mm Wj!? «TmiTS WmmiMM Copyright, 1896 By ROBERT HOWARD RUSSELL PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES INTRODUCTION 7TIITHIN the past few years the word Poster has been growing in significance, until now we look upon it as describing a decoration, thoroughly fin de siecle, and perhaps pleasing* A poster should tell its story at once — a design that needs study is not a poster, no matter how well it is executed. A poster has to play to the public over the variety stage, so to speak — to come on with a personality of its own and to remain but a few moments. We are a bit tired of the very serious nowadays, and a little frivolity is refreshing ; and yet frivolity to be successful must be most thoroughly studied. I think it was one of the Beggarstaff Brothers who said : u Our designs may not look as if much time was spent upon them, but I can assure you that it has taken all the artistic knowledge we possess to bring them to the simple state in which you see them.” Some posters, consisting of but a few lines and containing but a few broad masses of color, require a dozen draw- ings before simplicity and harmony of color are obtained. A poster, to be effective, must have the same qualities that a good painting possesses — color, simplicity and composi- tion — but must be expressed in a different manner. The strong appeal that the modern poster has made to our sense of color and composition has brought to light the poster collector, and it is for him that this little book has been prepared. Some of the best examples of the work of masters of the poster-art in France, England, Germany and America are presented, and to them are added numerous designs by men of more or less ability. Besides the posters, there is the most complete set of portraits of poster designers that has yet appeared. EDWARD PENFIELD. foreword. 77IITH the surprising growth of the appreciation, the designing and the collecting of artistic posters there has naturally arisen a need for some handy volume that shall furnish the amateur with an instructive pictorial survey of the field of posterdom. It is to fill this need that the present volume is designed* Especially useful are the following pages in showing the progress made in American art in this sort, and to it con- trasting the work of the Frenchmen and Englishmen similarly engaged. Interesting, too, are the portraits of some of the artists themselves, a very natural curiosity attaching to the personalities of men whose names are constantly on the lips of all poster enthusiasts* As for that enthusiasm itself,— art, we know, is long, and this especial branch promises to outlive the sneers of those unable to see the lasting qualities of everything that makes for beauty. PERCIVAL POLLARD* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute E. A. ABBEY. w«s© K i™ f 1 1 OF OfiO noi/y (>\mu <%*?+> 6BWIRJ 7\' ABB€y SBavK^SSiN ff \ \ MlWr *w ' lit I PflBLISfteD £v\ Wv^wmmm bh M -~?5tk*al wmm\i ^ II ]y tm IWWH0RR E. A. ABBEY. AUBREY BEARDSLEY. SKETCHED BY HIMSELF. AUBREY BEARDSLEY. FISHER UNWIN’S POSTER. AUBREY BEARDSLEY, AUBREY BEARDSLEY. JOHN LANE’S YELLOW BOOK POSTER. AUBREY BEARDSLEY. PSEUDONYM AUTONYM Libraries Pull.5k.rf Mo^ly Price Paper ,/«, ClolK a/. f T FISHER UNWIN AUBREY BEARDSLEY. AUBREY 'BEARDSLEY. 1 HE BEGGARSTAFF BROTHERS SKETCHED BY IHIL MAY. BEGGARSTAFF BROTHERS. MRPERS is tic largest most popular MAGAZINE yet owing to its enormous sale and in spite of the great expense of produ&ion, the price is STILL ONE SHILLING The Artistic Supply Co. Ltd. Aahcd^r House W.C BEGGARSTAFF BROTHERS. BINNER ENGRAVING COMPANY. BINNER ENGRAVING COMPANY. BINNER ENGRAVING COMPANY. ■ BINNER ENGRAVING COMPANY. E. B. BIRD, E. B. BIRD. E. B. BIRD. E. B. BIRD. E. B. BIRD. E. B. BIRD. E. B. BIRD. E. B. BIRD. E. B. BIRD. BONNARD, A. E. BORIE AND F. A. M. SCHEIFFELIN. WILL H. BRADLEY. Cape of Storms Bp Percloal Pollard WILL H. BRADLEY. WILL H. BRADLEY. WILL H. BRADLEY. WILL H. BRILEY WILL H. BRADLEY. WILL H. BRADLEY. WILL H. BRADLEY. I WILL H. BRADLEY. Christmas numixrot Chelnland printers Cechntcal journal De voted to the iFIrtofPrint mgPublts bedatm& mWonroe Street Chit ago USfl Volume xiv number in Mfebteen hundred f> ntnetvfour WILL H. BRADLEY. TH6 INLAND PR1NTCR WILL H. BRADLEY. WILL II. BRADLEY. me INLAND PRINTCK COMPANY 212 214- MONRPe jTFC€6T CHICAGO V 5 A WILL H. BRADLEY. TH6 INLAND PRINTCR THANKSGIVING * NUMB€R VOL XIV NO 2 IA94 WILL H. BRADLEY. WILL H. BRADLEY. v WILL H. BRADLEY. WILL II. BRADLEY. WILL H. BRADLEY. Cbelnlandfirmter webruaru i$$6 l^-Voi xvi. no. S j Gbelnland Printer Go.* Ohicapo and Tlew^ork Pnct7. SSMStffl i C';. S3. fyaMS! bans. fax G. DE FEURE. DE YONGHE. L. MAYNARD DIXON. S €W BOOKS™ SmmTuwanm 4W. CENTURY co:^ jeitfr SEASON of / %$ 4m co & cd cp cn m cp GEORGE WHARTON EDWARDS. GEORGEj WHARTON EDWARDS. :TH€:€LIZflBGTHfln: R L. EMERSON. CHARLES D. FARRAND, O. GIANNINI. C. D. GIBSON. C. D. GIBSON. SKETCH for] A POSTER. C. D. GIBSON. SKETCH FOR A POSTER. ppVo, PV Se-WSvlSalMi WOMENS *3*- EDITION (BUFFALO) tes. COURIER. ALICE RUSSELL GLENNY. J. J. GOULD, JR. J. J. GOULD, JR, J. J. GOULD, J. J. GOULD, JR. J. J. GOULD, JR, J. J. GOULD, JR. J. J. GOULD, JR. EUGENE GRASSET. EUGENE GRASSET. EUGENE GRASSET. EUGENE GRASSET, - v h W 1 P'~~ ‘ 4s§r$ ■* Till i?m7Ti>] I’i IHlUiAttbl EUGENE GRASSET xposition t ON fFNT & , . Lw IN DBS V JL, IN' 1 i~.ibPF.-Lfc dsmanche- ****»*♦♦*»*»*»»»»» E.GR ASSET EUGENE GRASSET. MAURICE GREIFFEN HAGEN. {O' <4 mom DUDLE-/^u^ DUDLEY HARDY. DUDLEY HARDY. DUDLEY HARDY. DUDLEY HARDY DUDLEY HARDY. DUDLEY HARDY. T. T. HEINE. If a cat may look at a kind a kitten may look at a prince By Oliver He rford The Century Co: Publishers. Price SI — OLIVER HERFORD. C. E. JOHNSON. H. G. IBELS. JOSSOT. JOSSOT. F. J. KABER. E. W. REMBLE. WILLIAM SERGEANT KENDALL, OCTOBER CENTURY II. M. LAWRENCE. L. LEBEGUE. I. LEFEVRE. 1 Remaiws; M, H. LUESCHER. AFTER WILL H. BRADLEY. C. W. LEMON. WILL H. LOW, the «£ august J. C. LEYENDECKER. FLORENCE LUNDBORG. FLORENCE LUNDBORG. THE LARK NOVEMBER FLORENCE LUNDBORG. PHIL MAY. SKETCHED BY HIMSELF. PHIL MAY. The Boo^elle^S’ .Trade. Dinner AL’Rl 17 i 69 S C m a 1 a fV Hu BE f\7 H LOf^HA/s N/l Cfc C. M A . ^ /W\ A H* H'* W' LL lyA ^ hEiNFMfiNN V>/>!0 PHIL MAY. The Olympic Games and their Revival Stories Lord Leighton Cathode Photography Quarrel of the Speaking Peoples HY. MAYEF BY JULIAN RALPH and HENRY A9 CARTER HENRY Me CARTER. THE GREEN TREE LIBRARY HENRY Me CARTER. LUCIEN METIVET. A. K. MOE. GEORGE MEUNIER, MUCHA. MUCHA. BOUTET DE MONVEL F. A. NANKIVELL. SKETCHED BY HIMSELF. F. A. NANKIVELL, GASTON NOURY, PAL. Midsummer Holid ay Num her. August. MAXFIELD PARRISH. MAXFIELD PARRISH EDWARD PENFIELD. SKETCHED BY HIMSELF. EDWARD PENFIELD. EDWARD PENFIELD. EDWARD PENFIELD, EDWARD PENFIELD. EDWARD PENFIELD, EDWARD PENFIELD. EDWARD PENFIELD, EDWARD PENFIELD. HARPER’S HARPER’S EDWARD PENFIELD. EDWARD PENFIELD . EDWARD PENFIELD. EDWARD PENFIELD, ON SNOW SHOES TO THE BARREN GRQU CASPAR W WHITNEY 2600 fAILEJ AFTER MUSK OXEN AMD Wood Bison NOW APPEARING I N EDWARD PENFIELD. Published by RELRussell £^Son NEW YORK. EDWARD PENFIELD. EDWARD POTTHAST. EDWARD POTTHAST LEONARD RAVEN-HILL. SKETCHED BY HIMSELF. LEONARD RAVEN-HILL. SHE AMD IT, LEONARD RAYEN-HILL. REALIER- DUMAS, REALIER DUMAS, • • ETHEL REED. SKETCHED BY HERSELF. ETHEL REED, ETHEL REED, ETHEL REED. ETHEL REED. Pi VIRGINIA COUSIN 8s BAR HARBOR TALES MRS BURTON HARRISON LSMSON WOLFFE & CO ppifp *1 BOSTON a. NEW YORK IV W */ 4 *' ETHEL REED. ETHEL REED. c .. GEORGE M. REEVS. GEORGE M. REEVS. LOUIS J. RHEAD. LOUIS J. RHEAD, LOUIS J. RHEAD f Containing Christmas Stories. Poems and Pictures; 25 full-page iilustra $ Rudyard Kipling’s § first American story, the opening of Mrs. Burton Harrison’s novel, etc., and jff interesting: chapters in I THE NEW LIFE OP . 1 N A P O LE O N LOUIS J. RHEAD. LOUIS J. RHEAD, SEASON OF-1895& 96. LOUIS J. RHEAI). Vlo- Lundborg PERFUME LOUIS J. RHEAD. .ITDDBORffS €RFUTD€S ^^r^Y^Yy^YT^ViiY^iryYr^y^ LOUIS J. RHEAD. r thecentury I . X -, -i . — . r it^UiJiJCONTAININGfiUU!^ ASelection of Twelve Reproductions of the Wonderful Paintings by Tissot Illustratinc t he Life of Chris t A Complete Novelette by Rudyard Kiplino “The Brush wood Boy -A Dr eam Story Opening Chapters of “Tom GroGah TANovel by F.Hop kihson Smith Second Part qf^rs.Humpnry W ards Novel AChristmas Story by Frank R.StocktoN Etc., Etc.. Etc !« iff. . ........... LOUIS J. RHEAD. tASJPIZGl LOUIS J. RHEAD. II. W. ROSENBERG. O. ROHN, A. ROMES, BARON A. ROSENKRANTZ. SITION V [nsemble ffevrierj8^| orfflriecJ u.jalo; CALON^CENT 31 RB^P^U 31 *«Iti'n,es ROSSENFOSSE. CARLOZ SCHWABE, JOHN SLOAN, JOHN SLOAN. JOHN SLOAN. F. BERKELEY SMITH. SKETCHED BY O. W. Me D. CUSHING. tbe Deift Cat. By Robert fioward Russell. F. BERKELEY SMITH. TOM GROGAN BY F. HOPKINSON SMITH F. BERKELEY SMITH. ALEXANDRE STEINLEN, STEIN LEN. LA ODINIE^E. i 18 UE A 2 AR.E. XPOSi-TJON de t'oeuvRe dessine- Wm^A et peint de. i T A-Stei r\(ero du I O vr i l au 1 5 A » »sq 4 StWTETVEXTt Ot i.l i II AFFICHE CHti K ItMMAnH ial^iCTOtRC STEINLEN. STEINLEN STEINLEN STEINLEN HAMLET- SAID -A- MANSnOUSi IS-HIS CASTLES WMY-DOMT: TOUOWI ACASTLE TOUCAN-JUST* ASWELL-AS* NOT- 1 ARTFORD LDIN THE* BU ANDLOANASSO' CIATION-WILL- Sn You-now. RfCHAPHANRtsrASnOWESfcr« WASYLUMSTHARTPORDCT- WILBUR MACEY STONE. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft # ft ft ft ft » Ifl ± lfl -» Ifl y ft *¥ ft mLLTCR>msn 'TUTE'INDUS TRIAL'AND" COMMERCIAL 'EDUCATION' HARTFORD'!- M-C-A"'"" >- 3^sw*or*mb' ING*(XA5SES*IIi MECHANICAL*** DRMING*fATTEKH **MAKING*BLACK SMITHING* *ELEC TraciTY***5Horr HAND*MATNEMXT ICS*ETOETC* *« ron-cwALOGS-AND-fwmcaLAn s- Am r- 1 to-tti-J. ^ift^lfl ifl » WILBUR MACEY STONE. STROBRIDGE LITHOGRAPH COMPANY. •UV1CKEK‘> THtAIM MAY.2b»£7. •Mrs John Drew Joseph Jk itr. • Vrni !/Ya»e|M ?{ uc usOTnsvf • N a t fCiccd w;nH I '■ n • Uv-rH.. STROBRIDGE LITHOGRAPH COMPANY. BY H. L. BRIDWELL. FIGURES BY FRANK E. BUTLER. .•iOSWBJi ‘NAT.COamviN \wM •ROBfRT I MM K ■ iW FRANCIS WiLSGN j m 3?EPHHOUAND iJH * E. ft HOLLAND. M V3..IOHN DPiv ' §|| 'tmOWC- T‘\BCR $ ■ j£ • FANN^Jff I ■ DAVID. DfPlA, L ■\ h ( STROBRIDGE LITHOGRAPH COMPANY. BY H. L. BRIDWELL. FIGURES BY FRANK E. BUTLER. WtHLLflAJW ID>©K£Y PVBL.UAE.R_ •JAN FfcAfSCISCO* TheLittS BOY WHO LIVED ON THE HILL —&Z&> BY” ANNIE Laurie ILLUSTRATED BY. J. SWINNERTON. H. DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. H. DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. H. DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. H. DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. I F. VALLATON. FRED WALKER, A.R.A ADOLPHE WXLLETTE. SKETCHED BY HIMSELF. ADOLPHE WILLETTE. ADOLPHE WILLETTE. i. s 1' ^lll If fj-Wj % . 4 \ A //{/ I-- / iT F/ ADOLPHE WILLETTE WILHELM. rc CHARLES H. WOODBURY. CHARLES H. WOODBURY.