Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/catalogueofpictu00unse_1 dim A CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES OF MAT HEW MIC HELL, Esq. SELECTED FROM THE UNDERMENTIONED COLLECTIONS: Duke of Orleans Duke de Choiseul Duke of Queensborough Marquis of Lansdowne Lord Egremont Lord Besborough Lord Boringdon Lord James Manners Lord Grosyenor Sir Joshua Reynolds Sir Thomas Rumbolt Count Ademar Baron Nagel Monsieur Le Brun Monsieur Gallon a General Guy Mr. Beckford Dr. Chanceys Gustavus Brander Shakespeare's Gallery Macklin's Gallery, &c. &c. &c. comprehending Specimens of the Genuine Works of the Ancient and Modern Masters ; shewing- their Stile and Manner, and wherein they particularly excelled in the different Schools. LONDON : PRINTED BY G. SMEETON, 139, Sr. MARTIN'S LANE. M.DCCC.XII, MASTERS. ITALIAN AND VENETIAN. Andrea del Sarto Julio Romano Parmegiano Raphael Corregio Purino del Vega Titian The Carracci Rubens Jordeans Vandyck GUERCINO PlETRO DA CORTONA Paul Veronese Salvator Rosa Carlo Maratti Crespi Cannaletti, &c. &c. &c. FLEMISH. Breughel Gaspar de Crayer Martin de Vos, kc. &c. &c. DUTCH AND GERMAN. Albert Durer Goltzius Bloemart Rembrandt Backhuysen W. Vandeveldt Van Goyen Poelemberg S. k Jacob Ruysdael Karel du Jardin Adrian Vandevelde Teniers Fyt HONDIUS Wynants Stork Vandermeulin Vanderwerf Prins Van Os ( 4 ) FRENCH. The Poussins Stella Le Sueur Le Fage MlGNARD Watteau, &C. &C. &C. ENGLISH. Holbein Sir Joshua Reynolds Gainsborough West ZOFFANI Wright Wilson Zuccarelli Loutherbourg Barrett Wheatley MORLAND Woodford Gilpin Seymour Stubbs SirFrancisBourgeois Schweickardt ^IVebber Aylmer Angelica Kauffman Cosway Hodges Mortimer Hogarth Daniel Head Hamilton Cipriani, &c. &c. &c. SPANISH. Spagnoletto (I Gonzalvo, CATALOGUE NO. 1 A Female, Emblem of Innocence. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 2 The Virgin. Carlo Maratti. 3 A Prophet. Rembrandt. From Sir J. Reynolds'* Collection. 4 Schiovonetti. 6 Bassan. 7 Francisco Mola 8 Carracci. 9 Flora. Michael Roque. 10 Dead Game. Fyt. 11 Carlo Cignani. 12 Landon. 13 Wynants. 14 Fruit. Van Os. 15 Wright of Derby. 16 Reinagle. ( 6 ) NO. 17 Gainsborough. 18 Susanna. Guercino. 19 A View of Dort. Cuyp. 20 Backhuysen. 21 Sea Piece. D. Serres. 22 Decker. 23 Pan and Syrinx. Carracci. 24 25 Devil Breughel. 26 Hemskirk. 27 Ditto. 28 Ditto. 29 A Brace of Tench. Aylmer. 50 Diana and Acteon. Figures by Albano, and Landscape by Poussin. From the Duke of Queensborough's Collection. 51 Madame Savigne. Mignard. From Monsieu Callone's Collection. 32 Velvet Breughel. Christ preaching to the Multi- tude. From Gustavus Brander's Collection. 33 Glauber and Lairesse. 34 An Italian Fair. Crespi. From the Collection of Sir J. Reynolds. 35 Vandyke. ( 7 ) NO. 36 The Adoration of the Shepherds. Goltzius. 37 Lot and his Daughters. Alexander Veronese. 38 Jordeans. 39 Flowers. J. Van Os. 40 W. Vandeveldt. 41 An Italian Bath. Freebairn. 42 Carlo Maratti. 43 Corregio. 44 A View of Cologne. Berkhyde. 45 Flowers. Breughel. 46 A View in the East Indies. Daniel. 47 Incantation. Teniers. 48 Peter denying Christ. Titian. 49 Caspar Poussin. 50 Hengar in Cornwall. Landon, 51 Zuccarelli. 52 W. Vandeveldt. 53 Infant Christ. Carracci. 54 Cupid and Psyche. Schalken. 55 Karel Du Jardin. 56 Rottenhamer. 57 A View of Coblentz. Hodges. 58 Dutch. 59 Titian. ( 8 ) NO. 60 Dead Christ. Guercino. 61 A Female Head. Stella. 62 Musidora. Woodford. 63 Adam and Eve. Dominichino. From Sir Thomas Ruinbolt's Collection. 64 Jupiter and Simile. West. 65 Shepherdess, (unfinished.) Whcatley. 66 Loves of the Gods. Goltzius. 67 A Head. Frank Hall. 68 Venus and Cupid. From West : by a Pupil of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 69 A small Head. Leonardo De Vinci. 70 A Head with a Scull. Spagnoletti. 71 Loves of the Gods. Goltzius. 72 Lot and his Daughters. Jordaens. 73 Landscape. Ruysdael. From Lord Egremont's Collection. 74 Pan and Syrinx. Chevalier Tempesta. 75 One of the original designs for the Ceiling at Whitehall. P. P. Rubens : from the Collec- tion of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 76 Gaspar de Crayer. From Monsieur Callone's Collection. ( 9 ) NO. 77 P. P. Rubens. Companion to No. 75 : from the same Collection. 78 A Landscape with Cattle. Ruysdael. 79 A small Church Piece. De Neef. 80 The Graces. Unknown. 8 1 Sampson and Delilah. De Huit. From Baron Nagel's Collection. 82 Rottenhamer. From Lord Egremont's Collection. 83 Carpioni. 84 By Prins, of the Hague. From Baron Nagel's Collection. 85 Ditto. 86 Loutherbourg. 87 Adam and Eve. Bloemart. 88 Monkeys. Teniers. 89 Burning Cupid's Arrows. Guido. 90 Tobit and the Angel. Salvator Rosa. 91 Bolognese and Carracci. 92 Peulingberg. 93 Titian. 94 Wilson. 95 De Koning. 96 Frost Piece. Schweickhardt. 97 Rathbone. ( 10 ) NO. 98 Holy Family. Raphael. 99 Pietro De Coriona. 100 Poelemberg. From the Collection of Count Ademar. 101 From the Beggar's Opera. Cranch. 102 In the style of Gainsborough. Wheatley. 103 A View near Ipswich. Gainsborough. 104 St. Catherine. Unknown. 105 A Neapolitan Fish Woman. Guttenbrane. 106 W. Vandevelde^ 107 Landon. m . ^ ^ jL t 108 A Fish Market. Wyke. 109 By Parsons the Comedian. 110 Boar Hunting. Hondius. 111 Break of Day, Loutherbourg. 112 Folkestone Church. Marlow. 113 Interior of a Public House. Morland. 114 A Sea Piece. Backhuysen. 115 Diana and Nymphs. Rottenhamer. 116 Allegorical. Vandyke. 117 A Female Back. Paul Veronese. 118 A View in Venice. Canaletti. 119 Small Holy Family. 120 Cattle. Town. < 11 ) NO. 121 Small. Murillio. 122 Morland. 123 Dogs. Ward. 124 Infant Christ and St. John. Stella: from the Collection of Monsieur Cailone. 125 The Dauphin of Fiance. Holbein. 126 Allegorical. The original design for the Duke of Manchester's Picture. Cipriani. 127 Barret and Gilpin. 128 Ditto, companion. 129 A Sea Piece. Morland. 130 A Sea Piece. Stork: from the Cabinet of M. Le Brun. 131 A View in Italy. Wilson. 132 A small Landscape. From Mr. Davenport's Collection. 133 Mr. West, Jun. 154 Dutch Courtship. Bega. 155 Flowers. Breughel. 1 36 Miss El jot in the character of Maria in the Citizen, ZofFani. 137 St. George and the Dragon. Vandyke. 138 Paul Potter. ( 12 ) NO. 139 Bcrghem. From the Collection of Monsieur Callone. 140 P.P.Rubens. 141 Sick Horse. Morland. 142 Battle Piece. Vander Meulin. 143 Black Rock in Ireland. Wheatley. 144 Carracci: from Corregio. Out of the Collection 145 Carracci. 146 147 Roberts. From Dr. Chancey's Collection. 149 Zuccarelli. From the Collection of Gustavus Brander. 150 Ditto, from ditto. 151 A small Head. Paul Veronese. 152 Rembrandt. From the Cabinet of Monsieur Le Brun. 153 Aid graver — scarce. 154 Prince of Wales's Horse, Escape. 155 Zannitti. From General Guy's Collection. 156 A Horse. Seymour. of Sir J. Reynolds. The Triumph of Venus. J ulio Romano. From the Collection of Sir J. Reynolds. ( 13 ) NO. 157 Rosa di Tivoli. 158 Lucretia. Andrea del Sarto : from the Collection of the Duke of Orleans. 159 Paduanini. 160 Academy Figure. Stella. 161 Virgin and Child. Maubuse. 162 By Sir Francis Bourgeois. 163 By Ditto. 164 Du Bucear. 165 From Sir J. Reynolds. 166 Bacchanalians. Nicolo Poussin. 167 Horizonti. 168 Korinks. 169 A Hawk trussing a Plover. Aylmer. 170 The Judgement of Paris. Titian. 171 Sheep Shearing. Zuccarelli. 172 The Marriage of St. Catherine. Carlo Maratti : from Corregio. 173 Nymphs Bathing. Vortingen. 174 A View on the Alps. Webber. 175 A Fog. Vernet. 176 It's Companion by ditto, a Shipwreck 177 A Sea Piece. 178 View in the East Indies. Hodges. ( 14 ) NO. 179 Euridice. Angelica Kauffman. 180 Cordelia, in King Lear. Angelica Kauffman. 181 Mieris. 182 Karel du Jardin. 183 Holy Family. Adrian Vandevelde. 184 Landscape and Cattle. Ditto. 185 P. Wouvermans. 186 A Child asleep. Gonzalvo: from Lord Lans- downe's Collection. 187 188 Girl at Work. Singleton. 189 Teniers. From the collection of the Duke of Orleans. 190 Adam and Eve, unfinished. Vanderwerf. 191 P. P. Rubens, Allegorical. 192 The original design for the Altar-Piece at Dun- kirk. Vandyke. 193 The Judgement of Paris. Peregrino Del Vaga. 194 Cattle. Berghem. 195 Orpheus and Euridice. Carracci. 196 Small Landscape. Tull, the English Ruysdael. 197 Schweickardt. From Paul Potter. ( 15 ) SMALL BED-ROOM, Leading to the Picture Room. NO. 198 View of the Isle of Wight. De Koning. 199 Orpheus and Euridice. Woodford. 200 A small. Morland. 201 The Adoration of the Shepherds. From Rubens, by Gerard Huck. 202 A Boy looking at a Dog who went round the World with Lord Anson. 203 An Academical Figure. E. Edwards, R. A. 204 A View in Italy. Wilson. 205 From Carlo Cigniani. Head. PASSAGE ROOM. 206 A Head on Paper. Raphael. 207 An unfinished Head. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 208 The Mother scolding her Daughter for gadding. Raphael Smith. 209 By Pether. 210 A White Horse. Seymour. 211 Guercino's Daughter. Himself. 212 A Sea Piece. Van Goyen. 213 Landscape. Ibbetson. 214 Shooting. ( 16 ) JfO. 215 A Ballad Singer. Morland. 216 Cattle. 217 From the Carracci Gallery. 218 Its companion. 219 Persius and Andromeda. Ferg. 220 Pluto and Proserpine. Ferg, 221 The Head of Holoferncs. School of Paul Vero- nese. 222 Landscape. H. Milburn. 223 Celia and Nymphs. Van Baylen. 224 Mortimer and Morland. 225 Shrimp Woman. Hogarth. 226 P. P. Rubens's Wife. . From the Gainsborough Collection. 227 A Sea Piece. Whitcomb. 228 Battle of the Amazons. Gerard Huck: from the Dusseldorft Collection. 229 The Fortune Teller. R.Smith. 230 A Conversation. Watteau : from Lord Borring- don's Collection. 231 Small Venus. French. BEST BED-ROOM. 232 The Match for Time at Newmarket. Seymour. 233 Two Dogs. ( 17 ) K0. 234 Le Seuer. From the Collection of Monsieur Callone. IN ANOTHER BED-ROOM. 235 By Paduanini. ON STAIRCASE 236 Birds. Hondikoeter. IN DINING PARLOR. 237 The famous Horse, Childer. Seymour. 238 A Horse of Mr. Martindale's. Seymour. 239 Hunters in a Stable. Seymour. FINIS. mm&mm mm -m-m.