■■"■; >/■"»■-, ■^■:.> j;'^ It- 1« • J ■^r .^ ^ \ liT I 4 < * tin sntfil^ \ M A PREPOSITION to this Frontispiece. THis Boo K E contay ning E m b 1 s m $ , 'cwas thought fit, A Title- f Age fhould ftand to uflicr it, That's Emblcmaticall ; And, for that end. Our AvTHOR, to the Graver did commend A plainc Invention j that it might be wrought, According as his Fancic had foi ethought. Inftecd thereof, the WerkemM brought to light. What, h£rc,you fee ; therein, miftaking quite The true Deftgne : And, fo (with paincs, and cod) Thefirft intended Front I spi EC K,isloft. The Av T H OR , was as much difpleas'd, as Hec In f hch Adventures, is inclin'd to bee j And, halferefolv'd, to caft this Pi e ci afidc. As nothing worth ; but, havirig better ey'd Thofc£rrtf;j, and Cc»fufto»s , which may, there. Blame -wor.hy (atthe hrftafped:)3ppcarcj Hce faw, they fitted many Fantafies Much better, then whztReafon can dcvifc; And, that, the Graver (by meere Chance) had hit On what, fo much tranfcends the reach of Wit^ As made it feeme,an Ob)c