Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute http://www.archive.org/details/anscopicturewayoOOansc A nsco The Picture Way of Making Enjoyment Last Forever im Ansco Company Binghamton , N .Y. An SCO Company BINGHAMTON, N. Y. The first manufacturers of Daguerreo- type plates in America. The first manufacturers of professional cameras and photographic supplies in America. The first manufacturers of dry plate and film hand cameras in the world. The reproduction below is taken from an Ansco advertisement in The Photo- graphic Times of January, 1885. ■-.,>' Z..1' ^i Copyright, 1913, by Ansco Company The Ansco Wisiy to Artistic Results THE delights of photography! Do you know them? To note and indehbly record for future viewing a scene of beauty or action — a waterfall in a flowered glen — a child at play — a speedy train or automobile; in other words, to give free rein and full development to our love for the beautiful, the artistic, the unusual — in all these lies the charm of photography. If you have denied yourself these pleasure-thrills it can be only for one or two reasons — you think it expensive — or you think it beyond your skill. Glance through this little book and you will find one or more trustworthy cameras priced to fit your purse. Go to any Ansco dealer and in ten minutes he will show you how easy it is to operate an Ansco. You will find the different models light, compact and well made. They can be loaded and unloaded with the Ansco cartridge film in daylight. The film may be developed in the darkroom or the tank in full daylight. If desired, the film may be sent to the nearest Ansco dealer to be developed, and finished on Cyko paper. Do not hesitate to invest in an Ansco, for in a short time you will find yourself amply rewarded for your enthusiasm by pictures that will never fail in interest to you and your friends. In vacation time alone, your Ansco will prove an inseparable companion, always ready, a true and faithful re- corder of all those scenes that make you say, "The best time I ever had." THE DELIGHTS OF PHOTOGRAPHY If you are already a follower of the delightful art of photog- raphy, for pleasure or profit, there is much in this little book that you can read to your advantage. The pages on Ansco film and Cyko paper form the basis of our argument that the Ansco way is the absolutely certain way to faithful, forceful, artistic results. An Ansco Makes a Fine Gift The simplicity and everyday usefulness of an Ansco make it an unusually suitable and never-to-be-forgotten gift for young or old. For a girl or boy the Ansco will prove a valu- able instructor in the ways and beauties of nature. Elbert Hubbard stated a year ago that photography has taken its place alongside of books in education, and Edison, in a recent interview published in The Saturday Evening Post, gives facts to show that photography will do away with books in teach- ing the race. Make your next gift an Ansco. The Reason for Ansco Quality It is a strong guarantee of highest quality that the manu- facturers of Ansco and Cyko products are the pioneer makers and originators of professional and amateur cameras, and the only American manufacturers with more than half a century experience. Ninety-eight per cent, of all professional cameras made in this country were made by the Ansco Company. They know, therefore, the requirements for highest photo- graphic efficiency — and how these can be simplified for the amateur without sacrificing best results. 4 THE PICTURE DIARY Children Never Grow Old In the Ansco Album The family album: remember the pleasure it gave you to look through it, and how you wondered at the strange cos- tumes father and mother wore years ago? How you wished you had pictures of them when they were young and care- free — playing about at grandma's or around the tree at Christmas. You would count such pictures treasures now. For your pleasure in later years, and for the enjoyment of all who come after you, start such an album now. The Ansco will help you. Every day the children at play uncon- sciously strike some charming pose that attracts you. Get it with the Ansco. Take pictures of the children from the time they crawl and talk and walk, and on up till they reach the "grown-up" age, and don't forget the older folks. Add their pictures to your Ansco album. Make it a family history in picture. The informal, everyday "snapshots" you take of the family will become more dear to you by supplementing the more formal studio poses. No Matter What the Picture Ansco Film Will Give You True Color Values A dry-point or an etching by Whistler has in the fine shades of black and white all the force of the color values which the camera makes possible with the Ansco film. All film may be truthfully advertised as being orthochro- matic, for there is no difficulty in making a film sensitive to one or more colors. The art is to make it sensitive to the 5 COLOR VALUES right colors and in the proper degree, so as to produce the various tints of black and white necessary to create the cor- rect impression. This has been done with Ansco film. In view work, where there are clouds or foliage or great distances, all details show clearly and a harmony of light and shade is obtained with Ansco film. In portrait work, draperies, dresses, etc., are reproduced in their true color values. Auburn hair will be shown in a different tone from black hair; blue eyes will not look almost white. Use Ansco Film It's the film that makes the picture, and this should be carefully considered by you, whether your film camera is an Ansco or another make. Ansco film fits all standard cameras. There are many dealers bound by agreement to other manufacturers who will endeavor to sell you a film of some other kind. But you should try Ansco film and then let the results determine which film you will continue to use. The Ansco Film is the Original, Genuine, Perfect Film The patent for the first camera film was applied for by the Rev. Hannibal Goodwin in 1887. Owing to interference pro- ceedings in the U. S. Patent Office, Dr. Goodwin's patent was not issued till 1898. All Ansco films are made by a process which grew out of the one patented by Dr. Goodwin. This is why we say that the Ansco film has behind it years of experience of the highest order. 6 y^^ COLOR VALUES ^<^\, Develop Your Own Films Then Print Them on Cyko Paper If you have never done your own developing and printing, try it. It's intensely interesting and really simple after a few trials. You start with a roll of Ansco film that contains, say your vacation pictures. In the dim light from the ruby lamp in your darkroom, the film shows no indication of the camera's work. As you slowly draw the film through the developer, you note with anxious interest each image as it slowly grows to the scene you remember. "Will it turn out right?" "I won- der if I gave that enough time?"— these will probably be some of your thoughts. And when all are developed, you are justly proud of your work — you have mastered the second step in photography — you have helped create something. And then comes the "printing," when Cyko paper will prove its value to the amateur. Read on page 45 to find out just why. If you don't care to do your own printing, any dealer will make your prints on Cyko paper. Time after time pictures printed on Cyko paper have won the Grand Prize at photographic exhibitions, thus proving its high quality. THE IMPORTANT SHUTTER QUESTION Optimo Shutter ]\ /TANY attempts have been made in the past few years to produce a thoroughly satisfactory between-the-lens shutter fast enough to photo- graph successfully rapidly moving objects, but simple, compact and reliable. To meet the undoubted demand for a shutter of this description the "Optimo" was designed, and we believe that it answers all requirements as it has many advantages over present models besides high speed. The five leaves revolve in making the exposure, one end passing from the opening and the other end taking its place, which makes high speed possible, and in opening and closing it shows a star-shaped aperture, the points of the star reaching to the edges of the opening, thus giving the greatest possible illumination to the plate. Besides "bulb" and "time," the Optimo has a range of automatically con- trolled exposures ranging from one second to 1-300 of a second, the latter being sufficiently fast to cover any emergency. Although working at such a great speed, it sets and releases easily by push buttons and operates without jar or recoil. It is readily adjusted for any desired exposure by means of a large milled disk and has iris diaphragm regulated by a separate lever. A much higher speed is claimed for some shutters but we believe the Optimo to be fast enough for all purposes and invite comparative tests. 8 THE IMPORTANT SHUTTER QUESTION Ansco Automatic Shutter "pXPERIENCE has demonstrated that a shutter accurate in action and working with precision must necessarily be a carefully adjusted instrument, and, therefore, easily affected if abused in handling and if allowed to become clogged with dirt. This question has been satisfactorily solved for us by the Wollensak Optical Company who originated the first self- setting shutter ever made. The Ansco Automatic embodies many new principles in shutter construction, all working parts being concealed in a neat outer casing, and thus entirely protected from dust and injury. The various exposures are governed by a lever at the top of the shutter, which is much easier to operate than a disk. In addition to "time" and "bulb" it gives 6 degrees of speed in making instantaneous exposures from 1 to 100th part of a second. The Ansco Automatic is provided with iris diaphragms to control the size of lens opening, and with finger and bulb releases. The body case is silver finished, levers in polished nickel and scale plates in black with silver letters. THE IMPORTANT SHUTTER QUESTION Cyko Automatic Shutter 'T^HIS shutter is in construction and appearance similar to the Ansco Automatic, and was devised for the lower price Ansco Folding Cameras. It differs from the Ansco Automatic in that it is a single valve shutter and lacks the lower speeds of automatic exposures, but the "bulb exposure" answers the purpose. Otherwise the shutter is automatic in its action and has all the working parts enclosed in a neat outer casing. This and the other shutters fitted to Ansco Cameras are made by the Wollensak Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y., who guarantee them to us and to our customers. In case the shutter should need repairing it will save time to send it direct to the manufacturers. 10 Q))) THE IMPORTANT SHUTTER QUESTION ((Q Junior Shutter 'pHIS shutter, which is the one fitted to the Ansco Junior Camera, is a self-setting shutter operated by a bulb and is automatic in action. It has a very neat appearance, the body case being finished in black enamel and the levers in polished nickel. It is provided with "time," "bulb" and instantaneous exposures and with iris diaphragm, allowing lens openings from U. S. 8 to 128. This and the other shutters fitted to Ansco Cameras are made by the Wollensak Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y., who guarantee them to us and to our customers. In case the shutter should need repairing it will save time to send it direct to the manufacturers. 11 Q))) THE IMPORTANT SHUTTER QUESTION Midget Shutter 'T^HIS shutter is in general principles similar to the Junior but not so elaborate in workmanship. It is self-setting and operated by a finger release lever. It is provided with " time," " bulb " and instantaneous exposures and with iris diaphragm, giving lens openings from U. S. 16 to 256. The body case is finished in brass lacquer, the levers in polished nickel. This and the other shutters fitted to Ansco Cameras are made by the Wollensak Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y., who guarantee them to us and to our customers. In case the shutter should need repairing it will save time to send it direct to the manufacturers. 12 Ansco Anasti^mat Lens for 1913 'T^HE lens is the most important part of a camera. Our experience of sixty years in the manufacture and sale of cameras has demonstrated this beyond a doubt. The lens feature of the Ansco Cameras for 1913 has received our first consideration, and we have secured for each model the highest quality and the most advanced type of lens possible within the price of each instrument. Any limitation compared with high-grade Anastigmats has been compensated by the general construction and the speed of the shutter. We have also carefully considered the requirements of the amateur who may wish to make pictures under adverse con- ditions, possible only with a high-grade Anastigmat. After the most painstaking tests and comparisons, we decided in favor of the Ansco Anastigmat. The Ansco Anastigmat is a lens of general application; that is, as nearly universal as possible. There is no one lens that will do every kind of work equally well, but the Ansco Anastigmat will do the greatest number of things best. It will give perfect satisfaction for portraits, landscapes, architectural work, interiors, and may be used as a long focus lens. It meets the one lens requirement of amateur photography, which comprises all the recognized branches of photographic activity. Each Ansco Camera that will admit of a different lens from that included in the regular equipment is listed on page 40 with Ansco Anastigmat lenses, also with Goerz Dagor, under the caption, " Special Lens and Shutter Equipment." 13 BUSTER BROWN SERIES ^^x , No. 2 Buster Brown SPECIFIC A TIONS : For pictures 2H X 3H Film (4A). inches ; adapted for six exposure Dimensions, S'^ x 4',j x 5'^ inches. Weight, 13 ounces. Lens, fixed focus Meniscus of fine quality. Shutter, enclosed within the box and arranged for both snapshot and time exposures. Diaphragm with three different size openings. Two finders for horizontal and vertical pictures. Noiseless winding key. Covered with fine imitation leather. Made of wood throughout. n^HIS camera, in common with all of those embraced in the ■*■ Buster Brown Series, is designed with special reference to the wants, capabilities and aims of boys and girls. It is the first in the Buster Brown Series which ranges progres- sively in price and efficiency in the order that age and photo- graphic knowledge of boys and girls require. It is essentially a camera for snapshot photography, requiring no focusing and having in mind the distance at which the picture is to be taken. It must not be thought that because the price is so moderate that it is not a practical instrument in every respect. It will produce the best work demanded within its scope. Price No. 2 Buster Brown $2.00 Carrying Case 75 Ansco Portrait Attachment Six Exposure Film, 2% x 3% (4A). .50 .20 14 ^<^ix BUSTER BROWN SERIES ^^ No. 2 A Buster Brown SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 2% x 4^1 inches; adapted for sLx or twelve exposure Film (6A or 6B). Dimensions, 3K x 5% x 6 inches. Weight, 18 ounces. Lens, Menis- cus Achromatic. Shutter, enclosed within the box and provided for time and instantaneous pictures. Diaphragm with three different size lens ■ openings. Two ground-glass finders for horizontal and vertical pictures. Noiseless winding key. Covered with fine imitation leather. 'T^HIS camera speaks for itself. It is nearly an Ansco in ■*■ construction. The same as the No. 2 Buster Brown, and different from all other cameras of the same price on the market, it is made of well-seasoned wood throughout. The trimmings are heavily nickelplated and polished. One feature of this camera worthy of notice is that the spool support is contained within a metal cup which makes it impossible for the spool to bind in winding. Price No. 2A Buster Brown $3.00 Ansco Portrait Attachment $ .50 Carrying Case 75 Six Exposure Film, 2J4 x4K (6A) 25 Twelve Exposure Film, 2U x i% (6B) $ .50 15 BUSTER BROWN SERIES No. 1 Folding Buster Brown SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 2K X 2,% Film (4A). inches ; adapted for six exposure Dimensions, l'^ x 3^ x 6K inches. Weight, 16 ounces. Lens, a good Meniscus Achromatic. Shutter, self-setting and operated by a finger release lever. For time, bulb and instantaneous pictures. Finder, , brilliant — for horizontal and vertical pictures. Noiseless winding key. ' n^HIS is a fixed focus folding pocket camera. It is quick in ^ action, both because the bellows draws out quickly and because it requires no focusing ; that is, the distance need not be considered. Its appearance is very striking, as all trimmings are well nickelplated and polished. It has two tripod sockets. The spool-holding arrangement is entirely new in construc- tion. It can be quickly loaded and unloaded, and is equipped with an automatic spring spoon which holds the film taut in winding. Price No. 1 Folding Buster Brown, with Leather Carrying Case Lens and Shutter complete $6.00 Ansco Portrait Attachment. Six Exposure Film, 2Kx3M' (4A) $ .20 16 .$1.25 . .50 BUSTER BROWN SERIES / S^ No. 2 A Folding Buster Brown SPECIFIC A TIONS .- For pictures lYz x 4K inches ; adapted for six or twelve exposure Film (6A or 6B). Dimensions, 2 x 4 x S'a inches. Weight, 21 ounces. Lens, Ansco Meniscus Achromatic. Automatic spool-holding arrangement. Noise- less winding key. Finder, brilliant, for horizontal or vertical pictures. Automatic focusing lock. 'T^HIS Folding Pocket Camera addition to the Buster Brown line is sure to meet with great favor as it has been manu- factured at the earnest solicitation of the great army of Buster Brown users. It is certainly a beautiful instrument — ex- tremely so for its low price. It is covered with imitation seal grain leather and finished in black throughout. The trim- mings are all heavily nickelplated and polished. Price No. 2A Folding Buster Brown, com- Six Exposure Film, 2^ x 45-4 plete with Lens and Shutter $8.00 (6A) $ .25 Sole Leather Carrying Case 1.25 Twelve Exposure Film, 25i x 4?< Ansco Portrait Attachment 50 (6B) 50 17 , S\ BUSTER BROWN SERIES y^>^ No. 3 A Folding Buster Brown SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 3'{ x 5'4 inches; adapted for six or ten exposure Film (18A or 18B). Dimensions, 2% x 4^ x 95^ inches. Weight, 29 ounces. Lens, Ansco Meniscus Achromatic. Shutter, Midget. Finder, brilliant, reversible, for horizontal and vertical pictures, in combination with two tripod sockets. Noiseless winding key. Safety spool-holding arrangement. Automatic focusing lock so devised that when set for a certain distance the bellows will lock at that point, but may be ad- justed to any other distance by the lever if a change is necessary. n^HE 3^x5}4 camera is certainly a very popular size as -*- evidenced by the popularity of the No. 9 and No. 10 Ansco Cameras, and those who depend on the Buster Brown family, which has so far managed to supply cameras nearly Ansco in construction but at exceedingly low prices, have been looking for a new addition in the shape of a 3,^4^x5^2 camera. For their benefit the No. 3A Folding Buster Brown is manu- factured. This instrument has black leather bellows and is covered with seal grain imitation leather and has nickelplated fittings. Price No. 3A Buster Brown, S'^xSH in., complete with Lens and Shutter $10.00 Leather Carrying Case L50 Six Exposure Film, 3K x 5^ (18A) $ .40 Ten Exposure Film, 3% x 5'.^ (18B) 70 18 ^^^ ANSCO SERIES x ^N No. 1 Ansco SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures V4 x 3'/2 inches; adapted for six or twelve exposure Film (8A or 8B). Dimensions, 4'^ x 5 x 6 inches. Weight, 22^ ounces. Lens, fixed focus Meniscus Achromatic of high quality. Shutter, for time and instantaneous exposures, enclosed within the box and having diaphragm with three different size openings. Finder, brilliant style. Noiseless winding key. Handsome seal grain covering. 'T^HIS high-grade box camera is recommended for snapshot work. It is always ready for action for the reason that the Meniscus Achromatic Lens fitted to it is of the fixed focus style. No focusing or measuring of distance is necessary. It has tripod socket. The camera is complete in itself and has no loose parts to become broken or lost. The finish is of the highest grade in every detail. All trimmings are nickel- plated and polished. Price No. 1 Ansco Camera $5.00 Sole Leather Carrying Case 1.25 Twelve Exposure Film, Ansco Portrait Attachment $ .50 Six Exposure Film, ZVi x Z^ (8A) 30 y/z X ZVi (SB) $ .60 19 ^^ ANSCO SERIES No. 2 Ansco SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 3 '4" x iH inches; adapted for six or twelve exposure Film (7A or 7B). Dimensions, 4% x SU' x G""! inches. Weight, 28'< ounces. Lens, high-grade Meniscus Achromatic. Shutter, for time and instantaneous exposures, enclosed within the box and having diaphragm with three different size openings. Two brilliant finders for horizontal and verti- cal pictures. Two tripod sockets. Noiseless winding key. Covered with genuine seal grain leather. HTHIS camera is the same as the No. 1 Ansco in detail and construction except that it takes a larger picture. Price No. 2 Ansco Camera $6.50 Ansco Portrait Attachment Sole Leather Carrying Case 1.50 Six Exposure Film, 3'-{ x4'{ (7A)... Twelve Exposure Film, 3H x 4K (7B) $ .70 20 .50 .35 ANSCO SERIES ^Ax No. 3 Ansco SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 4x5 inches ; adapted for six or twelve exposure Film (lOA or lOB). Dimensions, 5'4'x6x7?i( inches. Weight, 33J^ ounces. Lens, fixed focus Meniscus Achromatic of high quality. Shutter, for time and instantaneous exposures, enclosed within the box and having dia- phragm with three different size openings. Two brilliant finders and two tripod sockets for horizontal and vertical pictures. Noiseless winding key. Covered with genuine seal grain leather. 'T^HIS camera is the same as the No. 1 and No. 2 except that it takes a larger size picture. Price No. 3 Ansco Camera $7.00 Ansco Portrait Attachment Sole Leather Carrying Case 1.50 Six Exposure Film, 4x5 (lOA). Twelve Exposure Film, 4x5 (lOB) $ .90 21 ANSCO SERIES No. 3 A Ansco SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 3K x 5^ inches; adapted exposure Film (18C or 18D). for Dimensions, 5U x 65^ x 7^ inches. Weight, 375^ ounces. Lens, fixed focus Meniscus Achromatic of high quality. Shutter, for time and instantaneous exposures, enclosed within the box and having dia- phragm with three different size openings. Two brilliant finders for horizontal and vertical pictures and two tripod sockets. Noiseless winding key. Covered with genuine seal grain leather. 'T^HIS camera is the same as the No. 3 in detail and con- struction only that it makes a postal card size picture. Price No. 3A Ansco Camera $7.25 Ansco Portrait Attachment $ .50 Sole Leather Carrying Case 1.50 Six Exposure Film, 3M^x5K (18C).. .40 Ten Exposure Film, 3K x 514 (18D) $ .70 22 ANSCO SERIES y^S. Ansco V-P The Ansco V-P is a Handy Little Camera Can Be Slipped Into Coat, Vest or Hip Pocket TT is not always convenient to carry the usual size of folding or box camera, however much it is wanted. In such cases, the Ansco Vest Pocket Camera will prove a thoroughly re- liable substitute. It is so fiat, so small, it can be easily slipped into a coat, vest or hip pocket, where it can be reached at a moment's notice. The making of snapshots with the Ansco V-P is extremely simple, since it is fitted with a lens that is always in focus, no matter what the distance may be. The six-exposure film cart- ridge used is a standard size in all makes of films, and may be obtained all over the world. Excellent enlargements can be made from pictures made with this little camera. 23 ANSCO SERIES ^^X Ansco V-P It is made of metal throughout, covered with seal leather. It takes a picture 2% x2>}i inches. The Ansco V-P is quick in action. One pull of the front extends the bellows by means of a lazy tongs arrangement and automatically clamps it ready to snap any object from 8 feet distance to infinity. It requires no focusing. The method of loading and unloading is so simple and accurate that no description is necessary. Every Ansco V-P, however, is sold with an instruction book. When an Ansco V-P is folded it looks more like a lady's jeweled cardcase than a camera. The red peep-hole is the only indication. Price Ansco V-P complete with Lens and Shutter, including Soft Case $7.50 Six Exposure Film, 2K x ZY* (4A) 20 24 IMPORTANT DETAIL IN CONSTRUCTION OF FOLDING CAMERAS Back View of Ansco Folding Cameras Open— Showing the new Spool-holding Arrangement A LL Ansco and Buster Brown Folding Cameras are con- structed with a safety spool-holding arrangement and with a spring spoon which acts like two human fingers under the roll of exposed film. It holds the film taut in winding so that no light can fog the edges of the film. It serves also to hold down the free end of the film when all exposures have been made. Then, when you are ready to take out the spool, this spoon lifts it out easily. In all other makes of film cameras it is necessary at times to pry out the roll with a knife, and in doing this the entire roll is likely to become unrolled, thus ruining the pictures. Comparison is necessary to appreciate the precision, efficiency and value of this improvement. The illustration also shows the closing arrangement of Ansco Cameras. The back can never be accidentally opened, thus doing away entirely with the possibility of ever spoiling a roll of film in this way. 25 ANSCO SERIES Ansco Junior Camera SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 2'/^x4;4' inches; adapted for six or twelve exposure Film (6A or 6B). Dimensions 2 x 4 x 8'4 inches. Weight, 25 ounces. Lens, high-grade Rapid Symmetrical with speed at U. S. 4. Shutter, self-shutting, operated by a hand lever and automatic in action. (See Junior Shutter p. 11). It is provided with time, bulb and instantaneous exposures. Iris diaphragm with openings from U. S. 4 to 128. Finder, brilliant, for horizontal and vertical pictures. Noiseless winding key. 'T^HIS is a very handsome folding pocket camera covered with seal grain leather. The trimmings are all heavily nickelplated and polished. It has two tripod sockets. The spool-holding arrangement is entirely new in construction. It can be quickly loaded and unloaded, and is equipped with an automatic spring spoon which holds the film taut in winding. No loosely-wound, partly-fogged films possible with this camera. Price Ansco Junior Camera with Lens and Ansco Portrait Attachment $ .50 Shutter complete $12.00 Six Exposure Film, 2'/< x iH (6A) 25 Leather Carrying Case 1.25 Twelve Exposure Film, 2% x 4K (6B) .50 26 ANSCO SERIES Ansco Junior Special SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 2%xi}{ inches; adapted for six or twelve exposure Film (6A or 6B). Dimensions, 2 x 4 x 8'/^ inches. Weight, 25 ounces. Lens, Ansco Anastigmat working at F 6.3, with Ansco Automatic Shutter. Shutter self-setting, operated by a hand lever and automatic in action. It is provided with time, bulb and instantaneous exposures. Iris diaphragm with openings from F 6.3 to F 45. Finder, brilliant, for horizontal and vertical pictures. Noiseless winding key. "'T^HIS camera exactly suits me in size, principle, and design, but I am looking for something unique in finish and lens equipment, " has been said so often in regard to the Ansco Junior that the Ansco Junior Special is the inevitable outcome. Its value consists in the Ansco high-grade Anastigmat Lens, the precision of adjustment and finish obtained by disregarding cost of labor and material. It is an Ansco Junior unlimited within its scope. The price includes a very handsome sole leather case lined with plush. Price Ansco Junior Special, complete with Lens, Shutter and Carrying Case. 27 .$45.00 ANSCO SERIES No. 4 Folding Pocket Ansco SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 3J^x45i inches; adapted for six or twelve exposure Film (7A or 7B). Dimensions, 2'/x4'/^x8 inches. Weight, 27 ounces. Lens, high- grade, double Rapid Symmetrical. Fitted with Cyko Automatic Shutter, as per description on p. 10. Focal length of lens, 5 inches, working at U. S. 4. Finder, brilliant reversible, for horizontal and vertical pictures, in combination with two tripod sockets. Noiseless winding key. AN amateur soon graduates from the fixed-focus type of ^^"^ camera and he must then look to a folding bellows camera. The No. 4 Folding Pocket Ansco is designed just to meet this advanced requirement in a simple, light and com- pact form. It is made of selected mahogany, highly polished throughout. The metal parts are heavily nickeled and highly polished. The covering is genuine black seal leather. The spool-holding arrangement is entirely new in construction. It can be quickly loaded and unloaded, and the automatic spring spoon, which is part of the spool-holding device, always holds the film taut in winding. Price Ansco No. 4 Folding, 3'4'x4'4' in., Ansco Dry Plate Attachment, includ- with Lens and Shutter complete . . $15.00 ing Holder $ 3.50 Sole Leather Carrying Case 1.50 Double Dry Plate Holder, 3;< X4K 1.25 Ansco Portrait Attachment 50 Six Exposure Film, 3K x 45^5' (7A) . . .35 Twelve Exposure Film 3^4 x 4H (7B) $ .70 28 ANSCO SERIES No. 5 Folding Pocket Ansco SPECIFICA TIONS : For pictures 4x5 inches ; adapted for six or twelve exposure Film (lOA or lOB). Dimensions, 2'-< x 5 x 9 inches. Weight, 35 ounces. Lens, high-grade Rapid Symmetrical, with speed of U. S. 4. fitted with Cyko Automatic Shutter. (See description p. 10). Focal length of lens 6'2 inches. Finder, brilliant reversible, for horizontal and vertical pictures, in combination with two tripod sockets. Noiseless winding key. A 4 X 5 picture appeals to a great many, and to those this camera is recommended. It is in all essentials the same as the No. 4 with this material advantage — that it is fitted with a rack and pinion focusing arrangement. The same as all the rest of the Ansco folding cameras it is provided with the new spool-holding arrangement. Price Ansco No. 5 Folding, 4x5 in., with Ansco Dry Plate Attachment, in- Lens and Shutter complete $18.50 eluding Holder $3.50 Sole Leather Carrying Case 1 .50 Double Dry Plate Holder, 4x5 1 .25 Ansco Portrait Attachment 50 Six Exposure Film, 4x5 (lOA) 45 Twelve Exposure Film, 4x5 (lOB) $ .90 29 .^^ ANSCO SERIES .^^ No. 9 Folding Pocket Ansco SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 3K x 5J^ inches; adapted for six exposure Film (18A or 18B). Dimensions, 2^ x i^^ x 9^i inches. Weight, 35'i' ounces. Lens, high-grade Rapid Symmetrical with speed at U. S. 4. Shutter, Cyko Automatic, as per description on p. 10. Focal length of Lens 6'^ inches. Rack and pinion for focusing with precision. Finder, brilliant reversible, for horizontal and vertical pictures, in combination with two tripod sockets. Noiseless winding key. New spool-holding arrangement. 'T^HIS is an extremely popular camera on account of the size of the picture it takes, which is 3K x5X inches, for the reason that it allows great scope in photographing land- scapes and also permits making beautiful panel portraits. It is also the right size for postal cards. With the use of the Ansco Portrait Attachment it will make large size bust portraits. Price Ansco No. 9 Folding, 3^ x 5'/ Ansco Dr\^ Plate Attachment, for Camera, with Lens and Shutter 3^4 xS'a plate $3.50 complete S20.00 Double Dr>' Plate Holder, 3H x 5J4. . . 1.25 Sole Leather Carrjing Case 1.50 Six Exposure Film, 3X x 5'X (ISA) .40 Ansco Portrait Attachment 50 Ten Exposure Film, 3H x 514 (18B) .70 30 y^\ ANSCO SERIES No. 10 Folding Pocket Ansco SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures ZH x W2 inches; adapted for exposure Film ( 18A or 18B). six or ten Dimensions, 2H x 4K x 9K inches. Weight, 38'-< ounces. Lens, high-grade Rapid Symmetrical with speed at U. S. 4, and focal length of 6'i' inches. Shutter, Ansco Automatic, as per description on p. 9. Front, rising, lowering and shifting laterally. Finder, brilliant revers- ible, for horizontal and vertical pictures, in combination with two tripod sockets. Noiseless winding key. New spool-holding arrange- ment. 'T^HE popularity of the No. 10 Ansco is due to the excellent quality and the size of the pictures it takes, 3ji x by2 inches. This is not only the right size for postal cards, but allows great scope in photographing landscapes and street scenes and in making beautiful panel portraits. With the use of the Ansco Portrait Attachment it will make large size bust portraits. Like all Ansco and Buster Brown Folding Cameras, this 31 c^ ANSCO SERIES , No. 10 model is constructed with a safety spool-holding arrangement which holds the film taut in winding so that no light can fog the film. Then when you are ready to take out the film, this safety arrangement lifts it out easily. Compare this with all other makes of film cameras in which it is neces- saiy at times to prv' out the roll with a knife, often causing the film to unroll and spoil the pictures. An amateur soon graduates from the fixed focus type cameras, and he must then look to a folding bellows camera to meet his growing needs and skill. The No. 10 Ansco above illustrated is the most popular of the Folding Pocket Anscos. Price Ansco No. 10, Folding. 3V x 5S Ansco Dry Plate Attachment, for Camera, with Lens and Shutter SVxSS plate $3.50 complete $25.00 Double Dr>- Plate Holder. 3^ x 5S 1.25 Sole Leather Carr>nng Case 1.50 Six Exposure Film. 3^i'.\ 5'a (ISA) .40 .A.nsco Portrait Attachment 50 Ten Exposure Film, 3^* x 5'; (I8B) .70 32 ..^ ANSCO SERIES .^ttK No. 10 Folding Pocket Ansco Special SPECIFIC A TIONS : For pictures 3K x 5% inches ; adapted for six or ten exposure Film ( 18A or 18B). Dimensions, 2^4 x m x 9H inches. Weight, 39 ounces. Lens, Ansco Anastigmat working at F 6.3, with Optimo Shutter. Front, rising, lowering and shifting laterally. Finder, brilliant reversible, for hori- zontal and vertical pictures, in combination with two tripod sockets. Noiseless winding key. Automatic spool-holding arrangement. You can take snapshots on cloudy days with the No. 10 Folding Pocket Special TF you are like most amateur photographers your fondest dream has been of just such a camera. On your vacation, afloat or ashore, and around home — everywhere you go— you have often found some deHghtful bit of scenery, some pose of a friend, that you attempted to record with the camera you had with you. Perhaps the day was cloudy, the place was dark, there were so many shadows from the trees— anyway, there wasn't enough 33 .^X ANSCO SERIES .^X light — your camera failed you. You didn't blame the cam- era — it was doing its best. But right then and there you re- solved some day to get a camera that would take such pictures. And here it is — the No. 10 Folding Pocket Ansco Special. Whether you want to take a snapshot on dark, gloomy days, or fast time exposures in dull lights, this superb Ansco will get the picture and get it right. The lens is a high-grade Anastigmat working at F 6. 3, with Optimo shutter, a combi- nation which is hard to beat. And they will be pictures that you can show with pride. This Ansco Camera is especially made for those who desire an instrument of absolute precision in workmanship, finish and equipment. It must be compared to be fully appreciated. The high quality pictures it takes speak for themselves. The price includes a beautiful sole leather case lined with plush. Price No. 10. Folding Pocket Ansco Special, complete with Lens, Shutter and Carrying Case $55.00 34 ANSCO SERIES ^X No. lA Folding Pocket Ansco SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 2'/ x 4'^ inches; adapted for six or twelve exposure Film (6A or 6B). Dimensions, l^i x 3?/8 x 8' a inches. Weight, 29 ounces. Lens, Ansco Double Rapid Symmetrical. Fitted with Ansco Automatic Shutter, as per description on p. 9. Focal length of lens 4's inches, working at U. S. 4. Finder, automatic piano reversible. Noiseless winding key. New spool-holding arrangement. Two tripod sockets. "pXPERTS are divided on certain points in camera construc- tion. Some are partisans of the mahogany body, others of the aluminum body; some attach great importance to a camera opening the long way of the film, others are ready to sacrifice this feature. We have worked hard and will continue to work hard to satisfy everybody, hence the new addition of the alu- minum body round-cornered cameras to the Ansco line, which 35 ANSCO SERIES begins with the 2H x A^A size, which is so desirable for all-around amateur pictures. Other sizes of the same model will follow and will be listed in subsequent catalogs. The No. 1 A Folding Pocket Ansco opens in position for panel pictures, and to obviate the handicap of other cameras of similar construction, that is, to make it quickly and accurately adjustable for pictures the long way of the film or plate, it is provided with a new patented device in the shape of a finder which automatically reverses the position of the finder-plane to correspond with the focal plane of the Ansco. In other words, so that the shape and field of the picture seen of a miniature size in the finder will be identical with the actual picture taken on the film; thus, there will be no chances of cutting off a pretty girl's head or leaving out a tree or other object intended to be shown in the picture. The illustration of the Ansco brilliant piano reversible finder will make clear this important forward stride in camera finders. The automatic adjustable focusing scale is another feature worthy of consideration, for with it the changes necessary for different distances are made quickly and with remarkable precision. The instrument is provided with footrests for both vertical and horizontal time pictures, and these rests fold out of sight behind the lens plate when not in use. It is altogether a beautiful camera with its rich seal grain covering and heavily nickeled and polished metal fittings. Price No. 1 A Folding Pocket Ansco, Sole Leather Carrying Case $1 .50 25^ X 4 K in., with Ansco Automatic Ansco Portrait Attachment 50 Shutter $17.50 Six Exposure Film, 2'A x 4K (6A) 25 Twelve Exposure Film, 214 x 4^ (6B) $ .50 36 J ^ ANSCO SERIES No. 3A Folding Pocket Ansco SPECIFICATIONS: For pictures 3K x 5'4 inches; adapted for six or ten exposure Film (18A or 18B). Dimensions, 2 x m x 9% inches. Weight, 39 ounces. Lens, Ansco double Rapid Symmetrical, with speed U. S. 4. Focal length of lens 6'/^ inches. Shutter, Ansco Automatic, as per description on page 9. Front, rising, lowering and shifting laterally. Finder, automatic piano revers- ible (exact radius finder), for vertical and horizontal pictures. Noiseless winding key. New spool-holding arrangement. Two tripod sockets. n^HE No. 3A Folding Pocket Ansco has all the improvements embodied in the No. lA Folding Pocket Ansco — aluminum frame, round comers, automatic adjustable focusing scale, etc. In addition, it is equipped with a rising, lowering and laterally shifting front which allows inclusion or exclusion of the sky or foreground, as the operator may wish. It may be used for dry plates by means of a combination back or dry plate attachment, which we sell specially for the purpose. 37 ANSCO SERIES %l o o 1 ^ o o O Dry Plate Attachment for No. 3A Folding Pocket Ansco. 'T^HE engraving showing the separate parts of the wonderful ■^ automatic exact radius finder will give a partial idea of the value included in the No. 3A Folding Pocket Ansco for the exceedingly low price at which it is listed. This new finder adds considerably to the cost of manufac- ture, but is a great forward stride in finder construction as it makes it absolutely impossible for the user to leave out of the picture by oversight or miscalculation an important object desired to be included. Price No. 3A Folding Pocket Ansco, Ansco Dry Plate Attachment, for 3% X 5% in., complete $25.00 3H x 5^ plate $3.50 Sole Leather Carrying Case 2.00 Double Dry Plate Holder, 3K x 5'4 ■ ■ ■ 1.25 Ansco Portrait Attachment 50 Six Exposure Film, 3^ x 5,'/ni8A). . . .40 Ten Exposure Film. 3K x 5'i (18B) $ .70 38 GLASS PLATE PHOTOGRAPHY x^N^ Ansco Dry Plate Attachment "^TE supply this attachment, or rather interchangeable back, for those who desire to use dry plates instead of films in the Ansco Cameras Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10. When the Ansco Dry Plate Attachment is substituted for the film back, the Ansco camera does not vary in appearance. It remains the same only that it then takes a double dry plate holder. Price Complete with one D. p. Holder $3.50 Extra plate holder $1.25 39 o h h ;^ Q < < u o <1 o U d o o b u C/3 O U O . a o cs O C/3 o H o o ^ O "7^ X 0000000 < X P LO LO LO i-H oi CO csi cm' '^' CO 00 CO H CD CO CT) C^ l>- C^ 00 P 2 Di 73 p w 0000000 A d LO LO LO -(-> (D eu T-H CO '^ ^' 0- - C- 00 T3 o u OJ bO Oi -4— > ^ w 0000000 £ Q en LO p p LO LO p LO fc C75 (3^ cm' i-H t-H -** c^d 10 CO CO c^ c^ t>- 00 o o ° 1 000000000 R ^ H LOLOLnioLoooLno ooroc^JLOLOLOC^^ LOC£5LOC£)LntD<:£iC£lI:^ ^ €«■ CO X 0000000 < z w H LO LO LO o CT) LO oi 00 CM C\i 'vH CO o (X) fe H "^ -^ ^ LO LO LO CO < K hJ S W 0000000 H LO LO LO 0) r3 E H ID CO 00 CO '— ! T-H CO LO ■^ '^ ^ LO LO LO LO -i-j '4-' 000000000 C b^ OOLOLOOOOLOO < 2 LOLOt^C^JOLOLOD^LO < ffi CO^CO^'^-st'^'^LO Ol ee- 1 ::::::;■ cd • *-H 1 CJ 1 ial'' >. . . . Spe •CJO000008 < •rvUUUUCJCfiJfi 3 .2.2 ci^a; ^^fe fe fe fe fe ^ ^ H C n 00 00 C/) CO ccooooooo <<:z;;zi2;z:z;2;;z; 40 GLASS PLATE PHOTOGRAPHY ^^N^ Hammer Dry Plates ALL that can be said about Hammer Plates is contained in Hammer's Little Book : A Short Talk on Negative Making. Those interested in the best quality procurable in a glass dry plate should send for the above booklet. Price List Slow, Fast, Extra Fast, Non-Halation, Ortho- 1 X-Rav ^-Ray Double Lantern Slide SIZE Special chromatic Per Coated Plates Orthochromatic Aurora Dozen Per Per Per Dozen Per Dozen Dozen Dozen 1 X XVz $ .20 2x2 .20 2V-Z X IVi .30 2^ X 4 .35 3x3 .35 3 X zy2 .35 3^x 3X .40 334: x4 $ .55 ZYx X 3>4 .40 3K X 3K .40 ZV2 X 3/2 .40 ( 5>4 X 8 2.00 3Xx 4K .45 $ .55 Z]i X 5>4 .65 4/x 4^ .60 3>4 X 6V2 .75 .95 4x5 .65 .80 ^y^ X 5^ .75 .95 414: X 6^ .90 1.10 434 X 6>4 .90 1.20 4x7 1.00 5x7 1.10 1.40 $ 1.40 $ 1.70 5x8 1.25 1.55 1.55 1.85 6^4 X 8>^ 1.65 2.10 2.10 2.55 7x9 2.00 7 xlO 2.10 2.65 8 xlO 2.40 3.00 3.00 3.60 10 xl2 4.20 5.15 5.15 6.10 11 xl4 6.00 7.25 7.25 8.50 14 x 17 9.00 11.25 11.25 13.50 16 x20 13.25 16.40 17 x20 14.00 17.25 18 x22 16.50 20.40 20 x24 20.00 24.65 41 .- ^N IT'S THE FILM THAT MAKES THE PICTURE Ansco Non-Curling Films A RE all numbered and lettered. The number indicates the size and also the camera for which it is intended, and the letter the number of exposures. To simplify orders and thereby reduce the possibility of mistakes, and also as an assistance to us in our clerical de- partment, we ask that you will kindly order by number and letter, as per the following schedule : Look for the Number on the Carton IB— IK X 2 —12 Ex. Adapted to Pocket Kodak $ .25 2A— 1>^ X 2K— 6 Ex. " " No. Folding Pocket Kodak and No. Graphic 15 2B— 1^ X 2^—12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the 2A . .25 2C— 1>^ x2K-- 8 Ex. Adapted to Vest Pocket Kodak 20 3A— 2X x2X— 6 Ex. For No. 1 Buster Brown, adapted to No. 1 Brownie 15 42 IT'S THE FILM THAT MAKES THE PICTURE 4A— 2>4: x3'4— 6 Ex. For No. 2 Buster Brown, No. 3 Buster Brown, and No. 1 Folding Buster Brown ; adapted to No. 2 Brownie, No. 2 Folding Pocket Brownie, and Ansco V-P. $ .20 5A— 234: x3}i— 6 Ex. Adapted to No. 1 Folding Pocket Kodak, and No. 1 Panoram Kodak 20 5B — 2X X 3}{ — 12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the 5A . .40 6A— 2>^ X 4X— 6 Ex. For No. 2A Buster Brown, and Ansco Jr.; adapted to No. lA Folding Pocket Kodak, No. lA F. P. K. Special, lA Speed Kodak, and No. 2A Brownie .25 6B — 2}4 X 4J4 — 12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the 6A . . .50 7A — 3% x 4X — 6 Ex. For Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Ansco Cameras; adaptedto No. 3 Folding Pocket Kodak, No. 3 Weno Hawk-Eye, No. 3 Buck-Eye, No. 3 Folding Hawk-Eye, Stereo Hawk- Eye, Models Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Combination Hawk-Eye, No. 3 Focusing Hawk-Eye 35 7B — 3/i X 4X — 12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the 7A . . .70 7C— SX x4'4— 6 Ex. Adapted to No. 3 Folding Brownie, No. 3 Brownie, and No. 3 Bull's-Eye Kodak 35 7D — 3% X 4}4 — 12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the 7C . . .70 8A— 3>< x 3>^— 6 Ex. For No. 1 Ansco ; adapted to No. 2 Bullet, No. 2 Bull's-Eye, No. 2 Flexo Kodak, No. 2 Stereo Pocket Kodak, No. 2 Folding Kodak, Tourist Buck-Eye, and No. 3B Al-Vista 30 8B — 3^ X 3)4—12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the 8A. . . .60 lOA— 4 X 5 — 6 Ex. For Nos. 3, 5, 7 and 8 Ansco; adapted to No. 4 Bullet, No. 4 Bull's-Eye, No. 4 Panoram Kodak, No. 4 Folding Buck-Eye, No. 4 Weno Hawk-Eye, No. 4 Folding Hawk-Eye, No. 4 Bullet Special, Model C No. 4 Bull's- Eye Special, 4B Al-Vista, and 4G Al-Vista 45 lOB — 4 X 5 — 12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the lOA . . .90 IOC— 4 X 5 — 6 Ex. Adapted to No. 4 Folding Pocket Kodak, No. 4 Screen Focus Kodak, No. 4 Folding Hawk-Eye, Models 3 and 4 45 lOD— 4 X 5 — 12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the IOC . . .90 43 J^^^ IT'S THE FILM THAT MAKES THE PICTURE ^^SN. IIA— 4K x3>+— 6 Ex. Adapted to No. 3 Cartridge Kodak ... $ .35 IIB— 4j4 X S.W— 12 Ex. Adapted to No. 3 Cartridge Kodak 70 12A— 5 X 4 — 6 Ex. Adapted to No. 4 Cartridge Kodak and 5B, 5C, 5D and 5F Al-Vista ... .45 12B— 5 x4 — 12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the 12A . . .90 13A— 7 X 5 — 6 Ex. Adapted to No. 5 Cartridge Kodak, and 7D, 7E and 7F Al-Vista 80 13B— 7 X 5 —12 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the 13A . . 1.60 18A— 3 '4: X 5)4— 6 Ex. For Nos. 9 and 10 Ansco ; adapted to No. 3A Folding Pocket Kodak, No. 7 Weno Hawk-Eye, 3A Folding Hawk-Eye, 3A Folding Brownie and 3A Graflex .40 IBB — 3X X 5>^— 10 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the ISA . . .70 18C-3'4: X bYz— 6 Ex. For No. 3A Ansco ; adapted to No. 2 Stereo Brownie and No. 3B Quick Focus Kodak, No. 3B Folding Hawk-Eye, No. 6 Weno Hawk-Eye 40 18D — 3% X 5^ — 10 Ex. Adapted to the same cameras as the 18C . . .70 19A— 4V4^ x 6>2— 6 Ex. Adapted to No. 4A Folding Kodak and No. 4A Speed Kodak 65 Cartridge R. H. Film 14A— 4 X 5 —6 Ex. Adapted to No. 4 Horizontal Roll Holder . . .45 15A— 4,'+ x S'A—6 Ex. Adapted to No. 3 Vertical Roll Holder . . .35 16A— 5 X 4 —6 Ex. Adapted to No. 4 Vertical Roll Holder and Auto Graflex 45 17A— 7 x 5 —6 Ex. Adapted to No. 5 Vertical Roll Holder ... .80 Ansco Film Adapted to Cirkut Camera idth Length Price Width Length Price ches Feet Roll Inches Feet Roll 6 10 $2.40 8 20 $ 6.40 6 20 4.80 10 10 4.00 6>^ 3 .80 10 20 8.00 6>4 6 1.60 12 10 4.80 8 4 1.30 12 20 9.60 8 8 2.60 16 10 6.40 8 10 3.20 16 20 12.80 44 THE PAPER FOR PRIZE-WINNING PICTURES Cyko Paper r^YKO is a paper of the development class which prints at any time, in any light and from all classes of negatives. It is the paper that makes it possible for the amateur, who is generally too busy throughout the day, to utilize his evening hours making prints from his negatives, and it is the paper that should be used to secure the best prints, whether from glass plate or film negatives, for the following reasons : Cyko Has Latitude We will explain what this means : No one, even an expert, can, by looking at a negative, de- termine exactly how long to print it (expose it) so as to make a perfect picture. With Cyko, if the right time is 20 seconds and you happen to give it 15, the print will still be good. It will take a little longer to develop and that's all. With any other paper the print will be poor because if you force the development it will fog — the print will be gray — flat— without detail, and lifeless. 45 .^N. THE PAPER FOR PRIZE-WINNING PICTURES .Av Cyko Has Tone Gradations Almost every negative has thin parts — almost clear glass at times (under exposed shadows) and dense portions (fully exposed high lights). With other papers the resulting print will consist of burnt black paper on one side and chalky white on the other. With Cyko the shadows will be there to be sure, but full of transparency, allowing the details to show in a low tone. The high lights will also be there, full of middle tints and detail. In other words, the light and shadows blend so harmoniously through such soft progressive gradation of tones that there is no strong dividing line. Cyko is Made in Three Grades Designated as Contrast, Normal, Soft. Anyone can tell whether a negative is thin, of normal density or contrastive. For a thin negative Contrast Cyko is used ; for a normal negative Normal Cyko is used, and for a contrastive negative Soft Cyko will give a beautiful print. Cyko is Made in Four Surfaces To suit the subject of your negative, as follows: Glossy Cyko has a surface with a high gloss similar to the old P. o. p. glossy gelatin paper. Semi-matte Cyko has an ivory-like matte surface closely resembling that of very smooth Platinum paper. Studio Cyko has a surface identical with that of Matte Collodion P. o. P. ; that is, a matte surface with a slight sheen which gives a velvety or satin appearance to the print. Plat Cyko has a surface identical with that of the original Platinum with a rich, almost imperceptible grain. 46 THE PAPER FOR PRIZE- WINNING PICTURES Cyko Paper Surfaces Numbers Semi-Matte 2 Price Glossy 3 Plat 5 Studio 6 ^Buff Contrast (Blue Label) Normal (Yellow Label) Soft (Red Label) ''Buff is only made in the Soft grade and in double weight. 47 SIZE Regular Wt. Double Wt. Doz. Gro. Doz. Gro. 2^x 33^ $ .12 $ 1.20 IVz X IVz .10 1.00 2V^ X 4^ .12 1.20 3^x 4^ .12 1.20 ?>% X 5>4 .15 1.50 ZV-z X 35^ .12 1.20 3/2 X 12 .30 3.00 $ .35 $ 3.50 3?6 X 5^ (Cab't) .15 1.50 .25 2.00 4x5 .15 1.50 .25 2.00 4x6 .20 1.60 .25 2.00 4^x 43i .15 1.50 .25 2.00 ^y^ X 5>4 .20 1.80 .25 2.00 4K X 6/ .25 2.50 .30 3.00 5x7 .30 3.00 .35 3.50 5x8 .35 3.50 .40 4.00 5>^ X 1V^ .35 4.00 .45 4.50 6x8 .45 4.50 .50 5.00 6>^ X 8^ .50 5.00 .60 6.00 7x9 .55 6.00 .65 7.00 75^ X 9/ .60 6.50 .75 8.00 8 xlO .70 7.00 .80 9.00 9 xll .90 8.50 1.00 11.00 10 xl2 1.00 10.00 1.20 13.50 11 xl4 1.35 14.00 1.60 17.50 12 xl6 1.70 17.50 2.00 21.50 14 xl7 2.00 21.00 I 2.40 27.00 16 x20 2.50 28.00 3.20 36.00 18 x22 3.00 34.00 4.00 46.00 20 x24 3.50 40.00 4.80 55.00 .Ax THE PAPER FOR PRIZE- WINNING PICTURES .Ax Cyko Post Cards Contrast Normal Soft (Blue Label) (Yellow Label) (Red Label) SIZE Doz. Gro. Net Rate per 1000 3>4 X 5K . .$ .15 $1.50 In U.S. $ 7.00 In Canada $ 8.00 31/2x11 .. .35 3.40 " " 15.85 " " 17.00 Price of Imprint All specially printed cards must have our regular heading and trade-mark. No charge for imprinting 5,000 cards or more in a single order. Smaller quantities $1.50 extra for first thousand, and 50 cents for each succeeding thousand. No orders accepted for less than one thousand. Cyko in Rolls Contrast (Blue Label) Normal (Yellow Label) Soft (Red Label) Regular Weight Double Weight 10-yard rolls .$5.00 . 2.00 $6.00 10-foot rolls 2.25 The single weight rolls are 25 in. wide. The double weight rolls are 26 in. wide. 48 CHEMICALS TO INSURE GOOD RESULTS Ansco and Cyko Chemicals The Ansco and Cyko preparations are the product of scientifically tested chemicals of the highest degree of purity. Ansco M-H Developer (Metol-Hydrochinon) Prepared especially for the develop- ment of Ansco and other films, dry plates and bromide papers. Each tube makes 12 ounces of solution for films, plates, and bromide papers, or 8 ounces for developing paper. Price per box of 5 tubes $ .50 Ansco P-S Developer (Pyro-Soda) For the development of Ansco and other films and dry plates; it is suit- able for both tray and tank develop- ment. Each tube makes 12 ounces for tray, or 30 ounces for tank at 65° F. and 20 minutes development. Price per box of 5 tubes $ .50 Cyko H-M Developer (Hydrochinon-Metol) Has become the standard for Cyko and other developing papers, produc- ing rich blue-black prints with great brilliancy. Each tube makes eight ounces of solution for developing paper, or twelve ounces for films, dry plates, and bro- mide paper. Price per box of 5 tubes . .50 49 CHEMICALS TO INSURE GOOD RESULTS Cyko N-A Developer (Non- Abrasion) It is especially desirable for use with Glossy paper as its principal object is to prevent abrasion or friction marks. It gives a soft brilliant print of warm tone. It is not recommended for use with films, plates, or bromide paper. Each tube makes eight ounces of solution. Price per box of 5 tubes. . . .$ .50 Cyko O-H Developer (Ortol-Hydrochinon) Gives results very similar to the H-M, but is preferred by some who suffer discomfort from the use of Metol. It is a developer of medi- um speed with the use of which fog is practically unknown, and will keep in solution for a longer time before oxidizing than one contain- ing Metol. Directions for use are the same as the Cyko H-M. Price per box of 5 tubes..,, $ .50 Cyko Re-Developer (In Dry Form) For producing sepia tones on Cyko or other developing and bro- mide papers. As an intensifier for films and plates it has no superior. Each tube makes sixteen ounces of the bleaching and sixteen ounces of the re-developing solution. Price per box of 5 tubes $ .50 50 r CHEMICALSTO^lNS URE GOOD RESULTS DEVELOPER bat oapMiattr R«amm.»dr-d for N^atn-M of Out^f-Doo RLMS AND Pl^KTWS • .- r.^. , ,.,.„. to. ••( water. Thit. i Ansco Company BINGHAMTON NY IJ m. - THt E»E-VEL€»g»E:t;g E-H Developer Tubes (Eikonogen-Hydrochlnon) Each tube makes 8 ounces for films and plates or 5 ounces •for paper. 25 Price per box of six tubes ^ DEVELOPER TUE3 E S FH.MS. PLATES AK1> BROMIOE PaPEHS- sna* PUtM. Ansco Company BINGHAMTON. NY. us A. »^rYOl^o g>EX^ELOP»EFe Hydro-Developer Tubes (Hydrochinon) Recommended for the development of lantern-slide plates bromTde papers, or negatives of subjects -^-^f ^^^^^^^^^ contrasts while maintaining the transparency of the shadows. Each tube makes 8 ounces. Price per box of 6 tubes .$ .25 51 CHEMICALS TO INSURE GOOD RESULTS /^N IVl - c^ DEVELOPER T U 13 E S ^P'Tftn" m',"'^',,"',!'^,,?.'"'*-"'™" ""*'"''"■ •"• ■■~»M« P«~. Ansco Companv BINGHAMTONNY II S A D M-0 Developer Tubes (Metoi-ouinoi) An ideal "all-around" developer having a wide range of adaptability, and equally good for all makes of films, plates, and papers. Each tube makes 8 ounces for plates and films or 5 ounces for papers. Price per box of 6 tubes $ .25 DEVELOPER TUBES TMn; ■>eVCLOrMSNT- '>»'>•"' rom. .^ On I Ansco Companv' RIMGHAMTON.N.Y. uTs A Pyro Developer Tubes (Pyro-soda) A most reliable developer for films and plates preserving all the harmonious details of the negative. Each tube makes 8 ounces of solution. Price per box of 6 tubes $ .25 52 CHEMICALS TO INSURE GOOD RESULTS Cyko N-A Developer (uquid) For the development of paper, but es- pecially intended for use with the Glossy surface. Put up in a four-ounce bottle sufficient for 20 ounces of solution $ .25 Sixteen-ounce bottle. .75 Cyko Re-Developer (Liquid) For producing sepia tones on developing paper. The bleaching agent is in tablet form and the re-developing agent in a four-ounce bottle. Makes sufficient solution to re-develop about 400 4x5 prints (4 oz.) $ .35 Cyko Soda Mixture Contains the exact proportions of sodium sulphite, sodium carbonate, and potassium bromide for the development of Cyko and other papers, and w^ill be found a great con- venience by many who desire to prepare their own developer with their particular propor- tions of developing agent. For any formula use a quantity of the Cyko Mixture equal to the combined quantity of sulphite and car- bonate called for in the formula. Price per one-pound container $ .30 53 . An CHEMICALS TO INSURE GOOD RESULTS ■^s Cyko N-A Soda Mixture (Non- Abrasion) Especially recommended for use with Glossy paper as it is intended primarily for the prevention of abrasion or friction marks. It is used in the same manner as recom- mended for the Cyko Soda Mixture and pro- duces brilliant warm tones. Price per one-pound container $ .35 five-pound can 1.50 Ansco Sodium Carbonate (Pure Photographic) Manufactured especially for the photo- graphic processes, its purity and uniformity is assured by the careful testing in our labo- ratory. It has nearly three times the strength of the ordinary crystals. Price per one-pound container $ .20 " five-pound can 90 Ansco Sodium Sulphite (Anhydrous) Put up by us especially for the photographic trade, we guarantee its purity and uniform- ity. Double the strength of crystals. Price per one-pound container $ .30 five-pound can 1.25 54 CHEMICALS TO INSURE GOOD RESULTS Cyko Acid Hypo Carefully prepared for the complete and rapid fixing of Ansco and other films, plates, and papers. The half-pound size makes 32 ounces of solution, and the one-pound size double that quantity. Price per one-quarter pound container $ .10 Price per one-half pound container 15 Price per one-pound container 25 55 '''' m Ansco Company Binghamton , N .T. Our Branch Offices and Where Located NEW YORK CITY Ansco Building, 129-131 W. Twenty-second Street BOSTON, MASS 46 Cornhill CINCINNATI, OHIO ... 228 East Fifth Avenue ST. LOUIS, MO 407 North Broadway MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. . 416 Third Avenue South SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. . 171-173 Second Street TORONTO, CANADA ..... 70 Bond Street ANSCO LIMITED 143-149 Great Portland Street, London W., England ,,'jf,TT>; CE1TER LIBRARY 3 3125 000 19 0377 Vf Vo^