Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/butterflybookpopOOholl_0 I THE BUTTERFLY BOOK / THE BUTTERFLY BOOK A POPULAR GUIDE TO A KNOWLEDGE OF THE BUTTERFLIES OF NORTH AMERICA BY W. J. HOLLAND, Ph. D., D. D., LL. D. CHANCELLOR OF THE WESTERN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA; DIRECTOR OF THE CARNEGIE MUSEUM, PITTSBURGH, PA.j FELLOW OF THE ZOOLOGICAL AND ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF LONDON ; MEMBER OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FRANCE, ETC., ETC. WITH 48 PLATES IN COLOR-PHOTOGRAPHY, REPRO- DUCTIONS OF BUTTERFLIES IN THE AUTHOr's COL- LECTION, AND MANY TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS PRESENTING MOST OF THE SPECIES FOUND IN THE UNITED STATES NEW YORK DOUBLEDAY & McCLURE CO. 1899 COPYRIGHT, 1898, W. J. Holland. TO MY GOOD WIFE AND MY TWO BONNY BOYS, THE COMPANIONS OF MY LEISURE HOURS AND MY VACATION RAMBLES, I DEDICATE THIS BOOK, WITHOUT ASKING THEIR PERMISSION I PREFACE AT some time or other in the life of every healthy young per- I \ son there appears to be developed what has been styled "the collecting mania." Whether this tendency is due to the natural acquisitiveness of the human race, to an innate apprecia- tion of the beautiful and the curious, or to the development of an instinct such as is possessed by the bower-bird, the magpie, and the crow, which have the curious habit of gathering together and storing away trifles which are bright and attractive to the eye, 1 leave to students of the mind to decide. The fact is patent that there is no village without its youthful enthusiast whose collection of postage-stamps is dear to his heart, and no town in which there are not amateur geologists, archaeologists, botanists, and zoologists, who are eagerly bent upon the formation of collections of such objects as possess an attraction for them. One of the commonest pursuits of boyhood is the formation of a collection of insects. The career of almost every naturalist of renown has been marked in its early stages by a propensity to collect these lower, yet most interesting and instructive, forms of animal life. Among the insects, because of their beauty, butterflies have always held a foremost place in the regard of the amateur collector. For the lack, however, of suitable in- struction in the art of preserving specimens, and, above all, by reason of the almost entire lack of a convenient and well-illus- trated manual, enabling the collector to identify, name, and properly classify the collections which he is making, much of the labor expended in this direction in the United States and Canada fails to accomplish more than the furnishing of tem- porary recreation. It is otherwise in Europe. Manuals, compre- hensive in scope, and richly adorned with illustrations of the V Preface leading insect forms of Great Britain and the Continent, have been produced in great numbers in recent years in England, France, and Germany. The result is that the youthful collector enters the field in those countries in the possession of a vast advantage over his less fortunate American fellow. It is to meet this want on this side of the Atlantic that this volume has been written. Its aim is to guide the amateur collector in right paths and to pre- pare him by the intelligent accomplishment of his labors for the enjoyment of still wider and more difficult researches in this and allied fields of human knowledge. The work is confined to the fauna of the continent of North America north of the Rio Grande of Texas. It is essentially popular in its character. Those who seek a more technical treatment must resort to the writings of others. If I shall succeed in this book in creating a more wide-spread interest in the world of insect life and thereby diverting attention in a measure from the persecuted birds, which I love, but which are in many species threatened with extinction by the too eager attentions which they are receiving from young naturalists, who are going forth in increased numbers with shot-gun in hand, I think I shall render a good service to the country. I flatter myself that I have possessed peculiar facilities for the successful accomplishment of the undertaking I have proposed to myself, because of the possession of what is admitted to be un- doubtedly the largest and most perfect collection of the butterflies of North America in existence, containing the types of W. H. Ed- wards, and many of those of other authors. 1 have also enjoyed access to all the other great collections of this country and Europe, and have had at my elbow the entire literature relating to the subject. The successful development in recent months of the process of reproducing in colors photographic representations of objects has been to a certain degree the argument for the publication of this book at the present time. A few years ago the preparation of such a work as this at the low price at which it is sold would have been an utter impossibility. "The Butterflies of North America," by W. H. Edwards, published in three volumes, is sold at one hundred and fifty dollars, and, as I know, is sold even at this price below the cost of manufacture. "The Butterflies of New England," by Dr. S. H. Scudder, in three volumes, is sold at seventy-five dollars, and likewise represents at this price only vi Preface a partial return to the learned author for the money, labor, and time expended upon it. The present volume, while not pretend- ing to vie in any respect with the magnificence of the illustrations contained in these beautiful and costly works, nevertheless pre- sents in recognizable form almost every species figured in them, and in addition a multitude of others, many of which have never before been delineated. So far as possible 1 have em- ployed, in making the illustrations, the original types from which the author of the species drew his descriptions. This fact will no doubt add greatly to the value of the work, as it will not only serve as a popular guide, but have utility also for the scientific student. I am under obligations to numerous friends and correspondents who have aided me, and take the present opportunity to extend to them all my hearty thanks for the generous manner in which they have assisted me in my pleasant task. I should fail, how- ever, to follow the instincts of a grateful heart did 1 not render an especial acknowledgment to Mr. W. H. Edwards, of Coalburg, West Virginia, and Dr. Samuel H. Scudder, of Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. Justly esteemed as the two foremost lepidopterists of America, it is my honor to claim them as personal friends, whose kindness has much aided me in this labor of scientific love which 1 have undertaken. For the kind permission given me by Dr. Scudder to use various illustrations contained in the "Butterflies of New England" and other works, 1 am profoundly grateful. I am under obligations to Messrs. Charles Scribner's Sons for permission to use the cuts numbered 46-49, 51-56, 59, 61, 62, and 73, which are taken from the work entitled "Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting," by W. T. Hornaday, and to the authorities of the United States National Museum and the heirs of the late Professor C. V. Riley for other illustrations. Should this book find the favor which 1 have reason to think it deserves, 1 shall endeavor shortly to follow it by the preparation of a similar work upon the moths of the United States and Canada. Office of the Chancellor, W. J. H. Western University of Pennsylvania, August 16, 1898. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CHAP. PAGE I. The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies . . 3-25 The Eggs of Butterflies. Caterpillars: Structure, Form, Color, etc.; Moults; Food of Caterpillars; Duration of Larval State; Transformation. The Pupa, or Chrysalis: The Form of Chrysalids; Duration of Pupal Life; The Transformation from the Chrysalis to the Imago. Anatomy of Butterflies: The Head; The Thorax; The Abdomen; The Legs; The Wings; Internal Organs; Polymorphism and Dimorphism; Albi- nism and Melanism; Monstrosities; Mimicry. The Distribution of But- terflies. II. The Capture, Preparation, and Preservation of Speci- mens 26-57 Collecting Apparatus : Nets; Collecting-Jars; Field-Boxes; The Use of the Net; Baits; Beating. The Breeding of Specimens : How to Get the Eggs of Butterflies; Breeding-Cages; How to Find Caterpillars; Hibernating Caterpillars. The Preservation of Specimens : Papering Specimens; Mounting Butterflies; Relaxing Specimens; The Prepara- tion and Preservation of Butterfly Eggs; The Preservation of Chrysa- lids; The Preservation of Caterpillars. The Preservation and Arrangement of Collections : Boxes; Cabinets and Drawers; Label- ing; Arrangement of Specimens; Insect Pests; Greasy Specimens; Mould; Repairing Specimens; Packing and Forwarding Specimens; Pins; The Forceps. III. The Classification of Butterflies 58-68 The Place of Butterflies in the Animal Kingdom; The Principles of Scientific Arrangement; The Species; The Genus; The Family, etc.; Scientific Names; Synonyms; Popular Names. IV. Books about North American Butterflies . . . 69-74 Early Writers; Later Writers; Periodicals. ix Table of Contents THE BOOK PAGE The Butterflies of North America North of Mexico. Family I. Nymphalida', the Brush-footed Butterflies . . 77 Subfamily Eiiploeiiice, the Milkweed Butterflies ... 80 Subfamily Ithoviiina', the Long-winged Butterflies . . 85 Subfamily Hclicoiuina% the Heliconians 91 Subfamily Nymphalince, the Nymphs 93 Subfamily Satyriua\ the Satyrs, Meadow-browns, and Arctics 197 Subfamily Libytbeina', the Snout-butterflies .... 226 Family II. Lemouiidce 228 Subfiimily Eiycinince, the Metal-marks 228 Family III. Lyccvnidcu 236 Subfamily Lyca'in'na% the Hair-streaks, the Blues, and the Coppers 236 Family IV. Papilionidce, the Swallowtails and Allies . . 272 Subfamily Pierina% the Whites, the Sulphurs, the Orange-tips 272 Subfamily Papilionince, the Parnassians and Swallowtails 304 Family V. Hesperiidce, the Skippers . 318 Subfamily Pyrrhopygincv. 319 Subfamily Hesperninv, the Hesperids 320 Subfamily Pamphilince 339 Subfamily Megafbymiiia', genus Megathymus .... 367 DIGRESSIONS AND QUOTATIONS PAGE Immortality (Sigourney) 57 Hugo's "Flower to Butterfly" (Translated by Eugene Field) 74 Superstitions (Frank Cowan) 90 Luther's Saddest Experience (Yale Literary Magazine, 1852) 100 A Race after a Butterfly 127 X Table of Contents PAGE Suspicious Conduct . . . . \}6 Collecting in Japan 149 Faunal Regions 161 Widely Distributed Butterflies 171 The Butterflies' Fad (Ella Wheeler Wilcox) 186 Fossil Insects 195 In the Face of the Cold 224 Uncle Jotham's Boarder (Annie Trumbull Slosson) . . . 233 Mimicry 235 The Utility of Entomology 2^6 Size 271 Instinct 280 Red Rain (Frank Cowan) 299 For a Design of a Butterfly Resting on a Skull (Mrs. Hemans) 303 The Caterpillar and the Ant (Allan Ramsay) 316 Collections and Collectors 337 Exchanges 344 XT LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT FIG. PAGE 1. Egg of Basilarchia disippus, magnified 3 2. Egg of Basilarchia disippus, natural size . . . » . 3 3. Egg of Papilio turnus, enlarged 4 4. Egg of Anosia plexippus, magnified 4 5. Egg of Anosia plexippus, natural size 4 6. Egg of Anthocharis genutia, magnified 4 7. Egg of Lycaena pseudargiolus, magnified 4 8. Egg of Melitaea phaeton, magnified 4 9. Micropyle of egg of Pieris oleracea, magnified ... 5 10. Eggs of Grapta comma, magnified 5 11. Eggs of Vanessa antiopa, magnified 5 12. Caterpillar of Papilio philenor 6 13. Head of caterpillar of Papilio asterias, magnified ... 6 14. Head of caterpillar of Anosia plexippus, magnified . . 6 13. Head of caterpillar of Anosia plexippus, side view, enlarged 7 16. Caterpillar of Anosia plexippus, natural size .... 7 17. Fore leg of caterpillar of Vanessa antiopa, enlarged . . 7 18. Anterior segments of caterpillar of A. plexippus . . 7 19. Proleg of caterpillar of Vanessa antiopa, enlarged . . 7 20. Caterpillar of Basilarchia disippus 8 2\. Early stages of goatweed butterfly 9 22. Head of caterpillar of Papilio troilus 9 23. Caterpillar of milkweed butterfly changing into chrysalis 11 24. Chrysalis of milkweed butterfly 12 25. Chrysalis of Papilio philenor 12 26. Caterpillar and chrysalis of Pieris protodice .... 12 27. Chrysalis of Pieris oleracea 13 xiii List of Illustrations in Text FIG, PAGE 28. Butterfly emerging from chrysalis 13 29. Head of milkweed butterfly, showing parts .... 14 30. Cross-section of sucking-tube of butterfly .... 13 31. Longitudinal section of the head of the milkweed butterfly 15 32. Interior structure of head of milkweed butterfly ... lO 33. Labial palpus of butterfly 16 34. Legs of butterfly . . . ." 17 35. Parts of leg of butterfly 17 36. Scales on wing of butterfly 18 37. Androconia from wing of butterfly 18 38. Outline of wing of butterfly 20 39. Arrangement of scales on the wing of a butterfly . . 20 40. Figure of wing, showing names of veins . . . . 21 41. Internal anatomy of caterpillar of milkweed butterfly . 22 42. Internal anatomy of milkweed butterfly 23 43. Plan for folding net-ring 27 44. Insect-net 27 45. Plan for making a cheap net 27 46. Cyanide-jar 29 47. Paper cover for cyanide . 29 48. Method of pinching a butterfly -30 49. Cheap form of breeding-cage 35 50. Breeding-cage 36 51. Butterfly in envelope , 38 52. Method of making envelopes 38 53. Setting-board 39 54. Setting-block 39 55. Butterfly on setting-block 39 56. Setting-needle 40 57. Setting-board with moth upon it 40 58. Butterfly pinned on setting-board 41 59. Drying-box 41 60. Drying-box 42 61. Apparatus for inflating larvae 45 62. Tip of inflating-tube 46 63. Drying-oven 46 64. Drying-oven 47 65. Detail drawing of book-box 48 66. Detail drawing of box 48 xiv List of Illustrations in Text FIG. PAGE 67. Detnil drawing of box 49 68. Insect-box 49 69. Detail drawing of drawer for cabinet 51 70. Detail drawing for paper bottom of box to take place of cork 52 71. Manner of arranging specimens in cabinet or box . 52 72. Naphthaline cone 53 73. Butterflies packed for shipment 55 74. Forceps 56 75. Forceps 57 76. Antennce of butterfly 61 77. Antennae of moths 62 78. Neuration of genus Anosia 81 79. Swarm of milkweed butterflies, photographed at night 83 80. Neuration of genus Mechanitis 86 81. Neuration of genus Ceratinia 88 82. Neuration of genus Dircenna 89 83. Fore leg of female Dircenna klugi 89 84. Neuration of genus Heliconius 91 85. Young caterpillar of Vanessa antiopa 94 86. Neuration of genus Colaenis 95 87. Neuration of genus Dione 96 88. Neuration of genus Euptoieta 98 89. Neuration of genus Argynnis loi 90. Neuration of genus Brenthis 129 91. Neuration of genus Melitsea 138 92. Neuration of genus Phyciodes 151 93. Neuration of genus Eresia 157 94. Neuration of genus Synchloe 159 95. Neuration of genus Grapta 163 96. Neuration of genus Vanessa 167 97. Neuration of genus Pyrameis 170 98. Neuration of genus Junonia 172 99. Neuration of genus Anartia 174 ICQ. Neuration of genus Hypanartia 17s 101. Neuration of genus Eunica 176 102. Neuration of genus Cystineura 177 103. Neuration of genus Callicore 178 104. Neuration of genus Timetes 179 103. Neuration of genus Hypolimnas 181 XV List of Illustrations in Text FIG. PAGE 106. Neuration of genus Basilarchia 182 107. Leaf cut away at end by the caterpillar of Basilarchia . 183 108. Hibernaculum of caterpillar of Basilarchia 183 109. Neuration of genus Adelpha 187 no. Neuration of genus Chlorippe 188 111. Neuration of genus Pyrrhanaea 192 112. Neuration of genus Ageronia 193 113. Neuration of genus Victorina 195 114. Neuration of genus Debis 199 1 1 5. Neuration of genus Satyrodes 200 116. Neuration of genus Neonympha 201 117. Neuration of genus Coenonympha 205 118. Neuration of genus Erebia 208 119. Neuration of genus Geirocheilus 211 120. Neuration of genus Neominois 212 121. Neuration of genus Satyrus 214 122. Neuration of genus CEneis 219 123. Caterpillars of CEneis macouni 221 124. Neuration of genus Libythea 226 123. Neuration of base of hind wing of genus Lemonias . . 228 126. Neuration of genus Lemonias 229 127. Neuration of genus Calephelis 232 128. Neuration of genus Eumseus 237 129. Neuration of Thecla edwardsi 238 130. Neuration of Thecla melinus 242 131. Neuration of Thecla damon 246 132. Neuration of Thecla niphon , . 249 133. Neuration of Thecla titus 250 134. Neuration of genus Feniseca 251 133. Neuration of genus Chrysophanus 252 136. Neuration of Lycsena pseudargiolus 267 137. Neuration of Lycsena comyntas 268 138. Neuration of genus Dismorphia 273 139. Neuration of genus Neophasia 274 140. Neuration of genus Tachyris 276 141. Neuration of genus Pieris 277 142. Neuration of genus Nathalis 281 143. Neuration of genus Euchloe 282 144. Neuration of genus Catopsilia 286 145. Neuration of genus Kricogonia 287 xvi List of Illustrations in Text FIG. PAGE 146. Neuration of genus Meganostoma 288 147. Neuration of genus Colias 289 148. Neuration of genus Terias 295 149. Neuration of genus Parnassius 30=^ An Astronomers Conception of an Entomologist . .317 150. Head and antenna of genus Pyrrhopyge 319 i^i. Neuration of genus Pyrrhopyge 319 152. Neuration of genus Eudamus 321 153. Antenna and neuration of genus Plestia 322 154. Neuration of genus Epargyreus 323 155. Neuration of genus Thorybes 324 I '76. Neuration of genus Achalarus 326 1 57. Antenna and neuration of genus Hesperia 327 158. Neuration of genus Systasea 329 159. Neuration of genus Pliolisora 330 160. Neuration of genus Thanaos 332 161. Neuration of genus Amblyscirtes 340 162. Neuration of genus Pamphila 342 163. Neuration of genus Oarisma 343 164. Neuration of genus Ancyloxypha 345 165. Neuration of genus Copaeodes ........ 346 166. Neuration of genus Erynnis 347 167. Neuration of genus Thymelicus 351 168. Neuration of genus Ataiopedes 332 169. Neuration of genus Polites . 3S3 170. Neuration of genus Hylephila ......... 354 171. Neuration of genus Prenes 355 172. Neuration of genus Calpodes 3S5 173. Neuration of genus Lerodea , 356 174. Neuration of genus Limochores 357 175. Neuration of genus Euphyes 360 176. Neuration of genus Oligoria v . 361 177. Neuration of genus Poanes » . . . . 362 178. Neuration of genus Phycanassa 362 179. Neuration of genus Atrytone 364 180. Neuration of genus Lerema 366 181. Megatliymus yuccas, ? 367 182. Larva of Megathymus yuccce 368 183. Chrysalis of Megathymus yuccse 368 The Popular Conception of an Entomologist .... 369 xvii / LIST OF COLORED PLATES Produced by the color-photographic process of the Chicago Colortype Company, 1205 Roscoe Street, Chicago, 111. FACING PAGE I. Spring Butterflies Frontispiece II. Caterpillars of Papilionidge and Hesperiidse ... 6 III. Caterpillars of Nymphalidae 18 IV. Chrysalids in Color and in Outline — Nymphalidse 30 V. Chrysalids in Color and in Outline — Nymphalidae, Lycsenidae, Pierinse 44 VI. Chrysalids in Color and in Outline — Papiloninae and Hesperiidae 58 VII. Anosia and Basilarchia 80 VIII. Ithomiinae, Heliconius, Dione, Colaenis, and Eup- toieta 88 IX. Argynnis 100 X. Argynnis 104 XI. Argynnis 108 XII. Argynnis 112 XIII. Argynnis 116 XIV. Argynnis 122 XV. Brenthis 130 XVI. Melitiea 138 XVII. Melitsea, Phyciodes, Eresia 152 XVIII. Argynnis, Brenthis, Melitsea, Phyciodes, Eresia, Synchloe, Debis, Geirocheilus 156 XIX. Grapta, Vanessa 164 XX. Grapta, Vanessa, Junonia, Anartia, Pyrameis . .168 XXI. Timetes, Hypolimnas, Eunica, Callicore . . . .178 XXII. Basilarchia, Adelpha 184 XXIII. Chlorippe 190 XXIV. Pyrrhansea, Ageronia, Synchloe, Cystineura, Hy- panartia, Victorina iq6 xix List of Colored Plates facing PAGE XXV. Satyrodes, Coenonympha, Neonympha, Neomi- nois, Erebia 204 XXVI. Satyrus 214 XXVII. GEneis 220 XXVIII. Libythea, Lemonias, Calephelis, Eumseus, Chrys- ophanus, Feniseca 228 XXIX. Chrysophanus, Thecla 236 XXX. Thecla, Lycaena 246 XXXI. Lycsena 256 XXXII. Lycsena, Thecla, Nathalis, Euchloe 266 XXXIII. Catopsilia, Pyrameis 272 XXXIV. Euchloe, Neophasia, Pieris, Kricogonia .... 280 XXXV. Tachyris, Pieris, Colias 288 XXXVI. Meganostoma, Colias 294 XXXVII. Terias, Dismorphia 298 XXXVIII. Papilio 302 XXXIX. Parnassius 306 XL. Papilio 310 XLI. Papilio 314 XLIl. Papilio 316 XLIII. Papilio, Colias, Pyrameis, Epargyreus .... 318 XLIV. Papilio 322 XLV. Papilio, Pholisora, Eudamus Achalarus, Pyrrho- pyge, Plestia, Calpodes, Thanaos 330 XLVI. Hesperiidoe 338 XLVII. Hesperiidae 350 XLVIII. Hesperiidae and Colias eurytheme 360 XX INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I THE LIFE-HISTORY AND ANATOMY OF BUTTERFLIES " The study of butterflies,— creatures selected as the types of airiness and frivolity, —instead of being despised, will some day be valued as one of the most important branches of biological science."— Bates, Naturalist on the Amadous. In Studying any subject, it is always well, if possible, to com- mence at the beginning; and in studying the life of animals, or of a group of animals, we should endeavor to obtain a clear idea at the outset of the manner in which they are developed. It is a familiar saying that "all life is from an egg." This statement is scientifically true in wide fields which come under the eye of the naturalist, and butterflies are no exception to the rule. THE EGGS OF BUTTERFLIES The eggs of butterflies consist of a membranous shell con- taining a fluid mass composed of the germ of the future cat- erpillar and the liquid food which is necessary for its maintenance and de- velopment until it escapes from the shell. The forms of these eggs are various. Some are spherical, others hemispherical, con- ical, and cylindri- ^fe^-:'-'^C^^A\ cal. Some are bar- ^^^^^^^^^i rel-shaped; others VxG.2.-Eggoi Basiiar- have the shape of chia disippus,m\uxAs\zt, u J x-ii at the end of under surface a cheese, and still of leaf (Riley), others have the form of a turban. Many of them are angled, some depressed at the ends. Their surface is variously ornamented. Some- 3 Fig. 1. — Egg of Basilarchia disippus, magnified 30 diame- ters (Riley). The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies times they are ribbed, the ribs running from the center out- wardly and downwardly along the sides like the meridian lines upon a globe. Between these ribs there is fre- quently found a fine network of raised lines variously arranged. Sometimes the sur- face is covered with minute depressions, sometimes with a series of minute ele- vations variously disposed. As there is great variety in the form of the eggs, so also there is great color. Brown, blue, yellow eggs occur, greenish-white are The eggs are often Fig. 3. — Egg of Papilio turnus, greatly magnified. Fig. 4. — Egg of Anosia plcxippiis, magnified 30 diameters (Riley). variety in their green, red, and Greenish or common tints, ornamented with dots and lines of darker color. Species which are related to one another show their affinity even in the forin of their eggs. At the upper end of the eggs of insects there are one or more curious structures, known as micropyles (little doors). Fig. 5. — Egg of Anosia plexippus, natural size, on under side of leaf (Riley). Fig. o.-Egg of Anthocharis genutia, magni- fied 20 diameters. Fig. 7.— Turban-shaped egg of Lyccena pseudar- giohis, greatly magnified. Fig. 8. — Egg of Melitcca phaeton, greatly magnified. through which the spermatozoa of the male find ingress and they are fertilized. These can only be seen under a good micro- scope. The eggs are laid upon the food-plant upon which the cater- 4 The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies pillar, after it is hatched, is destined to live, and the female re- veals wonderful selecting plants which are Fig. 9. — Upper end of egg of Pit'i is oleracea, greatly magnified, show- ing the micropyle. Fig. 10. — Eggs oiGrapta com- ma, laid in string-like clus- ters on the under side of leaf. (Magni- fied.) instinct in appropriate to the develop- ment of the larva. As a rule, the larvce are restricted in the range of their food-plants to certain genera, or families of plants. The eggs are deposited sometimes singly, sometimes in small clusters, sometimes in a mass. Fertile eggs, a few days after they have been deposited, frequently undergo a change of color, and it is often possible with a magnifying-glass to see through the thin shell the form of the minute caterpillar which is being developed within the egg. Unfruitful eggs gen- erallyshrivel and dry up afterthe lapse of ashorttime. The period of time requisite for the development of the embryo in the egg varies. Many butterflies are single-brooded ; others produce two orthree gen- erations during the summer in temperate climates, and even more generations in subtropical or tropical climates. In such cases an interval of only a few days, or weeks at the most, separates the time when the egg was deposited and the time when the larva is hatched. When the period of hatching, or emer- gence, has arrived, the little caterpillar cuts its way forth from the egg through an opening made either at the side or on the top. Many species have eggs which appear to be provided with a lid, a portion ofthe shell being separated from the re- mainder by a thin section, which, when the caterpillar has reached the full limit allowed by the egg, breaks under the pressure of the enlar- ging embryo within, one portion of the egg flyingoff, theremainder adhering to the leaf or twig upon which it has been deposited. Fig. 1 1. -Eggs of yaiiessa an- tiopa, laid in a mass on a twig. CATERPILLARS Structure, Form, Color, etc.—lhc second stage in which the insects we are studying exist is known as the larval stage. The insect is known as a larva, or a caterpillar. In general cater- 5 The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies pillars have long, worm-like bodies. Frequently they aie thickest about the middle, tapering before and behind, flat- tened on the under side. While the cylindrical shape is most common, there are some families in which the larvse are short, oval, or slug-shaped, sometimes curiously modified by ridges and promi- nences. The body of the larvse of lepi- doptera consists normally of thirteen rings, or segments, the first constituting the head. The head is always conspicuous, com- posed of horny or chitinous material, but varying exceedingly in form and size. It is very rarely small and retracted. It is generally large, hemispherical, conical, or bilobed. In some families it is ornamented by horn-like projections. On the lower side are the mouth-parts, consisting of the upper lip, the mandibles, the antennae, or feelers, the under lip, the maxillae, and two sets of palpi, known as the maxillary and the labial palpi. In many genera the labium, or under lip, is provided with a short, horny projection known as the spinneret, through which the silk secreted by the cater- pillar is passed. On either side, just above the man- dibles, are located the eyes, or ocelli, which in the caterpillar are simple, round, shining prominences, generally only to be clearly dis- tinguished by the aid of a magnifying-glass. These ocelli are fre- quently arranged in series on each side Caterpillar of Papilio phileiior (Riley). Fig. 13. — Head of caterpillar of Papilio liste- rias, front view, enlarged. Fig. 14. — Head of cateipiil.ir of Aiiosia plcxippus, lower side, magnified 10 diameters: lb, In- brum, or upper lip; md, mandi- bles; mx, maxilla, with two palpi; /;;/, labium, or lower lip, with one pair of palpi; s, spin- neret; a, antenna; 0, ocelli. (After Burgess.) The palpi are organs of touch connected with the maxillae and the labium, or under lip, and are used in the process of feeding, and also when the 6 Explanation of Plate II Reproduced, with the kind permission of Dr. S. H. Scudder, from " The Butterflies of New England," voL iii, PLite 70. Caterpillars 01- Papilionid/f. and HESPERiio/b 1. CoUda eurj>tlh'nu\ 2. Callidryas eiibule. 3. Ti'iias lisa. 4. Callidiyas eubule. 5. Euchloe geuutia. 6. Terias nicippe. 7. Pieris protodice. 8. Pieris iiapi, var. oleracea. 9. Pieris iiapi, var. oleracea. 1 o. Colitis philodice. 1 1 . Pieris rapw. 12. Pieris rapcv. 13. Papilio phileiior. 14. Papilio ajax. It. Papilio tiinuts. Just before pupation. 16. Papilio crespboiites. 17. Papilio asterias. In second stage. 18. Papilio troilus. 10 . Papilio troilus. In third stage; plain. 20. Papilio pkileiior. 21. Papilio philenor. In third stage; .dorsal view. 22. Papilio troilus. In third stage; dc- sal view. 23. Acbalants Ijcidas. Dorsal view. 24. Papilio asterias. In fourth stage; dorsal view. 25. Thorj'bes pjrlades. 26. Papilio turnus. Dorsal view. 27. Papilio asterias. 28. Papilio turnus. 29. Tborybcs pylades. 50. Epargyreus iityrus. 31. Epargyreus tityrus. 32. Tkorybes bathyllus. 53. Epargyreus tityrus. 34. EudaiiiHs proleus. 35. Epargyreus tityrus. In third stage. The Butterfly Book- plate II. The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies caterpillar is crawling about from place to place. The larva appears to guide itself in great part by means of the palpi. The body of the caterpillar is covered by a thin skin, which often lies in wrinkled folds, admitting of great freedom of motion. The body is composed, as we have seen, of rings, or segments, the first three of which, back of the head, correspond Fig. 15.— Head of caterpillar of Aiiosia plexip- pus, side vieWj showing ocelli. Fig 16.— Caterpillar of Aiiosia plexippus, milkweed butterfly (Riley). to the thorax of the perfect insect, and the last nine to the abdomen of the butterfly. On each ring, with the exception of the second, the third, and the last, there is found on either side a small oval opening known as a spiracle, through which the creature breathes. As a rule, the spiracles of the first and eleventh rings are larger in size than the others. Every caterpillar has on each of the first three segments a pair of legs, which are organs composed of three somewhat horny parts covered and bound together with skin, and armed at their extremities by a sharp claw (Fig. 17). These three pairs of feet in the caterpillar are always known as the fore legs, and corre- FiG. 17. — Fore leg of caterpil- lar of V aiics- sa aiiiiopa, en- larged. Fig. 18. — Ante- rior segments of cat- erpillar of milkweed butterfly, showing thoracic or true legs (Riley). FiG. 19. — Proleg of catei pillar of Vanessa antiopa, enlarged. spond to the six which are found in the butterfly or the moth. In addition, in most cases, we find four pairs of prolegs on the under side of the segments from the sixth to the ninth, and another pair on the last segment, which latter pair are 7 The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies called the anal prolegs. These organs, which are necessary to the life of the caterpillar, do not reappear in the perfect insect, but are lost when the transformation from the caterpillar to the chrysalis takes place. There are various modifications of this scheme of foot-like appendages, only the larger and more highly developed forms of lepidoptera having as many pairs of prolegs as have been enumerated. The bodies of caterpillars are variously ornamented: many of them are quite smooth; many are provided with horny projections, spines, and eminences. The coloration of eater- protection. Many are brown, and exactly mimic the color of the twigs and branches upon which they rest when not engaged in feeding. Not a few are very gaily colored, but in almost every case this gay coloring is found to bear some relation to the color of the objects upon which they rest. Caterpillars vary in their social habits. Some species are gregarious, and are found in colonies. These frequently build for themselves defenses, weaving webs of silk among the branches, in which they are in part protected from their enemies and also from the inclemencies of the weather. Most caterpillars are, however, solitary, and no community life is maintained by the vast majority of species. Many species have the habit of drawing together the edges of a leaf, in which way they form a covering for themselves. The caterpillars of some butter- flies are wood-boring, and construct tunnels in the pith, or in the soft layers of growing plants. In these cases, being protected and concealed from view, the caterpillars are gener- ally white in their coloration, resembling in this respect the larvae of wood-boring beetles. A most curious phenomenon has Fig. 20. — Caterpillar of Basilarchia disippus, the viceroy, natural size (Riley). pillars is as remarkable in the variety which it displays as is the ornamentation by means of the prominences of which we have just spoken. As caterpillars, for the most part, feed upon growing vegeta- tion, multitudes of them are green in color, being thus adapted to their surroundings and securing a measure of 8 The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies within comparatively recent years been discovered in connection with the larval stage of certain small butterflies belonging to the family Lyccvnidtv. The caterpillars are carnivorous, or rather aphidivorous; they live upon aphids, or plant-lice, and scale- insects, and cover themselves with the white exudations or mealy secretions of the latter. This trait is characteristic of only one of our North American species, the Harvester {Feniseca tarqmnius). In addition to being protected from enemies by having colors which enable them to elude obser- vation, as has been already stated, some caterpillars are pro- vided with other means of defense. 21.— Early stages of the goatweed butterfly: a, ■,, f , caterpillar; b, chrysalis; c, leaf drawn together at edges Ihe caterpillars Ot the to form a nest. (Natural size.) (Riley.) swallowtail butter- flies are provided with a bifurcate or forked organ, generally yellow in color, which is protruded from an opening in the skin back of the head, and which emits a powerful odor (Fig. 22). This protrusive organ evidently exists only for purposes of defense, and the secre- tion of the odor is analogous to the secretion of evil odors by some of the vertebrate ani- mals, as the skunk. The majority of caterpil- lars, when attacked by insect or other enemies, defend themselves by quickly hurling the an- terior part of the body from side to side. A/0Z///5.— Caterpillars in the process of growth and develop- ment from time to time shed their skins. This process is called moulting. Moulting takes place, as a rule, at regular intervals, Fig. 22. — Head of caterpillar of Pa- ptlio troilus, with scent-organs, or 05- w7 Fig. y^. — Colias philo- dice: a, antenna; />, extrem- ity of palpus; pi, prothoracic leg; ml, mesothoracic leg; hi, metathoracic or hind leg; t, proboscis. Fig. 35. — Leg ot butterfly: c, coxa; /r, trochanter; / femur; /, tibia; tar, tarsi. The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies first of which, nearest the body, is called the coxa, with which articulates a ring-like piece known as the trochanter. To this is attached the femur, and united with the femur, forming an angle with it, is the tibia. To the tibia is attached the tarsus, or foot, the last segment of which bears the claws, which are often very minute and blunt in the butterflies, though in moths they are sometimes strongly hooked. The tibiae are often armed with spines. In some groups of butterflies the anterior pair of legs is aborted, or dwarfed, either in one or both sexes, a fact which is useful in determining the location of species in their systematic order. The IVings.—The wings of butterflies consist of a framework of horny tubes which are in reality double, the inner tube being filled with air, the outer tube with blood, which circulates most freely during the time that the insect is undergoing the process of development after emergence from the chrysalis, as has been al- ready described. After emergence the circulation of the blood in the outer portion of the tubes is largely, if not altogether, suspended. These horny tubes support a broad membrane, which is clothed in most species upon both sides with flattened scales which are attached to the membrane in such a way that they overlap one another like the shingles on a roof. These scales are very beau- tiful objects when examined under a microscope, and there is considerable diversity in their form as well as in their colors. The Fig. 37.— Androconia from wings of male butterflies: a, Neoitympha eurytus; b, Ar- gynnis aphrodite; c, Pieris oleracea. Fig. 36. — Magnified representation of arrangement of the scales on the wing of a butterfly. ■111 3J.Vld ■ I- III III 0.^ rjiJr.iQ ■iiip.ipj si,niip.iXj • ii.i.iqiiiii vssJiiVy^ ■vinv/Pff su'iiipjifj ■V.UIllll{f SUIllV.l.l'j ■sii.iA'/rs vf(fpji[) sininv/ rtifivQ ■!3 VlllOllllf 'PIII330 puiounf 'e4oiliii-' ess,iiiv/i stiioi)cSo.i.i cq4tiiiUio,''t\i siiqiiip} sppojn'iv^ iiopoq4 rq4iii(Cito,^/q ■pail^jEii jsnf ivpiiii.^s spti^ 'siif.UHci vq4niiCiio?[\i 'sii44!X'^l4 ppotiy ■IVpilll.-'S ShUI^^ 'iujiC.uif pq4iU'(iio.i^ 'V.^piui^^s fiairj) •aScis ajEiuiJinuad p.^piiii^s spii^ ■Pi ■pL aiEifi 'ill [OA ,,'puEiSiig a\3(si_(0 S3i[jj3}}na ^Ml ). '•I'OJJ 'jsppn^s h s '-'Q P uoissiiujad piii>] aqj i|iiM 'pa.^npojda'y III 31V'I(J dO NOUVNVIclXg The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies males of many species have peculiarly shaped scales arranged in tufts and folds, which are called androconia, and are useful in microscopically determining species (Fig. 37). The portion of the wings which is nearest to the thorax at the point where they are attached to the body is called the base; the middle third of the wing is known as the median or discal area, the outer third as the limbal area. The anterior margin of the wings is called the costal margin; the outer edge is known as the external margin, the inner edge as the inner margin. The shape of the wings varies very much. The tip of the front wing is called the apex, and this may be rounded, acute, falcate (somewhat sickle-shaped), or square. The angle formed by the outer margin of the front wing with the inner margin is commonjy known as the outer angle. The correspond- ing angle on the hind wing is known as the anal angle, and the point which corresponds to the tip or apex of the front wing is known as the external angle (Fig. 38). A knowledge of these terms is necessary in order to understand the technical descrip- tions which are given by authors. If a wing is examined with the naked eye, or even with a lens, a clear conception of the structure of the veins can rarely be formed. Therefore it is generally necessary to remove from the wings the scales which cover them, or else bleach them. The scales may be removed mechanically by rubbing them off. They may be made transparent by the use of chemical agents. In the case of specimens which are so valuable as to forbid a resort to these methods, a clear knowledge of the structure of the veins may be formed by simply moistening them with pure benzine or chloroform, which enables the structure of the veins to be seen for a few moments. The evaporation of these fluids is rapid, and they produce no ill effect upon the color and texture of the wings. In the case of common species, or in the case of such as are abun- dantly represented in the possession of the collector, and the practical destruction of one or two of which is a matter of no moment, it is easy to use the first method. The wing should be placed between two sheets of fine writing-paper which have been moistened by the breath at the points where the wing is laid, and then by lightly rubbing the finger-nail or a piece of ivory, bone, or other hard substance over the upper piece of paper, a good many of the scales may be removed. This process may be repeated until almost all of them have been taken off. This method is 19 The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies efficient in the case of many of the small species when they are still fresh; in the case of the larger species the scales may be re- moved by means of a camels-hair pencil such as is used by paint- ers. The chemical method of bleaching wings is simple and inex- pensive. For this purpose the wing should be dipped in alcohol and then placed in a vessel containing a bleaching solution of some sort. The best agent is a solution of chloride of lime. After the color has been removed from the wing by the action of the chloride it shoyld be washed in a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. It may then be cleansed in pure water and mounted upon a piece of glass, as microscopic slides are mounted, and thus pre- served. When thus bleached the wing is capable of being mi- nutely studied, and all points of its anatomy are brought clearly into view. The veins in both the fore and hind wings of butterflies may be divided into simple and compound veins. In the fore wing the simple veins are the costal, the radial, and the subme- dian; in the hind wing, the cos- tal, the subcostal, the upper and lower radial, the submedian, and the internal are simple. The Fig. 38.— Outline of wing, giv- ing names of parts. Fig. 39. — Arrangementof scales on wing ofbutterfiy. costal vein in the hind wing is, however, generally provided near the base with a short ascending branch which is known as the precostal vein. In addition to these simple veins there are in the fore wing two branching veins, one immediately following the 20 The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies costal, known as the subcostal, and the other preceding the sub- median, known as the median vein. The branches of these com- pound veins are known as nervules. The median vein always has three nervules. The nervules of the subcostal veins branch upwardly and outwardly toward the costal margin and the apex of the fore wing. There are always from four to five subcostal nervules. In the hind wing the subcostal is simple. The median vein in the hind wing has three nervules as in the fore wing. Be- tween the subcostal and the median veins, toward the base in both wings, is inclosed the cell, which may be wholly or partially open at its outer extremity, or closed. The veinlets which close the cell at its outward extremity are known as the discocellular veins, oY which there are normally three. From the point of union of these discocellular veins go forth the radial veins known respectively as the upper and lower radials, though the upper radial in many genera is emitted from the lower margin of the subcostal. An understanding of these terms is, however, more readily derived from a study of the figure in which the names of these parts are indi- cated (Fig. 40). Butterflies generally hold their wings erect when they are at rest, with their two upper surfaces in Fig. 40.— Wing of y4nosia plex- ippits, showing the names of the veins and nervules: C, C, costal proximity, the under surfaces alone veins; sc, subcostal vein; 5Ci, etc., J- 1 • ■ 1 i subcostal nervules; UR, upper r.i- displaying their colors to the eye. d.al ;/./?, lower radial; M, median Only in a few genera of the larger veins; Mi, M2, M3, median ner- 1 ri- J , • , vules; SM, submedian veins ; /.in- butterflies, and these tropical species, temal veins; PC, precostai ner- with which this book does not deal, vuie; UDC, MDC, LDC, upper, • .1 4.- ^. 1 middle, and lower discocellulars. is there an exception to this rule, ' save in the case of the Hesperiida', or "skippers," in which very frequently, while the anterior wings are folded together, the posterior wings lie in a horizontal position. Internal Organs.— Thxxs, far we have considered only the ex- ternal organs of the butterfly. The internal organs have been made the subject of close study and research by many writers, 21 The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies c S o bc— .E-E .-^ rj c ^ r" •a £ r- 0) n « 2 3 5 g - n 2 r o-c u, p o c The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies a. S. re -n o o - § 3 ^ o ^ fr *1 B. c g -"^ v3 ? . n o s> OQ ^ r= himself more thoroughly and accurately as to the internal anat- omy of these insects may consult with profit some of the treatises which are mentioned in the list of works dealing with the sub- ject which is given elsewhere in this book. Polymorphism and Dimorphism. —S^tdts of butterflies often show great differences in the different broods which appear. The brood which emerges in the springtime from the chrysalis, which has passed the winter under the snows, may differ very strikingly from the insect which appears in the second or summer brood; and the insects of the third or fall brood may differ again from either the spring or the summer brood. The careful stu- dent notes these differ- ences. Such species are called polymorphic, that is, appearing under dif- ferent forms. Some spe- cies reveal a singular difference between the sexes, and there may be two forms of the same sex in the same species. This is most common in the case of the female butterfly, and where there are two forms of the female or the male such a species is said to have dimorphic females or males. This phenomenon is revealed in the case of the well-known Turnus Butterfly; in the colder regions of the continent the females are yellow banded with black, like the males, but in more southern portions of the continent black females are quite common, and these dark females were once 23 The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies thought, before the truth was known, to constitute a separate species. Albinism and Melanistn.—Alh'mos, white or light-colored forms, are quite common among butterflies, principally among the females. On the other hand, melanism, or a tendency to the production of dark or even black forms, reveals itself. Melanism is rather more common in the case of the male sex than in the female sex. The collector and student will always endeavor, if possible, to preserve these curious aberrations, as they are called. We do not yet entirely understand what are the causes which are at work to produce these changes in the color, and all such aberrant specimens have interest for the scientitic man. Monstrosities.— Curious malformations, producing monstrosi- ties, sometimes occur among insects, as in other animals, and such malformed specimens should likewise be preserved when found. One form of malformation which is not altogether un- common consists in an apparent confusion of sexes in specimens, the wings of a male insect being attached to the body of a female, or half of an insect being male and half female. Mimicry.— One of the most singular and interesting facts in the animal kingdom is what has been styled mimicry. Certain colors and forms are possessed by animals which adapt them to their surroundings in such wise that they are in a greater or less degree secured from observation and attack. Or they possess forms and colors which cause them to approximate in appear- ance other creatures, which for some reason are feared or disliked by animals which might prey upon them, and in consequence of this resemblance enjoy partial or entire immunity. Some butter- flies, for instance, resemble dried leaves, and as they are seated upon the twigs of trees they wholly elude the eye. This illustrates the first form of mimicry. Other butterflies so closely approxi- mate in form and color species which birds and other insects will not attack, because of the disagreeable juices which their bodies contain, that they are shunned by their natural enemies, in spite of the fact that they belong to groups of insects which are ordinarily greedily devoured by birds and other animals. A good illustration of this fact is found in the case of the Disippus Butterfly, which belongs to a group which is not specially pro- tected, but is often the prey of insect-eating creatures. This butterfly has assumed almost the exact color and markings of the 24 The Life-History and Anatomy of Butterflies milkweed butterfly, Anosia plexippus, which is distasteful to birds, and hence enjoys peculiar freedom from the attacks of enemies. Because this adaptation of one form to another evi- dently serves the purpose of defense this phenomenon has been called " protective mimicry." The reader who is curious to know more about the subject will do well to consult the writings of Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace and Mr. Darwin, who have written at length upon mimicry among butterflies. There is here a field of most interesting inquiry for the student. The Distribution of Butterflies.— BuUerilies are found every- where that plant life suited to the nourishment of the caterpillars is found. There are some species which are arctic and are found in the brief summer of the cold North and upon the lofty summits of high mountains which have an arctic climate. Most of them are, however, children of the sun, and chiefly abound in the tem- perate and tropical regions of the earth. While the number of species which are found in the tropics vastly exceeds the number of species found in the temperate zone, it is apparently true that the number of specimens of certain species is far more numerous in temperate regions than in the tropics. Very rarely in tropical countries are great assemblages of butterflies to be seen, such as may be found in the summer months in the United States, swarm- ing around damp places, or hovering over the fields of blooming' clover or weeds. In the whole vast region extending from the Rio Grande of Texas to the arctic circle it is doubtful whether more than seven hundred species of butterflies are found. On the continent of Europe there are only about four hundred and fifty species. The number of species of butterflies and the num- ber of species of birds in the United States are very nearly the same. 25 CHAPTER II THE CAPTURE, PREPARATION, AND PRESERVATION OF SPECIMENS " What hand would crush the silken-winged fly. The youngest of inconstant April's minions. Because it cannot climb the purest sky, Where the swan sings, amid the sun's dominions ? Not thine." Shelley. " Do not mash your specimens! "—The Professor. COLLECTING APPARATUS — In the capture of insects of all orders, and especially of butterflies and moths, one of the most important instruments is the net. German naturalists make use of what are known as shears [Scheren), which are made like gigantic scissors, having at the end two large oval rings upon which wire gauze or fine netting is stretched. With this implement, which looks like an old- fashioned candle-snufifer of colossal size, they succeed in collect- ing specimens without doing much injury. Shears are, however, not much in vogue among the naturalists of other countries. The favorite instrument for the ordinary collector is the net. Nets may be made in various ways and of various materials. There are a multitude of devices which have been invented for enabling the net to be folded up so as to occupy but little space when not in use. The simplest form of the net, which can be made almost anywhere, is constructed as follows: A rod— preferably of bamboo, or some other light, stiff material— is used as the handle, not more than five feet in length. Attached to this at its upper end, a loop or ring made of metal, or some moderately stiff 26 The Capture, Preparation, and Preservation of Specimens yet flexible material, should be tied securely. Upon this there should be sewed a bag of fine netting, preferably tarletan. The Fig. 43. — Plan for folding net-ring: c, halves of ring detached; b, upper joint of the halves; a, ring set; d, cap of ferrule; /, cap of ferrule, showing screw in place ; e, screw (Riley). bag should be quite long, not less than eighteen inches deep; the ring should be not less than a foot in diameter. Such a net can be made at a cost of but a few cents, and will be, in most cases, as efficient as any of the more expensive nets which are more carefully con- structed. A good, cheap ring for a net may be made by usingthebrass ferrule of a fish- ing-rod. The ferrule should be at least three quarters of an inch in diameter. Into this insert the ends of a metal ring made by bending brass, aluminium, or iron 27 Fig. 44.— a, net; b, ferrule to receive han- dle ; c, wire hoop to be fastened in the upper end of the fenule (Riley). Fig. 45.— ring of metal tied with wire at