«•* n JT5*o . K The Frentifeeece* \\ \> T Hc Sunne is glorious Rill, and maketh day, Where ever Ihineth his Eternall Ray ; Yec when he fets,fo clouds may vaile the skye. That men may thinke him drownded to the eye. Faire,ftrong is Man,if one (houid fay 3 heTe dye, Scarce can he well bdeeve it ffore he try* But feeing death in others, then he fayes’; Surely Deaths conftant ftroke will end my dayes. Spring’s dainty $ Summer vigorous and ftrongr Autumne hath plenty; Winter dyes ere long. & £f The Sunne at G lory fet ,and then was night. And darkendle.in the true beleevers fight j Th’ Eclipfe did paffe,and He was feene, by all, Afcending, whether he the. world doth call. Let man behold his Saviour, he will fay, VVelcome fwcete. death,my Ie/us\ed the way. Infants, and babes,young meii,you ftrong, and old, Tume to the right- hand,and the Sunne behold $ For as He conquers darkened, fo we ftiall Triumph o’re death, by Him who conguerd All. kalendarivm hvman/l Vffit. THE, KALFNDLR OF MANS LIFE, . operio Variaro, fcofo infamo. Ig/c iufrct mar hs nas meminj/s’d ' ILLVSTRISSIMO E T NOBILISSIMO D omino jDjzo. Comiti a Summer/ec, See Gyptii inter primos Sapienti# pa* tres 5 fie Jibi confnluerunt , ut Utifimis ip forum conviviis fceleton interejfet 5 Cum imperio J delati funt mores\ & Philippus qui Gr&cam monarchiam fundavit 5 voluit adole [cent em fe mortalitatis fu a admonere 5 ipfe Auguftus Ca?far noluit . fine hoc more 5 — - imperium •4 'v Epiftola imperium mplefii,qai & micmjfy grabatum fuumhabuit. *Xibi (Nobilifirne Heros ) hoc mortalitatis fmbolum offero^ atque eo magis? quod friant J ?e vera Nobilitate peditum, cuiipfius mortis memoria femper erit gratifsima ? cujus nomine ipfa philo fophia dignata ejl. Accipe -quafb? ( Nobili fsime Heros ) hoc qualccnnque efi? hu~ mani tat is jfokov 9 *c que enim ab hujufmodi flu- diis ipfe abhorres , quum mortis meditationi 9 futura vita contemplationi ?lucerna tua ole- um [oleas impendere : accipe inquam (vere He - ros) hanc?qua folitus es clementi 4 ?animi potius integritatem?quam folertem exquifiti ingenii velitationem. CM eum putabam hoc opuf culum, quod mortale ejfety Tu Domine , Je luum dux eris ? immortale proculdubip erit •? & quod a meo ingenio ffterare minime potuit $ hoc Tuo Genio ( nobilis ingeniorum & mufarum Pater ) libenter debebit. jrtve? & Vale? a cujus ore ? & favore? ipfarum charitnm (!r mufarum vitaque & valetudo dependet 3 Illa )am dedif- sent Apollinem, lovemque fuum ? & Gr acorum numero fos deos implorare*? Deum unum ? ve- rum } bonum?fnpphcibus votis adorabunt? ut Te - ' t ' v>si ' 1 v ° patronum? Dedicatoria. Fatronum y ipfo lM ec anate benignior» m & co- mem magis, bicin terris , omni honore y poBea in Coelis y omni felicitate & beatitudine accumu- let* Effata pronunciat Celfitudini Tuae ad- didiffimus Robirtts FariuEvs. To To the Author. i. F Ame pluckcs a pinion from the wings of Time: Dips itinnettar, graves thy mighty rime Within her brafen (heetes, makes envy (land ( Mauger her heart ) and light her duskie brand: Whii’ft (he in crimfon letters writes ; Thefe, thefe , Shatt be the whole wen Ids Ephemerides. p Did notVrania loofe thy fetter’d minde, Otikofthe clayek prifon, and refign'd Her place to i c ? did not thy purer lay Elowfrom the fountaincof the Millie way ? Did not (he didate to thee, how to skan Thefe moneths of woe, this Almanack* of man I An Almanae^ that ne’re (hall b’ out of date, Butlaft as long as time, as firme as fate. She did, (heare, envie, heare and burft) and by Herfiajfe thou took’ft the height of Poetry : Th' Arcadian Shepbeards (hall make thee their (larre* And place this next to Tityrus Calendar, Like to another Pheebus thou doft take Thy twelvemoncthstaske through lifes (hort Zodiacal But thefe are too too narrow bounds for thee» Beach moneth’s an age, each age eternitie. The names, not nature’s of the monethsj 1 fee Defcribed in thy cadeftiall poctne. Frefh May and lufty Iune triumph alone In thy warme breaft, December there is none. Envie her felfe.can findc no fault but this, Perfed thy moneths, thy globe im per fed is. No paralleli is feene in all thy fpheare, Befides too, no ^Equator doth appease. E, Coleman. To the Author . S Ome ufe to flatter worth by too much Pfaife» Who rather doc detra& than give him Bayes^ Who merits it : And fomc againe betray (Like fome courfe Prologue to a courier Play) The Authors Subjects both are bad : but I Wfll none of both • rather I will belye Defert» and fay this Poeme fpeakes thee vaine; For to fpeake truth, I'm angry with thy StraineS For that it is lo fliort r (though fweete) expefta lie taxcthee alwayes with that fmail defeft. Yet ( out of Policie ) perhaps thy Lyre Thou layd’ft afide fo foone, ieaft we Expire; And the chiefe caufe proceede from thence : For 9nl aine d I s tco much S ric f e is mortali, foof blitfe. AII I will fay 3 is,my belcefe is fuch That after- times will thanke thee for this touch • A nd fuch my Charity > I wilh it may an ^ kmgeft Summersday# And that this prefent Age, may pleafe to give It pleaiant fmikij and he/pe its Hope tg lire, 0 . l V r# ; fa i THE COVRTEOVS READER. The Rofes , Rocne did fiye,and Parti-colour’d F/ofc i Now felt foft nipping colds breath from Au?Q* And Pbabut s u(herd with the cooler day, (r& molimina partus Vipereo miferam exanimavit more parentem . Credideris animam for dent em labe paterna, VoUefuUre dim 3 ne fe fuus inquinet error , Ne cum damnatu exclamet forte catervis 5 0 utinam mihi natalis lux nuUafuiffet . Aft ubi nunc infans uterina repagula rupit , Symbola fecum ad fert vita mantfefi a futura : Dextram protendens, manuum mercede beatum Se fore demonjlrat j pede nudo trill e capejftl Viuiter 3 & fuperum adventat pmgnnus ad auras. Vtcunfa ingreditur nudmdacrymabilu infans *D ollior ad fetum e fi, rudior % ad extera natus. Vagitus cudit lacrymas non verba querela» V* bene quum nequeat fari , (vd) ttiflius edit : Threicio fic more fu is natalibus infans » Sollicitat lull us, etiam (me voce, loquentes. Omen habet vit& nudum vrofevpina manibus addit. Ii Ergo quum partus rudimenta nofiri Inchoet damni, renovato mentem integram (Chrifte) vt videam parenta Telia beata. Hunc novum partum comites fequuntu? 1 • *4nxtj cor dii tremuit timores 3 $ piling: UManh, or Mans birth • |4ueh like an Earthquakes (halting you may fee s Betwixt them fuch inteftine warres there be. O doth the child then know,what is this life. Who will not enter itwithout fuch ftrife ? Yea oft the one fo fights againft the other. That Viper* like the child doth kill the mother? May you not thinke,the foule defild with finil$ (6riginajl,doth to regrate begin, And wi£h it may not fee this life at all, Leaft it fhould adde there to finne a ftuai i, And once perhaps 3 (hould with the wicked fay#» O if it never had feene light of day. But marke,when he is borne, how he will give An Embleme of the life,which he muft li ve j Telling as’t were, when he his hand puts forth. That he muft worke for what he (hall be worth Or thrufting downe his naked foote he fayes. That he muft walke a Pilg,rime aj| his dayes. How e’re he comeSjhe naked poofe doth lye . And can doe nothing filly babe but cry $ He cannot fpeake,but yawle for greefe,and fo His rude expreftion cryeth (wa ) for (woe) $QTbrddaff»\fke into this world of feares He ufhereth himfelfe with many teares. Thefe paines of birth and woefull agony . Foretokneth our enfuing mifery ; They clearely doe point forth the curfe of man, That he muft live in forrow,as he began : His nafcednefTe fhewes he muft nothing hav£ Which with him he may carry to his grave, f Since then my birth is of my bane The primer, me beget againe, Renew my fpirit Lord/o with Thee 1 Ml thy fathers dwellings fee. V E R. Martius fi ve N atalis, Tfomtta in largas lairymas foluta, et Turba dolorum,. Hum fufurr antis tacitum querela Murmur triftis frexitm leonis Temperat, luflus Pelicani ad infiaf Trifle quet entis Gaudium 1st luUws park ille vit « Caelitis, ver BjS® ubi mnfoffmt duram ex orare parentem , *Mendicmt aliunde, luparumque uber a fugunt 5 Sapeetism tomum ederunt fua pignora matres y Smaautfoik ut nata exponet e fylvis; Tunc fvpnant pktatefera voluercfque parentes j zDant aiiemgenu quando ubera mutua natis i Oepifmt rabtem hpa, dum laftaret alumnos , Mmatum,mmrm & domina fe offender et orbis £ djs iit mm laffie lupa fitxere furorem, Wratetm% mbem ftabilivit fanguine frater, Expofmt quem dtrus avus,jufftt % necari, Im cams fata a mamma laMante pependit, inde ft» Imper tenuitveftna erueris, T**dandiquefams, humano f anguine donec Imtmfum caput, f otiatum aede natavit* Degenerem toties patriis e fi cernere prolem Moribus, ttvetfo fan quam fit fidere nata. Nutricis cum laffie bibat quoaftmlm morum y fjnbutufque fmelfuedt quo parvus odors Infans, hunc redolet maturis mUiw mm STRING' April, or Mam lnjancie. Aprils Toft snd balmy (bowers doe nourifh The March~hred Budxjunnil they come to ftourlfts; Ssnne with its heate,Heav’n with its, dew them cherifi?. Left they with nipping cold, or drought (hould perifts s Even fo the infant on his mothers kiiee. Left he (hould ftarve for want or penury, With milky Neftar he ftis belly fills Which floweth from the two breaft -to wring hills,* Oft times Stepmother nature. Mothers pride Doth flop thofe fources,wbich when they are dry’d* What they cannot obtaine from cruell mothers, * Poore Infants ! they are forc’d to beg from others J Sometime the parents fo unnaturall prove That they expofe 3 which they fould deareft love- Then beafts and birds,againft their nature, (hew * More love then parents, who this duty owe ; Did not the Woolfe herfiercentflelay aftde. To give what curs’d Amulius deny*d ; f° x ms twinnes fo nurs’d with Woolfes unkindly focM Like ravenous beafts, one (bed the others blood. A Bitch did nurfe great Cyras, when they dkf Expofe him, caufe his furly Grandfire b id. From that time forth in jarres his life he led Seeking for prey, and thirfting blood to (bed/ ^ntiil by Schythian T omyris at laft, His head into a bag of blood was caft. What is the caufe, why children oft times are V nkind unto their parents ? caufe they were Weaned from others*, and it (lands with reafonl rfeat they (hould fmcll of, what Sift did them ftafonf VERv Aprilis live Infantia.- Vberejam fatur eft puerjntitnabula fmm§' Pofcityubi tremuli* agitatur nutibus , inter Metm & requiem , mifcYse dans fymbola vit£ s Cujus,ceu navU+wedijs j affatur in undis Sperne^ metum % inter, nec cejf at, lumina donec \ Mors claudat] Longoque Ora act feJJ’a /operi , Ramicibus fed ne turgentibus ilia rumpat. Blanda foporifero demulcet carmine nutrix • Infantis vel nulla at as a crimine pura , Ejt in fons, fraudis non gnara, exptrffa nocendi 3 Innumeris tamen ilia malis obnoxia vita, Ludibriumque recens cafus } cr for iis iniqua fjhod [t crudeles Her odes ajperct iras. Innocuo infantes maculabunt f anguine ferrum* Obt) ce formicas quantumvis Gracia Midee, Mellifica fque Platonis opes , facundia lingua Enthea queh portenta, & cornucopia rerum (ft Inftibus aujpuijsfcdnoftra infant ta fur git. Contemplatur aves /cavas, quas omina dira Infaufiantjuta qua facit at as plena dolorum » Triftiti£ 3 lufius 9 cur Befides great forrow,trouble , care, and toyle, And whatfoever can true pleafure fpoyle. Tet there’s one comfort, children doe not know Their mifery, which leffheth much their woe. , ; f With Nurfes milke I have drunke in The deadly guilt of parents finne > So am I, as my parent was Infe&cd with Adapts trdpraffe. , But (ah) that is the meaneft (hare Considering what mine aduall are | 1 have my ycares in finning paft. Nor can l leave them now at laft, I O make me (Lord) in grace begin ,T o liye before I end in finne 5 ' G Thin ver; Aprilis live Infantia. Pare* peccato gravid* fenetUe Finiat annos. Pagit infans h&c anima > 6 (alutis Author jnfimam fatura beato Laffe j & eterno faturaio divi Neftare verbi. •Ablue, 6 for des uteri » meique Criminis navo ti placida quiete % Vt tui regni fruar i & piis tur— -*-* Mak bus addar . Ne fin as vani hanc modulo fopiribanc Caminis ySb en recinet dolojh £>uale j fed Cali vigiles ocellos Tendat ad arces. Neve mergatur rapidis procella F luftibus, prendas Bomine in tuumqus Sufcipe amplexum 5 pantos Olympi Defer ad arces. Sic tu*, a cunis (*Deuc) ajfuefiet Gratify tufic animim hanc amabit Ut Tibi grata aget hcec perennas Invicem amato. Maius SPRING, frilly or Mans tnfancU. Thine Infant (Lord) to be I crave, Let not my gray hairers finne to grave. My foule doth cry>ltill thou it Lord With imlke of thy eternal! Word j Author of grace, nurfe grace in me, Sol at length fhaMrengihned be. Oenfe me from firft and fecohd guilt, Onely thou canft (Lord) if thou wilt; Then (hall I be a Dennizon There,where uncleanntfle commeth nonei ' Let not Hells Siren lull afleepe My foule to drowne it in the deepe S Lord make it watch for H cay’ns joyes Regarding nothing worldly toyes. JJehold my foule rock’c too and fro. Doth cry for feare and cannot goe - flow lead in ftorme it drowned be. Take it into the (hip with Thee. So (hall Thou thinke me to be thine. And I (hall thinke thy kingdome minei So (hall my foule thy mercies prove And learnc tKy mercies how to love. N Ow are my Flowers with Aurora dight y And Flora fees her long wifit-for delight • Each Tree a fluire>earh Leafe a 'Bird doth beare 3 All finginq Harmony to He av' ns Spheare • The Lambkins skipping trip , they dance and gl&Jr, This is the glory of the moneth Remember Flowers fade^come will the nighty When Nightingale fhall fing from Mortals fight. ¥EB. Maius five Pueritia. QEminaque genuit Mars>qu * Laft.vit Jprilis Nunc geminant decus, & tMaij pingutotur honbre Vndiq^peftano tic jp Undent cun fia nitore Vt gnat# Natura rudis contendere dextree -drtijicis po (fit; Zephyr it is gramina pwgit 9 Gramina Panchteos fupra fragrantia indor» Vlumea genus auras tenuimodulmine mulcet) 'derat&i & fylvas , habitantem &f mentibus echo: Talis Homo puer in teneros quando emicat annos 3 Securas f aliens inter fua gaudia luet si 4dde alas, C ali credas fi c Bantu alumnum Pennigerum Aa.mra.ra nov* fiat gratia forma t Huic cedant piftu albentia lilia campis, Mmula Sithoni)? invibm, pure^ elephanto j Huic cedant biferi rubicunda rofdria pe fit 1 Tumeat ingenuos tam pulchra modeftia vultus» Tancheum pueri fpirant precor dta amomum 4 Ajfpiofi halant accenfi thuris honores Impar quch fordet medicata c pia naris Termultos avium f educit ad avia cantas , Certat ubi turdus merulis, ubi Lucanae inthis Confonat j & noflemfylve citbarijlria mulcet $ Me juvat ingenui vocem exaudire puelli. Dum tener oi fingit (emones aure magifira, Mmula fyderibus cui adamantina Lumina fulgent s Shtalia in humanos defigit fietiio vultus : Gratia jucundat faciem, fimplex % venu fias, T otm amor iVenerisqfiecus pigm/que parentum ej% -dd {pice, fed tempus gaudet quo fallere Ludo, Ingcmmartifau mentitus arma,manm^. Sive equitat mulo Matiano, aut agmina ducit , Sive molam mditgelfo vel mitia twvU* STRING- May or Mans Childhood. W7Hen Af He is the pleafant, pretty ape of man ; C 4 His V E R. Maius five Pueritia. ' % 1 Cerem ingenio cuneas fi fingit ad artet , famulus prtlia vento. - 4 ' 1 • quid fata fugit? mortali propriavit* Res e fi nuda j dedit qua firs, mors omia raptat . U Gratie vires /Deus 0, recent is Suffice, infans h*c puera fcatttas, Ttifcat ut certos magis magis pts . Figere greffki, Vajfibut dum T e fequor haud fecundis Cbrifte, pr* cedat jubar ( equitatis , T e nc% affieflufl) animre redemptor > 1 Subtrahe noflro. SPRING. , * * M 4ff,or Mans childhood * HU wit like wax to every thing ca n ply, A ftrange obferver,what he fees hee'Ie try. But harke you Parents, be not overjoy’d, Yourpleafure (Yh) may quickely be deftroy’d. T ou fee the Damaske Role, which is the peer Of flowers, it fades and leaves the naked brier: No bloflfome is fo glorious and fo fa ire , But may be nipped with a noyforne site, Jf an encountring blaft offickenefTe blow. All feature paflethlikea minutsfliew. He droopes hts head,his gaflly Iookes condemnc ^ he fondneffe of child-deifying men. Then through his eyes as windoweslooketh death, A ioathfome earthly fmell mfe&s his breath , His merry tales and chat, is then forgor, For painefull nckeneffe makes him change his note. Then Iooke how great your joy excell’d before, Your griefeis doubled nov\', if *fc be not more. Here was a Sun-fhine blinke, before the clouds Bid fend the winds to combat with the floods^ Here was a calme above, while as belo/v The fea was great with ftorme, winds threatn’d to blow* Ah world of woe / what thing canft thou call thine, Poore man, but death can quickly fay its mine ? | f f t ‘ - - - Gram ftrength of grace, O Lord, to me. And make me grow from infancy lo childhood j teach me how to trace 1 he footeffeps of thy fa ving grace. While with unequal! paces I, £>oe lag, (hew forth thy Light from high 5 O doe not goe q uite out of fight ' Lord Soules Redeemer, foie delight* i LooJcc VER? s. Maius, five Pueritia.^ Cerne,quo patio vagulus vacillat Grejfus,^ fr atlas animos adauge % Erigas quando titubo >f alutis, . , , Anchors certs, Vt via longos tolerent Labores IFtrto opem lajjo, exhilara dolentem Et retretlantem male gratuitis „ Allice donis, Dum vtceatiguftas meo per faltbras . Ad] uva, &* dextra fiabilito plantam : %uasi largiri, pueris, Olympi + „ ,, Ducito ad arces. Tunc era Ceeli empyrei mini fi et Aliger y d\va [pecte decorus , r #lu & ducam nihili beatos , Ne ft or U annos, Iunius SPRING. tMay, or Mans childbetd. Looke to my wadiing pace and if i fall,raife me, and comfort give Lord, when I ftagger j fet me righ|, O Soules eternall anchor plight. And that I may the way endure, With thy free graces me allure. Lord if I faint encourage me j feut pull me if I ftubborne be. Thus fufFer me ( not, Lord»to llray 3 put guide me on the narrow way ; And’caufethy Kingdome doth belong To Children, place me them among: Then Heavens bright Angeli {hall I be Cioathed with immortality. Rather fuch Childhood to me give. Then here Methujhalems age to live. ? *lr. STA S, Iunius,fi?e Adolefcentia, 'if Bl, I k I 1 •Pis C Vrwti quum P habus equos per brachia Cancri» Cogit anhelantes 3 accltvi in vertice coali. Fervidiore calet radio tunc fi o dia 7eHuS, Et prima fatu% adolefcmt flore juvenia $ Letas promittunt finges, & figna futuri , Dant findas yavidumq^ beat fpesprimaColotoHtDi Human# talis flore flit ephebia vita» Cum pia fcinti flant cceleftis femina JErudii ingenq moles , fed cerea , Lambi V oft'tt 3 & e ft Ratio ftudio formanda colendi. Humani generis pater ex quo tempore lapfus , Huma :# in cineresmerfaeft fcintiUula mentUi Voti ni fi 'mcxbauftojam recuperanda Labore, Gemma velut Stygio Lethes in gwgitemerfa Vdnatoris desstra expijianda profundo eft. Tempus erat quo flabat homo de ftirpe deorum^ Dotibus ingenij plufquam mortalibus audm : jtrbitrij fed frena regentem devius error st b fluit sty redo avet fum de tramite flexit ? Inde fumus flhpis prave vitio fa propago. Degeneres fandi primevdab origine Cati 9 Najcimur ignari rerum, virtutis inanes Omnigena, veluti pidoris rafa tabella Infcribenda notis queis vi t, tamen oblita nullis. Nam velutidiftorta recens que pullulat arbor Corrigitur, quamditi ladenti cortice mUet, Solliciti teneros animos fic curamagiftri. Et cultura SchoU tortum fed molle refingit ingenium , ftud ijs& cerea pedor a format. Cortinae quem certa Sophm fujfragiaprimum Dixerunt ,quondam a vultus senforefophifta ijitux ta cite An fu lfaaae mmitie» SPUMER June t or Mans young age, . •» I N Iune when Vhtxbm up to Canter hies. Driving aloft his Chariot in the skies. The Earth ischerifht with a warmer ray. Her Youthfull brood lufty appeare and gay 5 Then promife they fome fruit and give cfTayes, Of what (hall be their further ripening dayes : Such is the tripling halfe-growne age of man. When fiery feed ©f reafon fparkle can. When his rude wit >but waxen (as the Beare Fafhions her cub)i$ lickt and fram’d with care. Since mans great Sire did from his maker fall. Mans reafon’s loft> fcarce to be found at all; Much like a gemme in darkeneffe Lethe drownd. With dangerous painefull dyving to be found. There was a time,when man Gods off -fpring flood Indued with gifts greater then mortali good ; But whilft he rul'd his reines,his will did ftray# Withdrawing him out of the righterway : Thus when corrupted was the ftocke and tree. We branches thereof rouft corrupted be. Borne voidc of knowledge, rude and ignorant. The cneaneft character of good we want. Like to a fmooth and waxed writing table. Its void® j but write you, to receive its able. A tree which crooked growes and bends awry* While it is young, skill can it re&ifie 5 So tender mindes the Matters care correð What Nature could not,DifcipIine effsð ; Learning makes ftraight perverfe and crooked W it $2 And them like wax to any fattiion fits. He whom ^pojfos Oracle did call, m Wife» [mn$ thgCr mmn Sophfcs all| $1 J& S T A S; Iunius, five Adolefcentia, Talem vitales primum fee luminis auras Haufijje aiebat Jiro fub fidere natum i Pojleafedfa&um Sophi* Cczleftis alumnum , In melius mutaffee animum, Gcniumque malignum Quum benaddapidat genitor, juga dura fiubire Compedit natos duritnftifque laboris j Qu'am gravis (ah) laker eft tap pm reparare parentis] Et nunquam tamen amffas attingere dotes! Natura naft entis erant elementa loquendi , Cornea qua pueris time abecedaria monftrant » Jii velutifolijt oracula J cripta Sibylla Penelopes opus e ft, [alvo componere ferifti a Utendas [iciitemlis conjungere oportet Syllabo: ut aicnfcmt > quarum farragine voces Burn jiunt, operam crebro damnamus inanem. Nunc fluxa & ft agi lis, fuerat firmijfma quondam Mnemc , depoliti cuftos firmi fjima } proma——* Conda penus nvftri , loculis f en fata reponens > Depromens^ eadem, fi quando poficeret ufius y Fidit fed mnemte qui nunc jn pulvere [cubit * Scnfia animi >aut ftuxee ftuftra committit arena s Nunc vaga congeries rerum,c ce cif recejfus Confundunt if ecus, velimqua cbliterat afass Obsiat fttpe (ibi rerum male congrua moles Fermentata ChaoJnfaufto partuque labor at j *Dumque homo rimatur cerebrnm,qu * ficrtniapulfei Ftefcitit? in feno fimilh ft at pharmacopola, Om&ia fcv utatur, nec quod petit ftnvenit ifquam ; Cogimur hinc nimium ft agili diffidere mnctna s Et chartis mandare alta molimina mentis* Sic mutis vox viva tacet concredita libris j Quum^ foret quondam patulis mos auribus artem H aut ire, a tacitis nunc e ft difeenda magiftris , Atque legenda oculis 5 v artis vox pifla figuruo SVM MERo Unty or CWansyofWgdges Condemned,by acritickeofmans face. As dull and ftupid,void of wit and grace. Made anfwer, fuch himfelfe by birth to be. But better*d by Divine Philofophy. A lavifh Father, when his Bate he fpoiles. He puts his children to a thoufand toyles ; Good God l what pairies and care it doth us coft 2 To feeke and not to finde what Adam loff . Language was Natures worke^we fhould be borne There to, without fefcue, or booke of horne. But as to gather Sibyls leaves difperfed Is defp’rate worke t© find what (he reheaffed j To gather letter by Ietter,fo w’are faine Syllabe by fyllabe,word by word in vaine. Our fraile and britle memory before Did fafely keepe the whole conceptions fiore 5 A faithfull Steward, what (he kept, (he could Diftribute that, when ufe and Teafon would i But now who to his .memory doth truft , He writes the charter of his mind in duft. Now wandring, braineficke thoughts the fpeces kill; And what they fpare,old age aboiifh will. Oft fo a mafle of things is hurld together. That Chaos -like, one parts not from another! When men now fearch their braines,they cannot find The box,which holds the conceit of their mind ; They fret, much tike to dull Apothecaries Who cannot hit upon their box and wares. Hence memories diftruft makes us to write Our minds in papers, that they may end's te Againc to us,fo word of mouth is come To filence of our writings, which are dumbe, 'And what was got before b’ attentive eare Dumbe boofcci doe teach u$,*caufe they’re oculare. jEST AS , 1 gj luniuSjfivc Adolcfcentia. Singula nee tamen bate profunt, quo nefciofato 3 S/tpe latet tantis hominis mttis prejfa teneor is'. Nil filii a lava-, pigri de more caballi Promovet hauJ> quamvis vireas calcaribus addas. Quam gravis (ah) labor efi nobis,qu fendas profa meti verbera viribus. SV MM ER. Iu» f, or Mh»s r tungAgC. Nor is this all, oft times theScholIar’s fo Vtitoward,without rod he will not goe 3 Sometimes,caufe nothing in his left fide Otirres^ Hee’le neither ride with rod. nor yet with fpurres O what adoe is here for to fupply That which we loft, hut cannot now come by 1 Tell fonnes of Adam, what you thihke of one Poore apple,whicb,hath mankind thus undone. G Lords Who in this age was preaching found - And teaching thofe who did the Law expound, Teach me, my Saviour,what$ thy Fathers will. And grant me grace that 1 may it fulfill, I am by naturc>and in grace a mouk, Redeemer touch mineeyes,Ulighten my Soule, I am not Lord by Parents finne fo fpilt. Nor fo defil’d with mine owne aftuall guilt j But if thou wilt, thott canft by thy free grace, Clenfeme from all which doth my Soule deface* What ever gifts Adam hath loft to me, Thole and farre greater,Lord, ( find by Thee. JMafter,make me thy Scholiar ; when I fhall Cor reft ion crave,ufe mercy there wi thal 1 ; Mailer, thy Schollar humbly begs of thee, That go my ftre>h thy rod may tempered be. A Ries was prong. Taurus did [Wronger prove. Then Gemini did double beat and love i Cancer who mounted, firaight returnd againe. That Leo might couragwm remaine * Till V irgo with her fruitfully hopeful! ear eg Doe rellijh well the Farmers greedy feares , f Since Signes for c Mortals good can fo agrtfe 9 To Heav'n let ev'rj one mop thanks full he* ii Nil Mi f&N I ASTAS. Iuli us, five Ephebia. F lavus uhteflivos Quintilii promovet ortus. Exhilarant blandum radi) $ ferventibus annum. Luxurians arbor fiuflus maturat adultot. Foeta fuiyUtnllem tentat producere prolem : < Talis Homo quum floriferos adolejcitad annoh Parturit, & Geni} Jpeiiken maturius edit > * Vullulat ing ( riij foetus qitcw cura &tagiflri Lambit, urfno deformem more re finxit. Tunc vite molitus itet fe acungit ad artem Vivendi modum •> nec enim (unt ocia tuta . Progenies Hybla v eluti fragrantia rura Pervolati as Flora ludentia germina libat, Parfquerofas carp it, pars fugit amabi’e nedar Narcijft,aut fltmitlis albentia lilia tentat > MiUe legunt florum fucce* y tf/ mille viarum Ambages Luflrant , una eft fed meta laboris * Tam varij s fertur Qucitj sfevVenttor *fas Fatorum quum lege trahit fua quernfe voluptas Mfopi haud major calvis currentibus error i " ! Senfibus humanis quam flat fententia difeors $ Sed tamen ad metam vitte contenditur unam , tegete, & trifli que defendenda baciUo cfl* Quam varie rerum species, quot membra, quot artus Corporis humani» quot (unt molimina mentis, Eelicu quot funt [en[as,vitt}s^ laborat £*u Luxuries fic forte juvat,* quod mide nepoti Artifices debent tolerandae commoda vitee. Efuriunt quando latis animantia campis , In mundo dai T erra dapes, dant pocula lymph# i Vira fames hominem quoties ad turpia cogit , Infandas acuens (pes & prae or dia rodens ? Importuna fames morof* debita cejfit fana guhe : juftd nemefi fic numina plefflunt $ lUicitasgufiare dapes homo fortiter aufus, Sape nequit licitis jejunia pedere menfis. Sudandum e fi igitur, (vendunt df) ctmfta labore) Ante fuum mi fero quam pandat Edulia cornu, Solikittefic dura capefj ens munia vit* 2 ) e gener aquali fitfaftos origine, cernit. Interea aneftas qu* vox mihi verberat aures Ocia tuta beans tranquilla caftra Minerva » Mufarumque leves choreas, placido fque recefifm^ Tetmcjfi faltas, & flamina grata poetis ? Invidi* vox e fi laudans diver fafequentes* 7)amocles celfa recubet fi fede Tyranni, "Nuda laborabit jucundum mufa foporezn. Vt venias hederd dignus , tua lumina fornum s*pe vident nudum ? an Undid macnfiit imago ?■ lapetonid * volucres funt cura , labor 4 , Pervigil ,& fiudij fitu implacata profundi. Horologi fufum veluti , frenumque, rota/que Spira regit, fecumque luo conamine raptat : Anxia fic curis quum mens diftrafta laborat, TJuUa Joporiferam fenitfcunt membra quietem. Adjpice cognatas cyclon qui circinat aries, goudm mifer* vitee dispendia quanta catenet, fumigem quia dedidicit vermsula lingu *, SVUM E*. July, or Strifling age. ithctufand trades* now, doe the beft you can, ire too too little to complcate a mao > 'his accidentali good doth riot give, >ne fpendthrift makethmany poore men live, f bcafts be hungry in the defert field, he earth their raeate, their drinketfee rivers yeeldj if hat wicked hopes doe mortals entertaine ■ - * i-t „1 — * paine lan eate,when God forbad him to doe lb# 'herefore when man would eate,oft Gfed fayes no I 'hus man before he is thought worthy of meate, le muft find out fome way to toyle and fweate : io when the Youth begins his painefull trade, le fees what he is now»what he was made. But loe,X heare fome fay 5 the Schollar s blcft, Is free from laboured enjoying reft# falking of daunting Nymphes, and (haddowy woods, 'arnaffus groves, and pleafant running floods 5 t*s envyes voice ; who difeontented ft ill, that which fheknowesnot,difcpmmend Ihe will* ?ut ©amocles in Dionyfius place, rlee’le praife the pleafure, but enjoy no peace: That thoumay’fl: weare the Ivy, canft thou looke Nit h fleepclefie eyes, and paleface on thy booke ? A/hat meane the Vultures which Prometheus teare, 5ut vvatchfull ftudy, and hearueating care. $ks in a docke/prings motion doth make The barrel!, fufie,wheeles, and ballance (hake • >0 when the minde doth ftirre with thoughts oppteft, rhinke you the bodies fpirits are at reft. 5ut looke what doth his encyclopedy reach him, but lcdurcs of his mjfcry. Oufe M STAS. Iulius five Ephebia. Cogitur Ignitas Babylonis di/cere voces j SQuodqm prius dederant ctma> nunc vix capitatae ; Si numeres linguas , Mithridates occidit infans • Ejf tantilla fdeiijine Rhetoris arte He fetat ut fibi concordes inducere fenfut 9 Quodque nequit ratio fucato fuadeat ore > Verhaque det levibus toties diffundere ventis. Caligat tantis scies interna tenebris ? €onfufiz que latent Jpecies, Platonis ut annue Eruere hanc fat agat cariofi e ferdelibrorum s Qui ratiom probant hominem rationis egentem ; "Dum numeros neEiit numera >dum vili ibus auget Mi fracum paribus aiftingutt littora micis . 'Dum numerat fellas, guttis diferiminat aquor 9 * jn leva digito fluxos] (ibi computat annos. ^ulce mtlos, trifiiy quamvis medicina doloris Dicitur 3 hoc tamen (ab) lacrymarum fluit us acerbat D um fatum recolens ijfmdv flebile carmen t .Quali cient memores vicina mortis olores. 'Quam dolet laflref yum radio dam menfus Olympum, Mic contemplatur radiantes eminus orbes , Nec licet ad patrias furfum t ontendere fedes, Fnde genus traxit cognata ab origine Divum. Denique dum vm fodefcrtbit fchemate Tenen Quinque fecans \onis,diflmguens climate lucem i ! Tdaxima qua vertit cyclis / ola ibus annum > 1 € onvexum paribus menfurans pafftbas orbem , Qua jubar auricomum Terris ortenfque cadenfque 9 Tunicat equoreas pifeofie T ethyos undas Quaque dxs medium q*a noxdifpefcit Olympum , Mejpiciem modulum ipje fuum ; quid metior, inquit» Hanc molem , Archytas prope littus dona malinum Ptilver is exigui po/cit } cur mente rotundam Pa curro Cee lum moriturus 5 flamina vite. SVMMMtL. July, er Striplings age. Caufe Paradifes tongue he cannot reach. Grammar doth him Mbels confufion teach j His life time canribt give what cradles could» Mithridate was a babe,if tongues were tould. So little credite man hath, without art Of Rhetdricke 5 he cannot move the heart $ His fmoothed tongue he doth more powerful! find, Thenreafon j'yet his words are oft but wind. Darke ignorance fo mantles up his wit. That Pldtoes yeare can fcarce deliver it* Prpm rotneffe of the Lo^ickfyftemes rabie» Which proving all things, proveth manabablc# He by Arithmeticke can picket he (Hore Of all hisfandsjand adde to millions more. Divide and multiply the ftarre 5 ,and tell How many drops doc make the Ocean fwcl!$ But when he comes his dayes 10 calculate. He finds a figure or two doe ftand for that. Though muficke be a fweet folatious thing. It teacheth him his Lachrim* to fing. And Swandike in a dolefull Elegy, A dying to bewaile mortality. Aftronomy doth make him difeontent, That he (hould peepe «p through an ii*ftrument. And take the elevation of th at place* ; ‘ From whence he had his bwng and his race. Whiles that Geometry doth teach' him how The furface of this earthly globe to view, T o cut it out by zones aud climates way. By hotter *colder,and the longer day* To pace it forth , in inches, rods 2 and miles. From Eafterne SeaSjuntothcWefterneTfles, From dayes Meridian, to the midnight line, Wfiere night is darkeft,day doth brighteft fldne $ JEST AS. Mhs, five Ephebia; pared mibi fimul ac fee nit : feptempeda corpus Exanimum tumuli angi ft o mihi limite claudet Cernere mortalem eflplures adolefcere ad &nm Mrutmafque fimul>trijti$ l inolere dolori : me tantum eftmifir i forfan folamen Ephebe, ErMtrijffe aliquas lapfbcum tempore curas . C aleftis Genitor 3 quce mare ccer alum guoe Tellus viridans , GT liquidi aetherii Nutrit b ce c regio ,T e Dominum fuum AgneJiantyVatuhe munera dextera Expofimty tua : Tu fatur as dape Qukqmd te precibus foil icit at Deum. Cervus nm didicit vertere vomite Telluris gr avida fd xeavifcera , Optatis epulis no» tamen indiget . Nunquam pen fd trahunt candida lilia , 'Flora at luxuriant Jplendida firmate, Quali Rex Solymae non nituit pix. C uris diUrabera mens mca } cur metu Quajfarhyftabikm jjiem ubi colloca Jnrertm Domine , qui dabit omnia Qua vitssfidgili commoda fenferit. Sed ne debilitent ocia languidam Mentemjuxuru & pe flora diffluant Bydra multiplicis ne mala pullulent : Quo vitam tolerem 3 munere da fiut Artis ,qu* fenium fuftheat meum 9 Et viflu invalidos fufUneat dies . Me quafo JEther eis dotibus infime. Quadratas fabrica dum lego liter as $ Caelorum fpeculans tam varias vias 3 Etw pennigmsaerU incolas» Et SVMME& lalj , or Stripling age? When he lookes home t 4 himftlfe,he fights and fayesi In meafuring earth, why fpend I thus my dayes ? Archytas ghoft, neere to the Matin (hore, Bcfides a little dull, doth feeke iio more; Why Ihould I then furvey this globe with eyes. And fore with thought above the Inhered skyes ? When deftiny (hall cut my fataji haire, Of all this earth,feven foote (hall be my (hare. Thus may we fee, that as in age we grow, Sorrowes along With us in age doegoe* A Youth one comfort after ail,at laft Recdyesjfomeof his toyle and forrowes paft. IT What Heaven above, below, the Sea, and land Containe,all ftand and fall at thy command. Father, all things to thee their eyes doe bend. Thou do’ft, td them their food in feafon fend} What ere thou haft created by thy word. Thou keepftjif they acknowledge Thee their Lord, Thou with thy bleffingfeedft the wandring Crow, Although it cannot either till or fow, Ttie Lillies 6fthe field they cannot twift Or fpinne, yet are they,Lord,fo by Thee blcft. That Salomon in all his rich aray. Was notfo glorious as they are gay. Why art thou Soule caft downe with feare and care ? T iuli in thy Lord and Maker, He’s thy (hare And portion fure,whowill unto thee grant. What ufefull things for life he fenowes thee wanf. But yet left idlencfTefitouldon meceafe. Which is the Hydra of vice,and Soules difeafe ; Give me fome calling Lord, whereby I may, I kVeate tnj^Iy for my daily bread, this day. M S T A S. Julius, five Ephebis Tatvcmmth hvmc*daU gemina f, Bmmtefyae greges, filviu las fei as 9 Mtrnam/fte wet [crmipeSoris, duttuatqm ammam,do/-aque coelitut Te reram Dominam* mmt ficum patrem AgBOfcaw^Mtlmeis laudiki; efferens Dontcjae aligeris ciwkts addito, M warns dederit mrsmmmmk* SV MMERl July, or flriplings Age? Which may maintaine my gray*fcaires,when I can Doc nothing but bewaile the (late of man. W hat knowledge, Lord.,thou giv’ft me of the creature, Make it the 077 ot Thee my great Creator. When I behold the Criflall Heavens fo faire. So many winged troopes piercing the aire. So many finned armies in the flrands. Rowing themfelves amongft the rockes and lands » When I behold the flowers ,the fields and fennes, Jhe gracing flockes } thewild beafts m their dennesj When 1 rip up my breaft »and there doe finde. An earthly body, but an heavenly oiiridej I fee thy greatnefle Lord, in every thing, To thee therefore I will herepraifes fing: Till I (hall come unto thy blefltd traine, , Then death (hall put an end to all my paine* Hat Plough & harrow with laboriom wile] 'Did trtifi to mother earthy & fimiftitl Joilcf Aftrsea, juftice Scepter who can fa>ay 3 To Sickle and the Bdrne doth that repay « The Hufiandman he will now Weepe no more * When juft Aftrsea [hews him hope of flore. The Gods are juft Jet men thenpioPPS be% To ufe their bleffings with fobrietj % ### ############ © - ' • •• , V, i If /EST AS. Aiguftus fi V s ? Iuventus: P Hcebui quum blandis Aftrce\ amplexibus h&ret 9 Et cultos maturat agros > tun\ gemina Terree Omnigenos patiunt fruttus, pdn fota veneno, Netlare pars dulci, virtus non omnibus vna esi ; r alis Homo at at is juvenili robore gtifcitp Aclx dans Jpedmen vite, fignumfc futura. Vt cinera qm tmmerfa latet fciutiUa,mufcat Et rapit ardentem crepitanti in fomite flammam : Sic Natura prius teneris mali debilis annis , Nunc fervore viget venarum <& robore nervi. V ma velut generofa cadis Jpumantia fervent, Exirtanfo novas per ae ca foramina vires : Sic fermentata luvenis fervore fovente Exerit affMus vires^gaudetlj tumultu. Non citius levibus jiiputis Vulcanius ardor GraJJ atur, juveni quam mens compta furore Flagrat, & infulfo probat entbyememata fafo EfJ'e Stote, virtuti animos affettibm addens . Sic domuit matutinum PeU as deem orbem, Et capita Alcides dir ce demeffuit Hydra, Rettulit vellus Pbryxaum Ttoriea pubes Theem Argivam per inbotyila cerula pinum . Vajfto virtutis cos efl acuminat aufus, S.ipe etiam exitium languens calcaribus urget. Perfephones male farms amor fub Tartara mijtt P entboum,Stygiafo domos penetrare coegit . P r&ceps ira truces in mutua vulnera frjtfr es Compulit, at% odium cinerum pofl bufw fopgrftesl Materno fodare manus vindika eruor e Horrend* ju(Jit fitienlem cadis Ore f en. Sic dolor A yacm fregit male famis, ut enfis Vm proprii ferret, fortem^ ad vulnera dextram! Hac ignara modi tntenfis affeffibus cetas fertur, & eft pya%i penitus fivfcofa juyemt 3 SVMME% nfi , or (JHans y Hen Plmbns doth with chaft Aflrea mecte^ , %/ \/ Crowning the fruits & fields with influence fweefc ¥ ▼ rhen plants bring forth their fruifSjafter their Not all alike, fonae goodfonae bad we finde. (kindc* So man in Youth ftiewes by his converfauaft. His towardne(fe,aiid former educat iop , Like as the fire which long hathlurkt in afhes* When it gets ftronger few el, flames and flaihes. So nature which in weakenefle long did luvke, Doth now in heateof blood begin to worke : Or like flrong wine s in caske, when firft they vent, They ihe w rhemfelves in motion vehement» Soman inleavned age, and youthfull prime Gives pafltons moft violent for a time 5 Tinder nor flaxe takes not with Vulcanes ire More qttickei y, than youths bloods fet on fire. And oft condemnes the Stoicke apathie, A s by his paflionate v alour we may fee. So Petta 5 flower did conquer all the Eaft^ ^Uides kill’d the manysheaded bea ft, lafon with the noble Youths of Greece, In fpight of dangers wonne the golden fleece % : This paffion as it isa whetting fione T o goodaeffe, fo to evil! it fpurreth on. Loves pa (lion made V without defeend To P lutoes houfe t’ attendhis Iuftfoll ends linger made Ereoc/es kill^is brother, Nor could their funerali fmoake agree together^ Revenge did caufe Orcfies put to death His mother, who did give him life and breath. So griefe made Ajax turnc his wrath from Troy 2 And with the fatall fword himfeife deftroy ; This age ftill in extremes can fcarce obey RsafoPi cwfc pafllon bear* & S T A S. Auguftus five Iuvenhis. Artibus aut intenta bonis , & gnara findendi , In nimios femper timor ejl ne exardeat mfm« Haie Pedoris interni ot pateat fi forte recejfus Fee da latet fcabies pifto mali diftolor oris * Pigmento quocunque animum c er afflat, amam Corde latet, dolor exanimans tsr turpis ege ft as, vfL nula lummibas Bafitifci lumina tollunt Evira quodcunque vident, ceu noxia Siren Cantat, Miliaci aut fletu infidiatur alumni; Sed lacrymis ne crede, fcatent qua fraude, metuam Pocula Ciraek prabet medicata venenis, Lethceam mifcens Loton , virufque rubete* Jnque f ites homines vertit , caprcfque falmes. Rugent efque feras,&, mimos cercopithecos, Sapefcyphk madidos deponit ,pettora vino -Accendens, foeto mox reflinguendv cruore» tam lautas damnum exitiale eorowt SVM MMR' duguft, er CMans Y outh \ And oft, when reafon and affe &ion too Concurre, the danger’s, not t© overdoe. It leadeth us unto a forked way. Where the great Hercuhs was fayd to /lay, The one is broad, plumed on every fide. With Damaske Rofes, and with Flora’s pride. There Ceres gifts in great aboundance grow. And Bacchus cupps with ne&ar overflow. There’s downy beds (luffed with fwan/ike plumes, There every thing is fweetned with perfumesj he winged quirifterswith their fweete throates, oe wai ble forth their earesbereavine notes; And painted pleafure lyeth all along Vpon her downes,the fragrant flowers among; rier lookes are lovely, and her eyes arc cleare Wuch J/(ce to Penus, when (he did appeare Fitlt from the fea; the honey’s not fo fweete. As are her words, (he’s outwardly compleate, »ut O if one fhould fee her bread within, arre different would he fiode it from herskinne. w nat ever (lie pretends fhe meanes no Idle Than death, definition, gall, and bittemeflej Her eyes^J ike Baflhskes^they fee and kill, «er voyce like Sirens doth entife to ill . BeJeeve her no wayes jW hen fhe fhedderh teares, For like the Crocodiles^they’re full of fearesS e gives Circean cuppes of giddy wme Mixt with toades poyfon, and the Lotifh rine And turnes man into Goate,or mimicke Ape ’ Or Wolfe, or Lyon,which doth roar e and gape- Ok times fhe with her cupps fo doth them drench. That without blood their thirft they cannot quench But which is worll of all behold the end, H • mifci 7 death they are condemn’d, £ 2 ' '.sstas; Auguftus, five Iuventus.' 'Delicias, mortis mifercepr renuntia tabes». H ervorum vel dir a lues.aut hettica fehris, "jut laterum dolor, & (lagnans pituita fatigat Sic mferoSydir There vaine and phrenticke labour rowles a ftone I*ikc Sifjphus the craggy rockes upon* E 4 At & s T A S. Auguftus, five luventus. flic exanguis flat 7) efferatio fuces yix iaquco flr ingens, vitam^ exoja fatifcit . Hu adverfa -venit lymphatis pajfp turmis , Ordimbufique inflrufta ferocia ventilat am& » i/ a oculos abdens, torvo (men fa juror e JEtherid de fede lavem turbare minatur » Hanc comitatur Er is, facibusque incendia mundo Wrd parat , gaudens orbem mifiers tumultu i Hic vecors odium tacito fub pe ft or e celat Horrendum (celas, & diras excogitat artes | Imprudens tenfos hic fcandit Abulia funes. Et nonfueta prius tertiare pericula gaudet ; Ceratis hic vana petit Spes JEtbera pennis, Icario ardi ntem vifens, conamine Solem . Hczc angujlavia horrendis fcatet undiefa mnftris, IJ vite innumeris e fi interclufa periclis, § e d tamen incolumes hac virtus ducit alumnos Extrema ut vitent, ne pes hinc inde vacittct ; gwjcjz wugis per CMeaudri curvamina pergant , Ipfa AriadK£0 regit hos Prudentia fio Mox Aret e, fid* comites Conflantia 0* Ardor p e ft or is, infra flos avisos currentibus addunt ; Spem fovet hic, monftratfc intentas eminus aregp Vir tutis, quarum tenet Elpu florida culmen. Siquando offendit gr e fias, Conflanda eurfum Firmans ,ad metam laudis calcaribus urget. Proclamat longe Spes fic fiunt digna laboris Pr*mia,& excipient mordaces gaudia curas t pax fincera quies mitto temeranda dolore, tat itiahic habitatu magnum, five fine, per avwfi* Sic ubi mtandros cmnfi & mmflxrt viarum. Tandem pertingunt hilares ad culmina montis. Splendida quadratis ubi flat fufl ulta columnis Kegia Vtttuti* \ porta hm CtjflallVM claudis SUMMER. KJtuguft, or OWms Youth. Atlaft Defpaire dropping and aim eft dead. Scarcely can pull the rope over her head On th’othcrfide,tl3e furious Paftions ftand, Marching with armes along, in trained ike band. Anger with fiery eyes and frowncs doth threat To pull high -thundring love downs from his feats $ Next comes Contention with her cur fed brands Seeking to fe t on fire both fea and lands $ Then Hatred in her hollow heart doth keepe Revcnge^and for occafion forth doth peepe j There Rafhnefte, on a rope hangs by rhe'hoe. And of herboldnefle makes a foolilh (how : Vaine Hope with waxen wings doth love to Rye Like Icarus, shove the Azure sky- Fierce monfters doe this narrow paflage bound^ And deadly dangers it encompaffe round. Yet Vertuedoth her followers fafely guide, Leaft they fhould goeaftray on either fide. Prudence through the darke winding* doth them lead Safely with Ariadnas clew of thread. ThenVertues uftiers, Courage, Conftancy, poe hearten them on againft adverfity .* And (how them Venues Caftlcjhovs on high. It (lands refplendem all with Ma jelly. If they doe ftumble gainft a felocke or ftone . Then Conftancy faies, ftay not hcre,goe on ; And Hope proclaipes afarre : Loe here you fhall Have joy for forrcfvV, Hony for your gall. Here peace and joyfullreft 5 for ever dwell Which neither crofTe nor time fliall ever quell, $o when they jhaye thele hideous monfters pall With joy they reach the mountaines top at laft. Where Values pallace ftandson pillars fquare The courts of goId,che gates of chryftall are. iESTAS. Auguftus, five Iuventns^ litria Taft oil flank rutilantia arena* Et varijs, quales vix nota dat India >getttmk , Anteferes livor jacet ater flumina tanto Saucius afpefliiidam quam videt flnvidet arci. Hunc fimulacpr effere duces 9 per fplendida templa Virtutis Magni fubeant penetralia Honoris. Gloria mox dark fublimat facta trophais , Famafe Scrapkicuinfertat nomina turmis. Hoc bivium eft i teritur tamen altera femita y fbrdet diter a caca fitu 3 rara & veftigist monftrat . Sape Voluptatem mmerofa colonia ftipat, Incomitata folet divinaincedere Virtus ; pone etiam mortale genus» quod mfcitisr, omne Errati & a redo obliquos fert tramite greffus y T elix ad veram quieten^ reemrere metam Toffit» & errori non indulgerc nefando. Tranfverfos ducit caca ignorantia multos » Dum carpunt Virtutis iter >mediumq i capeflunt» Extremis Hiabuntur > vixlittore folvit NavkyCum cacis impingit naufraga faxis* A ft ali) meliora vident , cupiunt %, fed obftat JR.es anguftafleafa ira importuna noverca > * Paupertatis onus dira fic viribus impar Deprimit 3 ut longo vix repant intervallo . Quam pauci juvenumfle tot modo mi!libus 3 aftu Extremo funfti 3 fcenamcum laude relinquunt ! Parva manus (< qualis Gideonh ) laude juventa Clarefcittp arvam decimant tamen invida fata, Incipiunt teneri quum maturefeere fruftus y Enecethos Bdteavh importuna furentis » T lorefcens pereat fic trifti funere pubes. JEqua fenum juvenumque fimul mors funera denfit > JRugofle quam fape gem juvenilia bufta Effect is lacrymisfficco fletuque rigirunb 5 Sape ilex mufeoja recentem turbine fagum SubvetflM SVMME R : jittguft, or t^tins Touth. And all this glorious caftle’s founded on The Chryfolite,Saphire,and Berill done. Before the {lately gates> blackc Envy lies. Tormented with the afpeft of her eyes y On whom» when once thefe Champions doe trample. Through Vertues Courts, they enter Honours Temple Then Glory doth eternall Trophees raife, And Fame Seraphik-Iike, their name doth blaxe. There but two wayes ; and yet where one dare venter On this, a thoufand by the other enter : Vertuc,oft,all alone doth goe and dwell 5 Pleafure doth lead whole colonies to hell* Nay,I dare fayjthe mod of men doe ftray At fir ft , and enter in the broader way ; JSappy are they who doe returne, before They runne too deepe in curfcd pleafures fcore, Darke ignorance doth blindfold manyfo. That from the raeane into th’ extremes they goe. Their {hip fcarce from the (bore her cour f e doth take," When (he on deadly rockes doth (hipwracke make-, Others have knowledge and the belt defire, 3ut croft with ftormes and fortunes fpightfull ire. There ftrength and meanes anfwer not tc their mind, Andfo poore foules they’re for ft to lag behind. Amongft fo many thousands of this, age How few with faire applaufe goe oft' the ftage % And yet thofe few like Gideons fleece, we fee Tith’d by untimely fates mortality. % Whenfruites are almoft ripe, (lot me can them (hake. When Youth i» almoft man,death may him take. Search you deaths Lime pits, and youle finde therein, As oft the Young Steeres as the Oxes skinne 5 Qft time old gray-haird wrinkles fwim in teates, Foryouthes who dyed in their prime of yeeres ; JE STAS. Auguftus, five Iuventu* Suhverfam videt » oppedit tamen ip fa, proceUde* Sola homini reflat mortali i propria vitee Conditio » & fort Ulex e fi pra fer ipt a cadus#* Vna patet euntia mfcentu femitet vite» Mille via mrtis ad /at a latentia tendunt f Non tot multi fremam flatilibus Adria TargetyquumpiceU nahbus ce quot a Mifcet,quot tremulam cor tumet abibus» Et fervent dubijs pellor a motibus* Ira prm jpoliat,crefcentique invidet orbi i Huic hmana foret quid fi gens amula. Terras Qui colerent homines, colerent qu when the dsvill that lying Sophifter. With cunning captions had feduced her, She with her Complements to cogge began* In place of joy becomroing woe to man 5 And juftly fo for trotting her relation, better then God, and workes of the Creation 9 Thus marriage which before a bleffing was Became a turfe,becaufe of mans trefpafie. O dolefull,doubtfuil cafe / what (hall man doe 2 He knowes net here what hand to turne him to* If l e live all aloae,hechildleffegoes Tograve, chsft Venta joyes he never knowes I Vnthankefull to dame Nature be doth live, Wh o life receiv’d, but life to none will give 5 Suchlike as Cafe came to Flora’s play, And having entred,ftraigbt did runne away 5 So Natures ftage, he entring rather can Depart, before head the married man 5 before he willglad marriage torches have. With funerali Lights he’s carried to his grave $ He lives, but to what end ? that he may fee. The wor!d,and like Ephemeron quickdy die; All of him dies ac once, his overthrow Is total Ijdeath doth kill him at one blow 5 The curfe of Onen he muft undergoe, Caufe being bid raife feed he did not fo $ What if all were like him, where (hould there be Saints for the Heaven, tor earth pofterity 5 Xerxes then might juftly (hed his teares* And f«y,that all (hould dye within few yeares a AVTVMNVS. September, five Jitas virilis. Mi emtatta gravis nimiam, nee grande lev art Solus pojfit ontu/ebufque efi triftibus impar * 7>hitias dgros ignotas pojfidet bares B ignior, ipfius fruitxr qui mefifie labor»: Quod fi forte fuam reparet fine femine gentem Solis avis, renovant fobolem cui incendia thuris , Thynice [que hominum quos ardens gloria tollit Mortalem fupra fortem, pvft funera poffmt Et cineres [immortali dare nomina fama i Psro monjlro exemplum e ft, inter tot millia , quorum Vita, & fama fimul Leth<£U mergitur undis . Quid faciet, ducet ne ? mali % obnoxia vita hac Innumeris, multos dira ad fisfyendia cogit , Socratica haud quemvis tranquilla moieftia mentis Temperat, ut pofit Xavtippes ferre querelas . Uiia viae ft, qua nos calefies ducit ad arces. Ocior eft cur fus, quum farcina nuffa fatigat^ Militat omnis homo virtutis caftrafequutws , Statfa novercam is contra fera {picula fortis, Qufogrdvm premit hunc onus, e ft midonem armis Hoc magis, 6r vires bar entia pondera frangunt | fuos Matara jubet fentifeere manes , Vxoris ducit curas & jurgia conjux, Curarum quamvis f at agat miferipfe fuarum i ■Alter iu manes, proprijs fert manibus impar \ ‘Uxorem fi forte virumfa examine libres dEqiw, femineus dependet amaror,amor% t Si formo fa juvat, foma eft mimica puderi Non tute Jpeftata Gygi,noQurna% regis Vr $ da, pudicitiam mul&avit vulnere lafatit* Si dotata, vtrum maBat Jafttt^ fitperbil Turgia dita ciens, aurata & cornua tollit $ ; Rxipuit eloquium morofa Terentia TuUi » F tdviafy dnteni potuit eempefieere Quadam i ' ' A VtV M N E. Sept ember , or Mm Age . In joy he hath no true companion, Andknowes not hovvfor to rejoyce alone» Woes him in forrow, he muft needes defpaire, Who hath no fellow, who may with him fhare s His riches who (hall have, he doth not know, A ftranger reapes them,who did never low, ' What if tlf^jfyrian bird lives without mate, And yet her rareft kinde doth propagate ? What if fome PhenixsUke can Virgins live ? To thofe we honour due and reverence give; For when they’re burn*d in glory’s fpycie Same, They leave eternall cff- r pr.ing of their fame. But we of mankind talke, where one fo dyes*, Athoufand batchlersin oblivion lyes. What (hall he marry ? that’s a life of care. Of forrow, poverty, ifnot defpaire. For every one is not a Socrates Who can a bold and mad Xanttype pleafe. Our life’s a journey to our heav'nly aboa.j. He walkes with cafe, who walkes without a load 5 This life’s a warrefare, wherein we muft fight * Againft Step-mother Fortunes ire; and fpight The greater burthens doe a man oppreffe, 3 9 He needes nauft findre the more, and fight theleffc. What man hath not his erode, which he muft carrV He’s fubjeft to anothers if he marry- h Weigh man and wife, and fas Tirepoi fiyd Of her defire) you’le finde her croffe downe weigh’d, Both beauty like thee? that a foe doth prove O fames to chaftity and mariage love. Not fit for Gyges fight, once made a prey To luft, for greefe, it made it felfe away. Great portions pleafe thee; thefe are caufe of pride, Dudame and bf aiding j arres on either fide. AVTVMNVS. September five y£tas virilis» Sapm uxor y qux debebat nubere» ducit» Imperitare viro, nonnmquam toller e gaudet Aut tunica tabo medicata, aut fraude aconiti , Maffagetdm Ac more alia communia quzrunt Gaudia, queis lecli reverentia nuttet jugaiis» Improba fi ce fit conjux,eft heftica febrit. Mors nifi»nuUa tibi tollant medicamina damnum* Penelope tibi cafta platet , mirandaque conjux Admeti , tuaque o Hieronignara virorum i Contigithaud cuivis vento petiijje Corinthum ? ynon nFvvis hemm Nec cunilis ce/fere, petunt quzgnaviter omm s; t-mfi put patria fluamur, idem Parentes linquere nos finis, Caflos amores conjugis & {equi, Vt nos propago conjugalis Exhilarans decoret Parentes* Sed, chrifletfui non omnia defer it Nec gaudet orbi qai valedicere Vt te fluatur ,non Iefa Dignus erit 'DominofOecq^ Sunt queii pe raltis gaudia mpt tjs $ Et vina dulcis Utilia fluunt, Quos non dolores faeculenti, tlon aquern cruciant amaror . MMft acefcunt arida dolia, I mo manet fi pejfimum & ultim um s Mutato Lymphatum dolores Mtkmiatk^fapore, ^ m AvrrWx September , or c Age « And (he belyes thy joy, but once awake. Then more, and more thou grieveft for her take* Thou wear’ftxmt nights anddayes in griefe and moanc# LikeOrpheus, when Eurydice was gone. He broke his firings, and H3rpeaway he caft. When (he the fecond time to hell had paft, O dolefull cafe of man ! O cruell fate l Marry, or not, ft ill wretched is hi-s ftate. Good God S hath wretched man come this farre on. And yet can finde no joy to build upon , In Autumefuch a tempeft if he fee, What thinke you will his ftor my Winter be ? Almighty God, who gaveft ftrait command, To honour parents and our facred Siresj That fo we may enjoy the promis’d land, And brookethy bleffings and our hjearts defiresj Thou like wife fayeft, men doe parents leave Betaking them to marriage chaftity. That they may to their lawful! conforta cleave. And have fome comfort of pofterity • But he that will not for thy fake leave all, parents, wife, children, and what goods he hath, Vnworthy of thee (O Lordj thou doft him call. Who ftiould be faved by thy blcffed death Some after wedding, drinke the cheerefuli wine Of gladneffe, while their cup doth overflow. While without dregges of forrow it doth Chine*, What want and trouble meanes they doe not, know* If I fhali drinke the water of afflidion, Becaufc the marriage wine is gone and paft ?) Turne’t into nedar of thy benedidion- Softjall the wine be beft which comes at I aft. AVTVMNV$: ' September, five iEtas virilis; T)amihiconfians tebas in omnibus EeHusJecundh ne nimii efferat» dtherfane ft angant, pramantquc Inmbiles male res timentem „ Quacunque fors fit coning it mthi , Solatium ment&m hoc reficit mem Hmtpoffe Chrifto conjugari * Stelliferi ^Domino theatri I. I [acidam qui progenuit tribu s lude Vate* pr* Labanti* pio admote, duram lervitutem Sufimuit vigilis laboris, -N»a ego dum pertolerem metus Cajus iniqui, <£* eun&a pericula dmorechrifliy qui maritus Hanc animam fac# t beataml Qjfi me redemit faucibus inferi , Crttore fervavit pofyporpbyro. Tandem que coeli cum triumpho Lmpyteos feret ad penates. Excubias mens nunc age fedula , T>um fpon/us adventat tuus» infirm Lucernam oliva , mox lefus Navoat atherias eboreas * Quando angelorum millia, millia, Et cel fi Olympi pennigeri greges Latum Paattem fujciubunt» Et tqnltru refonqbit orbl/ c a Oflober, kJVTVMNE. September y or dgc* In all eftates,Lord grant me conftancy , Leaft l with good (ucceffe be overjoy d. Or yet aft downe with fcreat adverfity^ Let me net be with croifes much annoy d. What e’rc the ft ate of this my man iige is, I (hall one day a better wedding fee; With this one comfort, Lord, my Soule I biilic. With thee Heav’ns Lord, my Soule (hall marryed be. Jacob, great Iuda's fire wrought eare and late. He thought the time quickly away did flide. Though worne in night with cold, in day with heat. All feemed nothing.aufe he loy d his bride. Shall not my Soule,for Chrift the bridegrooms glory, Suffer what ever mortali erode fhall&e. For all thefe erodes are but tranfitory. His joyes {halt laft to all eternity. He did poore foule/o much of thee efteeme, Delivering thee from Hcls infernali pit. That with his bipod, he did thy life redeems. That thou may'ft with him in his glory lit. Watch therefore, Soule,lcc not thy Lightsgoe out. Let conflant hope,and faith, ftill perfevere, So when thy bleffed Bridegroomes joy.ull thout. Shall rife .thou mayeft enter without feate. Then millions of winged Angels (hall, Vnto Heav’ns glorvous firyscourts thee bring. And there amongft thefe troopcs Ccelettiaii, The Scraphines thy marriage fong (hall ling. 0 Bober, T A 'ke heed when Barnes ays fnd^and wine doth flow Leaf Scorpius with hi$ fimgall overthrow* D og-dayes are pafi y when men were glad to we Are *Tome c loathes, if j on be wife , OBober feare* Mxtre&mes are dangerous y doe not you make bold F rom fire 3 to rnnne out nakgd in the cold* ttnd§ of plenty , let us thinks on want* If we be heakhfnll left not therefore vant 9 AVTVMNVS. O&obcr, five /Etas media C Vtn jubar murvk Vhabaum ampleftiturulnh Scorpitifp & pofsim flavefcit frugibus annus* apparent primum tune tempora grata colonu, Me/sh & expeffata dies,quam ruftica voto Turbo, t hit divas Ceicrem pctieu Palemque. Falce caduni fruges, /poliantur fatibus horti, Om/ze labore pecus fer vent, homnefque,bovefquii Ernnada, Sparta,Paros Mygdonia nulla columnas Marmoreas jattant ; citreas Maurufta mcnf0 Dedidicit flavis auri (inundare lamnis * AVktflque prius Eabyhnformfa fuperbis. Hui la Semi amio decoras jam te ft a tapete, Dxdala nam defecit acus. Tu Perfia nuUm Mox jdtabis opes 5 hac ferrea ft licet ut as. Ignorant chalybes ferrum, nec tela Salonis Spumiferi flavis extintta gelantur in undis : Gargara defer uit me (Jis, vix fertilis Enna Trinacrias nutrit Cereali munere Terras , NonDodon jam glande pluit , non flumina Hili Lente flatent, gravidifque tumet Methymna racemis Rarior efi vitk Gaurofliiiq, Falerno : cwficanon taxos metuit, nec flavws Hymetti Mella favus [udat 5 calvefcit pinifer Ida : No?? Fhcebo Parnajf i tuo das laurea ferta : Non taxum Cynus , non palmam mittit idutm s Ree flagrant biferi rubiemdarofarm Ve fit. Et crocus a Cilicum nunc rarior advenit hortis, Defauit ripas Eurota paHadis arbor ; Pontus Cafiored, Colchis jamnulla veneno CJarcfcitidudumfa gemit quid viderit Argo . Daedala gens hominum /edes mutare coegit *Monfira, feras >homi?ies,pifces tvariafque volucres » Bellat otis equi efi Epiro glorta nulla , Euganeas pecudes ,Calabrafque Britannia vincit Infula dans niveis jpummtia vellera floccis j Terra lubee quondam quos pavit.vwcla leones Nofira tenent f£s annof & lupos, catulo fque IMoloJfoS» Spartanofy canes, & fievos dentibus apros *Marfe twt } & quosfiondm dm M*nalusurfis % UVTVMtti: O elder, or middle agf. Sparta no (carlo: i Akycle no wooll Produceth, other coafts are thereof full; The Phoenix knowes not where her neft to build» Saha cannot favory fpices yeeld, Paros exhaufted is of Marble done, Maurifim precious tables are all gone» And thou faire Babylon, fame time agoe What were thy hangings, now thou doft not knowj Per Jia take heede, the Chalybes can give No iron, though in this iron age they live* Salon thy darts are gone» which thou was wont, Amidft thy ftreame s to temper hard as flint* Ceres from fertile Gargara hath fled, AndSjci/yby Enna fcarceisfed J Vodon no A comes, Egypt Lentilcs fend. Nor doe we now OAethymnas grapes commend^ In Gaurus and Falernas wines are rare. With Hymet any place dare rood compare, Corfiote no honey yeeldsj Ida hath loft His pines j of groaves Parnaff us cannot boaft» idumt fends no palmes, nor Cyrnus yewes. Nor Pefium rotes of fo many hewes; Cilicias gardens Celdome fafl?ron*(eesi Eurotas banck’s doe beare no olive trees. Now Pontus bexer, Colchis poyfon Iacke, This long agoe doth mourne for Argos fake, Induftrious mankind patient of great toyle. Make monfters, men,beafts,fi(h, fowles change their foyle. The glory of horfes, Epire hath forfaken, And Brit aine huh Ca'abnus glory taken, Whofcfheepe doe goe beyond Euganean flockes. With fnowlike fleeces and their curled lockes. The Lyons which kings lubas land hath bred, W efee them in our chaines and fetters led * iv Ili' ill ill & lii., lil a I c-IhKw Ii s | ;S| -i S AVTVMNVS. O&ober, five media Aim. Mk afii fua monftra videnti captiva, volucrum Agmina pictarum nofir as ducuntur ad oras • O genus humanum natum indulgere labori Audax natwt vetitos tranfcendcre fines ! Sava tridentiferi calcas tu dorfa tyranni EluUibrn in ful tans tumidis , Ccelique fiagorei Vertice fuflentam mediis involveris undis, F’imque offers ventis, f$* mortis tela fatigoi. Naufragus (ab) quoties fedifiiin cantibus horrens, Tuncfcopuli bojpitio felix , cum Vontus dr &tbet Nubibus hic favos, undis daret iUe tumultus. Aut tabute in f dens fimtafii in gurgite vafio Ludibrium Calique , falique, tuofque videres Circum te nantes poji fatum trifie fodales , Incertus num dira fames, dn fieva precellce Fk daret infandi genus (ah) mi fer abde leti*- Supplicibus votis tunc C celt numen adorans ' Addebas Lachry mas undis , fuffiria ventisi Optati tamen ut tetigifii Litteris oram, Neptuno madidas renuis fajpeodere vefles, Atque'vovam meditare ratem fub pondere pi^U Pteffus adhuc tabui, r, dum vis mifereffe liknter indocilis tutam cum paupertate quietem Ferre domi, ignotis malis confmdier undis» Vars quarum N ili fontes,] pars ultimThules Frigora, dT ad gelidam propius quod pertinet axem» Fna dies totum , nex una ubi dividit annum, invenere novas Terras, nec fuffeit unus Orbis, eo humani generis vejdnia crevit, 'Pars terram fodiunt cand therefore Hill will be diftrell. Some feeke Niles four ce> the Poles fome come fo neere. That light and darkenelfe doth compleat a yeere; There new-found Lands>nor can one world fuffice. What mans toocurious v fancy doth devife ; * Some digge earths cavernes ,not unlike to moles, Hating the day, they live in pits and holes, And from Cimmerian darkenefle of the hell, They feeke their riches from cur ft Pluto’s cell. Carpuntur Veneris rari (m [anguine Flores i VOifcolor in lucem niveo qmc vertice fur git Herba } pici fimilem radicem in vifeera ten * Mitt it y mor tale fque beat, fed vellitur xgre: Et media in fylva fulvo qua virga metallo Frondefcitytegitur net convallibus urn fox .Ac luco latet omni,aurato vimine ramus $ cupit Helper idum rutilantia carpere poma, Cujlodes domuifjt prius fit cura Dracones . Omnia, qux mater genuit Natura laborant : Continua rapitur circum vertigine C er Ium Ignorauf vices oti ; Sol furgit a b ortu , Occidua /que petit ceu cur for frenum oras , N c minrn a capro verfus tua brachia Cancer Scandit ytetrogrado repetit vel tramite Caprum t ingeminat Phctbe motm,nec cernitur uno Vultu • T erra vices ob fervat qaatuor anni. Fere novo pilfos d finguit germine fiores f Hos xUu mitrit> Solify calore fociUat t Autumno canos fcecundat frugibus agros, Infa hyeme fcolijs nimborum vapulat auRrls, Nulla quiispohto c fl * f abeant jumenta labores , Tyamnatirf jugis Tauri $ requie fine jufftt Nos “ etiam piatura dies tranfire fugaces . Eiaigiturfocy per tot mala tadia vim crgUtfper duri cafm difemm miUc : %^/rrr mn e. Ottober, or middle Age. O teylefome Lots of men/ hath fo the fates Ordain’d their life? O hard comrr andingfates / Nature thought good her treafurcs to conceale. Which nothing, befidts labour, canreveale. The Oxe bred bees with flings defend their hives. And fight for them, as for their deareft lives : TheRofeis fenc’t with prickles round about. He muft be priclct, who feekes to finde them out. The Moly bsares a blofl'ome white as fnow, Hisfwarthy roore deepe in the earth doth grow. It ctireth maladies of every kinde, But hardly digged up, when men it finde : With all the grove fo Profcfpine doth cover The bough, with which men Lethes flood pafle over. Who feekefrom the Hefperides a prize, Muft lull a fleepethe Dragons watchfull eyes. What nature hath produced worke it muft, Heav’n by th’ intelligence about i*> thruft. It knowes no reft, the funne from Eaft doth rife. And towards Weft doth cotufe along the skies, Vpfrocn the Goate he climes to Cancers featc. Then to the Goate againt he makes recreate. The Moone her courfes n uitiplyeth fo That ft til one countenance (he ne’re doth fnew. The earth keepes feafons of the yeere, in fpring She bringeth forth the buddes of every thing 5 In fummerihe them heate and moyfture ye elds, With come in Autumne fhe doth crowne the fields. But when the Winter ftortres and windes doe bloW 3 She’s wrapped up with feede in fleece of Snow J The Sea refts never, beads muft undergoe The yoke of toyle, and mankinde muft live fo. Then you my felloweslet us ftill advance, t Through all thefe hazards pf unluckie chance, G S Qut AVTMNVS: O (Sober, five media ALtas. Nos alio divina vocat for sagiat a fequentur Ocia- } fc olim dm a htc mmmjfc juvabit. n . Qua Tena longam circinat or bit m Solis, polorum qua cadit ambitus Aut fur git orbi, fraudulenta Sors homines trahit impotentes . iQuarmt quod ignis deshuat, aut aqua Autfur refojfts parietibus domus Aut tine# deni vellicantis Hollis & infidians rapina . Cesium tenet fed divitias meas Chriflum redemptorem pia & agmina C alituum qui ter beatas Hoc duce concelebrant chordas , BtcNeSar atto flumine defluit , Hic fiant acervis Ambrofix poli Hic gloria & pax , & triumphus Omnia qua exbilareni ovantes. Non finient b^c gaudia fecula Won peculor um fistula, fecula» Non quotquot erunt (ST dierum Que nebula (it tenebris c arebunt. Huc ducito m e cunela per ardua, fer faxa terra* fer fc opulos maris, fer quicquid Orbi esi inquietum fulgur a per, tonitru, procellas . Sit modo portm fotlicit£vi£ , QuiesOlympi, metaque fit mihi 'Sedes corufcans jingelorum 9 | it patris fupetg penates. Ntvemfo) AVtVMNE. Oflober^ or middle lAtge* Our lotis elfewherejoy fhall come at Iaft, Then gladly fhall wc thinke of troubles paft. IT From mornings Eaft,unto the evenings Weft , From South, to North, as Poles doe rile and fall. Men framing Fortune ftill fecke for the beft. And oft too curious are deceiv’d of all. They feeke what fire and water can deftroy , Or moth confume,or theefe can fteale away> Or Wherein they doe place their greateft joy. The enemy can take it as a prey. Heav*n hath my treafure with my Lord and King,, With companies of glorious Saints in bljfte, Where holy quires doe dance triumph and ling, They follow, and our Saviour leader is. Here Ne&ar rivers every where doe flow, Ioy without forrowjholy daliance , Here (lands Ambrofias heapes,where ere you goe* And what immortali glory can advance. If you (hould multiply ten thoufand ages. They (ball not end this joy and glorious light. Nay though you goe beyond ten thoufand ftages* Nor all the dayes which never fhall know night. Hither lead me,0 Lord through all diftreffe, O’re mountaines of the land,rockes of the Teas, Through whitfoever hath no quietneffe. Through ftormes and thunder, if it fo Thee pkafe*. So tha t the Haven of this my voyage be, Heav’ns reft,fo that the goale be of my race. The Court of AngeI$ 4 who attend on Thee, And in thy Fathers houfe fome dwelling place. G 4 November N Ow piercing darts defcendfrom heav'n above. We are corjlets if jour bodyes healthyou love. For Autumnes Utter raine,flrikes to the heart , O finer than doth the flyiug Parthians dart m When Sagittarius bends hU bow, take heede , For if you Jhmt not, he can ftrikeyou dead. f 0 gracious Heaven who can make mortals fad, ^And merry •fill foretelling good and bad» jiSii : ;y# 1 : ; ;j t i si 1 ,;':: I ■ P i ho- 1 AVTVMNVS. November, five iEtas provediior. P ieiacfes Eoo Cali cum cardine furgunt, Pucspitemque rapit rmfflkm penultimm anm /tuber, <& in ft ant U procurrit frigora bwm& C*dua calcatur me fits, calet ana fruges Exfiliquat tritura boum i part munera Bacchi Temperat, £? variis jpumantia prela racemis i Tmgtda ferventi ftant labra undantia mufio } MeUa premunt alii, poliant que examina ceris, HybUifque favis; Jiat nebaris amphora plena, cr vet opus varium , nec mejfts omnibus una effc Talis gens humana, quibus non difcolor oris Wf figura po te/i mage quam fententia mentis s TJtverfis diverfa placent, fludioque trahuntur Nonum mortale genus, /ublimis Olympi Van legit amfrattus, & Caeli fydtra pulfat Venice 5 reptat humi ignavi pars maxima vulgi • Sed paupi virtutis iter, medrumque feqmntm * Galling mve F raude 3 dolifq i petent : fed Cedi dextra tuetur Cognatum imperium>& numen venerabile regis , Exitij furit caufa fui, inveniunt % ruinam Quam meruere gravem, & dfgnas conamine poenas, Vumfcandunt altas Cedros, /ub pondere rami , P tanguntur, mittunt^ truces ad Tartara faftas : Turbo velut rapida erumpens de mbe proceldt. Ingeminans motu vires, fervefit eundo. Crebrius aeria quatiendo cacumina quercus Concutitur magis Mnfy in robore perdit* Ambitio vexat fic hot dum dira, feruntur HtfpeU ArTrMtiE. N «vernier, er Kjigt ferre fient» Nor could Ulcidei club or hayrie coate. Save from a fatall rope Commodus throate. Ctligula mod impious amongft men, Dar’d to behead his Country Gods, and then Did caufe their (houldershis gold'n head up beare^ That all might worship him with divine feare. O curft impiety that can no way Beex^iatedl which with Heaven's fcepter fway. And match their Scepters with loves thundring hand. Who doth the grcateft Monarchies commands There Scepters are butfraile, and fortune ftrange. There Scepters with a begger* ftaffe doth changes Why doe thefe purple tyranes often dye Shedding their purple foules mod cruelly ? Becaufe Heav’ns Deity then doe contemne, And like Salmonius thunder amongft men. For others Fortune wifely did forefee, Cradels well fitting with their low degree, Commanding them no wayes t’ afpire fo high As to ufurpe facredfupremacy: Yctfome have fo ambitious defire. They will notlive fecond in Romes Empire. Monftcrs of men, Earths plagues, Hells curfed brood. They willbe wicked caufe the Gods are good. Seeking t* enfnare Earthes Sacred government ; Befidcs curft treafon they have no intent. But yet heav’ns hand can ftill that power defend. Which to its bleft anoynted it doth lendj They’re authors of their woe, they catch a fall. And curfed death juft Ncmcfis of all. Who fcale the Cedars finde top* boughes too weafce. Which once ©ppreffed eafily doe brealte; Much like a whiricewind rulhing from above, Jtfaxiag fti]I mwtytbc mm thatic doth move. While HI AVTVMNV5. November, five provc&ior JJ Cas Impete pracipiti, & perplexo ad culmina rerum f Melt ruunt tandemqup ftud : conatibus impar Mepperit hmndos injufta fuperbia lap fits. Quid juvat ex cel ft icmfcendere culmen honoris Invito love, percellunt ft fulmina montes Berios > costi fup&ant qm vertice nube si tutius eft latui ft cafe fub cecfite vilis, Attfea qukra Regum captare palatia fraude, Tutim eft Clymenes tenues coluiJJ'e penates , Qgampimbi ignitos temere teniare jugaleti Fidere c crat is ft omv a eft tnfania pernis, time qua sde ft? urn-, quid turgida toUis y elaptr horrendas , ftmofi gurgite undas P Mrn forms fottuna petit, rieprendit in alto Sed naves, quarum contingunt fuppara nubet* F elix ^ heu nmlumfdix ft forte quieftcat Contentum mortale genus, tmiftima vita eft SPftp^didict fervarc modum, quee 'nefeia fraudis An bitime caret } populi non toUitur au^d. Idee cadit ufani levia ad fuffragia vulgi , Fan timet hac uncos Sejant & tnftta Man's Funera, quifaxum qui deturbaverat koftes Cadefda /par fit, dum Romamnon capit impar „ Sunt quibus unum onus eft loculos di ftendere, plenas C ond ere ftaviffas , toiifque incumbere gasjs. Corradunt quodcunque trahunt torrentibus amnes Auriferi, quod cunque tenet ferupuiofius unda Littus Erythraee, qui coeli numina taftqudms Sufficiunt ga\&s, quarum quo copia major Boc magis ardet opes, & non fiu uratur ege ft as. Semper hiat rimis non auro exple hile pelius , i inopes voto ftunt,creftcit CenfitS, habendi ' Qtefcit iniquus awoy, quantumque accedit ad (tUTUM* Saeta fames astri, tant um Juli viflere glijcfy KsiVTVMNE. November , or age fine (pent. While it doth wraftle with the aged Oake, It weak* ns its eager flrength at every ftroke : So doth ambition vex thofe,who doe flyc. With all theirhiight to fupreame dignity > Which when they cannot reach 5 they breake their ftrength And with their weight, they fall to ground at length, J They feeke the honours gainft the Eternall Will Of love. When thunder ftrikes the higheft hill. More fafely in a cottage you may lurke, Then in a Pallace curled treafon worke, Better with C lyvteve at home t’abide. Then P hxbus flamin'» horfes tp mifguide ; What greater madnefie then to tempt the Sunne With waxen wings, which prefently wi'l tunne ? foile fottly $ Fortune pafleth by the Ihores, Catching the (hip,whichwith her dreamers foares. O happy mankind, if men once did know With meane eftare themfelves content to (how / That life is fafeft which doth keepe a meane. Free from ambition, and from falfhood deane 5 It neither ftands nor fals at vulgars breath. Nor feares ambitious Sejans cixrfed death * Nor Manlius fate,who wou'd be Lord of Rome » And from the Capitol had both praife and doome. Some men doe feeke with gold, their bagges to fill. And hoording treafure$,thirft for treafures flill ; They fc^ape what ever flowes from HermusC&ndj And what the redfea cafteth forth to land. They dcifie their riches and their flore j The more it is,they feeke for more and more 5 Their chincky breads they cannot fill with gold* Their hearts defire their coffers cannot hold ; They covet more,the greater date they have, having purchas’d more^ill more they crave* Thoa AVTVMNVS. N ovcrober, five AStas provc&ior.' C entis avaritia ham an £ dirijftva peflis. Metropolis feeler um y Gemo qua dedita terne» Heglsgii tether t as Divini numinis arces $ Indulges tibi dira lues, ut languor aquofus JLccendtt potando (itim •, tu pluribus auftd *?lura petis bona fortuna, qutefordida cur a ac ctmulat ,fervat% t war ,pcrdum% dolores £ T ejke C&leflem potuijf. nt ducere vitam orta' es -qualem fetura fecula quondam Digenmt fub patre lovis >qumforsfua quenf^ ditabat [me Uge bomm , fine fraude beatum . Sunt & qui (olidas inter convivia lue s Ccnfuwuntyprocer efque gula Saliaria men fis 9 Vercula dant Siculis^c^piuntq, in vifcera fylvas » Et waru, aftfMne. Nevemkr, tr ^Age Jarre fftnU Thou cnrCed Plague of mankindc avarice, Author of woe and Hydra of all vice. Earths Genious thou onely doft adore, Negledting Heav’n which lafts for evermore! Thou like the dropfie ftill thy thirft do'ft fet de. The more thou drinkeft, greater is thy neede. With care and feare, the more thou doft poffeffe. With griefe thou thinkeft thy riches leiTe and Itflfc, Were’t not for thee, mortals might happie be. Such as the bleffed golden age did fee; Good without feare of Eawes,who {fill did fmilc Content with ev’ry Hate, rich without guile. Some love to feaft their bellies all the day. With Saltan cates in idlenelfe and plays They doe devoure whole woods and lakes, and Seas* And Falerne mountaines, fo their gut to pleafe; They feaft the Sunne , carowfing to the night. And wearie out the next infuing light. Tell rne whofe glory is onely dainety fare, Such as ViteUiui) JEj'ops diihes were 5 Tell me who Ceres doubtfull fuppers love. At laft, what doth your wafte and charges prove? Thefe fofc delights doe breake vour finewie ftrengtfe. And dropfie ftafeeth loofe your jcynts at length} What comes of all your cates ? the j ikes can tell. Which turnes your gold into Mephitis fmell. Thrice and more happy is the fober maa. Who on a little live contented can; Like Heraclim, who with meale and water Maintaines the peace, and knowes not how to flatt 'He think't enough, what God doth fparelygive. And in his meane eftate doth richly live,* He doth his bread* corne by the Plough provide, to fug hard by the river fide: Whofe AVTVMNVJ; November, five ^Etasprovc&ior. Huk mens ftcc cl, tenax refli, moderata, pudica* Ip Ce probict, feeler is pum,fe flator bonefti , Integer atque animi forth* cmdufque vigore Quales prifia dabat curios cafa cejp ietefla Pugnaces , tenuique beatos forte camillos Fabrtcios parvo contentos ; qualis aratrum Serranus liquit propriam, fdfeefque recepit $ Felices anima patriam qui laude bearunt, Et fibi perpetuum fecere in facula nomen / CMtles in adverfas acies qui fortiter audet Cernere, & ho f ilem dextra confundere dextram, Enfe viam fi eruens ($* multa cade decorus , Befendit) qui marte focos & nummis aras j Sive opus excubiis tenebras defendere noflu , Metari feu cajlra } fudum circvndare vaUo Agmina* vel duro fylvas fuccidcre ferro. Aut per operta foli medias emergere in urbes » -Aut liquidos remigi fluvios fuperare natatu. Proterere hter entem glaciem , calcare paludes * * Arietibus muros , tefludine vellere portas*. Pro patria e fi huic dulce mori, dum vulnera fronte Excipit, primus ccnfcendit manta, vallum Perrumpit ., cuneo ve anima jam prodigus inflat. Ergo ubi jam viflos trahit arfla catena duelles* F en atique via currum comitantur, equique * Bellorum exuviis Uti trumifque trophteis* Pugna triumphali legitur quum fortis in arcu , Infiaurant que diem feflu conviviapomph s Cumpepuli Paeana canunt, & clajflca diras 7)eponunt iras, & Martis gaudia clangunt, Jpfeviro major dux auro inflgnis & Ofiro Sublimis curru ingreditur, tot millia pafcens Speflantarum , urbh fcandit cum laude ruinas * Supra qub tendat non efl; efi culmen bomrh 9 ArrvMNEl November , or age farte font Whofe water to his fober pallate tafteth. Better then NedarjWhich the gluttons waileth % His minde is conftam,chafte,and modcratci Himfelfe is honefbflrong, and temperate j Like Cutij and Cawilli 9 who did dwell Ifn cottages, whom nothing ere could quell j Or lijke Senanus who his plough did leave. That he Romes powerfull enfignes might receive^ O happy Soules, who with eternall praife, Wd blelTe their Country, and their propheesraife. The Souldier,who with firy courage Hands, Againft the Martiali fierce encountring bands. Who with his fword makes way, and will not flic, Maintaining Church >and Countries liberty . Whether in darkeneffe he ly’th centenail, ’ Or doth entrench his forces with a wall. Or on a fuddaine fell downe talleft woods. Or undermine ftrongTownes,orfwim o’refloods. Or breake the ice,fearch Fcjordes,afiailc the Ports, Or with fierce warlike engines batter Forts $ He for his Countryes fake,is glad to dye, And will with honeft wounds his courage try. While firft he feales the wall, and thorow runnes, The Fortlets,fearing neither fwordsner gunnes. So when he leads his captive foes in chaines, When iron* men, when Horfe,and Mays his traines Ooe fhow his fpoyles,and with his Trophees march The fight is read in the triumphali Arch, With feafls and fhewes,they doe renue the day. With triumph-fongs his glory they difp lay*, Trumpets forgetting ire, found joy and peace. He in his chariot rides aloft with grace * So through the ruine of the wall he gees? •And feeds the eyes of all men with bis fhoWes 5 Hi AVTVMNVSj November, five .ffitas provenior . 1 Unie cadat, graviorermns in Tartara lap/u. Sors infida foist Ut os fa dare triumphor , Et dubijs nimium volitat viftoria pennis : Lufce tuis turge quantumvis pme trophceU, Et Rom re terrore trementes concute portat > « •Metire in modi) s equites, & montis aceto Er ange jugum j fimulac fallax fortuna reflant Bithynio time cogeris fervire Tyranno , Et mi/eram tacito vitam finire veneno. Heeler a priamidem cur ceefumjaftat Achilles Priamide Paridis moritur vindice telo ? Quid juvat incenfam vafianAgamemnona Trojam , Si reduci parat mfidias feviffima eonjux i O fors fluxa hominum male penfas magna ruinit Nec pateris conjlare diu mortalia j cafu Omnia fed 'fiuxo,& fatorum turbine ver fas, Quod fi fummci rota teneat fafiigia Cmfws 3 Mox cadit, & radio vi flor flat Cyrus in alio. Impatiens donec Tomyris de fede Tyrannum Excutit , humano gaudens fatur are cruore > Sic ludens non certa fui fallax % clienti Jnconfians Fortuna fupr emis infima mutas. Felix qui cafus fefe componit ad omnes, . In duris Jperani meliora hic , infa [ecufidh Deteriora timens, medio fic tramite vitam, Dirigit, ut nullo noceat Rhamnufia vultu • lima velutptlagi rupes immobilish&ret Quadrata, radice [edens, temmtfa procedas Et concurrentes ad fervida pr; jfl lilp AVTVMNVS. November, five JEtas provectior» Quodfidifruptis rueret compagibus orbis CMacbim, non trepidum tumularent rudera mandit f 7)a Cbrifie vires , da mihi grati $ Virtute , diras ire per hoUtum Turmas y & infanas phalangas Perfaia, invidi £, timoris: Internus boflii me mdefauciat. Externus hofiis vulnere lancinat, Q uoemque me verto , cruentis Obfideor Satance catervis. Tu dux j Deus Tu, Tu 'Dominus mihi Arx , falus , rupes , pr/e fidium, decus Tua fub umbra militabo i Nec metuam rabidos duelles. TDonec fugatis liberor boftibus , Quum tu potenti numine proteres Gentes rebelles , & fuperbis Iniicies manibm catenas. Quando fonabunt atbere clajftca Parebis altis nubibus in fidens, jid Te vocabis tunc amicos in patre Ccelttuunt beatos. Qualis triumphi tunc facies erit Quando refurget turba fidelium Stabunt que catus impiorum Numinis ad fuperum tribunal. lAgmen malorum fulpbunas domos Intrabit or ci, facula in omnia Tormenta pafjurum Gehenna Et tenebras Stygri barathri. Scandent polorum culmina fed pii Inter corufeas Seraphici gregis Turmas , & at emo fruenmr Gloria impertOj ac honore. Beamberj kAVTVMN e. November , or age farre (front. Nay if the world Ihould fall about his eares. It would not quell his conftant heart with feares. _ H Grant courage Lord,and by thy faving grace, Through all mine hoftile troupes me fa.fely Ieade, Suffer me not tofhrinke from ranke and place. But fight ’gainft treach’ry,envy,feare and dread. My inward enemy doth my heart afiaile. My outward foe with wounds upon me fet, Goe where I v?ill,my foemendoe prevaile. With Satans bloody ambufh X’me befet. Thou’rt my Captaine,Thouit my God and Lord, My caftle,fafety,rocke,defence,and prize Thy fhaddowjfafeguard can to me afford, Gainft all whatever enemies devife. Till they be put to rout, and I fet free, Then (halt thou Tyrans to fubje&ion bring Vnderthy great Man-perfon’d Deity, And with their bands, their rebel f neck's (hill wring. When from Heavens corners, trumpets loud {hall blow* When thou O Lord, the wicked doft endite, Thou in the clouds (halt make a glorious (how And with thy Fathers bleffed ones invite. O what a triumph {hall that triumph be. When godly menihall from their graves arife Before their Saviour; and impiety Shall ftand before their Iudges flaming eye$ t The wicked lhall paffe to Sulphureous fire , There tortures to endure without all end. The flame, the wprme,the whips that never tyre, And toeternall darkenefie be condemn’d. The godly mount on high with glorious fong, Mongft Seraphims and Cherubims tnoft bright. With triumph-pomp, convoying Chrift along T’enjoy all pleafure, glory in Gods fight. HYEMS. December, five Sene&us.' P Ronus adbirfuti qmm Titan cornua capri Pertigit , aufiralem C cell relegatus ad aulamz Incipiant Languere dies, & triftior ami Apparet vultus, multum mutatus ab itto Qn primi pitf os veri* jattabat honores Lilia purpureis dans intermtfta rofetis 5 Llico dimidice incipiunt decrefcere luces *. Ducere & exiguos arcus i longi (sima noftis Tempora dant immortales mortalibus umbras^ Frigoribus venti borrefcunt, aurceque pruinis , Flumina pigritie torpentor ford ibus arva. Nube riget Ccelum, lacrymrum gurgite Hagnat T eduris gremium,canefcit fluftvous aquor / Omniaque invetfum contrifimt Lutiibus annum' Obrepit fic tardahomini, trifiifque {enc6lus innumeris comitata malis, obnoxia morbis » EflqUe odiofa fibi, nonnunqum digna cicutis» Ft fragiles cani cycnxis tempora plumis Cingunt , & nivea crines ajpergine tingunt > Scepe velut Borea rapidis percuffa procellis Quercus piat foliis jam dejpoliata caducis » Corticeque horre fcit fcabra, nec frondibus umbra Sed trunco reddit : fic nofiramalignior Tpfe Atla^humeris qui coelum ($* fydera fulfil* Annorum Jpatio mfe&m fuppofuit , quem WINTER. X>tcemkr 3 or old Age. like fcorched gra(Te,when S'mm heate doth burne, And into a(hes doth earths moyfltire tume : His cheekes are hollow? his body lookcth thin In place of mufcles hangs a wrinckled skin: His gemme-like eyes fometime Dames nature* pryde Are dim, and now for (hame themfelves doe hide. They fcarce can fee the Sunne, they’re blinde as Moles* In place of eyes, we fee nothing but holes. His back’s a ridged bone, his (boulders bend. Which fometimes could with P elops well contend* - All feature’s gone, his beauties faire and bright Is made a fceleton and ugly fight. Mad Parity why to Sparta doft thou hye. To breake the lawes of hofpitality ? Why doft thou call the Grecian fleete to Ttoj, Which Tore it doth returne will it deftroy 2 Is ’t caufe thy breft with love is fet on Hi e. And thou nothing but Hellen canft dtfire ? Looke to thy mothers wrinckles and her face. Which age and filthy leanneffe doth difgrace; Her bleardneffe and her age thou doft deteft Yet once it kindled fire in Priams breft; Helen thy greateft joy and foie delight. After thy death and lunos deadly fpighc. After friends daughters} aftd thy fitters rape. Shall feratch her wrinckles like a munckie Ape, And oft with teares (hall blot the looking glaffe* Seeing what (he is now? and what (he was. What profits ftrength, when feeble age doth (hr mice» The body underhis owne weight (hall finke, loves facred oake, whofe growing (landing age. Two hundred ycercs hath flood ’gainft Boreas rage* When the third fatall age is come at laft, it daggers yeelding to the meaneft blaft; ~ ^ Atm HYEMS. i ' / ' * December, five Sene&us.’ Nex in fi rediens ge nnit , dum furta mantis Optato pulchrte Alcmenes fateantur amore s ghtididkit portare bovem, totique theatro O fient arefias populi ad fcettacula vires > Jam finio gravis, & longcevis debilis annis 3 Se minor effatos vidit pendere U certos, ingmuitque, animo non recondere vietos Cernuh naufraga littus * T roile tu felix impubes fortiter armos Fmifii,ferocuinon temerata dolore efl lmbeliis , trifliffy cetos : f fata dedi flent Banc infelici Priamo cum conjuge mortem. Non tot vidiflet natorum funera, rapt as Crinibus Iliad as lacer is, nec Pergama flammis * Diruta , non rivo maculajfet f anguinis aras . Quid non longaevi labe faftat temporis alas f Pyramides cedunt annis ,& MaufoUa, *DeHrUxit Rhodium curiofa Jenclla Coloflumi Longa dies minuit vires, forti [que vigorem Corporis exilem citius perducit ad umbram . Forma perit bcevfus non agro in corpore fen fiti Jntfaurat 5 pereunt Naturae &* munera fortis $ Virtm fola manet Jludio quam prima juventus Quafivit, triflem confolatuvfy feneftam ; Hcec pr te ft at mifer is facunda viatica canis , X)t fcimillantes T it anis lumtna jfleltas Obfcmanty virtus trifles fic mole dolores Opprimit, in fanas nonpajja exire querelas § Jpfa fibi merces pulcherrima Aigrtafy votis sola pqsycafu tranquillos reddit in omr&* WINTER ;2 "December ^ or old age» That which the Sea hath left, and ftormes and toyle^ tie minds to truft it to his Country foyle. Sweetenefle is gone,nothin2 but dregs remaine. The bottosne doth both leaft and worft containe. Why feeke you wretched men to reckon your dayes With three ag*d Neftor ? as if it were praife. To live beyond the Stagge,and Crowiiio day Doth want his crofle s each houre vyhich doth delay Our deathjprolongsour mifery,our woe | Encreafeth more,themore in age we grow 3 The leaking (hip, the longer way (he makes* The greater danger (till (he undertakes > And if (he (hall lanch further in the deepe, No skilfull Art can her from fhipwracke kecpe. Thrice happy Troile who did bravely dye. Before thy gray -haires rafted mifery 5 If deftinies had fo with Priame delt. He lhould not have fo grievous forrowe’s fclc> His childrens death, rapes,flames.and clam’rous groanes h ! S bloodj have diench ’ d the Altar ftoncs. What doth not age confume? The monument ut Cana r gone, the Pyramids are fpent $ AMei gract ColoJJik now is turn’d to nought And ft^ngth of body is to weakenefle brought.' Age ie lining vigour turnc ? man to a ghoft, 3 Who lately did of nerves and finewes boaft. Eeauty decayes, wealth cannot cure difeafe, p n Matures gifts, confuting age doth fefze i ^onftant and firme, Vertue remaines alone, * And comforts age,when ftrength and all are gone, ^ ay-haires provifion.. Like as P h*bus bright _ kneth the Planets with his greater light * a° 7r^ S S reatneffe d °th all forrowes quell * And luffeis not hearts fad complaints to fweli. H Y E M S. December, five Senedus. "Dir a SyYdcufia* qum flamma incenderet arces > CMarceUi^ manus den [arent undiq cades* Inter tot fremim, Strepitus Uamnta ruinas , Inter tot gemitus flandus, querulo fik dolores * Cosli doclcfcncxanino ftudiiffe vacabas , Alcyon veluti medqs fecururin undis* yi% hoflile tuo fenfifli in petfore fenum» O animi dulcis reqakSyO fo'a voluptas j/irm ! Tu tollis humana incommoda vit mihigaudia vita Si qua fuere memm^ feneflte Salvifica reparet gratia fanfla fide. Spiritus M therios inflauret pedore fenfus» Vt folum fapiat mens animufqfpolum * DcUf mihi noxa tecmeria certa remiffx» Cedat & fiterni feeder is arrba vM : c . WINTER. December, or Old Age. It doth content it felfe, it» owne reward In greateft dangerjftill th« fafeft guard. When flames did Syratufes Caftle* burne, When Roman forces did them overturhej Mongft (laughters, clamours, ruines, deadly noyie* Thoti Archimedes onely didft rejoyces Attyotlzhkt in trouble thou hadft reft, And fcarfely felt the fword thruft in thy breft. O happy reft of minde, O onely pleafure, p Comfort of age, mans bleft and onely treafurc, ] Thou leffnift woe, nothing can thee annoy* In midft of mifery, thoh affordeft joy. A . f Gray hayres encompafle now my head, fnowes Tell rue that Boreas blower A foggy dimmencffe doth my eyesaflaile. My grinders gin to faile. My flagger iog pillars cannot ftand at all* My houfc is neere to fall. Old age brings with it ficknefle anddifeafe. My limbes fl eke fluggifo cafe. All pleafure*$ gone* it doth me fore annoy. To thinke ofyciiths delight and former joy, My mi nd doth dreame of Ghoflcs , before tnineeyes , Deaths imigeftill doth rife, when crrours of my youth I call to mind, V t. i Old age doth forrow finde. Youths glory like the rainebowes painted jfpheres, , Doth vanifh into teares. O Father pardon and with faring faith, t Repaire what lofle age hath, let thy good fpirit quicken thy grace in me. That Hcav’ft my thought, my hearts defire may be # I * HYEMS. ? December, five Sene&us* Sic ego Ccelefiis patria obleffabor amore % Hos mihi lenimen dulce datoris erit, 1 Sic cupiam grata dijfohi morte, parentem Cbrifie , tuum ut poffim cemere 3 Chnfte 3 meutiU Empyreas gterna tuas ubi pax colit arces , Gaudiaque in>nuUos interitura dies, Spefialitque fides 3 qua credidit, & potietur Spes wto> C celi regna tenebit amor . Januarius I Winter. December, er eld \*/[ge. Grant me alTurance of forg'rvnefle Lord, Eatrneft offpritand word* So {hall the thought of Heavens eternal! reft s Comfort my foule diftreft. So let me be dilToIv’d, to be with Thee, .. „ ° ur Father>Lord 3 tofec* Where b!efledpeace 5 eternall joy doth dwell. Which no time e're can quell. Where faith doth fight,and hope doth wifli obtaine. Where endjeffe Ioye for eyermore (hall raigne. 3 3 January fyi' I nAm Aquarius 5«^ V m J To throw forth balefull floods out of mine urns? Sprwgwhe/s thy dreffe? Summer thy fragrant flowers? jiutUTYiHC thy p leaf ant fruits? loo here s my fhowtrs* What ever pleafure in the world was found. By this my fatali deluge now is drown'd. q when men a Noah fo long preaching hear e s JjCt ev*ry one take heede and fi and in fear?» 5 iwsssISiisssI loss HYEMSL Januarius five Mors. T Rift is ubi inveflam profundit aquarius urnam « lupitor &* gdido de ficendit plurimus imbre , Ac nebulis urget mundum, brumamque flagcttat Stridula tempeftas , • Ccelt grando fovora $ Omnia tunc refugo in terram fiant marcida fuccpa Exanimata gela moriuntur femina vti Stant & aqua petfftm glaciali compede vintft 2 , Immenfofque lacus capuli crystallina condit ,Arca, natant vivi torpenti in flumine pi fleet $ Terra fcpulta jacet nivibus, torpedine ta£H \ Erigaris , exangues perdunt flka gramina camph itatis defevit byems , quum incurva vacillat Fixqueejfceta levi fuflentat membra bacillo . Se minor eU homo majus onus, quum cernuus agrum Obfiipat caput in filices , capularis ad orcum Feftinat pedibus trinis, fled grejjibus impar Inque potens ruit m prtectps, inopina cbaronth Ad ferrugineam dum fertur flarclna cymbam . Naflcendt lex certa , via efi mortalibus una M lucem, fed mille patent ad funeret port t. Farcte molle fleant primi lanugine flamen. Et quod rugo fd carie, caniflque rige flit ^ Verfdphonxafugit nullum, non Proteus oret Tot poterat mutare, vices variare quot illa > Savior in quofdm torbtenta excogitat , arma Carnificis, clavos, uncos, cuneo flque trabalesi Editior e(l aliis, flnfimque in corpore vires iit fibras minuit, jrangitque state cicadas • Immcros fui caflws, diferimm mille _ I amtary, or Death. Hen cold Acpuariui empties all his paile. And lupirer with clouds the world doth vnile. When noyjfing tempeft jerks the winter sky, And crackling hajIe,aIongs the aire doth flye, Then to earths bowels Plants do fend their juice. And every thing benum med {tends with ice » If any feeds of life are to be found, They lye entombed in the frofi y ground 5 The groaning woods , their burthens cannot beare. Which from the jftocke the boughs and barkedoe teare. With icy letters rivers faft are bound, , And in a Cryflall coffing Lakes are found, jLive fifties in dead waters iwimme,and cold. Cramplike, the earth doth with Convultion hold! Mans winter is, when he hath waxed old. And with his ftaffe ? can fcarce himfelfe uphold j The Ieffe he grower ,the heavier he him finds. And Hooping downe, nothing but grave he mind?, Thither he haftnins with three fecte,cannot Make good his pacc,and fals in Charons boat. We know our birth ; there’s one way to this light, ®ut more then thoufahd wayesro fatall night ; The deftinies doe cut the threed new fpunne. As well as that,which wearing hath undone, Death miffeth none 3 and Proteus could not take More (hapes, then (he ftrangc kinds of death can mafee'j To fome more cruell torments Ihe invents, Gibbet and Racke, which naturali dea'h prevents 5 To fome more meeke,them foftly (he oatweares, Subftrad:inglife,by multiplying yeares j What man ca h tell the many thoufmd kindes Of ftrange difeafes, which for man flu findes ? j Sunn HYEMS J Ianuarius, five Mors.’ Morborum» diras febrium numerare cohortes Quit valeat ? non m volitant fab fy der e claro Corpora que fallant oculos fine lumine Solis, Quot mala verfut Quilibet unm figitur qui munere vitee MiMe modis pereat $ tot non arteria motui, Vebrkulofa ciet, quot mors dare vulnera pojfii» Sive placet macte gracilenti corporis artus , f JJ t i ; # //,*,*/* r A,j fait risi fl/immit inch % EttonftUarumvts flammea pauce tumejeunt ; Stu capitis dolor affligit, tephaltafa rumpent Tempovayqu^ oculos tendit catalepfis hiantes j, Sive veter no fi tabes lethargica [omni 'Enervat, faltufy rotans vertigine corpus. Et morbus rigidos convellens fp a fmate nervos 5 Sive cutem (cabris maculis elephantia pingit » Seu nitet hac multum diftenta inter cute lympha » Seu phagedena nocet, five orthopnea meatum Non facilem prabet vitalis follibus aura , Seu papulis turgens boa : Mors efl gnara nocendi {MiUe artes doUa»& -fraudum (ludio fa novarum. Sed gravior nuSus quam Ceeli morbus , & atthre Exitio fa lues, populatrix unica mundi S E lumina Letheis quum currunt languida lymphis» E t gravidat letho nubes fatale venenum {Diffundunupatulifa meat mors faucibus oris i Ne&areo pro me greges aconita trilinguis * Dira fer# lambunt» flant lurida pabula tabo J ln% homines fievire folet crudelius (eheu) Vidimus, & tanti fuimus pars magna doloris i Puum fave /a» rubitb Aniligenas graffata per eras winter. fynmrjyOr Death. Sunne never fo many A tomes fly, As fates have way es for our Mortality * We have one life, we may a thoufand wayes 3 Lofe it ;each ftroke of pulfe can end our dayes. Whether confumption us ext nuate. As waxe with lingrmg fire is macerat e, (Sr too much beate or moyft ure doth us quel!. Or fquincie inflames the jawes and males them fwelJj Oraches, meegrimes, head-tormenting paine. And flaring catalepfis 1 from the braine* Or a continuall fleepe oflethargie. Or giddy ihaking of fome Artery* Or ftrong Convulfion fits of crampe or goute» Or leprofie which paints the skinne without* And deadly water which pufles up the skin, ThirflijJg the more, the more it fwilleth in : Or runhing cancer uiher us to death, brvitall bellowesfcarce afford us breaths Or poxe or meafles* cunning death doth knovy A thoufand trikes mans life to overthrow. But none mor^ grievous than infe&ious ayre. Which Iyeth wafte this Fabricke every where} Then fainting brookes with Lethes ftreames doe flow. Clouds big with death abroad doc poyfbn blow. When men and beafts mortality doe breath, Andbeaftsfor dew, from grafle doelicke their death* Hcav'nraines infection, fuddaine death doth fall Like Manna, meat’s made poyfon, honey gall. It rageth moft ’gainft men, as vve have feene. Who of this evil! partakers late have beene* When raging in this land both night and day. It did not tithe, but fVifeepe who’e townes away 5 As thou (alaffe) faire London well canft tell, Sow thou Thames river with thy team didfilwell* * * i ... e' >• ‘V v H Y E M S. Januarius five Mors. Vrbibus exhaaflos tetovaflare penates. Londinum quoties T amifinas /Ictibus undos Auxifli , dicant , quos vix dum cymba Charontu ranfmfit , mancfpe tui, quos vix capit Orcus ? Corporis inque arcem fcandit vapor igneus } artus Pafcitur, tS* exefeit flammis torrentibus herpes » Indeflupore rigent oculi, de naribus ater Sanguinisit rivus, reformat tinnitibus aures ' 3 ilia fingultu tenduntur, fur git ab alto Spiritus, arcano gemitu, gravisi ajpera cl&ufas Lingua premit fauces » fit is infitiabilis urget 9 Amplexuque crebro torpentia faxa fatigant , Et gelidos po /eunt fontes, cuftode remoto ; Liventes papulce dant jfi&rfo in corpore navos, Etmaculce narrant difrumpi flamina vitncr yet have paft in Charons boat $ The Plague more grievous is » hen death,no wits Can ere devife more fcarefull lookes andfitsj A heavy languor doth their fpirits tire. Their eyes with j0am.es »their faces burne with fires A fcorching vapour doth their head poffefiej The fore burfts forth . their eyes with ftupidnefle Doe flare $ their noftrils drop with filthy gore. Their cares doe tingle, and their griefe is more : Their bowels like to burft with fighes and mones, Draw from their inward parts moft grievous grones. Their tongues fwell in their throates,and thirft themkils. They grafp cold ftcnes,when they have their wils ? Blacke wheales arifing give a certaine token. That now their fatal! threed of life is broken. No mortali evill like this Pandora brought. Nor fuch difeafo ftepmother Nature wrought? The double-headed ferpent with his fling. Nor fandy viper, can fuch venime bring, Nor Scytale, whofe back’s like gliftring gold. Nor thirfty Snake, nor Salamander cold, Nor rotting Horne, worne, nor the Scorpions taile. Nor Toade,nor wide * mouth’d ferpent fo prevaile. Nor Africks Afpe nor Bafiliske, who fees Afarre.and kils wkh poyfon of his eyes, Good God, doe banifh fuch a curfe away. That friends,their friends in ficknefle comfort may. How many in the Oceans bottome lye. Or elfe by love, or w arres revenge, doe dye ? O brittle,fraile, uncertaine life, undone By thoufand evils, and yet not match to one 1 Shall fury of Heavn 3 of Sea, and Land this blow. And winds soncurre a bubble to ©’rethrew. * H V E M S. Ianuarius, five Mors. inmmeris ohftff a malis, impar tamen ani i siecine ventorum concurrunt agminajbullam Ft frangant Cfali& i folifa furores Ergo anima hotpitioqoum corporis exulat,drcz& Empyreas repetit, patnum^ inilfit Olympum t Felix po ft tantos vita^ viaque labores » Optatos O 'i poterit qua intrare penates, JEternaque frui requie^clatifque triumphis i Felix incerta po(l tot dif crimina fortis. Contigit Mtherto cuijamrequicftere portu i intend corpus vary ludibria caJus , Pr^da jacet cruda fylva, aut fublme putre/ cent Vat corvis, caloque dapes j quot gurgite vdfto Corpora dar,t avidis inopinam pifeibus ejeam ? Pauca fu fotus jacet ikefepukbro» Vt: mibus ejia, chaos capuli putre, fabula vulgi* winter. lMwry t or Death. fayt'd mourners Chew his y ceres, the pompe fo braved Convoy him to his cold and fad like grave : But when they come to deaths pale habitation And fee the pit which gapes with de (elation. They throw the naked ccffing inj of all His friends, not one for love will with him fall All gets them gorte,he {kill alone doth lye, Jtottfinnefle, wormed bate,ta!eof mortality. t*„. HYEMS; Ianuarius five Mors.' . / if , Opera? precium hic videbatur cycnseum illud Car- men poeta? quidem clariflimi, fed anonymi, la- tinitate donare, quod homines mortalitatis fuse non infuaviter moneat. f\Valk Veflam pubes Alabandica flora, Qu alix & arborea gloria prima coma, Quale decus florum verno [kb tempore ridet$ Quale nitet prim o mane ferena dies. Quale jubar rutilans > quahfque evanida nubes % Qualis Amatbid, 't roflida /cena fuit » Talis homo > cujus fatalia flamina vita Net ftmuli & diro pollice parca fecat: , Spina to fee fupexefl, funduntur ab arbore florei Herba perit, parvo tempore mane fugit. Occiduum jubar efl, nubis pratervolat umbra , Scena repente cadit , vita caducaperit • Qualia flant teneris na flentia gramina campis. Qualis & in vanum fabula coepta jocum, gua’is avis fylva nulla qua f ede moratur, Qualis & in pratis pendula roris onyx, Qualn <3* efl hora, [ fithama dimen jio qualis'. Quale folet carmen fundere trifiisolor: Talis homo , cujus non certo obnoxia fato Tempora, & Iliacis accumulata malisi Gramma flacce f eunt» properum dat fabula fluet#, Avolat hinc volucrk, ros (ff in alta micat, Bora brevis > jpitham# non efl dimenfjo longa, Vt moriturus olor, fle moriturus homo* QualubuUa natat tremuli prurigine rivi. Qualis #* injpmlo lev* imago nitet , H Y E M S. Ianuarius, five Mors." Qualis Macbmm telam per cur fit ctrundo, Qualis mnofo littera fcriptd /olo. Qualis & eft nictus mentis fomnt. Quale fluit murmur defilientis aqua | Talis homo duris debens ludibria parch. Errat inflabiles it $ reiitc^viees > Bulla crepat devis jpccult drjparet imago s Torquetur peblen,c&ca litura perit. Excidit exanimo fenfmfle lumine fomnuii Et tanquam rivi murmure vita fluit . Quales decurrunt fiuvij torrentibus undis t Ojialis a Parthi mijfa fagitta manu , Qualis equi cur [m Ruperat qualis pila metam 2 Qualis & e diti fl/oitula miff a domo , Quales non certo curfu Uant aequoris «eftus. Qualis Arachneei pendula tela laris : Talis homo vit Marthides furgit ab urnd 3 FitTabithzvigil, belluareddit onus, Nox fugit, &r fi ell fubeunt mox gaudia lucis, Atque Homo pofi fatum Uitte fuperfies ov&U M En,beafls and birds y mountaines,andcAfile$ bp Like fifhes in oblivion drowned lj e • The feas and floods prevAile y an d all is gone 9 Deucalion *nd Pyrra, ure left alone * The f aire, the p leaf ant , fruitfully eare ispaft, $And Confummatum now hath com* d at laftl As in the feas, the life fiber e fijbes have y So fhall we take our being from the grave* HYEMS. Februarius, fiye Mortuorum Februa» Epitaphium Adami primi humani generis conditoris. J -| Vmctni ge neris pater 3 immortalis in horam^ Mox mihi mox cuneis mortis origo fui, Solm ego vixi felix, conferte beatus . . & felici, fcittut utere^ mi fer. Vrmus pecCavi^vonfolus 5 nam mea proles lnmepeccavitydehet & illamori, Qmia divina mihi primo miff a / alutis , Vt i proles hanc habitura §de e8 c Mcthuflialami omniumjqui vixerunt^ maxime longaevi* JLU Ego fam long# monHrum admirabile vita dEvi non numerent aBra minuta mei. * St mare clepfedra vitreo fit career e claufum Non fatis efl horis gurgitis unda mei, r, T ot maris immenfi non furgunt turbine fluffy Quot vidi Eoo /urgere ab axe dies . Sapius ardenti zidi fub Sole recentes Phoenices nidis exiluiffe fuit . Ef /oboles Quercus, que nafcunturab iBis* m Noferorum armorum confennete moris, Credideram non poffe mori me 3 ve&t at aurem Sera licet t dicms parca , neceffi mori eft. Hoc me folatur, fuerit quo longior atao> Hoc brevior mortis pofeeafemnas erit» Abraham! I WINTER* February, or Epitaphs, which may he termed Februa, celebrated for the memory of cer- tame fifties . Epitaph of Adam the firfi father of mankind* t Firft of mankind, made by power divine, -Immortali once, brought death on me and mine. Alone I flood, but marryed, I became Curfed, aslikewife eurfed was my dame. I finned firft, but not alone, my brood » Were one with me, whether I fell or flood. Salvation firft was preacht to me, as I By faith, fo may my off fprirgeome thereby. 0/Methufalem the hngeFl liver of mankind, 1*Me he, whom all for age doe wonder at, Whofe minutes fixed ftarres fcarce calculate; If of the fea,an houre glafle you fhould m ike, Each houre of mine each drop of fea could takes How many waves in Sea can you de vife* Asl have feene Sunnes from the Sea arife i Oftner than once the Phenix I have knowne. From fpycie cradles frefhly to have flowne ; Oakes and their off fprings offspring I did fee Decay’d with fatall yeeres antiquity : I thought I could not dyej but death me told, That dye I rauft, though I were ne’re fo old : This comforts me, the longer I did live, The fates the Ihorter fleepe of death {hall give. ■51 i HE HYEMS: Februarius, five Mortuorum Februa Ahrthami patris fidelium# QVumJpes nulla font prolis, rugofaque conjux Rideret Domini feeder a lotta fui . Ecce ftatim pulchra fecit me prole parentem. Et quia credideram me fore, faflus era w* < lUe puer magna fuerat jpes unit a gentis, Jguce Cceli fiellu aquiparama foret. Sed maffiare Deus juffiti quod dr emus egi : Velle meum Dominus credidit ejfe fatis. %Ua fdes mihi vera fuit, fre natum habiturum Credere , & hoc C£fo,me tamen e(fe patrem . Zlno (ic nato , gemino fed nomine f alius Sanfforumque parem » Ifaiidumque pater . Vtque ego , fic (oboles terra perigrina per oras Errat,& e fi patriam mox habitui apolum. Samfoni fortiffimi Ifraelitarnm ducis* ftfJiarita Deo facer ipfo a femine patris, AbfiemU natus de genetrice fui . ifacidum fulmen gentis , vindexque ducMm ( No firci Paltfiinos perdidit ira duces, guodfenfere gtavi rivales clade perempti , Et qm vulpind fraude cremata /eges. Qtiofque afim cafu gingiva oblata cecidit 9 Sedarunt cujus pocula mira fitim. Quafque tuli , meajnnt te slat a robora porta. Et quae difrupi fortia vincla manu. Sed tamen has vires vicit muliercula frauds $ ' am s robora vifladA W I NiTER. JFebr turgor Epitaphs on the dead. 0/Abraham, th$. father of the Fdkhfn&l W Hen hope of iflue now was all forlorne. And Sara laughed God of Heaven to fcorne, Sheftraight brought forth, and me a Father made, Caufe I beleeved what Almighty faid 3 The child the hope was of pofterity. Which to the ftarres of Heav’n (hould equal! be 5 God bid me facrifice this onely Sonne, My will h’ accepted,as it had been® done. Tell me, was not this conftant faith in me. To looke for f ruites and yet to burne the tree ? So by one Sonne, I was made father then Of Ifraet^nd of all faithful! men: As 1 ,fo (hall my off-fpriftg travlers be On earth, untill their Country Heav’n they fee. O/Sampfon the firottgefi judge of Until A Rayifitt from the wombe,God did me call, f*My mother did not tafte of wine at all ± The Mighty Iudgeof ifrael^nd the fell Revenge of J*hiliftime$ , as well could tell. My rivales, whom I quickdy did confound, The Corne which firy foxes burnt on ground, Tljofe whom I kild with jawbone of an afie. Which in my deadly third my fountainewas : So Ga%as gates my firength did teftify» The withes,ropeSjWeb,which 1 broke eafily • Yet all this ftrength a filly woman could y^dos/edyced with fbes-hriding gold. HYEMS. februarius five Mortuorum Februa. 1 Bsvidis Sanftifllini Ifraelitaram Regis^ t Lie ego qui quondam pledlro modulatus (eo. Et modo Cimmerijs merguntur corda tenebris % lnfa animis vifus nullus adejfe Deus . Ne defponde animm,Cceli qui numen adoras , difficiles, faciles experiere vices, Abfalomi Ifraelitarum pulcherrimi» J^Avidide l [acidas inter pulcherrime natosp Oris tam pulchri gloria vana fuit* Comptafc Ctfaries promiffo crine decora , Lumina, qua clavum ceu nituere jubar» Florentefy genx,mimo(f rubentidtabra. Quales condecorant lilia putchraro Threicias qux coBa nives, burner Elephantum Vincebant, juvit nil juvenile decus 3 Brachia candidulis multum formo fa lacertis , Corporis & facies immaculata tui Quum tua probro fo fovdefcat crimine fama 9 Sordeat & nomen tempus in omne tuum» Mentis erat virtus , pilaff petenda 5 fine iUa F orm bonum fragile effjp ni Am k&U M I WINTER. February or Epitaphs on tht dtad. 0/David the mop; holy King of Ifrad* | The fweete finger once in Ifrael 'Who lov’d thefe fongs, which lik’d Almighty well. Who danc’d before the Arke in peoples fight. Accounted therefore by my Mhbal light; I made Harpe, Timbrell, Lute, my whole delight, Heav’ns harmony, my joy both day and nights Yet fometimes on my couch thefe joyes did turne. In floods of teares, and I did fadly mourne ; As in all things, fo in the godly heart Sorrow and joy by courfe doe pi ay their parr; Sometimes the heart is calme and fweetely ftill. When God the foule doth with his prefence fill; Sometimes in deadly forrow it is drown’d. And then no gracious prefence can be found. Be not call downegood foule, how e’re it goe; If thou be fad, it (hall not ftill be fo. Of Abfaiom the faiyefi of IiraeL 'J'Hou Abfalomgtzzt Ifraels beamy rare. did a vaile thy (hape, and feature fee, what profit made thy Iockes and weighty haire. Thy eyes with which the ftarres could well compare Thy comely cheekes, thy lipj> vermilion red. As hllies doe decore the rofes bed. Thy iv’ry (houlders and thy fnow-whitc necke, Lhy youthrull grace which did thy body decke; Thy dainty armes with their embracements fweete, 1 ny body without blemifti all compleat ? If now reprochfull vice doth brand thy fame. And leudnefle of thy life difgrace thy name. he vertue of the mind thou (houldft have fought. ^heauty 3 wiehoutthat,is painting thought. HYEMS. Februarius, five Mortuorum Februat Salmonis fapientiffimi & ditiffimi Ifraeli. tarum Regis. I flLLe ego fwn Salomon , cujus fapkntia metam» J Diviti* cujm non habuere modum. Omnia qui noram, cedro/que, hederafquefequacets. Saxorum argenti copia adindar erat. Orbu & extremu mea fama vocavit ab oru Reginam, teflh qu* foret ipfa mei. Venit , me vidit, (iifpcxit, deinde beavit Turbam qu* menfe tunc famulata me* e ft. Omnia qu* human* poterant contingere fortia Noftrafuem decus, gloria, jplendor, opes . Omnia at inveni , qu* fublunaria , vana » Vota hominum fenf fluxa, caduca, nihil . FINIS. win tee: 2 tbruarj^ or Epitaphs on the dead» of Solomon the wife ft and riche ft King o/IfraclJ 1 Once the Solomon , who did excell *In wit, in riches had no paralell. Who did from Cedars to the Ivy know, Whofe plenteous filver did like flaiteftones goe, Whofe glorious fame a Qucene brought from the South, iThat (he a witneffe might be of the truth. S he came, and faw,and wonderd>anddid fay. That thofe were happy, who did with me itay> I had alone,which all their owne doe call. Riches, and honour ,pieafure,I had all : Vet I did find all under Sunne to be Mor tall/raile? brittle, and but vanity . eiviv t* 8s*» finis: I -.It vvi.iiM