This Collection brought to this Country by the “■Association FOR EXHIBITION ONLY. L AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, T NEW YORK. EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF ILLUSTRATED "DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE . OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M., AND 7.30 TO 10 P.M. SUNDAYS, 2 TO 6, AND 7.30 TO 10 P.M. ADMISSION , 50 CENTS . EXHIBITION UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF ART . Paintings and other objects included in this Exhibition are NOT FOR SALE. NOTICE. Owing to the great size of some of the paintings, the Artist suggests that they be viewed from as great a distance as possible. Turk. X V Vf.restchagin. AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. K- EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF VASSILI VERESTCHAGIN ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE NEW YORK, Copyright, 1888, by AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Press of J. J, Little & Co. Astor Place, New York. — — : -*S> O— I trust that men will love me ; for my art Speaks to the nobler feelings of the heart, Renders good service by the charm of truth. And for the vanquished ever pleads for ruth. (. Adapted from Pushkin.) HE_ historical details, some of which directly, others indirectly, concern my studies and pictures of Palestine — that interesting land for every Christian — are founded chiefly on traditions so well preserved among the people of the East. My own researches excepted, I have availed myself of the Gospels and old books, as well as of some modern com- pilations, such as Murray’s Syria and Pal- estine , Cook’s Handbook for Palestine and Syria , Isambert’s Orient , Brother Lievin’s Terra Sainte , etc. Some of the studies are very small, my intention having been to repaint them a larger size. Some are unfinished, owing to the suspicion of the Turks that I was drawing plans of the “ Promised Land.” 6 My impressions of travel in India formed themselves into a series of large pictures, in which I conceived the idea of representing the history of the conquest of a large Asiatic country by a handful of brave and enterprising Europeans. The first picture, commenced on a large canvas, was intended to -portray the English Ambassadors in the presence of the Great Mogul in his celebrated audience hall at Agra. The next pictures were to represent different prominent events of Indian history, finishing with the triumphant entry of the Prince of Wales into Delhi, symbolical of the definitive conquest of the country. This last scene, which I witnessed in 1875, is the only one of the series completed, because the outbreak of the Russo-Turkish war at that time took me away from my studio to the battle-fields. $ $ $ $ $ Observing life through all my various travels, I have been particularly struck by the fact that even in our time people kill one another everywhere under all possible pre- texts, and by every possible means. Wholesale murder is still called war, while killing individuals is called execution . Everywhere the same worship of brute strength, the same inconsistency ; on the one hand men slaying their fellows by the million for an idea often impracticable, are elevated to a high pedestal of public admiration : on the other, men who kill individuals for the sake of a crust of bread, are mercilessly and promptly exterminated— and this even in Christian countries, in the name of Plim whose teaching was founded on peace and love. These facts, observed on many occasions, made a strong impression on my mind, and after having carefully thought the matter over, I painted several pictures of wars and executions. These subjects I have treated in a fashion far from sentimental, for having my- self killed many a poor fellow-creature in different wars, I have not the right to be sentimental. But the sight of heaps of human beings slaughtered, shot, beheaded, hanged Verestchagin’s Studio. 8 under my eyes in all that region extending from the frontiei of China to Bulgaria, has not failed to impress itself vividly on the imaginati ve side of my art. And although the wars of the present time have changed their former character of God’s judgments upon man, nevertheless, by the enormous energy and excitement they create, by the great mental and material exertion they call forth, they are a phenomenon interesting to all students of human civilization. My intention was to examine war in its different aspects, and transmit these faithfully. Facts laid upon canvas without embellishment must speak eloquently for themselves. * ❖ Next to the pictures where people are slain by the hundreds of thousands, there are some not uninteresting- scenes of individual killing in the continual strife waged by the state against persons called criminals. In olden and more barbarous times the aim of an execu- tion was to torture the criminal by killing him as slowly as possible ; now, on the contrary, the aim is to kill him as speedily as possible and shorten his sufferings. From this point of view the English method of ' blowing from guns (94,^), practiced in India, is the most humane — this mode of execution is sure, quick, and therefore nearly painless ; at the same time the moral impression produced by it is very great, and well suited to the spirit of contemporary law. The next most humane method of execution is by hang- ing, an old expedient, very much resorted to in Russia in modern times (94, h). This method is inferior to the former, because death is more lingering and cruel. But still it is an advance upon the very old system of crucifixion much practised by the Romans (94,/). By this latter the man who violated the law was nailed to the wood of the cross, and hung there often many days, during which time his sufferings must have been terrible. 9 I. The Tomb of Abraham. No. i. This tomb lies in Hebron, one of the oldest cities in the world. Here Abraham was visited by the three travellers who predicted the birth of Isaac and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Besides Sarah and Abraham him- self, Isaac, his wife Rebecca, and many other patriarchs, are buried here. Hither, too, was brought from Egypt the embalmed body of Jacob, and it is probable that the mummy is still in a state of good preservation. This place, containing undoubtedly the true tombs, has 10 been held in great veneiation from the earliest times by Jews, Mohammedans, and Christians. The upper part has minarets of later Mohammedan workmanship ; it is only below, where the stones are blackened by age, that the wall of David s time begins. The sketch is taken from the roof of a neighboring house behind ; it was impossible to make a more finished picture as the population is most fanatical, and looks upon all attempts at sketching as a profanation of the holy site. They threw stones at us. Christians are very seldoifi allowed to enter the mosque (the Prince of Wales was allowed to enter in 1862), and in the Grotto itself no Christian traveller has ever been admitted. The Rabbi Benjamin, who lived in the twelfth century, affirms that he saw the real graves of the patriarchs. 2. Bethel. Interesting remains of a cistern, probably of Jewish origin. On the heights, where are some Roman ruins, Abraham fed his flocks, and here he divided them with his nephew Lot. Here Jacob slept, as the Arabs sleep now, with a stone for his pillow, and saw in a dream a ladder reaching to heaven, with angels ascending and descending. Here he raised an altar on the place where God spoke to him, and on this spot was afterwards raised a temple, and a city built, which, according to Jewish tradition, was so large that when the Romans broke in on one side, feasts and weddings were being celebrated in perfect tranquillity on the other (?). At the present day there is nothing but a miserable village near the cistern. 3. The Dead Sea. View from the foot of Mount Quarantania, in a grotto of which, according to the tradition, Christ fasted and prayed forty days. Only the northern part of the Dead Sea is seen from here, not the southern part, where, according to another tradition, Sodom and Gomorrah were situated. We are not told how these two cities perished ; but it may be supposed that the bitumen, of which there are quantities in the neighborhood, took fire spontaneously, and as the houses, like the cele- brated tower of Babel, were probably built of the same inflammable material, the two places would in one minute have been transformed into an immense brazier. A vol- canic eruption, ordinarily followed by earthquakes, would probably have made the catastrophe still more complete and terrible. Vegetation was destroyed, and the waters of the lake subsided. These are so highly impregnated with salt (more than 30 per cent.) as to keep men’s bodies afloat, and no fish or living creature can exist in them. Ducks and other aquatic birds may be seen resting on the surface for awhile, but not for long ; and the shores and surrounding country are wilder and more desolate than the salt lakes in Western Tibet and the region near Ladak. Behind the Dead Sea, as shown on the study, are the Moabite mountains ; on the right, some distance off, is the place where Moses died after seeing the Promised Land from afar, and there he is probably buried, though the Mus- sulmans hold another site in veneration, on the opposite shore, as the supposed place of his sepulture. To the left of the range are the passes by which the Israelites entered the valley of the Jordan. In the foreground of the picture a green spot marks the valley of Jericho, famed in olden times for its beautiful gardens, but now a wilderness, and a breeding place of scorpions. Here was the Jericho of Christ’s time ; the earlier city spoken of by the prophets was more to the left. 4. Jacob’s Well. The spot of land on which the well is dug was granted by die patriarch to his son Joseph. It lies in a deep valley at 2 the foot of Mount Gerizim, before the entrance to the pass of Nablus, the ancient Sikkhim, once the capital of Samaria. The ground over the well is raised, a Crusaders’ church having once stood there ; but of this nothing remains but a half-ruined arch over the well itself. This is doubtless the well at which Christ was resting when he conversed with the woman of Samaria. “ What might have been our Saviour’s thoughts as He sat thus at the well, wearied with His journey ? Perhaps He was thinking of Abraham, who built his first altar in the land in this opening of the plain (Gen. xi., 6), or of Jacob, whose only possession in the Land of Promise was here (xxxiii., 19). And even this possession, bought and paid for as it had been, was taken from him by the Amorites. But he recon- quered it from them — ‘ I took it out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow,’ said the dying patriarch (Gen. xlviii., 22) — and left it to Joseph, who long years afterwards gave commandment concerning his bones, which were brought from Egypt and buried here (Joshua xxiv., 32). Perhaps Christ thought of Joseph wandering in that very field in search of his brethren (Gen. xxxvii., 15), and saw in the persecution of his brethren and the final victory of the beloved son, one of the divine pictures of the past, typical of Himself ; or perhaps his thoughts were dwelling upon that first gathering of all Israel when first they came into the land. . . . ” (. Hodder .) 5. The Tomb of Joseph. Not far from the well is in all probability the real burial place of the celebrated minister of Pharaoh. It is well known that Joseph on his deathbed took the oath of the children of Israel, saying, “ Godwill surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence ” (Gen. 1 ., 25). “ And the bones of Joseph which the children of Israel brought up 13 out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem, in a parcel of ground which Jacob bought of the sons of Kamor, the father of Shechem. ...” (Joshua xxiv., 32). 6. Gilgal. The place in the Jordan valley where, as it is said, the Israelites, after crossing this river, erected the twelve stones and rested the first time in the Promised Land the Ark of the Covenant (Joshua iv., 19, 20). Here they celebrated for the first time the Passover. Here Saul was anointed king. Here, too, the tribe of Judah welcomed David on his return from exile. In the time of the early Christians there was a church here dedicated to the Archangel Michael, who appeared to Joshua at this spot — “a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said, ‘ Art thou for us or for our adversaries ? ’ And he said, ‘ Nay, but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come (Joshua v., 19), and inspired the Jews with courage to attack Jericho. A solitary tamarisk now marks the spot, and some hillocks indicate the sites of Christian churches. 7. Samuel’s Tomb. It is not well known if this really be the burial-place of the great Israelitish. judge. The Mohammedans hold the place in the greatest honor, and visit it in thousands. The tomb occupies a commanding site in the neighborhood of Jerusalem. Here the Israelites assembled at Samuel’s call to make war against the Philistines, and here they elected their first king. All the neighboring heights and valleys are full of his- torical reminiscences. The mount slopes down to the valley of Gabaon (Gibeon) where, before the battle between the 14 tribes of Judah and Benjamin, twelve youths from either side fought with such ardor that they all fell dead (2 Samuel ii., 16). In Gabaon also, Solomon sacrificed to God full a thousand men. Here the Lord appeared to him in a dream, promising to fulfil the wish of his heart, and to Solomon’s desire for wisdom, joined riches and glory. Near here is the cele- brated valley of Bethhoron, where the Israelites, under Joshua, vanquished the Amorites. He applied to the Lord, and cried out before the whole of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon ” (Joshua x., 12). And the sun stood still and the moon stayed till Adonizedec, King of Jerusalem, was vanquished. 8. Gideon’s Spring-. The rocky cavern whence issues water of the fountain, clear as crystal. Near this place a celebrated battle was No. 8. fought ; Gideon with his three hundred warriors vanquished the host of the Midianites. At this spring he tried the i5 bearing of his warriors by taking those only with him in his dangerous night expedition who, on coming to the spring after the hard day’s march, drank water with the hands, and not those who bowed on the knees and drank with the mouth only. It was night, and the Midianites were asleep. “ The Midiamtes and the Amalekites and all the children of the East lay along in the valleys like grasshoppers for multitude, and their camels were without number as the sand by the sea-side for multitude. . . . And he divided the three hundred men into three companies, and he put a trumpet in every man’s hand, with empty pitchers, and lamps within the pitchers” (Judges vii., 12, 16). So he drew near the camp of the Midianites. And at the moment the trumpets were blown and the pitchers broken, the Israelites holding the lamps with their left hands and the trumpets with their right, fell upon the panic-stricken foe with the cry, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon” (Judges chap. vii.). 9. The Valley of Ezdraelon. This celebrated valley often witnessed the Israelitish struggles. • On the right is Mount Gilboa, where Saul and his three sons were killed. On the left of Gilboa are the ruins of Jezreel, the residence of Ahab and Jezebel, where the latter was thrown from a window to the dogs. On the left of the small study one may see little Hermon, where the Philistines pitched camp before the battle against Saul ; the Israelites occupied a position under Gilboa, near Gideon’s spring ; their position was bad, because the ground slopes towards the fountain, and thus gave the advantage to the Philistines. These put the Israelites to flight at once, so that the chief slaughter was probably on the heights, where the following day the bodies of Saul and his sons were found. 1 6 io. The Cave Endor. Before the battle, as we know, Saul went to consult the Witch of Endor. His mission was not without danger, as the village of Endor is on the north side of little Hermon, at the foot of which was the camp of the Philistines. Saul turned to the right, and so could reach Endor “ in two No. io. hours’ time.” The witch predicted to the King his defeat and death. “ And to-morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me : ” (said the spirit of Samuel to the King), “ the Lord also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hands of the Philistines ” (i Samuel xxviii., 19). 7 In the now very dirty village of Endor there are many caverns — possibly one of these was inhabited by the witch. Before the entrance of the cave here represented, traces of a threshold may be seen ; inside is a large room and another smaller beyond. ii. Beisan (Beth-shan). The small green hill, seen in the distance, was the acrop- olis of an inaccessible fortress of the Philistines, the only one which the Israelites could never capture. The citadel stood on the summit of the hill, and from a near point of view appears to be naturally of uncommon strength. Deep ditches and a wall surround it. The principal gates, now almost in ruins, may still be seen on the north side, and it is not improbable that on these very gates were suspended the bodies of Saul and Jonathan, killed on the adjacent heights of Gilboa. “ And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, that they found Saul and his three sons fallen in Mount Gilboa. And they cut off his head and stripped off his armour, and sent into the land of the Philistines round about, to publish it in the house of their idols and among the people. And they put his armour in the house of Ashtaroth, and they fastened his body to the wall of Beth-shan ” (i Samuel xxxi., 8-io). 12. Beisan (Beth-shan) Theatre. The same hill forms one side of a Roman theater, now completely overgrown with bushes, but the doors and pas- sages are still well preserved. The building is semi-circular and entirely built of blocks of basalt. A great number of Christians, especially during the reign of Julian, were torn to pieces here by wild beasts. 2 8 13 - Solomon’s Wall. The six lower ranges of these splendid stones are beyond doubt of the time of David and Solomon, the next rows may be attributed to Herod, while the upper and smallest date from the Mohammedan period. This part of the great wall which surrounded the Temple is called The Wailing Place , because the Jews for a long time past have been in the habit of coming hither — at first once a year on the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem (on payment of a heavy tax to the Mussulman authorities), and in more recent days as frequently as they wished — to bewail their past greatness and present dispersion. Seldom can any- thing more touching be seen. The Jews of both sexes and of all ages arrive from all parts of the world to pray and weep with loud cries, and literally to wash with their tears the sacred stones ! On Friday the place is quite full of people from Palestine, Central Asia, India, Europe and especially from Russia — all praying in the most plaintive tones, beating their breasts, rocking their bodies to and fro, or leaning motionless against the stones and weeping, weep- ing, weeping ! The Jews seem to bring all their sorrows and misfortunes to this place. A woman approaches with unsteady gait, throws herself against the wall, and in an agonized voice implores God to give her back her dead child. Farther on two Jews, wearied with praying, are talking business. “ Have you bought? What have you paid? Too dear!” and so on. After this interlude they recommence praying and weeping. An old rabbi is sitting in his corner on a stone or an empty wine box with the inevitable “ Bordeaux ” mark, and with eyes full of tears reads in his book : “ O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance ; thy holy temple have they defiled ; they have laid Jerusalem in heaps. . . . No. 13. 20 We are become a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to them that are round about us. How long, Lord ? Will’st thou be angry with us for ever ! Shall thy jealousy burn like fire ? ” Fragments of an interesting litany are often sung here : I. Reader : Because of the palace which is deserted, People : We sit alone and weep. Reader : Because of the Temple which is destroyed, Because of the walls which are broken down, Because of our greatness which is departed, Because of the precious stones of the Temple ground to powder, Because of our priests who have erred and gone astray. Because of our kings who have contemned God, People : We sit alone and weep. II. Reader: We beseech Thee, have mercy on Zion. People : And gather together the children of Jerusalem Reader : Make speed, make speed, O Deliverer of Zion. People : Speak after the heart of Jerusalem. Reader : Let Zion be girded with beauty and with majesty. People : Show favour unto Jerusalem. Reader : Let Zion find again her kings. People : Comfort those who mourn over Jerusalem. Reader : Let peace and joy return to Jerusalem. People : Let the branch of Jerusalem put forth and bud. 14. Business and Prayers. i , • 15: The Spring of Elisha. Most probably the spring whose bitter water the prophet made sweet in answer to the complaint of the inhabitants : *‘ And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my Lord seeth ; but the water is naught and the ground barren. And he said, bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they 21 brought it to him. And he went forth unto the spring of the waters and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters ; there shall not be from them any more death or barren land. So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake ” (2 Kings ii., 19-23). Under the spring are the remains of a wall of Roman date. It is generally admitted that Herod drowned in this spring his relative Aristobulus, upon whom the people looked as his successor. 16. Ruins of a Samaritan Temple at Shechem. When the Jews returned from captivity in Babylon, the Samaritans, who “ feared the Lord but served their own gods,” desired to assist them in rebuilding the temple but were refused. They then resolved to build one for them- selves on Mount Gerizim, and their hostility to the Jews increased to such a point that it became a sin to extend the rites of hospitality on either side, and the words of the woman of Samaria to Christ expressed well the feeling which afterwards existed between the two races : “ How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me who am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.” The temple on Mount Gerizim was destroyed later, and on the place where it stood, probably out of the same materials, was built a church dedicated to the Virgin, also now in ruins. The walls are thick and the stones very huge. Some of these stones, of unusual size, are identified, according to the legend, with the twelve stones brought from the Jordan and erected at Gilgal as a memorial, but this is highly improbable. Even more dubious is the assertion of the Samaritans that Abraham offered up Isaac at this spot, and that Jacob had here the vision of the heavenly ladder, etc., etc. 22 The Samaritans to the present day celebrate their Pass- over here with offerings, and the entire ceremonial as in olden times. It may be remarked that their numbers are very small, some fifty souls at the most, and they are con- stantly diminishing. I have not had the opportunity of sketching one of their types, but find them very like the Jews in appearance. The summit of Mount Gerizim is nearly three thousand feet above sea level. The view from the table land and the ruins is beautiful. On one side may be seen the Mediterranean, and on the other, the snowy crest of Hermon. 17. An Old Street in Samaria, Sebastia. Under the reign of Asa, King of Judah, Omri, King of Israel, bought the hill Samaria, for two talents of silver, built a city, 'and removed thither his residence from Shechem. His son Ahab, who married Jezebel, introduced again the worship of Baal. “ And he reared up an altar for Baal, in the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab made a grove, and Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that were before him” (1 Kings xvi., 30-32). At a later date the miracles of Elisha took place here. Herod entirely rebuilt the city, embellished it and called it, in honor of the Emperor Agustus, Sebastia. The columns now remaining belong to this period. These noble sur- vivors of the past magnificence of the place, rearing aloft above the corn-fields, appeal powerfully to the imagination. Looking upon the desolate scene one is reminded of the words of the prophecy : “ Samaria shall become desolate for she hath rebelled against her God ” (Hosea xiii., 16). “ I will make Samaria as an heap of the field and as plantings of a vine- yard, and I will pour down the stones thereof into the valley, and I will discover the foundations thereof” (Micah i., 6). 23 i8. Entrance to the Tombs of the Kings. Near Jerusalem, on the road to Damascus, a large monumental staircase, cut in the rock, leads to an entrance which was lately thoroughly excavated. (It is easy to see on the picture that part of the rock which remained for centuries under the earth.) This entrance opens on a large court, surrounded by rocks of very imposing character. The waters are led away to cisterns, which, like the whole work, are of a coarse but solid structure. 19. Tombs of the Kings. In this court (see last picture) is a wide vestibule, formerly surported by two columns, of which next to nothing remains. Under the opening is a long sculptured frieze, of excellent taste, with the traditional bunch of grapes, emblem of the Promised Land. A fine cornice over it is unfortunately much injured. The learned Frenchman, De Saulcy, was of opinion that here were the tombs of the Israelite kings ; he supposed also that the sarcophagus which he found here was that of David ; but both suppo- sitions are incorrect, and now it is admitted that Helena, Princess of Adiabene, who became a convert to Judaism, was buried here with her family, about the beginning of our era. In the course of his excavations De Saulcy found here many urns, vases, and lamps of Roman date, some small vases of oriental alabaster, some caskets of precious stones and gold ornaments. He found also a room previously unknown, containing a sarcophagus with a human corpse inside. On first opening it the body was found well pre- served, but it crumbled away almost immediately. The tomb contains many low rooms surrounded by niches in 24 which the bodies of Helena’s numerous family were laid. Most curious is the entrance stone, so constructed that a thief or any one who did not know the secret might enter, but could not come out. He would be buried alive ! 20. A Fountain near Nazareth. A very old one, dating from the early years of our era, and doubtless visited by Christ and His brethren on their way to and from Nazareth. It is half way between Nazareth and Kefr-Cama, the Cana of Galilee, where the miracle of turning water into wine was performed, and where are shown at the present day the very vessels which served for this miracle (!) 21. That Part of Jordan where Christ was Baptized. The bed of the river is only about a hundred feet wide ; the stream, however is very rapid, and looks treacherous — nearly every year it carries off some careless worshippers, deceived by its quiet, calm surface. The shores are covered with willow, tamarisk, and oleander trees, in whose thickets lurk the wild boar, the panther, and occasionally a Bedouin robber. As in the times of Christ, this locality is the resort of runaways and fugitives from the police, so that it is never considered quite safe. Many efforts have been made to mark out the exact place where the Israelites crossed the Jordan, but the question is far from decided even now, the river having several times changed its bed. It was hereabouts that the prophet Elijah divided the waters, crossed the dry bed of the river, and was taken up to heaven. Here, too, Elisha divided the river with the mantle of his master and the words : “ Where is the God of Elijah ! ” The main interest, however, centres round one of the greatest events of the New Testament, the baptism of 25 Christ by John, which according to tradition took place here. “Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.” “And Jesus when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water : and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him : and lo, a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased “ (Matt, iii , 13, 16, 17). Every year great numbers of worshippers visit the river : Greeks, Russians, and others precisely at this spot, the Latins a little farther down. The former gather in great caravans, and on the 18th January, men and women old and young, sink into the holy stream, where a strong rope is fastened for the purpose. Nobody pays any attention to personal appearance after this bath, salvation being the only thought of the moment. 22. Capernaum (Tell-Hum). A melancholy place on the north coast of the Sea of Tiberias. Immediately behind the little hut shown on the study are ruins of a most imposing character, probably the finest both in size and beauty of workmanship to be found in Palestine. Overgrown with tall grass and weeds are lying huge blocks of white marble splendidly ornamented, capitals of pillars, architraves, etc. Wilson says in his book : If Tell-Hum be Capernaum, this is without a doubt the synagogue built by the Roman centurion, and one of the most sacred places on earth. It was in this building that our Lord gave the discussion on the Bread of Life (John vi.). “ These things said he in the synagogue as he taught in Capernaum.” In Capernaum Christ passed three years of his life and had “ his own house.” “ And leaving Nazareth he came and dwelt in Capernaum which is upon the sea-coast, in the borders of 26 Zabulon and Nephthalim ; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esias the prophet, saying : The land of Zabulon and the land of Nephthalim by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles ; the people which sat in darkness saw great light ; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death, light is sprung up” (Matt, iv., 13-16). Among the miracles performed here were the healing the paralyzed man, the healing of the mother-in-law of the Apostle Peter, of the centurion’s servant, and so on. It has been supposed that these are the ruins of Chorazin, but tradition is strongly against this idea. 23. Bethsaida. The home of the Apostles Peter, Andrew, Philip, James, and John. “ And is came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret and saw two ships standing by the lake ; but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets ” (Luke v., 1). He entered into Simon’s ship and taught the people on shore, and afterward performed the miracle of the draught of fishes which astonished Peter, James, and John ; and the Master said unto them : “Fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men. And when they had brought their ships to shore, they forsook all and followed Him ” (Luke v., n). Here the blind man received his sight, and on a height in the vicinity was performed the miracle of the multiplication of loaves. No other part of the sea-coast is so convenient for fishing as this small bay with its low sandy bank. Even now fishermen are living here. On our demand they immedi- ately drew their nets and caught some fine fish. Here and there are seen heights of waste ground under which would probably be found some interesting remains. 27 24. Mount Tabor. Of very regular form, rises to the height of 2,362 feet above sea-level. On the summit are ruins of a fortress of ancient date, so that it is nearly impossible to suppose that the Saviour chose this spot for the transfiguration ; indeed, it is only from the time of Jerome, or the fourth century, that Tabor is accepted as the place of the miracle which, with more probability, may be assigned to any other “ high mountain apart,” the only words of the New Testament indicating the place of the event. 25. The Summit of Tabor. There are ruins of two churches of the Crusaders’ time. The Catholic monks to whom they belong intend to restore the once splendid buildings. The view from this point is beautiful 26. Entrance to the Grotto of the Mount of Temptation. From time out of mind this mountain was pierced with grottoes of anchorites, and there is a very probable tradi- tion, according to which Christ passed in one of these grot- toes His forty days of fasting and prayer. On the summit, at the place where it is said our Saviour was tempted by the devil, are still the ruins of a church attributed to the Empress Helena : “ And the devil taking him up into a high mountain showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.” The entrance to the grotto is half-way up the mountain. A road now is made instead of the old path from which pilgrims sometimes fell into the abyss below. A Greek monk is the only inhabitant of this grotto. When not engaged in prayer he diverts himself by feeding No. 26. 29 the only living creatures of the neighborhood — blackbirds, which catch the bits of dried fruits thrown to them. 27. The Mount of Temptation by Night. In the night, when a light burns in the grotto, the imagination is carried back 1854 years, when the Great Anchorite prepared His poor food, or prayed and meditated on His future deeds and destiny. More than once, prob- ably, the devil came to tempt Him and make Him doubt whether the only possible way before Him was that which led through a shameful death on the Cross. 28. Kitchen of the Monks in the Grotto. The hermit monks are most abstemious ; their diet con- sisting of black bread of a very coarse kind, beans, onions, garlic, and olives. They nevertheless find means to help the poor Bedouins in their necessities. 29. Refectory of the Grotto. The walls were once covered with frescoes, but of these scarcely anything remains. A door opens on a balcony whence there is a really charming and interesting view over the Jordan valley. Just in front is Jericho; further on a line of vegetation shows the direction of the Jordan, with the monastery of St. John. On the right is the Dead Sea, with the monastery holy Gerasimus, built, it is believed on the spot where the Virgin Mary rested on her way to Egypt (?). On the left is the Jordan valley with the road leading to Tiberias and the mountains of Samaria. 30. The part of the Grotto which according to tra- dition dates from the time of Christ. From early Christian times this part of the grotto was converted into a chapel and was venerated as the place 30 where our Saviour set the example of retreat, fasting and penitence. “ And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness, being forty days tempted by the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing ; and when they were ended he afterward hungered.” (Luke iv., 1-2.) 31. The Cupola of the Holy Sepulchre in Jeru- salem. This was many times destroyed by fire and rebuilt. As it stands at present it was erected at the cost of the Russian, French, and Turkish governments in 1869. The diameter of the cupola is 78.7 feet. On the western side of the Sepulchre Church the ruins of the Basilica of the Emperor Constantine were discovered some years ago by the Russian archimandrite, Antonin, and apparently also the foundation of a city gate, by which pos- sibly our Saviour was led to execution. 32. One of the old Jewish Tombs near Jerusalem. An extremely low entrance leads to a small, very low room in the rock, wherein are many niches for corpses. In one of such niches, never before used, was interred the body of Christ, in a rock near Golgotha where Joseph of Arimathea, possibly, had his family tomb. The entrance was usually closed with a big stone, and it was impossible to enter or come out otherwise than by the small aperture seen on the study. Such are all the tombs of those times ; there was no other style ; and if at present the grave of our Saviour has the form of a box, it is because the rock over it has been broken off, partly for the necessities of worship, partly by j the worshipers themselves for relics. 3i 33- Mount Chattin. This is the summit of a rock on the way from Nazareth to Tiberias, remarkable as the scene of the last battle fought between the Crusaders and the Mussulmans, which decided the fate of Christendom in the Holy Land. Seven hundred years ago, on the 14th July, 1187, Saladin vanquished the Christians under the command of King Lusinian, who allowed himself to be enticed to this rock from a good position he had occupied on the road to Nazareth. After a march of twenty-four hours, during which the knights were harassed by heat, hunger, thirst, and constant alarms, the Christian army took up their position for the night on this field, and were at once surrounded by the enemy, so that by the following morning the issue of the battle was already decided. The heavily armed and wearied knights on their tired horses could not withstand the light bodies of Arabs, and were very soon forced to retire to the summit of the rock (shown on the sketch). Here the king, surrounded by the clergy, high officials, and officers, surrendered after a desper- ate defense. 34 . The Hermits on the Jordan. These hermits, who are not numerous, live partly on the shore itself, partly on the sandstone hills some distance off, near the monastery of St. John. They excavate caves with two or three rooms in each, so small that it is difficult to turn round in them. These holes are usually covered with images, crosses, etc. ; they are warm in winter and cool in summer. The only inconvenience is the great number of mosquitoes of all sizes, down to some so small as to be nearly imperceptible. Those who inhabit caves on the shores complain of toads, snakes and other reptiles. The occupa- tions of the hermits are praying, fishing, and turning crosses 32 of sandal-wood, or tying woolen chaplets, etc., these objects being gladly bought by worshipers visiting the Sacred River. 35. Portrait of a Hermit. Still a young man, of steady appearance. He has served in the Church of Golgotha, but was obliged to abandon it, in order to avoid the example of the other monks in their free manners with the female worshipers. 36. A Russian Hermit. Father Vassian from Kamenetz Podolsk, in South Russia, formerly a miller by profession, is waiting for an opportunity to build a good mill for some cloister, and afterward to die in peace near the Sacred River. He was particularly pleased with the chaplets on the sketch, which serve him for his prayers, three times a day, morning, evening, and midnight, when he gives 300 points to Christ, 300 to the Virgin Mary, 200 to the Angels, Archangels, Prophets, and Apostles, and 200 to all the Saints ! His belief is great and sincere, but the devil evidently tempts him, as he asked me in confidence, “If the Tsar would see his portrait, and possibly give him some gratification.” 37. His Lodging. On the summit of a hill, with a small canopy over the entrance. Passing worshipers lay at his door some trifling gift, such as biscuits or copper money. St. John the Baptist probably lived in a similar hole. According to tradition he led a wandering life, and had two or three refuges on the other side of the river, more or less remote, according as his relations happened to be with the authorities. ■ . No. 38. 38. Portrait cf a Jewish Rabbi. A Rabbi from the Western Provinces of Russia. The Jews, especially the aged, come in great numbers to the Holy City, in order to pass in it their last years, and to be 34 buried in the valley of Jehosaphat, whence they believe they will be called before others to the future life. The Jewish population of Jerusalem has largely increased in latter years, partly because of the great number of charitable institutions built and supported by Montefiore, the Rothschilds, and some other banker-kings. The Turkish government was so much alarmed by this invasion of Jews, that it issued an order forbidding them to remain in the Holy Land more than thirty days, and to settle there. The Turks are evi- dently afraid that the Promised Land will again pass into the possession of the Jews — and this will certainly happen some day. This portrait was only obtained under a promise that it should not be hung in a Christian church. 39. A Rabbi. Stipulated for a glass of brandy at each sitting. 40. A Rabbi. 41. Portrait of an Arab. The Arabs came here with the Kalifs as conquerors. They have a good type, are hospitable, and belong mostly to the Sunni sect, of the Mohammedan religion. There are, how- ever, many Christians now among them, large sums of money having been spent every year by different Christian sects to attract Arab families to their faith. Often after having accepted help from one community, the Arab returns to his former faith, or allows himself to be converted to another religion where the reward is more substantial. This rivalry between the different Christian faiths is the cause of great corruption in the character of modern Arabs in the Holy Land. 35 42. An Arab Woman. The type of the Arab woman may be called beautiful. It is common to meet women at places of public resort of striking beauty ; but, like all Oriental women, they grow old very early. The poorer Arab women work very hard, while the rich look upon every kind of work as degrading, and pass their days in incessant chatter. 43. A Court of a House in Jerusalem. A characteristic old building near Solomon’s Wall, such as are ordinarily occupied by two or three families, who are constantly quarreling among themselves. While engaged at my work, I heard an incessant clatter proceeding from the shrill voices of women, mingled with occasional cries of children, the men very seldom interfering in these disputes. To make matters worse, the atmosphere in these picturesque courts was often insupportable from bad smells, and many of the children were suffering from different contagious dis- orders, such as sinall-pox. 44. A Greek Monk. 45. The Holy Family, as I understand it, according to the following texts of the Gospel. Matthew i., 25 ; xii., 46, 47, 48 ; xiii., 55, 56. — Mark iii., 3 1 , 3 2 , 33, 34, 55 J vi., 3-— John ii., 12 ; vii., 3, 5, 10. 46. Jesus with John the Baptist on the Jordan. “ Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptised of him ” (Matthew iii., 13). John vowed him- self to the Lord ; he neither cut his hair nor drank wine ; from his youth he withdrew to the desert, where he lived in the most ascetic manner. “And John was clothed with No. 3 7 camels’ hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins, and he did eat locusts and wild honey ” (Mark i., 6). He was an ascetic, resembling those ascetics who may still be seen in India, whence most probably the type came over to Judaea. The people regarded him as a Prophet or even as a Messiah, and for a long time the Priests and the Pharisees dared not undertake anything against him, not- withstanding his bold and loud condemnations of their life and rules. The people streamed to him to be baptised, as the sign of the adoption of the new principles. Christ, who at that time was very little known, came also to John, and was baptised with the others. “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, ‘ Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. This is he of whom I said, after me cometh a man which is preferred before me, for he was before me (John i., 29, 30). “Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said unto him, ‘ Art thou He that should come, or do we look for another ’ ” (Matthew xi., 2, 3). “ And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, ‘ What went ye out into the wilderness to see ? . . . A prophet? Yea, I say unto you and more than a prophet. For this is he of whom it is written ’ ” (Matthew xi., 7, 9, 10). 47. Jesus in the Desert. “The spirit driveth him into the wilderness, and he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan ” (Mark i., 12, 13). Possibly Christ, on returning from Jordan, remained forty days in the desert in one of the numerous old grottoes of the so-called Mount Quarantania, and left the retreat only after hearing of John’s imprisonment. Many times afterwards He 39 retired to the desert, partly for safety, partly to meditate and compose his thoughts. . . . From the statement of contemporaries it is known that our Saviour had a handsome figure, beautiful blond hair — auburn, according to Bysantic tradition. He seldom smiled but was easily moved to tears. Women were greatly devoted to Him, and He was often followed by a number of them. His face was beautiful according to some, while the others testify quite to the con- trary (Tertullian). 48. Christ on the Sea of Tiberias. Jesus went out of his house, and sat by the sea-side. And great multitudes were gathered unto him, so that he went into a ship and sat ; and the whole multitude stood on the shore” (Matthew xiii., 1, 2). “ And it came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gen- nesaret. . . . ” (Luke v., 1, 2, 3). 49. The Prophecy. “ Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not : “ Woe unto thee, Chorazin ! woe unto thee, Bethsaida ! for if the mighty works which v/ere done in you, had been done in Tyra and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment than for you. And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shall be brought down to hell, for if the mighty works which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained unto this day. But I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of 40 Sodom in the day of judgment than for thee” (Matt, xi., 20-24). It is to be remarked that now not only in the desolation of these sites, but in the very dispute about their identity, it had indeed been “more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon ” in the day of their earthly judgment than for those cities : the flames of Tyre and Sidon are preserved, their sites are anquestioned, but here the names are gone, and the cities problematical. 50. The Future Emperor of India. When the Prince of Wales traveled through India the native chiefs vied with one another in the splendor and ceremony of their receptions. There might be seen con- spicuous red costumes by the side of picturesque remnants of mediaeval taste ; above all gleamed costly jewels, gold and silver. . . . When I came first to Jeypore I found that the houses were agreeably painted in different colors : green, blue, yellow ; but on returning to the spot later on, I was perfectly astonished : previous to the entrance of the Prince of Wales into his residence, the Maharajah of Jey- pore gave strict orders to strew with roses all the buildings of his town, without exception. 51. The Window of Selim-Shisti’s Monument. The great Mogul Akbar, the most powerful Indian chief, erected this monument over the remains of his friend and counsellor, Selim-Shisti, a man who led a most holy life, and whose memory is still held in reverence by all the Mohammedans of India. This window, like the monument itself, is of pure white marble. On the veranda surround- ing it pilgrims converse with the descendants of the saint, who perform religious offices without being themselves in the least degree holy. No. 50. 42 52. The Gate of Aliah-Uddin in Ancient Delhi. Has been built upwards of six hundred years, of red sand- stone admirably preserved. Court attendants, and grooms with horses, await the coming of their master. 53. The House of Berbul in Futtehpore Sikri (in the neighborhood of Agra). So massive are the red stone buildings, so fine and deli- cate their details, that from the outside, as well as from the interior, the structure seems carved out cf ivory. Raja Berbul, favorite of the great Moghul Akbar, was one of the adherents of the party who contemplated a fusion of Sara- cenic with Indian elements, and this building bears witness to his intentions. 54. The Chief Mosque in Futtehpore Sikri Stands on the western side of an immense courtyard, sur- rounded by beautiful galleries, with many other mosques and enormous gates. Built after the pattern of the mosque in Mekka, erected over the grave of Mahomet, entrance to which is strictly forbidden to unbelievers. 55. The Pearl Mosque in Agra. The temple is of white marble in Mauresque style, of very fine proportions. There are few or no ornaments, but the beauty of lines and of the material compensate for it. The mosque was built in the year 1654, at the time when the first signs of decay in the Mogul art began to be felt. No. 54, 44 56. Sunrise in the Himalayas. Opposite Darjiling. Sunrise and sunset in these moun- tains afford the most ravishing and magnificent sights which the brush can only approximately depict. One day I went out to make a sketch of the sunset. I prepared my palette, but the sight was so beautiful I waited, delayed the work in order to examine better the sight. Several thousand feet below me all was wrapt in a pure blue shadow ; the summits of the peaks were resplendent in pur- ple flames. I waited, and waited, and would not begin my sketch. “ By and by,” said I, “ I want to look at it still, it is so splendid ! ” I continued to wait, and waited until the end of the evening — until the sun was set, and the mountains were enveloped in dark shadows. Then I shut up my paint- box and returned home. 57. The same. 58. The Taj in the Morning (from the Garden). 59. The Taj in the Evening (from the Garden). 60. The Taj in the Evening (from the River). The Taj is properly a monument erected by the Great Mogul, Shah Jihan, over the grave of his favorite wife. She died in full strength of youth and beauty, and the Great Mogul promised in memory of her to build such a monu- ment over her tomb that would surpass all the existing con- structions. And so he did. I must say that in my opinion there is nothing even in Europe which can surpass the Taj — this quiet, solemn, wonderful place of the last rest of a charming woman, who died giving birth to her first child, the future emperor. Built of white marble, it is decked from top to bottom with ornaments of lapis-lazuli, malachite, cor- nelians, and other precious stones. It is difficult to form an 45 idea of the splendor of this building without seeing it. From the garden it affords a particularly charming aspect, where its beautiful lines and dazzling white marble are thrown into high relief by the dark green foliage. There were 20,000 men engaged upon it for seventeen years, and although the labor cost nothing, the sum of $20,000,000 was swallowed up by this building. The entrance door was made of massive silver, and an enormous diamond was placed on the tomb itself. One may remark, perhaps, that the middle cupola is a little too heavy, or that some other details could have been treated in another way, but taken in its ensemble, as I remarked somewhere before, Taj can be compared to a beautiful woman whom you make bold to criticise when she is absent, but in whose presence you can only say : Charming, charming, charming ! 61. The Private Mosque of the Great Moguls in the Palace of Dehli. Surrounded from all sides with white marble w^alls, the mosque is strongly reflected — no dark shadows — fresh, cool, airy. I like the Moslem mosques ; the prayer is simple and not less solemn than that of the Christian’s ; but the Deity is not represented there in any painted or sculptured form. You may feel that God is present at your prayer, but where is He ? — it is left to your soul to discover it. . . 62. Mount Kanchinjinga, from Darjiling in the Evening. 63. Tibetan Lamas. Good-natured, voracious creatures, who never change their clothes, which therefore smell, and are full of insects. Nevertheless, all the higher Lamas are immortal, i. e ., their souls, according to the Buddhist belief, are immediately after death born again in the bodies of little children. 46 64. Hindu Workman. Down-trodden, poor beings, who can never quite satisfy their hunger. The Hindu is remarkable for his talent for any work requiring great patience. Builder of the greatest and most handsome monuments, accomplished workmen in the finest jewelry work, hard worker in every line — he lives on five cents a day, himself and family. When the hard time of famine comes on he only tightens his belt, compress- ing his stomach more and more every day. 65. Bhutanese of Sikkhim in the Himalayas. The Bhutanese are of Mongol race ; an idle, quarrelsome, and extremely superstitious people. The tribe is closely connected with Thibet, properly speaking : and these men are very numerous in the Thibetan army, the English have to face in their present war. 66. Bhutanese Girl. 67. Bhutanese Woman. 68. Hindu Mohammedan Workman. The Mohammedan Hindus are, probably in consequence of their warlike religion, not so apathetic as the Brahmans. Their religion allows the former to do many things forbid- den to the latter. 69. Kanchinjinga, Pandim and other Mountains in in the Clouds. These effects of sun in India are simply astonishing — without seeing them it is difficult to have faith in the truth- fulness of the artist. 70. Sunset in India. 47 71. The Forgotten Soldier.* These lines are by the artist , and are translated from the original by IV. li. S. Ralston- (a) Hushed is the battle : silence fills Anew the hollows of the hills ; Save where, amid the rocks alone, Is feebly heard a dying groan. * * * -x- * $ Above the topmost snowy height, A somber spot in azure light. On steady wing, intent on prey, A vulture wends its circling way. ( b ) Far from its watch-place in the skies, A gleam of scarlet it espies. Amid the bushes, where the mist The forehead of the hill has kissed. Sweeps the vulture widely round, Sees what cumbereth the ground, Folds its pinions ; from afar Earthward drops — like a falling star. (c) Together to the banquet fly Its comrades, summoned by its cry ; With eager beaks and claws the troop Of vulture’s on the booty swoop. But hark ! fresh pinions cleave the air The eagles to the feast repair ; Above the dead, with hunger’s rage, The rival bands in fight engage. How long the contest lasted none Can say, nor which the vict’ry won ; Only the hills, the battle o’er, Have seen the vulture wheel no more. * x x- x- x- * All in the mountains is at peace, There all things flourish, gleam, increase ; Day follows day, the years go by — The soldier’s bones .forgotten lie. * Only one of these large pictures could be exhibited here. No. 74. 49 72. In Bulgaria during the War (Outposts in the Balkans.) 73. In Bulgaria after the War. 74. Cossack Picket on the Danube. Pickets of Cossacks and Hussars were stationed along the left bank of the Danube opposite Rustchuk, before the Russians crossed this river. At each Cossack picket was a beacon with tarred straw twisted round it, to be lighted in case of alarm, in order that danger might be at once sig- nalled down the whole line. 75 Skobeleff at Shipka. The day after the battle at Shipka, where the Turks under Vessel Pasha were surrounded and fe&ken prisoners, Skobeleff reviewed his troops, and thanked them for the victory. The regiments were drawn up facing the Turkish forts, with their left flank on Mount St. Nicholas. Putting spurs to his horse, the general galloped down the line, and, waving his cap, shouted to the men : “ In our country’s name, on the part of our Sovereign, I thank you my comrades ! ” It would be difficult to describe the enthusiasm that prevailed as the soldiers threw their caps in the air and cheered repeatedly, Skobeleff was evidently deeply moved, as I saw tears in his eyes. Indeed all were overjoyed at the success, every one kept holiday— except the dead, slain but yesterday, and still littering the ground before the trenches. 76. The Earth Huts at Shipka. The road up the Shipka Pass reminded me of a village. On one side were the earth huts of the soldiers, with an occasional small house of a commanding officer ; on the 5i other a row of fir tops to show the direction of the road in misty weather. Having no warm clothing, the men covered themselves with anything they could get, mostly bits of tent canvas which served instead of overcoats. This was a very slight protection against the cold, and large numbers were frostbitten every day. The close earth huts swarmed with every species of insect, and though bullet-proof to some extent, afforded no shelter against artillery fire, particularly shells, which often burst through the roofs and killed every- body inside. It was dangerous to venture outside the huts, owing to the commanding positions held by the Turks, who enfiladed our men on three sides, and could pick them off with their rifle fire. It became particularly lively at meal times, when the rations were brought round in troikas (carts drawn by three horses) from the shelter of the hills, and now and again a shell would burst in the midst of a crowd surrounding one of these provision wagons, and confuse in one heap, cart, horses, and men. The water-bearers also suffered heavily, many of them never returning. All day long bullets were whizzing about, literally like flies ; every minute a shell would burst, now on this side, now on that. Well do I remember one day sitting down to sketch under cover of a Turkish bullet-proof block-house, and being obliged to leave my work unfinished, three shells in rapid succession having struck the roof, entered and broken every- thing, covering my palette thickly with dust and dirt. 77. Snow Trenches on the Pass. The day of our crossing the Balkans, in order to guard against a possible flank attack, Skobeleff ordered trenches to be dug. The earth was so hard frozen, that it became necessary to throw up breastworks of snow, which lay so deep on the ground that the Turks never thought of attack- ing us, but only assembled in crowds in their positions on our No. 78. 53 front, on a level with us, evidently surprised at our move- ments in the deep snow, while the few shells fired from their batteries caused us no loss. That night the frost was intense, and our soldiers having nothing but their thin overcoats to wear (the warm clothing did not arrive till spring) strict orders were given in the regiments that every one should be kept awake. Slumber that night meant death. I remember trying to doze near the camp fire, protected with a number of warm wraps, yet in spite of ail this I felt that I was freezing, and accordingly lit a cigar and waited by the fireside till it was time to march. 78. “All Quiet at Shipka ! ” (All Quiet along the jPotomac.) General Radetsky’s report to the commander-in-chief : The daily losses from Turkish bullets were far exceeded by those from frost-bite. Nearly the whole of the 24th division was frost-bitten. Regiments were dreadfully reduced in strength ; in some companies only ten men and a few sub- alterns were left ; at length, the pitiable remnants were with- drawn from position. The General reported as usual, “ All is quiet at Shipka ! ” 79. Before the Attack. The day on which the third attempt to storm Plevna took place was cloudy, and from early morning a fine rain fell, soaking the clayey soil, and making it impossible to walk much less to storm the heights. I remember the com- mander-in-chief exclaiming, as he clasped his forehead with both hands : “ How will our men advance ? How can they march in such mire ? ” The attack, nevertheless, was not postponed, as it was the Emperor’s birthday, and the gene- rals were inspecting their men and urging them to make a birthday present of Plevna to H.I.M. The troops lay down while awaiting the signal for the attack. 54 8o. The Emperor Alexander II. before Plevna. By the time I had made my way to headquarters I heard shouts, “ Road, road ! ” and at that minute a Cossack escort rode past, followed by an open carriage in which sat the Emperor. He greeted me with a “ Good morning, Verest- chagin.” Shortly afterward prayers began at headquarters, the priest in trembling accents imploring God to “ grant the victory and preserve the men.” . . . While we were yet on our knees, suddenly the crash of artillery fire and roll of musketry burst on our ears. This proved to be a mistake on the part of some of our forces who had anticipated the time fixed upon for the assault by four hours. After prayers were over breakfast was served, and during this meal His Majesty turned to us, goblet in hand, and said : “To the health of those now fighting there, hurrah ! ” Our answering cheer was drowned in the din of battle. The sky was heavily overcast, and the rain continued to fall, as the group of officers and others surrounding the Emperor watched with their field-glasses the course of the fighting, every now and then exchanging a few words of comment, and dis- cussing the probabilities of the situation. Meanwhile, he sat motionless on his camp-stool with his eyes fixed on the Turk- ish redoubts. The roar of artille ry and rattle of small arms were unceasing. We heard distinctly the hurrahs of the Russians, and the Aliah ! Allah ! of the Turks. At first the Turkish redoubts were almost silent, and many supposed them to be short of ammunition, but as our columns advanced, volley after volley poured forth and raked the storming bat- tallions with shells and grape-shot. We saw our advance checked, the ranks thrown into confusion, the lines broken. . . . Again they move forward with a cheer. . . . but their advance is slower. . . . they are disorganized. . . . Some stop. . . . their cheers sound faint and uncertain. . . . See ! they turn back. . . . they run. The field of battle is shrouded in smoke. 81. After the Bat- tle. The following day, having learned from an aide-de-camp who had arrived from Gen- eral Skobeleff that of my two brothers who were with him, one had been killed and the other wounded, I set out with my wound still unhealed to reach the left flank, which was a long way off. I met numbers of wounded along the road, and on reaching the field-lazaret asked a doctor how many had passed through his hands. “ We have reached the seventh thousand,” was his answer. Altogether 18,000 men were placed hors de combat on the Russian side. The doctors worked No. 80, 56 with wonderful zeal and unselfishness, the services rendered by the Sisters of Mercy were beyond all praise, yet in spite of this, vast numbers remained for days together with their wounds undressed, without either food or drink ! All previous calculations and preparations were falsified by actual necessities. Orders had been given to prepare for three to four thousand wounded ; instead of this there were actually over 13,000. At the divisional hospital I visited, accommodation had been provided for 500 men, but several thousands were brought in, causing enormous over-pressure. In their anxiety that their wounds should be dressed, all crowded to the tents intended for the severely wounded only. At the entrance of one of these there is the figure of a man breathing heavily, convulsively. He com- manded the regiment which first entered the Turkish redoubt and was mortally wounded. He is left in peace with a gauze covering to keep off the flies adhering to his warm blood. Farther on is a general with a broken leg patiently awaiting the dresser, and inquiring of new- comers the position of affairs at the front. Some are beyond the surgeon’s skill and the attendants are summoned to remove their bodies and make room for others. Their places are quickly filled. This time a wounded soldier is brought in, covered with a soiled cloak thrown negligently over him ; beneath it what would be difficult to recognize as a living man. The face is of an ashen hue, the features distorted with agony, the eyes dull; he turns a fixed gaze upon the approaching surgeon who stoops and opens his clothes. . . . then lets them drop and passes on to the next : the wound is mortal, no time to waste over it. Without a sob, without a cry, every one waits his turn to have his wound dressed and to be sent home. In dry weather the wounded were comparatively better off ; during the rains, however, all these thousands, for whom there was no room in the tents, sat, stood, and lay in pools of water. 57 82. Dressing the Wounded. The carts used in transporting the wounded were the same as those in which the supplies of rusks were brought to the army, and these were supplemented by local carts. After the third assault on Plevna the whole road from this town to the Danube was thronged by transport trains of these carts ; what with the primitive construction of the vehicles and the execrable roads, the agonies of the wounded were horrible beyond description, and the most trifling wounds gangrened and became mortal. During a removal from one hospital to another, lasting usually several days, in the heat and dust, all the wounds became full of worms, and the Sis- ters of Mercy had to display extraordinary fortitude in clean- ing, dressing, and healing all this. Whatever the behavior of women in other countries and other armies may be, I know not, b*ut this I can say, that the Russian woman showed herself a true heroine in her devotion, her honor and unselfishness. 83. The Turkish Hospital at Plevna. After the surrender of this town we found the whole of the principal street filled with hospitals ; the houses on both sides were crowded with sick and wounded. In the company of a doctor and another friend, I visited these “hospitals.” At the first gateway I met the owner of the house, and learned of him that there were thirty sick men in it, “ but some,” he added, “must have died.” We entered. No words can express the horrors : the foetid air, the filth, the dirt, and in the midst of it all what a scene of death ! nothing but death ! The same thing in the next house, the third, fourth, tenth, twentieth, fiftieth — all alike. Now and again something stirred in a corner under a heap of •rags, showing that life was not quite extinct. In one house No. 84. 59 only a wounded Turk met us, with terribly inflamed eyes. He had heard approaching footsteps, and had probably wanted to meet 11s, but he was only able to stand by sup- porting himself against the wall, and mutter a few words between his teeth ; he could not articulate. In the panic of the last few days before the surrender of the town, and also afterwards, the Turks forgot and abandoned their sick and wounded ; the Turkish doctors and surgeons all dis- persed, and had to be caught and forcibly made to enter the hospitals. But it was almost a hopeless task, for this mass of brave men were beyond human aid. 84. The Spy. “ Come and see them leading away a spy,” said General Skobeleff (father of my friend, Michael Skobeleff), to me. We seated ourselves on a bench opposite a house entered by Colonel P. of the staff, and an aide-de-camp of the com- mander-in-chief, who had just arrived from headquarters. Before the porch were posted soldiers with fixed bayonets, two in front and two on either side. The examination and interrogatories lasted some time, and half-an-hour must have elasped before we saw the figure of a tall, dark man on the threshold. He was handsomely dressed, and wore his cap a little on one side. At the sight of the soldiers he turned somewhat paler, stopped, took a deep breath, and thrusting his hands into his pockets began descending the steps with- out moving his eyes from the soldiers. 85. The Adjutant. Si jeune et si d^corS. 86. The Road of the War Prisoners. The road from Plevna to the Danube for a distance of thirty to forty miles was literally strewn with the bodies of frozen wounded Turks. The frost set in so suddenly, and with such severity, that the brave defenders of Plevna in their stiff frozen overcoats were too weak to resist it, and by ones and twos fell on the road, and were frozen to death. With the assistance of a Cossack companion I tried to raise some of these fallen and set them on their feet, but they fell down again, so completely enfeebled were they, though evidently anxious to follow their comrades. Sitting and lying in the snow they moved hands and feet as though they longed to be moving, but were powerless. The next day their movements became less, and they lay on the snow by the hundred, prostrate on their backs, moving lips and fingers as they gradually and slowly froze to death. (Having heard that this kind of death was one of the least painful, I closely examined the faces of the corpses lying in every imaginable position along the road, and convinced myself that every face bore the impress of deep suffering. This form of death then is evidently also not painless.) I recol- lect two Turks in particular — an old man, and quite a youth, seated by the side of the road, warming themselves by a diminutive fire of a few sticks. When I stopped my horse near them in the morning, the youth tried to speak to me, but burst into tears, and I could only understand, “ Oh, Effendi, Effendi ! ” I answered, pointing to heaven, “ Allah, Allah ! ” The older man was silent, and looked gloomily down. On returning to Plevna in the evening I sought out the place where I had left them ; the little fire had long burnt itself out, the young Turk lay prostrate and apparently dead, while his companion sat motionless beside him bent almost double. He, too, was probably also dead. The first few days there was nobody to remove the dead and dying, so that passing carts and gun-carriages crushed their bodies into the snow and rendered it impossible to ex- tricate them without spoiling the road. 6i 87. A Resting-place of Prisoners. I remember a party of eight to ten thousand piisoners at Plevna overtaken by a snow-storm. They extended along the high road for a great distance and sat closely huddled together, with heads bent down, and from all this mass of human beings there rose a dull moaning from thousands of voices as they slowly and in measure repeated, “ Allah ! Allah ! Allah ! ” The snow covered them, the wind blew through their chilled forms ; no fire, no shelter, no bread. When the word of command to start was given, I saw some of the older, venerable Turks, probably fathers of families, crying like children, and imploring the escort to let them go as far as the town to dry their clothes, warm themselves, and rest ; but this was strictly forbidden, as there were such numbers of them, and only one answer was returned to all their supplications, “ Forward, forward ! ” 88. The Conquered. A regiment of Chasseurs of the Guard having been ordered to make a feigned attack on the Turkish fortress of Telisch, instead of manoeuvring, by mistake attacked in earnest. Half were immediately killed or wounded, the remainder retiring. The Turks left their fortifications, and throwing themselves upon the dead and wounded, plunder- ing and stripping them naked, even mutilating them in the most barbarous fashion. . . Two days afterwards, when the Russians captured the fortress, they collected the bodies of their unfortunate comrades, counted, and buried them all in one large grave. The priest performed the burial service, and offered up prayers for all those who had lain down their lives for their Fatherland. ’88 ’ON ^3 89. Russian Types. (a) Blacksmith, native of Vladimir, 59 years of age. (b) His wife, 50 years of age. (c) Coppersmith, native of Smolensk, 62 years of age, has all his life made cockades. (d) Girl of district near Mosko, 15 years of age. (e) Dvornik (gate-keeper), 40 years of age, native of Riazan. (/) Retired valet de chambre , 70 years of age, has been 50 years in service, and looks upon his masters with feelings not unmixed with irony. 90. The Kreml, from the opposite side of the River Moskva. This is one of the most curious sights in existence. I do not know any other city in the world that would present more original and even more striking views. 91. Crucifixion by the Romans. ^ “ E,ye for 94. Private Mosque at the Palace of the Great Moguls in Delhi. 95. Mendicant Friar of the Order of Nakhsb-bendi at the doors of a Mosque in Turkestan. 96. The Kreml of Moscow in Winter. 97. The same. 98. The Moscow Cathedrals and the river Moskva (in the spring). 92. Blowing from Guns in British Eye, India. 93. Hanging in Russia. Y Tooth for J Tooth.” 04 99- A Street in the T own of Rostov, in the winter with the setting sun. ioo. Tkonostass of an old Wooden Church in the Village of Tshna. Services are rarely held in this church. Therefore it is preserved as it was in the XVIIth century. It has escaped the hands of the. restorers and of the lovers of modern sumptuosities. ioi. Interior of same Church. This is the Prior’s Pew, the church having formerly belonged to a monastery. 102. Entrance Door of the same Church, Together with the good old woman who, in place of her octogenarian husband, takes care of the church and protects it against embellishments. 103. Ancient Terems (palaces) in the Kreml of Rostov. These palaces were occupied by the Dukes of Rostov ; after them by the metropolitans of the province ; and, among others, by Philaret, father of the first Tsar of the house of Romanof, who was forced to take orders by another pretender to the throne, a more powerful man, Godunof, who succeeded in getting into power for a short time. 104. Entrance Door to the Ipatief Cathedral at Kostroma. At this door came out the first Romanof, the Tsar Michel Feodorovitch, when he showed himself to the people after his election. The young prince was hiding, together with his mother, behind the walls of the monastery from the A Jew of Jerusalem. 67 Poles, who devastated Russia at that time ; and it was here that he received the delegated who came solemnly offering the crown to him. 105. Family Vault of the Soltykofs and other princely families in the monastery of Bogojavlensk in Kostroma. ❖ sfs % The exhibition also includes a collection of Photographs of my earlier works, chiefly relating to Central Asia. 106. The Portico of a Church of the XVIIth Cen- tury in Jaroslexv. It is on such galleries that, waiting for the service to begin, or at the end of it, the people come out to rest themselves and to converse. The vaults and the walls are covered with paintings on subjects from the Holy Writ, with appropriate inscriptions. 107. The same. PHOTOGRAPHY. 108. An Ambush. A small Russian detachment, sent on a reconnoitring expedition, has encamped in a valley, unaware that the enemy (Uzbeks and Kirghizes) is concealed in the neigh- boring hills, watching a favorable moment for the attack. 109. The Surprise. No sooner has the detachment dispersed, intent on various errands, than masses of the enemy are upon it, uttering terrible cries, and brandishing their swords and spears. All those Russians who had gone a little distance are cut down; the remainder assemble and prepare to sell their lives dearly. (I was present at one of these engagements.) 68 no. Surrounded — Pursued. The handful of brave survivors, surrounded on all sides, retreats fighting. They have beaten off the enemy, and keep him at a respectful distance with their rifle fire. The dead are abandoned, the wounded led away. An officer is carried by his men. (A picture representing the total destruction of a detachment in a mountain defile, where the last survivors are shot down and killed by fragments of rock hurled from the crags above, was not finished.) ill. Presenting the Trophies. In the palace of the Emir of Bokhara, at Samarkand. In the background is the celebrated ‘ Kok-tash ’ — the throne of Tamerlane. The heads of the slaughtered Russians are brought to the Emir, who rewards the bearers of these trophies with the customary robes of honor, each individual receiving according to the number of heads he brings. 1 12. Triumph. The Emir presents his people with the heads of their foes. These are then stuck upon high poles in the principal square in Samarkand, in front of the mosques. A mollah preaches on the text : “ Thus God ordains that infidels should perish ; there is only one God ! ” 113. Returning Thanks for the Victory. The Emir and his retinue offer up thanksgivings for the victory at the grave of Tamerlane — great Mohammedan saint of our day — noted conqueror and robber of former times. 6 9 114. Apotheosis of War. Dedicated to all the great conquerors, past, present, and future. This picture is not the creation of the artist’s imagination — it is historically correct. Tamerlane and many other heroes raised such monuments on their battle-fields, leaving the bones to be cleansed and whitened by the sun and rain, by wolves, jackals, and birds of prey. Not very long ago, about i860, the celebrated German scientist, Schlagintweit (while in the English service), was murdered by Valikhan-tiure, despot of Jetyshar in Kashgaria, and his head was thrown on a similar, though smaller pyramid, which it was the Khan’s amusement to watch growing daily bigger. 1 15. Gate of Tamerlane. In the palace at Samarkand. 116. Gate of a Mosque. Two friars of the begging order of Nakshbendi engaged in the usual way ; a common mode of passing spare time in Central Asia. 117. Hush! Let Them Enter. During the defence of Samarkand by the Russians, an assault was momentarily expected through one of the breaches made by the enemy in the walls. The shouts of the approaching multitude were audible, and I begged Colonel N., then in command of the garrison, to sally out to meet them but his answer was, “ Hush ! let them enter.” 1 18. They Have Entered. The assault has been repulsed, and the tired soldiers are calmly smoking their pipes, whilst a few remove the dead bodies. 70 119- From Mountain to Valley. In autumn the Kirghiz abandon their encampments near the snow line, and remove to winter quarters. In order not to damage their clothes by packing them into boxes, they attire themselves in all their best robes, so that one of these migrations has all the appearance of a holiday procession. 120. Underground Prison at Samarkand. Built of brick, with a narrow funnel-shaped mouth, the only means of ingress and egress being by a rope with loops. When I descended into this gloomy dungeon I almost fainted from the stench and foul air, and could with difficulty make my sketch. And here prisoners remained for more than ten years in succession without ever breathing pure air. This infernal den was called the bug-hole, and I believe a certain kind of bug or other insect was purposely bred to stock it, and prey day and night upon the unfortunate victims. Let me add, however, that I found no bugs in it. In this very dungeon the ill-fated Stoddart and Conolly were imprisoned for a time. At the instance of the Russian agent they were released, and might have availed themselves of their opportunity to escape, but refused to do so (an his- torical fact). 121. The Mortally Wounded Soldier. The first man I saw wounded was a soldier who had been struck by a bullet in the chest. He threw away his gun, placed both hands over his wound, and began reeling like a drunken man. “ Oh, comrades, they have killed me, they have killed me. My death has come to me.” . . . “Lie down, brother,” answer his companions, but he continues to stagger a little longer, then falls prone to the ground. 7 1 122. The Kirghiz Sportsman. The favorite pastime of the rich Kirghiz is hawking. For this purpose hawks and eagles are trained by being blind- folded, and by never being allowed to sleep. 123. Sale of a Slave. 124. Central Asian Politicians. Ragged, half drunk with opium, they are nevertheless among the keenest of politicians. They know and discuss not only what the Ak Padishah, i. e. f White Tsar, does and says, but what he thinks and is meditating. 125. Beggars at Samarkand. Along the highways leading to the chief places of resort they may be seen by the dozen, sometimes sitting on the ground, and importunately begging alms. 126. Chorus of Dervishes or Divans. Of the aforesaid monastic order of Nakshbendi. They parade the streets in troops led by their chief singer, and howl unceasingly until they receive alms. Every novice, on joining the fraternity, receives a cap, a belt, a bowl made of a gourd, and a dress of variegated patches of stuff obtained by begging at the bazaar. 127. Dividing the Spoil. 128. The Conquerors. Turks stripping the Russian dead on the field of Telisch. 129. Parleying. “ Surrender ! ” “ Go to the devil ! ” 72 130. The Forgotten Soldier. In Turkestan. (The original picture was destroyed by the artist.) 131. Russian Graves on the Shipka. SKETCHES. (a) Various. 1853-58. (^) Caucasus and Transcaucasus, Russian Lecterians. 1863-64 (c) Caucasus and Transcaucasus, Mussulman Shiyth pro- cession. 1864-65. (d) Danube types. 1866. (e) Russian peasants. 1867. (/) Types of Jerusalem. 1888. COLLECTION OF ARTISTIC WORKS, CURI- OSITIES, ETC. COLLECTED IN MY VARIOUS JOURNEYS. 132. Large Carpet from India. 133. Same, Kashmirian. 134. Same, Tibetan. 135. Same, Yarkandiam. 136. — — Same, Turkish. 137. Same, Persian. 138. Same, Turkoman. 73 139* Glazed tiles from Jerusalem, from the Mosque of Omar, and various other buildings. 140 . Others from the old Duma, or council house of Moscow. 141 . Tiles from the Mosque of Shah Zinda at Samarkand. 142 . A piece of marble trellis-work from the tomb of Tamerlane in the Mosque of Ghur-Amir. 143 . A fragment of marble from the tomb of Tamerlane’s son in the Mosque of Ghur-Amir. 144 . Stones with sacred Budhistic figures and inscriptions from Ladak and Western Tibet. 145. Medallions used as talismans, of Tibetan workman- ship. 146 . Tibetan prayer wheels. 147 . Specimens of Tibetan art. 148 . Drum, and pipes made of human bones from Tibet and Sikkhim. 149* Drinking-cup made from a human skull. 150. Bowls made of a full human skull. 151. Bowls made of the skeleton of a snake. 152. Bowls made of dried fruit. 153. Tibetan images. 154. Marbles from the Mosque of Omar. 155- Root of an ancient cypress from quarry under the old Temple of Jerusalem. 156. Articles used in Budhistic service, etc. 157. Masks of Tibetan saints. 158 . Arms of the Turks during the last war: guns of infantry, and cavalry swords. 159 . Arms of the Russians : guns, swords, etc., of infantry and cavalry ; army sword remodeled, bayonet, cutlass. 74 160. Arms, helmets, shields, chain-armor, etc., from India and Central Asia. l6x. Indian Vessels. 162. Dish from India. 163. Ditto from Cashmere. 164. A Snake of Indian workmanship. 165. English lady represented by Hindoo. 166. Different Brahmin deities in copper. 167. Vishnu in white marble. Ancient Russian Applied Art as Seen in Different Objects of Household Use. 16S. A bowl (a cup) called “ bratina ” for drinking wine, belonging, as I presume, to the XVIth century, with an inscription in Old Slavo-Russian, very difficult to decipher : “ And wine will cheat the spells (dispel the charms), the leisure of the toper ” (further on I could not make out the inscription). 169. A bowl, “ bratina,” in copper of well-nigh the same age. 170. A scoop for wine, of the XVIIIth century, with the inscription : “ Apostle Paul says, ‘ It is not the wine that is cursed, but cursed is drunkenness.’ ” 171. A cup for Vodka. X72. Cups, “ Koobky,” of the time of Peter the Great. 173 . Inkstands. 174. Table-knives. 175 - A copper scoop. 176. A wooden ladle. X 77 - A thumper for beating clothes in washing. 75 1 7 8. A copper dish. 179. An ivory casket. l8c. Wooden caskets for money and effects. 18 1. Caskets with iron ornamentation. 182. A candlestick. 183. A wooden salt box. 184. Snuffers. 185. Baskets of carved birch bark. 186. An iron ball fastened to a strap as a weapon. 187. Buttons of man’s and woman’s attire. 188. Ear-rings and clasps. 189. A medallion for white paint and rouge. 190. Women’s head-dresses and “ phaty,” i.e., veiling worn on the head. 191. Hand-made lace taken from towels, bed-spreads, and so forth. 192. Silk lace. 193 - Gold and silver lace and galoons. 194. Samples of gold cloth. 195 - Kerchiefs. 196. Crosses in copper, silver, gilded and enameled, for wearing close to the body. 197. Crosses and medallions for wearing over the dress. 198. Chains in silver ; gilded and enameled chains. 199 A wooden cross. 200. A cross with a chain — the belt of a hermit. 201. Samples of wood-carving taken from churches. 202. Beads in bone, cornelian stone, in wood, in silk, in wool, and in leather. 203. Reproductions from church ornaments. At the Railway Station. On Board Swiss Steamer. Magyar.— Serbian. Roumanian. — Austrian Soldier. A Jew of Jerusalem. • r " r V;' ■ ; ■’ r >' V*- NO IV READY. PROGRESS IN ART T; _ ANI) ' ■" ^ REALISM. -ALSO- VERESTCHAGIN, am Painter, Soldier, Traveler. Revved Edition , with much new matter added . BY VASSILI VERESTCHAGIN. TRANSLATED BY F. H. PETERS, M. A. r . Illustrated with many original sketches by the Author. For sale at the American Art Galleries, and by Booksellers. ( ' .P? i - .