WEST SUSSEX COUNTY LIBRARIES REFEREJ^E DEPARTMENT p CALENDAR OF THE CLOSE ROLLS I'UK.SKHVEI) IN TIIK PII13LIC JIECOlil) OFFICE. PIirCPAllED UNDER THF: SITPEUINTHNDEMCE OF TEIE DEPUT'f KEEPER OF THE RECORDS. EDAVARD IL AD. 1323—1327. I'UIII.ISIIKI) HV Al IIIDIUTV Ol' IIKK M A.) ICST v's I'lilNCirAI, Si;( UK I AKV Ol' STATE FOU TIIK IIOMK DFI'AHTMKNT. LONDON : PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, HV EYHE AXl) SPOTTISWOODE, PIUNTEUS TO THE QUEEN's MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to he purchaBed, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTIRWOODE, East Hakdinq Street, Fleet Stkeet, E.C. ; or JOHN MKNZIKS & Co., 12, Hanover Street, EniNUURGii, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow ; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 101, Grafton Stkeet, Dublin. 1898. CONTENTS. pREi'ACE - -- -- -- -- - V CORUIGENDA --.-...-_vii Calendau - 1 Index ....... 661 61294. \Vt. 714. a 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/calendarofcloser04grea_0 ( V ) P R EFACE. The present volume forms part of a series of Calendars of the Close Rolls from the reign of Edward II. to that of Edward IV. the object and character of which are explained in the Preface to the first volume for the reign of Edward II. (a.d. 1307—1313.) In addition to the rolls calendared in this and the three pre- ceding volumes, there are in the series of Close llolls at the Public Record Office two rolls " de terris fo?'isfactis," belonging to the 15th, IGtli and 17th years of Edward II., w^hich have not been calendared separately, inasmuch as all the entries in them occur also in the normal Close Rolls of the period, and have consequently been calendared in their proper places. The text has been prepared, with the sanction of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by Mr. W. H. Stevenson, M.A., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. The Index has been compiled by Mr. C. H. Woodruff, B.C.L., Mr. Stevenson having assisted him by identifying most of the places. H. C. MAXWELL LYTE. Public Record Office, 28 Mai/ 1898. ( vii ) CORRIGENDA. Pago 11, line 20, /or " Thomus " read "Thomas." „ 50, „ 9, fur " Rouhale" read " Ronhale." „ 51, ,, 16, for "Claiiiion e" read " Clauvowe." „ 112, ,, Zb, for " Bonuleu " read " Boruden." „ 115, „ 28, /or " Tondele " reaf/ " Toudele." „ 149, ,, 48, /or " Buthehamwell " read " Buchehamwell." „ 150, „ 28, /or " Marchham " read " Marthham." „ 151, lines 11, 24, /or " Marcham " read " .Martham ." „ 181, line 'ib, for " Hanstede " read " Haustede." „ 197, „ 1 3, /or "Tondeby" rertii "Toiideby." „ 199, „ 12, /or "Tendele" re(i(/ "Teudele." „ 211, „ 14, /or " Sussex" read " Suffolk." ,, 211, 291, 299, 307, margin, /or " Chippenham " r«id " Cippenham." „ 237, lines 6, 15, for " Bytre" read " Bycre." „ 245, line 52, for " Alice" read " Alesia." „ 267, „ 32, for " Shohiyiig " read " Sholvyng." „ 276, ,, 12, for " Cofynestou " rearf " Cosynestou." „ 290, „ 23, for " Burndon " read " Burudon." „ 302, „ 27, for " Jo " read " To." „ 335, ., 10, /or "Hanstede" rcar with 30/. in money, on Monday before Whitsuntide last, for the purpose of taking them to Le Bay in Poitou to trade there with them, and Claysus son of William, Claysus son of Martin, Wyscrus Eroaud, William Ormeson, and certain other malefactors of the power of the count of Zeeland, [attacked] the said ship on her voyage on the eve of Whitsuntide on the sea opposite Sandwich, and attacked the men in her, to wit the said Thonuis and fourteen of his mates, and carried the ship away with them, together with the goods aforesaid and the beds, chests, and otlier things of the said mariners to the value of 15/., and the king wrote the count request- ing him to cause restitution and satisfaction to be made therefor to the said merchant, but the count has failed to do him justice, although he besought him to do so by the said Thomas, Robert son of Ricliard, Robert Flemyng, and John Moimer, broker {abrocatorcm) of Bruges, his attorneys, as tho Aug. 30. Greenhow. 22- CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1323. Membrane 37 — cont. mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle have testified by their letters patent; the king, wishing to aid the said merchant in the recovery of his ships and goods, orders the sheriff to arrest the goods and wares of the men and merchants of the count's power in his bailiwick to the value of 100/., in part satisfaction of the aforesaid 260Z. lO*. OJ., and to cause the same to be kept safely until the mercliant have been satisfied for the former sum. The king has ordered the bailiffs of the Tolbooth of Bishop's Lenne to arrest goods to the value of 50/., and the mayor and bailiffs of King's Lenne to arrest goods to the value of 50/., and the sheriff of York to arrest goods to the value of 60/. lO*. Orf. Sept. 7. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to in- Barnard Castle, termeddle further with 12/. of rent in Berewyk and Wyngeton, co. Sussex, and with the manor of Gretliam, co. Southampton, and with the manor of Scrouteby, co. Norfolk, and with the manor of Plumpton and certain lands in Flecchyng, co. Sussex, and with the manor of Berecompe, and certain lands in Stapelford, with the advowson of tiie church of that town which he has taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Isabella, late the wife of Hugh Bardolf, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Master James de Moun gave to her the said rent in Berewyk and Wyngeton and the manors of Gretham and Scrouteby by fine levied between them in the king's court, and that William Bardolf gave to her the manor of Plumpton and the lands in Flecchyng for her life, with remainder to Thomas Bardolf and his heirs, and that she held the manor of Berecompe in dower, and the lands in Stapelford and the advowson for life only of the inheritance of the said Thomas, and that the manors and lands are not held of the king but of divers other lords. To the same. Like orders concerning the manor of Adynton, co. Surrey, and the manor of Whatton, co. Hertford, which are held in chief of the king, as the king learns by inqui.sition that Master James de Moun granted them to the aforesaid Isabella for her life by fine levied between them in the king's court by the king's licence, with remainder to Thomas Bardolf. Sept. 11. To Henry le Scrop, justice of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who Barnird Castle, supplies his place. Order to resume into the forest all the king's demesne woods that he shall ascertain were afforested at the time of the making of the charter of the Forest of Henry III., and that have been afterwards put outside the Forest contrary to the said charter, and to hold them as forest until further orders, notwithstanding any perambulation made in the late king's time or since. By p.s. Sept. 16. To the same. Order to cause the sheriff of ^'ork to have six oaks fit for Barnard Castle, timber in the forest of Galtres, for certain works in Y^ork castle enjoined upon him by the king. By K. Sept. 12. To the sheriff of York. Order to supersede the king's late order to take Barnard Castle. John de Faucomberge, knight, amongst others for trespass of venison in the forest of Pykeryng', and the order to deliver him to John de Kylvyngton, constable of Pykeryng' castle, as he has submitted himself to the king's grace. By p.s. [6677.] The like to John de Rythre. By p.s. Sept. 15. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to Richmond, be elected in place of Roger de la Legh, deceased. To Ed. Dacre, keeper of the chace of Bouland. Order to cause 40^. to be expended in repairing the paling of the king's park of Reddon, within the said chace, by the view of tlie keeper of the king's stores {instanratoris). By C. 17 EDWARD II. 23 1323. Sept. 16. Kichmond. Sept. 20. Kiikby Malzeard. Sept. 21. Kirkhy Malze.ard. Sept. 20. Kirkby Malzeard. Membrane 37 — cont. To Master John Walev.'ajn, e.scbeator beyond Trent. Order not to inter- meddle further with 6^ acres of land in Churche Couele and Temple Couele, CO. Oxford, and to restore the issues thereof, the esclieator having certified the king that he took them into the king's hands when he was cscheator at another time because the abbot of Osneye appropriated the land to him and his house by Richard le Hert, his villein, as it is found l)y incjuisitiou taken by the esclieator that Richard was the son and heir of Huirli le Hert and Juliana his wife, both deceased, and that Hugh and Juliana were free and new-comers (adventicit) upon the abbot's land, holding of him a certain villein-land of his, and that they acquired the aforesaid acres in fee of the feoffment of Andrew Araory, and that they held them all their time, and that Richard entered them after them without the abbot or anyone in his name laying hands upon the same. To Roger de Horsley, constable of Baumburgh cattle. Order to deliver Geoffrey de Heydon, lately taken by him and imprisoned in the castle, to the sheriff of Northumberland, to be kept by him as enjoined by the king. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriflT. To Master John Walewayn, esclieator beyond Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage, 80 acres of land, an acre of meadow, and G marks 2s. 2d. of yearly rent in Fretewell, co. Oxford, which he has taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Edmund le Botyller, and to restore the issues tliereof, as it appears by a fine levied before the justices of the Bench, in the 3rd year of the king's reign, between John I'ippard and the said Edmund that John acknowledged the premises to be the right of the said Edmund, who granted them, in consideration of this acknowledgment, to John for life, rendering therefor a rose yearly at Mid- summer atid doing the services therefor due to the chief lord.s, and it is found by an inquisition taken by the esclieator that John held the premises from the time of the levying of the fine until Edmund's death without change of his estate, and that they are held of John de Grey, lord of Somerton, by the service of one sore-coloured sparrow-hawk. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of William de Cicestre, who is ill and is insufficiently qualified. Membrane 3G. Sept. 21. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to Bertram de la More, king's Dacre. Serjeant, 10 marks for this Michaelmas term out of the ferm of the city, in accordance with the king's grant of that sum yearly to him out of the ferm. Sept. 26. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to release John de Swynford from prison Scargill. at Lincoln, wherein he is detained because ho adhered to John de Moubray, a late rebel, upon his finding mainpernors to have him before t.'ie king at the king's pleasure. By p.s. Sept. 26. To the sheriff of York. Order to expend up to 20 marks in repairing Ilaywra. the walls of the gaol within York castle, which greatly need repair. By K. Sept. 25. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to pay to Beverle in Richard le Mareschal 25/. for the present Michnelmas out of the issues of his Nidderdale. bailiwick, in accordance with the king's grant to him of 50/. yearly out of the issues of the cschcatorship, in aid of his maintenance. 24 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1323. Sept. 24. l)acre. Oct. L Skiptou-in- Craven. Sept. 29. Skipton-in- Craven. Oct. 22. Skipton-in- Craven. Oct. 7. Ighteuhill. Oct. 12. Ightenhill. Membrane 36 — cont. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to John de Weston, the elder, 25 marks for the present Michaelmas out of the ferm of the city, in accor- dance with the king's grant to him of 50 marko yearly out of the ferm of the city. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to supersede until further orders the exaction for outlawry of Robert de'Holand for not appearing before the justices appointed to hear and determine a trespass committed at Lought- burgh by him and others named in the original writ upon Hugh leDespenser, earl of Winchester, as the said Robert cannot appear before the said justices or render himself to prison, because he is now in prison by the king's order. By K. To Thomas de Burgh, eschcator this side Trent. Order not to inter- meddle further with a third of the manor of William Thorald, of Newcastle- on-Tyne, of Wests vvynburne, and to restore the issues thereof to him, the escheator having returned that Juliana de Morylegh, who held the said third at one time in her demesne as of fee, alienated it to John de Middelton, with remainder to her in case he died without an heir of his body, and that .Fohn, having had seisin thereof, granted it to her for life, and that the escheator took a simple seisin therein in the king's name because John afterwards adhered to the Scotch rebels, and was for that reason drawn and hanged, dying without an heir of his body, as Juliana, who thus held it for life, alienated it in fee to the said William, and it is found by an inquisition afterwards taken by the escheator by the king's order that Juliana, at Michaelmas, 1310, granted the said part to the aforesaid John, to have to \\\\\\ and the heiis of his body, and not to him and his heirs in fee, with reversion to her in case he died without an heir of his body, and that John continued his seisin thereof from then until Martinmas, 1311, when he enfeoffed Juliana thereof for life, and that she continued her seisin thereof until SS. Philip and James, in the 13th year of the reign, because John died without an heir of his body, at which time she granted the third part to the aforesaid William and his heirs in fee, and that the part is held of John Darcy and not of the king. To Robert Power, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay to Madoc Fioyt his wages for the time when he was escheator in North Wales, as Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, placed him in that office for a ceitain time when the escheator for that part was wanting; provided that the wages do not exceed the yearly fee of 10/. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of William de Colewich, deceased. To the same. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John de Morton. To Richard de Emeldon, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. North- umberland. Order to deliver to Alice, late the wife of John de Cartynton, 36*. 8(/. and a cow and calf, price 1 mark, which he levied of the issues and took of her land in Sliypley, in that county, the king having, at her suit, ordered him not to intermeddle further with a moiety of the manors of Cartyngton and Shepley, in that county, which he had taken into the king's hands because the moiety was of the fee of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and. to restore to her two cows, two calves, a bullock, and a heifer, price 40s., and other goods, price 4/., which he had taken into the king's hands from the said manors, and the king again ordered him to deliver the said cattle, goods and chattels to her upon her complaint that the keeper had not delivered them to her with the moii'ty aforesaid, and the keeper li)oreupon returned tiiat the cattle, goods and chattels belonged to John, her 17 EDWARD II. 25 1323. Oct. 11. Blackburn. Oct. 13. Ifjhtenhill. (^Heyhlenliill.') Oct. 15. Holland. Oct. 15. Holland. Oct. 20. Ightenhill. Oct. 15. Holland. Oct. 20. Holland. Membrane Z'i — cont. son, and not to lu-r, and were forfeited because he was of the society of the ■said earl, and the king afterwards, upon Alice af)pearing in chancery and asserting that the cattle and goods were hers and not her son's, appointed Roger Ilerouu and Roger de Horsle to nialce inquisition concerning the same, and it is found by their inquisition that th(! keeper levied 3Ga". from all the issues of her lands in Siiypley, and that he took a cow and calf, price 1 mark, that belonged to her and not to her son. To the sheriff of Wilt^. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Philip Prat of New Sarura, who is incapacitated by infirmity and age. To Ilervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king. Order to continue until the octaves of St. Hilary next all matters moved against the bishop of London, the dean and chapter, the officials and other ministers of St. Paul's London in the last eyre of the justices at the Tower of London, which the king afterwards caused to come before him, and which have been continued from time to time untd All Saints next. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to the taxors and collectors of the tenth and sixth in the parts of Lyndeseye, co. Lincoln, for 407/. 5.5. iSd. for corn ])rovience at Skypton- in-Cravene concerninj^ certain beasts and other goods that belonged to Thomas, earl of Lancaster, a late rebel, which were taken at Ightenhill, co. Lancaster, and were taken to Skypton aforesaid, and concerning otiiers likewise taken at Skypton and eloigned thence, and to hear and determine the contents of the inquisition, and John de Farnhill, Thomas de Karnhill, Robert Crokebayn, John son of Robert de Farnhill, Robert Buk', Ellas Buk', William son of Elias Fauvel, Constantine de Mouhaude, Henry the chajjlain of Skypton, William le Provost, Adam Bochetollok, Thomas de Cheston, John de Cheston, Hugh del Hospital, and Godfrey son of William de Alta Rypa, who were indicted before the king for the premises, have been convicted of some things by an inquisition tipon which they had |)laced themselves before the chancellor, and Nicholas Maulcverer, who was like- wise indicted, has found mainpernors to stand to right before the chancellor and other subjects of the king specially appointed for this purpo.-e by the king's commission, and the aforesaid John, Thomas, and the others above named are di.'itrained to come before the treasurer and barons at the ex- chequer to answer for the beasts and goods aforesaid ; the king orders the treasurer and barons to supersede the di.->traint if the said John, Thoma*,* and Nicholas Mauleverer are distrained to come before them to answer for the boasts, goods and chattels forfeited to the king and taken from Ighteuhill to Skypton and for the other things taken at Skypton. Oct. 8. To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of the castle and honour of Pikoryng'. Ightenhill. Order to deliver to Philip Darcy, a late contrariant, ail his lands in John's custody, which were taken into the king's hands for the al>ove reason, as the king has ]);irdoned Philip tli(; suit of his peace by reason of his adherence to tiie rebels, and ordered, on IG August last, his lands to be restored to him, as he iiad found security for his good behaviour and for his ransom. Oct. 13. To William Gramary. Order to restore to Thomas de Shirugg all his Ightenhill. goods and cli;ittels, which William retained in his custody because the king {Heyhleiihull.) lately ordered Tliomas to be arrested for certain reasons. The like to the prior of Dudele. Oct. 15. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Holland. Somerton to be ehu ted in place of Reginald Huse, lately elected, as he cannot attend to the office as he is coroner of that countv. Oct. 20. Holland. Oct. 20. Holland. Oct. 24. Holland. To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesorc castle. Order to deliver to the king's chaplains celebrating divine service in the chapel of the castle bread, wine, oil, and other small necessaries for the maintenance of divine service from Michaelmas last until next Michaelmas. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Dorset. Order to deliver to John Strug, a late contrariant, all his lands in Robert's custody, as he had paid at the exchequer the 40 marks wherein he lately made line with the king for his life and lands, provided that if any of the lands have been demised at ferm by ihv king's order, the said .lohn shall satisfy the fermers for their expenses in the lands fiom the time of the demi.se. By letter of the treasurer testifying payment of the said 40 marks. The like to Robert de Ilungerford, keeper, etc., in co. Wilts. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Wilts. Order to permit Peter de Skidemore, a late rebel, to hold his lands without * This scejns to be intended to include all the other peisons named above. 28 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. Oct. 28. Hollaud. Oct. 28. Holland. 2323. Membrane 85 — cont. hindrance, and not to molest him or his mainpernors, the king having lately ordered the keeper to deliver to Peter his lands on condition that they should be resumed into the king's hands if he or his mainpernors did not pay the fine of 200 marks for his life and lands in the quinzaineof Michael- mas last, as Peter has paid the said sum. By letter of the treasurer testifying payment of the said 200 marks. The like to Robert de Aston, keeper, etc., in co. Gloucester. To Hugh le Despenser, the younger, constable of Bristol castle, or to him who supplies his place. Order to pay to Owen son of David ap Gryffith, a Welsh prisoner in that castle, the arrears of his wages from the time of Hugh's appointment, and to continue paying the same until further orders out of the ferm of the castle. By K. Vacated, because otherioise below. To Richard de Musele, constable of Pontefract castle. Order to cause a chest (forcerio), containing certain charters and other muniments concern- ing the manor of Berleye, which came to the king as escheat after the death of Richard de Berleye by the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, which charters, etc., the king is sending to him under the seal of Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, tlie chancellor, to be placed and kept securely in the treasury within that castle, Sigrida {Segredam), late the wife of the aforesaid Richard, and Robert de Berleye, executors of Richard's will, having delivered the charters and muniments into the chancery. To the justices appointed to hold pleas before the king. Order to enquire diligently in the counties of Lancaster, Derby, and Stafford and elsewhere in the realm, as often as they shall pass through them to hold pleas, concern- ing felonies, robberies, and other evils and trespasses inflicted upon the king and his people, and concerning prises, conspiracies, conventicles, and con- federacies, according to the articles delivered to them, as many felonies, robberies, etc., have been perpetrated in divers parts of the realm by reason of the late disturbance in the realm. They are ordei'ed to hear the com- plaints of all persons making complaints in this behalf, and to cause justice to be done concerning the same, and to punish all those found guilty thereof, and to continue their sessions from place to place and from day to day within and without the usual term untd the premises be determined finally. ByK. Oct. 28. To Hugh le Despenser, the younger, constable of Bristol castle, or to him Hollaud. wlio supplies his place. Order to pay to Owen (Audoeno) son of David ap Grylfith, a Welsh prisoner in that castle, and to his two keepers the arrears of their wages, robes, and stipends from the time of the constable's appoint- ment, and to continue to pay the same until further orders. By K. Oct. 1. Skiptou-in- Craven. Membrane 34. Memorandum, that whereas Isabella de Lasceles held in dower at her death certain lands in Escrik, co. York, and the manor of Kirkeby Under- kuol, in the same county, of the inheritance of .Joan, late the wife of Thomas de Colewenne, Avice, wife of Robert le Couestaple, Matilda, late the wife of Robert Tilliol, and Ralph son and heir of Theophania, late the wife of Ralph son of Ranulpli, daughters and heiresses of Roger de Launceles, and the aforesaid Joan, eldest daughter and heiress of Roger and Isabella, granted the reversion after Isabella's death of her purparty of the said lands and manor to Simon Warde, and he granted the reversion to Roger Dammcry, a late rebel, and the lands and manor, which are held of others 17 EDWARD II. 29 1323. Membrane 34 — cont. tlian the king, were taken into the king's hands after Isabella's death because the purparty thus granted to Rjger pertained to the king by reason of his forfeiture. By the king's assent partition of the lands and manor was made into four parts by the aforesaid Robert, Avice, Matilda and Ralph, and the said heirs and parceners granted to the king the ciioice of the purparties, and he chose the following purparty by Sir Tliomas de Sibthorp, clerk of the chancery : Partition of the manor of Escrik. The chief inessuage. — To this purparty there are assigned a chamber with a wardrobe, two parts of the bakehouse and adjoining garden, with all the island and ditches of the same as divided by bounds from the soutii to the north, containing 1 acre, 2 roods, and a moiety of the barn with the soil and gaiden on the east, as divided by bounds. Demesne lands. — There are assigned 1.5 acres of land m the cultura called ' Pavilion ' on the esist, as divided by bounds ; G acres in the pasture of Hakyng on the east; .3 acres 1 rood in Le Kstdail of Soutlifiat in the west field on theesist near the hedge ; 7 ncres and 1 rood in .Midcldaii of Soutliflat on tiie east ; 6.^ acres in West- dail of the Southflat on the east; 5 acres in Westdail of the Xorthflat on the west; 5 acres in Mideldail of Northflat on the west; 2 acres i rood in Estdail of Nortlillat on the west ; 1^ acres in Estdail of Rogerflat on the cast near the hedge ; 3 a<;res in Westdail of Rogerflat on the east ; 1^ acres in Estdail of Brekhirst on the east ; 2 acres and half a rood in Westdail of Brekhirst on the east ; 2 acres 1 rood in Westboiitwayt on the west, as it is divided. Meadow. — There are also a.-signed 1 acre 3i roods of meadow in Holmeng on tlie cast ; \\ acre in Halleng in Westdail on the ea.st ; 2 acres and 3 roods of meadow in Estdail of Haleng' on the east as it is divided. Total of the d(;mesne lands : 00| acres ^ a rood. Total of the meadow: 6 acres ^ a rood. Forland. — There are also assigned 7 acres of meadow in Malkinliakyng on the west; 3 acres in Pnlfinreding on the south running in length from west to east ; \ \ acres in the same on the other side of the ditch on (lie ojjposile side running in length from south to north ; 1 acre in Lollowieding on the west; 3 acres at Le Wra on the e.ust; 2 acres in Midilboyllhwayt on the noi tli ; 1^ acres in Estboylthwayt on the east ; 2 acres I,^ roods in Le Estdail of Westendhakyng on the ea^^t ; Ij acres in the sairie Ilakyng in Pightiker on the ea«t ; 3 acres 1 rood in Le Westdail of Westendhakyng on the east near Pightiker as it is dividcil ; ncres in Haghthorntlnvayt on the oust; 1 acre in Roljertrcding on the north ; 3 acres in Sinunesreding on the east in the west field ; 4 acres \ a rood in Child- hiigg' on the east; 4 acres in Levedireding on the south; 4 acres in Le Estdaill of Noi thwod on the e;ist ; 6 acres in IMideldaill of Northwotl on the east ; G acres in Westdail! of Northwod on the east ; 5 acres in West- dail! of the Frith in the hands of the tenants of Sfivilingflet on tlie east ; 3.^ acres in Estdaill of tlie Frith on the cast as it h divided; ncres in Rughthwayt on the south ; 1 acre in (rriinereding, wliicli Roger son of Tlugh holds ; \ an acre, which A'.:nes Sty wiu-d formerly lield ; 3 roods of land at Hallenyner, counting the fish[)ond ; 2 acres of land at Slak in the hands of Robert Trippe ; 1 acre at Grenegail in tlie liands of Emma Lightfbt; 1 acre 3 roods at Robreding, which lleniy Louran/ liolds ; I acre at Mikeltliwayt in the liaiids of Matilda de Eskrik ; I acre in Watsike, which Thomas Cade formerly held ; 3 roods in Ijc Hrotcs, which Henry !e Fevre foi inerly held ; 3 roods in Robreding, which Robert 'I'rippe liolds ; \ an acre at Brewehorne, wliicli .Joan de .Midelton liolds and a close called Le Conynger at the same part, containing 2\ acres of land, with an acre of land in tlie cultura of ('oppelqueuereding ; an acre in (Jamelpightyn on the west; 6 acres and half a rood of land in Le Estdail of Great Flat (Mat/- najlat) of Ricalliag' on the west, as divi-ter. Feb. 2G. Wcstuiin.ster. March 4. Westminster. Membrane 24 — cont. paid, the king orders the treasurer and barons to cause Walter to have those terms and to cause them to be enrolled. By K. [Pari. Writs.] To the keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. Cornwall. Order to deliver to Reginald de Mohun his lands, together with the issues received therefrom from 20 November last, when the king pardoned liim the suit of his peace for adhering to certain rebels, and ordered the said keeper to restore his lands to him, as the keeper delays restoring the lanfis because he had demised the lands to certain tenants at ferm before he received the aforesaid order; provided that Reginald satisfy the fermors for their expenses on the lands by the view of the keeper. [Pari. Writs.] To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede the demand made upon Uaipli ile C'roiiliill, late esclieiitor beyond Trent, for tlic issues of the lands whereof William de Monte Acuto, tenant in cliief, was seised in liis demesne as of fee in l{ali)h's bailiwick, and to cause; Ralph to be acquitted thereof, the king having, on G Xoveniber, in the 13th year of his reign, ordered Ralpli to take into tiie king's hands the lands whereof the said Wiiliiim was seised on the day of his deatii, and Ihat he sliould cause inqnisrtiou to be made as to what land William held in chief in his bailiwick on the day of his death, and what lauds he held of others, etc., and the said Ralph was amoved from office before he could make inquisitiou concerning the premises, whereupon the king ordered Gilbert de Stai)eltou, then escheator beyond Trent, to cause inquisition to be n)ade concerning the premises, and it was found by such in(juisition that William and Elizabeth . his wife had jointly by the king a moiety of the manor of Ughtreby and of Bampton, with the advowson of the church of Bampton, co. Cumberland, and a moiety of the manor of Crosseby near the AV'atcr, in the same county, and 10 bovates of land in Brunnesby in Gillesland, in the said county, and a moiety of the town of Cuniynyiityn, in the said county, and \l. of rout from divers tenants in Carlisle, and 135. Ad. of rent or a sore-coloured gos- hawk yearly in the same county, and that Elizabeth continued her seisin thereof together with William from the lime of the gift iintil William's death, and that the lands were held of others than tiieking; whereupon the king ordered Gilbert not to intermeddle further with the said moiety aud rent, and to restore the issues thereof to Elizabetli, as ai)pears by the rolls of chancery. The king wills that Ralph shall answer to Elizabeth for any of the said issues that he m;iy have received. To Ralph de Crophull, late escheator this side Trent. Order to restore the issues received by him from ihe lands of Robert de Maneriis during the time that they were in his custody, the king having, on 21 August, in the 13th year of his reign, ordered Ralph to take the said lauds into his hands and to make incpiisitiou concerning the same, because it was said that Robert was a tenant in chief, as the king, on 20 April, in the 1 lib year of his reign, ordered Gilbert de Stapelton, late escheator beyond Trent, not to inter- meddle further with the said lands and to restore the i.ssues thereof, because it was found by the inquisition taken by Ralph that Robert held nothing of the king in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to restore to Stephen de Bccco, parson of the church of Edworth, his lands, goods, and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands by the sheiifl upon his being charged before William Inge and his fellows, justices to hear pleas before the king at Westminster, with the rape of Joan, wife of Hamo Serych of Huscoimibe, and with carrying away his goods, as he has purged his iunoceucc before 64: 3^324. Membrane 24 — cont. the abbot of Westminster, the ordinary of that place, to whom he was delivered by the justices according to the privilege of the clergy. March 8. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to cause a coroner for t hat county to Westminster, be elected in place of Henry de Cliarryngge, ' bakere,' deceased. March 5. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a verdei-er for the forest of Westminster. Claryndon to be elected in place of John de Boclond, who is insufficiently qualified, inasmuch as he has no lands in that county. March 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance Westminster, to be made to Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, for what he paid to the prior and convent of the abbey of Thorneye for their maintenance when the temporalities of the abbey were in the king's hands, the king having ordered him by writ of privy seal to find them maintenance as was usual in such cases. March 5. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to Westminster, be elected in place of John Everard, whom the king has amoved from . office because he cannot attend to the duties of the office, as he is the king's escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset. March 4. Nicholas son of William de Stanton of Notingbara, imprisoned at Westminster. Notingham for the death of William de Assheburn, has letters to the sheriff of Notingham to bail him until the first assize. March 8. To the sheriff" of Wilts. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be Westminster, elected in place of Robert de Brudecombe, deceased. To Joliu de Bloumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to cause Henry de Helion, son and heir of Henry de Helion, tenant in chief of the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. March 8. To Thomas de Pencathlan, keeper of the manor of Burreth, co. Lincoln. Westminster. Order to pay to Eichard Tuchet the arrears of 103s. of yearly rent from the time when that manor was taken into the king's bands by the forfeiture of William Tuchet, his brother, deceased, and to pay him the same rent henceforth, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Nicholas de Bolyng- brok, Peter de Luddyngton, and Alan de Cubbeldyk that William granted the above rent to Richard for life, to be received from the said manor, and that William bound himself and the manor to the distraint of the said Richard, and that Richard was seised of the rent and continued his seisin from the time of the grant until the manor came to the king's hands by the forfeiture of William, and that the rent has been detained from Richard since the manor was taken into the king's hands, and that the manor is held of the bishop of Lincoln by knight service, and is worth yearly in all issues 20 marks. By pet. of C. [7152]. March 6. To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Westminster. Salop, and Stafford. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Stanedissh, co. Gloucester, and to restore the issues thereof to the abbot of St. Peter's Gloucester, the escheator having returned that he took the manor into the king's hands in name of distraint because he found by in- quisition that the abbot withdrew without the king's licence a certain alms of a quarter of corn weekly, the abbot holding the manor in chief for main- taining that and other alms, and that the alms had been withdrawn ten years ago, as it appears to the king by the inspection of the charter of William, sometime king of England, his progenitor, that the abbot holds, and ought to bold, the said manor in frankalmoin, no mention being made of the aforesaid alms of a quarter of corn weekly. By pet. of C. 17 EDWARD II. 65 1324. Fel). 28. Wt'stminstur. Membrane 24 — Schedule. To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to attach John de Carmynou, William do Pafford, Tliomas Queynt, William )(! Doizarc, O.sbern Hainelyn, John Dyn, Alexander t^antock, John Tuyt, Gerard Curtey.s, and Henry de Xor- hanipton, and Christiana, late the wife of Ed. de Wylyngton, and to cau.se them to be brought to the king under safe-conduct without delay to stand lo right concerning the attack made by the said men upon John de Leycestre, the king's serjeant-at-arms, whom the king lately sent by his letters of privy seal to that county to .seek the said Christiana, who is, as the king learns, an idiot from birth, so that the custody of her lands ought to pertain to the king, and to l)ring her to him, when the said serjeant attached her at Lost- withiel, and u ould have brought her to the king as he was oniered, but the aforesaid men took her out of his hands by force and arms, and led her away whither they wished. Jan. 28. Gloucester. .Tan. 28. Iron Acton Feb. 8. Iron Acton. Feb. 20. Fulhani. 61894. Membrane 23. To John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Nottingham, Derby, Warwick. Leicester, and Lancaster. Order to deliver to William Soargil and Joan his wife, mother of Robert de Iloland, son and heir of William de Holaiid, as nearest [friei:d.s] of the heir, the lands that William de Iloland held in socage as below, together with the issues thereof from the time of his death, and not to intermeddle fin thor with the lands that he held of other lords than (he king, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Thomas de Burgh, late escheator beyond Trent, that the said William de Iloland held at his death certain lands in Eukeston of the king in socage as of the fee of Pen- wortham, in the king's hands, by fealty and suit at the county [court] of Lancaster from six weeks to six weeks and by suit at the wapentake of Laylandshire from three weeks to three weeks, by the service of one pound of cumin at Midsummer for all service, and that he held certain lands in Ulneswalton of the king in socage by the service of yearly for all service, and that he did not hold any lands of the king in chief as of the crown on the day of his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held other lands of divers other lord.«, and that Robert his son is his next heir and is aged eleven years and twenty weeks. To Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler. Order to deliver to the abbot and convent of King's Beaulieu a tun of wine of the right prise at South- ampton, in accordance with the grant of Henry HI. To Robert de Stok, keeper of certain land-s in the king's hands in co. Oxford. Order to deliver to Elizabeth de Burgo, late the wife of Roger Damory, a rebel, the manor of Ilalghton in that county, together with the issues thereof from 2 November, in the 16th year of the king's reign, when the king ordered all Elizabeth's lands, which, were taken into the king's hands by Roger's forfeiture, to be lestored to her, the keeper having signitied to the king that \\? had deferred delivering the aforesaid manor to Elizabeth because he does not know whether the manor, which belongeil to Rogei, belonged to her or not, as it appears to th«' king by ihc rolls of chancery that, on 1 December, in the twelfth year of his reign, he gave to Roger and Elizabeth the aforesaid manor, to have to them and the heirs of Roger's body. By C. To the sheriff of York . Order to cause a eoi oner for that county to be elected in place of Gilbert de Arnale of York, who is incapacitated by infirmity and age. 66 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 23 — cont. The like to the same for the election of a coroner in place of William de Grantham of York. The like to the same for the election of a coroner in i)lace of William de Grymesby of York. Feb. 27. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to expend up to 20 marks in repairing Westminster, the houses and towers of Exeter castle, by the view and testimony of John de Shireford and Thomas de Witteney. By bill of the treasurer. Feb. 26. To Anthony de Lucy, keeper of the lands of Andrew de Harcla,a late rebel, Fulhain. in co. Cumberland. Whereas at the prosecution of the abbot of St. Mary's York, suggesting that Simon, formerly abbot of that place, granted by deed indented, whicli the king has inspected, to Michael de Harcla, knight, a certain place of the said abbot's called ' Kyrkandres,' with the wood and lands adjoining, which lands and wood Aclam son of Swain and Alexander de Creuquer gave in frankalmoiu to the said abbey and to the monks of Holy Trinity and St. Constantine of Wederhale, together with an appurtenance {peiidenti) in Neubiggyng called ' Iterertobank,' and with a cultura of land that the said abbot Simon had in Neubiggyng, to have and to hold to the said Michael and Joan his wife, and to Michael's heirs, rendering therefor yearly to the prior of the abbot's cell of Wederhale AOs. yearly for all exactions and demands, saving to the monks aforesaid the great and small tithes of the said place and lands with the usual obventions, and that although the pi'csent abbot and his predecessors have been always seised of ihe afore- said rent from'the time of the said deed by the hands of the aforesaid Andrew and of the said Michael, his father, the abbot has not obtained payment thereof from the time when the tenements aforesaid came to the king's hands with the oiher lands of the said Andrew by his forfeiture, the king many times ordered the aforesaid keeper to pay the arrears to the abbot and to pay the rent to him as long as the lauds remain in his custody, and the keeper has returned that all the things contained in the king's writ relating to the grant of the said place of Kirkandres and the wood and lands adjoining are true, and that the abbot was seised of the aforesaid rent from the time of the grant until the time when the tenements came to the king's hands, and that he could not satisfy the abl)0t for the arrears of the rent or for the rent because the said place with the adjoining lands is now worth less than 10*. yearly, and was not worth more than 20s. yearly in the time of the afore- said abbot Simon, Michael, or Andrew, but tliat as the said place with wood and adjoining lands was near a certain town of Michael's called 'Colgayth' and was convenient for habitation and to chase there, Michael [built] there a liouse for himself and his heirs, therefore Michael rented the place with the woods {sic) and lands adjoining for 40*. yearly as aforesaid ; the king, being unwilling that wrong should be done to the abbot concerning the .said rent, and considering that the value of the place and land aforesaid are in- sufficient for payment of the rent, orders the keeper to deliver the place and land to the abbot in recompence for the said rent, to be held at the king's pleasure. By C. Feb. 28. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton and Rut- Westminster, land. Order not to intermeddle further with the priory of Depyng, or with the temporalities, moveables, or other things pertaining to the priory by reason of the voidance of the abbey of Thorneye, of which it is a cell, and to restore to the prior any issues received therefrom, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this ;jide Trent, that the escheator or other minister of the king or his progenitors never intermeddled with the temporalities or other goods pertaining to the priory by reason of the voidance of the abbey, and that there is not in the 67 March 2. Westminster. March 2. Westminster. 1324. Membrane 23 — cont, priory anything temporal, but that the wliole is spiritual, and the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains of the exchequer, whom the king ordered to examine the exchequer rolls of his time and of kings Richard, John, Henry HI., and Edward I., have not fouud tliat any(hing was answered for to the king or his progenitors for the temporalities or moveables pertaining to the priory in tlie times when the temporalities of tlie abbey were in the hands of liis progenitors or in his hands by reason of voidance. The like to Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. To the sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham. Order to expend up to 10/. in repairing the king's gaol of Bedeford and Aylesbury, as the king learns that they need repair greatly. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the excliequer. Order to acquit the executors of the will of William de Cray of the issues of the lands that Eleanor, late the wife of Walter de Traylly, grandfatlier of Walter, son and heir of John de Traylly, held of the said Walter's inheritance, from 30 November, in the IGth year of the king's reign, when the king took Walter's homage for the lands that his father held in chief of the late king, and ordered them to be restored to him, Walter having proved his age before Master John Walewayn, then escheator beyond Trent, whereupon the king ordered William to deliver the said lands to the heir, the king having, on 8 June,, in the 8tli year of his reign, granted to William, whom he had a])pointed captain and admiral of the fleet of ships sotting out for Scotland by the Irish Sea, in remuneration of his service in this behalf, thf custody of all the lands that Eleanor, late the wile of Walter de Traylly, grandfather of the aforesaid Walter, who was then a minor in the king's custody, held of the said heir's inheritance, which lands were in the king's hands by reason of her death, to have the custody aforesaid from Mid- summer then next following during the heir's minority, so that William should receive 50 marks yearly from the issues of the lands, and should answer to the exchequer for the remainder of the issues, according to an extent to be made and according to the form of an indenture made between him and the king, the second part of which remains in the wardrobe. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Older to allow to Humphrey de Basftingburn, late sheriff' of Northampton, in his account at the exchetiuer, 134/. bs. Od. for the goods of certain rebels in that county, as Humi)hrey paid that sum into the king's chainljer by the hands of Thomas de Useflet, who rc'ccivcd the money for the king's u.se, as appears by three letters of acquittance under the privy seal in Humphrey's possession. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset. Order not to distrain John de Weston, constable of the Tower of London, for his homage and fealty for the lands that .John de W'eston, his father, held in chief at his death, as the king, on 28 December last, ordered the said escheator to deliver seisin of the lands to John upon his finding security for his relief, the king having rendered tlu; lands to .John anshop of Winche.-ter, granted to the prior and convent of St. Swithin's 30 marks yearly from the rents of his fair of St. Giles, for the repairing of the prior's church, which grant has been ratified and confirmed by many of the bishop's successors, and the king has confirmed the gift and confirmations by his charter, and the prior and his predecessors have always received that sum yearly from the time of the grant until the fair came to the king's hands by the death of John, the late bishop, the said Robert and Richard, who have the custody of the bishopric 72 CALEKDAE OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324 Membrane 21 — cont. by the king's commission, have not paid that sum to the prior for the last fair, wherefore the prior has prayed the king for a remedy. By pet of C. March 12. To Alan de Cubeldyk, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co. Westminster. Lincoln. Order to supersede until further orders the demand upon John la Warre to do homage to the king for the manor of Si.xle, in that county, which Edmund Bacoun holds for life by demise of the aforesaid John. March 12. To John Everard, esclieator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Westminster. Dorset. Order to cause Theobald llussel, son and heir of William Russel, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, and the king The like to Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. The like to John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Hereford, Gloucester, Worcester, Salop, and Stafford. March 11. To the sheriffs of London. Order to permit the bodies of the late rebels Westminster, still hanging on gibbets (fureas) in their bailiwick to be taken down by those who wish to do so, to be buried in the churchyards of parish churches or of the mendicant orders nearest to the places where the rebels were hanged and not elsewhere, as the king has granted to the prelates and proceres in the present parliament at Westminster that the bodies of the rebels shall be taken down and committed to ecclesiastical burial in manner aforesaid. By K. [^FcederaJ] The like to the sheriffs of the following counties : Middlesex. York. Kent. Buckingham. [iZ»?c?.] Gloucester. March 11. To Gilbert de Talbot, constable of Gloucester castle, or to him who Westminster. sup[)lies his place. Whereas lately at the suit of William de Thunueyk, rector of Menstreworth church, which is of the king's advowson, suggesting that the weirs of Duny and Menstreworth are within the limits of tiie said parish church, and that the tithes of the fisheries of the said weirs are due to the church aforesaid, and that the tithes have been withheld for a long time, the king ordered the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to search the accounts of the constables of the castle and of other receivers of the profits (appruatormii) of the fisheries aforesaid, and other memoranda touching this matter, and to certify the king in chancery under the exchequer seal of what they should find, and also ordered John de Staunton and John de Hampton to make inquisition concerning this matter, and the treasurer and barons have certified the king that it is found in the 26th roll in Gloucester that allowance was made to Walter de Bello Campo, in the ferm of the said castle, tyna and barton of Gloucester for the repair of the weirs there, and that allowaitce was made to him in the 33rd roll for the i-epair of the weirs aforesaid in the water of Severn near Gloucester, and that it is not found that any mention is made of the compensation for the tithe afore- said or of the tithe itself, and it is found by inquisition taken by the said John and John that the weirs are within the limits of the parish church aforesaid, and that the tithes of the fisheries of the said weirs of Duny and Menstreworth were assigned to the fishermen of the weirs by the constable of Ihii castle sixty years ago for the repair of the weirs, and that they are partly paid to the church and partly withheld, and that the tithe of the fishery of the weirs ought to be given by common right, just as the neighbouring fisheries give a true tithe, and that nothing is given or assigned to the church iu recompease for the ^aid tithes ; wherefore the said William has has taken his homage. By p.s. [6829.] 17 EDWARD II. 73 1324. Memhrant 21 — cont. prayed the kiug l.'^ liis i)etition to pay the said tithe to his church ; the king therefore orders tlie constable to pay the tithe of the fisheries of the said weirs to the said William and his church yearly henceforth. By pet. of C. [3784.] Marcli 12. To John le Porter, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co. Westminster. Essex. Order not to distrain Thomas Priou[r] for his ieally for the lands that he holds of the king as of the castle of Angre, which is in the king's hands, as the king has taken his fealty. March 12. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Westminster. Middlesex, and in the city of London. Order not to intermeddle iurther with a third of the manor of Uorton, co. Sussex, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by incpiisition tiiken l)y Master Joiin Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Philip de Maubaunk held at his death the manors of Clifton and Perret, co. Dorset, of the heir of John Beset, tenant in chief, by knight service, and that he did net hold any lands in chi'jf at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he iidd a third of the manor of Horton, co. Sussex, of William de Brewosa in free socage. March IG. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be Westminster, elected in place of Peter Camm of Grymesby, who is incapacitated by blindness. Membrane 20. March 20. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle- Westminster, sex, and in the city of London. Order to expend up to 100*. in repairing the houses and mills of the king's manor of Chatham, co. Kent. By K. on the information of the treasurer. To Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices to hear and determine certain trespasses couiniittcd against the king. Order not to molest Edmund Hakelut, knight, of co. Worcester, for what pertains to the king by reut^on of his adhesion to the late rebels, as he has made fine with the king in 100/. to save his life and lands, as appears by the rolls of chancery; provided that he answer to the king if he have been inuicted before the king for goods and chattels forfeited to the king and eloigned or for other trespasses against the king. The like in favour of tlie following : Thomas de Hare path of co. Devon, for a fine of 20/. John de Wanton of co. Hereford, for a fine of 10 marks. Thomas de Wyiinton of co. Oloucester, for a fine of 40 marks. Simon Basset of the same county, for a fine of 10 marks. Gilbert de Thynden of the same county, for a fine of 20 marks. Thomas le Botiller of co. Gloucester, for a fine of 20 marks. Adam Martel of the said county, for a fine of 20/. John de Auro {sic) of co. Gloucester, for a fine of 10 marks. Thomas de Baddeslcy and Simon his son of co. ^Varwick, for a fine of 10 marks. May 3. Ricliard Dansy of co. Hereford has like letters to Geoffrey le Scrop and Westminster, his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king. March 15. To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Westminster. Canok to be elected in place of Alan do Acton, deceased. The like for the election of a verderer for the said forest in place of Richard de Wolsel, deceased. H CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 20 — cont. March 21. To Geoffrey le Scrop. Order to intend, together with the others deputed Westminster, for this purpose, the pleas to be held before the king, as the king wills that he shall be chief justice to hold such pleas. By K. [Pari. Writs.'] To Hervey de Staunton. Order to deliver to the said Geoffrey the rolls, writs, memoranda, and all other things touching the above office. By K. [Ibid.'] March 12. To tiervey de Staunton, Henry Spigurnel, John de Stonore, Robert de Westminster. Malberthorp and Master Robert de Ayleston. Whereas the king, upon being lately given to understand that the beasts and other goods and chattels in the castles, manors, and tenements in cos. Gloucester, Salop, Worcester, and Hereford, and elsewhere in those counties that belonged to certain of his subjects lately insurgent in war against him, and which ought to have come to him by their forfeiture had been withdrawn and eloigned from him by certain malefactors, and that certain of the said castles, manors, and tenements of the said men and of others in that county in his hands for other causes that he lately ordered to be demised at ferm for a certain time, had been demised at a less value than they might have been demised for, and that the beasts, corn and other goods found in the same that he lately willed should be sold for his benefit had been sold for a smaller value than v.'hat they were worth, and that certain demesne lands in the castles, manors, and lands aforesaid that used to be cultivated now lie uncultivated through the default of the keepei s, and that the chaces, parks, warrens, woods, fishponds and fisheries thereof are insufficiently kept, and that the goods in the same at the time when they were taken into the king's hands were wasted and consumed by the keepers of the castles, manors, and lands and by many other persons, and that the said keepers have misbehaved and do misbehave them.selves in their bailiwicks about those things that they had and have in their custody and towards the people of these parts, and that they have kept insufficiently the chaces, parks, warrens, and woods, fishponds, and fisheries, and that they have chased and fished therein, and that they have taken and carried away fish and deer therefrom, and that many of the ministers of the king's household and elsewhere and some others, feigning to have commissions from the king, have taken and carried away the goods and chattels of divers men in the aforesaid counties for the king's use without making satisfaction therefor, appointed the aforesaid Hervey, Henry, John, Robert, and Master Robert his justices to make inquisition concerning the conduct of the said keepers and concerning the above matters, and to bear the complaints of all persons wishing to make plaint for the carrying away of their goods as aforesaid, and to do justice to them, and to punish all those Avlio should be convicted of these ofifences at the suit of the king or of others, and to receive fines and ransoms from those wishing to make fines and ransoms for those things that pertain to the king in this behalf, and to certify the treasurer and barons concerning the same ; the king now orders the said justices to cause the matters aforesaid that hiive been begun before them and that have not yet been determined to be placed before the king in fifteen days from Easter day next, to be determined according to law and custom. By K. March 12. To the same. Whereas the king, upon being lately given to understand Westminster, that the sheriffs in divers counties, and his clerks, bailiffs and ministers, constables and keepers of his prisons, and his bailitis of liberties and other bailiffs of his, and the sub-escheators in the same counties have made oppressions and grievances by colour of their offices from the men of those counties and from other men coming into the same by false indictments, im- prisonments, appeals, grievous ransoms, and intolerable distraints made from unjust causes, and have made extortions of divers sums of money and things. 17 EDWARD II. 76 1324. Membrane 20 — cont. and that the principal taxois and collectors and the sub-taxors and sub- collectors of the sixth and tenth lately granted to the king and of other such grants made to him and their clerks have misbehaved themselves against the king and against his people, and have aggrieved his people in this behalf in many ways, and that they have received great sums of money from the townships of those counties for their own use in order to spare the men of the townships, appointed thS aforesaid Hervey, Henry, Joiin, Robert, and Master Robert his justices to enquire concerning the aforesaid matters in the aforesaid counties, and to hear and determine the complaints of ail wishing to make plaint concerning these matters from the time of tiie king's accession, exc(!pt against those upon whom justice has been previously done, and to receive lines and ransoms for the king's use (as in preceding order) ; the king tiow orders the justices to cause the matters aforesaid that have been commenced before tliem and that have not yet been determined to be placed before him in fifteen days from Easter day next. By K. • To the same. Whereas the king hertofore appointed certain men of divers counties to choose in the same counties a certain number of footmen for th(! Scotch war and for the repulse of tlie contrariants, and to array the men of tiie said counties between the ages of sixteen and sixty, so that tiiey should be ready to come to the king when summoned, and the king after- wards, learning from tiie complaint of the prelates and proceres and people of the realm that the men thus assigned and \^Incoiiiplete."\ March 16. To the same. Whereas the king, upon learning that many persons of Westminster, cos. Salop, Stafford, Gloucester, Worcester, and Hereford hat! aided the rebels in men, horsemen and footmen, money and otiier things, and that tliey had adhered to the said rebels, appointed the aforesaid Hervey, Henry, John, Robert, and Master Robert his justices to enquire concerning the men who had tlius lent aid to the rebels, and to hear and determine the matter; the king now orders them to cause the mattei's aforesaid that have been commenced before them and that have not yet been determined to be placed before him in fifteen days from Easter day next. By K. March IH. To Robert de Bures, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. Suffolk. Westminster. Order not to intermeddle further witii tlie manor of Holebrok, in that county, and to deliver the issues thereof to Robert de .(\spale and Robert de Cantuai ia, executors of the will of Alice, late the wife of Roger le Bygot, late earl of Suffolk and marshal of England, and lo deliver to them the custody of tlie heir of John de Holebrok, as the king, at the petition of the aforesaid executors, suggesting that during Alice's life the custody of the manor and heir came to her hands by reason of the heir's minority because John held the manor by knight service of her by reason of the lands that she held in dower, and that after her death, Bartholomew de Badelesmere, one of her executors, had the manor by the assent and at the will of the aforesaid executors to answer for the issues thereof, and in no other manner, and the manor has been taken into the king's hands with the body of the heir upon Bartholomew's forfeiture, appointed Walter de Norwico, Hervey de Staunton, and William Visdelou to make inquisition concerning the premises, by whose inquisition it appears that Alice had the cus-tody of tlie manor and heir in her lifetime as is above said, and died seised thereof, and that after her death the custody came to the haiuls of her executors, and that Bartholomew, one of the executors, had the manor in form aforesaid. By pet. of C. March 26. To Henry le .Scrop, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Ordi r to deliver Westminster, to Thomas de Hoton, kinsman and heir of Thomas de Hoton, tenant in chief, the custody of the lauiul of Plumpton in the forest of Ingiewodc and of the king's deer in the same laund, which the said Thomas, his grandfather, held in 76 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. ^324. Membrane 20 — cont. chief at liis death, as appears bj inquisition returned into chaucery,as the king, on 25 October, in the 14th year of bis reign, took the homage of Thomas for all the binds that his grandfather held in chief, and ordered Gilbert de Stapelton, then escheator beyond Trent, to cause him to have seisin of the said lands, he having proved his age before the escheator. Membrane 19. March 11. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Westminster. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with the manors of Harewold, Podyngton, La Leye, Brockberwe, and Wrast, which he has taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of John de Grey, and to restore the issues thereof to Roger, son of the said John, as it appears by piirt of a fine levied before William de Bereford and his felloAvs, justices of the Bench, in the 5th year of the king's reign, bet\v'een*John de Stok, parson of Strixton church, demandant, and the said .John de Grey, deforciant, (hat John de Grey acknowledged the aforesaid manors to be the right uf .John de Stok as those that lie had of his gift, and that John de Stok granted them to John de Grey and rendered them to him, to hold for life, so that after his death they should remain to the aforesaid Roger and the heirs of his body, with remainder, in default of such heirs, to John, son of Ralph Basset of Drayton, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to Ralph, brother of the said John son of Ralph Basset, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of John de Grey, and it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that John de Grey at his death held the manors for life according to the form of the fine, and that the manors are held of others than the king. To the same. Like order concerning the manors of Great BrikhuU, Overbletchele, and Snellestonc, as it appears by part of a fine levied before the aforesaid justices in the aforesaid year between the said John de Stok and John de Grey that the latter acknowledged the manors to be the right of the former, and that the former granted and rendered them to the latter, to hold for life, with remainder to the aforesaid Roger and the heirs of his body, and with remainder to Roger son of John de Meules, and the heirs of his body, with remainder over to the right heirs of the said John de Grey. To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Stokhamund, as it appears by part of a fine levied in the aforesaid year before the said justices between the said John de Stok and John de Grey that John de Grey acknowledged the manor to be the right of John de Stok, and that John de Stok granted the manor to John de Grey and rendered to him two parts thereof, to hold for life, and granted tliat the third of the manor, which John de Eton and Lettice his wife held in dower of the inheritance of the said .John de Stok {sic) , should remain to the said John de Grey, to hold, together with the aforesaid two parts, for life, with remainder to the aforesaid Roger, his son, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John de Grey. To John de Bloumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex and Hertford. Like order concerning the manors of Gillyng and Hemmyngford Tui-bervill, except four virgates of land in the latter manor, as it appears by part of a fine levied before the aforesaid justices in the said year between William de Strixton, parson of Deneford church, demandant, and the said John de Grev, deforciant, that John acknowledged the manors to be the right of the said WiUiam as of John's gift, and that William granted and rendered the manors to John for life, with remainder to Roger his son and the heirs of his body, with remainder 17 EDWAED II. 77 ]^324. Membrane 19 — cont. to John son of Ralph Basset of Drayton and the heirs of his body, with remainder to Ralph, brother of the said John son of Ralph Basset, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John de Grey. To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Holewell, as it appears by part of a fine levied before the said justices in the same year between Jolm de Stok, parson of Strixton church, demandant, and John de Grey, deforciant, that John de Grey acknowledged the manor to be the right of John de Stok as of John de Grey's gift, and that John de Stok granted and rendered the manor to John de Grey to hold for life, with remainder to Roger son of the said John de Grey and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John de (in^y. To the same. Like order concerning a messuage, a in ill, 2 carucates of land, 12 acres of meamtil the said 8th November, they are to cause the said deman.d to be superseded and to cause the executors and heirs of the said John to be acquitted thereof. Marcli 27. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to release Roger de Antyngham upon Westminster, his finding mainpernors to have him before the king when ordered, the sheriff having taken him by reason of the king's appointment of John de Weston, constable of the Tower, and Henry de Amyne to pursue and take the said Roger and bring him to the king. By K. Membrane 17. March 15. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent. Order to pay to Hugh Westminster, de (sic) le Despenser of Hilderskelf the arrears of the pension wherein that manor is charged to him from the time when the manor last came to the king's hands, and to pay the same for so long as it is in the escheator's custody, and to permit him to receive the profits mentioned below, as the king leui'ns by inquisition taken by the escheator concerning the lands of Ralph, late baron of Craystok, tenant in chief, that the said manor is held of John Bigot, and that it is charged to the said Hugh with a yearly pension of 5 quarters, one bushel and a peck of good wheat and a robe yearly for Hugh's life, for ihe custody of the woods and warren of Hilderskelf, and that Hugh ought to liave all the strippings and cuttings {rainale et sculpas) from the trees in the woods given by the heirs of the said Ralph in any manner, and all windfall-wood therein, with free ingress and egress to carry the same away, and that Hugh was seised of the said pension and profits from the time of the making of a deed by Sir Ralph son of William, formerly lord of that manor, granting the same to him, and that he continued his seisin thereof until the manor came to the king's hands by the deaih of the said Ralph, late baron of Craystok. March 5. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Berks. Westminster. Order to deliver to Edmund de Bohoun all his lands, as the king has pardoned him the suit of his peace and what pertains to him for adhering to Humphrey de Bohoun, eai l of Herefoi'd, a late rebel, and has restored to him his lands, which were forfeited for this reason ; provided that if the 17 EDWARD ir. 81 1324). Memhrane 17 — cont. lands have been demised nt ferm by the king's order, the said Edmund shall satisfy the fermors by the said keeper's view for their expenses in the lands. {^Parl. Writs.'] By p.s. [G822.] The like to Alan de Cubbeldyk keeper in co. Lincoln, and to Kichard de Wbatton, keeper in co. Northampton. {^Ibid.] March 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow Robert Westminster. Bretoun his expenses about the takin^j of the castle of Bolyngbrok, and for the wages of the men-at-arms and archers placed therein for the safe custody thereof, as he has prayed the king by his petition before the king and council to cause such allowance to be made to him, showing that, when he was sheriff of Lincoln, he expended divers sums al)Out the taking of the castle by the king's order, and that he afterwards put six men-at- arms and ten archers in it for safe custody, who remained in it from 18 March, in the 15th year of the reign, until 16 April following, when he delivered the castle to Alan de Cubbeldyk by the king's order. By pet. of C. [17G2.] March 8. To the same. Like order for the allowance of the said Robeit's expenses Westminster, about the taking into the king's hands of Lincoln ca.stle and the custody of the same, Robert having shewn by his petition before the king and his council that he took the castle and placed twenty men-at-ai-ms, twenty-four crossbowmen, and twenty-six archers therein, who stayed therein from 27 February, in the 15th year of the king's reign, until IG April following, when Robert removed them from the castle by the king's order. By pet. of C. [1762.] March 27. To John de Bloumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suftblk, Cambridge, Westminster. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to deliver to Agnes, Tate the wife of John Dargentaine, tenant in chief, the following of her late husband's knights' fees, which the king has assigned to her in dower : a feo in Waudlyngton, co. Hertford, which John de VVaudlyngton holds, of the yearly value of 10/.; a quarter of a fee in Mehlebourn, co. Cambridge, which Anna Paynel holds, of the yearly value of 15*. To the same. Order to deliver to the said Agnes the advowson of the church of St. Benedict, Cambridge, of the yearly value of lOUs., and the advowson of the chapel of SS. Simon ancl Jude, Newmarket (r/e Novo Mcrcato), of the yearly value of 40.s-., which the king has a.^^sigiied to hor as dower of her husband's advowsons. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Like order to deliver to the said Agnes a knight's fee in Asshendon, co. Buckingham, which John de Adyngrave holds, of the yearly value of 10/. April 1. To John Everard, escheator in CC8. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Westminster. Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with tiie lands of John do Ferariis of Chircheston, and to restore the is.sucs thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that he hold no lands in chief at his death in the escheator's bailiwick by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. March 30. To GriflRn ap Res, constable of Buelt castle. Order to expend up to Westminster. 20 marks in repairing the houses, walls, and other buildings within that castle. April 1. To Richard de Musle, constable of Pontefract castle. Order to release Westminster. John de Chehnersford, clerk, from that castle, wherein he is imprisoned for adhering to the rebels, as tJiles de Trumpeton of eo. Cambriilgc, Master Richard de Clare of co. Wilts, and Gilbert do Chelnicrsfonl, jnu-son of flio 81294. 82 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 17 — cont. church of St. Michael, Long Stretton, diocese of Norwich, have mainperned for paymeut of the 200 marks in which he made fine with the king and have also mainperned for his good behaviour. By K. March 22. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Westminster. Geoffrey de Sutton and Robert But, collectors of the custom at Boston, for 700Z., paid by them by the king's order by privy seal to Thomas de Usflete, clerk of the great wardrobe, for tlie purpose of making divers provisions for the office of the wardrobe in Boston fair, which the king lately charged him to make. March 18. To Thomas de Fetherstanhalgh, keeper of the king's peel of Hegheved. Westminster. Order to deliver to Ermeiarda, late the wife of John de Harcla, her dower of an assart called ' Hegheved,' and the issues of the same from the time when it was taken into the king's hands, as she has shewn by her petition before the king and his council that a third of the said assart was assigned to her as dower after her husband's death by Andrew de Harcla, and that she was seised thereof, and that the said keeper took the said part into the king's hands without cause, wherefore she prayed the king for a remedy, especially as her husband forfeited nothing to the king in his life and she has not trespassed against the king in anything by reason whereof she ought to lose her dower, whereupon the king ordered the keeper to deliver to her her dower aforesaid, together with the issues of the same from the time when it was taken into the king's hands, the keeper having returned that he has not delivered the dower to her because the assart was committed to him by writ of privy seal. April 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Thomas Wak Westmiuster. of 30/. yearly from 1 April last out of the 90/. yearly due from him for the custody of the lands of John de Stutevill, tenant in chief, in Ekyngton and Kyrkeby-in-Asshefeld, for the latter manor, the king having committed to him, on 19 December, in the 16th year of his reign, the custody of the manors during the minority of John's heir, as the king, on 1 April aforesaid, assigned the manor of Kyrkeby to Laura, late the wife of the said John, in dower by the assent of the said Thomas. March 20. To Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster, deliver to Richard, son and heir of Richard de Aumundevill, the issues of his father's lands, the king having ordered John de Bloumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford, not to intermeddle further with the lands of the said Richard the elder, and to restore the issues thereof, because it appears by an inquisition taken by the said John that the said Richard the elder held no lands in chief at his death except the manor of Okenhill, co. Suffolk, whereof Elizabeth, late the wife of the said Richard the elder, was enfeoffed jointly with him, which manor is held of the king as of the honour of Eye by knight service, as Richard de Aumundevill, son and heir of the said Richard, has entered the said lands, as it is said. Membrane 16. March 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, on Westminster. 8 May, in the 14th year of his reign, committed to John de Rithre, his yeoman, the custody of the castle of Corf with the chace of Purbyk during pleasure, so that he should answer to the exchequer for the issues thereof, and ordered Roger Dammory or him who supplied his place in the castle to deliver to John the castle and chace, together with the arms, victuals, and other things in the castle, and the aforesaid commission was delivered at the exchequer in the estreats of the fines of the rolls of chancery, by reason whereof the treasurer and barons have caused John to be summoned to 17 EDWARD II. 83 1324 March 24. Westminster. March 15. Westniiuster. March 11. Westmiuster. Membrane l6-^cont. render account of the issues aforesaid ; and the king on 3 December, in the 15th year of his reign, committed the custody of the castle and chace afore- said to John le Latimer during pleasure, when he ordered the said Roger or him who supplied his place in the castle to deliver the castle and chace to the said John le Latimer, whereby it appears that the castle and chace remained in the custody of the said Roger from tlie said 8 May until tho said 3 December continuously: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to discharge the said John de Rithre of the issues aforesaid. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allow- ance to be made to Richard, brother and heir of Henry de Cokefcld, in the debts due from Henry at his death and the debts of Simon de Cokefcld, brother* of the said Henry and Richard, for 15/. due to Henry from the king by an account made in the king's wardrobe for the time when Henry was of the king's household, and to do what they shall see fit concerning the attermination of the rest of the aforesaid debts, Richard having prayed by his petition before the king and his council for allowance for the said 15/. and that the king would grant liim attermination at the rate of 40*. yearly for payment of the aforesaid debts. By pet. of C. [1965, 1966.] To John de Hampton, eschcator in cos. Worcester, Hereford, Gloucester, Salop, and StafFord. Order not to intermeddle further with an acre of land in Kingesnorton, and to restore the issues thereof, the eschcator having taken it into the king's hands by reason of its acquisition by the abbot and convent of Eordisle, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that the predecessors of the abbot and convent acquired the aforesaid acre from Richard de la Woxthallef long before the publication of the statute of mortmain, to wit 70 years ago and more, rendering therefor to the said Richard and his heirs 6d. yearly, and that the aforesaid acre is held of the aforesaid Richard by the service of G(/. yearly for all service, and that Richard held the said 6c?. of yearly rent with other lands in Brimesgrave and Norton of the late king as of the manor of Brimesgrave and Norton, which is of the ancient demesne of the crown, by the service of the aforesaid 6d. of yearly rent, and that Richard released tho aforesaid rent to the predecessors of the abbot 50 years ago and more, and that he charged himself with the said rent to the late king, and that the aforesaid acre is worth in all issues Siorthampton, to hold at ferm during the king's will, rendering tlierefor 18/. yearly to the exchequer, of the issues of the aforesaid manor from 25 March, in the seventh year of the reign, when the king granted the manor with other manors to Richard de Arundell for life for his maintenance in the king's service, as of the value of 80/. yearly. May 14. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to release Robert Gaz The Tower, from Neugate prison, as Roger de Suthcote, Robert Treyer, and Walter de EUedon, of the city of London, and Thomas Doule of Canterbury, of the county of Kent, have maiuperned to have him before the king upon due summons to answer for certain suspicions and suspected words, for which he was imprisoned, and they have also mainperned for his good behaviour to the king in work and word. By K. May 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John Westminster. Biset, to whom the king, on 12 October last, granted the custody of the manors of Clifton and Ferret, co. Dorset, of the yearly value of 21/. Is. Sd., and of a third of the manor of Horton, co. Sussex, of the yearly value of 6/. 6s. 2d., which belonged to Philip Maubank, deceased, who held them of the heir of John Biset, a minor iu the king's wardship, whicli manors were in the king's hands by reason of the minority of Philip son of William son of the said Philip Maubank, the heir of the said Philip, during the minority of Philip's heir, with the marriage of the heir, saving to the king the knights' fees and advowsons of churches in the said manors, rendering therefor 54/. yearly, of the ferm of the aforesaid third part of the manor of Horton from 12 March then next following, when the king ordered William de Weston, his escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex, and in the city of London, not to intermeddle further with the said third part, and to restore the issues thereof, because it was found by an inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Philip held at his death the said manors of CHfton and Perret of the aforesaid lieir by knight service, and that he held no lands of the king in chief by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held the said third of the manor of Horton of William de Brewes in free socage. May 10. To the justices of the Bench. Order not to permit Roger le Hunte to Westminster, be molested or aggrieved whilst coming into the realm, staying therein, or returning thence, by virtue of any writ directed to them, as the king, on 10 November last, granted protection for one year to the said Roger, who was staying in the king's service in the duchy [of Aquitaine] in the company of Ralph Basset of Drayton, seneschal of Gascony, and Roger afterwards came to this realm to the king and other magnates with letters from the said Ralph for the king's affairs upon divers occasions, and returned to the duchy, and the justices have ordered Roger, now in England on the king's service, to be attached by reason of a writ of deceit sued out in chancery 17 EDWARD II. lOI 1324. Membrane 11 — cont. at the suit of the prior of Coventre and shewn to them, because the action that was before them between the said prior and Roger concerning a trespass committed upon the prior by Roger remained sine die by virtue of the king's protection shewn to them on Roger's behalf. By K. The like, ' mutatis mutandis,' to the sheriffs of London and the sheriff of Warwick. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Anthony de Lucy, tc whom the king, on 10 March, in the 16th year of his reign, committed the lands that belonged to Andrew de Harcla, a late rebel, in COS. Cumberland and Westmoreland, of the issues of the manor of King's Meburn, co. Westmoreland, from 26 July last, when the king granted to the said Anthony, in addition to the lands that he had previously granted to him in fee, the said manor and the manor of Greiulon, co. Northumberland, which belonged to Roger de Clifford, a late rebel, which came to the king as escheats, and which the king afterwards gave to Andrew, upon whose forfeiture they came to his hands, to have and to hold to the said Anthony for life by the same .services as Roger held them by, as of the yearly value of 100 marks, the said manor of Meburn being in Anthony's custody by virtue of the above commission. Membrane 10. May 13. To John de Nevill, Richard de la Bere, and Peter de la Rokele, justices The Tower, to hear and determine certain trespasses committed upon the king at Fraunkton, co. Lincoln. Order to supersede entirely the exaction and outlawry of Richard de Furncux, parson of Fraunkton church, for not appearing before them to answer concerning the said trespasses, and to stay all process against him, as he has satisfied the king for the aforesaid trespasses. By K. To the same, justices to hear and determine certain trespasses committed upon Hugh le Dospenser, the younger, at Fraunkton, co. Lincoln. Like order, tiie said Richard having satisfied Hugh. By K. To Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent. Order to restore the issues received by him when he was escheator from the lands that belonged to Roger de Cotccombe, the king having ordered Richard lo Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham, not to intermeddle with the said lands and to restore the issues thereof, because it was Ibuud by an inquisition taken by the said Master John that Roger held no lands in chief of the king at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. May 16. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be The Tower, elected in place of Thomas de Musegrave, who has no lauds in that county to quahfy him for the office. May 20. To John de Stonore and his fellows, justices to enquire concerning cer- Westmiiister. tain rebels' chattels forfeited to the king in co. Stafford taken and carried away by certain persons. Order not to molest Robert de Insula by reason of the rebels' goods found at Tuttebury when the king was there, concern- ing which he is disquieted before them, as the king committed the custody thereof to him. By K. May 15. To Henry de Hockele, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Warwick. The Tower. Order not to intermeddle with the purparty of John de Wutevill and Dionisia, his wife, daughter and co-heiress of Isabella de HuUes, of certain lands in Palyngtou in that county of the inheritance of the said May 11. Westminster. 102 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 10 — cont. Dionisia and of Alice, wife of John de Laungele, her sister, and to deliver to them the issues of the said purparty from 17 August last, when the king, having taken the homage of the said John de Watevill for the said purparty, rendered the purparty to them and ordered Master John Walewayn, then escheator this side Trent, to make partition of the lands aforesaid into two parts in the presence of the said John de Laungele and Alice, if they chose to attend, and to cause John de Watevill and Dionisia to have seisin of her purparty as esnescy of the inheritance aforesaid, because it was found by inquisition taken by the said escheator that Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, held, on the day of his forfeiture, the said lands in name of wardship, and that the lands came to him after the death of the said Isabella, who held them of him by knight service, by reason of the minority of the said Dionisia and Alice, which lands afterwards came to the king's hands by the earl's forfeiture, and that Dionisia is full age. May 19. To the, treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately Westminster, granted amongst other things to Henry de Percy, son and heir of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, that if his mother Eleanor, late the wife of the said Henry, to whom the king had granted the custody of the lands whereof her husband died seised in co. York during the minority of her said son, should die before Henry came of age, Henry should have the custody of the lands until he came of age, rendering .therefor to the exchequer as much as Eleanor was bound to I'ender for the same, and because Eleanor, by reason of the destruction wrought in the said lands by the Scotch rebels, rendered the lands to the king with the issues thereof from Michaelmas, in the 13th year of the king's reign, the king granted to Henry, on 27 April, in the said year, the custody of the said lands until he came of age, rendering tlierefor to the exchequer 400 marks yearly ; and the king afterwards, because he had assigned the ferm that Eleanor used to render for the said lands in aid of the maintenance of Edward, earl of Chester, his son, on 3 June, in the said year, ordered Henry, who had the custody of the lauds with the issues thereof from the aforesaid Michaelmas, to pay the said ferm to the king's son from Michaelmas aforesaid : the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause Henry to be discharged of the issues of the said lands from Michaelmas aforesaid and of the 400 marks yearly thus assigned to the king's son. May 16. To the same. Whereas the king, on 3 March, in the 4th year of his The Tower, reign, granted to Henry de Percy, deceased, that he should have during the king's pleasure the custody of the wapentake of Staynclif, rendering therefor 40 marks yearly to the exchequer, and it is now shewn to the king on behalf of Henry de Percy, son and heir of the aforesaid Henry, that although Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, held the said custody on the afore- said 3 March, and from then until his forfeiture, and received the issues thereof in full, so that Henry, father of the said Henry, did not and could not receive anything therefrom, and the custody has been in the king's bands from the time of the forfeiture until now, as the said Henry son of Henry is prepared to verify, the said 40 marks yearly for the custody are exacted by summons of the exchequer from his lands from the said 3 March, as if Henry his father had had the custody, and the said Henry son of Henry is distrained in this behalf : the king orders the treasurer and barons to supersede the demand made in this behalf, and to cause Henry to be discharged thereof before them, if they ascertain by inquisition or in other lawful manner that the eai'l had the custody on the said 3 March and from then until his forfeiture, and that it has been in the king's hands since that time. May 18. To the same. Whereas the king, on 13 November, in the 12th year of The Tower, his reign, granted to Henry de Percy, son and heir of Henry do Percy, 17 EDWARD II. 103 1324. Membrane 10 — cont. tenant in chief, then a minor in his wardship, the custody of the castle and manor of Alnewyk, which. belonged to Henry's father at his death, during Henry's minority, with all things pertaining thereto, without rendering anything to the king therefor, for the defence of the easlle against the Scotch rebels, and committed to Henry the custody of all his father's lands in all the counties of England except Yorkshire during his minority, rendering therefor to the excliequ(;r as much as those who then liad the custody thereof rendered to the king for the same ; and afterwards, on 26 May, in the aforesaid year, the king, because he had granted in aid of tiie maintenance of Edward, earl of Ciiester, the ferm that W. archbishop of Canterbury was bound to render for the manor of Pa) teworth, co. Essex, which belonged to Henry, father of the said Henry, and whicli the arch- bishop then had of the king's commission, ordered the said Henry to be intendent and respondent to the said Edward for his ferin of the said manor from 13 November then last past, upon which day the king committed to Henry the custody of the manor until Henry came of age, rendering to the exchequer as much as the said archbishop rendered yearly : the king there- fore orders the treasurer and barons to cause Henry to be discharged and acquitted of the issues of the said castle and manor of Alnewyk from 13 November aforesaid, and to cause the archbishop to be discharged of the ferm that he was bound to render for the aforesaid manor before the aforesaid day, and to cause Henry to be discharged of the same after that day. May 16. To the same. Order to cause the aforesaid Henry, son of Henry de The Towt'i-. Percy, to be acquitted of the issues and ferms of the lands that his father held in chief at his death from 26 December, in the loth year of the king's reign, when the king took his homage and rendered the said lands to him, although he had not then proved his age. Membrane 9. May 13. The Tower. May 11. The Tower. May 15. The Tower. May 21. Westminster. To the mayor, bailiffs and men of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to expend up to 100/. out of the ferm of that town, by the view and testimony of Richard de Emeldon, in the construction and repair of the walls about the said town in Pampedene. By bill of the treasurer. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Alesia, late the wife of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, to have the corn, hay, and grass growing or being in tlie manors of Colham, Eggeswere, Everle, and Colyngbourn, from 10 July, in the 16th year of the king's reign, when the king granted to her the corn, etc., in the said manors, which had been taken into the king's hands upon the death of the said Thomas, and which the king afterwards rendered to her, and to ilischarge Robert de Hungerfoi-d, keeper of certain lands then in the king's hands in cos. Middlesex and AVilts, and the other keepers, bailiffs, and reeves of the manors aforesaid of the corn, hay, and grass aforesjiid and of the costs about sowing of the corn and mowing of the hay aforesaid. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Thomas de Hale, who cannot attend to the duties of the olSce as he does not reside in that county. To John do Blounvill, cscheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambi'idge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. AVhereas lately at the prosecution of Isolda, late the wife of Gilbert Pecche, tenant in chief, suggesting that Stephen, brother of Thomas de la Chaumbre, knight, granted by charter to 104 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 9 — cont. the said Gilbert the manor of Peselyngworth, co. Suffolk, and that by the taking of an assize of novel disseisin arramed by William de Hemenhale and Isabella his wife before John de Mutford and his fellows, justices to take assizes in that county, against Stephen de la Chaumbre, Gilbert his brother, and others named in the original writ concerning the said manor, prejudice might be done to the king (vohis), because the said Gilbert, heir of the aforesaid Gilbert, is a minor in the king's wardship and the custody of the manor ought therefore to pertain to the king during his minority, and peril of disinheritance might fall upon the said Gilbert son of Gilbert, the king ordered the said justices to view the charter afore- said and to attempt nothing in this matter that might be to the king's prejudice or the heir's peril; and the king afterwards, upon learning from the complaint of the said William and Isabella that although the said Gilbert son of Gilbert, as principal disseisor, had with others named in the aforesaid writ disseised them of the said manor, and was seised thereof with his father and after his father's death by that disseisin and not other- wise, as they were prepared to prove, nevertheless the said justices deferred proceeding to the taking of the assize by virtue of the said mandate, ordered the said justices tbat, if it appeared to them that the said Gilbert son of Gilbert had, together with others named in the writ, disseised William and Isabella of the aforesaid manor, and was seised thereof by that disseisin and not otherwise, they should take the aforesaid assize not- withstanding the aforesaid order, provided that they did not proceed to render judgment without consulting the king; and afterwards, because it appeared by the tenor of the record and process of the aforesaid assize thus taken by the said justices, which the king caused to come before him in chancery, that the aforesaid Stephen, Gilbert son of Gilbert, Simon Pecche, clerk, John son of Adam Noriold, William Hok, William de Hemstede, and Richard Mone, together with the said Gilbert Pecche, deceased, disseised the aforesaid William de Hemenhale and Isabella of the aforesaid manor, appropriating the free tenement of the manor to Stephen, and that Stephen was seised thereof by that disseisin for two days, and forthwith enfeoffed the aforesaid Gilbert Pecche and Gilbert his son thereof, Avhich Gilbert the son continued his estate therein throughout his father's life and afterwards, and was seised thereof in form aforesaid, the king, having inspected the tenor and record of the process aforesaid, being unwilling (volentes) further to defer justice to the said William and Isabella, ordered the justices aforesaid to proceed to render judgment notwithstanding any order to the contrary ; and the king now learns from the said William and Isabella that, although the justices proceeded to reader judgment, they have not obtained seisin of the aforesaid manor according to the judgment because the manor was taken into the king's hands after the death of the aforesaid Gilbert Pecche, the elder, in name of wardship by reason of the minority of the said Gilbert his son, and it is still in the king's hands, and they have prayed the king for remedy : as it appears by the record and process of the whole matter, which the king caused to come before him in chancery, that judgment is rendered in this behalf, and that it is considered that William and Isabella shall recover their seisin thereof by the view of the recognitors, and their damages, which are taxed by the same at 220/., the king orders the escheator not to intermeddle further with the said manor. May 20. To Richard de Musele, constable of Sandale and Conynggesburgh castles. Westminster. Order to expend up to 40 marks in repairing the walls and towers of the castles. May 22. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be Westmiuster. levied for the king's use the sums contained in certain recognisances made 105 1324. Membrane 9 — cont. before the king and before the justices of the Bench to certain rebels and their adherents, the tenor of which recognisances the king sends them here- with sub pcde sigilli. By K. May 20. To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the Westmiuster. king. Order not to permit Nicholas Trymenel to be aggrieved by reason of the rebels' goods that he took and occupied whilst in the king's company, as the king bas granted that those who were in his company to prosecute the rebels shall not be aggrieved at his suit or the suit of any other for the goods of the rebels and their adherents taken and occupied between 17 October, in the 15th year of the king's reign, and 5 April following. To the sheriff of youthampton. Order to release Gregory de Compton, who is imprisoned in Winchester castle for iulhering to Henry le Tyeif, a late rebel, and to other rebels, and to deliver him to William de Aylemere, king's clerk, who has mainperned to liave him before the king upon reason- able summons. By i).s. May 1,5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, on The Tower. 18 December, in the 5th ycuir of his reign, committed to Henry de Percy, deceased, the custody of the castle of Bainburgh with the king's truncage there and a rent in the town of Wernemuth, during jdeasure, rendering therefor 110/. yearly to the exchequer, and although afterwards, on 28 May, in the aforesaid year, the king committed the castle to John de Esshlyngton during pleasure, and ordered Isabella de Bello Monte to deliver to bini by indenture the said castle with the arms, victuals, and other things of the king's therein, as appears by the rolls of chancery, wherel)y it is not presumed that Henry had the custody of the castle by virtue of the aforesaid com- mission, the treasurer and barons nevc^rtheless exact 890/. {sic) from Henry de Percy, son and heir of the aforesaid Henry, for the ferm of the castle for the 5th, 6th, and 7th years of the king's reign as if his fatlier had had "the custody, whereas he had not and did not intermeddle therewith in any wise: the king orders the treasurer and barons that, if they find by in- quisition or by other means that Henry the father did not have? the custody of the castle, and did not intermeddle therewith, to cause the demand made upon Henry the son to be superseded, and to cause him to be discharged thereof before them. May 26. To Anthony de Lucy, keei)er of the wood of Whynfel. Order to deliver Westminster, to the sheriff of Westmoreland and the keeper of the king's [castle] of Appelby six leafless oaks from that wood fit for timber, for the repair of the houses of the said castle and of the mills of the same. To the sheriiT of Westmoreland. Order to cause victuals to be bougiit and purveyed up to the value of 10/. for tlie munition of the .said cjtstlc, and to cause them to be kept in the same castle, and to cause them to be changed as often as necessary, so that they may be found ready and fresh (recencia) when they shall be required. The sheriff is ordered to expend 100*. in repairing the castle and the mills of the same, by the view and testimony of Henry de Warthecop. May 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance Westminster, to be made to John de Tycheburn, late sheriff of Wilts, for 3G0/. received in the king's chamber on 7 May, in the 15th year of the reign, by the hands of Thomas do Useflet, and for 139/. 2s. 5|neye and of Master John Walevvayn, late eschcators this side Trent, until the manor was demised at ferm to the said Richard de Wyngefeld, and it appears by the deed of gift, which William le Noreys has exhibited before the king in chancery, that he ought to have snch wages and robes from the manor for life. May 26. To the chancellor of Ireland. Order to cause brother Roger Utlagh, Westminster, prior of the Hospital of St. John of .Jerusalem in Ireland, the king's chief justice, and other subjects previously deputed, or others to be dci)nted by the chancellor if necessary, to go on eyre to hear pleas in county Meath, as the king is given to understancl that certain of the pleas summoned before his justices lately in eyre in that county are not yet determined. By K, Vacated, because otherwise below. 1324 May 26. Westminster. May 24. Westminster. 108 CALENDAR OF CLOSE EOLLS. Membrane 8 — cont. To Robert de Hungreford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in the city of London. Order to deliver to Kichrlas de Clare, knight, all his lands in the said keeper's custody, which were taken into the king's hands for his adherence to the rebels, as he has made fine with the king in 100/. for saving his life and lands ; provided that if the lauds are demised at ferm, Nicholas shall satisfy the fermors for their expenses about the same. By K. The like to John Giffard, keeper of certain forfeited lands in the marches of Wales. To the treasuT'er and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, on 18 December, in the 5th year of his reign, committed to Henry de Percy, deceased, the custody of the castle of Baumburgh with the king's truncage there and a rent in the town of Warnemuth, during pleasure, rendering therefor 110/. yeaily to the exchequer, and afterwards, on 28 May, in the aforesaid year, ordered Isabella de l>ello Monte to deliver to him by indenture the said castle with the arms, victuals, and other things of the king's therein, the king by other letters patent committed to John de Esshlington the castle and appurtenances during pleasure, and ordered Isabella to deliver the same to him in form aforesaid, as appears by the rolls of chancery, whereby it is not presumed that Henry had the custody of the castle by virtue of the aforesaid commission ; the treasurer and barons nevertheless exact 890/. (sic) from Henry de Percy, son and heir of the aforesaid Henry, for the ferm of the castle for the 5th, 6th, and 7th years of the king's reign as if his father had had the custody, whereas he had not and did not intermeddle therewith in any wise : the king orders the treasurer and barons that, if they find by inquisition or by other means that Henry the father did not have the custody of the castle, and did not intermeddle therewith, to cause the demand made upon Henry the son to be superseded, and to cause him to be dischai-ged thereof before them. May 26. To brother Roger Utlagh, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem AVeitmiuster. in Ireland, chancellor of Ireland. Order to be chief-justice in eyre in county Meath in place of A. archbii-hop of Dublin, the late chief justice, Jind to make eyre in that county with others previously deputed for this purpose, or to be deputed by him, as the kiug is given to understand that certain of the pleas summoned before the justices lately in eyre in that county are not yet determined. By K. April 15. To Alan de Cubeldyk, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co. Westminster. Lincoln. Whereas, upon its being found by certificate of the treasurer and barons of the exchequer that John de Whytynton, clerk, ought to receive for life in the manor of Wylghton, co. Lincoln, which belonged to the Templars, and which was then in the king's hands for certain reasons, Zd. daily for his food and 20*. for his robe at Christmas and 20s. yearly for his other necessaries, and 2d. daily for the food of his groom and 5s. yearly for other necessaries of the groom, for 16 acres of land in Thevelby, a messuage and three acres of land in Methiug[by], which he gave to the said manor, and that he ought to give to the manor at his death-20s., the king ordered the keeper of the manor to pay to the said John the wages and stipends aforesaid, and the arrears of the same from the time of the keeper's appointment; and afterwards, because the manor came to the hands of John de Moubray, a late rebel, for certain causes, who satisfied the said John de Whytinton for the aforesaid wages and stipends for the time that he held the manor until the manor came to the king's hands as escheat by reason of the rebellion of the said John de Moubray, the said John de Whytinton prayed the king to cause such wages and stipends to be paid to him from the time when the manor came to the king's hands, iind the king thereupon appointed the said Alan, Peter dc Ludington, and John de Crossholm, the 1324. May 24. Westminster. May 15. The Tower. 17 EDWARD II. 109 1324. Membrane 8 — cont. younger, to make inquisition concerning the same, and it is found by their inquisition that the said John de Whytinton gave 16 acres of land in Thevelby and a messuage and 3 acres of land in Methyngby to the said house of Wylghton, in order to have maintenance in that house for himself and a groom, and he proferred a charter under the name of William de la More, sometime master of the order of the Temple in England, which testilied that the master, with the common counsel and assent of his chapter celebrated at Dyniiesley in the feast of St. Barnabae, 1304, granted to the aforesaid John, for his good service and for the tenements aforesaid, his food in their house at Wylghton at the table of the brethren of the house, a suitable clerk's robe at Christmas, price 20*., yearly for life, and 20.?. for his other necessaries from the preceptor's purse or from him who sui)j)lies his place there, and food for the said .John's groom at the squire's table and 5*. for the groom's necessaries, and it was found by the inquisition that John was always seised of the aforesaid maintenance for himself and gi oom from the time of the said grant, as well during the time of the order aforesaid as when the manor was in the king's hands upon the annulling of the order and during the time when the said John de Moubray occupied it, without change of his estate in any wise, and that h(! continued his seisin thereof, wherefore he has prayed the king to cause the wages and stipends to be paid to him from the time when the manor thus ciime to the king's hands: the king therefore orders the said Alan to pay to John the wagefe and stipends afore- said out of the issues of the manor, and their arrears from the time when the manor thus came to the king's hands. June G. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Christiana, Westminster, hite the wife of Ingelram de Gynes, to have seisin of the lands that she held jointly with her husband on the day of his death of her inheritance, and to deliver to her the issues thereof, as the king has taken her homage for the said lands. By p.s. The like to John do Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, and Lancaster. Membrane 7. ff May 27. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Westminster. Berks, Bedford, and Biickinghuni. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage, a carucate, and 2\ virgates of land, 9 acres of meadow, and 4*. of rent in Godyngdon, co. Oxford, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king, at the suit of Simon de la liorde, nephew and heir of Guy Ferre, suggesting that the late king granted the manor of Godyngdon to Guy, and that Guy afterwards acquired the aforesaid tenements from Godfrey son of Peter and Joan his wife by fine levied before the late king's justices of the Bench in the 9th year of his reign, and that Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, after the death of Guy, who died without an heir of his body, took the manor and the aforesaid tenements into the king's hands, as if the reversion of the tenements pertained, like that of the manor, to the king, ordered the aforesaid Richard to make inquisition concerning the above, and it is found by such inquisition that the tenements aforesaid were not in the late king's seisin when he granted the manor to Guy, and were not delivered to Guy with the manor, but that Guy, after he had obtained seisin of the manor, acquired the tenements from the aforesaid Godfrey and Joan in the 9th year of the late king's reign by fine levied before Thomas de Weylond and his fellows, then justices of the Bench, and that the tenements were taken into the present king's hands on 1 April, in the 16th year of his reign, by John de Bury, then sub-escheator of the said John no . CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 7 — cont. Walewayn in co. Oxford, by reason of Guy's death, who held the manor of the king and died seised thereof, and that the tenements are held of the fee of tbe earl of Lincoln by the service of the twelfth of a knight's fee, and are worth in all issues 4Z. Gs. 8(Z.,and it appears by part of the fine shewn before the king in chancery that Guy acquired the tenements in form aforesaid. To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold picas before the king. Whereas at the prosecution of Roger Mortcyn and Isabella his wife, suggesting, by their petition before the king and his council, that William Tochet feoffed them of 2 messuages, 4 tofts, 12 bovates of land, and 6 marks of rent in Appelby, co. Lincoln, to them and the heirs of Isabella's body, and they afterwards demised the tenements aforesaid to the prior and convent of Thornholm for ten years, and William, asserting that they had alienated the tenements to the prior and convent and that the prior and convent had entered them contrary to the statute of mortmain, seised the tenements into his hands, whereupon the prior and convent ejected him from the said tenements, and that William afterwards, in the late king's time, arramed an assize of novel disseisin against the prior concerning the tenements before William de Mortuo Mari and Roger de Bella Pago, then justices appointed by the late king, and although it was found by the recog- nition of the assize taken before the said j»istices that the tenements were granted to Roger and Isabella in fee tail, and were afterwards demised by them to the prior and convent for the term of twelve {sic) years, a certain escheatorof the late king's took the tenements into his hands because it was found by tlie said recognition that Roger and Isabella, after tlie demist; thus made to them, made a charter of feoffment of tlie tenements to the said prior and convent, which was delivered to Thomas de Nevill to be kept in equal liand under certain conditions, and that the tenements are still in the king's hands, the king ordered the record and process of the aforesaid as>ize to come before him in chancery and caused enquiry to be made concerning the whole matter ; whereupon Roger and Isabella have prayed the king for a remedy : the king, wishing to do what is just, sends the record and process of the said assize and the aforesaid inquisition and petition to the said Geoffrey and his fellows sub pede sigilli, and orders them to inspect and examine the same, and to call before them the aforesaid prior and others, and to hear the reasons of Roger and Isabella and of the ^irior and, of others, and to cause due and speedy justice to be done to Roger and Isabella in this matter. May 20. To Geoffrey de Villers, receiver of the issues of certain lands forfeited Westminster, to the king in co. Bedford. Order to deliver to the heir of William de Keynes of Faldho the issues of William's lands from 14 May, in the 15th year of the king's reign, when the king pardoned William the suit of his peace and what pertained to him for adhering to Thomas and Humphrey, late earls of Lancaster and Hereford, and to otlier rebels, and restored to him his lands, which were taken into the king's hands for this reason, and after his death the king ordered his lands, thus taken into his hands, to be delivered to his heirs, with the issues thereof from the said 14 May. May 27. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to John Devery, Westminster, whom the king is sending to prepare and hasten certain ships in cos. Southampton, Somerset, Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall for the king's service to Gascony, 100*. towards his expenses in this matter ; provided that he account before them for that sum on his return, and that he satisfy the king for any surplus after allowance have been made to him for his daily expenses. By bill of the treasurer. May 30. To Jihn Everard, escheator in cos. Somerset, Dorset, Devon, and Westminster. Cornwall. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Alan de 17 EDWAED II. Ill 1324. Membrane 7 — cont. Chastillun, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by tlio escheator that he hehl no lands in chief of the king at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. May 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king learns Westiniuster. by inquisition taken by Roger Beler and John de Lungevill that John Giffard of Brymniesfeld, Edward de Norton, and Robert de Coventr[eia], receiver of the aforesaid John, at the time when Hutnplirey de Bassingburn, late sheriff of Nortliamptou, took the manor of Navesby, which belonged to the said John, into the king's hands, with other rebels in their progress to the north, took by armed force from Geoffrey Martyn, then reeve of the said John, 14/. and had their will thereof, which sum the reeve had received of the issues of the manor, and that the money did not afterwards come to the hands of the said Humphrey, and that Humphrey de Bohun, late earl of Hereford and Essex, and the said John with other rebels in their said progress came with armed force to the aforesaid manor when Humphrey de Bassingburn was sheriff of the aforesaid county, and took and carried away with them divers goods and chattels to the value of 45/. lOf. 8c/., to wit 26 oxen, price \0s. each, 4 horses, price 8*. each, eight plough-horses (ajfros), price 3*. 4r/. each, 2 bulls, price 20*., 234 sheep, price 2.9. each, 34 swine, price 3s. each, and a boar, price 2.?., and that Humphrey de Bassingburn could not resist the said rebels at that time, and that he did not receive 50«. from any creditors of the said John for sheep sold at Navesby, and that the aforesaid money did not come to his use ; the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause Humphrey de Bassingburn to have allowance in his account for the aforesaid 14/., 45/. lOs. Hd., and for the said 50.9. May 26. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to .seise into the king's hands all ihe Westminster, lands, demesnes, fees, churclies, advowsons, and liberties in his bailiwick that belonged to the Templars at the time of tlu; adnuilation of that order, and to deliver them, after seisin has been had in the king's name, to the prior and brethren of the Hospital of St. .fohn of Jerusalem in England, in accordance with the ordinance in tiic parliament at Westminster [as in order of 26 Marc/i, par/e 91 aboi-e'\. The king wills that all the moveable goods in the said lands shall remain to their owners, and that satisfaction shall be made by the Hospitallers for the value of the corn growing in tlie said lauds, or that the owners of the corn may carry tlie same away and make their profit thereof when the time comes; i)rovided that the seisin of the king or of the Hospitallers shall not be retarded by rea.son of the corn and goods aforesaid. By K. The like to all the slieriffs of England. The like, ^mutnlis mutandis,' to Edward, earl of Chester, Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, and tiie bishop of Durham. May 25, To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be Westiniuster. elected in place of John de Appenlele, who is incapacitated by illness and infirmity. Membrane 6. June 4. To John Everard, keeper of certain forfeited lands in cos. Devon and Westminster. Cornwall. Order to expend up to 10/. in repairing the houses in the lands of Henry Tyeys, a late rebel, in co. Cornwall, by the view and testimony of Richard de Prato. By C. May 31. To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold picas before the Westminster, king. Order to call before them Richard, brother of Reginald son of 112 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 6 — cont. Henry de Bokland, to whom the king lately ordered William de Poleye, late keeper of forfeited lands in co. Hertford, to deliver the manor of Bokland [as at page 53 above'\, and to hear the said Richard's reasons, and to cause justice to be done to the king and to him concerning the aforesaid manor, as the king has found amongst the muniments that belonged to Bartholomew de Badelesmere a deed of quit-claim whereby the said Richard, on Sunday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, in the 13th year of the king's reign, released his right in the aforesaid manor to Bartholomew, and bound himself and his heirs to warrant it to Bartholomew and his heirs, for which reason the manor ought to pertain to the king by Bartholomew's forfeiture. Vacated, because they were not sealed. June 8. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be Westminster, elected in place of Gregory de Thornton, who has no lands in fee in that county. [ParZ. TVrils.J June 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the men Westminster, of the county of Northum.berland to liave respite for one year for all debts exacted from them by summons of the exchequer or otherwise for the king's use, except the debts due from them for victuals bought from the king, as the king has granted them such respite in consideration of the damages sustained by them from the vScots. By K. June 8. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Bernard de Maleu, Westminsttr. attorney of Arnald Guillelmi de Malewe, 100/. without delay, the king having granted that sum to Arnald in alleviation of the damages suffered by him in the loss of horses, etc., in the king's service in the duchy [of Aquitaine] and of his expenses in the same service, in which he was maimed, as the seneschal of Ga«cony has testified by his letters, which the treasurer and chamberlains are to receive from the said attorney. By K. To John de Rythre, constable of the castle of Skypton-in-Craven. Order not to distrain John le Flemyng for homage for the knight's fee in Wath, CO. York, of the yearly value of 37/. 6*. 8d., held by him, which the king, on 1 April, in the 8th year of his reign, assigned as dower to Matilda, late the wife of Robert de Clyfford, tenant in chief. To Robert de Umframvill, earl of Anegos, Roger Heyron, Gilbert de Bornden, and Richard de Emeldon. Order not to receive to the king's peace any men of co. Northumberland and the bishopric of Durham who had lands and adhered to the Scotch rebels, as it is not the king's intention that such men shall be received to his peace by virtue of their appointment to receive to the king's peace men of those parts who adhered to the Scots by reason of poverty and other necessity. [Foedera.^ June 12. To William de Gosefeld. Order not to intermeddle further without Westminster, special order with the assizes of novel disseisin in divers counties and other things, for which the king lately appointed him justice with others. To Robert de Barton, late keeper of the works of the castle and town of Carlisle. Order to deliver by indenture to Anthony de Lucy, constable of the said castle, all the king's implements in Robert's possession fit for the said works, the king having ordained that the walls, houses, towers, and other things in the castle shall be repaired by the ordinance of the constable and by the view and testimony of Robert de Chisenhale, king's clerk, and that the walls of the towu shall be repaired by the king's ordi- nance intimated to the constable by the treasurer. By bill of the treasurer. May 26. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Westminster. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with June 10. Westminster, 17 EDWARD II. 113 1324. May 28. Westminster. June 12. Westminster. June G. Westminster. June 12. Westminster. June 14. Westminster. March 17. Westminster. 8129d. Membrane 6 — cont. the lands of Robert de Berewyk, and to restore the issues thereof, as it is found by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Robert held no lands in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. To the said Master John Walewayn. Order to restore the issues received by him from the aforesaid lands. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause the men of Scotland arrested by John de Glenton, keeper of the water of Sulewatb, by virtue of the king's commission to keep that water, who are in the king's prison in the sheriff's custody, and such men as shall bo hereafter arrested and delivered to him by the said John to be brought before the keepers of the truce between the king and the men of Scotland in those f)arts, when summoned by the keepers, at their day.s of the march, there to receive what ought to be done according to the form of the truce, the king having ordered the keepers to cause the said men to be delivered from prison if they ought to be released by virtue of the truce, and to remit them to prison under the sheriff's custody until further orders if they ought not to be delivered. By K. [FaderaJ] To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Ord(>r not to intermeddle further with the lands of the monastery of Bundiam by reason of the present vcidance, otherwise tiian has been usual heretofore, and to restore the i.ssues thereof, as Edmund, late earl of Cornwall, by his deed, which the late king con- firmed by letters patent, which the king has inspected, granted to the nuns of the said house that upon each voidance of the office of abbot {sic) of that house, they should have power to choose an abbess without licence from the earl or his heirs, so that the carl or liis ministers should not have ingress into the monastery or into any of the lands pertaining thereto, and should not intermeddle with the same, and the nuns have now shewn tho king that although they have had the custody of all the lands pertaining to the monastery upon each voidance since the time of the grant aforesaid, the escheator has taken tho lauds into the king's hands by reason of the present voidance. To John de Bonsscr and John de Cantebrig. Order not to permit William do Gosefeld, whom the king appointed to take with them all assizes, juries, and certificates to be taken before all his justices in cos. Essex, Hertford, Cambridge, and Huntingdon, to intermeddle in any way with tho said assizes, juries, and certificates or with anything pertaining to the king, as the king has caused him to be amoved from the said office for certain reasons. By K. To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales. Order to cause one hundred or two hundred footmen, according to his di.«cretion, to be chosen in South Wales and West Wales, and to cause tliem to be armed suitably, and to cause them to be taken to Plimmuth hy some one in whom he can trust, so that they be there in the quinzaine of Midsummer next at the latest, to set out for the duchy [of Aquitaine] in the king's service. The king has ordered the chamberlain of Kaermerdyn to pay them the usual wages from the day when they set out for Plimmuth until they arrive there. By K. {Pari. Writs.'] To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Salop, Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Order to take proof of the age of William de Hampton, son and heir of Richard de W 114 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 6 — cont. Hampton, tenant by knight service of the heir of Richard, late earl of Arundel, lately a minor in the late king's wardship, at a day and place to be appointed by the escheator, as William says that he is of full age and prays for livery of his lands, wherefore the king wills that he shall prove his age before the escheator, he having been born at Hampton, co. Salop, and baptized in the church of Ellesmere in the marches aforesaid. Vacated, because they were not sealed. Membrane 5. June 13. Westminster. June 12. Westminster. June 12. Westminster. June 12. Westminster. June 13. Westminster. June 16. The Tower. June 16. yhe Tower. To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Salop, Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Order to cause the aforesaid William to have seisin of the lands that his father held as above, as he has proved his age before the escheator. To Walter le Gras, keeper of the land of Werthrynneon. Order to allow the men of the community of that land to have respite for the amerce- ments inflicted upon them before the keeper for chasing, during the late disturbance in the realm, in the king's free chace in that land, after it came to the king's hands by the forfeiture of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor, late lord of that land, and for taking away deer, the king having granted that they shall have respite for the above amercements upon their good behaviour during his pleasure. By K. on the information of W. de Ayrem[ynne]. To Ranulph de Dacre, John de Haryngton, and Adam de Skelton, keepers in the parts of Carlisle of the truce between him and the men of Scotland. Order to cause the men of Scotland arrested by John de Grlenton, keeper of the water of Sulewath, to come before them as often as need be, and to cause them to be released, if they ought to be released according to the truce, or to remit them to prison under the custody of the sheriff of Cumberland if they ought to be detained in prison, certifying the king of the names of those thus remitted to prison and of the cause of their arrest. By K. To Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to John de Clarun, knight, the issues of the manor of Rothyng Ay thorp, co. Essex, the king having, on 12 July last, ordered the escheator not to intermeddle further with the said manor, because it was found by an inquisition taken by the escheator that Guy Ferre held the manor at his death of the gift of John Bacun by fine levied in the king's court, by virtue whereof the manor remained to John Clarun upon Guy's dying without an heir of his body. To Edmund de A,ssheby, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Lincoln. Order to deliver to Alesia de Lacy, daughter and heiress of Henry de Lacy, late earl of Lincoln, the court of the fee of La Haye, the bailey before the gate of Lincoln castle, and 20/. for the third [penny] of the county of Lincoln, in accordance with the king's order of 20 September, in the 16th year of his reign, to Alan de Cubbeldyk, then keeper of the aforesaid lands, as Alan was amoved from office before he had executed the order. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to pay to Rhys (Reso) son of Rhys ap Mereduk, a Welshman in Norwich castle, such wages as he was wont to receive in the late king's time and in the present king's time, and to pay him the arrears of the same from the time of the sheriff's appointment. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of William atte Mede of Pithelestorne, deceased. 17 EDWARD II. ITS June 18. Tlie Tower. 1324. Membrane 5 — cont. To William de Tatham, receiver of the isfiUcs of certain lands in CO. Lanca.ster. Order to pay to Anthony de Lucy 200/. for repairing the walls of Carlisle castle, in addition to the 100/. that he has paid him by the king's order for this purpose. By K. on the information of the treasurer. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to cause all the masons and stone-cutters (cement arios et quarrerarios) of his bailiwick to come; to Carlisle without delay to do ceitain works of the king's there, as they shall be enjoined by Anthony de Lucy, keeper of the aforesaid works. By K. on the information of the treasurer. The like to the sheriffs of York and Lancaster. .Tune 18. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and The Tower. Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Wrokeshale, CO. Somerset, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Ralph de Gorges held no lands in chief of the king at his death except a third of the manor of Braunton, co. Devon, by the .«ervice of finding the king an arrow when he came or sent to Exmore to take venison, wiiich arrow was to be there delivered to the king's huntsman, and it is found by the aforesaid inquisition and by an inquisition taken by the said John Everard that Ra]{)h held the manor of Wrokeshale of Hugh de Courteney by knight service and not of the king. To Henry de Cobeham, keo])er of the forfeited lands in co. Kent. Whereaa it appears by part of a fine levied before William de Bereford and his fellows, justices of the Bench, in the 14th year of the king's reign, between Thomas Colpeper and Margery his wife, demandants, and Richard de Ileaden and John Colpeper, deforciants, concerning two messuages, two mills, 405 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, CO acres of pa.sture, 80 acres of wood, and 20s. of yearly rent in Peapunbery, Tonebrugge, and Tondele that Richard and John granted the tenements aforesaid to Thomas and Margery and rendered the same to them in courtj to hold for their lives, with remuindcr to Walter son of Thomas and Margery and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to John, brother of the said Walter, and to the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Richard, brother of the said John, and the heir? male of his body, with remainder over to the right lieirs of the said Thomas, and it appears by an inquisition taken by the aforesaid Henry de Cobeham and by William de Northho and William do Ponte Roberti in the presence of Richard de Potesgrave, late keeper of the aforesaid tene- ments, that Thomas and Margery continued their seisin of the tenements according to the tenor of the fine without change of their estate until they were taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of the said Thomas, and that the tenements, with the exception of 55^ acres, are held of Claricia, daughter and co-heiress of Roland de Oxstede by the service of \d. yearly, and that of the excepted land, acres are held of John de Merc worth by the service of o^d. yearly, 4^ acres of Walter do Cliiteeroft by the service of 6c?. yearly, and 20 acres of laud of Peter Robert by the serv ice of \Qd. yearly : the king orders the aforesaid keeper to deliver the tenements afore- said to the said Margery, to be held accoi'ding to the tenor of the fiue ; provided that after the death of Margery, Walter, .lohn, and Richard, the tenements shall revert to the king in case Walter, John, and Richard each die without an heir male of his body. By K. and C. June 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance Westminster, to be made to John de Grantham of London in the debts due from liim to the exchequer for 40/. 1 Is. O^r/., the said John having shewn by liis petition that William de Hedersete and his fellows, collectors of the cu.stom {cus- tumarii) of wool iu the port of London, received the above sum from him n 2 116 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS, 1324. Membrane 5 — cont. by way of imprest for the king's use beyond the custom due for his wool, and he has prayed the king to cause that sum to be allowed to him in the debts due from him to the exchequer of the time when he was one of the sheriffs of London, and he has prayed the king for remedy because the treasurer and barons defer allowing him the above sum although they found by the accounts of the said collectors, which the king ordered them to examine, that the collectors answered to the king for this sum. June 16. To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co. The Tower. Lincoln. Order to restore to Henry de Umframvill his lands, goods and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of his adherence to the rebels, and to restore to him the issues thereof. By K. The like to John Everard, keeper, etc., in co. Devon. July 4. To John de Lek, receiver of the issues of the castle [and] honour of Laughton. Tutteburi. Order to pay to John de Denum, to whom the king granted during pleasure the superior custody of the chace of DufEeldfrith and the parks within the limits of that forest, the arrears of the wages therefor due from the time of the grant, and to continue to pay him the same henceforth, the king having granted that he should receive the usual wages therefor and the other things that Nicholas de Hungerford, who previously had the custody, used to receive for the same. 3IEMBBANE 4. June 30. To Henry de Cobeham, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co. Tunbridge. Kent. Order to restore to William de Hokiniore his lands, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of his adherence to the late rebels, as he has found mainprise for his good behaviour. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne. July 2. To Walter de Norwico. Order to supply the place of W. bishop of Eotherfield. Exeter as treasurer in the exchequer, during the treasurer's absence in Devon, Cornwall, and co. Southampton, whither he is going for the ex- pedition of certain of the king's affairs. By K. [Pari. Writs. '\ June 30. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Eleanor, Tunbridge. late the wife of Henry de Percy, to be discharged of 3s. lOfrf. from 8 March, in the 16th year of the king's reign, when the king restored to Henry, son and heir of the said Henry, the knights' fees and advowsons of his father, which had been in the king's hands during his minority, the said Eleanor being bound to render the above sum yearly during the said heir's minority by the hands of the escheator beyond Trent for the excess in value of the lands assigned to her in dower on 6 November, in the 8th year of the reign [as in this Calendar, 8 Edward II, p. 125]. June 2. To Petronilla, late the wife of John de Benestede. Order to pay to Joan Rotherfield. de Balsam 115s. 7d. yearly from the time when the manor of Benyngton, CO. Hertford, was assigned to Petronilla as dower, which manor is of the yearly value of 41/. 6s. 8d., for which Petronilla is bound to pay 115s. 7c?. yearly to the exchequer during the minority of John's heir for the excess in value of her dower, as it is found by inquisition taken by John de Blomvill, escheator in that county, that the said John de Benestede granted to Joan de Balsam 10 marks yearly for her life, and that he charged his lands with payment thereof, and that Joan has been wont to receive that sum yearly from his lands from the time of the grant. The king will discharge Petronilla of this sum at the exchequer. 17 EDWARD II. 117 1324. June 28. Tunbridge. June 28. Tunbridge. Membrane 4 — cont. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the said Petronilla of the aforesaid 1 155. Id. during her life and the life of the said Joan. Thomas de Langele, imprisoned in Neugate gaol for the death of Thomas de Lenne, ' skynner,' has letters to the sheriff of London to bail him until the first assize. To the sheriffs of London. Order to restore to Master John de Stretford, now bishop of Winchester, his lands, goods and chattels, which the king lately ordered them to take into his hands for certain causes. By K. The like to the following : The sheriff of Warwick. H. bishop of Lincoln, 1 /• .t ^ • ^- ^ j • T) V ■ u tf /-I i A r • \ c ^^ Uor t"c ecclesiastical goods in R. bishop or Coventry and Lichfield, > ^\ ■ ^■ T r - . r riu- 1 / I their dioceses. J. bishop of C'hichester, J July 1. To Geoffrey de Edenham, keeper of certain lands in co. York. Order to Lewes. permit the sheriff of that county to deliver all the lands, fees, advowsons, liberties, etc., in his custody that belonged to the Templars at the time of the adnullation of their order to the prior and brethren of the Hospital of St. John of .Jerusalem, in accordance with the grant of the same to them [a« at page 91 above'\. The king wills that aiicc shall bo of no effect from the lime of such grant of the reversion. Dated at London, 13 February, 17 Edward II. Memorandum, that Thomas came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. Feb. 6. William de Harecourt, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Iron Acton. Grey 40/. ; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. York, Leicester, and Derby. Cancelled on payment. Robert Inge, parson of the church of Trenge, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to John Triple, citizen of London, 23/. 10,«. 5d. ; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. 158 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. X324i. Membrane 25d — cont. Feb. 28. John Cromphoj-n, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to tTohn de Westminster. Denton 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Southampton. Cancelled on payment. William del Hull acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Well, knight, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Salop. Roger atte Bowe, citizen and apothecary of London, acknowledges that he owes to Master William de Barneby, clerk, 46/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Enrolment of grant by John de London of Aulton, clerk, to John de Molyns of all his lands in Horton called ' Poundeslaunde,' and all his lands in Brokhampton, in the hundred of Knolton, co. Dorset, and a piece of meadow on tiie bank of Stoure in Kyngeston Mede, and a virgate of land in the same towns that John de Berewyk holds for life, after the death of the said John de Berewyk. Witnesses : Sir William de Ayremynne, Sir William de Clyf, and Sir William de Herlaston, clerks ; John de Brideport, Joan Wak, Robert Terri, Giles le Boure. Dated at London, 20 February, 17 Edward II. Memorandum, that the said John de London came into chancery at Westminster, on 29 February, and acknowledged the above deed. Feb. 26. John de Brudeport came before the king, on Monday after St. Matthias, Westminster, and sought to replevy to Nicholas de Pille, parson of the church of Ekforde, John de la Forde, and Richard de Grodalmyngg their land in Kyngeston near Jevele, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against John de Denum and Margaret his wife. This is signified to the justices. The said John on the same day sought to replevy the land of Nicholas de Pille, parson of the church of Ocforde, etc., as above. March 1. Hugh de Meignill, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Westminster. Staunton 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Derby. Geoffrey Leyr of Bromham acknowledges that he OAves to William de Sancto Johanne 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Cancelled on payment. March 6. Brother John, abbot of Stanleye, acknowledges, for himself and convent, Westminster, that he owes to Roger Rykemanny, citizen of London, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co, Wilts. Cancelled on payment. John Morgan acknovrledges that he owes to Richard Adryan 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Thomas de Hauvill acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Watevill 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Buckingham, Enrolment of grant by John son of William de Penreth to Sir William de Herlaston, clerk, of a messuage and a virgate of land in Herlaston. Witnesses : William le Curzoun of Croxhale ; Hugh de Tymmore of Haselovre ; Henry le Freraon of Haselovre ; Richard Austin of Herlaston ; John Bieton of Wyginton ; Robert Chaumpion of Edenynghale; Robert ' of the Halle ' of Edenynghale. Dated at Herlaston, Wednesday after St. Matthias, to wit 1 March, 17 Edward II. Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 7 March, and acknowledged the above deed. 17 EDWARD II. 159 1324. Membrane 25d — cant. March 6. Adam le Warner of Drayton came before the king, on Tuesday after Westminster. St. Chadd, and sought to replevy his land in Colieham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Juliana, late the wife of Robert de Assh. This is signified to the justices. Membrane 24d. Feb. 23. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order not to molest W. archbishop Fulham. of York or the men of his household in coming to the {)arliament summoned at Westminster, in staying there, or in returning thence, by reason of the disputes between the two archbishops concerning tiie carrying of their crosses in each other's provinces, as it was agreed in tiie parliament at York in the presence of the two archbishops that the archbishop of Canterbury might come to parliaments and other treaties for the king's affairs in the province of York and that the archbishop of York might in like manner come into the province of Canterbury without impediment. By K. [Fcedera ; Pari. H'rils.^ To the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby. Order to meet the archbishop of York when he comes into his bailiwick on his journey to the said parliament, and to conduct him through his bailiwick, not permitting any wrong or grievance to be done to him or any of his household. ]3v K. [Ibid.] The like to the sheriffs of the following counties : Warwick and Leicester. Bedford and Buckingham. Northampton. Berks. Cambridge and Huntingdon. Lincoln. [Ibid.] To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to meet the archbishop of York when he comes into their bailiwick, and to conduct him to West- minster in like manner, and to cause proclamation to be made forbidding anyone molesting the archbishop or any of his household during his journey to the parliament, his stay there, or return thence. By K. [I7nd.'} The like to the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. [Ibid.] March 3. William Sars, parson of the church of Stokton, diocese of Coventry and Westminster. Lichfield, acknowledges that he owes to Master Elias de Sancto Albano, clerk, GO marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. John Bygot, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Francis Bachcmen and Joan his wife 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. Cancelled on payment. March 6. Richard le Chaumberlayn, knight, and John his son acknowledge that Westminster, they owe to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Cancelled on payment. Thomas le Botiller of Knolle and Henry de Hulles acknowledge that they owe to John de Molyns and William de Cusaunce, clerk, SO/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Dorset. Cancelled on payment. 100 CALENDAE OF CLOSE KOLLS. 1321. Membrane 2Ad — cont. Thomas lo Botiller of Knolle acknowledges that he owes to Henry de HuUes 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Dorset. John de Orreton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Tymparoun, clerk, 20*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cumberland. Cancelled on payment. Edmund de Bouhun acknowledges that he owes to Master Roger de Clisby, clerk, 12 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Berks. Benedict de Ditton acknowledges that he owes to John de Carleton, clerk, 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Essex. Cancelled on payment. March 8. To the prior and convent of Worcester. Request that they will cause Westminster. Alice Conan, who has long served the queen, to receive such maintenance from their house for life as Perrotus Daveylers, deceased, had therein at tlie king's request, making letters patent under their common seal granting the same to her, and certifying the king by the bearer of their proceedings in this matter. By K. March 8. Nicholas de Combe acknowledges that he owes to Matilda, daughter of Westmiuster. Thomas de Lokynton, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. John de Moun, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas le Chaundeler of London 14/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Dorset. Louis, bishop of Durham, puts in his place William de Killerby to prose- cute and defend his petitions and matters in the present parliament against the king. March 13. William Mareschal of Dorchester, the elder, acknowledges that he owes Westminster, to James de Cianaxio 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Dorset. March 14. Hugh de Burgh, parson of the church of Patrikbrumpton, diocese of Westminster. York, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Pykeryng, clei'k, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in CO, York. Cancelled on payment. • March 18. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause Walter le Gras and Henry de Westminster, Monte Forti, knights of that shire, to have 14 marks from the community of the county for their expenses in attending the parliament at Westminster, staying at the parliament twenty-four days, and being two days on the way thither and two days on their return, taking 3s. 4c/. a day eacli. By K. {Pari. Writs.] The like for the knights of other counties for various sums. [//»/uted them and the ship among.st them, and took the said William and his son William, who were foundph son of Arnulph dc Monntcny and William de Rcrham acknow- ledge that they owe to .John son of Arnulph de Mounteny, knight, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. John son of Arnulph de Mounteny, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid Arnulph and William 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Hugh de Northo, parson of the church of Horstede Kaynes, diocpse of Chichester, acknowledges that he owes to William de Northo, the elder, 84 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Sussex. William, prior of Tobye, acknowledges that he owes to Henry Prod- hommc, fishmonger of London, 3G/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. May 3. To Ayraer de Valencia, carl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest tins side Westminster. Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order (o cause to be replevied to Agne.s, late the wife of llenry Ilusee, her woods in Shottwode and Ilev- wodc, within the bounds of Savcrnakc forest, which were taken into tho king's hands for trespass of vert, if they be repleviable according to tho assize of the Forest. Enrolment of release by Robert de Munden, clerk, to John de la Forde of Edelmeton and Matilda his wife, for their lives, of his right in 10 marks of yearly rent, in which they arc bound to him for his little manor 81294. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 13c? — cont. (maneretto) of La Morh[alle] in Erdeleye, which they hold for their lives of his demise. Witnesses : Robert de Asshewell ; Henry de Thurston ; William de Norwyco. Dated at Westminster, on Thursday the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 17 Edward 11. Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. May 3. Luke de Vyenna acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Peccham, Westminster, parson of the church of Terrynge, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. William de Northo, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Pecham, parson of the church of Terriiige, 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. William Latimer acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Latymer 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Bedford. Cancelled on payment. May 3. William de Woldon acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Geddyng Westminster. 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Roger de Belegrave acknowledges that he owes to Master John de Bele- grave, his brother, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester. May 4. John, parson of the church of Petrestre, puts in his place Geoffrey Stace Westmintiter. and William de Crossefeld to shew cause in chancery why a moiety of the lands that John holds of the lands that belonged to Thomas atte Rente of Ipswich on 10 May, in the 15th year of the king's reign, should not be delivered to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, by virtue of a recognisance of 153/. 6s. Sd. made to him in chancery by Thomas. May 5. William Buteller of London acknowledges that he owes to Master Westminster. Richard de Gloucestre, clerk, 24 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. May 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Richard Westminster, de Grey, who is going to Gascony on the king's service, to have respite until Michaelmas for all debts due to the exchequer. Thomas son of William de Somercotes acknowledges that he owes to Matilda Taney 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. May 5. George atte Grenhull, chaplain, and Richard his brother acknowledge Westminster, that they owe to Peter de Horton 13 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Nicholas le Mareschal of Cotyngham and Richard son of Robert son of Peter de Swanlound acknowledge that they owe to John Gay of Watteford 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. Cancelled on payment. Membrane \2d. May 9. Henry de Weyvill, parson of the church of Aldryngton, diocese of Westminster. Chichester, acknowledges that he owes to Roger Broun 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in CO. Sussex. 17 EDWARD II. 179 1324). Membrane I2d — cont. Robert de la Ryvere acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de Hildesle 20 maiks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Berks. Cancelled on payment. John son of Richard de Derteford, ' clerk,' acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Pateshull 7o marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. April 8. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side "Westminster. Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause to be replevied to John Peverel his wood of Penyngton Meysy, within the forest of Chut and Vyiikele, which was taken into the king's hands for trespass of vert and venison committed therein, if it be repleviable according to the assize of the Forest. May 9. Walter de Ebor[aco] of Lincoln acknowledges that he owes to Master Westminster. John Walevvayn, clerk, 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. John Wyn of Chaulerton and John Doget of Kyngesle acknowledge that they owe to Phiiii) Marmyoun 20/. ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Southampton. Geoffrey de Cornubia and Edmund de Cornubia, knights, acknowledge that they owe to William de Sancto Johanne 160 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Northampton and Oxford. Cancelled on payment. Robert le Boucked acknowledges that he owes to Reginald atte Garston and John le Hurt 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey. The said Robert, Reginald and John acknowledge that they owe to John de Wyndesore, parson of the church of liedyiigton, 40 marks ; to bo levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Note of payment of 10 marks. Hamo de Moreston puts in his place William de EmcldoD and Hugh de £bor[aco] to prosecute a recognisance for 40 marks made to him in chancery by William de Cobeham. May 10. Thomas de Courzoun acknowledges that he owes to Ranulph de Veer Westminster. 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Cancelled on payment. John de Asshe acknowledges that he owes to John le Estnrmy 22/. ; (o be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. — 'J'he chancellor received the acknowledgment. Heni'y de Cantebregg, the king's tailor, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Monte Caniso, knighf , 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. Adam (?) Spiriok of Andevere acknowledges that he owes to Robert IMilys, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled 07i payment. John Waleys acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Goldyngton 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of iiis lands and chattels in co, Essex. .M 2 180 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324i. Membrane Vld — cont. William de Gosefeld acknowledges that he owes to John le Waleys lOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Thomas de Maundevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John le Waleys 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Essex. John Galeway of Mundeford acknowledges that he owes to William de Neuport 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Thomas de Cobeham, ' wodemanger,' of the parish of All Hallows le Graunt, acknowledges that he owes to Alexander le Peyntour, keeper of the king's ships, 8/. \s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London, Robert le Conestable of Fleynburgh acknowledges that he owes to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 24/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Cmicelled on payment. The abbot of Stoneleye in Arderne acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to Amieto Gilebaldi and Anthony Malocello 150/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. Roger de Haveryng acknowledges that he owes to Master Richard de Gloucestre 23 marks ; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent and in the city of London. John de Blounvill acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Goldyngton 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Hertford. John le Lyndraper of Huche acknowledges that he owes to Adam, vicar of the church of HenloAve, 9/. 10s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Nicholas Haldan of Sneynton acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Percy, lord of Spoford, 93/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Cancelled on payment. Ralph de Sechevill acknowledges that he owes to John Baudewyn of Barlyng, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Leicester. Stephen de Redenesse, merchant, acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. May 16. John le Bruyn of Okie acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de The Tower. Malyns 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Buckingham. William de Traylly, parson of the church of Northyevele, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Simon Croyzer 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in CO. Bedford. Cancelled on payment. Richard Fynore and Nicholas de Bamre acknowledge that they owe to Stephen le Ferour of Staneforth 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. May 13. London. May 15. The Tower. 17 EDWARD II. 181 1324.. May 18. Westminster. May 22. Westminster. Membrane 1 2c? — cont. John atte Wode, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Crane, citizen and butcher of London, 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. William atte Hole acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Brome, clerk, 9 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels ia CO. Berks. Adam de Brome, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to William atte Hole 9 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Oxford. Stephen de Redenesse acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Saltmersk 4/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. York. Cancelled on payment. Thomas de Leycestre of Northampton, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Stephen atte Redenesse 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. John le Marchal of Britlampton, par.son of the church of Esthattcleye, diocese of Ely, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Evesham, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesi- astical goods in CO. Cambridge. Stephen de Redenesse acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam de Ayremynne, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. John de Sapy, Robert de Kendale, and John Hauward, James de Audele, John de Hanstede, and John de DufFord acknowledge that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Hertford {Her'), Buckingham, Suffolk, Stafford, Northampton, and Worcester. John de Oddingeseles and Emma his wife acknowledge that they owe to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Oxford. Margery late the wife of John de Hache, acknowledges that she owes to Simon de Shepeye 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Northampton. John de Felton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John do Claveryng 25/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Cancelled on payment. Matilda, late the wife of Richard de Vernon, the younger, acknowledges that she owes to William de Herlaston, clerk, and John de Pychccote, vicar of the church of Billesdon, 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in cos. Stafford and Derby. Cancelled on payment. Membrane 1 Id. May 8. Constantine le {sic) Mortimer, knight, acknowledges that be owes to Westminster. Laurence de Brok 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cambridge and Norfolk. 182 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. May 6. Westminster. May II. Westminster. May 10. Westminster. "L324. Membrane \\d — cont. Tlie prior of vSt. Mary of Suthwerk acknowledges that he owes to Master Walter de Barton and Master Richard de Aulton, executors of the •will of Master Philip de Barton, late archdeacon of Surrey, 23 marks, 6s. Sd ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey, Cancelled on payment. To the justices in eyre for forest pleas in co. Essex. Order not to put the abbot of Caen in default by reason of the common summons of the eyre, as the king has warranted to him his absence. By K, Robert de Tong has letters to the abbot and convent of Cerne to receive the pension due to one of tlie king's clerks by reason of the new creation of the abbot. By K. To the sheriff of York, Order to cause proclamation to be made that all men of his bailiwick who have 40/. of land or rent yearly or hold a whole knight's fee of the value of 40Z. yearly, and who have held them for three ■whole years, of whomsoever they may hold, shall take the order of knight- hood before Michaelmas next or at that feast, and to certify the king at the said feast of the names of those who have such land or rent or fee in his bailiwick. The king will enquire concerning the sheriff's bearing in the execution of this order, and will cause a remedy to be applied. By K. \^Fcedera ; Pari. JVrits.'\ The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Z&irf.] To the same. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all those who wish to receive knighthood from the king shall come to London before Whitsunday next to receive their necessary apparatus from the king's wardrobe. \_Ibid.'\ The like to all the sheriffs of England. \_Ibid.'\ Memorandum, that the archbishops and bishops, earls and barons of the -. realm, are ordered by letters under the privy seal to be with the king < at Westminster on Sunday after the Ascension next to speak and treat with him upon matters touching him. \_Ibid.'\ May 10. To the bailiffs, men, and whole community of the town of Southampton, Westminster. Order to prepare six of the greatest ships of the town, and to cause them to be provisioned with men, and to cause them to come to Portesmuth by the feast of Holy Trinity next, in order to carry thence at the king's ■■ wajies men-at-arms and their horses and other men in the king's service as the masters of the ships shall then be enjoined on the king's behalf, as the king understands that certain men are endeavouring to usurp his rights in the duchy of Aquitaine and to attack the ducliy with armed force. They are ordered to certify the king without delay of the names of the ships and of their masters. The king has ordered the sheriff of Southampton to cause gangways {pontes) and hurdles {clayas) necessary for the shipment {eskippnmento) of the said men and horses to be provided and carried to Portesmuth. By K. ^Fcedera .'] The like to the mayors, bailiffs, arid men, and bailiffs and men of the following places : Sandwich for fuur ships. Wynchelse for six ships. La Rie for two ships. Faversham for one ship. Seford for one ship. Sliorham for two ships. Weymuth for ten ships. i Portesmuth for one ship. 17 EDWARD II. 183 1324. Membrane \\d — cont. Haraelhok for one ship. Boldre for one ship. Jernemue under Wyght for two ships. Pole and members for four ships. \Ibid^ May 10. To the mayor and bailiffs of Sandwich. Order to cause all the ships of Westminster, that port and of its members, capable of carrying 40 tuns of wine and upwards, to be prepared and found without delay, so that they shall be ready to set out in the king's service on three days' summons, and not to permit such ships to go to parts beyond sea hereafter, and to cause such ships as are now without the port to be retained and prepared as above upon their return, certifying the king of the number of such ships now in the port and outside the port, and to warn the mariners and others of the port who are absent to proceed cautiously during their stay and return so that they do not fall into the hands of their adversaries, pirates, or others. By K. llbid:\ The like to the following : * The barons and bailiffs of Dover, Hethe, Romenhale, Wynchelse, La Rye, Hasting', Faversham. The like to the mayors and bailiffs, and bailiffs of the following places : Southampton. Portesmue, Shorham. Yarmouth. Dunwich. Ipswich. Sheford. Pevenesche. Bristol. Herewych. Oreford. Goseford. Maldon. Yaremuth, La Pole. The Isle of Wight. Hardelawe. Flynt. Holmcoltram. St. Bees {Sancta Bega). Wyrkyngton. Ravenglas. Falemue. St. Michael's Mount in peril of the sea. Mousehole. St. Karantocus. Oldestowe. Clovely. Shippedenemere. Welles and Holkeham. Bruuham. Thornham. Lenne. Boston. Salteneye. Salfletebye. Waynflet. Grymesby. Kyngeston-on-Hull. Ravenesere. Scardeburgh. Baumburgh. Tynemuth. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Whyteby. Lancastre. Cokermue. Lyvrepol. Fordesham. The prior of St. Helen's baililT of the Isle of Wight. Neuport in the Isle of Wight. Towemouth. Ilfardecumb. Cumbemartyn, Dunsterre. Usk. Goer. Lym. Landstephan. Talthan. Haverford. Penbrok. Sencher. Kameys. Kalgaran. Kermerdyn. Kardygan. A nglcseye. Rothelan. Cliester. Aberconeweye. Lanipader. 184 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324 Metnbrane \\d — cont. May 9. Westminster. May 9. Westminster. Sweneseye. Karnarvan. Kedewelly. Mileford. Lymer. Oterymuth. Exemue, with Luleham, Kyen and Tuppesham. Sydemouth. Teygnemue^ Dertemue, with Tottonye. Porlemue. Yalmmue under Nyweton Ferers. Plvmmue with Sutton. Lo. Fawy. Boldre. Blakeneye. Glamorgan. Strugoil. The like to the abbot and bailiffs of Furneux, the prior of Kertemel, and the .justiciary of Ireland or him who supplies his place. To Geoffrey le Scrop. Order to be with the king at Westminster on Sunday after the Ascension next to treat and give his counsel upon the king's affairs with the prelates, earls, barons, and other joroceres of the realm, whom the king has ordered to be with him at the above date. By K. \_Parl. Writs.'] The like to fourteen others. [^IbicL] To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all knights of his bailiwick shall be with the king at Westminster on Wednesday after the said Sunday, laying aside all excuses, to treat and give their counsel upon the aforesaid matters with the king and the prelates, earls, barons, and proceres aforesaid. The sheriff is ordered to be there in person on the aforesaid day, certifying the king of the names of all knights and other men-at-arms of his bailiwick and his proceedings herein. By K. {Ibid.'] The like to all the sheriffs of England. By K. [Ibid ] Membrane lOd. May 16. Joan, late the wife of John de Barton of Oswaldkirk, acknowledges that The Tower, she owes to Roger de Grymston, knight, 9/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. York. Ralph Bygot acknowledges that he owes to Thomas West 400 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Northampton. The said Ralph acknowledges that he owes to the said Thomas 130 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the afore- said counties. William de la Doune acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Sheringg 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cambridge, Essex, and Hertford. Cancelled on payment. Maimselinus Marmyoun, parson of the church of Stanhopp, diocese of Durham, and William son of William Marmyoun acknowledge that they owe to Roger Beler 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. York and Leicester. Cancelled on payment. Thomas son of Richard Wale of Eydon acknowledges that he owes to Richard Wale of Eydon 1,000/,; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. May 19. Westminster. 17 EDWAUD II. 185 1324. Membrane 10c? — cont. William Bever, parson of the church of Hambury, diocese of Worcester, acknowledges that he owes to John de Eynesham and William atte Wolde of London 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester. Cancelled on payment. Peter, prior of the church of St. Mary, Suthwerk, acknowledges, for liimself and convent, that he owes to William Roce and Hilary Roce 3fi marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in co. Surrey. Cancelled on payment. Walter, archbishop of Canterbury, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Falleye, William de Herlaston, and Edmund de Brecclcs, executors of the will of Gilbert de Roubury, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in cos. Surrey and Kent. John son of Arnald de Percy acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Y'ork. May 20. John Galewcy of Mundeford acknowledges that he owes to William de Westminster. Neuport 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Essex. John son of Warin Quyntyn of Neuport acknowledges that he owes to William de Neuport 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. May 24. Philip de Hardeshull acknowledges that he owes to John de Lowe of Westminster. Asshene 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Leicester, Buckingham, and Northampton. Guy Breton acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Kelsale 4/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. John de Chekewell acknowledges that he owes to Guy Jacobi, spicer {apotecar') of London, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of Loudon and co. Kent. John de Say of Mertok acknowledges that he owes to William son of John de Say of Mertok 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. May 26, Geoffrey de Wykewane of Aston Somervill acknowledges that he owes to Westminster. John de Sloughtre 170 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. Thomas son of Eustace acknowledges that he owes to Elizabeth de Burgo and Master Richard de Clare, parson of the church of Dunmowe, 500/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. John Knyght of Stystede acknowledges that he owes to John de Bousser 100*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Hamo de Barsham acknowledges that he owes to John de Arches, * messager,' 10/. ; to be levied, in default of pay.mcnt, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Cancelled on payment. 186 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. May 27. Westminster. May 28. Westminster. Mefnbrane \Qd — cont. Roger de Mortivall' and Thomas de Foxle, executors of the will of John le Flemyng, put in their place John de Neweland, clerk, to prosecute a recognisance for 54/. Memorandum, that on 26 May, to wit the feast of St. Augustine the Arch- bishop, the king at Westminster granted, with the assent of Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, his chancellor, and of others of his council, to Sir Richard de Ayremynne, his clerk, the custody of the rolls of chancery, to have in the same way as others who have previously had the custody thereof ; and the said Richard took the oath that he ought to take in this behalf on the same day in the chancellor's lodging in the houses of the earl of Richmond near St. Paul's London, in the presence of the chancellor, Master Henry de Clyf, Sir William de Herlaston, Adam de Brom, and other clerks of the chancery, and Sir William de Ayremynne, previously keeper of the rolls, there delivered the keys of the chests wherein the rolls are kept. [Pa?7. JFrits.} Thomas Chaunterel acknowledges that he owes to John son of Robert de Norton 401. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Berks and Surrey. Release by Hugh de Dryby, son and heir of Sir Ralph de Dribi, to John son of Sir John de Harsyk of co. Norfolk and Margery his wife of his right in the manor of Dryby, co. Lincoln, and in all knights' fees, advowsons, and all other things pertaining thereto. Witnesses : Sir William de Kyme, Sir Robert Darcy, Sir Simon Chaumberleyn, Sir William de Paris, Sir Robert de Morle, Sir John Haward, Sir John de Felton, knights j William Morteyn ; John Pecok. Dated at London, 27 May, 17 Edward II. Memorandum, that Hugh came into chancery at Westminster, on the same day, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of grant by John son of Sir John de Arsyk, knight, of Northfolk, to Hugh de Dryby, son of Sir Ralph de Dryby, knight, of a robe, price 2 marks, or 2 marks yearly from his manor of Suthacre, CO. Northfolk, Witnesses : Sir John Haward, Sir John de Felton, knights; John Pecok. Dated at London, 28 May, 17 Edward II. Memorandum, that John came into the chancery at Westminster, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed. Reginald son of John de Peckebrigg acknowledges that he owes to Matilda Sampsom of Eston 9 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Membrane 9d. May 20. To the bailiffs, men, and whole community of the town of Southampton. Westminster. Order to cause the six ships that the king lately ordered them to cause to be prepared and sent to Portesmuth by the feast of Holy Trinity next to be sent to Plymmouth by that date, certifying the king without delay of the names of the ships and of the masters thereof. By K. The like to twelve ports for the ships (specified at page 182). May 10. To the bailiffs, men, and whole community of Great Yarmouth. Order Westminster, to prepare five of the greatest ships of the town, and to cause them to be provided with men [and] mariners, and to cause them to come to Plimmuth by the feast of Holy Trinity next, in order to carry thence at the king's wages men-at-arms and their horses and other men in the king's service as the masters of the ships shall be then enjoined on the king's behalf, as the king understands that certain men are endeavouring to usurp his rights in the duchy of Aquitaine and to attack the duchy with armed force. They 17 EDWARD II. 187 1324, Membrane 9d — cnnt. are ordered to certify the king without delay of the names of the ships and of the masters of the ships. The king has ordered the sheriff of South- ampton to cause gangways (^pontes) and hurdles {clayas) necessary for the shipment of the said men and horses to be provided and carried to Plymmuth. By K. The like to the bailiffs, men, and communities of the following places : Little Yarmouth for two ships. Ipswich for two ships. Herewych for one ship. Donewiz for two ships. Romenye for one ship. Hasting' for one ship. Lym for one ship. Exemuth for one ship. Dertemuth for four ships. Plummuth for one ship. Fowy for one ship. Tengemuth for one ship. May 20. To the bailiffs, men, and community of the town of "Weymuth. Order to Westminster, cause six of the ten ships that the king lately ordered them to prepare and send to Portesmuth to come to Plymmuth at the feast of the Iloly Trinity next, to set out in the king's service at his wages, certifying the king of the names of the ships and of the names of the masters of the same. The king will spare them from providing the other four ships upon this occasion. By K. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to go in person to the ports of Portesmuth, Flameliiok, Suthampton, Boldre, and Yarmuth under Wyght, and to cause the ships that the king has ordered the bailiffs and men of those ports to prepare for the carrying of horses to be arrayed ami to hasten the preparation of the same, so that they be at Plymmouth at the feast of Uoly Trinity at the latest. The king will cause gangways (pontes), hurdles, and other such necessaries to be brought to Plymmouth from the parts of South- ampton at the said day. By K. The like to the following : The sheriff of Sussex for a ship at Seford and two ships at Shorham. The sheriff of Dorset for four ships at La Pole with its members and six ships at Weymouth, and a ship at Lym. The sheriff of Devon for a ship at Exmnth, a ship at Tengemuth, four ships at Dertemouth, and a ship at Plymmouth. The sheriff of Cornwall for a ship at Fawy. May 26. To the mayor, bailiffs, and community of the town of Lyme. Order to Westminster, prepare and send to Plummutli two of the greatest ships of that town, instead of one as previously ordered, to be at Plummuth at the feast of Holy Trinity next at the latest. The king has ordered the sheriff of Dorset to buy and provide gangways and hurdles and other necessaries, and to carry the same to Plumuth. They are to obey the said sheriff and the king's clerk John Devery, and either of them, whom the king is sending to them in this behalf, in all things concerning the premises, as they shall be required by the sheriff and .Tohn, or either of them. The king will cause the wages of the sailors of the ships to be paid in advance for twenty days from the time when the ships set out in his service. By K, The like to the bailiffs, men, and community of the following towns ; Plumuth, for two ships instead of one. Tengemuth for two ships instead of one. Exmuth for two ships instead of one. 188 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane Qd — cont. In -which three writs the sheriff of Devon is ordered to buy and provide gangways and hurdles, etc., with the clause about payment of the sailors' wases as above. By K. The like to the bailiffs, men, and community of the towns of Boldre, Lymynton, and Kyavene for two ships instead of one, with like order to the sheriff of Southampton, and clause for payment of wages. To the bailiffs, men, and community of Southampton. Order to provide and send as above two of the greatest ships of that town, instead of six as previously ordered. The king has ordered the sheriff of Southampton to provide gangways, hurdles, etc., and he will cause the sailors' wages to be paid as above. By K. To the bailiffs, men, and community of Fowy. Order to cause the ship that the king previously ordered them to provide to be sent to Plumuth by the above date. The king has ordered the sheriff of Cornwall to provide gangways, hurdles, etc., and be will cause the sailors' wages to be paid as above. By K. The like to the bailiffs, men, and community of Weymuth for six ships, and to the bailiffs, men, and community of La Pole and Warham and their members for four ships, in which two writs it is written that the king has ordered the sheriff of Dorset to provide gangways and hurdles, etc. The like to the bailiffs, men, and whole community of Dertemuth for four ships, in which it is written that the sheriff of Devon is ordered to provide gangways and hurdles. The like to the bailiffs, men, and whole community of Yaremuth under Wyght to prepare two ships, and to the bailiffs, men, and community of the towns of Hamele and Hamelok to prepare a ship, in which two writs it is written that the sheriff of Southampton is ordered to provide gangways and hurdles. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause gangways and hurdles and other necessaries for the shipment of horses and men in the ships that the king has ordered the bailiffs, men, and community of the towns of Boldre, Yaremuth under Wyght, Hemelok, and Southampton to provide and send to Plumuth to be bought and purveyed by the view and testimony of John Devery, king's clerk, whom the king is sending to him in this behalf, or of a person to be deputed by John. By K. The like to the sheriffs of the following counties : Somerset and Dorset, for the ships to be provided at Lym, Waymouth, Pole, Warham, and their members. Devon, for the ships to be provided at Plumuth, Dertemuth, Tegne- mutli, and Exemuth. Cornwall, for a ship to be provided at Fowy. May 26. To the mayor, bailiffs, men, and community of Great Yarmouth. Order WeBtminster. to supersede until further orders the sending of five ships of that port to Plimmuth ; provided, however, that the said ships and other ships of that town be at the king's service when summoned. By K. The like to the mayors, bailifis, and community, and bailiffs, men, and community of the following towns, concerning the ships ordered to be pro- vided by them : Little Yarmuth. Wynchelse. Ipswich. La Rye. Herewych. Faversham. Donewich. Seford. Romeneye. Shorbam. Hastyng'. Portesrauth. Sandwich. 17 EDWAUD II. 189 ■^^24j Membrane Sd. May 26. Robert Prille acknowledges that he owes to John de Boiisser 10/. ; to be Westminster, levied, ia default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Essex. William Baldewyne of Wyndesore acknowledges that he owes to John de Arderne of Chabeham 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. May 27. John de Segrave and Stephen de Segrave acknowledge that they owe to Sheen. the king 10,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in England, Ireland, and Wales. [Pari. JVrits.l Cancelled by the king's order, as appears by the writ sewed to this. Memorandum, that this recognisance was made for having pardon of the trespass committed by Stephen concerning the escape of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, a rebel and traitor, from his custody from the Tower of London. After the recognisance was made, a deed was delivered to Stephen that he had made to the king for the safe custody of the towves to Northfleet. Master Robert dc Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Cancelled on j)ayment, June 21. Edmund Lambyn puts in his place Nicholas de Thorast.all to prosecute a Northfleet. recognisance for 50 marks made to him in chancery by John Abel. June 26. To the mayor and bailitfs of Lenn. Although the king lately ordered them Timbridge. to cause all ships of that port and its members capable of carrying 40 tuns of wine and upwards to be prepared and found, so that they should be ready to set out in the king's service upon three days' summons, and that they should not permit such ships of that port to go to parts beyond sea, and to retain and prejiare such ships then without the port upon their return thither, the king, wishing to provide for the indemnity of the men owning the siiips as much as possible without pre[judice], orders the mayor and bailiffs to retain in the port a^ many ships carrying the said weight as shall suffice for the king's service, having respect to tiie number of ships of that port, so that they be ready to set out in his service ui)0m three days' summons, and to permit all other ships, which they have caused to be retained and prepared by virtue of the above order, to go to Poitou {Payto) or Gascony, as the masters of the ships shall elect, for the exercise of merchandise. The king wills that the ships that they have caused to be retained for his service shall be allowed to go to Poitou or Gascony as above upon the return of the afore- said ships to port, and that the same number of the latter shall then be re- tained for his service. By K. The like to the following : The mayor and bailiffs of Ip.swich. The bailiff's of Great Yarmouth. The bailiff's of Little Yarmouth, The bailiff's of Dunwich. The bailiffs of Orford. The bailiffs of Biakeneye. The bailiffs of Brunham. Enrolment of release by Robert son of Richard lilyng of Laughton to Robert son of Walter de Oseville of his right in a messuage, 7 virgates of land, 10 acres of meadow, 6*. \d. of rent in Laughton, which the said Robert son of Walter de Oseville has of the gift of the releasor's father. Witnesses : Nicholas de Kertlyngg ; . . . de Castre ; William atte Castel ; Reginald de Brayntyngthorp ; Thomas de Stagenho; Adam le Dorturer ; Roger le Mareschal the younger; J. . . de Padyngton ; Hamo atte Welle; Robert lo Fruter. Dated at Westminster, on Midsummer eve, 17 Edward II. Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at Westminster, on 3 July, and acknowledged the above deed. July 6. Agnes, late the wife of William Charles, acknowledges that she owes to Rotherfield. William de Ayremynne, clerk, 9/. 5*. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. John Pecche, knight, puts William de Emeldon, clerk, in his place to prosecute !i recognisance for 1,000 marks made to him in chancery by John Duuheved. ( 202 ) 18 EDWAED II. 1324. July 13. Porchester. July 18. Porchester. July IH. Porchester. July 23. Porchester. Membrane 39. To William Tracy, Robert Selyman, and Robert de Sapy. Order to certify the sheriff of Gloucester by indenture of the names of the footmen of that county who withdrew themselves and did not come to Plymmuth, after they had received wages and arms from the communities of the towns, the king having appointed the said William, Robert, and Robert to choose 200 footmen out of the 500 footmen archers that he had previously ordered to be chosen and taken to Plymmuth from co. Gloucester, as well from the bailiwick of 8t. Briavels as from the forest of Dene and Berkeley Hurnes, and elsewhere in that county. The king has ordered the sheriff to take and imprison until further orders those who have thus returned. By K. [Pari. Writs.] To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Thomas de Grey 6d. daily from the issues of his bailiwick, and the arrears thereof from Michaelmas last, the king having, on 25 February, in the 13th year of his reign, granted to him 6d, daily from the issues of the sheriff's bailiwick in aid of the main- tenance of himself and his wife, during the king's pleasure. By K. To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his place, and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to permit John Haward to have respite during his absence on the king's service in the duchy [of Aquitaine], whither he is going, for 100/. yearly, which the king granted that he should pay for the debt due to the exchequer for the time when he was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. By p.s. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Whereas the king, because John de Lortye, a prisoner in Neugate, was bound by agreement with the king to set out in his service for the duchy [of Aquitaine] with ten men-at-arms in the next passage at Plymmuth ordained by the king, ordered the mayor and sheriffs to release the said John from prison upon his finding mainprise to have him back again in the same prison at the king's will unless he set out in the king's service as aforesaid, and the mayor has signified by his letters to the chancellor that John and others were condemned in 30/. for damages for certain trespasses committed by them upon Richard de Burton of CO. York and in 30/. for damages for certain trespasses committed by them upon Thomas de Bethum, and in 20 marks for damages committed upon Adam de Berburn, and were adjudged to the said prison until they had satisfied the said parties for the above damages, wherefore it seemed to the mayor that he could not proceed to deliver the said John without a warrant making mention of the cause of his imprisonment : the king, considering that John's services would be very useful to him in the duchy, orders the mayor and sheriffs to release him from the said prison upon his finding mainpernors to satisfy the aforesaid Richard, Thomas, and Adam for their damages before Easter next and also mainpernors to have him back in the said prison at the king's will unless he set out in the king's service in accordance with the agreement aforesaid. By K. To Roger de Gulden, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Somerset. Order to restore to Thomas de Gurnaye, knight, a late rebel, his lands, as 18 EDWARD II. 203 Membrane 39 — cont. he has mude ransom v/ith the king for his life and lands, provided that if the lands have been demised at ferm by the king's order, the said Thomas shall satisfy the fermors for their expenses upon the lands. By K . The like to Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. The like to Robert de Hungerford, keeper, etc., in co. Wilts. To Peter son of Walter de Hakelut. Order to deliver to the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem all charters, writings, letters with bulls, rolls, and other muninients and memoranda of tiie Templars, which Walter his fatiier had in his custody when he was sheriff of Hereford, and which are still in Peter's custody, as the king has granted the possessions of the Templars to the said Hospital. ^ To the justices of the Bench. Order not to molest flohn le Chaloner, to whom the king, on 10 November last, granted protection for two years, as he was staying in the king's service in the duchy [of AquilainoJ in the com- pany of Ralph Basset of Drayton, seneschal of Gascony, by reason of a writ of deceit sued out at the suit of the prior of Coventry against him under the pretence that he had stayed continuously in England before and after the date of the protection, they having ordered him to be attached by his body to answer to the king and to the prior at a certain date, as it appears to the king that John set out in his service in the t^aid duchy and stayed there for some time and has now returned to England on the king's service by order of the seneschal, and will shortly return to the duchy. By K. The like to the said justices in favour of Henry de Hyntou, staying with the seneschal under the king's prot(!ction. The like, ' mutatis mutandis,' to the sheriff of Warwick and the sheriffs of London not to arrest the aforesaid John. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to release from prison Margery, late the wife of Robert Lewer, a late rebel, and to cause her to be delivered to Ralph Cammoys. By K. To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Not- tingham, D(!rby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with the priory of Bredon, which is a cell of the priory of St. Oswald, Nostelle, otherwise than by placing a porter at the gate, who is to be amoved when a prior is instituted, and to restore to the canons any issues of the priory received by him, as the king learns by intpiisition taken by the escheator that the canons of the priory have been wont from the time of the founda- tion of that cell to receive all issues and profits of the cell, and to dispose and ordain of the same at their pleasure, without Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, formerly patron of the ceil, or any other patrons fiiereof inter- meddling with any issues and profits thereof at any time of voidance, or receiving the issues or profits thereof, and the earl in his time and the other patrons iiave been wont to have a {)orter at the gate of the cell at each voidance in recognition of their lonlship, and that the porter received his maintenance from the canons, without taking or receiving any other profit thence. To R'cli ird de Ayremynne and William do Pillaund, late keepers of the bishopric of Winchester, void and in the king's hands. Order to sell to John, bishop of Winchester, all the king's beasts and chattels in the manors of the bishopric at a reasonable appraisement, and to deliver the same to him by indenture according to such apprai.semeiit, and to certify the treasurer and barons of the exchequer in the octaves of Michaelmas next of the price and delivery of the same, so that they may ordain for payment thereof. By K. 204 CALENDAR OF CLOSE EOLLS. 1324. Membrane 39 — cont. Aug. 4. To the sheriff of Oxford and Berks. Order to release William Tenturer Guildford, of Walyngford and his goods, and to permit him to make his profit upon the latter, upon his finding security to be faithful to the king and not to eloign Lis goods and merchandise out of the realm, the sheriff having arrested him and his goods in execution of the king's order to arrest all the men of the dominion and power of the king of France, together with their ships and goods, the Flemings excepted, which order the king issued because Charles, king of France and Navarre, has assembled his army to make war upon the king and his duchy of Aquitaine and has caused all the king's men and subjects in his power to be arrested together with their goods, as the king learns tiiat the said William, a merchant born in the power of the king of France, has a perpetual domicile in tlie said counties, and is, and has been for a long time, in lot and scot, aids, tallages, and other charges whatsoever with the coiDraunities of those counties, and has paid customs to the king upon his goods within the realm as a native, and the king wills that persons thus born in the power of the king of France and thus dwelling and at scot and lot, etc., within this realm shall not be molested by virtue of the above order, provided that they find security as above. By K. The like in favour of the following : Robert du Boys, addressed to the sheriff of Middlesex. Nicholas le Chaumberleyn, addressed to the sherilF of Wilts, Somerset, and the mayor and bailitfs of Southampton. Reyner Berfrei, merchant and burgess of Bristol, addressed to the mayor and bailiffs of Bristol. Hervey de Forges, addressed to the sheriff of Kent. By K. John le Charrer. By K. Membrane 38 July 9. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to release John de Lortie, Porchester. who is bound by agreement to set out in the king's service for Gascony with ten men-at-arms at the next passage at Plimmuth, from Neugate prison, upon his finding mainpernors to have him back in the said prison unless he set out in the king's service aforesaid. By writ of the secret seal. July 15. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Porchester. Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Brodewynde- sore, CO. Dorset, and with the other lands of John de Alneto, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the said John de Alneto and Alice his wife, who survives, held jointly on the day of John's death the said manor, as of Alice's inheritance, of the king in chief by the serjeanty of rendering yearly Al. 9s. Od. to the ex- chequer by the hands of the sheriff of Dorset, and that John held no other lands of the king in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. July 16. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause the prior of the house of Porchester. St. Sepulchre, Warrewyk, to have seisin of 8 acres of land in Hatton near Haseleye, aa the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Juliana Mordak, who was banged for felony, held them of the said prior, and that they have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that William de Neville, late sheriff of that county, had the king's year, day and waste thereof and ought to answer to the king for the same. July 16. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Gloucester. Porchester. Order to deliver to John Gylemynne and Katherine his wife a third of s messuage and of two virgatea of land in Acton Turvill, and to restore the 18 EDWARD IT. 205 1324. July 24. Porches ter. July 23. Porchester. July 25. Porchester. July 29. Witley. July 29. Witley. July 31. Guildford. Auo;. 1. Guildford. Aug. 3. Guildford. Membrane 38 — cont. issues thereof to them, as the said keeper has certified the king that he took the aforesaid part, which .Joiin and Katherine held as her dower, into the king's hands becuuse John took charge of a horse of Rogo Gacelyn, an adherent of .Tohn de Wylinton, a late rebel. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to expend up to 20/. in repairing the hou.ses vvithia the king's castle of Shirburn and the walls of the castle, by the view and testimony of the abbot of Shireborn. By bill of the treasurer. To Robert le Power, chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to allow to Edenettus Gogh, to whom the king has granted the bailiwick of the beadlery of Tourkelyn in Angleseye. which is worth 110*. yearly, for his maintenance for life, receiving therefor 100*. yearly and rendering the remaining lO*. to the exchequer of Kaernarvan, the aforesaid sum of 100*. yearly in his account from the time of the chamberlain's appointment. To John Darcy, justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause the marshalsea of Ireland to be replevied to Robert de Morlee or his attorney, together with the issues thereof since it was taken into the king's hands, to be held at the king's pleasure, as Robert has given the king to understand that the justi- ciary has taken the marshalsea, which Robert holds of the inherit^ince of his wife, into tlie king's hands, because Robeit or any one; in his name did not come to the justiciary at his first coming to Ireland to execute that oflRce at the justiciary's summons, and Robert has prayed the king to cause the bailiwick and the issues thereof to be restored to him. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, and Dorset. Order to assign dower to Margery, late the wife of Gerard de Aylesford, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's Hcence. To the same. Order to deliver to Eleanor, late the wife of Ralpli de Gorges, mother of Ralph, his son and heir, as nearest [friend] of the heir, two parts of a third of the manor of Braunton, co. Devon, together with the issues received therefrom since her husband's death, as the king learns by inquisition taken l)y Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Ralph held at liis death a third of the said manor of the king in chief by .service of finding the king an arrow when the king r-aine or sent to Exeinor to take venison there, the arrow to be delivered to the king's huntsman, and that he held no other lands of the king in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, and that Ralph de Gorges, his son, is his ncare.st iieir and was aged fifteen at Michaelmas last, and the king lately ordered dower of the aforesaid third part to be assigned to the said Eleanor. To Master John Walewayn. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Eleanor, for the use of the heir, the issues of the two parts of the aforesaid manor received by him when he was escheator. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order to pa} to Peter de Heghes the arrears of 3s. yearly from the time when 3 acres of arable land and an acre of meadow, which John de Benstede, tenant in chief, held at his death of him by the service of 3s. yearly, asui)pears by inquisition, were taken into the king's hands with other lands of the said John, and to pay him that sum yearly for so long as the lands are in the king's hands. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to arrest and imprison imtil further orders all the footmen archers of that county, of the forest of Dene and 206 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Aug. 2. Guildford. Auf^. 3. Guildford. Aug. 5. Guildford. Aug. 5. Guildford. Aug. 5. Guildford. Aug. 4. Guildford. Membrane 38 — cow^. Berkelehirne-s who were chosen and sent to Plymrauth to set out for Gas- cony, and who have returned home without the king's licence. By K. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer of the exchequer and to the barons and chamberlains. Order to make account with Michael atte Grene of Wycombe for 3d. daily for his food, \0s. yearly for his robe, 5*. yearly for his summer tunic, and os, yearly for his other necessaries for all the time that 60 acres of land and 8 acres of meadow in Wycombe have been in the king's hands, and to cause the arrears thereof to be paid to him, as it appears by the certificate of the treasurer and barons that Michael gave the aforesaid lands to the master of the order of the Temple in England and to the brethren of the same, for his maintenance for life in food and clothing in the New Temple, London, and that the lands were taken into the king's hands with the other lands of the Templars, and that they were in his hands for some time, and that it was considered and ordained at the exchequer that Michael should receive his maintenance as aforesaid for the aforesaid tenements according to the form of his charters, as other possessors of such maintenance from the Templars' lands have received in like case. By C. To the sheriff of Oxford and Berks. Order not to disquiet or aggrieve William de Heles, Thomas Estyne, John le Fauconer, and John de Foimerye in their persons or goods because they are born of the power of the king of France, as they are staying in the company of Tidcius de Varisio, archdeacon of Berks, by the king's licence, and the archdeacon has mainperned to have them before the king at his will. By K. on the information of William de Ayremynne. To Henry de Cobham, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in CO. Kent. Order to resume into the king's hands and to deliver to William Edward of Romeneye 32 acres of land in a place called 'Tunstalle' in the marsh of Romeneye, whicii belonged to Bartholomew de Burewassh, a rebel, and which came to the king's liands by his forfeiture, as William has shewn the king that Henry has delivered the aforesaid land to H. bishop of Lincoln as if the laud belonged to the bishopric in execution of the king's late order to deliver to the bishop all the lands of the bishopric in Tunstalle together with the issues from 27 March last, the king having committed the said 32 acres to William for life on 1 February, in the 16th year of his reign, to be held by the same services as they were held by before they came to the king's hands. To Richard de Grey, keeper of certain lands that belonged to John de Grey, tenant in chief, in divers counties, or to him who supplies his place. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of the said John, and to restore the issues thereof from 23 July last, when the king took the homage of Henry de Grey, son and heir of the aforesaid John, for the lands that John held in chief at his death, and ordered John de Hampton, escheator in COS. Gloucester, Herelbrd, Worcester, Salop, and Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales, to cause Henry to have seisin of the aforesaid lands. To Henry de Cobbeham, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Kent. Order to restore to Adam de Wynston, a late rebel, his lands, as he has made ransom with the king for his life and lands; provided that if the lands have been demised at ferm by the king's orders, Adam shall satisfy the fermors for their expenses upon the lands. By K. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Hegham Ferers, CO. Northampton, and with the castle and manor of Thorpe Watervile, with 18 EDWARD II. 207 1324), Membrane 38 — cont. the hamlets of Achirche and Aldevvynkele and other appurtenances, which he has taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, and to restore the issues thereof to Mary his wife, as the king, on lo March, io the 15th year of his reign, granted to the said Aymer and Mary the manor of Hegham Ferers, which came to him as escheat by the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and the castle and manor of Thorpe Watervile, etc., which belonged to Robert de Holand, and which came to the king's hands in like manner because Robert, upon being charged and prosecuted by the king for divers excesses and adhering to certain reliels, submitted himself to the king's will, to have and Io hold to the said Aymer and Mary and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the king. By K. Membrane 37. Aug. 9. To the treasurer, or to him who su])plies liis place, ami to the barons of Henley. the exciiequer, and to the cliamberlains. Order to supersede tiie dcniand made upon Jolm de Castelaere, the king's goldsmith, of London, for 100/. that he received by way of imprest, and to discharge liiu) of the sjime at the exchequer, as it appears to the king that he bought 600 golden tlorins of Florence by the king's order and delivered them wholly to the king out the 100/. that he received as loan from the merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence. By K. on the information of \V. de Ayremynn. Aug. 8. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's liands in Henley. co. Wilts. Order to cause Thomas, son and heir of .John Tyes, to have seisin of a messuage, 24 acres of land, 8 acres o( uieadow, and 13.v. Xd. of yearly rent in Lideyanl, in that county, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by the esclioator and by Adam Walraund and Geoffrey de Weston that the said riohn held the aforesaid land, etc., at his death of Henry Tyes by the service of a twenty-fourth of a knight's fiee and by rendering a pound of cumin yearly, and that the lands came to Henry's liands by reason of the minority of the said Thomas, and that they were taken into the king's hands by Henry's forfeiture with Henry's other lands, and that the said Tliomas is the nearest lieir of the said John and is of full age, the king luxving taken homage from Thomas. By K. Aug. 6. To the slieriff of Bedford. Order to release Guy Test and .John his Guildford, brother and their goods and chattels, the sheriff having arrested them by reason of the king's order to arrest men of the power of Charles, king of France and Navarre, with their goods and chattels, under the pretext that Guy and John were of the power of the king of France, as the king learns upon trustworthy testimony that they are merchants of the city of Lugo i^Litco) and not of the lordship or power of the king of France. By K. To Roger de Whatton, keeper of certain lands in co. Northampton. Order to restore to Thomas de Byngham, knight, a late rebel, the lands that he and Margaret his wife held as her dower of the inheritance of William le Kisshcr, her first husband, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of the rebeliion of the said Thomas, as he has made fine with the king for his life and lands; provided that if any of the lands have been demised at form by the king's orders, Thomas shall satisfy the termors thereof for their expenses upon the lands. By K. To William de Tatham, the king's receiver in co. Lancaster, and keeper of certain of the king's goods in that county. Whereas lately at the prosecu- tion of Alice, late the wife of William de Holdene of Samlesbury, suggesting 208 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 37 — cont. that her husband, when he was keeper of the king's manor of Samlesbnry, in that county, which belonged to Robert de Holand, and came to the king's hands by his forfeiture, was taken to Scotland by the Scots, and that the king's goods and chattels in the manor were occupied and dissi- pated entirely by them, anil that certain of the king's bailiffs afterwards seized into the king's hands the goods of her husband, then in her custody, to the value of 100s., by reason of tiie goods and chattels thus taken by the Scots, the king appointed John de Lancastre and the said keeper to enquire concerning the premises, and it is found by their inquisition that the king's goods and chattels in the manor, to wit two carts, price 4s. ; 18 oxen, price I3s. 4rf. each ; 55 ' aketones,' price 11/.; 100 lances (lancee), price 20s.; 30 ' polhaches,' price 10s. ; 4 saddles (celle), price 4s.; 4 reins, price I2d.; 4 targes (sel, Henry Russel, John de Mountsorel, Nicholas Breton, John le Redclerk, Roger le Bray, John Bagod, John de Allcsleye, Roger le Taillour, John Frebcrn, John de Stonleye, Walter Boner, 18 EDWARD II. 219 1324. Membrane 33 — cont. Robert de Ridewale, Adam Makehayt, William de Gloucestre, and Richard le Latoner, put in exigent at the suit of the prior of Coventre. Vacated, because otherwise below. Walter Chubbok, John Grampe, William de Gloucestre, Adam Mahe- hayt, Robert de Ridewale, Nicholas Breton, John le Redclerk, and Henry Russel, put in exigent at the suit of Walter Fraunceys. Adam Makehayt, William de Gloucestre, and Robert de Ridewale, put in exigent at the suit of John Erneys. John Grampe, William de Gloucestre, Walter Chubbok, Adam Make- heyt, Robert de Rydewale, John de Mounfsorel, Nicholas Breton, Henry Russel, John le Redclerk, John de Allesleye, John de 8tou- leye, and John Frebern, put in exigent at the suit of John Benet. John Grampe, Walter Chubbok, Richard le Latoner, Henry Russel, Richard Uttyng', Simon Utting', Robert de Ridewale, John de Mountsorel, Nicholas Breton, John le Redclerk, Henry Bagod, Jolin Bagod, John de Allesleye, Roger le Taillour, John Frebern, and John de Stonleye, put in exigent at the suit of John de Dumbelton. Walter Chubbok, John Grampe, AVilliam de Gloucestre, Adam Make- hayt, Robert de Ridewale, and Nicholas Breton, put in exigent at the suit of Thomas Joylin. Adam Makeheyt, William de Gloucestre, Robert de Rydewale, Walter Chubbok, John Bagod, John Grampe, Nicholas Breton, John lo Redclerk, and Henry Russel, put in exigent at the suit of Henry do ColeshuU. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to release Ileniy Bagod, Walter Chubbok, Richard Uttyng', Simon Uttyng', Robert Rusf-el, Henry Russel, John de Mountsorel, Niciiolas Bretoun, John le Redclerk, Roger le Bray, John Bagod, John de Allesleye, Roger le Taillour, John Frebern, John de Stonleye, Walter Boner, Robert de Ridewale, Adam- Makeheyt, William do Gloucestre, and Kichai'd It; Latoner, if they are to be taken because they have not satisfied the king, upon their finding mainpernors to have them before the king at the aforcisaid day to prosecute their action of error, ancl to satisfy the king for what pertains to him if the judgment be affirmed, they having alleged error in the record and process and in the rendering of judgment in the action before the aforesaid William de Bereford and his fellows, justices of the Bench, between the prior of Coventre and tiiem cour cerning a trespass committed by them. Aug. 30. To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his pl.ice, and to the barons of Pevenscy. the exchequer. Order to supersede until the morrow of All Souls next the demand for 491/. 3*. Id. for the king's use made ujion the prior and brethren of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by reason of the Templars' lands in their hands, as the muniments touching the said lands, whereby the prior and brethren intend to discharge themselves of certain of the debts exacted from them by reason of the aforesaid lands, are still in the king's possession. By p.s. The like to the sheriffs of London, ' mutatis mutandis.^ Sept. 11. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands in co. Gloucester. Order to Porchester. deliver to William son of Wilham Ic Seneschal the manor of Stanleye Foundeku'ge, to be held for so long as Maurice dc; Berkeleie shall l)e in tiio king's jiri.son, or until further orders, for the rent of 1(5/. yearly due to him from th(> manor, as the king learns by iiuiuisition taken by Robert and b}' John de Hampton that William le Seneschal, father of the said William son of William le Seneschal of Evesham demised the manor to Isabella, ■\vife of the said Maurice, before she was married, for her life, at Michaelmas, 220 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1.324!, Membrane 33 — cont. 34 Edward I., rendering therefor 16/. yearly, and doing to the cliief lords the services due to them, and that the rent was paid to William the father from the time of the demise by Isabella during all his life, to wit for three ye.irs, and was paid after his death from Michaelmas, in the 3rd year of the king's reign, until Michaelmas, in the 7th year of the reign, from which time Isabella, by her mastery and lordship, unjustly detained the rent until 28 December, in the loth year of the reign, when the manor was taken into the king's hands with Maurice's other lands by reason of his rebellion, and that the manor is still in the king's hands for this reason, and that the rent ought of right to be rendered to William the son, and that the manor is held of the heirs of Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, by the ser- vice of 40s. yearly, and that the manor is worth in all issues \0l. 10s. 10|e same, and it appcar.s by such inquisition that the earl, on 12 August, in (he 4th year of the king's reign, granted the manor and advowson to John and to the heirs of his body, with remainder to the earl. By C. 224 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Sept. 26. Porchester. Membrane 31 — cont. Sept. 26. Porchester. Sept. 30. Porchester. Sept. 23. Porchester. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and six acres of land in Sutton in Holand, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king, at the petition of the prior of Spaldyng', suggesting that a certain prior of that place in the time of Henry III. entered the said messuage and land, which Richard sou of Ellen, then his villein, had previously acquired in fee from Richard Lefsy, as tenements acquired to the prior by his villein afore- said, and had acquired in fee 14s. of rent in Spaldyng' long before the publication of the statute of mortmain from Richard Cluny, and that the escheator had taken the messuage, land, and rent into the king's hands because it was found by an inquisition of office taken before him that the prior had acquired them after the publication of the statute of mortmain without licence from the late or the present king, ordered the escheator to make inquisition concerning the acquisition of the messuage, land, and rent, and it appears by the inquisition thus taken that Simon, formerly prior of Spaldyng', in 56 Henry III., entered the messuage and land, which Richard son of Ellen, his villein, had acquired as above, as tenements acquired to the said prior by his villein, and that William, sometime prior of the same, acquired the rent aforesaid in fee from the said Richard Cluny three years before the publication of the statute of mortmain. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and 60 acres of land in Surflete, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king, at the petition of the prior of Spaldyng', suggesting that John son of Godfrey atte Felde of Surflete in the time of Henry III. granted the messuage and land to John, prior of Spaldyng', in frankalmoin, and that John son of Godfrey and his ancestors held the messuage and laud, from time out of mind until the making of the grant to the prior, of John de Braytoft, then lord of the manor of Risgate, and of his ancestors, and not of the king, and that Henry confirmed the grant by his charter in the 54th year of his reign, and that the escheator had taken the messuage and land into the king's hands because it was found by an inquisition of office taken before him that the tenements are held of the king in chief, and that the said prior John had acquired them without licence from the king, ordered the escheator to make inquisition concerning tlie acquisition of the same, and it is found by the said inquisition that John son of Godfrey granted the messuage and laud to the said prior John in the time of Henry III., to hold to him and his successors by the service of 10s. yearly, and that John son of Godfrey and his ancestors held the messuage and laud, from time out of mind until the making of the grant to the prior, of John de Braytoft, then lord of the manor of Risgate, and of his ancestors, and not of the king's progenitors, and it appears by the charter of confirmation of Henry III. exhibited in chancery that he confirmed the said grant in the aforesaid year of his reign. To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Order to assign dower to Joan, late the wife of William de Staure, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To the same, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Worcester, Salop, Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Interbergh and with the advowson of the vicarage of that manor, and to restore the issues thereof, as it was found by an inquisition taken by the escheator that A.ymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, had no lands at his death in co. Worcester in his demesne as of fee, but that he held the aforesaid manor and advowson for life of the demise of John de Hastyng', lord of Bergeveny, and that they are held of the bishop of Here- ford, and the said John has shewn in chancery a charter under the earl's IH EDWARD II. 22a 1324!. Membrane 31 — cont. seal, whereby, he asserted, the earl granted to him the aforesaid manor and advo'.vson, to him and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the earl, and tlie king, wishing to be certified whether the earl granted the manor aii» before the Sheen. king. Order to continue until the quinzaine of Easter next all matter.s moved against the bisiiop, dean, smd chaj)ter of St. Paul's London in the last eyre of the justices at the Tower of London, which the king afterwards caused to come before him and which he ordered to be continued until the quinzaine of Michaelmas. By K Oct. 15. To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to Sheen. Edmund de Algate, porter of both gates, 4(1. a day; to Alexander le Peyntoiir, one of the vi(!Wor8 of the king's works, 2d. a day ; to Thomis le Rotour, the other viewer of the king's works, 2d. a day ; to Adam the gar- dener of Ihe garden without the castle, 2^d. a day ; to the four Watchmen of the castle, 2d. a day each ; to Robert de Wodcdiam, ca[)tain-forester of Wyndesore forest, 12^?. a day ; to Ridph de la More, clerk of the works in the castle, 2d. a day ; to Thomas le Parker, keepr^r of Kenyugton park, \ \d. a day : being their wages and stipends, from Michaelmas last to next Michaelmas. Oct. 20. The Tower. Oct. 26. The Tower. Oct. 2G. The Tower. Oct. 28. The Tower. Membrane 29. To Ric'hard le Wayte, esclieator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order to pay to Robert de Popham 8*. 3|<-/. yearly from the time; when the lands of John de Bensted, tenant in chief, were taken into the king's hands by reason of his death, and to pay him the same for so long as the lands are in the king's iiands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the esclieator that .lohn held at his death certain lands in Bensted Popham of Robert de I'opham by the service of 85. '^\d. yearly. The like to tlie said esclieator in favour of Edmund Thursfan for 3.v. lOJ. for land3 that John held of him in Bensted Regis. To Jolin de Blomvill, esclieator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Huntingdon, Canibi'idge, E.ssex, and Hertford. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Thomas Baldewyn of Bergholt, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the esclieator tiiat ThoniHS held no lands in chief as of the crown at his death by reason whereof the (Uistody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. To the same. Order to pay to Richard le jMaresclial 2.")/. for Michaeluias term out of the issues of his bailiwick, in accordance witii the king's grant of 23 September, in the 11th year of his reign, to Richard of 50/. yearly from the issues of the escheatorship this side Trent in aid of his mainte- nance, he having been ruined (^destractus) by the Scotch rebels. To Thomas de Waruecop, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in CO. Westmoreland. Order to expend up to 10/. in repairing the houses, walls, and other buildings within the castle of Brouiiam. By bill of the treasurer. 22S CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS, 1324^. Membrane 29 — cont. Oct. 30. To the same. Order to cause the king's watermill of the town of Westminster. Kyrkcby Stejihan to be repaired for 6 marks, and to cause the timber necessary for the same to be taken in the king's wood of Whinfel by the view of his forester there, and to cause it to be carried to Kyrkeby Stephan at the king's expense, as the men of that town have mainperned before Robert de Beverlaco and John de Jakele, auditors of the accounts of (he issues of the lands aforesaid, to repair the watermill, which was bufut by the Scotch rebels, for 6 marks, provided that the king find the timber necessary for the same and cause it to be carried to the town. The king has ordered the forester aforesaid to cause the timber to be delivered to Thomas. To the forester of Whinfel. Order to deliver to the aforesaid keeper sufficient timber for the repair of the said mills. By bill of the treasurer. Oct. 30. To the sheriffs of London. Order to release William de Walyngford, Westmiuster. ' brewer,' upon bail, upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the king's justices at the first assize, as tlie king learns by the record of John de Bousser and Han;o de Cliigewell, the king's justices to deliver Neugate gaol, that William, who is imprisoned therein for the death of Simon son of Roger de Parys, slew the said Simon in self-defence. Oct. 28. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. South- Westminster, ampton. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage in vSuthampton, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by William Harden, Ralph de Bereford, and the said keeper that Agnes de Brewes acquired the messuage from Henry Tyeys three years before Henry adhered to the rebels, and that she has never changed her estate therein, and that the messuage is held of the prior of God's House, Southampton, by the service of 23*. and by the service of ISc?. for a custom of that town called ' Longavel,' yearly, and that the messuage is woi th 6*. 8c?. beyond the said service, the keeper having taken the messuage into the king's hands by reason of Henry's rebellion. Oct. 30. To Robert Power, chamberlain of North Wales and escheator there. We«tniin6tcr. Order not to intermeddle further with certain lands in Eyros in North Wales, and to restore to Simon Flynt of Coneway and Margaret his wife the issues thereof from Midsummer last, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, that Simon and Mar- garet demised the said lands to John Cam, a member of the household of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, a rebel, for the term of six yeans, and that the teim ended at Midsummer last, and that Simon and Margaret never changed their estate therein, and it appears by inspection of the other part of an indented deed exhibited by Simon in chancery that the demise was made in form aforesaid, the chamberlain having taken the lands into the king's hands by reason of John's adherence to Roger. Oct. 30. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to John The Tower, de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford, 25/., which the king, on 26 October last, ordered liim to pay to Richard le Mareschal for Michaelmas term last, in accordance with the king's grant, on 23 September, in the 11th year of his reign, to Richard of 50/. yearly from the issues of the escheator's bailiwick. Oct. 20. To the same. Order to acquit Robert de Cliderou, late escheator this side Westminster. Trent, of the issues of the manor of Blakhale from the time of the death of John de Wygeton, tenant in chief, the king having ordered him to deliver the manor and the issues aforesaid to Dionisia, late the wife of the said John, be- cause Walter de Wygeton, father of the said John, granted, by deed enrolled 18 EDWARD II. 229 1324. Membrane 29 — cont. in the late king's chancery, the said manor to John and Dionisia for her life and to their heirs, and because John and Dionisia were seised of tlie manor jointly for twenty-six years. Oct. 29. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to release Thomas Chapman and Westminster. Thomas Wedoasone, men of Scotland, together with their beasts, goods, and chattels, and to permit them to make their profit thereof and retain home without hindrance, a? they have shown the king that altliougii Kanulph de. Dacre, one of the keepers of the truce between the king and Ilobert de Bru.s, received them into tlie king's safe conduct in coming with their b'^-asts and other goods from Scotland into this realm for the purpose of making their profit, tlie sheriff has arrested them and their beasts, goods, and chattels because they are of Scotland. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John de Norton, king's clerk, of the ferm of the manor of Breliill, co. linckingham, from 25 March, in the 7th year of the king's reign, which manor the king on G May, in the 2nd year of his reign, comiiiittcd to .lolm during pleasure, rendering therefor 3.3/. yearly at wlucli it was extended, as the king granted the manor on 2o March aforesaid to Richard de Arandell witii other things for life for his maintenance in the king's service, as of the yearly value of hO/. Oct. 30. To Master Robert de Aylcston. Order to pay to the abbot and convent Westminster, of Westminster the arrears of 10*. yearly from 16 May last, when the king committed to him during pleasure tlie custody of a messuage cnlled ' Rosa- mund,' 14 acres of land, an acre of meadow, and 4 acies of pasture in Westminster, which belonged to .John de Benestede, deceased, tenant in chief, and wliich were in the king's hand by rea.son of the minority of his heir, rendering therefor yearly 26s. 6^/., at which the lands are extended, and to pay the above 10*. yearly for so long as he shall have the custody of the said lands, as it is found by an inquisition taken by William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex, and in the city of London, concerning the lands of the said John, that John held tlie messuage and land aforesaid of the abbot and convent by the service of 10*. yearly, which is not contained in the extent aforesaid. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Richard Thurger, who is insufficiently quiililied. Oct. 30. Westminster, Membraxb 28. Oct. 15. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, D(;von, Somerset, and The Tower. Dorset. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Elizabeth, hite the wife of Henry de Brok, tenant in chief, u[)on her taking oath not to marry witiiout the king's licence. The like to John de Blounvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cam- bridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, nnd Rutland. Order to cause Roger Bate of Acumhy, son and heir of AVillium liiite of Acumby, tenant in child', to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the king has taken his honiage. By K. on the information of W. de Ayre[mynnej. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order not to permit John Pecche to be aggrieved before them at the suit of the king or of any other by reason of the goods that he took and occupied from the rebels au? Oct. IG. The Tower. Oct. 18. The Tower. 230 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Oct. 10. ISjfleet. Oct. 14. Sheen. Oct. 17. The Tpwer. Oct. 24. The Tower. Oct. 15. The Tower. Membrane 28 — cont. their adherents whilst he was in the king's company in their pursuit, as the king has granted that those who were in his company in pursuit of the rebels shall not be molested by reason of the rebel's goods taken and occupied by them in the said pursuit from 17 October, in the 15th year of his reign, until 5 April following. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to release from prison in Neugate John de Lorty, who was lately convicted before the sheriffs for certain trespasses committed by him upon Richard de Burton of co. York, Thomas de Bethum, and Adam de Berburn, when 30/. were adjudged to . Richard for his damages, 20/. to Thomas in like manner, and 20 marks to Adam in like manner, if it appear to them that John has satisfied the said Richard, Thomas, and Adam for their damages, as the king is given to understand that he has done ; notwithstanding the king's order to release John, who is bound by agreement to set out in the king's service for Gascony with ten men-at arms in the next passage at Plymmuth, upon his finding mainpernors to have him in prison at the king's will unless he set out in the king's service aforesaid, the mayor and sheriffs having returned that John was adjudged to prison until he should satisfy the said Richard, Thomas, and Adam for their damages. By K. To John de Blounvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to pay to Joan de Thorthorald 10 marks for Michaelmas terra last, in accordance with the king's grant of 11 June, in the 11th year of his reign, of 20 marks yearly from the issues of the escheatry this side Trent in aid of her maintenance. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow the aforesaid 10 marks to the said John, who has paid that sum to Joan by virtue of the preceding order. To John de Thwayt, keeper of the king's manor of Brustewik in Holdernes. Order to pny to Richard de Ikene, whom ihe kins, on 8 March last, appointed jointly with Humphrey de Waleden stewards of certain castles, towns, manors, etc., in the king's hands in divers counties and auditors of the accounts of those who ought to render account of the issues of the aforesaid castles, towns, manors, etc., 40 marks yearly from the issues of that manor, the king having, on 4 July following, granted that Eichard should receive 40 marks yearly from the issues of the castles, towns, pianors, etc., from the aforesaid 8 March for so long as he should remain in the office aforesaid. By K. To the bailiffs of l^ie city of yv)rk. Order to pay to William de Ros of Hamelak 75 m;irks from the ferm of that city for Michaelmas term last, in accordance with the king's grant of 22 August, in the IGth year of his reign, of that sura yearly at Michaelmas and Easter from the ferm of that city and of the like amount from the ferm of the city of" Lincoln, until the king should provide iiim with 30t) marks of land or rent yearly between the wafers of Thames and Tees, or until the king should restore to him the castle of Werk, which William granted and released to the king. The like to the bailiffs of the city of Lincoln. William had like writs on 8 April following for Easter term, the king being at King's Beaulieu. To Edmund de Flete, keeper of certain lands in the city of London. Order to pay to the prior of Holy Tiinity, London, the arrears of a yearly rent of 225. from the time when the tenements that John de Bourne held of the prior in the city came to the king's hands upon John's forfeiture, and 18 EDWARD II. 231 1324. Membrane 28 — coat. to pay him the same yearly henceforth, as he has shown the king that although the tenements are held of him hy the service of 22*. yearly as of his church aforesaid, the keeper has deferred paying the said rent to the prior from the time of his office, although the prior and his predecessors have been seised of the rent by tlie hands of the said John and of other tenants from time out of mind. Nov. 3. To the sheriff of Derby. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be Sheeu. elected in place of John son of Gilbert de Derby, whom the king has amoved from office because he has no lands in that county. Nov. 6. To the keeper of the manor of Feckenham. Order to expend up to Westminster. 40 marks in repairing the messuages, mills, ponds, and sluices of the manor, by the view and testimony of Thomas de Stok and John Aleyn of Wyche, as the king understands that they need repair. Nov. 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the king's AVestmiuster. yeoman Richard de Cave, to whom the king on 6th August, in the 10th year of his reisjn, committed the custody of two parts of the manor of Lathebury, co. Buckingham, and of twa parts of the lantls in Cainho that belonged to Robert Dakanay, tenant in chief, during the minority of Robert's heir, which two parts were extended at 9/. los. 8ichfield, late keepei's of the king's wardrobe, which are in the possession of Ellen, who has prayed the king to satisfy her for the aforesaid sum. By K. on the information of William de Ayremynne. Nov. 8. Stephen atte Bokholte, ' souter,' imprisoned in Guldeford gaol for the Westminster, death of John le White, has letters from the sheriff of Sussex to bail him until the first assize. Nov. 6. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to William le Rede, Westmiuster. merchant of Almain, 45/. 19s. l|c/., as he has suggested to the king that William de Hedersete and William de Rude, late collectors of the custom in the port of London, took that sum from him on 8 August, in the 12th year of the king's reign, for the king's use as a loan, and that they bound the king by a deed under the seal of their office called ' Le Coket' to pay the sum to William le Rede after Michaelmas, and they have not paid him, whereupon the king ordered the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to examine the account of the collectors for the aforesaid year, and to certify the king if the collectors answered for this sum, and they have certified that the said collectors ajiswered, in their account of the loan granted to the king by the merchants in the 11th year of his reign, for the above sum for the said loan made to the king by William le Rede upon his wool taken out of that port in the ships of divers men from 29 September, in the 11th year, until 28 August, in the 12th year, both days being included, to wit for 91 sacks and 44 nails, 10s. from each sack. By pet. of C. Nov. 9. To John de Blomviil, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertford, Westminster. Cambridge, and Huntingdon. Order not to intermeddle further with certain tenements in Chesthunt called ' La Mothe,' and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, and Mary his wife held the tenement on the day of the earl's death jointly, to them and the heirs of Aymer, of the feoffment of Master John de Rodeswell and Walter Alisauudre, and that the tericmeuts are held of others than the king. By C. Nov. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Henry Westminster, le Scrop, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, in his accouijt at the exchequer such fee for that bailiwick as they shall find was allowed to other keepers in times past. Nov. 10. To Robert Power, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to cause the Westminster, bridge of the king's castle of Hardelaugh to be repaired where necessary. By K. on the information of W. de Ayrem[ynne]. Nov. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Richard Westminster. Dammory, to whom the king, on 4 March, in the 11th year of his reign, committed the forfeiture of bread (pacts) and ale of the bakers and brewers of the town of Oxford, to have at ferm from 14 February preceding during the king's pleasure, rendering therefor 100s. yearly to the exchequer, of the aforesaid i'erm from 20 March last, when the king committed the custody of the assize of bread and ale in the aforesaid towns and its suburbs 18 EDWARD ir. 235 2321. Membrane 26 — cont. to the chancellor of the university and to the mayor of the town, to have during pleasure, rendering therefor 100*. yearly to the exchequer. Isov. 10. To the same. Order to supersede the demand made upon John de Westminster. Bromfeld for 100^., in which he made fine with the king for adhering to the rebels, and to acquit him of the same, sis the king, on 5 June, in the 16th year of his reign, pardoned liim in consideration ot tiie said fine, and assigned the fins to Aymer de Valenciu, then earl of Peinl)roke and keeper of the Forest this side Trent, in payment of money due to liini from the king for tlie custody aforesaid, and he ordered the keepers of the great seal by letters of privy seal to cause John to be released from prison aiul to cause his lands to be restored to him upon his finding mainprise for his good behaviour towards the king and for payment of the aforesaid sum to tlie earl, and John Loveday, Richard de Bikerton, Alexander de iMiddelton, Hugh de la Ilulle, Thomas de Riryton, and Richard, parson of the church of Ruterl'-ye, acknowlegetl in chancery that they owed the aforesaid sum to the earl, with which I'ccognisance tlie earl was contente I, wherefore Joha then obtained the king's letters of pardon and of restitution of his lands. Nov. 8. To Henry de Hokkele, keeper of certain lands in co. Warwick. Order to Westmiuster. deliver to John son of John de Peyto and Alice his wife, daughter and co- heiress of Isabella de Hilles, Alice's pur[>arty of certain lands in Paiington, CO. Warwick, wliich purparty the king, on 7 August last, ordered Master John Walewayn, then escheator, to retain in the king's hands after he had made partitition thereof between Dionisia, wife of John de Watervill, and the aforesaid Alice, wife of John de Langele, the daughters and co-heiresses of the said Isabella, as John son of John de Peyto, who has now married Alice, and Alice, who is of full age, have prayed the king to cause the purpariy aforesaid to be delivered to them, and it i,s Ibund by an inquisition after- waids tiiken by John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicesicr, Nottingham, Derby, and Lancaster, that Isabella held the said lands of Thomas, lale earl of Lancaster, as of the honour of Leicester by knight service, which honour the king has rendered to Henry de Lancas(r[ia], brother of the said earl, now earl of Leicester, together with all knigiits' fees and other appurtenances of the honour. Nov. 13. To Geoffrey With and Henry de Hales, keepers of the lands of aliens Westminster, and of others of the power of the king of France in co. Norfolk. Order not to intermeddle with the manors, laniis, goods nnd chattels of the jjriory of Lewes in that county by virtue of any oriler of the king's sent to him, pending the discus.sion before the king and his council of the petition of John (ie Warenna, earl of Surrey, or until furllier orders, and to restore to the earl those things belonging to the priory that ihey have occupied by vn'tue of the king's order to take the lands, etc., of the priory into his hands amongst other lands of alien religions and others of the power of the kino- of France, as the earl has shewn the king that the priory is of his advowson and that he ought to have the custody of the temporalities thereof in times of voidancc, and that he and his ancestors have been wont to have such custody in times past, and has besought the king not to retain the lands, etc. of the said priory in his hands whereby the earl would suffer disinheritance. 'J he king saves lo him.«elf the presentations and collations of benefices of the patronage of the piior and convent that have been vacated up to this day. By K. The like to Peter de Wroldham {sic) and Stephen Poer, keepers, etc. in CO. Sussex. The like to Master Robert de Stotwell and Roger de Belegrave, keepers, etc., in co. Leicester. 236 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. Membrane 26 — cont. To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Camljridge, Huntiugdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to deliver to Robert Dufford and Margaret his wife, late the wife of Thomas de Caylly, tenant in chief, the ndvowson of the church of Hildeburworth, co. Norfolk, of the yearly value of 30/., which the king has assigned to Margaret as dower of the advowsons of the said Thomas. Nov. 16. To Adam le Bogher, keeper of the manor of Hathelsay. Order to pay to Westminster, brother John de Ryevallis, monk, who is staying at the manor by the king's order, the arrears of 5^ marks yearly from the time of the keeper's appointment, and to pay him that sum henceforth for his maintenance. Nov. 16. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Margaret, late Westminster, the wife of Bartholomew de Badelesmere, the arrears of the 2s. a day assigned for her maintenance, and to pay her that sum hereafter, the king having lately ordered the sheriff of Essex to certify the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of what he had paid to Margaret of the said 2s. daily by virtue of the king's order and of what remained to be paid, and it appears by the certificate made by Thomas Gobion, sheriff of the said county, before the treasurer and barons and delivered into the chancery by the treasurer that the said sheriff paid Margaret for her maintenance from 19 February, m the 16th year of the reign, until 28 September last 58Z. 16s. Od. for 588 days at the rate of 2s. a day. By K. on the information of W. de Ayrem[ynne]. Nov. 18. To John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Nottiug- Westminster. ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order to deli^■er to Roesia, late tiie wife of Henry Gregory of Eyum, mother of Henry Gregory his son and heir, as nearest [friend] of the heir, a bovate of land in Eyum, co. Derby, together with the issues thereof from the time of Plenry's death, and not to inter- meddle further with the other lands that Henry held at his death of other lords than the king, and to restore the issues of the same, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Henry held no lands in chief as of the crown at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held the aforesaid bovate of the king as of the honour of Peverel by the service of S\d. yearly to the castle of the Peak, and that he held divers lands of other lords, and that Henry Gregory is his son and heir and is aged ten years and more. 1324. Nov. 13. Westminster. Membrane 25. Nov. 13. To Roger le Gulden, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in Westminster, cos. Somerset and Dorset. Order to pay to Henry le Gulden the arrears of 60s. yearly from the time when the manor of Phelippeston came to the king's hands, and to pay him tliat sum yearly for so long as the manor shall remain in the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John de Brideport and Walter Beril that John de Bosco, then lord of the said manor, on Monday after Midsummer, in the 4th year of the king's reign, granted by deed to Henry the aforesaid 60s. yearly for life, in consideration of Henry's service to him, to be received from the bailiff or reeve of the manor, and that Henry was seised of the rent from the day of the grant until 10 February, in the 1.5th year of the king's reign, when the manor came to the king's hands by the forfeiture of John Mautravers le fitz, then lord of the manor, and that the manor is held of the abbess of Wylton by the service of 25 quarters of salt yearly, and that the manor is in the king's hands solely by reason of the forfeiture of John Mautravers le fitz, and it 18 EDWARD II. 237 J 324. Membrane 25 — cont. appears by tlie afoiosaid deed, which was exhibited in chancery, that John de Bosco granted the rent to Henry in form aforesaid. By C. Nov. 20. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Westminster. Rutland. Whereas the king by his letters patent has pardoned the prior and convent of Buttele the trespass committed by them in acquiring to their house in fee an acre and three roods of land in Bytre and Skyrbek from Benedict de Hoxne, and in entering the same after the publication of the statute of mortmain without tiie licence of the late king, and the king granted that they should have the land again and hold it to them and their successors, and afterwards, at the suggestion of the prior that they acquired the land from the said Benedict and not from Clement de Hoo, as is afore- said, and that tiiey continued their seisin thereof without changi? of their estate from the time of the acquisition, and that a certain plot of land, containing 12 feet and 10 ' rodefalles,' and another plot, containing 12 feet of the mill hill, in Bytre are, and have always been, parcels of the said acre and 3 roods, and that the escheator has taken the said plots into the king's hands under the pretence that the prior had acquired them from the aforesaid Clement and not from Benedict without royal licence, the king ordered the escheator to make inquisition concerning the same ; by which inquisition it is found that the prior acquired the land from Benedict and not from Clement, and that the aforesaid plots are, and always have been, parcels of the said acre and 3 roods, and that the plots are held of the earl of Riciimond in socage by the service of 2(1. yearly for all service, and that they are worth 6d. yearly such as in herbage : the king therefore orders the escheator not to intermeddle further with the said land, and to restore the issues thereof. Nov. 15. To William de Cotes and Stephen de Delham, keepers of the houses and Westminster, benefices of alien men of religion of the power of the king of France in co. Kent. Order to deliver to Master Andrew de Ferentino, parson of the church of Stalham, and to Bartholomew de Stanhou of London, ' nierror,' their corn and other goods in the church of Lyde, in that county, which the abbot and convent of St. Mary do Gloria, of the order of Flora, in the diocese of Anagni, hold to their own uses, and which Andrew and Bartholo- mew hold at ferm by the demise of Master llobeit de Patrica, proctor of the abbot and convent in this behalf, the keepers having taken the same into the king's hands amongst other goods and chattels of the men of religion of the power of the king of France, as the king learns upon trustworthy testimony that the abbot and convent are of the parts adjoining the city of Rome and are not of the power, confederation, or aflinit>' of the king of France. Nov. 19. To the treasurer and Ijarons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Nicholas Westminster. Larcher of Dover, to whom the king, 13 April, in the 7tii year of the reign, granted the custody of the castle of Sandwich and the bailiwick of the town of Sandwich as of the vahie of 100 marks yearly, to be held by liim until he should be satisfied for 412/. due to him from the king, to wit 200/. for the pa.ssage of the king and of queen Isabella, and of the earls, barons, knights and others crossing to France in the com|)any of the king and queen in May, in the Gth year of the reign, and 212/. for the ships and boats hired by Nicholas for the passage of the king and queen, their men and horses, and others returning from France in July, in the 7th year, and for the ships and boat^ hired by him for the pass.age of (he king, his men and horses going to France in December, in the 7ih year, of the issues of the bailiwick aforesaid from 13 July, in the 8th year of the reign, when the king granted the bailiwick aforesaid to Peter Barde for life. Nov. 22. To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to cause a coroner for that county to The Tower, be elected in place of Alan de Kcrnyek, deceased. 238 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Nov. 26. Cheshunt. Nov. 20. The Tower. Nov. 23. The TowLT Dfc. 6. Nottingham. Membrane 25 — cont. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, and Middlesex, and in the city of London. Order to deliver to John de Legb, son and heir of John de Legh, tenant by kniglit service of the purparty of Margaret, wife of Hugh Daudele, the younger, which purparty is in the king's hands, his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the king has taken his fealty. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the chamberlains. The abbot of Westminster has shown by his petition before the king and his council that whereas the king's progenitors granted to the abbots of We.d. yearly for ward of the castle of Skypse, and that they acquired the tenenn nts aforesaid in form aforecaid at the time Avhen Peter de (lavaston had the honour aforesaid of the king's grant, and that they held jointly to them and the heirs of tlieir bodies on the said day the manor of Ryhill of John Paynel of Botheby by knight service. Feb. 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede the Wesiminster. demand made in the castle, manor, and honour of Chilham, co. Kent, for the debts of Rosa de Dovorr', Alexander do Baliiolo, and Isabella his wife, and of Bartholomew de Badelesmere, who held the castle, manor, and honour befoi-e 28 November, in the 15th year of the kinpi'a reign, when the king granted to David de Strabolgi, earl of Athole (^Athelcs), the castle, manoi', and honour aforesaid, which formerly belonged to Isabella de Dovorr', David's grandmother, and which came to the late king's hands as escheat for divers causes. By K March 5. To Henry de Faucomberge. Order to send into chancery without delay The Tower, (o be cancelled the king's letters patent committing to him the custody of the county of York and the castle of York from Easter next during the king's pleasure. By K. Feb. 7. To Richard le Wayte, eseheator in cos. "Wilts, Soutliamjjton, Oxford, Westminster. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingiiam. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage, a carucate of land, 20 acres of meadow, and a watermill in Lullemun.''tre, co. Oxford, which he has taken into the kins^'s hands with other lands that belonged to Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the eseheator that the earl held the tenements aforesaid for his life of the grant of Walter de Cantilupo, parson of the church of Suytenfeld, and that after the carl's death the tenements ought to remain to Thomas West and Eleanor his wife and their heirs, and that the tenements are held of Henry Dyne by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee. Membrane 15. Feb. 20, To R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, late keejier of the king's wardrobe, Westmiustcr, Order to cause Robert de Insula to be acquitted of the 100 marks th;it flic king caused to be delivered to him in the time of the late disturbance in the renlm for the expenses of himself and bis men-at-arms staying with the king in his service in July, August, and September, in the 15th year of the reign, to be expended in the king's service, which sum is now exacted from Robert asau imprest of the wardrobe, the king having now granted that sum to him, By K 202 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. * Membrane 15 — cont. Feb. IS. Richard Ic Cartere, imprisoned in Exeter gaol for the death of Robert le Westminster. Parkere, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to l>ail him until the first assize. March ). To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Nott- Westmiuster. insham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order to deliver to Alice, late the wife of William de Slene, certain lands in Oschef and Lancaster, co. Lancaster, upon her doing fealty therefor, which the king has granted the escheator ])ower to receive, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that William and Alice held the same jointly on the day of William's death, to them and William's heirs, and that the lands in Oschef are held of the king as of the honour of Lancaster, which is in the king's hands by the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, in socage by fealty and by the service of I2d. yearly for all service, and that the lands in Lancaster are similarly held of the king in socage by the service of 5s., and that William held on the said day certain lands in Lancaster as of Alice's inheritance of the king by the service of 5*. yearly. Feb. 26. To Roger de Horsle, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to permit \\'uhiuiiu-icr. the king's men of .Shoston and Sunderland, who have suffered great damage by the frequent comings of the Scots, to have respite until Michaelmas next for all debts due to the exchequer or to tiie castle aforesaid, except for the king's victuals sold there, as the king has granted them respite until then for all forms, wards of castle, cornages, truncages, ' fenssilver,' and various other debts, services, or demands for his time and the times of his ])rogenitors. By K. and C. 'i'he like to the sheriff of Northumberland in favour of the men of that counfy. By K. and C. The like to the same sheriff in favour of the men of Baumburgh. By K. and C. Feb. 28. To tlio treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order not to j)ermit W cfitaiiiistL-r. Richard Ireby to be aggrieved at the suit of the king or others by reason of the rebels' goods taken and occupied bv him whilst pursuing them in the king's company, as the king has granted that those who were in his company in pursuit of the rebels shall not be molested or aggrieved by reason of the rebels' goods occupied by them from 17 October, in the 15th year of his i-eign, until 5 April following. rJarch 5. To the trcafiurer and chamberlains. Order to cause engines to be made lliii Tower, for the munition of the castles and towns of the duchy of Aquitaine, and to ctiuse timber for the same to bo taken in the wood of Tonebrugge, and to cause the engines or ]>art of them to be carried to the duchy as quickly as possible, there to be delivered to the constable of Bordeaux. By bill of the treasurer. To the sheriffs of London. Order to restore to William de la Farge called ' Monguilliam ' his horse, cloth, and other goods and chattels, which they have arrested by virtue of the king's order to arrest men of the power of the king of France and their goods, as it appears to the kirg that William i.s of Berne in his duchy of Gascony, and not of the lordship or power of the king of France. By K. Vacated, because they icere not sealed. !M;irch 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert de HiuTcwcr. Hulton, who was convicted before John de Stonore and his fellows, late justices to enquire concerninjT; goods forfeited to the king in co. Stafford, for tiikiiig and occuj)ying a silver barrel {hareUuw), price 5 marks, of the goods of the contrarianls, to be acquitted of the said 5 marks, which are exacted from him by the et^treats of the roils of the said justices, as the barrel afterwards came to the king's hands by the delivery of Edmund le Peschour, king's Serjeant. By K. 18 EDWARD II. 203 1325. Feb. 25. The Tower. March 5. The Tower. March 12. The Tower. March 1 1 . The Tower. Membrane 15 — cont. To John le Porter, keeper of the manor of Diinmawe. Order to cause dower of tlie said manor to be assigned to Thomas de Hynch inglmm and Nicholaa his wife, as the king learns by inqnisition taken by John de Liston and Thomas de Reppes tliat Simon fitz Richard was seised of the manor in his demesne as of fee for a long time after he married the aforesaid Nicholaa, so that he could dower her thereof, and that he gave the manor to Humphrey de Bohun, late earl of Hereford and Essex, by charter on Monday after St. Gregory, in the I3th year of the king's reign, and that Simon died on 4 March, in the 15th year of the king's reign, and that the aforesaid Thomas de Hyntlringham or Nichola;i never made quit claim or release of the manor to the earl after Simon's death, and that the manor is in the king's hands .solely by reason of tiie earl's forfeiture, and that it is held of the heirs of the earl of Gloucester as of the honour of Clare by knight service and by the service of rendering 40*. yearly to the manor of Berdefeld, and that it is worth ytiarly 30/. To Robert de Swalclyve, keeper of the lands that belonged to Eustace de Bonrn in the city of London, forfeited to the king. Order to deliver to the said Eustace his lands, which were Uiken into tht; king's hands by I'eason of his adherence to the rebels, the king having released him from prison upon mainprise, as he has fouiul security by Roger de Codham of co. Kent, Richard de Gravene of the same county, .John de Horton of the same county, and John de VVrothara of London, to set out in the king's service in the next passage of his subjects to the duchy [of Aquitaine]. By K. To Henry de Cobeham, keeper of forfeited lands in co. Kent. Order to restore to the said Eustace his lands, as he has found security as above ; provided that if the lands have been tlemised at ferm, Eustace sluUl satisfy the fermers for their expenses about the lands. By K. To the seneschal of Gascony for the time being, or to him who supplies his place. John Columbi of IJordeanx and Gaucelin dc C'astellione have informed the king Ijy their petition exhibited before him and his council that during the present disturbance in Gasconv, after the Uiking of the town of La Reole (Iler/ n[^la]) by the men of the king of France, Poncius, lord of Castiilon {Caslellione), and Margaret his mother ruined the men of ihe said John and Gaucelin, the men being undcsr the king's safeguard, in a place called 'La Mark,' whereof John and Gaucelin have a moiety, and Poncius and Margaret have the other moiety, and caused the men's goods and })osses>ions to be burned, violating the king's safeguard, wherefore John and Gaucelin have prayed the king tiiat the moiety that Poncius and Margaret have in the said place may be taken into the king's hands bccau.se it is forfeited (iitairsa) to the king according to the foros and customs of those parts, and that justice may be done to .John and Gaucelin for their damages sustained in this behalf: the king therefore orders the seneschal or him who stip[)lies his place to inform himself concerning the premises summarily in full without action of hiw, and to cause to be done for tiie king and John and Gaucelin and their men aforesaid without delay what ought to be done according to the foros and customs of those parts. Vacated, because on the Gascon roll. To John le Porter, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Essex. Order to pay to William, de la More and INlargery bis wife the arrears of a rent of 4 marks yearly for a tenement in Canewedon called ' Caldhous' from the lime when it was taken into the king's hands, and to cause the same to be paid to them yearly henceforth for so long as he has the custody of the tenement, as the king learns by iiupiisitiou takiMi by .John de Lyston aud James do Lambourn in the keepci''s presence that ikirtholomew de Badclesmere hclj 264 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. "[325. Membrane 15 — cont. the tenement aforesaid on the day when he forfeited his lands to the king of fTolin Channceux, formerly the husband of the said Margery, and of the aforesaid Margery by the service of 4 marks yearly, and tiaat the said John Chaunceux and Margery and her ancestors were seised thereof by the hands of Bartliolomew and of other tenants of the tenement until it was taken into the king's bands, and that it is held by the service aforesaid, and that neither John and Margery nor William and Margery released their right in the said rent to Bartholomew or any other or clianged their estate therein in any wise. March 15. To R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, late keeper of the king's The Tower, wardrobe. Order to cause John de Louthre, receiver of tlie king's victuals at Carlisle, to have allowance for, and to be discharged of, 140 quarters of wheat, price 8«. a quarter, 90 quarters of barley, price 6s. 8c?. a quarter, and 40 quarters of beans and pease, price 6s. Sr?. a quarter, which the said John caused to be placed at Holmcoltran in order to be carried further to Carlisle, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Anthony de Lucy, constable of Carlisle castle, in the presence of Simon de Grymesby, escheator in co. Cumberland, and of Henry de Malton, sheriff of that county, that the corn aforesaid was taken, burned, and carried away by the Sc-otcb rebels at Holmcoltran, against the will of the .said John, and not through the cai'eles.sness or negligence of him or of any other. To Eogor de Waltham, late keeper of the wardrobe. Order to cause the aforesaid John to have allowance for, and to be discliarged of, 105 quarters and two bushels of wheat, price 8s. a quarter, 10 barrcds of wheaten flour, price GOs. a barrel, 107^ quarters of oats, price 3s. 'id. a quarter, 5 tur.s of ■wine, price 53s. 4rescut pope tliat the prior and monks of Bergaveny, wlio were then Frenchmen, lived in incontinence and contrary to their rule, 18 EDWARD 11. 271 1325. Menihrane 12 — cont. dissipating the goods and possessions of tlie priory in evil uses, and hereupon obtained a bull to certain judges, by virtue whereof the French prior and monks were amoved from the priory, and an English prior and English monks were substituted, and the said Frenchmen moved a plea in the Roman court concerning their amoval ; the king, wishing to avoid the prejudice that may arise hereby to him and to the heir of the said John, a minor in his wardship, of whose patronage the priory is, especially as he is bound to restore to heirs in his wardship when they come of age their lands and possessions as fully as they came to his hands, orders the bailiffs to maintain and defend the English prior and monks in their possession of the priory during the wardship aforesaid, not permitting any such aliens to do wrong or damage to the prior and monks or to intermeddle in any way with any- thing pertaining to the priory during the wardship. If there be any who wish to come to those parts to inflict any such grievances upon the English prior and monks in their persons or the possessions of the priory during the said wardship, the bailiffs are to hinder them doing so, and to certify the king with all speed of the names of such persons and of the bailiffs' proceed- ings in the whole matter. By K. March 18. To Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, keeper of the Forest this side Westminster. Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Essex. Order to take with him men of the piirts of Stoke-atte-Neylonde, and to survey the king's mills of that manor and the water gates of the mills, and to take advice of what timber will sutlice to repair the gates, and to cause the keeper of the manor to have such timber from the wood of Kyngeswode, within the said forest of Essex, or elsewhere in the forest in places contiguous to the manor, as the king learns that the water-gates of the mill need repair greatly. By C. March 18. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to cause payment to be made Westminster, to the king's yeoman Gailhard Assalhiti, donsel, in golden pennies or in sterlings for 50 golden pennies of the Lamb, each of the value of 21*. of petits Tottrnois, which the king owes to him for money lent by him to Joiin Travers, constable of Bordeaux, for the expedition of the king's arduous affairs, as appears by the constable's letters patent. To Robert de Swaleweclyve. Order to pay to the priory of Holy Trinity, London, the arrears of a yearly rent of 'Z2s. from the time when the tene- ments that John de Bourn held of the prior in the city came to his hands, and to pay the same henceforth yearly, in accordance with the king's previous orders to him, notwithstanding liis return to the king's order that he had not paid the above rent because he holds the tenements by the king's commission to answer at the exchequer yearly for the ti ne value thereof, the tenements being extended at 9 marks yearly in all issues, no reprises or rents being excepted, as the king considers the return insufficient, especially as the rent is not contained, and ought not to be contained, in the afpresaid extent. March 18. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to deliver to the executors of the will Westminster, of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, the goods and chattels of the earl in his custody, excepting the corn in divers manors that the king caused to be taken in order to send it to Gascony for the maintenance of liis snhjects there, and excepting the towns of Staunford and Grantham and the lands and heir of John Lovel of Tychemersshe, for the execution of the earl's will, notwithstanding any order of the king's imder the great or the privy seal or the exchequer seal or otherwise to take or retain the carl's goods in his hands, as the executors have found security in chancery to answer to the king for all debts due from the oarl at his death as shall be found l>v an 272 CALENDAE OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. March 18. Westminster. March 26. Henley. March 20. Sheen. Membrane 12 — cont. account to be rendered thereof, and the executors have granted to tlie king for a certain price and under a certain form the horses, jewels, and certain other goods of the earl in the king's possession, and divers sorts of corn in the earl's manors, which the king has caused to be taken as above, and the estate that the earl had in the said towns of Staunford and Grantham, and the custody of the said lands and heir, with the marriage of the heir. By K. and C. The like to the sheriffs of the following counties : Gloucester. Hereford. Bedford. Buckingham. Oxford. Berks. Nottingham. Northampton. Norfolk. Suffolk. Essex. Hertford. Kent. Northumberland. Worcester. Somerset. Dorset. Southampton. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Southampton, Wilts, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with two messuages, a toft, and 3 acies of land of William le Nappere of Aulton in Aulton, and to restore the issues thereof, as the escheator has returned that he has taken no lands of the said William into the king's hands, but that he found by inquisition of ofRce that Richard, son of the said William, held in his demesne as of fee in the said town two messuages, two curtilages, a garden, and three acres of land, which are held of others than the king, and that Richard committed a felony for which he was hanged, to wit he stole three oxen, price 30*., at Burgh-in-Staynesmore, and was convicted thereof before the steward and marshal of the king's household, and was therefore hanged at Burgh, and that he took the lands into the king's hands because he understood that the escheat thereof pertained to the king, which return the king considers insutiicient, especially as the cognisance of such felony or the taking of the lands aforesaid for this cause does not pertain to the escheator's office. To Gilbert de Burghdon, late sheriff of Northumberland. Order to release the goods and chattels of Walter Cady, who came, as the king understands, from Scotland with his goods and chattels into the sheriff's bailiwick to stay in the king's peace, Gilbert having arrested the goods and chattels because Walter came from Scotland. By K. To John Wroth, keeper of the manors of Monyton and Dylue. Order to pay to Katherine de Audele, recluse of Ledebury, the arrears of 30/. yearly from the time when he received the custody of the said manors, and to pay her the same yearly henceforth, the king having granted lier thai sum yearly from the ferra of those manors for her maintenance. Membrane 11. March 22. To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Henley. Salop, Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Order to deliver to Elizabeth Corayn, kinswoman and co-heiress of Aymer de A^alencia, late earl of Pembroke, the following of the said earl's knights' fees, which the king has assigned to her as her purparty : a moiety of a fee in Cliilchestre, in the marches of AVales adjoining co. Hereford, which John Bluet holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; a moiety of a fee in Lanwaryn, in the 18 EDWARD II. 273 1325. Membrane \\ — cont. aforesaid marches, which William le Walse holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; a moiety of a fee in Staunton, co. Worcester, which Robert de Staunton holds, of the yearly value of 20 marks; a moiety of a fee in Hull, in the same county, which John de Hull holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a moiety of a fee in Spechesleye, in the same county, which John de Everlay holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a third of a fee in Lurtyport near Frony, CO. Hereford, which the heirs of Henry de Munemuth hold, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; a moitty of a fee in Eggeworth, co. Gloucester, which Thomas de Eggeworth holds, of the yearly value of 100*. ; a moiety of a fee in Dalyngworth, in the same county, which Ralph Bluet holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks. The king has also assigned to her 5^ fees in Whitchirche, Great Lynford, Kynebell, Bechampton, Lyllingston, Addynggravc, Lec- hampstede, Lonjrport, and Burton, co. Buckingham, which Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford, holds, of the yearly value of 1 1/. ; a moiety of a fee in Little Wolstane, co. Buckingham, which Richard de Wodehill holds, of the yearly value of 20*. ; a moiety of a fee in Dourton, in the same county, which William de Bermyngham holds, of tlie yearly value of 20*. ; a moiety of a fee in Chilton and Essyngton, in the same county, which John son of Peter holds, of the yearly value of 20*. ; a moiety of a fee in Wotton, in the same county, which Richard de Greyvill holds, of the yearly value of 20*. ; a fee in Mulslio, in the same couniy, which Nicholas de la Husee holds, of the yearly value of 40*.; a moiety of a fee in p]dewortli, co. Bedford, which the heirs of William Bluet hold, of the yearly value of 20*. ; two parts of a fee in Everton, in the same county, which the abbot of Stretford holds, of the yearly value of 2 marks ; a moiety of a fee in Alricheseye, in the same county, which Walter de Langeton holds, of the yearly value of 20*. ; I ^ fees in Wetringebury, co. Kent, which are in the king's hands by rciuson of the forfeiture of Henry de Leyburn, of the yearly value of 20/. ; a twentieth of a fee in Swanescombe, in the same county, which .John de Coiube holds, of the yearly value of 20*. ; a moiety of a fee in Ecclys, in the same county, which Walter de Pateshull holds, of the yearly value of 50*. ; a fee in Okcle, in the same county, which William de Sender holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a moiety of a fee in Boklond in Lodesdon, in the same county, which Richard de Jioklond lioltis, of the yearly value of 100*. ; a third of a fee in Little Preston, which Joan, late the wife of Henry do Cobhain Roundale, holds, of the yearly value of 20*. ; Geoffrey de Rome ai.d .lohn atte Merssh hold certain tenements that formerly belonged to Andrew in Swanescombe by the service of renderin, co. Essex, of the yearly value of 10/. ; the advowson of the church of Saxtliorp, co. Norfolk, of tiie yearly value of 20/. ; the advowson of the church of Manyton, in the sam(! county, of the yearly value of 100.9. ; the advowson of the cliurch of Waterbech, co. Cambridge, which is not extended : the king therefore orders the escheator to deliver to her the advowsons of the said churches of Catfeld, Great Midlon, Wrydlington, llertCordyugbury, and of the priory of Hei tford, and, after the death of Mary, the advowsons of the churches of Braxstede, Saxthorp, Manyton, and of the priory of Waleibech. Membraxb 10. To .John do Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Salop, Stafford, and in tin; adjoining marches of Wales. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Elizabeth tlu; advowson of the sjud vicarage. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Siis.s(!x, Kent, ISIiiMIe- fcx, and the city of Jjondon. Order to deliver to the afbre.arceners, of the pnrparty of Laurence, son and heir of John de Ilastyng, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship, and to permit llutjh le Despenser, son of Hugh lo Dc^penser, earl of Winchester, lo dispose thereof, the king having, on s 2 276 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane \0-cont. 12 February last, granted to him the custody of Laurence's purparty of the said inheritance during Laurence's minority, which fees are contained in a roll that the king sends to the escheator sub pede sigilli. The purparty of Laurence de Hastyng^ in fee. — Five knights' fees in Carru, co. Pembroke, which John de Carru holds, of the yearly value of 100 marks ; five fees in Maynerbyr, in the same county, which John de Barry holds, of the yearly value of 100 marks; a tenth of a fee in Osbarn- eston, in the same county, which David de la Roche holds, of the yearly value of 26s. 8 J. ; a tenth of a fee in Benegereston, in the same county, which John Beneger holds, of the yearly value of 26s. 8c?. ; a moiety of a fee in Kilkemoran, in the same county, which John Scorlagh holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; two fees in Cofyneston, in the same county, which John Wogan, John Beneger, and William Robelyn hold, of the yearly value of 40 marks ; a moiety of a fee in Esse, in the same county, ■which Walter Malenfant holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; a moiety of a fee in Jurdaneston, in the same county, which John Joce holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; a tenth of a fee in La Torre, in the same county, which John Waghan holds, of the yearly value of 26s. 8rf. ; a tenth of a fee in Coytrath, in the same county, which Nicholas de Bonevyll holds, of the yearly value of 26s. 8c?. ; a moiety of a fee in Coytrath, in the same county, which Andrew Wyseman holds, of the yearly value of 5 marks ; a tenth of a fee in Coytrath, in the same county, which John Scorlagh holds, of the yearly value of 13s. \d. ; a tenth of a fee in Coytrath, in the same county, which David Malenfant holds, of the yearly value of 13s. 4c?. ; a tenth of a fee in Westirathvaghan, in the same county, which William Hervy and others hold, of the yearly value of 10s. ; a tenth and a twentieth of a fee in Blancultoit, in the same county, which John de Castro Martini holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a tenth and a twentieth of a fee in Kethlihavelok, in the same county, which John de Castro Martini holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; John Waghan, John Ernebaud, and William son of Nicholas de Barry hold at Lanteg' by knight service 5 bovates of land, of the yearly value of 13s. 4rf. ; 1\ fees in Wyston, in the same county, which Walter Wogan and Walter de Staunton hold, of the yearly value of 33/. 6s. M. Purparty of the fees in reversion. — Five knights' fees in StakpoU, CO. Pembroke, which Richard de StakpoU holds, of the yearly value of 100 marks ; a moiety of a foe in Flemisseton, in the same county, which Walter de Castro holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a moiety of a fee in Popeton, in the same county, which Stephen Perot holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; a moiety of a fee in Moryston, in the same county, which Walter de Castro holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; a moiety of a fee in Mynierdon, in the same county, which Jolm de Castro Martini holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; a fee in Coytrath, in the same county, which John Chaumpayn holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks. March 22. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Henlej-. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Like order not to intermeddle with certain fees contained in a roll that the king sends to the escheator sub pede sigilli, and to permit the aforesaid Hugh le Despenser to dispose of the same, in accordance with the grant of the said custody to him. In fee. — Three fees in Cursotr', Daggyngworth, and Estahslyng, co. Southampton, which William Bluet holds, of the yearly value of 35/. ; a fee in Thrukeleston, in the same county, which John de Cormaylles holds, of the yearly value of 10/.; a fee in Snodynton, Houk, and Houghton, in the same county, which Ingelram Berenger holds, of the yearly value of 15/.; 18 EDWARD II. 277 1325. Membrane 10 — cont. a moiety of a fee in Stone, in the same county, which Peter Brnston holds, of the yearly value of 100*. ; thi ee parts of a fee in Axor and Po()ham, in the same county, which Robert de Pophani holds, of the yearly value of 11. 10*. Od. ; a moiety of a fee in Imbeshete, which Edward de Sancto Johanne holds, of the yearly value of lOO*. ; a fee in Wode Spene, co. Berks, which the earl of Winchester and John Pophard hold, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a moiety of a fee in Maydencote, in the same county, which John de Hurtrigge and John de Bermyngham hold, of the yearly value of 100*. Of reversion. — A fee in Northmurton, co. Berks, which Miles de Stapelton holds, of the yearly value of 10/. To John de Blounvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Like order. Feex in demesne. — Three fees and a half in Neweton, Collenay, and Hakeford, co. Norfolk, which John de Claveryng holds, of the yearly value of 17/.; a moiety of a fee in Garbaldisham, in the same county, which Peter de Bekenham holds, of the yearly value of 60«. ; a fee in Quidenham, in the same county, which Matilda Pygaz holds, of the yearly value of 100*. ; a fee in Ryveshale, in the same county, whicli John de liyveshale holds, of the yearly value of 100*. ; a fee in Bokenhamfery, in the .same county, which Simon de Ratlisden holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a fee in Brumstede, in the same county, which Robert Rose, William Gerner, and William le Parker hold, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a fee in Coklikleye, in the same county, which Edmund de Pakenham, Henry de Aula, and Peter Tertei [hold], of the yearly value of 10/.; a sixteenth of a fee in Bcrgh, in the same county, which Henry de Heylesdon holds, of the yearly value of G*. 8d. ; 9^ fees in Gressinhale, Kesynham, Elsyng', I-exham, Wythersfeld, Grym.stone, Skernyng, Swaynton, Heynglond, Feltthorp, Taverham, Oxwyk, Attilber, Randworth, Hoo, 13rysele, Berneham, Yrmynglond, Ingaldesthorp, Lineford, and Castelacre, which is called ' Chernyll,' in the same county, which Richard Folyot and his tenants hold, of the yearly value of 60/.; 7 fees in Wylton, Hokewell, Hacford, Belhawe, Fylcby, Letton, Shipidham, Mundeford, Fouldon, Boileneye, Stiberde, and Couteshale, in the same county, which Michael de Ponynges and his tenants hold, of the yearly value of 40/. ; 15 fees in divers counties to wit in Cannefeld, Erston, IJalsted, Monewedon, Roklond, Northwode, Fyncham, Berwyk, Creyk, Clopton, Middelton, Feltwell, Honton, Kellyng', Salthuse, Wyveton, Snyteileye, Barsham, Ikeburgh, Gresseham, Alverton, and Whitchurch (de Albo Monasterio), co. Worcester {sic), which Drogo de Barentyn and his parceners hold, of the yearly value of GO/. ; a fee in Fyn- cham, Brich, Hakeford, Bergham, and Helghton, in the same county {sic), which John de Benefeld and his tenants hold, of the yearly vahie of lOOs. Of reversion. — A fee in Helgheton and Wramlyngham, co. Norfolk, which Roger de Kerdeston and John de Helghton hold, of the yeai ly value of 11. 10s. Od. ; 2 fees in Bliford and Walsham, in the same county, which John Fastolf and Hamo de Mikelfeld hold, of the yearly value of 40/.; a moiety of a fee in Great Melton, in the same county, which Hubert de Hackombe holds, of the yearly value of 60s.; a moiety of a fee in Apeton, in the same county, which Richard de la Rokele holds, of the yearly value of 50s. ; a quarter of a fee in Sperham, in the same county, which Robert de Jernemue holds, of the yearly xnXae, of 40s. ; a quarter of a fee in Sperham, in the same county, which Adam do Sperham holds, of the yearly value of 30s. ; a quarter of a fee in Saxlingham, iu the same county, which Peter de Nerford holds, of the yearly value of 25s. ; an eighth of a fee in 278 CALENDAE OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 10 — cont. Little Melton, in the same county, -which John Dames holds, of the yearly A'alue of 6s. 8f/. ; an eighth of a fee in Great Melton, in the same county, which Gilbert Baliol holds, of the yearly value of 10s. ; a moiety of a fee iu Shropham, in the same county, which John de Coggcshale holds, of the yearly value of 50s. ; 2 fees iu Banham and Garbaldisham, in the same county, which are held of the manor of Hocham, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a third of a foe in Hikelyng and Catefeld, in the same county, which Walter de Calthorp holds, of the yearly value of 30s. ; six fees in Hemynhale, Fulburn. Caston, Rokelund, Rudham, Croxton, Clipeston, Koteliston, Fulmerston, Russeworth, Lerlyng, Neweton, Houton, Hempton, Barsham, Waterdene, Brunham, Euston, Estherlyng', Wykelwode, Morle, De]»cham, Herlyng', and Werlyng', in divers counties, which Thomas Bardolf and his tenants hold, of tlie yearly value of 40/. ; 4 fees in Atyibrigg, Bernham, Skulton, Toftes, Roklond, Stanford, Bokenham, Elyngham, Rawuningham, Bikeriston, Haddcston, and Hecheham, co. Suffolk (sic), which Constantine de Mortuo Mari and his tenants hold, of the yearly value of 20/. ; four fees in Hildeburghworth, Cranous, Bradenham, Denever, and Hillyngton, in the same county, which Thomas de Kaitli and his tenants hold, of the yearly value of 20/. ; a fee in Feltewell, in the same county, which William de Bello Campo holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; 4| fees in Theyden Gernoun, Leyes, and Laclieden, co. Essex, which William Gernoun holds, of the yearly value of 30/. Membrane 9. March 18, To Simon de Grymmcsby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, Westminster. Cumberland, and Westmoreland. Order to assign dower to Agnes, late the Avifc of Richard de Boys of Useburn, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. March 23. To Richard Simond, steward of the county of Pembroke, in the king's Henley. hands. Order to hear the complaint of Joan, late the wife of John de Carru, who has shewn the king tliat the executors of tlie will of Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, deforce her of her dower of the lands of the said John, although he died seised iu his demesne as of fee of certain lands in that county, and to do further fur her what ought to be done according to the law and custom of those parts. March 29. To Walter de Anneford, bailiff of the liberty of Cirencester. Order to Froyle. pay to William Tracy, sheriff of Gloucester, 80/. without delay, for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs enjoined upon him. By letter of the treasurer. April 1. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order not to molest the Merewell. prior and convent of Castelacre, which was taken into the king's hands when he ordered all houses of religion within his realm of the dominion or power of the king of France to be taken into his hands, as the king has restored the priory to the prior and convent at the instance of John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, saving to the king the corn and other goods taken for his use for the expedition to the duchy of Aquitaine. The king has ordered the keepers of the priory to deliver the priory with its lands, possessions, goods, and chattels to the prior and convent. By K. To Henry de Hales and Geoffrey Wyth, keepers of the houses of religion, etc., in CO. Norfolk. Order to deliver the priory and its lands, etc., to the prior and convent. The like to the keepers of houses of religion, etc., the parts of Holand, CO. Lincoln. 18 EDWARD II. 279 1325. Feb. 4. Beaulieu. March 18. Westmiuster. April 8. Beaulieu. April 10. Beaulieu. April 10. Beaulieu. April 5. Beaulieu. Membrane 9 — co7it. The like to the keepers of houses of religion, etc., in cos. Suffolk and Cambridge. To Matthew Broun, esclieator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland. Order not to intermeddle further with the lauds of William de Assheby, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by tlie escheator tliat he held no lands in chief at his death by reason whereof tlie custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause the prior of St. Denis near Southampton to have seisin of two messuages in the suburbs of Southampton as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheiitor that Roger Hildemore, who abjured the realm for felony, held them of the prior, and that they have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and tliat queen Isabella has had the king's year and day and ought to answer to the king therefor. To the treasure!" and chamberlains. Order to pay to William le Latymer 500 marks, which he lately paid into the wardrobe as a loan to the king for the expedition of the king's affairs, or to cause suiUible assignment therefor to be made to him, notwithstanding any order or assignment to the contrary previously made by the king. By K. To Thomas, bishop of Worcester. Although the king lately prohibited his admitting a parson to the church of Snytcnfeld, concerning which there was an action in the king's court between Walter, bishop of Exeter, and Thomas West and Eleanor his wife by one writ, and between the said Thomas and Eleanor and the said bishop Walter by another writ, until it should be decided in the same court whether the advowson of the church pertained to the bishop or to Thomas and Eleanor; as Thomas has appeared in person in chancery and acknowledged, for himself and Eleanor, that they had no right of presentation to the said church, the king signifies the pi'e- mises to the bishop, so that tlie bishop may do what is incumbent upon his office in this behalf, notwithstanding the aforesaid prohibition. To Geoffrey Ic Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king. Order to come to Winchester in the present (luinzaine of Easter, with the rolls, wi its, and other memoranda of the Bench touching the pleas aforesaid, and to hold such pleas there until further orders, as tlie king pro- poses to stay in the parts of Porcestre, co. Southampton, to hasten the passage at Portesmuth of certain of his subjects setting out in his service to the parts of the duchy [of Acjuitaine], and for certain affairs specially touching him, wherefore he wills that Geoffrey and his fellows shall be in the parts of that county to hold the aforesaid pleas. By K. on the information of Master H. de Clif. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas John de Sancto Johanne lately acknowledged in chancery that he owed to Adam de Salesbirs and John de Oxon[ia], late sheriffs of London, 429/. for certain of the king's victuals bought from them, and the lands of the said .John and the corn growing in the same were delivered to Adam and John because the said John did not ob.'^erve the terms of payment contained in the recogni.sance, and the said Adam and John are charged at the exchecjuer with tlie whole sum aforesaid, as the king is given to understand on behalf of John de Sancto Johanne ; the king, wishing to shew special grace to .John de Sancto Johanne, who is going to Ga.scony in his service, onlers the treasurer and barons to discharge Adam and John of 100/. of the aforesaid sum, and to charge -John de Sancto Johanne with tin; siime, and to cause the remainder of the sum to be levied from Adam anil John for the kind's use without delay. By petition delivered by the treasurer. 280 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. April 9. Beaulieu. April 11. Beaulieu. April 10. Beaulieu. April 12. Beaulieu. April 12. Beaulieu. April 10. Beaulieu. Membrane 9 — cont. To Walter de Norwyco. Order to supply the place of W. bishop of Exeter as treasurer iu the exchequer during his absence, as the treasurer is now with the king by his orders upon certain affairs touching the king and realm, and he will stay with the king for some time. By K. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to expend up to 40Z. in repairing the houses within the manor of Claryndon, by the view and testimony of Waiter Gacelyn, bailifE of the manor. By K. on the information of the treasurer. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause a suitable house for twenty colts to be made within the park of Guldeford for the winter season, as the king wills that there shall be twenty colts running yearly in the park. By K. on the information of the treasurer. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle- sex, and in the city of London. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Cicely, late the wife of William de Ayot, in the presence of Nicholas de Ayot, son and heir of William, if he choose to attend, the king having, on 14 March last, taken the fealty of Nicholas and ordered the escheator to dehver to him seisin of his father's lands, upon his finding security for pay- ment of his relief, saving to Cicely her dower. To the constable of Rochester castle, and to the bailiffs of that town. Order to deliver to William le Clerk of Sautre and Thomas Colebrand, his fellow-citizen of London, 18 mill-stones (molas) and six motes {motas) of plaster, and to permit them to make their profit thereof, notwithstanding the king's order not to release the mill-stones and plaster without his special order, as William has suggested that he bought the mill-stones and plaster at Rouen in Normandy before any dispute had arisen between the king and the king of France and before the king ordered the men of the power and dominion of the king of France and their ships and goods to be arrested, and that he caused the mill-stones and plaster to be taken to Rochester in a ship of Calais, of the lordship and power aforesaid, and that the constable and bailiffs arrested the mill-stones and plaster thus coming in the said ship, pretending that they belonged to subjects of the king of France and not to the said merchant, by virtue of the king's order to arrest the men of the power of the king of France and their ships and goods, whereupon the king frequently ordered the constable and bailiffs to deliver the mill-stones and plaster to the said merchant, if it appeared to them that they belonged to him and not to subjects of the king of France, and they have returned that they have made inquisition concerning the same by virtue of the king's order, and that they find by the inquisition that the mill-stones and plaster belong to the said William and Thomas, merchants of England, and not to subjects of the king of France. By K. To Hugh Poinz. Order to pay to the prior and convent of Christ Church, Twynham, the arrears of ten bushels of wheat and 63*. yearly from the time when he received the custody of a moiety of the manor of Hyneton, and to pay them the same yearly for so long as he shall have the custody of the same, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John Everard, escheator in cos. Somerset, Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall, that Ivo Martel, sometime lord of Hyneton, granted to Christ Church and the canons thereof in frankalmoin two quarters of wheat yearly to be received in his court of Hyneton, and that Roger Martel, afterwards lord of the same, likewise granted to them in frankalmoin 7 marks 9*. 8d. of yearly rent to be received in the same court, and that the prior and hi^ predecessors were seised of the said rent from time out of mind until the death of Peter son of Reginald, who held a moiety of the manor in chief, after whose death the moiety came to the king's hands by reason of the minority of Peter's heir, and the king 18 EDWARD 11. 281 1325. Membrane 9 — cont. Committed the custody of the moiety to the said Hugh during the heir's minority, and that Peter was charged whilst he lived with ten bushels of wheat and 63*. yearly for that moiety, and that he paid the same all liis time, and that Hugh has detained the said ten bushels and 635. from the « prior and convent from the time when he received the custody of the said moiety, and it appears by the charters of Ivo and Roger, which were shewn in chancery, that the grants were made in form aforesaid. April 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, or to him who supplies the Bcaulieu. place of the treasurer. Order to permit John le Barber, bailiff of the town of Southampton, to have respite until the morrow of Michaelmas next for rendering his account before them of the time when he was bailiff, as the king has granted him such respite because he is specially intending certain of the king's affairs, so that he cannot attend to rendering his said account. By K. April 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance Beaulieu. to be made to the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton out of the ferm and other issues of the town for what they have expended, by virtue of the king's writs of privy seal, in providing the lead necessary for the king's works in the castle of Porcestre, and 60 quarters of salt for the munition of Odiham castle, and in repairing a boat of the ship called ' La Seinte Edward.' Membrane 8. April 16. To John de Blounvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Beaulieu. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to cause the manor of Gatesden, CO. Hertford, to be extended, and to cause it to be divided into two eijual parts according to the extent, and to cause a moiety thereof to be delivered to Alan de Cherleton and Ellen his wife, one of the daughters and heiresses of Alan la Zousch, tenant in chief, as Alan de Cherleton has prayed the king to cause a moiety of the manor to be delivered to him and Ellen, to be held separately as her pui-parly, because in the partition of the lands that belonged to Alan la Zouscli a moiety of the manor was assigned to Ellen and a moiety to Robert de Holaud and Matilda his wife, the other daughler and co-heiress of Alan la Zousch, as their purparties, and tlie manor has not been divided between the parceners aforesaid, and the moiety of Robert and Matilda has come to the king's hands with other lands of the said Robert for certain causes, and is still in the king's hands. By K. April 18. To John de Lancastria, keeper of the lands that belonged to Robert de Beaulieu. Holand in co. Lancaster. Order to pay to John de Orel the arrears of 25s. 2c?. from the time when the manor of Orel, a moiety of the manor of Haydok, and eight messuages in Neuton came to the king's hands, and to pay him that sum yearly for so long as they remain in the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by William deTatham that Robert held the premises, on the day when his lands were taken into the king's hands, of John de Langeton as of the inheritance of Alesia his wife, which inheri- tance John then held by the courtesy of England, by the service of 25*. 2d. yearly, to wit the manor of Orel by the service of 105. Qd., the moiety afore- said by the service of 6*. 8(/., and the eight messuages by the service of 85., and that the said John and Alesia and the ancestors of Alesia have been wont to receive the service aforesaid from time out of mind by the hands of Robert and of other tenants of the said lands, until the tenements came to the king's hands by reason of Robert's trespass, and that the manor of Orel is worth yearly in all issues 6/, 6*. Q\d., and the moiety of the manor of Haydok 282 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. April 22. 13eaulieu. April 27. 13eaulieu. April 24. Beaulieu. April 2G. Beaulieu. Membrane 8 — cont. is worth yearly in all issues 12/. 55. lOf?., and the eight messuages are worth yearly in all ispues 1 3*. Zd. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of the forfeited lands in co. Wilts. Order to deliver to John deTorneyof Weston a messuage, 31 acres of land, 3 acres of meadow, 3 acres of pasture, 17*. \Qd. of rent, and a moiety of a mill in Corslye, to be held at the king's pleasure in recompence for a yearly rent of 6O5 , which the king ordered the keeper to pay to John, because it was found by an inquisition taken by William de Harden and the said Robert that John demised the premises to Thomas Mauduyt, knight, for the term of J ohn's life, rendei ing therefor 60.<. yearly, and that John was seised of that rent at Easter, in the 13th year of the king's reign, and at the same term in the i4th year, and that John did not remit the rent to Thomas, and that he did not make any other estate of the rent or tenements, and that the tenements were afterwards taken into the king's hands by reason of Thomas's rebellion, and that they are still in the king's hands, and that they are held of the prioress of Stodeleye, and are worth yearly in all issues 46*. 8c?., and it appears by the aforesaid deed, exhibited before the king and his council, that the demise was made in form aforesaid, and that, as often as the rent was in arrear, John had power to enter the said lands and to distrain upon the same, the said keeper having returned that he had paid oO«. only to John by virtue of the above order, because the issues of the tenements did not suffice to pay more. By C. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to John de Blumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cam- bridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford, for 10 marks paid by him to Joan de Torthoi ald by virtue of the king's order to pay her that sum for Easter term last, in accordance with the king's grant to her of 20 marks yearly from the issues of the escheatry this side Trent. To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to pay to Joan de Torthorald 10 marks out of the issues of his escheatry for Easter term last, in accord- ance with the king's grant of 11 June, in the 11th year of his reign, of 20 marks yearly from the issues of the escheatry this side Trent in aid of her maintenance. To Philip de Hardeshnl!, keeper of the forfeited lands in co. Berks. Order to deliver to Margaret, late the wife of Henry le Tyeys, a rent of 100*., an assart of the wood of Helme in Sandon near Hungerford, and the manor of Colecote, which are in John's custody by the king's commission, as the king learns by inquisition taken by WiUiam de Hardenne and Robert de Hungerford, in the presence of Robert Bertram, whom the said Philip deputed in his phice, that Richard son of Richard Fokeram, knight, in the 9tli year of the king's reign, granted to the said Henry le Tyeys and Margaret 100*. of rent from his free tenants, and the aforesaid assart, for their lives, and that Gilbert de Elsefeld likewise granted to them, in the 10th year of the king's reign, his manor of Colecote, in the aforesaid county, for their lives, and that the rent, assart, and manor are not held of the king in chief, and that tlse manor is worth yearly 73*. 6f/. in all issues, and that the assart is worth nothing yearly because it is common to the tenants there, and that Henry and Margaret were seised of the rent, assart, ami manor aforesaid, and continued their seisin thereof until they were taken into the king's hands by reason of Henry's rebellion, and that they are in the king's hands for this reason and for no other reason, and that Henry and Margaret have not changed their estate therein in any way, and it appears by the deeds of the grants, exhibited in chancery, that the giants were made in form aforesaid. 18 EDWARD II. 283 1325. April 24. Winchester. April 28. Winchester. April 30. Winchester. April 28. Winchester. April 28. Winchester. May 2. Winchester. Membrane 8 — cont. To John de Blounvill, esclieator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to pay to Richard le Maresclial 25/. out of the issues of his bailiwick for Easter term last, in accord- ance with the king's grant, of 23 September, in the 1 1th year of his reign, of 50^. yearly by the hands of the escheator this side Trent, in aid of Richard's maintenance, who is wliolly ruined by the Scotch rebels. To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his place, and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to allow the aforesaid 25/. to the said escheator. To John Everard Order not to intermeddle further with the custody of the abljcy of Tavystok, wltich was founded by the king's progenitors for certain alms and works of piety, and whicii is of the king's patronage, or with tlie possessions of the same, and to restore the issues thereof, the custody whereof the king committed to John after he ordered the escheator in CO. Devon to take the abbey and its possessions into his hands, which order was issued at the prosecution of certain persons suggesting that, after the king granted licence to elect after the death of the last abbot, a part of the convent had elected as abbot brother Robert Busse, a monk of the house, and another part of the convent had elected as abbot brother John de Courtenay, a monk of the house, and that the persons thus elected, refusing to stand to right before tlu; diocesan, liad appealed to other judges outside the realm, as the king, on I May, in the 8th year of hia reign, granted by letters patent that the prior and convent of the abbey and their successors should have the custody of the abbey and all its temporalities upon each voidance, as fully as the abbot and convent were wont to have them when the see was filled, saving to the king the knights' fees that are held of the abbey and the advowsons of churches during the voidances of the abbey, and saving to the king the escheats during such voidances, rendering therefor 40/, to the king for each voidance, and 100 marks niore if the voidance last for a year beyond four months, or proportionately if less than a year beyond four months. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxforfl, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Richard atte Oke, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Richard held no lands in chief at his cleath as of the crown by reason whereof the custody of his laud ought to pertain to the king. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, and Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with a rent of os. Qi/. in Estchynnok, and to restore the issues thereof to the prior of Montacute, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that a prior of Mont- acute acquired the said rent in fee to him and his house long before the publication of the statute of mortmain, and that he and his successors have had the rent from the first foundation of their house of the gift and feoffment of the carl of Mortain immediately after (he contjuest of England, and that the I'ent is aj)purtenant to the manor of Estchynnok, which the prior holds in chief in frankalmoin. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verderer for tiie forest of Batlewode (sic) to be elected in place of Roger Trimenel, who is incapaci- tated by illness and infirmity. By the testimony of Richard Damory, steward of the king's household. To [the sheriff of Northampton]. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Witlewode to be elected in place of Philip de Lowe, who is incapacitated by blindness. 284 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 8 — Schedule. Assignment of dower to Mary, late the wife of Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, made by Simon de Grymesby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, by virtue of the king's writ to him, in the presence of Nicholas de Eiland, Master William de Prest- wik, John le Procuratur, and Robert Herd, of 9/. 1 8*. 6 jrf. of land and rent in the manor of Pounteland, co, Northumberland, which the king ordered the escheator to assign to her in definite {certis) lands and rents in the said manor. The escheator assigned to her a third of the site of the chief messuage on the east, containing 2^ acres and half a rood, of the yearly value of 35. 4c?. ; 61 acres and 3 roods of arable land of the demesne there, of the yearly value of 305. O^d., lying in the fields of Ponteland by these bounds, to wit in the cultura of Holm 12 selions, containing 2 acres and 3 roods; in the cultura of Pipereslowe 28 selions, containing 3 acres and 3 roods ; in the cultura of Le Wolleflat 2Q\ selions, containing 3^ acres and half a rood ; in Le Bireflat 9 selions, containing 2 acres and 1 I'ood ; in Le Toftes 16 selions, containing 2 acres; in Le Kirkehawe 23 selions, con- taining 3 acres 3^ roods ; in the cultura of Kirkeflat 39 selions, containing 4^ acres; in the cultura of Le HungerknoU 30 selions, containing 5 acres 1 rood ; in the cultura of Le Leverikacre 28 selions, containing 4 acres and 3 roods ; in Les Langlaiides 10 selions, containing 1^ acres ; in Le House- lowe 38 selions, containing 10 acres and half a rood ; in Le Todford 4 selions, containing 1 acre ; in Le Todforlang 22 selions, containing \2\ acres ; in Le Parkflat 20 selions, containing 2^ acres and half a rood ; in Le Parkflat called ' Le Hevedes ' 3 selions, containing 3 roods. He also jissigns to her 20 acres of demesne meadow, of the yearly value of 60*., to wit in Northmedowe 7 acres with the meadow called ' Le Crokes,' containing 2 acres ; in the meadow of Le Leys 4 acres ; in Le Kerresmedowe 2 acres ; in Le Southmedowe 2^ acres ; in the upper part of Le Southmedowe 2\ acres. He also assigns to her a third of the park there, containing 4 acres, of the yearly value of 2s. 2|c?. He also assigns to her a third of a waterraill, which third is of the yearly value of 66s. 8c?. yearly ; the third of the turbary of Merdesfen, of the yearly value of Sa. \d. He also assigns to her 2s. 8(?. from the free [tenants] yearly, issuing from the lands that Nicholas de Eiland holds and from the lands that formerly belonged to Richard le Harper. He also assigns to her 1| bondage-tenements {bondag'), which William Moule, bondman, holds, rendering yearly 26s. Zd. He also assigns to her the cottage- tenements {cotag^) of William le Taillour, William del Wikres, Adam le Couhird, William le Suour, and William le Molener, of the yearly value of 4s. Membrane 7. April 14. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a coroner for that county Beaulieu. to be elected in place of William le Coke of Winchester (?), who is incapa- citated by age and infirmity. April 13. To John de Bolyugbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Nottingham, Beaalieu. Derby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Knouselegh, co. Lancaster, and with certain tenements in Lathum, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Robert de Lathum, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Robert and Katherine his wife held the said manor and tenements jointly on the day of Robert's death, the manor for their lives and the tenements to them and their heirs, of the feoffment of Henry de Baukewell, chaplain, and that the manor and tenements are held of others than the kinpr. 18 EDWARD II. 285 Membrane 7 — cont. To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to the said Katherine, in the presence of Thomas de Lathun, son and lieir of Robert, if he choose to attend, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To Henry de Cobeham, keeper of the lands that belonged to Robert Corby in CO. Kent. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and a moiety of a carucate of land in Lose and Farlegh, as the king lately — at the prose- cution of Thomas, son and heir of the said Robert, suggesting that the sheriff of that county had taken the messuage and moiety into the king's hands because of the suspicion that Robert was against the king, and that Robert afterwards rendered himself to the prison of the marshalsea, and that the king afterwards, understanding that Robert was not against him, granted Robert licence at Pontefract to return home, and that Robert died immediately after his return home, and that the messuage and laud were thus taken into the king's hands — appointed William de Dene, Thomas de Faversham, and Thomas Gegg to enquire in the keeper's presence con- cerning the premises, and it is found by their inquisition that the messuage and land were taken into the king's hands by reason of the suspicion then held of Robert, because he was the clerk of the abbess of Mallingge, who was the sister of Bartholomew de Bafliesmere, and for no other reason, and that Robert was not against the king in anything, and that he is dead, and that he died naturally (humano more) in a house in Lose, and that the messuage and land are now in the king's hands for this reason and for no other cause, and that they are held of Henry, prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, and of the convent of the same by t'ealry (^feoditatein) and suit at their courts of Lose and of Farlegh from three weeks to three weeks, rendering yearly to the prior and convent 12a'. 8es. 13y bill of council. To John de Blonnvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, SuflTolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to deliver to Alice, late the wife of John de Thorp, tenant in chief, the following of his knigiii.s' foes, which the king has assigned to her in dower : a fee in Westhorp, co. Suffolk, which Adam Coniers holds, of the yearly value of 8/. ; a fee in Crosfeld and Wynston,in the same county, which Ralph de Bockyng holds, of the yearly value of 6/. 1.3s. 4y was of the advowson of the said carl as of the inheritance of de Monte Caniso, and that from the time of the foundation until now the patrons of the abbey, when the abbey was 288 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 3^325. Membrane 6 — cont. void by the death of any .ibbot or otherwise, had no custody there, and that the prior and convent did not seek licence to elect from any patron at any times of voidance, and did not present him whom they had elected to the patron before the installation, and that the patrons were not wont to have any estate in the abbey at the time of voidance, and that they received no profit therefrom in time of voidance, but that whenever a patron dies, the abbot and convent shall celebrate and distribute as much alms to the poor for his soul as they do when an abbot of the house dies, to wit each canon-priest of the house shall celebrate three masses for his soul, and each canon who is not a priest shall say a psalter for his soul, and each lay- brother (conversus) of the house shall say 150 Lord's prayers with as many salutations of the Virgin, and they shall distribute to the poor daily for thirty days after his death a loaf, a gallon of convent ale, and a dish of meat or fish, such as a canon is wont to receive daily, for the patron's soul. April 28. To the same. Order to deliver to Hugh le Despenser, son of Hugh le "Winchester. Despenser, earl of Winchester, or to his attorney in this behalf, the manors of Suttoia and Wynneferthyng, with certain tenements in Heywod, CO. Norfolk, the manor of lleydon, co. Suffolk, the manors of Suthamyfeld, Hanyngfeld, and Thuryton, and certain tenements in Fanges, co Essex, and the manor of Jouen . . lesbury, co Hertford, which belonged to Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, and which are assigned to Laurence, son and heir of John de Hastyng', tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship, in his purparty of Aymer's lands, together with the issues thereof from 12 February last, when the king granted to the said Hugh the custody of Laurence's purparty until he come of age. The like to Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham, for the manor of Newentou and certain lands in Haukele, co. Southampton, the manor of Benham and certain lands in Spe[ne], co. Berks, and certain lands in Asshedon, co. Buckingham. The like to the following eschealors for the manors and lands under- written : t William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle- sex, and in the city of London, for the manors of Braburn, Cleydon, Est Sutton, Sauteres, and Sutton, co. Kent, and a messuage and curtilage in Suthwerk, co. Surrey. Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland, concerning the manor of Toucestre, co. Northampton. John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Salop, and Stafford, and the adjoining marches of Wales, for the castle and town of Pembrok, the barn of Kyngeswode, the commote of Coytrath, the castle and town of Tyneby, the manor of Castle Martin, except 40/. of land and rent in the same held by Mary, late the wife of the said earl, in dower, the manor of Treygeyr, the rent and foreign jirofits of the whole county of Pembroke, and the commote of Oystrelof. To John de la Peende. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Hugh le Despenser, or to his attorney in this behalf, the lands of the aforesaid Laurence in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, and Southampton, together with the issues thereof from 12 February last, when the king granted the custody thereof to Hugh. The like to the following for Laurence's lands in the following counties, etc. : Thomas Boydyn, in cos. Warwick and Worcester. John de Cranesleyo, in cos. Northampton and Bedford. 18 EDWARD ir. 289 1325. May 6. Winchester. May 4. Winchester. May 6. Winchester. May 7. Winchester. May 8. Winchester. May 8. Winchester. May 6. Winchester. May 13. Porchester. May 6. Winchester. 81294, Membrane G — cont, Ralph fie Bokkyng, in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. William de Brom, in the laud of Bergeveny in South Wales. Roger de Ardern, in the land of Kilgaran in West Wales. To Kalph de Cammoys, John de 'rychcljurn, and Robert de Thorne- eombe, appointed to enquire the names of tliose who took, concealed, or eloigned any goods or chattels that belonged to Robert Lewer, deceased, a late rebel. Order not to permit Edmund de Kendale, who took the afore- .said rebel, to be disquieted before them concerning a horse, a haketon, and a dagger (misericorduin), which the king granted to him out of tiie goods and chattels__found with the said rebel when he was taken. By p.s. [7091 .] William de Sitemouth, imprisoned in Neugate gaol for the death of John Golderyng, has letters to the sheriffs of London to bail him until the first assize. Simon Nichol of Berleston, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Hugh de Snailestou and John his brother, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him uutil the first assize. To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of Pontefract castle and of certain other forfeited lands in CO. York. Order to cause the king's mills of H .... feld and Leodes to be repaired by the view of Richard de Moselo, king's clerk. By bill of the treasurer. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to expend up to 100/. in repairing the buildings of Dover castle, by the view of Roljert de Kendale, the constaI)le thereof, and of William Virgil, paying out of that sum the carriage of the timber given to the king, in the sheriff's bailiwick, by W. archbishop of Canterbury and others for the repair of the castle. By bill of the treasurer. To John do Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, lissex, and Hertford. Order not to intermeddle further with the manors of Rowenhale, co. Essex, and of Hoga and Islington, co. Norfolk, and to restore the i.ssues thereof, us the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Robert de Scales and Egelina his wife were enfeotted thereof jointly by Isabella de Scales by the king's licence and by line levied before the justices of the Bencli, and that Egelina continued her seisin thereof with Robert until the day of his death, and that the manors are held of tlie king in chief as of the honour of Boulogne by knight service ; saving to the king the fealty due to him in this bchall. Margaret, wife of John le Mey of Briddeford, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Matilda, late the wife of Roger de Briddeford, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail her until the firfit assize. To John de Bloumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to cause dower to be a.ssigned to Egelina, late the wife of Robert de Scales, t(>nant in chief by knight service as of the honour of Boulogne, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To John de Aulton, keeper of the manor of Odyham. Order to take timber sufficient for the roofing {coopertura) and repair of the houses within Odiham castle in the king's foreign wood there, by the view and testimony of the constable of the castle and of two men of tho.se parts, and if sufficient timber for this purpose cannot be found there, he is ordered to take as many leafless oaks in the king's park as shall be needed by the view of the said constable and men, and to cause the houses to be roofed and repaired by their view, as the king understands that the houses are uncovered and greatly need repair. By K. on the information of the treasurer. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay 12/. 18*. Ad. to Margery, late the wife of John de Staunton, as she has prayed the king to 290 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Afembrane 6 — cont. cause this sum to be paid to her, which sum is due to John from the wardrobe for his wages and robes for the time when he was the king's watchman in the oth and 6th years of the reign, to wit 6/. 9*. Q\d. for the 5th year and 6Z. 3*. &\d. for the sixth year, as is contained in a bill of the wardrobe under the seal of Ingelard de Warle, then keeper of the wardrobe. By K. on the infoi'mation of W. de Ayremynne. Mny 12. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Porchester. Savernak to be elected in place of Thomas de Polton, deceased. May 10. To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause the harper of the steward of Porchester. Scotland, coming into the realm with letters of safe conduct of Roger de Horslei, one of the keepers of the truce in the marches of Scotland, whom they have arrested, to be released, and to permit him to depart whither he will without hindrance. By p.s. [7093.] May 9. Matilda, late the wife of Bernard Matheu, imprisoned at Exeter for the Porchester. death of the said Bernard, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail her until the first assize. Membrane 5. May 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance Porchester. to be made to the bailiffs of the city of York for 200/., which they have paid out of the ferm of the city to William de Ros of Hamelak in execution of the king's orders to pay him 75 marks for Easter term, in the 16th year of his reign, and for Michaelmas term following, and for Easter term following, and for Michaelmas term following. May 15. To Gilbert de Burndon. Grant, at the request of Henry de Lancastria, Porchester. earl of Leicester, of licence for Gilbert to serve the said earl, to wit to be his steward in his lands in co. Northumberland. By writ of the secret seal. May 20. To Thomas Dayvlll, keeper of the castle and honour of Pontefract. Waverley. Order to pay to the abbot and convent of Sallay the arrears of 5 marks in arrear to them of the octaves of Whitsuntide, in the 16th year of the king's reign, of a yearly rent of 10 marks for 5 carucates of land and five parts of the whole wood of Halton, and to pay them the said yearly rent for the time that he has been keeper, and to pay them the same yearly henceforth for so long as the aforesaid lauds are in his custody, the king having, on 1 3 September, in the 16th year of his reign, ordered Richard de Musele, then receiver of the issues of the said castle and honour, to pay the abbot and convent the said 5 marks and to pay to them the aforesaid rent yearly, because he learned by inquisition taken by Richard de Aldeburgh and Adam de Hoperton that Stephen, abbot of Sallay, and the convent of the same place a hundred years ago demised at ferm for ever to Alan Martel, then master, and to the brethren of the order of the Temple in England the said 5 carucates and five parts of the wood of Halton, and released to them 5 bovates of land in the same town, rendering therefor to the abbot and convent 10 marks yearly, and that the abbot and convent were seised continuously of that rent from them during the existence of the aforesaid order, and that after the condemnation of the order, they received the rent as well when the lands were in the king's hands as when tiiey were in the hands of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, who entered the lands as lord of the fee when the king's hand was amoved, until the death of the said earl, and that the lands then came to the king's hands, and that 5 marks of the rent were in arrear for the term aforesaid, June 3. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be Chippenham, elected in place of John de Solers, who is incapacitated by illness and infirmity. 18 EDWARD II. 291 May 28. Chertsey. June 10. Bishara. (Brustlesham.) June 10. Bi.sh;) tn. 1325. Membrane 5 — cont. June 2. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to receive from John .son* of Fulk Chippenham. Lestraunge, tenant in chief, security for payment of 600 marks to the king and for payment of 600 marks yearly until he come of age, and to certify the treasurer and barons of the exchequer concerning the security, so that the king may cause letters patent to be made to John, to whom the king has granted his marriage and the custody of the lands of his father, which are in the king's hands by reason of John's minority, except the knights' fees and advowsons of churches, together with the issues thereof from Easter last, paying to the king for the marriage 600 marks at Michaelmas and Easter next by equal portions, and rendering yearly 600 marks for the custody aforesaid, for which sums .John asserts that he can find sufficient security before the sheriff. By bill of the treasurer. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Ralph Malore, who is insufficiently qualified. Vacated, because they were not sealed. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John de Yerdhill, king's yeoman — to whom the king on 10 February, in the 17th year of his reign, committed, by letters patent under the exchequer seal, two parts of the manor of Patemere, which belonged to John de Patemere, and which were in the king's hands because John de Patemere adhered to the rebels, at ferm for five years from Michaelmas preceding, rendering therefor 10/. yearly to the exchequer — of the aforesaid ferm from 19 July last, when the king granted the said two parts to Simon de Mountbret, for his good service to the king, to have during the king's pleasure in aid of his mainten- ance in the king's service, without rendering anything therefoi'. To the same. Whereas the king lately ordered the prior of Kaermerdyn to cause all the king's castles in South Wales to be provided with victuals, .arms, and other garnistures, and the prior loaded a ship at Haverford with divers victuals for the munition of the castles, and the ship was captured by the Scotch rebels, concerning all of which the king caused an inquisition to be made, which he sends to the treasurer and barons sub pvde sigitU : the king, wishing to do for the prior what is just, orders the treasurer and barons to examine the king's writ and the inquisition aforesaid, and to do for the prior in this behalf what ought of right to be done. To the same. Order to allow to John Everard, keeper of certain forfeited lands in cos. Devon and Cornwall, 10/., which he has expended by virtue of the king's order of 4 June, in the l7th year of his reign, to expend that sum in repairing the houses in the lands that belonged to Henry Tyey.s, a late rebel, in co. Cornwall by the view and testimony of Richard do Hello Prato. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset. Order to cause Ralph de Stafford, son and heir of Edmund de Stafford, to have seisin of the lands that Iiis father held at his death of the late king, and to restore to him the issues theroof from 6 December, in the 17th year of the king's reign, when the king ordered .John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford, Stafford, and Salop, to cause Ralph to have seisin of his father's lands in the said escheator's bailiwick, because Ralph had proved his age before Master .John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, and the king had tiiken his homage. June 4. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle- Chippenham. sex, and in the city of London. Carder not to intermeddle further with a quarter of a messuage and 108 acres of land, 4| acres of wood, and with 13^ acres of land, and with 14 acres of underwood, in the manor of luge, and with 26 acres of land and 4 acres of wood in the manor of Wychelyngg, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the T 2 June 13. Westinin.ster. May 18. Chertsey. 292 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 5 — cont, escheator that Laura, late the wife of William de (sic) Peyfrer, tenant in chief, held in chief at her death in ' gavelkynde ' the aforesaid quarter of a messuage and 108 acres of land and 4^ acres of wood of the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury, by the service of 35. 4|rf. yearly, and the aforesaid 13^ acres of Richard de Crumwell by the service of 4s. 2d. yearly, and the said 14 acres of underwood of the heirs of John de Somery by the service of \2d. yearly, and the said 26 acres of land and 4 acres of wood of the demise of John de North wode, the elder, and J oan his wife, for the term of Laura's life, with remainder to the said John and Joan, and that Roger, William, John, Thomas, and Oto, sons of John de Northwode, the younger, and Thomas, Simon, and Humphrey, sons of the said John de Northwode, the elder, are the nearest heirs of the said John, the elder, and that the aforesaid Roger, Thomas, Simon, and Humphrey are of full age according to the custom of Kent, and that the aforesaid William, John, Thomas, and Oto are under the age of 15 years, the escheator having taken the aforesaid lands that are held in 'gavelkynde' into the king's hands with the other lands that Laura held in chief at her death by knight service. Vacated, because otherwise below. June 8. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland. Bisham. Order to pay to Adam de Shippeleye, late the envoy of Aymer do Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, the arrears of the fee for the office of the forestry of Gaynesburgh from the time of the earl's death, and to pay him the same fee for so long as the manor of Gaynesburgh is in the king's hands, unless otherwise ordered, as Aymer, on 14 April, in the 15th year of the king's reign, granted to him, for his good service past and to come, the office of the said forestry for life, subject to his good behaviour, receiving therefor the ancient fee that others had been wont to receive. June 14. To the same. Order not to distrain the prior of Thornholm for his Westminster, fealty for 2^ bovates of land and 59s. 2d. of yearly rent in Appelbi, and for 5 bovates of land and 10s. of rent in Riseby, which he acquired to himself and his successors in fee of the feoffment of Hugh de Nevill, who held them in chief of the late king by sergeanty, as the king has taken the prior's fealty. If the lands have been taken into the king's hands by reason of the fealty aforesaid, the escheator is ordered to restore them to the prior, together with the issues received therefrom. To the same. Order to cause Alexander de Cubbeldyk, son and heir of Roger de Cubbeldyk, to have seisin of the lands that his father held in chief at his death, upon his finding security for payment of his relief, as the king has taken Alexander's homage. Vacated, because on the Fine Roll. Membrane 5 — Schedule. IVarentia diermii. May 14. To the mayor and sheriffs of Loudon. Order not to put Thomas de Porchester. Hokkele in default for not appearing before them on Monday the feast of St. John ante Portam Latinam in the action by writ of right between William de Hull and Joan his wife and Adam le Bowyere, demandants, and the said Thomas and Robert and Richard, his brothers, tenants, concerning a messuage and 11 shops in London, as Thomas was in the king's service on the above day by his order. By K. Membrane 4. Enrolment of deed by John de Matham, acknowledging receipt from Robert de Matham, parson of the church of Celne (sic) Engayne, of 18 EDWARD II. 293 1325. Membrane 4 — cont. 251. 17 s. Od., which sum ho acknowledged before the king, on Tuesday the feast of St. Dunstan, 14 Edward II., that lie owed to John. Witnesses: Geoffrey de Shirynge ; John de Percebrigge ; William de Norwyco ; William de Cotenham. Dated at Westminster, ou Wednesday after St. Bar- nabas, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 13 June, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of deed of John Puisaquila of Genoa, citizen and merchant of London, witnessing that whereas the prior and convent of Chikessond lately demised to Bartholomew Riky and to the said John, for their lives, and to their heirs, executors, or assigns for 20 years after their deaths, the prior and con- vent's manors called ' the chapel of St. Thomas ' in Mepertheshale, and ' Ha- wengraunge ' in Haweus, for 200/. to bo paid yearly to the pi ior and convent, and also granted to them the fruits of their church of Hawens for seven years from the day of the grant, and sold to them their woods called ' Appelee ' and ' Inwode,' retaining the soil thereof, and the prior and convent are more- over bound to Bartholomew and John in 3,300 florins of gold, to be paid at certain days and places contained in a public instrument made concerning the same ; and the said Bartholomew and John, in consideration of the above, granted by a deed of agreement made between them and the prior and convent, that if the prior and convent pay to them 1,200/. at certain days and places contained in the said deed, then the deeds of the demise of the manors, of the grant of the fruits, of the sale of the woods, and of the obligation aforesaid .shall be annulled, and that their seisin in the manors, fruits, and woods shall be annulled, and that they shall be excluded from all action against the prior and convent by reason of the said deeds : the said John acknowledges that he has received from the ])rior and convent 300/., a quarter of the aforesaid debt, for which sum he releases to them all his debts for which he might have action by reason of the agreement aforesaid or by reason of any other deed whatsoever. He also releases all his right and claim in the manors, fruits, and woods aforesaid, and in the crops thereof for all the portion due to him. Witnesses: Nicholas de Arderne ; Nicholas de Boweles ; Richard le Rous of Haveringe ; Robert Blundel ; Henry Flaunvile. Dated at Chikessaund, on the day of St. Peter ad Vincula, 18 Edward II. Memnrandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 2G June, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of demise by Simon, prior of Chikesonde, and the convent of the same to John de Puisaquil[a] of Genoa and Joan his wife for their lives of the manor of Wulvcirton, co. Buckingham, and all its appurtenances in Wulverton and Stonystratforde, free from all service. John and Joan agree to maintain the manor in repair, and the prior and convent grant that when a house Avithin the manor shall be ruinous, and this shall be found by the view of the prior or of any one deputed by him, during the said term, John and Joan shall have suitable great timber in the prior and convent's woods at Chikesond, to be carried by John and Joan. Witnesses: Sir John de Wulverton, Sir John de Olneye, knights ; Nicholas de Boweles ; John de Boweles ; Nicholas de Arderne ; Thomas de Loughton ; Hugh de Brade- well ; Geoffrey Hastynges ; Geoffrey Videlou. Dated at Chikesond, on Wednesday the morrow of St. Barnabas, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that the prior came into chancery at Westminster, on 26 June, and acknowledged the above deed. Extent and partition of the manor of Great Gadesdene, which belonged to Alan la Zouche, in co. Hertford, made at Gadesdene before John de Blum- vill, escheator in that county, on 26 June, 18 Edward II., by virtue of the 294 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 4 — cont. king's writ of 16 April, in the same year, here set out, to divide the manor into two equal parts, and to deliver one part to Alan (le Cherletou and Ellen his wife, as Ellen's purparty {as at jiage 2S1, above). [The extent was made] by the oath of John de Chetyndone, Adam de Henedene, Walter le Chamberleyn, Ralph de Segham, John Schorteked, John de Henedene, Walter atte Berne, Ralph de Radburne, clerk, Martin de Spayne, Adam the smith, Jordan Aynguel, and William Caleys, jurors, who say that there is a manor built at Great Gatesdene, Avhose buildings are worth nothing yearly beyond reprises, and within the enclosure of Ihe manor are a dovecot, v/orth 3s. 4rf. yearly, and a garden, containing 3| acres and a rood of land, whose fruit and herbage is worth 4s. yearly, and two vacant plots under the court, containing a rood of land, worth Ad. yearly. There are also there in a cultura called ' Le Halvehyde ' and in the park 59^ acres of arable laud, worth 19s. \0d. yearly, price of an acre 4c?. There are also there in divers foreign culture 171 acres and 1^ rood of arable land, worth 42s. lOrf. yearly, price of an acre 3rf. and half a farthing being wanting on the whole. There are also there 59 acres of mowable meadow, worth 73s. 9rf. yearly, price of an acre 15rf. and not more, because they are reedy and swampy {juncos' et undos'). There are also there 12 acres of several pastui-e, worth 6s. yearly, each acre 6(/. There are also there 101 acres and a rood of wood by the smaller hundred, whose underwood is of no value, but the pasture and pannage is worth 5s. 4J. yearly. There are also there 10 free tenants, who render yearly 4/. 1 Is. lOfrf. of rent of assize, and two capons, value bd., and \\ lbs. of cumin, worth 2^d. There are also there 91 customary tenants, whose boon-works and customs with tallages are worth yearly 19/. 14s. \\d.,'m addition to Ills, lljrf. that Adam Tyeys receives yearly for his life from eighteen of the above customary tenants. Also the pleas and perquisites of the court with one view of frankpledge there are worth yearly 60s. They also say that the manor is held of the earl of Lincoln by the service of one pair of gloves furred with grey {ffris') yearly. Total of the manor according to its true value at present : 35/. 2s. O^d. ; whence there ought to be repaid to the homage yearly, of old custom, 16^/. for La HuUeloiid in the lord's hands. Of which there are delivered to Alan de Cherleton and Ellen his wife a moiety of the manor as her purparty, according to the form of the king's writ, as appears by the following parcels : a part of the inner court on the south, containing in length 17 perches on both sides, and in breadth at the eastern end 9^ perches, and at the western end 2 perches, by metes and bounds there placed, with a chamber and cellar at the head of the hall on the south, and with the barn, dovecote, kitchen, bakehouse, and other houses within the bounds, and with a part of the garden adjoining on the south, containing 1^ acres, 1^ roods, and 6 perches, which is extended to 2s. yearly ; and a small plot near the churchyard on the east, called ' Le Schepecotewyk,' extended to 2d. yearly. And this part shall have its pos- tern from its court to the outer court of the other part, and a way to the church to the high postern, which it shall cause to be made to the church for its easement. And this part shall receive lOs. yearly from the party that shall hold the other part, in compensation for the defects of the plot (plac') of the court and of the houses falling to this part, which {qui) [are] assigned to this part of the rents of the villeins. And the dovecote aforesaid is extended to 3s. 4d. yearly. There are delivered to Alan and Ellen 32 acres and 5 perches of arable land in the cullura called ' La Halvehyde ' and park {pc'), and an acre is worth Ad. yearly. There are delivered to them in divers other outer culture 85^ acres and | rood of arable land, worth 3c/. an acre yearly. There are also delivered 29^ acres of mowable meadow, worth 15c/. an acre yearly and not more, because it is rushy and swampy. 18 EDWARD II. 296 1325. Membrane 4 — cont. There are also delivered 6 acres of several pasture, worth 6c?. an acre yearly ; and 50^ acres and half a rood of wood in the park of the wood of La Hoo, Ihe wood of La Hegges, and the wood of Bisshopeswode, the underwood whereof is worth notliing, but the pasture and pannage thereof is worth \2cl. yearly. There are also delivered to them the rents and services of Walter le Chauinburleyn, John de la Haye, Adatn de Henedene, John Bonenoye, Peter le Keu, and John le Porter, free tenants, with Hj(/. only from Martin de Spayne, a free tenant of the other part, which are worth yearly 46*. 2\d. There are also delivered to them the rents and services, customs and boon- works of Robert Baron, the elder, William Chauncyler, John Leger, Robert Bonball, Roger Erchibant, Matilda Penystrong, Gilbert Marler, Alice le Carter, Adam Erchibaut, Thomas Odienne, John Baron, John le Reve, John Robert, John Hurnel, John Barcyn, John le Vouch, John le Keu, William Couper, John Hogeman, John Bacon, William Mody, Isabella la Budel, Andrew de Wydymer, Nicholas the smith, Laurence Cagg, John the smith, Agnes la Keu, William the smith, John Chapman, the elder, John Pertrych, Roger Porterose, John Aleyn, John Hullyng, William Porterose, John ToUyng, Albred' Jovianes, Matilda the smith le Freuche, villeins, which are worth 10/. 7s. Oy*(/. : whereof the other part shall receive 3npl(:te.'\ Vacated, because otherwise below. Robert Bourdeyn, citizen of London, acknowledges tliat he owes lo Thomas Chaunterel 60/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London and in co. Middlesex. Thomas Chaunterel acknowledges that he owes to Robert Bourdeyn, citizen of London, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Berks and Surrey. William Ballard, who has long served the king and his father, is sent to the abbot and convent of Mussenden to receive the necessaries of life in that house during his life. John Ilger, ' lieyraongere,' acknowledges that he owes to William do Herlaston, clerk, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. J\liddlesex. To L. count of Flanders and Nevers. Whereas the king, at the count's request, continued the truce between his and the cotint's subjects from Easter last until Easter next, on condition that the count caused this con- tinuation to be published and observed in his land, and the king, desiring the truce to be observed in -all points, received into his j)r(iteetion all Aug. 18. Westminster. Aug. 18. Wemminyter. Aug. 19. Westminster. Aug. 14. Windsor. 308 CALENDAK OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane S7d — cont. merchants and others of the land of Flanders in coming into his realm with goods and merchandise, staying and trading therein, and in returning home, willing that their goods shall not be arrested within his realm during the truce for the trespasses of others, or for any debts for which they are not principal debtors or sureties, or by reason of trespasses committed hereto- fore against the charter of the staple of wool and wool-fells, provided that the same immunity shall be extended to his merchants in Flanders ; and William de Merewell, mayor of the merchants of the Staple, proposes going to Bruges in Flanders and elsewhere within the count's dominion upon cer- tain matters touching the said merchants in those parts : the king therefore requests the count to cause the said mayor and other merchants and others of the king's power coming into his realm with goods and merchandise to be received amicably and to be treated so favourably by the count and his subjects that, by means of mutual and friendly communion on both sides, firm friendship and peace and concord may be the more easily re-established and strengthened, in the same manner as the king wills that the count's subjects coming into his realm shall be received and treated, not permitting injury, damage, or hindrance to be done to the king's merchants within the count's power in their persons, merchandise, or other things at the request of the king of France or of others. [^Fcedera.'l Aug. 18. To Thomas, son of John, earl of Kildare. John Darcy, justiciary of Westminster. Ireland, has informed the king by word of mouth that the earl been prompt and well-wishing in all things touching the king, and he has much com- mended the earl's good and faithful conduct towards the king, wherefore the king specially thanks the earl, and orders and requests him to continue his good conduct with strenuous works, and that he will be so intendent and assistant to the justiciary in the things that touch the king's honour and the good government and safe custody of that land that the king may be bound to commend his constancy and to further his profit, and that he will give credence to those things that the said John shall explain to him by word of mouth on the king's behalf. By K. [Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.~\ The like to fifty-four others, [/^ijc/.] Membrane 36vho has gone to the duchy [of Aquitaine] by the king's order, to have respite until Eastor next for all debts due to the exchequer. By K. To the sheriff of Derby. Order to permit Nicholas de Langeford, who has gone to parts bciyoiid sea by the king's order, to have respite for all debts due to the excheipier, unless the king meanwhile make order to the contrary. The like to the sheriff of Lancaster to allow the said Nicholas respite until Easter. Oct. 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Peter de The Tower. Uvedale, who has gone to Gascony by the king's order, to have respite until Easter next for all debts due to the exchequer. By K. Oct. 18. Oliver de Ingham, who has gone to Gascony on the king's service, has The Tower, respite until Easter next for all debts due to the king antl for the account^s that he is bound to render at the exchequer. By K. Oct. 18. Ed. Haclut, who is setting out for Gascony in the king's service, has The Tower, letters to the sheriff of Worcester to have respite until Easter next. By K. 316 CALENDAR OF CLOSE EOLLS, 1324. Membrane 3] d — cont. Martin Peres of Bytor[y], merchant of Spain, puts in his place Diego {Diaf/u?)i) fie Marturane, John de Arbulu, and Rodriguez {Rodriguni) Guylliam, merchants of Bytor[y] in Spain, to prosecute a recognisance for 200 marks made to him in chancery by John Panes of Sandwich. Wlpinus Johannis and Bancus de Lerres, merchants of Florence, jDut in their place Cambinus Fulberti and Vacliinus Chisti to prosecute a re- cognisance for 160Z. made to them in chancery by the abbot of Bruern {Brueia). "William son of John de Warewyk puts in his place Thomas de Warewyk and John de Waterton to defend the execution of a recognisance for 10 marks made by him in chancery to John sou of William de Wetewang. Membrane ZOd. Oct. 2. John de Briggewauter came before the king, on Tuesday after Michaelmas, Porchester. and sought to replevy to Robert de la Hone the said Robert's land in Bremelrigg and Baunton, which was taken into the king's hands for his de- fault before the justices of the Bench against John de Radyngton. This is signified to the justices. Oct. 5. John Panes of Sandwich acknowledges that he owes to Martin Petri de Porchester. Bytory, merchant of Spain, 200 marks ; to be levied, in tlefault of pay- ment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Kent. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by John Arbulu, Martin's at- torney in this behalf, as in the preceding roll. Oct. 11, Thomas, abbot of Welhou near Gryraesby, acknowledges that he owes to Byfleet. John de Yerdeburgh, knight, 140 marks; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Oct. 8. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Ord'er not to molest W. archbishop Guildford, of York or the men of his household in coming to the treaty at London in three weeks from Michaelmas last, which the king has summoned him to attend, or whilst staying in London or returning home, by reason of the disputes concerning the carrying of the archbisliop of York's cross in the province of Canterbury, as it was agreed in the parliament at York that each archbishop should attend parliaments in the other's province without being molested by the other archbishop. By p.s. [7013.] [J^ccdera ; Pari. Writs.~\ The sheriffs of Warwick and Leicester, Nottingham .and Derbj'^, North- ampton, Bedford and Buckingham, Essex and Hertford are ordered to meet the archbishop of York when he comes to their bailiwicks, and to conduct him safely through the same. [Ibid.] Oct. 14. Nicholas de Huntrecombe acknowledges that he owes to John de Sheen. Lilleburn, knight, 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. Enrolment of deed between Nicholas de Huntercumb and John de Lillebouru, knight, .igreeing that John son of Nicholas shall take to wife Constance, daughter of John de Lilleburn, 1 efore the Purification next, and that Nicholas shall make estate by fine in the king's court or shall give by charter the manor of Chevelyngham, with all appurtenances, as he held it when he leased it to Thomas de Heton, to the said John son of Nicholas and Constance, to have to them and the heirs of their bodies of Nicholas by the service of a rose yearly at Midsummer for all services, performing the 18 EDWARD II. 317 1324. Membrane 30d — cont. services therefor due to the chief lords, with remainder to Nicholas in case they die without an heir of their bodies, and that this surrender or feoff- ment shall be made within six weeks after Kicholas shall have the manor out of the hands of the said Thomas, who holds it until he be l epaid 200 marks, which he lent to Nicholas upon the manor, as appears by an agreement between them; and that Nicholas shall make estate by fine in the king's court that all the lands that Sir Ralph de Ncvill holds in Wolloure for his life of the lease of Nicholas, rendering to him 10 marks yeaily, shall remain to the said John son of Nicholas and to Constance, to have to them and the heirs of their bodies, of the king in form aforesaid ; and that Nicholas shall make estate by fine in the king's court tiiat the moieties of the manors of Beleford and of Yesyngton, which Pollen, late the wife of Sir Walter de HuntercomI), holds for life, and wliicii ought to revert to Nicholas after her death, shall remain to the said Joiin son of Nicholas and to Constance, to have of the king in form aforesaid ; and that Nicholas shall make estate by fine that the moieties of the manors of Lowyk and Hethpole, which the said Ellen holds in dower of his iniieritance, shall remain to John son of Nicholas and to Constance, to have of tiie king in form aforesaid, if he can defeat the estate of Richard 1 •^XT^ ^j. > m CO. N orthampton. Roger de Wliatton J '■ Roger de (Tildeburgh, cierk 1 . x. i • i - P - . . o ' > in CO. Buckingham. John de Arches Robert de Barton | ^ y^^j.^ Michael de Wath J *' [Ibid.] Ralph de Middelnye acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Haselshawe, provost of Wells, lOZ. ; to be levied., in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. John de Lortye, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the said Robert 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Somerset. John son of William le Wallere of Claverynge acknowledges that he owes to Simon Flambard, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. John son of John Westman of Osgodeby acknowledges that he owes to William de Clif, clerk, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. 18 EDWARD II. 319 1324. Membrane 29d — cont. Enrolment of release by John son of John Westman of Osgodehy to Sir William de Clyf, clerk, of his right in the manor of Newehagh, which formerly belonged to Sir John de Stayngreve. Witnesses : Robert de Bubthorp ; John de Clif ; Hobert de Osgodeby ; William de Hathelsay ; Robert de Bolthorp ; John le Clerk of Newehagh ; John Murre of Newehagh. Dated at London, 22 October, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that John came into chancery at the Tower of LondoD, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of release by Ralph de IJpgate of Therston, chaplain, to William dil Park of Hemenhale and Isabella his wife of his right in 16 messuages, 3G0 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 50 acres of pasture, 20 acres of wood, and 405. of rent in Waketon, Long Stratton, Midton, Aslacton, and Fornesete, co. Norfolk, and in 8 messuages, 500 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture, 36 acres of wood, and 50s. of rent in Great Whf^lnithain, H.'instedc, Poselingworth, Cavenedissh, Chippeleye, Coulyngg', Nedham, Gayslee, Kenteford, Hegham, and Multon, co. Suffolk, which formerly belonged to Tiiomas de la Chaumbro, knight, and whicii are now in the seisin of the said William and Isabella, and of his right in all lands of the said Thomas in co. Norfolk. Dated at Waketon, on Sunday after the quinzaine of Michaelmas, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that Ralph came into chancery in the church of the Friars Preachers, London, on 2 November, and acknowledged the above deed. Oct. 24. Emma, daughter of Richard de Bodekesham, acknowledges that she owes The Tower, to John le Smale 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Richard, abbot of Waltham Holy Cross, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser, lord of Glomorgan, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Almaric de Trieioe, to w/iom the kincj granted the debt by reason of Hugh's forfeiture, as appears by a writ of privy seal on the files in chancery. Oct. 25. John le Waleys acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de Kendale The Tower. 8 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Buckingham. Cancelled on payment. John son of John de Kelleveden acknowledges that he owes to John de Bousser, knight, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Thomas do Wylghby, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Master Richard de Baldok 2 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Cancelled 07i payment. Oct. 29. John de South Wydslade acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de The Tower. Wydslade 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nortliumberland. John de Pelham, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to William do Ayremynne, clerk, 2;U. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Oct. 27. The Tower. 320 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Membrane 29d — cont. ConstanUne de Mortuo Mari acknowledges that he owes to Boniface and Seleniannus, merchants of the society of the Peruzzi, 40^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Cambridge. Cancelled on payment. Walter de Andevere acknowledges that he owes to Master Thomas de Astele, clerk, 30Z. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. Thomas de Marlebergh acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de Clif, clerk, 33s. Ad. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Somerset. Cancelled on payment. Oct. 30. Laurence de Brok acknowledges that he owes to Adam de la Glorye Westminster. 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Buckingham. Ralph le Mareschal of West Chynnok acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Elaselshawe 20Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. John Wymer of Saham acknowledges that he owes to Master John Walewayn, clerk, 33Z. 16s. 8 married her, or, if they ought not to be delivered to Iier, to have reasonable dower assigned to her of the lands, knights' fees, and advowsons aforesaid ; and to be in John's place at the assignment of dower. David de Strabolgy, earl of Athole, and .loan his wife, kinswoman and co-heiress of the said Aymer, put in their place Simon Ganot, William de Elmeden, and William de Emeldon, clerks, for the above purposes. 324 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Nov. 3. Westminster. Nov. 4. Westminster. Nov. 5. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Membrane 27d — cont. Mary, late the wife of the said Aymer, puts in her place Master Adam de Ayremynne, Thomas de Brayton, clerks, and John de Hertford to seek and receive in chancery her dower of the said Aymer's lands, knights' fees, and advowsons. Thomas de Tochwyk acknowledges that he owes to Thurstan de Hampslape, parson of Lotegcrsale church, 150 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of deed by Thursteyn de Hampslape, parson of the church of Lotegershale, witnessing that whereas he has granted and leased to Thomas de Thocbwyk his said church and all the profits thereof, and 20 cows with their issue and profit, for three years from the feast of St. John last past, as contained in the indented writings made between them, for 50 marks yearly, and Thomas has made him a recognisance for 150 marks to secure payment of the ferm, the said Thursteyn grants that if Thomas pay him the said 50 marks yearly for the three years, or if Thomas be ousted from the ferra of the church and cows by Thursteyn or otherwise within the term, then Thomas shall be quit of the recognisance. Dated at London, 4 No- vember, 18 Edward II. 3Iemorandu7n, that Thurstan and Thomas came into chancery in the church of the Carmelite friars, London, on the said day, and acknowledged the aforesaid indentures. Ralph de Malton, parson of Great Stokton, diocese of Lincoln, acknow- ledges that he owes to John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hunt- ingdon. John son of John Roger of Kyslyngbury acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de Pynkenye 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Enrolment of grant by Thomas de Lofeud to John de Molyns of a messuage and 42 acres of land and an acre of meadow in Ncrthfareham. Witnesses : John de Ifeld, knight ; John de Scures, William de Northho, John de Rokes, Thomas de Saunford, William de Clif, and Thomas de Sibthorp, clerks. Dated at Westminster, 6 November, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that the said Thomas came into chancery at Westminster, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed. Thomas son of William de Somercotes acknowledges that he owes to Matilda, daughter of John Tany, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. John de London of Bristoll acknowledges that he owes to John de Cotum of London, ' peletere,' 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. Thomas de Henre, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Michael de Pycombe 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Membrane 26d. Nov. 6. Hugh, prior of Caldcwell, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that Westminster, he owes to John de Olneye, knight, 20/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Bedford. 18 EDWARD II. 325 1324. Membrane 2Qd — cont. Ralph de Malton, parson of Great Stokton church, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Manettus Francisci, merchant of Florence, 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Huntingdon. Brother John, prior of Bermundeseye, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to John de Tyringham 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of deed witnessing that whereas the said prior is bound by the above obligation to the said John in 40/., the said John grants that tho prior shall be discharged of the recognisance if he pay him 10/. at Michael- mas next and 10/. at Easter following. Dated at Westminster, ou Thursday before Martinmas, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that the prior and John came into chancery at West- minster, ou 6 November, and acknowledged the above. Nov. 6. Thomas de Useflete, parson of Munestok, puts in his place Thomas do Westminster. Warrewyk and Hugh de Ebor[aco], clerk, to prosecute a recognisance for 50 marks made to him in chancery by Gerard de Useflete, knight. Thomas de Seint Legier puts in his place Theobald Poleyn and Hugh Bussy to prosecute a recognisance for 20/. made to him in chancery by Hugh de Waleton, r-tizen of London. Nov. 8. Thomas West puts in his place Theobald Portjoio to prosecute a re- Westminster, cognisance for 130 marks made to him in chancery by Ralph Bygot. Godwin Torek acknowledges that he owes to Edmund, earl of Arundel, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels iu CO. Essex, Cancelled on payment. John de Bohun of Midhurst acknowledges that be owes to the earl 133/. 6*. 8d. an acre ; in the cultura Bynitheton 28 acres, price 5d. an acre ; in the cultura of Westfeld and North- feld at Burton 69 acres, price Qd. an acre ; and in Lupe^atefeld at Wrox- hale 2i \ acres and 1 rood, price 8c?. an acre. There are also assigned to her 26 acres of meadow and a rood, of the yearly value of 46*. \d., to wit at Burton in Langemede and Burtoneham 19 acres and 1 rood, price 20d. acre, and in Bineswell and Foullewellesraode 7 acres, price 2*. an acre. There are also assigned to her 58^ acres of pasture, of the yearly value of 26*. 5c?., whereof 23 acres, price 6d. an acre, lie in Burton Wode and La More outside the park, 13| acres, price 8c?. an acre, in La Hame near Le Mullehous, 5 acres in Shortemore, price 4c?. an acre, 17 acres, price 'dd, an acre, in Radingrovecroft and Sharpecroft. There are also assigned to her 38 acres of wood and a rood, of the yearly value of 3*. 10c?,, consisting of 9^ acres of alderholt in Burtonewode, 6 acres of epinny {spineti) in the grove (grava) Boneden, 3 roods of spinny in Radingrove, 8 acres of spinny in three groves near Godingeshous, and 14 acres of small alderholt in tlie moor (mora) without the park. There are also assigned to her 11 acres of heath and reeds {jaonibus), of the yearly value of 3*. 4c?. There are also assigned to her 6/. Is. 5d. of yearly rent from the following free tenants : Thomas de Bernewode 13*. 46?., Thomas Fraunkelayn 7c?., John le Frensh 9*., Thomas Neel 5s., Thomas Gatecombe 10*., Laurence the clerk 7*. 6d., Richard Galopyn 9*., Robert le Frensh 3s., Walter atte MuUe 12*., Richard Galopyn aforesaid 2s., John Jacob 6*. 8c?., William le Smyth Ss. 6d., Adam Chaum])ion 5s. 3d., Simon de la Torelle 7c?., Richard Bodynet 8*., William Berde 24*., Walter de StabrichuU 3s. There are also assigned to her 16/. 135. 9|c?. of yearly rent and service from the following villeins : Roger Herdw[ich] 12s. ^d., [ ] atte Welle 125. 4^c?., William Herdewich 12s. 4^c?., Thomas L^pehull 12s. 4^c?., Ralph atte Lupe^ate 12s. Id., John atle Mulle 6s. 10|c?., Robert Berd 7s. Ic?., Adam Smuddyng 7s. Id., John Rogers 5s. Oi^d., Simon de Glaston' 4j. 2d., Adam Gynegone 4s., Edith Nel 18 EDWARD II. 333 1324. Membrane 2ld — cont. 3s. 2d., William Chark 2s., Hawisia Cliark 5*. 2d., John Housewif 35. 8d., John Tracy 23s. 7^d., Eoger de Kenecote 2Is. 8c?., Eva in la More 22s. 8d., Richard de BerehuU 15s. Q^d., John Estovere I5s., John le Kyng of Naillesy 2l5. 8c?., Edward atte Lupe^ate 8s. Ic?., Walter Wodeward 9s. l^c?., Robert Gocelyn 8s. Id., Nicholas de Cutelbrigg 8s. O^d., William Crosman 9s. O^d., William atte Lane 8s. 4|rf., William Mariot 10s, lOcZ., John Berd 10s. d^d., John atte Nass[he] 10s. 3^d., John atte Pyle 10s. 4d., Edith Genyng' 2s. 5c?., Eva atte Merssh 2s. 9|rf., Nicholas Gocelyn 22|e?., Edith Litelfoghel 21|c?., William Godefray (id., John Wodeward 14c?., John Peytevyn 9c?. In witness whereof the seal of the escheator and the seal of Robert de Duddel, Eleanor's attorney appointed by her letters patent to re- ceive the assignment of dower, are put to this indenture. Dated at Wrox- hale, the day and year aforesaid. Assignment of dower of the lands of the aforesaid Ralph in the manor of Braunton, co. Devon, made to the said Eleanor by the escheator on 20 March 17 Edward II., by virtue of the king's writ. There are assigned to her, for her dower of the chief messuage, a barn excepting the granary and chamber on the west, a little house covered with straw lying before the door of the barn, with the site of the barton the length of the said barn, the easements whereof are not extended because they are worth nothing beyond reprise. There are also assigned to her a part of the garden near the .said little house, the boundary of which part extends from the east corner of the said barn to a marked ashtree on the south of the ditch of the said garden ; a garden near the mill, worth 9c?. yearly; a third of the yearly profit of the water-mill, which proBt is worth 5s. yearly. There are assigned to her 26^ acres of arable land of the demesne lands, of the yearly value of 16s. 2c?., consisting of an acre in the cultura Under- fayrlinch la two parcels, price 4c?., 1 acre in the cultura at Schoiteland, 1 acre in the cultura at Le Aliene, 2 acres in two parcels in the cultura of Myddelforlong, 3 acres in four parcels on La Merlane, price Gd. an acre, 3 acres in four parcels in the cultura under La Morlane, 1 acre in the cultura Bysoutheye, 1 acre in the cultura Bywestegreneweye, 1 acre in the cultura Byestgrencwcye, 1 acre in the cultura Bywestestriclane, the two most southern acres in the cultura at La Putte, 2 acres in two parcels in the cultura Byestccharthurn, 2 acres in the cidtura By westelathuni, 1 acre in the cultura at La Crofta, 1 acre in the cultura on Smerham, half an acre in the cultura at La Longeland, 1 acre in the cultura Byestcsmalo- weye, 1 acre in the cidlura at La Cok, 1 acre in the cultura called * Stonacre,' price 8c/. an acre. There are also assigned to her half an acre of meadow, of the yearly value of 8«/. ; the middle close of pasture in the park, worth 12c/. yearly ; a third of the easements of a water called ' Le Mere,' which is not extended because it is worth nothing, except for the feeding of swans. There is also assigned to her a third of all the pro- fits, pleas, and perquisites of the court to be held yearly in common by the common stewards, to be levied yearly by the common bailiffs. There are also assigned to her 47s. of yearly rent from the following free customary- tenants: Geoffrey de Nywton 8s., Walter Uppehill and his tenants 4s., Robert Courteys 2s., Thomas Th[ure]ward \M., Adam Thureward \8d., Elias Hervy 4s., Helewysia de Halsangre 4s., William Symund 4f ., Thomas son of Richard Symund 4s.,Roisia la Webba 4s., Dionis[i»] Chaunterel 4s., Roger Thurgod 2s., John atte Welle 4s. There are also assigned to her 70s. Ic?. of yearly rent from the following free tenants for life: John Dunys 6s. 6c?., John the cook (coguo) 2s., Thomas Toghta 2s., Adam Hyna 12s., Richard Taillour 5s., Thomas Wek 2s. 7d., Laurence Bata 9s., Richard Loveryng 6s. 4c?., Thomas Thureward 4s., Thomas Hathy 4s., Robert Broun 4s., Thomas Loth 3s., Philip Wek 3s. 6c?., Geoffrey de 334 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1324. Dec. 29. Nottingham. 1325. Jan. 7. Ravensdale. Jan. 1. Kavensdale. Jan. 16. Eavensdale. Jan. 16. Whitwick. Jan. 23. Langley. Membrane 2ld — cont. Neuweton 5*. lie?., Robert Abra. . Id., William Thureward Id., Robert Tempi', Id. In witness whereof the seal of the escheator and the seal of John Devereus, Eleanor's attorney to receive her dower, are appended to this indenture. Dated at Brauntou, the day and year aforesaid. Richard de Halum of Notyngham acknowledges that he owes to William de Herlaston, clerk, 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Cancelled on payment. John, abbot of Wellebek, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to Adam de Brom, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Note of payment of 10 viarks, acknowledged by Adam on 23 May. Roger le Botyller of Stok acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Wylughby, the younger, 20/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Nigel de Caisho came before the king, on Monday after the Epijihany, and sought to replevy to Simon Kyller of Bedeford the said Simon's land in Bedeford, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Henry Oliver. This is signified to the justices. To Master Gilbert de Middelton, archdeacon of Northampton. Order to be at Westminster on the morrow of the octaves of the Epiphany next before W. bishop of Exeter, the treasurer, and Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, the chancellor, and others of the king's council, to give his counsel upon certain matters touching the king and his realm. IParl. Writs.'] By K. The like to the following : Master Robert de Sancto Albano, dean of the Arches, London. Master Richard de Gloucestria. [/6ie?.] John de Roteham came before king, on Tuesday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy to Master Simon son of Simon de la Dene of Mepham the said Simon's land in Ludesdene, Mepham, Northflete, Swanescompe, Estmallyngge, and Clyve near Heghham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against John Sewale of London and Sarah his wife. This is signified to the justices. Robert de Kelleseye acknowledges that he owes to Andrew Peres, mer- chant of Spain, 16/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by James de Ispannia, Andreto's attorney. John son of William Godefrey of Stone in the Isle of Oxeneye and John de Ore acknowledge that they owe to Master Robert de Baldok, the younger, 53 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Kent. Cancelled on payment. John son of Reginald Flemyng, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the said Master Robert 40*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Cancelled on payment. 18 EDWARD IT. 335 1325. Membrane 2\d — cont. Robert son of Robert atte Brom of Stevenach acknowledges that lie owes to Master Richard de Baldok 100*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Membrane 20d. 1324. Dec. 26. Nottingham. Dec. 29. Nottiugham. Dec. 31. Nottiugham. 1325. Jan. 1. Nottingham. 1324. Dec. 30. Nottingham. Enrolment of release by John de Eyvill of Anstan io Eleanor, wife of Hugh In Despenser, son of the earl of Winchester, and to Gilbert son of the said Hugh and Eleanor, and to Gilbert's heirs of his right in 11/. lis. 10|rf. of rent in Crek, co. Northampton, and in 81. 8s. l^d. of rent in Melton Moubray, co. Leicester, which rents John had of the gift of Sir John de Moubray. Witnesses: Sir Geoffrey le Scrop, Sir Roger Belers, Sir Richard Damory, Sir Robert de Hanstede, Sir Robert de Sapy, Sir Robert de Gryndon, knights ; Sir William de Clif, clerk. Dated at Notingham, 26 December, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that John came into chancery in the church of St. Nicho- las near the castle of Notingham, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. To the keeper of the port of Dover. Order to permit Henry le Munc, yeoman of John de Fenles, to pass to parts beyond sea from that port, and to permit the said John de Fenles to enter the realm with his men, ser- vants, horses, equipment, and other things, if he come to that port, not- withstanding any order of the king's to arrest the bodies of Frenchmen or to take their goods into his hands. By K. Payn de Viiers, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Roger Beler and Richard do Whatton 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Henry de Cauutebr[ugge], tailor, acknowledge? that he owes to the king 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. Memorandum, that this recognisance shall be annulled upon payment of 63/. 15s. 2irf. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by the king in his chapel at Westminster, on Saturday after the Purification. Hugh Damesone of Notingham, Roger Palmcre of Notingham, and John de la Cornere of the same acknowledge that they owe to William do Hcrlaston, clerk, 24 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Geoffrey son of William de Hoveryngham acknowledges that ho owes to William de Clif, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos, Nottingham and Derby. To Thomas, carl of Norfolk, marshal of England. Order to come to tho king at Winchester on the second Sunday of Lent, as the king wishes to take counsel with him and the prelates and other magnates and procures of the realm concerning his passage to the duchy of Aquitaine, whitlier he has ordained to go in aid of the duchy against the attacks of the king of France. [Fiedera .- Pari. Writs.] Bv K. The like to eight carls and to fifty others. [Ibid.'] 336 CALENDAR OP CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Jan. 18. Bavenadale. 1324f. Membrane 20d — cont. To W. archbishop of York. Like order, * 7nutatis mutandis.' Bj K. llbid.-] The like to W. archbishop of Canterbury and to fifteen bishops and to twenty-three abbots and priors. [7Z>/c?.] — — Master Adam de Ayremynn, clerk, puts in his place William de Salteby, clerk, to prosecute a recognisance for 12 marks made to him in chancery by John Greyndorge. The said Master Adam puts the said William in his place to prosecute a recognisance for lOO*. made to him in chancery by William de Newehagh. Henry de Cantuaria puts in his place Robert de Kelm and Benedict de Normanton, clerk, to prosecute a recognisance for GO marks, made to him in chancery by John son of Richard de Tenham, chaplain. The said Henry puts in his place the same Robert and Benedict to prose- cute a recognisance for 201. made to him in chancery by William le Chaundelour of the parish of St. Michael atte Corn', citizen of London. Jan. 17. John de Thorndon acknowledges that he owes to John de Cokermouth Buckby. 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Essex. William, abbot of Waverle, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to John de Oxon[ia], citizen of London, lOG/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Cancelled on payment. Jan. 18. Brother Thomas Larchier, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Buckby. acknowledges that he owes to Roesia de Burford, late the wife of John de Burford, 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, and Essex. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Henry de Idebury, parson of Islep church, one of the executors of Jtoesia's will. Peter Bogeys acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Salynge 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. Enrolment of release by William Cros, citizen and fishmonger of London, to Robert de Kelleseye of his right in a tenement held by Robert in the ward of the bridge near the shambles (macella) of Estchepe of the gift of Master William Prylly, which messuage lately belonged to Robert de Multon and Agnes his wife of the gift of Jocia le Cator, and which Agnes bequeathed in her will to be sold after Robert's death by her executors, to wit Adam de Walsok' and William de Bristwelle, who sold the messuage to the said Master William Prylly. Witnesses : Hamo de Chekewelle, mayor of London ; Benedict de Eolsham and John de Causton, sheriffs of London; Andrew Horn ; Arnald le Chaundeler ; Richard Horn ; Thomas Doget ; Walter de Mordone ; Thomas de Bury, butcher ; Thomas de Pirle. Dated at London, on the morrow of St. Hilary, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that William came into chancery, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed. Membrane \^d. Jan. 23. Thomas Doget of London acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Langley. Garboldesham 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. 18 EDWARD II. 337 X325, Membrane \Qd — cont. Brother Thomas Larcher, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, acknowledges that he owes to Peregrine de Contron', merchant, 1,200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in England and Wales. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Pancheus de Controne, Peregrine' s attorney. Ralph son of Margery de Byngham acknowledges that he owes to John son of Ellen de Skeryngton 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Alice, late the wife of .John Gerard of Southorn, acknowledges that she owes to John Gerard, her son, luO/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Oxford. Jan. 25. John, prior of St. Gregory's Canterbury, acknowledges, for himself and Langley. convent, that he owes to Robert &on of Stephen de Cosynton 148 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Kent. Jan. 25. John son of John de Home acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Laugley. Rustone 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Surrey. Thomas de Retheryk of Tatlisfeld acknowledges that he owes to John de Mockyng of Somerset, fishmonger of London, 32/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester and Surrey. Richard de Bochirst, citizen and tailor of London, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Garton, citizen and merchant of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Cancelled on payment. Thomas de Pevenese, parson of the church of Toncestre, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to .John de Oxon[ia] of London, vintner, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Northampton. Cancelled on payment. Jan. 26. Master Richard de Grene, treasurer of St. Paul's London, and William Langley. de Mordon, vicar of Chesewyk, diocese of London, acknowledge that they owe to Master Geoffrey de Eyton, clerk, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. Reginald atte Conduyt, the younger, of London acknowledges that he owes to John son of Robert Pecok, the elder, 9/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Enrolment of release by Robert de Stureye to Simon son of Peter le Graunger of Esshettesford and Beatrice his wife of two messuages and 36 acres of lands at Batailefeld, Micheledane, Littledane, Littlebratteghe, Fouracre, Delteghe, Hogheteghe, Hanteghes, Welteghes, Aunsesham, Reiacre, and Herst in Ksshetesford, and of 3 acres of meadow in Palstre and Aunsesham, in the same town, 4 acres of wood at Hogheteghe, Delteghe, Marlepet, Copelane, and atte Herst, in the same town, and 32 acres of pasture and alderholt in Estbrok, Northbrok, Constebrok, Coumbe, Holecoumbe, Cnokkle, Aylbere, and Saggenale, in the same town. He also grants to them the reversion of a messuage in Esshetesford, and of 8 acre.s of land at Heghedaue and Piriton, in the same town, and of 5 acres of land at Shaddesland in Kenynton, and of 3 roods of meadow at Aybrokesmed in Esshesford, after the death of Robert de Mounte, who holds them for life : to have and to hold the said tenements and reversion 81294. T 338 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane \9d — cont. to Simon and Beatrice and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default to Simon's heirs. Dated on Monday after the Epiphany, 18 Edward II. Witnesses : Thomas de Faversham ; Thomas de Gravene ; Henry de Stureye ; John de Chelmynton ; Richard de Egeryndenn ; Henry atte Melle ; Walter the baker ; Robert Dees ; Thomas Bartelot ; John le Corvyser ; John de Middelbrok ; Bertram Strutard ; Henry Miles. Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at Westminster, on 28 January, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of release by James Beauflour, citizen of London, to Joan, late the wife of Tbomas Beauflour, late citizen of London, of his right in the lands that Joan has or holds in Dunesden near Shiplake, co. Oxford, and in Oston, CO. ' Barkshire.' Witnesses : Thomas Coudray, Robert Achard, and Peter de la Hese, knights; Philip de Egelfeld ; Michael Belet ; John Blankmoustre ; John Bacon ; Nicholas de Dunesden ; Robert Saintescu ; John Vachel ; and Roger Vachel. Dated at London, 3 December, 18 Edward IL Memorandum, that James came into chancery at Westminster, on 28 January, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of release by Joan, late the wife of Thomas Beauflour of London, to Walter Neel, citizen of London, of her right in the manor of Eslingham, co. Kent. Dated at Westminster, on Friday the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 18 Edward II. Witnesses : — [^Incomplete.'] Memorandum, that Joan came into chancery at Westminster, on 28 Jan- uary, and acknowledged the above. Jan. 28. William de Braybrok acknowledges that he owes to Richard son of Langley. Ralph de la Roweberue 1 1 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Geoffrey Touky of Houne acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Peccham, parson of the church of Terryng', 31/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Brian de Herdeby puts in his place Walter de Basingham to defend a recognisance for 25 marks made by him in chancery to Elizabeth, now the wife of John de Aubeneye. Joan, late the wife of William de Ardern, tenant of part of his lands, puts in her place Edmund de Brisingham and Theobald Porte Joye to defend a recognisance for 200/. made by William in chancery to Matthew de Wodeham. Payn de Villers puts in his place William de Colewyk to defend a recognisance for 80/. made by him in chancery to Ralph Basset of Drayton. Jan. 24. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Southampton, Wilts, Oxford, Langley. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and a virgate of land in Burnham, co. Buckingham, and with the other lands of Simon de Poghele, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Simon and Isabella his wife held the said messuage and virgate jointly on the day of Simon's death, to them and the heirs of their bodies, and that they are held of the king as of the manor of Chippenham, in his hands, by the service of 6c/. and a pair of gloves or \d., and that Simon and Isabella held on the same day divers other lands of other lords by various services. Jan. 29. William de {sic) Faukener acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Langley, Tunstalle 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. 18 EDWARD II. 339 1325. Membrane 19c? — cont. John de Wengrave and Thomas son of John de Wengrave acknowledge that they owe to Hugh de Lemynistre of London 30 raarks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of theii' lands and chattels in cos. Buckingham and Hereford. Feb. 1 . Robert de Risshton, parson of West Rasen chui'ch, acknowledges that he Langley. owes to the prior of Holy Trinity, York, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Thomas de Gayregrave, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam de Ayremynn, parson of Gayregrave cliurch, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Cancelled on payment. Roger Corbet of Hadeleye acknowledges that he owes to William Vaghan, knight, 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. Reginald de Rokesle acknowledges that he owes to John de London, 'barber,' 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Thomas de Hauvill puts in his place Edmund de Brisingham, clerk, to defend a recognisance for 1,000 marks made by him in chancery to John de Olneye. Feb. 4. William Basevill of Hegham acknoAvledges that he owes to John de Westminster. Kaunton \00s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Warwick, Leicester, and Bedford. Robert de Kelleseye acknowledges that he owes to John de Cherlton, citizen of London, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled on payment. Andrew Petri de Castro Xoriz {sic) puts in his place James de Ispannia to prosecute a recognisance for 16/. made to him in chancery by Robert de Kelleseye. William son of Roger de Cressy, tenant of part of the lands that belonged to William de Cressy of Hoddesak, puts in his place Richard de Enderby, clerk, to defend a recognisance for 200/. made by William de Cressy of Hoddesak, to William do Cressy, son of the said William de Cressy of Hoddesak. Peregrine de Controne puts in his place Master Pancius de Controne and Aselinus Simonetti of Luca to prosecute a recognisance for 1,200 marks made to him by brother Thomas Larcher, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. James Jesys, merchant of Luca, puts in his place Master Pancius de Controne, Peregrine de Controne, and Aselinus Simonetti of Luca to prosecute a recognisance for 450 marks made to liim in chancery by the aforesaid prior. Membrane 19«/ — Schedule. Enrolment of release by Isabella, late the wife of Adam de Hudelston, knight, lady of Godestede, to Sir Geoffrey le Scrop, knight, and to Sir Richard de Moseleye, rector of the church of Friston, and to Thomas son of the said Sir Geoflrcy, and to Sir Gcofl'rey's heirs, of her right in a moiety of the manor of Byhngton and in a messuage and 4 carucates of land in Cho. Witne-sses : Sir John de Stonore, Sir William de Herle, and Sir Richard de Hudeiston, knights; John de Denum; Adam de Clidorhou ; Geoffrey de Fyngale; Sir Adam de Staynegrevo, rector of the church of Thornovere; Sir William de Otryngton, rector of the church of Manfeld ; Y 2 340 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 196? — Schedule — cont. Sir William de Ketelby, rector of the church of Croston. Dated at West- minster, on Monday the morrow of Saint Scholastica, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that Isabella came into chancery at Westminster, on 12 February, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of agreement made at Westminster, on Wednesday after the octaves of the Purihcation, 18 Edward II., between John de Gippewico of London le Mercer and Sir Ralph de {sic) Bygot of Stokton, knight, witnessing that whereas Ralph acknowledged in chancery on the said day that he owed to John 200?., to be paid at the Annunciation next, the said John grants by this deed that if Ralph pay him the above sum in the church of St. Thomas de Aeon, London, by the instalments specified in this deed, the execution of the said recognisance shall cease, and Ralph grants that execution of the recognisance shall be made if he fail in the payment for two terms, and John grants that he shall not sue execution until payment have ceased for two terms. Witnesses : Sir .John de Redenhale ; Henry de Redenhale ; Robert de Burnedissh ; William de Breccles ; William de Eling- ham ; John de Blunvill; John de Ingham; Master Adam de Ayremynnej John de Shardelowe ; John Claver ; Thomas Bacoun ; Geoffrey de Barsham. Memorandum, that John and Geoffrey came into chancery at West- minster, on 12 February, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of agreement between Cantus de Blaunk, merchant of the society of the Seali of Florence, and Bankinus Brunlesk, merchant of Florence, witnessing that whereas a dispute arose betweem them concerning 177/. 19*. Od., which Cantus asserted that he had lent in divers parcels and which Bankinus denied having received, regarding which an inquisition was made by the king's order before the mayor and sheriffs of Loudon and others associated with them by the king's writ, when judgment was rendered against Bankinus, who thereupon alleged error in the record and process and rendering of judgment, it is now agreed between them that two trustworthy men shall be nominated and chosen by them, each nominating one, who shall inform themselves concerning the debt and the parcels demanded, and who shall pronounce sentence concerning the exaction of the said sum and concerning Bankinus's defence, and both parties promise to abide by the sentence of the said arbitrators under the penalty mentioned below. It is agreed that if the arbitrators are unable to agree, the ai-bitrators shall choose a third person, and the parties agree to observe, under the said penalty, what shall be agreed upon by the said three persons or by two of them. It is agreed that if the arbitrators do not pronounce sentence within a time to be fixed, it shall be lawful for the parties to revert to the prosecution and defence of their right in the same state as they are now in. If either party refuse to obey the sentence of the arbitrators, he shall pay 200/. as penalty to the party willing to obey the sentence. Cantus nominates Boniface de Peruch' and Bankinus nominates Master Albertinus Rogerii de Pistorio as arbitrators. In case the arbitrators or either of them will not intend to the premises, either or both parties may nominate and choose others for this purpose. This agreement was made in chancery in the presence of Sir Richard de Ayrmynne, keeper of the rolls of chancery. Master Henry de Clif, Master William de Herleston, and others, on 17 January, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that the said Cantus and Bankinus came into chancery at Westminster, on 1 1 February, and acknowledged the above. Enrolment of general release by William de Bekenesfeld of co. Surrey to Sir William de Clif, clerk, of all actions, etc. Dated at London, 18 Feb- ruary, 18 Edward II. French. Memorandum, that the releasor came into chancery at Westminster, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above. 18 EDWARD II. 341 1325. Membrave \9d — Schedule — cont. Enrolment of general release by Thomas Corbet, son and heir of Thomas Corbet, to Sir William de Clif, clerk, of all actions, etc. Dated as above. Memorandum, that Thomas came into chancery, on the said day, and acknowledged the above. Enrolment of release by William son of Robert de Karliolo of York to Gilbert de Ebor[aco], his brother, of his right in a moiety of a messuage in Gutherungate, York, lying between the land of the prior of Malton on both sides, extending in length from Grutherungate to the prior's land at the back. Witnesses: John Ithon ; Simon son of Adam Kyngesson of York; John son of Gilbert de Arnehale of York ; Solomon le Cofrer of London. Dated at London, 8 February, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that William came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above. Enrolment of release by John de Wanton to John son of Roger de Lancastre and Anora his wife of his right in the manor of Barenton, CO. Cambridge, which he agrees to warrant to them against all persons except John de Handlo and Matilda his wife and their heirs. Witnesses : Sir William de Herle ; John de Denum ; William de Denum ; Nicholas de Stortford ; John de Haulaghby ; Robert Parnyng'. Dated at Westminster, on Saturday after St, Valentine, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 16 Feb- ruary, and acknowledged the above deed. Feb. 20. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all Westminster, those who have been appointed justices to take assizes, juries, and certi- ficates, or inquisitions, or to deliver gaols, or to hear and determine trespasses or felonies, or to do any other such things in that county since the king's accession, shall send to the exchequer at the quinzaine of Easter next estreats of their rolls of fines, ransoms, amercements, forfeited issues, and all other things touching the king's profit that have not yet been sent to the exchequer, under pain of forfeiture, so that the fines, etc., may be levied for the king's use, and that they shall have there then their rolls of all such tilings as have been finally determined befure them, to be delivered to the treasurer and chamberlains, and that the heirs and executors of such justices as are deceased shall do the like. He is ordered to ascertain the names of those who have been appointed for the above purposes since the king's accession, and to certify the treasurer and barons of their names. The like to all the sheriffs of England. Membrane 19rf — Schedule, dorse. Feb. 6. Geoffrey son of Thomas Nel de Piriton of Eycote acknowledges that he Westminster, owes to Peter de la Rokele 40^, ; to be levied, in default of payment, of hia lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. John de Wynleshore, 'carpenter,' John son of Laurence de Suwelle, John de Frendesbury, and William Burel acknowledge that they owe to Richard son of Geoffrey de Hacforde, the elder, 20/. to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Cancelled on payment. Roger de Colyngburne, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Hungerford 16/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of bis lands and chattels in co. Wilts. John son of Adam le Noble of Burnham acknowledges that he owes to James le Butiller of Ireland 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. 342 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Memb)-ane 19c? — Schedule, dorse — cont. William de Norwyco acknowledges that lie owes to William Gentilcors 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Kent. Nicholas de Huntercombe puts in his place John de Yerdbill, Michael de Pressen', and William de Emeldon, clerk, to challenge an inquisition taken by Thomas de Burgh, late escheator beyond Trent, on a writ of diem clausit extremum concerning the death of Nicholas de Menyll. Enrolment of grant by Walter son of Humphrey, knight, to Henry Darcy, citizen and draper of London, of his manor of Great Gelham. Witnesses : Sir Thomas de Veer, Sir John Bousser, Sir John Dyn, Sir Robert Aspal, Sir John de Leyston, Sir William son of Ralph, Sir Adam de Bloy, knights; John de Luton; Geoffrey Gauge; Roger le Botiller; Geoffrey de Dunton ; John de Crikkelade ; William de Maldon ; Thomas ate Pole ; John atte Hoo ; John le Fermor ; Thomas de Redeswelle. Dated at Gelham, on Friday before St. Bartholomew, 17 Edward II. Memorandum, that Walter came into chancery at Westminster, on 6 February, and acknowledged the above. Enrolment of release by Walter son of Humphrey, knight, to Henry Darcy, citizen and draper of London, of his right in the aforesaid manor and in the advowson of the church of Gelham. Witnesses : John de Preston, Simon de Swaulond, Henry de Preston, Herman Skyppere, John de Neubury, Bartholomew Denmars, Thomas Despayne, Geoffrey le Botiller, Hugh de Dedham, William de Coumbe, Richard Audreu, Adam de Rokeslee, William de Freston, citizens of London ; Roger the clerk. Dated at London, on Monday after the Purification, 18 Edward II. Memorandum, that Walter came into chancery at Westminster, on 6 February, and acknowledged the above. Enrolment of release by John de Bloxham to the prior of Durhurst and his successors, lords and patrons of the church of Welneford, of his right in the advowson of the chapel of Bykemersl), pertaining to the said church. Dated at London, on Wednesday after Michaelmas, 18 Edward II. Enrolment of release by the said John, lord of Bykemersch, to the aforesaid prior and his successors of his right in the said chapel, which he claimed at another time as the church of Bykemersch. Dated as above. Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 6 February, and acknowledged the above deeds. Enrolment of release by Roger de Morteyn, knight, to Sir Ralph de CrophuU, knight, of his right in the park of Dunnesby and in the land within the same. Witnesses : Sir William son of William ; Sir Robert de Perpunt ; Sir John de Annesley ; Sir Roger de Sancto Andrea ; Sir John de Langeton ; William de Farford ; William de la Laund ; Alan de Cubbeldyk ; Robert Ingram. Dated at Boniton, on Wednesday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 18 Edward II. Enrolment of release by the said Roger de Morteyn, lord of Dunnesby, to Sir Ralph de Crophull, knight, of his right in a messuage, and a bovate of land, and 1\ acres of meadow, which John le Provost of Dunnesby, bondman of the said Ralph, holds of Ralph in bondage in Dunnesby to- gether with the said John and all his sequela ; and in a messuage, a bovate of land .md 2^ acres of meadow, which Walter in le Hirne, bondman of Ralph, holds of Ralph in bondage in Dunnesby, together with Walter and all his sequela; and in a messuage, a bovate of land, and 2^ acres of meadow, which William at the Well {ad fontem), bondman of Ralph, holds of Ralph in bondage in Dunnesby, together with William and all hia 18 EDWARD II. 343 1325. Membrane I9d. — Schedule, dorse — cont, sequela ; and in a messuage, a bovate of land, and 2-^ acres of meadow, which William son of John the reeve, bondman of Ralph, holds of Ralph in bondage in Dunnesby, together with the said William and all his sequela : all of which Ralph had by charter of Roger's demise. Witnesses and date as above. Memorandum, that Roger came into chancery at Westminster, on 6 February, and acknowledged the above deeds. Jan. 16. Bankinus Bronlcsk, merchant of Florence, .acknowledges that he owes to Westminster. Cantus de Blank, merchant of the society of the Scali of Florence, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled on payment, acknoicledged by Dandus Homo Dei and John Gosalfui, merchants of the \_said'\ society, general attorneys of Cantus. Cantus de Blank, merchant of the aforesaid society, acknowledges that he owes to Bankinus Bronlesk, merchant of Florence, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the aforesaid city. Cancelled on payment. Feb. 8. The prior of Montacute acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he Westminster, owes to Master Roger de la Bere 55/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Somerset, Peter le Mareschal of Troston acknowledges that he owes to James de Puttenham lOO*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Huntingdon. Henry le Palmere of London, ' vineter,' and Peter de Novo Castro of London, ' pelleter,' acknowledge that they owe to John de Oxon[ia] of London, ' vyneter,' 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Brother Walter, abbot of Vaudey, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to John de Maners 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. John de Boyhind acknowledges that he owes to John de Coton, merchant and citizen of Loudon, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Feb. 9. John son of Nicholas de Stonham acknowledges that he owes to Roger WeBtminster. Normaund 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Southampton. Feb. 11. William de Hempstede of Erlyngton acknowledges that he owes to the Westminster, prior and convent of Michelham 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Henry, son and heir of John de Grey, acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Crophull 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels iu co. Essex. Robert Bayuard, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John le Claver 20 marks ; to be levied, iu default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Norfolk. Walter de Bcdwynd, treasurer in St. Peter's York, acknowledges that he owes to Master Andrew le Mareschal of Fletestrete 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. 344 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 2^325. Membrane 19c? — Schedule, dorse — cont. John Baynard, parson of the church of Whetacre Burgh, acknowledges that he owes to Robert Baynyard 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesiastical goods in co. Norfolk. Membrane 18 Richard de Betoigne, mayor of the merchants of the staple of wool and Chertsey. wool-fells. Order to transfer himself and the said merchants to Bruges, and to hold the staple there, in accordance with the king's grant aforesaid, provided that security be made to them for the enjoyment of the liberties, free customs, and all immunities that they have been wont to enjoy in the staple there and elsewhere, and that he and all the other merchants coming to the staple may come thither, stay there, and return thence safely. He is informed that William le Doyne, burgomaster of Bruges and envoy of the community of that town, who lately came to the king with other envoys of that land, has promised before the king and his council that such security shall be made to the said Richard, and that the said liberties and immuni- ties shall be preserved unharmed. The king wills that the aforesaid grant shall not prejudice Richard or the other merchants of the staple contrary to the tenor of the charter of that staple, and shall not be drawn into a pre- cedent hereafter. By K. 18 EDWARD II. 379 Membrane 4rf — cont. John de Bisshopesdon, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Joan, late the wife of Thomas de Bisshopesdon, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Worcester. William de Offynton, vicar of the church of Padebury, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Benedict de Normanton, clerk, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in CO. Buckingham. Cancelled on payment. .John son of .John Burell of Berkwey, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Brokhole 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Peter de Malo Lacu, the younger, Robert de Hilton, knight, William de Pekworth, William de Wardhowe of co. York, Philip Lovel, knight, of CO. Somerset, Warin de Egglosmerther of co. Cornwall, and John de 6odes.sele of London mainpern Peter de Malo Lacu, the elder, who is out- lawed in CO. Essex becau.se he did not come before Aymer de Valencia, late justice of the forest this side Trent, to answer to the king for trespasses in the forest of Essex, to have him before the king to do the king's will con- cerning the outlawry and to stand to right concerning the trespasses afore- said when the king will speak with him concerning the same. Matilda, late the wife of John Hervy, daughter of the late Simon Hervy, the elder, of Esthallynggelegh, acknowledges that she owes to Master Thomas de Esthall, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Oxford. John son of Warin Quyntyn of Neuport acknowledges that he owes to William de Neuport 35 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Essex. John son of Warin Quyntyn acknowhidges that he owes to the said William 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Essex. Master William de Swanton, executor of the will of Robert de Wyn- chelse, late archbishop of Canterbury, puts in his place John de Evesham, clerk, and J . . . atte Watere to prosecute a recognisance for 200/. made to the archbishop in chancery by Walter de Hiintyngfeld and John Abel. June 13. John atte Hoo of Pentclawe acknowledges that he owes to John de Westminster. Liston 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in COS. Essex and Suffolk. William Drosey of Flecchyog acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Rouston 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Cancelled on payment. Joan, late the wife of Alan le Chaundeler, acknowledges that she owes to William de Northwyk 4/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Cancelled on payment. 1325. June 14. Westminster. June 1 1. Bishaui. June 12. Bisham. MSMBRANB 3d. June 21. Thomas Prior of Wedon Pynkeny acknowledges that he owes to John Eltham. de Crosseby, clerk, 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Cancelled on payment. * 380 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane — cont. Richard de Lavyngton of London acknowledges that he owes to John de Crosseby, clerk, 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. William Testard acknowledges that he owes to William de Lound, clerk, 30 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands ^ind chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. Cancelled on payment. William de la Uoune acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Ayremynn, clerk, 50a'. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Cambridge. — W. de Herlaston received the acknowledg- ment. Cancelled on payment. John Why ton acknowledges that he owes to John de Tyryngham 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. South- ampton. John Chaumberlayn and William de Berle acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Evesham, clerk, 20*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. June 22. Geoffrey Fynche acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de Ayre- Eltham. mynne, parson of the church of Gretford, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Nicholas son of Nicholas de Baryngton acknowledges that he owes to John de Shardelowe 20Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in cos. Essex, Hertford, and Cambridge. Walter son of Humphrey de Pentelowe, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry Darcy of London 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. John de Acre, parson of the church of Bernyngham, diocese of Norwich, acknowledges that he owes to Robert son of Walter, the younger, John Harsyk, and Richard de Oxe^vyk 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. June 23. Nicholas son of John de la Croyce of Basteldene acknowledges that he Eltliam. owes to Hugh de Trowell and Agnes his wife 22/. 6s. 4, for certain reasons, if they had arrested him for the aforesaid reason, and to restore to him his goods, and they have; signified to the king tliat William do la Farge, who calls him.'-elf above Raymund Guillelmi, is a merchant of John de la Tour, citizen and merchant of the town of Be.satz, receiving and selling the wines and other mer'.;handise of tiie said John at London and elsewhere, and that they found in his possession goods and chattels to the value of 1 1/., as appears by their return made to the king at another time concerning the goods of such merchants, and that they detained the said William and the goods aforesaid as the merchant of the said .John, because mention was not made thereof in the king's order ; wherefore the king, notwithstanding this return, ordered them by letters under the privy seal to cause all the said William's goods and chattels to be dL-livered to him to make his profit thereof, notwiths landing any order to the contrary, and to aid him in levjing the debts due to him in (he city ; and they have done nothing in the matter, as the king is given to understand by AVilliain's complaint: the king tliercifore orders them to in.s thereof, as the king learns i)y inquisition taken by the eschejitor that he hehl no lands in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ousrht to pertain to the king. Oct. 14. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to Westminster, be elected in place of Stephen Was, who is insufficiently qualilied. Oct. 22. To Walter de Bello Campo. Order to deliver to John de Moeles, brother Cippenbam. and heir of Roger de Moeles, tenant in chief, the lands of the said Roger, which Walter holds of the king's commission, and the issues thereof from 17 September last, when the king took John's homage for his brother's lands. Oct. 14. To John de Insula, keeper of the forfeited lands in co. Essex. Whereas Westminster, the king learns by inquisition taken by .John Dene and .John de Dovre in the presence of .John le Porter, late keeper of the manor of High (A/ta) Estre, that Humphrey de Bohoun, late earl of Herelbrd and Essex, at the Purification, in tlie Gth year of the king's reign, acquired from William de Merk the manor of Rothyng Marcii, to have to the earl and to William The value is given as 52s. id. in the following order. 410 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 27 — cont. de Bohoun his son. and to the heirs of his said son, and the earl, after the death of William de Merk, granted, on Wednesday before St. Gregory the Pope, in the 10th year of the reign, by deed to Muriel, late the wife of the said William de Merk, 40s. yearly for her life, to be received from his manor of High Estre, for her dower of the said manor of Rothyng Marcii, and that Muriel was seised of the said 40*. from the manor of High Estre by the the hands of Thomas Gobion and Robert de la Lee, the earl's constables of the castle of Pleshey {Plescetis), yearly from the aforesaid Wednesday until the manor of High Estre came to the king's hands by the earl's forfeiture, and that of the rent were in arrears to her for 3^ years, to wit from Christmas, in the 15th year of the reign, until the morrow of St. James last, because the manor of High Estre was then taken into the king's hands, and is still in his hands, and that she never remitted or released the rent to the earl or any one else, and it appears by the deed aforesaid exhibited in chancery that the earl granted the rent to Muriel in form aforesaid : the king orders the keeper to pay to Muriel the arrears of the rent aforesaid from the time when he received the custody of the manor of High Estre, and to pay her that rent yearly henceforth from the issues of the manor. To John le Porter, late keeper of the forfeited lands in co. Essex. Order to pay to the aforesaid Muriel the arrears of the above rent for the time when he had the custody of the manor of High Estre. Oct. 13. To the collectors of the new custom in the port of Lenne and in all places Westminster, thence by the coast to Yarmouth. Order to pay to James Beauflour, Richard Blundel, and Arnald de Ispannia, or to those whom they shall de- pute in their places, 2s. for every tun of wine brought into, or taken from the said port and places by strange and alien merchants from Michaelmas last until Michaelmas next, and to answer to them fully for the same during that term, as the king has granted to them all issues of the custom on wines for a year from Michaelmas last, in consideration of a sum of money that they shall pay at the exchequer. The like to the collectors in the following places : The port of London and all places on both sides of the Thames to Graveshende. The port of Yarmouth and all places by the coast to Ipswich. The port of Ipswich and all places by the coast to the Thames. The port of Rochester and all places by the coast to Sandwich. The port of Sandwich and all places by the coast to Wynchelse. The port of Wynchelse and all places by the coast to Cicestre. The port of Cicestre and all places by the coast to Southampton. The port of Southampton and all places by the coast to Weymuth. The ports of Weymuth and Melcoumbe and all ports in cos. Somerset and Dorset. All the ports in co. Cornwall. The ports of Bristol and Cheppestowe. The ports of Hertelpol and Y'arum. The port of Newcastle-on-Tyne and all places by the coast to Berwick- on-Tweed. The i)orts of Kyngeston-on-HuU and Ravenser. The port of Exeter and all ports in co. Devon. The port of Boston. The ports of Chester, Donewall, Coneweye, Beaumarrays, and Caernarvan. The port of Kaermerdyn. The port of Briggewauter. The port of Cheppestowe. 19 EDWARD II. 411 1325. Oct. 17. Sheen. Oct. 15. Sheen. Oct. 24. Cippenbam. Oct. 16. Sheen. Oct. 14, Sheeu. Membrane 26. To William de Weston, esclieator in cos. Kent, Surrej', Sussex, IMiddlc- sex, and in the City of London. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage with a small garden in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Suth- werk, which he has taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Laura, late the wife of William le Feyferer, and to restore the issues thereof", as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Laura held the messuage for her life by fine levied in the king's court, with remainder after her death to Stephen de Chelesfeld and Joan his wife, daughter of Laura, and that the messuage with garden is held of the prior of St. Mary's Suthwerk. To Simon de Grimmesby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. Whereas amongst the lands that belonged to Robert de Umframvill, late earl of Angus, tenant in chief, which were assigned in dower to Eleanor, late his wife, the king assigned certain lands in Ovyngeham, with a fishery in the water of Tyne there, co. North- umberland, of the yearly value of 14/. 11*. Id., and ordered the escheator to deliver the same to Eleanor, the escheator has deferred delivering to her a mill there, of the yearly value of lOO*., and a wood there, the agistment whereof is worth 2*., which are comprised in the aforesaid sum of 14/. 1 1*. Id., and which were assigned to her in dower, because express mention is not made thereof in the king's writ to the escheator for the delivery of the lands to Eleanor : the king therefore orders him to deliver the mill and wood to Eleanor, or to signify to the king the reason why he has not obeyed the king's order directed to him at another time. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge Walter de Norwyco — to whom the king lately committed the custody of the castl(! of Bokeham, co. Norfolk, atid of all the lands in Tybenhani, i)enton, and Topecroft, in the said county, that belonged to Thomas de Caylli, tenant in chief, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of the minority of the heir, to have with all appurtenances until the heir came of age, render- ing therefor 20/. 13s. 4d. yearly to the exchequer — of the aforesaid sum from Michaelmas last, as Walter has rendered the custody aforesaid into tiie king's hands, and the king has committed it to Constantine de Mortuo Mari, with all things pertaining thereto, from Michaelniiis last until the heir come of age, rendering therefor to the exchequer 221. yearly. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to admit John de Illeford to execute the office of coroner in the city when required to do so by Bene- dict de Folsham, the king's butler, to whom the office of coroner in the city pertiiins, as Benedict cannot attend to the execution of the office in person because he is employed in the king's affairs in divers parts of the realm, and he has substituted the said John in his place. To Robert de Hoton and Thomas de Sibthorp. Whereas the king lately appointed them to examine, array, and put in right order his charters, deeds, and other muniments in the castles of Fontefract, Tuttebury, and Tone- brugg, and also tliose that have newly come and are in the custody of the keeper of the Tower of London, and also all the others that are in the house of the Friars Preachers at Londcm, the king orders them to deliver to the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer all the rolls of their arranging {arrayamcnlo) in this behalf, and the key of the chests and coffers, if any remain in their custody. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to receive the said charters, deeds, and other muniments from the aforesaid Robert and Thomas. 412 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 2(5 — cont. Oct. 23. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to comrait to ferm, Cippenham. by letters under the exchequer seal, the manors and lands in the king's hands by the forfeiture of the rebels and for other causes, together with the oxen, plough-beasts, carts and other necessaries in the same, for the term of seven years, for certain ferms to be rendered at the exchequer, as shall seem best to them for the king's profit, receiving sufficient security from the fermors for the payment of the ferms and to answer at the end of the term for the oxen, etc. The king wills also that his stock {instauro) in the said manors and lands shall be demised at ferm or otherwise as shall seem best to them. Oct. 17. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas on 26 August Sheen. last Mary de Sancto Paulo, relict of the late Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembi'oke, and executrix of his will, released and pardoned to the king all the corn that was lately appraised and purveyed by the king's ministers in divers of the earl's manors, after tlie earl's death, for the maintenance of the king's subjects then in Gascony, and released and pardoned all the horses, studs, armour, silver vessels, jewels, and other goods of the earl that had come to the king's hands in any wise whatsoever, and all the debts due from the king to the earl at his death that she might exact from the king by reason of the earl's testament, and she acquitted the king and his heirs of the premises for ever, and granted and rendered to the king all the estate or all (he term that she has or ought to have in the towns of Staunford and Grantham, by reason of the grant thereof made by the king to the earl for a term not yet elapsed, and also the wardship of the lands that belonged tO John Lovel of Tychemer.sh and of the lands of Gilbert de Stapelton, in her hands by reason of the minority of the heirs, to have during the heirs' minority togetiier with their marriages, as appears by her letters patent remaining in chancery : the king orders the treasurer and barons to cause the said towns and all the lands of the said John and Gill)ert, if they have not yet been taken into his hands, and the bodies of the heirs nforesaid to be taken into his hands, and to cause the bodies of the heirs to be kept safely until further orders, and to cause answer to be made to the king for the issues of the lands aforesaid from the said 20 August. It is also provided that answer shall likewise be made to the king for the corn, horses, studs, armour, silver vessels, jewels, and other goods aforesaid by those who took them into his hands. Oct. 29. To Walter Gacelyn, late keeper of the manor of Clarendon. Order Cippenham. to cause all the king's wines in the manor in his custody to be delivered by indenture to Robert de Mychedevre, keeper of the said manor, whom the king has ordered to receive the wines from Walter and to sell them by Walter's advice as shall seem best for the king's advantage. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the said Robert. By K. Oct. 26. To John de Lek, keeper of the honour of Tultebury. Order to expend Cippenham. up to 201. in repairing the palings of the king's parks in the chace of Dufi'eld, by the view and testimony of John de Denum, keeper of the chace and parks aforesaid. Oct. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Robert Bendyn, late Westminster, admiral of the king's fleet from the mouth of the Thames to the western parts, has shewn the king that whereas the masters and mariners of the ships and the other men uf the Cinque Ports who were lately with the king at Portesmuth granted to the king that a quarter of all the goods and chattels that they might be able to acquire or win lawfully and honestly on the sea towards the duchy of Aquitaine, whilst the masters and mariners were at the king's wages, should be converted to the king's use, and 19 EDWAIID II. 413 1325. Membrane 26 — cont. tlie rest of the goods and chattels should remain in the possession of the masters and mariners, and although three parts of the said goods and chattels remain in the possession of the masters and mariners according to the form of the gr mt, the treasurer and barons have caused the said Robert to be charged with three parts of the goods and chattels aforesaid as well as with the quarter that pertains to the king, and have caused him to be committed to Flete prison because he did not answer to the king for the said three parts: the king, being unwilling to charge or aggrieve Robert unduly in this behalf, ordei's the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to inform themselves of the true value of the goods and chattels that were thus acquired by the said masters and mat iuers on the sesi whilst they were at the king's wages, and, when they have done so, to charge Robert with a quarter thereof, and to supersede entirely the demand made upon him for the three parts aforesaid, causing him to be discharged thereof. The king wills also that they shall cause Robert to have due allowance, in his account of the said fourth, for the money that he can shew before them that he paid to the aforesaid masters and mariners for their wages; provided that if Robert received any gold, silver, or other goods and chattels that are not contained in the sum total of the goods and chattels aforesaid, lie shall be charged therewith at the exchequer. By K. on the information of \V. de Ilerlaston. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to restore to John de Vallibus his lands, goods and chattels, and the issues thereof, whicli were taken into the king's hands when he was appealled by Robert llugcl, the king's late approver, of the death of Thomas Murdak by the counsel, precept, and sending {nidndaciove) of the said aj)prover and certain others to commit the said felony, as the king learns, by the record iind process of Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices assigned to hold plejis before the king, which the king hsis caused to come before him in chancery together with the appeal aforesaid, that the said John, who was taken and imjjrisoned in the Tower by reason of the appeal, was lawfully acquitted of the death, order, procuration, and assent to the death, and that he did not withdraw himself for this cause. Oct. 15. To Philip de Ilardishill, keeper of the late rebels' lands in co. Berks. Sheen. Order to deliver to Robert I'ower a messuage and 4 virgates of land in Pe.semerc, if they nre in the king's hands solely by reason of the j-ebellion of Warin de Insula, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Henry de Pentelowe and Robert de Hungerf'ord that the said Robert Power demised the messuage and land to the aforesaid Warin for seven years from Michael- mas, in the 12th year of the king's reign, at a yearly rent of o nuirks, which messuage and land Robert held to him and tiie heirs of his body and of the body of Alice his wife by fine levied in the late king's court, and that Robert was seised of the aforesaid rent for two years from the date of the demise in the lifetime of Warin, and that the n.essuage and laud are worth in all issues 305. yearly. Oct. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas Cippenham. Level to be discharged of 100/. of the 200/. in which he made fine with the king to save his life and lands, because he adhered to the relxds, and to permit him to pay the remaintler by yearly sums of 10/., the king having, on 21 December, in the 1 8th year of his reign, pardoned Thomas 100/. and granted him the above terms for payment of the remainder. Oct. 15, To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hear pleas b9fore Sheen. the king. Oi'der not to permit Thomas de GoushuU fo be aggrieved at the suit of the king or any one else by reason of the rebels' goods taken and occupied by him whilst pursuing them in the king's company, the king 414 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 2G — cont. having granted that those who were in his company in pursuit of the rebels shall not be molested or aggrieved concerning the goods of the rebels and their adherents taken and occupied by them between 17th October, in the 15th year of the king's reign, and 5 April following. Membrane 25, Oct. 22. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cippeuham. Cinque Ports. Order to permit the master and brethren of the hospital of God's House, Dover, to receive 50*. yearly from the issues of the port of Dover for the maintenance of a chaplain celebrating divine service in the hospital for the soul of Reyniund de Bnrgo, and 20/. yearly from the same issues for the maintenance of themselves and of the poor of the hospital, in accordance with the charter of Henry III., which the king has inspected, by virtue whereof they and their predecessors have been wont to receive the said sums from the time of the grant by the hands of ihe bailiffs of the ports, which latter sum Henry III. granted to them as endowment of the hospital. To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order not to intermeddle further with John de Fastolf's manor of Suth Walsham, and to restore the issues thereof to him and to Margery, late the wife of Henry Cach, the escheator having returned that he took the manor into the king's hands because it was held in chief, and .John and Margery had acquired it and entered it without the king's licence, and the king afterwards — at the proyecution of John in chancery, suggesting th.at he and his ancestors had held the manor from time out of mind of the heirs of John de Botetourt and his ancestors, and not of the king — appointed Walter de Norwico, John de Mutford, and John de Redenhale, or two of them, to make an inquisition concerning the premises in co. Norfolk in the escheator's presence, and it is found by the inquisition taken by the said John and John that the manor is held of Thomas Bardolf, Roger de Kerdeston, and the heirs aforesaid, and not of the king in chief, by certain yearly services, and that the said John de Fastolf and Margery held it of the said Tliomas and Roger and the heirs aforesaid, and of their ancestors from the time aforesaid. By C. To Richard de Whatton and William Bozoun, keeper of the lands of aliens of the power of the king of France in co. Nottingham. Order to pay to the prior and consent of Newstead in Sherewode, out of the issues of the manor of Kyrkebye, the arrears of 40s. and a quarter of wheat yearly from the time when he received the custody of that manor, and to cause the same to be paid to them yearly henceforth, as it appears to the king by inspection of the rolls of chancery that the prior and convent ouaht to receive, by virtue of the charters of the ancestors of John de Stotevill, tenant in chief, from the said manor, which belonged to John, by the hands of the bailiffs thereof 40s. yearly to buy wine foi' the celebration of divine service, and a quarter of wheat yearly to make offerings, and that Thomas de Wake, to whom the king committed the custody of the manor during the minority of the said {sic) heir, was ordered to pay the aforesaid money and wheat to the prior and convent yearly, and the manor was taken into the king's hands amongst the other lands aforesaid, because Laura, late the wife of the said John, who held it in dower, was born of the power of the king of France, and that it is thus in the keepers' hands by the king's commission, and the said 40^. and the quarter of wheat have been withheld from tlie prior and convent (or the time that Richard and Oct. 24. Cippenbam. 19 EDWARD ir. 415 1325. Oct. 25. Cippenham. Oct. 14. Westminster. Oct. 16. Sheen. Oct. 12. Westmiuster. Oct. 14. Sheen. Membrane 25 — cont. William have had the custody of the manor, as the king is given to under- stand on behalf of the prior. To Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. Order to deliver to Roger de Mauduyt — to whom the king, on 1 September last, committed, daring pleasure, the custody of all the castles, manors, lands, and tenements that belonged to Robert de Umframvill, late earl of Angus, tenant in chief, which are in the king's hands by reason of the minority of his heir, the lands assigned in dower to Eleanor, late the wife of the said earl, being excepted, answering to the exchequer for the issues thereof — the issues received from the afore- said land since the said date. To Adam le Boghere, keeper of the manor of Berlay. Order to pay to the prior of Drax the arrears of 3*. of rent yearly from the time when Adam received the custody of the manor aforesaid, and to pay him the same yearly henceforth, as tlie king learns by inquisition taken by William Basset and Thomas de Eyvyll in Adam's presence that Ricliard de lierlav, late lord of the manor, held certain lands therein of the jjrior of Drax by the service of 3s. of yearly rent, and thnt the prior was seised of the rent by tiie hands of Richard as his very tcinant, and that the prior's predecessors were seised thereof by the hands of otlier lords of the manor, as of the right of their church, from time out of mind until the manf)r was taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, to whom Richard had granted the reversion of the manor. To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hear pleas before the king. Whereas it has been shewn to tiie king on behalf of John son of Hugh de Tyldesle and Robert and Henry, his brothers, that although they are staying in the king's service in Gascony, it is so far proceeded against them, because they have not appeared before the king in his court to answer for certain trespasses and felonies whereof they are impleaded in the same court, that the sheriff of Lancaster is ordered by writ of judgment to exact them in his county [court] to outlaw them ; wherefore the king ordered Robert de Wodehous, keeper of his wardrobe, to search the rolls of the names of those who had gone to Gascony in the king's ."ervice, which rolls are in the wardrobe in his custody, arid to certify the king if the names of John, Robert, and Henry are found in the same roll, an(l it appears by his certificate that John, Robert, and Henry ha ve gone thither in the king's service: the king therefore orders the justices, if John, Robert, and Henry are put in exigent before the king for the reason aforesaid, (o conduct themselves so in making execution thereof against John, Rol)ert, ami Henry, that no damage or annoyance shall happen to them whilst thus staying in the king's service. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge and acquit Galhard, cardinal deacon of St. Lucy in Silice, precentor in the church of the Holy Trinity, Chichester, prebendary of the prebend of Ovyng in the same church, parson of the church of Yiftle, and prebendary of the prebendal church of Milton in St. Mary's church, Lincoln, of tenths and other quotas exacted from him by summons of the exchequer by reason of his aforesaid benefices, as tlie king, at the request of pope John XXI f. and out of liis aifection to the cardinals of the Roman church, has pardoned all cardinals beneficed in tlic realm all sums of money due from tlicin by reason of tenths and other quotas imposed upon the clergy of the realm by the pope or his predecessors and exacted for the king's use. To the same. Order to allow to the prior and convent of St. Oswald, Nostcl, in the diocese of York, 10 marks in the debts due to the exche(iuer 416 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 25 — cont. from them, bein^ the remainder oP 50 marks that the king received from them as a loan by the hands of William do Melton, aichbishop of York, which sum William paid to Master John de Weston, then chamberlain of Scotland, by tlie king's order, the king promising to make full payment of the loan in the next payments due to him from the prior and convent, as contained in his letters patent, and the king now learns from the prior and convent's complaint that allowance for the said 10 marks has not yet been made to them, although the treasurer and barons caused 40 marks of the said 50 marks to be allowed to them in the payment of a tenth of the clergy granted to the king by pope John XXII., in the 11th year of his reign; wherefore the prior and convent have besought the king to provide a remedy. Oct. 24. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle- Cippeuham. sex, and in the city of London. Whereas upon its being fouiid by an inquisition taken by the escheator after the death of Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, that Aymer held on the day of his deiith at Hacch in Dertford 70 acres of land, a plot of land not built upon called ' Castel,' and 2 acres of land there, and 53*. 4d. of rent in Tyndale by demise from John Merlyn for the term of John's life, the king ordered the escheator to deliver the land, plot, and rent, if he had taken them into the king's hand solely by reason of Aymer's death, to the executors of Aymer's will, together with the issues thereof, and the escheator returned that he had finally accounted at the exchequer for the issues of the lands aforesaid from 23 June, in the l7th year of tlie king's reign, on which Aymer died, until Michnelmas next following, and that he had fully satisfied the king for the issues for that time, and that he is now accounting for the issues from Michaelmas aforesaid until Michaelmas last, and he is prepared to deliver the issues for that time to the executors if the king's order be remitted to him : the king orders him to deliver to the executors the tenements afore- said together with the issues thereof from Michaelmas, in the 18th year of his reign, until Michaelmas following. The king has ordered the treasurer and barons of the exchequer and the chamberlains to inspect the esclieator's account of the issues received from the day of Aymer's death until Michaelmas following, and if they find that the escheator has satisfied the king at the said feast for the said issues, to cause them to be restored to the executors. Oct. 27. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Thomas Cippenliam. de Burgh, late escheator this side Trent, what he has paid in execution of the king's order of 17 March, in the 15th year of his reign, to pay to a chaplain celebrating divine service daily in the chapel of the king's manor of Clypston, who receives 5 marks 3'early, to Thomas atte Merk, bailiff of the same manor and keeper of the king's peel there, whf) receives '6d. a day, and to Roger de W'arsop, keeper of the paling round the park thei-e, who receives 2d. a day, the arrears of their wages aforesaid from the time of the death of Gilbert de Stapelton, late escheator this side Trent, and to pay the same until further orders, as the said Thomas has paid the aforesaid wages and stipends from 28th May, in the 14th year of the king's reign, the day of Gilbert's death, until 29 November, in the l7th year of the reign, as he says. Oct. 29. To the same. Order to take reasonable fines from those who are Cippenham. indicted for trespasses committed in the parks, w oods, and chaces pertaining to the lands of the rebels in divers countie.-^, the king having appointed certain of his subjects to survey and extend the said lands and to make inquisition concerning trespasses committed in the parks, woods, and chaces pertaining thereto, as the king understands that many who are 19 EDWARD II. 417 1325. Oct. 16. Sheen. Oct. 29. Cippenham. Oct. 28. Cippenham. Membrane 25 — cont. indicted before his subjects aforesaid for such trespasses wish to make fines to obtain pardon therefor. They are ordered to cause the fines to be enrolled and levied for the king's use. By C. To the same and to the chamberlains. Order to account with John de Stonore for the money that he received from the treasurer and chamber- lains, by virtue of the king's order to pay him his expenses for going to Spain, whither he was going in the king's service, to wit 6s. 8curity from the fer- mors for payment of the ferms. The king also wills that they shall dispose of his stock of cows and sheep in the said manors and lands by demise at ferm or otherwise, as shall seem best for his advantage. \_Fain, whither he was going on tiie king's business, to wit Gs. 8ss have hitherto deferred pajing him the .«aid sum, wherefore he has j)rayed the king to cause him to be satisfied for the above sum: the king theri^fbre orders the treasurer and barons and chamberlains to search the rolls and memoranda of the exchequer touching the aforesaid account, and, if they lind that Alan accounted before them for the expeii.ses and that the above sum was in arrear, to cause the said nrrcars to bo |)aid to him. By pet. of C. returned before the king. To John do Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. OrdcT to cause thv, houses and walls of the manor of Clipston to le repaired, by the view and testimony of th(; sheriff of Nottingham and the keei)er of the manor. Bv K. ! K 2 43G CALENDAR OP CLOSE ROLLS. •j^g25 Membrane 17. Dec. 6. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of the manor of Emelesworth, co. The Tower. Southampton. Whereas, at the supplication of Thomas Bardolf — suggest- ing by his petition before the king and his council that the late king granted by charter to Isabella, late the wife of Hugh Bardolf, mother of the said Thomas, of whom he is the heir, the aforesaid manor for her life, with re- mainder to William her son and to the heirs of his body, with remainder in de- fault of such heirs to her right heirs, and that Isabella is dead, and the said William is also dead without an heir of his body, so that the manor ought to I'emain to Thomas, her son and heir, by the form of the grant, and that the manor was taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Robert Lewer, a late rebel, who had disseised Isabella thereof unjustly and without a judgment — the king appointed Robert de Bardelby and Robert de Estden to make inquisition in the keeper's presence concerning the premises, and it is found by their inquisition that the late king granted the manor to Isabella in form aforesaid, and that she was seised thereof by reason of the said grant from that time until the quinzaine of Michaelmas, in the 15th year of the king's reign, in which quinzaine the said Robert Lewer disseised her of the manor, and thus continued his seisin thereof until the manor came to the king's hands by his forfeiture, and that the manor is in the king's hands for this reason and no other, and that Isabella upon another occasion prosecuted to obtain a remedy in the king's court at his parliament by petition before the king and his council, when answer was made to her petition that she should sue out her remedy against Robert by common law, whereupon she sued out a writ of novel disseisin against him, and that she is dead, and that William her son died without an heir of his body, and that the said Thomas is her right heir, and that neither she nor Thomas have changed their estate therein in any way, and that the manor is held of the king by the service of a pair of gilt spurs for all service, and that it is worth yearly lOO*. in all issues ; and the king afterwards ordered the treasurer and chamberlains to search the charters, writings, and other memoranda that belonged to the said Robert in their custody in the treasury, and ordered the said keeper to search the charters, etc., of the said Robert in his custody, and to certify the king whether or not Isabella or Thomas remitted or released their right in the manor to Robert after the said disseisin or changed their estate therein in any way, and the treasurer and chamberlains have certified that there are no charters or memoranda that belonged to Robert touching the said manor in the treasury, and the keeper has certified that he found no charters or memoranda that belonged to Robert in his bailiwick touching the manor, and that he was unable to find any although he has exhibited all possible diligence in this behalf, and that he found nothing in his custody making mention of the manor : as the said Thomas lias prayed the king, by another petition exhibited in parliament in the octaves of Martinmas last, to cause justice to be done to him, the king orders the said keeper to deliver the manor to Thomas, to be held according to the form of the grant aforesaid, saving the right of the king and of others. By K. and by pet. of parliament returned before the king. Dec. 31. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Geoffrey Haughley. Dode to be released from prison in the Tower of London, upon his finding mainpernors to answer to the king, at certain terms that shall seem expedient to them for the king's convenience, for the debts that he owes to the king and to make amends for his contempt lately done to the sherifl' of Essex, and for the other things for which he was adjudged to prison by process in the exchequer. The king has ordered the constable of the Tower to cause Geoffiey to be brought before the treasurer and barons, and to deliver him from prison at their order. By p.s. [7277.] 19 EDWARD II. 43? 1325. Membrane 17 — cont. Mandate in pursuance to John de Weston, constable of the Tower aforesaid. By p.s. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the wife of Bartholomew de Burghersshe to be delivered from prison in the Tower of London, together with her children, upon her finding mainpernors to have her before the king at his will to answer to him for what he will say against her. The king has ordered the constable of the Tower to cause her and her children to be brought before the treasurer and barons, and to release them from prison at their order. By jj.s. [7277.] Mandate in pursuance to the constable. By p.s. To the treasurer and barons. Order to take advisement concerning the total of the debt that Nicholas de TikhuU and John de Norton, imprisoned in the Tower of London, owe to the king, and to ordain as shall seem best to their discretion for the release of Nicholas and John by mainprit?e or by other means wherebj' the king may best and most quickly recover the debt aforesaid. The kingr has ordered the constable of the Tower to brins the said Nicholas and John before the treasurer and barons, and to deliver them from prison at their order. By p.s. [7277.] " Mandate in pursuance to the constable. By p.s. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John Petit, mariner, Catour, mariner, and Cok' atte Wose, mariner, who are imprisoned in the Tower of Loudon, to be released, upon their finding mainpernors that they will not eloign them.selves and that they will be always ready at the king's pleasure when summoned in this behalf, so that by this mainprise they may go at large and sue to recover their debts for their discharge. The king has ordered the constable to bring them before the treasurer and barons, and to release them from prison at the order of the treasurer and barons. By p.s. [7277.] Mandate in pursuance to the constable. By p.s. Dec. 31. To the treasurer and barons. Order to cause Laurence de Tonebrigg, Haughley. canon, who is imprisoned in the Tower of London, to be taken by a suitable man or men to be deputed by them to the abbot of St. Osyth's, as the king wills that Laurence shall stay in the abbey, so that he shall not leave the enclosure of the cloister and church of the abbey, and so that no one of whom sinister suspicion may be held shall have conversation with him. The king has ordered the abbot to receive Laurence and to keep him in form aforesaid. By p.s. [7277.] To John de Weston, constable of the Tower of London. Order to cause the said Laurence to be taken before the treasurer and barons at their order, to be taken to the aforesaid abbey. By the same writ. Mandate in pursuance to the abbot of St. Osyth's. By the same writ. Dec. 20. To Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, Coggesball. Cumberland, and Westmoreland. Whereas the king granted to Thomas Broun, his yeoman, for his good service past and future, 50 marks of yearly rent for the maintenance of himself, his wife, and his children, and of his brother, and al'terwards granted to him the manors of Aiwerthorp and Wytele, co. York, which belonged to John de Moubray, a late rebel, and which came to the king's hands as escheat, to have as of the value of 50 marks of rent during the king's will, and the king subsequently caused the manors to be taken into his hands and delivered to the Hospitallers because they were Templars' lands ; whereupon Thomas besought the king to grant to him in place of the said manors the lands in Brunnum and Nidde, in the said county, tliat belonged to Ralph, late baron of Greystok, tenant in chief, and which were in the king's hands by reason of the minority of his heir, and the king granted the custody thereof to Thomas, 438 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 17 — cont. to have from 1 July, in the 18th year of the reign, until the heir shall come of age ; and the king afterwards granted to him all the ferms and rents from the aforesaid tenements from Whitsuntide last, and, wishing to shew him further favour, gianted him all the issues, ferms and rents and profits from the tenements from the morrow of iMartinmas, in the aforesaid year, until I July following : the king therefore orders the escheator to cause the issues, ferms, rents and profits to be delivered to Thomas of the king's gift, and if the escheator have accounted at the exchequer for the premises and have satisfied the king therefor, he is ordered to pay the value of the issues, etc., to Thomas from other issues of his bailiwick. By p.s. [7271.] Dec. 31. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to appoint men Haughley. to take William de Benham and .John de Kensington to Corf Castle, and Adam Breton of Ireland (Dirlaund) and Thomas Cok to Winchester Castle, and William de Hedersete to Bernard's Castle at the king's cost, as the king has ordained that the aforesaid men shall be taken to the said castles, the men at Corf Castle and Winchester Castle to be kej)t safely under suitable penalty, and the said William de Hedersete to be kept safely under a penalty of 1,550/. The king has ordered John de Weston, constable of the Tower of London, to deliver the prisoners aforesaid to the men appointed to conduct them by the treasurer and barons, and has ordered the keepers of the aforesaid castles to receive them from the said men, and to cause them to be kept safely. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to John de Weston, constable of the Tower of London, or to him who supplies his place. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the keeper of Winchester Castle. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the keeper of Bernard's Castle. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the keejier of Corfe Castle. By p.s. 1326. Jan. 3. To Adam de Herewynton, supplying the place of the treasurer of the Haughley. exchequer of Dublin. Order to commit the office of chancellor of the said exchequer to some sufficient clerk for whom he will answer, by letters patent under the king's seal for Ireland, by the counsel of the justiciary of Ireland and others of the king's council in those parts whom he shall see fit to convoke for this purpose, and to deliver to the said clerk the seal appointed for this ofiice, to hold and exercise the office until the king shall otherwise ordain, certifying the king as speedily as possible of the name of the clerk thus appointed, and of the state of the said oflfice, and of what emoluments pertain to the office, and their value, as the king learns upon trustworthy testimony that he who now has the said office is insufficient for the execution of the office. By K. Jan. 11. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the chamberlains. South Klmham. Order to cause the walls, turrets, houses, and enclosures of the Tower of London to be surveyed, and to cause the defects therein to be repaired by the view and testimony of John de Weston, constable of the Tower, or of some one else in whom they have confidence, as shall seem good to them for the more secure keeping of the Tower. By K. Jan. 13. To William de Cusancia, keeper of the castles, manors, towns, and lands South Elmham. of Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son. Order to cause the said castles to be furnished with necessary victuals without delay, and to cause the victuals to be changed from time to time, and to cause the houses, walls, and other buildings of the castles to be repaired where necessary. By K. Jan. 2. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the chamberlains. Haughley. Order to cause the Tower of London to be furnished with necessary 19 EDWARD II. 439 1326. Membrane 17 — cont. victuals and other things, by the advice of John de Weston, constable thereof, and of others whom they shall think fit, and to cause the victuals to be delivered to the keeper of the king's victuals there, and to cause twenty armed footmen to be put in the Tower in addition to those who are now there, and to c luse 4(i'. a day to be paid to each of the said twenty men for their wages for so long as they are in garrison there or until further orders. By K. 1325. Membrane 16. Dec. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit the men The Tower, of the county of Northumberland to have respite until further orders for all ferms, arrears of ferms, chattels of felons, forfeited issues, castle wards, cornages, truncages, 'fensilver,' and other debts, services, or demands that they owe to the exchequer for the time of the king or of his progenitors, or that they owe in any other way, except debts for the king's victuals pro- vided and sold at Newcastle-on-Tyne, as the king has granted them such respite in consideration of the groat damage sustained by them for a long time by the coming of the Scots into that county. By K. To the same. Order to permit the men of the county of Westmoreland to have respite until further orders for all ferms, arrears of ferms, cornages, chattels of felons, forfeited issues, forfeitures of the Forest, and all other debts due to the exchequer for the time of the king or of his progenitors, except debts for the king's victuals provided and sold at Carlisle, as the king has granted them such respite in consideration of the damages that they have sustained for a long time by the frequent comings of the Scots into that county. By K. To the same. Like order in favour of the men of Cumberland. By K. Dec. 12. To John de Henle, keeper of the manor of Eltham. Order to cau.se hay The Tower, and forage {foragium) for the maintenance of the deer (ferarum) in the park of that manor to bo bought and purveyed out of his ferm, and to cause it to be put from time to time in a place appointed for it for the maintenance of the deer, Jis the king is given to understand that a great part of the deer will perish in this winter season until maintenance be provided for them. By K. Dec. 13. To Robert de Hungerford, late keeper of the manor of Enefeld, co. The Tower. Middlesex. At the supplication of Richard de Pouns by his petition before the king and his council — suggesting that Humphrey de Bolmn, late earl of Hereford, granted to him for life the custody of llie park and chace of his manor of Enefeld, receiving yearly therefor 1.5 quarters of rye and SO*, for the wages of hims(!lf and his six men keeping the park, and that he received the said rye and money yearly long before the earl's death, and that the manor was afterwards taken into the king's hands amongst other lands of the earl upon his forfeiture, and is thus still in the king's hands, and that he has received the rye yearly from the kec|)er of the manor for the time being from the time when the manor was taken into the king's hands, and that the 30*. yearly are in arrear to him for the time that the manor has been in the king's hands — the king appointed William de Leycestria, John de Crosscby, Thomas de Sibthorp, and Robert de Kelleseye to make inquisition, in the presence of the keeper of forfeited lands in that county, concerning the premises ; and it is found by the inquisition taken by the said William, John, and Thomas, in the presence of Edmund de Fletc, keeper of forfeited lands in the said county, that the carl granted by his charter the custody of the park and chace of the manor 440 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 16 — cont. to Richard for life, receiving therefor the said rye and money yearly, and that Richard was seised thereof all the earl's time, and that he did not remit the rye and money to the earl, and that the money is in arrear to him for all the time that the manor has been in the king's hands ; where- fore Richard has besought the king to do him justice : the king therefore orders the said Robert to cause the aforesaid ?,0s. to be paid to Richard out of the issues of the manor for the time when it was in Robert's custody. By pet. of C. Dec. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to account with The Tower. Robert Bendyn, wliom the king, on 5 August, in the 18th year of his reign, appointed captain and admiral of his fleet of all the ships from the mouth of the Thames by the sea-coast to the west, both of the Cinque Ports and other ports, for the wages of ten men-at-arms, whom the king ordained that Robert should retain with him at the king's wages during the late disturbance between the king and the king of France, for the time tliat they shall find that Robert retained the men-at-arms in the king's service, and to cause Robert to have allowance for such wages. By K. Dec. 11. To the same. Whereas the king lately ordered them to account with his The Tower, yeoman William de Monte Acuto, son and heir of William de Monte Acuto, for the expenses incurred by his father when he was keeper of the town of Berwick-on-Tweed and seneschal of Gascony and elsewhere in the king's service and also in the late king's service by his order, and for all moneys delivered to his father as imprest of the wardrobe or by assignment or other delivery in the time of the late and present kings, and to cause the demands made upon the son by summons of the exchequer by pretext of his father's debts and of the aforesaid payments to be examined, and to cause the son to have allowance for the expenses aforesaid; and they have signified to the king that the son sought to be admitted, by virtue of the above order, to account before them for the victtials and money received by his father for the custody of the said town, and for his father's expenses for himself, his knights, esquires, and other men-at-arms in going from York to Berwick, staying there, keeping house there, and in paying divers wages to the men staying in Berwick for its defence, and in returning thence with certain of the aforesaid knights to the king at Northampton, and for the money received at Clipston by imprest of the wardrobe for the expenses of his father, the knights and other men-at-arms going with him from Clipston to Bernard's Castle to make rescue of the lady de Clifford, then captured by John le Irreis, and for the expenses in returning thence with the said knights and men-at-arms to the king at Clipston, and for the money received and expended by his father for the making of certain barriers {harreanmi) at Kenyngton, and for his father's expenses in going as the king's envoy from Clipston to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, thea at Wygan Underwode, in staying there, and in returning thence to the king, and that they have deferred receiving the son's account for the expenses aforesaid because he did not shew the king's letters of warrant therefor before them ; wherefore the said William the son has besought the king to signify his will in this behalf to the treasurer and barons : as it appears truly to the king that the said William the father set out with knights, squires, and other men-at-arms of the king's household from York, in the 8th year of his reign, to Berwick, and there stayed for the defence of the town, holding house for the said men in going thither and in staying there, and paying them their usual wages in the king's household during that time by the king's orders, and that he afterwards returned to the king at Northampton with certain of the said knights and men, and that he set out from Clipston, in the 9th year of the king's reign, with knights and men-at-arms of the king's household to Bernard's Castle to make rescue of 19 EDWARD II. 441 1325. Membrane 16 — cont. the said lady de Clifford, and there retained knights and other men-at-arms at the king's charge in this behalf, and that he returned thence to the king at Clipston with the said knights and men-at-arms, having made the fescue aforesaid, and that he caused certain barriers to be made at Kenyugton by the king's order, in the second year of his reign, and that he went from Clipston, in the eighth year of the reign, as the king's envoy with three esquires and one clerk to Thomas, late carl of Lancaster, then staying at Wygan Underwode, and that the said William the father had no letters of warrant for the premises from the king, the king orders the treasurer and barons to take information from the men who were with William the father in the garrison and in the journeys aforesaid concerning the number of knights, scpiires, and other men-at-arms that he had in the king's services aforesaid, and to have consideration to tin; service that he rendered to the king in the said places and to the costs tliat it was necessary for him to expend about the premises, as the quality of the times and places then required, and to cause AVilliam his son to have allowance for all such costs, expenses, and wages in his own debts and in his father's debts to the exchequer, notwithstanding that the son has not in his possession any letters of precept of the king whereby his father did the premises. By K. Dec. 12. To Philip de Hardcshull, keeper of the forfeited lands in co. Buckingham. The Tower. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken in the keeper's presence by John de Chetewode and John de Burden that Henry de Greynesby demised a messuage, a toft, 12 acres of land, and 5 acres of meadow in Preston to Kobert de Tyryngton for life, at Michaelmas, 31st Edward I., and that Robert afterwards demised the premises, at Michaelmas, 32 Edward I., to William Tochet for the term of Robert's life, and that Henry did not remit the premises to Robert in his seisin and did not make any estate to any one else afterwards, and that Robert is dead, and that the premises were taken into the king's hands with other lands of the said William by reason of his forfeiture, and that they are thus still in the king's hands; and it is found by the record and process of a plea in the late king's court between Henry and William concerning the premises that Robert granted them to William for the term of Robert's life only, and that William claimed no other estate therein ; and it is also found by certificates of the treasurer and chamberlains and of the abbot of Topholme, ■who have searched the charters and muniments in their custody that belonged to William touching the premises by the king's order, that they found nothing amongst them touching the said matter ; and Henry has found the king security to answer to him for the issues of the tenements if it should be found hereafter that the tenements ought to pertain to the king : the king therefore orders the keeper to deliver the tenements to Hem'y. Memorandum, that Geoffrey fion of John de Grymesby and John son of Richard de Bristoll of co. Lincoln, have mainperned for Henry to answer to the king for the issues of the tenements aforesaid. To the keeper of the Forest of Dene, or to him who supplies his place there. Order to permit the men of the king's demesne of Redleg' to have their estovers of dead and dry wood in the forest aforesaid, as they have been wont to have, and to desist from hindering them receiving the same, as it appears by inspection of the rolls of the chancery of Henry 111. that — upon its being found by inquisition taken by Robert Walerant and Nicholas de Haulowe that the men of the said demesne were always wont to have their estovers of dead and dry wood, and their swine quit of pannage, and their beasts quit of herbage in the said forest until the last eyre of Robert Passelewe, the said king's justice for pleas of the said forest, and tiiat Robert in the eyre aforesaid took the estovers into the said king's bauds because 442 CALENDAR OF CLOSE EOLLS. 1325. Membrane 16 — cont. the men had no warrant from the king, so that they never had the estovers afterwards except by payment (pro suo dnndo), — the said king, for a fine that the men made with him, rendered to them the estovers aforesaid, to have as they were wont to have before the eyre af oresaid, and ordered the constable of St. Briavels to permit the men to have the estovers in the forest afore- said, and it is now shewn to the king on the said men's behalf that the keeper of the forest now hinders them having the estovers, although they have hitherto had the estovers from the time of the render of the same to them by Henry III. 1326. Jan. 3. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to supersede entirely the exaction in his Haughley. county [court] of Robert de Revesale, Robert Darre, John Knevet, and Richard de Revesale of Sudbury, who are put in exigent to be outlawed because they did not come before John de Butetourte, John de Mutford, and John de Bousser, justices lately appointed to hear and determine certain trespasses committed by the aforesaid men and others in that county upon Hugh le Despenser, the younger, as the king wills for certain reasons that no further proceedings shall be taken against the said men in this matter. By K. Membrane 15. Jan. 13. To Thomas de Hyndryngham and John Claver, keepers of the bishopric South Elmham. of Norwich, void and in the king's hands. Order to pay 200Z. out of the issues of their bailiwick to Thomas, earl of Norfolk, marshal of England, the king's brother, of the king's gift. By K. Jan. 14. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, South Elmham. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle with the manor of Haversham, co. Buckingham, certain lands in Hardemed, in the same county, and a moiety of the manor of Compton Chaumberlayn, CO. Wilts, and to restore the issues thereof to Matilda, late the wife of John de Olneye, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John and Matilda held the said manor of Haversham and the lands in Hardemed jointly on the day of John's death by fine levied before the justices of the Bench by the king's licence, and a moiety of the manor of Compton Chaumberlayn by fine levied in the same court, and that the manor [of Haversham] is held of the king in chief as of the honour of Peverel by the service of a knight's fee of the little fee of Mortain, and that the land in Hardemed is held of Richard de Wyndesore by knight service, and that the moiety of the said manor is held of John Grymstede by knight service, and John de Olneye, son of the said John, is his heir and is aged 17 years. Jan. 22. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Northampton, Lincoln, and Norwich. Rutland. Order to cause Edmund de Eylesford, son and heir of Gerard de Eylesford, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.8. [7202.] The like to John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Salop, Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Jan. 18. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to supersede entirely the Norwich, demand made for cornage for the king's use in the lands of Robert de Humframvyll, late earl of Angus, tenant in chief, which are in the king's hands by reason of the minority of his heir, so long as the lands are in the king's hands. 19 EDWARD II. 443 132G. Jan. 24. Norwich. Jan. 24. Norwich. Jan. 24. Norwich. Jan. 25. Norwich. Feb. 8. Gaywood. Membrane 15 — cont. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to supersede until Midsummer next tlie demand made by summons of the exchequer upon Burga, late the wife of William de Vaus, for 10:)/. due to the exchequer for the arrears of William's account for the time when he was keeper of the honour of Knaresburgh castle and of Holdernesse, also for 22/., which are exacted from her for the arms of the said castle. By K. To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lanca.ster. Wiiereas the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John de Segrave, the elder, and Christiana his wife held jointly on the day of their death certain lands in Alspath, co. Warwick, of the gift and feoffment of Richard de Kyniton, and a mill with a pond and fishponds of Hornpol and Nespol of the gift of Gerard de Alspaih and Matilda his wife, and certain lands in Stretton-on-Donnesmore, in the .same county, of the gift of Adam son of William de Grendon, and 9*. of rent in Stretton, in the same county, of the gift of William de Du.ston, and certain lands in Repyndon, Tykenhale, and Fiekenhowe, in the said counties of Warwick and Derby, of the gift of Edmund, earl of Arundel, and that the lands aforesaid are not held of the king : the king therefore orders the escheator not to intermeddle further with the premises, which he has takea into the king's hands by leasou of John's death, and to restore the issues thereof to Christiana. To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford, Salop, StatTord, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Stottesdon, and to restore the issues thereof to Christiana, late the wife of John de Segrave, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Hugh de Plescy, grandfather of Hugh de Plescy, granted the manor, in the time of Henry III., to the said John de Segrave and Christiana in free marriage, to have to them and the heirs of their bodies, and that Cliristiana con- timied her seisin thereof jointly with John until the time of his death, and that the manor is held of the king in chief by the service of a knight's fee. To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Whereas the king has assigned to Christiana, late the wife of Jolin de Segrave, the elder, tenant in chief, the following of his lands as her dower: the manor of Coldoverton, co. Leicester, of the yearly value of 3G/. 4a-. ()\d. ; the manor of Chaucombe, CO. Northampton, of the yearly value of 53/. 2s. 0|t/. ; the manor of Fen- stanton, with the members of Hilton and Wisbechc, co. Huntingdon, of the yearly value of 106/. 18*. 4r/. ; and 28s. \0\d. of rent from the free tenants in Alspatlie, co. Derby {sic) : the king orders the escheator to deliver to her the said manor of Fenstanton, with its members aforesaid. By C. To John do Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Like order to deliver to the aforesaid Chris- tiana the said manor of Coldoverton, co. Leicester, and the said rent in Alspathe, co. Warwick. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Northampton, Lincoln, and Rut- land. Like order to deliver to the aforesaid Christiana the manor of Chaucombe, co. Northampton. To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Christiana the advowson of the churches of Keggeworth, co. Leicester, of the yearly value of 20/. ; the advowson of the church of Cold Overton, in the same county, of tiie yearly value of lt> marks; and the advowson of the church of Bonington, co. Nottingham, of the yearly value of 16 marks, which the king has agsigued to her as her dower of the aforesaid John's advowsons. 444 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 15 — cont. Jan. 24. To the sheriff of Kent. The men and tenants of the abbot of St. Au- Norwich. gustine's Canterbury of his manors of Menstre in the Isle of Thanet, Chistelet, S[t]urreye, Lutelburn, Northburn, Lenham, and Plumsted have shewn by their petition before the king and his council that whereas the ' borghesalder ' and four men of each tithing {borgha) of those manors brought with them, at the time when they came to the sheriff's tourns in that county to present those things that pertain to the view of frankpledge, a certain rent called 'the sheriti's tourn," and that although it was con- sidered, in a plea lately moved in the king's court before the king, between the abbot and John Malemeyns of Hoo, then sheriff of that county, by prelext of certain charters made to the abbot by the king and his progenitors, that the abbot and his successors should have for ever the view of frankpledge and what pertains to such view in the aforesaid manors, whereby presentations and other things that pertain to such view in the same manor[s] ought to be made in the abbot's court of the manors aforesaid, and not elsewhere, the sheriff nevertheless distrains the said men and tenants because all the borghcsalders (horghesaldri) with four men of each tithing did not come to his tourns after the consideration aforesaid, although they have sent the aforesaid rent to him by a man from the time of the consideration until now, and they have i)rayed the king for a remedy ; as it appears by the record and process of the said plea, and by a certificate made into chancery by the sheriff', which the king afterwards caused to come before him and his council, that the abbot ought to have the view aforesaid and those things that pertain to the view in the said manors, the king orders the sheriff to supersede entirely his distresses of the men and tenants to come to his tourns by the borghesalders and four men of each tourn to bring the aforesaid rent, and to release to them the distresses made in this behalf ; provided that the rent be paid to the king in full at the tourns by one man. By pet. of C. Jan. 19. Richard son of Andrew le Kyng of Waterbeche, who is imprisoned in Norwich. Cambridge castle for the death of John son of Andrew le Kyng, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail him until the first assize. Feb. 2. To John de Blumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Walsingham. Huntingdon, Hertford, and Essex. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Margaret, late the wife of William de Redham, tenant by knight service of the heir of Geoffrey de Say, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship. Jan. ;-{0. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to take into the king's hands the Norwich. manor of Swafhara Market, in that county, and to cause it to be kept safely until further orders, as the king wills, for certain causes, that the manor shall be taken into his hands. By K. Feb. 4. To the same. Order to cause the king's house called ' Shirehous,' in Walsingham. the city of Norwich, which is of the fee of Norwich castle, to be repaired immediately upon sight of the presents, as the king wills that the justices, inquisitors, and other ministers of him and his heirs appointed to take assizes, juries, certificates, and inquisitions, and to deliver gaols, shall sit and hold their sessions in the aforesaid house and not elsewhere in the city. By K. To Walter Faucun, bailiff of the honour of Eye. Order to restore to Robert de Weylaund two oxen in the bailiff's custody, if he find that they belong to Robert, taking security from him to answer to the king for the same in case they ought to pertain to the king, as Robert has shewn the king that although Wiiliam Liricok was taken with the said oxen, which had been stolen by him, at the prosecution of William de Dale, Robert's reeve, from whose custody the oxen were stolen, and was detained in the 19 EDWARD IT. 445 2^326. Membrane 15 — cont. king's gaol at Eye in the bailiff's custody, and was afterwards addressed concerning the said felony before Simon de Hedersete and his fellows, jus- tices to deliver the said gaol, when he put himself upon the country, and was afterwards remitted to i)rison by the justices for the default of the jurors, and afterwards escaped from the gaol, the said bailiff has nevertheless hitherto deferred delivering the oxen to Robert. Feb. 1 2. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to appoint some Dereham. one in whom they have confidence, by letters of the exchequer, to survey the king's victuals and other necessaries in Carlisle castle for the munition thereof, and to purvey victuals necessary for the munition thereof, in case the victuals now therein are insufficient, by the advice of Anthony de Lucy, constable of the castle, and to provision the castle therewith without delay. By K. Feb. 12. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause the king's house called West Dereham. ' Shirehouse ' in the city of Norwich, which is of the fee of Norwich castle, to be rebuilt immediately upon sight of the presents by the view and testimony of William Bateman of Norwich and John Flynt of Norwich, as the king wills that the justices, inquisitors, and other ministers of him and his heirs appointed to take assizes, juries, certificates, and inquisitions and to deliver gaols shall sit and hold their sessions in the said house and not elsewhere within the liberty of the city. By K. Feb. 13. To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Weeting. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to deliver to Robert fuitz Wauter, son and heir of Robei t son of Walter, tlie issues of his father's land from the time of his death until 12 February last, when the king took the son's homage for his father's lands and restored the same to him, as contained in another writ directed to the escheator, as the king has granted the son the issues aforesaid. By K. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Ralph Mallore, who is incapacitated by paralysis, weakness, and infirmity. To the treasurer and barons of the oxcliequer and the chamberlains. Whereas Edmund, earl of Arundel, has signified to tlie king that the king's castles in Nortli Wales are insufficiently hirnished with victuals and other necessaries, and that 200 quai ters of wheat and beans and 40 or 30 tuns of wine are needed for the mnnition of the castles, and that it is expedient that a granary shall be constructed in Kaernervan ca.^tle, and tliat the wall of the town of Kaernervan towards the castle on tlie west side shall be raised, and that the gate of the town on the west, which was burnt at another time, siiall be repaired for the better keei)ing of the castle and town, the king orders the treasurer, barons and chamberlains to cause the castles and garnistures aforesaid to be surveyed by some men in whom they have confidt^nce, and to cause tlie castles to be provided with victuals and other necessaries to the (juantity aforesaid, or more or less, according to the discretion of the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains, and to cause the said granary to be made, the wall raised, and the gate to be rebuilt. By K. Feb. 13. To the mayor and bailiffs of Bristol. Order to cause the ship called Mildenhall. '■La James' of London, which tliey lately arrested in that port, to be released, and to be delivered to William Syniound, the master thereof, to be brought to the king, as the king has enjoined upon him. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the defaults in York castle to be surveyed by some one in whom they cau confide, and to cause them to be repaired, unless great cost is required, in which case they are ordered to certify the king with all speed. By K. Feb. 13. MildenhaU. Feb. 12. Weeting. 44G CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. J 22(5 Membrane 14. Feb. 8. To John de Blounvyll, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Gaywood. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Whereas in the partition of the lands that belonged to Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, amongst his heirs made in chancery on 22 March last, the king assigned to David de Strabolgi, earl of A thole, and Joan his wife, kinswoman and co-heiress of the said Aymer, the following lands; the castle of Castelacre, co. Norfolk, of the yearly value of 261. 12s. H^d. ; the manor of Styvekeye, in the same county, of the yearly value of 10/. 195. i^d.; the manor of Possewyk, in the same county, of the yearly value of 18s. 7s. IQd. ; the manor of West Lexham, in the same county, of the yearly value of 10/. 195. 6d. ; the manor of Holcham, in the same county, of the yearly value of 12/. 19s. Od.; the castle and manor of Mitford, co. Northumberland, of the yearly value of 29/. 135. Od. ; the manor of Fount Eland, with certain lands in Little Eland, in the same county, of the yearly value of 52/. Os. lO^d.; the manor of Geynesburgh, co. Lincoln, of the yearly value of 63/. 145. lid.; the manor of Kentwell, co. Suffolk, of the yearly value of 16/. 45. Gd. ; the manor of Westle, with the houses of St. Edmunds, of the yearly value of 14/. 85. lO^c?. ; certain lands in Egarton, co. Kent, of the yearly value of 10/. 35. 4|£/. ; certain lands in Dakenham, co. Essex, of the yearly value of 375. 8d.; the manor of Bishop's Hatfield, co. Hertford, of the yearly value of 32s. 9c?. ; certain tenements in Holewell, in the same county, of the yearly value of 235. Id. ; the manor of Bychindon, co. Buckingham, of the yearly value of 16/. 135. G\d.; and 4/. of yearly rent from the manor of Cherdesleye, co. Buckingham, which manor Peter Carbonel and Isabella his wife and John their son hold for term of life ; 20/. of yearly rent in Beverley, Scorburgh, Bosewyk, Fosceton, Natfreton, Loutiiorp, Albourn, Fyvele, Twenge, and Sixindale, co. York; and the said David and Joan did not sue their purparty aforesaid out of the king's hands because David had then gone to Gascony in the king's service, and the said Joan is now dead, and L'avid has besought the king to render the purparty to him to be held by the courtesy of England by reason of the issue begotten between him and Joan, and the king, willing that David shall not incur damage by reason of the service aforesaid, has taken his homage for the lands held in chief assigned to the said purparty, and has rendered to him the purparty together with the issues thereof since the 22 March aforesaid, to be held by the courtesy of England, as is aforesaid : the king therefore orders the escheator to deliver to David the castle of Castelacre, the said manors of Styvekeye, Possewyk, Westlexham, Holkham, Kentwell, Westele, and Bishop's Hatfeld, and the said houses of St. Edmunds, and the lands in Dakenham and Holewell, together with the issues thereof from the 22 March aforesaid, saving the relief if any be due to the king in this behalf. By K. To Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. Like order to deliver to the said David the aforesaid castle and manor of Mitford, co. Northumberland, the manor of Fount Eland and certain lands in Little Eland, in the same county, and the 20/. of rent in Beverley, Scorburgh, and the other places above men- tioned, in CO. York. By K. To William le Mareschal, bailiff of the honour of Walyngford. Like order to deliver to the said David the aforesaid manor of Bichindou. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Like order to deliver to the said David the aforesaid manor of Bichindon, co. Buckingham, and the said 4/. of rent from the manor of Cherdesleye, in the same county. By K. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rut'and. Like order to deliver to the said David the said manor of Geynesburgh, CO. Lincoln. 19 EDWARD IT. 447 1326. Membrane 14 — cont. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle- sex, and in the city of London. Like order to deliver to the aforesaid David the said lands in Egarton, co. Kent. Feb. 8. To John Darcy 'le neveu,' justiciary of Ireland, or to him who supplies Gaywood. his place. Like order to deliver to the aforesaid David the castle and manor of Odogh in Ireland, of the yearly value of 33/. 14.s. Id. ; a moiety of two parts of the manor of Femes, of the yearly value of .30/. H5. 8(7. ; and 6/. \s. ^\d. of yearly rent from the hands of the burgesses of Edredim, and the issues thereof from the said 22 March, when they were assigned to David and Joan as is aforesaid. By K. To John de Blounvyll, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Whereas in the partition of the lands that belonged to Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, amongst hia heirs made in chancery on 22 March last, the king assigned to David de Strabolgi, earl of Athole, and Joan his wife, kinswoman and co-heiress of the said earl, the following knights' fees : a quarter of a fee in Holcham and Swynesthorp, co. Norfolk, which quarter Richard Neel holds, of the yearly value of 25*. ; a sixteenth of a fee in Holcham, in the same county, which sixteenth Ralph Hakoun holds, of the yearly value of 8*. ; a twentieth of a fee in Beesthorp, in the same county, which part the prior of Wymundham holds, of the yearly value of 20.s. ; a quarter of a fee in Reppes, in the same coimty, which quarter Peter de Brampton holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a quarter of a fee in Worstede, in the same county, whicii quarter William de Granar[io] holds, of the yearly value of 2o.y. ; four fees in Kenet, Kent- ford, Banham, Heryngeswell, Hondon, and Twynham, co. Suffolk, which Thoma.s, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, and his tenimts hold, of the yearly value of 11/.; 5^ fees in Bnmliam, Harpelo, Fulmereston, and Hakeford, in the same county, which Walter de Calthorp and his tenants hold, of the yearly value of 30/. ; a quarter of a fee in Wynbot(!sham, in the same county, which Thomas de Ingaldi!sthor[) holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; eight fees in Depeden, Barsham, Denevere, Dunham, Dirham, Ford- ham, Lirlyng, Melond, Fyncham, and Nortlibarsham, in the same county, which William de Waunsy, and his tenants hold, of the yearly value of 60/. ; a quarter of a fee in Blonorton, in the same county, which quarter Petronilla de Broine holds, of the yearly value of 20*. ; a quarter of a fee in the same town, which quarter William de Blonorton holds, of the yearly value of 20s.; a fee in Westcolvill and Carleton, in the same county, which Ed. de Colvyll holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a quarter of a fee in Kylverston, in the same county, which the prior of Cokesford holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; 2\ fees in Radewyntre, in the same county, which Martin le Chaumberlayn and his tenants hold, of the yearly value of 8/. ; a moiety of a fee in Preston, in the same county, which moiety the master of the Hospital holds, of the ycaily value of GOs. ; a (jnarter of a fee in West- colvyll and Carleton, in the same county, which Roger de Wolterton holds, of th(! yearly value of 20s. ; a quarter of a fee in Grymmeston, Congham, and Geylon, in the .same county, which Robert de Reppes holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a moiety of a fee in Gayst, Tymc-lthorp, Sperhain, and Felthorp, in the same county, which moiety John de Gerberge holds, of the yearly va ne of 50s.; 2 fees in Ew^-sham, in the same county, and 2 fees in Bengham, in the same county, which the earl of Arundel holds, of the ytiirly value of 40/. ; a quarter of a fee in Brokelc, in the .'janic county, which quarter .John de Launeye holds, of the yearly vahn; of 60s.; a fee in Camcrsfelil, co. Buckingham, which the prior of Bcrchercre and the heirs of William de Wyncstr' hold, of the yearly value of lOO.v. ; a nioietv of a fee in Thewyng, co. Hertford, which moiety the prior of Bilmundell' holds, of the yearly value of 50s. ; five fees in co. P^isex, which Osbcrt son 448 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 14 — cont. of Robert holds, of the yearly value of 25/. ; and 6s. ^d. of rent that Robert de Eslyngton, Alexander de Preston, Adam de Doxeford, and the heirs of Gilbert de Essete render for the town of Framlyngton, co. Northumberland, to the ward of the castle of Mitford ; and 6f/. of yearly rent that Warin de Swethop renders for the town of Becheford, in the same county, to the ward of the said castle ; and 6c?. of rent that the prior of Extildesham renders for the town of Northmilbnrii, in the same county, to the ward of the said castle; and the said David and Joan did not sue their purparty aforesaid out of the king's hands because David had then gone to Gascony in the king's service, and Joan is now dead, and David has besought the king to render the purparty to him to be held by the courtesy of England by reason of the issue begotten between him and Joan, and the king, willing that David shall not incur damage by reason of the service aforesaid, has rendered the purparty to him to be held by the courtesy of England : the king therefore orders the escheator to deliver to David the aforesaid fees in his bailiwick, to be held by the courtesy of England, as is aforesaid. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Like order to deliver to the aforesaid David the said knight's fee in Caniersfeld, co. Buckingham. To Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. Like order to deliver to the aforesaid David the said 6s. %d. of yearly rent for the town of Framlyngton, co. North- umberland,- and the said 6rf. of rent for the town of Becheford, in the same county, and the said 6d. of rent for the town of Northmilburn. To the same. Whereas in the partition of the advowsons of abbeys, churches, and priories tlsat belonged to the aforesaid Aymer between his heirs made in chancery on 22 March last, the king assigned to the aforesaid David and Joan the following : the advowson of the church of Fosceton, CO. York, of the yearly value of 40/. ; the advowson of the hospital of St. Leonard near Mitford, co. Northumberland, of the yearly value of 20s. ; the advowson of the chapel of St. Cuthbert near the Causeway {le Cauce), in the same county, of the yearly value of 60s. ; the advowson of a moiety of the church of Holcham, co. Norfolk, which moiety is of the yearly value of 20/. ; the advowson of the church of Possewyk, in the same county, of the yearly value of 20/. ; the advowson of the church of Styvekeye, in the same county, of the yearly value of 10/. ; and the advowson of the church of Hinxliill, co. Kent, of the yearly value of 10/. ; and David and Joan did not sue their purparty out of the king's hands, as is aforesaid, and Joan is dead, and David has besought the king to render (o him the purparty for the reasons aforesaid, and the king has rendered to him the purparty, to be held as is aforesaid : the king thert'fore orders the Cf^cheator to deliver to David the advowsons of the said church of Fosceton, and of the said hos[)ital and chapel in his bailiwick. To John de Blouuvyll, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Like order to deliver to the aforesaid David the s;iid advowsons of a moiety of the church of Holkham, co. Nor- folk, of the church of Possewyk, in the same county, and of the church of Styvekeye, in the same county. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex, and in the city of London. Like order to deliver to the aforesaid David the said advowson of the church of Hinxhill, co. Kent. Membrane 13. Feb. 6. To Simon de Grymmesby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, Walsingham. Cumberland, and Westmoreland. Order not to intermeddle further with a 19 EDWARD ir. 449 1326. Membrane 13 — cont. third of two parts of the manor of Burghle, which Lucy, late the wife of Richard de Babyngton, held in dower of Richard's inheritance, the escheator having taken the said third into the king's hands because Lucy died whilst the archbishopric was void and in the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the said third is held of the archbishop of York as of his manor of Ottele by homage and fealty and suit at his court of Ottele from three weeks to three weeks and by the service of a ninth of a moiety of a knight's fee, and that Hugh de Baliyngton, son of the said Richard, is his next heir, and is aged 23 years and more. Feb. 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Joan de Bohun, daughter Walsiugham. and heiress of Alan Plukenet, the elder, has shewn the king tliat whereas Alan, in the 16th year of the late king's reign, when he was the late king's constable of Drosselan castle in Wales, received 518/. 13*. 4f/. from (he wardrobe as imprest by the hands of Richard Gudichoun and his fellows, merchants of Luca, and expended the money in repairing tiie castle afore- said by the late king's order, and he accounted at the exchecjuer, in tlie 17th year of the late king's reign, for the money tiius received, and tiie money was allowed to him in his account for tiie repairs of the castle, as may appear by his account in the exchequer, tiie treasurer and baions nevertheless exact the aforesaid sum from Joan as if her father had not expended it in repairing the castle and had not accounted at the exchequer therefor, and as if the money had not been allowed to him, because William de Luda, keeper of the late king's wardrobe, in tiie 16th year of the late king's reign, in his account of the wardrobe charged Alan ^\ ith 518/. 135. 4rf. as received from tlie wardrobe as imprest for the works in Wales, which sum Alan asserted in his account that he had received only once from the aforesaid Richard and his fellows and not from any one else : the king tlierefore orders the treasui'er and barons to view the accounts of the s.nid William for the time when he was keeiier of the wardrobe, and of the aforesaid Alan for the works of the said castle, and to search the rolls and other memoranda of the exchequer, and to discharge the said John of the above sum if they find that Alan received tiiat .sum only once, and that he accounted therefor, and that the money was allowed to him for the repairs of the said castle, notwitiistanding that Alan did not charg»i himself with the said sum received by tlie hands of the said William as by the hands of the keeper of the wardrobe. Feb. 10. To John le Porter, late keeper of certain lands in co. Essex. Order to Gaywood. deliver to Ralph Giifard all tin; issues of liis lands received by John whilst they were in the king's hands, the lr had in king Edward's time a church of St. Benedict ; now VV. bishop has it of the bishopric, and it is worth 20.v. 'I'he whole ren- ders \2il. of geld (f/elco) ' ; wherel)y it appears clearly that the town of Great Yarmouth was thus a borough in the aforesaid time, and that in the time of the same king Edward one Guercus held half the hundred of Ludynlanda, as it appears. [The following words are also contained in the said book :] ' Suffolk. — The half hundreil of Ludynlanda. Guercus held Gorleston in the time of king Edward, 5 carucates {sic) of land for one mark (.sic). Then there were 20 villeins, now 12. There were always 5 * bordmaiini.' Then 5 serfs, now 3. Then in demesne 2 plough-teams {cari(c'), now 1. Then bovates (sic) for 5 plough-teams, now 3. Wood for 5 swine. Ten acres of meadow, .3 salt-pans. Then four rtistici, now two (sic). Then five beasts, now two (sic). Always 300 sheep. In Yarmouth 24 fishermen pertain to this manor.' They also say that on Thursday, the eve of Midsummer, 34 Edward I., before Walter, then bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, the treasurer, William de Hamelton, the chancellor, Roger le Brabazon, chief justice, the barons of the exchequer, the justices of the Bench and others of the king's council treating of the king's afiiairs at the exchequer, the said burges.ses of Great Yarmouth complained of such abbrochments and forestallings by the said men of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston, and prayed that a declaration might 460 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1328. Membrane 11 — Schedule — cont. be made to them of the words contained in the charter of Henry III., under this form : ' that all merchandise, whether fish or other things, brought into the port of the said town, either by land or by sea, for the purpose of ■trading there, shall be exposed for sale at the said town freely and openly by the hands of those bringing the said merchandise or of their servants, so that no forestaller or broker shall meet by land or sea the said merchants coming to the town with such goods in order to buy or make brokerage of any of them, iinder pain of forfeiture of the thing bought.' And hereupon Adam Bacun, clerk, John Kybel of Gorleston, and John de Belton of Sutli Yar- mouth offered themselves before the council, saying that if the said declara- tion were granted it would be to the prejudice and perpetual deterioration of the towns of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston, and alleging in like manner as the said men now allege, to wit that from time out of mind ships had been wont to arrive at the said towns, and that the lords of the towns received certain customs from the ships ; and that, notwithstanding such allegations of the men of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston, it was then considered by the said king's council that, as the words expressed in the said charters of kings John and Henry, confirmed by Edward I., and as the town of Great Yarmouth is a free borough, all merchandise brought to the said port for sale, both of fish and of other things, shall be exposed to sale at the said town of Great Yarmouth and not at the towns of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston, because they are not boroughs. And Adam, John, and John were told by the council and enjoined by them on the king's behalf to signify to the men of the said towns that they were not to presume to attract to their ports any ships with any merchandise to be discharged or exposed to the sale there. And that the charter of Edward I. was made by the words above expressed by virtue of this decision. They also say that the late king, on 16 July, in the 34th year of his reign, appointed William de Ormesby, William Inge, John de Thorp, John le Breton, and Richard de Walsingham to enquire concerning such brokerages and forestalments made by the men of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston to the prejudice of the burgesses aforesaid, con- trary to the tenors of the said charters, and to hear and determine the same ; before whom the said men alleged as they now allege concerning the arrival of ships and receipt of custom at Little Yarmouth and Gorleston, and they afterwards withdrew from that allegation, and showed a composition made, as they said, between the community of the said borough and the men of the said towns, which composition they asserted to be the deed of the com- munity ; and it was at length found by a verdict of the country upon which they had placed themselves that the composition was not tbe deed of the said community, wherefore the community recovered their damages against many men of the said towns by the consideration of the aforesaid justices, by reasonof such forestalments and brokerages made by them. Where- fore [the burgesses] pray that their liberties granted in the charters may be maintained, notwithstanding the allegation aforesaid, from which the said men have been excluded upon so many occasions heretofore. And the men of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston say that if there were any such processes, which they do not believe, they ought not to injure them because they were not a party in the processes aforesaid, and that in like manner trespasses committed by single persons of those towns ought not to prejudice them ; wherefore they pray that they may be admitted to the verification of the aforesaid allegations. And hereupon a day is given before the king's council on Monday after the second Sunday in Lent, and the burgesses are told to bring the records mentioned at that day, and the men are told to cause the extents to come at that day. The bailiffs and community of Great Yarmouth put in their places John Perbroun, Robert de Drayton, and William de Geysle to prosecute the premises against the said men. 19 EDWARD II. 1326. Membrane 11 —Schedule — cont. The said men of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston put in their places William Man, Simon de Belton, Richard de Einges, William de Woderove, Thomas Jermyn, and William de Gapton to defend the premises. Upon which day the men of Great Yarmouth come before the king's council at Leicester by their attorneys aforesaid, and brought l)efore tiie council three records under the king's exchequer seal, to wit one from the book called ' Domesdei,' and another of the process had before the king's council at the exchequer, and the third of the jfrocess before William de Ormesby and his fellows aforesaid, and pray, as before, that their liberties aforesaid may be maintained. And the men of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston come in like manner by their attorneys aforesaid, but they did not show any extents whereof mention had been made in the first allegation. And a day is given to the parties until Monday following. And so the process is continued from day to day until Thursday following. Upon which day the bui-gesses of Great Yarmouth come and pray as before. And the men of Litlle Yarmouth and Gorleston do not come. And as it seemed to the king's council, after seeing the charters and records aforesaid, that the said m(m cannot make themselves a party against the burgesses to challenge or hinder the liberties contained in the said charters, a writ shall be made in chancery for the burgesses to maintain their liberties, etc., accord- ing to the tenor of the charters as often, etc. Memorandum, that the record and process between the parties at another time concerning such dissensions, which the king caused to come into chancery, are on the files amongst the king's writs for the same year. [J?arl. mus.] Membrane 10. March 2 . . . To John de ILappeford. Order not to iutermeddle further with the Kenilworth. lands of the inheritance of Tiiomas de Astelegh, kinsman and heir of Nicholas de Astelegh, tenant by knight service of the heir of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's ward- ship, which lands arc in Jolm's custody by the king's commission under the exchequer seal, and to deliver the issues thereof from 27 March last to Thomas, as the king on that day took his fealty for the lands that Nicholas his uncle held of the aforesaid heir at his death, and the king ordered John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Not- tingham, Derby, and Lancaster, to cause Thomas to have scisiu of his uncle's lands. The like to Richard de Eggebaston for his lands in his custody. April 4. To the bailiffs of thi; city of York. Order to pay to William de Ros of Kenilworth. Hamelak 75 marks out of the ferm of the city for Easter term last, in accordance with the king's grant of 22 August, in tlie I6th year of his reign, of that sum yearly at Michaelmas and Easter from the ferm of that city and of the like amount from the ferm of the city of Lincoln, until the king should provide him with 300 marks of land or rent yearly between the waters of Thames and Tees, or until the king should restore to him the castle of Werk, which William granted and released to the king. The like to the bailiffs of the city of Lincoln. April 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance Kenilworth. to be made to the bailiffs of York for the above sum, paid by virtue of the prece(]ing order. April 4. To John de Blounvyll, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Keuilworth. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to pay to Richard le Mareschal 25/. out of the issues of his bailiwick for Easter term last, in accordance 462. CALENDAK OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. April 8. Kenilworth. April 10. Keailworth. April 7. Kenilworth. April 6. Kenilworth. April 8. Kenilworth. April 8. Kenilworth. Membrane 10 — cont. witli the king's grant of 23 September, in the 11th year of his reign, of 50/- yearly by tlie hands of the escheator this side Trent, in aid of Richard's maintenance, who is wholly ruined by the Scotch rebels. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the above sum to be allowed to the aforesaid John, as he has paid it to the said Richard by virtue of the preceding order. To Adam le Boghier, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. York. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by Thomas de Houk and Hugh de Pykworth that brother William de Nunham, formerly master of the order of the Temple in England, granted, with the counsel and consent of his whole chapter, to God and the church of St. German of Seleby and the monks thereof a rent of 8^. yearly, to be received at the monk's chamber from certain lands in Farnburn and Potterlagh, to wit 6s. 8c?. from the lands that William son of John holds in Farnburn, and 6(7. from lands in Potterlagh now in the king's hands, and that the said rent was granted to the monks in exchange for a tithe in Wylughton granted by the abbot and convent of Seleby to the aforesaid master and brethren, and that the abbot and convent were seised of the said rent at the time of the annul- ling of the order aforesaid and afterwards in the time of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, to whose hands the lands whence the rent arises came by the adnullation of the order, and that they continued their seisin thereof without any change of estate until the time when the earl's lands came to the king's hands as escheat by his forfeiture, and that the said lands in Farnburn are held of the king as of the manor of Neusom, vrhich belonged to the Templars, and that the lands in Potterlagh are in the king's hands : the king orders Adam to pay to the abbot and convent the aforesaid rent of 16rf. from the lands in Potterlagh, together with the arrears thereof since he has had the custody thereof, and to paj' them tlie same rent hereafter, in part payment of the said Ss. yearly. The king has ordered Thomas Deyvill, keeper of certain other forfeited lands in that county, to pay the remaining 6*. 8c/. to the abbot and convent from the lands in Farnburn in his bailiwick, together with the arrears thereof. To Simon le Chaumberlayn, late sheriff of Lincoln. Order to jjay to Ebulo Lestraunge and Alesia his wife, daughter and heiress of Henry de Laci, late earl of Lincoln, the arrears of 20/. yearly for the third penny of the county of Lincoln for the time when he was sheriff after 20 September, in the 16th year of the king's reign, when the king ordered him to pay the above sum to Alesia, as she complains that Simon defers paying her the above. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Like order to pay to Ebulo and Alesia the arrears of the above rent, and to pay them the same yearly hereafter foi' so long as he is sheriff. To the treasurer and barons. Order to cause the houses of the king's exchanges at the Tower of London and at the city of Canterbury to be repaired by the keepers of the exchanges. By bill of the treasurer. To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to deliver to Katherine, late the wife of Robert de Brewosa, who died a minor in the king's wardship, and whose lands were taken into the king's hands upon the death of Giles de Brewosa, his father, tenant in chief, and are' still in the king's hands, the advowsons of the church of Witne^ham, co. Suffolk, of the yearly value of 25 marks, and of the church of Akenham, in the same county, of the yearly value of 10 marks, and of the chapel of Wytingham, in the same county, of the yearly value of 40*., which the king has assigned to her in dower. 19 EDWARD II. 463 1326. Membrane 10 — cont. April 13. To Ricbard dc Mosele, keeper of the castles of Sandale and Conj'Dgges- Kenilworth. burgh. Order to pay the necessary wages to the constables, janitors, and watchmen of the castles, as has been usual heretofore. By C. April 12. To James de Thiknes, parson of the church of Estinton, fcrmor of the Keuilwoith. lands of Hugh de Audeleye, the elder, in the king's hands. Order not to intermeddle further with a third of the manor of Great Cheverel, co. Wilts, and with a third of the manor of Much Marcheleye, co. Hereford, and to restore the issues received therefrom since Hugh's death to Isolda, late the wife of Hugh, as the king learns by inquisitions taken by John de Hampton, Robert de Aston, and Richard de Haukeslawe that Hugh held the said parts of the dower of Isolda of the assignment of Walter [de] Balun, formerly her husband, and that they were taken into the king's hands by Hugii's for- feiture, and are still in his hands for this reason, and that neither Isolda, when she was single, nor Hugh and Isolda after they were mari ied, remitted or released Isolda's right to any one at any time, or changed her estate therein, and that the manois are held of the king in chief by knight service. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Estin- ton, and to restore to the aforesaid Isolda the issues thereof from the time of the said Hugh's di^ath, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the aforesaid John and Robert that Hugh held the manor of the acquisition of Isolda, which manor Roger de Rous gave to Walter [de] Balun, her former husband, and to her, to have to them and her heirs, by fine levied in the late king's court at Gloucester before William de Saham and his fellows, justices in eyre, in the 15th year of his reign, and that the manor was taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Hugh, and is still in the king's hands for this reason, and that neither Walter and Isolda, nor Isolda when she was single, nor Hugh and I.^olda after they were married, remitted or released her l ight to any one at any time, or changed their estate therein, and that the manor is held of the heir of Nicholas de Moeles by the service of a knight's fee. April 14. To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- Kenilwoitli. liam, Derby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with a mes- suage, 2 carucates of land, and 30*. of rent in Ilouwys, and to i-estore the issues thereof to Margaret, late the wife of William de Nevill of Wynninde- wold, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that William and Margaret were enfeoffed thereof jointly by Stephen son of Joiin de Nevill of Wymundewold by fine levied in the king's court, to have to them and to William's heirs, and that the messuage, land, and rent are held of the heir of. Stephen de Segrave, a minor in the king's wardship, by the service of \'2d. yearly, and that .John de Nevill, son of the said William, is his next heir and is aged two years ; saving to the king Margaret's fealty in this behalf April 16. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of William Keuilworth. de Nevill of Wynnnidcwoid, and to restore the i.ssues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that William held no lands in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to per- tain to the king. Membrane 10 — Schedule. March 24. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the lands, Kenilwoith. goods and chattels of John de Crumbwell to be taken into the king's hands, and to cause them to be kept safely until further orders by keepers to be deputed by them, as the king sent him to France in company of the queen, and afterwards ordered the queen to return, and she has not yet done so, and 464 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 10 — Schedule — cont. the king afterwards ordered John to come to him without delay to inform him concerning certain matters, and John has refused to return, and stays in the queen's company advising and exciting her to stay in those parts con- trary to the icing's will and orders, and, wliat is worse, adhering to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, the king's enemy and rebel, and to other rebels in those parts. Like order to take into the king's hands the lands, goods and chattels of John de Chaucombe. To the same. Like order to cause the lands, goods and chattels of Edmund de VVodestok, earl of Kent, to be taken into the king's hands, as the king lately sent him to the duchy [of Aquitaine] and appointed him to supply the king's place there, and afterwards ordered him many times to return to England to inform the king concerning certain matters, and he has not yet done so, but has gone to France, where he is staying in the company of queen Isabella, advising her to stay there, etc. Membrane 9. March 27. Kenilworth. March 27. Kenilworth. March 29. Kenilworth. March 27. Kenilworth. To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order to cause Thomas de Astelegh, kinsman and heir of Nicholas de Astelegh, who held by knight service of the heir of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, tenant in chief of the late king, a minor in the king's wardship, to have seisin of the lands of the said Nicholas, his uncle, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the king has taken his fealty. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland. Order to cause Thomas to have seisin of the lands of the said Nicholas. To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to pay to Joan Torthorald 10 marks for Easter term last, in accordance with the king's grant of 11 June, in the 11th year of his reign, of 20 marks yearly from the issues of the escheatry this side Trent in aid of her maintenance. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to the aforesaid John for ihe above sum, which he has paid in execution of the preceding order. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Westhakebourne, co. Berks, and to restore the issues tliereof to Joan, late the wife of Richard de Wyudesore, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator tliat Richard and Joan were enfeoffed thereof jointly by John de Drokenesford, clerk, by the late king's licence, by fine levied in the late king's court, to have to them for theii- lives of the said king by the usual services, with remainder to Richard son of the said Richard and to his heirs, and that the manor is held of the king by the service of a moiety of a knight's fee for all service : saving to the king Joan's fealty in this behalf. To W^illiam de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex, and in the city of London. Like order concerning the manor of Stanewell and the advow&on of the church of that manor, as the king learns by inqui- sition taken by the escheator that the aforesaid Richard and Joau were enfeoffed thereof jointly by John de Drokenesford by the late king's licence by fine levied in his court, to have to them for their lives of the king by the services therefor due, with remainder to Richard son of the said Richard 19 EDWARD II. 465 1326. March 30. Keuilworth. April 1. Kenihvorth. April 2. Keuilworth. April 4. Keailvvorth. April 8. Keuilworth. Membrane 9 — cnnl. and to his heirs, and that the manor is held of the king in chief as of the castle of Wyndesore by the service of a moiety of a knight's fee and of rendering 165. 8sues of churches annexed to bishoprics in certain other bislioprics during voidance, as the said bishop died after the Annunciation, in the 18th year of tlio king's reign, and by approved custom in the bishopric the autumn fruits pertain to rectors d)ing after the said feast. April 29. To Richard lo Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Kenilworth. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle with the manor of Medmenham, which he has taken into tbe king's hands by reason of the death of Ralph de Cobliam, and to restore the issues thereof, as ihe king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator tiiat Ralph held the manor on the day of his death for his life of John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, by demise from the earl, rendering therefor 40/. yearly. April 28. To Benedict de Fulsham, the king's butler. Order to deliver to the abbot Kenilworth. and convent of St. Edward's Netley (Letele) a tun of wine; of the right prise at Southampton for this year, for the celebration of mass in their church, in accordance with the grant of Henry III. April 28. To John do Okham, canon in the king's free chajHjl of St. Martin-le- Kenilworth. Grand, London. Order to deliver to John le Smale, kinfr's clerk, upon whom the king has conferred the deanery of that chapel, the issues received from the deanery by hiin, the king liaving committed the custody of the deanery to him during voidance, as the king lias granted to John le Sniale the issues of the deanery during the voidance. By K. May 1. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to Hailcs. be elected in place of Richard Thurger of Si)aldyng, as the king deems him insufficient for the office because he has no lands or tenements except for term of life. To the sheriff of Rutland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Thomas de Wympton, whom the king has amoved from office because he learns that he is insufficiently qualified. April 26. To John de Sturmy, admiral of the fleet of ships from the mouth of the Kenilworth. Thames to the parts of the north. Order to cause all ships within his i)aili- wick of the burthen (potidns) of 30 tuns of wine and u])vvards to be led back to their ports, and detained therein, and to cause them to be juepared and furnished with men and other necessaries, according to the form of Ihe king's order directed to him upon another occasion, so that they shall bo ready to set out for the defence of the realm with John in the king's service as often and whenever he shall see lit. The king makes this order by reasoa of some rumours that have lately come to his ears, wishing to provide for the safety of his realm and to csca})e the machinations of the evil wishers who are scheming to aggrieve him and his realm by sudden attacks. The king marvels why John did not send to iiim some time ago certain rumours of those things that the king enjoined upon him by word of mouth ui)()U another occasion, and he presumes that John causes the transactions on the 473 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 2326. Membrane 7 — cont. sea coast in parts beyond sea to be spied upon too slackly, and he therefore enjoins him, under pain of forfeiture, to cause the actions of those men in parts beyond sea to be spied upon diligently and watchfully, and so soon as he shall know that anything has been ordained against the king and his realm, to meet them with all the ships aforesaid as speedily as possible so that their shipping may be destroyed before it shall assemble in a great fleet, and so that tiieir malice may be restrained by John's prudence and probity, certifying the king by his letters from time to time of the news that he may have certain knowledge concerning the pi"emises. By K. The like to Nicholas Kiriel, admiral of the fleet of ships from the mouth of the Thames towards the west. By K. To John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order to deliver to Hugh le Despenser, son of Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, all the lands that belonged to John de Hastynges in Repindon, except the lands assigned by the king to Thomas le Blount and Juliana his wife in dower, together with the issues thei'eof from 12 February, in the 18th year of the king's reign, when the king granted to the said Hugh the custody of all the lands of John de Hastynges, which were in the king's hands by reason of the minority of Laurence, son and heir of John, during the heir's minority. April 27. Kenilwoi'th. Membrane 6. May 2. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland. Henilworth. Order not to intermeddle further with a toft and 20 acres of land of the prioress of Brodholm in Saxelby co. Lincoln, and to restore the issues thereof to the prioress, as tiie escheator has signified to the king that he took the said lands into the king's hands because he found by an inquisition of otSce that the prioress had acquired the toft and land after the death of Margaret Warrok in fee to her and her successors after the publication of the statute of mortmain without the king's licence, and the king afterwards, — at the prosecution of the prioress, asserting that the tenements were held of her, and that she entered them after the death of the aforesaid Margaret, her tenant thereof, because IMargaret died without an heir, making no other acquisition, — ordered the escheator to make inquisition concerning the premises, and it is found by the inquisition that Matilda, sometime prioress, and the convent of the said place, being seised of the toft and land aforesaid, enfeoff'ed John Warrok, a bastard lately deceased, thereof, to have to him and his heirs of the prioress and convent by the service of Qd. yearly for all service, and that the said John lawfully begot Henry Warrok and the afore- said Margaret, and that Henry, being seised of the tenements after John's death as his son and heir, died without an heir of his body, and that Margaret, sister and heiress of the said Henry, being seised thereof after Henry's death, likewise died without an heir of her body, and that the prioress entered the tenements after Margaret's death as her escheat, and that she made no acquisition thereof. May 12. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Gloucester. Essex to be elected in place of John de Dovre, who is incapacitated by infirmity. May 21. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex, Croydon. and in the city of London. Whereas the king has assigned to Mary, late the wife of Ralph de Cobham, tenant in chief, the following of his lands : a third of the manor of Ardynton, co. Berks, of the yearly value of 47/. 165. Od., one pound of wax, and half a pound of pepper ; a third of 19 EDWARD IT. 473 1326. Membrane G — cont. certain lands in Worth, co. Sussex, which lands are of the yearly value of 475. (5^/. ; a third of certain lands in Wyvelesfeld, in the same county, svhich lands are of the yearly value of 10s. 3^/. ; a third of certain lands in Claytone, Pecchani, and Bulneye, in the same county, which lands are of the yearly value of III. 6s. Ad. ; a third of certain lands in Botelegh, in the same county, which lands arc of the yearly value of 5s. ^\d. ; a third of certain lands in the city of London, which lands are of the yearly value of 106*. 8y inquisition tsiken by the escheator that Ralph de Cobliam held ou the day of his death certain lands in the city of London of the king in free burgage, and certain lands in Worth, Wyveleston, and Botteleg' of John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, John atte Bisse, Simon de Perepount, and Nicholas de Shclvestrode in socage, and certain lands in Westerham and Dertford of the bi>lK)pric of Rochester, the heirs of John de Hastingcs, Henry de Sancta Ositha, William de Grandisono, the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and tho abbot and convent of Westminster in ' gavelkynde,' and that he hold no other lands in chief on the said day as of the crown by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, and that John de Cobhani, sou of the said Ral|)h, is liis next heir and is aged. a day for each of the monks, and for every one having a corrody in that house as much as a monk, having consideration to the corrodies that they receive when the abbey is not void, and 2d. a day for each of the ministers and officers of the abbey, and to cause answer to be made therefor to the abbot by the 19 EDWARD II. 479 1326. Membrane 5 — cont. escheators, and to cause to be done further in this matter what they Bball see fit, notwithstanding that such allowances were not made in other voidances of the abbey. April 2'). To "William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle- Kenilworth. gex, and in the city of Loudon. Order to deliver to Claricia de Okstede, sister of Alina, late the wife of John de Hamme, a moiety of the manor of Okstede, which he has taken into tiie king's hands by reason of Alina'a death, and not to intermeddle further with the other moiety, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Alina held no lands in ch'w.t in her demesne as of fee at her death in his bailiwick, but that she held for life a moiety of the said manor, except 51*. of rent from the abbot of Battle, of the demise of Ilenry de Lode- gershale by fine levied in the king's court by the king's licence, and that the moiety ought to remain to Claricia for life after Alina's death accord- ing to the fine, and that a moiety of the said moiety is held of the king in chief as of the honour of Boulogne by knight service, and that the other moiety is held of Hugh de Nevill likewise by knight service, the king having taken Claricia's fealty for the moiety thus held of him. May 2. To Ilenry de Cobham, keeper of forfeited lands in co. Kent. Order to Hailes. deliver to John de Bello Campo of Somcrsete a moiety of the manor of Sellynggcs, co. Kent, which Ste[)hen Alard has surrendered into the king's hands by reason of the claim that John made therein [a* stated at paye 476 above]. By K. May 20. To tlie constable of Berkeley castle, or to him who supplies his place. CrookLam. Order to cause all prisoners, enemies and rebels of the king, imprisoni»d in the castle in the constable's cu.stody, to be kept safely and securely so that they may not escape from prison, or peril of escape may not arise, under penalty of his life and limb and of forfeiture of his goods and ciiattels at the king's pleasure, as certain of the king's enemies and rebels have escaped from (livers prisons wherein they were confined by the king's orders. [Faidcra.'] By p.s. The like to the constables, or those who supply their places, of tho following castles : Exeter. Bernard's castle. Wyndesore. Colcestre. Kenilvvorth. Sandale. Nolingham. Gloucester. Ilereibrd. Corf. Koehcster. Warwick, Dover. York. {Ibid.] Pevensey. Membrane 4. M.'iy 20. To Richard de Moscle, late keeper of the castles, towns, and manors of Caiitt'ibury. Conyngesburgh and Sandale, an(l of the manors of Wakcfi ld, Souresby, Braitlieweli, Fisshclake, Dewesbury, and Halifax, co. York. Order to deliver to John de \\ arenna, earl of Surrey, tiie ferms, rents, and issues of the castles, towns, and manors aforesaid from 7 May last, tiie king having granted the castles, towns, and manors to him for life, in consideration of the grant, quit-claim, and warranty of the said easiles, towns, and manors and of tlu! manors and towns of Staunford and (Jrantham, co. Lincoln, as the king has granted to him the ferms, rents, and issues from 7 May last because he granted tiie castles, towns, and manors in co. York to the earl 4S0 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. May 2. Hailes. .Tune 4. Saltwood. June 3. Saltwood. May 1. Keuilworth. April 23. Kenihvorth. Membrane 4 — cont. foi- life on that day, although the earl had not then the king's letters patent. The king wills that, if the earl wish to buy the king's victuals in the said castles, the keeper shall permit him to have them at such price as others would give therefor, receiving the price from him first. By K. and by p.s. To Payn de Fortes, keeper of forfeited lands in co. Hertford. Order not to intermeddle further with two messuages, 200 acres of land, 16 acres of meadow, 8 acres of pasture, 4 acres of wood, and 9*. of rent in Stanstede Abbots and Hunesdon, in the aforesaid county, if they are in the king's hands solely by reason of the alleged adherence of John Joce to Bar- tholomew de Badelesmere, a late rebel, as the king learns by inquisitioa taken by John de Denum and John Ben that John de Liston granted the premises toi John Joce and Christiana his wife by fine levied before the justices of the Bench, in the second year of the king's reign, to have to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder, in default of such heir, to the right heirs of John Joce, and that John Joce and Christiana were seised of the ])remises from the time of the levying of the fine until Sunday after the Purification, in the 12th year of the king's reign, on which day Christiana died at Stanstede Abbots, and that John Joce, after her death, held the tenements until Monday the feast of St. Lucy, in the 15th year of the king's reign, when the tenements were taken into the king's hands because it was said that John was an adherent of Bai tholomew de Badeles- mere, and that the tenements are in the king's hands for this reason, and that John Joce died whilst journeying with the king to Scotland in the 16th year of the reign, and that the tenements ought to remain to Thomas son of the aforesaid John Joce and Christiana, according to the fine afore- said, and that they are held of other lords than the king by divers services, and that they are worth yearly in all issues 74s. &d. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Middle- sex, and in the city of London. Order to cause Geoffrey de Say, son and heir of fteoffrey de Say, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [7432.] The like to John de Blomrill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cam- bridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. By the same writ. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Thomas de Grey 6c?. a day henceforth, and any arrears thereof from Easter last, in accordance with the king's grant of 25 February, in the 13th year of his reign, of 6d. daily by the hands of the sheriff of that county during the king's pleasure, in aid of the maintenance of Thomas and his wife. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Middle- sex, and in the city of London. Order not to intermeddle further with John de Cobeliam's manor of Notefeld, and to restore the issues thereof, the escheator having signified that he took the manor into the king's hands because he found by an inquisition of ofiice that Ralph de Cobham, who held the manor of the king as of the honour of Boulogne, granted the manor to the said John for life. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to release John de Lungvill from prison at Northampton upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the king or his justices to stand to right if the king or any one else will speak against him, the sheriff having returned that John was indicted before Ralph Basset and Thomas Wake, keepers of the peace in that county, for that he and William de la Porte, with the assent of Roger de Turveye, broke, by Stephen Scot of Keyllemerssli and Juliana Baudewyne and others unknown, a certain attachment made at John's suit by the bailiffs 19 EDWARD II. 481 132G. June 4. Sultwocd. June 15. Lueds. June 12. Slurry. June 21. The Tower. Junc! 20. The Tower. Juno 12. Slurry. Membrane 4 — cont. of the town of Northampton of woollen cloth to the value of 50/. .sealed with the bailiffs' seals, in the custody of the aforesaid Roger, and carried away the aforesaid cloth, and had their will thereof, and that John was taken and is imprisoned in Northampton castle for this reason and no other. To John de Barewe, keeper of forfeited lands in co. Hereford. Order not to intermedtlle further with a messuage that belonged to Adam de Castro Ricardi in the town of Richards Castle, as the king learns by in- quisition taken in the keeper's presence by Roger de Baskevill and John Danycl that the said Adam bequeathed the tenement in his will to John his son, according to the custom in that town, to have to him and the heirs of his body, with remainder, in default of such heirs, to Alice his sister and to her heirs, and that John died without an heir of his body, wherefore the messuage ought to remain to Alice according to the form of the will aforesaid, and that Alice has not remitted or released her rigiit in the messuage to any one, and that the messuage was taken into the king's hands because Johu was an adherent of certain rebels, and is thus in the king's hands, and that the messuage is not held of the king, and that it is worth yearly in all issues 4*. To the constable of Ledes castle. Order not to distrain Thomas .son of Nicholas Larcher of Dover for homage and fealty for certain tenements that he holds of the king by knight service as of tlu; said castle, which lands he acquired when the castle was not in the king's hands, as the king le^irus by the constable's testimony, because the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. To Payn de Porte, keeper of foi fcited lands in co. Hertford. Order to deliver to the prior and brethren of tlie Hospital of St. John of Jeru- salem in England a water-mill in Cherleton and 60 acres of land in Hiche, and the issues thereof received by him from the time when they were t^ikeo into the king's hands, the keei)er having signified thiit, amongst the other lands in co. Hertford, he took into the king's hands by commission of the exchecpier sent to him the said mill and land, which William Tuchet took into his hands at the time of the adnullatiou of the order of the Teni])lars, and that they afterwards came to the king's hands by his I'orfeiture, and that they were delivered by the sheriti' of that county to the prior and brethren of the Hospital amongst other lands of the Tcm])lars, and that the prior and brethren held them until Payn took them into the king's hands. To Robert de Bikkemore, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset. Order to cause Ralph de Aliiiniaco, son and heir of Kliasde Albiniaco, tenant in chief of the late king, to have .seisin of his father's land.s, as ho has proved his age- before the escheator, and the king has taken his homage. The like to Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland. John son of William son of Ralph do Foston, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Ciilhert Cole of Barewe, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him until the first assize. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rut- land. Order to cause to bo paid to the abbot of Croiland, out of the issues of the temporalities of the abb(>y during the bust voi(huice, Gr/. a day for the i)rior, '6d. a day for each monk, and to each person having a corrody therein as much as a monk, having consideration to the corrodies that they receive when the abbey is not voiti, and 'Id. a day to each minister and officer of the said house, for their maintenance for the time of the late voidanee, for the reasons contained in the king's order to the treasurer and barons {fit page 478 above). 812at. ii II 482 CALENDAK OF CLOSE ROLLS. ]^326. Membrane 4 — cont. June 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance The Tower, to be made to the aforesaid escheator for the money paid by him in execution of the preceding order. July 2. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause Hugh Collebrand of Romeneye to Westminster, have 20 men sufficiently armed, immediately upon sight of the presents, which men he shall cause to be chosen within the sheriff's bailiwick, so that they be ready on Sunday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr to set out in the king's service and to do what Hugh shall enjoin upon them on the king's behalf. By K. The like to the said sheriff for 100 men for the mayor of Sandwich. By K. Membrane 3. June 9. To Robert de Bikkemore, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Sturrj'. and Dorset. Whereas the king has assigned to Philip de Columbariis and Eleanor his wife, sister and co-heiress of William son of William Martyn, tenant in chief, the following of the said William's lands, as her purparty of her brother's lands : the manor of Coumbe Martyn, co, Devon, of the yearly value of 36/. 18s. 3|fZ. ; the mauor of Barnestaple, in the same county, of the yearly value of 26/. \ \s. 7|rf. ; the manor of Holne, in the same county, of the yearly value of 19/. Os. Q^d. ; certain lands in the city of Exeter, in the same county, of the yearly value of \2s. Qd. ; the manor of Haldesworth, in the same county, of the yearly value of 30/. 15s. Q\d. ; the manor of Southmolton, with the outer hundred of Southmolton and with the rent of Weststansti and Yestansti, in the same county, of the 3'early value of 28/. 2s \0\d. ; the manor of Fremyngton, in the same county, of the yearly value of 129/. 16s. Z\d.; provided that Philip and Eleanor shall pay, during the minority of James de Audelegh, the kinsman and other heir of the aforesaid William, a minor in the king's wardship, 7s. 0\d. yearly to the exchequer by the iiands of the escheator in co. Devon, and pay that sum to James when he come of age, for the excess of their purparty ; and the kmg has taken the fealty of Philip for the lands of the purparty that are held of him, and has rendered the purparty to him and Ele.anor : the king therefore orders the escheator to cause Philip and Eleanor to have seisin of the premises, taking from them security for payment of the relief. The purparty of James de Audelegh, the kinsman and other heir of the aforesaid William. — The hamlet of Kilmyngton, co. Devon, of the yearly value of 39s. 8tcr and one of the heirs of the said William son of William, and to James de Audelegh, kinsman and the other heir of the said Wilham son of William, to the said Philip and Eleanor, to have in their purparty after Margaret's death : the manor of Taustoke, co. Devon, of the yearly value of 100/. 3s. i)d. ; the hamlet of Uphex, in the same county, of the yearly value of 11/. 7s. Gd.; certain lands in Shillingford, in the same county, of the yearly value of 9s. 2d.; the manor of Ilfordocumbc, in the same county, of the yearly value of 117s.; certain lands in Wotton, in the same county, of the yearly value of 43s. Gd. ; the manor of Pulle, co. Somerset, of the yearly \alue of 15/. 14s. If/. The king therefore commands the escheator to cause the manor and lands aforesaid to be delivered to Philip and Eleanor after Margaret's death. 7'/te aforesaid Jameses purpart y of the reversions of lands that are held in dower. — The manor of Kyngeston, co. Devon, of the yearly value of 57/. 13s. 2d.; the manor of Dertyngton, in the same county, of the yearly value of 55/. I7s. l^d. ; the manor uf Langacre, in the same county, of the yearly value of 23/. 3s. id. June 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause all and The Tower, singular the men of the counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, West- moreland, and York and of the bishoi)ric of Durham to have respite until Martinmas next for the money due for victuals lately sold to them by tho king, as the king has granted them such n-spite. 13y K. June 19. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to David de Strabolgi, The Tower, earl of Athole, G6/. IGs. i\d. for the issues of the castle of Castclacre, the manors of Styvekeie, Posscwyk, West Lexham, and Ilolchau), co. Xorfolk, Kentwell, co. Suffolk, Westle, with the houses of St. Edmunds, Rishop's Hatfield, co. Hertford, and of certain lands in Dakenhain, co. Essex, and certain tenements in Holewcll, co. Hertford, the treasurer and chamberlains having eertilied the king that John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, - Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford, answered at u u 2 484 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 3 — cont. the exchequer for the above sum for the issues of the premises from 22 March, in the 18th year of the icing's reign, until Michaelmas following, the king having, on 27 February last, ordered the escheator to deliver the premises to the earl, together with the issues thereof from 22 March, when they were assigned to him \as at page 44G above\ as the escheator returned that he could not deliver the issues of the above period because he had answered at the exchequer for the same. By K. To the same. Like order to pay to the earl 41/. 1 Is. %\d. for the issues of the manor of Geynesburgh, co. Lincoln, the treasurer and chamberlains having returned that Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, North- ampton, and Rutland, had answered at the exchequer for the above sum for the issues for the above period. June 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause a seal for The Tower, the rule of the castle and honour of Haverford in Wales, which Aymer de Valencia, late earl of Pembroke, held for life of the king's inheritance, to be made and sent to the said castle, to be delivered to Robert de Penres, keeper of the castle and honour aforesaid, for the execution of the things that pertain to the office of the seal aforesaid, as the king wills that a seal shall be newly made and appointed in the castle for preserving the liberties pertaining to the castle and honour aforesaid. To the arrayors of men according to the statute of Winchester in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to cause, immediately upon sight of these letters, 300 armed footmen of those counties to come at a certain place and day to be signified to them by John de Sturmy, admiral of the fleet of the king's ships from the mouth of the Thames to the northern parts. By K. To John de Sturmy, admiral of the fleet of the king's ships from the mouth of the Thames to the northern parts. As the king wills that all mariners who ply the sea {mare exercentes) shall be armed with double armament {armalura) and that all those who have small boats {manfarcs) shall be armed with single armament, for the defence of the realm, he orders the admiral to survey all the said mariners and also those who have ' manfares ' throughout his whole bailiwick, so that they be armed in form aforesaid, under penalty of losing their hire {lowagiuni) and carriage. By K. July 1. To John Darcy, justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause Maurice de Westminster. Wellesleye, brother of John de Wellesleye, to have the presentation or collation under the king's seal of Ireland to the next church or prebend of the value of 40 marks next becoming void and pertaining to the king's donation or collation, as the king has granted to Maurice, at the instance of his brother, the next church or prebend of the above value becoming void in Ireland. By K. July 5. Sheen. July 5. Sheen. Membrane 2. June 22. To John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- The Tower, ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Whereas at the prosecution of Master John de Wanetyngg, warden of the House of the Scholars of Merton, Oxford, — suggesting that he acquired in fee to him and his house, in the time of the late king, by the late king's licence, from Henry de Foderingg' and Robert de Candovre certain lands in Kibbeworth Hareconrt, and that Guy de Bello Campo, then earl of Warwick, pretending that the lands were held of him, took them into his hands by pretext of the statute of mortmain, and that, although the earl afterwards, considering that he had no right in the lands, restored them to the Avarden by his deed, the escheator took the 19 EDWARD ir. 485 1326. Membrane 2 — cont. lands into the king's hands by pretext of an order of tlie king's to take into his hiuids the manors of Kibworth Beuchaump and Kibbeworth Harecourt, winch belonged to the said earl, by reason of the minority of his heir, and also by colour of the aforesaid seisin that the earl had in the said lands, as if the earl had died seised of the lands, — the king ordered the esclieator to make inquisition concerning the lands, by which inquisition it is found that the earl did not die seised of the manor of Kibbeworth Harecourt, to wit of the afore- said lands in Kibbeworth Harecourt that the warden acquired in fee to him and his house from the aforesaid Henry and Robert, but that the earl seised the manor of Kibbeworth Harecourt into hia hands sixteen years before his death because the warden acquired it in fee without his licence from the said Henry and Robert, who held it of John de Harecourt by the service of a moiety of a knight's fee, and John held it of the earl by the said service, and John, as next chief lord, did not seize it into his hands within a year after the afore- said acquisition, by virtue of the aforesaid statute, and did not intermeddle with it in anywise, and so the earl continued his seisin for the time of the said sixteen years until Friday before St. Laurence, in the 9th year of the king's reign, upon which day the earl surrendered and restored to the warden and his house aforesaid in f(!e the manor of Kibbeworth Harecourt, to wit the aforesaid lands in Kibbeworth Harecourt, and delivered si isin thereof to the warden by William Swan, his attorney, by his letters patent on Saturday after the aforesaid Friday at Kiljbeworth Harecourt, and all tenants of the said manor on the same day attorned themselves to the warden for their fealty and other services, and that the earl died at Warrewyk on Tuesday after tiie said Friday, and that the waiden was fully seised of the manor for three days before the earl's death by the aforesaid surrender and restitution, and that the manor is worth in all issues Hi. 15*. Ul. according to their true value; the king orders the escheator not to intermeddle further with the said lands in Kibbeworth Harecourt that the warden acquired from the said Henrj- and Hobert, restoring the issues thereof to the waiden. June 18. To Thomas Ace. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of The Tower. Tilsoppe, which he holds at Term of the king's commission, and to restore the issues thereof received by him during the time that he has had the custody to Agne.s, late the wife of Roger de Elmerugg<', as the king learns by inquisition taken l)y John Inge and Thomas de Louth, in the presence of the said Thomas and of John de Barewe, keeper of forfeited hinds in CO. Salop, that Henry de Wolaston granted the manor by charter, in the 11th year of the reign, to the said Roger de Elmerugge ami Agnes, to them and to their heirs, and that they were seised thereof from the time of tlie making of the charter, and continueil their seisin tliereof until the manor was taken into the king's hands with other lands of th(^ said Roger bv his forfeiture, and that Roger and Agnes never changed the ir estate in the manor, and (hat the manor is in tiie king's hands for this reason and for no other, and that it is lasid of Richard Talbor, lord of Richards t'astle, bv the service of a third of a knight's fee, and that it is woith yearly in all issues 100*. By p.s. June 26. To Roger Mauduyt, keeper of the lands in co. Northumberland that The Tower, belonged to Robert de Umlramvill, late earl of Anegos, tenant in chief, in the king's hands by reason of the minority of the earl's heir. Order to pay to Ilenr}' de Percy the arrears of 4 marks \early for the time that Roger has had the custody of the said lands, and to pay him the same yearly henceforth, as the king learns by incjuisition taken bv Simon de Grvm- mesby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, Cumi)erlan(l, and West- moreland, that the earl held on the day of his death ccrt^iin lands in Shirmunden, Alwcnton, Fuudon, Clcnhill, Bullesden, Bormlon, Shari)erton, 486 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. June 10. Sturry. June 28. Westminster. July 6. Byfleet. June 10. Sturry. July 1. Westminster. Membrane 2 — cont. Thirnom, Nederton, aud Aug ram, co. Northumberland, of the said Henry as of the barony of Alnewyk by the service of 4 marks yearly for all service. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Middle- sex, and the city of London. Order to deliver to Alesia, late the wife of Stephen de Segrave, a messuage with a garden in the marsh of Suthwerk, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Stephen and Alesia held the messuage and garden jointly of the gift of Richard But, to them and the heirs of Stephen, and that the messuage and garden are held of the bishop of Winchester by tiie service of 8s. 8c?. yearly and by doing suit at his court of Suthwerk from three weeks to three weeks. To John de Pabenham, constable of Tonebrigge castle. Order to permit the prior and convent of Tonebrigge to have two suinpterhorses {summarios) to carry wood from the dead wood from the grove of Tone- brigge, and to have pannage for 120 swine in the forest of Tonebrigge, and to have a hart yearly at the feast of St. Mary Magdalene, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Thomas de Faveresham and William de Cotes [etc. as at page 427 above^ . To John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, aud Lancaster. Order to deliver to Margaret, late the wife of Ralph de Frechevill, a knight's fee in Blakewell, co. Derby, which Thomas de Chaworth holds, of the yearly value of 10/., and a fee in Athershegge, in the same county, which Nicholas de Longford holds, of the yearly value of 10/., which the king has assigned to her as dower of the knights' fees pertaining to the manor of Cruch, which is held of the king in chief, which manor with the fees pertaining thereto Roger Beler, deceased, acquired from the said Ralph after the hitter's marriage to the said Margaret, the fees having been taken into the king's hands by reason of Roger's death. To the same. Order to deliver to Alice, late the wife of Roger Beler, tenant in chief, a knight's fee in Aischovre, co. Derby, which Ralph de Rieresby and Adam de Rieresby hold, of the yearly value of 12/., a moiety of a fee in Dethek, Shukthoru, Tannesley, and Lee, in the same county, which Geoffrey de Dethek, Peter de Wakebrugge, and other tenants hold, of the yearly value of 6/. 135. 4f/., as the king has assigned the said fee and moiety to her as her dower of Roger's knights' fees, Memorandnm, that this assignment was made with the assent of the aforesaid Margaret and Alice. To John de Bolingbrok, escheator, etc. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Agnes, late the wife of James de Sutton, knight, did not hold any lands of the king in chief as of the crown in his bailiwick on the day of her death, but that she held on the said day the manor of Egrum for the term of her life of the grant of Hugh Barry, formerly parson of Raiington, made to her and her late husband by fine levied before the justices of the Bench, and that the manor ought to remain after her death to Richard, son of the said James and Agnes, and to the heirs of his body, and that Richard is aged 30 years and more, aud that the manor is held of" the heir of Thomas de Bekeryng', knight, lately deceased, whose lands are in the king's hands by reason of his death, and of divers other lords by knight service; the king orders the escheator to deliver the manor to Richard, taking his fealty due to the king in this behalf, certify- ing the king of the said fealty without delay. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle- sex, and in the city of London. Order to deliver to Ralph de Camoys and Margaret his wife a carucate of land in Eflynghani, and not to intermeddle 19 EDWARD II. 487 1326. Membrane 2 — cont. further with the manor of Little Eokham, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisiiion taken hy the escheator that Mary, late the wife of William de Bruose, held for life on the day of her death tiie said carucate and manor and the advowson of the church of the manor by fine levied in the late king's court, of the gift of Ralph de Camoys and Margaret his wife, so that after Mary's death the laud and manor aud advowson should revert to Ralph and Margaret and to the heirs of Margaret, and that the carucate of land is held of the king as of the honour of Gloucester, which is in tiie king's hands, by the forfeiture of Hugh Daudele the younger, by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee, and that the manor is held of the earl of Winchester as of the honour of Brembre, the king having taken the fealty of Ralph for the land that is held of him. Membrane 1. July 6. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Middle- Byflect. sex, and in the city of London. Order to deliver to Hugh le Despen.ser, earl of Winchester, the manors of Fyndon, \Vas«yngton, Bedyngges, West Grenested, and Kyngesbernes, which have been takelf, ready to do so. 492 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 33c? — cont. Enrolment of deed of Thomas de Mounthermer granting to his brother Edward de Mounthermer an annual rent of 20Z. for tiie term of the donor's life, to be received from his manor of Stoke-in-Hamme. Witnesses : Thomas le Blount, the king's steward, Richard Talbot, Hugh de Tur- pynton, John de Sapy, Robert de Sapy, knights; Thomas de Bradeston ; Richard de Brankescoumb. Dated at Westminster, on Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 19 Edward II. French. Memorandum, that Thomas came into chancery at Westminster, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above. Enrolment of agreement, made on Thursday before the said feast, 18 Edward II., between the said Thomas and Edward, witnessing that whereas the king has granted to them by charter all the lands that Sir Thomas Matheu son of John held for his life in Devonshire, Hampshire, and Wiltshire, the reversion whereof pertained to the king, to have and to hold to Thomas and Edward in certain tail, as comprised in the king's charter, they agree that Thomas shall have and hold in severalty the manor of Stoke-in-Hamme with all the appurtenances, except the advowson of the church of the said manor, to which he and Edward shall present jointly, and that Edward in like manner shall have and hold in severalty the manors of Warblyngton and Hunton, co. Southampton, the manor of Piworthy, with two parts of the manor of Okeford, co. Devon, and the manor of Erlystok, CO. Wilts, except part of the lands in the latter that Eleanor, late the wife of the said Sir Matthew {sic), holds in dower, and except the advowsons of the said manors, which remain at the common presentment of Edward and Thomas, so that if Thomas die before Edward, the latter shall enter the manor of Stoke-in-Hamme, to hold for life notwithstanding these covenants, without challenge on the part of Thomas's heirs; and if Edward die before Thomas, the latter may in like manner enter the manors of War- blinton, Hunton, Pyworthy, Erlystok, and the two parts of the manor of Okeford. Witnesses: Sir Thomas le Blount, then steward of the king; Richard Talebot, Hugh de Turpynton, .Tohn de Sapy, Robert de Sapy, knights ; Thomas de Bradeston, Richard de Brankescoumb. Memorandum, that Thomas and Edward came into chancery at West- minster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above indenture. Enrolment of deed of William de Haukesgarth of Stitenum acknow- ledging receipt from Sir Adam de Brom, clerk, of 5 marks to buy horses and other provisions for his use, as Adam has enjoined upon him by word of mouth; for which sum William obliges himself to render account. Dated at London, on Tuesday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 19 Edward II. Memorandum, that William came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. July 13. Payn le Pursere of London, Thomas del Brentewode of London, Thomas Westminster. Malegrafie of co. Essex acknowledge that they owe to William de Cleydou 13/. 10*. Of/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled on payment. Roger de Kent [dwelling] near St. Helen's, London, John atte Sole of London, William Mountagu, citizen of London, and Walter Klenehand of London acknowledge that they owe to William de Cleydon, knight, 22Z. 10*. OJ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London. July 15. Ralph Bigot, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John le Latimer, The Tower, knight, 100 marks; to bo levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. 19 EDWARD II. 493 1325. Membrane 33d — cont. The said Ral[)h acknowle'3ge.s that he owes to the said John 100 marks ; to bo levied, in default of pajmcnt.of liis lands and chattels in co. Hertford. The ."aid Ralph aeknowiedjj(!s that he owes to the said John 100 marks; to be levied, in ilefault of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. North- ampton. Ralph Giffard and Geoffrey de la Loe acknowledge that they owe to Joliii de Cherleton and Henry Darcy 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lauds and chattels in co. Hertford. July 17. John de Shotesham acknowledges that ho owes to Boniface do Peruch', The Tower. Silemannus Loteri, and John .Junctyn, and their fellows, merchants of the society of the Peruzzi of Florence, 20/. ; to bo levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Cancelled on payineiit. George de Thorp, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de C()V(!, knight, 15/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands aniastical goods iu CO. Lincoln. July 18. To Master John Walewayn. Order to appear before the king's council The Tower, in chancery on Monday next, laying aside all other nuitters, to inform the king concerning certain afJairs to be more fully explaine\d. July 28. The prior of Lewes acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Sarum, Writtle. citizen of London, 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Enrolment of grant Ijy Adam, prior of Lewes, and the convent of the same to Sir Hugh le Despen.ser, son of Sir Hugh le Despenser, earl of Wineliester, and to Eleanor his wile, for their lives, of the advowsons of tile churches of Dewesbury and Wakefeld, co. York, with remainder to Gilbert their son, and to his heirs. Witnesses : Master Robert de Ualdok, arch- deacon of Middlesex, tiie king's chancellor; Sir Geoffrey le Serop, rliief justice of the king ; Sir ^Villiam de IJereford any tiio marshal of his household in God's House, Dover, in which place blaster 504 CALEiSTDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. 3Iembmne 29d — cont. Robert de Baudak, elect and confirmed of Norwich, then the king's chan- cellor, and other chancellors of the king have had their fixed alloAvance {livere), for themselves and the clerks of chancery, by ancient custom at all times when the chancery has been there, neither the earl nor any of his household being aware thereof : the earl, not wishing that his stay in the said liouse at this time shall prejudice the chancellor or other chancellors in times to come, recognises and gr.ints that the stay made by him and his household in the said house at this time is made solely by the courtesy and sufferance of the chancellor and not by reason of certainty of livery claimed by the earl in the house. Given under his privy seal at Dovere, 24 August, 19 Edward II. [Pari. Writs.] Memorandum, that this letter remains in chancery for custody. Aug. 28. Robf-rt Gunter acknowledges tliat he owes to Master John de Hildesle, Laugdon. parson of the church of Thyngden, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of" payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. John son of William de la Legh acknowledges that he owes to Edmund Gascelyn and John de Weston 20 marks; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Alice, late the wife of Wiiliam de Legh, acknowledges that she owes to Edmund Gascelyn and John de Weston 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in cos. Suffolk and Wilts. Robert de Monte Alto, steward of Chester, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Lamhethe, citizen of London, 165/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Enrolment of deed witnessing that whereas Sir Robert de Mounthaut, steward of Cestre, is bound to the aforesaid Richard de Lamhethe, citizen and fishmonger of London, as ai)Ove, the latter grants that the recognisance shall be cancelled if Robert pay him 82/. 10*. Od. on the day named for payment in the recognisance. Dated at London, on Saturday after St. Bar- tholomew, 19 Edward II. Witnesses: Andrew Horn, Henry Monquey, and John Salvian, fishmongers ; Hugh de Leministre ; John de Louthe, clerk . Memorandum, that Robert and Richard came into chancery at the abbey of Langcdon, on the said day, and acknowledged the above. John de Amwell, parson of the church of West Rascn, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Sibthorp, clerk, 1<^/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds, chattels, and ecclesiastical goods in CO, Lincoln. Catherine, late the wife of Robert son of Giles de Brewosa, puts in her place Thomas de Wyk and William de Lounde to seek and receive in chancery her dower of the said Robert's lands, knight's fees, and ad vow sons. Aug. 28. To the echevins and community of the town of Caleys. The king has Jjangdon. received complaint from William le Fevre of Lyme, Adam Fode, Robert Sampson, Adam le Mercer, and Walter Prodome, merchants of Lyme, that whereas certain merchants lately freighted a ship of theirs, called ' La Rede Cogge' of Lyme, at Seton in order to carry wool and other merchandise to La Swyne in Flanders to trade there with the same, the ship was captured at sea on her voyage to Swyne by certain malefactors of Flanders, and was taken to Caleys, and the said merchants allege that the echevins and com- munity of Caleys were frequently requested on their behalf to cause the ship, which is still at anchor in the port of that town with its tackle, to be restored to them, but nothing has hitherto been done in the matter, as they say, wlierefore thoy have besought the king to provide them with a 19 EDWARD II. 505 Membrane 29d — cont. remedy : the king therefore requests the echevins and community to hear the complaint of the said merchants, and to cause the ship to be doli%ered to them, so conducting themselves that it may not behove the king to provide the merchants witli another remedy. They are desired to certify the king of their proceedings herein by their letters and the bearer of the presents. Enrolment of rolea.se and pardon by Mary de Sancto Paulo, relict of the late Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, and executrix of his will, to the king of all corn that was appraisetl and purveyed by the king's ministers in divers of the earl's manors and lands after his death for the maintenance of the king's .subjects in Gascony, and of the hor.ses, studs, arms, silver ve.ssels, jewels, and other goods that belonged to tlie earl and lliat came to the king's hands in any way after the earl's death, and of all debts due fiom the king to the earl in any wise, and all debts that she might exact from the king by reason of the will aforesaid. She has also grante-ition to be made several times concerning the names of the malefactors aforesaid, out of consideration of king James, but he could not obtain any certainty concerning the affair. Regarding what is now sug- gested to James on behalf of Francis Mercadis, citizen and merchant of Valencia, concerning his goods in the second of the galleys aforesaid, stolen by the malefactors aforesaid to the value of 4,208/. 13*. Od. of reals {i-egaliuni), and concerning his damages, for which James has directed letters to the king, the king informs him that he will cause full and speedy justice to be done to the said merchants if they will pro.secute or make themselves a parly in the matter, or promote the king's office, and he has always offered himself, and still offers himself, as rea ly to do so, and as the 19 EDWARD II. o07 1325. Membrane 28c? — cont. *lking is thus ready to do all manner of justice that lies in his power, there is not, and ought not to be, any occasion for letters of marque (locus piynora- cioni) in this behalf, from wiiich great and incalculable damage may arise, which the king does not wish, but he wishes that he and his subjects shall fall in with those things that are acce[jtii.ble and desirable to James. [Fcedera.] To John Eximini of Urrea, major domus of Aragon and standard-bearer of the Infant Sir Alfonsus, eldest son of the king cf Aragon. The king has received his letters with pleasure, and learns from them John's promptitude towards him in offering the aid of himself and his vassals, wherefore the king returns thanks, and requests him to continue his friendship, under- standing that the king will always be found ready and well-wishing in those things that are to John's honour. Thomas de Fareudon, son of Robert de Farendon, knight, and Robert de Bannebury, clerk, acknowledge that they owe to Ilamo le I3arl)er, citizen of London, 18/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in CO. Dorset. Cancelled on payment. Memorandum, that on 12 September, 19 Edward II., Edward, earl of Chester, the king's eldest son, to whom the king granted by charter the dukedom of Acjuitaine, the countship of I'onthieu and Montreuil {Montis Strolli) and all his lands in the realm of France, crossed from the port of Dover to parts beyond sea to do homage to the king of France lor the duchy, earldom, and lands aforesaid. \^Fcedera ; Pari. fVrits.] Sept. 18. Thomas de Huntercombe, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the Leeds. prioress of Klerkenwell 8 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Bedford and Buckingham. — The ciiancellor received the acknowledgment. John son of Jordan Broun came before the king, on Monday after St. INIatthew last, and sought to rejjlevy his land in tiie suburbs of Bristol, whicli was tiiken into the king's hands i'or his default before the justices of the Bench against William son of William Crok. Tiiis is signilied to the justices. Geoffrey Madle acknowledges that he owes to IlfMiry Darey of London 200/. ; to be levied, in default of j)ayment, of his lauds and chattels in CO. Essex. Cancelled on payment. Solomon Potyn, John Potyn, and Ralph de Sancto Dionisio acknowledge that they owe to John de C)xon[ia] of London, ' vineter,' 8(5/. 13*. Ad. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Kent. Thomas Auugcr de Weston of Little Assheby acknowledges that he owes to William de Cotes, son of Roger c levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. NortlianiiXon ami Leicester. Robert de Ilolewell came before the king, on Monday after Michnclmn.'s, and sought to replevy to Tiiomas Spyrceok and Joan his wife their land in Sturniyns'tre Mare-ichal, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Dionisia de Keleshale. This is testilied to the justices. Hugh de Bardelby came before the king, on Monday after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy to Thomas Aiulekyn and Knuna his wife, Matilda la Wydue, and Richard, the sjiid Matilda's son, their land in Strotardcston, Sept. 20. Leuds. Sept. 23. 'J'unbridjfe. Sept. 30. Marcsficld. Oct. I. Maresfield. 508 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Sept. 24. Maresfield. Oct. 2. Maresfield. Oct. 4. Maresfield. Oct. 4. Maresfield. Oct. 5. Greenford. Oct. 8. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Membrane 28c? — cont. which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Richard de Lincoln. This is signified to the justices. John le Foullere, who has long served the king and his father, is sent to the abbot and convent of Muchelneye in Somersete to receive such main- tenance as Richard le Devenissh, deceased, had in their house at the king's request. By p.s. [7197.] To William, count of Holland and Zeeland, and lord of Friesland. The king lately learnt from Richard Betoigne, mayor of the merchants of the staple, how the count's men had taken certain ships with divers wares of certain merchants of this realm, and detained them under arrest at the count's town of Flissyng', and how the said mayor had besought the count to cause the ships to be released, and the count replied by his letters that the merchants of his dominion had been frequently despoiled at sea by men of the king's realm, wherefor no restitution had yet been made to them, although he had frequently sent letters supplicatory to the king on behalf of the merchants, and how the count would send certain envoys to treat with those to be deputed by the king concerning the establishment of concord between the subjects of the king and of the count and for making restitu- tion of the damages sustained upon both sides ; regarding which the king wrote to the count at another time that he was, and is still, ready to depute certain persons to treat with the count's envoys at London at St. Hilary next, if the count will send such envoys, and to complete what shall then be agreed upon, and the king has caused letters of safe-conduct for t!ie count's envoys to be transmitted by the said mayor. As divers complaints come to the king's ears daily of damages inflicted upon his merchants at sea by the count's men, he requests the count to inhibit his men from inflicting damage upon the king's subjects pending the aforesaid treaty, or from causing their goods to be arrested by reason of the premises, especially as the king is pre- pared to do Avhat justice and reason require concerning his subjects by means of right or of friendly treaty. The count is desired to write back by the bearer of the presents whether he intends to send his envoys to the said day and place in form aforesaid, in order that the king may be able to do more advisedly what pertains to him in the premises. Laurence de Brok and Hugh de Boycote of Fynemere acknowledge that they owe to .John de Stoke 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. Cancelled on payment. Benedict Brioun came before the king, on Friday after Michaelmas last, and sought to replevy to the abbot of Vale Royal the abbot's land in Kirkcham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Adam son of Richard le Harpour of Kirke- ham and Matilda his wife. This is signified to the justices. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause W. arch- bishop of Canterbury to have respite until All Saints next for all debts due to the king at the exchequer. By K. Master Richard de Clare, clerk, puts in his place Peter Rys to defend the execution of a recognisance for 1,166/. 13j. 4c?. made by him and others in chancery to William de Ros of Hamelak. Solomon Ragun of London, 'pessoner,' acknowledges that he owes to John de Besevill, citizen of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in the cily of London. 19 EDWARD II. 509 1325. Oct. 12. Westminster. Oct. 14. Westminster. Oct. 12. Westminster. Membrane 2'6d — cont. Alan de Leaume of Lechamste {sic) acknowledges that he owes to John son of Hugh Lamberd of Bledelawe 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. Thomas de Blesby acknowledges that he owes to William de Farford of Louth 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in CO. Lincoln. Cancelled on payment. William de Morwod acknowledges that he owes to John atte See 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in CO. Sussex. Henry atte Hulle of Oxlioye {sic) acknowledges that he owes to Matilda, late the wife of William de Anesty of Edelmeton, 60*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford {sic). To the sheriff of York. Whereas Hugh de Eland, of that county, Robert de Grey, of co. Norlhumljcrland, and William de Brade.«hawe, of CO. Lancaster, knights, Richard Darel, of co. York, R()V)Prt de Dirlaml {sic), of CO. Lancaster, John le Grete, of co. Worcester, and Williau) Geiitilcors, of CO. Buckingliam, have maiiiperned Bego de Baiocis in chancery, the sheriff is ordered to summon the aforesaid Hugh and Richard to have the body of the said Bego before the king in the octavos of Martinmas, to answer to the king for certain things contained in tiie mainprise, and to summon Hugh and Richard to be then there to do and receive what the court shall consider. By K. The like to the sheriffs of the following counties : Northumberland, to summon Robert de Grey. Lancaster, to summon William de Bradcsliawe and Robert de Dirland. Buckingham, to summon Williiim Gentilcoi ps. Worcester, to summon John le Grete. William do Riouns, burgess of Gloucester, acknowledges that lie owes to Richard de Gloucostria, citizen of London, 200/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. Cancelled on payment. William de Woylond, knight, acknowledges that he owes fo Master Robert (le Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 1,000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Somerset. Cancelled on payment. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who sui)plios his place in the port of Dover. Order to permit William do Waryngford and John de Ronieseye, who are going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence to expedite certain of his affairs enjoined upon thoni, to pass the sea from that port, any order of the king's to the contrary notwithstanding. The like to the said constable for Gerald de Podio. ^ Membrane 27d. Enrolment of grant by Robert, son and lieir of Robert de Bourstalle to Sir Robert, son and heir of Hugh de Bourstall, of 5s. (id. of rent from lialf a virgate of land and 4 acres of meadow in the towns of Bourstall and Belegrave, co. Leicester, which lands Sir Bohort holds, the rent having descended in inheritance to the grantor from Lis father. The grantor also releases his right in the rent. Witnesses: Roger Laur' of Belegrave ; 510 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Oct. 10. Westminster. Oct. 10. WestmiDSter. Oct. 10. Westminster. Oct. 14. Westminster. Membrane 27rf — amt. Nicholas de Siiyby of the same; Thomas de Croyndon of the same; Reginald de Pirle ; John de Westpirle ; William sou of the said John ; Peter Phelipp' of Croyndon ; Hugh le Hatter of the same. Dated at Bourstall, on Monday before Midsummer, 16 Edward II. Memorandum, that the aforesaid Robert came into chancery at London, on 12 October, and acknowledged the above. Enrolment of release by John de Sutton, knight, to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, son of the earl of Winchester, of his right in the castle and manor of Duddeley, and in the manors of Seggesleye and New Swynfbrd, CO. Stafford, and in the town of Duddeleye, co. Worcester, and in the manors of Bradefeld, Soleham, and Bastenden, co. Berks, and in all the lands in Rouleye Somery and Prestwode in the forest of Kenefare, co. Stafford, and in the knights' fees, with all appurtenances, royalties, etc., pertaining to the premises, and in the advowsons. Witnesses : Master Robert de Baldok, the chancellor ; Geoffrey le Sorop, chief justice ; William de Bere- ford ; Roger Belers ; William Herle ; John de Bousser ; Master Henry de Clyf ; William de Clyf. Dated at Westminster, 12 October, 19 Edward II. Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above. Joan de Bohon, sister and heiress of Alan de Pluckenet, tenant in chief, puts in her place Simon de Wyly and Godfrey Moriz to be present and con- senting to the assignment of dower to Sibyl, late the wife of the said Alan, in chancery. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to attend a parliament to be liolden at Westminster in the octaves of Martinmas next. By K. [Pa/-/. Writs?^ The like to W. archbishop of York and to seventeen bishops. \Ihid.'\ To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Summons to attend the above parliament. [/6«c?.] The like to twenty-nine abbots and priors and to the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, [/iu/.] To Thomas, earl of Norfolk, marshal of England. Summons to attend the above parliament. \_Ibid.'\ The like to three earls and to thirty-nine others, [/iic?.] To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to cause knights, citizens, and burgesses to be elected to attend the above parliament. \_lbid.'\ The like to all the sheriffs of England. To William de Bereford. Summons to attend the above parliament to treat with others of the king's council. By K. llbid.'] The like to twenty-two others. [/^>zrf.] To Robert de Kcndale, constable of Dover castle, and warden of the Cinque Ports. Order to cause two barons to be elected in each of the said ports to attend the aforesaid parliament. Robert de Lodyntone of Stone, Thomas de Pole of Northflete, Robert Gladewyne of Swanescompe, John Rondel of Northflete, William Couel of Suthflete, John le Bras of Stone, Simon Simon of Suthflete, Richard Simon of Suthflete, John Wylen.ot of Stone, Laurence Felip of Suthflete, Elias Beastecherche of Southflete, Richard Wille of Southflete, William Swon of Bedesham, John Brounyng of Southflete, John de Borstalle, the younger, of Suthflete, and William atte Noke of Stone acknowledge that they owe to John son of Henry de Cobeham 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Kent. Cancelled on payment. 19 EDWARD II. 511 1325. Membrane 27d — cont. Walter do Weston acknowledges that he owes to .John de Clieileton of London lOO*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in CO, Oxford. Cancelled on payment. Master Henry Tankard of Warewik acknowledges that he owes to Robert Durevasal of Warewyk 6/. 13*. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick, William Fichet of Marygge acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Furneux 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Somerset. Enrolment of deed of Bartholomew Baudewyn, parson of the church of Wokyndon Soet Fountayns, and Edmund Baudewyn his brotlier, executors of the will of Baldwin son of William, witnessing th.'it they have sold to Nicholas de Brundisch all the testator's chattels that were in the possession of Nicholas and Emma his wife after the testator's death, for 10 marks, receipt whereof tliey hereby acknowledge. Dated at Westminster, 13 Oc- tober, 19 Edward II. Memorandum, that the said Bartholomew, Soet {sic), and Edmund came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed, Oct, 11. Bartholomew son of Miles de Morton acknowledges that he owes to VVestuiinster. Swayn de Mortele lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. Membrane 26d. Enrolment of grant from John Malemeyns of Waldwaresshare, knight, to Hugh Chaumpeueys of Sandwich of tiie manor of Wykham near Dover, with all rights, ap|)urtpnanees, etc., of the manor in the towns of Woied by his officials or ministers. By K. [Fcedem.] The like to the archbishop of York, seventeen bishops, and thirty-one abbots and priors. [Ibid.] To Margaret, lady de Mortimer of \^'ygeraor. Order to go, immediately upon sight hereof, to the al)bey of EInestovvc near Bedeford, and to dwell therein at her own cost until further orders, as the king understands that divers suspicious assemblies or gatherings of men are made daily by her and by her men in the parts wherein she is sUvying. The king has ordered the abbess to cause suitable houses to be assigned within the abbey for Margaret's re.sidence. He wills that Margaret shall not leave the afjbey after she shall have ari ived there, and shall not make a,>iseniblies or gather- ings of men without the king's special |)ermission, and he orders her to conduct herself so that he shall not have cause to punish iier, certifying him by her letters and by the bearer hereof of what she will do in this matter, so that he may further ordain herein what shall seem expedient to him. I'rench. To the abbess of Elnestowe. Order to cause suitable housi s within the abbey to be assigned to the aforesaid Maud (sic), lady de Mortymcr, for her residence, and nut to permit her to pass outside the abbey, or make assem- blies of men without the king's special licence. French. To the lady Majora Garcie. The king's envoys lutt-ly sent to Spain to contract certain marriages have informed the king of the benevolent and honourable manner in which she treated them in those parts, for which he renders her special thanks. As he is informed that it is said before her by some persons that Edward, his eldest son, will be married elsewhere in France by him, and that for this reason many of ihv magnates of those parts are angered, the king signifies to h<'r that Edward has not been marri^'d there, and that there is no treaty with such an object in progress, and that it is not the king's will or intention that his son shall be married anywhere except where negotiations have been cariied on at another time l)y his envoys, and that for this reason he sent Master Peter de Galieiano to Spain to confirm what had been treated of previously, and has, moreover, caused f34 CALENDAR OF CLOSE EOLLS. 1326. 1325. Dec. 26. Bury St. Edmunds. Dec. 26. Bury St. Edmunds. 1326. Jan. 13. South Elmham. Jan. 14. South Elmham Jan. 16. Bergh. Jan. 16. Bergh. Membrane \7d — cont. the pope to be requested by his special letters to grant a dispensation for the marriage by reason of consanguinity. \_Fcedera^ To Ralph Basset of Drayton, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover. Order to permit the envoys of Walter, archbioliop of Canterbury, who are going to the Roman court for certain affairs of the archbishop's with letters of the king and of the archbishop, to cross the sea from that port j provided that they carry or bring back with them no other letters concerning which suspicion may be had. By K. To the abbot of Cluny. Whereas Adam, prior of Lewes, has obtained that priory, which is of the pati'onage of John de Warenua, earl of Surrey, by the grace of the pope, and has received the temporalities of the priory from the earl, according to custom, and has held them for some time, labouring carefully for the improvement of the estate of the priory, which has fallen away in means and is wasted by the carelessness and bad govern- ment of those who ruled over it in times past, and the king now learns from the information of the earl that the abbot is endeavouring to draw the prior into suits to answer to him outside the realm concerning certain things touching the advowson of the priory, whereby prejudice may arise to the king, because pleas of advowson of churches and priories in the realm pertain to his crown and dignity, and danoer of disinheritance of the earl may arise ; for the avoidance whereof the king requests and orders the abbot to consider what inconveniences may come upon him and the priory from the premises if they be carried into effect, and that the king cannot pass over such prejudical things to him and his realm without providing a remedy, and to desist from his endeavours, causing to be revoked what has been attempted in his name, so that it may not behove the king to apply a heavier hand. The king has inhibited the prior from going out of the realm to answer concerning anything touching the advowson of the priory, and from sending any one on his behalf, especially as the king is prepared to do justice to the abbot and to all others wishing to complain of things whereof the cognisance pertains to the king in this realm. To Ralph Basset of Drayton, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover. Order not to permit any men-at-arms or others whomsoever, or horses, arms, or victuals to cross to parts beyond sea from that port, without the king's special licence, except merchants, who must needs go to parts beyond sea for necessary reasons, of which the king wills that Ralph shall be fully assured ; provided that the merchants shall be searched diligently, lest they carry with them letters prejudicial to the king or any of his subjects, or suspicious letters, contrary to the ordinance made by the king upon another occasion and sent to the constable. By K. [i^cer/era.] John atte Grene came before tht; king, on Tuesday after St. Hilary, and . sought to replevy to John de Chavent the latter's land in Wapham, which was taken into the king's liands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Edmund, earl of Arundel. This is signified to the justices. John de Athy, knight, acknowledges that he OAves to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in Ireland. To Richard de Maundevill. John de Athy has informed the king of the good will and promptitude exhibited by him for the preservation of the king's honour and rights in Ireland, and how he has assisted the king's 19 EDWARD II. 635 132G. Membrane I7d — coiit, ministers in the protection and deleucc of the eaiue, and the king recollects that he has felt this hitiierto by frequent experiences, wherefore he commends Kichard's constant faithfulness with special affection, and requests him to continue the same, so that the king may be bound to reward him therefore suitably when opportune. The like to tiie following : Robert le Sauvage, knight. Alan le fitz Waryn, knight. Henry de Mauudevill. Robert de Maunt'evill. 1325. Dec. 26. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Whereas the king has appointed John de Biiiy Bousser and Adam de Brom to hear and determine the complaints of all t. Edmunds, ^rid singular of that county wishing to complain of the grievances and oppressions inflicted upon tliem by the arrayors and triers of hobelers and other horsemen and footmen appointed by the king in that county, and to do justice to the said complainants, and the king is now given to under- stand that many who wish to complain defer and are afraid of prosecuting their complaints through fear of a penalty imposed in a certain commission of tho king's made to certain of his subjects to try knights, estjuires, and other men-at-arms in that county, to wit half a mark for each penny given, for which reason the excesses of the triers have hitherto remained un- punished : the king therefore orders the sheriff to cause proclamation to be made in his county [court] and other places where he shall see fit that all persons thus wishing to complain may prosecute their plaints before the said John and Adam in form aforesaid without having any regard to the penalty aforesaid, wliich penalty the king forgives enlireiy. The like to the sheriff of Norfolk. John de Hanewortli acknowledges that he owes to John de Cove C>1. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Adam Munk of Hungeye acknowledges that he owes to John de Cove 105*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands ami chattels in co. Suffolk.^ Simon Benet of Teford acknowledges that he owes to tho said John de Cove 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Norfolk. Robert do Watcvill acknowledges that he owes to the said John 93/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. 1326. Jan. 20. Morwich. Jan. 21. Norwich. ^225 Membrane i6f/ern ; J'arl. If'rif.i.] The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Jhid.] Dec. 12. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to cau.se all and singular The TowiT. entei ing that port, or wishing to leave the same for parts beyond sea, to In* 536 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. ^325. Membrane 16c? — cont. diligently searched, and to arrest any whom they shall find witli letters prejudicial to the king or the rights of his crown or suspicious letters, and to cause such persons to be sent to the king with the letters in question, so that he may cause to be done in that matter what sliall seem reasonable, the king having frequently ordered them to cause such search to be made, and they have been negligent in doing so, as appears by the fact that many such letters have been afterwards brought into that realm by that port that were not arrested by them. By K. The like to the following : The mayor and bailiffs of Sandwich. The mayor and bailiffs of Romeuhale. The bailiffs of Plummuth. The bailiffs of Blakeneye. The bailiffs of Whiteby. The bailiffs of Raveneserod. The mayor and bailiffs of Bristol. The bailiffs of Dunwich. The bailiffs of Hastyng'. The constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. The bailiffs of Yarmouth. The mayor and bailiffs of Dover. The mayor and bailiffs of La Rye. The bailiffs of Kyngeston-on-Hull. The bailiffs of Seford. The mayor and bailiffs of Hythe. The mayor and bailiffs of Ipswich. The mayor and bailiffs of Wynchelse. The bailiffs of Harwich. The bailiffs of Scardeburgh. The mayor and bailiffs of Southampton. The bailiffs of Hertilpole. The bailiffs of Weymuth. The bailiffs of Bishop's Lenne. The bailiffs of Axmuth. * The bailiffs of Boston. The bailiffs of Mulford. The bailiffs of Waynflet. The bailiffs of Coumbe Martyn. The bailiffs of Oldestowe. The bailiffs of Lyme. The bailiffs of Shorham. The bailiffs of Oreford. The bailiffs of Pevenesey. The bailiffs of Grymesby. The bailiffs of Neuport, in the Isle of Wight. The bailiffs of Landstephan. The mayors and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne. The bailiffs of Kameys. The bailiffs of Yaremuth. The bailiffs of Maldon. The bailiffs of St. Michael's Mount. The bailiffs of Neubigging. « The bailiffs of La Pole. The bailiffs of Hardelowe. The bailiffs of Tynrauth. I'J EDWARD II. 537 Membrane IGrf — cont. The bailiffs of Harlesbrok. The bailiffs of Lyverpol. The bailiffs of Goileston. The bailiffs of Halycland. The bailiffs of Falemue. The mayor and bailiffs of Portesniuth. The bailiffs of Sydmuth. The bailiffs of Swaneseye. The bailiffs of Dunsterre. The bailiffs of Yalhampton above Newenton Ferers. The bailiffs of Mousehole. The bailiffs of Faversham. The bailiffs of Dcrtemuth. Thomas West puts in his place John de Sancto Paulo, clerk, to prosecute a recognisance for 400 marks made to him in chancery by Ralph By got. The said Thomas puts the said .John in liis place to prosecute a recog- nisance for 40 marks made to him in chancery by John de Oddynseles and Emma his wife. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to go in person, immediately upon sight hereof, to William de Ayremynn, whom the king lately sent as his envoy to parts beyond t-ea for certain of his affairs there, and to summon him in the presence of four lawful men to be before the king and his council in his own [)crson in the octaves of Hilary next, to inform the king concerning his mission, and to answer to the king for ihe same, and for all things touching the same. By K. and C Robert de Revoshale, mayor of the town of Sudbury, Simon do Bcrtoii, and John Knyvet, bailiffs of the same, Robert Darre of Siidburi, Richard de Reveshale, John de Ilolgati;, .John I'ryde, Philip Mundejiet, .lohn ' the Smyth,' Robert de Stonelious, Walter Bele, Thomas Sladenuui, Simon ' tlio Peyntour,' William de Lyketon, Walti-r le Reve, William df Biauchamp, Stephen Page, John d(! Stonhous, Richard le Coircoynte, William atte Hill, Thomas de Leventon, John le Mrcyc, .lohn de Coggeslial, Jolin Mauvcisyn, John Lyoun, Richard le Marchaunt, Ralph Shingel, Henry Shiiigel, John Btte Place, Henry Schirlok, Nigel Tebaud, William I'ykard, Robert de t'ornerth, Richaril Grubbe, Simon de Edwardeslon, .John Coleman, Simon Cok, John Page, John de Biantham, the younger, Richard de Stanslede, Robert Lesshe, John le (Jirdeler, Hugh le Webb*-, John Pokes, Richard de Polstede, Robert atte Lane, Simon Pykerel, Walter le Taillour, Peter Goche, Roger le liai bour, Thomas le Barbour, Robert Osselok, Laurence le Marchaunt, William Ilumfrey, Philip le Fissher, Robert Bantyng', Robert Waloys, William Adyn, .John Brond, Thomas le Mouner, William 8on of Richard le Clerk, Adam son of Richard le Clerk, Robert le Hupheldcr, William le Tannour, Nicholas Waryn, Richard !e Clerk, Roger le Peyntour, William de Halstcde, John de Eye, Geoffrey ' the Whelewryght,' Peter le Whelwright, William Exj)ort, Robert le Orfevere, Geoffrey le C^)uper, Nicholas de Floketon, Richard Feysaunt, Roger le Mazoun, Michael le Fuller, .John Colehode, John IVper, ' laillour,' Richard atte Lane, Thomas Breuhous, Thomas de Clare, William de Kstone, AN'illiain Persoun, Walter Denyns, John Prentiz, Nicholas de lUeyc, Henry Fuller, Adam le Seler, Walter le Teynturer, Robert Douse, Robert Quyntyne, Gilbert le Bui, John de Ocle, ' fuller,' John do Stanstede, Thomas att<; Pet, John I'asselewe, Robert Spendelovc, Hugh Scot, Adam Ryper, William Lygun, Thomas le Mouner, John Wade, Gilbert le Barbour, Thomas Borel, Walter Lygun, Ralph de Horkeslcye, Roger le Mouner, Adam de Sayham, Nicholas Pod, 538 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. Dec. 29. Bury St Edinimds. 1325. Memhrarte IGJ — cont. Richard de Sherneford, Hugh le Taillour, John Rydel, Simon le Cordewaner, Adam de Spynkenhale, William de Maldou, Robert de Brokes, William le Latouner, Thomas le Fevre, Simon atte Berne, John atte Hull, William de Chilton, Nicholas le Chaundeler, Walter le Seler, Ralph le Keu, Richard de Eje, John de Lansele, John le Spicer, Robert de Bunggeye, William de Borleye, Benedict de Stanstede, John de Aketon, John de Chilton, Peter Ymaygne, William de Northwold, John Lu, Michael Hangard, Hanekinus le Godegrom, Thomas de Peyton, William Waryn, Hugh de Chilton, Walter de Eye, chaplain, Hugh Pride, chaplain, Paul the chaplain, William Clerkand, chaplain, Seyeva de Sancto Quint ino, Sabina de Clare, Sarah atte Water, Anna de Scurel, Agnes de Dedham, Amice Wraw, Margery de Sancto Edmundo, Clemencia de Chilton, Mabel Love, Florence Waryn, Wysa Parfay, Christiana atte Wyche, and Stephen de Havevlond acknow- ledge lhat they owe, for themselves and the community of the town afore- said, to Hugh le Despenser, lord of Glamorgan and Morgannou, 1,000 marks ; to be levied, ia default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. SuflFolk. Memorandum, that Thomas de Sibbethorp, clerk, received this recog- nisance by the order of the chancellor. [In margin :] JSIemorandnm, that this recognisance was cancelled by the council, by virtue oj a statute in the parliament at Westminster, on the morrow of the Purification, 1 Edward III., because it was testified before the council that the recognisance ivas made by the duress of the said Hugh. Cancelled by order of the chancellor, as appears in the margin. To Ralph Basset of Drayton, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover. Order to permit Gilbert Haan, the bearer of the pi-esents, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, to cross the sea in that port with his men and horses and the king's letters; provided that he or any of his men do not carry with them any letters of others that mav be deemed suspicious. By K. John de Caunton, knight, puts in his place Robert de Roderham to prosecute a recognisance for lOO^. made to him in chancery by William Basevile. William de Syde, clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of St. Bene- dict Holme, to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason of the new creation of the abbot. By K. Thomas de Segrave, parson of the church of Fenstanton, acknowledges * that he owes to John de Blumvill 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Huntingdon. Cancelled on payment. Richard son of Ral[)h Bryd of Bonewell acknowledges that he owes to John Sturmy, knight, 10''/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Jan. 24. John de Bergham came before the king, on Friday after St. Vincent last, Norwich. and sought to replevy to Reginald son of William le Clerk of Brandonesferye, Alice, late the wife of William le Clerk, John son of William le Clerk, Stephen son of William le Clerk, John Godhewe, Thomas de Bodeneye, William Hegon, John son of Alexander Geffrey, William le Coupere, William le Draper, John le Webstere, Hugh Ope, llelewisia Curteys, and Robert son of Thomas de Fransham their land in Brandonesferye, which M'as taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Matilda, late the wife of William Walter of Brandonesferye. This is signified to the justices. 1326. Jan. 22. Norwich. 19 EDWARD 11. 539 222(5 Membrane lod. Enrolment of grant, surrender, and release by breather Robert, prior of Eye, and the convent of the name to the king of the advowsons of the churches of 'J'lioniedon and Mcllesi, co. Sudolk, saving to tlieni the pensions due to them of old time from the said churchea. Dated ut Eye in their chapter, 12 January, 132.5[-G], 19 Edward II. Memorandum, tliat tlie prior came into chancery at Norwich, on 20 Jan- uary, and acknowledged the aforesaid deed. Jan. 26. To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Norwich. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to take the aforesaid advowsons into the king's hands. 1326. Memorandtim, that the following petitions were granted in parliament at Westminster, in tlie octavos of Martinmas, 19 Edward II., by the king, with the assent of the prelates, earls, barons, and others then in the said parliament. The king's liege men pray that whereas they and their ancestors have given many tallages to the king's ancestois to obtain the ciiartcr of the Forest, which they have from the present king's confirmation, giving to him largely therefor, afterwards the ministers of the Forest on both sides of the Trent come and have taken again into the forest towns, lands, and woods as entirely as they were at any time, contrary to the form of the said charter, to the groat damage of the king's people, and cause ditches to be thrown down, and interfere with their cultivation (f/aif/iuif/es), nnd take from them grievous and excessive (sovenicls) ransoms, to the great destrnction of the people : whei efore tliey pray for remedy. — Answer : Tlie king is |)leased that the justices of the Forest and their ministers shall be called before the bishop of London, the chancellor. Sir Geoffrey le Scrop, and .Sir William de Ilerle, and that those who wish to comjilain of the takinf; of land or of wood contrary to reason and right shall be heard, and that tiio justices and their ministers shall be also heard in their defence, and right shall be done to the king and to others. They also pray that whereas many men of the realm, knights, dames, and others are taken and imprisoned, and their hinds and chatlels seized bya<-eu- sations, made to the king by men wishing evil, that they are adherents of the rebels or of the; king's enemies, or for other evil dteds, according to the accusers' evil invention, whereas l\u'\ are not indicted or attainted in any way according to the law of the land, it may please the king that such attachments shall not be made upon mere accusation without process of law, and that he will order deli\erance to be made according to the law of the land of those thus taken and imprisoned. — Answtr: Those who have been taken by such accusation shall couk; into chancery and shall have right, and liereafter the kiiif^ wills that no man shall be Uiken contrary to the law of the land, and that if any one be taken, let him sue and right shall be don(! to him. 'i'he kinf^'s liege men who hold of divers honours that have come into the king's hands by forfeiture of the king's rebels pray that whereas, before these lands and honoui s came to the king's hands, they coukl purchase lands aud take feoffments without having leave of the lords, now tiic king's esclusators and other ministers, when lands within the honours aie purcha.ion for a certain ferm to be rendered yearly by the hands of the constiible of Bordeaux, and he served the king during the late disturbance in the duchy with men-at-arms and footmen at his own cost, the king will assume the debt to himself, and grant that he may pay 10/. yearly at Easter until the debt be paid : the kin;;, wishing to be certified concerning the same, orders the constable to take information concerning the above, if necessary, and to certify the king with all speed if Simon owe the above sum, and fijr what reasons it is due, so that the king may cause to be done for Simon what shall seem reasonable, superseding in the meantime the exaction of tlie above sum fi om Simon. By K. To the burgomasters, rr/ici ins, considex, and whole comniuiiity of Bruges in Flaiulers. When as they have intimated to the king by their letters how they were unable to send their envoys at St. Hilary last, the day fixed for the reformation of concord between tin; king's subjects and the nien and merchants of Flanders concerning tlu; damages inflicted upon each other, as had been agreed, by rea-son of the absence of their lord, the count of Flanders, and by reason of the di.scord between them and the town of Ghent, and havi; prayed the king to excuse them, and to a.sgign another day for this ])urpo.se, at which day they will scnil envoys with full power upon the disappearance of the liindranc<'s aforesaid ; the king signifies to them that he considers their excuses sufficient and true, and that he excu.xes them for not sending their envoys at the aforesaid day, and has caused Ascension tlay next to be fixed for the commencement of such treaty. As the time of the sufferance entered into between the kin^ and them expires at Easter next, the king has prorogued the same for a year from the .^aid feast, conditionally upcui the assent of them and the other men of Flandirs, and he will cause such prorogation to be pioclaiuied anil obsei ved tlirou<'h- ont his realm wiien he shall ascertain that they have caused it to bo proclaimed. [Fa-dern.^ Adam de Wauncrvill acknowledges that he owe.'^ to Michael de Wath, clerk, 'lO.v, ; to be levied, in defaiilt of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. York. Cancelled on payment. Master John de Hildesle, parson of the church of Thvnden, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Oliver de Ingham, knight, 8/. U. Oil. ; 642 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane \bcl — cont. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesias- tical goods in CO, Northampton. Cancelled on payment. Jan. 27. Robert son of John de Slielton acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Burgh. de Shelton 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. John de Wodeburgh acknowledges that he owes to John Stiirmy, knight, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Essex. Ralph de Bockyng' puts in his place Robert de Peulesden, clerk, to shew cause in chancery why he ought not to answer for the issues of certain lands that Alice, late the wife of Roger Bigot, late earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, held in dower in the town of Dockyng' from the time of the death of John Paynel. Feb. 3. John le Smale, prebendary of the prebend of Stodleye in Rypon church, Walsingham. acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Cancelled by writ of privy seal, remaining on the files of 4 Edward III. Feb. 8. Reginald de Pal ely acknowledges that he owes to the king 50 marks ; to Gaywood. be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Feb. 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Walter Mildeuhall. le Bogliier of Salesbury to have respite until Michaelmas next for 20/., w^hich are exacted from him by summons of the exchequer. By K. Membrane 14c/. Feb. 9. To Ralph Basset, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Gaywood. Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover. Order to permit brother Nicholas, monk of Clairvaux [ClarewalV), of the Cistercian order, and his fellow-monk to pass to parts beyond sea from that port with their servant.'^, horses, and equipments ; piovided that they be diligently searched so that they do not carry any letters suspicious or prejudicial to the king and his realm or to his subjects. By K. Enrolment of release by Eustace le Haunser, son and heir of Eustace le Haunser, of Lincoln, to Alice, late the wife of Nicholas Tochet of Haynton, and Sir Simon Tuchet, her son, and to Simon's assigns, of his right and re- version ill a tenement with thp buildings thereon and all appurtenances in the parish of St. Andrew in Wykeford, in the suburbs of Lincoln, lying in length between the tenement of Ralph de Cressy on the south and that of Robert de Oxon[ia] on the north, and extending in length from the king's high- way on the east to the water of Braytheford on the west, which tenement Alice and Simon had of the releasor's feoffment for their lives. Dated at Lincoln, on Wednesday after St. Hilary, 19 Edward II. Witnesses: Robert de Oxonia, then mayor of Lincoln, William de Blyton and Ranulph de Burton, then bailiffs ; Geoffrey de Wynceby ; Ralph de Cressy ; John sou of Richard; Ranulph de Kyme ; Walter de Burgo; Richard de Scarle; Robert de Scarle ; Henry Jurdan ; Hugh de Leverton ; Thomas Gamel ; Richard the clerk. Memorandum, that Eustace came into chancery at Bernewell, on 18 Feb- ruary, and acknowledged the above deed. Feb. 17. Henry le Mount of Haselyngfeld acknowledges that he owes to Giles de Barnwell. Hynxton 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Cambridge. 4 19 EDWARD II. 543 132G. Fob. 12. West Durt-ham. Feb. 20. Barnirell. Feb. 8. Gaywood. March G. Leicester. Fob. 23. Kimbolton. Metnbraiic lid — cont. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Whereas the king has appointed certain of liis subjects to survey the array made by tlie king's order in the counties within tlie arclibishop's diocese, according to the statute of Win- chestc!r, for the defence of tiie realm against any attacks of aliens, and to punish all whom they shall find not armed according to the said statute, and to cause them to be assessed for arms, etc., and to lead all the mon thus arrayed, together with the said arrayors, constables, captain of twenties and hundreds, whenever necessary to resist, pursue, and atUick all presuming to enter the realm in hostile manner, etc., as contained in the king's letters patent ; the king requests the archbishop to aid and counsel his sjiid subjects when necessary and requested by them, and to prepare him.self, his depondonts, and household servants for the defence of the church and realm. By K. [rarl. Writsri The like to W. archbishop of York and to eleven bishops. [/i»V/.] Robert do Insula, knight, and John de Insula, knight, acknowledge that they owe to Thomas d(! Sybtliorp, clerk, 12 marks 7*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Cambridge and Northampton. Roger de Watevill, knight, acknowledges that ho owes to the said Thomas 22.?. Ad. ; to bo levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all earls, barons, knights, and other men-at-arm.'<, arrayors of men-at- arms, hobelcr.*, and all other footmen, with the men arrayed by them, shall be ready to set out against the aliens, strangers, and enemies of the king who may attack the realm, as the king hius lately sent the (lueen to France for the S'jtdoment of certain di.-i|)Utes between him and the king of France concerning the duchy of (Juyenne, and afterwards granted the said ducliy to Pjdward his son, and the queon will not come to the king nor permit his son to return, and ho understands that the (jueen is a(lo|)ting the counsel of ihe Mortimer, the king's notorious enemy and rebel, and of other rebels, and tliat she is making alliances with tlio men of those parts and with other strangors, as well th(! king's enemies as others, to come in force with the king's Hon against England, to aggrieve and d(;stroy the king's men and his podple. In case the queen and Edward come in the shi|)S sent for them by the king with tlieir household only in gy merchants or otiier.", without the king's licence, under penalty of i'orfeitiire of the things thu.s sent. By K. [Fader a.] The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.] Feb. 5. To the mayor and sherilTs of London. Order to cause diligent search to Walsiiighaui. be made in the port of that city so that no one shall take; or send out of the realm horses, armonr, gold, silver in mass or money by talc, except mer- chants, who the king \\ ills shall be charged u|)on oath and diligently searched by the mayor and shcriil's that they do not fake out of the realm hoi'ses, armonr, or h'ttcrs prejudicial to the king or his subjects or suspecteil, contrary to the form of the king's ordinance, the king having ordered all the slieriirs of the realm to cau.se proclamation to be made prohil)iting the taking or sending out of the realm of horses, armour, gold, silver in mass, or money by tale. If they lind any one taking or sending such horses, armour, gold or silver out of the realm in that port, mercliants excei)teil, they are to arrest without delay such horses, armour, gold or silver, ami to cause the same to be kept safely until further orders, certifying tho king in chaiu'cry of the names of those carrying or sending such things out of the realm, and of the value of the things arrested, and of all their proceedings in tliia matter from time to time. Hv K. 81294. H .M 54G CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 13J — cont. The like to the following : The mayor and bailiffs of Sandwich. The mayor and bailiffs of Romenale. The bailifEa of Plummuth. The bailiffs of Blakeneye. The bailiffs of Whiteby. The bailiffs of Raveneserod. The mayor and bailiffs of Bristol. The bailiffs of Dunwich. The bailiffs of Hastyng'. The constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. The bailiffs of Yarmouth. The mayor and bailiffs of Dover. The mayor and bailiffs of La Rye. The bailiffs of Kyngeston-on-Hull. The bailiffs of Seford. The mayor and bailiffs of the town of Hethe. The mayor and bailiffs of Ipswich. The mayor and bailiffs of Wynchelse. The bailiffs of Harwich. The bailiffs of Scardeburgh. The mayor and bailiffs of Southampton. The baiUffs of Hertilpole. The bailiffs of Weymuth. The bailiffs of Bishop's Lenne. The bailiffs of Axmuth. The bailiffs of Boston. The bailiffs of Mulford. The bailiffb of Waynflet. The bailiffs of Coumbe Martyn. The bailiffs of Oldestowe. The bailiffs of Lyme. The bailiffs of Shorham. The bailiffs of Oreford. The bailiffs of Pevenesey. The bailiffs of Grymesby. The bailiffs of Neuport in the Isle of Wight. The bailiffs of Landstepan. The mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne. The bailiffs of Kameys. The bailiffs of Yaremouth. The bailiffs of Maldon. The bailiffs of St. Michael's Mount. The bailiffs of Neubigging. The bailiffs of La Pole. The bailiffs of Hardelowe. The bailiffs of Tynmuth. The bailiffs of Harlesbrok. The bailiffs of Lyverpol. The bailiffs of Gorleston. The bailiffs of Halyelaud. The bailiffs of Falemue. The mayor and bailiffs of Portesmuth. The bailiffs of Sydmuth. The bailiffs of Swaneseye. 19 EDWARD II. 547 Membrane 13c/ — cont. The bailiffs of Dunsterre. The bailiffs of Yalhatnpton under (super) Newenton Fer^rs. The bailiffs of Mousehole. The bailiffs of Faveisham. The bailiffs of Derteinuth. To Halph Basset, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover. Order not to permit any archbishop, bisiiop, abbot, prior, earl, baron, knight, or other man or woman, of whatsoever condition or estate they may be, except merciiants, to go out of the realm without the king's special licence. He wills that merchants shall be charged upon oath and diligently searched so that they do not carry with them any arms or letters prejudicial to the king or to his subjects. The like to all the mayors and bailiffs above-written. To the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton. Order to permit friars Berengar Foulcrandy and Peter Oliverii, of the Minorite order, who lately came to the king from Aragon, whither they are returning by the king's licence, to cross the sea from that port with the king's letters. To Peter, youngest Infant of the king of Aragon. The aforesaid Berengar and Peter, the envoys of the said Peter, have come to the king with Peter's letters of credence, and have explained to him what waa enjoined upon them, which the king has heard joyfully and with good will, and he has opened to them his mind concerning the premises, to be explained by tliem to Peter, and he signifies that he proposes sliortly to seud certain envoys lo Aragon. Alice, late the wife of Roger Beler, tenant in chief, puts in her place Hugh de Croft and Roger de Whatton to seek and receive in chancery her dower of her husband's lands, knights' fees, and advowsons. William de Felton acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Sibthorp, clerk, 4/. 5.5. 8c?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. Cancelled on payment. Membrane 12//. Thomas le Teyntour of Tamworthe, chaplain, and John his brother, acknowledge that they owe to Master Henry de Clyf, clerk, 55 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Stafford. — A. de Brom received the acknowledgment. Cancelled on payment. Robert de Morewode of Notingham acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Kclni, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Enrolment of grant by Richard Tute to Sir Hugh de Turplynton, knight, of all his lands, rents, and the .services of all his tenants, free and villein, in the towns of Herbardeston, Balerod, and Beneston in Ireland, together with the lordsiiips of the said towns and all appurtenances; to have to Hugh and the heirs male of his body, rentlering therefor a rose yearly; with remainder, in default of such heirs, to the donor. Witnesses: Master Henry de Clyf, Sir Henry de Edene.stowe, Sir Thomas do Evesham, Sir Michael do Wath, Sir John de Norton, .John tie St int Poul, Robert de Peulesdon, clerks. Dated at Leicester, 2 \Iarch, 19 Edwanl II. Memorandum, that Richard came into chancery at Leicester, on 4 March, and at;knowlcdgetl the above ileetl. M M 2 548 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1323. Membrane I2d — cotet. William Cubbe of Cumberford and Reginald de Hethre of Norton acknowledge that they owe to William de Herlaston, clerk, 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Stafford and Leicester. March 3. To the burgomasters, schoffen {seahinis), aldermen, and community of Leicester. Lubyk. The mayor and community of London have signified to the king by lettei's under their common seal that John le White, merchant of Almaio, and Arnald his brother sojourned for a long tiaie amongst the citizens of London, and exercised merchandise with the merchants thereof, and contracted with tliem in divers manners in buying and selling, and were reputed of good opinion and fame by all, and that they bought wool to the value of 480/. sterling from Richard de Hakeneye, citizen of London, and made letters obligatory under their seals for tlie payment of that sum at certain terms, and paid 226/. V6s. 4c/. thereof to Richard, and afterwards secretly left the city with their goods and chattels without satisfying Richard for the remainder of the aforesaid sum, and went to Lubyk, where they are now slaying, as it is said, and the mayor and community have besought the king that, whereas it has been lawfully proved to thera that John and Arnald fraudulently eloigned themselves from that city and unjustly detained 253/. 6s. He/., the remainder of the aforesaid greater sum, he will provide a remedy for Richard's indemnity : the king therefore requests the burgomasters, schoffen, aldermen and community to compel the aforesaid John and Arnald, — whom they have arrested, as the king learns, at the suit of William Fraunceys, yeoman of the said Richard, for which the king commends them, — to satisfy Richard for the said 253/. 65. 8c?. and his damages, and to punish them befittingly, conducting themselves so in this matter that the communion between the king's merchants and theirs may not be impeded, and so that any dissension may not arise, certifying the king by the beai'er of their proceedings. Enrolment of grant by Richard Knyvet of Suthwyk to Thomas Gentilcorps of a robe yearly, price 20s., for life, to be received from the donor's lands in the town of Apthorp and Wodeneuton. Witnesses : Sir Giles de Bello Campo ; Sir Thomas Wake of Depyng' ; William Gentilcorps ; John de Overton. Dated at Leicester, 6 March, 19 Edward II. Memorcmdum, that Richard came into chancery at Belgrave, and acknowledged the above deed. March 6. Richard Knyvet of Sutwyk acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Leicester. Gentilcorps 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Cancelled on payment. Roger le Bowstringcr of Notingham acknowledges that he owes to Hugh, parson of Wylugiiby church, John del Ker, and Hugh Martel of Chilwell, 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Nottingham. John Don of Notingham acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid Hugh, John, and Hugh, 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. William de Cesterfeld of Notingham acknowledges that he owes to the said Hugh, John, and Hugh 16/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Memorandum, that on 5 April, 19 Edward II., Stephen Alard, Robert Bataile, Gervase Alard, and William Squier, at Leicester, the king being there, mainperned on behalf of Robert son of Gervase Alard of Wynchelse for his good behaviour towards the king and his subjects, and that lie 19 EDWARD II. 519 132fj. Marcii G. Leicester. March 9. Marstou. March 6. Leicester. Membrane 1 2 against their owners' will, and beat and maltreat (ilifoulrnt) tlio.se who will not be of theiraccord, and that certain of them take and hold passes {paa.s) in divers places under cover and in the open {cii covert et dehors), and rol) merchants and otlier men notoriously and openly. Froich. The like to all the sheriffs of Enghmd. Et sount patentes. 550 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane \2d — cont. March 10. To the mayor of the city of London. The king, wishing that all his Merevale. subjects shall know the things done between the king of France and him by his envoys, and how he and his crown have been deteriorated by the envoys so far as in them lay, so tliat the blame may be imputed to the delinquents and not to the innocent, and that the naked truth may be known to all, is sending by his clerk, John le Smale, to the mayor a roll sub pede sigilli containing the process and order of the v/hole matter, and he orders the mayor to examine the roll forthwith, and, when he fully understands the contents thereof, to cause them to be published and made known in the Guildhall of London and in other public places of the city, and to keep the roll in his possession in safe custody after such publication, so that a copy thereof shall not be made for anyone in any wise under penalty, as the said clerk shall more fully explain to the mayor, to whom the mayor is to give credence, certifying the king with all speed of his proceedings in this matter. [Fasrfera.] By K. March 10. Robert de Wodehous, canon in St. Mary's church, Lincoln, acknowledges Merevale. that he owes to Hugh de Despenser, lord of Glomorgan and Morgannon, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Lincoln. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. Cancelled on payment. Memorandum^ that the afore.said Hugh granted, before the chancellor, that this recognisance shall be cancelled upon payment of 100/. at the date therein fixed for payment. March 16. Master Walter de Itlesp {sic), clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Lirhfield. Thomas de Sibthorp, clerk, keeper of the hanaper, 2os. 10c?.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in eo. Oxford. Cancelled on payment. Roger de Swynnerton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to "William de Herlaston, clerk, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Staftbrd. Cancelled on payment. Membrane lid. March 10. Walter, abbot of Suleby, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that be Merevale. owes to Richard Blundel 6/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Cancelled on payment. March 14. Edmund de Oxendon acknowledges that he owes to John de Donestaple, Tamwoith. parson of the church of Wittelegh, 200/.; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in co Northampton. John son of Edmund de Oxendon acknowledges that he owes to John de Dunestaple 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. March 14. To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales. Order to pursue, .arrest, Tamworih. and imprison Ralph son of Roger la Zousche of Lubesthorp, Eustace de Folevill, Robert de Folevill and Walter his brother, Adam de Barleye, William de Barkeston of Bitham, Robert son of Simon Hauberk de Scalde- ford, Roger la Zousche of Lubesthorp, knight, John son of William la Zousche of Haryngworth, knight, Robert de Helewell, knight, and Richard, parson of the church of Teye, who are indicted of the death of Roger Beler, slain in co. Leicester, before certain of the king's subjects appointed to hear and determine the aforesaid felony, and who have been put in exigent to be outlawed at the king's suit, and have gone to Wales, as it is said, 19 EDWAUD II. 551 132G. Membrane \ \d — cont. certifying the king of the names of those whom he shall arrest in execu- tion hereof. By K. The like to John Darcy ' le Neveu,' justiciary of Ireland. By K. March 10. To Robert de Hausted, constable of Porchester castle. Order to cause Merevale. diligent search to be made in all places within his bailiwick of all persons entering the realm, and to cause to be arrested all of whom there is probable suspicion that they are entering the realm to spy out the secrets of the realm in order to do certain things prejudicial to the king and his realm, and to certify the king from day to day of the names of those whom he shall thus arrest, as the king learns upon trustworthy information that many armed men. Englishmen and otiiers, coming from parts beyond sea, are entering the realm in the port of Portesmuth and in other places on the sea coast in Robert's bailiwick, and are wandering about secretly in divers parts of the realm for the purposes aforesaid, and no search or arrest has hitherto been made by Robert or his men. By K. The like to the following : The sheriff of Southampton. The mayor of Southampton. Enrolment of release by Roger son of Richard Durdent to Roger son of William Hillery of his right in the manor of Frisshereswyk and in all the lands that Nicholas Dunlent had in Whitinton and Tomenhorn. Witnesses: Ralph de Monjoye ; Thomas de Matkeleye ; John de Hambury ; Henry de Norton; Robert Norton ; Roger de Norton; Nicholas de Gresleye. Dated at Tuttebury, on Thursday the morrow of St. Gregory, 19 Edward II. Memorandum, that Roger son of Richard came into chancery at Licefeld, on 17 March, and acknowledged the above. March 18. William de Stafford, the elder, Roger Trumwyne, William de Stafford, Lichfield. the younger, John Bagod of liromley, William de Chetewyndc, James de Stafford, John de Picstok, Robert Bylhewatre, John de Okovere, Richard del Delues, Vivian de Verdon, Robert de Verney, anil Richard de Blythefeld acknowledge that they owe to Roger de Swynnerton. knight, 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels ia CO. Stafford. March 18. James le Botiller of Ireland, son and heir of Edmund le Botiller of Lichfield. Ireland, acknowledges that he owes to the king 2,(X)0 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of liisi lands and chattels in lOnghmd and Ireland. Memorandum, that James made the above recognisjuice for having licence to marry whom he may wish, because his marriage portaii!e«ince for 10/. made by him in chancery to John son of William de Wetewange. Peter de Monte Forti acknowledges that he owes to John de Pirie, parson of the church of Ayle^ton, 500 marks ; to be levied, in default of paymt-nt, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. The .said Peter acknowledges that he owes to John 160/. ; to be levied as above. Thomas Chaunterel acknowledges that he owes to Michael Minyot of London 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. John Slegh of Northcolyngham, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to Robert son of Robert de Suthscarle 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Robert son of Robert de Sulh.scarle acknowledges that he owes to .lohn Slegh of Northcolyngham, clia|)lain, 60/.; to bo levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. Peter, prior of Castelacre, acknowledges that ho owes to Boniface de Peruchiis and .Selimannus Loteri and his fellow.^, mcrchant-s of tho society of the Peruzzi of Florence, 500/.; to bo levied, in default of payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesiastical goods in co. Norfolk. Cancelled on pnt/mcnt. Membrane 7d. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior of Holy Trinity, York, to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next for all debts due to the exchequer. By K. Enrolment of surrender and relca.sc by Adam de Brom, clerk, to the king of a me.'isuage, five shops, five soUers, and a cellar in Oxford, in the parish of St. Mary, which Adam lately acquired from Roger le Marescliall, parson of the church of Tackeley, and of a messuage in the suburbs of the same town called ' le Perilloshalle.' Witnesses : Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, ehancelior of f^ngland ; Geoffrey le Scrop, kniglit. Master Henry de Clyf, William de Hcrlaston, William de Clyf, Henry ign. Meniorondnni, that Adam came into chancery at Stanle, on '21 April, and acknowledged the abo\e deed. C60 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. April 21. Kenilworth. April 20. Kenilworth. April 27. Kenilworth. May 1. Kenilworth. April 28. Kenilworth. Membrane Id — cont. William de Birmynghara, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Birmynghatn 18/. ; to be levied, ia default of payment, of his lands and chattels iu co. Warwick. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior and convent of St. Oswald's Nostell to have respite until Michaelmas next for all debts due to the exchequer. By K. John de North toft of Fynchingfeld acknowledges that he owes to Master Elias de Saucto Albano 64/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. John de Mounceux and Thomas de Aldon, acknowledi^e that they owe to the king 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Sussex. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. Memorandum, that John and Thomas made this recognisance in oi'der to have licence for John to marry whom he wish, because his marriage pertained to the king. John de Wridewell acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Salesburi, ' spicer ' of London, 60 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. The said Jolin acknowledges that he owes to John Hamond, * spicer ' of London, 40 marks ; to be levied as above. John Spray acknowledges that he owes to Master Elias de Sancto Albano 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Simon Ganet, parson of the church of Fakenhamdam, puts in his place AVilliam de Eineldon, clerk, to prosecute a recognisance for 40 marks made to him by brother Thomas Larcher, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Robert de Hagham was elected coroner of the county of Essex by the king's writ in full county [court] at Chelniersford, on Tuesday after St. Mark, 19 Edward IL, with the assent of the said count}- [court] in place of John de Solers, and Robert there took oath, as the writ requires. Robert son of Walter son of Robert de Daveutre acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Daventre, knight, 1,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. To the sheriff of Huntingdon. Whereas the king lately caused pro- clamation to be made throughout iiis realm prohibiting any one going armed without his licence, except the keepers of his peace, sheriffs, and other ministers, willing that any one doing the contrary should be taken by the sheriff or bailiffs or the keepers of his peace and delivered to the nearest gaols, to remain therein until the king ordered his will concerning them ; the king now learns that Thomas de Eye, John Grubbe, and Richard le Orfreysier, who are not, it is said, keepers of his peace or other ministers of his, frequently go about armed with aketons, baciuets, and other arms by day and by night in towns, fairs, markets, and other public and private places, committing many evil deeds, contrary to the proclamation and inhibition afoi'esaid ; for which a remedy is not applied by the sheriff or the keepers of peace, to the king's surprise; he therefore orders the sheriff to cause inquisition to be made concerning the premises, and to take and imprison until further orders all those found guilty of the premises and all those whom he shall find hereafter going about armed in such arms anywhere in his bailiwick, certifying the king without delay of his proceedings in this behalf under his seal, according to the form of the proclamation aforesaid. \^Fccdera.'\ 19 EDWARD II. 661 1326. May 1. Uailca. May 2. Hailcs. April 18. Kciiilworth. Miiy 9. I'iitou. 81294. Membrane 7d — cont. To the sheriff of Stafford. Whereas the kinj? lately appointed John de Stonore and John de Denuni his ju.stices to malte inquisitions concerning unlawful assemblies in that county, and to execute certain other things, and to hear and determine the same, and many who are indicted thereof and for carrying arms against the peace, and who have lieen addi e.^sed betfore the justices concerning the same have confessed and put themselves upon the king's grace concerning the same, and the king ordeied the said justices to assign day to those thus indicted by mainprize to a[)pear on Monday after the octaves of Holy Trinity next before the king and liis council to hear the king's will, and ordered the justices not to annoy them in any wise, and to certify him of the names of those who had thus put themselves upon his will : as the king has caused the day to be prorogued until Monday the octaves of Michaelmas, he orders the sheritY to assign that day to those thus indicted, and to certify the king on that day of their names. By C. The prior of Lewes puts in his place William Musbcrd to defend the execution of a recognisance for 350/. made by his predecessor in chancery to Andrew de Staunford. Master Roger de la Bere puts in his place Robert do Hcmmyngburgh to prosecute a recognisance for 100/. matlo to him by Philip de Cernaye, prior of Durhurst. John son of William de Combe acknowledges that lie owes to Master Henry de Grofherst 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Ed. de Eylesford and Roger de Bella Fago acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Sibthorp, clerk, GOs. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Herelbrd and Northampton. The said Ed. and Roger acknowledge that they owe to Ma.ster Robert de Baldok, the younger, 404'. ; to be levied as abovo. John de Driffcld acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Hemelhamstud IGl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands anil chattels in CO. Nottingham. Rol)ert Tymparoun, parson of tlu; church of Kirkdcnyngton, diocese of Carlisle, acknowledges that he owes to Michael s to be prepared, i)ut that, because the constable does not wish that so great a number of slii|)s shall come against them tliat they may be affrighted, nor so few thai they may not be well assured, he prays and advises them to signify to him as quickly as may please tiiem the day of their arrival and (Ik; manner of the security that they wish to have, and that \h- will do at their will what they desire, according to his power, and that meanwhile they will await there until he have certified the king of tlieir reply. lie is ordered to ordain tho matter so that evil or peril shall not arise, and that the points of the conduct shall be well kept. When they arrive, lie is to receive them well and courteously, and when they have been well and courteously lodged, and tho ships that brought them have been returned, this being done as speedily as possible, tho con.sfablc is to say to them himself, as of his olliee, in fitting manner : ' Lords, you have come by the king's conduct, i)lea8e shew it.* And when it is shewn, he is to chai ge the points well, saying : ' Lords, by custom it pertains (o the office of constable, at the entry into the land of any stranger carrying power, c.si)ccially in times of disturbance, to charge tho.se thus entering to shew and signify to the king before all things the cause of their coming and what they bring; l)Ut it seems to me that you have done so wisely and advisedly, as appears by the words of the conduct, wherefore T ab.stain from doing so. But, in additicm, lords, as perUiins to my office and as is accustomed, I forbid yo»i,on the king's behalf, from carry- ing or doing anything in this land lhat shall or may be jjrejudieial to or N N 2 564 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane Gd — cont. against the king, his crown, land, or any man of his land, under the peri^ that appertains ; and that you do not henceforth receive or use any order that shall or may come to you that shall or may be prejudicial or contrary to them, as is aforesaid, under the same peril ; ' and that the king is coming, and that he will signify the king of their arrival, so that the king may cause them to know where they shall come to him by certain men, who shall conduct them safely ; and that in the meantime they will take their ease, and that he will certify the king speedily, because the king will be ready enough for their ease, as the constable may say to them. And, for the constable's excuse, he may say that if he did not do the things aforesaid, he might be empeached therefor in parliament by the king and all the baronage, to the peril of his body and possessions. He is enjoined to treat them courteously and amiably during their stay, and to send order to the admiral speedily for ships and power, and also to the sheriflf' and others on land, if he see fit, for safe and sure guard, both from the ports and from the people of the land, according to the purport of his last commission. The king has ordered the admiral and sheriff to be intendent to the constable herein, as appears by the copy herewith enclosed. The king is sending to him his clerk. Master Henry de Canterbirs, who is carrying the king's letters to the said envoys, and whom he has charged to carry to them the constable's said letters over to Whitsand, and to inform the constable of certain affairs wherewith the king has charged the said clerk, to whom the constable is enjoined to give credence. French. \^Fcedera.'\ To the sheriff of Kent. Writ of aid in favour of the aforesaid constable in the matters aforesaid. French. [TSzc?.] May 20. To Nicholas Kyriel, admiral of the king's navy from the mouth of the Ogbourne. water of the Thames to the west. Order to cause the navy of his bailiwick to be assembled, so that it shall be ready for the affairs aforesaid and as often as the said constable shall give him knowledge, and to cause the navy to be sent to the constable by certain and sufficient men. The king wills that the admiral shall come to London as quickly as he can, to treat with the king's council concerning the keeping of tliesea according to the form of the king's order by writ of great seal sent to him upon another occasion and by letters of the chancellor ; leaving in his place when he thus comes a wise and advised subject to intend to the aforesaid constable in his absence, so that evil, peril or dishonour may not arise, wherefore the king ought to punish him. \IhidP\ May 24. Peregrinus de Controno, merchant, puts in his place Master Pancius de Croydon. Controno and Aselinus Simcmet, merchant of Luca, to prosecute the execu- tion of all recognisances made to him in chancery and elsewhere by the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. May 24. To the mayor, bailiffs, and men of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to choose Croydon. two of the richest burgesses of that town trading in wool, hides, and wool- fells, and to cause them to come to London, so that they be at the house of the Friars Preachers there on the mori-ow of St. Barnabas next, before Hamo de Chigewell, John de Cherleton, Reginald de Conductu, and Henry Darcy, citizens and merchants of Loudon, John de Flynt and John de Hales, citizens and merchants of Norwich, whom the king has deputed to obtain fuller information concerning the staple of wool, hides, and wool-fells, in order to elect, together with other merchants of the staples aforesaid whom the king has ordered to be present at the said day and place, a merchant to exercise the office of the mayoralty of the same staples, as it is ordained by the king and his council that the staple of wool, hides, and wool-fells and of tin shall be held in divers places within his realm and power, and that the merchants of the same staples shall have a mayor of the staples. By K. \Purl. Writs.] 19 EDWARD II. 666 1326. Membrane 6il — cont. The like to the following : The mayor, bailiffs, and men of York. The mayor, bailiffs and men of" Lincoln. The bailiffs and men of Norwich. The mayor, bailiffs and men of London. The mayor, bailiffs, and men of Winchester. The mayor, bailiffs, and men of Exeter. The mayor, bailiffs, and men of Bristol. The bailiffs and men of Shrewsbury. The bailiffs and men of Kaermerdyn. [Ibid.'] May 12. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to prepare himself and the Gloucester, members of his household in as much power as possible, so tiiat they be ready for the defence of the church and realm when and as often as they shall be summoned by the kin^, certifying the king without delay of the number of his houHehold men and of his retinue, both horse and foot, as all natives of the realm are bound to defend it when threatened, and the arch- bishop is the more specially bound to do so by reason of his large possessions therein, and it is now publicly said and threatened that aliens will invade the realm. By K. [Foedera ; Pari. 1Vtits.'\ The like to the archbishop of York and to .seventeen bishops. [/6ayment of III. John de Hattefeld, chaplain, acknowleilgcs that he owes to Roger son of William de Croxton 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. William de PhafFord acknowledges that he owes to Taldus Valoris and his follows, merchants of the .society of the Bardi of Florence, 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cornwall. Adam Hunteman, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to John de Itudhani 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Whereas it was lately ordained that the staple of wool, hides, and wool-fells shall be held in certain places in the realm and in the hinds of Ireland and Wales, for the profit and ease of the peojile of the said realm and lands, and the king now understands that many per.sons of the said realm and lands endeavour to weaken the said ordinance, which the king lately sent to the sheriff sub pede siyilli to be kept and held in his bailiwick : the king orders the sheriff to cause the ordinance and all its contents to be proclaimed and held and kept in all places in his bailiwick where he shall see fit. By K. The like to all the sherifls of England. June 18. The Tower. Juno 18. Tlie Tower. June 21. The Tower. Brother Thomas Larcher, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and William de Langeford acknowledge that they owe to Bartholomew de Honylane, citizen and vintner of London, lo3/. 65. brf. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. North- ampton and Leicester. Cancelled on payment. Geoflrey atte Fan of Retyndon acknowledges that he owt's to Gilbert do Eboi[aeo], clerk, G marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Robert de Sapy acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey dc Stokes ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Oxford. Cancelled on payment. Juno 30. Hugh dc Iloldham acknowledges that he owes to John de Melforde 'lOl. ; Webtuiinster. to bo levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Kent. 572: CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. July 2. Westminster. June 29. Westminster. July 4. Sheen. Membrane 4d — cont. Stephen de Asshewy, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Creppyngg' 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor received the acknow- ledgment. Roger de Brok, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Roger Chauntecler 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Middlesex. The abbot of Vaudey acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to John Test and Ascelinus Simonet, merchants of Luca, 261. I3s. id. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. John de Wottryugbury puts in his place Nicholas de Fontibns and William de Emeldon, clerks, to prosecute a recognisance made to him in chancery by John de Kelweden. To Ralph Basset of Drayton, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover. Order to permit brother Peter Marie, proctor of the abbot of Fecamp in England, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, to cross the sea from that port ; provided that search be made that he do not carry with him any letters or other things prejudicial to the king, his realm, or subjects. By K. Simon Basset of Sapecote, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Roger Wryde of Stafford 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Leicester and Stafford. Roger Wryde of Stafford acknowledges that he owes to the said Simon 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Stafford. Richard de Kymberle of Cantebrigg' acknowledges that he owes to Matilda Duraunt, daughter of Robert Duraunt of Dunstaple, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Cicely, late the wife of Henry Buscre of Malyns, and Alexander de Hucliiuden, chaplain, executors of the will of the said Henry, put in their places Edmund Malyns to prosecute the recognisances made to Heniy in chancery. Robert de Kendale, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William do Cheyne 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO Hertford. William de Gillyng', parson of the church of All Saints at Haywharf, London, puts in his place Nicholas de Fontibus and William de Emeldon, clerks, to prosecute a recognisance for 20/. made to him in chancery by Roger de Ware, vicar of the church of Soppele. Membrane Sd, June 1. Robert de Watevill and Margaret his wife, late the wife of Wiliam son of Saltwood. William Martyn, tenant in chief, put in their places Thomas de Evesham and Thomas de Sibthorp to seek in cliancery Margaret's dower of the lands, knight's fees, and advowsons that belonged to her late husband. June 16. Robert de Watevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Eltham. Despenser. lord of Glomorgau, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. 19 EDWARD II. 573 1326. Membrane 3cl — conf. Master Thurstan de Hampslape, clerk, puts in liis place Simon Hesewik — — to prosecute a recognisance for 12/. 125. Od. made to him in chancery by Master Joiin de Tyngewik. Simon de Forneanx, tenant of part of the lands that belonged to Matthew de Forneaux, puts in his place Theobald Portejoye and Walter de Enenicre to defend a recognisance for 240 marks made to John son of John de Buttone in chancery by the aforesaid Matthew, Simon, and Matthew de Clyvedene. June 17. The abbot of Vaudey acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes The Tower, to Hasculpli dc Whitewell 17 marks (is. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Enrolment of release by John dc Warenna, earl of Surrey, to the king of his right in the castles, manors, towns, lands, with knights' fees, advowsons, and all otiier appurtenances, that he had at any time in co. York, and also in the manors and towns of Staunford and Grantham, co, Lincoln. Witnesses : W. archbishop of York ; \V. bishop of Exeter ; Sir William de Bereford, Sir Walter de Norwico, Sir William de Ilerlc, knights ; Sir Hervey de Staunton, Mast(!r Henry do Clyf, clerks. Dated at Westminster, 7 May, 10 Edward II. Memorandum, that the earl came into chancery at Westminster, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of surrender and release by tlie said earl to the king of his castle and town of Kaygate and his manors of Dorkyng and Bfcheworth, CO. Surrey, the castle and town of Lewe.s, the manors of Cokefeld, Cleyton, Dycluinyiig, Mechyng, Peccham, Brightelincston, Kottyngden, Iloundeden, Northesc, Kadenield, Kymer, Middelton, Abyiigworthe, I'icombe, and the towns of Iford, Pyil)nghowe, and Seford, co. Sussex, and of the castles of Dynarsbraii and of Holt (castro Lcotiis), and of the lands of Bromfeld, lal, and Wriglitesiiam in Wales, with all knights' It cs, reversions, advowsons, etc., and all otlier appurtenances whatsoever. Witnes.ses as above. Dated at Westmiii.ster, 11 May, 19 Edward II. Memorandum, (hat the carl came into chancery at Westminster, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of deed of E/. Kis. \d. ; to l)e levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. July 6. Thomas de Garton, parson of the church of Ovre, diocese of Ely, ByHeet. acknowledges that he owes to Michael de Wnth, clerk, (iO*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and clialtrl.s in co. Cambridge. Cancelled on payment. 576 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. -j^g26 Membrane 2d. June 19. To the bishop of Beauvoys. It is well known in France how the king Westminster, lately sent queen Isabella to her brother the king of France to obtain peace, and how she stays in France and withdraws herself from the king, and has not returned to him at his commandment, but that she adheres to Roger le Mortimer, the king's mortal enemy and notorious traitor, attainted and condemned, and as such banished and exiled by the king of France from his realm and power at the king's request ; and also how the king's son and heir Edward, to whom he has given the duchy of Guienne, remains in those parts against the king's will, under other government than the king's, against right and reason and the covenant made between the king and the king of France; and the latter has not yet fully rendered his lands in the said duchy to Edward, although he has done full homage for all the land ; and the king has prayed the king of France in friendly and affectionate manner to cause these matters to he redressed. The king, desiring peace and quiet between him and the king of France, and trusting in the bishop's loyalty, truth, and wisdom, and that by his labour the king's rightful requests may be the more graciously understood and granted by the king of France, is sending to the bishop, as his dear friend and as a peer of France, transcripts of the letters addressed to the king of France at other times and now, and he prays and requests the bishop to hear and understand his requests contained in the transcripts, and to use his aid and counsel with the king of France so that he will grant and execute the king's requests with favour and grace, quickly and with effect, for the nourishment of peace for ever ; so that, by the aid of God and of the bishop, the matters may be brouglit to a point and finished duly and suitably without any delay, and the king may be bound to the bishop to requite the service in like case. He is requested to certify the king with all speed of his pro- ceedings and of the proceedings of the king of France in this matter ; because, as the king writes to the king of France, as contained in the transcripts, the bishop may understand from the king, as from every man of his estate, that the king is much grieved with enduring sucii shameful despites and great damages for so long, and he cannot truly suffer them long in any wise. French. \_F(jedera.'\ To Edward, the king's son. Although he has written to the king that he remembers what the king enjoined upon him at his departure from the king at Dovre, and that he would not ti^nsgress the king's commandments in any point, but would execute them to the best of his power, it seems to the king that he does not keep the covenant, and does not obey his com- mands, as a good son should do, since he has not come to the king to be under his government as he ought to be and as the king lias ordered him to do by other letters under his benison, but has notoriously kept company with and adhered to Mortimer, the king's traitor and mortal enemy, iu the company of his mother and elsewhere, Mortimer having publicly borne at Parys Edward's suit at the coronation at Whitsuntide last, in great despite of the king and to the great dishonour of the king and of Edward, whereas Edward has informed the king untruly that Mortimer is not an adherent of the queen or of him ; whereby the king considers himself very evilly paid. The king also understands that Edward has, by counsel contrary to the king and contrary to his own profit, made many orders, ordinances, and divers things, without advising the king and contrary to the king's orders and will, concerning the duchy of Guyenne given to him by the king ; Edward ought to remember the manner of the gift and his answer to the king at Dovre when the king made the gift : which matters are unbecoming and may be very damaging. 'J''he king therefore orders and charges him, by his duty and the king's blessing, and under pain of for- 19 EDWA.UD II. 577 132G. Membrane 2d— cunt. feiture, and as he wishes that the king shall hold him for his dear and well- loved son, as he lias always done, to come to the king with all speed, laying aside ail excuses, from his mother or from other, or other excuses that he has written to the kin^ heretofore, so that the king may ordain for him and his estate as befits, especially as Edward ou;;lit not to have, nor to wish to have, by right and reason any other governor than tlie king. Moreover, the king charges him, in like manner, not to marry until he have returned to the king, or without the king's assent and command, and not to do anything touching the duchy or elsewhere contrary to the king's orders and will, or without first advising the king and having his assent, and to cause anything that he may have done to be revoked as befits. lie is enjoined to take th( se commands to heart, although he be of tender age, and to execute them humbly and completely, if he wish to avoid the king's anger and indignation, and as he loves his own profit and honour. lie is enjoined not to tiust to any counsel contrary to his father's will, as the wise king Solomon teaches him, and to inform the king speedily of his proceedings; understanding for certain that if the king find him contrary or disobedient hereafter to his will, by what counsel soever it may l)c. In- will ordain in such wise that Edward shall feel it all the days of his life, and that uU other sons shall take example thereby of disobeying their lords and fathers. French. [/ijV/.] •— — To the king's brother [the king of France]. The king reminds him of what he wrote; to him at another time concerning the uidieconiing conduct of his wile, the sister of the king of France, in withdrawing herself so shamefully from the king, and in not returning at his order, and in attract- ing to her company anil adhering to the Mortirni-r, the king's traitor and mortal enemy, and the king's other enemies on that side, and in causing Edward, the king's son and heir, to adluu'e to the king's enemies aforesjiid, to the great dishonour of the king and of all her blood, and that the king of France ought to have been well-w i>Iiing, fur his and the king's honour, that such matters should be duly redressed ; and the king rfijuesled him by the said letters lo send to the king the latter's son, who is '^fsuch teinkr age that he cannot and knows not how to govern or guide himself, and ought therefore to be under the king's government and under that of no other, according to ri^ht and reason and the covenant between the king :ind the king of France, so that the king might ordain concerning him and his goods and estate, as befits; and that, as the king's son had done honiaire lo the king of France entirely for llu; whoh; of the duchy, the latter would render to the king's s m al()ro long such shameful despites and great damages, and, indeed, he will be ur able to suffer them for long. French, [/hid ] 8V2'J-l. o t> 578 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 2d — cont. March 18. To Edward, the king's son. The knig understands what Edward has Lichfield. answered by liis letters, and that he remembers what he was charged by tiie king concerning his not marrying witliout the king and concerning other matters, and what he said to the king at his departure from Dovre, and that he would alwaj's obey the king's orders and pleasure with all his power. If he do so, he will do vdsely and will do his duty, and will have the grace of God, the king, and of all men ; if he do not, he cannot avoid great dishonour and damage to God and all men, and the king's wrath and indignation : the king therefore charges him, to the best of his power, and under pain of forfeiting (ineffaire) all he may to the king, to remember well the rn;itters aforesaid, and that he do not marry, or suffer himself to be married, without the king's assent, or before he have returned to the king, and that he do nothing else that may [be] to the king's damage, in anger of Iieart. Regarding Avliat he has informed the king, that it seems to him that lie cannot come to the king so speedily as the iting has ordered him by reason of his mother, w"ho is, as he says, in gr<>at uneasiness of heart, and that he cannot leave her until she be in such point, out of affection and to do his duty, to leave [her] in such unhappiness for long ; he knows how the king has loved and cherished lier, and, truly, il' she had conducted herself towards the king as she ought to have done towards her lord, the king would be much harassed to learn of her grief or unhappiness, but as she feigns a reason to withdraw from the king by reason of his dear and faithful nephew H. le Despenser, who has always served the kirg well and faithfully, Edward can see and everybody can see that she openly, notoriously, and knowingly, contrary to her duty and the estate of the king's crown, which she is bound to love and maintain, draws to her and retains in her company of her council the Mortimer, the king's traitor and mortal enemy, approved, attainted, and adjudged in full parliament, and keeps his company within and without house, in despite of the king and of his crown and of the rights of his realm, which Mortimer the king of Fiance had banished from his power as the king's enemy at the king's request at another time, and now she does worse, if possible, when she has delivered Edward to the company of the king's said enemy, and makes [him] Edward's councillor, and causes Edward to adhere to him openly and notoriously in the sight of everybody, to the great dishonour and villainy of the king and of Edward, and in prejudice of the king's crown and of the Hwsand usages of the realm of England, which Edward is bound to save and maintain before all things. For these and many other reasons Edward's stay in those parts, which is so shameful and may be perilous and damaging to him in many ways, does not please the king, and ought not to please Edward, either for his mother or for any one else. The king therefore orders and chai ges him to come to him as speedily as possible, notwithstanding the above or any other excuses, since his motlier has written to the king that she will not disturb his returning if he wish to return, and the king does not think that the king of France will detain him contrary to his safe-conduct. He is enjoined not to omit coming to the king speedily, either for his mother or for any other reason, or for going iuto the duchy [of Aquitaine], concerning which the king will soon make ordinance for Edward's honour, or for any other cause or excuse, if he wish to escape the king's anger and indignation and forfeiture of what he can forfeit to the king ; so that the king may make ordinance concerning him and his estate, as well in the duchy as in other lands that Edward has on this side. If John de Bretaigne and John de Crombwell wish to come in his company, they will do their duty. He is enjoined not to transgress the king's orders, because the king is much troubled that he has done what he ought not to have done, [/^irf.] March 18. To the king's brother [the king of France]. The king understands well Lichfield. the letters of the king of France, whereby he signifies that he has spoken 579 132G. Membrane 2d — cont. to his sister concerning the reasons and matters that tlie king [desired], and tliat she has said tliat slie fj^reatly wished to be witli the king and in his company, as a good wife ought to be with her lord, and tliat the semblances of friendship between her and the king's dear and faithful nephew 11. le Despenser were merely feigned, and this she percuived clearly, but that it was necessary for her to keep them up to jjass the time and to escape worse. Truly, if she loved the king, she would desire to be in his company, as she has said ; she, who ought t great and es|)ecial friend.-hip as she might from time to time. Now at last, when the king sent to seek her, she then showed the feigned matter for the first time, whiuh was never heard or suspcct<'(l by any one, unless by hei' ; wherefore, the matters being considered, one ought not to give fail li to such (t;igned invention against the truth. Hut, indeed, the king fully perceives, as the king of France and everybody nniy, that she does not love the king as she ought to love her lord, and (liat the matter that she speaks of the king's said nephew, for which she withdraws herself from the king, is feigned and is not certain, but the kiu2 thinks it must be of inordinate will when she, so opiiiily and notoriously, knowingly, against tier duty and the es(at(! of the king's crown, which she is bound to love, has drawn to her and retains in her company of her council the king's traitor and mortal enemy the Mortimer, and others of his conspiracy, and keeps his company in ami out of house, which evildoer the king of Franco banished from his power at another tini(! as tlie king's enemy, by virtue of the alliances between his and the king's ancestors. The king of France ought to will that slie refrain from such misprisions and conduct herself as she ought to do, foi- the honour of all those to whom she is related. Con- cerning the king's son, whom his mother causes lo accompany the king's saiil traitor and enemy, and to counsel liim, and to jiroloiig his stay in despite of the king, these actions displease tlic king, whether [done j for his mother or for any one else. 'J'he king ther(!h)re prays the king of France, as the king has given to his son the dujhy [of Aquitainej to jjleasc the king of France ami of his great reliance in the natural alfectioii and good faiili of the king of France and without disputing concerning his son's safc-comlucl, and has sent him to tl\(! king of Frai\ci', and he is ol' such tender age that he cannot and knows not how to govern himself, that he will send the king's son back witii all haste, so (hat the king may ordain conce>-!iing him and his estate and his affairs, and to render to him his lamis in the diudiy, which the king of France holds, as good faith recjuires, however some will understand the words of the accord in too hard a manner to the king's disiidieritance. The king of France is ie<[ucsted to iid'orm the king of his will by the f)earer hereof according to reason, good faith, and fraternal alfection, without having regard to the wilful pleasure of woman, French. [/6iV/.] 1325. Dec. 2. "^I'o [Kdward] the king's son. Albeit he is young and of tender age, Westminster, he is enjoined to remember well what the king charged and commanded o o 2 Se^O CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 2d — cont. him when he left him at Dovre, and what he tlien answered to the king, for which the king lhanks him, and he is enjoined not to trespass or con- travene in any point for any one what the king then enjoined upon him. Since his homage is received, he is to repair to tlie king of France and take his leave, and come to the king in the company of the queen, if she will come so soon, or if she will not, to come himself with all haste without further delay, as the king has great desire to see him and speak with him ; and this he is not to omit in any wise, either for his mother or for any other, under the king's blessing. French. \_Ibid.'] Dec. 1. To the queen. The king has frequently ordered her, both before and "Westminster, after the homage, to -come to him with all speed, laying aside all excuses ; but before the homage she was excused by I'eason of the advancement of the afi'airs, and she has now informed the king by the bishop of Winchester, with lier letters of credence, that she will not return now for danger and doubt of Hugh le Despenser. The king marvels at this to the extent of his power, especially as she always behaved amiably to him, and he to her, in the king's presence, and particularly at her departure by her behaviour, and after her departure by very special letters sent to him, which he has shown to the king. The king knows for truth, and slie knows, that Hugh has always procured her ail the honour witli the king that he could ; and no evil or villainy was done to her after her marriage by any abetment and procurement, unless peradventure sometimes the king has addressed to her in secret words of reproof, by her own fault, if she will remember, as was befitting, without other hardship, and she ought not, for God and the law of the church and for the honour of the king and of her, to transgress the king's commands for anything on earth, nor leave his company. It will much displease the king if now, after homage has been done to the king of France, and the king and the king of France are in such a good way of love, she, whom the king sent for peace, should be the reason of any difference between the king and the king of France, and especially for feigned and untrue reasons. He therefore orders her to put aside all such feigned reasons and excuses, and to come to him with all speed, especially as the king of France has, accorihng to the bishop's report, said, in the bishop's presence, that she shall not be molested nor delayed from coming to the king contrary to her safe-conduct, since the king is her husband and she is his wife. As to her expen.ses, the king will, when she has returned to him as a wife ought to do to her husband, ordain so that she shall have no lack of things appertaining to her, whereby neither the king nor slie may be dishonoured in any wise. The king also wills and orders that she sulfer and make Edward, his son, return to him in as much haste as possible, according to the king's orders to him, and this she is in no wise to neglect, since the king has a great desire to see and talk with him. And whereas lately, when Walter, bishop of Exeter, was with the queen, the king was informed that some of the king's banished enemies lay in wait for the bishop to have done him harm of his body if they had seen a fitting time, and the king, to eschew such perils and by reason of the great affairs of the king's that the bishop had to do, ordered him to hasten home in the most secure manner possible, putting aside all other matters, in order to save him- self; the king therefore wills and orders her to excuse the bishop for coming to him so suddenly from those parts, and she is to understand that the bishop did so for no other reasons than those aforesaid. French. {Ibid.'] To the king of France. The king has received and understood his letters, delivered by the bishop of Wyiicestre, and has also understood what the bi.shop has told him by word of mouth concerning the matters contained in the letters. As to the king of France's information to the king that he understood from trustworthy men that the queen of England durst not come 19 EDWARD ir. 581 1325. Membrane 2d — cont. to the king for peril of her life and for the doubt that she has of Hugh le Dc'spcnser, it is not fitting tliiit she should doubt Hugh or any other man living in the king's realm, since if either Hugh or any other man in the realm wished her evil, and the king knew of it, he would chastise them in such a manner that others should take example; and such is, and has been, and always will be the king's will, and lie has sulficieiit power therefor. He wishes the king of P'rance to know that \w could never perceive that Hugli privately or openly, in word or deed, or in coimtenance did not bcha\e himself in all points towards the queen as he ought; to have done to his lady ; but when the king remembers the amiable countenances and words lietween the (piren and Hugh that he has seen, and the great friendsliips tlmt she held to him upon her going beyond sea, and the loving letters that she sent him not long ago, which Hu^h has shown to the king, he cannot in any manner l)elieve that tlie queen by herself can understand such thing concerning Hugh, whoever has dut of hatred made her so understand, and the king cannot believe it of Hugh in any manner, but lie believes that, after himself, Hugh is the man of his realm who wishes her most honour, and this Hugh has always shown, and the king testifies it in good truth. He piays the king of P"'rance not to give credence to those who would make him understand otherwise, but that he will believe the king's testimony, because the king has, and of reason ought to liave, much greater knowledge of this matter tlian others. He therefore prays the king of France as especially as he can, that he will, for the honour of him, tlie king, and of the king's wife, do so much that she shall come to the king in such haste as she can, becauf-e the king is rendered very uneasy because he has such loss of her company, and he would not have deprived himself thereof if it had not been (or the great trust that he had, and has, in the king of France and in his good faith that slie would return at the king's will. The king also j)rays the king of France to expedite and cause to be delivered Edward, the king's eldest sun, nephew of tlie king of France, and to render to him the lands of the duchy that the king of France holds, for the love and affection that the king of France has to F^dwurd, and so that ho shall iu)t be disinherited, which the king does not think the king of France wishes. lie also prays the king of Fiance to suil'er Edward to come to him with all [)0ssil)l(' haste, as the king has order(!(i him, as the king has a great will to see iind speak with him, and it was always his will that he should return to him so soon as the liomage was done and when the king should order him. Whereas when Walter, bishop of Kxeter, was with the king of h'ratice, the king was given to understand that some of the king's enemies lay in wait for the bishop to do him harm of his body, and king, to eschew such perils and for the great allairs of his that the bishop had to do, ordered him ti> hasten home in the most secure nuinner, putting aside other matters, to save himself"; the king prays the king of France to excuse the bishop for his smhlen return from those pai ts, and to understand that he did so solely for the aforesaid reasoos. French. [76tJ.] 'I'lu! like letters,* together with the said transcripts enclosed therein, are sent to the following : The archbishop of Khcims, The bishop of Laon, 1 he bishop of Heaiivais, f - 'iM 1 1 f i> II- peers ot 1? ranee. J lie (hike of liurgundy, kinsman, ' The duke of Britanny, kinsman. The count of Flanders, kinsman, * Keferring to the first letter on this membrane. 582 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1325. Membrane 2d — cont. The count of Valois, kinsman, 1 ^ -t^ The abbot of St. Denis, | P'""' Sir Walter de Chastillon, constable of France. Sir Milea, lord of Noyers {Noere). The count of Diois {Dien'). The archbishop of Rouen {Roan), ") Tlie bishop of Langres {Lengres), | P^®'^^" The lord of Coucy (Cossi), ~j Louis, count of Clermont, >kinsmen and non-peers. Robert de Arteys, count of Beaumont, J These three were written to, like the others, until ' we send to you as to our dear friend,' and then it was said ' as we have done to the peers {piers) and to the magnates of France,' etc. French, [^IbidJ] Membrane Id. Partiticn of the lands that belonged to Juliana Romayn, deceased, etc., in the king's hands by reason of her death, made by William de Weston, eschealor in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex, and in the city of London, by the assent of Roesia de Boreford, one of the daughters and heiresses of Jidiana, and of William de Weston and Margery his wife, the other daughter and heiress of Juliana, according to the tenor of the king's writ sent to the escheator. There are assigned to the said Roesia at Stokwell a chief messuage with two gardens and a dovecot, worth \0s. yearly ; 287 acres and a rood of arable land, worth 11. 3*. l^d., price Qd. an acre, to wit 45 acres in Le Estfelde, 6 acres in Chalfcrolt, 32^ acres in Le Butme, 21 acres in Stouy- forlong, 2 (?) acres in Le Heggeacres, 1^ aci'es in Le Bruggeacre, 10 acres in Le Bruche, 6 acres near Baldewyneslonde, 39 acres and a rood in Le Byglehyde, 8 acres in La Yerde, at Coppe[d]bush 15 acres, 8 acres in La AA'elshote, 1^ acres in La Longelonde, \\ acres in La Shortland, 1^ acres of pasture near the conduit, 4 acres on La Bergh, 8 acres of the laud of Martin the shoemaker {sutoris), 29 acres in Bolkelrowefeld, in the field called * Lamhethefeld ' 1 acre of the land of Richard atte Forde, 4 acres near Cotelereshagh, half an acre iu two parcels at La Lane, 1 acre near the gate of the land that formerly belonged to William le Podele, 2 acres of Clerkeslonde, 39 acres of Malmeynslande, in divers parcels there 19 acres and 1 rood of mowable meadow, whereof 11 acres and 1 rood are worth 37*. Qd. yearly, price 40c?. an acre, and 8 acres are worth 32*. yearly, price of an acre 4s. Also of the rent of assize of free and customary [tenants], and with the cottages demised at ferm, and with 7|c?. of 'medselver,' 100s. 8|c?. Also 19 bondmen {nativi), who hold amongst them 84^ acres and 1 rood of land, and render yearly as above, each of them having a plough or plough-beasts, and each shall coine to the boon-ploughing {le bernethe) twice a year, and shall plough for one day at the lord's meat ; this work is worth nothing this year because there is no plough or plough-beast there, yet it is worth by estimation 6rf. Also they ought to gather and carry all the lord's hay ; this work is worth \\d. for each of them. Total: 2s. ^\d. Also alt bondmen and cottars who hold cottages or other tenements of the lord shall come to the great boon-work in autumn with all their family, except their wives and one shepherd, and shall reap for one day at the lord's meat twice a day, and the work of eacii man is worth \d. beyond the food. Total by estima- tion : 2s. Id. And all bondmen shall come on the following day and shall bind all the corn reajied at that boon-work, without I'ood, and the work of 10 EDWARD II. 583 132G. Membrane Id — cont. each of tliem is worth Id. Total : 3*. 2d. All bondmen sliall conic to tlio little boon-work iu autumn and shall reap for one day, each of thoin with a man, besides two bondmen who shall come with four men at the lord's food twice a day, and the work of each is worth Id. besides th(! food. Total: 2ld. Also the pleas and penjnisites of the court, which are worth 2s. 6d. yearly. Also a plot near Faukeshall, which is extended at 4a. There is also assigned to her a moiety of the wood of Clopham, to wit on the east side, as enclosed by botmdaries, and the said moiety contains 70 acres, worth 6Gs. 8d. yearly, price of an acre ll^r/., more on the wliolc 5d. Also of the rent ailled ' cherset ' 9 cocks and hens, worth yearly 2s. 7^d., price of a cock \^d. and of a hen \d. Also of the chief rent of tlie money given to the view [of frankpledge] of Faukeshall 14(/. Also a yearly rent of 8d. at Edelmetone. Also at Edelmeton and Enefeld 3^ acres of meadow, worth 44*. {sic) yearly, price 3s. 4d. an acre; also a wood there containing 12 acres of underwood, the underwood whereof is worth 2s. a year and tlic pasture is worth nothing. Also at Southwerk cert-iin tenements worth 465. 7d. yearly. There are also assigned to the aforesaid William and Margery the manor of Clopton (sic), except a moiety of the wood iu the same, to wit that on the castsiiie towards Stokwell ; to wit a messuage with garden, worth yearly in the fruit and herbage of the garden 5d. ; a dovecot, worlii nothing ; in demesne there 254 acres and 1 rood of land, worth 4/. 4*. dd. yearly, price 4d. an acre, to wit 20 acres in La Hidehalle, 20 acres in Overwavermede, 12 acres in Netherwaveiiuede, 8 acres in Godericlifeld, (J acres in the .'^ame, 3 acres in Shortl[and], 4 acres in Shoi lelond, 5 acres in L( gliamhale(?), {) acres in Lougeloud, 6 acres in La Grovcshote, 12 acres 1 rood in La IJalteslond, 24 acres in La Fridayesfeld, 10 acres in La Breche, 14 acres in Kichemanneslond or Firsefeld, lU acres in La Longolond, Shorlelond, and Maltecroft, 5 acres in Heinereshull (.^), 9^ acres in Lji Ch«?n hehull, 2.^ acres at La P(!nde near the church, 28 acres in Le Medshote, 5 acres in La Waterslade, 5 acres in Chekciie^c, 3^ acres in Uradeidiam, 11 acri s of land in La Clerkeslond in di\er8 parcels, 8 acres of land formerly belonging to William de Kent, l.J acres of land that were Le Maples at Withiebcd. There are also theie 20 acres of meatlow, worth 06*. Hd. yearly, price 3.9. id. an acre. Also a moiety of the wood there, to wit on the west side as divided by bounds, the moiety containing by e.^tiniation 70 acres, worth yearly 00*. Hd., price 11^^/. an acre and 5d. more on the whole. Also 6 acres of pasture, worth 2*. yearly, i)rice 4d. an acre. Also of the rents of assize of the free [tenants] and bondmen 7/. 11*. 9^^/.; Os. td. at Le Hokeday of the money called ' carlselver ' ; 8*. 3d. at Mid>ununer of * medsclver ' ; 22t/. of ' Romscot ' at St. Peter ad Vincuhi. AIno there are there of the rent of assize of the bondmen 3 cocks and hens at Christnuus, worth 10^^/., price of a cock l^rf., of a hen 2d. There are also there 31 bondmen, whereof five hold virgates and twenty-.'^ix Itold [half-]virgates {quorum V. rirffutar' et .rxvj. vir(/at'), who hold amonust tiiem 17 virgates of land, wlii< h make 272 acres, each virgate 16 acres, and the .«aid bondmen ought to gather, carry and spread the lord's dung wlienever and as often us necessary throughout the year, and tlio work of each virgate is worth 6d. Total : 8*. Gd. Also each of the aforesaid bondmen having a plough or plough-beasts shall come twice a year to the boon-ploughing {Inncrth), and shall i)lough for one day for winter seed and fdr one day at Lenten seed at the lord's meat, and each ploughing is worth \\d. beyond the meat. Total by estimation : 18^/. Also they ought to harrow the land thus plongiu'd by them, and each harrowing is worth \d. Total by (^-tiniation Of/. Also each virgate of laiul ought to carry a cartload of bru>)iwood for the lord's tire from his wcod to his court, as often as he will, and shall have a faggot 584 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326, Membrane \d — cont. for eacli cartload, and tbe carriao^e of each cartload is worth \d. Total of the value by estimation 2s. 10c?., to wit each virgate twice in the year. Also each virgate or half-virgate ought to carry (averarc) to London or elsewhere where the lord wills within the county of Surrey all sorts of victuals for the lord and his household, and each carriage is worth ^d. Total of the value of the same by estimation : 5s. 2d., to wit each of them four times a year. Also all customary [tenants] ought to find a boy {garcionnn) to serve the thatcher covering {cooperienti) the barn and cow-house when need be, and this work is wortli yearly by estimation \2d. Also all customary [tenants] ought to repair suitably the walls about the said manor, to wit from a certain bank of the water on the south of the court to the churchyard, and the lord shall find what is necessary for repairing the said walls and the master-workman, and this work is worth yearly by estimation \2d. And in the same way they ought to enclose the lord's pinfold {ponfaldmn) with earthen walls, and this work is worth yearly by estimation 3d. Also each virgate of land ought to harrow at Lenten seed daily with one harrow until the lord's plough be reached, and the harrowing of each virgate is worth &d. Total : 8s. Qd. Also all customary tenants ought to wash the lord's sheep one day and shear them another day, and on that day they shall have all the cheese {eels') made from the said sheep, and if there be no cheese (^casevs), they shall have bread and ale once a day, and the shearing of each customary-tenant is worth beyond reprise by estimation ^d. Total: 12. . Also each vir- gater ought to hoe with two men, and each half-virgater with one man, and they shall hoe until the hour of noon, at the lord's meat once a day without ale, and after dinner they shall go and hoe in winter no more, and the hoeing of each man is worth \d. daily. Total by estimation : 2s. Also four cottars, who hold amongst them 4 cottages and 5 acres of land, and render yearly as above, and each of them shall hoe with one man as half virgaters do at the lord's meat, as above, and the reaping of each of them is worth beyond the meat ^d. Total by estimation : 8d. Also each of the customary-tenants shall mow the lord's meadow, at the lord's meat twice a day, and shall have of the lord's grass as much as he can lift with his scythe without aid, and the mowing of each of them is worth 3d. a day. The total is noted above with the rent under the title of 'medselver.' But the lord shall find a man to spread the grass, and the customary-tenants ought to gather, carry, and make into stacks (^tassa?'e) the said hay within or without the barn at the lord's will, without meat, except that the lord shall find a master-stacker, and the work of each customary-tenant is worth 2c?. Total : 5s. 2d. Also each of the said customary-tenants and cottars shall come to the lord's great boon-work in autumn with all his family, except his wife and shepherd, and shall work, at the lord's meat twice a day,, without ale at noon {ad nonam), and with ale at supper, and the woi-k of each is worth beyond reprises \d. Total : 3s. 4(Z. And after that day each virgater shall come with two men, and each half-virgater with one man, and they shall work, at the lord's meat twice a day as above, every other day until all the lord's corn be cut, and the work of each virgater is worth beyond I'eprises 2c?. Total hy estima- tion : 21s. 10c?. Also the customary-tenants ought to bind all the aforesaid corn, carry it into the barns, and stack it, without meat, and the work of each [virgater] of them is worth \2d. and of each half-virgater 6c?. Total by estimation : IDs. Also each virgater shall come with two men after harvest, and each half-virgater and cottar with one man to gather straw for one day until the hour of noon, and shall carry the straw to the lord's , court without meat, and the work of each of them is worth lc7. Total : 3s. 4c?. Also five virgat[ers] shall give to the lord at Michaelmas 2s. 6c?. for a part of the work of mowing and lifting sheaves to tbe carts at harvest time 19 EDWARD II. 685 June 30. Westminster. ]326. Membrane Id — cont. released to them. Also each virgate of land shall give to the lord at Michaelmas 2 bushels of rye for the work of one holder of a plough released to them by cu.stom. 'J'otal : 6 quarlers 2 bushels, worth in common years 27*., price of quarter 4*. Aho all the custonuiry tenants who have not plough-beasts to do the boon-ploughing (bcnert/i) twice a year, shall come and do other works at the lord's will at his meat, and the work of each of tliem is worth ^(/. a day. Total by estimation : 2s. Id. Also a court-leet (Ic/a) twice a year, to wit at ].ie Hokeday and Michaelma.s, and each person being in the tithing (dcccna) siiall {;ive the lord at each loet Id. Total by estimation: 2*. Hd. and no more, because the king shall have 3*. from the leets. Also the pleas and i)erquigites of the court there, which are worth yearly by estimation 6s. Sd. To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of London. Order not to permit any wool, hides, or wool-fells to cross to parts beyond sea from that port until they have been certified by letters testimonial of John de Cherletou, mayor of the sta{)les of wool, hide.-^, and wool-fells, or of him who siii)i)lies his place, that such merdjandise have been brought from some of the .staples in this realm, and tiiat tiie merchants have done concerning the same in the staples what they are bound to do according to the king's ordinance fixing staples for wo(d, hides, and wool-fells and tin in divers parts of his realm atid power, whereby it was ordained that wool, hides, and wool-fells shall not be taken out of his realm and power to parts beyond sea, by native or alien merchants, exce|)t from the sfa[)le.s aforesaid, and that the merchants of .such staples shall have a mayor of those staples. ByK. The like to the collectors in the following towns: Bristol. J^ondon. Haverford. Melecumbe. Yarmouth. E.veter. Lenn. Southampton, lioston. Sandwich. Kyngeston-on-IIull. Ipswich. Hertelpol. Chichester. Newcastle. de BereTord acknowledges that he owes to William le Rous of Westminster 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. John son of Thomas (iolafre of Oereeden acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Burnecestro, cle k, 32 marks; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcc-v is in the king's hands for this reason and for no other, and that William did not remit or release or make any other estate thereof to \^^•lltcl• after such disseisin, and that the meadow is held of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, of his manor of Estfarlegh by the 588 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. July 14. Westminster. July 12. Heuley. July 8. Byflcet. July 16. Westminster. July 13. Heuley. ^lemhrane 14 — cont. service of 8rf. yearly, aud tliat it is worth yearly 2s. Gd. beyond the afore- said service. John le Leche, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of John de Aleston, lias letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him until the first assize. Alan son of Robert le Barkere of Waybred has letters of protection with the clause noiumus for two years. Vacated, because on (he Patent roll. To Henry de Cobeham, keeper of the forfeited lands in co. Kent. Order to deliver to Richard son of Richard atte Forde 2 acres of land in Estfar- legh, as the king learns by inquisition taken by William de Cotes and Stephen de la Dane in the keeper's presence that Sarah, late the wife of Richard atte P^orde, mother of the said Richard son of Richard, demised the aforesaid land to Walter Colepeper on St. Faith's day, in the 8th year of the king's reign, for one year to sow only, for the third sheaf of corn grow- ing thereon to be paid to her, which land descended after the death of Richard atte Forde to the said Richard son of Richard in inheritance, Sarah having the custody thereof by reason of his minority because the land is held in socage, and that Walter held the land from the time of the demise without paying anything except two bushels of barley for the same year, or without giving Sarah or Richard son of Richard any reward (gratiim) therefor until tlie time of his forfeiture, and that the land is still in the king's hands, and that neither Sarah nor Richard son of Richard made any other estate thereof to Walter, and that the land is held of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, of his manor of Estfarlegh by the sei-vice of 8d. yearly, and that it is worth 12a'. yearly in all issues beyond the said service. William son of William Ernald of Dunstaple, imprisoned in Dunstaple gaol for the death of John le Rede of Dunstaple, who was slain at Dunstaple, has letters to the sheriff of Bedford to bail him until the first assize. To L. bishop of Durham. Whereas William de Neuton and John de Refham lately impleaded in the king's court John Arthui-gh, Johu de Nesbit, Thomas de Nesbit, John de Haukesle, Thomas de Wulston, Thomas de Brutoft, William de Seton, Rcger de Gosewyk, Thomas le Keu, John de Tremdon, John Boweman, Thomas Warde, Simon Scoule, Nicholas le Goldsmyth, John de Stotfold, Henry de Shepestowe, Gilbert atte'Fery, William Warner, William Gilberd, William Warde, EHas Boucher, William de Nesbit, William Gervays, Robert de Malteby, John Belle, Walter Ma^rgesono, IJicIiard atte Boure, Eustace Boucher, William de Gretham, Nicholns de Bruntoft, Richard Barker, Robert Warde, John Plaicefot, Richard Walker, Thomas Bruet, William Cutbert, Nicholas Tounnessone, Nicholas Warner, Stephen Warde, Robert Dibel, John de Thorston, Peter de Esyngton, Hugh Bikres, Richard Birlot, John son of Thomas, Adam de Hugate, Robert Barker, and Gilbert de Gretham of Plertilpole for a trespass committed by them upon the said William and John, and the aforesaid men were placed in exigent to be outlawed in county [court] of Norfolk (sic), and were afterwards outlawed, because they did come before the king to answer to William and John, as appears by the record of the outlawry, which the king caused to come before him, and the king par- doned the said men the outlawry on condition that they render themselves to the prison of the marshalsea and stand to right if William and John will speak against them, as contained in divers of the king's letters patent ; and Richard de Oxewyk, attorney of William and John in this suit, has asserted before the king that the afoi'esaid men have stood to right in the king's court concerning the trespass aforesaid, and have satisfied William ^nd John for the trespass : the king therefore orders the bishop to restore 20 EDWARD II. 589 132G. July 14. Westminster. July Ifi. Westuiiii.ster. July 18. Westmiuster. Membrane 14 — cont. to the said men their lands, goods and chattels, if he have taken them into his hands by reason of the premise?, and not to intermeddle further ihere- witli, nor to rooicist liie said men by reason of the outlawry aforesaid, con- trary to tlie king's letters aforesaid. To Richard de Emeldon and William de Deiium, justices to deliver the gaol of Neweastle-on-Tyne. Order to cau.se Christiana, daughter of Henry de Rodom, to be delivered from the afoiesaid gaol upon lier finding niain- pernors for her good behaviour iiencel'orth, certifying the king of tiie names of her mainpernors, as it was lat(!ly sliewn to the king on iier belialf tliat, although she was prepared to stand to right, and frequently offered herself for that purpose, the .said justices have not jjroceeded to deliver the gaol of her, to the manifest peril of her life, and the king thereuijon ordered tliem to proceed to deliver the gaol of her with all s[)eed, certifying him if there was any cause why tliey should not do so, and they have certified tliat Christiana was attached because it was the coiiunon fame in the county that she received Adam son of Henry de Rodoui and other rebels at RudDm and Ildreton, co. Northumberland, the king not wishing that she shall remain in prison longer for this cause. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coronc* for that county to be elected in place of Alan de Twytlmm, who is insufficiently (pialilied. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland. Order not to intermeddle furtlier with certain lands in Rassvng- ham, and to restore the issues thereof, as tiie king learns by incpiisition takciii by the escheator that William de Stiiunton, deceased, held the said lands at his death of the honour of Huntingdon in his demesne as of fee, as of the j)urparly of Robert de Ihus, iu the king's hands l)y Robert's forleiture, by the serviiu; of a fifth part and a third of a fifth part of one knight's fee, and that this service was assigned, amongst other knights' fees and advovvsons that belonged to Ri>l)ort de Rriis, the elder, in dower to Eleanor, late till- wife of Robert, de Ih iis, tlie eldei', and that William held no other lands of the king in chief as of tiie crown by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to. thf; king, and that CJeotlrey de Staunton, his son, is his next heir and is of full age. To John de Bolyngbrok, esehcalor in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermed restore the issues tlii reof, as the king learns by iiuiuisitiou taken iiy the escheator that William helil no lands iu chief of the king in his bailiwick. Monordiidiini, th.if, on 1(3 July, the aforesaid Geoffrey did homage to the king for the said lands held of the aforesaid honour. By p.s. [7 JGH.] Membrane 13. July 23. To William dc Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Su.ssex, K"nf, Middle- Westminster, sex, and in the city of London. Order not to intermedoners from the sheriff, and to cause them to be kept safely in the castle until further orders. By K. Like order to the same sheriff to conduct the wife of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor from Skypton to Fontefract castle. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the constable of Skypton castle, or to him who supplies his place, for the delivery of the said wife, Thomas, John, and all tlie other prisoners. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the constable of Tykhill castle, or to him who supplies his place. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the constable of Fontefract castle, or to him who supplies his place. By K. To the constable of Skipton castle. Order to conduct the wife of Roger de Moi'tuo Mari of Wyggemore to Fontefract castle, and the, aforesaid Thomas and John and the other prisoners to TikhiU castle at the king's cost, out of the issues of his bailiwick, delivering them to the constcibles of the said castle.s, or to them wlio supply thrir places, whom the king has ordered to receive the said prisoners from the constable, and to imprison them until further orders. By K. July 22. Mandate in pursuance to the constable of Fontefract castle, or to him Westmiuster. who supplies his pla-^e. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the constable of Tykel. By K. July 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to pay Sheeu. to John Darcy, j usticiary of Ireland, the fee due for that office one quarter beforehand, in accordance with the king's order of 23 November, in the 17th year of his reign. July 25. To Adam de Stirkeland, keeper of the manor of Berlay, co. York. Sheen. Order to pay to William Grammaiy the arrears of a yearly rent of lis. for the time that the manor has been in Adam's hands, and to pay )iim that rent henceforth so lona as tiio manor is in Adam's iiands, as the king learns by ir.cpiisition taken by WiHiam Basset and Thomas Deyvill in Adam's presence that the manor is held of William Grammary by the s'^rvice of II*. yearly, and that he and John de Creppyng', from whom he acquired the service, and all John's ))redccessors, lords of that manor, were always seised of the rent from time out of mind, as well by the hands of Richard de Berlay, deceased, as by the hands of his predecessors, tenants of that manor, and that they continued their seisin thereof until the manor was taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, to whom (lie reversion of the manor after Richard's death pertained, and that William did not remit or release his estate in the rent to the said Richard or to any one else, and that the rent has been detained from William from tbo time of the taking of the manor into the king's hands. 20 EDWARD II. 591 1326. Membrane 13 — cont. July 18. To the bishop of Hereford. Although the king lately prohibited him Westmiustcr. from iidmittiiig a parson to the church of Byford, concerning the advowson wliereof a contention was moved in the kin^r'.s court belweeii Kobert de liodenham and the prior of Erechou, until it should be di cussed in the said court to which of them the advow.son pertained, ihe king now silyngbiok, cscheator in cos. Warwick, I^icester, Notl- Wcstuiinster. inghain, Derby, ancl Lancaster. Whereas the king learns by inquisition takei\ by the cscheator that Robert de Wolryngton of Eton lu hl on the day of his death two parts of the nniiior of Eton of the grant of Henry son of 5&2 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 3.326. Membrane 13 — cont. Roger de Bradeburn, to have to him and to Margery his late wife, aud to the heirs of their bodies, together with the reversion of a third of the manor, which Agatha, mother of the said Roger, still living, holds in dower, aud that the said two parts are held of the king as of the honour of Tikhill by the service of two parts of two knights' fees, and that R')bert held no other lands of tlie king in chief as of ihe crown on the day of his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held divers other lands of otiier lords by various services, and that Elizabeth, Eleanor, Isabella, and Alice, danirliters of Robert and Margery, are the next heirs of Robert and Margery of the lamls tliat are thus held of the king, and that Elizabeth is aged eleven years, Eleanor nine, Isabella eight, and Alice seven ; the king orders the escheator to retain in the king's hands the lands held of the king as of the said honour until further orders, and not to intermeddle further with the lands held of other lords, restoring the issues thereof. July 23. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king has Westminster, ordained by his council that a new money shall be made for use in the duchy [of Aquitaine], whereof a pound shall contain the weight of 17o\ver of the king of France, is a burgess of the king's town of Hordi'aux, and has always borne himself faithfully to the king and his subjects. To John de Cherletoii, mayor of the staple of wool, hides, wooi-fells and tin. The king learns from the complaint of the nierebants of the so< ietv of the Bardi of Florence dwelling in England that wheruns ihey bought wool from divers bisho|)s, abbots, priors, and (jther eeele.sia.>*lical persons long before the pioclamatiou of the staple aforesaid in this Jealm, and have 81294. r v Aug. 7. Wultfium. Aug. 5. I'orclif.ster. July 30. Biinstcad. 594 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. June 25. Sheen. 1326. Membrane 12 — cont. caused, and cause, the same to be taken to the staple of London and other places where the stai)le is held, in order to take it out of the realm to make their profit, the aforesaid mayor will not permit them to take the wool out of tlie realm because it was not bought in the said staple, although they are prepared to pay the customs thereon to the king and to others; the king orders the mayor to permit the said merchants upon this occasion to take out of tiie realm the wool brought to the staple tiiat he shall find by the assertion of the sellers to have been bought by the merchants and their attornies before the proclamation ; provided that the merchants pay the customs thereon and other dues, and do not communicate with the king's enemies concerning the same, and that they shall hereafter observe the ordinance of the staple. By K. To the same. Taldus Valoris and his fellows, merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence, have besought the king to give them licence to take out of the realm wool that they bought long before the proclamation of the staple in the realm and that they caused to be carried to Boston and Kyngeston-on-HuU after the proclamation, although the wool has not been taken to any staple ; the king therefore orders the said mayor to permit them to take the aforesaid wool out of the realm, provided that they pay tlie customs thereon, etc. \_as above.'\ By K. July 18. To the sheriffs of London. Orders to release twenty barrels of thistles of Westmiuster. William Dunere, townsman of Bruges in Flanders, three barrels of thistles of Simon Reremoustier, and six barrels of thistles of John le Buk, men of Flanders, which they bought at London before the king's proclamation prohibiting the taking out of the realm of thistles, [fullers'] earth, madder, woad, butter, or other necessaries for the making of cloth, the sheriffs having arrested the same by virtue of the prohibition, and to deliver the same to William, Simon, and John to make their profit thereof. The king makes this order at the request of the burgomasters, echevins, and consules of Bruges. By K. Aug. 6. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Laurence de Shepeye, Thomas de Porcliester. Toltham, Thomas atte Mire, Richard atte Grene, William de Leyc[estria] of Coventre, .John Joye, John Cosyn of London, William le Hunt of Northampton, William Persone of Watford, and John Baret of Baldok, merchants, have shown the king that whereas the count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland has delivered to the mayor and echevins of Andwerp, in the power of the duke of Brabant, at the king's request, a ship of John Moyse of Sandwich laden with 52 sarplers of wool belonging to the afore- said merchants, and the mariners, wool, goods and chattels therein found, which were arrested by certain subjects of the count's whilst voyaging to y Brabant, so that they might be kept in neutral (equali) hands until the king should cause to be released two ships of the town of Durdright, of the count's power, arrested at the king's city aforesaid with the mariners, goods, and chattels in the same, by the king's order by reason of the premises, and the said mayor and echevins are prepared to deliver the said John Moyse's ship with the mariners, wool, goods and chattels delivered to them, if the king will cause the aforesaid two ships and the mariners, goods and chattels to be delivered, wherefore the merchants have prayed the king to cause such delivery to be made ; the king therefore orders the mayor and sheriffs to cause the two ships, mariners, goods and chattels to be delivered, upon the said merchants mainperning before them that John Moyse's ship and the mariners, wool, goods and chattels the^-eiu at the time of the arrest will be delivered by the said mayor and echevins, and that the merchants will cause the ship, etc., to be brought to Sandwich, within this realm, notwith- standing tfie said arrest or other things whatsoever to be done by the said mayor and echevins or by the count or his subjects. 20 EDWAED 11. 595 132G. Aug. 11. Clarendon. Aug. 12. Clarendon. Aug. 15. Clarendon. Aug. 16. Clarendon. Mtinhraae 12 — cviit. To the same. Order to supersede the execution of th« preceding order, and to keep the said two ships and goods under arrest until otherwise ordered. By K. To the same. "Whereas the king learns from the testimony of Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony, that John de la Tour, merchant of the town of Besaz, has behaved, and still behaves, himself well and faithfully to the king, he orders the mayor and sheriffs to release the wines, goods, and debts of the said .John, which they have arrested in the hands of John's merchants and debtors by virtue of the king's order to take into his hands all the goods and debts of tiie men and merchants of the said town as forfeited to the king, and to cause the same to be delivered to John, and to permit him or his merchant or attorney to levy his debts for his own use. The like to the sheriffs of the following counties : York. Cambridge. Lincoln. Norfolk. To Richard de la Marche, fcrmor of the hundred of Portbury, co. Somerset, which belonged to Maurice de Berkeleye, now in the king's hands. Order to deliver the said hundred to Isabella, late tiie wife of the aforesaid Maurice, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John do Clyvedon and John de Button tluit Tiiouias de Berkeleye granted by deed, on Sunday the morrow of Saints Simon and Jude, in the twelfth year of the king's reign, the hundred aforesaid to Maurice and Isabella for their lives, and that Isabella continued her seisin thereof with Maurice without change of her estate until the hundred was taken into the king's hands with other lands that belonged to Maurice because he adhered to certain of the king's rebels, and that the hundred is held in chief, the king having, in con- sideration of a fine madt; by Isabella, pardoned her the tresjMiss committed by her in acquiring with Maurice the aforesaid hundred, which is held in chief, and in entering the .«aine without the king's licence, and he has granted that she shall have and hold the hundred for her life, a<"cording to the form of the acquisition made by her. By fine of GO*. To Thomas de Ilarpeden, escheator in (ion. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Roger de Trumpyngton, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Roger held no lands in chief at his diath by reason wliereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. To John do Hani|)ton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Salop, Stafibrd, and the adjoining; marches of \\'alcs. Like order con- cerning the lands of Nicholas de Bathonia. Membrane 11. Aug. 1. To Robert do Bikkeniore, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Sumersef, Porche.ster. and Dorset. Order lo deliver to Robert de Watcvill and Margartt lii^ wife, late the wile of William son of William Martyn, tenant in chief, ihe follow- ing of the said William son of William's knights' lees, which the king ha.s assigned to her as dower: a fee in Mt-rlimd and Speccote, co. Devon, which Robert Beaupcd holds, of the yearly value of lOO.s. ; a moiety of a fee in Childeton, in the same county, which Robert de Horton holds, of the yearly value of 20*.; a fee in Ouleeonibe, Bilchemersham, and Overouleeonilic, in the same county, which Robert de Cruos holds, of the yearly value of 15/. ; a moiety of a fee in 15raylegh, in the samo county, which William Corbyn holds, of the yearly value of 40,'f. , a moiety of a fee in Northalre, in the same county, which Williaui I- !• 2 596 CALENDAR OF CLOSE EOLLS. 1326. Membrane 11 — cont. de Northalre holds, of the yearly value of 40^. ; a fee in Mollond, in the same county, which Thomas Sarasin holds, of the yearly value of 40*. ; a fee in Aylmersdon, Bukklsh, and Lane, in the same county, which John de Morton holds, of the yearly value of lOO*. ; a fee in Pillound and Barlinton, in the same county, which Walter de Pillound, Roger de Corray and Mabel his wife hold, of the yearly value of 40^. ; a twentieth of a fee in Wanteslegh and Ebberlegh, in the same county, which John de Lode- hewych holds, of the yearly value of lO*. ; a fee in Mollond Chaumpeux, in the same county, which John de Whiteby holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a moiety of a fee in Eststodeleye, in the same county, which Robert Marchaunt and Thomasia, late the wife of Robert, father of the said Robert, hold, of the yearly value of 40s.; a fee in Huwych, in the same county, which Robert Beaupel holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a moiety of a fee in Wolrington, in the same county, which Matthew de Crauthorn holds, of the yearly value of AOs. ; a quarter of a fee in Estbray in the same county, which the said Matthew holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a fee in Bitteden, in the same county, which the heirs of Thomas de Bitteden hold, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a twenty-first part of a fee in Modeneford, in the same county, which John de Lidehewyssh holds, of the yearly value of 10s. ; a fee in Quarme Mounceaux, in the same county, which the said John holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Mattyngho, in the same county, which John de Penrys and Philip ap Wylym hold, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; three parts of a fee in Kynewalton, in the same county, which the said John and Philip hold, of the yearly value of 13s. Ad. ; a third of a fee in Whitfeld, in the same county, which the said John and Philip hold, of the yearly value of 13s. 4rf.; a moiety of a fee in Roughle, in the same county, which the said John and Philip liold, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Pleystowe, in the same county, which Ralph de Esse of Thesbergh holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a fee in Ansty-le-Moigne, in the same county, which Robert de Stokheye holds, of the yearly value of 60s. ; a fee in Lokesbere, in the same county, which Thomas de Waunford holds, of the yearly value of 60s. ; a fee in Thelebrugge and Chatemere, in the same county, which the heirs of John de Benelighe hold, of the yearly value of 60s. ; a quarter of a fee in Horton, in the same county, which Robert de Horton holds, of the yearly value of 40s.; a fee in Clistracy, in the same county, which the bishop of Exeter holds, of the yearly value of 10^. ; a moiety of a fee in Braunford Speke, in the same county, which Robert de Courteny holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a fee in Curiton, in the same county, which Henry de Chaumbernoun holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a quarter of a fee in Wlveleygh, in the same county, which Robert Beaupel holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a twentieth of a knight's fee in Ayllardesford, in the same county, which William de Aylardesford holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a moiety of a fee in Little Bony, in the same county, which Aylward Homaz, William le Leche, and John de Pount Jordan hold, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a moiety of a fee in Peadehull, in the same county, which Thomas de Peadehidl holds, of the yearly value of 40s, ; a fee in Combe Aoastre and Combe Regni, in the same county, which Oliver de Esse holds, of the yearly value of 60s. ; a fee in Farweye, in the same county, which the abbot of Quarr holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a fee in Overden, in the same county, which the prior of Plumton holds, of the yearly value of 40s.; three parte of half a fee in Netherdeu, in the same county, which the prior holds, of the yearly value of lOOs. ; a moiety of a fee in Walworthy, in the sauie county, which the prior holds, of the yearly value of 13s. 4c?. ; a quarter of a fee in Whittoke&den, in the same county, which the abbot of St. Dogmael's holds, of the yearly value of lOs. ; 1^ fees in Cokyn- 20 EDWARD II. 597 1326. Membrane 11 — cont. ton, in the same county, which Jamt-s de Cokynton liolds, of the yearly value of 30/. ; a third of a lee in Hode, in the same county, whicli Roger H( •rison holds, of the yearly vaUie of 405. ; a moiety of a fee in Alerlcgh, in the same county, which the said Roger holds, of the yearly value of 20-9. ; a moiety of a fee in Hurberneford, iu the same county, which Bonesljeburn holds, of the yearly value of 50*.; a fee in Wodehewych.*, in tlu; same county, which Hugh de Courteneye holds, of the yearly value of 10 n)!irks ; a liftli of a fee in Rel'tcrcombo, in the same county, which Nicholas de Reftercombe holds, of the yearly value of 5 marks ; a fee in Ai>eldoreford, CO. Cornwall, which Richard de London holds, of the yearly value of 100*. Aug. 1. To Robert de Bikkeinore, escheator, etc., as above. Order to deliver (o roichestcr. Robert de Watevill and Margaret his wife, late the wife of William son of William Martyn, the following of tin; advowsoiis that belonged to the said William son of William, which the king has assigned to them as her dower: the advowson of the church of Toustoke, co. Devon, of the yearly value of 20/.; the advowson of the church of Ilaldcswrthi, in the same county, of tho yearly value of 13/. Gs. Hd. ; the advowson of the church of Dertynton, in the same county, of the yearly value of 6/.; the advowson of the church of Nymct Tracy, in the same county, of the yearly value of 4/. 5s.; the advowson of the chantry of Morteho, in the came county, of the yearly value of 40*. ; the advowson of a chantry of Fremyngton, in the same county, of the yearly value of 40*. ; the arn, cattle, stock, robes, beds, jewels, and other things pertaining to her chamber in the said manors and lands, the king having afterwards granted the same to her, saving to himself the horses, destriers, armour, falcons, vessels and jewels of the said John therein. By K. G04 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 10 — cont. Aug. 28. To the steward aud marslial of the king's liousehokl. Order to deliver Clareudon. Thomas de Stoford, William de Penkrych, John de Okebourn, Henry Cardevill, John le Maresch[al], John de Wanbergh, and John atte Vortheye, clerks, lately charged with divers crimes, to R. bishop of Salisbury or to his vicegerent, to be justiced by ecclesiastical jurisdiction, as the bishop has signified to the king by his letters patent that they were delivered to him by the king's justices according to the privilege of the clergy, and that they escaped from his prison, and that they were recently arrested at the suit of his bailiffs, and were taken within the verge of the king's house- hold, and detained in the prison of the marshalsea, and he has prayed the king to cause them to be delivered to him. To the sheriff of Southampton. Like order concerning John Abbot, Thomas le Lang, Robert de Shaldeford, John de Fordyngton, John de Tychmerhs, William de Templecomb, and John de Carselegh, clerks, who escaped from the bishop's prison and were arrested at the suit of his bailiffs, and were taken within the Hundred of Rudbrugg and within the king's liberty of Elyng, and are in the king's prisons in the sheriff's custody. To Robert de Bikkemore, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with certain lands in Upotri called ' le Fairok,' and with the manor of Rouerigg, and with 28*. of yearly rent in Southedon, and to restore the issues thereof to Eleanor, late the wife of Nicholas de Cheyny, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Nicholas and Eleanor held jointly on the day of Nicholas's death the lands in Upotri of the grant of Gilbert de Knovill to them and their heirs, and the said manor of the grant of Gilbert, and the rent of the grant of John de Bernevill to them and the heirs of Nicholas, and that the manor, land, aud rent are held of other lords than the king by divers services, and that William de Cheyny, son of the said William {sic) and Eleanor, is their next heir, and is aged nineteen. Sept. 3. To John Frere, keeper of the manor of Fulmodeston. Order to pay to Porchester. William March of Stanhowe 100s. yearly from the issues of the manor for so long as it shall be in his custody, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by Thomas de Hyndryngham and John Claver, in the keeper's presence, that Humphrey de Bohun, sometime earl of Hereford and Essex, on Wednesday the feast of SS. Philip and James, in the 7th year of the king's reign, granted to the said William, for his good service past and future, 100s. and two robes yearly of the suit of his yeoman from the said manor for life, and that William was continuously seised thereof by the hands of the earl's bailiffs of that manor without change of his estate until the manor came to the king's hands by the earl's rebellion, and that the manor is held of Walter de Calthorp by knight service, and is worth yearly 50Z. in all issues. Sept. 30. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Older to receive from William de The Tower. Ercalowe, sheriff of Salop and Stafford, 100/. of the proffer of 200/. that he has made at the exchequer of the issues of his bailiwick, and to permit him to retain the other 100/. in his hands, as the king has ordained that he shall retain that sum for payment of the wages of men-at-arms, both horse and foot, who are about to set out against the king's enemies and rebels and the aliens who have entered the realm in hostile manner. By K. Membrane 9. Aug. 28. To William de Tatham, keeper of the forfeited lands in Blakeburnshire, Clarendon, co. Laacaster. Whereas the king learns by an inquisition taken by John de 20 EDWARD II. 605 Membrane 9 — cont. Lancastria, Gill)ert do Sutheworth, and John de Horneby, in the presence of the said William, and of Kohort de Dalton, keeper of the king's woods and chace there, tiiat Steplien de Merlay, great-grandfather of Adam Xowel, his heir, was sei-^ed in liis demtsue as of fee, by the gift of Jordan son of Ralph !e Rous, formerly lord of the lands and ehace aforesaid, of the matior of Great Merlay, and of tlie power of taking old and dry wood in Sapeden' and Penilton Wode to burn and build with in the said manor when necessary, with common chace for all manner of wild bca<^ts ( /era* hestias) within the com- mons and l)oun(ls [divinas) of the manor, to wit within Sapeden'brok and Rymyndenbrok, except the demesne enclosures {haiis), and to pursue beasts in the chace witiiout bow and arrows within the demesne enclosures for the length of the throw of a horn, and to take, withdraw, or carry away the said beasts within the demesne enclosures into the bounds and commons of Great Merlay, and that Adam Nowel, as son and heir of the said Stephen, entered into the manor, profits, and chace, and held them all his time, and received [the Cf-plees], and died seised thereof, and that Roger Nowel entered the same after Adam's death as his son and heir, and held them and received all his time, and died seised theredf, and that, after his death, Adiiin Nowel, who now is, entered the same as his son and heir, and held them and received all the time of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and that afterwards, when the lands of Blakciburnshire came to the king's hands by the earl's forfeiture, Adam was hindered from receiving the aforesaid profits by William do Swynytwayt, late keeper of the woods and chace aforesaitl, and by the aforesaid Robert, and that the aforesaid manor, wood, and chace are held of the king in chief by the service of 20(7. to be paid yearly to the ward of Lan- caster castle, and by finding a plough-team (carucam) ploughing one day a year in Lent in the demesnes of Stanrlen, receiving 4r/. for the ploughman's food from the said demesne, and by finding a rea[)er to reap one day a year in harvest-time, receiving l^d. for his food, and that the said profits of the old and dry wood and of common chace between the places aforesaid, and the pursuit, capture, and carrying away of the said beasts are woi th 2*. yearly in all issues; the king orders the keeper to jMjrmit Adam to receive and have all the profits aforesaid, as he and his ancestors were wont to receive and have them in the time of the earl and of other lords of the said lauds and chace. The like, mutatis mutandis, to Robert de Dalton, keeper of the king's woods and chace aforesaid. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to release the two ships of Durdright, of the [)Ower of the count of Hainault, Jlollaini, and Zi'fhind, together with the goods and chattels theiein, arrested in that city liy the king's order by reason of the taking of a ship of John Moyse of .'>aiid\vicli, to- gether with the wool therein, by the subjects of the said count, and to deliver the ships and goods to the nuiriiiers of the same, upon their finding main- prize according to the king's previous order to release them, which order he afterwards superseded. The king makes this order at the pressing request of the said John. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. John de Urtiaco, son and heir of Henry de Urtiaco, deceased, has besought the king that, whereas the king granted to Henry that he should pay all tlu; del)t8 du" froui him to tlu^ exehe(pier at the rate of 10 nuirks yearly, and .John has lost that atlcrmina- tiou by not observing the terms of paynu'Uf, the king will grant to him such attermination for the oO/. that still remain unpaid; the king therefore orders the treasurer ami barons to cause John to have such terms of paj inent, aiul to caiise them to be enrolled. Ry K. To the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton. Order to deliver to Everard Franceis of Bristol, merchant, 34 quarters of woad [waide) arrested bv them, 606 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1328. Membrane 9 — cont. as the king — at the petition of Ever.ird, suggesting that he bought the said woad from Firmin Averdras, merchant of Amiens, at Southampton, and paid him for the same, and that the mayor and bailiffs had arrested it without cause — ordered tlie mayor and baihffs to certify him of the cause of tlie arrest, and tliey have certified that the said woad was found at Southampton, in a loft [solaria) amongst other woad of certain merchants of the power of the king of France, and that they arrested it for that reason, and the king ordered them to certify him whether Everard bought the woad from Firmin and satisfied him for the same before the arrest, and they have certified that they learn by the testimony of trustworthy merchants of their bailiwick that Everard bought the woad from Firmin on Thursday after St. John the Baptist last, at the price of 18s. a quarter, and that he satisfied Firmin for it on the same day, and that Firmin delivered the key of the woad to him on that day. Aug. 3L To the sheriff of Lancaster. Whereas the king ordained that those who Porchester. were in his service to pursue certain of his rebels should not be molested or aggrieved at his suit or at the suit of any other concerning goods of the rebels and their adherents taken and occupied by them between 17 October, in the 1 5th year of the king's reign, and 5 April following, and he now learns from the complaint of Hamo de Macy, Geoffrey de Werberton, William de Baggelegh, Robert de Prayers, Hamo atte Asshelegh, Richard his brother, Thomas de Chedel, John his brother, Richard del Brome, Robert de Wewyngton, John his brother, John de Legh, William his brother, Robert Strongbogh and Thomas his brother of Carynton, William de Coudray of Bronichal, Peter de Werberton, John de Werberton, Hugh de Werberton, John de Wrennebury, Thomas de Bamvill, Richard Starky, the elder, Richard Starky, the younger, William son of William de Brerton, and Adam de Altryncheham that although John de Radeclyve was one of the rebels at the said time, and afterwards made fine with the king for his life by reason of the premises before Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king, for which reason they ought not to be aggrieved or molested by reason of any trespass committed upon the said John in carrying away his goods during the said pursuit, never- theless, by pretext of a plea moved agaiust them in the king's court by John concerning certain of his goods taken and carried away by them at the time of the said pursuit, the sheriff of Lancaster is ordered by the king's writ of judgment, returnable before the king in the octaves of Michaelmas next, to exact them until they be outlawed unless thej' appear to satisfy the king for their ransom in this behalf, and they are now thus put in exigent and are shortly to be outlawed, although the said John de Radeclyve made fine with the king for his rebeUion, as they are prepared to verify by the rolls and memoranda before the king; wherefore they pray the king to provide a remedy : the king, as the rolls and memoranda aforesaid are in the custody of the said Geoffrey and not before him, and as he wishes to aid them, orders the sheriff to receive them if they will render themselves to prison in that county, and to cause them to be delivered from prison and the exaction to be superseded upon their finding mainprise to have them befoi-e the king at the said day. Sept. 12. To John de Bloravill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Porchester. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to cause Adam de Welle, brother and heir of Robert de Welle, tenant in chief, to have seisin of all the lands of his inheritance in the escheator's bailiwick, which are in the king's hands by reason of his minority, certifying the king if there be any reason why this should not be done, as the king, on 22 August last, took Adam's homage for the lands that his brother held in chief on the day of his death, and rendered the lands to him, and ordered the escheator to 20 EDWARD II. 607 132G. Membrane 9 — cont. deliver them to him, and Adam has now shewn to the king that the escheator has deferred deliverinj^ to him the manor of Tcjdon Genioun, which Robert son of Walter liold for life of Adam's inheritance, which the king caused to be taken into his bauds by reasoa of Adam's minority. Sept. 13. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Whereas the king, upon being Porchester. given to understand that the society of the merchants of the Scali of Florence was dissolved, and that the merchants of the society conversing in his realm, who were bound to him and some of his subjects, merchants and others, in divers sums, intended leaving the realm secretly and furtively with their goods, and defrauding the king and his said subjects of their debta, ordered the mayor and sheriffs to cause all merchants of the society in their bailiwick to be arrested, and to cause them to be detained safely and fittingly, and to cause all their goods, chattels, and wares and the debts due to them to be arrested and kept .safely without diminution, until further orders; as, however, Master .John de Pinihus, archdeacon of Basaz, Master Thomas de Loco, Anthony Usus Maris, and Gadach[ius] Boch', merchants dwelling in London, have mainperued before the king and his council to have the bodies of Cerbius Tentiui and Lardus Omodei, proctors and ser- vants of the merchants of the said .«ociety, before him or his justices at his pleasure, the king orders the mayor and bailiffs to supersede entirely the arrest of Cerbius and Landus, and to permit them to go whither they may wish within the realm. The king, wishing to proviclc for the indemnity of himself and of the merchants and others aforesaid to whom the merchants of the Sadi are indebted, has ordained by his council that all the goods and wares of the merchants of the Scali, apprai.sed, or to be appraised, at their true value, and their debts, which he thus ordered to be arrested, shall be delivered to Taldus Valoris and his f llows, merchants of the socii ty of the liardi, and to Boniface do Peruchiis and his fellows, merchants of the society of the Peruzzi of Florence, by indentures to be made between them and the sheriffs within whose bailiwicks the goods, wares, and debts shall be found, concerning the ssime and tlieir true value, so that Taldus and Boniface .«liall kec^p the goods and wares and the debts that they can recover safely and without diminution, and shall satisfy therefrom, when enjoined by the king, those who shall sue against the said merchants of tlie Scali in the king's court for their debts, whom the king will cause to be sulliciently warned to make their prosecution before certain of his justices to be deputed for this pnrpo.se ; and Taldus and Boniface have i)romiscd and bound tiiemselves and tlieir fellows of the said societies before the king that they will well and faithfully keep the said goods and wares and debts, and will answer therefor at the king's order according to the appraisements aforesaid. Tlu; king therefore orders the mayor and sheriffs to deliver to Taldus and Boniface, or their attornies, by indenture uU the goods, wares and debts aforesaid arrested by them. J3y K. The like to the sheriff of Lincoln. The like to the bailiffs of Boston. Sept. 17. To John de Frenyngham, keeper of the manor of Medegrave. Order to rorchester. pay to William de Bauquelle .nnd Margery his wile the arrears of a yearly rent of 10/. from the time when the manor was taken into tlie king's liamls, and to pay them the same hereafter so long as the manor sliall remain in his custody, as the king learns by intpiisitioii taken by Thomas de Faversham and Stephen de la Dane that IVIargery before she married William demised the manor to Richard d(! Betoigne for her life lor the .said sum \c.mi1v, and that Richard paid that sum yearly from the time oC the demise to Margaret before her nian ian;(? and to Margery and William alter her marriage until the king caiis(>d the manor to be taken into his hands with tlu; other lands of the said Richard for cerlain causes, from which time the rent has been 608 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326, Membrane 9 — cont. detained from them, and that they did not remit the rent to Richard nor change their estate therein in any way, and that the manor is held of the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury by fealty and the service of 40s. yearly, and that it is worth yearly 10/. beyond the service aforesaid. Sept. 8. To the keeper of the manor of Deneye and Elmeneye. Order to pay to Porchester. the prior of Ely the arrears of 4 marks yearly for the time that he has had the custody of the manor aforesaid, and to pay the same hereafter for so long as he has the custody, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Richard Wynneferthyng and Richard de Iken, stewards and auditors of the manor, which formerly belonged to the master and brethren of the Temple in England, that a part of the manor, to wit 4| acres of land whereon the church of Deneye with the chief messuage is situate, two parts of Elmen- eye, and 15 acres of arable land of the appurtenances of the manor in Waterbecche are held of the prior and convent of Ely by the service of the above sum yearly, and that the prior and his predecessors have received that service yearly from time out of mind until the adnuUing of the said order, and that it is in arrear from the time when the manor came to the king's hands because the keepers of the manor had no orders from the king to pay the rent to the prior, and that the manor is worth yearly in all issues 24/. By pet. of C, To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with certain lands in Drakynhegge, co. Warwick, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that William de Bereford held the said lands for life of the inheritance of Guy de Mances- tr[ia], son and heir of John de Mancestr[ia], by the demise of the said John, Avith reversion to John and his heirs, and that the said Hugh {sic) is .John's nearest heir of the said lands, and that they are held of the heirs of Nicholas sou of Ralph by (he service of a pair of gilt spurs, and that they ought to remain to Guy after William's death. Membrane 8. Sept. 10. To the bailiffs of Hermuth. Whereas the king lately ordained that all Porchester. ships of the burthen of 50 tuns and upwards from the mouth of the Thames to the west should be at Portesmuth on Sunday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last, and ordered the bailiffs to cause all owners (dominos) of ships of that town and its members to come at the said day with their ships, armour, victuals, and other necessaries to set out against his enemies, as they should be enjoined by Nicholas Kiriel, admiral of the fleet of tlie ships aforesaid, and the bailiffs caused two ships of the above burthen to come to the said place, to wit one called ' La JVost reclame,' whereof John le Graunger is master, with thirty-five other mariners, and another called ' La Welyfare,' whereof Hugh Love is master, with twenty- two other mariners, and the owners of the said ships have besought the king to provide them with a remedy since they have been, and will be, at great charges in coming to and staying at the said place, not without daily labour and damage of their bodies and things, in the maintenance of the mariners, ships, and of the tackle thereof; the king, considering that it is just that those who support such labour for the common benefit and defence of the realm ought to have aid of their expenses from those who remain at home, has ordained by his council that the expenses of the mariners who came with ships to tiie said place shall be levied upon this occasion from the men of the towiis and the members thereof to which the ships belong who remain at home and do not own or have part in the said ships, to wit 20 EDWARD II. 609 1326. Membrane 8 — cont. €d. a day for each of the masters of the ships and 3d. a day for each of the mariners, from the time when they left their ports with the ships until Friday next: the king therefore orders the bailiffs to cause such expenses to be levied for the masttsrs and mariners of the said three (sic) ships from the men of that town and its members, and to cause the same to be paid to the masters and mariners. The king enjoins tliem, under pain of grievous forfeiture, not to cause more to be levied than is necessary, and informs them that if they do otherwise, he will appoint »ome of his subjects to enquire into the premises, and to punish the delinquents. By K. and C. The like to the following: The bailiffs of Bristol, in favour of John le Longe, master of the ship called 'La Alizote,' and 57 mariners; Bernard de Wynton', master of the ship called ' Le James,' and 39 mariners ; Kichard le Shoter, master of the ship called ' La Cogge Seint Enprit' and 34 mariners ; Nicholas Bovvell, master of the ship called ' La Laurence' and 24 mariners ; Robert de Caldecote, master of the ship [called] ' La Cogge Johan,' and 23 mariners ; David de la More, master of the ship called ' La Cogge Seint Marie,' and 27 marinei s. The bailiffs of Exmuth, in favour of John de Auncrey, master of the ship called 'La Itodecogge,' and 26 mariners; Robert do Exton, master of the ship called ' La J'etre,' and 22 mariners ; William Slegh, master of tlie ship called 'La Xicliolas,' and 19 mariners; Peter Godelok, master of the ship called ' Z,a Miglul,' and 23 mariners ; William Sanger, master of the ship called'/^ Margarete,' and 21 mariners ; Walter Edmoiid, nuuster of the ship called ' La Seint Maricogge,' and 33 mariners. The mayor and bailiffs of Portesmutli, in favour of Richard Gilde, master of the ship called ' /,a James,' and 43 mariners; William Spiry, master of the ship called * La Seint Maricogge,^ and 32 mariners. Vacated, because otherwise below. The bailiffs of Melecombe, in favour of Ed. Knyghf, master of the ship called ' La George ' and 22 m.iriners; Edward Nichol, master of the ship called ' La Seint maricogge,' and 26 mariners ; John de la Mere, master of the ship called ' La Cogge Johan,' and 28 mariners. The bailiffs of Lemynton, in favour of William Kellout, master of the slii|) called ' La Scintmaricogge,' and 23 mariners ; Roger Hake, master of the ship called ' La Jolivcttt ,' and 20 mariners. The bailiffs of La Uye, in favour of Stephen Ru.ssel, master of the ship called ' La Seintcmaricoggc,' and 42 mariners; Geoffrey Cor- beyll, muster of the ship called * La Xicholas,' and 40 mariners; Enlph Ambroys, master of the ship called ' La Itodecogge,' and 32 mariners. The bailiffs of Weymuth, in favour of Walter atte Lane, master of the ship called 'La Richegaigne,' and .50 mariners; for Richard Langinogh, master of the ship ciilled ' La Blilh' and 32 mariners. The bailiffs of Hoke, in favour of William atte Crouchc, master of the shiiJ called ' La Rose,' and 19 mariners ; William Wiring, miusler of the ship called ' Fm Mariote,' and 20 mariners ; Richard Godale, master of the ship called 'La Might/,' ami 17 mariners; Roger Walter, master of the ship called ' La Mariote,' and 19 mnrincrs. The l)ailifl's of Favershain, in favour of Peter Seman, ma.ster of the ship called ' La Katerine,' and 29 mariners. The l)ailifls of Ilastynges, in favour of John Werrene, master of the ship called ' l.a Seintmaricogge,' and 30 mariner.^ ; .Simon de Dovorr', master of the ship called ' La Leonard,' and 33 mariners. 81294. r,' and 27 mariners; Wdliam Bogher, master of the ship called ' La Michel,' ami 24 mariners. Tho bailiffs of Teigmuth, in favour of William Payn, master of the ship called ' /.a Margarete,' nnd 21 mariners; Roger Payn, nnister y y 2 G12 CALENDAR OF CLOSE EOLLS. 1326. Membrane 8 — cont. of the ship called ' Za Seint And reu,' and 16 mariners; William Hardy, master of the ship called ' La Dieu,' and 30 mariners ; Gilbert Whetepayu, master of the ship called ' La Jonette,' and 16 mariners ; Richard Bolde, master of the ship called ' La Mighel,^ anil 19 mariners; Walter Feres, master of the ship called ^ La Nicolas' and 14 mariners ; Richard le White, master of the ship called ' Lai Seintemaricogge,' and 24 mariners ; John Eustace, master of the ship called ' La Godyere,' and 23 mariners. Sept, 10. To the bailiffs of Portesmuth. Whereas the kinfr has ordained that the Porchester. expenses of the mariners who have come with their ships to that town in his service shall be levied from the men of the towns to which the ships belong [e/c, as above^ ; and Matilda, late the wife of William de Stedhara, owner (^domina) of a ship called ' Z.a James ' of the same town, who has expended much in the maintenance of 43 mariners of the ship staying in that port, and Robert le Goldsmyth, owner of another ship called ' La Seintemaricogge,' who has expended much in the maintenance of 32 mariners of that ship, have besought the king to provide a remedy ; the king therefore orders the bailiffs to cause 2c?. a day for each of the said mariners to be levied from the men of timt town and its members who stay at home and have no ships there, nor any part in the same, from Sunday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, since which time the mariners have remained continuously in that port, until Friday next, and to cause the same to be paid to the owners of the ships. They are forbidden to levy more than is necessary [as in preceding order~\ . Sept. 12. To Ralph Basset of Drayton, constable of Dover castle, and warden of Porchester. the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Although the king ordered the mayors and bailiffs of the towns of Hethe, Dover, and Faver- Bham, which are within the liberty of the Cinque Ports, to cause all owners of ships of those towns and the members thereof of the burthen of 50 tuns and upwards to come to Portesmuth with their ships on Sunday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last, to set out in his service for the defence of the realm against the attacks of the French, as they should be enjoined by Nicholas Kiriel, admiral of the fleet of ships towards the west, the said mayors and bailiffs have not hitherto caused certain of the ships to come to the said place; and the king has now ordained that twelve ships of Kent and the city of London, each provided with 40 armed men and victuals and other necessaries, of the ships that have not come to Portsmouth, shall remain on the sea coast near Forland in the Isle of Thanet for the repulse of the French and other enemies, if they endeavour to enter the realm thei'e, at the cost of the men of the towns to which the ships belong who shall have no ahips there, and have no part in the ships, and are not now in the king's service aforesaid, whilst other ships that have come to that place by virtue of the orders aforesaid and that have set out in the fleet with the aforesaid Nicl-.olas shall remain in that service ; of which twelve ships the king wills that two shall be of the town of Hethe, two of the town of Dover, and the fifth of the town of Faversham : the king therefore orders the constable to cause the said five ships to be chosen out of the best ships of those towns that have not set out in the king's service as is aforesaid, and to cause each of them to be provided with 40 armed men and victuals and other necessaries at the expense of the aforesaid men, and to cause the necessary charges fur the mariners and armed men to be levietl, and to cause the ships to come to the coast aforesaid, so that they be there on Sunday the feast of St, Matthew next at the latest. He is enjoined not to permit more than is necessary to be levied from the men of the said towns by colour of this order. 20 EDWARD II. 613 1326. Sept. 10. Porchester. Membrane 7. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to cause three of the afore- said twelve ships to be chosen in that city from the better ships, and to cause each of them to be furnished with forty armed men, victuals, and other necessaries at the cost of the men of the city who shall have no ships nor parts therein, in the king's service, and to cause the necessary charges tor the mariners and armed men to be levied, and to cause the said ships to come to the coast aforesaid by the said Sunday. They are forbidden to levy more than is necessary by colour of this order [as in preceding orders'^. To the sheriff of Kent. Like order to cause four of the said twelve ships to be chosen from the ships of the towns of Maidenstan, Strode, Rochester, Mcdeweye, Gillyngham, and Clyve, and to cause thetn lo be provided with men, etc. [as above.] To the bailiffs and community of Spaldyng. Although the king lately ordered them to cause all owners of ships of that town of the burthen of 30 tuns and upwards to come with their ships, arms, victuals, and other necessaries to Erewell {sic), on the day of St. Matthew ne.xt, to set out for the defence of the realm as they should l)e ihen enjoined on the king's behalf, he has now ordained that twelve ships of that town and of the towns of Blakencye, Snedeshsun, Hunstanton, and Holme and their members, two of which shall be of the town of Spaldyng', each of them provided with forty armed men and victuals and other necessaries, shall remain on the sea coast in the parts of Sheld and of Seint Edmnndesnesse for the repulse of the king's enemies, whilst tlie king's fleet, which he has ordered to be assembled at Erewell on the said day, shall stay there, and that the necessary e.\|)ensea for the mariners of the said twelve ships and the armed men shall be levied from the men of the said town (sic) remaining at home [etc., as jh preceding orders] : the king orthtrs them to cause the aforesaid two ships to be chosen from the better ships of their towns, and to be provided witii forty armed men each and victuals and other necessaries, and to cause the neces.sary expenses for the mariners and armed men to lie levied accordingly from the said men of that town, and to cause the ships to come to the said coast by Wednesday after the aforesaid feast. They are forbidden to levy more than is necessary by colour of this order [etc., as in preceding orders.] 15y K. and C. The like to the bailiffs and communities of the following towns : IJlakenej'e, for four ships. Snedesham, for two ships. Hunstanton, for two ships. Holme, for two ships. Sept. 24. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause tiie expenses for the masters and Westminster, mariners of the five sliijjs of the towns of Maydenstan, Strotle, Gillyngham, and Clyve and of the members thereof that came to the sea coast near Korianil in the Isle of Thanet by virtue of the king's order, to be levied from the men of those towns who remain at home and have no shii)s nor any j)art thereof at that place, to wit (Ul. a day for each of the masters and 3d. a day for each of the mariners, for their wages in coming to the aforesaid placo and remaining there, to wit for three week.s, and to cause the same to bo paid to the masters and marintirs. The king orders him not to cause more to be levied than is necessary l)y colour of this order. Sept. 2G. To John de Eelsteiie. Onler to bring to the chancery and to restore the The Tower, king's letters patent a|)pointing him, together with William de Mundcn, one of the collectors of the new custom, to collect the said custom in the port of London from Michaelmas next in placo of James IJeaufloure, as the king wills that he shall not iutermcdiUc with the collection of the custom, the 614 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 7 — cont, treasurer and barons of the exchequer having testified that he has not found security there to answer to the king for the issues of the custom. By C. [Pari. Writs.'] To William de Munden, one of the collectors of the new custom in the port of London. Order to intend the collection of the custom with James Beauflour until further orders, notwithstanding the king's order to admit the aforesaid John de Felstede in place of James, as the king wills that John shall not intermeddle with the collection for the above reason. [Ibid.] By C. Sept. 26. The sheriffs of London. Order to deliver the body of Thomas de The Tower. Every ngham from Neugate prison, wherein he is detained for certain causes, as Bego de Knovyll, Ed. Haclut, Hugh de Turpliton, Thomas Wither of co. Hereford, Ed. de Rivers of co. York, John de Bray of CO. Berks, Richard le Hunt of co. Northumberland, and Nicholas de la Lee of CO. Gloucester have mainperned before the king to have the body of the said Thomas before him or elsewhere at his order. By K. Sept. 24. To Thomas de Harpeden, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Westminster. Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. The king has assigned to Margaret, late the wife of William de Bereford, tenant in chief, the following of the said William's lands as her dower, by the assent of Ed[mund] de Bereford, son and heir of William : the manor of Newenham near Walingford, co. Oxford, of the yearly value of 109^. 4c?. ; the manor of Brightwell, in the same county, of the yearly value of \\\s. 8d. ; certain lands in Cadewell, in the same county, of the yearly value of 12c?. ; the manor of Bykemers, co. Warwick, of the yearly value of 8/. 15s. 6c?. ; certain lands in Wythinghas, in the same county, of the yearly value of 4/. 6s. 8c?. ; and 47s. 8d. of yearly rent in Alton, co. Leicester ; 3.3s. 4d. of y-early rent in Britewell, co. Oxford; 10/. of yearly rent in Croumers near Walyngford, in the same county : he therefore orders the escheator to deliver to her the said manors of Newenham and Brightwell, the tenements in Cadewell, and the rent in Britewell and Croumers. To John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Margaret the said manor of Bikemers, the tenements in Wythinghas, and the rent in Alton. To the same. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Margaret the advowson of the church of Wisshawe, co. Warwick, of the yearly value of 6 marks, which the king has assigned to her as her dower of her husband's advowsons. To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Shothiswell, a messuage, a carucate and 3 virgates of land and 20s. of rent in Shothiswell, and to restore the issues thereof to the aforesaid Margaret, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the aforesaid William and Margaret held on the day of William's death the said manor of the gift of Thomas Waudard of Shothiswell, to them and to the heirs of William, by tine levied in the king's court, and the said tenements of the gift of Gervase de Willeford and Amflesia his wife, likewise made to them and to the heirs of William by fine levied in the king's court, and that the premises are not held of the king in chief, and that Edmund de Bereford, son of William, is William's next heir and is of full age. To Thomas de Harpeden, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and IJuckingham. Like order concerning a messuage, a garden, a dovecot, 160 acres of land, 15 acres of meadow, and a fishery 20 EDWARD II. G15 1326. Membrane 7 — cont. with the ferry of one barge {passagio iiiiius barge) in the water of Thames in Clopcote, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the aforesaid William and Margaret held the premises jointly on the day of William's death of the gift of Walter de Aylesbury, made to them and to the heirs of William, and that they are not held of the king, and that Edmund is bis next heir. To John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting- ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with the manors of Greuberewe and Derset, and to restore the issues thereof t» Edmund, son of the aforesaid William, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that William and Edmund held jointly on the day of William's death the manor of Grenberewe of the gift of Henry de Braundeston, made to them and to the heirs of Edmund's body, by fine levied before the justices of the Bench, and that William held on the said day the manor of Derset for life of the demise of Joiin de Sudle by the king's licence, with remainder to Edmund for life, and that the manor of Grenberewe is held of John de Harecourt by knight service, and the manor of Derset is held of the king in chief by the service of a moiety of a knigiit'a fee. Sept. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Porchcster. 13/. 75. Orf. to be allowed to the mayor and bailiffs of the town of South- ampton out of the ferm of their town, which sum they paid to the master of a ship called ' Nes Seinte Marie' oi Bermuth, in the presence of Arnald Calculi, for Arnald's passage, as appears by an indenture made between them and Arnald, in execution of tiie king's order to cause Arnald to have passage from that port for himself, his horses and equipments, at the king's cost, Arnald being then about to set out for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs. To the treasurer and l)arons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Robert de Kendale the debts due to him from the king in the debts due from him to the exchequer, any order or ordinances made to the contrary notwith- standing. By K. Vacated, because otherwise below. To the keepers of the seal called ' coket ' in the port of London, and of the king's scale (troiii) there. Order to cause the king's scale for weighing wool brought to the stnple of London, which the king latily ordained should be ut the New Temple, London, to be removed to its former i)lace in the city of London, as the king wills, at the request of the citizens of Loudon, that the scale shall hereafter be at tl\e said place during his pleasure. By K. Sept. 27. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to cause tallies to be levied The Tower, to Robert de Kendale for the sums that they shall find, by inspection of the king's writs of liberate in their possession, to be duo to him of the arrears of his fee of the time when he was constable of Dover and warden of the Cinque Ports, to be allowed to him in the debts due from him, notwith- standing any order or ordinances to the contrary, Robert having prayed tho king to cause such allowance to be made to him. By K. Sept. 30. To Simon de Gryinmesby, escheator in cos. York, Northumberland, The Tower. Cund)erlund, and Westmoreland. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands that Mary, late the wife of William do Brewosa, held in Wer- tliorp, CO. York, of William de Ros of Ilamelak, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that she held no lands in chief on tho day of her death, but that she held certain lands in Wcrthorp of William de Ros of Ilamelak by the service of Id. yearly. Sept. 27. The 'J'owcr. Sept. 28. The Tower. 6 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. X326. Membrane 7 — cont. Sept. 30. To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, The Tower. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to cause doM'er to be assigned to Joan, late the wife of John de Sancto Leodegario, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. Oct. 11. To' John de Hampton, escheator in the counties of Gloucester, etc. Gloucester. Order to deliver to brother John de Bykenore, prior of St. Bartholomew's hospital, Gloucester, and to the brethren thereof, the issues of the tempo- ralities of the hospital during the late voidance, caused by the death of brother John de Ok, the late prior, the king, on 1 October last, having taken the fealty of the said John, whose election as prior by the brethren he accepted, when he ordered the escheator to deliver the temporalities of the hospital to the said John, as the king has granted the issues during the voidance to the hospital of his alms. By K. Membrane 6. Sept. 25. To the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton. Whereas lately, at the com- The Tower, plaint of Hugh Madefray and Thomas Potyn, merchants of the city of London, suggesting that they lately bought certain corn and other wares at Amiens by certain of their servants, and caused the same to be loaded in a ship of the town of Orewell to be brought thence to London, and that certain mariners of certain of the king's ships that are called ' pinnaces ' (spinatz) took the said ship whilst on her voyage on the water of Thames between Mergate and Reculvre, and took her and the said corn and wares to Southampton, pretending that the ship, corn, and wares belonged to mer- chants of the power of the king of France, under which pretext the ship, corn, and wares were arrested by the mayor and bailiffs at the suit of the said mariners, the king ordered the mayor and bailiffs to deliver to Hugh and Thomas, by the view and testimony of trustworthy men, all the corn, goods, and wares in the ship that they should find by lawful proof to have been the property of Hugh and Thomas at the time of the arrest, retaining in the king's hands the otiier goods of tlie men and merchants of the king of France found therein until otherwise ordered ; and the bailiffs afterwards returned that it appeared to them by lawful proofs that all the corn, goods, and wares found in the ship were the property of Hugh and Thomas, and that no person of the power of the king of France had any goods or chattels therein : the king, although the said mariners suggested to him that . the corn and wares belonged to men of the power of the king of France and paid custom (custrimatd) and were loaded in their name in France, orders the mayor and bailiffs to deliver to Hugh and Thomas all the corn, goods, and wares in the ship at the time of arrest claimed by them as their own, retaining in the king's hands any goods of the men and merchants of the king of France found therein, as Hugh and Thomas have found security before the king in chancery, to wit Adam de Ely and John Burg- hard, citizens of London, to answer to the king and to others at his order for the said goods or for their value. By K. Oct. 2. To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to deliver The Tower, to the king's chaplains celebrating divine service in his chapel in the castle bread, wine, oil, and other small necessaries for divine service from Michaelmas last until next Michaelmas. Oct. L To the chancellor and university of Oxford. Order to cause the gate of Westminster, the said city called ' Smithegate,' which is in their custody, to be kept safely, so that there may be no entry there for Roger de Mortuo Mari, the 20 EDWARD II. 617 ][326. Membrane 6 — cont. king's rebel, or for other rebels and enemies of the king who have entered the realm with a multitude of aliens. By K. on the information of W. de Herlaston. Oct. 2. To Thomas de Hnrpedcn, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Westminster. Berkn, Bedford, ond Buckingiiam. Order not to intermeddle further with a bovate of land in Ramenham, co. Berks, tliat William de Morton lately acquired to him and his heirs from Henry Ernefast, knight, which the escheator took into the king's hands by reason of the ssiid acquisition pre- tending that it was hold in chief of the king, and to restore the issues thereof to William, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that it is held of Peter de Monte Forti and not of him, Sept. 30. To John de Blounvyll, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, The Towor. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to pay to Joan de Torthorald 10 marks for Michaelmas term last, in accordance with the king's grant, of 11 Juno, in the 11th year of his reign, of 20 marks yearly from the issues of the escheatry this side Trent. Oct. 1. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause tho The Tower, aforesaid 10 marks to be allowed to the said escheator, Oct, 2. To the bailiffs of York. Order to pay to William de Ros of Ilamelak ■Westminster. 75 marks from the farm of that city for Michaelmas term last, in accordance with the king's grant of 22 August, in the 16th yejir of his reign, of that sum yearly at Michaelmas and Easter fro.-n the form of that city and of tho lik(; amount from the form of the city of Lincoln, until the king should provide him with 300 marks of land or rent yearly between the waters of Thanios and Tees, or ui;til the king should restore to him the castle of Werk, which William granted and rekaised to the king. The like to the bailiffs of the city of Lincoln. Oct. 4, To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the aforo- Acton. said 7o marks to be allowed to the bailiffs of the city of York. The like for the citizens of Lincoln. Oct. 2. To William do Weston, [escheator] in cos. Kent, Surrc}', Sussex, Westminster. Middlesex, and in the city of London. Order not to intermeddle further with the land of Nicholas de Aperdeie, William Crochun, and John lo Ilauberger in Hcrthlegh, and to restore the issues thereof, the escheator having certified the king that he took into the king's hands 60 acres of land of the said Nicholas, William, and John because he found by an inquisition of oflice that John de Ple.'icy, knight, who held the manor of Hethlegh in chief as of the honour of Boulogne by knight service, alienated the said land, which is p;\rcel of the manor, to Nicholas, William, and John without the king's licence, rendering therefor to the said .Idhn and his heirs 17*. 6r/. yearly, the true value of the land, doing suit at his court of Hethlegh and at the king's hundred of Coppedethorn from three weeks to three weeks, and rendering 2*. yearly to the sheriff of Surrey for ' hundredselver ' and ' shirefyeld.' Oct. 12. To the sheriff of York. Order to release Master Simon de Carnl, clerk, Gloucester, of Scotland, who was lately arreste I with two servants and divers of his goods on his voyage from Scotland to Flanders by certain of the king's mariners, and who was taken to Scardcburgh, and whom the sheriff has sent to tho king hy his order, and to cause his said goods to be delivered to him, and to i)erniit him to go with his servants and goods whither he will, of the king's special grace. By K. Sept. 3. To the mayors and bailiffs of Bristol. Order not to molest John de Celor Porchcster. of Bristol, owner (domino) of a moiety of the ships called ' La Alisote 618 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 6 — cont. James ' and ' Cok Johan,' and Richard de Welles, owner of a moiety of the ship called ' La Laurence ' of Bristol, hy virtue of the king's order to them to cause all owners of ships of the burthen of 50 tuns and upwards to come with tlieir ships, etc., from that town and its members to Portesmuth on Sunday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last, the said John and Richard being so weak and aged that they cannot labour in this ser- vice, as the king, wishing to spare them upon this occasion, has given them licence to return home, they having sent other sufficient men in their places in the said service. By K. Sept. 5. To the mayor and bailiffs of Winchester. Order to release the goods, Porchester. chattels, and debts of Giles de Faward, commonly called ' Barran de Fawird,' and to restore them to him if they have arrested them by virtue of the king's order to take into his hands the goods, chattels, and debts of the men and merchants of the power of the king of France, and to aid Giles in levying the debts due to him in that city, as the king learns upon trustworthy testimony that Giles is a merchant of the town of Penne in the Agenois, and that he has always borne himself faithfully to the king. By K. Aug. 17. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to release and to restore to Clarendon. John de la Gout, merchant, and Gaillard, his brother, 42 tuns of wine lately in John's custody at London, which they lately arrested with other goods of John and Gaillard by virtue of the king's order to arrest goods and wares of the men and merchants of the town of Besatz, of which wine 13 tuns and one pipe belonged to John and Gaillard and the rest belonged to William Xanctii, lord of Pomiers {Pomeriis), as the king learns upon trustworthy testimony that John and Gaillard, who are sprung from the town of Besatz, have always borne themselves faithfully towards him and his subjects, and that John sojourned in this realm all the time of the late disturbance in the duchy [of Aquitaiue], and long before then. By K. Aug. 19. To the same. Order to release and restore to Gaillard CoubuU and Clarendon. Arnald de Bugons their goods, chattels, and debts, if they have arrested the same by virtue of the aforesaid order to take into the king's hands the goods, chattels, and debts of the men and merchants of Besatz, as the king learns upon trustworthy testimony that Gaillard and Arnald, who are sprung from that town, sojourned in this realm all the time of the late disturbance in the aforesaid duchy, and long before, and that they have always borne themselves faithfully towards the king and his sabjects. By K. Oct. II. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Gloucester. Gloucester. Order to deliver to Elizabeth, late the wife of Simon le Chaumberleyn, the manor of Hope near Thornbury, in that county, together with the issues from 2 April, in the 18th year of the king's reign, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Master John de Blebury, Robert de Hungerford, and the aforesaid keeper that Alice, daughter of Roger de Lokyuton, on the morrow of St. Valentine, 28 Edward I., grautod, remitted, and confirmed the said manor to the aforesaid Simon and Elizabeth, to them and their heirs, and that they were seised thereof by virtue of this grant, and con- tinued their seisin until the manor was taken into the king's hands by reason of Simon's rebellion, and that Simon died in prison in Gloucester castle on the aforesaid 2 April, and that Elizabeth has not remitted to any one her right in the manor, nor changed her estate in any wise, and that the manor was taken into the king's hands, and is still in his hands, by reason of Simon's rebellion, and for no other cause, and that it is held of the manor of Thornbury by the service of 6s. yearly for all service. 20 EDWARD II. 619 1326. Sept. 28. The Tower. Oct. 12. Gloucester. Membrane 5. To John de Blounvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hert- foid, Cambridge, and Huntingdon. Order to deliver to John de Goldyng- liam, Nicholas Dacre, and Simon Cobaud, executors of the will of Master Thomas de Kerdeslon, late archdeacon of Norfolk, the manor of Norton, CO. Norfolk, except the advowson of the church of Thurverton, a house in Nokkedam, herbage and a rushbed (junctaria) in the marsh of Boyshowe, herbage in the marsh of Hordhowe, and except the rents and services of the freemen and villeins, together with the issues thereof from the death of the said Master Thomas, to hold until the end of fourteen years from Michaelmas after the feast of St. Ambrose, in the 14th year of the king's reign, after which term it is to be resumtid into tlie king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Edmund de Hemmegrave and John Claver in the escheator's presence, by the king's order, that Thomas Roscelyn, granted, before he forfeited to the king, to wit on 7 March, in the 14th year of the reign, to the said Master Thomas for life the aforesaid manor, with the above exceptions, rendering therefor 8 marks yearly, and that he ai"terwards, before he forfeited to the king, to wit on Sunday after St. Ambrose, in the aforesaid year, granted the manor, with the above ex- ceptions, to Master Thomas for fourteen years from Michaelmas following, quit and discharged of the said 8 marks yearly, in consideration of a sum of money paid to him beforehand, and tiiat neither Master Thomas in his life nor his executors after his death changed their estate therein, and that the manor was taken into the king's hands after the death of Master Thomas by the escheator by reason of the forfeiture of the atbre.-aid Thomas Roscelyn, and for no other reason, and that the manor is not held of the king, and that, witli the above exceptions, it is wortli 34.v. 2d. yearly in all i.ssues. The like to Roger de Hales, to deliver the manor, with the above excep- tions, which is in his custody by the king's commi-ssion, together with the issues thereof received by him. Oct. 14. To the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth. Order to release Peter Raraelyn of Tiutcm. O.stcnde, Clays Hanele, John le Lapre, John I'anfox, John Cristelot, John Rastar, Henry Tripph^re of Seirite Marichirche, .John Hodo, and Copimis Rowe of Fliuidcrs from prison in that town, together with Uivir goods and chatti'ls, they having been attaclied and imprisoned for a robbery at sea from certain men of this realm at the suit of the .said men, if they have satisfied the said men for the robi)ery, and if they are detained in pri.^on at the suit of the king and of no other. " 13y K. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to release AVilli;im Marcher, parson of the church of Wyk, and William Buret, imprisoned at l)()r<-hcster {J)ors') by the king's order for certain reasons, upon their finding mainprise to answer to the king at his pleasure. By K. To the sheriff of Sussex. Whereas the king lately ordered the arrayors of men-at-arms in that county to cause a certain number of armed men and archers to come to him with all speed, and ordered the sheriff to pay the wages of the said men until they came to the king, and the sheriff has returned tliat he has no money of the issues of his bailiwick or from else- where out of which he can pay the wages, anrelbre ordcM s the sheriff to receive the said money, and lo [)ay there- from th(! wages aforesaid, and to cause the m(>n to come to the king with all speed : j)rovided that those to whom he shall pay the wages shall be fit and sufficient for the king's service. [Pur/. /f>f/*-.J 620 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. Membrane 5 — cont. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rut- land. Order not to intermeddle in any wise with the custody of the priory of Torkeseye, or with anything pertaining thereto, by reason of the last voidance thereof, and to restore the issues thereof to the prior and convent, as the king lately — at the prosecution of the prior and convent of Torkeseye, suggesting that the priory is of the patronage of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, by reason of the lands that belonged to John de Balliolo, which the king lately granted to the earl, and that neither the earl nor John de Balliolo, nor his ancestors, when the said lands were in their hands, nor the king nor his progenitors, kings of England, when the said lands were [in their hands] by reason of wardship, escheat, or otherwise, were wont in times past to have the custody of that priory at any times of voidance, or to receive any issues therefrom, and that the escheator had taken the temporalities of the priory into the king's hands by reason of the lands of the said earl being in the king's hands — ordered the escheator to make inquisition concerning the premises, and it appears by the inquisition that neither the earl, nor John de Balliolo, nor any of his ancestors, nor the king nor his progenitors were wont to have the custody of the priory upon any of the voidances in times past, or to receive any issues therefrom. Memorandum, that, on Saturday, the feast of St. Cecilia, William la Zousche, John de Sancto Johanne, and Edward de Sancto Johanne, knights, caused four bags under William's seal to be carried into the chamber of Isabella, queen of England, in the palace of the bishop of Hereford, wherein she was then housed, which bags contained rolls, inquisitions, and other memoranda of the king's chancery taken by them in the castle of Swayneseye in Wales, and the bags thus sealed were delivered to Master Henry de Clif, keeper of the rolls of chancery, then there present, who received them, and caused them to be carried with him to his lodging. [Pari. Writs.'] Membrane 4. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the chamberlains. Order to pay to four constables and thirty armed footmen staying in the Tower of London for its defence their wages, to wit Sd. a day to each of the constables and 4(/. a day to each of the footmen, from 17 November last until otherwise ordered. To the same. Order to pay to Eleanor, late the wife of Hugh le Despenser, staying in the Tower of London, reasonable expenses for herself and otiters staying with her therein from 17 November last until otherwise ordered. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to call before them Benedict de I'ulsham, ure. By K. and C. jyionorandum, that John la Zouchc, William de Bampton, and John de Welleis, of co. Buckingham, mainperned for the good behaviour of the .'^aid Geoffrey in the custody aforesaid. 622 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Dec. 10. Kenilworth. Dec. 10. Eenilworth. Dec. 2. Ledbury. Dec. 1. Ledbury. Dec. 2. Ledbury. Dec. 3. Ledbury. Dec. 7. Kenilworth. Membrane 4 — cont. To John de Crombwell, justice of the Forest beyond Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Shirewode. Order to cause the prior of Lenton to have three oaks lit for timber iu the wood of Beskwode for the repair of the houses of his priory, of the king's gift. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to restore to Nicholas de la Beche his manors of Olde- court, Chityngelegh, Claverliam, Idenne, and Lulham, together with other of his lands in co. Sussex, if they find, after having full information, that they belong to him and that thej' were taken into the king's hands without reasonable cause, as Nicholas complains; certifying the king if there be any reason why they cannot do so. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to appoint under the exchequer seal some of the king's subjects sworn of his council to extend without delay the manors of Wik- ham, Swanescomp, Sutton, Tremworth, and Rierssh, co. Kent, the manors of Wokkyngge, Sutton, Pirifrith, and Taleworth, co. Surrey, the castle, manor, and honour of Arundel, co. Sussex, the manor of Bedehampton, CO. Southampton, the manor of Couele, co. Wilts, the manors of Lecchelade, Bardesle, Sudyngton, and Musarder, co. Gloucester, the manors of Lam- merssh, Leyham, Kerseye, Welde, Wfsthorndon, and Bisshoie, cos. Essex and Hertford, the manor of Barewe, co. Suffolk, the manor of Glatton and certain lands in Caldecote, co. Huntingdon, the castle of Donyngton, CO. Leicester, tlie manor of Rihale, co. Rutland, the manor of Gi'etham, CO. Lincoln, and the manor of Parlyngton, co. York, which are in the king's hands by the forfeiture of certain of his rebels, so that the extents shall be sent into chancery without delay, in order that the king may cause to be done further in this matter what shall seem fit, as the king, who has granted the premises to Edmund, earl of Kent, his brother, to have in aid of his maintenance during the king's pleasure, wishes to be certified of their true value. By the queen and the king's eldest son. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order not to arrest, molest, or aggrieve Adam, abbot of Glastonbury, by reason of his indictment before the sheriff for that he received into his abbey and concealed from the king a great treasure of Hugh le Despenserand of Robert de Baldok, the king's enemies, and that he received Robert into the abbey, and afterwards caused him to be con- ducted outside of the abbey through some places, and to certify the king in his next parliament of the indictment, as William de Ciynton of co. Warwick, William Trussel of co. Leicester, Maurice de Berkele of co. Gloucester, William de Rampton, John le Bret, and John de Bratton, of co. Somerset, have mainperned before the king in chancery to have the body of the abbot before the king in his next parliament. To Roger Chaundos, shtriflT of Morgan no. Order to permit the sons of Llywelin Bren and the sons of Rinus Vaghan, the son (^/') of Griffith ap Howel, the son of Yevan ap Rini, and the son of Howel ap Rees to hold until the next parliament the lands that they have entered as their inherit- ance, as they assert, so that the king may then cause to be done what shall seem fit by his common counsel. By the queen and the king's eldest son. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to pay to Otto de Bodringan 10/. on account of {super) the custody of the Isle of Lunday, which the king has granted to him for custody. To Ivo de Aldeburgh, constable of Bernard's Castle, in the king's hands by reason of the minority of the heir of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of War- wick. Order to pay to William le Gayte, watchman of the castle, John, keeper of the king's stallions (stalonum), for himself and the king's 20 EDWARD TI. 62a 1326. Membrane 4 — conl. stallions, William, one of the kinj^'s carters, for himself and his groom and six of the king's liorses in his custody, John Howet, the king's warenner therci, John de Hert, the king's chief forester of the forest there, John Page and John de Werdale, the king's parkers there, John Baudewyne, keeper of the foreign wood there, Adam de Skelton and Roger his fellow, foresters of Tesdalc, Gilbert Riot, keeper of the king's stud in the park of the castle, John del Cote and Alexander le fitz Henri, keepers of the king's stoc:k there, and Willia-n le fitz Geffrey, the king's collector of the multure in the mills there, the arrears of their usual wages and the expenses of the horses aforesaid from the time when the constable received the custody, and to pay them the same hereafter until further orders. Dec. 3. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the Ledbury. exchequer. Order to cause all the victuals that the king lately ordered to be provided for the munition of Dover castle, wiiicli are in tiie custody of John Piret, to be viewed by some of the king's subjects to be deputed for this purpose hy them, and to cause to be done what they shall see fit for the king's benefit, as the cause for which they were provided has now ceased. Membrase 3. Dec. 6. To Thomas Wake, justice of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who Kenilwortb. supplies his place in the forest of Rokyngham. Order to CJiuse the baili- wick of BoUeax, in the said forest of Rokyngham, to bo delivered to John du Char, who claims to hold it by the king's commission for life, whicli the king lately caused to be taken into his hands for certain causes. By C. The like to J)onal(l de Mar, steward of the Forest between the bridges of Oxford and Staunford. Dec. 15. To the constable of Bristol castle, or to him who supplies his place. Kenilworth. Order to deliver the king's barge called ' La Petite Mariot' of Westmin- ster, which is in the port of Bristol in liis custody, to John de Counibe, to be brought by him to Westminster, as John has been enjoined by the king, and cause him to have mariners and necessary costs for taking the barge to Westminster by the advice of men of that town. By K. Dec. 7. To Thomas de Hunt<'rcombe, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to Kenilworth. pay to Edmund de Algate, janitor of botli gates. Id. a day; to Alexander le I'eyntour, one of the viewers of the king's works, 2il. a day ; to Thomas le Rotour, the other viewer of tht; king's works, '2d. a day ; to Adam tlu> gardener of the king's garden without the ca.-tle, '2\d. a day ; to the four watchmen of the castle, 2d. a day each ; to Ruiiert df Wodchain, captain- forester of Wyndesore forest, I2d. a day ; to IJalpii di; la More, clerk of the king's works in the castle, 2d. a day; to Thomas le Parker, keeper of the park of Kenyngton, l^»cheator that Richard held no lands of the king in those counties on the day of his tieath, but that ho held the said lands of Etlmund, late earl of Arundel, by tho service of rendering 7s. yearly to the earl's manor of Eppeworth in the Isle of Ha.xiliolm, which manor is now in the king's hands tor certain reasons, and that his son Richard de Amecotes is his next heir, and is aged eighteen jeais. To the bailiffs of Ipswich. Ordor to permit Peter de Vynau, merchant of Bayoune, to pa^^s from that port with his ship there laden with corn, as Peter, who is at the king's peace and faith, has found security before tlie king that he will take the said corn to the ducliy of Aquitaine and not elsewhere. 81294. K It 626 CALENDAR OF CLOSE EOLLS. 1327. Membrane 3 — cont. To Richard Damory, justice of North Wales. Order to have advisement with the men of those parts whom he shall see fit, and to cause twenty-four men of those parts, both Englishmen and Welshmen, to come to the Parlia- ment convoked at Westminster, to consent to those things that shall be there ordained for the common benefit and peace of the realm and of those parts. [Foedera.'] Jan. 10. To him -who supplies the place of the treasurer, and to the barons of the Kenilwoith. exchequer. Oi'der to cause Reginald de Donyngton, late sheriff of Lincoln, to have allowance for lOl. for Easter term, in the 18th year of the king's reign, and 201. for Michaelmas and Easter terms in the 19th year, paid by him to Ebulo Lestraunge, husband of Alesia, daughter and heiress of Henry de Lacy, sometime earl of Lincoln, by virtue of the king's order of 6 April last to pay to Ebulo and Alesia the arrears of 20/. yearly for the third penny of the county of Lincoln for the time of his office. Jan. 20. To the same. Whereas Nicholas Kiriel of co. Kent, Richard de Perers, Kenilworth. John de Lyston, Robert de Cheddeworth of co. Essex, Martin de Fissheacre of CO. Devon, Robert de Aspale of co. Suffolk, Master Richard de Clare of CO. Somerset, John Pysegle of the city of London and co. Essex, and Eustace de Swafham of co. Cambridge acknowledged, on 12 June, in the I7th year of the king's reign, that they owed to the king 500 marks, whereof they ought to have paid 200 marks at the quinzaine of Midsummer and 300 marks at the quinzaine of Michaelmas then next following, and they have paid 297^ marks at the exchequer, as they say, and the said Robert de Aspale, John de Aspale, and Ralph de Bockyng have besought the king to discharge the aforesaid Nicholas, Richard, John de Lyston, Robert de Cheddeworth, Martin, Richard, John Pysegle, and Eustace of the remainder of the above debt, and to charge it upon them, the said Robert de Aspale, John de Aspale, and Ralph de Bockyng ; the king orders him who supplies the place of the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer to discharge the said men of the debt, after receiving a recognisance from Robert de Aspale, John de Aspale, and Ralph de Bockyng for payment of the remainder of the debt on the morrow of Midsummer next. Membrane 2. To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to restore to Thomas Lercediakne, Kenilworth. knight, all his lands, goods, and chattels, which were lately taken into the king's hands by Thomas Roscelyn by the king's authority, and which are in the sheriff's custody, and to restore the issues received therefrom. By K. Dec. 3. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer, and to the barons of the Ledbury. exchequer. Order to appoint some of the king's subjects whom they can trust to survey the engines, houses, and other works that the king lately ordered to be made in Dover castle, and to cause the necessary works to be completed by the advice of the said men, and to cause the construction of other works there to be superseded. The king wills that the workmen, carpenters, and carters serving in the same castle, if their stay there be necessary, shall be paid their usual wages for the completion of the works by the sheriff of Kent, as has been done heretofore, and that the workmen who are not necessary shall be amoved thence without delay. To Bartholomew de Burgassh, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports. Order to cause the baileys and wards of the castle to be guarded by good and sufficient men, and if there be any who claim to have such baileys and wards by the king's commissions, to summon them to come 1326. Dec. 10. 20 EDWARD II. 627 132G. Dec. 7. Kenilworth. Dec. 12. Kenilworth. Dec. 14. Kenilworth. Dec. 14. Kenilworth. Dec. 15. Kenilworth. Dec. 14. Kenilworth. Membrane 2 — co7it. to the chancery with their commissions, so that the king may do what is just and reasonable in the matter. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Shirwode to be elected in place of John ' bi the Water' of Edenstowe, whom the king has caused to be amoved from office because he is incapacitated by infirmity and age ([ie«io] confraclus). To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to pay to Hugh de Beaurepeir, keeper of the king's horses in the parts of Redyngges, the costs incurred by him heretofore in the purcha.se of hay, oats, litter, and other necessaries for the horses, and for the wages of the grooms keeping the same, and to pay him like costs for so long as he shall have the custody of the horses. To the sheriff of Cambridge. Order to pay to the king's scholars study- ing in the university of Cambridge the arrears of the sum of money that the king granted to them daily for their maintenance to be received from the sheriff, and to cause them to have such maintenance henceforth, according to the tenor of the king's letters of privy seal directed to tlie sheriff upon another occasion, receiving from tiie master of the scholars his letters patent testifying the receipt of the money. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Thomas de Grey the arrears of 6rf. a day for the maintenance of himself and his wife, which the king granted to him during pleasure in consideration of his good service, and to pay him the same henceforth. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a safe place within Win- chester castle to be assigned to Taldus Valoris for the safe custody of his goods, when warned by Taldus on the king's behalf, and to permit him and his fellows to have ingress and egress to and from the castle for the carrying in and out of their goods, provided that peril do not arise to the castle by such ingress or egress, as the king has granted that Taldus shall have such place of custody in consideration of the grateful and useful services rendered to the king by him and his fellows, merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence. To him who sujjplies the place of the ti'easurer, and to the chamberhiins. Order to send a clerk to Dover without delay with suiricient money to pay the freight of ships to the number of twenty, for the pas.sngt; of the men of Almaiu and Hainault, who lately came into the realm in the company of the queen and Edward, the king's eldest son, and who are now al)Out to return home at the king's charge, from the port of Dover to the port of Swyn in Flanders. \^Fa:deraJ\ To Bartholomew de Curgherssh, constable of Dover castle. Older to cause sixty hinds to bo taken in the park of the manor of Hraburn, whicii is in the king's hands, and to cause them to be salted and sent to WVstminstur against the coming parliament, there to be delivered to the keeper of the king's stores. [/i»c/.] To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause Bartholomew de Burgherssh, constable of Dover castle, to have 40 quarters of wheat from the corn in the manor of Braburn, in that county, which corn is in the slicrifTs custody, at a reasonable price for the maintenance of himself and the others in the castle, provided that sufficient corn remain in the manor for its maintenance. To Thomas de Usflete, keeper of the great wardrobe. The king under- stands that certain agreements were lately made between TliomiLs and Taldus Valoris and his fellows, merchants of the society of the Bardi, for B 1{ 2 628 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Dec. 7. Kenilworth. Dec. 9. Kenilworth. Dec. 10. Kenilworth. 1327. Jan. 2. Kenihvorth. Membrane 2 — cont. finding divers sorts of spices at a certain price for the expenses of the house- hold, to be delivered in the city of London, and Taldus has given the king to understand that, by reason of the disturbances in the city, he dare not take the said spices or any other merchandise to the city, so that he cannot keep the agreements, and he has prayed the king to hold him and his fellows excused : the king, having consideration to the disturbances and to the laudable service of the said merchants, wills that they shall not be dis- trained for the observation of the agreements aforesaid, and that they shall be excused ; he therefore orders the keeper to account with the merchants for all things bought and received by him from them for the wardrobe, to wit for cloth, spices, and other things, and for the sums of money paid to them, and to certify the king of what he shall thus find to be due to or from them. To the sheriff of Oxford. "Whereas the king, on 7 November, in the 19th year of his reign, committed to Simon de Welles the lands that belonged to Thomas Blaket in Cornwelle and Kyngham, in that county, which were extended at 13/. 9s. iO|d. yearly, to have at ferm from Michaelmas preceding for seven years, rendering 13/. 10*. Od. yearly to the exchequer, and Simon has now given the king to understand that the said Thomas has entered the said lands upon the king's seisin without the king's licence, asserting that he has right therein, and that he has taken and detains Simon's goods and chattels found in the said lands, to the value of 60/. : the king orders the sheriff to take the lands and the goods and chattels found therein into the king's hands, and to deliver the same to Simon without delay, so that he may answer to the king for the ferm, and to tell Thomas to be in the next parliament to prosecute any right he may have in the land, if he think fit. By C. To the sheriff of Leicester. Like order concerning the manors of Bagge- worth and Lyndrech, with Thornton Bochardeston and Neutou, together with the goods and chattels of Robert de Gaddesby, Henry de Hockeleye, and Robert de Stretton to the value of 200/., they having given the king to understand that Robert de Holand, to whom the manors belonged, had entered the same, asserting that he had right therein, which manors the king committed to Robert, Henry, and Robert on 17 December, in the 19th year of his reign, with the exception of pai-ks, woods, several fish- ponds, knights' fees and advowsous, wards, reliefs, marriages, and escheats, for a term of seven years from Michaelmas following, at a ferm of 75/. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Like order concerning the manor of Faken- hamdam, in that county, which the king, on 29 November, in the 19th year of his reign, committed to Thomas de Hyndryiigham, to have for seven years from Michaelmas preceding at a rent of 80/., as Thomas has given the king to understand that David de Strabolgi, earl of Athole, has entered the manor, asserting that he has right therein. By C. To the sheriff of Nottingham (sic). Like order concerning the manor of Stowe, with the park, etc., in that county, which the king, on 11 August, in the 19th year of his reign, committed to Master Gilbert de Middelton, archdeacon of Northampton, to hold for his life from Michaelmas following at a yearly ferm of 24/. 12*. l\d., at which sum the manor was extended, as Gilbert has given the king to understand that Gerard son of Warin de Insula has entered the manor, asserting that he has right therein. To Matthew de Crauthorn, receiver of the issues of the land of Morganno, in the king's hands. Order to pay, out of the issues of that land or out of the king's treasure in the castle of Neeth received by him, to Roger de 20 EDWARD II. 629 1327. Membrane 2 — cont. Chaundos, keeper of the land aforesaid, 100/., for the payment of the wages of the men besieging the castle of Kertily in that land by the king's order. Jan. 1. To Thomas de Huntercombe, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to Kcuilworth. pay to Gilbert Fypot, the king's fletcher {attiliator) in the castle, the arrears of his accustomed wages for the time of the constable's office, and to pay him the same henceforth, and to cause him to have the other things necessary for his office out of the issues of the constable's bailiwick. 1320. Dec. 27. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to cause Reginald de Frome to be re- Kcnilworth. leased from Shirbourn castle, wherein he is imprisoned upon suspicion of adhering to certain of the king's enemies and rebels, upon his finding main- prise to have him in the king's parliament at Westminster on the morrow of the Epiphany next, to do and receive what shall then be ordained by the king's council. [Pari. fVrits.J Dec. 29. To Master Henry de Clyf", keeper of the rolls of chancery. Order to Kcuilworth. cause to be cancelled the recognisance for 242/. made in chancery by Idonia, late'the wife of Robert de Dorkyng', to Master Robert de lialdok, archdeacon of Middlesex, the enemy of the king and his realm, by reason of whose enmity the sum is forfeited to the king, as the king, in consideration of the good service of Walter Tourk, citizen of London, has pardoned the said sum to him and the aforesaid Idonia, his wife. By K. on the ioformatioo of the queen. To Thomas de Huntercoumbe, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to deliver to the chaplains celebrating divine service in the king's chapel of the castle bread, wine, oil, and other small necessaries for the mainteuauce of divine service there. To Robert de Bikkemore, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Eleanor, late the wife of Nicholas de Cheny, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. The like to John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cam- bridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to cause all cari>cn(ers of his bailiwick to come to Westminster immediately upon sight of the I)^e^ents, so that they shall be there on the coming Friday, to do certain works to bo enjoined upon then) on the king's behalf. The like lo the sheriffs of Surrey and Sussex, Essex and Hertford. To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order to cause twelve carts to come to Westminster immediately upon sight of the presents, to carry sand and other necessaries for the works within the king's palace of Westminster. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause GO cartloads of heather to come to Westminster immediately upon sight of the presents, for the execution therewith of certain of the king's works. The like to the sheriff of Middlesex for 40 cartloads. Jan. 8. To John de Wymundwold. Order to deliver to John de Oxendon, keeper Keuilworth. of the queen's wardrobe, all the gold and silver cups and other jewels and the other moveables that belonged to Hugii le Despen^er, ihe younger, which arc in his custody in the Tower of London l>y reason of Ilu'di's felony, for which he was hanged, to be delivered without any diminution or retention for the use of the queen, of the king's gift. Dec. 7. Kenilworth. 1327- Jan. IL Kenilworth. Jan. 21. Kiiuilworth. G30 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1327. Jan. 20. Kenilworth. Jan. 10. Kenilworth. Jan. 16. Kenilworth. Jan. 18. Kenilworth. Jan. 10. Kenilworth. Membrane 1. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver to the executors of the will of David de Strabolgi, late earl of Athole, the goods and chattels of the deceased, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of certain debts due to him from the earl, the executors having prayed the king, by petition before him and his council in the present parliament, to cause the earl's goods and chattels to be delivered to them, so that they may cause his body to be the more suitably buried and for the execution of his will, especially as his lauds remain charged with any debts that may be due to the king. By pet. of C. To Edmund, earl of Kent. Order not to intermeddle with the manor of Parlyngton, which the king lately assigned to him during pleasure amongst other lands of Hugh le Despenser, late earl of Winchester, or with the goods and chattels in the same, but to cause them to be restored in full to John de Crumbwell and Idouia his wife, as John has exhibited before the king's council a charter of Hugh's and the king's letters patent of licence, whereby it is found that John and Idonia had the manor for their lives of Hugh's grant long before his felony. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer, and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to Roger de Somervill, sheriff of York, for 100/., paid by him to William de Ros of Hamelak, in execution of the king's order of 10 November last, by writ under the testimony of Edward, the king's eldest son, the keeper of the realm. By p.s. To Thomas de Huntercombe, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to cause John atte Mede to be released from that castle, the constable having certified the king that he was captured by Ralph de Camoys, late con- stable of the castle, and William le Hunte, because William found him with his bow and arrows in the new park in Wyndesore forest, and charged him with entering the park to do harm to the king's venison, but no trespass was found with him. To L. bishop of Durham. Order to release the sequestration of the prebend of Gilot de Bolonvilla in the bishop's church of Aukelond, and to restore to him the fruits and obventions thereof, if the prebend have been sequestered by virtue of the king's late order regarding the alien men of religion, made by reason of the war made against him by the king of France, To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to allow 300 marks to the bailiifs and men of the town of Norwich out of the ferm of their town or out of other debts due from them, the king being bound to them in 200 marks lent by them, by the hands of John de Sendale, the king's late treasurer, in aid of the Scotch war, in the 4th year of the king's reign, and in 100 marks lent by them to the king's wardrobe, by the hands of John de Okham, his clerk, for the expedition of certain of his affairs, in the 7th year of the reign, as the king wishes to satisfy them therefor, in response to their request exhibited before him and his council. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the chamberlains. Order to pay 8/. to John de Dodintou, which the king owes to him for meat bought for the expenses of his household in the 7th year of his reign, as appears by a bill of lugelard de Warle, keeper of the wardrobe, of the same year. 20 EDWARD II. 63-1 1327. Membrane 1 — cont. Jan. IG. To the abbot of St. Augustine's Bristol. Order to deliver by indenture Kenilworth. to Thomas de Berkeleye his charters, muniments, and other goods and chattels, which the king lately caused to be arrested for certain causes and which are in the abbot's custody. \^Parl. fVrits.^ To the same. Like order to restoie to the executors of the will of Maurice de Berkeley his charters, muniments, and other goods and chattels. [Ibid.] 1326. July 10. Henley. July 12. Heuley. July 8. Henle;. July 10. Henley. Membrane lid. John son of John de Duffeld of Folquardby acknowledges that he owes to Kobert de Cave, clerk, 3/. 13*. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Baldwin Malet acknowledges that he owes to Ralph le Filz Ours 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. Peter de Malo Lacu, lord of Mulgreve, acknowledges that he owes to Walter Turk, citizen of London, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in cos. York and Lincoln. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. Cancelled on pai/ment. Thomas de Berdefeld acknowledges that he owes to William de Leycestria, parson of the church of Chinnore, 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. John le Goos of Dokesworth acknowledges that he owes to John de Dokeworth and Margaret his sister, ciiildren of Rul|)h le Fevre of Dokesworth, 9/. IO5. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. John de Sancto Albano, parson of the church of Chigewelle, and Reginald son of Gilbert atte More acknowledgo that they owe to Giles l\cche oOO/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Essex. Adam de la Gore of Tunstalle acknowledges that he owes to llamo son of William Stokel of Tuu.stalle 14/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Thomas son of Peter Tovy of Sidyngeburn acknowledges that he owes to the said llamo 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. John Pirie, yeoman of the king's butlery, is sent to the abbot and convent of liamnieseye to receive for life such maintenance as llervey de Forge, deceased, had in their house at the king's request. By p.s. Peter de Sellyng', spicer (apotecarius) of London, acknowledges that he owes to Robert dc Clyf, clerk, 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled on pai/iiu nt. Nicholas de Stistedc acknowledges that he owes to Ilenry de Preston, 'corder' of London, I'J marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Stephen Corson acknowledges that he owes to Master John de Leye and Almaric Feteplace 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Stafford. Richard de Creyk acknowledges that he owes to John son of William Maupas 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Norfolk. 632 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 14(7 — cont. Master John de Wynchelse, canon in the churches of St. Mary, Lincoln and Salisbury, and parson of the church of Northflet, diocese of Canterbury, acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de Baldok, the younger, 110 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Berks, John son of John de Goldingham acknowledges that he owes to Giles Pecche .500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Norfolk. John de Sancto Albano, parson of the church of Chigewelle, and Reginald son of Gilbert atte More acknowledge that they owe to John son of Johnde Goldyngham 500^; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Essex. Laurence de Rustiton, parson of the church of Herting', acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Useflete 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. July 21. Thomas de Dultecote, parson of the church of Churiton, diocese of Exeter, Westminster, acknowledges that he owes to Master Richard de Seford 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesiastical goods in cos. Devon and Somerset. John son of John de Blyton and John de Chesterton, tenants of part of the lands that belonged to John de Nevill of Stoke, put in their places Willam de Emeldon and William de Welingoure against Sarah, late the wife of Ralph de Bella Fago, Master John de Molesworth, parson of the church of North Luffenham, Richard son of Henry de Empyngham and William Kirkeman, executors of the will of the aforesaid Ralph, to defend the execution of a recognisance for 40 marks made to Ralph in chancery by the aforesaid John [de] Nevill. Matilda, late the wife of Hugh de Wyrcestria, citizen and skinner (joe//ipa?'') of London, and Thomas de Hakeney, executors of the will of Hugh, put in their place Henry de Upton to prosecute a recognisance for 60/. made to Hugh in chancery by Richard de Elsefeld, late dean of St. Martin's-le-Grand, London, and Thomas de Chelesfeld, citizen and corder {cordarius) of London. William de Neuport, parson of the church of Framelingham at the Castle, and Robert de Aspale, knight, acknowledge that they owe to John de Stonore, knight, and Henry de Langebergh, parson of Werpesgrave church, executors of the will of Master Adam de Stonore, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Suffolk and Kent. John de Clopton acknowledges that he owes to Robert son of John de Tun well 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. July 12. John de Tynton and Ralph Munselowe acknowledge that they owe to Henley. Master John de Blebury 1005. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Southampton and Dorset. July 14. Gilbert de Toudeby acknowledges that he owes to Albertinus Roger, Westminster. John de Charleton, Henry Darcy, and Edmund de Acre, executors of the will of John de Triple, 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Cancelled on yayment. Thurstan de Chisenhale, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to John de Carleton of York, clerk, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. July 8. By fleet. July 12. Henley. 20 EDWAKD II. 633 1326. Membrane \Ad — cojit. William Waldeshcf of Shoine acknowledges that he owes to Walter Waldeshef 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by JVilliam de Wikelwod and Thomas de Swanlotid, executors of Walter's will. Sarah, late the wife of John de Aula of Migham, acknowledges that she owes to Master Ellas de Sancto Albano 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Berks. John son of Nicholas de Hulle near Berkele acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Sapy 500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. The aforesaid John ackuowledges that he owes to the said Robert 500/. ; to be levied as above. Enrolment of deed of Sarah du Brok, late the wife of Peter du Brok of Wysete, one of the daughters of Sir Peter de Melles, formerly lord of the manor of Melles by the side {decoste) of Halesworth, co. Suffolk, witnes.-lain, and John de Brumpton to show cause in chancery why the execution of a writ directed to the sheriff of Kent at the prosecution of Richard de Loteby, vicar of the church of Northeburn, diocese of Canterbury, ought not to be superseded. Sept. 10. To the abbot and convent of Waltham. Request that they will admit Porchester. Emma Priour, who has long 8erve Salesbury, Acton. 'pepperer' of London, 24b marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of Lis lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in co. Surrey. Cancelled on payment. William Poyntel of Lutterworth came before the king on Friday after Michaelmas and sought to replevy his land in HuUemorton, which was taken into bis hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Agnes, late the wife of Robert Kyme of Maydeford. This is signified to the justices. John atte Forde of Wrotham puts in his place Theobald Polayn in a suit in chancery between him and Geoffrey de Say, son and heir of Geoffrey de Say, deceased, and Idouia, late the wife of the said Geoffrey de Say, tenants of the lands of the said Geoffrey, concerning 100/., for which Geoffrey made a recognisance in chancery to him. The aforesaid John puts in his place the said Theobald in a suit in chancery between him and the .said Geoffrey and Idouia concerning 100 marks, for which the aforesaid Geoffrey made a recognisance to him in chancery. Reginald de Conductu, the elder, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to John de Donestaple, parson of the church of Wytteley, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled on payment. 1326. Oct. 2. Westminster. Oct. 3. ActOD. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. Membrane 8c? — cont. Annotus Grimaldi of Chieri (Kerio), merchant, puts in his place John de Evesham andJohu Rastel to prosecute a recognisance for 63Z. Gs. 8d., made to him by the prior of Erderbury. J ohn de Broun acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 9*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Membrane Id. To the bailiffs of Dover. The king has received complaint from Baldwin Daumart, merchant of Sluys (Lescluse) in Flanders, that whereas he lately caused a ship called ' Skoute,' whereof William de Ornewithre was master, to be laden with divers goods at Sluys in order to bring them to this realm to make his profit thereon, John son of John Salekyn, master of the barge {bargie) of Dover, and certain accomplices in the same took the aforesaid ship, during the truce between the king and the men of Flanders, whilst she was sailing between Dover and Whitsand, and took her and the goods in her to Wynchelse, and there took out of her ten dickers (dacr') of hides, price 16/. sterling, and that John detains the said hides, although he afterwards delivered the ship and goods, except the said hides, to the afore- said William ; wherefore Baldwin has prayed the king to provide a remedy : the king therefore orders the bailiffs, if the premises be true, to compel John to make restitution of, or satisfaction for, the said hides to Baldwin, together with the damages sustained by Baldwin in this behalf, so that renewed complaint may not come to the king, whereby he would have cause to punish the bailiffs {riiateriam graviter capiendi). By K. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause, under pain of forfeiture of his body and goods, proclamation to be made immediately upon sight of these letters, at days of the county [courts], in fairs, markets, and other places, at least two or three times a week, of the following matters in the manner here given, without change or diminution, so that the people may clearly know the king's will : ' Whereas Roger de Mortimer and other traitors and enemies of the king and his realm have entered the realm in force, and have brought with them alien strangers for the purpose of taking the royal power from the king; wherefore the king wills to go in force against his said enemies to arrest and destroy them, as befits, with all those who are in their company or adhere to them, except the queen, his son, and the earl of Kent, whom he wills shall be saved. And, although in such case every man of the realm is bound by his allegiance to come with all his force and power in defence of the king, of themselves, and the realm, the king nevertheless wills on this occasion, for the ease of his people, that all those, as well men-at-arms, hobelers, and armed footmen as cross-bowmen, archers, and other footmen arrayed, who shall come to him to set out with him against his said enemies shall be paid their wages according to their value promptly, to wit, a man-at-arms 12d., a hobeler Gd., a footman armed with double garment 4fZ., armed with single garment 3c?., and an archer 2d. a day each. The king also wills that all manner of men who wish to have his charter of peace for felony or adherence to his enemies, for time past or for the present, or for outlawry from any cause whatsoever (excepting the said Roger and the other chief leaders of the men who have come from beyond sea in his company, and excepting those who slew Sir Roger Beler), shall come into chancery and have their charters, provided that they follow the king at his wages iu the destruction of his said enemies. If any person or 20 EDWARD II. 651 Oct. 10. Gloacester. 1326. Membrane Id — cont. persons bring and render to him the body of the said Roger or bring his head, the king wills that he or they shall liave his charters of peace for any felony, adherence, or other matter against his peace, and he grants that he •will pay them 1,000/. sterling.' The sheriff is enjoined to execute these matters with such pain and diligence that default may not be found in him, for which the king would have to punish him. French. \_Foedera^ The like to all the sheriffs of England. [/&jc/.] To L. bishop of Durham, or to him who supplies his place. Like order to cause the aforesaid proclamation to be made throughout the bishopric. To Thomas Wake of Bliseworth, one of the leaders and arrayors of men- at-arms and footmen in the counties of Northampton and Rutland. Order to come to the king with all his power and force upon sight of these letters, 80 that he be at Gloucester on 18th October next, as the king lately ordered him and his fellows, arrayors and leaders of the said men, to come to the king with all his force with all speed, and to bring with him a certain number of men-at-arms, hobelers, archers, and other funcible men to set out against the king's enemies and contrariants Roger de Mortymer and other rebels, fugitives and banished men, and aliens who have entered the realm in force, which he has not done, and ho has not come nor sent any men to the king, to the king's surprise. He is ordered to leave a sufficient person in his place, in whom he has confidence, to raise and send the people to the king with all speed, informing all who will not como or are rebellious that the king will esteem thern his enemies and treat them as such. He is enjoined not to neglect this matter under pain of forfeiture of body and goods. He is to understand that if ho be not with the king at Gloucester on the said day with all his force, as is aforesaid, the king will consider him disobedient, and will punish him accordingly. French. By K. {Pari. IVrits.'] The like to the following : Robert de Daveiitre, "| John de Wittelbury, > leaders, etc., in the said counties. \_Ibid.~[ Simon de Drayton, J Oct. 10. To John Inge, keeper of Wyggemore and Ludelowe, or to him who Gloucester, supplies his place. Order to cause all the forcible and fencible men of his bailiwick to be levied upon receipt of these letters, as well men-at-arms and hobeler.s as footmen, archers, and others, and to send tlam to the king with all haste well ap[)aralled, each according to his estate, so that they be at Gloucester on Wednesday next, to set out at the king's wages in aid and defence of him and them and his realm against Roger de Mortimer and other fugitive and banished men and aliens, the king's enemies and traitors, who have entered the realm in f orce. He is enjoined not to omit executing this order under i)ain of forfeiture of his body and goods, and to inform all who may be rebellious or contrary in this behalf that the king will deem them his enemies and adherents of his enemies afonjsaid, and that he will attack them {irroms sur cu.v) as his enemies aforesaid, and the keeper is onlercd to take and imprison them until further orders, certifying the king of their names. French. By K. Vacated, because on the Patent Roll. The like to the following: John Daniel, keeper of Radenoure and of Luggernes and Penebrugg, or to him who supplies his place. Cadogan ap Howel and Davy Vaghan, keepers of the land of Melen- neth, or to him who supplies their phice. William ap Rees, keeper of the land of Elveyl, or to him who supplies his place. [ Vacated as above. ^ 652 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Sept. 26. The Tower. Oct. 2. Acton. Oct. IL Gloucester. Membrane 6rf. To the sheriff of Kent. The king learns from the complaint of John Hasard, Thomas le Veel, Aubrey de Potheron, and John Jacob, merchants of DynauDt, of the realm of Almain, that whereas they lately went to Waterford in Ireland, after the king's proclamation that merchants of all lands, except the lands at war with him, might come into the realm with their goods and wares under his safe-conduct and protection, and they there loaded a ship of Henry Godale of Hamelhok with wool, hides, and other goods, and paid the custom upon the same, in order to take them to Bruges in Flanders to make their profit thereof, Alexander le Keu of Wynchelse and Thomas de London with divers accomplices in a great ship met the aforesaid ship at sea near the Isle of Wight, and entered her by armed force, and took out of her 42 sacks of wool, 12 dickers of hides, three barrels (pipas) of salmon, two barrels (pipas) of cheese, a trussel of cloth, silver vessels, mazer- bowls {ciphos de mazero), a tercelet and four sparrow- hawks, and other jewels, goods, and chattels, to the value of 400/. sterling, which they placed in their said great ship and carried to near the Dounes, and caused the aforesaid merchants, under threat of death, to sign a letter of acquittance, to wit that they would not demand anything from Alexander and Thomas and their accomplices for the goods thus taken by them, and would not disquiet them in any way for this reason, and they placed the said merchants in a boat called ' skoute,' and sent them to Flanders, not per- mitting them to come to land in this realm ; and the duke of Brabant and the lady Margaret his mother, the king's sister, and the burgomasters, echevins, and consules of the towns of Bruges, Leges, and Dynaunt have by their separate letters requested the king to cause restitution to be made to the said merchants : the king, having consideration to these requests and to his said proclamation, orders the sheriff to go to the said Alexander and Thomas with all speed upon sight of the presents, and to admonish and induce them on the king's behalf to restore the aforesaid goods, if they have thus carried them off, to the said merchants in full, notwithstanding the said letters of acquittance extorted by violence, which ought rightly to be deemed invalid, or to make such satisfaction therefor that the merchants shall not have reason to complain further to the king, and if they refuse to do so, the sheriff is ordered to attach them, so that he have their bodies before the king in a month from Michaelmas next to answer to the king, certifying the king at that day of his proceedings. By K. To John Marmion, Henry le Scrop, Ralph de Bolmere, and Robert de Scorburgh. Order to supersede until further orders the execution of the king's appointment of them as justices to hear and determine all felonies and trespasses whereof indictments were made before the keepers of the peace in co. York, and to do and execute certain other things contained in the king's commission. By K. on the information of T. de Sibth[orpe]. IParl. Writs.'] The like to the commissioners in fifteen other counties, [/fii'c?.] To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to tell all persons indicted for assem- blies, alliances, and the carrying of arms against the king's peace before John de Stonore and John de Denum,whom the king appointed his justices to take inquisitions concerning such offences and to hear and determine the same, who have placed themselves upon the king's grace and whom the king lately ordered the sheriff to cause to be delivered from prison upon their finding mainprise to be before the king to hear his will at a certain day now passed, to come to the king with horses and arms in as much force as possible with all speed, in order to set out against the king's enemies and rebels who have entered the realm, intimating to the said persons that the king will shew them such grace that they ought to be rightly contented. {F(edera.'] By K. 20 EDWARD II. 653 1326. Oct. 13. Westbury. Oct. 6. Westbury. Oct. 14. Chepstow. iStogoUl.) Nov. 2. Caerphilly. iKerfilly.) Dec. 11. Kenilworth. Dec. 8. Kenilworth. Dec. 14. Keuilwortb. Membrane Gd — cont. Robert Sterre of Walton acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 18*. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Chester. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Mereworth, who is staying with the king in his service, to have respite until Easter next for all debts due to the exchequer. By K. Gilbert de Dedhara acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 18s. 4c?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Hugh de Plassh' acknowledges that he owes to the said Robert 185. 4rf. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior of Bristall to have respite until Easter next for all debts due to the exchequer. By K. The like, ' mutatis mutandis,' to the sherifE of York. By K. John son of John, Simon do Suterton and Richard son of John de Fiskemere of Suterton acknowledge that they owe to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 36*. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. John Danyell acknowledges that he owes to the said Robert 18*. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford. John de Ipstones acknowledges that he owes to the said liobert 20*. 4rf. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford. To the treasurer and barons ol the exchequer. Order to cause Oliver de Ingham, who is staying in Gascoiiy in the king's service, to have respite until Easter next for uU debts due to the exchequer and for all accounts that he is bound to render at the exchequer. By K. To the same. Order to cause Michael de Wath, king's clerk, to have respite until Michaelmas next for all debts due to the exchequer. John de Felton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Roger Foun acknowledges that he owes to William Trussel 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Nottingham and Derby. Thomas le Ercedeaknc, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Otto de Bodrigan 200/. ; to be levied, iu default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cornwall. Thomas de Gay acknowledges that he owes to William Trussel 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. — The keeper of the seal received the acknowledgment. Membrane 5d. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rut- land. Whereas lately, at the prosecution of the prior and convent of Torkeseye, suggesting that the priory is of the patronage of John de 654 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1326. Membrane 5d — cont. Britannia, earl of Richmond, by reason of the lands that belonged to John de Balliolo lately granted by the king to the said earl, and that neither the earl nor John de Balliolo, nor his ancestors, when the lands were in their hands, nor the khig nor his progenitors when they [were iu their hands] by reason of escheat or otherwise Vacated, because otherwise within the roll. Membrane 4isox. Cancelled on payment, acltnovledycd by John de J't/ltcncyc and Henry de llidhury, rector of the church of I step, executors of Roesia's will. Geoffrey de Colyngge, vicar of the church of Aillcsford, acknowledges that he owes to Richard Cros, citizen and fi.*hmonger ( pisccnar') of London, 505. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Roger de Gotham, abbot of Bitlisden, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to Thomas de Eveshnn), clerk, I'M.; to be levied, in T T 2 660 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1327. Membrane 2d — cont. default of payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesiastical goods in co. Buckingham. Cancelled on payment. Matilda, late the wife of Jordan le Bakere of Newyngton, acknowledges that she owes to Master Robert de Cantuaria, canon of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Kent. John de Neyrford acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de Bereford 1,000Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. William de Thunneyk, parson of the church of Menstreworth, diocese of Hereford, acknowledges that he owes to William de Emeldon, clerk, 30s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesiastical goods in CO. Gloucester. Cancelled on payment. John son of Geoffrey le Clerk of Norton acknowledges that he owes to John de Louches of Gersyndon 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Thomas de Etton of Butterwyk acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Butterwyk, his son, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. York. Benedict de Ditton acknowledges that he owes to John de Godesfeid 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Membrane Id. Jan. 19. Thomas de Doudeswelle acknowledges that he owes to John de la Heese, Kenilworth. pai'son of the church of Hampton Meysy, 14/. 15*. 3d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. John son of Richard de Sutton, lord of Malepas, acknowledges that he owes to John de Cherlton, lord of Powys, 3,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford. The said John de Cherlton acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid John son of Richard 3,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. Ralph de Nevill puts in his place Robert de Middelham and Thomas de Knaresburgh, clerk, to prosecute a recognisance for 10/. made to him in chancery by William Thornene of Snaynton. Master Hubert Conestable puts in his place Robert de Hemmyngburgh, clerk, to prosecute a recognisance for 10 marks made to him in chancery by Master Richard de Clare, parson of the church of Donmowe. ( 601 ) GENERAL INDEX. ( 663 ) GENEEAL INDEX. A Abberbury. See Adderbury. Abberbury, A^ues, Alice and Margaret, sisters of Richard de, 163. , Joho, 164. , , brother of Thomas, 163. , Richard de, 163. Thomas de, 4. Thomas son of Richard de, 163. , Walter de, 4. Abbeville, France (Somme), 624. Abbot, John, 604. Abbotesle, William de, abbot of Bourne, 62. Abbotsbiiry abbey [co. Dorset], 170. Abbyngeworth. .See Abinger. Abel, John, 201, 373, 379. , cscheator south of Trent, 47, S9, 125. Richard, 305, 373, 525. Abenhale, Reginald de, 199. Aber [co. Carnarvon], mills of, 19. Abcrconeway, Abercouway. See Conway. Aberford, co. York, 273, 540. Aberffraw, Aberfrou, [co. Anglesey], 353, 392, 521. Abergavenny, Bcrgaveny, co. Monmouth, 270, 289. , priory, 270, 271. Abingdon, Abyndon [co. Berks], 518. Abinger, Abbyngeworth, Abyngworthe, co. Sussex [rvctiits Surrey], 524, 573. Abington, Abyndon [co. Northants], 297. Abkettieby, Abketelby, co. Leicester, 452. Abra Robert, 334. Abraham, Michael, 610. Abyndon. See Abingdon ; Abington. Abyndon, Stephen de, 350, 531. , the king's butler, 41, 65, 69, 256, 269, 357. Abyngworthe. See Abinger. Acclom. See Acklam. Ace, John, 349. , Thomas, 485. Achard, Robert, knt, 190, 338. Achecotc. See Edgcott. Acherico, John de, de Portenaire, 196. Achirche. .See Thorpe Achurch. Acholte, Akiiolt, Thomas de, 13, 466. Acklam, Acclom [co. York], 554. Aclom. See Daclom. Acomb, Acom, co. York, 153. Acre, Edmund de, 632, 637, 645. John de, 380. Acton [co. Middlesex], letters close dated at, 649, 6.52. Turville [co. Gloucester], 204. Acton, Alan de, verderer of Cannock forest,73. , Kudo de, 532. , John de, 46, 428. , son of Richard de, 307. Acumby. See Hacconby. Acursi, Henry, 170. Acworth, William de, 120. Adam, David, 371. , Hugh son of, de Thorgamby, 136. John ap, 3i0, 498. , son of, de Aperdele, 193. , de Erleton, 124. , Richard8onof,deCIj-f, 139. , Robert, 371. , son of, de Hakebeche, 197. , Thomas, 197. , son of John ap, 498. Adderbury, Abberbury [co. Oxford], 4. Addewyk. .See Adwick. Addingrovc, Addyngrave [par. of Brill], co. Bucks, 273, 274. Addington, Adyngton, co. Kent, 267, 274. Adynton, co. Surrey, 22. Addyiiggrave. See Addingrove. .\desham. See Adisham. Adgarsleye. See Agard.sley. Adisiium, Adesham, co. Kent, 155. Adryan, Richard, 158. Adwick, Addewyk, co. York, 137, 198. Adyn, William, 537. Adyngruve, John de, 81. Adyngton, Adynton. See Addington. Aete, Laurence de, 168, 321. ^^tlu'lma;r, bishop of Norwich, 459. Agardsley, Adgarslevc [par. of Marchington], CO. Stafford, 79. Agcnois, Ageneys, the, in Aquitaine, 322, 401, 405, 618. king's treasurer of, 253, 344, 345, 359. , See also Galiciano. Ager, Arragon, viscount of. See Alfonso. Aghthorp. Sec Authorpe. Agmodesliani. See Amersham. Aiguel, John, 149. Ailesby, Alesby [co. Lincoln], 501. I Aillesford. See Aylcsford. 664 GENEKAL INDEX. Aillewjue, rtobert, 647. Ailmersdon. See Almiston. Ailwyne, Simon, 647. , Thomas, 647. Ainstable, Aynstapelith, co. Cumberland, 193. Aischovre. See Ashover. Akenham, co. Suffolk, 402, 462. Akeovere. See Okeover. Aketon, John de, 538. Kohert de, 49. Akholt. See Acholte. Alan, Edmund son of, earl of Arundel, 161, 163, 166-168, 32.5, 327, 329, 348, 358, 372, 381, 443, 445, 447, 534, 570, 573, 625. , justice of Wales, 3, 19, 24, 44, 51, 79, 111, 113, 127, 228, 392, 451, 550. , John son of, de Bredherst, 647. , de Walkyugham, 540. ,., Richard son of, earl of Arundel, 114. Alandby. See Allonby. Alard, Gervase, 548. , Robert son of Gervase, 548. , Stephen, 476, 479, 548. Alayn. See Aleyn. Alaynby, Adam de, 131. Albemarle, honour of, 54, 261, 425. Albert', Farmann, Faremanu, 155, 156, 173. Alberwyk, Peter de, 130. Albiniaco, Ralph de, son of Elias de, 481. Albo Monasterio, Reginald de, 21. Albourn. See Auburn. Alburn. See Auburn. Alcok, William, 30. Alcouburj', Alkemundebury, co. Hunting- don, 454. Aldeborowe. See Oldbury, Aldeborowe, Simon de, 433. Aldeburgh, Ivo de, 624. , , constable of Barnard castle, 622. , Richard de,' 290, 373, Aldeby, co. Cumberland, 49. Alderfen wood in Tollesburj^ co. Essex, 557. Alderingeton. See Aldrington. Alderney, Aureneye, island of, 391. Aldwerk. See Aldwark. Aldewyk. See Aldwick. Aldewyk, Roger de, 599. Aldewynkele. See Aldwinkle, Aldham, Nicholaa de, 475. Aldington [co. Kent], 168. Aldon, Thomas de, 560. , , king's yeoman, 8. Aldrington, Alderingeton, co. Sussex, 178, C37. Aldrynton, Robert de, 532. Aldwark, Aldewerk, co. York, 372. Aldwick, Aldewyk [par. of Blagdon], co. Somerset, 599. Aldwinkle, Aldcivj'nkele, co. Northants, 207. Alegate. See Algate. Alemanuia, Richard de, earl of Cornwall, 233. Alemaund, Otelinus, king's serjeant-at-arms, 422, 424, 425. Alemaygne, Ankeius de, 495. Aleinayne, Richard de, 265. Alemuth. See Alumouth. Alesby. See Ailesbj'. Aleston, John de, 588. Alexander, Alexander son of, de Besford, 520. Henry son of, 30. , John son of, 31, 35, Aleyn, Alayn, John, 141, 231, 295, 494, 611. , Stephen, 501. Alfonso, Alfonsus, Alphonso, eldest son of the king of Aragon, count of Urgel, and viscount of Ager, 359, 507, 516, 544. XL, king of Castile, Leon, Toledo, Galicia, Seville, Cordova, Murcia, Jaeu and Algarve, and lord of the county of Molina, 176, 253, 254, 314, 344, 346, 350, 351, 515, 516, 556, 557. , Sir John, guardian of, 344. X., king of Castile (great-grand- father of Alphonso XL), 254. IV., king of Portugal and Algarve, 364, 496, 556. Algarve, 515. , king of. See Alfonso. queen of. See Beatrice. Algate, Alegate, Edmund de, keeper of both gates of Windsor castle, 43, 227, 408, 623. Alien merchants, 9, 41, 410, 635, 639. priories, 210, 237, 646. religious orders, 630. Aliens, houses and manors of, 251. Alingbank [co. Cumberland], 58 Alisaundre, Walter, 234. Alkemundebury. See Alconbury. Alkington, Alkynton, co. Gloucester, 118. Allazon, William de, son of John de, 521. Allegate, Robert de, 567. Aller, Butelereshalre, co. Somerset, 599. , North, Northalre [par. of South Molton], CO. Devon, 595, 601. , Suthalre [par. of South Molton], co. Devon, 597. Allerford, Alreford [par. of Selworthy], co. Somerset, 395. Allesley, Allesle, co. Warwick, 404, 434. Allesleye, John de, 218, 219. Allonby, Alandby [co. Cumberland], 8. Almaia, 234, 254, 255, 548, 568, 627, 651. , merchants of, 14. , king of. See Richard. Almiston, Ailmersdon, Aylmersdon [par. of Woolfardiswoj'thy], co. Devon, 596. GENEEAL INDEX. 665 Alneto, Alice wife of John de, 204. John de, 204, 475. , Sibyl wife of John de, 475. Alnewyk. See Alnwick. AInmouth, Aletauth [par. of Lesbury, co. Northumbpiland], bailiffs and com- munity of, 644. Alnwick, Alnewyk [co. Northumberland], IOC, 518. , barony of, 486. castle, 103, 476. , .John canon of, 91. Alomali, Robert, 287. Alphonso. See Alfonso. Alreford. See Allerford. Alricheseye. See Arlsey. Alspath [par. of Meriden], co. Warwick, 443. Alspath, Gerard de, 443. Matilda wife of Gerard de, 443. Alta Ripa, Margaret wife of Thomas de, 397. , Walter de, 103. , William de, 659. Alta Itypa, (Jodfrey son of William de, 27. Alton, Aulton [co. Hants], 94, 158, 272. CO. Leicester [rectius co. Stafford], 614. Altryncheham, Adam de, 606. Alverston, William de, 165. Aiverthorpe, Alwarthorp, Alwerthorp, co. York, 391, 437. Alverton. See Holverston. Alvithele. See Avelcy. Alwarthorp. .See Aiverthorpe. Alwenton. .S'cc Alwinton. Alwerthorp. See Aiverthorpe. Alwinton, Alwenton, co. Northumberland, 485. Ambianis, Floreiicius de, of the order of Preachers, 6.'! 4. Ambresbury. See Amesbury. Ambroys, Hugh son of Nicholas, 326. , Ralph, 609. See also Aumbreys. Amecotes, Richard de, 625. son of Richard de, 625. Amenay. See Damenay. Amershain, Agmodosliam, Amundesham, co. Buckingham, 571, 603. Amesbury, Ambresbury, Aumbersbury, co. Wilts, 40. nunnerj-, 175. Amethull. See Ampthill. Amiens, Picardy (.Somme), 606, 616, Amnel. See Ampney. Amory, Adam, 196. Andrew, 23. John, 50, 78, SC. Amoundcrness, Anumdernesse, Aumonder- nes.sc forest [co. Lancaster], 302. , wapentake of, 57, 117. Ampleforth, Ampleford, co. York, 49. , the prebend of, in Y'ork cathedr^il, 216. Ampney, Amnel [co. Gloucester], chapel of St. Mary of, 287. Ampthill, Amethull, co. Bedford, 50. Amssepestre [co. Wilts], 61. Amundernesse. See Amounderness. Amundesham. See Amersham. Amundevill, Ehzabeth wife of Richard de, 82, 84. Amwell. John de, 195, 299, 329, 504, 524. Aniyas, Robert de, 512. Amyne, Henry de, 80. Amys, William, 498. Anagni, diocese of, in Italy, 237. Andevere. See Andover. Andevere, Walter de, 320. Andover, Andevere [co. Hants], 179. Andreu, Richard, 342, 385. , Robert, 33. , Thomas, 36. , Walter, 161. Andrew, John sou of, de Jarpevill, 194. Thomas son of, 31. Anemere. See Anmer. Anesleye. See Annesley. Anesleye, John le, 453. Anesty, Matilda wife of William do, 509. AngertoD, co. Northumberland, 15. Angers, Anjou (Muiiic-et-Loire), St. Nicholas abbey, 5, 210. Anglesey, county of, 3, 127, 183. Anmer, Anemere, co. Suffolk [reclius Nor- folk], 273, 274. Anneferd, Walter de, bailiff of the liberty of Cirencester, 278. Annesley, Anesley, co. Notts, 453. .\une8leye, Annesley, Annesle, John de, 248, 34-', 468. Anot, Heury, 553. John, 553. Angram, co. Northumberland, 387, 486. Angre. See Ongar. Angus, Anegos, earl of. See L'mframvill. countess of. See Umframvill. Anstey, Kast, Yestansti, co. Devon, 482. , West, Ansty-Ie-Moipne, Westsfansti, CO. Devon, 482, 596, 600. Anston, Anstan [co. York], 335. Ansty-le-Moigne. See Anstey, West. Antwerp, Brabant, 648. , mayor and echevina of, 594. , consules of, 648. Autyngham, Roger de, 80. Apeldoroford. .See A pplcdore. Apelteneye, Elizabeth wife of John de, 338. Aubeny, Christiaua wife of John dc, 382. Daubeny, John de, knt., 382. Aubray, Adam, 55. Aubrey, Richard, 55. Auburn, Albourn, Alburn, co. York, 244, 245, 446. Aucher, Henry son of, 321. Auclem, Nicholas de, 593. Audekyn, Emma wife of Thomas, 507. Thomas, 507. Audeleye, Audele, Daudele, Hugh de, 9, 52, 95, 418, 423. justice of Chester, 393. the elder, 463, 467. , , the younger, 427, 430, 487. , Isolda wile of Hugh de, 463, 467. , James de, 164, 181, 482, 483, 598, 600, 602. G68 GENERAL INDEX. Audeleye — cont. , Katherine de, recluse of Ledbury, 19, 272. , Margaret -wife of Hugh de, 95, 238. Audenard, Katherine daughter of Goceline de, 565. Aukelond. See Bishops Auckland. Aula, Henry de, 277. , Richard de, 164. , Robert de, 558. Sarah wife of John de, 633. Aulton. See Alton. Aulton, John de, 94, 387. , .keeper of the manor of Odiham, 289. , Richard de, 182, 197, 304, 586. Aumarle, John de, 407. Aumbersbury. See Amesbury. Aumbreys, Simon, 610. See also Ambreys. Aumondernesse. See Amounderness. Aumundevill, Elizabeth wife of Richard de, 243. , Richard de, 84, 243. , son of Richard de, 82, 84. Aunay abbey, Normandy (Calvados), 211. Auucrey, John de, 609. Aune, John de, 149, 154, 305, 362. , William de, knt, 488. , , constable of Tickhill castle, 46, 243, 649. A.unes, Robert, 151. Auney, Alexander de, 421. See also Dauney. Aunger de Weston, Thomas, 507. Aungre. See Ongar. Auntioche, Richard, 2. Aure, Auro, John de, 73, 554. Aureneye. See Alderney. Auro. See Aure. Austin, John, 295, 296. , Richard, 158. Austyn, Agnes, 296. Authorpe, Aghthorp [co. Lincoln], 475. Avebury priory [co. Wilts], 211. Aveley, Alvithele, co. Essex, 267, 274. Averdras, Firmin, 606. Avila, Avyla, Spain, bishop of, 516. Axholme, Haxiholm, Isle of [co. Lincoln], 99, 128, 625, 649. Axmouth. See Exmouth. Axor, CO. Hants, 277. Aylardesford, William de, 596, 600. Aylemere, Eylemer, William, 408, 420. , de, 105. Aylesbury gaol, co. Bucks, 67. Aylesbury, Philip de, 50, 123, 267, 274. knt, 149. , Roger de, 659. , Walter de, 615. Aylesford, Aillesford, co. Kent, 659. Aylesford, Bylesford, Edmund de, 559, 561. , , son of Gerard de, 442. Gerard de, 225. , , Margery wife of, 205, 217. Aylestone [co. Leicester], 559. Ayleston, Robert de, 74, 90, 229. , , justice, 125. , , keeper of the privy seal, 46, 147. , WiUiam de, 382. Ayllardesford, co. Devon, 596, 600. Ayllesham, John de, 192. Aylmersdon. See Almiston. Aylrych, Adam, 295. Aymeroys, Adam, 363. Aymeroyston, Ireland, 363. Aymunderby, Robert de, 191. Ayngnel, Jordan, 294, 296. Aynstaplelith. See Ainstable. Ayot, Cicely wife of William de, 280. , Nicholas de, son of William de, 280. Ayremynne, Adam de, J29, 146, 181, 324, 326, 336, 339, 340, 346, 356, 364, 375, 527, 554. , , archdeacon of Norfolk, 659. , Henry de, 192, 380. , Richard de, 45, 71, 135, 186, 321, 355, 357, 373, 374, 380, 391, 392, 490, 554, 656. , , keeper of the bishopric of Winchester, 4, 8, 52, 94, 203. , , keeper of the roUs of chancery, 186, 328, 331. 340, 386. , William de, 15, 39, 96, 114, 116, 119, 122, 125, 126, 136, 139, 153, 155, 158, 162, 170, 171, 174, 177, 180, 1?1, 185, 186, 190, 192, 194, 195, 197, 201, 206, 207, 209, 213, 218, 220, 226, 229, 234, 236, 238, 290, 309, 319, 323, 327, 328, 330, 331, 372, 373, 385, 537. , , justice, 46. , , keeper of the great seal, 134. , privy seal, 306. , knt., 136. , , bishop of Norwich, 527, 549, 621, 646, 655, 656. Ayton, Aton [co. York], 15. B Baa, Peter, 513. , de, 122. Baard, Robert, knt., 330. Babestok, wood of [co. Wilts], 142. Babraham, Badburgham, co. Cambridge, 157. Babthorp, Robert de, 319. Babyngton, Hugh de, son of Richard de, 449. , Lucy wife of Richard de, 449. GENERAL INDEX. 669 Bache, Bachemen, Francis, 159, 520. de, 323. , , Joan wife of, 159. Bachemen. See Bache. Backefeld, co. Norfolk, 266. Bacon, Bacun, Bacoun, Bakuu, Adam, 430, 460. , , the elder, 172. tiartholomew, 20. , Edmund, 72, 430, 457. , knt., 359. , John, 6, 80, 114, 295, 338, 430. , Thomas, 340. Baconsthorp, co. Norfolk, 266. Bacoun. See Bacon. Bacounesthorp, Bakemesthorp, Edmund de, son ot Robert de, knt., 192. Robert de, 192, 273. Bacton, Baketon [co. Norfolk or Suffolk], 514. Bacnn. See Bacon. Badburgham. See Babraham. Baddeshore, Simon de, 49. Baddesley, Simon son of Thomas de, 73. , Thomas de, 73. Baddy ng', John, 610. Badelesmere. See Badlesmere. Badelesmere, Bartholomew de, 8, 53, 70, 75, 112, 193, 257, 261, 263, 285. , knt., 348, 394, 398, 402, 425, 476, 480. , Margaret wife of, 46, 48, 120, 236, 394. Badenagh. See Badeuoch. Badenooh, Badenagh [Inverness-shire], 357. Badiugham, Badyiigham, co. Suffolk, 107. Badlesmere, Badelesmere [co. Kent], 384, 394, 398. Badmondisfield, Badmundesfeld [par. of Wicklmmbrook], co. Suffolk, 433. Badwe, Henry, 449. Baggeleye, Baggelegh, William de, 425, 606. Baggeputz, Walter, 401. Baggeworth. .See Bagworth. Bagod, Henry, 218, 219. John, 218, 219, 551. Bagworth, Baggeworth, co. Leicester, 628. Bailliolo, Baillioilo. See Balliolo. Baiocis, Bcgo de, 509. , Joceus de, 639. William do, 60. Baivyl. See Bayvill. Bakebare, Arnulf de, 511. Bakemesthorp. See Bacounesthorp. Baker, Richard le, 610. , Walter the, 338. Bakere, Matilda wife of Jordan le, 660. Robert le, 195. , Thomas, 213. le, 325. Baketon. See Bacton. Bakewell, Bauquel [co. Derby], 429. Bakun. See Bacon. Baldereston, Balderston, Simon de, 43, 50, 55. Baldeswell. See Bawdeswell. Baldewyn, Thomas, 227. Baldewyne, John, 531. , William, 189. Baldock [co. Herts], 594. Baldok, Richard de, 142, 319, 335, 357, 512. Robert de, 7, 8, 10, 12, 20, 622, 655. , , archdeacon of Middlesex, 145, 151, 154, 159, 168, 190, 201, 303, 383, 386, 50.5, 509, 534, 629, 647, 6.^0, 653. , chancellor, 27, 28. 46,86, 106, 134, 335, 141, 142, 186, 217, 305- 307, 309, 310, 328, 330, 331, 334, 386, 458, 497, 502, 510, 540, 559. , , , bishop elect of Norwich, 396. bishop elect and con- firmed of Norwich, 504. , the younger, 315, 327, 334, 349, 495. 561, 632, 036. Baldreston, Simon de, 77, 86, 393. Bale, Robert, 527. Baleghel, William, 598. Balerod, Ireland, 547. Balieu, Ireland. 363. Balimor. See Balmor. Balimore. See Ballymore. Balinccathcrne, Ireland, 363. Baliol. .See Balliolo. Balisustlan, Ireland, 363. Ballard, John, 047. , Robert, 421. son of Robert, 421. William, 307, 531. Balle, William, 450. Balliolo, Bailliolo, Baliol, Alexander dc, 261. , Dervelgulda de, 459. Edward de, 52. , (Jilbert, 266, 278. , Isabella wife of Alexander de, 261. John de, 459, 620, 654. Ballymore, Balimore [co. Wexford], 395. Balmor, Balimor, co. Meath, 360, 362. Baloun, Balun, Isolda wife of Walter, 467. , Walter, 467. Balsam, Joan de, 116. Balscote, Margery de, 265. Balsham [co. Cambridge], 521. Balsham, William, 176. Balun, Isolda wife of Walter de, 463. Walter de, 463. Balybegge, Ireland, 362. Balyconewy, Ireland, 363. Balyethan, Ireland, 363. I Balyfynnok, Ireland, 362. 670 GENERAL INDEX. Balyince, chapel of, near Rosclare, Ireland, 363. Balymagyr, Ireland, 363. Balynicschalere, Ireland, 362. Balynischalre, Ireland, 362. Balysweyn, Ireland, 362. Balytenewe, Ireland, 363. Balytayk, Ireland, 363. Balytoyk, Ireland, 363. Bamburgh, Baumburgh, co. Northumberland, 71, 262. , port of, 147, 183. castle, 105, 108. , constable of, 23, 262. Bampstede. See Bumstede. Bampton (Kirk), co. Cumberland, 63. Bampton, Robert de, knt., 193. , William de, 157. Bamre, Nicholas de, 180. Bamvill, Ingelram de, 210. , Thomas de, 606. , , scholar of Oxford, 255. Banastre, Adam son of ilVilliam, 41, 299. , Robert, 433. Banbury castle [co. Oxford] , 86. Bangeston, Benegereston [par. of Angle, co. Pembroke], 276. Banham, co. Norfolk, 266, 278. , CO. Suffolk, 447. Bannebury, Robert de, 507. Banstead, Banstede, co. Suffolk, 357. [co. Surrey], letters close dated at, 593. Bantyng', Robert, 537. Bapthorp, Robert de, 489. Barber, Hamo le, .ID?, 656. , John le, bailiff of Southampton, 281. , Roger le, 331. , Walter, 210. Barbour, Gilbert le, 537. , Roger le, 537. , Thomas le, 537. Barcelona, Spain. 431, 506. , count of. See James. Barcombe, Berecompe [co. Sussex], 22. Barcyn, John, 295. Bard'. See Bardes. Barde, John le, 295. Peter, 237. Bardelby, Hugh de, 149, 5C7, 522, 553. Robert de, 381, 386, 436, 489. , , clerk of the chancery, 386. , , canon of Chichester, 478. Bardes, Bard', Bardy, Alexander de, 170, 347, 531. , James de, 170. , Nicholas de, 170. Bardesle (Barnsley ?), co. Gloucester, 622. Bardfield, Berdefeld [co. Essex], 263. Bardi of Florence, merchants of the society of the, 136, 170, 207, 328, 347, 356, 531, 545, 571, 574, 593, 594, 607, 627, 633. Bardolf, Hugh son of Thomas, 54. , Isabella wife of Hugh, 22, 436. , Thomas, 22, 54, 266, 278, 414, 436. , knt., 352, 373, 385. , son of Isabella, 436. William, 22. , son of Isabella, 436. Bardy. See Bardes. Barenton. See Barrington. Barentyn, Drogo, 124, 199. de, 277. Barestaple. See Barnstaple. Baret, John, 594. , Stephen, 301. , William, 619. Barewe. See Barrow ; Barrow - on - Soar ; Burrough-on-the-Hill. Barewe, John de, 117. , , keeper of forfeited lands in CO. Hereford, 481. , in CO. Salop, 485. Barfrestou, Berfreyston, co. Kent, 511. Barker, Richard, 588. , Robert, 36, 588. Barkere, Alan son of Robert le, 588. Barkeston, WiUiam de, 550. Barkeworth, John de, 42, 143. Barking, Berkyng, co. Essex, 499, 500, 567, 574. , nunnery of, 394, 557. Barkway, Berkway [co. Hertford], 379, 522. Barlaye, Robert de, 249. Barleston, Berleston, co. Leicester, 289. Barleye, Adam de, 550. Barling, Barlyng, Barlyngges, co. Essex, 180, 531. Barlings abbey [co. Lincoln], 139, 513. Barlington, Barliuton [par. of Roborough], CO. Devon, 596, 600. ' Barlymen,' villeins called, 370. Barlyng. See Barling. Barlyugge. See Barling. Barnack, Bernak [co. Northants], 494. Barnard, Bernard's castle [co. Durham], 418, 423, 438, 440, 479. , constable of, 10, 622. See also Aldeburgh ; Ber- myngham. , letters close dated at, 18, 19, 130, 137, 139. , forest of, 623. Barnastapol. See Barnstaple. Barneby, Thomas de, 3. , William de, 158, 383. Barnham, Berneham, co. Norfolk, 277, , Bernham, co. Suffolk [rec 274. Beachendon, Bychindon [par. of Whaddon], CO. Bucks, 446. Beaminster, Bemynistre, hundred, co. Dorset, 56. Bearn, Berne, Bj'arne, Gascony, 262, 401. Beam, Bearnio, Berne, Arnald Guillielmi de, lord of Lescun, 171, 176, 253, 344,345, 350, 351, 358, 359. Beastecherche, Elias, 510. Beatrice, queen of Portugal and Algarve, 556, 557. Beatrice, John son of, 31, 35. , Banulph son of, 246. Beaubusson. See Bewbush. Beauchamp. See Bello Campo. Beaufej', John de, 196. Beauflour, Geoffrey, 347, 355. , Henry, 355. James, collector of the new custom in the port of London, 189, 338, 410, 435, 488, 502, 613, 614, 648. , Joan wife of Thomas, 338. John, 633. , Thomas, 355. Beaufo. See Bella Fago. Beaufyz, William, the king's marshal, 399. Beaulieu, Kings [co. Hants], 230. abbey, 65, 269, 304, 428. , letters close dated at, 279-282, 284- 287, 353, 361, 364, 366-370. Beaumaris [co. Anglesey], 304. , Beaumarrays, Beaumarreys, port of, 148. , customs in, 410. castle, constable of, 2, 4. See also Sapy. , Scotch prisoners in, 450. Beaumond. See Bello Monte. Beaumont, count of. See Arteys. , Henry de, 593. Beaumund, Robert de, 245. Beaupel, Robert, 595, 596, 598, 600. Beaurepayr. See Belper. Beaurepeir, Hugh de, keeper of the king's horses, 627. Beaureper. See Belper. Beausamys, William, keeper of Edward I.'s stud, 233. Beauvais, Beauvoys, France (Oise), bishop of, 576, 581. Bebury, John de, a monk of Westminster, 287. Bec-Hellouin abbey, Normandy (Eure), 209, 512. Becco, Stephen de, 63. GENERAL IXDEX. G7.3 Hcclmmpton. See Heachnraptoii. Heche, Isabella wife of Joliii de la, 297. , John de la, C9, 83, 99, 297. , Nicholas de la, 226, 396, 475, 622. Philip atte, 90. Robert alte sou of Philip atte, 90. , William de, knt., 3.55. , de la, .fumes his barber, 71. Hecheford, co. Northumberland, 448. Beckingham, Uekyogham [co. Lincoln], 225, 522. Beckham, Hekham [co. Norfolk], 150, 157. IJeckhamptoii, Uoehampton, co. Wilts, 122, 513. Beckley, Beckele, co. Oxford, 512. Beckotc, John de, 380. Beddington, Hedyngton, co. Surrey, 179. Bede, Alice, 371. , John, 371. Bedeford. See Bedford. Bedehanipton. .See Bcdbampton. Bedesham. .See Betsham. Bedford, Bedeford, 46, 524, 533. , archdeacon of, 358. , .See also Loudon de. , barony of, 251. Ha.o\, 57. county of, 50, 76, 77, 117, 12:i, 143, 149, 1.53, 164, 167, 170, 17H, 180, 193, 200, 2*5, 251, 2.'i2, 254, 2H8, 305, 308, 310, 324, 326, 327, 334, 339, 347, 348, 364, 371, 381, 406, 501. 50', 513, 519, 523. 531, 558, 63'). , escheator in. See Harpedeii ; Wayte. , forfeited lands in, 110, 140. sheriff of, 22, 46, 6.3, 67, 159,207, 272, 316, 406, 418, 423, 500, 588, 659. Bedhampton, Bedcliampton, co. Hauls, 622. Bedwyn, Great [co. Wilts], Wcxcombe in, 389. Little [co. Wilts], 164. , , Tinibridfje in, 389. Bedwynd, Walter de, treasurer in St. Peter's, York, .•143. Bedyngfies. See Woollu'diug. JiedynL^ton. .SVe Heddiiigton. Beek, .lolin, 225. Beechainwell, Buchamwell, co. Norfolk, 149. Bee!, John le, 556. Beenhain, Benham (Valence), co. Berks, 288, 360. Beer, Bere [i)ar. of Braiiiiton], co. Devon, 597. Beesthorp. .See Besthorp. Beestoii, Beston, CO. Suffolk [icc/i'im Norfolk], 273, 274. castle, CO. Chester, 450. Bogg, Hugh, 432. licggeby, John de, 69. Begham abbey. See Bayham. Beiuer. ^Scc Beuuer. 81294. ■ I Bek, John de, kuf., 532. Bekard, Peter, 49. Bekenesfeld, William de, 340. ^ Bekenhani, Peter de, 277. Bekeryng', Thomas de, knt., 486. Bekham. See Beckham. Bekyngham. .See Heckingham. Bekynghara, .John de, 190. Uelchaui. .See Belcliamp. St. Ethelbert. See Belchamp St. Paul. j Belchamp Otten, Belcham Otes, co. Essex, 250. (St. Paul ?), Belcham St. Ethelbert, CO. Essex, 250. (Walter?), Belcham William, co. Essex, 250. Bele, Walter, 537. Hileby. .See Bielby. Beleby, Elias de, 517. Beleford. See Helford. Belegrave. See Helgrave. Belegrave, Belgrave, John de, 178. Roger de, 140, 178. , keeper of alicno' lands in CO. Leicester, 235. keeper of relnjls' lauds in co. Leicester, 12. — , receiver of Leicester, 56. Heler, Belers, Alice wife of Roger, 452, 453, I 486, 547. , , Margaret wife of Thomas, 452. , Robert, 39. , Roger, 111, 184, 192, 335, 452, 453, 486, 496, 510, 550. knt., 177, 330,335, 365, 650. son of Roger, 452, 453. Thomas son of Roger, 452. , William, 636. Mrlers. .See Beler. Relet, .Michael, 338. Beleye. .See Bnlley. Helford, Belefonl [co. Northumberland], 79, 317. Belgrave, Belegrave, co. Leicester, 509. chancery at, 548. Belgrave. .Sec Belegrave. Belhuwe [par. of Arminghull] , co. Norftdk, 277. Btlla Fago, Beaufou, Richard de, 381. , Roger de, 561. , , justice, 1 10. , Sarah wife of Ralph de, 632. Thomas de, 668. Belle, John, 588. Bello Campo, He.iuchunip, Adam de, 320. , Alice wife of Walter de, 3oo, Cicely de, 476. Giles de, 548. Guy de, earl of Warwick, lo, ir, 287, 301, 426, 461, 464, 484, 485, 6. J. f I- 674 GENERAL INDEX. Bello Campo, Beauchamp — cont. , Jobn de, 3S4, 476, 479. .v , Miles de, constable of Wallingford castle, 624. , ThoTLas, 194. , son of Guy de, 301. , Walter de, 72, 300, 301, 356, 409, 568, 634. , , marshal of the household, 49. , , supplying the place of marshal in the king's household, 2.t8. , William de, 266, 278, 537. Bello Monte, l^eaumond, Byauniount, Alice wife of William, 90. , Henry de, 49, 382, 655. , Isabella de, 105, 108. , John sou of Philip de, 407, 429. , Louis de, bishop of Durham, 2, 11, 91, 111, 118, 160, 399, 476, 488, 588, 630, 651. , Robert, 520. , William, 90. Bello Prato, Richard de, 291. Belper, Beauieper, Beaurupair [co. Derby], 68. , letters close dated at, 60. Beltoft, Roger de, 128. , Thomas de, 128. Belton [co. Lincoln], 490. Belton, Henry de, 625. , John de, 353, 374, 460, 489, 633. , Simou de, 461. Bely, Richard, 647. Bemfeld. See Benefield. Bemyngton, Nicholas son of John de, 136. Bemyuistre. .See Beaminster. Ben, John, 480. Benauges, Bordelais (Gironde'), France, 544. Bench, Common, chief justice of. See Staunton. , justices of, 17, 23, 28, 39, 42, 44, 45, 47, 53, 76-79, 84, 96, 100, 105, 109, 115, 120, 122, 123, 125, 128, 131, 1,S5, 137, 139, 140, 1 17, 15), 152, 154, 158, 159, 161, 165, 174, 176, 190, 194, 195, 198, 199, 203, 212, 216, 21S, 219, 221, 232, 2.39, 240, 242, 243, 289, 305, 307, 316, 323, 330, 334, 351, 362, 366, 375, 388, 393, 442, 459, 475, 477, 480, 486, 497, 500, 507, 508, 512, 518, 520, 534, 538, 540, 552-555, 566, 567, 615, 648, 649, G58, 659. , replevies in, 128, 131, 137, 139, 140, 151, 158, 159, 164, 165, 176, 190,' 194, 195, 305, 307, 316, 323, 334, 353, 302, 375, 499, 507, 508, 512, 518, 520, 552- 555, 565, 567, 648, 649, 658, 659. , rolls of, 42, 593. , writs and memoranda of, 1, 279. , transfer of, from York to West- minster, 42. , King's, 136. , , jiisc.ttes of, i44. Bendyn, Robert, 225. , , admiral of the king's fleet from the mouth of the Thames to the West- ern ports, 412, 440. Bene, Bartholomew, 369. , William, 369. Benedict, William son of, de Hertelpol, 562. Benefeld, John de, 277. Benefield, Bemfeld, co. Northants, 557. Beneger, John, 276. Benegereston. See Bangeston. Benelighe, John de, 596, 600. ]5enere, Stephen, 190. Beneston, Ireland, 547. ]5enet, John, 219. , Simon, 535. , William, 249, 309. Benetfeld. See Biufield. Beneyt, Nicholas, 513, 523. , William, 494. Bengham, co. Suffolk, 447. Benhall, Benhale, co. Suffolk, 6. Benham. See Beenham. Benham, John de, 69, 83, 296. , William de, 438. Benjamyn, Simon, 257, 4(i2, 425. Bennington, Benyngton, co. Hertford, 116, 296. , CO. Lincoln, 375. Bensted Pophara. See Binstead. Regis. See Binstead. Bensted, Benstede, Joan wife of John de, 273. , John de, 116, 168, 2. '5, 227, 229. , Fetronilla wife of John de, 116, 117, 168, 296. Bentecombe, Eustace de, 131. Benteleye, Beiitleye, John de, 259, 323. William de, 197. Bentou, Great, co. Northumberland, 15, 21. Benton, Ralph de. 562. , Thomas de, 21. Bentworth, Bynteworth, co. Hants, 211. Benyio, John de, 320. Benyngton. See Bennington. Berburn, Adam de, 202, 230. Bercherere (? Bicester) priory, 447. Berd, John, 333. , Robert, 33'2. Kerde, William, 332. Berdefeld. See Bardfield. Berdefeld, Thomas cle, 631. Berdon, Little, near Sudbury, 266, 274. Bere, 635. [co. Dorset], 386. See Beer. Bere, John le, 567. , Nicholas de, 167. , Richard de la, 399. , lustice, 87, 101, 120, 126. , Roger de la, 161, 162, 343, 561, 657. GENEKAL INDEX, 075 Berecompe. See Barcoinbe. Hereford, de, 585. Edmund de, 660. , , sou of William de, 614, 615. , Margaret wife of William dc, CI 4, 615. , Ralph de, 94, 228, 264, 389. , , justice, 121. , William de, 76, 152, 311, 501, 510, 522, 608, 614, 615. , knt., 170, 372, 573. , justice, 78, 84, 115, 122, 123, lO'J, 218, 219, 240, 243, 330, 477, 497, .500, 501, 593. , chief justice of the Common Bench, 42. Berehull, Kichard de, 333. Berenger, lugelram, 276, 305, 491, 624. , knt., 46, 169, 382. Berewe, la. See Barrow. Berewyk. See Berwick. Berewyk, .John de, 158. , Robert de, 113. Berfrei, Reyner, 204. Berfreyston. See Barfreston. Bergavenny, lord of. .SVe Hastings. Bergaveny. See Abergaveuay. Bergh. See Burgh. Bergh, Alexander de, 45. John atte, 421. , Walter atte, 190. Bergliam. See Hargham. liergham, John de, 538. Bcrghhamstede. See Berkhampstcad. Berghholt, John de, 636. Bergholt [cos. SiilTolk and Essex], 227. Beril, Walter, 236. keeptT of aliens' lands in co. Dorset, 425. Berkelehiriics. See Berkeley Hurnes. Berkeley [co. Gloucester], letters close dated at, 58, GO, 154, 156, 162. cattle, 424,479. constable of, 479. Ilurucs, Jiorkelehirues, Borkiloy- herues, co. Gloucester, 199, 202, 205. Berkeleje, Berkeleic, BerUele, Isabella wife of Maurice de, 219, 220, 595. , John de, 98. , Maurice de, 89, 90, 117, 219, 301, 595, 622, 631. son of Thomas de, 98, 106. Itobcrt de, 98. Thomas de, 98, 99, 419, 595, 631, 656. lord of Berkeley, 118. , the elder, lOO. , son of Robert de, 98. Berkhampstead, Berghhamstede, co. Hertford, 52, 149. castle, 92, 418, 419, 422-424. Berkhampstead, Berghliamstede, castle— coHf. , constable of, 418, 419, 42J. , See also Norman. Berks, county of, 20, 76, 77, 117, 123, 124. 160, 179, 181, 186, 189. 192, 199, 245. 251, 252, 254, 264, 205, 305-307, 31."., 320, 323, 327, 328, 331, 354, 380. 38 I, 490. 493, 495. 511, 512, 519, 527, 530, 559, 614. 632, 646, 657. , archdeacon of. See Varisio. escheator in. See Harpeden ; Wnyfe. , forfeited lands in, 69, 80, 83, 88, 90, 92, 99, 1J3, 140, 264, 282, 296, 4I::. sheriff of, 49, 90, 92, 97, 159. 2ii3, 200, 209, 272, 404, 418, 422-424, 658. Berkway. See Barkway. Berkyng. See Barking. Berland, Beriland, Berlaund, John, 498, 499. Berlay. See Burley. Btrleston. See liarleston. Borleye. See Burley. Berleyc, Berlay, Berle, Richard dc, 28,415, 590. , son of Robert de, 128. , Robert de, 28. Sigreda wife of Richard de, 28, 420. William de, 139, 331, 380. Bermeio, Furtinus de, 99. Bermengeham. See Birmyngham. Bcrmoudsey, Bermundeseye priorj- [co. Surrey], 21(i, 273, 304, 310. John, prior of, 325. Bermutb, port of, 615. BerniytK'ham, Bermyngham. See Birmyng- ham. Bernak. See Bamack. Bernak, William, 225, 226, 270. , de, knt., 557. Bernard castle. See Buruard custle. Bernard, Henry, 195. , Peregrine, 433. Robert, 457. Beruardi de I'oyiizolio, Peter, the king's serjeant-at-arms, 3G4. Bernay abbey, Normandy (Eure), 47. Berne. See Beam. Berue, Aniald (Miillelmi de, lord of lu^scun. See Beam. Simon atte, 538. Walter atte, 294, 295. Bcrneham. See Barnham. Berners, Richard de, 197. Bernes, Roger de, 351. Ikinette, co. Kent, 124. Berncvill, John de, 604. Bernewell. See Barnwell. Iternewclle, Simon de, 384, 637. Iternewode, Thomas de, 332. Hernham. See Barnham. Bernham, John de, 521. Bernthorp, William de, 137. U U 2 G7G GENERAL Bernyngham, Michael de, 1:59. BeiTow, la Berewe, under Malvern, co. Wor- cester, 421. Berton, Simon de, 537. Bertram, Uohert, 282. Berughby, AVilJiam de, 638. Berwick, Berewyk, co. Sussex, 22. -on-Tweed, 85, 410, 440, 68". , garrison of, 440, 441. , keeper of, 440. See also Monte Acuto. Berwyk. See Barwick. Berwyk, Thomas de, 346. Besatz. Sei: Bazas. Besaz. See Bazas. Bescynny. See Bossiney. Beset, .lohn, 73. Besevill, John de, 31 1, 382, 508. Besewyk. See Beswick. Besford, Alexander son of Alexander de, 520. Beskwode. See Bestwood. Besthorp, Beesthorp, co. Norfolk, 447. Boston. See Beeston. Beswick, Besewyk, Bosewyk, co. York, 244, 245, 446. Bestwood, Beskwode, in Sherwood forest i [co. Notts], 48, 622. Besyles, Geotfrey de, !45. Besyn, Hugh, 52. Betchworth, co. Surrey, 573. Betere, Alice wife of William le, 513. , William le, 513. Betesfeld, Michael de, 124. Bethuui, Thomas de, 202, 230. Betoigne, Betoygne, Kichard de, 384, 505, 6j7, 608. , , mayor of the merchants of the htaple of wool, 378, 505, 508, 527. Thomas de, 329. Betshani, Bedesham [par. of Southfleet], CO. Kent, 510. Beuchamp, Simon de, 553. Beuer. See Bever. Beuuer, Beiuer, Walter, 568, 636. Beuyn, Walter, 9. Bever, Beuer, John, 149, 366. , William, 185. Beverlaco, Robert de, 155, 228, 321. Beverle, John de, 523. Beverley, co. Vork, 244, 245, 446, 517, 634. St. John's collegiate church, 55. , , provost of, 657. , , See also Hugate. letters close dated at, 23. Bewbush, Beaubussou [par. of Colegate, co. Sussex], 487. Deygnard. See Baynard. Bihiri, (.-iccly wife of Walter de, 2, 3. , Walter de, 2, 3. INDEX. Bibury, Richard de, 320. Bicester, Byrnecestre, co. Oxford, 270. Bicker, Bycre, co. Lincoln, 237, 246. Bickerston, Bikeriston, co. Norfolk, 266. , CO. Suffolk Ireclius Norfolk], 278. Bickleton, Bikelton [par. of Instow], co. Devon, 598. Bickmarsh, Bykemers, Bykemersh [par. of WelfordJ, co. Warwick, 614. chapel, 342. Bicknor, Bjkeneure [co. Gloucester], 211. Biddlesden, Bitlesden, Bitlisden, Bittelesdon abbey [co. Bucks], 502, 518. Roger de Gotham, abbot of, 518, 659. Biddlestone, Biddlesden [par. of Alwinton], CO. Northumberland, 485. Bidik, William, 376. Bidlesden. See Biddlestone. Bielby, Beleby, co. York, 49. Bigghiswade, Bykeliswade, co. Bedford, 86, 92. Bigot, Bygod, Bygot, Alice wife of Roger, earl of Norfolk and marshal of Eng- land, 75, 542. John, 80. , le, 38, 427. , , knt., 159. , Ralph, 184, 325, 525, 537. , , knt., 326, 340, 347, 492, 493. Roger le, earl of Suffolk, marshal of England, 75. , Stephen, 386. , le, 155, 166, 175. Bik, John, 197. Bikelton. See Bickleton. Bikeriston. See Bickerston. Bikerton, Richard de, 235. Bikkemore, Bilkemore, Robert de, 143, 503. , , escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Dorset, 454, 477, 481-483, 595, 601, 604, 629. Bikres, Hugh, 588. Bilchemersham, co. Devon, 595, 601. Bilham, William, 131. Bilkemore. See Bikkemore. Billesby, Eudo de, 197. , Ivo de, 197. BiUesdon. See Bilston. Billing, Byllyng, Little [co. Northants], 321, 506. Billington, Bylington, Bylinton, co. Lancaster, 232, ::3'J. Billok, John, 241. Billon, John, 520. Billoun, John, knight of the shire for co. Cornwall, 339. Bilmundell'. See Wymondley. Bilney, Bylney, Roger de, 603. , knt., 498. Bilston, Bilksdon [co. Stafford], 181. Bindiuel, Bindus do, 175. GEXERAL INDKX. BInfield, Beiietfeld, co. BerkH, 69, 83. Biohain, Bynham priory, co. Norfolk, 14, 285. Binstead, Bensted Popham [co. Hants], 227. , Bensted Regis [co. Hants], 227. Bircham, Brecham [co. Norfolk], 383, 519. Bircheston, co. Warwick, 434. Bircheston, Simon de, a monk of Westmin- ster, 287. Birchovre, William de, 61. Birdbrook, Bridbrok, co. Essex, 78. Birdingbury, Burthingbury, Biirthynjrbury, CO. Warwick, 404, 434. Birkethewayt Yate. See Burthwaite. Birlot, Kichard, .088. Birmyngham, Bermengch.im, Bcrmyngham, Birmyngeham, Burmyngham, lleury de, 456, 560. .., John de, 277. , carl of Louth, 145. , , justiciary of Ireland, 14, 133, 134. Richard de, constable of Barnard castle, 10. , William de, 90, 273, 286; knt., 356, 560. Birne, John de, 526. Birstall, Bristall, Brustall priory, co. York, 130, 653. Birton. See Burton. Biryton, Thomas de, 235. Biscay, Byscay, Byskay, lord of. See John. , lady of. See Mary. Biset, Elizabeth wife of Kichard, 127. John, 18, 100. , Richard, 127. Bisham, Brustlesham [co. Berks], letters close dated at, 2'.tl, 292, 299, MG, 379. Bishop's Aucklard, Aukulond [co. Durham], 630. Hatfield. See Hatfield. Leune. See Lynn. Bishopstonc, co. Sussex, 6 47. , letters close dated at, 217, 310. Bisse, John atte, 473. Bisshoie. See Bushey. Bisshop, Heur}-, 375. , William, 209. Bisshopesdon, Joan wife of Thomas de, 379. John de, 520. , knt., 379. Bisshoppeston. .See Bishopstonc. Bitering, Henry de, 521. Bithani. See Bythum. Bitlesdcn, Bitlisden. See Biddlesdcn. Bittadon, Bitteden, co. Devon, 596, 600. Bitteden, Thomas de, 596, 600. Bittelesdon. .S'ce Hiddlesden. Bitterley, Butterleigh [co. Salop], 235. Blachesworthi. .Sec Blatchworthy. I Blackburn [co. Lancaster], letters close dated I at, 25. Blackburnshire Blakburneshire [co. Lan- caster], 117, 253, 604, 605. , forfeited lands in, 140. Blackdown, Blakedon [par. of Buckland St. Mary], co. Somerset, 602. Blackpool, Blakepol [par. of Stoke Fleming], CO. Devon, 598. Blackwtll, Blakewell, co. Derby, 486. Blaencilgoed, Blancultoit, co. Pembroke, 276. Blagdon, Blakedon, co. Somerset, 482. I Blak, John le, 569. i Blake Nottele, John son of William son of I Ralph de, 376. I Blakebrok, Thomas de, 427. I Blakeburnsliire. .See Blackbumshire. I Blakedon. See Blackdown ; Blagdon. j Blakeney [co. Norfolk], 225, 226, 613. I bailiffs of, 201, 536, 546, 641. , and community of, 366, 377, 613, 644. , mayor and bailiffs of, 137, 138. ..• , port of, 148, 184. ! Blakeneye, Richard de, 98. Blakepol. See Blackpool. Hlakeshalc. .See Blaxhall. Blakeston, John de, 106. Bhiket, Thomas, 628. I Blaktthorn, John de, 495. Blakewell. See Blackwell. Blakhale [co. Cumberland], 228. Blakpol, John, 528. Blaksale, William de, 358. Blancultoit. .See Blaencilgoed. Blandeby. .See Blausby. Blaner, Robert, 15. Hlauk, IJlauuk, Cantus, 557, 558. de, 340, 343. Blanknioustre, John, 338. Hlansby, HIaudeby [in Pickering, CO. York], 16. 1 Blatchworthy, Blaclieswortlii [par. of Stood- leigh], CO. Devon, 296. Blaunk. .SVe Blank. Blauiifrount, Thomu", 26, 590. Blawere, John le, 610. Blaxhall, Bhikeshale, co. Norfolk [reclius Suffolk], 625. Blebury. Sec Blewbury. Blobur)-, John de, 69, 83, 90, 99, 327, 490, 495, 503, 520, 571, 618, 632. , Ralph de, 418, 423. Blecchcle, Blechelc, Robert de, 45, 169. Blecchynglcgh, John de, 405. BU'Cchyngleye. .See Bletchingley. Bleccliyngleye, Walter de, 489. BIcchele. .See Blecchele. Blechynglegh. See Uletchingley. Bledelaue, Blcdelawe, John de, 197, 366 Bkdclawe. Sec Biedlow. 678 GENERAL Bledelawerug'n;. See 31edlo\v Ridge. Bledlow, Bledelawe [co. Bucks], 210, 358, &09. Ridge, Bledelawerugg [co. Bucks], 388. Blesby, Thomas de, 509. Bletchingley, Blecchyngleye, Blecbynglegh, CO. Surrej', 121, 358, 374. , letters close dated at, 40C. Bletchley, Overblecchele, Overbletchele, co. Bucks, 76, 393. Blethery, John, 371. Blewbury, Blebury, co. Berks, 327. , , the prebendal church of, 495. Blida, Ralph de, 381. Bliford. See Blyford. Blisworth, co. Northants, 651. Blockes worth, Roger de, 517. Bloemundesbury. See London, Bloomsbury. Bloerton, William de, 568. Blois, Henry de, bishop of Vfincheater, 71. Blome, Roger, 164, 372. Blomvill, Blonvill, Bloumvill, Blounvill, Blumvill, John de, 29U, 340, 348, 382, 638. , , escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford, .54, 61, 64, 71, 76, 81, 82, 84, 86, 92, 103, 107, 116- 118, 122, 180, 222, 227-230, 234, 236, 238, 239, 243, 244, 250, 256 2.i7, 265, 268, 274, 275, 277, 281 -283, 28.5--i89, 293, 296, 303, 367, 388, 39li, 391, 394, 395, 398,402, 404, 405, 408, 414, 434, 443-448, 454, 461, -162, 464, 466, 470, 477, 480, 483, 52;i, 539, 553, 587, 591, 606, 616, 617, 619, 629. Bio' Norton, Blonorton [co. Norfolk], 447. Blonorton, William do, 447. Blorton, John son of Thomas de, 347. , Roger de, 347. Blound, Robert le, 152, 161. Thomas de, knt., 85. Blount, Juliana wife of Thomas le, 404, 433, 434, 468, 472. , Thomas le, 404, 433, 434, 468, 472. , , knt., steward of the king's household, 492, 558. , William le, knt., 655. Bloxham. See Bloxholm. Bloxham, John de, 342, 522. , , knt., 634. Bloxholm, Bloxham, co. Lincoln, 169, 498. Bloy, Adam de, knt., 342. Bluet, Eleanor wife of John, 44. , John, 272. , Margaret and Eleanor daughters of John, 44. , Ralph, 273. , William, 273, 276. Blumenhull. See Blymhill. Blnudel, Richard, l.'-^5, 347, 410, 435, 550. , Robert, 293. INDEX. Blundell, William, 329, 520, Bluntesham, John de, 321. Blyburfih, Geoffrey de, canon of Torksey, 450. Blyford, Bliford, co. Norfolk (jectius Suf- folk), 265, 277. Blymhill, Blumenhull [co. Stafford], 376. Bly th [co. Nottingham] , 330. Blythefeld, Richard de, 551. Bly ton, John de, 522. , son of John de, 632. , William de, 542. Bobeltonbrigg, John de, 398. Boch', Gaduchius, 607. Bochampton. See Beckhampton ; Boek- hampton. Bochetollok, Adam, 27. Bochirst, Bokehirst, Bokherst, Richard de, 337, 529. Bockelound. See Buckland. Bocklmmpton, Bochampton, Bokhampton, [par. of Lambourn, oo. Berks], 58,59. Bockyng, Bokkyng, Ralph de, 285, 289, 470, 542, 626. , , knt., 498, 575. Boclond. See Buckland. Bocloud, Bocland, Bokeland, Boklond, Alice wife of Heniy de, 53. , Eleanor daughter of Henry de, 53. , Henry de, 53, 1 12. , John de, 64, 519. , , son of Ralph de, 89. , Reginald and Richard sons of Henry de, 53, 112. , Richard de, 278. Bodbran, William son of Geoffrey de, 53. Boddington, Bodyngton [co. Northants], 383. Bode, John, 619. Bodedesham, Emma daughter of Richard de, 319. Bodeham near Petworth [co. Sussex], 426. Bodekesham, Richard de, 320. , William sou of Richard de, 193. Bodele, William de, 214. Bodelok. See Bottwnog. Bodeneye. See Boduey. Bodeneye, Thomas de, 538. Bodenham, Robert de, 591. Boduey, Bodeneye, co. Norfolk, 146, 277. Bodrigan, Bodringan, Otto de, 653. , keeper of Lundy Island, 622. Bodyngton. See Boddington. Bodynet, Richard, 332. Bogh, William atte, 209. Bogher, Boghere, Boghier, Adam le, 236, 415. , keeper of forfeited lauds in CO. York, 462. , Walter le, 542. , William, 611. GENERAL INDEX. G79 Bohun, Rohoun, Bouu. Edmund de, 80, 92, ICO, 222, 31)5; kut., 048, C57. , Hiiniplitey de, earl of Htrefurd and Essex, 26,44, fiO, 68, 80, 97, 110, 111, 217, 2j6, 263, aOl, 40'J, 435, 43'.», 477, 591, 604. , constable of England, 97. , , wfirdrobe of, 20. Jcau de, 408, 409, 449, 510. , , keeper of the forest of La Haye near Hereford, 469. , John de, 325. , Matilda wife of Edmund de, 222. , William de, son of Humphrey dc 410. Bokeden. See Buckden. Bokeham. See Huckeiiham. Bokehirst. Sec Bochirst. Bokehurst. See l^ickhurst. Bokeland. See Boclond. Bokflond. See BucklHnd. Bokelynton, .loliii do, 195. Bokeiihamfery. See Buckcnham Ferry. Bokerel, Henry, 429. , justice, 255. Bokeshull, co. Sussex, 429. Bokoshull, Matilda wife of Alan dc, 429. Boketon Munchenesy. See Boufjliton Mon- chelsea. Boketon, Thomas de, knt., 361. Bokham. See Bnokhani. BokhamptoD. See Bockhampton. Bokherat. See Bochii>t. Bokholtc, Stephen atte, 234. Bokkyng. See Bockynj,'. Bokland. See liiicklaiid. Bokhind. .See Boclond. Boklond in Lodesdon. .See Bdckland. Bokloiid. .Sec Boclond. Bokstede. .See Buxftd. BoktoD, Apnes wife of Halph de, ;i3. , Halph dc, c:\. Bolde, Kichard, 612. Boldre [co. Hants], 187, 194. bailiff's, men, and community of, 188. port of, 183, 184. Bole, Richard, 611. , Simon le, 5l'9. Thomas, 524. Boleby. See Bulby. Bolevill, Nicholas dc, ICl, 658. Bolingbroko, Bolvngbrok castle, co. Lincoln, 70, 81, 270. Bolingbrok, Bolvngbrok, .lohn dc, escheator in COS. Nottingham, Derby, Warwick, Leicester, and Lancaster, .'-6, 57, 65, 86, 93, 109, 119, 121, 203, 23 1 , •J3.'), 236, 244-2 16, 249, y.V), 259, 262, 2t;.')[ 284, 285, 298, 300, 302, 391, 402, 404, 426, 429, 430, 434, 435. 443, 452-454, Bolingbrok, Bolyngbrok — cont. 456, -161, 463, 464, 468, 469, 472, 484, 486, 589, 591, 593, 6o8, 614, 615, 624, 649. Nicholas de, 60, 64. , Richard de, 355. BoUeax in Rockingham forest [co. North- ants], 623. Bollebrekhull, Bollebrikhull. See Bow Brick- hill. Bollebukhull. See Bow Brickhill. Bolmere, Ralph de, 652. Bolney, Bulneye, co. Sus.iex, 473. Boloigne, John de, 624. Bolonvilla, Gi!ot de, 630, Bolour, John, 371. Bolthorp, Robert de, 319. Bolton-in-AIIerdale, co. Cumberland, 107. Bolton, John de, 130. , Richard de, 129. Robert de, 450. Thomas de. knt., 426, 427 Bolyngbrok. See Holingbroke. Bonball, Robert, 295. Bonde, Nicholas le, 397. Bondelawe, Robert dc, 518. Bondleigh, Bonele^^h, co. Devon, 597. Bonelcgh. .See Bondleigh. Bonenoye, John, 295. Boner, Richard, 3C:>, 517. , Walter, 218, 219. Bonesarsh, John, 90. Boueweil, Bonewelle. See BuQwell. Boneyc, William de, 506. Booeyre, John, 524. Bonington, Boniton. See Sutton Bonning- ton. Bonum, William, 46. ]{onyton, Richard de, 189. Bookham, Bokhum, Little [co. Surrey], 487. Boothbv-l'agncll, Botheby [co. Lincoln], 261. Borde, La, near Bayoimc ( Basses- l'yrcu6es), 314. Borde, Simon de la, 6, 84, 109. Bordeaux in Ac|uituine, 263, 593. , constable of, 262, 271, 541, 567. See also Ellesfeld, Richard de ; Travcrs. Borden, liordcne, Bordenne, William de, 169, 220, 222, 349, 501. Bordesdeu, John dc. 352. , son of John dc. 352. Bordcslcy, Bordisle abbev [co. Worcester], 83. Bore, Robert le, 200. Boreford, Roesia de, 582. , wife of John dc, 659. Borel, Thomas, 537. Borham, John dc, 519. Borhonte, Wilimm dc, 387. 680 GENEKAL INDEX. IJorl'ye, William do, 538. Boroughbridge, Burghbrugg [co. York], 239. Borougbdon, Boruden, Biiruden, Burghdon, Gilbert de, 112, 290, 387. , , sheriff of Northumberland, 99, 272. Borstalle, John de, the younger, 510. Borton. See Burton. Boruden. See Borougbdon. Borudon. See Burradon. Boryton. See Buriton. Boscher, Thomas, .363. Boscherville, St. Georges de, abbey cf, Nor- mandy (Seine-Inferieure), 211. Bosco, John de, 236. 237. , son of Roger de, 12.). Nicholas de, 99. , Roger de, 125. Boselyngthorp. See Buselynthorp. Bosevill, Richard de, 433. Bosevyle, Robert, 330. Bosewyk. See Beswick. Eosgate, John, 647. Bosham, co. Sussex, 199, 200. , chapel of, 199, 200. Bossard, Hugh, 364. , knt., 364. Bossevill, John de, 198. Bossiney, Bessynny [par. of Tintagel], co. Cornwall, 591. Bostelcr, Robert, 513. Boston, Botelstane, co. Lincoln, 40, 309, 585, 592, 594. bailiffs of, 3G7, 377, 536, 546, 567, 607. and community of, 367, 377, 644. fair, 82, 226. , mayor and bailiffs of, 132. , port of, 11, 147, 183. , , alien merchants in, 254. , , customs in, 82, 226, 410. , tronage in, 649. Botecombe, Roger, 382. Botelbrigg, co. Lincoln, 353. Botelegh, Botteleg', co. Sussex, 473. Boteler. See Botiller. Botelesford, John de, 469. Botelst.ane. See Boston. Botereux, Reginald de, son of William de, knt., 384. , William de, knt., 384, 499. Boterwyk, Richard de, 522, 656. Botetourt, Boutetourt, Butetourt, Joan wife of Thomas, 403, 428, 517, 659. , John, 250, 251, 266. , de, 50, 266, 320, 414. , , justice, 442. , Matilda wife of John de, 50, 250, 251. Botetourt, Boutetourt, &c. — emit. , Roger son of Guj-, 164. , Thomas, knt., 348. Botevilcin, William, knt., 350. Botevill, Alice de, 597. Botheby. See Boothby. Botheby, Margery wife of Robert de, 26 1 . , Robert de, 261. Botiller, Boteler, Botillier, Botyller, Buteler, Buteller, Kutiller, Alice wife of Thomas le, 216, 420. , Andrew le, 4, 177. , Edmund le, 23, 242, 395, 518, 551. , Geoffrey le, 342, 496. , James le, 341, 362, 363, 558. , son of Edmund le, 551. , John le, 220, SCO, 393, 532. , , knt., 361. I'eter le, 658. , Ralph le, 50, 251. Robert le, 451. Roger le, 334, 342, 493. Thomas, 420. , le, 73, 145, 159, 160, 599. , knt., 532. , William, 178. , le, 131, 135, 515. Botiston, CO. Devon, 598. Botlcsford, Robert de, 327. Botoner, John son of John le, 167, 168. Botoun, Richard, 512. Botreaux, William de, knt., 513. Botte, Emelina wife of William, 354, , William, 354. Bottele, Bottelegh, John de, 177, 376. Bottwnog, Bodelok [co, Carnarvon], 19. Botyller. See Botiller. Boucher, Elias, 588. , Eustace, 588. Boucked, Robert le, 179. Boueden. See Bowden. Bouelere, Alexander, 433. Boueles, Stephen de, 356. Bougkton-under-Blean, Bukketone under the Ble, CO. Kent, 329, .)20. Monchelsea, Boketon Munchenesy, CO. Kent, 267, 274. Bouhun. See Bohun. Bouland. See Howland. Boulogne, the honour of, 69, 250, 286, 289, 430, 454, 479, 480, 617. Boulond. See Bowlaud. Boulton, Thomas de, knt., 38, 128, 659. Boun. See Bohun. Bourdeyn, Robert, 307. Boure, Adam de la, 467. , Giles le, 158. , John atte, 521. , Richard alte, 5S8. GENERAL INDEX. 6S1 Bourn, Drunne, co. C«mbridj!;e, 305. , CO. Lincoln, 61, 139. abbey, 61, 62. , abbot of, 62. , .See also Abbotesle, William de ; Cut, Everard. See Southbourne. Bourn, Bourne, Kiistace de, 2o3. , John de, 230, 243, 271, HSC. Uichard de, 166-168, 381, 490. , William de, 407, 491. Hourstall, co. Leicester, 509, 51i>. Bourstall, Robert son of Hugh de, 509. , son of Kobcrt de, 509. Bourstede. See lioustead. Bourton, co. Oxfoid, 523. Great, Muclieleburtou, co. Oxford, 148, 150. Bousser, John de, 69, 113, 185, 189, 430, 510, 535. , , justice, 228, 442, 521. , knt., 319, 349. , Robert son of John t«yk. See Burstwick. Brut, Simon le, 71. , Thomas son of Simon !e, 71. Brufewell Solhani. See Britwell Salome. Brutoft, Thomas de, 588. Bruton, John de, canon of Wells, J.C.I'., 344, 345. Brutyn, John, 637. Bruyn, John le, 180, 429. Bruyton, John de, archdeacon of Canterbury, 129. Bryan, Uobcrt, 150. Bryiinstouc, Briancsfon, co. Dorset, 429. Bryd, Kichard son of Kalpli, 538. Brydlyngton. See Bridlington. Brygenhiile, Kichard de, 129. Brynmiesfcld. See Hrinipsficld. lii viiinu'sgrnve, William de, 531. I Bryngwyn [co. Monmouth], 301. ! Brj'sele. See Brisley. I Buckby [co. Northants],. letters close dated I at, 336. I Buckden, Bokeden, co. Huntingdon, 86, 92. I Buckenham, Bukeuham, co. Norfolk, 1 18, ! 266, 278. j Bokeham, castle, co. Norfolk, 41 1. Ferrv, Bokenhamfery, co. Norfolk, 277. Buckeshale. See Buxhall. Buckfastleigh, Buffetre, Buke&st' abbey [co. Devon], 494. Buckhurst, Bokehurst [par. of Withyham] , co. Sussex, 429. Buckingham, 528. .county of, 51, 76, 77, 117, 123, 124, 149, 158, 108, 169, 180, 181, 185, IS9, 197. 200, 209, 245, 251, 252. 254, 30C, 318-321,324-327, 3.39, 341,345,346, 350, 355, 356, 358, 373, 374, 379, 488, 489, 506-509, 512, 515, 517-519, 523- 525, 528, 531, 55ii, 568, 571, 574, 621, 634, 637, 647, 657, 060. , , escheator in. See Harpeden ; Wayte. forfeited lands in, 40, 140, 441. , , lands of aliens in, 232. sheriff of, 67, 72. 1 14, 144, 159, 209, 210, 232, 233, 272, 316, 390, 418, 423, .^UO, 509, 05S, 659. Buckland, Bokelond, co. Bucks, 603. Bockelound, co. Devon, 597. East, Estbockelouiid, co. Devon, 597. Bocland, co. Hertford, 53, 112. in Luddfsdown, Boklond in l/odesdon. CO. KlmiI, 273. 274. Bocloud, CO. Surrey, 16, 49. Bucks, Bukkish [par. of Woolfardisworthy], CO. Devon, 596, 601. Bucsted, William de, 477. Budcl, Isal>ella la, 295. Budeston, Uoger de, 403, 404. Buelt castle. See liuilth. Buffetre. See Buckfa.>itleigh. BugoDs, .\rnald de, 018. Builth, Buflt, castle [co. Brecon 1, constable of, 81. See otso Griffin ap lies. Uuk, Buk', Elias, 27. John le, .594. UolKit, 27. Bukcfast'. See Buckfasth igh. liuki'iiham. See Buckcniiaiu. Bukenham. Ellen de. 118. Bukketone ' undt-r the Ble.' See Boughtou- uuder-Blpan. Bukkish. See Bucks. Bukton, Dominic de, 259. Biiktot, ElliMi wife of Thonias de, 366. I'hilip son of Ellen de, 360. Bui, Gilbert le, 537. 686 GENERAL INDEX. Bulby, Boleby [par. of Irnham], co. Lincoln, C57. Buldre, Kobert, 524. Bulkyng, William, 91. BuUey, Beleye, co. Gloucester, 98. Bullok, Robert, 518. Bulmcre, John de, 18, 19. Bulneye. See Bolney. Bumstede, Burapstede, Bampstede, William de, 267,274, 355. Bundy, Philip, 610. Bungay, Buugeye, co. Suffolk, 535. Bunggeye, Kobert de, 538. Buntingford, Buntyngford, co. Hertford, 140. Buuwell, Bonewelle, co Norfolk, 119, 538. Burbacli. See Burbage. Burbage, Burbach, co. Leicester, 434. , Burbach Savage, co. Wilts, 123, 240. Burchynbury, Stephen de, 265. Burcy, John, 599. Jiurdet, John, 433. , Kichard, 488. , Robert, 557. Burdeux, Oliver de, 422, 558. Burdon, Burdoun, Burdun, John de, 441. Nicholas, 257, 393. , Richard, 330. , Thomas, 161, 330. Bureford, William de, 635. Burel, John, 122, 125, 522. , son of John, 122, 379. , Matilda wife of John, 122. , William, 341. , sou of John, 122. Bures, Curteys de, 214. , Robert de, 140, 249. , , keei>er of forfeited lauJs in co. Sufiolk, 75, 88. Burewassh. See Burgherssh. Burford, co. Oxford, 315. Burford, Roesia de, 525. , wife of John de, 336. Burgassh. See Burghersh. Burgeys, Reginald son of Reginald, 124. , Walter, 409. Burgh, Bergh, co. Norfolk, 244. , letters close dated at, 534, 540, 542, 545. -Apton, Bergh Apeton, co. Norfolk, 2Gfi, 268, 277, 300. -on-Sand, co. Cumberland, Bourstede in, l:;3. -in-Staynesmore. See Brough-under- Stainsmoor. Burgh, Burgo, Elizabeth de, 59, 65, 95, 185. , Hugh de, 160, 356, 370, 528, 540. , John de, 163, 168. , son of Matthew de, 423. , Reymund de, 414. , Richard de, earl of Ulster, 134, 145. Burgh, Burgo — cont. , Thomas de, 128, 1G2. > escheator north of Trent, 2, 3, 6-8, 12, 14, lis, 21, 24, 26, 31, 34, 36, 38, 46, 48, 55, 57, 61. G5, 79, 80, 109, 128, 130, 131, 162, 231, 342, 4Ui, 4 ;6, , Walter de, 542. , William atte, 611. , de, 134, 145, 193, 268. Burghai'd, John, 616. Burghbrigg, William de, 127. Burghbrugg. See Borough Bridge, j liurghdon. See Boroughdon. Burgherssh, Burewassh, Burgassh, Bartholo- mew de, 206, 257, 402, 425. , , constable of Dover cast'e and waiden of the Cinque Ports, 626, 627, 654, 657. , his wife and children, 437. , Henry de, bishop of Lincoln, 60, 64i 85, 92, 117, 123, 206, 242, 320, 655. Burghham, Simon de, 647. Eurghle. See Burley-in-Wharfedale. Burglioun, Edmund, 477. Eleanor wife of Edmund, 477. Burgo, Richard de, earl of Ulster, 131. See Burgh. Burgos, Spain, bishop of, 516. Gundisallus, bishop of, 176. Biirguilloun, Joan wife of Robert, 54. , Robert, 54. Burgund}', the duke of, peer of France, 581. Burhuntte, Thomas de, 354. Buriton, iJoryton? [co. Hants], 659. Hurley, Berlay, co. York, 28, 415, 420, 590. Burley-in-Wharfedale, Burghle [par. of Otley, CO. York], 449. Burlinghara, South, Suthbirlingham [co. Nor- folk], 150, 151. Burmyngham. See Birmyngham. Burnby, Brunneby, co. York, 244, 245. Burndissh. See Brundis'.i. Burndon. See Boroughdon. ])Urnocestre, Walter de, 585. Burnedissh, Robert de, 340. See alio Brundisch. Burucl, Hugh, 517. , John, 255. son of Hugh, 517. Burnham, co. Bucks, 252, 338, 341. alibey, co. Bucks, 113. , Bruuham, co. Norfolk, 266, 278, 44". , bailiffs of, 201. , port of, 183. Burnham, Thomas son of Walter do, 200. Burradon, Borudon [par. of Alwiuton], co. Northumberland, 485. Burreth, co. Lincoln, 64. Burrough-on-the-Hill ? Barewe, co. Leicester, 481. Burseleye. See Dursley. GENERAL INDEX. 687 Burstwick, Brustewik, Brustwyk, co. York, I 11,230. letters close dated at, 2-7, 9, 127, 128. Burthingbury. See Birdiii^hury. ISurtliwaite Gate, Hirkethewayt Yate, co. Westmoielaud, 131. Biirthyiigbury. .See Birdicpbury. Burton, Borton, co. Bucks, 273. Slather [co. LincoliiJ, port of, 147. , Birton, co. Notts, IC5. ' in the Clay,' co. Notts, 1-13. (Birton [Joyce, co. Notts], 348. CO. Somerset, 332, 599. -ou-Trent [co. Stafford], bridge of, 40, 68. -in-Lonsdale castle, co. York, 140. Burton, Dionisia wife of John de, 19.5. , Leonard, Henry son of William de, 134. lliinulph de, 542. , Uichard de, 202, 230. , William de, 517. Burwell [co. Lincoln], 475. Bury St. PMmunds, co. Suffolk, 446, 470, 483, 491, 532, 559. chancery at, 532. letters close dated at, 532-535, 538. \ abbey, 311. Bury, John de, 148, 150. 495. , sub-escheator in co. Oxford, ' 109. Ralph de la, 93. Thomas de, 336. William do, 575. I Buscre, Cicely wife of Ilenrj', 572. < Buselynthorp, Bosuiyn^itliorp, Isahe'.la mollicr ; of .lolm fon of Uichard de, 196. | , John, 196, 49H. son of Uichnrd de, lUG. Thomas, Iloiiry, and Ralph s-ons of Richard de, 197." Bushey, Bisshoie, co. Hertford, 622. ]?us-ie, UoUit, 283. IJus-eby, William de, 451. | Busseye, Hugh de, eseheator in co. Chesior, 456. Bussy, liuzi, Huj^h, 32.j, 658. But, John, 598. , Richard, 166, 486. , Robert, 82, 146, 155. , William, 56. Bufeler. .See Botiller. Butelerei^halre. .See Aller. Butulkr. .Sec Botiller. Buterleye. See Butterleigh. Butorw) k. See Hutterwyk. Butetourt. .See Botetourt. Buthehamwell. .See Beechamwell. Butiller. .See Botiller. Butler, the king's. .See Abyndon, Stephen de. Butley, Buttele, priory [co. Suffolk], 237, 246. Butte, Peter, 610. Buttele. See Butley. Butter, 565, 594. Butterleigh. .See Bitterley. Butterwick, Butterwyk, co. York, 660. Butterwyk, Buterwyk, John de, 127, 142. , Richard de, 660. , Thomas de, 127, 142. Button, John de, 595. John son of John de, knt., 52.), 573. Buworth, William de, 251. Buxhall, Buckeshale, co. Suffolk, 266. Buxted, Bokstede, co. Sussex, 124, 125. Buzi. See Bussy. Byarne. .See Bearn. Byaumourit. See Bello Ifonte. Bybelesworth, John de, 92. Bycchynestok [par. of Cliewstoke or Nemp- nett], CO. Somerset, 599. Bychindou. .See Beachendon. Byck, John, 330. Bycre. See Bicker. Bycre, Thomas son of Lambert eon of Estrilda de, 246. Bydeuerche, Matilda daughter of Stephen de, 176. Bydford, Richard, 163. Byere, Thomas de, 511. Byflcet [co. Surrey], letters close dated at, 225. 227, 2.)0, 315, 316, 486, 487, 575, 585-588, 632. Byflet, Ricliard de, 624, 656. Byford [co. Hereford], 591. Byfige, Henry, 295. Bygod, Bygot. See Bigod. Byholt, Henry de, 489. Bykefold, co. Somerset, 599. Bykefold, Robert de, 599. , Roger de, 599. Bykeliswade. See B'ggleswL-de. Bykeiuersh, B\ Uemers. S'-e Biekmarsh. Bykeneure. .See Bieknor. Bykenore, J')hn de, p:w>(>ii of St. Bartholo- mew's hospital, Ulouoester, 61ti. Bylaud abbey [co. York], 5IS. , John de .Miton, abbot of, 518. Bylinglon. .See Billinglon. Bylicu, John, 348. Byllyng. See Billing. Byhieye. See Bilney. Byneesfria, Robert de, 624. Bynedon, Bynyndoii, Tli'imas do, 371. uayor of ."^outhampton, 253. Byngham, Margaret wife of I homas de, 207. Ralph son of .Mar;j:ery de, 337. I'homas de, knt., rebel, 207. Bynhnni. Sec Binham. Bynteworth. Sec Bentworili. 688 GENERAL INDEX. Bj'uteworth, Richard de, 408. Hj'nyndon. See Bynedon. Byniecestre. See Bicester. Byroun, Robert, 302. Byskay. See Biscay. Bysshop, Thomas, 385. B^'sshoppyston, Thomas de, 157. Byteryngg', Robert de, 496. Bytbaraj Bitham [co. Lincoln], 550. Bythewatre, Robert, 551. Bytory. See Vittoria. Bytre, See Bicker. By well, Robert de, 165, 326, 553. c Cach, Margery wife of Henrj', 414. Cadamo, John son of Walter de, 345. Cade, Thomas, 29. Cadewell [oar. of Brightwell Baldwin], co. Oxford, 614. Cadogau, Cadugan, ap Howel, 51. , , keeper of the land of Maelie- nydd, 651. Cady, Robert, 646. , Walter, 272. Caen abbey, Normandy, 182. .Caerraarthen. See Carmarthen. Caernarvon. See Carnarvon. Caerphilly, Kerfilly, castle [co. Glamorgan], 625, 629. , letters close dated at, 653. Cagg, Laurence, 295. Cahaugh, co. Northumberland, 387. Cahors, France, 405. Cailly. See Caylli. Cainhoe, Cainho [par. of Silsoe, co. Bedford] , 231. Caisho, Nigel de, 334. Calais, Caleys, 135, 175, 280. , echevins and community of, 504, 505. Calcot, Colecote [par. of Tilehurst, co. Berks] , 282. Calcott, Caldecote [par. of Sturr^', co. Kent] , 329, 520 Calculi, Arnald, 450, 544, 615. Caldecot, co. Huntingdon, 623. , Caldecote [par. of Bow Brickhill], CO. Bucks, 77, 393. Caldecote. See Calcott. , CO. Essex [rectius Hertford], 273, 274. Caldecote, Robert de, 609. Caldewell. See Caudwell. Calethorp, Roger de, 369. Calewych, John son of Richard de, 165. , Richard de, 490. Caleys. See Calais. Caleys, William, 294. Callaughton, Calweton [par. of Much Wen- lock, CO. Salop], 552. Caller, Robert le, 376. Calthorp, Roger de, 285. Walter de, 266,278, 447, 604. Calthorpe, co. Suffolk \_rectius Norfolk], 273, 274. Caludon, Calwedon, co. Warwick, 454. Calverton, Calveton [co. Notts], 349. Calveton, Alice wife of Robert son of Robert de, 349. , Robert de, 349. , son of Robert de, 349. Calwedon. See Caludon. Calweton. See Callaughton. Cliiui, John, 228. Caniayle, Alexander son of Alexander, 523. Cambcscote [hundred of Braunton], co. Devon, 598. Cambridge, Cantebrig, Cantebrigge, 305, S06, 3;i5. 384, 512, 521, 575, 646. castle, 444. , church of St. Benedict, 81. , parish of St. Michael, 164. , chapter-general of the Friars Preach- ers at, 307. gaol, 592. , mayor and bailiffs of, 592. , university of, 627. , , chancellor of, 552. , , masters and scholars of, 644. Cambridge, county of, 76, 81,88, 113, 163, 173, 175, 179-181, 184, 192, 193, 197, 243, 244, 250, 256, 305, 315, 32C, 321, 335, 347, 348, 374, 380, 386, 452, 505, 5i2, 523, 526, 527, 528, 542, 543, 626, 638, 646, 657. , escheator in. See Bloumvill. , religious houses in, 279. , sherifif of, 42, 148, 159, 250, 444, 452, 595, 627, 646. Camersfeld. See Caversfield. Camertou, Cameryngton [par. of Burstwick], CO. York, 261. Camm (or Cauun), Peter, 73, 215. Camraoys. See Camo^ s. Camoys, Cammoys, Margaret wife of Ralph de, 486, 487. Ralph de, 124, 163, 177, 203, 289, 358, 364, 486, 487, 525, 651. , , constable of Windsor castle, 27, 43,90, 227, 298, 405, 406,408, 431, 616, 630. Campion, John son of John le, 148. Campioun, Alan son of Robert, 15. , Juliana wife of Robert, 15. , Robert, 15. Campo Aruulphi, de. See Chaumbernoun. Campo Veteri, Peter de, 637. GENERAL INDEX. 089 Campsall, Camshale, co. York, 144. Campsey Ash, Asshe, co. Suffolk, 646. Camshale. See Campsall. Caucefeld. See Caiitstield. Candelynch, Richard de, 597, 601. Candevere, Ralph de, 491. Candovre, Robert de, 484, 485. Canefeld, Laurence de, 491. Canewdon, Canewedon, co. Essex, 154, 263, 309, 498, 499. , Caldhous in, 263. lord of. See Chaunceux. Canewyk. See Can wick. Caufield, Cannefeld [co. Es.sex], 277. Cauucck, Canok forest, co. Stafford, 73. Canon, Robert, 558. Canons' Ashby, co. Northants, priory of, 489, 524, 525, 645. , , Adam, prior of, 530. Cantebregg, Cantebrig. See (^autebrigg. Cantebrigg. See Cambridge. CO. York ? 572. Cantebrigg, Cantebregg. See Cauntebrigg. Canterbirs. .See Cantuaria. Canterbury, 85, 100, 149, 502, 512, 513, 530, 568. archbishop of. See Reynolds ; Wiu- chelsea. archbishopric of, 129. , archdeaconry of, 129. , Christ Church or Holy Trinity priory, 213, 259, 285, 557, 587, 588. , , Henry, prior of, 285. , court of, official of, 242, 374. See also Middelton. the king's exchange at, 462. , letters close dated at, 479, 565, 586. St. Augustine's abbey, 152, 292, 298, 374, 444, 510, 557, 608. , St. Gregory's priory, 337. , shrine of St. Thomas of, 568. , province of, 147, 152, 159, 316, 500, 658. Canterbury, Robert de, 90. Cantilupo, Walter de, 152, 161, 261. , William de, 511. Cantock, Alexander, G5. Cantref Mawr, Cantredemaure [co. Carmar- then], 299. Cantsfield, Canccfeld [par. of Tunstall, co. Lancaster], 302. Cantuaria, Canterbirs, Henry de, IGl, 336, 513, 530, 564. Robert de, 75, 515. , , canon of London, 660. Cantu Lupo, Roger de, verderer of Wanberge forest, 69. Canun (or Camm), Peter, 73, 215. Canwick, Canewyk [co. Lincoln], 5. Canyoly, Peter, 345. Cap, William, 491. 81294. Capel, Capele [co. Kent], 470. Caperoun, Peter, 647. Capman, John, 33. Capoun, Agnes, 176. , Robert, knt., 15, 16. Capriche, Henry son of John de, 364. Caral, Simon de, 617. Carbonel, Adam, 349. , Isabella wife of Peter, 446. , John son of Peter, 446. Peter, 446. , knt., 321. Carbrooke, Kerbrok, Kerebrok, co. Norfolk, 244. Great, co. Norfolk, 250, 266. Cardevill, Henry, 604. Cardigan, port of, 183. Cardington, Kerdyngton, co. Bedford, 251. Caresbrok. .S'ee Carisbrook. Careter, William sou of Alan le, 386. Carew, Carru, co. Pembroke, 276. Carewell, Agnes daughter of Richard, 552. Carindou, Robert de, 597. Carisbrook, Caresbrok castle. Isle of Wight, 232. constable of, 432. Sec also Huse. Carkeel, Carkille [par. of St. Stephen's by Saltash], co. Cornwall, 59. Carleford, Gilbert de, 357. John de, 357. Carles, Roger, 140. , keeper of rebels' lands in co. Hereford, 1. kee|>er of forfeited lands iu co. Salop, 51. Carlcton. See Carlton. Carleton, Karleton, Adam de. 131, 434. John de, 146, 160, 306, 632. , Walter de, 172, 374, 376, 493. , William de, 139. Carlisle, Thomas de, 649. Carlisle, co. Cumberland, 4, 6, 47, 52, 03, 93, 112, 114, 115, 213, 264, 431, 439. castle, 47, 52, 93, 107, 112, 115,213, 445, 451, 466. constable of, 112, 213, 264, 431. , See also Lucy. diocese of, 52. , ferm of, 456. .. , garrison at, 431. mayor of, 551. , the king's victuals at, receiver of, 264. See also Louthre. Carlow, Catherlagh, Ireland, mayor and bailiffs of, 134. Carlton, Carleton, co. Northants, 50, 151. [South, CO. Nottingham], 330. CO. Suffolk, 447. Colvill, Wcstcolvill, CO. Suffolk, 44 7. X X 690 GENERAL Carmarthen, Caermarthen, Kaermerdyn, Ker- merdyn, bailiffs and men of, 565. , chamberlain of, 79, 113. , exchequer of, 299. , port of, 183. , , customs in, 410. , prior of, 291. , , chamberlain of South Wales, 299. Carmenho, Carmynou, John de, 65, 273. Camale, William de la, 433. Carnarvon, Caernarvon, Kaernervan, 4, 445, 451. castle, 6, 392, 445, 451. , constable of, 4. , the king's works in, 387, 392. chamberlain of, 3, 79, 205, 304, 387. See also Shirokes. , exchequer at, 19, 205, 304. , mills and fisheries of, 19. ,, port of, 184. , customs in, 410. Carnarvon, county of, sheriff of, 2. Carnforth, Kerneford, Kernesford, eo. Lan- caster, 55, 121, 249. Carpenter, Edward the, 96, 300. , Gamaliel, Gamel the, 33. Joan wife of Henry le, 566. , Roger the, 37. Carrickfergus, Crakfergus [co. Antrim], 19, mayor aad bailiffs of, 134. Carrington, Carynton [co. Chester], 606. Carru. See Carew. Carru, Joan wife of John de, 223, 278, 313. John de, 221, 223, 276. ... , son of John de, 223. , and Nicholas sons of John de, £22. Thomas son of Nicholas de, 499. Carryk, Ireland, 362. Carselegh, John de, 604. Carter, Alice le, 295. , John le, 35. Cartere, Richard le, 262. , William le,251. Cartington, co. Northumberland, 24. Cartmel [co. Lancaster], port of, 148. , Kertemel, priory [co. Lancaster], 184. Cartynton, Alice wife of John de, 24. Cary Castel. See Castle Cary. Carynton. See Carrington. Caryoun, Peter Johannis, envoy of the king of Spain, 346. Cashel, Ireland, mayor and bailiffs of, 134. Cassia. See Cawsau. Castelacre, John de, the king's goldsmith, 207. Castelcuby. See Holyhead. Castel jVlartyu. See Castle Martin. INDEX. Castel, John de, 122. , Castell, William atte, 201. Castellay, Laurence de, constable of Sandal castle, 71. Castellion, Chastillon, Walter de, constable of France, 582. Castellione, Gauceiin de, 263. Castello, Elizabeth de, 157. Castellon, Castelon, Hugh de, 140, 146. Castile, 515. , king of. See Alfonso. Castillon, Perigord, 544. , Poncius, lord of, 263. Castle Acre, Castelacre, co. Norfolk, 277, 446, 470, 483. , Castellacre, priory, co. Norfolk, 251, 278, 559, 574. Cary, Cary Castel, co. Somerset, 320. Martin, Castel Martyn [co. Pem- broke], 244. Martin, co. Pembroke, 288, 359, 360, 371. Caston, Castun, co. Norfolk, 266, 278. Caston, John de, knt., 167. Castor, Castre, co. Northants, 394, 494. Castre, de, 201. Castro, Walter de, 267, 276. Dordiales, Ferandus de, 215. Martini, John de, 267, 276. , Swetilda de, 371. Ricardi, Adam de, 481. , Alice daughter of Ailam de, 481. , John son of Adam de, 481. Xoriz, Andrew Petri de, 339. Castun. See Caston. Catefeld. See Catfield. Cateloigne, John de, 405. Caterhale. See Catterall. Catesby nunnery [co. Northants], 232. Catfield, Catefeld, co. Norfolk, 266, 275, 278. Catherlagh. See Carlow. Cator, Jocia le, 336. Catour, — 437. , Roger, 10. Cattany, Beruardus, 136. Catterall, Caterhale [co. Lancaster], 55. Caudwell, Caldewell, priory, Bedford, 167, 324. , Hugh, prior of, 326. Caumont, Armagnac (dep. Gers), 544. (de Cavo Monte), William, lord of, 544. Caampvill, William de, 13. Caumvill, Caunvyll, Jordan de, 329, 520. Cauntebrigg, Cauntebrugge, Cantebrigg, Can- tebregg, Cantebrigia, Henry de, 162, 335. , , the king's tailor, 179, 311. , John de, 113, 270, 383. , , justice, 521, 592. , Margery wife of John de, 383, 384. GENERAL INDEX. «9l Caunton, Kaunton, John de, 339. , knt., 355, 538. Caunvyll. See Caumvill, Causton, Johu dc, 192, 489. , , sheriff of London, 336, 376. , William de, 192. Cave, South, co. York, the prebend of, in Y ork cathedral, 144. Cave, Anota de, 320. , Richard de, 135, 231, 352. , , sheriff of cos. Bedford and Buckingham, 659. Uobert de, 520, 522, 631, , Wilham de, 520. Cavendish, Cavenedissh, co. Suffolk, 319, 433. Caveriswall, William de, 467. Caversfield, Camersfeld (for Caversfeld ?), CO. Bucks [now co. Oxford], 447, 448. See also Gaveresfeld. Cawsau Llantrod ?, Cassia [near Monning- ton, CO. Pembroke], 599. Caylli, Cailly, Kailli, Ka^'lly, Thomas de, 3, 6, 266, 278, 411. .Margaret wi.crt de, 189. Don, John, 548. Doncastre, Donccastre, Donerastrio, Duncas- ire, John de, 41, 119,245,586. keeper of lauds in the king's bands in CO. York, 71. William de, 555. DoMcstaple. See Dunstaple. Doncwall, port of, customs in, 4 10. Uonewiz. See Uuuwich. Donewych. See Dunwich. Douington, Donygton, co. Lincoln, salt pit in, 246. Donmowe. See Dunmow. Donnington, Donynton, co. Berks, 244, 245. , Donyngton castle, co. Leicester, 622. Donnoyk. See Dunhill. Donoyl. See Dunhill. Donstanburgh. See Dunstanburgh. Donterowe or Doucrowe. William, 156, 173. Y V 706 GENERAL Donwood in Clarendon forest, co. Wilts, 150. I Donyngton. See Donington. Uonyngtou, Reginald de, knt., 375. , , sheriff of co. Lincoln, 526, Donynton. See Donnington. Dorchester, Dorcestre [co. Dorset], IGO, 175, 619. , gaol, 2. , Dorkcestre, co. Oxford, 86, 92. , Dorkecester, abhey, co. Oxford, 568. Dordrecht, Durdright, Holland, 594, 605. Doreford abbey. See Dureford. Dorfeld. See Darfield. Dorkecestre. See Dorchester. Dorking, Dorkyng, Dorkyngge, co. Surrey, 381, 496, 573. Dorkyng. Idonia wife of Robert de, 309, 310, 629. , Robert de, 154, 310. Dorset, county of, 8, 110, 117, 123, 159, 160, 165, 191, 197, 200, 236, 252, 255, 805, 326, 345, 354, 380, 495, 501, 507, 523, 544, 632, 639, 657. , aliens' lands in, 425. , eseheator in. See Bikkemore ; Everard. , forfeited lands in, 27, 140. , justices in, 397. , ports of, customs in, 410. , sheriff of, 1, 2, 5, 8, 129, 132, 148, 173, 187, 188, 194, 200, 204, 205, 209, 216, 272, 332, 373, 393, 397, 419, 422, 503, 619, 629. Dorso Usto, William de, 210. Dorton, Dourton, co. Bucks, 273, 275. Dorturer, Adam le, 201. Doucrowe or Douterowe, William, 156, 173. Doudeswelle, Thomas de, 660. Douelysh. See Dewlish. Doule, Thomas, 100. Doulech. See Dawlisb. Doulleye, Henry, 347. Doulyng, William, 363. Dounamney, Richard de, 495. Doune. See Down. Doune, William de la, 155, 184, 380. Dounham. See Dunham. Douny, Richard, 610. Dounzour, Thomas, 16. Dourton. See Dorton. Douse, Robert, 537. Dousinhou, John, 405. Doustouwe, William de, 363. Dover, co. Kent, 208, 237, 481, 503-505, 576, 578, 580, 612, 627, 650, 657. bailiffs of, 650. , barons and bailiffs of, 133, 183. , and community of, 367, 377, 641. castle, 289, 361, 479, 623, 626. INDEX. Dover castle — cont. .., constable of, 90, 128, 132, 133, 137, 141, 173, 211, 255, 289, 328, 331, 346, 367, 373, 375, 377, 385, 414, 467, 496, 502, 503, 509, 510, 511, 513, 522, 530, 534, 536, 538, 542, 543, 546, 547, 552, 554-558, 566, 569, 585, 615, 626, 627, 633, 639, 654, 657. See also Basset ; Burgherssh ; Cob- ham ; Drayton ; Kendale ; Pecche ; Wodestock. , the king's works in, 626. , ward of, 476. hospital of God's House, 414, 421, 503. , letters close dated at, 401, 402, 404, 502, 503, 505, 506. , mayor of, 612. and bailiffs of, 132, 137, 138, 208, 536. 546. , port of, 147, 208, 211, 255, 328, 414, 502, 507, 509, 513, 522, 530-532, 534, 538, 542, 547, 552, 555-557, 558, 566, 568, 570, 572, 574, 627, 633, 634. keeper of, 335, 346, 371, 386, 540, 638. , St. Martin's priory, 511. , , John, prior of, 511. Dovorr', Isabella de, 261. , Rosa de, 261. , Simon de, 609. Dovre, John de, 409, 472. Dovyle, Hugh, 599. Dowesbury. See Dewsbury. Down, Doune, co. Devon, 598. , West, CO. Devon, 598. Downham, Dunham [co. Norfolk], 447. Downs, the, off the coast of Kent, 652. Doxeford, Adam de, 448. Doyne, Richard, 553. See also Doiien. Draghswerd, Maurice, 488. Drakynhegge, co. Warwick, 608. Draper, William le, 538. Drax, CO. York, 327. , priory, 415. Draycote Foliatt, Foliot [co. Wilts], 221. Draycote, Hugh de, 599. , John de, 599, Drayton [co. Oxford], 159. Basset [co. Stafford], 76, 77, 100, 203, 216, 338, 467, 552, 554-558, 633, 635, 639. Drayton, Robert de, 460. , Simon de, 651. Driberd, John, 611. Driby, Dryby [co. Lincoln], 49, 186. Driby, Dribi, Dryby, Hugh de, 189. , , sou of Ralph de, 186, , Joan de, lady of Tattershall, 557. , John de, lord of Tattershall, 574. , Margery wife of Simon de, 49, 61. GENERAL INDEX. 707 Driby, Dribi, &c. — cont. , Ralph de, 186. , Robert de, son of Simon de, 61. , Simon de, 49. Drie, Richard, 15. See also Drye. Uriffeld, Geoffrey de, 1.39. , John de, 5G1. Dringhoe, Dringhoe, co. York, 49. Drogheda, Droxhda [co. Louth] , mayor and bailiffs of, 134. Drogo, John son of , de Cheleshatn, 523. Droitwich, co. Worcester, 238. Drokensford, Drokenesford, John de, 464. , bishop of Bath and Wells, 121, 208, 397. , keeper of the wardrobe, 392. Drosey, William, 379. Droslan, Drosselan. See Drysllwyn. Droxhda. See Drogheda. Drye, Roger, 15. See also Drie. Drysllwyn, Droslan, Drosselan castle [co. Carmarthen], 299, 449. Dublin, 41, 215, 449, 590, 591, 603. , Alexander, archbishop of, 655. , , chief justice of Ireland, 108. , archbishopric of, 603. , exchequer of. See Ireland. , mayor and bailiffs of, 134. , sheriff of, 591. Duddel, Robert de, 333. Duddele, Duddeley, Duddell. See Dudley. Duddinghurst. See Doddinghurst. Dudley, Duddele, Duddeley [cos. Stafford and Worcester], lord of, 301. See alio Someri. castle, 510. priory, 27. Dudyngton. See Diddingfon. Duffeld, John sou of John de, 631. Duffeldfrith. See Duffield. Duffield, CO. Derby, 248. , Duffeld, Duffeldfrith [co. Derby], forest and chace of, 97, 116, 412. Dufford, John de, 167, 181. , Margaret, wife of Robert, 236. Robert, 236. Dufton, CO. Northumberland, 130. Duffton, CO. Westmoreland, 14, 130. Dultecote, Thomas de, 632. Durableton, Dombelton, John de, 219. , Robert de, 356. , keeper of the Marshalsea, 384. Duncastre. See Doncastre. Dundalk, Ireland, mayor and bailiffs of, 13-1. Dunekeswelle. See Dunkeswell. Dunere, William, 594. Dunesden. See Duusden. Dunesdeu, Nicholas de, 33S. Dunestaple. See Donestaple. Dunewych See Dunwich. Dunfravyll. See Umframvill. Dunham, Dounham, co. Nottingham, 244, 245 . See also Downham. Dunheved, John, 201. Dunhill, Donoyl, Donnoyk [co. Waterford], 134, 145. , baron of. S'ee Poer. Dunkeswell, Dunekeswelle, abbey [co. Devon], 598. Dunmow, Donraowe, Dunmawe, co. Essex, 166, 185, 263, 267, 274, 660. Dunnesby. .See Dunsby. Dunnesleye, Gilbert de, 473. Dunolmia, Cuthbert, son of John de, 2. , Thomas de, canon of Egleston abbej, 139. Dunsby, Dunnesby [co. Lincoln], 342, 343. Dunsden, Dunesden, near Shiplake, co. Ox- ford, 338. Dunstanburgh [co. Northumberland], bailiffs and community of, 644. , Donstanburgh, castle, 12, 87, 93, 269, 476. Dunstaple, co. Bedford, 123, 124, 167, 200, 572, 588. gaol, 588. Dunstaple, Donestaple, John de, 142, 408, 550, 633, 649. , Thomas de, 68. , William de, 140. Dunstcr, Dunsterre, co. Somerset, bailiffs of, 537, 547. , and community of, 367, 377, 641. , lord of, 192. , See al$o Mohan. , port of, 183. Duntesburn, Alexander de, 217, 238. Duntish, Duntysh [par. of Buckland Newton], CO. Dorset, 425. Dunton-cum-I)oughton,Doketon[co. Norfolk], 122. Dunton, Geoffrey de, 342. Dunwich, Doncwich, Donewiz, Donewych, Dunewych [co. Suffolk], 187, 188. , bailiffs of, 201, 5.36, 546. , and community of, 644. mayor and bailiffs of, 132, 137, 138. port of, 147, 183, 644. Duny weir [co. Gloucester], 72. Dunyngton, John de, 497. Dunys, John, 333. Duraunf, Matilda daughter of Robert, 572. , Robert, 572. Durdaunt, Thomas, 176. Durdent, Nicholas, 551. , Roger son of Richard, 551. Durdright. Sec Dordrecht. Dureford, Doreford abbey [par. of Rognte, co. Sussex], 502. r y 2 708 GENERAL INDEX. Durevasal, Robert, 511. Durham, 2. bishop of. See Belle Monte. , bishopric of, 52, 93, 112, 117, 118, 136, 169,483. , , forfeited lands in, 140. cathedral church of St. Cuthbert, 5, 399. , priory of St. Cuthbert, 52, 495. , prison, 2. Durhurst. See Deerhurst. Duro Forti, Arnald de, knt., 544. Dursley, Burseleye {sic) [co. Gloucester], 98. Duston, William de, 443. Button Malet, Deudon [par. of Widecombe- iu-the-Moor], co. Devon, 597. Button, Eobert de, 376. son of Robert de, 376. Duxford, Dokesworth, co. Cambridge, 631. Buyn, John de, 389. Byffren Clwyd, DefPreyn Cloyt, Dyffryn Cloyt, cantred, co. Denbigh, 78, 385. ByfEryntha, in Wales [co. Pembroke ?], 599. Byggeby, Robert de, 167. Bykeby, Robert de, 192. Dykecross, co. Westmoreland, 131. Byker, William, 405. Bykeschowe wood, co. Westmoreland, 130. Bylewyk, co. Bedford, 251. Bylue. See Dilwyn. Dyn, John, 65. , , knt., 342. Dynas. See Dinas. Dynasbran castle. See Dinas Br&n. Bynaunt. See Dinant. Dyne, Henry, 261. de, knt, 657. Dynham, Joceus de, 223. , Margaret wife of Joceus de, 223. Bynieton, Edmund de, 19. , John de, 153. Dynmer, Robert de, 189. Bynnesley. See Bingley. Bynyeton. See Dennington. Bytchenyng. See Ditchling. Dytton, Ditton, Benedict de, 160, 345, 660. , Henry de, 357. , Richard de, 350. E Ealdynge. See Yalding. Earle Stoke, Erlystok, co. Wilts, 492. Easington, Essington, co. Bucks, 273, 275. , Yesyngton [par. of Belford, co. North- umberland], 317. Easingwold, Esingwald, Esyngwald, Esyng- wold [co. York], 43, 55, 153, 372. Eastbury, Estbury, co. Berks, 59, 391, 490. Easter, Estre, High [co. Essex], 409, 410, 591. Easthampstead, Asshampsted [co. Berks], 658. , letters close dated at, 216. Easthorpe, Esthorp [co. York], 127. Eastington, Estyngton [co. Gloucester], 463, 467, 551. Eastney, Esteneye [co. Hants], 354. Easton, Eston, co. Lincoln, 186. [co. Northants], 200. , Lower, Nethereston, co. Gloucester, 98. Easton-on-the-Hill, Eston [co. Northants], 330. Eastwood, Estwod [co. Essex], 390. Eaton, Eyton [co. Bedford], 323. , Eton [co. Nottingham], 591. Ebbelesburne, Henry de, 528. Ebberley, Ebberlegh [par. of Roborough], co. Devon, 596, 600. Ebor'. See Eboraco. Eboraco, Ebor', Alice de, 353. Gilbert de, 25, 341, 514, 571. , Hugh de, 179, 325, 331, 352, 374, 643, 645. , Walter de, 179. Eccles, Ecclys, co. Kent, 273, 274. Eccleshale, Robert de, 17. Echyngham, William de, 396. Eckington, Ekyngton, co. Derby, 82, 146. Eddington ?, Edwyueston [co. Berks], 92. Edelesburgh. See Edlesborough. Edeliugton. See Edlington. Edelmeton, Edelmetone. See Edmonton. Edelysbergh, Edenesburgh. See Edles- borough. Edenestowe, Henry de, 157, 165, 217, 349, 382, 503, 522, 540, 547, 559, 567. , Robert de, 157, 382. , , brother of Henry de, 165. Edenham, Geoffrey de, 117. Edenstowe. See Edwinstow. Edenynghale. See Edingale. Edeworth. See Edworth. Edgcott, Achecote, co. Bucks, 267, 274, 275. Edgeton. See Egton. Edgeware, Eggesvvere, co. Middlesex, 103, 270. Edgworth, Eggeworth, co. Gloucester, 273. Edingale, Edenynghale [co. Stafford], 158. Edlesborough, Edelesbrugh, Edelysbergh, Edenesburgh, co. Bucks, 356, 374, 489, 528, 529. Edlington, Edelington, co. York, 127. Edmond, Walter, 609. GENERAL INDEX. 709 Edmonton, Edelmeton [co. Middlesex], 177, 509,583. Edmund, son of Henry III., 67. , earl of Cornwall, 47, 113, 2.33, 300. , John son of, de Oxendon, 550. , of Wodestock, earl of Kent. See Wode.stock. Edredim, Ireland, 447. Edward the Confessor, king of England, 459. Edward I., king of England, 62, 67, 250, 354, 392, 393, 456, 458, 460, 532, 621, 655. , earl of Chester, the king's son, 7, 44, 45, 78, 91, 102, 103, 111, 130, 171, 232, 249, 254, 311, 314, 3-53, 359, 374, 399, 438, 455, 503, 507, 526, 533, 543, 549, 556, 576-581, 621, 622, 627, 630, 634-636, 642, 644, 654-656, 658. , treaty of marriage with the Infanta, sister of the king of Spain, 557. , , chosen keeper of the realm at Bristol, 655. , , , letters to, 578, 579. Edward, William, 206. Edwardeston, Simon de, 537. Edwinstow, Edenstowe, Co. Notts, 627. Edworth, Edeworth, co. Bedford, 63, 273, 275. Edwyneston. See Eddington. P]dynton, John de, 265. Effingham, EfTynghaiii [co. Surrey], 486. Egarton. See Kgerton. Egbury, co. Hants. See Ekesbury. Egefeld. See Eglesfeld. Egelfeld, Philip de, 338. Egerton, I'>garton, co. Kent, 406, 446, 447. Egcryndenn, Richard de, 338. Eggebaston, Richard de, 461, 469. Eggefeld. See I%lesfi;ld. Eggemere. See Egniere. Eggesclive, William de, son of Robert de, 169. Eggeswere. See Edgeware. Eggeworth. See Edgworth. Eggeworth, Thomas do, 273. Egglosnierther, Warin de, 379. Eglesfeld, Kgefeld, Eggefeld, Thomas do, 267, 274, 496. Egleston abbey [co. York], 13!). Egleton, Egylton, co. Rutland, 490. Eglisyrouu. See Eglwyswrw. Eglusweu. See Whitchurch. Eglwyswrw, Egli.syroun [co. Pembroke], 599. Egmerc, Eggemere, co. Suffolk [i-ectius Norfolk], 273, 274. Egremont, Egremoud, co. Cumberland, 268. , honour of, 268. mill of, 268. Egrum [co. Nottingham], 486. tlgton, [par. of Lythe, co. York], letters close dated al, 20, 138. Egylton. See Egleton. Eilaf, archbishop of NidaroB, Norway, 357. Eiland, Nicholas de, 284. Einges, Richard de, 461. Ekesbury [Egbury, par. of St. Mary Bourne ?] co. Hants, 361. Ekforde. See Oakford. P-kyngton. See Eckington. Eland, Little. See Ponteland. Eland, Hugh de, 212, 509. , , knt., 308. Elanlargeuan, Ireland, 363. Eldcourt, CO. Sussex, 396. Eldham, Sarah wife of Peter de, 376. , Stephen de, lord of Derteford, 376. Ele , Hugh de, 386. Eleanor, the Infanta of Castile, sister of Al- fonso XI., 254, 344. , the king's eldest daughter, 254, 260, 344. queen, wife of Edward I., 80, 89. Elfael, Elveyl [co. Radnor], 651. Elias, Eleanor wife of Richard son of, de Sutton, 231. William son of, de Wylton, 195. Eling, Elvug, CO. Hants, the king's liberty of, 604. Elingham, William de, 340. Elkeston, John de, 658. Elkiiigton [co. Lincoln], 521. Elledon, Walter de, 100. p]llel Ilall, Ilelh hale [co. Lancaster], 55. Ellen, John son of, de Skeryngton, 337. Richard son of, 224. , William son of, 30. Ellerbek, in Pickering forest, co. York, 16. Ellerker, John de, 19, 44, 127, 128, 134, 143. keeper of the hauaper of chan- cery, 44, 53. the younger 380. Ellerton, co. York, 49. ElIertoD, Henry de, master of the king's works at Carnarvon, 392. Ellesfeld, Ellosfield, John de, 435. , Gilbert de, 123, 124, 199, 259. , Richard de, 169, 303, 656. , , constable of Bordeaux, 587. , dean of the king's free chapel of St. Martin le Grand, 303. Ellesmere [co. Salop], 114. IilUiugham, Elyngham, co. Norfolk, 266. , CO. Sutfolk Irectiiu Norfolk], 278, 433. , North, Northelingham [co. Norfolk], 149. South, Suthelingham, co. Norfolk, 266. Elmeden, Elmedene, William de, 323, 523, Elmenden, William de, 562. Elmcncyc [eo. Cambridge], 608. 710 GENERAL INDEX. Elmerugge, Roger de, 485. , , Agnes his wife, 485. Elmham, South [co. Norfolk], 457. [co. Suffolk], letters close dated at, 438, 442, 534. Elmham, Laurence de, the king's barber, 307, 361. Elmyngham, John de, 150. Elmyngton, John son of Reginald de, 634. Elnestowe. See Elstow. Elredby, Deldredby, William de, 15. Elsefeld, Gilbert de, 282. Richard de, dean of St. Martin's-le- Grand, London, 356, 632. Elsing, Elsyng', co. Norfolk, 277. Elstow, Elnestowe abbey, near Bedford, 533. Elswick, Etheleswyk, Etheliswyk [par. of St. Michael-on-Wyre], co. Lancaster, 41, 299. Eltham [co. Kent], 375, 439. letters close dated at 296, 297, 300- 302, 379, 380, 383-385, 572. Eltham, John de, the king's son, 620. , Peter de, 216. Elvele. See Kirk Ella. Elvertecorabe. See llfracombe. Elveyl. See Elfael. Elworthy, Elworth, co. Somerset, 153. Ely priory [co. Cambridge], 608. , bishop of. See Hothum. Ely, Adam de, 616. Elyngham. See EUingham. Elyston, Ireland, 363. Elyz, Robert filz, knt., 155. Em, Robert, 656. Embleby, William de, 48. Emeldon, Richard de, 87, 93, 103, 112, 140, 269. , , justice, 589. , keeper of forfeited lands in co. Northumberland, 24, 50. , WUliam de, 179, 201, 309, 323, 326, 342, 348, 349, 352, 362, 373, 490, 493, 503, 512, 517, 519, 520, 527, 560, 572, 632, 659, 660. Emelesworth. See Emsworth. Emeljm commote, Wales [co. Carmarthen], 404. Empnett. See Nempnett. Empshott, Imbeshete, co. Hants, 177. Empyngham, Richard son of Henry de, 632. Emsworth, Emelesworth, co. Hants, 436. Enderby, Richard de, 339, 364. Endyrby, John de, 514. Enefeld. See Enfield. Enefeld, John de, king's serjeant-at-arms, 422, 424, 425. , Thomas de, 489. Enemere, Walter de, 573. Enfield, Enefeld, co. Middlesex, 218, 439, 583. park, 217, 218. Enfield, Enefeld, park — cont. , keeper of, 217. , See also Pounz. and cbace of, 439. Engayne, Gilbert, 130. See also Dengayne. Engelfeld, Philip de, son of Roger de, 9. , Roger de, 9. Englays, Eugleys, Engleis, John le, 306. , Matilda wife of William le, 78. , Nicholas le, 255. , Sampson le, 255. , Walter le, 255. , William le, 78, 79, 142. , ...... son of Matilda le, 78. See also Lengleys. Enham, co. Sussex, 429. Epperston, Epreston, co. Nottingham, 128. Eppewell, John de, 494. Eppeworth. See Epworth. Epreston. See Epperston. Epworth, Eppeworth [co. Lincoln], 625. Ercalowe, Arcalwe, William de, knt., 49. , , sheriff of cos. Salop and Staf- ford, 604. Ercedeakne, Ercedekne, Lercediakne, Lerce- dekne, Thomas le, 248, 311, 531. , , knt., 526, 653. Erchibaut, Adam, 295. Roger, 295. Erdburgh. See Arbury. Erde, John de, 511. Erdeleye. See Yardley. Erderbury. See Arbury. Erewell. See Orwell. Erghes. See Argam. Erghes, Nicholas de, 141. Erkhale, William de, knt., 142. Erie, Henry le, 513. Erlegh, John son of William de, 19. Erleshwe, John de, 48. Erleton. See Orleton. Erleton, John son of Adam de, 124. Erley, John de, knt., 517. Erlyde. See Yarlett. Erlyngton. See Arlington. Erlystok. See Earle Stoke. Ermegard, Rose, 371. Ermesheved, Hugh de, 130. Ernald, William son of William, 588. Ernaud, Wyserus, 21, Ernebaud, John, 276. Ernefast, Henry, knt., 617. Ernele, John de, 307- Ernesford, Robert de, 385. Erneys, John, 219. , William, 385. Erpingham, Erpyngham, Robert de, 163. , knt., 174. GENERAL INDEX. 711 Erston [co. Norfolk ?], 277. Eryum, llichard de, 121. Eschaler, Nicholas del, 356. Escrick, Escrik, co. York, 28, 29, 31, 32. 34, 419, 420. , letters close dated at, 13, 131. Escrik, Eskrik, Matilda de, 29, 30, 32-34, 36, 37. , Thomas de, 169. Escudamor, John son of Walter, 362. Eseby, Alexander de, 139. Esenhull, John de, 465. Esgate, John de, 122. Esing-,vald. See Easingwold. Eslingham, Estlyngham, parish of Frinds- bury, CO. Kent, 267, 274, .338. Eslyngtou, Robert de, 448. Esse. See Nash. Esse, John de, 372. , Oliver de, 596, 600. , Ralph de, 371, 372, 596, 600. Esseden. See Ashendon. Essendine, Easingdeu, co. Rutland, 603. Essete, Gilbert de, 448. Esseton. See Ashton. Essewalt'. See Ashwater. Essex, county of, 73, 76, 113, 123, 144, 153- 155, 158, lGO-163, 166, 169-173, 174, 175, 177, 179-181, 184, 185, 189, 193, 194, 196, 199, 200, 212, 243, 244, 250, 256, 307, 319-323, 32.5, 329, 336, 343, 345, 347, 348, 352, 355, 356, 358, 365, 375, 376, 379, 380, 383-385, 388, 447, 449, 488, 489, 492, 493, 498-500, 507, 512, 513, 518, 520, 524. 525, 529, 542, 544, 560, 571, 575, 626, 631, 632, 636, 639, 646, 653, 656, 659, 660. , county court of, 442. , earl of. See Mandevilla. , eschcator in. See Hlomvill. , forest of, 152, 162, 271, 379, 472, 557. forest pleas in, 152. , , justices for, 182. forfeited lands in, 69, 78, 88, 140, 263, 409, 410, 430,431. sheriff of, 23, 42, 46-48, 111, 129, 132, 146, 148, 159, 173, 209, 210, 216, 236, 251, 272, 290, 303, 316, 373, 398, 399, 405, 418, 419, 423, 436, 442, 472, 503, 629, 646. Essex, Matthew de, 177. Michael de, 257. Esshoton. See Asshcton. Esshcttesford. See Ashford. Esshewell, Hugh de, 119. Eashewellethorp. See Ashwellthorpe. Esshliiigton, Esshlyngton, John de, 105, 108. P^sshore. See Ashovcr. Essingdon. See Essendine. Essington. Sec Easingtou. Est, Alan, 122. John, 122. , Matilda, 122. William, 122. Estahslyng, co. Hants [? East Ashling, co. Sussex], 276. Estbedewynde. See Bedwyn. Estbockelound. See Buckland, East Estbray. See Bray. Estbury. See Eastbury. Estchynnok. See Chinnock, East. Estden, Estdene, Robert de, 306, 436. Estderham. See Dereham, East. Esteneye. See Eastney. Esterkele. See Keal, East. Esteneye, Alice wife of Philip de, 354. , Gilbert son of Philip de, 354. , Philip de, 354. Estfarlegh, Estfarleye. See Farleigh. Estgeynch. See Ginge. Estgrenstede. See Grinstead. Estgrymsted. See Grimstead. Estbaginton. See Huggintoa. Esthalle, John de, 523. Thomas de, 379. Esthallynggelegh. See Asthall Leigh. Esthatteleye. See Hatley. Estherling, Esthcrlyng'. See Harling. Esthorp. See Easthorpe. Estierncmuth. See Yarmouth. Estinton. See Kastington. Estlyngham. See Eslingham. Estmallyngge. See Mailing. Estmerseye. See Mcrsea Eston, CO. York, 3. See Eastou. Eston, Elias de, 494. Geoffrey de, 372. , John de, 388, 519. William dc, 16. Estonc, William de, 537. Estovere, John, 333. Estre Hich. See Easter High. Estre, John de, 131. Estrilda, Thomas sou of Lambert son of, de Bycre, 246. Eststodeleye. See Stoodleigh, Est Sutton. See Sutton. Esttoft, John de, 654. Esturmy. See Lesturmy. Estwod. See Eastwood. Estyni;, Thomas, 206. Estyngton. See Eastingtou. Etheleston, Roger de, 302 Etheleswyk. Sec Elswick. Etheleswyk, Etheliswyk, William de, 41, 298. Etloe, Ettelawe [pur. of Ulakeney, co. Glou- cester], 98, 99. Eton. See Eaton. ., See Eyton. 712 GENERAL INDEX. Eton, John de, 76. , Lettice wife of John de, 76. Ettelawe. See Etloe. Etton, CO. York, 568. Etton, Thomas de, 660. Eukeston. See Euxton. Eustace, John, 612. , Peter son of, de la Kokele, 347. , Thomas son of, 185. Euston [co. Suffolk], 266, 278. Euxton, Eukeston, co. Lancaster, 65. Esyngton, Peter de, 588. Esyngwald, Esyngwold. See Easingwold. Esyngwold, Walter de, 383. Evenefeld, Thomas, 518. de, 498. Everard, John, 283, 513. , escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Dorset, 56, 58- 60, 64, 67, 72, 81, 106, 110, 115, 116, 204, 205, 221, 223, 229, 232, 2.52, 255, 257, 258, 280, 283, 291, 296, 302, 371, 394, 401, 402, 408, 409, 421, 425, 429. , , keeper of forfeited lands in CO. Devon, 407, 429. , , and Cornwall, 111, 291. , John son of Ed., 302. Thomas, 125. Evercy, Peter de, 252. Everdon [co. Northants], 268, 269, 557. Everdon, John de, dean of St. Paul's, London, 164. Everton, co. Bucks [rrctius Bedford], 267, 273-275. [co. Notts], 196. Evereys, Walter de, 297. See also Everos ; Devereus. Everlay, John de, 273. Everley, Everle [co. Wilts], 103. Everos, John de, sou of John de, 517. See also Evereys ; Devereus. Eversley, Everesle [co. Hants], 388. , bailiwick of, 38S. , forest of, 587. Everyngham, Adam de, 157. , knt., 189. , Thomas de, 614. Evesham [co. Worcester], 219. abbey, 356. Evesham, John de, 137, 151, 161, 166, 174, 268, 269, 305, 313, 355, 379, 501, 634, 636, 638, 650. , Reginald de, 527. , Thomas de, 181, 268,269,307,380, 525, 527, 530, 547, 556, 572, 575, 659. Evre. See Iver. Evynton, Robert de, 451. , William de, 451. Ewe, Philip son of Philip de, 144. . Ewer. See Lewer. Ewysham, co. Suffolk, 447. Excestre, Nicholas de, 165. Excestria, John de, 643. Exchequer, the, 2, 4, 7, 14, 27, 41, 43, 45, 48, 50, 56, 57, 67, 80, 82, 90, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 112, 115, 116, 119, 12g, 125, 136, 178, 199, 202, 204, 206, 207, 214, 220, 222, 225, 226, 233-235, 237, 250, 254, 258, 259, 262, 268, 269, 271, 279, 291, 311, 315, 326, 328, 329, 341, 356, 357, 366, 376, 391. 393-395, 397, 399, 407, 408, 410- 413, 415, 416, 421, 431, 432, 435, 436, 438, 439, 441, 443, 449, 453, 454, 456, 459, 461, 465, 474, 478, 481-484, 488, 490, 493, 512, 519, 526, 542, 553, 559, 560, 587, 604, 605, 615, 621, 626, 628, 638, 648, 649, 653, 658. , barons of, 394, 459. , chancellor of. See Staunton. , Domesday/ book, 461. , letters of, 445. , Red Book of, 401. , rolls and memoranda of, 2, 89, 97, 435, 436, 449, 456, 478, 621. seal, 48, 72, 83, 97, 271, 291, 412, 417, 461, 470, 621, 622. summons, 440, 443. , treasurer of, 280, 400. See also Stapledon. , treasurer and barons of, 4, 7, 14, 25, 27,41, 43, 45, 46, 50-53, 56-58, 62-64, 67, 68, 70-72, 79-84, 87, 89. 90, 94, 96, 97, 99-102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 111, 112, 115-120, 122, 125, 178, 193, 202, 203, 212, 219, 220, 222, 225, 226, 228-231, 233-237, 240, 246, 249, 251, 252, 254-256, 258, 260-262, 269, 270, 278-283, 287, 290, 291, 297, 299-302, 311, 315, 326-328, 341, 356, 376, 390- 397, 399,401,406-408,411-417, 421, 426, 431, 432, 434-441, 445, 449-451, 454-456, 461-467, 470, 478, 481-484, 488, 490, 493, 5o8, 512, 519, 533, 540, 542, 559, 560, 566, 587, 592, 603, 605, 614, 615, 620-623, G26, 627, 630, 638, 648, 649, 653, 658. , treasurer, barons and chamberlains of, 40, 41, 67, 71, 205, 207, 238, 435, 438, 445, 603, 640. , treasurer and chamberlains of, 42, 43, 47, 88, 96, 110, 112, 121, 217, 225, 234, 236, 258, 260, 262, 271, 279, 289, 298, 357, 401, 41 1, 417, 436, 441, 450, 451, 454, 465, 466, 474, 483, 484, 501, 593, 604, 615, 617, 619-621, 627. , writ of, 247, at Carnarvon, 205. of Ireland. See Ireland. Exemue. See Exmouth. Exeter, Excestre, 123, 124, 200, 482, 585, 588. bailiffs and community of, 642. , bishop of. See Stapledon. castle, 66, 419, 422, 479. gaol, 255, 262, 289, 290. , mayor of, 552. GENERAL INDEX. 713 Exeter, Excestre, mayor of — cont. , and baiiiffs of, 129, 173. , and men of, 565. , port of, customs in, 410. St. James's priory, 598. Eximini, John, major domus of Arragon and standard bearer to the king of Arra- gon's son, 507. Exmoor [co.s. Devon and Somerset], 115, 205, 2.32. Exmouth, Exemue [co. Devon], 187, 194. , bailiffs of, 187, 188, 367, 378,536, 546, 609, 641. , mayor and bailiffs of, 137, 138. port of, 147, 184. Exning, Exningge, Ixenyng, co. Suffolk, 244, 321. Export, William, 537. Extildesham priory. See Hexham. P^xton, liobert de, 609. Eyam, Eyum, co. Derby, 236. Eycote, co. Gloucester, 341. Eydon, CO. Noithaiits, 184. Eye, CO. Suffolk, 539, 243. castle, 84, 243. , gaol of, 445. , honour of, 6, 47, 82, 84, 243. , bailiff of, 444. , See also Faucun. , priory of, 46, 211, 539, 540, 574. , , Durand, prior of, 47. , , Uobert, prior of, 039. Eye, John de, 537. , Itichard de, 538. , Thomas de, 560. , Walter de, 538. Eylenier. See Aylemere. Eylesford. .See Avlesford. Eyncourt. See Dayncurt. Eyueshain, John de, 185, 348. Eyuion, David, 371. Eyr, John son of Ste])hcn le, 196. Uobert le, 361. Eyros, North Wales, 228. Eyton. See Eaton. Aton, Eton, co. Hereford, 195. Eyton, Geoffrey de, 337. Thomas do, 145. , William de, 323. Eyum. See Eyam. Eyvill, Eyvile, Eyvyll, Dayvill, Deyvill, John de, 125, 335. , Stephen de, 136. Thomas de, 117, 140, 247, 415, 430, 590. , , keeper of Pontefract castle, 146, 247, 253, 289, 290, 388, 39.5, 455. , keeper of certain rebels' lauds in CO. York, 12, 51, 212, 462. Eyworth, co. Bedford, 603. F Faccombe, Faccoumbe, co. Hants, 301. Fadmore in Kydal [co. York], 139. Fairburn, Farnbum [par. of Ledsham], co. York, 462. Fairs, 71, 82, 119, 156, 222, 226, 249, 369, 560, 6.50. Fairweder, Ralph, 369, 370. William, 369, 370. Fakenham, Fakenhamdam, co. Norfolk, 528, 560, 628. priory, 285. Fal , John de, 586. Falconeriis, Nicholas de, 315. Faldho, CO. Bedford, 60, 110. Falemue. See Falmouth. Falke, Richard, 218, 219. Falkebourn, Walter de, 554. Fallay, Falley. See Fawley. Falley, John de, 513. Falleye. See Fawley. Falleye, Nicholas de, 185. Falmouth, Falemue [co. Cornwall], bailiflFs of, 537, 546. , and community of, 367, 377, 64 1 . port of, 147, 183. Falons, John de, 211. Fan, Geoffrey attc, 571. Fange, Fanges. See Vange. Fantini or Fautini, Cambinus, called Spnyne, 349, 523. Fareham, North, Northfarehara [co. Hants], 324. Farendon, Nicholas de, 495. , Robert de, knt., 507. Thomas dc son of Robert de, knt., 507. Farendone, Thomas de, 523. Farewe, John Allonsi de, lord of Kemell, 176. Farford, Richard de, 493. , William de, 342, 509. Farge, Uaynuuid Guillemi del, 401. William de la, 401. called ' Monguilliam,' 262. Farlegh. See Monkton Karleigh. Farleigh, Farlegh, co. Kent, 2f<5, 364. East, Estfarlegh, Estfarleye, co. Kent, 213, 259, 587, 588. Monkton. See Monkton. Farleye, John de, 177. , Ralph de, 393. Farraanby [par. of Ellerbum, co. York], 15. Famianby, John de, 139. Farnbum. Sec Fairburn. Farndale [co. York], 16. 714 GENERAL INDEX. Farnham, co. Bucks, 530. castle [co. Surrey], 133. , St. Martin [co. Suffolk], 209. Farnhill, John de, 27. John son of Rohert de, 27. Thomas de, 27. Farrier, William the, 31. Farway, Farweye, co. Devon, .596, 600. Fastolf, John, 265, 277, 385, 414. , Laurence, 227. , Nicholas, 167, 227. , William, 131. Faucomberge, Henry de, 261, , , knt., 382. , , sheriff of co. Nottingham, 248. , John de, knt., 15, 22. .., William de, 200. , , kut., 166. Faucon, Faucoun, Faucum, Walter, 633. , keeper of the honour of Ej'e, 47, 444. Fauconer, Faukener, Henry, 531. , le, 341. John le, 206. Faucoun. See Faucon. Faudon. See Fawdon. Faukener. See Fauconer. Faukeshall. See Vauxhall. FauDteston, Robert de, 7. Fautini. See Fantini. Fauvel, William son of Elias, 27. Faversham, co. Kent, 512, 586, 612. , hailiffs of, 537, 547, 609, 612. barons and bailiffs of, 133, 183. , and community of, 366, 377, 641. , mayor and bailiffs of, 132, 188. , port of, 148, 182. , St. Saviour's abbey, 155, 527. , , John, abbot of, 200, 524. Faversham, Faveresham, Thomas de, 241, 285, 338, 427, 470, 476, 486, 607. Faward, Giles de, called Barran de Faward, 618. Fawdon, Faudon, co. Northumberland, 485. Fawley, FaUay, Falley, co. Bucks, 267, 274, 275. , Falley [co. Hants], 364. Fawy. See Fowey. Faxfleet, Faxflete [co. York], letters close dated at, 1-4, 6-9, 126, 127, 129. , port of, 147. Fayrefax, Thomas son of John, 135. Fayrhere, Thomas, 384. Fayrman, Geoffrey, 558. Fecamp, Normandy (Seine-Inferieure), 572. abbey, 83. 210, 212. , port of, 212. Feckenham [co. Worcester], 7, 231. forest, 557, Feld, Simon of the, 350. Felde, John son of Geoffrey atte, 224. Feldefeu, co. Devon, 598. Feldefen, Arnulph de, 598. , Simon de, 598. , Walter de, 598. Felip, Laurence, 510. Felmingham [co. Norfolk], 150, 151. Felmyngham, Christiana sister of Gregory de, 150, 151. , Gregory de, 150. Felstede, John de, 505. , , collector of the new custom in the port of London, 613, 614. , William de, 145, 323. Feltewell. See Feltwell. Feltewyk. See Flitwick. Felthorpe, Feltthorp, co. Norfolk, 277, 447. Felton, CO. Northumberland, 244, 245. Felton, John de, 172. , , knt., 181, 186, 653. , William de, 258, 547. Feltwell, Feltewell, co. Norfolk, 266, 277. , CO. Suffolk [rectius Norfolk], 278. Fen, Fenne, Richard de la, 597, 601. Feniton, Fenton, co. Devon, 597, 601. Fenles. See Fienles. Fennewyk, John de, sheriff of co. North- umberland, 99. Fenstanton. See Stanton Fen. Fenton?, Fenyton [co. Stafford], 517. See Feniton. Fenton, Henry de, 60, 217. , John de, 374, 597, 601, 637. Fenyton. See Fenton. Ferariis, de, the fee, 140. Ferariis, Ferrers, Henry de, son of William de, kut., 383. John de, 81, 371. , son of Thomas de, 20, 165, 382. , Nicholas de, 302. , Robert de, earl of Derby, 260. , William de, 386. Ferentino, Andrew de, 237. Feriby, John de, 556. Fermbaud, Thomas, 155. Fermor, John le, 342. Ferns, Femes, Ireland, 363, 447. castle, 363. Fernth. See Frant. Feroun, Nicholas le, 406, Ferour, Reginald le, 198. , Stephen le, 180. Ferre, Eleanor wife of Guy, 6, 13. , Guy, 6, IS, 17, 48, 84, 109, 114. Ferrers. See Ferariis. Ferrugge, Roger son of Richard de, 124. Fery, Gilbert atte, 588. Fcsaunt. See Feysaunt. GENERAL INDEX. 715 Feteplace, Almaric, 631. , Richard, 512. Fetherstanhalgh, Thomas de, keeper of the king's peel of Hegheved, 82. Fevre, Henry le, 29. , Ralph le, 631. , Thomas le, 538. , WUliam le, 35, 504. Feyle, 197. Feysaunt, Fesaunt, Richard, 537. William, 265, 611. Fichet. See Fychet. Fienles, Fenles, John de, 140, 249, 335. , Robert de, 48, 141. Fierte, Robert de la, 11, 466. Fifhidestrete in Windsor forest, 388, 389. Filby, Fylby, Fyleby, co. Norfolk, 150, 151, 244, 277. Filethe, Robert son of John de, 406. Filey, Fyvele, co. York, 244, 245, 446. , port of, 147. Filippe. See Philippi. Fillegh, Thomas de, 597. Filliugbam, Fyllyngham, co. Lincoln, 320. FiUiol, Fillol, John, 396, 475. , Peter, 211. William, 633. Fillongley, Fylyngleye, co. Warwick, 404. Filz. See also Fitz. Filz Elyz, Robert, knt., 155. Filz Johan de Masseworth, Walter, 155. Filz Neel, Robert, knt., 155. Filz Ours, Ralph le, 631. Fincham, Fyucham, co. Norfolk, 277, 447. Finchingfield, Fynchingfeld [co. Essex], 560. Findoii, Fyndon [co. Sussex], 487. Fine Roll, the, 286, 292. Finedon, Thynden, Thyngden, co. Northants, 135, 200, 323, 504, 541, 561. Finey, Thomas dc, 305. Fingriughoe [co. Essex], bailiffs and commu- nity of, 644. Finkley, Vynkele [par. of Andover, co. Hants], forest of, 179. Finmere, Fynemere, co. Bucks [rectiua co. 0.xford], .508. CO. Oxford, 520. Finsbury, Fynesbury [co. Middlesex], 199. Firet, John, 371. Fiscampo, John de, prior of Monkton Far- leigh, 477. Fisherwick, Frisshereswyk [par. of Litch- field St. Michael, co. Stafford], 551. Fishlake, Fisselak, Fisshelake, co. York, 127, 479,573. Fiskemore, Richard son of John de, 653. Fisselak. See Fishlake. Fisshacre, Fissheacre, Fysshacrc, Martin de, 193, 194, 626. , knt., 169. , son of Peter f Foulness, co. Essex, 644. Foulstow, Stephen de, 30. Foun, Foiine, Peter, 128, 382, 489. .Roger, 172, 653. , le, 197. Foundre, Walter le, 148. Fountains, Fountayns, abbey [co. York], 146, 501. Fourn, William Bernardi de, the king's Ser- jeant, 525. Fourne, Hadinus de, keeper of the mouth of the Thames, 585, 586. Fourneaux. See Furneux. Fouwer, Nicholas le, envoy of the archbishop of Canterbury, 558. Fowey, Fawy, Fowy, Vauwy, co. Cornwall, 187, 188, 194. , .bailiffs of, 187, 188, 610. , , and community of, 642. , , port of, 147, 184. Foxale. See Foxhale. Foxden,co. Northumberland, 387. Foxele. See Foxley. Foxhale, Foxalc, co. Salop, 397, 403, 428. Foxle, Constance wife of John de, 388, 399. , John de, 69, 83, 122, 240, 338. , Thomas de, 186. Foxley, Foxele, co. Norfolk, 244, 268, 360. Foxton, Margery wife of Ralph de. 296. , Ralph de, 296. Foyllet, Amabilla, 361. Framlingham, Framelinghara at the castle, co. Suffolk, 632. Framlington, co. Northumberland, 448. Frampton, Fraunkton, co. Lincoln, 87, 101, 120, 126. France, 208, 211, 235, 237, 270, 271, 335, 360, 396, 399, 463, 464, 496, 501-503, 507, 531, 533, 543, 549-552, 556, 557, 576, 593, 612, 616, 634-636, 640. 642, 647. , constable of. See Castellion. and Navarro, king of. iSee Charles. , peers of, 582. queen of, coronation of, 577. magnates of, 582. , , merchants of, 585. , treaty with, 391. , war with, 630, 635, 636, 640, 646. Franceis. See Frauuceys. Francisci, James, 50l, 519. , John, 136. Manent, Manett, Manettus, 164, 325, 326, 501, 519, 524. Palmerius, 501. Francoys. Sec Fraunccys. Fransham, co. Norfolk, 266. Fransham, Robert son of Thomas de, 538. Franshe, Matilda la, wife of John le, 384. , Robert son of Matilda la, 384. Frant, Feruth [co. Sussex], 124. Fraunceys, Franceis, Francoys, Everard, 605. , John, 320, 363. , Richard, 647. , Robert, 525. , Roger, 422. , Walter, 219. , William, 548, 561. Fraunkelayn, Thomas, 332. Fraunkeleyn, Roger, 310. Fraunkion. See Frampton. Frebern, John, 218. Frechevill, Freschevill, Agnes daughter of Ralph de, 381. Margaret wife of Ralph de, 452, 486. Ralph de, 192. Frederigi, Colluchinus, 372. , Gerardinus, 372. Freebridge, Frethebrigge, hundred of, 270. Freeford [co. Stafford] , letters close dated at, 456. Freiston, Freston [co. Lincoln], 372. Freke, John le, 405. , Nicholas le, 405. Frelonde, John de, keeper of certain lands in CO. Gloucester, 98. Freman, Robert le, 198. , William, 168. Fremingtoii, Fremyngton, co. Devon, 482, 601, 602. Fremon, Henry le, 158. French, Matilda the smith le, 295. Frenche, Thomas le, 176. Frende, Robert, 643. Freudesbury, John de, 341. Frengg in Galdesthorp. .See Fring. Frensh, Freiishe, Frensche, John le, 332, 659. Richard le, 4o5. , Robert le, 332, 567. Frenyugham, John de, keeper of the manor of Medegrave, 607. Frere, John, keeper of the manor of Fulmo- destou, 604. , le, 490. Freschevill. See Frechevill. Fresel, James, 209, 3.18. Fresshelay, Geoffrey dc, 56. Fressheley, co. York, 56. Freston. See Freiston. Freston, William de, 342. Fretewell. See Fritwell. Fretewell, Ralph de, 382. Frethebrigge. See Freebridge. Freyngg. See Fring. Freyngshemore, la [Isle of Wight ?], 89. 718 GENEKAL INDEX. Friars, the mendicant, 72. Minors, order of, 547. Preachers, order of, 503, 634, 643. , chapter general of, at Bristol, 130. , , at Cambridge, 307. , at Oxford, 643. , , at Paris, 556. , at Venice, 353. , prior of, 639. , prior provincial of, 130. , Barnabas master of, 353, 556. Friesland, 213, 252. , count of, 156. See also William. Prigere, Peter, 593. Frindsbury, co. Kent, Eslingham in, 267, 274, 338. Fring in lugoldisthorpe, Frengg, Freyngg in Galdesthorp, co. Suffolk [rectius Nor- folk], 273. Friscombaud, Bonacourse de, 322. Friskeneye, Walter de, 94, 259. ,knt., 557. Frisshereswyk. See Fisherwick. Friston. See Frystone. Fritwell, Fretewell, co. Oxford, 23. Frivyll. See Fryvill. Frodeswell, 20. Frodsham, Fordesham, Fordham [co. Ches- ter], bailiffs and community of, 367, 378. , port of, 183. Frome, Eeginald de, 629. Frony. See Froome. Froorae, Frony [par. of Mordiford] , co. Here- ford, 273. Frost, John, 611. Froyl [co. Hants], letters close dated at, 278. Fruter, Robert le, 201. Frylond, John de, 105. , keeper of rebels' lands in co. Glouces- ter, 118. Fry sell, James, 621. Frystone, Friston [co. York] , 339. Fryth, le, co. Lincoln, 270. Fryvill, Frivyll, Baldwin de, 326. , , knt., 152. , John de, 266. Fughilston, Elizabeth de, 35. Fuitz Wauter, Robert, 445. Fulberti, Cambinus, 174, 316. Fulbourn, William de, 88. Fulbrook, Fulbrok, co. Warwick, 404. Fulburn, co. Norfolk, 266, 278. Fulham [co. Middlesex] , letters close dated at, 63, 65, 159, 161. Fulham, Robert de, 568. Fuller, Henry, 537. , Michael le, 537. Fullere, Stephen le, 374. Fuller's earth, 565, 594. Fulmer, co. Buckingham, 169. , letters close dated at 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 98, 121, 174, 175, 177. Fulmodeston, Fulmerston, Fulmerston, co-, Norfolk, 266, 278, 447, 604. Fulsham. See Folsham. Fundenhall, Fundenhale, co. Norfolk, 119. Furmentyn, Roger, 212. Furneaux. See Furneux. Furness, Furneux abbey [co. Lancaster], 184. Furneux, Furneaux, Furnyaux,Forneaux, For- neux, Fourneaux, John de, knt., 175. , Matthew de, 573. , , knt., 525. Richard de, 87, 101, 120, 126. Robert de, 174. , Simon de, 51 1, 573, 599. , , knt., 511. , , son of Matthew de, 525. , William de, 174, 355. Furneys, William, 489. Furnival, Furnyvall, Fornivall, Thomas de, 634. , son of Thomas de, 163. , Thomas de, knt., 163. , William de, 209. Furnyaux. See Furneux. Furnyvall. See Furnival. Furretour, Walter le, 190. Fychet, Fichet, Ed., 397. , John, 397. , William, 511. , son of William, 511. Fyenes, Giles de, 396. Fylby. See Filby. Fylengle, John de, 358. Fyllyngham. See Fillingham. Fylol, John, knt., 174. Fylsted, John de, 191. Fyljngleye. See Fillongley. Fymmere, William de, 498. Fynch, Robert, 295, 296. Fyncham. See Fincbam. Fyncham, Adam de, 270. Fynche, Geoffrey, 380. Pynchiugfeld. See Finchingfield. Fyndon. See Findon. Fynemere. See Finmere. Fynesbury. See Finsbury. Fyngale, Geoffrey de, 339. Fynham, Thomas de, 2G5. Fynore, Richard, 180. Fysshacre. See Fisshacre. Fyvele. See Filey. GENERAL INDEX. 719 G Gabryel, Rayraund, 92. Gacelyn, GasceljTi, Edmund, 504. , , knt., 169, 496, 532. , Rogo, 205, 390, 391. , Walter, 123, 200, 412. , bailiff of the manor of Claren- don, 280. Gaddesby, Robert de, 56, 628. , , keeper of rebels' lands in co. Leicester, 12. Gaddesden, Gatesden, co. Hertford, 281. , Gadesdene, Great, co. Hertford, 293, 294. Gadesden, John de, 433. Gadesdene. See Gaddesden. Gadysbury, Adam son of Richard de, 330. , Margaret wife of Richard de, 330. , Richard de, 330. Gaillard, Nicholas, 174. Gainsborovigh, Gaynesburgh, Geynesburgh, CO. Lincoln, 99, 292, 446, 470, 484. , forestry of, 292. port of, 147. Gal, Adam, 252. Galard, Bertrand do, 258. Galdesthorp. See Ingoldisthorpe. Galeway, Galewey, John, 180, 185. Galeys, Peter, 169. son of John Vanue, 500. Galhard, cardinal deacon of St. Lucy's in Silice, 415. Galicia, 515. Galiciani, Galiciano, Galicien', Peter de, 171, 176, 5:i3, 55.3, 621. canon of Rouen, 350, 351, 515- 517; , treasurer of the Agenois, 253, 344, 345, 358, 359. Galloway, 107. Galmethorpe. See Ganthorpe. Galmpton, Galmeton, co. Devon, 221. Galod, .John, 252. Galon, Hawisia wife of William, 8. Galopyn, Richard, 332. Galtres forest, co. York, 22, 246, 526, 625. Galyngale, Matilda daughter of Walter, 636. Gamblesby, Gamelesby, co Cumberland, 7. Gambon, Gamboun, Walter, 597, 598. Gamel, Henry, 37. Thomas, 542. Gamelesby. See Gamblesby. Ganet, Simon, 323, 528, 560. Ganthorpe, Galmethorpe [co. York], 38, 427. Gapton, William de, 461. Garboldesham, Adam de, 336. Garboldisham, Garbaldisham, Gerbaldesham, CO. Norfolk, 266, 277, 278. Garcie, Majora, lady, 533. Gardener, Adam the, 43, 227. , , gardener at Windsor caetle, 623. , Henry le, 527. , John le, 305. , the, 408. Garderobe, John de la, 375. , Robert de la, 418, 42.3. Gardiner, William le, 465. Garenne. See Warenna de. Gargrave, Gayregrave, Gayrgrave, Geirgrave, CO. York, 339, 356, 375, 659. Garsall, Thomas, 433. Garsington, Gersyndon [co. Oxford], 660. Garston, Reginald atte, 179. Qarthorpe, Gerlethorpe, co. Lincoln, 372, 373, 625. Carton, Hugh de, 192, 323, 337. Thomas de, 145, 315, 374, 524, 575. Gascelyn. See Gacelyn. Ga-scony, duchy of, 97, 100. 110, 178, 201, 204. 205, 208, 216, 223, 230, 233, 252, 260, 262, 263, 271, 279, 297, 315, 326, 327, 356, 376, 405, 412, 415, 446, 448, 505, 512, 519, 520, 553, 567, 621, 636- 638, 642, 653, 658. rolls, 263, 415. seneschal of, 112, 203, 216, 263, 440, 587. .^ee also Basset ; Ingham ; Monte Acuto. war in, 252. Gaskryk, John de, 127. Gasteneys. See Wasteneys. Gatecombe, Thomas, 332. Gatesbury, John and Ralph sons of Richard de, 633. Richard de, 94, 163, 345, 633. Gatesden. See Gaddesden. Gatesdon, Roger de, 91. Gauge, Geoffrey, 342. Gaunt. See Ghent. Gaunt, William, 498. Gavadenno, Hugh de, 555. Gavaston, Peter de, 261. Gaveresfeld, Geveresfeld, co. Oxford, 267, 274, 275. Gay, John, 178, 308. Thomas de, 527, 653. Gaynesburgh. See Gainsborough. Gayregrave, Gayrgrave. Sec Gargrave. Gayrgrave, Gayregrave, Gergravo, Geyrgrave, Thomas de, 165, 339, 512, 515, 556. Gaysham. .John de, 121. Gaysle, Gayslee. See Gazelej. Gayst. See Geiste. Gayte, William le, 622. Gavton, Geyton, Geytun, co. Norfolk, 266, 382, 447. 720 GENERAL GaytOD, William de, 531. Gaj'tscales, co. Cumberland, 18. Gay wood [co. Norfolk], letters close dated at, 443, 446-449, 454, 542, 543, 545, 547. Gaz, Robert, 100. Gazeley, Gayslee, co. Suffolk, 319. Gedding, Geddyng, Henry de, 168, 178. Gedney, Gedeney, co. Lincoln, 54. Geffrey, John son of Alexander, 538. Gegg, Thomas, 285. Geirgrave. See Gargrave. Geiste, Gay^0, 652. Hides — cont. , staple of, 564, 665, 571, 585, 634, 639, 643. , , mayoralty of, 564. Hieweye. See Hyeweye. High PJstre. See Easter High. Higham Ferrers, Hegham Ferers, co. North- ants, 206, 207. ? Hegham [co. Bedford], 339. Hegham, Heghham [co. Kent], 190, 334. , Hegham, co. Suffolk, 319. High Peak, co. Derby, 61. castle, 236. Highhead or Ivegill, Hegheved, co. Cumber- land, peel of, 82. Hikeling, Hikelyng. See Hickling. Hikelyng, Hykeling, William de, 503, 527. Hilborough, Hildeburghworth, Hildeburwortb. See Hillhorough. Hildemore, Koger, 279. Hilderskelf. See Henderskelf. Hilderwell, Robert son of Peter de, 450. Hildesle, Edmund de, 179, 519. , John de, 135, 323, 504, 527, 541. , cuuon of Chichester, 359. Hilketlishale. See Ilket^hall. Hill, Hull, CO. Worcester, 273. Hill, Christiana del, 35. , Williiim atte, 537. de la, 51. Hillary, Hillery, Roper, 286, 659. Roger sou of William, 551. Hillhorough, Hildeburghworth, Hildebur- worth, CO. Norfolk, 236, 266. CO. Suffolk [recliun Norfolk], 278. Ililles, Isabella dc, 235. lliUington, co. Norfolk, 266, 368. Ilillyngton, oo. Suffolk [recliiu Nor- folk], 27.'1, 274, 278. Hillraorton, HuUeraorlon [co. Warwick], 555, 649. Hilton, CO. Hiinliiigdon, 443. Hilton, Robert de, knt., 379. Ilinilcy, IK'UKileye [co. Stafford], 9. llindryugham. See lly i\ilringluim. Hii'ifluiin, Jlengham, co. Norfolk, 382. Iliuion, Ilyneton [.-o. Hunts], 2S0. Ilyneton, co. Somcntet, 599. ninxhill,eo. Kent, 448. Hinxton, Hyngeston [co. Cambridge], 523. Hirne, Walter in le, 342. , William atte, 611. See aim) Honie. Hiskyn, co. Cornwall, 58. Hitchin, Hiche, Huche, co. Hertford, 180, 481. 73? GENERAL INDEX. Ho, James de, 51. , William de, 522. Hobbe, Ma , 371. Hobbekyn, Henry, 371. Hobelay, Agnes daughter of Simon, 659. , Jordan son of Henry, 659. Hoby, Houeby, co. Leicester, 454. See Huby. Hoeliam. See Hookham. Hockeleye, Hockele, Henry de, 117, 628. , , keeper of forfeited lands in co. Warwick, 101, 285, 593. Hockerton, Hokerton, co. Nottingham, 4. Hockham, Hocham, co. Norfolk, 244, 266, 278. Hockwold, Hokewell, co. Norfolk, 277. HocliiFe, Hoclive [co. Bedford], 86. Hoddesak. See Hodsock. Hoddesdon, Hordesdon, co. Hertford, 296. Hode, CO. Devon, 597, 601. Hode, Andrew, 376, 493. Hodeleston. See Hudelston. Hodesak. See Hodsock. Hodsock, Hoddesak, Hodesak [co. Notting- ham], 339, 386, 514. Hodynhall, John de, 295. Hoe, Hoo, CO. Norfolk, 277. ? Hoga, CO. Norfolk, 289. Hogeman, John, 295. Hogg, Thomas, 265. Hogh, William del, 129. Hoghton. See Houghton. Hoghton, Adam de, 196. Hognaston, Hokeuaston [co. Derby], 453. Hogtoun. See Houghton. Hok, Agnes, 369. , Alice, 369. , Emma, 369. , William, 68, 104. Hoke. See Hook. Hokenaston. See Hognaston. Hokerton. See Hockerton. Hokesworth. See Hawksworth. Hokewell. See Hockwold. Hokiniore, Hokyniore, William de, 116, 391. Hokkele, Henry de, 235, 469. ,, Thomas de, 292. Hokyngham. See Heckingham. Hokyniore. See Hokiniore. Hokynton, Ralph de, 153. Holand. See Holland. Holand, Alesia wife of Robert de, 281. , Amota wife of Simon de, 391. , Matilda wife of Robert de, 281. , Ralph de, 302. Robert de, 24, 39, 207, 208, 281, 398, 592, 628. , , son of William de, 65. , William de, 65. Holbeck, Holbek, Hollebeck, co. York, 163, 659. Holborn. See London, Holborn. Holcham. See Holkham. Holden, Holdeue, Alice wife of William de, 207. Robert de, 46, 308, 530. See also Heldene. Holderness [co. York], keeper of, 443. See also Vaus. , wapentake of, 261. Holdham, Hugh de, 571. Holdiche, Clement de, 322. , Katherine, wife of Clement de, 322. Holditch, Holedych, co. Devon, 255, 258. Hole [par. of Black Torrington], co. Devon, 598. Hole, William atte, 181. Holebourne. See London, Holborn. Holebrok, co. Suffolk, 75. Holebrok, John de, 75. Holedych. See Holditch. Holekeye, William, 131. Holemere. See Holmer. Holepute, Thomas de, 162. Holetye, William de, 647. Holewell, co. Hertford, 77, 393, 394,446,470, 483. Holewell, Robert de, 507. , Walter de, knt., 523. Holgate, John de, 537. Holgill, CO. Westmoreland, 382. Holkham, Holcham, Holkeham, co. Norfolk, 446-448, 470,483. , bailiffs and community of, 367, 377, 641. , port of, 183. Holland, 172, 173, 213, 252, 253. and Zealand, count of. See William. Holland, Holand [co. Lancaster], 391. letters close dated at, 25, 27, 28, 41. priory [co. Lancaster], 131, 135. , CO. Lincoln, 269, 639. , letters close dated at, 121, 141, 142. Holleburn. See London, Holborn. Holleye, William, 49. Holm-in-Holderness [co. York], 55. Holm, Thomas de, 4, 634. Holme Cultram, Holmcultram [co. Cumber- land], 183, 264, 431. , port of, 183. [co. Norfolk], 613. , bailiffs and community of, 613, 644. Holme, William, 91. Holmer, Holemere, co. Bucks, 40. Holmespyney, co. Lincoln, 225. Holne, CO. Devon, 482, 602. Holsworthy, Haldesworth, Haldeswirthi, co. Devon, 482, 601, 602. GENERAL INDEX. 733 Holt, Lower, Netherholte [par. of Witham Friary], co. Somerset, 394. castle, Lion castle [co. Flint], 573. Holte, John de, 92, 395. Holton, Halghton, co. Oxford, 65. Holverston?, Alverton [co. Norfolk], 277. Holyhead, Castelcuby [co. Anglese}'], port of, 148. Holy Island, Halieland, Kali Eland, Halye- land, Halycland [co. Northumberland], port of, 26, 147. jbailiff.s of, 537, 546. , and community of, 644. Holy Land, the, 91. Holynes, Holyns, William de, 143, 331, 499. Holywell, Haliwell, co. Huntingdon, 216, 493, 514. Homaz, Aylward, 596, 600. Homedewe, Richard, 189. Homo Dei, Homodei, Uandus, Landus, 343, 557. Hondon. See Hundon. Hone, Robert de la, 316. Honecote. See Fluncote. Houeden. See Howdcn. Honesti de Luca, Gettuchius, 308. Honestrand, co. Norfolk, 266. Honilane. .See Ilonylane. Honingbam, Roger de, 507. Honter. See Hunter. Honton, co. Worcester [recterworth. Mcutmore [co. Duckingbum], 149, 194. Menyll. .See Meynill. Meon Stoke, Munestok [co. Hants], 325, 347, 409. Meopham, Mepham [co. Kent], 334. Mepertheshale. See Meppershull. Mepham. See Meopham. Mejipershall, Mepertheshale [co. Uedford], chapel of .St. Thomas in, 29J. Mercadis. .S'ee Maradis. Mercer, Adam le, 504. , John de Gippewico le, 340. Merchants, alien, 410. , attacks on, 10, 21, 58, 135, 156, 171- 173, 175, 212, 491, 504-506, 5i7, 54C, 568, 569, 642, 650, 651. Merdon. See .Marden. Mere, Gilbert atte, 528. Hugh de, 362. , John de, 397. , de la, 609. 3 H 2 756 GENERAL INDEX. Mereduk ap Maddok, 392. Merevale [co. Warwick], letters close dated at, 550, 551. Merewell [co. Hants], letters close dated at, 278, 361. Merewell, William de, mayor of the merchants of the wool staple, 308. Mereworth, Joan de, 258. , John de, 115, 420, 653. Merewra, le, Greystoke, co. CumberlaTid, 181. Merpate. See Margate. Meriet, Walter de, 382. Merk, Jacomina de, 522. , John de, 522. , Muriel wife of William de, 410. , Kichard de, 209. , Thomas atte, 416. William de, 409, 410. Mei'kyngfeld, Andrew de, 140. , son of John de, 129. John de, 129, 140. Merland. See Marland. Merlay, Great, co. Lancaster, 605. Merlay, Stephen de, 605. Merlee, John de, 494. Merlegb. See Marley. Merlond, co. Lancaster, 253. Merlyn, John, 381, 416, 417, 513. Merridge, Marygge, Meurygge [par. of Spaxton], CO. Somerset, 511. Mersea, East, Estmerseye. co. Essex, 153, 323. , bailiffs and community of, 644. Mershe. See Marsh. Mershlande. See Marshland. Merssh, Eva atte, 333. , John atte, 273. Merston, Mersshton, co. Kent, 273. See Morston. Merston, Richard de, 656. Mertok. See Martock. Merton, co. Devon, 597. priory, co. Surrey, 168, 649. See Martou. Merton, Henry de, 521. , Richard de, 597. Merwode. See Marwood. Merynton, Henry de, 385. Mesecote, James de, 501. Messager, Ralph le, 418, 423. Messenden, Roger de, 489. , , son of Roger de, 489. Messendon Coleworth, Roger de, the elder, 490. Messingham, John de, 568. Metfield, Medefcld, co. Suffolk, 326, 385. Metham, Sibyl wife of John de, 455. Thomas de, 455. Methyngby. See Miningsby. Metyngham, John de, justice, 39. Meules, Roger son of John de, 76, Meurygge. See Merridge. Meverel, Thomas, 21. Mey, Margaret wife of John le, 289. Meyler, David, 371. , Joan wife of David, 371. Meynill, Meynyll, Menyll, Meignill, Hugh de, 158. Nicholas de, 79, 342 ; knt., lord of Whorltou, 318. Meys, Laurence le, 329. Michelham priory [par. of Hailsham, co. Sussex], 343, 374, 396. Michelmersh. See Mitchelmarch. Michiel, John, 647. Middelbrok, John de, 338. Middeldon [hundred of Sherwell] , co. Devon, 598. Middelham, Robert de, 660. Middelnye, Ralph de, 318. Middelton. See Middleton ; Milton. Brien. See Milton Bryant. Middelton, Adam de, 519. , Alexander de, 235. Gilbert de, archdeacon of Northamp- ton, 60, 311, 334, 364, 365, 628. , , , official of the court of Canterbury, 374. , Isabella de, 164. , Joan de, 29, 30, 34. , John de, 24. , Peter son of Richard de, 519. , son of Robert de, 519. Middilton, Philip de, keeper of Montgomery castle, 13. Middlesex, county of, 64, 73, 103, 1 1 7, 149, 1 57, 169-171, 209, 241, 245, 267, 268, 274, 275, 280, 307, 310, 311, 320, 329, 337, 353, 355, 372, 381, 495, 501, 502, 522, 527, 572, 575, 637, 646. , arclideacon of, 134, 135, 303, 383, 502. , See also Baldok, , forfeited lands in, 140, 217, 439. , sheriff of, 42, 43, 64, 72, 204, 209, 252, 287, 450, 629, 646, 658. Middleton, Midelton, co. Norfolk, 433. , North, Nortbmiddelton, CO. Northum- berland, 15. , Mudelyngton, co. Oxford, 270. , Middelton [co. Suffolk], 277, 454. , Middelton, co. Sussex, 573. Middope, John de, 397. Midelton. See Middleton. Midgham, Migham, co. Berks, 306, 633. Midhurst, co. Sussex, 325. Migham. See Midgham. Migners, John de, 513. Mikelfeld, Hamo de, 265, 277. Mikelwanges, co. Northumberland, 387. Milborne, Milneburn [co. Westmoreland], 11, 466. GENERAL INDEX. 757 Milburn, Northmilburn, co. Northumberland, 448. Mildecombe, John de, 142, 161. , Simon de, 14^. Mildenhale, Geoffrey de, 349. Mildenhall [co. Suffolk], letters close dated at, 445, 542. Mile, John son of John, 514. Mies, Milis, Milys, Mylis, Mylys, Bartholo» mew son of, de Morton, 511. , Henry, 338. Robert, 1G5, 179, 487, 499, 500, 501, 513, 571. , receiver of the issiu's of queen Isabella's lands in the king's hands, 253, 2C0. , , keeper of the queen'-s lands, 638. Milford, CO. Devon, 598. , Mcleford [co. Hants], 121. , Muleford, Mulford [co. Pembroke], bailiffs of, 536, 546. , , and community of,^ 367, 377, 641. port of, 184. Milis. See Miles. Millbrook, Melbruk. co. Bedford, 50. Mille, Koger attc, 300. Miller, Adam son of Simon the, 16. , Herbert the, 30. Matilda daugliter of Henry the, 30. , Nicholas the, 35, 36. , Kichanl son of John the, 16. Walter the, 38. Milneburn. Sec Milborne. Milot, Henry, 371. Milton Bryant, Middelton Bricn, co. Bedford, 153. Melton, Middelton, co. Kent, 244, 245. , hundred of, 298. , CO. Northants, 394. , par. of Castor [co. Northants], 494. , the prebend of, in Lincoln cathedral 415. Mutton ? CO. Wilts, 301. Milton, Geoffrey de, knt., 494. Henry son of Ilichard de, 494. Milys. See Miles. Mines, 478. Miniiigsby, Methyngby, co. Lincoln, 108, 109. Minstead, Mynstede, co. Hants, 524. Minster TiOvell, Little, Lutlemunstro, co. Oxford, 261. -in-Tlianct, Mcnstre, co. Kent, 444. Minsterworth, Meiistreworth, co. Gloucester, 375, 660. , weir of, 72. Minyot, Michael, 559. Mire, Thomas utte, 594. Miecrdene, Musarder, co. Gloucester, 623. Missendeii, Mussenden abbey [co. Bucks], 307. MissoD, Misne, Mysne, co. Nottingham, 128, 145. Mitchclmarsh, Michelmersh, co. Hants, 523. Mitford, CO. Northumberland, 446. castle, 13, 446, 448. , St. Leonard's hospital near, 448. Miton, John de, abbot of Byland, 518. Mockyng'. Sec Mucking. Mockyng, John de, 337. Modeneford. .SVe Muddiford. Mody, William, 295. Moeles, .lohn de, 402, 409. Nidiolas de, 463. , Roger de, 402, 409. Mohaut. .See Monte Alto. Mohun, Mohoun, Moun, James de, 22. , John de, 161, 165, 221,255,258, 320. knt., 160, 192. Reginald de, 63, 376. Moille, Agnes wife of Nicholas, 194. , Nicholas, 194. Molde Grove. See Moylgrove. Molendino, Roger de, 130. Molener, William le, 284. Molesworth, John de, 632. Molino, lord of. .S'ec Alfonsus. Mollaiid, Mollond Chaumpeux, co. Devon, 596, fiOO, 601. MolmcH or Melmen, villeins called, 369. Molmer. John, 21. Molocelli. .S'ee Malocelli. Molseby, Robert de, bailiff of York, 136. Moltoii, .South, Southmoltoo, co. Uevon, 482, 602. , the outer hundred of, 482. Molyns, John de, 158, 159, 174, 324. Mone, Ric hard, 68, 104. Monekes, Robert de, 152. Moneketon. .S'ec Monkton. Monemouth, John dc, 424. Monewden, Moneweden, co. Suffolk, 498. Moneweden. Sec Monewden. Money, counterfeit and clipped, proclamation concerning, 156. Monguilliam, William de la Farge, called, 262. Monjoye, Ralph de, 551. Monk Bretton priory [co. York], 127. Monketon, William de, .sheriff of Cornwall and warden of tlie stannary, 300. Monks Horton priory [co. Kent], John, prior of, 519. Kirby, Monks' Kirkeby priorj- [co. Wanvick], 465. Moukton, Moneketon, co. Devon, 221. Farh'igh, Fnrleghe, priorj [co. Wilts], 466, 478, 567, 634. , Robert, prior of, 634. 75^ GENERAL INDEX. Monmouth, 655. Monmouth, John of, bishop of Lhmdaff, 270, 307. Monneor, Gamelin le, 2. MonniDgton,Monyton [co. Hereford], 19,272. , Manyngton [co. Pembroke], 599. Monquey, Henry, 504. Montacute priory, co. Somerset, 283, 343, 346. Monte, Richard de, 216. Monte Aeuto, Mountagu, Elizabeth wife of William de, 63. William de, 46, 63, 163, 492, 522. , , seneschal of Aquitaine, 587. , of Gascony, 587. , , and keeper of Berwick-on- Tweed, 440, 441. , son of William de, 440, 587. Monte Alto, Mohaut, Mounthaut, Eobert de, 58, 162, 356, 505, 553, 655. , , knt., 526, 531,532. , , steward of Chester, 166, 504, 505. 5 , Emma his wife, 166. See also Mouhaude. Monte Caniso, de, the inheritance of, 287. Monte Caniso, Richard de, 179. Monte Forti, Henry de, 396. , knight of the shire for co. Surrey, 160. , Peter de, 119, 559, 617. , Reginald de, 382. , Eobert de, earl of Leicester, 56. , Simon de, earl of Leicester, 57. Monte Gomery, William de, 56. Monte Hermerii. See Mounthermer. Monte Martioi, John de, prior of Lewes, 310. Montgomery castle in Wales, keeper of, 13. See also Middilton. Monthaut. See Monte Alto. Montpellier, lord of. See Sancho. Montreuil, France, the countship of, 507, 526, 556. Monyton. See Monnington. Mouy word, .John, 1 1 . Moorhall, La Morhalle, in Yardley [co. Herts], 178. Moraunt, Jordan, 47. Mordak. See Murdak. Mordon, Gilbert de, sheriff of London, 523. , William de, 337. Mordone, Walter de, 336. More, Bertram de la, king's serjeant-at-arms, 23, 222, 402. , David de la, 609. , Eva in la, 333. Henry de la, 177. John atte, 384. de la, 155, 656. , Margery wife of William atte, 499. , de la, 263. More — cont. , Philip de la, 371. , Ralph de In, clerk of the works in Windsor castle, 43, 227, 408, 623. , Reginald son of Gilbert atte, 631, 632. , Roger de la, 145, 373. , William atte, 498, 499. , de la, 263. , master of the order of the Temple in England, 109. Morel, Nicholas, 494. Moresdenne, John de, 512. Moreston, Hamo de, 179. Moreton, Mortoun, co. Berks, 315. , North, Northmorton, Northmurton, CO. Berks, 267, 277. .Morton [par. of Compton Martin], CO. Somerset, 599. Morewode, Morwode, Robert de, 547. , Roger de, 47, 364. , William de, 47, 509. Morgan, John, 158. Morganno, Morgannwg [cantref], Wales, 327, 408, 532, 538, 550, 622, 625, 628. , lord of. See Despenser. sheriff of. See Chaundos. MorhaUe, la. See Moorhall. Morin. See Moryn. Morisceton. See Morriston. Moriz, Moritz, David, 371. , Godfrey, 510. , Henry, 371. , John, 143. , , knt, 635. , Richard, 371. , Robert, 371. Morley, Morle [co. Norfolk], 278. Morley, Morle, Morlee, Costorchius, 422. , Hawisia wife of Robert de, 222. , Eobert de, 168, 205, 222, 655. , , knt., 163, 186, 529. Roger de, 364. Morningthorpe, Moryngthorp [co. Norfolk], 512. Morpayn, Robert, monk of Bernay abbey, 47. Morriston, Morisceton, co. Pembroke [rectius Glamorgan], 267. Morston, Merston [par. of Halberton], co. Devon, 598. Mortain, the count of, 283. , the little fee of, 442. Mori d' ancestor, assize of, 121. Morteho, Morthoo. See Morthoe. Mortele, Swayn de, 511. Morteyn, Isabella wife of Roger, 1 10. , John de, 50, 4.54. , , knt., 347, 365. , constable of Rockingham castle, 406, 408. GENERAL INDEX. ?59 Morteyn — cont. , Eoger, 1 10. , dc, knt, 155, 323, 342. , William, 186. Morthoe, Morteho, Mortehoo, co. Devon, 597, 601, 602. Mortimer. See Mortuo Man, de. Mortival, Roger, bishop of Salisbury, 604. Mortivair, Roger de, 186. Mortmain, statute of, 46, 83, 110, 224, 237, 246, 265, 283, 421, 472, 484. Morton, co. Lincoln, 61, 62, 603. Foliot, Folet, co. Worcester, 431. See Moreton. Morton, Agnes daughter of William de, 62. , Agnes and Cicely sisters of Ralph de, 62. , Bartholomew son of Miles de, 511. , Gregory de, 494. , John de, 24, 596, 599, 601. , Ralph de, 62. William de, 617. Mortoun. See Moreton. Mortuo Mari, Mary, Mortimer, Constantine de, 225, 226, 266, 270, 278, 320, 411. , le, knt., 181. , Edmund de, of Wyre, 467. , Joan daughter of Roger de, of Wig- more, 88. , wife of Roger de, the younger, 106. , Margaret daughter of Roger de, of Wigmore, 83. , wife of Roger de, of Wigmore, 87, 452, 533, 590. , Roger de, lord of Chirk, 55, 228. lord of Wigmore, 13, 17, 50, 54, 114, 133, 137, 140, 189, 195, 264, 435, 464, 576-578, 616, 640, 649, 650, 651, 655. , , , the king's rebel, 132, 133. , the king's notorious enemy and rebel, 543. , 1,000/. set on bis head, 651. , William de, justice, 110. Morwod. See Morewode. Morylcgh, Juliana de, 24. Moryn, Moriu, John, 45, 163, 654, 659. , Ralph, 80. Moryngthorp. See Morningthorpe. Moryston, co. Pembroke, 276. Moseleyo, Moselc, Muscle, Musle, Richard de, 119, 289, 339, 479. , constable of Pontefract castle, 12, 28, 81, 93, 141. , r. , Ralph, 537. Shipden, Shippedenemere, Chippedenemere [submerged town in Cromer Bay, co. Norfolk], port of, 183, 367, 377, 641. Shipdham, Shipidham, co. Norfolk, 277. Shiplake, co. Oxford, 338. Shipley, Shepley, Shypley, co. Northumber- land, 24, 25. Shipman, John, 610. Shippedenemere. See Shipden. Shippeleye, Adam de, 292. Shippeman, John le, 610. , Roger, 611. Ships, the king's, 67, 484, 543, 564, 566, 568, 585, 608, 612, 613, 620, 623, 635, 640, 643, 644,647. , , admiral of, 432, 467, 471. , See also Perbroun. admiral of, from the Thames westward. See Bendyn. GENERAL INDEX. 78/ Ships, names of : Alice, 643. Alisote James, la, 617, 618. Alizote, la, 609, 610. Amyote, /a, 611. Austyne, la, 610. Ayiistace, la, 611. Bertelmeu, la, 610, 61 1. Bien Venn, la, 611. Blith, Bliihe, la, 156, 173, 609-611. Clemente,la,&\\. Cogge Johan la, 609, 611. Cok Johan, 618. Cristofre, /rt, 611. Cudbert, /a, 21. Dieu, Za, 612. Edmund, /a, 611. Edward, la, 610. Fairewedere, la, 593. Gardiner, /a, 611. George, la, 609, 610. Godbiete, la, 610. Godyer, Godyere, la, 6\0-6\2. Gracedieu, la, 611. Gunne, la, 610. James, Ic, 445, 609, Za, 609, 611, 612. Johan, La Cogge, 609, 611. ^oAan Co*, 618. Jolivette, la, 609. Jonette, la, 214, 610-612. Juliane, la, 610, 611. Katerine, la, 68, 156, 171, 609-611. Laurence, la, 609, 618. Leonard, la, 609. Lightefote, la, 611. Margarele, la, 569, 609, 611. Mariote, Mariot, la, 609, 610, 643. Marty n, la, 611. Mayndre Cogge Johan la, 611. Messagcr, Li, 610. Michel, Zo, 611. Mighel, la, 609, 611, 612. of Bristol, 57. Nawdieu, la, 610. iVcs Sem^e Marie, la, 615. Nicholas, la, 609-612. Nostrcdame, la, 608. iVowZ, Za, 624. Peres, Za, 610. Petite Mariot, la, the king's barge, 623. Petre, Ze, 214. la, 609-611. Portepeis, 8. /fede Cogge, la, 504. liichcguigne, la, 609. Kodecogge, la, 609, 610. //ose, Za, 609. Sauvage, la, 611. Ships, names of — con/. Seint Andreu, la, 612. Seinte Croice, la, 569. Seint Edward, 525. SemZe Edward, Za, 281. SetnZ Esprit, la Cogge, 609. SeinZ Johan, la, 610, 624. S/. Mary, 215. SeinZ iWarte Co^Stokton, 340. CO. Norfolk, 34 7, 525. , CO. Warwick, 159, 2»6. Stockwell, Stokwell, co. Surrey, 582, 583. Stodday, Stodelmgh [co. Lancaster], 55. Stodeleye. See Studley. Stodcleye, Thomas de, 657. Stodeye, 6.56. Stodham, Thomas de, son of Thomas dc, 307. Stodhird, Walter, 647. Stodlcgh, Stodleye, Stodleyhaye. See Studley. Stoford, Thomas de, 604. Stoil, Elias, 190. Stok, John de, 76, 77. , Robert, 60, 65, 140, ."iSe. , , keeper of forfeited lands in co. Bucks, 40. , Thomas de, 231. Stoke, 568. (Nevill), 632. , Stok, CO. Nottingham, 334. [co. Surrey ?], 241. -atte-Neylonde, Stoke-by-Nayland [co. Suffolk], 271. Hrucrn, Stokebruere [co. Northauts], a84. Stoke, John de, 508, 520. , Robert de, 4t.9. , keeper of certain forfeited lands in CO. Warwick, 298. William de, 148. Stokebury. .See Stockbury. Stokeffery, John de, 212. Stoke Fleming, co. Devon, 221. Hammond, Stokhaniund, co. Bucks, 76, 77, 393, 394. Stoke-in-IIamme. See Stokenham. Stokel, Ilamo son of William, 631. Stokenchurch, Stockenechirche, co. Oxford, 528. Stokenham, Stoke-in-Hamme [co. Devon], 492. Stokes, Geoffrey dp, 571. Stokesby-with-Herringby, Haryngby Stokes- by [co. Norfolk], "l .50, 151. Stokesley, co. York, 216. Stoketon, Thomas de, 209. Stokhamund. See Stoke Hammond. Stokhaye, Robert de, justice, 255. Stokhcye, Robert de, 407, 429, 596, 600. Stokton. See Stockton. , Great. See Stoughton, Great. Stokton, Nicholas de, 348. Stokwell. See Stockwell. Stondon [co. Bedford ?], 354. Stondon, John de, 640. Stone [co. Buckingham], 212. , CO. Hants, 277. , CO. Kent, 510. Stanes, co. Stafford, 55. Stone in Oxney [co. Kent], 334. Stoneham [co. Hants], letters close dated at, 361. Stonehous, Robert de, 537. Stoneleigh [co. Warwick], 265. , Stanley? [co. Warwick], chancery at, 559. the soke of, 265. , Stonelye in Arderne, Stonk-ye abbey, CO. Warwick, 180, 26.'). Stonham, John son of Nicholas de, 343. Stonhous, .John de, 537. Stoule, Richard de, 190. Stonleye. See Stoneleigh. Stouleye, John de, 218, 219. Stonore, Adam de, 632. , John de, 417. , justice, 74, 75. 101, 121, 125, 262, 344, 345, 3,50, 351, 456, 467, 561, 652. , , knt., 3.39, 574, 632. Stonyld, Geoffrey, 156, 172. Stonyng, Sawynus, 385. Stony Stratford, co. Bucks, 293. Stoodleigh, Estodeleye, cov Devon, 596, 600. Storemere. See Sturraere. Storgoill castle. See Chepstow. Stortford, co. Hertford, 169. Stortford, Storteford, Nicholas de, 341, 575. Stoter, John, 493. Stotevill. See Stutevill. Stotfold, John de, 588. Stottesdcn, Stottesdon [co. Salop], 443. Stotwell, Robert de, keeper of aliens' lands in CO. Leicester, 235. Stoughton, Stokton, Great, co. Huntingdon, 324, 325. Stour, Stoure, the river, co. Dorset, 158. Stourton, John de, son of Walter de, 523. Stoutyng. See Stowting. Stowe, CO. Notts [rectiua Northantii], 628. Stowc, John de, 1 60. Roger de, 372, 494. Stowting, Stoutyng, Stutyng, co. Kent, 85, 86, a2, Stoyle, Richard, 523. Strabolgi, David de, earl of Atbol, 244, 261, 274, 275, 323, 353, 446-448, 470, 483, 628, 630. , Joan wife of David de, earl of Athol, 274, 275, 323, 446-448, 470. Straburgb, John de, knight of Almain, 568. Walter de, 568. Stradebrok, Henry de, 7. Stranconc, Beregrine de, 196. Strandes, le, co. Westmoreland, 131. 794 GENERAL INDEX. Stratfield Mortimer [co. Berks], 264. Stratford- atte-Bow [co. Essex], 146. , Stratford abbey, 170, 273. Monachorum, co. Essex, 384. -on-Avon, co. Warwick, 177, 552. CO. Wilts, 513. Tony [CO. Wilts], 166. Stratford, Donatus, Donettus de, 346, 493. , John de, 1, 141, 147, 154. , Stretford, John de, bishop of Win- chester, 117, 127, 198,203,240, 256, 355, 381, 435, 486, 580, 621, 633, 647, 65.5. , Nicholas de, 520. Strathale. See Strethall. Stratton, Long, Stretton, co. Norfolk, 82, 88, 319. Stratton, John de, 570. , Oliver de, 633. Strattone, Richard de, knt., 354. Straunge. See Lestraunge. Stredleye, Philip de, 381. Streetly End, Stretle [par. of West Wick- ham, CO. Cambridge], 521. Strengesham, John de, 172. Strenggeston. See Stringston. Streston, Osbert de, 198. Strete, Kobert de, prior of Monkton Farleigh, 478. Stretford. See Stratford. Strethall, Strathale, co. Essex, 520. Stretle. See Streetley End. Stretle, Stretlee, Hugh de, 194. , John de, 155, 209. , , knt., 657. , son of Hugh de, lord of Kers- lowe, 155. Stretton [co. Derby], 331. [co. Leicester], 198. , CO. Rutland, 453. , CO. Warwick, 443. -on-Dunsmore, Stretton - on - Donnes - more, co. Warwick, 443. See Stratton. Stretton, John de, 161. , Robert de, 628. , William de, 174. Streyt, John, 371. Stringston, Strenggeston [co. Somerset], 511. Strircheslegh. See Stircele. Strixton, co. Northants, 76, 77, 200, 561. Strixton, William de, 76. Strode. See Strood ; Stroud. Strogoill castle. See Chepstow. Strongbogh, Stronghogh, Robert, 425, 606. , Thomas, 606. Strood, Strode, co. Kent, 214, 613, 643. , bailiffs and community of, 641. Strotardeston, 507. Stroud, Strode, [co. Gloucester], 329. Strug, John, 27, 554. William, 517, 530. Strugoil. See Chepstow. Strutard, Bertram, 338. Stud, the king's. See Horses. Studley, Stodeleye, priory [co. Oxford], 39, 282. , [co. Warwick, rectius Oxford], 428. , Elizabeth, prioress of, 428. , Stodleye [co. York], 542. , Stodleyhaye, co. Warwick, 433. Stultou, 119. Stureye, Henry de, 165, 338. , Robert de, 337. Sturmenstre Mareschal. See Sturminster Marshal. Sturmere, Storemere, co. Essex, 267, 274. Sturminster Marshall, Sturmenstre Mareschal, Sturmynstre Mareschal, co. Dorset, 56, 507. Sturmi, le, Esturmy, Lesturmy, Hugh, 553. , John, 179, 553. , de, admiral of the king's fleet from the mouth of Thames to the north, 225, 420, 421, 467, 471, 484, 525, 543, 566, 568, 635, 644. , , knt., 144, 538, 542. , Philip, 123, 240. , Sarah wife of Philip, 123, 240. Sturmynstre Mareschal. See Sturminster Marshall. Sturry, Sturreye, co. Kent, 444. letters close dated at, 400, 481-483, 486, 570, 571. Sturston, Stirston, co. Norfolk, 168. Stutevill, Stotevill, John de, 40, 82, 414. , Laura wife of John de, 82, 86, 414. , Wilham de, 49. Stutyng. See Stowting. Styberl. See Stibbard. Styfiord. See Stiflbrd. Stykeney. See Stickney. Stykeneye, John de, 226. Styne, John, 87. Stynton, co. Norfolk, 402. Stystede. See Stistead. Stystede. See Stistede. Styvekeie, Styvekeye. See Stiffkey. Styveton, Robert de, 430. , Sibyl wife of Robert de, 430. Styviohal, Robert, 385. Styward. See Stiward. Sudbury [cos. Essex and Suffolk], 442. , CO. Suffolk, 266, 274, 537. , mayor of, 537. See also Reveshale, de. Sudbyry, Geoffrey de, 162. Sudle, John de, 615. Sudyngton. See Siddington. GENERAL INDEX. 795 Suffolk, county of, 61, 68, 75, 76, 104, 129, ' 134, 144, 153, 159, 166, 171, 174, 175, ' 177, 179, 181, 192, 193, 200, 201, 243, \ 244, 250, 251, 256, 289, 307, 321, 326, 345, 350, 353, 357, 374, 379, 380, 384- 386, 388, 434, 457-461, 481, 491, 493, 504, 509, 525, 526, 535, 538, 542, 544, 560, 571, 575, 626, 632, 637-639, 644, 650, 657. , alien priories in, 251. earl of. See Bygot. , escheator in. See Kloumvill. , forfeited lands in, 75, 88, 140. religious houses in, 279. , sheriff of, 129, 132, 146, 148, 173, 202, 209, 210, 213, 272, 373, 457, 503, 510, 535, 537, 574, 646. Suffolk, Elias de, 348. Sulbury, Richard de, 374. Sulby, Suleby, abbey [co. Northants] , 550. Sulewatli. See Solway. Sulhara, Soleham, co. Berks, 510. Sully, Henry lord of, the king's envoy to France, 208. Sulthorn. See Souldern. Suinersete. See Somerset. Sunderland, North [co. Northumberland], 262. Sundon ( = Swouton ?), co. Bedford, 393, 394. Sunnynglegh, John de, 405. Sunthorp [co. York], 425. Suour, William le, 284. Surfleet [co. Lincoln], 224. Surrey, county of, 73, 88, 117, 123, 142, 146, 165, 168, 170, 175, 177, 179, 182, 185, 186, 191, 193, 197, 200, 241, 245, 288, 306-307, 310, 319, 320, 322. 325, 327, 329, 336-338, 340, 341, 345-347, 349. 353, 358, 361, 3C4, 374-376, 379, 383, 1 489, 491, 496, 498, 501, 504, .'•)19, 523. i 528, 529, 531, 584, 637, 648, 649. , archdeacon of, 182, 490. See also Barton ; Inge. earl of. See Warenna. , escheator in. See Westonj* forfeited lands in, 88. , knights of the shire for, 160. , sheriflfof, 48, 93, 111, 129, 1.32, 160. 173, 209, 210, 373, 449, 503, 617, 629, 658. Surton. See Sourton. Sussex, county of, 73, 117, 123, 153,154, 164, 170, 174, 178, 190, 199, 200, 235, 241, 245, 288, 304, .306, 309, 324-326, 336, 338, 343, 352, 357, 358, 379, 381, 386, 488, 494, 495, 497, 509, 524, 526, 560, 567, 622, 635, 63", 639, 654, 657. aliens' lands in, 235. , escheator in. See Weston. , forfeited lauds in, 124. men-at-arms in, 619. , sheriff of, 71, 129, 132, 148, 173, 187, 209, 211, 216, 222, 234, 373, 406, 503, 552, 619, 629, 647. Sutcombe, Sutecombe, co. DeTon, 597. Suterton. See Sutterton. Suterton, Simon de, 653. Suthalre. See Aller. Suthamyfeld. See Hanningfield, South. Suthbirlingham. Sep Burlingham. Suthcote, Roger de, 100, 177. Suthelingham. See Elliugham. Sutheworth, Gilbert de, 605. Suthflete. See Southfleet. Suthkellesey. See Kelsey. Suthscarle, Robert son of Robert de, 559. Suthwell. See Southwell. Suthwerk. See Southwark. Suthwode in Clarendon forest, 306. Suthwyk. See Southwick. Suthwyk, Roger, 348. Sutil, William, 523. Sutor, Matilda, 33. Sutterton, Suterton, co. Lincoln, 653. Sutton [co. Cornwall], port of, 90, 147, 641. (Plymouth) [co. Devon], port of, 367, 378. , bailiffs of, 611. [co. Uants ?], 518. in Holland, co. Lincoln, 224, 269. CO. Kent, 288, 360, 622. East, Est Sutton, co. Kent, 288, 360. -at-Hone, co. Kent, 419. , CO. Norfolk, 288, 360. Bonnington, Itouington, Boniton, co. Notts, 342, 443. -on-Sore, co. Notts, 17. , CO. Surrey, 622. Cold6eld, ('olefeld, co. Warwick, 625. prebend of, in Lincoln cathedral, 144. Suttoo, Agnes wife of James de, knt., 486. Alice wife of William de, 97. , Eleanor wife of Richard son of Elias de, 231. Elias de, 231. , Geoffrey de, 82. , Henry de, 375. John de, 44, 403, 428, 514, 518. knt., 163, 165, 352, 354, 510, 515, 575. , John son of Richard de, lord of Mal- pas, 659, 660. Margaret wife of John de, 403, 428. Nicholas de, 518. , son of Hugh de, 531. , Reginald de, 523. , Richard de, 44. son of James de, 486. super Trenthani, Richard de, 354. Roger de, 330. , William de, 97, 131. , justice of North Wales, 304 Sutuyk. See Southwick. Suur, John Ic, 33. 796 G5:neral index. Suwelle, John son of Laurence de, 341. Swaffham, Swatham Market, co. Norfolk, 444, 450. Swafham, Eustace de, 193, 194, 626. , Reginald de. 267, 274. Swain, Adam son of, 66. Swainsthorpe, Swynestborp, co. Norfolk, 447. Swaleweclyve, Swalclyve, Swalueclyve, Robert de, 243, 263, 271. Swallowfield, Swalefield, co. Berks, 17. Swalueclyve. See Swaleweclyve. Swan, William, 485. Swanescombe, Andrew in, 273. Swanescomp. See Swanscombe. Swaneseye. See Swansea. Swaulond, Swaneslond, Swaunlund, John de, 517. , Simon de, 342, 517, 520, 523, 526, 531. , Thomas de, 633. Swanlound, Richard son of Robert son of Peter de, 178. Swanscombe, Swanescombe, Swannescaumpe, Swanescompe, co. Kent, 273-275, 334, 510, 622. , baillflfs and community of, 642. Swansea, Swaneseye, Swayneseye, Sweyn- seye [co. Glamorgan] , bailifis of, 537, 546. , and community of, 367, 377, 641. castle, 620. , port of, 184. Swanton, co. Bedford, 77. , Swaynton, co. Norfolk, 277. Swanton, William de, 379. , , dean of South Mailing, 478. Swaunlund. See Swanlond. Swaveseye, John de, 176. Swayn, David, 371. Swayneseye. See Swansea. Swaynton. See Swanton. Sweneseye. See Swansea. Swepston [co. Leicester], 198. Swerdes. See Swords. Swethop, Warin de, 448. Sweyneseye, Thomas de, 494. Sweynthull, co. Devon, 598. Sweynthull, Walter de, 165, 643. Swinburn, Westswyuburne [co. Northumber- land], 24. Swindon, Swyndon, 9. , CO. Wilts, 244, 245. Swine, Swyn, Swyne la, port of, Flanders, 504, 627. Swineherd, Thomas the, 265. Swineshead, Swynesheved, co. Lincoln, 523. S\vinford, Swynford, New, co. Stafford [rec- tins Worcester], 510. Swinnerton, Swynnerton [co. Stafford], 143, 376. Swinton, Swynton, co. York, 49. Swon, Walter le, 553. , William, 510. Swonton. See Sundon. Swords, Swerdes [co. Dublin], 449. Swote, Gilbert, 610. Swyft, John, 269. , Ralph, 571. Swylyngton, Henry de, 141. Swyn. See Swine. Swyn, Richard, 515. Swynburn, Swynbourne, Adam son of Robert de, 200. , Robert de, 168, 311, , , knt., 200. Swyndon. See Swindon. Swyndon, William de, 352, 373. Swyne, la. See Swine. Swynesheved. See Swineshead. Swyneshevede, Adam de, 198. Swynestborp. See Swainsthorpe. Swynford. See Swinford. Swynford, -John de, 23. Swyngare, John le, 648. , Juliana wife of John le, 648. Swynbird, Thomas le, 32. Swynnerton. See Swinnerton. Swynnerton, Roger de, 376, 495. , , knt, 550, 551. , ....... keeper of the Tower of London, 120. Swynton, See Swinton. Swynton, William de, 659. Swynytwayt, Synythwayt, William de, 605, 625. Sybethorp. See Sibthorpe. Sybthorp. See Sibthorp. Syde, William de, 538. Sydeling', Walter de, 388. Sydemouth, Sydemuth, Sydmuth. See Sid- mouth. Sydingburn. See Sittingbourne. Sydrak, Margaret wife of Simon, 329, 330, Symeoni, John, 516. Symplingham. See Sempringham. Symund, Thomas son of Richard, 333. , Symound, William, 333, 445, Synges, Roger de, 266. Synythwayt. See Swynytwayt. • Syricherd in Kendale [? Sizergh, par. of Heversham, co. Westmoreland], 215, Sythyngburne. See Sittingbourne. Syward, Henry, 148, 150, , .John, 160. Syweneston. See Simpson. GENERAL INDEX. 797 T Tackley, Tackeley, Takkeley [co. Oxford], 320, 559. Taorhmon, Taghman [co. Wexford], 395. Tailboys, Taylboys, William, .387. William, lord of Crendon, .347. Taillour, Hugh le, 538. John, 85. Richard, 333. Roger le, 218. , Walter le, 537. , William, 647. le, 284. Taillur, John son of Robert le, 513. , Roger le, 71. Takebeare, co. Devon, 482. Takkeley. .See Tackley. Talairandi, Elias, archdeacon of Riclimoud, 211. Talbot, Talebot, Alan, 326. , Gilbert, 220. , de, constable of Gloucester castle, 72, 404. John, 198. , son of Edmund, 398. Richard, 222, 2;i3, 492. ... knt., 51, 1G9, 532. , , lord of Richard's castle, 485. , ' le uncle', 51. Talemache, Cicely, 267. Taleworth. See Talworth. Taltbam, bailiffs and community of, 3C7, 377, 641. port of, 183. Talthani, Hanio dc, 352. Talworth, Talcworth, co. Surrey, 622. Tamhorn, Tomenhorn [co. i^tafford], 551. Tamworth, co. Stafford, 547. letters close dated at, 457, 550, 552, Tamworth, John de, 198. Tanay, Thomas, 169, Taney, Matilda, 178. Tangley, Tangeleye, co. Hants, 409. Tankard, Henry, 511. Tannesleye. .See Tansley. Tannour, William le, 537. Tansley, Tannesleye, co. Derby, 453, 48b. Tanstern, Thomas, 346. Tany, Matilda daughter of John, 324. Taplegb, Tappclegli [par. of Westleigh], co. Devon, 597. Tappenesse, Benedict de, 241. , Emma de, 241. Tarrant, Tarente, Auntioche [co. Dorset], 2. Tarring, Terrynge, co. Sussex, 178, 304, 338. Tateham, William de, 117. Tatelesfeld, Tattelesfeld, Thomas sou of Retheric de, 177, 337, 498. Tatersete. See Tattersett. Tateshale. See Tattershall. Tateshiile, Joan de, 58. Tatham, William de, 4, 115, 140, 253, 281, 397. , keeper of Clitheroe castle, 146. , receiver of the issues of for- feited lands in cos. Cumberland and Westmoreland, 239. , keeper of forfeited lands in co. Lancaster, 207, 232, 298. , , in Blackburnshire, co. Lancaster, 634. , receiver of the issues of rebels' lands in cos. Lancaster and York, 93. Tatington. .Sec Tattingstone. Tatsfield, Tatlisfeld, co. Sum-y, 337. Tattelesfeld. .See Tatelesfeld. Tattersett, Tatersete, co. Suffolk [i-ectius Nor- folk], 273, 274. Tattershall, Tateshale [co. Lincoln], 557, 574. Tattingstone, Tatington, co. Suffolk, 107. Tauenay, William