T" HE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY or PHILADELPHIA 1722 TXrch Street CATALOGUE of arv EXHIBITION or Salon Photographs December 1st to December 30tfA 1903 CATALOGUE PRESCOTT ADAMSON 19 'Midst Steam and Smoke Philadelphia 1900 C. YARNAIvIv 1 ' ' The Darker Drink ' ' 2 Silence 3 An Eastern Princess 4 The Brook— Winter 5 Beyond the Day 6 Sentinels 7 La Tendresse 8 Katharine 9 Marie 10 Clochette 11 Coryphee 12 Study of a Head 13 The Window Seat 14 Waldweben 15 The Chess Players 1 6 Dryad 17 Trelawney 18 The Rose ABBOTT Nat. Arts Club, N. Y., Paris, lyOndon, 1902, Hamburg 1903, Chicago 1902 I^ondon, Philadelphia 1901, Chicago 1902, Paris, Brussels 1903 I^oiidon 1903 I/Ondon, Paris, Chicago, Cleveland 1901 Cleveland 1900, Glasgow, Chicago 1901 Philadelphia 1901 London 1900 Chicago, Pittsburg, Royal, Philadelphia 1900 Cleveland, Pittsburg, Philadelphia 1900 Paris 1902 London 1901, Chicago 1902 London 1901, Nat. Arts N. Y., Paris 1902 Philadelphia, Amer. Inst. N Y., Cleveland 1S99, Chicago, Pittsburg, Roval, Royal Exh. of Amer. Work 1900, San Francisco, Photo- Club-de Paris. Glasgow 1901, Nat. Arts N. Y. 1902, Hamburg 1903 Loudon 1902 Paris 1902 London 1901, Cleveland 1902 Cleveland 1899, Chicago, Pittsburg, Roj'al Sxh. of Amer. "Work 1900, San Francisco, Paris 1901, Nat. Royal 1900, Arts N. Y. 1902 Pittsburg, Chicago, Roj^al, Cleveland 1900, Paris 1901 London, Chicago 1901 Philadelphia 1899 Philadelphia 1899 Philadelphia 1899, Pittsburg 1900 Pittsburg 1900 Philadelphia 1899 20 A Winter Night 21 Evening Light 22 A Snow Storm at Dusk 23 Twilight on the River 24 Winter F. T. ASCHMAN 25 Burning the Midnight "" Q-| ^ * Pittsburg 1901 26 The Last Glow Pittsburg 1901 27 The Approach of Night Pittsburg 1901 HENRY P. BAILY 28 Study Chicago '02, Minneapolis '03 29 Jeanne D'Arc Chicago '02, Minneapolis '03 30 Portrait of Miss B. Paris 1903 31 A Study Pittsburg 1901 H. A. BEASLEY 32 Peace Philadelphia 1898 CLARENCE B. BISHOP 33 Portrait, E. G., Brussels 1903 HENRY TATNALL BROWN 1,4 Between the Dark and Daylight Pittsburg 1900 JOHN G. BULLOCK 35 The Coke Burner Philadelphia 1900 MP.S. E. P. CABOT 36 Portrait, Mrs. Lee Pittsburg 1900 A. D. CHAFFEE 37 After the Ice Storm Philadelphia 1901 BERTHA JAYNE CHAPMAN 38 Gossip Philadelphia 1901 3 S. HUDSON CHAPMAN In the Refectory Philadelphia, Chicago, lyOndon, Paris 1901 La Siesta Old Cronies The Woodsmen Sunshine Philadelphia, Chicago 1901, Brussels 1903 Philadelphia, Chicago 1901, Paris, Brussels 1903 Chicago, Paris, Brussels 1903 Chicago, Paris, Brussels 1903 ALVIN IvANGDON COBURN Bell Tower— Santa Barbara I