^ START SCANNING HERE C -A- T .A. I_i O Q XT E OF THE COLLECTION OF 11 r< ; 11 _ class PICTURES 3% (OUr Jltastm of tljr JBntcIj Jskljonl, OF SIR EDWARD J. DEAN PAUL, BART. DECEASED, Late of Cambridge House, Twickenham, and 7 St. George’s Place, S.W. s which (by Order of the Executors ) Mill Be So IB Bn Ruction Bn Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THSIE GEEAT &OOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1896, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. im (fundi? LaC^P c.-z May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had of Messrs. S. Hughes & Sons, Solicitors for the Executors, 33 Bedford Street , Covent Garden, W.C., and at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square , S. IV. 15%'14$ Lugt, 5V5?3 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 0 I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 189G, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. DRAWINGS, Etc. ^ * /y / G? 1 Squirrels, after Sir E. Landseer, by T, Landseer^-arfwt’s proof engraving J 2 Portraits; Photographs; &c. 8 PARIS. 3 Two Parisian Scenes ; and one, by Andrieux a UNKNOWN. f ' /d , & 4 Four Family Portraits— crayons 4 /* / . tP 5 A Fair, with figures dancing; and three others 4 i? , iS 7 # 6 Portrait of Lady Ann Simpson — chalJc s/ / * 0-, 7 A Bacchante, with a triangle— in crayons , oval / 1 /J~, & 8 Two Portraits of Ladies — pastel, oval \^erz^r. 2 9 A Coast Scene, with shipping a ^/ l ^ ^ N. M. 2 /^/ 4 ^^^. B ‘ 2 10 The Swing— pen and inJc 4 J. W. ANDERSON. 11 Shipping, off the Coast BOUCHER. . 12 Nymphs and Cupids— a pair , chalk / > /J , O BOULOGNE. 13 Head of a Child— chalk FRENCH SCHOOL. 14 First Class : and Third Class— a pair s/ Z - GREUZE. 16 An Interior, with figures GENGEMBRE. 16 A Garden Scene, with figures 17 A Nymph— chalk VAN DER WERFF. ^ CALLOW. 18 A Lake Scene CASANOVA. 2 > /J7 19 A Camp Scene ; and A Hunting Scene — a pair c_^ 2 0 / *■/ & + 20 Snowballing MARONN. 5 21 SoLDIEttS O. NORRIE. A. PARK. 22 A Paris Street Scene l„/o RAMELET. 23 An Interior, with figures , <9 J. WHICHELO. 24 A Coast Scene BASSANO (After). 25 The Return of the Prodigal ; and Figures at a Fire t ^ * eAy PICTURES. 26 A Female Head ; A River Scone, with watermill; and A View of a Town —on paper O-. -o 27 Two Views NASH (After). UNKNOWN. is* __28 Three Portraits of Gentlemen A /J . O 3 EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL. J,/J. / J. BARKER (of Bath). 29/ A River Scene, with ruins and figures rf / 26 in . by 84^ in . EARLY ENGLISH. 30 Studies for Portraits /fVK ° 20 in . by 161 in . ft/ ^' // r J* J a EARLY ENGLISH. 31 A River Soene, with buildings and figures 6 EARLY ENGLISH. 32 Portrait of a Gentleman— oval—small J. GOOCH. 33 Views of Cambridge House —a pair a. ^ 4 £, 6 HOGARTH. 34 An Interior, with figures drinking and smoking, and dogs 18 in . by 2 U in . J. HOPPNER, R.A. 35 PORTRAIT OF A LADY, in white dress and pink scarf, her b ^ /— * , loft arm leaning on a pedestal iJZ e> > / j, O 29 in . by 24£ in . G. LAMBERT. 36 An 0 Italian River Scene the foreground 36 in . by 45 in . , with boats, and two figures angling in , G. MORE AND. 37 A Peasant Seated at a Cottage Door, with pipe and jug on C > a table; a girl standing behind ; and a child with, a cat at his side J 12 in . by 10^ in . SCOTT. 7 7 ^7 38 A View of London, from the Thames, with boats ami figures * d it ^ SCOTT. 39 A View of London, looking towards Westminster^^—— SCOTT. 40 A View on the Thames, looking ^ & London Bridge towards St. Paul’s, with old SCOTT. 41 A View of Charing Cross, 0 with Northumberland House SCOTT. [/T "/? ^2 Views of London —a pair SCOTT. ^ 43 Views of London— a pour % o 9 x\~ i I'?-) fvv^ \Ay ^ ^ Jl4 ^v^wrf ( I-kvs/v^j C cj-. tv!(S«^M • P • **A~> ) ^ W P l-k^H B G\/<* n SIR M. A. SHEE, P.R.A, 44 Portrait of a Young Lady, in a white dress with gold waist- . *f * £ band and chain necklace 29 in. by 25 in. VEEDDSSEN. 45 Old Views of Richmond R. WILSON, RA. 46 A View in Italy, with ruins and figures y . , 17 in. by 21 in. J/~ /* - <£ DUTCH SCHOOL. f fJ « L. BACKHUYZEN. 47 A VIEW ON THE ZUYDER ZEE, with the fortress of Naarden iD the distance, represented under the aspect of a fresh breeze. The principal object which meets the eye is a Dutch coaster, with eleven sailors on board, several of whom are engaged putting packages into a boat lying alongside of it, in which are three men ; beyond these are two fishing boats with dark sails; a few other vessels, at various distances, are also in view ; the tower of the church, and some of the principal buildings of the fortress, are faintly perceptible in the distance It would be impossible to adduce a more exquisitely painted or beautiful example of the master than this presents. Signed On panel —15 in. by 19 in. Brought from Amsterdam , 1828 Exhibited at the British Gallery , 1834 From the Collection of Sir C. Bagot, K.C.B. Smith’s * Catalogue Baisonne,’ No. 114 9 BEERESTRAATEN. 48 A Seapout, with shipping and figures /Or / O?. ^ 34 in. by 47 in. NICHOLAS BERCHEM. 49 PEASANTS WITH CATTLE FORDING A RIVER. This delightful picture represents a fertile country with a broad river flowing obliquely through it, the farther bank of which / £ O , f i s adorned with clumps of lofty umbrageous trees On are a herd of cows and a number of sheep, the greater which have entered the river and are followed by two one of whom is mounted on an ass, the other is on foots carrying a kid under her arm, the dam of which is by her side; with these are also a herdsman and a boy, the latter driving before him a goat and two sheep, and the former stands leaning on a staff near two fine cows; a peasant on an ass, conversing with a man on foot, are on the farther margin of the river, and beyond the trees are seen a number of cattle distributed over the meadows ; and besides these, there is, at some distance off, a second party, with cattle just entering the stream ; the appearance is that of a fine autumnal morning. This beautiful production exhibits in perfection the sur¬ prising genius and fascinating science of this accomplished painter Signed , and dated 1680 26 in. by 31 in. From the Collection of M. Lambert , 1787 From the Collection of M. de Bruyn, 1797 From the Collection of M. Brentano , 1823 From the Collection of IF. Wilkins, Esq., 1830 From the Collection of Bichard Foster, Esq. Engraved by Baudet in the Le Brun Gallery Engraved by J. Boydell Smith's ‘ Catologue Baisonne,' No. 90 the left part of women, & 10 A. VAN BEYEREN. 50 A Fishmonger's Stall J' , O Signed A.V.B. 27 in. by 36 in. F. BOUCHER. 51 CHILDREN PLAYING AT SEE-SAW o 28 in. by 51^ in. to 3? f £ ✓ BOUT AND BODWYNS. 52 A Woody Landscape, with figures and horses ai an iim door 38 in. by 54 in. R. BRACKENBORG. 53 The Sick Lady : an interior with six figures / 7 - /y. e 19 in. by 16 in. BREUGHEL. /p * ^ ' o 54 A Dutch Village, on a river, with travelling peasants, boats and figures On copper- —12^ in. by 16 in. BREUGHEL. //*//, 59 TRAVELLERS HALTING TO REFRESH THEIR STEEDS. The principal object is an unmounted white horse, which is drinking out of a pail held by a boy wearing a red y/r /^jacket; at the same time the rider stands behind his steed ; on the farther side of the latter is a second gentleman, mounted on a bay horse, extending his left hand as if pointing at some distant object; they are followed by two dogs Painted in the Artist's early time On copper —8§ in. by Ilf in. From the Collection of George Morant, Esq., 1832 Smith's ‘ Catalogue Raisonne,' No. 168 A. CUYP. V- 4 ) 60 A LANDSCAPE, with a cavalier in a red jacket and a hat with feather, on a white horse, in conversation with a boy carrying a stick in his left hand ; two peasants with cows and sheep 0^* under a tree on the left; a round tower and hills beyond; a lake on the right Signed On panel —9 in. by Ilf in. 4 12 /SJ'Z 0~, J'J, /*r. /j, /< //. /#,/#. < A. GUYP. 61 A DUTCH RIVER SCENE, with a fishing boat with eleven figures, one of whom is letting go the sail; man-of-war and boats beyond on the left; figures on a rustic jetty and boats inside a harbour on the opposite bank Signed, and dated 163- On panel —19 in. by 27 in. From the Collection of the late Hon. and Rev. T. Coventry , of Stoke Severn CUYP. 62 A Falconer Carrying a Bittern, and attended by a market woman 60 in. by 55 in. CUYP. 63 A Fish Stall 38 in. by 48 in. VAN DIEST. 61 A River Scene, with buildings, figures fpfi. animal^ DIETRICY. 65 The Manege, in the style of P. Wouverman ; and the Com- panion —a pair 16 in. by 19^ in. DIETRICY. 66 A Landscape, with ruins, and a peasant with animals, in the style of Berehem 41 in. by 37£ in. 13 G. DOW (School of). 67 An Interior, with a woman seated blowing a fire, surrounded by utensils ✓ & Signed G. 13 in. by 10£ in. DUTCH SCHOOL. 68 Tke^ Dutch Fleet /I AC <6 24 in. by 33 in. G. EDEMA. 69 A Landscape, with The Flight into Egypt £ , , £> 21 in. by 25 in. FURINI. 70 The Martyrdom of St. Agatha; and the Companion , ^/y , O 53 in. by 42^ in. JAN FYT. 71 A Monkey, with dead birds and vegetables 38^ in. by 45 in. A. GRIMOU. /) ♦ ^ 72 A Violin Player r ^ 24 in. by 18 in. 73 Ecce Homo As * ^ 24 in. by 18 in. GTJERCINO. 14 \HA iC M. HOBBEMA. 74 A WOODY LANDSCAPE, with an overshot mill on tho right, the machinery of which has ceased to work, and the water is running to waste into tho stream which flows along tho extremity of the foreground, on the left of which is a clump of trees; a high road passes the mill and leads to a cottage enveloped in trees which forms a vista to the road; the front ground is skilfully broken, and varied with herbage and planks of wood. A clear and good example of the^master Signed 14 in. by 14 in. f/ From the Collection of Joseph Barchard, Esq., 1826 From the Collection of Mr. Niewenhuys, 1833 From the Collection of Henry Bevan, Esq. Smith’s ‘ Catalogue Baisonne ,’ No. 54 HUGHTENBURG. / / 75 A Landscape, with peasants watering horses and boys bathing * 6 f O Signed 19 in. by 22 in. ITALIAN SCHOOL. Jy * ^y , 76 A Negro Boy 25 in. by 21J in. G. CAMPHUYSEN. 77 Interior of a Shed, with two cows tethered; an old woman seated at needlework near a table on which is a dead duck and cabbage; a woman churning in the background on the left; a brass kettle, a milk-pail and other utensils on the ground in front, illumined by a ray of sunshine from an open door Si a nei (jy&aL On panel —15 in. by 14£ in. r 15 C. LE BRUN. 78 The Family of Darius before Alexander ft 18 in. by 27 in. C. LE BRUN. 79 Classical Deities Jy , /fty , 36 in. by 48 in. SIR P. LELY. 80 A Lady, as the Magdalen, before a crucifix ftf , l f r O 49 in. by 39£ in. ' -C^ F. H. MANS. 81 A Dutch River Scene, with buildings, boats, figures and ^ . /x ft) animals 19 in. by 24 in. C. MARATTI. 82 The Annunciation f ^ nJ* ' ft) 38 in. by 26 in. C. MARATTI. 83 The Holy Family, with angels /ft ,/ ft? , ft Oval —51 in. by 40 in. G. METSU. 84 THE SEMPSTRESS: a lady in a light brown velvet jacket trimmed with white fur, blue silk petticoat, lace cap and pearl earrings, seated at needlework which rests on a cushion on O her lap, near a table covered with a Persian carpet on which are two books ; a basket at her side on the left (V? 84 in. by 7\ in. c 16 METSTT. 85 A Market Woman Selling Fish //* //• ' On panel—11^ in. by 10 in. JAN MIEL. f *4 r 0 86 The Interior of a Building, with Italian peasants and a dog 24 in. by 32 in. [juasitiiifc uuu a uug ^ /sCs F. MIERIS. s<~ 0 87 A BEAUTIFUL BOY, at a window, blowing bubbles; in the background is a woman with a dog in her arms, and on the sill of the window are a cap adorned with feathers, and a bottle , with a sunflower in it Dated 1663 On copper —10| in. by 7f in.—arched top Mentioned by Descamps in the Collection of the Due d'Orleans , 1754 From the Collection of M. de Calonne, 1795 From the Collection of Lord Bendlesham, 1806 Again in the same Collection, 1809 Engraved in the Le Brun Gallery Engraved by Ingouf Smith's ‘ Catalogue Baisonne ,’ No. 6 F. MILLti. 88 Liana Hunting— a pair A- /e 76 in. by 53 in. 17 A C. MOLENAER. 89 A Village Scene, with horsemen and other figures at an inn ~ door; a village church in the distance on the left Signed 16 in. by 20^ in. yyy^ , MOUCIIERON. 90 A Landscape, with goats ^ t/ , O 26 in. by 35 in. MOUCIIERON and LINGELBACH. 91 The Gakdens op a Palace, with numerous figures dancing, playing, and regaling near a fountain; a carriage arriving on > ^4 yy , & the left y(’ s? 44 in. by 49 in. y V MOUCHERON and VAN DE VELDE. 92 An Upbight Rocky Landscape, with sportsmen with dogs on a '#■ road near a river 35 in. by 25^ in. /fyls A. VAN DEE NEER. 93 A FROZEN RIVER SCENE, with numerous figures skating and playing golf; a town with three churches and a windmill /&. . /&• S~. j-. SPANISH SCHOOL. 107 A Lady, in black dress, white and gold embroidered petticoat, £7 a fan in her left band, her right resting on a dog, on the table <■— 80 in. by 46 in. H. STOOP. 108 An Italian Landscape, with a hawking party halting and baiting horses at a trough On panel — 23 in. by 32 in. A. STORCK. 109 A Grand Naval Engagement Signed 43 in. by 69 in. A. STORCK. ^0 A Seaport, with shipping and figures 28 in. by 32 in. T. STRANOYER. 111 A Head Hare and Vegetables, on a table * 7 . 34 in. by 51 in. J. VAN STRY. 112 Travelling Peasants, crossing a bridge A / j Signed 64 in. by 54 in. /y J. VAN STRY. 113 Travelling Peasants, attacked by brigands ^ 20 in. by 26^ in. !/£/* 114 A View of Genoa 30 in. by 49 in. TASSI. 21 D. TENIERS. 115 THE ALCHYMIST. The interior of a laboratory well furnished with crucibles, retorts and other chemical appa¬ ratus. The operator, a venerable man wearing a fur cap, stands on the right, blowing under a crucible, and observing ^with watchful eye the effect of the fire ; he is assisted by a ' youth who is on the farther side of the furnace, and also by three men, one of whom is pounding something in a mortar; among a variety of objects in the foreground is a cat 1 , Signed , and dated 1649 23 in. by 32 in. From the Collection of Minderhout de Neuville, 1765 From the Collection of Baroness Thoms, near Leyden, 1816 From the Collection of Chevalier Erarcl, Baris Smith's ‘ Catalogue Baisonne,' No. 447 D. TENIERS. 116 AN INTERIOR, with a youthful peasant, wearing a red cap and a blue jacket, seated in a chair, lighting his pipe at a pot of embers; three other boors are near a fire in the back of the room ^ ' Signed On panel —12£ in. by 10^ in. From the Collection of Mr. Artis Major has engraved a print of the above composition, from a picture then in the collection of M. Le Blanc, entitled “ Passe-temps Flamand ” Smith's ‘ Catalogue Baisonne,' No. 305 if /