xx xx 1121 xx xx CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS * pRimeD msTTGR, INCLUDING Mounts, Envelopes, Wrappers, Price Lists, Albums, Backgrounds, Accessories, Chemicals, Dry Plates, Opals, Frames, Developing Dishes, Head Rests, Burnishers] Retouching Desks, Washing Trays, Sensitized Paper, Cloud Negatives, etc., etc. PERCY LUND & CO PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL MERCHANTS, PRINTERS AND MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, r gtljotv lijtocmt® attfc Office® : ST. JOHN’S STREET, opposite Prince’s Theatre, BRADFORD. A ft ft SEVENTH EDITION. CATALOGUE OF PRINTED MATTER AND Photographic Materials. JUNE, 1887. PERCY LUND & CO., PRINTERS, MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, AND PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL DEALERS, THE COUNTRY PRESS, ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. ft " ■ ft PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. General Notice. '"jpERMS: — 5% allowed for cash within one month from date of invoice. 2£% on journey and quarterly accounts. Cash or satisfactory reference with first order. Carriage paid to any part of Great Britain upon orders amounting to £2 in value. Remittances should be made by postal order or cheque payable to Percy Lund & Co. Cheques should be crossed d’ Co. Full price allowed for empty cases or mats returned carriage paid in good condition within 14 days. In returning empties, the sender’s name should be placed on the directions, and the returns should be advised per post. Estimates given for all kinds of printing, from large catalogues down to labels. Special Terms to wholesale dealers and shippers on application. Foreign orders must be accompanied by cash. Special Notice. — As we have been put to very considerable inconvenience and expense by the carelessness of customers who have failed to return the photos of backgrounds, accessories, etc., sent to them, we shall in future absolutely refuse to send such photographs without a deposit as guarantee for their safe return. In writing for photographs of backgrounds, accessories, cloud or border negatives, artificial flowers, etc., a postal order or stamps value 2/6 should be sent, which will be returned to sender as soon as the photos are returned to us. — ' % PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. Opinions of the Press. From the “ Press News,” April, 1886. “From the Office of Messrs. Percy Lund & Co., of The Country Press, we have received a very numerous and varied batch of specimens, comprising magazines, catalogues, and indeed almost every item of printing that falls to the lot of a busy printer. The one thing that strikes us in regard to these samples is the extensive facilities this house must possess for turning out responsible work. A demy sheet of 24 labels, printed in two colours, several broadsides in colours, a photographer’s large card (showing a very neat design with the combination ornaments), and a catalogue in old style, are proofs of the varied assortment of printing that have been produced. Many of the samples, too, are quite of exceptional merit.” From the “ Paper and Printing Trades Journal ,” 1886. “ Messrs. Percy Lund & Co., the Country Press, appear to make a specialty of photographic and scientific work. A majority of the selection of specimens they send us are for photographic clients or relate to the art, and in most instances commendable good taste is observed in the display of types and borders, combined with work- manlike execution. The American silhouette fancy combination border is frequently used, generally with excellent effect : in two or three instances, however, the smaller figures are somewhat too crowded, though in other respects the designs are pleasing in effect. Where cuts are used they are invariably well brought up and clearly printed. One of the most attractive jobs is a small 32mo portfolio in chocolate and buff, tied with blue ribbon, the contents of which are found to be a four-page octavo circular and a dozen smaller single- page announcements, all differently displayed, the whole printed in chocolate on toned and granite tinted paper Messrs. P. Lund & Co.’s capacity for bookwork is shown by two monthly magazines, The Naturalist's World and The Photographer's World, both turned out in capital style.” * * PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. Contents. Accessories 25 Albums 23 Backgrounds, Empire 24 ,, Landscape .... 25 Book Post Wrappers 17 Bottles 26 Burnishers 38 Cards, Business 14 „ Cheap 15 ,, Fancy 14 ,, Visiting 13 Chemicals 26 Complimentary Slips 15 Corner Cramp 41 Corrugated Cardboard 22 Cutting Shapes 26 Daily Reminder 19 Envelopes 7 Frames 45 ,, Printing 31 Furniture, Rustic 25 Gas Burner 26 Glass Measures 26 Head Rests 39 Intensifier, Werner’s 27 Invoices and Statements 13 Lamps, Dark Room 36 Lenses 47 Letter Files 20 „ Heads 12 Lock, Godstone 35 Memorandum Forms 11, 12 Mounts, Bristol 51 „ Gold Bevel Edge 58 ,, India Tint 64 ,, Oxford Line 64 ,, Show 64 Mitre Cutting Machine 41 Negatives, Border 42 ,, Cloud 42 Opals, Snowdrift ... 28 Out Door Note Book 19 Paper, Albumenized 29 „ Britannia 30 ,, Eastman 30 ,, Sensitized 30 Papers, Packing 22 Pencils, Retouching 21 Plate Boxes 33 „ Washer 34 ,, Draining Racks 42 j Plates, Dry 29 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. Posters 18 Retouching Desks 31 Rolling Presses 37 Rubber Bands 22 Shutter, Marshall’s 33 Springs, Brass 38 Studio Tablets 19 Tent, Changing 32 Tray, Washing 34 Trays, Papier Mache 44 „ Porcelain 44 Tripod Stands 40 Varnish, Negative 27 Vignettes 42 \, ' n y »i» — r > " /'A PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. Printed Matter. Unprinted Envelopes. The following series has been carefully selected as likely to meet all the requirements of Photographers. Special sizes, qualities and shapes can be made to order. Not less than 1000 supplied at rates quoted. Commercial or C.-de-Y. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 10,000 20,000 v .^1 ihpIipq DT A OT lill/JllCo. No. 1. Thin White 2/5 j 4/7 I 7/0 9/2 11/8 22/6 45/0 No. 2. Pocket sh.,non-actinic 5/4 1 10/2 15/3; 20/3 25/4 48/0 96/0 No. 3. Pocket shape, Straw col. 4/0 7/8 11/5 15/3 19/0 36/0 72/0 No. 4. Thick White 3/4 6/4 9/6 12/8 15/10 30/6 61/0 No. 5. Ditto large flap 2/8 5/1 7/7 ! 10/2 12/8 24/0 48/0 No. 6. Vellum 5/4 10/2 15/3 20/4 25/4 48/0 96/0 No. 6a. Burnished 3/6 6/8 10/0 13/4 16/8 31/6 63/0 Court. 4f x 3f inches. No. 7. White 4/9 8/9 j 118/0 18/2 22/6 43/0 86/0 No. 8. Various tints in each 1 packet 4/5 8/5 12/7 16/10 21/0 40/0 80/0 Bankers’. 5f x 3f inches. No. 9. Thick White, diamond flap 4/8 9/0 13/4 18/0 22/3 42/0 84/0 No. 10. Thick White, round flap, extra fine 7/0 13/4 20/0 26/6 33/3 63/3 126/0 Cabinet. | No. 11. 8 x 5, straw colour (will hold 6 cabinets) . . 3/7 6/10 | 10/3 13/8 17/2 32/6 65/0 No. 12. 8£ x 5£, straw colour 5/4 10/2 15/3 20/3 25/4 48/0 96/0 No. 13. 7£ x 4£, thick white 7/6 14/3 21/3 28/6 35/9 68/0 136/0 No. 13a. Stereoscopic 7/4 14/0 ,20/10 28/0 35/0 66/0 132/0 No. 14. 8£ x 5J, thick white 9/9 18/6 ( 27/9 37/0 46/3 88/0 176/0 No. 15. Pocket shape, glazed paper (same prices as No. 14). No. X. 10/- per 5000, not less than 5000 supplied. Printing on front or flap, 3/0 for first 1000, 9d. on to 10,000, 6d. on over 10,000. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD, 8 Specimens of Printing on Envelopes. C.-de-V. Envelopes. Front. C.-de-Y. Envelope. Front.l C.-de-V. Envelope. Front. JOHN JACKSON, IJjorvtvaii, ganfcacrt***, Sc 3Vrx!)ttjecttttrctl 166, RYE HILL, N EWCASTLE-ON-TYN E. PERCY LUN D & CO., ST. JO HN’S ST REET, BR ADFO RD. 9 C.-cle-V. Envelope. Flaps. R. C. CLIFFORD, GRUNDY AND GO., PHOTOGRAPHER, -MSI, WEJSTG/DFE, * 139 Sl 1 44, Mayor Street, BRADFORD. BOLTON. Cabinet Envelope. Front. WILLIAM GREEN, 9, CASTLEGATE, BEF^WICK-OJM-TWEED. Cabinet Envelope. Front. PROPRIETOR - J. W. PRICE. PERCY LUND & CO., ST- JOHN’S STEEET, BRADFORD. * 11 Ruled Memorandum Forms. White paper ruled with blue and red lines. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 8vo. 8J in. x 5 in... 7/6 .. 12/6 .. 17/6 .. 22/6 .. 27/6 6mo. 8| in. x 6f in. 8/0 . . 14/0 . . 19/6 . . 25/0 . . 30/0 W 5 o 6 > a a § PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 12 Unruled Memorandum Forms. In black or coloured ink, on white or tinted paper, to customer’s design. In unruled mems. it is customary to use the larger sizes, and there is much more “ setting ” than in the ruled mems. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 8vo. 8J in. x 5 in., black ink . . 7/6 .. 12/6 .. 17/6 .. 22/6 .. 27/0 6mo. 8|in.x6fin. „ . . 8/6 . . 14/6 .. 20/6 .. 26/6 .. 32/0 4 to. 10 in. x 8 in. „ ..12/6 .. 18/6 .. 26/0 .. 33/0 .. 39/0 Specimens of any size of memorandum form free for one stamp. Any design arranged to order. Letter Heads. On good note paper, with fly leaf, from 12/6 per 1000. Samples and quotations submitted. Specimens of Letter Heads. S®, ^©npe Street, Bi?adf®Pd, ‘138 REM BRANT BROS., 57 , Raphael Place, Portrait Painters. tuxford. T. J. EDMONDSON, flpfeist and Bhefeegpapfyep. • * I >C 1 « — CHILD STREET, GLASGOW. J. LLOYD & CO. Photographers. jgg PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 13 Memorandum Forms in Books. Size 10£ inches x 5. 250 leaves in book. Perforated. In paper cover. In cloth cover. 1 book. . 7/6 each 8/6 each 3 books 5/6 „ 6/6 ,, 6 4/6 „ 5/6 „ 12 3/6 „ 4/6 „ To 188 Particulars. MEMORANDUM from PENZANCE. To 1 88 Invoices and Statements. 12 mo. 5J in. x 5£ in. 8vo. 8£ in. x 5 in.. . 6mo. 8| in. x 6J in. . 4to. 10 in. x 8 in. . . 1000 6/6 7/6 8/6 10/6 2000 10/6 12/6 14/6 18/6 3000 15/0 17/6 20/6 26/0 4000 18/0 22/6 26/6 33/0 5000 22/0 27/0 32/0 39/6 Special designs in any of the above can be produced to order. Gent.’s Visiting Cards. Printed in any style, with name and address. 50, 1/6 . . 100, 2/6 . . 250, 4/0 . . 500, 5/6 . . 1000, 7/6 W. BROWN, 3U-ti9t, 35 , Apsley Crescent, Bradford. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 14 Fancy Cards. Nos. 308, 309, 310, 311 measure 4£ x 3 inches. They have each an artistic and amusing design, illus- trating respectively the following mottoes — “None but the brave deserve the fair;” “Where there’s a will there’s a way;” “There’s many a slip ’twixt the cup and the lip ;” “ Look before you leap.” Nos. 316, 317, 318, 319 are printed upon a better quality of card. They have each a pretty land- scape, and also measure 4^ x 3 inches. Nos. 312, 313, 314, 315 measure 4| x 3| inches. The designs are respectively — a vase of flowers ; a little boy on the bank of a stream ; a children’s picnic ; a plea- sure boat. In the whole of the series the designs are printed in colour, and a blank space is left where the matter required is printed in black. These cards are used as business cards, price lists or cou- pons, etc. No. 308, reduced. No. 319, reduced. Nos. 308, 309, 310, 311 (the comic 100 250 500 1 1 i 1000 2000 ■3*3 8 (8,0 series), one side printed . . 1 3/6 6/0 10/0 15/0 25/0 0^0 Ditto both sides printed 5/3 8/0 12/6 18/0 32/0 i Nos. 316, 317, 318, 319, one side printed 3/9 6/6 11/6 17/0 30/0 S « QJ Ditto both sides printed 5/6 8/6 13/6 20/0 36/0 O §1 P Nos. 312, 313, 314, 315, one I ^ ® ft side printed 4/0 7/6 13/0 18/0 32/0 Ditto both sides printed 5/9 9/6 15/6 22/0 38/0 to < g.s Plain Business Cards. Black ink. White or tinted cards. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 x 3 in. 8/6 . 15/0 . . 21/0 . . 26/0 . . 30/0 x 2| in. 8/0 . . 14/0 . . 19/6 . . 24/0 . , 27/6 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD 15 Cheap Cards. For distribution. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 10,000 20,000 5J x 4 in. one side printed. .6/6 10/6 14/6 18/6 21/6 30/0 57/6 Do. both sides printed.. 8/6 14/0 17/6 21/6 24/6 35/0 67/6 Complimentary Slips. Complimentary slips, in various styles, are largely used when acknowledging remittances, or when sending completion of order, proofs, etc. In “ The Country ” compliments form, shown below, the border is printed in chocolate, and the requisite wording in black, on assorted tints of paper. Instructions for returning proofs, price lists, or any similar matter may be printed on the back. The “ Crocodile ” compliments form is very tasteful, and allows for more matter than “ The Country.” It is printed in coloured ink on the fashionable “ Crocodile ” paper ; one corner being turned down and “ with compliments ” printed on it. The colours recommended are chocolate ink on blue paper, or blue ink on primrose. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 “ The Country ” form, printed one side. .7/6 12/6 17/6 22/6 27/6 ,, ,, ,, both sides.. The “Crocodile” form (any size up to 5 x 4) 7/6 12/6 17/6 22/6 27/6 Samples of these and other styles, 1 stamp. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 16 Receipt Books. Any description of receipt book can be made to order. Specimen below shows form (reduced) usually adopted. Actual size of leaf in. x 3 in. 500 leaves in book. Perforated. Z 43 73 GO o_o o o • W3 at- o_o^ o o o S ». s- a CD CO g* CD o <— -J_> - 3 — tp o LU CD or O LU eg CD CD 2_ -M CO CM r- * 'S* M f?S*) to a> N rt cfl 73 u Oi o o ^ wv l* >s ’5—“ wo - c 0.2 4 00 Vi *■ * * PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 17 Book Post Wrappers. With stout cards to protect photo, gummed at edge, printed complete. If supplied in less than two weeks from date of order, are liable to become moist in travelling, and stick together at gummed edge. We do not, therefore, hold ourselves responsible for spoilage, if goods are sent off in less than a fortnight. Specimen of C.-de-V. Book Post Wrapper. Bcrok Past. f *F Pjraiapajjljs aitlg. R. C. CLIFFORD, PJI0’F001^PJIE^, 151, WESTGATE, BRADFORD. Cabinet, 25/0 per 1000. Carte-de-Visite, 15/0 per 1000. Extra strong wrappers, 3 fold, with tapes, printed complete : — Cabinet, 40/0 per 1000. Carte-de-Visite, 25/0 per 1000. Unprinted wrappers, from stock : — Cabinet . . . . 2/6 per 100 . . 20/0 per 1000 Carte-de-Visite ..1/6 ,, .. 12/0 ,, Printed wrappers, without cards, for making up with waste mounts, etc. : — 1000 2000 3000 400 5000 Cabinet .. ..7/6 .. 12/6 .. 17/6 .. 22/6 .. 27/0 Carte-de-Visite . . 6/6 . . 10/6 . . 15/0 . . 18/0 . . 22 0 For protective cards alone, see “ packing requisites.” c * PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 18 Posters. Bill Posting was one of the earliest forms of advertising, and even now it is a very effective method of bringing one’s name before the public. To increase your business try a few of these tasteful posters. 250 will be ample to make a good show in a town of 25,000 in- habitants, or 500 for towns of 60,000 to 100,000. The bill poster should not charge more than Id. for posting each sheet, and often better terms can be arranged for large quantities. These posters are very attractive, pleasing to the eye, and many Photographers who have tried this method of advertising, have found a considerable increase in the number of their customers as the result. Only supplied to one photographer in each district. ARTIST, HIGH ST. IPENZANC3EE. PORTRAITS bkci) in the Et tiling by ELECTRIC LIGHT. . SPfCIAl WAITING ROOM FOR LADIES Reduced Specimen. The posters are on a good quality of paper, and will remain on the walls for some time without becoming disfigured. The bill poster should be instructed not to cover them up. In two colours, the figures of operator and sitter in either red or blue, or assorted, according to choice, the matter in black. Size, 40 in. x 25 in. 50 100 250 500 1 000 12/6. £1 0 0. £1 15 0. £3 0 0. £5 10 0. Other designs are now ready. Samples sent post-free, jPERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. * 19 Stationery and Packing Requisites. Daily Reminder OF FUTURE ARRANGEMENTS. A Paper Pad with 52 detachable leaves, and suspender. Every page has seven compartments, one for each day in the week, with blank space for date. Coming Engagements and Memoranda may be scribbled in the compartments. Each pad will last one year. Complete with Calendar for 1887, Postal Information, etc. Sixpence. Post-free Sevenpence Half-penny. No business man should be without the Daily Reminder. It should be hung in every studio. Out-Door Note Book. Fifty pages, with columns for recording length of exposure, date, number, and make of plate, etc., handy form for pocket, 3£x3 inches, 6d. each. Studio Tablets. On card or paper, about 6£ x 4§, printed in coloured ink, very tasteful Price Id. each ; or 9d. per dozen. Also printed in gilt, on real gold bevel, black enamelled cards, 2d. each ; or 1/6 per dozen. The following wordings are in stock : — 1. Terms: Cash at time of Sitting. 2. Please Use the Mat. 3. Negatives Kept. 4. Dark Room, Private. 5. Reception Room. 6. Studio. 7. Private. 8. Ladies’ Waiting Room. 9. Ring the Bell. 10. Walk in, don’t knock. 11. Walk Upstairs. 12. Waiting Room. 13. Pictures Framed. 14. Dressing Room. 15. Enlargements in all Styles. - PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 20 Index Letter Files. For Filing Letters, Invoices, Notes, Bills, or Photographs, and all kinds of Business Papers and Correspondence in convenient alphabetical order, and of ready reference, without in any manner mutilating them. The “Favourite” File. A COMPLETE FILE, Without Separate Index. Capacity, 3,000 Letters. PRICES. In stout paper. Octavo Size, 6 x II 4 1/6 Quarto Size, 94 x 114 2/0 Foolscap Size, 9 X 15 2/6 The “J. W.” Letter File. SOLID WOOD BOX. The “ J. W.” Letter File is the Ne Plus U 1 1 ra of all Letter Files now in use ; it com- bines every and all desirable features re- quired, and is strong, cheap, and durable. A Complete File in it- self. No Separate Index. Capacity, 1,200 Letters. Hanging Position. Octavo Size, 7J X 11 in., 8/0. Quarto Size, 10 X 12 in., 4/0. Foolscap Size, 10 x 16 in., 5/0. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 21 “ Champion ” Postal Card File. The “Champion” Postal Card File is constructed in box form, and files Postal Cards in a complete Index, in the most complete manner. The Cards are so arranged that ready reference may be made ; they can be returned to their re- spective places with- out injury, or in any way defacing them. No Office or Counting Room complete with- out the " Champion.” The only perfect Postal Card File in the Market. Capacity, 500 Cards. Paper Box — Size 6in. x 9in 1/0 Cloth ,, ,, Gin. x 9in 1/6 Retouching Pencils. L. & C. HARDTMUTH’S. In six degrees. 1 2 8 4 Very soft and Soft and Medium. Hard, very black. black. 5 6 Hard. Very hard. Everpointed holders, in cedar, metal points, 4/6 per doz. (assorted if so ordered.) Each 6d. Refills for do., box of six, 6d. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 22 Rubber Bands. Equal to 250 yards of twine. Money, time, and labour are saved by the use of these bands. They will stretch to at least six times their natural length without breaking. Per box containing 500 f ” CaWn'e^ j " 4 /° Box containing £ gross of larger bands, assorted . . 3/6 Packing Papers. 3d. per lb. 6/0 per ream 2/6 per ream 4/6 per ream Large brown, 36in. x 56in. Small brown, 24in. x 20in. Thin Tap Paper Stout ,, Patent Corrugated Cardboard. For packing bottles, and all sorts of friable goods, for transportation by rail, parcels post, or otherwise. It is easily cut to any size required. Per Roll, 25 feet long, 26 inches wide . . 5/0 post free. Sundries. PARCELS WAX 9d. per lb. TWINE.. .. .. .. .. .. 1/0 per lb. ball BLOTTING PAPER . . . . . . 1/0 and 1/6 per quire PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 28 Albums. Albums. Designed for Photographic Publishers and Dealers in unmounted photographs. Any name and address can be stamped in gilt on the front for 1/G extra. Special sizes and special tints of card can be supplied to order at a small additional cost. As the scrap photos are held in these books simply by their corners being slipped through the pages, the series can be changed at any time, several prints can be placed in each page, and sales may be made from the specimens. The albums are strongly but plainly bound, each leaf is separately attached to the back, and the boards are practically pure, chosen tints, of a fine surface that will not easily fray or soil. The leaves are left uncut. If required cut, ready for the insertion of the photos, an extra charge of 1/- per book will be made. The “Country” Album. In three sizes. Stoutly bound in dark-green cloth. Fifty double leaves (100 pages) bound with linen at both outer and inner edge and linen guarded. The leaves are of different tints of cardboard, so that the photograph can be placed upon the tint which suits it best. One Three Six Twelve 1 12x 8 .. 7/6 each .. 7/0 each .. 6/6 each .. 5/6 each 2 12x10 .. 10/0 „ 9/6 ,, .. 8/0 „ .. 7/0 „ 8 12x16 .. 13/0 „ .. 12/6 „ .. 12/0 „ ..11/0 „ The “ P. L.” Album. In three sizes, stoutly bound in dark-green cloth with the word “ Photographs ” in gilt on front. Fifty double leaves (100 pages), bound with linen at both inner and outer edge and linen guarded. Leave s of stout pale-green cardboard. One Three Six Twelve 0 8£ x 6£ . . 6/0 each . . 5/6 each . . 5/0 each . . 4/6 each 1 12 x 8 .. 8/0 „ .. 7/6 „ .. 7/0 „ .. 6/0 „ 2 12x10 .. 10/6 „ .. 10/0 „ .. 9/6 „ .. 8/6 „ 3 12x16 .. 14/0 „ .. 13/0 „ .. 12/6 „ ..12/0 ,, All classes of bookbinding. Albums in any design to order. Boards supplied for mounting prints, to be pressed and bound after mounting. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 24 Photographic Materials. The New “Empire” Backgrounds. THE MOST PERFECT EVER YET PRODUCED. The Empire Patent Cloth may be had either by the yard, in various widths, or mounted on roller, complete. Both sides are equally available, and may, if desired, be of different shades of colour, so that one background will answer the purpose of two. Prices of the Empire Cloth per yard, unmounted : — With reverse side of Ordinary. different colour. Width. s. d. s. d. 37 inches 40 „ 44 „ 48 „ 54 ,, 63 ,, 72 „ 81 „ 90 „ 99 „ 104 „ 17 .. — 2 1 .. — 2 6 .. — 30 .. 36 38 .. 44 4 6 . 5 3 54 .. 63 64 .. 76 74 .. 89 84 .. 10 0 96 .. 11 6 Mounted “ Empire ” Backgrounds. Mounted on Seasoned Pine Roller, without Bottom Lath : — Single Colour. Two Colours, ft. in. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6 ft. by 4 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 7 „ „ 6 0 0 18 0 1 0 0 7 „ „ 6 9 10 0 1 2 6 8 „ „ 6 0 10 0 1 2 6 8 „ „ 6 9 13 0 1 7 0 8 „ „ 7 6 16 6 1 11 6 8 „ „ 8 3 1 11 0 1 16 0 10 „ „ 8 3 .. .. 1 17 0 .. .. 2 Mounted on Seasoned Pine Roller, with Bottom Lath 3 0 6 ft. by 4 0 0 11 6 0 12 6 7 „ „ 6 0 10 0 1 2 6 7 „ „ 6 9 12 0 1 5 0 8 ,, „ 6 0 12 6 1 5 6 8 ,, ,, 6 9 16 0 1 10 0 8 „ „ 7 6 1 10 0 1 15 0 8 „ ,, 8 3 1 15 0 2 0 0 10 „ ,, 8 3 2 2 0 2 8 0 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 25 Mounted on Tin Roller, with Brass Ends, Metal Bottom Lath, Brackets for fixing, Cord, and Cleathook complete : — 6 ft. by 4 0 (2 in Roller) 116 12 6 7 „ „ 6 0 „ 1 12 6 1 15 0 7 „ „ 6 9 „ 1 15 0 1 17 6 8 „ „ 6 0 „ 1 15 0 1 17 6 8 „ „ 6 9 „ 2 10 2 5 0 8 ,, ,, 7 6 (2£ in. Roller) 2 10 0 2 15 0 8 „ „ 8 3 „ 2 17 6 3 2 6 10 „ „ 8 3 (2£ in. Roller) 3 12 0 3 18 0 FIXING (if required) EXTRA. Deal box For Background size — for same. Portable Stand, of) 7 ft. by 6 ft. . . 1 10 0 12/6 Varnished Pine , 8 „ „ 7 ,, . . 1 15 0 15/0 j 8 „ „ 8 „ .. 2 0 0 17/6 PACKING. — The Empire Cloth requires very careful packing, as an accidental bruise may do serious injury. To avoid risk of this, all backgrounds sent by rail or carrier are packed between strong wooden laths, for which a charge of 3d. per foot run is made — such charge including, in the case of unmounted backgrounds, the use of a rough packing roller in addition. Studio Accessories, Rustic Furniture, etc. By the aid of these properties charming effects can be produced in the Studio. Parties can be photographed in a sailing vessel or a pleasure boat without fear of sickness ; in the open fields, on a stile, or in a mansion of the reign of Queen Anne without leaving the Studio. The goods are sent packed in mats, returnable or charged cost price. Photographs showing a very great variety of the accessories will be sent on approval, on receipt of stamps to cover postage, and a deposit. (See general notice.) LANDSCAPE BACKGROUNDS. Woodland, field, garden, garden and architectural, Berlin, snow, wood, water, and sea scenery. All mounted on rollers, 8 feet by 7 feet 32/0 and 35/0 INTERIOR BACKGROUNDS. Windows, columns, stove and mantel-piece, curtains, book case, fancy panels, richly furnished and draped rooms, conservatories, etc. All mounted on rollers, 8 feet by 7 feet 32/6, 35/0, 40/0 ARTIFICIAL PLANTS. A large selection of best Paris-made artificial plants, in cloth on wire basis, for placing in pots or vases. Photos on application (see above). Prices from . . 2/0 to 5/0 each Superior long vine or ivy trails . . . . . . . . 1/3 eac h v PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOPTN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 26 Gas Burner. The “Matchless” (Regcl. Trade Mark) Self-Lighting Gas Burner, is the best burner for any place where it is necessary to often raise and lower the light. The pilot light does not burn when the proper burner is in use, and the gas consumed by the pilot burner only amounts to about a penny in twelve months, even if it is allowed to burn the whole of that time. In nickel silver . . 2/6 With night light attachment 3/0 Glass Ware. CUTTING SHAPES. Plate Glass, cut absolutely true. Any size not in stock will be cut to order, at a charge of 3d. each above the price of the next larger size quoted. Prices and stock sizes : — 3§ x 21, 6d. ; 4| x 2|, 6d. ; 4£ x 3£, 6d. ; 5x4, 9d. ; 5£ X 3|, 9d. ; 5|x3|, 1/0; 5f X 4, 1/0; 6|x4f, 1/0; 8x6, 1/6 ; 9£x7£, 2/0; 114x94, 3/0. GRADUATED GLASS MEASURES. 2 oz., 8d ; 6 oz., 1/0 ; 8 oz., 1/2 ; 10 oz., 1/4. GLASS STOPPERED BOTTLES. Narrow neck, best white glass. 3 oz., 4d. ; 4 oz., 6d. ; 6 oz., 8d. ; 8 oz., 1/0 each. Chemicals. Subject to fluctuations of market. The prices include bottles. Acid, Glacial Acetic . .. 1/2 per lb. ,, Citric 2/10 ,, ,, Nitric, pure ,, Hydrochloric, pure . . 1/0 „ 1/0 „ ,, Sulphuric, pure 1/0 „ ,, Pyrogallic (Schering’s) in loz. bottles Alcohol -795 pure ..1/3; 16ozs. 1/1 5/0 per lb. Alum, Chrome . 2d. per oz. ; 1/0 ,, Ammonia Liquid 880 1/0 „ PERCY LUND * CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. * 27 per pint, 0/8 ; ilatthey’s), 15gr. Ammonium Bromide Ammonium Chloride, pure Ammonium Sulphocyanide Collodion (Mawson’s) Gelatine (Nelson’s No. 1) . „ ( „ No. 2). Glycerine, pure 1*260 Gold Chloride (Johnson A Iron, Proto Sulphate Litmus Paper Potassium Bromide ,, Oxalate ,, Iodide Silver Nitrate (cryst.) Sodium Acetate . . ,, Hyposulphite (Schering’s) . ,, ,, (Best English 2d. per lb. ,, Sulphite 2/7 per lb. 1/2 „ 4^d. per o z. 5 pint Win. quarts, 5/0 5/0 per lb. 4/0 „ 1/0 „ tubes, 2/0 each ; 22 0 doz. 3d. per lb. ; 141bs. 2 6 1/6 per doz. books 2/6 per lb. 1/0 „ 1/3 per oz. 3/0 „ . . 1/0 per lb. . . 12/6 per cwt. 7lbs. 1/ ), 141bs. 2/0, per cwt. 9/6 recrystallized 9d. per lb. Werner’s Intensifier and Reducer. Intensifier, 5/0 and 2/6 per bottle. Beducer, 2/6 per bottle. Sufficient to make 100 ounces solution. Directions for Use. — Before intensifying a negative, make sure that every trace of Hypo is washed from the film, and proceed according to instructions on the label. The Intensifier has no action whatever on the negative if the Hypo is not removed. Should the colour be red after intensification, it is a sign that there is still a trace of Hypo, consequently the negative will fade. It is not safe to wash too long after the yellow colour has made its appearance, as it generally results in fog, though in some cases when placed in the Hypo solution, all fog disappears. A bottle of Intensifier should serve a long time if carefully used. Each time after use funnel back into the bottle, which should be kept corked till again required. If a coarse deposit be formed after constant use, it should be filtered. P. L. Sl Co.’s Negative Varnish. This excellent Varnish is made from a receipt used for many years by a high-class photographer. 1 pint, 3/0 . . 4 pints, 10/6 Directions for Use. — Warm the negative slightly. Pour the varnish over, and drain back into the bottle. Dry the negative before a clear fire until quite hard. When cool it is ready for printing. If the varnish becomes thick, filter through muslin, PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. *■ 28 Snowdrift Opals and Transparency Plates. The “ Snowdrift” Opals and Plates print out by contact, and are toned and fixed exactly as ordinary albumenized prints. The ex- quisite beauty of the resulting prints, and the great variety of tone obtainable, have already created a steady demand for the “ Snow- drifts.” Wherever they are fairly shown, they lead to an increase of business. The “Snowdrift” Opals are not made from the same formula as any other opal at present in the market, and we believe they are fully equal, if not superior, to all others. These plates will keep safely for three months, and in a favourable storing place for much longer. Even when they have taken a decided yellow stain from careless exposure, they will generally clear in the toning. Dieections foe Use. — These opals may be printed in an ordinary printing frame — care being taken to push both negative and opal up to one corner of the frame every time examined. Print a little darker than the result is required. Before toning, wash very well. To obtain a deep purple tone, a strong gold bath or prolonged toning is necessary. To fix, use 2oz. hypo in 1 pint water. Immerse about ten minutes, or longer if print is at all dark. If borax toning bath is used, the following is recommended k oz. borax in 50oz. hot water (stock solution). To each lOoz. of above, add 1 grain gold chloride. Wash well before toning. Anothee Method. — Before toning, immerse for two or three minutes in a solution of Ammonium Sulphocyanide (about 3 grains in lOoz. of water). Transfer direct to the toning bath without intermediate washing. PRICES OF THE “SNOWDRIFT” OPALS. On finely ground pot opal. On best egg-shell flashed opal. 3 m box. 6 in box. 12 in box. 3 in box. 6 in box. 12 in box. 4|x 3£. . — 3/6 .. 6/0 — . 4/6 .. 8/0 6 hx 4f • . — 6/0 .. 11/0 — . 9/0 . . 16/0 8£x 61. . 5/9 . . 10/0 . . 19/0 7/6 . . 13/6 . . 24/6 12 X n. . 9/6 . . 18/0 . . 34/6 13/6 . . 24/0 .. 45/0 12 x: L0 . . 10/6 . . 19/6 . . 36/0 15/0 . . 27/6 .. 50/o 15 x: L2 . . 15/6 . . 29/6 . . 55/0 22/6 . . 41/0 •• 75/o Extra charge for bevelled edges : — 4J X3£, 1/6; 6£ x 4f , 3/0; x 6|, 4/0 per doz. * * PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 29 PRICES OF THE “SNOWDRIFT” TRANSPARENCIES. On finely ground glass for window transparencies. 3 in box. 6 in box. 12 in box. 4£x3£.. — .. 3/6 .. 6/0 64x4|.. — .. 6/0 .. 11/0 8£x6£.. 5/9 .. 10/0 .. 19/0 12 x7£.. 9/6 .. 18/0 .. 34/6 12 x 10. . 10/6 .. 19/6 .. 36/0 15 x 12. . 15/6 .. 29/6 .. 55/0 On plain glass for lantern slides or transparencies. 3 in box. 6 in box. 12 in box 3£x3£. , . — .. 1/6 .. 2/6 4 £x3|. , . — .. 2/0 .. 3/6 5 x 4 . , . — .. 2/9 .. 4/6 6£x4f. . 2/0 .. 3/6 . . 6/6 8|x6J. . 4/6 . . 6/6 .. 12/6 10 x8 . . 6/0 9/6 .. 18/6 12 x 10. . 7/6 .. 14/6 . . 26/6 15 x 12. . 11/0 .. 21/6 .. 39/6 Dry Plates, Ilford. i 1/0 5x4 1/7 6$ x 4| 2/2 9x7 i 2/3 10 x 8 7ix4£ 2/10 12 x 10 7£x5 3/5 15 x 12 8£x4£ 3/2 4/3 5/0 7/3 10/6 18/0 per doz. THE EXTRA RAPID SERIES. i 5x4 6£x4£ 1 2 7£x44 7| x 5 84x44 ! 1/3 2/0 2/9 3/0 3/8 4/6 4/2 5/6 9x7 10 x 8 12 x 10 ' 15 x 1 2 6/6 9/6 13/0 23/0 per doz. F. W. Verel & Co.’s Plates . Matchless Verel’s Verel’s Extra i Rapid. 30 Times. 60 Times. 4* X H • 1/0 per doz. . . 1/6 per doz. 2/0 per doz. 6* X 4} • . 2/3 ,, 3/6 ,, 4/6 „ n X 5 . . 3/5 „ • • 5/0 ,, 6/0 „ 8* X H . . 4/3 1 5 ..6/0 8/0 „ 10 X 8 . 7/3 n .. 10/6 12/6 ,, 12 X 10 . . 10/6 ? • . . 15/0 18/0 „ 15 X 12 . . 18/0 .. 26/6 30/0 „ Derby Rapid. b 1/ 0; 5x4, 1/7 ; 6 J x 4J, 2/3 ; x 5, 3/5 ; 84 x6£, 4 ; 3; 10x8,7/3; 12x10, 10/6 per doz. Albumenized Paper. The celebrated Star brand ; mauve, white, or pink. Per Quire. Per Ream. Brilliant, 10 ko 7/0 . . £5 10 0 Enamel, 10 ko. . . . . 7/6 .. £6 10 0 % ' - ' "" ■ ■■ ' ■ % PEECY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BEADFOED. 30 Sensitized Paper. Single albumenized, 10 ko 12/0 per Quire. Double ,, ,, 13/6 ,, Pink, white, and mauve in stock. Formula recommended for our Sensitized Paper. Toning Baths. — No. 1. Acetate of Soda 60 grains, Chloride of Gold 4 grains, Water 20 ounces. To be made at least 24 hours before use. Gives rich brown tones. No. 2. Borax 25 grains, Bi-carbonate of Soda, 25 grains, Chloride of Gold 4 grains, Water 20 ounces. To be made at least 12 hours before use. Gives blue black tones. No. 3. Bi-carbonate of Soda 50 grains, Chloride of Gold 4 grains, Water 20 ounces. To be used as soon as colourless. This bath gives good blue tones. To maintain the strength of above Baths, add 1 grain of Chloride of Gold for each sheet of paper toned. Fixing Bath. — Hypo-Sulphite of Soda 2 ounces, Liq. Ammonia 1 drachm, Water 20 ounces. Immerse the prints from 10 to 15 minutes. Temperature of Bath should be 70° Fahr. To maintain the regular action of Fixing Bath, add 2 ounces of Hypo for each sheet of paper fixed. Caution. — The Double Albumenized Papers have a tendency to blister, especially in hot weather, but this may be easily avoided by strictly adhering to the following simple instructions. The Temper- ature of the water used for washing and that of Toning and Fixing Baths should be about 70~ Fahr. If the Fixing Bath is required for use immediately it is prepared, the Hypo should be dissolved with warm water so that the temperature of bath may be 70° Fahr. In the water used for first washing, after fixing, dissolve a handful of common table salt to every three gallons of water, and there will not be a trace of blisters. This weak solution does not affect the tone of the prints in the least. Eastman Bromide Paper. In three grades, all at the same price. A. —Smooth surface, thin paper. B. — Smooth surface, thick paper. C. — Bough surface, thick paper. In packages containing twelve sheets. 4f X 3£. . -/8 71x5 . . 1/8 10 x 8 ., . 3/6 23x17., . 14/0 5 X 4 .. -/ 11 8x5. . 2/0 121 x 104 • . 6/0 25 x 21 . , . 21/0 Or x 4§ . 1/6 8.J x 6^. . 2/6 15^x121. . 7/6 30x25., . 28/6 Britannia Papers. The “Britannia” Alpha Paper. After a little practice prints can be produced on this paper equal to those on Albumenized paper, by an exposure of from one to twelve * ' ' — K PERCY LUND & CO., ST JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. ■* 81 seconds to diffused daylight, or by a proportionate exposure to gas- light. Box containing 334 pieces Carte de Visite 5/0 120 ,, Cabinet 5/0 1 f 50 84 x 64 5/0 ,, 36 10x8 5/0 24 sheets 12 x 10 5/0 16 „ 15 x 12 5/0 ,, 20 24 x 19 15/0 Roll 24 inches wide 5/0 The “Britannia” Argentic Bromide Paper. This paper is intended for enlargements, and will be found superior to all others for this purpose. Box containing 24 sheets, 124 x 104 . . . . . . . . 7/6 16 „ 154 x 123 7/6 20 .. 24| x 19 22/0 ,, ,, Roll 244 wide •• .. .. .. 7/6 Retouching Desks. Our new and improved folding retouching desk is the best made. It may be used for any size from J plate up to 12 x 10. In black varnished deal, with mahogany adjustable slides, price 25/-. Printing Frames. In Mahogany. Strong plain frames. Prices per doz. h 5 / 0 ; 4 - 8 / 3 ; 4 (landscape opening), 9/6 ; double 9/0 ; , 13/9 ; 10 x 8, 17/8 ; 12x10, 22 0. * PERCY LUND * CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 32 * Patent “ Eclipse ” Ruby Tent. The “ Eclipse” tent is so well and favourably known as to require no special comment. Its special recommendations are portability, safety, and convenience. The smaller size weighs If lbs. ; and the larger one very little more. It is absolutely actinic-liglit proof and may be used in blazing sunlight with impunity. The “ Eclipse ” is made in two sizes : — Size when closed. For changing plates . . 24 x 3 x 3 For developing . . . . 28 £ x 3 x 3 Price. £15 0 £1 15 0 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. * 83 Marshall’s Patent Shutter. This shutter presents many novel features, and is well worthy of photographers’ attention. The speed can be easily altered and regu- lated. Both hand and pneumatic release is provided. ljin diam. If in. 2fin. 3in. 3.1iu. Prices : — For lens with hood 13/6 15/0 16/6 17/6 18/6 Plate Boxes. LIGHT TIGHT BOXES. Superior, polished mahogany, with outer sliding lid, and inner metal lid and spring. £ 5x4 £ I 10x8 12x10 For 12 plates, each 3/4 3/9 4/4 5/6 7/6 9/0 For 24 „ „ 3/10 4/6 5/8 6/6 8/4 10/0 NEGATIVE BOXES. Strongly and lightly made of white deal. To hold 50 negatives . . . . £ plate, 1/4 each ,, ,, . . . . | plate, 2/3 each PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 34 The Godstone Plate Washer, In the “Godstone” washer, the plates are placed face downwards, and by a peculiar syphon arrangement the chemically impreg- nated water is peri- odically discharged from the bottom of the tank, but it is not lowered so far as to leave the plates dry. The washer will wash plates of any size below the size for which it is made. As shown above, the washer consists of two parts ; a cage for the plates, and a tank with syphon. Directions for use : — After filling with water, lift out the cage by the handles, stand it crosswise on the top of the tank, slide in the plates face downwards , allowing them to bear on the lower edge only until they reach the stop, then lower the cage gently into the water in the tank — adjust the water supply — a stream of water the size of a straw will be ample. With no continuous supply of water at all this plate washer will well wash the plates if the water is occasionally changed, because as fast as the chemicals are soaked out of the gelatine they sink downwards and fresh water obtains access to the film. When there is no continual supply, occasionally lifting the cage out and gently lowering it again is advantageous, in addition, of course, to changing the water so often as is practicable. Prices. — Half Plate, 7/0 cage only . . 4/0 tank only . . 10/0 complete Whole „ 8/6 „ .. 5/0 ,, .. 12/6 Larger sizes made to order. The Godstone Automatic Washing Tray. The “Godstone” print washer is entirely self- acting, and does its work in a thorough and effi- cient manner with an extremely small supply of water. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD, 35 Directions for use : — Place the tray on a sink or other approximately level surface where the overflow can get away. Fill the larger divi- sion of the tray with water, and place the prints (rinsed) therein. Set a tiny stream to run from the tap, or by a rubber syphon tube from a pail or tank. A stream the size of a straw will thoroughly wash a number of prints in a short time, and a drop per second will be sufficient if continued all night. As the water rises in the large division it runs under the first partition, and over the second one into the smaller division until the weight at the smaller end causes the tray to tip up, when all the impure water runs from the bottom under the first and over the second partition, and starts the syphon, which will run till the smaller division is empty. The tray then drops back to the level ready for a fresh start, the action continuing so long as the water is supplied. Each time the tray rocks, the water in the larger division is agitated, and the prints are well separated. Note. — In the wood cut the leg of the syphon is shown too long, it should not touch the surface upon which the tray stands. The trays are made in three sizes -For prints to half plate, 6/9 ; to whole plate, 9/0; to 15 x 12, 14/6. The Godstone Carrier Lock. Frame of Slide. Slide > No. 1. No. 2. The “ Godstone ” Carrier Lock is a very ingenious arrangement for preventing a second exposure of a plate in the dark slide, either through accident or forgetfulness. It is fixed to the frame of the slide, as shown in the above figures. When the exposure is made — by drawing out the slide in the direction shown by the arrow — the slide is pushed back, as in ordinary practice, and held by the tongue of the lock, as shown in the second figure. Price If- each ; or 10/- per dozen. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 36 Dark Room Lamps. No. 1 is a folding lamp ; extremely portable, and cheap. It has two metal sides, and one side of ruby glass. For travelling, the top and bottom pieces take off, and the glass folds between the metal sheets. No. 2 is a patent portable lamp — made in two sizes. It closes very compactly, and is a strong useful article. No. 2. No. 3. No. 3 is a powerful dark-room lamp, of superior construction, in- tended for burning oil. The oil-tank is well separated from the flame, preventing super-heating and the possibility of explosion. The sliding back allows of the adjustment of the light, or cleaning of the glass ; and also supplies the necessary air for the flame through carefully guarded openings. The two large panes of ruby glass give a powerful but perfectly safe light. Prices No. 1 . . . . 2/6 ,, No. 2 . . . . 3/0 (larger size, 5/6) „ No. 3 .. .. 7/6 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. *■ 37 Bowman’s Rolling Presses. These presses have been in use for upwards of eighteen years, and are pronounced by photographers to be by far the best made for im- parting a uniform and highly polished surface to a photograph, without scratching or soiling it. The press is so constructed that the steel plate on which the cards are laid can be heated by the gas lamp to any required degree, giving to the cards rolled a uniform and highly finished surface, without any extra time spent in rolling. The press Double Geared Press. will also be found most efficient for rolling the cards cold. The mode by which the pressure is gained (adjustable leverage) will be found admirably adapted for securing uniform results. Sizes of Steel Plates and Prices of the Single Geared Bowman’s Improved Rolling Presses, with Lamps and Tubes; — 8x4Jr, £4 0.. 12 x 7, £6 0.. 14x12, £ 8 15. .18x13, £12 0 10 x 6£, £5 10.. 12x10, £7 10.. 16x12, £10 0.. 20x14, £18 15 Sizes of Steel Plates and Prices of the Double and Triple Geared Bowman’s Improved Rolling Presses, with Lamps and Tubes : — 20x16, £18 15 ., 24x16, £21 0 .. 26x18, £24 10 PERCY LUND A CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD, 38 Burnishers. The “ Optimus Burnisher. We offer this burnisher as a thoroughly strong and reliable article at a reasonable price. Each burnisher is mounted on a table, and HehifTi W i lU be i l° Und exce P tion ally convenient. The burnisher is nickel plated, and has a specially hardened burnishing bar Sizes of prints that £ plate, £10 0. 10x8, £2 can be burnished, and prices : — • i plate, £1 10 0 .. > plate, £1 14 5 0 .. 12x10, £3 0 0 0 Brass Springs. F or £ plate Printing Frames » i » i » 12 X 10 1/0 per doz. 1/2 „ 2/6 3/9 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 39 Harrison’s Head and Body Rest. DIRECTIONS FOR USING. 1 — Place the Rest behind foot of person to be Photo- graphed. 2 — Raise up the main rod until the swivel is nearly level with shoulders, and fasten with No. 1 screw. 3 — Adjust Body Rest to waist, and fasten with No. 2 and No. 3 screws. 4 — Loosen No. 4 screw and leaving it loose proceed to adjust Head Rest be- hind the head with No. 5 and No. 6 screws ; and, lastly, fasten No. 4 screw which completes the rest. No. 1 — Highly finished, every adjustment for Youths or Adults sitting or standing, from 3ft. Gin. to 6ft. high, with elongating Swivel and Brass Wheel Screws No. 2 quality. — A similar Rest but cheaper. Very useful when two or more Rests are required for a group on dull days, with flat Screws No. 3 — An Upright Rest with Back Rest No. 4 — Do. do. without Back Rest No. 5 — Miniature Rest for Children standing or sitting, or for Adults sitting only No. 6 — Cheaper make, no Swivel No. 7 — Do. do. £2 2 £1 7 £1 5 £1 0 £1 10 £1 5 £0 15 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 PERCY LUND & CO., ST., JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD 40 Tripod Stands. No. 1. Telescope Tripod, with sliding leg adjustment, rigid — \ plate, 10/6 A plate, 11/6 j plate, 12/6 No. 2. Folding Ash, with bayonet joint, very rigid, with straps — | plate, 12/0 £ plate, 13/6 a plate, 14/6 No. 2. No. 1. No. 3. Special Folding and Telescopic Ash. The most portable form of legs made. Only 20 inches long when folded. For cameras up to \ plate 20/0 „ „ 12 x 10 25/0 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 41 Mitre Cutting Machine. Invaluable to Photographers & Picture Frame Makers. This machine will cut a mitre joint with unfailing ac- curacy, dispensing with the use of the saw and the plane, and also the usual mitre-cut- ting and shooting board. It is the only mitre-cutting machine which will cut ordinary gilt mouldings without injury to the gilt surface or composition. Spanner and extra cutter are only sent when specially or- dered. SIZE No. 1. To Cut 2-inch Mouldings : — Mitre Cutting Machine, com. 12/6 Extra Cutter 3/0 Spanner 9d. Weight complete, 18 lbs. .WWWWVWW 1 '^ 0 jgjjim ■iiinT SIZE No. 2. To Cut 4-inch Mouldings : — Mitre Cutting Machine, com. 25/0 Extra Cutter 6/0 Spanner 1/0 Weight complete, 42 lbs. Registered Corner Cramp. This arrangement is intended for gripping securely two sides of Picture Frame during the process of nailing together. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Will take If in. 2f in. 4 in. Mouldings. Price . . 2/0 3/0 5/0 per pair. Postage 3d. 6d. 9d. per pair. A Sample Cramp, No. 1 size, 1/3 per post. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 42 Plate Draining Racks. i i i 12 grooves . . 1/3 1/6 2/0 24 „ .. 1/6 2/0 2/6 Waxed Paper Goods. THE PREMIER WAXED VIGNETTER. Prints nearly as quickly as bare glass, and has a softening effect on the retouching. Produces same softness and delicacy of effect in the strongest summer sunshine, or shade of a winter’s day. Durable. Impossible to produce a semi-vignette to the same perfection by any other means. The vignetter will last for years, and we confidently recommend it as the best make in the market. Carte-de-Visite. .per doz., 3/0 Cabinet ,, 6/0 12/0 10 x 8 per doz., 18/0 12 x 10 „ 24/0 15 x 12 48/0 Assorted — either landscape or portrait. DIRECTIONS. — Place the vignetter against the back of the nega- tive in the desired position, keeping it in its place with a clean piece of glass the same size. Put altogether in the printing frame and it is ready for use. THE PREMIER CLOUD NEGATIVES. An extensive series of cloud studies, photographed from nature. 64x4f .. each 1/0 I 10 x 8 .. each 2/0 I 15x12 .. each 4/0 8^x61 .. „ 1/6 I 12x10 .. „ 3/0 j WYLES’ NATURAL CLOUD NEGATIVES. 6£x4f .. each 1/3 I 10 x 8 .. each 2/6 I 15x12 .. each 4/6 8Jx6i ,, 1/9 I 12x10 .. „ 3/6 j Border Negatives THE “SCRIBNER” BORDER NEGATIVES. These artistic floral, marine, and sketch negatives produce beautiful effects by double printing round vignette or medallion heads or busts. They are al- ready being largely and successfully used by all classes of photo- graphers. The “Scribner” negatives are exceedingly artistic and tasteful, and are not waxed paper, but glass. (See illustration on opposite page.) Prices — Imperial, 5/0 each. Cabinet, 2/6 each. C.-de-V., 1/6 each PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 44 THE “STEPHANIE” VIGNETTES. These Vignettes are negatives similar to the “ Scribner ” in their use. They are a Ger- man series, largely used in England at present, and generally acknowledged to include some of the most beautiful designs ever issued in these goods. Prices— Cabinet, 4/0 each. C.-de-V., 2/6 each. Papier Mache Trays. Superior, strong, deep developing trays. lOd. each | £, 1/3 each | f, 2/0 each | 10x8, 2/6 each 12 x 10, 3/0 each. Porcelain Trays. The size given represents the inside measurement at bottom of dish. 4* X 3£ 7x5 9x7 11 x 9 11 X 9 Shallow 6d. 8d. lid. 1/5 2/6 Deep 16 x 13 18 x 16 1/2 19 x 15 1/7 24 x 19 3/2 Shallow 6/6 8/0 9/6 18/6 Deep 8/0 10/6 12/0 23/0 Sundries. CANARY MEDIUM. Heavy paper (40in. x 28£in.), 3d. per sheet. CUT TISSUES. White— C.-de-V., 4d. per 1000 ; Cabinet, 9d. per 1000. Pink — C.-de-V., 6d. per 1000; Cabinet, 1/0 per 1000. FILTERING PAPERS, French circular, in packets of 100. 6 inch, 8d. ; 8 in., lOd. ; 10 in., 1/0 ; 13 in., 1/6 ; 16 in., 1/9. GLASS STIRRING RODS. 2d. each. PRINT KNIVES. A new knife of our own design, extremely strong and durable. The blade is of best steel, and requires sharpening very seldom. 1/0 each. WOODEN CLIPS (commonly known as American clothes pegs). For hanging. 6d. per dozen. BACKING BOARDS, for picture frames, in bundles of a dozen, 6ft. x 8in., 3/0 per bundle. RUBY GLASS. Best, in 9in. squares, 9d. per square. MASKS AND DISCS. 100 masks and 100 discs, C.-de-V., well assorted, oval, dome, and cushion, in box, 1/0 ; 50 ditto, Cabinet, 1/0 ; 36 ditto, half-plate, 1/0 ; 12 ditto, whole plate, 1/0. LANTERN MASKS, 3|x 3J, 4d. per dozen ; or in boxes of 4 dozen, 1/0 per box. LANTERN STRIPS, lOin. long, ready gummed, 1/0 per box of 6 doz. VINE OR IVY TRAILS. 1/3 each. BOOK OF GUMMED LABELS, 3d. VULCANITE HOOKS, for lifting plates out of trays, 4d. each. VULCANITE PINCERS, lOd. each. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. * 45 Frames. Grecian Key Corner Frames. Suitable for enlargements, opals, etc. Complete with back boards. In ordering give size, and number. A good selection in stock. Special sizes to order in six weeks. Sizes . 117 920 *35 523 844 1155 231 251 977 282 428 839 1049 1051 919 190 Kebate measure . 8 X 6 . . . . 7/0 4/6 5 ^ 7/6 3/0 4/0 5/6 10 „ 8 .... 7/6 5/0 6/0 8/6 3/6 4/0 6/0 8/6 11 £ „ 9 .... 9/6 7/6 5/0 6/6 9/0 3/6 4/6 6/6 8/6 12 „ 1 ".... 9/6 7/6 5/6 7/0 9/6 ! 4/0 4/6 6/6 9/0 13 „ 11 ... 10/0 8/0 6/0 7/0 9/6 4/0 4/6 6/6 9/6 14 „ 12 .... 10/6 8/0 6/0 7/0 10/0 4/0 5/0 7 / J 9/6 15 „ 11 .... 10/6 8/6 6/0 7/0 10/6 4/6 5/0 7/0 9/6 15 „ 18 .... 11/0 9/0 6/6 7/6 1 C /6 4/6 5/6 7/6 10/0 16 „ 12 .... 11/0 9/0 7/0 8/0 11/0 4/6 5/6 7/6 10/6 16 „ 16 ... 12/6 9/6 7/6 9/6 12/0 5/0 6/0 7/6 10/0 20 „ 17 .... 14/0 l <»/6 8/6 9/6 12/6 5/6 7/0 8/6 12/0 24 „ 19 .... 15/6 11/6 10/6 11/0 1 5/6 6/6 8/0 9/6 13/0 16/0 80 „ 22 .... 18/6 13/6 12/6 13/0 18/0 7/6 9/0 10/6 117. Black, and bronze repousse 920. Chocolate and black * 525.' Black and gilt. 523. Chocolate. ♦ 844. Black. 1155. Brown and black. 231. Chocolate and black 251. Black and gold. * 977. Oak and black. 282. Black and gilt. * 428. Oak and black. * 839. Oak and black. 1049. Black and gilt. 1051. Light brown and black. 919. Black and gilt. 190. Brown and gilt. The Mouldings marked thus (*) are plain; the rest are partly embossed. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. Glass Frames. With metal spring backs, bevelled edged glass, with narrow gilt border. C.-de-V. .. Double C.-de-Y. Cabinet 3/6 doz. 6/0 „ 6/6 „ Double Cabinet Promenade Boudoir . . 14/0 doz. 10/6 „ 34/0 „ Oval Brass Rims. With glasses, rings, and backs, superior make. 5 x 3f . . . . 2/0 doz. 18/6 gross. 7£x6i 4/0 „ 38/6 „ 11 x9£ .. 10/0 „ 84/0 „ Plush Pads. For opals, with strut behind. For \ plate size . . 5/0 per dozen >> i 9/0 „ )» T SJ 15/0 We have always a large stock of Plush, Leatherette, and Brass Frames, and can make up sample parcels of one each sort, to suit requirements . PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. * * 47 Wray’s Lenses. * Rapid Rectilinear Lenses. For Groups, Architecture, Copying, Enlarging, and Views. These are undoubtedly the most useful lenses for general work, they are free from distortion and flare, and give absolutely straight lines to the margin of plate — in a well-lighted room or studio good portraits may be taken with them — they have a much flatter field and greater depth of focus than the ordinary portrait lens. The back combination may be used as a single lens having about double the focal length of the com- pound, the exposure will then require to be increased four times. Each lens is fitted with a set of Waterhouse diaph- ragms numbered according to the Standard of the Photographic Society of Great Britain — the largest aperture being No. 4 equal to one-eighth part the focal length with the exception of the 5x4 lens, the aperture Rapid Rectilinear, of which is No. 2 equal to f/5.65, thus giving it double the rapidity of the other lenses. PRICES OF RAPID RECTILINEAR LENSES WITH RIGID SETTINGS. £ s. d. cover plate * 5 x 4 Back focus 54 in .. 2 10 0 6£„ 5 8 .. 3 10 0 8 .. 5 9 „ ..40 0 1 } 00 bOM 05 104 .. 4 10 0 9 9 10 ,, 8 ,, 124 „ . . 6 0 0 12 „10 15 „ .. 8 0 0 9 9 15 „12 174 „ . . 10 10 0 >> 18 „16 22 .. 14 0 0 * These lenses can be supplied accurately paired for stereoscopic purposes. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 48 Wide Angle Rectilinear Lenses. For Landscapes, Interiors, and Copying. As will be seen from the illustrations below, these lenses are ex- tremely portable, and being quite free from distortion and flare, give absolutely straight lines to the edge of the plate. The angle of view included in the picture depends upon the relative size of plate to the focus of the lens ; thus a 6-inch lens on a 6 inch plate gives an angle of 53 degs., but the same lens on a 12 -inch plate will embrace an angle of 90 degs. These lenses will, with a small stop (not necessarily the smallest), work well up to 90 degs., and in some cases even a wider angle may be included. The rotating diaphragm has 5 apertures, num- bered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively, from f/16 to f/64, each one requiring double the exposure of the preceding. In using these lenses, and in fact all others, it is very important that the camera be placed ex- actly level when an architectural subject, or any object, having ver- tical straight lines, is in- cluded in the picture. If tilting the camera is quite unavoidable, the swing back must be used and the plate set plumb — in which case a small- er stop must be used than would have otherwise sufficed to cover the plate sharply. Note. — The back lens may be used as a single of about twice the focus. PRICES OF WIDE ANGLE RECTILINEAR LENSES. *A Large Stop. 3x3 Medium. 4x3 Small. 5x4 Focus. 34 ins. Price. £2 10 0 *B 4 „ 3 5 ,, 4 64 .. 5 4| „ 2 15 0 *C 5 „ 4 84 .. 64 10 „ 8 6 „ 3 0 0 D 6J „ 5 9 „ 7 12 „10 7 „ 4 0 0 E n .. s 10 .. 8 13 „11 8 „ 5 0 0 F 84 „ 64 12 ..10 15 „ 12 9 „ 6 0 0 G 9 „ 7 13 ,.11 18 „ 16 10 „ 7 0 0 * These lenses can be accurately paired for stereoscopic purposes Full size. D to G. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD 49 The New Landscape Lenses. For Views, Groups, Portraits, and Large Heads. These lenses work at f/8 and with this aperture are suitable for portraiture and large heads (see testimonials), also for instantaneous studies where only a limited angle of view is required, and with smaller stops their brilliant, crisp defini- tion and depth of focus are unsurpassed. Distortion is reduced to a minimum, so that with the exception of copying, they may be used for all purposes, including architectural subjects, when not un- der difficult conditions. Being composed of a single combination ce- mented, they have in consequence only two reflecting surfaces in- stead of four as in the Rectilinear form, and are, therefore, more Landscape with Rotating Diaphragm. Landscape with Taper Mount. rapid with similar stops. They are made in two sizes — Wide and Narrow angle — the former, as their name implies, being of shorter focus in pro- portion to the size of plate they are intend- ed to cover, than the latter. Where a long focus lens is required only to cover a small plate, the narrow angle will answer equally as well as the wide. The wide angle lenses up to by 5 are fitted with a ro- tating diaphragm having 5 apertures, PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. * 50 the largest No. 1 = f/10, No. 2 = f/11,314, No. 3 = f/16, No. 4 = f/22,627, No. 5 = f/32, being with the exception of No. 1 in accord- ance with the uniform system of the Photographic Society of Great Britain, but can be fitted with Waterhouse diaphragms if required. The larger sizes have Waterhouse diaphragms, the largest aperature being the U.S. No. 4 = f/8, and the mount is made taper towards the front so that it may be as light as possible. (See Fig.) The narrow angle lenses up to 84 x are fitted with a rotating diaphragm having 5 apertures from f/16 to f/64 each one giving double the exposure of the preceding. The larger sizes have Waterhouse diaphragms, the largest aperture being the U.S. No. 4, the same as the wide angle. Where greater portability is required, as for landscape work, these lenses can be fitted into a taper mount having the largest aperture equal to f/16, and an extra straight body can be supplied having a fixed aperture equal to f/8. PRICES OF WIDE ANGLE LANDSCAPE LENSES. To cover Plate. Diameter of Lens. Focus. Price. *5x4 . 1§ inch 5 inch £1 15 0 6J„ 5 . • If „ 6* „ 2 5 0 7i„ 5 . • If „ 74 „ 2 10 0 84 „ 6 J . 2 „ 8f „ 3 0 0 10 „ 8 2,» „ 10 „ 3 15 0 12 „ 10 • 24 ,, 12 „ 4 10 0 15 „ 12 2f „ 15 „ 5 10 0 18 „ 16 • 3* „ 18 „ 7 0 0 22 „ 20 3f „ 22 „ 9 0 0 25 „ 21 . 4J „ 25 „ 13 0 0 PRICES OF NARROW ANGLE LANDSCAPE LENSES. To cover Diameter Focus. Price. Price with Plate. of Lens. extra body. *5x4 . . 1£ inch . . 74 inch .. £1 10 0 . . 6*„ 5 .. IS „ .. 8f „ 1 15 0 74 „ 5 .. 1 k >> • • 10 „ 2 0 0 84 „ 64 .. If „ .. 12 „ 2 10 0 10 „ 8 .. 2 • • 15 „ 3 5 0 .. £3 10 0 12 „ 10 .. 2& „ .. 18 „ 4 0 0 4 6 0 15 „ 12 .. 2 3 21 „ 4 15 0 5 2 0 18 „16 .. 3J „ .. 25 „ 5 15 0 6 4 0 ♦These lenses can be supplied in pairs for stereoscopic views. PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 51 Mounts. Mounts. Square or Round Corners. The price of printed cards is the same for any colour of ink, such as black, red, or blue, but for gold, silver or red powder printing an extra charge is made. For dark enamelled cards only gold, silver or red powder printing can be used. No extra charge for line or rand printed on front or back in the same colour as the matter. Red rands are not printed, but drawn by hand, and extra charge is there- fore made for them. It should be noted that our mounts differ in thickness from English and French mounts as follows : — 4 Sheet is equal to 6 sheet English or French. ^ >5 7 »» »> 6 „ 8 8 „ 12 10 „ 14 12 „ 16 16 „ 20 20 „ 30 30 „ 40 Cartes-de-Visite Mounts. (4£ by 2£ in.) Without Printing. for 10,000 4 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted, plain per 1000 8/0 With Coloured Lines .. .. ,, 10/0 With Gold Lines .. .. .. ,, 11/0 With Gold Rands . . . . . . ,, 11/0 4 sheet Enamelled, White or Tinted, Plain ,, 9/3 With Coloured Lines .. .. ,, 11/3 With Gold Lines .. .. .. ,, 12/3 With Gold Rands . . . . . . ,, 12/3 4 sheet Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive, Plain ,, 11/3 With Gold Lines . . . . . . ,, 14/3 With Gold Rands ,,14/3 With Printing on One Side. 25,000 and over 7/9 9/9 10/9 10/9 9/0 11/0 12/0 12/0 11/0 14/0 14/0 On Back or on Front (with or without Margin on Front) for 5000 10,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 4 sheet Bristol, White, or Tinted, per 1000 10/6 10/0 9/6 9/0 8/9 4 „ Enamelled ,, ,, ,, 12/6 11/6 11/0 10/6 103 4 „ Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 14/6 13/6 13/0 12/6 12/3 Ot oi cn PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 52 With Printing on Both Sides. On Back and on Front (with or without Margin on Front). for 5000 10,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 4 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted, per 1000 13/0 11/3 10/9 10/3 10/0 4 sheet Enamelled, White or Tinted, 1000, 15/0 13/0 12/6 12/0 11/9 4 ,, Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 17/0 15/0 14/6 14/0 13/9 5 sheet 1/6, 6 sheet 3/- per 1000 more than 4 sheet. Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side . . M ? , ,, both sides Ornamental Water Printing on back Waterproof Coloured Rand Best Superfine Surface of Bristol In 4 sheet Extra per 1000 .. 1/0 2/0 2/6 3/0 .. 1/0 5 sheet 6 sheet Coloured Edges . . . . per 1000 3/0 3/6 4/0 Gold Edges . . . . . . ,, 5/6 5/6 6/6 Cabinet Mounts. (6| by 4| in.) Without Printing. Per 1000 5 sheet Bristol White or Tinted . . . . . . Plain . . 25/0 With Coloured Lines, or Col. Lines and “ Cabinet Portrait” 31/0 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and ,, 32/6 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, 32/6 5 sheet Enamelled, White or Tinted . . . . Plain . . 30/0 With Coloured Lines, or Col. Lines and “ Cabinet Portrait” 36/0 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and ,, 37/6 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, 37/6 5 sheet Enamelled, Black. Chocolate, Olive . . Plain . . 34/0 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and “ Cabinet Portrait ” 41/6 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, 41/6 With Printing on One Side. On Back or on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) for 1000 2000 3000 5000 10,000 20,000 5 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted 1000, 35/0 32/6 31/0 30/0 29/0 28/0 5 „ Enamelled „ „ „ 40/0 37/6 36/0 35/0 34/0 33/0 5 „ „ Black, Choc., Olive,, 44/0 41/6 40/0 39/0 38/0 37/0 With Printing on Both Sides. On Back and on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) for 1000 2000 3000 5000 10,000 20,000 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted 1000, 42/0 38/0 36/6 34/0 33/0 32/0 „ Enamelled ,, „ ,, 47/0 43/0 41/6 39/0 38/0 37/0 „ „ Black, Choc., Olive,, 51/0 47/0 45/6 43/0 42/0 41/0 6 sheet 3/0, 8 sheet 8/0 per 1000 more than 5 sheet. Extra per 1000 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side ,, ,, ,, both sides . . Ornamental Water Printing on back . . Waterproof Coloured Rand Best Superfine Surface of Bristol In 5 sheet Coloured Edges . . . . per 1000 6/0 Gold Edges „ 11/6 6 si 2/0 4/0 7/6 7/6 3/0 eet 8 sheet 7/0 8/0 12/6 14/0 o o PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 53 Vitftoria Mounts. (5 by 3J in.) Round Corners. Without Printing. per 1000 5 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . . . . . Plain . . 15/0 With Coloured Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 19/0 With Gold Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 20/6 With Gold Rands 20/6 5 sheet Enamelled, White or Tinted .. .. Plain .. 17/6 With Coloured Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 21/6 With Gold Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 23/0 With Gold Rands . . . . . . . . . . . . 23/0 5 sheet Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive . . Plain . . 20/0 With Gold Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 25/6 With Gold Rands 25/6 With Printing on One Side. On back or on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) foi 500 1000 2500 5000 5 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . per 100 » 28/0 24/0 20/0 19/0 5 „ Enamelled „ „ .. „ 30/6 26/6 22/6 21/6 5 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive ,, 33/0 29/0 25/0 24/0 With Printing on Both Sides. On back and on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) for 500 1000 2500 5000 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . per 1000 36/0 29/0 23/0 22/0 sheet Enamelled, White or Tinted, per 1000 38/6 31/6 25/6 24/6 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive ,. 41/0 34/0 28/0 27/0 6 sheet Thickness 2/6 per 1000 more than 5 sheet. Extra per 1000 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side . . . . 1/6 ,, ,, ,, on both sides . . . . 3/0 Waterproof Coloured Rand .. .. .. .. 5/0 Best Superfine Surface of Bristol . . . . . . 2/0 in 5 sheet 6 sheet Coloured Edges . . . . . . . . per 1000 5/0 5/6 Gold Edges „ 9/0 11/6 Malvern Mounts. (6£ by 3| in.) Round Corners. Without Printing. per 1000 5 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . . . . . Plain . . 20/0 With Coloured Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 25/0 With Gold Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 26/6 With Gold Rands . . . . . . 26/6 5 sheet Enamelled, White or Tinted . . . . . . . . 24/0 With Coloured Lines 29/0 With Gold Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 30/6 With Gold Rands 30/6 Ox cn Ox Ox Or Ctt PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 54 5 sheet Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive . . . . . . 27/0 With Gold Lines .. .. .. .. .. .. 33/6 With Gold Rands . . . . . . . . . . . . 33/g With Printing on One Side. On Back or on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) for 500 1000 2500 5000 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . per 1000 32/0 28/6 26/0 25/6 ,, Enamelled ,, ,, .. ,, 39/0 32/6 30/0 29/6 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive ,, 39/0 35/6 33/0 32/6 With Printing on Both Sides. On Back and Front (with or without Margin on Front.) for 500 1000 2500 5000 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . per 1000 38/0 32/0 28/0 27/0 „ Enamelled „ ,, .. „ 42/0 36/0 32/0 31/0 „ Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive „ 45/0 39/0 35/0 34/0 6 sheet 2/6, 8 sheet 6/0 per 1000 more than 5 sheet. Extra per 1000 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side . . . . 2/0 ,, ,, ,, on both sides .. .. 4/0 Waterproof Coloured Rands . . . . . . . . 6/0 Best Superfine Surface of Bristol . . . . . . 2/6 in 5 sheet 6 sheet 8 sheet Coloured Edges .. .. .. per 1000 5/6 6/0 7/0 Gold Edges „ 10/0 11/6 13/0 Promenade Mounts. (8| by 4 in.) Round Corners. Without Printing. per 1000 6 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . . . . . Plain . . 40/0 With Coloured Lines, or Col. Lines and “Promenade Portrait” 50/0 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and „ ,, 52/6 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, ,, 52/6 6 sheet Enamelled, White or Tinted . . . . Plain . . 47/6 With Coloured Lines, or Col. Lines and “Promenade Portrait” 57/6 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and ,, ,, 60/0 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, ,, 60/0 6 sheet Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive . . Plain . . 52/8 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and “Promenade Portrait” 65/0 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, „ 65/0 With Printing on One Side. On Back or on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) .for 250 500 1000 2500 5000 6 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . .per 1000 62/6 55/0 52/6 50/0 47/6 6 „ Enamelled „ „ „ 70/0 62/6 60/0 57/6 55/0 6 „ Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive „ 75/0 67/6 65/0 62/6 60/0 With Printing on Both Sides. On Back and on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) GO 00 00 00 00 00 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 55 for 250 500 1000 2500 5000 6 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . .per 1000 72/6 62/6 57/6 52/6 50/0 6 „ Enamelled „ „ ,, 80/0 70/0 65/0 60/0 57/6 6 „ Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive „ 85/0 75/0 70/0 65/0 62/6 8 sheet Thickness 7/6 per 1000 more than 6 sheet. Extra per 1000 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side . . . . 2/6 ,, ,, ,, on both sides .. .. 5/0 Waterproof Coloured Rands . . . . . . . . 10/0 Best Superfine Surface of Bristol . . . . . . 5/0 in 6 sheet 8 sheet Coloured Edges .. .. .. ..per 1000 8/0 10/0 Gold Edges . . . . . . . . ,, 15/0 18/0 Boudoir Mounts. (81 by 5 £ in. Round Corners. Without Printing. per 1000 8 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . . . . . Plain . . 62/0 With Coloured Lines, or Col. Lines and “Boudoir Portrait” 77/6 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and ,, ,, 82/6 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, ,, 82/6 8 sheet Enamelled, White or Tinted . . . . Plain . . 72/6 With Coloured Lines, or Col. Lines and “Boudoir Portrait ” 87/6 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and ,, ,, 92/6 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, ,, 92/6 8 sheet Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive . . Plain . . 80/0 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and “ Boudoir Portrait ” 100/0 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, ,, 100/0 With Printing on One Side. (On Back or on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) for 100 250 500 1000 2500 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . per 100 10/3 9/9 8/9 8/3 8/0 „ Enamelled „ „ „ 11/3 10/9 9/9 9/3 9/0 „ Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive „ 12/0 11/6 10/6 10/0 9/9 With Printing on Both Sides. On Back or on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) for 100 250 500 1000 2500 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . per 100 12/3 10/3 9/9 9/3 9/0 „ Enamelled „ ., „ 13/3 11/3 10/9 10/3 10/0 „ Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive „ 14/0 12/0 11/6 11/0 10/9 10 sheet 1/0, 12 sheet 2/0 per 100 more than 8 sheet. Extra per 100 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side . . . . 0/6 ,, ,, ,, on both sides . . . . 1/0 Waterproof Coloured Rands . . . . . . . . 1/3 Best Superfine Surface of Bristol . . . . . . 0/9 in 8 sheet 10 sheet 12 sheet Coloured Edges per 100 1/3 1/9 2/6 Gold Edges „ 2/6 3/0 3/6 00 00 00 00 X 00 I co to so ft PERCY LUND & CO,, ST. JO HN’S STRE ET, BRADFORD. 56 Imperial Mounts. (10 by 6| in.) Round Corners. Without Printing. per 1000 8 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . . . . . Plain . . 95/0 With Coloured Lines, or Col. Lines and “Imperial Portrait” 115/0 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and ,, ,, 120/0 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, ,, 122/6 8 sheet Enamelled, White or Tinted . . . . Plain . . 110/0 With Coloured Lines, or Col. Lines and “Imperial Portrait” 130/0 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and ,, ,, 135/0 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, ,, 137/6 8 sheet Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive .. .. Plain 120/0 With Gold Lines, or Gold Lines and “Imperial Portrait” 145/0 With Gold Rands, or Gold Rands and ,, ,, 147/6 With Printing on One Side. On Back or on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) for 100 250 500 1000 2,500 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . per 100 13/6 13/0 12/0 11/6 11/3 „ Enamelled ,, „ „ 15/0 14/6 13/6 13/0 12/9 ,, Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 16/0 15/6 14/6 14/0 13/9 With Printing on Both Sides. On Back and on Front (with or without Margin on Front.) for 100 250 500 1000 2500 sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . per 100 15/6 13/6 13/0 12/6 12/3 „ Enamelled „ „ „ 17/0 15,0 14/6 14/0 13/9 , Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 18/0 16/0 15/6 15/0 14/9 10 sheet 1/6, 12 sh6et 3/0 per 100 more than 8 sheet. Extra per 100 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side . . . . 0/9 ,, ,, ,, on both sides .. .. 1/6 Waterproof Coloured Rands .. .. .. .. 1/6 Best Superfine Surface of Bristol .. .. .. 1/0 in 8 sheet 10 sheet 12 sheet Coloured Edges .. .. ..per 100 2/0 2/6 3/0 Gold Edges „ 3/0 3/6 4/0 Stereoscopic Mounts. (7 by 3 7-16 in.) Round Corners. Without Printing. sheet Bristol, White or Tinted . . . . . . per 1000 27/0 ,, Glazed on one side, White or Tinted . . ,, 29/6 ,, Glazed on both sides ,, ,, .. ,, 32/0 8 sheet Thickness 5/0 per 1000 more than 6 sheet. Letterpress Printing on Front. Extra for 1000 2500 5000 10,000 On the End or below the Views . . per 1000 2/0 1/6 1/3 1/0 On both Ends of the Front . . , . ,, 3/0 2/0 1/6 1/3 0000 0000 C5 05 05 Cl 0505 cncn Or Ox Ol Or PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 57 Special Sizes for Views. Round Corners. 4| by 3£ in. 5 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . .per 1000 4 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 6 sheet 2/6 per 1000 extra. 5 by 4 in. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . .per 1000 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 6 sheet 2/6 per 1000 extra. 6 by 4£ in. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . .per 1000 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 6 sheet 3/0 per 1000 extra. 6£ by 4| in. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . .per 1000 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 6 sheet 3/0 per 1000 extra. 11 by 4£ in. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . .per 1000 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 8 sheet 7/6 per 1000 extra. 1 \ by 5 in. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . .per 100 „ Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 8 sheet 1/0 per 100 extra. 8* by 6£ in. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . .per 100 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive ,, j 8 sheet 1/6 per 100 extra. 10 by 8 in. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey .. ..per 100 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive ,, 12 by 10 In. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey .. ..per 100 „ Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive ,, 15 by 12 in. Plain With Red Lines. With Gold Lines or Rands 14/0 19/0 21/0 19/0 24/0 26/0 20/0 25/0 27/0 27/0 32/0 34/0 24/0 30/0 32/0 33/0 39/0 41/0 28/0 34/0 36/0 37/0 43/0 45/0 40/0 50/0 52/6 52/6 62/6 65/0 5/0 7/0 7/6 6/6 8/6 9/0 6/6 8/6 9/6 8/6 10/6 11/6 10/0 12/0 13/0 12/6 14/6 15/6 14/0 18/0 20/0 17/0 1 21/0 23/0 20/0 25/0 27/6 24/0 ! 29/0 31/6 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 58 Gold Edged Mounts. Cartes-de-Visite Mounts. (4£ by 2§ in.) Round Corners, with Plain Gold Edges. Name and Address Blocked in real Gold on Front only. No charge for Brass Blocks by orders of 2500 C.-de-V's. and over. Monogrammes, Medals or Coat of Arms are always charged for if not in Stock. 5 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 33/0 0 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, . . . . ,, 35/6 5 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 36/0 ® »> 5) 5) >» >J J> >> 38/6 5 ,, Bristol, Black, Choc., Olive (New; . . . . ,, 36/0 6 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, . . . . ,, 38/6 Extra for Printing Name and Address for 1000 2500 5000 on back in any colour . . per 1000 3/6 3/0 2/6 Extra for Printing Name and Address on back in Gold . . . . ,, 4/6 4/0 3/6 Cabinet Mounts. (6| by 4J in.) Round Corners, with plain Gold Edges, Name and Address blocked in real Gold on Front only. No charge for Brass Blocks by orders of 1000 Cabinets and over. Monogrammes, Medals or Coat of Arms are alivays charged for if not in Stock. 5 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 61/6 6 „ „ „ „ „ .. •• „ 65/6 5 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 70/6 6 73 / 6 5 ,, Bristol, Black, Chocolate, Olive (New) . . ,, 70/6 6 „ „ „ „ „ .. „ 73/6 Extra for Printing Name and Address for 2500 5000 10000 on back in any colour . . per 1000 10/0 7/6 5/0 Extra for Printing Name and Address on back in Gold . . . . ,, 12/0 9/6 7/0 Real Gold Bevelled Edge Mounts. Brass Blocks are used for blocking Cards 4nd are charged for on the first order 3d. per letter (Autograph or Plain Lettering). No charge for Blocks by orders of at least 1000 C.-de-V’s., etc., up to Promenade size inclusive, or 500 Boudoirs and the larger sizes. Monogrammes, Medals, or Coats of Arms are always charged for if not in stock. CD CO O COCO COCO ' CO CD CD C g PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 59 m Cartes- de-Visite. (4J by 2i in.) Without Printing. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 26/0 „ Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 28/0 ,, Bristol, Black, Chocolate, Olive. (New.) .. ,, 28/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 16/0 per 1000 extra. With Printing on One Side. for 1000 2500 5000 10000 25000 sheet Bristol, light colours . .per 1000 32/0 30/0 29/0 28/6 28/0 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours „ 34/0 32/0 31/0 30/6 30/0 With Printing on Both Sides. for 1000 2500 5000 10000 25000 sheet Bristol light colours . .per 1000 33/6 32/0 30/6 30/0 29/6 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 35/6 34/0 32/6 32/0 31/6 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side, 1/0 ; on both sides, 2/0 per 1000 extra. 8 sheet Thickness 4/6 extra per 1000. Cabinets. (6§ by 4J in.) Without Printing. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 53/0 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 58/0 ,, Bristol, Black, Chocolate, Olive. (New) .. ,, 58/0 Real Gold Leaf Block 3/0 per 100, or 22/6 per 1000 extra. With Printing on One Side. for 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 sheet Bristol, light colours . .per 1000 65/0 63/0 60/6 58/0 57/6 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 70/0 68/0 65/6 63/0 62/6 With Printing on Both Sides. for 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 6 sheet Bristol, light colours . .per 1000 70/0 68/9 65/0 62/0 60/6 6 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 75/0 73/0 70/0 67/0 65/6 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side, 2/0 ; on both sides, 4/0 per 1000 extra. 8 sheet Thickness 12/0 per 1000 extra. Vicftorias. (5 by 3J in.) Without Printing. 6 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 40/0 6 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 42/6 6 ,, Bristol, Black, Chocolate, Olive. (New) .. ,, 42/6 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 2/6 per 100, or 22/6 per 1000 extra. CONOCO tOvO CD CD J 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 60 With Printing on One Side. 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 6 sheet Bristol, light colours . .per 1000 53/0 49/0 45/0 44/0 43/6 6 ,, Enamelled, light, and dark colours ,, 55/6 51/6 47/6 46/6 46/0 With Printing on Both Sides. cnn mnn o^nn innnn 6 sheet Bristol, light colours . .per 1000 61/0 54/0 48/0 47/0 46/6 6 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 63/6 56/6 50/6 49/6 49/0 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side, 1/6 ; on both sides, 3/0 per 1000 extra. 8 sheet Thickness 8/0 extra per 1000. Malverns. (6£ by 3£ in.) Without Printing. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 48/6 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 52/6 ,, Bristol, Black, Chocolate, Olive. (New) .. ,, 52/6 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 2/6 per 100, or 22/6 per 1000 extra. With Printing on one Side. for 250 500 1000 2500 5000 sheet Bristol, light colours . .per 1000 68/6 60/6 57/0 54/6 53/6 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 72/6 64/6 61/0 58/6 57/6 With Printing on Both Sides. for 250 500 1000 2500 5000 sheet Bristol, light colours . .per 1000 78/6 66/6 60/0 56/6 55/6 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 82/6 70/6 64/6 60/6 59/6 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side 2/0, on both sides, 4/0 per 1000 extra. 8 sheet Thickness 10/0 extra per 1000. Promenades. (8| by 4 in.) Without Printing. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 87/6 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 95/0 ,, Bristol, Black, Chocolate, Olive. (New) .. ,, 95/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 3/0 per 100, or 25/0 per 1000 extra. With Printing on One Side. 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 sheet Bristol, light colours ..per 100 12/6 11/0 10/3 10/0 9/9 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 13/3 11/9 11/0 10/9 10/6 With Printing on Bioth Sides. t 500 1000 2500 5000 lO^OO sheet Bristol, light colours . .per 100 14/6 12/0 11/0 10/6 10/0 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 15/3 12/9 11/9 11/3 10/9 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side 3d., on both sides, 6d. per 100 extra. 10 sheet 1/6. 12 sheet 3/0 extra per 100. 00 00 00 0000 0000 ' 000000 0000 0000 PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. * * 61 Boudoirs. (8J by 5h in.) Without Printing. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 105/0 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 115/0 ,, Bristol, Black, Chocolate, Olive. (New) .. ,, 115/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 3/6 per 100, or 30/0 per 1000 extra. With Printing on One Side. inn 9^n innn sheet Bristol, light colours . . per 100 14/6 14/0 13/0 12/6 12/3 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 15/6 15/0 14/0 13/6 13/3 With Printing on Both Sides. for 100 250 500 1000 2500 sheet Bristol, light colours . . per 100 16/6 14/6 14/0 13/6 13/3 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 17/6 15/6 15/0 14/6 14/3 10 sheet 2/0, 12 sheet 4/0 extra per 100. Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side 6d., on both sides, 1/0 per 100 extra. Imperials and Royals. (10 by 6§ in.) (10§ by 5J in.) Without Printing. sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey . . . . . . . . per 1000 155/0 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 170/0 ,, Bristol, Black, Chocolate, Olive, (New) .. ,, 170/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 4/0 per 100 extra. With Printing on One Side. for 100 250 500 1000 2500 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey . . per 100 19/6 19/0 18/0 17/6 17/3 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 21/0 20/6 19/6 19/0 18/9 With Printing on Both Sides. for 100 250 500 1001 2500 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey .. per 100 21/6 19/6 19/0 18/6 18/3 ,, Enamelled, light and dark colours ,, 23/0 21/0 20/6 20/0 19/9 Gold or Red Powder Printing on one side 9d., on both sides 1/6 per 100 extra. 10 sheet 2/6, 12 sheet 5/0, 20 sheet 10/0 extra per 100. Panels. (13 by 74 in.) Without Printing. 20 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey per 100 40/0 20 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive .. .. ,, 42/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking for 25 6/0, for 50 5/0, for 100 4/0 per 100 extra. * — ^ PERCY LUND & CO., ST JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. * 62 With Gold Printing on One Side. for 25 50 100 250 500 20 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey . . per 100 58/0 49/0 46/0 45/0 43/0 20 ,, Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 60/0 51/0 48/0 47/0 45/0 With Gold Printing on Both Sides. for 25 50 100 250 500 20 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey . . per 100 63/0 53/0 49/0 48/0 46/0 20 ,, Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive ,,65/0 55/0 51/0 50/0 48/0 12 sheet Thickness 12/6 per 100 less than 20 sheet. Large Panels, (17 by 10£ in.) Without Printing. 20 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey . . . . . . . . per 100 70/0 20 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive .. .. ,, 75/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking for 25 8/0, for 50 6/0, for 100 5/0 per 100 extra. With Gold Printing on One Side. for 25 50 100 15 > 500 20 sheet Bristol, Cream Grey .. per 100 90/0 80/0 77/6 76/0 74/0 20 ,, Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive ,, 95/0 85/0 82/6 81/0 79/0 With Gold Printing on Both Sides. for 25 50 100 150 500 20 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey . .per 100 95/0 85/0 82/0 80/0 77/6 20 ,, Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive „ 100/0 90/0 87/0 85/0 82/6 30 sheet Thickness 30/0 extra per 100. Grand Panels. (23 by 13| in.) Without Printing. 20 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey . . .. . . . . per 100 140/0 20 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive .. .. ,, 150/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking for 25 10/0, for 50 8/0, for 100 6/0 per 100 extra. With Gold Printing on One Side. for 25 50 100 250 500 20 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey per 100 160/0 150/0 147/6 146/0 145/0 20 ,, Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive 170/0 160/0 157/6 156/0 155/0 With Gold Printing on Both Sides. for 25 50 100 250 500 20 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey per 100 165/0 155/0 152/0 150/0 147/6 20 „ Enamelled, Black, Choc., Olive 175/0 165/0 162/0 160/0 157/6 30 sheet Thickness 75/0 extra per 100. >%< ■■ ■ tfr PERCY LUND & CO., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 63 Stereoscopic Mounts. (7 by 3 7-16.) 6 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 63/0 6 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 58/0 8 sheet Thickness 12/0 extra per 1000. Special Sizes for Views. 4 i by 3 i in. 6 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 38/0 6 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Chocolate, Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 40/6 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 2/6 per 100 or 22/6 per 1000 extra. Gold Printing on front for 500 14/0, 1000 10/6, for 2500 7/6 per 1000 extra. Size 5 by 4 in. 6 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 48/6 6 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 52/6 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 3/0 per 100 or 25/0 per 1000 extra Gold Printing on front for 500 14/6, for 1000 11/0, for 2500 8/0 per 1000 extra. 6 by 4^ in. 6 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 51/0 6 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 56/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 3/0 per 100 or 25/0 per 1000 extra. Gold Printing on front for 500 15/0, for 1000 12/0, for 2500 10/0 per 1000 extra. 65 by 4! in. 6 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 1000 60/0 6 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 65/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 3/0 per 100, or 25/0 per 1000 extra. Gold Printing on front for 500 18/0, for 1000 15/0, for 2500 12/6 per 1000 extra. 7 '* by 5 in - 8 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 100 10/0 8 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 11/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 3/6 per 100, or 30/0 per 1000 extra. Gold Printing on front for 100 4/6, for 500 3/0, for 1000 2/6 per 100 » xtra. 8; by in. 8 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey, Blue, Pink . . . . per 100 12/6 8 ,, Enamelled, Cream, Black, Choc., Olive, Maroon, Tea ,, 18/6 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 4/0 per 100 extra. Gold Printing on front for 100 5/0, for 500 3/6, for 1000 3/0 per 100 extra. 10 by 8 in. 8 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey per 100 20/0 8 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive .. .. „ 22/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 4/0 per 100 extra. Gold Printing on front for 100 6/0, for 500 3/6, for 1000 3/0 per 100 extra. « PERCY LU ND & C O., ST. JOHN’S STREET, BRADFORD. 64 12 by io in. 12 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey . . . . . . . . per 100 32/0 12 „ Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive . . . . „ 34/0 Gold Leaf Blocking 5/0 per 100 extra. Gold Printing on front for 100 6/0, for 500 3/6, for 1000 3/0 per 100 extra. 15 by 12 in. 12 sheet Bristol, Cream, Grey . . . . . . . . per 100 47/0 12 ,, Enamelled, Black, Chocolate, Olive .. .. ,, 50/0 Real Gold Leaf Blocking 5/0 per 100 extra. Gold Printing on front for 100 7/6, for 500 4/6, for 1000 3/6 per 100 extra. Oxford Line Mounts. In Cream Bristol, Red Oxford Lines. Superfine Quality. No. 322 . . Size of Board 8£ x 6£ . . Size of Line 6 x 100 „ 324.. „ 10 x 8 .. „ 7 x 5 .. „ „ 326.. „ 12 x 10 .. ». 9 x 7 .. „ „ 328.. „ 15 x 12 .. „ 10£ X 8 *.. „ „ 329.. „ 18 x 14 . „ 12 xlO .. „ „ 331.. „ 21£ x 17£. . „ 15 xl2 .. ., Name and address printed in red ink, 2/6 per 100 extra. 4/6 6/0 10/0 16/0 20/0 42/0 India Tinted Mounts. White, with Neutral Grey Tint. Superfine Quality. No. 222. .Size of Board 8£ x 6^. . Size of Tint 6 x 4£..100 4/6 „ 223.. „ 9Jx 8 .. „ 6£ x 5£.. „ 5/6 „ 226.. „ 12 x 10 .. „ 9 x 7 „ 10/0 „ 228.. „ 15 x 12 .. ,. 10£ x 8J.. „ 16/0 Fancy Cream India Tinted Mounts. SUPERFINE QUALITY. (India tint surrounded by double red lines.) Size of board. Size of tint. No. 725 . . 6 -sheet . . 12 x 9 . . 8 x 6 . . per 100 12/0 „ 727 .. „ .. 14 x llj .. 10 x 8 .. „ 18/0 „ 729 .. 8-sheet . . 18 x 14 . . 12 x 10 . . „ 30/0 Blocks for Show Mounts. 30 sheets thick, with Gold Bevelled Edges, Black Enamelled. Carte-de-Visite .. per doz. 2/0 Boudoir .. per doz. 7/6 Cabinet . . . . ,, 4/0 Imperial . . ,, 10/0 Malvern . . . . ,, 3/6 Panel . . . . ,, 12/0 Promenade . . ,, 5/0 These Blocks are very elegant, and greatly enhance the appearance of the photograph. Cut out Mounts of every description to order* A ll previous Catalogues are hereby cancelled.