THE BOOK OF WINTH ROP and KATHERINE GIRLING ft Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 A TBtbiia ipauperum, SIM. 9^2D*CCC*U;jDjrtl«. CO&CTEYNY&CGE Thirty and Eight Wodecuttes ILLUSTRATING The Liif, Parablis, and Miraclis offe Oure Bleffid Lord & Saviour JJefueCrtff, With the Proper Defcrypciouns therof extra&ed fro the Originall Texte Offe IOHN WICLIF, Somtyme Reftor of Lutterworth. PREFACE BY THE LATE VERY REV. ARTHUR PENRHYN STANLEY, D.D., Dean of Wejiminfter . New York : A. C. ARMSTRONG & SON. tfT Imprynted atte the fign offe The Graffhopper, bye Unwin Brothers, The Grejham Prefse, inne Little Bridge Strete, inne the parifh offe S. Anne's, Blackfriars, and to bee solde bye T. Fisher Unwin, atte hife fhop inne Paternofter Square, inne the Citie offe London, England. M-DCCCLXXXV. Imprynted bye UNWIN BROTHERS, MDCCCLXXXV. Note by the Printers. URING the year 1877, the Caxton Celebration was held in London, and a mojl extraordinary collection of early printed Books was exhibited at South Kenfington. One of the ex- hibits conjijled of a volume of imprefjions and the blocks themf elves, the originals of which have been ufed for the reductions which illujlrate this Volume. "This very curious feries of original blocks were pur chafed about fixty years fince at Nuremberg, by the late Mr. Sams, of Darlington. They cannot be recognifed as belonging to any printed book, and the Art iff s mark, which appears on the yjth plate, is unknown to any Bibliographer. M. Passavant, a wellknown writer on the fubjedt, does not appear to have met with it in his re- fear ches. It is therefore probable that the blocks were thrown ajide and never ufed, after they had been engraved, till a lapfe of nearly four centuries. They form a kind of si Biblia Pauperum," illuflrative of the Life, Miracles, Parables, and Sayings of our Saviour, and, occafionally, typical fubjedls from the Old Teflament are introduced. There are altogether seventy-eight fubjeSis repre- fented on the thirty-eight plates. A date is engraved on two of the blocks, but it would feem that the figures are tranfpofed, for Authorities at the Britifh Mufeum agree in reading the date as certainly 1540, but fay it is difficult to refer the artijlic compofition to that period, as it clearly belongs to the end of the previous century. When thefe blocks came into our poffeffion in 1877 we found them remarkably clean, free from figns of wear, but extenfively worm-eaten ; in one or two cafes pieces of the furface coming away in the hand. The wood is of a foft kind, quite unlike that ufed at the prefent day, and although the Jlyle of execution is certainly not equal through- out the whole feries, the kind of material ufed, and the peculiar Jlyle of cutting, all go to indicate their great antiquity. folio to* Immediately after the Exhibition referred to, thefe blocks were ufed in the production of "A New Biblia Pauperum," a Memorial Volume, of which 2 75 C0 P ies were ijfaed at the price of One Guinea. The edition was at once abforbed by the fubfcribers and general public^ and to-day commands a confderable premium. The very char act erijlic Preface, kindly contributed by the late Very Rev. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D., Dean of Weftminfter, for that Volume, appears in the following pages. The profits of the Volume were given to the Printers* Penfion Corporation. We now prefent The Smaller Biblia Pauperum, which, though reduced in fize, faithfully retains all the peculiarities of the original Blocks, while at the fame time we have in other refpedts added to the interejl of the Volume. Cf)e Cert has been feledled from Wiclifs tranjlation of the New Tejlament, as being the only Englijh Verfion commonly known at the period when thefe blocks were originally engraved. Cfje TBorDers ano ©rnaments which embellifli the letterprefs pages are exact fac-fimiles of thofe ufed in a Book of Hours, now in the Lambeth Palace Library, printed by T. Kerver, in Paris, 1525, and which y by the kind permifjion of the late Archbijhop of Canterbury, we have been able to reproduce, Cf)e Papet has been fpecially made by hand 9 in Holland \ by precifely the ancient method, and of a texture and colour as nearly as pojjible to imitate that ufed in the fifteenth century. WOZ IBinBtng is in accordance with the Jlyle of the period, the defign having been taken from an early book in the Britifh Mufeum. We have thus endeavoured to produce a very perfeB reprefentation of a Book which nearly four hundred years ago may have ferved the people of that day in place of our now widely diffeminated Bible. UNWIN BROTHERS. Little Bridge Street, September, 1884. Prefatory Notice BY THE LATE Very Rev. ARTHUR PENRHYN STANLEY, d.d., Dean of Weftminfter. HAVE been requefted by Meflrs. Unwin to fay a few words by way of Preface to this interefting work, which confifting of the rude attempts, at the beginning of the art of Printing, to diffeminate by pictures the truths fo foon to be diffufed far more widely by typography, was fitly called the poft in tje toombe/ $ gjoCepl) Sir SouCbon&e for je toag rtjtful $ tooid not ?uppUfct)e bir/ je tooiti priuplp auelefte?)(r/but to^le |je tjou^t tjjefe tfjingte/ io tfje aungel of t§e lord apperfo to &ptn m aeep ant) Cefoe/ JofepS tfje fone of tiauftj)/ nple tfiou dreD to take marfe tljf tofjf/ for tjat tjmg tjjat t'0 borun in fji'r/ (0 of tfte ftolf good/ $ fcfte Ccjalbereafone/ittbou fcfjaltclepe fcte name fjefug/ for tie fcjal make Ijte puple Caaf fro Jer tynneg* JFor al tjte tfjmg; toag lion/ tljat tt fcjutoe be fulfilltti tljat toag Ceft of tje lord bi a profete feipnge/ lo a tu'rgpn Ccgal Jafce in toombe $ Ccfje ftjal here a tone/ $ tfjet fcbuien ciepe Jte name emanuel/ tljat i# to fete/ groti tottf) u*/ C I'ofepf) tDD^ fro fleep/ and Hide a0 tlje atmgel of tlie lord comaun= iud fjtm/ $ took marte bte toHf/ Canto be fenetoe bfe not til fcje batitie borun fife ffrtt btptun fone/ $ cleptti bte name Ibefug* C%(£lRjF€)lR tojanne ttieUtf tna0 borun tn 25e£f)leem of tu&a/ in tfje dapeg of fctng; (Erou&e/ lo affrompeng camen fro tlje eeff to I'erufalem $ fefoen/ tobere Se tljat borun fcfns of tetotg/ for toe I) an feen tterre tn tlje eett/ and toe comen for to toorfcjtp But lung erou&e Ijertie $ toa£ troublfo/ anli ai terufalem tottb lipm/ 1 l)e ffatoertU to gtdre al tbe prtnctg of pretftg anli tcrtbtg of tlje puple/ $ enquertH of Jem tofjere crttf QjulUe be borun. folto tj^ LUKE, |$2D ft toa# lion/ in tljo tiai'eg/ a mauntie-- meat toente out fro tlje emperrour augttft/ tijat ai tfje toorlD fdjttllie be tufcrpuetu <3Fj)!0 firtt luTcrpupnp toag mattti of (irpn ittftice of fine* &nti alle men toenten to mafte profefltoun/ eclje in to Ijte otone cttte. #nt> lofeplj toente up fro gaUle/ fro tlje cttee najarctlj/ fn to tuDee/ in to a cite of Dauttt) tfjat cleptti betljleem/ for rijat toag of tlje jjottg ana of tlje mepnee of DauttJ/ tjat |je fcljulDe fenotoleclje tottf) mane/ Ijig tottf ttjat \x»a0 VoeDlitb to Ijpm/ anli toag greet toStf) cljtili/ C arid it toagf lion tolji'le tljet Voeren tfjere/ t|je liatetf toeren fuifiliin tjjat fcfte fcljulDe here cljttd/ anli fclje bare |fr firff borun Cone/ anli tolappfo Ijpm in clotljig/ anb letde Ijgm fn a cracclje/ for tfjer toag no place to Ijpm in no cfjaumbre/ C anti fcljeptjertug toeren in tlje Came cuntre/ toakpnge anti hep* tnp tlje toatcfite of tlje np?t on tier flofe/ anD lo tlje aungel of tlje lorti ttooti bid'tite Ijem/ anti t|e cleerneUe of g:oti fcljpneti aboute Ijem/anti tljei tiretitien toi'tf) greet tiretie* £n& tfje aungel Ceitie to Ijem/ nple jetirede/foiio 31 precise to $ou/ a greet lope/ ttjat fcljal be to alle puple/ for a faupour boron to nat to ?ou/ tljat 10 cn'tt/ tlje lorti fn tlje cttee of HaultJ/ anU tljta 10 a token to jou/ je Ccljuln fomtie a $unge cljt'lti tolapptti tn ctotljte/ anti lettie tn a cracclje/ ant) fu= tiepnlt ttiere toatf matie toitlj tlje aungel a multitude of Ijeuenli fmj^tljoti/ Ijenpnge goti a Ceipnge/ ffloute be In tlje tjijtft t&ingtg to got!/ and tn ertlje peeg be to men of gooD toflle^ folio folio jci LVKE. j£2Daft(r tTjatt^e daleg of purcaciotm of maiie toeren fulSllfH afttr moifeg latoe/ t|jct to-, fcen bpm in to lerufa* lent to offre !jem to tlje lorti/ ag ft & toritun in tlje latoe of tlje lord/ for etieri male fcpnde openenpnp tlje toombe/ Cctjal be clepi'd IjoU' to tlje lord/ and tftat tljet Ccljuln |eue an offrpnge/ attic tljat ttt feide tn tlje latoe of tlje lord/ a pei're of tortus* or ttoeie culuere briddte* C and lo a man toag in i'eru= falem/ toljog name toag fpmeon/ and tlji0 man toag mft and fcer= tuoug/ and abood tlje counforte of ifrael/ and tlje IjoU potf toag in fjpm/ and Ije fjadde taken an anftoere of tlje IjoU gooft/ tljat Ije fcljulde not fe deetb/ but lie fate firft tlje cn'tf of tlje lord/ and Ije cam in fpint tn to tlje temple/ and toljanne lj# fadi'r and modir ledden tlje cljt'lde tljefug to do afttr tlje cuftum of tlje latoe for Jpm/ Ije toofe Ijpm tn to f)t0 armgg/ and fie btelltd groti anti fetde/ lorti noto ttjou leeue tljt feruaunt/ and afttr tin toocd m peeg/ for mpn t'jen Ijau fern tljpn Ijeltlje/ totjtclje tljou tjatt made redt/ btfor tlje face of alle pupltg/ Ujt to tlje ftljetinmp of Ijetljen men/ and glorte of tljt peple tTrael* C and anna toag a profeteffe tlje doujter of fanuel/ of tlje Ipnage of afer/ and fclje Ijadde gon fortf) tn man? Dates*/ Ijadde Ipued tottlj Ijer Ijoufbonde teuene jeer fro t)tr matdenljood/ anti tfjte toag a totdotoe/ to foure fcore jeer $ foure/ and fclje departid not fro tlje temple/ but ferued god npjt and dat in fatfpngtg and preterm/ and t|jt0 cam upon Ijem in tljtlke our/ and fcnotoiecljid to tbe lord and fpafee of Ijpm to alle tljat abtden tbe redempctoun of tfraeU mm foltO XUU qMqATTHEW. i£2D tojanne tjei toerun pit atoei/ lo tfje aungel of tje lord/ append to tofepl) (it deep/ ana fetde/ nCe up $ tafee ttje cjild $ f}{0. modfr and fle m to egfpt/ $ be tfjou t&ere til tfjat 3 to tfjee/ for ft 10 come/ tljat eroude fefee tlje cfetin for to dittrt fjpm/ and iofepfj roo^/ $ took tje cljtld I ite modir bp npjt/ and toente in to egi'pt/ $ je toag tjere to tlje tieetjb of eroude/ t&at ft ftljulde be fufc filUd tjjat toag feld of tje lord b( t&e profete fetpnge/ jfro egfpt 3 baue clepld mp fone* C&anne eroude fepnge tjat Je toag difcepued of tie aftrompeng toa0 ful torootl)/ $ 5e fente $ tteto alle tfce children tljat toeren in betljleem $ in al tlje cooftlg tfcerof/ fro if fere age $ to ft) pn/ after tje tpme tljat je Jad enquend of WW mm tje aftrompenegf* Lilian ft toaff fulfflltb tjat toag fetb bp (mm? tbe profete fetpnge* & tiopce toag berb an toeptnge $ mocb toetlpnge/ racfjel bt toeptnge jjft foneg/ anli ftbe toolbe not be counforttb for tftei ben not. But tobanne eroube toag beeb/ io tbe aungel of tbe lorn appertb to tofepb in deep tn egtpt $ fetbe/ rife up $ tafee tbe cfttlH $ bte mobtr/ $ go tn to tbe lonb of tfrael/ for tbei tjat foujten tfje Itif of tfje c$ilti ben DjeeD^ 3foftpb roo0 $ toofe tbe cbilb and bte mobtr/ $ cam tn to tbe lonH of tfrael* #nb be betbe tbat arcbelaug regneb tn tube for eroube (10 faore/ 1 brebbe for to 50 tbtbtr/ anb be toag toarneb tn deep/ anb toente in to tbe parties of ffaltlee/ anb cam $ btoelte m a cite tjat (0 cleptb najaretb/ tbat tt ftljulbe be fulftlltb tbat toag fetb bt profet(0/ for Ije fcbal be cleptb a nafarep* folio xib* folio it. aM ATT HEW. M ttjo Dateg loon bap; tftt cam | pceclji'D in tbe &efert of mUee $ Cnne/ 5o pe penaunce for ttje fcpngbom of bcueneg ftfjal nv}j for tj(0 fg be of tobom it 10 letto bi Ifafe tpe pirofete fefpnffe/ a bote or a crier in Defert/ make pe rebi tbe toepeg of tbe lorto/ mafee vz ript tfte patpte of bpm/ anb tbtelloon babb* do* tblnjj of camels &erte/ anH a sir* Hfl of Cfcpn aboute bte leenbte/ i bte mete toag bonp fouW0 anb Ijonp of tt)e toobe* ^anne I'eruCalem toente out to Ijpm and al lubee/ $ al tbe cuntre aboute (orban/ $tbeitoerun toait- cben of bpm in torban/ $ tmoto= lecbfben per tynneg* But be tt? man? of farfdeg $ of fabucegf compnjje to big baptem/ anb Cribe to Ijem/ generacioung of ebbrig/ tojo Crfjetoi'D to pou to ae fro toratl) tfjat f# to come/ tljerefor tio pe toortljt tmni& of penaunce/ $ nple pe fete toitg pnne pou/ toe ian abradant to falur/ for 3 fete to pou tljat god mpgtt to retfe up of tbeg ttoneg tlje foneg of abraljam/ $ noto tlje aje putte to tbe root of tp tre/ tljer-. for euerp tre tfcat matutb not good frupt/ fcbal be kutte Doun/ $ fcbal be tad in to tbe fire* 31 toatfcb pou in toatpr/ tn to penaunce/ but Ije ttjat regal come aftt'r me/ ia ttronprtljan 3 tobog fcfjoon 3 am not toortljt to bere/ be fcljal bapttfe pou in tfce Jolt gooft and fier/ tobosi toenetopnp cloott) t0 in f)t0 bond/ and be icbal fullt clenfe bte corn floor/ and fcbal pdere big tobete m to |)t0 berne/ but tbe cljaf be fcbal brenne toitb fier tbat mat not be quen= cbtd. Uanne 3befu0 cam fro (Milee to Jordan to 3oon/ to be bapttfed of bpm- folio xbu } folio jrtuf. '0{£)& toag in Defect baptifpnp aim precl> pnge tje baptpm of penaunce tn to rempD fioun of fpnneg/ anD al tfje cuntre of ut&ee toenten out to tyml and al men of terufalem/ anli tljet toeren bapttttd of bpm fn tjje aum 3|orban/ and fenoto-- lecbtden ber fynneg* #nd 3|on toagclotbtdtottb Ijeerigof camels/ and a gtrdil of f fepn toa# aboute big lendtg/ and lie ete bong foufete/ anti toiine jonp/ #nd precede and Cetlre/ a ttconpc rtjan 3] Ccljal come afttr me/ and 31 am not toortfjf to fcnele doun $tmlace ljt£ fcboon/ 31 Saue bapttati sou tn toater/ but be fcjal baptife jou in tlje Jolt goolt #nd it toag Don tn tljo dapeg tljefu^ came fro na^a= retb of pltlee/ <£ toag bapttttd of 3|oon tn 3|ordan/ and anoon be toente top of tbe toattc and fate Wmm. ■Mi pB|J Ijeueneg openede/ and tjje Jott good: compnge lioun a# a culuer/ and dtoellpnge tit Ijpm/ and a foot'0 toagf made fro fjeuenetf/ tljou art mp louede Cone/ tn tje 3 am ple= Gtie* #nd anoon tfje Cptrtt puttitie lipm fortfje in to deferte/ and !je toag tn deCerte fourtt dapeg and Court? npjtt'0/ and toag tempttd of Catjjanag/and Ije toag tottlj beeftte/ and aunpte mjmpftriden to Ijpm* But aftt'r tljat g|oon toa# tafetm/ ffjeCus* cam into gaiilee/$ precede tfje pCpel of t^e fcpngdom of god and Cetde/ tljat tlje tpme Ig fuU fillide/ and tfte kingdom of god fcljal come ng$/ do pe penaunce/ and fnlette j>e to tlje goCpel. £nd ag ije paflide trifidtg tpe fee of galtle/ §e Cape Cpmounde and an-- dretoe W brottjer catfpnge Jer netttg in to tfceCee/ jFor tftet toeren fiCt&erg/ and iljeCug Cei'de to Jem/ come pe aCtir me/ 31 Crfjal make pou to he made fiCdjecg oC mem liPi mw folto xUiU = 7 ==ii ► folio xix* 'igSD tbe fanteeg anti fumme of tbe ftn'bte camen fro I'erufalem totnturto Jpm. #nD tobanne tijei fjatiDcn feen fumme of IjiTe tufripUg ete breed toitlj trntoailTcIjen IjoonUfe/ tljei blameDen* fartfee^ ants alle tbe tetote eten not/ but tim toatflxben ofte fytt boonnte/ tjolo- P nge tb e tratu cfoung of elDere men. &n& toljanne tfjet turnen a?en fro cljeppng;/ tbei eten not/ but tljet ben toaiffcjjen/ anti manp otljer tjtnfffe ben/ tbat ben tafcen to Ijem to feepe/ toaflxljjmps of cup- p(0/ and of toati'r tieffelg/ and of beffels of bras/ and of betJin'0. 3n& tariTeeg anti fcrtbi'0 a^itiett bpm/ anti feiDen/ Ofllbt ffcm not t%\ Mftiplf* aftir tbe tratunoun of eltiere men/ but tmtb fontoaffcben bontitg tbei eten breed ? #nti be anftoeritse/ anti feiDe to Jem/ Emm pfrue proptjefieto toel of jou/ ppcu crtttg/ ag it !0 torittm/ %W puple toorfclji'pttlj me toitfj Kppig/ but fjer fcerte i# ferfro me/ anD tntiepn tf)el toorftfjipen me/ tecljtnge tlje Doctrines and tlje Ijeegtte of men. for je leeuen tlje mauntiement of goD/ anD IjolDen tlje traDtcioung of men/ toaffcljpngte of toattr beD fete/ anD of cupptg/ anti manp otfjir tljlngte Uffe to tijefe vz Doon- #nD i)e felDe to Ijem/ Ofliel je tjan maaD tlje maunDemente of got) tioiDe/ to fcepe joure tratifcfoun* jfor S^opfeg feiDe/ Qfllorfcljipe tljp fatJir anD tl)p moDi'r/ and fje ttjat curfttj fall tr or moDi'r/ Die Jje tip Deetl)* 2But je fei'en/ g|f a man fete to faDtr or moDir/ Corban/ tljat 101 ftltljat euer ^ifte 10 of me/ It fcljal profite to tljee/ anD ouer ^e fuffren not fjpm Do onp tljmg to faDir or moDtr/ anD }z brefeen tlje toorD of goD bp joure tca&t* cioun/ tljat je Jan jouun. 9\ folio xxl |iI52Df)efefdetoljem/m tfjatdaitobanne mzn- pnge toag come/ paffe toe ajentoard/and tbei leften tbe puple/ and token bpm/ Co tfcat tie toagf (n a boot ana ottjere bong toeren toitlj &nd a greet forme of to^ndc toasf made/ and fceft toatote in to tbe boot/ Co t&at ttje boot toad ful/ and be toag m t£e bpndlr pact of tjje boot/ and aeppte on a peletoe/ and tjei reifen bpm/ and Cefden to Jpm/ maiftic pertepnetf) it not to tpee/ ttjat toe perifcfoen/ and be roosbp and manaffide tbe topnde/ and Ceide to tbe fe/ be ftille toere doumbe/ and tt>e topnde ceeCde/ and greet pedbleneg toag made/ and be fet'de to bem/ totjat dreden pe/ pe Jan no teitfc jtt/ and tfcct dreden to ltd 0Wt drede/ and feu den to ec&e ottjer/ to&o geUid t&ott WSm mm mm mm mm 'mm In (0 tWI for tje topnDe anD tie fee obeifcijen to bpm* #nD tljei camen ouere t&e fee/ tit to ttje ctmtce of gera^eneg/ anD afttr tljat Je toag gon out of tf)e boot/ anoon a man m an tm= ciene fpirit ranne out of bunete to &ptn/ to|)ic5e man ^atitie an t)OU0 In blnelg/ anD netljer tottft cfcapneg noto mp$te onp man bpnDe ijpm/ for oft tgmeg fje toas bounDen m ttockfc and c&ejmeg anli je l^aliDe broken tlje ct)epne# anti JaDDe brofcun tlje (toctti^ to fmale pbettg/ anD no man mgjte make fypm tame/$eutrmore np}t anD Da? tn birielitf anD in ^tlit0/ fte toa0 cripnge/anD betpnpljpm* Clf tottft tfoneg/ and ije CI$ tfjefug afer anti ranne anD toorftljipt'De Jjpm/ anD fje crteD toftfj peet tootg anD CetDe/totjat to me anD to tijee/ ttiou t&efus tlje Tone of t^e ji'jift goD/^conmretJeeiupD/tbatdjou turmente me not. foli'o xxiu fotto xxiif* LVKE. |jP2D lo a fynful loom* man t&at toasr fn tje citee/ atf Ccjje fenetoe tljat if)rfu0 late at tfie mete/ in tlje tioug of tje fan'fle/ Ccjje broujte an ala* baffre boje of opnement/ anU tcjie tto&e btfilnne bfOti(0 bffe feet/ and bfgan to moi'ffe ite feet toftp tee« ti$l anli totpft toftb tie beerte of Jfc Jeeti/ anD fctffe iae feet/ anU anotntfo toftb opnement, C^nli t&e fan'Ce fepnge tjjat ba&lie cle* pfD Jim/ fefce VoCtti pnne tipnt Clf fei'pnp/ ff 410 toere a profete/ tie ftljultie tofte/ tofio ana tojjat maner toomman it tuere tljat tourist?) t)fm/ for ftlje a ggnful toomman/ and ftefujs anftoerifc and feide to bvml Swmount 3 fjaue fumme ttjtng; to Ceie to tjjee/ anli befettie/ maitttc fei'e tljou/ anli 5e anCtoen'd tyete Uettouri* toeren to oo leener/ anU oon oujte fgue mm mm mm it Jtmtirtli peng/ anU tfje totljer fifti'/ but toljanne tijei Ijatitiennot toljer* of tljei fcljulden $ilt>e/ Ije for^af to botlje/ toljo tljanne louetlj tjpm more, fepmount anfioertti and feto/ 31 Pfo tl» at Ije/ to toljom Ije foqaf more/ anD Ije anftoeriD to bpm/tljouljaftDemetiii$tl^ c#nti !je turned to tlje toomman/ and CetDe to fymounte/ feeft tljou tljtg tDomman/3|entndtntotljmljou0/ t^ou tat no loater to mp fete/ but tji'0 Ijatj) moitfid mp feet \arirf> teen'0/ ant) toipftt tottlj !)tr Ijeerte/ tfjou Ijaft not jouun to me a eolfe/ but tin's Citfjen fttie entrtd ceedd not to fcitte mp feet/ tljou anopn-- tfiritt not mjn tjeeti toit 6 oile/ but tftte anopntiD mp feet toltf) opne-- mente/for t{je tofttcl) tiring; 3] feie to djee/ many fgnne^ben for^ouun to Ijir/ for fclje tjatt) loueU mpcfj/ and to toljom tg telle forjouun/ Ije iottettj letfe/and njefutffeidetoljir/ tljl fgnnes ben forjouun to tljee* folio xxib. folio xxb j|22D oon of tje cum* penpe anftoerid and feide/ matftfr 31 %*&t brou^ttotjeempfone/ tjat jatj a doumbe fptrit/ and tojere euer fje tafurt) jpm/ je juttUtj jpm doun/ and je fometj and betitj togidre toitf) teetj/ and toeji'tj drie/and 3 fetde to tijt difttpUg tjat ttjei ftjulden caft jpm out/ a^d tjei m^ten not/ Cand je anftoerid to jem and fefde/ a tjou generauoun out of bileue/ Sou long fcljaHl be among jou/ jou long fcjal 3f fuffre jou/ bnnge pe jpm to me* <[and je ajed jig fadtr/ jou long t'a (t tttj tf)(0 jatj falle to jpm/ and je Cei'de/ fro cjtldejood/ and ofte je jatj putte jpm m to fier/ and m to toatic to lefe jpm/ but It tjou maitt onp tjmg jelp M/ and jaue mem on uu/ and 9/2S (befug Cettie to bpm/ if tljou maitt btleue/ alle tbingte ben poCKble to man tbat beleuetb/ and anoon tbe fadir of tbe cfttln cried toi'tb teerte anti feide/ lord % beleue lord b*lp tbou mpn fcnbileue/ C and tobanne I'befug t^addt Ceen tbe puple rennpnge togidre tie manafltd tlje tmclene Cpirit/ and fade to l)pm/ tbou deef and doumbe fptrit/ 3 comaunde tbee go out fro ipm and entre no more m to jpm/ $ b* cripnge and mpcbe to bretdpnge bpnt/ toente out fro fipm/ and be toag made as* deed/ Co tjjat man? Cetden/ tbat l)e toag deed/ $ ibeiug Jride ||f0 bond and lefte 5pm top and tie roo0/ and tojanne be b&b&* entrid in to an boug bte difciplte areden bpm prgueii/ tobi mpjten not toe calt bpm out/ and \)t CetDe to b^nV tb# k?Kde ftt no tbtng mai go out/ but in prefer and faffpnge* folio wWj. tvbz tlje toerfcte of tuft/ be ifente ttoepne of I) tie IftfftfplW/ and fetde to 5pm/ act tljou Je t&at fcfjal tome/ oc toe ablden another/ ana tye-futf anftoerid and feide to Jem/ go pe and telle a$en to Jlontljoo t&mgte tftat pe t)an tierd and fepn/ blinde men feen/ crofcfd men g;on/ mp* Cel0 ben made clene/ deef men fceren/ deed men rffen ajen/ pore men ben taken to preepimffe of tfje gofpel/ and fie 10 bletod tfcat fcfcal not be fclaundnd in me/ $ totjanne tfoef toeren pn atoepe/ Hjefug bfgan to fei'e of 3|on to tjje puple/ totjat ttjfnff toenten pe out in to defect to fe/ a reed toatmd tnitft tje topnde/ or to^at t^tng toenten pe out to fe/ a man clotljtd tottt) fofte clottjte/ lo tfjei t&at ben clotijtd toitft fofte clotty*/ ben fn rap m mm m at Sip wm t^e tiouaa of fcpnps/ but toftat t^ing toenten pe out to Ce/ a pro= fete/ $lje 5 feie to pu/ $ more tfjanne a profete/ for tl)i0 (0 l)e of tojjom it 10 torttun/ lo 3 Centie mjm aunpl bifor tjjt face/ tljat fctjal make reUi tlji toepe lufor tljee* Ctrult 3 feie to $ou/ tljere roo0 noon more tljanne Joljnn I5apttlt among; tlje cftflbren of toommen/ but Ije tljat 10 lelle in tlje kpngDom of Ij euene0/ 10 more t^ anrie Ij e/ anli fro tlje Date0 of 3oon ©aptift til nolo/ tjje fepngdom of ljeuene0 fuf= fntlj tuolence/ tfclolent menraup* ftljen it/ for alle profet(0 an& tlje latoe til to 3on profect'Den/ anti if vz toolen refcepue/ lie t0 elte tljat !0 to come/ Ije tljat fcatl) eeri0 of tienmp/ Ijere Ije* 15ut to toljom fetal 3! pffe tjfef generactoun Ufee/ it 10 like to ctjiU Dren attpnge in cljeppnge/ tljat men to per peer{0* folio xxx folio xxxl qMATTHEW. m&$lMi0 to be brente/butgadre pe tljeVofcete in to ntp berne* #notljer parable i'befu0 putte fortlj to Ijem and feide/ t&e fepng> dom of ljeuene0 10 Itfce to a cortte of tyneue?/ tobfclje a man took $ fetoe fn fji0 feeld/toljicf) 10 tfje ieeft of alle but toljanne it fjatb toojen/ (t 10 tfje mofte of aile toor* tt0/ $ t'0 made a tree/ fo tljat brtd* dt0 of tlje elr/ comen $ dtoellen fit tfte botoi0 tberof. #notljer parable tf>efu0 fpafe to Jem/ tlje kingdom of Ijeuene 10 Itaetofourdouj/to^'cbatoomman took flji'd m tljre mefurt0 of mele/ til i t to ere al found. Hljefua Cpak alle tljefe tljtao;t0 in parable to tlje puple/ilje fpafe not to fjemtoitljout parable/ tfjat ft fcbuloe be fulftlltd/ tfcat (0 teid bf tlje profete. folio xMXbih oM ATT HEW. jp2Drtjefu0$edeoutfto tljenneg/itoentemto tlje cootfte of tire $ of fidon/ and lo a toom^ manof canane^edeout of tbo coottte/ and cried $ fetde to fjpm/ lord tlje fone of datutl)/ fjaue mem on me/ mp doujti'r f# puel trauetltd of a fend/ and l>e anfto= end not to i)tr a toord/ and ^ICe dtTcfplig camen/ $ pmeden Jgm $ fetden/ leue tijouljtr/for ftfje crtert) aftir Wl Ije anftoertd $ fetde/ 1 am not fente but to tfje Ccfjeep of tlje ljou£ of 3ffrael tfjat penTcijtden/ $ ftfje came and toorftfjtptd ljun$ feide/ lorde tjelp me/ tojidje anf* toerede $ feide/ It t£ not good to take tlje breed of children/ and cade to tjoundte. £nd fc^e feide/ jf>& lord/ for toljelpttf etenofttecromm^/t^at fallen doun fro tfte bord of tjer lordtg/ tljanne tljefug anftoerlde/ mm mm mm lit lit MM $ fetde to bir/ a toomman/tji feitb tcf greet/ be it doon to t{jee/ as* tbou tout/ 1 l|tr dou^r toa# biltd fro tfjat our* £nd tobanne i^efu^ badde pak at) fro tbennetf/ be came bifid 10 tfce fee of galale/ and be jeDe tip m to an jtt/ 1 fat tbere/ and mpcbe pe* pie came to bpm/and bidden tontb bem doumbe men/ $ crofctd/ $ feble and blprvDe $ man? ortjer/ and cattfoen doun Jem at ljt'0 feet/ $ Ije bellde Jem/ fo t&at tbe puple toon* brrUe/ fepnge doumbe men fpeb png;e/$cro6(de men gopnpbtynde men fepnge/ $ tljet magngfieden god of tfraeu 3nd fbefug tojanne btfe DiCcf-. plte toeren cleptd toffi'dre/ fetde to bem/ J baue reutje of tbe pu* pie/ for tljet Jan abiden noto tbre tiape^ toitf) me $ Jan no tljing; to ete/ and | toole not leue bem faftpnge/ lette tfcef fallen in tbe toepe* folio jcwtJftf. MiQ XXXiX* £M ATT HEW. \%m tofjanne IjtCe &ff* riplte camen otter tlje fee/ tijet tcqaten to take loottes/ at ije fettie „ to Ijem/tntjolD $ be toare of fottrDouj of lljanteeg $ faDucet^/ $ tljet tljottjten among; htm/ $ feiden/ for toe tjart not take looue0/$ttfontii'rftont)en notpe ne* tfter tjan mpnUe of fpue loueg fn to fpue tfcottfanti of men/ $ Ijou many cofpng i% tofcen/ netljer of feuene loouegf m foure ttioufanti of men/ ano jjou man? lepugf pe tofcem (i&ljt tmturftonDe pe not/ for g| Cef&e not to $ou of breed/be petoare of tfjefourtJottf of ^artfee^tfatu ucet0/t!)annett)eitJnDi'r(totien/tlbat Je fettie not be toare of fourDouj of lotted/ but of tfje tectijnp of fart* #n& ftjefug cam in to tlje parti's* of cefarte of pfjtltp/ $ ajrti fctfeDtD ctpU0 and fettie/ to&om feten men lite mm fete! tobemannegfone/anti tbeffettien/ fumme ton iBaptfft/ otber rife/ $ otber teremp/ or oon of tbe profe= tW/ fteCug Cetoe to Jem/ but lo&om fefen pe me to be. Amount ^etir anttoerfoe $ CetUe/ ttjott art crfft tbe Cone of goti Ipupnge/ tbefug angrtoerfoe $ fetDe to bpm/bletttb art tljou fepmount bariona/ tljat fone of culuer/ for ftefftb $ blotie fcbetoiti not to rtjee/ but my fantr tljat in beuene/ $ 3 Cepe to ttjee tbat tbou art petir/ $ on tt)t0 (ton J fctjal btlbe mp cbtrclje/antJ tbe ^ati'0 of belle fclju= len not Ijaue mp$bt a^eng ft/ $ to tbe 3i fcfjal $eue tbe fcefeg of tbe fepngdom of beuenes $ toljat euer tfjouftbaltbpntieonertbe/fcbalbe bounben alfo fn tjeuenej^/ $ toljat eueretbouCcbalttmbpnbeonertlje/ fcljalbebnboun&enalCotnbeueneg. ^banne be comaunbttie tobffebfC- ctplte/ tljat tbef fcljulben fefe to no man/ tljat be Voa0 Crftt* folio xl+ fo»o xU- oM ATT HEW. SB' Jli tfjat ouce tlje titCcf* pli'0 camen to rtjefu0 $ Cetden/ toljo gotteft tfiou (0 gretter in tlje fcpngdom of ljeuene0/ $ iljefu0 clepld a ittll cljild/ $ put Jem tn tlje tnptitiil of Ijem/ and fetde/ 31 treutlje to ?ou/ but pe be turned $ made a0 Ittil children/ pe Ccljulen not entre in to tlje tyiu dom of ljeuene0/ tfterfor toljo euer melutlj Jim a0 tljttf li'til cljild/ !je 10 gretter in tlje kingdom of ljeu= ene0/$&etf)atrefcepuetfjoonfuclje Util cljtld in mp name/ refcepuetlj me/ but Voljo fo ftlaunduetlj oon of tljefe fmale tfjat btleuen in me it fpedftlj to t)pm/ tljat a mplle ttoon of afflte beljangtd mlji'0 necfce $t)e be drencljtd in tlje depneffe of tlje fee/too to tlje toorld forftlaundn'0/ JFor it t'0 nede/ tljat fclaundrt0 come/ netl)ele0 too to tljtlke man/ bi toljom a fclaundre comet!)* ill 45» m mam anD it tbfn Jonti or tljt foot fclaunHrftfi tWI feft ft of % caff atoep fco tljec/ ft betfr to tljee to *ntre to luf/ feble etber ctokiD/ tban Ijaupnge ttoo ijontug/ or ttoepne feet to bt fente in to euer* laftmge tier* £nD if tfji'n \}t fclaunure tljee/ pulle ft out $ caffe atoepe fro tljee/ it 10 beter to tbee toitlj oon tje to entre fn to luf/ tljanne fjaupnge ttoepe ijen to be Untz in to tje fier of Ijelle. ^>e tljat titTptfe not oon of tjcfe of U'ttl/ for 31 fey to jou/ tljat tge angelftf of tiem in beueneg/ feencuermore tjeface of mp faMr tbat ft fn Ijeuenes/ for manned fone cam to faue tljat ttjlng: tljat pcn'CcljiD/ toljat femedj to jou/if tbere toeren to fum man an bum tirtli Ccijeeptoonof IjemljatftecciD/ tobere be ftbal not leuc npntt $ ngne in deCert/ anti fcljal go to fecbe tbat/ tbat crrtD* am ^-3 ft folfo %UU folio Mih camtnacttee of farna* rte/ tljat clepfottfear/ bitting tlje place tbat Jacob $af tojofepbte Cone/ anli tlje toelle of Jacob toag ttjere/ and itjefug toagf toeri of tje lournet/ anti fat tl)u0 on tlje toelie/ Canti tlje ourtoas ag tttoere tlje Ojte/ and a toomman cam fro fa-- mane/ to liratoe Voattr/ ana fjjefug fei'tl) to tlitr/ jeue me Hrpnke/ t^er-- for tljtlfee toomman of famarie fettfj to tiym/ Jou tljou toljanne tljou art a tetoe/ an'tt of me urpnfce tljat am a toomman of famane/ for (etote ufen not to Dele toi'tb fa* marftang/ tl)eCu0 anftoenD anD fet'De to jjir/ ecbe man tljat tirpm feltb of tfjte toatlr/ fcljal t^trtt eft= fone/ but Ije tljat lirpnlutt) of tlje toati'r tljat J fcljal jeue Ijpm/ fcfjal not tijirft toitljouten enlie* 3nDcamentoljpm/tntljemeene tootle tji'fe bfCctpU* preletien bpm and fetoen/matfttr tte/butfie fet'De to Jem/ 3! 6aue tnete to ete/ r^at pe fenotoen not/ tljerfor tlje mtU plus Cetoen to gfore/ tojetljer on? man Jatlj brou^te Jpm mete to ete/ tjefug feitj to Jem/ mp mete (0 tjat 31 tje totlle of ipm tjat rente me/ tjat 3 pecfourme tje toerfc of ftfnu c&ljetber pe feten not/ rtjat jft fouremonetjte ben/anliiipe eorne comet?)/ lo 31 fete to $ou/ lefte up joure tjen anb fe pe ttje felbte/ for noto tjei ben toljite to repe/anb ije tjat repi'tlj/ talutj Iji're/ anli gabe-- ntf) frupt in to euerlaftmge luf/ tjat botfje be tjat fotontj and Je tjjat ri'pittj/Jaue fote to grftire/ in tljtg tjmg; 10 tlje loocD tretoe/ foe another tbatfoVoMj ann anotljer tJaueptrij/31 fentejouto repetjjat tjat pe Ijan not trauetltD/ orijec men ban tcatmitb/ anb pe Jan em trtH in to fjet: trauetlijs. 4 »v o H foifo jltt. folfo jlfc, ■H j£2D m ferufalem a toaifcljpngeplace/tfiat In ebretoe named betljfaida/ and fcart) fpue porting/ tn tljefe lafe a grcete multitude of ake men/ blmde/ crotud/ and drie/ abidpnge rtje moujmge of tlje toati'c/ foe tije aunpl of tfyt lord cam doun cer* tepn tpmed in to t|je toatir/ and tlje toatir toag moued/ and Ije tljat fictt cam doun tn to tlje Qtfterne aftir tfje mommge of t^e toattr toa# made Ijool of toljat euer ake= neffe Ije toag golden/ and a man to a# tt) ere 5 aupnffe et 5 te and tf) rim jeer tn M0 (ifeeneCCe/ and toijanne tijefu^ fcadde feen Ijpm Ifffffpnge and Ijadde fcnotoen/ tijat &e foadde mpctje tpme/jjefetrl) to t)tm/ toolt tl)du be made Ijool/ t^e afce man anftoerid to bpm/ lord 3 liaue no man tljat toijanne tije toater i$ moued to putte me in to tfje tiL terne/ for tjje toljtle 3 come/ ano* ttjer ffoitj noun tutor me. HljeCug fettt) to fjpm/ rife up/ take t^t bed and 50/ anD anoon tje man toag made tool/ anD took up W bctitie anli toente fort^/ anD tt toas fabotl) in tbat Dai/ ttjerfor tfie tetoi0 CeiDen to Jpm tjjat toas maDe Ijool/ tt i& fabotl)/ it 10 not leful to f&ee/ to take atoeie tjt beD= De/ Ije anCtoerfti to !)em/ $e tljat maDetra Ijool/fetDe to me/ take tljt beD anD go/ tljerfor tljet are-- lien Jpm/toljat man tljat/ tljat fetDe to tljee/ taketip tljt beDDe anD go/ but jje tljat toa0 maDe Ijool/ toitt not tofjo it toaa/ anD tljefug botoiD atoet fro tlje puple tljat toag fctte tn tlje place. #ftirtoarD tfjefug foonDe lj?m tn tlje temple/ anD fei'De to t) pm/ lo tfjou art malie Ijool/ noto nple ttjou Do fpnne/ leett on? toorte tjjtng btfaile to tljee* folio jcttif. |l£(£Kf£>Ktbeffettien to Ijpm/ toljat tofcene tbanne&oifttbou/tbat toe Teen ant) bileue to tljee/ tobat tootcljitt tfjou/ oure faDrte eten manna in tieferte/ as tt fg torttun/ be $af to Jem breed/ fro beuene to ete/ tber^ for ft e Cus f e (tb to b em/ trul t truli 3 feteto ^ou/moiCe^^af^ou not breed fro Ijeuene/ but mg fatitr $euetb jou tierrt breeti fro fjeuene/ for (t ta berri brede tbat cometb tiotm fro beuene/ and ^euetfj Ktf to rtje toorld. ^erfortJetfetDentobtm/ lorti euer jeue ug tbte breeti/ anti ibefus fetbe to bent/ 3 am breeti of Hit I be tbat cometb to me/ fcjal notbungre/betbatbileuetb m me fctjal neuer tfjirft/ but 3 fetDe to jou tbat pe Jan feen me/ anti bfieueden not. 31 tbmg; tbat t|e fadtr jeuetb to me fcbal come to me/ and 31 fcbal not caft bint out/ mm m lite! tbat comctb to me/ for 3 cam doun fro beuene/not tb at 31 tio mp to file/ buttbetotlle of bp nub at fente me/ $ tftfgf tbe totlle of tbe fadir tbat feme me/ that al ttjmg; tljat tbe fa* Dlnaf me/1 lefe not of it/but ajen reiie ft in tbe laft Dai/ $ tjisf tbe toflle of mp fadir tbat fente me/ tbat eclje man tbat feefb tbe fone/ and btleuetb in bpm/ baue euer* laftpnp Mill and J f^ai ajenrei'fe bunmtbelatfdau crucifiefce/ $ tfje tfjri&de dap fje fctjal rife ajen to C&anne tfje motur of tf)e fonesf of jebidee/ came to 5pm toftfj tec foneg/ onourpnge $ ajpnge fum tljme:of!)TO/ft)efeiDeto6trtDl)at toflt tfjou/ fcfie fet'De to fjpm/ fepe tljat tfjefe ttoep mpn foneg atte/ oon at tin rt^tfjalf/ $ oon at tljt leftjalfe in tf)t fepngflom* 3t)efu0 anftoend $ feiDe/ pe ten not toljat ge ajen/ moun pe Drmfee tje tuppe/ toT}(cT)e 31 fcljal fcrgnfee/ tljet feiDen to Ijvm toe moun/ Ije fei'tf) to fjem/ pe ic&ulen UrpnUe mv cuppe/ but to Ctteat m» ri^alf or leftljalf/ ft not mjm to $eue to ?ou but to to^fcbe it is made retu of mp fatrir, C&nD tlje ten Ijerpuge Ijatitien fntujjnactotm of tlje ttoep brftj* eren/ but tl)eCu0 clept'D Jem to Jjfm ana Cettie/ ge to (ten tfjat princes of Jetijen men/ ben lorDW of |)em/ $ tljei tf)at ben peettre/ fcfen potoer on Ijem, 31 1 fcljal not be fo among: jou/ but toljo euer toole be made gretter amonp jou/ be ije joure mpnltfre/ $ toijo euer among: $ou toole be tlje ftrtt/ !je fctjal be $oure feruaunt/ a0 manned fone cam not to be ferupD/ but to feme/ aim to jette ijte uif re&empctoun for man?/ $ tojanne ttjei jeDen out of I'ericjjo/ ana mprtje puple fue& J)tau lip folio Uti. foUo ID. m mm LVKE. |(KC^(IHL(C& loue pe joure enempeg and Do pc tuel/ and lene pe tjoppng; no tiling; tfjer* of/$ $oure medefcbal be mpcbe/ and pe frfjuln be tje tone* of tbe bi$itt/ for be & ben= po;ne on bnfcpnde men and pel mem %tyv£w be pe merciful/ ag joure fadir merciful/ nple pe deme/ anli pe ftbuln not fce demed/ nple pe condempne/ and pe fcbuln not be condempned/ forjeue pe/ anli it fctjal be fonouun to jou/ jeue pe/ and it fcjal be jouun to jou/ tfjei fcbuln jeue in to joure bofum a pod mefure/ and toel fflltd and fcbaken togidre $ oucr aotopnge/ for bi tjc fame mefure/ bi tobicbe pe mcten/ it fcbal be meten ajen to jou/ and fcide to Jem a lifmcg/ tob^t)^ tlje blinde mat lede ttje blpnde/ ne fallen not botbe in to tlje dicje/ a difciple i£ not aboue tbe mafffi'r/ but etbe fcbal be perfi^t/ if be be ag b# maf« fh'r/anb tobat teett tbou In tbi bro* tber* (je a mote/ but tbou bfgolfcfft not a beem tbat 10 pn tbm otone i}t/ or bou mattt tbou fet'e to tbi brotber/ brotbec fuffre/ 3 fcbal tad out tbe moot of tljm tje/ anb tbou bfboldrtt not a beem m tbm otone (je/tpocrtte/ ffrft take out tbe beem of tbm he/ and Ujanne tbou fcbal Te to take out tbe moot of tbm brotberg ( je* 3|t (0 not a gobe tre tbat mafcttb puel fruptf*/ ne« tbec an puel tre/ tbat mabitb goob fruptte/ Cor euert tre/ fcnotoen of bte erupt/ anb men gabren not ffgte of tbbrnesf/ netber men gad* ren a grape of a bupfcbe of brerte/ a goob man/ of tbe goob trefour of bte tyzttl brpngitb fortb goob tbmgt'0/ $ an puel man of tbe puel trefour brpngitb fortb puel ttjfn* g(0/ for of tbe plente of tbe berte/ tlje moutb fpefeitb* folio IN. folio IMf. jP3D tf)cCu0 paffpttffe a matt blpnde fro tlje btrtlje/ and IjiTe difciplt'0 allien &pm/ mattfrr Voljat tynned tgi0 man or t)iTe eldrt'0 tljat fie Wjulde be borun blpnde/ iljefu0 annaen'de/ netjer tljta man tyn* ned netfjer f)iTe eldrt'0/ but tfjat ttie toerfct'0 of god be tyetot'd m Spm/ it bt'tjoueti) me to Voorcje tlje toerfu'0 of Ijpm tjat fente me/ a0 long: a0 tfte nat 10/ tlje np$t fctjal come/ta&anne no manmat toorcfj/ a0 long: a0 3 am tn tlje toorlD/ % am tfjel^tofrtjetoorttu Clfliljanne je Ijadde fetde tljeCe tljing:i0/ \\z fpette in to tlje ertlje/ and made cley of tjje fpotel/ $ anopnttd tfje cleieonfjiCe (jen/anti fetdetoljpm/ go and be tgou toatftljen tn tlje toattr of filoe ttjat t'0 to fete fente/ tbanne fje toente and toaiTctjtde/ and cam fepnge/ and 00 nei'jbon'0 and tljet tjjat Ijadden feen bpm M ■Hi till bitor/ for lie toatf a begffer/ feiden/ tolietfter tfit0 tg not be tjjat Cam and beg;g;i'd/ otljer men Cetden tbat tbte it tg/ otjer men Cetden nap/ but be Ufee bgm/ but be Cefde/ tfjat 3 am/ tfceuor tbef Cetden to bpnt/ bou ben tjm tjen openeti/ fee anftoertd/ tbtlfee man/ tbat (0 Cefd t&eCugf/ made clet $ anopnttd mpn f|en/ anli Ceitie to me/ go tfcou to tpe toattc of feloe/ and toaifcbe/ anli J toente and toatCcbtd/ and Caf/ anli ttjet Cetden to Ijpm/ tobere tie/ be fetDe/ 31 tooot not. €bet leddenbpmtbattoagblpndeto tbe farideg/and tttoag fabotb toljanne ifcefug malie clete anli opened bite t^emtKtetbefarpttegaredenbpm/ bou bebaddeCeen/$b*Ceide tobem/ he ieide to me clet on tfje t^en/ and 3 toatCcbtde/and3| Ce/tberforCum* me of tariffed Cetden/ tbi'0 man i# not of pd/ tbat feepttb not tbe Ca* bot|)/ otbec men Cetden/ &ou mat a fpnful man do tbeCe ttgneg* folfo lit to ijem eftfone/ trult truUgfete topou/tjat 3 am tlje Hore of tlje f clj eep/ ag manp a£ Ij an comen/ toecen n^t tfjeueg and Dai tfjeueg/ but tlje fcljeep tjerden not tiem/ 31 am tlje dore/ ft onp man fcljalentrelume/ljefctjal be fatted/ and fje ftljal go pnne and ftljal p out/ and ije Ccljal fynde lefetots/ a npn tljeet" comet!) not/ but tljat fjc ffele/ He/ $ lefe/ and 3 cam tljat tljet tjaij luf/ and jjaue more plen= teuouflp. 3 am a pod Cctjeeptjertie/ a poll fcljeepljecd ^euetfj fjte luf for Ijte fcljeep/ but an htrtD Ijpne/ anli tljat (0 not tlje icljeepljerd/ toljog ben not tlje fcljeep fife otone/ feetb a toolf compnp $ Ije leuetl) tlje fcljeep anti fleetlj/ and tlje toolf raupfcljttlj/ and dtTparplttlj tlje fcljeep/ and tlje Ijtrtd Ijpne fteetlj/ for Je is an fjirtd Ijpne/ and tt per? 1 tepnetfc not to fipm of tfje ftjeep* 3 am a pob CcfteepberD/ $ 31 fcnotoe mp fcbeep/ anb mp ftfceep imotoen me/ ag tie fabfr fcatb fcnotoun me 3 fenotoe tje fabfr/ anD 3 putte mp mf for mp Ccljepe/ 3 baue otfjer fcfceep tjat ben not of ttjte foolb/ anD it betjouert) me to brpngdjem to gi'Dre/ and tljei fcjulen fcere mp bote/ anti it fcljal be mabe a foolb/ laftbeepljeerb* ^berforrtjefabir louetl) me/ for I putte mp luf/ tjat eftfone 3 take ft/ no man ta* futb it fro me/ but J putte ft of mp Clf/ 3 baue potoer to putte ft/ anD 3 !)afoe potoer to tafee ft ajen/ tljig maunbement 3 &atte tafcun of mp fablr* (Efte btfcentioun toatf mabe among: tlje I'etofo for rtjefe toorbte/ aub manp of Jem feiben/ be Ijatjj a beuel anb mabbttlj/ tojat beren pe bpm/ otber men faben/ tbc£ toorbte ben not of a man djat batb a fenbe/ tobertjer tlje beuel mat opene tlje i'$en of blpnbe mem folio ln\ mm M% tobanne marie toagf come/ tojece tbe* fu0 toag/ ftbe fepnge bpm/ fel doun to W feet and felde to bpm/ lord if tbou tiaDtutt be Jere/ mp brother ijadde not be deed/ and tberfor tobanne ffjefttgf fape b*r toeppnp/ and tbe (etolsf toeplnge tbattoerentottl) btr/lje madenoife (n fptrit/ arm troubltd tjpmdlf and feide/ tofjere ban pe letde bpm/tjei feten to bpm/ lord tome and fe/ and tbefug toepte/ tljerfor tje tetote feiden/ lo pit fje loued bpm/ and fumme of fyzm fetden/ tobetber tbte man tbat opened tlje tjen of tbe borun blpnde man/ mpjte not make tbat tbte fcbulde not die/ tberefor (tjefug eft mafcpnp noffe In bpm aif/ cam to tbe graue/ and tljere toag a denne and a ftone lei'de tljereon* #nd fyztu& fettb/ tafce pe atoepetjettoon/martfcatbeatturof mm H 11m lili 11111 ipm tfcattoag HeeU/ Ceftli to bpm/ otti tie ftpnWtJ noto/ Cot be bat& efeCoute&ai'eg/tbeCug Cei'tb to bit/ >aue3 not Cert to tbee/ tfcat u tjou uleueft tjou gebalt Ce tie glorie oC gob/ tbetCot tbei tofeett atoep tbe ttone/ anb ibeiugf UCt up W i}tn anu teibe/ Cabft 3 Ho tbanfepngte to tfcee/ Cor tbou batt fcet&e me. &nb 3 tofffe tjat tbou euetmote berlft me/ but Cot ttje puple tbat ttonWti aboute 3 Cetbe/ tfcat tfcef btteue tbat tbou baft Cettte me. CflflHaune tjc babbe Cetbe tljeCe tbfngte Je cneb toutb a gret bote/ iaiatugcometbouCottb/anbauoou betbattoagbeeb/camout/bounben tje bonbte and tbeCeettoitb boom bte/ aim i)t'0 Cace bounbett toi'tb a Cubatte/ anb tfceCugf Cei'tb to Jem/ tmbpnbe pe bpm/atib Cufftepebpm to p Cottb/ tbetCot man? oC tbe fetote tbat eamen to marie anb matt&a/ anb fcuen tobat tjtoff(0 tyeCug bibe/ bUeueben in bpm* folio IftiU qMATTHEW. |(£R(£pe another para* ble/tfjeretoas anjouD bontieman tftat plaun* tiDafcpneierD/fiiegffiD ft at»oute/$Dalf apref* four tjjergnne/t lrittu&e a toure/ $ I) ir eD ft to ertljet titer?/ ana toente fer m pilppmap/ but tofjatme tlje tgme of fruptte n^eDe/ljefente Ijtfe feruauntte to tlje ertljetili'era to tafee fruptt'0 of ft/ $ tfje ertljetu Itertf token jffe feruauntte $ lietpn tlje oon/ tljet dotoen anotljer $ ftone&en anotlj er/ ef tfo neg t) e fente otljere feruauntfe/ mo tljanne t^e flrtf/ $ in Ink maner ttjeg tu&en to tiem/ $ at tlje laft Ije fettte fone to Ijem $ feide/ tljei fc^ulea dreDe mp fone/ Imt tjje ertfje tili'erg fep* no:e tljefone/feiDentDlt^nneljem Qlf/ tt)i'0 tlje etr come ge/ He toe ljgm/$toefc|)ulenljauel)i0erttag:e/ $ tljet tooken^caftttienljpm out of tije fcpne^erD/ $ doloen &tm/ tljer* 4 mm fore tofeanne tfie lord of tfee fcpne* jecU fefeal come/ tofeat ftfeal fee Do to tfee ertfeetHi'ena/ and tfeei fepn to fepm/ lie fefeal lefe pel tie puele men/ $ fee fefeal fette to fetre fet# btnef erd to otfeer eetfeettliers/tofet* efee fefeulen jelde fruptig to feirn in feere tpmeg* 3feefu# feftfe to feem/ redden pe neuer fn fcnpturte/ tfee (toon to feu cfee tfee bi'lderg tepreueDen/ tfeig f# made in to tfee feeed of tfee corner/ of tfee lord tfete fyittgifi doen/ % it mcrueloua biforn oure ijen/ tfeerfore 1 fepe to jou tfeat tfee bpnffUom of pd ftfeal be taken fro $ou $ fcljal be $oottn to a folk dop* net truftig of ft/ and tofeann tfee prgncte of prettttf $ pfeartfeg bad* denfeerdfe ite parabltg/ tfeei knetoen tfeat fee fttde of feem/ $ tfeei foujten to ijolde feint/ but tfeei dredden tfee peple/ for tfeet feadden feftn a$f a profete. folio lxb< LVKE. fl&(£Re feitp to Jem/ t&erfore leltie pe to t^e emperour/ tf>o tfctn* gte tljat beit tie emperourig/ $ to goto/ tljo t$fti§ 1st tljat beit of pa/ antr tjei Ijertien $toonDri&en/an& tjjet leften t)gm/ $ toenten atom* C3 n tlj at H ap Cadu cete tl) at feien tljere no rtange a^ett to luf/ camen to Ijtm/ ana allien Spm $ fetoen/ matfttr/ moifeg fetoe/ if onp man (0 deeti/ not Jaupnge a fone/ tljat J# brother toeti&e ijte tottf/ $ retfe feeti to Ijte Jrotjer* C^ndtofjannetljepljarifeegtoeren gatierfo to giDre/ iljefusf ajefc to fjem/antifefoe/tofiat femetlj to jou of critf/totjogfone 10 fje/ttiei fefoen to bpm of DauttJ/ je Ceitp to Ijem/ Sou ttjanne tiauitfi tn Cpfrft clepitg ljpm lortr/ $ feiti)/ tjje torn Ceitie to mp lor&e/ atte on mp n^tjalf/ til 3 putte ttjmenemjeg attool of tjt feet. cCbanne it Dauitlj ciepitj Spm lorti/ Jou 10 &e fone/ $ no man mpjte anftoere a toortr to tipm/ netfjer onp man toag Jartue fro tfjat Dap/ to aje 5pm more. folio Ijrfmj. folio tcfje. cM ATT HEW. mm to tlje puple/ 1 to jife DiTcfpite$Cefoe/ont5e cjatere of moiCesf/Ccrt* big an& pfjanCeeg &au fette/ tjjerfor feepe pe $ Do pe alle tjhifftt tofcat euer tlji'ngtg tjet Ceien to pou/ but nple pe &o aftir ber toerkte/ for tfjet Wen g Horn not/$tbetbpnfcenpeuou0cbarg;te $ t jat motm not be born/ $ putten on fcjultirte of men/ but tottb ber fpnger tljet toole not mote pern/ Ctberfore tbet tioen alle ber toer* fcte/ tljat tbei be feien of men/ for tbei fcratoen abrooD ber fflaterfeg/ $ magnpffen tjemme^/ ant> tbei louen tbe ffrtt ttttpnge plactg in Copers/ 1 tbe ffrtt cjaierg in Cpna* pgte/ $Calutactoun# in cbeppnge/ $ to be clepft of men mattter/ Cbut nple pe be clepto maiffir for oon t& poure maitttr/ $ alle pe ben britberen/ $ nple pe clepe to 1 1 pou a fadir on ert{je/ for oon f* poure fadi'r t&at 10 in ?jeuene0/ Cnetfcer be pe elem'd mai(trt0 for oon 10 poure matftir end/ tie tljat t'0 grem'ft among pou/ ftjjal be poure mmpttre/ for pe tbat bijetfc gpm aif/ fetal be mektd/ and ie tfcat mek(tt) tipm Oi£/ fcjjal be en* Jatmtttu CBut too to jou/ fcrtbte and farifee^/ tpocritt'0/ tjat clofen tfce kpngdom of &euene0 bifore men/ and je entren not/ net&er fuffren men entrpnge to entre* Mlo to $ou/fmbi0 and farifeea/ Ipocntte/ tbat eten tlje iioutta oc \mdotoi'0/ and prefen bi longe pre* ier/ for tlntf tjmg je ftfculen take more doom* Mlo to jou/fcribta and fartfee^/ ppocrit(0/ tljat goon aboute tfte fee and tbe loond/ to make proQltte/ and toljanne tie 10 maad/ }t maken Ijpm a fone of idle/ double more ttjan }t bern folio \xx. folio Ixvl oM ATT HEW. j£2Dl)etf)atftDeriti) in tfje temple/ ftoerttl) m it $ in 6pm tljattitoel-- Ittfj mtje temple/ anto fjetjatftoerit!) mljeus ene/ CtoentJ In tlje trone of goto/ I in 5pm tjatfittftljtfjerom CCLftio to ?ou fcribte and pJanCeijS i'po* critte/ tjat ti'tljen mpnte anefa $ compne $ Jan lefte tljo tljmgte tfjat ben of more charge of tlje latoe/ Doom $ merci $ fettj/ anti ft btl)outD to Do tjefe t|)fng;t0 $ not to leuetljo/Mmtie letiergclenCenge a gnat/ but ftoolotopnge a camel* CMlo to ?ou fcrfbf0 fpfjariTeig fpocrftftf tljat clenfen tjje cupj)e $ plater toftj oute fort!)/ but toftl)= pnne pe ben ful of rauepne % tin- clennede/ tfjou blpn&e pjanfee clenfe tljou tlje cuppe $ tlje plater toltf) pnne ford)/ tftat tljat toftf) oute fortl)/ be ma&e clene* c&Qio to jou fcribte and ptjariCct^ ipo-- critft/ tfjat ben like to fepulcrig tHii tofji'tfo/ tobfcbe tofra oute fortb/ Cemen fatre to men/ but toltjtnne tbet ben ful of boom'0 of HeeH men/ I of al filtbe/ Co pe tontb out fort!)/ ttmzn tuft to men/buttottb pnne pe tiert ful of fpocride $ totcfetd* neffe* CMlo to jou ftribtg $ plan's fete fpocriteg/ tfjat bilden fepui* crte of profettg/ $ mafeen felre tbe btnelte/ of full men $ fei'en/ if toe Ijadden be In tbe dapeg of oure fadrtg/ toe fcbulden not Ijaue be Ijer felotote in tbe blood of profe= tig/ and fo pe ben m toitnefe tnge to jou aif/ tbat pe ben tlje foneg of bem tbat ftotoen tlje profeti'g/ $ fulfille pe tlje m^fure of joure fadrte/ pe eddrtg and eddrte brid* did/ fjoufcbulen peae fro tlje doom of belle, c^bmore lo 3 Cende to jou profett'0 $ tmTe men $ ftrtbte/ I of bem pe fcbulen de $ crucifie 1 of bem pe fcbulen fcorge In joure fpnapffW/ $ fcljulen pucfue fro cite m to cftee* 8 folto IxxiU folio Ijcxni. oMATTHEW. al ttje iixtt blood come on jou/ tljat toag CctieU on tbe ertbe/ fro tlje blood of tuft abel/ to tbe blood of jacbarie tbe fone of bara* cbie/ tobom pe dotoen blrtotje tbe temple and tbe auter/trultj fepe to }oal alle ttjefe tftfnjji'sf fcbulen come on tbte seneractoun* 3|eru* it ierufalem ttjat deeff profe- \ ftoneft bcm tbat ben fent to / bou ofte toolde 3 gadtr to* e tbt cbtldren ag aii benne p= tb togidre bircbefeencg bndir Denote/ $ tfjou tooldflt not/ lo e fjoug fcbal be leeft to jou ttl and II fepe to sou/ pe ftbu= not fe me fro bcnneg fortje e fei'en/ bleflld 10 be tbat com* :n tbe name of tbe lord* $3) t'befu0 toente out of tbe temple/ and J tfe d(fclplt0 camen to bpm/ to febetoe b?m tbe btldpnffte of tlje pie/ but be anftoertd $ felde to Jem/ feen pe alle tjefe tfyn&$l tvixli 3 fepe to jou/ a ttoon tcbal not be left bere on a ftoon/ tjat ne itfcbalbeDiftroietu c&ntito&anne be fate on ttje Jfi of olluete/ IjtCe tnTciplte camen to Ijpm prpupli $ fei'Uen/ fete to tobanne tbefe tfn'ngte fcijulen be/$tob*t tofcene of tbi compnp/ g of tbe entipnse of tbe toorlti/ aim rtjefug anttoeriDe anu fetDe to Ijem/ lofce pe tbat no man Uiffegue $ou/ for man? fcbu* len comen in mp name $ fcbulen fete/ 3 am crtft/ anti tbei fc^uien Diflepue manp. Cffor pe fcjulen Ijere batailitf/ $ openpoung of batartte/ fe pe tbat pe be not WCurbltD/ for it bifjouttj tljefe tljinglg to beUoen but not jft 10 tbe entie/ folfe fcbulen rife to- giDrt a?en£ folk $ retome ajeng retome }j fo totjanne pe feen ttjefe tfcfngte be don/ totte jee t^at it i0 njj In tfre dorig* mm pp ii Klip nl (Jill 'STruty I fepe to $ou tljat tljts generactoun Ccfial not paCCe atoep til alle tbefe tljmgte be Don/ t)eu= ene anD ertbe fcljulen paffe/ but mp toortug fcbulen not paffe/ but of tljat Dat or oure/ no man tooot/ netjer aungeltg In beuene/ netljer t|je Cone/ but tlje faotr* »>e pe toafee je anD pret ftj Cor #e totten not/ txiljanne tlje tpme uaf/ for as a man ttjat gon fer tn pilargmage/lefte W anD ?af to fytt feruauntte potoer of euerp toerfce/ ann comauntn'&e to tje porter tljat b* toake/ t^erfor toafce pe/ for pe txnten not tobanne tlje lord of tljeljoug comett) in tlje euentttie or at mptmp$t or at cock-- ig crotopnp/ or tn tje mornpnge/ leett to^anne be comefutrejmlt/be fynbe jou depmp/ for Cotbe tljat tljat 31 fege to jou/ 3 Cepe to alley toafce je. folio Ijjtu* folio Ixxbih qMATTHEW. |li?#jpj£(£il)etu0 came toitjj jjemm toatoun/ tljat t0 fetoe lettem- anp/an&tjefefoetoljtCe titftiplteatte petieece/ tjje toftile 31 go rtjetur$pra?e/$ \z 5ctie fortlj a Ittii $ fil tioun on jfef face/ prefp np $ fetpnp/ mp fatrir if it t'0 potttble/ paffe tfti0 cuppe fro me/ netljelesf not ag 3 toole/ but a£ t^ou toolte/ $ %z ttjiat litt= ratcD lipm/ jaf to Jem a tokene $ fet'De/ Wjom euer 3 fade/ f)e (t & fjolDe pe ft tot/ $ anoon lie came to tl)efu0 anti fei'de/ Jell maitti'r/ anu tie feftiGto lipm/<£tl)et IjelDen tfjefug $ lenden 5pm to catface tje prpnce of preettte/ tofjere tt)e ftrtfug $ ttje pljanTeesf $ tije el&er men of tfje puple toeren come to gfore/f tftei le&Den tjpm bounfcen/ 1 tutoofe to ptlat of pounce tuflice/ ana tljet fol* Dgngx a crotone of tjjorneg putten on Jig l)eetie/ani> a ree& in Jt0 rijt-- fjontie/anti t^etfenelelienliifor Ijpm anli fcorne&en tym anti fei&en/ Jail fegng; of fetofef/ anti tljet fpet* ten on tipm/ anti tofeen a teeti anti Cmoot Jt0 Jeeti/ anti afttr tljat tfje Ijatitien fcorne&en 5pm/ tijei fcm clotfcttien tipm of tje mantti/ anti tljei clotje&en Ijpm toitft fttCe cto* ttjte anti ledlien fjpm to cruci'fte/ anti tljet $auen|)pmtotirfm&etopne mepntietottl) galle/antitoljannelje jatiDe taftiti/ t)e\ooltie not tirpnfce/ anti afttr that tljet Jatitien cruc(= fieti 5pm/ tfiet tiepartttien Ijtfe cio* tijtg anti feeffen lot/ to fulfill* tljat 10 fetti In tije profete fetpnp/ tljet partttien to Jem mp clotljig/ anti on nip clotlje/ tfjei fatten lotte/ and tftei feeten anti ftepten Ijpm/ anli fetten aboue t)te ijte caufe toritun/ tljtg (0 t5eftt0 of najaretlj fegno; of tetote* Cfjanne ttoet tljetteg toeren ecu* ct'ffeti tottlj Ijpm/ oon on tlje rijfc Ijalf/ anti oon on tlje leftljalf. folio IxxbiiU folio iXXiX* fug eftfone fcjetotd tjpm to fy& difctplte/ at tf)e fee of tiberiag/ and Ije fcfjetoid lipm tl)U0/ tljere toere to gidre fpmount pettr and tljomag/ ttjat ig felde dtdpmug/ anli natanael tfjat toag of tj) e cane of galtlee/ an* tfje fcneg of ^ebede/ and ttoep otjer of bte h(frfplf0/ fpmount petir fettf) to fjem/ 3 go to fifclje/ tljei feten to Spm/ $ toe tomen totrij tjjee/ and ttjei toentenout and toente in to a boot/ and in djat npjt tljei tofcun no tying/ buttofjanne ttje morotoe toag come/ iljefutf ttood in tlje brp-- nfce/netljeleg ttje diTctpUg fcnetoen not tljat (t loasf iljefug/ tljerfor tyefug feitj to Jem/ children tojere pe lan onp foupmge tfjutg/ tfjef anftoerden to fjpm/ nap/ te fetde to Jem/ putte pe tje nette m to tje rfltfjalf of tje rotopnge and j?e flHR iff I fciuln fpnde/ and tiei putti'den t^e nette/ and tianne tie! mpften not tiratoe it foe multitude of ftC- cljte* CflTiecfor titlfce diCei'ple/ tot)om iljefug loued Ceide to petit/ it (0 tie lorli. fepmount pettr toljannc Ije iadde tjecDe ttjat tt & t^e lord/ gfrde ipm tottb a coote for ie toatf nafeid/ anD toente in to tlje fee* &nd as tiet camen doun (it to tie lond/ tljei faien colte ltg> ffpnp/ and a fifcie leide on/ and breed. 9)hefu0 Cetti to iem/ brp* nge pe of tie fifcits/ toiicie pe ian tafcun nolo/ fpmount petit toente up $ drotoj tie nette In to tlje lond ful of greet fifcite/ an iundndfifnand tire/and toianne tiet toeren Co manp/ tie nette toatf not brofcun. 3|ieCu$ feiti to iem/ come peetepe/ and no man of iem tiat Caten at tie mete durtte a^e ipm/ dfllljo art tiou toitpnge tiat tt & tie lord/ $ iiefttf cam $ took breed and jaf to iem/ $ ftfci alfo* folio lxxx> folio \XXXi LUKE. hen tbefetbrnffte/ibe* Cu0 flood m tlje mpd- till of Ijem/ and fettle to Ijem/ pee0 to jou/31 am/ nple pe tircDe/ but ttjet toeren affraiede and agaft/ and geflitden Jem to fe a fptctt/ and be fei'de to Ijem/ to^at ben pe troubli'd/ and tt)ou^tt0 comen up in to $oure f>er* tig/ fe pe mpit Ijondttf/ and mp feet/ for 31 nip Glf am/ fele pe and fe je/ for a fpint Ijatb not tteifeb and bonetf/ as pe feen tijat 91 fcaue/ $ tobanne be badde fetd tbte tljmo; be fcfjetoid Ijondig and feet to Ijem/ and jtt tafefle tbet bileueden not/ and toondrid for tofe/ be feide/ ban pe bere onp tljtng; tbat ftljal be eten/ and tijet proferden bpm a part of a fiftb rootnd/ and an jjonp combe/ and toljanne be badde eten btfor bem/ be toke tijat tbat lefte and jaf to bem* C#nd feide to bem/ tbefe ben tfie toorbfg tbat 3! fpafce to jou/ toljanne 3 toajj jit toitb jou/ for it in nebe tbat all* tbtngig ben fulfiUtU/tljatbmton-- tun fn tbe latoe of motTetf anb m profette/ and in falmetf of me, ^l\)an be opened to bem tmtte/ tbat tbetftbuldenbndi'raonde feci* pturte* if>2D Ije fetDe to Jem/ go pe into altbetoorld/ $ preclje tbe gofpel to ecb creatur/ (UUfio tbat luleuetb $ baptinn/ fcbal be Caaf/ but be tbat bileuetlj not/ fcbal be dampned/ $ tljeg to* keneg fcJulnCueljem tbatbUeuen/ In mp name/ tbei fcbuln catte out feendig/ tjet fcbuln fpefee toitb netoe tungte/ tbet Ccjuln bo atoep Cerpenttg/ and if tbei drpnken onp benpm/ it fcbal not nope Ijem/ tljei fcbuln fet bee bonbte on ake men/ S tbei fcbuln toe^e booU folio IxxxiU i \ 246 PRINTING — Biblia Pauperum. Containing 38 wood cuts illustrating the life, parables and miracles of our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. New York, 1885. Edition limited to 375 numbered copies. Printed in London in 1877. At that time there were exhibited some curiously strange wood cuts belonging to no recognizable printed book. These apparently were printed at Nurnberg and never reprinted. The present edi- tion is a reprint of these blocks, together with selections from Whitecliff Bible printed in black letter and enclosed within a decorative wood cut border intended to provide a text for these curious plates. The book measures 8x6. It is bound in vellum in the antique style and has metal clasps, the upper one of which is some- what imperfect. An interesting example of print- ing/A fascinating addition to early book illus- tration. A desirable item. 15.00