THE COLLECTION OF PICTURES or THB LATB Colonel JOHN HARGREAVES. i\ACUO 0-Aua?.A.IL,0O"CrE OP THE HIGHLY IMPOKTANT COLLECTION OF Modern Pictures Colonel JOHN HAEGEEAVES, Deceased, late of Maiden Erlegh, Berks : WHICH {hy Order of the Executes) Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PBECISELY. May be publicly viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St, James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. n. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 6s. ; and so on in proportion. m. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot , and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be i^aid on the delivery. V [I. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1896, AT ONE CLOCK PEECISELT. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. 1 Snipe 5/^^ I 2 Moor-Hen A. BROUN. A. BROUN. ^ 3 Grouse — oval i'/'^-l 4 Plover — oval A. BROUN. A. BROUN. A. BROUN. 7 y«.^ 5 Dead Partridges in Landscape /.. f G. CATTERMOLE. 6 The Return from the Wars B 2 J. FULLEYLOVE. 7 Thb Gaedens, Versailles A. HEEBERT, 1859. 8 Entering the Harbour : A squally day E. G. KELLEY. ( 9 Liverpool Exchange and Free Library l A '!>[4.-^A^i^^ E. G. KELLEY I 10 Approach to the Landing Stage, Liverpool V l^'^-Uo X^Ta^A/^^erV.^ E. G. KELLEY. 11 The Landing Stage, Liverpool /^ Ly^^ E. W. FEASEE. 12 On the Mole (^ "/ 1 fi. H E. W. FEASEE. ^ /l^ 13 BiDDENHAM FoRD Vj L^f C 0. NOEIE. ^^ 14 Highlanders on the March Mcc/i/* ^ -^^ _ J. SYEE, June. ff) ^ ' / ' ^ 15 Windsor Castle /S~^^ Z^ /^ . MISS ELIZABETH THOMPSON (Lady Butler). // 16 Eelieving Skirmishers — signed v >./'■(• "......^fc"-^ i Gbay. A m LANDSEEE. / 19 A Highlanber— pencz'Z drawings 7 ^ tC^ s 4^% PICTURES. 20 Broad Oak, Accrington, a woody landscape with cascade, below which a man is fishing 25 in. by 35 ^w. 21 Near Broad Oak, Accrington, a woody landscape with sheep in the foreground and buildings in the middle distance 25 in. by 35 in. juitc J. A. AITKEN. _^ /,. ^ "Z, 22 Tor Castle, Inverlochy Signed 1882 19^ in. by 29^ in. J. A. AITKEN. ^ l) 23 The Sanottjary, Gaick forest Signed 1881-2 471 in. by 71^ in. ^4 6 E. ANSDELL, E.A. 24 AiRDALB Terrier and Blenheim Spaniel Signed 1835 24^ in. by 29^ in. /^p-^'C^^^ L)^u^ E. ANSDELL, E.A. 25 THE SHEPHEED'S EEVENGE Signed 1871 35 in. by 71^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1871 Painted for John Eargreaves, Esq. AUGUSTE BONHEUE. 26 Cattle Crossing a Stream ^ COt/tAy/*''^''^^'^^- Signed •' 25 in. by 39 in. G. H. BOUGHTON, E.A. f , ; / VA ' 27 A NEW ENGLAND WITCH ' l^ Signed 43 in. by 33^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 P. H. CALDEEON, E.A. /? /p ' 28 IL PENSEEOSO ^' y^jC<^ ^ ^ Signed 1867 'y 27i in. by 35i in. ^ . , /»^ "ty - p. H. CALDEEON, E.A. 29 L' ALLEGED ' ■ h.yO^ Signed 1868 271 in. by 35J m. p. H. CALDERON, R.A. -y ON THE BANKS OF THE RIVER CL A IN, near Poitiers Sianed 1866 . ' -^ Signed 1866 ^^ 7 A,^'41 in. by 56 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1866 SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A. // I y^/ l 31 View of the Rivek, with St. Paul's Cathedral : early morning 27 in. by 36 in. ,^^ SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A. 32 Classical Landscape, with temple and figures 27| in. by 42J m. From the J. E. Fordham Collection S. CARTER. // 33 DiscoBD Signed 1869 18 in. by 16 in. S. CARTER. /, ) / ' 34 " Oft in the Stilly Night " / Y Signed 1867 ^^C 131 in, by 17| in. S. CARTER. ;35 A Child of the Forest // / ^ %we(? 1870 ^^^ 19^ m. by 23^ in. S. CARTER. -^ ^ 36 Little Foxes -^ e,'- %ned 1874 19^ in. by 23^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 VICAT COLE, R.A. / 37 Skowdon ■' . /^ ^ Sifjneil 1872 ^ 131 m. by 20^ in. VICAT COLE, E.A. - ^ '^'^ 38 STKEATLEY ^iM^J Signed 1881 37^ in. by 56^ m. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1881 VICAT COLE, E.A, J'--^ 39 WARGRAVE 5t>ed 1881 35^ in. by 56^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1881 >/^ d^ VICAT COLE, E.A. 40 LOCH SCAVAIG, Isle of Skye " A while their route they silent made, As men who stalk for mountain-deer, Till the good Bruce to Konald said, ' St. Mary ! what a scene is here ! I've traversed many a mountain-strand, Abroad and in my native land, And it has been my lot to tread Where saft- ty more than pleasure lead ; Thus many a waste I've wandered o'er, Clombe many a crag, cross'd many a moor. But, by my halidome, A scene so rude, so wild as this, Yet so sublime in barrenness, Ne'er did my wandering footsteps press.' " Scott's Lord of the Isles, Canto m.. Stanza xiii. Signed 1875 55J in. by 89 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1875 Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 9 T. S. COOPEE, E.A. ^ ^^ 41 Fording the Stream : cattle crossing a shallow ford, followed by a boy on a donkey Signed 1833 19^ in. by 27^ in. f^p r^'c^ Signed 1877 11^ in. by 15^ in. E. FRERE. 54 The Slide Signed 1877 13 in. by 16 in. E. FRERE. /To ^^ ^^^^ Time %wed 1877 PaweZ — 17^ in. by 21^ in. 4i /o "^d ^' W. p. FRITH, R.A. 56 THE WINNING HAZARD Signed 1872 37i in. by 43i in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1873 From the Collection of T. 0. Potter, Esq., of Liverpool m Z^o S^d 12 F, GOODALL, E.A. 57 Feeding the Eabeits Signed 1862 25^ in. by 21 in. PETER GEAHAM, E.A. 58 TWILIGHT 35 in. by 49 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1875 PETEE GEAHAM, E.A. 59 O'EE MODE AND MOSS " When in the crimson cloud of eve, The lingering light decays," Signed 1867 42^ in. by 63^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1867 / PETEE GEAHAM, E.A. '2> h ^^ ^^-^ ABERDEEN COAST Signed 30 in. by 45 in. ^^D M) y. V PETER GEAHAM, E.A. 61 THE SEABIEDS' EESTING PLACE Signed 1879 42 in. by 64^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1879 Exhibited at the Royal Jvhilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 r J KEELEY HALSWELLE. 62 CuLHAM : The eve of a storm Signed 1880-2 13^ in. by 24 in. //a 13 KEELEY HALSWELLE. ^1^ 63 GOBING Ui %ne 70 GATHERING CLOUDS, Medmenham Signed 1878 41^ in. by 69^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1879 KEELEY HALSWELLE. 71 AFTER EAIN Signed 1881 ^ 47^ in. by 71^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1881 v^t^ KEELEY HALSWELLE. ^ 72 KOYAL WINDSOE: Morning vU fflT^^^ ^ Signed lS8d ^ ^ 471 in. by 83^ «n. Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1883 Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 J. HARDY. /^/ 73 Eetbieveb, with grouse in his mouth 131 in. by 9^ in. W. HAVELL. ^ ^ 74 The Beamshill Hunt - . . ' /U(/^ ^ 36 in. by 57 in. /o 6- /o H. HFJ-MICK. 75 Datught Signed 1874 20 in. by 15^ in. W . B . HOLL. 76 Meditation Signed 17 t». by 13^ in. J. A. B. JAY. 77 " 'Ware, there, Challenqeb >} Signed 1880 29^ in. by 42| ^ in. J. A. B. JAY. 78 On the Koad Home Signed 1878 20^ in. by 27 i'n. J. A. B. JAY. 79 GoxNQ Home Signed 1881 30 in. by 451 , in. A. JOUEDAN. 80 Maternal Affection Signed 17i in. by 14 ^ in. r-^i / lyt/^t^r-^'^ ^ yj 79 GoxNQ Home yV^ ~^ Signed 1881 ^C^ 5y 80 Maternal Affection ^/ ^^ ^ ^ I Signed ' ' : - ' C. LANDELLE. / 44 81 An Egyptian Water Carrier / ^> ^ 51 in. by 32^ in. c/-^^' / /^ ^« fiM'(^'^^-^ SIR E. LANDSEER, E.A. 82 Tkomie Beidge, Kingussie, in the foreground three women lighting a fire, a boy, and a highland pony 101 in. by 12A in. . ^ A-t U SIR E. LANDSEER, E.A. 83 The Eiveb Teomie, Glen Tromie 13^ in. by 10 in. ^4 (/. SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 84 THE PENSIONERS 14 in, by 23 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1864 Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 Engraved by F. Stacpoole, A.R.A. From the Collection of John Hargreaves, Esq., Sen., 1873 DAVID LAW. / . 85 View op " The Mount," Bishopstoke ///t. Signed 1875 41 in. by 71 in. J^ B. W. LEADER, A.R.A. -'^ 86 "THE PLOUGHMAN HOMEWARD PLODS HIS WEARY WAY" Signed 1884 25| in. by 43f in. Signed 1874 26 in. by 44^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1875 / 17 F. R. LEE, R.A. and T. S. COOPER, R.A. 7 ^ 87 SUMMER BREEZES ^/a Signed 1848 49^ in. by 7U in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1848 Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 88 CATARINA 20i in. by 15f in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1879 H. LE JEUNE, A.R.A. / 7 O 89 Little Red Riding Hood l/jy.^Cv^^''^ ^ Signed 1892 Panel — 14 in. by 10 in. H. LE JEUNE, A.R.A. ' /j ^./^ 90 See-Saw ^ Signed 24f in. by 29| in. G. D. LESLIE, R.A. ^^ y/"^ 01 Sophia Western ff(y Signed 1877 ^ Ci Ct*- , . 18 in. by 23^ in. G. D. LESLIE, R.A. 5 •('^2 THE PATH BY THE RIVER C 18 J. LINN ELL. //Pi 93 The Dusty Eoad : a flock of sheep, followed by a man and dog in a sandy lane, are met by a man in a cart Signed 1854 Panel — 12 in. by 15 in. J. LINNELL. /y \,^/ / 94 THE TKAVELLEES: a woody landscape, in the foreground of which is a woman on a donkey led by a man about to ford a river ; another man and a girl with a pail on her head follow ; cloudy sky Signed 1873 29^ in by 39^ in. . From the Aston Bowant Collection ^^fS^ fvc ^ J. McWHIRTEK, R.A. A/ ; 95 A EAINY DAY : Venice Signed 24^ in. by 38^ in. ExJiibited at the Boyal Academy, 1882 Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 P / J. MoWHIRTER, R.A. /^'^ /^ A, )r() 96 A HIGHLAND PASTORAL : a road round a loch, on which is a flock of sheep followed by a shepherd 23| in. by 44 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1879 19 ^'u ^^ Echoes: a maiden in a cave holding a shell to her ear G. MORTON. ^ fd y, Signed ^ 26^ in. hy 404^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1886 W. MtJLLEK. 98 DREDGE BOATS ON THE MEDWAY 36 ill. by 72 in. From the Hooton Hall Collection ; and formerly the property of Lord Dunmore /? p7 ^^*^t P^O fi> •-'i'*»Mi, Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, G. D. LESLIE, R.A. P^ • ^ ^ 99 THE FOUNTAIN "V y ,^ 47 in. by 57 in. •' Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1873 Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 P. NASMYTH. / 100 A Cottage, overhung by an old elm tree, two figures near the door ; in the foreground is a pool on which is a man in a boat Panel — 5f in. by 7 in. i P. NASMYTH. 101 A F ABM-House and Yard, with a poplar tree in front; six figures Signed Panel — 7 in. by 5j in. 4^ H. 0' NEIL, A.R.A. [0^^-^^ 102 AN INCIDENT IN LUTHER'S MONASTIC LIFE AT ERFURT " One flay, overcome with sadness, Luther shut himself in his cell, and for several days allowed no one to enter. His friend, Lucas Edemberger, uneasy about him, took some young choristers and knocked at the door of his cell. As no one answered, Edemberger, still more alarmed, broke open the door, and found Luther stretched on the floor. After vainly trying to rouse him, the choristers began to sing a hymn. Their clear voices acted like a charm on the poor monk, to whom music had always been a source of delight, and by slow degrees his consciousness re- turned." — From D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation. Signed 1867 43 in. by 60 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy ^ 1867 MISS S. PARKER. 103 Too Long a Swim Signed 1880 21^ in. by 15| in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy^ 1881 I J. PHILLIP, R.A. If /' ^ 104 GATHERING THE OFFERINGS 33^ in. by 43^ in. 5 TtT il, vy * From the Artists' Sale, 1867 > ^ ^^^ ' '^"^<-' Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 /c/'/'J /»*.lC /0Jt /? Vl-t^' BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. /^ r. . ^ ^ 105 SYMPATHY 17 in. by 14 in. Engraved by F. Stacpoole, A.R.A, 21 BEITON EIVIERE, R.A. ^ Q^ 106 THE LAST OF THE GARRISON [ylJA^^ ' Signed 1875 40J in. by 59 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1875 W. DENDY SADLER. ^/ 107 " AS HAPPY AS THE DAY IS LONG " I / 0/1 ' Signed 1883 59i in. by 35^ in. r- J. SANT, R.A. y^^ fc^ y^lOS PEACHES ^ "^ -^ ^ 45 in. by 33^ i». Exhibited at the Bo7jal Academy, 1874 Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 W. SHAYER. 109 The Meet 5| in. by 8| in. ./ ^ 1 W, SHAYER. 110 The Run 5| in. by 8f tn. W. SHAYER. 111 The Kill 8^ in. by 6f «w. V 112 22 S. SIDLEY. " My bonuy lass, she smiletli, When she my heart beguileth " )^{^cU^ Signed 1887 22^ in. by 16h in. E. SMELLIE. 113 Highland Cattle 19^ in. by 29i in. A fi^ f 'fj K. SMELLIE. 1 114 Gbousb Shooting r / Signed 1880 22 in. by 36^ in. R. SMELLIE. ^ / 115 Sketch at Gaick Deeb Forest , ^ R. SMELLIE. 116 A Highland Dbove, in winter Signed 1883 S' ' ^^'. ^V"^ ''" "^ 34^ in. by 56^ in. R. SMELLIE. 117 Taking Home the Dbbb \ Signed 1874 "^ Signed 1880 43 in. by 67 m. W. WYLD. 12C Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice Signed 1871 28 in. by 431 in. finis. Loudon : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. ^Ciw ^Sk^^ * ^^B^^l^^ \^ "v^ Kjc^n P ';^:^> J»Si^ .>\ I GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00885 8132