1^ \ *V \f. Hn/.!// 2/u'i. . /.//-f ^AilU S I K G^nd IlST S TRU C T IV E . fLO/ra/^/Kfynaa/ fi^ 'cL \ ^^ 'Both ill Printing and PeimiaaiHiip ; ^-> '^ ^^ ^^ ' < > V ^ x_ ^^^ ^ ^--^ PVinted for aiid Sold bv T. Bellamy-. Bookfellcr at Kiugflon upon Thames ; of llie Book-fellers *and Print-fellers in Tcnvn and Country b^ iuoft of {ram£iu ^ . (ij' ,^J.Atr^ti»if>i/^ ' . as alfo ^^^)i^%^^^^^%*^^K)^iy%^^')^ M S U B S C R A. R. Thomas Allen B. The Rev. Mr. Thomas Bellamy Charles Betke, Efq-, Mr. R. Bryan Mifs Emma Maria Brocas Mr. — — Brookes, Surgeon C. James Clarke, Efq-j Mr. James Comber Mr. Robert Chambers Mr. Benjamin Cole D. Mr. Charles Delafofs Mr. Abraham Goodwin Mr. John Frederick Duill Mr. ' — Dupuis F. Mr. Charles Fleaureau Mr.-— Fulling IBERS Names. Mr. *— Faden G. Richard Garbrand, Efq'^ Mr. John Glover Mifs Jane Gore Mr. Chriftopher Goddard Mr. Garvaife, 4 Books Mrs. Girardot Mrs. • Garvaife Mrs. Judith Garvaife Mrs. Elizabeth Garvaife H. Thomas Hovvlett, Efq-y Mr. John Hal ford, 2 Books Mr. Thomas Hill Mr. John Hardinge Mr. William Hamilton Mr. Thomas Harrache Mr. Thomas Hemming Thomas Jones, Ef^-, I. SUBSCRIBERS Names. K. P. John Klrrill, Efq, Mrs. Knipe, 2 Books L. Mr. Thomas Lupton Mr. Charles Laggatt Mrs. Lawrence Mrs. Eafter Lacam M. Right Hon. Lady Betty Montague Lady Mufgrove . Montague, Efq\ Mr. Henry Morland Mr. Charles M'Clarren Mr. Samuel Mettayer Mrs. Ann Mettayer Mrs. Montague N. James Norman, Efq; Mr. Edward North Mrs. Anne Norman Mils Anne Norman Mr. Francis Pitt Mr. Palmer Mr. Hinckley Phipps* R. Mr. William Rofe S, John Stow, Efq-y Mr. Robert Shepheard Mr. Duncan Stewart Mr. Sabatier Mr. James Soleirol Mrs. Mary Stewart Mrs. Anne Samfon Mr. Tomlinfon T. W. Mrs. Grace White Mrs. Elizabeth Walton Mifs Anne Warren PREFACE. TH E Ufefulnefs of Books calculated for the Improvement of young People in the Arts of Writing and Drawing, are too evident to need being inf?^ed upon — We fliall therefore only beg leave in a very concife Manner to point out the particular Merits of the Work we here offer the Public. First, then, it is humbly propofed as an AfTiftant to School-Mailers 3 for as the greatefl Partof thefe our Moral Copies were firft wrote by that able and experienced Penman, Mr. William Chinnery Senior, and engraved from thence by an Artift very eminent in his Way ; they will fave fuch Mall^ers the Trouble as well as Time of writing a Variety of Copies for their young Pupils with their own Hands. Again, this little Book will undoubtedly be found of infinite Advantage to fuch Perfons, as either cannot write at all, or but very indiiferently, and have no Opportunity of being inftruded by any able Mafter ; for here they will find not only all the Characters made ufe of in Printing ; but thofe, likewife, in all the Hands that are mofl ufeful, and moil prac- tifed throughout Great-Britain in the Way of Trade and Bufinefs. And, that No One, who may be defirous of Improvement in the two important Branches above mentioned, may want that Aid or Afiilfance, which this Attempt is fo well calculated to afford them, the Editor has fet fo low a Pr'ce upon it, that it will fall within the Com- pais PREFACE. pafs of almoft every one's Purcbafe : — And it muft be acknowledged, by all who are Judges of the Expence of fuch a Number of Plates, and thofe, likewife, fo well executed, that it is the very cheapeft Book of the Kind that has ever hitherto been publiflied. As to our Ornamental, Emblematic Devices, which we have ventured to call our Drawing-Book, and we hope with fome Degree of Propriety, it has One Thing, ifNo- thino- more, to recommend it j namely, that Not One Single Defign everappeared in public before ; and we apprehend, thatthe Whole is exhibited in an accurate and workmanlike Man- ner : — Such, therefore, as it is, it is freely fubmitted to the Cenfure or Approbation of the Public, by I'heir Mojl Obediejit Servant , ■/.1^,/.-/r c^m: l-\Ja^. DILIGEXCKTVFRUGALTTY Qj^ji ^.'^Tiinji^r 1/ Jfn.''J'''y'l ViVnitt^/fr^r/t c/W<^ r iy^//'»/rfti/„i^. s.;/^u^./ [^^ %^^/ Aj /^^/Z ^^/^ //^a/^/^^/v. y^- ^/u//M^rv '^nTtK ^^*,^/n4///^4^^/ ^/?u^/- ■€\ X 'fh/rfrihi't-t/.y^/if //. 'c%/>tm^ ,yf„ , '^^e,^, ' i/,/4i^v/ I'/fti' r / 1/. (vr^ r VIGILANCE and FIDELITY. L^'^ Q_^/////^////// /J ///r f )^wmj//7//r^A /r/rm^////, ^/ U ( L^ cfA c//iM-/rm/ UfaftJn^i ■ .^jyA^.c/HeA^/nji^/i »Xy/j^-. r ^ L _^ IIONOURand AMBITION. I Vo^^iA PJP LI CATION. y ^) .^ 'J/ (////////■/// ,f/' ^/v///// -^ ^ //. Yi/z/iruiiJini f )i-///a ■ c" ^h "ii/r/tj^nii r» 'i/ ///, TIJJ^ r>, 'M^^h^o^ HYPOCBIS Y and PEOPKANESS /i*vr-,<6^ Ji>t. ii^-i^/i/-/^ •' -^ r» '^ ^ ^b^ ^/W/6^C7'//^U /(7/- /ya//f ///// ^/^r/z/a/ f-^^///^. f O APPLICATION. Qj2,je_ r, ^ '.rntnn^iy « v«. T/.w v/ > y///m//6^/' ty.tMtUi^//u(7n, >ynii//i/~. y<3R AS S fioPPE^R^ 'I N D O i^E N C^an d ' iN A C tTvIT Y ,•///„/./ int-rct ^Ic-i,//- (fwE^ 1-^ ' ( •♦ :: (gml^ Tli0pf)er (^^■^, y Ttr0n ♦ lis C/y .- U/itn/it^/ y t^/rft/j.— %_/. ^/{a/c//{/MiTri r /. ^ ~<'PARENTATr^- Indulgence /*'. ^^.i/i/^t/ %.fi-/f^ . t'y/f ' y/r// /t^u/ rr'/// . /)//Yf /4/r/ //o:i a/- /^r/'it- -/- ?_>//.//////// iv/r// >^ //'/// a /c /// r/ //ff/y///./ ^/ui/Y/r <^ "/' y o »_ A () t xl //Kir ///■/■ ////■ ///////////7//^ 7//(>///fy f/ .( A/// /t. /■!/ t 'c/t «X.vr,/.^ ^^^Pl ague s of We dl o c k /r7>Wf//',rm rii/tAi . f( . Cyicnue^tffu^aii t^.ViMc/u/Uim i)ai^. ^Y R A N N Y^ an^l O^PPRE sTi 0>f Jf .'Y}'/u-//i4///i ^ii'u^. r wmmwy^ r ') //. l^/;v/»,rr/ ■ /.-nW/c/./i '> x'/. •y/^/^^tf/.i, v/^// y//y- / fl'.\/n/w/ia>>i •;'«//! . c 7 .^' ' /^1 fi . (/unfi^ivOf^^/' tyl'JiSi/mdfvan xJ^^^t '^^- ' //'cy/r)if/ia//t Mn/^ . MERMAID, o. /> Wi'^"^ /.f /v/e^yy n c / //r///(UJ f^a/r^ /7m7 //'///' /if^-* /'ar \ ^^)/// (r/'/a/// -^Jy {///// r//////^/.f //V'^ Aj/O Cy////'//U^(L^l Q_^^-^//////rd/mLry > )f^./j ' t7. c/wAyunx'n iJn't, u '~U'\>n:ty£un cta,^ . ///// , /////{/ rr f /^,,//r.>, ////.////; //Vm/r /// /y ^y//A//// ./vv^^? ^_ -^ V APPLTCATTOlNr ( ^1 ^^ Atrnrrt^ Kjt:7y/y -* ^~',7f7//i}/i^i/^en- ■ fi-^fA'j/ . ~^PA RE'NTAI. NE(iLIGE NC^.-..i'aact» ^^*,. ^0 ^^S^Y^Y^l.^'L^^K^t-^l^ 5— ' V^ CA^'^n^ry ^cr^t ^, s//%££^'n^ ^J7r %j£4£^ ^r^ Divide (b ;e x e ft ,c ex c e , //. iV/r/ur/i//w «//w^-^:' -^^J^'\ 9^S^ Q:{&'K>'r'iJ. c ^A P P L I C A T I O N . J 9 '.',' T i'!^^,nn»rf t/crrdr . . 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Trm/luim jadfi f-'.-*- €i ]|;]^ludtt0it. ) ^ ^ tJ^/l ac^i/^tfy, ^/tct a^//h'r7otcd, can urltu^//t ^^c rr/z/r^/u/. ^ '-^^itfr/tHi, r^> r^/^ ^ w) l ^^^ .r; ..-, ,,. .3 ^l-^yA^A Afc .A .JK. A!»^