' ''' . |kS|| ©••'W® *\ H . ''J ■/i M W ^gPP I $£^^0SSi^m hHHMHBBH fSsSsiS rasais n SiiSJ Mm^hw liiiispfgf :i®S«i l^flp^ MUMS BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbypOObemr BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN Being Further Information relating to these Factories, obtained from Original Documents, not hitherto PUBLISHED. EDITED , WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES , BY WILLIAM BEMROSE, Author of “ Life of Joseph Wright , of Derby," '•'■Manual of Wood Carving,” etc., etc. ILLUSTRATED. LONDON : Bemrose & Sons, Ltd., 23, Old Bailey, e.c. ; and Derby. 1898. PREFACE. I T will be seen in the following pages that some dates and theories relating to the Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain Works, and their products, which have been so long accepted, must be greatly modified, and an earlier date given to the foundation of the Derby fabric than has hitherto been assigned to it. This uncertainty has partly arisen from the fact that Duesbury’s name has always been so intimately associated with these three factories, that writers who lived towards the latter end of the eighteenth century have neglected to go back beyond Duesbury when dealing with the origin of these ceramic industries ; so that we have but meagre particulars of the persons who were the actual pioneers, or sufficient data to enable us to identify, with certainty, many of the unmarked products of these three factories. It has occurred to numerous students of ceramics that in many of the unmarked examples attributed to one or other of these factories, there was much uncertainty as to their real origin. Jewitt’s “Ceramic Art of Great Britain” discloses from authentic sources the information that Duesbury was not in Derby, but in London, in 1750, the year in which it is generally supposed that the Derby works were established by him. Mr. Nightingale, in his researches amongst the newspapers of the period when these works were newly established, brings to light certain advertisements that again create doubts VI PREFACE. as to the correctness of the generally accepted theories, and he deduces therefrom that we, to-day, attribute examples to wrong factories. A short time ago a quantity of old deeds and documents relating to these factories, and which have not been hitherto perused by any writer on this subject, came into our posses- sion as a gift. They prove conclusively that Mr. Nightingale was right, and that many objects, hitherto supposed to have been made at Bow or Chelsea— more especially the former — must be attributed to Derby. The late Sir A. Wollaston Franks, whose death is deplored by all antiquaries and lovers of ceramics, on being shown a portion of these documents, impressed upon the writer the importance of giving the new information to the students of ceramics, and correcting, from authentic documents, some of the present theories that have hitherto prevailed among writers on the products of Bow, Chelsea, and Derby. The present volume is, therefore, the outcome of the advice thus given by Sir A. W. Franks. Whilst we can establish the earlier date to a Derby factory from written evidence, it is unfortunate that no data exists to allow any specimen being absolutely assigned to its maker. The only information we possess are the words, “Darby” and “ Darbishire,” given as the place from which these early examples originated, and the years 175 1-2-3. But how much earlier it may have been in existence rests at present only on conjectures. The advertisement quoted by Mr. Nightingale as having appeared in December, 1756, gives a list of goods then made as “fine figures, jars, sauceboats, services for deserts, and a great variety of other useful and ornamental Porcelain after the finest Dresden models all exquisitely painted in Enamel, with flowers, insects, India plants, &c. . . . This and the following days will be sold some of the finest of the Derby Porcelain and Foreign China.” We have here a list of productions that denote, in variety and quantity, the output of no very small PREFACE. vii factory, nor else of a factory very recently started ; it is needless to observe that the establishment of a porcelain factory is, at any time, necessarily a somewhat slow process. These goods could not, therefore, have been made by Duesbury, who was only just starting his works in 1756. It is disappointing for us to be unable to positively indicate the factory ; unfortunately the local records do not help us to elucidate, to any great extent, these interesting points. What up-to-date information is available will be given here ; and further research may, in time, help to unravel this interesting ceramic mystery. I have to acknowledge references to the following works : A. Wollaston Franks’ “ Notes on the Manufacture of Porcelain at Chelsea,” Mr. Nightingale’s “Contributions,” Professor Church’s “ English Pottery,” “ The Pottery and Porcelain of Derbyshire,” by A. Wallis and W. Bemrose ; Jewitt’s “Ceramic Art of Great Britain,” and J. Haslem’s “ Old Derby China Factory.” WILLIAM BEMROSE. Elmhurst , Derby. BOW VASE, FIGURE OF GIRL AND A DOG, FROM MR. HAWKINS’ COLLECTION. H. Q IN. CONTENTS. BOW. PAGE Chat. I. — Mr. Nightingale’s Notes — John Crowther — Duesbury’s Work-book alludes to Bow products — Thos. Frye - i CHELSEA. Chap. II. — William Duesbury — In London as an Enameller — - Dealers who employed Duesbury — Facsimile Pages of Duesbury’s Work-book — Miss S. Duesbury — Longton Hall - ...... 6 Chap. III. — Site of the Chelsea Works in Lawrence Street — Lease of Site to Cox by Sprimont — Plan of Site — Copy of Lease to Duesbury and Heath — Chas. Gouyn — Sprimont — Lagrave — Plan from Ordnance Survey shewing Site of Chelsea Factory — Duesbury’s demolition of Chelsea Kilns — Value of Old Chelsea per ounce — Early China Ware Bodies - - - 20 Chap. IV. — Sprimont’s Illness : Affidavits relating thereto — Style of living — The Case, Duesbury v. Burnsall— List of Goods said to have been Stolen — Francis Thomas -------- 38 A2 X CONTENTS. Chap. V. — The Cause of the Discontinuance of the London Periodical Sales — Reprint of the Chelsea and Derby Catalogue of 1774 or 1775 - Chap. VI. — List of Moulds, Models, etc., belonging to Duesbury in 1795 — Extracts from Sales Books — Visitors to the London Show Rooms — Goods supplied to Royalty -------- DERBY. Chap. VII. — Early Derby Porcelain — Importance of Early Derby fabric — Nightingale’s “Contributions” — What and where are these Second Dresden Derby Figures of 1756 — Cockpit Hill Pot Works — Early Figures — Andrew Blanche — Miss S. Duesbury — Notes by Locker and Keys — Woodward’s Pipe Kiln — First Figure made at Derby ------ Chap. VIII. — Site of the Duesbury Derby Porcelain Works — John and William Hutton — Date of foundation of the Duesbury Derby Works, 1756 — Convent of St. Joseph — -View and Plan of the Works Chap. IX. — Duesbury’s Biscuit Body — Haslem’s error as to date of Derby Biscuit — Professor Church — Beauty of the Biscuit Body — Figures of boys for Clocks — Vulliamy Correspondence — Rossi, the Modeller — Mr. Flight, of Worcester China Works — Vulliamy and Royalty — Portrait Medallions — China Trinkets — White Derby China — Grinding Mill for China Materials — The most useful Church in Derby — J. J. Spengler — Isaac Farnsworth — William Hopkin- son — William Billingsley — William Pegg — Zachariah Boreman — Cosway, the miniature painter — Edward Withers — J. Banford — George Lynn PAGE 5 ° 67 95 107 1 1 2 CONTENTS. xi PAGE Chap. X. — Holdship at Derby, 1766 — Chas. Sheen — Curious Agreement with J. Musgrove — Lord Rawdon — - Duke of Clarence — Curious Custom at Derby — - The “ Rodney ” Jug — Edward Withers — The “ Hutchinson ” Vase - - - - - - 140 APPENDIX. Longton Hall Porcelain — -Nightingale’s “Contri- butions ” — Duesbury’s connection with Longton Hall — Particulars of Longton Porcelain — -Factory Marks — Paste — Figures — Chronology — Bow, Chel- sea, and Derby Factory Marks - - - - 151 Index - - - 169 LIST OF PLATES. Plate No. Subject. Page I. Portrait of William Duesbury Froiitispiece II. Bow Group, Two Strolling Players - 2 Facsimile Pages of Duesbury’s Work-book 9 to 1 6 III. Bow Statuette of “ Kitty Clive ” - 4 IV. Chelsea Rose-water Ewer and Dish - 20 V. Chelsea Group, “ The Music Lesson,” by Roubiliac ------ 3 6 VI. Chelsea Statuette ------ 46 VII. Chelsea-Derby Vase ------ 54 VIII. Derby Group, Russian Shepherd, daughter, and youth ------- 66 IX. Plates made at Chelsea and Derby - 88 X. Plates made at Chelsea and Derby - IOO XI. Portrait of Sarah Duesbury, by “ Wright, of Derby ” ------- 104 XII. Plan of Duesbury’s Works at Derby - 106 XIII. View of Duesbury’s Derby Porcelain Works 108 XIV. Derby Statuettes, Shepherd and Shepherdess I I 2 XV. Chelsea Trinkets ------ 120 XVI. Original Drawings by Billingsley 1 3 ° XVII. Plates made at Derby ----- J 34 XVIII. The “Rodney” Jug and “Hutchinson” Vase - 144 XIX. Longton Hall Bowl and Cover ; Statuette, “ Sampson and the Lion ” - 154 XX. Longton Hall Figures '56 I The Collotype Plates in this Volume are produced by Messrs. Bemrose Sons, Limited. HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Bow Statuette, Figure of Girl and Dog - viii Bow Statuette on pedestal ------- xvi Chelsea Bonbonniere - - - - - - - - 19 Plan of Chelsea Factory Site - . - - - - 21 Site of Chelsea Factory on Ordnance Survey - - - 32 Chelsea “Slip” Mill -------- 3 6 Chelsea Smelling Bottle Figure ------ 37 Chelsea Scent Bottle -------- 49 Chelsea Shakespeare Scent Bottle - - - - - 51 Chelsea-Derby Tobacco Stopper ------ 93 Derby Bisque, Two Virgins adorning Pan 94 Derby Statuette of a Boy for Clock ----- 95 Derby Bisque, Two Virgins awaking Cupid - - - 96 Site of Woodward’s Pipe Kiln - - - - - - 105 Tobacco Stopper, First Figure made at Derby - - - 106 The Convent of St. Joseph, Derby - - - - - no Chelsea Smelling Bottle Figure - - - - - - m Figure of a Boy made for Clock - - - - - 113 Medallion of Mrs. Wm. Duesbury - - - - - 119 Water Engine-house and Grinding Mill, Derby - - - 125 A Rose, painted by E. Withers - - - - - 147 Seascape by G. Lucas 149 Derby Bisque, Three Virgins distressing Cupid - - 150 HALF- TONE ILL US TEA TIONS. xv Longton Hall Statuette, “ Winter ” Longton Hall Vase Longton Hall Candlestick Longton Hall Dish Bow Marks Chelsea Marks - Derby Marks - - - - - PAGE 1 5 1 T 5 2 163 164 16 5 16 5 166 OW STATUETTE, FROM MR. GRIFFIN’S COLLECTION. MARK, ANCHOR AND DAGGER IN RED. H. 5 IN. BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. CHAPTER I. BOW PORCELAIN. M OST writers on Bow Porcelain suggest that these works were established about 1744, by Heylin and Frye. Mr. Nightingale, whose “ contributions towards the History of Early English Porcelain,” are, unfortunately, so little known to students of Ceramics, through being “ privately printed,” states : “ But I find no notice of the Bow products mentioned in the London newspapers before 1757.” It is worthy of note that the five early English Porcelain Factories came into public notice by means of advertisements in the public papers, within a period of seven years, thus : — CHELSEA, in the General Advertiser , Jan. 29th, 1750. LONGTON Hall, in Avis's Birmingham Gazette , July 27th, 1752 - BOW, in a Birmingham and Derby paper, in 1753 ; in London papers, 1757. WORCESTER, in the Public Advertiser , March 20th, 1756. DERBY, in the Public Advertiser , December, 1756. B 2 BOW, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. In connection with these advertisements of the several porcelain factories, it is curious to note that Bow porcelain was advertised in the country papers, at Birmingham and Derby, in 1753, or four years before it was advertised in the London papers. The Derby Mercury was an early established and important paper of the Midlands at that date. At first the Bow factory appears to have produced “ the useful rather than the ornamental.” On Nov. 5th, 1753, however, Bow advertises in Aris's Birmingham Gazette “ a person is wanted who can model small figures in clay neatly.” And in 1757 paragraphs in the papers relating to the sale mention figures. Mr. Nightingale writes: — “Towards the end of the year the following paragraph was inserted ; it appeared on Dec. 9th, 1757, and was several times repeated : — At the Bow China Warehouse in Cornhill are great Variety of useful and ornamental Wares of that manufactory greatly improved : And for the Convenience of the Nobility and Gentry, their Warehouse on the Terrace in St. James’s St. is constantly supplied with every thing new, where it is sold as at Cornhill, with the real Price marked on each Piece without abatement. “The sale advertisements of 1758 show that many of their services were decorated with the old brown-edged Japan pattern, and that they were painted by artists brought from Dresden. This is not the rich style of ornament which we are accustomed to call Old Japan, but is an earlier- — indeed the earliest — mode of Japanese decoration on porcelain. * The design is very simple, and consists of a tree of the primus in flower, with two quails or partridges, sometimes with hedges and wheatsheafs, all on white ground, with a narrow edging of thick foliage in red. It is of this kind, but with the pattern very much elaborated, that the bowl preserved in the British Museum is composed. It was presented by Thomas Craft in 1760, and See Sir W. Franks’ Catalogue of his Collection of Oriental Porcelain, p. 67, 2nd ed. PLATE II. BOW GROUP. Two Strolling Players, seated, with clog at their feet ; the man is singing, his partner accompanying him on the guitar. Richly coloured (no gold) on a scroll base. H. 7 in. IN THE MERTON RUSSELL COTES COLLECTION. ■ 1 w \ \ *1 > [§ \ BOW PORCELAIN. 3 was described at that time as being painted in the Old Japan taste.” “ In 1763 affairs were at a very low ebb at Bow; Crowther, the only remaining partner, became bankrupt, and his stock was sold in < the following year. The annexed is a copy of the advertisement in the Public Advertiser of the sale which took place in May, 1764”: — TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On WEDNESDAY next, and the following day, at the Large Exhibition Room in Spring Gardens, ' I 'HE remaining part of the large STOCK-IN-TRADE 1 of JOHN CROWTHER, a Bankrupt ; This Col- lection is removed from the Manufactory at Bow, near Stratford, and the Bow warehouse in Cornhill ; consisting of a large quantity of the finest Porcelain, chose out of the said Collection, in curious figures, Girandoles and Branches for Chimney Pieces, finely decorated with figures flowers &c. Dishes, Compotiers, Leaves &c. fine Deserts of the fine old Partridge & Wheatsheaf Pattern, and Variety of other porcelain. The factory appears to have been carried on for some years later (Jewitt says by Crowther), as it was not until the year 1776 that Duesbury bought the plant of the Bow factory. In the old documents we find but few allusions to the Bow Factory — Duesbury ’s work-book supplying the only refer- ences to this factory ; they will be found in the facsimile given on pages 9 to 16. It is very likely, however, that some of the moulds and models enumerated in the list of 1795, on pages 69 to 85, may have come from the Bow Factory, when purchased by Duesbury in 1776, but, unfortunately, they are not so designated, although the word “ Chelsea ” occurs on many occasions. The following are examples of the figures made at Bow, and enamelled by Duesbury during 175 1-3: — 2 Groups of Bogh bird candlesticks 2 P r of Bogh sesons 1 large group of Bogh figars 6 Bow doggs 1 P r small figars Bow 3 12 6 o o o 6 2 4 BOW i CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. i large group of Bogh figars 5 o 8 Botes Bogh P r Bogh figars at each o g 3 o From the Bow memoranda we obtain particulars of figures and groups that were made there, and on comparing these with some figures entered in Duesbury’s work book, when he assigns no factory, we may safely attribute them to Bow — thus : “ Minerva of two sizes ; Flora ; imperial shepherd and shepherdess ; the new shepherd and its companion ; Cupid ; gentleman and lady ; boy and girl ; fluter ; fiddler ; harlequin ; Columbine au' Pierrot or clown ; tambourine player ; sportsman ; cook ; Dutch dancer ; woman with chickens ; Turk and com- panion ; female figure ; birds on pedestals ; swans ; boars ; squirrels ; buck and doe ; goat ; and toys of all sorts.” To make this work as complete as possible, we shall borrow from Professor A. Church’s introductory remarks to the notice he wrote on the Bow factory, for the Catalogue of Lady Charlotte Schreiber’s collection, quoting her ladyship’s remarks, “ which no one could with more authority supply.” The collec- tion, given to the nation by Lady Charlotte, is now in the South Kensington Museum : — “ It is probable that the china factory at Bow, in Essex, originated with the patent, dated December 6, 1744, taken out by Edward Heylyn and Thomas Frye. Frye was manager of the works until 1759; he was an artist of considerable power ; his portraits in mezzotint are well known. The Bow works were called New Canton. In the year 1776 this factory was bought by W. Duesbury, of Derby.” “The porcelain made at Bow was of two kinds, lhe earlier body contained a kind of porcelain clay associated with sand and potash ; in the later composition bone-ash and pipe-clay were substituted for the porcelain clay, while a lead glaze was used.” “ The white tea services and other table pieces of soft porcelain decorated with the ‘ prunus ’ blossom in relief have PLATE III. BOW STATUETTE. “ KITTY CLIVE.” In White Glazed state. Mrs. Clive, nee Rafter, represented the part of “ Mrs. Riot — a fine Lady,” and Woodward that of “ A fine Gentleman,” in Garrick’s clever and amusing Satire of Lethe. Mrs. Clive took her farewell of the stage, in this character in 1769. H. 10 in. IN THE FRANKS COLLECTION, BRITISH MUSEUM. J BOW PORCELAIN. 5 been identified as made at Bow by means of specimens and moulds disinterred on the site of the works themselves. A bowl, authenticated as painted by one of the Bow decorators, and made at the works, is preserved in the British Museum ; the material and ornament of this specimen have served to identify some doubtful pieces.” “ Much china for domestic use was made at Bow ; we know, from the memorandum books of the factory, that the pro- ductions of Chelsea and of other factories were often copied there.” “ The greater part of the porcelain made at Bow was unmarked ; an anchor and dagger, generally painted in red enamel, occurs on a good many pieces. An arrow, with an annulet on the shaft, has also been assigned to this factory. A monogram of X and 1 conjoined occurs on some vases, and other pieces painted in blue, most probably the mark of the manager, Thos. Frye.” [See Appendix for the marks used on Bow porcelain.] There is still considerable doubt amongst collectors as to the marks used at the Bow Factory. We are inclined to think that, generally speaking, the anchor, when used alone, denotes Chelsea. In coming to a decision, the body, style of modelling, and painting must be considered. We have noticed, in many Bow figures, that the “ repairer,” or maker of the figure, has used a knife, or other knife-shaped tool, to “cut up” or sharpen the figure after it has left the mould, and before it has gone into the kiln ; whilst Chelsea has generally the usual smooth and rounded form left by the mould, and the figure has been finished with a wet brush, as is the custom to-day. 'I his peculiarity will be noticed not only on the drapery but also on the arms and legs of the figure. CHAPTER II. WILLIAM DUESBURY. I T is impossible to write the biography of William Ducsbury without calling attention to the fact that he rose from somewhat humble conditions, by his energy and business qualifications, to a position of eminence and affluence, earning the good opinion of those amongst whom he came to settle. His establishment of the Derby works, the purchase and incorporation of the Bow and Chelsea works with the former, and the monetary aid which he was enabled to obtain from the Heaths, the Derby bankers, testify to his tact and energy no less than the confidence that was reposed in him, and entitle Duesbury to a position in the last century porcelain world somewhat similar to that occupied by that contemporary great master in the earthenware world — Josiah W edgwood. William Duesbury was born on the 7th of September, 1725 ; at some date unknown he married Sarah James, of Shrewsbury, and he died in November, 1786. His work-book shows that he was working as an enameller to the trade, in London, in 1751, when he would be twenty-six years of age; from other sources we learn that he was at work at Longton Hall before he came to Derby in 1755-6. The purchase of the site of the Derby Works, alluded to by William Hutton in his “ History of Derby,” took place in the names of John and Christopher Heath, the bankers, on the 19th of April, 1756. And another deed was executed on August 1st, 1780, after the failure of the Heaths, in the name of William Duesbury. WILLIAM DUESBURY. 7 Mr. Jewitt proves from various sources that Duesbury was in London during 1750-3. Amongst the old documents that have come into our possession is Duesbury’s work-book, in his handwriting, giving an account of the work he executed as an “ enameller on china ” to the trade in London during the years 175 1-3. The earliest date mentioned in the work- book is 1742, when Duesbury would be seventeen years of age ; we find references to fifteen entries for cash received, the dates being generally one week apart, which suggests weekly wages, the amounts of which range from 14s. 6d. to £2 2s. od. ; so it is possible that at that date Duesbury may have been learning enamelling at Bow, Chelsea, or Battersea. The next date that occurs is 1751, when the goods which he has enamelled are enumerated, with the names of those for whom they were enamelled and the charge carried out, as shown in the facsimile pages. The book shows that there were 382 single objects enamelled between May 14th and 31st, so that Duesbury must have been a considerable employer of labour at that early date. On perusing the following facsimile pages taken from the work-book, the reader will find much interesting information. From the fact that the figures, etc., are here and there specified as Bow, Chellsea, Darbey, Staffordshire, we are led to the conclusion that dealers were in the habit of buying porcelain in the white glazed state, and having it “ enamelled ” or coloured by such men as Duesbury. In corroboration of this Mr. Tiffin in his “Chronograph” of Bow, Chelsea, and Derby states — “ Bow uncoloured figures with glaze were published by this factory.” Chelsea - — “ From the earliest period figures made here, simply in white with glaze.” The only factories mentioned by Duesbury in his work- book are the following : “ Bow or Bogh,” “ Chellsea,” “ Darbey,” “ Darbishire,” and “ Staffordshire.” The bulk of the articles enamelled were figures, the exceptions being such as “ 6 doz. flowrs ” 6/-; “a pair of imbost jars” 3/-; a pair of round 8 BO IV, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. jars 3/- ; “ a pair of leaf jars 4/-” ; “ a playt paynted,” “pair of baskets,” “ a pair of large double branches 4/-,’’ “ 3 pair of Lyons 6/-,” “five jars becars,” 1 pair branches stoks gilt 5/-, &c. It appears that gold, at this early period, was but little used in the decoration of porcelain, and this fact aids us to fix an early date to pieces decorated only with colours. Amongst the dealers’ names for whom Duesbury worked are found, “Thomas Turner”' (“Turner, before he went out of Town £\ iis. od.”) “Things to enamil M r Turner, (Pair of Stags, Sovoy figars”) &c., “Waring,” “ Berns,” “Williams,” “ Michill,” “Turner & Coy.,” “Shall & Co.,” “ Shawbranks,” “Morgan,” “ Woodward,” “ Milles,” “Proctor,” “ Girings,” “ Littler & Co.,” “ Foy,” “ Thos. Goodwyn,” “ Acton,” “ Flint,” “ Cradock,” “ Rogars, Holliwell St.,” “ Bland,” “ Shaw,” Smallwood a pencil maker. We also learn that in 1752 Duesbury paid Frederick Vorgewits £6 19s. od. for “ collors ” ; that Duesbury’s charge for enamelling “ Mr. Woodward ” and Mrs. (Kitty) Clive was at the rate of 3/- each; this was in 1751. Some facsimile pages from Duesbury’s work-book are given on pages 9 to 16. We can also by the descriptions fix a date when many objects were made, and learn what great progress the ceramic industry had attained in 175 1-3. A memorandum at the beginning of the book tells “ how to color the group, a gentleman Busing a Lady- — gentlm a gold trimd cote, a pink wastcot crimson and trimd with gold and black Breeches and socs the lade a flowrd sack with yellow robings a black stomegar her hare Black his wig powdrd.” * The Schreiber Catalogue has a note relating to Turner, whose stock was sold in 1767. The dealer whose stock was thus sold is commemorated by Walpole in the following absurd anecdote, which occurs in a letter of his son on the subject of the late earthquake: — “Turner, a great china-man at the corner of next street, had a jar cracked by the shock ; he originally asked ten guineas for the pair, he now asks twenty, ‘ because it is the only jar in Europe that has been cracked by an earthquake.’” Walpole to Sir Horace Mann, Arlington St., 19 May, 1750. /p*** / ^ aa> j( KP .i/ctsza? j(Q&* ~.’~> rX ' ■ x t X -• — - - ■ ,//<*^ /jjt^ /fasxr 7 - V ;-j7 f s ^J / y /:U "cir/u ~l /W0? Vfanr:/ . <- ^ * '•' r% ’ f //} -v , l/turzf , C- ^ / V „ „ *•/# Ifi.t'/ * #/** 9 w a/x a s/t' <3 ♦ • Xz a , | *< ' * j 7^ o ^ | 4*^1 c'r'* ^Vl « i /■ ! <1 9 / < 4/1 £>:; / i &**■ / c /l’# t ''ol' , / J L t> >\»z / t C '* *-*> t yt* ^ 7 ^ il ' t * s * , - , 7 /. w5 , £ jf tj^of' /«* J //** r ^ Q; c lvu) 6 /Su'/i/tufo %d% Q C bgt*iJ'i ■ « • i ^ & h&r. #: ** - '■■ X. '' 4 / < i * ySLYyU- XXr^ Sic*. J^/ru * ifiu&Zn // X \*m * 0 ^ -~/4 ^ MdMai ’L tiil/se i *f rJ •? f^/y/ K* ■■■■„•, ■ ■ / /J,y A \ ■ +_ A Lj V * U ft f. I'-itt-i l&fc ij /-it^t/- . . / / t ay Ss'i s /* * •* ~ 2 ? /%} ££*£. -2 ^ Q '//?* fflt/firc* *^2# -*/*"£. TJ& / 2 *^ - - c // ■ .s/J** t '* zr fc ~ ' * ' ' /A vfi* '*/'£'Y /y/ ' i 2 '$"**** c ' /# /#*- 4 *^/?"- #**** ' %/ yZ^^ ^/s " > +a aS> s^as.- ^2 - / ^ \ 2 O 2 # 2 ? % a 6 6 ; 0 i £ / &* ■ \ / ■ * 9 >* * * / C< 3 x w ,, ■j 4f4'Js2e~y/"tf*y'* £* 2 / £**^' £*r* ' 0£fat*s/y4 y'4^^r' } ^ Y '#‘ 2 / ~ 2/y£vj£^^^‘«' e & ~ rV* /- V 0 JZ 22 '::¥ / ? * .• ^ 2 * jOuLso? £$ s%j} 2 * 4 - ^ 2 ^ 2 / 6 0 £ \ 0 # A mr : 2 * t*.** L 6’ ) 2 fch Of- • y ' m t y ( / x ^ (.< * '/ y^y vj 0 cl 1 > Ji/ij)t'u /tdi c(iuc diO jgtA 7 yfrifSlO'/ slut o- ‘// 5<‘ a'l'S' fyf . /*4 ^ ‘ >t/.t" */) t Sa7c-U tcti-i jPJ? N v V 1/J. ^ + / Moil Juf t. V: * * F* */ /uW^J f 'M* a ^ J A **0 Mo f . * %U f-f* ;T r & *r~>/¥? f A 0 0 V /? u/fi/jCr'fl Ae ■ fcr/- ~ 0 fiv \ o Li I/./* i 0\ £> $ V 'i| ^ ^ I 3 * I r *>/*/& AM oy t I 7 Al <*A M&M //f#'-? /? 0*7 A */'■*' C * ' O | /-- ^ rj P ^ I P/ 7 A o - xl , /> v i> ( J-iQ r f \ T / '^TTWOT- ’OAkfankCh/* fiy jw «. -<<*? /> ^ of 6 o 6 o 5 o 8 o 8 o o o 9 o 88 BOW , ; CHELSEA , HAW DERBY PORCELAIN. i Group on pedestal 2 small French patt music,) 3 16 o very faulty ... ... ... ... ' 1 Large group & 4 muses do ... ... ... 2 13 o 3 figures. ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 14 o 1 Cup & saucer sugar box — 1 cream Ewer & teapot do ... ... ... .., ... 130 £26 2 o LONDON SHOW ROOMS. The Exhibits of Porcelain in the London Show Rooms in Bedford Street, caused beauty and fashion (“the Quality and Gentry ” ) to assemble there, and during the London Seasons it was customary for Lygo, Duesbury’s representative, to forward to Derby lists of important visitors ; the following examples give a very good the rooms. Mch 30 1789 Lord Maitland M 1S Goddard Lady Ibbetson Miss Boucheritt Rev G H Drummond Lady Penrhyn The Hon M 1S Leigh Lady Percy M 1 Wynch M^ Yorkc of the company who visited M r Dixon M r Davinson Lady Curzon Genl & M rs Pitt M rs Bastard M rs Rolls M rs Horsley Lady Middleton Lady & Miss Cunliffe Lord & Lady Melborn PLATE IX. DERBY PLATE. DERBY PLATE. Part of a Dessert Service made for H.M. the Queen in 1841. The Service was the last order of im- portance executed at the old Derby China Works. Checkered Border Blowers by James Turner. 1835-45. Flowers painted by Horatio Steel. Mark, in Puce : “ T. Courtney, 34, Old Bond Street.” DERBY DEEP SAUCER. CHELSEA CHELSEA TWO-HANDLED CUP. Arms of Pollard in centre. TWO-HANDLED CUP. Dark Blue and Gold Border. 45 - Mark i , in Gold. Mark in Gold. Mark in Gold. DERBY PLATE. CHELSEA PLATE Of the Mecklenburgh Service, made in 1760, by order of Queen Charlotte, for her brother, the Grand Duke of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz. Mark in Gold. Service belonged to the Duke of York. Sold in his Sale in 1816. “ In Dovedale, Derbyshire.” Painted by Z. Boreman. FROM THE C. WENTWORTH WASS COLLECTION. ' LIST OF MOULDS, MODELS , ETC. 89 Ap 20 1789 Lord & Lady Altimont M rs Wall Lady Manners Lady Stamford Lady Kenyon M rs Pitt M rs Spencer Stanhope M r Grote M rs Clyve M rs Lee May 4 1789 Lady Herbert Lady Tankerville M rs Rolls M rs Nepean Miss Pierce M rs Viner Capt Spry M r Cleveland Miss Tapps Lady Shaw Lord Kinnaird Lady Cornwall THE FOLLOWING GOODS WERE SUPPLIED TO ROYALTY, AND SOME EXAMPLES MAY STILL BE IN EXISTENCE IN THE ROYAL COL- LECTIONS. 1776 The Queen at Sundry times (Geo. III.) June 22 A Comp 1 set of Tea China new cmbos d blue & gold 49 pieces ... ... 7 7 o 2 Sallet Bowls enam d with flowers blue & gold border ... ... ... 2 2 o 2 Less do. do. ... ... 1 16 o 2 do. Japan patt ... 1 16 o 3 Small shell pickle stands cnam d ... 1 11 6 6 Ice cream cups enam d with a antique border & gilt ... ... ... 1 10 o 6 Egg cups w‘ & gold ... ... 15 o The above is what was bought by the Queen the first time she was at the warehouse and at that time was attended by the Dutchess of Ancaster which is now Dutchess Dow r and I believe it was from her N 9 o BO W, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. Grace representing the warehouse to the Queen that occasioned the first visit. Nov 15 2 Sallet Bowls enam d with flowers & fine blue & gold border ... ... 1 16 o N.B.- — These was ordered by the Queen at the warehouse. 1 777 Dec 29 2 doz Soup plates enam d with Coloured > flowers & plain gold edge N.B. — I 1 & & 1 s s o believe these was ordered by M r Compton. 1778 Sept 26 2 Mugs enam d with flowers & blue & gold border by ditto ... ... o 12 o 1781 Aug 14 The Queen gave to Lady Hertford 1 Neptunes head ... ... o 6 2 Sallet dishes green & gold ... 1 16 2 Beer Rummers do ... 12 1 Inkstand with coloured flowers & gilt ... ... ... 2 2 8 Spar nitting weights ... ... 1 1 Caudle cup and stand enam d with flowers Crimson border & gold edge ... ... o 5 Doz. Table plates, blue Chan-' tilly patt 2 „ Soup ditto ... ...>25 20 Dishes in sizes 2 Tureens & Covers o 12 o o o o o o o o 1781 Aug 14 3 18 4 4 4 doz. dessert plates enam d with roses rich mosaic border... Comportiers do ... ...s Cream bowl stands & Spoons do ... Double Ice pails do Doz breakfast plates blue Chantilly 65 4 2 6 4 o LIST OF MOULDS, MODELS , ETC. 9 l 4 Butter tubs and stands ... ... 140 4 doz breakfast plates wh l & gold ... 7 4 o 4 Butter tubs and stands ... ... 2 o o 3 packing cases ... ... ... 010 o These goods the Queen bought when at the warehouse attended by the Princess Royal and Lady Hertford, which I believe is since dead. M r Compton came to inform us two days before that Her Majesty intended paying another visit to the warehouse 1783 Aug 15 Oct 25 6 Breakfasts plates wh l & gold 0 1 8 0 1 Butter tub and stand 10 0 Ordered by M r Compton 4 Oval dishes Blue Chantilly patt, 18" 4 4 0 4 Less ditto 16" 3 1 2 0 6 Less ditto 1 3 3 3 0 6 Less ditto Ii4 2 5 0 1 Doz Soup plates 1 16 0 4 „ Table „ 7 4 0 4 Butter tubs and stands 1 4 0 Box 5 0 1784 May July Sep Nov 19 i Half pint mug blue & gold border Per M r Compton 7 1 Doz dessert plates enam d with roses and rich mosiac border by M r Compton ... ... ... ... 7 8 Repairing a French Vase by order M r C 1 7 4 doz dessert plates enam d with rosesx & fine blue & gold borders 12 Comportiers do 4 Cream bowl Comp ts do 4 Double ice pails A65 4 7 5 1 7 o o o o 92 BO IV, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. 1784 Nov 17 I doz la. size plates white & gold... 5 5 0 3 less do 14 3 6 4 Butter tubs covers & stand ... 2 12 o 6 Ice cream cups blue & w l ... 12 o N.B. — This order was gave by the gent 11 belonging to the Board of green cloth at St James by order of the Queen. 1785 Jan 10 8 egg cups blue ) „ ,. u . .. „ , , [ M r Comptons ord r 4 ditto white & gold ) r 1 Repairing a cover with silver cramps Dec 29 2 Muffin plates white and gold 2 ditto do slighter May 1 2 Eye cups do ... Nov 5 1 Cover made to fit a patt. cup & enam d to match ... 1 Saucer to match patt Riveting a saucer with silver 8 o 7 o 2 o 220 1 14 o 4 o 10 6 5 o 1 6 1782 The King bought Jan 30 2 Breakfast cups and saucers enam d with rose coloured landscapes & richly gilt .. ... ... ... 2 8 o 2 Sugar boxes do. ... . 1 16 o 2 Cream Ewers do. la size ... 1 10 o 2 Tea pots modelled to patt ... 2 2 o 6 Plates do. ... 5 8 o Making springs to the covers of 3 tea pots & 2 cream ewers 16 o Packing case ... ... ... 3 o N.B. — The king gave the above order to M r Ohm that lived with M 1 Clay when he waited on His Majesty on M 1 Clay’s business. LIST OF MOULDS, MODELS , ETC. 93 1785 Feby 14 6 Doz Table plates enam d with a rose \ in the center green border & gold edge 18 Soup plates ... ... ... ... 20 Dishes 4 Sauce boats and stands ... 2 Sallet dishes 2 Tureens & Covers... .. .../ N.B. — This order was gave by one of the Kings 5 o pages. 1786 Sep 22 I Doz dessert plates enam d with roses & rich mosaic border •• 7 7 0 2 large square comforts do 2 18 0 2 Do heart shape do 2 18 0 2 Round do 2 7 0 2 Octagon do 2 7 0 Ordered by one of the Pages. CHELSEA-DERBY TOBACCO STOPPER, FULL SIZE. DERBY BISQUE. TWO VIRGINS ADORNING PAN WITH GARLANDS OF FLOWERS. MODELLED BY J. J. SPENGLER. H. I 2^ IN. IN THE AUTHOR’S COLLECTION. DUESBURY’S DERBY PORCELAIN WORKS. DERBY STATUETTE FOR CLOCKS. DERBY BISQUE. TWO VIRGINS AWAKING CUPID BY TICKLING HIS EAR WITH A STRAW. AFTER ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. MODELLED BY J. J. SPENGLER. H. 12 IN. IN THE AUTHOR’S COLLECTION. CHAPTER VII. EARLY DERBY PORCELAIN. A ccording to the several histories of the town, the Duesbury Derby works have hitherto been understood to have been started in [750. This is an error as regards Duesbury, for we learn from his work book, and from other documentary evidence, that Duesbury was then residing in London. But Duesbury’s work book also establishes the fact that in 1751-3 figures were made in Derby, and were being enamelled by Duesbury in London, as per entries, viz. : i Darbeyshire Seson ... ... ... 1 /- 1 Darby sitting season ... ... 1/- 3 Pairs Darbishire seasons ... ... 6/- 2 „ dansing Darby figs ... ... 6/- 1 „ dansing Darby figars... ... 3/- 1 „ large Darby figures ... ... 4/6 7 „ small ditto ... ... 10/6 1 „ „ ditto ... ... 1/6 r „ Darby figars large ... ... 8/- O11 comparing the prices charged by Duesbury for enamelling the Derby figures with his charges for Bow and Chelsea figures of equivalent importance, we notice that one pair of “ Darby figars large ” are marked 8s., while only 4s. 6d. is asked for figures of Jupiter and Juno, probably of Chelsea manufacture; the same price (4s. 6d.) is also marked for a pair of Ncptunes. As a matter of fact, we do not find a single pair of Chelsea figures for which the price charged is as high as that of the “ Darby figars.” Amongst the former, the figures of Mr. Wood- ward and Mrs. Clive commanded the highest price, and it was O 9 8 BO IV, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. no more than 6 s. From these well-known statuettes we may form an idea of the size of those made at Derby in 1751, mention of which appears on the same list. We may, therefore, come to the conclusion that such important works denote the existence of a factory of no mean pretensions, since specimens were produced there which, for size and quality, could vie with the best porcelain of Bow and Chelsea. The exact date when the Bow, Chelsea, and Derby factories were started is still uncertain ; one point, however, is now clearly established — it is that in 1751 Duesbury was enamelling Bow, Chelsea, and Derby figures for the trade ; this is proved by his account book. Considering that that style of manu- facture was quite new to the country, one must assume that the three factories had already been in existence for several years before they were in the position to produce such remark- able ceramic objects as the figures to which we are referring. The late Mr. Nightingale,* whose contributions to Ceramic literature are most valuable and reliable, says on page lxvii. of his “ Contributions ” “ The earliest notice I have found of this (Derby) Manufactory is contained in an advertisement of a sale by auction several times repeated, in the ‘ Public Advertiser’ during the month of December, 1756. . . No mention is made in this advertisement of its being the first public sale by auction as in the case of the first Chelsea and Longton Hall sales.” The advertisement runs thus: — “To be sold by auction by Mr. Bellamy. By order of the Proprietors of the DERBY Porcelain Manufactory, at a commodious House in Princes St., Cavendish Square. This and three following days. A curious collection of fine figures, jars, Sauce- boats, Services for deserts, and a great Variety of other useful and ornamental Porcelain after the finest Dresden Models all exquisitely painted in Enamel, with flowers, insects, India plants, &c. . . This and the following days will be sold some of the finest of the Derby Porcelain and Foreign China.” * J. E. Nightingale, F.S.A. — “ Contributions towards the History of Early English Porcelain.” Printed for private circulation, 1 88 1 . EARLY DERBY BOR CEL AID. 99 It will be best to complete Mr. Nightingale’s evidence before we try to locate the site and to find the names of the pro- prietors of this “ curious collection of fine figures,” etc., offered for sale in 1756. “No further regular sales by public auction of the Derby products seem to have taken place at this period in London; but in the spring of 1757, at the time when the first Bow and Longton Hall sales were held, and when Sprimont’s illness prevented his annual Chelsea sale, we hear a great deal of the Derby manufactory, whose speciality at that time was certainly figures. Williams, a large dealer in porcelain, and afterwards agent to the Derby manufactory, who had hitherto carried on his business in Mary-bone- street, Golden Square, removed his large stock to a com- modious house near the Admiralty in Whitehall for the purpose of a sale, which was conducted by Mr. Bellamy. The advertisement for this sale was continued for a month. The sale apparently contained a good deal of Derby, as the first item mentioned in the advertisement is “ the largest Variety of the Derby or second Dresden.” A prominent feature, too, seems to have been the Derby figures, as will be seen from the second of the two following paragraphs from the Public Advertiser , which relate to this sale. “At the large Auction Room facing Craigs Court near the Admiralty, Whitehall, there were Numbers of Quality & Gentry, who expressed great satisfaction at seeing the extensive Number of foreign, and the great Variety of the English China manufactories ; and admired at the great Perfection the Derby Figures in particular are arrived to, that many good Judges could not distinguish them from the real Dresden. This is the first day of the said sale. May 17 — 1 757- ” “The first reliable notice of anything of importance pro- duced at Derby hitherto given, as far as I am aware, relates to a consignment of Derby products sent to London in 1763, but it is clear that important works were carried on several years earlier. Derby figures, said to be nearly as good as Dresden, were sold in London in 1756. The paragraph praising these things may have been something of a puff, still they must have been sufficiently good to be so called at a time when Chelsea, Bow, and other figures ioo BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. were being made, whilst the Dresden examples of that period were amongst the finest ever produced. The con- noisseurs in London probably knew perfectly well what was good at that time.” “ The question now arises, what, and where, are these ‘second Dresden’ Derby Figures of 1756 and 1757 ? They cannot all have disappeared. The only acknowledged Derby figures now met with, as far as I know, are of a much later date. The most probable suggestion that I can offer is that at least a portion of the early works now attributed to Bow may be really early Derby. It will be seen that in the Bow advertisement of this year figures are not mentioned at all, although some must have been included in the sale, as they are alluded to in a subsequent paragraph amongst other things. Again the memoranda of the Bow manager made at this particular time, and printed by Mr. Chaffers from Lady Charlotte Schreiber’s manuscripts, show that the figures mentioned are few and not important. Nor do the marks of this period help much towards the identification of specimens ; with the exception of the Chelsea anchor, and the much later Derby symbol, there is no certainty as to what particular factories many of the known marks on figures are to be attributed.” We have been unable to discover, up to the present time, any further facts that tend to throw light on this very interesting subject. As we have already observed, we possess documentary evidence that figures were made at Derby and sold in London in considerable quantities from 1751 to 1756, and of such quality as to be classed as “ second Dresden.” In 1756 Duesbury was only making preparations to start his Derby works, by the aid of money lent by Messrs. Heath, the Bankers, part proprietors of the Derby (Cockpit Hill) Potworks. It will be noticed that the goods were sent up to Bellamy the auctioneer, “ By order of the Proprietors of the Derby Porcelain Manufactory l' No history of Derby mentions the existence of such a Firm, nor have we any records amongst PLATE X DERBY PLATE. Rich Blue and Gold Border, Jewelled, Landscape in Centre. CHELSEA PLATE. Mark in Puce, and Artists’ Nos. 2, 5, and 7 - Painted Birds. No. 2, Landscape by John Stables. No. 5, Gilding by John Yates. IN THE E. M. KIDD COLLECTION. No. 7, Roses by Billingsley. IN THE E. M. KIDD COLLECTION. CHELSEA PLATE. CHELSEA PLATE. Raised Flowers on White Ground, and Five Bouquets of Flowers. Mark, an Anchor in Red. Six Raised Leaves, painted Green Bouquet of Flowers in centre. PAIR OF DERBY PLATES. Painted Flowers by Win. Pegg (the Quaker). IN THE AUTHOR’S COLLECTION. !> EARLY DERBY PORCELAIN. . IOI the large collections of old documents of that period, in the possession of Sir H. H. Bemrose and of the writer, that throw any light upon the “ Derby Porcelain Co.” It may have been a title adopted, for the occasion of the sale, by Heath & Co. — a joint concern, which may have included Duesbury & Planche. Another place from which these early Derby figures, called “ second Dresden,” may have proceeded, is Heath’s (formerly Miers’), Cockpit Hill Potworks.* It is an ascertained fact that a slip ware tyg is in existence, on which is inscribed — “John Meir made this cup 1708”; and although this factory was no doubt at work during the previous century, it is singular that little or no notice is taken by the historians of Derby of the Cockpit Hill Potworks — although the under- taking was extensive, and employed a number of hands. We have to refer to “ A Short Tour in the Midland Counties of England, performed in the Summer of 1772, etc.,” for a reference to those works, viz : “ Here is also a pottery, and I was showed an imitation of the Queen’s ware, but it does not come up to the original, the produce of Staffordshire.” We learn the class of goods which was made at the Cockpit Hill Potworks from the advertisements inserted in the papers of 1780, when Messrs. Heath & Co. became bankrupts, and the stock was advertised for sale. “To be sold without Reserve (and considerably under the usual wholesale prices) at the Derby Pot Manufactory, a large quantity of Earthenware, being the whole stock-in-trade of that great and extensive Factory, commonly known by the name of the Derby Pot Works, consisting of an assort- ment of Enamelled and Blue-and-white useful china, a large quantity of enamelled Cream-ware, and plain Cream Tea- table-ware ; a great quantity of White stone, & Brown ware.” At a later period of the same year, another sale by auction is described as being “a large quantity of Earthen and China * For further information, see “ Pottery and Porcelain of Derbyshire,” 1870, by Messrs. Wallis and Bemrose. io2 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. ware from the Pot Works on Cockpit Hill, in Derby, being the stock-in-trade of Messrs. John & Christopher Heath, of Derby, bankrupts.” From these advertisements it is certain that “ enamelled and blue-and-white useful china ” were manufactured ; and although no mention is made of figures amongst the stock to be sold, one may surmise that such enterprising and moneyed men as the Heaths and their predecessors would have taken advantage of the rising demand of that day for “ enamelled ” figures. It is probable that figures were made at the Potworks at an early date, and that this branch of the business was transferred to the new Factory when Duesbury appeared upon the scene. The owner of the tyg above referred to informed us in 1875, “ that a relative of hers had the tyg from her great grand- mother, who bought it at the Cockpit Hill Works.” “She knew several members of the Meir family, and possessed some figures ; two of them, I remember, she told me represented Mr. Meir’s two daughters ; those she gave away, I forget who to.” We made recent and further enquiries from the brother of the lady (who died recently). He said : “ I think they were white ware, not decorated, and I cannot remember whom they were given to forty years ago.” So all trace of them is lost, otherwise they might possibly have led to further identification of the early figures now attributed to Bow or Chelsea. The Fine Art Exhibition held at Derby in 1870 contained a few authenticated examples of Cockpit Hill China. “ No distinctive ‘ mark ’ seems to have been used at this factory ; at least, we have not been able to trace anything of the kind on any specimen. A sucrier and cup, belonging to the writer, which have a very early Derby character, and resemble in many particulars an authenticated specimen of Cockpit Hill, bear the mark of the crossed swords, and the number 186 in puce; this may have been the prototype of the crossed batons upon the later porcelain.” ; That sucrier * “Pottery and Porcelain of Derbyshire,” 1870. (Wallis and Bemrose.) EARLY DERBY PORCELAIN. 1 °3 and cup have landscapes painted in a yellow brown colour, and form part of the same tea set to which the cup in the Jermyn Street Museum, classed as Derby, belonged ; it bears, on a road side finger-post, introduced in the landscape, the words “ to Derby.” From a warrant issued in 1758 for the apprehension, detention, and correction of one John Lovegrove, we find the names of the partners in the Potworks (Cockpit Hill) at that period. “Whereas information and complaint hath been made before me Samuel Crompton, Esquire, Mayor, and one of 1 1 is Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the s d Borough by W m Butts of the s d Borough, gent, upon Ins oath that John Lovegrove was on the Thirteenth day of Jany last duly hired as a labourer and servant to the said W' n Butts, and to Thos Rivett Esquire, and John Heath Gent, for one year then next ensuing to work at their pottery in the s d Borough of Derby &c. &c.” Thomas Rivett was Mayor of Derby in 1715 and 1761, and member for Derby 1747 to 1754 ; he died in 1763, and was buried in All Saints’ Church, Derby ; we may gather from this that the partners in the Potworks were men of position and money residing in Derby. The only other source from which these early figures could proceed, according to our present knowledge, would be from Planche, whose unsigned agreement with Ducsbury and Heath is mentioned by Jewitt ; but Professor Church points out that in 1745 Planche was only 1 7 years of age. Between 1745 and 1756, the date of the Blanche agreement, considerable progress would have been made, and either Ducsbury or Heath might have joined Planche during that time under the style and title of “ The Derby Porcelain Manufactory.” In the notes left by Sami. Keys we find: “China was first made in Derby, I believe, by a man in a very humble way (but his name I cannot recollect). He resided in Lodge Lane in some old premises up a yard by the (now Brown Bear) public-house. When he first began, he fired his articles in io 4 BOW, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. a small pipe kiln very near, till he had constructed a small kiln in a fireplace in the old premises he lived in. He had only small animals and birds, laying down lambs, &c. Mr. William Duesbury the first got his knowledge firstly from this man, and improved on it.” We now know that this statement as to Duesbury’s want of “ knowledge ” was incorrect, as he had been enamelling porcelain for some years in London. The late Miss Duesbury wrote, after reading Messrs. Wallis and Bemrose’s “Pottery and Porcelain of Derbyshire”: “ Messrs. Wallis and Bcmrose have done my grandfather justice — while this fellow Jewitt tries to take the credit out of his hands and give it to the man Blanche, ‘ Master Planchey,’ as Betty Shipley called him.” This remark of Miss Duesbury’s corroborates the existence of Blanche, but does not help much towards fixing the exact part Blanche took in the establishment of the Derby Works, or tell us anything of his previous history. Professor Church and some others have doubted the existence of Blanche for various reasons ; but from the facts recorded here, it can no longer be denied that he had a share in the undertaking. We quote as further corroboration of Blanche’s existence, both Locker and Keys, who made notes on the origin of China making in Derby ; they allude to the places where Blanche lived, and where he fired his “birds cats dogs sheep &c ” in a pipe kiln belonging to a man named Woodward. We have visited this old workshop in Lodge Lane, which was used as a pipe manufactory until November, 1896. The large chimney is in existence, and the remains of a kiln in the large square base of the chimney (of which we give a sketch) are still in situ. The buildings are much dilapidated, and the present owner informed us that the top floor had been bricked up for years, but requiring more space in his adjoining works he decided to break a doorway through from the adjoining room. A small hole was made, and, as the clock struck twelve, the men went to dinner ; but MISS SARAH DUESBURY. Died in 1876, aged 87. Painted by “ Wright, of Derby.” ORIGINAL IN THE POSSESSION OF MR. GEORGE DEAN. EARLY DERBY PORCELAIN. io 5 several girls, with the curiosity attributed to the fair sex, crept through the hole and stepped on to the floor, thickly covered with the accumulated dust of years, when they suddenly found the lower part of their bodies in the room below, whilst head and shoulders remained in the upper room. The floor was so rotten that it could not bear their weight, and had let them go through. The late Mr. J. Keys, a descendant of Sami. Keys, already referred to, informed us that he remembered seeing Planche’s kiln, some years ago, in an outbuilding in Lodge Lane, and that the building was only demolished about 1890. SITE OF WOODWARD’S PIPE KILN. Mr. Locker, who wrote an account of the Derby China Works, given by Mr. Chaffers, says: “About 1745 a man said to be a foreigner in very poor circumstances, living in Lodge Lane, made small articles in china, such as birds, cats, dogs, sheep and other small ornamental toys, which he fired at a kiln in the neighbourhood belonging to a pipe maker named Woodward.” It will be noticed that the date fixed by Locker, when the foreigner, most probably Planche, was making figures at Derby, is 1745 ; it is fair to presume that Planche had made some advance in the class of goods he turned out, so that, possibly, P io6 BOW, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. some of the smaller figures now attributed to Bow are, as suggested by Mr. Nightingale, Derby figures by Blanche. There is still in existence a small biscuit figure, 2 inches high, of a gentleman wearing the long coat, with large flaps and pockets, the three-cornered hat and wig, of the middle of the last century, which has a distinct pedigree, as being one of the earliest figures ever made at Derby ; at the base is an incised fig. I. It formerly belonged to Miss Duesbury, grand- daughter to William Duesbury, the founder of the well-known Derby works, who gave it to a lady, by whom it was presented to the writer. A TOBACCO STOPPER (FULL SIZE) — “ FIRST FIGURE MADE AT DERBY.” PLAN of Mr* Duesbury's Garden t House t and Manufactory t Derby* Copied from Old Deed of Lease to Bloor in 1815. « fi iovO 1^00 Cf> O — ^ Tf lo'sD I CO Q O Ct s i: y> * k k O w M 3 $ ki y § 22 'C U co pq On U q q s " " S tyj— . O “> £ il ns ^2 >> tS CS _d o o _2 55 «5 cl Ph ^ 55 u u u <■> § jui5 l = 13 ^5 5 o J JH- J J CHAPTER VIII. THE SITE OF THE DUESBURY DERBY PORCELAIN WORKS. William Hutton, the historian of Derby, writing in 1791 about the Derby China Works, says, “ The spot upon which this elegant building stands, which is internally replete with taste and utility, was once the freehold of my family. It cost thirty-five pounds ; but the purchaser, my grandfather’s brother, being unable to raise more than twenty-eight, mortgaged it for seven. Infirmity, age, and poverty obliged him to neglect the interest, when in 1743 it fell into the hands of my father, as heir-at-law, who, being neither able nor anxious to redeem it, conveyed away his right to the mortgagee for a guinea.” The following is the Mortgage Deed referred to : NOVERINT universi per presentes me Johannem Hutton de Derby in Comitatu Derbie Clothworker teneri et firmiter obligari Abrahamo Crompton de Derby predicte gencroso in decern et quatuor libris bone et legalis monete Magne Britannic solvendis eidem Abrahamo Crompton aut Suo certo Attornato Executoribus Administratoribus vel Assignatis suis Ad quam quidem Solucionem bene et fideliter faci- endam Obligo me hcredes Executores et Admini- stratores meos firmiter per presentes sigillo mco sigillatas Datis decimo quinto die Maij Anno regni domini nostri Georgij Dei gracia Magne Britannie ffrancie et Hibernie Regis ffidei defensoris etc quarto Annoque Domini 1718 io8 BOW, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. The Condicon of this obligacbn is such That if the above bound John Hutton his heires Executors or Adm 1 ’ or any of them doe well and truely pay or cause to be paid unto the above named Abraham Crompton his Executors Administrators or assignes the full sume of seven pounds of good and lawfull money of Great Britaine with lawfull interest for the same at and upon the sixteenth day of November next comeing after the date of the above written Obligacon without fraud or farther delay That then this p r sent Obligacon shall be void and of none effect or else shall be and remaine in full force and vertue Sealed and delivered (being written on Paper trebly stampt sixpence) in the p'sence of Hugh Bateman Joseph Alkin (Endorsement) John Huttons Bond for paym 1 of £y & interest to Mr. Crompton the 16 th Nov 1718 Dat 15 May 1718 John Hutton his + mark Hutton again alludes to this site in his MS. history of the Hutton Family. John Hutton “ He was the man who purchased the house east of St. Marys Bridge, now the China Works for .£35, but being master of only 28 mortgaged the premises to M r Crompton, a banker, for the other seven. He becoming old and poor, and inheriting the supineness of the Hutton family, suffered the trifling interest to remain unpaid, till the mortgagee seized the premises. The Freehold in 1743 fell into the hands of my father, as heir-at-law, who assigned over his interest to M r Crompton for a guinea.” THE DERBY CHINA WORKS, at the close of the first Duesbury Period SITE OF THE DUESBURY DERBY WORKS. 1 09 We find the following amongst the documents, “ Extracts from M r Duesbury’s Deeds,” which throws some light upon the early works established by Duesbury : — “ 1 Aug 1780 Conveyance from Heath & his assignees to Duesbury of “ A messuage in Derby near to a place called the Beach Croft, theretofore in the tenure of Tho : Baker but then of John Heath and W. Duesbury. “ Also two other Messuages or Tenements in Derby afs d near unto the East of St Marys Bridge then or late in the possession of the s d W. Duesbury & Sam Smith. “ And also five other Tenements near or adjoining to the said two last ment d messuages, which said 5 Tenements were formerly converted into and then continued to be Workshops used and employed by the s d W. Duesbury & Compy. as such in making of China All which s d premises were conveyed to s d Heath by an indenture dated 19 April 1756” &c. “ And by same deed of assignment of all that Dwelling house standing and being upon part of a certain Orchard Garden or backside beyond St Mary’s Bridge in Derby near to the common highway leading from the said Bridge to Chaddesden formerly used as two dwellings and in the occupations of Abraham Whitacre & Thos Borrows.” “ And also all that piece of ground then lately part of and fenced from the s d orchard garden or backside which adjoined to the s d messuage & then used and enjoyed therewith as a garden.” From these extracts the date of Duesbury’s coming to Derby in 1756 is confirmed. They, also, supply the information that 2 tenements, 5 other tenements, and a dwelling house, were converted into workshops “ for the making of china.” The site is again designated as that at the “ East of St Marys Bridge.” In 1780, the time o( Messrs. Heaths’ bankruptcy, these properties were conveyed to Duesbury. The view of the old Duesbury Porcelain Works here given was drawn from memory by Moses Webster in 1870, io BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. and approved by several of the old china painters who recollected the old works. These works were abandoned and pulled down in the year 1845-6, and on the site was erected, at a cost of about 10,000, the Convent of St. Joseph, designed by Pugin, for the Sisters of Mercy from Kinsale ; but the situation was found to be so unhealthy that in the year 1863 the Convent was pulled down and the materials sold; not one stone now remains to indicate that such a picturesque building ever occupied the site. The plan of Ducsbury’s Works is copied from the deed of lease to Bloor, dated November, 1815, at a rental of ,£110. Bloor had been carrying on the factory from 1811. Kean, Duesbury’s partner, leased a piece of land for ninety- one years adjoining the Duesbury Works, and, in his own name, erected an earthenware manufactory in 1797. The venture did not succeed, and earthenware making ceased about December, 1799. A passage is shown on the ground plan of Duesbury’s works, connecting those works with the new building ; it was at that time covered over with wirework, and by the SITE OF THE DUES BUEV DERBY IVOR US. T T I employes called the “bird cage walk.” Haslem states that the older works were vacated on the failure of the earthenware venture, and the hands removed into the new works, but that in his time they were partially re-occupied. We have, in our collection, a large Worcester mug, on which is delicately painted the same view of the Convent of St. Joseph as is here depicted, and the mug was very likely painted by one of the old Derby hands, as a loving memento of the old site of the Derby Works. CHELSEA SMELLING BOTTLE FIGURE. SCHREIBER COLLECTION, S.K.M. CHAPTER IX. DUESBURY’S BISCUIT BODY. ROM the early Chelsea catalogues we learn nothing about the celebrated biscuit body, until, in Duesbury’s catalogue of the Chelsea and Derby products of 1771 — the year after his purchase of the Chelsea works — we find numbers of groups and figures in biscuit enumerated. The Chelsea-Derby vases, coloured and enriched with gold, occasionally show “ biscuit ornaments ” of a fine and close texture, velvety to the touch, and of a light ivory colour. It is, therefore, fair to presume that to Duesbury belongs the credit of inventing and introducing the biscuit body, which has never been equalled in all respects by any factory at home or abroad. Professor Church, in his “ English Porcelain, South Ken- sington Museum,” says : “ The late Mr. Haslem was of opinion that the white biscuit porcelain figures, for which the Derby factory was famous, could not have been made before 1800. He based that opinion upon the alleged first use at that time of bones in porcelain by Spode. This unfortunate error about the date of the introduction of bones, which we have controverted elsewhere, is further disproved by the occurrence of these very biscuit figures in the Derby catalogues of 1771 and 1773.” A further proof is that the old Chelsea and Derby documents state that in “ 1770 ten bags of boneash sent to Derby.” The greatest possible care was exercised by the manufacturers to prevent any defective piece or “ seconds ” in biscuit leaving the factory. We have been told by some of the old hands that this was carried out at one time so rigidly, that PLATE XIV. W o co s pq P4 W Q c o a< co cC S TT DERBY PORCELAIN. CHINA TRINKETS. From the following correspondence it is certain that many china trinkets, such as seals, smelling bottles, tooth-pick cases, &c., were mounted in gold, &c., at Derby, by Mr. Severne and others, from the middle of last century until the early part of the present century. It may not be generally known that about the time the Derby china works came into note, the jewellery trade of Derby was a most important one. A jeweller named Simpson was one of the earliest manufac- turers ; he employed about thirty hands. Severne & Co. gave employment to eighty or ninety hands, besides outworkers. The town is still noted for the production of excellent paste jewellery. The principal branch of the trade, at that time, was the manufacture of paste jewellery, seals, rings, buckles for shoes and breeches, ear rings, brooches, &c. Much might be written on this interesting subject. We will merely recall the fact that the ancient town of Derby was the birth, or early starting place of the following manufactures : silk, hosiery, cotton, porcelain and jewellery. Some idea of the extent of the china trinket trade may be formed from the fact that there were at the Derby works (brought largely from Chelsea) in 1795, moulds and models for fifty smelling bottles, figures, &c., 300 trinkets, and 100 seal trinkets. We find particulars concerning that part of the trade in the Duesbury correspondence. “ Dear Sir “ If you can let me have a dozen of Trinket seals and keys for my friend M r Egan I shall be obliged to you if you will send me by the bearer an assortment to pick him a dozen — and in consequence of what you said to M r E. respecting his having the trinkets of me, I shall be glad to know your terms for mounting them for me & I would take the whole on myself to M r E. “ I am dear Sir, Yrs respectfully “ W. Duesbury. “Sat 26 Jan. 1793. TWENTY-ONE CHELSEA SEALS AND TRINKETS. Some Coloured and Gilt ; others in the White glazed state. IN THE AUTHOR’S COLLECTION. DUE SB UR Y’S BISCUIT BODY. 1 2 1 “ Sir “ Derby / 1793. “ I have enclosed 26 seals for your approbation. Keys we have not one finished here — what we have are with M r Severne who is yet in London. Can make a few in course of next week if necessary. The lowest price we charge to our wholesale friends is 6 s each. I cannot immediately say the terms we can mount them for, but if you wish to pursue that plan no doubt the price may be adjusted to your satisfaction. The new patterns you have sent I fear will be thought too much of a similitude with those we have sold so many of — something very smart but strikingly different will be found necessary. I expect M r S(everne) at home in the course of next week, when we will wait upon and consult y r opinion on the business. You’ll please return the seals not approved sooner & better. “ Interim I’m Mo respectfully y r very ob l Ser 1 “J. Hancock.” “WHITE DERBY CHINA.” We have a newspaper cutting of the following advertisement issued July 4th, 1798, in a London paper, given to me by Jno. Whittaker, an old Derby artist: — WHITE DERBY CHINA. By Mr. IT. PHILLIPS, At his Great Room, New Bond-Street, on WEDNESDAY next, at Twelve o’clock [July 4, 1798]. T ) ART of the STOCK of a WHITE DERBY 1 CHINA MANUFACTORY ; comprifing Tea and Coffee Services, many Hundred Cabinet Cups and Saucers, and ornamental Articles, the Property of the MANUFAC- TURERS. The above affords to the Gentry a favourable Opportunity of providing themfelves with white Porcelain, either for immediate Ufe, or to paint upon as Specimens of Ornament. May be viewed Tomorrow, when Catalogues maybe had as above; of Mr. Varley, York Hotel, Bridge- Street, Black- Friars ; and of Mr. Phillips, at his Houfe, No. 22, Bury-Street, St. James’s. Whittaker explains this sale of “ White Derby China ” in the following manner, having heard the story from workmen who lived at the time. R 2 7 BOW , , CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. “At the China Works on the Nottingham Road, there was a workman employed in the ornamental room named William Duesbury. He was a relative of the W m Duesbury a partner carrying on these works. When Coffee left the Derby China Wks this W m Duesbury, who was a potter, left also, and Coffee & Duesbury became partners and manufactured in a small way, their manufactory was somewhere in Friar Gate. Their partnership was of short duration, for Duesbury & Kean thinking these two men were likely to become their rivals in the China trade, induced their relative to return to their employment and cease to be a partner with Coffee, this broke up the China manufactory in Friar Gate, where I believe Coffee afterwards manufactured Terra cotta ornaments & figures.” “ I have no doubt this is the white Derby China named in the advertisement, the articles named are exactly what I should expect a small establishment to produce ; and I believe the date corresponds, as far as I can ascertain, to the time when Coffee ceased to be employed at the old Derby China Works.” This information was supplied by the writer to Mr. Chaffers, who used it in his “ Marks and Monograms.” GRINDING MILL FOR CHINA MATERIALS. In December, 1765, Duesbury leased a mill and stable in St. Michael’s Lane, near to Lomb’s silk mill (the first erected in England), for twelve years, at a rental of £6 6s., for the purpose of grinding and mixing the china clay. The lease reads : This Indenture made the Twenty third Day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty five Between Thomas Bradley of Hall Fields in the Parish of Allow in the County of Derby Gentleman I) UESB UR Y’S BISCUIT BOD V 123 and Jane his Wife of the one part and William Duesbury of Derby in the County of Derby China or Porcelain maker of the other part Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the Rents Covenants and Agreements hereinafter reserved mcnconecl and contained on the part and behalf of the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators and Assigns to be paid kept done and performed They the said Thomas Bradley and Jane his Wife Have and each of them Hath demised leased set and to farm let unto the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators and Assigns All that Mill in Derby aforesaid near to or adjoining the Water Engine at the bottom of S l . Michaels Lane there called or known by the Name of the Malt Mill with all and singular the Implements and Utensils to the same belonging together with a Stable thereto adjoining And all Wares Gates Ways Waters Watercourses Fleams and Streams to the same or any part thereof belonging or appertaining (Except and always reserved unto the said Thomas Bradley their Heirs and assigns the intire use of the said Waters and Streams when and as often as there shall be Scarcity of Water not sufficient to supply the Town of Derby as hath heretofore been accustomed) Which said Premises are now in the possession of the said Thomas Bradley and Jane his Wife To have and to hold the said Mill Stable and Premises beforementioned to be hereby demised with the appurtenances (except as before excepted) unto the said William Duesbury his Executors Adminis- trators and Assigns from the Twenty fifth Day of December next for the Term of Twelve years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended Yielding and Paying therefore Yearly and every Year during this Demise unto the said Thomas Bradley or his Assigns (in case he shall so long live) the Yearly Rent of Six Pounds and Six Shillings of lawful British money by equal portions on the Twenty fourth day of June and 124 BOW, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. the Twenty fifth day of December the first payment to be made on the Twenty fourth day of June next And shall not nor will at any time during this Demise make use of the Water for Working the said Mill whenever there shall be a Scarcity of Water for supplying the said Water Engine And also shall not and will not do or cause permit or suffer to be done any Acts or Things whatsoever whereby the said Thomas Bradley and Jane his Wife or their Heirs shall be any ways obstructed or annoyed in the free use and enjoy- ment of the said Water Engine at any time or times during the continuance of this Demise And the said Thomas Bradley doth hereby for himself and for the said Jane his Wife and either of them their and either of their Executors Admtors and Assigns Covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators and Assigns That they the said Thomas Bradley and Jane his Wife or one of them their or one of their Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will from time to time and at all times during this Demise pay bear and discharge all manner of Taxes levys assessments Rent and all other Outgoings whatsoever which now is or are or at any time hereafter during the said Term shall be charged upon or issuing or going out of the said demised premises to the King Church Boor or otherwise And that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators and Assigns Peaceably to hold and enjoy the said Mill and Premises hereby demised (Except as before Excepted) Paying the Rent hereby reserved and performing the Covenants and Agreements herein contained) from time to time and at all times hereafter during the said Term without any hindrance or interruption of the said Thomas Bradley and Jane his Wife or either of them their or either of their Executors Ad- ministrators or Assigns or of any other Person or Persons D UESB UR Y’S BISCUIT BODY. 1 2 5 claiming or to claim by from or under him her them or any of them In Witness whereof the said Parties have to these present Indentures interchangeably set their Hands and Seals the Day and Year first above written. THOMAS BRADLEY Sealed and delivered } in the presence of > HARRY YATES JANE BRADLEY KATHERINE BRADLEY WATER ENGINE HOUSE FOR SUPPLYING THE TOWN WITH WATER, 1 765, AND GRINDING MILL, AT DERBY. I am enabled, by the courtesy of the owner, Mr. George Dean, to give a reduced view of the mill and stable, and the engine-house — the tall building to the left — from a water colour drawing by La Cave. Hutton says in his History of Derby: Page 11. “This river (the Derwent) supplies the water for culinary use, which is raised by an engine at the bottom of St. Michael’s Lane, and conveyed through a pipe into the reservoir at the top of the church (St. Michael’s), about the distance of one 126 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. hundred yards, and the height of twelve. From thence, as from a grand artery, the stream is conveyed by tubes, under the pavement, into almost every street and court. Perhaps this is the most useful church in Derby, though preached in but once a month.” John James Spengler. Spongier was a Swiss ; he came from Zurich, and joined the Derby Factory in 1790. The following agreement is not without interest ; it states that Spengler was to receive two guineas weekly, but this amount evidently did not meet his require- ments, for we find that, in the year 1792, Spengler gave a bill of sale on his household effects for a loan of ,£30 from Duesbury. Spengler was by far the best and most graceful modeller the Derby works ever employed. His finest works are: the Russian Shepherd and companions, a group of 3 and 4 figures, No. 387, which is one of our illustrations ; Blind beggar and daughter, No. 370 ; the three groups after Angelica Kauffman, viz. : — Three Virgins distressing Cupid, No. 235 ; Virgins adorning Pan, No. 196 ; and Virgins awaking Cupid, No. 195. A Shepherdess, a girl leaning on a gate feeding a lamb, is perhaps the most elegant of all his models, and is also illustrated The following, Nos. 11, 371, 373, 381, and Vases, Nos. 123, 124, 126, 130, are also modelled by Spengler, as per list of models. Articles of Agreement made and concluded upon the thirteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety Between William Duesbury of Derby in the County of Derby Manufacturer of Porcelain of the one part and John James Spengler late of Zurich in Switzerland but now of Derby aforesaid Modeller of the other part. First- It is mutually and reciprocally agreed between the said William Duesbury and the said John James Spengler that the said John James Spengler shall according to the best of his skill and ability employ and apply himself from time to time from the day of the date of this Agreement for the term of three years now next following in and to the making all such Models that is to say Figures Vases Groups Ornaments and Vessels as shall from time in the judgment DUESBURY'S BISCUIT BODY. 127 of the said John James Spengler and under the directions of the said William Duesbury be thought fit and necessary for the use of the Porcelain Manufactory of the said William Duesbury at Derby aforesaid or any other Manufactory which the said William Duesbury may think proper to establish during the said term And that the said John James Spengler shall himself make an original in Porcelain from each of his Models And it is also agreed that Ten hours in each of the Six working days in the week between the first day of March and the thirtieth day of September and eight hours in each of the six working days in the week between the first day of October and the last day of February shall be considered as one whole day And that the hours to be employed by the said John James Spengler in the business of the said William Duesbury shall be solely in the choice of and variable from time to time at the pleasure of the said John James Spengler And it is also agreed that the said John James Spengler shall be at liberty from time to time whenever he shall think proper during the term of this Agreement to employ and apply himself in and to the business aforesaid for any extra or greater number of hours than those before specified to constitute a day not exceeding four extra hours in each day between the first day of March and the thirtieth day of September and three extra hours in each day between the first day of October and the last day of February And it is agreed that the said John James Spengler shall from time to time during the continuance of this Agreement find and provide for himself a room for carrying on his business in such place as he shall think fit in Derby aforesaid except for the making such designs and models in which it may be necessary for the said John James Spengler to consult nature in which case the said William Duesbury agrees to provide for the said John James Spengler a fitting and convenient room in some part of his Manufactory and to provide all things necessary for the use of the said John James Spengler at the expense of him the said William Duesbury And the said William Duesbury in consideration of the Skill and abilities of the said John James Spengler to be faithfully employed to his use as aforesaid doth hereby agree to and with the said John James Spengler that he the said William Duesbury shall and will weekly and every week on the Saturday in each week during the continuance of the said term well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said John James Spengler the sum of Two Guineas of lawful british money for each ordinary week’s work and after the same rate and proportion for any extra time which in such week shall have been employed by the said John James Spengler to the use of the said William Duesbury as such extra time shall bear to the intire ordinary week’s work at that season Provided nevertheless in case it shall happen that in any one week during the term of this Agreement the whole number of Hours employed by the said John James Spengler to the use of the said William Duesbury shall not amount to Sixty hours in the week between the first day of March and the thirtieth day of September or to Forty-eight hours between the first day of October and the last day of February then the said William Duesbury shall at the end of every such week be at liberty to 128 BO IV, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. deduct out of the said weekly sum of Two Guineas so much as the deficiency shall from time amount to in proportion to the whole number of Hours which are hereby agreed to constitute the week And the said William Duesbury agrees at all times during the said term to find and provide sufficient employment for the said John James Spengler in the business aforesaid as well during the ordinary as during the extra hours aforesaid and that no deduction shall be made by the said William Duesbury out of the said weekly sum of Two Guineas save only for such loss of time as shall happen through the default of the said John James Spengler And that the four great feast days that is to say Christmas day New year’s day Easter day and Whitsun day shall not be deducted for out of the said weekly sum of Two Guineas though the same shall not be employed in the said business but shall be paid for and considered as ordinary days of the season in which the same respectively fall And the said John James Spengler also agrees from time to time to keep a true and faithful account in writing of all time employed by him in the said business which account and also the room wherein the said John James Spengler shall conduct his said business shall at all seasonable hours in the day time be open to the inspection of the said William Duesbury And the said John James Spengler also agrees that he will not at any time during the continuance of this Agreement either directly or indirectly enter into the service of any other Manufacturer of Porcelain or Earthen Ware than the said William Duesbury nor make dispose of or part with any Models of his workmanship to be either directly or indirectly applied to the use of any other Manufacturer but shall and will in all things execute and perform this present Agreement according to the true intent and meaning thereof and with the greatest attention in his power to the interest of the said William Duesbury And it is also agreed that the said John James Spengler shall not at any time during this present Agreement absent himself from the said business for more than one week at any one time without the consent of the said William Duesbury And the said William Duesbury agrees to give to the said John James Spengler on New year’s day in every year during the said term the sum of in consideration whereof the said John James Spengler agrees to deliver to the said William Duesbury a Model of his Workmanship made in his extra time And it is agreed that the said John James Spengler shall be at Liberty to make Portraits and other small works for his own use in his extra time so that the same be not sold or disposed of to any Manufacturer of Porcelain or Earthen Ware other than the said William Duesbury And the said John James Spengler expressly agrees that he will not desert or leave the said William Duesbury during the continuance of this Agreement but shall and will carry the same in all respects into effect according to its real and true intent and meaning Provided always and if the father of the said John James Spengler shall die before the expiration of this Agreement the said William Duesbury agrees DUESBURY'S BISCUIT BODY. 1 29 that the said John James Spengler shall be at liberty to go into Switzerland and there to continue as long as the situation of his affairs shall require and if his affairs should be so circumstanced as to require it then that he shall be at liberty to continue there without returning to perform this Agreement or being liable to any penalty for neglect thereof so that he do not under pretext of this power return into Great Britain during the said term to be employed in any other Manufactory or make any Models abroad for the use of any Manufactory in Great Britain And in case of the death of the said William Duesbury during the term of this Agreement it is agreed that the Executors or Administrators of the said William Duesbury shall provide a place for the said John James Spengler for the remaining part of the term of this Agreement on the same terms and conditions as are comprized in this Agreement and that till such place is in such manner provided they shall continue to pay the weekly wages expressed in this Agreement and they shall also pay the said John James Spengler all reasonable travelling Expenses to such place as before mentioned together with a recompence for any damages which may happen to his Goods Boxes and other Things in consequence of his removing thereto And the said John James Spengler agrees to work in London or any other part of this Kingdom during the term of this Agreement if the said William Duesbury shall think proper on condition that the said William Duesbury shall pay his travelling expenses and raise his wages according to the situation of the place he is to work at. Witness ( B N VULLIAMY ( JOSEPH LYGO JEAN JAQUE SPENGLER NOTES RESPECTING WORKMEN. Isaac Farnsworth. The name appears in a MSS. affidavit : “ Isaac Farnsworth, Ornamental China Repairer, saith he was brought up to the business of a repairer of ornamental china and china figures, and has continued in such business to the present time. That for nearly 40 years prior and down to the partnership of Duesbury and Kean in 1795, and afterwards up to the sale of the works to Bloor in 1811.” From this we may conclude that Farnsworth was one of the hands employed by Duesbury when he started the works in 1756, working for the three Duesburys in succession. S 130 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. W ILLIAM HOPKINSON, FIGURE MAKER. Some years ago William Hopkinson related the following to the writer: — “Mr. W. E. Gladstone, afterwards prime minister, took great interest in a workmen’s exhibition in London. He arrived in town the day after the Exhibition had closed. Mr. Gladstone expressed his great regret at this circumstance, and requested the committee to choose from among the ex- hibitors twenty working men, who were to come and dine with him at his residence, each being asked to bring some object which he had contributed to the late exhibition. “ After the repast Mr. Gladstone took his visitors round his gallery of pictures, and showed them the various cabinets of china — English and foreign — for the ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer has a great love for old china On coming to the splendid case of Dresden china, Mr. Gladstone remarked that he had been told that two vases, which he pointed out, ought properly to be placed in the next cabinet of Derby china. Hopkinson, who was a tall man, stood rather behind the rest and replied, ‘ Yes, sir, they are Darby.’ Mr. Gladstone turned sharply round and said, ‘ Who said that ? Let him come here.’ So Hopkinson stepped forward, when the fol- lowing conversation took place. Mr. Gladstone : ‘ How do you know they are Darby ? ’ Hopkinson : ‘ Why, sir ! they were made in the same room where I worked as an apprentice at the Darby Works, and a man named Gadsby made them, and they were painted by Lucas.’ Mr. Gladstone : ‘ Now, how old were you then?'’ Hopkinson: ‘I was about 18 years of age.’ Mr. Gladstone: ‘Very good;’ and turning to Mrs. Gladstone, he said that “ the two vases were to be removed into the Darby cabinet, as Darby should not be robbed of any of its well-earned honours.” William Billingsley. William Billingsley was not only known as one of the best flower painters on china, and one who had adopted a manner and style in advance of that then in vogue, but he PLATE XVI. FAC-SIMILE OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY WILLIAM BILLINGSLEY. . DUESBURY’S BISCUIT BODY. was also the inventor of two of the most beautiful porcelain bodies extant, we mean the Pinxton* and Nantgarw. Billingsley’s was a wandering, but interesting and inventive career. A man of superior talents, he appears to have lacked that stability of character and the possession of means neces- sary to ensure the success he deserved. The following chronology shows the movements of Billingsley from his birth, in 1758, to his death, in 1828: — 1758 Billingsley born at Derby. 1774 „ apprenticed to Duesbury, Sep. 26. 1796 ,, leaves the Derby Works and establishes the Pinxton Works along with Jno. Coke. 1800 „ leaves Pinxton, and decorates porcelain at Mansfield. 1804 „ leaves Mansfield. 1805 „ decorates porcelain at Torksey, Lincolnshire. 1808 at Worcester. 1 81 1 „ leaves Worcester and starts the Nantgarw Works. „ at the Cambrian Pottery, Swansea. „ returns to Nantgarw. „ sells his recipes and moulds to W. Young, and enters the employ of J. Rose, Coal port. „ died. It is very probable that Billingsley painted more china during the twenty-two years he was at Derby than during the rest of his life, which, after leaving Derby, was almost exclusively occupied by starting and managing new works, and experimenting with new kilns and porcelain bodies. Billingsley having spent so much time at Derby, serving under two of the Duesburys, and during part of the Chelsea period, his work may bear, consequently, several kinds of marks. We 1814 1817 1819 1828 * Marks were seldom used ; the following and the word “ Pinxton 343." are known : — H 3dd, 132 BOW, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. know that the mark changed from blue to puce, and latterly red ; most of his recognized work, however, bears the puce mark. In our days there is much of the flower painting attributed to Billingsley by collectors and dealers, and exhibited under his name in the museums, that is not worthy of his brush. His painting has a fatty soft glaze look when compared with that of his contemporaries ; his grouping is good, and he often threw out from his bouquets long delicately-painted sprays. He also painted his flowers in truer perspective by an effective treatment of shadows ; his colouring is more delicate than that of most other artists — he was fond of yellow and puce, and often introduced white flowers. His leaves are generally dark and but slightly veined and outlined, and are painted with greater freedom and want of detail, when compared with his flowers. There are well-known and authentic examples in existence, which enable his individual style to be identified in Derby and neighbourhood, in private possession, and in the Art Gallery, where is to be found the largest and most instructive collection of “Old Derby” in the kingdom. In my work “Pottery and Porcelain of Derbyshire,”* pub- lished in 1870, in collaboration with Mr. Alfred Wallis (the first work devoted to Derby ceramics), attention was called to the great abilities of William Billingsley, as an artist and a potter. We then wrote : “ Billingsley introduced what is called the 1 wiping-out ’ system ; that is, in painting a flower, it was coloured with one shade. The required lighter shades were then obtained by wiping-out with a colourless brush ; the effect thus became much more delicate and soft in appearance than could be obtained by the painting-up process. The difference in the two methods will be readily noticed on comparing an old flower-piece of Chelsea porcelain with one of Billingsley’s painting.” Of course, further effect was given to the work by delicate touches and details. Mr. J. Haslem’s “ The Old Derby China Factory ” was published in 1876. Mr. LI. Jewitt’s “ Ceramic Art of Great Britain” was published in 1S7S. DUESBURY’S BISCUIT BODY. *33 In the compilation of this early work on Derby ceramics, much of the information was obtained about thirty-five years ago from the old employes, who were, then, aged men, and in some instances had known Billingsley, and were conversant with his methods and painting. The three collotype reproductions of Billingsley’s drawings on paper, in monochrome, are taken from our “ Collection of Original Drawings by Derby China Painters.” These drawings were seen and recognised by several of the old hands who formerly worked with Billingsley. The drawing on the right is the original sketch for a group of flowers on a comport, in the “ Haslem Gift ” in the Derby Museum, an undoubted specimen of the artist’s painting. As Billingsley worked at Worcester from 1804 to 1811, there must be examples of his work extant bearing the Worcester mark of Flight, Barr & Barr ; he left that factory on the death of Mr. Barr. William Pegg. It has been said by some writers that Billingsley had but few artists working in collaboration with him in his Nantgarw factory. This statement is, to some extent, corroborated by the fact that a large quantity of porcelain, in the glazed white state, stamped with the impressed mark, was purchased by Mortlock, the china dealer, and decorated for him in London. This is the reason why there is, in our days, so much uncertainty in assigning Nantgarw painting to any particular artist, even in the case when the piece bears the impressed mark. It is not generally known that, besides Pardoe and others, William Pegg, a Derby painter and a friend of Billingsley (no relation to the Quaker artist of that name), decided to join Billingsley at Nantgarw. He and his wife often used to speak of the long and wearisome pedestrian journey they had had to make to reach such a distant and out-of-the-way place. This William Pegg was a capital flower painter, and he stayed with his friend Billingsley for several years. Note. — Billingsley’s workroom number was 7, and is sometimes found painted on the bottom of the plate or other object. i34 BOW, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. On leaving Nantgarw, Pegg commenced to design for the Manchester calico printers. By steady perseverance he became a calico printer himself, and, having succeeded in business, he retired with a competency. We had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and possess a drawing of flowers by his own hand, which he kindly presented to our “ Collection of Original Drawings by Derby China Painters,” an inspection of which gave him great delight, and led to much information being communicated respecting the old painters. Zachariah Boreman was one of the best Chelsea painters, and in August, 1783, he made an agreement to serve Duesbury for three years, at the wages of two guineas a week, “ in the painting of china or porce- lain at the manufactory of the said William Duesbury at Derby.” Boreman was a clever painter of landscapes and seascapes. In the former style he was in the habit of introducing minute, but well executed, figures ; his trees were carefully defined ; a pleasant grey tone pervades his painting, and he obtained his high lights by means of a light yellow green. We give two illustrations of his work, which will assist collectors to recognize his painting. Iiis work is generally marked in blue or puce. We subjoin a transcript of the agreement : — Articles of Agreement made concluded upon and entered into this twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and eighty three Between William Duesbury of Derby in the County of Derby China or Porcelain Manufacturer of the one part and Zachariah Boreman of the Parish of Saint Luke Chelsea in the County of Middlesex China or Porcelain Painter of the other part. Whereas the said William Duesbury hath engaged the said Zachariah Boreman to serve him the said William Duesbury his Executors Adminis- trators or Assigns in the painting of China or Porcelain at the Manufactory PLATE XVII. DERBY DEJEUNER TRAY. Delicate Pink Ground. “ View in Dovedale, Derbyshire,” by Zachariah Boreman. Blue Mark. DERBY PLATE. Blue Border, Six Panels with a Rose, and raised Grapes and Leaves in Gold. In Centre, Three Groups of Flowers. A Rose in Centre, painted by Billingsley. Puce Mark and Fig. 7, Billingsley’s workroom number. DERBY PLATE OF THE “ BARRY BARRY ” DESSERT SERVICE. A Border of Roses on a Dark Ground, enclosing a Blue Ground with Gold Rings and Stars. Pile centre of plate a Wreath of Acorns and Oak Leaves on White Ground, enclosing the Barry Arms. Marked in Gold. DERBY PLATE. Gold Border on Blue Ground. In centre a Landscape and Cottage by Robertson. Red Mark. DERBY PLATE. Apple Green Ground. Border of Roses, with a Gold Band running through them. Roses in Centre. Painted by Billingsley. (Early Work.) Puce Mark. IN THE AUTHOR’S COLLECTION. i D UESB UR Y’S BISCUIT BOD V i35 of the said William Duesbury in Derby aforesaid for the Term of three years. It is therefore covenanted and agreed upon as follows First the said Zachariah Boreman for the considerations hereinafter mentioned Doth hereby for himself covenant promise and agree to and with the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators and Assigns in manner following (that is to say) That he the said Zachariah Boreman shall and will for and during the Term of Three years to commence from and immediately after he the said Zachariah Boreman shall begin to work at the said Manufactory at Derby aforesaid and that within One month from the date hereof serve abide and continue with the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators or Assigns as his or their Covenant Servant and duly diligently and faithfully according to the best and utmost of his skill and knowledge exercise and employ himself in the art of painting china or porcelain ware to and for the most profit and advantage of the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators or Assigns And also shall and will keep the secrets of the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators and Assigns in all matters and things and no ways wrong- fully detain, imbezzle or purloin any monies goods or wares belonging to the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators or Assigns And further that he the said Zachariah Boreman shall and will find and provide for himself Meat Drink Washing Lodging and all other necessary’s during the said Term In consideration of the premises and of the several matters and things by the said Zachariah Boreman to be done and performed he the said William Duesbury for himself his Executors and Administrators Doth hereby Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Zachariah Boreman that he the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators 01- Assigns shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Zachariah Boreman weekly and every week during the said Term of Three Years (commencing as aforesaid) for every whole week thereof which he the said Zachariah Boreman shall work according to the usual hours of painting at the said Manufactory the sum of Two pounds two shillings of good and lawfull money of Great Britain But if the said Zachariah Boreman shall at any time or times during the said Term wilfully neglect or by sickness or other inevitable accident be rendered unable to paint china or porcelain ware for the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators or Assigns according to the true intent and meaning of this Agreement Then and in either of these cases the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall not be obliged to pay unto the said Zachariah Boreman more in proportion than after the rate aforesaid for such parts and so much of every week as he the said Zachariah Boreman shall actually paint for the said William Duesbury his Executors Administrators or Assigns as aforesaid And for the true performance of all and every the Articles Covenants and Agreements aforesaid each of the said party’s by these presents bindeth himself unto the other in the penal 1 36 BO IV, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. sum of One hundred pounds hereto interchangeably set their year first above written. Sealed and delivered by the said William Duesbury having been first duly stamped in the presence of FFRAN JESSOP Atty at Law Derby. Sealed and delivered by the said Zachariah Boreman having been first duly stamped in the presence of JOSEPH LYGO In witness whereof the said party’s have Hands and affixed their Seals the day and COSWAY. The following letter refers to the miniature painter : — Lygo to Duesbury. “London Dec 15 1794. “ I yesterday went to M r Cosway and informed him of the particulars of my business. He said the Prince would call of him sometime in the day, and wished me to call of him this morning again as he thought he would recommend some- thing to the Prince that would be more elegant and done with much less ease. When I called this morning the Prince had not been yesterday as expected therefore he appointed me to call again this evening — What he proposes to offer for the Prince is 3 graces supporting his crest, it is a design that will be done much easier than the cupids and he says more elegant. I will write as soon as I get the Prince’s answer. “Joseph Lygo.” Extracts from documents : — “1790 & previous — Casks of broken Indian china sent to Derby.” 1791. In London expenses appears the following entry— “ Sundry Xmas boxes. The Beadle t /- Dustman 6 d Watchman 2/- Waits 6 D UESB UR Y’S BISCUIT BODY. i37 Porters to the Wag" 2/6 Uo Coach 6 d Turncock 6 d Lamplighter 6 d ” “ Lygo suggests M r Williams should take boxes ot figures to Holland to sell.” “Lygo — London, 1790 — Mr Beard was here a few days since to purchase some egg cups, and he informed me the Duchess of Devonshire had bought some china in France to give you as patterns, but they have not yet arrived.” In going over the large amount of agreements, letters, and other documents relating to the workpeople, we become aware that Duesbury experienced much trouble in the management of his undertaking. But a century and a half ago difficulties were limited to the occasional differences which arose between master and man, and not, as at the present time, from the collective exigencies of Trades Unions. The following dispute with E. Withers, in 1795, is an example of it, and it also shows the quaint way in which it was proposed to settle the dispute : — - A Dispute having arisen between Edward Withers & M r . W : Duesbury respecting the value of painting Roses with their buds & leaves, such as now executing by E. Withers upon M r . W. Duesbury’s China & calld N°. 269. It is concluded between the said parties that the value shall be settled and absolutely determined by the Time which similar roses, buds, & leaves, shall be found to take in executing on the back of this paper ; upon condition that such Roses & c . shall be executed as well as the Roses & c . on the porcelain executed by the said E. Withers & in the same style And in order that E. W. may be satisfied that they actually take the time which it shall be stated they do — Mr E. W shall (when ever he shall be required to do it) note with his own hand on this paper the hour & minute when such design is intended to be began, & shall be informed in a clear T 138 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. & satisfactory manner of the time when the same is fmishd & ready for his inspection, & the deter- mination of the business Agreed between the parties hereto this 28* day of April 1795 Witness The above was duly tenderd to E : Withers agreeable to his engagement, but rejected by E : W. who was deter- mind he said not to work the remainder of his Term out with M r Duesbury according to his Engagement unless M r . D would pay E. W such price as the said E. W thought proper to fix M 1 '. D. also proposed that E. W should draw up an Engagement to the above effect with his own hands that he might be satisfied of the full import & meaning of it E : W. having express’d a fear of putting his hand to any paper drawn up by any other person. This also was rejected by E. W. E. W. has repeatedly consented to the above mode of determining the fair value of the Roses & c . Witness. Charles King. The following curious letter, written by J. Banford in 1795, informs Mr. Duesbury “that people are not Camelions, and that reward sweetens Labour.” “ Sir, “ understanding you are going to London I take the liberty of requesting to know if ’tis your will I shall be paid for the 2 days & 3/4 ths time I work’d, if it is I shall be glad to finish the work in hand, you must know Sir people are not Camelions, and that reward sweetens Labour, and if 1 Ow’d you any Sum you could not Legally stop my wages without Consent on my part, — I understand from M r Deakin that you are hurt at my speaking to you that Satturday. I beleive ’tis the first time I ever was accus’d of being sawey, but according to the Old Adage ; tread on DUESBURY'S BISCUIT BODY. i39 a Worm and he will turn, but however if I did Offend you am sorry for it “ and remain with the greatest “ respect “ your humble S l “ J. Banford “June 12 th 1795.” “ M r Dewesbery “ Sir “ I am requested to Inform you that one of our People M 1 ' George Lynn Painter which is engaged with M r Daniel Boden Proprietor of the China Manfy Jackfield near Brosley Shropshire has Absconded the said Manufactory & have Received Information of his being Imployed in your Service therefore must Request of you not to give the said George Lynn Any Imploy After this publick Notice as the said Proprietor is Dctermind to bring the said G Lynn Back & Should further Request of you to favor M r Daniel Boden with a Line respecting the same if he should be heard of were he may be gone to should esteem it a favor in Your Answer “ Address a Line M r Daniel Boden Brosley “ Shropshire “ Y 13 Hble Serv 1 For M 1 Daniel Boden “ Geo e Stevens “ Jackfield “ 29 th March “ 1796.” CHAPTER X. HOLDSHIP AT DERBY, 1766. The writer has in his collection a small half-pint beaker,* somewhat of a Worcester character, bell-shaped body, with fluted handle, printed in blue under glaze with Chinese figures, butterfly and landscape ; the mark here appended is placed £ DBF By. beneath the handle. The anchor mark adopted at Worcester has been attributed to Richard Holdship. The following copy of an old document goes to prove that Holdship was at Derby in 1766, and had dealings with Duesbury. “Derby Aug 20 th 1766. “ Whereas 1 have this day received of M 1 W m Duesbury & Co. forty pounds. I do hereby promise and agree to pay him, or order, weekly and every week two pounds two shillings till the said sum of forty pounds be discharged. “ Rich d Holdship. “Witness, JOS. MAYER.” This mug may have been a trial piece made by Holdship at Derby for Duesbury, hence the word Derby under the anchor. The Chinese figure carrying a sunshade and having a child by her side is very like a well-known engraved Worcester subject. * Was purchased at Ileage, Derbyshire, by the late Mr. J. B. Robinson. HOLD SHIP AT DERBY , 1766. 141 INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE. The following amusing letter shows Chas. Sheen “ thought verry od ” that Duesbury should require “ a careckter of soberiety ” before engaging him to work at Derby : — “ Nov 3 th (1790) “ M r Taylor — I recived your letter that you sent to me you thought I was att Worcester but I received itt in Stafordshire, and you mention of M 1 ' Dusbery wanting on that can throw and press which I Do Nothing Else I was fetched soon after you left Worcester and I can have plenty of places in Stafordshire. I should a wished for to worked for M r Dusbery but he Desired a careckter of soberiety which I thought verry od. Butt if he thinks proper for to give me the same wages I have where I am and over worke I will be consider of itt as my wife is with me and settled. Itt will be expencive moving and if he thinks proper to bear the expences and artictile with me for 3 or 5 years I will agree with him my wages is one guinea per week. So no more from your well wishing friend “Chas Sheen “ Please direct for me att the China Manufactory New Hall Staffordshire “ Please to send by return of post as hiring time is att martlemas.” The following agreement will illustrate the method used a century ago in exciting the fears and working upon the religious feelings of those who were required to keep a trade secret : — “ 1 John Musgrove Labourer & Kiln man, of the Parish of St Alkmunds of Derby, now in the Service of Messrs Duesbury & Kean at the Porcelain Manufactory in Derby aforesaid do engage this 2 nd Day of January 1796 not to disclose, directly — or indirectly — at this or any other time 142 BO IV, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. whatever, whether in the service of the said Gent' 1 my present employers or not the Secret communicated to me this day respecting the Tryals of the biscuit kiln (as described on the back of this obligation) or anything relating thereto — and more especially I engage in like manner not to disclose that I have any way of getting out my tryals successfully besides extreme care & the personal assistance of either M r Dues bury or M r Kean under the penalty of one hundred pounds, & I do engage to execute a regular obligation conformable hereto so soon as the same can conveniently be prepared or I am required to do so on stamped paper according to Law. As witness my mark this said 2 nd day of January in the year 1796 — - “Witness JOHN MUSGROVE.” “ I John Musgrove standing with one of my Masters (M r Duesbiiry) in the presence of Almighty God — the Creator and Governor of the Universe, and all that therein is, & before whom the secrets of all hearts lay eternally open and exposed , do solemnly & seriously engage not to disclose anything relating to the above obligation, which in my conscience I believe to be wrong and contrary to the true intent & meaning of my present masters Messrs Ducsbury and Kean as I shall answer at the dreadful day of Judgment. “Witness W. D.” “J. M. On the back : — ■ “ The secret alluded to on the back of this paper is — The use of a pair of Spectacles (or other matter or thing) with smoaked (or otherwise prepared) glass to enable the person who draws the Tryals to distinguish them in the midst of the heat (be it ever so intense) & for the want of which before this thought occurred to M r Duesbury the kiln men were always obliged to let the air rush in & cool the tryals before they could draw them out— to the very great danger of having the Tryals less burned than the ware in the kiln & by that means the ware be in danger of either being melted, or not fired enough.” ‘J. M. HOLD SHIP AT DERBY , , 1766. r 43 Lygo to Duesbury. “ Feb 12 1791. “ I know Lord Rawdon very well, he has been a customer here, and he is an acquaintance of Capt. Manderputs, perhaps his Lordship would be your friend in geting the Duke of Clarence’s warrant as being appointed manufacturer to His Highness. He is the only prince that pays the tradespeople.” “London Fcby 7th (about 1791). “ Sir, “ Accidents prevented before I left Donington my acknow- ledging your polite present, and I have since my arrival here further delayed writing until I should have fulfilled a purpose which incidentally suggested itself to me respecting the Vases. I could not have allowed myself to accept a present of that value but with the object of rendering those specimens service- able to your Manufactory. In pursuance of that wish I have begged the Duke of Clarence to accept them, hoping that the delicacy of the workmanship may attract to you His Royal Highness’ protection. At the same time I remain as much obliged as had I retained the Vases for myself. “ I am, Sir, “Your most obedient Servant, “ Mr. Duesbury.” “ RAWDON. “ My Lord, “ The perusal of your letter of the 7th renders me incapable of expressing sufficiently my sense of the additional obligation your Lordship’s unprecedented attention to the interests of my Manufactory has laid me under in the placing the little specimens in the hands of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, which were merely intended as a small acknowledg- ment of my obligations to your Lordship. It is far the most liberal attention I ever experienced in the course of my life, and I shall ever remember it with the most respectful gratitude. i44 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. I have been absent from Derby since Tuesday, or should have written by the returning post. “ I remain your Lordship’s most obliged Humble Servant, “W. Duesbury.” The letter acknowledging Lord Rawdon’s of the 7th February was most probably substituted for the following letter, of which a rough draft exists. On the back is written, “ I think this was never sent.” It illustrates the business rivalry which then existed between the Worcester and Derby manufacturers to obtain the patronage of Royalty. “ Derby 24th Feby 1791. “ To Lord Rawdon “ My Lord “ For your generous attention to my small present I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude and thanks — the uncommon interest you pleased to take in the process of my manufactory induces me to take the liberty of troubling you with a few lines on the subject for I shall esteem myself particularly fortunate should it produce the good effect your Lordship has in view. I believe it may be about thirty years since my Father was appointed ‘ China Manufacturer to the King ’ paying the customary fees, after his death I succeeded him, paying the fees again, and we have neither of us been sup- planted in his service (tho of late years very little encouraged) till the King’s journey thro Worcester at which time his Majesty left liberal commissions which was no more than encouraging one Manufactory without doing it at the expence of another, but they also directed the Worcester Manufactory to use their Arms, and they call themselves ‘ Worcester China Manufacturer to the King.’ Since that time we have not received the least mark of attention from their Majesties but on the contrary they have now making at Worcester as a present to the Duke of Clarence a very extensive service to the amt of between six and eight hundred pounds. This Commission has made PLATE XVIII. d D w lx £ pq Q 5 o w ^ a s w a H <5 O fi 2 U H x < a — IN THE AUTHOR’S COLLECTION. ' ► HOLDS! UP AT DERBY , , 1766. i45 a great noise in the country & we have heard of it from numbers of persons who have called to see the works at Derby from whom I have discovered the unmerited injury my manufactory must suffer — several of these persons — those who had not seen the Worcester China, and judged no doubt by the King’s decided preference it was easy to discover were prejudiced with the idea that the Worcester Manufactory had of late surpass’d the Derby — one gentleman in particular whom Mr. Stubbs attended lamented very much that the blue of the Derby China could not equal the Worcester and tho the reverse is exactly the fact, Mr. Stubbs could not induce him to believe it. It is but justice to myself (at such a time as this) to remark that the Worcester Manufactory are behind us not only in some, but in every part as far as I have seen of their manufacture, as they are not at the expense to imploy the best artists, or choose to take the means of improving their own, as I have had recent proof, by a deal of pains having been taken to entice from me one of my workmen in a clandestine manner. Before I heard of this extensive service making at Worcester, I had encouraged the hope of getting appointed China Manufacturer to the Duke of Clarence, which would have given me an opportunity of doing myself justice with the publick, as the China of each would have been seen together. “ I returned home only yesterday after an absence of a fortnight from the Manufactory & I take this the earliest oppor- tunity to assure your Lordship I remain with the greatest respect, yr obliged & humble servant “W. D.” CURIOUS CUSTOM AT DERBY— SALE OF CHINA. “ Sir Seymour Haden informs us that he recollects that, on a certain day in the year, straw was spread upon the market place at Derby, and the China Works people used to lay out their goods for view and sale, and that it was customary on U 46 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY EORCELAIN. that day for the ladies’ housekeepers who had special charge of the china closets to come into Derby Market to replenish their stock of china. This would be about 1823.” THE “RODNEY JUG.” “ Another noteworthy example is the celebrated Rodney jug, which deserves particular mention because it is a dated specimen, and it illustrates a portion of the history of Derby. Our loyal town generally broke out into fits of intensely demonstrative enthusiasm about the victories achieved by the British land and sea forces during the French war at the close of the last century, and few occasions of any note passed without a celebration. The exploits of Admiral Rodney aroused this feeling to a high degree, and when he achieved his famous victory over the French fleet, under Count la Grasse, on the 12th April, 1782, great was the rejoicing. A club of loyal china-painters and other artists, which held its sitting at a now defunct public- house called the ‘ Admiral Rodney ’ (it was situated upon premises now held by Messrs. Cox, Clarke & Co., wine merchants, the road to whose warehouse is still called the ‘ Rodney Yard ’), caused this jug to be made and dated in remem- brance of the victory — a purpose which it serves admirably well — in the year 1870, an interval of eighty-eight years. This historical piece of china has the spout characteristically and conveniently formed of the admiral’s face, surmounted by a cocked hat. The floral decorations are palpably the work of Edward Withers. We shall see later how a similar compliment was paid to a noted general (Sir Hely Hutchinson) by attaching his name to the fictile gems of Derby.”* Wc give a collotype plate of this interesting “ Rodney ” jug, which is ten inches high ; on both sides are a profusion of * “ Pottery and Porcelain of Derbyshire.” HOLD SHIP AT DERBY, 1766. M7 flowers, painted by E. Withers, the spout being formed by the admiral’s head surmounted by a cocked hat. Two specimens of this jug are known, one being in the fine collection of ceramics of Mr. E. M. Kidd, of Nottingham, and the other in the writer’s collection. Keys, in his account of the Derby Works, says:- — “Very soon after Mr. Duesbury’s death (1786) flower-painting was at a very low ebb. Withers was then looked upon as the best flower- A ROSE, PAINTED BY E. WITHERS. painter on china in England.” To enable the ceramic student to recognise Withers’ work, we produce a fac-simile of a drawing of a rose in our “ Collection of Original Drawings by Derby China Painters.” On the back of the drawing is written : — “ Painted by Edward Withers about eighty years since — 1850. He was reckoned the best flower-painter in the trade about 1784.” 1 4 8 BO IV, CHELSEA , A HE DERBY PORCELAIN. THE “HUTCHINSON VASE.” “In the year 1802, the brilliant career of Sir John Hely Hutchinson, who succeeded the lamented General Abercromby as commander-in-chief of the army in Egypt, was recognised at Derby by the presentation to him of the honorary freedom of the Borough. His autograph letter in reply to the notifi- cation of the town clerk lies before us. It is dated : — ‘ Knocklofty, August the 21st, [802. ‘ Sir, ‘Your letter of the 30th July did not, by some accident, reach me till within these few days. I am extremely in- debted to the gentlemen of the Corporation for the high honour they have done me, and I accept with much gratitude the freedom of the Borough of Derby. I hope in the course of a few weeks to have the honour of waiting upon them in person, to return my best thanks for the obligation which they have had the kindness to confer upon me. 1 I have the honour to be, Sir, ‘Your most obedient humble servant, 1 Hutchinson.’ “ This letter is addressed to E. Ward, Esq., Town Clerk, Derby, and bears the postmark of Clonmel. In the latter end of the year Colonel Hutchinson paid his promised visit to the town, and was, of course, taken to the China Factory as the chief ‘ lion ’ of the town.” As there are no official records that the Corporation presented this vase to Sir J. H. Hutchinson, we can only conclude that the public spirit of the proprietors of the factory impelled them to do so, to commemorate the visit of the General to the factory. This shape of vase was afterwards known as the “ Hutchinson Vase.” The height of the vase is twelve inches, and the form is of good design. # “ Pottery and Porcelain of Derbyshire.” HOLDSHIP AT DERBY, 1766. 149 On one side are introduced in an oval, the arms of the Borough of Derby — a buck in a park, very carefully painted ; on the reverse are the Hutchinson arms, richly emblazoned. The handles, very appropriately, are rams’ heads, bronzed (who has not heard of the “ Derby Ram ? ”). The body and base of the vase are decorated with Egyptian hieroglyphics, in gold, on a black ground. The mark is in red. ######** * # # # Our task is done. We have endeavoured by means of the old documents to throw additional light upon some obscure points in the history of Bow, Chelsea, and Derby porcelain, and give some information respecting those enterprising men who were the pioneers in the world of Ceramics during the eighteenth century. Amongst these men William Duesbury was pre- eminent, and he is well worthy of mention amongst “ men who have risen.” SEASCAPE, BY G. LUCAS. FROM MR. E. M. KIDD’S COLLECTION. DERBY BISQUE. THREE VIRGINS DISTRESSING CUPID — ONE IN THE ACT OF BREAKING HIS BOW, ANOTHER IS PELTING HIM WITH FLOWERS, WHILST THE THIRD VIRGIN IS PLUCKING FEATHERS FROM HIS WING. AFTER ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. MODELLED BY J. J. SPENGLER. H. IN. FROM 'PI IE FELIX JOSEPH COLLECTION IN THE DERBY ART GALLERY. APPENDIX. LONGTON HALL PORCELAIN. I.ONGTON HALL STATUETTE OF “WINTER.” LONGTON HALL VASE. APPENDIX. LONGTON HALL PORCELAIN. T O Mr. Nightingale belongs the credit of bringing to the notice of collectors the Longton Hall fabric, which was one of the early English Porcelains. Having alluded in the preceding pages to this factory, which appears to be so closely connected with Duesbury’s career, we do not hesitate to transcribe what Mr. Nightingale has so ably written, especially as the “Contributions towards the History of Early English Porcelain ” is so scarce a volume. “ Some advertisements in the Newspapers of 175 7 have given the clue to a manufactory of English Porcelain of some importance which lasted only a short time, and of which all traces seem to have been lost. Of the past existence of the manufactory, however, there can be no doubt at all, and of the present existence of several fine examples I think there can be very little.” “ Longton Hall is situated in the Staffordshire Pottery district, within the limits of the borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, and at no great distance from the Grand Trunk Canal. The place is thus described by the Rev. Stebbing Shaw in his County History of Staffordshire [1798, p. 222]. ‘ Longdon Hall formerly belonged to the YVcedons, a family now extinct. It was sold to John Floyer of Longdon, Esq r ., who left it to Mr. John Burnes Eloyer, whose son is tire present possessor, but the house is now reduced to a common farm-house.’” “ The name of Longton Hall is connected with some of the first attempts at making porcelain by William Littler, at an v i54 BOW, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. early period of the introduction of the art into England. The accounts given by Simeon Shaw, as well as by Ward in his ‘ History of Stoke -upon-Trent,’ of this first essay, are a little confused, especially as to dates ; they evidently relate to an early effort at making porcelain by Littler, which failed ; but it is not these first experiments that I propose to deal with, although Littler’s name appears throughout the Longton Hall venture, but with a later and fully-developed manufactory of English porcelain subsequently carried on there. I will, however, quote what has already been published relating to this early attempt of Littler’s, first premising that he must have made some considerable progress in the art, as is evident from the following advertisement, which I find in Aris's Birmingham Gazette , on July 27, 1752, and often repeated. )iss tg to aciiuatnt tf)r public That there is now made by WILLIAM LITTLER and CO. at Longton-Hall near Newcastle , Staffordshire , A Large Quantity, and great Variety, of very good and fine orna- mental Porcelain or China Ware, in the most fashionable and genteel Taste. Where all Persons may be fitted with the same at reasonable Rates, either Wholesale or Retale. “ How long, or to what extent, this early manufactory of porcelain was carried on does not appear. Littler’s partner and relative was Aaron Wedgwood, a cousin of the afterwards celebrated Josiah Wedgwood. The latter began his career at Stoke, where he resided from 175 1 to 1 7 59» but we do not find, either at this time or subsequently, any allusion to Littler or his porcelain by Wedgwood. The primitive way in which these early manufactures were carried on can be understood when it is stated that their supplies of coal were brought from pits in the adjacent moorland, on the backs of horses belonging to small farmers, who carried on this laborious traffic when not otherwise employed in their ordinary avoca- tions. The neighbourhood of Longton, as late as the close PLATE XIX. LONGTON HALL BOWL AND COVER Formed of over- lapping petals, with car- touches enamelled in white enamel on blue, alternating with painted flowers. Mark V Width, 8 in. FRANKS COLLECTION, B.M. LONGTON HALL STATUETTE OF SAMPSON AND TIIE LION, On scroll base, painted in red, lilac, green, and yellow. H. 6 in. FRANKS COLLECTION, B.M. LONG TON HALL PORCELAIN. !55 of the last century, consisted of but a few scattered tenements of a very humble description.” “ The next allusion to Longton Hall, a lew years later, is of a much more definite character. In 1756 there was estab- lished there a manufactory of English Porcelain of considerable importance, the products of which were similar to the Chelsea of that period, and of sufficient importance to have a Sale by Auction in London in the following year. The first attempt of Littler, according to the authorities already cited, failed, and he had presumably come to the end of his resources. How far he was connected with the new venture it is not easy to say, but that he was at Longton Hall, and sold porcelain there very soon after that time, will afterwards be seen.” “ It is not unlikely, however, that this new effort was made principally by others, probably with, and possibly without, the assistance of Littler. There are several reasons for supposing that William Duesbury began his active career at this time by establishing or renewing the Longton Hall works, in con- junction with others. In September, 1755, he was certainly living at Longton Hall ; he had no connection with the Derby fabric till afterwards. In a letter written to the Derby Chronicle in 1865, Mr. Trank Jessopp, who, through his mother, was a great-grandson of Duesbury ’s, in speaking of the Derby manu- factory, says : ‘ Mr. William Duesbury, four generations ago, was the proprietor of China works at Chelsea, Bow, Longton , and Derby.’ Mr. Jessopp died a few years after this. It is not known what authority he had for this statement ; it must, therefore, be taken for what it is worth.” “ In Mr. Jewitt’s account of the Derby porcelain manufactory, he quotes the draft of an Agreement dated January 1st, 1756, ‘ between John Heath, of Derby, gentleman ; Andrew Planche, of ye same place, china maker ; and William Duesbury, of Longton, in ye county of Stafford, enameller,’ by which they became ‘ co-partners together as well in ye art of making English China as also in buying and selling, &c.’ In this 156 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. Agreement no place is mentioned where the manufactory was to be carried on. It has naturally been assumed that it applied to Derby, owing to the fact that both Heath and Duesbury were connected with the Derby porcelain works not long after ; but it is quite possible that it had reference to the new manufactory of porcelain at that time established at Longton Hall. Next to nothing is really known of the state of the Derby fabric down to this time. Mr. Jewitt states that Duesbury certainly had no connection with it previous to the date of the Agreement. That the Derby factory pro- duced in 1756 works of a much more advanced character than is generally supposed, I hope to shew subsequently, but by whom the manufactory had been previously carried on remains to be discovered.” “ Assuming that the Agreement was duly carried out, it is quite probable that the place of manufacture was at Longton Hall, where Duesbury resided. Coal and clay were more abundant in Staffordshire than at Derby. As the Agreement was dated January, 1756, the whole of that year would neces- sarily be taken up in establishing the fabric and producing their first works. In the spring of the following year they were prepared with their specimens of the new manufacture, and we find advertisements announcing the sale in the London Public Advertiser in the spring of 1757.” “ At the same time, it must be mentioned, William Littler was again connected with the manufacture of porcelain at Longton Hall. In addition to Littler’s advertisement of 1752, I have discovered two others of his in a Birmingham news- paper of a later date, relating to the sale of porcelain at Longton Hall in 1757 and 1758. Whether the Longton Hall products sold in London in April, 1757, were made by Duesbury, Heath, and Blanche, or whether they were the production of W. Littler alone, or both combined, it is at present impossible to say.” “ The following appears in the London Public Advertiser on April 4, 1757, and was continued in this form till April 10. PLATE XX. IN THE AUTHOR’S COLLECTION. *. * LONGTON HALL PORCELALN. 1 57 To be Sold by Auction By MR. FORD, At his Great Room at the Upper End of St. James’ Haymarket, on Tuesday 19th Instant, and the following Days. A Quantity of new and curious Porcelain or China, both useful and ornamental, of the Longton-Hall Manufactory, which has never been exposed to public View. As the Strength and 1 telicacy of the Composition, the Novelty of the Patterns, and the Beauty of the Execution have had the Approbation of the best Judges who have seen it, and the Proprietors having been at very great Pains and Expence in endeavouring after Perfection in this new Manufacture, they hope it will be thought worthy of Notice, and meet with the Encouragement of the Public, and they promise the Nobility, &c. who have desired to see it make its Appearance in this Manner, that the Whole shall be conducted with that Fairness and Honesty which they hope will merit their future Favours. The said Porcelain may be viewed on Saturday and Monday the 1 6th and 18th till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day exactly at Twelve o’Clock. Catalogues will be ready to deliver at Mr. Ford’s, on Friday the 15th inst. at 6d. each ; the Money to be returned to those that are Purchasers. “ From the 12th April to the conclusion of the Sale on April 25th, the following was the advertisement : — A New and curious Porcelain or China of the Longton-Hall Manu- factory, which has had the Approbation of the best Judges, and recommended by several of the Nobility to this public Method of Sale. Consisting of Tureens, Covers and Dishes, large Cups and Covers, Jars and Beakers, with beautiful Sprigs of Flowers, open- work’d Fruit Baskets and Plates, Variety of Services for Deserts, Tea and Coffee Equipages, Sauce Boats, leaf Basons and Plates, Melons, Colliflowers, elegant Epargnes, and other ornamental and useful Porcelain, both white and enamell’d. “ Heath was a man of position in Derby ; according to the terms of the Agreement he found £ 1,000, for which he was to receive one-third of the profits, with power to appoint any other person to act for him.” It now remains to add what is known of Littler’s con- nection with Longton Hall at this time. The following advertisement appears in Ariss Birmingham Gazette on June 20, 1 75 7> and is two or three times repeated. 158 BO IV, CHELSEA , AND DERBY PORCELAIN. At the CHINA MANUFACTORY, by William Littler, at Longton Hall, near Newcastle, Staffordshire. There is now upon Sale all Sorts of CHINA, both useful and ornamental, as well plain blue and white Tea-China of all Sorts, Coffee-cans, Chocolate Cups and Saucers, Punch-Bowls and Mugs, as finely enamell’d and curiously modell’d Fruit-Dishes, Leaf-Plates, Sauce-Boats, and Variety of curious useful Ornaments for Deserts, with Figures and Flowers of all Sorts, made exactly to Nature, allow’d by the best Judges to be the finest in England, where all Gentlemen and Ladies who please to honour him with their Commands, may depend upon having the Favour greatly acknowledg’d and all Tradesmen who favour him with Orders, may depend upon having them faithfully executed by their most obedient humble Servant William Littler. “ This advertisement, it will be observed, was issued about two months after the Sale was held in London, and comes from William Littler alone. In the following year another, apparently the last, occurs, when he seems to have been in partnership with others. This announcement appears once in A ns's Birmingham Gazette of June 12th, 1758. 2TJ)t.ss id to acquaint tfjc 3^ufcltc That there is now to he Sold by William Littler a?id Co., at Longton Hall, near Newcastle in Staffordshire Great Variety of all Sorts of Useful and Ornamental PORCELAIN or CHINA WARE both Blue and White, and also Enamelled in the best and most lively colours ; to wit, Services of Dishes and Plates, Tea and Coffee Equipages, and great Variety of Services for Deserts, Beautiful Essence Pots, Images, Flowers, Vases, &c. with fine Blue and White Ribb’d, Fluted, and Octagon Chocolate Cups and Saucers, Tea Sets, &c. N.B. — The LONGTON Porcelain is vastly improved, and is now allow’d by all Judges, to be the best made in England ; the Prices are lowered, and are now very reasonable. “ Several good specimens of what I believe to be the pro- ducts of the Longton Hall manufactory are in Mr. Franks’ collection. As long ago as 1862 some of these were exhibited by Mr. Franks in the temporary museum formed at Worcester during the meeting of the Archteological Institute there. The description given in the Catalogue at that time is as follows : — “‘Three specimens of a rare English manufacture of por- celain, locality not ascertained ; the mark is formed, apparently, LONG TON HALL PORCELALN. x 59 of two letters L, one inverted, the upstroke crossed, underneath are three dots in a vertical row. The prevalent color is a brilliant blue ; one of the examples exhibited was a leaf-shaped dish, in form similar to those frequently made at Chelsea ; also a large plate, and a bowl and cover formed of overlapping leaves, some of them of the peculiar brilliant blue already noticed decorated with white enamel ; the others white and painted with flowers enclosed within floral wreaths.’ ” “ It will be noticed that the ‘ leaf-shaped dish' and ‘ bowl and cover formed of overlapping leaves', of the Catalogue of 1862, correspond pretty exactly with the ‘ leaf Basons and Plates' of the London advertisements of 1757. The locality would suggest the letter L as the mark, and the Vincennes or Sevres form of it would be familiar at that time ; this was ingeniously varied by inverting one of the letters. The dots, too, are found in the Vincennes mark ; in the Longton Hall examples the three dots, if they mean anything — and from their being placed vertically, probably do — may indicate the three proprietors of the new venture. The two L’s would, of course, be equally appropriate for Littler, of Longton. The mark, however, is not very distinct ; probably the finer speci- mens only were marked, the remainder have most likely been since classed as ' uncertain Chelsea.’* The annexed woodcuts represent the marks as found on some of Mr. Franks’ pieces.” “ One peculiarity in Mr. Franks’ specimens is that they are badly and clumsily potted, indeed just what one would expect * “ Mr. Chaffers has engraved a mark amongst his Bow examples which probably belongs to Longton Hall. The upper part of the design above the three dots is not quite the same, but this is perhaps owing to the running of the colour after the glaze was put on, as is found on several other pieces of Longton Hall. The explanation given by Mr. Chaffers is : ‘ This mark in blue under the glaze is found underneath a white china teapot with dark blue border, in the Countess of Hopetoun’s possession.’” Note.— -S ometimes only one of the above marks was used. 160 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. from a new factory. With this exception, and a peculiar streakiness in the blue colour, there is nothing tentative in these pieces — no appearance of anything like a first attempt. The writer once had a piece of it in the form of a Beaker, similar in colour and decoration to Mr. Franks’ examples ; it was ornamented with sprigs of well-painted flowers, as described in the Public Advertiser. The medallions were edged with a rococo pattern in white enamel, instead of gold ; the effect was novel and not bad, but somewhat cold. This piece had no mark, and was destroyed, with many other fine things, in the fire at the Alexandra Palace in 1873. Other examples of the Longton Hall fabric are in possession of the Duchess Dowager of Athole and Mr. Octavius Morgan.” “ The fine streaky blue which is characteristic of this porce- lain might have been due to Littler. Shaw says that Littlcr introduced great improvements into the glaze, also that ‘ Some excellent specimens [of pottery] are ornamented by enamelling and gilding ; and others, having had a little manganese applied, resemble the finest lapis-lazuli.’ On the other hand, the presence of ‘ calcined bone earth,’ the discovery of which Littler is credited with in Shaw’s list of newly- introduced Staffordshire materials, is not found in the Longton Hall porcelain. Professor Church has been good enough to test a small portion. He says : ‘ I obtained a negative result — no bone earth — from my testing of the powder from your specimen of Longton Hall porcelain. This involved further testings to see that a similarly small quantity of Bow or later Chelsea would give positive results — which they did.’ ” “ It appears that the paste of the Longton Hall porcelain has some affinity with the frit body of the early Worcester, as well as that of the Chelsea before about 1759, from which date, Professor Church remarks, ‘ all the Chelsea ware was phosphatic— that is, it contained much bone-ash in the body.’ From its commencement, ‘the characteristic ingredients of Bow porcelain were bone-ash or phosphate of lime, which subse- quently came into general use throughout the country.’ ” LONG TON HALL PORCELALN. 1 6 1 “ There are certain vases of early English make, well known amongst collectors, having a similar rich blue ground, which have never been identified as to their parentage, and which might possibly prove to be Longton Hall. They are about eight and a half inches in height, nearly cylindrical in form, with a wide trumpet-shaped lip, heavy handles, and a generally high-shouldered appearance. When found in sets of three, the centre vase is taller and of more ordinary shape, the covers ornamented with bold leafage. The decoration invariably con- sists of either figure subjects or a landscape on one side, and a group of birds on the other ; they are never marked, and shew at the bottom three round spots, caused by the balls of clay on which they are fired. They are not recognised as Worcester ; the paste has been tested and found to contain no phosphate or bone, so that they are not likely to be Bow, and they certainly bear no resemblance to anything similar known to have been made at Chelsea.” “ The only other direct allusion by name to the Longton Hall porcelain 1 have been able to find is contained in an advertisement of May, 1757, in the Public Advertiser. At a sale announced by Mr. BELLAMY of the property of Thomas Williams, who was a large dealer in china and other Oriental curiosities in ‘ Marybone ’ Street, Golden Square, mention is made of ‘ upwards of a hundred thousand pieces of foreign China Ware, besides an Assortment of all the Porcelain Manu- factories in England , of any Account, the largest Variety of the Derby or Second Dresden, with Chelsea, Worcester, Bow, Langton Hall, Birmingham, &c. Removed for convenience of Sale to a large commodious House near the Admiralty, White- hall, formerly known by the name of Oliver Cromwell’s Palace.’ About the same time, Hughes, the dealer in Pall Mall, advertises ‘ A great variety of Chelsea, Bow, Staffordshire, and Derbyshire Porcelain.’ The Longton Hall fabric was, no doubt, included in the Staffordshire.” “ After this, nothing more is heard of the Longton Hall Porcelain Works beyond the single advertisement of Littler’s, W 1 62 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN. in June, 1758- They perhaps shared the fate of other early attempts, and were found not to pay. The rise and fall of the Longton Hall fabric, as far as we know, were included in little more than two years. Soon after it had probably been removed or merged into the Derby, at least certain passages in the Derby advertisements seem to warrant that conclusion.” The existence of the Longton Hall factory was a short one, and the examples which have hitherto been recognised have a character of their own. We are enabled, through the courtesy of Mr. C. H. Read, to give an illustration of specimens from the “ Franks Collection ” in the British Museum, namely : a bowl and cover, and a statuette of “ Sampson and the Lion.” We also give reproductions of three figures from our own collection. We have not yet met with a marked figure, but we are informed, on reliable authority, that some of them are in existence; and in the 1757 advertisement in Avis's Birmingham Gazette, amongst the enumerated articles, “ images ” are men- tioned. The colouring of these figures is uncommon — besides the streaky brilliant blue peculiar to Longton Hall, pinky reds, unlike those seen on Bow or Chelsea, are often introduced ; gold is sparingly used and does not appear to have been fired. The figures generally stand upon scroll bases, and those we have examined bear evidence that they are the productions of a factory still on its experimental stage. Two figures in our collection have pieces of china clay roughly pressed in the inside to strengthen the scroll base where this had been run too thin when being cast. Flowers in relief, tipped with red, similar to early Chelsea, are sparingly applied as an additional means of decoration. “ Professor Church says : ‘ Littler appears to have been engaged in the manufacture of porcelain at Longton Hall in 1752, and, after some interruption, in 17=56-1759. The marked specimens probably all belong to the second period of manu- facture.’ ” LONGTON HALL EORCELALN. 163 LONGTON HALL CANDLESTICK. I am enabled, through the courtesy of Mr. T. Boynton, F.S.A., to give an illustration of a Longton Hall candlestick in his collection. It has a four-footed scroll base, in the rich Longton blue. On this is seated a female, with a large comb in her hair (in Chelsea style), with sprigs of flowers on the robe that rests on her left shoulder. Standing on her knees, and clasped by her arms, is a boy, who holds a cornucopia- shaped support, in which is fitted the nozzle. The cornucopia is painted blue, and the nozzle is white, decorated with blue and gold. The body is very opaque, and possesses the 1 64 BOW, CHELSEA , A JVE DERBY PORCELAIN. blue tinge peculiar to the Longton Hall fabric. This candle- stick, which is twelve inches high, is a really elegant object, and reflects great credit upon the Longton factory. This specimen is not marked, but has every characteristic of the marked specimens. Mr. Boynton also lends for illustration a dish, painted in “ Longton blue,” the design consisting of vine leaves, grapes, and insects, etc. The larger vine leaves are in low relief, the blue painted leaf extending to within about one-eighth of an inch of the raised edge, which is left white, with an outline of blue running round it. This example has four marks in blue, as under : — LONGTON HALL DISH AND MARK. BOW MARKS. Selected, from the best Authorities. CHELSEA MARKS. *1* $ ^ JL kL? N.B. — This mark is also painted in brown on a raised oval. This mark is painted and incised. $ I Chelsea-Derby. 1770 to 1784. A Common to Bow and Chelsea. DERBY MARKS. I, 2, 3 — Earliest Derby Marks, generally in blue (some examples are known where the Crown and D are used separately, probably an oversight by the workmen). 4 — Crossed swords, crown, and D, and 6 dots, carefully painted in blue, later in puce, used from about 1782. 5, 6 — Ditto, less carefully painted in red. 7, 8, 9, 10 — Later Duesbury Marks, generally in red. 11 — Duesbury & Kean, seldom used, circa 1795 to 1809. 12, 13, 14, 15 — Bloor Marks, commence 1811 to 1849. 16, 17, 18, 19 — Quasi Oriental Marks^-used on several occasions in matching, and to use up seconds stock by Bloor. No. 17 is an imitation of the Sevres mark. 20 — Dresden Mark, often used on figures. 21 — Derby Mark, supposed to have been used by Holdship when at Derby, about 1 766. Rare. 22 — Stephenson & Hancock, King Street Factory, 1862, same mark used afterwards by Sampson Hancock, and now in use, 1S97. 23 — Mark used by the Derby Crown Porcelain Co., Osmaston Road, from its estab- lishment in 1877 to Dec., 1SS9. 24 — This Mark adopted by the above Co. when Her Majesty granted the use of the prefix “ Royal ” on Jan. 3, 1890. N.B. — Marks Nos. 5 and 6 were often scratched in the clay on Derby biscuit figures, in addition to a scratched number, by which the figure was known by the Trade and Factory. Chronology of the Chelsea, Bow, Derby Pot Works, and Duesbury 's Derby Porcelain Works, etc* Chelsea i73° Works supposed to have been estab- lished about this date. Carried on by Gouyn ; then by N. Sprimont. 1745 1 75 6 i75 8 Earliest dated specimen known. Works partially or altogether closed until 1758. Sir E. Fawkener (Sprimont’s partner) dies. 1759 1769 Chelsea- Derby Period 1 77° 1784 Bow “New Canton” 1 77 1 i744 1749 i75° 1776 Sprimont leases Lawrence Street site, Chelsea, for fourteen years, but he had been making Porcelain there previously. Sept. 29, Sprimont sells the lease and works to James Cox. Feb. 5, Cox sells the lease and works to William Duesbury and John Heath. Duesbury closes the works, and re- moves models, moulds, and some of the workmen to Derby. N. Sprimont dies. Works probably originated from Heylyn and Frye’s patent, dated Dec. 6, for making porcelain. Frye was manager of the works until 1759. Frye’s second patent. Date of Partnership between Crowther and Weatherby. (Earliest dated pieces bear this date.) Works bought by Duesbury; moulds, etc., removed to Derby. 1 68 BOW, CHELSEA, AND DERBY PORCELAIN CHRONOLOGY— CONTINUED. Derby Pot Works - 1 700 Works supposed to have been estab- “Cockpit Hill” lished prior to this date. 1708 Works were being carried on by J. Mier. (Dated examples exist.) i75 8 Works were being carried on by Messrs. Butts, Rivett, and John Heath ; afterwards by John and Christopher Heath. Derby Pot Works - 1785 Works were closed. (Heath’s bankruptcy.) N.B. — Porcelain was made at an early date at these works. Planche ----- 1745 Planche was making figures at Derby (at Derby) about this date. i75 6 “ Second Dresden ” Derby figures were being made in 1750 and prior to this date ; who by, not yet ascertained. Duesbury’s Derby 1725 William Duesbury born. Works - - - - 1 75 1 ) Do. an enameller in London, to 1753 j working for the Trade. 1754-5 Do. at Longton Hall. 1 75 6 Do. starting the Derby works. 1770 Do. purchases the Chelsea works. 1776 Do. purchases the Bow works. 1784 Do. closes the Chelsea works. 1786 Do. dies (November), (succeeded by William Duesbury II.). 1795 William Duesbury the second, enters into partnership with Michael Kean. 1 796 Do. dies (succeeded by William Duesbury III.). 181 1 Partnership dissolved between Dues- bury and Kean. 181 1 Robert Bloor purchases the Derby works (not 1815 as stated by Jewitt). 1846 Do. dies. 1846 Thomas Clarke carries on the works. 1849 Boyle buys moulds, models, etc. Derby factory closed. INDEX OF PERSONS. Abbot, J., 25. Abercromby, Gen., 148. Ackers, Mr. H., 86. Acton, 8. Alkin, Joseph, 108. Altimont, Lady, 89. ,, Lord, 89. Ancaster, Duchess of, 89. Antinous, Plate XIV. Athole, Duchess Dowager of, 160. Bacon, 68, 80. Baker, Thos., 109. Baldwin, Mr., 40, 42. Banford, J., 138, 139. Barr, Mr., 133. “ Barry Barry,” Plate XVII. Bastard, Mrs., 88. Bateman, Hugh, 108. Beard, Mr., 137. Bellamy, Mr., 98, 99, 161. Bemrose, Mr. W., Plate VIII., Plate X., Plate XIV., Plate XV., Plate XVII., Plate XVIII., Plate XX., 101, 102, 104, 132. ,, Sir H. Howe, 37, 101. Berns, 8. Billingsley, Wm., Plate X., Plate XVI., Plate XVII., 1 30- 1 33. Binns, Mr. R. W., 165. Bland, 8. Bloor, Plate XII., no, 129, 166, 168. Boden, Mr. Daniel, 139. Boreman, Zachariah, Plate IX., Plate XVII., 134-136. Borrows, Thos., 109. Boswell, 35. Boucher, 55, 63. Boucheritt, Miss, 88. Boyle, 168. Boynton, Mr. T., F.S.A., 163, 164. Bradley, Jane, 123-125. ,, Katherine, 125. ,, Thomas, 122-125. Buller, Lady, 85. Burnsall, David, 38-43, 45, 48. Butts, William, 103, 168. Catharine or Catherine, 82, 115. Chaffers, Mr., 100, 105, 122, 159. Charles, King, 68, 80. Charlotte, Queen, Plate IX., 89-92, 1 16. Christie, Mr., 50, 87. Church, Professor A., 4, 18, 103, 104, 1 12, 160, 162. Clarence, Duke of, 143-145. Clarke, Thomas, 168. Clay, Mr., 92. Cleveland, Mr., 89. Clive, Mrs. Kitty, Plate III., 8, 97. Clyve, Mrs., 89. Coffee, W., Plate XIV., 122. Coke, Jno., 131. Compton, Mr., 90-92. Cornwall, Lady, 89. Cosway, Mr., 136. Cotes, Merton Russell, Plate II. Courteney, Lord, 85, 86. Courtney, T. , Plate IX. Cox, Clarke & Co., 146. ,, James, 20, 22-24, 26-31, 33, 34, 38. 43 - 44 , 167. ,, John, 30. Cradock, 8. Craft, Thomas, 2. Crompton, Abraham, 107, 108. ,, Samuel, 103. Crowther, John, 3, 167. Cunliffe, Lady, 88. ,, Miss, 88. Curzon, Lady, 88. Davies, Mr. Randall, 49. Davinson, Mr., 88. Deakin, Mr., 138. Dean, Mr. George, Plate XI., 125. X INDEX. i 70 Della Robbia, 114. Derby Porcelain .Co., 101. Derby Crown Porcelain Co., 166. Derby Royal Crown Porcelain Co., 166. Devonshire, Duchess of, 137. Dixon, Mr., 88. Dossie, Robert, 35-37. Drummond, Rev. G. PL, 88. Duesbury & Co., 44, 45, 48, 52, 140. ,, Miss Sarah, Plate XI., 17, 18, 104, 106. ,, Mrs. William, 118. ,, Wm, Plate I., Plate XII., Plate XIII., 3-20, 26, 28-31, 33, 34, 38-43, 45, 49-51, 54, 67, 69, 88, 95, 97, 98, 100- 104, 106, 109, no, 112-116, 1 19, 120, 1 22- 1 24, 126-129, 1 3 1, 134-138, 140-145, 147, 149, 153, 1 55, 156, 166-168. Dunning, Mr., 39, 41. East India Co., 36. Edwards, Miss, 119. Egan, Mr., 86, 87, 120. Evans, Thomas, 38-42. Falstaff, 68, 74. Farnsworth, 67, 69, 129. Fawkener, Sir E., 167. Flight, Mr., 1 15, 133. Flint, 8. Floyer, John, 153. ,, John Barnes, 153. Ford, Mr., 157. Foy, 8. Franks, Sir A. W. , Plate III., Plate VI., Plate XIX., 2, 18, 35, 1 58- 160. Frye, Thomas, 1, 4, 5, 167. Gadsby, 130. Garrick, David, Plate III., 68, 69. George II., Plate VI. ,, III., 18, 89, 92, 93. Gilpin, 86. Girings, 8. Gladstone, Mr. W. E., 130. Goddard, Mrs., 88. Goldsmiths’ Company, 32. Goodwyn, Thos., 8. Gould, Mr., 1 1 5. Gouyn, Chas., 31, 32, 167. Gowan, Wm., 34. Grasse, Count la, 146. Griffin, Mr., xvi. Grote, Mr., 89. Haden, Sir Seymour, 145. Hancock, J., 121. ,, Sampson, 1 661 Hardenberg, 67, 69. Haslem, Mr. J., 67, 112, 132. Hawkins, Mr. Jno., Plate VII., viii. Heath, Christopher, 6, 102, 167. ,, John, 6, 18-20, 26, 28-31, 34, 38, 39, 41-45, 102, 103, 109, 155-157, 167, 168. ,, Thos., 68. Pleath & Co., 101. Heaths, The, 6, 100. Herbert, Lady, 89. Hertford, Lady, 90, 91. Ilewson, Wm., 50. Heylin or Heylyn, Edward, 1, 4, 167. Hill, A., 36, 37. Hodgson, George, 40. Holdship, Richard, 140. Hopetoun, Countess of, 159. Hopkinson, William, 130. Horrocks, Mr., 18. Horsley, Mrs., 88. Howe, Lord, 68, 75. Hutchinson, Sir Hely, Plate XVIII., 146, 148. Hutton, John, 107, 108. ,, William, 6, 107, 125. Ibbetson, Lady, 88. James, Sarah, 6. Jessop, Ffran., 136. Jessopp, Mr. F. J., 18, 155. Jewitt, Mr. LI., 3, 7, 19, 103, 104, 132, I 5 S. 156. Johnson, Dr., 35. Kean, Michael, 67, no, 113, 1 19, 122, 129, 141, 142, 166, 168. Kenyon, Lady, 89. Keys, J., 105. ,, Samuel, 103-105, 119, 147. Kidd, Mr. E. M., Plate X., 147, 149. King, Charles, 138. Kinman, William, 33, 34. Kinnaird, Lord, 89. Kauffman, Angelica, 96, 126, 150. La Cave, 125. Lagrave, Mr., 20, 26, 31-33. Landseer, 113. Law, Thos., 1 14. Lee, Mrs., 89. Leigh, Hon. Mrs., 88. Littler & Co., 8, 154, 158. INDEX. 7 Littler, William, 1 8, 153-161. Locker, Mr., 104, 105. Lomb, 122. Longdon, 67, 69. Lovegrove, John, 103. Lucas, 130, 149. Lygo, J., 88, 114-116, 1 18, 129, 136, 143 - Lynn, Mr. George, 139. Maitland, Lord, 88. Manderputs, Capt., 143. Mann, Sir Horace, 8. Manners, Lady, 89. Mayer, Jos., 140. Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, Grand Duke of, Plate IX. Meir, John, 101, 102, 168. Melborn, Lady, 88. ,, Lord, 88. Michill, 8. Middleton, Lady, 88. Miller, Mr., 87. Milles, 8. Milton, 68, 74, 80. Moreau, Mr., 60, 63. Morgan, 8. Morgan, Mr. Octavius, 160. Mortlock, 133. Mountford, 1 1 3. Musgrove, John, 141, 142. Nightingale, Mr., 1, 2, 31, 50, 51, 98, 99, 106, 153. Nepean, Mrs., 89. Ohm, Mr., 92. Pardoe, 133. Pegg, William, 133, 134. ,, ,, (the Quaker), Plate X. Penrhyn, Lady, 88. Percy,' Lady, 88. Pierce, Miss, 89. Phillips, Mr. IT., 121. Phillips & Finch, 86. Pitt, 68, 83. ,, General, 88. ,, Mrs., 88, 89. Planche, 18, 19, 101, 103-106, 155, 156, 168. Pollard, Plate IX. Portland, Duke of, 119. Porter, Henry, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 30, 33. Princess Royal, 91, 116. Proctor, 8. Protin, Susannah, 25, 38, 39, 42. Pugin, no. Rafter, Miss, Plate III. Rawdon, Lord, 143, 144. Read, Mr. Chas. H , F.S.A., 34, 162. „ Mr. R. W., 51. Riot, Mrs., Plate III. Rivett, Thos., 103, 168. Roberts, G., 36. Robertson, Plate XVII. Robinson, Mr. J. B., 140. Rodney, Admiral, Plate XVIII., 68, 80, 146. Rogars, 8. Rolls, Mrs., 88. Rose, J., 1 3 1. Rossi, Mr., Plate VII., 114, 1 1 7. Roubiliac, Plate V. Rumbold, Lady, 114. Sampson, Plate XIX. Schreiber, Lady Charlotte, Plate V., 4, too. Severne, Mr. (& Co.), 120, 121. Shakespeare, 68, 74, 80. Shall & Co., 8. Shaw, 8. ,, Lady, 89. ,, Rev. Stebbing, 153. ,, Simeon, 154, 160. Shawbranks, 8. Sheen, Charles, 141. Shipley, Betty, 104. Simpson, 120. Smallwood, 8. Smith, Sam, 109. Soar, 67, 69. Solon, Mr., 36. Spengler (or Spangler), J. J., Plate VIII., Plate XIV., 68, 69, 72, 75, 94, 96, 1 19, 126-128, 150. Sprimont, Nicholas, 20-33, 38-45, 48, 99, 167. Spry, Captain, 89. Stables, G. , 32. ,, John, Plate X. Stamford, Lady, 89. Stanhope, Mrs. Spencer, 89. Steel, Horatio, Plate IX. Stephenson & Hancock, 166. Stevens, George, 139. Stubbs, Mr., 145. Tankerville, Lady, 89. Tapps, Miss, 89. Taylor, Margaret, 38, 42, 43. ,, Mr., 141. Tiffin, Mr., 7. Thomas, Francis, 44, 45, 48, 49. ,, Mrs., 48. 172 INDEX. Turner & Co., 8. ,, James, Plate IX. ,, Thomas, 8. Varley, Mr., 121. Vere, Chale, 31. Vernon, Lord, 86. Viner, Mrs., 89. Voltaire, 68, 83. Vorgewits, Frederick, 8. Vulliamy, Mr., 85, 86, 113-118, 129. Wales, Prince of, 85, 86, 116. Wall, Mrs., 89. Wallis, Mr. A., 101, 102, 104, 132. Walpole. 8. Ward, 154. ,, E., Esq., 148. Waring, 8. Wass, C. Wentworth, Plate IX. Way, Richard, 38-41. Weatherby, 167. Webster, Moses, 109. Wedgwood, Aaron, 154. ,, Josiah, 6, 154. Weedons, The, 153. Whitacre, Abraham, 109. Whittaker, Jno. , 12 1. Wilkes, John, 68, 72. Williams, Mr., 8, 85, 99, 137, 161. Winbolt, Robt., 31. Winchelsea, Lord, 87. Windham, Hon. W. , 87. Withers, E., 137, 138, 146, 147. Woodward, Mr., Plate III., 8, 97, 104, 105. “ Wright, of Derby,” Plate XI. Wynch, Mr., 88. Yates, Harry, 125. ,, John, Plate X. York, Duke of, Plate IX., 68, 75. Yorke, Mr., 88. Young, W., 1 3 1. INDEX OF PLACES. Alexandra Palace, 160. Allow, 122. Birmingham, 2, 154, 156, 161. Bow, Plate II., Plate III., 1-7, 17, 19, 37, 67, 97-100, 102, 106, 149, 155, 159-162, 165, 167, 168. British Museum, Plate III., Plate VI., Plate XIX., 2, 5, 36, 68, 162. Brosley, 139. Cambrian Pottery, Swansea, 131. Cannock, 17. Chaddesden, 109. Chantilly, 90, 91. Chatsworth, 113. Chelsea, Plate IV., Plate V., Plate VI., Plate IX., Plate X., Plate XV., 1, 3, 5-7, 17, 19, 20, 26, 31-38, 45> 49 : 52, 54-56, 63, 67, 68, 72, 76, 78-80, 82, 84, 97-100, 102, 1 12, 120, 1 3 1 , 132, 134, 149, 155, 159, 160-163, 165, 167. Chelsea-Derby, Plate VII. Chelsea (Lawrence Street Works), 20- 26, 31-34, 43, 49, 167. Clonmel, 148. Coalport, 1 3 1. Cockpit Hill Works, Derby, 19, 100- 103, 168. Derby, Plate VIII., Plate IX., Plate X., Plate XII., Plate XIII., Plate XIV., Plate XVII., PlateXVIII., 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 17-19, 28, 34, 35, 37, 44, 50-5 2 , 54, 6 7, 68, 88, 95, 97-113, 118-123, I2 5-i27, 130- 136, 140, 141, 144-149, 155- 1 57, 162, 165-168. Derby Art Gallery, 132. Derby Museum, 133. Donington, 143. Dorsetshire, 38, 41, 43. Dovedale, Derbyshire, Plate IX., Plate XVII. Dresden, 2, 74, 83, 84, 98, 99-101, 130, 1 61 , 166, 168. Egypt, 148. England, 19, 101, 122, 147, 154, 158, 1 6 1 . Europe, 8, 35. France, 1 1 5, 137. Great Britain, 129, 135. Hampstead, 43. Heage, 140. Ilighgate, 43. Holland, 137. India, 1x4. Jackfield, 139. Jermyn Street Museum, 103. Kensington, 41. Knightsbridge, 20, 39, 41, 42, 45. Knocklofty, 148. Lincolnshire, 131. London, 1, 2, 6, 7, 18, 22, 33, 35, 50, 88, 97, 99, 100, 104, 1 15, 1 2 1 , 130, i33, 136, 138, 155, 156, 158, 159, 168. Longton Hall, Plate XIX., Plate XX., 1, 6, 17-19, 98, 99, 1 51, 1 53- 164, 168. 1 74 INDEX. Manchester, 134. Mansfield, 131. Mecldenburgh, Plate IX. Nantgarw, 131, 133, 134. New Canton, 4, 165. Newcastle, 154, 158. New Hall, 141. Nottingham, 147. Pinxton, 131. St. Joseph’s Convent, Derby, no, in. St. Martin-in-the-P'ields, 20, 26. Sevres, 81, 159, 166. Shrewsbury, 6. Shropshire, 139. South Kensington Museum, Plate V., 4, 68, 1 12. Staffordshire, 7, 17, 101, 141, 153, 156’ 160, 1 6 1 . Stratford, 3. Stoke-upon-Trent, 153, 154. Swansea, 131. Switzerland, 126, 129. Torksey, 131. Vincennes, 159. Westminster, 40, 43. Worcester, 1, 36, in, 131, 133, 140, 141, 144, 145, 158, 160, 161. Zurich, 126. 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