i^A f^D^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/memoir'sillustraOOwins F R N T I S r 1 E C E. C. WlNbloN. l"Kll.ll' H. UEI.AMOTTE. GERMAN GLASS. FROM THE COLXXCTION OP^ THE LATE LOUD HERBERT OF LEA. MEMOIRS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE ART OF GLASS-PAINTING. BY THE LATE CHARLES WINSTON OF THI-: INNER TE3I1 LE. ILLUSTKATED WITH ENGRAVINGS, FROM THE AUTHOR S ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, BY PHILIP H. DELAMOTTE. F.S A. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, 1865. Tht right of Travslalion is reserve'l. LONDON : PRINTED BV WILLIAM GLOMES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET, AND CHARING CROSS. PEEFACE. The present collection of Memoirs by the late Mr. Winston is published by some of his friends out of regard to his memory, and in a belief that to bring together in a convenient form much information and many critical remarks on glass-painting, hitherto dispersed through numerous volumes, will be acceptable to those who interest themselves in the art. The occasions on which the Memoirs were written, as well as their subjects, sufficiently appear from the table of contents, and require no observation at present. In arranging them chronological order has been observed ; but a reader little acquainted with glass-painting may find it convenient to dis- regard this arrangement, and to read first the * Lecture delivered before the Working-men's Association at Lichfield,' which con- tains a popular and comprehensive view of the whole subject. This lecture, as well as part of the Memoir on the Painted Glass in Lincoln Cathedral, might serve as an introduction to a know- ledge of the art. The chronological order has been observed, because it was thought desirable to show the progress of Mr. Winston's opinions, and any modifications they may have undergone in a long series of years ; but, from the consistency and steadiness of his views, the latter seem to be very slight. The most material point on which he altered an opinion is noticed at length in the Bio- graphical Memoir. The Memoirs having been written at different times, and frequently treating of the same or very similar topics, some repetitions occur in them. These could not have been removed without too much interference with other matter with which they are connected ; for they are not mere repetitions. In only two cases have passages been omitted as such, and therefore use- less. These are noticed in the proper places. h IV PREFACE. No alterations have been made in the Memoirs beyond the correction of a few trifling and evident mistakes. The notes to the Memoirs are those which were originally attached to them, except a very few merely giving necessary explanations and references. These are generally placed be- tween brackets, besides being sufficiently distinguishable from the others by their contents. The letters to Mr. Charles Heath Wilson were not furnished by him with a view to their publication ; but when examined, parts of them seemed of sufficient general interest to be included in this volume. The selection of such as are now published was not made by him, nor had he an opportunity of seeing it till after the letters were printed. Two or three of the remarks then made by him are given in the corrections and additions. The plates and vignettes are all taken from Mr. Winston's drawings of glass-paintings. The diagrams and illustrations originally accompanying a few of the Memoirs^ are republished, except four plates illustrative of the painted glass in Salisbury Cathedral. Those originally given were executed according to a process then new, and are spoken of in the Memoir, and in a note to it, as " rough." New coloured lithogi'aphs from Mr. Winston's drawings of the same subjects have, therefore, been now substituted for them. A short index has been added for convenience of reference to subjects which might not be readily found by means of the table of contents. 1 Namely, those on Wiucliester, York, Lincoln, Gloucester, and the Beauchamp Cliapel, Warwick. CONTENTS. I'AGi-: Biographical Memoir .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Appendix to Biographical Memoir — containing Letters to Mr. 0. fl. Wilson respecting the Painted Windows for Glasgow Cathedral. 1856. I. — March 21. Glass-painters have yet to be formed — Byzantine origin of the style of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries .. .. ..18 II. — April 4. An inferior kind of the new glass manufactured — The genuine new glass equals the old — No nineteenth-century style of glass-painting adapted to Gothic buildings of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries — Byzantine origin of the art of the latter period — In glass-paintings for buildings of that time recourse should be had to the Antique — Asceticism condemned — Choice of subjects for Lincoln Cathedral .. .. .. .. ..19 III. — April 20. Prints give no correct idea of the effect of glass-paintings — In designing for glass-paintings a knowledge of the material is necessary — Hedgeland — Excellence of the west window at Norwich 21 1857. IV. — February 11. Eemarks on the Norwich windows — Of dulling glass 23 V. — February 15. Account of a discussion with Baron M. . . . . 25 YI. — March 8. The employment of foreign artists recommended in order that the whole work may be by the same hand . . . . . . 26 VII. — March 12. German figures not sufficiently severe for the thirteenth- century style — Risk of having the figures and patterns inharmonious if two artists are employed — Artistic figures preferable to observance of antiquarianism . , , . . . . . . . . . . . 27 VIII. — March 16. Antiquarianism to be rejected if incompatible with good figures — If Munich artists are employed, a style as late as the fifteenth century is recommended . . . . . . . . . . 28 IX. — March 25. As to striking out a new style — Reference to his book on that point — Remarks on a design, and on the treatment of canopies 29 X. — April 6. The mediasval mode of treating canopies the result of ignorance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..30 XI. — May 18. Remarks on a ioreign design — The Gei-man foliage better suited to a poor material than that of the thirteenth century . . 31 XII. — No date. Example from Angers Cathedral that a later style does not necessitate an alteration of the plan of afi earlier design . . . . 32 XIII.— May 24. Remarks on a design 32 XIV. — June 11. Gothic forms objected to — Faults of the Houses of Parliament .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. ..34 XV. — June 18. The Munich artists must be made to understand what kind of design is wanted . . . . , . . . . . . . 34 XVI. — June 26. Mediseval artists followed the style of their own age, without reference to archa?olog;y .. .. ., .. ,.35 h2 VI CONTENTS, PAGE XVII. — August 15. Eeason for employing Munich artists — In what respect Hedgeland and Nixon are better — Experiment of the Temple windows .. .. .. ,, .. ,. .. .. ..36 XVIII. — August 18. In ancient glass-paintings regard is had to the quality of the material — How fifteenth- century artists would have treated an ancient design — Early English and Decorated styles compared , . . . . . . . . . , , . . , . . . 38 XIX. — September 1. Wall-decorations — How far landscape backgrounds are admissible in them and in glass-paintings .. .. .. ..40 XX. — September 17. English glass-painting does not improve — Eemarks on two windows in B Church — Objection to small groups of figures — Gothic not the architectural style for the nineteenth century 41 XXI. — October. Periods of the termination of pure Byzantine, and of the perfection of Mediaeval art — Badness of figures in the Decorated style — Early English a development of archaic Greek — Superior to Decorated .. ,. .. ,. .. .. .. ..42 XXII. — November 8. La patina — Method of producing the effect of age on glass-paintings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 XXIII. — Of touching up glass-paintings with colours not burned in — Of two new windows in the Temple .. .. .. .. ..46 XXIV. — December 26. In what respect Nicholas Pisano was recom- mended in a former letter — Of modified thirteenth-century orna- mentation .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. 47 1860. XXV. — March 24. The old glass-painters disregarded principle . . 48 1861. XXVI. — September 22. Excellence of the Glasgow windows, and critical examination of them with reference to those of Lichfield .. .. 49 XXVII. — October 16. Copy of a letter to Herr Ainmiiller on the Glasgow windows — Their superiority to all his other works attributed to the disuse of enamel colours .. .. .. .. .. ..53 1862. XXVIII. — April 5. Of the treatment of the clearstory windows in Glasgow Cathedral, and references to examples .. .. ..56 XXIX. — June 23. French and German artists look more to fame and less to profit than the English ,. .. .. .. .. ..56 1863. XXX. — January 18. Remarks on some lights intended for Glasgow, by Mr. Hughes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..57 XXXI. — October 26. On the painted glass in Gloucester Cathedral and Nettlestead Church, Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 XXXII. — December 7. Of clearstory windows .. .. .. ..59 1864. XXXIII. — January 15. Mischief of Medijeval mania — Inconsistency of Gothic architecture with modern refinement — Only two courses to be followed in designing windows for Medieval churches .. .. 60 CONTENTS. vii MEMOIRS ON GLASS-PAINTING. I. — A Short Notice of the Painted Glass in Winchester and its Neighbourhood. [From the volume of the Proceedings of the Aichgeological Institute at Winchester, 1845,] PAGE Classification of glass-paintings .. .. .. .. .. ..63 Specimens of Early English at St. Cross, and in two boxes in Winchester College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..64 Specimens of Decorated in St. Cross, and in the Cathedral and the College 64 Perpendicular more abundant . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Modera glass in the College . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 66 Sixteenth-century glass the only glass that can now be successfully imitated .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..67 Glass in east window of the College Library . , . . . . . . 68 Arms of Cardinal Beaufort in the Refectory of St. Cross .. .. ..68 East window of the Choir of the Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . 68 Heraldic glass of James I. and Charles I. in the Library of the Deanery .. 69 n. — On the Painted Glass in the Cathedral and Churches of York. [From the volume of the Proceedings of the Archseological Institute at York, July, 1846.] Portion of a Jesse, the oldest glass in England .. .. .. ..71 The Five Sisters 72 The glass in the Chapter-house .. .. .. .. .. ..72 In the Nave of the Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . , 73 The earliest Perpendicular glass in the Cathedral . . . . . . . . 73 The white glass less green than in the west and south of England , , 74 Glass-painting from Eouen presented by Lord Carlisle . . . , . . 74 in. — An Account of the Painted Glass in Lincoln Cathedral and Southwell Minster. [From the volume of the Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, at the Annual Meeting at Lincoln, 1848.] Origin of glass-painting . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 77 Meaning of white glass, coloured glass. Pot-metal glass, coated or flashed glass 79 Description of the method of Theophilus, or Mosaic system . . . . 79 The enamel system of glass-painting ., .. ,. .. .,81 The Early English, Decorated, Perpendicular, and Cinquecento })eriods .. 83 The works of the Van Linges, and of the Prices , . . . , . . . 85 The great Rose or Wheel window in the Cathedral . . , . . . 85 Notice of some places where there are specimens of eaily glass-paintings in England (note) ,. ,. .... ., .. ..85 Viil CONTENTS. PAGK The glass in the other windows of the Cathedral .. .. ,. .,88 The glass in Southwell Minster . . , . . . . . . , . . 89 Observations on the present state of glass-painting .. ,. ..90 Of the harmony of a glass-painting with architecture .. .. ..91 How far Gothic glass-paintings harmonize with Gothic architecture .. 91 Gothic pattern glass-paintings harmonize with Gothic architecture, but Gothic picture glass-paintings do so imperfectly ,. .. ..92 The quality of the modern material an additional cause of defective harmony in modern imitations of them .. .. .. ..95 Suggestions for obtaining harmony between the glass-paintings and the architecture by colouring .. ,. .. .. ,. ..97 Of the flatness of mediaival glass-paintings ,. .. .. .. .. 101 Of Picture-windows for Perpendicular and Classical Buildings .. .. 104 IV. — On the Painted Glass at Salisbuky. [From the volume of Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute at Salisbury, 1849,] Destruction of painted glass during Wyatt's " restoration " . . . . 106 The original glass of the Cathedral and Chapter-house .. .. .. 108 Pemains of a " Stem of Jesse " .. .. .. .. .. .. 108 The medallion pictures .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 110 The shields of arms .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 112 The ornamental patterns in the Cathedral and Chapter-house .. ..115 Progressive change in ornamental patterns , . ., .. .. ..117 Ornamented borders to the pattern-windows ,. -,. .. ..119 Painted glass in St. Thomas's Church 122 In the hall of John Halle 123 Perpendicular and Cinquecento glass in the Cathedral .. .. .. 124 Arms of Bishop Jewell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 125 The modern glass in the Cathedral designed by Reynolds, and executed by Eginton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 125 The Lifting up of the Brazen Serpent, by Pearson . . , . . . . . 126 The introduction of landscapes into mural-paintings and glass-paintings defended .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 127 V. — On the Painted Glass in New College Chapel and Hall, Oxford. [From the Archaeological Journal, vol. ix., March, 1852.] Dispersion of the remains of the original glazing .. ,. .. .. 131 Fragments in boxes at Winchester College .. .. .. .. .. 131 The northernmost west window of the Antechapel .. .. .. .. 132 The first north window of the Antechapel from the west .. .. .. 134 The second ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 135 The two east windows of the Antechapel ,. .. .. .. .. 136 The south window of the Antechapel ,. .. .. .. .. 143 The southernmost west window ditto .. .. .. .. .. 144 Remarks on the date, style, and general effect of the original glazing of the chapel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 145 One of the earliest specimens of Perpendicular ,. .. .. .. 146 CONTENTS. IX Smear-shading stippled (an invention of the early part of the 14th century) differs from stij^ple-shading . . . . . . . . . . 147 The beauty of the windows is derived from the fine tone and harmony of the colom-ing, and its perfect keeping with the architecture .. .. 147 The glass of the choir windows . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 First south window from the east .. ., .. .. .. ..150 The second .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 151 The third 152 The fourth 152 The fifth 152 Tracery lights — First north window from the east .. .. .. 154 The second, third, fourth, fifth 154 The great west window in the Antechapel designed by Keynolds .. 155 The painted glass in the hall windows .. .. .. .. .. 156 Coats of arms .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 156 Supplementarj'- note .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 158 VI. — On the Painted Glass at Bristol, Wells, Gloucester, and Exeter. [From the volume of the Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute at Bristol, 1851.] The east window in Bristol Cathedral judiciously restored .. .. 160 Eepresents a stem of Jesse .. .. .. .. .. .. ..161 Its probable date 1320 162 The glass in the side windows of the choir . . .. .. .. ..162 Its probable date . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . 165 The rest of the glass in the Cathedral .. .. .. .. ..166 The glass in the Mayor's Chapel .. .. .. .. .. ..167 The glass in Wells Cathedral 167 The east window of the choir of singular design .. ., .. .. 168 The glass in Gloucester Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 The great east window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 On what its effect depends .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 170 Some interesting Decorated and Perpendicular specimens . . .. .. 171 The glass in Exeter Cathedral .. .. .. .. .. ,. 171 Eepeated examination of ancient glass necessary to appreciate peculiarities .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 172 Architecture and glass-painting unreasonably regarded as of purely ecclesiastical interest .. .. .. .. .. .. ..172 Misapplication of the epithets Pagan and Christian . . . . . . 172 The difterence between the ancient and modern material maintained .. 173 VII. — On a Revived Manufacture of Coloured Glass used in Ancient Windows. [From the Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1852.] Of the harmony between the design and execution of the earliest glass- paintings, and the quality of the material .. .. .. .. 175 Simplicity of the design and execution of the earliest glass-i)aintings .. 175 Their flatness the result of circumstances, not of principle . . . . . . 176 X CONTENTS. PAGE Contrast exhibited by the glass-paintings of the 16tli century .. .. 177 Difference between the quahty of the glass of this period and that of the 12th and 13th centuries 177 Harmony between the material and the mode of working it, from the cessation of the early fiat style to the adoption of the rotund or pictorial .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 178 Changes in the quality of the material previously and subsequently to the middle of the l-ith century .. .. .. .. .. .. 178 Harmony between the material and the mode of working it since the middle of the 16th century .. .. .. .. .. .. 179 Difference of effect between the early glass -paintings and the imitations of them .. 180 Method of testing the proper opaqueness of glass .. .. .. .. 180 Of an liquating glass .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. 181 Difference between the colours of ancient and modern glass . . . . 181 Of the revived manufacture of coloured glass .. .. .. .. 182 Analyses by Dr. Medlock, and their result , . . . . . . . . . 182 Ai)peal to the architects to promote the improvement of glass-painting .. 183 Injurious' influence of the false estimate of the middle ages . . . . . . 184 VIII. — On the Methods of Painting upon Glass : an Explanation GIVEN at a Meeting of the Eoyal Institute of British Archi- tects, March 7, 1853. [F)'om the Transactions of the Institute.] Fitness of the enamel system of glass-painting for cabinet works .. .. 186 Beautiful work by Valsecchi of Milan ., .. .. .. .. 186 The objection to the use of lead work -in the mosaic system equally applicable to the enamel system . . . . . . . . , , 187 The mosaic sj'stem the best for large works , . .. .. .. .. 187 Remarks on Bertini's 'Dante and his Thoughts,' in the Exhibition of 1851 187 The windows in St. Gudule's, Brussels, and in Lichfield Cathedral, the most perfect specimens of glass-painting .. .. .. .. 188 .. 189 .. 189 .. 189 .. 189 The practice of Capronnier and Bertini opposed to this opinion The Temple windows . . . . Effect of silver-coloured glass Ancient practice of putting tinfoil behind glass IX. — On the Application of Painted Glass to Buildings in various Styles of Architecture. (Read at a Meeting of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Nov. 28, 1853.) [From the Transactions of the Institute.] Of the best subjects for glass-paintings ., .. .. .. ,. 191 Pattern windows comply with the conditions of glass-painting .. .. 192 So do the picture-windows of the 12th and 13th centuries .. .. 193 The simple composition of such windows .. .. .. .. ,. 193 The picture-windows of the Cinquccento period, and their composition .. 194 Examples in Brussels and Lichfield Cathedrals referred to .. ..195 Of the glass-paintings of the 14th and 15th centuries, and their inferiority 196 CONTENTS. xi PAGE Glass-paintings of the 12tli and 13th centiuies harmonize best with Norman and Early English buildmgs, ou account of their colouring 198 Cinquecento glass-paintings, though not inferior in power, do not so well harmonize with them .. .. .. .. ., .. .. 199 What glass-painting will harmonize with the Greek style .. .. 201 Ancient sculpture and tessellated pavements might afibrd hints .. .. 202 The proper degree of relief considered .. .. .. .. .. 203 What glass-painting will suit Palladian buildings .. .. .. .. 203 Objections to receding pictures in glass-painting considered .. .. 205 How a 19th-century ^vindow may harmonize with early buildings .. 208 Change in glass-painting, and in the manufacture, about 1380 .. .. 209 The same scale of figures should be preserved throughout a window .. 211 Designs extending beyond a single light ., .. .. .. .. 211 Defence of some remarks in the ' Hints on Glass-painting ' .. .. 213 X. — On the Resemblance between Medleval and Classical Art as EXEMPLIFIED IN THE G LASS-PAINTINGS OF THE 12TH AND 13tH Centuries. (Read at the Ordinary Meeting of the Royal Institute of British Architects, June 16, 1856.) [From the Transactions of the Institute.] Influence exerted by classical antiquity through Byzantium .. .. 216 Probability that glass-painting in the "West was first practised at Limoges, and that the earliest coloured glass was made from Byzantine receipts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 217 Resemblance of early glass -paintings to the illuminations of Greek MSS. 218 Resemblance of the costume to the antique .. ., .. .. 219 Expediency of studying antique models . . . . . . . . . . 220 XI. — On the Glazing of the North Rose Window of Lincoln Cathedral. [From the Archaeological Journal, vol, siv. 1857.] Judicious restoration of this window .. .. .. .. .. 222 The subjects in the window described .. .. .. .. .. 222 The date of the original glazing is the end of the 12th or beginning of the 13th century .. " 225 The colours of the glass examined . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Of the Ruby glass in the window, and remarks on Ruby glass .. .. 226 The influence of Greek art may be discovered in the drawing and in the draperies .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 228 Objections to the Renaissance, as Pagan, are unreasonable .. .. 230 XII. — A Lecture on Glass-painting, delivered before the Working Man's Association at Lichfield, 1859. Definition of a glass-painting ... .. .. .. .. .. 231 The usual practice in giass-paintings at present .. .. .. .. 232 xii CONTENTS. PAGK Mode of making glass .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 233 Of colouring it .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 234 The windows of St. Sophia had coloured glass .. .. .. .. 235 Discovery of the art of painting on glass . . . . . . . . . . 236 The treatise of Theophilus ., .. .. .. .. .. .. 237 The earliest known specimens of glass-painting .. .. .. .. 238 Division of glass- paintings into picture-windows and pattern -windows .. 238 Of the former into Medallion, Jesse, and Figure and Canopy windows .. 238 The usual style of a Medallion witjdow .. .. .. .. .. 238 The Jesse window, and Figure and Canopy window .. .. .. 241 Influence of Greek art .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 241 Period from which modern art dates .. .. .. .. .. 242 (Jhange introduced into glass-iiainting by mullions .. .. .. 243 Introduction of the yellow stain .. .. .. .. .. .. 244 Change in the manufacture of glass about 1370, accompanied with a change in the mode of painting it ., .. .. .. .. 245 Figure and Canopy windows prevalent during the Perpendicular style of architecture .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 245 The onl}'- two ways of producing a picture on glass .. .. .. 246 The Renaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Glass-painting partook of the improvement of painting in the 15th century .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 248 Glass-painting reached its excellence between 1530 and 1550, and then began to decline .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 248 The Lead-work and Saddle-bars are to be taken into account in designs for glass-paintings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Of the shading of glass- paintings . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Notice of the window-s in Lichfield and Brussels Cathedrals, and of subsequent works previously to the recent revival .. .. .. 251 The Munich school of glass-painting .. .. ,. .. .. 252 Defective, but superior to the English .. .. .. .. .. 253 Glass-painting not judiciously cultivated .. .. .. .. .. 254 XIIL — On an Heraldic Window in the North Aisle of the Nave of York Cathedral. By Charles Winston and Weston Styleman Walford. [From the Archaeological Journal, vol. xvii, I860.] Extensive remains of painted glass of the 14th century in York Cathedral 256 General description of the window which forms the subject of this memoir .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 257 Its detailed description according to a diagram .. .. .. .. 258 Armorial bearings described .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 263 Life of Peter de Dene .. .. .. 265 The donor of the window .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 272 The heraldry in the window examined to ascertain its date .. .. 272 The royal escutcheons .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 272 The arms on the surcotes of the figures in the middle light .. .. 274 The date of the window most probably 1306 or 1307 .. .. .. 277 CONTENTS. XlU PAGE Of the origin of the double-headed eagle .. .. .. .. .. 278 Some of tlie earliest examples of it . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 Note, examining the heraldry in other windows of the nave .. ..281 Supplementary note on the Bell-founder's window . . . . . . 284 XIV. — An Account of the Painted Glass in the East Window of Gloucester Cathedral. [From the Archseological Journal, vol. xx., 1863.] Inference as to the country in which Gothic architecture originated, drawn from the size of the windows .. .. .. .. .. .. 285 Change which took place in the manufacture of glass, and its influence on glass-painting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 286 The stone-work in the east window of the Perpendicular style, the painted glass a pure example of Decorated . . . . . , . . 286 General design of the glass-painting., .. .. .. .. .. 2«6 The originality of the present arrangement of the glass examined .. 291 Unnecessary expense avoided by mediaeval artists .. .. .. 292 The leading subject of the design was the Enthronement of the Virgin .. 293 Detailed description of it .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 294 The heraldry in the window examined .. .. .. .. .. 300 The date of the window fixed by it .. .. .. .. .. .. 305 The window probably given by Lord Bradeston .. .. ,. .. 306 Mischief of restorations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30.S Judicious restoration of this window . . . . . . . . . . 308 Cost of, and estimates for, the restoration (note) .. .. .. ,. 309 The fine tone and rich hue of the glass • 309 Defective execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 XV.— Remarks on the Painted Glass at Lichfield Cathedral. [From the Archaeological Journal, vol. xxi., 1864.] The glass-paintings brought from the dissolved Abbey of Herckenrode . . 312 Influence of the Renaissance apparent in these windows .. .. .. 313 The style in which they are executed defended .. .. .. .. 313 Flatness in glass-paintings considered .. .. .. .. .. 315 Errors in the works of the Renaissance .. .. .. .. .. 316 Manner in which the difficulties of the art have been met, and its resources developed, in these windows .. .. .. .. .. 317 Recommendation of the study of them . . . . . . . . . . 320 The Munich school of glass-painting, and their altered practice displayed at Glasgow .. .. .. .. .• .. .. •• 320 Subjects of the windows (note) . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Description of, and remarks on, the windows in Brussels Cathedi-al (note) 323 Notice of the author's death (note) . . .. .. .. .. .. 325 XIV CONTENTS. XVI. — The Painted Glass in the Beauchamp Chapel at Warwick. (A Memoir read at the Annual Meeting of the Archa;ological Institute at Warwick, July 26, 1864.) [From the Archaeological Journal, vol. xxi. 1864.] Extracts from Sir William Dugdale's account of the windows Brief survey of the side windows of the chapel Description of the east window Examination of the present arrangement of the glass Remarks on the heraldry Description of the figure of the Virgin Remarks on a head of Christ Further description of the window .. The contract with the glass-painter .. Remarks on the execution of the work Comparison with the Lichfield windows Notice of the author's death . . ... PAGE ,. 326 ,. 327 .. 329 ,. 333 ,. 334 ,. 336 .. 337 .. 338 .. 339 .. 339 .. 340 .. 340 Catalogue of Drawings of Glas Winston Index.. -Paintings, by the late Charles 343 359 Shield, with I. H. S., from Much Hadham Church, Herts. LISr OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Figure of a Bishop, from German glass, in the collection of the late Loixl Herbert of Lea, supposed date about 1505. (This plate is presented to this volume by the Eev. J. L. Petit.) Frontispiece. PAGE Shield, with I. H. S., from Much Hadham Church, Herts xiv Portrait of late Charles Winston to face 1 Fragment of foliage from Cologne Cathedral 17 Fragment from same 62 Group of figures from Winchester College Chapel 63 Arms of Cardinal Beaufort, from the Refectory, St. Cross .. to face 68 Figure of Glass-painter, from Winchester College Chapel 70 Fragment from Cologne Cathedral 76 Medallion from Lincoln Cathedral, Legend of St. Gregory .. to face 77 Part of a Jesse, from Llanrhaidr Church to face 86 Head from Bristol Cathedral 105 Patterns from Salisbury Cathedral to face 109 Patterns from same to face 116 Pattern from Chartham, and a German pattern to face 118 Geometrical patterns from Salisbury to face 121 Arms, Edward L, from St. Alban's Abbey 129 Arms, John of Gaunt, from the same 159 Arms of France, from Froyle Church, and Arms of Berkeley, from Bristol Cathedral to face 165 Fragment from Cologne Cathedral .. 174 Patterns from Merton College, and from Lincoln Cathedral . . to face 175 Shield, Lion rampant, from St. Alban's Abbey 185 The Last Supper, from German glass in the collection of the late Lord Herbert of Lea to face 190 Head from Bristol Cathedral 214 Fragment from Cologne Cathedral 221 Diagram of North Rose window, Lincoln Cathedral 223 Figures from Nettlestead, Kent ; Barnwell, Northamptonshire ; and Bush- bury, Staffordshire to face 231 St. Anne teaching the Virgin, from Stanford Church, 1335 . . to face 244 Arms, Edmund of Langley, Duke of York, from St. Alban's 255 Diagram of an Heraldic window, York Cathedral 259 Fragment from Cologne Cathedral 284 Diagram of East window, Gloucester Cathedral 288 Figure, part of a Knight, from Adderbury, Oxon 311 Arms, Lichfield Cathedral to face 312 Group, fragment from Lincoln Cathedral 325 Diagram of East window, Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick 328 Emblem of the Trinity, from Redcliffe Church 342 Ornamented circle, with I. H. S., from Thaxted Church, Essex, 1490 .. 362 The initial letters of the Memoirs are from New College Chapel, Oxford. (See p. 133.) The Cologne fragments are from the collection of J. D. T. Niblet, Esq. ADDITIONS AND COEEECTIONS. It should have been mentioned in the Biographical Memoir, that in 1849 Mr. Winston published an ' Introduction to the Study of Painted Glass.' (J. H. Parker, Oxford.) It is founded on the Memoir on the Painted Glass at Lincoln, and includes the substance of a lecture given at Oxford in that year. Page 55. Add as a note to Letter XXVII. Mr. "Winston did not see the completed works. Since the remarks in this letter Avere written, other windows have been added of equal merit as works of art with those on which he comments. Page 56. Add as a note to Letter XXVIII. Mr. Winston's advice as to clearstory windows has been acted upon with entire success. Page 57. Add as a note to Letter XXIX. Mr. Wilson had published short memoirs of the distinguished artists by whom the windows were designed. A circumstance recently mentioned by him proves the geneial interest which such works as the Glasgow windows are capable of exciting. Observing that many of the working-men came to the cathedral to look at them, he offered to give a lecture on them. The number of applications for tickets of admission was nearly 6000. This fact seems to offer an encouragement for the completion of the similar works at St. Paul's, and to justify a hope that they will be equally popular. Page 125, line 22, and in the Index, for "Egington" read "Eginton." Page 350, line 9, for " Nethereale," read " Nether Scale." hvWiJU.:ui, it:- GLASS-PAINTING. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. HE life of the author of the following Memoirs, of whom some account may here be expected, offers few of the materials which generally render bio- graphy interesting or amusing. It was active and useful, but not eventful, having been chiefly passed in the steady exercise of a profession, in the cul- tivation of some favourite branches of knowledo-e. and in a liberal application of the fruits that were reaped from them. He was not either by birth or accident placed in any unusual position, or exposed to vicissitudes of fortune ; he w^as unconnected with political parties and public events; and happily quite free from the eccentricities and irregularity w^hich sometimes cause amusement or regret by their contrast wdth the talents wath which they are united. The outline, therefore, of liis life may soon be traced ; and no attempt will be made to fill it up with trifling anecdotes and circumstances of common occurrence, neither conveying useful information nor illustrating character. Connection with the art from whose future history his name will never be separated is the only circumstance which can attach any public interest to liis life ; and therefore it is to matters arising from this connection that the greatest portion of the following Memoir will be given. Charles Winston was born at Lymington, in Hampshire, on the 10th of March, 1814, and was the elder of the two sons of the Rev. Benjamin Winston, and Helen, daughter of Sir Thomas Reid, Baronet. Of his mother he was deprived in childhood ; and the care of his early years devolved on his father's mother, Mrs. Sandford. She was the only child of Charles Winston, formerly Attorney-General of Dominica; and it was in com- pliance with a condition in his will that her son, under a private Act of Parliament, took the name of Winston instead of Sandford. ^ BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. He held the living of Farningham, Kent, upwards of tliirty years, but resigned it in January, 1848. In the vicarage-house of this parish the boyhood and early youth of Charles Winston were passed. Here he was educated by his father till the age of fourteen or fifteen ; and when at that age he became one of the pupils of the Kev. Weeden Butler, who then resided at Farningham, he still continued to live at the vicarage. This home education probably was an advantage to him, and may have contributed towards the forma- tion of his future character in its best features ; for it was a home under whose unperceived influence, independently of any direct precepts, his good principles and generous and honourable sentiments, free from the least taint of affectation and display, might have been imbibed, and where a spirit of intelligent curiosity would have been awakened and encouraged in a mind naturally active and thoughtful. On the completion of his education the law was, after a short interval of uncertainty, fixed upon for his profession. He was accordingly entered at the Inner Temple, and became a pupil of Mr. Warren, now a Master in Lunacy, and afterwards, for a short time, of Mr. Twopenny. He commenced the practice of the law as a special pleader ; and in this severe discipline lie most probably acquired or strengthened his habits of minute accuracy and patient industry. In 1845 he was called to the bar, and became a member of the Home Circuit. But his business continued to be still chiefly confined to his chambers ; he did not very frequently appear in court as a barrister, and but seldom went on the circuit ; and never perhaps the entire circuit. He was much engaged in arbitrations, and in drawing specifications of patents ; and in the latter a fertility in mechanical contrivance, and an early fondness for and quickness in understanding machinery, were frequently of use to himself, and sometimes to his clients ; for he is said occasionally to have suggested improvements and to have corrected errors in the patents for which he was preparing the specifications. During many years also he was in the habit of acting as a deputy -judge in some of the county-courts ; and on the whole his business was a considerable one, although, as is not unfre- quent in the law, his reputation might not extend beyond the limits of the profession. It was through his other pursuits that his name became more generally known. In the practice of the law he continued till the year 1864. EARLY PURSUITS. 3 In the month of May in that year he married ^laria, youngest daughter of the late Philip Eaoul Lempriere, of Eozel ^Vlanor, Jersey, a family with which he was already connected by the marriage of his mother's sister with a younger brother of 3Ir. Lempriere. On this marriage he withdrew from his profession. Mr. Winston's residence in London — first as a student, and afterwards as a practitioner of the law — gave him an oppor- tunity of becoming acquainted with several who, either profes- sionally or by choice, were occupied with some of the branches of art and antiquities, for which he had already formed a taste. He was among the earliest members of the Archaeological Institute ; and indeed had been one of a small private society, with some of whose members the establishment of the Institute originated. An article by him on painted glass accordingly appeared in the first number of their journal : and this was his fii-st published essay. The following pages will sufficiently show that he continued to be a frequent contributor to it, and to take an active part in the proceedings of the society. Though fond of every branch of the fine arts, and of the anti- quities connected with them, glass-painting was his chief favourite, and the special object of his study. This had engaged his attention while yet a boy ; and in the catalogue of his drawings, printed in the present volume, one may be seen with as early a date as December, 1830. It was perhaps in the early part of that year that he began the study of the art. Though it is generally impossible to fix on the circumstance by which the mind is directed to a particular pursuit, and a predominant taste acquired, an attempt is often made to assign one whenever eminence has been attained. Thus a recent notice of Mr. ^Yinston and his works atttributes his taste for glass- painting to the influence of the painted windows at Oxford. The cause assigned is a plausible one ; but in the present case there was no opportunity for its operation. If a cause is to be sought, it is more likely to be found in circumstances connected with some repau'S and improvements in the church at Farning- ham, in the course of which a little old painted glass came into his father's possession, and an acquaintance was made with the late Mr. Miller, an eminent glass-painter of that time. Con- versation and discussions arising out of these matters would hardly fail to interest an intelligent boy ; and they might give a particular determination to his natural sensibility to beauty of form and colour : nor is it improbable that they might also con- tribute to encourage his taste for architecture. B 2 4 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. The assiduity with which, from the early date above noticed, Mr. Winston made drawings of ancient glass-paintings is appa- rent from the list of them ; and the fidelity and spirit with which he reproduced as well the colours as the designs of the originals are extraordinary. To borrow some remarks from a notice appended to the last of the following Memoirs : " his drawings of glass-paintings are unequalled. In character and expression, force, truth, purity, and brilliance of colour, as well as in the representation of the texture of the glass, they are unparalleled. They are, in fact, as perfect facsimiles of the original as can be produced by water-colour upon paper." In 1847 he published his 'Inquiry into the difference of Style observable in ancient Glass-paintings, especially in Eng- land, with Hints on Glass-painting.' The origin of this book is stated in the ]3reface to it. As long ago as 1838 he had drawn up and circulated among his friends, in manuscript, a brief treatise, in which he had reduced the different styles of glass-painting to classes, in imitation of Kickman's ' Gothic Archi- tecture,' arranging them in corresponding periods. This sketch was the foundation of the larger work which he was encouraged to undertake by Mr. Parker, of Oxford, who published it. But the original slight outline had to be carefully and minutely filled up ; and to collect new materials, to arrange the mass pre- viously accumulated, to examine many questions which from time to time arose, and to prepare drawings for the plates, formed a work of much labour, in which he had no assistance from English or from foreign treatises, though he has referred to two or three of the latter for corroboration or illustration. The work was quite original, and completed without neglect of his profession. For it would be a mistake to suppose that, either then or in subsequent years, he neglected the law for its more attractive rival. An instance of the diligence with which he would at the same time apply to both occurs in a letter of twelve closely-written sides of note-paper to his friend Mr. Wilson, consisting of minute observations relating to the windows of Glas- gow Cathedral, of which more will be said hereafter. "Only fancy," says the letter, "since the 24th of September " (the date of it being the 26th of October) " I have disposed of foui' thousand cases and thirty insolvencies in the courts here. Hard work, I assure you." Another letter, on the same circuit, and relating to the same subject, is written "just before going into court." On these circuits the opportunity of examining glass-paintings was never omitted. In a letter written while holding courts at THE 'INQUIRY.' 5 Shrewsbury, he says, " I have seen more than the usual quantity of modern glass during my late peregrinations in England and Wales ; and certainly, if anything, the art has lowered during the last year." In fact, glass-painting never escaped his atten- tion. On a tour in Germany, for instance, a piece of ancient painted glass was observed in the windows of an inn where the horses were baiting. It was carefully examined, a note made, and mention of it, as an example of some peculiarity, is intro- duced into the book we are now speaking of. This book, which has been long out of print, and therefore may be here a little more particularly noticed, consists, as tlie title indicates, of two parts — the first containing a brief history of glass-painting, a description of its different methods, and a very minute examination and arrangement of its styles; the second offers some critical observations on its modern state, on its peculiarities as a branch of painting, on the principles accord- ing to which it ought to be exercised, and on the causes w^hich have been opposed to its successful cultivation since the modern revival of it. There is also an appendix containing a translation of that portion of the ' Diversarum Artium Schedula ' of Theophilus which relates to glass-painting ; and both in this appendix, and in the notes, much miscellaneous, interesting, and instructive matter is introduced. The second volume of it consisted of plates. The styles are divided, according to Eickman's nomenclature, into the Early English, the Decorated, and the Perpendicular ; but with the addition of the Cinquecento — the most perfect style ; glass-painting not having declined contemporaneously with Gothic architecture, but having attained its highest degree of excellence w^hen the latter was considerably debased. The Cinquecento style existed for thirty years contemporaneously with the Perpendicular. All these styles are frequently mentioned, and more or less particularly described, in the following Memoirs ; but their cha- racteristic featm-es are delineated ^vith much more minuteness in the Inquiry ; and they are also there illustrated with nume- rous plates. To the style of glass-painting between the Cinquecento period and the recent revival, the name of the Intermediate style was given in tlie hope that the present age might develop a new and improved style. For the formation of such a style, the total relinquishment of all copies and imitations of ancient glass whatever is advo- cated. " It is evident," he observes, " that the first step towards 6 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. elevating glass-painting to the rank it once held among the arts, is to estimate its productions by those sound rules of criticism which are alike applicable to all works of art, and not by the sole standard of antiquarian conformity. But I fear that this principle cannot be carried into effect whilst glass-painting is confined to mere imitation. In estimating the merit of an imi- tative art, two points are really presented for consideration — its quality as a work of art, and its conformity with the conven- tionalities of style. But inasmuch as a knowledge of the con- ventionalities of style is more commonly possessed than a know- ledge of the principles of art, because the former is incomparably easiei' of acquirement than the latter, amateurs, ^vho exert a very powerful influence on the state and condition of glass- painting, are apt in their criticisms to fall into the error of re- garding a conformity with style, not as an accessory to the glass- painting, but as constituting the sole end and essential object of the work. Hence a copy or a mere compilation, scarcely rising in merit above a copy of some ancient glass or other painting, is so often preferred to a design which attempts, however artis- tically, to carry out an ancient style in spirit rather than in conventionality only, because the mere copy will naturally exhibit a closer and more literal compliance with the petty details of style than the latter more intrinsically meritorious work — a course which cannot fail to retard materially the real advance- ment of glass-painting as an art, and the full development of its powers." ^ He then proceeds to detail the methods by which, whilst glass-painting may be improved as an art, it may be har- monized with the architecture of Norman, Early English, and Decorated buildings. The views in this chapter of his book he retained with little or no alteration. In a letter to Mr. Wilson, of the 25tli of March, 1857, he observes : " As to what you say of striking out a new style of treatment, it is precisely what I meant when I wrote that book, * An Inquiry into the difference of Style in Glass-painting.' I had not looked at it for years till last night, when I read through the chapter beginning at p. 268. I was surprised to find how little of it I should wish altered were it now to be re-written : and I am pleased at this, and to observe that you, though working from a different point, have tended so nearly to the same conclusion. I wish you would just run your eye over it. It is very short." 1 P. 283. HOW GLASS-PAINTING SHOULD BE TREATED. 7 The leading doctrines which he has always steadily main- tained are — that glass-painting should be treated as a branch of the art of painting, distinguished only by the peculiarities arising from the nature of the materials ; that within the limits imposed by these peculiarities, representation should be cha- racterized by the highest perfection of art in design, colour, and expression, and not made in the rude and imperfect manner prevalent during its earlier periods, which, in fact, was the result of ignorance, not of intention ; that the distinguishing excellences of a glass-painting — brilliancy and transparency — should be carefully preserved ; that designs for a glass-painting should always be made and coloured with reference to the quality of the glass to be used ; and that consequently an artist who makes designs for glass-painting should have not only a knowledge of this particular branch of painting, but also a prac- tical acquaintance with the qualities of different kinds of glass. Finally, he repeatedly urges that glass-painting should be treated simply as an art, free from the restraints of antiquarianism, and guided by a taste unwarped by ecclesiastical prejudices and religious associations. On one point, very slightly indeed indicated in the present book, but occasionally alluded to in some of the following memoirs and letters, he appears to have altered a long-cherished opinion ; but the change does not involve any inconsistency with his leading doctrines ; and it is, in truth, nothing more than an alteration of opinion as to the possibility of designing the figure portions of painted windows so as to harmonize with the style of early buildings without offending the refinement of modern taste. ^ He had long entertained an idea, founded on the striking- similarity of treatment in drapery which is observable between archaic Greek and very early Christian art, and is frequently pointed out in the following memoirs and letters, that the latter might be improved by a judicious study of the former, which is so much more graceful in its lines, and in the general com- position. On this ground he based his proposal to improve designs for ^ The following remarks on Mr. opportunities of knowing how much Winston's change of opinion, the nature Mr. Winston was in the habit of dis- and extent of which have been some- cussing with him both glass-painting what misunderstood, have been com- and other branches of art, and how municated by his friend Mr. Charles much he relied upon his judgment. Heath Wilson, of Glasgow, whose name This is, indeed, sufficiently shown by has already occurred. Though a stranger the annexed correspondence, to Mr. Wilson, the editor had many 8 BIOGKAPHICAL MEMOIK. glass-painting in the Early English style by the study and imi- tation of archaic Greek works ; and, as a natural sequence, while he advocated this improvement in drapery, he pointed out that the human form might be in like manner improved from the same source. It was in conformity with these views that the windows in the round part of the Temple Church were executed ; but by a letter to Mr. Wilson, — the last in the annexed corre- spondence, — this idea appears to have been abandoned, together with that of any other modification of mediaeval art. In this letter it is said : " In designing windows for mediaeval churches, there are but two courses — either to adopt modern art (which is the best course where figures are introduced), or to adopt mediaeval art. There is no middle course, as I once supposed and advocated, of getting a modification of mediaeval art by good artists : you have entirely convinced me of my error. The Glasgow windows, and also the Alnwick window, by Dyce, are sufficient proof that I was wrong, and that you were right." At the commencement of his career as a critic Mr. Winston took high ground for glass-painting, and insisted upon the im- portance of constituting this art a branch of the fine arts, and of avoiding all mere literal imitations of old forms; he insisted upon the necessity of introducing correct forms and natural expression, and of designing the figure parts of windows as well as the existing state of fine art will admit of. But he never lost sight of the conditions of glass-painting. These he thoroughly understood, but he thought their observance consistent with good art. He could not for some time emancipate himself entirely from some prevalent ideas of archaeological consistency, which have in reality fettered glass-painting and prevented its advancement as an art ; but, having insisted upon its capability of higher things, he for some time thought it possible to combine the two objects — that which he so ardently wished to see realized, and that which so many held to be of equal importance. Hence his earnest search among the monuments of past ages for examples which might illustrate his meaning, and his recommendation of those archaic forms of Greek art which combine so much that is beautiful with a resemblance to peculiarities of style or treat- ment in early glass-painting. His opinions upon this subject were supported by the obvious influence of Greek upon Byzantine forms of ornament, a result probably of their imitation, in a rude and imperfect manner, of the Greek remains by which the artists were surrounded. A MATEKIAL FOR GLASS-PAINTING. 9 better and more accurate study of these remains, of which we possess so many fine examples, by artists of higher cultivation, might, he thought, develop an art in the same direction which then would harmonize with ancient edifices, and yet be excellent in form. An unceasing study of art, however, which occupied every leisure hour, modified these ideas, and they were finally abandoned ; but he adhered to his early proposition that glass- painting should be a fine art ; feeling the general truth that the more perfect its forms, the more truly it harmonizes with the perfection of ancient forms of architecture, although it might not harmonize in the letter with the imperfect paintings of the same age. The success of a glass-painting depending as much on the quality of the material employed as on the skill of the artist, improvement in the modern manufacture of coloured glass was not less an object of Mr. Winston's attention than the establish- ment of correct principles and the elevation of the art to a higher standard of excellence. He therefore applied himself to the examination and comparison of specimens of old glass, from even the earliest times, to chemical analyses, and to making some experimental manufacture according to the results which were obtained from these and the ancient receipts preserved in the treatise of * Theophilus.' These investigations were attended with much success ; but it will be more interesting to give an account of them and their result in his own words from two letters written to Mr. Wilson in 1856. The extracts from these letters will also furnish a specimen of his characteristic energy ; and they will at the same time, unfor- tunately, show the vexation which his sensitive nature experienced at the obstacles thrown in his way by indifference or self-interest, and at the more surprising want of support from those who with more carefulness had it in their power to effectually improve the art which, in point of expenditure, they were so liberally encouraging. " Ever since 1850," says the first of the letters just mentioned, "I have been amusing myself, at no small cost, in having analyses made of ancient glass, that of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in particular, and have entirely succeeded in discovering its manufacture, thus clearing up many points which before were only matters of conjecture. I gave the analyses to — — , who has the glass-works close to this place, and with my scientific friends assisted him in reproducing the ancient material, which he has done most successfully, and I have had two windows 10 BIOGEAPHICAL MEMOIR. done in the Temple Church (the round part) to commemorate onr triumph. Whether will go on making the glass when not working under my eye, is another question ; but the problem is solved, and this is most interesting to me as an anti- quary, and ought to be so to the artist, for there can be no mistake about the effect of the new material, which is as harmo- nious in colour, brilliant, and at the same time solid in appear- ance, as the old glass is. By these means, therefore, a great, and, as I thought at one time, insuperable obstacle to making designs after the remains of the twelfth and thirteenth century glazing, has been entirely overcome, and I only wish you were in these chambers at this moment, in order that I might compare with you the results of our researches with the genuine old specimens. We have beat the French glass-makers so hollow that it is quite laughable, and one of their chief glass-paiaters has actually ordered some glass of , an incontestable proof of English superiority. I am not surprised, for, in the first place, I went to better chemists than those employed in these matters in France ; and, when we came to work the matter synthetically, I had the good fortune to obtain the service of a first-rate chemist, who took up the matter as an amateur, like myself, without which, considering the enormous difficulties which a totally dif- ferent existing form of furnace and different fuel from that formerly in use presented, we never could have turned our analyses to any practical use. You see, therefore, I have not been idle ; but I have had to work entirely by myself, exposed to all the attacks and sneers which I have provoked by holding an independent course, and not allying myself to the 'friends of the movement,' Mr. and his friends who write in the . Had I been a Puseyite I dare say I should have been lauded to the skies — so much for party spirit ; which, however, I can well afford to laugh at." In the second letter, of the 20th April, 1856, Mr. Winston writes : — " It was in the hope of procuring a good material on which to work, that in 1850 I employed a first-rate professional chemist to analyze some old twelfth-century glass, and I subsequently got a pupil of the same man to analyse many other specimens. I offered to Chance of Birmingham the analyzes if he would attempt to work them out, but he refused; and ultimately , of , offered to take the matter up, and he erected a furnace for the purpose. It was fortunate that did offer, for without his aid there could have been no practical MATERIAL FOE GLASS-PAINTING. 11 result; and had his place been further from the Temple, I could not have attended to the experiments as much as I did, nor could I have got my chemical friend to do so ; and if we had not attended, 's people must have utterly failed to do anything. For the operation was a regular chemical one from beginning to end, requiring pure chemical knowledge, and a great deal of it too, to carry it out ; and a branch of chemistry, by the bye, on which comparatively little is known. I am con- fident that the labours of the last six years have made my chemical frieuds better acquainted with the subject than any other chemists. Indeed, we have actually produced glass at 's which a good chemist told me (not knowing that we had succeeded in making it) was impossible to be made. The only colours we have hitherto tried our hands at are blue, the streaky ruby, several but not all kinds of green, yellow, white, and a few shades of purple ; which no one else has succeeded in producing. Vse have been trying only for twelfth-century colours as yet, and of these we have not yet attacked the whole ; but Avhat we have done, we have done thoroughly. The discom-aging part of it is, that I must attend to it myself, if I want the glass for any work in which I am interested. Many glass-painters do not know good glass from bad. Indeed, some of them actually encourage to make a sort of glass in some sort resembling the real thing, which glass has been imitated by others ; so that I expect (as it is much easier to be made in a short time) the real manufacture will be given up, except when particularly asked for. I may say that this result has already taken place. When therefore you hear of Winston's glass you must bear in mind that there are two sorts— the right sort, including nearly the whole of the twelfth and thirteenth century colours, and some of the colours of the sixteenth cen- tury ; and the wrong sort. My friends and myself are content to be judged by what has been done under our own eye ; but we do not stand godfathers to all that makes to please his customers. We have worked out the problem, and shown people that the old glass can be reproduced ; but if they object to the price, and are content with an imitation, they are only fit to be left to shift for themselves. Mr. and myself were requested by the Dean and Chapter of Norwich to super- intend a large window which was done for their cathedral. We had no check on the artist, nor on ; the consequence was that the trouble we had to keep matters straight — for the Dean and Chapter had stipulated for the new glass — was 12 BIOGEAPHICAL MEMOIR. so great that we both were sick of it before the work was completed. " Afterwards the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln begged me to superintend eight windows, now in progress, for their cathedral. I consented on one condition, that their contract with the glass- painter contained a stipulation that it should be executed with glass to be approved of by me. The result of this is, that, though six months at least have elapsed, the whole of the glass is not yet made. I declare to you that the bother I have had about this I will never undergo again. If our glass-painters would but back me up, there would be no difficulty; but you may suppose what the taste is, when I am doing all I can to have the glass made one way, and 's general customers doing- all they can to have it made another way. I mention all this merely to show the lamentable state of glass-painting." ^ Mr. Winston was naturally vexed that glass was not made according to his directions ; but no blame can be imputed to the manufacturers for preferring their own methods. They are gentlemen of known skill ; and Mr. Winston did not prefer any coloured glass to theirs. As, however, he anxiously disclaimed responsibility for all glass not made according to his own views, it is but just to him to relate the circumstances as they occurred ; nor is it unjust to the glass-makers. If the glass now usually made by them is as good as, or better than, that made according to his wish — facts not here disputed — the credit will belong to them solely. Should the other kind be wished for on any occa- sion, they are the only persons who can supply it. And it must be distinctly understood that the preceding extract from Mr. Winston's letter is given simply as a narrative of what took place in the progress of some interesting discoveries in the manufacture of coloured glass, and of circumstances connected with them, as they existed seven or eight years ago. It con- tains no criticism on glass made subsequently to the period of its date ; and it is obvious that all comment, either by way of praise or blame, on the past or present productions of the glass- makers is quite foreign to the present Memoir. Notwithstanding the neglect, and even the direct opposition and ridicule, with which the attempts to improve the manufac- 1 Some account of this new glass may is attributed to Mr. (now Dr.) Medlock, be seen in one of the following memoirs, of the Eoyal College of Chemistry, and entitled, ' On a revived Manufacture of to the practical skill of Mr, Edward Coloured Glass used in ancient Win- Green, of Messrs. Powell's glass-works in dows,' where the merit of the discovery Whitefriars. CATHEDRAL WINDOWS. 13 ture of coloured glass at first had to contend, tlie merit of the discovery has been at length acknowledged. ]\Ir. Apsley Pellatt, a very competent judge of their value, considers " that the colours of the glass in the Temple windows are equal to the old ; and that a debt of national gratitude is due to Mr. Winston for liis long persevering and successful efforts to revive the rich colours and low tone of ancient glass.^ Some churches where it has been used will be mentioned in another place.^ This long and minute study of glass-painting, in all its bear- ings, was well known to most wdio take an interest in the art, and hence Mr. AVinston was frequently consulted on intended works. To applications of this kind lie seldom or never failed to give liis cheerful and active assistance ; nor is the zeal with which he used to exert himself to be ascribed merely to a love of the subject. To enter warmly into any cause in which he engaged, and to give a careful and conscientious examination of every matter submitted to his 023inion, was a marked feature of his character, as many of his friends who may have had occa sion for his aid and advice in their private affairs must have experienced. The part he took in the painted windows of Korwich and Lincoln Cathedrals has already been noticed in the account of his experiments on the manufacture of coloured glass ; but the most important work on which he was consulted was that arising from the restoration of Glasgow Cathedival. In this he was deeply interested for some years ; and as there is extant an extensive correspondence relating to it with Mr. Wilson, the latter was applied to for information. A letter which Mr. Wilson wrote in reply is here inserted, with very trifling omissions, as it will give a much more lively idea of Mr. Winston's zeal and activity, and of the influence he exercised over the execution of this undertaking, than any gene- ral statements could afford : it will also explain some passages in the annexed correspondence. To some readers, moreover, evei-jiihing connected with this great work — the greatest of the kind which has been executed 1 ' Genei'al View of Glass-painting, by quality of glass. Improvements in the Mr, Apsley Pellatt, in connection with colouiing and manufactui-e of glass the Jury's Keport on Stained Glass, and arising from them were communicated Glass used for Decoration.' In the to Herr Ainmliller while the Glasgow ' Builder ' of October 11, 1862, p. 735. windows were in progress. The letters 2 See a note to 7th memoir, to him will probably be made public. The experiments above noticed re- Mr. Winston was also in correspondence lated to both the colours and texture or with a French amateur on the subject. 14 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. in modern times in these kingdoms, and which has already ex- ercised a decided influence on a kindred work now in progress — may not be uninteresting ; it is therefore hoped that the some- what disproportionate space which is given to these windows in the present Memoir will be excused. Mr. Wilson's letter is dated the 15th of December, 1864, and is addressed to his friend Mr. Penrose. After mentioning the circumstances in which the plan for filling the windows with painted glass originated, the first step towards effecting it, and his application to various persons dis- tinguished in science and art for advice, Mr. Wilson proceeds : — " I wrote also to Mr. Winston, recalling myself to him as an old acquaintance. His reply to that letter is the first of the series which I send to you. " It is necessary to the comprehension of our relationship that I should state to you that my acquaintance at that time with the subject of painted glass was but general, limited to a knowledge of a few foreign works regarding it, and to the windows of some continental cathedrals and churches, upon which I had at different times made some notes. " I had earnestly adopted the ideas of those who maintained, like our friend Mr. Winston, that the windows ought to be works of art in a high sense. " Such was the state of matters when my late friend responded to my request, and permitted me to sit at his feet, and to share in the rich stores Avhich he had accumulated. He saw the im- portance of the undertaking, and expressed his approbation of the general plan which I had submitted for consideration, and entered upon the subject with all the zeal and warmth of his nature. " Our correspondence on every subject connected with glass- painting and the proposed windows commenced, and was carried on, at the rate of about three letters a week for years. " Aided by his advice, I visited the most important works of glass-painting in England and in France. Never had pupil such a master as mine. He gave me at times daily lessons ; advised me what to see, and where to see it; sent me introductions to several men learned in our subject, and communications of the opinions of others whose opinions were of value. He revised my specifications for the artists ; added to them, especially upon technical points ; and although in his letters upon the subject he says that he had but little to alter, I feel that they would not have been so complete or valuable without his care and advice. *'He visited Glasgow upon several occasions, and met our GLASGOW CATHEDRAL. 15 committee, offering them, I need not say, invaluable advice, and encouraging tliem in the com-se which they had adopted ; he also delivered a public lecture in Glasgow, which, though calculated for a different class of hearers, and therefore not so well under- stood as it deserved, aided in confirming the growing belief that the windows ought to be works of fine art. " Throughout the whole of our undertaking ]Mr. Winston advised us upon every subject connected with the technical execution of the windows ; and in my correspondence with the Inspector of the Koyal Glass-painting establishment at Munich I acted by his advice in all points relating to the subject. " When our first window arrived he came to see it — a window which, as we had desired, proved to be free of certain charac- teristic defects in the execution of other works in Germany — a fine mosaic, skilfully and tastefully carried out in all its parts, but in some defective in power of colour, and exhibiting in the ornamental portions certain German mannerisms, which we anxiously desired should not be repeated. Our representations were received by the artists with the utmost courtesy. They sometimes expressed sm-prise at the knowledge of detail mani- fested in our communications. This we owed to Mr. W^inston's lessons. " The gi'eat improvement which was manifested in successive windows shows the value of Winston's advice to us, communi- cated by me to the artists. " On the art-part of the subject we also exchanged ideas ; and I may be permitted to say — judging by his own expressions — that I was privileged to afford him some instruction in the prin- ciples of monumental art, as applied to glass-painting ; and as a consequence of that long and intimate correspondence he aban- doned — not the general high principles which he had established in his writings — but some of his proposed methods of carrying out those principles. " Our correspondence continued to witliin a few days of his death. His letters were latterly principally occupied witli the proposed windows at St. Paul's Cathedral, and with the advice which he was giving the inspector at Munich upon the subject of the manufacture of glass, so as to improve upon the too pel- lucid material hitherto used by the .Munich school. There was every prospect of success attending these labours when he so suddenly died. " From all that I have said you may estimate the invaluable nature, as well as the extent, of the services which he rendered 16 . BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. to us in Glasgow, and the beneficial influence which he brought to bear upon our enterprise and upon the artists whom we em- ployed." Of the correspondence mentioned by Mr. Wilson in the pre- ceding letter, a small portion will be found in the Appendix to the present Memoir. The minute remarks and criticisms on glass-painting will perhaps be instructive and interesting to many ; and they may direct the attention of those who have the direction of similar works to points important to their successful execution. The letters too may occasionally, though rarely, supply the want of correspondence on moi-e general topics, in showing something of the opinions and manner of the writer. Mr. Wilson has mentioned that the latter part of his corre- spondence related principally to the proposed glass-paintings for St. Paul's Cathedral. Mr. Winston had been nominated one of the committee for the embellishment of this edifice, and naturally gave his chief, though not an exclusive, attention to the intended glass-paintings, entering into the subject with the same ardour which he had manifested in the case of the Glasgow windows. One of the latest acts of his life was to make a journey to Brussels to meet Herr Ainmiiller, the director of the Munich establishment, in order to confer with him on the proposed windows, with the advantage of being able to refer to those of the Cathedral of St. Gudule, for enforcing and explaining the views of the Committee more fully than could be done by mere verbal directions or by correspondence. In the success of these windows of St. Paul's, so fine a field for the application of his favourite Cinquecento style, he was deeply interested ; but he was not to see the result of even the small portion of the work actually in progress. In 1863 his health had shown signs of being seriously undermined. The nature of the disorder, originating most probably in too anxious and laborious occupations, was obscure ; but one of the most dangerous symp- toms in which it manifested itself was an afiection of the heart. To this he became a victim, dying quite suddenly while alone in his chambers in the Temple on the 3rd of October, 1864, during a temporary visit to London from the neighbourhood where he had been passing part of the summer. Several public notices of this unlooked-for event showed the esteem in which he was generally held. Two of them, paying a tribute to his peculiar talents, and feelingly expressing a sorrow widely partaken of for the loss of an amiable and accomplished friend, are retained at the end of the concluding memoirs of this OBITCAEY NOTICES. 17 collection, as they originally appeared. They make it unneces- sary to say more on this topic ; nor is it requisite to examine in detail 3Ir. Winston's abilities and personal character, the more prominent features of which are sufficiently apparent. The former were certainly of a liigh order, and could not fail to attract attention; but the latter might merit greater praise. 3Iany have doubtless surpassed him in natural abilities, and many more in extent and variety of knowledge ; far fewer in moral worth. Few have passed a more blameless life, and few have united more of the qualities which win confidence and affection, and command respect. APPENDIX TO BIOGRiPHICAL MEMOIR. LETTERS TO MR. C. H. WILSON Respecting the Painted Windows for Glasgow Cathedral. I. My DE\R Sir, Temple, 21st March, 1856. I am quite glad to renew our acquaintance after the lapse of so many years, and I assure you your note was a source of great gratification and encouragement to me, showing, as it does, that the views of so practical a man as yourself entirely corroborate mine as a mere amateur. I quite agree with you that we have still our glass-painters to form. At this moment I can hardly name, with the exception of Mr. Hedgeland (who has painted the west window at Norwich), a single real artist who is also a glass-painter. Mr. has designed several windows, some tolerably good ; and Dyce made a capital design for the Duke of Northumberland, which, however, was obliged to be sent to Munich for execution. Ward stands supreme as a master of ornamental detail, and he has an assistant who draws well, but not quite in the way you would like. There are several other glass-painters, such as , , , and one or two others whose names I at present forget, whose artistic power does not accord with their really honest attempts at improvement. But the great mass, such as , , , -, &c., can only be looked upon as mere tradesmen, at the best. They cannot even copy correctly, but have set up a style of their own, which resembles the old work only in its defects. If you could manage to found a school of art in glass, you would indeed supply a desi- deratum. You will have no competitors; for I am sure that one good artist, fertile in invention, and having a competent know- ledge of ancient precedents, such as will enable him to catch the spirit, and not merely follow the letter of the ancient windows, would sweep the board in this case. [Here follows an account of the attempt to revive the manufacture of the old coloured glass, p. 9 of the preceding Memoir.] App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSOX. 19 With regard to the style of glass-painting which I tliink should be followed, I cannot do better than refer you to the printed essay I enclose, which you can use as you like, for I have another copy. Whether T am right in an artistic sense, I leave my betters to judge, and I shall be glad to know your own opinion. That I am right in an antiquarian sense, I have no doubt. All antiquaries are agreed that the style of art of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries had a Byzantine origin ; that it is derived immediately from the Greek, and but mediately from the Eoman art. I have several things here which would surprise you by their analogies. Putting history out of the question, there can be no shutting one's eyes to the language of existing monuments. The strongest resemblance is between the archaic Greek and the Earty English. In the draperies we constantly recognise the pipe fold, the figure showing its fonn beneath the clothes, the folds originating in the limbs, not going across them, as in the fourteenth-century work ; and then again in the ornamental details, in the foliage, there is the Greek handling as plain as can be. I tried the experiment, in the Temple Church, of having several figures copied from Greek designs, and the orna- ment borrowed quite as much from classical Greek work as from that of the twelfth century, and you would be astonished how completely both agree with the character of the architecture. Of course the Temple "windows are but experiments, done by a young draughtsman, so far as the figures are concerned. But it shows what may be done, and what a scope there is for artists, even when they adopt a medallion style of composition, which, I think, is the only style favourable to a display of the richest colouring. How- ever, all this is gone into at length in the enclosed paper. I can only say, in conclusion, that I do not know which pleases me the most, to find that you are taking up the subject, or that a common pursuit has prevented the dissolution of our acquaintance. Yours very truly, C. WiNSTOX. II. My deap. Sir, Temple, 4tli April, 1856. Absence from town has prevented my replpng sooner to your letter. I am sure you do not at all overrate the difficulty of your position, for I know myself what uphill work it is to endeavour to make brother amateurs exert themselves, and the obloquy one is exposed to for simply speaking the truth, all which you will feel in a greater degree from your position as a practical man of art. However, I do not at all despair, if you persevere in your task, and do not thro^v it up in disgust. c 2 20 BIOGRAPHICAL MBMOIE. App. I will as soon as possible procure you some specimens of the new glass, and some of the ordinary glass to compare with it. • has been induced to make a spurious sort, and to sell it at a cheaper rate than the real stuff, in spite of all my remonstrances, and he is now reaping the natural result— seeing, that is, others imitate his glass and sell their spurious productions in the same way as he has sold his own. However, I mention this merely that you may be prepared for those detractors who say that there is nothing in the new manufacture. I do not think there is anything in the spurious work either of or others ; but there can be no doubt that the glass made from the receipts I have supplied him with is really the same as the old, and he should endeavour to keep himself up to the mark. The full-sized drawings I possess of glass I should be sorrj^ to send, partly for fear of accident, and partly because I find the greatest difficulty in making people not accustomed to them under- stand them. But I will send you a book containing a quantity of small-sized drawings, and especially of entire windows, which I have just now lent to a lady, as this, I fancy, will meet your wants completely. At present there is no nineteenth-century style adapted to a Gothic building of the twelfth or thirteenth; and such a style can only be founded conjointly on the works of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and the remains of antiquity. Tou will see, in the Abbe Texier's work on the enamels of Limoges, that I am supported by facts, as well as the opinions of antiquaries, in ascribing a Byzantine origin- to twelfth and thirteenth century art. It is clear that a Venetian colony settled at Limoges (I think, speaking from memory, in the tenth century), and we know that St. Sophia at Constantinople served as the model of St. Mark's at Venice. The connection between the Limoges people and the Venetians, and between the Venetians and the Byzantines, being made out, the question is, from what source did the latter derive their art ? and an examination of their works pretty well shows that it had its origin, partly in the old Eoman, partly in the most ancient archaic Greek — the ancient air being ascribable rather to copying from antiquity than to inherent rudeness.^ I want to see our own work for twelfth or thirteenth century buildings conducted on similar principles. I want no copying of the antique, no gods and goddesses, not even the expression of entire repose which we see in the old marbles; but I want to see the antique used as Eaphael used it ; as a means of representing the true Christian sentiment, in the most beautiful manner, and — because in the most beautiful — in the most winning and popular manner. Christianity is not taught 1 See the Memoir on the resemblance the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, between mediaeval and classical art as and the Lecture read before the Lichfield exemplified in the glass-paintings of Working Man's Association. A pp. LETTERS TO MR. C. H. AVILSON. 21 by holding up asceticism, or anything else naturally repulsive, to our admiration. Those who are the best Christians battle through ordinary life as Christians, and these are most encouraged by the example of persons of like passions and feelings, and exposed to similar temptations, as themselves. The instincts of the pi-esent age are opposed to descending to Gothic models, which at best, as in Peter Fischer's shrine at Nuremberg, are coarse as compared vdth. what modern art, improved by the study of the most perfect models, Avould exact; and in the generality of instances they are below mediocrity. I think your selection of subjects very good, though no doubt there will be great difference of opinion on that matter. The Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, after much deliberation, the other day adopted a design setting forth the scheme of human redemption, of which I enclose a diagram. 1 have adopted a similar scheme, with the advice of our late very learned chaplain, in the windows here, and I think it interesting. Very faithfully yours, C. AViXSTON. III. My dear Sir, Temple, 20tli April, 1856. I am sure I shall only be too glad to give any little assistance in my power in maturing a work which will require the utmost energy of yourself and friends to carry through properly, and will demand a far greater expenditure of time and thought than the world will credit ; and, therefore, if the provost will favour me with a call here, I will show him whatever I have in the way of actual glass, or drawings from glass. My book with drawings was returned to me only yesterday, the friend to whom I had lent it having been obliged to leave town through severe illness. I will send it j'ou to-morrow by rail. There are some sketches of entire windows in it, which I have found more useful than full-sized drawings of detail, in explaining the thing to persons having no previous knowledge of the matter, and in this respect you will find it of some little use. As for the engravings in the monograph of the cathedral of Bourges, or indeed the plates of any work, they entirely fail to give the effect of the glass, which can only be produced by carefully coloured drawings, and therefore they are to be considered merely as diagi'ams. I mention this because a good many people who set up as judges have derived their knowledge of the subject from prints, and not from a sight of the original works. This accounts for such persons looking with complacency on modern windows, which faith- fully reproduce all the bad drawing and bad composition of the old 22 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIK. App. glass, without reproducing even in the slightest degree the coloar and tone of the old glass, which constitute its redeeming feature. [Here follows an account of the experiments made for reproducing the ancient glass, inserted in the preceding Memoir, p. 9.] With I'egard to your inquiiy about a designer, I think you will find that with a little attention you would j^ourself design the glass as well as, or better than, any living glass-painter. But then, without a practical knowledge of the subject, you would be sure to do things which, when the glass was up, would have the eifect of making it quite different in appearance from what jgu. intended. Thus, if you put a red streak and a green streak together, the chances are that the colours would neutralise ; so, if the white was not kept narrower than you would think necessary, it would spread over the design. These and a variety of other matters are to be learned only by experience, not only of the material generally, but of the new material itself (if used as I think it ought to be), which differs in an extraordinary degree from the ordinary material. \\ hat I should advise is to employ a glass-painter who is really an artist, and to exercise a considerable surveillance over him, Ihus he would have the benefit of your artistic perception, and you would have the advantage of his technical knowledge, and being an artist he could embody your ideas. At present there is but one man whom I can think of recommending, George Hedgeland, of Xo. 2, Grove-place, St. John's Wood. Poor ■ — went out of his mind just after he had made a sketch for the west window of Norwich. After an immense deal of consicjeration the committee disregarded W 's and my advice to send the window to Munich, and adopted (as I thought as a pis aller) our recommendation of Hedgeland, then an unknown man; but he has sent a piece of glass to the H3-de park Exhibition, decidedly the best piece of English glass there. As it happened, our recommendation turned out trumps, and I do not hesitate to say that, as a piece of true glass- painting (I say nothing about the design or the arrangement of the subjects, nor the choice, all which things were decided by the committee themselves), this west window of Norwich is the best window of modern times, whether English or foreign, and the only English window, in point of art, which will bear a comparison with the Munich windows — I mean in point of drawing and artistic execution. This window has been very much condemned * * * * ********* * * *. But everybody whose opinion I prize has given the same praise to this great work. It has its defects, of course ; but these are far surpassed by its excellences. When I wanted some windows for the Temple Church — for which I caused the new glass to be made — I put them into the hands of Ward, and, indeed, I could not have done better at the time, for 1 knew that Hedgeland API'. LETTERS TO MR. C. H, WILSON. 23 knew notliing about the teclinicalities of the twelfth-century orna- ment, and I wanted not to copy, but to have original designs, and without Ward's aid I could not have had my thoughts expressed. But the figures are not up to the mark. They were done by a young artist, a pupil of N 's, but who has not had the experience of Hedgeland, who is a regular artist. I therefore should not ven- ture to recommend him to you. Since the Temple windows were done, I delivered that lecture of which I sent you a copy, which had such an effect on Hedgeland, who saw at a glance what I meant by the connection between twelfth and thirteenth century and Greek art, that he set himseK to work to examine the twelfth and thirteenth century ornamenta- tion ; and shortly after he was employed by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln to paint the eight windows I have already mentioned. It is only necessary to see his designs to perceive the enormous superiority of an artist over the herd of glass-wrights. His figures are intelligible, and many of them beautiful — Greek in character, but strictly in accordance with the ornament, which is first-rate thirteenth- century work. I do not mean to say that these windows are perfect models, but only that they are so enormously in advance of everything else (my poor windows are beaten hollow), that I should be most dishonest if I did not declare my conviction that Hedgeland is your man I have written you a long letter, but I thought I ought to let you a little behind the scenes. Yours very truly, C. Winston. IV. My dear Wilson, Temple, nth Feb. 1857. The Baron dines here on Friday, and I only wish you could meet him. I have been so busy that it was not until this evening that I found time to read your notes hastily over. Certainly, I ought to be satisfied, for never was there a more complete confirma- tion of my advice that the subscribers should resort to continental artists. I cannot tell you how much information I have derived from your notes, and I wish to keep them a little longer ; it is so satisfactory to have the opinion of another pair of eyes, not blinded (as mine are from a continual habit of looking at glass exclusively) to the inherent defects of all painted glass. Thus I should not have noticed the commingling of the designs in the Norwich window, simply because the old ones (the Gothic ones I mean) are as much 24 BIOGEAPHICAL MEMOIR. An*. commingled, and most of the Cinqnecento also, the Brussels glass and one or two others from Belgium excepted. With regard to this window, I ought to say that the choice of designs rested entirely with the committee, and that Hedgeland thought that Albert Diirer's designs would have suited better than Eaphael's, the figures being slenderer, and the draperies more broken up. But my lords and gentlemen thought otherwise. Such a window would not suit your cathedral; had they attended to me, the landscapes would have been fainter and more monotonous, that is to say, more grey, as in Cinquecento work. I can quite understand what you say of the shadows of that window, though this did not strike me before. The shadows I know to be not a bit darker or more dense than those at Brussels, but they appear darker because the high lights are brighter, the glass at present being undulled by age. The shadows at Lichfield are quite as deep ; but here again the high lights are quite laid down by age. So also at King's ; some of the windows are as deeply shaded quite as this, but the high lights are toned down by age ; and it will be a question well worthy of consideration how far in new glass it may not be well, either to make the shadows lighter, or to dull the high lights. The dulling the high lights artificially is a hazardous experiment, for age produces a broken dulling, not a uniform dulling like art. And certainly the best specimens of artificial dulling that I have seen, as at Munich, look as if the glass had been ground. This is wholly destructive of the brilliancy and sparlding character of glass. But it is possible that some way may be devised of imparting the eff"ect of age to the glass, though I doubt it. I am sure it would not do to shade figures as little as Lusson does, except when they are very small ; then it does not signify. It would be intolerable on a larger scale. The dry hardness of the Alnwick glass is owing to the shadows not being sufficiently stippled and juicy, or deep enough. Compare these with the Brussels glass^ and you will see what I mean. If very light shadows are right, then William of Wykeham's glass in the ante- chapel of New College, Oxford, is superior to that of Brussels. D , I know, was very full of keeping the glass in his window flat, because the wall of the church was flat. But he was no logician, otherwise he would have seen the confusion of ideas involved in his proposition. This is well exposed by Dr. Johnson in the case of dramatic writing. But it is possible that what D wrote to the Germans had the effect of inducing them to alter their own style for the worse. I should give you a hint about D 's window. I dislike the canopy work as much as you do, but I believe that he is perfectly justified (having adopted the Italian Gothic) in mixing what you justly call "Gothic" and Byzantine. This mixture is inherent in the Italian Gothic, and constitutes one of the greatest objections to App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSOX. 25 the style, though, stmnge to say, Riiskin admires it. Therefore, be on your guard, as otherwise you will give an advantage. Also, be on your guard as to what you say of the date of the different parts of Glasgow Cathedral. ***** * ******* ******** Yours most truly, C. WlXSTON. My dear Wilson, Temple, loth Feb. 1857. The Baron dined here on Fnday, and I got Clarke to meet him. The result was that the clock struck twelve when we thought it was between nine and ten. We explained to him scientifically everything that occurred to us, as to all the peculiarities of tone, decomposition, &c., in glass of different dates and makes, and our learned companion retaliated by giving us the clearest explanation of art that T have ever had the good fortune to meet with. I fancy the greater part of the time was consumed in discussion that had no very immediate bearing on the matter in hand; but both Clarke and I are perfectly channed with the Baron, who, however he may stand as an artist — about which I dare say there is the usual difference of opinion that occurs in .matters artistical — is certainly gifted with an uncommon clear head and a most apt tongue. To be sure what a difference between him and ! He takes much the same view that I do of medallion windows, but says that to do them properly, and with the groups properly studied, would be too costly ; and his idea, as the safest, as well as that most within the compass of the subscribers, is to fill all the windows with white patterns, like those of the thirteenth century (of which you saw the approxi- mate effect at Merton College, Oxford), placing shields of arms in them, and a single angel at the top of each wrindow, after the manner of Cimabue at xVssisi. The idea of the angels (which, of courise, would be done in the highest art) was new to me ; but I am convinced, as also was Clarke, who knows the cathedral well, that the Baron is right ; and that in this simple manner the most remarkable and satisfactory effect would be produced by my new glass, at no gi'eater cost than the money already subscribed, without darking the interior too much (which, I think, w-ould be fatal), and wdth the certainty of success. I do not know what he means to do wdth the experimental window, but he has borrowed a number of drawings of me, so he seems determined to master the .subject. 26 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. I am off tomorrow to South Staffordsliire, to encounter some rather harder work than my learned friend Mr. B has to dispose of in his court. Yours very truly, C. Winston. YI. My dear Wilson, Temple, 8tb March, 1857. T only returned a week ago With regard to your note just received, I am as you are, my people are your people, my horses are as your horses. I am clearly of opinion that you must go abroad. I do not say this for the miserable sake of appearing consistent, but from the conviction I have arrived at from all the correspondence and aigument that has taken place since I was at Glasgow, that, if you dabble with English glass- painters, you will get into a sad scrape. So strongly do I feel this, that I should of my own accord advise the matter to be put wholly into the hands of some foreigner — the execution of the glass as well as the making of the cartoons. But I will carefully consider the contents of your note, and write to you again on Monday. I am so busy just now, that I could not give it the attention which it demands. I sent the drawings he selected before I went to Stafford- shire, but I have not heard of him or from him since. I fear he will fail, unless he adopts my advice, and gets a practised hand, like Ward, to help him with the archasological part of the business. I fear he is getting some fifth-rate man to try to design patterns from my drawings ; but though it seems easy enough to one who knows the principle upon which the old patterns were composed, it is not so easy to those who do not. Thus Tugin never saw the principle ; the consequence is, that his patterns are entire failures ; and if he failed, what is to be expected from a raw hand ? It is probable that you will be obliged to have pattern windows intermixed with picture ones ; but I should say, let the patterns harmonize with the pictures ; which can only be done by allowing the same hand to do the work. In other words, employ therefore foreigners entirely. I do not think that the employment of the new glass is of equal importance with keeping the whole work — picture- windows and pattern- windows, or windows composed partly of pictures and partly of patterns — in entire harmony, and this can only be done by employing the same hand throuo-hout. Most truly yours, C. Winston. ^o-" App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 27 VII. My dear Wilson, Temple, r2th March, 1857. I have been so engaged since I wrote that it was not until last night that I was able to complete the inquiries I wished to make respecting the cost of painted glass, when the cartoons are supplied to the glass-painter as you suggested As to the expediency of getting Hubner to execute cartoons for the figures, and ^\'ard to execute the glass, I think, before you resolve upon this, you should a little consider the matter in its anti- quarian bearings. As I understand you, the object of employing AVard is to secure pattern- work of the first order (and there is no man who can approximate him in this), of a style in hannony with that of the building, that is to say, a style like that of the old patterns of the latter part of the thirteenth century, or early part of the fourteenth ; and those patterns must of course be executed in the new material, otherwise they must fail. On this last point I am so clear that I defy contradiction ; and then, to use this powerful glass, there must be no jemmification ^ of the pattern- work, it must be simple and severe like that of the period I have named. AVhat, then, is the probability of Hubner's figures being in an equally severe and simple style ? If they should prove to be so, they will be the first German figures that ever have been ; for all the German figures that I have seen, even those in the Maria llilf Church at Munich, which are associated with pattern- work of the early part of the fourteenth century, are in the style of the sixteenth century, or latter part of the fifteenth— a style far broader than that of the figures of the thirteenth centuiy, more refined, and requiring a great deal more (jf shadow in half-tint than the earlier figures do; besides having much the same black lines in them, and consequently harmonizing rather with the pattern- woik of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries than with that of the thirteenth or beginning of the fourteenth. I suspect that the chances are that you would get your figures in one stjde, and the pattern-work in another ; which would not only set up the backs of the antiquaries, but would be positively wrong in point of art, and inharmonious. I am cei-tain you must choose one of two things, — either have your pattern- work to match the building, and make your figure-work match the pattern- work, or else disregard the date of the building, and let the style of your figures be that of the pattern. For my own part, I should say, if you can get really first-rate artistical figures, which would harmonize with pattern-work of the earlier period, this should be the course; but if there is a ^ This alludes to the term jemmy-Gothic— z".c. mock Gotliic — or modern imitation of the old Gothic. 28 BIOGRArHICAL MEMOIR. App. doubt about it, and you know that you can get artistical figures of a later period, do not hesitate for one moment to embrace the latter alternative. The most rigid adherence to antiquarianism cannot compensate for a want of art, when, by another course, really good art can be secured. But, as I tell the juries, " This, gentlemen, is a matter for your consideration, not mine, and I thank God for it." As a matter of general effect, I agree with Marochetti, as I before said, and this was not a new idea to me, for it came across me on seeing the cathedral. But, if the Committee think otherwise, if any warning of mine is of any weight, let me impress most strongly on their minds that the employment of can only lead to utter failure ; even supposing they should consent to paying for artistic superintendence in the manner proposed. knows little about any sort of glass-painting, and of an early style he knows no more than a child, and his friend even less. He has no idea of the principle upon which the old windows are composed,' or of the defects in their composition ; he does not understand the means of remedying those defects; but as I see that he has already made an impression on some of the Committee, I should not be surprised if, after all, he succeeded, and that the progress of glass-painting remained where it was, if the Committee hesitate at all about send- ing the matter abroad. However, I have said all I can, and I can only add to the formal words, " Gentlemen, consider your verdict," mind, if you are wrong, there can be no such thing as granting a new trial. , Believe me very truly yours, C. Winston. VIII. My dear Wilson, Temple, 16tli March, 1857. I have been reading the report as carefully as if it were a special plea, and I think it admirable ; nor does anything at present occur to me that would do anything else than weaken what j^ou have so pointedly put. If the Royal factory at Munich will execute the whole of the windows at 21. a foot, by all means embrace their offer; for you will by this means secure a homogeneity which can be effected by no other means. It was the idea of emplojdng different artists (foreigners), hinted at in the report, which I disliked, but I came over to it, as a matter of necessity, which is the way in which the report puts it. I say, by all means throw antiquarianism overboard, if it and art are not capable of a union under existing circumstances. I am App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 29 so used to associate the brilliant and powerful hues of the thirteenth century with the designs of that period, that the latter would lose all interest in my eyes if unaccompanied with what I consider the essential condition to their good effect — glass of similar texture to that of the thirteenth century — and, therefore, as an antiquary, I should most strongly recommend, in the event of the Munich artists being employed, the adoption of a style as late as that of the early part of the sixteenth or end of the fifteenth century (which does not exclude the use of medallions), because I feel persuaded that this style will best harmonize with their workmanship. To-day I am not busy, so I shall make the attempt to see Mr. Stirling by calling on him. Very truly yours, C. Winston. IX. My dear Wilson, Temple, 25th March, 1857. I have carefully read your last letter, and I have come to the same conclusion that you have done, viz. that we both mean the same thing, though our modes of expressing slightly differ. As to what you say of, as it were, striking out a new style of treatment, it is precisely what I meant when I wrote that book, 'An Inquiry into the Difference in Style in Painted Glass.' I had not looked at it for years till last night, when I read through the chapter beginning at p. 268. I was surprised to find how little of it I should wish altered, were it now to be rewritten ; and I am pleased at this, and to observe that your thoughts, working from a different point, have tended so nearly to the same conclusion ; because that chapter in particular exposed me to the censure and misrepresentation of the earnest men. I wish you would just run your eye over it ; it is very short. I am quite sensible that the having been steeped in anti- quarianism has to a certain extent obscured my judgment. I feel it more than I can express ; if you could read my thoughts you would be astonished how much my mode of thinking is fettered by this sort of learning ; but I am the more willing to follow the advice of others. I made the second sketch with the circles, more for the sake of contrast than as indicating the sort of design I should myself prefer ; and T think the only point on which there is the least difference between us is, the use of a plain, deep-coloured ground of colour, where anything is represented which conveys a greater idea of depth than a mere group of figures — as a landscape or a canopy. At the same time, I confess I see no difference in principle between 30 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. putting a group of figures, arranged on the arc of a semicircle, on a stiif, deep-coloured ground, and a similar group with a canopy over it, as in your sketches; and yet to my eye it does not appear to be right. But I should like to have your opinion upon it. Vvhether it is that seeing the ground at A,^ and again seeing the ground at B, with the dark sofiit C between, makes one at once suppose that it is sky, and not a mere coloured ground, I know not. But I confess, whenever I see a canopy thus represented, I always long to take a sponge and wash out the ground, till it becomes as light as the blue sky-colour used in the glass-paintings of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In the Brussels glass, the sky-blue ground within the arches, which breaks the figures, is as light as the sky, so that here there is no violation of probability ; at the same time, one regards groups in panels (as in some of Raphael's works), backed by a deep- coloured ground, with complacency. Is not this the reason that, in the latter case, conventionality is not too forced, in the former it is ? This has been a great puzzle to me a long while, for I am sure that in matters of taste it does not do to fetter oneself by what is called " a principle." In the earliest glass one does not observe the defect, owing, I suppose, to the very conventional manner in which the canopies are represented, not unlike the archways one sees in the Eoman bas-reliefs; but in proportion as the canopy becomes more natural — as in Decorated work, for instance — it always seems to me that the deep-coloured ground becomes more obviously wrong. I think the artists of the sixteenth century must have felt some mis- givings on this point, for I do not know of a single instance in which depth is forced upon one's mind by architectural lines or by a land- scape, or by anything in short which carries one's eyes beyond the group, that the back colour does not recede by its lightness. At the same time, they got a great deal of stiff, deep colour by putting the head of their canopy- work on a stiff ground, so as to give the idea of the picture being framed in stifi' ornament. Yours very truly, C. Winston. X. My dear Wilson, Temple, 6th April, 1857. Many thanks for your most interesting and valuable commu- nication. I had suspected that there must have been some corre- sponding practice in other branches of art ; but your note is conclusive, and I shall deposit it in a place where I keep valuable documents. This refers to a sketch in tlie letter. App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSOX. 31 I see no objection to sucli a canopy as you suggest, but then pains must be taken to make it appear to stand for no more than it pro- fesses to be. I am certain that the mediteval examples had their origin in pure ignorance. They did not give the projection of the hood, because they did not know how; and they did not show the recess of the niche, for a similar reason. I have several examples showing abortive attempts at perspective, or even of shading the interior of the niche, which, I think, quite bear out what I say, that it was ignorance, and ignorance alone, that occasioned the use of canopies so treated. This is not an uncommon form of fourteenth- century canopy-work, — which is certainly intended to represent a real spire.^ The Early English canopies are the same in principle, though, owing to their greater simplicity, one hardly sees it at first. The great thing to guard against in these matters is the over- stepping the bounds of conventionality, and for this reason I have hitherto preferred panels, ostensibly such, to any other species of decoration ; yet I do not see any reason why the conventionality of a panel ought to be extended ; only, as I said before, it must be done with judgment, not in the way some modern lights would have it done. Youi-s most truly, C. Winston. XL 18th May, 1857. [The first part of this letter is wanting.] I feel almost certain that the only modification the foreigTi design is capable of would be in the form of the ornament. I do not think it would be any improvement; for the German foKage is broader than the thirteenth century, and therefore more suitable to a poor material ; but you might contrive to shade the foliage of the thir- teenth century natm-ally, like drawings taken from the existing bosses in Glasgow Cathedral, and so, perhaps, one would do as well as the other. But I question whether anything would satisfy critics, short of imitating not merely the drawing, but the simple mode of execution of the thii^teenth century. I know what an uproar was raised against Nixon's window in Westminster Abbey, where the ornament is copied from that of the sculpture of the thirteenth cen- tury, giving natural shadows, &g. A sketch in the margm. 32 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. XII. [No date, but apparently written May, 1857.] The adoption of a later style would by no means necessitate any alteration in the general plan of a design; the groups could, I think, be put in medallions, but the character of the ornament would be more refined than that of the thirteenth century, and the colouring broader. The south transept of Angers Cathedral in France perfectly illustrates my views. There is a circular window there, the stone-work of which is of the thirteenth century, but the glazing is of the fifteenth : and it is worthy of remark that the general arrangement of the glazing is so exactly in accordance with a design of the thirteenth century, that it is clear it must have been copied from it, only such alterations being made in the detail as would bring it into the style of the fifteenth century in this respect. I think, if this suggestion were adopted, you would completely obtain the benefit of an early fourteenth-century design, and at the same time introduce nothing which would not completely accord with the practice of the modern Munich glass-painters. I may, perhaps, be too straitlaced in my views, but this is the only point that has occurred to me worth mentioning. Yours faithfully, C. Winston. XIII. Dear Wilson, Temple, 24th May, 1857. I have been at work from 10 till 3 to-day, making the drawing I enclose, for which I trust you will give me absolution for not having been to church. I see many things wrong, and I should like to do it all over again, but I really have no time, and therefore I send it to you with all its imperfections on its head, as I know you to be a good-natured critic. I think it right on principle ; at least it expresses generally all that I mean. And now I will give up my authorities. First, the idea of dividing a window into panels is taken from one of the clear- stoiy windows at Bourges. I do not think there is any print of it extant, but my note says that the window is thus divided.^ The forms of panels I have adopted are from recollection of early tracery; and you will see something of the same sort in your windows at Glasgow, only the patterns there, I thought, would not do for glass, if exactly copied ; some are so, as you will see on looking at the plate in your report. ^ A sketch is inserted in this letter. Arr. LETTERS TO MR. C. H. WILSOX. 33 The way of getting colour in (red) is shown in a window from Trumpington, near Cambridge, temp. 1290, of which I have a drawing. The border is treated just like some of those splendid Cinquecento ones at St. Peter's, Cologne, of which there is a notable example at Lichfield. Xow the drawing on it could be easily taken from Early English scrollwork. I made the pattern a little too dark at first, and had to scratch it ofi", which, by the way, gives exactly the efiect of a Cinquecento border that has suffered from age. The scroll-work wants a great deal of amendment You miLst in charity accept the principal figure as an antique. I sketched it merely to show the sort of drapeiy I mean, which is so much more severe than that of the fifteenth centurj'. Badly as I have done it, it puts the unhappy mediseval at top to shame, and shows, I think, to what quarter we ought to have recourse for models. I have coloured the whole thing as rawly as I could, in order, as far as possible, to give the effect of modern glass, but with all my pains I fear I have coloured it more powerfully than the glass. But on looking at it carefull}', the only thing I think 1 have been guilty of is, colouring the red deeper, perhaps, than it can be made to look in glass. However, this can be diapered in execution, and, without thinking of it, I was trying to g-ive the efiect of a diaper. I beg to say that the shield at bottom is not a lit too big, for an archaeologist at least. Yours ever, C. WlXSTOX. P.S. — You must not expect to find any precedent of an old window like what I have sketched. 1 have only followed the old designs in principle. This is on the same principle as the ordinaiy figure and canopy windows, only the divisions are made with more panels, as in the medallion windows, so that the design is a union of both. I am convinced that you cannot make a design severe enough by foliage alone ; there must be decided forms. Ward and Xixon tried it repeatedly, and always failed like the rest. Foliage alone would do well for that beautiful Gei-man design, but then he has got solidity by his white gTound in the spandrils at bottom. Mind, 1 still greatly prefer his design. This is only for a pis aller. Xone of the important parts of my sketch will ever mn together; the oraaments — the scrolls I mean — may in some places, but this ^\ill not sig-nify, as their chief use is to produce an effect of colour. You will find no such thin lines of white, against thin lines of yellow, as in that figure and canopy sketch you sent. 34 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App XIV. My dear Wilson, Temple, llth June, 1857. I have not had time to look at your MS. ; but the little pamphlet I have read with great satisfaction and profit. It is v^onderful how you have hit the nail in sajdng that the employers ought to go to school. If the upper classes had but a little art instruction, we should not see glass-painting in England in so utterly a disgraceful state. I agree with you most cordially in your condemnation of Gothic forms. The Houses of Parliament displease most antiquaries, because not one particle of the decoration is really like old — it is neither one thing nor the other. It has all the spirit of old work taken out of it. It is, in short, jemmy-Gothic* — the only expression which adequately conve^^s an idea of the Gothic of the nineteenth century. The Gothic designs for the Government offices are bad; and the best of it is, that without a single exception they are all taken from foreign Gothic ! So much for those who object to Italian as an exotic. Indeed the Italian designs have it all their own way ; and mediajvalism is signally defeated in the opinion of every one whom I have seen. Yours very truly, C. Winston. XV. My dear Wilson, Temple, 18th June, 1857. Mr. M came here to-day, bringing with him a design of Capronnier's, with which he seemed much smitten, and the sketch you had made from the little rough sketch I sent. I told him that Capronnier's was far too mosaic in its character to produce any good effect in modern glass. Your sketch was already marked "Not approved. B.Hall," at which I was not surprised, for you had retained the fifteenth-century figure, instead of a thirteenth- century or a Greek one, as I had indicated. But as it seems decided that there are to be no more crypt-windows, for fear of making the place too dark, it does not much signify. But I want particularly to call your attention to studying the subject most deeply. No good can be done with regard to the main windows without See note, p. 27. App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSOX. 35 making some of those IMiinicli people come over and see tlie building ; and then you must try and indoctrinate them with the principle, that what is wanted is a nineteenth-century design fit for nine- teenth-century glass, but at the same time harmonizing with a thirteenth or foui'teenth-century building. And to do this you must 3'ourself study the subject ; for without you I do not know where the Committee will be. . . . You]s truly, C. WlXSTOX. XVL I\Iy DEAE Wilsox, Temple, 2(jtli Jiine, 1857. I wrote a very hurried note to you last evening, just as I was going out to dinner ; and on reading your note more carefullv afterwards, I j^erceive that I have not answered your argument as carefully as I could have done. Xo doubt, if common sense alone were to be our guide, we should wish the windows to be done in the style with which the artist is most familiar, and which no doubt in this particular case is very much adapted to the only material we can procure to work upon. This was the universal practice in the middle ages. Every work, whether a restoration, an addition, or an embellishment, was done in the style of the time, without the least reference to the style of any other period ; and the success of the mediaeval works depends, I believe, almost entirely on the freedom thus accorded to the artist. But in these days we seek to make up for the loss of all original artistic power by a display of archaeological learning. There is no use to attempt to stem the stream ; all that we can hope to do is to give it a harmless direction. We know that late German work is best suited to the modem material; but we also know that the archaeologists would be in arms at what they would call such a violation of style as to put late fifteenth-century work into the w^indows of a thirteenth-century building. Therefore, as we are too wise to have imitations of the glass of the thirteenth century — knowing that such designs would produce a worse efi"ect than the modern German, if executed in the modern material — we have recourse to a compromise which shall satisfy the archaeologist, as far as such a thing can be done without relinquishing our own principle. And therefore we say, make your design broad and highly finished to suit the material, but let the fonns employed resemble as nearly as possible the forms used in the architecture and art of the thiiieenth century, in order to satisfy the archaeologists. No doubt these forms must all undergo I) 2 36 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. a considerable ehaTige in order to enable the work to be executed softly and broadly ; but still the whole object of adopting such forms at all is to exhibit a resemblance between the old architec- ture and its modern embellishment; and therefore it is that I am unable to see how we could answer to the archaeologists if we adopted forms of ornament a good deal resembling forms of orna- ment in the thirteenth century, and ret declined to admit the use of forms of drapery a good deal resembling forms of drapery in the thirteenth centurv. XYII. Deau W11.SON, Temple, 15th August, 1857. ****** If any advance is to be made, it must be by employing the best artists in glass that can be got ; and the best artists are unques- tionably the Munich glass-painters. There is no one artist of the English school so far superior to the others as to render his employ- ment a matter in the propriety of which all must concur. So far from it, if one English glass-painter were employed, it would be very difficult to deny the propriety of employing others; and if one or two were employed, why should not all, when the shades of difference between them are so slight? I am sure of this, — if once the question is opened, and the prestige of the Mimich school given up, it will be all up with the Committee and everybody else. I entirely agree that the Munich school is not by any means perfect; it is rather a school of art in the abstract than of art as applied to painted glass ; and I say, as I always have said, that in point of execution Hedgeland's work at Norwich, and Nixon's at Christchurch, Bloornsbury, are more glass-like, and therefore more correct, than any of the Munich work. But, then, what is gained in technical excellence is lost in art; and considering that the lesson most needed to be inculcated on the English glass-painters is, that glass-painting ought to be artistical, I think, on the whole, that it is better to have art without transparency than transparency without art. I agree with Mr. Petit, that it seems hard that so large a place as Glasgow Cathedral should be given up to the Germans ; but the question is, how is the thing to be carried through practically? Your subscribers will not wait ten or twelve years for an English school to develop itself : nothing will satisfy them but to fill the windows at once. It would therefore be im- possible to leave a part of the cathedral blank fur the reception of English glass when English artists shall be found able to execute it in a style of art as high as the Germans. So there is nothing App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 37 for it but to fill the whole cathedral with foreign glass, and to con- sider that by so doing a great step forward has been made ; and to leave it to others to give opportunity for a display of improvement upon the Germans. My own private impression is, that Marochetti and Ward might, with the new glass, execute the whole thing in a way greatly superior to the Germans ; but I could not venture to recommend the experiment, for experiment it would be. To show how sincere I am in this, I will mention what I am about in regard to the tw^o new Temple windows, small and insig- nificant as they are as compared with your great work. AVe have got the glass perfect as a material. It is as fine as any old glass ever was ; and I am certain that the ornamentation and general arrangement are right in reference to the position of the windows and the style of the building ; but then I know that the groups will be failures — that is, they will not be so high in point of art, as the glass is excellent in colour, and the design correct. As money was no object to me, I did very seriously think of commissioning Maro- chetti to design the groups ; but, though I have the greatest con- fidence in him, I, on consideration, came to the conclusion that the time had not yet arrived, and that it was better for me to work out the problem on which I am engaged, in the way in which I am certain that it must be worked out, with such resources as I pos- sessed, instead of risking a total failure through Marochetti's mis- understanding my drift. It would be affectation to conceal the fact that I feel my own strength as an archeeologist. For twenty-five years and more I have been doing just what you are now doing — working hard at the subject critically — and therefore I have a right to entertain strong convictions ; but Marochetti also would have a right to question these convictions, and it w^ould be useless for me to attempt to argue the subject with him until he had himself likewise studied it. I can only convince him by an appeal to his; eye-sight ; and therefore I have thought it better to try to express my meaning clumsily, in the hope that hereafter I may be able, through his assistance, to see the thing properly carried out, than to waste more of m}' life in arguments which it is beyond the power of language to express so clearly as to exclude the possibility of their being mis- understood. If, therefore, I do not choose to risk a total failuie in a small thing like this, you may easily understand my want of courage to recommend such a course to you. . . . Therefore I say, stick to Munich, and be content that Glasgow shall be regarded as the cradle of that (superior to German) school of glass-painting which it is Mr. Petit's as well as your and my wish to see flourishing in this country. I have gone to such a length that I have no time to caution you 38 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. against some hasty conclusions, in respect of the naturalness of the Decorated style, into which you seem to be fallen. I will write again. Yours truly, C. W. XVIIL Dear Wilson, Temple, 18tl) August, 1857. ****** The style of your ornamentation must, in my opinion, be regu- lated by the texture of your material ; for if there is one point more thoroughly established than another in point of fact, it is that in ancient glass the style of the ornamentation and treatment of the material varied with the texture of the material. And this was artistic enough, because a powerful material neither required, nor in- deed would show, any very delicate ornamentation or soft shading ; whereas a weaker sort of glass required more painter's manipula- tion to give it force ; and paintings executed in it in the same simple way as the earlier ones would have looked thin and miserable. I have been very much amused at noticing, throughout the notes on glass you lent me, your complaint of the want of half- tint. Of course jou are right ; and the reason was, that in every one of the glass-paintings you were criticising they had ignorantly used, along with the simple mode of execution practised in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, a kind of glass far more pel- lucid and flimsy in texture than the glass of those centuries, or indeed than the glass of the fifteenth century, in which one always sees a great amount of half-tint. The Germans, being artists, and knowing how very pellucid is the ordinary material, have used more shadow in their glass-paintings than one sees in any old glass -painting ; and perhaps they have gone a little too far in this respect ; and it is in reference to the probability of the work being executed in Germany that I wished to make these suggestions to Mr. S and yourself. I think that the character of the windows demands small pictures in medallions, whether consisting of groups or single figures. But,- supposing that the artists of the fifteenth century had had to fill the window, and supposing that they had taken it into their heads to follow the more ancient designs (as was actually done by them in the south Eose of Angers Cathedral in France, and in the window of Conway church in Wales), they would have followed the ancient design only in general, and would have worked out all the details according to their own practice. Thus, they would have used Apr. LETTERS TO MR. C. H. WILSOX. 39 a great deal more of tertiary colours, broader draperies, broader ornaments, thinner lines, and more soft shades; though they Avould have retained the general arrangement of the design, the same general relation of the picture part to the ornamental part, the same general forms of panels, &c. But the effect, owing to the weaker nature of the material, might have been weaker than the older design ; yet, owing to the harmony between the nature of the material and the mode of working it, the window would have looked only more delicate than the old one — not more flimsy than the old one, as our modern antiques do Then as regards other matters. There is nothing really new in the glass arrangements of the fourteenth century, as compared with those of the thirteenth, except those necessitated by the employ- ment of mullioned windows. Thus, tiaceiy -lights were a novelty, but the general design is borrowed from the Eaiiy English medal- lion; so also is the carrying a group of figures beyond the limits of a single light ; but the prototype of this was the can-ying a subject through two or more medallions in an Early English window. The great feature of Decorated glass is the use of the canopy over the figure or group ; but the thirteenth-century artists also used canopies (over single figures, and rarel}^ over groups). But this use of the canopy is the very worst part of their practice ; for the canopy is rather an oddly-terminated panel than a niche ; and though I see no objection to canopies in the abstract, still I cannot bat regard the use of the canopy in Decorated work, unimproved, as a strong proof of feeble art, it being so easy to cover a space with something like a tabernacle, as compared with the difficulty of arranging figures or groups in panels, as in the Early English medallion windows. Then in the scrolls. The Early English, though taken from Eoman work, are perfectly original; and they are rich and varied, and present to my mind a favourable contrast to the miserable tendiil (and most unnatural, because in some respects copied from nature) scrolls of the Decorated period. This sort of scrolls, with- out the least eftbrt, are capable of indefinite extension. There is rarely that subordination of the smaller coils to the bigger ones, which, as in Greek scroll-work, was so carefully attended to in Early English work. The colouring of the glass — I mean the tint of individual pieces — was best in the twelfth century. It slightly deteriorated in the early part of the thirteenth, and continued with little variation until about 1370, when it very greatly altered for the worse. This close identity of colour makes it difficult sometimes to distinguish the white-pattern Decorated w^indows from the Early English white- pattern windows ; but a closer inspection shows the superiority of the latter. .... 40 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. My own impression of Decorated glass is, that in some instances, and those invariably the earlier ones, one finds it as good nearly as the Early English, but that in the great majority of cases it is greatly inferior. The best Decorated work is, however, about the date of your own Cathedral — the latter part of the reign of Edward I. This glass is transitional in character, Early English and Decorated details often occurring in the same window : sometimes in the same building, and in glass of the same age, one window has all its details, its scroll- work, &c.. Early English, the other Decorated. And it was seeing this, and thereby that greater variety and go in the ornament might be ensured by adopting Early English details, that, on the whole, I thought you would do well to borrow from the Early English rather than from the Decorated style. Still, either would do. But if you did adopt the Early English, it would be a wise precaution to give a little more Greek character to the figures, and not, as is done by the old artists, to adopt the same style of figures without regard to the ornament : not that there need be much dif- ference in the figures — not more than one sees between Nicholas Pisano's work and the Early English of the middle of the thirteenth century. I think the Early English medallion is on the whole the most correct in point of principle when deep glass is going to be used ; and the Decorated panel is so nearly alike that this would do as well. But I do not like canopies. I still think that an arrange- ment of panels, large enough to include single figures four feet high, will be the best thing, using Decorated or Early English ornament as you like. The shallower antiquaries would of course prefer the Decorated. But, as I have shown, you have your option. In speak- ing of Early English or thirteenth-century ornament, I do not mean that of the twelfth, of which there is much figured in the Bourges Book. All that from Sens and Canterbury there deli- neated is of the twelfth century I have spun an outrageous long yarn. I only wish you were here to see the examples with which I can exemplify it. Yours very truly, C. Winston. XIX. My dear Wilson, Rbyl, Flintslm-e, 1st Sept. 1857. I return your lecture, which is excellent, and if it gets into print I wish you would send me a cop}-. The only point on which I should be inclined to differ from what App. letters to IklE. C. H. WILSON. 41 you say, as it stands, is where you appear to me to rather too broadly class Cinquecento glass-paintings with those of a later style. I agree with you that the flatness of a wall-decoration is a thing not to be disregarded. But what I say is this, — there is no harm in having a landscape background done sufficiently well to tell its stor}^ provided it is not so perfectly done as to produce illusion. Raphael's cartoons are, therefore, proper for wall-decorations, be- cause, though they do represent objects in more than one plane, the representation, though ampl}^ sufficient for its purpose, is yet not carried to such a pitch as to destroy the flatness of the wall, as might have been the case if the landscape had been carried out to the pitch of some of Turner's. And so with regard to painted glass : if the artists are content to use coloured glass, and only enamel brown and the yellow stain, as the Cinquecento artists did, I defy them to produce so close an imitation of nature as shall prove illusive, and so destroy the wall-line, though nature shall yet be so far imitated as to render it unnecessary for the artist to write on the background " This is a landscape ;" whereas, if enamel colouring is used, land- scapes may be so accurately represented as to be illusive, as in some of the Munich glass in Cologne Cathedral. I grant that, if the prin- ciple is a rigid one, the Cinquecento artists are wrong. But my experience of law makes me indifferent to the charge of things being contrary to principle, even in art ; for how often does it turn out that truth resides in an exception to a principle ! In other w^ords, what are often called principles are, in fact, nothing but general rules — highly useful when treated .as general rules, but which, when relied on as principles, are too often found to prove mere dogmas, resting on too narrow a foundation. Yours truly, C. WlXSTON. XX. My dear Wilson, Swan, Wolverhampton, 17th Sept. 1857. My holidays are over, and I am holding the courts of this district till the end of October, when I return to town. I have seen more than a usual quantity of modem glass during my late peregrinations in England and AVales, and certainly, if anything, the art has loAvered even during the last year Yesterday I had a blank day, which I partly filled up by a walk to B , where is a window by , which I think he wanted you to see. Certainly, as times go, it is a very commendable work ; but its chief merit, if I am not greatly mistaken, consists in its being constructed of the new material, which certainl}^ gives it a substance and tone which one looks for in vain in ordinary modern works. 42 BIOGKAPHICAL MEMOIR. App, The window is a white pattern window of three lights, with two medallions, containing pictures, in each light. The window itself is early Edw. II., and the style of the glass is unexceptionable. The figures are very well drawn. The east window of the south aisle of the same church is by . It is also a white pattern win- dow of five lights, with two medallions in each light. The figures displease me ; yet, making allowance for the difference of material, 's being of ordinary glass, I confess I saw but very little to choose between the two windows when seen from a distance. And this proves the wisdom of your objection to small groups of figures. At a distance one sees nothing but a congeries of bits of glass, and one judges of the window merely as of a coloured pattern, without regard to drawing ; and this, I fancy, is the reason that educated men so often talk without disgust of modern windows, the artistic part of which is considerably below zero. 1 am, therefore, more than ever persuaded of the truth of your views that the Glasgow windows should be filled with groups and single figures of as large a size as the conditions imposed by the heavy mullions in the win- dows will admit, and consequently that Ilubner's idea of the general arrangement is the right one, and that your aim should be to modify this arrangement in conformity with the requirements of the anti- quarian critics. How completel}'' one sees in all this that the Gothic is not the architectural style for the nineteenth century ! It may present its broad masses, but thej^ are cut up into small parts — a truly barbaric feature. With a religion at once simple and sublime, one would think common sense would suggest' for its service a style far more allied to the Greek than the Gothic — a style admitting of broad square masses, yet of varied outline, of which one sees the most wonderful hints at every turn in the furnaces, the forges, the ware- houses, and mills, that cover the coalfields here. I am satisfied that I could soon fill a sketch-book with some of the most excellent ideas that can be conceived from these rough blocks. Well, some day, I suppose, people will come to their senses, and then we shall see art flourish. In the interim all its votaries must try to push it as far as their chains will allow. Yours very truly, C. Winston. XXL My dkar Wilson, October, 1857. My object in writing is to put you on your guard against supposing that the Decorated st^de is, in this country at least, and especially in painted glass, a more progressive style than the Early App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 43 English ; thongli I do not see that this question has much practical bearing on the matter in hand. All my researches tend to the con- clusion that the pure Byzantine style ended about 1170, about which period the commencement of modern art may be dated. No doubt, in some respects, as in the formation of the eye, you see the influence of Byzantine art until tlie early part of the fourteenth century ; but then these peculiarities were succeeded by other con- ventionalities even further removed from nature ; and upon the whole I should say that, in drawing and expression, mediaeval art reached its perfection about the middle of the thirteenth century, and continued in a declining state until it arose again to perfection in the sixteenth century. Nothing can be worse than the figure- drawing in the glass-paintings of even as early a period as the reign of Edward II. They are most abominable conventionalisms, entirely devoid of that go which one sees so clearly in the roughest works of the first half of the thirteenth century. The faces are flat and un- interesting, the attitudes contorted and affected, and the draperies heavy and so full of large folds as to utterly fail to suggest the idea of there being a human body underneath. I have no doubt that it is the bad art of the decorated figures and glass generally that makes the Decorated period so great a favourite with our enlightened glasswrights. 1 know from experience that it takes double the time and trouble to copy an Early English figure, generally, that it does to copy a Decorated one. Still no doubt in the early part of the fourteenth century, or latter part of the thirteenth, there is some fine work, not unlike the style of Nicholas Pisano ; but this soon went out, and was succeeded by the conventional style I have mentioned. The Early English, as it appears to me, is a development of the ancient Greek style, possessing, with much of its grace, a great deal of a different feeling altogether, which one sees in its perfect develop- ment in the works of Raphael. No doubt, here and there, one meets with figures in which the Byzantine type was more strictly adhered to, especially in the representations of our Lord, and these are the works which are given on a large scale in the Bourges Book ; but I can assure you these are the exceptions and not the rule, and that there is more varied expression, more natural movement, and in- finitely more dignity in the figures of the thirteenth-century glass- paintings up to about 1270, than there is at any subsequent period ; and I think it is so in the sculpture. The figures on the south door- way at Lincoln, figured in Flaxman's work on sculpture, are as early as the middle of the thirteenth century, and it is astonishing how fine, like the Greek, and yet how much less conventional and natural, are their draperies; whereas the sculpture in the Angel choir, which is about twenty-five years later, is inferior, though certainly fine. There are the thick-folded draperies and the flat faces that one sees 44 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. in the later work. Cockerell says that these are the finest of the two ; but I doubt if you would think so if you compared the originals together. I know it is a great deal easier to draw the choir figures than those of the south door, which to me is a strong proof that there is more in the latter than in the former ; and so it is in the French sculpture. The best is about the middle of the thirteenth century ; after this it becomes mannered, just as ours does. I grant that there is a very Greek feeling in the thirteenth-century draperies ; but those of the fourteenth only show what things must come to when there is no standard of excellence present to the eye of the sculptor, or pre- served in his mind by the influence of tradition. It was Greek art that elevated the mediaeval aiiists of the thirteenth century, just as it did the mediaeval artists of the sixteenth ; it was the absence of Greek art, or of the tradition of it, that caused the mediaeval artists to flounder on in the most outrageous and unnatural conventionality, from the latter part of tlie thirteenth century till the beginning of the sixteenth ; yet the thirteenth-century art is not Byzantine — it is mediaeval art, sublimated by the traditions of the Byzantine. ****** [The remainder of this letter (which is without date) is wanting.] XXII. My dear Wilson, Rliyl, Flintshire, 8th Nov. 1857. I have completed my work in the courts, and I am here airing myself till Tuesday, when I go on a visit to Shrewsbury, and thence to London on Saturday ; and as idleness is the root of mischief, I propose to give you a chapter on Dirt, if that is not a misnomer, the authoritative definition of the subject being " matter in the wrong place." The question of "la patina" has engaged my attention for some time, and the conclusion I have long since arrived at is precisely the same as Mr. Ainmiiller's. No manipulation that would not be desti-uctive of the painting will produce the same broken effect that time produces. For instance, you may diaper the glass as cleverly as possible, yet it will look flat and hard, unless you make the ground of the diaper dee^jer or lighter in places quite irregularl}'-, irrespective of the pattern. So with regard to shadows or anything else : the eff*ect of age is j)lus all efforts of art : it softens what would otherwise be harsh, without necessarily impairing the painting. This is exemplified in those windows at King's College, Cambridge, which have been cleaned. The black dirt which obscured or inteifered with the painting has been removed ; but the lighter discoloration, the beeswing of age, still remains and softens all the flat parts ; and the difficulty has always been how to produce this admirable effect App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 45 by artificial means. At Ely Cathedral you must have obseiTed many wonderful efforts of genius in this particular ; but that they should have all failed is not surprising, when you perceive that the mode of applying the dirt is precisely the reverse of nature's. In all English and French glass that I have seen antiquated, the process has been to bedaub the whole individual piece, and then to rub away some of the dirt in the centre of the piece ; whereas nature bedaubs the centre of the piece, leaving, in general, a considerable space near the leads, all round the edges, comparatively clear. The effect in the former case is, when the pieces of glass are very small, to make the whole design look as if it were greasy — as if it were made up of lumps of different-coloured fats, each limip having its own proper high light, like the little dumplings one sees swimming about in mutton-broth; whilst the effect in the latter case is to impart that sparkling brilliancy which is so much admired. I will make on the next sheet a diagram of the two methods, A being the first, B the second. I have tried all sorts of ways to produce the effect B on glass, without the smallest success, until it suddenly occurred to me that if something could be applied to glass, after it had been leaded together, and which would stick without being burned, at all events one would have the advantage of applying the stuff judiciously in those parts, and in such proportions as would produce the best effect, in the same way as I touch up my own drawings, after they are otherwise finished, with a view to produce the effect of "la patina," which process seems so greatly to have pleased Maro- chetti ; and then I recollected I had seen mortar adhering to glass, which probably had been there 400 or 500 years, as may often be observed in tracery lights : so I thought I would try, and the effect was perfect. The projection of the leads prevented the biTish from touching the glass near the edges of the different pieces, which therefore remained clear, except where accidentally splashed ; whilst I could apply the composition at pleasure, exactly as I touched up my own drawings. The next improvement was to use hydraulic lime instead of common lime, because the magnesia in it would occasion a better set, and so prevent the mortar being washed off. Indeed, mortar of this kind cannot be removed, when once set, except by weak acid purposely applied. I found a brush, like a paste-brush or flat vamish-brush, about an inch -^dde, was the best instrument for appljdng the mortar, which last ought to be in a rather more liquid state than that in which it is used in bricklayer's work. The whiteness of the mortar could easily be corrected by dusting the work over with a little soot or lampblack, after the operation is completed. The best way is to turn the glass upon the easel, so that the outside of it 46 BIOGEAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. is next you, to which, in preference to the painted side, the dirt should be applied. This dirtying is of little use unless the material itself resembles the old in texture. When it does, I cannot tell the old from the new, the imitation of "la patina" being so exact. Any window that is intended to be far from the eye would be improved by a slight application, used with judgment and with an artistic eye. Here endeth the chapter on Dirt. You will understand I advo- cate its use with great caution and art, so as to improve what is already good in colour, tone, and drawing, not as a substitute for all or any of these things, as some of our glasswrights employ it. Yours truly, C. WiNSTOX. XXIII. My dear Wilson, Since my return home I have been too much engaged to write until now. The practice to which you allude of touching up painted windows, after they are leaded up, with a colour which is not fixed to the glass by burning, and which must fall off as soon as the vehicle with' which it is mixed loses its tenacity, as it must be expected to do within a few years, is one unfortunately too common in this country. It is very rarely that one does not detect the practice, in any groups of figures at least. When I was Associate Juror in the 1851 Exhibition, it fell to my lot to examine very carefully all the glass-paintings in the gallery, and I found that the practice I have mentioned was not confined to the English, but very largely indulged in by the French glass-painters ; but I failed to detect it in any of the German glass-paintings, which seemed on the whole to be more conscientiously executed than any of the others. You may always detect it by throwing the light upon the surface of the glass-painting ; you will then see that the touching up is of a different colour from the enamel, and of course it can be easily scraped ofi". It will last, according to the vehicle Avith which it is mixed : I dare say that turpentine would last from eighteen to twenty years. Mr. touched up his three east windows in our church here with common oil paint to give them solidity, which peeled off in places in five or six years, and last year it was so bad that the windows were this autumn painted over again at the back. I think they look worse than they did ; but in two or three years they will be uniform in appearance, owing to the peeling off of the paint. App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 4/ No glciss-painting which owes part of its effect to an application of a fleeting nature can be regarded as a sound work. The applica- tion of mortar stands on a different footing. This is used merely to anticipate the effect of age and to give an artificial " patina," which, when the real " patina " forms in other parts, can easily be removed. I have seen the two new windows in the Temple Church, and they are an excellent lesson. The material itself is perfect, and the tone, and colour, and solidity, as good as the old. The design also I like, though it could be improved, and the figure-drawing is far in advance of that in the other windows ; and upon the whole, as a mere antiquary, my experience of the Temple windows has made me lean more to Munich than before. But, seriously speaking, pray do not commit yourself in any way to anybody until you have had further opportunity of looking at the glass at Wells and Gloucester. I do so much want to have a talk with you, and indeed I would accompan}^ you to Wells ; at all events to Gloucester, and to Xew College, Oxford. Believe me, we have not got to the bottom of this subject yet. My notions have much expanded of late. XXIV. My dear Wilson, Temple, 2Gth December, 1857. Many thanks for your note and the paper. You have con- vinced me that I am wrong on one point, and that I have expressed myself too carelessly on another. First, when I said that I could not understand how fourteenth- century ornament could be made to harmonize with Hubner's figures, I quite forgot what you say, that it could be adapted so as to har- monize ; in which I quite agree. I had in ni}' mind, at the time I wrote, onl}" the fourteenth-century ornament, as it exists, in all its stiffness, flatness, and simplicity, and only thought of two st^des joining, as any two styles would, if employed without modifi- cation. Secondly, I did not for one moment mean, however I may have expressed myself, to recommend Nicholas Pisano's style as a model, except for its sentiment, and for those points in respect of which you accept it. What I did mean was this ; it is that shallow pedantic antiquarianism which constitutes the gi'eat stumbling- block ; and the subtle way of going to work is, I think, to turn their flank, rather than attack their position too openh'. Now the style of drapery which is always associated with fourteenth-century work is a severe close style like that of the Greeks, and not a voluminous style like that of Raphael and the men of the sixteenth century generally ; and it was to show what was the exact style of draper^" 48 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. that actually was used in the fourteenth centniy, that I alluded io Nicholas Pisano, not for the purpose of copying him, but in order that the Germans might see the type of drapery that antiquaries would admire, and be in perfect harmony with the architecture, and thus be able to select out of the numerous styles of good drapery one that came nearest, in its general character, to that of N. Pisano's. By this means they might satisfy every artistic requirement, and yet at the same time produce a style of drapery severe, close, and of thin texture (though not so thin as the real Greek, which har- monizes most with the architecture of the thirteenth century), which in its general contour would so completely resemble the general effect of N. Pi.sano's as would silence all crotchety cavillers. The two most rascally sketches on the other side, the one Greek, the other Eaphael, will show you what I mean. Compare them with any print of Nicholas Pisano's, and you will see exactly what I mean. There is a great deal of sixteenth-century drapery that would do better than Greek, as being more natural ; but I am aware that to an artist this needs only to be hinted to be understood. All I fear is, that if the Germans' attention is not called to the ordinary type of the fourteenth-century drapery, they will adopt something that will be too wide from it, and so give the enemies of art cause to blaspheme. If you could see some photo- graphs of Decorated sculptured figures, this would even be better than a print of N. Pisano's. Yours most truly, C. Winston. XXV. My dear Wilson', Rliyl, Flintshire, 24tli March, ]8G0. I found your letter and Sir A. Alison's opinion (whereat m}^ soul receiveth comfort) on my return here from, I think, the worst expedition in respect of rain, wind, and snow amongst the mountains that has ever fallen to the lot of man to endure since Hannibal passed the Alps. The only compensation was the magnitude of the water- falls, some of which were really splendid. I hope to be back in London on Thursday next, when I will address myself to the devout meditation of your lecture. I am afraid what you say is too true as to the influence of easel- painting on glass-painting, and the taste for pretty effects instead of great and broad ones. But I do not quite follow you in your argument about monumental art. No doubt you are perfectly right in saying that the old glass-painters did not scribble about principles, nor did any old artists. They did the thing, and left it to smaller folks to App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 49 discourse — often very absurdly — about the principles, or supposed principles, upon which they acted. After the thirteenth century (the medallion era) I believe that all the old glass-painters were as wrong on principle as the poor Cinquecento glass-painters who have been so abused. The only difference between them was this, — the old fellows stuck their saints under niches, or backed by a landscape, into the holes provided for them by the tracery, and cared little if figures cheek-by-jowl were drawn to different scales. All they seem to have thought about was, how to fill a large space or a small one in precisely the same manner. The " monumental flatness," as I have heard it called, of their works was but the result of ignorance of the method of representing light and shade ; in which respect their works bear the same analogy to those of the Cinquecento artists, as the contemporary oil-paintings bear to what Vasari calls the " new manner." The Cinquecento practice of disregarding mullions, (fee, arose from an artistic rebellion against the fetters of medisevalism. Glass-paintings did not cease to be glass-paintings until the " new manner " in oils was so imbibed by the glass-painters that they strove to over-finish and to imitate the effect of oil ; in which they necessarily failed. Sir Joshua Keynolds's and West's works perpetuated the error in exe- cution — I mean technical execution ; grand and monumental as their designs are, they are not glass-paintings of so high an order as the productions of the Cinquecento, or even early sixteenth-century Gothic school Yours, C. Winston. XXVL My dear Wilson, Temple, 22nd Sept. 1861. After twenty-four hours' rumination, I have the more com- pletely settled down into an opinion that glass-painting has been more effectually raised from the mire, and set alongside of and on an equality with the sister arts, by what has been done at Glasgow, than by anything else that 1 have yet seen in Europe. Had Am- miiller been allowed to go on in his own old way, colouring the glass with enamel colours, and laying the high lights down with enamel, you would have had works beautiful, no doubt, in so far as good drawing and excellent composition could have secured beauty, but which would have tended to an effect entirely at variance with the intention of the builders of the cathedral, since they would have converted the window-openings into, apparently, panels of solid wall, painted in fresco— an effect which is actually produced in the church of St. Germain I'Auxerrois at Paris, the windows of E 50 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. which have been executed by M. Marechal, of Metz, in the ordinary " German manner." But by yonr insisting upon the nse of coloured (pot-metal) glass, as the colouring matter, and only allowing of •enamel-paint as shadow, and, above all, by retaining clear high lights, works have been obtained which are not likely ever to be mistaken for anything else than painted glass windows. And in this respect the men of Glasgow have read the world a lesson, for which they are entitled to the consideration and gratitude of every one learned enough to appreciate the additional beauty imparted to any sort of decoration by mere force of its having been exe- cuted in conformity with its own peculiar mechanical and intrinsic conditions. I have been so accustomed, until now, to see all such modern glass-paintings as have the least title to be called works of art executed on a principle entirely opposed to a due display of the most beautiful of the essential properties of glass, namely, its trans- lucency, that perhaps I may have hardly done justice to the artistic drawing and composition of the Glasgow windows — considered as mere designs — in my admiration of them as glass-paintings. Yet I am sufficiently impressed with a sense of their artistic merits to enable me to express a conviction that, considering each one as a whole, that is, as an artistic glass-painting, and comparing it with one of the best ancient examples, the balance of excellence does remain with the modern German window. This conclusion was, I admit, wholly unexpected, and was, as it were, forced upon me by my ten hours' continuous and laborious scrutiny of the glass in the cathedral. And therefore, to prove to myself that I am not dreaming, I am writing down the steps which led to my conversion, a process which may perhaps not be without some practical use, if it should show in what respects I venture to think that even these windows are susceptible of improvement. As the glass-paintings which most resemble these in artistic merit and refinement are the Cinquecento, and as the Lichfield glass is the finest Cinquecento example that I am acquainted with, and more- over is that with which 1 am most familiar, and of which my memory is the strongest, I having so recently studied it, I make my comparison between the Lichfield glass and the Glasgow. It must be admitted, of course, that, in point of tone and richness of colour, the Lichfield glass is superior, in a very high degree, to the Glasgow. This superiority is principally owing to the constitution of the ancient material ; and it will therefore continue to exist until the moderns have learned the art of making glass identical in its chemical constituents and mechanical formation with that of the middle of the sixteenth century. And this can be done only by continuing the chemical analyses initiated by my friends here, and working them out synthetically, as I recommended to Ainmiiller. App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 51 'Whether the use of glass identical with the old in texture would be compatible Avith that excessive delicacy of pictorial manipu- lation which is so channing in the Glasgow windows, is perhaps doubtful. I incline to think that it would be incompatible ; but of this I feel perisuaded, that any loss in delicacy of execution would be more than compensated by an increase of power in general effect ; and therefore I do not hesitate to recommend the pressing upon Ainmiiller the necessity of an improved material : the rather, because it is clear that nothing will conduce more to the popularity of artistical glass-painting than the introduction of tone and richness of colour. It is the effect of their colour which makes old windows so prized by the most learned and the most ignorant alike, and causes the latter to be easily blinded to the defects of modern glass-painting, provided that, by means of scumbling and other unlawful expedients, the glass is somcNvhat toned down from its original fierceness. I have no sort of doubt that, if the Glasgow windows were smeared over with brown paint and wax, to their ruin as works of art, they would gain in the estimation of ninety-nine out of every hundred spectators, from some of whom we might reasonably expect better judgment ; but this shows how important an ingredient in glass- painting is colour of a fine rich subdued tone, and how foolish it Ls for great artists to neglect taking the only practical steps for obtaining it. But however one may regret, on looking at the Glas- gow windows, the absence of colour in a low key, such as one sees in the Lichfield glass, there is no denying that, regaided as har- monies of colours in a high key, these windows are unrivalled : and, whether it is owing to my sense of colour being more shrewdly tickled by a perfect harmony of colour in a high key than in a low one, — or whatever else the cause may be, — I confess I was more pleasurably affected by the harmonies of the lighter colours in some of these windows, than 1 ever remember myself to have been by those of the old ones. I allude particularly to the landscape back- grounds in Strahuber's windows for Mr. Stirling of Keir, in the choir, and in his window in the nave, for Lord Home. This shows, therefore, that a high key of colour has its beauties, though they may refuse to exhibit themselves except upon the persuasion of those who are capable of feeling them keenly. It would be wrong, therefore, to say that these windows, like the generality of modern ones, are wholly inferior to the old ones in point of colour. Upon the whole they are, I think, inferior; but they are only inferior upon the balance ; they have, in the stronger colours, defects such as one deplores, and in the lighter colours excellences such as I have never seen in ancient glass. The defectiveness of the stronger colours could not, I think, be wholly removed without injuiy to the lighter colours ; because it would necessitate a change of key. And it may be a question how far it may be desirable to E 2 52 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. effect an alteration of key, though my own feeling is certainly in favour of an alteration into a lower key, thinking that more would, on the whole, be gained than lost by the change. But this I can safely recommend, — the qualification of the stronger colouis, such as green and red and blue, these in their order, without any change of key, by the simple expedient of diapering them, whether used in draperies or in plain grounds. But whatever opinion we may hold in respect of the inferiority of the new to the old glass in colour, there can be no doubt that, in every other respect, the superiority is entirely on the side of the new. Hess's prophets are immeasurably finer than anything that has yet been seen in old glass. There is nothing in old glass to surpass any of Strahuber's compositions; and though some of the designs in the Lichfield glass may, in composition, be superior to those of the least successful of the designs at Glasgow, still, in execution^ the Glasgow designs are superior. In all of the Lichfield glass there is a certain coarseness and carelessness of execution which would con- trast unfavourably with the care, and finish, and delicacy displayed in the Glasgow windows. The old style, though wonderfully effective, is a rough-and-ready style after all. They were dexterous manipulators, rather than accomplished artists. And I should not hesitate to say that in every instance the designs (many of which were evidently the work of very great artists) have suffered in the execution upon the glass. This 1 do not think can be generally said of the Glasgow glass. Here and there, no doubt, there is a timidity of execution ; but I am sure that, if the least successful were com- pared with the best of the Lichfield windows, it would be seen that correctness of drawing was entirel}^ on the side of the moderns. Indeed, so convinced am I of the superiority of the German glass over the old, in technical excellence of every kind, and in compo- sition and drawing generally, and in effects of broken colour, that upon the whole I cannot withhold the palm from the former : it must be considered to be an improvement upon old glass. Of course, as an antiquary, I could easily pick holes in many things, especially in the heraldry. It was also impossible not to see, when one looked for it, that the general character of the draperies was that of the sixteenth century, whilst that of the ornament was of the fourteenth. But the anachronism was so disguised by the similarity of execution — the same amount of shadow and finish having been given to the ornament as to the figures — that it ceased to be offensive, or even noticeable at first sight. 1 think a wise dis- cretion was exercised in selecting the general style of ornament from that of the fourteenth century ; but this has been sufficiently modified not to contrast with the figures, whilst it remains suf- ficiently like that of the early part of the fourteenth, or end of the thirteenth century, not to disagree with the architectural details of App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 53 the building. If I was asked to say what I thought was the style of the painted glass, I should answer that it was in the style of the nine- teenth century, modified to suit the character of a building of the reign of Edward L, and this I believe to be the absolute truth. The windows sufficiently agree with the character of the building, without being so rigidly archaic as to exclude the improvements of modern art ; and I think that it would have been mere pedantry to have insisted on a more cordial agreement between the glass and the architecture. Indeed, a perfect conformity between the styles of the two would have been absolutely impossible, unless the donors of the windows would have agreed to forego their heraldr}^ — the clergy, their choice of subjects, — the people, writing such as they could read, — the artists, their art; — in fine, unless everything had been given up which makes these windows worth having. Another, and of itself a complete bar to perfect conformity between the glass and the architecture, would have been the difference that exists between the material, as now made, and that used in the thirteenth or fourteenth centuries. This consideration may seem to some to be frivolous. All I know is, that to the true antiquary a consideration of the nature of the material is as inseparably connected with an investigation of the date of a painted window, as a consideration of its heraldry, its lettering, its art, can possibly be. Unless there is a perfect agreement in all these things, he must be a poor antiquary indeed who cannot pronounce the work, without hesitation, to be spurious. As, therefore, an exact conformity was, in the nature of things, impossible, a latitude such as that which has enabled the artists to make the windows such as they are — real works of fine art in painted glass — was most properly permitted. Believe me most truly yours, C. Winston. XXVII. My dear Wilson, Rl^yl' FlintsLire, IGth Oct. 186L You have indeed done good service I have written a letter of chemical details of fourteen pages to Ainmliller, and have sent also a box of specimens to him, on the old principle of seeing is believing. But before entering on this matter I wrote as follows -.—Allow me to express the very gTcat pleasure received from examining last month the magnificent windows of Glasgow Cathedral, which have been executed by your establish- ment. I am well acquainted with most of the glass-paintings which have been, during several years past, executed under your direction for various places, including those at the Maria Hilf Church at Municli, 54 BIOGEAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. at Cologne Cathedral, and at Peterhonse College, Cambridge. But the glass-paintings at Glasgow do, in my opinion, surpass them all, as works in painted glass. I say emphatically — as works in painted glass; because the employment by your establishment of artists enjoying a European reputation, to make the cartoons, has always ensured to your works an artistic excellence, which favourably dis- tinguishes them from all other, modern and even ancient. But it is in respect of the great superiority as glass-painting over all others, that I particularly refer to the windows of Glasgow Cathedral. I ven- ture to attribute this superiority to your having executed them according to the method pursued in the ancient glass-paintings of the best period, that is between 1505 and 1550, in which no enamel colours are used except for outlines and shadow. By this means you have imparted to these works a peculiar brilliancy and delicacy which characterise them as glass-paintings, and effectually distin- guish them from paintings on opaque surfaces, such as paintings in oil and fresco. And 1 cannot but think that it is partly on account of the idea, which their pellucid appearance forces upon the mind, that they are glass-paintings, and nothing else,— partly on account of the manipulation of the paintings not having been too highly elaborated, — that it happens that the lead-work (verbleiung) and the iron bars or arming of these windows are found to be no dis- figurement to the pictures. On the contrary, the effect of the glass- painting is actually improved by these appendages ; which, — how- ever out of place and disagreeable they may seem in a glass-painting which resembles oil or fresco painting in the elaboration of its execu- tion, — are yet recognized as necessary and essential to what is shown undisguisedly to be nothing else than a glass-window. It is true that I have seen paintings upon glass, both from your establishment, and from Dresden, Brussels, Metz, and particularly Milan, that are more exquisitely finished, and (by means of enamels) more delicately and variously coloured, than these windows of Glasgow Cathedral; but I always observed that in proportion as in this respect they approached the effect of paintings upon canvas, in fresco, or on china, so did they lose brilliancy and pellucidness, and the less did their general chaiacter appear to harmonize with the harsh black lines of the lead-work and iron bars ; which, therefore, in a pro- portionate degree, struck me as being blemishes in the picture. This is why I prefer the Glasgow windows so greatly to amy others of modern times : indeed, considered as glass-painting, they appear to me to touch perfection. I perceived in them all how deeply the ancient glass-paintings had been studied ; how, whilst adopting the ancient method, you had improved upon it, as, for instance, by using a blue enamel to shade upon purple-coloured glass, a purple enamel to shade upon blue-coloured glass, instead uf uniformly employing a biown enamel for the purpose of shading ; and I also observed in some of the windows effects Apf. LETTEES to MR. C. H. WILSON. 00 of landscape such as I have certainly never seen equalled in any ancient glass-painting. 1 allude particularly to the landscape in a window executed from a design by Strahiiber for Mr. Stirling of Keir, in which the landscape was rosy and full of sunshine, and yet perfectly preserved its distance. A similar etiect was also observable in another window from a design by the same artist for the Earl of Home. And I most highly admired the simple manner in which these beautiful eifects were produced, as being so entirely in accordance with the principle of true glass-painting. It is unnecessary for me to say anything in praise of the pictures themselves — the excellent drawing and arrangement of the groups, the dignity of the single figures, the draperies so well suited in their manner for painted glass, &c. — for excellence of this kind was ensured by your having had recourse for the cartoons to such artists as Professor Von Hess, Straliiiber, Von Schwinde, &c. ; but I cannot omit again to express my extreme satisfaction at everything con- nected with these windows which was the especial woik of your establishment, such as the harmony of the colouring and the breadth of the effect ; and it gives me great pleasure to be able to say that the window which seemed to be most agreeable in respect of orna- mentation was the one which was executed from your own designs for Mr. Walter Stirling. 1 have no hesitation in declaring that, in my humble opinion, when we consider the high art displayed in the figures, and the skill shown in the execution of the^e windows as glass-paintings, the windows of Glasgow Cathedral ai'e absolutely unrivalled. No modem work approaches them, and upon the whole they are certainly superior to any ancient work. There is one thing, however; that I notice in these windows which now biings me to the consideration of your letter of the 18th August. Each of your windows is as perfect a harmony of colour as the finest old window can be pronounced to be; but the difference is that in your windows the harmon}^ is in a high key of colour, whilst in the old windows the harmony is in a low key of colour. Now, a harmony in a low key of colour is undoubtedly more agreeable than a harmony in a high key, and so thought that prince of colourists Titian ; for it is remarkable that all his blues, greens, yellows, reds, and indeed all other hues, are low in tone, and are by no means pure colours. You should, therefore, endeavour to prevail upon your glass-maker to furnish your establishment with glass of a lower tone of colour than that which has been used in the Glasgow windows, especially with green glass, blue glass, and red glass of a lower tone ; these being the three colours, and particularly the two first named, which most struck me as being too high in key in the Glasgow windows [The remainder of this letter is wanting.] 56 BIOGKAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. XXVIII. My dear Wilson, Temple, Sth April, 1862. I am delighted to think that you are able to attack the clear- story, the windows of which I specially remember, for it is the most elegant row of clearstory windows that I know of. When you speak of a dark effect there, you have Bourges in your mind. But I question whether, considering the difference between the lower glass and that at Bourges, you would not get a more striking effect by making the general fond of these windows a white pattern very like that of the west window. Of these patterns there is a great abundance in Germany. Cologne Cathedral, for instance, is full of them, so are Strasburg, Freyburg, &c. ; and it is true that the practice of the fourteenth century was, I think 1 may say universally, in favour of white patterns, with, or without, the insertion of figures and canopies, heraldry, &c., for clearstory win- dows. Even in the thirteenth century, the leaning was in favour of white patterns ; but this may have been from economical prin- ciples in both centuries. Certainly the work was more scamped in the fourteenth century than the thirteenth. Bourges, Canterbury, and Tours, so far as it goes, have all dark clearstories ; but the later cathedrals of the thirteenth century have white patterns in their clearstories — Salisbury for instance, Lincoln, and all the transitional ones, as well as those in the " Decorated "style. Exeter Cathedral is a good specimen of the partly ornamental, partly pic- torial treatment. So is Gloucester. You might if you liked have a single figuie, without a canopy, on an ornamental quarry-ground, in eacli light. A row of splotches of colour along the bottoms of the windows, with grisaille above, would tell wonderfully, and quite carry the idea, suggested by the west window, upwards. Most truly yours, C. Winston. XXIX. My dear Wilson, Temple, 23rd June, 1862. I cannot but think that the green you mention is an arrow from my quiver. For I most particularly called their attention to the matter in my letters, and moreover sent them some fine old specimens for imitation. A good olive can be made from sulphate of iron ; but I forget whether I mentioned this. It all shows, how- ever, that these Germans are doing their best, and that they are not above taking a friendly hint. You are perfectly right in letting people know who are the designers App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 57 of these windows. For if they had been designed by English artists of equal or corresponding reputation, their veiy names would have carried all before them. There was an excellent article in the ' Times ' the other day, on the French artists, and their works, not without bearing on the sub- ject of glass-painting. The writer showed that the French artists had more regard to fame, and less to pelf, than ours. So, no doubt, have the Germans. Hence they will condescend to make designs for painted glass, at moderate rates ; whereas ours will not, unless they are paid at the same rate as if they were employed for a corre- sponding time on paintings for Mr. Smith's or Mr. Robinson's back- parlour. This, therefore, gives inferior men a monopoly of the opportunities for lasting fame, and nobody ought, under these cir- cumstances, to complain if those who are displeased with the per- formances of these inferior men betake themselves to the more liberal and congenial men of art in Germany Yours most truly, C. Winston. XXX. My dear ^^JLS0N, Temple, 18tli Jan. 18G3. I saw j^esterday at Hughes's five of the lights intended for Glasgow; four for the chapter-house and one for the crypt. I shall be curious to know your opinion of them when they are up in their place. M}^ impression is that they will be valuable, as enabling a fair comparison to be made between our modern glass and the German. For they are the best that Hughes has yet done, and they are, I think, superior to anything we saw in the late Exhibition, of English performance. In these lights you have the best of the modern material ; and the depth of shade is as great as you would find at St. Gudule's. Moreover the backgrounds, though they do not quite stick to the figures, are yet flat enough to suit the most bigoted medisevalist. The detail of the canopy-work is moreover unexceptionable; so that you have the mediaeval idea " carried out " as the fashion is. But does the thing accord better with the character of the ancient architecture than the German windows ? This is the problem, which I cannot but think these windows will solve. Speaking strictly as an antiquary, I feel sure that I should say that they harmonized with the ancient architecture not one bit more than what you have already ; because I see in every direction a something which is not at all like the old glass. The colours are all higher key, and there 58 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. is a freedom in the drawing which wuuld not be found in any ancient example. Then, as matter of taste, what some people might consider " deep and rich colouring" (and if these do not exhibit this, what else would you haver) I consider heavy rather than deep, and. violent rather than rich ; and the execution generally I should say was heavy rather than powerful. Still they are the best of the sort that I have yet seen. Now the most powerful Cinquecento windows, like those at Brussels, are not heavy. They have not the etherial eifect that the German windows at Glasgow have ; but they are as unlike those of Hughes's, as they are to Van Linge's. But I should be glad to hear your impression, after you have compared them in general effect with the German. is diligently working at the effect of his windows, and I think successfully. The designs are gi'owing more and more like those in St. Gudule's, both in power and vivacity. There is nothing heavy about these, chiefly on account of the light backgrounds and the white in the architecture. Yours most truly, C. Winston. XXXI. My dear Wilson, Rhyl, Fhntshire, 2t5th Oct. 1863 My paper on the Gloucester window is printed ; I expect a copy in a few days, which i will forward to you, begging }our acceptance of it. The paper will really appear in the two next numbers of the * Archasological Journal.' But, if it anyway tends to strengthen your hands, you can use it as you like. The subject is treated entirely from the archaeological point of view. In that view it is of importance, fixing the date of that window, for it is like an anchor in the sea of speculation. Since then 1 have been engaged in an attempt to fix the date of the glass in Nettlestead Church, in Kent, a chuich famous rather for the remains of the heraldry in the windows, than for figuies or works of art. Still this example will come well in with that of Gloucester. As the paper will be shoiter than the Gloucester one, I shall endeavour to make it the peg to hang some practical remarks on ; and if 1 find the length will allow of this being done, 1 will send you the MS. before it is printed ; for I do not feel steady except in a matter purely archasological. This glass at Nettlestead is of two dates; the earlier being of the commencement of the reign of Plenry YI., and the later of the Afp. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 59 end of that reign. 1 hope, before I have done, to come to a date more trustworthy than that aftbrded by analogy, which at present is all that I can rely on. But it is curious to observe the wonderful ditference between the glass material used in the Gloucester and the Xettlestead windows, and the difference between the drawing, shading, and general design of the two glass-paintings. The exe- cution generally is more tender and refined in the Xettlestead than in the Gloucester window, and the material used is more carefully made, and more even in tint, than that at Glouce&ter. This concurrent vaHation of the material and mode of execution I have several times called attention to in the papers I have written ; and you have made me see its importance more than I had ever before seen it, by your remarks on the new manufacture in relation to the Munich execution. [The remainder of this letter is wanting. T'he intended memoir on the Xettlestead glass was not wndtten.] XXXII. My dear Wilson, Temple, 7th Dec. 1863. Your note about the clearstory has only just (1*30 p.m.) come to hand, as you had inadvertently directed to Xo. 4, instead of X'o. 3, Harcourt Buildings. I am altogether of the same opinion as yourself with regard to the necessity of the enlargement of the figures in the clearstory. This rule obtains, with the best effect, in the clearstories at Bourges and Canterbury, and in the later clearstory at Exeter. As a rule also, the clearstory figures should be slenderer in pro- portion than those in the lower windows ; and you would do well to divide the panel beneath the figure into three parts, for the oval form which you have given will be still further elongated by perspective. Diapers in glass draperies should, I think, be used whenever they can be used. The mistake the moderns make is the following an abominable mediaeval practice of sticking pieces of other colours into a drapery, for instance, of blue or red. This distracts the eye, whereas diaper gives a sparkling lichness without detracting at all from the breadth of the colouring ; and the bigger the figures the greater necessity is there for diapers. I also quite agree with you on the propriety of making these figures and their accessories as little pictorial and as ornamental as possible ; and in doing them, as you and Ainmiiller will agree to do them, you will read a good lesson to the advocates of the " ironed- out flat style." It will be quite worth while going again to Scot- 60 BIOGEAPHICAL MEMOIR. Ait. land, if you succeed, as I have no doubt you will, in making a series of ornamental figures and accessories after an artistic fashion. It was this that wished to see in the lower windows ; but I am quite sure that he had not clear ideas on the subject well elaborated and brought out. In the clearstoiy at Augsburg Cathedral, the figures are richly coloured on a white ground, diapered ; but, then, this ground has that solid appearance which the glass of the twelftli century (of which this is) alwaj^s has, owing to the presence of alumina in the glass. But you might diaper your white, after a solemn fashion, into a deep diaper, as at Exeter, at Canterbury, and Bourges, as you know the whole thing is richly coloured, with the exception of the canopies, which are wholly white and yellow. Ainmiiller's general colouring is to my mind so good, and he is so alive to the value of white as a fijil to the coloured glass, that, I fancy, you may with safety let him go his own gait. The more I think of it, the more I am sure that glass- painting is in its infancy, even when we go to the best professors extant. Yours most truly, C. Winston. XXXIII. My dear Wilson, Temple, 15tL Jan, 1864. It will do me a great deal of good to read what you write, so pray send it. In consequence of some very true remarks which you made after I had written that paper on the Glasgow windows, which appeared in the ' Illustrated Kews,' I have reconsidered the matter a good deal, and the result of my cogitations 1 have committed to paper, with the intent, after first submitting them to you, to append them to the account I am engaged to write on the Nettlestead glass for the Kent Arch93ological Societ}^ And the conclusion that (as at present advised) I have come to is, that the whole of our misfortunes in respect of modern glass-painting arise from a want of appreciating the fact that, in these daj^s, any sort of art to be successful must be Euro- pean. It will not do for us to disregard the comity of nations which (as the Emperor Napoleon remarks) makes Europe but one country, and set up for ourselves a standard of art reprobated by foreigners. This is the chief objection to our media3val mania. In defiance of modern improvements in building, — or rather in opposition to them, as too suggestive of the enlightenment of the age, — we build churches on the mediaival model, yielding however, in this, to nineteenth- App. letters to MR. C. H. WILSON. 61 century influence bv the addition of small details and refinements, which have rendered the style essentially " Jemmy-Gothic." The young architects may find this style, which has no rules, a very convenient one as a cover to ignorance of proportion and arrangement, and as saving a great deal of consideration and thought. The result is sho^^^l in such a combination of crude extravagance as we see in a new building in the Strand, which must bring dovra. upon us tbe contempt of ever)" foreigner In designing windows for mediaeval churches there are but two courses which experience shows are available — either to adopt modera aii (and this is the wise course -whenjigures are required), or else to adopt mediaeval art ; and I am persuaded that this is only good advice when the donors of the windows will be content with pattern- work. There is no third course, as I once supposed and advocated in the article in the ' Illustrated News,' of getting a modification of mediasvalism by good artists You entirely convinced me of my error. The Glasgow windows, and also the Alnwick window (by Dyce), are sufficient proofs that I was wrong and you were right. Therefore, Wilson, our course must be to inculcate upon the donors of windows, — that, 1st. "Windows ought not to be caricatures and offensive objects. 2nd. That when figures or groups are employed, this can be avoided only by employing good artists, and that it will necessitate the employment of a style which is not mediaeval. 3rd. That when figures or groups are not insisted on, the windows may be made as much in " harmony *' with the style of the building as is com2:)atible with our altered manufacture of glass ; and that there are quantities of patterns that are excellent, and only require an intelligent copj'ist to make them most agreeable ; and that, if the ancient patterns are really and deeply studied, it will be found that an inexhaustible store of new patterns may be devised, entirely agreeing with them in spirit and character, and yet requiring no greater skill than anj successful student at a School of Design might reasonably be expected to possess ; though he would be the last person to whom any reasonable being would intrust the design- ing of a picture. These are the last new lights that I have acquired in this most interesting subject, and I shall (if you approve of them) " stick " to them, as you say I have done (in your last most kind and welcome letter, just come to hand, for which many thanks), through good report or evil report. In my «ofc opinion, I think that the Glasgow windows would have been more successful if Ainmliller had been told to make all the canopy-work like the German Gothic of the sixteenth century, — 62 BIOaKAPHICAL MEMOIR. App. such as we see in Peter Fischer's shrine at Nuremberg, and in the " stick and leaf" canopy-work in the cathedral at Munich. This ornamentation, being broad, and its style little pronounced, would have been in entire harmony with the figures. It is true that our Gothicists would have complained, but to all other men their objections would have in the end appeared untenable. Most truly yours, C. Winston. MEMOIRS ON GLASS-PAINTING, A SHORT NOTICE OF THE PAIXTED GLASS IN WINCHESTER AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. 'Read for the writer by the Rev. J. L. Petit, ou the 13th of September, 1845, at the Meeting of the Archaeological Institute at Winchester ; and then accom- panied with fifteen drawings of Painted Glass.) Figures of the Carpenter, the Mason, and the Clerk of the Works, from the East Win.low ^ of the College Chapel. T is perhaps hardly necessary to observe that an original glass-painting, whatever may be its age, possesses features characteristic of the period at wliich it was executed : and this, whether the work formed a coiDplete design of itself, or was merely a repair, or an addition. But inasmuch as it would be impossible, without the aid of wuvnevovi^ finished drawings, and without vastly the limits of such a paper as this, to point out, except exceeding 64 A SHORT NOTICE OF PAINTED GLASS ill very vague and general terms, the marks by which the date of a glass-painting may be ascertained with tolerable exactness, I shall not enter into the subject at present, but confine myself to a short notice of the glass in the Cathedral, College, St. John's Church, St. Cross, &c. I ought, however, to state that the peculiarities in the design and execution of glass-paintings are as capable of convenient classification as are architectural peculiarities ; and that I shall refer to the three great mediaeval styles of glass- painting by the terms Early English^ Decorated, and Perpen- dicular, each style being nearly contemporaneous with the synonymous style of architecture, as defined by Kickman, to whose phraseology I think it advisable to adhere as much as possible. The term Cinquecento I shall apply to any glass, prior to the year 1550, which exhibits in its details the peculiar style of ornament known by this name. The earliest specimens of Early English glass that I have met with in this neighbourhood are two fragments, probably of a border, worked in with other glass, in the west window of the nave of St. Cross ; and two other fragments, likewise of a border, over the door leading into the refectory. All this glass is pre- cisely of the same character, and I think early in the thirteenth century. It doubtless came out of one of the Norman windows of the church, and is all that I have been able to discover of the original glazing. A few small fragments of later Early English are at present contained in two boxes in the cloisters of Winchester College, which are filled with scraps, principally of glass of Wykeham's time, brought from New College Chapel, Oxford. A few similar fragments may be seen amongst other glass at St. Cross. This glass is of the last half of the thirteenth century, and is similar to that in Salisbury Cathedral. Two circles of early Decorated glass are over the door of the refectory of St. Cross, and two or three moi-e in the west window of Winchester Cathedral. They are composed of mere plain pieces of coloured glass disposed in a geometrical pattern, and prove how much of the effect of early glass is owing to the texture of the material. There are fragments of early Decorated borders scattered about the windows of St. Cross. There is also a piece of early Decorated ornament in one of the before-men- tioned boxes ; and in the east window of the north aisle of Komsey church, Hants, is an early Decorated panel, containing a representation of Christ bearing the Cross. All this is, I think, of the begnining of the fourteenth century. IN WINCHESTER AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. 65 There are also specimens of later Decorated glass at St. Cross ; in the boxes in the college, and in a tracery light of the north window of De Lacy's work in the cathedral. This neighbourhood is much richer in the early Perpendicular than in any other glass. The earliest specimen consists of the heads of two canopies in the east window of the chancel of St, John's Church, Winchester, in which it is hard to say whether the Decorated or the Perpen- dicular features predominate. The next in date is afforded by the remains of the original glass in the west window of Winchester Cathedral, the west windows of the aisles, and the first window in the south aisle, counting from the west. No painted glass remains in the first and second windows from the west in the north aisle. This glass chiefly consists of the heads of canopies; in the west window, however, two or three of the original figures remain. It is undoubtedly the earliest Perpendicular glass in the cathe- dral, and may be the work of Wykeham's predecessor. Bishop Edington. In Wykeham's will, dated rather more than a year before liis death,^ he bequeaths a sum of money for the glazing of the windows of the cathedral, beginning from the west end, at the first windoiv of the new work done by him ; from which it would appear that some windows at the western end of the edifice had been already glazed. The character of the glass in the above- mentioned windows, which I presume were glazed by Bishop Edington, is, however, nearly identical with that in the east windows of the ante-chapel of New College, Oxford, and with most of that in the before-mentioned boxes, which I am informed was taken from the west window of New College Chapel, Oxford, at the time the window designed by Sir Joshua Keynolds was put up. The next in date in Winchester Cathedral is the glass in the other windows of the aisles of the nave, and in the clear- story windows of the nave. This is a little later than the glass in the west window, and is of precisely the same character as the original glass now remaining in the north, south, and west windows of the ante-chapel of New College Chapel, Oxford. According to Wykeham's will, these windows of the cathedral were to be glazed in the following order. Those of the south aisle and clearstory first, beginning from the west ; then those Wykeham died Sept 24, 1404. 6Q A SHORT NOTICE OF PAINTED GLASS of the north aisle and clearstory, also beginning from the west, provided the money would go so far.^ Much more glass remains on the north than on the south side of the cathedral ; but from the existing fragments I cannot discover any perceptible differ- ence between the glass on either side, whether in the drawing or in the texture of the material. Four figures, and parts of their canopies, belonging to this glass, appear to have been removed into the first window from the east of the clearstory of the choir. The head of the western- most figure, a female, is as fine as anything that I have yet seen in glass of this or any other period. In the west window of the nave of St. Cross are many quarries of this date, and the original part of the figures in the lower part of the window is coeval with the quarries. The cross in this window, which is embedded in the quarries, is modern, and is made of sheet-copper. The College Chapel was, it seems, originally glazed with glass of the same date as that I have just been speaking of. All the present glass in its side windows is, however, modern, as well as all that in its east window, with the trifling exception of some little bits in the tracery lights of the east window, con- sisting of two small figures, the head of an angel, and four other small fragments. The original designs have been preserved in the modern glass with considerable fidelity ; indeed, considering the time when it was executed, about twenty years ago, it must be admitted to be a vert/ good copy of the old. The art of making coloured glass was not so well understood then as now: in particular the manufacture of Kuby glass, like that of the fifteenth and six- teenth centuries, w^as revived by the French only a few years ago, and consequently long after these windows were painted. The artist, therefore, worked under peculiar disadvantages; nevertheless, had the old glass of the chapel been copied this very year, however exactly, and wdth whatever care in the selec- tion of the colours, the chapel windows would have been only one degree better in appearance than they now are. They would merely have exhibited the colouring of the sixteenth century, instead of, as they now do, that of the nineteenth, united with the drawing of the early part of the fifteenth century. For the texture of all modern manufactured glass, uncoloured as well as coloured, is identical only with that of the sixteenth century, Lowth's ' Life of Wykeham/ p. 387. IX WIXCHESTER AND ITS XEIGHBOUEHOOD. 67 and is totally different from the texture of earlier glass. I can- not too pointedly call attention to this fact, nor too earnestly- express my decided opinion that, with the present materials, the only glass which we can successfully imitate, and consequently the only styles in which modern glass should under these circumstances be painted, are those of the sixteenth century. In all old glass the nature of the material varies as completely as the character of the drawing and execution : indeed, the texture of the glass affords of itself a criterion of its date. This principle of adapting the execution to the material pervades all ancient, and indeed all other manufactured work of original design ; and it is in vain to imitate the drawing without also imitating the material in which the work is to be executed. Hence it is that modern encaustic tiles, whatever may be the date of the pattern impressed upon them, always appear to be of the same date, viz. that of the manufacture of the tile : and hence it also is, that the best modern Early English and Decorated windows must always fail to please a practised eye, not only on account of their violation of the rules of style, but, what is a far gi^ater objection in a work of art, on account of the total want of harmony between the material and the 'mode in which it is tvorhed. To return, however, from this digression. The windows in the chapel are still of great value, as giving the arrange- ment, and to a considerable extent the drawing, of the original work. The next glass in order of date is in the heads of the three westernmost windows, on the north side of the clearstory of the choir in AYinchester Cathedral: it consists of canopy- work and cherubim. The four figures in the upper tier of lower lights in the easternmost of these three windows are of the same time, and appear to be in their original position. The eight figures and canopies in the upper tier of the two easternmost windows on the south side of this clearstory are likewise of the same date ; but these are all too short by six or ten inches for the spaces they occupy, which would cause a suspicion of theii- haviiio; been removed from some other windows. All this oflass is, I think, of the close of Henr}' VI.'s reign. There are fragments of glass of the same date as that last noticed, scattered about the windows of St. John's Church, Winchester. The glass remaining in the east window of the north transept of St. Cross is a little later. A better specimen of the border F 2 68 A SHORT NOTICE OF PAINTED GLASS which ornaments the glass in this window may be seen in the east window of the chancel of St. Peter's Church, Cheesehill, Winchester. The glass of the east window of the College Library is of the time of Edward IV., or early part of the reign of Henry VII., and was removed some years ago to its present position from the small chapel on the south side of the College Chapel, in which the font now is. The glass is too narrow for the spaces it occupies. The arms in the windows of the Refectory at St. Cross, con- sisting of those of Cardinal Beaufort, and a shield bearing the livery colours of his family, are of the latter half of the fifteenth century. The cardinal's arms are surmounted with his hat, and surrounded with its pendent strings. The whole is on a quarry ground, on which is repeated a motto, which I presume to be the cardinal's. The words are " A Bono & Lyesse," written on small scrolls.^ The glass in the east window of the Choir of Winchester Cathedral is perhaps a little earlier than 1525, and is the work of Bishop Fox, whose arms, and motto, "Est deo gracia," are introduced into it. This window must, when perfect, have been a truly magni- ficent one : it would be unfair to judge of it in its present state. The only part of the glass now in its original position consists (as I think) of the two figures which occupy the two southern- most of the lower lights, and of that in all the tracery lights, except the top central one and the three immediately below it. The top central light is filled principally with some glass of Wykeham's time, and all the rest of the window with glass of Fox's time, removed from other windows. This window, when compared with the surrounding ones, exhibits most strikingly the characteristic features of the time. It is superior to the other glass-paintings in the fulness and arrangement of its colours, but it is less brilliant, owing to the greater depth of the shading, to which the increased roundness of the figures is owing. In point of execution^ I apprehend that it is as nearly perfect as painted glass can be. In it the shadows have attained their ]proper limit. Deeper shadows would have produced blackness and opacity, and lighter shadows a greater degree of flatness than is necessarily inherent in a real glass- painting. This is the style which in my opinion ought to be > A representation of these arms is given in the plate opposite. ARMS OF CARDINAL BEAUFORT. rrom tie h-rfecMrv S: C.-cs- TofacejMgv 6?. IN WINCHESTER AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. 09 adopted at the present day, using the Cinquecento ornaments when the glass is destined for a Eonian or Palladian building, and Gothic details when the glass is, as here, designed for a Gothic edifice. It was at this period that glass-painting attained its highest perfection as an art. This circumstance alone would be a sufficient reason, one would think, for adopting the style of the first half of the sixteenth century in modern works, in preference to the earlier and less perfect styles ; but I have already pointed out a fatal objection to the adoption of earlier styles — the impossibility of obtaining glass of the requisite texture in which to execute works designed in any of the earlier styles. Bishop Fox's glass seems originally to have extended into some of the side windows of the clearstory of the choir, the heads of some of his canopies still retaining their original posi- tions in these windows. The easternmost window on the north side of this clearstory was evidently at one time filled with his glass. The tracery lights still remain, and it is curious to observe how their design and arrangement of colour are accom- modated to the design and arrangement of colour of the earlier glass in the other windows of this clearstory, and which I have before said I believe to be of the latter part of the reign of Henry YI. Tlie aisle windows, both on the north and south sides of the choir, also contain remains of Bishop Fox's glass. When perfect, the glass in this part of the cathedral might have stood a com- parison with the finest continental examples. There is also some late glass, but much mutilated, in the east window of the Lady-chapel of the cathedral ; and in one of the east windows of the south transept are a few fragments of Cinque- cento glass. In the Library at the Deanery are some excellent specimens of heraldic glass, of the time of James I. and Charles I., in which, however, the decline of the art of glass-painting is very apparent. There are other detached portions of glass scattered about Winchester, but I have described I believe the greater part, in order to enable others to make out a series of glass of different dates, to examine it, and judge for themselves, assuring them that a careful investigation of existing specimens w^ill alone enable them to acquire a critical knowledge of painted glass. And as every little fragment of painted glass has its value in the eyes of the student, however insignificant it may be in itself. 70 NOTICE OF PAINTED GLASS IN WINCHESTEK, ETC. I will again urge those who have painted glass in their posses- sion carefully to preserve it. Time is perpetually destroying the evidences of art, and his chief assistants are the negligence and indifference of those who chance to possess specimens, valuable only for the purpose of comparison with more perfect works. I cannot conclude without expressing my gratitude to the Dean and Chapter of Winchester for their kindness in per- mitting me free access to every part of the Cathedral ; and also to the Warden of Winchester College, for allowing me to examine the glass in the boxes in the cloister, and to copy such parts of it as I thought proper. Figure of the Glass-painter from the East Window of the College Chapel. n. ON THE PAINTED GLASS IN THE CATHEDEAL AND CHUKCHES OF YORK. (From the volume of the Proceedings of the Archceological Institute at York, July, 1846.) OT many cities can boast of more extensive and important remains of painted glass than York. The examples extend over a period of nearly four centm-ies, but it is the almost unbroken series of glass-paintings of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries which renders this collection so interest- ing to the student. The greater portion of these specimens is in the Minster, and their value as evidences of the state of the art at different periods has been enhanced by Mr. Browne's laborious investigation of a vast mass of original documents relating to the building and adorning of the cathedral, which has enabled him to assign dates to most of the windows with considerable precision. It is not my intention to enter into any detailed statement concerning these windows, but simply to point out, as nearly as I can, tlie order in which they should be examined ; leaving it to the student to ascertain the difference of style observable in these works, and referring him for particular dates to Browne's * History of York Cathedral.' Mr. Browne's excellent notes on the painted glass in the Parish Churches, which are in the hands of the members of the Institute, render it unnecessary for me to offer many observations on this subject. The earliest painted glass in this city, and indeed one of the earliest specimens that I am acquainted with in England, is a portion of a Jesse in the second window from the west, on the north side of the clearstory of the nave, of the cathedral. It forms the upper subject in the westernmost lower light of this wdndow. The date of the glass is about 1200 ; it is therefore much older than the greater part of the Early English glass at 72 ON THE PAINTED GLASS Canterbury Cathedral, to wliicli I do not think a date can be assigned much earlier than the middle of the thirteenth century. A coloured engraving of this very curious example is given in Browne's 'History of York Cathedral/ plate 123. Much Early English glass, varying in date from the beginning to the middle of the thirteenth century, has been employed to fill the wheel of tracery in the head of the last-mentioned window, as well as the wheels in the tracery of the five next clearstory windows. The upper tier of subjects in the lower lights of the fifth and seventh windows, counting from the west, on the north side of this clear- story, are also Early English, An Early English subject is inserted in one of the lower lights of the sixth clearstory window, counting from the west. The wheels in the tracery of all but three of the clearstory windows, on the south side of the nave, are likewise filled with Early English glass ; and Early English glass-paintings are also to be found amongst the subjects in their lower lights. Coloured engravings of some of this glass are given in Browne's ' History of York Cathedral ; ' one plate — of great value to the antiquary — represents a series of borders, from the commencement to the middle of the thir- teenth century. The next glass in order of date is that in the Five Sisters : which beautiful pattern-windows are of the latter half of the thirteenth century. It is hardly necessary to observe that the glazing of the five lancets above the Sisters is modern. A por- tion of the pattern of each of the iFive Sisters has been carefully engraved in Browne's 'York,' plates 61, 63, 65, 67, and 69. Some glass of the same character and date as that in the Five Sisters has been inserted in the tracery of the second window, from the door, in the vestibule or passage leading into the chapter-house. The remains of a very nice Early English win- dow of the latter half of the thirteenth century are inserted in two Decorated windows on the north side of St. Dennis or Dionis Church, Walmgate, in this city. The next glass in order of date is that in the chapter-house and vestibule leading into it. This is of the time of Edward II., and commencement of the reign of Edward III., and is an extremely beautiful specimen of early Decorated work. Accurate engravings of the patterns of some of these windows are given in Browne's ' York,' plates 79, 83, 85, 88, and 92 ; and a coloured print of one of the subjects, the Annunciation, has lately been published in this city. One window in the chapter-house, that opposite the entrance, is a restoration by Messrs. Barnett and IN THE CATHEDRAL AND CHURCHES OF YORK. 73 Sons, of York ; it lias been carefully executed, and if it does not produce so satisfactory an effect as the original windows, this arises not from the fault of the artist, but from the impossibility of procuring, at the present day, a material similar in texture to the glass of the fourteenth century. The next glass in order of date is that in the nave of the cathedral, its clearstory, and aisles. This glass is all of the time of Edward III. The contract for glazing the great west window is dated 1330, and none of the glass probably is later than 1350. The general arrangement and execution of the designs through- out this part of the building are well worthy of notice, as evincing the attention paid by our ancestors to general effects in these matters. The west windows of the nave and aisles, of which distant views may be obtained, have their lower lights filled with large figures and canopies ; while the windows of the aisles, with but one exception, are adorned with paintings of a more complicated character, and on a smaller scale, and which are therefore better calculated for a near inspection. Much of the plain geometrical glazing in the clearstory windows is original, and, like that in a similar position in Cologne Cathedral, affords a proof that the ancient glass-painters did not consider them- selves hound to finisli 'patterns destmed to occupy a distant position as highly as those placed nearer the eye. Some Decorated glass of the same character and date as that in the nave has been placed in the first window from the west of the south aisle of the choir. The second and third clearstory windows from the east, on the south side of the choir, contain similar glass, which, as I conjecture, has been removed thither from one or other of the two blank side windows of the north and south aisles of the nave. Many of the churches in the town possess good Decorated glass in their windows ; I may mention in particular the east window of the north aisle of All Saints', North-street, and the westernmost window of the north aisle of St. Martin' s-cum-Gregory : there are also the remains of a Decorated Jesse, like that in one of the windows of the south aisle of the nave of the Cathedral, in St. Dennis or Dionis Church; and some very perfect Decorated designs in the first and second windows from the east on the north side of that building. The earliest Perpendicular glass in the Cathedral is contained in the third window from the east in the south aisle of the choir, in the third and fourth windows from the east in the north clearstory of the choir, and in the fourth clearstory 74 ON THE PAINTED GLASS window from the east on the opposite side of the choir. These windows are of the close of the fourteenth century. There is also an early Perpendicular Jesse in the third window from the west in the south aisle of the choir. The date of the east win- dow of the choir is well known ; a contract for glazing it in three years was made in 1404. This window is one of the best executed that I have ever seen ; the beauty of the figures, how- ever, cannot be fully appreciated without inspecting them closely from the gallery near the window. The other windows of the choir aisles, eastward of the small eastern transepts, as well as the glass in the lancet windows on the east side of the great western transepts, appear to be likewise of the time of Henry IV. Some of these windows may probably be a few years earlier than the east window. All the rest of the glass in the choir is of the reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI. ; the greater portion belonging to the latter reign. The chief peculiarity that I have observed in these windows is, that the white glass, which enters so largely into their composition, is, generally speaking, less green in tint than is usual, especially in the western and southern parts of England. Mr. Browne has informed me that it clearly appears, from the fabric rolls, that this white glass is of English manufacture, which circumstance may perhaps serve to account for its whiteness. There is some very good glass of the time of Henry VI. in the east and other windows of All Saints' Church, North-street; the east window unfortunately has not been improved by the modern restorations, which appear to have been made in ignorance of the fundamental principles of the Perpendicular style of glass-painting. St. Martin's Church, Coney-street, contains much painted glass of the time of Henry VI., of good character, and valuable as affording an example of a general arrangement of designs throughout an entire building. Some glass of the reign of Henry VII. has been inserted in the four upper south windows of the great west transept of the Cathedral : the heads of some, if not all of the figures, are restorations. A very beautiful glass-painting, of the last half of the sixteenth century^ has been inserted in the window next the east, of the south aisle of the choir. It was presented to the Cathedral by Lord Carlisle in 1804, and was brought from a church at Kouen. The design is evidently taken from a painting, I believe by Baroccio (who died in 1612, aged 84), but the colouring and execution have been varied to suit the nature of the material IX THE CATHEDEAL AND CHURCHES OF YORK. 75 employed. I infer from the column-like arrangement of the groups, as well as the actual division-lines of the glass, that this work was originally painted for a four-light window. This is neither the place nor the occasion for any discussion touching the relative merits of this and the earlier glass-paintings in the Cathedral ; but I may be permitted to observe that this work affords a proof that it is not impossible to unite the drawing and colouring of an advanced period of art to the true practice of glass-painting. In the windows by Peckitt at the south end of the great west transept, the principles of painting upon glass and painting upon canvas are confounded together; in attempt- ing to imitate the depth of an oil-painting by shadows alone, he has simply produced opacity, than which no greater fault can be committed in glass-painting. I cannot conclude these remarks without expressing a hope that before this meeting separates some measures will be taken far cataloguing all the painted glass in the Cathedral and Parish Churches of York. A really correct and properly detailed cata- logue of the glass in the Cathedral alone would be a most valuable addition to our archaeological publications. Many of those windows are perfect histories in themselves ; and contain information which can hardly be collected elsewhere. Yet how little is known of them ! The French antiquaries have already made correct catalogues of the glass in many of their principal buildings ; and why should not their example be imitated in England ? we may be sure that the longer it is delayed the more difficult will become the task ; Time never sleeps, and in spite of all our precautions is perpetually destroying the evidences of history committed to so frail a material as glass. One of the principal obstacles to obtaining a correct catalogue of painted glass, the difficulty of procuring a person competent to the task, does not exist in the present case. I could have wished that Mr. Browne had in his own work given, what he is perfectly capable of making, a full and complete catalogue of the glass in the Cathedral ; but a very cursory examination of the windows has convinced me that he has exercised a sound discretion in declining such an undertaking on his own account. I repeat again that a good catalogue of the York glass would be an achievement worthy of the Institute, that it would stamp its proceedings with a character of usefulness, and perhaps induce other antiquarian societies to commence similar undertakings. The reloading of painted windows in a careful manner, and 76 PAINTED GLASS IN YOKK CATHEDRAL, ETC. insuring the retention of even every little fragment of original glass in its original position during the operation, is a work which cannot be too strongly advocated; but at the same time can never supersede the necessity of making full and accurate catalogues, which may remain after the glass itself has perished. i^LATE ]X. ' LINCOLN CATHEDRAL. INSERTED IN THE NORTH ROSE V\//NOOW. Charles "Wfinstcn, del Philip Delamotte.Litho Ytncent Broo'ks 111. AN ACCOUNT OF THE PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL AND SOUTHWELL MINSTER: WITH SOME GENERAL EEMARKS ON GLASS-PAINTING. From the volume of the Proceedings of the Archseological Institute at the Annual Meeting at Lincoln, 1848.) PROPOSE in this paper to give some account of the remains of ancient painted glass existing in Lincoln Cathedral and Southwell Minster. But as I have reason to believe that the subject of Glass-painting is far from being generally under- stood, and that it has not received that degree of attention Avhich it deserves, whether considered as occupying a prominent place among the arts of the Middle Ages, or as an art which the taste of the present day has caused to be extensively revived, I shall venture to take a wider range than is absolutely necessary, and, instead of confining myself to a description of these remains, combine with it such an account of the process of glass-painting, and of its past history and variations, as, by affording some knowledge of the practical details of the art, may remove an obstacle which, meeting the antiquary or amateur at his first entrance on the study of glass-painting, often deters him from pursuing the subject, or giving due attention to it. In conclusion, I shall offer a few remarks on the present practice of the art, and suggestions for removing some of the difficulties which beset its advancement. The art of Painting on Glass, which it may be proper to state is very different from the art of making coloured glass — an art of remote antiquity — was probably suggested by the very ancient practice of painting on earthenware with enamel, and the use of coloured glass in mosaics : but from the silence of classical 78 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDEAL authors on the subject, the absence of antique specimens, and the character of ancient buildings, as well domestic as public, it seems to have been invented subsequently to the coming of our Lord. Yet, although it cannot be carried back beyond the Christian era, the art is undoubtedly of considerable antiquity, as the Treatise on the subject, which is found in the second book of the * Diversarum Artium Schedula ' of Theophilus, is of itself sufficient to prove. This treatise, which is as early as the tenth century, describes so perfect and complete a process of glass-painting, as to justify the conclusion that the art itself must have been invented at a much earlier period.^ So per- fect, indeed, is the method given in the treatise (which has been rendered accessible to the general reader by the recent publication of a French and two English translations),^ that it continued to be followed, without any material change, until almost the middle of the sixteenth century. But to however remote a period the invention of the art may be referred, the most ancient specimens of it which at present exist are not so early as even the tenth century. The oldest existing painted glass to which a date can, with certainty, be assigned, has been considered by M. de Lasteyrie, and other eminent French anti- quaries, to be the remains of the glass at St. Denys, which w^as painted in the middle of the twelfth century by order of Abbot Suger, who has left an interesting account of it. But it is not impossible that painted glass much earlier than this may be discovered ; indeed M. Gerente, an ingenious imitator of ancient painted glass, lately exhibited to me tracings made from some painted glass at Mans Cathedral, in France, which glass seemed to be as early as the latter part of the eleventh century. Theo- philus, in the treatise before mentioned, particularly extols the skill of the French glass-painters, and France is at this day the grand storehouse of painted glass of the earliest style. The little we possess in England is, however, not inferior in quality to the French glass. Some of the oldest glass in this country is part of a Jesse window in Canterbury Cathedral ; and part of another Jesse in York Minster, which has been inserted into the tracery lights of the Decorated clearstory windows of the 1 The art of g\a,ss-making is also de- ruins of Roman villas, and which has scribed in this treatise. The glass was a straight selvage, was made in this formed into a cylinder, and opened or manner, spread out into a sheet. Sheets so made ^ Those by Count De I'Escalopier, have straight selvages. It is not im- by Mr. Hendrie, and in the appendix to probable that the glass found in the the ' Hints on Glass-painting.' AND SOUTHWELL MIXSIER. 79 nave.^ All this glass is of the last half of the twelfth century ; so that the glass at York is older than any part of the existing edifice, with the exception of the crypt under the choir. And this is by no means a solitary instance of the original glass having been preserved when an old structure was pulled down and rebuilt in the Middle Ages. Having thus alluded to the probable antiquity of the art, and noticed a few of the most ancient specimens, I think it will be convenient briefly to describe what may be called Theophilus's System of Glass-painting and the alterations that were after- wards engrafted upon it ; since by so doing I shall give a general notion of the process of glass-painting, and show the chief sources of the varieties of style that are afterwards specified. As I shall have occasion to mention several different kinds of glass used in glass-painting, for the sake of perspicuity and brevity I will state that by White glass I mean glass w^hich in the course of its manufacture has not intentionally been coloured ; that by Coloured glass I mean glass to which some colour has purposely been given in its manufacture ; that by Pot-metal glass I mean a particular kind of coloured glass, viz. glass coloured throughout its entire substance; and that by Coated glass (which is sometimes, though inaccurately, called Flashed glass) I mean another kind of coloured glass, ^iz. glass coloured on one side only of the sheet. The glass-painter, it should be added, does not make the glass he paints; though, at an early period, it would seem that he did so. The glass-painter, having made his design, which in the earliest period was drawn wdth lead, tin, or chalk on a board or table prepared for the purpose, transferred it to the glass in the following manner. He cut from the sheet pieces of white and coloured glass, corresponding in size and shape to those parts of the design which he intended to be white and coloured respect- ively, and fitted them accurately together, so as to form a piece of coarse mosaic work ; each colour of the design being repre- sented by a separate piece of glass. He then proceeded to paint the outlines and shadows of the design upon these pieces of glass, using for the pm-pose an Enamel colour, similar to that now known amongst glass-painters by the name of "Enamel Brown ;" and which, like any other enamel colour, is comj^osed of two ingredients, — Flux, that is, soft glass which melts readily * See Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute at York ; paper on the Painted Gla«s, p. 71 ante. 80 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDKAL in the fire, and some kind of Colouring matter indestructible by- heat. The next step was to subject the glass to the action of Red heat, in a kiln or furnace, in order to make the Enamel Brown attach itself to the glass by the melting of the flux ; and the process was completed by connecting together the various pieces of painted glass with lead-work, and setting up the glass painting in the window. A more simple method of producing a pictorial effect can hardly be imagined. The picture was coloured by using white and coloured glass ; its outlines, shadows, and diaper patterns alone were painted by the artist. In the early part of the fourteenth century the glass-painters dis- covered a means of Staining white glass yellow, and of im- parting a yellow tint to most kinds of coloured glass. The principal ingredient of the Yellow Stain is oxide or chloride of silver ; it imparts its tint to the glass — penetrating it a little way — on being exposed to the action of a red heat. A new mode of executing the shadows and diaper grounds with the Enamel Brown was adopted just before the close of the four- teenth century. Previously to this time, a coat of Enamel Brown was smeared over those parts only of the glass that were intended to be in shadow, the lights being left clear and un- touched ; but according to the new method, the Enamel Brown was spread all over the glass, and stippled^ whilst moist to obliterate the marks of the brush and give smoothness to the coat; and the parts intended to represent the lights of the picture were afterwards restored to their original transparency by the removal of the enamel ground from off them. The first and oldest kind of shading may be called Smear shading, and the second Stipple shading ; the distinction being important to the antiquary and artist. Towards the middle of the fifteenth century a method was discovered of exhibiting to view patches of white glass in the midst of a coloured surface by the destruc- tion of corresponding portions of the coloured stratum of coated glass, an invention which facilitated the representation, in their proper colours, of heraldic bearings and other minute subjects ; but this, being tedious and expensive in practice, was not exten- sively resorted to. At the beginning of the sixteenth century the introduction of another Enamel colour, rather redder in hue ' The stippling process was not a ently called " smear shading stippled," novelty: it was occasionally used, even to distinguish it botli from the ordi- as eai-ly as the reign of Edward II., to nary "smear shading" and "stipple soften the effect of the smear shading, shading." Shading, so executed, may be conveni- AND SOUTHWELL MINSTER. 81 than the Enamel Brown, may be noticed. It was chiefly used to heighten the complexions and to warm tlie flesh tint. Xo other innovations, however, on the system of Theophilus, wliich may with propriety be called the Mosaic System of Glass- painting, were made until the middle of the sixteenth centurv. The most gorgeous glass-paintings in existence, all which were executed during the first half of the sixteenth century, owe their plenitude of effect simply to the fuller develojunent of the Mosaic system. In the middle of the sixteenth century, however, or in France and Flanders a few years earlier, it was discovered that all other colours besides yellow, brown, and light red, could be given to white glass by means of Enamel colours and the Stain ; and thus the artist became in a measure independent of the glass- maker for colouring glass. But the introduction of the Enamel System of Glass-painting, as this may be called, did not imme- diately lead to the disuse of coloured glass ; the euamels being at first employed either to colour those parts of the design which, from the difficulty of leading in pieces of coloured glass, must otherwise have remained uncoloured, or imjDroperly coloured; or to heighten the tint of the coloured glass. The joint operation, however, of colouring glass by means of enamels, and the disuse of glass-painthigs on an extended scale, led, at last, to the abandonment of the manufacture of coloured glass in France, and to its great deterioration in this kingdom and else- where. Le Vieil informs us that in 17GS no coloured glass was made in France.^ In England the Pot-metals continued to be made, but the manufacture of Coated glass appears to have ceased towards the latter part of the seventeenth centurv. I have not met with any example of Euby glass, ^. e. Coated Bed glass, later than that in the east window of Lincoln Cathedral, which was executed by Peckitt in 1762. It is of very inferior quality, but not worse than what was made some sixty years before. The manufacture of Biibv,^ as well as of other kinds of 1 ' L'Art de la Peinture sur Verre et lation of Otto Fromberg's ' Handbuch de la Vitrerie, par feu Le Vieil/ p. 84. der Glasmalerei,' in Weale's Quarterly - A careful microscopical examination Papers ; and Lardner's ' Porcelain and of several specimens of modern and Glass Manufacture/ p. 276.] The in- ancient " ruby glass " has convinced me gredients for making ruby glass are that the old was manufactured in the mentioned amongst the receiots for same Uianner as the new. colouring glass given in Xeri, ' De Arte The red colour is clearly ascertained Vitraria,' in the French work of Blan- to be producible by copper in a high court, and also in the 'Mappa Clavi- state of oxidation. [See Clarke's trans- cula/ a MS. of the 10th century, G 82 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL Coated glass, was revived in France about twenty years ago ; but its having lain dormant for a period, together with the deteriorated quality of Pot-metal glass, have given rise to a belief that the art of glass-painting, as formerly practised, has been lost. This belief is fast wearing out, but its effect is still felt in the propensity to be satisfiad with a glass-painting, what- ever may be its demerits as a work of art, provided it exhibits bright and striking colours. The very changes which have taken place in the practice of the art thus afford, of themselves, a means of ascertaining the age of any particular glass-painting ; but in consequence of the length of time during which each mode was practised, they do not present any precise evidence of date, nor do they furnish the means of a classification sufficiently discriminating in other respects. We are, therefore, obliged to look amongst minute details for the distinguishing characteristics of tlie successive periods of glass-painting, and to found upon them, in conjunction with the changes above-mentioned, the division of the art into those several styles which, together with a brief notice of some of their peculiarities, I shall presently enumerate. Theophilus's, or the Mosaic System of Glass-painting, con- tinued to be followed, as already stated, until about the middle of the sixteenth century, and thus comprehends all the mediaeval printed in the 23rd vol. of the ' Archaeo- 15th or IGth century, in one of the logia,' p. 183 et seq. See the chapters - windows of the tower called *' Cook's cclvii., cclviii, entitled, ' Confectio Folly," near Clifton : and no doubt vitri rubri.' None of these authors, many others exist. Peckitt's ruby was, however, describe the mode of form- I am sure, manufactured exactly as ing the glass into sheets. The chapter above described ; the failure of the red in the treatise of Theophilus, which, and the green tint imparted to the from its heading, 'De Vitro quod glass in places are defects not unfre- vocatur Gallien,' we may suppose bore quently exhibited by more ancient spe- on the subject, is lost. [See ' Hints on cimens, and may easily be accounted for. Glass-painting,' p. 311.] There can be A new kind of ruby glass, which, for no doubt, however, that ruby glass was convenience sake, may be called " ena- anciently formed into sheets, as it is melled ruby," has lately been manu- now, by blowing a lump of white glass, factured by Mr. Hartley, The colour- covered with a coat of ruby, into a ing matter is spread, with a brush, over hollow sphere, which was afterwards the surface of a sheet of yellow or white converted into a flat sheet in the usual glass, to which it becomes united, like way, A specimen of ruby glass, of the a transparent enamel, on exposure to a 13th century, exhibiting the mark of a sufiicient heat in a kiln, A similar " punt," or " bull's eye," is described process is described, as applicable to in the 'Hints on Glass-painting,' p. other colours, in ' L'Art de la Peinture 341. This, in connection with other sur Verre et de Vitrerie, par feu Le circumstances, is decisive as to the mode Vieil,' part 2, ch. 3. It is clear that of manufacture. I have met with a the ancient ruby was not manufactured similar instance, but not older than the in this manner. AND SOUTH^YELL MINSTER. 83 varieties ; and those varieties may be conveniently divided into styles, like the varieties of mediaeval architecture, and in like manner may be classed under the head of the Early English style, the Decorated style, &c. The Early English style includes all glass-paintings executed prior to 1280. Some works of this period I have already men- tioned, when sj^eaking of the antiquity of glass-painting. The great Eose or Wheel window of the transept of the cathedral of this city also belongs to it. The description which I shall pre- sently give of this window will afford an opportunity of indicating some of the characteristic features of the style, and it will also serve to illustrate the arrangement which is usual in similar works of this ao-e. I therefore abstain from enterins: at all into these particulars at present. The Decorated style prevailed from 1280 to 1380. There are numerous and excellent specimens of this style in England, though hardly any remains belonging to it are found in Lincoln Cathedral. As early examples, I may mention the painted glass in the choir of Merton College Chapel, Oxford ; in tlie Chapter-house at York; in the chancel of Xorbury Church, Derbyshire, &c. : and as later examples, the glass in the choir of Bristol Cathedral; in the nave of York Cathedral; in Stan- ford Church, Xorthamj^tonshu'e ; in the east window of Glou- cester Cathedral, &c. The earlier examples of this style are distinguished from the Early English principally by the archi- tectural details of the canopy-work (a common accompaniment to Decorated picture glass-paintings), and the flow^ing tendril scrollages and naturally-formed leaves in the ornamental pat- terns. The later examples, in addition to these peculiarities, generally exhibit the Yellow Stain, and are also less intense in colour compared with Early English glass-paintings. In all Decorated painted glass, the outline is usually less strong, and the drawing less vigorous, than the Early English. The Perpendicular style prevailed fi'om 1380 to 1530. In the choir of York Minster is an excellent series of examples, extending from the last quarter of the fourteenth century to about the middle of the j&fteenth. There are also some good early remains in the Antechapel of lisew College, Oxford ; and later ones at 3Ialvern Church, AYorcestershire ; and especially at Fairford Church, Gloucestershire, the painted windows of which edifice are of the early part of the sixteenth centur}\ I may also mention another well-known example, rather earlier than the glass at Fairford, — the windows of the north aisle of G 2 84 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL Cologne Cathedral. The grand characteristics which distinguish Perpendicular glass-paintings from Early English and Decorated, are greater breadths of unbroken colour, tints of diminished intensity, and 'the introduction of a greater proportion of white glass even in the most richly-coloured pictures. The later examples, as at Fairford, are often highly picturesque in treat- ment and design. The foliaged ornaments, the devices on the quarries, of whi(?h the ornamented patterns in this style are formed, are In'ghly conventional and unnatural in form, and the style of execution is very delicate and finished. The Stipple Shading is also an important feature in glass-paintings of this style, and will often enable the student to determine whether a particular example is Perpendicular or Decorated. The style which succeeded the Perpendicular, after having been for nearly thirty years concurrent with it, I have called the Cinquecento. It prevailed from the beginning of the sixteenth century until the general introduction of Enamel colours, about the middle of that century. The character of the ornamental details — whence the name of the style — is of itself sufficient to distinguish Cinquecento from Perpendicular glass-paintings, in which the Gothic details are followed. In other respects it would not be easy to draw the line between the later examples of the one style and the earlier examples of the other ; the same mode of execution being used in each. The finest specimens of Cinquecento glass-paintings are amongst the works of the Flemish school ; these possess a power and a richness in comparison with Avhich the French and English examples appear weak and timid. There are some splendid specimens of the style at Lichfield Cathedral, brought from the neighbourhood of Liege in the early part of the present century. The east window of St. Margaret's, Westminster, which has all the appearance of being Flemish, is another splendid work ; but perhaps no windows so fully impress the spectator with the power of painted glass as those of the chapel of the Miraculous Sacrament, on the north side of Brussels Cathedral. It seems unnecessary to enter into any lengthened remarks on the styles of glass-painting which have prevailed from the Cinquecento period until within the last twenty years ; for with the exception of the east window of the choir of Lincoln, there is no example here to which such remarks can apply ; and this, being a kaleidosco})e of plain pieces of glass, need not be further noticed. Such glass-paintings are in general easily to be distinguished from the Cinquecento by the Enamel AXD SOUTHWELL MIXSTEE. 85 colouring which is used in them ; as well as by their dullness and opacity in several instances, and by their washiness and flimsiness in others. The last defect is most apparent in those specimens in which the use of white glass coloured with enamels, instead of coloured glass, has prevailed to the greatest extent. The best English examples of the combined use of Enamel colom-ing and Coloured glass are the works of the Van Linges, in the first half of the seventeenth century, and those of the Prices in the early part of the eighteenth. It cannot be denied that a very powerful pictorial effect is produced by many of these works ; yet even in the most favom-able examples we seek in vain for that sparkling brilliancy and translucency which characterise the equally powerful glass-paintings of the Cinque- cento period, and indeed constitute the chief beauty of a glass- painting. The poverty of glass-paintings in which the colouring is wholly produced by enamels is well exemplified in the "washy Virtues" at Xew College Chapel, Oxford, and in the windows of Arundel Castle, Sussex. The precedmg outline, however imperfect, of the progress of glass-painting, and of the styles under which the ancient varieties are classed, will enable us to enter upon an exami- nation of the windows of this Cathedral and of Southwell Minster ; and in the course of it I shall occasionally introduce a few remarks which may serve to illustrate what has before been said. The glass of the Early English st}ie remaining in the cathedral is, I think, of the first half of the thirteenth century. The great Eose or Awheel window in the north transept must be admitted to be one of the most splendid, and, in its present state, one of the most perfect, works of the thirteenth century.^ It is much to be regretted that no engraving exists of this window ; the want of accurate prints of entire ^\indows is, in- deed, a serious obstacle to the study of ancient glass.^ One only ^ For a description of this window, sufficiently perfect to satisfy the student, and of the subjects in it, see the Memoir Even in the short list which follows, on the glazing of the Xorth Rose some imperfect specimens are neces- Wiadow of Lincoln Cathedi-al. The de- sarily included. In the chou' of Canter- scriptiun which was contained in the birry Cathedral are many good speci- present memoir, being in some respects mens of Early English Medtilliou imperfect, is omitted. windows, and considerable remains of - Such has been the destruction or Figure and Canopy, and Jesse windows, mutilation of the works of the English Lincoln Cathedral has the splendid school of Glass-painting, that it is diffi- noi-th Rose above mentioned. Salisbury cult to form a series of entii'e windows, Cathedral contains some excellent Early or of considerable portions of windows, English white Pattern windows. La uer 86 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL of the subjects, the Angels supporting the Cross, has been engraved, but not accurately, in Fowler's 'Mosaic Pavements examples of the same kind are afforded by the Five Sisters at York, and the east window of Chetwode Church, Berks ; in the hist, the effect of intro- ducing pictures into a white pattern may be seen. The five-light east Avindow of Selling Cliurch, Kent, is a Decorated white pattern, witli pictures inserted, of the latter part of the reign of Edward I. The east window of Checkley Church, Staffordshire, bears a considei'able resemblance to the last. The side windows of Merton Chapel, Oxford, are white Pattern windows, with pictures inserted, of the latter part of Edward I.'s reign ; and the head of the east window is a rich specimen of decorative colouring. The windows of the Chapter-house at York are cai^ly in the reign of Edward II. They consist of white patterns with pictures inserted. The side windows of the chancel of J^orbury Church, Derbyshire, are of the same date and general design as the last, but Contain shields of arms instead of pictures. The head of the east wuidow of Froyle Church, Hants, is an excellent specimen of heraldic decora- tion, of the latter part of the reign of Edward IL Of the same date are the Figure and Canopy windows in the choir of Tewkesbury Church, and in the clearstory of the choir of Wells Cathe- dral ; as well as the Jesse east window of the same cathedral. This window, though more perfect, is inferior in de- sign to the Jesse east window of Bristol Cathedral, the date of which is about 1330. The west window of York nave is a Figure and Canopy window, early in the reign of Edward III. ; and amongst the side windows, which consist chiefly of white pattei-ns with pictures inserted, may be enumerated a Jesse, and some Figure and Canopy windows, all being of the early part of the same reign. St. Denis Church, York, has a Figure and Canopy window late in the reign of Edward III. ; of which date is the mag- nificent east window of Gloucester Cathedral. It consists chiefly of figures and canopies, and partly of white pat- tei^ns. The east window of Levrincrton Church, Cambridgeshire, is a very early Perpendicular Jesse. The Antechapel of New College, Oxford, contains several Figure and Canopy windows of the reign of Eichard II. There are some equally early examples in the clearstory of York choir. Indeed, the choir of this Cathedral is a perfect mine of Per- pendicular glass, varying in date from this time to the reign of Henry VI. ; and comprising in its aisles a Jesse window, as well as windows whose de- sign, like the east window, consists of a number of small pictures placed one over the other. St. Martin's Church, York, has a west window full of small pictures, and clearstory windows with figures and arms, on quarry grounds, of the time of Henry VI. The Hall windows of Ockwell's House, Berks, are filled with heraldic achievements of the middle of the fifteenth century, consist- ing of shields, mantlings, &c., of the boldest and most striking design. Good Pattern windows of the latter part of this century may be seen in the Hall of the Bede House, Ijyddington, Putland- shire ; and in the Dean's Chapel, Can- terbury Cathedral. Faii'ford Church, ■ Gloucestershire, contains a number of Picture windows, of various designs, of the early part of the sixteenth century, which deserve the greatest attention. King's Chapel, Cambi'idge, is full of early Cinquecento Picture windows. The east window of Bowness Church, Westmoreland, also belongs to this style; as well as the beautiful Jesse at Llanrhaidr Church, Denbighshire, and the east window of St. Margaret's, Westminster. The east window of Peter- house Chapel, Cambridge, is a favour- able specimen of the style which suc- ceeded the Cinquecento. Of the works of the Van Linges there are abund- ance at Oxford, particularly in the cathedral ; and in Lincoln's Inn Chapel. Tlie east window of St. Andrew's, Hol- born, which was painted by Price, is deserving of notice. This list might be greatly increased by adding more muti- lated, though hardly less valuable, spe- cimens to it. Plate 11. C. WINSTON. I.£IGBTO>- ,SBOS, PART OF A JESSE WINDOW. NORTH AISLE, LLAXRHAIDR CHURCH, DENBIGHSHIRE. AND SOUTHWELL MIXSTER. 87 and Painted Glass.' No other portion of the Early English glass is in its original position. It is clear that the white patterns which fill the five windows immediately below the north Eose have been removed from other windows ; and the same remark applies to the contents of both the lowest north windows of the transept. In the westernmost of these two windows, near the bottom, the figures of five angels, playing on musical instruments, have been inserted. These are late De- corated, of excellent character, and belong in all probability to the west window of the nave. Most of the glass in the southern Kose is Early English, collected from other windows : a collection of various pieces of Early English glass, chiefly pictures, likewise fills tlie other four south w^indows of the transept. The lower lights of the east windows of the north and south choir aisles are also filled with a similar collection of Early English glass-paintings ; amongst which are some Medallions, representing, according to the opinion of Mr. E. J. Willson, of Lincoln, incidents in the Ufe of St. Hugh of Lincoln. St. Hugh died Bishop of Lincoln in 1200, and was canonised by Pope Honorius III. in 1220. I am informed by Mr. Willson that this glass was removed about sixty years ago from the windows of the aisles of the nave to its present resting-place ; and that a chantry in a chapel adjoining the nave, having an altar dedicated to St. Hugh, was founded by Bishop Hugh de ^Velles, who died in 1235. I'he glass exhibits internal evidence of being of corresponding date. It is easy to recognise in these remains those striking featm-es which indicate the Early English style of glass-painting ; such as the extraor- dinary intensity and vividness of the colours, the strength and boldness of the outhne, the tallness of the figures, their vigorous and spirited attitudes, and classical air of their heads ; also the conventional character of the foliaged ornaments, as displaved in the borders and white patterns, and which resemble the orna- ments of the contemporary sculpture. The north Eose, which has been already described, also exhibits the general principles of composition common to any Early English window tliat contains a number of pictures. Each picture, the design of which is always very simple, is placed in a panel having a stiff-coloured ground and well-defined border. The panels are also embedded in a stiff-coloured ground. Very little white glass is used, so that the window consists of a mass of rich and variegated colouring, of Avhich the predominant tints are those of the grounds. The design, owing to the smallness of its parts, is 88 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL confused when seen from the floor of the transept. The various panels which have been inserted into the other windows, no doubt, once formed integral parts of Medallion windows. The north Kose shows the general effect of a Medallion window ; and some idea of its design is conveyed by the modern imitation window in the south aisle of the cathedral. The original ironwork of a Medallion window still remains in the first window from the west in the south aisle of the na^e, and may be regarded as indicating what were the principal divisions of tlie design of the glass-painting. There are a few fragments of Decorated glass of the time ot Edward II. in the tracery lights of the first window from the east of the south aisle of the choir, and a little more, somewhat earlier, in one or two of the windows of the opposite aisle. The east window of the choir has been deprived of its original glazing. It appears, from a note taken of it a few years previous to the Rebellion, and brought to my notice by the Venerable the Archdeacon, that it contained the arms of many of the English nobility ; from which circumstance it may be inferred, that the original glass was early Decorated, or at all events of transitional character ; heraldry not being found in the more ancient examples of Early English glass. A portion of a late Early English white pattern is inserted in the east window of the chapter-house at Southwell. It has been engraved in Shaw's ^Ornaments.' Tlie glass which fills the upper tracery lights of the west window of the nave of Lincoln is late Decorated, a little later, perhaps, than the middle of the fourteenth century. The five angels, already mentioned as being in one of the lower windows of the north transept, are of the same date as this : they most probably formed part of the west window. This window, judging from the forms of the foliaged scroll-work remaining in its tracery lights and round the angels, seems to have been a Jesse window. The Smear Shading in the angels and foliaged ornaments deserves attention. I should here notice a small piece of the foliaged scroll-work belongs to this window, which has been inserted in the Decorated south Kose window, near the bottom of its eastern side ; because this glass, wlien compared with the surrounding Early English glass, betrays, by the light- ness of its effect, the great difference in texture that certainly exists between Decorated and Early English glass. ^ ^ I am thus minute in uoticiug speci- manner, the difference in texture be- mens calculated to show, in a striking tween glass of different d^ites. becauP", AXD SOUTHWELL MINSTER. 89 At Southwell Minster, in the chapter-house, are some few remnants of early Decorated glass of the reign of Edward I. They consist chiefly of portions of tracery lights, and of the spires and crockets of canopies belonging to the lower lights. These crockets are identical in form with those carved in stone round the chapter-house. In one of the tracery lights of the second window from the east, on the south, is a small medallion of white glass, on which is represented a knight on hoseback, tilting, with a long spear under his arm. He is habited in a long surcoat which reaches below the knees, and is armed in a hauberk, and chausses of mail. His helmet is surmounted with a crest resembling the wing of a bird. In one of the opposite windows are remains of heraldic borders, consisting of the yellow castles of Castile, and of a white lion ramj^ant on a red field. The Perpendicular remains of glass in Lincoln Cathedral are but trifling. Three small circles emblematic of the months of March, April, and July, are inserted in the midst of the principal tracery lights of the east windows of the south and north aisles of the choir. X head in this style has also been supplied to the lowest of the five Decorated angels already mentioned as being in one of the north windows of the transept ; in this head, as well as in the other Perpendicular work, Stipple Shading is used. An heraldic border, composed of small parallelograms of white glass, each bearing a black chevron between three black crosses botonne, and a black border with yellow pellets, remains in the central lower light of the third window from the east of the north choir aisle. I suspect that these parallelograms were originally separated from each other by small pieces of plain coloured glass. They are, I think, of the middle of the fifteenth century. At Southwell, the remains of Perpendicular glass are equally scanty, being confined to a few late shields of arms, and other fragments, in the west window of the nave. The four lower east Avindows of the choir of this building are filled with Cinque- cento glass-paintings, of the French school, the gift of the late Mr. Gaily Knight, in 1818, and which represent the Baptism of Christ, the Kaising of Lazarus, the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, and the Mocking of Christ by the Jews. The first subject, considered as a glass-painting, is rather poor, being weak of all differences, this is the least appre- will agree that it is one of the most r.iable by casual observers, though all important. who have studied ancient painted glass 90 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL botli in colour and shadow. The whole of tliis picture below the knees of our Saviour is a modern addition, by the late Mr. Miller, who adapted the glass to the present lights. The three other subjects are effective and good, particularly the second, in which, by a skilful management of the background, a striking effect of distance and aerial perspective is produced. The third, as a composition of colour, is perhaps the best. These windows, though less powerful, are more brilliant than Flemish glass- paintings of the same period. As pictures, they go far to estab- lish the claim of glass-painting to be considered one of the fine arts. If glass-painting could be considered merely as an object of antiquarian curiosity, I should here terminate my remarks on the subject ; but as it is a practical art, and as the principal motive for investigating its past condition and history is a desire to advance and improve its present cultivation, 1 trust that few of those who interest themselves in the study will think that I am abusing the present occasion, if I proceed to offer some observations on the best mode of developing its resources, and carrying it onwards to perfection. It will not be denied, I think, that the glass-paintings which have been executed for churches within the last twenty years, with few exceptions, leave very great room for improvement. To include all these works under one common condemnation would no doubt be unjust, yet it must be admitted that hardly any, even of those most recently executed, can be considered satisfactory, or worthy the cost that has been expended on them, except perhaps so far as they may have been the means of bringing the Mosaic system of glass-painting ^ again into favour. They are for the most part servile but faulty imitations of older examples; and, like copies in general, magnify the defects of their originals without seizing upon their excellences. These evils are in great measure attributable to a habit amongst the patrons of glass-painting, of being satisfied with any work that in their opinion possesses a chance of being mistaken for an original example. Hence exactness of imitation is all that is aimed at, and glass-painters are led to value ancient glass- paintings only so far as they supply a means of making copies ; instead of endeavouring to penetrate into their principles, and found upon them a new and consistent style of glass-painting — 1 The superiority of the Mosaic system over all others is attempted to be shown ill the ' Hints on Glass-painting/ part ii. section 2. AXD SOUTHWELL MINSTER. 91 an object for which the ancient examples are deserving of the closest study. The ground on wliich an exact imitation of Gothic glass- paintings is generally and most plausibly maintained is an opinion that they harmonize with Gothic architecture, and that no others ai-e capable of doing so. It is important therefore, as well for those wlio advocate the system of servile imitation, as for those who would free artists from the letters which this system imposes, to inquire in what respects, and how far, Gothic glass-paintings do harmonize with Gothic architecture ; whether we have the means of obtaining, by mere imitation of them, that degree of harmony which they may be found to possess, and whether the desired harmony is best to be obtained by a more independent process. When it is said that glass-paintings ought to harmonize with the architecture with which they are united, the meaning is that they should assist and heighten the effect of the architecture, and present no features at variance with it. To produce this result, agreeably to the ordinary rules which govern other kinds of decoration, — for a glass-painting, as well as a fresco-painting, is undoubtedly a species of decoration, — a certain degTce of con- gruity is necessary between the glass-painting and the architec- ture and sculpture, in their general character and composition. A glass-painting intended for a church should possess a graver character than one intended for a secular building, and the ornaments, figures, and draperies represented in a Picture glass- painting should resemble those in the sculpture in style and general excellence. 3Ioreover, if the interior of the building, or even the particular situation of the window, be dark and obscure, the glass-painting ought to exhibit a predominance of deej) hues ; if light, a lighter cast of colour in the work might be j^referable. If the character of the architecture be cheerful, the tone of the glass-painting should be warm ; if sombre and melancholy, the tone of the glass-painting should be cold. Thus, buildings having dark interiors, as Westminster Abbey, or St. Paul's Cathedral, would require more powerfully coloured glass- paintings than the choir of Southwell 3Iinster, or the church of St. Clement Danes, in the Strand ; but as the character of Gothic architecture is sombre and melancholy compared with that of the Greek and Italian, glass-paintings designed for Westminster Abbey, or South weU Minster, should be colder in tone than those designed for St. Paul's or St. Clement Danes. In like manner, windows situated in the dome of St. Pauls, or the 92 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL transept of Lincoln Cathedral, might require to be more deeply coloured than the windows in the choir of St. Paul's, or in the choir of Lincoln ; yet the tone of colouring that would har- monize with any part of Lincoln Cathedral would be colder and more grave than that which would suit any part of St. Paul's. Tested by these rules, Gothic glass-paintings will be found, in some respects, to harmonize with the Gothic edifices that were contemporaneous with them. They harmonize with the sculp- ture in the form of their foliaged ornaments, heraldry, &c. ; and (except perhaps in the latest examples) with the grave and sombre character of the architecture, in the simplicity and cold tone of their colouring. All glass-paintings earlier than the last quarter of the fifteenth century are more or less cold in colour: and it is a circumstance worthy of remark, though it seems to result from accident rather than design, that, in pro- portion as Gothic architecture became less gloomy and sombre, Gothic glass-paintings, generally speaking, became not only lighter in hue, but less cold in tone. Thus we find that the glass-paintings which were contemporary with the Early English and Early Decorated styles of architecture (which have a more sombre air than any of the succeeding Gothic styles of architec- ture) are in general the coldest in tone. This arises from the green hue of the white glass, and the peculiar tints of the other colours (which may perhaps be affected in some degree by the hue of the white glass that forms their basis), as the crimson tinted Kuby, the cold though rich Pot-metal yellow, and the green hue which corrects the violet in the blue glass. The yellow stain, though it enriched the effect of the early Decorated glass-paintings, can hardly be said to have diminished their coldness of tone, for it always partook of the hue of the white glass. It was not until nearly the end of the fifteenth century, at which time the sombreness of Gothic architecture had greatly diminished, if not entirely disappeared, that we perceive in painted glass anything approaching ivarmth of tone. Indeed, even as late as the beginning of the fifteenth century, examples are to be seen hardly less cold than Early English glass- paintings. Again, though it would be difficult to prove that, in proportion as Gothic interiors became less dark and obscure, a preference was given to windows wholly or principally com- posed of white patterns, it cannot be denied that, as Gothic interiors became, by reason of the increased size and number of their windows, more light, the Picture glass-paintings themselves not only contained a less quantity of coloured and a greater AND SOUTHWELL MINSTER. 93 proportion of white and yellow stained glass, but eventually their colours individually became less intense in hue. The glass used in all Early English glass-paintings, whether white or coloured, is, owing to its peculiar texture, remarkable for intensity of hue. Even a white Pattern window of the Early English style has a solidity of effect, arising from the strong rich green tint and porcelain-like nature of its material, that would seem but ill calculated to accord with a lighter style of architecture than the Early English. Nothing could harmonize better with the character of the north transept of York than the "Five Sisters." But the deepest colouring known in painted glass occurs in Early English Picture windows, especially in the earlier examples. In these windows but little white glass is used, and this generally is of a strong green tint ; deep blues and reds predominate, and the lighter shades of colour, as pink, purple, and violet, possess a relative degree of strength. The colour of each picture is, in principle, simple and grave. The flesh-colour is deep ; the draperies are stiff patches of white or coloured glass, not designedly varying in depth ; and the figure or group is usually backed with a stiff blue or red ground. Landscapes with a gradually tinted sky never occur. The general appearance of the window is a mass of variegated and brilliant colouring of the deepest hue and most solemn tone. Decorated Picture windows, however, though they exhibit the same simple and grave principle of colouring, and though, at least in the earlier examples of them, tints often occur indi- vidually as intense as those of an Early English window, are, owing to the greater infusion of white glass into their design, considerably lighter in their general appearance than Early English Picture windows. Progressive changes in the manu- facture of the glass tended to diminish its intense hue and apparently dense texture, but this, so far from checking the employment of white glass in Picture glass-paintings, had tlie re- verse effect ; as is shown by the Picture glass-paintings of the Perpendicular style, in which there is always a much greater proportion of white glass than is seen in Decorated examples. The palest Picture glass-paintings are those of the latter half of the fifteenth century, in which, in connection with a light cast of colouring, the principle of employing a large proportion of white glass is carried to the fullest extent. But the harmony between Gothic Picture glass-paintings and Gothic architecture does not seem to extend beyond what has been stated. It is clear that these glass-paintings, in order 94 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL perfectly to harmonize with the architecture, ought to be in all respects as refined and advanced, in point of art, as the architec- ture and sculpture are. It can, however, be easily proved that Gothic Picture glass-paintings of every period are very inferior in design and execution to the buildings and architectural ornaments with w^hich they are associated. But it will be suffi- cient to point out the incongruity, in some respects, of Early English Picture glass-paintings and Early English architecture, since these are the most popular styles of painted glass and Gothic architecture, and between which the greatest degree of harmony is usually supposed to exist. A favourable specimen of Early English architecture suggests, at least to ordinary observers, no incompleteness either in the character and proportions of the architecture itself, or in the form of its conventional ornaments. Yet any representation of the human figure, when attempted in the sculpture, is immediately perceived to be palpably incorrect both in its proportions and details, defects easily accounted for when we consider the peculiar study which the human form demands, and recollect that in the thirteenth century — to use the words of Flax man — " the sculptor could not be instructed in anatomy, for there were no anatomists." ^ On examining an Early English Picture glass-painting, we find the human form still less correctly rendered than in the sculpture, which is not sarprising, because, at a tiuie when the laws of Per- spective were unknown, it was more difficult to draw correctly than to model. In this respect, therefore, there is a want of harmony between the glass and the architec^ture. But the inferiority of Early English Picture glass-paintings to Early English architecture is apparent in many other particulars. For instance, that flagrant violation of the rule of composition that regulates the size and complication of ornaments by the distance from which they are intended to be seen, which is so common in Early English Medallion windows, rarely, if ever, occurs in Early English architecture or sculpture.^ Again, the figures, and canopies, and alto-reliefs that adorn Early English ' Lectvires on Sculpture, p. 15. on so small a scale, that it is difficult 2 The figures of the alto-reliefs repre- to make out its component parts from senting the General Resurrection, which the floor of the cathedral, even with a occupy the upper part of the west front pocket telescope. It is true that the of Wells Cathedral, are distinctly visible glass is Early Decorated, and the sculp- from below ; yet the same subject, ture Early English, yet the comparison which occupies the lower lights of the may be fairly made, east window of the choir, is executed AND SOUTHWELL MINSTER. 95 architecture, are remarkable for their boldness and prominence, for strongly contrasted lights and shadows, and deep under- cuttings ; yet in Early English glass-paintings the pictures are, on the contrary, remarkable for their excessive flatness. The canopy, for instance, conveys scarcely any other idea than that of a border to the coloured ground in which the figure is imbedded ; and in the medallion pictures, the objects in the background are universally represented in the same plane with the group in the foreground. This flatness, being unintentional, as clearly appears from the abortive attempts made to overcome it, can only be regarded as a defect, and a further proof of the incom- pleteness of Early English Picture glass-paintings, in comparison with Early English architecture and sculpture. It is otherwise with Early English Pattern glass-paintings; they are but a species of mere surface decoration, and their flatness is perfectly consistent with the nature of their design. It could easily be shown that all other Gothic Picture glass- paintings disagree with the contemporary architecture in many respects ; but it is unnecessary to pursue the inquiry further to justify the conclusion, that, although Gothic Pattern glass- paintings may be considered to harmonize with Gothic architec- ture, Gothic Picture glass-paintings do so but imperfectly. It of course follows that the modern imitations of the latter, even if they w^ere exact, cannot harmonize with the architecture, since the originals do not. But the observations w^hich I shall now proceed to make on the nature of modern glass will show^ tliat these imitations cannot be exact ; and that all imitations of Gothic glass-paintings, whether patterns or pictures, and more especially those of the earlier styles, will be deficient in that part of harmony which is dependent on the tone and colouring of the work : the imitations of Picture glass-paintings thus failing of the desired harmony on two accounts. It has been stated in a former part of this paper, that various changes in the texture of the glass itself took place at various periods in the history of the art, and that the nature of the material is always, to a certain extent, characteristic of the age of the glass-painting. Therefore, in order to make an exact copy of any ancient glass-painting, we must possess either a material identical with that of which it is composed, or something equiva- lent to it. Down to the present time, however, the glass manu- facturers have not succeeded in reproducing a material identical with that even of the sixteenth century, which is less homoge- 96 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL neous, and, consequently, apparently denser in its texture,^ than modern glass. The modern imitations of the still earlier kinds of glass are, as might be expected, still less successful. Every expedient that has yet been tried has produced but a slight approximation to what is required. No material having the porcelain character, richness, and gem-like brilliancy of the glass of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, has yet been made. The modern glass is all too clear and homogeneous in texture, and too uniform in depth or shade of colour. Modern Euby glass is poor in comparison with the rich streaky Kuby glass of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; and the "Kolled" Pot-metal and white glass, being of uniform thickness all over, have none of the richness and vivacity of the ancient Pot-metal and white glass, which, having been blo\ni in a rude inartificial manner, are very irregular in thickness, and, consequently, exhibit corresponding varieties or shades of tint. Thus, it is evident that, until the manufacture of the ancient material is effednalhj revived, — and against this there are obstacles more numerous and formidable than would at first be supposed,^ — modern imitations of ancient painted windows, and especially of those belonging to the earlier styles, must necessarily be more or less faulty. A comparison of the modern imitation of an Early English Medallion window, lately put up in Lincoln Cathedral, with the genuine Early English glass remaining in the transept and choir windows, will show the fruitlessness of attempting to reproduce an Early English Picture design in modern glass. In order, no doubt, to correct the thinness of the modern material, and to give it as much as possible the apparent substance of the old, the glass in the modern window I am speaking of has been covered with a coat of Enamel Brown paint : an expedient which, though it perfectly destroys the brilliancy of the glass, fails in its object to impart to the window the requisite depth and solidity. The window is flimsy, as Avell as dull in appearance ; its colours have none of the gravity and gem-like brilliancy of the old ones; ^ I use the expression apparent den- glass ; and perhaps to a diflferent kind sity, because, in fact, modern glass is of furnace from that now in use. But more dense, i.e. specifically heavier, such an entire change of system is than old glass. hardly to be expected, when we recol- 2 Before the ancient material is I'epro- lect how small a quantity of glass, duced, the manufacturer must have compared with what is annually manu- recourse to the ancient mode of pre- factured, is consumed by the glass- paring the materials and colours of the painters. AND SOU'JHWELL MIXSTER. 97 aud owing to the highly homogeneous texture of modern glass, which renders it peculiarly unfit for minute mosaics, the little bits of red and blue in this wiudow run together, and form a violet when seen from a little distance. As, however, it mav be objected that this window is by no means a favourable specimen of modern craft, I will refer to another work put up about the same time as the last, in Ely Cathedral (both windows bear date 1847), by 31. Gerente, the French glass- painter before mentioned. In this window also the design and execution of an Early English Medalhou window have been closely imitated, and with better success. In particular, the window is brilliant, the glass not having been much dulled with the Enamel colour, and the blue used in it very closely resembles the ancient in its hue; nevertheless, the miiform depth of the coloured glass, and more especially the thin and flimsy appear- ance of the window, are fatal to its correctness as an imitative work. Affecting to be an Early English Picture wiudow, it whoUy wants the essential characteristic of an Early English Picture window— the grandeur arising from the use of solid, deep, and vivid colouring.^ At Chester Cathecbal, two modern Pictm-e windows have lately been put up ; the one is in imitation of Early Decorated, the other of Perpendicular glass ; but not- withstanding the great difference of then- detail, both windows are immediately perceived to be of the same date, because glass alike in textm-e has been used in the formation of each. It is far more easy, however, to notice these defects, tlian to suo-o'est the means bv which similar failures mav be avoided ; and yet it is necessary that attention should be dh-ected to the subject, in order that we may be able to impart to Gothic glass- paintings that harmony with Gothic architecture which is con- sidered an essential requisite in them. Haimony, as we have seen, is dependent partly on the nature aud execution of the design, partly and principally on the tone of the colouring. On the former of these sources of harmony 1 The most favourable place for view- interior of the cathedral, however, the iug this window from is in the church- colours appear weak and feeble, as yard, through one of the windows of stated in the text, owing to the dila- the noi-th transept, whence the colours tion of the pupil which the darkness of appear sufficiently deep and strong ; the the place occasions. Of course it fol- eye being unable to take hi more than lows, that, if at any time the cathedral a small portion of the rays that pass should be rendered darker by the intro- through the glass, owing to the con- duction of more painted windows, the traction of the pupil caused by the coloui-s of M. Gerente's window will glare of the outdoor light. From the apjjear propoi-tionably lighter. H 98 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL I shall not make many observations, as it is that which is most within the reach of the modern artist, and in which he may, without much difficulty, succeed, though his ancient predecessor has failed. The succeeding part of this paper will therefore be principally directed to a consideration of the best means of obtaining harmony from the second of these sources. The chief difficulty lies in devising some method by which, in a Picture glass-painting (for the object may be more easily accomplished in a white pattern), an effect of colour may be produced that will harmonize with the more gloomy Gothic edifices, such as those of the Early English style. " By colouring," says Sir Joshua Eeynolds, "the first effect of the picture is pro- duced." ^ This remark applies with the utmost force to a glass- painting, of which the colouring is so important a feature that everything else may be considered subordinate to it. We have already seen that the colouring which best accords with the sombre character of Gothic architecture is of a cold tone, and that tints the most solid and intense harmonize best with the darkness of an Early English interior. Yet of the glass which the modern glass-painter must use, one or two sorts only can be said to approximate to the effect of Early English glass in their cold grave hue and substantial appearance. Most of the modern colours, besides being raw, have a warm,^ rather than a cold tone. This is particularly the case with the blue glass. Still I am inclined to think that glass-paintings might be made to harmonize with Gothic building's, even with those of the Early English style, in a greater degree than has hitherto been the case, by the exercise of some care and judgment in making the design, arranging its colours, and executing the work. The principle that regulates the colouring of an Early English window, by which all nice and prettily graduated tints are excluded, and distinct uniform and forcible colours only are used, is of itself, by reason of its simplicity, an element of grandeur, which ought to be adopted in a work that aims at solemnity of effect.^ Therefore, in a modern window designed for an Early English building, it would seem preferable to use * Fourth Discourse. warmth of colour would, however, have 2 The warm tone of the colourmg of been unobjectionable, had the painting the great south window of the transept been put in a dark building in the of Westminster Abbey is a defect, Italian or Palladian style, as St. Paul's though, I fear, one that could not by Cathedral. any possibility have been avoided in a ^ Reynolds's Fourth Discourse, work intended for such a place. The AND SOUTHWELL MINSTER. 99 stiff-coloured or white backgrounds for the pictures, than land- scape backgrounds ; for the latter could only be adequately represented by using graduated tints, which would not only destroy the simplicity of the colouring, but necessarily involve a diminution of its depth. So the flesh-colour of the figures should be deep, and their draj)eries consist of stiff simple tints. But whilst adopting generally the mediaeval principle of colour- ing, it will be found necessary to introduce certain modifications in the use and arrangement of individual colours, and some novelties in the design and execution of the picture, in order to compensate as much as possible for the thinness and weakness of modern glass, and produce an effect of depth, as well as brilliancy. The principal innovations that seem desirable are, the adop- tion of a broader and less mosaic system of colouring, the use of a greater proportion of white glass, and the employment of shadows far more effective and powerful than are usually met with in an Early English Picture window.^ These (and others of hardly less importance might be mentioned, such as the correct drawing of the human figure and scientific treatment of drapery) may be advocated as improvements on the ancient system ; ^ but their adoption, as a means of producing the desired effect, is rendered necessary by the peculiar texture of modern glass. Any one who has paid attention to the subject must have perceived that modern glass diffuses or spreads its hue laterally, in a much greater degree than tlie glass of the thirteenth century ; and that the confusion of tint arising from this circumstance increases in proportion to the minuteness and pellucidness of the pieces employed. We have seen the ill effect of attempting to correct this diffusion of colour at the expense of the transparency of the glass : the most obvious expedient is to, avoid, as much as possible, the use of such minute mosaics, and to design the window accordingly. The employment of white glass in much greater quantity than is seen in ancient Early English Picture windows is necessary, in order to increase 1 Even were it possible to obtain notions, such as the necessity of keeping glass exactly like that of the thirteenth glass-painting purposely in an unde- and fourteenth centuries, I should still veloped state, ''lest it should cease to advocate the use of powerful shadows. be the handmaid of Gothic architec- 2 The propriety of imitating the de- ture/' will probably be exploded in due fective drawing of the mediaeval artists course of time, when the subject is is, I believe, now pretty generally de- better understood. nied by its former advocates. Other H 2 .100 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDKAL by contrast the apparent depth of the modern coloured glass ; which, unlike the glass of the thirteenth century, is not solid enough to withstand the weakening effect on individual tints caused by placing a number of strong colours in juxtaposition, unrelieved with white glass.^ If white glass of a sufficiently green and cold tone is used for this purpose, the grandeur and solemnity of the window is rather increased than diminished by its introduction. In proof, I may refer to the Jesse which occupies the south end of the transept of Stafford Church; a work scarcely inferior to an original example in depth of effect, though a greater proportion of white glass is used in it than would appear in an ancient Early English Jesse, from which its design is borrowed.^ Powerful stipple shadows^ in the figures and draperies will materially check the tendency of modern glass to diffuse its tint, without destroying its transparency ; and will also serve to increase the depth and richness of the colouring, and the general solidity and grandeur of the design. Such shadows, when combined with brilliant lights, and confined within due limits of superficial extent, as we find them in Cinquecento glass -paintings, can never, however strong, produce a dull effect; for the brilliancy of the material is shown in the sparkling lights, and is enhanced by the darkness of the shadows. They also promote harmony of effect, and serve to correct the natural spottiness of a Picture glass-painting, by preventing too violent transitions from one colour to another. They also materially conduce to the distinctness of the design, by separating the various objects from each other, and cutting them out from the ground of the picture. It is obvious that the mere use of strong- contrasts of Hght and shade, without diminution of the depth of 1 The window of the south transept, painting has been attempted), that, Westminster Abbey, has white glass had Mr. Nixon done nothing else, it enough to have given value to the other would have been sufficient to entitle colours, had not its tint been too much him to the respect of those who desire subdued by the enamel brown shading, to see the true revival of a neglected This, and the want of more powerful and underrated branch of art. I will shadows and clear lights, especially in venture to say that this window will the larger subjects, seem to be the chief be appreciated in proportion as glass - technical defects of the window as a painting becomes better understood, glass-painting. Yet such is the supe- ^ q^\^Q -window was painted by Ward riority of this work over its coutempo- and Nixon. raries, both here and abroad (and it ^ The superiority of stipple to smear should be recollected tliat it is the first shadows is shown in the ' Hints on English work in which any attempt to Glass-painting,' pp. 249, 28G, carry out a legitimate system of glass- AND SOUTHWELL MIXSTER. 101 the local colours, cannot detract from the simplicity of the desio^n : and that strons: outlines may be united \Yith strong: shadows whenever they may be necessary in order to make the execution of the figures harmonize with that of the mere pattern- work. Yet the employment of strong shadows in any Picture glass-painting, and particularly in one designed after an Early English model, has been so pertinaciously objected to, that it seems worth while to examine the grounds of the objection. The most plausible ground of defence for the flatness of medi- aeval Picture glass-paintings is founded on the opinion that, as these works formed part of that system of surface decoration which covered the walls and sculpture with flat patches of bur- nished gold and gaudy colours, they ought to be fiat, in order to harmonize with the flatness of the pictures on the wall : the flatness of the latter being maintained on the ground that it was contrary to the principles of mediaeval art to practise ocular deception. The proof of this last assertion, however, lies on those who make it : and when we perceive that a mediaeval mural picture, unlike a mural diaper pattern, is not wholly devoid of shadow, and that linear perspective is not unfre- quently attempted in it, the inference is that the flatness of the picture has its origin rather in an imperfect and undeveloped state of the art of representation, than in any deliberate inten- tion : an inference which is strengthened by the fact, that this flatness often appears to vary in degi-ee with the skill of the artist as shown in his treatment of the subject in other respects. Assuming, however, the correctness of the opinion above alluded to, it affords an additional reason for discarding flatness from modern Picture glass-paintings. For the mediaeval system of surface decoration no longer existing, a detached part of it (like the imconnected portions of any other whole when deprived of their proper accompaniments) can hardly be expected to please. Flat Picture glass-paintings, disjoiued from the surface decorations of which they are supposed to have formed a part, would stand alone without anything to countenance and har- monize with them. Even if this were not the case, it would be unreasonable to execute modern Picture glass-paintings, which must depend on their on^ti unsupported merits, as if they were to form parts of a whole which has no existence. Flat Picture glass-paintings, according to the opiuion above noticed, will be out of place except in buildings where the walls are stiffly illuminated after the mediaeval fashion. Therefore, if we w^ish to introduce them, we must, in order to be consistent, also illuminate the walls. But modern taste will probably always 102 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL prevent this practice, wliich, though it might have harmonized with the gaudy and glittering costumes of our mediaeval an- cestors, would present too glaring and violent a contrast to the more sober and more elegant colours now in use. Another objection which has been urged against the use of strong sliadows in a Picture glass-painting, from a fear that they might diminish the brilliancy of the work, has already been answered ; a third objection to apparent roundness being given to objects in a Picture glass-painting, because calculated to convey an idea of their substantiality, contrary to our pei ception of the fact that the light actually does pass through them, seems unworthy of serious notice, for it strikes at the root of all imita- tion whatever. On the other hand, it is difficult to reconcile the flatness of mediaeval Picture glass-paintings with the relief of the contemporary sculpture, or, perhaps, with any sound principle of taste. Indeed, if it be proper that the conditions of glass- painting should be reduced below the conditions of sculpture, and that its Pictorial productions should continue to be, like the mediaeval examples, little else than flat mosaics, it would always be better to choose for the subject of a glass-painting a mere pattern, rather than a picture ; because a more exact balance and arrangement of colour can be preserved in a mosaic con- sisting of a stiff formal pattern, than in one composed, as a picture, of figures and draperies. It will be observed that the foregoing suggestions and recom- mendations, however inconsistent with the practice of making servile copies of ancient Picture glass-paintings, are in no wise opposed to the use of designs founded on their principle. The idea suggested by an Early English Medallion window might be well carried out by treating the medallions strictly as pictures, having stiff-coloured or white grounds. No attempt should be made, as in the original, to represent a landscape background to the picture, either by merely introducing con- ventional objects, according to the practice of the mediaeval artists, or by means of aerial perspective, in conformity with the truer principles of modern art : for the first course would involve an absurdity im worthy of perpetuation, and the light- tinted effect produced by the latter would be opposed to the stiff and solemn colouring of the rest of the window. Each medallion should contain simply a group of figures, relieved with bold shadows, and contrasted in colour to the ground of the panel. The character and arrangement of the figures and draperies might be borrowed, not copied, from the sculpture of the thir- teenth century, which abounds in noble and graceful draped AND SOUTHWELL MINSTER. 103 forms, that, without any loss of simplicity, might be perfected by the refinement of modern art. And the importance of the pictures should be fully maintained by making the surrounding ornamental details subordinate to them in all respects. The Early English Figure and Canopy window, and especially the Jesse window, might with similar modifications be made to har- monize with the architecture more completely than the ancient examples. If the former type should be followed, the canopy, which is as much an integral part of the picture as the figure, should be represented as an object covering the figure, and as a niche into which the figure casts a shade. A small amount of shadow might suffice, but enough should be used to insu- late tlie figure as completely as this is done in the sculpture. No Early English designs are, however, more w^orthy of study, certainly none are so well suited to the nature of modern glass as white Pattern windows. The cold tone and substantial appearance of these windows have been well imitated in " Powell's Pressed Glass," in the transept windows of tlie new church at Hackney,^ and more especially in the east window of the south aisle of Stafford Church, the work of Ward and Nixon. Pictures (if inserted into these windows) would have a rich effect, owing to the contrast which the w^hite of the pattern would present to their colouring. In like manner, many of the ancient Decorated designs might suggest useful hints to the modern glass-painter. The white Pattern windows could be imitated in the modern material as successfully as the Early English white patterns. The usual design of the ancient Figure and Canopy window would, how- ever, if adopted, require considerable modification to render it satisfactory, owing to the great disproportion which the architectural accessories bear to the figure, by which the latter, instead of being the principal object in the picture, is often rendered the most insignificant. It would be better, in the case of large single figures, to follow another ancient arrangement, and place them on a background of ornamented quarries. In the choir of St. SebakVs Church, Nuremberg, is a late Decorated canopy, representing the interior of an apse, with figures in it, which extends quite across a four-liglited window. Such a canopy, if properly treated, might be rendered highly conducive to the general effect of the picture. Whether its strong cast of colour might not prove too heavy for a mullioyied window^ is a question that cannot be easily determined without trying the The design of these windows is not alhided to. 104 PAINTED GLASS IN LINCOLN CATHEDRAL experiment. It certainly would not be heavier in effect tlian many ancient designs. I consider strong Stipple Shadows, good drawing, and a large quantity of white glass of a cold tone, indispensable to the full effect of a picture founded on the ancient Decorated model. The artist would, I think, do well to avoid in these works a too liberal use of the yellow stain, on account of its tendency to impart a yellowness to the sur- rounding white glass. Many modern windows in which much stain is used, especially those composed of the yellow-tinted " Cathedral Glass," appear at a little distance as if they were wholly yellow. It should be borne in mind that, the stained yellow being rarely, like another colour, surrounded with an outline of considerable strength, there is little to counteract its diffusive tendency. It is unnecessary to make any lengthened observations on tlie subject of Picture windows, designed for Perpendicular and Classical edifices. The artist would not fail to borrow, as suitable to the nature of modern glass, the breadth and arrange- ment of colour which is equally displayed in the works both of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; whilst a careful study of the Cinquecento style would teach him to avoid, by means of strong transparent shadows, the spottiness and indistinctness of Perpendicular Picture glass-paintings, and to produce the most powerful and striking effects with the most flimsy mate- rials. It would be easy, without, of course, using Cinquecento forms, to adopt the Cinquecento improvements on Gothic designs, so as to increase the general effect of the picture by means of its architectural details. A gayer tone of colouring might easily be imparted to glass-paintings intended for Clas- sical buildings ; and in these works, if not in the glass-paintings intended for the later Perpendicular architecture, the use of landscape backgrounds, exhibiting such graduated shades of colour as the modern improvements on the Mosaic system can effect, would not be out of character, except in those cases where, owing to the darkness of the situation, or other circum- stances, a more simple style of colouring would be requisite, and which might involve the use of plain backgrounds to the pictures. In like manner a more severe character could be imparted to the glass-painting in other respects, according to the severity of the architecture. Indeed, severity of style, — that is, the simplicity which suggests no defect, as in Greek art, — is not only attainable in a glass-painting, but seems most in accordance with the principles of the art. The ornamented quarry patterns would be as appropriate now as they ever were AND SOUTHWELL MINSTER. 105 for Perpendicular biiildiDgs, and it would be easy to enrich them when necessary, by the introduction of small coloured pictures, or knots of foliage : whilst " Eound glass," in panes of at least six inches diameter, would be found a clieap, appropriate, and effective material for white Pattern windows, intended for Clas- sical edifices.^ The foregoing observations will not have been useless should they merely have the effect of directing attention to a point in general too little regarded in the selection of a painted window — its fitness for the place it is intended to occupy. Of course the mode of execution must depend on the artistic skill of the painter.^ We cannot expect any general improvement in glass- painting to take place so long as considerable patronage is bestowed on unworthy objects ; so long as great countenance is given to works the design and execution of which would not be tolerated in any other branch of art. My best thanks are due to the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln for granting me free access to the glass in their cathedral, and other assistance which materially facilitated my researches. ^ The windows of Michael Angelo's noble design for the church of St. John Baptist, at Florence, are represented as glazed with Round glass. See Jacob de Rubeis, ' Insignium Romae Templo- rum,' plate 48. 2 I presume that the Commissioners on the Fine Ai'ts are not responsible for the execution of the painted windows of the House of Lords. IV. ON THE PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBUKY. From the volume of the Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute at Salisbury, 1849. ALISBURY CATHEDRAL, like many of our ecclesiastical edifices, affords a far better oppor- tunity of studying ancient painted glass in detail, and learning the conventionalities of design, which are too often supposed to be the sole test of style, than of contemplating it in mass, and accustom- ing the eye to tliose other indications of date which are to be found in its colour and general appearance. The inquirer who proceeds to Salisbury must there- fore be content for the most part with an examination of little else than fragments, and to consume much time in the laborious process of unravelling patchwork made up of glass of different designs and different dates. The most woful destruction of- the painted glass appears to have taken place during Mr. Wyatt's " restoration " of the cathe- dral ; when, in the words of my informant, " whole cartloads of glass, lead, and other rubbish were removed from the nave and transepts, and shot into the town-ditch, then in course of being filled up ; whilst a good deal of similar rubbish was used to level the ground near the chapter-house."^ The smwiving frag- ^ The latter part of this statement was confirmed by Mr, William Ranger, glazier to the cathedral, in the employ of Mr. Fisher, the clerk of the works, — ^who informed me that he possessed the head of a figure which some years ago he saw dug up near the chapter- house, along with other fragments of painted glass, by some workmen em- ployed in making holes for some scaffold-poles. Mr. Ranger, who, since 1819, has been employed in repairing the cathedral windows, assisted in placing the greater part of the painted glass in its present situation. The in- formation I have obtained from him has therefore been particularly valuable, since it has enabled me to state posi- tively that such and such glass was brought from the chapter-house, or from elsewhere, I may add, that in every instance I found his information was corroborated by the character of the glass. I take this opportunity of acknowledging also the kind assistance I have derived from Mr. Fisher, and PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 107 ments,^ it seems, were suffered to retain their original position in the building until about thirty years ago, when the majority were collected together as they now appear, — an act which, however praiseworthy in itself, as tending perhaps to preserve the glass from utter destruction, has greatly increased the difQculty of analysing the fragments, and describing them in- telligibly. With a view to render this paper as illustrative as possible of the different styles of painted glass, I propose to notice first the oldest remains in Salisbury, viz. the original glass of the cathe- dral and chapter-house ; and then, successively, the Decorated remains in St. Thomas's Church, Salisbury, and the Perpen- dicular glass in the hall of John Halle ; concluding with some remarks on the later and modern glass in the cathedral. Mr. Osmond, a geutleman in Mr. Fisher's office, in the course of my in- vestigations. 1 At the time of the great destruction of the Salisbury glass, some fragments were preserved by being transferred to the windows of Grately Church, Hants. I am under a deep obligation to the Rev. C. Dodson and W. Gale, Esq., the incumbent and churchwarden of Grate- ley, for having, during the recent re- pairs of their church, forwai'ded these remains for my inspection. They con- sist princijially of a few varieties of or- namental borders : some ornamental scroll-work, similar in character to that of the ''Jesse "in the west window of Salisbury Cathedral ; a small fragment of a medallion, representing the Annun- ciation (of this, only a portion of the angel remains, with a scroll on his head, inscribed gabriei., in Lombardic cha- racters) ; and a very fine circular medal- lion, set in a square of ornamental work, representing the martyrdom of St. Stephen. The saint, habited as a deacon, is in the act of falling, with his hands in an attitude of praj^er, dead to the ground. A man immediately be- hind appears to communicate, with an air of savage exultation, the fatal event to another miscreant, who is approach- ing (as I think is indicated by the frag- ments that remain of this figui-e) with his mantle filled with stones, and seems disappointed at being too late. Both men have decidedly Jewish physiogno- mies. The group is delineated with great spirit. Below is the following inscription, in Lombardic characters, STEPHANVS ORANS EXPIRAT. The saint's head is painted on a piece of light ruby glass. This mode of indi- cating the effect of wounds is not un- usual. There is an instance of it in a medallion of the thirteenth century, at West Horsley Church, Surrey, repre- senting the angel rescuing St. Catherine from the punishment of the wheel. The heads of two of the executioners, who seem to have been struck down by the angel, are painted on red glass. The head of St. Stephen in a window of Sefonds Church, dated 1524, appears from the description, and an uncoloured engraving of it given in M. Arnaud's ' Voyage archeologique et pittoresque dans le Departement de I'Aube et dans I'ancien Diocese de Troyes,' to be painted on a piece of white glass streaked with ruby. The description is as follows : '' Celui de ces vitraux que nous avons fait dessiner repi-esente le martyre de Saint Etienne. On voit ce saint vetu en diacre, la tete inondee du sang qui jaillit de ses blessures " (p. 228). All these fragments at Grateley are of the same date as the Jesse in the west window of Salisbury Cathedi-al ; from which it may be inferred that they belonged to the cathedral, not to the chapter-house. 108 PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. The original glass of the cathedral and chapter-house — by which I mean that which is coeval with these buildings — is valu- able as belonging to diiferent periods of the Early English style ; the oldest specimen being perhaps as early as 1240, and the most recent not earlier than perhaps 1270 or 1280. Part of this glass belonged to the cathedral and part to the chapter-house. It is now all mixed together in the cathedral windows ; but I have succeeded in distinguishing the different portions, and hope that I may be equally successful in enabling others to distinguish them. Of these ancient remains only two specimens retain their original situation, viz. a part of tlie glazing of the second and fourth transept, counting from the north of the great north tran- sept. The rest are collected in the west triplet of the nave ; in the west window of each aisle of the nave ; in the east window of each aisle of the choir ; in the lower south triplet of the small south transept ; and in the two centre lights of the upper tier of the south windows of the great south transept. A few other fragments are preserved in the glazier's room attached to the cathedral. The subjects consist chiefly of ornamental patterns ; but these are the remains of a " Stem of Jesse," as well as some medallion pictures, borders, and shields of arms. The remains of the Stem of Jesse are contained in the lower part and sides of the central light of the northern triplet of the nave.^ They were removed from a wdndow of the great north transept, in which they had been inserted in the course of repairs. Another portion, no longer existing, is represented in the 79th plate of Carter's ^ Ancient Architecture,' fig. Q, and is there called " ancient glazing in the nave ;" from which I infer that it was in one of the aisle windows of the nave, which, not improbably, was the original situation of the Jesse. The Jesse appears, from the existing fragments and from the plate in Carter, to have been designed according to the usual type of the period ; and to have consisted of a vine, whose ramifications formed a central series of ovals containing representations of our Lord and His principal ancestors, and supported on offshoots from the ovals, the figures of prophets, patriarchs, and other attendants. ^ The window, previously to the pre- Cathedral,' and in a view of the west sent glass being placed in it, was filled end of the cathedral in Dods worth's with a bad ornamental pattern, the gift ' History of Salisbury.' Some small of the Rev. Benson Earle. Of this the pieces of the glass are worked into the general outline is preserved in the 5th west triplet and other windows of the plate of Britton's * History of Salisbury cathedral. PLATE I. Phikp Delai-ao ae,, del . from a dr awing iy C Winston ^ SALISBURY inceiit Brooks PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 109 Two only of the ovals remain. They are on each side of the large Cinquecento picture of a bishop entlirouedj which is so conspicuous an object in the lower half of the central light, and nearly in a line with the head of this figure. In the southern oval is represented our Saviour^ enthroned, holding a book in one hand, the other being raised in benediction. The head is that of a middle-aged person ; it possesses much of the Byzantine character, and is smTounded with a cruciferous aureole. The stigmata are not shown in the hands and feet. In the northern oval is represented a female seated, and in an attitude of adoration. I presume the figure is intended for the Blessed Yii-gin. The most perfect remains of that part of the composition which constitutes the space outside the ovals are on the south side of the central light, near the bottom. They consist of foliaged scrolls, which support an unnimbed full-leng-th figure holding a blank label — the usual personification of a prophet — and an angel. Betw^een these figures is a small bust, which issues from the termination of one of the foliaged scrolls, and may be sup- posed to represent a prophet or patriarch. Similar fragments of foliaged scroll-work and figures may be seen higher up, on the south side of the light ; and higher still, in a line with the large circle almost at the top of the light, are two demi-attendant figures, which, from their size and altitude, I conclude originally flanked the highest oval of the Jesse. A good deal of the border originally belonging to the light that contained the Jesse is used as a border to the central light of the triplet. A portion of this border is given in the first plate that accompanies this paper : see fig. 2? ^ I presume that this is correct. In sitting on a throne, without the stig- the " Jesse " in the east window of mata, is given in No. 24 of the ' Archoeo- "Westwell Church, Kent, the topmost logical Journal,' p. 412. Other examples object is the Holy Dove ; the second, may be seen in the plates to the paper a' similar representation to that in the on St. Ethelwold's Benedictioual, in the text, of one of the Persons of the Holy 24th volume of the ' Archaeologia,' &c. Trinity, and which likei^-ise is without The centre figure of our Saviour in the the stigmata. The third subject is the north rose of Lincoln Cathedral is un- Vu'gin Mary, unaccompanied by the fortunately so mutilated that it is im- Divine Infant. A distinction is perhaps possible to say whether or not it had taken between the representation of our the stigmata. Had the figm-e been Saviour as Judge of the world, — when perfect, it would have thrown light on He is, I believe, invariably represented the subject. See an account of this with the stigmata, in allusion perhaps window in the Lincoln volume of the to Zech. xii. 10, Rev. i. 7, — and when Proceedings of the Archaeological lusti- Ile is represented either as sitting in tate. His kingdom, or else in His human '^ The illustrations which originally capacity. An instance of our Saviour accompanied this memoii' are mentioned 110 PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBUKY. The whole Jesse is on a ruby ground, the colour of which is extremely rich and intense ; the main stem is white, and formed of short lengths of foliage, each terminating in a trefoil or cinquefoil, according to the ordinary convention of the thirteenth century. The offshoots are of the same character as the parent stem ; but some of the leaves at the termination of the scrolls are of different colours. Small bunches of grapes are occasion- ally introduced. The attendant figures are tall and slim ; the heads have a certain classical character, and bear considerable resemblance to the specimen given in the ' Hints on Glass-paint- ing,' plate 34, fig. 2 ; which is copied from a contemporary Jesse in Westwell Church, Kent. All the draperies are full of small folds, expressed by outliues so strong and black as almost to render the use of broader and softer shadows unnecessary. The colouring of every part of the design is rich, deep, and vivid. The blue, which is of the peculiar grey though rich hue common at this period,^ and the flesh-colour, are of strong tint. The white glass is of a greenish-blue hue ; it is but little affected by the atmosphere, and, on the whole, is not quite so deep as the rather later white glass taken from the chapter-house, and which is now in the west triplet. The date of the Jesse is certainly in the first half of the thirteenth century ; it may be placed as early as 1240. Of the medallion pictures to which I have alluded, two appear, from many particulars, to be coeval with the Jesse. They are inserted beneath the two ovals, in a line nearly with the feet of the Cinquecento bishop. The south medallion represents the in a note to this passage, as a first Early English blue glass that I have attempt with the " anastatic process," hitherto met with, is in the window and a wish is expressed that they had v/hich the late M. Gerente first put up been less rough. The remarks there in Ely Cathedral. In his second win- made on them do not apply to the dow he is not more successful than his illustrations accompanying the memoir English contemporaries ; the same re- in the present vokime, which are new mark equally applies to all his brother's lithographs. work that I have seen. I fear that our 1 I am persuaded that the peculiar glass-works are on too extended a scale tint of the early English blue pot-metal to render it worth their proprietors' glass, noticed in the text, principally while to make glass fit for glass-paint- arises from the green hue of the white ing purposes, and that no advance in glass that forms its base. It will be this respect is to be expected till the found that some kinds of modern blue smaller men take the matter up. An glass may be given the precise tint of inquiry into the nature of the colouring the old, by placing a piece of early material of ancient blue glass has long English white glass behind them. The engaged my attention; but my re- nearest approach to the colour— cer- searches are still incomplete, tainly not to the depth of effect — of PAIXTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. Ill Angel appearing to Zacharias in the Temple ; the north, the Adoration of the Magi. These medallions were brought from the same window as the remains of the Jesse. Two other medallions of the thirteenth century are inserted in the west triplet ; but they seem to be French, and possibly w^ere brought from Normandy with some of the later pictures now used to fill up the lights. One is the small circular panel, containing two figures, that is placed in the centre light, a little above the oval in which is represented the Blessed Yirgin. It appears to be of the last half of the thirteenth century. The other is a circle of larger size inserted near the top of the northern light of the triplet. There is nothing in any of these medallions that calls for particular notice. The figures are according to the style of the period, and the groups are, as usual, plain and distinct, owing to their simple composition and the manner in which the individual figures are cut out and insulated by the surrounding coloured ground of the panel. Modern glass-painters in their imitations of Early English medallions are too apt to neglect the simplicity of the ancient arrangement, and to make their own groups confused and indistinct. It must, however, be ad- mitted that there are *' authorities " in their favour, as in the case of medallions representing the Ascension or the Day of Pentecost, in which the complication of the group and want of relief through the absence of broad shadows cause indistinct- ness, and create a doubt whether the ancient medallions in which distinctness is observable Avere designed with a view to that quality, or merely in accordance with the prevailing taste for simple compositions, which is equally exemplified in illumi- nations and drawings intended for the closest inspection. The rest of the medallion pictures are of a somewhat later date than the Jesse. They were all removed from the windows of the chapter-house, and are placed in the west triplet of the nave and in the west Avindows of the nave aisles. From their style of execution I conclude that they are not earlier than 1270. The principal subject is a large circle almost at the top of the centre light of the Avest triplet, Avhicli contains two figures, a bishop and a king (Edw. Confessor ?), under an arcliAvay. The panel Avas removed from the middle of the large octofoil of one of the Avindows of the chapter-house. On comjDaring this circle Avith the Jesse and the two contemporary medallions, some remarkable differences in the draAving of the figures and texture of the glass will appear. In particular, I may mention the cha- racter of the eyes and eyebroAvs of the figures. Their heads 112 PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBUKY. somewhat resemble the example given in the ' Hints on Glass- painting,' plate 37, fig. 1. The flesh-colour is much lighter than that used in the Jesse, as is also the blue ground of the plane, though this has a rich appearance. The next remains in point of importance are two large elongated quatrefoil panels, each containing an ecclesiastical figure under an archway, which are inserted in each side of the centre light of the triplet, immediately below a Cinquecento representation of the Crucifixion, which forms (reckoning from the top) the third principal object in the centre of the window. These quatrefoils were removed from the largest spandrils of some of the windows of the chaj)ter-house. In drawing, execu- tion, and general character, they entirely resemble the large circle which has just been described. Another quatrefoil, like the last, but containing the figure of a regal person, lies in the glazier's room attached to the cathedral. It was likewise re- moved from the spandril of one of the chapter-house windows. The remaining medallions are ten small circles, four of which are inserted in the upper part of the lower lights of the west windows of the aisles of the nave ; the rest are placed in the centre light of the west triplet. These circles were all removed from the centres of tlie quatrefoil of some of the chapter-house windows. Each circle contains a demi-figure of an angel issuing from a cloud ; and it would seem that these angels originally formed part of some subject from the Eevelations, or perhaps the Last Judgment. Some of the' angels point upwards with the hand, and use encouraging gestures ; others carry a book in one hand. One bears a long napkin (an emblem of our Lord's Passion) ; another holds a palm-branch and crown ; a third, a book in one hand and a crescent in the other. In character and execution they exactly resemble the other subjects taken from the chapter-house. Six shields of arms in a perfect condition, and a seventh, of which but little, if any, of the original glass exists, are placed at the bottom of the lights of the west triplet. The panels in which they are inserted are made up of fragments, and the crowns above the shields are mostly of Perpendicular date. These shields were removed from the chapter-house; and it may be inferred from the plate in Carter's ' Ancient Architecture,' before alluded to, that they were placed — with another coat now lost, but which is represented in that plate — in pairs, side by side, in the four lower liglits of the east window of the chapter-house. It is most probable that the shields were arranged in a line just PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 113 beneath the spring of the heads of the lights. They have every appearance of being of the same date as the rest of the glass from the chapter-house. The important aid to be derived from heraldry in seeking a date is well known to every antiquary ; I shall therefore per- haps be excused if I enter somewhat fully into the question of the probable ownership of these arms, though I admit tliere is too much uncertainty as to what other shields (if any) there may have been in the chapter-house windows to warrant any confident conclusion, from this species of evidence alone, as to the precise time of the execution of the arms, and of the glass with which they were originally associated. The existing arms are : — 1. England ; gules, three lions passant guardant, or. 2. France ; azure, seme of fleurs-de-lis, or. 3. Paly of eight, or and gules, which I do not hesitate to assign to Provence ; for though the arms of Provence may be admitted to be properly or, four pallets, gules, as they appear on the wall of the south aisle of Westminster Abbey, yet this very coat, Paly of eight, or and gules, occurs in a window in York IMinster, associated with others that leave no doubt of its bavins: been intended for Provence, and also in the east window of the clear- stor}% Westminster Abbey. 4. Plantagenet Earl of Cornwall ; argent, a lion rampant, gules, crowned or, within a bordure sable besante. 5. Clare Earl of Gloucester ; or, three chevrons gules. And 6. Bigod Earl of Norfolk ; or, a cross gules. There are also some pieces of glass very like Bezants inserted in a modern blue bordure of the " made-up " shield before mentioned, and which consists of a sixteenth-century imp, on a ground of white glass, of the same date as that belonging to the chapter-house. These Bezants may have formed part of a seventh original shield ; and if so, in all probability, it was a second coat of Plantagenet Earl of Cornwall, but differenced with a label. Besides these heraldic remains, there appears in Carter's plate another coat as before mentioned, viz. Warren ; cheeky or and azure. The arms of England may safely be assumed to be those of Henry III. or Edward I., and Provence was the paternal coat of Eleanor, the queen of Henry III., who survived him, and died in 1291. The arms of France are probably to be referred to St. Louis, who married the eldest sister of Queen Eleanor, and died in 1270, and whose shield was carved on the wall of tlie north aisle of Westminster Abbey, with his name, " S. Ludovicus Rex Francie," inscribed above. The coat of Plantagenet Earl of Cornwall was borne bv Richard Earl of Cornwall and Kine: of 114 PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. the Komans, the brother of Henry III., who died in 1271. And if this coat was repeated, the second must have been that of his son Edmund, who succeeded him, and died in 1300. Ckre was the coat of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Glloucester, who had married a niece of Henry III., viz. a daugliter of his half-brother, Guy Count of Angouleme, son of Queen Isabella by her second mar- riage, and who died in 1295. Warren was that of John Earl of Warren and Surrey, who had married a half-sister of Henry III., and died in 1304. The remaining coat, or, a cross gules, was that of Koger Bigod Earl of Norfolk, whose mother was one of the co-heiresses of the Marshals Earls of Pembroke, and who, after her death, became Earl Marshal of England in or about 1245, and died in 1269 or 1270 ; or else that of his nephew Roger, who succeeded him in the earldom and the office of marshal. Neither of these two noblemen seems to have been more nearly allied to the royal family than by a mother and sister of the mother of Roger the uncle, having respectively married a sister and mother of Henry III. Now, judging from these several coats, — and it is by no means clear that there were ever any others in the Avindows of the chapter-house, — they indicate a period of a few years before and after the accession of Edward I. in 1272, as that within Avhich it is likely this glass was executed, and particularly if there really were two coats of the Plantagenets Earls of Cornwall. It may possibly be thought that the arms of Erance may have referred to Margaret, the second queen of Edward I., whom he married in 1299 ; but that could hardly be the case, if there were two shields with the arms of Plantagenet Earls of Corn- wall, as Earl Richard died in 1271 ; and even if there was only one shield with those arms, the occurrence of the arms of Pro- vence is unfavourable to that supposition. The arms or, a cross gules, which I have attributed, and I believe correctly, to Roger Bigod Earl of Norfolk, may seem to create a difficulty, in consequence of the arms of the Marshals Earls of Pembroke — per pale or and vert, a lion rampant gules — having been assumed and used on seals for some purposes by him after he became Earl Marshal ; and in consequence of Vincent, in his ' Errors of Brooke,' p. 340, having stated, in contradiction of what Brooke had said of their having been used by him for the purposes of the marshalship only, that they were used in donations, covenants, &c., and not in matters of the marshalship at all. But I would submit that this statement of Vincent is evidently too strong ; for though he might have PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 115 known of a seal with those arms being affixed to donations and covenants, and he might not have met with any instance of its being employed in matters relating to the marshalship, yet he could not know that it was not so used at all ; nor does it follow that the earl, after he was marshal, used these arms only. In fact, these aims, or a cross gules, were carved in stone, and painted amongst the series of shields on the wall of the north aisle of AVestminster Abbey, and inscribed, "Kogerus Bigod Comes Norfolcie :" and it is evident that those shields must have been executed several years after Earl Koger became Earl Marshal ; and indeed, in all probability, but a few years before the date which I have assigned to this glass. Unfortunately the seal of Earl Koger the nephew, affixed to the Barons' letter to the Pope in 1301, has no arms at all, but only his name and title ; but it is apparent, from what is stated by jMilles and Brooke, that Hugh Bigod, father of the elder Earl Roger, sealed sometimes with a lion passant, and sometimes with tliis cross ; and therefore there is no improbability of these arms being those of Roo-er Bis^od Earl of Norfolk, thouo-h he may have sometimes sealed with the arms of marshal. I am aware that this coat was borne at a later period by the De Burghs Earls of Ulster ; but no one of them appears to have been connected with the royal family, or to have had any important place in this country till about 1310, when John de Burgh married Elizabeth de Clare, daughter of Joan of Acre. On the whole, therefore, it must be evident that the heraldry in this glass agrees very satisfactorily with the date w^hich I have assigned to it on other grounds. The ornamental patterns belonging to the cathedral and to the chapter-house next demand our attention. The majority of these patterns are of painted glass ; but there are a few which may be called Geometrical Patterns, in which the design is ex- pressed solely by the lead-work used in the construction of the window. The principal remains of the painted patterns, of which there are between twenty and thii'ty varieties, are in the west windows of the aisles of the nave, in the east windows of the aisles of the choir, in the lowest triplet of the small south transept, and in the two upper south lights of the great south transept. Some fragments are inserted in the west triplet of the nave. These patterns form a series varying in date from that of the Jesse to that of the shields of arms in the west triplet. The earlier patterns are distinguishable principally by the drawing of I 2 ^IQ PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. the foliage ; the scrolls of which are in general less twisted, and the lobe of the leaf, as compared with the stalk, is somewhat smaller than in the later examples. The cross-hatching (making, of course, due allowance for patterns designed for more distant situations) is in general coarser in the earlier specimens; whilst the glass of the later patterns, in which cross-hatching is used, is for the most part of a yellower hue than the glass of the earlier patterns. The latest patterns, including all those belonging to the chapter-house, want the cross-hatched ground. It is, how- ever, impossible to describe exactly the minute diiferences on which the supposition as to the date of the different patterns rests ; it is only by the eye that they can be appreciated. The patterns, though various in design, exhibit in a greater or less degree a principle of composition almost peculiar to Early English glass, which seems to have been suggested by the idea of forming a rich and complicated pattern by arranging, in strata or layers, a number of plane figures or panels, in such a manner that the panels composing each layer might overlap and partially conceal those beneath. By way of illustrating this principle, I have given, in Plate I., fig. 1, a rough sketch of a pattern now in the east window of the north aisle of the choir, and which, though belonging to the chapter-house, exemplifies the system in a more striking manner than perhaps any of the earlier pat- terns. It will be seen, on examination, that the pattern is com- posed of a number of panels. Each panel has a well-defined border ; and the area of the panel- is covered with an ornament exclusively appropriated to it. The smallest panels merely have a narrow edging, and a quatrefoil, or some such ornament, within ; the larger panels are ornamented with foliaged scroll- works, the ramifications of which do not overstep the limits of the border of the panel, nor extend from one panel into another ; by which the idea that each panel is a distinct superficies is sus- tained. A reference to Plate II., fig. 1, which gives the analysis of this pattern, will render the foregoing description more intel- ligible. In this plate, A denotes the ground or foundation ol the window; B, a quatrefoil, which, with seventeen similar panels, some of which are only partially shown in the diagram, forms the 1st layer or plane of ornament; C is a circular panel, which, with seventeen others, constitutes the 2nd plane of orna- ment ; D is a nearly square, though really octagonal panel,^ ^ The pattern being slightly elongated, in ordex' to fill up a particular opening, has rendered this form of panel necessary. PLATE TI .ilip Delamotte.del frcir. drawings BjC. Winston SALISBURY •X ;»r,i 3rc.- PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 117 whicli, with three others, forms the 3rd plane of ornament ; E is a circular panel, which, with three others, forms the 4th plane of ornament ; F is a panel similar to D, which, with two others, forms the 5th plane of ornament ; G is a circular panel like E, which, with two others, forms the 6th plane of ornament ; H is a circular panel, which, with two others, forms the 7th plane of ornament ; I is a circular panel, which, with two others, forms the 8th plane of ornament ; K K are quadrangular and circular panels, constituting the 9th plane of ornament ; L indicates the border of the window, which, as in the head of the light it cuts the rest of the design, must be taken to constitute the 10th plane of ornament. It is interesting to trace the progressive changes in the style of ornamental patterns. Without venturing to assert that the system just described was exclusively used at the earliest period, I may safely state that, in general, a deviation from it betokens, at least in the glass of this country, a lateness of date.^ Thus, in the Five Sisters at York, which are carefully figured in Browne's * History of York Cathedral,' and whose date is pro- bably not much earlier than 1260, although the before-mentioned principle is in great measure preserved, it is occasionally violated by the ornamental scroll-work breaking from the area of a panel through the border, and extending its ramifications beyond it, over other parts of the design. The result is to impair, if not destroy, the idea of the panel's being an individual superficies, * The principle of ornameut by means appropriated to the same chapter-house of layers of panels, described in the pattern (furnished in the plate with a text, is not fanciful, as might at first be cross - hatched ground) which I have supposed. I have long ago remarked sketched in the first plate that accom- it in a great variety of examples; and I panics this paper, fig. 1. In the French believe it is only once violated, and work many of the foliaged scrolls are then in a trifling degree, in the Salis- also erroneously represented in relief, bury patterns. The instance to which by thickening, contrary to the fact, one I allude is in one of the lights of the of the ovitliues of the scroll. There are south triplet of the small south transept, other minor inaccuracies in these and The following plates may be referred other engravings of the MonognqMe, to in illustration of it : Monographie de showing that the plates of this work, la Catkedrale dc Buurges, plate, etude 11, however magnificent, and useful to those in which two of the Salisbury patterns who have seen the glass, are not to be are represented; Grisailles D, in which implicitly trusted. See other specimens four more are given ; and Grisailles E, of Early English patterns, in Lyson's in which six other examples are en- ' Bucks,' plate facing p. 488 ; in the graved. Many of the patterns iu this * Inquiry into the Difference of Style plate are misrepi-esented in having observable in ancient Painted Glass,' cross-hatched grounds. The border plates 5, 6, 8, and 10; and in Browne's sketched in Tlate I., fig 2, of the present ' History of York Cathedral,' plates 61, paper, is in the Grisailles E, fig. ;^, mis- 63, 65, 67, and 69. \m^ ab;!<«^^M f^ ^^^^K ^^ ^QJll^M' (^^^^^ f^^ ^S^^^^^ ^^^ te*N i^^^^^M ^m^ vAli'i'^wB^Sr/ 24Hi H^^l^^ ^"M P^^^^^^^^^r (^I^^M i^p^ ^^l^^^^^W ^^^^ ^4 ^^^^^^P^ -_j^w-*^ _^^^m ^-M^N^ .<^v.^^^^^^ - 25^^." ■ ■■■■■■■ HuKpDelaxnoiLe.dei irom. or awings by C. Winston Si! 'SBURY Tmcent Brooks , TAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 119 Beyerley Minster' in the York volume of the Archseological Institute, of which, for facility of reference, I have given a tracing in Plate I., fig. 6. W^ may also recogiiise the principle of intersecting planes of ornament as well in those cases where an entire picture in painted glass extends beyond the Ihuits of a single liglit, and is actually severed by the muUions of a window, as in those where the subject rather than the picture is cut by the mullions, it being composed of separate individual parts, which occupy the spaces between the mullions without beins: touched by them. Of the former arranaement there are many instances in early Decorated glass at Cologne, where some of the figures even are cut by the mullions, and elsewhere ; and very numerous instances in later glass. Of the latter, the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian in the early Decorated glass of Bristol Cathedral, and tlie very common subject of the Cruci- fixion, with the attendant Mary and John, in glass of all dates, afford sufficient examples. The painted ornamental patterns of the cathedral and chapter-house are principally composed of white glass, colour being sparingly inti-oduced in the borders and centres of the panels. The white glass in some of the later patterns belonging to the cathedral is of a dusky yellow hue; in the majority, however, of the patterns it is of a cold though rich sea-green hue. To the texture and hue of the glass these patterns owe their substantial and solemn appearance, which makes them harmonize with the character of the architecture, and with the picture glass-paintings that are coeval with them. The local colour of the white glass is, except in the dusk of the evening, less strikingly apparent on a close than on a distant view. Thus the ancient windows, unlike the modern copies in the great south transept, are in great measure independent for rich- ness of the pattern painted on the glass ; for when the pattern itself is lost in distance, the local colour of the material shows itself the more distinctly. Much of the foliaged scroll-work used in these patterns is of great beauty ; one of the best specimens is perhaps afforded by the pattern in the west window^ of the north aisle of the nave. It is impossible to say whether or not all these pattern windows originally had ornamented borders. If the glass slightly indicated^ in the 26th plate of Britten's * History of Salisburv Cathedral ' was then in its original position, it would 120 PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBUIIY. afford ground for supposing that some of the patterns were separated from the stone-work only by a plain narrow strip of white glass ; the small proportion of borders in existence, as compared with the number of the patterns, seems somewhat to countenance this supposition. There is but one border, besides that of the Jesse, coeval with the older patterns. A sketch of it is given in Plate I. fig 2. It is now in the south light of the west triplet, mingled with a later border from the chapter- house. I think it may be identified with fig. B in Carter's plate, which is there designated as a " border from the nave." The borders of the patterns in the east windows of the choir aisles, and the west windows of the nave aisles, were added at the same time that the j)atterns were removed to these situa- tions. The fleurs-de-lis on a blue ground, which are inserted in the border of the west window of the south aisle of the nave, were taken from another window of the cathedral, and from their form do not appear to be earlier than the reign of Edward III. That they are not as old as the pattern is placed beyond a doubt by the fact of their execution on yellow stained glass.^ It is clear that ornamented borders were used in the chapter- house windows. Three varieties of these borders remain in the west triplet, and are sketched in Plate I. figs. 1, 4, and 5, which may be identified respectively with figures U, V, and W in Carter's plate, and Avhich shows that they belonged to the chapter-house.^ I have appropriated one of these borders to the pattern fig. 1 (though it appears from Carter's plate that the border belonged to a different pattern), as I found that its addi- tion made the pattern 4 feet 1 inch wide — the exact width of the chapter-house lower lights. Another pattern from the chapter-house, one half of which is inserted in each of the two upper south lights of the great south transept, if doubled and enlarged with a border of equal width to the last, would also exactly fit the lower lights of the chapter-house. This pattern resembles one represented in Carter's plate, fig. 5. There is one pattern now in the west light of the lowest triplet of the small south transept of the same character as the other patterns 1 In the engraving of this pattern in '•'■ A border to one of the windows is Shaw's 'Encyclopedia of Ornament,' represented in the slight indication of the form of the fleui'-de-lis is humoured the chapter-house glass given in the so as to accord with the date of the 14th plate of Britton's 'History of I'i^ttcrii. Salisbury Cathedral.' PLA'I'E iV Philip Delamotje, del . from (ira.mngs Ly C WinsLon . Vincent Brooks . SALISBURY, TAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 121 from the chapter-house, which, if placed in one of the lights of that building, would admit only of a narrow strip of glass between it and the stone arch ; but this pattern, if it ever belonged to the chapter-house, was removed thence long before the others, and the difference in the hue of its material favours the supposition that it originally belonged to some other place, most probably to a window of the cathedral. Of the geometrical patterns before alluded to, two specimens retain their original position in two of the east clearstory windows of the great north transept. Four other specimens, which were removed from the clearstory, are inserted in the lowest part of the lights of the south triplet of the small south transept, and a few others lie at present in the glazier's room attached to the cathedral. These patterns, as before observed, are entirely composed of plain pieces of glass leaded together. The border consists of a plain strip of white glass. In design, some resemble a window of quarries, having banded edges ; but the majority suggest the idea of a number of plain flat members interwoven together. Sketches of two examples are given in Plate IV. ^ Most of these patterns are enriched by the occasional insertion of small plain pieces of coloured glass. The white glass employed in these patterns is, in general, of a deeper hue than that used in the painted patterns, and gives the windows in consequence the appearance of having been made up of refuse fragments. Some of the pieces of glass have almost a purple tint ; the greater part incline from a light to a deep dusky yellow hue. These differences of tint impart great richness and variety to the patterns. I think it may be assumed that the geometrical patterns are coeval, at all events, with the later painted patterns that belong to the cathedral. The next glass in order of date consists of a number of rather early Decorated quarries (in Avhich the yellow stain is used) that are now employed as a border to the centre light of the east windows of the north and south aisles of the choir. These quarries were removed from a window of the small south transept, near the entrance to the vestry, where they w^ere placed squarewise. The fleurs-de-lis in the border of the west window of the south aisle of the nave have akeady been noticed. ^ The drawinprs are made to a ycale of Ivj. inch to a foot. 122 PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. It now becomes necessary, for the purpose of continuing to investigate the remains of painted glass in order of date, to leave the cathedral for St. Thomas's church. The first window of the north aisle, counting from the east, retains in the head of both its outer lower lights, and in all its principal tracery lights, fragments of the scroll-work and coloured ground of a late Decorated Jesse ;^ the figures have all been destroyed. The stem, unlike that of the Jesse in the cathedral, is a flowing tendril of white glass from which proceed yellow-stained and other-coloured leaves and grapes. The stem is smear-shaded, and the ground of the lights is richly diapered. The smaller tracery lights are filled with small ornaments in white and yellow stained glass. The glass appears to be of the latter part of the reign of Edward III. A few small ornaments of the same character and date remain in the smaller tracery lights of several of the windows of the north aisle. The east window of the north aisle has been a figure and canopy Avindow of the same date as the last glass. The head of an original canopy, composed of white and yellow stained glass, remains in the upper part of each of the two outer lower lights. In the tracery lights are some mutilated dem'i-figures, each under a canopy. Smear-shading is used in the figures, the drawing of which betokens the approach of the Perpendicular style. The east window of the south aisle has the remains of canopies in its five lower lights, executed in white and yellow stained glass. In the two topmost tracery lights is represented the Coronation of the Virgin, and in each of the other tracery liglits is a shield bearing a merchant's mark. This glass seems to be of the time of Henry VI. The white glass has a cold greenish tint, but not nearly so strong as that of the glass in the windows of the north aisle, which, again, is quite of a different hue from the white glass of the pattern windows of the cathedral and chapter-house. In the vestry adjoining the north aisle of this church is a window of three lights, in which are represented, on brackets, not under canopies, one of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, 1 The window itself is of early Per- windows, the form of ornament is pendicular character. It is clear that, purely Early English ; but in some of in genei-al, the changes of style in archi- the sculpture of that edifice, particu- tecture preceded the corresponding larly of the doorway, the Decorated changes of style in painted glass. In foliage occufs. the glass belonging to the chapter-house PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 123 St. Christopher, and a saint bishop. Tlie lights are glazed with ornamental quarries, which form the background to the figures, and have borders composed of stained yellow ornaments on a red or blue ground. The glass appears to be also of the reign of Henry VI. The head of St. Christopher, and the whole of the Divine Infant, are painted on a piece of very light pot- metal pink glass, an unusual occurrence in English glass of this period. The elaborate finish of these figures, and general light- ness of the colours used in the window, contrast strongly with the more simple and vigorous execution of the figures, and the vivid colouring of the Jesse in the cathedral. Stipple-shading is employed ; but owing to a timid application of it, the figures appear quite flat. The Hall of John Halle contains some excellent specimens of ornamental glazing and heraldry of the latter part of the reign of Henry VI., or commencement of the reign of Edward IV. The windows have all been "restored;" but it is easy to dis- tinguish the modern additions, wdiich are not extensive, from the original glazing. The lights have borders composed of small rectangular ornaments (three varieties placed alternately are generally used) of white and yellow stained glass, separated by small bits of plain blue and red, or blue, green, and pink glass. The upper cuspidation of the light is occupied with a lion's head, and the next cuspidation on each side with either a rose, a crown, a star with wavy rays, or a sun, painted on white and yellow stained glass. Ciphers, instead of roses, &c., are used in the six cuspidations of one of the lights on the east side of the hall. The ground of the lights is composed of ornamented quarries, between each row of which is inserted diagonally a scroll in- scribed " drede." ^ A panel containing either a coat-of-arms or a badge is introduced in the upper part of each of the lights on the east side of the hall by being let in to the quarry-ground, the pattern of which is cut by the panel. This mode of introducing the panels affords another and a very common exemplification of the principle of employing different planes of ornament for purposes of enrichment. It may be said, indeed, that in these windows there are five planes of ornament, viz. 1st, the quarry-ground ; 2nd, the scrolls, which are supposed to lie on the quarry-ground ; 3rd, the ' An attempt is made in Duke's account of the hall to assign a meaning to this word. 124 PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. panels; 4tL, the shields or badges laid on the panels; and 5th, tlie border of the window which cuts the design. A repre- sentation of Jolni Halle himself— of which, however, only the legs and ground beneath are original — occupies the centre of one of the lights on the west side of the hall. I must refer the reader to Duke's account of the Hall of John Halle for a descrip- tion of the badges, and for the blazon of the shields. The next remains in order of date are the pieces of late Per- pendicular and Cinquecento glass used to fill up the west triplet of the nave and the centre-light of the east windows of the north and south aisles of the choir of the cathedral. Some of this glass was brought from France, some from the neighbourhood of Exeter. One subject, the arms of Henry VII., now in the top of the centre-light of the west triplet, was brought from one of the south windows of the south aisle of the nave. Not having examined these remains so minutely as the other glass, I am unable to give an equally detailed account of them. The subjects in the west triplet of the nave are, in the south light, a figure of St. Peter ; a figure praying ; a figure kneeling before a crucifix (St. Francis ?) ; a group of figures ; and a female saint ; all which are in the style of the early part of the 16th century. The subjects in the centre-light are, a Crucifixion, with Mary and John ; the Virgin crowned ; a St. Peter ; a bishop en- throned; all which are of the 16th century, and, as it is said, were brought from Normandy. Also the Invention of the Cross (the three crosses are each represented as a cross-tau) ; a Cruci- fixion, with Mary and John ; aU which are of the 16th century, and are said to have been brought from the neighbourhood of Exeter ; and some angels bearing the Instruments of the Passion, also of the 16th century, and said to have been brought from Normandy. In the north light the subjects are, a bishop, St. Anthony, the Betrayal of Christ, and a St. Catherine ; all which are of the 16th century, and are said to be French glass. Unfortu- nately I took no memorandum of the subjects in the east windows of the choir aisles ; they are of the same character as the rest. Although these glass-paintings are not very favourable spe- cimens of the state of the art in tlie 16th century, a careful examination of them will not be without advantage. They are executed on a material more flimsy than that used in the glass- paintings in the vestry-room of St. Thomas's church, or in the PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 1*25 Hall of John Halle ; yet they are far more effective ; and the groups 01 figures, tliough more complicated, are as distinct, when seen at a proper distance, as the simpler groups of the 13th century, and convey to tlie spectator as lively an idea of the subject represented. They thus afford a striking proof of the skill of the glass-painters of the 16th century, who, principally by means of admirable arrangements of colour, and the use of powerful though transparent shadows and brilliant lights, dis- played the hitherto undeveloped resources of their art. The latest old specimen of glass-painting in the cathedral is the arms of Bishop Jewell, which is dated 1562, and occupies the quatrefoil of the west window of the south aisle of tlie nave. The shield is placed witliin a wreath : and the wdiole composi- tion is a remarkably favourable specimen of the period. It now^ only remains for me to notice the modern glass in the cathedral ; which is comprised in the windows of the Lady Chapel, the eastern triplet of the choir, and the south windows of the great south transept, with the exception of the two upper lights. The eastern triplet of the Lady Chapel is filled with a repre- sentation of the Eesurrection, designed by Sir Joshua Eeynolds,^ and executed by Francis Egington of Birmingham. I do not question the intrinsic merit of this composition, but it is unfor- tunately not of a nature suited to a glass-pahiting. The prin- cipal object, and indeed the only figure represented, is our Lord ascending from the tomb. In the distance are dimly seen the three crosses on Mount Calvary. Light emanating from our Saviour's person illuminates the objects in His immediate pre- sence ; all around is gloom. This effect is produced by means which cannot be satisfactorily resorted to in a glass-painting, — the keeping of a very large portion of the picture in compara- tive obscurity. For a gloomy or obscure effect in painted glass, however it may be aided by the employment of pot-metals, &g., of deep tint, can only be produced by an exclusion of the light, with nearly opaque enamels. And this, when carried beyond a certain liiuit, occasions a flat, heavy, and, paradoxical as it may appear, flimsy appearance, destructive of all impressiveness, ^ It is stated in Gilpin's 'Western the ground that he had thereby en- Counties,' that in his first design for hanced the character of the miracle, the window Sir Joshua represented the It is more probable that Sir Joshua moutli of the tomb closed ; and when defended himself on the authority of remonstrated with, defended himself on ancient precedents. 126 PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. and widely different from the depth and transparency of a picture in oils painted in equally deep tones. The task was thus imposed on the glass-painter — even had he possessed suf- ficient genius, instead of literally copying his model, to have embodied its spirit — of representing what is particularly difficult, if not incapable, of adequate representation in painted glass. A skilful glass-colourist might, to a certain extent, have succeeded in imparting to the window an effect more in accordance with Sir Joshua Reynolds's intention ; but the cours" adopted by Egington, of executing the window entirely on white glass, with enamel colours and stains, was of all others that most calculated to ensure 'an unsatisfactory result. In comparison with what might have been effected, the colouring of the window is weak, and its brightest lights are dull ; and the red-brown enamel in the landscape and sky, unaided by pot-metal glass, wholly fails of producing that supernatural lurid appearance which seems to have been intended by Sir Joshua Reynolds. The remaining windows of the Lady Chapel are also painted by Egington. They are filled with a quarry pattern, having a dull red rose stained in the midst of each quarry, and thickly covered with a reddish -brown ground. The effect of these windows, like that of the east window, is dull and heavy, with- out being deep or impressive. The subject in the east window of the choir is the Lifting up of the Brazen Serpent in the Wilderness. It was executed by Pearson, after a design by Mortimer, and as a glass-painting is certainly superior to the east window of the Lady Chapel. The design is, in principle, not unsuitable to a glass-painting ; there are no overpowering masses of heavy shadow, and the more positive colours are carried to the extreme verge of the picture. The colouring is lively, and the picture has a certain degree of brilliancy. Pot-metal glass, as well as enamel colours and stains, is employed. Still I cannot admit the fitness of the painting for its situation. The character of the architecture is severe, solemn, and gloomy ; and would therefore appear to demand in the glass-painting simplicity of composition and colouring, as well as depth of tone : in short, a character the very opposite to that of the present window. A genuine Early English Pattern window, though possessing but little positive colour, would, owing to its depth of effect, and the gravity and solemnity of its appearance, have suited the place better. The "Five Sisters" harmonize admirably with the architecture of the north PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 127 transept of York. Another ground of objection appears to be, that the design is carried across the triplet independent of the divisions of the lights. It has been shown in a former part of this paper, that the practice of extending the design of a glass- painting beyond the limits of a single light is not only fully supported by the best authorities, but is strictly in accordance with the principles of mediaeval composition. And indeed, when the lights are divided merely by mullions, the practice might safely be allowed to rest on its own merits : for, without having recourse to it, it would often be impossible to break, by the occasional introduction of a group, the painful monotony which would otherwise be occasioned by the continual repetition of single figures throughout a series of windows, or even in one large window, and at the same time ensure to the group suf- ficient size to produce a satisfactory effect. But in the present instance the lights are separated not by mullions, but by portions of wall, of such breadth as materially to weaken, if not destroy, the idea of the continuity of tlie subject ; and thus an unpleasing effect is produced. It may be conceded, that in this particular window the use of a landscape background is unfortunate, because it is opposed to that simplicity of colouring which is most in harmony with the character of the architecture. But apart from this consi- deration, the objection so continually urged in certain quarters against the employment in a painted window of such a land- scape background as is compatible with the conditions of glass- painting, is untenable. It is true that the lead-lines, and want of atmosphere inseparable from painted glass, would be fatal to the effect of a glass-painting in which a landscape formed the most prominent object ; but the landscape suitable to a glass- painting is a mere accessory, one of whose functions is as it were to tie together the composition, and which is very subordinate in interest to that of other parts of the composition. And such a landscape may be represented very adequately in painted glass, ^ quite as naturally indeed as any other object can be represented in a window. No objection founded on the want of means of representation can be urged against the use of a landscape in painted glass, which would not apply with equal force against its employment in a fresco, or other large picture. It is possible, ' This is denied in a recent article in the ' Eoclesiologist,' No. 74, p. 81 ; bvit the confusion of the winter's ideas is such as to render further comment superfluous. 128 PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. no doubt, to represent almost any subject without such an ad- junct ; but none can deny the power of a landscape, when properly introduced, in assisting the picture, by an additional appeal to nature, to the performance of its true office, — that of awakening in the mind a lively idea of the subject repre- sented. It therefore seems foolish, without some good reason, to debar the artist from availing himself of it. The landscape in Raphael's Miraculous Draught of Fishes has often been deservedly commended ; if omitted, would the picture have proved so striking and effective ? It has sometimes been contended that the use of a landscape in any mural painting, and by consequence in a glass-painting, is improper ; because, when we see a landscape painted on a wall, we know that we do not look upon an opening ; that, when we see a landscape high up in a church window, we know that it is impossible that a landscape could be visible through a window in such a situation. The objection, however, is rather ingenious than solid. It rests on a misapprehension of the true and proper end of painting. This is not delusion ; it is not to make the spectator suppose that the object represented is really present in the place where it is represented ; it is only to awaken in the mind a lively idea of this object. "Imitations," says Dr. Johnson, " produce pain or pleasure, not because they are mistaken for realities, but because they bring realities to mind. When the imagination is recreated by a painted landscape, the trees are not supposed capable to give us shade, or the fountains coolness ; but we consider how we should be pleased with such fountains playing beside us, and such woods waving over us." It is admitted that no one mistakes any such representation for a reality; it is therefore hard to perceive what possible impropriety there can be in our being suffered to see the repre- sentation in a spot wdiere the reality cannot be, or why a rule should be applied to landscapes which does not hold good as to other subjects of painting. A third objection, and, as it seems to me, the only ground admitting of argument, is the difficulty of seeing such pictures from the true perspective point of sight ; but the fact that numbers of pictures are viewed from what is not the true point of sight, and are yet seen with undiminished pleasure, seems to afford a complete answer to it. The only other painted windows of the cathedral are those in the great south transept. The two topmost lights of the south end are, as before-mentioned, filled with early glass. The rest PAINTED GLASS AT SALISBURY. 129 contain modern copies of the Early Englisli patterns, except the centre-light of the lowest triplet, which appears to be modern in design. These windows afford one of the many proofs that, how- ever closely the design of ancient glass is copied, the imitation cannot be complete unless the texture of the ancient material is copied also. ON THE PAINTED GLASS IN NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFOKD. ^^^H ll^^~^I!^Is-^^'^^^~"^~^-2.---~^ W'XUUi^TwII i m m 1 (From the Archseological Journal, volume ix.) T has often been to me a matter of surprise that there should still be wanting, not only a detailed account, but even an accurate catalogue, of the numerous and interesting specimens of ancient painted glass existing in the public and colle- giate buildings of Oxford, considering the number of persons addicted to Archaeological pursuits who enjoy in an Oxford residence, and leisure time, peculiar facilities for such an undertaking. The present paper hardly pretends to supply the latter desi- deratum, even in respect of the single example which forms its subject. I have had neither time nor opportunity to test the accuracy of my researches as rigidly as I could have wished ; nor have I sought for any other documentary evidence than what has already appeared in print; therefore, what I have written must be regarded as a contribution only towards a more full and perfect description of the painted glass in New College Chapel and Hall. The labour expended upon it will, I dare say, be appre- ciated by those who have actually prosecuted similar inquiries. It will render the following remarks on the glass in New College Chapel more intelligible if I state, at the outset, that this building consists of an Antechapel, or Transept, and of a Choir, or Inner Chapel, at right angles to it ; — that the ante- chapel is furnished with a central west window, having fourteen lower lights — the widest in the chapel — arranged in two tiers, and a head of tracery, to which no further allusion need be made ; two smaller west windows, one on either side the last, each having eight lower lights arranged in two tiers, and eighteen tracery lights, six only of which are capable of containing figures ; two windows on the north, and one on the soutli side, precisely similar to the last in size and arrangement ; and two PAINTED GLASS IN NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD. 131 east windows, facing the smaller west windows, having twelve lower lights apiece — the narrowest in the chapel — and fourteen tracery lights, ten only of which are capable of contahiing figures ; — and that the choir is furnished with five south and five north windows, of the same dimensions and arrangement as the smaller west windows of the antechapel. I have been thus minute in noticing the relative widths of the lower lights of these windows, because the soundness of the con- clusions at which I have arrived respecting the original arrange- ment of the glass in the chapel, in great measure depends on the fact of the lights of the two east windows being the nar- rowest, though of equal length with the others. The remains of the oldest or original glazing are dispersed throughout all these windows, with the exception of tlie central west window ; and from such an examination of them as time and circumstances have permitted, it appears to me that, when in a perfect state, the lower lights of the northernmost of the west windows, and of the two north windows of the antechapel, contained representations of the Patriarchs and other worthies of the Old Testament — a single figure under a canopy occupying each light; that in like manner the lower lights of the two east windows of the antechapel contained representations of the twelve Apostles, and of our Lord's Crucifixion, four times re- peated ; that similar representations of Old and New Testament and Church saints and worthies occupied the lower lights of the south and smaller west windows of the antechapel, and most probably the lower lights of all the choir windows ; and that the various orders of angels ^ were represented in the principal tracery lights of the antechapel and choir windows, besides the Coronation of the Virgin, and Wykeham's Adoration of Christ, which are to be seen in the tracery of the east windows of the antechapel. I have no other clue to the subjects formerly represented in the central west window than what is derivable from the fragments removed from this Avindow to make way for Sir Joshua Reynolds's design, and which are still, I believe, pre- served in boxes at Winchester College. From the names which I found on searching these fragments during the Institute's visit to Winchester in 1845, I conclude that single canopied figures of Church saints occupied the lower lights of this window ; but I should state that I also met with part of a small mitre, appa- rently belonging to the subject of Becket's Martyrdom, which, ' One complete set of angels is engraved in ' The Calendar of the Anglican Church illustrated,' Parker, Oxford, p. 116. 2 K J 82 THE PxVINTED GLASS IN liowever, judging from the small size of the mitre, might have been inserted in the tracery lights of this window.^ I am sensible that the opinion I have formed respecting the original arrangement of the glass rests partly on hypothesis, partly on evidence, in no case conclusive, and in many cases weak and uncertain. With this apology I must leave the matter in the reader's hands, and hope that he will be amused with the description I sliall give of the glass, however much he may otherwise differ from my views. It will be convenient to commence with an examination of the glass in the northernmost of the west windows of the ante- chapel, in which window, as it would seem, the series of subjects originally began ; and, in order to compensate as much as pos- sible for the want of illustrative aid, I give the accompanying diagram of this window, in which the lower lights are distin- guished by numbers, and the principal tracery lights by letters. A B C D R F ■ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I shall employ the same diagram in explanation of all the other windows, except the central west and the two east windows of the antechapel. THE NORTHERNMOST WEST WINDOW OF THE ANTECHAPEL. Each of the eight lower lights of this window is occupied, as already mentioned, with a canopy containing a single figure; and I will state, since an attention to such minutise will tend materially to facilitate our investigation of the other windows. ^ The glass in Winchester College chapel unfortunately throws no light on the subject. That chapel has no west window. Its side windows are fitted with canopied figures of saints and angels; and its east window with a design composed of the following sub- jects : The Stem of Jesse, the Cruci- fixion, and the Last Judgment, When represented by itself, the Last Judg- ment is, I believe, most commonly assigned to a west window, but, when associated with the Crucifixion, it is very frequently met with in an east window. The Crucifixion is usually represented in an east window. NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFOED. 133 that each of the canopies in Nos. 1 and 3 has a flat hood, its spire background coloured blue, and the tapestry back of its niche, which extends upwards to the groining of the niche, red ; and that the canopies in Nos. 2 and 4 have projecting hoods, red spire-grounds, and blue tapestries ; whilst, in the lower tier of lights, Nos. 5 and 7 have projecting hoods, blue spire-grounds, and red tapestries ; and Nos. 6 and 8 flat hoods, red spire-grounds, and blue tapestries. By these means, as will be perceived, a perfect alternation of form and colour is maintained throughout the canopies. All the canopies have projecting pedestals ; but those only of the lower tier of lights are crossed by the founder's legend, "Orate pro Willelmo de Wykeham episcopo Wynton fundatore istius collegii," which is written upon a continuous scroll, divided only by the mullions of the window. Light No. 1. Jonas p'pheta is written across the pedestal of the canopy. The figure, which, like the other Old Testament worthies, has no nimbus, holds a scroll inscribed, Hehreus ego su' ^ dominu' d'm cell ego timeo. (See Jonah i. 9.) The tapestry is powdered with letters I, crowned.^ No. 2. Joel p'pheta is written on the pedestal of the canopy. The scroll held by the figure is inscribed, hi voile josaphath iudicavit oes getes. (See Joel iii. 12, of which this seems a para- phrase.) The tapestry is powdered with letters I, crowned. No. 3. Amos \ppli\eta ^ is written on the pedestal. The scroll is inscribed, qui \ced\ificat in celu' assencone sua. (See Amos ix. 6.) The tapestry is powdered with letters A, crowned. No. 4. Micheas p'pheta is written on the pedestal. The scroll is inscribed. Be \^Si'\ on exhibit [egredietur lux ^ v]erhm' de vert. (See Micah iv. 2.) The tapestry is powdered with letters M, crowned. No. 5. Ada' pm' pa\ter] is written on the pedestal. The figure holds a spade, and looks sorrowful. The tapestry is powdered with letters A, crowned. Part of the founder's legend is written across the pedestal of this and the next three cano- pies. No. 6. Eva mr oiu viveciu' is written on the pedestal. The figure holds a distaff. The tapestry is powdered with letters E, crowned. ' The crowned letters bring to mind On whiche was first yritten a crouned A, Chaucer's Prologue to the Canterbury And alter, Amor vindt cmmia." Tales : ^ The missing parts of the inscrip- " Of small corall aboute hire arm she bare *i"^^' ^''^^'} ^^'^ '^ practicable, are sup- A pair of bedes gauded all with grene, plied within brackets. And thereon beng a broche of gold ful shene, 134 THE PAINTED GLASS IN No 7. Seth filius Ade' is written on the pedestal. The figure holds a book. The tapestry is powdered with letters S, crowned. No. 8. JEnocJi tra'slat' is written on the pedestal. The figure holds a small scroll, inscribed, ivit cu deo. The tapestry is pow- dered with letters E, crowned. The tracery lights of this window, A to F inclusive, are each filled with a canopy under which stands an angel. Troni is written upon a small scroll at the foot of each canopy in the lights A and B. The angels throughout these tracery lights are alike in design. The canopies have alternately blue spire-grounds and red tapestries, or vice versa. The smaller tracery lights are filled with ornaments, such as leaves, monsters, &c., painted upon white and yellow stained glass. FIRST NORTH WINDOW OF THE ANTECHAPEL FROM THE WEST. Light No. 1. Osee ppheta is written on the pedestal. The figure holds a scroll inscribed, mors ero [riio\r8 tua morsus tuus ero inferne. (See Hosea xiii. 14.) The tapestry is powdered with letters H, crowned. From which I infer either that the tapestry does not belong to this figure, or that in the course of repairs wrong letters have been inserted. However, it may have been a mere caprice to aspirate the name. No. 2. Ahacuch ppheta is written on the pedestal. The scroll is inscribed, D'ne audivi \_auditi\oe tud ^ timui. (See Habakkuk iii. 2.) The tapestry is powdered with letters A, crowned. No. 3. Ysaias ppJieta is written on the pedestal. The scroll is inscribed, Ecce virgo concipiet ^ pariet filium. (See Isaiah vii. 14.) The tapestry is powdered with letters Y, crowned. No. 4. \_Byiruc ppheta is written on the pedestal. The scroll is inscribed. Post hec in tris visus est ^ cu' honC cdvsatus est. (See Baruch iii. 37.) The tapestry is, however, powdered with letters M, crowned. Most of the remarks made on No. 1 equally apply here. No. 5. Mathusale fill's Enoch is written on the pedestal. The figure holds a small scroll, which appears to be inscribed with the following words : Legem n mor\ The tapestry is powdered with letters M, crowned. The following portion of the founder's legend is written across the pedestal : Orate p Willmo. No. 6. JSfoe : ^ : archa : fah'la is written on the pedestal. The figure holds an oar. The tapestry is powdered with letters N, crowned. The portion of the founder's legend that crosses the pedestal is de W No. 7. Abraha priarcha is written on the pedestal. The NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 135 tapestry is powdered with letters A, crowned. The portion of the founder's legend which crosses the pedestal is .... ^on fudator. No. 8. Isaac patriarcha is written on the pedestal. The tapestry is powdered with letters I, crowned. The portion of the founder's legend attached to this pedestal is istius Each of the tracery lights, A to F inclusive, is filled with a canopy, under which is a military figure, winged as an angel, clad in a basinet and camail, jupon, broad sword-belt, petticoat of mail below the jupon, and plate or cuirbouilli arm and leg armour. The figure holds a spear, to which a pennon charged with a plain cross is attached. Prin : ci : pa : tus is written on a small scroll at the foot of each canopy in the lights A and B. The smaller tracery lights are filled with ornaments as in the last window. SECOND NOETH WINDOW OF THE ANTECHAPEL FKOM THE WEST. No. 1 light. Sophonias p'pha is written on the pedestal of the canopy. The scroll held by the figure is inscribed, Hec est eivitas gVriosa quia dicit ego sum. (See Zephaniah ii. 15.) The tapestry is powdered with letters S, crowned. No. 2. Daniel p'plieta is written on the pedestal. The figure points downwards with its right hand, as if in allusion to the den of lions. On the scroll is written, Post ehdomadas septuagenta (sic) duas occit\ (See Daniel ix. 26.) The tapestry is powdered with letters D, crowned. No. 3. Jeremias p'pha is written on the pedestal. The scroll is incribed Patre' vocabis me dicit d'ns. (See Jeremiah iii. 19). The tapestry is powdered with letters I, crowned. Across the pedestal is written the following portion of the founder's legend, orate p ; which is either an insertion, or else shows that this figure was taken from some other window having prophets in its lower tier of lights. No. 4. Ahdias ppha is written on the pedestal. The scroll is inscribed, et rectum erit d'nm d'ni amen. The tapestry is pow- dered with letters A, crowned. No. 5. Jacobus par is written on the pedestal. The tapestry is powdered with letters I, crowned. The following portion of the founder's legend is written across the pedestal, orate p Willmo. No. 6. Judas ma . , , . (Machabeus ?) is written on the pedestal. The figure has a coronet and sceptre. The tapestry is powdered with letters I, crowned. The following portion of 136 THE PAINTED GLASS IN the founder's legend is written across the pedestal : de WykeJim ep'o. No. 7. Moyses dux P'U dei is written on the pedestal. The figure holds in his left hand a green diptych, inscribed with Lombardic capitals. The tapestry is powdered with letters M, crowned. The pedestal is crossed with the following portion of the founder's legend : Wynton fu'dator. No. 8. Aaro' is written on the pedestal. The lower part of the tapestry is powdered with letters A, crowned, and the fol- lowing portion of the founder's legend crosses the pedestal : istius collegii ; — but the feet only of the figure belong to the high priest; the rest belongs to a prophet, part of another window, who appears to be Nahum, from the corresponding part of the tapestry being powdered with letters N, crowned, and from the following inscription on the scroll held by the figure : ecce sup' montes ew'ageliz'atis anricatis. (See Nahum i. 15.) Each of the tracery lights, A to F inclusive, is filled with a canopy, under which is a winged figure habited in the civil dress of a king, i. e. crowned, holding a sword and sceptre, and clad in a tunic with short skirts, a furred tippet, hose, and shoes. Dna : do : nes is written on a small scroll at the foot of each canopy in the lights A and B. The smaller tracery lights are filled with ornaments as in former windows. THE TWO EAST WINDOWS OF THE ANTECHAPEL. The arrangement of the subjects of these windows in their original order is a somewhat troublesome task, requiring a close attention to detail, and continual references to individual lights. A B c D E F G H I K 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 S 9 10 11 12 L M N P Q R S T u 13 14 15 16 '' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NORTHERN-EAST WINDOW. SOUTHERN-EAST WINDOW. It will be convenient to distinguish the windows by calling one NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 137 the Xorthern-East window, and the other the Southern-East window ; and, with a view to render the follo"sying investigation more intelL'gible, I give diagrams of both windows, in which the lower hghts are numbered, and the principal tracery lights lettered, in a consecutive series, commencing in the northern- east window. Xo. 1 light. The glass in this light consists of portions of several designs. The upper part of the light is occupied with the head of a canopy, the spire background of which is red. From its fitting the light, and there being only three others like it in the building, I conclude that it belongs to one of the canopies con- taining a crucifix hereafter mentioned. Below is part of another canopy cut to fit the light, under which is placed the upper part of a female figure on a red tapestr}^ background, powdered with letters C, crowned. This figure does not belong to either window. Below it is the central part of another figure, on a blue tapestry background, powdered with letters E, crowned ; which likewise does not belong to either window. The remainder of the light is filled with the lower part of a canopy, which, as 1 shall have occasion to refer to it again, I shall describe minutely. The pedestal of this canopy differs in design from that of any of the canopies in either window, except the three which I shall pre- sently mention. In particular, it is much more lofty, is hollow, and within it is the sitting figure of an aged man, supported on the top of a tall slender pedestal or shaft. A scroll passes through the pedestal of the canopy a little below the figure just men- tioned, and at the same height from the sill of the light as that at which the pedestals of the canopies in Xos. 4, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, hereafter described, are crossed by the founder's legend. The portion of the scroll in the present case is inscribed, episc . The lower part of the canopy niche remains ; on its floor are three steps coloured green, surmounted by what is evidently the shaft of a cross coloured purple, on each side of which is a small portion of a white cloud ; the rest of the subject is wanting. The inside of the niche has a blue tapestry ground, powdered with little yellow saltiers, or letters X. No. 2. In the head of this light, and exactly fitting it, is the head of a canopy on a blue spire-ground, exactly like that first mentioned in No. 1. The rest of the glass, consisting of part of a canopy which has been cut to fit the light, half a female figure on a blue tapestry ground powdered with letters C, crowned, part of the hood of a canopy, and part of the base of another, inscribed 3Iari Salome, does not belong to either window. 138 THE PAINTED GLASS IN No. 3. In the head of the light, and exactly fitting it, is the head of a canopy on a red spire-ground exactly like that first mentioned in No. 1, Below is part of a canopy whicli has been cut to fit the light. Under it is the upper half of a female figure (which does not appear to belong to the canopy), on a blue tapestry ground, powdered with letters E, crowned. Below are fragments of canopy-work made into a sort of pattern ; and the residue of the light is occupied with the pedestal, and part of the niche of a canopy, which clearly was originally of the same design as that described in No. 1. The only difference is, that here the steps of the cross are coloured purple, the shafts green, and the tapestry ground red. The scroll running through the pedestal is made up of fragments of other scrolls. No. 4. The whole of this light is occupied with a representa- tion of a figure and canopy. The canopy, across whose pedestal is written the following portion of the founder's legend, Istius eollegii, is, in other respects, exactly like that in No. 19 light. The figure is a duplicate of that in No. 24 light. Any further description of either is, therefore, postponed for the present. No. 5. In the head of the light, and exactly fitting it, is the head of a canopy on a blue spire-ground exactly like that first mentioned in No. 1. Below is part of a canopy cut to fit the light, and the upper half of a female figure holding a palm- branch, on a red tapestry ground, powdered with letters M, crowned. A piece of yellow glass has been accidentally inserted in the nimbus of this figure, in such a manner as, at first sight, to impart to it a cruciferous appearance. The figure does not belong to either window. The remainder of the light is filled with a pedestal and part of a niche of a canopy, precisely similar to that described in No. 1. The steps of the cross are here green, the shaft is purple, the tapestry red, and on the scroll running through the pedestal is written Wynton. No. 6. In the upper part of the light is the top of a canopy, of the same design as that in No. 4 light, having a red spire- ground. Below is part of the hood of a canopy, cut to fit the light, under which are fragments of a male saint (which do not belong to either window), on a blue tapestry ground, powdered with letters B, crowned. The remainder of the light is filled with the pedestal and part of the niche of a canopy similar to that described in No. 1. The steps of the cross are green, the shaft is pink, the clouds, as in all the other examples, are white ; and seven of the toes of the Saviour are still attached to the shaft, leaving the nature of the design no longer in doubt. The NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 139 tapestry ground of the niche is bkie,. po^yde^ed with yellow letters X ; and the scroll which passes through the pedestal is hiscribed fundatore. Xo. 7. This is a figure and canopy light. The canopy hood is supported by a semicircuhir niche arch ; its spire background is blue, and the niche tapestry is red. Precisely similar canopies are inserted in Xos. 9 and 11, and in Xos. 13, 15, and 17 also. The pedestal is inscribed Scs Petru. The figure, which exhibits the tonsure, carries a book in one hand and keys in the other ; it is clad in blue and white robes, the white being powdered witli letters P, crowned, drawn in outline, and stained yellow. Xo. 8. This is also a figure and canopy light. The canopy hood is double-headed ; its spire-ground is coloured pink or warm purple, and the niche tapestiy is blue, powdered with small yellow stars or suns rayonnes. Precisely similar canopies are inserted in Xos. 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18. The pedestal is inscribed Scs Andrea\ The fi.gure carries a small saltier. Xo. 9. The pedestal is inscribed Scs Jacoh\ The figure holds a pilgrim's staff. Xo. 10. The pedestal is inscribed Scs Jlohaii^es. The figure carries a cup, from which a dragon issues, and is clad in red and white robes, the white being powdered with small dragons issuing from cups, drawn in outline, and stained yellow. Xo. 11 is inscribed Scs Thoma. The fi.gm-e holds a spear in the left hand ; the forefinger of the right is uplifted, — a move- ment which, coupled with the general attitude of the figure, seems to allude to the means whereby the Saint's incredulity was overcome. Xo. 12 is inscribed Scs JacoV . The figure, which carries a scimitar, is clad in red and white garments, the white being powdered with small monsters, drawn in outline and stained yellow. Xo. 13 is inscribed Scs Philippu, Xo. 1-1 is inscribed Scs Bartolem. The figure carries a knife. Xo. 15 is inscribed Scs 3Iathe\ Xo. 16 is inscribed Scs Simon. The figure bears an axe. Xo. 17 is inscribed Sc's Mathia. The fio-ure carries a club. Xo. 18 is inscribed Scs Judas. Xo. 19. The canopy in this light differs in design from any of those already described, though its hood is as long as those in Xo. 7 and the following lights. The pedestal is crossed with the founder's legend, at the same level as the pedestal in Xo. 1, &c. The spire background is red, and the tapestry blue. The figure 140 THE PAINTED GLASS IN under the canopy is, from the sorrowful expression of the coun- tenance, evidently a representation of the Mater Dolorosa : the left hand is pressed against the head ; in the other is a book. The figure looks towards its left. There is no other inscription except the following portion of the founder's legend, Orate p Willo, which, as before mentioned, crosses the pedestal of the canopy. No. 20. The canopy is of the same design as the last, but its spire background is coloured blue, and its tapestry is red, powdered with letters M, crowned. The figure is evidently a representation of the Mater Dolorosa. The hands are clasped together; the figure looks to its left. The pedestal is crossed with the following portion of the founder's legend : Fundatore. No. 21. The canopy is of the same design as No. 19, and has a red spire-ground. The tapestry is blue, but is powdered with yellow crosses. The figure, whicli looks to its right, is evidently a representation of St. John the Evangelist. The right hand is pressed against the head, but the countenance is not particularly sorrow^ful. The pedestal is crossed with the following portion of the founder's legend : Episcopo. No. 22. The canopy is of the same design as No. 19. The spire background is blue, and the tapestry is red, powdered with letters M, crowned. The figure is an exact duplicate of that in No. 20. The portion of the founder's legend is, Wynton. No. 23. The canopy is of the same design as the last, but the spire-ground is red and the tapestry blue, powdered with yellow crosses. The figure is a perfect duplicate of that in No. 21. The portion of the founder's legend is, de Wyheham, No. 24. The cano23y is of the same design as No. 19, but the spire-ground is blue, and the tapestry is red, powdered with letters |, crowned. The figure, whicli, as before mentioned, is an exact duplicate of that in No. 4, is evidently a representation of St. John the Evangelist. The countenance is sorrowful ; the right hand is pressed against the head, in the other is a book. The pedestal is crossed with the following portion of the founder's legend - istius collegii. TRACERY LIGHTS. A is occupied with the representation, under a small canopy, of a Bishop on his knees, in apparent adoration of the figure in B, which, though mutilated, may be easily recognised as that of our Saviour, seated, and exhibiting the wound in his side to the kneeling Bishop, which, I apprehend, personifies William of NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 141 Wykeham. This figure is likewise under a canopy. An angel under a canopy is inserted in each of the lights C to K inclusive. The smaller tracery lights are filled with monsters or other ornaments. The Coronation of the Virgin is represented in L and M, but the subjects have been transposed, the figure of Christ now occupying L, and that of the Virgin j\I. Each figure is under a canopy. An angel, in female attire, under a canopy, occupies each of the lights X to V, inclusive. The smaller tracery lights are filled with monsters or other ornaments. Having described the subjects in these windows, I proceed in the next place to state my reasons for supposing that they were originally arranged as I have mentioned. One remarkable feature is, that the pedestal of no canopy in the lights Xos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, U, 15, 16, 17, and 18 is crossed by any continuous scroll, and that the pedestals of the canopies in Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 are so crossed ; the scroll being, as before mentioned, inscribed with the founder's legend. This circumstance, when considered with reference to the design and arrangement of the glass in the other windows of the building — the contents of one of the west and of the two north windows of the antechapel have already been described — raises a strong inference that the glass in the first- mentioned series of lights originally occupied an upper tier of lights, and that the glass in the series of lights secondly men- tioned originally occupied a lower tier of lights. That such lights are the lights of these two windows is evident from the fact of their being the narrowest lights in the building, and that the glass exactly fits them. Let us, then, re-arrange the glass upon this supposition, and put in No. 1 light what is now in No. 7 light ; in No. 2 what is now in No. 8 ; in No. 3 what is now in No. 9 ; in No. 4 what is now in No. 10 ; in No. 5 what is now in No. 11 ; in No. 6 what is now in No. 12 ; leaving the glass in Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 as it now is ; and we shaU find the Apostles arranged in a not uncommon order,^ and a perfect alternation preserved in the forms of the canopies, and in the colouring of the designs, throughout the upper tier of lights. Let us now put in No. 7 ^ It is possible that Nos. 15 and 17 the apostles would be arranged as at are transposed. If St. Matthias were to Fairford church, Gloucestershire, with take the place of St. Matthew, which the single exception that there St. there is nothing in the order of the Matthew precedes St. Jude. canopy design or colouring to prevent, 142 THE PAINTED GLASS IN light the glass which is in No. 20 light; in No. 8 the re- mains of the canopy- work first mentioned in No. 1, and the portion of the crucifix in No. 1 ; in No. 9 what is now in No. 4 ; in No. 11 the remains of the canopy-work first mentioned in No. 2, and the portion of the crucifix in No. 5 ; in No. 12 what is now in No. 23 ; in No. 20 the remains of the canopy-work first mentioned in No. 5, and the portion of the crucifix in No. 3; and in No. 23 the remains of the canopy-work first mentioned in No. 3, and the portion of the crucifix in No. 6 ; leaving No. 10 blank, and the glass in Nos. 19, 21, 22, and 24 as it now is ; and we shall find, supposing the missing subject of No. 10 light to have been a duplicate of that in No. 19,^ and that the remains of the canopy-work first mentioned in No. 6 belonged to it, that not only will a perfect alternation in the forms of the canopies and the colouring of the subjects be preserved through- out the east windows, in the one whether regarded in a hori- zontal or in a perpendicular direction,^ in the other when regarded in a horizontal direction — and it is obvious that a double alternation might, by a different arrangement, be pro- duced in this as well as in the former window — but that the attitudes of the figures will correspond with the arrangement of the subjects. Thus, the Virgin and St. John, if placed according to the new arrangement in the lights Nos. 7 and 9, would be turned towards the crucifix in No. 8 ; the Virgin in No. 10 light (which I have supplied by copying the figure in No. 19), and the St. John put in No. 12 light, would be turned towards ^ It is by no means an uncommon occurrence to find in ancient glass the same figures repeated in different or even the same windows of the same building. I know of an instance as early as the latter part of the twelfth century. 2 This alternation of design and colour is observable in many early Per- pendicular windows. The following diagram may serve to explain my mean- ing. Let the letters arranged in AC a square represent four figures B D and canopies : and let canopies A and B each have a red spire- ground, and blue niche tapestry ; and canopies C and D each have a blue spire-ground, and red niche tapestry. It will follow that the masses of colour, when regarded horizontally, will alter- nate thus : — the red spire-ground of A with the blue spire-ground of C; the blue tapestry of A with the red tapestry of C ; the red spire-ground of B with the blue spire- ground of D ; the blue tapestry of B with the red tapestry of D. And when regarded vertically, the masses of colour will alternate thus ; — the red spire-ground of A with the blue tapestry of A, this again with the red spire-ground of B, and this again with the blue tapestry of B ; and so, the blue spire-ground of C with the red tapestry of C, this with the blue spire- ground of D, and this with the red tapestry of D. Of course, if the cano- pies A and D are of one design, and B and C of another, their difierent pat- terns will likewise alternate. To put pi'ecisely the same case as that in the text, the canopies must be supposed to be of four different patterns. NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 143 the crucifix in No. 11 liglit; and the Virgins in Nos. 19 and 22, and the St. Johns in Nos. 21 and 24, would be turned, respec- tively, towards the crucifixes in Nos. 20 and 23 lights. It is true that the portions of the founder's legend attached to the glass now in Nos. 1, 4, 5, 20, and 23 lights, will not make sense under the new arrangement of the subjects, but this circumstance is entitled to no weight. The inscriptions on the pedestals of Nos. 1 and 5 have evidently been made up of frag- ments, and there is no reason why we should not suppose that those on the pedestals of Nos. 4, 20, and 23 have likewise , been sup- plied in the course of repairs. For it is impossible by any arrange- ment of the subjects to bring the word written on the pedestal of No. 20 into its proper place in the legend, or to arrange matters so as to make both parts of the legend attached to the pedestals of Nos. 4 and 23 fall into the inscription ; one part or the other must be rejected as an insertion. On the other hand, the parts of the legend attached to the pedestals now in the lights Nos. 6, 19, 21, 22, and 24 will be found to read correctly on the suggested re-arrangement of the subjects. The pedestal in No. 3 light is, as before mentioned, at present without any legend at all. It is unnecessary to speculate on the reasons which may have led to the fourfold repetition of the Crucifixion in the lower part of tliese windows; but lest this repetition should appear un- favourable to the view I take of the original arrangement of the glass, I will add that no subject is more commonly represented in a window above an altar than the Crucifixion, and that it is by no means improbable that four altars, two under each window, were placed against the east wall of the transept, or antechapel, although no trace of them may now exist. SOUTH WINDOW OF THE ANTECHAPEL. This is a figure and canopy window like the windows on the north side. No. 1 light. Sc^s is written across the pedestal of the canopy. The figure is that of a Bishop. The tapestry of the niche is powdered with the letters P, crowned. No. 2. Sc's Pelagius is written across the pedestal of the canopy. The figure is that of a Pope, having a tiara encircled with only one coronet. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters P, crowned. No. 3. Scs Alpliegus is written across the pedestal. The 144 THE PAINTED GLASS IN figure is that of an Archbishop. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters A, crowned. No. 4. Scs Gemreta is written across the pedestal. The figure is that of a Bishop. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters G, crowned. No. 5. Scs Athanasius is written on the pedestal, which is crossed by the following portion of the founder's legend : — Orate p Willo. The figure is that of a Bishop. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters A, crowned. No. 6. Scs \Bar)i\ard^ is written on the pedestal, which is crossed by the following portion of the founder's legend : — Wynton fu^ d\atoTe\. The figure is habited as a monk, in a russet dress. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters B, crowned. No. 7. Scs appears on the pedestal, which is crossed by the following part of the founder's legend: — Wynton ju'dator. The figure is that of a Bishop. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters H, crowned. No. 8. Scs Anselmus is written on the pedestal, which is crossed by the following part of the founder's legend: — Wyke- ham, turned the wrong side upwards. The figure is that of an aged man, wearing a green cap, gloves, an alb, and a russet mantle over it. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters S and letters A, crowned. The tracery lights of this window, A to F inclusive, are each filled with a canopy, under which stands an angel. Cherubim is written upon a small scroll at the foot of each canopy in the lights A and B. The smaller tracery lights are filled with foliage and monsters. SOUTHERNMOST WEST WINDOW OF THE ANTECHAPEL. This is likewise a figure and canopy window. No. 1 light. On the pedestal is written Maria Egipcaca. The figure is that of a female. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters M, crowned. No. 2. Sea Martha is written on the pedestal. The figure is that of a female. TJie niche tapestry is powdered with letters M, crowned. No. 3. This light is a good deal mutilated. The pedestal is inscribed Maria Jacobi, and the lower part of the niche tapestry is pow^dered with letters M, crowned. But the figure itself is that of a prophet, holding a scroll like the figures in the north windows, inscribed visitabo oves meas ^ liberabo ea\s\. (See Ezekiel KEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AKD HALL, OXFOER 145 xxxiv. 12.) The remainder of the niche tapestry is powdered \^ath letters E, crowned. No. 4. This light is also much mutilated. The upper part of the figure is that of a Queen, and the niche tapestry is powdered with letters W, crowned. The lower part of the figure belongs to a different subject. The pedestal is inscribed jScs Cutlibert\ and is crossed by the followiug part of the founder's legend — Orate v Willmo ; from which I conclude that this part of the design belonged originally to a lower tier light of some window. Ko. 5. Scs is written on the pedestal. The figure is that of a Bishop. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters B, crowned. A portion of the founder's legend, now missing, crossed the pedestal. No. 6. Sc's Bri is written on the pedestal. The figure is, however, that of a female. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters C and letters B, crowned. A portion of the founder's legend, now missing, crossed the pedestal. No. 7. The figure is that of a female. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters E, crowned. A portion of the founder's legend, now missing, crossed the pedestal. No. 8. The figure is that of a Queen. The niche tapestry is powdered with letters E, crowned. A portion of the founder's legend, now missing, crossed the pedestal. The tracery lights of this window, A to F inclusive, are each filled with a canopy, under which stands an angel. Seraphim is written upon a small scroll at the foot of each canopy in the lights A and B. The smaller tracery lights are filled with foHage and monsters, as in the other windows. The present seems the most convenient place for offering a few remarks on the date, style, and general effect of the oldest or original glazing of the chapel. In the absence of any direct information, we can arrive only at an approximation to the date of this glass. That it was erected in Wykeham's lifetime may be inferred, if not even from the style of the legend which runs across the windows, and con- tains the expression "Orate pro Willelmo de Wykeham," at least from the fact of New College having been the first of AVykeham's three great works, and the silence of liis will re- specting its fabric; a will which, as is well known, contains minute directions for the glazing of a part of Winchester Cathedral. Indeed, the somewhat earlier character of the glass as compared with the windows of Winchester College Chapel, which have been copied faithfully, as it would seem, from the L 146 THE PAINTED GLASS IN original glazing of that edifice, would justify the supposition that it was erected before the commencement of Winchester College, in 1387. On the whole, I think we shall not be far wrong in concluding that the windows of New College were glazed between the founding of the establishment in 1379, and its being taken possession of by the first warden and fellows in 1386, at which time we have reason to believe that the Chapel and Hall were completed, and, if so, that the windows were glazed, for it is true, as a general rule, that in mediaeval times the glaziers com- menced operations as soon as any part of a building was ready to receive the glass. The glass, though Perpendicular in its general character, and therefore to be regarded as one of the earliest, if not the earliest, exponent of that style, displays, as might be expected, many Decorated features, as in the design of some of the canopies, especially as exemplified in the square tower over the niche arch, from which the spire of the canopy rises; and even in the pedestals used in the lower tier of lights, which, with the small rayonnated sun on each side, bear considerable resemblance to the pedestals of the early Decorated canopies in the Lady Chapel windows of Wells Cathedral — in the coloured moulding sometimes occurring under the battlements of the tower — in the coloured windows of the spire — in the pot-metal yellow finials occasionally employed — in the shape of the crockets — in the use of fiesh-coloured glass to represent the nude parts of several of the principal figures — in the white hair and beards, leaded into pink faces, &c. Yet these, and many other Decorated features, which a practised eye will not fail to detect, are, as it were, merged in the general character of the later style, which displays itself in the broad colouring of the windows, — in the general flatness of the composition, which, by the way, is more remark- able in the north, south, and west windows of the antechapel than in the east windows, where the canopy spires are cut out and surrounded with colour more completely, a circumstance which once induced me to think that these canopies were of earlier date than the rest, — in the preponderance of white and yellow stained glass over the pot-metal colours, — and, though in a less prominent degree, in the attitudes and draperies of most of the figures, particularly those in the north, south, and west windows — in the drawing, especially of the heads — in the thin- ness of the black outlines — in the general softness and delicacy of the execution, &c. Smear-shading is occasionally used in the canopy- work, but the shadows are generally executed, if I mistake NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFOED. 147 not, in " Smear-shading stippled," an invention of the early part of the fourteenth century, and which differs from "Stipple- shading " (the mode commonly adopted in the fifteenth century) in this, that the lights are left clear in the first instance, instead of being picked out of a stippled ground of Enamel Brown, spread uniformly over the glass. The granulation and depth of the shading are perhaps best shown in the white robe of Eve in the northernmost west wiudow ; but, even in this instance, the shadow is not very coarsely stippled, nor can it be called deep even in its deepest part. There is no instance, in any of the windows, of the practice, adopted with such effect in later times, of making the accidental varieties of depth common in a sheet of coloured glass correspond in position with the lights and shades of the picture ; and, though many parts of the composi- tion are strongly contrasted in colour to others, yet tliis is not sufScient to supply the want of deeper shadows and more decided outlines, and secure the distinctness of the design, or save the painting from the imputation of being little else than a congeries of flat spots of white and coloured glass. When, in addition to this defect, the imperfection of the figure drawing^ and want of proper perspective in the canopies are brought to mind, we are tempted to inquire what is it that renders these windovrs so beautiful, so infinitely more agreeable than those of modern times. It cannot be their discoloration, for modern windows that have been as much discoloured fail to please. The secret lies in the fine tone and harmony of their colouring; and, perhaps I may venture to add, in its perfect keeping wdth the architectural character of the building. There is not a harsh or discordant hue anywhere. The whole colouring ^ Should it be objected that most of the-box ; or Samson slaying the Lion, these figures possess a certain degree by a clown who, with much grimace of sublimity, I would respectfully warn and affected violence, caresses the royal my readers of the danger there is of beast — as in his brother's windows at engendering a false taste by recurring Christ Church, Oxford, and the late Ex- to such models for sublimity. Nothing hibition ; or, I may add, than the cat's- is more true than that from the sub- eyed saints of Messrs. Pugin and Hard- lime to the ridiculous there is but a man ? Enthusiastic amateurs should step. What can be more absurd, for recollect that they tolerate such things instance, than the mode of representing at the risk of being laughed at by the the Passage of the Eed Sea by a caper- veiy persons they employ. "Work of ing figure betwixt two cauliflowers; or this description is even now nick-named, the Plagues of Egypt by so many car- in derision, hogie-v:ork by the glaziers' cases, frogs and fish, &c., sprawling in a men. If sublimity is aimed at, we may plate— as in the late M. Gerente's win- be sure it will not be reached simply dow at Ely ; or the Raising of Lazarus, by rectifying the more palpable anato- by a mummy jumping up like Jack-in- mical faults of the mediaeval artists. L 2 148 THE PAINTED GLASS IN is equally quiet and subdued, and is in entire agreement with the silvery grey of the white glass. It is without doubt to the excellent tone of the latter material that this satisfactory result is owing. For this same white glass, which has no modern representative,^ forms the base of all the coloured glasses, and ^ As I still meet with occasional as- sertions to the contrary, I think it is as well to repeat what I have constantly- stated, that modern glass differs from old both in tone, colour, and texture, and this more widely in proportion to the difference of date ; the nearest resemblance, though by no means an exact one, being between modern glass and that of the sixteenth century, and the greateat difference being between it and the glass of the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries ; and further, that the attempts hitherto made to dis- guise this difference have completely failed. I am able to make this asser- tion more positively, since it is borne out by certain chemical experiments which I have caused to be instituted during the last two years, the result of which I hope, ere long, to make known through the medium of this Journal. I, of course, should not be expected to notice any opinion of the writers in the * Ecclesiologist ' on a subject of this kind ; nor should I now allude to them, if it were not to guard those who may be as inexperienced or as careless observers as themselves from the danger of being misled by the misrepresentation of a matter of fact which occurs in the fol- lowing passage: — '''Mr. Winston re- minds us that * no cleaning is able to deprive ancient glass, of a certain date, of its tone, richness, and general ap- pearance.' This we entirely deny. The east window of Bristol, v:hich is of middle- pointed date, has been lately cleaned, and it is neither better nor worse than Messrs. Wailes, or O'Connor, or Wille- ment would produce. Rich is just what it is not," &c. &c. It unfoi'tunately happens that about two-thirds of the Bristol window consists of modern glass. But the appeal to it is not useless, as it serves to show that an ability to distin- guish modern from ancient glass is not a necessary qualification for an adept in the mysteries of ecclesiology. Of the various expedients resorted to for imi- tating the effect of the ancient material, Messrs. Powell's and Messrs. Hartley's processes for roughening the surfaces of the glass are the most successful, thoxxgh but expedients after all. " An- tiquating the glass," i. e. dulling it with enamel colour in imitation of dirt and the rust of age, is commonly re- sorted to as a means of destroying the perfect pellucidness of the modern ma- terial : a quality resulting from refine- ments in the manufacture. Instead, however, of making the glass look thick and rich like the old, it only makes it dull and heavy in effect : nor does it materially improve its tone of colour. Of three imitations of ancient glass in the late Exhibition, which I particularly examined, one by M. Lusson, which had been the most antiquated, was the least watery in effect. The second, by M. Gerente, which also had been anti- quated, though in a less degree, was, in proportion, more flimsy. The last, by Messrs. Pugin and Hardman, which had not been antiquated at all, was the most flimsy and watery. But they were all inferior to ancient glass in richness, depth, and particularly in tone of colour ; as was indeed easily shown by holding clear pieces of ancient glass beside them. M. Lusson's, on the whole, was decidedly the best imitation, but this was not owing to the greater anti- quating of the glass. I am surprised that the eyes of the public are not yet open to the absurdity of literally copy- ing designs of an early period in a mate- rial so different from that in which such designs were originally worked, and with reference to which we may sup- pose they were made. We might as well expect a literal copy, in wood, of a stone spire, or of a wooden spire in stone, to produce a satisfactory effect. NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 149 consequently imparts to tliem its own hue ; of the actual depth and greenness of which we are not aware so long as the white is intermixed with cool blues, reds, purples, and apparently though not really faded greens, as in the antechapel windows; but which surprises us when fully brought out by contrast with a warmer scale of colouring, as will hereafter be shown to be done in some of the south windows of the nave. Without expecting a ready acquiescence in the opinion hazarded, that a part of the pleasure excited by the colouring of these windows arises from a perception of its harmony with the architectural character of the building, I cannot but think that the idea is less fanciful than may at first appear. There is a gloominess in the style of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture which is very much opposed, not indeed to rich, but to warm and gay colouring. And though this gloominess in the present instance is, to a certain extent, disguised by the elegance of the modern fittings, and the warmth of the yellow wash with which the walls of the antechapel and choir are covered, it still exists, and grows upon the eye in pro- portion as the building is contemplated ; and the more fully the gloominess of the architecture is perceived, the less striking does the cold colouring of the antechapel windows appear, until at last it seems more appropriate to the place than the warmer and gayer colouring of the windows of the choir. I now proceed to give a short account of the glass in the choir windows, beginning with the first window from the east, on the south side. The tradition is, that all the glass in the south windows is Flemish, and the work of Rubens' scholars.^ But this does not appear to be altogether correct. A great many of the figures in the lower lights are, it is true, the work of foreign artists, and, in the absence of any certain information, I am inclined to think of the Flemish school, in the latter part of the sixteenth, or early part of the seventeenth century. But the whole of the canopy- work, which is evidently copied from glass of similar design to that in the antechapel, is, except those portions of it that actually are of Wykeham's time, of comparatively a recent date ; at which period the rest of the large figures appear to have been painted, some of the old ones supplied with heads, ' Gutch, in a note to Wood's ' History Flemish, done, as is reported, from de- of the Colleges and Halls of Oxford,' signs given by some scholars of Rubens, p. 199, says the windows on the south and were purchased, by the society, of side of the chapel were originally Wm. Price, who repaired them in 1740. 150 THE PAINTED GLASS IN and almost the whole of the old glass, not only the Flemish, but the remains of the original glazing in the tracery lights, as well as in the lower lights, retouched. Coupling these facts with the inscription at the bottom of the last window from the east, which records the fact that W. Price repaired these windows in 1740, I can come to no other conclusion than that the greater part of the glazing is the work of Price, who adapted the Flemish figures to the lights. THE FIRST SOUTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. All the figures in the lower lights of this window appear to have been painted by Price. Some represent Bishops, Arch- bishops, and a Pope, but no names are given. Some are canonised saints. Five of the crozier-heads, and a great part of the canopy-hoods,^ are of the same date as the ancient glass in the antechapel. The glass of which these remains are com- posed, which in the antechapel would seem to be white, here appears to be a positive dark green, from contrast with the warm colours that surround it, and particularly from its being opposed to the warm grey or light sky-blue used as a spire-back to the canopies. The founder's legend, in modern glass, is carried along the bottom of this, as well as of the other south windows. The execution of the painting is very lieavy. There are scarcely any clear lights.^ Tlie shadows are not stippled, but ^ It is not easy to conceive what as in the windows of the antechapel, motive could have induced Price to were wont to make both figures and work up any part of the ancient mate- canopies equally, or almost equally, flat, rials. In reshading the old canopy- After all, the fault rests with the ama- hoods, so as to make them harmonize teurs, without whose countenance such with the powerfully-shaded figures be- extravagances could not be committed, neath, he has however shown himself a ^ j^; ig difiicult, no doubt, to prescribe better artist than the majority of the the extent to which, in painting glass, modern imitators of ancient glass, who the material may be obscured, or the seldom scruple to clap a deeply-shaded high lights subdued with enamel colour, figure below, it cannot be said beneath, without violating the fundamental con- a canopy as flat in effect as the material ditions of this branch of ai-t : and I on which it is painted actually is. This would recommend any one, who really defect might be observed in many of feels an interest in the subject, to sus- the specimens in the late Exhibition, pend his judgment until he has had It seems to result from a habit of copy- an opportunity of actually examining ing the figures from ancient MSS., and and comparing a vai'iety of painted the canopies from ancient painted glass, windows. Without, however, attempt- For if both were alike copied from old ing to lay down any rule, I think I windows, our imitators could hardly may venture to say, that if a picture in fail to observe that the mediaeval artists, painted glass appears to be, on the NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 151 hatched, as in an oil-painting ; and, besides being always muddy, are frequently too deep. The shade of the interior of the canopy niche is absolutely black. The colouring is in general raw. The blue is of an unpleasant purple hue, but the ruby, as is not uncommonly the case in Price's works, is as scarlet as that of the fifteenth century, but of a rawer tone, through being made on a purer white base. Enamel blue is employed in some of the draperies and smaller ornaments, and a red enamel, like china- red, for the flesh-colour, but in general pot-metal colours are used. It is to this circumstance principally that the superior effect of the south, as compared with the north windows of the nave, is owing. The tracery lights are of the same design as those of the ante- chapel windows. A figure and canopy occupies each from A to F inclusive, and various ornaments the smaller lights. The figures are of Price's time, but parts of the original glazing occur in the canopies, and in the smaller lights. The word cherubyny at the bottom of the canopies A and B, is in each instance on an ancient piece of glass. THE SECOND SOUTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. I am inclined to think that all the figures in the lower lights of this window, and certainly that all their heads, are Price's. A Bishop and a Cardinal are represented, as well as ordinary whole, as brilliant and transparent as one hand, the opinion of most modern an equal extent of plain glazing of the artists, that a glass-painting ought to same date as itself, we may be sure that be a dull transparency — as exemplified, the obscuration of the material has not for instance, in the windows of St. Ger- been carried too far; and if, in addi- main I'Auxerrois, Paris; and, as may tion, when considered with reference to be recollected, in the majority of the its design, it betrays no incompleteness works sent to the late Exhibition ; — on of effect, we may be satisfied that the the other hand, the abortive attempts obscuration of the material has been of modern imitators of old glass to re- carried quite far enough, a standard present canopy-hoods, and other pro- which by no means excludes all but jecting work, landscapes, &c., without picture glass-paintings executed in an the aid of shadows, linear or aerial per- absolutely flat manner ; since it is com- spective, as shown, on the whole perhaps pletely attained by any good specimen most consistently, in the glass-paintings of the period between 1530 and 15i0, of Messrs. Pugin and Hardman ; leav- though adequately representing canopy- ing, as a matter entirely irrespective work, or even the interior of a building, of the question at issue, the choice as by the flattest Gothic picture : whilst whether of a flat, hut artistic, or more many a modern glass-painting, of the rotund manner of representation, to be flattest possible design, such as an orna- determined by the good taste of the mental pattern, will be found to fall artist and the nature of the subject, below it. It equally condemns, on the 152 THE PAINTED GLASS IN saints, but no names are given. Three of the crozier-heads, and large portions of the canopy-work, are of Wykeham's time. The glass of which they are composed, as in the former window, looks perfectly green. The tracery lights are of the same general design as the last. A good deal of the canopy-work, &c., and the whole of one or two of the figures, which are simply angels, are original, as is the word Bnacoes, which is written under each of the canopies A and B. The old blue tapestry-ground is retained in one of the lights. This appears quite cold and greenish in hue, on comparison with the glass in the lower lights. THE THIRD SOUTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. Price seems to have painted the figures in the upper tier of lower lights, at all events, if not some of those in the lower tier. He has retouched them all. Amongst them are represented Bishops, Patriarchs, and three female figures. One of the crozier-heads is of Wykeham's time, and there are some original pieces in the canopy-hoods. All the angels in the tracery lights are Price's work. There are fragments of the original glazing in the canopies and in the smaller lights, and the original inscrip- tion Seraphyn remains in the lights A and B. The figures are those of angels. THE FOURTH SOUTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. The figures represented in the lower lights are a Pope, an Archbishop, St. John the Evangelist, another male saint, St. Catherine, and three female saints. The heads of three of the male figures are by Price, and St. Catherine's head is a copy of the head in light No. 5 of the next window; but, with these exceptions, the figures appear to be of Flemish workmanship. Parts of the angels in the tracery lights are original, but have been retouched. The original inscription, Troni, appears in the lights A and B. Some of the blue niche tapestry is old, and appears very cold in comparison with the modern blue. The smaller tracery lights are original. THE FIFTH SOUTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. Amongst the figures represented in the lower lights are a Pope, two Kings, a Bishop, and three female saints, one of whom holds a cross, another a sword. These appear to be Flemish, NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 153 and are more artistical than Price's. The male heads are entirely- free from that vulgar air which is so lamentable in his work ; they are also less wrinkled, and more fleshy. The female heads are delicate and pleasing, but, like the male heads, have too much an air of pretdness to suit the character of a monumental work. In point of execution, the work resembles Price's : about the same proportion of enamel colouring is used, and the same mode of shading is adopted ; but the shadows are more delicate than his, and the colouring of the draperies is better in tone. At the bottom of the light Xo. 8 is the inscription before referred to — W. Price has fenestras reparavit, Ao. Dni. 1740. Host of the figures in the tracery lights (simple angels) are original, but have been retouched. The greater part of the canopy-work is also original ; and the original inscription, Prin- cipat\ remains at the bottom of the lights A and B. The north wmdows ^ will not require a detailed notice of any but the tracery lights, in which alone any part of the original glazing is preserved. It appears, from an inscription in the first window from the east, that the glass in the lower lights was painted by W. Peckitt, in 1765; and certainly one cannot but perceive how much the art of glass-j)ainting had deteriorated since the days of Price. The general design is the same as that of the south windows. A figure under a canopy occupies each light; but the figui-es are poorly di-awn, and the canopies are weakly designed, except the bases of those in the lower tier of lights, which, with the founder's legend that crosses them, are copied from the old ones in the antechapel. Their enamel blue spire-ground produces a flimsy eflect, and the colouring of the windows generally is inferior to that of the south windows. Some pot-metal, and much enamel-coloured glass, is used in the draperies; as well as stained red, and some bad, heav}'-tinted, streaky ruby, much resembling the ruby used by Peckitt in the east window of Lincoln Cathedral, which was painted by him in 1762. The shading is muddy, there are no clear lights, and the deep shadows ai*e quite black. Our Saviour, the Virgin Mar}-, the Twelve Apostles, St. Paul, and St. Barnabas, are represented ^ The following account of these win- Old Testament, from Adam to Moses ; dows is given by Gutch, in a note to in the upper, twelve of the prophets. Wood, p. 199: "The windows on the Mr. Rebecca gave the designs for these, north side, done by ^Mr. Peckitt, of In the two other windows are our York, in 1765 and 1774. The three Saviom-, the Yii-gin Mary, and the nearest the screen contain in the lower Twelve Apostles." range the chief persons recorded in the 154 THE PAINTED GLASS IN in the two first windows from the east ; and a series of prophets, patriarchs, and wortliies, ending with Adam and Eve, in the other windows. Under the figure of the Virgin, in the second window from the east, is the following coat: — Argent, on a chevron, sable, three quatrefoils, or; and on a scroll beneath is written, Johannes Eyre, Arm., Hujus Hosp. Soc, TEACEKY LIGHTS. — FIKST NORTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. The glass in these lights is original. A female figure holding a lamp, under a canopy, occupies each of the lights A to F inclusive. Vir gines is written across the base of each of the canopies A and B. In the smaller tracery lights are monsters, or foliaged ornaments, as in the antechapel windows. SECOND NORTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. The glazing in the tracery lights of this window is also original. An angel under a canopy fills each of the lights A to F inclusive. At the foot of A and B respectively is written Angeli. The smaller lights are ornamented in the same way as those of the last window. THIRD NORTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. The glazing of the tracery lights of this window is likewise original. An angel under a canopy is represented in each of the lights A to F inclusive ; and at the foot of A and B respec- tively is written Archangeli. The smaller tracery lights are ornamented as before. FOURTH NORTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. The glazing of the tracery lights of this window is also original. An angel completely armed in plate, or cuir houilli, but bare-headed, holding a battle-axe in his left hand, and a spear, with a square pennon bearing a plain cross, in his right, under a canopy, is represented in the lights A to F inclusive. The following is written, one half in light A, the other half in light B : Vir tutes. By some mistake the halves have been transposed in the window. FIFTH NORTH WINDOW FROM THE EAST. The glass in the tracery lights of this window is also original. In each of the lights A to F inclusive, is a canopy, under which NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 155 is an angel, with legs and arms entirely enclosed in plate, or cuir houilli; wearing a jupon and sword-belt, a tippet of ermine round his neck, and a sort of fur cap on liis head. He holds a long baton in his left hand. In some of the examples the baton has a short spike at the top, like that usually represented at the butt end of a staff. At the bottom of liglits A. and B respec- tively is written Potestates. In noticing the great west window of the antechapel,^ it is not my intention to enlarge on its defects. These have been pithily summed up by a distinguished artist,^ to whom I refer the reader. I fully admit then- existence, and regard this work as a great misapplication of art. Its most unfortunate effect has been to produce an unfounded prejudice against the application of art to glass-painting, and occasion a revulsion of feeling among amateurs. Every one has felt the justice of Horace Walpole's sneer at the washy Virtues of Sir Joshua : but, it cannot be denied, on the opposite side, that the tendency of the present age to dispense with all artistic qualities in the pursuit of windows which shall display an abundance of strong and gaudy colouring, is an error leading to still more pernicious consequences. It is true that certain writers who follow the popular delusion^ occa- sionally, and, to save appearances, talk about the necessity for a display of art in painted windows, but, on examining the examples they indicate as models, we perceive that a display of very low art indeed is sufficient to satisfy their demands. Leaving, then, these blind guides, let us recollect that, though our climate and habits may forbid the employment of fresco-painting to any great extent, yet that there exists in our windows as favourable a field for artistic development, though subject to different con- ditions, as in an equal breadth of wall ; that ancient windows, except in the case of mere restorations, are worthy of being ^ Gutch, in a note to Wood, p. 199, little green pot-metal glass is used in states that "for this work, which was this gi'oup. The rest of the painting is begun about the year 1777, finished car- executed with enamel colours and stains. toons were fui^nished by Sir Joshua Some of the lower figures have a peai'ly Reynolds, and then were copied by !^L.^ effect ; but they are not sufficiently Jervais." I recollect seeing Sir Joshua's sepai^ated from the ground of the original sketch some years ago at the window, either by colour or by shadow. British Institution. It was richly ^ i^ the "Winchester volume of the coloured. The subject consists of the Proceedings of the Ai-chseological Insti- Adoration of the Shepherds, in the tute, " William of Wykeham," p. 30. lights of the upper tier ; with a single ^ See, amongst others, the ' Eccle- figure occupying each light of the lower siologist,' and 'Morning Chronicle,' tier, except the centre one, which con- 2:)assim. tains a group representing Charity. A 156 THE PAINTED GLASS IN copied only so far as regards the composition and colour of tlieir material; and that, so long as we are content to see produced year after year windows immeasurably inferior in all respects to the works of foreign artists (works, by the way, far from being perfect models themselves, — as, for instance, the window lately erected at Brussels Cathedral, by Capronnier ; those at Cologne or Munich ; or the specimens sent to the late Exhibition,^ by Capronnier, Bertini, and others), so long may we expect in vain any improvement in the art to take place. The painted glass in the Hall windows, of which there are three on the south and four on the north side — the hall running in the same line as the chapel — consists of coats of arms exclu- sively. The following shields are of the same date as the original glazing in the chapel. In the third window from the east on the north side — Argent, between two chevroiis sable, three roses or. — William of Wykeham. The shield is of the transitional character which prevailed on the confines of the Perpendicular style. The diaper closely resembles some ornament of similar date in the first window from the east, of the north chancel aisle, St. Thomas's Church, Salisbury. Each of the roses (which are turned the wrong side outwards) has a yellow centre, formed by grinding away the coloured surface of the ruby, here thin and smooth, and staining the white glass yellow. This is the earliest instance that I have yet met with of the practice. Azure, a sword and key saltier wise, argent, in chief; a mitre of the second. — The ancient arms of the See of Winchester. See the seal of William of Waynflete, engraved in his Life by ^ It is unfortunate that the oppor- et critique des Verres, Vitraux, Cristaux, tunity so fairly offered of leading the composant la Classe XXIV. de I'Expo- public taste in a right direction by the sition universelle de 1851 ' (Weale), award of the Fine Arts (No. XXX.) very naturally expresses himself at a Jury, on the painted-glass in the late loss to discover on what principle the Exhibition, has been so completely prizes were adjusted. [See p. 41, note; thrown away. The worthlessness of the see also p. 52, note.] Most of my awai-d must be evident to any one who readers are aware that M. Bontemps has really examined the specimens. It is, had great experience in painted glass however, not singular that the work during upwards of thirty years, and of Capronnier did not only receive no that he was elected an assessor of the prize, but was not even considered Jury XXIV. Section B of the above- worthy of mention, by judges who dis- mentioned pamphlet contains very just, covered so much merit in the works though perhaps occasionally too good- exhibited by Grerente, Pugin and Hai-d- natured criticiams on the glass-paintinga man, Howe, Wailes, and O'Connor. M. that were exhibited. Bontemps, in his ' Examen historique NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 157 Chandler. The same bearing occurs in one of the windows of the choir clearstory of Winchester Cathedral. This building- is dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, from whose emblems the coat is principally composed. In the second window from the east, on the north side — Argent, a cross gules. St. George. Quarterly, 1st and 4th. Azure, seme de Us, or. 2nd and 3rd. Chiles, three lions passant guardant in pale, or. — King Eichard II. In the first window from the east, on the south side — Gules, three crowns in pale, or. This coat has been assigned to several imaginary personages, as, for instance, the King of Crekeland. The panel surrounding the shield is coeval with it. It is not improbable that the other shields were originally suiTOunded with similar panels, and that these were inserted in lights having ornamental borders, and a ground of ornamental quarries. The ruby of the field is thin and smooth on the sheet, as, indeed, is all that in the antechapel windows. The border of the panel is shaded with smear-shading, stippled. The remaining coats are of the time of Henry YIII. Some are fine examples of the period. In the first window from the east, on the south side — Argent, on a chevron gules, between three pellets, a cock of the first. Over a fillet, vert, a chief of the first, charged with a double rose of the second, between two leopards' faces, azure. The shield, which is within a wreath, is surmounted by a mitre. — John Longland, Bishop of Lincoln from 1520 to 1547. In the second window from the east, on the south side — Party per f ess or, and gules; a demi-rose and demi-sun conjoined, counter- changed of the field. Issuant from the demi-rose is the neck of a double-headed eagle sable, and from each side of the rose issues an eagles wing displayed, of the last. The shield is within a wreath much mutilated. It was originally surmounted by a Cardinal's hat, of which only the strings remain. Wood declares that these arms were given by the Emperor Maximilian to AYilliam Kniglit, a Fellow of the College; Gutcli adds, by letters patent, dated 20th July, 1514; and that he was made Bishop of Bath and Wells in 1541. It is difficult to reconcile the existence of the Cardinal's hat with this statement, except on the supposition that it formed part of the original grant of arms. Quarterly, 1st. Argent, a pelican in a nest, feeding her young ones, vert. 158 THE PAINTED GLASS IN 2nd and 3rd. Argent, a lion rampant, vert. 4th. Argent, an eagle displayed, vert. — Robert Sherburne, Bishop of Chichester from 1508 to 1536. The first quarter of the arms is much mutilated. In the third window from the east, on the south side— The arms of Edward Prince of Wales (afterwards King Edward VI.), within a wreath, and surmounted by a coronet. The second and third quarters are lost. Azure, on a cross, or, between four griffins' heads erased, argent, a rose gules. The shield is within a garter, and is surmounted by a mitre. — Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester from 1531 to 1550, and from 1553 to 1555. In the fourth window from the east, on the north side — Azure, an episcopal staff, or, surmounted hy a pall argent, charged with jour crosses patS fitche, sable: impaling gules, afess, or ; in chief, a goafs head argent; in base, three escallops of the last. — William AVarham, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1504 to 1532. The arms are within a wreath, and surmounted by a mitre. The arms of King Henry YIII., supported by a red dragon and white greyhound. The complicated charges and high finish of these coats, as well as the delicate texture of their material, contrast strongly with the more simple and more boldly executed shields of the time of Wykeham. Other arms, mentioned by Wood in his 'History of the Colleges and Halls of Oxford,' have disappeared. SUPPLEMENTAKY NOTE. (From the Archseological Journal, vol. ix. p. 120.) It has occurred to me, in reference to the memoir on the painted glass in New College Chapel and Hall, Oxford, that I may assist the researches of others by mentioning that there are eleven species of original canopies existing in the lower lights of the windows of the antechapel, and of the south windows of the choir; and by showing their present arrangement by the following diagrams, in which each species of canopy is indicated by Eoman numerals. From these diagrams, and the foregoing paper, it will appear that the arrangement of the glass is more perfect, and most to be relied on as original, in the northernmost west window of the ante- chapel. C. W. NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL AND HALL, OXFORD. 159 Northernmost West Win- dow of the Antechapel. First North Window of Second North Window of the Antechapel from the Antechapel from the West. the West. II I III i IV i III ; IV. ! ! I II III n III V V V I II 1 V n m lu j m 1 South Window of the Southernmost of the Win- Northernmost East Window of Antechapel. dows of the Antechapel. the Antechapel. I I I II ' 1 V V ; V i V i 1 I 11 I I VI i II III, i ^ X X ^ IX 1 V Ji_ VI IX I V "x~ X ~x~ ! X vu vm vm vm VII vm Fii-st, Second, and Third Fourth and Fifth South Southernmost East Window of South Windows of the Windows of the Choir the Antechapel, Choir from the East. from the East. VII IX VIII IX vn vm vn VIII IX IX IX rv I ! IV i I IV n XI 1 n XI IV I I III XI III XI VI. ON THE PAINTED GLASS AT BEISTOL, WELLS, GLOUCESTER AND EXETEK. (From the volume of the Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute at Bristol, 1851.) ^ Y principal object in writing this Paper is to call attention to the remains of painted glass in Bristol Catliedral and the Mayor's Chapel ; but as Wells, Gloucester, and Exeter Cathedrals are easy of access from Bristol, and contain many interesting specimens of painted glass, I have been induced to include in this sketch a short notice of the remains existing in those edi- fices, in the hope that it may prove useful to such persons as are inclined to pursue the subject further. I do not pretend to do more than call attention to these interesting specimens ; to examine them at length would occupy too much time ; and, I should add, that, not having visited Bristol and Exeter since 1849, Wells since 1848, and Gloucester since 1846, the remarks I am about to offer must be taken as applicable to the state of the glass at those periods respectively. I propose to notice: — 1st, the Bristol glass; 2ndly, the Wells; Srdly, the Gloucester; and, lastly, the Exeter. The first window that claims our attention is the east window of Bristol Cathedral. In 1847 it underwent a judicious restora- tion, in course of which the encrusted dirt was removed, which obscured the glass, and rendered the more delicate ornaments invisible, such as the diaper patterns in the arms and the border of the window. The ancient glass was scrupulously retained, and modern used only to supply actual deficiencies ; so that this window has lost nothing of its interest by being restored. A great deal of modern glass was necessarily employed in the lower lights, and in the three upright lights in the upper part of the window, the design of the modern glass being taken, as much as possible, from the original fragments now worked up in those lights, and from the slight sketch given of the window in Lyson's ON THE PAINTED GLAJSS AT BRISTOL, ETC. 161 ' Gloucestershii-e.' ^ The remainder of the window, however, is filled with the original glazing. The old work, throughout, may be easily distinguished from the new, by the different texture of the glass. The window represents a stem of Jesse. The lower liglits contain figures of the Virgin and Infant Jesus, as well as prophets and kings ; in several of which figures portions of the original glazing may be observed. Each figure is enclosed in an oval panel, formed by the ramifications of a vine branch. Some of the foliao:ed scrolls in the heads of the lower lio-hts ('which are principally original)^ are remarkably graceful in design. The ancient ruby ground of the scrolls is enriched by the unusual addition of a diaper pattern. Diaper patterns, indeed, are used with remarkable profusion in this window, and, being executed with uncommon boldness, are exceedingly effective. The figures and scrolls again present themselves in the three upright lights in the upper part of the window, in the centre one of which is represented the crucified Saviour, and in the two others the Blessed Virgin and St. John the Evangelist ; original parts of all these figures remain. The design of the glass in the tracery lights is made to har- monise completely with that of the lower lights, by the introduc- tion, by way of ornament, of scrolls of foliage into the principal openings. The heads of Prophets, or Patriarchs, are even inserted in the middle of eight of the smaller tracery lights : these heads are the only part of the design which cannot be easily made out from the floor of the choir. The black letter monogram, fi ^. C, in one of the spandrels, should be noticed as being evidently an insertion ; it is painted on later glass than the rest. In the upper tracery lights is a display of heraldry, of singular excellence, by the aid of which we may, perhaps, venture to refer the date of the glass to the latter part of the reign of Edward 11. The absence of Gaveston's arms from the window proves, I think, conclusively, that the glass was put up after the murder of that favourite in 1312 ; and the presence of the Earl of Here- ford's arms appears to afford some evidence that the glass was put up before 1322, in which year Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, was slain in open rebellion against his sovereign. At all events, I think it clear that the glass was put up before the ' See Lyson's ' Gloucestersliire,' plate xcii. - One is given in Lyson's ' Gloxicestershire,' plate xeiii. 1 62 ON THE PAINTED GLASS AT ascendancy of Mortimer, Queen Isabella's favourite ; for not only are his arms omitted, but those of two of his victims are present: viz., of Edmund Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel, who was put to death in 132G ; and of Le Despencer, or Spencer, who also perished in the same^ year. The son, having married one of the sisters and eventual heiresses of the last Gilbert of Clare, who died in 1314, and having become Earl of Gloucester, wdll sufficiently account for the presence of the Clare coat. Tlie royal arms of England — the three lions on a red field — of course have allusion to the sovereign; and the fleurs-de-lis border to some of the lights may be well supposed to have reference to the French ancestry of Queen Isabella. On the whole, I tliink, there is no objection to assigning the year 1320, or thereabouts, as the probable date of the glass in the east window. The glass in the side windows of the choir will, I fear, require a somewhat more detailed description, on accouut of its mutilated and confused condition. It will be convenient to mention, first, what I conceive to be the remains of the original glazing of these windows ; and to beo-in with the second window from the east on the north side of the choir. It is evident, I think, that the glass in the tracery lights, and in the pierced transom, as well as that composing tlie Martyrdom of St. Sebastian — in the three upper lights — belongs to the window ; but I do not think that any of the original glazing of the three lower lights remains, except the canopy spires in the cuspidated heads of the two outer lights. The occurrence of the heraldic border of fleurs-de-lis and lions, in the tracery lights and both tiers of lower lights, certainly affords a strong ground for thinking that the glazing, which I have designated as original, formed part of one and the same window. It is easy, I think, to perceive what was the original design of the window when in a perfect state. The topmost tracery light, now devoid of painted glass, was no doubt ornamented in the same way as the two others. Each of the lower liglits in both tiers contained a canopy ; but whether the canopies in the lower tier of lights covered single figures only, or one group of figures, like the canopies in the upper tier of lights — as also w^hether, in either tier, the pictures reached down to the bottom of the light, or had some ornamental pattern beneath them — must remain pretty much a matter of conjecture. The group alluded to, in the upper tier of lights, will repay examination. The figure of BRISTOL, WELLS, GLOUCESTER, AND EXETER. 163 St. Sebastian, pierced with arrows, occupies the centre light. An archer, shooting at him with a bow, is conspicuous in the eastern light ; and the head of a corresponding archer exists in the western light, but is so obscured with dirt as to be scarcely visible. Immediately below the figure of St. Sebastian is repre- sented a regal person lying asleep, wdth a dog having one foot on his shoulder, and apparently licking his face with its tongue. This painting does not seem to have any connexion with the legend of St. Sebastian, and was probably brought into such close proximity to the Martyrdom in the course of repairs. Can it represent the "Story of the king who was rescued, by the fidelity of his dogs, from a sedition plotted by his courtiers ; " to which story allusion is made, by Mr. Hudson Turner, at p. 262 of his recently published History of Domestic Architecture ? In the next window, the glass of the tracery lights is original; and so, I think, are the canopy spires in the two easternmost of the lights of the upper tier, and some, if not all, of the canopy spires which fill the cuspidated heads of the lights of the lower tier. The merchants' marks in the two quatrefoils, and the little ornaments in the spandrels under the transom, are un- doubtedly in their original position. Of course, nothing further can be conjectured respecting the design of the window when perfect, than that tlie lower lights contained figures and canopies, with probably an heraldic panel beneath each canopy. It is reasonable to suppose that the. donor of the window was a merchant. The remains of original glazing in the first window from the east, on the south side, are even more scanty. None of it exists above the transom ; but in the quatrefoils below the transom are tw^o coats of arms, undoubtedly in their original situation, which may be the means, at some future time, of throwing con- siderable light on the question of date. One of the shields, that in the easternmost quatrefoil, displays, on a white field, a yellow chevron, on which three bucks' heads caboshed are depicted, in outline ; and therefore are yellow also.^ This apparently false heraldry is ascribable to the by no means uncommon practice, especially of the more ancient glass-painters, whenever they wished to save themselves trouble, of painting in simple outline upon the field, or ordinary, any charge which could only be properly represented by leading in a piece of glass of a different colour. Had not the field of the coat been argent, I should have It is engraved in Lyson's ' Gloucestershire,' plate xciii,, fig. 7. M 2 3 64 ON THE PAINTED GLASS AT concluded tliat the chevron was properly coloured or ; but in the present case the tincture, both of tlie chevron and its charges, is equally left in doubt. I have hitherto been unable to ascer- tain the ownership of this coat. Since writing these remarks, I have been referred to a Devon family, of the name of " Syrming- ton," or " Servington," whose coat — '•' ermine, on a chevron sable (sometimes azure), three bucks' heads caboshed, or" — affords a clue to the coat in question. The other shield displays, or, three eagles sable — impaling, or rather, dimidiated with, the first- named coat. It is possible that this is the coat of Eodney, the glass-painter, for convenience sake having represented thepurple eagles of that coat Avith enamel brown. I have met with the bearing of Castile — argent, a lion rampant purpure — represented by a lion painted black, with enamel brown, on a white piece of glass. Whatever be the alliance thus indicated, it may, how- ever, furnish a clue to the date and presentation of the window. The remaining gla,ss belonging to the window is the canopy spires which fill the cuspidated heads of three of the lower lights. The next window retains none of its original glazing. The interjDolated glass next demands our attention. The most interesting portions of it are the figures of two knights — one displaying on his surcoat and shield a white cross on a red field ; the other a red cross on a white field. ^ The first-men- tioned figure, though divided, and part placed in each of the north windows, is, on the whole, in better preservation than the other, the only remaining portion -of which, consisting of the legs and some part of the body, is preserved in one of the south windows — the first from the east. But as both figures have evidently been painted from the same cartoon, the missing parts of the one may readily be supplied from the other. The figure in the north window, which alone I shall describe, is armed cap-a-pie, with a visored basinet and camail, legs and arms in plate, or rather cuir bouilli ; and the body clad in that peculiar garment whicli a|)pears to form the connecting link between the surcoat and the jupon, and is called a cyclas — having a square piece cut out in front, whicli exposes to view the mail and armour beneatli. A sliield suspended from the neck by a strap, and a lance with a triangular pennon, on which, as well as on the shield and cyclas, is represented the white cross on the red ground, completes the knight's appointmeuts. The 1 See the engraving, in Lyson's 'Gloucestershire,' plate xciv. Some mistake hafj been made in coloiirhi'j this plate. PLATE m FROM E. WINDOW OF CHANCEL , TROYLE CH . HANTS Charles Wmston , del , Philip Delain otte Liti.c Vincent Brooks N.WIN DOW, CHOIR, BRISTOL CATHEDRAL BRISTOL, WELLS, GLOUCESTEE, AND EXETER. 165 whole of the canopy, under which the figure stands, may be col- lected from the four windows, amongst which its parts are distri- buted. Tliere can be no doubt that, originally, a panel containing a shield intervened between the base of the canopy and the sill of the window. Such a panel, with the arms of one of the branches of the house of Berkeley, and having a border attached of the same pattern as that belonging to the knight's (canopy, may be seen in the north window next the east. The fragments of two other figures — one a Pope, the otlier a Saint — having attached to their canopies a border of the same pattern as that attached to the knight's, are scattered about three of the choir windows. Thus, reckoning the knight, four subjects, evidently belonging to one and the same window, remain. It would be inconsistent witli what has been said respecting the remains of original glazing in the two easternmost of the north and south windows, to suppose that these four subjects belonged originally to either of those windows. The only alternative is, to suppose that they originally belonged to some other windows; as, for instance, the second window from the east of the north aisle of the choir, the four lower lights of which exactly correspond in size and shape with the dimensions of the knight's canopy, and of such a panel as I have suggested as having been originally placed beneath it. There are also, in the easternmost of the north windows of the choir, the remains of a knight, bearing the arms of Berkeley of Stratton depicted on his surcoat and square banner. This figure is larger than any of the four figures already mentioned, and is not at present connected with any canopy. Near it is another square banner, displaying one quartering of the Despencer coat — gules, a fret or; and also the remains of another knight. The arms prove, I think, that the glass never belonged to either the easternmost north or south window of the choir. It probably was removed from a window of the nave. The arms of Mortimer,^ and many other interesting fragments collected in one of the north windows of the choir, seem in like manner to have been removed from other windows. With regard to the date of the glass originally belonging to the side windows, I should not think that it differed from that already assigned to the glass of the east window, were it not for the heraldic borders of fleurs-de-lis and lions in the second win- ^ These arms are engraved in Lyson's ' Gloucestershire,' in cue of the plates already mentioned. 16() ON THE PAINTED GLASS AT dow from the east, on the north side of the choir. A border of lions and fleurs-de-lis, though commoner in glass of Edward III.'s time, in this instance may have reference to Edward II. and his queen, Isabella of France. But, however this may be, there can be very little difference between the date of this glass and that of the east window. With regard to the interpolated glass, I am inclined to think that it also is of the same date, or nearly so, as the glass in the east window. The border of yellow eagles displayed, on a green ground, now in the first window from the east on the south side, may certainly, from the agreement of its colouring with that of the coat of Gaveston — who bore three or more yellow eagles, on a green field — be supposed to allude to that favourite, and therefore to be earlier than 1312 ; but for this supposition I should not have considered it to be older than the rest of the glass. With regard to the knights with the white and red crosses — the opinion that they are impersonifications of the orders of the Hospitallers and Templars, would require the date of the glass to be put as early as 1307, when the Templars began to be persecuted in England; or, at least, as early as 1313, when the order was suppressed by the Pope : but so early a date can scarcely be reconciled with the use of the cyclas, and other peculiarities in the costume of these figures ; and, judging only from the internal evidence supplied by the glass itself, I should not be more inclined to put these figures, than the eagle border, earlier than 1320. The - costume of the figures w^ould admit of a date as late as 1340.^ It is therefore possible that these figures, like the fleurs-de-lis and lion border in the other window, may be of the commencement of the reign of Edward III. ; but it is impossible to be positive on such a point. The rest of the glass in the Cathedral need not detain us long. The oldest specimen undoubtedly is the small quantity of glass remaining in the tracery lights of the east wdndow of the elder Lady Chapel, and which is as early as the end of the reign of Edward I. There are some Perpendicular fragments in their original position, in the west and south windows of the transept, the colouring of which is remarkably rich. The east windows of the choir aisles are both of the same date. It would appear from the arms in one of the windows, that they were the gift of Dean Glemham, in the reign of Charles II. The dulness of these windows, as compared with the older examples, is occa- See as late an instance of the use of the cyclas, in Lyson's 'Berks,' p. 421. BRISTOL, WELLS, GLOUCESTER, AXD EXETER. 167 sioned by the mode of tlieir execution ; glass coloured with enamels being used, in accordance with the practice of the day, in preference to glass coloured in its manufacture. mayor's chapel, BRISTOL. The glass in the 3Iayor's Chapel aflbrds a means of contrastiug the later styles of painted glass with the earlier styles in the Cathedral. The greater part of it was, I believe, brought from Mr. Beckford's house at Fonthill. Amongst other specimens of cinque-cento work, I may mention an excellent ligare of St. Barbara, in the east window ; and a companion figure, of St. Catharine, of inferior merit. These, as well as most of the specimens of cinque-cento, seem to be of Flemish workmanship. The scourging of Christ, in one of the north windows, is remark- able for the use made of '• sprinkled ruby " to represent His lacerated body. In another of the side windows — the first from the west — is some late French ornamental work, exiiibiting the cyphers, mottoes, and emblems of Henry II. of France, and Diana of Poictiers. Some of this glass is dated 151:3. In the west window of the south aisle of the chapel are some very good little German glass-paintings ; one of which is dated 1537. These works, which, of course, were originally intended for close inspection, show that it is possible to combine a very high degree of finish with a full display of the brilKant and sparkling qualities of a glass-painting — a fact which modern glass-painters are too apt to overlook. WELLS CATHEDRAL. The windows of this edifice, eastward of the central tower, retain a large proportion of their original glazing. And the glass is well worthy of examination, on account of its perfect state, and the general goodness of its execution. Unfortunately there is no other heraldry to guide us, as to its date, except the borders of lions and fleurs-de-lis, or of lions, or fleurs-de-lis only, which occur in most of the windows. An inscrij^tion in one of the windows of the Lady Chapel, which might have decided the question, has unluckily been obliterated in its most important part. The words *•' Ista capella const ntcta est " are all that now remain. (It occurs in the first window from the east, on the south side of the Lady Chapel.) We are therefore left to infer the probable date of the glass from the internal evidence derivable from the style of the painting, 168 ON THE PAINTED GLASS AT the costumes, and texture of the materiaL And the conclusion that I have arrived at from these data is, that the Decorated glass at Wells is, as nearly as possible, contemporary with that of Bristol. Making allowance for a few years' difference in date between the various specimens at Wells, I think we may assign 1320, or tliereabouts, as the date of the glazing. The east window of the Lady Chapel has been restored — I wish I could add as conscientiously as the east window of Bristol has been ; for the artist here has thought proper permanently to obscure the remains of the old glass, as well as the modern glass used in the restoration — a device which, whilst it fails to render the modern glass undistinguishable from the old, greatly impairs the general effect of the window by depriving it of brilliancy. However, as there can be no doubt that the old design has been adhered to in the restoration, the window in its present state shows at a glance, what the side windows show only on careful examination — that the lower lights of these windows were filled with two tiers of figures and canopies. The tracery lights of the east window are filled with angels bearing the instruments of the Passion. The topmost tracery light of three of the side apsidal windows contains the emblem of one of the Evangelists, the fourth emblem has evidently been lost : and the other lights of the window, on the north side next the east, contain heads of Patriarchs ; and those of the opposite window the heads of eccle- siastical Saints. Some of these heads are very favourable speci- mens of the skill of the glass-painters of the period, and the idea of filling these small openings with busts, instead of entire figm-es, was happy. The same mode of filling the tracery lights is adopted in some of the other windows in the immediate vicinity of the Lady Chapel, which retain their original glazing. Amongst the busts are the heads of sainted Popes and Bishops, the names being written on labels behind. The east window of the choir is of singular design. The lower lights are filled with a Stem of Jesse, terminating, as at Bristol, with our Saviour on the Cross ; and the tracery lights with a representation of the Day of Judgment. Magnificent as is its colouring, the general effect of the window, owing to the too crowded character of the composition, is inferior to that of the east window of Bristol. It is impossible to distinguish the small figures in the Judgment, clearly, from the floor of the choir; and the insertion of canopies over the figures in the Jesse tends to confuse the design. The clearstory windows, on each side of the choir, had origi- BRISTOL, WELLS, GLOUCESTER, AXD EXETER. 169 nally a figure and oanopy in each of their lower lights. One of the figures, in the north window next the east, represents St. Georo-e, clad in a surcoat which reaches to the knee. He wears a helmet, avant and rerebras, shin pieces and soUerets pf plate, or rather cuir bouilli, the rest of his person is defended witli mail, on his shoulders are aiglettes. The costume of this figure appears to harmonise with the date assigned to the glass. In the tracery lights of this window is a continuation of the Judg- ment in the east window. The remains of glass in the Chapter House are but trifling. They seem, I think, to be of somewhat earKer date than the rest, but still are of the time of Edward II. There are some early Perpendicular fragments in the windows of the nave and transept. Some of the figures have the visored basinet and camail, the jupou, and heavy sword belt. In the west window of the nave is some cinque-cento glass, the more valuable as it happens to be a dated example. A Gascon inscription, as I believe, sets forth the year of grace 1507. GLOUCESTEE CATHEDEAL. The great attraction of Gloucester Cathedral is its magni- ficent east window, in many respects the finest in England. Erom the abundance of heraldry in the lower part of this window, I have little doubt that its date could be ascertained with considerable exactness; but the task of making out the charges on the shields has, owing to the dirty state of the glass, hitherto proved beyond my power. Though a decided enemy to Eestorations, which in nine times out of ten would be more truly called Destructions, I confess I have often wished that this window had been placed in the hands of that real restorer, to whose tenderness and care the present satisfactory condition of the east window of Bristol is due.^ Under these circumstances, I can only hazard a conjecture that the probable date of the glass is very early in the second half of the fourteenth century. It is in all respects thorouglily Decorated in character, though the architecture of the window possesses Perpendicular features principally. But, as a general rule, it is true, that a change in the style of architecture has always preceded, by some years, the corresponding change in the style of painted glass. As to its subsequent restoration and date,, see Memoir XIV. 170 ON THE PAINTED GLASS AT The glazing of tlie window is in its original position, and there is no ground for supposing that the somewhat sudden termination of the colouring tow^ards the top of the window is accidental. On the contrary, it is evident that the arrangement of the glass in the upper part of the window is according to the original design. The two first tiers of lights from the ground are filled with coloured borders and ornamented white quarries, a shield of arms in a panel is inserted in each light, and a small ornamented roundel placed at some distance beneath it. The three next tiers of lights throughout the window are filled with figures and canopies, and, in the central part of the windoAv, another tier likewise ; the spires of this row of canopies running into the tier of lights above. This arrangement, as might be expected, imparts a grand pyramidical character to the whole design. All the tracery lights of the window are filled with ornamented white quarries, and enriched with small roundels of ornament inserted here and there. The colouring of the lower lights — containing figures and canopies — is arranged on a principle not uncommon in Early Perpendicular glass. The figures are almost entirely white, having yellow stained hair, and borders to their robes : the architectural work of the canopies is wholly composed of white and yellow stained glass. The positive colouring is confined to the spire backgrounds of the canopies, and the tapestry which lines the interior of the niche. And it is carried in uniform streaks, or columns, down the window. Thus, the spire grounds and tapestries of the central column — which is two lights broad, all the other columns being only of the width of one light — are coloured red ; those of the next column, on each side the centre one, are coloured blue ; those of the next red — and so on. The large proportion of white used in the most coloured parts prevents any violent transition, from the figure and canopy part, to the quarry part of the window. The lull effect of the Gloucester window, no doubt, depends not only on the simplicity of the composition, the largeness of its parts, and the breadth of its colouring, but also on the excel- lence of the material of which the window is composed. Still, I know no window so likely as this to improve by long contempla- tion the taste of modern glass-painters, and their patrons. The side windows of the choir clearstory retain enough of their original glazing — which is precisely of the same date as that of the east window^ — to enable us to perceive that their BRISTOL, WELLS, GLOUCESTER, AND EXETER. 171 lower tier of lights was filled with figures and canopies, and their upper tier and tracery lights with borders and quarry patterns, having small roundels of ornament inserted of the same cha- racter as the pattern work in the east window. A corroborative proof, if any were necessary, of the originality of the arrange- ment of the glass in the upper part of the east window, with which the aiTangement of the glass in the side windows so per- fectly harmonises. There are very interesting remains of Early Perpendicular and Decorated glass in other windows of Gloucester Cathedral, to which I cannot further advert for want of time. The east window of the Lady Chapel, which is in very fair preservation, is of the last half of the lifteenth century. EXETER CATHEDEAL. The forecroins: list of fourteenth-centurv o-lass would not be complete without some notice of the remains in Exeter Cathedral. But this will not detain us long. Very little of the glass is in its original position. I have no doubt, judging from its style, the absence of the yellow stain, &:c., that the greater portion is of the latter part of the reign of Edward I.; and the later glass seems early in the reign of Edward 11. Britton, in his History of the Cathedral, mentions that about 500 feet of glass was bought in 1303-1 ; and that a large quantity was purchased in 1317, at Bouen. It is possible that some of this may be extant. I was much struck with the purity and hardness of the white glass composing even the earlier patterns ; a feature which may likewise be remarked in the remains of Early Decorated glass at Westminster Abbey, and in 3Ierton Chapel, Oxford. It is possible that this glass was obtained from a common source. The most perfect window is the fourth fi'om the east, on the north side of the choir clearstory. There is a great variety of very beautiful patterns, and many details of pecidiar interest, in most of the choir windows, and the windows of the chapels about the choir. Several of these patterns have been so tastily touched up with colour in the last century — by Peckitt, I presume — as to be at first sight not a little puzzling. On the whole, the Exeter glass will be foimd to repay a visit. The modern glass in the west window, and the ruby with which the old patterns have been retouched, is interesting ; as being, perhaps, some of the latest ruby that was manufactured in England, before M. Bontemps revived the art. Some of the 172 ON THE PAINTED GLASS AT bull's eyes of this ruby are inserted in the east window of the choir. The date of the west window, I have been informed, is 1766. Such is the account I have attempted to give of these ancient relics. I have purposely omitted many curious details, from a fear of trespassing upon your time more unwarrantably than I have done already. Yet, imperfect as this sketch necessarily is, it will not be useless if it should incite but one person to a real study of the subject of painted glass. It is only by repeatedly looking at ancient glass that we learn to appreciate its pecu- liarities. It is by slow degrees that the eye becomes accustomed to its tone ; still more slowly, may I add, is the mind convinced that all styles of painted glass have their excellences and their defects. In approaching a subject on which there can be no appeal to any generally recognised standard, we cannot be too much on our guard against being deceived by our prejudices. This remark is peculiarly applicable to the study of glass- painting ; because it has, unfortunately, become associated w^ith opinions with which it has only an accidental connexion. Like architecture, painted glass has been, I know not why, regarded as a subject of almost purely ecclesiastical interest, and hence has been exposed to much misapplied criticism ; a great deal of which has reference not exclusively to glass-painting as such, nor to any mode of representation, and is founded rather on theological than artistic considerations. Certain styles of painted glass, and of architecture^ moreover^ have been regarded as objectionable, or made the theme of enthusiastic admiration ; not so much on account of their intrinsic defects or excellences, as from a dislike or predilection for certain views which are thought to be necessarily associated with such styles. For instance, we all know that by a certain class of writers, Palladian architecture, although so widely differing from the classical styles, and although it has been actually more uni- versally employed for ecclesiastical purposes than the Gothic, is branded as " Pagan," and unholy ; wdiilst Gothic architecture alone rejoices in the appellation of Christian architecture, and certain symbols of acknowledged Pagan origin, such as the crescent of the Virgin, by being associated with it, are, as we are told, " hallowed." In like manner, the cinque-cento style of painted glass is held up to scorn and reprobation as a " Paganism ; " whilst that of the thirteenth century, " the age of faith," is con- sidered to be truly Christian. It is not for me to inquire whether such epithets are properly or improperly applied, or whether BRISTOL, WELLS, GLOUCESTEE, AND EXETER. 173 Christianity lias deteriorated ever since tlie time when the spirit of ecclesiastical domination was curbed ; but that the continued use of these, as well as of other nicknames, is intended to create a prejudice, and does, in fact, not unfrequentlv produce this result with unreflecting persons, is indisputable. The student of glass-painting must, however, be superior to such influences. He will find that all styles of ancient glass are equally worthy his attention ; and, in particular, will not fail to perceive that, on comparing one with another, inferiority on one point is not unfrequently compensated by, if not the cause of, superiority on another ; or, to be struck with the general consistency of conven- tion practised in each style. For instance, the intense and sparkling colouring common to glass-paintings of the fourteenth centurv, is sought for in vain in a cinque-cento glass-painting ; and the delicate execution of the cinque-cento is equally wanting in the earlier work ; yet it is unquestionable that the delicate shading employed by the cinque-cento artists would, in great measure, be lost in the powerful colouring of a glass-painting of the fourteenth century ; and it is certain that nothing would be more miserable in effect, than a work executed in the simple manner of the fourteenth century, upon the comparatively poor material of the sixteenth.^ I am much mistaken if the lesson to be learnt from an unpre- judiced examination of all styles of painted glass, will not tend to a belief that the modern system of copying or closely imi- tating old work is erroneous ; not only on artistic principles, but considered as a means of merely reproducing their effect. I am aware that certain writers, more distinguished, perhaps, for the flippancy of their remarks than the accuracy of their statements, deny the existence of any perceptible difference between the glass, for instance, of the fourteenth century and that used in imitation of it. But, as the existence of such difference is capable of easy proof, and as tliese self-styled "leaders of the movement" are, notwithstanding their preten- sions, only following the lead of public opinion, I shall expect to find them asserting their belief in its existence, as soon as that belief becomes popular ; as it must, if such examination of old glass as I have recommended be generally made. Believing, as I do, that although glass might easily be manufactured more harmonious in its tone than that now used, vet, that it will ever 1 Messrs. Pugin and Hardmau's imitatious of thirteenth and fourteenth centuiy glass most full}' prove the correctness of the opinion stated u\ the text. 174 ON THE PAINTED GLASS AT BRISTOL, ETC. be a matter of extreme difficulty to reproduce the diaphanous, rich, or pearl-like material of the fourteenth and previous cen- turies : I confess I see no reason for abandoning or qualifying any of the views I have long since expressed, relating to the invention of a nineteenth century style of glass-painting, suffi- ciently plastic to mould itself into conformity with the character of edifices of different dates : ^ and, in the formation of which, ideas, especially as regards arrangement of colour, should be freely borrowed from those later styles in which a material was employed not dissimilar in character from that which can now, or will, in all likelihood, be obtained. Even if the time per- mitted, it would be premature, if not unnecessary, to enter into the details of the scheme more fully than I have done already on various occasions ; since I am persuaded that, if the necessity of forming a new style is conceded, the mode of carrying it into effect will soon suggest itself. The opinion that a new style is necessary, to meet technical difficulties and the requirements of the age, is all that I seek to establish. ^J'he only indulgence I crave is, that the subject may be tJiorovghly investigated before that opinion is condemned. * Since the above remarks were in Still the necessity for a nineteenth- type, some experiments, the results of century style continues ; although the which I staled in a paper read before discoveries alluded to will involve a the Royal Institute of British Arcl)i- modification of some of my previously tects, 14th June, 1852, have shown the expressed views as to what that style possibility of making white and coloured should be. (The memoir referred to is glass equal in tone, and true to that of that which follows.) the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. PLATt V MERTON COL CHAPLL OXFORD Charles WiTLstxn,del. PhJip Deiaiuolte.Litho LINCOLN CATHEDRAL Vincent Brooks VII. ON A KEVIVED MANUFACTUKE OF COLOURED GLASS USED IN ANCIENT WINDOWS. Read at the Ordinary Meeting of the Royal Institute of British Architects, June Uth, 1852. HE point to which I have to direct your atten- tion is, " a revived manufacture of glass used in ancient windows ; " but, in order that the im- portance of the subject may not be underrated, I wish to make some remarks, in the first place, on the harmony observable between the design and execution of glass-paintings and the quality of the material of whicli they are composed — a harmony which, though more remarkable at some periods than at others, may yet be observed, in a greater or less degree, in all works having any pretension to originality. It is only when the perception of the artist has become blunted, and his inven- tion paralysed by a habit of servile, unreflecting imitation, that all trace of tlie harmony is lost. I cannot better illustrate my meaning than by contrasting the glass-paintings of the middle of the sixteenth century with those of the twelfth and thir- teenth. At this early period, when the richest, the most beautiful, and the deepest colouring in glass that we are acquainted ^vith was employed, we always find that the picture was both designed and executed in the simplest manner. There are no compli- cated groups, no atmospheric effects ; hardly any effect of light and shade, and no high finish. If a group is repre- sented, the figures all appear to be in the same plane, and to be cut out by a stiff background of deep blue or red. A land- scape is rarely attempted ; when this is the case, it is sym- bolised, rather than represented, by trees, buildings, or other accessories, of most mediaeval cut and conventional character, which always appear, by the positiveness of their colouring, to be in the same plane as the figures, and, like them, are cut out 376 ON A REVIVED MANUFACTURE OF by the aforesaid stiff background. The whole expression of the drawing is conveyed by means of strong black outlines, the effect of which is usually heightened by a simple wash of shadow in half-tint, the edges of which are left hard. In short, the artists of this early time seem to have aimed at producing little less than a rich mosaic, of the most vivid and harmonious hues. I say they seem to have done so, for I am morally certain that they were really as ambitious of pictorial effect as any of their successors, and that their not having achieved it resulted rather from circumstances and want of skill, than from any lack of intention. Had these men really adopted a flat style, on prin- ciple, they could hardly have failed to avoid those inconsistencies which are so obvious in their works, such as representing a landscape at all under such conditions ; shading the figure, and giving it a greater relief than the canopy under which it is sup- posed to be placed; and regulating the depth of the shading rather by the size of the figure, than the intended position of the painting in the church. Had they acted on a well understood principle, we might have expected to find some attempt made to lessen, if not obviate, the indistinctness resulting from a flat treatment, by means of a proper arrangement of the colouring ; but the instances where the entire colouring of a group is strongly contrasted with the hue of the background, are so rare as to justify the supposition that they were accidental. I am, I confess, led by these, and similar considerations, irresistibly, to the conclusion that the glass-painters of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, though great colourists, were not, in other respects, great artists ; and, that whatever we find good in their works, is the rich legacy of antiquity : that, as we undoubtedly owe to Pagan times the art of imparting these magnificent colours to glass,^ so do we owe to the influence of Pagan art that style of low relief which, cor- rupted by the Byzantines, and misunderstood in "y'' ages of feythe," is, nevertheless, so far as it is developed in the windows of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, so truly admirable. ^ The truth of this will sufficiently resemblauce which the most superficial appear on comparing the coloured glass observer must recognise of the twelfth of the twefth century with the sped- and early thirteenth century draperies mens of Roman and Greek glass in the and figures to those of the Greek school British Museum. So complete an iden- of art, raises a reasonable inference that tity of colour argues an identity of the glass-painters of those times, though, manvifacture, which manufacture there in all probability, natives of the country is good ground for believing was handed in which they practised, derived their down from Pagan times. The strong art from the Byzantines. COLOURED GLASS USED IX AXCIEXT ^YIXDO^VS. 177 because so excellently adapted to the stiff and intense colours of the period — colours so intense and unvarying in depth as to preclude the possibility of their being made subservient to those pictorial effects ^yhich are indispensable to the satisfactory representation of a subject whose composition would rank above that of a bas-relief. The contrast afforded by turning to a glass-paintmg of the middle of the sixteenth century is very striking. We no longer behold a stiff mosaic depending for success almost exclusively on the richness of its colomiug, but, on the contrary, a picture, brilliant, it is true, but resting its claims quite as much on its composition and general treatment as on the vivacity of its hues. Here complicated foreground groups, as well as im- portant architectural accessories, are introduced ; they are deli- neated correctly, and highly finished. The relative distances of the various objects are preserved by means of light and shade ; and the landscape background, monotonous as it may appear in comparison with that of an oil or fresco painting, recedes and disengages itself from the figures and architecture, imparting to the picture an effect of atmosphere. The glass of which this picture is composed will be found, on examination, to differ widely from that used in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. In general it is thinner in substance ; it is always weaker in tint ; and on that account, if regarded simply as a vehicle for colour, would be far inferior to the elder mate- rial. Yet for the purpose to which it is applied it could not be more suitable. Its pellucidness and lightness of tint are admir- ably calculated to display the high finish of the painting, to favour atmospheric effect, and vivid contrasts of light and shade. Xor does the employment of a material comparatively so flimsy and weak impart a corresponding flimsiness or weak- ness to the picture. A good specimen of cinque-cento work will be found as imposing in effect as a window of the twelfth or thirteenth century. Let any one endeavour to recall to mind the glass at Chartres, and that filling the four windows of the chapel of the Mnaculous Sacrament in Brussels Cathedral. I am sui-e he will feel an impression that he has seen something at both places equally striking, sometliing equally removed fi'om flimsiness or poverty. The paradox is easily explained Avhen we consider that in the mosaics of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the effect of the glass is but little aided by contrast of colour or by shading; whereas in the pictures of the cinque- cento period, not only is the colouring arranged in broader 178 ON A REVIVED MANUFACTUEE OF masses, whicli is of itself a great assistance to a poor material, but tlie strongest contrasts of colour and of light and shade are employed. I have now compared the best exponent I have been able to find of a flat style of glass-painting with what I believe to be a perfect exponent of the rotund or pictorial style of glass-painting, and I have endeavoured to point out that in each specimen the quality of the glass, and mode of painting it, are alike different ; and further, that each kind of glass, and eacli mode of using it, are severally calculated to act and react upon one another, so as to set botli off to the greatest advantage. It will be useful to pursue the subject further, and show that during the whole interval which elapsed between the abandon- ment of the flat or mosaic style, at the end of the thirteenth or middle of the fourteenth century, and the adoption of the rotund or pictorial style, which it took two centuries to perfect in the cinque-cento, a certain harmony existed between the quality of the material and the mode of working it. It would be rather a matter of curiosity than of practical advantage to speculate on the causes which led to these changes in the quality of the material and the mode of working it. If I might hazard a con- jecture, I should be inclined to say that it was a change in the manufacture which induced, or necessitated, a change in the painting, and not the reverse ; because we know that from Pliny's time, downwards, the effort has always been to improve on the manufacture of glass, that' is, to render the material more pure and pellucid, and better fitted for domestic purposes, with- out reference to its employment in painted windows. But, how- ever this may be, each change in the manufacture, and each change in the mode of painting, were, in general, contempo- raneous. There was but little change in the quality of the glass between the end of the thirteenth century and the middle of the four- teenth, if, perhaps, w^e except the deterioration of some of the colours; the deep blue appears to have lost its sapphire-like hue with the decline of Byzantine influences, soon after the middle of the thirteenth century. And, during the same period, the principles of the flat style were subjected to scarcely any greater violation than they had already, if not always, sus- tained. But in the second half of the fourteenth century, and, as it would appear, in this country at least, about 1380, an im- portant change in the manufacture of the material took place. Tlie white glass became purer, and all the coloured glass lighter COLOUEED GLASS USED IX AXCIEXT WIXDOWS. 179 in tint. Simultaneously a not less important change in the mode of painting was eftected. It is true that the colouring had become broader and less mosaic, and the designs somewhat more pictorial, previously to the cliange in the material in 1380 ; and this is particularly remarkable in the glass-paintings of Germany, in which country I am strongly inclined to think that the alteration in the glass manufacture originated. But the change to y\hich I would now particularly advert is in the execution of the painting. Wykeham's glass at New College Chapel, Oxford, which is one of the earliest specimens, may be referred to in illustration of it. The outhnes became thinner, the shadows broader and softer, the painting altogether higher wrought and finished, and the treatment generally more pictorial. By the end of the fom-teenth century the new style of execution was established, as we see it in the east window of York ]\Iinster. But, though rotund and pictorial in principle, it was not rotund or pictorial in effect till the end of the ih-st quarter of the sixteenth cen- tury, w^hen the bolder practice of the cinque-cento artists brought it out in all its ^-igour. Still, though we must regard the works of this long intermediate period as inferior alike to the painted glass of the thirteenth century and the cinque-cento time, liaving neither the depth of colour of the one nor the pictorial power of the other, it is impossible to examine them without perceiving that their authors must have felt that tlie more delicate material with which they were furnished in^-ited, if not demanded, a more delicate mode of execution. Again, we may trace in all \\ orks executed since the middle of the sixteenth centmy doNvn to the present time, except, indeed, the recent imitations of media3val glass-paintings, a certain degTee of harmony between the quality of the material and the mode of working it. I do not intend to enter upon the compa- rative merits of the mode of execution adopted by the cinque- cento artists, Avho used an enamel colour only for the purposes of shadiQg, and of the mode of execution adopted subsequently, according to which enamel colours were used more or less in substitution of glass coloured ui its manufacture, though I admit I entertain a strong opinion in favour of the former, because I know that the question is extensive enough, if gone into, to form the subject of a separate inquiry. But, apart from this con- sideration, we see in all the works of the A'an Linges, the Prices, the Jervaises, and, lastly, in the modern 31unich glass, a very delicate aud finished stvle of painting, combined with the use of n2 180 ON A REVIVED MANUFACTURE OF a material so delicate and pellucid as to appear extremely flimsy, were its tliinness not disguised by tlie mode of painting it. In all glass-paintings, therefore, of whatever period, with the single exception I have named, we find the execution and design of the painting vaiy with the quality of the glass, being simple when the glass was rich in colour, and not over transparent ; and proportionately more and more delicate and comphcated as the glass became weaker in colour, more pellucid, and more thin in effect. And if any proof were wanting, either that these corre- sponding changes were intentional, or dictated by good taste and sound sense, it is amply afforded us by the modern copies of mediaeval glass, and even by the devices resorted to in order to insure as much as possible the fidelity of the imitation ; and, I am sorry to add, the enormous mendacity not unfrequently relied upon in support of a bad case. The works to which I allude are copies of glass-paintings of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries. Some persons roundly assert that there exists a positive identity of effect between these copies and the originals; others seek to excuse any apparent difference by the remark that age alone is wanting to complete the identity. In dealing with these asser- tions I shall assume the possibility of making exact copies of the design and manipulation of ancient glass-paintings, for, though I have never met with an instance of such exactness in English work, I certainly have met with it repeatedly in French. I shall therefore found whatever I have to urge in disproof of this alleged identity, or would-be identity, upon an examination of the nature and quality of the material of which these copies are composed. I have discovered a simple mode of testing whether, on the one hand, glass is sufficiently opaque, so as not to appear flimsy or watery when put up in a window unassisted by shading, according to the practice of the flat style of glass-painting ; on the other, Avhether it is sufficiently clear to produce as brilliant an effect as the old does. It is this : if the glass, held at arm's- length from the eye, and at the distance of more than a yard from an object, does not permit of that object being distinctly seen through it, the glass will be sufficiently opaque ; and if, when held at the same distance from the eye, and at the distance of not more than a yard from the object, it permits of the latter being distinctly seen through the glass, it will be sufficiently propriated by the Church as it gathered power, and which are the founda- tion of the Mass vestments of the Roman clergy at this day. This has been clearly demonstrated by the learned Krazer,^ whose accuracy, though it may have been painful to the High Churchmen, as showing the Pagan origin of some of the most sacred things, has never been impugned. Some of these dresses were, moreover, adopted in their coui-ts by the barbarian con- querors of the Roman empire, and thus were handed down to later times. The Dalmatic, in which the effigy of King John in Worcester Cathedral is clothed, is an instance, and the modern Peers' state-robe is another. The most popular dress amongst those nations who possessed themselves of the territories of the Emj)ire, no doubt, was the Tunic, with or without the Lacerna, or a shorter cloak used by the private legionaries, called the - Krazer »ie Liiurgii*. Augsburg, 17X6. 220 ON THE RESEMBLANCE BETWEEN Sagiim ; and this dress, with slight raodificatioiis, appears to have been in actual use in the thirteenth century. The Medisevals almost invariably adopted the Tunic with long sleeves in preference to that with short sleeves, which was the one usually worn by the Eomans ; and instead of the Braccae and buskins of antiquity, they clothed the nether man in long hose, over which they used shoes or long boots. So that, witii the exception of the legs and arms being clothed, there is but little difference between an ordinary thirteenth-century figure copied from glass, and a figure taken from tlie Arch of Titus or Trajan's Column. Tlie long Tunic reaching to the feet, so com- mon in the glass-paintings of the thirteenth century, also had its prototype in Imperial Kome. The figures on the Arch of Titus show that it was at that time often worn beneath the Toga. Indeed, startling as it may appear, representations of the Toga itself are to be found in pictures on glass of the thirteenth century ; and I have little doubt in my own mind that the mantle which, carelessly thrown over the long Tunic, constituted the conventional dress of prophets and of saints, not being ecclesiastics, throughout the middle ages, was, in fact, but a corruption of the Toga. With regard to the Ornament, it is easy by means of the carved ivories (of which I perceive a Catalogue by the Arundel Society has just been presented to this Institute) to trace the transition from tlie Classical to that used in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. It is so plain that the Mediaeval artists borrowed their ideas from the Antique, which being so purely architectural and conventional is on that account I think the finest oi all ornament, that I shall not urge the matter further. Indeed, the thing speaks for itself. I shall therefore proceed without further delay to deduce a few practical hints from the facts I luive stated. The question that naturally arises is, if glass-paintings, whose drawing so much resembles the Antique, completely harmonize with the buildings of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, would not other glass-paintings equally harmonize with such buildings, whose drawing should more exactly resemble the Antique in point of excellence ? I say in point of excellence, for I totally disclaim any intention of recommending the substitution of copies of Classical draperies or ornaments for Mediaeval ones, or exchanging the individual character, and strictly human, as opposed to God-like, expression of the countenance, which dis- tinguish Christian art, for the more generalized and conventional MEDIEVAL AND CLASSICAL ART. 221 treatment of the Antique. I wish to see the Christian sentiment elevated but not obliterated by a study of tlie Antique, and tlie ]\[edijrval drapery drawn as the ]\Iediieval artist would have drawn it, liad he possessed the power of the Greek. I am persuaded tliat, if the same tone of colour which we see in ancient ^lass-paintings of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries be adopted, all archaeologijcal requirements will be satisfied by adln4-ing to the costume of the period and general form of orna- ment, and preserving the individuality and character of the heads. Thus the attitudes of the figures, the arrangement of the groups, and general cast of the features, might be taken as closely as possible from the Antique, whilst the draperies should be treated as being thin in texture, voluminous, accommodated to the limbs, and moulded into deep simple folds. I believe that works executed upon this principle would often be taken for old ones of very superior quality. No doubt to achieve such works would require far higher artistic power than is generally now employed in glass-painting, and a vast deal more time to be bestowed on their preparation than is now required, all which would tend to increase their cost. But having confidence in the common sense of the country, I believe, if the matter were properly presented to their minds, that most patrons of glass- painting would prefer possessing one Picture window in a church, exhibiting a decent display of art, all the other windows being filled with good Pattern glass-paintings, instead of being content as now with having every window filled with the veriest trash under the denomination of Pictures. The present want of artists to execute such works is no argument against the system, since we may be sure that plenty of artists would come forward as soon as they ascertained that their services were required. If the system is correct, there can be no insuperable difficulty in working it out. XL ON THE GLAZING OF THE NOKTH KOSE WINDOW OF LINCOLN CATHEDKAL. (From the Archseological Journal, vol. xiv. 1857.) HERE is no task more agreeable to the archito- logist than that of recording the preservation of an interesting relic of ancient art. The painted glass in the North Rose of Lincoln Cathedral, which was observed to be in an insecure state dur- ing the Institute's visit to Lincoln in 1848, Avas, in the course of the year before last, releaded, and the stonework in which it is placed reset, at the expense of the dean and chapter. It is impossible to speak too highly of the substantial character of the repair ; and as no "restoration" of the glass was attempted, what remains of the original glazing is likely to continue for many generations a trustworthy witness to the state of the arts at the time of its execution. Having had an opportunity, during the repairs, of more closely examining the glass than I had before been able to do, and finding that my description of it in the Lincoln volume of the Institute's proceedings was in some respects inaccurate, I am induced to subjoin the following amended description, in which I have again availed myself of the diagram that illustrated my former statement. No. 1. Tliis picture is in a very mutilated state. It repre- sents Christ. The head is youthful, but of inferior execution to the head of the figure in No. 16. It is adorned with a yellow nimbus, bearing a white cross. What remains of the figure is clothed in a red robe, and a white under-garment having yellow cuffs. The right hand is raised in benediction ; it exhibits no stigma. The left hand is destroyed ; it once held a book, which still remains. One foot is perfect ; it exhibits no stigma. The body of the figure, with the exception of a small fragment of the white dress, is destroyed. The flesh-colour of the figure is NORTH UOSE WINDOW OF LINCOI.N CATIIKDHAL. '22.'^ very dvv\), almost })iirpl(\ as is tlic ilcsli-coloni' of soveral of the other ligures. No. 2 represents three tigun^s seated in altitncles of atlorati(jn, and looking towards No. 1. The first figure of the group from the centre of tln^ window wears a mitre. No. 3. A similar subject. The group consists of a female and two male figures. No. 4. A similar subject. The group consists of three male lignres, the first of which is mitred. No. 5. This picture is much mutilated. The group consists of three lignres seated like the otliers. The heads are smaller than those of the rest of the figures, and are apparently in- sertions. No. G represents a similar subject, consisting of two male figures jind one female. No. 7. A similar subject, consisting of three figures. Tlie last of the gnjup has the head of a moidv ; but this is an insertion. 224 ON THE GLAZING OF THE No. 8. This picture is much mutilated. One figure only of the group remains. Part of a " Jesse " is inserted. No. 9. A similar subject. The group consists of three male figures. No. 10. A similar subject. Nos. 11, &c. Eacli of these seven compartments is filled with painted glass collected from other windows, and mostly of a date somewhat earlier than that of the original glazing of the Kose. The subject of one of the paintings is the legend of St. Gregory. Nos. 12, &c. Two of these four compartments contain each the figure of an angel swinging a thurible ; the remains of a similar figure occupy the third compartment ; the figure of the fourth compartment is lost. No. 13. Each of these eight compartments contains, or did contain, a small four-leaved ornament in a circle. No. 14. Each of these sixteen compartments contains, or did contain, a white star of six wavy points, on a red ground. No. 15. Each of these sixteen compartments contains, or did contain, a red star of six w^avy points, on a blue ground. No. IG represents Christ sitting on a rainbow. There is a candle on each side of his seat. The head is youthful, is bearded, and adorned with a red nimbus bearing a Avhite cross. The figure is draped in white and purple. The stigmata are shown in both the hands and the side, but not in the feet. The picture is enclosed in a quatrefoiled frame, or border, composed of two bands, the innermost purple, the outermost white, at the angles of which are the Evangelistic symbols, thus arranged : the angel and eagle at top, the lion and bull beneath. None of these symbols is nimbed. A symbolic disposition of colour, such as is partially adopted in this design, is of rare occurrence in painted glass. ' No. 17 represents two angels supporting the Cross, in- scribed, — IHC NAZAEENVS. No. 18 represents two angels carrying the Spear ; the head of which is formed of a piece of ruby glass, imperfectly coloured, and appearing as if it were white, with a trifling smear of red. No. 19. Two angels, one carrying the three Nails and the Napkin, the other a thurible. No. 20. Two angels, one bearing the Crown of Thorns, the other a thurible. No. 21. St. Peter with the Keys, preceding five other figures, three of which besides St. Peter are nimbed. One of the figures NORTH ROSE WINDOW OF LINX'OLN CATHEDKAL. 225 is tliat of a female seated and crowned, but not ninibed. The rest are standiii;::. No. 22. Seven figures seated. No. 23. Two angels sounding the trumpets. No. 24. A similar subject. No. 25. Part of the general Resurrection ; tlio subject repre- sents the dead rising from their coffins. No. 2G. Tliis picture is an insertion ; it represents Adam digging, and Eve spinning. In the centre are the remains of a tall figure, or angel. The glass seems somewhat later than the original glazing of the Hose. Nos. 27, 28, 29. Tliese pictures are clearly insertions. Each represents a bishop seated, giving the benediction. The glass seems somewhat later than the original glazing of the Eose. Nos. 30, 31. These pictures also are insertions. Each repre- sents an archbishop seated, giving the benediction. The glass is of the same date as the last tln-ee subjects. Amongst the fragments inserted in the North Rose are some trifling remains of the original glazing of the choir windows, which glass appears to be of the time of Edward I. From the above account it appears that the intention of the designer of tlie North Rose was, to represent in the central part of the window the Kingdom of Heaven, under the type of Clu'ist seated in glory amidst the blessed (many of these figures are nimbed) ; and to represent in the outer series of circles the Day of Judgment. The circle, No. 26, doubtless contained originally a similar subject to that in No. 25. And the remaining five vacant circles, Nos. 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31, were in all proba- bility occupied with the Resurrection, and its usual incidents, the rescuing of the Good, and the abandonment of the Bad to the Infernal Powers. The raode of describing a connected story by means of representations of its incidents arranged in sym- metrical order, so common in the medallion windows of ihe twelfth and thirteenth centuries, had its origin in remote anti- quity. It is indicated in some of the Assyrian sculptures in the British Museum. The original glazing of the North Rose consistently with its character would admit of a date being assigned to it as early as the end of the twelfth or beginning of the thirteenth century ; which, I believe, coincides very nearly with the date generally attributed to the stone-work. And it is on the whole a valuable specimen of the art of the period, although possessing nothing besides its general design which calls for particular notice. The 226 ON THE GLAZING OF THE colours of the glass are very fine, being rich and brilliant, and low in tone, as compared with those of ordinary modern glazing. The blue, which is not so pure, and more resembles a neutral- ised purple than that commonly employed in the twelfth century, occasionally exhibits narrow streaks of red; by no means an unusual occurrence in thirteenth-century blue glass, denoting the presence of copper used to correct the rosy hue of the cobalt, some of which has unintentionally been converted into ruby glass. The white glass is of a sea-green tint, and the yellow (a pot-metal) is strongly impregnated with blue, the effect of the deoxidising influence of the carbon of the wood-ash used as an alkali, and of the smoke of the furnace, upon the iron con- tained in the sand, and upon the wood-ash, the constituents of the glass. Much of the ruby is very streaky and uneven in tint ; some pieces indeed when seen near are only like pieces of white glass streaked here and there with ruby ; although, owing to the intermixture of the rays of light, when seen from the floor of the transept, they appear as if they were of an uniform light red colour. Such of the ruby glass as has been painted upon, and therefore burnt in the glass-painter's furnace for the purpose of fixing the enamel — for instance, that used in the draperies — is usually more uniform in tint, and has a thinner coating of colour- ing matter than that used in the unpainted grounds : a circum- stance which may often be remarked in glass-paintings of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and which perhaps may be accounted for in the following manner. It has been proved by experiments that the ruby colour is produced in glass by adding to the materials of white glass copper in a state of protoxide, along with oxide of tin, and other substances having a tendency to deprive the copper of its oxygen, as well as oxide of iron ; and recent researches conducted by my friend, Mr. Clarke, have gone far to establish the fact, long since suspected by chemists, that the red colour is due to the presence of copper in the metallic state, very finely divided.^ But whether it is metallic copper, or a precipitate of a suboxide of copper, which produces the ruby (the protoxide of copper only imparts a green colour), it is evident from inspecting a piece of streaky ruby glass that its colouring matter lies in several parallel planes separated from ^ That metallic gold in a finely divided Institution,' vol. ii. p. 310. Glass state will produce a red colour when coloured with gold is more pink in hue held in a transparent medium, has been than that coloured red with copper, sliown by Professor Faraday's experi- The Railway night-danger signal is gene meuts. See ' Proceedings of the Royal rally constructed with the gold ruby. NORTH ROSE WINDOW OF LINCOLN CATHEDRAL. 227 vi\L'\i otli(>r by pvonisli oi* y('llo\vi>li white ^^lass,' und Ibi-ins thin strata of an elongated cliaracter, varving in breadtli from an inch or more to a mere thread ; and that the streaky appearance is owing to the coloured lines in one plane lying in a different direction from the coloured lines in another plane, the complexity of the streaks being in proportion to the numb^'r of strata and non-coincidence of lines of colour. This may be accounted for by supposing tliat the red colour occurs when the oxide of iron, taking the place of the suboxide of copper, or metallic copper, l)recipitates the latter ; and that, as this precij)itation is irregular, the colour also is irregular ; and that the mechanical action of blowing the glass into sheets causes these irregularities to take a streaky form, tlie more complicated in proportion to the number of planes in which the precipitation takes place, and the extent to which the soft glass becomes twisted in the operation. The precipitation of the coi)per by the iron depends upon a pro- portion of materials in the glass, the amount of heat to which it is subjected, and apparently to other causes with which we are not yet acquainted. In general, the greater the length of time to which the glass is exposed to heat, the more the precipitation takes place, and the more fully is the glass coloured.^ Those sheets of glass which in the manufacture show the least traces of colour, will therefore, in general, endure the greatest quantity of heat with- out becoming too dark. The thinner also the coating of coloured glass is, cceteris paribus, the less intense the colour will be.^ It is probable that the experience of these consequences led the ancient glass-painters to select for the pm-pose of being painted and burnt such portions of the ruby-glass as were ascer- tained to have the thinnest ruby coating, in wdiich no other change might in general be apprehended than the conversion of streaky ruby into smooth ruby, and a general though unim- portant increase in the depth of colour. During the twelfth ' Diagrams of ruby glass, seen in ^ The thinly -coated ruby of the section, in which the laminje of colour twelfth and thirteenth centuries, before are shown, are given in the ' Imjuiry it is burnt, is streaky in colour, and its into the Difference of Style observable ruby coating when seen \vith the micro- in Ancient Glass Paintings ; by an scope is found to be filled with thin Amateur,' p. 22. lamina; of red, like that of the thickly- " Sometimes the same process will coated ruby. The streakiness of the convert the red gla.ss into white glass ; thickly-coated ruby is, however, rather but this is perfectly consistent with more strongly marked thim that of the what is stated in the text. thinly-coated ruby. (i 2 228 ON THE GLAZING OF THE and thirteenth centuries, and in England until about the last quarter of the fourteenth, glass thinly coated with ruby is com- paratively rare ; the great majority of specimens of ruby having a ruby coating of a depth varying from one-fourth to one-half of the thickness of the entire sheet.^ And there can be little doubt that the thinly coated ruby of this period, the colouring matter of which is about the thickness of a sheet of stout writinof paper, was produced by some accident in the manufacture. The smooth ruby which superseded the streaky in England about 1370, and in Germany a good deal earlier in that century, has a coating of colouring matter not thicker than a sheet of writing paper, which is almost always entirely converted into ruby in the first instance. This glass, therefore, either is not altered at all in colour, or undergoes but a very slight increase in depth of colour on being burnt ; and for this reason the change in the manufacture was probably at the time considered as an improvement by the English glass-painters, who were then be- ginning to treat paintings on glass less as mosaics, and more like pictures. If they had continued to practise the older system of designing, they would have found the new material productive of a flatter and tamer effect than the old streaky ruby. But the change in the manufacture of the material exactly suited the change in the style of glass-painting which, in England, took place nearly contemporaneously with it. Some of the German glass-paintings of the first half of the fourteenth century, and most modern glass-paintings which affect so early a style, may be referred to as illustrating the truth of the above remark. The actual painting of the glass in the North Kose, when compared with that of contemporary specimens, must be con- sidered to be rather careless than otherwise. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to recognise in the drawing throughout, but especially in the draperies, the influence of Greek art, though not quite to the extent to which this is shown in the glass-paint- ings generally of the latter part of the twelfth century, parti- cularly in those which, like some examples at Canterbury, may be considered to be of French workmanship. It would be un- reasonable to suppose that the resemblance between ancient works in glass and the remains of classical art is accidental. As Gothic architecture originated in a style borrowed from the ^ It is to be remembered that ''ruby ruby, applied during its m;mufacture. is a "coated glass," i.e. glass Such glass is not coloured by the glass- which consists of a sheet of white glass painter, coloured on one side with a coating of •- • -^ NORTH ROSE WINDOW OF [.IXCOLN CATIIKDIJAL. 229 Koman, and worked out l)y Greek or Byzantine architects, and that of tlie eleventli, twelfth, and early part of the thirteenth centuries, is evidently an exotic, tlie native of a southern climate, we might naturally expect to meet with the same Greek feeling in all other decorations as is so abundantly displayed in the sculpture of this period. It is probably to a connection with 13yzan- tine art that the glass-painters of the twelfth century owe their superiority over those of the fourteenth ; or, indeed, of any other time than the sixteenth. For through such connexion they could feel, although imperfectly, the influence of that standard of ideal perfection on which the art of the Greeks had the ad- vantage of being founded. The closeness of the connection of these early artists with Byzantine art, and consequently the more immediate influence of the latter on them, will be easily explained, if, as there is reason to believe, France, and Limoges in particular, the ascertained abode of Greek artists, and a place in direct communication, through Marseilles and Alex- andria, with Byzantium and the East, was the cradle of glass- painting ; although the excellence of these glass-painters may be ^mrtly due to the vigour of race. But whether the connection of glass-painting with Byzantine art arose in the manner just indicated or not, or whether it was more or less direct, we may conclude that if these artists had had under their eyes that standard of excellence which is the foundation of Greek art, at however debased a period, instead of being able only dindv to perceive it through the corruptions of tradition, they might, in point of drawing, have anticipated the artistic triumphs of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Their works in glass, altliough not altogetlier free from the stiffness and severe formality of Byzantine art, in general exhibit a strong feeling for nature; but the nature these artists affected, — doubtless under the in- fluence of their traditions, — was not a common and imperfect nature, like that represented in the subsequent works of the middle ages, but a noble, refined, and elevated nature, such as is displayed in the antique Koman bas-reliefs,^ and again, in those great woiks of the Kenaissance, which the discovery and direct study of these antiques so strongly promoted. Considerations such as these are the best answer to the in- ^ Seethe plates, 'Admiranda Roma- latter quality wliich probably rendered narum Antiquitatum,' by Jacobus de it more useful to the masters of the Rubeis. The Roman sculpture, with sixteenth century than the purest Greek much of the beauty of the Greek, is less sculpture would have been. ideal and more natural. It was this 230 NORTH ROSE WINDOW OF LINCOLN CATHEDRAL. sensate outcry which has been raised against tlie employment, in the service of our reformed religion, of anything in the least partaking of the character of " Pagan," i. e. classic art, an out- cry the less respectable wlien we know that those who make it the loudest are at the same time the most eager to palliate the many real paganisms which have been adopted by the Komish CI lurch, some of which are by no means so innocent in their consequences as the denounced paganism of artistic truth and beauty. If we recognise the beneficial effect of possessing a standard of excellence in the perfection and freshness of the works of the Kenaissance, which seem like the creations of yester- day, since, being wholly devoid of quaintness, they address us in the language of oin: own sympathies, — of our own modes of thought; common sense will suggest the wisdom of referring to such a standard in modern works, instead of, and in our own case without the excuse of necessity, continuing to flounder on, as in the middle ages, unassisted by such a guide. It is possible that this course mioht lead to the abandonment of the idea that nothing but that lowest of arts, the meagre Gothic of the nine- teenth century,^ is fit for the purposes of our Church ; but we may console ourselves with the assurance that the extinction of the notion would be followed by the erection of buildings better suited to our ritual, to the character of our nation, and practical spirit of the age in which we live, as well as by the advancement of sound principles in art. ^ Far be it from me to disparage any and enhances, but whose defects it attempt to improve our national archi- avoids ; and which seems to require no- tecture ; but although we may criticise thing but fine handling to become a the Palladian style, it by no means truly noble style, in all respects w^orthy follows that we ought to set \ip the of, and siiited to, the nineteenth century. Gothic as infallible. Any scheme, in- Although yet in its infancy, and although deed, for removing us from the art of but little pains seem hitherto to have the classic epochs is preposterous. No been taken with it, its productions, by architectutal style can ever be a real tiieir symmetry, simplicity, and gran- living style which does not reflect the deur, already often put to shame our spirit of its age, and no style can reflect most studied modern ecclesiastical edi- the spirit of this age, which is at once fices. They are, moreover, in entire the most powerful and refined age the harmony with other works admitted to world has yet seen, except it be capable be embodiments of the spirit of the ago, of great breadth, simplicity, and refine- such as our ships, our machinery, our ment ; in all which qualities the Gothic bridges, &c. And the spirit in which style is notoriously deficient. It is im- they are conceived seems nearly allied possible not to see that the civil en i- to those broad and comprehensive views neers are the real architects of the day, wliich characterise our times, and which, and that they are silently developing a by contrast, render the narrow-minded new and original style, founded on the subtleties of tlie medieeval era the more old Roman, whose excellences it retains contemptible. PLATE VII Charles Winston, del. Philip DelamoUe Litho Vincent brooks. E. WINDOW BUSHBURY CH U RCH , STA F F R D5H I RE. XIL A LECTURE OX GLASS-PALXTIXa. (Delivered before the Working Man's Association at Lichfield, 1859.) CTHrapy ^ ^^^^ present occasion I shall not attempt more i^"^ "^i than to give a short and popular account of a curious and beautiful art— that of painting upon glass — not indeed from any unwillingness to go more fully into the subject, but from a conviction that it would be a wearisome and unprofitable task to bring forward a multitude of minute details, very proper for the due understanding of the matter, but which could not be fully apprehended in the short time at our disposal this evening, even if I were able to illustrate them by drawings, which I do not possess, and even if the neighbourhood aftbrded sj^ecimens of glass-painting of various dates with which you could be familiar, and to which I could refer in explanation. With the exception of the beautiful glass in the Cathedral choir, which is all of one period, there is no ancient glass in our immediate neighbourhood to which I can refer; so that I must content myself with an imperfect state- ment, and consider myself fortunate if I can contrive to add some trifle to the general stock of information, or suggest some idea which may not have already occurred. By a glass-painting I mean a painting composed of glass or vitreous pastes, because no other materials will long withstand the action of the atmosphere; therefore I shall say nothing about pictures on glass, where the painting, or a good part of it, consists of ordinary colours mixed with varnish or other tenacious material, and which colours must peel off the glass as soon as the vaniish or gum loses its tenacity, which it usually does in a few years. A true glass-painting can only be eflected by means of fire. Its colours must either be composed of coloured glass — that is, of pieces of glass coloured in their manufar-ture by the glass- maker, and not by the glass-painter — or must be imparted by 232 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. the glass-painter, by means of stains and enamel colours ; and the shadows and pencilling of the picture must be painted by the glass-painter with enamel colour. And in order to cause the stain to be absorbed by the glass, and the enamel colour to be firmly attached to it, it is necessary to expose the glass to a red heat in a small furnace or muffle : this is done by the glass- painter, and is called burning the glass. We often hear it remarked that such a glass-painter's colours are better or lighter than another's, that glass colours fade, that colours are burnt in, and the like expressions, implying that the glass-painter has something to do with the colouring of the glass. This, however, at the present time, in this country, is true only to a limited extent. The glass-painter can indeed, as I have stated, colour a piece of white glass yellow, by means of a stain, and impart many other tints to it by the use of enamel colours. But the employment of enamel colours to colour glass is now in England pretty much gone out of fashion, though still practised to a considerable extent on the continent. The ordinary method of glass-painting in England, at the present time, is to use for the coloured parts of the design glass coloured in its manufacture (staining such parts yellow as may be requisite), and to employ only one enamel colour — an enamel brown — for painting the shadows and pencilling the picture upon the glass, and not other- wise for the purpose of colouring it ; so that, under this system, the glass-painter has little or nothing to do with the colouring of the glass. He buys the coloured glass as well as the white glass in the market, w^hich is open to all alike, and his business consists in arranging and shaping the various pieces so as to correspond with the different colours of his design, in the manner of a coarse mosaic; in painting these pieces of glass with the enamel brown, so as to represent the shadows and pencilling of the design ; in applying the yellow stain where necessary ; in burning the glass to fix the enamel brown and cause the stain to operate ; and, finally, in connecting the various pieces of glass together with lead work ready to be put up in the window. The enamel brown, like any other enamel colour, consists of colouring matter, mixed with pulverised glass, called fiux or enamel ; this flux being of a nature more easily fusible than the glass intended to be coloured melts, whilst the other is only at a red heat, and on the cooling of the furnace hardens and attaches itself, along with the colouring matter enveloped in it, firmly to the glass. If the glass is not heated sufficiently to melt the enamrel, or if A LECTURE OX OLASS-PAINTrXO. *^o/> the enamel or flux, when cool, should by natural vicissitudes of temperature expand and contract in a different ratio from that at which the glass which is painted with the enamel colour expands and contracts, the enamel colour will, in process of time, peel or chip off. This incident has given rise to the notion that the colours of a glass-painting are apt to lade : it would be more correct to say that enamel colours are apt to become obliterated in patches. The colours, however, which are ordi- narily employed, that is to say, the colours of coloured glass, never do fade, that I am aware of; the enamel brown may become obliterated, but the colours themselves remain unchanged and last so long as the glass which contains them exists. The mode of making glass, whether white or coloured, is very simple and ingenious. To begin with the white : the materials, consisting principally of sand and alkali, are fused together in the glass-house by means of intense and long-continued heat, and the melted matter is formed into sheets of glass in the fol- lowing manner : a workman dips one end of a long hollow iron tube into the pot, and collects upon it a mass of melted glass weighing perhaps nine or ten pounds ; he then blows with his mouth down the tube and expands the mass into a hollow globule, larger and larger, until the sides of the globe are as thin as he intends the sheet of glass to be : when this is done, another work- man approaches v/ith a solid iron rod, called a pint, having a bit of melted glass at one end ; this he applies to the side of the globe opposite the blow-pipe, wliich immediately adheres to the melted glass at the end of the punt. The blow-pipe is then disengaged from the globe, leaving a small round hole in it ; this hole is, by means of the punt, wliich is now firmly attached to the globe, turned to the furnace, the glass is softened by the heat, and the hole is made wider and wider by repeatedly trundling the punt, until at last the whole globe of glass, yielding to the centrifugal impulse, flies open, leaving a circular plain disk, between four and five feet in diameter, attached to tlie punt by its centre. It is speedily disengaged and placed in the annealing oven, where the glass is allowed to cool very gradually, in order to render it less brittle, and when taken out the sheet of glass is ready for sale, being one of those circular tables which may be seen in any glazier's shop, and which has in its centre a lump or hulVs-eije, being the remains of the piece of glass by which the sheet was attached to tlie punt. This is one way of making a sheet of glass. There is another, which seems to have been the earliest metliod, and wliich is now 234 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. generally preferred, because it avoids the blemish of the bull's- eye and thickening of the sheet in its centre — defects inseparable from the former process. The globule of glass is blown as before, and a hole made in it opposite to the blow-pipe, without disen- gaging tlie globule from the blow-pipe. This hole is gradually enlarged, to the diameter, perhaps, of a foot or more. A punt, having a cross-iron or a circular piece of glass at the end large enough to embrace this hole, is applied to it ; the blow-pipe is then disengaged, and the hole left by its removal is enlarged like the other, so that the piece of glass assumes the form of a cylinder : it is then disengaged from the punt and annealed. After this the cylinder is cut through one side, heated in a furnace till it is quite soft, and then spread open flat ; when cool, the sheet of glass is ready for use : it is usually oblong. The improved method is to split the cylinder before it is put into the annealing furnace, and to use the annealing furnace as a spreading furnace, by which means the double heating of the glass is avoided. Nearly all the glass used for painting upon is made according to one or other of these methods. The coloured glass is made exactly like the white glass (the colouring matter being simply added to the white glass whilst it is in the pot), with but one exception. There is one kind of coloured glass which is not coloured throughout the entire sub- stance of the sheet, but on one side only, the rest of the sheet being white : this glass is called coated glass. For making it two pots of melted matter are required — the one containing coloured glass, the other wJiite glass. The workman dips his blowing-iron first into the coloured pot and collects on it a lump of coloured glass ; he next dips this lump into the white pot and envelops it with a mass of white glass ; he then blows the whole into a globule, which he forms into a sheet precisely as has already been described : of course the sheet, when made, has one side coloured, the other side white. Having thus described the nature of a glass-painting and the method of its construction, I propose to give a slight historical sketch of the rise and progress of the art. The art of making glass, whether white or coloured, is of enormous antiquity, and it is one of those discoveries which was brought to perfection at a very early period. The early Nine- vite, Egyptian, and Greek white glass, of which there is an abundant collection of specimens in the British Museum, is not so pellucid as that now manufactured, principally owing to our use of absolutely pure soda ; but it is as good and perfect as tlie A LECTURE ON GLASS-PATXTIXG. 235 glivss ordinarily employed until about one hundred years ap^o, and the coloured glass is, I think, finer in tint than any that has hitherto been manufactured. I think it is even finer than the old mediaeval glass of the twelfth century, which, of all later specimens, is that which most closely resembles it. The ingenuity of the ancients in making ornaments in coloured glass has not been surpassed by the Venetian glass-makers of the sixteenth century, and their work continues hitherto unrivalled. ]\[r. Apsley Pellatt has collected, in a little work called ' The Curiosities of Glass-making,' an amount of information respecting the skill of the ancients in making glass, that may be sought in vain in any other book : and to this little publication I would refer those who are anxious to pursue the subject further. Yet with all this skill in blowing glass and modelling it ; in excavating vases, like that of Sir Anthony Eothschild which was exhibited at tlie Society of x\rts a few years ago, out of solid blocks of the material ; they do not appear to have hit upon the art of making sheets of glass, fit for the glazing of windows, until a comparatively late period. I believe the oldest example of window-glass known is the specimen preserved in the ]\Iuseum at Naples, consisting of panes let into a bronze lattice, which was found in an apartment of the public baths, disinterred during the excavations amongst the ruins of Pompeii — a city overwhelmed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the fortieth year of our era. I myself possess a small fragment of flat white glass, which was found in the ruins of a Koman villa in Kent, that is sup- posed to have been window-glass ; and from the straightness of its selvedge it appears to be part of a sheet made in cylinder, as already described. We may safely assume that the invention of window-glass, having once been made, always continued to be practised. There can be no doubt that the windows of the Church of St. So|)hia at Constantinople (now a mosque) were not only glazed with glass, but were even decorated with coloured glass. This is distinctly stated by an ancient Avriter : and the recent examination of this mosque by the architect employed by the Prussian government has brought to light the way in which the glazing was performed. It appears that a stone or marble frame-work was inserted into the window, dividing the opening into little squares, and tiiat each of these scpiares was ra]jb<'tted for the retention of the glass. I do not think that any of the 236 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. glass was found in its original position, but it is easy to conceive how it was held in its place. There is nothing, I believe, to show that this glass was ever painted upon. The glazing may be inferred, from the ancient description, to have been simply a pattern of white and coloured pieces of glass, quite plain, and the pattern must have been a very stiff one. At what time the art of painting upon glass was discovered must probably for ever remain unknown. It w^ould be natural to seek for the earliest specimens in Constantinople, which pro- videntially remained the cradle of the arts during the awful and wide-spread desolation occasioned by the overthrow of the mighty Eoman Empire in the West in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries. • But Constantinople has, in its turn, suffered so dreadfully from the scourge of war, that little remains of its early magnificence, most of its great monuments have perished, and the works of art with which they were adorned have perished with them. Nothing, I believe, now remains in Constantinople in the way of ancient glazing, except the coloured windows of some of the mosques, comparatively of late date. But the mode in which they are constructed, though probably of Byzantine origin, is but a modification of the method adopted at St. Sophia. Mr. Burgess, the architect of the Memorial Church at Constantinople, showed me the other day a drawing he had made of one of the windows of the Mosque of Sultan Suleyman at Constantinople, which was erected early in the sixteenth century. From this drawing and his description the glazing appears to be of precisely the same nature as that of a window brought some years ago from Cairo by Mr. Bell, the late Member for Guildford, with which window I have been long familiar. The whole opening of the window is occupied with a pierced framework of plaster, the openings of which form a com- plete and varied pattern. The frame is moulded on the same principle as a common sash-bar, the ribs being worked off to an edge towards the spectator, so as to be deep and strong, and yet present, comparatively, but little impediment to the light. The back of the frame is level and flat, and upon it are attached with cement the little pieces of glass with which the openings are covered ; the pieces of glass being either white or coloured, according to the nature of the design. None of these pieces of glass are painted, yet the plastic nature of the material, and consequent facility of working it, have allowed so many little notches and other irregularities to be produced in the frame as A LECTURE OX GLASS-PATNTINO. 237 really to supersede the necessity of paint ; flowers, vases, and the like simple objects, being rej^resented very intelliixibly by the sash-bars alone, and the colonred glass inserted in them. One great pecnliarity of the glass employed in these patterns is its extreme thinness, which is less than one sixteenth of an inch. In its colonr it greatly resouibles the earlier specimens ; a resemblance tending to show a common origin. The first anthentic account of painted glass that we possess is given in the treatise of Theopliilus. It has been doubted whether this was written in the tenth or twelfth century. I incline to the opinion that assigns the later date. In it the writer minutely describes the method of making the glass, as well as the mode of painting it, and states that France is the country for painted windows. Of the truthfulness of Theophilus I can bear ami)le testimony, having for the last few years assisted some chemical friends in their analytical investigation of the manufacture of ancient glass. In ever)^ instance we have found Theophilus's statements, as to the materials and colouring matter used in glass-making, perfectly correct. Of course we have been able to explain and account for everything which puzzled him. But his recorded observations have proved most trustworthy. There is, therefore, good reason for believing that France was, at a period at least as early as the twelfth centmy, the cradle of glass-painting ; and the probability is that Limoges or its neigh- bourhood was the principal spot at which it was at first practised. The Abbe Texier, in his researches into the early history of enamelling, for which art Limoges was always most famous, has proved that so early as 979 a Venetian colony was settled at Limoges, for the purpose of trading with the spices and other commodities of the East, conveyed thence by way of Alexandria and 3Iarseilles : Alexandria then being the chief port through which the commerce and arts of the East (including those of Constantinople) found their way into the West : and he shows that Greek artists were settled at Limoges in after times. It would not be safe, of course, to jump to the conclusion that glass-painting was necessarily invented by the enamellers ; but I think we may conclude that both arts were of Byzantine origin, and were imported into \\'estern Europe in the way indi- cated. And this supposition derives some strength from the ascertained resemMance between the texture of the twelfth- century glass and that of the antique — a resemblance too close to have been accidental — and the thoroughly Byzantine cha- racter of the earlier glass-paintings in their design and drawing. 238 A LECTUEE ON GLASS-PAINTING. The earliest existing specimens of painted glass are not older than the twelfth century ; and, I believe, the earliest well-authen- ticated example is not earlier than the middle of the twelfth century. It may be doubted if any specimen is more than a few years older than the middle of the twelfth century. The example to which I allude is in the Cathedral of St. Denys, and is supposed, from a portrait it exhibits of Abbot Suger, to be some of the glass which it is known that dignitary presented to his church in the middle of the twelfth century. It is executed according to the method described by Theophilus, which I have already mentioned; the colouring of the picture being effected by means of pieces of white and coloured glass, and the drawing and pencilling of the design being done with enamel brown. This glass of Abbot Suger is a type of a class which continued, with little variation, to be used in churches until about 11^50 — a period of about 100 years — of which there are numerous and rich specimens in France in the Cathedrals of x\ngers. Sens, Chartres, Bourges, and in others ; and in England, principally in the Cathedrals of Canterbury, Lincoln, and Salisbury. Painted windows generally may be divided into two classes — Picture-tvindows, where the greater part of the design consists of representations of the human figure — and Pattern-windows, whose design principally consists of an ornamental pattern. The picture-windows of this early style are extremely interest- ing, both on account of theii" intrinsic excellence, and the manner in which they betray the connexion between the art of the middle ages and that of classical antiquity. They may be divided into three classes: — The Medallion Window, in which some connected story is told by a series of pictures set in medal- lions, which are arranged throughout the window in a geo- metrical order ; the Jesse Window, in wdiich our Saviour's Genealogy is represented by a series of figures encircled or enclosed within flowing scrolls of foliage ; and the Figure and Canopy Windoiv, in which is represented a figure standing under a canopy. The two first modes of design certainly had their origin in remote antiquity ; the last, perhaps, can be hardly said to be indicated in some of the ornamental paintings at Pompeii. We see the medallion system in its utmost simplicity and quaintness in some of the Assyrian sculptures, and again^ refined by art and good sense, in some of the Eoman monu- ments, particularly on the Trajan and Antonine columns, where the events of a campaign are represented in a series of bas- A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. 2'^^ rt'liefs, wound in a serpentine manner round the shaft of a cohimn; and a<^ain, on the Arclics of Titus and Constantino; on the latter are some sculptured pictures in circular medallions. There are also in the ^Euseum of the Vatican some very beautiful bas-reliefs, representing figures encircled by flowing scrolls of foliage, which it recpiires but little acuteness to per- ceive are the type of the design of the Jesse window. And both forms of design were handed down from the time of the Eoman Empire to the period of which I am particularly speaking — the middle of the twelfth centuiy— by an almost continuous series of carved ivories and illuminated manuscripts. It is not to be supposed that either the medallion or Jesse window at all approaches the art of the ancient Eomans in the excellence of the figure-drawing, the natural yet refined cha- racter of the draperies, nor even in the distinctness of the com- position. Unlike the tessellated pavements of the Eomans, or the ornamental frescoes at Pompeii, and the tombs at Eome, both the medallion and Jesse windows are too apt to appear confused when seen from a little distance. The medallion windows, indeed, in general, seldom have their design more made out than that of a Turkey carpet, to which they are often likened — very truly as regards their effect — which is that of a mass of deep and vivid colours intersected by thin white lines, by which the principal divisions of the design are indicated. Instead of the figures being small in comparison with the panels, and the panels being well cut out by broad borders — to which is attributable the distinctness of the ornamental designs of Eoman antiquity, and of the coloured ceilings of the sixteenth century, which were borrowed from them — the figures are large here in comparison with the spaces allotted to them, occupying nearly all the gi'ound of the panel. The ornament is also large in comparison with the figm-es, and, though the grounds of the panels, and of the intermediate spaces of the window, are gene- rally of diff*erent colours, the extent to which these grounds are covered with the figures and ornaments prevents their colours showing in sufficient quantities to produce proper distinctness in the design ; and the manner in which the colours of the figures and ornaments are interchanged and scattered all over these grounds tends still more to produce monotony. It would seem as if the designers of these windows were more anxious to secure a good and imposing general eflect of colour, than to give prominence to the figure part of the composition, so as to make the i)ictures tell their own story plainly and distinctly. But as alVording 240 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. effects of colour, many of these windows are quite unrivalled; they are harmonious, and never raw or positive ; rich, and never gaudy ; deep and intense, and never flimsy ; brilliant, and never heavy or opaque; and, of course, in all these essential parti- culars, contrast very favourably with their modern imitations. The secret of their success lies rather in the peculiar nature of the glass of which they are composed, than in the mode in which the various tints are arranged. Each colour, besides being deep, is harmonious in itself — an absolutely pure colour would be a curiosity if met with in twelfth or thirteenth century glass — consequently the effect can hardly ever be bad, in whatever way the colours may happen to be arranged. The depth and harmony of the colour qualities, so beautiful in themselves, ren- dered a highly finished style of figure-painting improper as well as unnecessary. If the figures had been highly and delicately shaded, the depth of local colour would have prevented their finish from being seen or appreciated ; and the harmony pro- duced by shading with enamel brown upon glass of different tints would have been superfluous where the tints themselves were originally so harmonious. Therefore these ancient glass- painters contented themselves with representing the deepest shadows with absolutely black lines, and uniting these with a very slight wash of shadow in half-tint, to prevent their appear- ing too harsh ; and, in general, they avoided subjects which could not be intelligibly represented by a few figures arranged in one plane, like the figures' in a bas-relief, and placed on a stiff backgroimd of blue or red, trusting to the glass itself to do the rest. It is hardly possible to conceive a style of execu- tion better adapted than this was to the peculiar material of the twelftli and thirteenth centuries ; and, however we may criticise the designs of this period, it must be confessed that the earliest style of glass-painting, viz. that which was practised until the middle of the thirteenth century, contains the germ of a true and noble style, a path of high development and striking effects; provided that the same material as that of the twelfth century shall be again supplied, and provided that — and this is equally essential — the task of developing the style is undertaken by artists of the first ability, having the power, as well as the will, to work up to that standard of perfection in figure-drawing which classical antiquity affords, and which, even at the worst times, seems constantly to have influenced the Byzantine artists and their immediate followers, instead of its being left to the efforts of mere draughtsmen, capable only of working down t-^ A LECTURE ON 0LAS8-PA1NTIN0. '241 to models which must m)\v be considered imperfect or absurd, and are only interesting from our being able to recognise in them the art of a better period, in sjiite of the deformity with which it has been overlaid by the uuskiliidness and corrupt taste of a rude age. The design of the Jesse tvindow is, owing to its nature, in general more distinct and effective than that of the IMedallion window, though still very inferior in this respect to its classical prototype ; and that of the Figure and Canopy window is yet more intelligible, as far as regards the figure, but the canopy is usually so insignificant, and so out of drawing, as often to be made out with difficulty. The Pattern windows are always less rich in colour than the Picture windows. In general they are princi})ally com})osed of white glass, on which are painted borders and scrolls of foliage. They often bear a coloured border all round them, and coloured glass is sparingly introduced into the pattern-work, to render its design more marked, and to enrich its effect. These different kinds of windows often are employed together in different parts of the same building. In most cathedrals the IMedallion windows are placed in the aisle windows of the na^•e and choir ; the Figure and Canopy windows occupy the clear- story; and the west window of the nave frequently exhibits a Jesse. Pattern windows are mostly employed in the pierced tri- forium, wdiere such exists, as well as in some of the windows of the apsidal chapels, where perhaps light was an object. Thus the windows having the most elaborate design are generally placed nearest the eye, — a happy and sensible arrangement. The large size of the figures in the clearstory may appear inju- dicious, on account of the tendency of the figures to overpower the architecture, and lessen the apparent height of the building; but this objection, though sound in principle, will hardly hold in practice, owing to the defective amount of shading in the figures, which, thus become less distinct than might be expected from their size, and present, in short, little else than an effect of colour. The ornamental details of these early glass-paintings are very Greek in character. The foliaged ornaments are highly conven- tional in their form, closely resembling the architectural foliage employed by the Greeks, though less varied in their shape. Trefoiled and cinquefoiled terminations are the most common. It is seldom that a naturally shaped leaf occurs, and, when it does, its serrations are not represented by notches, but by care- fully drawn curves. A decided })reference for idealised form R 242 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. characterises the works of this period. The same Greek feeling may likewise be observed in the figures and the draperies. In some of the earlier examples we recognise the peculiarities of the true Byzantine school in the classical contour of the heads, their staring eyeballs, and inanimate expression. But a more vigorous style soon developed itself; and, even so early as the latter part of the twelfth century we meet with figures in glass very closely resembling the old Roman, having heads quite of classical contour, yet full of character, and of varied expression, and only just sufficiently idealised to produce elevation of senti- ment. The stiff, over-idealised, and inanimate Byzantine type was, however, retained until quite the middle of the thirteenth century in the representation of Divine persons, probably from an unwillingness to depart from established precedents in matters of such sacred import. The draperies of the earlier figures are also truly Byzantine in their closeness and tightness ; but those of the later figures are easy and natural, yet, in the character of their folds, very like the old Roman. It is possible that they were copied from nature, and that their classical air is partly owing to the fact that many of the dresses used in the twelfth century, and, perhaps, early part of the thirteenth, were actually shaped like the Roman. Thus the tunic, or under-coat, of the thirteenth century is exactly like the Roman in form. Again, the military or state-cloak is the paludamentum of the Roman generals without any variation. The Ecclesiastical dalmatic is ' the same as the state dress of the Roman Proconsul ; and, as if for the purpose of confounding those enthusiastic moderns who are so shocked at any allusion to paganism, and who look upon the twelfth and thirteenth cen- turies as the " Ages of Faith," we occasionally see in the works of this period the figure of a holy saint (no doubt copied from some earlier example) innocently habited in the toga, the ordi- nary dress of the ancient Romans. There is reason for supposing that the dresses worn in the twelfth century were made of mate- rials veiy similar to those used by the Romans, which may account for the great similarity in the set and folds of the draperies of the two periods. What I have stated respecting the early emancipation of art from the thraldom of Byzantine- tradition, as exemplified in the glass-paintings of Northern Europe, may appear opposed to the general impression that modern art dates from the school of Cimabue, in the thirteenth century, but, in truth, the whole subject is involved in the greatest obscurity. Writers are prone A LECTURE oN GLASt^-rAINTlNG. 24.'} to jreneralise from a too limited collection of facts, and we must recollect that hitherto more pains have been taken to investigate the progress of the arts in Italy than in North Euro[)e. I can only state the fact as I find it, without attempting to account for it. But the naturahstic tendency of the school of Cimabue in Italy, in the middle and last half of the thirteenth century, soon began to be felt in North Eui-ope. We see it most strikingly exemplified in the ornamental decoration of glass-paintings from about the year 12(J(J downwards. The coiiventional Greek foliage of the earlier part of the thirteenth century was about this time gradually exchanged for foliaged ornaments composed of the naturally Ibrmed leaves of the oak, maple, ivy, and haw- thorn ; and the figure draperies became, in conformity with the new style, broader and simpler in their folds. I am afraid that the change was not attended with any benefit to the higher interests of art, for I much question whether anything more uninteresting and insipid was ever seen than the stereotyped fiat features and screwed-u^) eyes which we meet with in nearly all glass-paintings between 1250 and 1350, the next hundred years of our history to which I am now directing your attention. I cannot but think that glass-painting gradually deteriorated from the middle of the thirteenth century, until it revived again, in a very difterent phase, in the early part of the sixteenth cen- tury; and that the greatest deterioration took place early in the fourteenth century, contemporary with the architectural style which is commonly called the early Decorated. It seems to me that the whole of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries was spent in the attempt to get out of the early artistically flat style of representation, proper for stifif colouring, into a more pictorial style, requiring colour in broader masses and diminished depth ; and that the greater part of the works of this period, and espe- cially that of the earlier portion of it, must be regarded as transitional, and displaying those contradictory features which invariably present themselves on the abandonment of an esta- blished principle without any distinct view of that which is to succeed it. I am not asserting that the glass-painting of this period has not its good points ; all styles have their beauties ; but if consistency of principle be a mark of a good style, then the glass-painting of tliis [)eriod is far inferior to that of the immediately preceding and succeeding periods. A great change in the design of glass-paintings was rendered necessary by the general adoption of the mullioned window, and consequent use of openings extremelv narrow in proportion t(j R 2 244 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. their height. The medallion window, which requires a width of some four or five feet for its due development, was speedily abandoned, and the expedient was adopted of combining the picture with the pattern- window by introducing across the lower lights of a white pattern- window two or more rows of panels containing pictures, as well as filling the tracery lights with coloured figures and ornaments. Sometimes these panels, like medallions, simply contained groups of figures on stiff-coloured grounds, as in the chapter-house windows at York ; more com- monly the group was put under a canopy or shrine, as in the nave of York, which had the effect of reducing the size of the figures and making the picture indistinct ; whilst the canopy, though complicated in construction, was drawn and coloured in such a way as to appear as if it had been ironed out fiat — the depth of the niche and projections of the tabernacle w^ork being alike unrepresented. The Pattern- window continued in use, each light of the window being surrounded with a coloured border, and the remainder filled with white glass, on which was drawn in black a geometrical pattern with flowing scrolls of foliage. The Figure and Canopy window was also common, each lower light having a figure and canopy in it, the canopy having the same defects that have just been noticed ; and the Jesse window was much em- ployed : of this, the scrolls generally extended from one light into another ; so that the whole of the lower lights were filled with one connected design. In like manner, on the Continent, canopies and groups were spread from one light to another. But this practice was not followed in England : the usual method here was, to divide the group into several portions ; to put each under a canopy, and confine it within the limits of a single light : thus, what was in fact but a single picture looked as if it were three or more distinct pictures, each portion being complete in itself, and separated from the others, not so much by the muUions of the wdndow as by its pictorial accessories. The colouring of this period was almost as deep and powerful as that of the last period ; but the discovery of staining white glass yellow, which seems to have been made about 1310, tended very much to cause yellow to be used to the exclusion of some other colours. Indeed glass-paintings, as early as about 1350, are remarkable for the quantity of white and yellow stained glass in their composition, as is the case with the east window of Gloucester Cathedral choir. At first the arrangement of the figures in the groups was simple, like that of the former Pl.ATF 12 c. m»»Tu>. iburuM, BKoa FROM XOIITII AISI.E, STANFORD CllUUCil. NORTIIAM PTuNSIIIK:: I A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAIXTING. 245 age; but by degrees tlie figures were made to overlap one another more; and the same fiat style of execution being per- severed in, the consequence was, that the groups became far more confused and indistinct than the earlier ones, which were more cut out and insulated by means of the gi-ound of the panel. In general, the individual colours were dis[)Osed in broader masses than heretofore, — a peculiarity wliich was still more remarkable in the next style, to wliich I shall now allude, and the remarks upon which will carr}^ us down to the end of the fifteenth century. About 13(J0 or 1370 a remarkable change took place in the manufacture of the glass, and this was simultaneous with a great change in the mode of painting it. As late as 1350 there was but little deviation from the earliest mode of painting; black lines represented the deep shadows, and a very slight wash of enamel work indicated the shadow in half tint. But after this the lines diminished in thickness and intensity, and were retained only as outlines ; the deep, as well as the light shadows being represented by a stippled coat of enamel brown. Indeed, the only real difterence between the execution of the imperfect glass-paintings of the end of the fourteenth century and the perfect ones of the sixteenth was, that in the latter the shadows were deeper and more skilfully applied. In the works of both periods shadows were represented by stipple shading, black lines being only used for outlines. This mode of execution was, of course, more pictorial than that which had preceded it ; and the change in the manufacture of the glass to which I have alluded, which principally consisted in making the colours brighter and less positive, enabled the more delicate and finished execution to be lully seen, and offered greater facilities for a more pictorial and less mosaic style of colouring. The Figure and Canopy window was the favourite design of the period of which I am now speaking; the form of the window openings during the Perpendicular style of architecture particularly favouring it. A single figure and canopy commonly filled each lower light, with or without a small subject beneath, such as a coat of arms, or a group of figures, usually representing tlie donor of the window and his family : and each of the upright tracery lights was occupied with a smaller edition of the figure and canopy. AVindows of this description, partly owing to their being executed with light and delicately finished shading, and to the proportion of white glass in their composition, always have a particularly pleasing silvery appearance. They want the 246 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. force of tlie earlier windows, but tliey are more delicate and refined. Their design is also distinct, owing to the way in which the figure is cut out by the coloured back of the niche, and to the canopy itself being almost entirely white and yellow- stained. Their great defect is their flatness. Though con- siderable pains were taken by shading, and even by an attempt at perspective drawing, to give projection to the canopy hood, and rotundity to the figure, these old artists totally failed in their object, partly through their timidity in applying shadow in sufficient depth, partly through their ignorance of the true effects of light and shade, and partly, I may add, through their ignorance of the principles of correct drawing. Instead of the picture aimed at, nothing was produced but a pleasing silvery effect of colour. This defect is still more palpable in another very common design of this period, consisting of three or more shrines, with groups of figures placed under them, piled up one above the other in each of the lower lights of a window. We learn from these examples that there are but two ways of producing a picture on glass — either with skilful shading, where there is no particular attention paid to the position of the objects to be represented ; or with comparatively little shading, in which case it is essential that the figures should be well cut out and separated from each other by a coloured ground. For, as I said, the general distinctness of the Figure and Canopy design is entirely owing to the latter principle being adhered to, though accidentally. The confusion in-separable from the use of small groups under shrines executed with so little shading, and without attention to the placing of the figures — of which the great east window of York affords a striking example — is owing to the figures being designed so as to overlap one another, and to their not being relieved from each other by a proper application of light and shade. Windows so constructed look, at a little distance, like a mere collection of pieces of glass of different colours; and even when closely examined, it is sometimes not easy, at first, to detach the figures from their shrines, and make out the composition. The Jesse window continued to be employed, but there is nothing which calls for remark upon it. The Pattern- window had dwindled down to the simplest of all compositions, being composed of quarries of white glass, with some little ornament painted on each, and having a border round the light with -a little colour in it. We are all aware tliat the middle of the fifteenth century is A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. 247 lamous in the history of art, as the era I'rom wliich we date the commeneement of onr modern system. It was at this time that a new liglit broke in npon the minds of the Italian artists as to the trne method of representation, and tlie great trnths demonstrated by the paintings of iMasaccio and others continued to be ekiborated during the whokj last half of the fifteenth century and early part of the sLxteenth, until painting reached its perfection nnder such geniuses as Ivaphael, Titian, Tintoretto, and the other masters of the sixteenth century. The great imi)rovement which took place in the middle of the fifteenth century was perhaps not so much in drawing as in the art of producing the effect of nature in light and shade. Before the time of iMasaccio oil-paintings, though very often beautifully drawn, were flat in effect, and consequently confused, like those glass-paintings to which I last alluded. He seems to have been the first who noticed how little Nature was observed, and how little the ]iower of art was developed, in jiaintings where perspective and light and shade were disregarded. And the hint was not given in vain. About the same time a standard of perfection hidden from the mediaeval artists was brought to light by the discovery of the antique sculptures at Eome, and artists once more beheld the human fic:ure in its utmost beautv in forms now rendered familiar by moans of casts, — forms in which we see our nature in spotless jturity, innocent and sublime, and such as we may imagine those of our first parents to have been. The discovery was well timed. All prejudice against these ancient works, on account of their pagan origin, had long ceased w ith the extinction of paganism : they fell into the hands of men capable of appreciating them, and the monu- ments of a false religion became the means of enlisting on the side of truth all those sympathies which it is the province of the highest and most refined art to excite. Ideally I am not surprised that the period of the "Kevival of Art," or the "Ivenaissance," as it is variously termed, should always be regarded with such enthusiasm, by all, indeed, but a very small knot of modern writers, who, I am persuaded, will never obtain popular sympathy. For '* Modern Art," as it is called by the writers of the sixteenth century, by way of distinction from the dry and imperfect medieval art, is inseparably connected with some of our most pleasing reminiscences — with the conviction that about the end of the fifteenth century the human race in Europe got a fresh 248 A LECTURE ON GLAS?-PAINTING. start. Men's minds then became expanded; and a spirit of inquiry arose, before which the trammels of superstition, and the false reasoning of the mediaeval era, were dissipated like mist before the sun. Broad views began to be taken in other matters besides art ; the foundation was then laid of modern liberty, and of modern philosophy, to the united effects of which as well the present material prosperity, as tlie higher intellectual and moral culture of this country can be clearly traced. People who attempt to revive mediaeval usages and mediaeval art seem to overlook the great fact that the invention of printing, the Reformation, and Lord Bacon's works, have separated the nineteenth century from the middle ages by an impassable gulf. As might be expected, the improvement in art, to which I have alluded, was not confined to Italy, but extended its influence to Flanders, France, Germany, and this country, and glass- painting in all these countries, for a short period, felt the benefit of it. We see a vast improvement in the glass-paintings executed in the early part of the sixteenth century, both in drawing and in light and shade ; and the improvement was progressive until about the middle of the century, when the very causes which had tended to its elevation, being pushed too far, occasioned its decline. Considered as a pictorial art, glass-painting seems to liave reached perfection between 1530 and 1550: it is perhaps not too much to say that its decline commenced as early as 1545. But to justify this assertion I must, with your indulgence, enter a little into matter of detail. Every species of representative art, whether oil-painting, water- colour-painting, fresco, tapestry, mosaic-work, or glass-painting, must, of course, be carried into effect by the use of certain mate- rials, and the criterion of the proper mode of using such materials is, that it displays their good qualities, and conceals their defects, as much as is compatible with their employment. Thus in glass-painting the good quality of the material, glass, is its transparency — a quality which makes colours more vivacious and briUiant than the colours of any opaque material. The defectiveness of glass is its brittleness, and the impossibility, in our present state of chemical knowledge, either of painting a piece of glass with a variety of colours individually as bright as the colours of glass tinted with them in its manufacture, or of fastening a number of pieces of coloured glass together except by means of a metallic and consequently opaque framework; and also its limited scale of colour, if coloured glass alone is A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. 219 used, and tlie impossibility of representing on it an amount of deep transparent sliade equal to that which we see in oil-paint- ings, particularly in those of the Venetian school. The necessity of leading a glass-painting together is one of those conditions which cannot be evaded by any ingenuity. The lead-work and saddle-bars must be accepted as necessary parts of the composition. The design must be made wath reference to them, and that glass-painting must be acknowledged to be the best which admits of the leads being thrown into the outlines, and made to serve as outlines ; and which by the simplicity, I might almost say roughness, of its design and execution, pre- vents the harshness of the saddle-bars from being obtrusive. In this respect the glass-paintings i)rior to 1550, and until the eighteenth century, must be considered superior to those later works in which the attempt has been made to ignore the leads and saddle-bars, by leading the work together in squares indepen- dently of the outlines of the composition, or by twisting the saddle-bars so as to avoid their cutting the design at regular intervals ; because both methods immediately suggest the idea of a blemished picture, and make us immediately perceive how much better the work w^ould be without leads or saddle-bars. But a window cannot be constructed without them : hence it is better to adopt them as essential parts of the design ; and the beautiful windows of the choir of this cathedral, which bear date between 1532 and 1539, show that a design so constituted is compatible with high pictorial effect. Again, another condition, which must be particularly observed, is the preservation of the transparency of the material to the greatest extent consistent with the production of a i)icture. Whatever the amount of shading, there must be a great deal of clear high light, — that is to say, the glass, in the high lights of the picture, must be left clear and untouched with any enamel colour. To subdue or lay down those high lights is at once to deprive a glass-painting of its chief beauty, its brilliancy and transparency, and to reduce it to the appearance of a bad oil-painting, because, however it may be made to vie with an oil-painting in drawing and composition, it must always be inferior to an oil-painting in the nice gradations of tone and tint, and in that clear-obscure liquid shade which can be given with such astonishing fidelity in an oil-painting ; besides that it is more like a sketch than a finished work, on account of the decided manner in which the outlines of objects are defined by the leads. In this respect again I would snbmit that the glass-paintings of the middle of the sixteenth 250 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. century are superior to subsequent works. In tlie most liighly- finished of them, like the glass in this cathedral, there is always abundance of high lights left clear in the glass. These high lights are indeed, to a certain extent, now obscured in the glass of the cathedral by the decomposition of the material from long ex- posure to the weather : but I am speaking of these works as they issued from the painter's studio. There are plenty of other glass-paintings in existence, of the same date as these, which, owing to more favourable circumstances, have preserved the surface of their material, and which consequently enable us to form an opinion of the original effect of other works similarly executed. To what extent shading ought to be carried in glass is a question which receives its best solution in the rule which imposes on every representative art the necessity of its suggesting no defects. And here again we recognise the greater skill of the artists of the middle of the sixteenth century as compared with that of their successors. I have mentioned the impossibility of representing in a glass-painting that amount of clear deep transparent shade that one sees in an oil-painting. For want of this power many subjects are wholly unfit for a glass-painting ; and the artists of the middle of the sixteenth century, with that common sense which usually denotes uncommon knowledge, invariably declined to represent such subjects. They confined their selection of subjects to groups of foreground figures, using the background merely as an accessory ; they did not shade their pictures up to a point, like the Venetian oil-paintings, but, at the expense of unity of composition, represented the figures as if seen under the influence of broad sunshine — the figures at the extremities of the group thus having the same force of light and shade upon them as those in the centre of the group. They were Avell aware of the great effect of shadow in giving distinctness and force to a design ; but knowing the defectiveness of glass as a medium of shade, they took care to confine their shade within small limits. Thus they were very fond of architectural back- grounds to their groups, because the soffits of the arches gave them the opportunity of introducing very decided shadows, though of limited extent — shadows which had the effect of sepa- rating the foreground from the background, and giving relief and distance. These and many other devices for concealing the defectiveness of glass, such as the avoidance of foreshortened figures and the like, will be easily perceived on looking at the choir windows of this cathedral, which are perhaps the finest A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. 251 specimens of pictorial glass-paint inu: in the world. Com|)are them with the dnll heavy works of tlie last century, in which the conditions of glass-painting are wholly overlooked, — as. for instance, the great west window of New College, at Oxford, painted from a magnificent design of Sir Joshua Reynolds, but one unfortunately wholly unsuited for the purpose of a glass- painting, — and I think you will agree with me in preferring the glass-paintings of the first half of the sixteenth century to the later examples. Yet let us not condemn tlie authors of those later works as men of unartistic mind. They were, on the con- trary, men of high artistic attainments ; they fully ajipreciated the obligations of glass-painting to oil-painting : tlie rock they split upon was their overlooking the peculiar conditions of glass- painting — the ditYerence between a painting which transmits light and one that reflects it. In endeavouring to make g] ass-painting rival oil-painting in all respects, they attempted an impossibility, and therefore their works, notwithstanding their liio-h artistic merit, are ineffective as compared with those of the middle of the sixteenth century. The latest windows that I am acquainted with, executed pre- cisely as these of Lichfield, are the windows of the transepts and of the north aisle of the choir of Brussels Cathedral. They are all dated between 1")4:0 and 1549; they are coarser in execution than these, but are most effective. Indeed I do not know any works in glass which are so powerful, without in the least degree violating the essential conditions of the art. But immediately after the middle of the sixteenth century, and in France even a little before, we see the attempt to carry the art beyond its legitimate limits. The windows of Gouda Church, in Holland, magnificent compositions though they be, which were all ex- ecuted between 1555 and 1003, are already affected by the change ; and the windows in the south aisle of Brussels Cathedral, which w^ere executed in the seventeenth century, though very fine as artistic compositions, are yet wrong both in design and execution. Great effects of light and shade, as in Ilubens' pictures, were here attempted, at the expense of the material, which looks flimsy in the light parts of the picture and dull and Hat in the shaded parts. It is only necessary to com- pare these windows with those on the opposite side, to which I have alluded, to be sensible of the great superiority of the prin- ciple upon which the latter are designed and executed. Soon alter this glass-painting seems to have grt^atly grown out of fashion. Woi'ks occur onlv at intervals, and these are executed 252 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. on the principle of an ordinary oil-painting, the composition being shaded up to a point and enamel colours used profusely, either to heighten the coloured glass, or more commonly in sub- stitution of it. At length coloured glass almost ceased to be made or used. With the exception of a fine window by Price, in the church of St. Andrew's, Holborn, in which some attention is paid to the earlier system, all the great works executed in this country are done with enamel colour ; as the window at New College, Oxford, and the great east window and south window of the aisles of St. George's Chapel, Windsor — all which resemble bad and dingy paintings, or weakly-coloured window-blinds, though their composition is artistic and the execution careful and refined. In France and Germany what little glass was executed was done in the same manner. So matters remained until the revived taste for mediseval art, which commenced here and abroad about thirty years ago, a taste which in this country undoubtedly received a great impulse at first from the writings of Sir Walter Scott, and of late years from the effoi-ts of a small but active party, who seem to have made use of the popular feeling as a means to an end — that of reviving religious forms and ceremonies calculated to lead men's minds towards the Church of Kome, — forms and ceremonies which, though not actually condemned at the reformation, can hardly be said to be in harmony with it, and were on that account wisely dropped by tacit consent in the course of the last two centuries. In France and Germany the revival has spread more for the sake of art than from any particular religious sentiment ; and therefore in both countries it has been more conducive to the interests of art than with ourselves. In no branch of art has this been more remarkable than in glass-painting. The French, like ourselves, have done little else than take up glass-painting archaeologically, and copy old works, though with, it must be admitted, far greater success in point of fidelity of imitation than the English glass-painters. But in Germany the movement has been an artistic one, and has borne great fruits. At Munich, glass-painting has for years past been carried on as a fine art, by some of the greatest artists in Ger- many, in conjunction with a revived style of architecture, not Gothic, but a style more severe, yet as symmetrical, magnificent, and refined, as that of the sixteenth century. To say that glass- painting is correctly practised by the Germans is what I cannot do, but I will say, that in point of real art, there are no modern A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. 253 glrtss-paiiitings ia the world to comparo with theirs for one luonient. The defectiveness of tlieir practice is deep and jier- liaps inveterate, — not only do they paint up their ghiss with enamel colours (using however coloured glass for their colours) to such an extent as to almost destroy its transparency, but they seem to lose sight too much of the contrasted style of arranging colours in ancient glass, and of the use of violent con- trasts of light and shade, which give the old cinque-cento glass- paintings their power and vivacity ; and to pay too much minute attention to blending the several local colours, by wliicli an harmonious eftect is produced at the expense of vigour and force. I am aware that the German artists deny their practice of dulling down their pictures to be voluntary, and that they excuse it by a desire to obtain the harmonious effect of old glass, and to obviate the flimsiness and excessive pellucidness of the modern material. But one does not see why, if sincere, these artists, with Royal patronage to back them, should not attempt to make glass like the old. For it is in the glass-house, and in the glass-house alone, that we can hope for any real improvement in the effect of glass-pointings. It is a fallacy to ascribe the harmony of ancient glass to the effect of age. Age does har- monize glass to a certain extent, but nothing can supply the want of harmonizing coloured glass.^ Still, nothing can supply the want of art : and I fear the pre- sent depraved state of glass-painting, in this country, is far more attributable to this want than to that of good glass — else our glass-painters would not be so inferior to the Germans. But, however this may be, I declare that the state of glass- })ainting is in England, at the present moment, worse than it has ever been at any other time or in any other country. With the enormous expenditure of late years upon painted windows, w^e are the laughing-stock of foreigners ; and if a great artistic work is required, there is no choice but to go to Munich. This has been the decision of the noblemen and gentlemen who have subscribed for the painting of the windows of Glasgow Cathedral. And though they have been much blamed for it, there can be no doubt that they are right. It is idle to say that they are to wait until tlie establishment of a native school capable of such works. The best patronage in the end is that which always chooses and pays for the best article wherever it can be obtained, in matters of art as well as in matters of merchandize. 1 On the recently altered Muuicli practice see before, pp. 5i\ 5-\ 254 A LECTURE ON GLASS-PAINTING. Some English glass-painters have, it is true, lately started, and it appears that they intend to rival the German artists ; but their performance as yet has been only such as to make us think that the Germans are likely to maintain their superiority. The truth is that glass-painting has got into bad hands. The growing archaeological and hierarchical view taken in this country by " the movement " has had a retrogressive and not a progressive tendency. Patrons and amateurs have been caught with details, and have not looked one inch beyond them ; con- sequently artists have not come into the field ; but they have left the archaeology and details to be done by draughtsmen; and there has been no employment, as in Germany, of artists of as high a reputation as our Royal Academicians. It is to be hoped that people will at last grow sick of archaeology, and ask them- selves the plain question, whether in matters of religion we ought to be archaeologists at all, or, if archaeologists, whether we should not carry our archaeological associations to the earliest period of Christianity, — to a period of art which was accepted in the sixteenth century, and the influence of which, acting upon the gothic element in our natures, made christian art and architecture what we see them — the art, higher in true christian sentiment than it ever was at any period of the middle ages ; and the architecture, as refined as the Eoman, yet as varied and picturesque as the gothic. I am not ashamed to say that I have no sympathy with the *' movement " in the sense in which the phrase is at present accepted: No man wishes more sincerely than I do to spread the blessings of Christianity, and to afford to all the opportunity of public worship ; but I do think that we should do wisely to turn our backs on the middle ages and. their associations, — to accept the reformation as a great fact, which it is our duty not to discourage, but to carry out ; renouncing both the romanticism of the middle ages, which none of us really feel, and those things which remind us of the mediaeval Church, the errors of which we have long since abjured. And I believe that, acting as we then shall, in the spirit of the nineteenth century, the opprobrium will soon cease, that, though giants in, science and practical skill, we are dwarfs in art, especially in religious art. In bringing these imperfect, but not hasty, observations to a close, I would again urge on all those who really wish to have clear notions of glass-painting to study the glass in tliis cathedral. If we once learn to appreciate that, we shall have made a great step. We shall then perceive more clearly how A LECTURE ON GLASS-rAINTINO. 0>\r, the earlier style wliicli I first notieed can be developed in a manner worthy of ns. It is these two styles alone which should be studied. The employment of either must depend on circum- stances, and the character of the place intended to be decorated with p:lass. The earlier stvle is more fit for severe buildin^fs, — the later for buildings of more ornamental character. They will stand well together, and need fear no comparison. The greater flatness of the earlier style is no objection to it, })rovided that the figures executed in it do not appear to be flat. An appearance of rotundity is compatible with low relief, as we see in the head on a coin — and so there can be an artistically flat style in glass-painting, and an artistically pictorial style, co- existing, and preferable the one to the other according to cir- cumstances. XIII. ON AN HEKALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH AISLE OF THE NAVE OF YORK CATHEDRAL. By Charles Winston and Weston Styleman Walford. (From the 'Archaeological Journal,' vol. xvii., 1860.) HE nave of York Catliedral contains the most perfect, and perhaps the most extensive, remains of painted glass of the early part of the four- teenth century, of which this country can boast. All the windows of the aisles (except two), the great west window of the nave, and all the clear- story windows (except two), retain their original glazing, but little mutilated, and as yet, for- tunately, not " restored." We learn from documents that the foundation of the nave was begun on the south side, towards the east, in April, 1291, and that an altar, dedicated to St. Edmund, was erected on the south side of the nave in 1326 ; which might lead us to seek the earliest glazing in those windows of the south aisle which are nearest the transept. Want of leisure has prevented us from undertaking the complete examination of more than one window, namely, that which is tlie subject of this memoir, the first window reckoning from the east in the north aisle of the nave. But such an examination of the heraldry in the other windows of the nave ^ as we have been enabled to make, appears to justify a confident opinion that the earliest glazing is that contained in the window about to be described, and, judgiug only by the style of execution, in the vv^indow which is next to it and known as the Bell-founder's window.^ In point of style, the * The arms and heraldic devices in the original glazing, which remain in these windows, will be noticed in some detail at the end of this communication. 2 The Fabric Rolls of York Cathedral, lately published by the Surtees Society, do not commeuce till 13G0, long after the date of these windows. The great west window was probably not erected until a few years after the date of the contract for it in 1338. The two win- dows to which in 1338 about one-fifth of the sum given by Archbishop Melton for the west window was applied, were ox AN nERALDIC WINDOW IN YORK CATHEDRAL. 257 resemblance wliifh all the aisle windows bear to one another is- so close as to lead to the belief that tluTo is but little difTerence in date between them ; a belief corroborated by the evidence supplied by such of the existing heraldry as is coeval with the oriirinal ijlazinc: of the windows. ISome of the clearstory win- dows may be of the same date as the latest windows of the aisles, some a little later than these ; but they all appear to be earlier than the great west window, which is manifestly the latest of the series. The painted window taken for our subject may be shortly described as a white pattern window enriched with coloured pictures and ornaments ; a kind of window common to the whole Decorated period of glass-painting, and extensively employed in these very aisles and clearstories.^ The general ground of its lower lights is of white glass, ornamented with interlacing bands and tendril-like scrollages of leaf-work painted in outline. This is crossed by two rows of rectangular panels, on each of which is represented a canopy enshrining a group of figures. The tracery lights are filled with fiofures and ornaments. Owino: to these parts of the design being richly coloured, the window in general efiect is as if it was composed of six alternate horizontal stripes of white and coloured glass, its tracery-head forming one of the coloured stripes ; although it is true that the transition from the one to the other is a good deal modified by the rich tint of the glass composing the white stripe, as well as by the con- tinuation across it of the coloured borders to the lights, and by the insertion, in the white intervals, of colom-ed panels con- probably iu the clearstory. Unfor- four easternmost ones in the south, are tunately the two missing clearstory similar in general design to the subject windows ai"e the one on each side which of this memoir. So are also, in prin- was nearest the great west window, the ciple, such of the clearstory windows very windows, in short, to which we as retain their glass. Of the two re- might naturally infer that the money maining side windows of the south aisle, in question was appropriated. one is a Jes.\ !'■'' pT ^^s 9 - sV^s « S ^ I =: ^ 10 ^ Heraldic Window in hie Nave, Yoiuj Cathedral. (Diagram showing the arrangement of tlie desiga) 260 ON AN HERALDIC AVINDOW IN THE NORTH is red, and the ground of the panel on which are the canopy spires is coloured blue. The canopy itself is chiefly yellow, but some white and bits of other colours are introduced. The figures have flesh-coloured faces, and coloured glass predomi- nates in their dresses. No. 6. The subject of this panel seems to be St. Catherine's contention with the philosophers sent by Maximin to confute her. Two male figures in civil costume, one Avearing the cap usually appropriated to theological doctors (the head of the other being lost), appear as if they were rebuking a young nimbed female who is standing with them. The ground of the canopy niclie is blue, and that of the spire is red. No. 7. The subject of this panel is in a very mutilated state. But on examining the remains, and comparing them with the inaccurate engraving of this window given by Drake in 1736,^ it would seem to be the execution of the philosophers by JMaxi- min's orders, in revenge for having allowed themselves to be converted to the faith by St. Catherine's arguments. On the west side of the picture are two pairs of feet, as if originally belonging to two standing figures, most likely the two execu- tioners. There is on this side also one figure, standing, perfect to the Avaist ; and near it, but not exactly above it, the head and shoulders of another figure, with a ferocious countenance, and having flowing hair confined with a band. This figure holds in its left hand the two wrists, having hands attached, of another figure now wanting, and from the sway of the body there can be little doubt that the principal figure was originally in the act of beheading the figure now wanting (and which we may conclude was one of the philosophers), though its right arm has been lost or removed. There is, moreover, an indication of a sword-blade over the head of the principal figure, in the position it would occupy if upraised to strike a blow. At the east corner of the picture is a kneeling figure perfect, its hands raised in supplica- tion, and v/ith terror depicted in its countenance, representing, as we may suppose, the other philosopher, xlll the figures are in civil costume. The ground of the canopy niche is red, and that of the spire is blue. No. 8. The subject of this panel is the imprisonment of St. Catherine, during which, according to the legend, she was attended by angels, and visited by Maximin's empress and his minister Porphyry, both of whom she converted to the faith. See Drake's ' History of York,' p. 527. AISLE OF THE NAVE OF YOIJK CATlIEDRAr.. 261 St. Catherine is represented standinjr, her hands joined in prayer, within a small canopy or tahornaflo havino; a blue external roof beneath the nielie of tlie principal shrine. 'J'he lower part of her person is concealed by some castellated worlv. A wliite chain proceeds as from her neck, under the fibnla of her mantle, and is secured at the other end to one of the shafts of tlie small tabernacle. Immediately over her head, and between it and the niche arch of the small tabernacle, is an angel, having the right hand raised in benediction, and holding in the lel't a scroll, inscribed ave : maria. The letters, which are Lombardic capi- tals, are white on a black ground. The convert Porphyry, placed on the w^est side of the small tabernacle, is kneeling, with hands joined in prayer, and adoring the saint. His head is flesh-coloured ; the hair, which is combed into a large roll on each side of the face, is stained yellow ; ^ and he is habited in a purple robe furnished with a hood. Some white is shown, as of an under-dress. The shoes are blue. On the opposite side is a crowned female, kneeling and adoring the saint, with hands joined in prayer. The ground of the niche of the small taber- nacle is blue, that of the principal canopy is red, and that of the spire is green. No. 9. The subject of this panel is the miraculous deliverance of St. Catherine from the punishment of the wheel. Tlie prin- cipal figure is standing, with hands joined in prayer, between two wheels. The head of the fif^ure is an insertion : it belonccs to the Perpendicular period. Two executioners lie disabled on the ground on the east side of the saint, and two soldiers in yellow mail on the other side. Above are two angels with swords, striking the wheels and rescuing the saint. The ground of the canopy niche is blue, that of the spire is red powdered with yellow wavy stars. No. 10. The subject of this panel is the beheading of St. Catherine. An executioner is represented beheading a female. The head of the saint is an insertion ; it belongs to the Decorated * The yellow stain appears to be discovery of the property long pre. more or less used in all the windows ceded its practical application ; for the of the aisles. This window affords the silvered tessera} used in the mosaics earliest example of its use that we are at St. Mark's, Venice, and also at St. at present acquainted with. The stain- Sophia, Constantinople, occasionally ex- ing property of silver as applicable to hibit a change from white to yellow of glass-painting is said to have been dis- the transparent ghvss with which the covered by the accidental dropping of silver is overlaid, occasioned by its con- a silver button into a vessel containing tact with the metal whilst exposed to melted glass. It is probable that tlie heat. 262 ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH period. Above are two angels raising up a napkin arranged in the form of a festoon. The little figure it originally supported has been lost. This may be an allusion either to the carrying of the saint's soul to paradise, or, according to the legend, to the transportation of her body to Mount Sinai. The ground of the canopy niche is red, and that of the spire is red also, but this clearly is an insertion, though of glass coeval with the window. In all probability it was taken out of one of the aisle win- dows, whicli, as before mentioned, have been deprived of their glazing. Nos. 11, 11 (in the border of the centre light). Each of these spaces is occupied by an angel under a canopy, tossing a thurible ; these, as well as the next two subjects, are probably allusive to St. Catherine's burial by angels, according to the legend. Nos. 12, 12. Each of these spaces is occupied by an angel under a canopy, playing on a harp. Nos. 13, 14. The subjects of these tracery lights seem also allusive to St. Catherine's burial. In both liglits are two figures, those in No. 13 proceeding in an eastward, those in No. 14 in a westward direction. The foremost figure in each case is nimbed, and clad in a mantle, long under-dress, and shoes. That in No. 14 is tossing a thurible ; its head, which belongs to the Per- pendicular period, is an insertion. Neither of tlie rearmost figures is nimbed ; each carries a taper, one coloured green, the other pink. The figure in No. 14 is in a white surplice with a jewelled band about lialf way down the skirt. The other appears to be in a light brown dress ; it is possible that the dress was white like the other, but is discoloured by age. The ground of each light is red, ornamented with a white scroUage bearing maple-leaves, and the border of the light is green with white quatrefoils. No. 15. The subject of this light seems to be the reception of St. Catherine's soul into heaven. In the upper part are the remains of a figure of Christ. The body of the figure is an insertion. The left hand clasps a book, the right is open with the fingers extended. Below are two angels clad in white, kneeling, and raising up a napkin in the form of a festoon. The place of the little figure it probably once supported is occupied with fragments which, seen from below, are unintelligible. All parts of the interior of the light are much mutilated. The head of one of the angels belongs to the Perpendicular period, and is an insertion; the head of the other is original, and the hair AISLE OF THE XAVE OF YOl^K CATHEDRAL. 2G3 is stained yellow. The ground of the light is blue ; its border is red with white quutrefoils. Nos. l(j, 10, IG, 1(J. These remaining four tracery liglits are filled merely with coloured and white glass. Nos. 17, 17. Each of these little circles in the heads of the two outer lower lights contains a crowned head nimbed ; possibly for 8t. Edmund and the Confessor. No. 18. In this circle is a pur[)le bird, resembling a hawk, on a blue ground : probably the device of the donor, and intended for the Danish raven, in allusion to his name.^ No. 19 is a shield, bearing gu. 2 keys Sc\ltier-wise or, St. Peter, the patron of the cathedral. No. 20 is a shield on a cinquefoiled panel having a red ground and yellow beaded border, bearing or a double-headed eagle displayed sab. armed gu., the Emperor. No. 21 is a shield on a cinquefoiled panel like the last, but having a green ground, bearing gu. three lions passant guardant in pale or, England. No. 22 is a shield on a red cinquefoil, bearing az. semy of lys or, France. No. 23 is a shield on a green cinquefoil, bearing paly of six or and gu., Provence or Arragon. No. 24 is a shield on a red cinquefoil, bearing or an eagle displayed sah. armed gu.. King of the llomans. No. 25 is a shield on a green cinquefoil, bearing quarterly 1 and 4 gu. a castle or, 2 and "3 arg. a lion rampant purpure, Castile and Leon. No. 2(3 is a shield on a green cinquefoil, bearing arg. a cross jx)tent between seven cross-croslets or, Jerusalem. No. 27 is a shield on a green cinquefoil, bearing gu. an escar- buncle or, Navarre. No. 28 (in the border of the centre light). Under a small canopy, the niche ground of which is green, is represented a knight, in -white banded mail ornamented with the yellow stain, wearing a coifte de maillcs, and having a e^pear, belted sword, rowelled spui*s, and long surcote displaying gu. a cross arg. ' In the English of tliat period Danes lies named Deane have borne ravens, and Danish may be found sj>elt respec- which have been occasionally converted tively Deneia and Denez (;\fter the into crows or choughs ; the Denmans Anglo-Sax. Dene, Danes). According to have a raven fur their crest ; and analo- these orthographies Danes' raven and gously several families named Dennis Danish raven would differ only in one (variously spelt) have borne Duimh letter from Dene's raven. Some fami- axes. 264: ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH No. 29. Under a similar canopy, with green niche ground, is a kniglit in yellow banded mail, without a spear, but in other respects like the last, on whose surcote is displayed arg. a cross gu. No. 30. Under a similar canopy, with red niche ground, is a crowned figure in white and yellow-stained mail, without a spear, on whose surcote is displayed az. semy of lys or, France. No. 31. Under a similar canopy, with green niche ground, is a crowned figure, drawn like the last, whose surcote displays gu. 3 lions passant guardant in pale or, England, No. 32. Under a similar canopy, with red niche ground, is a crowned female figure clad in a green under-dress and a mantle, the latter being az. semy of lys or, France. No. 33. Under a similar canopy is a crowned female figure, whose mantle bears gu. 3 lions passant guardant in pale or, England. No. 34. Under a similar canopy, with green niche ground, is a knight in white and yellow-stained mail, with a spear, and long surcote on which is displayed gu. 3 lions passant guardant in pale or a label az.. Heir apparent of Engla7id. The lions in this instance look eastwards, but no one conversant with early heraldry will attach any importance to this anomaly. No. 35. Under a similar canopy, with green niche ground, is a knight clad in banded mail ; he is in tlie act of raising his bacinet from his coiffe de mailles with one hand, the other holds a spear. On his surcote is displayed or 3 chevronels gu., Clare. No. 36. Under a similar canopy, with red niche ground, is a knight in the act of raising the vizor of his bacinet ; on his surcote is displayed cheeky or and az., Warenne. No. 37. Under a similar canopy, having the niche ground green, is part of a knight, from the belt downwards, the rest of the figure having been destroyed. The part of the surcote which remains displays gu. semy of cross-croslets or. The coat, accord- ing to Drake's engraving, is gu. a fess between 6 cross-croslets or, Beauchamp. No. 38. Under a similar canopy, with green niche ground, is a knight, armed like the rest in mail, and with coiffe de mailles, &c. The part of the surcote above the belt displays gu. 3 water budgets arg., Ros. The white belt hangs down in front, con- cealing the charge, if any, on the lower half of the surcote. No. 39. Under a similar canopy, with green niche ground, is a knight, armed like the rest. His surcote, which is much mutilated, displays gu. a lion rampant arg., Mowhray. AISLE OF THE NAVE OF YOlIK CATIIEDlJAr.. 265 Xo. 40. Under a similar canopy, with green niche ground, is a knight whoso surcote disphiys cheeky or and az. a fess (ju., CUffunh Xo. 41. Under a similar canopy is a knight whose surcote displays or a lion rampant az., Percy. I'he two other lights are bordered with the following devices, a yellow lion rampant on a red ground, and a white eagle dis- played, having its beak and claws stained yellow, on a green ground. These devices are placed alternately, so that the eagle is at the very top, and the lion in the middle of the bottom of each light. The lions and eagles on the western sides of the lights look towards the east; those on the eastern sides of the lights look towards the west. Of blaster Peter de Dene, whose name appears in the above- mentioned inscription, so little is generally kuow^n, that we may, perhaps, be excused for inserting a sketch of his life, especially as it will materially assist us in ascertaining the date of this window, and in appropriating, more precisely than we otherwise could, the various coats of arms which it displays. He was a " Doctor utriusque juris :" and it was probably with reference to this academical degree that the term ** Magister " was usually applied to him ; though that was, we conceive, more commonly, as well as more properly, used to designate tiiose who had graduated in Arts. He was also a canon or prebendary of the cathedral churches of York, London, and \Yells, and of the colle- giate churches of Southwell and Wim bourne Minster.^ Of his birth, parentage, or early history we have no particulars. If, as seems most probable, his family was of little or no consideration, he must have had great abilities or very influential friends to enable him to acquire so much preferment. From some events in his life there is reason to believe that he was born about 12G0 ; hardly much before that year, for we shall see he w\as living in 1332, and then evidently not a very old man, or at least not very infirm. The earliest mention of him that has been discovered is in 1295, when he was summoned with the justices and others to assist at a parliament to be held at West- minster.2 In 1297 he appears to have been one of the council of Prince Edward, in which he was associated with several bishops, earls, barons, and others, among whom was AVilliam de Grenefeud (or, according to modem ortliography, Greenfield), See Lid Will, Scriptores dcceui, col. ii(Jo7. - Pail. Writs, i. p. 'iU. 26G ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH canon of York ; ^ no doubt the future chancellor and archbishop of that name. He is not the only canon there mentioned, and we may reasonably assume that, had Peter de Dene been then a canon, he would have been so designated. The Prince, after- wards Edward II., was at that time about thirteen years of age. We next meet with Peter de Dene in 1300, when the abbot and convent of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, granted him a pension of 101. a year,^ a substantial annuity at that period. Though he could not then have been much more than forty years of age, if so old, the purpose and conditions of the grant show him to have been a person of acknowledged learning, ability, and influence ; for he engaged to be faithful all his life to the abbot and convent, and to undertake their causes and business within the kingdom of England when they came to his knowledge, and especiciUy all disputes between them and the archbishop, prior, and archdeacon of Canterbury ; with whom, being their neighbours, differences, we may presume, not unfrequently arose. In 1302 he and also William de Greenfield were summoned, as two of the King's Clerks, to appear before the Chancellor, Langton, to advise on some arduous affairs of the King.^ We find him in 1304 claiming to be a canon of London, and complaining that his vote had not been allowed on the election of Ralph de Baldock to that see : in the course of the dispute he appealed to the Pope, but we learn from a bull of Clement V. that he did not prosecute the appeal to a decision.^ He was summoned with the justices and others to assist at various parliaments held in the 28th, 29th, 30th, and 33rd years of Edward I., and also to attend the parliament to be held at Carlisle, to advise the King preparatory to his intended expe- dition into Scotland, which was frustrated by his death.^ That parliament assembled on the 30th of May, 1307, at which time Peter de Dene appears to have been domiciled at York, as domestic chaplain and chancellor to the Archbishop, and a canon of the cathedral ; for on the 31st of January in that year Archbishop Greenfield, who appears to have become one of his patrons, desired the dean and chapter to admit ^'Magistrum Petrum de Dene clericum domesticum commensalem et cancel- larium nostrum Eboracensis ecclesie canonicum " to the next 1 Pari. Writs, i. p. 62. -^ Rymer, i. p. 980. 2 Thoru's Chron., Scriptores decern, ^ p.^rl. AVrits, i. pp. 83, 91, 113, 138, col. 1979. 182. 3 Pari. Writs, i. p. 110. AISLE OF THE NAVE OF YOKK CATHEDRAL. 207 vacant dignity in the cathedral.^ How long he had held tliosc offices, or afterwards continued to hold them, does not aj)pear ; but his connexion with York commenced, in all prubal)ility, under Greenfield, who ^vas appointed to the archbishopric in December, 1304. Though styled " canonicum," he has not been found actually filling any particular stali at York so early as 1307. In Le Xeve's Fasti, by Hardy, he is mentioned as prebendary of Gevendale in 1312, but this has been found to be an error.- Though we have good reason to believe he held the j)rebend of Grindall at a later period, the time of his appoint- ment to that stall does not appear. It was filled by another person in August, 1308, and therefore he must have succeeded to it after that date. He is not called canon in the inscription on the window, yet the kneeling figure, which, no doubt, was intended to represent him, is in a habit closely resembling that of a canon. On the 4th of August, 1308, the Archbishop allowed Peter de Dene, canon of York, and rector of Elneley (probably Emly, near Huddersfield), to choose a confessor; and on the 30th of October, 1309, he received permission to let his living of Elneley to farm, and to be non-resident for three years. The follo^^ing day his term of non-residence was extended to seven years. On the 11th of April, 1309, the Archbishop made him his vicar-general during his absence from the diocese. On the 19th of October, 1311, Master Peter de Dene, rector of Elneley, had again the /Vrchbishop's permission to choose a confessor ; and on the same day a commission was issued, authorising William de Pickering, the Dean of York, and John de Nassing- ton senior, canon, to inquire how it happened that he held two livings, the rectoiy of Elneley and the living of Emelden in the diocese of Durham (perhaps Embledon, in Northumberland). On the 24th of September, 1312, he is again called canon of York, and appointed vicar-general of the Archbishop.^ Though he had become thus intimately connected with the cathedral church of York, he had not separated himself from the monastery of St. Augustine, Canterbury. We learn from the ' Greenfield's Register. by John de Sandall iu April, 1313, 2 We learu from the Rev. James under a Papal provision; and that there Raine, to whose kindness we are in- was some dispute about the appoint- debted for such of the particulars re- ment, and Peter de Dene was one of lating to Peter de Dene as have been those commissioned to intpiire into it ; derived from Archbishop Greenfield's which would hardly have been the case, h'egister, that William de Pickering, had Peter himself claimed the probond who had heltl this prebend, died on the in question. 7th of April, 131 J, and was succeeded ^ Greenfield's Regi.ster. 268 ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH chronicler of that house, that in the same year (1312) he had certain spiritual benefits conferred on him in return for the temporal benefits and services that he had rendered to the abbot and convent. He had been, it appears, a constant defender of them, and in time of need had given them two hundred marcs ; besides this he had erected, at his own expense, certain buildings on the north side of the chapel of the infirmary, which bore his name. Induced by these services and benefactions, the abbot and convent granted that three monks should pray daily at three different altars for him, and for the souls of his parents, relatives, and benefactors, and for his own soul after his death ; and also that an anniversary for himself and his parents should be cele- brated on St. Margaret's day during his life, and, after his decease, on the day of his death.' No names being mentioned, we learn nothing from this transaction as to who were his parents or benefactors ; as the souls of the former were to be prayed for, we may assume they w^ere then dead. He was again vicar-general of the Archbishop during his absence in June, 1313;^ and in the same year he is styled canon of York, and vicar-general of the Archbishop, in a return made, the 30th of July, to a mandate directing an inquiry as to the goods of the Knights Hospitallers.^ In 1316 he was one of eleven " Magistri " that were desired by the King to assist with their counsel the Bishops of Norwich and Ely and the Earl of Pembroke, who were about to proceed on an embassy to the Pope.* It related probably to the affairs of the King with the Scots, since, in the ensuing year, the Pope attempted to negotiate a peace between the two kingdoms, which the Scots, apparently with reason, considered much to their disadvantage. Peter de Dene resigned his living of Elneley in February, 1317-18, which was then valued at seventy marcs per annum,^ a good income at that time. He had been summoned to assist at various parliaments held in the 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th years of Edward 11.^ A change now came over his fortune. We find tliat on the 2nd of June, 1322, John Gififord, by reason of a provision made for him by the Pope, was admitted to the stall of Grindall, which was then vacant " per ingressum religionis Magistri Petri de Dene et professionem I ' Thorn's Chron., Scriptores decern, ^ Greenfield's Register, col. 2012, 6 Pari. Writs, vol. ii. part i. pp. 138, 2 Greenfield's Register. 153, 174, 176, 179, 183, 198, 216, 220, ■■' Kellaw's Register, Durham. 236, 246. ■* Rymer, ii. p. 305. AISLE OF THE NAVE OF YORK CATHEDRAL. 200 ejus." ^ blaster Peter was tlien probably about sixty-two years of a^e ; and tliis withdrawal Worn active life miiilit be supj)osed to have been in order to spend the evening of his days in the peaceful retirement of a cloister. But it was, in fact, the com- mencement of troubles wliich saddened the remainder of his life. After the execution of Thomas Earl of Lancaster, wliicli quickly followed his defeat at Borouuhbridge in 1322, the power of the Despcucers became predominant. Severe measures were forthwith adopted. against such of his adherents as had not either fallen in battle or been made prisoners ; and Peter de Dene, who was believed to have been one, found himself in great jeopardy. His connection with the Lancastrian party does not previously ai)pear. His uninterru})ted success would seem to justify us in assuming that till this reverse his conduct had been generally approved of by the King and his friends. The fact of his having been appointed one of the advisers of the ambassadors sent to Eome by the King in 131(3, rather tends to show he was hot then a Lancastrian. For though the Bishop of !Xorwich, John Salmon, and the Earl of Pembroke, Aymer de Valence, two of those ambassadors, had been also two of the commissioners forced upon Edward in 1310, by the Lancastrians, for the better regulation of the aflairs of his kingdom and household, yet this bishop was in 1312 placed at the head of a commission, consisting of the King's friends, to correct the ordinances which had been made by the former commissioners, and he was chancelh r in 1320. And as regards the Earl of Pembroke, though he had joined the Earl of Lancaster against Gavaston, the murder of the latter by the order, or at least with the approval, of the Earls of Lancaster, Hereford, and Warwick, in 1312, after Pembroke, to whom he had surrendered, had engaged to spare his life, not only made this Earl lukewarm in their cause, but seems to have led to his eventually abandoning their party. The other ambassador, John llotham, had been recently raised to the see of Ely. Little is known of his previous jjolitical atttachments. He had been one of the King's chaplains and chancellor of the exchequer, and been sent by Edward on a mission to Ireland ; but as he was Chancellor of England from 1318 to 1320, at which time Lan- caster was influential, we may assume he was not regarded by that Earl as an adversary. Erom the rigour of the };ersecution against lV*ter do Dene, it seems probable that he had by some Greeufield'a Register, 270 ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH means given great offence to the King's party. The chronicler of St. Augustine's, however, says it was without his fault, and speaks of the enemies of Peter as noble and powerful, but does not give any of their names. They were intent not only on his capture and imprisonment and the depriving him of his property, but even sought his life — a degree of enmity which may warrant a suspicion that some tergiversation was imputed to him. In this state of things, unable to resist his adversaries, he had recourse to the monastery which he had so faithfully served and liberally benefited ; and he there took on himself the habit of a monk in 1322. His position, however, was still such that he was able to make terms with the abbot and convent on his admission : he neither took all the usual vows nor gave up all his property. He was to retain some houses {domos) that he had built within the monastery, and his secular attendants, and also certain per- sonal property to be disposed of as he thought fit, and the use of some silver plate as long as he lived. He was not bound to attend with the other monks in the church, chapter, refectory, dormitory, cloister, or elsewhere, either for Divine service or for any other purpose ; but was to be allowed to remain with his attendants in his own chamber day and night, and give himself to prayer, contemplation, study, and other becoming (honestis) occupations as he might be disposed.^ For several years he conducted himself very creditably and satisfactorily. He taught canon law to the monks and others, gave counsel to the abbot and seniors in the house, conducted their most private and diffi- cult affairs, and was allowed a reasonable time to walk about both within and without the walls of the monastery. At length, growing weary of this kind of existence, and having no longer any apprehension from his enemies without, he was desirous of returning to secular life. He mentioned this again and again to the abbot and convent ; but they deferred the consideration of the matter, and would not consent to his departure. They were probably the more unwilling to offend him, or that he should leave them, because, on being admitted, he had made his will and bequeathed to them several highly esteemed and valuable books on canon law, and also the greater part of his money and plate. Frustrated in his endeavours to obtain permission to depart, he meditated means of escape. At that time the rector ^ Thorn's Chron , Script, decern., col. Terttarii were those attached to reli- 2036-8, 2055. In consequence of the gious houses who took only some of the qualified profession which he made, it vows, and were not strictly monks. See is said ' * d(3 fercm professionem emisit." Du Cunge, Tertiarms. AISLE OF THE NAVE OF YOUK CATUEDRAL. 27 I of St. ]\rartin's church, Canterbury, was one John do Bourne. Tlie outer wall of the abbey, if it did not then actually adjoin his eliurehyard, was separated from it only by a narrow way. He had a brother, George de Bourne, who possessed a house at Bishopsbourne, about four miles from Canterbury. With these two bruthers the discontented monk concerted a plan for his escape, and was to pay them 101. for their assistance. On the day of St. Lucia (December 13), 1330, John, the rector of St. Martin's, came by invitation to dine with the infirmarer of the abbey ; and during dimier he rose from table, and, pretending some business required his attention, he went to the chamber of Peter de Dene and had a long conversation with him. In the evening at supper Peter mentioned to his attendant that he had celebrated mass that day, but shoukl not on the morrow, and therefore desired that he might not be disturbed in his morning's sleep ; for he was accustomed, notwithstanding the easy terms on which he w^as admitted, to rise at midnight to perform the offices usual at that hour. His servant, after waiting some time, retired to rest in another chamber^ leaving a boy with his master, and the door unlocked. Before midnight, having thrown off his monk's habit, he withdrew, accompanied by the boy. They took with them six dishes and six saucers {salsaria), probably part of the silver, the use of which when he entered he had stipulated to retain, and, passing through his own cellar to a gate which led to the garden of the cellarer, the lock of which they had broken, they found their way to the abbey-wall opposite St. iMartin's church. There they made a preconcerted signal to notify their arrival, by throwing over a stone ; and the rector, and his brother, and two other persons wlio had brought three horses to the spot, came and placed two ladders against the abbey-wall ; and two of them ascending the wall seated themselves on it, and having drawn up one of the ladders, let it down on the other side into the garden. Peter and the boy having got over the wall, the former was placed on horseback and conducted through Bromden ^ to George de Bourne's house. On the flight of the monk being discovered, there was a great commotion in the mo- nastery, and inquiries were made in all directions for the fugitive. At length it became known that he was concealed at Bishops- bourne. The house was watched all night, and on searching it ' Probably a close or piece of land ted, vol. iv. p. 443. The object iu also called Bromedowne, lying nearly crossing that was most likely to avoid behind St. Martin's church. See Has- detection. 272 ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH the next day lie was found carefully rolled up in a bundle of canvas. He was brought back to St. Augustine's and confined in the infirmary. The chronicler proceeds to relate in detail how he was treated, and the consequences of this flagrant breach of discipline. Peter de Dene contended that his qualified vows did not oblige him to remain in the monastery, and he appealed to the Pope. A bull in his favour was in due time produced, the genuineness of which was questioned by the abbot and convent.^ The result is not clearly given ; but it should seem that he eventually submitted to the abbot, and probably died in the monastery. We have seen that his stall at York was not filled up till 1332, wlien the proceedings respecting him were drawing to a close. That he should have been allowed to retain it at all, after he had entered the monastery, is remarkable. On one occasion he is represented as saying that, ^'if he were young and able-bodied (corpore potens), he would willingly go to the Court of Kome" to complain of the conduct of the Prior of Christ Church and others, who had interposed on his behalf. The par- tictdars of his flight and concealment do not imply any great age or infirmity of body, but are consistent with the supposition that he was not more than seventy years of age, if he were really so old. There can be no doubt, we think, that this Master Peter de Dene is the person mentioned in the inscription remaining in the window above described ; indeed, no other person of the name has been found to whom it can. with any probability be referred. Let us, then, consider tlie window with a view to ascertain the period of the donor's life to which the glass may be most rea- sonably ascribed. The heraldry, the figures, and the style and execution are the elements tliat are most available for this pur- pose. The probable date inferable from the style and execution has already been stated. In heraldry displayed on escutcheons and surcotes the window is remarkably rich ; and, what is very unusual in glass of that age, not a single coat is wholly missing. First of the escutcheons of arms: they are chiefly those of sovereigns, yet clearly several of them were not contemporaries with the donor; for at no time to which the execution of the glass can be reasonably attributed were there living an Emperor of Germany, a King of the Komans, a King of Jerusalem, and a Count of Provence or King of Aragon, whom it is at all likely Peter de Dene intended to compliment. The escutcheons seem 1 Thorn's Cbron., Sciiptores decern., coll. 2055-2066. AlSr.K OF THE XAVK (»F YOIJK CATIIKDHAL. 273 rather to have had a jijenealogieal object, and to liave indicated some of the most distingiiisliod alliances and connections of the reig:ning sovereign of England. Reckoning from the west, in the first light are the arms of the Empeior, Provence or Aragon, and Jerusalem ; in the second those of England, and most probably the King of the l\omans ; and in the third those of France, Castile and Leon, and Navarre. This remarkably early example of the double-headed eagle may be referred to Frederic IL, who married Isabella, the sister of Henry HI., and aunt, consequently, of Edward I. ; Provence (for this, rather than Aragon, the coat paly of six or and gii} may, we think, be safely assumed to be) to Queen Eleanor of Provence, daughter of Count Kaymond and mother of Edward I. ; and Jerusalem to Guy and Almeric de Lusignan, successively Kings of Jerusalem, whose nephew, Hugh le Brun, Count of La Marche, was the stepfather of King Henry III. The single-headed eagle, associated with that with two heads at this early period (a curious and interesting ftict on which we shall have more to say presently), may be attributed to Eichard King of the Eomans, the brother of Henry III., and uncle, consequently, of Edward I. France may have been placed there in compliment to Margaret, daughter of Philip the Hardy, and second queen of Edward I., whom he married in September, 1299 ; Castile and Leon in memory of his former queen, Eleanor of Castile ; and Xavarre as an additional compliment to Queen 3Iargaret, whose brother, Philip the Fair, had become King of Navarre by his marriage Avitli Joan, daughter and heiress of Henry I. of Navarre, in 1284, the year before his accession to the throne of France. These alliances, though of little value for ascertaining the date of the glass, accord in several respects better with Edward I. than with his son Edward IL ; for, if France and Navarre, and Castile and Leon, would suit equally well with the latter, whose queen Isabella was daughter of Philip the Fair, and his mother Eleanor of Castile, the Emperor, Pro- vence, Jerusalem, and the King of the Pomans would be removed one generation furthci- from the English sovereign then upon the throne. It has been mentioned that both of the outer lights in this window are bordered with the following devices alternately, viz., a yellow lion rampant on a red ground, and a white eagle dis- ^ Though these arms are generally or p. 320, and also in a Roll of the thir- four pallets gn., they sometimes occur teenth century in tho Harleian Collec- paly or iind fju., as in Mr. Stacey Gri- tion, No. G580. mahli's Koll, Collectanea Topog., vol. ii. 274 ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH played on a green groimd. The lions and eagles on the western sides look to the east, and those on the eastern sides to the west ; but variations of this sort in heraldic figures were at that time deemed of no importance. It is not possible to speak positively as to the significance of these devices. They are most likely of heraldic origin. The lions may have referred to Edmund FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel, who bore gu. a lion ramp. or. As to the eagles there is greater difficulty ; for no one is known to have borne vert an eagle or several eagles displayed arg., who is at all likely to have been complimented in this window. Gavaston bore vert three or six eagles displayed or ; and had these eagles been yellow, w^e should certainly have thought them referable to him. The heraldic tinctures were in such borders not unfre- quently changed, most probably for artistic effects in colour. There is an example of this in the border of the first window, reckoning from the east, in the south aisle, where we find white castles on a red ground, intended, no doubt, for Castile, which was gu, a castle or. We are therefore disposed to regard these eagles, though they are white, as having been complimentary to Gavaston ; especially as his arms were in one of the clearstory windows, and as in the borders of the west windows of both aisles the eagles are yellow. Those borders consist of castles and eagles displayed, one above the other, both yellow, not on a ground, but separated by pieces of glass fer pale red and green, the tinctures of the respective shields of Castile and Gavaston. It will be remembered Gavaston was killed in 1312. As the favourite of Prince Edward, he was most likely known to Peter de Dene when the latter was of that Prince's council. Owing to his evil influence over the Prince, he was banished by Edward I. in 1307 ; but Edward II. immediately on his accession, which occurred about three months after, recalled him, created him Earl of Cornwall, and married him to his own niece, one of the daughters of his sister Joan of Acre by her first husband, Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester. Had this window been executed after those events, and the royal favourite been complimented in it at all, we think it would not have been in this obscure manner. Let us now examine the arms on the surcotes of the figures in the border of the middle light, and see what evidence they will furnish. It will be best to take these figures in pairs as they stand opposite each other. The two uppermost appear to be knights in mail with long surcotes, on which are respectively gu. a cross arg., and arg. a cross gu. But that he has no nimbus, the AISLE OF THE NAVE OF YOIJK CATHEDRAL. 27.') latter might he supposed to be 8t. George; tlie other is also without a ninihns. We lind in the printed I\oll t. Edward II. these arms borne by two kuights respectively ; the former by Sir Henry de Cobham the uncle, and the latter by Sir Michael de Herte- clawe. In the printed Ivoll t. Henry HI. the former are ascril)e(l to Peter de Savoy, and the latter to Kobert de Vere. Peter de Savoy was an uncle of Queen Eleanor of Provence, the mother of Edward I. ; but, seeing the figures which follow, there is no good reason why he or any of the knights by whom these arms were borne should have been represented above the kings and queens of Erance and England. These crosses, it will be remem- bered, are those which were respectively borne by the Hospitallers and Templars ; and these two figures may have been intended not for individuals, but as representatives of those two leading- military orders. Eio:ares of two knights with similar arms on their cyclases and shields formerly existed in one of the windows of Bristol cathedral of about the same period, and were probably meant to represent those two orders. The next two figures in this border are kings ; one with Erance on his surcote, and the other with England. The next two are queens ; one with France on her dress, and the other with England : it is remarkable that neither bears any other arms than her husband's. The next two are knio:hts, one bearino; on his surcote England with a label az., the arms at that time of the eldest son of the King of England, and the other Clare Earl of Gloucester. The next two are also knights, one bearing Warenne Earl of Sun-ey, and the other the remains of the coat of Beauchamp Earl of Warwick. The next are also knights, one bearing Bos of Hamlake, and the other jMowbray. The last two are also knights, one bearing Clifford, and the other Percy. The last four knights were also barons. All these figures appear to represent full-grown persons, without any intentional differences of age, and, with the exception of the first two, may, we think, be assumed to have been meant for por- traitures of persons living, or but recently deceased, when the window was designed. If so, the coat of England with a label az. shows there was then an heir apparent to the throne of England old enough to l)ear arms, and to be represented as an adult knight; and this nnist have been either Edward II. or Edward III. in the lifetime of his father. There are several reasons for believing that it could not have been the latter. He was not bom till November, l.'jlji, and therefore in 1322, when the Earl of Lancaster was put to death, and Peter de Dene took refuge in St. Augustine's, that prince was onlv ten years of age. T 2 276 ox AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH If this glass were executed after the donor had attached himself to the Lancastrian party, it was most likely after 1316, and we should in all probability have had in it the arms of the Earl of Lancaster and other leaders of that party ; whereas, although the arms of Warwick, who died in that year, are there, those of Lancaster and Hereford are not ; yet these two Earls were re- spectively the first-cousin and brother-in-law of Edward II. If it be supposed that the object of the donor was to propitiate the King on some occasion when the royal authority was triumphant over the Lancastrians, we would ask, why tlien have we the arms of Warwick, to whom Gavaston's death was principally due, and not those of Despencer, the then all powerful favourite ? Why, too, those of the Earl of Gloucester, who was killed in 1314, and not those of the young princes, Thomas of Brotherton and Ed- mund of Woodstock, the brothers of Edward 11. , the younger of whom was eleven years older than their nephew Prince Edward ? The last of the Clares Earls of Gloucester fell at Bannockburn. He was so young, not having been born till 1291, that his arms could hardly have been placed in this window, except as those of a prince of the blood royal, having been a grandson of Edward I. ; and therefore he was not likely to have been thus commemorated after his death. The long surcotes and the rest of the costume of the figures also claim rather an earlier date than the time when Prince Edward, afterwards Edward III., might be expected to have been represented as an adult knight. If, moreover, the two uppermost figures are a Hospitaller and a Templar, it is improbable that the latter would have been placed in this window after tlie order of the Templars had fallen into disgrace and been actually abolished in 1312. The earlier in the reign of Edward II. this glass is supposed to have been executed, the less probable is it that the coat of England with a label az. should be that of his son Prince Edward; and it is difficult to believe the window could have been presented after the donor became a monk in 1322. It is surely far more probable that the heir apparent to the throne was Prince Edward, afterwards Edward II., though then it must be referred to the very end of his father's reign ; for it cannot be so early as 1296, when the previous Clare Earl of Gloucester died, and when we have no reason to suppose Peter de Dene was in any way connected with the cathedral of York. Indeed, his interest in tliis cathedral appears to have been due to the patronage of Archbishop Greenfield, and did not therefore commence before 1305, that prelate having been appointed to the see in December, 1304. The young Earl of Gloucester was AISLE OF TIIK XAVK OF YOIJK CATIIFDIJAL. 277 only sixteen years of ngo wlien Edward I. dicxl ; and Jolm de Warenue, Earl of Surrey, who slionld also seem to Lave been represented in eonseqnrnee of his eonnexion with tlie royal family, did not marry the king's nieee till L*)OG. At that time Peter de Dene was abont forty-six years of age : his eareer had been successful, and his benefactions in money and buildings to the monastery of St. Augustine, Canterbury, show that for some time previous to 1312 he had not lacked either the moans or the disposition to be munificent. In 130G or the following year the figures in the border of the middle light might have represented the follow^iug persons, viz. : A Hospitaller and a Templar; Edw^ard 1. and Philip the Fair; Margaret Queen of England, and Joan of Navarre Queen of France, who died in 1304, or the Queen-Dowager of France, Mary of Brabant, the mother of Margaret Queen of England ; Prince Edward, and Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester ; John de Warenne Earl of Surrey, and Guy de Beauchamp Earl of Warwick; Sir William de llos of Hamlake, and Sir John de iMowbray ; Sir Eobert de Clifford and Sir Henry Percy. Of these, Warwick, Bos, Mowbray, Clifibrd, and Percy had distinguished themselves in the war with the Scots. Peter de Dene may have made their acquaintance in the north, even if he had not done so at some of the numerous parliaments which he had attended, or he may have been indebted to them for advance- ment or other favours ; as their figures were most probably placed in this window from either friendship or gratitude. We may add, that Clifford fell at Bannockburn (1314), Percy died in 1315, and Warwick in 131G, all leaving heirs under age; and though these noblemen may have been so commemorated after their deaths, it is more likely that this should have been done while they were living. On a careful review of all the preceding facts and observa- tions, we think the conclusion which they warrant is, that the glass of this window was executed certainly in the first quarter of the fourteenth century, and most probably in 13U0, or in 1307 before the accession of Edward II. It remains that we should add a few words on the occurrence in this window of an eagle with two heads, and another with one head only, both sa. on a field or. We do not think that any difference of opinion as to their application can affect the con- clusion at which we have arrived respecting the date of the glass, and we hope to show good ground for believing them to have been meant for the arms of an Emj^eror of Germany and 278 ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH a King of the Eomans ; tliough it is generally supposed that this application of these two heraldic forms of the eagle is not older than the beginning of the fifteenth century, and that the two-headed eagle was not used by the Western Emperors till Wenceslaus (1378-1400). German writers, as Gudenus and Getter,^ state positively that an eagle with two heads occurred on some of the seals of the Emperors Charles lY. and Wen- ceslaus, but do not specify them. It is not to be found on any of their seals engraved by Yredius, nor have we met with a representation or description of such a seal. According to Getter, this device was in use long before it appeared on any seal, and it originated in the junction of the eagle of the king- dom of Germany with that of the Empire, in the manner called by heralds dimidiation. Among the arguments to prove that it was the ensign or banner of the Empire in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, he has quoted passages from writers of those times, where the plural, aquilce, is supposed to have been applied to it. Gne instance is from a letter of our Queen Eleanor in 1193 to Pope Celestine, invoking his influence for the liberation of her son King Richard,^ where she says, *' Christi crux antecellit Csesaris aquilas;" but this may admit of a dijBferent interpretation. Whatever may have been the origin of the device, an eagle with two heads is found on two gold coins of Louis of Bavaria, as emperor, whose accession was in 1314 ; and there is no reason to think this was the first use of it, though no earlier example has. come down to our times. Two seals of his sons, William and Albert, are engraved by Yredius, which have their arms on an eagle with two heads, in accordance with an occasional j)ractice of the sons of emperors showing their connection with the Empire by placing their arms on an eagle. Coins or medals {numi) of the Empresses Elizabeth and Katherine, the wives of Albert I. and Henry YII., are said to have on them the double-headed eagle,^ but of these we have seen no example. The earliest instance that we have discovered of the two-headed eagle being attributed to the Emperor, and the eagle with one head to the King of the Romans, is in a MS. in the Harleian collection,'' which purports to be a copy of a Roll of Arms t. Henry III. The original unfortunately is lost. The occasion of its compilation it is not easy to conjecture. The MS. com- ' Oetter,Wappenbelustigung, 1, stuck, been able to meet with. s. 117, aud, as there cited, Gudeni " Rymer, vol. i. p. 58. Sylloge, var. diplom., p. 19. The work ^ Heineccius de Sigillis, p. 11; of Zyllesius, also referred to, I have not ■* J^o. G589, towards the end. AISLE OF TIIK XAVK OF YORK CATIIEOIIAL. IM) prises foreign and English coats, and bt^gins, " L'Emperenr do Almaine d'or nng eglo cspany ove denx testes sable ;" next comes the Emperor of Constantinople ; and then " Le l\oy de Almaine^ d'or un egle displaye sable ; Le l\oy d'Engleterre gnles a trois leopards d'or ; Le l\oy de France d'azure seme de (a lys is here sketched) or." The copyist has probably modernised some of the spelling according to the usage of his day. The arms of England, it will be observed, are the same that were borne before those of France were cpiartered with them in 1339 or ir)40 ; and those of France are what were borne before the fleurs- de-lys were reduced to three by Charles VL As the copy of this roll contains as many foreign as English coats, it is hardly practicable to verify the whole ; but we may mention, as indi- cations of an early date, that, while we have remarked in it notliing which requires it to be referred to a period later than the thirteenth century, the arms of the Count of Hainault are " cheveronnee de or et de sable," the ancient coat which was discontinued before 1300 ; the arms of the Earl of AVarwick are " eschekere d'or et d'azure un cheveron d'ermin," the old coat of Newburgh, the last earl of which family died 1242 ; those of the Earl of Pembroke are '' party d'or et vert un icon rampant gulez," the arms of Marshal, the last earl of which family died in 1245; those of the Earl of Albemarle are "gules un crois patee de veire," last borne probaby by the earl who died in 1259 ; and those of the Earl of Winchester are " gules poudre a faux losengez d'or," for those of De Quincy, the last earl of Avliich family died in 1264. The coat of Geoli'rey de Segrave is *' sable a trois garbes d'argent," which we learn from the Siege of Car- laverock had been abandoned for a Hon by the fiither of the Nicholas Segrave there mentioned. Several of the English names are the same that are in the Eoll t. Henry III., published by Sir Harris Nicolas, and probably the lioll under considera- tion is not much later than that. There is a very inaccurate copy of it, evidently from another exemplar, printed in Leland's ' Collectanea,' ii. p. GIO."^ ' It may be needless to mention that blazoned later by different persons. "We the King of Germany and the King of must not fail to notice that in the Roll t. the Romans were the same person. In Edward III., published in Collectiiuea like manner the Emperor of Germany Topog., vol. ii. p. 3'2o, an eagle is attri- was styled Emperor of the Romans. buted to the Emperor without any men- 2 It is not improbable that in the tion of its having two heads, showing oi-iginal Roll the arms were drawn and that in this country the notions on the coloured, and that they have been subject were by no means uniform. 280 ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NOKTH The Roll above described is not tlie only other early instance of the two-headed eagle for Germany found here. Among the various pavement tiles in this country which are usually ascribed with considerable probability to about 1300, occurs an eagle displayed, generally with one head, but occasionally with two heads. These tiles have been referred with good reason to Richard King of the Romans, who died in 1272 ; he was the brother of Henry III., and father of Edmund Earl of Cornwall, who succeeded him in that earldom, and died in 1300. Both Richard and his son were lords of the manor of Woodpery, Ox- fordshire, and a tile of that period, having on it an eagle dis- played with one head, was found on the site of the old church there, associated with another bearing a lion rampant, a device also referable to him, it having been borne gu. crowned or on a field arg. "with a bordure sah. bezanty, both by him and his son as Earls of Cornwall. In Oxford cathedral were tiles of corre- sponding date, bearing respectively an eagle displayed with two heads, a lion rampant, and the arms of England; and at Dure- lord Abbey, Sussex, and at Warblington church, Hants, were an eagle displayed with two heads, and a similar two-headed eagle, having on its breast an escutclieon charged with a lion rampant, intended doubtless for the arms of Edmund Earl of Cornwall, who bore the above-mentioned coat, a lion rampant crowned within a bordure bezanty, upon an eagle displayed, as appears by his seal engraved by Sandford, to show his descent from a King of the Romans. The omission of the crown and bordure is by no means conclusive against the arms on tliis tile having been intended for his ; since in heraldry on tiles such omissions are not unfrequent, especially when, as in this case, the whole design is on a single tile about five inches square. Richard, though crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle, was never Emperor, for, as wrote Martinus Polonus, in the thirteenth century, of Con- rad L, " inter imperatores non numeratur, quia non imperavit in Italia;" but as both these eagles were known in England about 1300, and regarded as devices having some relation to the kingdom or empire of Germany, and the appropriation of that with two heads to the Emperor, and that with one only to the King of the Romans, had certainly not become general even in Germany, it is not surprising that sometimes one and some- times the other should have been used here for the eagle of the King of the Romans by the manufacturers of tiles, whose heraldry was never very exact. There have also been discovered in distant parts of the country certain weights, externally of AISLE OF THE NAVE OF YOKK CATIIEDIJAI.. '-^"^1 brass, marked with a (.louble-hoaded cai^le, and either the arms of Enixhind without the quarteriiiLr of France, or a lion rampant.' These have been referred, and apparently with considerable reason, to the time of Henry 111., and the eagle attributed to Richard King of the Komans. So much has been written on the origin and antiquity of the two-headed or double eagle, especially in Germany, that our limits will not admit of our even referring to the principal pub- lications in which the subject is discussed.- But we have not found it noticed that some of the earliest, if not the earliest, well-authenticated examples of such an eagle are on Saracenic coins, viz., a coin of Emad-ed-din Zeugi, a ruler of Aleppo, a.d. 1184-5; a coin of Es-salah Mahmud, Ortokite prince of Caifa, A.D. 1216-7 ; and another coin of the same prince as ruler of Amid, A.D. 1218. The dates are given on the coins themselves in the years of the Hegira. These numismatic evidences are in the British Museum, and for the reference to them we are in- debted to Mr. W. S. AV. Vaux. An instance of a two-headed eagle is said to have been found on the shield of a soldier among the sculptures upon the column of Antoninus, but it rests on authority that requires confirmation. It is not to be supposed such a solitary and almost unobserved example should have led to the adoption of a like form of eagle by the Emperor of Ger- many. Those coins seem to render it not improbable that the form was derived from the East in one of the Crusades ; but the subject is involved in a mystery which does not seem likely to be ever dispelled. Note. — At the begiuniug of the preceding Memoir the heraldry in the other windows of the nave was mentioned as justifying a confident opinion, that the window above described is the earliest of those which are heraldic in that part of the cathedral. It may not, therefore, be considered irrelevant to our subject, or without interest to our readers, if we subjoin a brief notice of the arms and heraldic devices in early glazing that remain in all the windows of the aisles and cleiirstory of the nave. Some of the heraldry was found diflicult to be made out from below, even with a telescoi^e; of this a close insix?ction alone would have enabled us to speak ix)sitively. Drake has a jjlate (opix)site J). 535), probably from some herald's notes, that purports to give all the aims which in 1G41 were remaining in these and the other windows of the cathedral, but does not state the particular windows in which they were found. While ' See Archa;ologia, vol. XXV. pi. Ixiv.; Empire, and the distinction between the Archicol. Journal, vol. ii. p. 203. Empire and the kingdom of Guruiany, - One of the most curious is Getter's which iu his opiuioji led to the miion of Wappeubelustigung, Augsburg, 17GI, 1, two eagles, are very fully investigated, stuck, in which the origin and history and the opinions of numerous writers of the double-headed eagle, or, as he ou these subjects are quoted and dis- would have it, the double eagle of tlie cussed. 282 ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN THE NORTH several seem to have disappeared, others are unaccountably omitted; a few perhaps may be incorrectly engraved. For the convenience of reference, we will take the windows in order from east to west. Of the windows in the north aisle, which are all of three lights each, the first has been fully described above. The second has no heraldry. The third has the middle light bordered alternately with three lions of England on a red ground, and semy of yellow fleurs-de-lys on a blue ground, for England and France; and in the tracery, at two places, is a yellow castle on a red ground, for Castile. The fourth has each of the two side lights bordered alternately with a white lion rampant on a red ground, for Mowbray, and three red chev- ronels on a yellow ground, for Clare ; the middle light is bordered alternately with three lions of England on a red ground, and three yellow crowns on a blue ground, probably for St. Edmund. The fifth has no heraldry. The sixth has the middle light bordered with yellow fleurs-da-lys on a ground per pale red and blue ; and on a shield in each of the side lights at the top is gu. two swords in saltire, the hilts upwards, for St. Paul ; the tracery has in two places a yellow fleur-de-lys on a red ground. The seventh has no painted glass. Of the windows in the south aisle, which all consist also of three lights each, the first has each of the two side lights bordered alternately with yellow covered cups on a green ground, and white castles on a red ground, probably for Galicia and Castile ; in the east side light at the top is a shield with England a label arg., Thomas of Brotherton, a younger son of Edward I., born in 1300; in the middle light at the top another shield with vert, a cross gu., which is false heraldry, probably due to a repair with old glass, having been originally St. George ; in the west side light at the top another shield Avith gu. three lions passant guardant in pale arg., no doubt for England, the lions arg. being pro- bably due to an omission of the yellow stain, or to a repair ; unless the coat were for Giffard, whose lions were not guardant. The second has no heraldry. The third has four shields of arms, viz., at the top of the middle light England a border arg., Edmund of Woodstock, another son of Edward I., born in 1301, and at the bottom az. a leopard rampant guardant between several fleurs-de- lys arg., Holland; in the middle of the east side light harry of 8 gu. and or, an old coat, but too small for the place, and no doubt an insertion (Drake gives from the chapter-house barry of 8, or and gu., which he attributes to FitzAlan) ; and in the middle of the west side light England within a border az. ; as no such coat is known, we presume the border is a repair with old glass (Drake gives such a coat as existing in 1641). The fourth has five shields of arms, viz., in the middle light at the top England ; in the east side light at the top quarterly 1 and 4 gu. a castle or, and 2 and 3 (clearly a later insertion) az. a dolphin embowed arg., no doubt originally Castile and Leon, and in the middle of the same light oz. semy of sprigs (leaded in) arg. a maunch gu. (Drake gives a coat vair, a maunch gu., which is Mauley), and below is a modern coat ; in the west side light at the top France semy, and in the middle of the same light or a bend apparently gu. (such a coat was borne t. Edward H. by Sir Elys Cotel, but Drake gives, probably instead of this, or a bend sa&., another Mauley). The fifth has in the tracery two yellow keys in saltire on a red ground, for St. Peter. The sixth and seventh have no heraldry ; indeed the latter has no painted glass. The west window of the nortli aisle and the west window of the south aisle have each three lights, and exactly the same heraldic devices, namely, the side lights are each bordered alternately with yellow castles and 3'ellow eagles dis- l)laycd, separated by a ground per pale green and red, most likeh^ for Castile AISLE OF THE NAVE OF YORK CATIIEDnAL. 283 and Gavaston; of the tracery lights two are bordered in Hke manner, another has, instead of the castles and eagles, 3'ello\v crowns, probably for St. Edmund, and another has a lion of England on a red ground. The great west window of the nave, which is of eight lights, has one of the middle lights bordered with yellow crowns, the other with lions of England. The contract for glazing this window was in 133S. The clearstory windows are eight on each side, and have five lights each . The heraldry in them consists exclusively of shields of arms. For convenience of reference these windows will be taken also in their order from east to west, and the lights numbered from the spectator's left. Of the windows on the north side of the clearstory the first has 1. ix)ssibly sab. a lion rampant arg., Verdon, but the field is obscure; 2. England; 3. blank ; 4. "Warenne ; 5. az. three chevronels braced or a chief gu.j FitzHugh. The second has 1. Valence ; 2. England ; 3. blank ; 4. or a cross, probably sab., Yescy ; 5. arg. a canton gu., an old coat of Clare, which became part of the label of Lionel Duke of Clarence a few years later. The third has 1. England within a bordure of France, John of Eltham, son of Edward II., born 1315 and died 133G; 2. gu. a lion rampant cmj., Mowbray; 3. England; 4. ga. a cross incline erm., Beke, Bishop of Durham (Drake ascribes it to Paganel) ; 5. blank. The fourth has 1. i^r cross gu. and vair a bend or, Constable; 2. England ; 3. blank; 4. gu., three water-bougets arg., Eos; 5. or a fess between two chev- ronels gu., Fitz Walter. The fifth has 1. blank; 2. Warenne; 3. England; 4 and 5. blank. The sixth has 1. per cross or and gu.. on a bend sab. three escallops arg., Eure (Sir John was Sherifi" of Yorkshire 1309, 1310); 2. az. a chief indented or, Saunders or FitzRanulph ; 3. England; 4. gu. a saltire arg., Neville ; 5. gu. a lion rampant or, FitzAlan (we observe no billets, but Drake gives the field gu. billety or, and attributes the coat to Bulmer). The seventh lias 1. blank ; 2. gu. three escallops arg., Dacre ; 3. England ; 4 and 5. broken. The eighth has no painted glass. Of the windows on the south side of the clearstory the first has 1. arg. a maunch sab., Hastings (Sir Balph was Governor of York Castle in 1337, and Sheriff of Yorkshire in 1337-8); 2. or a fess dancetty sab., Vavasour; 3. arg. six bars (or three bars gemelles) gu. on a canton sab. a cross patonce or, Etton ; 4. az. three crowns or, St. Edmund ; 5. or a cross patonce sab., a modern copy of an old coat, Sampson (Sir John was Mayor of York 1299 and 1300). The second has 1. or a fess dancetty sab. (modem), Vavasour ; 2. Clare ; 3. &)' a lion rami ant "^m Tercy ; 4. England (modern) ; 5. or a bend sab., Sir Peter Mauley. The third has 1. or a bend sab. as last mentioned ; 2. England ; 3. or on a bend sab. three dolphins arg.. Sir John Mauley ; 4. or on a bend sab. three eagles displayed arg.. Sir Kobert Mauley ; 5. modern coat. The fourth has 1, 2, 3, and 4 too mutilated to be made out ; 5. England : it seems probable from Drake's plate that in this window were the anns of Gavaston. The fifth has 1. chequy or and az. a fess gu., Cliflbrd ; 2. apparently or a fess gu. between six torteaux (but possibly the coat given by Drake as or two bars gu. in chief three torteaux. Wake); 3. England ; 4 as 2 (unless it be the coat given by Drake as or a fess gu. in chief three torteaux, Colville) ; 5. broken. The sixtli has 1. az. across patonce or, Warde (Sir Simon was Sheriff of Yorkshire 1316-21 ; but possibly the coat which is given by Drake as sab. a cross patonce or, La.scells) ; 2. arg. a bend between six martlets gu., Furnival (possibly the same which Drake has given as arg. a bend sab. between six martlets of the last, TemiX'st) ; 3. England; 4. broken ; 5. apparently per fess or and gu., in chief twofleurs-de- iys, and in base two or more c<>unterchanged (but this probably is the same 284 ON AN HERALDIC WINDOW IN YORK CATHEDRAL. whicli is given by Drake as or on a fess between three fleurs-de-lys yu. two others of the field, Deyville). The seventh has 1. az. a fess between three fleurs-de-lys 07% Hoke (Sir William was Sheriff of Yorkshire 1305-7) ; 2. a modern coat ; 3. England ; 4. az. three crescents or, Ryther ; 5. broken. The eighth has no painted glass. In one of these windows on the south side of the clearstory, but we cannot now say which, is the following coat much mutilated : or on a fess between two chevronels gu. three mullets arg., Sir Walter Tyes, who died s. p. in 1324. We have blazoned the preceding coats as they appeared by the aid of a tele- scope. It will be observed that in several instances they differ from those given by Drake which there is reason to think were intended for the same. The variances may perhaps be accounted for sometimes by repairs with old glass since 1641, and sometimes by a difference of opinion as to the colour of the glass, which in many places appears very dirty. In two cases he has given sah. where we have noted gu. ; which may be due to the charges having been of red glass covered with enamel brown to make it opaque, and the enamel having partially come off so as to make the glass now appear a dirty red. The instance in which he has given the field sah. where wo have it az. may perhaps be due to a similar cause. These, however, are questions which a close and careful examination of the glass could alone satisfactorily determine. We must not leave this subject without mentioning that some of the glass in the tracery of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th windows on the north side of the clearstory, and in four of those on the south side, is very old, pro- bably of the twelfth century ; a portion of it is engraved in Browne's ' York Cathedral,' pi. cxxiii. It may have formed part of the glazing of the windows of the nave which existed previously to the erection of the present. Supplementary Note from the ' Archaeological Journal,' vol. xx. p. 330 : — " In the window called the ' Bell-founder's window,' the next window to the one described [in the preceding memoir J, is the representation, in the lower part of the central light, of a figure in civil dress, kneeling before an archbishop who is nimbed and seated on a throne. Over the head of the kneeling figure is a scroll inscribed * Richard Tunnoc ;' and at the bottom of the window are the remains of an inscription, very much mutilated, in which the following words are legible : ' Richard . . . noc me fist . . ,' I have been informed by my friend Rev. J. Raine, the biographer of the Archbishops of York, that in 1320 Richard Tunnoc was one of the sheriffs of York, and that there was a chantry in the Minster, at the altar of St. Thomas of Canterbury, founded for the repose of the soul of Richard Tunnoc, citizen of York." XTV. AX ACCOUNT OF THE PAINTED GLASS IN THE i:ast amxdow of gloucestek cathedral. (From the Archa?t)logical Journal, vol. xx. 186.''.) ^B ^^WW^^^^ ^^S3 B ■ "C F it were possible for any one to suppose that Gotliio arcliitecture was indigenous to tliese northern regions, a glance at the windows of the earlier buildings in the style might suffice to undeceive him. The smallness and fewness of the openings, and deep colours of the glazing, are alike sugges- tive of a climate where a blazing sun exacts this homage to his power. The instinctive desire, under an obscure sky, for light, is exemplified by the increased size given to the windows as the architecture gradually became accli- matised, and by the diminution of their colouring. And after Gothic architecture, in its turn, was superseded by another exotic style better suited to modern wants, a happy appreciation of the popular love of light cha,racterises the works of the greatest of our national architects. Sir Christoplier Wren. It is interesting to follow the progress of these changes, and observe their relation to each other, in the medifeval styles of tirchitecture and glass-painting.^ In the Norman style, and in the earlier part of the Early English, whenever the use of much white glass occurs, it should be regarded as a submission to dire necessity. But the employment of white glass in largo quantity, as a matter of choice, is observable in the latter part of th(.' ' According to Rickman's nomencla- ture, which seems as intelligible as any that has since been inventetl, the Early English style of architecture, which svic- ceeded the Norman towards the last quarter of the twelfth century, was in its turn succeeded by the Decorated in the last quarter of the thirteenth, and this again by the Perpendicular in the liist quarter of the fourteenth. There is no style in painted glass coeval with the Norman in architecture, the glass found in Norman buildings really belonging to the Early English .''tyle of ghuss-puinting, which w;\s suc- ceeded by the Decorated about r28o, and that by the Perpendicular about 1 !80. The Cinquecento style in glass- painting, which was concurrent for a while with the Perpendicular in archi- tecture, commenced about loOO, and ended in 1. ')."»!». 286 PAINTED GLASS IN THE Early English period ; and it continued throughout the Decorated, in an increasing ratio to the coloured. With the Perpendicular style — the style of architecture which we in England associate with the idea of 'Svalls of glass" — occurred a remarkable change in the glass manufacture. The coloured glass was made less deep, and generally speaking more even in tint, alterations absolutely necessary to suit it to the more finished mode of painting then adopted, and which culminated in the cinque- cento ; and white glass, whiter than before, was used in in- creasing profusion. The result is of course to occasion the transmission of a greater amount of light through the glazing. These changes were accompanied, at particular epochs, with remarkable alterations in the details of the design ; peculiarities on which the antiquary mainly relies as affording indications of date, and which are nearly, but not strictly, synchronous with changes in the corresponding details of the architecture — the change in the architectural detail usually preceding by a few years that in the painted glass. A remarkable illustration of this fact is afforded by the great east window of Gloucester cathedral, and its glazing. The stone framework of the window is an early but decided example of the Perpendicular style, and the painted glass is a pure example of the Decorated. So pure is it indeed, that, but for the incontrovertible evidence of date afforded by the heraldry in the window, we should hesitate to proclaim it to be one of the latest instances of the Decorated style of glass-painting. It presents no feature really indicative of the great change of style which was then imminent. Its material,^ its mode of execution, the use of " smear-shading," ^ the forms of the hunan features, especially of the eye and nose, all are such as any well-pro- nounced specimen of the style exhibits. The general design, too, of the glass-painting, though in some respects novel, is in strict accordance with the rules of the Decorated style, and has no resemblance to a Perpendicular example, except in the very large proportion which the white glass in it bears to the coloured. The design of the glass-painting will be more readily com- 1 The red used is the "streaked" and "stippled" shading is explained in sort, which ceased to be manufactured the ' Inqiiiry into the Difference of Style soon after the middle of the fourteenth observable in Ancient Glass Paintings, century. The peculiarity of its appear- by an Amateur,' vol. i. pp. 16, 125. ance is owing to the mode in which the The one is characteristic of the Deco- metallic copper, its principal colouring rated, the other of the Perpendicular material, is precipitated in the process. style. See also Archaeological Journal, ^ The difference between "smear" ix. p. 47, and ante, p. 80. EAST WINDOW OF GLOUCKSTKIJ CAIMIKDHAL. 2S7 l^rolieinlcd hv ;i n^foreiico to tliat of the stoucwork, which is shown by the ac('oiu|)aiiyin<; diaiiram (fii^. ]). It will bo seen that there are towards the toj) of the central portion of the window two tiers of lower lights more than in the wings of the window. The space left blank in the diagram, towards tlie bottom of tlie window, is occnpied partly witli solid stonework, partly with lights open to the Lady Chapel, and which never have been glazed.^ The remains of the original glass plainly show that the tiers of lights in the wings of the window, marked B b, bb, were filled with patternwork principally of white glass, the lights being glazed with white qnarries, each ornamented with a star, and having a narrow edging on its two upper sides so arranged as to form, w^hen the qnarries are placed together, a reticulated pattern ; and being bordered with an ornamental pattern of white and yellow foliage and flowers on a red ground. These borders are cut through by the arched tracery bars shown in the diagram. At present they pass into the spandrels of the lights in the tiers A a, a a. It is more probable that these spandrels were originally filled with ornamented quarries, like the spandrels of the tiers b b, b B, c c, and the pierced transom which separates these tiers. The lights in the tiers A a, a a, retain none of their original glazing. It is most likely that they were treated in the same way as the lights of the tiers B b, b b. The lights of the tier c c were quarried and bordered precisely in the same way as the lights in the tiers b b, b b. And they were enriched by the insertion, in the upper part of the light, of an ornamented panel containing a shield of arms, and, in the lower part, of a small ornamented roundel. The original panels remain in all the wing lights : in the centre lights they have been destroyed, and in four of these lights a second row of shields has been inserted at a late period. The loss of some of the original shields from the centre of the tier is also to be regretted. The lights throughout the next tier, D d, are each filled with a canopy enshrining a single figure. The canopy base serves as a ^ In plan thi3 window forms a shallow second largest window in the kingdom bay, its centre being slightly advanced which retains its original glazing. The eastward, and joined with the wings at Gloucester window is about 72 ft. high obtuse angles. Though the Gloucester and 38 wide, and the York window, window is larger than the east window which is entirely glazed, about 78 ft. of York Minster, yet, if we consider the high and 33 wide. The contract for extent of the glazing, it is only the glazing the latter is dated 1-40'). 288 PAINTED GLASS IN THE FJC .3 /\^ FIG. I 53 ^^ ^^ ^^ '7X7^ ?^^ f^f^ f^f^ 54- SS 56 57 62 63 64 66 nnnn nutm B a [5. B i^^ Vy'^i^r^ vr^7^ fT^ m^ £3 Diagram illusthativic of teie East Wr^^uow of Gloucester Cathedral. EAST WTXDOW OF (irorCKSTKll CATIIKDIIA L. 280 pedestal io the fiiifui-e, and oeeupies tlie entire width of the h'p^lit ; a fact worthy of observation on account of tlie proof it affords that tlie series of shrinework in the window, the j^osition of wliich is indicated by the siiading in tlie diagram, was intended to commence in this tier of lights, and not in any lower tier. The canopy is of siin})le design, consisting of side jambs which support a flat-fronted arched hood, surmounted with a tall crocketed pediment terminating witlihi the light in a tinial. On each side of the pediment is represented, in very strange per- spective, the side of a part of a high-pitched roof which may be supposed to run parallel with the front of the window, and to cover the niches of all the canopies in this tier. The side jambs do not terminate in this tier of lights, but proceed upwards, without further interruption than that occasioned by their being cut through by the stone framework, behind whi(;h they appear to pass, into the lights of the next tier; tlirough which they a2:ain iiroceed, and so on, until those in the win<2: liahts terminate in finials in the tiers f f, f f, and those in the centre lights in the tier H H. The side jambs support, in each of the lights of the tier E e, a flat-fronted arched canopy hood, surmounted with a high crocketed pediment, which terminates in a finial in the centre light of the ])ierced transom above ; and in each of the lights of the tier F F, F F, a flat-fronted arched canopy hood surmounted with a high crocketed pediment, behind which rises a lofty crocketed spire, terminating within the light in a flnial. In like manner, in each of the lights of the central tier gg, is supported a canopy hood, the spires and pinnacles of which a-scend into the lights of the tier H ii, which they occupy, and where they terminate. As before mentioned, each canopy, pediment, and spire ter- minates in a finial. But from behind each of the pediments in the tiers D D, E E, and of the spires in the central tier F f, there issues a shaft, which proceeds upwards into the light immediately above, where it finishes in a bracket, having no connexion with the canopy jambs, and which serves as a pedestal for the figure in that light. Thus the figures in the tier E E stand u})on brackets ultimately supported by the pediments in the tier i) d ; those in the tier F f, f f, upon brackets virtually sustained by the pediments in the tier E E ; and those in the tier G G ui)on brackets sui»ported in like manner by the .spires in the centre tier F F. But the spires in the wing tiei*s F f and ff, and in the centre tier ii ii, are not surmounted with any shafts; which shows clearly that the termination of th<' shrinework in these r 290 PAINTED GLASS IN THE tiers of lights is original. In corroboration of tliis I may add that the heads of the lights in the wing tiers F F and F F, and in the centre tier h h, are, alone of the liglits containing the shrine- work, each bordered with a nai-row strip of plain white glass. The shrine work is entirely, and the figures are almost entirely, composed of white glass, enriched w^ith the yellow stain. It, as well as the figures, is backed with red and blue glass in alternate vertical stripes. The colours of the stripes are denoted in the diagram by the direction of the diagonal lines of the shading. The shading from left to right indicates red, — that from right to left, blue. It will be perceived that the centre stripe occupies the space of two lights, and is red, and that the other stripes are of the width of one light apiece, and alternately blue and red. The general effect of the window is that of a series of white canopies and figures upon a coloured ground. The continuation of the same colour perpendicularly alike through the spire-grounds and niches of the canopies, imparts breadth to the design, whilst monotony is prevented by the alternation of the red and blue stripes ; and great point and prominence are given to the centre of the design by the double width of the middle stripe, and its red colour. The remains of the glazing of the tracery lights show that this portion of the composition was formed of a pattern of white glass, enriched with a few coloured ornaments. The small holes in the tracery are filled witli plain pieces of white glass, and the other lights are bordered with plain strips of the same material, and filled with white quarries ornamented like those in the lower part of the window. The topmost light. No. 1, is now occupied with the figure of a pope,^ and canopy, both of the fifteenth century. In all probability this light was originally filled with ornamented quarries, and it is not unlikely that it was enriched as the lights Nos. 2, 2, are, with a large five-pointed flaming star of yellow pot-metal glass, or some similar ornament. The lights Nos. 3, 3, 3, 3, are each adorned with a small ornamental roundel in white and yellow stained glass. Thus the general design of the window may be divided into three parts. The lower part, and top, consisting of a silvery expanse of white ornamental work ; and the middle, of a grand series of shrinework, rendered the more imposing by its towering centre and bold horizontal summit. Though richly coloured, ^ The figure wears a triple-crowned tiara, and holds a double cross. I suspect it was brought from the Lady Chapel. EAST WINDOW OF GLOUCESTER CATTIEDKAI, 291 especially towards tlie top, this part of the composition contains so much white as to prevent its forming too decided a contrast witli the rest of tlie window. The dispro[)ortion between the white ornamented space below, and that above the shrinework, which appears in the diagram, is in reality not felt, on account of the partial obscuration of the lower part of the window by the mass of the Lady Chapel ; and which, by varying the colours, greatly increases the beauty and effect of the design. The Lady Chapel that existed when the window was put up, though smaller than tlie present, was large enough to have produced a somewhat similar effect ; a circumstance which may have determined the designers of the glass shrine work not to carry it lower than the fourth tier of liglits from the bottom. As a doubt of the originality of the present arrangement has, however, been expressed, it is hoped that the following con- siderations may assist in dispelling it. The principle of filling the middle part of a window with shrinework highly enriched with colour, and the upper and lower parts with little else than wdiite iiatternwork, was too commonly adopted throughout the Decorated period to render it necessary to quote instances of the practice. And though the elevating of the centre of the shrinework above its flanks, as in this example, is as unique in this country as it is striking and beautiful in effect, it should be recollected that similar arrangements may be observed in Continental designs con- temporaneous, or nearly so, with it. Again, the general arrange- ment of the upper part of the design of the east window harmonizes with that of the clearstory windows of the choii-. These windows, five in number on each side, at present retain sufficient fragments of their original glazing to indicate its design. Each of these windows is divided by stonework into two tiers of lower lights and a head of tracery. The four lights of the lower tier each contained a figure^ and canopy, coloured ^ Xo part of these figures remains, f f, f f of that win«lo\v, being, liovvevcr, ■which prevents the fact of any removals somewhat shorter than the hitter ; they thence into the east window (however are also about 3 in. wider than the probable) being tested by admeasure- widest lights of the east window, i.e. ment. l*arts of no less than six figures, the six central lights. They, therefore, coeval with the glass in the clearstory, may be conceived to have originally may be seen, as insertions in the lower contained figures somewhat larger than part of the east windtjw of the La