Pwek. CLs\~ZKA/X as< '- KjZsrW^JL-Kj '. £a/ 0-tfl V^-V \-^?L CJLa Uu^ ol^ ’ C~ -P, ( 4 W^ Vks^lMA ( hrdt A** w 'b\ f v>iu , "t l ft^S* "2-( ff ft • C H CATALOGUE OF I'M ud C THE CHOICE COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES AND SStaRr-rulmtr Dratamgs FORMED BY FREDERICK CRAVEN, ESQ. Deceased, late of Thornbi’idge, Bakewell; ALSO THE CHOICE CABINET OF Water-colour Drawings and Pictures OF T. S. KENNEDY, ESQ. Deceased, late of Park Hill, Wetherby, Yorkshire; AND EXCELLENT PICTURES, THE PROPERTY OF T. WOOLNER, ESQ., R.A. Deceased: which (by Order of the Executors ) ffliHtll be bn Guenon bn Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR ©RRAT £t©©MS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be publicly viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to paydown 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of the late FREDERICK CRA VEN, Esq., of Thornbridye, BaJcewell. Sold by Order of the Executors. DRAWINGS. J. W. INCHBOLD. 1 King Arthur’s Castle "3 13 in. by 20 in. F. J. SHIELDS. 2 Hide! / 18J? in. by 12 in. °Y D. KOBE RTS, K.A. /O 3 Town Hall, Louvain 12^ in. by 9 in. 4 E. DUNCAN, 1858. 4 - - 4 Seaweed Gatherers 8 in. by 19 in. SIR FRANCIS POWELL. 5 Bridge of Garry 19 in. by 13 in. SIR FRANCIS POWELL. £3 —o 6 The Rainbow, Locli Doig 11 in. by 17 in. SIR FRANCIS POWELL. 7 Fishing Boat Dragging Anchor, Loch Scavaig 15 in. by 36 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 F. W. TOPHAM. 2 / — <. 8 Mother and Child 14 in. by 171 in. Qix S£L F. W. TOPHAM. 9 Loitering 19 in. by 25 in. V/ Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887, F. W. TOPHAM. 10 Homewards ^ 19 in. by 25 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 5 . / G. CATTERMOLE. 11 TnE Power of the Organ 8 in. by 13g in. G. CATTERMOLE. 12 Grace Before Meat ‘ / 12 in. by 18 in. O Co G. CATTERMOLE. 13 BRIGANDS DISTURBED . . 26 in. by 36 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 Exhibited at Leeds , 1868 cC--0> F. TAYLER. ^ 14 The Shepherdess 13 in. by 19 in. 7 ) i * F. TAYLER, 1863. 15 HAWKING : tbe heron brought down on the skirts of the village 26 in. by 49 in. /o Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 Exhibited at Paris P. DE WINT. 16 Landscape, with figures and river 9^ in by 14^ in. J. HOLLAND, 1864. 17 A Bit of Venice —* 8 in. by 14 in. 6 /S3 * /6 J. HOLLAND. 18 Lion of St. Mark, Venice 15 in. by 18^ in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 J. HOLLAND, 1864. 19 THE DOGANA, Venice , 17^ i n . by 36 in. ^ ^ Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 \V. HUNT. 3z - // 20 Arms and Grapes 6 in. by 7 £ in. ?? W. HUNT. 21 Bird's Nest and Primroses /Oval —8j in. by 11^ in. W. HUNT. 22 THE SCRUB / /O ■ 5 13^ in. by 9^ in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 //0. tf' W. HUNT. 23 DEVOTION 19 in. by 12 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 Js 24 Malham Cove 8 in. by 10g in. D. COX. 7 D. COX. 25 A Welsh Lane ’./O' 10 in. by 14 in. D. COX. 26 Bolton Castle, Wensleydale 10 in. by 19 in. 2 . tr * c^jCL ? D. COX. 27 Return op Claverhouse to the Castle of Tillietudlf.m 18^ in. by 24 Jn. r (_J ^ Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 / D. COX. 28 WRECK ON THE NORTH COAST oC^> q 22 in. by 321 i n . Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 D. COX. 29 GRAVEL PITS - 22 in. by 32 in. J —>• —», Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 D. COX. 30 THE MISSING FLOCK 23 in. by 33 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee E.\ it ion, 1887 8 77 - D. COX. 31 THE YALE OF CLWYD, harvest time 23 in. by 37 in. /S'- Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition , 1887 Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 3 D. COX. 32 BOLSOVER CASTLE 22^ in. by 36 \ in. V / O ' Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 ^ 9 ^* /o D. COX, 1851. 33 BROOM GATHERERS, Chat Moss 24 in. by 34 in. ,r \/ Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 So D. COX, 1849. 34 BEESTON CASTLE 25 in. by 35 in. _____ r Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 /£/ D. COX. 35 WINDSOR GREAT PARK 28 in. by 38 in. /O* Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 0 D. COX. 36 A WELSH FUNERAL, Bettws-y-Coed 29 in. by 40 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 ' 20 . Exhibited at Leeds. 1868 —xZjc—^ S. PROUT. 37 CATHEDRAL OF ST. PIERRE, Caen 28 in. by 2L in. i./c Si <> ned . Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 '/. /o J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 38 LAND’S END 11 in. by 17 in. coCo, Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 Engraved in the “ England and Wales Series " SIMEON SOLOMON, 1871. 39 The Sleepers, and the One that Waketh . 134 in. by 174 in. - / O * Exhibited, at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 Exhibited at the Guildhall , 1894 40 SIMEON SOLOMON, 1873. “ It is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying : ‘ Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled ; for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night.” Solomon’s Song, Chapter II. 18 in. by 13^ in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 N F. MADOX BROWN, 1871. 13^rS /£>7. SO 2/S- A 3i S -■ 2 / 0 -,, - 41 The Dkeam op Sabdanapalus 18^ in. by 22^ in. Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition , 1887 F. MADOX BEOWN, 1867. 42 Eomeo and Juliet 19 in. by 13 in. Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 C F. MADOX BROWN, 1870. 43 Youngeb Foscabi 36 in. by 24 in. Signed F. MADOX BROWN, 1868. 44 Elijah and the Widow’s Son .._ f4 37 in. by 24 in. Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition , 1887 F. MADOX BROWN. 45 “Cobdelia’b Pohtion” .. ✓/ 28 in. by 40 in. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 11 DANTE G. ROSSETTI. 46 Hesterna Rosa “ Quoth tongue of neither maid nor wife. To heart of neither wife nor maid, Lead we not here a jolly life Betwixt the shine and shade ? “ Quoth heart of neither maid nor wife, To tongue of neither wife nor maid, Thou wagg’st, but I am worn with strife, And feel like flowers that fade.” H. Taylor. 10^ in. by 14£ in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 DANTE G. ROSSETTI. DANTE G. ROSSETTI, 1865. 48 Washing Hands 17 in. by 14 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 4 — o - DANTE G. ROSSETTI, 1867. 49 Return of Tibullus to Delia 19 in. by 23 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 DANTE G. ROSSETTI. 50 Be at a Beatrix S’. 27 in. by 21 in. Exhibited at the 3Iancheslcr Jubilee Exhibition/ 1887 12 2 O . SIR E. BURNE-JONES, Bart. 51 An Angel 29 in. by 23 in. Signed, SIR E. BURNE-JONES, Bart. 52 VESPERS ^rrv> /30 in. by 22 in. SIR E. BURNE-JONES, Bart., 1870. 53 NIGHT if St. & 30 in. by 22 in. Signed cLo SIR E. BURNE-JONES, Bart. 54 THE HESPERIDES cto The Hesperides were the beautiful guardians of the tree with the golden apples, which Ge had given to Hera at her marriage with Zeus. 47 in. by 38 in. Signed Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition , 1887 Exhibited at the Guildhall, 1894 PICTURES. 3>tf - /3 R. WILSON, R.A. 55 A Classical Landscape 16 in. by 20 in. J. 56 On the Dort // 29 in. by 44 in. HOLLAND. 13 J. HOLLAND. 57 The Dogana, Venice Circular -18^ in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 • r J HOLLAND. ion of St. Make. Venice Circular —18^ in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 F. MADOX BROWN. 59 Don Juan Discovered by Haidee “And walking out upon the beach, below The cliff towards sunset, on that day she found Insensible, not dead, but nearly so, Don Juan, almost famished, and half drowned.” Byron's * Don Juan,’-Canto ii., Stanza 129. 45 in by 56 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 Exhibited at the Guildhall, 1890 SIR E. BURNE-JONES, Bart. FOUR PICTURES: THE STORY OF PYGMALION ,60 THE HEART DESIRES 61 THE HAND REFRAINS 62 THE GODHEAD FIRES 63 THE SOUL ATTAINS CL>- o — /. ——. “ Pygmalion, a sculptor, made an image of a woman, so beautiful that he loved it as if it were alive; and Venus, in answer to his prayers, made it a woman in reality, whom Pygmalion married.” ' 38 in. by 29 in. Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery , 1879 Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 Exhibited at the New Gallery , 1893 Painted for Mr. Craven 14 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. DRAWINGS. COPLEY FIELDING. 64 Naworth Castle t - f — T 3 - / 12^ in . by 17 in COPLEY FIELDING 65 York 12 . 5 ~- /£■ 22 in . by 36 in . JQ ./S’. /S- /£■ COPLEY FIELDING. 66 Landscape, with windmill 19£ in . by 25 in . J. M. W. TURNED, R.A. 67 Kenilworth IP , , PL, ■ 13. PBOUT. - - 60 Mjitbh ' cie 32.// . SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 69 The Return from Stalking sir <5t/-./z- 70 Cader Idris D. COX. 71 in . by 10£ in . 4^ -/ 71 The Edge of the Wood 7 in . by lOj in . D. COX. 15 72 A Rocky Landscape 10 in. by 14 A in. D. COX. 73 The Brick Bridge, near Kenilworth ‘ ^ Ay • 9 in. by 14 in. Exhibited at Birmingham, 1890 G. BARHET. 74 Twilight o 13|- in. by 17^ in. G. BARRET. 75 Classical Landscape: Morning ~ 13 j in. by 17^ in. cLo W. HUNT. 76 Grapes, Lemon and Pomegranate / 7^ in. by 12^ in. W. HUNT. 77 Vase of Flowers and Grapes f Q r 8^ in. by 10^ in. S. PROUT. 78 CHURCH OF SAN GIORGIO, Maggiore, Venice S'. lOf in. by 17 in. Exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, 188 16 The Property of the late T. S. KENNED Y, Esq., of Park Hill, Wetherhy , Yorkshire. Sold by Order of the Executors. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS AND PICTURES. C. STANFIELD, R.A, 1851. oV- / o 79 Pio dd Midi d’Ossau 18£ in. by 13 in. 3r ■ /o J. YARLEY, 1810. 80 Snowdon, from near Teguin Ferry, three miles from Harlech 16 in by 42 in. From the Collection of the late Rev. Mr. Fawkes, of Leathley Rail R. HILLS. 7 * 2 , . 81 Fallow Deer in a Park 20 in. by 31 in. From the Collection of the late Rev. Mr. Fawkes, of Leathley Rail G. F. ROBSON. *”7 / fy ~ 82 Ulleswatek / 18 in. by 30 in. •JrlL fa— S. PROUT. 83 Duomo d Ossola (UCyv- 18 in. by 24 in. / 17 J. F. LEWIS, E.A. 84 PORTRAIT ■ OF MEHEMET ALI PACHA: painted in the Citadel, Cairo, with a view of the Pyramids and the City of ^ Cairo 37 in. by 35 in. J. F. LEWIS, R.A., 1875. / 85 THE MID-DAY MEAL, Cairo 191 in. by 25 in. /&- J. F. LEWIS, R.A. 86 Arab Sheikh on Horseback Sketch 6 - 87 SlSTERON J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. T / 51 in. by 71 in. / . Lr> . J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 88 ENTRANCE TO THE PORT OF HAVRE, with the light- ^houses of La Heve Vignette — 1\ in. by 6 in. Engraved J. M. W. TURNER, R.A ^89^CHURCH OF S. GIORGIO MAGGIORE, Venice 8^ in. by 12 in. ,oU> From the Griffiths Collection, 1887 J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 90 GENEVA 11 in. by 151 * w * , Signed J. M. W. Turner, R.A. C^c> o N 18 J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 91 LAKE OF THUN -- 9£ in. by 13£ in. tf>2 - J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 92 RINGENBERG CASTLE, Lake of Brienz / ,. lOf in. by 15 in. Signed , ‘ J. M. W. Turner, R.A., P.P. 1809 ’ CM J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 93 HIGH FORCE OF TEES /O. Hi in. by 16 in. Engraved in Whittaker's History of Bimmondshire , 1821 From the Collection of the late Mr. Marshall Exhibited at Burlington House , 1886 &/££. /o J. M. W. TURNER, R.A., 1839. 94 OXFORD ] 3£ in. by 20 in. From the Collection of Mr. Munro, 1878 Engraved by E. Goodall, 1841 /fS6\ v 95 LAKE J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. AND TOWN OF ZUG 11^ in. by 18 in. From the Collection of Mr. Buskin J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 96 ARONA 11^ in. by 16 in. From the Collection of Mr. Buskin With two pencil sketches by Mr. Buskin frame CC~(^o at the back of the J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 97 CAREW CASTLE Ilf in . by 18 in. From the Collection of Mr. Addington , 1886 36'-.. - From the Collection of Mr. John FLengh ~' Engraved in Turner s { England and Wales ’ SIR. E. LANDSEER, R.A. 98 MOUNTAIN SCENE, with red deer and black game Chalk drawinq „„ . , . 0 . L 72 in. by 42 in. /o. PICTURES. E. W. COOKE, R.A. 99 Church of St. Giorgio, Maggiore, Venic //. W. VAN AELST. 100 Vase of Flowers /. J. F. LEWIS, R.A 101 A CAFfs in Cairo 11£ in. by 8 in. . / 6 ~' 102 Old Brutus SIR. E. LANDSEER, R.A. 20 The following are the Property of the late THOMAS WOOLNER, R.A. Sold hy Order of the Administratrix. PICTURES. W. MULREADY, R.A. 103 IDLE BOYS 30 in. by 25 in. fo5o _ Panel Painted 1815 Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1816 Exhibited at the Society of Arts, 1848 and 1864 From the Collection of H. McConnell, Esq., of Cressbrook JOHN SELL COTMAN. 104 OFF THE NORTHUMBRIAN G< * in '3 _ •• _" rough water ; stormy sky / 23 in. by 30 in. (j The initials of the Artist are on the boat JAMES WARD, R.A. 105 A ROYAL HART 22 in. by 25£ in. Signed, and dated 1838 l2o./b GfiRICAULT. * 106 A RACE 23£ in. by 39 in. 21 W. MULEEADY, E.A. 107 THE BATHEES 18 in. by 14 in. JrO-'fit- < / From the Collection of E. C. Potter, Esq., 1884 / Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 O — ft ’ Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1888 W. MULEEADY, E.A. 108 A LANDSCAPE, with cottage, and a girl at a well 15 in. by 20 in. /- 5 '. SIE E. LANDSEEE, E.A. 109 LADY EACHEL EUSSELL 13^ in. by 10 in. j c 2^ Signed, and dated 1835 JOHN SELL COTMAN. 110 LANDSCAPE NEAE HUNSWOETH: boys fishing 13^ in. by 17 in. 7 ~/0 ' Exhibited at Burlington House , 1882 E. P. BONINGTON. Ill DON QUIXOTE IN HIS STUDY 16 in. by 12^ in. From the Collection of Mr. W. Benoni While, 1879 — J. CONSTABLE, E.A. 112 VIEW NEAE HIGHGATE 12 in. by 19 in. From the Collection of Mr. Churchyard, of Woodbridge Exhibited at Burlington House, 1872 22 T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 113 PORTRAIT OP GENERAL WOLFE C _ “ He is in uniform and wears his hat, the silver lace on which, and on his coat, is touched with great brilliancy.— Fulcher's ‘ Life of Gainsborough,’ p. 224. From the Collection of Mrs. Gibbons, 1883 Jy. -- J. F. LEWIS, R.A. 114 THE BEZESTEIN BAZAAR OF EL KHAN KHALIL, CAIRO. The interior of the bazaar, with row of shops on either side and a great variety of figures; those in the foreground are grouped round a story-teller, who is seated on the left 45 in. by 34 in. Signed and dated, J. F. Lewis, L.A., 1872 Exhibited at the Loyal Academy, 1861 Exhibited at the Loyal Jubilee Exhibition , Manchester, 1887 From the David Price Collection, 1892 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1893 Described in the 1 Art Journal ,’ November , 1891 Cto R. WILSON, R.A. 115 A RIVER SCENE Formerly in the possession of J. M. W. Turner, R.A., and sold at the sale of his property, July 25, 1874 t*. FINIS. London : Priuted by W illiam Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. N SEARCH INS 3 3125 01074 5707