CATALOGUE Of the GENUINE and moft CURIOUS c O L L E G T I O N OF Sardonyx s, Onyx\ Opals, Garnets, Agates, PoRPHYRYs, and other Oriental Stones ; Antique Cameo’s and Intaglia’s in Rings, Pictures, and . Miniatures curious Mathematical and Optical Inftru- ments, and other valuable Effects, _ belonging to ROBERT HUGHES _ Conful General for the Dutch, and Agent for the Ettglijb, ’ at Grand CairOy in Egypt y Colleaed during a Refidence there of Thirty-three Years. Which will be fold by Auction, By Mr. B A S T I N, At his Auction Room, in Exeter Changey in the Strand On Monday the 17th of this Inftant December 1770, and the following Day. ^ Note, In the fccond Day will be Ibid, that extremely rare and great Curiofity The Stone of die WorW, reprefeming the Globe; alfo two Egyptian Mum- m|es ; beautiful Colledion of Sulphurs from the Roman, Floren ine7 aL other Cabinets ; Six Volumes in Folio of the Herculaneum, an McJediJc fair Copy ; an Orrery, and a Pair of Globes. e*ceeaiqg The whole may be viewed on Wgl^fday the ,2,h Inftant. till .he Time of Sale, wl.ich wUI begin each Day punaually at Twelve o’clock * “ ' by Urdcr of the Proprietor. ® ROBERT H U G p ES, a fubjeA * Firft Day’s Safe, Monday., December 1770. ■, SHELLS, FOSSIL S, &c. Eot‘ ‘ ' * ' * ‘ • /r ‘ 1 ^-|^WO mufic fhclls, 2 cowries, and 2 other (hells ^ . • 2 X A pared of (hells, &c, r ’ i ; i .1 3 A ditto, with barnacles, &c. ♦3 Two china (hells 4 Apiece of curious dentrites, in a frame 5 A parcel ©f foflil (hells and other petrefa i-j .8 :! J- U V. : -fi-