distinguished by the name of shooting-ground. The first class includes all such kinds of rock as may be separated or broken by the use only of the pick and Vvedge, which latter is technically called a gad. The latter denomination is applied to all rock that is so hard as to require the use of gunpowder, which is bored by tools of steel, and loosened and detached by the explosion of the charges rammed into the holes. The tools used by the miners of Cornwall and Devon are simple, and in their hands very effective ; the form of the principal ones is delineated in the annexed en- graving (Mining, Plate I.) The pick (Fig. 2) is usually of the shape shewn in the drawing, but it is varied a little for some purposes, or for different kinds of rock ; the one side is used as a hammer, and is called the poll, it serves to drive the gads, or to detach and loosen projecting parts ; the point is steel, carefully tempered, and drawn under the hammer to its proper form, in which considerable nicety is required, as one kind of point w ill not do for all kinds of ground. The weights of picks are likewise various according to the situation and circumstances in which they are to be used, but are never very heavy, as experience has fully shewn that a rapid succession of smart blows which may be given by a light tool produces more effect than a lesser number from a weighty instru- ment, which soon tires the workman. The gads (Fig. 3) are wedges of steel, which are driven into crevices of the rock, or into small openings made with the point of the pick, and, in skilful hands, they serve to loosen ground of very dense texture. The miner s’ shovel (Fig. 4) has a pointed form, which is necessary to make it possible to force it into or under the coarse and hard fragments of which the waste from a mine principally consists. It is furnished with a long handle somewhat bent, by which a man’s power is applied in the most convenient form without stooping the body. The tools for blasting, or, as it is technically called, shooting, consist of the Sledge, or mallet, 7 Borer, . . . . • 8 Claying bar, 9 Needle, or nail, 10 Scraper, 11 Tamping-bar, 12 Besides these tools there are required a powder-horn, rushes to be filled with powder, occasionally tin car- j tridges for very wet ground, and paper rubbed with gun- powder, or sometimes grease, for the snufts or fuses. The borer (Fig. 8) is a bar of iron, with a steel end, formed like a thick chisel, and is used by one man holding it in the hole and constantly turning it round, while his comrade strikes the upper end with the iron sledge or mallet (Fig. 7). The hole is occasionally cleaned out by the scraper (Fig. 11), which is an iron rod turned up at one end ; or, if the ground is very wet, and the hole fills with mud, a stick beat at the extre- mity till it forms a kifid of brush is used, and is called a swab-stick. 5 T Holes 438 MINING. Holes for blasting are generally about one inch and a | quarter in the bore, and of various depths from ten or I twelve inches to three feet, but these, as well as the po- i sition and direction in which they are bored, and the charge of powder employed, are subject to the skill and discretion of the miner. The rules by which he is guided are to direct the effort of the explosion to a part of ! the rock which is most easily displaced, and to propor- tion the charge to the effect required, so as to shake and loosen a larger portion rather than to blow out a lesser quantity. Fig. 6 serves to explain the process of blasting, and represents a section of a hole ready for firing. When the hole is bored it must be made as dry as possible ; to do which it is partly filled with good tenacious clay and a round iron bar, nearly fitting the bore of the hole, but somewhat tapering, and called the claying-bar; this is driven in with great violence, w'hich so forces the clay into all the crevices of the rock, that when the bar is with- drawn, the hole usually remains dry. Where this plan fails from the great flow of water all round, it becomes ne- cessary to use tin cartridges furnished with a stem or tube through which the powder may be inflamed. A section of one of these cartridges is shown in the Plate, Fig. 13. When the hole is dry, either by clay, or otherwise, the proper charge of gunpowder is introduced, and the nail, a small taper rod which ought to be made of copper, is inserted, and reaches to the bottom of the hole ; the hole is then ready to receive the tamping, which is the most difficult and dangerous part of the process. It is by this that the gunpowder is confined, and the effect produced ; different substances are in use for ramming into the hole for this 'purpose ; that most usually employed is any soft kind of rock, which is free from quartz or flinty matter. Small quantities at a time are introduced into the hole, and rammed very hard by the tamping-bar, which is held by one man, and struck with a sledge by another ; this is continued until the hole is filled up, and the nail being then drawn out by putting a bar through the eye, and striking it upward, leaves a small perforation or vent for the rush which conveys the lire. The danger of beating the tamping with iron tools in hard rock, and the many dreadful accidents that fre- quently happen in this operation, have led to the intro- duction of contrivances to diminish the risk ; but though some of these have been well adapted for the purpose, yet, as they occasion a little more trouble, they have not been generally adopted by the miner. The simplest aud best precaution against danger is to have the nail of copper instead of iron, but as the former is not so easily made or repaired by the smiths on a mine as the latter, they are not so well liked by the workmen. The other inodes of preventing danger in tamping is by employing substances to confine the gunpowder which require little or no force in beating them into the hole, and as dry sand will often serve the purpose if the rock is not very hard it may be sometimes used ; but there | are many cases in mines where it will not succeed, and j therefore it is seldom attempted. A better substance to | confine gunpowder in holes is good tough clay, and this will answer in many cases where sand will fail particu- | larly in wet ground, or in holes that are inclined up- j wards, it will produce the proper effect in all but very hard rocks, and if the men could be induced to use it would undoubtedly tend to the saving many lives. When the tamping is completely rammed in, and the nail drawn out, a small vent or touch-hole remains, which is to receive the rush to communicate the fire. Any small tube filled with gunpowder will answer for this purpose, but nothing is better or more easily pre- pared than those in common use. For this purpose, the green rushes which grow in wet marsh lands are chosen, and are selected as long and large as can be had. By making a slit in one side and drawing along in it the sharp end of a piece of stick, the pith may be taken out very completely, and from the elasticity of the skin of the rush the slit closes again. To fill this tube w'ith gunpowder, the rush is held in one hand so as to pass through a small quantity of powder retained in the palm of the hand, and by opening the slit with a small wedge and pushing the rush along through the powder at the same time, it is made to embrace a quan- tity sufficient to communicate inflammation. To fire the hole, one of these charged rushes is dropped through the vent, and is made steady by a piece of clay ; a paper snuft is then fixed to the top, which i& so adjusted as to burn a sufficient time to permit the man who fires it to retreat to a proper distance. Fig. 6 represents a section of a charged hole in a rock. The portion which would be dislodged by the explosion is that part included between A and B. The charge of powder is sheum by the white part, which reaches as high in the hole as C : from that point to the surface of the rock the hole is filled with tamping, excepting the small orifice which contains the rush, and which has the snuff affixed at D. Fig. 14 is a drawing of a wheelbarrow, such as is used under-ground for conveying ore and waste to the shafts : these barrow's are very simple in their construc- tion, and adapted to the narrow and low levels through which they have to pass. They are usually made all of deal, this timber being lightest and most fitted to the purpose. The wheel has a narrow band of iron round it. Fig, 5 is an iron bucket, or, as it is called in Corn- wall, a kibble,, and is used for holding the ore and waste while it is drawn up the shafts by machines, worked by horses, called whims. Kibbles are generally i made of wood, having very stout staves, very strongly bound with heavy iron binds or hoops, but as those made with iron plates are to be preferred, and need not much exceed the others in w'eight, we are glad to be able to exhibit a drawing of one of the latter of an ap- proved form and construction. A kibble, such as is used with horse-whims, holds about three hundred weight of ore, and one hundred and MINING. 439 and twenty kibbles will just clear a cubic fathom of rock. Miners’ work under- ground is chiefly divided into sinking, driving, and stoaping. Sinking is applied to shafts, and to other smaller per- pendicular openings from one level to another, usually called winzes. Shafts are of different dimensions according to the purposes they are designed for ; the largest kind is the engine-shaft, in which are generally placed the pumps for draining the mine of water, the ladders for the men, and a part divided off and called the whim-shaft, for the kibbles to pass up and down. Plate II (Mining) will be found to represent a perspective view of a part of the interior of one of these shafts. A good engine-shaft measures about eight feet by twelve, though some are sunk of larger dimensions. Shafts intended only for hauling ores through, and those for air and foot-w'ays, may be about six feet by four. In large shafts, a set of twelve men are usually em- ployed ; in smaller ones, eight, or even six, are a suffi- cient complement to keep the work going. They work two or three at a time, and relieve each other every six or eight hours, keeping good the whole twenty-four without intermission. The miners are attended by la- bourers, or winze-men, who haul up the stuff out of their way as it is broken. Sinking is contracted for by the fathom in depth, and the price therefore varies according to the dimensions of the shaft as well as according to the hardness of the ground, and the circumstances relating to water, air, &c. A medium price is about <£20 a fathom for shafts at some depth from the surface, but some have cost <£80, and others are executed as low' as £5. Driving is the term applied to the execution of hori- zontal passages, which are called adits when used for the conveyance of water near the surface, and levels when made for opening the lode or vein, and forming com- munications from one shaft to another under-ground. Levels ought to be seven feet in height, and two feet and a half w ide ; by constructing them as high as this, room is given to admit contrivances for ventilation, so that they may be continued to considerable lengths without inconvenience. More than two miners cannot vvork at one time on the end of a level, and the set of men therefore employed may consist of six, relieving every eight hours, or of four relieving twice in the twenty-four hours, or two men only, who may work as long as circumstances will permit. Driving is paid for I by the fathom in length, the height and width being limited ; a great variation of prices takes place according as the rock is hard or soft, as w ork of this sort is done from 10s. a fathom to ,£30, but about £5 a fathom is the most usual sum paid for this kind of work. These prices here, as well as in sinking shafts, include every expense, as the men pay for their tools, candles, and J gunpowder, and likew ise are charged with the wheeling j the stuff, and hauling it to the surface. Stoaping is that kind of w'ork which is not included | in sinking or driving, but more generally means the breaking away the ground between the levels on the course of the lode or vein, to get the ore. When the men work over head, it is called stoaping the backs, and when the work is carried downwards it is deno- minated stoaping the bottoms. As both these opera- tions usually take place where ore is obtained, the mode of payment is quite different from that in sinking or driving, and is here called tribute work, while the other is called tutzoork. Tribute means payment by a pro- portion of the produce, so that the men agree to under- take a particular piece of ground for a certain part of the value of the ore they may procure, when completely merchantable and fit for sale, every operation and pro- cess to make it so being conducted at their expense, i This mode of contracting is of great advantage to the owners of the mine, as the men have a constant interest concurring with that of their employers, in discovering and procuring the greatest possible quantities of ore, and of returning it in the best and cheapest manner. The proportion paid to the miner, varies, of course, exceedingly, as many things must be taken into account in estimating a fair tribute for any particular part of a mine, but the contracts are made at so much out of every pound’s w'orih sold, and this fluctuates often in different parts of the same mine from three-pence to fourteen shillings. Nothing shews the necessity of a mine being in the hands of skilful and honourable managers more than the great variation in) the prices of all kinds of work carried on in these extensive under- takings. We proceed to describe the parts of an engine-shaft, as they appear delineated in the annexed engraving (Mining, Plate II). AAA A. Timber-framing put in to support the ground, where, from the rock not being sufficiently hard to stand securely, this precaution becomes neces- sary. Where boarding is required, the planks are driven perpendicularly between the transverse timber and the ground. BBBB are dividing-pieces, or beams thrown cross the shaft. They serve to support the sides of the shaft, to attach the casing-boards to, which part off the whim- shaft from the foot-w’ay and pump, or engine-shaft (it being [usual to consider a large shaft of this kind as divided into the three kinds, each bearing its particular name). And, lastly, the dividing-pieces support the ends of the bearers which carry the pumps, ladders, &c. CCCC, Casing-boards which part off the whim- shaft from the other parts : they are stout planks se- curely spiked to the dividing-pieces, and when the shaft is not perpendicular, the kibble slides upon them. D. The zehim-hibble which conveys up the ore and waste, two of which are employed in a shaft, one going up while the other goes down. EF. Ladders for the workmen, forming what is usually called the foot-way. G. Sailer, a small platform at the foot of each ladder. H. A column MINING. 440 H A column of pumps drawing out of a cistern *e cK which Likewise receives the stream fl °r"whi| connects one set goes into the column I, and anot -«* su PP o rt the pumps and keep them steady m t . e" P ^ ^ ? c( Ji - sfShi is: V e chine invented and app ie - i cop p e r mines, from the Society for the Encouragement of Aits, nufactures, and Commerce. employed for it Next in importance to the means emp j “- s ^??®3SS553 who are practically ®° 8 »o® d tQ per3eV ere in their that men are frequent y 0 P burn and where labour, where a candle will scareei; Y o ^, ’ in the end, not only their own health mater additiona l »" e *" d ,hc " aste of are confined to such mine, as art^worked upon metalliferom veins, ^ccor&ngto^th^ practice of this district, and that of .the g t mining in the neighbors, count, . orir ole 'shaft, not communicating by levels to another, ZiSZ^t fc^nmi" Zt&fl ^ driven horizontally to any great akfu^Ae of those gases which occasionally in th 1 h . „ the cause of such dreadful effects , such as nyn „ gas, or the fire-damp, carbon, c acrd, or rtm rto damp; the inconvenience we experien t jf e at . gradually as we recede from the open mgs to^theat^ mosphere, and seems to arise i so e y found t0 which have been before assigned, thou a u come on more rapidly in certarn sffuat on hanm othe.^ « The most obvious remedy, and that wi . frequently resorted to, is the opening * ^ cu “ face either to some other part of the mine, 01 t . S and as soon as this is done, the ventilation is found’ to be complete, by the currents which tmmedr atelv take place, often with considerable force, from' the different degrees of temperature in the subterranean and upper atmospheres ; and these currents may be observed to change tlieir directions as the temperatures alternate. , . , c “ The great objection to this mode of curing the evil is, the enormous expense with which it is most commonly attended. In driving a long level, or tun- nel, for instance, it may happen to be at a great dept under the surface, and the intervening rock of great hardness; in such a case every shaft whmh must be sunk upon it for air alone, where not required (as often thev might not) to draw up the waste, would cost several hundred pounds ; or in sinking a shaft it may be necessary, at an expense not much less, to drive a level to it from some other for this purpose alone. “ To avoid this, recourse has been had to dividing the shaft or level into two distinct parts, communicating near the part intended to be ventilated, so that a current may be produced in opposite directions on eaclt side the partition; and this, where room is tp be spared fot it is often effectual to a certain extent. It is found, however, to have its limits at no very great distance, a Jto current a. best is but a feeble one from the nearly equal states of heat in the air on each side The only scheme besides these has hitherto been to force down a volume of purer air, through a sys em P P Dlaced for the purpose, aud a variety of contrivances has been devised for effecting this ; most of them are so old that they may be found described in Agricola s work De Re Metallica. The most common are by- bellows worked by hand; by boxes or cylinders of va- rious forms placed on the surface with a large opemn against* the wind, and a smaller one communicating with the air-pipes by a cylinder and piston working m it which when driven by a sufficient force has giea power. But the cheapest add most effectual scheme for this purpose, where circumstances will admit of its being applied, is one which was adopted some tune s \nce in the tunnel of the Tavistock cana . It is by anplyin” the fall of a stream of water for this purpose and it has been long known that a blast of considerable strength may be obtained in this manner, which has the advantage of being constant and self-acting. The stream being turned down a perpendicular column of • d in at a vessel so contrived as to let oft the water one way, with an opening at another part for the air which being pressed into it by the falhn a tier, may be conveyed in any direction, and wd pass through air-pipes with a strong current, which will be to ■£ had; and the perpendicular column can be so Ripply of fr e §h a ' r * s re( l u “ e ^‘ „ MINING. 441 -■ It has been found, however, that the forcing into vitiated air a mixture of that which is purer, even when the best means are used, though a measure which affords relief, is not, in bad cases, a complete remedy ; and, where the operation depends on manual labour, or any means that are not unremitted in their action, it becomes quite ineffectual. The foul air, charged with the smoke of gunpowder used in blasting, and which it strongly retains, is- certainly meliorated by the mixture of pure air, but is not removed. While the blast continues, some of it is driven into the other parts of the mine; but when the influx of pure air ceases, it returns again : or if during the influx of pure air a fresh volume of smoke be produced by explosions, which are constantly taking place, it is not until some time afterwards that it becomes sufficiently attenuated for the workmen to resume their stations with comfort. “ A consideration of these circumstances led me to the supposition that the usual operation of ventilating engines ought to be reversed, to afford all the ad- vantages that could be desired ; that instead of using the machines which serve as condensers, exhausters should be adopted ; and thus, instead of forcing pure air into that in a vitiated state, a complete remedy could only be had by pumping out all that was impure as fast as it became so. “ Many modes of doing this suggested themselves, by the alteration of the machines commonly applied, and by producing an ascending stream of air through pipes by a furnace constructed for the purpose. The latter mode would, however, have been here expensive in fuel as well as in attendance ; and the others, required power to overcome the friction of pistons, and so on, or considerable accuracy in construction. “At length the machine was erected of w hich the annexed is a drawing ; which, while it is so simple in construction, and requires so small an expense of power, is so complete in its operation, and its parts are so little liable to be injured by wear, that nothing more can be desired where such an one is applied. This engine bears considerable resemblance to Mr. Pepys’s gazometer, though this did not occur to the inventor until after it w'as put to work. It will readily be understood by an inspection of the engraving, PL III., where the shaft of the mine is represented at A ; and it may here be observed, that the machine will be as well placed at the bottom of the shaft as at the top, and that in either case it is proper to fix it upon a floor, which may prevent the return of the foul air into the mine, after being discharged from the ex- hauster : this floor may be furnished with a trap-door, to be opened occasionally for the passage of buckets through it. “ 13, the air-pipe from the mine passing through the j bottom of the fixed vessel or cylinder C, which is ! formed of timber and bound with iron hoops ; this is j filled with water nearly to the top of the pipe B, on ■ which is fixed a valve opening upwards at D. “ E, the air, or exhausting-cylinder made of cast-iron, 1 open at the bottom and suspended over the air-pipe, immersed some way in the water. It is furnished with a wooden top, in which is an opening fitted with a J valve likewise opening upwards at F. i “ The exhausting-cylinder has its motion up and dow n given to it by the bob G, connected to any engine by the horizontal rod H, and the weight of the cylinder is balanced, if necessary, by the counterpoise I. “ The action is obvious. — When the exhausting-cy- linder is raised, a vacuum would be produced, or rather the water w ould likewise be raised in it, w'ere it not for the stream of air from the mine rushing through the pipe and valve D. As soon as the cylinder begins to descend, this valve closes, and prevents the return of the air which is discharged through the valve F. “ The quantity of air exhausted is calculated of course from the area of the bore of the cylinder, and the length of the stroke. “ The dimensions which have been found sufficient for large works, are as follow' : — “ The bore of the exhausting-cylinder two feet. “ The length six feet, so as to afford a stroke of four feet. “ The pipes which conduct the air to such an en- gine ought not to be less than six-inch bore. “ The best rate of working is from two to three strokes a minute ; but if required to go much faster, it will be proper to adapt a capacious air-vessel to the pipes near the machine, which will equalize the current pressing through them. “ Such an engine discharges more than tw'o hundred gallons of air in a minute ; and I have found that a stream of water supplied by an inch and a half bore falling twelve feel, is sufficient to keep it regularly working. “ A small engine to pump out tw'o gallons at a stroke, which would be sufficient in many cases, could be worked by a power equal to raising a very few pounds weight, as the whole machine may be put into complete equilibrium before it begins to work, and there is hardly any other friction to overcome but that of the air passing through the pipes. “ The end of the tunnel of the Tavistock eanal, which it was my object to ventilate, was driven into the hill to a distance of nearly three hundred yards from any opening to the surface ; and being at *a depth of one hundred and twenty yards, and all in hard schistus rock, air-shafts would have been attended with an enormous expense ; so that the tunnel being a long one, it w'as most desirable to sink as few as possible, and, of course, at considerable distances from each other. Thus a ventilating machine was required, which should act with sufficient force through a length of nearly half a mile ; and on the side of the hill where it first became neces- sary to apply it, no larger stream of water to give it motion could be relied on, than such an one as is men- tioned after the description of the engine, and even that flowed at a distance from the shaft where the engine was to be fixed ; which made a considerable length of connexion-rods necessary. 5 U “ Within 442 MINING. “ Within a very short time after the engine began to work, the superiority of its action over those formerly employed was abundantly evident. The whole extent of the tunnel, which had been uninterruptedly clouded with smoke for some months before, and which the air that was forced in never could drive out, now became speedily so clear, that the day-light and even objects at its mouth were distinctly ’seen from its furthest end. After blowing up the rock, the miners could instantly return to the place where they were employed, unim- peded by the smoke, of which no appearance would re- main under-ground in a very few minutes, while it might be seen to be discharged in gusts, from the valve at the top of the shaft. The constant current into the pipe, at the same time effectually prevented the accu- mulation of air unfit for respiration. The influx of air, . from the level into the mouth of the pipe, rushes with such force as instantly to extinguish the flame of a large candle ; and any substance applied, so as to stop the orifice, is held tight by the outward pressure. “ It is now more than two years since the machine was erected, and it has been uninterruptedly at work ever since, and without repair. The length of the tun- nel has been nearly doubled, and the pipes, of course, in the same proportion, and no want of ventilation is yet perceptible. “ Two similar engines have been since constructed for other parts of the same tunnel, and have in every respect answ'ered the purpose for which they were designed. “ The original one is worked by the small stream of water before-mentioned, by means of a light overshot- wheel tw'elve feet in diameter, and about six inches in breast. — The two others are attached to the great over- shot-wheel which pumps the water from the shafts which are sinking upon the line ; and as their friction is comparatively nothing, this may be done in any case, with so little w>aste of pow er for this purpose as not to be an object of consideration, even if the power be de- rived from more expensive means. “ The size of the exhauster may always be propor- tioned to the demand for air ; and bv a due cdnsidera- tion of this circumstance, this engine may be effectually adapted not only to mines and collieries, but also to manufactories, work-houses, hospitals, prisons, ships, arid so on. “ Thus, if it were required to ventilate a shaft of a mine, or a single level, which is most frequently the case, where three men are at work at one time, and we allow that those three men vitiate each tw'enty-seven and a half cubic inches of air per minute (as deter- mined by the experirnents-of Messrs. Allen and Pepys), and allowing further that their candles vitiate as much as the men, there will be six times tw’enty-seven and a half cubic inches of air to be drawn out in a minute, equal to one hundred and sixty-five. “ Now a cylinder five inches in diameter, working with a stroke at nine inches, will effect this by one stroke in a minute ; though it would certainly be ad- visable to make it larger. “ Not being practically acquainted with collieries, or mines that suffer from peculiar gases that are produced in them, I cannot state, from actual experiment, what effect this machine might have in relieving them ; but it must appear evident to every person at all acquainted with the first principles of pneumatics, that it must do all that can be wished, as it is obvious that such a ma- chine must in a given time pump out the whole volume of air contained in a given space, and thus change an impure atmosphere for a better one. And in construct- ing the machine it is only necessary to estimate the vo- lume of gas produced in a certain time, or the capacity of the whole space to be ventilated. It is easy to judge how much more this must do for such cases as these, than such schemes as have lately been proposed of ex- citing jets of w r ater, or slaking lime, both of which projects, likewise, must fail when applied; as one of them has when applied to the case of hydrogen gas. But with such a machine as this, if the dreadful effects of explosions of this air are to be counteracted, it may . be done by one of sufficient size to draw off the air as fast as it is generated ; and by carrying the pipes into the elevated parts of the mine, where from its lightness it w'ould collect. If, on the other hand, it is desired to free any subterraneous work from the carbonic acid gas, it may as certainly be done by suffering the pipe to ter- minate in the low'er parts, where this air would be di- rected by its gravity. “ In workhouses, hospitals, manufactories, &c., it is always easy to calculate the quantity of air contained in any room, or number of rooms, and easy to estimate how often it is desirable to change this in a certain number of hours, and to adjust the size and velocity of the engine accordingly. Where this change of foul air for pure is to take place in the night, means for working the machine may be provided by pumping up a quantity of water into a reservoir of sufficient height to admit of its flowing out during the night in a small stream, with sufficient fall, so as to give motion to the engine ; or by winding up a w eight of sufficient size, or by many other means which are easily devised. “ If, for instance, a room in which fifty persons slept was eighty feet long, twenty wide, and ten high, it would contain 16,000 cubic feet of air, and if this was to be removed twice in eight hours, it w'ould require a cylinder of thirty inches diameter, working w ith a four- feet stroke four times in a minute, to do it ; or nearly that. Such a cylinder could be worked by the descent of ten gallons of water ten feet in a minute ; or, for the whole time, by eighty hogsheads falling the same height. “ But this is a vast deal more than could be required, as the fifty people would in eight hours vitiate only three thousand gallons of air, w'hich could be removed by one hundred and fifty strokes of a cylinder, twelve inches diameter, with a four feet stroke, which would not re- quire an expenditure of more than one thousand five hundred gallons of water properly applied, or about twenty-eight hogsheads.” MODELLING. MODELLING. Models, in imitation of any natural or artificial substance, are most usually made by means of moulds, composed of plaster of Paris. For the purpose of making these moulds, this kind of plaster is more fit than any other substance, on account of the power it has of absorbing water, and quickly condensing into a hard substance, even after it has been rendered so thin as to be of the consistence of cream. It is sold in the shops at different prices ; the finest being made use of for casts, and the middling sort for moulds. It may be very easily coloured by means of almost any kind of powder excepting what contains an alkaline salt ; for this would chemically decompose it, and render it unfit for use. A very considerable quantity of chalk would also render it soft and useless, but lime hardens it to a great degree. The addition of common size will render it much harder than if mere water is made use of. In making either moulds or models, we must be careful not to make the mixture too thick at first ; for if this is done, and more water added to thin it, the composition will always prove brittle and of a bad quality. The particular manner of making models depends on the form of the subject to be taken. The process is easy, where the parts are elevated only in a slight degree, or where they form only a right or obtuse angle with the principal surface from which they pro- ject ; but where the parts project in smaller angles, or from curves inclined towards the principal surface, the work is more difficult. This observation, however, holds good only with regard to hard and inflexible bo- dies. The moulds are to be made of various degrees of thickness, according to the size of the model to be * cast ; and may be from half an inch to an inch, or, if very large, an inch and an half. Where a number of models are to be taken from one mould, it will likewise be necessary to have it of a stronger contexture than where only a few' are required, for very obvious reasons. When a model is to be taken, the surface of the origi- nal is first to be greased, in order to prevent the plaster from sticking to it ; but if the substance itself is slip- pery, as is the case with the internal parts of the human body, this need not be done : when necessary, it may be laid over with linseed oil by means of a painter’s brush. The original is then to be laid on a smooth table, previously greased or covered with a cloth, to prevent the plaster sticking to it; then surround the original with a frame or ridge of glaziers’ putty, at such a distance from it as will admit the plaster to rest upon the table on all sides of the subject for about an inch, or as much as is sufficient to give the proper degree of strength to the mould. A sufficient quantity of plaster is then to be poured as uniformly as possible over the whole substance, until it be every where covered to such a thickness as to give a proper substance to the mould, which may vary in proportion to the size. The whole must then be suffered to remain in this condition till the plaster has attained its hardness ; when the frame is taken away, the mould may be inverted, and the subject removed from it ; and when the plaster is thoroughly dry let it be well seasoned. Having formed and seasoned the moulds, they must next be prepared for the casts by greasing the inside of them with a mixture of olive-oil and lard in equal parts, and then filled with fine fluid plaster, and the plane of the mould formed by its resting on the surface of the table covered to a sufficient thickness with coarse plaster, to form a strong basis or support for the cast where this support is requisite, as is particularly the case where the thin and membranous parts of the body are to be represented. After the plaster is poured into the mould, it must be suffered to stand until it has ac- quired the greatest degree of hardness it will receive ; after which the mould must be removed : but this will be attended with some difficulty when the shape of the subject is unfavourable ; and in some cases the mould must be separated by means of a small mallet and chisel. If, by these instruments, any parts of the model should be broken off, they may be cemented by making the two surfaces to be applied to each other quite wet, then interposing betwixt them a little liquid plaster; and, lastly, the joint smoothed after being thoroughly dry. Any small holes that may be made in the mould can be filled up with liquid plaster, after the sides of them have been thoroughly w'etted, and smoothed over with the edge of a knife. Besides models which are taken from inanimate bo- dies, it is often necessary to take the exact resemblance of people while living, by using the face itself as a model, from whence to take a mould. The operation is, undoubtedly, disagreeable, yet it is what many per- sons of the highest rank have submitted to. There is also some danger unless the operator understands his business well. It may, however, be performed with- out the smallest risque, and in a few minutes, by those who are conversant with modelling. The person from whom the cast is to be taken is to be laid horizontally on his back, with the head raised to the exact position in which it is naturally carried when the body is erect ; then the parts to be represented must be covered over with 444 MODELLING. with oil of almonds, after which the face is then to be covered with tine fluid plaster, beginning at the upper part of the forehead, and spreading it over the eyes, which are to be kept close, yet not closed so strongly as to cause any unnatural wrinkles. Cover then the nose and ears, taking care to plug up first the “ meatus au- ditorii” with cotton, and the nostrils with a small quan- tity of tow rolled up, of a proper size, to exclude the plaster. During the time the nose is thus stopped, the person is to breathe through the mouth ; and in this state the fluid plaster is to be brought down low enough to cover the upper lip, observing to leave the rolls of tow projecting out of the plaster. When this becomes sufficiently hard, the tow may be withdrawn, and the nostrils left free and open for breathing. The mouth is then to be closed in its natural position, and the plaster brought to the extremity of the chin. Begin then to cover that part of the breast which is to be represented, and spread the plaster to the outsides of the arms and upwards, in such a manner as to meet and join that which is previously laid on the face : when the whole mass has acquired its due hardness, it is to be cautiously lifted up and removed. After this, the mould is to be seasoned, and it is fit for casting of models. In the model, the eyes, that are necessarily shown closed, are to be carved, so that the eyelids may be represented in an elevated posture, the nostrils hollowed out, and the back part of the head, from which, on account of the hair, no mould can be taken, must be finished accord- ing to the skill of the artist. The edges of the model are then to be neatly smoothed off, and the bust fixed on its pedestal. We shall now give some account of modelling as it refers to sculpture. As not only the beginning of sculpture was in clay, for the purpose of forming sta- tues, but as models are still made in clay or wax, for every work undertaken by the sculptor ; we shall first consider the method of modelling figures in clay or wax. Few tools are necessary for modelling in clay. The clay being placed on a stand, or sculptor’s easel, the artist begins the work with his hands, and puts the whole into form by the same means. The most expert practitioners of this art seldom use any other tool than their fingers, except in such small or sharp parts of their work as the fingers cannot reach. For these oc- casions they are provided with three or four small tools of wood, about seven or eight inches in length, which are rounded at one end, and, at the other they are flat, and shaped into a sort of claws. These tools are called, by the French, ebauchoirs. In some of these the claws are smooth, for the purpose of smoothing the surface of the model ; and, in others, they are made with teeth, to rake or scratch the clay, which is the first process of the tool on the w ork, and in which state many parts of the model are frequently left by artists, to give an appearance of freedom and skill to their work. If clay could be made to preserve its original moisture, it would undoubtedly be the fittest substance for the models of the sculptor ; but when it is placed either in the fire, or left to dry imperceptibly in the air, its solid parts grow more compact, and the work shrinks, or loses a part of its dimensions. This dimi- nution in size would be of no consequence, if it affected the whole work equally, so as to preserve its propor- tions. But this is not always the case, for the smaller parts of the figure drying sooner than the larger, and thus losing more of their dimensions in the same space of time than the latter do, the symmetry and propor- tions of the work inevitably suffer. This inconvenience, however, is obviated by forming the model first in clay, and moulding if in plaster of Paris before it begins to dry, and the taking a plaster cast from that mould, and the repairing it carefully from the original w'ork ; by which means you have the exact counterpart of the model in its most perfect state; and you have, besides, your clay at liberty for any other work. In order to model in wax, you must prepare the wax in the following manner : — To a pound of wax add half a pound of scammony (some mix turpentine also), and melt the whole together with oil of olives ; putting more or less oil as you would have your modelling-wax harder or softer. Vermilion is sometimes mixed with this composition, to give it a reddish colour, in imita- tion of flesh. In modelling in wax, the artist sometimes uses his fingers, and sometimes tools of the same sort as those described for modelling in clay. It is at first more dif- ficult to model in wax than in clay, but practice will render it familiar and easy. Of the Use of the Model . — Whatever considerable work is undertaken by the sculptor, whether bas-relief, or statue, &c., it is always requisite to form a previous model of the same size as the intended work ; and the model being perfected, according to the method before described, whether it is in clay, or in wax, or a cast in plaster of Paris, becomes the rule, whereby the artist guides himself in the conduct of his work, and the standard from which he takes all its measurements. In order to regulate himself more correctly by it, he puts over the head of the model an immovable circle, divided into degrees, with a movable rule fastened in the centre of the circle, and likewise divided into parts. From the extremity of the rule hangs a line with a lead, which directs him in taking all the points which are to be I transferred from the model to the marble ; and from the top of the marble is hung also a line, tallying with that which is hung from the model ; by the correspondence of which two lines the points are ascertained in the marble. Many eminent sculptors prefer measurements taken by the compasses to the method just described ; for this reason, that if the model is moved but ever so little from its level, the points are no longer the same. This method, however, offers the best means, by which mechanical precision may be attained ; but it is manifest, that enough yet remains to exercise and dis- play MODELLING. 445 play the genius and skill of the artist. For, first, as it is impossible, by the means of a straight line, to deter- mine with precision the procedure of a curve, the artist derives from this method no certain rule to guide him as often as the line which he is to describe deviates from the direction of the plumb-line. It is also evi- dent, that this method affords no certain rule to deter- mine exactly the proportion which the various parts of the figure ought to bear to each other, considered in their mutual relation and connexions. This defect, indeed, may be partly supplied by intersecting the plumb-lines by horizontal ones ; but even this resource has its inconveniences, since the squares formed by transversal lines that are at a distance from the figure (though they are exactly equal), yet represent the parts of the figure as greater or smaller, according as they are more or less removed from one point of view. The method of making models in plaster of Paris is undoubtedly the most easy way of obtaining them. When models, however, are made of such large objects that the model itself must be of consider- able size, it is in vain to attempt making it in the way above described. Such models must be constructed by the hand with some soft substance, as wax, clay, putty, &c., and it being necessary to keep all the pro- portions with mathematical exactness, the construction of a single model of this kind must be a work of great labour and expense, as well as of time. Of all those which have been undertaken by human industry, how- ever, perhaps the most remarkable is that constructed by General Pseiffer, to represent the mountainous parts of Switzerland. It is composed of one hundred and forty-two compartments, of different sizes and forms, respectively numbered, and so artfully put together, that they can be separated and replaced with the greatest ease. The model itself is twenty'feet and a half long, and twelve broad, and formed on a scale which represents two English miles and a quarter by au Eng- lish foot ; comprehending part of the cantons of Zug, Zurich, Schweitz, (Jnderwalden, Lucerne, Berne, and a small part of the mountains of Glarus; in all, an extent of country of eighteen leagues and a half in length, and twelve in breadth. The highest point of the model, from the level of the centre (which is the lake of Lucerne), is about ten inches : and as the most elevated mountain represented therein rises 1,475 toises, or 9>440 feet, above the lake of Lucerne, at a gross calculation, the height of an inch in the model is about 900 feet. The whole is painted of different colours, in such a manner as to represent objects as they exist in nature ; and so exactly is this done, that not only the woods of oak, beech, pine, and other trees, are dis- tinguished, but even the strata of the several rocks are marked, each being shaped upon the spo^ and formed of granite, gravel, or such other substances as com- pose the natural mountain. So minute also is the accu- racy of the plan, that it comprises not only all the mountains, lakes, rivers, towns, villages, and forests, ! but every cottage, bridge, torrent, road, and even every path is distinctly marked. The principal material employed in the construction of this extraordinary model, is a mixture of charcoal, lime, clay, a little pitch, with a thin coat of wax ; and it is so hard that it may be trod upon without any, damage. It was begun in the year 1766, at which time the Ge- neral was about fifty years of age, and it employed him till the month of August 1785; during all which long space of time he was employed in ihe most laborious and even dangerous tasks. He raised the plans with his own jiands on the spot, took the ele- vation of mountains, and laid them down in their several proportions. In the prosecution of this labo- rious employment, he was twice arrested for a spy; and in the popular cantons was frequently forced to work by moon-light, in order to avoid the jealousy of the peasants, who imagined that their liberty would be endangered should a plan of their country be taken with such minute exactness. Being obliged frequently to remain on the tops of some of the Alps, where no provisions could be procured, he took along with him a few milch goats, who supplied him with nourish- ment. When any part was finished, he sent for the people residing near the spot, and desired them to ex- amine each mountain with accuracy, whether it cor- responded, as far as the smallness of the scale would admit, with its natural appearance ; and then, by fre- quently retouching, corrected the deficiencies. Even after the model was finished, he continued his Alpine expeditions with the same ardour as ever, and with a degree of vigour that would have fatigued a much younger person. All his elevations w'ere taken from the level of the lake Lucerne ; which, according to M. Saussure, is 1,408 feet above the level of the Mediterranean. To take a cast in metal from any small animal, in- sect, or vegetable. — Prepare a box of four boards, suf- ficiently large to hold the animal, in which it must be suspended by a string, and the legs, wings, &c. of the animal, or the tendrils, leaves, &c. of the vege- table, must be separated, and adjusted in their right position by a pair of small pincers. A due quantity of plaster of Paris mixed with talc, must be tempered to the proper consistence with water, and the sides of the box oiled. Also a straight piece of stick must be put to the principal part of the body, and pieces of w'ire to the extremities of the other parts, in order that they may form, when drawn out after the matter of the mould is set and firm, proper channels for pouring in the metal, and vents for the air, which otherwise, by the rarefaction it would undergo from the heat of the metals, would blow' it out, or burst the mould. In a short time the plaster will set, and be- come hard, when the stick and wires may be drawn out, and the frame or coffin in w'hich the mould was cast taken away ; and the mould must then be put, first, into a moderate heat, and, afterwards, when it is as dry as can be rendered by that degree, removed into a greater, which may be gradually increased, till the 5 X whole 446 MODELLING. whole be red hot. The animal or vegetable enclosed in the mould, will then be burnt to a coal ; and may be totally calcined to ashes, by blowing for some time into the charcoal and passages made for pouring in the metal, and giving vent to the air, which will at the same time that it destroys the remainder of the animal or vegetable matter, blow out the ashes. The mould must then be suffered to cool gently, and will be per- fect, the destruction of the substance included in it having produced a corresponding hollow ; but it may nevertheless be proper to shake the mould, and turn it upside down, as also to blow with the bellows into each of the air-vents, in order to free it wholly from any remainder of the ashes ; or where there may be an opportunity of filling the hollow with quicksilver, it will be found a very effectual method of clearing the cavity, as all dust, ashes, or small detached bodies, will ne- cessarily rise to the surface of the quicksilver, and be poured out with it. The mould being thus prepared, it must be heated very hot, when used, if the cast is to be made with copper or brass, but a less degree will serve for lead or tin. The metal being poured into the mould, must be gently struck, and then suffered to rest | till it be cold ; at which time it must be carefully taken from the cast, but without the force : for such parts of j the matter as appear to adhere more strongly, must be softened, by soaking in wtter till they be entirely loosened, that none of the more delicate parts of the cast may be broken off or bent. When talc caunot be obtained, plaster alone may be used ; but it is apt to be calcined, by the heat used in burning the animal or vegetable from whence the j cast is taken, and to become of too incoherent and fri- I able a texture. Stourbridge, or any other good clay, washed perfectly fine, and mixed with an equal part of ! fine sand, may be employed. Pounded pumice-stone, and plaster of Paris, in equal quantities, mixed with washed clay in the same proportion, is said to make excellent moulds. To take Casts from Medals. — In order to take co- pies of medals, a mould must first be made; this is generally either of plaster of Paris, or of melted sul- phur. After having oiled the surface of the medal with a little cotton, or a camel’s-hair pencil dipped in oil of olives, put a hoop of paper round it, standing up above the surface of the thickness you wish the mould | to be. Then take some plaster of Paris, mix it with | water to the consistence of . cream, and with a brush rub it over the surface of the medal, to prevent air- holes from appearing; then immediately afterwards make it to a sufficient thickness, by pouring on more plaster. Let it stand about half an hour, and it will in that time grow so hard, that you may safely take it off ; then pare it smooth on the back and round the edges neatly. It should be dried, if in cold or damp wea- ther, before a brisk fire. If you cover the face of the mould with fine plaster, a coarser sort will do for the back : but no more plaster should be mixed up at one time than can be used, as it will soon get hard, and cannot be softened without burning over again. Sulphur must not be poured upon silver medals, as this will tarnish them. To prepare this mould for casting sulphur or plaster of Paris in, take half a pint of boiled linseed-oil, and oil of turpentine one ounce, and mix them together in a bottle ; when wanted, pour the mixture into a plate or saucer, and dip the surface of the mould into it; take the mould out again, and when it has sucked in the oil, dip it again. Repeat this, till the oil begins to stagnate upon it; then take a little cotton wool, hard rolled up, to prevent the oil from sticking to it, and wipe it carefully off. Lay it in a dry place for a day or two (if longer the better), and the mould will ac- quire a very hard surface from the effect of the oil. To cast plaster of Paris in this mould, proceed with it in the same manner as above directed for obtaining the mould itself, first oiling the mould with olive-oil. If sulphur casts are required, it must be melted in an iron ladle. Another method with isinglass. — Dissolve isinglass in water over the fire ; then, with a hair-pencil, lay the melted isinglass over the medal ; and when you have covered it properly let it dry. When it is hard, raise the isinglass up with the point of a penknife, and it will fly off like horn, having a sharp impression of the medal. The isinglass may be made of any colour, by mixing the colour with it ; or you may breathe on the concave side, and lay gold leaf on it, which, by shining through, will make it appear like a gold medal. But if you wish to imitate a copper medal, mix a little carmine with the isinglass, and lay gold leaf on as before. To colHur Plaster.— Plaster of Paris may be tinged with several colours, when you are casting, by mixing it with Prussian blue, red lead, or yellow ochre, with which you may compose a blue, red, yellow, and green. As the coloured plaster takes a little more time to dry than when it is unmixed, you may sift some dry plaster upon the back of the casts when in the mould, which will make them dry quicker. It will not be deemed irrelevant to this subject to notice M. Lenormand’s account of his art of moulding carving in wood. It was published a few years since in the “ Bibliotheque Physico-Economique ;” he was led to the invention through that sort of necessity which results from the want of good carvers. He had seen plasterers supply the want of good modellers by in- crusting in their decoratings plaster moulded on excel- lent models; he therefore conceived that it might be possible to mould carving in wood, to be afterwards applied to cabinet-makers’ work. He was aware that very hard w'ood, such as box, might be moulded by putting it under a press in copper moulds, after having sub- jected it to certain preparations, but for this purpose very expensive moulds, an excellent press, &c. are re- quired, which occasions considerable expense, and by this method bas-reliefs only can be executed ; but the art, MODELLING. 447 art, which Lenormand calls his own, requires only cheap materials with very little practice, and affords the means of making not only figures in relief, but even the most difficult objects in sculpture. The following is the process as described by the inventor. “ I made very clear glue with five parts of Flanders’ glue and one part of fish-glue, or isinglass. I dissolved these two kinds of glue separately in a large quantity of water, and mixed them together after they had been strained through a piece of fine linen to separate the filth and heterogeneous parts which could not be dis- solved. The quautity of water cannot be fixed, be- cause all kinds of glue are not homogeneous, so that some require more and some less. The proper degree of liquidity may be known by suffering the mixed glue to become perfectly cold ; it must then form a jelly, or rather a commencement of jelly. If it happens that it is still liquid when cold, a little of the water must be evaporated by exposing the vessel in which it is con- tained to heat. On the other hand, if it has too much consistence, a little warm water must be added. In a word, the proper degree will be ascertained by a few trials. “ The glue, thus prepared, is to be heated till you can scarcely endure your finger in it ; by this operation a little water is evaporated, and the glue acquires more consistence. Then take fine raspings of wood, or saw- dust, sifted through a fine hair-sieve, and form it into a paste, which must be put into moulds of plaster or sul- phur after they have been well rubbed over with linseed or nut-oil, in the»same manner as when plaster is to be moulded. Care must be taken to press the paste in the mould with your hand, in order that it may acquire all the forms of the mould : then cover it with an oiled board, and, placing over it a weight, suffer it in that manner to dry. The desiccation may be hastened and rendered more complete by a stove. When the im- pression is dry, remove the rough part, and if any in- equalities remain behind they must be smoothed : after which the impression may be affixed with glue to the article for which it is intended. Then cover it with a few strata of spirit of wine varnish, as is done in gene- ral in regard to carved work, or with wax in the encaustic manner. It requires much attention to discover that such ornaments are not carved in the usual manner. Gilding may Be applied to them with great facility. This operation is exceedingly easy ; nothing is necessary but moulds ; and, with a little art, the ornaments may- be infinitely varied. “ I tried also to mould figures, and completely suc- ceeded. These, however, require more care. I first make a paste, similar to the former, with very fine saw- dust, and place a stratum, of about two lines in thick- ness, on every part of the mould ; after which it is left to dry almost entirely. In the mean time, I prepare a coarse paste with coarse saw-dust which has not been made to pass through a fine but a coarse sieve, and in- stead of Flanders’ glue I employ common glue, which is less expensive, adding to it a sixth of fish glue. I first put together two parts of the mould, after intro- ducing into the joints a slight stratum of the fine paste, which I make very clear, and apply with a small brush. I fill up the vacuity between the two pieces with coarse paste. I then apply the third piece as I did the second, and so on until the whole are adjusted, always filling up the vacuities with coarse paste. I suffer the whole to dry in the mould, and obtain a figure in relief of solid wood executed with all the delicacy of plaster figures. Care must be taken to remove with a sharp knife, or small file, the prominences formed by the joinings. If the figure be not suffered to dry too much, these pro- minences may be easily removed with the point of a sharp penknife. It will be necessary to learn the art of determining the proper degree of desiccation ; for if the figure be taken from the mould before it is properly dried it will become warped, and if it be too dry, it can- not be corrected but with a file, which is tedious and laborious, whereas, if the proper moment be seized, the paste may be cut like wax ; especially if the saw- dust has been fine, which is necessary for the exterior strata. The figures may then be completely dried in a stove, by which means they will acquire a degree of desiccation and solidity hardly to be conceived. Figures thus moulded may be bronzed or varnished : they will then be unalterable by the effects of moisture or dryness. “ I have already said, that Flanders, and not common glue, ought to be employed for the exterior strata, be- cause this glue is almost colourless. When this cannot be had, a glue fit for the purpose may be made by boiling shreds of parchment in common water till dis- j solved : w'hereas the other, being dark-coloured, gives too obscure a tint even to walnut-tree wood. Being desirous to try whether my moulded figures would be unalterable by the effects of moisture or dryness, I made the following experiments: — “ Experiment I. — I exposed, in a large bell-glass filled with atmospheric air, two figures, one of which w-as varnished and the other not. I placed under the beli Saussure’s hygrometer, and a capsule tilled with water, after having moistened the sides of the bell. The air was soon saturated with water, and the hygrometer marked 100 degrees. I observed no alteration what- ever in the varnished figure, and the other exhibited no other sensible alteration than a commencement of so- lution in the glue, so that on applying my finger to its surface it was found to be somewhat viscid ; in a word, the figure was not in the least warped. “ Experiment II. — I then introduced my two figures and the hygrometer into another very dry bell, under which I placed a capsule filled with calcined pot-ash. The moisture of the air by which the figures were sur- rounded was soon absorbed, and the hygrometer indi- cated zero. In order to ascertain whether the whole moisture imbibed by the unvarnished figure was entirely dissipated, I left every thing in statu quo for four hours, the hygrometer still indicating zero. I then took out the two figures, neither of which had experienced the least alteration. <" Experiment 448 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKING. “ Experiment III. — I repeated the first experiment" with a view to cause the two figures to absorb as much moisture as possible ; and when the hygrometer marked 100° I took them from the bell, and suddenly intro- duced them into a stove, the heat of which was o0° of Reaumur. The unvarnished one became dry without cracking, and the other showed a little softening in the varnish. This effect I ascribed to the imperfect desicca- tion before the experiment, for the softening was more considerable than is generally the case when a varnished body is exposed to heat. “ These experiments appeared to me sufficient to in- duce me to conclude, that sculpture in moulded wood, according to the process here described, is unalterable by moisture or drought, for in our climates the thermo- meter never rises to 50°. Such sculptured figures have the solidity of wood, and are even preferable to it ; for a slight blow given to wood, if cut across the fibres, will detach some of the parts ; whereas figures formed of artificial wood, if I may be allowed the expression, are homogeneous in all their parts, and are not so easily broken. “ Besides the advantages which this invention on the first view exhibits, it offers others which may be of great utility to our arts and manufactures. 1st. In the large manufactories of mirrors, the ornaments in gene- ral are in a very bad taste, and miserably executed, be- cause the carvers are very ill paid. If this new method be adopted, sculptors would pay more attention to their first work ; they would mould their ornaments in plaster or in sulphur, then take a multitude of copies with the greatest facility, and these ornaments would add to the value of our furniture. 2d. Inlayers would make much more elegant works by employing pastes of different co- loured w'oods, which might be managed with greater ease than the thin pieces of coloured boards which they employ.” MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKING. This business requires the aid of a number of other mechanics. The joiner, turner, cabinet-maker, wire- drawer, &c. have all their share in the manufacture of musical instruments of the different kinds ; it may there- fore be more interesting to our readers to give an idea of the construction of several of the more common instru- ments, than pretend to lay down rules for putting the in- struments together. Musical instruments have been arranged, according as they are calculated for exciting sound by the vibra- tions of the air, or by the joint effects of the air and a solid body vibrating together. The main varieties of stringed instruments are found in the harp, the piano- forte, the guitar, the violin, and the iEolian harp. Jn these, and in others of a similar construction, the force of the sound of the strings is increased by means of a sounding-board, which appears agitated by their motion, and to act with greater effect, and more powerfully on the air than the strings could do alone. In the harp the sound is produced by inflecting the string with the i finger, and then permitting it to return to its place. It ] is imagined, that the lyre of the ancients differed from j the modern harp chiefly in its form and compass, except that the performer sometimes used a plectrum, which was a small instrument made of ivory, or some other j substance, for striking the strings. Each note in the harp has a separate string : in the Welsh harp, Which is not much used in England, there are two strings to each note of the principal scale, with an intermediate row for the semi-tones. In the pedal harp, the half- notes are formed by pressing pins against the strings, so as to shorten their effective length. Instead of this method, we have heard that an attempt was some years since made to produce the semi-tones by changing the tension of the strings. In the harpsichord, and in the spinnet, which is, in fact, but a small harpsichord, the quill acts like the finger in the harp, or the plectrum in the lyre, and it is fixed to the jack by a joint with a spring, allowing it, without difficulty, to repass the string, which is metallic. In some cases, leather is used instead of quills, which is intended to render the tone more mellow, and, of course, less powerful. Besides two strings in unison for each note, the harpsichord has generally a third, which is an octave above them. There are various means adopted to produce different modifications of the tone, as striking the wire in different parts, or by bring- ing soft leather loosely into contact with its fixed extre- mity. When the finger is removed from the key a damper of cloth falls on the string, and destroys its motion. In all instruments of this kind, the perfection of the tone depends much on the sounding-board : it is usually made of thin deal wood, strengthened at different parts by thicker pieces fixed below it. In MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKING. 449 In die piano-forte the sound is produced by a blow of a hammer raised by a lever, which is as much de- tached from it as possible. The dulcimer of the Ger- mans is also made to sound by the percussion of ham- mers held in the hand of the performer. The grand piano-forte resembles the harpsichord in form, but its action and tone are much superior. Its wires run lon- gitudinally along the belly, or sounding-board, supported at about two-thirds of an inch distance by small low curved battens of beech, or other wood, on which are pins firmly driven into the battens, for the purpose of keeping the wires perfectly parallel. These battens, called bridges, determine the lengths of the several wires; though the latter pass beyond them for some distance, being looped on at their farther ends to stout pius driven into a solid part of the frame-work, and coming over the bridge which is next to the keys, with which it is parallel, and winding on a set of iron pegs, which being driven into a solid block of hard wood, are turned either right or left by means of a small instru- ment called a tuning-hammer, and are thus tightened or relaxed at pleasure. The shortest wires are the thinnest, which lie to the right, and give the upper notes. The longest are to the left, and give the lowest notes; those between them are longer or shorter ac- cording to their situation ; their several lengths in- creasing as they approach towards the left side of the instrument; forming, by means of the bridges, which lay obliquely, a triangular figure. Each note has three wires, lying within somewhat less than half an inch in breadth : these are equidistant, and proceed to three rows of tuning-pins, so that the tuner cannot mistake as to which of the three wires he acts upon. The wires are imported from Germany, our artisans not having acquired the mode of giving them a due degree of temper. We understand, a noble Earl is making expe- riments on different kinds of wire, in hopes of rivalling or surpassing that of foreign manufacture. Those of the higher notes are of brass, and commonly begin with No. 8, 9, or 10, gradually increasing in thickness until they reach the extent of about four octaves, when they give place to copper w ires, which produce a deeper sound. The wires of the piano are made, as w'e have ob- served, to sound by means of wooden levers, called hammers, each of which has a rising projection at its end, covered with folds of leather, so as to produce a clear tone. These hammers are impelled upwards by means of the keys, which being depressed by the fingers, and balancing on small battens, on which they are ar- ranged and kept steady by strong pins passing through near the points of equilibrium, also having little knobs of pump-leather standing on stems of wire at their inner ends, cause the levers to rise on the least touch of the finger, with a smart stroke, so as to touch the three wires of their respective notes. The levers being fixed to a frame, parallel with the keys, by means of vellum hinges, return to their places, and lay on a small parallel apron covered with baize, so that no rattling nor gingling results from their retrocession. These hammers may be distinctly seen when working, as they pass through a broad slit made in the sounding-board, the whole breadth of the instrument. At the inner extremities of the keys are small pieces of buff-leather, which take off the sound that would else proceed from their contact with the shafts of the dampers ; which are contrivances for stopping the tones of such wires as are struck by the hammers, so soon as the finger is taken off from the key. Most grand piano-fortes have two pedals, one for each foot, communicating with the interior. One serves to raise all the dampers completely, the other to throw the whole of the key-frame to the right, more or less ; by this means the hammers are slid at the same moment, in a body, about a quarter of an inch to the right, so as- to quit either one or two, at pleasure, of the left-hand wires of each note, and to strike upon only one, or two, as is judged proper for the greater or less diminution of sound. Other pedals are sometimes affixed for the purpose of opening a kind of flat cover, like Venetian blinds, laying over the wires, thereby to allow more or less sound to pass. The sounding-board, or belly, is made of very fine narrow deals, chiefly im- ported from the Continent, so closely joined that, in many, no line, or indication of junction, can be distin- guished. The square piano-forte is very different in form from the grand. It, however, has an action, or movements, nearly similar. Its belly is short, and the bridge, or sounding-board, is rather curved. In some, the tuning- pegs, which are four in a line, form a kind of co- lumn on the right ; in others, they are immediately be- yond that bridge which is almost parallel with the keys. Each note has two wires ; those in alt, and, indeed, down to G, on the clef-line, are usually steel, from No. 8 to 12 ; the middle notes have brass wire ; about half an octave of the bass parts are furnished with copper ; and the eight or ten lowest notes are of brass wire, on which a thinner wire of the same metal is wound in an open spiral manner ; whereby a deep tone is produced. Square piano-fortes are made with pedals, but not for sliding the keys and removing the hammers laterally. That could not be done to any pur- pose in this instrument; as the wires, instead of re- ceding from the player in a perpendicular line with the keys, lie across at nearly right angles. One pedal is all that is necessary, namely, to raise the dampers while tuning. The piano-forte is of German origin, and derives its name from its equal command both of softness and strength of tone. The chief beauty of this instrument, and which indeed constitutes its principal excellence over the harpsichord, is ils capacity of obeying the touch, so as to enable the performer to vary and ac- commodate the expression to all those delicacies, ener- gies, and striking lights and shades which characterize the most refined compositions. This instrument, though of modern invention, has received many useful and 5 Y valuable 450 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKING. valuable improvements from the ingenuity of Englishmen, as well as of foreigners. In that state, in which we have described it as the grand piano-forte, and in which it is furnished with its additional keys, it is not only qualified to give brilliancy and effect to sonatas, con- certos, and all pieces of extraordinary execution, but forms an expressive accompaniment to the voice, and is thought, by the best judges, to be one of the most elegant, instruments in the whole compass of musical practice. The guitar, or cittern, is generally played with the fingers, like the harp, and was in vogue with us some years back, when improvements were made on it, par- ticularly by the addition of six keys, corresponding with the six wires ; these were called boxed guitars, and, by some, piano-forte guitars. The instrument has a broad neck, on which are various frets, made of wires, fixed into the finger-board, at right angles with the wires ; these being the guides for the fingers to make the several notes, by pressing between the frets. The bridge is very low', and stands behind a circular sound-hole, co- vered with an ornamented and perforated plate ; the body of the guitar is of an oval form, the sides perpen- dicular to the belly and back. This instrument is strung peculiarly ; the upper open note, G, is of double steel wires, about No. 4 ; the second, E, is also double, No. 5; the third is of brass, double, and gives C; the fourth is double, of brass, and gives G, an octave be- low the upper wires ; the fifth is E, an octave below' the second wires ; and the sixth is C, the octave below the third. The tw'o last are single wires, covered with very fine wire, as closely as possible, like the fourth strings of violins. The wires loop at the bottom to little ivory studs, and at the top to small steel studs, moving in grooves, each of them winding up with a watch-key, so as to put them in tune respectively. The Spanish guitar is strung with cat-gut partly ; but the lower notes are, like those of the harp, made of floss-silk, covered very closely with fine wire. The Spaniards are sup- posed to be the inventors of the guitar, who derived its name Guitarra from Cithara, the Latin denomination for almost every instrument of the lute kind. These people are so partial to music, and to that of the guitar in particular, that there are few, even of the labouring class, w ho do not solace themselves with the practice of it. They use the guitar to serenade their mis- tresses, and there is scarcely an artificer in any of the cities, or principal towns, who, when his work is over, does not entertain himself with his guitar. The clarichord of the Germans differs from other keyed instruments by the length of the string, which is attached at one end to a bridge, and at the other to a pin or screw as usual, but the effective length is ter- minated on one side by the bridge, and, on the other, by a flat wire projecting from the end of the key, which strikes the string, and likewise serves as a temporary bridge as long as the sound continues. The remainder of the string is prevented from sounding by being in contact with a strip of cloth, which stops the vibration as soon as the hammer falls. The instrument is capable of great delicacy, but is deficient in force. Of the drum species we have an abundant variety. The side, or military drum, is well known ; it is of a cylindrical form, hollow', and covered at each end w'ith parchment, that can be stretched or relaxed at pleasure, by means of cords or braces, acted upon by bands of leather. It is monotonous, but habit has so far recon* ciled us to its uses that we consider it as a musical in- strument, though it is not in strictness entitled to that designation, nor is any instrument of this description to be so classed, excepting the kettle-drum, or timbale, which being regularly tuned, the one to the key-note, and the other to its fourth below or fifth above, are sa- tisfactorily and efficiently introduced into full bands, in which their emphasis, their pow'ers, and their thunder- ing roll, frequently prove very acceptable aids, and pro- duce the richest effects. The kettle-drum derives its English name from its form, the bottom being a large semi-spherical kettle of copper, and the head being of vellum, or goat-skin, stretched on a metal hoop, which being lowered or raised by screws at pleasure, so as to vary the internal measurement, can be tuned precisely to any given intonation. They are accounted bass-instru- ments, on account of their grave sounds. Though our cavalry, for many years, were generally provided with kettle-drums, yet they were not of our ow n invention ; nor w-ere they known in Europe before the Holy Wars, when they were first adopted from the Saracens, or Moors, who w'ere accustomed to carry them, of im- mense bulk, suspended on either side of camels ; the driver beating as the animal moved on. The tabor is a small drum, so flat, that the two heads aFe not more than three inches asunder. It is only used as an accompaniment to the pipe, for dances, &c. Both are played by the same performer : while the tones of the pipe are regulated by the fingers of the left hand, which stop the holes, the tabor is beat by the right. The tabor and pipe are favourite instruments with the common people of most countries in Europe, and are particularly calculated for dancing parties. The tambourine is a kind of drum with only one head, the other end of the hoop, which is not more than four inches in breadth, being open. It is furnish- ed at the sides with small bells and loose bits of tin. The head, which is of the best parchment, is fixed to an iron rim, and by means of screws fixed to the exte- rior of the hoop, can be tightened at pleasure. The performer puts the thumb of his left hand through a hole in the hoop, lined with an ivory moveable box, to prevent chafing. In this manner he whirls the tam- bourine about, and makes the brass jingles or cymbals (as they are called), which are inserted in pairs, through slits in the hoop, strike so as to produce various sounds, either clashing or tremulous, according as he may apply his right hand. It has been denominated a tinkling cymbal. The triangle is a round steel bar, about the third of an inch thick, made into an equilateral triangle, and beat MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKING. 45 i beat with a little piece of the same metal ; it forms a passable accompaniment in a military band, and in country dances gives life to the music. It appears to be of a very ancient invention, though revived only within these few years. The organ is an instrument of the highest antiquity, in the structure of which the greatest ingenuity has been displayed. The reader cannot expect to find here a detailed description of so very complex an instrument ; but we shall endeavour to afford such a perspicuous and general outline, as may exhibit the principal parts suf- ficiently for his purpose. The most difficult to make properly, is the wind-chest, which is an extensive, ho- rizontal box, so closely fitted and prepared, as to retain the wind impelled into it by various large bellows, which must be numerous, and capacious, in proportion to the size of the wind-chest. The quantity of wind in it is always known to the organist by means of a tell- tale, or index, attached to the bellows, which rises and falls in proportion to the quantity of air, and apprizes the performer in what degree the wind is exhausted. The top of the wind-chest is bored with several lines of apertures, proportioned to the sizes of the pipes they are to receive, those of the bass-notes being the largest ; but all the pipes in each row being different as to their interior construction, and consequently producing very different sounds, each row is called a stop, and has a plug appropriate to it, acting upon a slide, which shuts or opens the whole of that row at pleasure ; this is called a register. There are as many of such rows of apertures or registers as there are kinds of tones or stops on the organ : some having few, others having nu- merous stops. The wind is prevented escaping from the wind-chest into the pipes by valves, which are opened only when the performer presses the keys re- spectively ; when, by means of communicating wires, the valves are pressed down, and the wind passes into the pipes. When the key is quitted, the pressure of the wind, aided by a spiral wire spring shuts the valve, and the sound of that pipe instantly ceases. In order to re- gulate the force of the sound, most church-organs have either two or three rows of keys, w hereby a greater or less number of pipes may be filled, and the powers of the instrument be controlled into what is called the small organ, or be let loose so as to become the full organ. The pipes suited to the higher notes are made of mixed metals, chiefly tin and lead ; they increase in length and diameter in proportion to the note ; until, metal pipes being no further applicable, square ones of wood are substituted in their stead for all the lower notes. The dimensions of all the pipes of an organ are I regulated by a scale or diapason, formed for the use of I manufacturers in this line, and apportioned to every size of instrument usually made. The following are the stops usually made in a great ' organ : — The open diapason, in which all the pipes are ! open at the top ; this is a metallic stop. The stopped ; diapason, the bass-notes of this, up to the tenor C, are always made of wood, and are stopped at their summits with wooden plugs, by which the tone is very much softened. The principal is the middle stop, and serves, when tuned, as the basis for tuning all the other parts, above and below ; it is metallic. The twelfth is me- tallic also, and derives its name from being a twelfth, or an octave and a half, above the diapason. The fifteenth, so called, because it is two octaves above the diapason. The sesquialtera is composed of various pipes, tuned in the parts of the common chord ; the upper part is often called the cornet. The furniture-stop is very shrill, and in some passages has a peculiarly fine effect. The trumpet is a metallic stop, and derives its name from the instrument it so admirably imitates : this peculiar toue is produced by means of what is called a reed, but is in reality a piece of brass, on which the wind acts forcibly, giving a roughness to the sound, which is fur- ther changed by all the pipes of this stop having bell- mouths like trumpets. The clarion is a reed-stop also, but an octave higher than the trumpet ; it is only suited to a full chorus. The tierce is only employed in the full organ, it being very shrill, and a third above the fifteenth. The octave above the twelfth is too shrill to be used but in the full organ. The cornet is a treble stop. The dulcimer takes its name from the sweetness of its tones The flute is named from the instrument it imitates* as are the bassoon, vox-humana, hautboy, and cremona, or krum-horn stops. The proper adaptation of the several stops in the performance of sacred music, and in accompanying a choir, requires both judgment and experience. The fingering of an organ is precisely the same as that of the piano-forte, so far as relates to the situation of the keys, &c.; but on account of the great number of holding-notes in organ-music, the fingers are more kept down, whence it is considered highly in- jurious to piano-forte performers to practise the organ, they being subject to lose that lightness, and that deli- cacy of touch, required for the former instrument. Organs are likewise made without keys, but with bar- rels, on which are a great number of pins and staples of flat brass wire, and of different lengths. The barrel being turned by means of a crank, or winch, the wires that communicate with the valves in the wind-chest are acted upon by the pins and staples ; which hold down the valves for a longer or a shorter time, according to the duration of the notes they respectively govern. On these barrels, which are made to shift at pleasure, from ten to fifteen tunes are usually made. The winch not only turns the barrel, but also works a pair of bellows, by which the wind-chest is supplied. This instrument is called the hand, or barrel-organ, and is very common in London streets. Of all musical instruments the organ is the most pro- per for the sacred purpose to which it has been generally applied, in almost all countries w'herever it has been introduced. Its structure is lofty, elegant and ma- jestic, and its solemnity, grandeur and rich volume of tone, have obtained for it an acknowledged pre-emi- nence over every other instrument. The invention of the organ is certainly of very ancient date, some writers carry 452 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKING. carry it as far back as five or six centuries before the birth of Christ. It has been a subject of debate at what time the use of organs was first introduced into the Christian church. Some writers say they were first applied to sacred purposes in the year 600 by Pope Vitalian ; others contend they were not known in that way till the ninth century; but it is asserted by Tho- mas Aquinas, that in his time, viz. the middle of the thirteenth century, the church did not use musical in- struments. There are, however, other authorities which positively declare that organs became common in Italy and other parts of the Continent, as well as in England, in the tenth century. We may observe, that though of such long standing, yet Christians are by no means unanimous as to the lawfulness of music in divine service. The discussion has sometimes been carried on with great zeal, not to say bitterness, by different sects and denominations. The arguments on both sides of the question are briefly, but very candidly, stated in an excellent little work just now published by Johnson and Co., entitled, “ A new Directory for Nonconformist Churches.” Before we quit the organ we may just observe, and the observation will hold with respect to the manufactu- rers of other musical instruments, that the organ-builder, whose profession is to construct and to tune and repair organs of every description, should possess a nice, ac- curate, and highly cultivated ear, and a sound judg- ment in the vibratory qualities of wood and metal. The organ-builder should be acquainted with the science of pneumatics and practical mechanics, and he should be so far informed in the simple elements of musical composition as in some degree to be capable of trying the different stops and combinations of his own instruments, and of deciding for himself on the effects in performance. The Mouth Organ, or Pan’s Pipes, are well known, being so often played as an accompaniment to organs, &c. in the streets ; they consist of a range of pipes bound together side by side, gradually lessening with respect to each other in length and diameter. The longest is about six inches, and the shortest about two inches in length. They are of various sizes and extent, some being nearly three octaves ; however, a few have a chromatic scale, at least for the adjunct keys: i. e. those of the fourth and fifth. The tones of the mouth organ are very agreeable, but are best heard at a little distance ; when, either as an aid to the organ, or in per- forming pieces arranged for several mouth-organs, as is very common, they have a very pleasing effect ; when played in a room, the notes are piercing, and the sibila- , tions are apt to be very offensive. The Eolian Harp may be best included in this class, though it will not answer in every particular. It con- sists of a long box, in which four or more strings are stretched its whole length, and tuned to the component parts of any common chord, such as C, E, G, C, E, G, &c. : opposite the line of the strings, which stand over a slanting sounding-board, are two slits, one on each side, running parallel with the entire strings This instrument being placed opposite to a window, opened only an inch or two, the air will rush through the slits, and vibrating upon the strings, in its passage through the box, will cause a kind of tremulous mur- muring repetition of the various notes. The Eolian harp is by no means a disagreeable companion, when perfectly in tune. Some idea of its notes may be formed by stretching a thin violin string over the narrow slit between the upper and under compartments of a sash window ; these being generally rather open, allow the wind to pass, and will cause the string to keep perpetually humming that note it yields when plectrated or touched by a bow. It changes from one note to an- other, as the force of the wind varies, and as it acts on different parts of the string. The Trumpet, with all its tribe, now comes under consideration. This most audible instrument is made of metal ; those of silver are by far the softest in tone ; but brass is in general used. The modern trumpet is very short and portable compared with the old form of the instrument : its tone or pitch is varied by means of additional pieces called crooks, by which it may be made to accord with any given key-note. It has a mouth-piece, which is about an inch in diameter, con- caved for the lips to act within, and closing into a very narrow tube, through which the wind passes with considerable force into the neck of the instrument. The trumpet is a treble instrument; but, excepting from C in the middle of the stave to its octave above, can only perform the three under notes G, E, C, and G in the bass ; in the above octave it can only deviate from the key C, by a sharp fourth leading into the key of G. In saying this we speak of the instrument un- aided by the hand ; for by various modes of fingering within the bell, or mouth, the trumpet can be made to yield a great variety of semi-tones. Trumpets with slides, which suddenly lower or raise the pitch one or two notes, are capable of great execution, and may be made to yield every note and semi-tone within their whole compass, so as to go through all the intricate passages of solo-concertos ; but to perform in such style, and, indeed, to manage the slides with tolerable accuracy, requires a faithful hand and the greatest promptness. We have various sizes of trumpets, some intended for concerts, and of course furnished with crooks ; others are in use with our cavalry, made short and compact, and invariably pitched to one key ; it is not unpleasant, though rather uncommon, to hear the trumpets of a cavalry corps sounding their several calls in parts : though the harmony is not varied, there is yet something in it that reconciles one to its narrow limits, and indeed to the imperfectness of many reputed concords ; few of which can be sounded cor- rectly on trumpets. The next in this class is the French Horn ; of which we have various sizes and descriptions. It consists of a long tube twisted into several circular folds, gradually increasing in diameter from the end at which it is blown MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKING. 453 to that at which the wind issues. Those intended for concerts, have, like the trumpet, various crooks and a slide whereby they may be brought to accord with the most scrupulous exactness. The horn always has its music written in the key of C, and acquires any other key at pleasure, by the addition of such crooks as may bring it to the proper pitch : the more crooks are affixed, the deeper will be the intonation. There is a very strong affinity between the horn and the trumpet, in regard to their capability of producing particular notes ; w hat has already been said of the latter, in that respect, applies equally to the former. The finest notes of this instrument lie near the middle of the treble stave, or at farthest between G and C ; though its low notes, when properly sounded, are very fine and mellow. The natural fourth is said to be seldom in tune, aud therefore avoided by composers who are acquainted with the constitution of the instrument. The Serpent, so called from its form, seems to be the link that connects the horn with the flute species ; its mouth-piece is indeed very similar to that of the trumpet, but it is made of ivory. This is the deepest bass instrument of all that have finger-holes, and which, consequently have a chromatic compass. But the serpent has some of its lowest notes entirely dependant on the lip-play of the performer. This instrument descends two notes low er than the bassoon, and reaches up to F, on the clef line of the bass, with perfect fa- cility and correctness of intonation. Some performers can by great practice advance several notes higher. The serpent is made of very thin wood, covered with buckram and leather, so as to become very firm : hence its tone is by no means smooth, the materials vibrating so very forcibly as to roughen the sounds, especially among the low notes. It has three distinct parts, viz. a mouth-piece, neck, and tail ; and six finger holes, each lined with ivory, ebony, &c., requiring a very firm hand to stop them well. This instrument forms an exact reinforcement to the basses of a military band, to w*hich it is chiefly appropriated. The Flute is, by many, supposed to be of English invention, but it appears to resemble the old calamus, or shepherd’s pipe, more than any other of this species, the sound is generated by blowing through a slit into the bore, the superfluous wind passing out at a vent made on the top, close to the upper end ; there are seven finger-holes above, and one for each thumb below ; some have only one thumb-hole, others two small ones, like the G on a hautboy for the purpose of making a semi-tone. All the flageolet tribe, which are of various sorts and sizes, belong to this species. The common flute is also made of various dimensions, thence as- suming various designations of second, third, and fourth, &c., according as it diminishes in size, and becomes shriller in tone. The common flute yields a very soft agreeable sound, and is very appropriate to little artless airs ; but, having very little power, is by no means adapted to join in a band. The flageolet is, however, introduced, on many occasions, into dramatic orchestras, and finds a place in some bands ; its very piercing notes may be at all times distinguished. The several kinds of flutes are distinguished according to the number of keys, to their purposes, and to their sizes ; they are generally called seconds, thirds, &c., as they recede from the standard, diminishing gradually accord- ing to the above terms. The Bagpipe is of two sorts ; viz. the Scots and the Irish : the former is filled by means of a wind-bag, carried under the arm and worked like a pair of bellows ; the other plays with a reed like the hautboy. These two species have, within these few years, been blended, under the designation of union-pipes ; both are fingered much, the same as a flute, and have a 1 drone or open tube through which the wind passes, causing a deep humming tone. It is thought that the Norwegians and Danes first introduced the bag-pipe into the Hebrides, which islands they long- possessed. We may further observe, that in mixed wind instru- ments, the vibrations of solid bodies are made to co- operate with vibrations of a given portion of air. Thus in the trumpet, and in horns of the several kinds, the j force of inflation, and perhaps the degree of tensiou of the lips, determines the number of parts into which the tube is divided. In the serpent, the lips co-operate with a tube, of which the effective length may be varied by opening or shutting holes, and the instrument which has been called an organized trumpet appears ! to act in a similar manner. The trombone has a tube ! which slides in and out at pleasure, and changes the actual length of the instrument. The hautboy and clarionet have mouthpieces of different forms, made of reeds or canes, and the reed-pipes of an organ are furnished with an elastic plate of metal which vibrates in unison with the column of air they contain. The class of collision seems to appertain exclusively to those instruments which are provided with strings or wires, and are played upon by means of a piece of j curved wood, subtending a quantity of horse-hairs, ! regularly disposed in a flat and parallel manner : these | we call bows ; they are of various sizes, according to the j instruments to which they are respectively applied; namely, the double bass, the violincello, the tenor, the violin, and the kit. | The violin may be considered as the chief of this ! tribe : it will be unnecessary to describe its form, &c., the instrument being so universally know'll : its scale extends from G above the bass clef up to double D in alt ; beyond which, though notes may be made, the | tone becomes rather offensively shrill, and, generally speaking, borders on a kind of whistling scream. The pre-eminent expression, and the wonderful execution which may be effected w ith the violin, added to the great compass (it being full three octaves and a half), justly occasion this incomparable instrument to take 1 the lead in concerts and orchestras ; and, in general, in ! all musical meetings. It is to be lamented, however, ! that we cannot boast of so complete an intimacy with 5 Z the 454 NAIL-MAKING. the construction of the violin aud of all its class, as Italy and some other parts of the Continent. All the violin class have four strings, fastened at one end to a small piece of ebony, called the tail-piece ; and, after passing over a raised bridge, made of sea- soned beech-wood (particularly the back of old instru- ments), and over a little ridge called the nut, are fastened respectively to four pegs made of very hard tough wood, by the turning of which they are put in tune ; all the strings give fifths to their neighbours throughout ; thus the first string is E, the second is A, the third is D, and the fourth, which is a covered one, is G. The tenors and basses have no E string, but a C one added below the G. The notes are made by compressing, i. e. by what is called stopping the strings on a rounded slip of ebony, called the finger-board, which proceeds from the nut full four-fifths of the distance between that and the bridge ; the latter being always placed on the belly, or sounding-board, exactly between the centres of two sound-holes, which are in the form of an S. The belly is supported by a small piece of rounded deal called the sounding-port, without w hich the tones would be imperfect and harsh. Mr. J.C. Becker, of London, obtained some years since, His Majesty’s letters patent for improvements in musical instruments. His invention, it appears, con- sisted chiefly in some improvements in the harp and piano-forte. With respect to the harp, lie produces the sharps, flats, quarter-notes, or any intermediate variation deviating from the natural notes, by causing the wrest-pins, that is, the pins by which the strings are extended and tuned, to move partly round centres and thereby increase or decrease the tension of the strings more or less, as may be required to answer the desired change of the notes. For this purpose the w rest pins are connected with the pedals by a particular apparatus. In the specification there are figures re- presenting a wresl-pin passing through a socket, with a lever, on which slides a quadrant ; and on this qua- drant are fixed links that are kept stationary by a regu- lating screw. The links communicate with the pedals by the interposition of a crank. On the crank is also a regulating screw to adjust the whole to the motion of pedals. Now if one of the pedals is pressed down, all its appertaining quadrants with the wrest-pins must follow, and of course the tension of the appending strings will be increased accordingly ; and as soon as the pedal is left at liberty, the strings w ill, by their re-action, resume their former degree of tension, and the pedal its former station ; hence a variety of changes may be effected on each string throughout the instrument by the motion of the pedals. If in case new strings are put on, perhaps differing- in size and quality, any irre- gularity should take place, this is to be corrected by the regulating screw. To stop the pedals at four dif- ferent stations, answering to the natural note, to one- quarter, to one-half, and to three-quarter notes, a rack is applied which preserves the pedal in each situation in a perpendicular line, and thereby prevents them coining too close to one another. To ease the motion of the pedals, having each of them six or seven strings to act upbn, the patentee applies a spring to each pedal, to counteract the tension of the strings, and thus to ren- der the motion of the pedals as easy as necessary. In piano-fortes, or other stringed instruments played with keys, he uses one or more w'heels, to cause the strings to vibrate. These wheels are placed under or above the strings, and put into motion with a pedal or pedals, or any other mechanical power, and the strings are by the touch of the keys inclined to the wheels. In the manner of extending and inclining the strings consists the principle of the invention. The principle will admit of a variety of forms and applica- tions. If therefore the string be any-wise extended on any thing moveable, having its fulchrum any where within the extent of the string, the patentee claims that as the principle of his invention. — He further adds, that by his simple contrivances the pedal harp is ren- dered the most perfect of any musical instrument what- ever; because on it the skilful musician can raise and depress each note at pleasure, and thereby modulate and introduce graces beyond the limits of compo- sition. NAIL-MAKING. Nakls, in building, &c., are small spikes of iron, brass, &c., which being driven into w'ood serve to bind several pieces together, or to fasten something upon them. The several sorts of nails are very numerous : as, 1. Back and bottom nails, which are made with flat shanks to hold fast and not open the wood. 2. Clamp- nails, for fastening the clamps in buildings, &c. 3 . Clasp-nails, whose heads clasping and sticking into the w'ood render the work smooth, so as to admit a plane over it. 4. Clench-nails, used by boat and barge nail-making. 455 barge builders, and proper for any boarded buildings that are to be taken down, because they will drive with- out splitting the wood, and draw without breaking; of these there are many sorts. 5. Clout-nails, used for nailing on clouts to axle-trees. 6. Deck-nails, for fastening of decks in ships, doubling of shipping, and floors laid with planks. 7 . Dog-nails, for fastening hinges on doors, &c. 8. Flat-points, much used in shipping, and are proper where there is occasion to draw and hold fast, and no conveniency of clenching. 9- Jobent-nails, for nailing thin plates of iron to wood, as small hinges on cupboard-doors, 8cc. 10. Lead- nails, for nailing lead, leather, and canvass to hard wood. 11. Port-nails, for nailing hinges to the ports of ships. 12. Pound-nails, which are four-square, and are much used in Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk, and scarcely any where else, except for paling. 18. Ribbing-nails, principally used in ship-building, for fastening the ribs of ships in their places. 14. Rose- nails, which are drawn four-square in the shank, and commonly in a round tool, as all common two-penny nails are ; in some countries all the larger sort of nails are made of this shape. 15. Rother-nails, which have a full head, and are chiefly used in fastening rother- irons to ships. 16. Round-head nails, for fastening on hinges, or for any other use where a neat head is required; these are of several sorts. 17. Scupper- nails, which have a broad head, and are used for fastening leather and canvass to wood. 18. Sharp- nails, these have sharp points and flat shanks, and are much used, especially in the West Indies, for nailing soft wood. 19- Sheathing-nails, for fastening sheath- ing-boards to ships. £0. Square-nails, which are used for hard wood, and nailing up wall-fruit. 2 1 . Tacks, the smallest of which serve to fasten paper to .wood ; the middling for wool- cards, &c., and the larger for upholsterers and pumps. Nails are said to be tough- ened when too brittle, by heating them in a fire-shovel, and putting some tallow or grease among them. Such are some of the various descriptions of nails employed by mechanics in the different arts of life, and as new arts and new inventions arise from human inge- nuity, other kinds of nails will be formed, adapted to the several purposes for which there is a demand. For- merly the nail-maker’s process was very tedious, every nail being made by the hand, and each begun and finished by the same individual ; it was afterwards dis- covered in this manufacture, as in many others, that by a division of labour, and by assigning to different per- sons the pointing, the heading, &c., a greater quantity of work was done by the same number of hands ; of course the processes were much simplified, and expe- dited, and the article could be sold on much lower terms. Within the last five and twenty years divers ingenious mechanics have not only improved the methods of ma- nufacturing nails, but have thought it worth their while to secure to themselves the exclusive right of their inventions by obtaining the king’s letters patent : of some of these we shall proceed to give an ac- count. In the year 1790, Mr. Thomas Clifford, of the city of Bristol, obtained two patents for the manufacture of nails of every kind. The principle on which his | first invention is founded, was that of making the nails | in a die ; that is, by having a die or the impression of the nails to be cut into one or more pieces of iron, I steel, or other metal, and the iron of which the nails are to be formed, is drawn or rolled into the proper I form or thickness, and, by a force adapted to the purpose, 1 pressed into a cavity or die, so as to form the nails, ! either complete or so nearly complete as that they can be finished with a very little labour. This operation may be done in several ways, but the one particularly recommended by Mr. Clifford, is by rollers of iron or steel, and worked either by water, steam, wind, horses, &c. The two rollers are to be made of iron and cased with steel, each of the same diameter, and the diameter proportioned to the length and size of the nail intended to be made. Each roller should have one or more cog- wheels, the cogs of one roller to work into those of the other, so that the rollers may both perform the same exact revolution. One half the impress of the nail is to be cut with one roller, the other half in the other, so that the two impressions form a cavity, or die, of the exact form of the nail, extending the lengthways of the nail on the circumference of the rollers ; and as many impressions of the same kind may be cut in the rollers, one at the end of the other, as will complete their circumference, and continue the cavity all round the rollers : the point of one nail joining the head of the next, or the two points and two heads joining each other. The rollers must in this, as in other cases, be made to work very true, and close to each other. The mode of operation is this ; a rod of pietal, iron for instance, rolled or drawn to a convenient size is to be heated, and, while hot, the end of it is put between the rollers, into the cavity or die which forms the im- pression of the nail. The rollers being now put in motion, will draw the iron through, pressed into the cavity or die which forms the impression of the nail, the one joined to the other, which must be afterwards separated by means of instruments acting as nippers, shears, chisels, &c. The rollers being made to work very close to each other, where the edge of the nail is formed, will prevent much of the metal from being pressed out on each side of the nail, and what is pressed out may be cut off by instruments adapted to the pur- pose. Several pairs of rollers may be made to work together, and each pair may have several rows of dies cut on them, so as to form the impression for several strings of nails ; and a rod of iron, being put into each of them, will roll out as many strings of nails with one revolution of the rollers. A pair of rollers may also have the greater part of their surface cut with dies, and a flat bar, or piece of iron, be made to pass between the rollers, so as to form sheet nails ; the whole of them 456 NAIL-MAKING. them connected to one another by thin plates of iron, of which they are composed, and this would require each nail to be cut out or separated from the sheet by proper instruments. Mr. Clifford’s second invention consists, 1 . In dra w- ing the iron, or other metal, into a tapering or wedge- like form, according to the length and thickness of the different sizes of nails to be made. 2. The nails are to be cut out of those wedge-like or tapering plates, by means of a punch, the face of which is made accord- ing to the size, taper, and form, of the nail to be cut out; as also having a hollow bolster, the hollow or aperture of which must also be made of the size and form of the nail, and consequently to fit and receive the punch above-mentioned. The punch thus fitted to the bed, and sliding in the frame to keep it steady, will, by a blow, or by pressure, cut or force a part of the taper plate into and through an aperture of the bed fitting to it, and by which the nail is formed. This operation is by the manufacturers of buckles, buttons, &c., generally called cutting-out. 3. To form the heads of horse-nails, called rose-heads, and others of nearly a similar kind, after the operations of drawing and cut- ting out, the nail is to be put into a heading-tool, which is also called a bed, which bed receives the nail, ex- cepting a small portion, at the thick end of which the head is formed, by a punch or die. This die, by a blow, or pressure, forms the head as required ; and when the nails are made of hard iron, after they are cut, in the way described, the thick end is made hot before they are put into the bed or heading-tool.' 4. An- other method adopted in the manufacture of nails, is by cutting them out of or from plates of equal thick- ness, and afterwards to point them, either by a hammer or other pressure. 3. In making nails that are of a triangular form, the plate or strip of iron is pressed or stamped into a die, having impressions cut to the form of such nails, after which they are cut out by a punch. About the same period in which the foregoing patents were obtained, Mr. William Finch, of Woombourne, in Staffordshire, invented another method of making nails and spikes by machinery, to be worked by steam, 1 &c., by which all manual labour was to be saved. In his specification he describes his power as consisting of one main shaft, caused to revolve in either a horizontal or perpendicular direction by means of a water-wheel, or a steam-engine. Such main shaft will put in mo- tion, by means of cogs and pinion-wheels, other coun- ter-shafts or barrels, on which are fixed arms, & c., and on these are hammers that are worked in either a lift, or tilt manner. lie also makes three divisions of hands in the manufacturing of headed-nails, namely, one man, woman, or child, to carry the heated rod to the man, woman, or child, stationed before the hammer, w hich person, by mere activity, will with one hand not only form the largest size nail, but a far greater number m the same given time : when the third person, will, with the same kind of hammer, head and finish a num- ber of the said shanks together, leaving them truer made, and better for use, than the present mode. Also, by a division of hands, will make such nails a 9 require no tool or frame to be headed in ; namely, the one to*carry the iron from the fire, and the other sta- tioned before the hammer to finish them. In enu- merating the advantages and savings of this method above the others then in use, Mr. Finch says, that by heating many rods in one fire, there will be a saving of coal : — by the more speedy motion of machine-hammers, several nails will be made at once heating the rod, whereas, by the old method, only one is made : — again, the motioi) being regular, independently of strength, a child will be able to make the largest nail or spike. A farther benefit, it is said, will arise to the manufacturer by this mode, viz. that he will have his business done at one place, or under one roof, whereas, by the old me- thod, the workmen sometimes live many miles asunder, and cannot be overlooked. Likewise, by this method, the limbs of those employed in the manufactory will be preserved to the end of life, but, in the old method, it frequently happened that nail-makers were lamed in a few years, and became burdensome to the parish. Another invention of this kind is that for which a pa- tent was obtained in 1808, by Messrs. Willmore and Tonk, and which may be thus described : — “ They take a nail-rod, of a size suitable to the size of the nail intended to be manufactured, and applying it to a common screw-press, mounted with proper cutters, cut off from the end of the rod two pieces at once, obliquely across the rod in one place, and di- rectly across it in another. Two studs or stops are set up, which are attached to the press, and are moveable in the direction of the rod, for the purpose of ascer- taining the length of the nail ; and both studs are ad- justable in the cross direction of the rod, so that the -obliquity of the cut, according to the kind of nail to be made, is thereby determined, as well as the length of the nail. This is called the first operation. “ The second operation is to anneal the pieces so cut off, if the iron should not be sufficiently malleable, which is done in the usual and well-known manner. The third operation is that of heading, which for clasp-head nails, consists of two parts, one for gather- ing, and the other for forming the head of the nail. The first part of this operation is performed by putting a piece cut off the rod of iron, as before described, into a pair of clams, leaving as much of the thick end projecting above the clams as is sufficient to form the head. These clams have steel bits let into them with sharp edges, which press only against the two opposite sides of the piece, and which have the effect of two chisels when the punch of the press is brought down upon the piece with considerable force, and raise or gather up iron on each side towards forming the head. The second part of this operation is to put the piece thus prepared into another pair of clams, having bits formed to correspond to the under side of the head ; and the punch, having the impression of the upper side NAIL-MAKING. 457 of the head engraved or sunk into it, is brought to press strongly upon the head iu the clams, and thereby the clasp-head is properly formed. “ For naiis intended to have rose-heads, or any other kind of heads, except clasp-heads, the first part of this operation is not absolutely necessary, but the bits, which for clasp-nails musi have sharp edges, must for the other kind of nails have blunt edges, to prevent the under- cutting. For the second part of this operation, the piece is put either into a pair of clams, or into the tool commonly called a bore, and then pressed with punches, properly engraved or sunk, according to the kind of head wanted. By the first operation, the piece cut off the rod of iron is formed something like a mortise- chisel ; the fourth operation is to point it, which is done by putting the piece into a bed of steel, in which is cut a uick or groove, having parallel sides, but the bottom rising towards the end where the point of the nail is to be formed. The punch is shewn in the specification, and the end which presses upon the point of the nail is made to project farther than the other part, so as to meet the corresponding part of the bed when the punch is brought upon the nail. The groove, or nick, in the bed should be just wide enough to receive the piece easily, but prevent it from twisting when the impression is made. The piece is put twice into the nick ; once with the chisel, the end lying horizontal, and next turn- ed a quarter round, to press the chisel edge into a pointed form. If the nails, by the strong pressure which is necessary in this operation, should become too hard to clench, they anneal them in the’ ordinary way, which may be called the 'fifth operation. The third, fourth, and fifth operations above described are applied to nails, or pieces cut off from sheet or rolled iron in the ordinary way ; but as they, in consequence of the fifth operation, which is necessary to give them the qua- lity of clenching, are apt to be too soft to drive well, a sixth operation is applied, viz. quenching them, when red hot, in water or other proper fluid, which gives them stiffness enough to drive without destroying the quality of clenching. Figures attached to the specification show, 1. A pair of clams, with bits or dies let into them, which can be renewed from time to time with more ease, and at less expense, than by the usual method. These bits are proper for the first part of the third ope- ration. 2. A pair of bits, or dies, proper for making either rose-heads or fiat heads. 3, A pair of bits, or dies, proper for the second part of the third operation for clasp-head nails. 4. A view of the common screw- press, in which is shown the side-pin, or screw, by which the clams are firmly pressed together at the time the punch is pressed down upon the nail. This pin, or screw, is generally worked by the foot, by means of the lever connected with a treadle, while the hand applies its force to the handle of the fly ; but to the head of the main screw is fixed a portion of a pulley (or a whole one), to which is attached a rope, chain, belt, or other connecting pliable material, which flying round the edge of another pulley fixed to the frame of the press, and standing vertically descends, and is attached to the moveable end of the treadle ; and on this treadle is placed a weight, heavy enough to press the clams to- gether with sufficient force. By means of the latter described machinery, which is the only part claimed by the patentees as their invention, the operation of press- ing is performed by the action of the hand only, and is found very convenient.” We may mention, in connexion with this subject, a new method, or improvement in the manufacture of bagging for packing of nails, adopted by Mr. Benjamin Haden, of Sedgley, in Staffordshire. He takes for his warp, hurds or tow, prepared in the usual way, such as are in common use in the manufacture of nail-bagging, but for his wefts or woofs he takes old ropes, or junk, of any dimensions ; and after untwisting or dividing the threads or filaments thereof, he winds it into bobbins or quills, and then they become fit for the shuttle ; and he weaves them with the common warp in the common way. The materials just mentioned are said to be pe- culiarly adapted to give strength and durability to the article, and are therefore perfectly fit for the bagging of nails. The yarn, of which ropes are generally made, particularly king’s ropes, is spun from the choicest hemp, and strongly impregnated with tar. The threads taken from the middle of such ropes, not having been exposed to the weather, or to friction, are as sound and as strong as when originally used. The tarry matter with which these threads are impregnated, renders them peculiarly advantageous in the manufac- ture of sacks that require great strength, and substance, the weft being composed of these threads, finely spun, which are good and strong, tenacious, and not liable to rent or perish with the wet, nor to burst in carriage, to the great loss of those concerned. s 6 A NEEDLE-MAKING. NEEDLE-MAKING. 4 Needle, a very common little instrument, or uten- II sil, made of steel, pointed at one end and pierced at the other, used in sewing, embroidery, tapestry, &c. Needles make a very considerable article in commerce, though there is scarce any commodity cheaper, the con- sumption of them being almost incredible. The sizes of common sewing needles are from No. 1, the largest, to No. 25, the smallest. Besides sewing-needles there are, under the denomination of needle, the netting and the knitting-needle : the glovers’ needle, with a trian- gular point ; the tambour needle, which is made like a hook, and fixed in a handle, the hook being thrust through the cloth, the thread is caught under the hook, and the needle is drawn back taking the thread with it. In the manufacture of needles, German and Hunga- rian steel is of most repute. In the making of them, the first thing is to pass the steel through a coal fire, and under a hammer, to bring it out of its square figure into a cylindrical one. This done, it is drawn through a large hole of a wire-drawing iron, and returned into the fire, and drawn through a second hole of the iron smaller than the first ; and thus successively from hole to hole, till it has acquired the degree of fineness re- quired for that species of needles,; observing every time it is to be drawn, that it be greased over with lard, to render it more manageable. The steel thus reduced to a fine wire, is cut in pieces of the length of the nee- dles intended. These pieces are flattened at one end on the anvil, in order to form the head and eye ; they are then put into the fire to soften them farther, and thence taken out and pierced at each extreme of the flat part on the anvil, by force of a puncheon of well-tempered steel, and laid on a leaden block to bring out, with an- other puncheon, the little piece of steel remaining in the eye. The corners are then filed off the square of the heads, and a little cavity filed on each side of the flat of the head ; this done, the point is formed with a file, aud the whole filed over : they are then laid to heat red-hot oh a long narrow iron, crooked at one end, in a charcoal fire ; and when taken out thence, are thrown into a bason of cold water to harden. On this opera- tion a good deal depends ; too much heat burns them, and too little leaves them soft ; the medium is learned by experience. When they are thus hardened, they are laid in an iron shovel, on a fire more or less brisk in ; proportion to the thickness of the needles ; taking care to move them from time to time. This serves to tem- per them ; and to take off their brittleness ; great care here too must be taken of the degree of heat. They are then straightened one after another with the ham- mer, the coldness of the water used in hardening them having twisted the greatest part of them. The next process is the polishing them. To do this, they take 12 or 15,000 needles, and range them in little heaps against each other on a piece of new buckram sprinkled with emery-dust. The needles thus disposed, emery-dust is thrown over them, which is again sprinkled with oil of olives ; at last, the whole is made up into a roll, well bound at both ends. This, roll is then laid on a polishing table, and over it a thick plank loaded with stones, which two men work backwards and for- wards a day and a half, or two days, successively ; by which means the roll thus continually agitated by the weight and motion of the plqnk over it, the needles withinside being rubbed against each other with oil and emery, are insensibly polished. After polishing they are taken out, and the filth washed off them with hot water and soap : they are then wiped in hot bran, a little moistened, placed with the needles in a round box, suspended in the air by a cord, which is kept stirring till the bran and needles be dry. The needles thus wiped in two or three different brans, are taken out and put in wooden vessels, to have the good separated from those whose points or eyes have been broken either in polishing or wiping ; the points are then all turned the same way, and smoothed with an emery stone .turned with a wheel. This operation finishes them, and there remains nothing but to make them into packets of from twenty-five to one hundred each. Such is the ancient method of the manufacture of needles ; we shall now give a rather more detailed de- scription as the business is now. generally carried on. The wire when drawn to a proper size, which is ascer- tained by gages, is made up into coils for package: these coils of wire are heated to a dull red-heat in a fur- nace, and suffered to cool gradually, to soften and anneal it, with a view of facilitating the working of the steel ; this commences by cutting the wire into lengths, which is done by a pair of shears. The workman being seated before a bench, takes, perhaps, a hundred pieces of wire for fine needles, and introduces their ends between the blades, which he opens with his right hand, and pressing the ends of the wire against a gage, which renders them all of one length, he cuts them off, and they drop down into a tin pan placed on a small shelf in front of the bench ; the ends of the wire are now pressed against the gage, and cut off again. In this way the wires are cut into the lengths of the required needles. The second operation is flatting the end for NEEDLE-MAKING. 459 the eye of the needle, which is done by a workman taking three or four pieces of the wire between his finger and thumb, placing them on a small anvil, and striking one blow upon each, expands the end suffici- ently to receive the point of the punch which pierces the eye. This the same person does before he lays them down, with a small instrument, fixed on the same block as that to which the anvil is fixed. The end of the needle is placed in a small notch in the bed of the instrument, and is put exactly beneath the punch, and a slight stroke of the hammer punches the eye, and at the same time forms the semi-circular groove near the eye of the needle, to bury the thread. The notch which receives the needle is made in a piece of steel which fits into a dove-tail notch in the bed of the instru- ' ment, so that it can be changed for a larger or smaller, correspondent to the size of the needles to be pierced. The workman holds the needles in the same manner as he did for flatting ; and placing them one by one, suc- cessively in the uotcli in the bed-piece, pierces them by striking a single blow of his hammer on the end of a slider ; the slider is immediately returned by a spring. He now places the next needle under the punch, and when they are all pierced in this manner, he rolls them over by moving his thumb, so as to turn them all half round, and bring them upwards the opposite side to that which was pierced ; this being done, he repeats the punching on the other side with a view to finish, and clear the eye, and to form the groove which there is in all needles. They are now rounded at the eye-end to take off the roughness, which is done in an instant by applying them to a grindstone. The next process is hardening and tempering : the first is done by placing a great number together upon a piece of iron, bent up at the ends and sides that they may not roll off, and introducing them into a small furnace : when they become of a red heat they are taken out, and suddenly plunged into a vessel of cold water ; this renders them very hard. Some manufactu- rers make use of oil, or tallow, and other ingredients instead of water, which substances are supposed to improve the process. The needles thus hardened are I returned to the furnace with the oil upon them, and remain there till the oil inflames, when they are with- drawn and again cooled in cold water. This second process tempers them : at first they were quite hard, and so brittle as to break with the slightest touch : the tempering takes off the brittleness, but leaves them hard enough to take a good point. When they are hardened in water, according to the old method, the heat for tempering them can only be guessed at, or estimated by experience, but the flaming of the oil is a much more certain method. The needles are now examined, and many of them will be found crooked by hardening, which are discovered by rolling them over as they lay in row's on a board, and such are se- lected and made straight by a blow' in the notch in the anvii. Being thus straightened they require to be pointed, which is done by a large grindstone turned by a mill, either of water or steam. In this operation the workman, sitting astride before the stone on a block shaped like a saddle, takes up 20 or 30 needles, laid side by side across a small wooden ruler, covered with soft leather ; another similar ruler being laid over the needles to confine them. The workman holds the rulers in his hands, and thus presenting the ends of the needles to the grindstone points them with great dexterity. After pointing, they are to be polished in the manner already described. The points are next finished and rendered perfectly sharp, by grinding them upon a wooden wheel covered with emery, being held in the same manner as for the first grinding. They are then cleaned and packed up in certain numbers according to their sizes. A great number of the small packets are made into larger parcels, wrapped in several thicknesses of paper and coverings of bladder and packing-cloth, in which state they are sent to market. Surgeons’ needles are generally made crooked, and their points triangular ; however, they are of different forms and sizes, and bear different names, according to the purposes they are used for. The largest are needles for amputation ; the next, needles for wounds ; the finest, needles for sutures. They have others, very short and flat, for tendons ; others, still shorter, and the eye placed in the middle, for tying together of vessels, &c. Needles for couching cataracts are of I various kinds ; all of which have a small, broad, and j sharp point or tongue, and some with a sulcus at the point. Surgeons have sometimes used two needles in this operation ; one with a sharp point for perforating | the coats of the eye, and another with a more obtuse j point for depressing or couching the opaque crystalline lens ; but care should be taken in the use of any of I these, that they be first well polished with cloth or leather, before they are applied to the eye. Mr. Warner observes, that the blade of the couching needle should be at least a third part larger than those generally used upon this occasion, as great advantages will be found in the depressing of the cataract, by the increased breadth of the blade of that instrument. The handle, also, if made somew'hat shorter than usual, will enable the operator to perform with greater steadi- ness, than he can do with a larger handled instrument. It is to be observed, that needles of silver pierce more easily in stitching arteries after an amputation, than those made of steel. We shall close this short article with an account of a patent invention for the manufacture of needles of all sorts by Mr. William Bell of Walsal, which we shall give in his ow n words. “ The method by which I make needles, bodkins, fish-hooks, knitting-pins, netting- needles, and sail- needles, is by casting them with steel or common fusible iron, called pig or cast-iron, into moulds or flasks made with fine sand. Or, otherwise, I make stocks or moulds of iron or steel, or any other compo- sition capable of being made into moulds, on which stocks or moulds I sink, engrave, or stamp, impressions 480 HOUSE-PAINTING. of the said articles. Into these I pour my melted iron or steel (I prefer for my purpose sand casting), and prepare my iron or steel as follows : I melt it in a pot or crucible, in small quantities about the weight of twelve pounds (and upwards to twenty pounds), the more conveniently to divest it of its heterogeneous par- ticles, and to purify it from, its earthy or sulphureous ualities. When the iron has attained a proper heat, take charcoal-dust mixed with lime or common salt, which I throw into the pot of melted iron; and, by frequently stirring it with an iron rod, I bring to the surface of the iron a scoria which I frequently skim off, and thus bring my iron into a refined state. I then pour it into the mould before described. The articles being thus formed are capable of being softened, har- dened, or tempered in the usual way by which needles, bodkins, fish-hooks, knitting-pins, netting-needles and sail-needles have heretofore been manufactured ; there- | fore the principal merit of my invention is in casting | them instead of making them in the usual way.” HOUSE-PAINTING. Painting, as applied to buildings, comprises in the first place the colouring over all the several kinds of wood, iron-work, &c., employed therein with mine- ral colours, rendered fluid by saturation with oils, oil of turpentine, &c. A pigment so prepared is spread over them with a brush, and by the repetition of several coats, they together operate to their protection, and at the same time give a variety and neatness to the general appearance of a house. This kind of painting will be divided in this section under its several heads, as it is practised in London, and will embrace the working in common colours, also graining of its several kinds, or - ' namental painting, inscription writing, 8tc. &c. All j the prismatic colours are occasionally called into use | by the painter, and he varies these to suit the taste of his employer into almost every gradation of tint. But the i ground-work of all house-painting is formed by a paint I prepared from lead, known in the arts as ceruse, or white-lead. This is manufactured for use at places called the White-lead Works, and is performed in the following manner, viz. by rolling leaden plates spirally up, so as to leave the space of about an inch between each coil, and afterwards placing them vertically in earthen pots, at the bottom of which is some good vinegar. The pots are then to be covered, and exposed for a length of time to a gentle heat in a sand bath, or by bedding them in hot dung. The vapour of the vinegar assisted by the tendency of the lead to combine with the oxygen which is present, corrodes the lead, and conyeits the external portion of it into a white substance which comes off in flakes when the lead is uncoiled. The plates are thus treated repeatedly until they are corroded through, and completely reduced to an ox- yde ; this is called ceruse, or white-lead. It is after- wards, bleached, ground, and saturated with linseed oil. It is then put into tubs resembling butter firkins, each containing about three hundred weight : in such tubs it is dispensed at the colour shops. But at such places it is frequently adulterated with powdered chalk, so that an experienced painter who is desirous that his work should retain its colour, prefers purchasing his lead at the works, where he is sure of having it pure. Lead improves by keeping, and all the best whites are performed by it when it is at least two or three years old. The Nottingham ceruse is most esteemed for house work when it is required to be finished in what is technically called flatting or dead white. Litharge is employed by painters to render their colours more drying, and is composed of the ashes of lead, or a kind of dusky powder that first appears in its oxydation. When in this state it is called by the chemists a subcarbonate of lead, and is afterwards sa- turated with linseed oil to render it more .drying. Linseed Oil is obtained by pressure from the seed of flax ; it is afterwards filtered to clear it of any of the feculae of the seed, and then suffered to remain in tubs to precipitate and clarify. The more colourless the oil is the better, and this is greatly promoted by keeping, as linseed oil will by being kept a year or two deposit all its colouring particles, and be as transparent as water : the best painting is made with oil in this state. In Holland they whiten their linseed oil by a very simple process, which is said by them to answer every purpose to be derived from its age. They take an earthen pot well glazed, into which they put one- third of fine white sand and one-third of water with the linseed oil they wish to whiten ; and after having covered, the vessel with glass they expose it to the suu, | taking care to stir it at least once a day. When the oil | has become very white, it is left at rest during two ' days, after which it is taken away for use. | Of Dn/ing Oils .~^ The substances most usually em- j ployed to produce them are the oxyde of lead, called j litharge, plaster, and umber. The process consists in taking HOUSE-PAINTING. taking of these several materials in the proportions as follow, viz. to one pound of oil add half an ounce of litharge with as much ceruse, umber, and plaster. The oil is boiled on these four drugs over a gentle fire, taking care to skim it from time to time ; this matter so skimmed off is called by the house-painter smudge, or dryer ; it is of a lead colour, and is used by him in his outside work, and sometimes mixed in the dark colours to render them more susceptible of fixing and drying. As soon as this scum begins to rarify and become red the fire is stopped, and the oil being left at rest gra- dually settles and clarifies. Linseed oil so prepared is vended at the colour shops under the name of boiled- oil. All the best house-painting is done with it. Mr. Vanherman has lately laid before the Society of Arts, a method of rendering fish-oil applicable to painting ; and it appears to make a good and cheap vehicle for colours exposed to the weather, though it dries but slowly. To thirty-two gallons of vinegar he adds twelve pounds of litharge and twelve pounds of sulphate of zinc, shaking the mixture well twice a day for a week. The mixture is then put into a tun of fish- oil, with which it is well shaken and mixed, and the next day the clearer part, about seven-eighths of the whole, is poured off. Twelve gallons of linseed oil and | two of oil of turpentine are then added to the clear part, and this being well shaken together is left to settle for two or three days, when it will be fit to grind white lead and all fine colours in : these, however, are to be thinned for use with linseed oil and oil of turpen- tine. For cheap paints exposed to the weather, whiting and road dirt finely sifted are to be mixed with lime water to the consistence of mortar. To this composi- tion may be added almost any pigment ground with the sediment of the prepared oil, in the proportion of one part to two of the lime water already used, and the whole is to be thinned for use, by adding to . every eight pounds a quart of linseed oil and as much of a mixture of the prepared oil with lime water. The proportions of the mixture are not mentioned. If two ounces of litharge be added to a gallon of linseed oil and well shaken every day for a fortnight, and the clearer part mixed with half a pint of oil of turpentine be exposed to the sun for two or three days in shallow pans, Mr. Vanherman says “ it will be as white as j nut oil.” If half a pound of frankincense be dis- solved in a quart of oil of turpentine and added to a gallon of this bleached oil and white lead ground in oil I of turpentine be thinned for use with the mixture, he asserts that it will be quite dry and void of smell in four hours. Oil of Turpentine, or, as it is called, Turps, is in general use among us in house-painting, and is the 1 ingredient by which the flatting, as it is termed, is per- formed. All the larch and fir trees furnish a resin known by the general name of turpentine. Commerce distinguishes several qualities according to its degree of goodness. The larch tree furnishes what is called Venice Turpentine ; it is obtained by being made to 46 1 flow from the trunk of the tree through holes made with an augur in which small pipes are fixed, that conduct the juice into buckets placed to receive it. This turpentine has a yellowish and limpid colour, a strong aromatic smell, aud bitter taste. In Canada the peasants collect it from the fir tree by perforating the sacs, which contain it under the bark, with the point of a horn which is filled with this juice. It is afterwards distilled, in which it liberates an oil more or less vola- tile, according to the degree of beat employed. When the operation is done by a bath, a white, limpid, and odoriferous oil is obtained which is called essence of turpentine. The residue from this distillation forms the boiied turpentine of commerce. This is sold at the colour shops in the same way in which oil is, viz. by the gallon. This as well as the oil considerably im- proves by age : hence all painters in a large way of business keep it by them in quantities which enables them to depend on their work retaining its colour : a circumstance of no little importance in our mode of house-painting. Of the Colours. — The colours used by painters may be classed as follows : f Vermilion, Native Cinnabar, Red-lead, | Colour red, Scarlet-Ochre, tending to Common Indian Red, I Orange. Spanish-Brown, Terra di Sienna, burnt J Red Blue Carmine, Lake, Rose-Pink, Red-Ochre, l Venetian Red. f Ultramarine, I Ditto, ashes, ! Prussian-Blue, | Colour Crim- y son tending to Purple. Verditer, Yellow Green Orange Indigo, l. Smalt. f Kings-Yellow, Naples Ditto, Yellow-Ochre, Dutch-Pink, English Ditto, Light Pink, Gamboge, Masticot, Common Orpiment, Gall-stone, Terra di Sienna. ( Verdigris, J Crystals of Ditto, Prussian-Green, | Terra Ferte, ^Sap-Green. Orange- Lake. 6 B Purple 462 HOUSE-PAINTING. Purple Brown f True Indian Red, Archil, Logwood Wash. f Brown-Pink, | Bistre, J Brown-Ochre, - Utnbre, I Cologne Earth, '-Asphaltum. C White-flake, White-lead, | Calcined Hartshorn, White ^ Pearl White, j Troy White, t Eggshell White, ^Flowers of Bismuth. f Lamp-black, Black Ivory Ditto, v Blue Ditto. These embrace almost the whole of the colours em- ployed by the house-painter, and which by expe- rience he is enabled to mix in proportions to effect almost every tint. Vermilion is a bright scarlet pigment, and is formed of common sulphur and quicksilver prepared for use by a chemical process. The best vermilion comes from China, where it is said the secret of making it alone is known. The Dutch pretend to have obtained it, and much of the vermilion at the shops is of their manu- facture. It is so dear that the painters have recourse to every expedient to avoid using it, hence it is that the true Chinese pigment of this colour is seldom seen. Cinnabar is a similar pigment, differing only from vermilion by a more crimson colouring. Red-Lead, or minium, is lead calcined till it ac- quire a proper degree of colour by exposing it with a large surface to the fire. Scarlet-Ochre is an earth with a base of green vitriol, and is separated from the acid of the vitriol by calcination. Common Indian Red, is of an hue verging to scar- let, and is imported from the East Indies. Venetian-Red is a native ochre rather inclining to scar- let ; this is the pigment which is selected for the grain- ing, as it is called by the house-painters, of doors, &c., in imitation of mahogany. Spanish-Brozm is a native earth, found in the state and of the colour in which it is used. Terra di Sienna is, a native ochre, and is brought from Italy in that state in which it is generally found. It is yellow originally, and in this state it is often made use of, and is accordingly placed among the yellow colours. It changes to an orange-red by calcination, though not of a very bright tint, for which property it is sought to produce a pigment of that colour. Carmine is a bright .crimson colour, aud is formed of the tinging substance of cochineal with nitric-acid. It is not well calculated to mix up with oil, as its colour changes rapidly by exposure to the air and light. Lake is a white earthy body, as cuttle fish-bone, the basis of alum or chalk tinged with some vegetable dye, such as is obtained from cochineal or Brasil wood, taken up by an alkali and precipitated on the earth by the addition of an acid. Rose-Pink is a lake like the former, except that the earth or basis of the pigment is principally chalk, and the tinging substance is extracted from Brasil or Cam- peachy wood. Red-Ochre is a native earth, but that \vhich is in common use is coloured red by calcination, being yellovv when dug out of the earth, and the same with the yel- low ocnre commonly used. This latter substance is chiefly brought from Oxfordshire, where it is found in great abundance. Ultramarine is a preparation of calcined lapis-lazuli, which is, w'hen perfect, of a brilliant blue colour, of an extremely beautiful and transparent effect ill oil, and will retain this property with whatever vehicle or pig- ment it may be mixed. It is excessively dear and is frequently sold at the colour shops in an adulterated state. Ultramarine Ashes are the residuum or remains of the calcined lapis-lazuli. Prussian-Blue is a brilliant pigment ; it is the fixed sulphur of animal or vegetable coal chemically com- bined with the earth of alum. V erditer is the mixture of chalk with the precipitat- ed copper, which is formed by adding the due pro- portion of chalk to the solution of copper made by the refiners in precipitating the silver from the nitric acid in the operation called parting, in which they have occasion to dissolve it in order to its puri- fication. Indigo is a tinging matter extracted from certain plants which are found iu both the Indies, and from whence the Indigos of commerce are imported. Smalt is glass coloured with zaffer, and afterwards ground to a pow'der. Kings-Yellow is a pure orpiment, or arsenic co- loured with sulphur. ~Naples-Yel!ow is a warm yellow pigment rather inclining to orange. Yellow- Ochre is a mineral earth, which is found in many places, but of different degrees of purity. Dutch-Pink is a pigment formed of chalk, coloured with the tinging particles of French berries. It is not well adapted -to work in oil by reason of its colour soon flying oft’. English and light Pink are merely a lighter and coarser kind of Dutch pink. Gamboge is a gum brought from the East Indies ; it is dissolved in water to a milky consistence, and is then of a bright yellow colour. Masiicot, as a pigment, is flake-white c* white-lead gently calcined, by which it is changed to a yellow, which varies in tint according to the degree of the calcination. Orpiment is a fossil body of a yellow colour com- posed HOUSE-PAINTING. 463 posed of arsenic and sulphur, with a mixture fre- quently of lead and sometimes other metals. Gall-stone is a concretion of earthy matter formed in the gall bladder of beasts. It is but little used. V erdigris is an oxyde of copper formed by a vegeta- ble acid: it is used in most kind of painting where green is_ required. Crystals of Verdigris is the salt produced by the solution of copper or common verdigris in vinegar. Prussian-Green is in composition similar to blue of the same name. Terra Verte is a native earth ; it is of a bluish green colour, resembling the tint called sea-green. Sap-Green is the concreted juice of the buckthorn berry. Orange-Lake is the tinging part of annatto, precipi- tated together with the earth of alum. True Indian Red is a native ochrous earth of a purple colour, but so scarce as seldom to be met with at the colour shops. Archil is a purple tincture prepared from a kind of moss. Logwood is brought from America, and affords a strong purple tincture. Brown-Pink is the tinging part of some vegetable of an orange colour precipitated upon the earth of alum. Bistre is a brown transparent colour of yellowish tint. Brown-Oclire is a warm brown or foul orange colour. Cologne Barth is a fossil substance of a dark blackish brown colour, a little inclining towards purple. Asphaltum is sometimes employed by the painters to answer the end of brown pink. White-fake is a ceruse prepared by the acid of grape. Troy White is simply chalk, neutralized by the addi- tion of water in which alum has been dissolved. Lamp-black is the soot of oil collected as it is formed by burning. Ivory-black is the coat of ivory or bone formed by giving to them a great heat, all access of the air being excluded. Blue-Black is the coal of some kind of wood burnt in a close heat where the air can have no access. Such are the several colours employed by painters ; they are all to be found in the colour shops both in a crude and prepared state. Preparing the colours con- ' sists in the first place of grinding them on slabs of porphyry till the particles are reduced to the finest ima- j ginable state ; this is done by saturating them with oil I or water, according as the colour ground is to be used i with either of them. j House-painting is known in the trade by the number of coats of paint applied, and the painting is divided into work in oil and what is technically called fatting. This latter description of work differs from the former only in the colour being mixed up with turpentine in- stead of oil. Good painting is known by the fullness and solidity of its appearance without any marks of the brush ; whereas cheap painters care little about this. I To give a fresh appearance, and get their work out of I hand, and be paid, is their only concern. I In the division of house-painting, as understood be- tween the surveyors and workmen, are as follow : — Clearcole and finish, signifies that the w'ork is to be done in the cheapest way, and the process of doing which consists in first dusting and cleaning what is to be painted, and stopping and filling-up all cracks and de- fects with putty. After which the whole is painted over with a paint prepared of whiting and size, which forms the ground for the finish, as it is termed. This finish consists of a coat of oil-colour prepared with lead. Where the work is not very dirty this kiud of painting will answer every purpose, but it is by no means adapted for outside work. Bringing forward, a term used by painters, applies to such new-wood or other work which may have ! been added to old wood-work; or in cases in which the old wood-work has been repaired, and, in conse- quence, partly replaned, the priming and painting such ! parts to form a ground for the colour, so as that it shall appear alike when finished, is the process in- tended by this term. Stopping is tio more than that the painter is to w’ell fill up all the defects in the work he may have to paint, with putty. Twice in Oil is simply that the work has been twice painted over. Thrice in Oil, and Flat, signifies that the work has been done twice over in oil colours and once in colour mixed, or prepared in turpentine. Three Times and Flat may be similarly explained, that is, three coats of oil colour and one of turpentine. This latter description of painting is generally that which is required to new r wood-w'ork. The painter’s tools are few in number, and they are found for the journeymen by the masters. They con- sist of a tool, or pound brush as it is called, which is composed of hogs’ hair ; this they use as a duster, until the ends of the hair of which it is composed are worn away, and become soft ; it is then used in the colour, being better adapted to spread it eveniy by such pre- vious wear. The other brushes vary in size, as the mouldings and work to be painted do ; the smallest are to paint over the bars of sashes, or draw out lines which are intended to be left of a different tint from the general tone of the other work. In mixing up the colours for oil-painting, white-lead forms the base of all ingredients ; this the colour-pre- parer modifies and changes by adding coloured sub- stances to it, till it is tinged so as to produce a paint of the colour he wishes. All those colours w hich are de- rived from vegetable bodies have, at first being spread, a more brilliant effect than those of mineral ones ; but no vegetable colour will long stand the combined effect of air and light ; w hile the mineral colours, so exposed, remain unchanged. This defect in the vegetable co- lours is owing to that spontaneous oxidation or carbonization which is effected by the oxygen of the atmosphere 464 HOUSE-PAINTING. atmosphere on all vegetable matter to which it can operate upon freely. To make this phenomenon more obvious, the air occasions a slow combustion or burn- ing to take place, which dissipates the lighter or hy- drogenous particles of the colour, and turns to a state of charcoal those which remain combined in the paint; hence all painting made with colours ob- tained from vegetable bodies soon appear black and discoloured. - Graining is understood among painters to be the imitating of the several different species of scarce woods I such as are used for the best articles of furniture, viz. satin-wood, rose-wood, king-wood, mahogany, &c. &c. Imitations of this nature, when well performed, are ' calculated to give a zest to painting : at Paris, every species of wood-work used in their houses, as a part of the building, is done in this manner. The dead-white so much in vogue amongst us is not practised there. To grain satin-wood a ground is previously laid, com- posed of Naples yellow and ceruse, diluted with oil of turpentine, this is spread very evenly over the work to be grained, and is then left a day or two to get fixed and dry. The painter then prepares his pallet-board with small quantities of the same yellow and ochre, with a little brown, having some boiled oil and oil of turpentine mixed together, to saturate the colours to be used in the operation. He is also provided with several different sized camels’ hair pencils, and also with one or more flat hogs’ hair brushes. When he has mixed the colours he spreads it over a pannel, or any other small part of the work, first, to see the effect of the tints, and if it suit what he is about to perform, he perse- veres by doing a pannel at a time ; and, in the instance of doors and other framing, the pannels are done first, and the margins round them afterwards. The flat hogs’ hair brushes, by being dipped in the mixture of oil and turpentine, and drawn down the newly-laid co- lour, occasions the shades and grainings in it : this effect takes place in the colour from the brush supplying an excess of saturation to the colour it touches ; and to produce the mottled appearance, the camels’ hair pen- cils are applied, and when it is all finished, it is left to fix and dry, afier which it is covered by a coat or two of good oil-varnish. The other fancy-woods are per- formed in a similar manner, the painter varying the colours to produce them only. Some of our painters are so expert at this kind of imitation, and also in that of marbles, as to prevent their easy detection, except by the touch. Among the best artists in this line now in practice in London, are a Mr. Harman of Chelsea, and Mr. Willement, of Green-street, Grosvenor-square. Such kinds of painting are well calculated to last a great many years by being occasionally re-varnished only. It is not greatly dearer than good work in the common way, but it will last ten times as long, without appear- ing to loose any of its freshness. Ornamental Painting embraces the executing of friezes and the decorative parts of architecture in chiara-obscura, or light and shade on walls and ceil- ings. It requires, in the first place, a ground to be well painted of the tint it is proposed to remain, and exactly drawn into the width it is intended to be left on such a ground so formed. The ornament to be. painted is to be drawn out neatly with a black-lead pencil, and then to be painted and shaded, to give it its due effect. Such kind of painting is often painted on slips of paper, or Irish cloth, and pasted up afterwards ; some artists also, to facilitate their work, aud when the orna- ment is of a similar pattern all through, do it by what is termed stinse/ling ; this method consists in drawing out a certain length of the pattern to be painted, very accurately on paper, and then pricking a large-sized needle in regular distances all round the pattern through the paper, which they afterwards lay smoothly against the wall to be ornamented and strike its outer surface, which has been pricked through with a small linen bag containing pow'dered chalk, the powder enters the apertures in the pattern, and fixes itself against the wall, exhibiting the exact outline of the ornaments which the painter immediately fixes by painting it on the wall ; by this means a great saving of his time is accomplished. Some paintings in this manner are heightened with gold : this is performed after the orna- ment is painted-in, as it is termed, by the process known as Gilding in Oil. Letter or Inscription Writing is performed by per- sons known in the trade as letter-writers. The process is similar to ornament painting, excepting the superior ability and taste required in the one, whereas the other is a mere mechanical operation. The letter-writer sketches out in pencil the words he has to write, and afterwards corrects the outline by the colour which he applies with a camels’ hair pencil. When the letters are to be gilt, the process is similar, and as the letters are painted, they are covered with leaf-gold, and when completely covered it is left to fix itself by the dry- ing of the painting on which it has been laid. After which, a sponge and water is used to clear away the superfluous gold ; the whole is then covered by a coat of good oil varnish. Letter-writing is charged by the inch, viz. the height of one of the letters being taken, will, by being multiplied by the number on the whole inscription, denote exactly the quantity of inches which has been written. The price varies in as much as sha- dowed letters are a halfpenny an inch more than plain ones, and gilt letters are treble the price of either. Two-pence an inch is about the average price of inscrip- tion letters. Painters’ work is measured by the yard superficial, of nine square feet, and the painter is allowed to take his dimensions over and into every part where the brush has passed. Sash frames are valued at per piece, and sash squares at per dozen, as well as window bars, balusters of stairs, stay bars, &c. Painting done on new stucco is allowed one penny per yard more than when on wooden work, and colours are charged an ad- j ditional penny more than when done in plain whites. PAPER-MAKING. 465 The painters’ charges are regulated in London by the surveyors, and their regulations are made from an average of the price of the best materials of every kind ; but painting is frequently offered to be done at from fif- teen to twenty per cent, less than the price so regu- lated. But, perhaps, no branch of trade allows of greater description than painting, as oil and colours may be purchased of all degrees of purity : hence painting, like the gold of the jewellers, will be, in its quality, or fineness, as it is, viz. by the ratio of its alloy or adul- teration. PAPER-MAKING. This art, as at present practised, is not of a very ancient date ; paper made of linen rags appears to have been first used in Europe towards the beginning of the thirteenth century, but of its origin nothing can with certainty be affirmed. The ancients, as substitutes for paper, had recourse successively to palm-tree leaves, to table-books of wax, ivory, and lead ; to linen and cotton cloths ; to the in- testines or skins of different animals ; and to the inner bark of plants. In some places and ages they have even written on the skins of fishes ; on the intestines of serpents; and, in others, on the backs of tortoises. There are few plants but have at some time been used for paper or books, and hence the several terms, biblos, codex, liber, folium, tabula, &c., which express the different parts on which they w'ere written, and though in Europe all these disappeared upon the introduction of the papyrus and parchments, yet, in some other countries, the use of them remains to this day. In Ceylon, for instance, they write on the leaves of the talipot : and the Bramin MSS. in the Tulinga language, sent to Oxford from Fort St. George, are written on | leaves of plants. Hermannus gives an account of a monstrous palm-tree, which, about the thirty-fifth year of its age, rises to be sixty or seventy feet high, with plicated leaves, nearly round, twenty feet broad, where- with they commonly cover their houses, and on which they also write; part of one leaf sufficing to make a moderate book. They write between the folds, making the character through the outer cuticle. The paper which had been for a long time used by the Romans and Greeks was made of the bark of an Egyptian aquatic plant, called the papyrus, whence the name paper. According to the description which Pliny, after Theophrastus, gives us of it, its stalk is triangular, and of a thickness that may be grasped in the hand ; its root is crooked, and terminates by fibrous bunches, composed of long and weak pedicles. The Egyptians call it Berd, and they eat that part of the plant which is near the roots. A plant, named papero, much re- sembling the papyrus of Egypt, grows likewise m Si- cily ; it is described in Lobel’s Adversaria. Ray, and several others after him, believed it w r as of the same spe- cies ; however, it does not seem that the ancients made any use of that of Sicily, and M. de Jussieu thinks they ought not to be confounded. The internal parts of the bark of this plant were the only ones that were made into paper, and the manner of the manufacture was as follows: — Strips, or leaves, of every length that could be ob- tained, being laid upon a table, other strips were placed across and pasted to them, by means of water and a press, so that this paper was a texture of several strips, and it even appears that, in the time of the Emperor Claudius, the Romans made paper of three layers. Pliny also informs us, that the leaves of the papyrus were left to dry iu the sun, and afterwards distributed according to their different qualities fit for different kinds of paper ; scarcely more than tw'enty strips could be separated from each stalk. The Roman paper received a size as well as ours, which w'as prepared with flour of wheat diluted with boiling water, on which w’ere thrown some drops of vinegar; or crumbs of leavened bread, diluted with boiling water, and passed through a bolting-cloth, being afterwards beaten with a hammer. This account of Pliny is confirmed by Cassiodorus, who, speaking of the leaves of papyrus used in his time, says, that they were white as snow', and composed of a great number of small pieces without any junction appearing in them, which seems to imply necessarily the use of size. The Egyptian papyrus seems even to have been known in the time of Homer; but it was not, according to thf testimony of Varro, till about the time of the conqq&ffs of Alex- ander that it began to be manufactured ^yith the per- fection which art adds to nature. Paper made in this manner with" the bark of the Egyptian plant, was that which was. chiefly used till the tenth century, when cotton was used for making paper by pounding and reducing it to a pulp. This method, 6 C known 466 PAPER-MAKING. known in China some ages before, appeared at last in the empire of the East, yet we are without any certain knowledge of the author, or the time and place of this invention. Father Montfaucon says, that cotton-paper began to be used in the empire of the East about the ninth cen- tury. There are several Greek manuscripts, both *on parchment, on vellum, and cotton paper, that bear the date of the time in which they were written ; but the greatest part are without date. From the dated manu- scripts a surer judgment may be formed by comparing the writings of the age w'ith those that are without any date. The most ancient manuscript on cotton paper with a date, is that in the king of France’s library, numbered £,889, w ritten in 1050: another, in the em- peror’s library, that bears its date, is of the year 1095. But as the manuscripts without a date are much more numerous than those which are dated, Father Mont- faucon, by comparing the writings, discovered some of the tenth century : among others, one of the king’s li- brary, endorsed with the No. 2,436. If the same search were made in all the libraries, both of the East and West, others, perhaps, might be found, of the same time or more ancient. Hence it may be judged, that this bombycine, or cotton paper, was invented in the ninth century, or, at latest, in the beginning of the tenth. Towards the end of the eleventh, or the begin- ning of the twelfth, its use was common throughout the empire of the East, and even in Sicily. About the same time, the empress Irene, consort of Alexis Comnenes says, in her Rules for the Nuns at a house which she had founded at Constantinople, that she left them three copies of the rule, two in parchment and one in cotton paper. Since this time, cotton paper was , still more in use throughout the whole Turkish empire. Chinese paper is of various kinds ; some is made of | the rind or bark of trees, especially the mulberry-tree and elm, but chiefly of the bamboo and cotton tree. In fact, almost each province has its several sorts of j paper. The preparations of the paper made of the bark of trees, may be instanced in that of the bamboo, which is a tree of the cane or reed kind. The second skin of the bark, which is soft and white, is generally made use of for paper ; this is beat in fair water to a pulp, which they take up in large moulds, so that some sheets are above twelve feet in length ; they are com- pleted by dipping them in alum water, which serves in- stead of size among us, and not only hinders the paper ! from imbibing the ink, but makes it look as if it were | varnished over. This paper is white, soft, and close, without the least roughness, though it cracks more easily than the European paper, is very subject to be eaten by the worms, and its thinness makes it liable to be soon*worn out. The inventor of the linen-rag paper, whoever he was, is entitled to the gratitude of posterity, who are enjoying the advantages of the discovery. The art of printing would have been comparatively of little im- portance without having the means of procuring a pro- per material to receive the impressions : while the pa- pyrus was the only kind of paper, it was impossible to have procured it in sufficient quantities to have made large editions of books, without which the great bulk of mankind would have for ever retained the ignorant bar- barity of the dark ages ; the cotton paper, though an improvement, was but a rude and coarse article, unfit for any of the nice purposes to which paper is now ap- plied. The perfection of the art of paper-making consisted in findings material which could be procured in sufficient quantities, and would be easy of prepara- tion. Such is paper now in use, of which we shall endeavour to describe the manufacture. A more common or economical substance could not be conceived than the tattered remnants of our cloths, linen worn out and otherwise incapable of being applied to the least use, and of which the quantity every day increases. Nor could a more simple labour be ima- j gined than a few hours trituration by mills. The dis- | patch is so great, that it has been observed by a French ; writer, that five workmen in a milt may furnish suffi- ! cient paper for the continued labour of 3,000 transcrib- ers. This was on the supposition of the process being conducted upon the old system of hand labour, but by the improved system of our modern mills, where the paper is produced in a constant and regular sheet by a curious machine, instead of the workman making sheet by sheet separately, a great portion of the labour is to- tally done away. The operations of paper-making, as they succeed each other, are as follows : — 1st. The rags are washed, if requisite, and then sorted. 2d. They are bleached to render them white, but this is sometimes deferred to another stage of the process. 3d. They are ground, with water, in the washing- engine, till they are reduced to a coarse or imperfect pulp, called half-stuff, in which state the bleaching is sometimes performed ; at other times it is bleached in the engine. 4th. The half-stuff is ground in the beating-engine, and water added in sufficient quantity to make a fine pulp, which being conveyed to, 5th. The vat, the sheets of paper are made by taking up a quantity of the pulp upon a mould of fine wire cloth, through w'hich the water drains away, and the pulp coagulates into a sheet of paper ; to take this off the w'ire is called couching. 6th. This sheet is put in a pile with many others, with a felt between each, and the whole is subjected to a strong pressure to press out the superfluous water. 7th. The sheets are taken out, the felts removed, and the sheets of paper pressed again by themselves for a certain time. 8th. The sheets are taken from the press and hung up, five or six together, to dry in the drying-loft. 9th. The paper is dipped into a tub of fine size, and pressed to force out the superfluity, after which it is dried PAPER-MAKING. 467 dried again; but, in printing-papers, this process is rendered unnecessary by sizing the stuff whilst in the engine, by adding certain ingredients. 10th. The paper now undergoes an examination of each individual sheet, and all knots and burs are re- moved, and bad sheets taken out. 1 1th. The dry sheets are packed in a very large pile, and pressed with a most immense force to render the sheets flat and smooth. 12th. The paper is taken out, parted, and pressed again; parting means, to take down the pile sheet by- sheet, and make another without turning the sheets over ; by this means new surfaces are brought in contact with each other, and the surface of the paper im- proved. 13th. The paper is now finished, and is counted into quires, folded, and packed up in reams for market. The linen rags, used for making paper, being col- lected by itinerant merchants, are purchased by whole- sale dealers or rag merchants, who, for the London trade, separate them into five sorts of white rags which they sell to the mills ; they are denominated Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, according to their respective qualities. No. 1, called London superfine, being all linen, the remains of fine cloth, which not being so much worn as the coarser sort is used for making the finest paper. No. 5, is coarse canvass, which by bleaching may be brought to a good colour, but will not make paper of the strength and fineness of the finer sorts. The next sort rag bagging, a worse canvass, of which the bags are made for packing the rags. Coloured rags are generally cotton of all colours, except blue, vvhieh is selected for making blue paper only. Superfine paper for writing or fine printing can only be made from Nos. 1, 2, and 3; Nos. 4 and 3 are appropriated for making an inferior paper called news, because used for news-papers ; the coloured rags are only used for the inferior papers. Woollen and silk rags are used for brown paper, but even for this purpose they should be mixed up with a large parcel of coarse linen. Old paper may also serve for the same use, but the waste would be too considerable; whence it is rather reserved for pasteboard, in the manufacture of which the material is worked in less time, with less force, and with the same water. It will also lose much less. Be- sides paper that has been once sized, though passed through boiling water, still gives the pulp a viscidity which ought to be guarded against. The rags when first brought to the mill, if they are very dirty, as the coarse sorts generally are, are washed in hot water by a fulling mill, such as is used by dyers for washing cloth. The rags being well dried are (if they have not been previously sorted by the rag mer- chant) delivered to women to sort and scrape them. These women are disposed of in a large room full of ! old linen, seated two by two on benches with a large chest or box divided into five cases before them, 'for con- taining the five different sorts of rags as beforementioned. Each has a piece of pasteboard hung from her girdle and extended on her kuees, upon which, with a long sharp knife, she unrips seams and stitches, and scrapes off all filth. Whatever can be used after being well shaken is distributed into the three cases according to the degree of fineness, and the women throw the rest at their feet. Those manufacturers who choose to be more exact in their sorting, have six cases for six different sorts of rags ; the superfine, the fine, the seams, and stitches of the fine; the middling, the seams and stitches of the middling ; and the coarse, without including the very coarse parts, which are reserved for making brown paper. Some manufacturers are persuaded that the labour of the sorters is never sufficiently exact, and think that the ! hems and seams should be kept apart ; that the coarse- ness of the cloth should be considered, and that the doth made of tow should be separated from that made of the longer slips ; cloth of hemp from cloth of flax ; and, lastly, that the degree of wearing in the cloth should be attended to ; for if rags which are almost new should be mixed with those that are much worn, the one will not be reduced to a pulp in the mill, whilst the other will be so attenuated as to be carried away by the water, and pass though the hair-strainer, and hence there must be a considerable w aste in the w'ork, a real loss to the manufacturer, and even to the beauty of the paper, for the particles already carried off, are perhaps those which give it that smooth and velvet softness of which it is often deficient. This is not all, for the pulp of uneven tenuity produ- ces those cloudy papers, wherein are seen by intervals parts more or less clear, and more or less weak, occa- sioned by flakes assembled on the mould in making the paper not being sufficiently tempered and diluted to in- corporate with the more fluid parts. It would, therefore, be very advisable to have the different qualities of the cloths milled separately, as also the hems and threads of the stitching ; because sewing thread being never so much w'orn as that of the cloth, and being not so easy to be reduced, forms filaments in the paper. When the rags unequally disposed for tri- turation have been milled apart, then such different pulps may be mixed together w'ithout inconveniency, which will be found homogeneous, each having been worked during the time that was necessary, according to the state of the rag. Without this precaution the finest particles will be always lost, and of course the quality of the paper will be altered by an excess of the coarsest. This great precaution in the sorting of rags is of course very expensive ; but there is no doubt of its producing a total difference, in the beauty of the paper, without hurting its goodness. It will besides be at- tended with the advantage of mixing a pulp, which is supposed to form the strength of the paper with ano- ther that gives it softness and lustre ; and thus these two qualities may be united which hitherto existed sepa- rately. The 468 PAPER-MAKING. The greatest modern improvement in paper-making is the bleaching the rags. This enables the manufactu- rer to produce the finest paper, in point of colour, from any kind of rags. He has, therefore, only to find such materials as will make a paper of a strong texture and a fine even surface, knowing he can produce, colour at pleasure. The bleaching is conducted in different methods, either bleaching the rags immediately after they are sorted, bleaching them in the state of half-stuff, that is, after it has been once ground in the washing engine, or while they are in the engine. For the first of these me- thods Mr. Campbell had a patent in 1 79“2. His me- thod is very similar to the process of bleaching of cotton thread. The apparatus consists of a receiver or cham- ber made of wood to contain the rags to be bleached ; it is of a cubical form, and the joints made air tight ; it is provided with several retorts, w'hich being filled with a mixture of manganese, with two-thirds its quantity of sea salt, and a quantity of sulphuric acid equal to the salt, will, when moderately heated by a small sand-bath furnace, throw into the receiver a gas which quickly dis- charges any colour the rags may contain. The patentee directs that the rags should, before "they are put into the receiver to be bleached, contain about their own weight of water, the superabundant water being pressed out ; the rags should then be opened by a machine, called by the cotton manufacturers a devil, or some machine of that nature : they are to be distributed in* the re- ceiver in layers, spread in frames so that they will not come in contact with each other, or the rags may be placed in the body of the receiver, and have stirrers or agitators provided to expose every part of them to the action of the bleaching gas. After the process, which must be concluded as soon as ever the rags are suffi- ciently bleached, lest the gas should act upon and injure their quality, they are to be washed in water, and will be ready for the mill ; here they are ground and reduced with water to a fine pulp till every individual fibre of the rag is separated. The paper-mill is represented in the Plate , Paper- Mill. Here Fig. 1 is a front and Fig. 2 a side eleva- tion, the same letter expressing the same part in both. AB is the great waterwheel, giving motion to the whole ©n its shaft or axis C ; a crown, or face wheel, DD is framed, and gives motion to the pinion G ; this is fixed on the lower part of a vertical axis E F, which goes up into the upper room of the mill, and has two face wheels I and K fixed upon it ; these actuate two pinions L M, upon the end of the spindles of the two engines N and O, where the rags are ground. W, Fig. I, is a wheel turned by the teeth of the great wheel DD ; the axis of this wheel is formed into a triple crank v, ze, x, which gives motion to the three pumps, by means of level s or beams y, z, y , which cannot be fully seen in the figures, but may be easily imagined. These pumps raise up a constant stream of fair water, which is ne- cessary to be kept running through the rags in the engine to wash away the dirt separated from them in the grinding. By the arrangement of the cog wheels, the pinions LM and cylinders of the engines are caused to revolve at the rate of 150 times per minute, when the water wheel moves with its proper velocity. The internal construction of the engine is explained by the remaining figures of the plate. Fig. 3, is a longitudinal section, shewing the cylinder in action ; Fig. 4, a plan lookin'* down upon it ; Fig. 6, the cylinder separate ; N and O in Fig. 1, represent a large cistern or vat of an oblong figure, with the angles removed, as shewn by Fig. 4 ; it is lined with lead inside, and divided in the middle by a partition e f, Figs. 3 and 4. On the front and back of the engine two short beams TT, Figs. 2, 4, aud 5 are bolted ; they have long mortises through them to re- ceive tenons at the ends of two horizontal levers S S, which rise and fall in bolts in one of the beams T as centres ; the front one of these beams, or that nearest to the cylinder R, is capable of being elevated or de- pressed by turning the nut of the screw r, which, as shewn in Fig. 5, is fixed to the tenon of S, and comes up through the top of the beam T, upon which the nut takes its bearing. Two brasses are let into the middle of the levers S S, and form the bearing for the spindle of the engine to turn upon. R is the cylinder made of wood and fixed fast upon the spindle ; it has a number of knives or cutters fixed upon it, parallel to its axis, and projecting from its circumference about an inch : e. Fig. 3 and 4, is a circular breasting, made of boards and covered with sheet lead, which fits the cylinder very truly and leaves but very little space between the teeth and breasting. An inclined plane leads regularly from the bottom of the engine trough to the top of the breast- ing, at the bottom of the breasting beneath. The axis of the cylinder, a block a, Fig. 3,*\s fixed, it has cutters of the same size and exactly similar to those in the cylinder, which at all times of the process pass very close to the teeth in the block, but do not touch. This block is fastened by a dove-tail fixed in the woodeu bottom of the breasting ; it comes through the wood- work of the chest, and projects a small distance, on the outside of it, and is kept up to its place by a wedge, so that by withdrawing this wedge the block becomes loose, and can be removed to sharpen the cutters as oc- casion requires. The great velocity of the cylinder draws the rags, with which the engine trough is filled between the cylinder and the cutters in the block a, and by this they are cut in pieces ; then by the rapid motion of the cylinder the rags are thrown over the top of the breasting, and they run down the inclined plane, and passing round the partition e f come to the cylinder again, so as to be repeatedly cut till they are reduced to a pulp. The screw r is used to raise or lower the cy- linder, and cause it to cut finer or coarser by enlarging or diminishing the space between the cutters in the block and those of the cylinder. Th'ese cutters act in the same manner as a pair of scissars cut, the teeth of the cylinder being as before-mentioned parallel to the axis of the cylinder, and those of the block are placed rather inclined to them, so that the teeth of the cylinder come PAPER-MAKING. 46'y come first in contact with the cutters of the block at one I end, and then successively the contact proceeds along to the other end, so that any rags interposed between ! them are cut in the same manner as they would be be- I tween the blades of a pair of shears; sometimes the plates | or cutters in the block are bent to an angle in the middle j instead of being straight and inclined to the cylinder ; in j this case they are called elbow plates, and of course the two ends are botli inclined to the axis of the cylin- der in an opposite direction ; in either case the edges of the plates of the block cannot be straight lines, but must be curved to adapt themselves to the curve, which an inclined line traced on the cylinder will of course have. The plates of the block are united by screwing them altogether, and their edges are bevelled away on one side only. The cutters of the cylinder are fixed in, as shewn in Fig. 7 ; here R is the cylinder, formed of a solid piece of wood, and having grooves cut on its circumference parallel to its axis ; each of these grooves has two cutters put into it, and a fillet of wood is driven fast in between them to hold them in ; the fillets are kept in by spikes driven into the solid wood of the cylinder. A cover is put over the cylinder to prevent the water or rags being thrown out of the engine by its great velocity ; it is a square box, g h k i, Fig. 3 and marked P, Figs. 1 and 2, it has two small troughs, k and i, coming through the sides of the box ; at m m are two hair or w ire sieves sliding in grooves made in each side of the box. The cylinder as it turns throw's a great quantity of w ater and rags up against these sieves ; the water goes through them and runs down into the troughs at k and i, and from thence into the ends of the leaden pipes p p, Fig. 2, by which it is conveyed away ; n n, Fig. 3, are grooves for two boards, which w'hen down in their places cover the hair sieves and stop the water from going through them. A considerable part of the rags thus thrown up by the cylinder passes quite over it, and goes down under it again. The water is brought to the engine by a pipe from the pump ; this pipe delivers it into a small cistern adjoining and communicating with the engine ; the pipe has a cock to stop the entrance of the water when required ; the exit of the foul water is, as before-mentioned, made by the cylinder throwing it up into the troughs i and k. The two engines N and O are placed at different levels as shewn by Fig • 1, the bottom of N being higher than the top of O ; the latter is called the washer, where the rags are first worked coarsely with water running through them, to wash and open the fibres of them, which after wash- ing are called half-stuff, and are then let down into the beating engine O, here they are ground and reduced to a finished pulp. The proper management of'the rags while in the mill, is a great part of the art of the paper manufacturer ; and for this no rule can be given, as it wholly depends upon the material h& has to work, and the article he intends to produce from it. For making superfine paper, the following may be described as the established system of manufacture for the London market: one hundred | weight of the best white rags, called No. 1, is put into the washing engine, and the cock opened to let a considerable stream of water run through it. The screw of the cylinder is adjusted to raise it up, so that its teeth do not actually touch the teeth of the block : the rags are not therefore cut, but rather rubbed in a violent manner, so as to open and expose every fibre to the action of the w'ater, that it may carry off all dirt ; this gentle washing continues for a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes, when the cylinder is laid down, that is, the screw' is turned back till the cylinder is let down upon the cutters of the block, and rests its weight upon them ; in this state they begin with a most tremen- dous noise and vibration to cut the rags into pieces; this is continued for about four hours, by which time the engine will come to work very steadily and with less noise, because the rags are cut into pieces and chopped up very much, though not yet reduced to a pulp. The bleaching now' commences, if it has not been done in the first stage upon the rags. To bleach the stuff in the engine they stop the water from run- ning in, and throw into the engine a quantity of bleach- ing salt, or muriate of lime ; for fine rags one or two pounds, more or less, are used according to circum- stances ; the two sliders, n n, Fig. 3, are put down in the cover of the cylinder to prevent the water getting away, and in this state the engine is worked about an hour for the bleaching. During this time the rags lose their colour, but this does not colour the water, though it is rendered rather white and milky by the salt. The very best rags, when first put into the engine, are of a very yellow and dirty colour, but they become by the bleaching a very perfect snow white. The cylinder i3 usually raised up a very little during the bleaching; which being concluded, the water-cock is opened again, the boards n n removed, and the washing continued about an hour to wash the salt away. This concludes the operation, and the half-stuff, as the rags are now called, is let off into a basket which suffers the water to drain through it : or if the manufacture is proceeding with dispatch, and every thing is ready, it is let off into the beating-engine at once ; here the stuff is worked for about five hours with a sufficient quantity of water to make a pulp ; in this affair great judgment is required as it materially influences the quality of the paper ; the w'ater is not suffered to run through the beater, as in the other engine. The only difference between the two engines is the firmness of their teeth. The cylinder of the washer has twenty grooves in it, each containing two bars or , teeth, as shewn in Fig. 7, but the beater has three in each, so as to have sixty teeth in all. The beater is made to turn with a greater velocity than the other; the pinion L, Fig. I, which turns the beater having only twenty teeth, while the other, M, has twenty-two. This greater velocity and number of teeth in the beater cause the strokes of the several knives passing by each other to be so rapid tha^they produce a coarse musical note or humming, which may be heard to a great distance from the mill ; bvt the w'asher being 6 D coarser 470 PAPER-MAKING. coarser and less rapid, produces the most horrible growling which can be conceived, and is so violent as to shake the whole building; In many small mills, which have only a local trade for the supply of the surrounding country, and where per- haps there is a deficiency of water, they only use one engine both for washing and beating, as it will do for either purpose ; but the mills near London, chiefly at Maidstone in Kent, have two, three, or even five engines. These require an immense body of water to turn them, for there is a considerable force required to turn the cylinder, and with so great a velocity it becomes very great. The stuff when finished is conveyed to a j general receptacle called the stuff-chest, where it is kept till wanted to be made into paper, for the engines work day and night, though the making the paper, as "it re- quires many workmen, is of course only carried on in j the day-time. The implements employed in this depart- I ment of the manufacture are as follows : the vat with its stirrer, the moulds and deckles, the felts, the vat press, and another press similar to it for giving the paper a second pressure. The vat is made of wood in the form of a tub, and j generally about five feet in diameter and two and a half in depth. It is kept at a proper temperature by means of a grate introduced at a bole in the side, and sur- rounded on the inside of the vat with a case of copper. For fuel to this grate charcoal or wood is used, and fre- quently to prevent smoke the wall of the building comes in contact with one part of the vat, so that the fire has no communication with the place where they make the paper. Every vat is furnished on the upper part with planks, enclosed inwards, and even railed in with wood to prevent any of the stuff from running over in the operation. Across the vat is a plank pierced with holes at one of the extremities, and resting on the planks which surround the vats. This is used to rest the mould upon when a sheet of paper has been made. In different mills two methods are made use of to mix up the stuff and water with which the vat is filled, and keep it in such an agitation as will prevent any coagu- lation or subsedence of the pulp, which would render the paper flaky and the different sheets of unequal thick- ness; in one, two instruments are employed to mix them, one of which is a simple pole, and the other a pole armed with a piece of board, rounded and full of holes. The operation of stirring is repeated as often as the stuff falls to the bottom. In the principal paper i mills for making writing [taper, they use for this purpose what is called a hog ; which is a machine within the vat, that by means of a small wheel on the outside is made to turn constantly round, and keep the stuff in perpetual motion. When the stuff and water are pro- perly mixed^ it is easy to perceive whether the previous operations have been complete ; for if the stuff floats close and in regular flakes, it is a proof that it has been well w'orked in the engine. The mould is a square frame or box made of well seasoned mahogany, and covered at the top with wire. In the old way, the wires were disposed in parallel row's, with others across to strengthen them ; this may be readily understood from the examination of a sheet of paper. But the modern paper is chiefly made of wool wire, which is exactly like cloth. The wire cloth is made larger than the intended sheet of paper, and turned down over the sides of the frame ; the size of the sheet is determined by a square frame of mahogany bound with brass ; this, which is called the deckle, when placed upon the wire of the mould forms a shallow dish or mould, in which a quantity of the pulp is taken up, and by the draining through of the water the pulp is left in a sheet upon the wire, therefore this frame is necessary to retain the stuff of w hich the paper is made on the cloth ; it must be exactly adapted to the wire cloth of the mould, otherwise the edges of the paper will be ragged and badly finished. The w'ire cloth of the form is varied in proportion to the fineness of the paper and the nature of the stuff. The deckle is moveable, and only held upon the mould by the workmen grasping the mould and deckle together in both hands at the opposite sides, so that the deckle being removed the sheet of paper may be taken up from the wire by applying the mould upon a piece of felt ; it is then pressed with a felt between each sheet. The felts are pieces of woollen cloth spread over every sheet of paper, and upon which the sheets are laid to detach them from the wire of the mould; they prevent them from adhering together and imbibe part of the water with which the stuff is charged, and transmit the whole of it when placed under the action of the press. The two sides of the felt are differently raised, that to w'hich the hair is longest is applied to the sheets which are laid down, and any alteration of this disposi- tion would produce a change in the texture of the paper. The stuff of which the felts are made should be suf- ficiently strong, in order that it may be stretched ex- actly on the sheets without falling into folds, and at the same time sufficiently pliant to yield in any direction without injury to the w'et paper. As the felts have to resist the reiterated efforts of the press, it appears ne- cessary that the warp be made strong of combed wool and well twisted. On the other hand, as they have to imbibe a certain quantity of water and to retain it, it is necessary that the woof be of carded wool, and drawn out into a slack thread. These are the utensils together with the presses which are used in the apartments where the sheets of paper are formed. Three workmen are employed in the operation of making the paper, which they manage thus ; the first called the dipper, stands in a nitch or hollow part of that kind of ledge or table which goes round the circumfe- rence of the vat; he holds a mould in both hands by the two exn-emities with the deckle, applied exactly over the mould as if only one piece ; then inclining it a little to- wards him he dips it into the vat and brings it up again in a horizontal position. The superfluous part of the pulp flows over on all sides, and the quantity thought sufficient is shaken gently from the right to the left, and PAPER-MAKING. 471 and up and down horizontally until it is equally extended over the whole surface of the mould. These two mo- tions are also accompanied by a slight shake, that serves to fix and stop the sheet as the water drains through the wire; and then the parts of the pulp uniting, the mould is immediately laid on the edge of the vat, the deckle taken off, and the mould made to slide along the board which is laid across the vat to the part where the sheet is to be laid or taken off. This board which is but two inches in breadth where the sheet is laid is nothing more than-a deal board, which runs along the length of the vat, and is pierced with several holes at the broad extremity for letting the mould drain into the vat. The dipper taking the deckle oflf the first mould, places it immediately on the second which is given him for dipping it immediately in its turn, and the second workman called the coucher, taking the mould on the board that runs across the vat, with the left hand raises it gently and lays it in an inclined position against one or two small pins which are driven into the board on the edge of the vat. In this condition the mould re- mains two or three seconds of time for draining into the vat, whilst the coucher extends a felt on which he applies the mould to take off the sheet, which being done he returns the mould to the dipper. These operations are performed in so short a time, that seven or eight sheets of a middling size can be made in a minute ; but it would be advisable to pro- ceed more slowly, as no doubt the paper would be better made, and of a stronger consistence. The dipper should be attentive in distributing the matter on the mould to reinforce the corner he is to take hold of, in raising and extending the sheets ; for without this precaution he would break a great many. If he also takes up too much matter with his mould, if he does not equally extend it, or if he strikes his mould against the drainer, in all these cases, the matter is ac- cumulated in certain parts of the mould, which pro- duces something like ridges in the paper ; or, if he lets the matter rest on the mould, and does not distribute it immediately, there will be parts of unequal thick- ness. When the vat is too hot, the stretching out of the sheet will be ill performed, because the water eva- porates too soon over the mould. Add to this, that, in letting the matter run towards one of the edges, by not giving his arm a regular motion, he may form a feather-edged paper, which may likewise happen if he does not extend his stuff sufficiently ; if the vat be too hot, if the fecula of the pulp is too crude, and does not run well ; if his arms are too stiff, and if he gives a bad shake, or if the mould be ill made. An in- dented sheet happens by not taking off the deckle pro- perly, or by tl e fault of the felts having stitches, seams, and selvages in them. In examining a sheet of paper, before the light, a greater opacity is seen on both sides of each brass wire than towards the midst of the space. This thickness is occasioned by the pulp, which the motion of the mould could not distribute, being stopped by the wires, or the manicord, that serves to string them. This defect is completely remedied by the improvement of weaving the wire of the mould like cloth, but a prejudice still prevails in favour of the old paper with lines, which obliges, manufacturers still to make it, though by no means so fine or good as the wove. In order to avoid drops of water, which, if they fall upon the paper will make disagreeable spots, the mould should be laid gently, and raised readily ; and, as often as the coucher returns his mould to the drainer, he ought to be careful to shake his hands behind him, for, without this pre- caution, his fingers, which are wet, would drop upon the sheet already laid, whilst he is covering it with the felt. If he is also too quick in laying, the air* de- tained and compressed under the sheet, occasions a bloating, and makes some parts more clear than others. The coucher having taken off the several sheets from the mould as fast as they are made, lays them one by one in a pile under the press, with the felt between each individual sheet, until they have, in this manner, made six quires of paper, which quantity is called a post, and contains one hundred and forty-four sheets. When the last sheet of the post is covered with the last felt, the workmen about the vat assist each together to submit the whole heap to the action of the press. They begin, at first, to press it with a middling lever, and, afterwards, with a lever fifteen feet in length ; this operation expresses the water and thus gives the paper a strength which it did not possess before. The ves- tiges of the protuberances made by the wires of the mould, are altogether flattened, and, of consequence, the hollows opposite to them disappear also ; but the traces formed by the interstices of the wire, in conse- quence of their thickness, appear on both sides, and are rounded by the press. The business of the third workman, called the lifter, begins after the operation of the press, and consists in taking the sheets off the felts (for they are caused to ad- here to them by the action of the press), and then making the sheets up in a second pile:.butif the coucher works too fast, and the lifter finds himself hard pressed, he cannot stretch out his sheets exactly upon one ano- ther, so as to make a neat and compact pile, for this is very necessary to make the paper of a regular and equal thickness, when it is put under a second press, which is done as soon as several of the piles are com- pleted, and can be collected together ; this second pressure being made with all the sheets in contact with each other expresses a great quantity of water from the paper, and gives the sheets a very considerable strength ; it also tends to take out those freckles in the surface of the sheets, which were occasioned by the impression of the felt ; though it is necessary to have felts in the first pressure, because the paper is then so wet that it would be pressed into a solid mass if the sheets touched each other. The paper remains in the second press as long as it can, until another pile is made ready by the lifter, when it is taken out and the sheets carried to the drying- house. When 472 PAPER-MAKING. When the sheets are very thin, and it is found after the second pressure that they are formed by a fecula which is still saturated with a great deal of water, so that they have little consistence, it is probable that the second press has so joined them to one another, that it is difficult to separate them ; and, indeed, they cannot well be taken off, one by one, without tearing a great number ; but, happily, this separation, sheet by sheet, is not necessary for drying, so that seven or eight may be taken together, which is called forming the pages ; sometimes, also, a less number may do when the paper is of a large size, but never less than three sheets are hung up together. It is of more importance than we are at first aware of, that the sheets should remain, as it were, pasted several of them together; if they were single, and one by one, they could not resist the moisture of the size, yet this moisture is sufficient to facilitate their operation ; and, to hinder their sepa- rating, when they are hung up to dry, they should be so placed that the pages may receive the wind in the sur- face and not in the sides and edges. The drying-lofts are very extensive apartments, usually the upper parts of all the buildings of the mill ; the sides are formed by loffer boards, which are a kind of lattice, or boarding, which can be opened and shut to admit more or less air at pleasure. The sheets are taken up upon a piece of wood like a T, and hung upon hair lines, stretched across large horizontal wooden frames, called tribbles ; and then, as they are filled, are lifted up between upright posts, to the top of the room, and retained by pegs put in the posts ; then another frame being filled, is put up in its turn, and so on, till the loft is filled from top to bottom. Mr. Bramah has made an improvement on this me- thod, which enables women or children to perform the business of the drying-house instead of men, and adds considerable facility to the process of hanging and re- hanging the sheets. Instead of using tribbles, he has a proper number of frames, made of wood, mounted with leaves, to represent so many frames or clothes’ horses, similar to those used by any common laundress, but of a length proportioned to the dimensions of the drying-house, which may be divided into two or more rows, so as to leave room and proper aisles or passages for the convenience of the operators to hang and re- hang the sheets ; and the height of the frames may be equal, or nearly equal, to one half the story in which they are fixed. They are stationed at proper distances from each other by means of upright posts with grooves fitted to the frames, so that each may slide vertically up and down, by means of lines and pulleys affixed to each, just like sash windows that are double hung ; so that while one of the frames is sliding up to touch the ceiling of the building with its upper edges, the alter- nate one may be depressed till its lower edge, or the paper which hangs upon it, may come nearly in contact with the floor. By this means, children can reach to hang the paper, aud can afterwards elevate the frames to their proper height in the loft. The paper, when dry, is carried to an apartment where it is sized ; this is done by dipping each page, that is, each bundle of thirty-four or thirty-five sheets, which have been dried together, into a vat, containing a weak size. This is made from shreds and parings got from tanners, curriers, and parchment-makers; all the putrefied parts, and the lime, are carefully separated from them, and they are enclosed in a kind of basket, and let down by a rope and pulley into the caldron. This is a late invention, and serves two valuable pur- poses. It makes it easy to draw out the pieces of leather when the size is extracted from them by boiling, or easy to return them into the boiler if the operation is not complete. When the glutinous substance is suffi ciently extracted, it is allowed to settle for some time, and it is twice filtered before it is put into the vat where they dip the paper. Immediately before the operation, a certain quantity of alum is added to the size. The workman takes a handful of the sheets, smoothed and rendered as supply as possible, in his left hand, dips them into the vat, and holds them separate with his right, that they equally imbibe the size. After holding them above the vessel for a space of time, he sizes on the other side with his right hand, and again dips them into the vessel. When he has finished ten or a dozen of these handfuls, they are submitted to the action of the press, from which the superfluous size is carried back into the vat, by means of a small pipe. The vessel in which the paper is sized is sometimes made of copper, and finished with a grate, to give the size, when neces- sary, a due temperature, and a piece of thin board or felt is placed between every handful as they are laid on the table of the press. After the sheets are sized and pressed they must be quickly separated from each other, to prevent their ad- hering together, but it is to be remembered that the size is an extremely weak solution, so that the sheets will be in no danger of adhering, until they are dry. In some of the most improved mills the sizing is per- formed in a machine, consisting of a large square vat, or wooden cistern, containing the size ; in this a strong screw press is situated horizontally, the side beams of the press forming the outsides of the vat, and the serew works through a tight collar of leather. The press being open, the sheets of paper are suspended on lines, stretched in a frame, similar to those on which they are dried, and this is let down to immerse them in the size ; and, after remaining a proper time, the screw of the press is worked, and the sheets thus gathered up into a close parcel ; then the lines being withdrawn, a strong pressure is given, and the paper, when taken out, is finished ready to be hung up again to dry. By this means the paper is sized very equally, whereas, in the old method of tub-sizing, some sheets drained off more size than others, and rendered them unequal as well as making marks in them. The operation of sizing is very expensive ; but, for printing papers, and some others, it may be dispensed with. In this case, a small quantity of oil mixed with alum PAPER-MAKING. 473 alum, pounded very fine, is thrown into the beating- engine towards the end of the process. About a pint and a half, or less, is sufficient to give the paper a proper quality for printing, and is rather better than tub-sizing. Powder blue is also put into the engine to give a bloom to the paper. When the paper is sufficiently dry, it is carried to the finishing room, called the Saul, where it is pressed, selected, and examined, by women, who remove all damaged and imperfect sheets ; it is then put into the dry press, and squeezed with a most immense force, to render the paper flat, and give it a good surface. The lever of this press is fifteen or eighteen feet long, and ten or twenty people are employed at the last to work it, though they sometimes use Sampson; that is, a windlass like a crane, with whiqji they purchase the lever of the screw. The dry press is generally large enough to hold two packs of ordinary paper side by .side. The Saul is surrounded by the dry presses, often twenty or thirty, but one windlass serves them all. The paper remains under pressure as long as the de- mand of the mill will admit, but while it is in this ope- ration it is parted, once, twice, or even three times : to do this, the heaps are carried back to the table, and the whole turned sheet by sheet, in such a manner that the surface of every sheet is exposed to a new one, and iii this situation they are again brought under the press. It is in conducting these two operations of parting and pressing sometimes four or five times, or as often as the nature of the paper requires, that the perfection and finish of the finest writing and drawing-paper consist. If the stuff is fine, or the paper slender, the parting is less frequently repeated. In this operation, it is neces- sary to alter the situation of the heaps, with regard to one another, every time they are put under the press ; and, as the heaps are highest in the middle, to place small pieces of felt, which will bring all parts of the pile to an equal pressure. Mr. Bramah’s ingenious hydrostatic-press is most ad- mirably adapted for dry-pressing the paper. This press has no screw, but, in lieu thereof, a piston or plunger, fitted accurately into a chamber, or barrel of cast iron, by collars of leather ; a small force-pump is situated near to the press, and water is injected by it into the great chamber, and the piston is thus expelled from it ; at every stroke a quantity proportioned to the quantity of water injected, and this presses up the board, or follower of the press, with a power in proportion to the relative diameters of the pump and the piston. The bottom of the cylinder must be made sufficiently strong, with the other parts of the surface, to resist the greatest strain which can ever be applied to it ; the pipe from the forcing-pump communicates with the cylinder at the bottom, and the pump has, of course, valves to prevent the return of the water. Now, suppose the diameter of the cylinder to be twelve inches, and the diameter of the piston of the small pump, or injector, only one quarter of an inch, the proportion between the two surfaces or ends of the said pistons will be as 1 to 2,304 ; and the intermediate space being filled with water, which is an incompressi- ble fluid, any force applied to the small piston will operate upon the other in the above proportion, viz. as 1 to 2,304. Suppose the small piston, or injector, to be forced down, when in the act of forcing or inject- ing, with a weight of twenty hundred, which can easily be done by means of a long lever, the piston of the great cylinder would then be moved up with a force equal to twenty hundred weight multiplied by 2,304, or 2,304 tons. In a screw-press, of a fine thread, it requires nearly as much labour to unscrew as to screw it down, an evi- dence of the enormous friction of a screw when acting against a great pressure ; but the hydrostatic-press only requires a cock to be opened to let out the water from beneath the piston, which then descends quickly by its own gravity, or the elasticity of the substance under the pressure. The greatest convenience of the hydros- tatic-press is, that the power can so easily be trans- mitted to it from any distance, and in any direction, by means of pipes conducted along in situations, where all other means of conveying the motion would be com- plicated and expensive in the extreme. Thus, in a large paper-mill, an injecting pump may be kept in constant action by the water-mill, and inject water into an air vessel, from which pipes are conducted to presses in all parts of the mill, and by simply opening a cock at any press, the required pressure will be in- stantly given by the elasticity of the confined air ope- rating on the enlarged surface of the piston of any press. The air vessel has, of course, a safety-valve to allow the escape of the water, when the pressure be- comes so great as to endanger the rupture of any of the vessels ; for it is to be observed, that the power of this principle is irresistible when the pump is worked .by a mill, and will burst any vessels without the least ap- pearances of strain on the moving parts of the pump. To avoid the necessity of having such a number of presses for the dry-work of a mill, Mr. Bramah, in- stead of more presses, proposes to use a considerable number of another kind of apparatus called retainers, which consist of a top and bottom bed, of wood or metal, of sufficient strength to resist the re-action of the paper, when the press is slackened from its severest squeeze, and to retain it, in its most compressed state, for any required length of time, after the grasp of the press has been finally withdrawn. In these retainer^ verti- cal bars are fixed at the corners of the lower bed, passing through the holes in the upper one, and have each several holes to receive wedges or keys ; by which the upper bed of the retainer is confined to preserve the state into which it has been pressed, notwithstanding any efforts of the paper or felts to expand to the space they originally occupied. These retainers are mounted upon wheels, applied to the lower boards, in the man- ner of a truck, and a railway is laid which goes through the press, so that the paper may be piled upon the trucks; the top board is then put on, and the whole 6 E wheeled 474 PAPER-MAKING. wheeled into the press, and the operation being finished, the retainer is made fast ; the press is slackened, and the whole is wheeled forwards, leaving the press vacant for the reception of another retainer. After the dry-pressing, the paper is finished, and only j requires to be assorted into different lots, according to | its quality and faults ; after which it is made up into ; quires. The person who does this must possess great j skill, and be capable of attention, because he acts as a j check on those who separated the paper into different | lots. He takes the sheets with his right hand to fold i and examine them, laying them over his left arm till he has the number requisite for a quire ; then brings the sides parallel to one another, and places them in heaps under the table. The paper is afterwards collected into reams, of twenty quires each, packed up for the last time, and put under the press, where it is continued for ten or twelve hours, or as long as the demand of the paper- mill permits. A great revolution has been recently made in the art of paper-making, by the adoption of machinery for fabricating it from the pulp, and, at one operation, pressing it between the felts, and rendering it fit for the second pressure, by which an immense saving of labour is made, and the quality of the paper improved. Messrs. Fourdrineer’s have a patent for these machines, of which they have erected great numbers in different parts of the kingdom. Their construction is extremely curious and not easily explained without drawings. A wire cloth, of many yards in length, is used ; its ends being sewed together, and it is extended horizontally between two rollers, so as to represent a table, which, by the revolution of the rollers is in constant motion ; at one end, the vat, containing the pulp, is situated, having a lip, or low side, at which the pulp runs over in a continued stream upon the cloth, and is, by its mo- tion, carried forwards; the cloth is contrived to have a continual shaking motion sideways, which tends with the draining through of the water to coagulate the pulp into a sheet of paper ; this is taken off from the wire, at the other end, in a continued sheet, between a pair of rollers, like those of a flatting-mill; each of these has an endless felt passing round it, and the paper is in- troduced to receive its pressure between the felts, so that it is delivered from the machine in a continued dry and firm sheet. A reel, turned by the machine, re- ceives the paper, and winds it up as it comes off the cloth ; and when a sufficient quantity is w'ound on it, it is cut off by a knife, which, by cutting through the folds, divides the paper into separate sheets, which are ready for the operation of the second press. The ma- chines are constructed with the cloth so wide, that the' continual sheet is cut up into two, and sometimes three, in width, by which means it produces an immense number of sheets in a short time ; but the greatest ad- vantage is in making very large sheets, which it will do to almost any extent in length, and as much as two yards in width. This machine is only adapted for making wove paper, but a patent has lately been taken out for carrying this invention further, and making the paper with lines in it, which is done in separate moulds similar to those at present used, but worked by ma- chinery. Mr. Bramah, Mr. Dickenson, and Mr. Cobb, have, at different periods, taken out patents for paper-ma- chines ; but it has not come to our knowledge whether they have carried their inventions into practice, as Messrs. Fourdrineer’s have done. The great price which rags have acquired of late years, in consequence of the great increase of printing and the paper trade, has induced many ingenious men to turn their attention to discover other materials for making paper. A very large manufactory was esta- blished some years ago, in London, for making straw- paper at Mill Bank, by the river-side, but the scheme proved abortive, and the premises were lately disposed of. In 1802, Mr. Matthias Koop invented the followiug method of making straw-paper, for which he obtained a patent. For each pound of straw, or hay, a pound or a pound and a half of quicklime is to be dissolved in about a gallon or six quarts of river water. The hay, or straw, is to be cut into portions about two inches in length, then boiled in a considerable quantity of water, viz. about two gallons to a pound of materials, for three quarters of an hour. It is then to be macerated in the solution of lime and water for five, six, seven, or more days, taking care to agitate the mass by frequently stir- ring and turning it over. At the end of this time the lime-water is to be drawn off, and the materials to be washed very clean, then boiled in a large portion of clean river water. This part of the operation is to be repeated ; and, for the sake of improving the colour of the paper, one pound of dissolved crystal of soda, or pot-ash, may be used to every thirty-six pounds of straw or hay. When the materials are pressed out of the water, the manufacture of them into paper may be proceeded with by the usual and well-known processes, [n some cases, the patentee has thought it advisable to suffer the materials to ferment and heat before they were reduced to a pulp, as was formerly the case with the rags for paper-making. This, however, will always depend upon the warmth of the season. When thistles are used, they are to be cut down when the bloom begins to fall, to be dried, and reduced into lengths of two inches ; and then the same process to be made use of, as has been already described with regard to the straw and hay. See Staining. PATTEN-MAKING. PATTEN-MAKING. This is one of the minor manufactures, when car- ried on alone, but it is often conducted with some other branches of business. A patten has been defined an under shoe of w'ood, with an iron ring, worn under the common shoe by women, to keep them from the dirt. Trifling as this article is, yet it requires the aid of seve- ral persons to render it complete. The wooden sole, or support, is made chiefly of beech, by persons in London or elsewhere ; the iron rings are manufactured at Birmingham and Sheffield ; the leathern straps require the aid of the currier or leather-dresser ; and, besides these, ribbands or other strings are wanting to fasten those straps tight to the feet. The chief tool for the wood-work is a knife, of peculiar construction, fastened down at one end and moveable on a joint at the other. This seems to be the only description necessary with regard to the common patten. It may, however, be right to say, that His Majesty’s letters patent have been granted to two persons for improvements of this article. In the year 1798, Mr. Hornblower obtained an exclu- sive right for an invention that is thus described:— First, instead of that part of the common pattens now made of wood, to which the rings are rivetted, he sub- stitutes iron, or any other metallic substance, which renders them, he says, much more elegant, lighter, and not so liable to collect the dirt. Secondly, in order to make the pattens as light as possible, he makes them of thin iron plates, or of latten, or iron dipped in tin ; and to prevent their bending or giving way, by the weight of the wearer, he applies a piece of iron, or other metallic substance, under the bend of the patten, rivetted at each end, which prevents the patten from bending or getting out of the true form. Thirdly, he causes the ties to be fixed to the iron by rivetting, or otherwise. Fourthly, in some cases, instead of the ties now made, he applies elastic ties, made of any metallic substance, covered with leather, cloth, &c., something in the "same way as the ties are usually ma- naged. And, lastly, he fixes to the hinder part of the patten, or otherwise, an elastic string, made of brass wire, covered with leather or cloth, and coming round the hinder part of the foot, by means of which the patten is fixed very firmly on the foot. In June, 1801, Mr. Josiah Longmore obtained a patent for the manufacture of a patten or clog, which, by the aid of an elastic tongue or spring, made of iron, or any other metallic substance, through a perforated hole in the middle of the block of the patten, presses against the sole of the shoe, thereby keeping it tight against the ties. The foot or block of the patten or clog may be made of iron, wood, cork, or of any other material adapted to the occasion, or of any two or more substances united. Patten-shoes have been introduced into the veterinary art : it is a horse-shoe so called, under which is soldered a sort of ball of iron, hollow within. It is designed for hip-shot horses, and put upon the sound limb, so that the horse not being able to stand easily upon that foot may be obliged to support himself upon the lame foot, and thus counteract the disposition in the sinews 1 to contract the haunch. Some writers on this subject j contend that the patten-shoe is only necessary in old lamenesses where the muscles have been a long while contracted. In some parts of Lincolnshire, a patten of a different kind has been used, namely, a flat piece of board, adapted by proper ties to each foot of the horse, when I he is sent on land too tender to bear the w'eight of the animal ; and from land that w'ould be much injured by the horses in the common way, great crops have thus been obtained. By cultivation, the same soil has, in a few years, become sufficiently firm to carry the horses ; without this precaution. PIN-MAKING. PIN MAKING. A Pin, though an apparently insignificant instrument, is an important article in commerce. The art of making pins, of brass wire, was not known in England before the year 1543 : prior to that period they were made of bone, ivory, or box. In the year 1543, by statute 34 and 35 of Henry VIII., cap. vi., it was enacted, “ that no person shall put to sale any pins, but only such as shall be double-headed, and have the heads soldered fast to the shank of the pins, well smoothed ; the shank well shapen, the points w'ell and round filed, cauted, and sharpened.” From the above extract it should appear that the art of pin-making is but of late invention, probably introduced from France, and that our manufactories since that period have been wonder- fully improved. The pin manufactory was introduced into Gloucester, in 1626, by John Tilsby. There are now, in Glou- cester, nine distinct pin manufactories, which employ, together, at least, 1,500 persons. The pins sent an- nually to' the metropolis amount to the value of <£20,000: but the chief demand is from Spain and America. Though pins are of apparently simple construction, their manufacture, however, is not a little curious and complex. We have traced, says a traveller, with much pleasure the whole process in the manufactories at Gloucester, and observed, that the article, small as it is, passes through several hands from its first state of rough wire to its being stuck in paper for sale. The following may suffice for a general sketch of the me- thod. When the brass wire, of which the pins are formed, is first received at the manufactory, it is generally too ! thick for the purpose of being cut into pins. The | first operation, therefore, is that of winding it off from ] one wheel to another, with great velocity, and causing ! it to pass between the two through a circle, in a piece j of iron of smaller diameter ; the wire being thus re- ! duced to its proper dimensions, is straightened by drawing it betw’een iron pins, fixed in a board, in a zig-zag manner, but so as to leave a straight line be- tween them ; afterwards, it is cut into lengths of three or four yards, and then into smaller ones, every length being sufficient to make six pins : each end of these is ground to a point, which is done by boys, each of whom sits with two small grinding-stones before him, turned by a wheel. Taking up a number in his hands he applies the ends to the coarsest of the two stones, being careful, at the same time, to keep each piece moving round between his fingers, so that the points may not become fiat : he next gives them a smoother and sharper point, by applying them to the other stone. By this means, a lad of fourteen years old is enabled to point sixteen thousand pins in an hour. When the wire is thus pointed, a pin is taken off from each end, and this is repeated. The next operation is that of forming the heads, or, as it is termed, head-spinning, which is done by means of a sort of spinning-wheel ; one piece of wire being thus, with great rapidity, wound round another, and the interior one being drawn out, leaves a hollow tube between the circumvolutions ; it is then cut with shears, every two circumvolutions or turns of the wire forming one, head: these are softened by throwing them into iron pans, and placing them in a furnace till they are red hot. As soon as they are cold they are distributed to children, who sit w ith anvils and hammers before them, which they w r ork with their feet, by means of a lathe, and, taking up one of the lengths, they thrust the blunt ends into a quantity of heads which lie before them, and catching one at the extremity, they apply it immediately to the anvil and hammer, and, by a motion or two of the foot, the pointed end and the head are fixed together in much less time than it can be described, and with a dexterity only to be acquired by practice. We may notice a new invention for heading pins by Mr. William Bundy, of Camden Town, to whom was granted His Majesty’s letters patent, in September 1 809- This operation is performed by means of a frame or stock made of metal, in which are fitted a pair of steel dies, in the manner of those generally used in the ma- nufacture of screws, held together by cylinders ; the dimensions may be various, according to the quality of the work, but the dies most generally in use are about tvvo[inches long, and one inch wide. In the prominent parts and on that side of each of the two dies which comes in contact when in use are made corresponding grooves, which when pressed together form holes, each to be the diameter of the shaft intended to have the head fixed on ; these holes may be made tapering up- wards, or contracted at that part close under the head, where half a hemisphere, whose diameter being that of the size of the head required, is to be worked out. Viewing the dies thus worked, and in a particular kind of frame, which is the position in which they are placed while introducing the pointed shafts, each having a head loosely put on, the upper die being at liberty in the fiame, PIN-MAKING. 477 frame* the pressure of its weight will be found sufficient to hold the number of shafts, with their heads in their respective places, while they are pushed forwards with a straight motion, till the quantity of the heads prevents the shafts from going any farther. In this state it is ne- cessary to turn a lever, to which is fixed a screw for the purpose of forcing the dies together, which will hold the shafts fil m enough to receive a stroke from a press on the top piece to secure and form complete the whole number of heads in the dies. The hemispheres are to be finished according to fancy, as respects the ornament or figure of moulding intended for the top of the head by- sinking them accordingly. The patentee says, “ I leave a point in the centre of those cavities in the top piece, which, serves when forced into the top of the shaft to widen it there, and form a rivet, and thereby secure the head firm from coming off the top of the shaft; and the dies being hard screwed together with the lever, there will be a collar formed by that pressure on the shaft under the head sufficient to prevent the liability of the head being by any ordinary means forced down the shaft. Having described the working parts and ex- plained the process by the drawings, Mr. Bundy adds, that placing the whole in a fly press, one stroke there- with on the top piece will be found sufficient to com- plete the whole number of heads in the dies. Hitherto it has been the practice to strike the head several times, “ but my method,” says Mr. B., “ of effectually and securely fastening the heads on the shafts, and leaving the heads of a superior form, is by placing the shafts in a perpendicular direction, and striking the heads and shafts on their tops, which I call superior heads, and which method I claim as my invention. To succeed in the completest manner in forming these superior heads, it will be necessary that the dimensions of the heads be- fore they are fixed to the shafts, should be particularly attended to. If they are to be of nearly a spherical figure, they should be prepared of a greater depth of axis than the diameter ; that the diameter may be small enough to go freely into the hemispheres in the dies and top piece which are to receive them ; for this purpose head wire may be made flat, either by drawing or rolling to a size, so that when spun, one or more rounds will be sufficient for a head. I recommend head wire of a smaller size than ordinary without flatting, so that when spun and cut three rounds, it shall con- tain the quantity of metal required for the size of the intended head.” When the heads have been fixed on the shafts by the fly press, the screw is then to be turned back by a lever, and taking hold of the milled head, which is on the head of the small shaft, and which goes through the screw, and is fixed to the top dies by being screwed hard in the die : it may be drawn back to separate the dies sufficiently w'ide for the supe- rior headed pins which they contain, to fall through into some place prepared to receive them. The pin is now finished as to its form, but still it is brass ; it is therefore thrown into a copper containing a solution of tin and leys of wine, where it remains some time, but when taken out it assumes a white but very dull appearance : to give it a polish, it is put into a tub containing a quantity of bran, which is set in motion by turning a shaft that runs through its centre ; and thus by means of friction it becomes perfectly bright. The pin being complete, it only remains to separate it from the bran, which is performed by a sort of winnowing, the bran flying off and leaving the pin behind. On the Continent the mode of tinning brass pins is rather different from that just described. A vessel is filled by layers with plates of tin and brass pins, a tin plate being at the bottom and another at the top. The vessel is then filled with water, adding some cream of tartar, by the acid of which the tin is dissolved. After about five hours boiling the pins are found to be uni- formly tinned. The pins of this country are those most in repute, as well in the pointing as the whitening, because our pin- makers in pointing use two steel mills, the first of which forms the point, and the latter takes off the irre- gularities, and renders it smooth, and as it were po- lished. In whitening they make use of the best block- tin granulated, whereas in some places they are said to have recourse to a mixture of tin, lead, and quicksilver ; which not only whitens worse than tin, but is also dan- gerous on account of the ill quality of the mixture, which renders a puncture with a pin thus whitened somewhat difficult to be cured. Pins are sometimes made of iron-wire, rendered black by a varnish of linseed-oil with lamp-black : these are designed for the dress of persons in mourning. 6 F PIPE-MAKING. PIPE-MAKING. Pipes are of various sorts, as tobacco-pipes, once much in use by persons of all conditions, but now the practice of smoking tobacco is very generally laid aside by persons in the middle class of life, and almost wholly by those who move in the higher circles. Still the demand for them is considerable, and there are many manufacturers of them in the vicinity of London. It j seems, however, to be one of the very lowest among j our manufactures, and those employed in it seem never to rise to a state of competence. There are pipes likewise which answer the purpose of canals or conduits for the conveyance of water and other liquids. These are made of wood, of lead, of iron, of copper, of pottery ware, and of stone. We shall give a sketch of the manufacture of these. Tobacco-pipes are too well known to need a minute | description : they consist of a long tube from 12 to 15 | or 18 inches in length, made of a peculiar kind of clay, having at one end a little bowl for the reception of to- bacco, the smoke of which when lighted is drawn by the mouth through the other end. Tobacco-pipes are made of various shapes and fashions : some are long, others are short ; some are very plain, and can in these times be sold to the publicans at the rate of four or five a penny ; others are handsomely wrought and varnished of different colours, and are sold as high as from eight to twelve shillings per gross. The Turks who are famed for smoking, make use of pipes three or four feet long made of rushes or of wood, bored at the end whereon they fix a kind of pot of baked earth, which serves as a bowl and which they take off after smoking. The clay of which tobacco-pipes are made is perfectly white, and is distinguished from other kinds of clay by its great adhesion to the tongue, which is well known to be considerable when baked, in consequence of its affinity to water. In a raw state this property is per- ceptible in a slight degree. The pipe-clay is found at the island of Purbeck in Dorsetshire, and at Teign- mouth, in Devonshire, in large lumps which are purified by dissolving in water in large pits ; the solution being well stirred up is poured off into another, where it subsides and deposits the clay ; the water becoming clear is let off, and the clay at the bottom is left sufficiently dry for use ; by this means the smallest stones or particles of foreign matter are left at the bottom of the first pit ; the clay thus prepared is spread on a board and beaten with an iron bar to temper and mix it ; then it is divid- ed into pieces of the proper size to form a tobacco- pipe ; each of these pieces is rolled under the hand into a Jong roll with a bulb at one end to form the bowl, and in this state they are laid up in parcels for a day or two, until they become sufficiently dry for pressing, which is the next process, and is conducted in the fol- lowing manner : the roll of clay has a small wire thrust nearly through its whole length to form the tube, and is put in between two iron moulds, each of which has imprinted in it the figure of one half of a pipe, and therefore when put together the cavity between them is the figure of a whole pipe. They are put together by pins which enter holes in the opposite half. The moulds with the clay in them are now put into a press which consists of an iron frame formed of two plates, one of which is fixed down to the bench, and the other pressed towards it by a screw turned round by a handle. The moulds are put in between the two plates, and the screw being turned round presses them together, im- printing the figure of a pipe on the clay included be- tween them. The lever is next depressed, and the stopper entering the mould forms the bowl of the pipe, and the wire which is still in the pipe is thrust backwards and forwards to carry the tube completely into the bowl. The press is now opened by turning j back the screw, and the mould taken out. A knife is next thrust into a cleft of the mould left for the purpose, j to cut the end of the bowl smooth and flat: the wire is j carefully withdrawn, and the pipe taken out of the , mould. The pipes when so far completed are laid by two or three days properly arranged for the air to have ; access to them in all their parts, till they become stiff, when they are dressed with scrapers to take off the im- pression of the joints of the moulds : they are after- i wards smoothed and polished with a piece of hard i wood. The next process is baking or burning, and this is performed in a furnace of peculiar construction. It t is built within a cylinder of brick-work, having a dome at top, and a chimney rising from it to a considerable I height to promote the draught. Within this is a lining | of fire-brick-work having a fire-place at the bottom of it. The pot which contains the pipes is formed of j broken pieces of pipes and cemented together by fresh clay and hardened by burning : it has a number of verti- cal flues surrounding it, conducting the flame from the fire-grate up to the dome, and through a hole in the 1 dome into the chimney. Within the pot several pro- | jecting rings are made, and upon these the bowls of the pipes are supported, the ends resting upon circular pieces of pottery which stand on small loose pillars rising up in the centre. By this sort of arrangement a small pot or crucible can be made to contain fifty gross of pipes without the risk of damaging any of them. The PIPE-MAKING. 479 pipes are put into the pot at one side when the crucible is open, but when filled this orifice is made up with broken pipes and fresh clay. At first, the fire is but gentle, and it is increased by degrees to the proper temperature, and so continued for seven or eight hours, when it is damped and suffered to cool gradu- ally, and when cold the pipes are taken out ready for sale. We have been aided in the above description, by attending at the manufactory for pipes of Mr. W. An- drews, Highgate, and observing the several processes from the clay in lumps to the perfect pipe. Wooden pipes are trees bored with large iron augers of different sizes, beginning with the less and proceed- ing on to those that are larger ; the first being pointed, the rest are formed like spoons, increasing in diameter from one to six or eight inches ; they are fitted into the extremities of each other. Wooden pipes, if small, are frequently bored by mere manual labour, but where they are large and made of hard wood, the use of horses or of the steam engine is required. On the large scale the following will serve as a description : the piece of timber, or perhaps the tree itself, when a little shaped on the outside by the axe, intended to form a pipe, is placed on a frame and held down firmly upon it by means of iron chains going over it and round two windlasses ; it is at the same time wedged up to pre- vent its rolling sideways : if the piece is tolerably straight this will answer every purpose, otherwise it must be fixed firm by wedges, iron hooks, &c., similar to those used by sawyers, drove into the carriage at one end and into the tree at the other. The frame and tree being bound together run upon small wheels travers- ing two long beams, or as they are usually called ground-sills, placed on each side of a pit dug to re- ceive the chips made by the borers. At one end they are connected by a cross beam bolted upon them ; this supports the bearing for a shaft, the extremity of which beyond the bearing is perforated at the end of a j square hole, to receive the end of the borer. The tim- ber and carriage are made to advance towards the \ borer by means of ropes : one rope being made to wind up, while the other gives out and draws the carriage and piece of timber backwards and forwards according | as the wheel is turned. The weight of the borer is supported by a wheel turning between uprights fixed ! on a block, the end of which rests upon the ground-sills. ! It is moved forwards by two iron bars pinned to the front cross-bar of the carriage. The distance between I the wheel and the carriage may be varied, by altering ! the iron bar and pins so as to bring the wheel always as near as convenient to the end of the tree. The shaft, ! as we have already hinted, may be turned by any first ' mover, as w ind, water, horses, or steam, as is most convenient, and a man or boy regulates the wheel. When the borer is put in motion by turning the wheel, he draws the tree up to the borer that pierces it ; when a few inches are bored he draws the tree back by re- versing the motion of the wheel, in order that the bo- rer may throw out its chips; he then returns the tree, 1 and continues the process till the work is finished. The borer in this case, be its size what it will, is of the same shape as that of a common auger. Mr. Howel, of Oswestry, some years back, invented an engine for the purpose of boring or hollowing wooden water-pipes, by means of which the process is [ not only much more expeditious, but causes a consi- | derable saving of timber. By this mode, instead of ! the common method of boring by augers, or instru- I ments of any other description which perforate the I wood by cutting out the inner part of the substance in j chips or shavings, a hollow tube or cylinder, made of thin plates of iron, or other metal, about one inch less I in diameter than the hole to be bored, is to be I made use of. To one end of this tube or cylinder is to j be fixed a flanch or ring, of from one quarter of an j inch to five-eights of an inch in breadth ; and one part ! of the circumference of this flanch or ring is to be di- ; vided or separated, so that if it be made of steel, an ! edge or cutter may be formed thereby ; or, for the I more convenient use of it, a cutter of steel, or other ; metal, may be screwed, or otherwise connected with I the tube and the flanch or ring. The operation of this i instrument is, that it will bore out a piece of wood ca- pable of being converted into a pipe or pipes of less i dimensions, and that it will do this with the aid of less power, and at less expense and with less waste of wood than by means of the boring instrument now in use. By another invention, pipes have been made of separate pieces or staves, instead of boring a solid tree or timber. In this case, the end of one piece of pipe is tapered off to fit into the next piece, and the different parts are connected by dove-tailing, rabbeting, or by means of screws, or by any other method of joining the surfaces of w'ood together. The outer and inner surfaces may be painted, varnished, or covered over with pitch, tar, or any kind of cement that can be made to adhere to wood. The method of making leaden pipes consists in casting the lead upon a smooth steel mandril, placed in a mould also of metal, to form the outside. These pieces are about eighteen inches long. They are after- wards joined together by a process called lining. A very great improvement has been made in the ma- nufacture of leaden pipes, by drawing them in a manner similar to wire. The lead to form the pipe is cast upon a mandril of the diameter of the inside of the pipe, but of such a thickness as to equal the whole pipe in weight ; it is then fastened upon one end of a eylindric steel mandril, and the lead is pulled through different sized holes till the pipe is of sufficient length and thickness. These pipes can be drawn to the length of eight or ten feet. The power required, however, is very great, which is one objection to the method. They are also liable to flaws, for, if the casting happen to be imperfect, the imperfection is much increased and extended by the process of drawing. This manufacture has been much improved by pass- ing the lead upon the mandril through grooved rollers of 480 PIPE-MAKING. of different sizes, following each other in succession. I The power required is much less than that required for drawing ; and the pipes are said to be superior in other respects. For this method of manufacturing leaden pipes, Mr. John Wilkinson obtained His Majesty’s letters patent about twenty years ago. For the manufacturing of iron pipes, we refer to the article Founding, it being a considerable branch of the iron-founder’s business. Copper and tin are rarely used for pipe-making ; the former being too ex- pensive, and the latter not sufficiently durable : when, however, recourse is had to these metals, they are bent round mandrils, or other proper instruments, and the edges soldered together. Of late years we have seen pipes, made of pottery, brought much into use. In the neighbourhood of London, and other large towns, where it is difficult to preserve any thing from the hands of the pilferer, they are excellent substitutes for lead, as they afford no temptation to theft, and if the passage be always kept clear, so that the w r ater will not be stopped in its course, they must be durable. Mr. Bell, of Birming- ham, in ]808, obtained, by His Majesty’s letters patent, the exclusive privilege of manufacturing them. We shall transcribe his own account attached to the specification : — “ It has been found, by long experience, that pumps or pipes for conducting water from water-works which have been made of wood, or iron, lead, or any other metallic substances, have been justly objected to, for the various following reasons : “ First. Pumps or pipes which are made of wood are liable to constant decay, and in a short time to be- come rotten : and it is invariably the case that in their rotten or decayed parts they generate insects and vast numbers of noxious animalculae, which may always be discovered in water which passes through wood pipes or pumps which have been some time in use; and Dr. Buchan • bserves, that ‘ waters become putrid by the corruption of animal and vegetable bodies with which they abound.’ Water, which is conducted through pumps or pipes which are made of iron, lead, copper, or most other metallic bodies, becomes impregnated with the corrosive qualities of thb metals which renders it unwholesome and poisonous, and, of course, unfit for cooking or washing linen, and many other domestic uses. The nature of my improvement is, therefore, to remove the aforesaid objections, which I completely perform by making tubes of porcelain pottery, and va- rious compositions which are verifiable, and are not liable to corrosion or decay. These tubes are formed in such a way at the ends as to fit one within the other, which I connect or unite together by cement, so as to make them water or air tight. And by the addition of any number of these tubes, connected as aforesaid, I form one complete tube or pipe to any extent which may be required. I prefer the method of enclosing them in cast-iron pipes or cases, which are to be made |u various ways and forms; which pipes or cases serve as defenders of these porcelain or pottery tubes, to prevent breaking or bursting. Cases or pipes may be made of wood, and various other substances, for en- closing these porcelain or pottery tubes or pipes ; but, for the sake of compactness, strength, and durability, I recommend cast-iron cases, boxes, or pipes. There are compound metals which are less corrosive than the real metals as aforesaid, of which tubes may be made, and if enclosed in the manner before described would | be useful in conducting water and various liquids, either j hot or cold, for particular purposes ; as also thin tubes, j made of wood, which may be prepared for durability ! by boiling it, or burning or charring it, which has the i effect of preventing its breeding or harbouring insects, &c. These, in addition to my porcelain or pottery j tubes enclosed, I claim the originality of.” The Manchester Water-Works Company employ stone pipes for the conveyance of their water, and the ! stone which they have found most suitable to their pur- pose comes from a quarry ai Fox-Hill, in the parish of Gorting-Power, Gloucestershire, which is very like the Portland-stone ; but the latter is the more dense or spe- cifically heavy, in the proportion of 17 to J 6'; that is, the Fox-hill stone requires seventeen cubical feet to the , ton, but sixteen feet only of the Portland-stone go to the ton. The following method is used in boring the ' stone for pipes : the first mover is a steam-engine of a power adapted to the work, giving a rotatory motion to a shaft placed horizontally, and running from one end of the w'drks to the other. The works are divided into 1 compartments, each of which serves for the boring of 1 four pipes at the same time ; by means of what is known to mechanics, by the name of the bevel-geer, motion is communicated from the main horizontal shaft to a vertical arbor, at the top of which is a wheel. ; The rotatory motion of this w heel, by means of a crank bar, gives a reciprocating motion to the larger wheel, and this latter motion is such as to give rather more i than a complete rotation to each of four smaller wheels ■ placed opposite ; with respect to the larger wheel, the i mutual connexion between them and it, being by means ; of teeth or cogs. Thus the small wheels go through somewhat more than a complete rotation in one direc- tion, and then rather more than a complete rotation in the opposite direction, and so on alternately. On the vertical shafts, beneath the smaller wheels, are placed iron tubes, which are suffered to act by their own weights upon the stones to be bored, and by means of their rotation to bore those stones by attrition. The stones are cut into lengths of six. or eight feet, and bored into pipes of various diameters. When the pipes are of fourteen inches diameter, the thickness of stone allowed is about five inches. The tubes, by which the boring is effected, are, of course, fourteen inches in diameter, and weigh about one hundred and a half. They are made of thin plate iron, except their circular rim or sole at the bottom, which is about half an inch thick. As the attrition wears away the stones oujwhich the soles of the tubes rest, they sink lower and lower ; PLANING. 481 the whole is kept inoist by a sort of semi-fluid mixture of sand and water, which runs down from the small wheels at the top of the tubes, and, after sinking to the bottom of those tubes, carries up with it the particles of the stone taken off during the process of boring. PLANING. Although this art is strictly connected with Car- pentry, Joinery, and Cabinet-making, yet we make a distinct article of it, in order to introduce an account of Mr. Bramah’s patent machinery, which we believe to be not only interesting and curious, but adapted to various purposes of utility. A plane is an edged tool for paring and shaving of wood smooth. It consists of a block of wood, very smooth at bottom, as a stock or shaft, in the middle of which is an aperture, and through this passes a steel edge, or chisel, placed obliquely, which, being sharp, i takes off the inequalities of the wood over which it j is slid along. Planes have various names according to their forms, sizes, and uses. Thus, Fig. SO, Plate I, Carpentry, represents the /ore-plane, or j'acA-plane, which is very long, and is usually that which is first used : the steel or chisel part is composed of two pieces shewn in Fig. 32 and 33, and in this plane they are not ground quite straight, but are left a little convex. They are called the top and bottom irons ; the top iron having a .screw in it, by which it is ' fastened to the other after the edges are sharpened. The use of the jack-plane is to take off the greater irregularities of the stuff, and to prepare it for the smoothing plane. The smoothing-plane, Fig. 34, is short and small ; its chisel being finer, and its use is to take off the irre- gularities left by the jack-plane, and prepare the wood for th e. jointer, or trying-plane, which is the longest of them all : its edge is very fine, and does not stand out above an hair’s breadth ; it is chiefly used for shoot- ing the edge of a board perfectly straight for joining tables, &c. The strike-block, is like the jointer, but shorter; its use is to shoot short joints. The rabbet-plane, which is used in cutting the upper edge of a board, straight or square, down into the stuff, so that the edge of another, cut after the same manner, may join in with it, on the square ; it is also used in striking facias on mouldings. The chisel of this plane is as broad as the stock, that the angle may be cut straight, and it delivers its shavings at the sides, and not at the top, like the others. The plough, Fig. 29, is a narrow rabbet-plane, with the addition of two staves, on which are shoulders. Its use is to plough a narrow square groove on the edge of a board. The moulding- plane, Fig. 33, is of various kinds, accommodated to the various forms and profiles of the moulding; as, the rounding-plane, the hollow-plane, the ogee, the snipes-bill, &c., which are all of different sizes, from half an inch to an inch and a half in width. Fig. 35, represents a quirk-ogee plane. There are many other kinds of planes, but w r e shall now give an account of Mr. Bramah’s invention, chiefly in his own words, for producing straight, smooth, parallel surfaces, and curvilinear surfaces on wood, and other materials, requiring great accuracy, in a more perfect and expeditious manner than can be done by the hand. The principal .parts of my invention are as fol- lows ; that is to say, to shorten and reduce manual la- bour, and the consequent expenses which attend it, by producing the effects stated in my patent by the use of machinery,, which may be worked by animal, elemen- tary, or manual force ; and which said effects are to produce, straight, true, smooth, and parallel surfaces, in the preparation of all the component parts of work consisting of wood, ivory, horn, stone, metals, or any other sort of materials, or composition usually pre- pared, and render them true and fit for use, by means of edge-tools of every description. I do not rest the merits of this invention on any novelty in the general principle of the machinery I employ, because the public benefit I propose will rather depend on new effects, produced by a new application of principles already known, and machinery already in use for other pur- poses, in various branches of British manufacture. This machinery, and the manner of using it, with some improvements in the construction, together with sundry tools and appendages never in use before, are particu- larly described and explained hereunder. I mean to use and apply for the purposes above stated, every kind of edge-tool, or cutter, already known, either in their present shape, or with such vari- ations and improvements as the variety of operations I 6 G may 482 PLANING. may encounter may severally call For. But the tools, instead of being applied by hand, as usual, I fix, as judgment may direct, on frames driven by ma- chinery : some of which frames I move in a rotary di- rection round an upright shaft ; and others having their shaft lying in a horizontal position, like a common lathe for turning wood, &,c. In other instances I fix these tools, cutters, &c., on frames which slide in stationed grooves, or otherwise, and like the former they are calculated for connexion with, and to be driven by, ma- chinery, all of which are hereafter further explained and particularized. The principal points on which the merits of the in- vention rest are the following : — First, I cause the ma- terials meant to be wrought true and perfect, as above described, to slide into contact with the tool, instead of the tool being carried by the hand over the work, in the usual way. Secondly, I make the tool, of whatsoever cutting kind it be, to traverse across the work in a square or oblique direction ; except in some cases, where it may be necessary to fix the tool or cutter in an immoveable station, and cause the work to fall in contact with it by a motion, confining it so to do, similar to the opera- tions performed on a drawing-bench. Thirdly, in some cases I use, instead of common saws, axes, planes, chisels, and other such instruments, usually applied by hand ; cutters, knives, shaves, planes, and the like, variously, as the nature of the work may render necessary ; some in form of bent knives, spoke- shaves, or deep-cutting gouges, similar to those used by turners for cutting off the roughest part. I also apply planes of various shapes and construction, as the work may require, to follow the former in succession, under the same operation ; and which latter I call furnishers. Fourthly, these cutters, knives, &c., I fix on frames of wood, or metal, properly contrived for their reception, and from which they may be easily detached for the purpose of sharpening, and the like — these I call cutter-frames. JThese cutter-frames I move in cases like those on which the saws are fixed in a saw- ing-mill, and sometimes to reciprocate in a horizontal direction, confined and stationed, by grooves or other- wise, as may be found best calculated to answer the several works intended. In other instances, and which I apprehend will generally have the preference, I fix cutter-frames on a rotary upright shaft, turning on a step, and carrying the frame round in a direction similar to the upper mill-stone ; and sometimes I cause the frames to turn on a horizontal shaft, just resembling the mandril of a common turning-lathe, or those ma- chines used for cutting logwood, &c., for the dyers’ uses. When these frames are mounted in any of the foregoing directions for cutting ; planes, 8tc., are fixed so as to fall successively in contact with the wood or other materials to be cut, so that the cutter or tool, cal- culated to take the rough and hilly part, operates the first, and those that follow must be so regulated as to reduce the material down to the line intended for the surface. These cutter-frames must also have the pro- perty of being regulated by a screw or otherwise, so as to approach nearer the work, or recede at pleasure, in order that a deeper or shallower cut may be taken at discretion, or that the machine may repeat its action without raising or depressing the materials on which they act. The manner of thus regulating the cutter- frames, when on an upright shaft, is particularly de- scribed below. These cutter-frames may be made of any magnitude and dimensions the work requires, only observing to make the diameter of those on the rotary plane so as to exceed twice the width of the materials to be cut, as the said materials must slide so as to pass the shaft on which the cutter-frame revolves, when on the upright principle. Fifthly, when I use upright shafts, for the purpose of carrying the cutter-fratne as above described, I do not mean that the lower end or point of such shafts shall come in contact with, or rest on, the bottom of the step or box in which they stand : neither do I mean that such said shafts shall rest or turn on any stationed unalterable point at rest, but the pivot or lower point of the shaft shall actually rest and turn on a fluid body, such as oil, or any other fluid proper for that purpose, a considerable portion of which is always to be kept between the lower point of the shaft and the bottom of the step in which it works. The said shafts may be either raised or depressed at pleasure to any required altitude, by means of a greater or less- quantity of the said fluid being confined as aforesaid between the end of the shaft and the bottom of the step. This device I deem of great consequence in the fabrication of all kinds of machinery, where massy and heavy loaded up- right shafts are used ; and I perform it in the following manner : that is to say : the lower part of the shaft must be turned perfectly smooth and cylindrical, to a height something above the greatest distance or length the shaft will ever be required to be raised or depressed when in use. This part of the shaft 1 immerse or drop into a hollow cylinder, which fits its circumference near enough to allow freedom of motion, but sufficiently fitted to prevent shake. This cylinder I call the step- cylinder, and which must be of a length nearly equal to that of the cylindrical part of the shaft above-men- tioned, so that when the point of the shaft rests on the bottom of the cylinder, the parallel or cylindrical part may be something above the top or upper end of the step-cylinder. In the upper end of this step-cylinder I make a stuffing-box, by means of a double cupped lea- ther, or other materials, surrounding the cylindrical part of the shaft, in such a way as will cause the junc- tion, when the shaft is passed through it, to remain water-tight under any pressure that may be felt from the efforts of the fluid retained as before mentioned, to make its escape upwards through this part, which I have called the stuffing-box, when the shaft, with all its load, is passed through it, and immersed in the cylin- der below. When this is done, the injecting-pipe of a small forc>ng-pump, similar to those I use in my patent press, PLANING. 483 press, must form a junction with the step-cylinder in some part below the stufting-box ; then the pump being worked, the oil, or other fluid injected by it, will, by pressing in all directions, cause the shaft to be raised from its rest, on the bottom of the cylinder, and to be slided up through the stuffing-box just the same as the piston of my patent press; and by this. means the shaft, with all its encumbrance, and whatever may be its weight, may be raised to any given point at pleasure, and at the same time it will be left resting on the fluid under it, whatever the quantity or thickness of such fluid may be between its point and the bottom of the step-cylinder. By this means the shaft, with all its incumbent load, as aforesaid, should it even amount to hundreds or thousands of tons, can be easily raised and depressed to any required point at pleasure, by the alternate injection or discharge of the fluid used, exactly the same as performed by my patent press as aforesaid ; and at the same time all friction will be avoided, except that of the stuffing-box, which will be comparatively trifling to that which would result from the resting of such a shaft on the bottom of the step, in the usual way. Thus will be gained the properties above stated ; and in addition thereto, I think it may be inferred, that, provided the stuffing-box is kept per- fectly fluid tight, such a shaft, thus buoyed up by and turning in a proper fluid, may continue working for years, or perhaps hundreds of years, without a fresh supply of oil, or whatever other fluid substance is found the most proper to apply. Sixthly, the material that is to be cut and made true must be firmly fixed on a platform, or frame, made to slide wdth perfect truth, either on wheels or in grooves, &c., similar to those frames in a saw-mill on which the timber is carried to the saw’s. These frames must be moved in a steady progressive manner, as the cutter-frame turns round either by the same power which moves the latter, or otlierwise, as may be found to answer best in practice. This motion also must be under the power of a regulator : so that the motion of the sliding frame may be properly adjusted according to the nature of the w ork. The motion of the cutter- frames must also be under the control of a regulator ; so that the velocity of the tool in passing over the work may be made quicker or slow'er, as such work may respectively require, to cause the cutter to act properly, and to the best advantage. Seventhly, I regulate the motions of both these parts of the apparatus, as aforementioned, by means of a new invention, which I call a universal regulator of velocity, and which is composed as follows ; viz. I take any number of cog-wheels, of different diameters, with teeth that will exactly fit each other through the whole, suppose ten, or any other number, but for example, say ten, the smallest of which shall not exceed one inch in diameter, and the largest suppose ten inches jn diameter, and all the rest to mount by regular grada- tions in their diameters from one to ten. I fix these ten wheels fast and immoveable, on an axis perfectly J true, so as to form a cone of wheels. 1 then take ten other wheels, exactly the same in all respects as the former, and fix them on another axis, also perfectly true, and the wheels in conical gradation also ; but these latter wheels I do not fix fast on their axis, like the former, but leave them all loose so as to turn upon the said axis, contrary to the former which are fixed. All these latter wheels I have the power of locking by a pin, or otherwise, so that I can at discretion lock or set fast any single w heel at pleasure. I then place the tw'o axes parallel to each other, with the wheels which form the two cones, as above described, in reverse position, so that the large wheel at the one end of the cone may lock its teeth into the smallest one in .the cone opposite, and likewise vice versa. Then suppose the axis on which the wheels are permanently fixed to be turned about, all the wheels on the other axis will be carried round with an equal velocity with the former, but their axis will not move. Then lock the largest wheel on the loose axis, and by turning about the fastened axis as before, it must make ten revolutions, while the opposite performs but one : then by unlocking the largest wheel and locking the smallest one at the contrary end of the cone in its stead, and turning as before, the fastened axis will then turn the opposite ten times while itself only revolves once. Thus the axes, or shafts, of these cones, or conical combination of wheels, may turn each other reciprocally, as one to ten, and as ten to one ; which collectively produces a change in velocity under a uniform action of the primtim mobile, as ten to a hundred : for when the small wheel on the loose axis is locked, and the fast one makes ten revolutions, the former will make one hun- dred. And by adding to the number of those wheels and extending the cones, which may be done ad infini- tum, velocity may be likewise infinitely varied by this simple contrivance — A may turn B with a speed equal to thousands or millions of times its own motion ; and by changing a pin and locking a different wheel, as above described, B will turn A in the same propor- tion, and their power will be transferred to each, in proportion as their velocities, reciprocally. Here is then a universal regulator at once for both power and velocity. In some instances I produce a like effect by the same necessary number of w heels, made to corre- spond in conical order, but instead of being all con- stantly mounted on the axes or shafts, as above de- scribed, they will reciprocally be changed 'from one axis to the other in single pairs, match according to the speed or power wanted, just as in the former instance. This method will have in all respects the same effect, but not so convenient as when the wheels are all fixed, &c. Eighthly, when spherical surfaces are to be pro* duced perfectly true, and equidistant from their centres in all directions, J use a tool, or cutter, of a proper shape, according to the nature of the materials to be cut. This tool must be fixed on a cutter-frame, fas- tened to the rest of any common lathe, so as to present its 484 PLASTERING. its point exactly to a line drawn through the centre of the mandrel of the lathe horizontally, and the said frame on which the cutter is fixed must have the capacity of drawing out, at pleasure, to any required distance, to accommodate the diameter of the sphere to fie cut or turned true. This cutter-frame must be likewise made to turn upon a centre or pin, very firm, and steadily fixed on the rest above-mentioned, so as to enable the cutter to be turned by its frame round a centre exactly perpendicular to the centre of the lathe or line before- mentioned, by which the altitude of the tool’s point is to be regulated; when this is done, and the w'ood 01- other materials fixed on the lathe in the usual way, the cutter-frame must be drawn nearer, or farther distant from the centre on which it turns, to accommodate the diameter, just the same as the common rest. If the materials be rough, and require to be reduced to a spherical form by gradations, the work may be re- peatedly gone over by the cutter, before it reaches the diameter proposed. By this simple apparatus the dif- ficulty of turning perfect spheres is overcome ; as it must be obvious to any person of the most ordinary capacity in mechanics, that while the work is turning in the lathe in a vertical direction, and the tool or cutter is by the hand or otherwise, turned, at the same time, in a perfectly horizontal direction, round a centre, op- posite to the actual centre of the sphere, the point of the tool or cutter must, of necessity, generate or turn a perfect sphere, true in all directions, without the small- est attention or assistance from the use of the instru- ment. I mention here the application of the cutter- frame to a common lathe, conceiving it will, by such an explanation, be more familiarly understood without a drawing ; but, by this method, spheres of any practical magnitude may be cut with perfect ease and cer- tainty. Ninthly, when concave surfaces are to be produced perfectly true, smooth, and equidistant from their re- spective spherical centres, the work is fixed on a ma- chine the same in all respects as the common turning lathe, as in the instance last .referred to ; I then fix a tool or cutter on a centre, exactly in a line, both per- pendicular to, and on a level with the exact centre of the shaft or mandrel on which the work revolves ; and which cutter or tool projects to the required radial distance with its point, so that when the work goes round by the revolution of the lathe, the tool or cutter at the same time revolving round its centre, a spherical concave will be generated and produced by the flection of its point, as in the instance of the convex sphere. Tenthly, I convert solid wood, or other materials, into a thin concave shell, similar to a dish. I cut them alternately out of each other, beginning at the smallest, by means of another tool or cutter, likewise moving on a stationed centre, as before, exactly on a level with, and perpendicularly true with the centre of the mandrel or shaft of the machine on which the work is fixed. This tool, or cutter, is made at its exterior point, or cutting end, of such a shape as best suits the nature of the work ; and its shank, or stem, is bent to the exact circle the concave is meant to be : it is then fixed on an arm or frame calculated to receive others of different circles, according to the work ; in fact, the same frame may be used w hich is above described to hold the tool for cutting spheres, either of the concave or convex kind. The tool must be fixed on this frame or arm, as above-mentioned, at such a radial distance from the centre on which the frame or arm turns, so as to form a quadrant with one leg, turning on its centre, and the tool forming the periphery with its cutting point pro- jecting to the line of the deficient leg. Before this tool begins its action, a common rest must be applied close to the face of the work, in order to support the tool w'hen it begins its cut ; and on which rest the tool will slide till its point proceeds under the control of the centre on which its frame is fixed, until it reaches the horizontal line of the lathe’s centre, when the part cut off, or the inner dish, will fall from the stock, and leave the rest for the operation of another tool, of a larger circle. Thus the operation may be repeated till the whole lump is converted according to the inten- tions of the owner. This is one of the patent inventions that has been brought into use, and is found of very great importance at Woolwich, where it has been long at work, and by which we have been told thousands of pounds are an- nually saved, as well by the velocity of the work per- formed, as by enabling the w'orkmen to use up timber that from its knotty substance could not be wrought by the hand. PLASTERING. T h e plasterer occupies a very considerable space as a mechanic in every department of architecture. To him is intrusted the finishing of the sides and ceilings of the interior of buildings, and, also, the stuccoing in all the various manners on their exterior. The decora- tive part of architecture owes a considerable part of its effect to the plasterer, as he supplies the facilities of producing it. * Plastering \ PLASTERING. 485 Plastering, in this article, will be divided, and placed under its several heads, and will include plastering on laths in its several ways ; also rendering on brick and stone ; and, finally, the finishing to all the several kinds of work of this description. Also, modelling and cast- ing the several mouldings, both ornamental and plain; stuccoing and other outside compositions which are ap- plied upon the exterior of buildings, and the making and polishing the scagliuola, so much the taste now for co- lumns and their antae. Lime forms an extensive part in all the operations of this trade ; its nature and composition are too well known to be much dwelt upon in this place ; chemically con- sidered, its specific gravity is 2,3, and, when pure, it is soluble in 300 parts of water. It is reduced to the state known as quick-lime, by being deprived of its fixed air, or carbonic acid and water by means of heat generated from fuel in a kiln prepared for the purpose. Lime- stone, or chalk, intended to be thus reduced, is broken into convenient pieces, and piled with coal or wood, stratum, super stratum, in kilns, where it is kept for a considerable time in a zohite heat, by this means the carbonic acid and water are driven off, and quick-lime is the product. It is vended at the wharfs in bags, and varies in its price from thirteen shillings to fifteen shil- lings per hundred. Most of the lime made use. of in London is prepared from chalk, and the greater pro- portion comes from Purfleet, in Kent : but, for stucco- ing and other work, in which strength and durability are required, the lime made at Dorking, in Surrey, is preferred. The composition, known as plaster of Paris, is that on which the plasterer is very much dependent for pro- ducing whatever is good in his business : by it alone he is enabled to give the form and finish to all the better parts of plastering, with it he makes all his ornaments and cornices, besides mixing it in his lime to fill up the concluding coat to the walls and ceilings of rooms. The stone from which it is obtained is known in the Arts by several names, as sulphat of lime, selenite, gypsum, &c. &c., but it is commonly called plaster of Paris, from the circumstance, perhaps, of the immense quantities which are extracted from a mountain in the environs of Paris, called Mont-martre. The stone from this place is, in its appearance, similar to common free-stone, excepting its being surrounded and full of small specular crystals. The French break it into fragments of about the size of an egg, and then burn it in kilns with billets of wood : till they perceive the crystals have lost their brilliancy, it is afterwards ground with stones to different degrees of fineness, and is then considered fit for use. This kind of specular gypsum is affirmed by some travellers to be employed in Russia, where it abounds, as a substitute for glass in windows. According to chemists its specific gravity is from 1.872 to 2.3 1 1 , it requiring 500 parts of cold w'ater and 450 of hot, to dissolve it ; when calcined it decrepitates, be- comes very friable and white, and heats a little with water, with which it forms a solid mass. In the process d of burning or calcination it loses its water of cryslaliza- n tion, which, according to Fourcroy, is 22 per cent, d The plaster made use of in London is prepared from s a sulphat of lime dug in Derbyshire, and is called ala- - baster. It is said eight hundred tons are aunually raised ; there. It is brought to London in a crude state, where - it is calcined, and ground in a mill for use, and vended I in brown paper bags, each containing about half a peck ; - the coarser sort is about fourteen-pence per bag, and the finest from eighteen-pence to twenty-pence. The figure-makers use it for all the casts which they prepare of anatomical and other figures, and it is of the first im- - portance not only to the plasterer but to the sculptor, s mason, &c. i The working-tools of the Plasterer consist, in the , first place, of a spade of the common sort, a two or 1 three pronged rake, which he uses for the purpose of - mixing his mortar and hair together. His trowels are i of two sorts, and of one of which there are in use , three or four sizes. The first sort is called the laying i and smoothing tool ; its figure consists in a flat piece of ! hardened iron, very thin, of about ten inches in length : and two inches and a half in width, ground to a semi- l circular shape at one end, while the other is left square ; on the back of the plate, and nearest to the square end, is rivetted a piece of small rod iron having two legs, one of which is fixed to the plate, and to the other a round wooden handle is adapted ; with this tool all the first coats of plastering are put on the work, and it is also i used in setting, as it is called, or putting on the final coat of plastering. The trowels of the plasterer are made more neatly than the tools of the same name used by other arti- ficers. The largest size is about seven inches long' on the plate, and is of polished steel, two inches and three-quarters at the heel, diverging to an apex or point, to the wide end of which is adapted a handle, commonly of mahogany, with a deep brass ferrule ; with this trowel the plasterer gauges, as he terms it, all his fine-stuff I and plaster for the purpose of forming cornices, mould- ings, &c. The other trowels are made and fitted up in a similar manner, varying gradually in their size from two to three inches long only. The plasterer has in use also several small tools, called stopping and picking-out tools ; they are made of steel, and well polished, and are of different sizes, commonly about seven or eight inches long, about half an inch wide, flattened at both ends, and ground away till they are somewhat rounding. With such tools he models and finishes all the mitres, and returns to the cornices, and fills up and perfects the ornaments at their joinings. The plasterer keeps all his working tools uncommonly clean ; they are polished by the hawk-boys daily, and never put away without being w'iped and freed of the plaster about them. The plasterers require many rules and models of wood ; these rules, or straight-edges, as they are called, enable them to get their plastering to an upright line, and the models to run plain mouldings, as cornices, &c. 6 H The 486 PLASTERING. The cements made use of by the plasterer for the in- terior work, are of two or three sorts. The first of which is called lime and hair, or coarse stuff, this is prepared in a similar way to common mortar, with the addition of having the hair from the tan-yards mixed in it. The mortar to form lime and hair is previously mixed with the sand, and the hair added afterwards ; this the labourers incorporate by the three-pronged rake. Fine stuft, as it is termed, is lime only, slaked with a small portion of water, and afterwards saturated to excess, and put into tubs in a semi-fluid state, w here it is allowed to settle and the water to evaporate. A small proportion of hair is sometimes added to the fine stuff. Stucco for inside walls, called troweled or bastard stucco, is composed of the fine stuff above described, and very fine washed sand, in the proportion of one of the latter to three of the former. With such stucco all walls intended to be painted are finished. Mortar, called gauge-stuff by the plasterer, consists in taking about three-fifths of fine stuff and one of plaster of Paris, and mixing them together with water, in small quantities at a time, to render it more susceptible of fixing or setting, as it is called. A cement so gauged, is employed to form all the cornices and mouldings which are run with a mould of w'ood. The plasterers gauge all their mortars with plaster of Paris when great expedition is required, as they can immedi- ately proceed in their work by so gauging the mortar, as it fixes and sets as soon as laid on. Plasterers' have technical divisions of their work, by which is designated its quality, and from which its value is ascertained. Lathing consists in nailing up slips of wood on the ceiling and partitions, which are rended . from fir, or oak, and are called three-foots and four-foots, being of these several lengths, and are purchased by the bundle 1 or load. There are three sorts of laths, viz. single laths, lath and half, and double laths. Single laths are the cheapest and thinnest ; lath and half is supposed to be one-third thicker than the single lath ; and the i double laths twice their thickness. The laths most in use in London are made of fir, the wood for which is [ imported from the Baltic and America, in pieces called I staves. All the London timber-merchants are dealers in laths, and there are many places besides, which con- fine themselves exclusively to this business. The fir j laths are generally fastened by cast-iron nails, whereas I the oaken one$ require wrought-iron nails, as no nail of | the former kind would be found equal to the perforation j of the oak, but would shiver in pieces in the attempt at I driving them through it. In lathing ceilings, it is desi- rable the plasterer should make use ;of both the usual lengths, and so manage the nailing of them up that the joints are as much broken as possible, which will tend much to strengthen the plastering with which they are to be covered, by giving them a stronger key or tie. The strongest laths are adapted to the ceilings, and the slightest or single laths to the partitions of buildings. Laying, as it is called, consists in spreading a single coat of lime and hair all over a ceiling or partition, taking care that it is very even in every part, and quite smooth throughout. This is the cheapest manner of plastering. Pricking-up is a similar method to laying, excepting that it is used as a preliminary to a more perfect kind of work ; after the plastering has been put by in this me- thod, it is crossed all over with the end of a lath which has the effect of giving a key of tie to the finishing coats, which are to follow afterwards. Lathing, laying, and set, mean that the work is to be lathed as before described, and covered with one coat of lime and hair, and when this is sufficiently dry, finishing it by covering it over with a thin and smooth coat of lime only, called, by the plasterer, putty, or set. This coat is spread by the workman with his smoothing trowel ; in doing w'hich he is supplied w ith a large flat hog’s hair brush and water. In his right hand he holds his trowel, and in his left the brush : and as he lays on the set he draws the brush backwards and for- wards over it, and by the assistance of the brush and trowel he is enabled to get the ceiling or wall tolerably even for this cheap kind of work. Lathing, floating, and set, consist as before in re- spect of the lathing and covering them over by a coat of plastering, excepting only, that for the floated work, a pricking-up coat is used ; when this coat is sufficiently dry another is put on to receive the set, and which is called the floating : this is performed in manner follow- ing, viz. the plasterer provides himself with a strong rule, or straight-edge, often from ten to twelve feet in length ; two workmen are necessary in this part of the work, as one would be inadequate to the handling of the straight-edge. It is begun by plumbing with a plumb-rule, and trying if the parts to be floated are up- right and straight, by which is ascertained where the filling-out, as it is called, is wanting. This they do by putting on a trowel-full or two of lime and hair only ; when they have ascertained these preliminaries, the screeds, as they are called, are commenced to be formed. A screed in plastering means a stile formed of lime and hair about seven or eight inches wide, gauged ex- actly true, by drawing the straight-edge over it till it is so. In floated-work such screeds are made at every three or four feet distance vertically round a room, and are gotten perfectly straight by applying the straight-edge to them to make them so, and when all the screeds are formed the parts between them are filled up with lime and hair, or stuff, as it is called, until they are quite flush and even with the face of the screeds. The straight-edge is then W'orked horizontally upon the screeds, which has the effect of taking off all super- fluous stuff which projects above them. In this way is finished the floating by adding stuff continually, and ap- plying the rule upon the screeds till it become quite even with them, and straight in every part. Ceilings are floated in the same manner, by having screeds formed across PLASTERING. 487 across them, and filling up the intermediate spaces with stuff, and applying the rule as is done for the walls. Plastering is good or bad, in proportion to the care taken in this part of the work, hence the most careful workmen are generally employed about it. The set to the floated work is performed in a similar way. to that which has already been described for that to the laid plastering ; but as floated plastering is em- ployed to the best rooms, it is often performed with more care than is found necessary in that inferior style of work. The set-too for the floated work is frequently prepared^ by adding to it about one-sixth of plaster of Paris, wtiich fixes it more quickly, and gives it a closer and more compact appearance ; and also renders it more firm and better adapted to be whitened or co- loured when dry. The dryer the pricking-up coat of plastering is, the better for the floated stucco work ; but it is not so exactly for the floating which is to receive the setting-coat, for if the floating be too dry before the set is put on, there is a probability of its peeling off, or appearing all over in little cracks or shells, which is particularly to be avoided in doing the ceilings. Good plastering admits of no such defects, and cracks and other disagreeable appearances in ceilings more fre- quently arise from the weakness of the laths and too much plastering, or, vice versa, strong laths and too little plastering, than from the inadequacy of the timbers of the building. Good floated work, executed by a judicious plasterer, is by no means likely to crack, and particularly if the lathing be previously attended to. Rendering and set, or rendering, floated, and set, embrace a portion of the process employed in both the previous modes, except no lathing is required in this branch of the work. Rendering is to be understood when a wall of brick or stone is required to be plastered over with one coat of lime and hair, and the set desig- nates that it is again to be covered and finished in fine stuff or putty. The method of doing it, is, as has been before described for the setting of the ceilings and par- titions for other kind of work. The floated and set is performed on the rendering in the same manner as it is on the partitions and ceilings of the best kind of plas- tering, and has been explained above. Troweled-slucco is a very neat kind of work, and is used in dining-rooms, vestibules, stair-cases, &c., or in cases in which the walls are proposed to be finished by painting. This kiud of stucco requires to be worked upon a floated ground, and the floating should be as dry as possible before the stuccoing is commenced, when the stucco is made as before described ; it is beaten and tempered w ith clean water for use. The plasterer about t to 14 -inch caliber, are charged by the foot run, and those above that size by the hundred w’eight. The rain-water pipes attached to the outside of buildings for the purpose of conveying off the superfluous water from the roofs of them, called, by the plumbers, socket-pipes; of these several respective diameters is 3, 34 , 4, or 5 inches, and are made from sheet-lead, and most commonly from that which is called milled. They are formed in lengths of from eight or ten feet each ; the sheet-lead for making which is dressed on a rounded core of w'ood, and the vertical joint which is made at the back is fast- ened and secured by solder. The horizontal joints are formed by an astrigal moulding in a separate piece of lead about two or three inches wide, and which laps completely over it, both above and below it, and is called the lap-joint, or collar of the socket-pipe. „ Two broad pieces of lead are attached to the back of the lap-joints, called fhe tacks, these are spread out right and left of the pipe upon the wall to which they are hammered PLUMBERY. 495 hammered quite close, and answer the purpose of fixing the whole to the buildings : to do which, more effec- tually, wall-hooks of iron are sometimes put, and driven into the masonry. The cistern-head, which is fixed at the top of rain-water pipes, is made up of sheet-lead, or cast in a mould. They are commonly moulded into a variety of forms, these are easily supplied in a metal so ductile as lead is : they are fastened by tacks in the same way as the collars are. Reservoirs are generally formed of wood or masonry on their exterior, and their insides lined with cast sheet- lead, the joints of which are secured by solder. In this application of soldering no fear of cracking need be anticipated, as change of temperature seldom takes place in or near the place where reservoirs are commonly placed. Pumps are of various descriptions, and employed for purposes multiplied and extensive ; but the plumber’s employment in this kind of work is confined generally to the making of two or three several kinds, as may be required in our domestic economy. These may be con- sidered as the sucking, forcing, and lifting pumps. The former and latter being now the most commonly made use of. The Sucking-Pump consists of two pipes, one of which is the barrel, and the other the suction-pipe, which is of smaller diameter; these are joined by means of flanches pierced with holes to admit of being fastened by screwed bolts. The joint of the flanches is filled with leather, which being strongly compressed by the screwed bolts, renders, the joint air-tight. The lower end of the suction-pipe is commonly spread out a little to facilitate the entry of the water, and frequently has a grating across it to keep out filth or gravel. The working barrel is cylindrical, and as evenly bored as possible,, that the piston may fill it with as little friction as may be consistent with air-tightness. The piston is a sort of truncated cone generally made of wood, the small end of w hich is cut off at the sides, so as to form a sort of arch, and by which it is fastened to the iron rod or spindle. The two ends of the coni- cal part may be hooped with brass : this cone has its larger end surrounded with a ringf or band of strong leather fastened to it by nails. The leather-band should always reach to some distance beyond the base of the cone, and the whole must beof uniform thickness all round, so as to suffer equal compression between the cone and working barrel when put into action. The seam or joint of the two ends of this band must be made very close, but not screwed or stitched together ; if done so it would occasion lumps or inequalities, which would destroy its tightness, and no harm can result from the want of it, because the two ends will be squeezed close together w-hen in the barrel. It is by no means necessary that this compression be great ; when it is so, it is found a detrimental error of the pump-maker, by occasioning enormous friction, which destroys the very purpose they have in view, viz. gen- dering the piston air-tight ; and it moreover causes the leather to wear through very soon at the edge of the cone, and also wears away the working barrel ; in con- sequence of which it becomes wide in that part which is continually passed over by the piston, while the mouth remains of its original diameter, and hence follows the impossibility to thrust in a piston that shall completely fill the part so worn aw’ay. The suction-pipe is usually made of smaller size than the working barrel, but only for the sake of eco- nomy, as it is not necessary that it should be so ; but it ought to be of such a size that the pressure of the at- mosphere may be able to fill the barrel with water as fast as the piston rises.* This is the kind of pump fixed and made by plumbers, and is that which is com- monly seen over wells and reservoirs for the purpose of raising water for the common purposes of life. The Forcing-Pump consists of a working barrel, a suction-pipe, and a main, called serving main, or rais- ing pipe. This kind of pump was formerly much in use for the purpose of forcing water to unnatural heights. The raising pipe of such pumps is usually in three parts, the first of which may be considered as making part of the working barrel of the pump, and is sometimes cast in one piece, with it the second is joined to it by flanches, with which it forms an elbow. The third is properly the beginning of the main, and is continued forward to the place of the delivery of the water where it is supplied by two moveable valves. The beauty of this kind of pump consists in the perfec- tion of the barrel and piston, for which reason it is now made of brass or bell metal, and when it is well polished the piston may be used in it without either a wadding or leather. The Lifting-Pump consists as before of a working barrel, which is closed at both ends. The piston is solid and its rod passes through a collar of leather in the plate, and closes the upper end of the working bar- rel. The barrel communicates laterally with the [suc- tion-pipe, and above with the raising main. This kind ot pump differs only from the sucking-pump be- fore described in having two valves, the lower one moveable and the upper one fixed. The first pump invented above a century before Christ by Ctesibius, of Alexandria, to whom also mu- sic is indebted for the organ, was a forcing-pump, as may be easily collected from its description by Vitru- vius (1. x. cap. 1£). Mixed Pumps are the combination of the principle of the forcing and sucking-pumps into one machine; when the lower valve of a forcing-pump is above the * The length of the suction-pipe should never be greater than thirty feet below its moveable valve, and there may be a loss of time in the ascent of the water, unless it be made even a few feet shorter. In using it the velocity of the stroke should never be less than four inches, nor greater than two or three feet in a second. The stroke should be as long as possible to prevent loss of water by the frequent alternations of the valves. When this pipe is adapted to common purposes, its diameter should be about two-thirds or three-fourths of that ot the barrel. surface 496 POTTERY. surface of the water it can only raise it by suction, but the manufacture of the pump remains as before. The mechanism of a pump may be employed for con- verting the weight of water descending in its barrel to the purpose of working another pump ; such a pump has been invented by Mr. Trevithick 1 , a description of which may be seen in Nicholson’s Journal. Of the Spiral Pump. — If we wind a pipe round a cylinder of which the axis is horizontal, and connect one end with a vertical tube while the other is at liberty to turn round and receive water and air in each revolution, the machine is called a spiral pump. This pump was invented about 1746, by Andrew Wirtz, a pewterer in Zurich, and was afterwards employed at Florence. At Archangelsky near Moscow, it is reported such a pump was erected in 1784, which raised a hogshead of water in a minute to a height of 74 feet, and through a pipe 7 60 feet in length. The force employed is not stated, we may therefore conjecture that it was turned by water. The Screw of Archimedes, or Water Snail, and the Water Screw Pump, consist either of a pipe wound spirally round a cylinder, or one or more spiral excava- tions formed by means of spiral projections from an internal cylinder covered by an external coating so as to be water-tight. But if the coating is detached so as to remain at rest while the spirals revolve, the machine is called a water-screw. These kind of pumps are em- i ployed by the architects in removing superfluous water from out of the foundations of bridges or elsewhere. The screw of Archimedes should always be so placed as to fill exactly one half of a convolution in each turn. It has often happened that very unfavourable reports have been made of the power of this machine from want of attention to this circumstance; for when its orifice remains constantly immersed the effect is very much diminished. Where the height of water is so variable as to render this precaution impossible, the water-screw will be preferable, although in this instru- ment one-third of the water runs back, and it is easily clogged by accidental impurities in the water. The screw of Archimedes is generally placed when in action, so as to form an angle of between 45 and 60 degrees with the horizon ; while the open water-screw will do at an angle of 30 degrees only. For great heights the spiral pump is preferable to either of the before-mentioned machines, as promoting a greater effect with less labour. Pump-work will require a very rfned calculation to develope its real powers. The machines here treated of are reduced to public purposes by having their de- tails regularly manufactured to almost every required purpose, as such they are vended to the plumber and public. ^ Water-Closets are made in a similar way, manufactured by one set of workmen and sold to the plumber, who is another, to fix in their places. A water-closet consists of a bason and apparatus, traps, socket-pipe, and cistern; the whole of which is put into action by the plumber. To supply the cisterns with water is the purpose of his adopting a forcing or lifting-pump. These latter are on a small scale, very neatly fitted up, and require only the suction and main pipe to be added by the plumber, to be capable of forcing or lifting water to almost any height. They are sold by the manufacturers at 71. 7s. each. The mains or pipes are charged by the plumber additional, with such day-work as is required in putting the whole in its place. The bason and apparatus to a water-closet is sold for 51. 5s. ; but the whole fitting up of such a convenience cannot be made, with all its pipes, for a less sum than 25l. to 301. Plumbers charge their sheet-lead by the one cwt., and their prices are arranged half-yearly by the Warden and Court of Assistants of the Plumbers’ Company. The milled-lead is always charged two shillings per cwt. more than the cast-lead. POTTERY. Pottery is the art by which plastic earth is con- verted into hard and brittle vessels of various kinds and forms, and designed for various purposes. The essen- tial material of all potteries is clay, which, of itself, possesses the two requisite qualities of being in its na- tural state so plastic, that, with water, it becomes a soft qniformly extensible mass, capable of assuming and retaining any form, and when thoroughly dried, and having undergone a red-heat for a time, of losing this plasticity, and of becoming hard, close in texture, and able more or less perfectly to confine all liquids con- tained within its hollow. The most important circum- stances requisite to be considered in selecting the mate- rials for pottery are plasticity, contractibility, solidity, and compactness after drying, colour, and infusibility. The plasticity seems to be simply owing Jo the pro- portion of clay used, or the nature of the clay itself, for all clays are, owing to their mixture with other sub- stances, POTTERY. 497 stances, not equally plastic, and the foreign ingredients, in no case increase, but, in many cases, diminish this property in a very considerable degree. The texture, including the qualities of hardness and compactness, depends partly on the mixture of siliceous or flinty ingredients, with the clay, and partly on the heat employed in the burning of the pottery. The very pure natural clays are infusible in almost any degree of heat, and their hardness keeps pace with the inten- sity of the fire, but they have the essential defects of drying very slowly, of shrinking much, and of becoming full of cracks when dried. On these accounts it is ne- cessary to mix them intimately with some other earth or earths of different qualities ; that is, with some that will absorb but little water : will quickly part with it, and will dry compact and close. The colour of the earths used is also of essential im- portance in the finer pottery, in which the great desi- deratum is to find clay that, after burning, remains perfectly white. The appearance, before burning, can- not always be depended on ; for, though the whitest clays, after burning, are those that were white before, yet it is only the clay of certain districts that retain a perfect whiteness. Thus, we are told, that there exists, at the foot of a range of hills that overlook the Stafford- shire potteries, a stratum of white clay, which, to ap- pearance, is fully equal to the best Devonshire clays, but which cannot be employed for fine pottery, from its acquiring, in burning, a yellowish cream-colour, which no art has yet been able to correct. The fusibility of clays and other earths used in pot- tery is a subject of great importance, as it is property that constitutes the difference between common earthen- ware, as it is sometimes called, and porcelain. We shall now proceed to give some account of the mixture and combination of the earths with respect to potteries. None of the primitive earths, treated separately, pre- sent to us, as we have seen, the union of all the quali- ties necessary to form a good potter’s clay ; and it is also to the well-contrived mixture of some of the earths that we are indebted for this production of the arts. We shall comprehend under the general title of pottery, all the productions of the art, from the coarsest manu- factory to that of the finest porcelain : the whole art consist* in the proper mixing of two or three earths ; the only difference in the results proceeds from the choice of the earths, from the care taken in their pre- paration, the proportions in which they are employed, and from the nature of the baking and degree of heat to which they are subjected. There are, therefore, some general principles which apply to all these operations ; these are the principles w hich are necessary to be know n, in order to adapt them to processes, which, though iso- lated and separated in practice, flow from the same laws, and should be elucidated by the same doctrine. We may regard alumine as the base of all the potter’s earths ; the property that it possesses, of dividing itself in water, and forming a paste susceptible of being ma- nipulated, turned in the lathe, ground, &c., in order to assume easily and preserve all the forms we may wish to give it ; the faculty which is peculiar to it, of becoming so hard in the fire that it will strike fire with steel ; of scratching glass, and of uniting, by the application of a violent heat, so as to assume a smooth aril almost vitre- ous surface without fusion; and of no longer being- divisible or dilutable in water ; have caused alumine to be adopted in preference to all the other earths. But this earth is not free from inconveniences ; it contracts upon being fired, and can bear with difficulty a sudden transition from cold to heat. These defects are reme- died by mixing it with sand or siliceous earth, which being infusible like itself, do not sensibly contract in the fire, and form a kind of frame, which, by isolating, as it were, the argillaceous particles, admits of their being subjected, without inconvenience, to the alternate tran- sitions of heat and cold. Besides, the mixture of these tw'o substances forms a kind of compound, the pro- perties of which may differ from those of its constituent principles. By examining more closely the principal qualities of baked earths, we shall perceive the reason of their greater or less resistance to being broken by the sudden change of temperature. In fact, it is known that the earthy substances are bad conductors of caloric ; so that when we apply heat to the surface, it produces its effects of contraction or dilatation before it is able to penetrate to the same degree all the mass; it must, therefore, have unequal effects, which tend to break the whole. This must be still more sensible when the earthen-ware presents a great inequality of thickness. But when we multiply the pores, or the small aper- tures, by means of sand, the fluid of heat circulates more freely; the mass is more equally heated, and nearly at the same time ; and the vessel resists alternate heat and cold. This property may also be given to it by applying the heat gradually ; the changes then take place slowly, and at once, over all the parts. But the alumine is rarely pure, it is naturally mixed with lime, silex, magnesia, oxydes of iron, copper, manganese, &c.; and it is the nature of these mixtures, and the proportions among the bodies which form them, that give to argils a variety of modifications in their proper- ties. Among the number of these natural mixtures, there is one of them which only requires the hand of the potter to shape it into useful utensils. For this reason, w'e see manufactories of coarse earthen-ware established upon the very stratum of clay which supports them ; but more frequently these argils require a particular operation, and must be mixed with other earths to make them of use for the purposes for which they are wanted. In general, it is only from well conducted ex- periments that we judge of the quality of an argil, and that w'e determine the nature and proportions of the substances most proper to add in order to make it fit for producing good ware. It is almost needless to observe, that we must not expect the same qualities for every 6 L kind 498 POTTERY. kind of ware, since these qualities are relative to the different uses to which the ware is to be applied : thus, in order that an earth should be fit for making pipes for a drain, house-tiles, or bricks, it would be ridicu- lous to require that it should be able to resist great heat, or undergo the sudden transitions of heat and cold. In this case it is sufficient if the mixture acquires hardness enough to prevent w'ater from softening or penetrating it. Those wares destined to undergo a violent heat and sudden transitions of temperature, such as crucibles, retorts, furnaces, &c., should likewise have no attrac- tion for the bodies which we intend to work in them. The ware employed in our kitchens would be of very limited use, if they did not undergo, without alteration, a sudden change of temperature, and if they were not compact enough to prevent liquids from filtering through them. When we possess a pure clay, furnished with the requisite qualities for forming the base of a good earthen-ware, we may apply it to every purpose, by well-contrived mixtures. It is necessary, therefore, to know the qualities which constitute a good clay, before we attend to the nature and proportions of the earths that we ought to mix with such as do not already pos- sess qualities required. A good clay has the following characters: — 1st. It divides or melts in water without any nucleus remain- ing. 2d. It is precipitated in this liquid, without leaving any thing suspended which injures its transpa- rency. 3d. The deposit which is formed in the water, dried to the consistence of a soft paste, should have so much toughness and ductility, that we may easily work it by a lathe, or by the hands. 4th. It should neither lose its form nor consistence on drying in the air. 5th. It should harden upon the application of heat, without cracking, without being deformed, or melted. 6th. It should undergo, when fired, the sudden transitions from heat to cold, and vice versa. A clay, possessing all these properties, is a natural mixture of various earths, for no one in particular possesses them all. When a slight part of oxyde of iron, lime, or plaster, is united with the earth we are speaking of, the earthen- ware made from it presents a brilliant and vitreous gloss and fracture, at the same time that they acquire such a hardness that they strike fire with steel, and break nearly like glass. These wares sound well, as it is calLed, and they are capable of containing corrosive liquids, without being penetrated or altered by them. They would be the best earthen-wares known, if they could undergo, without accident, the sudden transi- tions of temperature. This is what is called stone- ware ; it resembles much the biscuit of porcelain, from which they do not essentially differ, except in the grain, the colour, and the semi-transparency. The most common argillaceous earth, which is called fat earth, and potter’s clay, and of which the coarser ware is made, is a natural mixture of alumine, silex, lime, and a little oxyde of iron. The silex generally predomi- nates ; the alumine is in the proportion of about one- half : this is, at least, the mean result of a great many analyses. When the argillaceous earth is too rich in alumine, it is usual to mix pounded flints or sand with it, in order to correct the defects of too pure argil. It has been ascertained, that if we mix sand with clay, it is more advantageous to employ that which is of a middling size. Frequently, in place of sand, fired clay is used : this mixture is preferable for the manufacture of cru- cibles and glass-house pots, which must keep alkalis in fusion, because these latter substances would attach the sand in order to form glass. When the clay contains pernicious substances, from which it must be freed, it is carefully examined, the ochery veins are thrown away, as also the pyrites, and other matters which alter its pu- rity. By means of w'ater, we may afterwards free it from the calcareous earth which floats above, and from the sand, which is precipitated. These are nearly all the general principles upon which the art of the potte- ries is founded ; and, although there has been establish- ed in society, an enormous difference between the coarse earthen-ware which the common people use, and the porcelain with which the rich decorate their tables and ornament their apartments : it is not less true, that, in both cases, the nature, the preparation of the earths, and even the management of the fire, differ in some respects only. After having, therefore, related the principles which science presents to us as applicable to the art of the potter, it only remains to give some details essentially connected with each of the branches of the art. The choice of the earths, and the proportions in their mixture, differ according to the nature of the works we mean to execute ; but, when the choice and mixture are made, the working of the paste and the baking of the article, present a course of processes, in which there is no difference, except in the more or less care which the artist takes in these different operations. The preparation of the earths is always confined to giving them an extreme minuteness of division, by means of water, with which they are impregnated. They are disposed to this preliminary operation by re- ducing them into small fragments, or into powder, by means of mallets, of mills, or other mechanical me- thods. The water employed should be pure, particu- larly when delicate pieces of ware are to be made ; for this reason, in some manufactories of porcelain, rain- water only is used. The earths are allowed to soak, or rot, as it is termed, for a longer or shorter period, ac- cording to the nature of the earth, and that of the work we wish to produce. The longer the earth is in the pit to soak, the better it is prepared. Not only are the bituminous or vegetable principles, which exist in some earths, destroyed, but any sulphuric salts they may con- tain, are decomposed; and it almost always happens, that, after some time, sulphuretted hydrogen gas is liberated. By their being allowed to remain some time in the pit, the earths acquire more tenacity and tough- ness, so that they can be wrought more easily. On POTTERY. 499 this account, in some celebrated manufactories in Ger- many, they soak the earth at two seasons in the year only, and the time of the equinoxes is chosen, because it is generally thought that rain-water is more strongly charged with fermentescible principles at these two seasons. When the earths are prepared for delicate and pre- cious works, such as porcelain or china, care must be taken to remove every thing which might alter the paste, and not to use any tools which might mix any prejudicial substance with it. The earth is purified by a very simple process: for this purpose, after having bruised it and diluted it in rain-water, it is put into a cylindrical cask three or four feet high ; this cask has stop-cocks placed in its side, the one above, the other at the distance of about six inches, so that the lowest one is about two or three inches from the bottom. This cask is filled with diluted clay ; the liquid paste is care- fully stirred, and after settling for a few seconds, in order to allow the sand to precipitate, the upper stop- cock is turned in order to draw off all that is above it; the second is then opened, the third, and so on, until the whole of the liquid which holds the earth suspended in it is drawn off. The decanted liquor is put into ves- sels of baked clay ; the clay suspended in it is allowed to precipitate ; the water is decanted and the clay- is collected, which is dried in the shade and out of the reach of dustj This clay, mixed in just proportions with calcined silex, pounded and ground, sometimes with bruised fragments of old earthen-ware, with baked and sifted gypsum and other substances, forms the com- position of porcelain ; and this composition is sifted several times through hair-sieves. The mixture is af- terwards moistened with rain-water in order to form a paste, which is put into covered casks. This paste is called by the workmen the mass. A fermentation soon takes place, which changes its smell, colour and con- sistence. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas is formed ; its colour passes from white to deep grey ; and the matter is tougher and softer. The older this mass is the better it succeeds. It must be carefully moistened from time to time to prevent it from drying. The prepara- tions of the mixture, and the art of rightly managing the mass are secrets in almost all manufactories. It is needless to repeat that the care taken in the preparation of the earths varies according to the work intended to be executed. In the potteries of coarse earthenware, the earth is put to soak in pits dug under the open air, and they are moistened with any kind of water. When it is wanted afterwards, the quantity is extracted from the pit which the occasion requires. The second operation is to give the paste the form vve wish, and this is done in three ways: 1st. by the labour of the hands; 2d. by means of moulds; 3d. by means of the lathe. The choice of one or other of these methods is not in the power of the artist; the na- ture of the works, their size and form, must determine the employment of this or that method. Jn every case where the paste is well prepared for working, a new perfection is given to it, by mixing it and kneading it with the hands, and even by beating it upon tables with large round pieces of wood : this is what is called dress- ing the earth. By these mechanical operations the earth is well divided, well mixed, and of an equal con- sistence. It should be observed, that an intimate mixture of the ingredients used in pottery is of great importance to the beauty, compactness, and soundness of the ware. Formerly the wet clay and ground Hint, or whatever else was employed, were beat together with long con- tinued manual labour; but this expensive method has | now been laid aside in the larger potteries, and they I substitute for it another plan, which is that of bringing I each material first to an impalpable powder, and diffu- sing them separately in as much water as will bring them to the consistence of thick cream, and when tho- roughly mixed, the superfluous water is evaporated till the mass is brought to a proper consistence. In the potteries of Staffordshire the materials are a fine clay brought chiefly from Devonshire, and a siliceous stone named cher, or common flint reduced to powder by heating it red-hot, quenching it in water and then grind- ing it in mills. Each material is passed through very fine brass sieves, then diffused in water, and brought to a plastic state. The works which are made with the hand are, 1st. all sculptures, which are afterwards baked in order to j give them the convenient hardness ; busts and other ! ornaments are of this description. 2nd. Good glass- 1 house pots, for by this means the earth is better dressed | than it can be by the lathe. The works done in the ' mould are tiles, bricks, &c. The mould, of wood or iron, is of the form proposed to be given to the piece : it is open at the two faces, so that it is, properly speak- ing, merely a frame for the purpose of giving equal dimensions to the various works w'e are doing. This frame is used on a table covered with a little sand or ashes, to prevent the adhesion of the paste : the frame is then filled with prepared clay; by the help of a cut- ting instrument, which we apply with both hands over the top of the mould, the excess of clay is taken off. Almost all vessels of a cylindrical form, or which are hollow, are wrought with the lathe. The wheel and lathe are the chief and almost the only instruments made use of : the fir6t for large works and the last for small. The potter’s wheel consists principally in the nut, which is a beam or axis, whose foot or pivot plays perpendi- cularly on a free-stone sole or bottom. From the four corners of this beam, which does not exceed two feet in height, arise four iron bars called the spokes of the wheel ; which, forming diagonal lines w ith the beam, desceud, and are fastened at bottom to the edges of a strong wooden circle four feet in diameter, perfectly like the fellies of a coach-wheel, except that it has neither axis nor radii, and is only joined to the beam which serves it as an axis by the iron bars. The top of the nut is flat, of a circular figu re, and a foot in dia- meter; and on. this is laid the clay which is to be turned 500 POTTERY. turned and fashioned. The wheel thus disposed is en- compassed with four sides of four different pieces of wood fastened on a wooden frame; the hind piece, which is that on which the workman sits, is made a little in- clining towards the wheel ; on the fore-piece is placed the prepared earth ; on the side-piece he rests his feet, and these are made inclining, to give him more or less room. Having prepared the earth, the potter lays a round piece of it on the circular head of the nut, and sittingdown, turns the wheel with his feet till it has got the proper velocity ; then, wetting his hands with water, he presses his fist or his fingers-ends into the middle of the lump, and thus forms the cavity of the vessel, con- tinuing to widen it from the middle ; and thus turning the inside into form with one hand while he proportions the outside with the other, the wheel constantly turning all the while, and he wetting his hands from time to time. When the vessel is too thick, he uses a flat piece of iron, somewhat sharp on the edge, to pare off what is redundant ; and when finished it is taken off from the circular head by a wire passed underneath the vessel. The potter’s lathe is also a kind of wheel, but more simple and slight than the former : its three chief mem- bers are an iron beam or axis three feet and a half high and two feet and a half diameter, placed horizon- tally at the top of the beam, and serving to form the vessel upon : and another large wooden wheel, all of a piece, three inches thick and two or three feet broad, fastened to the same beam at the bottom and parallel to the horizon. The beam or axis turns by a pivot at the bottom in an iron stand. The workman gives the motion to the lathe with his feet, by pushing the great wheel alternately with each foot, still giving it a greater or lesser degree of motion as his work requires. They work with the lathe with the same instruments and after the same manner as with the wheel. The mouldings are formed by holding a piece of wood or iron, cut in the form of the moulding, to the vessel w'hile the wheel is turning round, but the feet and handles are made by themselves and set on with the hand ; and if there be any sculpture in the work, it is usually done in wooden moulds, and stuck on piece by piece on the outside of the vessel. Handles, spouts, See. are afterwards fixed on to the moulded piece if required : and it is then set to dry for some days in a warm room, where it becomes so hard as to bear handling without altering its shape. When dry enough it is enclosed along w ith many others in baked clay cases of the shape of bandboxes, called seggars, which are made of the coarse clays of the country. These are next ranged in the kiln or furnace so as to fill it, except a space in the middle for the fuel. Here the ware is baked till it has remained fully red hot for a considerable time, which in the larger kilns consumes ten or fifteen tons of coals : after which the tire is allowed to go out, and when all is cooled the seggars are taken out and their contents unpacked. The w'are is now in a state of biscuit, perfectly void of gloss, and resembling a clean egg-shell. In order to glaze it, which is the next process, the biscuit ware is dipped in a tub containing a mixture of about sixty parts of litharge, ten of clay, and twenty of ground flint, diffused in water to a creamy consistence, and when taken out enough adheres to the piece to give an uniform glazing when again heated; for which purpose the pieces are repacked up in the seggars, w'ith small bits of pottery interposed betw'een each and fixed in the kiln as before. The glazing mixture fuses at a very moderate heat, and gives an uniform glossy coating, which finishes the process for common white w’are; though the painting and gilding require subsequent attention. The process as described by M. Chaptal, to whose “ Chemistry, as applied to the Arts,” we are indebted for a part of this article, is somewhat different. The workman, he says, begins by moistening the paste and kneading it with the hands to give it the requisite soft- ness. The workman afterwards takes the quantity he thinks necessary for his work. He sticks this piece of paste upon the middle of the horizontal wheel, to which he gives a rotatory motion, by pushing with his foot the lower wheel, parallel to and fixed on the same axis ; and with his hands, which he applies forcibly to the paste, he shapes his work which he finishes by wooden tools applied to the sides of it while moving rapidly round, in consequence of the motion given to the wheel, so that the action of these mechanical agents is equal over all the points of the cir- cumference; the workman then successively employs his hands and tools, until his w-ork is finished. When it is wished to give a work the most perfect finishing possible, it is again carried to the lathe, when it has been dried a little, in order to render its forms more delicate and finished by means of various steel instru- ments well sharpened. Sometimes several of these pro- cesses are united in the execution of a single piece of workmanship. For instance, after having roughly- given the principal forms the workman soaks the piece in water, and places it in a plaster mould ; afterwards, by means of a wet sponge, with which he presses all the points of the surface, he fits his piece of ware to every part of the mould, and makes it assume the exact shape. The moulded figures are then withdrawn in order to dry them. The labour of the potter who makes figures is not so tedious, but it requires more address. The modeller, as well as the turner, has plaster moulds in which he casts the paste, and having left it some time in them in order to give it consistence, he extracts from it the moulded figures. But these figures very rarely come out whole, being moulded in pieces which are afterwards cemented together. They are then finished off with ivory tools, a pencil, and a sponge, after which they are dried. A third operation, common to all potters, is baking, or firing : the construction of the furnaces varies ac- cording to the nature of the potteries ; in general, they are round or square towers, the interiors of which pre- sent POTTERY. 501 sent two very distinct parts, separated by an arch pierced with several holes which give a passage to the flame. We may employ, almost indiscriminately, all kinds of combustibles in the firing of coarse earthen- ware ; but, in general, that which gives most flame is preferred ; and when we bake porcelain, we make use of very dry white wood alone, cut into small billets of an uniform size. The baking of porcelain and fine earthen- wares demands particular attention : w'e are obliged to enclose every separate piece in a case or frame, formed of a very porous taste, and which resists the action of heat ; by this means we prevent the pieces baked from running or adhering to each other ; and we also prevent any alteration which the smoke might produce in their colour. The firing of porcelain generally lasts from 36 to 48 hours. We judge of the state of the baking by proof-pieces, as they are called, placed in conve- nient situations, and which we can draw out and examine from time to time. It often happens, that the pieces of porcelain adhere to the sand which has been spread upon the bottom of their case or frame, in order to prevent immediate contact : the piece thus soiled, is applied to an iron wheel, upon which is placed emery bruised in water, and the half vitrified sand is thus completely removed. This is the reason why the bot- toms of porcelain vessels are never covered with varnish on the place which rests upon the sand. Of all the beautiful specimens of European porcelain which have been made in imitation of the oriental, it does not appear that any of them entirely unite the ex- cellencies attaching to that manufactured in China and Japan. Earthy combinations have been made equally strong and infusible, and as truly porcelainous, or a substance of a perfect middle nature between pottery and glass, when burnt, but they have not quite rivalled the best Japanese, in delicate whiteness and lustre. To obtain these qualities, which have always been esteemed the most essential, that of infusibility has been fre- quently sacrificed : hence those that make a near ap- proach to the oriental in beauty and delicate lustre, of which many manufactures in different parts of Europe have afforded capital examples, are frequently found to soften and melt down in an intense wind-furnace, at w hich the true Nankin or Japan china undergo no change whatever. Of British porcelain the curious will witness the finest specimens at the manufactory, at Derby. There are some earthen-wares, which, after one baking, attain all the perfection they require : such as furnaces, crucibles, earths made into bricks, &c. But those productions of the pottery, intended to hold j liquids, would be porous and ill suited to the end for | which they are destined, if they were employed after i a first firing. It is usual to cover the surface with a vitreous coating, which does not admit of w'ater pene- trating : it is this vitreous coating which is called var- nish or glazing, in speaking of coarse or brown earthen- j ware ; enamel, in speaking of the white earthen-ware ; covering, when the finest productions of the potteries, porcelain or china, are mentioned. The varnish of the coarse earthen-ware is made of lead : for this purpose the oxydes of lead are employed, such as minium or litharge, or rather the sulphuret of lead, which minera- logists call galena, and which is known in the language of commerce, and of the potteries, by the name of potters’ ore. Whatever is the nature of the substance which forms the varnish, it is not employed until it is so well pounded that it remains some time suspended in water ; and it is applied to the surface of the earthen- wares previously well dried, or by soaking them in water charged with it, when we wish to cover every part of their surface with varnish, or by throwing the same water upon such parts as we may wish to varnish separately and distinctly from the rest. In the greatest number of establishments of the com- mon kind of pottery in Paris, they begin by drying in the shade the pieces they wish to varnish ; and when they have acquired the necessary degree of consistence, they are plunged into water which holds suspended in it a fat earth minutely divided, and previously passed through a silk sieve ; the pieces are then hastily drawn out, covered by this operation by a slight coat of this earth. The colour of these earths forms the ground of the colour of the ware ; and when a green colour is wanted, a little copper filings are added. Upon this coat of fat earth, a little dried, we may apply the sul- phuret of lead, by projecting water charged with this mineral upon the ware : but it is almost every where mixed with equal parts of sand ; the mixture of these two substances is pounded, so as to render it impalpa- ble ; it is soaked in water, and the piece of ware is covered with it where we wish to lay on the varnish. It is easy to see, that by this method we may vary and shade at pleasure the colour of the ware : it is only requisite to apply separately, upon the different parts of the surface, the fat, yellow, white, or red earths, and mixed or not with copper-filings. Some potters do not apply the varnish until the ware has undergone one firing; in this case they employ less varnish, as they only apply it to those pieces which have resisted the action of the fire ; but the second firing which be- comes necessary, requires more workmanship, consumes much more combustibles; and it is for the artist to calculate the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods. A black and vitreous colour may be given to earthen-ware, by throwing into the fire at the time of its greatest heat, some coal in powder or dust ; the draught of the fire is consequently checked, so that it is filled with a thick smoke, which is deposited upon the ware, and forms a coat, which is vitrified as soon as the current of air re-kindles the fire. On throwing common sea-salt upon a well-heated fire, the salt is volatilized, and attaches itself in part to the softened surfaces of the earthen-ware, where it produces a com- mencement of vitrification. These two last methods are only applicable when the fire is very strong, and where the ware can undergo a sudden heat without flying or melting. It would be impossible to practice it how- ever in our common potters’ furnaces. 6 M M. Chaptal 5 02 POTTERY. M. Chaptal endeavoured for a long time to find a substitute for the sulphuret of lead, by a varnish which should unite the same advantages, and be at the same time more economical. He first tried pounded glass ; and obtained very satisfactory results from it. “ I begin,” he says, “ first, by pounding with great care pieces of clear broken glass, and when I have reduced them to a very fine powder, I sprinkle with this powder the surface of the earthen-ware, covered with a weak coat of fat clay, according to the process above described. We may also mix this glass-powder with fat clay, dilute the whole in water, and plunge into it the dried pieces : this second process succeeds extremely well. This var- nish covers well, it is not dangerous to use it, it is very economical, and does not require so much heat as the former. Since the year 1782, when I made it known, and executed it on a large scale, it has received sotne useful improvements in the potteries of Normandy, Languedoc, and Venaissin. I have also employed with success, volcanic products, which I treated in the same manner with the other varnishes. I transmitted in 1785, to the Comptroller-general of the Finances, a considerable number of bottles made of lava, and pieces of earthen-ware varnished with lava, that he might submit them to experiments, and have their qua- lity ascertained : the results of these experiments were very favourable. M. Fourmv derived great advantage from this, by applying it to the manufacture of water- coolers, which he established at Paris.” The enamel with which the earthen-ware called Delft, is covered, is merely glass, rendered opaque by the interposition I of the oxyde of tin, which requires, in Ol der to pass ' to vitrification, a greater degree of heat than the other substances which are mixed with it. Every artist has his own recipe and process for making his enamel, but all of them take lead and tin as their base, which they i oxydate and mix in various proportions, with well-burnt i sand. The composition which furnished Chaptal with the finest enamel was the following : he calcines with great care, equal parts of lead and tin : when the two ; metals pass to the state of oxyde, and present a fine powder only, they are carefully pounded and passed through the sieve : this powder is then boiled, and water is thrown upon it : after the deposit is formed, a fresh quantity of water is poured upon the deposit, in order to dilute it ; he then decants the water, which holds in suspension the most minutely divided parts, and allows it to settle. The residue is pounded, sifted, and treated with Water in the same manner ; and by repeating this course of operations several times, the whole is brought to the same degree of fineness and tenuity: this pow- der is afterwards dried, in order to use it as occasion requires. On the other hand, he calcines very white flints, free from ail foreign matter, and purifies them from the salt of tartar, so that there is only a carbonate of potash. These three substances being thus pre- pared, he weighs 100 parts of mixed oxydes of lead and tin, 100 parts of calcined flint, and 200 parts of ) carbonate of potash : all these are to be well mixed, j and melted in a crucible. Merret has suggested the substitution of white oxyde of antimony for the oxyde of tin. Dauet also observed, that a fine enamel was obtained by melting white clay with gypsum. But these processes are not yet sufficiently confirmed by ex- periments, to entitle them to be adopted u the manu- factories. The enamel of delft-ware, may be coloured by adding various metallic oxydes to the composition. The following are receipts given by M. Chaptal for the composition of the coloured enamels : — 1st. Azure blue. Three ounces of zaffre, and GO grains of calcined copper, added to six pounds of the enamel composition. 2nd. Turkish blue. Six pounds of white enamel, three ounces of oxydated copper, 98 grains of zaffre, 48 grains of manganese. 3rd. Green. Six pounds of white enamel, three ounces of oxydated copper, 60 grains of iron-filings. 4th. Shining black, or deep blue. Six pounds o£ white enamel, three ounces of zaffre, three ounces of manganese. 5th. Very brilliant black. Six pounds of white ena- mel, six ounces of red tartar, and three ounces of manganese. 6th. Purple. Six pounds of white enamel, three ounces of manganese. 7th. Yellozo. Six pounds of white enamel, three ounces of tartar, 72 grains of manganese. 8th. Sea-green. Six pounds of white enamel, three ounces of oxyde of copper, 60 grains of zaffre. 9th. Violet. Six pounds of white enamel, two ounces of manganese, 48 grains of oxyde of copper. Whatever be the nature of the enamel, when we wish to apply it, it must be pounded and diluted in water, and we must throw this water which holds it in suspension, upon the vessels which have been already fired once ; the water is absorbed into the texture of the w'are, and the enamel powder remains on the surface. A second firing, stronger than the first, must be given to the ware, in order to melt the enamel. As it is material to preserve its fine white colour to the delft- ware, it must be fired in cases, in the same manner as porcelain. The earthen-ware of Mr. Wedgwood, having acquired great celebrity wherever it is known, under the appellation of English ware, or Wedgwood’s ware, we shall describe the principal compositions which form the colours of this ware. First Process, or Preparation of the Ingredients . — 1 1. A white earth from Ayoree, in North America: calcine this in a red-heat about half an hour. 2. Bronze-powder. Dissolve one ounce of pure gold in aqua regia ; precipitate it with copper ; then wash the precipitate with hot water till it is sweet, or clean from the acid ; dry it, and lay it up for use. 3. Take two ounces of crude antimony, levigated, two ounces of tin ashes, and six ounces of white-lead ; mix them well together, and calcine them in a potter’s furnace along with glass cream-coloured ware. 4. Take eight ounces of good smult, one ounce of roasted borax, four ounces POTTERY. 503 ounces of red-lead, and one ounce of nitre; mix the ingredients well together, and fire them in a crucible, in a potter’s biscuit-oven. 5. Take English copperas, or vitriol of iron, calcine it in a moderate red-heat about two hours, then wash it in hot water till it is sweet; dry it and lay it up for use. 6. White-lead. 7. Flint, calcined and ground. 8. Manganese. [)• Zaffre. 10. Copper, calcined to blackness. Second Process, or compounding and mixing the Colours. Shining Black, A. — Three ounces of No. 8, above, three ounces of No. 9, three ounces of No. 10, eleven ounces of No. 6, and six ounces of the green, F, be- low. Red , B. — Two ounces of No. 1, two ounces of No. 3, one ounce of No. 5, and three ounces of No. 6. Orange, C. — Two ounces of No. 1, fourteen ounces of No. 3, half an ounce of No. 5, and four ounces of No. 6. Dry Black, D. — One ounce of No. 4, and two ounces of No. 8. White , E. — Two ounces of No. 1 , and two ounces of No._6. Green, F. — One ounce of No. 1, two ounces of No. 3, and five ounces of No. 4. Blue, G. — One ounce of No. 1, and five ounces of No. 4. Yellow, H. — No. 3, alone. Third Process, or Application of the Encaustic Bronze and Colours. — Application of the Bronze, I. — When the vessels are finished ready for burning, and before they are quite dry, grind some of the powder, No. 2, in oil of turpentine, and apply it to the vessels, or figures, with a sponge or pencil, to imitate bronze, in such a manner as your fancy directs : polish this pow- der upon the vessel or figure, and burn it, in such a furnace, and such a degree of heat, as is necessary for the ware ; after it is burnt, burnish the bronze upon the vessel to what degree you please, and the process is finished. Another Method of applying the Bronze after the Ware is f red Biscuit, as some Figures or V essels may be too delicate to bear the Process 1. K. — Take four ounces of No. 6, and one ounce of No. 7, grind them well together; spread this very thin, with a sponge or pencil, over the ware to be bronzed, and fire it till this layer of size is fluxed, which may be done in a potter’s furnace; then take the pow'der, No. 2, and apply it to the vessel, as before directed ; then burn the ware over again, till the powder adheres to the size : burnish, 8tc., as before. Application of the Shining Black upon Red Vessels, in the Manner of the Antique Etruscan Vases, L. — Take the colour, A, grind it very fine with oil of tur- pentine, and with it trace the outlines of the design you intend to have upon the vessel ; then fill up the vacant spaces very even, and shade the drapery, &c. Fire the vessels in a heat sufficient to flux the black, and they are finished. Another Method to produce a different Effect with the same Colour, in the Manner of the Etruscans, M. — Paint the design with the black laid on as dead co- louring, upon the red biscuit-ware, and cut up or finish the design with red and other colours ; for which purpose the above-mentioned ones are prepared ; they must also be ground in oil of turpentine, and burnt upon the vessels in a muffle, or enamel-kiln. Another Method to produce, in a more expeditious Way, nearly the Effect of the Process L, N. — Take the red, B, or the orange, C, and lay in your design with it, as a dead colour, upon black biscuit vessels ; and shade it with the black, D, with or without the ad- dition of any of the other colours; firing them upon the vessels as before directed. The covering of porce- lain is a vitreous and transparent matter, w'hich must be applied exactly over all the points of the surface, and incorporated with the paste, without cracking or flying. Count Milly, who, in his work upon porcelain, has made us acquainted with three compositions for the co- vering, makes them consist of the same materials, vary- ing the proportions only. I First Coiqpos. Very white quartz . 8 parts White enamel ... 15 Calcined crystals of \ 9 gypsum . • S Pure and colourless substances alone must be used for the covering. Feldspar is also made use of. What- ever be the composition, we must grind, with the greatest care, the substances which enter into it ; their powder must be diluted in water, and a paste formed with it, which must be macerated in w'ater like the mass of the porcelain. When we use it, it must be diluted in w'ater, so as to give it a tolerable liquidity ; and we must plunge in this liquid the porcelain which has already undergone the first firing. Figures, and gene- rally all porcelain articles which are neither to be painted nor exposed to water, have no occasion for any covering ; they are then sold in the state of biscuit. W hen the biscuit has received its covering, it constitutes white porcelain ; and in this state it may be applied to every purpose. Hitherto we have only considered earthen-ware in respect to its utility ; but art has so perfected this valuable branch of our industry, that we have succeeded in executing, in earthen-ware, the most- complicated designs, with astonishing elegance and pre- cision. “ There is no one,” says M. Chaptal, 11 who does not admire the beauty of form, the correctness of design, and brilliancy of colouring, in the porcelains of Sevres, and those of Messrs. Dilk and Guerrard.” Among these prodigies of French industry, some parts of them belong to the art of design, and some to che- mistry; with the latter branch, in particular, we are now occupied. The application of colours upon por- celain presents to us some very interesting points of view : on the one hand, the nature and choice of the colours ; on the other, the art of applying and incor- porating them. The colours are all derived from the metallic Second Compos. 17 parts 16 Third Compos. 11 parts 504 PRINTING. metallic oxydes; these alone retain sufficient fixity to prevent the fire from destroying them. Nay, the me- tallic colours, although dull, in general, when applied, acquire lustre when they are subjected to the action of the fire. The colours are incorporated with a flux, which varies in the different manufactories. The fol- lowing composition is generally adopted : — Drachms. Grains. Glass, in powder, free from lead, 4 . 0 Calcined borax, 2.12 Purified nitre, 4 . 24 These substances are carefully mixed and divided, and then vitrified in a crucible. This glass is afterwards ground, and incorporated with the colour. Gum, or oil of lavender, is used as a vehicle, when we wish to lay it on the biscuit. For this purpose, a pencil is used, and all the methods known in painting. Oxyde of gold, called precipitate of Cassius, makes purple colour. Gold, precipitated by tin and silver, produces violet colour. Copper, precipitated from its solutions in the acids by the alkalis, furnishes us with a fine green. The saffron of Mars and colchotar produce the reds. Zaffre makes blue. Diaphoretic antimony, mixed with glass of lead, forms the yellow. The browns and blacks are made with iron-filings and strong doses of zaffre. The oxyde of chrome forms a fine green. M. Brongniart, director-general of the porcelain manufac- tory at Sevres, has already attained several very im- portant improvements in this branch of industry ; and the manufacture of porcelain may expect great progress from the zeal and intelligence of this experienced na- turalist. PRINTING. Much has been written on the history of this art;! as, however, our limits do not allow us to enter at large on the subject,' we shall briefly extract a paragraph or two from Dr. Thomsons excellent History of the Royal Society, to which we gladly refer our readers for a great deal of valuable information, and many curious and valuable articles on almost all kinds of scientific subjects. Printing was discovered at Haarlem, in Holland, by Coster, and the first book was printed in the year 1430. It was a Dutch piece of theology, printed only on one side of the page, and in imitation of manuscript. The first attempts at printing were upon loose leaves, and the printed part was accompanied with cuts, somewhat in the manner of our present ballads. Coster’s method was to cut out the letters upon a wooden block. He took for an apprentice John Fust, or Faustus, and bound him to secrecy. But Fust ran away with his master’s materials, and set up for himself at Mentz. He had a servant called Peter Schoeffer, who first in- vented separate metal types. Fust, upon seeing them was so delighted, that he gave him, Schoeffer, his daughter , in marriage, and made him his partner. The first book they printed is said to have been Cicero de Officiis, which bears the date of 14Q5. But other books are mentioned with earlier dates, 1457, 1442. They printed a number of Bibles, in imitation of manu- script, and Fust carried them to Paris for sale. The Parisians, upon comparing together the different co- pies, were confounded at the exact similarity they bore 1 to each other in every part, a similarity so great, that the most exact copyist could not have attained it. They accused Fust of being possessed of some diabolical art. [ This at once obliged him to discover the secret ; and | gave origin to the story of Dr. Faustus. After the discovery of the art of printing, thu 3 ; brought about at Paris, it quickly made its way over the whole of Europe. The first book printed in Eng- land is said to have been Rufinus on the Creed : printed at Oxford, in 1468. At first, the impression was taken off with a list, coiled up, as the card-makers use at this day. But when they came to use single types, they employed stronger paper, with vellum and parchment. At last, the press was introduced, and brought gradually to its present state. The same observation applies to the ink. At first, the common writing-ink was employed, and *the printing-ink, of lamp-black and oil, at present used, was introduced by degrees. Rolling-press printing was not used in England till the time of King James the First ; and then it was brought from Antwerp by the industrious John Speed. The workmen employed in this art are compositors and pressmen. The first are those whose business it is to range and dispose the letters into words, lines, pages, &c. The pressmen are those who, properly speaking, are the printers, as they take off the impressions from the letters after they are prepared for that purpose by the compositors. The types being provided for the compositor, he distributes each kind by itself into small cells PRINTING. reJis or boxes made in two wooden frames called cases • the upper-case and the lower-case. The cells in the upper-case are ninety-eight in number : those of the lower-case are fifty-four. The upper-case' contains two alphabets of capitals large and small capitals. They also contain cells for the figures, the accented letters, the characters used in references to notes &c ; and one cell, the middle one in the bottom row, for the small letter k. The caoitals in this case are disposed alphabetically. F .1 T l ie !° w< : r ' case is appropriated to the small letters the double letters, the points, parentheses, spaces, and quadrats. The boxes of the lower-case are of different sizes, the largest being for the letters most in use : but the arrangement is not, in this instance, alphabetical, he letters oftenest wanted being placed nearest to the 505 £ r ti ‘si loose ^and uneveT ' Th^Tp^ef ^fpiec^ of'metaf theTuers sha P ed Jlke ‘he shanks of sjrs-jja." used to resuiate the When the composing-stick has been filled with lines I being about ten or twelve, the compositor empties it on to a thin board called a galley, of an oblong shape with tom^Wu tW °, sldes and a groove, to admit a fake hot- s' he 6 ° 0I f P0Sit0r haS fil ' ed and em P tied hi3 ml P'f« of pack-thread, and re- compositor’s hand. As S3 i^gLeTn t he oZ Itsi.f \“b P "Z * ” side of die boxes to denote the letters which they I some othllTf' e “- her lo , the i ”>P°*g stone or respectively contain, it is curious tn ,i.„ a y I ? me other safe and convenient place. In this manner he proceeds until he has composed as many pie" as are reouired tn .noL^ o _ • y P & es as . . . . . ll,c letters winch tliev espectively contain, it is curious to observe the dex- tenty manifested by the compositor in taking up the ktters as he wants them from the different cells. Each case is placed in an inclined direction, that difficulty P ° Slt0r ^ rGaCh lhC U PP er - case without any The instrument in which the letters are set is called a composing-stick; it consists of a long plate of brass or iron, on the side of which arises a ledge that runs the whole length of the plate, and serves to support the letters the sides of which are to rest against it Alorn? this ledge is a row of holes for a screw intended to lengthen or shorten the line, by moving the sliders farther from or nearer to the shorter ledge at the end of the composing-stick. Where marginal notes are required, the sliding pieces are opened to a proper distance from each other. Before the compositor be- gins his work he puts a thin slip of brass plate, called a rule cut to the length of the line, and of the same height as the letter in the composing-stick parallel with the ledge, against which the letters are intended to rest Being thus furnished with an instrument suited to hold the letters as they are arranged into words, lines, & c . he places his copy on the upper-case before him, and hold- ing the stick in his left hand, his thumb being over the gider, with the right lie takes up the letters, spaces &c one by one, and places them against the rule' while he supports them with his left thumb, by press mg them against the slider, the other hand bein do (he same with (heir out-’ composed a line, he takes the brass rule from behind if S dm P u “ n £ . slde f'<*s and foot-sticks to them, and places I before the letters of which it is composed’ are all Lfff “ n‘? g P ' aC f d W dis *~. an, I proceeds to compose another line in the same °'fl “a a " d fastened together bv wooden wedges and proems to compose another line in Te'Ee way. But before he removes the brass rule he no- tices whether the line ends with a complete word or with an entire syllable of a word, including the hyphen If he finds that his words exactly fill the measure, he has nothing more to do with that line but proceeds with fhf next; but if he finds the measure nof enfilt fi ed a tlie ending of a word or syllable, he puts in more spaces, increasing the distances between the w“rds „ oII , -u iooicc, logetner by wooden wedffes called quoins These wedges, being firmly driven lip the sides and feet of the pages, by means of a mall"? and a piece of hard wood called a shooting-stick all the letters are fastened together. The work in th ! condition is called a form, and is ready for the press man, who lays it upon the press, fo/the purpose of P e rubbed r0 ° f * d ° ne> the fo "» or forms aie rubbed over with a brush, dipped in l ye , made of pearl-ash and water; they are then carefully taken off 6N the PRINTING. 506 t he press, and the proof and forms delivered to the compositor’s further cafe. As it is impossible for the most careful compositor so to compose his sheets as that they shall not re- quire to be carefully read and corrected before they are worked off, the next thing to be done is to put the proof, with the copy from which it has been composed, into the hands of the reader or corrector, whose busi- ness is to read over the whole proof two or three times with great care and attention, marking the errata in the margin of every page. The corrections are always placed against the line in which the faults are found. There are different characters used to denote different corrections : thus — - is put to signify that a word is divided that ought to be in one, as pe rson, instead of person ; a mark resembling the Greek theta 3 is put for dele, to intimate that something, as a point, letter, word, &c., dashed in that line, is to be taken out. If any thing is to be inserted, the place of insertion is marked with a caret, a, and the thing to be inserted written in the margin. Where a space is wanting be- tween two words, or letters, that are intended to be separated, a parallel line must be drawn where the sepa- ration ought to be, and a mark somewhat resembling a sharp in music ^ placed in the margin. An inverted letter or word, is noticed by making a dash under it, and a mark, nearly resembling the dele character re- versed. Mr. Stower, in his Printer’s Grammar, observes, that marking turned letters tries a corrector’s skill in knowing the true formation of them ; without which, it would be better to mark them in the same manner as they do wrong letters, which is done by dashing out the wrong letter, and writing the proper one in the mar- gin, unless they are very sure they can distinguish b, d, n, u > P> q, s, x, z, when they are turned, from the same letters with their nick the right way. Where a space rises up between two words, it is noticed by a + in the margin. When any thing is transposed it is denoted thus: 4 _ /S\ . 2 , you\meriy your mistake/ for, “ you mistake your merit and in the margin is added tr. for transposition. Where a new paragraph is required, a line in the shape of a crotchet [ is made, and the same mark placed in the margin ; also where a paragraph ought not to have been made, a line is drawn from the broken-off matter to the next para- graph ; and in the margin is written no break. If italic letters are to be changed for roman, or vice versa, a line is drawn, thus , under the letters, and rom. or ital. is written in the margin. Where words have been struck out that are afterwards approved of, dots are marked under such words, and in the margin is written the word stet. Where the punctuation is re- quired to be altered, the semicolon, colon, and period, are encircled in the margin. The comma and other points are marked as letters and words, viz. with a long oblique line immediately before them; which line is intended to separate the different corrections from each other that occur in the same line. When letters of a different fount or size are improperly introduced into the page, they are noticed by a small dash drawn through them, and the letters w. f. in the margin. There are some other marks used in correcting; such as s/ for superior ; where it is necessary to insert the apostrophe, the star, or other reference marks, and superior letters : cap. for capital ; 1. c. for lower- case, &c. After a proof sheet has been read, and the errata noticed by the reader, it is again put into the hands of the compositor, who proceeds to correct in the metal what has been marked for correction in the proof. For this purpose he unlocks the form on the imposing stone, by loosening the quoins or wedges which bound the letters together. He then casts his eye over one page of the proof, noticing what letters, &c. are required. Having gathered as many corrections from the cases, betw een the thumb and fore-finger of the , left hand, as he can conveniently hold, and an assortment of spaces, on a piece of paper, or in a small square box with partitions in it, he takes a sharp-pointed steel bodkin in his right hand. Placing the point of the bodkin at one end of the line, and the fore-finger of his left hand against the other, he raises the whole line suffi- ciently high to afford him a clear view of the spacing. He then changes the faulty letters or words, and alters his spaces before he drops the line. The first proof being corrected, another is pulled, to be put into the hands of the reader, or sent to the author, for examination. This proof being read and corrected as before, a revise is pulled, to see whether all the errors marked in the last proof are properly cor- rected. When the sheet is correct, the forms are given to the pressman, whose business is to work them off when they are so prepared and corrected. Four things are now required ; paper, ink, balls, and a press. The paper is prepared for use by being dipped, a few sheets at a time, in water, and afterwards laid in a heap over each other, to make the water penetrate equally into every sheet ; a thick deal board is laid upon the heap, on which is placed heavy weights. The reason why the paper is to be wetted before it is in a fit state to be printed upon, is, that it may be made sufficiently soft to adhere closely to the surface of the letter, and take up a proper quantity of ink, that it may receive a clear impression. It is also necessary to wet the paper, lest its stiff and harsh nature, when dry, should injure the face of the letters. The manufacture of good common ink seems to be as yet very imperfectly understood. That used in fine print- ing has been more attended to, and many of our printers are able to produce impressions in a great degree free from that offensive brown cast, which is to be observed in books printed with what is called common ink. The balls used in laying the ink on the forms are a kind of wooden funnels, with handles, the cavities of which are PRINTING. 507 are stuffed with wool or hair, and covered over with a pelt prepared for the purpose. One skin generally makes two proper sized balls. When the skin has been sufficiently soaked in urine, which will take about four- teen or fifteen hours, it is curried, by putting it round an iron called a currying iron, or round some upright post, the pressman taking hold of each end of it, and drawing it with as much force as possible backwards and forwards, till it is rendered soft and pliable. He then cuts the skin exactly in two, puts the pieces under his feet, and continues to tread on them till they are so dry as to stick to the foot in treading. The skin is then laid on a flat stone, and stretched as much as pos- sible by rubbing the ball-stock upon it. It is then nailed upon the ball-stock in plaits about an inch wide, thrusting in as much wool as the cavity of the stock and the skin will conveniently hold. If, however, too much wool be put in, it will render the balls hard and difficult to work with. If too little wool] is in the balls, they soon fall into wrinkles, so as to pre- vent an equal distribution of the ink on their surface. When the balls are thus knocked up, as it is termed, they are dipped in urine, and scraped with a blunt knife until they are perfectly clean ; they are then dried with a clean sheet of stout paper, and patted with the hand until no moisture remains on the surface. The balls, when they are completed, have the shape and appearance of a large mallet, used by stone-ma- sons, except that their surface is much broader and rounder. The press is a curious and complex machine : it con- sists of two upright beams, called cheeks ; they are generally about six feet one inch long, eight inches and a half broad, and five inches thick, with a tenon at each end. The tenon at the upper end of the cheek is cut across the breadth, and enters the cap within half an inch of the top. The cap is a piece of solid timber, three feet long, eleven inches wide, and four inches thick. The lower tenon of the cheek enters the feet, which is a square wooden frame made very thick and strong. The head, which is moveable, is sustained by two iron bolts that pass through the cap. The spindle is an upright piece of iron, pointed with steel, having a male screw which goes into the female one in the head about four inches. The spindle is so contrived, that when the pressman r pulls a lever, which is attached to it, the pointed end of it works in a steel pan, or cup, supplied with oil, which is fixed to an iron plate let into the top of a broad thick piece of mahogany, with a perfectly plain surface, called a platten. This platten is made to rise and fall as the pressman pulls or lets go the lever or bar. When the platlen falls, it presses upon a blanket, by which the paper is covered when it lies upon the form, from which the impression is in- tended to be taken. The form is laid upon a broad flat stone, or thick marble slab, which is let into a wooden frame, called the coffin, and which is made to move backwards or forwards, by the turning of a wince, or reunce, At the end of the coffin are three frames; two of which are called tympans, and the remaining one a frisket. The following figure will afford a very good idea of this machine. The tympans are square, and are made of three slips of very thin wood, and at the top a piece of iron, still thinner ; that called the outer tympan is fastened with hinges to the coffin ; they are both covered with parch- ment, and between the two are placed blankets, which are necessary to take off the impression of the letters upon the paper. The frisket is a square frame of thin iron, fastened with hinges to the tympan ; it is covered with paper, cut in the necessary places, that the sheet, which is put between the frisket and the outer tympan, may receive the ink, and that nothing may hurt the margins. To regulate the margins, a sheet of paper is fastened upon this tympan, which is called the tympan- sheet, and which ought to be changed whenever it be- comes wet with the paper to be printed upon. On each side is fixed an iron point which makes two holes in the sheet, which is to be placed on the same points when the impression is to be made on the other side. In preparing the press for working, or, as it is called by pressmen, making ready a form, great care and at- tention is requisite that the printed sheets may be in proper register, i. e. that the lines on one side may ex- actly fall upon the backs of the other. That the im- pression may be equable, the parchment which covers the outer tympan is wetted till it is very soft, the blankets are then put in, and secured from slipping by the outer tympan. When the form is made ready, and every thing is prepared for working, one man beats the letters with the ink-balls, another places a sheet of paper on the tym pan-sheet, turns down the frisket upon it to keep the paper clean and prevent its slipping, then bringing the tympan upon the form, and turning the rounce, by which the carriage, holding the coffin, stone, and form, is moved, he brings the form with the stone, &c., under the platten ; pulls with the bar, by which 508 PRINTING. the platten presses the blankets and paper close upon the letter, whereby half the form is printed ; then easing the bar, he draws the form still forward, gives a second pull and letting go the bar, turns back the carriage, &c., raises the tympans and frisket, takes out the printed sheet and lays on a fresh one ; and this is re- peated till he has taken off the impression upon the full number of sheets of which the edition is to consist. One side of every sheet being thus printed, the form, for the other side, is laid on the press, and worked off in the same manner. Such is the description and operation of the common ! printing press, of which, its greatest defect is, that it t does not produce an adequate impression, from heavy [ works, in small letter, without great labour and atten- tion. It has therefore been long a desideratum in the art to obtain an accession of power in the press, and that power adapted to the very moment when it is wanted, so that the force applied might, at all times, be equal : for if a greater force be required in one part of the pull than in another, the pressman, either from fatigue or negligence, is apt to slight his business. This object, so much wanted, has, in a great measure, been at- j tained by the press invented by Earl Stanhope, of which the following may serve as a brief notice, rather than an accurate description ; and those who would wish for a larger and fuller account we refer to Stower’s Prin- ter’s Grammar, in which the several parts of the press are illustrated with wood cuts. To this work, indeed, we acknowledge our obligations for much of the pre- sent article. In the common press, the perfect plane in the table and platten, so long wished for, is completely obtained. Here the cheeks, the cap, and the winter, of the old press, are not required. In this press the platten is fixed to the apparatus through which the screw works ; and it is suspended to the short arm by a lever, provided with a counterbalancing weight, by which the form is released from the platten, at the return after the pull. Instead of the stone is substituted a cast-iron block, which has its upper sur- face made accurately flat, and is laid correctly hori- zontal ; this, w'ith the provision made for a vertical pressure on the platten, and the care taken to bring its lower face parallel to the surface of the block ensures an uniform pressure on the form. We may now notice an improvement in the common printing-press, by Mr. Joseph Ridley, to whom the Society of Arts, Manufactures, &c., in the Adelphi, voted a premium of forty guineas. In this press, the head is the chief object of improvement, from which j the screw, hitherto in use, is taken aw'ay, and a perpen- 1 dicular bar of steel, with a conical end lodged in a cup | on the platten, substituted in its stead. The purchase j is obtained by means of a spindle through each side of i the press, near the bar, to which it is attached by three j chains ; the two outer ones serving to pull down the ; bar and platten, and the middle to raise or recover i them again. To one end of this spindle is fixed a lever or handle, two feet long, which, by means of | two chains pulls down the platten with any force re- quired. At the other end .of the spindle is also another lever, with a weight acting as a fly, which weight may be fixed by means of holes in the lever, at such a distance from the centre as may be judged necessary ac- cording to the nature of the work to be done. N o work with this press requires more than one pull. We now come to the Stereotype method of printing, to which the same presses are adapted as are required by the common mode. The mode of stereotype- printing is this : first, to set up a page, for instance, in the common way, and when it is rendered perfectly correct, a cast of plaster, hereafter described, is to be taken from it, in this cast the metal for the stereotype is to be poured. This method of printing, though not by any means a new invention, has been lately brought into practice by Earl Stanhope ; but, as the subject has, of late years, caused some w r arm discussions, w'e must not pass it over. The history of the invention of modern stereotype is, like that of common printing, involved in some ob- scurity as to the name of the person to whom justly belongs the honour of an invention so useful and curi- ous. Mr. Andrew Tilloch, the editor of the Philo- sophical Magazine, has given the following extract, translated from a Dutch writer, which deserves to be noticed. “ Above a hundred years ago, the Dutch w r ere in possession of the art of printing with solid or fixed types, which, in every respect, was superior to that of Didot’s stereotype. It may, however, be readily com- prehended that their letters were not cut in so elegant a manner, especially when we reflect on the progress which typography has made since that period. Samuel and J. Leuchtman, booksellers at Leyden, have still in | their possession the forms of a quarto Bible, which j were constructed in this ingenious manner. Many : thousand impressions were thrown off, which are in every body’s hand, and the letters are still good. “ The iuventor of this useful art was J. Vander Mey, father of the well-known painter of that name. About the end of the sixteenth century he resided at Leyden. With the assistance of Muller, the clergyman of the German congregation there, who carefully super- intended the correction, he prepared and cast the plates for the above-mentioned quarto Bible. This Bible he published also in folio, w'ith large margins, ornamented with figures ; the forms of which are still in the hands of Elive, bookseller, at Amsterdam : also an English New Testament, and Schaaf’s Syriac Dictionary, the forms of which were melted down. Likewise a small Greek Testament, in 18mo. “ As far as is known, Vander Mey printed nothing else in this manner ; and the art of preparing solid blocks was lost at his death ; or, at least, was not afterwards employed.” The Dutch editor supposes that the reason Vander Mey’s invention was dropped, was, that “ though this process in itself is very advantageous, it is far more expensive than the usual method of printing, PRINTING. 509 printing, except in those cases were such works are to be printed as are indispensably necessary, and of standing worth. Mr. Tilloch, however, is of a directly con- trary opinion.” In the year 1781, was printed, by and for J. Ni- chols, Loudon, a very interesting pamphlet, entitled Biographical Memoirs of William Ged ; including a particular account of his progress in the art of block- printing. The first part of the pamphlet was printed from a MS., dictated by Ged some time before his death ; the second part was written by his daughter, for whose benefit the profits of the publication were intended ; the third is a copy of proposals that had been published by Mr. Ged’s son, in 17 51, for reviv- ing his father’s art ; and to the whole is added Mr. More’s Narrative of Block Printing. It appears, from this publication, that, in the year 1725, Mr. Ged began to prosecute plate-printing. In 1727, he entered into a contract with a person who had a little capital, but who, on conversing with some printer, got so intimidated, that, at the end of two years, he had laid out only twenty-two pounds. In 1729, he entered into a contract w'ith Mr. Fenner, Thomas James, a type-founder, and John James, an architect. Sometime after, a privilege was obtained from the University of Cambridge, to print Bibles and Prayer-Books ; but it appears, that one of his partners was actually averse to the success of the plan, and en- gaged such people for the work as he thought most likely to spoil it. A straggling workman, who had wrought with them, informed Mr. Mores, that both Bibles and Common Prayer Books had been printed ; but that the compositors, when they corrected one fault, made, purposely, half a dozen more; and the press- men, when the masters were absent, battered the letter in aid of the compositors. In consequence of these base proceedings, the books were suppressed by au- thority, and the plates sent to the King’s printing- house, and from thence to Mr. Caslon’s foundry. “ After much ill-usage,” says Mr. Tilloch, “ Ged, who appears to have been a person of great honesty and simplicity, returned to Edinburgh. His friends were anxious that a specimen of his art should be published, which was at last done by subscription. His son, James Ged, who had been apprenticed to a printer, with the consent of his master, set up the forms in the night-time, when the other compositors were gone, for his father to cast the plates from ; by which means Sallust, a copy of which we have seen, was finished in 1736.” Mr. Tilloch has not only a copy of this work, but also a plate of one of the pages. Besides Sallust, Mr. Tilloch has another work, printed some years after from Mr. Ged’s manufacture. The book is, The Life of God in the Soul of Man, printed on a writing pot, l2mo., and with the following im- print — “ Newcastle, printed and sold by John White, from plates made by William Ged, Goldsmith in Edin- burgh, 1742.” Fifty years after the invention of plate-printing by Mr. Ged, Mr. Tilloch made a similar discovery, with- out having, at the time, any knowledge of Ged’s in- vention. In perfecting the invention, Mr. Tilloch had the assistance and joint labour of Mr. Foulis, printer to the University of Glasgow. After great labour, and many experiments, these gentlemen “ overcame every difficulty, and were able to produce plates, the impres- sions from which could not be distinguished from those taken from the types from which they were cast.” “ Though w r e had reason to fear,” says Mr. Tilloch, “ from what we afterwards found Ged had met with, that our efforts would experience a similar opposition, from prejudice and ignorance, we persevered in our ob- ject for a considerable time, and, at last, resolved to take out patents for England and Scotland, to secure ourselves, for the usual term, the benefits of our inven- tion.” “ Owing to circumstances of a private nature,” not, however, connected with the stereotype art, the bu- siness was laid aside for a time ; and Mr. Tilloch having removed from Glasgow to London, the concern was dropped altogether ; not, however, till several small volumes had been stereotyped and printed, under the direction of Messrs. Tilloch and Foulis. Some time elapsed after this, when Didot, the cele- brated French printer, applied the stereotype art to logo- rithmic tables, and, afterwards, to several of the Latin classics, and to various French publications. It has been said, by the French, that the merit of the inven- tion properly belongs to Didot ; but, by what we have already laid before our readers, it is evident this cannot have been the case. Some years after Mr. Tilloch had given up the pro- secution of this art, Mr. Wilson, a printer of respecta- bility in London, engaged with Earl Stanhope, for the purpose of bringing it to perfection, and eventually to establish it in this country. His Lordship, it is said, received his instructions from Mr. Tilloch, and had afterwards the personal attendance of Mr. Foulis, for many months, at his seat at Chevening, where his lord- ship was initiated in the practical part of the operation, and, for which, we have been informed, he paid eight hundred pounds. After two years’ application, Mr. Wilson announced to the public, “ that the genius and perseverance of Earl Stanhope,” whom he styles the inventor, had overcome every difficulty ; and that, accordingly, the various processes of the stereotype art had been so ad- mirably contrived, combining the most beautiful sim- plicity with the most desirable economy, the ne plus ultra of perfection, with that of cheapness, as to yield the best encouragement to the public for looking for- ward to the happy period when an application of this valuable art to the manufacture of books would be the means of reducing the price of all standard works, at least thirty, and, in many cases, fifty per cent. In January, 1804, the stereotype art (with the appro- bation of Lord Stanhope), was offered, by Mr, Wilson, to the University of Cambridge, for their adoption and use in the printing of Bibles, Testaments, and Prayer 6 O Books, 510 PRINTING. Books, upon certain terms and conditions, and, both at Cambridge and Oxford, Bibles, Testaments, &c., are now generally stereotyped. Some few school-books have also been printed by this method ; but, at present, there seems no reason to believe that the method will come into general use. It will be sufficient for us, in this place, to state the practice as given by Mr. Bright- ley, and then mention the advantages and disadvantages of this method of printing, as detailed by Mr. Wilson, on the one side, and his opponents, on the other. “ The first object of attention,” says Mr. Brightley, “ in this department, is the form of the type most con- venient for casting plates. In new founts the letter- founder should be directed to leave the body of the letter square from the foot to the shoulder ; the leads and spaces corresponding in height with the shoulder of the letter ; so that, when standing together in a page, the whole may form one solid mass, with no other cavities than what are formed by the face of the letter. The composition of which the moulds are to be made , 1 when applied to such pages, having no interstices to enter, and being indented only by the face of the letter, may be easily separated : but if cavities be left in the page, the mould will unavoidably break, and injure the impression. “ The quadrates should be cast rather lower than the shoulder of the letter, about one-third of the depth of pica. Otherwise the plate, which corresponds with the page, will be inconvenient to work at press : for where the whites are considerable, and the quadrates nearly the height of the letter, it is difficult to prevent the fouling of the paper. But if the quadrates be cast lower, this inconvenience will be avoided ; and the cavities formed by these quadrates being large and shallow, there will be little difficulty in separating the moulds from the pages. If the composition break in those cavities, which sometimes happens, it is of little consequence, as it does not affect the face of the letter; and the metal may be afterwards reduced where it stands up too high. As the thickness of the plate, however, must in some measure be regulated by the position of the quadrates, care should be taken not to have them sunk toq low ; or the plate, when cast, will have holes in the places where the quadrates stood. ' The chases and furniture will next be considered, and here very little alteration is required. Each com- positor should be provided with four, five, or six small chases, according to the nature of his work, so as to lock up a quarto page, two octavos, or three or four smaller ones when wanted. The furniture should be nearly four-fifths the height of the letter, and cut to such lengths that the page or pages, when locked up, may leave openings at the four corners, large enough to admit a quotation. The form should be carefully examined before it be sent to the foundry, to prevent letter or furniture from standing up above their proper level. It is also necessary, after pulling the last proof, to have the letter thoroughly cleaned. For this purpose at should be well washed in lye, and afterwards rinsed in clean water. And if any dirt or ink still remain in the letter, it must be carefully taken out with a picker, or the moulds will be defective wherever the dirt ad- heres.” We come next to the foundry in which the stereo- type plates are cast. A room of sixteen or eighteen feet square will be sufficient to cast as many pages as can be set by fifteen or twenty compositors. It should be well ventilated, to prevent the fumes of the metal from injuring the workmen. The articles of furniture are the following : “ A moulding table or bench, covered with a piece of horizontal marble, like an imposing-stone, about eighteen inches wide, and long enough to contain ten or a dozen small chases (according to the extent of the business), in order to form the moulds from the pages. Instead of one large piece of marble, the table may consist of as many small ones as the number of chases require: and, as it is easier to level a small piece of marble than a large one, the latter method may be preferred. Another common wood bench or table, to lay plates and tools upon, will be convenient, and may be placed wherever the Workman pleases. Where any quantity of business is done, two cast-iron ovens will be required, each four or five feet long, eleven inches high, and sixteen inches broad. The bottom and sides, which bear the action of the fire, should be, at least, an inch thick ; the upper part some- thing less. Double doors should be hung at each end, meeting in the middle, and well fitted to exclude the air. An additional lid, or door of sheet-iron, to close the whole, will tend to confine the heat and save fuel. The ovens are to be fixed in the open chimney, separated by a thin brick partition, with a furnace under each, fitted up in the best manner, with Rum ford doors, &«., that the fire be not wasted. As metal will occasionally fall into the oven, it may be made to run out at the front, by raising the back a little higher at the time of fixing it. If a vacancy be left between the chimney- piece and the front of the ovens, the steam and heat will be carried off without incommoding the room. Fourteen or fifteen feet of the opening of the chimney will be occupied by the ovens. In the remaining part should be fixed a plumber s pot of cast-iron, to melt and mix the metal as it may be wanted. A small one will contain eight or ten hundred weight, and be suffi- cient for a moderate business. Another small pot to contain a quantity of metal equal to a day’s consump- tion, may be fixed in the recess before-mentioned. The flue of the furnace may be carried into the general chimney.” In speaking of the metal, made use of in the manu- facture of the stereotype plates, we have the following proportions : To one hundred weight of regulus of antimony, broken into small pieces, and thoroughly cleaned, are to be added from five to eight hundred weight of hard lead, according to the hardness of the metal required. The lead is to be melted over a slow fire, and cleaned of PRINTING. 511 of all scum or oxyde. When melted, the antimony is # to be gradually thrown in and kept stirred till the whole is melted. To every hundred weight of lead may be added about two pounds of block-tin. In casting these plates, there must of course be a mould first made to form the counter-part of the ori- ginal type. Here a substance is required of so delicate a texture, when soft, as to be capable of receiving an impression of the finest lines ; and when dry, it must be capable of bearing the action of melted metal. The qualities will be found in plaster of Paris or gypsum, of which that found in Nottinghamshire is said to be the best, called gypsum-in-the-rock. It soon spoils if purchased in a prepared state ; the stereotype caster should be able to burn it himself, and in quantities as he wants it. Mr. Brightley gives the following rule : “ Provide a pan of thin sheet-iron, of the length and breadth of the oven, and about five or six inches deep. Break the plaster into small pieces, sufficient to fill the pan ; and after the process of casting for the day be over, enclose it in the oven, and keep up the fire about an hour afterwards. The oven doors should not be quite closed, till the evaporation has subsided : then the fire may be permitted to burn itself out, and the plaster to remain there till the morning. It is then to be laid upon a stone or bench, and pounded very fine, so as to pass through a lawn, or fine wire sieve. To ascertain its quality, mix a small quantity of it quickly with as much water as will make it into a thin paste. If it be good and fit for use, in about ten minutes it will become hard and strong : if otherwise, it will remain soft and watery.” The chief defects in this composition are, 1 . That it is liable to contract and warp when exposed to a very high degree of heat : 2. That it is extremely difficult to expel the air and moisture, which it rapidly absorbs and tenaciously retains. We have heard that the chief secret in the Stanhope composition is the peculiar method by which his Lordship extricates his composi- tion from these defects, and which he does in the com- pletest way possible. To get rid of them the following method is recommended by Mr. Brightley : dissolve a quantity of common whitening in clear water, so as to make it of the consistence of what is generally used in white-washing. Mix the plaster with this solution, and it will contract very little by heat ; the air and mois- ture will be readily expelled, and the mould will not be so liable to crack as plaster alone. In the practice of moulding, which is done page by page, a frame of cast iron must be prepared half an inch wider and longer than the pages locked up in the chases. The frame determines the thickness and strength of the mould, and requires to be an inch deep, with the lower side contracted about a charter of an inch, to prevent the mould from dropping through. To this must be added four cubical pieces of metal like quotations, whose height should be exactly four- fifths of the height of the letter : for on the height of these depends the thickness of the stereotype-plate. The pages are now to be laid flat upon the moulding table, and the letter planed down to an even surface. To prevent the adhesion of the plaster, it will be ne- cessary to oil the face of the page with a soft brush, taking care to remove with a sponge what is superflu- ous ; for, if the oil be allowed to stand in the letter, it will prevent the composition from sinking in, and the face of the plate, when cast, will be filled with metal. All the pages laid upon the moulding table are to be prepared in the same manner. Take now a quantity of the white-wash into a wooden bowl, and add to it so much prepared plaster as will make it a thin paste : stir it quickly with a large iron spoon till it be reduced to an equal consistency : apply it to the face of the letter with a brush, similar to what painters use, so as to fill every cavity, and then pour on the remainder of the plaster to fill the frame. When it begins to harden, strike off the superfluous plaster down to the frame, with a metal rule, and the back of the mould will be smooth and regular. The mould will next require to be separated from the pages ; then to be dried, and afterwards hardened in a furnace, for all which pro- cesses, and likewise for casting the plates, directions are amply given in Mr. Brightley’s pamplilet on the subject, to which we refer our readers. After the plate has been cast, a few small imperfec- tions will frequently be discovered ; the eye of the e for instance, or other similar letters, may have been filled with dirt : these defects must carefully be reme- died by means of instruments called pickers. This part of the business is done by persons employed for the purpose, in a room called the picking room. The plate is now ready for the press, and may be laid on blocks, and fastened down with a slip of brass and screws. Imperfections may still be found to exist, for if the loaded plate, which in casting is laid on the back of the stereotype-plate, be not truly horizontal, if the frames containing the moulds be not so too, if any dirt or other small substance get between, or if the mould have been warped from heat, then the stereotype plates will be of unequal thickness, and when put to the press, cannot give an even and true impression. The follow- ing remedy has been adopted to prevent these defects. “ Solder four or five pieces of split lead to the back of the plate, towards each corner and the centre, with their ends a little curved. Lay the plate, with its face downwards, on a smooth horizontal piece of marble, and gently lock it up in a chase, so that four straight pieces of iron, the exact height of moveable types, may surround it in a hollow square, correspond- ing with the size of the page. Mix up a quantity of a Roman cement (manufactured by Messrs. Parker and Co. Bankside, London), to fill the square, and strike it off correctly level with the frame, as in brick-making ; and it is obvious that the plate and cement together will form a solid page, like moveable type. When har- dened, it may be imposed and worked in the same manner as in common printing; and, as the cement will continue firm, without being affected by moisture, 512 PRINTING. it will be nearly as durable as the metal to which it is attached. “ One precaution on this head is necessary. If the front of the plate do not, in all points, touch the marble when laid upon it, the face will, of course, remain uneven ; and the defect, which this process was intended to remove, still continues. Let seven or eight rods of iron, about two feet long, be fixed to a horizontal rod as a centre, each having a moveable point, and a weight suspended at the end to form a lever. When the cement is poured on the plate, immediately press into it, at the four corners and centre, or at other dif- ferent places in a large page, small pieces of thin tile. The rods being brought down over the page, with their points resting on the tiles, will press it close to the stone in every part : and the cement, when hardened, will keep it horizontal. The levers are then removed and the superfluous cement is smoothly planed off. Screws, or any thing else that will form a pressure, on different parts of the plate, so as to keep the face flat to the stone, will equally answer the purpose.” “ The advantages arising from an application of this invention to the manufacture of books, are not,” says Mr. Wilson, “confined to any particular department of the printing business. In every department of expenditure they are as self-evident as profitable, and need only to be mentioned to be well understood. In the first place, the wear of moveable types, in stereotyping, does not exceed 51. per cent, of the heavy expense incurred by the old method of printing. — 2dly. The expenditure upon composition and reading is nearly the same by both methods, for a first edition : but this great ex- pense must be repeated for every succeeding edition from moveable types ; whereas, by the stereotype plan it ceases for ever. — 3dly. The expense of stereotype plates, when I am employed to cast them, is not 20l. per cent, of that of moveable type pages. — 4thly. The expenditure upon paper and press-work is the same by both methods ; but it is not incurred at the same time. The old method requires an advance of capital for a consumption of four years ; whereas, by stereotype, half a year’s stock is more than sufficient. It follows, therefore, that 12^1. per cent, of the capital hitherto employed in paper and press-work is fully adequate to meet an equal extent of sale.— 5thly. A fire proof room will hold stereotype plates of works, of which the dead stock in printed paper would require a warehouse twenty times the size ; and thus warehouse-rent and insurance are saved ; w’ith the additional advantage, in case of accident by fire, that the stereotype plates may be instantly put to press, instead of going through the tedious operations of moveable type printing ; and thus no loss will be sustained from the works being out of print. — 6thly. In stereotype;, every page of the most extensive work has a separate plate; all the pages, therefore, of the said work, must be equally new and beautiful. By the old method, the types of each sheet are distributed, and with them the succeeding sheets are composed; so that, although the first few sheets of a volume may be well printed, the last part of the same volume, in consequence of the types being in a gradual state of wear as the work proceeds, will appear to be executed in a very inferior manner. — 7thly. The ste- reotype art possesses a security against error, which must stamp every work so printed with a superiority of character that no book from moveable types ever can attain. What an important consideration it is, that the inaccuracies of language, the incorrectness of or- thography, the blunders in punctuation, and the acci- dental mistakes that are continually occurring in the printing of works by moveable types, and to which every new edition superadds its own particular share of error, — what a gratifying security it is, that all descriptions of error are not only completely cured by the stereotype invention, but that the certainty of the stereotype plates remaining correct, may be almost as fully relied on as if the possibility of error did not at all exist ! — If these observations be just with reference to the printing of English books, how forcibly must they be felt when applied to the other languages generally taught in this country ! — how much more forcibly when applied to those languages which are the native dialects of the most ignorant classes throughout the United Kingdom, but which are as little understood as they are generally spoken! — 8thly. Stereotype plates admit of alteration; and it will be found that they will yield at least twice the number of impressions that moveable types are ca- pable of producing. — Lastly, All the preceding advan- tages may be perpetuated, by the facility with which stereotype plates are cast from stereotype plates. “ Such is a general outline of the present state of the stereotype invention ; and such are the obvious advan- tages arising from it to learning and to ignorance, — to every state and condition of civilized life. From the whole it results, that a saving of 25h to 40l. per cent, will accrue to the public in the prices of all books of standard reputation and sale, which, I believe, are pretty accurately ascertained to comprehend three fourths of all the book printing of England, Scot- land, and Ireland. It is fair to conclude, therefore, that the sales, both at home and abroad, will be con- siderably increased, and that the duties on paper will be proportionally productive ; so that the public will be benefited in a twofold way by a general adoption and encouragement of the stereotype art. With this view, I think the period is now arrived when I ought to an- nounce to all the respectable classes before-mentioned, particularly to printers and booksellers, that I am fully prepared to enable them to participate in the advantages to be derived from the stereotype art, in any way that may be most conducive to their particular interests, either individually or collectively.” We shall now state the arguments generally ad- vanced in opposition to the practice of this invention. “ In the first place, the expense of the composition of every page (it being imposed separately, and two proofs, at least, taken from it before it can be in a proper state to undergo the process of making a plate from RECTIFICATION. 513 from it), must be considerably greater than in the com- mon mode. “ Secondly. In a first edition the bookseller has not only to pay for the higher-priced composition, but must be at the great expense of the stereotyping, which, in metal, independent of the charge for workmanship, is equal in weight to one-fourth of the same work set up in moveable types. “ Thirdly. The printer in stereotype must use higher- priced presses than are now commonly used, and must consequently increase his charge per ream ; for hitherto all stereotype works have been printed at the Stanhope press, and at these presses it has not been done at the common price. “ Fourthly. The shape and manner of the first edition must be continued, or the first expense must be again incurred ; for no deviation as to plan or size can possi- bly take place, nor any advantage be reaped from the future improvements in the shape of types. “ Fifthly. The bookseller has, at present, the cer- tainty, or nearly the certainty, of detecting, particu- larly in town, any unjust advantage which might be taken of him, in point of number, by those with whom he intrusts his works : that important security will be wholly done away by plate-printing. He must also be subject to the loss sustained by the damage of plates (a highly probable circumstance), together with fraud by the “ facility with which stereotype plates are cast from stereotype plates .” Copper-plate printing requires some notice: this, which is a distinct trade of itself, is done by a machine called the rolling-press, which may be divided into two parts the body and carriage, analogous in some respects to the other. The body consists of two cheeks of different dimen- sions, ordinarily about four feet and a half high, a foot thick, and two and a half apart, joined at top and bot- tom by cross pieces. The cheeks are placed perpendi- cularly on a wooden stand or foot, horizontally placed, and sustaining the whole press. From the foot likewise rise four other perpendicular pieces, joined by other i cross or horizontal ones, which may be considered as the carriage of the press, as serving to sustain a smooth, even plank, about four feet and a half long, two feet and a half broad, and an inch and a half thick ; upon which the engraven plate is to be placed. Into the cheeks go two wooden cylinders or rollers, about six inches in diameter, borne up at each end by the cheeks, whose ends, which are lessened to about two inches diameter, and called trunnions, turn in the cheeks be- tween two pieces of wood, in form of half-moons, lined with polished iron to facilitate the motion. The space in the half moons left vacant by the trunnion, is filled with paper, pasteboard, &c., that they may be raised and lowered at discretion ; so as only to leave the space between them necessary for the passage of the plank charged with the plate, paper, and blankets. Lastly, to one of the trunnions of the upper roller is fastened a cross, consisting of two levers or pieces of wood traversing each other. The arms of this cross serve in lieu of the handle of the common press ; giving a motion to the upper roller, and that to the under one ; by which means the plank is protruded, or passed be- tween them. The practice of printing from copper-plates is nearly as follows. The workmen take a small quantity of the ink on a rubber made of linen rags, strongly bound about each other, and with this smear the whole face of the plate as it lies on a grate over a charcoal fire. The plate being sufficiently inked, they first wipe it over with a foul rag, then with the palm of their left hand, and then with that of the right ; and to dry the hand and forward the wiping, they rub it from time to time in whitening. In wiping the plate perfectly clean, yet without taking the ink out of the engraving, the ad- dress of the workman consists. The plate thus pre- pared is laid on the plank of the press ; over the plate is laid the paper, first well moistened, to receive the im- pression, and over the paper two or three folds of flan- nel. Things thus disposed, the arms of the cross are pulled, and, by that means the plate with its furniture passed through between the rollers, which, pinching very strongly yet equally, press the moistened paper into the strokes of the engravings, whence it licks out the ink. RECTIFICATION. Rectification and Distillation ; we have referred an explanation of these operations to one article ; though in this country, particularly in the me- tropolis, from whence we write, and its neighbouring villages, they make two distinct trades. Rectification is in fact but a second distillation, in which substances are purified by their more volatile parts being raised by heat carefully managed. Sometimes indeed the recti- 6 P fier 514 RECTIFICATION. fier has recourse to a third and even a fourth distillation, I when he wishes his spirits or goods, as they are techni- cally called, to be very clean and pure. Distillation scientifically considered may be regarded as a process of evaporation or volatization, performed in vessels adapted to condense and collect the substance volatilized. In this way of considering the matter, it would divide itself into three classes, according as the substance obtained is solid, fluid, or gasseous. Our busi- ness is with the fluid class, but we may previously, to entering upon it, observe that distillation, where the principal product is solid, is commonly known by the name of sublimation, thus Benzoin acid, or, as it is called in the shops, Flowers of Benzoin, is a product distilled from the Benzoin in the impure state. The distillation of gasses is confined almost entirely to the experimental chemist and philosopher. The apparatus for the distillation of liquids must con- sist of at least two parts, viz. the boiler, or vessel in which the materials are heated, and the vessel commu- nicating with it, in which the steam or vapour is con- densed into a liquid. Distillation of liquids on a large scale is usually carried on in the still refrigeratory. The still for manufacturers, consists of a boiler fixed in masonry with a fire-place beneath it, of a head, or capi- tal as it is called, which is a hollow globe fitting upon the boiler, and with its upper part drawn out into a curved pipe of decreasing diameter, which describes a complete arch, and terminates at the upper part of the serpentine or worm in which it fits. The latter is a long pipe with a regularly decreasing diameter, which is arranged in a spiral form in the middle of a large tub of cold water, by means of which the vapour is condensed and trickles down in a small regular stream from the lower end of the worm, where it emerges from the side of the tub. The boiler of the still is ge- nerally made of tinned copper as well as the lower part of the capital, but the arched termination of the latter as well as the whole w r orm are of pewter. The joining between the boiler and the capital requires to be luted with slips of blodded and well made paste. The line of the tube from the arch of the capital to the bottom of the worm should be an uniformly descending spiral to prevent any lodgment of the distilled liquor, and some nicety is required in large stills, to give the worm an exact degree of slope. The management of the fire is of great importance in all distillations, to avoid on the one hand boiling over or burning the ingredients by too great a heat, and on the other to keep up the fire suf- ficiently strong to afford an even, regular evaporation into the condensing part of the apparatus. When too much heat is used there is danger of the capital being blown off by the great expansive force of the vapour, which is too suddenly generated and cannot be con- densed with sufficient rapidity, or else the liquor in the boiler rises up into the capital and flows over into the serpentine. The latter accident, as it may be called, is perceived by the liquor coming out at the bottom of the serpentine not in a clear uniform stream, but by gushes and starts with a guggling noise, and coloured or fouled. When the stream of distilled water flows evenly, and the boiling liquor is heard to simmer moderately within the still, the process will be known to go on properly. The objects of distillation, considered as a trade, are- chiefly spirituous liquors ; and the distillation of com- pound spirits and simple water, or those waters that are impregnated with the essential oil of plants, is commonly called rectification. The great object of the distiller ought to be to pro- cure a spirit perfectly flavourless, which, it is admitted, is not an easy task . The materials for distillation that have in this country been used in large quantities are malt, molasses or treacle, and sugar. All these, but sugar the least, abound with an oily matter, which rising with the spirit, communicates a disagreeable flavour, from which it is with the utmost difficulty freed. Previously to the operation of distillation, those of brewing and fermentation are necessary, for which we refer to the article Brewing. Methods have been suggested, and we believe carried into prac- tice, for reducing the brewing and fermentation to one operation, which are said to improve the spirit in quality and greatly augment it in quantity. On this principle the following recipe has been given for fermenting malt for distillation, in order to get its spirit. Take ten pounds of malt reduced to fine meal, and three pounds of common wheat-meal ; add to these two gallons of water, and stir them well together, then add five gal- lons of water boiling hot, and stir the whole well to- gether. Let the whole stand two hours and then stir it again, and when grown cold, add to it two ounces of solid yeast, and set it by loosely covered in a rather warm place to ferment. This is said to be the Dutch method of preparing what is technically called the wash for malt spirit, which commodiously reduces the two processes of brewing and fermentation to a single ope- ration. In London and its neighbourhood the method is to draw and mash for spirits as they do for beer, ex- cept that instead of boiling the wort they pump it into coolers, and afterwards draw it into backs to be then fermented with yeast. Thus in the opinion of some persons conversant with the subject, they bestow twice as much labour as necessary, and lose a large quantity of their spirit by leaving the gross bottoms out of the still for fear of burning. All simple spirits may be considered in their dif- ferent states of low wines, proof spirit, and alcohol. The first contain only one-sixth of spirit to five-sixths of water. Proof spirits contain one-half of totally inflam- mable spirit ; and alcohol, if very pure, consists wholly of spirit, without any admixture or adulteration. Malt low-wines, which is the first state after distil- lation from the wash prepared in the usual way, are exceedingly nauseous, owing to the gross oil of the malt that abounds in it. When these are distilled gently and by a slow fire into proof spirits, they leave a considerable quantity of this fetid oil behind in the still with the phlegm, the liquor loses its milky colour, RECTIFICATION. 515 and is perfectly clear and bright. When proof spirit from malt is distilled over again to be brought into the state of alcohol, the utmost attention must be paid to the fire, or some of the oil will be forced over and injure the whole process. The use of the balneum marise, instead of the common still, though a much more tedious process, would effectually prevent this mischief, and give a purer spirit in one rectification than can be procured in many, according to the common methods. Malt spirit, and indeed spirits from other substances, must be brought into the state of alcohol, before it is adapted to internal uses, after which it is said to be more fit for all the various internal uses than even French brandy, it being by this purification a more uniform, hungry, tasteless spirit, than any other spirits which are frequently esteemed much better. A quarter of malt, according to its goodness, and the season of the year, will afford from eight to fourteen gallons of alcohol. The malt distiller always gives his spirit a single rectification per se to purify it a little, and in this state, though certainly not at all adapted to internal uses, it is frequently and at once distilled into gin or other ordinary compound liquors for the common peo- ple, who in this country injure their health, and eventu- ally destroy their constitutions by the free use of them. The Dutch never give it any farther rectification than this : they distil the wash into low wines, and then at once into full proof spirit, from which they manufac- ture their celebrated Holland’s geneva, which they export to foreign countries. Malt spirit, in its unrecti- fied state, is usually found to have the common bubble proof, which makes it a marketable commodity, and which is obtained by mixing with it a certain portion of the gross oil of the malt ; this indeed gives the rec- tifier much trouble if he require a very fine and pure spirit, but in general he does not concern himself about this, but mixes it still stronger by alkaline salts, and disguises its taste by the addition of flavouring ingre- dients. The spirit loses in these processes the vinous character which it had when it came out of the hands of the malt-distiller, and is, in all respects inferior, except in the disguise of a mixed flavour. The alkaline salts used by the rectifier, destroying the natural vinosity of the spirit, it is necessary to add an extraneous acid to give it a new one, and this is frequently what is denominated in the shops “ spiritus nitri dulcis,” and the common method of applying it, is the mixing it to the taste with rectified spirit ; and it is said to be this that gives the English malt spirit a flavour something like brandy, which flavour is, however, very apt to fly off, and accordingly experienced manufacturers recom- mend the addition of a proper quantity of Glauber’s strong spirit of nitre, to the spirit in the still. By this means the liquor comes over impregnated with it, the acid is more intimately mixed and the flavour is re- tained. The action of the alkali is thus explained : there is a greater attraction or affinity between the alkaline salt and the water than between the water and the spirit, of course the salt combines with the water contained in the spirit, and sinks with it to the bottom. One great object with distillers in this country is a method of imitating the foreign spirits, particularly brandy and Holland’s gin, it may not therefore be amiss to describe the modes adopted in France for the distil- lation of spirits from their wines. As brandy is ex- tracted from wines, and as these are very different according to the grapes from which they are made, we may expect that there would be, as experience tells us there really is, a considerable difference in the flavour of foreign brandies. Every soil and climate, every variety of grapes varies with regard to the quantity and quality of the spirit extracted from them. Some wines are proper for distillation, others not at all so. The wines manufactured in Languedoc and Provence afford a great deal of brandy by distillation : but those of Orleans and Blois afford still larger quantities, but the best and what are deemed the highest flavoured brandies, are those distilled from grapes that are produced in the territories of Cogniac and Andaye. Hence in every public house people are enticed by a notice that the best Cogniac brandy is to be had there, whereas they probably deal in none that is not manufactured in their own neighbourhood. Every thing that relates to the distillation of wines may be confined or reduced to two principles: 1. To communicate an equal heat to all the parts of the mass of the liquid, and to apply to them all the heat which is disengaged by combustion. 2. To condense expeditiously and entirely all the vapours which arise. The construction of the furnace produces the first effect. The disposition of the grate throws the fire-place under the anterior half of the diameter of the boiler, so that this part receives the direct action of the heat of the fire-place ; and as the current of air always tends to carry the flame and the heat towards the chimney, it strikes in its passage against the other part of the bottom of the boiler. This same current then rushes into the spiral flue, and applies itself to the whole lateral surface of the boiler where it spends its heat; so that the liquid is enveloped with all the heat that is disengaged from the combustible. The form of the boiler greatly facilitates the action of the fire. Exclusively of the advantages which have already been mentioned, the concavity of its bottom contributes to augment the effect of the heat by apply- ing it to a larger surface. To produce the second effect, or to condense expe- ditiously the vapours which pass into the worm, nothing more is necessary than to keep cold water around it. For this purpose fresh supplies of water are made to enter at the bottom of the worm, and the heated water is drawn off from the top. When it is possible to have a constant current, the water 51.6 RECTIFICATION. water always keeps at a cool temperature, and the spirit exhales scarcely any smell, because it is highly con- densed. The distillation of wines has recently received im- provement, and such are the advantages of these new processes, that the old establishments are no longer able to maintain a competition with those which are formed on the modern principles. These processes are still kept secret by their authors ; but they probably depend on the apparatus. The new apparatus for distilling is a genuine Woulf’s apparatus. It consists of a cauldron fixed in a furnace, and a series of circular boilers which communicate with each other by means of pipes. The apparatus is ter- minated by a worm. Wine is put into the cauldron, and into all the inter- mediate vessels between it and the worm. The neck attached to the head of the cauldron plunges into the liquor in the first vessel to the depth of ten or twelve inches. From the empty part of this first vessel runs a pipe, which plunges into the liquor of the second vessel to the same depth as the first. From the second issues another pipe that is adapted to the worm, which is cooled by the process we have described. When the wine contained in the cauldron is healed, the vapours which rise from it pass over into the liquid in the first vessel, and communicate to it a sufficient degree of heat to disengage from it the spirit of wine. These vapours of spirit of wine pass into the liquid of the second vessel, and effect the volatilization of the alcohol which it contains. Thus one moderate fire occasions »J:he ebullition of a prodigious quantity of wine, distributed in several vessels : and the condensa- tion of this large mass of vapours, takes place, as usual, in the worm. You may obtain spirit of greater or less strength, and procure, at pleasure, any degree of spi- rituosity you wish, by taking the produce of the first receiver, or of the second, &c. If, instead of employ- ing wine you put water into the cauldron, and wine into the other vessels, you obtain a milder and more pleasant spirit than when you put wine into it. There is scarcely any occasion to observe that the water in the cauldron must be increased as fast as it decreases by evaporation, unless you calculate and determine the quantity requisite to complete the evaporation of all the alcohol contained in the wine to be distilled. In the contrary case it is easy to replace, by a very simple contrivance, the portion of the liquid which evaporates from the cauldron, without suspending or retarding the distillation. This process is attended with the two- fold advantage of considerably diminishing the ex- pense of fuel, since it is applied only to a small vessel in proportion to the mass of liquid which is evaporated, and of extracting more spirit from a given quantity of wine, than by the ordinary apparatus. The improvements successively made in the process of distillation have produced spirits infinitely more mild than those obtained by the old processes. The latter have an empyreumatic, or burnt taste, but the con- sumers, especially in the north of France, were so accustomed to it, that for some time they refused to drink the milder and more pleasant tasted spirits, so that the distillers were obliged to render them empy- reumatic by the admixture of burnt spirits, in order to suit their taste. Wines furnish more or less spirit, ac- cording to their degree of spirituosity : a very generous wine yields one-third of its weight of spirit. In Languedoc the average produce is one-fourth ; the wines of Bourdeaux yield one-fifth, and those of Burgundy not so much. The spirit extracted from old is of better quality than that obtained from new wines. Saccharine wines furnish an excellent spirit. Sour wines yield a spirit of very bad quality, on account of the great quantity of malic acid, which is almost inseparable from them. By diluting the husks of pressed grapes with water, and proceeding to distillation, you obtain a further por- tion of spirit, but it is of bad quality. In distilling for the purpose of extracting spirits, you continue the operation till no more spirit of wine passes over, or till the produce ceases to be inflammable. — The distiller forms a judgment of the degree of spi- rituosity of the liquor which is distilling, by the number and size of the bubbles produced by agitating the liquor, and by the longer or shorter time of their duration. For this purpose he either pours it from one glass to another, letting it fall from a considerable height, or he fills a long bottle two-thirds full, and stopping it with his thumb, he shakes and strikes it with force against the hollow of his hand to form bubbles. Various methods for determining the strength of spirits have been successively tried and practised : but in the year 1772, Messrs. Poujet and Borie of Cette, turned their attention to this subject, and obtained re- sults which have furnished commerce with a spirit-gauge of such accuracy, as not to produce the least error in the estimates which are daily made with it. After having made very nice experiments on the proportions of water and alcohol, and on the action of the tem- perature on the mixture, at every possible degree, they adapted the thermometer to the spirit-gauge, and trans- ferred to a scale the comparative progress of the real spirituosity, together with the effects of the tempera- ture, so that their spirit-gauge itself indicates the altera- tions made by the temperature. This instrument is now the only one employed in commerce in the south of France. The use of such an instrument is so neces- sary in commerce, that for more than fifteen years the dealers of the south purchased Spanish spirits, which varied in the degree of spirituosity, and took no further trouble than to raise or reduce them to the degree of commerce, merely by adding either spirit of wine or water, in order to obtain an advantageous sale. The produce of the distillation of wine is called in France Hollands proof spirits. But if you again sub- ject this spirit to distillation, you then obtain a more spirituous liquor, which is called three-fifths. In this RECTIFICATION. tiase three parts of the liquor, mixed with two parts of pure water, form five parts of spirits, Hollands-proof. With the spirit-gauge of Messrs. Borie and Poujet, the different degrees of spirituosity are very easily ascer- tained by means of silver weights of various sizes : the heaviest is inscribed with the words, Hollands-proof, and the lightest three-sevenths. The other weights serve to mark the intermediate degrees between these two terms. Thus, if you screw to the end of the beam of the spirit-gauge the weight denoting Hollands- proof, and plunge it into three-fifths, the instrument will descend in the liquid below the degree marked on the scale Hollands-proof, but it returns to that point on the addition of two-fifths of water, so that three- fifths spirit is thus transformed into Hollands-proof spirit. If, on the contrary, you screw on the three- fifths weight, and plunge the spirit-gauge into Hollands- proof, it will rise in the liquor above the latter mark, and it may be easily carried down to that degree by the addition of alcohol, or spirit of wine. When spirits are distilled for the purpose of extracting alcohol, or spirit of wine, the balneum marias is generally employed. The heat is then more gentle and more equal, and the produce of the distillation of superior quality. Alcohol, or spirit of wine diluted, is used as a be- verage. . It is the dissolvent of resins, and constitutes the basis of drying varnishes. Spirit of wine serves as a vehicle for the aromatic principle of plants, and is then called spirit of this or that plant. The apothe- cary likewise employs spirit of wine to dissolve resinous medicines. These dissolutions are denominated tinc- tures. It forms the base of almost all the different sorts of beverage called liquors. It is sweetened with sugar, or rendered aromatic with all kinds of substances of an agreeable taste or smell. Spirit of wine pre- serves vegetable and animal substances from fermenta- tion or putrefaction. To this end it is used for pre- serving fruits, vegetables, and almost all the objects and preparations relating to the natural history of ani- mals. All the liquors produced by the fermentation of saccharine substances, yield alcohol. But the quantity and quality vary according to the nature of the sub- stances. It is chiefly in consequence of the ascent of bodies of greater lixity with certain bodies of greater volatility that there is so much difficulty here of imitating the foreign vinous spirits of other countries, as, for example— French brandies, and West-India rums. All these are remarkable by the character of the essential oil that ascends with the spirit, and which gives it the peculiar flavour by which one spirit differs from another. Now we can obtain an essential oil from any of the vegetables that furnish these different spirits: but we cannot, as wc have seen, readily obtain a spirit altogether tasteless, and destitute of some sort of essential oil still com- bining with it. Could we do this, we could manufac- ture to perfection an artificial Cognjac brandy or Ja- maica rum ; but, as we cannot wholly separate the in- herent essential oil from the purest and most colourless j 517 and most insipid spirit we can obtain, when we add the essential oil vvith which we mean to flavour it, the union , t ' ie .^ wo °'l s gives us a different result, and betrays the artifice to those who are acquainted with the taste of the genuine material. In order, then, to prepare the oil of wine, or of the grapes from which French brandies are distilled, which are generally the worst that the country affords • the best being selected for the process of wine itself’ as yielding a far ampler profit ; take some cakes of dry wine-lees, dissolve them in six or eight times their weight of water, distil the liquor with a slow fire, and separate the oil, reserving, for only the nicest uses, that which comes over first, the succeeding oil being coarser and more resinous. Having procured this fine oil of wine, it may be dissolved in alcohol ; by which means it may be preserved a long time, fully possessed of all its flavour, but, otherwise, it will soon grow rancid. With a fine essential oil of wine, thus procured, and a pure and tasteless spirit, French brandies may be imi- tated to some degree of perfection. The essential oil, it should be observed, must be drawn from the same kind of lees as the brandy to be imitated was procured from ; that is, in order to imitate Cogniac brandy, it will be necessary to distil the essential oil from Cogniac lees ; and the same for any other kind of brandy. a For as different brandies have different flavours, and as these flavours are entirely owing to the essential oil of the grape, it would be ridiculous to endeavour to imitate the flavour of Cogniac brandy with an essential oil pro- cured from the lees of Bourdeaux wine. When the flavour of the brandy is well imitated, other difficulties are still behind. The flavour, though the essential part, is not the only one; the colour, the proof, and the softness, must also be regarded, before a spirit, that perfectly resembles brandy, can be procured. With re- gard to the proof, it may be easily accomplished, by using a spirit rectified above proof; which, after being intimately mixed with the essential oil of wine, may be let down to a proper standard with fair water ; and the softness may, in a great measure, be obtained by distil- ling and rectifying the spirit with a gentle fire ; and what is wanting of this criterion in the liquor when first made, will be supplied by time ; for it is time alone that gives this property to French brandies, they being, at first, acrid, foul, and fiery. But with regard to the colour, a particular method is required to imitate it to perfection, which may be effected by means of treacle or burnt sugar. The spirit distilled from molasses or treacle is tole- rably pure. It is made from common treacle, dissolved m water, and fermented in the same manner as the wash for the common malt spirit. But if some particular art be not used in distilling this spirit, it will not prove so vinous as malt spirit, but less pungent and acrid, though otherwise much cleaner-tasted, as its essential oil is of a less offensive flavour. Therefore, if good fresh wine-lees, abounding in tartgr, be well fermented 6 Q with 518 ROPE-MAKING. with molasses, the spirit will acquire a greater vinosity and briskness, and approach nearer to the nature of fo- reign spirits. Where the molasses spirit is brought to the common proof-strength, if it be found not to have a sufficient vinosity, it will be very proper to add some dulcified spirit of nitre; and if the spirit be clean worked, it may, by this addition only, be made to pass for French brandy. Great quantities of this spirit are used in adulterating foreign brandy, rum, and arrack. Much of it is also used in making cherry-brandy, and other cordials, by iufusion ; but, in them all, many persons prefer it to foreign brandies. Molasses, like all other spirits, is entirely colourless when first extracted ; but rectifiers always give it, as nearly as possible, the colour of foreign spirits. In a similar manner we may imitate foreign spirits of all kinds. Thus, if Jamaica rum be our object, instead of French brandy, it will only be necessary to procure some of the tops of the sugar-canes, from which an essential oil being drawn and mixed with clear molasses spirit, will give it the real flavour ; or, at least, a flavour as true as a spirit not totally divested of all essential flavour of its own can possibly communicate. The principal difficulty therefore must still lie in procurin'* a spirit totally, or nearly, free from all flavour of its own. To rectify their spirit into Holland gin, the Dutch distillers add to every twenty gallons of spirit of the second extraction, about the strength of proof-spi- rit, three pounds of juniper-berries, and two ouuces of oil of juniper, and distil with a slow fire, till the feints begin to ascend ; then change the receiving-can. This produces the best Rotterdam gin. An inferior kind is made with a less proportion of berries, sweet fennel-seeds, and Strasburgh turpentine, without a drop of juniper-oil. This last is also a better sort, and though still inferior to that of Rotterdam, is produced, in very large quantities at Welsoppe. ROPE-MAKING Is an art of very great importance, and there are few that better deserve the attention of the intelligent ob- server. Hardly any trade can be carried on without the assistance of the rope-maker. Cordage makes the very sinews and muscles of a ship ; and every improvement which can be made in its preparation, either in respect to strength or pliableness, must be of immense ser- vice to the mariner, and to the commerce and defence of nations. Rope-making has been defined the art of uniting ani- mal or vegetable fibres into an aggregate line, so that the whole may concur in one joint action, and be em- ployed under the forms of string, cord, cable, &c. Animal fibres, on account of their expense, are but seldom used, but those that are introduced into the em- ployment are obtained either from the intestines or the hair. The intestines of sheep and lambs are manufac- tured into what is called cat-gut, of different sizes, for the use of musical-instrument-makers ; for watch- makers, opticians, cutlers, turners, and a variety of 1 other artificers. The tendrils of the ovary of the canicula, or dog-fish, are chiefly employed in angling, more frequently single than in the combined state, known in the trade by the name of Indian-grass. Animal hair, as that from horses, is had recourse to where there is no great friction, and it forms a rope or cord much more durable than any that can be ob- tained from vegetables : it is impervious to moisture, is capable of resisting all weathers, and is extremely elastic. Hence, it is obvious, that the rope-maker must derive his chief material from the vegetable kingdom ; which he does from the inner bark of the hemp, or Cannabis satira; or from that of some of the species of flax, or Linum ; that of the L. usitatissimum is the most important. The treatment of both these plants being nearly the same, we shall describe, as nearly as we can, that relating to flax. The plant is rather common in most of the temperate parts of Eu- rope, flowering in July. The root is annual, fibrous, and small ; the stem is erect, round, smooth, and leafy ; the flowers on stalks, erect, and of a sky-blue colour. About the end of August, when the flowers have attained their full grow th, and begin to turn yellow at bottom, and brown at the top, and their seeds to ripen, it is a proper time to pull the plants up. They are dried, and threshed ; they are then to be put in water till the I bark readily separates from the stalk, when they are taken out and dried, after w'hich they are in a proper state for the purpose of being converted into flax by the hackler. We may observe, though not strictly con- nected with the subject in hand, that, as from the bark of the stalks is manufactured flax or lint, for making of all sorts of linen cloth ; — from cloth, when worn out, we make our paper ; — from the seeds of the plant lin- seed oil is expressed; and, evenihe refuse, after the oil is ROPE-MAKING. is extracted, forms oil-cakes, so valuable in fattening cattle, sheep, and other live stock. From hemp, how- ever, treated in a similar way, we have the materials for cordage, ropes, and cables. Russian hemp is most used, but English hemp, when properly manufactured, is superior to that introduced from the North. The aim of the rope-maker is to unite the strength of a great number of fibres, and the first part of his process is spinning of rope-yarns ; that is, twisting the hemp in the first instance. This is done in various j ways, and with different machinery, according to the nature of the intended cordage. We shall confine our j description to the manufacture of the larger kinds, such j as are used for the standing and running rigging of ships, j An alley, or walk, is enclosed for the purpose, about two hundred fathoms long, and of a breadth suited to the extent of the manufacture. It is sometimes cover- ed above. At the upper end of this rope-walk is set up the spinning- wheel. The band of the wheel goes over several rollers, called whirls, turning on pivots in brass holes. The pivots at one end come through the frame, and terminate in little hooks. The wheel, be- ing tur ned by a winch, gives motion in one direction to all the whirls. The spinner has a bundle of dressed hemp round his waist, with the two ends meeting be- fore him. The hemp is laid in this bundle in the same way that women spread the flax on the distaff. There is great variety in this; but the general aim is to lay the fibres in such a manner, that, as long as the bundle lasts, there may be an equal number of the ends at the extremity, and that a fibre may never offer itself double, or in a bight. The spinner draws out a proper number of fibres, twists them with his fingers, and having got a sufficient length detached, he fixes it to the hook of a whirl. The wheel is now turned, and the skein is twisted, becoming what is called rope-yarn, and the spinner walks backwards down the rope-walk. The part already twisted, draws along with it more fibres out of the bundle. The spinner aids this with his fingers, supplying hemp in due proportion, as he walks away from the wheel, and taking care that the fibres come in j equally from both sides of his bundle, and that they enter always with their ends, and not by the middle, which would double them. He should also endeavour to enter every fibre at the heart of the yarn. This will cause all the fibres to mix equally in making it up, and will make the work smooth, because one end of each' fibre is, by this means, buried among the rest, and the other end only lies outward ; and this, in passing through the grasp of the spinner, who presses it tight with his thumb and palm, is also made to lie smooth. A good spinner endeavours always to supply the hemp in the form of a thin flat skein, with his left hand, while his right hand is employed in grasping firmly the yarn that is twining off, and in holding it tight from the whirl, that it may not run into loops or kinks. It is evident, that both the arrangement of the fibres, and the degree of twisting, depend on the skill and dexterity ©f the spinner, and that he must be instructed, not by 519 a book, but by a master. The degree of twist depends on the rate of the wheel’s motion, combined with the retrograde walk of the spinner. We may suppose him arrived at the lower end of the walk, or as far as is ne- cessary for the intended length of his yarn. He calls out, and another spinner immediately detaches the yarn from the hook of the whirl, and gives it to another, who carries it aside to the reel ; and this second spinner attaches his own hemp to the whirl-hook. In the mean time, the first spinner keeps fast hold of the end of his yarn ; for the hemp, being dry, is very elastic, and if he were to let it go out of his hand, it would instantly untwist, and become little better than loose hemp. He waits, therefore, till he sees the reeler begin to turn the reel, and he goes slowly up the walk, keeping the yarn of an equal tightness all the way, till he arrives at the wheel, where he waits with his yarn in his hand till an- other spinner has finished his yarn. The first spinner takes it off the whirl-hook, joins it to his own, that it may follow it on the reel, and begins a new yarn. The second part of the process is the conversion of the yarns into what may, with propriety be called a rope, cord, or fine. That we may have a clear conception of the principle which regulates this part of the process, we shall begin with the simplest possible case — the union of two yarns into one line. When hemp has been split into very fine fibres by the hatchel, it becomes exceedingly soft and pliant, and after it has lain for some time in the form of fine yarn, it may be unreeled and thrown like flaxen yarn, so as to make sewing-thread. It is in this way, indeed, that the sail-makers’ sewing-thread is manufactured, and when it has been kept on the reel, or on balls or bobbins, for some time, it retains its twist as well as its uses require. But this is by no means the case with yarns spun for great cordage. The hemp is so elastic, the number of fibres twisted together is so great, and the diameter of the yarn (which is a sort of lever on which the elasticity of the fibre exerts itself) is so considerable, that no keeping will make the fibres retain this constrained po- sition. The end of a rope-yarn being thrown loose, it will immediately untwist, and this with considerable force and speed. It would, therefore, be a fruitless attempt to twist two such yarns together ; yet the ingenuity df man has contrived to make use of this very tendency to untwist not only to counteract itself, but even to pro- duce another and a permanent twist, which requires force to undo it, and which will recover itself when this force is removed. Every person must recollect that when he has twisted a packthread very hard with his fingers between his two hands, if he slackens the thread by bringiug his hands nearer together, the packthread will immediately curl up, running into loops or kinks, and will even twist itself into a neat and firm cord. The component parts of a rope are called strands, and the operation of uniting them with a permanent twist is called laying or closing, tire latter term being chiefly appropriated to cables and other very large cordage. 520 ROPE-MAKING. The process for laying or closing large cordage is this: the strands of which the rope is composed consist of many yarns, and require a considerable degree of hardening. This cannot be done by a whirl driven by a wheel-band ; it requires the power of a crank turned by the hand. The strands, when properly hardened, be- come very stiff, and when bent round the top, are not able to transmit force enough for laying the heavy and unpliant rope which forms beyond it. The elastic twist of the hardened strands must therefore be assisted by an external force. All this requires a different ma- chinery and a different process. At the upper end of the walk is fixed up the tackle-board ; this consists of a strong oaken plank, called a breast-board, having three or more holes in it and fitted with brass or iron plates. Into these are put iron cranks called heavers, which have hooks or forelocks, and keys on the ends of their spindles. They are placed at such a dis- tance from each other, that the workmen do not in- terfere while turning them round. This breast-board is fixed to the top of strong posts, well secured by struts or braces facing the lower end of the walk. At the lower end is another breast-board fixed to the upright post of a sledge, which may be loaded with stones or other weights. Similar cranks are placed in the holes of this breast-board; the whole goes by the name of the sledge. The top necessary for closing large cordage is too heavy to be held in the hand, it therefore has a long staff, which has a truck on the end. This rests on the ground, but even this is not enough in laying great ca- bles. The top must be supported on a carriage, where it must lie very steady, and it needs attendance, because the master workman has sufficient employment in at- tending to the manner in which the strands close behind the top, and in helping them by various methods. The top is therefore fixed to the carriage by lashing its staff to the two upright posts. A piece of soft rope or strap is attached to the handle of the top by the middle, and its two ends are brought back and wrapped several times tight round the rope in the direction of its twist, and bound down. This greatly assists the laying of the rope by its friction, which both keeps the top from flying too far from the point of union of the strands and brings the strands more regularly into their places. The first operation is warping the yams. At each end of the walk are frames called w'arping frames, which carry a great number of reels, or winches, filled with rope-yarn. The foreman of the walk takes off a yarn end from each, till he has made up the number neces- sary for his rope or strand, and bringing the ends toge- ther, he passes the whole through an iron ring fixed to the top of a stake driven into the ground, and draws them through; then a knot is tied on the end of the bundle, and a workman pulls- it through this ring till the intended length is drawn off the reels. The end is made fast at the bottom of the walk, or at the sledge, and the foreman comes back along the skein of yarns, to see that none are hanging slacker than the rest. He takes up in his hand such as are slack and draws them tight, keeping them so till he reaches the upper end, where he cuts the yarns to a length, again adjusts their tightness, and joins them altogether in a knot, to which he fixes the hook of a tackle, the other block of w hich is fixed to a firm post, called the warping-post. The skein is well stretched by the tackle, and then separated into its different strands. Each of these is knotted apart at both ends. The knots at their upper ends are made fast to the hooks of the cranks in the tackle-board, and those at the lower ends are fastened to the cranks in the sledge. The sledge itself is kept in its place by a tackle, by which the strands are again stretched in their places and every thing adjusted, so that the sledge stands square on the walk, and then a proper weight is laid on it. The tackle is now cast off, and the cranks are turned at both ends in the contrary direction to the twist of the yarns (in some kinds of cordage the cranks are turned the same way with the spinning tw'ist). By this the strands are twisted and hardened up, and as they contract by this operation the sledge is dragged up the walk. When the foreman thinks the strands suffi- ciently hardened, which he estimates by the motion of the sledge, he orders the heavers at the cranks to stop. The middle strand at the sledge is taken off from the crank ; this crank is taken out, and a stronger one put in its place. The other strands are taken off from their cranks, and are all joined on the hook which is now in the middle hole; the top is then placed between the strands, and being pressed home to the point of their union, the carriage is placed under it, and it is firmly fixed down; some weight is taken off the sledge. The heavers now begin to turn at both ends ; those at the tackle-board continue to turn as they did before, but the heavers at the sledge turn in the opposite direction to their former motion, so that the cranks at both ends are now turning one way. By the motion of the sledge-crank the top is forced away from the knot, and the rope begins to close. The heaving at the upper end restores to the strands the twist w'hich they are con- stantly losing by the laying of the rope. The workmen judge of this by making a chalk mark on the intermedi- ate points of the strands, where they lie on the stakes which are set up along the walk for their support. If the twist of the strands is diminished by the motion of closing they will lengthen, and the chalk mark will move away from the tackle-board; but if the twist in- creases by turning the cranks at the tackle-board, the strands will shorten and the mark will come nearer to it. As the closing of the rope advances the whole shortens, and the sledge is dragged up the walk. The top moves faster, and at last reaches the upper end of the walk, the rope being now laid. In the mean time, the sledge has moved several fa- thoms from the place where it was when the laying be- gan. These motions of the sledge and top must be exactly adjusted to each other. The rope must be of a certain length, therefore the sledge must stop at a certain place. At that moment the rope should be ROPE-MAKING. 521 laid; that is, the top should be at the tackle-board. In this consists the address of the foreman. He has his attention directed both ways. He looks at the’ strands, and when he sees any of them hanging slacker between the stakes than the others, he calls to the heavers at the tackle-board to heave more upon that strand. He finds it more difficult to regulate the motion of the top. It requires a considerable force to keep it in the angle of the strands, and it is always disposed to start for- ward. To prevent or check this, some straps of soft rope are brought round the staff of the top, and then wrapped several times round the rope behind the top, and kept firmly down by a lanyard, or bandage. This both holds back the top, and greatly assists the laying of the rope, causing the strands to fall into their places, and keep close to each other, which is sometimes very diffi- cult, especially in ropes composed of more than three strauds. It will greatly improve the laying the rope, if the top has a sharp, smooth, tapering pin of hard wood, pointed at the end, projecting so far from the middle of its smaller end, that it gets in betweenethe strands which are closing. This supports them, and makes their closing more gradual and regular. The top, its notches, the pin, and the warp, or strap, which is lapped round the rope, are all smeared with grease or soap to assist the closing. The foreman judges of the progress of closing chiefly by his acquaintance with the walk, knowing that when the sledge is a-breast of a certain stake, the top should be a-breast of a certain other stake. When he finds the top too far down the walk, he slackens the motion at the tackle-board, and makes the men turn briskly at the sledge. By this the top is forced up the walk, and the laying of the rope accelerates, while the sledge remains in the same place, because the strands are losing their twist, and are lengthening, while the closed rope is shortening. When, on the' other hand, he thinks the top too far advanced, and fears that it will be at the head of .the walk before the sledge has got to its proper place, he makes the j men heave briskly on the strands, and the heavers at the sledge crank work softly. This quickens the motion of ! the sledge by shortening the strands ; and by thus com- | pensating what has been over-done, the sledge and top j come to their places at once, and the work appears to j answer the intention. When the top approaches the ^ tackle-board, the heaving at the sledge could not cause J the strands immediately behind the top to close well, I without having previously produced an extravagant de- gree of twist in the intermediate rope. The effort of the crank must, therefore, be assisted by men stationed along the rope, each furnished with a tool called a woolder. This is a stout oaken stick, about three feet long, having a strap of soft rope-yarn, or cordage, fast- ened on its middle or end. The strap is wrapped round the laid rope, and the workman works with the stick as a lever, twisting the rope round in the direction of the crank’s motion. The woolders should keep their eye on the men at the crank, and make their motion correspond with his. Thus they send forward the twist produced by the crank, without either increasing or dimi- nishing it, in that part of the rope which lies between them and the sledge. Such is the general and essential process of rope-making. The fibres of hemp are twisted into yarns, that they may make a line of any length, and stick among each other with a force equal to their own cohesion. The yarns are made into cords of permanent twist by laying them ; and that we may have a rope of any degree of strength, many yarns are united in one strand, for the same reason that many fibres were united in one yarn ; and in the course of this process it is in our power to give the rope a solidity and hardness which make it less penetrable by water, which would rot it in a short while. Some of these purposes are in- consistent with others ; and the skill of a rope-maker lies in making the best compensation, so that the rope may, on the whole, be the best in point of strength, pliancy, and duration, that the quantity of hemp in it can produce. The following rule for judging of the weight which a rope will bear is not far from the truth. It supposes them rather too strong ; but it is so easily remembered, that it may be of use. Multiply the cir- cumference in inches by itself, and take the fifth part of the product, it will express the tons which the rope will carry. Thus, if the rope has six inches circumference, 6 times 6 is 36, the fifth of which is 7j- tons. It is usual in cables, and in other cases, to have re- course to the operation of tarring. This is often done in the state of twine or yam, as being the best mode by which the hemp can be uniformly penetrated. The yarn is made to wind off from one reel, and having passed through a vessel of liquid hot tar, is wound on another reel ; the superfluous tar is taken off by passing through a hole surrounded with oakum : or, it is some- times tarred in skeins, which are drawn by a capstern through a tar-kettle, and a hole formed by two plates of metal, held together by a lever, loaded with a weight. There is this peculiarity to be noticed — tarred cordage is weaker, when new, than white, and the difference increases by the keeping. From some very accurate experiments made more than half a century ago, it was found, that on newly-made cordage, the white was one- eighth stronger than that which was tarred, that, at the expiration of thirteen months, the difference in favour of the new was almost one-fourth : and, in about three years and a half, the difference was as 29 to 18. From these, and other experiments, it was ascertained, 1. That white cordage in continual service is one-third more durable than that which is subjected to the opera- tion of tarring. 2. That it retains its strength much longer while kept in the warehouse. 3. That it resists the ordinary injuries of the weather one-fourth longer. It may then be asked, Why is tar ever used by the rope-maker ? Because white cordage, wheu exposed to be alternately very wet and dry, is weaker than that which is tarred, and to this cables and ground-tackle are continually subjected. It has also been pretty well ascer- tained, that cordage which is only superficially tarred, is constantly stronger than that which is tarred throughout. 6 R Before 522 SAWING. Before we conclude this article, we may notice Mr. Chapman’s method of making ropes and cordage, for which he obtained, some years since, His Majesty’s letters patent. The specification may be found in the ninth volume of the First Series of the Repertory, it it being too long to be admitted in our work r the fol- lowing is, however, an outline of the whole : — Rope-yarns are spun either by hand, or by machi- nery : in the practice of the first method rope-walks are necessary, and the fibres of the hemp are drawn into the yarn of different lengths proportionate in a given degree to their position on the outside or inside of the yarn; accordingly, when this yarn is strained and its diameter collapses, the inside fibres of hemp bear the greatest strain, and thus they break progres- sively from the inside. In the spinning by a mill ttie fibres are all brought forward in a position parallel to each other, previously to their receiving their twist. They are consequently all of one length ; and, when twisted, the outside fibres are most shortened by forming the same number of spirals round a greater axis than the interior, and thus they must consequently break the first, on the same principle that the outside yarns of strands of ropes manufactured in the old method break before the inte- rior yarns ; and consequently with less strain than ropes of the improved principle, where the strands (or im- mediate component parts of the rope) have been formed in such a manner as that all the yarns shall bear equally at the time of the rope’s breaking. Nevertheless, yarns spun by a mill have been found stronger than common yarns, on account of the great evenness with which they are spun ; the manual labour in manufacturing is much less than in the common me- thod : but on the other hand there is the expense of machinery, and the greater waste of hemp in preparing it for being drawn out in the progressive stages of its advance to the spindle. The method invented by Mr. Chapman differs from both the preceding, in causing, by an easy and simple contrivance, the fibres of the hemp to be laid in the yarn in such a manner as the yarns themselves are laid in the strands of the rope manufactured on the new principle. The machinery consists only of a spindle divided into two parts, the upper containing apparatus to draw forward the hemp from the spinner with twist sufficient to combine the fibres ; which enables him to employ women, children, and invalids, and also to appropriate the rope-ground solely to the purpose of- laying ropes. The remaining parts of their invention consist chiefly in the giving from a stationary power internal motion to a loco-motive machine, viz. to the roper’s sledge, on which the strands and the rope itself are twisted, by which contrivance they are enabled to apply a water- wheel or steam-engine to the whole process of making ropes of all kinds whatever. Mr. Huddart likewise obtained a patent for an im- proved method of registering or forming strands in* the machinery for manufacturing of cordage ; which he effects in the following manner. 1. By keeping the yams separate from each other, and drawing them from bobbins which revolve, to keep up the twist whilst the strand is forming. 2. By passing them through a re- gister, which divides them by circular shells of holes ; the number in each shell being agreeable to the distance from the centre of the strand, and the angle which the yarns make 'with a line parallel to it, and which gives them a proper position to enter. 3. A cylindrical tube which compresses the strand, and maintains a cylindrical figure to its surface. 4. A gauge to determine the angle which the yarns in the outside shall make with a line parallel to the centre of the strand when register- ing ; and, according to the angle made by the yarns in this shell, the length of all the yarns in the strand will be determined. 5. By hardening up the strand, and thereby increasing the angle in the outside shell, which compensates for the stretching of the yarns and the compression of the strand. SAWING. Tins is a distinct business from the trades, in which, however, the saw is not only a, very useful, but neces- sary implement, such as those of the carpenter, cabi- net-maker, cooper, &c. The saw is an instrument which serves to cut into pieces several solid matters ; as wood, stone, ivory, &c. The best saws are of tempered steel, ground bright and smooth : those of iron are only hammer-hardened, hence, the first, besides their being stiffer, are likewise found smoother than the last. They are known to be well hammered by the stiff bending of the blade ; and to be well and evenly ground, by their bending equally in a bow. The edge in which are the teeth is always thicker than the back, because the back is to follow the edge. The teeth are cut and sharpened with a trian- gular file, the blade of the saw being first fixed in a whetting- SAWING. 523 whetting-block. After they have been tiled, the teeth are set, that is, turned out of the right line, that they may make the kerf, or fissure, the wider, that the back may follow the better. The teeth are always set ranker for coarse cheap stuff than for hard and tine, because the ranker the teeth are set, the more stuff is lost in the kerf. The saws, by which marble and other stones are cut, have no teeth : these are generally very large, and are stretched out and held even by a frame. The lapidaries, too, have their saw, as well as the workmen in mosaic ; but of all mechanics, none have so many saws as the joiners: the chief are as fol- lows. — The pit-saw, which is a large two-handed saw, used to saw timber in pits ; this is chiefly used by the sawyers. The whip-saw , which is also two-handed, used -in sawing such large pieces of stuff as the hand-saw will not easily reach. The hand-saw, which is made for a single man’s use, of which there are various kinds ; as the bow, or frame saw, which is furnished with cheeks : by the twisted cords which pass from the upper parts of these cheeks, and the tongue in the middle of them, the upper ends are drawn closer together, and the lower set further apart. The tenon-saw, which being very thin, has a back to keep it from bending. The compass-saw , which is very small, and its teeth usually not set ; its use is to cut a round, or any other compass-kerf : hence the edge is made broad, and the back thin, that it may have a compass to turn in. The surgeons use a saw to cut off’ bones : this should be very small and light, in order to be managed with the greater ease and freedom, the blade exceedingly 6ne, and the teeth exquisitely sharpened, to make its way more gently, and yet with great expedition, in cut- ting off legs, arms, &c. Saws are now generally used by butchers in sepa- rating the bones of the meat : the divisions by the saw are neater than those by the chopper, and there is a certain saving, as the chopper splinters bones, the parts of which cannot be included in the weight. The pit-saw, is that which is chiefly used in the em- ployment properly denominated sawing. The teeth are set rank for coarse work, so as to make a fissure of about a quarter of an inch. To perform the work, the timber is laid on a frame over an oblong pit, called the saw-pit ; and it is cut by means of a long saw fastened in a frame, which is worked up and down by two men, the one standing on the wood to be cut, and the other in the pit. As they proceed in their work they drive wedges, at proper distances from the saw, to keep the fissure open, which enables the saw to move with freedom. This, though a profitable, is a very laborious employ- ment, and- hence have been introduced saw-mills, which, in different countries are worked by different means, as by men, by horses, by water, by wind, or by steam. A saw-mil/, worked by men, consists of several pa- rallel saws, which are made to rise and fall perpendicu- larly by means of mechanical motion. In this case a very few hands are necessary to carry on the operation, to push forward the pieces of timber, which are either laid on rollers, or suspended by ropes, in proportion as the sawing advances. We shall, however, give a more detailed account of the saw-mills, as used in various parts of the w’orld. The history of the invention of sawing is curious, and may be inserted. In early periods of society, the trunks of trees were split with wedges, into as many, and as thin pieces as possible ; and if it was necessary to have them still thinner, they were hewn, by some sharp instrument, on both sides, to the proper size. This simple but waste- ful' manner of making boards has been still continued in some places, to the present time. Peter the Great, of Russia, endeavoured to put a stop to it, by forbid- ding hewn deals to be transported on the river Neva. The wood-splitters perform their work more expediti- ously than sawyers, and split timber is much stronger than that which has been sawn ; for the fissure follows the grain of the wood, and leaves it whole ; whereas the saw, which proceeds in the line chalked out for it, divides the fibres, and by these means lessens its .cohe- sion and strength. Split timber, indeed, turns out often crooked and warped ; but, in many purposes to which it is applied, this is by no means prejudicial ; and the fault may, sometimes, be amended. As the fibres, however, retain their natural length and direction, thin boards, particularly, can be bent much better. This is a great advantage in making pipe-staves, and in forming various implements of the like kind. Our common saw, which needs only to be guided by the hand of the workman, however simple it may be, • was not known to the inhabitants of America when they were subdued by the Europeans. The inventor of this instrument has, by the Greeks, been inserted in their mythology, with a place among those whom they have honoured as the greatest benefactors of the earliest ages. By some, he is called Talus, and, by others, Perdix. Pliny ascribes the invention to Daedalus ; but Hardouin, in the passage where he does so, reads Talus rather than Daedalus. Diodorus Siculus, Apollodorus, and others, name the inventor Talus. He was the son of Daedalus’s sister ; and was^ by his mother, placed under the tuition of her brother, to be instructed in his art. Having, it is said, once found the jaw-bone of a snake, he employed it to cut through a small piece of wood ; and, by these means, was induced to form a like instru- ment of iron, that is, a saw. This invention, which greatly facilitates labour, excited the envy of his master, and instigated him to put Talus to death privately. We are told, that, being asked, when he was burying the body, what he was depositing in the earth, he re- plied, “ A serpent.” This suspicious answer disco- vered the murder ; and thus, adds the historian, a snake was the cause of the invention, of the murder, and of its being found out. The saws of the Grecian carpenters had the same form, 524 SAWING. form, and were made m the like ingenious manner as ours are at present. This is fully shewn, by a painting still preserved among the antiquities of Herculaneum. Two genii are represented at the end of a bench, which consists of a long table that rests upon two four- footed stools. The piece of wood which is to be sawn through is secured by cramps. The saw, with which the genii are at work, has a perfect resemblance to our frame-saw. It consists of a square frame, having, in the middle, a blade, the teeth of which stand perpen- dicularly to the plane of the frame. The piece of wood which is to be sawn extends beyond the end of the bench, and one of the workmen appears standing, and ,the other sitting on the ground. The arms, in which the blade is fastened, have the same form as that given to them at present. In the bench are seen holes, in which the cramps that hold the timber are struck. They are shaped like the figure 7 ; and the ends of them reach below the boards that form the top of it. The most beneficial and ingenious improvement of this instrument was, without doubt, the invention of saw-mills; which are now generally driven either by steam, by water, or by the wind. Mills of the first kind were erected so early as the fourth century, in Germany, on the small river Roeur or Ruer, for though Ausonius speaks of water-mills for cutting stone, and not timber, it cannot be doubted that these were in- vented later than mills for cutting out deals, or that both kinds were erected at the same time. Pliny conjectures that the mill for cutting stone was invented in Caria ; at least he knew no building incrusted with marble of greater antiquity than the palace of king Mausolus, at Halicarnassus. This edifice is celebrated by Vitru- vius, for the beauty of its marble ; and Pliny gives an account of the different kinds of sand used for cutting it ; for it is the sand, he says, and not the saw, which produces that effect. The latter presses down the for- mer, and rubs it against the marble ; and the coarser the sand is, the longer will be the time required to polish the marble which has been cut by it. Notwith- standing these facts, there is no account in any of the Greek or Roman writers of a mill for sawing wood ; and as the writers of modern times speak of saw-mills as new and uncommon, it would seem that the oldest construction of them has been lost, or that some im- portant improvement has made them appear entirely new. Becher says, that saw-mills were invented in the se- venteenth century. In this he erred, for when settlers were conveyed to the island of Madeira, w'hich was dis- covered in 1420, saw-mills were erected also, for the purpose of sawing, into planks, the various species of excellent timber with which the island abounded, and which were afterwards transported to Portugal. About the year 1427, the city of Breslau had a saw-mill, which produced a yearly rent of three marks; and, in 1490, the magistrates of Erfurt purchased a forest, in which they caused a saw-mill to be erected, and they rented another mill in the neighbourhood besides. Nor- way, which is covered with forests, had the first saw* mill about the year 1530. This mode of manufacturing timber was called the new art; and because the ex- portation of deals was by these means increased, that circumstance gave occasion to the deal-tithe, introduced by Christian III. in the year 1545. Soon after, the celebrated Henry Canzau caused the first mill of this kind to be built in Holstein. In 1552 there was a saw-mill at Joachimsthal, which, as we are told, be- longed to Jacob Geusen, mathematician. In the year 1555 the bishop of Ely, ambassador from Mary queen of England to the court of Rome, having seen a saw- mill in the neighbourhood of Lyons, the writer of his travels thought it worthy of a particular description. In the sixteenth century, however, there were mills with different saw-blades, by which a plank could be cut into several deals at the same time. The first saw-mill was erected in Holland at Saardam, in the year 1596; and the invention of it is ascribed to Cornelius Cor- nelissen. Perhaps he was the first person who built a saw-mill at that place, which is a village of great trade, and has still a great many saw-mills, though the num- ber of them is becoming daily less ; for within the last thirty years a hundred have been given up. The first mill of this kind in Sweden was erected in the year 1653. At present, that kingdom possesses the largest perhaps ever constructed in Europe, where a w'ater- wheel, twelve feet broad, drives at the same time seventy-two saws. In England saw-mills had at first the same fate that printing had in Turkey, the ribbon-loom in the domi- nions of the church, and the crane at Strasburg. When attempts were made to introduce them, they were vio- lently opposed, because it w'as apprehended that the sawyers would be deprived by them of their means of getting a subsistence. For this reason, it was found necessary to abandon a saw-mill erected by a Dutch- man near London, in 1663; and in the year 1700, when one Houghton laid before the nation the advan- tages of such a mill, he expressed his apprehension that it might excite the rage of the populace. What he dreaded was actually the case in 1767 or 1768, when an opulent timber-merchant, by the desire and appro- bation of the Society of Arts, caused a saw-mill, driven by wind, to be erected at Limehouse, under the direc- tion of James Hansfield, who had learned, in Holland and Norw'ay, the art of constructing and managing machines of that kind. A mob assembled, and pulled the mill to pieces ; but the damage was made good by the nation, and some of the rioters were punished. A new mill was afterwards erected, which was suffered to work without any molestation, and which gave occasion to the erection of others. It appears, however, that this was not the only mill of the kind then in Britain ; for one driven also by wind had been built at Leith, in Scotland, some years before. Saw-mills, as they are now constructed, are of two kinds, according as the saws employed effect their opera- tion by a circular or by a reciprocating motion. Cir- cular SAWING. 525 cular saw-mills are the most simple in their construc- tion. Mr. George Smart, at his manufactory for hollow masts, on the .Surrey side of Westminster Bridge, has several of these. In one of the simplest, a wheel is turned by a horse, which gives motion to a pinion on a horizontal shaft ; a spur-wheel is fixed on the shaft, and turns a pinion on another horizontal shaft, on which a wheel is fixed in the room above the machine, and the bearings for the gudgeons of the shaft are supported on the joists of the floor : by means of an endless strap passing round this wheel, and round a pulley on the spindle of the circular saw, a rapid motion is given to the saw : it is fixed on its spindle by a shoulder, against which it is held by another moveable shoulder pressed tight by a nut, on the end of the spindles which is tapped into a screw to receive it. The saw has a circular hole through the middle, fitting tight upon the spindle, so as to cause them to turn together. The ends of the spindle are pointed, and that point nearest the saw works in a hole made in the end of a screw, screwed in a bench of stout planks, and well braced together ; the other turns in a similar screw passed through a cross beam mortised between two vertical beams extending from the floor to the ceiling : one of the beams can. be raised or lowered in its mor- tises by wedges put both above and below its tenons. In order to adjust the plane of the saw to the plane of the bench, there is a long parallel ruler, which can be set at any distance from the saw, and fixed by means of screws going through circular grooves cut through the bench. In using the machine, the ruler is to be set the proper distance from the saw of the piece of wood to be cut, and as the saw turns round, a workman slides the end of a piece of wood to it, keeping its edge against the guide or ruler, that it may cut straight. We have witnessed the operation, which is as neat as it is expeditious and ingenious. When the saw requires sharpening, one of the screws at the end of its spindle must be turned back : the spindle and saw can be then removed, and may be fixed in a common vice to whet it, in the same manner as a common saw ; the outsides of the teeth are not filed to leave a surface perpendicular to the plane of the saw, but inclined to it, and in the same direction that each tooth so filed is bent in the setting: by this means, the saw, when cutting, first takes away the wood at the two sides of the kerf, leaving a ridge in the middle of it, the use of which is to keep the saw steady in a right line, that it may not have a tendency to get out of the straight line in any place where the wood is harder at one side than on the other. The most important machinery of this kind that we ! have seen is, unquestionably, at Portsmouth, for the manufacturing of ships’ blocks ; a full account of the machines is given in Dr. Rees’s most valuable New Cyclopaedia, to which we refer our readers, and from which we shall extract a brief description of one or two of the saws. “ The great cross-cutting Sara . — -The tree subjected to the action of this machine is placed on a long frame or bench raised a little from the floor, and at the end of it is erected a frame, composed of vertical posts and cross timber, in the manner of a small and low door-way : through this frame the end of the tree is drawn by the capstan above-mentioned, its end project- ing as much from the surface of the frame as is intended to be cut off ; and it is fastened in the frame from roll- ing sideways, by a lever, which can be readily made to press upon it and hold it down. The saw itself is a straight blade, fixed into a wooden handle or pole at each end, to lengthen it : one of these handles is con- nected by a joint to the upper end of a lever, bent like an L, and having its centre beneath the floor : the hori- zontal arm of the lever is connected by a spear rod, w'ith a crank on the end of a spindle near the ceiling of the room, the motion of which is regulated by a fly- wheel. By this means the saw has a reciprocating motion from right to left, nearly in a horizontal posi- tion, and exactly across the log it is to cut off, imitating in its motion the carpenter’s hand-saw, considering his arm as the arm of the bent or L lever. The teeth of the saw are of course on the lower side of the blade, and are sloped so as to cut in drawing towards the lever. It rises and falls freely upon its joint at the end of the lever, and can be lifted up by the handle, at the op- posite end of the blade, to take it off its work, which it follows up by its own weight. The machine being at rest, is prepared for work, by fixing the log in the frame as before mentioned, so that the surface of the frame intersects the log at the place where it is intended to be cross-cut. The saw, which w'as before lifted up by its handle, to be clear above the log, is now suffered to rest upon it, in the place where the cut is to be made ; and to guide it at first setting in, the back of the saw is received in a saw kerf, made in the end of a piece of board, which is attached to the frame over the saw, but slides up and down in a groove to reach the saw at any height, according to the thickness of the log lying beneath it. Being thus prepared, the machine is put in action by a rope or strap which turns the fly-wheel and its crank. This giving a vibration to the bent or L lever, causes the saw to reciprocate horizontally across the tree, until it cuts it through : it follows up its cut by its own weight alone, but the attendant can at any time lift up the saw from its work, though its motion continues, by means of a rope which suspends the handle of the saw when required. As the saw gets into the tree it quits the guide above-mentioned, which becomes the less necessary as the saw goes deeper ; a saw having no tendency to alter its first course, when cutting across the grain of the wood. We admire the simplicity of this machine, which nevertheless executes its work with much accuracy and expedition. It might be very usefully employed in many situations where great manual labour is spent in cross-cutting large logs of timber. 6 S “ The 526 SHOT-MAKING. “ The cross-cutting circular Saw. — This machine is for similar purposes, and stands close by the former. It is a circular saw, whose spindle is so mounted, as to move in any direction parallel to itself ; the saw all the while continuing in the same plane, and revolving rapidly upon its axis, cuts the wood it is presented to, and as it admits of being applied at first on one side, and then on another side of the tree, a saw of mo- derate dimensions will be sufficient to divide larger trees, than could otherwise be done by it. “ The great reciprocating saw for cutting up trees lengthwise. — In this machine the saw works vertically : it nas an horizontal carriage, on which the timber is fastened ; this passes through a vertical frame with grooves, in which another frame slides up and down in the manner of a window-sash, and has the saw stretched in it. The saw-frame is moved up and down by means of a crank on an axis beneath the floor, which is turned by means of an endless rope. At every time the saw rises and falls, it turns a ratchet-wheel round, by means of a click, a few teeth ; and this has on its axis a pinion, working a rack attached to the carriage of the tree, which by this means is advanced : at every stroke, the saw makes a proper quantity for another cut. The saw-frame is adapted to hold several saws parallel to each other, for sawing a tree into several boards at once, when required.” Saw-mills, for cutting blocks of stone, are generally moved horizontally. When a completely cylindrical pil- lar is to be cut out of one block of stone, the first thing will be to ascertain in the block the position of the axis of the cylinder : then lay the block so that such axis shall be parallel to the horizon, and let a cylindrical hole of from one to two inches diameter be bored entirely through it. Let an iron bar, whose diameter is rather less than that of this tube, be put through it, having just room to slide freely to and fro as occasion may re- quire. Each end of this bar should terminate in a screw, on which a nut and frame may be fastened The nut-frame should carry three flat pieces of wood or iron, each having a slit running along its middle nearly from one end to the other, and a screw and handle must be adapted to each slit ; by these means the frame-work at each end of the bar -may readily be so adjusted as to form equal isosceles or equilateral trian- gles ; the iron bar will connect two corresponding angles of these triangles, the saw to be used two other cor- responding angles, and another bar of iron, or of wood, the two remaining angles, to give sufficient strength j to the whole frame. This construction, it is obvious, will enable the workmen to place the saw at any pro- posed distance from the hole drilled through the middle of the block ; and then, by giving the alternating mo- tion to the saw-frame, the cylinder may at length be j cut from the block, as required. This method was ! first pointed out in the collection of machines approved by the Paris academy. If it were proposed to saw a conic frustrum from such a block, then let two frames of wood or iron be fixed to those parallel ends of the block which are in- tended to coincide with the bases of the frustum, cir- cular grooves being previously cut in these frames to correspond with the circumferences of the two ends of the proposed frustum ; the saw being worked in these grooves will manifestly cut the conic surface from the block. This is the contrivance of Sir George Wright. The best method of drilling the hole through the middle of the proposed cylinder seems to be this : — On a carriage, running upon four low wheels, let two ver-- tical pieces (each having a hole just large enough to admit the borer to play freely) be fixed two or three feet asunder, and so contrived, that the pieces and holes to receive the borer may, by screws, &c., be raised or lowered at pleasure, while the borer is pre- vented from sliding to and fro by shoulders upon its bar, which are larger than the holes . in the vertical pieces, and which, as the borer revolves, press against those pieces. Let a part of the boring-bar between the two vertical pieces be square, and a grooved wheel with a square hole of a suitable size be placed upon this part of the bar ; then the rotatory motion may be given to the bar by an endless band which shall pas6 over this grooved wheel and a w'heel of a much larger diameter in the same plane, the latter wheel being turned by a winch handle in the usual way. As the boring proceeds, the carriage with the borer may be brought nearer and nearer the block, by levers and weights, in the same manner as is described under the article Pipe-Making. SHOT-MAKING. the fused metal to fall in equal spherical drops into w'ater. The lead is melted with the addition of a small proportion of arsenic, which, being reduced to a me- tallic state, by means of grease stirred in during the , . fusion, hot, a -denomination given to all sorts of balls for | fire-arms ; those for cannon being of iron, and those for guns, pistols, &c. of lead. The manufacture of ■common fowling leading shot consists merely in causing SLATING. 5m fusion, renders it less fluid. An oblong shallow vessel of iron, perhaps, ten inches wide, fourteen long, and two and a half deep, called a card, whose bottom is pierced w'ith holes proportionate to the intended size of the shot, is placed at the height of from one to three inches, over the surface of a tub of water, covered with a thin film of oil. The card is previously heated to the temperature of the metal, by immerging it in the caldron ; and a stratum of soft dross or scoriae, which is found on the surface of the fused alloy, is then placed on its perforated bottom, and being slightly pressed down with the ladle, forms a kind of filter, which partly chokes up the apertures, and prevents the metal from flowing through them in continuous streams. The fused metal is then poured by ladle-fulls into this vessel, and ap- , pears, notwithstanding, to run through it with consider- j able velocity ; so that it seems difficult to believe that it falls in separate drops, till convinced by taking up a quantity of shot from the bottom of the water. The shot thus made is not without considerable im- j perfections. The exterior coat of the lower part of the drop becoming suddenly fixed by the contact of the ; water, its superior portion, which is still liquid, as it j also cools and contracts, necessarily pits, like the sur- | face of metal in the channel of a mould, so that the j greater part of the shot are somewhat hollow, and of an irregular form ; consequently too light for the pur- pose to which they are destined, and^liable to unequal resistance in their passage through the air. These de- fects are remedied in the patent-shot, the manufacture of which differs only from that of the preceding kind in the addition of a larger portion of arsenic, which varies according to the quality of the lead ; in dropping it from such a height that it becomes solid before it enters the w'ater, which is from forty to one hundred feet ; and, in some subsequent operations, which are as follows : — It is first dried and sifted. It is then boarded, which consists in scattering it on several polished slabs or trays of hard wood, with rims, in the form of a II, except that the sides converge towards the lower part, to which a slight inclination and alternate motion in their own planes are given by boys employed in the ma- nufacture. The shot, whose form is imperfect, are detected by the sluggishness of their motion, and re- main behind, whilst the others roll off from the board. The last operation is the polishing ; which is performed by agitating it with the addition of a very small quan- tity of black lead, not exceeding two spoonfuls to a ton, in an iron vessel, turning on an horizontal axis like a butter churn. It does not appear that any higher de- gree of perfection than that which is thus attained re- mains to be desired. The argentine brilliancy of the shot when newly made, the beautiful accuracy of its form, and the curious instance of inanimate tactics which it presents when scattered on a plate, render it even an agreeable object of contemplation. Patent milled shot is thus made: — Sheets of lead, whose thickness corresponds with the size of the shot required, are cut into small pieces, or cubes, in the form of a die. A great quantity of these little cubes are put into a large hollow cylinder which is mounted horizontally and turned by a winch, when, by their friction against one another, they are rendered perfectly round and very smooth. There are other patent shot, cast in moulds, in the same way as bullets are. SLATING. Slating is employed, in architecture, in sundry ways, the principal of which refers to the covering, of the roofs of buildings, but such has been lately the per- fection of working in slate, that it is now wrought and fitted into many useful utensils, as well as made up into balconies, chimney-pieces, casings to walls, skirtings, stair-cases, &c. &c. The slate, principally in use in London, is brought from Wales, taken from out of quarries, which are worked on the Lord Penhryn’s estate at Bangor, in Caernarvonshire, and it is from thence forwarded to all parts of the United Kingdom. There are also in use some other kinds of slate, the best sort of which is brought from Kendal, in Westmoreland, and is called I Westmoreland slate. These slates are of a fine pale bluish-green colour, -and. are most esteemed of any by j the architects. They are not of a large size, but they j qre. of good substance, and well calculated to give a neat ! appedr'ange to the roof on which they may be placed. ! The slate brought from Scotland is,, nearly similar in ! both size and quality to a slate from Wales, called ! Ladies, from which circumstance they are very little 1 sought after. j The French slates were very much in use about seventy years since. They are small in size, most commonly not larger than the Welsh doubles, exces- | sively thin, and,' consequently, light ; but thin compo- sition has been iound not to be well adapted to this climate, 528 SLATING. climate, where there is an atmosphere containing an excess of moisture. By analysis, this slate is ascer- tained to contain of manganese, besides other mat- ters, such as iron, &c., the excessive affinity of which for oxygen soon shivers the stony portion of the slate into atoms, when employed as a covering to buildings in this country. The writer of this article has seen slates of this kind on a roof reduced to the state of powder, having become so by exposure, and appeared to be completely decomposed. Of the Pitch of a Roof. — This, in as far as the elevation of the rafters is to be considered, is found to vary in different climates. In Italy, and all the southern parts of Europe, it is made generally less than one-fourth of the span or breadth. In England, it W'as formerly three-fourths, but it is now made to approach much 1 nearer to the Italian proportion. In northern climates, a steep roof is required, on account of the great falls of snow to which they are liable, and which greatly in- crease the lateral thrust of the rafters. For, the hori- zontal force exerted by a roof, if it be considered with reference to the walls which sustain it, is, in propor- tion to the length of a line perpendicular to the rafter descending from its extremity till it meets another simi- lar line drawn from the opposite rafter, and this perpen- dicular is obviously increased when the roof is made very flat. But a flat pitched roof is stronger than a high one for resisting all transverse strains which tend to break the rafters. Slaters class the Welsh Slates after the following Order and Designations, viz. Ft. Inch. Ft. Inch. Doubles, average size .1 1 by 0 6 Ladies 1 3 by 0 8 Countesses .... 1 8 by 0 io Duchesses .... 2 O by 0 12 Welsh Rags ... 3 0 by £ (j Queens 3 0 by £ b Imperials .... 2 6 by 2 0 Patent Slate ... 2 6 by 2 0 The slates, called doubles, are so called from the smallness of their size, and are made from the frag- ments of the larger qualities as they are sorted respec- tively. The ladies are similarly obtained, being in pieces that will square up to the size of such a description of slate. Countesses are still a gradation in dimension above ladies ; and duchesses still larger. The slate is ex- tracted from the quarries as other stony substances usually are, that is, by making perforations between its beds, into which gunpowder is placed and fused. This opens and divides the beds of the slate, which the quarry- men remove in blocks of very considerable size. These blocks are afterwards split by having wedges of iron driven between their layers, which separate the blocks into scantling, of from four to nine inches in thickness, and as long and wide as may be required. Some of the scantling, which is intended to be exported as such, is sawn to the sizes ordered, that is, the edges only of such pieces ; for it is not necessary to use the saw to the horizontal stratum of the slate, as that can be divided nearly as correct by the above means, without having recourse to such a tedious process as the sawing of it would be. For the purpose of sawing the slate, the works in Wales are provided with abundance of beautiful ma- chinery, some of which is put in motion by steam, and others by water, which keep in action a vast number of saws, all sawing the scantlings of slate into pieces adapted to their several purposes. The Imperial Slating for roofs is uncommonly neat ; it is known by having its lower edge sawn, whereas all the other slates used for covering are chipped square on their edges only. The Patent Slate is so called among the slaters from the mode adopted to lay it on roofs, as no patent was ever obtained for such a mode of slating. It w'as first brought into use by Mr. Wyatt, the architect. It allows of being laid on a rafter of much less elevation than any other kind of slate, and is considerably lighter by reason of the laps being so much more inconsiderable than is found to be necessary for the common sort of slating. This slating was originally made from that description of slates known as Welsh Rags. The slaters now fre- quently make it of Imperials, which gives to it still less weight, and renders it somewhat more neat in its ap- pearance than by the former mode. Of the Westmoreland Slate. — Some experiments have been instituted on this description of covering by the present Bishop of Landaff, and as there appears very little difference in the natural composition of this kind of slate from that which is obtained from Wales, the Bi- shop’s comparison of their absolute weight as compared to that of other materials made use of as a covering to buildings may be of great utility, inasmuch as it may tend towards forming a data for adding to or diminish- ing from the quantity of timber employed in roofs of dif- ferent spans and elevations.- — “ That sort of slate,” says he, “ other circumstances being the same, is esteemed the best which imbibes the least water, for the imbibed water not only increases the weight of the covering, but in frosty weather being converted into ice it swells and shivers the slate. This effect of the frost is very sensi- ble in tiled houses, but it is scarcely felt in slated ones, for good slate imbibes but little water ; and when tiles are w ell glazed they are rendered in some measure, with respect to this point, similar to slate.” He adds, “ I took a piece of Westmoreland slate and a piece of common tile, and weighed each of them carefully; the surface of each was about 30 square inches ; both the pieces were immersed in water for ten minutes, and SLATING. 529 and then taken out and weighed as soon as they had ceased to drip, and it was found that the tile had im- bibed about one-seventh part of its weight of water, and the slate had not imbibed a 200th part of its weight. Indeed the wetting of the slate was merely superficial, while the tile in some measure became satu- rated with the water. I now placed both the wet pieces before the fire ; in a quarter of an hour’s time the slate was become quite dry and of the same weight it had before it was put into the water; but the tile had lost only' about twelve grains of the water it had imbibed, which was as near as could be expected, the same quan- tity which had been spread on its surface, for it was this quantity only which had been imbibed by the s/ate, the surface of which was equal to that of the tile. The tile was left to dry in a room heated to 60° of Fahrenheit, and it did not lose all the water it had imbibed in less than six days. He adds further, “ that the finest sort of Westmoreland slate is sold at Kendal at 3s. 6d. per load, which will amount to 1/. 15s. per ton, the load weighing two hundred-weight. The coarser sort may be had at 2s. 4^. a load, or 1/. 3s. 4 d. per ton. Thirteen loads of the finest sort will cover forty-two square yards of roofing, and eighteen loads of the coarsest will cover the same quantity ; so that there is half a ton less weight put upon forty-two square yards of roof, when the finest sort of slate is used, than if it was covered with the coarsest kind, and the dif- ference of expense only three shillings and six-pence.” It must be remarked, that it owes its lightness not so much to any diversity iu the component parts of the stone from which it is split, as to the thinness to which the workmen reduce it, and it is not so well calculated to resist violent winds as that which is heavier. On the comparison in weight of the sundry cover- ings employed on Roofs. — A common plain tile weighs thirty-seven ounces, and there are used, at a medium, seven hundred to cover a single square of roof of one hundred superficial feet. A pan-tile weighs seventy-six ounces, or four and three-quarter pounds, and one hun- dred and eighty are required to lay on a single square. Both the plain and pan-tiles are commonly bedded in mortar; indeed the former cannot be well laid on a roof without it. The mortar for the bedding of either will be equivalent to one-fourth of the weight of the tiles. When a roof is to be covered with copper or lead, it will depend upon what number of ounces of the metal it is determined to assign to each superficial foot of such covering. But for common lead or cop- per covering, supposing seven pounds of the former to the foot and sixteen ounces of the latter, the following comparisons will suffice ; taking a square of one hun- dred feet superficial to be covered of each of the several materials, as all roofing is generally considered in such quantities, then it will be Cwt. qrs. lbs. For Copper, per square, . 0 3 16 Lead, 6 1 0 Fine slate, . ... 6 0 21 Cwt. qrs. lbs. For Coarser do 8 18 Plain-tiles, .... 18 O 0 Pan-tiles, 9 2 0 Hence may be seen what each square of a roof sustains, and a careful builder may select such a cover- ing as his building may be best calculated to support. It will be noticed too, how much v tlie tiles exceed in their weight that of the other coverings. The pan-tile herein weighed, was at the time perfectly dry, and is of the common sort made in and about London. The plain tile is taken at the weight assigned it in the learned prelate’s paper before referred to. The pan-tile is equally adapted to imbibe water with the plain tile, hence a somewhat greater weight than is here taken, may be supposed to be generally operating upon the roof, when loaded with such a covering. Of the manner of laying Slates. — All the several kinds before named partake of a similar mode, in as far as refers to the bonding or lap of one portion of the slate over another. The lap of each joint is gene- rally equal to one-third of the length of the slate, and the slater selects all the largest in size of the descrip- tion about to be used, to be put on nearest the eaves of the roof. When the slates are brought from the quarry, they are not found in so square a shape as to be immediately fit to be put on a roof, but are prepared for that purpose by cutting and sorting. The slater, to effect this, picks and examines the slate, observing which is its strongest and squarest end. He then, by holding the slate a little slanting upon and projecting . about an inch over the edge of a small block of wood, seating himself at the same time on something which is equal to it in height, begins and cuts away straight one of its edges. He then, with a slip of wood, gauges the other edge parallel to the same, and cuts off that also ; after which he turns it round and squares the end. The slate is so far prepared, excepting it be the turning of his tool round and pecking through it, on its oppo- site end, two small holes, which are made for the nails to enter when he lays it on the roof. All the quarry slates require this preparation from the workman known as the slater. All slates are put on with nails or screws, and two are assigned to each slate at least. The cop- per and zinc nails are esteemed the best, by reason of their not being so susceptible of oxidation as the irou ones. The slaters, however, to prevent the destruction of their iron nails, have recourse to painting them ; this they do by putting them in a tub containing white-lead, rendered very fluid by excess of saturation with oil, and stirring them up and about till they are completely covered over, after which they are removed and spread out upon boards and left to dry. Since the general developements of chemistry, some of the slaters have succeeded in plating over their iron nails with tin ; but great address is necessary to succeed well at it; how- ever, tinned nails are becoming more common, and will be found greatly cheaper than copper ones. The previous preparation necessary for laying slates on roofs, 6 T consists 530 SLATING. consists in forming a base or floor for the slates to lay compactly and safely upon. For the doubles and ladies , boarding is essential, if it be expected to have a good water-proof covering to the roof. All that is required in the boarding for such slates i9, that it be laid very even and the joints close, securing the boards by pro- perly nailing them down on the rafters. When the boarding is ready, the slater examines it, and provides himself with several slips of wood, called tilting fillets. A tilting fillet is made about two inches and a half wide, three-quarters of an inch thick on one edge, and cham- pered away to an arris on the other edge. These fillets he carefully lays and nails down all round the extreme edges of the roof to be slated, beginning with the hips if there be any, and if not, with the sides, eaves, and ridge. When these are all done, he prepares for laying the slates, and begins the eaves first. For these he picks out all the largest slates, which he places regularly throughout, setting their lower edges to a line, and when so placed, he secures them by nailing them down to the boarding. He then selects such slates as will form the bond to the under sides of the eaves. This part of the work consists in placing another row of slates under those which he has previously laid, so as to cross and cover all their joints ; such slates are pushed up lightly under those which are above them, and are seldom nailed, but left dependent for their support on the weight of those above them and their own weight on the boarding. The countesses and all the other de- scription of slates, when intended to be laid in a good manner, are also laid on boards. When the slater has finished the eaves, he strains a line on the face of its upper slates parallel to its outer edge, and as far from it as he deems sufficient for the lap of those slates w’hich he intends to go on to form the next course. This course of slates being laid and nailed even with the line, and crossing the joints of the upper slates of the eaves. This lining and laying of the slates is continued till the slater gets up close to the ridge of the roof, he observing throughout to cross the different joints by the slates he lays on one above another. This is the method uniformly followed in laying all the different kinds of slates, excepting it be those which are called the patent slates, which will henceforth be explained. AH the larger kinds of slate are found to lay firmly on what are called battens, in consequence of which they are fre- quently made use of, from their promoting a saving in the expense, which will on an average amount to about twenty shillings per square. A batten consists of a nar- row portion of deal-wood, about tw'o and a half, or three inches w ide ; there are commonly three taken out flat-wise of a deal. When countesses are to be laid on, battens three-quarter inches in thickness will he an adequate substance for them ; but for the larger and heavier kind of slates, inch battens will be necessary. When a roof is to be battened for slates, the slater himself is the best person to fix them, as they are not placed at an uniform distance from each other, but so as to suit the length of the slates, and as these vary as they approach the apex or ridge of the roof, it follows that the slater himself becomes the best judge where to fix the batten to best support the slates intended to lay on it. When they have been fixed by the carpenters he almost alw'ays finds it necessary to take them up and re-lay them. The nails used by slaters, as before ob- served are of iron, copper, and zinc. They are of the description called clout-nails. A clout-nail consists in being made round on its shank, or driving part, with a large round and flat head. Clout-nails are made of several qualities, but those used by the slater, are about an inch and a quarter long on the shank, and are termed eight-penny nails. The copper nails are considerably dearer than those of iron, or zinc, hence slating done by them is charged somewhat more per square. The patent slating, as it is called, consists in selecting the largest slates, and those also of uniformity in their thickness. — The slates called imperials, are those now taken for it. A roof to be covered with this kind of slate, requires that its common rafters be left loose upon their purlins, as they must be placed so as to suit the widths of the slates, it being necessary to have a rafter under every one of their meeting joints. — Neither bat- tening nor boarding is required for these slates, and the quantity of rafters will depend on the widths of the slates ; hence if they are of a large size very few will be required, and of course a great saving in the timber will take place, besides giving a much less w'eight in the roof. The w'ork of covering by this kind of slate is commenced as before at the eaves, but no crossing or bonding is wanted, the slates being uniformly laid, with the end of each reaching to the centres of each of the rafters, and are all butted up to one another through- out the length of the roof ; the rafters being so placed as to come regularly under the ends of two of the slates. When the eave’s course is laid, the slates, composing it, are all screwed down by tw'o or three strong one-and-a-half inch screw's at each of their ends into the rafters under them. A line is afterwards strained about two inches from their upper edge, this being Showed as a lap for the course of slates which goes on above, the edges of which course being fixed straight with the line, and this lining laying with a lap and screwing down is continued till the roof is finally covered all over. — After which the filleting is to com- mence; this consists in covering all the meeting joints of the slates which come on the rafters with fillets of slate bedded in glaziers’ putty, and screwing them down through the whole into the rafters under them.— The fillets to cover these kind of joints, are usually made about three inches wide, and as long as the slate they are intended to cover. They are solidly bedded iu the putty, their joints lapped as is those of the slates ; one screw is put in each lap, and one in the middle of the fillet ; these fillets are after being so laid, bedded and screwed down, pointed neatly up all round their edges with more putty, and are painted over with a paint resembling the colour of the slate, and hence the work is deemed to be finished.— The hips and ridges of such slating SLATING. 531 slating are frequently covered by fillets in a similar way, and have a very neat effect. But lead is the best co- vering for all hips and ridges of roofs, and it is not greatly dearer than covering them by this mode. Slating is done also in several other ways, but the principles before explained embrace the most of them ; some workmen have shaped and laid their slates in a lozenge form. This kind of work consists in getting all the slates to a uniform size, and into the shape of a geo- metrical square; they are, when laying on the roof (which it is always necessary to have boarded for this work) bonded and lapped as the common slating is ; observing ouly to exactly let the elbow or half of the square ap- pear above each slate which is under it, and to be re- gular in the courses all over the roof. One nail or screw only can be used for such slating, lienee it soon becomes dilapidated. It is commonly employed in places near to the eye, or where particular neatness is required . — The patent slating may be laid so as to be perfectly water-tight, with an elevation of the rafter considerably less than any other slate or tile covering ; a rise of two inches in each foot to the length of the rafter is deemed an adequate rise for this covering, and this for a rafter of fifteen feet, would be only two feet six inches, a rise in the pitch of a roof which at any height from the ground would be hardly to be perceived. Of the Slater’s Tools.- They consist of a few only, and these are sometimes found by the master and some- times by the men. The tool called the saixe, is composed of tempered iron, about sixteen inches in length, and two inches in width, somewhat bent at one end, and prepared for, and handled with beechen wood at the other. — This instrument is not unlike a large knife ex- cept its having on its back a piece of iron, projecting about three inches from out of it, and drawn sharp to a point. With this tool when ground sharp, the slater chips or cuts all his slates to the sizes he requires them for all the various purposes of his business. — He has also a Ripper as he calls it ; this tool is formed of iron about the same length as the saixe, it is very thin in its blade part, which is oue inch and three quarters wide, tapered somewhat towards its top, where it has a round head projecting over the blade on each side about half an inch, and having also two little round notches in the two internal angles at the intersection of the one with the other. There is a shoulder formed at the handle end of this tool, which raises it up above the blade, and which enables the workmen to hold it firmly in his hand when in use. The use of this tool is in repairs of old slating, as by forcing its blade up under the slates, the projecting head catches the nail of the slate, which enters into the little notch at its intersection, and which enables the workmen to pull it out, and which also at ' the same time loosens the slate, and allows him to take it away and insert another in its place, this is the prin- cipal use of the ripper, viz. the repairing of the old elating. The hammer of the slater is somewhat different in shape from the common tool of that description ; it is on the hammer, or driving part, about five inches in h- ight, bent on the top a little back, and ground to a tolerably sharp point, its lower or flat end being about three quarters of an inch in diameter, and quite round. On the side of the driving part, is a small pro- jection made with a notch in its centre, and which is used as a claw to draw or extract the nails, when nail- ing down the slates which do not drive satisfactorily. This kind of hammer is of great utility to the slater, and enables him to get through his new work with the greatest address. The tool called the shaving-tool, is used for the purpose of getting the slates to a smooth face when so wanted, for skirtings, floors of balconies, or any other purpose to which slate may be required with a smooth face. It consists of a blade of iron, sharpened at one of its ends like a chisel, and is mortised through the centre of two round wooden handles, one of which is fixed at one end, and the other about the middle of the blade. The blade is about eleven inches long, and two inches wide, the handles to which are about ten inches long, so that they project four inches over on each side of the blade. The workman in using this tool, takes it in both his hands, placing one hand to each side of the handle which is in the middle of the blade, allowing the other to come up and press against the wrists of both his arms, and in this way he works away all the uneven parts from off the surface of the slate, and gets it to a smooth face. This tool is well calculated for what it has to do, but it is a very uneasy kind of instrument to the workman, its whole purchase in its operation upon the slate being against his wrists, and which is sometimes attended with so much pain that he is obliged to give over his work. To avoid this inconvenience, he often puts flannel and other things over the handle which lays against his wrists; still a day or two’s work, with this tool, will lame an inexperienced workman. The slater’s other working tools consist of numerous chisels and gouges, together with files of all sizes, with which he finishes his slates for the better parts of his work into mouldings, and other forms, required for the different uses to which slate is applied. The strength of slate is very great in comparison of any kind of freestone, as it is ascertained that a slate of one inch in thickness will support in an horizontal position as much in weight as five inches of Portland similarly suspended. Hence slates are now wrought and used for galleries and other purposes were strength and lightness combined are essential. Slates are also fashioned into chimney-pieces, par- | taking of the different varieties of labour applied to ' marble ; but it is incapable like it of receiving a polish, in consequence of which it will not get greatly into use j for that purpose It makes excellent skirtings of all de- scriptions, as well as casings to walls where dilapida- tions or great wear and tear is to be anticipated. It is capable of being fixed for these purposes with joints equally neat with wood* and may be painted over if required/ 532 SOAP-MAKING. required, to appear like it. Staircases may be executed in slate, and will have an effect not unlike to black marble. The writer of this article has had a double gallery staircase leading to a suite of baths constructed of it, the effect of which was so good as by strangers to be generally taken and considered to be made of marble. Messrs. Warmsley and Milton, of Lambeth, are among the best slaters in London when slaters’ work is required to be done on a large scale, or when any of the better departments of the working of slates are required, as they keep people competent to work it up into almost every shape, and with a neatness equalling works in marble. Slaters’ work is measured by the surveyors, as most artificers’ work now usually is, and is afterwards re- duced into squares, each square containing 100 feet superficial. Slaters are allowed, in addition to the nett dimensions of their work (w'hen taking the measure of roofs) six inches for all the eaves and four inches for the hips ; this allowance is made in consequence of the slates being used double in the former case, and for the waste in cutting away the sides of the slates to fit into, the Jatter. Some of these eaves, for instance, when rags or impe- rial slates are used, require an addition of nine inches to be allowed for the eaves, such kind of slates being «o much larger than the size of most of the other kinds of slate now in use. All faced work in slate skirtings, staircases, .galleries, &c. is charged by the foot su- perficial, admeasuring it without any kind of addition. The chimney pieces are made up and sold at per piece, as is done by the masons. Slating by the square to roofing varies as die size or quality of the slate made use of, beginning, for instance, with the Doubles at about two guineas, Countesses, &c. two guineas and a half, Welsh Rags and Imperials at three guineas and a half, and Westmoreland, the dearest of all, at four guineas and a half per square. The present prices of slaters’ work done in a good and workmanlike manner, will be found to be equal to the above charges. Galle- ries and other slates worked up for such kind of pur- poses, and fixed complete, will vary as the mouldings about them do from 4s. fid. to 5s. fid. per foot superfi- cial. Skirtings and linings of slate with one face only- worked, but squared and fixed up, from Is. fid. to 2s. per foot superficial. From these data, a tolerably cor- rect idea may be formed of the value of any kind of slating which may be wanting, and a comparison may be made of its value with the several other cover- ings, &c. employed in buildings. SOAP-MAKING. The combination of an oil with an alkali uniformly produces a compound, soluble in water, and in which the characteristic properties of oils and alkalies are de- stroyed or changed. These combinations are termed soaps ; but as those of soda or pot-ash are only em- ployed in the business, it is those alone that we shall at present particularly consider. It is probable, that ages must have elapsed before mankind arrived at a know- ledge of the combination of oil and alkali, which we term soap. Saponaceous plants, argils, marls, and magnesia, appear all to have been employed in cleansing linen, long before the discovery of soap. We even see that some animal matters were employed with ad- vantage for the same purpose. It is equally certain that the use of ash lyes preceded the discovery of soap. But the capability of combining oil with alkali so as to form a solid compound, soluble in water, and which can dissolve spots of grease, without changing the co- lour of the stuffs on which they are found, is a disco- very of inestimable value in the arts. This discovery, successively improved, constitutes what is now termed the art of soap-making. Of the Substances employed in the Manufacture of Soap. — Oils, tallow, and every kind of grease, are susceptible of combination with the alkalies, so as to form soaps ; but they do not all furnish soap of an equally good quality. It is of importance then to ascer- tain the various matters that may be employed for this purpose, and shortly to point out the differences be- tween them with the view' of directing the choice of the manufacturer. Olive oil is generally employed in the preparation of soap. It combines perfectly with the soda ; the soap thus produced is very white, uni- form, of a proper consistence, and exhales an odour which is peculiar to this kind of soap. But every kind of olive-oil is not equally proper for saponification ; three kinds are known in commerce — sweet, or virgin- oil ; common, or dyer’s-oil ; and, expressed oil. The first is that which flows upon the pressure of the olive, the second requires a stronger degree of pressure, assisted by- heat, and the third is produced by great pressure exerted on the refuse of the olives, in order to extract every re- maining particle of oil, and which is always mingled with a considerable quantity of mucilage, and ligneous bodies. SOAP-MAKING. 533 bodies. The first is pure, and almost wholly free from j any viscous principle. The second is mixed with a con- siderable portion of mucous matter, which forms, with j the oil, a species of emulsion. The third contains little oil, and a great portion of the mucous and fibrous principle. In order to ascertain whether the oil be of a good quality, we ought to have at hand an alkaline lixivium prepared without heat, and indicating from one to two degrees of concentration. Having introduced into a phial a few drops of the oil, the quality of which we wish to prove, we pour upon it some lixivium. Imme- diately upon the mixture becoming milky, we trausfer it repeatedly from one phial into another, and allow it afterwards to remain at rest in the phial. If, after the lapse of a few hours, the combination remains uni- formly white, and no particles of oil appear on its sur- face, we may rest satisfied that the oil is of a good quality ; and, if the contrary, that it is bad. Pure oils require stronger lixivia than those of a coarser kind. Common oil is only employed in soap manufactures, not only because it bears a less price, but because it sa- ponifies better. Fine oil is reserved for the use of our kitchens and tables. It is particularly from Italy, and chiefly from Genoa, that the French procure the best oil for their soap manufactures. Some oil is also im- ported from Barbary, which, conjointly with Genoa, supports the immense soap-works established at Mar- seilles. Next to olive-oil, that of sweet almonds yields the most consistent soap. But as this oil bears a high price, it is only employed in the composition of medi- cinal soap. Rape-oil forms a soap neither so consistent nor so white as the former. Hemp-seed oil produces a porous green-coloured soap, reducible to a paste by a small portion of water. Nut-oil forms a soap not proper for the hands ; it is of a yellowish white colour, of a moderate degree of consistence, unctuous, gluey, and continues so on exposure to the air. The soap, of which linseed oil forms a constituent part, is, at first, white, but changes to yellow in a short time, on exposure to the air. It possesses a strong odour, is unctuous, clammy, glutinous, does not dry in the air, and softens with a very small quantity of water. All the oils, of which we have spoken, are either oleaginous or fixed. The volatile oils are not, how- ever, less susceptible of entering into combinations with the alkalies, but as these soaps are not employed in the arts, we shall not notice them in this article. Many animal substances are capable of combining with alkalies, and furnish us with valuable materi- als for the formation of soap. Suet forms, with soda, a white soap of an excellent quality ; excepting only that it always retains a slight odour of grease, which it imparts to linen. Strong lixivia are necessary to the saponification of suet, or its conversion into soap. This soap requires much water to soften it, and destroy its consistency. Butter may also be converted into soap by combining it with soda. The soap thus produced is white and solid. Fish, and train-oils, produce soaps of a dirty grey colour, of a firm consistence, and retaining the smell peculiar to these oils. Oleaginous and fatty matters may be classed in the following order, as to their sus- ceptibility of saponification. 1 . Olive-oil, and that of sweet almonds. 2. Suet, butter, and the oil extracted from the fat of horses. 3. Oils drawn from rape-seed. 4. Oils procured from beech-mast, and clove July- flowers. 5. Fish-oil of different kinds. 6. Hemp-seed, nut, and lint-seed oils. M. Chaptal long since proposed the employment of old wool, and the shreds and shearings of woollen cloth, for the formation of soap. Caustic alkaline lixivia readily dissolve these animal substances, and may be saturated with them, thus producing a saponaceous greenish paste, which might be successfully employed in the arts, for the fulling of cloth and other pur- poses. In this country soap is usually made with tallow, or other fat ; the process with oils being rather more diffi- cult than that in which tallow is used. A good deal more of practical skill seems to be required in producing the proper union between oil and alkali, than between fat and alkali, and the process appears liable to sudden, and often unaccountable failures, from the refusal of the materials to unite with sufficient intimacy, or from their disunion after having been already combined. Of Alkalies . — The three species of alkalies, soda, potash, and ammonia, may all be employed in the for- mation of soap. Soda and potash are the only alkalies employed in preparing the soaps, of commerce. Am- monia is only used in forming some saponaceous com- position for medicinal purposes. Soda forms firm and consistent soaps. Potash forms soft soaps, which attract humidity from the atmosphere. This difference proceeds from the nature of the alkalies, the former of which effloresces in the air, while the latter on exposure to it runs per deliquum. It rests not therefore with the artist'to employ the soda or potash indiscriminately ; his choice must be regulated by the kind of soap which he wishes to procure. All marine vegetables yield soda by incineration, but they do not furnish it in the same quantity or of the same quality. The alkali in the soda is always found mixed with marine salts and earthy mat- ters ; the best is that which contains the greatest por- tion of the alkaline principle. The only kinds of soda employed in the manufacture of soap, are the barilla, or soda of Alicant, the salicornia, or soda of Narbonne, Sicilian ashes, and natron. The sodas held in the highest estimation are those of Alicant, of which three kinds are to be found in the shops : 1. The mild soda, or mild barilla, which is of the best quality. 2. The soda properly so called, or the mixed barilla. This is hard, of a smooth fracture, of a greyish black colour, and with difficulty soluble in water. 3. Counterfeit soda, which is of the worst quality. The sodas of Carthage- na possess nearly the same qualities as the mixed 6 U barilla 534 SOAP-MAKING. barilla of Alicant. Sicilian ashes and those from the Levant, are inferior in quality to the sodas of Alicant, though when these last cannot be obtained, they are frequently made to supply their place. Natron is like- wise very much employed; the low price at which it is sold during peace, operates to induce manufacturers to use it, though it contains very little pure alkali. Pot- ash, properly so called, is rarely employed in this state for the formation of soap. Instead of it, the ley of ashes rendered caustic by lime is now r very generally substituted. Of solid Soaps, or Soaps of Soda. — The white and solid soap of commerce is composed of olive-oil and soda. The preparation of the leys, and the boiling of the soap constitute the principal operations in such ma- nufactures. OJ the preparation of the Leys. — The alkalies, such as they are found in commerce, cannot be employed in the manufacture of soap. They must previously be deprived of the carbonic acid, the saline and earthy matters which they contain. This process is conducted in the following manner : Into a vessel about eight feet square and one foot deep is introduced quicklime, in the proportion of one-fifth to the weight of the oil I intended to be converted into soap. Water is slightly sprinkled over this quicklime, which then grows hot, cracks, smokes, and falls down into powder, after which the soda, previously pounded, must be carefully mixed with it by means of a shovel. In order to favour the operation, a little water is occasionally added. As soon as the mixture is accomplished it is transferred j into tubs. In small establishments their vessels are made of white wood, but in those which are on a | larger -scale they are composed of stone lined with bricks formed on the spot, and sunk into a mortar made with puzzolona or similar earths. Frequently these ves- sels are constructed of bricks laid flat, and cemented by a mortar of the same kind. These vessels are usually about five feet square by four and one-half feet in , depth. They are perforated at the lower part of the side next the workhouse, with tw'o holes or openings, which are dosed by a stop-cock or pegs of wood. Under each of these vessels are placed two reservoirs constructed with the same care, and intended for the reception and preservation of the leys. At the bottom of these vessels are placed pieces of broken tiles to fa- cilitate the efflux of the ley. When the mixture of the ; lime and soda has been transferred into the tub, there j is poured on it a quantity of water sufficient to cover it to the height of a foot and a half. After leaving the water in this state for several hours, it is draw n off by means of a spigot into one of the reservoirs placed be- neath. This ley marks from 15 to 20 degrees of con- centration, and is called the first ley. After the ley has ceased to run and the spigot been shut, water is poured into the tub as before, and at the end of the four hours drawn off into the second reservoir. This is termed the second ley, and indicates between 10 and 12 degrees of concentration. A third ley is extracted with the same care ; it only marks from 4 to 6 degrees. The soda is still further exhausted, by pouring on it a fourth water, and even a fifth if it appear necessary. The last leys are employed as common water, for the lixiviation of a fresh soda. When the soda is com- pletely exhausted, the tubs are emptied, and the resi- duum thrown away as useless, or employed as manure on wet land. Leys are powerfully influenced by the seasons ; thus, in winter they are weaker, unless attention be given either to employ sodas of the best quality or in a greater quantity. The proporti ms of soda and lime employed are different, in different countries and in different establishments; in some they employ equal parts, while in others they use only one-sixth of quick- j lime. This difference appears to depend on the lime, and more frequently on the nature of the soda. In general old sodas and natrons require the most lime. Lime in a state of efflorescence, possesses not the same power as that which is newly made; and as this is not always at hand, we preserve it in proper repositories sheltered from the contact of air and moisture, in order to obviate all change. It is seldom that the manufac- turers of soap confine themselves to one kind of soda in the formation of the lixivium; they for the most part employ a mixture in different proportions of na- tron, Alicant soda, Sicilian ashes, the Salicornia of Narbonne, &c. Of the boiling of Hard Soap. — The art of com- bining oil with caustic soda, and of reducing this com- bination to a suitable degree of consistence is the most difficult and the most important operation of soap- making. This combination is performed in a caldron, and by the aid of heat. The caldron used in soap- manufactures is of a peculiar construction ; the lower part of it is of copper, while its sides are constructed of mason or brick-work. Much skill and dexterity are requisite in erecting such furnaces, for it must be ob- vious that if the junctures be not w’ell closed the mat- ter would escape. On the other hand, the expense at- tendant on their erection is so great, and the suspension of the labour so inconvenient, that nothing should be neglected to give to them the greatest possible degree of solidity. If the operations be performed in caldrons entirely metallic instead of those above-mentioned, not only will the soap be less white, but the management of the process will be rendered extremely difficult, inasmuch as the metal being a more ready conductor of heat than stone, occasions the saponaceous matter to boil over ; and burn. The manner of boiling the soap likewise varies in dif- ferent establishments; in some they employ weak lixivia, and in others that which is very strong. We shall here, as succinctly as possible, describe these two methods. The lixivia being prepared, the next step is to put into the caldron all the oil intended to be em- ployed. It is not, however, possible previously to as- certain the exact quantities of oil and soda, as these proportions vary according to the nature of the soda and SOAP-MAKING. 535 oil, and can therefore only be known from experience. In general, six parts of olive-oil are used with five of soda. In some soap-houses the oil is boiled previously to the addition of the ley ; but when the oil is extremely thick and contains many impurities, it is mixed with a strong lixivium and then boiled : the clear and transparent oil quickly rises and ascends to the surface, while the impurities are precipitated. The fire is then stopped, and the workman removes the supernatent oil from the gross matters which have subsided. After cleaning the caldron, and returning into it the I oil which had been taken off, he rekindles the fire and ! proceeds to the boiling. He pours some buckets of the weakest ley on the oil, and digests the whole with a gentle heat, which is carefully kept up, till the soap be I completely made. The combination is facilitated by incessantly agitating the mixture with a long wooden spatula. There is added, gradually, more of the same I lixivium ; and, w hen it is exhausted, the second is em- ployed. The oil gradually combines, the matter thick- ens, and becomes white ; more of the first ley must then be added, after which the paste soon becomes more consistent, and separates imperceptibly from the aqueous liquor. Some chemists advise us, at this mo- ment, to throw into the caldron a few pounds of sea- salt, in order to produce a more complete separation ; the paste then assumes a grained form, having some re- semblance to spoiled cream ; the ebullition is maintain- ed, during two hours, after which the fire is withdrawn, and the agitation discontinued. When a few hours have elapsed, the liquor, which remains at the bottom of the caldron, is drawn off by means of a pipe, communi- cating with its inferior part ; the fire is rekindled ; the soap is dissolved by the aid of a little w'ater poured into the caldron ; the mixture is agitated, and when it is completely liquified, and in a boiling state, the remainder of the first ley is gradually added to it. We ascertain that the soap has attained a due degree of consistence : 1 , by allowing a small portion of it to fall and coagulate on a slate ; 2, if, on shaking a spa- tula, dipped into the paste, briskly in the air, the soap is detached in the form of ribbons, without adhering to the wood ; 3, by the peculiar odour of soap, by handling it between the fingers. Although the method of graining the soap, and separating the aqueous part be far from common', yet it has been successfully employed in many establishments since it was made known. The process may unquestionably be conducted without the aid of salt ; but as it frequently happens that the process fails toward the conclusion, and thereby embarrasses even a skilful manufacturer, it may not be improper to point out the means of remedying it. In some manufactures the strongest lixivium is employed at the commence- | ment of the ebullition ; by which method the paste be- j comes quickly thickened to a considerable degree, and requires to be managed by persons skilled in such oper- ations. It is judged necessary to pour in fresh ley, when the paste sinks down, and remains at resfi They 1 continue to employ the strong ley till it be nearly ex- j hausted. Then the boiling subsides, that is, it sinks down, and appears as if stationary ; it boils in this manner during three or four hours ; after which it is moistened by pouring into it the second lixivium, while care is at the same time taken progressively to augment the heat. It very rarely happens, when the strongest lixivium has been used at the beginning, that the third ley is necessary. This is only employed when the paste does not boil, because then the object is to dilute it. As soon as the boiling is finished, the fire is withdrawn ; the lixivium is then drawn off, after which the paste is left to cool, and taken up before it be fully coagulated, by means of copper or wooden buckets, to be transfer- red into moulds, into the bottoms of which, a portion of pulverized lime has been previously introduced, to prevent the soap adhering to them. At the end of two or three days, when the soap becomes sufficiently hard, they remove it from the moulds, and divide it into wedges of different sizes, by means of a brass wire. They place these wedges on a floor edge-wise, where they are allow'ed to remain till they become perfectly firm and dry. The fair trader lays bis account in pro- curing five pounds of soap from three pounds of oil. The soap is not marketable, till it ceases to receive any impression from the fingers. It must not be supposed that the lixivium employed at the commencement of the process should be constantly continued. The great art of soap-making consists in knowing how to determine, from the appearance of the paste, and other circum- stances, what kind of lixivium should be employed dur- ing each step of the operation. The overseers regulate their conduct in this respect by observation and experi- ence. The form and size of the bubbles, the colour of the paste, the volume of that which is thrown out on the edges of the vessel, the consistence of the matter, and its disposition to swell, as w'ell as the appearance of the steam, all furnish them with marks by which they regulate their conduct. With respect to the proportion of ingredients, it is reckoned that sixteen bushels of good wood-ashes, are equal to one hundred-weight of the best pearl-ash, and that this latter quantity will saturate two hundred-weight of tallow, and produce three hundred and a quarter weight of soap, so that twelve parts of tallow will make twenty pounds of soap. Again, twelve bushels of wood ashes are reckoned equal to one hundred-weight of barilla, and this will saturate one hundred and a half-weight of tallow. A boil of twenty-nine hundred-weight of tallow with ten hundred-weight of barilla, and five hundred- weight of pearl-ash requires eight hundred-weight of common salt. The common yellow soaps are made in this country with tallow and barilla, to which after sa- ponification, is added a quantity of rosin, and sometimes a little palm-oil and the materials thoroughly incorpor- ated. The following materials and proportions are said to make a good yellow soap: twenty-five hundred-weight of tallow, four hundred-weight and a half of oil, seven hundred-weight of rosin, eighteen hundred-weight of ba- rilla, ten hundred-weight of black ashes, or waste ley eva- porated 536 SOAP-MAKING. porated and calcined, and half an hundred-weight of palm i oil. They produce sixty-four hundred-weight of soap. i In manufactures of white soap, it is usual to vein ( some portions of it, of a blue colour, in order to form < what is termed marbled or mottled soap. The oxydes i of iron are employed for this purpose ; but it is not till 1 after two days’ boiling that they begin the process of va- riegation. With this view, a one hundred and fortieth part of the sulphate of iron, relatively to the oil intend- ed to be formed into soap, is diluted, and decomposed with a weak lixivium. Marbled soap is harder than that which is white, and is preferred to it for washing. This hardness, probably, does not merely proceed from the parts of the paste being brought into closer contact, but from a portion of oxygen abandoning the oxyde to combine with the iron. What tends to strengthen this hypothesis is, 1st, That the marbled soap never acquires its genuine qua- lity, until by ebullition, the colour of the oxyde has been reduced to a blackish tint. 2d, Because white soap, though very hard, never assumes the same cha- racter as the marbled. At all times has the soap ma- nufactured at Marseilles, stood deservedly high in the public estimation; cupidity has, it is true, sometimes operated on certain individuals to impose this article on customers, in an adulterated state ; but the manufac- turers, who are necessarily interested in supporting its character, have never failed on such occasions to stig- matize them as they deserve. Apothecaries and druggists prepare a medicinal soap by combining two parts of oil of almonds and one part of soap leys, so concentrated, that a phial which is capable of holding eight ounces of water, may con- tain eleven of ley. The soap thus prepared acquires consistency within a few days. It retains sometimes a caustic taste for a short period, but this may be obviat- ed by combining with it a fresh portion of oil, or by preparing it with greater care at first. The grease col- lected in kitchens, may be employed in the composition of soaps, prepared without the aid of heat. With this view, to six pints of lixivium, must be gradually added, constantly shaking the mixture, three pounds of grease, melted in a copper basin. The basin is kept on warm ashes for one hour, while at the same time the agitation is continued. It is then taken from the ashes, and agitated again for half an hour, till the mixture thickens. The saponaceous pasta thus prepared, is run into an earthen pan, in which it is left to the follow ing day, when being stirred, it is poured into moulds. Within three or four days it is taken out of the moulds, and set to dry, till it acquires a suitable degree of hardness. 0/ soft Soaps . — Soft soap is composed of potash and oil. This soap is very useful in scouring and cleansing stuffs from greasy matters with which they happen to be soiled. The greatest manufactures of soft soap are established in Flanders, Picardy, and Hol- land. The fish oil used by the Dutch, which imparts a disagreeable odour to the soap, has not a little con- tributed to bring their manufacture of this kind of soap into discredit. The use of this oil is prohibited by law in Flanders and in Picardy. The oils employed in these countries, for similar purposes, are generally those drawn from flax, hemp, and rape seed. These are distinguished by the appellation of warm and cold oils. Those which the Flemings denominate warm oils, the inhabitants of Picardy call yellow oils, and restrict the term green oil to cold oil. The warm oils bear a higher price than those called cold ; and on this account they are frequently mixed. The kinds of potash employed for the formation of soap, are procured from the North, or from Alsace. The caldrons are composed of plates of hammered iron, fastened together with rivets. After introducing into the caldron the half of the oil in- tended for one coction, the fire is kindled, and w'hen the oil begins to grow hot, we add to it a portion of the lixivium ; what remains of the oil and the lixivium must afterw ards be gradually poured in during the ebul- lition. If too much of the lixivium be employed at the commencement, no combination takes place ; if the lixivium be too strong, the mixture separates into clots, and if it be too weak, the union is incomplete. The quantity of the lye employed in one coction, ought to be in the proportion of four parts to three of the oil. Two hundred parts of oil, and one hundred and twenty-five of potash, yield three hundred and twenty- five of soap. When the union is fully accomplished, and the liquor is rendered transparent, nothing remains but to employ the necessary degree of coction. The soap-boilers judge of the degree of coction by the con- sistence, by the colour, and from the time which the soap takes to coagulate. In order to make the froth subside, and render the mass fit for barrelling, one ton of soap is emptied into the caldron. The soap held in the greatest request is of a brown colour inclining to black. Of Domestic Soap . — The only advantage in render- ing soap of a hard and solid form is to facilitate its carriage, and to adapt it to certain manipulations ; but for a great variety of purposes, it is reduced into a liquid state, to render its employment more convenient. For domestic purposes, the operation of coction in the preparation of soap, might, perhaps, be superseded, by the formation of saponaceous liquor, well adapted for the purpose of cleansing and whitening of stuff and linen. “ The preparation and employment of these sapo- naceous liquids have,” says M. Chaptal, “ long engaged my attention, and as my experiments on this have been attended with the happiest success, I shall here enter into some details respecting them. 1. We employ i either the potash sold in the shops, or a strong ley of I common ashes. In the first case we pour w'ater on the ' potash, and allow it to dissolve, till the solution marks F two degrees of concentration. We then decant this - solution, and pour it on a portion of oil contained in a 3 vessel. The mixture instantly becomes of a white co- - lour, and forms a milky liquor. In general, we ought to employ a small quautity of oil, and at most, not more SOAP-MAKING. 5S7 more than the proportion of one-fortieth part to ,the bulk of the ley. In the second case, we mix a por- tion of quick-lime with the ashes we mean to employ, and then lixiviate them, in the usual manner. This lixivium is used, like the solution of potash, after having been brought to the proper degree of concen- tration. This lixivium should always be prepared im- mediately before being used; and for this purpose recent ashes answer better than those that have been long kept. The coarser oils, termed dyer’s oils, are also preferable to the purer kinds in the composition of this mixture. When they exhale a disagreeable odour it is communi- cated to the linen ; but this fault may easily be cor- rected, by rincing it through a pure lixivium. When the liquor is too thick, it ought to be diluted with a weak lixivium; it should likewise be agitated, and beaten up to a froth, before being employed. When soda is used instead of potash, it must first be grossly pounded, and then put into a vessel, and covered with water, by which means we obtain a solution marking two degrees of concentration. The oil being put into a proper vessel, from forty to forty-five parts of the solution of soda is poured on it, when the mixture immediately as- sumes a milky appearance, which it ever afterwards retains, if the oil and soda be of a good quality. The Alicant soda is the best with which we are acquainted, and the addition of lime will be found unnecessary, except the soda be old, or in a state of efflorescence. Several lixivia may be thus formed, by pouring fresh water on the undissolvedsoda. Independently of these very simple processes, soaps may be' formed with rancid butter, and other oily and greasy substances, rejected in the kitchen. I have also succeeded in procuring a soap from wool ; which, at the same time that it is extremely economic, possesses very excellent qualities. To prepare this soap, it is sufficient to saturate a boil- ing lixivium with the wool rejected in our manufac- tures. This soap answers extremely w6ll for scow'ering or cleansing stuffs. The British prepare a very economic soap from the remains of the fish which are employed in the formation of glue, .and of those that are salted for the market. Cases may occur, in which, though possessing potash, marine salt, and oil, it is impossible to find a supply of soda proper for saponification ; yet, even under such circumstances, hard or solid soap may be prepared by decomposing the soap of potash by the marine salt. Thus, for example, if we combine three pounds of oil with a sufficient quantity of potash to form a soft soap, nothing more is requisite, but gradu- ally to add, towards the end of the process, six pounds of marine salt. The saponification is begun with the potash, and completed by the salt.” Of the Uses of Soap . — The first and most import- ant use of soap is, that of scowering or cleansing stuffs, because it possesses the property of uniting with the oil or grease by which they are soiled, and rendering them soluble in water without dissolving or changing the texture of woollen, silk, or cotton fabricks of any kind whatever. The manner of scowering or washing varies according to the nature of the cloth and the con- sistence of the soap ; when the soap is hard, hand- washing is usually employed, or, in other words, the soap is rubbed upon the cloth itself, with the view of forming a direct combination between the oil or grease contained in it and the soap ; the matters thus combined are then washed out by the aid of water. The soap is frequently dissolved in water ; and this saponaceous liquor is used to impregnate the cloth, and extract from it by repeated friction and the employment of water all the greasy matters with which it is imbued. Woollen cloth, blankets, flannels, and indeed all animal sub- stances, are most effectually cleansed by soft soaps, or soaps of potash. Some w'aters are not favourable to the solution of soap; those impregnated with earthy salts decompose it. Soda-soap forms the basis of wash- balls. With this view it is melted and then mixed with fine starch, which is the only article besides the soap used in the preparation of the common kinds. The usual proportions are three parts of starch to five of soap; the soap being cut into finger lengths is melted in a caldron, and two-thirds of starch thrown in, care being taken to stir it frequently ; it is next poured on a board or smooth table, and the remaining third of the starch kneaded into it with the hand until they be suffi- ciently incorporated ; after which the paste is made up into the shape that may be desired. Another kind of wash-balls is prepared by dissolving white soap in al- cohol. For this purpose alcohol is digested upon soap previously cut into finger-lengths, and at the end of twenty : four hours this mixture or paste is triturated in a mortar, with aromatics reduced to powder, or with a small quantity of some aromatic oil, such as that of jasmine, tuberose, lemon, citron, and orange. When j the paste is become sufficiently consistent, it is formed I into balls which exhale an agreeablo perfume. Some- times the aromatics are incorporated with mucilage of gum tragacanth, and whites of eggs. It is customary, in some manufactures to prepare an aromatic dye, by infusing different aromatic substances in alcohol, and afterwards kneading a portion of it with the soap, to which it imparts a strong perfume. Different sapona- ceous essences are prepared by dissolving aromatic soaps in double their weight of ardent spirits. 6 X STAINING STAINING OF PAPER. The colours proper for staining of paper are the same as those used for other substances, and they are applied with soft brushes, after being well tempered to a due degree of subsistence with size, gum-water, &c. If the paper on which they are laid is soft, so that the co- lours are apt to go through, it must be fixed before they are laid on, or a proportionally larger quantity must be used with the colours themselves. If a consi- derable extent of the paper is to be done over with one colour, it must receive several coatings, as thin as possible, letting each coat dry before another is put on, otherwise the colour will be unequal. Take yellow ochre, grind it with rain-water, and lay a ground with it upon the paper all over ; when dry take the white of eggs, beat it clear with white sugar- candy, and strike it all over: then lay on the leaf gold, and when dry polish it with a tooth. Some take saf- fron, boil it in water and dissolve a little gum with it, then they strike it over the paper, lay on the gold, and when dry they polish it. Take two scruples of clear glue made of neats’ leather, one scruple of white alum, and half a pint of clear water, simmer the whole over a slow fire till the water is consumed or the steam ceases. Then, your sheets of paper being laid on a smooth table, you dip a pretty large pencil into that glue, and daub it over as even as you can, repeating this two or three times : then sift the powder of talc through a fine sieve made of horse-hair or gauze over it, and then hang it up to dry, and when dry rub off the superfluous talc, which serves again for the same purpose. The talc you prepare in the following manner: take fine white transparent Mus- covy talc, boil it in clear water for four hours ; then take it off the fire, and let it stand so for two days ; then take it out, wash it well, and put it into a linen rag, and beat it to pieces with a mallet; to ten pounds of talc add three pounds of white alum, and grind them toge- ther in a little hand-mill, sift it through a gauze-sieve, and being thus reduced to a powder put it into water and just boil it up ; then let it sink to the bottom, pour off the water from it, place the powder in the sun to dry, and it will become of a hard consistence ; beat this in a mortar to an impalpable powder, and keep it for the use above-mentioned, free from dust. The common grounds laid in water are made by mixing whitening with the common glovers’ size, and laying it on the paper with a proper brush in the most even manner. This is all that is required where the ground is to be left wlnte ; and the paper being then hung on a proper frame till it be dry, is fit to be painted. When coloured grounds are required, the same method must be pursued, and the ground of whiting first laid, except in pale colours, such as straw colours or pink, where a second coating may sometimes be spared, by mixing some strong colour with the whitening. There are three methods by which paper-hangings are painted ; the first, by printing on the colours ; the se- cond, by using the stencil : and the third, by laying them on with a pencil, as in other kinds of painting. When the colours are laid on by printing, the im- pression is made by wooden prints ; which are cut in such a manner that the figure to be expressed is made to project from the surface by cutting away all the other part ; and this, being charged with the colours tem- pered with their proper vehicle, by letting it gently down on a block on which the colour is previously spread conveys it from thence to the ground of the paper, on which it is made to fall more forcibly by means ' of its weight, and the effort of the arm of the person who uses the print. It is easy to conclude, that there must be as many separate prints as there are colours to be printed. But w'here there are more than one, great care must be taken after the first to let the print fall exactly in the : same part of the paper as that which went before, other- | wise the figure of the design would be brought into I ii regularity and confusion. In common paper of low j price, it is usual, therefore, to print only the outlines, j and lay on the rest of the colours by stencilling, which both saves the expense of cutting more prints, and can be practised by common w orkmen, not requiring the great care and dexterity necessary to the using several prints. The manner of stencilling the colours is this. The figure, which all the parts of any particular colour make in the design to be painted, is to be cut out in a piece of thin leather or oil-cloth, which pieces of lea- ther or oil-cloth are called stencils ; and being laid flat on the sheets of paper to be printed, spread on a table or floor, are to be rubbed over with the colour properly tempered by means of a large brush. The colour pass- ing over the whole is consequently spread on those parts of the paper where the cloth or leather is cut away, and gives the same effect as if laid on by a print. This nevertheless is only practicable in parts where there are only detached masses or spots of colours ; for where STARCH-MAKING. 539 where there are small continued lines, or parts that run one into another, it is difficult to preserve the con- nexion or continuity of the parts of the cloth, or to keep the smaller corners close down to the paper : and, therefore, in such cases, prints are preferable. Sten- celling is indeed a cheaper method of ridding the work than printing; but without such extraordinary attention and trouble as render it equally difficult with printing, it is far less beautiful and exact in the effect. For the outlines of the spots of colour want that sharpness and regularity that are given by prints, besides the frequent extralineations or deviations from the just figure, which happen by the original misplacing of the sten- cils, or the shifting the place of them during the operation. Pencilling is only used in the case of nicer work, such as the better imitations of the India paper. It is per- formed in the same manner as other painting in water or varnish. It is sometimes used only to fill the outlines already formed by printing, where the price of the colour or the exactness of the manner in which it is required to be laid on, render the stencilling or printing it less proper ; at other times it is used for forming or delineating some parts of the design, where a spirit of freedom and variety, not to be had in printed outlines, are desired to be had in the wwk. The paper designed for receiving flock is first pre- pared with a varnish-ground w'ith some proper co- lour, or by that of the paper itself. It is frequently practised to priut some mosaic or other small running figure in colours on the ground before the flock be laid on ; and it may be done with any pigment of the co- lour desired, tempered with varnish, and laid on by a print cut correspondently to that end. The method of laying on the flock is this. A wooden print being cut, as is above described, for laying on the colour in such manner that the part of the design which is intended for the flock may project beyond the rest of the surface, the varnish is put on a block covered with the leather or oil-cloth, and the print is to be used also in the same manner, to lay the varnish on all the parts where the flock is to be fixed. The sheet thus pre- pared by the varnished impression is then to be removed to another block or table, and to be strewed over with flock, which is afterwards to be gently compressed by a board or some [other flat body, to make the varnish take the better hold of it, and then the sheet is to be hung on a frame till the varnish be perfectly dry ; at which time the superfluous part of flock is to be brushed off by a soft camel’s-hair brush ; and the proper flock will be found to adhere in a very strong manner. The method of preparing the flock is by cutting woollen rags or pieces of cloth with the hand, by means of a large bill or chopping-knife, or by means of a machine worked by a horse-mill. There is a kind of counterfeit flock- paper, which when well managed has very much the same effect to the eye as the real, though done with less expense. The manner of making this sort is, by laying a ground of varnish on the paper ; and having afterwards printed the design of the flock in varnish in the same manner as for the true, instead of the flock some pigment or dry colour of the same hue with the flock required by the design, but somewhat of a darker shade, being well powdered is strewed on the printed varnish, and pro- duces nearly the same appearance. STARCH-MAKING. It a quantity of wheat-flour be formed into a paste, and then held under a very small stream of water, kneading continually till the water runs off from it co- lourless ; the flour, by this process, is divided into two constituents, viz. a tough substance, called gluten, which remains in the hand, and the water, which, running off white, deposits a white powder, known by the name of starch. The starch obtained in this manner is not alto- gether free from gluten, and, accordingly, its colour is not very white, and it has not that fine crystallized ap- pearance which distinguishes the starch of commerce. Manufacturers employ a more economical and more efficacious process, which it will be our business now shortly to describe. The mode of manufacturing the common starch, which is made for sale, is almost exclusively from wheat, though potatoes are sometimes used. This grain consists of gluten, fecula, a colouring extractive matter, and phosphate of lime; and it is the object of the starch-maker to separate the fecula alone from all the other ingredients. Wheat-starch is made in the following manner : — The grain, after being coarsely ground, is suffered to fer- ment with w'ater for many days, by which its texture is entirely 540 TALLOW AND WAX-CHANDLERY. entirely broken down, and the starch, which is scarcely alterable in the process, is probably more effectually separated from all the other ingredients, and obtained finer and whiter. The actual method is this : — The wheat is first coarsely bruised, and placed in large wooden vats water-tight, and intimately mixed with water. Here a fermentation begins after a time, which is a mixture of the vinous and acetous, and is attended with a strong, sour, mouldy smell. The wheat re- mains in the vat for about a fortnight, till the fermenta- tion ceases, which is known by its settling at the bottom of the vat. The contents are then emptied into a small tub, and mixed with fresh water, till all the pulpy part is thin enough to pass through a hair sieve, which sepa- rates the bran. What has gone through contains the starch, suspended in a very sour water, and considerably foul. This is put into tubs, and allowed to remain for two days undisturbed, during which the impure starch settles to the bottom. The water is then drawn off, the tubs or frames turned on their sides, and the dirty dis- coloured part of the starch, which is the last that sub- sides, and therefore is at the top, is scraped off, and the remaining starch is well washed and brushed, till it is nearly free from the muddy sediment, which is called slimes, and is treated separately to obtain its starch. The starch is stirred w ith fresh water, suffered to settle, and again cleansed, till its impurities are removed ; it is then mixed with water enough to make it liquid, and passed through a fine law'll sieve. It is then fit to receive its bluish colour, which consists of smalt mixed with water and a small quantity of alum, to be tho- roughly incorporated with the starch. After settling once more, the starch is taken out and put into oblong boxes, about six feet long and one broad, with holes at the bottom, and lined with linen cloth, where the moisture of the starch drains off till it becomes solid enough to be cut into square lumps. These are laid on bricks which absorb much of the moisture, and make them sufficiently hard to be stoved. Here the starch re- mains in a moderate heat, till a slimy crust rises to the surface, which is carefully scraped off, and the rest, which is now pure starch, is prepared and placed again in the stove with a good hot fire, till it is quite dry. This last stoving causes the lumps to crack pretty uni- formly into the small pieces in which they appear when sold. The slimes are treated in the same way till all the starch is separated. All the refuse matter from starch- making affords very valuable food for fattening hogs. The whole time of making starch, from the first steep- ing of the wheat to the last stoving, is about five or six w'eeks ; five hundred and fifty-one Winchester bushels of wheat will make about six ton of starch. This will be about of the weight of the wheat. In the process of starch-making a great quantity of a sour nauseous jnilky water is obtained, from which the starch subsides after it is removed from the fermenting vat. This has been analyzed w ith great care by Van- quelin, and is found to contain the following substances, viz. acetous acid, ammonia, alcohol, gluten, and phos- phate of lime ; but, of these, only the two last are na- tural to the wheat, the others are, undoubtedly, the products of the fermentation, the ammonia being gene- rated by the decomposition of part of the gluten, the alcohol by the saccharine mucilage which every species of grain contains, and the acetous acid, perhaps, from all the other principles. The peculiar office which this acid performs in starch-making is to dissolve the gluten, and phosphate of lime, and thus to separate them from the pure starch. Hence, when wheat is employed, arises the necessity of continuing the fermentation long enough to generate a sufficient quantity of acetous acid ; for the other grains and roots, which afford starch, con- tain little or no gluten. A considerable quantity, how- ever, of the starch must be destroyed in the process, for wheat contains much more of it than is obtained in the manufacture, as may be found by washing flour-paste with water, in the way mentioned in the beginning of this article. Starch has a fine white colour, and is usually con- creted into longish masses ; it has scarcely any smell, and very little taste. It does not dissolve in cold water, but falls to powder. It combines with boiling water, and forms with it a kind of jelly, which may be diffused through boiling water, but when the mixture is allowed to stand a sufficient time, the starch slowly precipitates, to the bottom. TALLOW AND WAX-CHANDLERY. These trades, when united, consist principally in the n>anufacture of candles. A candle has been defined a cotton wick, loosely twisted, and covered with tallow, wax, or spermaceti, in a cylindrical figure, which, be- ing lighted at the end, serves to illuminate the place in the absence of the sun. In general, the trades are distinct, the tallow-chandler manufacturing tallow-can- dles only ; the wax and spermaceti being made by the wax-chandler. The cotton used for dipped, or common candles, is TALLOW AND WAX-CHANDLERY. 541 is brought from Smyrna, in the wool, which grows on trees in the shape of nuts; the shells enclosing the cotton. The cotton for moulded candles comes from Turkey, and the adjacent countries, packed in bales, which, when brought to England, is made to perform quarantine, lest in the unpacking on shore, it should be infected with some pestilential disorder. The tallow-chandler employs women to wind the cotton into large balls ; he then takes five, six, or eight of these balls, and drawing out the threads from each, cuts them into proper lengths, according to the size of the candles wanted. The machine for cutting the cotton is a smooth board, made to be fixed on the knees ; on the upper surface are the blade of a razor, and .a round piece of cane, placed at a certain distance from one an- other, according to the length of the cotton wanted: the cotton is carried round the cane, and being brought to the razor, is instantly separated from the several balls. The next operation is denominated “ pulling the cot- ton,” by which the threads are laid smooth, all knots and unevennesses removed, and, in short, the cotton is rendered fit for use. It is now spread, that is, placed at equal distances, on rods about half an inch in dia- meter and three feet long ; these are called “ broaches.” A tallow-candle, to be good, must be of sheeps’ and bullocks’ tallow. The wick ought to be pure, suffici- ently dry, and properly twisted, otherwise the candle will emit an inconstant vibratory Dame, which is both prejudicial to the eyes and insufficient for the distinct illumination of objects. There are two sorts of tallow-candles; the one dipped, the other moulded : the former are common candles. The tallow is prepared by chopping the fat, and then boiling it for some time in a large copper ; and when the tallow' is extracted by the process of fire, the remainder is subjected to the operation of a strong iron press, and the cake that is left after the tallow is ex- pressed from it is called greaves : with this dogs are fed, and the greater part of the ducks that supply the Lon- don markets. When the tallow is in proper order, the workman holds three of the broaches with the cottons properly spread between his fingers, and immerses the cotton into the vat containing the tallow : they are then hung on a frame and suffered to cool ; and when cold they are dipped again, and so the process is continued till the candles are of a proper size. During the operation, the vat is supplied from time to time with fresh tallow-, which is kept to the proper heat by means of a gentle fire under it. An invention of modern date has taken off much of the labour of the tallow’-chandler, in dipping candles : this consists in the mode^>f dipping. The wicks are pre- pared as has been described, and spread on the lyoaches, and when five or six of these broaches are filled with cot- ! ton, they are, at both ends, fixed into two small pieces of : boxwood, so as to unite, as it were, the several broaches into one moveable frame, full of wicks. This frame is suspended on one end of a lever, over the vat, while the other is balanced with weights in a scale, which may be increased as the candles become larger and heavier. The workman, by this simple and excellent contrivance, has only to guide the candles, and not to support the weight of them between his fingers. The mould, in which the moulded candles are cast, consists of a frame of wood, and several hollow metal cylinders, generally made of pewter, of the diameter and length of the candle wanted : at the extremity of these is the neck, which is a little cavity in forrp of a dome, having a moulding withinside, and pierced in the middle, with a hole big enough for the cotton to pass through. The cotton is introduced into the shaft of the mould by a piece of wire being thrust through the aper- ture of the hook till it comes out of the neck : the other end of the cotton is so fastened as to keep it in a perpendicular situation, and in the middle of the can- dle ; the moulds are then filled with warm tallow, and left to be very cold before they can be drawn out of the pipes. Besides these, there are other candles made by tal- low-chandlers, intended to burn during the night without the necessity of snuffing : the wick has been usually made of split rushes ; but lately very small cotton wicks have been substituted for the rush : these are lighted much easier, are less liable to go out, and, owing to the small- ness of the cotton, they do not require the aid of snuffers. To make W ax-candles with the Ladle . — The wicks being prepared, a dozen of them are tied by the neck, at equal distances, round an iron circle, suspended di- rectly over a large bason of copper, tinned and full of melted wax : a large ladleful of this wax is gently poured on the tops of the wicks one after ano- ther, and the operation continued till the candle arrives at its destined bigness, with this precaution, that the first three ladles be poured on at the top of the wick ; the fourth at the height of three-fourths, the fifth at one-half, and the sixth at one-fourth, in order to give the candle its pyramidal form. Then the candles are taken down, kept warm, and rolled and smoothed upon a w alnut-tree table, with a long square instrument of box, smoo.h at the bottom. As to the manner of making wax-candles by the hand the workmen begin to soften the wax by workingit several times in hot water, contained in a narrow but deep caldron. A piece of the wax is then taken out, and disposed by little and little around the wick, whici} is hung on a hook in the wall, by the extremity opposite to the neck ; so that they begin with the large end, diminishing still as they descend towards the neck, in other respects the method is nearly the same as in the former case. However, it must be observed, that in the former case water is always used to moisten the several instruments, to prevent the wax from sticking; and, in the latter, oil of olives, or lard, for the hands, &c. The cylindrical wax-candles are either made as the former, with a ladle, or drawn. Wax-candles, or tapers drawn, are so called because they are actually drawn in the manner of wire 6 Y by 542 TANNING. by means of two large rollers of wood turned by a handle, which turning backwards and forwards several times, pass the wick through melted wax contained in a brass bason, and at the same time through the holes of an instrument like that used for drawing wire, fastened on one side of the bason. The wax-chandler makes and sells sealing-wax, and wafers. It is from the combination of lac with Venice turpentine, sealing-wax is formed. Four parts of lac are said to be meked with two of turpentine, and two* of resin : the composition is coloured red by the addition of one part of cinnabar and one of red-lead; or black, by the addition of lamp-black. — See Murray’s Chemistry, vol. iv. Wafers are said to be made in the following manner : — Take very fine flour, mix it with the white of eggs, isinglass, and a little yeast ; well mix the matenals, and spread the batter, thus formed, on even tin plates, and dry them on a stove, then cut them out for use. They may be coloured with vermilion or red-lead ; or indigo, saffron, turmeric, gambouge, &c. TANNING. Tan, tannin, or the principle that effects the opera- tion of the art of tanning, is usually produced from the bark of oak, chopped and ground in a mill into a coarse powder. M. Deyeux was the first chemist w'ho ascer- tained and gave an account of the peculiar nature of tan. He pointed it out in his analysis of nut-galls, as a peculiar resinous substance, but without assigning to it a name. Seguin, who ranks high in France, as a chemist, and as one who has entered deeply into the principles of tanning, though not so much regarded by the tanners in England, engaged in a very extensive set of experiments on the art of tanning leather, during which lie discovered that tan has the property of pre- cipitating glue from its solutions in water, and also of combining with skins of animals. This led him to suppose it the essential constituent of the liquids em- ployed for the purpose of tanning leather, and hence arose the names tan, tannin, and tanning principle given it by the French chemists. To M. Proust, how r - ever, we are indebted for the investigation of the nature and properties of tan, and of the methods by w'hich it is obtained in a separate state. Much curious and im- j portant information has been obtained by the experi- i meuts of Sir Humphry Davy, on the constituent parts of astringent principles, and on their operation in the business of tanning, and to the papers of that gentleman, which we understand are founded on practice, we shall be chiefly indebted for the rules hereafter given, as guides to the English Tanner. Tan exists in a great number of vegetable substances, but it may be procured most readily, aud in the greatest purity from nut-galls and catechu. Nut-galls, are, as most of our readers know, excrescences formed on the leaves of the oak by the puncture of an insect which deposits its eggs upon them. The best are known by the name of Aleppo-galls, imported in large quantities into this country for the use of dyers, calico-printers, &c. They are hard like wood, round, often nodulated on the surface, of an olive-green colour, and of an ex- cessively disagreeable taste. They are, in a measure, soluble in water, aud what remains is tasteless, and possesses the properties of the fibre of wood. A very great proportion of w ater is necessary to carry off every thing soluble. It has been ascertained that one hundred and fifty English pints of water are necessary to carry off whatever is soluble in a pound troy-w'eight of galls. The soluble part of nut-galls consists chiefly of five ingredients, viz. tan ; extract ; gallic-acid ; mucilage ; and lime : but tan constitutes more than two-thirds of die w'hole. Hence the importance of nut-galls and oak-bark in the art of tanning, of which the following is a brief description. Hides quickly become putrid when in a moist or wet state, but may be preserved for a great length of time by being perfectly dried, but then are hard like horn, and not fit for any useful purpose. These inconveni- ences are obviated by tanning, and they then take the name of leather. To tan a hide, is to saturate it with tannin, or the astringent principle of vegetables, and by that means, to render it incorruptible. We shall not here dw'ell upon the theories by which the operations and the effect of tanning have been explained ; but shall content ourselves with observing that M. Seguin has shewn that the tannin unites itself with the gelatine which forms almost the whole of the hide, and that there thence re- sults a new substance possessing properties altogether distinct. In order to prepare a hide for receiving the tan, it is necessary to begin by removing the hair, sepa- rating the adhering pieces of fat, &c. These prelimi- nary operations are performed in the following man- ner : — When the hides, which are to be tanned, are raw (in which Tx\NNING. 543 which state they are called green hides), they are put to steep in water, in order to clear them of the blood and filth they may have collected in the slaughter-house. They are left "to soak in the water for some time, and if the hides are dry, they are steeped a longer time, sometimes for fourteen days ; less in hot weather, or more in cold. They are drawn out once or twice to see if they are well softened. The neighbourhood and the command of water are necessary to these opera- tions. Without that the hides cannot be prepared. After the hides have been well softened they next proceed to cleanse or free them from the hair. With this intention several different methods are employed ; that which is the oldest, and still most generally follow- ed, consists in the application of lime. In all tan- neries, pits are formed under-ground, having their sides lined with stone or brick, in which lime-stone is slacked so as to form milk of lime. These pits are divided into three kinds, according to the greater or less strength of the lime. The hides intended to be scoured are first put into the weakest of these pits, wherein they are allowed to remain until the hair readily yields to the touch. If this liquor be not sufficiently active, they are removed to the next in gradation. The time they are soaked is longer or shorter in proportion to the strength of the lime, the temperature of the air, and the nature of the hides. It has been proposed to substitute lime- water in place of the milk of lime. But, though the lime-water acts at first with sufficient strength, its action is not sufficiently permanent, and, in order to succeed m clearing the hides by this means, it is necessary to renew it occasionally ; and in this way the hides may be prepared in a few days. In some tanneries, after they have been kept in the pits for a short time, they pile them up in a heap on the ground, in which state they are suffered to remain during eight days ; after which they return them into the same pits from whence they were taken, and this process is repeated till the hair can be easily scraped off. In many countries they mix a large quantity of ashes with the lime ; but the only effect this mixture appears to produce is that of rendering the leather less con- sistent than when lime is solely employed. Many attri- bute the bad qualities of leather to the too great use of lime, which has a tendency to burn and render it brittle. Hence, in several well-conducted tanneries, in manu- facturing leather for some particular uses, the employ- ment of lime is carefully avoided. Hides may, in- deed, be cleansed by subjecting them to an incipient fermentation, which may be produced in a variety of ways. But in whatever manner the first part of the operation has been conducted, as soon as it is per- ceived that the hair is in a fit state to be removed, it is scraped off, on a wooden horse, by means of a crooked knife, which is not so sharp in any part of its edge as to injure the hide, or, by a whet-stone. This opera- tion is not only intended to remove the hair, but likewise the scurf and filth which collects on the skin at the root of the hair. After removing the hair and filth, the next ob- ject is to free the hides from the adhesion of any part of the muscle, or fat, and to render them soft and pliant. Those which are intended for particular kinds j of work, such as calves’ skins for the upper leather of shoes, and neats’ leather for shoulder-belts, do not re- quire to be raised or swelled. As soon, therefore, as they are cleansed and freed from the flesh, &c. they are laid in a pit. The hides intended for the soles of shoes, and other strong leathers, are afterwards raised by means of processes which vary in different countries. When lime is employed, the operation is commenced by putting the cleansed skins into the weakest of the lime-pits, and afterwards passing them successively through the two others. They are kept about a week in each of the two weakest pits, and another in the strongest. During this operation care is taken to with- draw them, and pile them up in a heap, every two or three days, putting them again into the pit after it has been well stirred. Lime hardens the skin, and in those tanneries where it is used, the hides are put into a ley of pigeons’ dung in order to soften them, and this pro- cess is termed graining. Thpy are daily withdrawn from the ley, and laid up in a heap for half an hour. This operation is usually continued for ten or fifteen days. Sometimes also acid compositions are employed for raising the hides; and this operation is greatly acce- lerated by using the acids warm, as well as by the me- thod practised in this country, of removing them from a weaker liquor into a stronger, until they be properly raised or swelled. The skin being thus prepared, is next subjected to the operation of tanning ; and to this purpose vege- table astringents are employed. Those vegetables an- swer best which contain the greatest portion of the astringent principle, now known under the name of tannin. Mr. Davy has demonstrated that caoutchoue or Japan earth, contains more of this principle than any other vegetable with which we are acquainted ; but oak bark is the substance most commonly employed in our climates; for it is not only very abundant in Europe, but likewise contains much tannin. Every species of oak, however, does not supply us with bark of the same quality ; the white oak is inferior to the green oak which grows in the south, while this in its turn yields in the value of its bark to that procured from the roots of the kermes-beariug oak, which is employed in southern climates for tanning strong leathers. But whatever kind of bark be employed, it is previously ground down to powder. The tan-pits are sometimes of a round, and at others of a square form, dug out to a considerable depth in the earth, and lined with wood or mason-work ; their size being in proportion to the extent of the works. The method of tanning is dif- ferent in different countries. According to calculation, from five to six pounds of tan is required to each pound of strong leather ; and one hundred weight of hides yields from fifty-two to fifty-six pounds of leather. It 544 TANNING. It appears that the operation of tanning is nothing more than combining the tannin, or astringent principle with the gelatin, which is the basis of the skin, and all the manipulations of the art are directed to effect or facilitate this combination. We will now detail another method chiefly takeu from Mr. Davy’s memoir on the subject. After the skin has been cleaned, it is submitted to other operations before it is immersed in the tan liquor. According to Mr. Davy’s account of the practices of the art, the large and thick hides which have undergone incipient putrefaction, are introduced for a short time into a strong infusion of oak bark, and after this they are acted on by water impregnated with a little sulphuric or acetic acid ; in consequence of which they become harder and denser than before, and titled after being tanned, for the purpose of forming the stouter kinds of sole leather. The lighter and thinner skins are treated in a different manner : they are macerated for some days in a ley formed from the infusion of pigeons’ dung in w ater, which contains a little carbonate of ammonia ; the skin is thus deprived of its elasticity, and becomes more soft. The tanning liquor is prepared by infusing bruised oak bark in water ; and skins are tanned by being suc- cessively immersed in such infusions, saturated in dif- ferent degrees with the astringent principles of the bark. The first leys in which they are immersed are weak, but towards the completion of the process they are used as strong as possible ; and in preparing stout sole leather, the skins are kept in an ooze, approaching to saturation, by means of layers of oak bark. The infusion of oak bark, especially that obtained by the first maceration, contains principally tannin and extractive matter; the gallic acid, if present, as has been supposed, being at least in an inconsiderable pro- portion. In the course of the maceration of the skins in these liquors, the tannin combines gradually with the gelatin, which, in an organized form, principally constitutes the skin, and forms with it a compound in- soluble in water, dense and impermeable to that fluid, while it possesses at the same time a certain degree of elasticity. The extractive matter also enters into the combination; for when skin in a large quantity has ex- erted its full action on a small quantity of infusion, it at length abstracts the whole dissolved matter, and renders it colourless. From this extractive matter colour is derived, and the skin may perhaps be rendered more dense. It has been supposed, that the gallic acid frequently contained in vegetable astringents, facilitates the action of their tanning, in converting skin into leather. Ac- cording to the theory of the operation, as given by Seguin, skin is gelatin in a hardened state from slight oxidizement ; the gallic acid in some measure de-oxi- dizes it, and hence reduces it to that state in which it combines more easily with gelatin. There is little proof given, however, of this theory ; and it appears suffi- ciently established, that the operation can be performed without the presence of this acid ; and indeed in the tan liquor prepared by one maceration from oak bark it is scarcely discoverable, and, if it do exist in it, it is in intimate combination with the extractive matter. The operation of tanning, as now described, requires a number of months, from the skins being successively and slowly introduced into infusions of different degrees j of strength. Seguin, after his discovery of tannin, pro- posed to abridge the process by introducing the skins more speedily into strong infusions of the tanning sub- stance ; and in this way, according to the excellent report given on the art of tanning by Pelletiere aud Lelivre, in which his method is fully described, the whole could be finished in about twenty days, and leather obtained equal in quality to that prepared by the old method. There is reason, however, to doubt of the superiority of this new method. Mr. Nicholson, in some observations on this subject, when a patent was taken out for Seguin’s method in this country, stated, that from information acquired from the manufacturers, he found that they had previously been sufficiently ac- quainted with the powers of the strong tanning infu- sions ; and that it had been even proposed to employ them so as to abridge the process. But the leather thus pre- pared w'as by no means equal to that prepared in the old method. The advantage of the slow and gradual process appears to be, that the whole substance of the skin is penetrated and equally changed ; while in the more rapid method the external parts must be more acted on ; and the texture probably will be more un- equal. It appears also from Mr. Davy’s experiments, to combine with a larger quantity of the extractive mat- ter contained in the astringent infusion ; and hence too the advantage of the immersions in the w'eak liquors, as these contain more of this thail^the strong infusions. It must be confessed, however, that for any thing theory can discover, the common process appears to be unnecessarily protracted, and some advantage might probably be derived from adopting some of the manipulations of Seguin. The skin in drying increases in weight from the fix- ation of the vegetable matter : the quantity of this sel- dom exceeds one-third of its weight. The increase is greater, according to Mr. Davy's experiments from quick than from slow tanning. In the latter, he sup- poses more of the extractive matter enters into combi- nation, and this weakening the attraction of the skin to tannin, less of it is absorbed, and less vegetable mat- ter on the whole enters into the composition of the leather. Probably also, in the slow process, more of the animal matter is removed. Other substances are used in tanning, as the bark of the willow, elm, and other trees, and, as we have seen, galls and catechu. The leather prepared from these varies in colour, and in some other external qualities. Catechu, or terra Japonica, as it is sometimes called, is a substance obtained by decoction and evaporation from a species of Mimosa , which abounds in India. There TANNING. 54b There are two varieties of it ; one from Bombay, and j the other from Bengal. This substance is found to ' consist chiefly of tan, combined with a peculiar species i of extract. Tan is chiefly found in the bark of trees, | but it has been obtained from the sap, the wood, and even the leaves. It varies in quantity according to the season of the year, and it likewise varies with the age and size of the trees. The greatest proportion of tan is contained in the inner barks. The* epidermis usually contains none. The following table exhibits the pro- portion of solid matter extracted by water from different vegetable substances, and the quantity of tan contained I in that solid matter, as ascertained by the experiments ; of Mr. Davy : One Ounce of White inner bark of old oak, contains • — young oak Spanish chesnut — Leicester willow Middle bark of oak . • Spanish chesnut Leicester willow Entire bark of oak Spanish chesnut Leicester willow Solid Matter. 108 111 , 89 117 43 41 34 61 53 71 165 1 06 Tan. 72 77 63 72 19 14 16 29 21 33 78 79 261 231 127 covered with leather, and scraped on the flesh side with the semicircular blunt knife with two handles, used in this operation. They are then covered with a coat of lime of the consistence of paint, on the flesh side, and hung up in considerable numbers in a small close room heated by flues, where they remain to putrefy for a given time. During this process a thick slime works up to the surface of the skin, by which the regularity of the process is ascertained, and the wool is loosed so that it readily comes off with a slight pull. Each skin is then returned to the beam, the wool taken off, and all. the lime worked off with the knife, and the rough edges pared away. The skin is then put into a pit filled with lime-water and kept there from two to six weeks, according to the nature of the skin, which has the effect of checking the further putrefaction, and produces a very remarkable hardening and thickening of its substance, and probably also it detaches a further portion of the slime. The skin is again well worked, and much of its substance pared down, and all inequalities smoothed with the knife. Pains and judgment are required in these operations on the one hand not to endanger the substance of the skin by the putrefaction, and on the other hand to work out every particle of the lime, of which the least if retained will prevent the skin from dressing well in the subsequent processes, and from taking the dye uniformly and well. The skin is then again softened and freed from the lime. All the thickening produced by the lime is thus removed, and the skin is now highly purified, and is a thin extensible white membrane called in this state a pelt, and is fit for any subsequent operation of tawing or dyeing, or oil-dressing, or shamtnoying. The method of bringing kid and goats’ skins to the state of pelt is nearly the same as for lambs, except that the lining is used before the hair is taken off, the hair being of but little importance, and only sold to the plasterers ; but the lambs’ wool, which is more valu- able, would be greatly iujured by the lime. Kids’ skins Sicilian sumach Malaga sumach Bombay catechu ■ — • Bengal catechu — Nut-galls 180 Of Taicing, Leather-dressing and Dyeing, and other Processes. — The dressing and preparing of the skins of lambs, sheep, goats, and other thin hides, though in many particulars closely resembling the method used with the thick cow and ox hides, forms a totally distinct branch of business, and is one in which a good deal of practical skill and nicety of manipulation are required to succeed perfectly. The processes are various ac- cording to the article required, and this branch of the manufacture supplies the immense demand of white and jj w ill take a longer time in tanning than lambs’, dyed leather for gloves, the morocco leather of dif- ferent colours and qualities for coach-linings, book- binding, pocket-books, and thin leather for an infinite number of smaller purposes. Of these the white leather alone is not tanned but finished by the process of tawing, the coloured leather receives always a tanning independently of the other dyeing materials. The pre- vious preparation of each, or that in which the skin is thoroughly cleansed and reduced to the state of simple membrane in which it is called pelt, is essen- tially the same whether for tawing or dyeing. It is thus performed at Bermondsey, near London, a place long celebrated for all branches of the leather business. By far the greater number of the skins are im- ported : if lambs, they are thus prepared ; the skins are soaked for a time in water, to cleanse them from any loose dirt and blood, and put upon the beam commonly I used for the purpose, which is a half cylinder of wood If the pelts are to be taw'ed they are put into a solution of alum and salt in warm water, in the pro- portion of three pounds of alum and four pounds of salt to every 120 middle sized skins, and worked therein till they have absorbed a sufficient quantity. This again gives the skin a remarkable degree of thickness and toughness. The skins are now taken out and washed in water, and then again put into a vat of brau and water and allowed to ferment, till much of the alum and salt is got out and the unusual thickening produced by it is for the most part reduced. They are then taken to a room with a stove in the middle, and stretched on hooks, and kept there till fully dry. The skins are now converted into a tough, flexibly, and quite white leather; but to give them a glossy finish, and to take off the harshness of the feel still remaining, they are again soaked in water, and put into a large pail containing the yolks of 6 Z eggs 346 TIN-PLATE-WORKING. eggs beat up with water. Here the skins are trodden for a long time, by which they so imbibe the substance of the egg that the liquor above them is rendered almost perfectly limpid, after which they are hung up in a loft to dry, and finished by glossing with a warm iron. The essential difference, therefore, between tanning and tawing is, that in the former case the pelt is com- bined with tan and other vegetable matter, and in the latter with something that it imbibes from the alum and salt (possibly alumine), and which is never again extracted by the subsequent washing and branning. The Morocco leather, as it is called, prepared from sheep-skins chiefly, and used so largely for coach- ; linings, pocket-books, and the best kind of book- i binding, is thus made : the skin, cleansed and worked in the way already described, is taken from the lime-water, and the thickening brought down, not by bran liquor as in tawing, but by a bath of dogs’ or pigeons’ dung diffused in water, where it remains till suppled, and till the lime is quite got out and it becomes a perfectly white clean pelt. If intended to be dyed red it is then sewed up very tight in the form of a sack with the j grain side outwards, and is immersed in a cochineal bath of a warmth just equal to what the hand can sup- port, and is worked about for a sufficient time till it is uniformly dyed. The sack is then put into a large vat containing sumach infused in warm w r ater, and kept for some hours till it is sufficiently tanned. The skins intended to be black, or any colour but red, are merely sumached without any previous dyeing. Af- ter some fut ther preparation, the colour of the red skins being finished with a weak bath of saffron, the skins when dry are grained and polished in the following way ; they are stretched very tight upon a smooth inclined board, and rubbed over with a little oil. Those intended for black leather are previously rubbed over with an iron liquor, which uniting with the gallic acid of the sumach, in- stantly strikes a deep and uniform black. They are then rubbed by hand with a ball of glass with much manual labour, which polishes them and makes them very firm and compact. Lastly, the graining or ribbed surface by which this kind of leather is distinguished is given by rubbing the leather very strongly with a ball of box-wood, round the centre of which a number of small equidistant parallel grooves are cut, forming an equal number of narrow ridges, the friction of which gives the leather the desired inequality of surface. The process for the real Morocco leather, as pre- pared from goat-skins at Fez and Tetuan, is thus de- scribed by M. Broussonet. The skins are first cleansed, the hair taken off, limed, and reduced with bran nearly in the way already described for the English morocco leather. After-coming from the bran they are thrown into a second bath made of white figs mixed with water, which is thereby rendered slimy and fer- mentable. In this bath the skins remain four or five days, when they are thoroughly salted with sal-gem, or rock salt alone, after which they are fit to receive the dye, which for the red is cochineal and alum, and for the yellow, pomegranate bark and alum. The skins are then tanned, dressed, suppled with a little oil, and dried. Much excellent leather, and of various colours, is ma- nufactured in different parts of Russia; of which, the processes are given in Mr. Tooke’s “ View of the Rus- sian Empire,” Vol. III. The saffian, or manoquin, W'hich is prepared largely at Astracan, is manufactured only from the skins of goats and bucks ; the usual co- lours of these are red and yellow. The shagreen, which is also manufactured at Astracan, consists of hides of horses and asses ; but of these only a small part is used, cut from the crupper-line along the back about thirty- four inches upon the crupper, and twenty-eight along the back. The chief dyes of shagreen are green, blue, and black. Various processes have been invented to render leather for shoes and boots water-tight, which is effected by an additional dressing with an oily or resinous matter : the following recipe is said to be effectual. One pound of linseed-oil; half a pound of mutton suet; six ounces of bees-wax, and four of resin, are to be melted, thoroughly incorporated, and applied, while warm, to the upper- leather and the soles. TIN-PLATE-WORKING. On the affinity which there is betw’een tin and iron is founded the art of forming what is commonly called tin-plates, which is, properly, tinned iron, or as it is denominated in Scotland, and also on the Continent, white iron. The process in manufacturing these plates is simplv this : thin plates of malleable iron thoroughly •cleared from all rust or oxyde, are clipped into a vessel of melted tin, the surface of which fluid metal is pro- tected from oxydizement by the air, by a thin layer of melted tallow, the tin unites with the iron at each sur- face, but whether the two metals actually combine is not yet ascertained. The iron thus acquires a white colour, is rendered less liable to rust, and its ductility is scarcely at all impaired ; hence the plates can be easily TIN-PLATE-WORKING. 547 easily bent, and from the alloy of tin at the surface can be also easily worked. Iron-plates when tinned over, and which are very thin, have been denominated latten. Of the manufacture of these we have an account in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, and from which we shall extract some particulars. Plates of iron being prepared of a proper thickness, are smoothed by rusting them in an acid liquor, as common water made eager with 17c; with this liquor they fill certain troughs, and then put in the plates, which they turn once or twice a day that they may be equally rusted over; after this, they are taken out and well scowered with sand, and to prevent their rusting again are immediately plunged into pure water, in which they are to be left till the instant they are to be tinned or blanched, the manner of doing which is this : they flux the tin in a large iron crucible, which has the figure of an oblong pyramid with four faces, of which two oppo- site ones are less than the two others. The crucible is heated only from below, its upper part being luted with the furnace all round. The crucible is always deeper than the plates which are to be tinned are long ; they always put them in downright, and the tin ought to swim over them ; to this purpose artificers of different trades pre- pare plates of different shapes, though M. Reaumur thinks them all exceptionable. But the Germans use no sort of preparation of the iron to make it receive the tin, more than the keeping it always steeped in water till the time only when the tin is melted in the crucible, they cover it with a layer of a sort of suet, which is usually two inches thick, and the plate must pass through this before it can come to the melted tin. The first use of this covering is to keep the tin from burning; for if any part should take fire the suet would soon moisten it and reduce it to its primitive state again. The blanchers say, this suet is a compounded matter ; it is indeed of a black colour, but M. Reaumur supposed that to be only an artifice to make it a secret, and that it is only coloured with soot or the smoke of a chimney, but he found it true so far that the common unprepared suet was not sufficient, for after several attempts, there was always something wanting to render the success of the operation certain. The whole secret of blanching, therefore, was found to lie in die preparation of this suet, and this he discovered at length to consist in the first frying and burning it. This simple operation not only gives it the colour, but puts it into a condition to give the iron a disposition to be tinned, which it does surprisingly. The melted tin must also have a certain degree of heat, for if it is not hot enough, it will not stick to the iron : and if it is too hot it will cover it with too thin a coat, and the plates will have several colours, as red, blue, and purple, and upon the whole have a cast of yellow. To prevent this, by knowing when die fire has a proper degree of heat, they might try with small pieces of iron ; but in general, use teaches them to know the degree, and they put in the iron when the tin is at a different standard of heat, according as they would give it a thicker or a thinner coat. Sometimes also they give the plates a double layer, as they would have them very thickly covered. This they do by dipping them into the tin, when very hot, the first time ; and when less hot the second. The tin which is to give the second coat must be fresh co- vered with suet, and that with the common suet, not the prepared. Tin-plates are often manufactured in a different way : the iron in bars, or plates is cased over with tin, and then drawn out by means of rolling-mills. In 1681 tin- plates were made in England by a person named An- drew Yarranton, who was sent into Bohemia to learr, the art, but it was not brought into perfection, for more than fifty years, and since the middle of the last century, it has been carried on in these islands in so perfect a manner, that scarcely any have been imported from the continent. Our plates are of a finer gloss, or coat, than those made beyond sea, the latter being chiefly hammered, but ours, according to the plan of which we are now speaking, are always drawn out by the rolling-mill. The tin-plate worker, a trade well known in London, and all large towns, receives his tin-plate in sheets, and it is his business to form them into all the various articles of domestic use, which are known to every body. The principal instruments that he makes use of are a large pair of fixed shears, to cut the tin to the proper size and shape : a polished anvil, and hammers of various kinds, some of which are highly polished on the face. The joints of his work are made with solder, which he makes himself, and which is a composition of equal parts of tin and lead, that the workman causes to unite with the tin-plate, or tinned-iron, by means of rosin. The two principal wholesale houses in London, are those of Jones and Taylor, in Tottenham-Court-Road, and of Howard and Co. in Old-Street-Road. These and other wholesale traders have constantly travellers in various parts of the kingdom ; and as they cannot carry the articles of their trade, in saddle-bags, like many other manufacturers, they take with them drawings of all works of taste, in their line of business. Tin, in blocks, resemble silver, but it is of a darker hue ; it is also much softer, less elastic and sonorous, than any other metal excepting lead : it is most readily extended, and melts with a lower heat than all other metals. When tin is made is made very hot, it will break with a blow. In the state of ore, it is found mixed with arsenic. The chief tin mines in the known world are those of Cornwall ; and it is a fact well as- certained, that the Phoenicians visited these islands, for the purpose of getting tin from our ancestors, several centuries before the Christian aera. In tracing the history of the Cornwall mines, we find that they produced very little in the reign of king John, but the right, at that period was wholly vested in the sovereign, as Earl of Cornwall. Their value has fluctuated at different periods ; of late years they have produced to the value of a hundred and fifty, or two hundred thousand pounds. The Prince Regent, as Duke of Cornwall, receives four shillings upon 548 TURNING. upon every hundred weight of what is called coined white tin, which sometimes amount to ten or twelve thousand a year : the proprietors of the soil have one- sixth, and the rest goes to the adventurers in the mine, who are at the whole charge of working. As the tin is to be thus divided, or rather its real value ascertained, it is stamped and worked at the mill, and it is then carried under the name of block-tin to the melting-house, where it is run into blocks, and thence carried to the coinage town. The coinage towns are Leskard, Lestwithiel, Truro, Helston, and Penzance, being the most conve- nient parts of the county for the miners. We may observe that from the affinity between tin and copper, a thin layer of the former metal can be easily applied to the surface of the latter; and this prac- tice of tinning, as it is named, is often employed to prevent the erosion or rusting of copper-vessels, and the noxious impregnation which they would of course com- municate to liquors kept in them. The surface of the copper is polished so as to be quite bright : sal-ammo- niac is applied to it when hot, by which the oxidation appears to be prevented ; or pitch is sometimes used for the same purpose ; the melted tin, or what is often substituted, on account of its hardness being greater than that of pure tin, an alloy of tin and lead, is applied to the surface of the copper, to which it adheres. TURNING. Turning is a mechanical operation, for shaping vari- ous hard substances, as wood or metal, into a round or oval figure, in a machine called a lathe. The operation differs very essentially from most others, in the circum- J stance, that the matter to be operated upon is put in I motion by the machine, and is wrought by means of edged tools presented to it, and held fast ; whilst in most others, the work is fixed, and the tool put in mo- tion by the workman. In turning, the work is caused to revolve upon a sta- ' tionary straight line, as an axis, while an edge tool set steady to the outside of the substance in a circumvolu- | tion thereof, cuts off all the parts which lie farther off j the axis, and makes the outside of that substance con- ! centric to the axis. In this case any section of the j work, made perpendicularly to the axis, will be of a circular figure; but there are methods of turning ellipses, and various other curves, which are known by the name of engine-turning. When compared with many other mechanical opera- tions, the art of turning may be considered as perfect in the accuracy and expedition of the work, which is pro- duced, and that independently of any extraordinary skill or dexterity of the workman; the lathe is therefore resorted to by mechanics to perform every work it is capab|e of, and these are so numerous as to demand in preference to other mechanic operations, a minute de- tail. Lathes are made in a great variety of forms, and put in motion by different means, they are called center lathes where the work is supported at both ends; man- * drel, spindle , or chuck lnthes when the w ork is fixed at the projecting extremity of a spindle. From different methods of putting them in motion, they are called pole lathes, and hand wheel-lathes , or foot wheel-lathes ; for very powerful works they are turned by horses, steam engines, or water-mills. The lathes used by wood tur- ners are generally made of wood, in a simple form, and are called bed-lathes, the same kind will serve for turn- ing iron, or steel, but the best work in metal is always done in iron lathes, which are usually made with a tri- angular bar, and are called bar-lathes. Small ones for the use of watch-makers, are called turn-benches, and turns, but there is in fact no proper distinction between these and the centre-lathes, except in regard to size, and that they are made of iron instead of wood. The Centre-lathe is now very little used, but by country turners, to make trifling articles of household furniture in soft wood, as table-legs, stair-case rails, &c. it consists of the following parts, 1st. the bed, which is composed of two-beams bolted together at a small dis- tance asunder, and parallel to each other, it is supported horizontally on legs at the ends, and forms the support of the whole; th e groove, is the narrow opening between the two halves, or chucks of the bed, to receive the tenons of the puppets, which are two short upright posts fastened down upon the bed at any place by means of wedges, driven through mortises in the tenon of the puppets beneath the bed ; one of the puppets has a pike or pin of iron fixed into it, and the other one has at the same level the centre-screw, working through a nut fastened in the puppet, both the screw and the pike have sharp points made of steel, and hardened and tem- pered, that they may not wear away ; there must be exactly opposite, and in a line with each other, the piece of work which is to be turned, suppose for instance a pole TURNING. 549 a pole of wood, is supported by its ends, between the points- of the pike and the screw, that it may turn round freely, and the screw is screwed up, till it has no shake, the puppets can be placed at any distance asunder ac- cording to the length. The rest is a rail or bar, extending from one puppet to the other, for the support of the tool ; it lays in hooks projecting from the faces of the puppets ; the work is put in motion by means of the treadle , which is worked by the turner’s foot, the string or cat-gut is fastened to the treadle, and passing two or three turns round the work, it is fastened to the end of an elastic pole, fixed to the ceiling over the turner’s head : now as the turner presses the treadle down by his foot, the string turns the work round, and a sharp chisel or gouge, being held against the wood upon the rest, will cut the wood to a circular form. When he has brought the treadle to the ground, he releases the weight of his foot, and the elasticity of the pole draws up the treadles turning the Avork back again ; during which retrograde motion he withdraws the chisel from the work, as it would not cut in this direction through it, and might impede the mo- tion of the wood; and the pole is fastened to the ceiling of the room where the lathe is placed by a pin, upon which it can be turned about as a centre, and it rests upon a horizontal bar fixed at some distance from the centre ; it is placed in a position nearly perpendicular to the axis of the work, so that when it is turned upon its centre pin, the string at the other end may be brought over any part of the length of the work where it will be most convenient for the turner to have the string put round it : in the same manner the end of the treadle is placed, w'ith one end over a centre pin in the floor, that its opposite end may be moved under the work to the proper place for the string. It is held in this position while moving up and down, by a second treadle, perpendicular to the first which moves on a loose centre on the floor at one end, and the other is perforated with a number of holes to receive a pin fixed in the first treadle, and thus to confine the treadle to move up and down under any place it is set to: the end of the principal treadle is turned in the lathe and made like a pulley, to hold the line or string which is wound upon it, and the turner winds the string on or off this end of the treadle, to adjust its length to the diameter of the work round which the string passes ; the string is fastened to the end of the spring pole in a similar manner. The workman stands or is seated be- fore his lathe, having one of his feet on the treadle to give the motion ; it must be very moderate and equal : he places his tool on the rest, and approaches the head of it gently to the piece, performing his work gradually without leaving any ridges, and when he meets with a knot, he must go ou still more gently, otherwise he would be in dangej both of splitting his work, and breaking the edge of his tool. For turning light-work, a bow, such as is used for shooting arrows, is suspended by its middle over the lathe, the string is then tied to the middle of the bow-string in lieu of the pole, and acts in the same manner. The continued rotatory mo- tion given by a wheel, is so much superior for turning to the reciprocating motion of a treadle and string, that regular turners seldom make use of the latter, yet the simplicity of the whole is a great recommendation, es- pecially among country workmen, who are not so care- ful of their time, as in the towns where competition obliges every one to use the best and quickest means of dispatching his work. The common centre lathe becomes a powerful ma- chine, when worked by means of a large wheel, turned by one or more labourers ; the wheel should be heavy that its momentum may be sufficient to overcome any trifling obstacle in the work, and the frame in which it is mounted must be of sufficient weight to stand steady, and not be liable to move by the exertions of the man turn- ing it. An endless line is used to communicate the motion of the wheel to the work ; it passes round a groove in the circumference of the wheel, and after crossing like a fi- gure of eight, goes round a small pulley fixed upon the work ; by this means when the great wheel is turned, it gives a rapid rotatory motion to the matter to be turned, and with a much greater power than can be obtained from the treadle, with the additional advantage of the work turning always the same way round, so that the turner has no need to take his tool off the work ; the small pulley is perforated with a square hole, to receive a square made on the end of the work, and the turner has many different pulleys, each with a different sized hole through it, to suit work of different diameters ; but there is an inconvenience attending this method, for if the four corners of the square, on which the pulley is fitted, be not all equally distant from the centre of the work, the pulley will not turn round truly, and the band will be liable to slip round upon it. To obviate this, the pulley, Fig. 1 3, Tu n N i N g, PL 1 1 , is often used ; it has a square hole through it to receive the work, and is made to fit upon it by means of four screws a a a a passing through a part of the wood by the side of the pulley, and their point pressing into the work : in this manner one or two pulleys can be made to serve work of any dimensions and can always be set truly upon it : it has, as shewn in the edge view, two different sized groo\’es, A B, in either of which the band may be work- ed when required. There is a kind of centre lathe, which is generally employed by Millwrights, aud Iron-founders, in turning heavy metal work, such as the gudgeons of mill- shafts, rollers for sugar or rolling-mills, pump-rods, which are to pass through stuffing boxes, or in short, any work which will admit of having both its ends sup- ported on centres : it is in many respects similar to that we have described, but is adapted to give a continued rotatory motion to the work ; it has legs which support it from the floor, and the bed is formed by two parallel beams or cheeks bolted to the legs : one of the legs stands up above the bed to support the main, or left hand centre point, instead of having a puppet on put- pose. The centre pin is fastened into it, by a nut and 7 A screw 550 TURNING. screw behind, and upon this pin two wooden pulleys are fitted side by side, close to each other, so that they appear but one : either of those at pleasure is caused to turn round by means of an endless strap, going round a drum extending over head, or under the floor, and which is turned by horses or a steam engine ; the strap being only the breadth of one of the pulleys, will turn but one of them at a time, but it can easily be shifted from one to the other at pleasure, and then the other will stand still ; the front one of these pulleys gives mo- tion to the work. The back puppet is fixed upon the bed of the lathe, by a tenon projecting downwards, and entering the space between the two chucks of the bed ; it is fixed at any place by means of a screw bolt, which passes down through the puppet, and goes through a piece of iron, which takes its bearing on the under side of the bed ; a nut f is fitted on this screw, and thereby the whole puppet can be drawn down upon the cheeks, so firmly that it will not move by any strain the work may occasion ; the back puppet carries the back centre screw, which has a steel point to support the work. The rest of this kind of lathe is made of iron in the usual manner of bed lathes, as is represented at Fig. 5, of Plate I ; its construction will be detailed when we describe that plate. The work is turned about in this lathe by means of an iron pin, projecting some inches from the flat surface of the front pulley, which, as before mentioned, is fitted on the centre point ; a piece of iron called a driver (see Fig. 5. Plate 11 ) is screwed upon the work near its left hand end, so as to project perpendicularly from it, and the pin, in the pulley, intercepts this as it turns, carry- ing the w'ork round with it. The other pulley which is fitted on the centre pin, is only of use, when the lathe is wanted to stand still, in the same manner as the live and dead pulleys used in cotton-mills. When the workman wishes to put the lathe in motion, he presses the handle of his tool, or any other smooth piece of wood, against the edge of the endless strap while it is in motion, and pushes it towards the front pulley ; in a very short time the strap will get completely on the pulley, and shift itself to a fresh place on the drum corresponding to the pulley: this causes the pulley to turn round, and by the pin pushing round the end of the driver screwed on the work, communicates its motion to the work to be turn- ed. When he wishes the motion to cease, for the pur- pose of examining his work, he pushes the strap back again on to the other pulley, which has no communication with the work as it slips freely on the centre pin ; the driver, as shewrn by the figure, is simply an iron ring, having a screw' tapped through one side of it, to pinch the work so fast, as to prevent its slipping. The side opposite the screw should be angular, that it may fit any sized work ; this driver may be fixed on either end of the work while the other is turning, but when it is necessary to fix the driver on that part of the work which is finished, the end of the screw is apt to pinch and bruise it ; it is therefore proper to use the driver, Fig. 6, composed of two bars of iron screwed together by two screws, passing through one bar tapped into the other ; both bars are somew hat hollowed out in the middle that they may encompass the work. If this should be found to injure the work, a piece of sheet-lead wrapped round it before the driver is put on, will pre- vent the possibility of its damaging the work, and if the screws of the driver are drawn very tight, it will carry the work about with sufficient force to bear turning. The manner of mounting and giving motion to a piece of metal work in the centre lathe is this : the back puppet is first fastened on the bed of the lathe at the pro- per length to receive the work, the workman then places one of its ends against the points of the front centre, with the point as near to the centre of the W'ork as he can guess; he then brings the centre of the other end of the work opposite the point of the centre screw, and screws it up so as to hold the work just tight enough, to prevent its falling down. In this state by turning it round with one hand, while he holds a piece of chalk against it with the other, he finds whether it is pitched nearly concentric on the points; and if it varies much at any points, he turns back the screw and tries again, ob- serving to shift the centre point nearer towards that side which appears to project farthest in revolving, and therefore gets marked by the chalk. When he has found the true centre, he screws up the point so hard that it may mark the end of the w'ork ; then taking the j w ork out of the lathe, he punches or drills holes in the ends where the screw and centre points have marked, j and when the work is returned into the lathe it will run nearly concentric ; the driver being screwed fast on either end of the work as is most convenient, the work w ill be turned round by the pin projecting from the pulley as before described ; the turning of heavy iron work, for which these lathes are used, is performed by various tools chiefly called hooks, but these will be farther described. The centre lathe will perform any kind of w'ork w'hich can be turned upon centres made in the ends of it, but a great portion of the articles which are formed in the lathe must have one of their ends at liberty, to be operated upon w'hile they are turning, as cups, boxes, and all kinds of hollow articles ; these are turned in The foot lathe with mandril and collar. — A lathe of this kind serves equally well for centre work ; there- fore if the professed turner is without a mandril lathe, one of these, constructed in the simplest and most economical manner, and chiefly of wood, that the arti- ficer may be enabled to make it himself, is shewn in PI. I, of Turning. It is put in motion by a foot- wheel and treadle, so that the turner has both his hands at liberty for directing the tools. A, is the bed of the lathe, consisting of two beams or cheeks fixed parallel to each other, and leaving a small space between them, as shewn in Fig. 3, and at o o, Fig. 4. The bed is supported by three upright legs, as shewn in the figure ; one of these projects up above the bed a sufficient height to TURNING. 551 to form one of the puppets C, for the support of the ex- tremity of the spindle or mandril e E ; the other end is supported in a collar fixed in an iron standard or puppet B, which is screwed down upon the bed by two bolts marked tt; this standard is shewn separately in Fig. 4. The back puppet D has a tenon which is received through the bed, and a wedge s put through it beneath the bed, by which it can be fastened at any place ; f is the back centre pin, fitted through the puppet, and g is a screw' situated behind it, to advance and keep it up to its work. The mandril is turned round by a band of catgut passing round the pulley c, and also round the large foot-wheel G, which is made of cast iron, and fixed on the end of the axis H ; this is bent as in the figure, to form two cranks ; united by two iron links to the treadle I, on which the workman presses his foot ; this treadle is affixed by two short boards to an axis on which the treadle I moves. The wheel G is of considerable weight in the rim, and being wedged fast on the axis, turns round with it ; it is the momentum of this wheel that continues to turn the work while the crank and treadle are rising, and consequently while the workman exerts no power upon them. When the crank has passed the vertical position, and begins to descend, he presses his foot upon the treadle, to give the wheel a sufficient impetus to con- tinue its motion until it arrives at the same position again. The length of the iron links which connect the cranks with the treadle I, must be such, that when the cranks are at the lowest, the board I of the treadle to which the links are hooked, should hang about two or three inches from the floor. The turner gives the wheel a small turn with his hands, till the crank rise to the highest and pass a little beyond it, then by a quick tread he brings the cranks down again, putting the wheel in motion with a velocity that will carry it several revolutions ; he must observe to begin his next tread just when the cranks pass the highest point, and then it will continue running the same way, with a tolerably regular motion, if he is punctual in the time of his treads. The rest F which supports the tool while it is in the act of turning, is made of iron, as shewrn in Fig. 3 : it is supported on the bed of the lathe by its foot, which is divided with a groove in the manner of a fork, to receive a screw bolt going down through the lathe bed, and fastening it at any place along them by a thumb- nut ; the groove in the foot is for the purpose of allow- ing the rest to be moved to and from the centre of the lathe, to adjust it to the diameter of the work which is turning. The height of the rest is a matter of some importance in turning, and for some w'ork it should be fixed higher than others ; therefore the shank of the cross piece, or T, upon which the tool is laid, is re ceived into a socket in the foot of F, and can be held at any height by a screw’. As the socket is cylindrical, the edge of the rest can be placed inclined to the axis of the work, when turning cones, or other similar w oi k ; though the same purpose may be accomplished by the screw which holds the foot of the rest down , to the I bed of the lathe, admitting it to stand in an oblique direction. The mandril or spindle is the most important part of the lathe ; it is made of iron, in the manner shewn at Fig. 2, but the two extremities are of steel, which are hardened after being turned and finished ; the small end has a hole made in it to receive the point of a screw, which, as shewn at e, Fig. 1 , supports the end of it ; the other end of the mandril is made larger, and has a hole within it cut with a female screw, for the purpose of fixing on the various chucks by which the work is turned ; the outside surface of this end is turned extremely true, and is fitted in a brass collar at the top of the standard B, as shewn in Fig. 4 ; here o o represent the sections of the two cheeks of the bed, q one of the bolts marked t, Fig. 1, which fasten the standard down, this bolt goes through a piece of iron, r, situated beneath the bed. In the top of the standard is a square hole for the reception of two pieces or dies of brass, h h, which include the mandril between them ; these are kept in their places by a piece of iron, i, fastened down by screws, l /, and m is a serew tapped through this, which presses the two dies together, and thus adjusts them to receive the neck of the mandril W'ithout any shake ; the screw which supports the other extremity of the mandril fits in two iron or brass nuts, which are let into the back and front of the wooden pup- pet C, and by turning this, the mandril can be adjusted to run very correctly in length ; to prevent the screw from turning back when the lathe is in motion, a nut is placed on the screw outside of the puppet, and after the screw is turned by its head to fit and hold up the mandrel, the nut is screwed firmly against the nut W'hich is let into the outside of the puppet ; this causes such a pressure upon the threads of the screw, that it is in no danger of turning back, as it would otherwise be liable to do with rough work. The mandril by this means runs very steadily and accurately in its bearings, and it is plain that any piece of work being firmly attached to the end of it, by means of the screw before mentioned, may be turned by a tool held over the rest, in the same manner as if it w'as mounted between centres, but with the advantage that it be turned at the end, to make hollow work when required. The foot wheel causes the mandril to revolve very rapidly, so that it will perform its work very quick, and the workman must acquire a habit of standing steady before his work, that lie does not give his whole body a motion when his foot rises and falls w ith the treadle I. Turning Tools. — The tools which are generally used for turning wood and metal, are shewn in Fig. 5 to 2 1 ; they are fixed in long handles, and the turner holds them firmly down upon the rest, steadying them by placing the end of the long handle under his arm ; at least this is the case with several of the principal of the tools which are most used ; they are as follows : Fig. 5. A gouge chiefly used for soft wood, for re- ducing it speedily to shape ; the blade of this tool is formed 552 TURNING. formed nearly half round to an edge, and the two extreme ends of this edge are a little sloped off, in the manner of an apple-scoop, that the middle part of the edge may cut away the prominences which are not con- centric with the axis, and it has no corners which would catch and get fast in the rough wood ; the hollow part is whetted upon a piece of Turkey stone, made with a convex edge for the purpose ; the outside is whetted upon a common flat Turkey stone, turning it round, that all parts of the convex edge may successively be sharpened- In turning, the gouge must be held with an inclination, and the handle considerably depressed, so that the bevil or outside of the edge of the gouge may come very nearly in the tangent to the circumference of the work, and the cutting edge is above the axis. Chisels, Figs. 13, 16 and 21, are used upon wood, after the gouge has reduced it to proper dimensions, to smooth and finish ; they are not like carpenters’ chisels, made flat on one side and bevelled upon the other, but are bevelled on both the flat sides, so that the edge is in the middle of the tool, and either side may be in- differently applied to the work ; they are ground up and sharpened on the oil-stone to a keen edge. In using the chisel, the rest is raised considerably above the centre of the work, so as to be nearly on a level with the top of it, and the cutting edge must stand oblique to the axis of the cylinder, so as to prevent either angle from running into the work ; for this pur- pose some have inclined edges, as Fig. 16. The chisel ought to be traversed along the work gradually, but not too fast, otherwise it will leave a roughness on the surface. Fig. 6 is a graver ; this tool is used for roughing-out metal, and smaller ones are used for finishing metal work, for which they are well adapted, as either the point or one of its edges may be used indifferently. Fig. 7. A chisel with a round end, for turning hol- low mouldings in wood. Fig. 8. Another round edged chisel bent sideways; it is used for turning hollow work, or forming mould- ings at the end of any work which is turning round in the lathe. Fig. [). A hook tool, with an edge formed at the end of the hook, that it may be applied to bore or en- large the inside of a hollow piece of work when it is held in a chuck, or for turning hollow spheres. Fig. 10. The pointed grooving tool is an angular pointed chisel, for turning grooves in any piece of work, or for making flat shoulders, by using its edges like a chisel. Fig. 11, is a chisel sharp at its edges like a knife ; it is used for turning the inside of hollow work, or deep grooves in any work. Fig. 12, is a hooked tool with an edge upon the inclined side ; it is used for turning hollow cones which are largest inside. Figs. 14 and 15, are a pair of male and female screw tools for cutting male and female screws, by a method which we shall describe at length. Fig. 18, is a knife or side tool, with an edge on the right hand side. It is used for turning the left hand side of a shoulder, or flat side of any work ■ it is also used for turning the cavities of hollow cylinders, or those hollows which have only one internal angle for turning both the bottom and the side ; for this purpose the tool is made to cut both by its end and side edges, and these two cutting edges form an angle with each other rather acute. This tool must be held on a level with the. axis of the w'ork, as all inside tools are. Fig. 17, a left-hand side tool ; is not used for internal work, but for turning the right-hand side of a shoulder, or upon the left side of convex surfaces, such as spheres, torus, mouldings, ovolos, &c. The angle is upon the contrary side of this tool to the other. Left- side tools are made to various widths and sizes. Fig. 19- A side tool with a curved edge for turning inside work. Fig. 20. A narrow tool with a point, and an edge on each side of it some distance from it ; it is called a parting tool, and is used to cut or part off a piece of wood w'hen in the lathe. Fig. 22. A pair of callipers to measure the size of the work. Fig. 23. A large pair of the same kind, but pro- vided with an arch and a screw, to fasten the points when opened to any certain distance. Fig. 24. A pair of in and out callipers, one end for measuring the diameter of outside work, and the other for measuring the diameter of inside work. The two ends are equally distant from the centre, so that they always open to the same extent, and have an arch to fix them at any place ; it is of use when the turner wishes to turn a cylinder or pin to fit exactly into a hollow cylinder already made; to do this the size of the hollow cylinder is measured with the lower end of the callipers, then the upper end will be ready opened to the proper extent to turn a cylinder which will exactly fit the other. Fig. 25. A depth gauge, consisting of a ruler, which is applied across the face or end of a piece of hollow work, and a slip of steel sliding through it ; the end of this is the gauge for the depth of any hollow work which is turning. Fig. 26. A pair of callipers with a straight and a curved leg, to measure the thickness of the sides of a hollow box or cup. These are the principal tools which are required for w'ood-turning. The turner must likewise be pro- vided with a grindstone and an oil or turkey stone to sharpen his tools. For fixing his work in the lathe he must have a great assortment of chucks ; these are blocks of wood which have a screw projecting from them, by which any one can be attached to the spindle at E, so as to be turned round with it; the screw draws the chuck hard up against the end of the mandril, which being turned true, and the shoulder of the screw upon the chuck being also turned true, the chuck fixes so tight to the spindle that it becomes like one piece with TURNING. it. Some chucks are only flat round boards, and the work is cemented or screwed against them ; but the generality of chucks are cylindrical blocks, with a hole turned in the end like a box, into which the piece of wood to be turned is driven fast, so as to be carried about with it. The chucks are generally hooped with iron to prevent their splitting. The manner of turning in Wood. — To explain all these things in a clear manner, it will be best to describe the simple process of turning a plain cylinder or roller. A piece of w'ood being chosen, is by means of j the saw, axe, and chisel, reduced to a cylindrical form, and by the rasp or draw knife it is made to- J lerably correct ; a chuck is then selected which has a ; hole in it nearly the size of the piece of wood. The ! diameter of this being taken in the outside end of the [ callipers, the chuck is screwed into the mandril, tire rest fixed in a convenient position, and the hole in the chuck turned out by the right side tool, Fig .18, to the size measured by the inside end of the callipers. The hole should be rather conical, and the w-ood being rasped to the same figure, is driven in fast by a hammer. By ! turning the mandril slowly round, it will be seen if the wood is fixed straight in a line with it, and if not a I blow or two of the hammer properly directed will rec- tify it. The rest is set with its edge parallel to the out- | side of the piece of wood, and it is roughly turned by | the gouge to a cylinder. To do this the gouge is held i very firmly down upon the rest, taking its handle in the I right hand and placing the fingers of the left in the hoi- j low part near the w'ork ; the edge is presented to the j work in such a direction that the tool is nearly a tangent • to the surface of the cylinder. In this state it cuts best, and must be held very firmly to prevent the edge being depressed by the motion of the work ; for if it does, it will take hold too deep and tear the w'ork. This tool is applied first to one end of the work and gradually advanced to the other, turning the work true all the wav, and reducing it till the callipers determine it to be near the intended diameter. The chisel is now em- ployed to smooth the cylinder ; its handle is held in the right hand, whilst the left grasps the blade and keeps it steady upon the rest, holding the edge a little inclined over the work, so that one side of the flat part of the blade lays on the rest, and the other side is elevated that the plane of the blade, and consequently the edge is not horizontal but inclined thereto ; so that one corner of the edge of the chisel is elevated upon the work, then the bottom or near the bottom of the edge of the chisel cuts away a shaving off the work, and this is the only way in which it will cut: for if the edge of the chisel is held parallel to the axis of the cylinder, it acts across the length of the grain of the wood, scraping away the fibres one by one without cutting, and leaves the surface very rough. Some chisels, Fig. 16, have their edges inclined for the convenience of holding them properly before the w r ork. The work, being thus re- duced to a rough cylinder, must have its end made ex- j actly flat ; to do this the thin side of the chisel is laid 553 upon the rest, so that the plane of the edge may stand exactly upright ; the hand is depressed that the lower corner of the edge will rise against the work and cut a deep circle into it near the end, and being steadily ad- vanced cuts to the centre, separating a thin round chip and leaving the end quite flat. The cutting corner of the chisel must be directed exactly perpendicular to the length of the work in advancing it, otherwise the end will be either concave or convex, and care must be taken to keep the plane of the edge truly upright and hold it very fine, for there is danger of the work draw'- ing the chisel into the end of it w ith a deep spiral cut like a screw, and tearing it out of the chuck. The gouge and chisel are only used for turning soft wood, such as alder, sallow, beech, &c. ; but if the ma- terial to be turned be hard wood, as ebony, lignum vita, or ivory, bone, &.c. the same mode of chuck- ing is employed, but the tools and the manner of hold- ing them is different. The hard wood tools are made with a stronger and more obtuse edge, for a fine keen edge would be carried away by the work when hard. In turning soft wood, as before mentioned, the edge of the chisel is at a considerable distance from the rest, and inclined upwards at such an angle as will cut off the greatest chip. But in hard wood the rest is raised nearly to a level with the axis, so that the upper flat surface of the tool points to the centre of the work to be tui ned ; it is to be held down as firmly as possible to the rest, and advanced to the work at intervals when- ever it ceases to cut, by having removed all the projec- tions of the work without the circle it describes by its revolution. Thus in turning soft wood, the tool is followed to the work, but in hard, the work, by its revolution, comes against the edge of the tool, tending to depress the point and throw 7 up the handle, for this reason it is ne- cessary to hold it very steady upon the rest. Hard wood when first fixed is wrought with the sharp-pointed grooving tool, Fig. 10, cuts small contiguous grooves on the surface till it has broken the grain of the wood, removed all exuberances, and reduced the w'ork nearly to its intended size and figure. Thin tools, like chi- sels, Figs.Q}, 13, or 17, but made very thick with an obtuse edge and only bevelled on one side, are used to remove the eminences left between the grooves formed by the first tool ; the w'ork is then smoothed by apply- ing the edge of a piece of the blade of a broken knife bevelled away, and the work is followed up w ith it that its sharp edge may scrape aw'ay any roughness left by the tools. To polish it, a piece of seal skin, Dutch reed, or glass paper, is held upon the Work as it runs round, and cuts away a fine powder, making the work smooth enough to receive a polish. This is raised by applying a piece of bees’ wax till the work is lightly covered with it, then burnishing or polishing it by holding a flat piece of hard wood upon it, and the finish is given by the friction of a coarse woollen rag, lightly smeared with olive oil. Ivory is turned nearly in the same manner, but is po- • 7 B lished 554 TURNING. fished with chalk and water, and, afterwards by the friction of a woollen cloth. If it is first toughed with an oily rag, and rubbed off with a dry woollen rag, it will have a very fine surface. The reader will by this have a very good idea of the method of turning wood, both hard and soft; and it is plain, if any mouldings or other ornaments are required upon the work, they may be made by some of the tools contained in the plate. Thus, the rough-edge tools, Figs. 7 or 8, may be used to turn hollows on the work, and any convex rims may be performed by the chisels, or the side tool, Fig. 1 1. We shall, to give a farther example, describe the method of turning a small round box with a screw lid, as being best calculated to explain every kind of chuck w'ork, and also the method of cutting male and female screws. A cylinder of wood, the size of the outside of the intended box, being formed by the process we have just described, the rest is set oppo- site the end of it, the edge perpendicularly to the length; then a sharp-pointed tool, Fig. 10, is used to bore such a hollow in the end as will form the cavity for the lid of the box, using the outside callipers to determine the size of it. The side tool, Fig. 18, is now used to make the bottom of the lid square,; or the hook, Fig! 9 ; the edge at the end of the hook being employed to enlarge the in- side to the proper size to have the female screw cut within it : to form this, the screw' tool, Fig. 15, is used ; this, as the figure shews, has several teeth, which being applied to the inside of the cylindrical part of the lid, whilst the length of the tool is in the direction of the mandril, will evidently cut as many parallel and equi- distant circles as there are teeth in the tool. Now, if instead of holding the tool still withinside, it is first ap- plied at the end of the inside of the lid, and is regularly advanced up towards the mandril, as the work turns round its teeth, it will, instead of describing circles, trace the spirals of a screw on the inside of the lid ; and if the advancement is timed so exactly that, in one revolution, the tool is advanced, the exact quantity of a space be- tween two adjacent teeth, then the second tooth will, at the end of a revolution, fall into the spiral cut by the first tooth ; and one complete spiral being thus cut, it guides the whole tool by means of the second tooth re- gularly along, the first tooth continuing the spiral for- wards till a third tooth lays hold, then a fourth, and so on, till the required length, or rather depth, of screw is cut : the trace of a screw being thus made, the tool is pressed deeper till the threads are fully formed, the turner taking care every time that the end tooth of the tool gets to the bottom of the lid to disengage it, and draw it back, for, as it could not advance any farther, it would then spoil all the threads by cutting them to cir- cular rings. This method of cutting screws is called cutting fly- ing ; and requires great habit and dexterity to give the motion so exact that it will cause the teeth to fall pro- perly into the spirals cut by their predecessors, and this . without any sudden advance at the place, for the screw would then be what is called drunken, that is, its thread would be mole inclined at one part of its revolution than another, and such a screw can never be fitted ex- actly with its fellow'. The habit of cutting screws accurately with the screw tool can only be acquired by practice and experi- ence ; the only precaution which is taken being to get the lathe-wheel into a regular and steady movement, and then to advance the tool with a regular motion, and at such a rate as has been found by experience will be proper for the size of thread intended to be cut. Professed turners, who are constantly in tire habit of cutting such threads, will do them extremely well, but others are glad to avail themselves of the assistance of a regulator, on the mandril ; this is shewn at a, Fig. ] . It is a steel thread, cut very accurately. A small pup- pet j is wedged in the bed beneath this, and in the top of it is a mortise to receive a square piece of wood, which slides in the mortise, by driving in a w'edge d; the top of this slider has a half-circle cavity cut in it, which embraces the screw, and has a thread in it. The man- dril, when this regulator is employed, is made with cy- lindrical collars at each end, instead of the point of the screw at c, so that it is at liberty to slide endways by the movement of the screw, when the wedge d is driven in. Therefore, every thing being prepared for cutting the screw, the wedge is driven in ; this raises the slider or die up to touch the regulator, the tool is then applied, and the lathe put in motion ; the mandril will then move along endways, and also the work with it, so that [ the tool will cut a screw, although it is held fast upon I the rest. In this case, the screw may be cut by a single pointed tool, but it will be better to use a screw tool, Fig. 15, which is of exactly the same thread as the regu- lator. The turner should be provided with a variety of sets of screw-tools, and as many regulators, a, corre- sponding to them, which are made like a tube, and fitted on the mandril. We will suppose, that, by either of these means, the lid, with a screw withinside of it, is finished, and is only to be separated from the end of the wood out of which it is formed ; this is done by the parting tool, Fig. 20, with which a narrow groove is turned to the centre, and the lid falls off. The box^is now began from the remainder of the piece of wood ; the first thing is to turn down a smaller cylinder at the end, leaving a shoulder to screw the lid up to : this part is to have the male screw cut upon it. The proper size of the cylinder is mea- sured by the callipers, but it is left rather larger than the screw' is intended to be, because it can be reduced gra- dually by the screw-tool till it exactly fits, the female screw in the lid. The male screw is cut by the tool. Fig. 14, the rest being shifted parallel to the work; the points of the tool are applied to the cylinder in a line pointing to the centre, and, as the work turns, the tool must have a regular advance given to it from right to left, to trace the spiral for the male screw, in the same manner as the female screw, and this is repeated by re- turning the tool to the right hand, and cutting again till it comes up to the shoulder ; in this manner the screw is TURNING. 555 is soon cut up to a sharp thread, and the size of it is fitted to the female screw cut in the lid. Then the length of the screw is adapted to bring the lid true up to the shoulder of the box, so that it makes a perfect joint ; in this state the lid becomes again fixed in the lathe, and the top or end of it is turned clean and true. The out- side cylinder of the box, and the lid, are turned to the same size, and polished as before directed ; this being done, the lid is unscrewed and taken off, the rest turned across the end of the work, and proper tools used to bore or turn out the hollow or inside of the box, and, if the work is particular, the gauge, Fig. 25, is used to de- termine the depth to which it is to be turned. The box is now finished, and only requires to be cut off the end of the wood, by turning a groove with a parting tool till it is separated. If it is afterwards thought proper to turn the bottom of the box flat and smooth, it is done by turning the lid for a second box, from the end of the same wood, if enough remains ; then the box, by be- ing screwed into this lid, becomes fixed in the lathe, and may be finished and polished ; or, if the turner does not intend to turn any more boxes, he puts a small chuck in the lathe, the outside of which is turned to fit the inside of the box, and this being driven upon it is turned clean and flat at the bottom. It is unnecessary to give any further example of wood turning in a chuck, but if the work is long and slender, and does not require to be hollow, its extremity is sup- ported by the back centre-point J) the other end is driven into a chuck, by which means motion is given to it ; or, for some things in soft wood, a chuck is used, which is flat at the end, and has two points fixed in it at equal distances, on opposite sides of the centre; the end of the work being placed against these points, is pressed by the back screw, so that they penetrate it, and it is thus carried about : the turning is conducted just as before described for chuck-work. This lathe is such as is commonly employed by wood turners, for whose use it is well adapted ; but, for turn- ing metal, an iron lathe is best ; these are sometimes constructed in the same form as the wooden ones, only differing the size of the parts, which are of cast iron ; but this form is unwieldly when applied to delicate and accurate work, such as is required by mechanics, clock- makers, &c.; for their use the triangle-bar lathe is ad- mirably adapted, as it is, also, for gentlemen, who make this interesting art, an amusement, being the most accu- rate and convenient of any kind of lathe. The triangle-bar Lathe, on the best construction, is shewn in Plate II, with many beautiful tools applied to it, which render it an universal machine, applicable to a great variety of purposes. Fig. 1 is an elevation, and Fig. 2 is an end view of that part which is above the bench or frame (A, Fig. 1, Plate I) containing the foot-wheel, which is omitted in Plate II, to give the parts on a larger scale. AA, Plate II, represents the upper surface of a very thick and solid mahogany bench, upon which the whole is fixed, and the foot-wheel is si- tuated beneath it, if convenient, to apply it in this manner ; the puppets, and other parts of the lathe, are all fitted upon a strong triangular bar G, made of cast iron, planed and ground perfectly straight and true ; it is supported by standard a b and c, fixed to the bench by screws, as shewn in the figure. Upon this bar the puppets H, I, and K, are fitted with the nlost perfect accuracy, and H, which is called the back puppet, can be fastened upon any part of the bar, by a screw e be- neath it ; the other two puppets are likewise furnished with screws beneath, to fasten the bar to them ; but these tw'o are supported independently of the bar, being connected together by a thick plate of metal D, screwed to their lower surfaces, and this is fixed on the standards a and b, so as to form an insulated frame, a K, b I and D, containing the mandril, or spindle, L. The puppet K, has a steel pivot with a hole in the end to receive the pointed end of the mandril L, a screw f is placed behind to force it up, and another at the top, to fasten it when adjusted, so that the neck of the mandril will exactly fit, without shake, into the steel collar which is fixed in the upper end of the puppet I. The back puppet H has a hole bored through it, exactly in the line of the spindle, to receive a cylindrical steel pin n, which has a sharp conical point to support the end of a long piece of work : a screw m is placed behind to force it up and keep the w'ork always tight, and a screw z fastens the pin in its place. The rest of the lathe is thus made : — A brass piece o o, called the saddle, is fitted- upon the sides of the bar ; upon this a steel slider p is fixed, having a tube Y to receive the shank of the rest T, with a screw to fasten it at any height ; the slider p has a dove-tailed groove in its lower surface (see Fig. 1), for the recep- tion of dove-tails, formed, at the upper ends, of two steel bars, shewn by the dotted lines 1, 2, in Fig. 3 ; the two bars are united by a horizontal piece beneath the bar, the whole being made of one piece, bent like a staple or fork, and its tw'o arms, 1 and 2, fitted in mor- tises cut through the saddle ; by this means, a single screw, 4, tapped through the horizontal piece, and the point pressing on the under side of the bar, will fasten the rest, drawing the slider p down upon the saddle, by the two dove-tails, and, at the same time, drawing the saddle dowm fast upon the bar. The mandril L is made hollow nearly through, and, at the open end, is cut with a female screw, for the re- ception of male screws upon the various chucks, which fit to the lathe. This is a better method than the com- mon way of a male screw on the mandril, because of the care with w hich the male screws for the chucks can be cut in brass, and the convenience of putting long work up the hollow mandril. This lathe has all the parts before described of the wooden lathe, but is far more convenient, because of the ease with w'hich the puppet and rest can be shifted and fixed by only the finger and thumb, and yet the whole is much stronger, the puppets being so low from the bar ; and another advantage is, the accuracy with which the back centre-point n alw'ays keeps in a line with the mandril, which is indispensable 556 TURNING. for good turning; also, the puppets being so slender, the. operator has better access to the work than between clumsy wooden puppets, and which are not so strong as the small metal ones. When very large or very long work is required to be turned in this lathe, another standard exactly similar to c, is placed under the bar in the position shewn by the dotted lines, 5, Fig. I ; the bar is then drawn out, leaving the mandril standing between the two standards I and K, in which situation it will admit a piece of work of very large diameter. The rest is fixed upon the end of the triangular bar which projects beyond the dotted standard 5; or, if any long work is to be turned, the back puppet H is to be placed on the end of the bar beyond the standard c ; this, as well as the temporary standard, has a thumb screw in the under side, between its legs, to fasten the bar in it. The most convenient method of fastening the temporary standard upon the bench A, is by means of a piece of brass, 5, screwed fast upon the bench ; it is dove-tailed in between the two legs or feet of the standard, and thus holds it fast down, though it «an be removed by sliding it endways, without drawing any screw. By this contrivance of drawing out the bar, the lathe has all the conveniences of a small and deli- cate machine, when used for small work, but the strength and other advantages of a large one when required. The small figures in the plate describe the chucks and other very useful tools, which are occasionally applied to this lathe. Fig. 7 is a section of a wood chuck, the uses of which has been fully explained in the description of the wooden lathe. A brass screw, D, is cut to fit the mandril ; the other end, E, is also cut with a screw, which is forced very hard into the wood F, so as not to come off without great force ; by this means the fitting of the chucks to the mandril is not with a wooden screw, as in general, but with a brass one, which will not be liable to get out of truth, but always screw up to the same shoulder; the lathe should, at least, have two dozen of these wood chucks, some of them hooped, as at d , to prevent them splitting. Fig. 1 1 is a very useful arbor, for turning wheels, collets, 8cc., or any other flat work that will admit of having a small hole in the centre of it ; it is a brass screw' chuck a, fitted to the mandril, and a steel pin d, shewn by the dotted lines fixed into it, and projecting an inch or more ; it is turned true, and the work fitted upon it either by turning the pin to size, or by broach- ing the hole in the work ; and, to prevent slipping, the work, marked E, is jambed fast up against the brass shoulder b, of the chuck a, by a nut c, tapped on the end of the steel pin ; by this the work E will be held fast, and be carried round by the chuck, so as to be turned by the application of proper tools upon the rest. Fig. 10 is a watch-maker’s arbor, for similar work to the last, but where the work is thick enough to stand fast in the square without requiring the support of a shoulder, or requiring a nut to screw it fast. A is a | chuck made hollow like a box, with a small piece of ! hard steel b, having a small hole through it, exactly in the centre. B is a watch-maker’s arbor, such as is used in the turn-bench; it is made of steel, rather conical, but turned extremely true ; one of its points is to be supported in the hole in the centre of the chuck, and , the other end in the back centre of the lathe. The work to be turned has, as before, a hole in the centre of it, and the arbor is driven into this till it is fixed quite j fast upon it ; then, to turn this arbor about by the mandril, a piece of brass c, called the driver, is tapped upon the arbor, and fixed fast by being screwed up i against the pulley b, which is fixed on the arbor; the ends of this piece are received in notches made in the opposite sides of the box chuck A, at d d; by these means the motion of the lathe is communicated to the arbor to turn the work rapidly till it is near its dimen- sions ; and, having done this, if extreme truth is required, the arbor is to be taken out of the lathe, the driver c is unscrew'ed, and the arbor is turned by the bow in the manner of a turn-bench, which will be described ; so that if the hole b, in the chuck, should not be exactly in the centre of the mandril, the error will be rectified. Centre work, such as a long axis, or arbor of steel, may be mounted in the lathe by two methods : — In one, a small chuck, with a square hole in the end of it, is screwed into the mandril, and the work has a square filed at one end to fit this hole, the other end is sup- ported by the back centre, a small hole being made in the end to receive its point ; or, if the end of the work is pointed, the back centre is drawrn out, and turned end for end, the end opposite to the point having a small centre hole for the reception of such pointed work. This method of turning the work, by means of a square, is very convenient but not very accurate, and if the work should, at any future period, be required to be re- turned in the lathe, its true centre cannot be found again; therefore, all spindles, arbors, axles, screw's, &c., are turned between centres : thus, a chuck H, Fig. 12, is screwed into the mandril, it has a steel centre-point formed at the end of it, which is turned extremely true, to be in the centre of the mandril; between this and the point of the back centre, the work is mounted, and, to give it motion, the driver, Fig. 5 or 6, before de- scribed, is screwed on that end of the work nearest to the chuck, which has a steel clutch D fitted into it, and fastened by a screw ; the end of this is bent so as to clutch the tail of the driver W, and thus turn it round, and the work all together ; the clutch slides in and out to adapt itself to different sized drivers for delicate or large work. This method of turning is best, because the centres are preserved, and, when one end is finished, the driver may be shifted to the other end ; or such w'ork may, at any time, be mounted again in any kind of lathe, to turn wheels, collets, &c., which may be fitted upon it. In Fig. 9, are two views of a very useful chuck to hold brass or steel wire, for turning screws or small pins. It is a steel or brass tube A B, with a screw B to TURNING. 557 to fit the mandril, and it has also six small screws three at a a, and three at b b, pointing to the centre, as shewn in the end view. The points of these are screwed fast to pinch the w ire between the points. By this, a long piece of wire, of any size, may be held, the greatest part of its length being put within the hol- low of the mandril, and only as much left projecting beyond the chuck as is sufficient to turn one or two screws, which being finished, by slacking one of the screws another length of the wire may be drawn out. The three screws give the means of centering the wire ' very truly, so as to waste very little. Fig. 12 is an apparatus useful for many purposes when the small centre hole at the end of any long piece of work has been lost, or cut away, and it is necessary to put it in the lathe again. H is a horizontal section of the back puppet ; through the middle of its centre- pin n, the cock of the screw m, Fig. 1 , being removed. ABC is a piece of steel screwed to the face of the puppet H, by screws B and C, which being fitted in grooves, permit the steel to slide ; it has a conical hole through it at A, exactly in the line of the centre-pin, and in this the end of any piece of work may be sup- ported, if the centre is lost. The same apparatus is also useful to drill small tubes of brass from a piece of wire, as F, Fig. 1 2 ; this is shewn with a driver W of the same form as Fig. 5, screwed on one end of it, which is supported by the steel centre-point of the chuck H, screwed into the end of the mandril. The wire is turned round by the steep arm D attached to the chuck, and intercepting the tail of the driver W ; the other end of the wire is supported in the conical hole at A. The drill is applied thus ; a cylindrical pin of brass K is drilled through with a small hole of a proper size to receive a metal steel wire L, the point of which is made to a drill ; the outside of the pin K is turned to fit exactly in the hole through the back puppet H, then the drill L, being thrust forward by hand, will be exactly in the centre of the work F, which is to be bored, and may be occasionally withdrawn to clear the chips, which would otherw ise clog it up, and break a small drill. By this apparatus, tubes, not larger than a pin, may be drilled up four or five inches, and per- fectly straight. Fig. 8, is a stock for drills, consisting of a steel ar- bor, v, with a square hole in the end of it, fixed fast into a brass screw A, which fits it to the mandril ; then a drill b, being fitted into the square hole at the end of it, forms a very complete drilling machine ; the work to be perforated is held against a flat chuck B, which is pushed upon the centre n of the puppet H, and the screw m, advances it to the drill : the great advantage of this method is that it will always bore perpendicularly to the flat sides of the work. An apparatus is fitted to this lathe for turning cylin- ders, or cutting screws, in the following manner : two strong steel rods, 7 7, Figs. 1 and 2, are fixed fast into the saddle o o of the rest ; these rods must be exactly parallel to the bar, and are received in holes through a 1 piece of brass, 8, fitted upon the angle of the bar ; it has two screws to fasten it to the rods at any distance from the rest, and then it gives the rest two bearings on the bar, at a considerable distance asunder, viz. fromoo to 8, Fig. 1 ; a heavy weight of cast iron is suspended under the lathe from the two rods, 7, and thus keeps the whole tight down upon the bar, whilst it slides in the most accurate manner from one end of the lathe to the other, and exactly parallel to the axis of it, the screw 4 under the saddle of the vest is of course turned back to admit of the motion ; but as it is necessary to fix the steel slider p, firmly down upon the saddle, it is done thus; two bars of steel are fixed across the under- side of the brass saddle at 10, 10, Fig. 1, so as to have one on each side of the bar of steel fork, 1, 2, Fig. 2, before described ; then a washer, being put under the I shoulder of the screw, 4, aud resting upon the bars, I 10, 10, the point of the screw will not touch the bar j when screwed tight, but will draw down the fork 12 3, thus fastening the slider,/?, upon the saddle, but leaving the saddle at liberty to slide along the bar freely ; the washer being removed, the screw, 4, will fasten the whole rest upon the bar as before described. The tool, for cutting screw's or cylinders is fixed in a small apparatus called a slide rest, shewn in Fig. 2 ; it consists of a strong plate, 12, w'ith a stem or shank, to fix into the tube, y, of the rest, and upon this a dove- tailed piece is fixed by two pieces screwed dow’n upon the plate, 1 2, at each side of it, to form a dove-tailed groove ; at the ends of the slider two cocks or holders, 14, rise up from it, which have holes for the reception of the tool, 15, and screws to fasten it in a screw turned by means of a key with a milled head applied to its square, shewn near 12, is employed to force the slider and tool forward to its work. In this state the lathe is prepared for turning an exact cylinder mounted between the centres of the lathe, the tool being fixed in its holders, 14, and its point set to the proper depth by the screw 12, it will be held fast without the aid of hands, and the w hole slider being traversed along the bar, the tool advances in a right line parallel to the axis, turn- ing the cylinder exactly true and of any required diame- ter, according to the depth to which the tool is set by the screw 12, w ith the greatest ease, which is a great conve- nience for many kinds of work, as it turns much more accurately than tan le done by hand; but when it is required to advance the tool with such a regular pro- gressive motion as will trace or cut out the spiral of a screw upon the circumference of the cylinder, the fol- lowing addi:ionsare made: a cock, t, Fig. I, is screwed on the side of I lie puppet I, it has a socket formed in it for the reception of the end ot a long screw', shewn by the doited lines t; it is tapped through the saddle o o of the rest, at t, Fig. 2, so that by turning this screw the lest is caused to traverse along the bar of the lathe; the motion is given to the screw by a cog-wheel, 17, fixed upon it, and the chuck of the lathe has also a wheel, 18, Fig. 2, fixed upon it, the motion being con- veyed from one to the other by means of an interme- 7 C diate I 558 TURNING. diate wheel shewn by the dotted circle in Fig. 3, which i turns on a pin fixed in a piece of brass, held by a screw | against the face puppet I, so that it can be adjusted into a proper position, to gear or work, with both | wheels, 17 and 18, let their relative diameters, be what they may. The proportions of these determine the size of the screw, which will be cut upon the cylinder in the lathe, for the thread of the screw which is cut will bear the same proportion to the thread of the screw t, as the two wheels 17 and 18 bear to each other. Thus if the screw t, has twenty threads per inch, and the wheels 17 and 18 are as 2 to 1, the screw which is cut will have forty threads per inch. For cutting female screws, the same method is used, but a tool formed like a hook is used that its point may enter a piece of hollow work when it is put in the chuck at the end of the mandril. This method of cutting screws by the lathe is prefer- able to any other, as it admits of the greatest accuracy, and is quite general, for if the regulator screw t, is per- fect and correct, it will cut a correct screw of any kind, and, by having a number of wheels, any kind of screw' may be cut, and any form of thread, either sharp or square ; the tool used for it may be either a single point, or a screw tool such as before described, which will cut best, because it guides itself, and, therefore, does not throw so much strain upon the regulator screw t, by means of the sliding rest has been explained ; it is one of the greatest modern improvements in the art of turning metal to employ the slide rest, for all kinds of work, which it will do with the greatest dispatch and accuracy, and without any labour on the part of the workman. A complete'sliding rest is shewn in Figs. 3 and 4, fitted to the triangle bar lathe, the first of these figures, is in part a repetition of the mandril as shew'n in Fig. 1 ,*and its frame, to shew the manner in which the slide rest, applies itself to the work held in a chuck, at the end of the mandril, the slide rest has two horizontal sliders in directions perpendicular to each other, to one of these the tool is firmly attached, and by means of screws with handles, the sliders and the tool can be moved in any direction to follow the tool to the work; 12 in both figures is a frame of metal, fitted to the bar of the lathe, and provided with a screw beneath to fasten it at any place ; upon its upper surface, which is made flat, two pieces of brass are screwed, to form a dove-tail groove, in which a steel slider, 13, is fitted to move with free- dom and precision ; a screw is mounted in a frame, and is tapped into a piece of metal, projecting from the lower side of the slider, so that the screw, when turned round by a handle, 1 5, fitted on its square end, advances or draws back the slider in its groove. Upon this slider, a frame, 1 (j, is screwed, having a second slider fitted on the top of it, and provided with a screw, 17, as the former to move it, and this upper slider carries a piece of metal, 18, with square holes through it in two op- posite directions to receive the tool, and a screw at top to fasten it in. The slide-rest being mounted in the manner of Figs. 3 and 4, upon the bar ; the upper slider is parallel with the mandril, and the lower one perpen- dicular thereto. For turning flat W'ork, the tool is put in as there shown: Now', by turning the screw, 17 of the upper slider, the tool is advanced in contact with the work, which is mounted as in Fig. S ; then, by the other screw’, 15, it is drawn across the face of the w'ork, turning it, as it proceeds, to a perfectly flat sur- face. For turning a cylinder, mounted between cen- tres, the tool is put through its holder, in a direction perpendicular to that shewn in Fig. 3, and then the screw, 15, of the lower slider is moved to adjust the tool to the diameter of the intended work, and the upper slider is moved by its handle, 17, to carry the tool along the length of the cylinder, and cut it as it goes : the whole rest can be fixed at any part of the bar, and can be removed instantly if required. The slider rest will also turn cones, by the following con- trivance : — The frame, 16, supporting the upper slider, is fitted to the low'er slider by one pin, upon which the whole frame and the upper slider may be turned round, and fastened at any inclination by two screws r passing through circular grooves. By this means, the upper slider is inclined in any required angle to the mandril, and will then turn a cone, either hollow' or solid, ac- cording as the tool is put in its holder, 18, in one or other direction. The great advantage of the slide rest is, that it presents the tool so firmly to the work that it will not retreat in the least when any protuberance comes by, but cuts it away if the strain is not so great as to break the tool, but of this there is no danger if it is properly managed, because the screw advances the tool so slowly that there is no need to push it forwards suddenly, as it is often unavoidable in turning by hand. The sliders are often divided into inches and subdivi- sions, by which the work can be made exactly to any , dimensions, without trouble ; any two things may be f fitted exactly together ; and the upper slider has an 1 index to shew the angle of inclination which it makes 3 with the lower, when set for turning cones, so that a s hollow cone being bored out in a chuck, a solid plug 1 may be turned to fit it, the rest, without trial, making 1 it certainly of the true angle. A very convenient uni- , versal chuck is shew'n in the act of holding the piece of 7 work, in Figs. 3 and 4; it consists of a flat circular ) plate D, having two grooves in it pointing to its centre : , these grooves contain sliders, which have steel jaws a , similar to those of a vice, attached to them, for the , purpose of clamping the work between their teeth. 2 The sliders go through the plate at b b, Fig. 3, and 1 have a screw c, tapped through them ; one end of this s screw is cut with a right-hand thread, and the oppo- , site end has a left-hand thread; so that the inclination 1 of the spirals, upon the two ends, are contrary to each e other ; by this means, when the screw is turned one e way round, by means of a key applied to its end, it - will cause the two sliders to recede mutually from the p centre of the chuck ; but, on turning it in the opposite e direction, they will advance towards each other, always I keeping v TURNING. 559 keeping equally distant from the centre, by which means any piece of circular work, F, may be held on the lathe to be turned, with the same ease and steadiness as it would be fixed in the vice to be filed ; the circular plate is screwed against a centre piece, G, which is screwed into the mandril, and is cut hollow to permit the sliders to come almost close to each other when small work is to be held between them ; the centre piece has also a collar for the reception of a neck formed in the middle of the screw between the two threads, to prevent it moving endways, or the work would be at liberty to slide backward and forward in the grooves of the flat plate, but this collar makes it all fast. Metal-turning tools . — The tools used for turning brass or cast iron, are made from bars of steel ; for as those who turn metal are usually general mechanics, they make the tools themselves, and adapted for any particular occasion they require ; the principal tools are gravers, square tools, pointed tools, round tools, and hooks. The graver, see Fig. 6, PI. I, is made like those used by engravers, from a square steel bar, cut off by an oblique plane at the end, which makes a] lozenge, or diamond face, and produces two inclined edges at two of the flat sides of the bar ; these two are inclined opposite ways, so that the graver serves either for left or right-hand work by only turning it one quarter round to bring up another side. The point formed by the acute angle in which the two inclined edges meet, is best adapted for cutting of any other form, and is exceedingly strong ; the flat sides give it an excellent bearing upon the rest ; another convenience of the graver is, the ease with which it is sharpened, which is an object in turning hard metal, when it is so frequently necessary ; it only lequires to be held on the grind-stone in the proper angle, to grind the diamond face away, and thus make sharp edges with the two flat sides. Gravers, and all tools for metal, are hardened and | tempered to a light straw colour, so as to leave them j very hard ; cast steel is the best material. The graver is used to rough the work, its point being used to cut grooves all over the surface till it is true, and then the welved edge of the graver, or else a square or round tool, makes it smooth and a proper figure. It is neces- sary in beginning to turn w'ith a small sharp point, for the resistance to any kind of edge, would, in beginning, be so great as to tear every thing in pieces. Square tools are made like a narrow chisel, except that they are very thick, and the angle of the edge very obtuse ; the upper surface which is flat, is, in turning, made to point to the centre of the work. Round tools are like the former, except that the edges are made round for forming hollow mouldings, &c. The pointed tool has two inclined edges forming a point which cut grooves in any piece of work ; or its edges may be used to turn shoulders either right or left. v Drills of various sizes to bore holes in chuck work ; they are fixed in handles. Right and left side tools, such as before described. Heel tools are used for turning wrought iron, steel or copper; they are made with edges of all the shapes above-mentioned, but the end where the edge is formed is bent, so that when it is presented to the work in its proper direction, the handle is inclined upwards, in such a position, that the end of it will lay on the turner’s shoulder, and he holds it down firm with both his hands, the heel of the tool being supported on the rest. The metals above-mentioned are of a fibrous texture, and turn away in a connected shaving, the tools are therefore presented in the direction of a tangent to the work, the same as for soft wood ; but as the drift of the work would force the tool endways, if held in the same manner as the chisel, it is necessary to have a heel, or angle, which is placed immediately upon the rest, then the long handle serves to guide and fix it, and by elevating the end the edge cuts deeper. Cast iron is turned by hook tools ; their edges are formed in various ways, but very obtuse, being nearly a right angle : in turning they are held in such a posi- tion, that a line bisecting the angle of the edge is made to point nearly to the centre ; but as the work is usually large, and the metal very hard, some contrivance is requisite to keep the tool up to the work, they are therefore made with a hook which has the edge at the end of it; the hook part is laid over the rest, in the same manner as a crow bar is used to draw out a spike or nail, and then by raising or depressing the end of the handle, the edge is caused to approach or recede from the work with any required force, by only a mo- derate power applied at the end of the long handle ; cannons, and other heavy cast-iron w'ork, are turned in this manner. The chucks used for turning metal are different from those used for wood, because the articles are so various in shape, and projecting pieces are never made for the purpose of holding the work, as can be done in w ood ; small brass work is held in wood chucks ; brass wheels, collets, rings, &c. are chucked on the arbors, Fig. 10, or 11, but if they are large, and require to have the centre hole bored or turned out, they are fastened against a flat chuck, by screws or small bolts with nuts at the back ; this method is very general for all kinds of flat work, and the lathe should have two or three sizes of flat circular chucks, turned perfectly true, and drilled with a great number of holes for the reception of screws in any part, by which the work may be fixed against it. The universal chuck before mentioned at Fig. 3, will hold almost any kind of work, and will supersede the necessity of most others. Some turners use instead of it a circular box with three or four holes tapped through the sides of it and pointing to the centre ; this is conve- nient for some work, because it admits of adjusting the work truly to the centre. The steel for the dies used for coning are checked in this way. The only difference in the management of turning different substances is, to adapt the velocity of the motion 560 TURNING. motion to the nature of the material ; thus wood will work best with the greatest velocity which can be given to it, and of course a thin and delicate shaving must be cut off ; brass should have a motion about half as quick as wood ; iron and steel should be considerably less, though few mechanics attend to this : cast-iron j must go very slow, and the chip which is taken off will : be in proportion, in order to save time. If these cir- cumstances are not attended to, the edges of the tools will be destroyed ; for it is a curious fact, that a soft substance will wear away or cut the hardest steel by only giving it a sufficient velocity, most probably by heating or softening the steel just at the edge ; this will be avoided by properly adjusting the velocity ; for this purpose, the pulley or mandril is made with a number of different sized grooves for the band, and the foot wheel has likewise three or four grooves of different sizes corresponding with them, so that by shifting the band from one to another, any required velocity may be given. A complete lathe should have a pulley on the axis of the foot-wheel, not much larger than that on the mandril, for turning steel or cast-iron, though this material, being generally used for very large work, is not often turned in a foot-lathe. For these purposes a large massive lathe is employed ; it is generally made in cast-iron, in the same form as the lathe in Plate II, but turned by a steam-engine or horse-mill ; the endless strap which communicates the motion being worked upon a live and dead pulley fitted on the mandril, for the convenience of discontinuing the motion at plea- sure. Mr. Maudslay, of Westminster road, Lambeth, who has a more complete and extensive turning-shop than any other mechanic, employs the triangle bar lathe for the largest work, the bar drawing out to admit it, and all his lathes are provided with slide rests and uni- versal chucks, like Fig. 3, which instrument he first introduced into general practice ; his lathes are made in a more elegant form than that represented in our Plate, but contains all the same parts and has the same uses. The reciprocating motion of a treadle and string, like the centre lathe, is never used for turning large work in metal ; as the time and labour employed to do it in this manner would be too great to answer ; but artists who make small work, as watch and clock-makers, are constantly in the habit of using. The Turn Bench. — This is a small centre lathe in which the motion is given to the w'ork by means of a bow, like that used for drilling. The turn bench, Fig. 14, Plate II, is a very convenient kind of lathe for small centre work, for it requires no frame, but is held in the vice ; A A is the bar, made of iron, very straight and tiue at oue end, the puppet B is fastened perpen- dicularly to the bar; it has a hole drilled through it at top to receive a cylindric steel pin, a, which is the centre point, and a finger screw, b, to fasten it ; D is a puppet similar to'B, but moveable along the bar to any place to suit the length of the work, where it may be fixed by the screw, cl ; F, is a socket for the rest, sliding on the bar, and furnished with a screw, e; it has a hole through it perpendicular to the bar, to con- tain the slider J, Fig. 15, of the rest; this slider when in its place, touches the top of the bar A, that when the socket E is drawn by its screw' e, the slider f is held tight from moving either in a direction perpendi- cular or parallel to the bar : F is the rest, supported by the slider and fixed at any height from the bar by the screw g ; the steel centre points, a a, have a sharp conical point at one end, and in the other a fine hole, and either end is used according to the nature of the work. The manner of using the turn bench will be best understood, by describing the method of making a small ring or collet of brass ; a piece of brass plate is first to be selected, of the proper thickness, and the hole drilled and opened out by a broach to the intended size, then with a pair of conical-pointed compasses a circle is drawn round the hole, a small quantity larger than the ring to be made, and by the saw, cold chisel, or shears, the brass is cut out to the circle, and smoothed on the edge by the file ; in this state the ring is to be driven tight upon an arbor, G, see also Fig. 10 ; it is a co- nical steel wire, with sharp points at the ends turned truly ; several sized arbors of this kind accompany a turn bench for various sized works : the string, or rather catgut of a drill-bow, is now to be passed round the small brass pulley H, fastened on the arbor, and the arbor and collet are to be placed in the turn bench by first sliding the puppet D on the bar to the proper distance to receive the arbor, and fastening it by the screw d, then inserting the point of the arbor into the hole in the end of one of the pins a , and pushing the other up till the arbor has no shake, the screw b being turned will prevent it getting loose ; the rest F must now be fixed opposite to the work and close to it, by the screw e, and set rather below the level of the centre of the arbor ; the whole turn bench being screwed in the vice by the part n, the turning is began by drawing the bow held in the left hand backwards and forwards; this causes the work to turn round, and a graver, or other turning tool before described, being held in the right hand over the rest to the work, soon cuts it to a circular figure. In the same manner, by means of various sized arbors, small globes, nuts, or any other work which will admit of having a hole through it, may be formed in the turn bench. A different method is employed in turning pins with heads, small spindles, or arbors for wheels, &c. ; these are made from brass, or steel wire, and the woikman must provide himself with a number of small brass pulleys, each having a small hole through it, which holes are of different sizes, to suit various work ; if a piece of steel wire is to be turned, it must be filed to points at the ends, and one of the ends made a little conical, then by driving it into one of the brass pul- leys it may be turned by the bow, in the same manner as the collet above described. But for some peculiarly nice work, as the arbors of watch wheels, 8cc. which are TURNING are cylindrical, and therefore will not receive a brass pulley without danger of slipping, another kind of pul- ley must be used ; a simple one for this purpose is made of wood, an 1 has a conical hole through it ; this being driven on the c/lindric wire or arbor, will accom- modate itself to the size of it without bruising or dis- figuring the work, as the brass pulley would if it should slip about it. The small pulley or ferrule shewn at Fig. 13, Plate Clock-Work, is intended for this kind of 1 work ; it is a steel ring or pulley, having a small bar left , across it, this bar is tapped to receive two screws, by which | another moveable bar is drawn up towards the fixed one ; a small notch is filed in the middle of each bar to hold the work, and by the screws it will adapt itself to work of different sizes ; as the fixed bar is in the same piece with the pulley, it will only fit one size of work to be concentric with the axis of it ; but this is not material when the pulley is to be turned by a drill bow, for the string passes all round it, and will not be more liable to slip for the pulley being eccentric. A brass pulley, made like Fig. 13, is intended to be fitted upon work which requires that it should be concentric, and is adjusted by means of its three or four screws, a a, as described before for the centre lathe. When pins are to be turned from brass wire, the sharp points at the ends of the pivots a a of the turn bench are to be used, and corresponding holes made in the ends of the brass wire ; for if points were j made to the ends of the brass, there would be danger that they would be w'orn away before the work was finished, and it is not an easy matter to find the centre again ; the treatment is the same in other respects as for steel, except that different tools are used for cut- ting it. I In turning either brass or steel wire, it sometimes happens that the wire is small, and is not of sufficient strength to bear turning, or it may be in short pieces, in such cases a stock is employed ; it is an arbor made of steel, with a brass pulley fixed on at one end, the other end is perforated with a round or square hole to j receive the end of the short piece of w'ire which is to j be turned ; this wire is to be pointed if steel, or if brass, it should have a small hole in it for the point of the turn bench centres, a a, between which it is turned as before mentioned ; a notch is tiled in the stock near 1 its hollow end, so as to expose the end of wire which I is driven into it tor the purpose of introducing the end of a screw driver, or any other similar tool to force i out the wire, for after it is turned it cannot be drawn out by the pliers or vice without injuring, or perhaps destroying the work : for turning very small work, a round hole in the end of the stock w ill answer very well, without slipping, but the larger articles must be turned in a stock which has a square hole, and the wire ‘ is filed square to go into it. Another very useful ap- pendage to the turn bench is, a pin or pivot, see K, Fig. 11, PI. Clock-work, which is fixed in the place of the centre points, a or a, for the purpose of turn- ing exceedingly fine pivots to the arbors of wheels, or 56T for making sharp points to pins ; it has a conical hole drilled up it, opening into a notch d, tiled in the point; the article to be turned is prepared for this point by first turning it by the common centres until the end of the work is small enough to go through the hole in the point, and project into the notch d; in this state, the bearing for the turn is taken on a shoulder which rests against the end of the point, and the end of the pivot, which is beyond the hole, is relieved from the strain occasioned by the motion of the bow ; and may, in this state, be wrought extremely fine by files, and, afterwards, by emery, or powder of rotten stone, spread on the end of a piece of steel, and held against it. — See Watch-Work. Turn benches are greatly used by watch-finishers ; in- deed, many have no other lathe or turning machine than a turn bench and a turn. Their turn benches are often made and finished in a most capital manner. The best sort are called Geneva turn benches, and are like Fig. 14 in shape; they are made of iron, and case- hardened, so that a file will not touch them. The points a a, are made to fit their sockets very truly, and to defend them from receiving injury from the end of the screw b b, pieces of steel, called bridle-bits, or, more properly, saddles, are placed upon them. A square hole is made through the puppet, intersecting both the hole for the screw b, and the hole for the point a, at right angles. The saddle is a small piece of brass inserted into this hole, covering the centre- point, and preventing the end of the screw from touch- ing it, at the same time giving the screw a firmer hold of the point, and preserving both point and screw from injuring each other. The saddle is prevented from dropping out of its hole, when the screw is loose, by a screw which passes through a square piece of plate which is in the same piece with the saddle ; in the same manner, a steel spring is interposed between the end of the screw d, and the lower side of the bar A A ; and these springs act when the screws are slack, to make the puppets slide stiffly, yet smoothly, along the bar j A A. A wheel and a pulley are sometimes applied to a turn bench in the same manner as the centre lathe used by millwrights. It is then called a throw, and is used for turning small screws, &c., in brass ; in this case, a brass pulley as large as will conveniently turn in the turn bench, is fitted upon one of the centre points a ; an opening is filed out in the pulley exactly similar to one of the openings which would be in it if it were filed out with four arms, and the remaining solid part is tapped with several holes at different distances from the centre, to receive pins, in the same manner as the centre lathe above described. The pulley is turned by a cat- gut band from a wheel worked with a handle ; the wheel is mounted in a frame fixed on a board, and the turn bench is set up in a frame fixed to the same board, be- fore it ; the arbors, and other pieces of mechanism, used in the turn bench, are turned by small drivers made like Fig. 5, or the ends of them are filed square, and 7 D driven 562 TURNING. driven into pieces of brass plate, which are pushed round by the pins in the pulley. The watch-maker’s turn, shewn in P/. Clock-work, Fig. 11 , is the tool in which he turns the most de- licate and minute work. It is described in our article Watch-work. Elliptical Turning. — This is performed in the same lathe and with the same tools as the circular work, but the lathe is provided with a chuck which causes the work to traverse in a very curious manner, to and from the centre as it revolves, so that a tool, held up' 1 against it, will cut it into an elliptical figure instead of a circle. The work has a curious appearance, when in motion, for, after the work has been turned truly elliptical, every part of the circumference, except the exact point where the tool is applied, appears to wabble, or be ec- centric, in a great degree, but that one point of the cir- cumference runs perfectly true and regular, the same as the whole circumference of circular work does. The mode of action of this ingenious chuck is rather difficult to describe, but we will endeavour to give an idea of it, by adverting to the principle of its action. This is the same as the trammel, or elliptic compasses, see Fig. 16 ; these consist of a circular or square board A A, B B, having two grooves in it perpendicular to each other, this is fixed down upon the surface where the ellipse is to be described ; the centre lines of the grooves, forming the two diameters thereof, and, of course, their intersection its centre, so that the curve will be traced beyond the circumference of the board by means of a pen or pencil, which is fixed at C to a radical bar or beam E, the above carries two points or pins F G, which are attached to dove-tailed sliders in- serted into the grooves of the board as shewn in the figure ; they are fitted in truly, so that each of the dove- tails have a motion in its grooves, G moving along B B, and F along the groove A A. By turning about the beam E, they go backwards and forwards along the cross grooves, so that when the beam has gone half- way about, one of these sliders will have moved the whole length of one of the halves of the cross, and when the beam has gone quite round, the same dove- tail has got back the whole length of the cross. The same applies to the other dove-tail. The pins F G and C can be fixed at any part of the beam E at pleasure (though not represented so in the figure), for the purpose of setting it to draw any parti- cular ellipses ; thus place the beam in the direction of the line B B, then the pin F will be in the centre of the cross grooves ; now fix C at such a distance from the centre F as is equal to half the small diameter of N the ellipse, and set G so far distant from F as the dif- ference of the two diameters ; consequently, from C to G will be equal to half the longest diameter. Now, in turning the beam round from the direction B B till it comes to A A, the point F will depart from the centre along A, and G will approach it along B, till it gets to the centre ; then will C be so much farther from the centre as F is distant from G, and has in its circuit traced one-fourth of an ellipse; and, the beam being turned quite round, will complete the whole curve. To shew how' this apparatus may be applied to turning, we must suppose the cross groove, made in a round board, as large again as the figure ; then, if it is inverted, and the beam E held fast in a vice, or otherwise, the board with the cross may be traversed round upon the dove-tails in the same manner as the beam could be traversed round upon the board : Now, if we suppose a tracing point, fixed exactly opposite the place where the tracing point C is fixed to the beam, it is evident its point will trace the same ellipsis on the back of the board, which was before described on the face of the surface it laid upon ; or, a chisel being held fast here, will cut the board elliptical when turned round, and being successively applied at different points along the line of the beam E, a series of concentric ellipses may be turned in the board to make mouldings for picture- frames or other ornaments ; the distance of the two fixed pins F and G being altered, will, at pleasure, vary the proportion between the diameter of the ellipses in the same manner as before described. The oval chuck is constructed in a different manner from this, though it preserves the same movements. It consists of three parts — the chuck, the slides, and the circle. The chuck H H, Fig. 17, is attached to the mandril, by a screw projecting from the centre of it be- hind, and turning round with it. Fig. 18 is a view of the chuck behind, where the screw is marked h ; the chuck has a dove-tailed groove formed in it at the part for the reception of a slider K, which traverses freely in the groove ; this is formed as the figure shews, by pieces a a screwed to the chuck on each side. The centre of the slider in front has a screw L, Fig. 17, projecting from it, by which a wooden chuck may be screwed against the slider, and any work can be fixed in it in the usual manner, so that the work, at the same time it tnrns round, by the motion of the chuck, has a sliding motion across the cutter, which being given in a certain line produces an elliptic motion. The sliding motion is given by the circle, Fig. 1 9- This is a ring of brass M attached fast to the puppet of the lathe, the mandril passing through the aperture N : the ring has a flat plate O, to strengthen it, and forming two bends at the ends, which have screws P Q tapped through them, and pointing exactly to each other ; these screws have sharp points which enter small holes in each side of the puppet, and the back of the circle M lying flat against the front of the puppet, is, by this means, fixed fast; the tw o screws P Q being then horizontal, and both pointing to the centre of the mandril ; but, by screwing one screw in, and the other out, the whole circle may be brought forwards horizontally so as to give it any re- quired degree of eccentricity from the mandril, and it w ill be stationary wherever it is placed. Fig. 18, which is a back view of the chuck, shews two grooves made through it ; then admit the shanks of two straight-edged pieces of steel R R, which are firmly attached to the slider by a screw for each, as shewn at pp, Fig. 17, in WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 563 in front thereof. The two inside edges of R are ex- actly parallel, and the distance between them is exactly equal to the diameter of the outside of the ring M, which is included between them, when the chuck is screwed to the mandril, and the circle fixed to the puppet, as above-mentioned. Suppose then, the circle M is set concentric with the mandril, which being turned round, causes the chuck and slider together with the work attached to the screw L, to revolve ; but the work ! will now' run in a circle, and turn circular work as usual, because the slider is guided by its claws RE, embracing the circle M, to keep the same position in its groove in the chuck, during all the parts of a revo- lution. Now place the tool at such a distance from the centre that it will describe a circle of equal diame- ter to the breadth, or smallest diameter of the ellipses intended to be turned (this is best done by fixing the ! tool in the slide rest). Now turn about the mandril till the slider comes horizontal, and setting the circle M eccentric by its screws P and Q, it, of course, moves the slider in the groove, and also the w-ork with it, farther from the centre, because the two steel pieces R R, at the back of the slider, include the circle be- tween them. The quality of eccentricity given to the ring is equal to the difference between the two diame- ters of the required ellipses, so that the work shall move or throw' out a sufficient distance to bring the point of the tool as much beyond the circle first de- scribed, as the length of the ellipses exceed the breadth ; the point of the tool will now be at one end of the longest diameter, and here we will commence to trace the curve all round. In turning the mandril round till the slider comes vertical, it must "return in its groove to the place it first occupied, viz. the centre ; because the circle M which guides it, is not eccentric in a vertical direction, though it is in the horizontal. In this motion, the point of the tool has described one quadrant of an ellipsis, because it gradually approached the centre a quantity equal to the eccentricity of the circle M. By continuing to turn it round farther, the circle will cause the slider to move out the other way from the centre, in its groove, until it comes again ho- rizontal, when it will be at the greatest throw-out, as the turners call eccentricity ; and the point of the tool will be at the other end of the longest diameter, having described one half the curve. Continuing forwards, till the slider becomes vertical, it will be eccentric again, the tool, at the breadth of the oval, having finished three quarters of the ellipses ; and, in turning the next, or fourth quarter, the slider throws out till it comes horizontal, and brings the work to the position where it first set out, viz. at the greatest eccentricity, and the tool at the end of the longest diameter of the ellipse. The reader will not, perhaps, easily recognize tlie simple trammel in this complicated chuck, though it has, in reality, the same movement. Thus recurring to our first idea of a board, with two cross grooves in the back of it, turning round on two fixed pins which enter dove-tails in those grooves. Suppose, that one of the pins is extended to a large ring M, the groove being proportionably widened to receive it, will have the same effect ; this groove is two pieces of steel R R, which have straight edges made truly parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the length of the slider K, which carries them. The other fixed pin is represented by the mandril, and the slider K being always confined in a right line across it, has the same effect as a pin enter- ing a straight groove. In turning oval work, in wood, the same tools are used as for circular work, but they must be very deli- cately used, because the circumference of the work moves with such an unequal velocity, at different parts of its revolution, that it is liable to draw the tool in, if too much hold is taken in the first instance. WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. The term watch is commonly applied to pocket or portable time-keepers, and such of these as are in- tended for the more curious purposes, have, of late years, been carried to a high degree of excellence, both regarding their theory and execution. But in the vari- ous approaches to the present high state of improve- ment, no one appears to have made so great a stride at once as the late eminent Dr. Hooke, by his excellent contrivance of applying a spiral spring to the arbor of I the balance, by which means effects are produced on it* i vibrations similar to the action of gravity on the pendulum ! of a clock. Since this great improvement of Dr. Hooke’s, ! very little has been added to common pocket watches. The principal changes they have undergone has been in i respect to their form, and, in this respect, the utility of the instrument has been somewhat sacrificed to the fashion of the day. Before Dr. Hooke’s improvements, the performance of watches was so very irregular that they 564 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. they were considered as serving only to give the time, for a few hours, and this, in rather a random kind of way ; and, accordingly, they were constructed so as to be wound twice in twenty-four hours, and to be set oc- casionally ; and for a longer period there could be no trust in them. However, it was found to be of some advantage to carry about the time even in this incorrect way. Various attempts were made by Dr. Hooke to render their performance more regular. One method was, by applying a loadstone so as to affect the balance in the manner that gravity affects the pendulum, and this appears to be an ingenious notion ; for, by the ap- plication of this, as a kind of artificial gravity, a pen- dulum might be made to vibrate, either in the plane of the horizon, or in any degree inclined, as well as per- pendicular to it. But this scheme was found to appear better in theory than in practice, and a tender spring was next applied to produce effects analogous to the former, by making one end of it play backwards and forwards with the balance, so that the balance acted like the bob of the pendulum, and the tender spring as gravity upon it ; and after various trials and changing the form of this spring to that of the spiral, it might be said to be re- solved into this scheme at last. The principles of watches thus improved, they were soon brought to a wonderful degree of accuracy by that admirable artist Mr. Tompion. They were made at first with two balances, each having the like number of teeth, and running in one another ; of course, they moved in contrary directions, and, therefore, their mo- tion could not be disordered by sudden turns or jerks of the watch. Both balances had spiral springs applied to their centres, though the pallets were fixed to one only. These curious watches appear, by various testimonies, to have been executed about the year 1658. On one of these double-balance watches, presented to King Charles the Second, was this inscription — “ Robert Hook, inven. 1658 : T. Tompion, fecit, 1675.” — This watch appears to have been wonderfully approved of by the King, and the invention got into great repute, and was much spoken of abroad as well as at home, parti- cularly its fame flew into France, and the Dauphin had two made for him by the hand of that eminent artist Mr. Tompion. After these inventions of Dr. Hooke, Mr. Huygens’s watch, with a spiral spring, came abroad and made a great noise in England, as if the longitude could now be found. Mr. Huygens’s watch agreed with Dr. Hooke’s in the application of the spring to the balance, but Huy- gens’s had a longer spring, and the beats were much slower; and his verge had a pinion (like the present lever-watches) instead of pallets, and had an interme- diate wheel acting in the pinion so as to turn it more than once round every vibration, and to this wheel were the pallets fixed on which the crown-wheel acted. Dr. Derham has suggested that, probably, Mr. Huygens’s fancy was at first set to work by some intelligence he might have received of Dr. Hooke’s invention from Mr. Oldenburg, or others, his correspondents here in England* Mr. Oldenburg vindicates himself against this charge in the Phil. Trans. Nos. 118, 129. Dr. Derham speaks of Mr. Huygens’s contrivance as being very pretty and ingenious, but remarks, that it is subject to some defects ; for instance, “ whenever the watch stands still, that it will not go again until it be set a vibrating, which, though it be no defect in a pendulum-clock, may be one in a pocket-watch, which is exposed to continual jogs : also, it doth somewhat vary in its vibrations, making sometimes longer, some- times shorter, turns, and so some slower, some quicker vibrations.” We have remarked above, that the operation of the pendulum-spring, when applied to the watch-balance, is analogous to the action of gravity upon the pendulum of a clock, and which it may be necessary to offer a few w'ords in explanation of. If the bob of a pendu- lum be drawn aside any certain number of degrees from its perpendicular state or point of rest, and then let freely go, the action of gravity upon it will bring it back again to its lowest point, but, as in its passage thither, it will have acquired a certain momentum, this will carry it up nearly as far on the opposite side the perpendicular, when the same operation will again take place ; and, in this way (if the pendulum be steadily supported), the vibrations will continue for many hours without any fresh impulse being given. So, in respect to the watch-balance, if it be put into its place (inde- pendent of the wheel-work), with the pendulum-spring properly attached to it, and the outer end of this spring * As the honour of this invention has been claimed by so formi- dable a rival as the late celebrated Huygens, it seems due to the memory of Hooke, to state a few unquestionable facts. — That Hooke had, many years before Huygens mentioned it, discovered the invention, is certain, as appears by what is related in the His- tory of the Royal Society (p. 247), where other of his inventions are mentioned: it is said — “ There have been invented several sorts of Pendulum- Watches for the pocket, wherein the motion is regu- lated by springs, &c.”f — { Waller (secretary to the Royal Society), gives some account of the Life of Hooke, and he there quotes a Letter from Sir Robert Moray to Mr. Oldenburg, dated Sept. 30, 1665, from Oxford. Sir R. Moray (addressing himself to Mr. Old- enburg), says — “ You will be the first that knows when his watches will be ready (meaning Huygens), and I will therefore expect from you an account of them, and if he imparts to you what he does, let me kuow of it; to that purpose, you may ask him if he cloth not apply a spring to the arbor of the balance, and that will give him occasion to say somewhat to you : if it be that, you may tell him what Hooke has done in that matter, and what he intends more.” Huy- gens’s discovery was first published in the Journal des Scavans, and from thence in the Philos. Trans, for March 25, 1676, about ten years after the above letter was written, and near fifteen years after Hooke’s first discovery of it. But, according to Derham, the inven- tion which best answered expectation, was at last executed with two balances, that both balances had the same number of teeth, which, running in each other, caused both balances to vibrate alike. These teeth were not cut in the rims of the balance, but each balance had a small wheel under it, and these wheels, running in one another, caused both to move with the same velocity, though in contrary di- rections, and each of these balances had its spiral spring, though the pallets were fixed to one only. t See Sprat’s History of the Royal Society. t See the above, and other articles to this purpose, p. 5 anu 6, of the Life of Hooke, at the head of his Posthumous Works. fixed WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 565 fixed in its proper stud (in the pottance-plate), and the balance moving freely on its pivots. If in this state of things you draw the balance several degrees from its point of rest, and then give it free liberty, the elastic power of the spring (which must have been bent in this opera- tion), will act upon it similar to the action of gravity upon the pendulum-bob, to bring it back to its point of rest; but, in this instance also, a certain momentum being acquired in its passage, the balance will be carried thereby nearly as far on the opposite side the point of j rest, and, in this way, the vibrations will be continued ! awhile without a fresh impulse being given ; and this experiment serves to shew in what manner the pendu- lum-spring enables a watch to operate upon a balance of much superior weight to what it would otherwise carry, by which a great advantage is gained, for the effects of the pendulum-spring are two-fold : in the first place, it empowers the watch to carry a balance of such weight as to acquire a sufficient momentum to resist, in a great measure, the inequalities of the main-spring and the train of the wheels, and, also, by causing an in- crease of velocity ; as the arc of the vibration increases, j the various vibrations, though different as to the quan- tity of the arc, are nearly brought to an equality in re- spect to time, or made what is called isochronal. In respect to balance-rings, it is wonderful that the English artists should not, long since, have taken ex- ample from the French, in totally throwing aside steel balances ; and no opportunity should be lost in explain- ing the pernicious effects of using them. It must ap- pear obvious to every body, that the regular perform- ance of a watch must depend on the regular vibrations of the balance, and, that whatever disturbs the latter, must, in the same degree, affect the former. And it has been found, by experience, that steel balances, in general, possess more or less of magnetism, and that most of them, on trial, exhibit a distinct polarity. Now, it is impossible that there can be any watch with a balance pretty strongly impregnated with this quality, however excellent its construction in other respects, but must be subject to great inequalities in its going, and these will be produced by a variety of causes, such as change of position of the watch ; or by the wearer of it carrying any thing in his pocket, formed of iron or of steel; and, more particularly, by the near approach to any thing that itself possesses magnetism. The late Dr. Knight was well aware of this pernicious influence, many years ago, and it was a common practice with him when any gentlemen came to see his magnetical ap- paratus, to warn them, before they entered the room, that, if they bad watches, with steel balances, in their pockets, they would infallibly be spoiled by approach- ing his magnetical mass. To explain the mechanism of a watch it is necessary to refer to the Plate, Watch-Work, which contains drawings of a sunk pocket watch of the best construction. Fig. 1 represents the wheel-work immediately beneath the dial-plate, and also its hands, the circles of hours and I minutes being marked, though the dial on which these are engraved is removed. Fig. 2 is a plan of the wheel-work all exhibited at one view, for which pur- pose the upper plate of the watch is removed. Fig. 3 is a plan of the balance, and the work situated upon the upper plate. Fig. 4 shews the great wheel and the pottance wheel detached. Fit*. 5, the spring barrel, chain, and fusee detached ; and Fig. 6 is an elevation of all the movements together, the works being sup- posed to be opened out into a straight line, to exhibit them all at once ; Fig. 7 is a detached view of the balance, and what is called the escapement, in action. The principal frame for supporting the acting parts of the watch, consists of two circular plates, marked C and D in the figures ; of these the former is called the upper plate, and D is called the pillar plate, from the circumstance of the four pillars, E E, which unite the tw'o plates and keep them a proper distance asunder, being fastened firmly into the lower plate; the other ends pass through holes made in the upper plate, C, and small pins being put through the ends of the pil- lars, keep all together ; but by drawing out these pins, the whole watch may be taken to pieces ; the pivots of the several wheels being received in small holes made in these plates, they of course fall to pieces as soon as the plates are separated. The maintaining power is a spiral steel spring, which is coiled up close by a tool used for the purpose, and put into a brass box called the barrel ; it is marked A in all the figures, and shewn separate in Fig. 5, with the spring in it : the spring has a hook at the outer end of its spiral, which is put through a hole, a, Fig. 5, in the side of the barrel, and rivetted fast thereto ; the inner end of the spiral has an oblong opening cut through it, to receive a hook upon the barrel arbor, B, , Fig. 5 ; the pivots of this arbor pass through the top and bottom of the barrel, and one of them is filed square to hold a ratchet wheel, b, Figs. 1 and 6, Which | has a click and retains the arbor from turning round, i except in one direction ; the tw r o pivots of the arbor are received in pivot holes in the plates C D of the watch, and the pivot which has the ratchet wheel upon it, passes through the plate, and the wheel marked b, Figs. 1 and 6, with its click, is therefore on the outside of the pillar plate D of the watch ; the top of the barrel has a cover or lid fitted into it, through which the upper pivot of the arbor projects; thus the arbor of the barrel is to be considered as a fixture, the click of the ratchet wheel preventing it from turning round, and the interior end of the spiral spring being hooked, this arbor is stationary likewise. The barrel thus mounted has a small steel chain, d, Figs. 2 and 6, coiled round its circumference, and attached to it by a small hook of the chain which enters a little hole, made the circumference of the barrel at its upper end ; the other extremity of this chain is hooked to the lower part of the fusee, marked F, Figs. 2, 5 and 6, and the chain is disposed either upon the circumference of the barrel, or in the spiral groove cut round the fusee for its reception, the arbor of which has pivots 7 E at 566 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. at the ends, which are received into pivot holes made in the plates of the watch ; one pivot is formed square and projects through the plate, to adapt the key by which the watch is wound up. It is evident that when the fusee is turned by the watch-key, it will wind the chain off the circumference of the barrel on itself; and as the outer end of the spring is fastened to the barrel, and the other is hooked to the barrel arbor (which, as before-mentioned, is prevented from turning by the click of the ratchet wheel, a b, beneath), the spring will be coiled up into a smaller compass than before, and by its reaction will, when the key is taken off, turn the barrel, and by the chain turn the fusee and give motion to the wheels of the watch, which will be hereafter described. The fusee has a spiral groove cut round it, in which the chain lies ; this groove is cut by an engine, in such a form that the chain shall pull from the smallest part or radius of the fusee, when the spring is quite wound up, and therefore acts with its greatest force on the chain ; from this point the groove gradually increases m diameter, so as the spring unwinds and acts with less pow'er, the chain operates on a larger radius of the fusee, so that the effect upon the arbor of the fusee, or the cog-wheel attached to it, may always be the same, and cause the watch to go with regularity. To prevent too much chain being wound upon the fusee, and by that means breaking the chain or over- straining the spring, a contrivance called a guard-gut is added; it is a small lever, e, Fig. 2, moving on a stud fixed to the upper plate C of the watch, and pressed down- wards by a small spring, f ; as the chain is wound upon the fusee, it rises in the spiral groove, and lifts up the lever until it touches the upper plate, and it is then in a position to intercept the edge or tooth, g, of the spiral piece of metal seen on the top of the fusee, and thus stops it from being wound up any further. The power of the spring is transmitted to the balance by means of several cog-wheels, which multiply the number of revolutions that the chain makes on the fusee, to such a number, that though the last or balance wheel turns Q~ every minute, the fusee will at the same time turn so slowly, that the chain will not all be drawn off from it in less than twenty-eight or thirty hours, and it makes one turn in. four hours ; this as- semblage of wheels is called the train of the watch. The first cog-wheel, G, is attached to the fusee, and is called the great wheel ; it is shewn separated from the fusee in Fig. 4, having a hole through the centre to receive the arbor of the fusee, and a projecting ring upon its surface ; the under surface of the base of the fusee is shewn in Fig. 5, at F, having a circular cavity- cut in it to receive the corresponding ring upon the great wheel G, Fig. 4 ; a ratchet wheel, i, is fixed fast upon the fusee arbor, and sunk within the cavity excavated in the lower surface of the fusee. When the wheel and fusee are put together, a small click, h, Fig. 4, takes into the teeth of the ratchet i ; as the fusee is turned by the watch-key to wind up the watch, i i this click slips over the sloping sides of the teeth without turning the great wheel ; but when the fusee is turned the other way by drawing the chain from the spring barrel, the click catches the teeth of the ratchet wheel, and causes the cog-wheel to turn with the fusee. The great wheel, G, has forty-eight teeth on its circumference, which take into aud turn a pinion of twelve teeth, fixed on the same arbor with the Centre wheel, H, so called from its situation in the centre of the watch ; it has fifty- four teeth to turn a pinion of six leaves, on the arbor of the Third wheel, 1, which has forty-eight teeth ; it is sunk in a cavity formed in the pillar plate, and turns a pinion of six, on the arbor of the Contrute wheel, K, which has forty-eight teeth cut parallel with its axis, by which it turns a pinion of six leaves, fixed to The balance wheel, L ; one of the pivots of the arbor of this wheel turns in a frame, M, called the pottar.ce, fixed to the upper plate (shewn separately in Fig. 4), and the other pivot runs in a small piece | fixed to the upper part, called the counter pottance, (not shewn in any of the figures), so that when the two plates are put together, the balance wheel pinion may work into the teeth of the contrate wheel, as shewn in Fig. 6. The balance wheel, L, has fifteen teeth, by which it impels the balance o p ; the arbor of the balance, which is called the verge, has two small leaves or pallets projecting from it, nearly at right angles to each other, these are acted upon by the teeth of the balance w'heel L, in such a manner, that at every vibration the balance receives a slight impulse to continue its motion, and every vibration so made, suffers a tooth of the wheel to escape or pass by, whence this part is called the escapement of the watch, and con- stitutes its most essential part. The wheel L, is some- times called the scape wheel, or crown wheel ; its ac- tion is explained by Fig. 7, which shews the wheel and balance detached. Suppose in this view, the pinion h, on the arbor of the balance wheel or crown wheel, i k, to be actuated by the main spring which forms the maintaining power, by means of the train of wheel- work in the direction of the arrow, while the pallets m and n, attached to the axis of the balance, and standing at right angles to each other, or very nearly so, are long enough to fall in the way of the ends of the sloped teeth of the wheel when turned round at an angle of 45°, so as to point to opposite directions, as in the figure ; then a tooth in the wheel below for in- stance, meets with the pallet n (supposed to be at rest), and drives it before it a certain space, till the end of the tooth escapes ; in the mean time the balance, o s p r, attached to the axis of the pallets, continues to move in the direction r o s p, and winds up the small spiral or pendulum spring, q, one end of which is fast to the axis, and the other to a stud on the upper plate of the frame ; in this operation, the spring op- poses the momentum given to the balance by this push of WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 56 7 of the tooth upon the pallet, and prevents the balance going quite round, but the instant the tooth escapes the upper pallet, m, meets with another tooth at the opposite side of the wheel’s diameter, they therefore moving in an opposite direction to that below ; here this pallet receives a push which carries the balance back again (having as yet but small momentum in the direction o s p r), and aids the spring, which now un- bends itself till it comes to its quiescent position, but it swings beyond that point, partly by the impulse from the maintaining power on the pallet m, and partly by the acquired momentum of the moving balance, par- ticularly when this pallet, m, has escaped ; at length the pallet n again meets with the succeeding tooth, and is carried backward by it in the direction in which the balance is now moving, till the maintaining power and force of the unwound spring together overcome the momentum of the balance, during which time the re- coil of the balance wheel is apparent (or the seconds hand of the watch has one put on the pivot of the arbor of the contrate wheel ;) at length the wheel brings the pallet n back again till it escapes, and the same process takes place with pallet m as has been described with respect to pallet n ; thus two contrary excursions or oscillations of the balance take place before one tooth has completely escaped, which is the reason there must always be an odd number of teeth in this wheel, that a space on one side of the wheel may always be opposite to a tooth on the other, in order that one pallet may be out of action while the other is in action. The upper pivot of the verge is supported in a cock screwed to the upper plate, as shewn at N, in Fig. 6, which covers the balance, and protects it from violence, and the lower pivot works in the bottom of the pot- tance, M, at t, Fig. 4. The socket for the pivot of the balance wheel, is made in a small piece of brass, V, which slides in a groove made in the pottance, as shewn Fig. 4, so that by drawing the slide in or out, the teeth of the balance wheel shall just clear one pallet before it takes the other ; and in the perfection of this adjustment, which is called the scaping of the watch, the performance of it very greatly depends. We shall speak more fully of this in another place. The bank- ing of the watch is to prevent the balance from being turned round too far by accidental jerks, in which case one of the pallets would be pitched upon the point of a tooth of the balance wheel, and recoil it back too far, perhaps injuring its point; this is called being overthrown. Sometimes if the balance gets turned round too far, the pallets are both turned away from the teeth of the wheel, which then runs down vvith inconceivable rapidity, and probably breaks the points of its teeth by striking against the pallets as they turn round ; to avoid these accidents, the banking is intro- duced ; it is a pin fixed in the rim of the balance, and therefore describing a circular arc round the edge of the cock N, which covers the balance ; but the proper extent of this arc is determined by the banking-pin meeting two projecting parts of the cock, which are extended out so far as to reach beyond the circle the banking-pin moves in. We have now described the means by which the watch keeps time, viz. that every vibration of the ba- lance suffers a tooth of the balance wheel to escape and run down, by the constant action of the main spring ; it now remains to shew the communication of this motion to the hands of the watch, which indicate the time on the dial plate. The hands are moved by the central arbor, which comes through the pillar plate and projects a considerable length ; it has a pinion of twelve leaves, called The common pinion , w, Fig. fi, is fitted upon it, the axis of which is a tube formed square at the end, to fix on the minute hand, W ; it fits tight upon the pro- jecting arbor of the centre wheel, and therefore turns with it, but will slip round to set the hands when the watch is w'rong and requires to be rectified ; the com- mon pinion is situated close to the pillar plate, and its leaves engage the teeth of The minute wheel, X, Figs. 1 and 6, of forty-eight teeth, which is fitted on a pin fixed in the plate, and its pinion, x, of sixteen leaves, which is fixed to it, turns The hour wheel, Y, of forty-eight teeth ; the arbor of this is a tube, which is put over the tube of the cannon pinion carrying the minute hand, and has the hour hand, Z, fixed on it, to indicate the time upon the dial plate. Thus, by the cannon pinion, w, which is to the minute wheel X, as one is to four, and the pinion x of this, which is to the hour zvheel, Y, as one is to three, the hour wheel Y, and its hand z, though concentric with the cannon pinion and minute hand, make but one revolution for twelve of the other, therefore one turns round in an hour, and the other turns round once in twelve hours, as the figures on the dial shew'. An increase of force in the action of the main spring would alter the rate of the watch, by commu- nicating a greater force by the teeth of the balance to the pallets. The fusee is therefore grooved in such a way, after being made in the shape of the frustum of a parabolid, that the decrease of the acting radius is always inversely proportional to the intensity of the main spring. By this admirable contrivance the effec- tive power of the spring is at all times very nearly alike. The adjustment of the varying levers, or points of action of the fusee, is made very conveniently by a long lever with a moveable weight like a steel yard being inserted on the square of the fusee arbor which is made for the key, as will be explained more par- ticularly in its proper place, when we come to explain the methods used by watch-makers for adjusting and finishing their watches. It is necessary to have some regulation by which the rate of the watch’s movement may be regulated, for hitherto we have only spoken of making the watch keep always to a uniform, or certain rate of motion, but it is necessary 568 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. necessary to make it keep true time. This can be done by two means, either by increasing or diminishing the force of the mainspring, which increases or diminishes the arc that the balance describes; or it may be done by strengthening or weakening the pendqlum-spring, which will cause the balance to move quicker or slower. The pendulum-spring, q } Fig. 3, is fixed to a stud, upon the plate c, by one end, and is attached to the verge of the balance by the other. The regulation is effected by means of what is called the curb ; this is a small lever, z, Fig. 3, projecting from a circular ring, rr, which may be considered as its centre of motion, but perforated with a hole through the centre, large enough to contain the pendulum-spring within it ; a circular groove is turned out in the upper plate, nearly concentric with the balance, and the ring, r r, fits into this. Both are turned rather largest at the bottom, in the manner of a dove-tail ; but the ring be- ing divided at the side opposite to the level - , z, can be sprung up and rendered so much smaller as to get it into the groove, but being once in the elasticity of the ring, it expands it, so as to fill the groove completely ; in this state it may be considered as a lever which describes a circuit round the verge as a centre, and the end of it points to a divided arc engraved on the upper plate, at one end of which is marked F, and, at the other, S, denoting that the index or lever, z, is to be moved to- wards one or the other, to make the watch move faster or slower as its regulation requires. The manner of its operation is thus, the end of the lever, or index z, continues within the circle a small distance towards its centre, and passing beneath the outer turn of the spiral spring q, has two Very small pins rising up from it, which include the spring between them; the actual length of the pendulum-spring is therefore to be estimated from these pins to its con- nexion with the verge ; now, by altering the position of the index, this acting length can be regulated at plea- sure, to produce such vibration of the balance as will make the watch keep true time. By shortening the length, the spring becomes more powerful, and returns the balance quicker so that it will vibrate in less time ; this is effected by moving the index towards F. On the other hand, turning the index toward S, lengthens the spring by which it becomes more delicate, and less powerful, returning the balance slower than before. The old-fashioned watches have their curbs turned by a pinion, to which the watch key is applied, and it has a small dial to contain the divisions by w'hich its motion is determined. These divisions are not of any actual value in time, but they serve to shew where the index stood, and which way it has been moved when any regulation is made. The same kind of watches usually have, instead of the ratchet-wheel 6, on the ar- bor of the spring-barrel, a small wheel turned by an endless screw', to the end of which a key was applied; this was the remains of the old w'atch made before Dr. Hooke invented the pendulum-spring, because such a w atch was necessarily regulated by winding up the main- spring arbor, and, therefore, it was left so that the pos- sessor of the watch could effect it without recurring to the maker. A watch of this- description is in possession of the writer of this article, and is, in general, similar to the watch above described ; but the balance is not quite half the size of the common watch, because the vibrations of a balance without a spring are so much slower, as it had no quiescent point to return to, being merely a fly to which the maintaining power gives a smart stroke, urged in one direction, and then the next, tooth of the balance-wheel destroys its motion and drives it back again, so that constantly giving it an im- pulse in a new direction, makes a resistance to the maintaining pow'er, which keeps the watch to its rate, but not with any great accuracy, because the slightest motion greatly disturbs the motion of such a balance, and its small size renders it very subject to variation from any irregularity in the force of the main-spring. Delicate watches have jewelled pivot-holes for the top and bottom of the verge, t-o diminish the friction. These jewels are fixed in the bottom part t of the pot- tance and in the top of the cock, each consists of two pieces, one of which has a cylindrical hole drilled through it to receive the pivot ; the other is a flat piece, making the rest or stop which forms the bottom of the hole. Both stones are ground circular on the edge, and are fitted and burnished into a small brass ring, which is fastened into the cock and pottance by two small screws applied to each. The addition of jewels to a watch is a great advantage, as they do not tend to thicken the oil in the manner brass holes do, from the oxydation of the metal. The reader is now well acquainted with the mechanism of the common pocket watches, which are in most general use ; but those watches which are intended for accurate measurement of time, have some difference in their construction, chiefly in the escapement, and the i balance, which, as before-mentioned, are the parts on I which the measure of time depends, the others being | only to actuate and record the time measured out by the balance. It is essential to a watch which is intended to keep time with extreme accuracy, that 1st. It shall not be affected by variation of tempera- ture ; for the balance of the common watch is expanded by heat, and the pendulum-spring is relaxed by its I force, both which alterations tend to diminish its rate in I hot weather, and make it gain in cold weather. This I defect is obviated by the compensation-balance. 2d. That the balance must, if possible, vibrate in the same time, whether it describes long or short arcs; this is called the isochronim of the balance. It is at- tained by a proper adjustment of the pendulum-spring, and by rendering the balance as little dependant on the influence of the maintaining power as possible, leaving it to its own free vibrations; this is effected by the escapement. 3d. That the watch shall go whilst winding-up, so as it may not lose time during that essential operation ; the WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 569 the contrivance, called the going-fusee, accomplishes this> 4th. Tliat it shall keep the same rate in all positions, therefore the balance must be truly poised on its verge. The first of these conditions is attained by the intro- duction of the compensation-balance, which is a most admirable contrivance ; it consists of weights instead of the solid rim of the balance, and these weights are so fixed that they approach the centre of the balance in hot weather, and recede from it in cold, just as much as is requisite to compensate for the loss or gain of force in the pendulum-spring. Fig. 10, represents a compensation-balance such as is usually introduced into the best chronometers or time- keepers made by the English artists. It is made in the following manner : — A circular groove is turned in the flat surface of a piece of steel, and into this groove a piece of good brass is driven, and a little of the solu- tion of borax is applied to prevent oxidation. This compound piece, being then put into a crucible, is made sufficiently hot to melt the brass, which, in these circumstances, adheres firmly to the steel without re- quiring solder. The face of the steel is then cleaned, and by proper application of the mechanical means of turning and filing, the superfluous steel is taken away, and the balance is left, consisting sometimes of two or three radii, A B, and a rim, C D ; the external part of which is brass, and the internal part of steel ; the former metal being about twice the thickness of the latter, in order to allow for the superior susceptibility of brass to steel, of any change of temperature. Some artists solder the metals together, and others plunge the steel balance into melted brass, and suffer them to cool together, but the method we have described seems to be the best.* In this state the arcs, C D, of the rim are then cut through, and then diminished in their length, as in the figure ; and near that extremity of each arc, which is farthest from its radius, a piece of brass or weight, E F, is put on, which can be slided along the arm so as to be adjusted at that distance which, upon trial, shall be found to produce a good performance under the different changes of temperature. The peculiar advantage of this balance may be explained as follows : — When an increase of heat diminishes the elastic force of the pen- dulum spring, the outer brass rim being lengthened by expansion more than the steel, must cripple or warp the steel, on the same principle as the warping of wood by damp, and this throws the weights, E F, nearer to the axis, and diminishes the effect of the inertia of the ba- lance, which, consequently, is as speedily carried through its vibrations as before, though the force of the spring • Mr. Harrison, in observing the effects of change of tempera- ture of the air on his thermometer-kirbs, observed, that the brass parts became sooner affected always than those of steel, and, in order to counteract this superior susceptibility in brass, he thought it necessary, in constructing his gridiron-pendulums, to make the brass rods stouter than the steel ones, to prevent their overacting their antagonists. is diminished. And, on the contrary, when cold wea- ther adds to the elastic force of the spring, the same weights are thrown farther out, and prevent the acce- leration which would have followed. The exact adjust- ment of the weights is found, by trial, of the going of the machine. If it gains by heat, the weights compen- sate too much, and must be moved farther from the ex- treme ends of the circular compound bars ; but if the gain be produced by cold, the spring predominates, and the weights will accordingly require to be set farther out. For it is evident that the flexure of these arms by change of temperature, will carry the weights nearer to the centre in hot than in cold w'eather, and the more, the greater the distance of the weights from the radius. The small screw's, G H, near the ends of the radii, afford an adjustment for time, as the balance will vibrate more quickly the further these are screwed in, and the contrary will be the case if they be unscrewed or drawn further out. This is requisite in an accurate watch, it being found to be a much better method than making alterations in the pendulum-spring, because this destroys the adjustment by which our second condition, viz , that the vibrations shall be performed in equal times, whe- ther long or short, is fulfilled. It is found, by experi- ence, that, in every spring sufficiently long, a certain portion of it will be isochronal, whether long or short ; that the length of this portion being found, if it be lessened, the long vibrations will be quicker than the short ones; and, that, on the contrary, if the length be increased, the small arcs will be performed in less time than the great arcs. This isochronal length of the pendulum-spring can only be found by experiment, and, when once determined, should not be altered on any account. Some artists taper the thickness of the spring, making it thinner at one end than the other ; but, after all, if the balance is not made very independent of the maintaining power, by a proper contrivance of the escapement, the isochronal property of the spring will be overruled by the irregularities of the maintaining power, which irregularity alone requires the necessity for any such property, by diminishing or increasing the arc of vibration as the maintaining power varies in its force ; for though a fusee may be adjusted, so that the action of the spring may be in every part equal ; yet a watch, when it has been long in use, al- ways has less power on the balance, which loses in the extent of its vibration, from the gradual accumulation of dirt in the wheelwork, and more from a clamminess which takes place in the oil, w'hich is applied to the pivots, particularly that at the verge pivots ; so, that, if the actual pow-er of the main-spring is not diminished, the resistance to that power is constantly increasing, and would, in the course of years, completely put a stop to the motion of the watch. A good escapement for a watch should only apply the impelling power to the balance at the moment w'hen it is near the quiescent point, leaving it to finish the vi- bration by the combined action of the pendulum-spring, and its own momentum alone ; w ithout being influenced in 570 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. the period of its return by the action of the maintaining power. This is not the case in the escapement used in the common watch we have described, which is called the crown-wheel escapement: in this, the balance is constantly connected with, and influenced by, the maintaining power, except during the exceedingly small time of the drop of the wheel from one pallet to the other, on which account the measure of time will greatly vary when the force of vibration is nearly equal, or not much greater than the maintaining impulse ; this is shewn in a striking manner by urging the motion of a common watch by means of the key. If the key be pressed in the usual direction of winding up, the beats of vibra- tion will become very slow, or even stop ; and, if the pressure be made in the opposite direction, the vibra- tions will become very loud and quick. To remedy this defect of the crown-wheel escapement, many different kinds have been devised and employed by different artists, and with good effects : that which has been most generally employed in pocket watches is called the horizontal escapement, from the circumstance of the last, or balance-wheel, having its plane horizontal or pa- rallel with the balance and the other wheels. In Fig. 9, the balance-wheel is seen with twelve teeth, upon each of which is fixed a small wedge sup- ported above the plane of the wheel, as may be seen by the letters A B and C D. On the verge of the ba- lance there is fixed part of a hollow cylinder E, of steel or other hard metal, the imaginary axis of which passes through the pivot of the verge. H represents this cy- lindrical piece, with a notch cut in one side which nearly divides it. The wedge A, Fig. Q, may be sup- posed to have fallen into this notch. While the vibra- tion causes the cylindrical piece to revolve in a direction which carries its anterior edge a, towards the axis of the wheel, the point of the wedge A, will merely rub the internal surface, and no otherwise affect the vibration of the balance than by retarding its motion by the friction of the cylinder against the point of the tooth. But when the return of the vibration clears the edge a of the cy- linder of the point of the wedge, the wheel will ad- vance, and the slope surface of the wedge A, acting against the edge u of the cylinder, will assist and impel the vibration of the balance. When the edge a of the cylinder arrives at the outer point of the wedge A, its posterior edge b must arrive at the position denoted by the dotted lines of continuation, immediately after which, the wedge or tooth B will arrive at the dotted position, and rest on the outer surface of the cylinder, where it will produce no other effect than that of re- tardation from friction, as was remarked with regard to the wedge A, until the returning course of the vibration shall bring the posterior edge b of the cylinder clear of the point of the wedge dotted in this last situation, the wedge will act on the .wedge b of the cylinder, and assist the vibration as in the former case ; but, in a con- trary direction, until that edge shall arrive at the outer point of the wedge, immediately after which the leading point will fall on the inner surface of the cylinder in the first position, as was shewn - in the wedge A : thus the cylinder, and the balance attached to it, receives an impulse on the edge b, every time a tooth escapes or enters into the cylinder, to urge it in one direction, and every time a tooth escapes out of the cylinder an impulse is given on the edge a, in a contrary direc- tion. Horizontal watches w r ere greatly esteemed during the last thirty years, until lately when they gave place to those constructions which are known by the name of detached or free escapements. In the common escape- ment, Fig. 7, an increase of the maintaining power, as before mentioned, increases the recoil and acce- lerates the vibrations ; but with the horizontal escape- ment there is no recoil, and any increase of the main- taining power, though it may enlarge the arc of vibra- tion, will not necessarily diminish or alter the time. It is accordingly found, that the experiment of altering; the maintaining power by the application of the key, does not alter the rate in the same perceptible manner as in common watches. The only objection which can be raised to the hori- zontal escapement, is the friction occasioned by the tooth of the wheel resting either within or without the cylinder. In what is called the detached escapement, this defect is remedied by introducing a detent or click to lock the teeth of the wheel ; now in the interval, when the tooth ir. the horizontal wheel would be rest- ing against the cylinder, this detent rests or locks the tooth of the wheel, and keeps it in repose, without touching the cylinder, or pallet (as it is called in the detached escapement) ; the balance therefore vibrates with perfect freedom, but at a certain part of its movement (near the quiescent point), a pin in the verge unlocks the detent, and the balance re- ceives an impulse or stroke, by a tooth of the wheel dropping on a pallet through a part of every second vibration ; but during a great part of its course it is free and detached, wheuce the name of the escape- ment. A great variety of forms of escapement are in use j in watches, but the detached escapement at present takes the lead among them, and it is certainly the best of any we have described. There is a class of escape- ments called remontoire, from the circumstance of their having a small spring near the balance, which is by the mechanism wound up at every vibration, and then the pallet of the balance presents itself and receives the force of this spring to give it the impulse for its vibration, and whilst this is performed the remontoire is wound up again for the next stroke ; by this means the remontoire spring becomes the measure of the force dealt out to the balance at each time, and the irregularities of the main .spring have then no effect upon the balance, because if stronger, it only winds up or charges the remontoire more swiftly, but cannot give it more power to exert on the balance, nor less if the maintaining power is diminished, because in this case the remontoire is charged more slowly, but still to WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 571 to the same extent of force. The complexity of these escapements is a bar to their general use. Our third condition for an accurate watch, viz. that it shall continue its motion whilst winding up, is car- ried into effect by the going fusee ; this is one among those inventions which have proved the most useful in practice. By very simple mechanism, the main spring while the watch is going, acts on an intermediate short spring, which Mr. Harrison (the inventor) calls the secondary spring ; it is constantly kept bent to a certain tension by the former, for the fusee has no communi- cation with the great wheel except by this spring; when the watch is winding up, and the principal spring, fusee, chain, Sic., ceases to act, the secondary spring, being placed on a ratchet wheel which is hin- dered from retrograding by a click, continues the motion of the great wheel without alteration. Other con- trivances have been proposed and executed, to make time-pieces go while winding up, but none which like this combines the advantage of simplicity, and the pro- perty of providing a supplementary power, which is equal to that of the main spring when its action ceases. And it is to be observed, that the utility of the going- fusee, which has induced manufacturers to introduce it into all good watches, even of the common kind, is peculiarly important in those time-pieces which have not the power of setting themselves in motion, as is the case with the best modem escapements, because the balance is the greater time completely detached. Figs. 2 1 , 22 and 23, are representations of a going fusee taken to pieces ; in Fig. 23 it is supposed to be seen from below, and shews the under sides of the parts, while 2 1 shews the other faces ; a, Fig. 23, the small ratchet, like the common fusee, fixed upon the arbor of the fusee F, and sunk into an excavation in the large end of the ’fusee, its plane is therefore the same with the end of the fusee ; the clicks and springs, b b, Fig. 21 , for this ratchet, are fixed on the plane of the large or perpetual ratchet, L, which has a stationary click applied to its teeth to prevent it ever returning in a direction contrary to the direction of the motion of the great wheel ; therefore when the fusee turns round by the draft of the chain, the clicks b b of the small ratchet, causes the perpetual ratchet L to turn round with it ; but when the fusee turns in the opposite direction for winding it up, the perpetual ratchet remains stationary by its click, which is situated on an arbor pivoted between the plates of the watch ; G, in both figures, is the great wheel, and Fig. 22 is a horse-shoe spring, bedded between the perpetual ratchet and the great wheel, a circular groove being turned in the plate of the large wheel, as shewn in Fig. 21, at n, or it might be made in that of the large ratchet, or partially in both, to form a bed or box for this secondary spring; the pin f, at one end of the spring, is inserted into a. corresponding hole in the bed of the wheel, and the other pin, s, into a similar hole perforated through the perpetual ratchet at g; this spring thus connected with both the great wheel and perpetual ratchet, would produce no other effect than to attach them together and make them like one wheel, if the horse-shoe piece was not elastic, in which case the large ratchet would be superfluous, and the effect produced would be that of an ordinary simple fusee and ratchet ; but the piece in Fig. 22, is of a spring temper, and its elasticity small enough to be acted upon by the main spring, so as to make two pins s and J\ at the ends, approach each other ; and in this situation it is that the secondary spring is said to be wound up, in which it continues whenever the watch is going. In this state it is evident that whatever power the fusee exerts upon the great wheel must be through the medium of the secondary spring, which therefore be- comes wound up or charged with as much force as is required to turn the watch. Now suppose the power of the fusee removed, or its action to cease, and at the same time the ends of the spring which the fusee operated upon by the medium of the perpetual ratchet, to be supported by any fixed object, the effort of the spring to extend or discharge itself will act between this fixed object and the pin f which connects it with the great wheel, to turn the wheel round for a time, in the same manner as before. Now on applying the key R to wind up the watch, the clicks b of the small ratchet a, which turns with the fusee, slip over the sloping sides of its teeth, and relieves the great ratchet L from the power which caused its motion, and it endeavours at first to accompany the fusee by the ex- ertion of the secondary spring to unbend itself, but a tooth of this ratchet meeting the stationary click, pre- vents its retrograde motion farther than the interval between two teeth. In consequence of this opposition to the great ratchet’s temporary motion, by the action of its click, the pinjf, at the other end of the secon- dary spring, pulls at its hole in the great ratchet wheel G, and draws it away from s, which is stationary ; or in other words, draws the great wheel round in a con- trary direction, and with a force, equal for the time to that of the original maintaining power by which the two pins were made to approach each other. The reason of the piny, in Fig. 21, being made to project both ways across the end of the secondary spring, is, that the remote end beyond may move in a little cir- cular aperture made through the plane of the great wheel behind, Fig. 23, which aperture allows the two ends of the spring to approach and recede steadily, and the length of the aperture is determ ned by the quantity that pin is drawn by the main spring towards the pin before; there is an equipoise in their inten- sities. Repeating Clocks are such as by pulling a string, &c., are made to strike the hour, quarters, &c., at any time. These clocks are the invention of a Mr. Barlow, about the year 1676.' This ingenious contrivance soon took air, and various artists set their heads to work, and several different methods were contrived to effect such a performance, and hence arose the various ways of 572 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. of executing repeating work. This invention had been practised in larger movements only, till James the Se- cond’s reign, at which time it was applied to watches, (commonly called pocket clocks,) and hence arose some contention respecting the right to the invention. Mr. Barlow, who no doubt was the inventor of the prin- ciple, engaged Mr. Tompion to execute the first re- peating watch, for which Mr. Barlow purposed to obtain a patent. Mr. Quase, an ingenious artist, had entertained some thoughts of executing such a piece, but had laid it by, until the talk of Mr. Barlow’s patent renewed his former thoughts, which he then brought to effect. This being known among the watch-makers, they pressed him to hinder Mr. Barlow’s patent ; ac- cordingly applications were made at court, and a watch of each invention produced before the king and council. The king upon trial of each of them, was pleased to give the preference to Mr. Quase’s, of which notice was soon after given in the Gazette. The difference between these two inventions was, Mr. Barlow’s was made to repeat by pushing in two pieces, one on each side the box, one push gave the hour, and the other gave the quarter. Mr. Quase’s was made to repeat by a pin that stuck out near the pendant, which by thrusting in gave both the hour and the quarter, as is now done by the pendant. The mechanism of the repeating watch is extremely complicated, and would far exceed our limits to ex- plain it. It contains all the mechanism of the com- mon watch, and arranged in the same manner, except that it is all crowded to one side, to make room for the striking movement; this has a small spring box with a train of wheel work, which actuates the ham- mer that strikes the hours and quarters upon a bell, which is fastened on the inside of the watch case and encloses the work, but without touching any part of it, it is screwed into the case. The numerous detents which govern the number of strokes the hammers will make, are situated beneath the dial plate, along with the motion or dial work, shewn in Fig. 1. On push- ing in the pendant of the watch, it drives before it a lever, which has a small chain attached to it, and this draws round a small wheel, about which it is wound, and thus winds up the striking spring, and at the same time sets off the detents, the spring now causes the hammers to strike the hour and the nearest quarter. Striking watches are such, as beside the proper watch part, for measuring time, have a clock part for striking the hours, &c. These are real clocks, only moved by a spring instead of a weight, and are properly called pocket clocks. The difference be- tween the striking watch and the repeater is, that the former has the spring barrel of the striking movement wound up at the same time with the main spring of the other part, and at every hour the dial work dis- charges the striking part, and causes it to strike the number of hours. The objection to these watches is, that the power necessary to move the hammers through the whole day, obliges the springs and striking train to be so large that it crowds the going parts too close, and renders the repairs, as well as making, of such watches most difficult and expensive. One great dis- tinction between a striking-watch and a repeating-watch is, that in the striker you wind up the main-spring of the striking-part once in twenty-four hours, and which supplies its pow'er occasionally through that space of i time ; but, in the repeater, you wind up the striking- spring by pushing in the pendant occasionally. In the early stages of the business, watches were of simple construction, and very imperfect in their per- formance ; and every artist was compelled, from neces- sity, to make almost the whole watch himself ; but, in the present state of the art, it is divided into a great number of branches ; and each, by devoting himself exclusively to that branch, becomes more expert and accurate than any one could hope to be who undertook to do the whole himself ; and when the trade is subdi- vided, the expense of tools adapted to each operation becomes trifling, w'hereas few individuals could afford to purchase all the tools and engines necessary to form the whole machine. The general use of watches among a commercial peo- ple has a great effect in introducing strict habits of punctuality, and economy of time ; and when this is once understood, as it is in our ow'n country, the manu- facture and repair of watches becomes an immense trade, employing many thousand individuals, who, by ! uniting ingenuity, industry, and experience, are able to make the parts of them at so low a price as is truly . astonishing. We must observe, that the mechanism of w'atches is made in the villages of Lancashire, where the most mi- nute operations are divided into a separate and distinct trade, each of which is provided with its proper tools : and engines for expediting the business, and making se- veral of the parts at once. A stranger will be much surprised at being told, that to make a single watch, by the same means as are at present in use, w’ould require various tools and engines to the value of more than two thousand pounds ; but as these are distributed among a great number of different trades, the expense to each is moderate, and the advan- tages derived from their use is very great, both in the economy and accuracy of the work. ; To enumerate the different trades would be a list as I numerous as there are parts in the watch ; but, in a ' general way, they may be divided into the following; j though this division is not to be considered by any j means as invariable. 1st. The spring-maker makes the springs to all lengths, thicknesses, and breadths ; curves them, and tempers them. 2d. The chain-maker. This is a very curious art from the very minute parts of which it is composed ; he makes all kinds which can be required. Sd. 1 he fusee-cutter employs very curious engines to form the spiral grooves on it, and as the expense of these requires WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 573 requires him to be a man. of more capital than some others, he frequently keeps other engines for cutting the balance wheels and other wheels ; but this is sometimes a separate branch, as follows : — 4th. The wheel-cutter employs engines to divide and cut all the cog wheels, but his workmen generally con- fine themselves to one kind of wheel. 5th. The dial-plates are enamelled by a distinct trade. 6th. The case-maker makes all kinds of cases in gold, silver, or metal. These last are gilt by the wa- ter-gilder. 7 th. The watch-glass maker. 8th. The hands, and many other small parts, also chasing and ornamenting the cock and upper plate, are the work of as many different hands. 9th. The pinions are made by the wire-drawer, of any size or number of teeth. 10th. The movement-maker makes the plates ; he collects the wheels, fusee, &c., from the different work- men, fixes the wheels upon their arbors, callipers, or sets out the watch, and puts the w heels in the frame, but in a rough way, and only as a preparation for 1 1th. The finisher, or, as he is generally termed, the maker. He polishes the teeth and steel parts, finishes and turns the pivots, and fits them to their holes ; adjusts all the parts, together with the escapements, and completes the w'hole business. It is this depart- ment of watch-making that we particularly intend to explain. All the parts of a watch, made in the most accurate manner, may be pdrchased, ready prepared by the above trades, at many shops in the metropolis. The most extensive and established of these is Mr. Samuel Fern’s, Newgate Street. The principal tools necessary to a watch-maker, are, as follows : — A small bench-vice to hold the tools, so called from its being screwed or fixed to the bench. A pin-vice to file up pins and hold various small works. Pliers, of various sizes and forms. Wire-nippers for cutting off wire pins. Drills, of various sizes. The smallest are made from needles or fine wire, and are held in a drill-stock, which has a screw nose that will hold any size. Also, drill-bows and breast-board to cut them. Files of all descriptions, as flat, square, round, cross- ing-files, &c. &c. Gravers and turning-tools, of various kinds ; several pieces of Turkey stone ; oil-stone dust to polish steel; and brushes to clean watches with. Small hammers for riveting wheels upon the arbors, and various small drifts, punches, sets, &c , for the same purpose ; also, small stakes or anvils to place the work upon. These latter are held in the bench-vice. Five-sided broaches, of various sizes, to open or en- large pivot holes to the proper dimensions, and round broaches to burnish the insides of the holes. A turn-bench, or, a watch-maker’s turn, which is nearly the same, except in dimensions, is indispensable for forming the pivots and all parts which are circular, see Fig. 11, of Plate Clock-Work. The watch- maker must be provided also with a variety of arbors for fitting collets, wheels, &c., to turn them on (see Fig. 12) ferrules, which are small pulleys to fix upon pins, arbors, and various works, to turn them round by the bow with a catgut band. Screw ferrules are the same, but have clams to bite the work like a vice; these must be exceedingly small to be used for turning the verge-pivots, its bow must be very slender, and work with a horse-hair. See a full explanation of all these kind of tools under Turning. A balance-tool, which is a small lathe with a man- dril and collar, for turning the rim of the balance cir- cular. See Fig. 8. A pair of callipers, with an index adjustible by a thumb screw, of use for trying if a wheel 'is placed at right angles to its arbors, or, what is called, in the flat ; and, also, if it is perfectly concentric, or in the rouud. See Fig. 16, Plate Watch-Work. Spring-tongs to take up the parts, for they should never be touched by the fingers. See Fig. 11. Inside and outside gauge for measuring work. See Fig. 15. Also, A magnifying-glass, to view the works. Some ar tists have a pedestal or stand to support it, while others apply it to their eye. Spring-tool, for coiling up the main-spring to put it into its barrel. See Fig. 19- Pendulum-spring blueing-tool. This is to hold the spring over a caudle to temper it, and has a small w'heel held on the spring to prevent it from warping, or from getting away. See Fig. 12. The balance-wheel pitching-tool, Fig. 13. Of its use more will be said. The pitching-tool, Fig. J 8, is for ascertaining the i distances at which the pivot-holes of any wheel and pi- I nion should be situated, to make their teeth engage pro- | perly with each other (called, running the depths). An adjusting-tool, for fusees, with sliding weights to suit any given maintaining power of the main-spring of the watch. Fig 20. A fusee tool, for cutting the groove in the fusee, or for rectifying it after being cut by the maker. Screw-drivers, of various dimensions ; and a Poising-tool, to try the balance ; it is perfectly equi- poised. S ee Fig. 17. The movement of a watch complete may be procured at Mr. Fern’s, or many other shops, for the trifling sum of seven shillings. This is truly surprising when we re- flect what it consists of, viz., the plates and pillars, fitted together parallel to each other ; the spring-barrel, but without a spring ; the fusee, great wheel, and all the wheels complete. They are fixed fast on the ar- bors, but the pivots are not formed, neither is the groove of the fusee cut. The balance-wheel is not fitted upon its arbor, because the pivot must be turned 7 G first, 374 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. first, neither is the balance, but both wheel and balance are provided, and also the verge, and they only require to have pivots formed. For a small increase of expense, the watch-maker may have the movement in a more perfect state ; viz. the pivot holes determined, and then he has only to fit the pivots to them, and make the escapement ; but as it will be interesting to explain the manner of doing this, we will describe the method of fitting the wheels together, or what is called callipering the movement ; though it is to be observed, that it is far better to let the movement-maker do this, because having done one by the process we shall describe, he makes perhaps one hundred other movements of exactly the same dimensions, and then he has only to drill off the pivot holes of all the hundred, from the first one so ascer- tained, and the wheels being made to the same dimen- sions, will all fit together without further trouble. We will suppose our watch to be of the following numbers : The fusee 74 spirals, great wheel 48 teeth, revolves once in four hours. The centre wheel, pinion 12 leaves, centre wheel 34 teeth, revolves once per hour. The third wheel, pinion 6 leaves, wheel 48 teeth, revolves 9 times per hour. The contrate wheel, pinion 6 leaves, wheel 48 teeth, revolves 72 times per hour. The balance wheel, pinion 6 leaves, wheel 1 5 teeth, revolves 376 times per hour. The balance has two pallets, and will make 17,280 beats per hour. Watches are made of many different numbers in the train, but a general rule to obtain their ultimate pro- ducts, viz. the number of beats per hour, is as follows: Divide double the product of all the wheels, from the centre wheel to the balance wheel inclusively, by the product of all the pinions with which they act, the quotient will be invariably the number of beats that the watch in question makes in an hour ; and again, if we divide this quotient by 3,600, the number of seconds in an hour, the latter quotient will be the number of beats in every second, which may be carried to any number of places in decimals. It must be remarked that in this rule no notice is taken of the wheels and pinions, which constitute the dial work, nor yet of the great wheel and central pinion with which it acts; the use of the former of these is only to make the hour and minute hands revolve in their re- spective times, and must not be the same in all watches, to make the motion of the hour-hand to that of the minute hand as 1 to 12, and the use of the great wheel and its central pinion is to determine in conjunction with the number of spirals on the fusee, the number of hours the watch shall continue to go at one winding up of the chain from the barrel of the main spring ; all these wheels and pinions therefore, it will be per- ceived, are unnecessary to be taken into the account in calculating the beats per hour. The reason why , double the product of the wheels specified is taken into the calculation, is this, that one tooth of the crown wheel, completely escapes the pallets at every two beats or vibrations of the balance. An example will render the general rule perfectly intelligible. Let us take for example, the numbers of a common watch as above stated. Now omitting the great wheel and its pinion of 12, we have 34 x 48 x 48 x 15 x 2 — 3,732,480 for double the product of the specified wheels; and 6x6x6=216 for the produce of the specified pinions, also 37 4 t&^ p — 17,280, are the number of beats in an hour, and V/str# rr48 the exact number of beats per second ; ac- cordingly Mr. Emerson says that this watch makes about 4 1 beats in a second, which it does very nearly. The number of spirals on the fusee is 7 1, therefore 74x4 the number of hours it makes one turn, —-SO is the number of hours that the watch will go at one wind- ing up : the dial w'ork 44 X !■§•= 4 x 3 — 12 likewise shew s that whilst the first cannon pinion of 12 goes tw elve times round, the last wheel of 48 goes only once, whence the angular velocity of two hands carried by their hollow axles, are to each other as twelve to one. Many watches are called stop watches, from the circumstance of their having a small detent with a spring, which can at pleasure, by touching a stop at the outside of the case, be made to press against the run of the contrate wheel. These watches always have a hand on the dial to indicate seconds ; the con- trate wheel, the arbor of which carries the seconds' hand, must therefore revolve 60 times per hour, or once per minute ; the following numbers are proper for such a watch ; it will go 30 hours : Fusee 6 turns, great wheel 60 teeth, revolves once ; in five hours. | The centre wheel pinion 12 leaves, wheel 64 teeth, revolves once per hour. The third wheel, pinion 8 leaves, wheel 60 teeth, revolves 8 times per hour. The contrate wheel, pinion 8 leaves, wheel 60 teeth, t 60 per hour, or once per minute. The balance wheel, pinion 6 leaves, wheel 1 5 teeth, 600 per hour, or 10 per minute. The balance has two pallets, and will make 1 8,000 beats per hour, or 5 per second. Having thus given the numbers and the rule for cal- culating the movements of any watch, we must return i to the method of callipering the movement. The ■ watch-maker first measures the distance between the inside of the two plates of the watch, with his inside gauge, see Fig. 15, Plate Watch-Work, the two ends, a b and c d, of which are equally distant from the centre joint e, and therefore when the points a b of one end are opened to any extent for an inside gauge, and set by the screw g, the points c d of the other end are adapted to the same opening, to measure out- | side work or lengths, the spring h keeps them shut up WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 573 H e now prepares to turn the pivots ; for this purpose he fixes his screw ferrule, Fig. 13 of Plate Clock- Work, upon it, then passes the gut of the bow round the "roove of the ferrule, and mounts the arbor in his turn, Fig. 1 1, thrusting the centres A B towards each other, till the arbor, which enters holes in the ends of the centres, runs without shake, and there he fastens them by the thumb screws CD; the turn is now held in the bench vice by the lower part E E of the frame, tire rest E G H> is next adjusted, and all is then prepared for turning with the graver, which the watch-maker applies to the work by his right hand, holding it on the rest G, while he turns the work round by the bow held in the left; when he has by these means reduced the end of the arbor to a tine pivot, he polishes and grinds it hue by a small quantity of oil-stone dust applied with oil on a piece of steel, which he holds against the pivot; as it turns round he uses the gauge, Fig. 1 5, to make his arbor of the right length between its shoulders; having reduced the pivot to size, he brings it to the length by pulling the point marked K into the turn, this is filed away with a notch, d, to expose the end of the pivot which fits into a hole made through the part beyond the notch ; a file can now be applied in the notch to cut off the pivot to the proper length, and then to file it to an obtuse cone, which is the shape the ends of pivots are usually left. All the pivots being made in this manner, the wheels must be fitted on to those arbors which were not pre- viously done by the respective makers ; these are the third wheel and balance wheel, because these are so near the ends of their arbors that the pivots cannot be turned after the wheels are put on ; the arbors have a small brass collet fastened and brazed upon them, this collet is turned away to fit exactly the centre hole in the wheel, and a shoulder is left to fit the wheel up against, and when put on, it is riveted ; this is done by resting the collet upon the stake, Fig. 14, which is a small piece of steel with a hole through it to admit the arbor, but affords a resting place to the collet ; this is held in the bench vice and the wheel put in it ; the set which is a punch with a hole drilled in it, is put over the end of the arbor which comes through the wheel, and a few gentle blows with the hammer rivets it on all sides at once, by expanding the collet in the hole in the wheel. He now' tries the wheel in his callipers, Fig. 16, Plate Watch-Wop.k ; the ends of the points a a , or beaks, have several small holes made in them to receive the pivots of any arbor; they will open to any extent, and can be fastened by the clump c, or its screw d ; the ar- bor being mounted between them is twirled round to try the wheel h if it is truly centred upon the arbor, and also if its plane is truly perpendicular thereto, or if it is true in the Hat, as the workmen say ; it is ascertained by holding some fixed object against it. It is usual among watch-makers to hold a small straight ruler across the blades a a of the callipers, to prove if the wheel runs true upon its arbor ; but some callipers are provided with a small finger or index, made of two pieces, e f, jointed together, and one of them, e, united to the callipers by a joint, by which means the point of f can be brought to meet a wheel of any size. When it is applied as in the figure, it proves whether the wheel is in the square, for if on holding it up to the light the wheel appears to advance and recede from the point of the finger, it shews an error which must be rectified by what is called setting ; to do this the workman observes that side of the rim of the wheel which comes nearest to the finger f in its revolution, he then removes the wheel and places it in a tool called a mandril, Fig. 15, Plate Clock-Work, which is similar to a cup or inverted bell; it is held in the vice and its circular edge supports the rim of the wheel, leaving its centre hollow', and its arbor completely de- tached: he now with the pen or beak of the smallest riveting hammer, strikes an extremely light blow on that arm of the wheel which is opposite to the faulty side of the rim, this bends or sets the arm so as to put the wheel in the square w ith its axis ; it is after this tried in the callipers again, to prove that the setting is suffi- cient, and if not, it is repeated. In setting a wheel, the workman is particularly attentive to avoid twisting the rim of the w-heel ; this he does by bedding it fairly on the edge of the mandril, and taking care not to strike its rim when he hammers on the arm, because it is only intended to bend the arm, leaving the rim a true plane as it was before the setting, but its incli- nation altered so as to make it exactly perpendicular to the arbor, of which the trial in the callipers is the most delicate test. All the wheels being finished in this manner, are prepared for putting in the watch, by drilling the holes for their pivots in the plates ; to find the proper situa- tion for these holes, a pitching tool, Fig. 18, is used; it is in reality two small turns, A A, B B, united to gether by a joint, C; each is provided with its pair of centres, a b and c d, and fixing-screws to hold them wherever they are placed ; by means of a screw, E, which passes through the turn B, and operates against the other, A, the two can be separated on their joints C to any required extent ; but it is plain in this move- ment, that its centres, a b and c d, will ahvays continue parallel to each other. A spring, F, tends always to shut the two together, as its two ends are connected to the turn B by two links, g g, and the middle of the spring, which is convex, presses against the turn A, and tends alw'ays to press them together, as far as the screw E will permit. The use of this tool is to ascer- tain the distance that any wheel and pinion should be placed asunder, for the teeth to work into each other in a proper manner; to effect this the wheel is placed between one pair of centres, a b or c d, and the pinion between the other pair and the screw E is adjusted until they will work into each other with freedom, and without any material looseness or shake between the teeth ; in this state, it is evident that the points a b or c d, formed at the extremities of the respective centres, will WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. S7G wjll exactly represent the distance that the pivot-hole of the wheel and pinion should be placed asunder, and these points may be used as a pair of compasses, to mark off the distances on the plates of the watch ; and this being done for every wheel and pinion succes- sively throughout the watch, will ensure their being pitched truly. The centre wheel is known to be placed in the centre of the w atch plates ; a hole is therefore first drilled in the centre of the pillar plate, D D, Plate I, to receive the arbor of the centre wheel, not its pivot, because the arbor of this wheel passes through the plate to receive the cannon pinion, to carry the minute hand, as before described ; the pivot hole, after drill- ing, is opened out and enlarged to the proper dimen- sions by a round broach ; this is a round piece of steel, like a wire, but rather tapering ; it is forced into the hole, and turned round at the same time, by which it enlarges the hole without cutting out any metal, and therefore it burnishes and hardens the interior surface of the hole, so that it will wear much better than the soft brass would, if merely drilled. The great wheel and centre wheel are now put in the pitching tool, and by it the distance proper for the great wheel to work in the ceutre wheel pinion is ascertained, and then one point, a, of the tool being set in the centre hole of the plate, an arch is described with the other, c, and in some point of this arch the great wheel pivot must be placed ; this point being found (by trial), so that the wheel and fusee W'ill be clear of the other works, is drilled ; than the spring barrel is tried, not by the pitching tool, but by placing it in any situation where it will be free from the other J wheels, and here its pivot hole is drilled. The pitch- j ing tool next determines the distance of the third wheel ! from the centre wheel, and also the distance the con- j trate wheel is to be from this. The callipering of I the pillar plate is now finished, and when the corres- j ponding pivot holes are drilled in the upper plate, the watch may be put together ; now it is essential for the wheels to run well, that the arbors must be exactly per- pendicular to the plane of the plates ; to ensure this, the holes in the upper plate are drilled by means of the upright tool, shewn in Fig. 9, Plate Clock-Work; this is a kind of lathe, which is held in the bench vice, and its spindle turned by a bow, in the same manner as the turn, before described. In this figure, which is an elevation taken from one side, A B repre- sents a steel spindle mounted in a brass frame, CDE, the part E of which is held in the bench vice; the spindle has a neck formed on it, which is accurately fitted into a socket formed in the part D of the frame ; the opposite end, A of the spindle, is supported by the point of a centre screw, F, which can always be screwed up, to make the spindle run without shake ; the end of the spindle which projects through the collar, or socket D, is formed into a screw’, by which any kind of chuck can be screwed on ; thus this tool is exactly the same as a small lathe. The chuck which is represented as fixed on in the figure, is a flat brass plate, G, which has three grooves cut through it, extending nearly from the centre to the circumference; these grooves are arranged at equal distances round the centre ; three thumb-screws, such as is shewn at a a pass through each of these grooves, and each is tapped into a piece of brass, b ; now by shiftiug these screw's along in their grooves, the three pieces of brass, or clams, b b, may be removed to any distance from the centre, and the screw's, a a, will confine them in any position ; each clam has a small piece of brass, d, which by means of the screw' e, can be made to bite or clamp the edge of the watch plate, H ; the biting parts of all these clams being equally distant on the face of the chuck, the watch plate, H, will of course be parallel thereto, and therefore perpendicular to the length of the spindle, A B ; this is hollow for some distance from the chuck, to receive a piece of steel wire, which is accurately fitted into it, as shewm by the dotted lines, K, and can be slid backward and forward by means of a small bolt at I, which comes through a cleft in the spindle ; the extremity, r, of this wire, which is called the centre-pin, is formed to a very delicate centre point, which can be protruded any distance from the face of the chuck, but always pre- serves its point accurately in the centre line of the spindle, and therefore perpendicular to the chuck G. The manner of using the upright tool is this; the watch plates, H L, are pinned together, and the centre point, r, being advanced considerably beyond the chuck, its point is applied to any of the pivot- holes made in the pillar plate H, by the process be- fore described ; the three clams, b b, are then set, so that they will touch the circumference of the plate, by advancing them respectively towards the centre a proper distance, and fixing them by the screws a a ; the other screws, e e, being now turned close to the jaw’s, d d , of the clams, and they hold the edges of the plate H fast between them, as is shewn in the figure. By this means the watch frame is fixed, so that its plane is perpendicular to the axis of the spindle A B, and the pivot hole, which is intended to have another drilled opposite to it, is exactly in the centre line of the spindle ; the rest M, is now set in a pro*- per position before the watch plate, and a drill being held over it, is presented to it, while the plate and spindle are turned round by means of a bow, the band or cat-gut of which encompasses the small pulley, N, on the spindle ; the drill (as is w'ell known to turners) is easily guided to pierce the watch plate in the exact centre line of the spindle, because if it is not pre- sented to this centre, its point will scratch a small circle upon the plate, and when the drill is set in the centre of this, it will be in its correct position. Make a pivot hole in the upper plate, L, exactly opposite to that in the pillar plate, M, which is guided to its place by the centre point, r, of the spindle ; when one pivot hole is thus drilled, the watch plate is very quickly shifted to another pivot hole, which is brought opposite WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 577 opposite to the centre, in the same manner as we have before described. It is by means of the upright tool that the cavities are made in the plates of the sunk watches, to receive the centre wheel and third wheel ; these are turned by a graver at the same time of fixing as when the respective pivot holes are drilled, and the circular excavations will therefore be exactly concentric with the pivot holes ; the excavation for the centre wheel is very shallow, few except the flattest watfches having any at all ; the cavity for the third wheel is cut quite through the plate, and the pivot is supported by a cross bar, fixed by two little screw's on the under side of the plate, and extending across the centre of the hole. It should have been observed, that this cross bar is fitted before the movement is put in the upright tool, a hole is drilled through it in continuation of the pivot hole, this bar is removed, as is also the upper plate, and the movement is fixed in the tool by the edge of the pillar plate, instead of the upper plate ; the excavation for the third wheel is then turned out, but the cross bar, when fixed up again by its screws, will certainly be concentric with this cavity. The upright tool will hold the watch by either pillar or upper plate, just as is required, and will pro- duce the same effects in either case, but it is best to hold that plate which is to be operated upon, because the pillars of the frame are not then liable to strain. In this manner a hole is frequently turned to cut through the upper plate, to admit the top of the spring- barrel to pass through it, the upper pivot of the barrel arbor is then supported by a cross bar or piece, called the barrel cover ; this method admits a greater length of barrel, and of course a broader and stronger spring. The upright tool which w'e have described, is that which is generally used by watch-makers for finishing the works, and occasionally enlarging or deepening the excavations, or for boring out one of the pivot holes large enough to receive a jewel ; but the professed movement-maker, who constantly employs an upright tool, has it fixed with a wheel to be turned by the foot, and generally has a slide rest fixed before the work, to hold the tool, instead of trusting to the un- steadiness of holding it in his hand upon the rest N. The upright tool is frequently attached to the watch- maker’s lathe, and this is perhaps the best method. The fusee, centre wheel, third wheel, and contrate wheel being put in the watch in this manner, the pottance is fitted by temporary pins to the upper plate, in such a position that it will not interfere with the rest of the w'orks, which being determined it is rivetted fast, the cock is then screwed on with the steady pin, and by fixing the upper plate alone in the upright tool, the hole to receive the jew r el to form the socket for the upper pivot of the verge is bored, and will be truly perpendicular to the hole which has been previously drilled in the pottance for the jew'el of the lower pivot; then without removing the plate from the upright tool, the cock is taken off, and a hole bored through the upper plate, to permit the axis of the verge to pass through (this hole is afterwards filed square, to suffer the balance wheel to reach the upper pallet), at the same time the circular groove in the upper plate, which is to receive the ring of the curb, is formed. The balance wheel is next fitted ; one of its pivot holes being drilled in the centre of the small dove- tail slider of the pottance. Then to make the pivot hole in the counter pottance exactly the same distance beneath the upper plate, so that the balance wheel arbor shall be exactly perpendicular to the verge, the^ba- | lance wheel pitching tool, Fig. 13, Watch-Work, is employed. It consists of a brass plate, a b c, with an ! index, d e, moveable on -a centre, d, by means of the ! screw f, against the point of which it is constantly ! pressed by the spring g; it is in fact a pair of com- passes, adapted to this particular purpose ; the straight edge b of the plate a b c is applied fiat against the under surface of the upper plate, and the screwy being turned, adjusts the point e till it comes exactly op- posite the pivot hole in the slider of the pottance. The tool being now applied in a similar manner to 1 the counter pottance, marks the proper height for the pivot hole to be made therein, which is accordingly drilled with a large hole, to receive a pin called the I follower, at the end of this the pivot hole itself is : drilled ; the balance wheel is now tried in its place ; its pivots having been made in the same manner as the other W'heels, and if on trial it is found to come on its right place, so that its arbor does not interfere with the contrate wheel arbor, the counter pottance, which was only fitted in a temporary manner, is rivetted fast. In this trial, it will be seen if the teeth of the contrate wheel works well with the balance wheel pinion, and if not, it must be rectified, by setting the contrate wheel in the same manner first described, by the man- dril, Fig. 15, and a proper acting punch or drift; this bends the arms so as to throw the rim and teeth of the wheel nearer or farther from the balance wheel pinion, as is required to make it work properly ; it is scarcely necessary to add, that the wheel ought to be tried in the callipers, that it runs square every time it has been set. Having thus described the means of putting in all the wheels, which is called fitting the movements, we must attend to the manner of fitting and adjusting the spring barrel and mounting fusee. A spring must be procured from the tool shop, which is of such a breadth .as to fit the spring barrel, and a proper length and stiffness to have a sufficient power to actuate the watch ; the knowledge for the proper strength for the main spring of a watch of any dimensions, can only be obtained by experience and practice, which teaches the artist that a watch of certain dimensions will re- quire a main spring, the length, breadth, and thick- ness of which he measures by accurate gauges. These he takes with him to the tool shop, and selects, from an immense number, a spring which suits them ; as an additional proof, it is weighed. Those who are not 7 H possessed >78 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. possessed of this experience, may find it necessary to try two or three springs, before one is met with of the proper strength, and which will act u'ith a due degree of regularity. It has been asserted, that a spring will act more regularly, and be less liable to give under friction among the coils, if the breadth be gradually diminished from the exterior to the interior, and that the friction of the sides of the spring against the ends of the barrel | will thereby be greatly diminished. The spring arbor must be strong in proportion to the force of the spring, particularly at the pivots, the front one of which must be thick enough to admit of being squared, to hold a ratchet, or small serrated wheel, at the outside of the pillar plate, shewn at b, Fig. 1, the teeth of which ratchet must be strong enough to hold the arbor in any situation to which it is turned, which it does by means of a click, attached by a screw to the exterior surface of the pillar plate of the frame; the spring arbor has a strong hook formed out of its sub- stance at the middle, within the barrel, on which hook a hole made near the interior end of the spring is hitched, while the exterior end is rivetted to the circular side of the box ; hence it is not difficult to conceive, that when the spring fills the box in its relaxed state, and has its coils most close at the rim of the barrel, it may be coiled up close to the arbor in the centre, or in other words, it may be wound up by two dif- ferent methods ; either the barrel may be held fast, and the arbor be turned backward by its ratchet, or by a key fitting its square ; or otherwise, which is the general and better practice, the ratchet may be suffered to retain the arbor in its place, and with it the interior end of the spring ; and the barrel itself, to which the exterior end is rivetted, may be turned forwards by the chain attached to it by a hook at one end, and wound round it, as seen at Figs. 2 and 6. We have said the latter method is the better, and the reason is, that when the greatest and smallest forces of the spring are adjusted to the shape of the fusee, or rather the fusee to them, the ratchet cannot be altered without deranging this adjustment. The arbor is turned in the turn bench, with pivots and shoulders sufficiently re- mote from each other, to reach the interior faces of the watch-plates, but to have just so much play endways as will prevent friction, and the chain must be long enough to fill the spiral grooves of the fusee. Care also must be taken, that the depth or side of the barrel must be nearly equal to the effective length of the fusee, otherwise the chain will be liable to slip off at the ends of it. The bottom of the barrel is soldered fast, and has a large pivot-hole against which an inner shoulder of the arbor rests, and the lid is turned so large, as to be capable of being forced or sprung into a receptacle turned for it round the inner part of the edge of the circular rim of the barrel, in which situation it rests against a corresponding inner shoulder of the arbor, and completes the barrel ; when this adjustible end is to be taken off, for the purpose of examining or taking out the spring, a slight stroke at the remote pivot of the arbor will force it out of its place : some skill is necessary for putting the spring in the barrel, in the manner which is usually done by the country watch- makers ; but it is very easily performed by using the tool represented by Fig. 1 9 ; it consists of a brass frame, A D, which is held in the bench vice by the projecting piece D ; C is a small steel spindle extending across the frame, provided with a small handle, E, by which it is turned round, and it is prevented from turning back again by a ratchet wheel which is hid behind the plate F; a is a small click, which engages the teeth of this ratchet and prevents its retrograde motion ; the projecting parts of the frame, A D, immediately above the spindle, are cut with two clefts to receive a parallel ! bar, G, which has liberty of motion in these clefts either endways or up and down, and it has a steel beak, g , projecting from it. At the extreme end of the spindle, c, a small hook is formed, corresponding with the hook upon the barrel arbor of the watch ; upon this hook the interior end of the spring is caught, and the hook at the outer'end of the spring is hitched upon the projecting beak, g, of the slider G. Now by turning the handle E, the spring can be wound up to any required compass, and the ratchet a prevents its return ; the spring is thus wound up so small as to enter the box or barrel which is applied to it, and the click a being relieved, suffers the spring to expand itself and fill the barrel : the hook at the extreme end | now enters the hole prepared at the side of the barrel for its reception, this being done, the barrel arbor is put in its place, the cover of the barrel put on, and it is ready to take its place in the watch. The fusee is next prepared ; as we have before mentioned, the experienced watch-maker know's what proportion the two ends of this fusee should bear to each other, to compensate for the irregular action of the main spring he has chosen ; if he has not had these opportunities, the follow ing method may be used to determine it. A rough estimate for the power of the spring must be first made, by coiling the chain in a proper direction a few times round tiie barrel, till it is nearly all wound up, the arbor being held in a ratchet or vice, and then by suspending a weight to the sphere end, such as will just pull the barrel two or three times round from its relaxed state, this weight will denote the smallest power, which suppose to be three ounces ; then add a heavier weight, such as will uncoil as much more of the chain as may be supposed, from a previous measurement, to be sufficient to fill the fusee, and note it, which we will again suppose to be seven ounces, for the greatest power of the spring ; now this proportion of three to seven may be J taken as a guide for the respective diameters of the conical piece of metal called the fusee, which is intro- duced to equalize the varying power of the spring, by causing the chain to act, as it were, with a succes- ’ sion of levers, of different lengths reciprocally pro- J portionate WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 579 portionate to the power of the spring in any given situation, so that when the power is great, it is pulling by a short lever, and vice versa. The piece of solid metal intended for the fusee, must be drilled through the centre* and opened with a broach, and then have a steel arbor of considerable strength driven tight into it, by which it is turned into a conical, or rather a para- boloidal shape, generally having its thicker end some- 1 what smaller than the diameter of the spring barrel, j and die odier end reduced in proportion, according to the supposition of 3:7, but sometimes in a greater j ratio, without reckoning the thickness of the chain ; I the length of the fusee must be shorter than the pillar, by as much as will admit the great wheel and ratchet, with the centre wheel behind them, to be introduced [ between it and. the plate at one end. Room is left j for a contrivance for stopping the revolutions when the spirals are filled with the chain, called the guard-gut, because the first watches had a cat-gut instead of a chain. The fusee is prepared in this manner by its i maker, who cuts the spiral groove in it in some cases, j by a very curious engine for the purpose ; but the w'atch-maker will generally have to rectify this groove, to suit the irregular action of the individual spring which he has adapted to the watch. After the groove is cut, a pair of strong pivots may be turned on the fusee arbor, the pivot-holes in the plates opened by a pivot broach, held perpendicularly J with respect to the faces of the plates,' and the fusee ! introduced into the frame, parallel to the spring barrel arbor ; the extreme end of the groove at the large end 1 of the fusee, is made much deeper for a very short distance, and a pin being fixed across the groove in this deep part, serves to attach the chain to the fusee by passing round it the hook formed at the extremity of the chain. The chain, perhaps, is the most sur- prising piece of workmanship in the whole watch, considering the very minute parts of which it is com- posed ; every inch in length of some watch chains con- tains thirty links, one half of which number are formed of two plates opposite to each other, while the other half of the number are single links, to unite the double links together, by means of a pin or rivet put through the end of every link, and passing through all the three ; thus one inch in length cousists of fifteen double j and fifteen single links, making forty-five plates, and thirty pins to unite them together, in all seventy-five J pieces ; yet a chain of four inches in length, polished i and finished, is sold for less than one shilling ; some i of the fine chains for a repeating watch, have near j double this number of links in an inch, If now a 1 square be made, either on the front or back pivot of the fusee which must project through the plate, ac- cordingly as the watch is intended to be wound up in the face or behind, and if a key be inserted upon it, the spring may be wound up, and it will appear whether or not the chain is too long, and how much, which may accordingly be altered. Hitherto the work has proceeded on a supposition that the fusee has been turned of a paraboloidal shape, and that the spring Ts perfect at the two extremities as well as at all the inter- mediate degrees of tension ; but it yet remains to be proved, by mechanical adjustment, that these coin- cidences have been effected without material subsequent alterations in the length of the chain and shape of the fusee. These adjustments are made by means of the adjust- ing-tool, Fig. 20, which is made of a long steel wire A B, upon which tw r o sliding weights D and E are fitted, and at one end is a clam or vice C, which is screwed up by a nut F ; by means of this clam the tool is affixed to the square at the end of the fusee arbor where the key is applied to wind up tTie watch ; this is done when the fusee is mounted in its place in the watch, which being held so that the fusee arbor is hori- zontal, and the lever of the adjusting-tool is turned round until it becomes horizontal also. The weights are now gradually moved along the wire A B, until, by trial, they are found to be an exact counterpoise to the spring, previously wound up by means of the ratchet on the barrel arbor. Such balance being effected, the spring may be wound up by the adjusting-tool, used as a key, till the seventh spiral at the top, or small end of the fusee, be filled with chain ; in w hich situation, if the weight of the tool still constitutes an exact counter- poise to the power of .the spring, it is to be presumed, that the spring is properly fixed w'ith respect to its quan- tity of intensity by its ratchet ; but, if in the latter situ- ation of the tool it turns out to be more than a coun- terpoise, either the spring is of too low an intensity in the present situation of its ratchet, or the fusee is too small at the small end, or both may be so circumstanced. On the contrary, if the tool is not a counterpoise for the spring when wound up, either the spring is set too high by the ratchet, or the small end of the fusee is too thick ; a few successive trials of similar adjustment for opposite ends of the fusee, by an increase or decrease of the intensity, being gradually given to the spring by the means of turning its ratchet, will generally deter- mine w hether the failure in the adjustment is occasioned by the mounting of the spring, or the curve of the fusee, and the former may be rectified by the ratchet, or the latter altered by a detached tool to run in the groove, as it revolves in the turning bench, if a fusee- engine is not at hand ; though it must be confessed, that some experience in this business will greatly facilitate the determination of the proper means of final adjust- ment. We will now suppose the spring fixed, and the fusee adjusted by the tool, so as to render the maintain- ing power precisely the same at the bottom and top of the spiral groove ; the adjustments must next be made for all the intermediate turns of the helix, successively, by means of the same adjusting tool, with the weight of the adjusting tool unaltered, the spring arbor also re- suming at every trial, its original position which we will suppose to have been marked on the holding tooth of the ratchet. When the spring is good, and the fusee approaching to 580 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. Co a conical shape, it will be found, on trial, that the maintaining power is too great for the tool of adjust- ment to balance before it is wound up half way ; in consequence of which increase in the maintaining power, the fusee must necessarily be again put into the fusee- engine, and have its groove deepened, so as to make a parabolic curve, instead of a straight line from the top to the bottom of the fusee. After this alteration, the frame of the watch must be remounted, the spring coiled up again to its determined position, and the weights of the adjusting-tool kept unaltered in its situ- ation on the wire. The intermediate grooves in the helix may not yet be found all correct in their effects throughout the whole length of the fusee, but the ad- justing tool will detect the particular places where the power predominates ; which places, when marked, may be again altered in the fusee-engine, and the parts re- placed in the frame ; when, after three, four, or per- haps more alterations of the fusee, and adjustments of the spring, at length the effect produced by the power of the spring is the same, whatever part of the fusee be actuated by the chain. The accuracy of this adjustment is of the utmost importance, and should be minutely attended to, otherwise the watch may be made to vary its rate of going on each successive hour of the day, by reason of the irregularity of the maintaining power, un- less, indeed, such a consequence be obviated by the na- ture of the escapement, or other contrivance, which ought not to be depended upon while there is a funda- mental remedy. The escapement of the common watch is such, that any increase in the maintaining power very materially affects the going of the watch : hence it is evident, that whenever the original main-spring of a watch happeus to be broken, or by any means altered, another spring, though of the same dimensions, ought not to be substituted, as is often injudiciously done, without a corresponding alteration in the fusee is found necessary by a trial of the adjusting tool. If the chain should be broken, and its length at all altered by the repairs, the mounting of the ratchet must be altered to suit it, because an alteration in the length of the chain has just the same effect as letting down or taking up the ratchet of the spring. During this labour of adjusting the fusee to the spring, it will occur, that the chain might be wound up beyond the end of the fusee if it were turned more than seven times and a half round, on] which account a small piece of soft steel, equal in diameter to the small end of the fusee, independently of the claw or projection piece, is usually driven on the fusee arbor, and fastened to the end of the fusee at g, Fig. 2. VVe will now suppose our watch furnished with a maintaining power and a train of wheel-work, it only remains to provide it with an escapement, balance, pen- dulum-spring, and their appendages ; we have supposed our watch of the common construction, having the crown-wheel escapement, the operation of which we have minutely explained ; but, although this escapement is extremely simple, it is susceptible of many degrees of goodness, or imperfection, by the variation of the few particulars of its construction. We shall, there- fore, briefly describe that construction, which long ex- perience has sanctioned as approaching near to the best performance that can be obtained from the common escapement. Fig. 8, represents it in what are esteemed its best proportions, as it appears when looking straight down on the end of the balance arbor or verge. L is the centre of the balance and verge. M N are the two pallets, M being the upper pallet, or the one next to the balance, and N being the iower one. O P are two teeth of the crown-wheel, moving from left to right ; and Q R are two teeth on the lower part of the circum- ference, moving right and left. The tooth P is repre- sented as just escaped from the point of pallet M, and the low’er tooth Q as just come in contact with the iower pallet N. The escapement, however, should not be quite so close, because a slight inequality on the teeth might prevent it from escaping at all ; for if Q touch the pallet N before P has quitted M, all will stand still. This fault will be corrected by withdrawing the wheel a little from the verge by shortening the pallets. The proportions are as follow : — The distance from the points of the teeth, that is, of O P, Q R, and the axis L of the balance is one-fifth of the distance be- tween the points of the teeth. The length L m, or L 7i, of the pallets is three-fifths of the same distance. The pallets make an angle m L n of ninety-five degrees, and the front P x, or leading edge of the teeth O P Q R make an angle of 25° with the axis LX of the crown- wheel. The form of the back of the teeth is of no im- portance, as they have no action on those parts, it is only necessary for them to be so curved at the back that the pallet M, in returning, will not interfere with the back of the tooth P, and this being ensured, as much substance as is practicable should be left for strength. From these proportions it appears, that the pallet M may throw out by the action of the tooth P, and the momentum of the balance, till it reaches r, 120 degrees from L X, the line of the crown-wheel axis ; for it can throw out till the pallet N will strike on the leading edge of the tooth Q, whereas it should only be acted upon by the point of the tooth. The leading face, as before stated, is inclined 25° to C L, to this, therefore, add n Lm — 95°, and we have XL r — 120. In like manner, N will throw out to s as far on the other side. From 240° the sum of these angles (viz. s L X and X Lr) take the angles of the pallets (»L»i) — 95°, and there remains 145°; fix the greatest vibra- tion which the balance can make without striking the front of the teeth. This extent of vibration supposes the teeth to terminate in points, and the acting surfaces of the pallets to be planes, directed to the very axis of the verge. But the points of the teeth must be rounded off a little for strength, and to diminish the friction on the face of the pallets. This diminishes the angle of escapement WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 581 escapement very considerably, by shortening the teeth ; moreover, we must by no means allow the point of the pallet to bank or strike on the foreside of the teeth ; this would greatly derange the vibration by the violence and abruptness of the check which the wheel would give to the pallet. This circumstance makes it impro- per to continue the vibration much beyond the angle of escapement. One third of an angle, or 120°, is, there- fore, reckoned a very proper vibration for an escapement made in these proportions. The impulse of the wheels, or the angle of escapement, may be increased by making the face of the pallets a little concave, preserving the same angle at the centre. The vibration may also be increased by pushing the wheel nearer the verge ; this would also diminish the recoil. Indeed, this may be entirely removed by bringing the front of the wheel up to L, and not making the acting faces of the pallets N M a radius, but a parallel to the radius and behind it, i. e. by placing the pallet so that its acting face may be where its back is just now. In this case, the tooth will drop on it at the centre, and lie there at rest while the balance completes its vibration. But this would make the pitching (as the stroke on the teeth is called), almost unavoidable. In short, after varying every cir- cumstance in every possible manner, the best makers have settled on a escapement very nearly such as we have described. Precise rules can scarcely be given, because the law by which the force acting on the pallets varies in its intensity, deviates so widely from the ba- lance-spring, especially near the limits of the excur- sions. To prepare the escapement, the watch-maker first turns pivots to the verge, and fits them very delicately to the jewelled pivot-holes, previously made in the pottance and cock by the means before described ; but it should be observed, that all good watches have jewelled pivot- holes for the verges. In these cases, holes of consider- able size are bored in the pottance and cock, by the up- right tool, and the jewel is fixed into a steel keep or ring, which is fitted into these holes, and held therein by two very small screws. The steel balance is now fitted and rivetted upon the small brass collet which is fixed on the verge, and turned to fit in the same manner as the rest of the wheels were ; it is then tried in the callipers, if it turns true, and, if not, it is set square by bending or setting its arms in the same manner as any other wheel ; if it should not be true in the round, which, however, oannot happen if the turning has been truly done, it is rectified by the balance-tool, Fig. 8, Plate Clock-Work. This tool is a small turning spindle, such as we have before described of the upright tool ; at the end of it a chuck h is fixed, and against it a small brass ring n is attached by two screws ; in the centre of the face of the chuck a slight hollow is turn- ed, and the balance o being placed with its arms against the face of the chuck, the ring n is screwed against it but very lightly, so that its position can be adjusted till the pivot n of the verge is found to run perfectly true when the spindle A B is turned round ; the screws are then made fast, and hold the balance fast to the chuck, - that its rim may be turned true, and brought to its in- tended form by the graver held over the rest M. It is plain, that this process might have been performed in the turn, but from the extreme delicacy of the verge- pivots, which will scarcely bear turning themselves, hence is the necessity for the balance-tool. The chuck is made to unscrew from the end of the spindle, and various other small chucks are screwed on for different purposes, as cleaning and burnishing screw- heads, turning the ring of the index for regulating the pendulum-spring, &c. It is, in fact, a small lathe, which the w'atch-maker uses for turning any article which the turn will not command. Some watch-makers have small triangular bar lathes, which are very complete, and serve very conveniently for all purposes of upright tools, balance-tool, &c. — (See a description of such a lathe in our article Turn- ing.) Before the pendulum-spring is attached to the verge, the balance is tried in the balance-poising-tool, if it is equally heavy on all sides; for if this is not the case, it will greatly injure the performance of the watch when laying in different positions: the balance-poising-tool, Fig. 17, P/a/eWATCH-WoRK, is a square brass plated tf, on which are erected tw o small standards a b ; the latter is firmly fixed to the plate, while the former slides in a groove by means of the screw c. To adapt the distance between the standard, to the length of the verge, w hich is laid upon them in the manner shewn by the figure, its pivots rest on two small straight edges at the top of the standards, which being made sharp on the edge like a knife, and the pivots rolling on them, have scarcely any friction, and it will soon be ascertained whe- ther the balance has any preponderating side ; if so, it must be rectified by filing away a small quantity from the in- side of the rim. The pallets of the verge are now filed up to their proper length, according to the proportions we have given. In this the watch-maker is usually guided only by his eye, but we would advise watch- makers to work by a gauge, such as is shewn by Fig. 14, which will measure to the part of an inch, if requisite ; this is the invention of Mr. Pen- nington, and a full explanation of its various uses will be found at the end of this article. It is sufficient here to say, that it would give the dimensions of the smallest parts of the escapement in decimals of an inch, there- fore, by measuring the distance between any tw o teeth of the balance-wheel, every part of the escapement may be made by the proportions we have given. The balance-wheel is prepared by filing up its teeth to sharp points. The teeth are cut by the wheel-cutters in an engine for the purpose, which forms the straight or leadirfg edges to the teeth, and these must never af- terwards be touched by the file, because of the danger of reducing one more than another, and thus rendering the intervals betw een the teeth unequal ; the back of the teeth alone must be filed away to make them properly sharp. The manner of proceeding is this : — having ri- 7 I vetted 582 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. -vetted the wheel ou its arbor, tiled it in the callipers, and set the back of it to a true square, the watch-maker puts it in the turn, and while he turns it round with the bow, holds a piece of Turkey-stone over the rest, and applies it to the teeth of the wheel as they pass by ; this grinds them all to one exact length, but makes them blunt ; then he takes out the wheel, and, holding it in liis finger and thumb, files away the back of the teeth, successively, till they come to sharp edges, so that looking at the end of the arbor, he cannot ses the ends or edges of the teeth to look of any width, and by this lie knows them to be sharp enough. But he is very careful not to file them too much, as that would shorten the teeth, and then the certainty of having them all of one length would be lost, which is very essential to the performance of the watch, because every short tooth will give the balance a less impulse and will escape too soon, w hile every long tooth will give too great an im- pulse ; and these successive variations would completely destroy that regularity in the vibrations of the balance which is necessary to make a watch keep good time. The balance-wheel is now put in its place, as is also the verge, and the cock screwed on ; then taking the upper plate alone with these parts, viz., the balance- wheel and verge in their places, the watch-maker tries the escapement by turning round the balance-wheel, and j he examines how it escapes. If it has too much drop, that is, if one of the teeth quits its pallet before the opposite tooth meets with its pallet, the wheel will, in this case, drop or suddenly advance forwards, until the opposite tooth meets the pallet ; this space or drop should be as small as possible, so as to be sure it will escape ; but if the trial shews it to be too great, it must be remedied by advancing the wheel nearer to the verge. This is done by filing away the face of the slides of the pottance. If, on the other hand, the wheel is too near the verge, its teeth will be engaged by both pallets at once, in which case it will be locked, and have no motion at all ; the workman avoids this by making his slider too wide at first, and diminishing it very cautiously until the drop is diminished to the pro- per quantity. But if he should carry it too far, the only remedy will be to make a new slider, or else set the balance-wheel back upon its arbor, by setting it in the manner we have before described of the contrate- >vheel, but this will be very troublesome, because of making the teeth true again. The w'heel being scaped, the next adjustment is to make the balance-wheel-axis point exactly to the verge. This is tried by listening to the sound of the escape, and if it seems louder from one pallet than the other ; or, if the glass shews that the wheel acts more upon one pallet than the other, the slider must be adjusted till they come to an equality ; and here it must be observed j that if one pallet is longer than another, or, if the teeth of the balance-wheel are not all of a length, and true in the square, also its axis placed truly perpendicular to the verge ; any of those defects will prevent the escape- ment acting truly and equably on both pallets, and it will be extremely vexatious to discover the fault. All these things must, therefore, be carefully made, and tried by callipers, balance-wheel pitchiug-tool, &c., as before described. Then the slider being duly adjusted, all the work will come true, and the w'atch will scape well. The adjustment of the slider is very conveniently made in the French watches by means of a screw which comes to the outside of the w'atch, and, therefore, may be adjusted when the watch is going without taking the watch to pieces, and this is often a great convenience in repairing a watch. Having thus fitted the escapement, the pendulum- spring is prepared by attaching the interior end of its spiral to a small collet or ring which is fitted upon the low'er side of the same collet of the verge to which the balance is rivetted. This ring is fitted upon the collet with sufficient friction to make the attachment, but ad- mits of being twisted round the collet to adjust the spring required. Pendulum-springs of all possible sizes may be ob- tained at the tool-shops, and the watch-maker has no- thing to do but to blue them by holding them over the flame of some sinall-coal. In the choice of a pendu- lum-spring, proper for his watch, the watch-maker must be guided by experience, both as to the number of turns, size, and strength ; but it will always be found best to have them long, and make a great many turns, because the spring may have more thickness and strength, and will be more elastic than a short spring, which must be extremely delicate, or it will be too powerful for the ba- lance, and make it vibrate too quickly. Between these extremes the choice must be made, either by the expe- rience of the workman, or he must select one at ran- dom to make a trial of. He first fixes the interior end of it into the hole made in the collet which fits on the verge, then, putting this on, he tries it to its place to see if the spiral comes free and proper ; and, if not, he bends it as he wishes by a small pair of pliers. The spring is now taken out and tempered, or blued, by holdiug it over lighted small-coal in a tool. Fig. 12, consists of a circular plate B, to which is affixed a small handle A, by which it is held over the candle ; and to confine the spring down on the plate a small wheel e is fitted on the end of a detent c d e, which is connected with the handle by a joint d, and the wheel is always pressed towards the plate by a small spring f acting under the tail of the lever cde. The operation of bluing the spring is simply placing it on the plate B, and suffering the wheel to rest upon it by the spring, this holds the spring and keeps it flat while it is heated, until the workman perceives through the arms of the wheel that the spring is turned to a fine blue colour; it now is of what they call a spring tem- per, and is so elastic that, if bent, it will always return to the same position, and it cannot in this state there- fore be set or bent so-as to alter its figure; whence is the necessity of trying it into its place before bluing, not to determine the effect it will have on the watch, because WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 583 because this is altered by the bluing which renders the steel more elastic. It is only tried to fit it and bend the curves to the intended shape. That part where the re- gulator or curb operates upon it must be bent to an arch of a circle struck from the centre on which the curb moves. The pendulum-spring is now fitted on, and put into its place, the end being pinned iuto the stud on the plate, then the watch-maker puts the works together, mounts up the main-spring, and tries it by winding up the watch. He knows how many beats his watch should make in a second, by calculation, and he counts them for a few seconds by another watch or a pendulum, and this adjustment is quite sufficient to de- termine the length of the spring from the stud to the verge, leaving it to be perfected by the adjustment of the curb. The workman now finds if his pendulum- spring is the proper strength, and, if it is not, he must put it aside, and fit another to it, observing if the watch vibrates too slowly, and has a great recoil, the spring must be changed for a stronger or a shorter one, and vice versa , he can increase the strength of it very materially, if the watch should vibrate too slowly, by shortening the spring, that is, by drawing it farther through the stud, and pinning it in another place, so as to have a turn less of the spiral in action between the stud and the verge ; on this account, the vvatch-maker should chuse his spring long enough, as he can so rea- dily shorten it to any required strength ; but if he should have it too short and strong at first, he will have no re- medy but to change it. By these means the watch is roughly put together and got into action, but the final adjustment to it remains to be made, and this is the most delicate part of the whole business. In the adjustment of the pendulum-spring, the first and most essential condition is, that the watch shall be in beat ; this means, that the quiescent point to which the pendulum-spring will incline the balance to rest, shall be exactly intermediate between the two points of escape, or in other words, that the two extremes of the angle of escapement shall be equally distant from the quiescent point ; to effect this, most watch-makers de- pend upon their ear to ascertain if the beating of the watch be equally loud on either pallet, and the time between the beats be equal ; but this criterion is not so correct as might be wished, because an inequality in the beats may arise from other circumstances, viz., the dif- ferent lengths of the pallets, or from the dovetails of the pottance-nose not beiug duly adjusted, as we have before explained : but if the artist is convinced that all these things have been accurately determined, he may depend upon his ear to inform him if the w'atch is in beat. The best method of trial will be to hold back the contrate-wheel, so that the maintaining power has no action on the balance ; if it is a stop-watch this will be extremely easy, but if it is not, a stout bristle should be thrust between the arms or teeth of the con- trate-wheel, which will effectually stop the motion of the watch; then examining with the glass if the pallets are both completely detached from the teeth of the ba- I lance-wheel, this \yill be also shewn by shaking the \ watch. If the balance vibrates very small arcs, with apparent freedom, and relief from the escapement, now suffer the balance to come to rest; this will, of course, be its quiescent position, which must be marked by scratching on the upper plate opposite one of the arms of the balance, or any other mark upon it, then apply- ing the finger to the contrate wheel, and pressing it round very slow ly, at the same time feeling or retarding the motion of the balance by holding something against it until one of the pallets is felt to escape. The place where the arm or other mark on the balance now stands is to be marked on the plate; then continue to press the coutrate-wheel forwards till the other pallet escapes, which place is likewise to be marked, and if these two marks are equidistant from the point of rest, the balance is properly in beat; if not, it is out of beat, and must be rectified accordingly. To do this, the ba- lance is taken out, and the collet of the pendulum- spring, which is fitted on the verge, is twisted round upon its fitting, by holding the collet fast in pliers while the balance is turned round by the finger and thumb in such a direction that when the balance is put in again, the quiescent point will fall in between the two extremes of the angle of escapement, as marked on the plate by the experiment. In making the trial, care must be taken to move the contrate-wheel so slowly by the thumb as to retard the motion of the. balance by holding some- thing against it, so much as to give the balance no im- pulse, that the mark may be the precise point where the tooth escapes from the pallet. Without this caution, the angle of vibration, instead of the angle of escapement, would be marked, though both ought- to be equally distant from the quiescent point when the watch is truly in beat. Watch-makers, in general, are not very anxious re- specting the angle of vibration in the common watch. They seldom use any means to increase or diminish this, though they conceive it to be a point of perfection if a watch crosses well , that is, if it describes a vibra- tion of full 120 degrees, or one-third of a circle; they try this by holding a pin on the watch-plate, in such a position that one arm of the balance, when in vibration, comes as close as possible to it without touching ; then, if another arm, at the opposite side of the vibration, comes to touch the same pin, or comes close to it, the watch is said to cross well, because this proves that it vibrates very nearly one-third of a circle, the arms of the balance being that distance asunder, or it may be tried by the banking-pins in the balance. The angle of vibration will depend conjointly upon the quantity of the angle of escapement, and the strength and elasticity of the pendulum-spring, compared with the maintaining power which actuates the teeth of the balance-wheel ; the angle will, therefore, be regulated, either by in- creasing the maintaining power, or by diminishing the elasticity of the pendulum-spring, the former cannot so easily be done : it is, therefore, customary to change the pendulum-spring, if the arch of vibration should be 5 ® 584 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. so different from 120° as to render it indispensable. But, as we have before observed, watch-makers are not very anxious respecting the angle of vibration, and many watches will keep time extremely well, though their angles of vibration differ very widely. The watch is now finished, and only wants a trial of a few days to bring it to true time by means of the re- gulating-curb, moving it one way or the other, accord- ing as the watch gains or loses, and it operates, as has been before described, by increasing or diminishing the 1 acting length of the pendulum-spring, causing the ba- lance to vibrate quicker or slower. The regulator should have sufficient range to alter the rate of the watch as much as twenty minutes per day, that is, that j the watch should gain that lime in a day when the index < is set at the end S of the scale, more than when it j stands at the end marked F ; and if the maker gives it i this allowance, the owner of the watch will have the J means of regulating it to time, as the change of sea- j son or the gradual accession of dirt in the works, and change in the oil, alters its daily rate. We shall conclude this article by a description of an instrument invented by Mr. Pennington for taking di- ! mensions of the parts of watches, which, in its appli- I cations, would be extremely useful to the trade, by en- abling the watch-maker to send his orders and have the parts made in the most accurate manner exactly to the dimensions he requires. A view of it is given in Fig. 14, of the Plate, where a a, represents a plate of brass, upon which is screwed a piece b b, and likewise a steel spring c. The space between the piece b b, and spring c , is dovetailed, as is the slip dd, and the spring c causes it to slide with a gentle stiffness. Upon the piece b b is screwed the piece of steel g, and upon the slip dd another piece of steel /, the sides of which are close together, when the index points to zero, and the end of the sliding slip d d is made narrow', and the end of it is exactly even with the plate a b. This end of the sliding slip is made narrow, as represented at d, for the convenience of going through a hole, &c. This slip b b is divided into inches, and each into fifty parts, and upon the pieces dd is a vernier, which shews the space between the two steel pieces fg, and likewise how far the end of the slip d d projects beyond the end of the plate a b, and thus the dimensions of any thing put be- tween those steel pieces will be determined ; and in order to determine the inside dimensions, the ends of the piece g and f are, when close together, just 0,05 inches, so that in gauging the inside of any thing 0,05 inch must be added. The projection of the slip d d will determine the depth of any thing, which will be found very useful. If this gauge was universally used it certainly would be of great benefit, and it is to be wished that, in time, a watch-maker would use this gauge as a carpenter does his rule. This gauge is well adapted for giving the proportional diameters of wheels and pinions, and for giving the pro- per distances of their centres. The method of giving the proportional diameters of w heels and pinions, is this : — Suppose a wheel of sixty- four teeth, and a pinion of eight leaves, and the dia- meter of the wheel to be 1.256 inches, what will be the diameter of the pinion, as the diameter of wheels j and pinions are not in proportion to the number of I teeth ; Mr. Pennington has found, by long experience, i that, by adding 2i to the number of teeth in the wheel, ! and to the number of leaves in the pinion, and using ! these numbers instead of the real number, will be ! found very near the truth. Now, to give the diameter of a pinion of eight leaves to a wheel of sixty-four teeth, as aforesaid, must be done by the Rule of Three, and the statement will stand thus, 66.25 : 1.256 :: 9.5, that is, 64, with the addition of 2.25 is 66.25, and 8, | with the addition of 1.5, is 9-5. — To give the proper- distance of their centres having the number of teeth, and diameter of the wheel, and the number of leaves in the pinion, add the number of the wheel and pinion together, 64 and 8, will be 72 ; take the half of this, and say, as 66.25 : 1 .256 inches : : 36. By this means, in drawing callipers of movements for watches, the diameters, as w ell as the number of teeth in the wheels and pinion may be marked upon the cal- liper’s plate, which would supercede the use of a gauge for each wheel ; thus far this method has the advantage of the sector, which only determines the proportional diameters. Of the invention of Pendulum-Clocks . — In tracing back the history of clock and watch-work, it soon be- comes obscure, as the instruments spoken of in ancient history, as having been applied to the purpose of mea- suring time, were of a very different nature from those we now call clocks and watches. “ It is probable,” says Dr. Derhain, “ that in all ages some instruments or other have been used for this purpose. But the ear- liest w'e read of is the dial of Ahaz, concerning which little of certainty can be said. The Hebrew word pro- perly signifying degrees, steps, or stairs, by which we ascend to any place. Among the Greeks and Romans there were two ways chiefly used to measure then- hours. One was by clepsydra, or hour-glasses ; the other, by the solaria, or sun-dials. The clepsydra ap- pears to have been a vessel filled with water, with a small hole in the bottom of it, which was set in the courts of judicature, by which the lawyers pleaded. This was, says Phavoninus, to prevent babbling, that such as speak ought to be brief in their speeches. As to the invention of these water-watches, which were, no doubt, of more common use than only in the law courts ; the invention of them is attributed to P. Cor- nelius Nasica, the censor. “ Scipio Nasica, Pliny calls him, and saith, Scipio Nasica was the first, that, by water measured the hours of the night as well as the day. This was about one huudred and fifty years before Christ. The other way of measuring the hours, viz., with sun-dials, seems from Pliny and Ceusorinus, to have been an earlier invention than the last. Pliny says, that Anaximander invented dialing, and W'as the first that shewed a sun-dial at Lacedaemon; WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 5 $5 Lacedeemon ; he flourished about the time of the pro- j phet Daniel. But these are not very much to our ! purpose, being not pieces of clock-work. In the next place the Doctor takes notice of a few horological machines of which he met with an account, these, whether pieces of watch-work or not, the reader may judge for himself. The first is that of Dionysius, which Plutarch commends as a very magnificent and illustrious piece. But this might be only a well deli- neated sun-dial. Another piece is that of Sapor, king of Persia ; Cardan saith, “ it was made of glass ; that the king Would sit in the middle of it, and see its stars rise and set.” But we do not find whether this sphere was moved by clock-work, or whether it had any re- gular motion. The last machine we shall mention in this account, is one described by Vetruvius, which seems to have been a piece of watch-work, moved by an equal influx of water. In the French edition of Vetruvius may be seen a cut of it. This machine performed various feats, such as sounding trumpets, throwing stones, &c. ; but what comes most to our purpose, was the use made of it to shew the hours (which were unequal in that age) through every month of the year. The inventor of this curious machine was one Ctesibius, a barber’s son of Alexandria; which Ctesibius flourished under Ptolomy Euergetes, and might be contemporary with Archimedes.” Having given a concise account of the ancient methods of measuring time, we shall now come to some particulars which more nearly relate to the present business. Clock and watch-work is thought to be an invention of much later date than the foremeutioned pieces, and to have had its beginning in Germany, within these three hun- dred years. It is probable that the balance clocks and watches might have their beginning there, or that watch and clock-work (having been long buried in oblivion), might be revived there ; but that watch and clock- work was not the invention of that age, we can prove by two instances to the contrary, of much earlier date. The first example is the sphere of Archimedes, who lived about two hundred years before Christ. We have accounts of this from Cicero, and an accurate descrip- tion is given of it by Claudian ; from whence it ap- pears, that in this sphere the sun and moon, and other heavenly bodies had their proper motions, and that these motions were effected by some enclosed spirit. What this enclosed spirit was, we cannot tell, but sup- pose it to be weights or springs with wheels or pulleys, or some such means of clock-work, which being hidden from vulgar eyes, might be taken (at least in a poetical way), for some angel, spirit, or divine power. Dr. Derham mentions an instance of ancient clock- work from Cicero, who gives the account, that Posi- donius had contrived a sphere, whose motions were the same as those of the sun, moon and five planets in the heavens. That it was a piece of clock-work cannot be doubted, if it be considered that it kept time with those celestial bodies, imitating both their annual and diurnal motions ; which we may conceive, from the description, it did. It may rather be supposed that these machines could not be in common use, but were considered as rarities at that time. — Though on the other hand, in two such ages as those in which Archimedes and Tully lived, the liberal arts were greatly encouraged. After these times, barbarism came on, and the arts and sciences became neglected, so that little worthy remark is to be found till towards the sixteenth cen- tury, and then clock-work was revived in Germany; and because the ancient pieces are German work, it has been supposed by many to have been invented anew in that country. But who was the inventor, or in w'hat time does not appear. Dr. Derham speaks of a stately clock which stood in his time in his Majesty’s palace, at Hampton-court, whose inscription shewed it to have been made in the time of Henry VIII. in the year 1540. This clock shewed the time of the day, and the motion of the sun and moon through all the degrees of the zodiac, together with the matters depending thereon, as the day of the month, the sun and moon’s place in the zodiac, moon’s south- ing, &c. He also speaks of the arrangement of the work as being very complete for the time in which it was made. Another piece he speaks of also, which he had seen in the early part of his time, which was a watch belonging to the same king Henry VIII. which went a week. But these pieces must have been sub- ject to great irregularities, as time-keeepers, and the same remark may be applied to all the clocks and watches which had been constructed before the appli- cation of the pendulum to the one, and the balance- spring to the other. So that before these applications had been made, philosophers had adopted the use of the pendulum,* exclusively, as a correct method of measuring time. The famous Tycho Brahe is sup- posed to have made use of them ; but Strumius saitb, that Riccioli first made use of pendulums to measure time, and that Langrene, Wendeline, Mersenne, Kir- cher and many others followed the practice, although they were ignorant that he had recourse to it before them. Although several different persons have laid claim to the excellent invention of applying the pendulum as the governing principle to clocks, yet Mr. Christian Huygens affirms that he first applied it to clock-work, and gives very cogent reasons for it ; and that he put it first in practice in the year 1657, and in the follow- ing year published a delineation and description of it. Galilaeo laid claim to the invention, but it is certain that he never brought it to any perfection, and the in- vention never flourished till Huygens sent it abroad. After M. Huygens had contrived these pendulum clocks, and had caused several to be made in Holland, a Dutch clock-maker, called Fromantil, came over into England, and made the first that ever was made here, • It may not be amiss to remark here, that a bullet fixed to the end of a string, when applied to such purposes, is called a pen- dulum, and as the times of their vibrations are known to be as the squares of their lengths, of course various periods may be marked out by them. 7 K about 586 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. about the year 1662. One of the first pieces that was made in England was given to Gresham College by the late eminent Seth, lord bishop of Salisbury, which was formed exactly according to M. Huygens’s method, with a crown-wheel and the pendulum playing between cycloidal checks. This method was practised for many years, till the application of the long pen- dulum, and at the same time the mode of escapement was altered. The late Dr. Hook claims the credit of this last improvement, the addition of the long pen- dulum. Sir Christopher Wren first proposed the pen- dulum as a perpetual and universal measure, or stan- dard, to which all length may be reduced, and by which they may be judged of in all ages and in all countries. [ Pendulum Clock . — In order to give the reader a I tolerably correct notion of the machine which is the object of his present inquiry, it may be necessary to explain to him, that the chief and most essential part of the whole composition is the pendulum. To a cursory observer the pendulum may appear (in more than the literal sense of the word) to be an appendage to a complicated machine, whereas the fact is, that the whole complicated machine is really no more than an appendage to the pendulum, and that every part of the machine is constructed with a view to its subser- viency to this instrument. It is the pendulum which is the efficient measurer of time, and the wheels may be considered as the recorders only, of those divisions of time which the pendulum marks out ; and the wheels, instead of contributing to the regularity of its vibra- tions, are well known to disturb it. The prime office of the wheels is (by repeated impulses given at certain little periods), to prevent the pendulum getting to a state of rest. But as this effect may be produced by one wheel only, all the others are added to supply the maintaining power (from the weight or spring) to a longer period, so that the machine may not require a frequent attention to re-wind it. However, the train is so constructed, as to accord to certain relative pe- riods, as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, &c. But all these, however multiplied, must still re- main under the same control. Clock-making . — Since clocks have become so com- mon as to be considered as articles of household furni- ture, the art of making them has not been confined as at first, to one department of mechanics, but has gradually been divided into various branches, so distinct from one another, that the maker of one part is frequently un- acquainted with the operations of the other. Since the time that clocks became an article of our manu- factories requiring various tools and engines for faci- litating their construction, the subdivision of the art into various departments was a natural consequence, which has been found to contribute to expedition, and consequently to cheapness. A finisher of a clock has now no need to cast or cut his wheels himself, much less to make his springs, &c. ; however, that man is called a clock-maker, who finally adjusts and puts to- gether the different parts of a clock when made. The art of clock-making is so nearly allied to that of watch-making, that after the full description we have given of the tools and operations of the latter art, it will be unnecessary to enlarge upon clock- making. The tools are in general pretty much the same, except that they differ in size. The first opera- tion in making a clock, (as well as a watch), is the callipering, or setting out the positions of the pivot- holes for the several wheels ; this is done by drawing it out on paste-board, and transferring the points or centres so ascertained to the plates of the clock, by pricking them through ; this sets them out in a rough way, and then one of the pivot-holes being drilled, the places for the others are accurately determined by I the pitching tool, as described in watch-work. The great size and weight of a pair of clock plates, with their connecting pillars, render the use of the upright tool inadmissible ; but to be certain that the arbors of the wheels shall be truly perpendicular to the plane of the clock plates, the two plates are pinned together at each end before the holes are drilled, and then both plates are pierced at once by the drill, as well for the pivot-holes as for the four pillars, which being turned in the turn bench with truly flat shoulders, ensures the perpendicularity of the w r ork when they come to be inserted in their places, so that the arbors will cross the frame at right angles to the surfaces of the plates, which is an essential condition in putting together the wheel work, and requires the workman to drill in as perpendicular a direction as possible, otherwise the plane of the wheels would not be pa- rallel to the surfaces of the plates, and consequently the communication of motion would be given in au oblique direction, which would produce injurious fric- tion and unequal wear among the teeth of the w'atch. The preparation of the wheels and pinions of clocks is exactly the same as for watches, the pinions being made out of steel pinion wire, drawn with the right number of leaves, which are left standing at the part where the pinion is intended to be, and the rest of the wire is filed and turned cylindrical, the wheels are then fitted on and tried, as described in w'atch-making. As the pallet or swing wheel makes many more revo- lutions than any other wheel in the clock, it is neces- sary that the metal of which it is made should not be very destructible; it will therefore be best to use a tempered steel wheel, or one of brass well hammered, which ought to be also divided and cut with extraor- dinary care, because any irregularity in the shape of the tooth, or distance between the teeth, would in- jure the escapement, and produce, besides, such irre- gularity in the motion of the seconds’ hand of the clock, which is placed on this wheel’s arbor, as would offend the eye. There is no part of the clock which requires greater nicety than the escapement, or part which limits the quantity and duration of the impulse given to the pendulum by the maintaining power, and which keeps up the due quantity of motion of the whole machine, that would otherwise be gradually ' diminished WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 587 diminished till it came to a state of rest. To con- struct the escapement the clock-maker must set out or draw the exact form of the wheel and pallets, so that they may act properly, on a smooth sheet of brass, as a plate of trial for the escape, (see Fig. 10, Plate Clock-Work), which will admit of pivot- holes being drilled exactly as in the plates of the frame, for the centres of the pallet and pallet wheel arbors. A piece of good steel must then be forged nearly into the shape of the anchor compared with the plan on the frame or brass plate, but somewhat larger ; after the arbor-hole is drilled in the anchor and enlarged to the proposed aperture, the requisite circles may be described, with extents borrowed from the brass calliper, by means of a pair of bullet compasses, and the slopes may be copied or retracted for the faces of the pallets, the excluded metal may be then filed away very nearly, and all the surfaces be smoothed, first with fine files, and then with oil-stone-dust and oil.* Hitherto we have considered the back pivot-hole of the pallets’ arbor as being in the plate of the frame, but it becomes necessary to cut away that portion * The method of constructing Mr. Graham’s dead escapement, as executed by Mr. John Shelton, (Plate Clock-Work, Fig. 10.) Draw a circle of the exact size of your swing-wheel, and let fall a perpendicular on the point A, or centre of the circle, as B A, then if your wheel be of 30 teeth, and your escapement of 9\ teeth, set off from the vertical point C, 57 deg. on either side, as at D and E, double of which is 114 deg. and is the exact portion of the circle taken up hy teeth. From the centre of the circle A, draw radii through the points of 57 deg. as A F, A G, and on the points where they cut the circle at D E, erect perpendiculars meeting in the verticle line at B, which gives the centre of mo- tion of the anchor, (see the figure). Having thus obtained your centre of motion, describe, from that point, the arc H I passing through the points of 57 deg. which will give the circular face of each pallet on which the tooth rests in the dead part of the escapement. In the last place, the inclined planes of the pallets must make an angle with the radii A F, AG, of about 45 deg. in- tersecting them at the obtuse angle of the pallets. The angle is marked (in the figure) on both sides the intersection, in order I to shew that it may be taken on either side ; or the angle may otherwise be obtained, by measuring off from these obtuse angles 1 of the pallets, chords of about 83 deg. on the original circle, as at a 6 and c d, (in the figure). In escaping these pallets, you file away from the inclined planes of the pallets, till the tooth which has escaped from one pallet falls a little within the circular face of the opposite pallet, taking care not to alter the angles in this operation. The teeth of the swing-wheel should be cut somewhat deeper for dead beating pallets, and the straight face of the tooth (not the sloping part) should act upon the pallets, and the face of the teeth should not point to the centre of the wheel, but about one- tenth of an inch on one side of it, so that the face of the teeth may tend a lit tie forward. — The same mode of construction of pallets may be applied, with small variation, to those of the re- coiling kind, by not filing the external arc of the pallet at D, but continuing the plane from D to K, and making the dotted line at D the face of that opposite pallet. Whatever number of teeth you please to make your escape- ment of, you may take, from an exact line of chords, that por- tion of your circle (or swing-wheel) which that number of teeth occupies, and halving this measure, set it off each side the per- pendicular, as above directed ; for instance, if your wheel has 30 teeth, the portion taken of the circle will be Deg. Deg. For 8| teeth 10-2 set off on each side 51 9i - - H4 57 10i - - 126 63 - - 138 69 of the back plate where the pivot-hole falls, by rea- son of the crutch, or little rod of steel, which must be screwed to a collet attached behind the frame to the arbor, to form an L, which contrivance im- presses the force that the pallets receive from the maintaining power upon the pendulum ; the bent end of the crutch is usually inserted into a slit made in the verge or rod of the pendulum, but when the bent part is divided and encloses the pendulum rod, it is denominated the fork ; the crutch is most usually about one-sixth part of the whole length of the pendulum rod ; but there seems to be no fixed rule laid down by which its length might be determined. The exact placing of the cock, so that the arbor pivotted into it shall be perfectly at right angles to the surface of the plates, is of the greatest importance, and therefore ought to be placed, and its steady pins fixed, before the original pivot-hole, through which it must protrude, is cut away in the back plate, for in that case, the protruding end of the arbor, on which to slide the cock and fix its position, before ^lie steady pins are applied and the screws fitted to their places. Jt is, however, the practice of some workmen, to adjust the escapement by moving the cock before the steady pins are inserted, and a very proper mode, within certain limits. Before the crutch is screwed it should be hung on the verge of the pallets’ arbor, after the pallets are balanced and suffered to find the place of rest, in order to find its own perpendicular direction, and then it | should be fixed in that situation ; for without this care, it will require to be bent so as to offend the eye, for the purpose of putting the clock into beat, or will require a slit in it across the centre, to admit of an j eccentric adjustment, or some such contrivance. When all the adjustments of the escapement are thus made, the pallet-faces and the pivots must be hardened, and finally dressed by the usual successive operation ofpolishing. Of the Pendulum . — In the various attempts to mark out the divisions of time, nothing seems to have an- swered the purpose so correctly as the vibrations of the pendulum ; and since the application of the pendulum to clocks, (I mean of the second’s, or royal pendulum), they have obtained so much , credit, as time-keepers, as to become useful in matters of science. The vibration of the pendulum has indeed been found sufficiently correct, in its principle, to afford the means of discovering that the chief error which appeared in its use (at first), arose, not from the im- perfection of the principle itself, but from that of the matter of which the rod was composed. The celebrated Huygens, at first attributed the in- equalities which he remarked in the pendulum, to their being performed in an arc of a circle, and that con- sequently the longer vibrations must be slower than the shorter. And he demonstrated in a Treatise* which he published, “ That the vibrations of a pendulum. * Horologium Oscillatorium. 1658. * moving 583 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. moving in a cycloid, must be performed in equal times, even though the vibrations are unequal.” Pendulums were therefore made to vibrate in a cycloid, but still great inequalities remained, and after many ingen To us experiments had been made, these inequalities were found to proceed from the change of temperature of the air, by its expanding or contracting the metal of which the pendulum-rod was formed. In consequence of this discovery several men of genius set about con- triving means of obviating these irregularities, and three curious compound pendulums have been produced, and though these are very various in their constructions, yet they possess the same common principle, viz. that of making the expansion and contraction of one metal counteract that of another. The first in course appears to be the quick-silver pendulum, invented by the late very eminent philosophical mechanic, Mr. George Gra- ham, and which is yet held in esteem.* In the same year (1726), Mr. John Harrison, of Barrow, in Lin- colnshire, made a curious combination of rods, of brass ant^ of steel, which by their different degrees of expansion and contraction, enabled him to make them counteract each other, so as to preserve the centre of oscillation always at the same distance from the line of suspension of his pendulum.f The next in course was Mr. Ellicot’s compound-pendulum, with levers. This ingenious contrivance is found to operate to great ex- actness, and has a great advantage in the contrivance, by which the adjustment of the levers may be made, without tending to alter the time of its vibrations. Mr. Alexander Cummins has improved this instrument by his mode of executing it.J The skill and labour which are required to make one of these complicated pen- dulums, necessarily enhances the price so considerably, as to put them out of the reach of common purchasers. However, an excellent substitute has been found in the application of straight grained, well seasoned deal, for the rod of a pendulum, which has been proved by experiments to alter its length in so very small a de- gree, by heat and cold, as to render it a most eligible material for the above purpose. Respecting the pen- dulum, there are three things essentially necessary, — that the pendulum should be properly constructed, that its suspension should be most firm and steady, and that the impulses should be properly communicated to or from the wheels. Directions respecting each of these particulars shall be given at the end of this section. Notwithstanding, it appears most obvious, that the correctness of a time-keeper must greatly depend on the equality of the vibrations of the pendulum ; yet small attention has been paid till of late, to the manner of its suspension, the common mode being from a * The quick-silver pendnlum^ias been improved by Mr. Trough- ton, an eminent mathematical instrument-maker, who applies a glass tube with a bulb, (instead of the simple tube of Graham), by which means the variable surface of the mercury produces the necessary compensation to more advantage. See an account of this, Philosophical Trans. 1726, No. 392. t See the Plate, with the explanation. i See Elements of Watch and Clock-Work, by A. Cummins. cock screwed to the upper part of the back plate, and totally unconnected with any firm fixture. Mr. Ludlam has remarked, that M r. Harrison seems to be the first who in conversation and in print, insisted much on the importance of a very firm suspension of the pendulum • and he farther observes, that it appears, both from theory and practice, to be of more consequence than cycloidal checks, saddle- pieces, &c. all together. When it is possible, the pendulum should be suspended to a firm fixture to the wall itself. Pendulum-bobs are generally formed with sharp edges, that they may pass through the air with less resistance ; but this is not the best form, for when the bob is a pretty heavy one, it must necessarily increase its diameter considerably, and then its vibrations are more liable to be disturbed, by its edges not standing precisely in the plane of its vibrations, so as to subject it to be acted upon by the air, as an inclined plane, which evil its large surface will render it the more ob- noxious to. Besides, the absolute quantity of resistance, or different states of the air, varies but very little, and as the resistance from the air increases with the arc de- scribed, it may operate as a check whenever the pen- dulum has a tendency, from other causes, to cross out beyond the usual limits. A It is not attempted to give the true pro- portions of the grid- iron-pendulum in the annexed Figure, as it is drawn much too broad (between the bars), in order to shew the bars the more distinctly, and and for this reason, the cross-braces are omit- ted. Gridiron-Pendulum . — In this pendulum the bob is fixed to the single steel rod in the middle, and on each side this are four other rods, alternately of brass and steel, which are disposed so as to act in pairs, in order to support the weight of the bob, equally, on each side the centre. The rods of each pair are marked (in the figure) with the same numerical figure, and the transverse bars take the number of the dart which points to each. The expansion or contraction pro- duced in brass and steel With the same change of tem- perature, are in the proportion of about three to two. WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 589 The pendulum being suspended at A, we will suppose for instance, that by the increment of heat, expansion takes place. Now it will appear from inspection of the figure, that in this instance, all the steel rods must extend downwards, and all the brass rods upwards, when the account will stand thus : 1 st Pair steel rods, marked 1, 1, extend downwards, - 2 2d Pair steel rods, marked 3, 3, extend downwards, - 2 3d The single central rod extends downwards also, - - 2 Extension downwards 6 Now the proportional expansion of brass to steel being as three to two, of course the 1st Pair brass rods, marked 2 , 2, extend upwards, - - 3 2d Pair brass rods, marked 4, 4, extend upwards, - - 3 6 which exactly balances the abov^. If this statement should not appear sufficiently plain, we will endeavour to explain the operation of eaeh pair of rods distinctly ; to do which, it will be neces- sary particularly to regard whence each particular pair of rods springs as from a root. The first pair of steel rods, being fixed to the upper rail (where the suspend- ing spring is fixed), must of course stretch downward, | and must carry down the under transverse piece equal to two; from this transverse piece (I mean No. 1), arises the first pair of brass bais, which of course will stretch upwards, equal to three, and will advance the rail. No. 2 (which is fixed on their extremities), in the excess, upwards of one. From this transverse bar (No. 2), spring the second pair of steel bars, marked 3, 3, which must stretch downwards (and like the first pair) equal to two. But as the rail whence they spring was carried up in the excess of one that must be deducted, and so the remainiug excess down- ward is only equal to one. Now from this same piece (Noj» 3), arises the last pair of brass bars, which by their extending upwards equal to three, will ad- vance the shortest transverse piece, seen at the top, equal to two only, as we must deduct the depression of their root equal to one. VVe now find the little transverse piece at the top (to which is fixed the central rod), to be advanced upwards in the excess of two. The last operation is that of the central rod, which sustains the bob, and this extending downwards equal to two, exactly counterbalances the remaining ex- cess of two upwards, so that the centre of oscillation suffers no change. The effect of contraction of the several bars, by the operation of cold, produces the reverse of the above description, but this need not be gone over again. Mr. Harrison having observed the effects of heat and cold on his thermometer curb, found that brass became sooner effected, by any change of temperature in the air, than steel, and therefore to counteract this superior susceptibility in brass, he advised, that, in con- structing his gridiron-pendulums, the brass rods should be made somewhat stouter than the steel ones. In the above description, I have supposed the propor- tional change in brass and steel to be as three to two, to render the description free of fractions. But the real proportion is said to be as one hundred and thir- teen to sixty-eight. In theory, Mr. Harrison’s pen- dulum is considered to have the operation of five rods only, viz. two of brass and three of steel. Now to produce the effect, accurately, let the sum of the length of the two rods of brass be as sixty-eight, and the sum of the length of the three rods of steel be in the proportion of one hundred and thirteen, and by this inversion you obtain an equality of expansion in both metals. A description of a pendulum with a wooden rod . — ! The rod of this pendulum should be made of a straight grained yellow deal, which you may procure from the lath-makers, it should be split down both ways ; neither the sort which is white and spongy, nor that which is of a strong grain and full of turpentine. The rod is a cylinder of about of an inch diameter, and 42 inches long ; it should be painted and gilt, and if varnished it would be less subject to changes from moist weather. The rod being first roughed out, a brass ferrule (a, Fig. 1, above), must be driven on its lower end, previously turned to receive it, the rod is then to be put into the lathe, the ferrule turned true, and a few other places in the rod may likewise be made round ; the whole is afterwards to be planed straight, round and smooth, a hole is then to be drilled at the bottom of the rod, to receive the wire h along the axis. This wire should be steel, and the part which goes into the rod a little taper and rather larger than the hole in the end of the iod, the rest of the wire cylindrical, and the end conical ; a 7 L screw 590 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. screw must be cut upon the cylindrical part with stocks; the wire must be forced into the hole at the bottom of the rod, and then cross-pinned through both ferrule and rod, as at P. The top of the rod, Fig. 4, is slit along the grain with a fine spring saw, to receive the spring at X, by which the pendulum is suspended ; the two parts are to be drawn together by a screw, and made to pinch the spring ; this screw passes through the quarter part of a brass ferrule and is tapped into the opposite quarter part; the head of the screw, with the first quarter, appears at c. Fig. 4. The spring is a piece of strong watch-spring which has never been coiled up, (such may be got at the spring-makers) ; the tipper part has two cylindrical buttons rivetted to it opposite to each other, one of these appears at Z, F'ig. 4 ; these bear the weight of the pendulum during the time of adjusting its suspension, before the screws are drawn tight. The ball of the pendulum is made of lead, and consists of two parts screwed together upon the rod, so as to pinch it. Fig. 2 is the ball as it appears edgewise, and shews the section down the axis of the rod, where the two parts join. The shape of tlie ball when the two parts are screwed together, is the middle frustum of a globe, as is seen by the figure. These two parts should be moulded from a neat turned pattern of wood, where the hole should be left to receive the rod ; they may be cast so near their true form, as to give but little trouble in turning down in the lathe and finishing ; if the pattern be made true, the axis of the rod will pass through the centre of gravity of both. Fig. 1, is the pendulum seen flatwise ; two pieces of brass are soldered to the back part of the bow, and tapped to receive the screws which fasten the two parts together; one of these pieces appears at y, Fig. 2. The place of the ball upon the rod being found, it is then to be screwed fast to the rod, and not to be moved to regulate the clock. On the screw part of the wire, at the bottom of the pendulum-rod, is a cylinder of brass in two parts, the screw passing through the centre of both parts, see Fig. 1 ; the upper part, d, d, consists of a milled torus and a plain cylindrical part, both in one piece ; the cylinder has numerical figures engraven on it, in the order they are represented in the plate, the lower part consists of a milled toms only, as at e, e. When the upper part is screwed to its proper place it must be held fast, and the lower part screwed against it, so as to pinch the screw-wire, and secure it against any acci- dental turning. Whenever there is occasion to move the upper part (in order to regulate), the under part must first be detached till the adjustment be made, and then screwed close again, as before. This part knay be called the regulator, and will perform that office to a much greater correctness than where the whole ball (of the pendulum is moved. It should be *)oted, that this regulator, as it appears in the plate, ts represented at half size, and also the whole of Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 6 ; all the rest are shewn at full ■size. Having thus described the pendulum-rod with its ball, we shall now describe the proper method of suspending it, which is by a projecting cock made of brass, and is composed of three distinct pieces, fixed together with rivets and screws. It is difficult to de- scribe the exact form of it without giving many views of it, but the general principle may be easily explained. Strength and steadiness are particularly sought in its formation, and the side view, Fig. 4, will make it appear how those are attained in the vertical line, by the part marked a, a, above the line of suspension, and that marked c, c, below the line, as these serve as strong hutments each way in that direction ; but the part which serves as its butment in the horizontal line does not appear in the side view, but may be seen in the plan, No. 6 (which for want of room we were obliged to reduce in size) ; the form of the part from b to b, is'the same as that seen in the side view from the dotted line e to c. The screw marked at Z, Fig. 4, appears sideways in the plan, and is marked there x ; this screw goes through the two parts, which project forward to hang the pendulum upon. The right angled part, d , d, b, b, ( Fig. 6,) is fixed to the flat brass plate by three rivets, as large as their thickness will admit, one at the angle near the lower b, and one at each extremity of the piece ; the parts are put together by rivetting, that when separate they may be hammer- hardened. This cock is firmly fixed to a strong piece of wainscot which is placed against the back of the clock-case, and the whole firmly attached to the wall. The mode of suspension should be such, that none of the lateral motion of the pendulum, as it vibrates, can be communicated to the parts of the apparatus, nor should the wh^le, however firm, be liable to be dis- turbed by foreign causes. The two planes of the cock at Z, which are to receive the spring between them, should be filed flat when the plate T is taken off, and thus the spring may be pinched firm between them ; so also should the cheeks of the slit at the upper eDd of the rod, so that the spring should not have the least play at either of its terminations, otherwise its force will be very unequal. In placing the cock, care should be taken that the place where the spring bends, {Fig. 4,) should be adjusted to the level of the verge or arbor of the pallets at A H. When the pendulum is to be suspended upon the cock, take out the screw marked ®, Fig. 4, and release the screw at 2, and hang the pendulum-spring between the two planes at Z, Fig. 4, putting the cylindrical buttons which are rivetted at the top of the spring, into the hollow 7 made to receive them at Z, then return the screw 7 into its place, but do not tighten it; then tighten the screw c at the top of the pendulum-rod, and afterwards the two screws, H, 2, which will se- cure it in its place ; and from its having hanged freely before these screws were tightened, the several parts will have been drawn into the true perpendicular line ; the clock is afterwards put to it. We shall now ex- plain the contrivance by which the pendulum receives its impulses from the wheel-work. A, Fig. 7- is the ! verge WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 591 verge or arbor, on which the pallets are fixed ; 1 , 1 , is a round piece of brass rivetted to the collet ; k, k, k, is the stem of the crutch, seen edgewise, and in Fig. 8 it appears flatwise. In the centre of the upper part is a round hole, A, made to fit the verge; and at 1, 2, are two circular slits. In Fig. 7, at 2, 2, is another round piece of brass, fitted rather loose on the verge ; the screw at A, and another on the opposite side, go through the fixed plate marked 1,1, and also through the curved slits in Fig. 8, marked 1, 2, and are tapped into the plate marked 2, 2, (Fig. 7,) so that the crutch has a considerable motion round the centre of the verge, and may be fixed in any position by these screws, one of which only can appear in this view, and is opposite to A, Fig. 7. At the other end of the stem of the crutch, (Fig. 8,) is a hole to receive the screw-shank of the steel piece seen edge-wise, Fig. 3, and when screwed up, appears at K, L, (Fig. 5.) The sides of this piece must be filed flat,) and polished, or at least a fine grain given to it ; its j thickness shoi'ld be about of an inch ; the end of the flat part is seen at Fig. 9. The shoulder marked zv, w, (at Fig. 3,) should be turned flat, and when the screwed shank is put through the hole B of the crutch, in order to fix it, a collet of brass should be interposed between the nut and the face of the crutch ; this collet or brass plate should be turned hollow to- wards the crutch, and somewhat round towards the nut, which will make binging more effectual. The flat faces of the steel part must be set parallel to the line A B, (Fig. 8.). An oblong hole is pierced through the wooden rod, Fig. 9, in the direction of the axis of the rod ; two fine steel screws s, s, are tapped through the sides of this hole. These screws pinch the fiat part of the steel piece between them ; the ends of the screws which bear against the plate are somewhat rounded off ; the ends of these screws and the flat part they bear against must be made as hard as pos- sible. The holes for the screws must be made at right angles to the flat sides of the faces of the steel piece, and must pass through the axis of the rod. These screws are Ar of an inch in diameter, and have eighty threads in an inch. They must be forced in so as to cut their own threads in the wood, after which they must never be turned quite out. After having pro- perly suspended your pendulum, and come to set up the clock, draw back the screws s, s, (Fig. 9,) so as to leave room for the flat of the steel part, T, to enter clearly between them. We are now come to set the dock into beat, in order to do which, release the screws at A, (Fig. 7,) and its opposite screw, (which is hidden in this view,) so as just to let the verge move stiff in the hole of the crutch. The frame containing the wheel-work must then be set into its place, carefully directing the flat of the crutch between the screws, which pass through the sides of the rod. After having screwed down the frame of the work to the rising- board as usual, the crutch must be held fast whilst the pallets and verge are turned so as to bring the clock I into beat. The screw at A (Fig. 7,), and its opposite ! must then be tightened, so as to set the pallets and | verge fast to the crutch. Note, the back frame must j be cut so as to get at the heads of these screws with | a key, from the front of the clock. These screws have square heads, not slits, and are turned with a key, to prevent the thrusting forwards which is necessary when a turn-screw is used. The clock may be adjusted into beat to a curious niceness, by releasing one of the screws, s, s, (Fig. 9,) and screwing up the other; take care not to overturn these screws so as to strip the threads in the wood. The rule to be observed is this, you must always hear the flat, T, Fig. 9, strike against the screws, and if you do but hear it, they cannot be too close ; these parts should be oiled. O, P, Fig. 5, is a piece of steel wire, which passes through the axis of the rod in order to catch it, by means of two slips of wood properly carved, and fastened to the rising 1 1 board, so that this wire just sweeps clear of it in the j vibrations of the pendulum. The more curious me- * chanic will easily perceive, that if the above work be carefully executed, according to the directions given, j the impulses will be given in the axis of the pendulum- | rod, and thence conveyed to the centre of gravity of ! the ball, circumstances absolutely necessary to produce ' a steady and regular motion of the pendulum, j A change of temperature equal to four degrees of i Fahrenheit’s thermometer, will produce an error in the going of a clock per day, If with a steel rod, - - l" Brass, nearly - - - - 2 Glass, ------ 0| By observations of transits of the sun over the me- ridian, made by Professor Bliss, he found that a clock of Dr. Bradley’s, made by Mr. Graham, with a brass rod to the pendulum, gained in the coldest weather of two winters, above 15" per day, and in the hottest 'weather, of two summers, lost above 13" per day, and in temperate weather went very near to equal time. — Mr. Bliss’s Fetter to Mr. Shot t. Mr. Ellicott states the comparative expansion and con- traction of the several different metals given below, to be as Gold. Silver. Brass. Copper. Iron. Steel. Lead 73 103 95 89 60 56 149* The length of the pendulum that swings seconds in the latitude of London, is 39£ inches, or 39,2. Now to find the length of a pendulum that shall make any other given number of vibrations (in the same lati- tude) in a minute; say, as the square of the given number of vibrations is to the square of 60, so is 3<)j inches, (being the standard length) to the length, in inches, of the pendulum sought. A pendulum that vibrates seconds at the equator must be -r^ parts of an inch shorter than one which vibrates seconds at I^ondon, (or in that latitude ;) and a pendulum that vibrates seconds at the poles must be parts longer Ilian one that swings seconds at London. The cause of this difference arises from the spheroidical difference of the earth, and the centri- fugal 5oise, the intensity and continuance of which are suffi- cient to disturb the repose of a sound sleeper. When the weight has drawn up all the cord, it is only neces- sary to pull it up again, and the lever n acts as a detent with the pin fixed in the pallet-w'heel, till the pin of the ’larum-dial o set to any given hour, shall again detach, when the same continued noise will be repeated. The pulley x, on which the cord of the ’iurum acts is, as shewn in Fig. 4, connected with the escapement-wheel s, by a ratchet-wheel and click, w’hich suffer the pulley to turn round independently of the wheel when the ’larum is wound up, in the same manner as the pulley of the going part. The last portion of the clock is the striking portion, which also has a connexion with the dial-work. The wheel g, which, as before stated, revolves in the space of two hours, has two pins at the distance of a semi- circle from each other behind the wheel, as is* seen in Fig. 2 ; one or other of these two pins, at the end of each hour, seizes the end of a tail-piece. (1) attached to the long horizontal arbor 2,3. ; which reaches the whole depth of the two internal frames. This long arbor has another lever (4), Fig. 3, or detent, which reaches far enough to fall in way of a pin in the w heel (12), so as to arrest the motion of the striking f movement, when its-quiescent position is parallel to the long arbor; and above it is another similar arbor turning by its pivots in the frame of the striking part. This upper arbor (5) has a wooden lever (f>), Fig. 3, by which it may be raised by the contact of the detent (4) of the lower arbor 2,3. The end of the lever (6) is formed into tw o catches or detents, on one of these. The detents fall into a notch made in a projecting part of the axis (10), j Fig. 3, of a w heel-mark (13), thence called the detent- wheel, which revolves once at every, blow of the ham- j mer. The second catch of the lever (6) is a w ire-hook, ' marked (8), Figs. 2 and 3, which turns up and falls suc- { cessively into (12) notches cut at unequal distances | through the edge of the hoop, or ring, which is fixed fast j to the wheel, marked (8), called the count-wheel, because | its teeth and these notches count the stroke paces be- tween the notches of the locking hoop, which are placed 1 respectively at 7 \, &c., of the circumference of the plate from each other. To explain this, it must be observed, that the wheel has seventy-eight teeth ; the space between the notches in the hoop increase in arith- metical proportion ; the space between the two first be- ing one tooth, or ^ of the wheel ; the second space is equal to two teeth, and so on, till the twelve, which is twelve teeth, is extant. The wheel (9) first actuated by the cord or chain passing round the third pulley fastened in it, has twelve pins fixed to it for raising the tail-piece (10) of the hammer. The arbor of the tail-piece (10) is seen in Figs. 2 and 3, marked 17; it has, at the opposite end, a lever (19), which operates on a short lever pro- jecting from a vertical arbor (20), which has the ham- mer (1 6) fixed on the top of it, which is thrown to- wards the bell by a spring, marked 21, so that, as the great w'heel turns, its pins seize the hammer-tail (10), WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKING. 595 and, by depressing it, its arm (19) acts on the arbor (20), and draws the hammer (16) from the bell till the pin quits the tail (10), then the spring (21) throws the hammer against the bell. The pin-whee), or striking-wheel (9), has sixty teeth, ! and drives a pinion of ten leaves, marked 10, on the arbor of the detent-wheel (13), which has seventy teeth, driving a pinion on the remote end of the arbor of the warning-wheel (12) of fifty-six teeth, which wheel again turns the pinion (14) of seven leaves on the arbor of the fly, which is seen at 15. On that end of the arbor of the pin-wheel, which passes through the back part E of the frame-work, is inserted a pi- nion of twelve leaves, called the pinion of report, driving the counting-wheel (11) of seventy-eight teeth, which has been before-mentioued. The action of the striking-part is this : — One of the pins in the two-hour wheel (9) first lifts the tail of the long lever. Figs. 1 and 2, and, with it, the detent (4), Fig. 3. The warning-wheel (7) is not yet at liberty, but it begins to revolve the instant that this detent has raised the wooden lever (6) of it, which raises with it both the catches or detents before described ; then one of them leaves the notch made in the axis (10) of the detent wheel (13) and the other (8) leaves, the count-wheel, under the command of the suspended weight. The motion of the wheel, how'ever, does not proceed far, because the detent (4) is raised into the way of the wheel (12), and the motion of the works is arrested. The noise of this temporary motion of the wheels is called the warning ; and the wheel (12) the warning-wheel ; presently the pin of the tw o-hour wheel g, drops from the end of the tail (1) of the arbor 2, 3, and thus during the temporary motion of the warning-wheel, the axis (10) of the detent wheel and also the locking attached to the count- wheel (11) had moved far enough, to take the notches from the claws of their respective detents, or catches, (6 and S), the moment therefore that the detent ( 1 ) takes quiescent position, by the detent (1) slipping off the pin in the wheel g, the warning-wheel is again at liberty, as are also the detent-wheel and the count-wheel ; the whole movement consequently now proceeds, and the pin-wheel raises the hammer-tail (10) as often as the pins meet with it, till the detent (8) meets with a notch to receive it iuto the locking-plate, at which moment all motion is at an end, because the detent (6) of the axis (10) falls also into its notch, and holds the whole movement in a quiescent state. At the end of another hour, the second pin of wheel g again detaches the detents, and renews the same process, which happens at the conclusion of every hour. From this account of the movement of the striking- part, and of the other auxiliary parts of this me- chanism, it is easy to apprehend the reason of the numbers of teeth, fixed upon in their different wheels and pinions, first, because there are twelve pins in the striking or pin-wheel, g, it is necessary that the pinion of report on the same protruding arbor should have twelve leaves, in order that every tooth in the count-wheel, one of which measures the first interval on the locking-plate, two of which measure the se- cond, three the third, and so on, till the last space between the notches is measured by twelve teeth of this wheel. Again, as the pin-wheel (9) has sixty teeth and twelve pins, each pin is removed from the next £§ — 5 teeth ; if the detent-wheel (13) were ne- cessarily obliged to have an exact revolution at every stroke of the hammer, the pinion on its arbor, driven by the pin-wheel (9), must necessarily have five leaves only ; but when the teeth are not laid very deep into one another, the play will allow the hoop-wheel to have only one revolution in two strokes, which is the case before us, where the pinion has ten leaves. The pin-wheel, however, might very well have had ninety- six teeth, and the pinion in question eight leaves, and then there would have been an entire revolution of the hoop-wheel at each stroke. We have seen that the count-wheel revolves once in twelve hours, and that the pin-w'heel (9) revolves in of this time, or makes turns in the twelve hours ; but if the number of pins had been thirteen, the time of a revolution of these would have been of twelve hours, or once in two hours, which is the case of the great wheel a of the going-part, and the two move- ments would, in that case, have been more uniform, with respect to the calculations of continuance. It is but of little importance what the numbers of teeth be in the tw'o remaining pinions and w'arning-wheel, as they only regulate the velocity of the fly, provided the teeth are numerous enough to act without much friction. WEAVING, WEAVING. Weaving is the art of making threads into cloth. This art is of very ancient origin. The fabulous story of Penelope’s web ; and, still more, the frequent allu- sions to this art in the sacred writings, tend to shew, that the constructing of cloth from threads, hair, &c., is a very ancient invention. It has, however, like other useful arts, undergone an infinite variety of im- provements, both as to the materials of which cloth is made, the apparatus necessary in its construction, and the particular modes of operation by the artist. Weaving, when reduced to its original principle, is nothing more than the insertion of the weft into the web, by forming sheds ; but this principle has been so extensively applied in almost every country, and the knowledge of its various branches has been derived from such a variety of sources, that no one person could ever be practically employed in all its branches ; and though every part bears a strong analogy to the rest, yet a minute knowledge of each of these parts, can only be acquired by experience and reflection. The arts of spinning, throwing, and weaving silk, were brought into England about the middle of the fifteenth century, and were practised by a company of women in London, called silk-women. About A. D. 1480, men began to engage in the silk manu- facture, and the art of silk-weaving, in England, soon arrived at very great perfection. The civil dissensions which followed this period, retarded the progress of this art ; but afterwards, when the nation was at rest, the arts of peace, and, among others, that of weaviiig, made rapid advances in almost every part of the kingdom. It has been generally supposed, that silk- weaving, particularly that of figure-weaving, has never been brought to that perfection in England, to which it has attained in other countries. The art of cotton-weaving, in its present improved state, has not been long known either in this or any other country. Wherever it originated, it is certain that most of our manufactures, in this respect, are unequalled in any part of the known world ; and were it not for the many commercial restrictions, by which the present war is so unfortunately distinguished, there is every rational prospect that our cotton trade would be still further improved and extended. The apparatus necessary in the art of cloth-w r eaving consists, chiefly, in the loom, shuttle, reed, and heddles, or harness, the form and use of which are here de- scribed, When the weaver has received his warp from the warping-mill (for an account of which see Cotton- Manufacture), his first care is to wind it upon the beam in a proper manner. When this has been done, and the cord made fast at both ends of the shaft, the knotting left by the warper is cut, and the warp stretched to its proper breadth. An instrument, called a ravel, is then to be used. Ravels are some- what like reeds, and are also of different dimensions. One proper for the purpose being found, every half- gang is placed in an interval between two of the pins. The upper part, or cape, is then put on and secured, and the operation of winding the warp upon the beam commences. I u broad works, two persons are em- ployed to hold the ravel which serves to guide the warp, and to spread it regularly upon the beam ; one or two to keep the chain, or chains, of the w'arp at a proper degree of tension, and one or more to turn the beam upon its centres. The warp being regularly wound upon the beam, the weaver prepares to take it through the heddles, and this operation is called drawing. Before the operation of drawing commences, two rods are inserted into the lease formed by the upper- lease-pins on the warping-mill ; the ends of these rods are tied together, the twine by which the lease was secured is cut away, and the warp stretched to its proper breadth. The beam is then suspended by cords behind the heddles and somewhat higher, the warp hanging down perpendicularly. The weaver then places himself in front of the heddles, and another person is placed behind. The former opens every lieddle in succession, and it is the business of the latter to select each thread in its order, and deliver it to be drawn through the open heddle. The succes- sion iu which the threads are to be delivered is easily- ascertained by the rods, as every thread crosses that next to it. The warp, after passing through the heddles, is next drawn through the reed by an instru- ment called a sley, or reed-hook, two or more threads being taken through every interval. These operations being finished, the cords or mount- ing which move the heddles are applied ; the reed is placed in the lay, or batten, and the warp is divided into small portions, which are tied to a shaft connected by cords to the cloth-beam. When the weaver has finished these t\yo operations of beaming and drawing, he proceeds to dress his warp. WEAVING. 597 warp. Dressing is justly esteemed of the first im- portance, in the art of weaving warps spun from flax or cotton ; for it is impossible to produce work of a good quality, unless care be used in dressing the warp. The use of dressing is, to give yarn sufficient strength or tenacity, to enable it to bear the operation of weaving into cloth. It also, by laying smoothly all the ends of the fibres, which compose the raw material, from which the yarn is spun, tends both to diminish the friction during the process, and to render the cloth smooth and glossy, when finished. The substance in common use for dressing, is simply a mucilage of vegetable matter boiled to a consistency in water. Wheat flour, and sometimes potatoes, are the substances commonly employed. These answer sufficiently well in giving to the yarn both the smooth- ness and tenacity required ; but the great objection to them is, that they are too easily and rapidly affected by the operation of the atmosphere. When dressed yarn is allowed to stand exposed to the air, for any considerable portion of time, before being woven into cloth, it always becomes hard, brittle, and compara- tively inflexible. It is then tedious and troublesome to weave, and the cloth is rough, wiry, and uneven. When the warp, previously dressed, has been wrought up, as far as can be done conveniently, iiie weaver is obliged to suspend the operation of weaving, and to prepare a fresh quantity of warp. It is necessary to stop, when the dressed warp has approached within two or three inches of the back leaf of the heddles, that room may be allowed to join the old dressing to the new. The first operation, as in wool and silk, is to clear the warp, with the comb, from the lease rod to the yarn roll, or beam. The proof that this opera- tion has been properly executed is, by bringing back the rods, successively, from their working situation to the roll. When this has been done, the two rods nearest to the heddles, are drawn out of the warp to one side, and the lease rod only remains. The next duty of the weaver is, to examine the yarn about to be dressed, and carefully to take away every knot, lump, or other obstruction, which might impede the progress of the work, or injure the fabric of the cloth. In silk warps no further dressing is necessary ; but in cotton warps the weaver proceeds to apply the substance used for dressing, which is rubbed gently, but completely, into the whole warp, by means of two brushes used in succession, one of which he holds in each hand. He then raises the lease-rod, which in cotton-weaving is a middle rod, on one edge, to divide the warp, and sets the air in motion by moving a large fan, for the purpose of drying the warp which has been dressed. Fustian-weavers use a large red- hot iron for this purpose. It is proper, in this stage of the operation, to draw one of the dressing brushes lightly over the warp at intervals, in order to prevent any obstruction, which might arise by the threads, when agitated by the fan, cohering, or sticking to each other, whilst in a wet state. Whenever the warp is sufficiently dried, a very small quantity of grease is brushed over it, the lease-rod is again placed upon its flat side, and cautiously shifted forward to the heddles. The other rods are then put again into their respective sheds, and the process is finished. The first operation of dressing the warp being finished, the weaver begins that of forming the cloth. The operations required are only three, and these are very simple: 1st. Opening the sheds in the warp, alternately, by pressing die treddles with his feet. 2d. Driving the shuttle through each shed, when opened. This is performed by the right hand, when the fly- shuttle is used, and by the right and left hand, alter- nately, in the common operation. 3d. Pulling for- ward the lay, or batten, to strike home the woof, and again pushing it back nearly to the heddles. This is done by the left hand with the fly, and by each hand, successively in the old way. In describing operations so simple and uniform, it is neither easy nor necessary to go much into detail. By examining any piece of plain cloth, it will be found to be composed of two or more distinct sets of threads, or filaments, running in opposite directions perpendicu- larly to each other ; those threads (or, as some weavers call them, yarns) in the direction of the cloth’s length are called the warp, and extend entirely from one end of the piece of cloth to the other. The thread, or yarn, running across the cloth in an horizontal direc- tion is called the woof, or weft. It is in fact one continued thread through the whole piece of cloth, being woven alternately over and under each yarn of the warp, until it arrives at the outside one. It then passes round the yarn, and returns back over and under each thread, as before ; but in such a manner, that it now goes over each yarn which it passed under before ; thus firmly knitting or weaving the whole together. The outside yarn of the warp, round which the w'oof is doubled, is called the selvage, and cannot be unravelled without breaking the woof. The breadth of the cloth determines the number of yarns the w'arp shall contain ; and its quality limits their distances from each other, and determines the fineness or set of the reed. Stripes are formed upon cloth, either by the warp or by the woof. When the former of these ways is practised, the variation of the process is chiefly the business of the warper: in the latter case it is that of the weaver. By unravelling any shred of striped cloth, it may easily be discovered, whether the stripes have been produced by the operations of the warper or those of the w'eaver. Checks are produced by the combined operations of the warper and the weaver. Tw'eeled cloths are so various in their textures, and at the same time so complicated in their formation, that it is impossible to convey an adequate idea of the mode of constructing them, without the aid of several engraved figures. In examining any piece of plain cloth, it will be observed, that all the threads 7 N in WEAVING. 598 in the warp and woof cross each other, and are tacked alternately. This is not the case in tweeled cloths; for in this instance only the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, &c., threads, cross each other to form a texture. Tweeled cloths have been fabricated of various de- scriptions. In the coarsest kinds every third thread is crossed: in finer fabrics, they cross each other at intervals of four, five, six, seven, or eight threads, and in some very fine tweeled silks the crossing does not take place until the sixteenth interval. Tweeling is produced by multiplying and varying the number of leases in the harness ; by the use of a back harness, or double harness ; by increasing the number of threads in each split of the reed ; by an endless variety of modes in drawing' the yarns through the harness ; and by increasing the number of treddles, and changing the manner of treading them. When the number of treddles requisite to raise all the variety of sheds necessary to produce very extensive patterns would be more than one man could manage, recourse is had to a mode of mounting, or preparing the loom, by the application of cords, &c., to the harness ; and a second person is necessary to raise the sheds required, by pulling the strings attached to the respec- tive leases of the back harness, which are sunk to their first position by means of leaden weights un- derneath. This is the most comprehensive apparatus ased by weavers for fanciful patterns of great extent, and it is called the draw-loom. In weaving very fine silk tweels, such as those of sixteen leases, the num- ber of threads drawn through each interval of the reed is so great, that, if woven with a single reed 1 , they would obstruct each other in rising and sinking, and the shed would not be sufficiently open to allow the shuttle a free passage. To avoid this inconve- nience, other reeds are placed behind that which strikes up the weft ; and the warp threads are so dis- posed; that those which pass through the same interval in the first reed are divided in passing through the second, and again in passing through the third. By j these means the obstruction, if not entirely removed, is greatly lessened. In the weaving of plain thick woollen cloths, to pre- vent obstructions of this kind, arising from the closeness of the set, and roughness of the threads, only one- fourth of the warp is sunk and raised by one treddle, and a second is pressed down to complete the shed, be- tween the times when every shot of weft is thrown across. Double cloth is composed of two webs, each of which consists of a separate warp and separate weft ; but the two are interwoven at intervals. The junction of die two webs is formed by passing each of them occasionally through the other, so that each particular part of both is sometimes above and sometimes below. This species of weaving is almost exclusively confined to the manufacture of carpets in this country. The material employed is dyed woollen, and, as almost all carpets are decorated with fanciful ornaments, the colours of the two webs are different, and they are made to pass through each other at such intervals as will form the patterns required. Hence it arises, that the patterns of each side of the carpet are the same but the colours are reversed. Carpets are usually woven in the draw-loom. Gauze differs in its formation from other cloths, by having the threads of the warp crossed over each other, instead of lying parallel. They are turned to the right and left alternately ; and each shot of weft preserves the twine which it has received. This effect is caused by a singular mode of producing the sheds, which cannot easily be described without the aid of drawings. Cross, or net-weaving, is a separate branch of the art, and requires a loom particularly constructed for the purpose. Spots, brocades, and lappets, are produced by a combination of the arts of plain, tweeled, and gauze-weaving ; and, as in every other branch of the art, are produced in all their varieties by different ways of forming the sheds, by the appli- cation of heddles, and their connexions with the treddles which move them. Indeed, the whole know- ledge of the art consists in this part of the apparatus of a loom. Stockings are woven with a loom, which like other looms consists of treedles : of a bobbing of twisted silk, &c. fixed on a bobbin-wire, which it turns with ease to feed the engine : of a wheel, by the motion of which the jacks are drawn . together upon needles ; and of a needle on which the stockings are made. The loom is a very complicated piece of machinery, but by it, in its present improved state, stockings of all sorts can be made with great expedition. Some years since, a patent was taken out by Mr. George Holland, for a method of making stockings and other articles of wearing apparel adapted to give peculiar warmth to invalids, which may be thus described :« — The work is to be begun in the common way of manufacturing hosiery, and having worked one or more course, or courses, in the common way, the workman is to add a coating in the following way : draw the frame over the arch, and then hang wool or jersey, raw or unspun, upon the beards of the needles, and slide the same off their beards upon their stems, till it comes exactly under the nibs of the sinkers ; then sink the jacks and sinkers, and bring forward the frame till the wool or jersey is drawn under the beards of the needles, and having done this, draw the frame over the arch, and place a thread of spun, materials upon the needles, uuder the nibs of the sinkers, and proceed in finishing the course in the usual way of manufacturing hosiery with spun materials. Any thing manufactured in this way, has on one sida the appearance of common hosiery, and on the other side the appearance of raw wool. The raw or uuspun materials may be worked in with every course, or with the second, third, fourth, &c. course, according to the warmth or thickness required. Other methods are described in the specification, anti WEAVING. 599 and it is added that hosiery may be coated by any of these methods, not only with wool and jersey, but also with silk, cQtton, flax, hemp, hair, or other things of a similar nature, raw or unspun, but the method which we have described, is reckoned by the patentee the very best. The method of making false or downy calves in stockings, is by working raw or unspun wool, or jersey, or any other raw or unspun materials into the calves of stockings, in the way already de- scribed. Garpet-weaving . — Carpet is a sort of stuff wrought with the needle or on a loom, which is part of the furniture of a house, and commonly spread over tables, or laid upon the floor. Persian and Turkey carpets are most esteemed ; though at Paris there is a manu- factory after the manner of Persia, where they make them little inferior, not to say finer, than the true Persian carpets. They are velvety, and perfectly imitate the carpets which come from the Levant. There are also carpets of Germany, some of which are made of woollen stuffs, as serges, 8tc., and called square carpets; others are made of wool also, but wrought with the needle, and pretty often embellished w ith silk ; and lastly, there are carpets made of dogs’ hair. We have likewise carpets made in England, which are used either as floor-carpets, or to make chairs and other household furniture. In weaving carpets the design or pattern is traced in its proper colours on cartoons, tied before the work- man, who looks at them every moment, because every stitch is marked upon them, as it is to be in his work. By this means he always knows what colours and shades he is to use, and how many stitches of the same colour. In this he is assisted by squares, into which the whole design is divided ; each square is subdivided into ten vertical lines, corresponding with the parcels of ten threads of the warp ; and besides, each square is rided with ten horizontal lines, cross- ing the vertical lines at right angles. The workman, having placed his spindles of thread near him, begins to work on the first horizontal line of one of the squares. The lines marked on the cartoon are not traced on the warp, because an iron wire, which is longer than the width of a parcel of ten threads, supplies the place of a cross-line. This wire is managed by a crook at one end, at the workman’s right hand; to- wards the other end it is flatted into a sort of knife, with a back and edge, and grow's wider to the point. The weaver fixes his iron wire horizontally on the warp, by twisting some turns of a suitable thread of the woof round it, which he passes forward and back- ward, behind a fore thread of the warp, and then behind the opposite thread, drawing them in their turn by their leashes. Afterwards he brings the woof-thread round the wire, in order to begin again to thrust it into the warp. He continues in this manner to cover the iron rod or wire, and to fill up a line to the tenth thread of the warp. Ho is at liberty either to stop here or to go on with the same cross-line in the next division, according as he passes the thread of the woof round the iron wire, and into the warp, the threads of which he causes to cross one another at every in- stant : when he comes to the end of the line, he takes care to strike in, or close again all the stitches with an iron reed, the teeth of which freely enter between the empty threads and the warp, and which is heavy enough to strike in the woof he has used. This row of stitches is again closed and levelled, and in the same manner the weaver proceeds ; then with his left hand he lays a strong pair of shears along the finished line, cuts off the loose hairs, and thus forms a row of tufts perfectly even, which, together w'ith those before and after it, form the shag. Thus the work- man follows stitch for stitch, and colour for colour, the plan of his pattern, which he is attempting to imitate; and he paints magnificently, without having the least notion of painting or drawing. Tapestry-weaving. — Tapestry-work is distinguished by the workmen into two kinds, viz. that of high, and that of low w arp ; though the difference is rather in the manuer of w'orking than in the work itself, which is in effect the same in both, only the looms, and consequently the warps, are differently situated ; those of the low warp being placed flat and parallel to the horizon, and those, on the contrary, of the high warp, erected perpendicularly. The English anciently excelled all the world in the tapestry of the high W'arp ; of which the following is a description. The loom, whereon it is wrought, is placed per- pendicularly. It consists of four principal pieces ; two long planks or cheeks of wood, and two thick rollers or beams. The planks are set upright, and the beams across them, one at the top, and the other at the bottom, or about a foot distance from the ground. They have each their trunnions, by which they are suspended on the planks, and are turned with bars. In each roller is a groove from one end to the other, capable of containing a round piece of w'ood, fastened therein with hooks. The use of it is to tie the ends of the warp. The w arp, which is a kind of worsted, or twisted w'oollen thread, is wound on ihe upper roller; and the work, as fast as woven, is wound on the low'er. Withinside the planks, which are seven or eight feet high, fourteen or fifteen inches broad, and three or four thick, are holes pierced from top to bottom, in which are put thick pieces of iron, with hooks at one end, serving to sustain the coat-stave : these pieces of iron have also holes pierced, by putting a pin, in which the stave is drawn uearer or set further oft ; and thus the coats or threads are stretched or loosened at pleasure. The coat-stave is about three j inches diameter, and runs all the length of the loom ; on this are fixed the coats or threads, which make the treads of the warp cross each other. It has much the same effect here, as the spring-stave and treddles have in the common looms. The coats are little threads fastened to each thread of the warp with a , ‘ kind GOO WEAVING. kind of sliding knot, which forms a sort of mesh or ring. They serve to keep the warp open for the passage of broaches wound with silks, woollens, or other matters used in the piece of tapestry. In the last place, there are a number of little sticks of dif- ferent lengths., but all about an inch in diameter, which the workman keeps by hitn in baskets, to serve to make the threads of the warp cross each other, by passing them across ; and, that the threads thus crossed may retain their proper situation, a pack-thread is run among the threads, above the stick. The loom being thus formed, and mounted with its warp, the first thing the workman does, is to draw on the threds of this warp, the principal lines and strokes of the design to be represented on the piece of tapestry ; which is done by applying cartoons, made from the painting he intends to copy, to the side that is to be the wrong side of the piece, and then, w’ith a black- lead pencil, following and tracing out the contours thereof on the thread of the right side, §o that the strokes appear equally both before and behind. As for the original design the work is to be finished by, it is hung up behind the workmen, and wound on a long staff, from which a piece is unrolled from time to time as the w'ork proceeds. Besides the loom, &c. here described, there are three other principal instruments required for working the silk or the wool of the woof within the threads of the warp ; these are a broach, a reed, and an iron needle. The broach is made of a hard wood, seven or eight inches long, and two-thirds of an inch thick, ending in a point with a little handle. This serves as a shuttle ; the silks, woollens, gold, or silver, to be used in the work, being wound on it. The reed or comb is also of wood, eight or nine inches long, and an inch thick on the back, whence it grows less and less to the extremity of the teeth, which are more or less apart, according to the greater or less degree of fineness of the intended work. Lastly, the needle is made in form of the common needle, only larger and longer. Its use is to press close the wool and silk, when there is any line or colour that does not fit well. All things being prepared for the work, and the workman ready to begin, he places himself on the wrong side of the piece, with his back towards the design ; so that he works in a manner blindfold, seeing nothing of what he does, and being obliged to quit his post, and go to the other side of the loom, when- ever he would view and examine the piece, to correct it with his pressing-needle. To put silk, 8tc. in the warp, he first turns and looks at the design ; then, taking a broachful of the proper colour, he places it among the threads of the warp, which he brings across each other with his fingers, by means of the coats or threads fastened to the stall* ; this he repeats every time he is to change his colour. Having placed the silk or wool, he beats it with his reed or comb ; and when he has thus wrought in several rows over each other, he goes to see the effects they have, in order to reform the contours with his needle, if there should be occasion. As the work advances, it is rolled upon the lower beam, and they unrol as much warp from the upper beam as suffices them to continue the piece, the like they do of the design behind them. When the pieces are wide, several workmen may be employed at once. We have two things to add: the first is, that the high-warp tapestry goes on much more slowly than the low-warp, and takes up almost twice the time and trouble. The second is, that all the difference the eye can perceive between the two kinds, consists in this ; that in the low-warp there is a red fillet, about one-twelfth of an inch broad, running on each side from top to bottom, which is wanting in the high-warp. But, for the satisfaction of our readers, we shall here describe the principal parts of the loom for the manufacture of tapestry of the high warp, or that in a situation perpendicular to the horizon. The loom consists, 1. Of two strong upright posts fixed in the floor : these support, 2. Two rollers, of which the upper end holds the chain, the lower holds the tapestry, which is rolled upon it according as the work goes forward -. il>c tU.- e acls are fastened at their ends to a dweet, or thick rod, which is lodged in a groove made in each roller. 3. The two tantoes, one called the great tantoe, for turning the lower roller. 4. The pole of the leashes, which runs quite across the chain, I takes up all the leashes, and brings them to the work- i man’s hand. These leashes are little strings, tied by I a slip-knot to each thread of the chain, to be raised up | according as the chain sinks down : they serve to draw the particular thread which the weaver wants. He | holds the thread separate from the rest, and passes a | spindle of such a woof" and colour as he thinks proper: then he lets the spindle hang down, and hinders the I thread from running off by a slip-knot. After having j taken one or two threads of the fore-part of the chain I by another leash, he brings the threads of the opposite side to him. By this alternative work he constantly makes them cross one another, to take in and secure the woof. In order to distinguish the threads of both sides, he is assisted by the cross-rod, which is put between two rows of threads. 5. A long tract of dots formed by the ends of the leashes which take hold of the leashes of the chain by a slip-knot ; and on the other hand encompasses the pole of the leashes. 6. The cross-rod. 7. A little chain, each loop of which con- tains four or five threads of the warp, and keeps them perpendicular. 8. An iron hook, to support the pole of the leashes. 9- The broacher-quill, to pass the threads of the woof, which is wound on it. 10. The comb, to strike in the work. 11. The end of the dweet let into the roller, in a groove. When the chain is mounted, the draughts-man traces the principal out-lines of the picture, which is to be wrought with black chalk on the fore and back side of the WHEEL-WRIGHT. 601 the chain. The weaver in the upright way having pre- pared a good stock of quills, filled with threads of all colours, goes to work, placed on the back part, as in the flat way, or in the manufacture of the low-warp. He has behind him his drawings, on which he frequently looks, that he may from time to time see how his work succeeds on the right or fore side, which the other cannot do. WHEEL-WRIGHT. This artisan’s employment embraces the making of all sorts of wheels for the carriages which are em- ployed in husbandry, as well as for those adapted to the purposes of pleasure. Road-waggons and other vehicles constructed for burden, are also the manu- facture of the wheel-wright. In London this business is divided into two distinct branches of work j one of which being confined to the purpose of manufacturing wheels for carriages of pleasure, is a., appendage to coach-making ; the other to the making of the bo- dies, wheels, &c. of the different kind of machines required for the transport of the various commodities for the purposes of trade, or the comfort and con- venience of the people. It will appear by a very superficial examination, that such a business is of very great consideration, inasmuch as it contributes largely to the facilitating of our first necessities, by supplying the means of ready transit for articles of all descrip- tions, as well as in offering a similar comfort of quick communication for ourselves ; and it is pleasing to re- flect, that amidst all the various improvements in arts and manufactures, that this of wheel carriages has been by no means neglected. Our artisans in this line stand pre-eminent, our carriages are manufactured on better principles, as well as more neat in their execu- tion, than are to be found in any other country. It is intended here to describe first, the manu- facture of a wheel as adapted to carriages of pleasure, and also to those of burden, pointing out at the same time the various improvements which have been made by flie manufacturer for the different purposes of light- ness and strength, as well as those which have been secured by a patent. A wheel consists of three parts, viz. the nave or stock, which is its centre ; the spokes which are radii from it, and the ring, which is the outside or periphery of the wheel. When a wheel is to be made, the workman ascertains its exact diameter, to which he adapts moulds of the length of the several fillies neces- sary to form its outside ring, or periphery. If it be a wheel for a carriage, he selects such fillies as are of small size to form it, these he chops away with his axe till they approach nearly to the form he wants them, and to the sweep of the moulds. The fillies are generally left in their length equal to admit of two of the radii or spokes being framed into each, and as much longer as to reach to the centre on each side between the two adjoining spokes. Twelve spokes are commonly assigned to the larger wheels of car- riages, and ten to the smaller ones. The working and finishing of the several fillies to form the periphery of a wheel, consists, after it has been roughly chopped to the pattern, in forming its inside edge somewhat rounding, and getting its outside edge perfectly cir- cular, and to form such an acute angle, as that when the wheel is adapted to the axle-tree, it shall stand square and solid under the body of the carriage. This is required from the circumstance that all wheels are made to a conical or dish-shape, as it is technically called, which is done partly for the purpose of keeping the dirt which collects upon their outer edge from splashing the body of the carriage. This dishing of a wheel, which is almost peculiar to this country, has given rise to considerable discussion. That it is by no means calculated to lessen friction, which ought to be the first consideration, is very obvious, and particularly if it be considered, that as being the frus- tum of a cone, it must be constantly operating against the line of draft of the power employed to give it motion. Hence its tendency is to impede rather than promote the effect of the impulse. Nevertheless, all our wheels are dished, and such is the power of habit, that to decrease the friction, the wheel-wrights, fre- quently in our largest road-waggons, increase the acute- ness of their conical wheels, fancying, perhaps, that all they have to overcome lays in the breadth of the surface which they oppose to the road, which this kind of form, say they, “ makes very little.” Our wheels to road machines, perhaps, are the only things that have been neglected, in as far as giving to them those forms best calculated for their various pur- poses. This is a subject requiring the attention of both the mechanician and mathematician, and for their attention to w'hich, the public convenience would be much in- debted. Principles must be laid down, and in such 7 0 a plain 602 WHEEL- WRIGHT. a plain and obvious mauner, as to fix attention by their simplicity. By a scientific pursuit of this subject, it is probable that one-half the animal power now re- quired for our road machines might be dispensed with, the roads improved, and science directed to its true end, viz. to the purposes of public utility. This digres- sion arose only from the circumstance of our desire to promote the public convenience. The fillies, when accurately shaped, are cut to their several lengths, so as to make up the complete circle, or outside ring of the wheel , every one of their meeting joints being so formed as to approach exactly together close and firm. After the ring is thus worked and prepared, it is placed round, and the meeting joints corrected by planing, or saw-curfing, as it is called, till they become in a state capable of uniting very close when fixed to the spokes. Every joint is then perforated to about five or six inches deep by an auger, and a dowel of oaken wood is driven into the perforations ; these are in- tended to keep the joints from springing, or getting out of place when the wheel is about to be put to- gether. The fillies of wheels are commonly made of beechen wood, viz. from small trees, or the arms and branches of large ones ; they are sawn into lengths of about three feet, each, and rended by the pith of the piece, they are then chopped to a somewhat cir- cular shape; the largest size being taken for waggon or cart-wheels, and the smaller for those to carriages. They are sold by a dealer, known as the filly and spoke merchant, commonly by the hundred of Jive score, and they vary as their size from 60s. to 200s. per hundred. The supply to London is generally from Yorkshire, but considerable quantities are gotten in Buckingham and Oxfordshire ; but those from York- shire are most preferred by the coach wheel-wrights. The spokes of wheels are made from oak, rended from the small trees into pieces of from two to three feet in length, and to about three inches square ; some- times for the smaller description of wheels, they are rended to a quadrant form : they are vended by the hundred as the fillies are, and vary in their price as their size from 30s. to 60s. per hundred. The manufacture of the spokes consists in chopping them first to their shape, and then smoothing them up with spoke-shaves to the form they are required; when this is done, they are all gauged to an exact length, and their shoulders are made, and the tenons left to enter the stock and fillies. The tenon intended to be framed into the stock or nave is generally left square, whereas that which enters the filly is round. The tenons at both ends are left somewhat larger at their shoulder than at their other ends, for the purpose of giving them greater tightness when fixed in their in- tended mortises. The tenon in the stock depends wholly for its firmness to the tightness of its framing ; whereas that which enters the filly is secured by being wedged in its mortise on its outside edge. The strength of a wheel depends greatly on the attention paid to the arrangement and framing of the spokes; in com- mon wheels they are framed regularly and equally all round the thickest part of the nave, the tenons of the spokes being so bevilled as to stand with reference to the horizontal position of the nave about three inches out of the perpendicular ; this is done to produce what is called the dishing of the wheel. But for wheels of strength, and for instance the wheels to our mail- coaches, the spokes are framed somewhat differ- ently into the nave, which is made also rather larger than is usual for common coach-wheels. The framing of the spokes in these wheels consists in getting every other one perpendicular to the nave. Hence the mortises to receive them in it are not made in a parallel line round it, but stand, as it were, in two different parallels, one without the other, by which means greater solidity is given to the nave, and an im- mense addition of strength to the whole wheel. This will appear rather more obvious, if it be considered that by this plan, supposing ten spokes to form the levers, five will be perpendicular to the weight of the body to be put in motion, and the other five in- clining from it to produce the dish-shape ; the wheels are found to resist their work considerably longer than any other at present employed to our lighter kind of wheel-carriages. This is a sufficient proof of their utility. The stock, or nave, of a wheel is commonly formed of elm-wood. These are cut and sold by the hundred, as are the fillies and spokes, and vary also, as their sizes, from o Cb. to £l . per hundred. To produce their sound conical form, they are turned in a lathe, and many small projections and mouldings are left to give to them greater neatness when painted and finished. After the nave is turned, it is put into the hands of the wheel- wright, who divides and marks the places where he in- tends to form the mortises to receive the spokes ; as he makes them, he tries the tenant of the spoke to each several mortise, and puts a private mark on the spoke he finds best adapted to fit into it. When these are all made and fitted, he begins to put the whole wheel to- gether, fitting all the spokes to the nave first, and then adjusting and adding the fillies. When the wheel has arrived in this state it is put by to season ; this consists in nothing more than placing it in a place exposed to a current of air, or, as at some manufactories, putting it into a kiln. A few hours is sufficient in it, when heated to about 140° of Fahrenheit, whereas a week or two will be necessary if it is to be seasoned by the natural means. The wheel, when properly seasoned, is knocked up together, and all its joints and parts are examined to see if they are in such a state as to come together firmly, and, if found to be so, they are all secured and fixed. This operation is begun by driving firmly in all the spokes to the nave, and then putting on the fillies or ring on the outside, which is also driven close down upon the shoulder of the other tenon of the spoke, which has been prepared to receive them. As these tenons pass quite through the fillies, they are secured by having wooden wedges driven into their centres, which WHEEL-WRIGHT. 603 which has the effect of making them very tight and firm in the ring of the wheel. When this is done, the wheelwright cleans off, and finishes his work. This he does by using a spoke-shave to those parts which are uneven at the joints in the fillies, and when he has brought them fair and smooth, he rubs off the whole with dried fish-skin and glass-paper, till he gets the wood to a smooth ground adapted to receive the paint. The last operation of the wheelwright in finishing a wheel, consists in putting on the iron-tire. The iron for making it is the flat bar-iron, in thickness and width, selected by the size of the ring of the wheel it is in- tended to cover. It is purchased of the iron merchant in bars of about twelve feet in length, by the hundred weight of 1 12lbs.; and varies in its price from sixteen shillings to one guinea per hundred. Such bars are cut ' into lengths equal to those of the fillies, they are then | forged and hammered to the sweep of the ring of the I wheel, having perforations made at every eight or ten inches apart, to admit the nails through, w'hich are in- tended to secure them on the outside of the ring of the wheel. The iron-tire fillies are placed so as to cross each joint in the wooden fillies, and the nails, bypass- ing quite through the latter, and being rivetted on the inside of it, tend exceedingly to strengthen the wooden ring of a wheel. The tire U also put on while red hot from the forge, and the nails are driven through it, and the wooden filly in a similar state, which promotes its firmness upon the wooden ring by burning down and compressing all bumps and other inequalities in the wood. Hence, when it is done, the wood and iron, by this kind of compression, becomes impressed one into the other, and produces great compactness, solidity, and strength to the periphery of the wheel. Tiie nails used for fastening the iron-tire on wheels are made on purpose for the work ; they have square heads, forming a cube of about three-quarters of an inch each way. The driving part is about five or six inches in length, made quite flat and w'edge-like, and they are larger or smaller in proportion to the size of the fillies and tire to be perforated and fixed by them. The coach wheelwrights now’, in their better-most kind of wheels, have the iron-tire drawn into one complete ring, exactly adapted to surround the wooden one of the wheel. This has been found not so much to strengthen the wheel as to give it greater neatness. There was a patent obtained, about fifteen years since, for making the filly of the wheel in one piece, a method which had been long the practice in the Noitb. The plan consisted in selecting beams of straight-grained ashen-wood, of the proposed si;ze of the intended filly, and boiling it in a bath of water until the wood became reduced almost to a state of pulp, when it w’as bent on a cylinder of the diameter of the intended ring of the wheel. After which, it was shaped, mor- tised, and fitted to the spokes, as before described. Such kind of wheels are still continued to be made by a Mr. Greenstreet, at Lambeth, but the) boiling the filly to give it its shape, greatly weakens it. Hence wheels, so made, are not in common use ; they, however, are neater, and, of course, look much better than any wheel which can be made by the common method. The drawn iron-tire is always made use of for such wheels. The boxing of a wheel, and adapting the axle-tree, is done usually by the coach or tire smith. The box of a wheel consists in a hollow conical tube of iron, fur- nished on its outside with two or three square pro- jections, which have the effect of giving it a key when mortised through the nave of the wheel. The box is well polished on its inside, and the axle-tree is accurately formed to fit into it, with a sufficient play to admit of oil being introduced to modify the friction. The external ends of axle-trees, which pass through the boxes, are generally formed into screws, to which ai e adapted nuts, of sufficient size to cover completely the external edges of the boxes of the wheels, which, with a linch-pin, that passes through both it and also the mortises in the axle-tree, completely secures the wheels to their work. The patent boxes to the mail coaches are of a differ- ent construction, and owe their safety to four bolts, which pass completely through the nave of the wheel, having a square shoulder on the back of the nave, with screws and nuts on its front. The box to such a wheel is made, as are the other boxes above described, except being completely closed at its outer end, with a solid and broad cap of iron, of sufficient diameter to enclose completely the end of the nave. The axle-tree, too, is formed to fill the box, and press up close to this iron cap. There is also a large round iron flaunch made and welded to the base of the solid cone or axle, which works in the box of the nave. This cap has four per- forations through which the iron bolts are put, and which also pass through the nave of the wheel with their screws presenting themselves through the iron cap at its outer end. When these bolts are all adapted and in their places, four nuts of about an inch and a quarter square, are screwed on to them, the shoulders of which are supplied by the iron cap, which secures the axle- tree in the box, and holds up the wheel mote firmly to its work than by any other plan now adopted. By this method no dirt can penetrate to impede the motion or create friction, as the end of the cone of the working axle is completely enclosed, and when once the wheel is put on and properly oiled, it is found to go on in its work for a considerable time ; for instance, the mail coaches go their longest journeys with oiling and rectify- ing in London only, where it is always done by a con- tractor specially retained for that purpose. Collinge’s patent box is of a similar construction, but being adapted to carriages of pleasure it was got up with greater neatness, being sometimes formed of solid silver on its outside, but mostly of brass or plated metal. Its principal object was to combine the pro- perties of the above boxes, with spme regard to ele- gance of shape, which has been accomplished. All the naves of wheels are capped with a ferrule of iron on their large or but-end, and the smaller naves at both their 604 WHEEL-WRIGHT. their ends ; this is done to prevent their splitting w hen wedging in the iron boxes, and it is also of use to keep the weather from cracking and dilapidating them. The manufacture of all wheels, either to carriages of pleasure or of burden, partakes of a similar mode of manufacture, varying the weight and size of the ma- terials employed to their respective purposes. In the provinces, the business of wheel-wright and carpenter is frequently combined ; nor is this so much to be wondered at, if it be considered how large a proportion of their employ is embraced in making not only waggons and carts, but the machines for agricul- tural purposes, the most of which are manufactured at the wheel-wright’s. In London it is different, as there trades are almost respectively pursued. The working tools of this tradesman do not differ greatly from those of a carpenter or joiner, but they are not so multiplied as is required by the latter. He is provided with two or three axes of different sizes, the largest of which is formed for cleaving and reducing his fillies and spokes to a rough form, approaching to what they are intended to be’when more finished. The other axes are made with a broad but narrow chopper and short handle, and ground to an edge from their concave or inside only ; their blade part is made convex on its outside, in order to its being applied to cut away the internal side of the fillies. The axes of the wheel-wright are kept uncommonly sharp, being whetted on a Turkey stone, as their plane irons and other tools are. They have also an adze similar to a carpenter’s, with abun- dance of all kinds of gouges and chisels, which differ only from the common tools of that description by being furnished with longer handles, and made some- what stronger. The handle is required to be longer, as the wheel-wright works on the floor at his work, aud the additional length of his tool is for the purpose of enabling him to reach his labour more conveniently. His other tools consist of a numerous collection of augers of different sizes, varying from one-fourth of an inch diameter, to two inches or more ; these he re- quires to perforate the fillies of his wheels, as the mor- tices in them are always round ; he has also a stock, with a collection of centre, dowelling, and pin-bits, as they are called. He has several different sized spoke- shaves, which are used to smooth and finish the dif- ferent portions of his work. The flat-iron, as it is termed, is also a tool much used by the wheel-wright ; it consists in a long and narrow strip of hardened iron, about an inch wide, turned up to receive a handle on each of its ends ; with a tool of this description the spokes and other similar pieces of work are prepared. Their planes consist of a jack, trying, and smoothing plane, precisely the same as are in use among car- penters, and called after the same designations. Some portions of their work are occasionally moulded, to effect which they have a plane formed to produce it, i and which is made exactly corresponding to a moulding plane of a joiner or cabinet-maker. Their hammers are of various sizes, some being very small, and others in size equal to that of a sledge, and they differ only from the common instruments of this description by being invariably made with a claw at one of their ends. It has been before observed, that this tradesman's em- ploy includes as well as the making of wheels, that of carts, waggons, and implements in agriculture ; these, it must be obvious, will partake in their shape and make from local circumstances ; hence it is found that in almost every country a different manner is adopted, al- though the mechanical labour of the several parts is nearly every where the same. The machines employed in and about London are manufactured with a greater proportion of iron (from the wear and tear of traversing the pavement), than is found to be requisite in parts where roads of the common nature prevail. Wooden axle- trees are by no means uncommon in the country dis- tricts ; but such axle-trees would not transport a slight load for an hour over the sudden jerks of a London pavement; hence machines of this description will always be formed to combine such advantages as are required from their local circumstances. To describe a London waggon would be of no im- portance to the country manufacturer, where such a machine is unnecessary, and to the London manu- facturer « country machine is not of the least utility. Our road-waggons certainly claim great attention, as combining all the properties of strength and lightness but their wheels are badly formed. On this important point a paper has been presented to the Board of Agriculture, by Mr. Cumming, from which we shall here add some extracts : the same paper may be also further consulted by referring to the Repertory of Arts, vol. 13. page 257- “ The properties of all wheels, so far as regards this inquiry, depend upon their affinity to the cylinder or to the cone ; and in order to shew the nature and tendency of each class, it is necessary briefly to state such pro- perties as unavoidably arise from the form of these bodies. The cylinder having all its parts of equal diameter, will in rolling on its rim, have an equal velocity at every part of its circumference, and necessarily advauce in a straight line. And as all the parts of the rim have an equal velocity, none can have a tendency to drag forward or retard the progress of the others • they all advance with one consent, without the rubbing of any part on the surface on which they roll. As there is no rubbing, there can be no friction, and con- sequently a cylinder perfectly round, hard, and smooth, forms the least possible resistance, however great its weight, or the pressure on its rim. It therefore fol- lows, that all the power that is employed in drawing forward a cylindrical body in a straight line, on a com- pressible substance, is ultimately applied in compressing smooth and levelling the substance on which it rolls. The rolling of a cylindrical body therefore can have no i tendency to alter the relative situation or position of the i parts of materials on which they pass, nor any how to I derange them, but by a progressive dead pressure to consolidate, level, and smooth them. If a cylinder be I cut WIRE-DRAWING. 605 cut transversely into several lengths, each part will pos- sess all the above properties, and if the rim of a carriage wheel be made exactly of the same shape it must neces- sarily have the same tendencies. When wheels, with cylindrical rims, are connected by an axis, the tendency of each being to advance in a direct line, they proceed in this connected state with the same harmony and unity of consent that exist in the parts of the same cylinder ; but, as conical rims have been universally preferred for | a series of years, it is natural to suppose that there were j obvious reasons for such preference. The cone dimi- j nishing gradually from its base to its point, the velocity of every part of its circumference, in rolling on an even plane, will be diminished, as the diameter ; and at the very point where there is no visible diameter, it will have no per- ceptible motion ; but if the cone be made to advance iu a straight line, the natural velocities of its several I parts will not be as the spaces, therefore a rubbing and i friction will take place at its circumference from the different velocities of its parts, which must render the draught heavier. In rolling on paved streets nothing can be conceived more calculated for their destruction than the conical rim of a broad wheel. It may be thought extraordinary that no good qualities should have been imputed to the conical shape of a w heel, although sanctioned by universal preference for so many years. — “ But,” says Mr. Cumming, “ if any do belong to it ex- cept only the flat bearing of its whole breadth, I have not been so fortunate as to discover them.” He says, also, “ that conical wheels promote the destruction of j the roads, increase the labour of the animals, and oc- | casion an immense wearing of the tire of the wheels, by their constant dragging and grinding on the roads, none of which take place with cylindrical wheels.” WIRE-DRAWING. The iron of which wire is made is smelted from the rich ores of Cumberland and Lancashire, by wood charcoal, and from the state of pig iron. It is refined into nialeable iron, also, by the use of tire same fuel, by which processes, and the entire use of wood, added to the excellent quality of the ore, the great ductility of wire iron is obtained. When produced from the forge in bars, it is rolled into sizes suitable to the particular purpose for which it is intended, and being then softened or annealed by heat, is, when cold, scoured, by means of sand or gravel and water, in barrels formed for the purpose (and turned on their axis by machinery), till it is quite bright and clean, after which it is suffered to acquire a cover- ing of rust by being splashed with water. When well dried it is drawn through plates of steel, in which are made tapering holes of smaller diameter than the size of the iron to be drawn, the rust giving its surface sufficient roughness to carry grease into the hole with it to prevent any scratches on its surface. Thus, by means of re- peated annealings, scourings, rustings, dryings, and dra wr- ings, it is brought to the sizes required, which in iron amount to thirty-six, known in trade by the numbers 1 , 2, 3, &c. The first process of drawing is performed by very strong pincers moved to and fro by machinery, but these, as they move only a little way, leave marks of their bite at short distances along the wire, which is obviated by the use of wheels or blocks which revolve horizontally, so that one end of the wire being fastened in a vice fixed at its circumference, the whole is drawn con- stantly forward from beginning to end without any mark, and, at the same time, is formed into its rings or coils round the block during its revolution. When the wire becomes too small to be scoured in barrels with gravel, without being tangled, it is obliged to be cleaned by means of diluted acid, when the pro- cess becomes again as before. The very fine sizes are, at the best works, finished by hand labour, a small block being worked bright, and polished till completed. The machinery employed is various at different works, but is chiefly remarkable for its strength, w'hich is ren- dered necessary by the resistance that the iron affords to the tools. The process with steel is similar to that for iron. Brass and copper are prepared from the ingot, by rolling and slitting into strips or rods of the thickness and breadth necessary for the several sizes intended to be drawn ; but the process of drawing is very similar to what has been described — See the article Gold-Beat- ing, &c. 7 P WOOL-COMBING. WOOL-COMBING. Tins is a very ancient trade in our country, wool having been long reckoned one of its staple commodi- ties. The raw material, as it is well known, is the hair or covering of the sheep, which, when washed, and combed, and spun, and woven, makes worsted, many kinds of stuff, and other articles adapted to the use, the comfort, and even the luxuries of life. While the wool remains in the state in which it is shorn from the sheep’s back, it is called a fleece. Each fleece consists of wool of different qualities and degrees of fineness, which the wool-stapler, or the wholesale dealer in wool, sorts, and sells in packs, at different rates, to the wool-comber. For the London market, and for towns and villages in the neighbourhood of the metropolis, Bermondsey was formerly the resort of wool-staplers. The finest wool grows on and about the head of the sheep, and the coarsest about the tail. The shortest is on the head and some parts of the belly, the longest on the flanks. The fineness and plenty of our wool is owing, in a great measure, to the short sweet glass in many of the pastures and downs ; though the advantage of our sheep feeding on this grass all the year, without being obliged to be shut up under cover during the winter, or to se- cure them from wolves at other times, contributes not a little to it. Wool is either shorn, w'hile the sheep is living, or pulled off after it is dead. In the first case, it is called fleece-wool ; the other sort, called skin-wool, if very short, is used much in the manufacture of hats. See Hat-Making. Wool, in the state in which it is taken from the sheep, is always mixed with a great deal of dirt and foulness of different kinds, and, in particular, is strongly imbued with a natural strong-smelling grease. These impurities are got rid of by washing, fulling, and combing, by which the wool is rendered remarkably white, soft, clean, light, and springy under the hand. When boiled in water for several hours in a common vessel, wool is not in any way altered in weight or texture, nor does the water acquire any sensible impregnation. The wool intended for the manufacture of stuffs is brought into a state adapted for the making of worsted by the wool-comber, who having cleared it from all impurities, and well w'ashed it with soap and water, to drain it as much as possible from its water, he puts one end of a certain quantity on a fixed hook, and the other on a moveable hook, w'hich he turns round with a handle, till all the moisture be completely forced out. It is then thrown lightly into a basket that is pretty open at the sides, as well as at the top. When he comes to use it with the comb, he scatters a few drops of oil on each layer of wool, as it is spread out, and then puts it closely together into a bin that is situated immediately under the bench on which he sits to work. At the back of the bench is another bin for the refuse wool, or noyles as it is called, that is, the part of the wool that is left on the comb after the sliver is drawn out. The comb used in this trade consists of three rows of highly tempered and polished steel, fixed in a long handle of w'ood, and set parallel to one another. Each comber lias two combs which he fills with wool and then works them together, till the wool on each is perfectly fine and fit to draw out in slivers. The best combs of this kind are manufactured at Halifax, in Yorkshire. In using these combs, the workman has a pot made of clay with holes in its side, in which he heats them to a certain temperature before they can be made to pass readily through the wool. Each comb-pot is made to hold eight combs, so that four men usually work in one compartment of the shop, round a single pot ; of course there must be four se- parate benches, bins, &c. in it. When the wool is sufficiently worked on the combs, the workman places one comb and then the other on a spike placed in the wall, or in a pillar attached to the wall, at a proper height for him to draw it out as he stands. The wool thus drawn out is called a sliver, and is from five to six or seven feet in length. Wool-combing is preparatory to the manufacture of worsted yarn, and is the first process towards the making flannels, serges, stuffs, baize, &c. The manu- factures connected with and depending upon this trade, are very important in foreign as well as domestic com- merce. Hence wool-combers have in various instances been encouraged and protected by particular acts of parliament : thus by an act in the 35th of the present reign, all those who have served an apprenticeship to the trade of a wool-comber, or who are by law en- titled to exercise the same, and also their wives or children, may set up and exercise such trade, or any other trade that they are equal to, in any town or place within the kingdom, without any molestation ; nor shall I such wool-combers, their wives and children, while ! they exercise such trades be removeable from such WOOL-COMBING. 607 place to their last place of settlement, till they actually become chargeable to the parish. The wool being combed, it is next spun, which is now usually performed by machinery on a large scale, but when done by hand it is the employment of women and children : it is then to be wound on to little wooden articles called spo/es, and these to the number of several hundred at a time, are put uppn spindles placed round a mill, and worked into skeins of proper size for sale. They are now washed in soap and water, thoroughly dried, and if to remain undyed and white, they are blanched with the fumes of burning sulphur, and made up by the master comber or his principal man or men, when it is fit for sale. Such is the wool-combing for worsteds. A pack of wool weighs 240lbs., and it is said, it will employ more than sixty persons a full week to manufacture it into cloths, viz. three men to sort, dry, mix, and make it ready for the comber or carder, where cards are used instead of combs ; five to scribble it; thirty-five women and girls to card and spin it; eight to weave it ; four to spole it ; and eight to scour, mill, pack, and press it. When wool is to be made into stuffs, serges, &c., it will employ two hundred persons ; and when made into stockings, it will afford work for a week to one hundred m.d eighty-four persons, viz. ten combers, one hundred and two spin- ners, winders, &c. and sixty stocking-weavers, besides doublers, throwers, and a dyer. The price of wool, in this country, was in very early times, much liigher in proportion to the wages of labour, than it is at present, because till the time of Edward III. it was always exported raw, the art of working it into cloth and dyeing it being imperfectly known here. The first steps taken to encourage the manufacture of woollen cloths was by Edw'ard III., who procured some good workmen from the Netherlands by means of protection and liberal encouragement. The value of wool was considered as so great, that taxes were received in that commodity, reckoning by the number of sacks, and in proportion to the price of the necessaries of life, and the value of silver was at least three times dearer than it is now. The manu- facturing of cloth being once introduced into the coun- try, the policy of preventing the exportation of the raw material was soon evident, and the first act was in the reign of Henry IV.; by which the exportation of sheep, lambs, or rams is forbidden under heavy pe- nalties. By a statute, in the 28th of the present reign, all former statutes respecting the exportation of wool and sheep are repealed, and numerous restrictions are consolidated in that statute ; for an account of which we must refer to the act itself. At the present period vast quantities of wool are imported from foreign countries : to give the reader an idea of the wool imported, we shall transcribe, from the Repertory of Arts, Vol. XII., an account of the wool purchased in foreign countries in the years 1802, 3, and 4, and employed in our manufactures of the finest woollen goods. In the statement, which is curious and very important, is included the probable expense to this country of the wool so purchased. In the three years specified, there were imported, of Spanish wool, directly from Spain, 16,986,644 lbs. Holland, 403,400 Portugal, 400,723 Gibraltar, 288,274 France, 252,222 Germany, 122,150 America, 10,567 Prussia, 3,357 Denmark, 381 Total . 18,467,718 lbs. Of this quantity, about 15,307,718 lbs. were im- ported in Spanish or neutral vessels, and the remaining 3.160.000 lbs. in English vessels. Of the quantity imported in Spanish or neutral vessels, about 15,141,900 lbs. were sheeps’ wool, and 165,778 lbs. lambs’ wool. Of the sheeps’ wool the proportions were, of the R, or first sort, about 1 2,000,000 lbs. ; of the F, or second sort, about 2,000,000 lbs. ; of the T, or third sort, about 1.127.000 lbs. ; and of the K, or coarser sort, about 14,920 lbs. The average prices given for these wools by the clothiers in England were nearly as follows : £. R, sheeps’ wool, J 2,000,000 at 6s. per lb. 3,600,000 F, ditto, . . 2,000,000 at 5s. . . 500,000 T, ditto, . . 1 , 127,020 at 4s. 6d. . 253,579 K, ditto, . . 14,920 at 3s. . . 2,238 Lambs’ wool, . 165,778 at 4s. 3d. . 35,227 15,307,718 lbs. =£4,391,044 These £4-, 39 1,044. were the sum paid by our clo- thiers for this wool. What the merchants’ profit might be is not presumed to be determined ; but if we allow 15 per cent, inclusive of interest, or =£658,656. the remainder, or £3, 733, 288. will be the sum actually paid out of the kingdom for this part of the imported wool. Besides these quantities, there were imported in Bri- tish vessels about 3,l60,000lbs. of Spanish wool; of which the respective proportions were, probably, nearly as follows : — ■ R, sheeps’ wool, 2,477,182lbs. at 6s. =£743,154 F, ditto, . . . 412,864 at 5s. 103,216 T, ditto, . . . 232,652 at 4s. 6d. 52,346 K, ditto,. . . 3,079 at 3s. . . 461 Lambs’ wool, 34,223 at 4s. 3d. 7,272 3,160,000 £.906,449 From the gross amount of the latter sum, which is what is paid by the manufacturer, there must, in this case, be deducted not only the merchant’s profits, but also the expenses of freight and insurance. These can- not with any accuracy be staled. There WOOL-COMBING. 60S There were brought into England, within the same period, from Germany, 56 l,(j04lbs. of wool, not called Spanish, but a great deal of which was of the same quality. There is the same difficulty with regard to 6l3,059lbs. of wool imported from Africa and the Cape of Good Hope. From Portugal there came also 486, 124lbs., the greater part of which was probably equal to the third, or even the coarser second sor ts of Spanish wool. From these data, gross as some of them are, little doubt can be entertained, that during the three years in question, Great Britain paid to foreign countries for the wool which was the chief basis of its line w'oollen manu- factures, at least ,£4,7Q0,000, or upwards of <=£1, 560, 000 per annum. Having referred to machinery introduced into the wool-combing business, for which several patents have ! been taken by different persons, we shall give an account | of that invented by the very ingenious Mr. Edmund j Cartwright, to whom the manufactures of this coun- try are, in many particulars, much indebted. In de- scribing his own machine, Mr. C. says, " if is the first of the kind ; at least, all former attempts, if there have been any, must have proved abortive, as, previously to my invention no wool was ever known to have been combed any other way than by the slow and extensive process of hand labour.” He then goes on to shew the importance of his machinery from the vast magnitude of the woollen manufactures, stating that there cannot be less than from 3 to 400,000 packs of wool worked up, of which the average expense of combing is estimated at from ,£800, 000 to a million. He says, he obtained his first patent in April, 1790, his second in the De- cember following, but that it w'as not till nearly two years afterwards that his machine was brought to its then (1792) state of simplicity and perfection. By this in- vention, the wool, if for very nice operations, goes through three operations, otherwise two are sufficient. The first opens the wool, and makes it unite into a rough sliver, but does not clear it. The dealing is performed by the second, and, if necessary, by a third operation. A set of machinery, consisting of three ma- chines, will require the attendance of one overseer and ten children, and will comb a pack, or 240lbs., in twelve hours. As neither fire nor oil is necessary for machine combing, the saving in these articles will, in general, pay the wages of the overseer and children, so that the actual saving to the manufacturer is the whole of what the combing costs by the old mode of hand- combing. The patentee contends also that machine- combed wool is better, especially for machine-spinning, by at least twelve per cent. ; being all equally mixed, 1 the slivers uniform, and of any required length : and it I makes much less noyle than any hand-combing whatever. | The machinery invented by Mr. Cartwright may be thus described: — It consists of what he calls, 1st. A I crank-lasher; 2d. A circular clearing-comb ; and, 3d. A comb-table. In the crank-lasher there is a tube, through which the material being drawn into a sliver, and slightly twisted, is drawn forward by delivering rollers. There is a wheel fast upon the cross-bar of the crank ; and another, on the opposite end of whose axis is a pinion working in a wheel upon the axis of one of the delivering rollers. The clearing-comb, for giving work in the head, is car- ried in a frame by two cranks. The comb-table having the teeth pointing towards the centre, is moved by cogs upon the rim, and carried round upon trucks, like the head of a wind-mill : in this there are drawing-rollers and conducting-rollers. To the introduction of this machinery there was a violent opposition, which the inventor naturally expect- ed, as it tended to throw out of employ 50,000 combers, and was likely to ruin all the master wool-combers on a small scale, who, perhaps, had neither property nor en- terprise to engage in works so extensive as to afford em- ployment for a set of machinery. Notwithstanding the introduction of Mr. Cartwright’s machines, and others intended for the same purposes, there is still a great deal of wool combed in the old way> in different parts of the kingdom, we shall, therefore, mention a curious custom which still exists among the journeymen in that business. When any of them are out of employ, they set out in search of a master, with a sort of a certificate from their last place. This is called going on the tramp, and at every shop at which they call, and can get no work, they receive each a penny, which is given from the common stock raised by the workmen in that shop. The invention of wool-combing is ascribed to Bishop Blaize, who, on that account, is looked up to as the patron saint of the trade, and, in honour of whom, a splendid festival is annually kept by the whole body of wool-combers in this kingdom, on the third of Febru- ary. We shall conclude this article, and our volume, with a very brief account of some of the chemical properties of wool. Some of the simple chemical properties of wool have been examined by M. Achard, and compared with the corresponding properties of the hair of different ani- mals. The copious generation of oxalic acid by treat- ment of wool with nitric acid, has been particularly de- scribed and explained by M. Berthollet, in his beautiful researches on animal matter; and the great solvent power of the caustic fixed alkalies, has been happily applied to some use by M. Chaptal, as a saponaceous compound. The action of the nitric acid on wool is very curious. W hen cold, this acid not only disengages a large quan- tity of azotic gas, but, when warmed, much nitrous gas is given out, and, at least, two new acids are formed, viz., the malic and the oxalic ; the latter is in greater abundance than even from sugar and nitrous acid, or i any other hydro-carbonous basis. A small scum of a [ peculiar oil always arises during the action of nitrous acid on these animal substances. The WOOL-COMBING. 609 The carbonated alkalies have little action on wool, but the caustic fixed alkalies, when digested with it, speedily weaken its fibre, reduce it to a soft gelatinous pulp, and, finally, make a perfect solution. The alkali, at the same time, loses its alkaline properties as it does in common soap. This saponaceous solution of wool is made for experiment in a few minutes by boil- ing bits of wool or flannel in a caustic alkaline solution ; and it has been recommended by Chaptal to be em- I ployed instead of common soap in cleansing cotton and ' other goods in manufactures, as, by this means, a num- ber of refuse bits and clippings of wool and woollen cloth which are now thrown away may be put to some use. This soapy solution does not lather well when agitated with water, nevertheless, it acts very powerfully in cleaning cloth. It has a stroug and somewhat offen- sive smell, w-hich is left at first in the cloth, but goss off by short exposure to the air. 7 Q APPENDIX. APPENDIX. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Geometry is the science and doctrine of local ex- tension, of lines, surfaces, and solids, with that of ratios. The name geometry literally signifies measuring of the earth, as it was the necessity of measuring the land that first gave occasion to contemplate the prin- j ciples and rules of this art, which has since been ex- tended to numberless other speculations ; insomuch, j that together with arithmetic, geometry forms now the chief foundation of all the mathematics. Geometry is distinguished into theoretical or specu- j lative and practical. Theoretical or speculative geometry, treats of the various properties and relations in magnitudes, de- monstrates theorems, &c. And practical geometry, is that which applies those speculations and theorems to particular uses in the solution of problems, and in the measurements in the ordinary concerns of life, which is the subject of the present article. We shall now proceed to give the principles of prac- tical geometry, beginning with Geometrical Definitions. — A geometrical point has neither length, breadth, nor thickness. From this definition it may be easily understood that a geome- trical point cannot be seen or felt ; it can in fact only be imagined. A point is only to mark the place whence a line is to begin, or where it is to end. And this point or mark may be made as small as possible, provided it be still distinct, that the length of lines and their meetings and intersections may appear plainly, and from this sort of convenience has arisen the phrase that is supposed to describe its essence, viz., that it is without parts. This idea has nothing to do with the reasoning ; all that is necessary is, that the point, dot or mark should take up no sensible pan of the line, in order that the diagram may be distinct. Points then are only sub- servient to the convenience of construction. A line is length without breadth or thickness; this definition will present no difficulty, if the preceding be well comprehended ; for drawing any line as narrow as convenience will admit, and the geometrical figure or diagram will be the clearer ; and there is no neces- sity to conceive length without breadth. The extremities of a line are points. A right line, or what is most commonly called a straight line, is that which traces the shortest distance between its extreme points, or one that tends every where the same way. A crooked line is that which consists of straight lines not continued in the same direction. See Fie. 1, Plate Geometrical Definitions. A curved line is that of which no portion is a straight line. Fig. 2. A plane rectilineal angle is the inclination of two straight lines to one another, which meet together, but are not in the same straight line. To abridge the reference, it is usual to denote an angle by tracing over its sides; the letter at the vertex, which is common to them both, being placed in the middle. Thus the angle contained by the straight lines A B and B C, (Fig. 3), or the opening formed by the re- volution of B A about the point B into the position B C, is named ABCorGBA; or, in short, as the angle B. Also, Fig. 4, there are two angles, and each formed about the point B, and named A B C, C B D or C B A, D B C. A right angle is the fourth part of an entire circuit or revolution, as A B C, Fig. 5. The sides of a right angle are said to be perpendi- cular to each other. Beginners are sometimes very apt to confound the terms perpendicular, and plumb or vertical line. A line is vertical when it is at right angles to the plane of the horizon, or level surface of the earth, or to the surface of water which is always level. The sides of a house are vertical. But a line may be perpendicular to another, whether it stands upright, or inclines to the ground, or even if it lies fiat upon it, provided only that it makes the two angles formed by meeting with the other line equal to each other. An acute angl« is less than a right angle. Fig. 6. Au PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 61 i An obtuse angle is greater than a light angle. Fig. 7. One side of an angle forms with the other produced a supplemental or exterior angle ; thus the angle ABC, ( Fig. 8), is supplemental to the angle A B D, and the angle ABD supplemental to the angle ABC. A vertical angle is formed by the production of both its sides ; thus in Fig. 9> if the sides of the angle JD E B are produced to A and C respectively, then 1) E B, A £ C, are called vertical angles, and they are always equal to one another. Two straight lines are said to be inclined to each other, if they meet when produced, and the angle so formed is called their inclination ; thus in Fig. 10, | the lines AC, B D, are said to be inclined to each j other, because when they are produced they intersect each other in E, and the angle A E B is said to be their inclination. Straight lines which have no inclination are termed parallel lines, as Fig. 1 1 . A figure is a plane surface included by a linear boundary called its perimeter. Of rectilineal figures the triangle is contained by three straight lines. An equilateral triangle is that which has all its sides equal; thus in Fig. 12, the triangle A B C is said to be equilateral, because the sides A B, B C, and C A, are each equal. An isosceles triangle is that which has only two of its sides equal: thus the triangle at Fig. 13, is termed isosceles, because the sides A B and A C are equal. A triangle whose sides are unequal is named scalene ; thus in Fig. 14, the sides A B, B C, and C A are all unequal. A right angled triangle is that which has a right angle ; thus in Fig. 15, the angle A B C is a right angle. An obtuse angled triangle is that which has an obtuse angle ; thus in the triangle ABC, Fig. 1 6, the angle B A C is an obtuse angle. An acute angled triangle is that which has all its angles acute. Fig. 17. A quadrilateral figure is contained by four straight lines. Of quadrilateral figures, a square has one right angle, and all its sides equal. Fig. 18. An oblong has one right angle, and its opposite sides equal. Fig. 19 . A rhombus has all its sides equal. Fig. 20. A rhomboid has its opposite sides equal. Fig. 21. A trapezium is a quadrilateral which has not its pairs of opposite sides equal. Fig. 22. A trapezoid has only one pair of opposite sides parallel. Fig. 23. The straight line which joins obliquely the opposite angular points of a quadrilateral figure, is named a diagonal ; thus in Fig. 24, B D is termed the dia- gonal. A rectineal figure having more than four sides, bears the general name of a polygon , and receives particular names according to the number of their sides or angles, as pentagon, hexagon, &c. A pentagon is a polygon of five sides, Fig. 25 ; a hexagon has six sides, Fig. 26 ; a heptagon seven, Fig. 27 ; an octagon eight, Fig. 28 ; a nonagon nine, Fig. 29 ; a decagon ten, Fig. 30 ; an undecagon eleven, Fig. 31 ; and a dodecagon twelve sides, Fig. 32. A polygon is regular when it has all its sides and all its angles equal. If they are not both equal, the polygon is irregular. An equilateral triangle is also a regular figure of three sides, and the square is one of four ; the former being called a trigon, and the latter a tetragon. A circle is a plane figure described by the revolution of a straight line about one of its extremities. The fixed point is called the centre of the circle; the describing line its radius, and the boundary traced by the remote end of that line its circumference ; thus in Fig. 33, the point B is the centre, and A B the radius. The diameter of a circle is a right line drawn through the centre, and terminating in the circum- ference on both sides ; Umis in Fig. 34, the line CEO passes through the centre E, and is terminated bv the circumference. An arc (f a circle is any part of its circumference. A chord, is a right line joining the extremities of an arc ; thus Fig. 35, A B is the chord. A segment is any part of a circle bounded by an arc and its chord ; thus A is a segment in Fig. 36. A semicircle is half the circle, or a segment cut off by a diameter ; so in Fig. 37, A is a semicircle. A sector is any part of a circle bounded by an arc, and two radii drawn to its extremities; see B, Fig. 38. A quadrant or quarter of a circle, is a sector having a quarter of the circumference for its arc, and its two radii are perpendicular to each other. Fig. 39, A C, C D are perpendicular to each other ; and the arc A B D is a quarter of the whole circumference. A tangent is a straight line, drawn so as just to touch against a circle without cutting it, as A C B, Fig. 40. The point A when it touches the circle is called the point of contact. And a tangent cannot touch a circle in more than one point. The base of a figure is the side on which it is sup- posed to stand erect, as A B in Figs. 41 and 42. The altitude of a figure is its perpendicular height from the base to the highest part, as C D in Figs. 41 and 42. A solid is any body that has length, breadth and thickness. A book, for instance, is a solid ; so also is a sheet of paper; for though its thickuess is very small, yet it possesses some thickness. The boundaries of a solid are surfaces. Similar solids are such as are bounded by an equal number of similar planes. A prism is a solid, of which the sides are paral- lelograms, and the two ends or bases are similar po- lygons, parallel to each other. Prisms are denominated according 612 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. according to the number of angles in the base, trian- gular prism, quadrangular, heptangular, and so on. Fig. 43 is a triangular prism. Figs. 44, 45 and 46 are quadrangular prisms, usually termed parallelopipeds. A rhomboid is an oblique prism, whose bases are parallelopams. Fig. 47- A cylinder is a solid ( Figs. 48, 49,) formed or gene- rated by the rotation of a rectangle about one of its sides, supposed to be at rest ; this quiescent side is called the axis of the cylinder. Or it may be conceived to be generated by the motion of a circle in a direction perpendicular to its surfaces, and always parallel to itself. A cylinder is either right or oblique, as the axis is perpendicular to the base or inclined ; thus Fig. 48 is a right and Fig. 49 an oblique cylinder. Fig. 50 represents a hollow cylinder; it may be con- ceived to be formed by boring a hole through the centre of a cylinder. Fig. 5 1 represents the section of a cylinder cut off by a plane parallel to the axis. Fig. 52 represents the sector of a cylinder contained j by two planes forming an angle, and the curved sur- face of the cylinder; the line of concourse of the , planes being parallel to the axis of the cylinder. A pyramid (Figs. 55, 56 and 57,) is a solid bounded by or contained within a number of planes, whose base may be any polygon, and whose faces are ter- minated in one point, commonly called the vertex of the pyramid. When the figure of the base is a triangle, it is called a triangular pyramid ; when the base is a quadrilateral, it is called a quadrilateral pyramid, and so on. A pyramid is either regular or irregular, according as the base is regular or irregular. A pyramid is also right or upright, or it is oblique. It is right, when a line drawn from the vertex to the centre of the base is perpendicular to it, as Figs. 55 and 56; and oblique when this line inclines, as in Fig. 57. A cone is a solid (Figs. 58, 59,) having a circle for ! its base, and its sides a convex surface, terminating in a point, called the vertex or apex of the cone. It may be conceived to be generated by the revolution of a right angled triangle about its perpendicular. A line drawn from the vertex to the centre of the base is the axis of the cone. When this line is perpendicular to the base, the cone is called an upright, or right cone, as Fig. 58 ; but when it is inclined it is called an oblique cone, as Fig. 59. If it be cut through the axis from the vertex to the base, the section w ill be a triangle. If a right cone be cut by a plane at right angles to the axis, the section will be a circle. If it be cut oblique to the axis, and quite across from one side to the other, the section will be an ellipsis, as Fig. 60. When the section is made parallel to one of the sides of the cone, as Fig. 6l, the curve which bounds the section is a parabola. When the section is taken parallel to the axis, as Fig. 62, the curve is called an hyperbola. These curves, which are formed by cutting a cone in different directions, have various properties, which are of great importance in astronomy, gunnery, per- spective and many other sciences. Their, description in plans arc exhibited in Problems 27, 28, 29 and 30, of Practical Geometry. A sphere is a solid, terminated by a convex surface, every point of which is at an equal distance from a point within, called the centre, Fig. 63. It may be conceived to be formed by making a semi- circle revolve round its diameter. This may be illus- trated by the process of forming a ball of clay by the potter’s wheel, a semicircular mould being used for the purpose. The diameter of the semicircle round which it revolves, is called the axis of the sphere. The ends of the axis are called poles. Any line passing through the centre of the sphere, and terminated by the circumference, is a diameter of the sphere. Every section of a sphere is a circle ; every section taken ttnowgL the centre of the sphere is called a great circle ; every other is called a lesser circle. Any portion of a sphere cut off by a plane, is called a segment; and when the plane passes through the centre, it divides the sphere into tw'o equal parts, each of w hich is called a hemisphere. A spheroid is a solid, ( Fig. 64,) generated by the rotation of a semi-ellipsis about the transverse or con- jugate axis ; and the centre of the ellipsis is the centre of the spheroid. The line about which the ellipsis revolves, is called the axis. If the spheriod be generated about the conju- gate axis of the semi-ellipsis, it is called prolate sphe- roid. If the spheroid be generated by the semi-ellipses re- volving about the transverse axis, it is called an oblong spheroid. Every section of a spheroid is an ellipsis, except when it is perpendicular to that axis about which it is gene- rated ; in which case it is a circle. All sections of a spheroid parallel to each other, are similar figures. A frustrum of a solid means a piece cut off from the solid by a plane passed through it, usually parallel to the base of the solid, as the frustrum of a cone, a pyramid , &c. &c. There are a lower and an upper frustrum, according as the piece spoken of does or does not contain the base of the solid. Ratio is the proportion which one magnitude bears to another of the same kind, with respect to quantity, and is usually marked thus, A : B. Of these, the first is called the antecedent, and the second the consequent. The PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 613 The measure or quantity of a ratio is conceived by considering what pait of the consequent is the ante- cedent ; and it is obtained by dividing the consequent by the antecedent. Three magnitudes or quantities, A, B, C, are said to be proportional, when the ratio of the first to the second is the same as that of the second to the third. Thus 2, 4, ri are proportional, because 4 is contained in 8, as many times as 2 is in 4. Foui qua ties A, B, C, D, are said to be propor- tional, when the ratio of the first A to the second B is the same as the ratio of the third C to the fourth D. It is generally written A : B : : C : D, or if expressed in numbers 2 : 3 : : 4 : 6. Of three proportional quantities, the middle one is said to be a mean proportional between the other two ; and the last a third proportional to the first and second. Of four proportional quantities, the last is said to be a fourth proportional to the other three taken in order. to each other. Inverse ratio is when the antecedent is made die consequent, and the consequent »v.<= antecedent. Thus if 2 : 4 : : 6 : T2, then inversely 4:2:: 12 : 6. Alternate proportion is when antecedent is com- pared with antecedent, and consequent with conse- quent. Thus if 4 : 2 : : 12 : 6, then by alternation 4 : 12 : : 2 : 6 . Proportion by composition is when the antecedent and consequent, taken as one quantity, are compared either with the consequent or with the antecedent. Thus if 4 : 2 : : 12 : 6, then by composition 4 + 2 : 2 : : 1 2 -:- 6 : 6 , and 4 + 2:4:: 12 + 6 : 12. Div.ded proportion is when the difference of the ante- cedent and consequent is compared either with the con- sequent or with the antecedent. Thus if 3 : 2 : : 9 : 6 ; then by division 3 — 2 : 2 : : 9—6 : 6, and 3 — 2 : 3 : : 9—6 : 9. Continued proportion is when the first is to the second as the second to, the third ; as the third to the fourth ; as the fourth to the fifth ; and so ou. Compound ratio is formed by the multiplication of several antecedents and the several consequents of ratios together, in the following maimer : If A be to B as 3 to 3, B to C as 5 to 8, and C to _ i » , , -p. 3x5x8 120 1 D as 8 to 6; then A will be to D as — — 5x8x6 240 2 that is A : D : : 1 : 2. Bisect means to divide any thing into two equal parts. Trisect is to divide any thing into three equal parts. Inscribe, to draw one figure within another, so that all angles of the inner figure touch either the angles, sides, or planes of th‘ external figure. Circumscribe, is to draw a figure round another, so that either the angles, sides, | 7~ "% 7 fK ^23 * (r.Hiiri'ev JnuV delink CARPENTRY 1‘Lair 12. Plat* 13. CARPENTRY Plate 14. Front View. C O A V H MA KING, PLATE CLOCK WORK Cotton Machinery, PL. U7i 1. Cotton Man ctfac ti t re . PLATE JL sprN> Ti [> r <; . W'EA.'Vl'ST & . London .Published In/ Gak . Curbs k feirntr . k Xus k Curtis .Plymouth tiht — I Deep (hitting. Lowrv sculp Zomlon . Published by &dU . Curtis & Famer. A Fees A- Curtis Plymouth 1811 . * £ onion . TubVshed *v fa If . Curtis t I'eraur. •* * ***" '• * '**' " um ‘'" h - , T TUNING Platen. r del! J.ondon. Published ifoj, by /hrle. ( is Fenner, and Pees, ic Ckrrtis. Ply me uth Union. FiMisheA by Oak. Curtis i Femur, k Sets k Curtis FhjmouBi,. di-. I’MAOTM^AX.