■f. In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Re The Earl of Ellenborouoh’s Settled Estates. Colchester v. Law. 0-A.T^.XjOOXJE OF THE REMAINING PORTION ©lit dmjltslj & JFnmgit SILVER & SILVER-GILT PLATE OF THE LATE RIGHT HON. EDWARD, EARL OF ELLENBOROUGH ' (Sold by Order of Mr. Justice North); A SMALL COLLECTION OF OLD ENGLISH SILVER, Sold in consequenoe of the extinction of the PULESTON BARONETCY on the death of the late SIR GRESLEY PULESTON, BART.; ALSO A Sold by Order of the Executor of Eis Grace WM. DROGO, 7th DUKE OF MANCHESTER, DECEASED; THE CELEBRATED PINK DIAMOND “NOOR-UD-DEEN,” Forming the centre of a large Brilliant Cross, Sold by Order of H.I.H. PRINCE ALEXANDER TZARV, of Singapore; And other RARE and IMPORTANT JEWELS, including THREE PEARL NEOKLAOES of high quality: WHICH mill bp £ol& bg Auction bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TBCBlft BOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W, CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Chkistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. In the High Court of Justice—Chancery Division. In the Matter of the Real Estate 'settled by the Will of the late Right Hon. EDWARD, EARL OF ELLEN- BOROUGH, Colchester v. Law. Sold by Order of Mr. Justice North. SILVER— At per Oz. oz. 1 Twelve plain table-spoons ..... 29 2 Twelve ditto; and three gravy-spoons . . . 39 3 A gravy-spoon; a marrow-spoon ; four small skewdrs ; six tea-spoons; a salt-spoon ; and a mustard-spoon 11 4 Twelve threaded table-spoons 5 Twelve threaded fiddle-pattern table-forks . . *£^031 6 Two pairs of grape-scissors, with chased vine handles ; and a punch-ladle, with chased handle . . /A 13 7 Two pairs of sugar-nippers, with chased flower-branch handles; and two small spoons, wsth twisted and figure handles ...... 4 8 Eight plain ring wine-labels ; and a wine-funnel . w, 10 9 Five chased wine-labels ; four threaded ditto ; and eighty plain ditto ...... 5 4 2 dwt 15 io 7 5 —- 8 12 “I 4 oz. dwt. 10 A coffee-pot, chased with flowers and scrolls, on tripod. stand with lamp ..... 7/*/ 47 11 A tea-pot, with dome cover, chased with flowers and scrol^^l5 12 A large milk-jug, spirally fluted and chased with flowers— olcl Newcastle hall mark ^13 13 A cream-jug, on three feet, chased with flowers—1766 3 14 A smaller ditto—1762 ; and a chased cover for a sugar- basin ...... • /J/b 5 15 A cream-jug, on three feet, chased with flowers and scrolls —foreign ; and a fluted cream-jug . . / 8 16 An argyle, with threaded borders . . . /^^lO 17 A plain cruet-frame, with two silver-mounted glasses; and a soy-frame, en suite, with four bottles and eight silver labels.34 18 A pair of circular waiters, with shaped gadrooned borders, on three feet— 61 in. diam .—1752 /M 15 19 A pair of larger ditto, with gadrooned borders—10J %n. diam. ....... yJ 20 A Circular Salver, with shaped border, the centre with flowers and scrolls in flat chasing—15 in. diam. y =: - 52 183 157 21 An Oblong Two-Handled Salver, en suite— by Paul Storr —23 in. long ..... 6//0 93 22 A rose-water ewer; and large circular fluted dish . 6/j 105 23 A pair of fluted entree-dishes, covers and liners, the borders chased with shells and scroll foliage, and with chasejl foliage handles— by Paul Storr . . . y y'- 24 A soup-tureen, cover and liner, en suite . . -4^. 25 A set of three meat-dishes and liners, en suite—17, 21 and 25 in. long ...... 26 A set of four circular salt-cellars, en suite, with glass liners ....... 25 27 Twelve soup-plates, with shaped borders, chased with water lilies and scrolls..... ^/// 229 28 A shaped snuffer-tray, with escalloped border, flowers and scrolls in flat chasing—1741 . . . /ftj 8 12 ^ i* 12 * 52 5 /t 10 $ 11 * / 13 13 /t 17 V 19 & 0 ^ 9 * 18 ^ 5 t 453 10 9 - 18 ^ 15 5 ox. did. 29 24 30 31 32 33 A pair of chamber candlesticks, with gadroon borders and^ extinguishers ...... A pair of ditto, with reeded borders and extinguishers 20 Four table candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems and square feet, repousse with shells at the corners—1757-61, & c/3'79 A small parcel-gilt shallow bowl, with raised centre, chased with foliage ornament .... 6 A silver-gilt copy of a chalice, with cover surmounted by a 34 figure of an angel . A King’s-Pattern Service, consisting of— Forty-two table-forks Twenty table-spoons Forty dessert-forks Twenty-four dessert-spoons A pair of gravy-spoons A pair of soup-ladles Three sauce-ladles A pair of ice-spades A pair of salad-servers A fish-slice A pair of asparagus-tongs A skewer A butter-knife Twenty-four tea-spoons Five salt-spoons, and A sugar-sifter . . . . yr. X ■ 45 SILVER —All at. 2 t 14 -> 10 ^21 14 ^^/ 0 35 Twelve silver dessert-knives, with king’s-pattern handles 4l s* * > „ 36 Forty dinner-knives, twenty-four small knives and five pairs of carvers and forks, with silver king’s-pattern handles . o 37 A pair of pierced decanter-stands, with threaded borders f 38 A pair of table candlesticks, on round stems and feet, with threaded , borders 6 FOREIGN SILVER AND SILVER-GILT. v'lT. O 39 tl, 40 41 oa. dwt. Two Dutch spoons, the handles surmounted by figures; and a parcel-gilt spoon, with terminal figure handle . 4 A censer, with pierced cover, chased with foliage, and with long chains attached ..... 24 A Small Silver-Gilt Chalice, on short hexagonal-shaped stem, with fluted knob and round foot with reeded 9 £ border—5J in. high. — Ulm, 11th century. A 42 43 f' 6 0 Another, of nearly similar form, on sexafoil engraved foot: and a paten, en suite ..... /y P A Russian silver-gilt beaker, with arabesque foliage in niello 7 4 A A 3^ 0 44 45 46 J, J. O 47 //, . <^48 Inscribed, “ Used as a sacramental cup in the'^g^ # camp at Hingonah, on Christmas Day 1843 ” / A pair of parcel-gilt gourd-shaped bottles and stoppers, chased with arabesque foliage in relief and set with polished stones ...... ' yo 11 An Indian silver-gilt cylindrical spice-box and cover, with two trays, chased with numerous small figures apd foliage ...... .*y£. Three small ditto tumbler-cups; and a small filigree ink-stand, with flower branch in relief . . o ^ 9 oz dwt. 10 70 A 12 71 A 25 68 Six William III. Rat-Tailed Table-Spoons, with flat handles, the ends notched—1698 . . . /*% 69 A pair of silver-gilt grape-scissors, the handles chased with vines and grapes .... . /ff 3 Queen Anne Plain Vase-Shaped Snuffee-Stand, with scroll handle, on octagonal foot; and a pair of, snuffers— Dublin, 1709 . . . /y^/^ Paib of Queen Anne Pattern Table Candlesticks, on plain baluster steins and round feet— Dublin, circa 1730 . /yr 72 A pair of chased fox’s-head drinking cups—1786 . 10 73 A Tankard, with dome cover and scroll handle, repousse with hop and vine branches, corn, and two children, holding a shield—1765 .... 31 74 A small plain coffee-pot—1735 .... /7/1 16 75 A Plain Circular Bowl and Cover, on foot with threaded borders— by Edward Vincent, 1735 . >^4/ 12 76 A plain vase-shaped caster—1727 . . 5 77 A set of four circular salt-cellars, with gadroon borders, chased with buildings and scrolls, on three feet with Chinese masks in relief—1759; and four salt-spoons, with chased foliage handles .... '*/o 21 78 A set of eight boat-shaped double salt-cellars, on oval feet with beaded borders—1787 .... /*&■ 23 79 A pair of plain circular entree-dishes and covers, with ^ gadroon borders and chased twisted serpent handles'''^* 74 9 ,5 80 One ditto—en suite . . . . • .31 81 An oval soup-tureen and cover, with gadroon borders, the handles and feet chased with shells and scrolls in relief —1755 . 4/7. 94 82 The companion—1755 ..... 93 83 A Pair of Plain Sauce-Boats, with escalloped edges and scroll handles, on three chased lion’s mask and claw feet —Dublin hall mark, circa 1730 . . 35 2 . y 4 18 «/ _ 1 Sir ~ 0 /?* 10 13 6 82 16 t 18 19 1 i oz. dwt. 84 A Pair of Plain Circular Waiters, with escalloped borders — 6 in. diam.—by John Tuite, 1729 . '£//£- 85 A Pair op Plain Square Shaped Waiters, with tray_ borders, fluted at the corners — 5^ in. square — 1726 9 86 A Salver— en suite—8f in. square—by Humphrey Payne, 1729 ..... . 13 87 A William and Mary Tazza, on foot, with repousse gadroon borders— lOf in. diam. —1693— mailer's mark I. C. with mullet below, in trefoil shield . 7 88 A Larger Tazza, similar—12 \in. diam. —1700— maker's mark D. I. with cherub above and pellets beneath, in shaped shield ..... 89 An Epergne, with boat-shaped centre-basket and Circular dish beneath, pierced and chased, on stand with open festoons of foliage and scrolls, with branches bearing four small circular fluted and chased dishes—1769 y 7? y /0 0 90 A pair of horn beakers, lined and mounted with silver rims, engraved “ May Fox Hunting flourish Ten Thousand Tears hence ” 91 A pair of king’s-pattern plated grape-scissors; and two pairs of plated snuffers 27 14 4 L 18 ^ The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. SILVER —At per Oz. oz. dwt. 92 93 94 95 96 97 A 98 A Four large meat-skewers, with shell handles . An oval open trellis-pattern bread-basket, with gadroon border and open twisted handle—1771 . . 22 A set of four oblong-shaped sauce-tureens and covers, witn foliage and gadroon borders, on claw feet, chased with shells and foliage and with griffin crest handles. y/p 135 A set of four oblong-shaped entree-dishes and tall covers, fluted at the angles, and with gadroon borders . 286 An oval two-handled soup-tureen, cover and stand, partly- fluted and with gadroon borders, the handles chased with acanthus foliage, plated liner . . Large Oval Salver, with fluted and gadroon border, chased with eight medallions of classical figures— 31 in. long ...... fa Circular Silver-Gilt Salver, with open border, richly chased with masks, shells, vine branches and grapes in relief—22 in. diam. — hj Paul Lamerie 1739 . 16 4 14 0 222 0 — 220 120 10 JEWELS. The following lot is Sold by Order of the Executors of the late MRS. WOOLLOTON, and the proceeds are left to the British Orphan Asylum. 99 A PAIR OF LONG TOP-AND-DROP EARRINGS, each with a fine large pear-shaped brilliant in oval brilliant loop beneath w scroll ornament above, and tops formed each of a single stone ^ 12 The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. *100 A BRILLIANT ; COLLET NECKLACE, composed graduated brilliants 101 A BRILLIANT GARLAND, formed as a spray of ivy 0 J- The following is Sold hy Order of the Executor of His Grace WILLIAM LEO GO, SEVENTH DUKE OF MANCHESTER, deceased. 102 A MAGNIFICENT PEARL NECKLACE, composed of seven rows of three hundred and sixty fine graduated Oriental pearls, separated by small pearls, and with engraved gold snap 00 . The following are the Property of LADY THOMAS. JEWELS. N/ - » o^ro po3 A Brilliant Feather Brooch N/J. . -0 104 A Brilliant Butterfly Brooch, set with emeralds and rubies^/^ p'A / ‘5^—*’ 105 A pin, with a large pear-shaped pearl and diamond leaf setting /& ’ ^^106 Another, with a large pearl and diamond setting I 13 ANOTHER PROPERTY. AN ORIENTAL TOPAZ AND BRILLIANT SUITE, con¬ sisting of— o 107a A Collet Necklace, composed of sixteen octagonal-shaped / yellow topazes and sixteen alternate fine graduated brilliants e - o 107b A Pair of Bracelets, each with eight topazes and eight /p y-/ alternate brilliants j ^ ~ £ ^1070 A Maltese Cross Pendant or Brooch, with five large topazes in brilliant loop borders, with four fine pear-shaped brilliantsy^^j and smaller brilliants between > 107d An Oval Brooch, with a large topaz in border of twenty — brilliants o 107e A Pair of Top-and-I)rop Earrings, each with a large pear- shaped topaz and ten graduated brilliants, and single collej; y topaz and brilliant tops / DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. 108 A Fine Burma Ruby— weight If carat —set in gold scarf-pin tin / This ruby was obtained by the owner in Upper Burma P 1 c C 3 109 A PEARL NECKLACE, Composed op a Rope op Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven Graduated Pearls, of fine orient, with brilliant snap 14 tjty. 110 A Massive Chased Gold Ring, with a fine large sapphire —weight 114 carats Formerly in the possession of Cardinal Mezzo/anti in a. Specimen Smoke-Coloured Brilliant, set in gold ring with ^ small diamonds at the sides c?, <412 A NECKLACE, Composed of Fifty-Five Pearls, of high quality with diamond hooks ///ifZ o 113 A Brilliant Cluster Pendant, with large pearl in the centre and with brilliant loop ^^,<>114 A Half-Hoop Bracelet, with band of large brilliants, and two bands of smaller brilliants /*?tf * £ .115 A Pendant or Brooch, with large sapphire in the centra, surrounded by eight brilliants with brilliant collet loop ^ 0.0 116 A Ring, with a ruby and border of brilliants j /^J~, 0 .a 117 A HALF-HOOP BRACELET, with large pearl in the centre^, surmounted by brilliants * e . c>118 A HALF-HOOP BRACELET, with three large emeralds and two / brilliants 0* o , /J~- o 120 One Brilliant— weight 4 3 l 2 - carats 121 One ditto—211 carats 122 One ditto—1 T 3 ^ carat , bare ; and three brilliants—1^§ 123 Nineteen brilliants—3R1 carats, bare carat J J J 15 124 A BRILLIANT SWORD KNOT, in the form of a Double ^ Knot, of unusual size and importance, set with numerous large brilliants of fine quality, with two large pendants formed as tassels, and five smaller pendants with graduated brilliants 125 A cr , ~t> Weight of brilliants, about :— One brilliant . 12 carats. Three ditto . 17 n Four ditto 16 9J Four ditto 9 Six ditto . 6 Two pendants . . 12 >1 Two ditto 10 One ditto 8 )> Small brilliants . . 134 OF SHOULDER KNOT, en suite, Formed as a Knot Riband, with five rows of brilliants, the centre row formed of large graduated brilliants of high quality, and with a large lozenge-shaped brilliant pendant in border of small brilliants 126 THE CELEBRATED PINK DIAMOND, “NOOR-UD- , O „ DEEN ” (Light of Faith), forming the centre stone of a MAGNIFICENT BRILLIANT CROSS, Surmounted by a Brilliant Crown and Knot of Riband, the posed of Indian diamonds of high quality Sold by order of H.I.H. Prince Alexander Singapore Z3, 127 A Fine Large Specimen Opal— weight 27j carats -- 9 128 A turquoise and brilliant cluster scarf-pin ^129 A single-brilliant scarf-pin 130 A Gipsy Ring, with a sapphire and two brilliants 131 A Single-Stone Brilliant Ring, 132 A Ring, with a large specimen yellow brilliant 16 0 . ^133 a Ring with a Large Brilliant 134 0~7 JA & 135 139 1 Portrait of George IY.: an enamel by H. Bone, R.A., in Gold Locket Set with Eighteen Fine Large Brilliants and small diamonds, surmounted by tbe royal crown enamelled and set with brilliants, the back engraved and set with the royal monogram and crown in small diamonds Presented by George IV. to Elizabeth, first Mar Conyngham A Model of George IY.’s Crown, of chased gcMand enamel, s et^_ with precious stones, forming a vinaigrette A Brilliant Scroll Brooch, with flower centre and pendant A Brilliant Flower-Spray Brooch Another, nearly similar AZ— A Brilliant Flower-Pattern Brooch, composed of clusters with fine graduated brilliants forming the centres p&CCs UNSET PEARLS. 140 A Fine Pearl — weight 35 grains 141 Two Ditto — weight 44J grains 142 Two Ditto — weight 44£ grains ’ _ & FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.