anxa 92-B 18208 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 803-B (For plan see Page J/0) DISTINCTIVE HOMES A Collection of Artistic , Practical Homes of Moderate Cost <£ *£ DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, Publishers W. R. KELLEY, Manager SEATTLE Plans Shown In This Booh May he Secured From DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY SEATTLE Prompt and Careful Attention Given to All Mail Orders Copyrighted 1917 by DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY Published March 1917 PRICE $1.00, Post Paid DISTINCTIVE HOMES WHAT MAKES A HOME DISTINCTIVE? It must be artistic, — pleasing to the cultivated eye. It must be convenient, — planned to help the housekeeper at every turn. It must be comfortable, — well arranged, well heated, well lighted, well ventilated. I he possession of these qualities reduces the labor of housekeeping, makes a home satis- fying to the owner, and desirable to the other fellow. It is a practical home; a money value home; an easily salable home. Such a home is a good investment. DISTINCTIVE HOMES are homes of this kind. A seaside cottage, or a mountain camping lodge costing $500 may possess all these quali- ties, if properly planned. It is not what a house costs, but the forethought in planning, that determines its value. Into these Distinctive Homes have gone years of successful planning and building. The drawings for these homes were originally prepared for private customers at costs varying from $50.00 to $500.00 each. By purchasing a set of these plans and specifications you secure all the benefits of the original costly plans at merely a nominal price. The little rough cast English cottage shown here is of excellent design inside and out. Every care has been shown in the preparation of the plans for this house that could possibly be given those for a home many times as costly. The living room, dining room and hall in this house are finished in a soft gray stained effect and the bedroom and bathroom are finished in Old Ivory enamel. The walls in the front rooms are papered with a French Gray Blend with inlaid borders. The bathroom is tiled with old rose mat glazed, bordered with white; the shower room being tiled with the same material. The shower is fitted with a needle shower, automatic mixing valve and has a rod and curtain across the front. The sleeping porch is fitted with sliding windows and fully plastered and finished. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 600. Page six We show two floor plans for this elevation. The cost of ttiis house complete is $2500. Plans and specifications, $15. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 600 Page seven This very elegant little example of the modern Colonial bungalow with hot water heat, oak floors, tile bath, brick porches, etc., would cost, complete, from $3,000 to $3,300, depending upon the District in which it is constructed. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 800-A. The cost of iilans and specifications is $15. Page eight We show on this page a slight modifi- cation of Plan No. 800-A shown on Page 8, the cost of which is approximately the same. Complete plans and specifications, Sin. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 800-B Fag e nine room and linen shelves facing the bed- room. The living room runs through the entire depth of the house and a group of windows at either end make a light airy room. The breakfast nook in the kitchen is out of the ordinary in that the seats and table were especially designed and built for this home; the back and ends being made of rattan while the seats were made of quarter- sawed oak. The enclosed laundry room opening from the back porch gives room for laundry trays, gas, laundry plate, folding ironing board and The art of designing a home to suit the property and indi- vidual needs of the occupants has been given much more thought and study in recent years than ever before. The little Colonial home shown on this page was built for two sisters on a small site fronting one of Seattle’s scenic boulevards. The natural beauty of the design has been enhanced by the excellent taste shown by these ladies in the selection and arrangement of furnishings. The rooms are few but large, and are very conveniently arranged. On either side of the curved doorway, between the living room and bedroom, space was found for bookcases facing the living DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 401 Page ten hot water boiler for domestic use. The living room, bedroom and hall have oak floors. The living room is decorated with Mulberry oil blend paper with inlaid border and the bedroom with a small rose striped paper with gray and blue border. The door knobs are all glass and the woodwork throughout has five coats of enamel finished in old ivory. Complete construction coat is approximate Ip $11,00. Plans and specifications, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 401 Page eleven This little plan speaks for itself. The total construction cost, including half basement and hot air furnace, being only $1200.00. The little built-in breakfast nook off the kitchen does away with the necessity of a dining room and leaves the large living room intact. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 400 Page twelve Plans and Specifications, $10. Construction cost complete, with heating plant. $1900. Price of plans and specifications, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 500 Page thirteen This example of the modification of the Colonial type to the one-story bungalow shows what can be done along this line. The arrangement is a straightforward and convenient one, and the design, both as to the exterior and interior, can hardly be improved upon for simple elegance. The living room, dining room, hall and chambers have oak floors; the bathroom floor is tile, — the bathroom fixtures are fairly elaborate, and the specifications call for the decoration of all the rooms in high grade blend wall paper and inlaid borders. The front porch is a combination of brick and tile. This plan permits the use of the space in the attic for two or three rooms, the stairway going up the side of the bathroom. Plans will be furnished containing these changes when so desired. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 601 Full construction cost, with hot water heat, $3500. Complete plans and specifications, $15. Page fourteen DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 601 Page fifteen This little bungalow home was designed for a seashore site to be situated on a knoll very nearly surrounded by water on three sides, hence the arrangement of rooms to obtain the view from the breakfast room, dining room, living room, bedroom and porches. This house lends itself admirably to the landscape of rather a large tract of ground, but is also suitable for a corner lot in the city. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 602 Construction cost, including hot air heating, oak floors in the main rooms, etc., $2300. Complete plans and specifications, $10. I’ age sixteen DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 602 Page seventeen DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 801 It can be constructed complete, with hot water heating plant and concrete basement with oak floors in dining room, living room and reception hall, for $3000. Complete plans and specifications, $15. The accompanying elevation and floor plans demonstrate the possibility of get- ting an attractive and artistic result by properly using simple plain lines. This house contains a maximum of convenient floor space at a very moderate compara- tive cost. Page nineteen This little example of the Swiss Chalet type will cost in the neigh- borhood of $2700.00 to build. It has five rooms and a large pantry and storeroom on the first floor with a stairway to the attic, which has space for two more rooms. The main floors are of oak; the living room and dining room have the entire ceiling paneled and beamed and the fireplace is made of large cobble stones with a heavy hewn shelf hung from chains. DISTINCTIVE. HOMES PLAN No. 700 Complete price of Plans and Specifications, $15. Page twenty This little four room plan can be finished, as shown in the floor plan on this page, without fireplace, or as shown on the elevation with fireplace. Construction co-si $ 875 and $925 respectively . Plans and specifications, with or without fireplace, $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 402 Distinctive Homes Plan No. 802 shown on these pages is designed along Colonial lines with full advantage taken of the magnificent view to the rear and side, hence the arrangement show- ing the kitchen and pantry in the front of the house. This house can he constructed with oak floors, tiled shower and bathroom, hot water heat, etc., for $3500. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 802 Page twenty-two Plans and specifications complete, $15. •k HALL. C 1-0. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 802 Page twenty -three The house shown in the accompanying cuts was designed for property having a view from the rear and two sides, and for this reason the kitchen and bedroom on the first floor were situated on the street side from which there was no view, while the living room, entrance hall, dining room, terrace and two chambers upstairs commanded a sweeping view of the salt water and mountains. _j -rt _ J/fr Ji Pla sty ■ zj-r 'j i ; • -t n f - - DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 603 Page twenty-four The cost of this house complete, with hot air heatin'/ plant, was $3000. Plans and specifications, $15. much depth. Each room of this little home is accessible from the center hall, which makes for convenience and saving of work. The rooms are good sized, all well ventilated and well lighted, and while the general design is plain, the green Colonial shutters, the little brick entrance porch, the curved top door, together with the gray side walls and soft green roof make this house very attractive. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 501 Construction cost , with basement, $ 1800 . Plans and specifications, $10. 1’ a g e twenty-five The house shown on this page contains five rooms, full basement and attic. If necessary two rooms could be finished up in the attic. It is designed along Colonial lines throughout the interior as well as the exterior. - DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 502 The cost of construction, with hot ah heating plant, is $1500. Plans and specifications $10. Page twenty-six Plan No. 701 This little Mission bun- galow is suitable for the warmer and more sunny climates. It has three good sized bedrooms, a large covered cement porch, a large uncovered cement terrace, a living room 1 5 by 29, with tiled fireplace, alcove adjoining. With half basement ancl hot air heating giant this house icill cost $2500. Plans and specifications $10. Cost of construction, without famine, $650. Plans and specifications , $5. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 300 This unique little plan was de- signed for a summer home on the beach. It contains only one bed- room in which there is a folding bed, but it also has a folding bed at the end of the living room. The windows on the side and end of the living room look out over the water. Page twenty-seven This Dutch Colonial home, built on a 100x120 corner, is one of the best designs we have ever pre- pared. It is rich in detail inside and out and has an extremely home- like and convenient arrangement. The bathroom is of tile, the floors in the main rooms are oak, the mantels and hearth are tile and the porches, steps, etc., all of cement. Note the landscaping of the grounds, which permits you to walk directly into the house from the street without ascending any steps. The construction cost of this house complete with hot water heat. etc., was $5000. Plans and specifications complete, $25. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 702 Page twenty-eight O' rj 1 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 702 Tage twenty- nine DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 604 l’age thirty Page thirty-one DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 604 Page thirty-two DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 604 P age thirty-three This six-room Mission bungalow hardly needs description, as the accompanying photos give one such a clear idea of the beauty of this house inside and out. Construction cost with concrete basement, hot air heat, oak floors throughout the house, is $2200.00. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 604 Plans ancl Specifications ivill be furnished complete for $15. Page thirty - four PLAN This page shows two elevations for the same floor plan of four rooms and breakfast alcove. Cost of construction, without concrete basement or furnace, $850.00. Plans and specifications complete, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 407 rage thirty-five DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 503 l’ago t h i r t y - s i x I ! I ij £/y/r/c? &0OA? /3-V'v 2o'-o': * l mi mnnnm mi 1 ii ii 1 1 i m : i ^ Many have admired this roomy bungalow for its plain straightforward lines and compact arrangement. The broad porch and low broad batteries of windows, together with the heavy cornice and general horizontal lines, give this bungalow quite a squat massive ap- pearance. The fireplace is of soft brown Batchelder tile, the floors in the mam rooms are of oak, the bath and shower rooms are tiled and all work has five coats enamel finish. Construction cost, with hot ah heat and oak floors, $ 1900 . Plans and specifications complete, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 503 V age thirty-seve n DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 803 Page thirty-eight DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 803-A Page t h i r t y - n i n c It often happens that people are attracted to a certain floor arrangement but do not like the general exterior design of the house in question. For this reason we show on the accompanying pages three alternative elevations of the same floor plans. We may go further and say that this floor plan is subject to considerable alteration without materially affecting the exterior. Plan No. 803 shown on Page 38, and Plan No. 803-A as shown on Page 39, are both excellent examples of the Colonial type of bungalow, while Plan No. 803-B, as shown on Page 2, is just as good an example of the English type. The doorway between the living and dining rooms could be changed into a wide arch opening so that when desired the living room, dining room, ingle room and sun room could be used for dancing purposes. I he little break- fast alcove adjoining the kitchen adds to the convenience of this arrangement, and the enclosed stairway to the basement with room for the refrigerator on the rear porch is also a great convenience. The rear bedroom is intended as a dressing room with the sleeping porch adjoining, and the room marked “Den” for general living purposes of a small family. This room could be arranged with a fireplace in one end. This house will cost with hot water heat , oak floors in the main rooms and generally good con- struction, $ 3500 . Plans and specifications complete. Nos. 803, 803-A and 803-B, $15. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 803-B Page forty OTCX. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 301 is an ex- cellent example of the demand for artistic little farm houses. This house was designed for a small chicken ranch between Seattle and Tacoma, Washington. It was built without plaster and without basement. Construction cost $950.00. This price included only the sink and kitchen boiler by way of plumbing, but not the bathroom fixtures. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 301 Page forty-one Page forty-two DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 605. Front Elevation This is one of our best little Colonial homes both as to interior and exterior design, decoration and plan. It is extremely livable and con- venient, and considering the artistic result it can be built for a very moderate sum. Complete, with hot water heat, oak floors, etc., it will range in cost, depending on the interior decoration and finish, from Two Thou- sand to Twenty-four Hundred dollars. Plans and specifications complete, $15. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 605 P a £• e forty - four DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 605 This cut, showing the interior of the living room, gives some idea of the beauty of this little home. The fireplace is of Rookwood tile and the walls are papers with a heavy canvas oil blend with inlaid border shading from gray to green and is lighted with indirect lighting fixtures in old ivory and antique bronze. The detail of the rear of this house shows the latticed-in rear porch and the glassed-in sleeping porch. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 605 Page forty-five Page forty -six DETAILED DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 605 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 695 Page forty even Interior of sleeping porch. There is often a demand for a house of good plain lines and moderate cost, but with a number of sleeping rooms. This plan shows two rooms and sleeping porch on the lower floor and has two large bedrooms and storeroom on the second floor. It is compact and convenient in the extreme. The cost, with hot water heat., oak floors, excellent construction, good -finish and decoration, teas only $2500. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 804 Page forty-eight Plans and specifications complete, $15. This little seven-room house hardly needs description. It is beautiful inside and out and can be built in first-class manner, with hot water heating plant, oak floors, etc., for approximately $2200.00. Plans and Specifications, $15. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 703 This little house was designed, built, furnished and decorated for a family of two, and we will leave the reader to judge the results. The floors throughout the house are of oak with the exception of the kitchen floor, which is covered with linoleum. It has a full concrete basement with hot air heating plant, canvas oil blended walls, Rookwood tile mantel, cooler, breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen and other features too numerous to mention. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 403 Page fifty Construction cost, $1800. Plans and specifications complete, $10. Interior view of living room. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 403 Page fifty-one Breakfast nook. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 403 Page fifty-two Floor Flan. 1ASHIONS and fads in houses come and go and in the end we return to the ideal of simplicity and comfort. This book is a recognition of the growing demand for simplicity in design and convenience in arrangement in houses. Many of the designs are of Colonial type. The popularity of bungalows and small houses of this type is growing, especially in the cooler localities and where it is desirable to secure all available sunshine and light. The costs quoted are based on good materials and first-class work- manship. Costs can be decreased or increased when so desired. Our plans and specifications are complete and explicit, particular at- tention being given to parts frequently overlooked by the most critical. We wish to emphasize the fact that the plans herein shown are carefully designed and figured and free from error or miscalculation. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. Page titty - three DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 606 Page fifty-four This little story-and-a-half Colo- nial cottage was built complete for $ 1 400. It has one bedroom on the first floor and two on the second floor. The lines are simple but good. The side walls of the house are stained silver gray, trimmed with cream, and the roof done in moss green. I'luns and specifications, $ 10 . DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 606 Page fifty-five Front elevation. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 606 Page fifty-six /va/oj eooM CQ o . , o o o o c o 3 _Q a £ £ >>J: -2 % ” a z -a c 3 -Q a a (S 03 -a js s ' 3 ' 3 S «> -Q s • 2D § o OJ 2 o ~£ -G U E *, o fi C ns c n3 eo c 3 _o - <2 w £2o i s g ' s s "S _q •t! «3 a; — -C _C H — c £ E o o H c £ C DO aj .s s Page fifty-seven DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 607 This seven-room Mission bungalow was designed with the idea of securing the greatest utility and convenience for the least possible cost. It has a full concrete basement, hot air furnace, oak floors, and brick mantel. Its most unusual feature is the laundry room on the main floor, opening from the rear porch. Construction cost, $ 1 800. Plans and Specifications complete, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 704 Page fifty-eight The two elevations shown on this page were designed for the same floor plan; construction cost complete, $2500. i’luns and Specifications, $15, DISTINCTIVE HOMES FLAN No. 608, above, and No. 608-A below. I* a g c fifty-nine Page sixty DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 609 Front elevation. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 609 Page sixty-one Looking from living room through dining room. We con- sider this plan one of the best small house designs we have ever prepared. It has large rooms; ample light and air; tile bath room ; tile shower room ; sleeping porch enclosed with sliding windows, and many other convenient and attractive features. Construction cost, with concrete basement and hot air furnace, $2200. Plans and Specifications, $15. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 609 This little English cottage speaks for itself, both as to arrange- ment and design. The open terrace, opening from the dining room, would permit the arrangement for a summer dining porch. The dining room and living rooms, opening together as they do, virtually into one room, makes a convenient arrangement for entertaining. A little dressing table with small cupboard on either side for toilet articles, built in in the bed room, is one of the novel features of this little house. Construction cost with hot air heat was $1800. Plans and specifications , $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 504 Page sisty.-three The house here shown was built in a very expensive manner, the lower floor being paneled in wood to the height of seven feet. It is a very usable and livable house, and with full concrete basement; hot water heat, and tile bathroom. But eliminat- ing the expensive woodwork on the lower floor, it can be constructed for approximately $5,000. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 805 Plans and specifications, $25. Plans and specifications, $25, Page s i x t y -five DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 900 Page sixty-six This house was designed and built for a large family, and while it contains nine large rooms, including the sleeping porch, it is both convenient and home-like. The construction cost with hot air heat, oak floors, indirect lighting, etc., is approximately $4,500. Plans and Specifications, $25. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 900 Page sixty-seven Plan No. 303, shown on this page, is one of the mos': popular little houses we have ever designed. The ground area of this house is only 22x24, and yet it has three good- sized rooms besides the bath and breakfast room. This bungalow was constructed, complete, without basement, for $675.00. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 303 Page sixty-eight Plans and specifications complete, $10. Plan No. 304 Plan No. 303 on is a twin sister to the previous page. Construction cost. .$675. Clans and specifications complete, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 304 Page sixty - ni n e An excellent type of Mission bungalow, designed for and built on a corner site overlooking Puget Sound. This home is so fully shown by the exterior and interior photographs on these pages that a further description of it is unnecessary. This house can be built complete, with hot water heating plant, for approximately $3500. Plans and Specifications . $15 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 901. Page seventy DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 901 Page seventy-three DISTINCTIVE ir _ f DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 610 The living room and kitchen, the two important rooms of the house, are here shown. As will be seen, the cooking is done by electricity. At the time these photographs were taken, the house was heated by electricity. For the benefit of our readers, we wish to state here that electric heating, after having been given a fair and thorough trial, was found by us to be impracticable and too expensive. Electric cooking. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 610 however, has proven a decided suc- cess, and is daily growing in favor. The heating of water by electricity is an economical convenience, pro- vided the hot water boiler is heavily insulated with asbestos. Page seventy-five 1 he larger cut on this page shows a very attractive feature of this house; namely, the rear yard, the lattice fence, gate, the lattice entrance to the basement, and the revolving clothes hanger, which combined make the rear view of this house almost as pleasing as the front. Plans and Specifications. $10 flESJ FLOOB DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 610 Cost of const ruction . $2000 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 610. p- h t Dining room. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 610 i fettKgUf This little home was designed and built for a summer home. It was as well and permanently built as could be desired, except that it had no basement or heating plant. Complete construction cost $900. Plans and Specifications , $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 404 Page seventy-nine DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 705 V, + T, Cost, approximately , with hot water heat, $3500 Plans and Specifications, $ 15 The house shown on these pages goes to show what may be accomplished in the use of plain, simple lines. The heavy concrete base extending up to the window sills; the brick steps, the broad window batteries, and the general low lines of this house make for a fine appearance with minimum decoration. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 705 Page e i g h t y • o n e This Colonial bungalow of six rooms and breakfast room, together with full concrete basement, hot water heat, oak floors, etc., was constructed for approximately $2100.00. The fireplace, as shown, is of tile. The little curved top Colonial china closet, shown in the dining room adds greatly to the appearance of this room. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 611 Page eighty-two Plans and Specifications, $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 611 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 806 Pate eichtv-four I his attractive house, designed along Dutch Colonial lines, is a roomy, convenient and very home- like house, as can readily be seen from the floor plans. Construction cost of this house, with hot water heat, full basement, oak floors, tile alcove, tile bath, etc., $3500.00. Plans and Specifications, $15. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 806 Page eighty -five I his house has many pleasing features, not the least of which is the recess entrance porch, with brick floor and steps. It is sided with twelve-inch clear beveled cedar sid- ing three-quarters of an inch thick. The shingles on the roof are laid seven inches to the weather, doubled, with hot water heating plant, oak floors, etc. This house can be con- structed complete for approximately $3750. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 807 Plans and Specifications, $lo DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 807 Page eighty-seven A photograph of this little summer home, situated on the beach at Yeomalt, Washington, does not do it justice, owing to the rugged contour of the ground, which made it almost impossible for the photographer to secure a picture of it. The construction cost, without plaster, was $275. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 405 Plans and Specifications, $10 A near neighbor to Plan No. 405, built along the same general lines, but with only three rooms and a large covered porch. Construction cost $275. Plans and Specifications, $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 302 P ii g e eighty-nin e Another little Yeomalt Beach summer home; built without plaster, at a cost of approximately $450. This little home has a brick porch and a little shower room with cement floor. It is very attractive in its setting amongst the fir trees. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 612 A small house built for a summer home in the country. It is situated on a high promontory overlooking Puget Sound. It was built in summer-home style for $275. Plans and Specifications , $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 405 Page ninety-one Detail DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 902 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 902 Page ninety-three A very fair example of a roomy Mission bungalow, situated on a rounded corner of one of Seattle’s beautiful boulevards. The rough clinker brick used in the construction of the chimney and porch buttresses add to the rustic apppearance of this style of house. Construction cost, with hot air heat, concrete basement, oak floors, etc., was $2750. ATilC SPACE i DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 902 Page ninety-four Plans and Specifications, $15 P a £ c n i n e t y - (i \ e DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 902 A New England Colonial home true to type throughout. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 808 Page ninety-six DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 808 Page ninety-seven Entrance hall and stairway. Interior of dining room. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 808 l’a:e ninety - eight Two views of living room. This house is built in the Uni- versity District of Seattle, Washington; beautifully and elaborately finished and decorated. The great amount of detail in the interior finish, and the fact that the house was enameled throughout all the Plans anil Specifications , $25. rooms, and various other features entering into the cost of construc- tion, made this house an expensive one to build. By modifying somewhat these items, this house could be constructed complete, with hot water heat, for $5,000. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 808 Page ninety-nine Front elevation. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 506 Page one hundred Side elevation. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 506 Page one hundred o n e The little English brick stucco and half-timber house shown on these pages is one of the best, if not the best, five-room bunga- low plan ever turned out by our office. In plan it is the essence of convenience and comfort, and the design, both as to exterior and interior, is, in our opinion, as near perfect as is possible to get in a house of this size. With plate glass windows, tile bath room, brick porch, oak floors, and hot water heat, it can be constructed complete for $2500. Plans and Specifications, $15 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 506 Page one hu n cl r e d t w o FT- The plan shown on this page is a very attractive example of the Colonial bungalow. It was built in rather an expensive manner; with billiard room and garage in the basement. It can be constructed, however, more simply with half basement, oak floors, hot air heat, at a cost of $2300 to $2500. Plans and Specifications, $15 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 706 i'age one h u n d red three DISTINCTIVE HOMES Page one hundred four This six-room Colonial cottage was designed for a long corner lot, on a scenic boulevard, hence the entrance-way on the side of the house. The construction cost of this house, with hot water heat, oak floors, indirect lighting, shower bath, tile bath room, etc., was $3,000. PLAN No. 613 /’/fins aiul Specifications. $1 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 613 Page one h u n <1 red five This story and one-half Colonial cottage was built on a side hill, with a rear view overlooking Lake Washington. This explains our planning it with the kitchen and bath room in the front of the house. It can be constructed complete on a less rugged site for $2750. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 614 Page one hundred six Plans and Specifications, $15 DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 614 Page one hundred seven This house is of old English design, with a rough cast chimney directly in front of the house. This house, also, has a rear view overlooking the Lake. It has many desirable features, and while this style of architecture may not appeal to some, it is unique within and without. Construction cost with hot water heat, oak floors, full concrete basement, indirect lighting, tile bath room, etc., $3250. DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 809 Plans and Specifications, $15 Page one hundred eight down DISTINCTIVE HOMES PLAN No. 809 Page one hundred nine ]’r— V" >' --!= -1 ( Mvr# PXr&cff *. <3/ -ZTsf^ /^'C '" J?0-o *