i\lo L/VTALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATIVE OF A CENTENARY OF AR- TISTIC LITHOGRAPHY I796-J896 With244cxamples by J60 different artists. Il- lustrated with 20 photoengravings^ from the originals by Bonington, Gussatt^ Chauvel, Daumier, Decamps^ Engelmann, Fantin- Latour^ Gavami, Han&tacngl^ Homer, Jacque, Jacob, Millet, Newsam, Otis, Prout, Raffet, Vemet, and "Wagenbauer AT THE GROLIER CLUB Twenty-nine East Thirty-second Street, New York March MJJ.CCCXCVl The Publication Committee of the Grolier Club certifies that this copy of a ''Catalogue of an Exhibition Illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography" is one of an edition of four hundred copies on hand-made paper and three copies on vellum, printed in the month of March, 1896. ATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATIVE OF A CENTENARY OF AR- TISTIC LITHOGRAPHY J796-J896 With 244 examples by 160 different artists. Il- lustrated with 20 photo-engravings^ from the originak by Bonington, Cassatt, Chauvel, Daumier, Decamps^ Engehnann^ Fantin- Latottr, Gavami, Hanfstaengl, Homer, Jacque, Jacob, Millet, Newsam, Otis, Prout, Raffet, Vemet, and Wagenbauer AT THE GROLIER CLUB Twenty-nine East Thirty-second Street, New York March M^D.CCCXCVI Copyright, 1896, by the Grob'er Club INTRODUCTION. ITHOGRAPHY, the art of printing from stone, has reached its centenary age. This occurrence is well worthy of commemoration by holding a review of its achievements. The exhibition of prints to which this cata- logue is to serve as a guide has been undertaken with that end in view; and, in spite of our isolation from the chief theater of the early achievements in artistic lithography, enough will be found in the collec- tion to make possible the tracing of the devel- opment of this important art from its infancy in Germany to our own latest home products. The story of the invention of lithography, and of its inventor, Aloys Senefelder, has been told so often that a repetition seems trite; but the occasion appears to call for a condensed recital of the principal events in the history of the man whose memory we honor by our exhibition. This recital will reveal at the same time the steps taken to reach at last results so unexpected by him and so wonderful : unexpected, because when Sene- felder began to experiment, in the search after an inexpensive mode of printing his own liter- ary productions, he had no idea that he would 3 4 INTRODUCTION. finally invent a third printing process, entirely different from the two which were then the only ones known (intaglio and relief); wonderful, be- cause in his time it would have been considered an impossibility to take an impression from a sur- face on which the design was neither in relief nor in intaglio. Such an undertaking would have been thought simply absurd, the scheme of an idle dreamer. Aloys, the eldest son of Peter Senefelder, was born in Prague, the capital of Bohemia, Novem- ber 6, 1 77 1. His leaning- was toward the dra- matic arts, but his father prevailed upon him to study law. While a student of law, eighteen years of age, he wrote poetry and a play, " Der Maedchenkenner," which latter was most favor- ably received. A year later he lost his father, and, being the eldest of nine children, he had to relin- quish his law studies and devote himself to the support of the family. His thoughts at first nat- urally turned to the dramatic arts, in which he had already achieved some success; and he put his whole energy into this field of wofk, acting in the double capacity of author and performer. Two years of this life was, however, enough to cool the ardor of his enthusiasm for the stage, and the writing of plays alone continued to oc- cupy his attention. Aloys's business talents were of the lowest or- der; he was poor and in debt throughout his life. The printing of his plays for publication was too expensive for his means, and he tried to become his own printer ; but here again he found that the purchase of types required capital not within his reach, and he was obliged to exert his ingenuity to devise or discover some substitute for types. INTRODUCTION. 5 He began his experiments by etching on cop- perplate ; and was led, for economy's sake, to practise the necessary reverse-writing on polished floor-tiles, which in Munich (where he then lived) consist of a close-grained limestone quarried in the neighboring town of Solenhofen. He ob- served that the acid used for etching copper would hkewise bite stone, and that to correct any error a retouching-ink was wanted. To this end he devised a compound of wax, soap, and lamp- black, which he formed into sticks to be dissolved for use with pen or brush, as is done with india- ink. These sticks of retouching-ink formed the first and most important step toward the final invention of lithography. The special ingredients entering into their composition alone made the invention possible. The following incident, as told by himself, which bridged the chasm sepa- rating the old from the new art of printing, will make this plain. It was in the year 1796 that his mother called on Aloys, busy with his exjjcriments, to write a memorandum for linen to be delivered to the waiting washerwoman. Not a sheet of paper could be found ; every scrap had been used for proofs ; and, besides, the writing-ink was dried up. In this emergency he seized a stick of his retouching-ink, and wrote the desired memoran- dum on one of the polished Solenhofen stone slabs which happened to be handy, intending to copy it on paper later. Prei)aring to clean his writing from the stone, the thought occurred to him to submit it to the action of diluted aquafortis and observe results. He found, as he had hoped and expected, that the acid acted rapidly on the stone all around his writing, and soon left this 6 INTRODUCTION. latter in sufficient relief to enable him to print therefrom as easily as from type. This was the first printing from stone of which Senefelder then had any knowledge; and, al- though true lithography as we know it to-day (that is, printing from a flat surface) was not evolved by him until two years later, he dates his invention from the time of this happy inci- dent, as being the starting-point for all his sub- sequent discoveries. In the course of the application of his inven- tion to practical purposes, Senefelder continually sought for means of lessening his labor; and he found that by writing with his retouching-ink on gummed paper and then transferring this writing from the paper to his stone, in the manner at pres- ent so well known, he could save the (to him) more difiicult process of reverse- writing on the stone itself. In the course of this process he observed that, accidentally immersing such a gummed sheet of paper covered with writing in water on the surface of which there happened to be a few drops of oil, the oil was not absorbed by the paper, but accumulated on the writing, which, as we know, was done with a greasy sub- stance. This observation, that oil was repelled by the moist surface of the gummed paper but absorbed by the ink, was sufficient to lead him to grasp the principle and apply it to his stone slabs. Instead of etching his writing into relief, he sim- ply treated it with acidulated gum solution, not of sufficient strength to act perceptibly on the stone. The result, in inking-up, met his highest expectation. As long as the stone was kept moist the blank parts repelled the fatty printing- ink, and the greasy writing or drawing could alone INTRODUCTION. 7 be charged. This discovery proved the founda- tion for all the various processes of lithography, or chemical printing, as Senefelder called it at the time. The ingenuity and tireless energy displayed by Senefelder in his efforts to broaden the field of the application of his discovery to commercial and artistic purposes, to invent presses, tools, ma- chinery, and to keep his head above water in the mean time, deserve our highest admiration. He was an inventor of the true type, never cowed by difficulties to overcome, always hopeful, al- ways sanguine of success, and withal generous and open-handed to a fault. Senefelder died February 24, 1834, after he had elaborated all the processes now in vogue except photoHthography. He lived long enough to witness the introduction of his art into all the civilized countries of the globe ; long enough to witness its highest artistic achievements in black and white, which will be standards of per- fection for all time to come. It is to be remarked here that the invention could not have been made in any other country in the world, as Solenhofen, in Bavaria, alone furnishes that particular quality of limestone use- ful for lithography. It is only quite lately that quarries of a similar, though inferior, quality of this mineral have been opened in America. Lithography is the most versatile of all known methods of reproduction. It will admit of flat, even tints, and of tints gradated from the darkest shade to highest light, while it can equally as well imitate a crayon-drawing, a line-engraving, or a stipple-engraving. Add to this the latest discoveries in the application of photography to \ 8 INTRODUCTION. the preparation of printing-plates, and the facil- ities which the process offers to color-printing, as well as to artistic expression in black, and we must admit that the genius of Senefelder has be- queathed to art and commerce an heirloom of incomparable value. Germany, of course, profited first and most from Senefelder; next to it, France, England, and other European countries; but not least, our own United States, though latest in the field. France (where the process was first suc- cessfully introduced, in Paris, by the Comte de Lasteyrie in 1815, followed by Engelmann in the following year) has furnished the greatest num- ber of artist lithographers, although Germany has proved not deficient in that direction — we need merely to mention the names of Strixner, Piloty, Adolf Menzel, Feckert, Kriehuber, and scores of others; but for brilliant work the French, con- sidering their achievement as a whole, excel the Germans. The introduction of lithography into the United States dates from the year 181 9, or even earlier — Boston, Philadelphia, and New York each claiming the honor of the first press. The earhest lithograph published in the United States is presumably the plate drawn and printed by Bass Otis for the " Analectic Magazine" for July, 181 9. In the description accompanying this ex- ample of early art we are told that it was drawn upon a stone brought from Munich. " But," con- tinues the writer, " the art has been successfully tried on specimens of stone from Frankfort, in Kentucky." Few painters of our country have devoted their genius to drawing on stone, but among them may be mentioned Rembrandt Peale, J. Foxcroft Cole, Winslow Homer,Thomas INTRODUCTION. 9 Moran, etc., while Newsam, Sarony, Charles Parsons, and Baker may be named as prominent professional lithographers. Almost all the work done here is for industrial and purely commer- cial purposes, but the commercial product in this country has reached an artistic development which makes it certainly equal to the best that is produced in Europe; especially is this the case in dry etching with the diamond and in chromolithography. The honor of the invention of chromolithog- raphy belongs, no doubt, to Senefelder himself, as in his work on lithography, published in 1818, he employs already prints in which he uses color, and speaks in this connection of the possibility of making facsimiles of oil-paintings. He thus published the idea and furnished the means by which to carry it out, requiring simply the cun- ning hand of the patient intelligent experimenter to gain, step by step, the present perfection. So much for lithograi)hy as an item of gen- eral interest. For the details of the various processes employed by the craft, as etching, pen- drawing, crayon-drawing, wash- and stump-draw- ing, etc., we must refer those interested to the manuals on the practice of the art, of which a great number have been published. The great revival in the art for true artistic expression now sweeping over Europe will, we hope, soon find an echo on the shores of the New World. That lithography is preeminently the handmaid of the artist, who desires to see his work reproduced in the spirit as conceived by him, is proven by the work of the masters that has come to us from the past generation ; and who can doubt, in examining the prints on exhibition, 2 lO INTRODUCTION. that for tone and color qualities, true to the ar- tist's conceptions, it is unexcelled by any other of the reproductive processes ? Lithography amply deserves the high place as the most facile medium for artistic expression and reproduction which it has been accorded by the foremost artists of a past generation, and which it is fast coming to be awarded again, after all other avail- able mediums have had their turn. Let the ar- tists heed the appeal. Louis Prang. AN ATTEMPT AT A BIBLIOGRAPHY: A list of some Works on Lithography. I though this list makes no pretensions to completeness, yet it is believed that all important hooks on the history or technique of the art 7i'ill be found noted here.'\ Achille, Robin. Colons des lithographies. Paris, 1837. 80 Anleituug^ zum Stemdruck. [Anon.] Tu- bingen, 181 o. 40. Aresti, Jos. Lithozographia ; or, aquatinta stippled gradations produced upon drawings washed or painted on stone. London, 1856. 80. Audsley, G. A. The art of chromolithogra- phy popularly explained. London, 1883. F°. Ballerstedt, Gustav. Vollstiindiges Hand- buch der Steindruckerei. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1837. 80. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ballerstedt, Gustav. Beschreibung der Art und Weise den lithographischen Bimtdruck mittelst eines Steines mit einem Abdruckzu bewirken . . . Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1839. 80. Bankes, H. Lithography; or, the art of mak- ing drawings on stone for the purpose of being multipHed by printing. London, 18 13. 80. Lithography ; or, the art of taking impres- sions from drawings and writing made on stone. [By Bankes ?] With specimens. . . 2d ed. London, 1816. 8°. Bardet di Villanova, Federico. Istruzioni su i tre principali metodi dell' arte litografica. NapoH, 1830. 80. Bautz, J. B. B. Die Lithographie in ihrem ganzen Umfange . . . Augsburg, 1831. 8°. —2. Aufl. 1836. Beyer, C. Praktisches Handbiichlein der Steindruckerei . . . Miinchen, 1863. 12O. Beyer, L. M. Leptolithographie oder Kunst, auf von 2 bis 6 Linien Dicke ohne Verande- rung der Presse nach alien in der Lithogra- phie bekannten Manieren zu drucken . . . Eichstadt, 1831. 40. Binder, E., and Rohlacher, C. Der Stein- iiberdruck. . . ; oder, praktische Anweisung zur schnellen und leichten Uebertragung von Scriften und Zeichnungen auf Steinplatten und deren Abdruck . . . Meiningen, 1851. 4°. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 13 Bouchot, Henri. La lithographic. (Biblio- theque de renseignement des beaux-arts.) Paris [1895]. 12^. Brandin, Fr. Wlh. Praktische Anweisungzum Steindruck. Berlin, 182 1. 80. Bregeaut, L. R. Manuel complet theorique et pratique du dessinateur et de Timprimeur lithographe. 1827. 12O. — 2d ed. Paris, 1827. — 3d ed. Troyes, 1834. — Nouvelle ed. Paris, 1839. [Same. Another ed. :] Nouveau manuel complet de I'imprimeur-lithographe. Nou- velle ed., tres augmentee par M. Knecht . . . et M. J. Desportes. (Manuel-Roret.) Paris, 1850. 180. With Atlas. For later edition, see Knecht. [Same. German translation :] Vollstiin- diges Handbuch fiir Lithographen . . . ; aus dem P'ranzosischen. 2. Ausgabe . . . Ulm, 1829. 80. Bry, Auguste. L'Imprimeur-lithographe : nou- veau manuel. Paris, 1835. 8°. Traits de I'autographie ... 2? ed. Paris, 1862. 120. Centenaire de la lithographic. Catalogue officiel de I'Exposition : 1795-1895. [Paris, 1895.1 Chevallier, J. B. A., am/ Langlume, . Memoire sur I'art du lithographe. Amelio- rations h. y apporter : Paris, 1829. 8^. Only 50 copies printed. H BIBLIOGRAPHY. Chevallier, J. B. A., Langlume, . Traite complet de la lithographic; ou, manuel du lithographe ; avec des notes par Mantoux et Joumar. Paris, 1838. 8° D, . . . Procede actuel de la lithographic mis h la portee de I'artiste et de I'amateur . . . Paris, 181 8. Desportes, Jules. Manuel pratique du litho- graphe. Paris, 1834. 80. Doyen, Camillo. Trattato di litografia storico, teorico, pratico ed economico. Torino, 1877. 4°. Duchatel, F. (essay eur a la Societe des Impri- meries Le7nercier). Traite de lithographic ar- tistique . . . Paris [1893]. Sm. F^. Dunst, Joh. Mich. Geheimniss der Zusam- mensctzung des Fluidums zum Actzcn der lithographischcn Stcine, und Mittheilung der neuen, gut gelungenen und achten Zeichen- farbe zur Ausubung der lithographischcn Holzatzkunst. Bonn. Facsim. of autograph, in sealed envelope. Praktisches Lchrbuch der Lithographic und Stcindruckerkimst . . . Bonn, 1836. 8°. Taschenbuch der nothwendigsten Re- zepte fiir jeden Lithographen und Stein- drucker . . . Bonn, 1835. 80. Dupont, Paul. Memoire sur la Htho-typo- graphie . . . Paris, 1839. 40. Eberhard, Hcinr.Wilh. Anlcitung zur griind- lichen Erlernung der Zinkographie. 1834. 80. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 15 Eberhard, Heinr. Willi. Die Anvvendung des Zinks statt der Stein- und Kupferplatten zu den vertieften Zeichnungsarten . . . Darm- stadt, 1822. 80. Praktischer Unterricht im Steindruck. Darmstadt, 1823. 8°. Lithographie : Mosaik-Farben-Druck von einem einzigen Stein fiir das Colorit aller Steinabdriicke. Mit Abbild. des Apparates dazu. Neues Druckverfahren . . . Leipzig, 1840. 80. liber Die Anwendung der chemischen Druckart auf Metallplatten. Mainz, 1821. Eckstein, Charles. International Exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876. New method of re- producing maps and drawings . . . fiCOle des Beaux-Arts. Exposition gene- rale de la lithographie .... 16 avril — 24 mai, 1891. [Catalogue.] Paris, 1891. 8^. Elvert, Chr. d'. Beitrage zur Geschichte und Statistik Miihrens und Oesterreich-Schle- siens; i. Bd. : Geschichte des Biicher- und Steindrucks [etc.]. Briinn, 1854. 8^. Engelmann, p^re et fils. Album chromo- lithographique ; ou, recueil d'essais du nou- veau procede d'impression lithographique en couleurs, invente par Engelmann pere et fils k Mulhouse. Paris et Leipzig, 1837. i sheet text and 7 plates. Folio. Engelmann, Godefroy or Godefroi. Manuel du dessinateur lithographique . . . Paris, 1823. 80.— 2ded. 1824.— 3d ed. 1830. i6 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Engelmaun, Godefroy or Godefroi. [Same :] aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von K. Dielitz. Berlin, 1834. 80. Rapport sur la lithographic introduite en France par I'auteur. Mulhausen, 1815. 40. Recueil d'essais lithographiques. Paris, 1817. 40. Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Rapport sur la chromo-lithographie, nouveau procede produisant des lithographies coloriees, de I'invention de M. G. Engelmann ; lu dans la seance du 29 mars 1837. Mulhouse [1837]. Traite theorique et pratique de lithographie. Mulhouse, Paris, 1839-40. 40. [Same. German translation :] Das Ge- sammtgebiet der Lithographie . . . ; mit den nothigen Zusatzen versehen von W. Pabst und A. Kretzschmar ... 2. Ausgabe. Leip- zig, 1843. 40. I St ed. Chemnitz, 1840. — 3d ed. Leipzig, 1847. Engelmann, Jean. Notes sur la lithographie et la chromolithographie . . . Paris, 1876. 80. Every man his own printer ; or, lithography made easy. [Anon.] London, 1854. 8^. Exposition Universelle de 1855 a Paris. Explication des ouvrages de lith- ographie. Paris, 1855. 12O. Exposition Universelle de 1867 a Paris. Rapports des delegations ouvrieres- lithographes. Paris, 1867. 40, BIBLIOGRAPHY. 17 Ferchl, Franz Maria. Uebersicht der einzig bestehenden, vollstandigen Incunabeln- Sammlung der Lithographic und der ubrigen Senefelder'schen Erfindungen, als Metal- lographie, Papyrographie, Papierstereotypie und Oelgemalde-Druck (ohne Presse) ; . . . vom Sammler und lebenslanglichen Haus- freunddes Erfinders . . . Miinchen, 1856. 80. Geschichte der Errichtung der ersten litho- graphischen Kunstanstalt bei der Feiertags- Schule fiir Kiinstler und Techniker in Miinchen ... bei Gelegcnheit des 90. Ge- burtstages des Erfinders der Lithographic, Johann Aloys Scncfclder, verfasst . . . Miin- chen, 1862. 80. "This book, from p. 9 to p. 90, both included, is identical with Ferchl's book of 1856." See also Nagler, G. K. Figaro lithographe. [Special illustrated num- ber of the Figaro," issued in celebration of the centenary of lithography, Paris, 1895.] Fo. Fortier, G. La photolithographic, son origine, ses procedes, ses applications. Paris, 1876. 80. Gaillot, . L'aquatinte lithographique. Paris, 1824. Geheimniss des Steindrucks, Das. Leipzig, 1828. 80. See also Rapp. Geheimniss, Das, des Steindrucks [der Stein- druckerei ?] in seinem ganzen Umfange . . . beschrieben von einem Kunstfreunde . . . Schweinfurt, 18 10. 3 l8 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Grefe, Conrad. [Wiener Weltaustellung, 1873.] Officieller Ausstellungs-Bericht : . . . Litho- graphic und Chromographie. (Gruppe xii, section 4 and Gruppe xxv., c.) Wien, 1873. " In one pamphlet with the report on copper- and steel- plate printing." Hempstead conversazioni. Sketches in litho- tint and lithography, in illustration of the dif- ferent processes. 1847. 4° Heurtier, Regnault, Guerin, Desnoy- ers and Castela. Rapport fait a I'Aca- demie des Beaux- Arts sur la hthographie, et particulierement sur un recueil de dessins lithographies par M. Engelmann. Paris, Jan., 1817. 40. Houbloup, L. Theorie lithographique ; ou maniere facile d'apprendre a imprimer soi- meme . . . Paris, 1825. 8°. — 2^ edition. 1828. Printed in litho. Hove, F. B. van. Autographic, oder das Verfahren, jcde auf autographischem Papier verfcrtigte Zeichnung oder Schrift auf Stein iiberzutragen und schnell zu vervielfaltigen. Hamburg, 1828. 160. Der Steindruck nach den sichersten und untriiglichsten Grundsatzen und alien bis heute in der Lithographic gemachten Fort- schritten un<^ Verbesserungen fasslich dargc- stellt . . . Hamburg, 1828. 80. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 19 Hullmandel, C. The art of drawing on stone . . . London [1824]. 80.— 2d ed. 1835.— Another ed. 1840. According to another authority : new ed., probably 2d, 1832.— 3d ed., 1835. [Lithographic circular, accompanying 8 specimen plates of an improved method of lithography, and beginning: " Sir, I beg leave to request your acceptance." London, 1829.] Single sheet. 4^. On some important improvements in litho- graphic printing. [London, 1827.] 8°. On some further improvements in litho- graphic printing. London, 1829. 8°. Reply to some of the statements in an ar- ticle entitled, " The history of lithography," published in the " Foreign Review," no. vii, for July, 1829. London, 1829. 8^. Sec also Raucourt. Klinkhardt, Friedr. Die anastatische Druck- erei; oder, die Kunst Biicher und Druck- sachen jeder Art, Kupfer- und Stahlstiche, Lithographieen und Holzschnitte abzu- drucken und nach Beheben zu vervielfaltigen . . . Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1846. 8°. Knecht, . Nouveau manuel complet du dessinateur et de Timprimeur-Hthographe. Nouvelle edition, entierement refondue . . . (Manuel- Roret.) Paris, 1867. 12O. With atlas. For earlier editions see Br6geaut, L. R. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Kohl, Lrz. Praktische Anleitung zur Litho- graphic. Wien, 1820. 80. Krauss, Friedrich, and Malte, Franz. Hand- buch fur Lithographen und Steindriicker . . . Stuttgart, 1853. 80. Liawsher, F. C. Die lithographische Hochatz- kunst; oder die Kunst auf Kalkschiefer oder Marmorstein durch Sauren so erhaben zu atzen dass es wie Bleitypen abgedruckt wer- denkann . . . Baltimore, Md., 1835. 8^. Lithographers' directory : directory for lith- ographers, photographers [etc.], in the U. S., Canada, Mexico, Central and South Amer- ica. New York, 1887-88. — 2d annual edi- tion, 1889. Lorilleux, C. Traite de lithographic. Paris, 1889. 80. Mairet, F. Notice sur la lithographic ou I'art d'imprimer sur pierre, par M * * * [Anon.] Dijon, 1818. 120. T edition, with the author's name, Chatillon-sur-Seine, 1824. [Same. German translation :] Kurzer Abriss der Lithographic oder Steindruckerei ; aus dem Franzosischen. Pesth, 1819. 8°. Mason, Cyrus. Practical lithographer. Lon- don, 1852. 12°. Monrocq, L. Manuel de lithographic sur zinc. Paris, 1885. 8°. Muller, Frederik, & C*?. La lithographic : ecoles frangaise, neerlandaisc, allemandc, an- glaisc et russe. Catalogue ^ prix marques. Amsterdam, 1890. 80. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 21 Nagler, G. K. Alois Senefelder und der geist- liche Rath Simon Schmid als Rivalen in der Geschichte der Erfindung des mechanischen Steindruckes, nicht der Lithographie in ho- herer Bedeutung : Abwehr der Behauptungen und masslosen Angriffe in F. M. Ferchl's Geschichte der ersten lithographischen Kunst- anstalt in Miinchen. Anhang zum neuen allgemeinen Kunstler-Lexicon und zu Ferchl's Schrift. Miinchen, 1862. 80. Neublirger, Ferdinand. Der Farbendruck auf der Steindruckpresse : Chromolitho- graphie. Berlin [1867]. go. Partington, C. F. The engraver's complete guide ; comprising the theory and practice of engraving, with its modern improvements in steel-plates, lithography, etc. London, 1825. 80. Peignot, G. Essai historique de la lithogra- phie. . . ; par G. P. [i. e. G. Peignot.J Paris, 1819. 80. Contains a " notice bibliograpliique des ouvrages qui ontparu sur la lithographie," which gives interesting da- ta in regard to early articles in scientific and technical periodicals. Notice sur la lithographic. Dijon, 1 818. 8°. Pescheck, H. E. Das Ganze des Steindrucks . . . (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiinste und Handwerke . . .; 43. Band.) Weimar, 1829. 12O — 3. Auflage. 1856. For later editions, see Weishaupt, H. Petit manuel du lithographe. Paris, 1832. 40. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Phillips, Giles Firman. The art of drawing on stone, in. which is fully explained the pro- cess of chalk drawing, of pen and ink draw- ing, and of the dabbing system . . . London, 1828. 80. Poppe, Joh. Heinr. Moritz von. Die Litho- graphie oder Stein druckerei im ganzen Um- fange und in alien Manieren . . . Stuttgart, 1833. Rapp, Hnr. Das Geheimniss des Steindrucks . . . ; beschrieben von einem Liebhaber. Tu- bingen, 1810. 12O. Raucourt, Col. Memoire sur les experiences lithographiques faites a I'Ecole royale des Fonts et Chaussees de France ; ou, rnanuel theorique et pratique du dessinateur et de rimprimeur lithographique. Toulon, 18 19. 80. [Same, English translation :] Manual of lithography ; or, memoir on the lithographi- cal experiments made in Paris, at the Royal School of the Roads and Bridges . . . ; trans- lated ... by C. Hullmandel. London, 1820. 80. — 2d ed. 182 1. — 3d ed. 1832. Richmond, W. D. Colour and colour print- ing as applied to lithography. (Wyman's technical series.) London, 1885. The grammar of lithography. (Wyman's technical series.) London, [1878], 1879. 12O —2d ed. 1880.— 6th ed. 1880.— 9th ed. 1886. [Same. German translation :] Grammatik der Lithographic . . . Leipzig, 1880. 8°. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 23 Buse, George, and Straker, C. Printing and its accessories: a comprehensive book of charges for the guidance of letter-press and lithographic printers. London [i860]. 8^. Ruthven, . A short account of lithog- raphy, or the art of printing from stone. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. Schlotke, Ferdinand. Zum 6. November, 187 1: Senefelder-Album. Hamburg [1871]. F^. Scott, Alex, de Courcy. On photo-zincography and other photographic processes employed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, under the direction of Sir Henry James. London, 1862. 40. — 2d ed. 1863. Senefelder, Aloys. Behandlungsart des Ueber- druckes auf den kleinen lithographischen Handpressen . . . Miinchen, 1824. 8^. L'aquatinta lithographique, ou maniere de reproduire les dessins faits au pinceau. Paris, rreuttel 6" Wurtz, 1824. 4O Musterbuch iiber alle lithographischen Kunstmanieren. Miinchen, 1809. 4 parts. Fo. Portefeuille lithographique, ou recueil de sujets de divers genres, dessines ct imprimis sur planches lithograj)hiques nouvellement inventees pour la multiplication de tous des- sins, etc. Paris, Senefelder^ 1823. Pamphlet of 12 plates. FO. Recueil papyrographique : premiers essais d'impression chimique sur cartons lithogra- phiques nouvellement inventes par M. Aloys Senefelder. 40. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Senefelder, Aloys. Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der Steindruckerey . . . Miinchen, 1818. Sm. 40. — Cheaper ed., 1821 and 1827. Plates to this with the title : Sammlung von mehreren Musterblattern in verschiedenen Kunstmanieren, als Bey- lage zu Alois Senefelders Lehrbuch des Steindrucks. Miinchen, 1818. 4°. [Same. English translation :] Complete course of lithography. London, 18 19. 4P. [Same. French translation :] L'art de la lithographie . . . Paris [etc.], Treuttel Wurtz, 18 1 9. 40. Plates, po. Senefelder, Karl. Lehrbuch der Lithogra- phie . . . Regensburg, 1833 [1832]. 8°. — 2. Aufl. 1834. Stanbury, G. Guide to lithography. New ed. London, 1854. 8°. Straker, C. Instructions in the art of lithog- raphy. London, 1867. 8^ See also Ruse, G. Thenot, Jean Pierre. Cours complet de litho- graphie . . . Paris, 1836. 40. Tudot, Edmond. Description de tous les moyens de dessiner sur pierre . . . Paris, 1833. [Same. 2d ed. :] Traite de lithographie. Paris, 1833. 180. [Same. German translation :] Die Litho- graphie ; oder, Beschreibung aller Mittel auf Stein zu zeichnen. Nach der 2. . . . Ausg. aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von C. F. D. Stuttgart, 1^34. 80. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 25 Unterricht fiir Kiinstler unci Kunstliebhaber die auf Stein zeichnen wollen. Berlin, 1823. 4°- Printed in litho. Vidal, Leon. Traite pratique de photolitho- graphic . . . (Annales de la photographie. Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris, 1893. Waldhecker, C. F. Die Kunst einen gleich- fbrmigen Druck beim Steindruck zu erreichen, nach einer neuern wohlfeilen Methode durch Angabe einer neuen Presse. Osnabriick, 1832. 80. Watt, P. B. A few hints on colour and print- ing in colours. London, 1872. 12°. Weishaupt, Heinrich. Das Gesammtgebiet des Steindrucks ... 4. Aufl. von Pescheck. Das Ganze des Steindrucks " in ganzlicher Umarbeitung. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiinste und Handvverke . . . ; 43. Bd.) Weimar, 1865.-5. Auflage, 1875. For earlier editions, see Pescheck, H. E. Theoretisch-praktische Anleitungzur Chro- mo-Lithographie . . ., so wie zum lithogra- phischen Kunstdruck uberhaupt . . . Qued- linburg und Leipzig, 1848. 80. 4 NOTES* The works enumerated under an artist's name are lithographed by him in each case, unless specially other- wise noted. The oft-appearing ** lith. by " refers to the printer. When more than one example by an artist are exhibited, they are placed together, though of different dates, the earliest work in each case fixing the artist's chronological position in the catalogue ; but this order has not always been preserved on the walls, on account of the greatly varied sizes of the prints, and the restricted size of the cases. For the many undated prints the dates have, whenever possible, been found in various books of refer- ence ; or, that failing, approximate dates have been as- signed. It has naturally not always been possible to secure the best example of an artist's work, but, as a rule, represen- tative pieces are shown. In the sketches of the artists biographical detail has not generally been aimed at. The object has been to deal sim- ply with each man as a lithographer ; and where amplifi- cation has been indulged in, the intention was to give information regarding the history of the art. Limited space made it necessary to confine the present exhibition to artistic lithographs in black and white, and to one, two, or at most three specimens of each artist's work. At some time in the future, however, the Grolier Club will hold an exhibit of artistic color-printing and general commercial work, accompanied by the implements of the art and trade. The usual difficulties of cataloguing have been enhanced in the present case by the utter absence of any previous work of the kind. The information given was in many cases discovered only by search through, and comparison of, numerous authorities. In selecting the subjects for reproduction, it has been necessary to consider the size and character of the origi- nals and not in each case the best specimens on exhibition. 26 CATALOGUE. SENEFELDER, Aloys. Inventor of lithography (i 771-1834). (For biog- raphy, see the Introduction to this catalogue. Sec, also, the Bibliography for editions of his work on lithography.) 1 A plate printed by Senefelder (1808). " The plate of fragments of antique pottery is from 'Collection of Roman Antiquities in Bavaria,' Mu- nich, 1808. Ferchl, p. 55, says that these plates were printe). Painted and drawn on stone by Osw. Achenbach. Published by the Lith. Institute of Arnz & Co., Diis- seldorf. Tinted. DAVID, Jules. French painter, illustrator, and lithographer. His style is marked by a certain conventional prettiness. "Nothing s[)ecial to say of him ; his work is a dimin- utive species of that of Victor Adam." — Beraldi. 85 Economy (12th year): "Now, Mama, when I have six francs, will you take them to the savings bank?" (1836). Printed by Lemercier, published by Jeannin, Paris. The border by Danjoy. From ** Good and Bad Con- duct," an album moral which won the first prize of 2000 francs, proposed by Benjamin Delessert, presi- dent of the Savings Bank of France. HARDING, George Perfect. English portrait-painter (d. 1853). Occupied mainly in making water-color copies of historical portraits, and furnishing designs for various historical and anti- quarian publications. 86 William Upcott, Islington, March 27 (1837). Portrait of a noted book-lover. **G. P. Harding ad vivum del. et fecit." Day & Haghe, lith" to the King. Pub' April, 1837, by G. P. Harding, Lambeth. 7 50 CATALOGUE OF BAUGNIET, Charles. Belgian artist (1814-?). Lithographed several hundred portraits of prominent people. Worked for 25 years in England; then settled in Paris and devoted himself to painting society pictures v/ell known in this country. 87 Portrait of Paul Delaroche (Paris, 1837). Three-quarter length. A white canvas on an easel back of the figure throws the head into relief. GAVARNI. Pseudonym of the French illustrator and carica- turist, Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier (1804-66), who signed his earlier work Hippolyte Chevalier. Dur- ing 1830-38 he drew fashion-plates, titles, "album- subjects," and the like — very elegant and graceful. Found his true vocation in pictorial satire, but also il- lustrated much. Handled the lithographic crayon with a sketchy verve, a brilliancy, that give to his work on the stone a place among the products of the great masters of the art. Beraldi places the number of his original lithographs at 2700. See "Gavarni: I'homme et I'oeuvre," by E. and J. de Goncourt (Paris, 1873). 88 Much shall be forgiven her, for she has danced much (1838 2). Printed by Bertauts, Paris. 89 Masked ball (1839?). 90 Edmond and Jules de Goncourt ('• Masques et Visages : Messieurs du Feuilleton ; " 1. 1852 or '53?). ADAM, Victor. French painter of historical subjects and land- scapes (1801-65 or '67). As a lithographer, he No* 90. In original 6x7 inches. LITHOGRAPHY. 51 evinced an astonishing fecundity and facility. His work consists mainly of popular historical pictures, studies of animals, intended for drawing-copies, and the like. 91 Departure from Fontainebleau (about 1838). Lithographed by C. Motte. BODMER, Karl. Swiss painter and etcher (1809-94). Traveled in North America in 1832-34 with Alexander Maxi- milian, Prince of Neuwied, whom he accompanied as draftsman. Pictured the forest and its inhabit- ants in masterly variations. Made four large litho- graphs of adventures among the Indians, for which his friend and neighbor at Barbizon, J. F. Millet, in- troduced the figures; he produced many litliographs, and numerous etchings on copper and by the " Comte " process. 92 Deer on the prairie, evening (about 1838). No lettering. 93 Wood-interior: small figures of hunter and dog. Deer in middle distance (about 1838). No lettering. Both done with crayon and scraper. LEMUD, Aim^ de. French lithographer (1816-86). Not very pro- lific; his lithographs number but 22. "The painter- like qualities in his lithographs, the subjects chosen, the romantic spirit pervading them, made them cal- culated to please both artists and public. " See " Cata- logue de I'ceuvre lithographic et grave de A. de Lemud," by A. Bouvenne (Paris, 1881). 52 CATALOGUE OF 94 Master Wolfframb (1838). Printed by Lemercier, Benard & Co. " Aime de Lemud . . . attained a certain celebrity in a single day, with a single lithograph. Adjectives fail with which to qualify the success of ' Master Wolfframb,' a success which will remain famous in the annals of prints ; it was instantaneous, enormous, prodi- gious." — Beraldi,\x : 119. This, like the following, is executed with the crayon, the scraper being freely used. 95 The return to France (1841). " De Lemude [sic/~\ del'" Printed by Lemer- cier, Benard & Co. The coffin of the emperor, borne by soldiers, and surrounded by specters of the Grande Armee,'\% greeted by the enthusiastic people. " This superb composition, Lemud's masterpiece." — Beraldi,\x: 125. KREINS, Hilaire Antoine. Flemish landscape-painter and designer ( 1806-62). Engraver ; executed some lithographs. 96 Flemish wedding in the 17th century (184-?). After painting by Henri Leys. FENDERICH, Charles. American (?). Executed a number of portraits in the U. S. in 1841. 97 Portrait of John Tyler, President of the U. S. (1841). From life on stone. Pub. by Chas. Fenderich, Washington City, D. C. P. S. Duval's Lith. Press, Phila. Crayon. LITHOGRAPHY. 53 PETTENKOFER, August. Austrian painter (1821-93 or '94). First worked as a designer and lithographer. 98 The news (about 1843?). After a water-color by C. Schindler. Lith. by A. Pettenkofifer [j/V/]. Pub. by Aloys Leykum, Imp.- Roy. Court lithographer. Crayon ; scraper used to produce effect of white chalk once so much in vogue. Printed in one tint. VERBOECKHOVEN, Eugdne. Belgian animal painter (1799-1881). In addition to his numerous paintings, once so popular in the States, he did many etchings and lithographs. 99 Three dogs beside a stone wall (1H44). Drawn on stone after nature by Verboeckhovcn. Printed and published by Aubert & Co., Paris. Printed in one tint. Numbered "9" in lower margin, center (evidently one of a series). CALAME, Alexander. Celebrated Swiss painter ( 1810-64), " whose lith- ographed modHes of landscape long ruled supreme." 100 Oaks (London, published 1st January, 1H44, by the Anaglyphic Club). Lith. -print of Cattier, Paris. Tinted. 101 Landscape (1850 ?). LLANTA, Jacques Frangois Gauderique. 1807-60. Lithographed religious subjects and portraits. 102 Portrait of Baron Desnoyers (1845). After fidouard Dubufe. 54 CATALOGUE OF EIOHENS, Philipp Hermann. German painter (b. 1812). Worked mostly in Paris. Important in commercial engraving ; much employed by Goupil. In 1842 he was awarded a third medal for Hthography, in which medium he ex- ecuted numerous portraits in Germany. 103 Portrait of himself (1846). Printed by L. Sachse & Co., Berlin. KRIEHUBER, Joseph. Austrian painter and lithographer (1800-76). His lithographs, mostly portraits, are very numerous, and rank with the best German work. He and Petten- kofer were the masters of original lithography in Austria. (See "Die graphischen Kiinste," III : 17.) 104 A morning with Liszt (1846). Portraits of Kriehuber, Berlioz, Czerny, Liszt, and Ernst. 105 Portrait of the artist Kriehuber (1860). Drawn on the stone by himself. Printed by Joh. Haller. This proof he presented to N. Sarony, with the signed inscription : *' The artist to the artist : souvenir." JACQUE, Charles. Noted French painter and etcher (1813-94), cele- brated in France and America for his artistic render- ing of animal and landscape subjects as also for his hundreds of fine etchings. See " L'oeuvre de Ch. Jacque: Catalogue de ses eaux-fortes et pointes- seches," par J. J. Guiffrey (Paris, 1866). 106 The fisherman, rainy weather (1847 2). "Souvenirs d'artistes," No. 53. Printed by Ber- tauts, Paris. LITHOGRAPHY. 55 107 Cattle being led to the watering-place (1848?). Proof before letters. JULIEN. French lithographer (b. i8o2?). Executed prin- cipally portraits and drawing-school copies, long ac- cepted as models. 108 Portrait of Stranger (about 1848 2). " Galerie du Voleur," No. 54. Printed by Aubert &Co. COLE, Thomas. American painter (1801-48). 109 The Good Shepherd (1848). Drawn on stone by the late Thos. Cole. " To the artists of America this print is respectfully dedicated by Maria Cole." Published by John P. Ridner, 497 Broadway. Copyrighted 1849. GALLAIT, Louis. Belgian painter (1810-87). Quite famous for his paintings of historic subjects. 110 Family of fisherfolk at Blankenbergh (1848). "Gallait, peint et lith." Lith. by Simonau & Too- vey. CHAPLIN, Charles. French painter (1825-91), well-known by his ele- gant delineations of women, and salon decorations. The lithographs here exhibited illustrate a phase of his art not familiar to many. 56 CATALOGUE OF 111 Study of a young woman, nude (1849). After "Milet" (J. F. Millet). Bertauts, printer. Autograph signature of Chaplin. 112 Herdsmen of Cevennes (1850?). "Ch. Chaplin, pinx. et Hth." Printer, Bertauts, Paris. From " L'Artiste." Salon of 1850. AVIGNON, F. d'. French (Franco-American ?) artist, engaged by Brady to touch up photographs ; was associated with him for a number of years. 113 Portrait of W. H. Prescott (1850). F. d'Avignon, lith. from dag. by Brady. D'Avig- non's Press, 323 Broadway. A plate from the "Gal- lery of Illustrious Americans " (N. Y., 1850). Copy- righted by Brady, d'Avignon & Co. 114 Portrait of Ralph Izard. Proof. No date. Delicate; miniature-like. BABYE, Antoine Louis. Celebrated French sculptor (i 795-1875), executed some lithographs. His bronzes arc as well known and appreciated here as in his own land. 115 Study of a tiger (1850). Barrye [jzV/]. Lith. by Delaunois. "L'Artiste," 1850. 116 Bear of the Mississippi (1850?). Printed by Benard. MOUILLERON, Adolphe. French professional lithographer of note (1820-81). Especially successful in his reproductions of paintings LITHOGRAPHY. 57 by others. "His lithographs," says Beraldi, "are executed with such brilliant resources that they have the flavor of original pieces." 117 Andre V6sale (1851?). After a painting by E. Hamman. Printed by Ber- tauts, Paris. MILLET, Jean Francois. French painter of note (1814-75), has left three or four lithographs. See Alfred Lebrun's "Catalogue of the Etchings, Heliographs, Lithographs, and Wood- cuts done by J. F. Millet; translated by E. Keppel " (N. Y., 1887). 118 The sower (1851). Done for " L'Artiste," but not published. One proof taken in 185 1. The stone was mislaid, and the impressions taken in 1879 show it to be much dam- aged. BIDA, Alexandre. French painter in water-colors, and illustrator ( 1 820- 1894). Best known by his many designs (etched by others) for the Bible. 119 A muezzin (1851). A plate from Bida's " L'Orient pittoresque." DORE, Gustave. Famous French illustrator, painter, and sculptor (1832-83), made his debut as a caricaturist and lithog- rapher. The characteristic qualities of this genius are practically the same in all his work, whatever the medium — a Gallic verve, ardent imagination, fantastic invention, and astonishing facility and productiveness. 120 A carnival scene (1852?). A plate from the " Folies-Gauloises ? " 8 58 CATALOGUE OF DEKKER, H. A. C. Dutch artist. 121 Poetry (1853). After Jos. Israels. Lith. print by J. D. Steuer- wald, Amsterdam. SOULANGE-TEISSIER, Louis Emmanuel. French reproductive Hthographer of great repute (b. 1814). " Has been principally the interpreter of Rosa Bonheur." 122 The charcoal-burners (pub. 1st Oct., 1854). After Rosa Bonheur. Print by Lemercier. Crayon; scraper used, giving the familiar chalky effect. HERVIER, Adolphe. French landscape-painter and etcher (1821-79). Pupil of Eug. Isabey, by M^hom he vi^as influenced. His lithographs in crayon or vi'ash are not without interest. 123 Old woman and pig (1854). Printed by A'." Bry, Paris. Lettered " Hervier 4 " ; probably a plate from his album, " Lithographies ar- tistiques." Crayon-drawing. BRESDIN, Rodolphe. French artist (1822-85), known as " Chien-Cail- lou." Said to have been very poor. Described by Champfleury, in *' Chien-Caillou," (1886). Catalogue of his work by A. Bouvenne. Work mostly etched. 124 The comedy of death (1854). Drawn with the pen. Printed by Lemercier, Paris. Autograph signature. The artist revels in a maze of grotesque and fanciful details, a medley of strange beings and forms that seems ludicrous rather than horrible, the product of a somewhat diseased imagination. LITHOGRAPHY. 59 125 The good Samaritan. His most important production. Pen-drawing. Printed by Lemercier, Paris. NANTEUIL, C61estin. French painter (1813-73), "the romantic illustrator par excellence, a "lithographer of the first rank." Executed numerous original and reproductive litho- graphs for "L' Artiste," Bertauts's publications, etc. See Ph. Burly's "L'Age du romantisme: Celestin Nanteuil, graveur et peintre " (Paris, 1887). 126 Cupids guarding the door (1855). Printed by Bertauts. ACHENBACH, Andreas. German landscape and marine painter (b. 1815). Brother of Oswald, and still living at Diisseldorf. 127 Coast of Capri (1855). Painted and drawn on stone by Achenbach. Pub- lished by the Lithographic Institute of Arnz & Co., Diisseldorf. Pen-drawing. ROPS, Felicien. Belgian illustrator, lithographer, etcher (b. about 1835 ?). An artist of raffincnicnt, with a peculiar im- agination ; known to many mainly by his sujets librcs. Executed some noteworthy lithographs, especially the " Burial in the Walloon Country." "As soon as he became master of the lithograph process," says Beraldi, regretfully, " he entirely abandoned it." Erasth^ne Ramiro (pseudonym of Eugene Rodri- gues) has prepared a *' Catalogue descriptif des lith- ographies de Felicien Rops " (Paris, 1891). 128 To our subscribers (about 1866). A New Year cartoon from the journal " Uylen- spiegel " (founded by Rops in Brussels, 1854), giv- ing portraits of the artist and his eleven collabora- tors. 6o CATALOGUE OF 129 Waterloo medal (about 1860). A satirical print directed against the Empire. Printed in two tints. FECKERT, Gustav. One of the best of modern German reproductive lithographers (b. 1820). His works, we are told, " show a high degree of perfection and technical mastery in entering into the spirit as well as the coloristic peculiarities of the original." One of his finest productions is the full-length portrait of M. Ravene, from a painting by Prof. L. Knaus. 130 Forgetting pain (about 1857 ?). After L. Gallait's " Power of Music " or " Bohemian Musicians." Printed by W. Korn, Berlin. FRERE, Edouard. French genre painter (1819-86). Drew a few lithographs. Very popular as a painter of peasant children. 131 Boy looking at prints (1857). " td. Frere, pinx. et lith." Salon of 1857. Printed by Bertauts. Publ. in " L'Artiste " of 1858. ANASTASI, Augusta. French landscape-painter (1820-95.) Little known to the present generation, having been blind for about twenty-five years. 132 Banks of the Meuse, at Zwindrecht, Hol- land (1857). " A. Anastasi, pinx. et lith." Salon of 1857. Ber- tauts, printer. From "L'Artiste" of 1857. LITHOGRAPHY. 6l BOULANGER, Louis. French (1806-67). " of the Romantic painters par excellence. . . . Left very curious lithographic work ... of that romanticism which Theophile Gautier called * hugolatre and racinophobe.' " — Be- raldi. 133 Paganini in prison (186- ?). Lith. by Lemercier. From L' Artiste." DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narciso Virgilio. French painter, of Spanish parentage (1808-76). Did some noteworthy lithographs. 134 Amorous madmen (I860?). Bertauts, printer, Paris. From " L'Artiste." DUVAL & CO. A well-known firm of lithographers, for over thirty years in Philadelphia. A. Newsam was the chief artist of the establishment. 135 Miniature ofWashington on ivory (1860). After Mrs. Sharpless. Executed for J. J. Smith and J. F. Watson's "American Historical and Literary Curiosities," 2d series (N. Y,, i860). BRASCASSAT, Jacques Raymond. French painter (1805-67). 136 Sheep resting (Oct. 1, 1860). Brascassat, pinx. et lith. Printed by Bertauts, Paris. Published by Goupil. No. 4 in "fitudes des animaux." 62 CATALOGUE OF SABATIER, Leon. French artist. From 1827 to 1872 lithographed innumerable "picturesque views " for various books of travel and descriptive works on Paris, the Seine, Constantinople, etc. " As pieces for the portfoHo of amateurs," says Beraldi, " we find nothing to note in this inexhaustible production but some ' Marines ' lithographed in wash after Isabey and Le Poitevin." 137 View of Venice (about 1861 2). After Liem (misprint for Ziem). Printed by Le- mercier, Paris. No. 174 of" Les artistes contempo- rains." HOMER, Winslow. American painter in oil and water-colors, and illus- trator (b. 1836). Has made etchings and lithographs. 138 The coffee call (1862 2). 139 The baggage train (1862?). Both from " Campaign Sketches," (1862?) lith. and publ. by L. Prang & Co., Boston. Crayon and scraper. Printed in one tint. SARONY, Napoleon. Born in Quebec, 1821, the year of the great Napo- leon's death at St. Helena. His father, an old Bruns- wicker,had fought against the" Little Corporal," but was such an admirer of the great warrior that he named Sarony after him. He was brought to New York when very young. At the age of thirteen he found his first employment with the lithographers Risso & Brown; then with Robinson. Before he was of age he was employed by Nathaniel Currier, — afterward the well-known firm of "Currier & Ives," — with whom he remained several years. On leaving, he established the firm of Sarony & Major. The name of Knapp was soon added. Their business be- came very large and profitable. Sarony, retiring in LITHOGRAPHY. 63 1858, went abroad to study painting, which he had to abandon through the loss of his fortune, and, on the advice of his brother Oliver, then a successful pho- tographer in England, he took up that art and estab- lished himself in Birmingham. He returned to New York in 1866, since which time his career has been manifest. 140 Portrait of Napoleon Sarony (1863). Drawn by himself on a lithographic stone w^/r^ has never been printed from, and is most interesting on that account, MANET, Edouard. French founder of the " impressionist " school of painting (1832-83), His lithographs are of but slight artistic interest, apart from the personality of their author. See Edmund Bazire's "Manet" (Paris, 1884), 141 Title of " Plainte moresque," apiece of mu- sic for the guitar, by J. Bosch (about 1803 ?). Printed by Lemercier & Co,, Paris. 142 The gallery (about 1871 ?). Drawn with the brush. BARQUE, Charles. French painter (d. 1883), Began as a lithographer, and in that capacity was awarded medals in iJ^G? and 1868. 143 Small street of the port, environs of Mor- laix (about 1864). After Hcrvier, Printed by Bertauts, Paris, From "L'Artistc." Crayon-drawing, scraper freely used. 64 CATALOGUE OF GUY, Seymour Joseph. American painter (b. in England, 1824). 144 Certificate of contribution to the Brooklyn and Long Island Fair in aid of the U. S. San- itary Commission (1864). Endicott & Co., lith., 59 Beekman St., N. Y. GILBERT, Achille. French painter and engraver (b. 1828). Began to lithograph in 1848 and to etch in 1868, gaining an honorable position in each field. 145 Maria (1865). After Bonnat. Salon of 1865. Printing by Bec- quet, Paris. A fine, honest bit of crayon-drawing. BAKER, Joseph E. American lithographer, employed successively by Bufford and the Forbes Co., two Boston firms of lith- ographers. Has drawn portraits and theatrical win- dow-posters. 146 Portrait of Edward Everett (1865). After photo, by Black & Case. Lith. and pub. by J. H. BufFord. BONHEUR, Rosa. Noted French animal painter (b. 1822). 147 Head of lioness, with facsimile of a letter from the artist, the latter dated June 27, 1865. 148 Sheep in the fold (about 1866). On tinted paper. No lettering. Autograph sig- nature of the artist. No. J 38. In ofigfinal 8 x 10 inches. LITHOGRAPHY. 65 COURBET, Gustave. French painter (1819-77). '^is few etchings and lithographs, Beraldi says : " All this, notwith- standing the painter's name, is frankly had." And Bouchot tells us that " Courbet treated lithography as he did painting, with the roughness of a peasant teasing a woman of the world." 149 The apostle Jean Journet, setting out to conquer universal harmony (about 1806). Lith. by Vion. PIRODON, Eugene Louis. French painter and lithographer. Executed nearly 600 lithographs, including many reproductions of paintings. 150 ••Victory" (1866). Dog and dead hare. After the picture by Troyon. Bertauts, printer, Paris. Published in " L'Artiste," 1866. FRIZZELL, S. S. American. 151 Elaine (1866). After W. M. Hunt. Pub. by Hendrickson, Doll & Richards, Boston. Crayon, slight scraping. Soft effect. VERNIER, Emile. French lithographer and painter (d. i8j>4). " Ver- nier's lithographs," says Beraldi, "at fubt of a credit- able color, finally fell into a unif^orni and dishearten- ing gray." 152 The angelus (about 1868 2). After J. F. Millet. Printed by Lemercier & Co., Paris. Proof before letters. 9 66 CATALOGUE OF MORAN, Thomas. American landscape-painter, etcher, and illustrator (b. in England, 1837). 153 A wood interior (1868). No. I of " Studies and Pictures by Thos. Moran." Jas. McGuigan, printer, Phila. 154 South shore of Lake Superior (1869). From a study made in 1859. Only 10 or 12 im- pressions taken when the stone was accidentally de- stroyed. A forcible work, — and his best, the artist asserts. Printer as above. WIANELLI. Italian artist. 155 Sepulchre of the Sannazzaro in S. Maria del Parto (about 1869 2). " Wianelli dis. Forino litog." A good and quite delicate example of Italian work. BENASSAI, Giuseppe. Italian landscape painter (1835-78). 156 **Laquiete." Landscape (1869). " Autographic sketch by Giuseppe Benassai, of Reggio, Calabria," after the picture premiated at Florence in 1868. Torino, lith. by F'" Doyen. Pen- drawing, slightly filled in with crayon. A poor spe- cimen of Italian work. CHAUVEL, Theophile. French painter-etcher (b. 1831), noted for his re- productive etchings. Executed also a small number of lithographs, which are simply extraordinary in their effective rendering of the brush-work of noted masters. No. 159* In original 7 x H inches* LITHOGRAPHY. 67 157 The storm (1869). After Diaz. No lettering. Autograph signature of Chauvel. 158 On the waves (1872). Generally known as "The Phantom Ship." After a pastel by Charles M^ryon. lOO impressions by Lemercier & Co., Paris. 159 Cows at the watering-place (1874). After Troyon. Proof before letters. The original picture is in the Walters collection, Baltimore. DELESSARD, A. French decorative and landscape painter ; worked in New York for some years, then returned to Paris. 160 Twilight (about 1870?). A. Delessard, pinxt. and lith. Published by Geo. Ward Nichols, 756 Broadway, N. Y. RONDEL, Frederic. Franco- American painter (b. in Paris in 1826) ; has lived and worked in America since 1855. 161 Twilight (about 1870 ?). After Geo. Inness. Published by Geo. Ward Nichols, 756 Broadway, New York. SIROUY, Achille. French Hthographer (b. 1834), very skilful. 162 Miss Meyer (1870). After Prud'hon. Printed by Aug. Bry. Proof be- fore letters. Lettering in pencil by Sirouy. "... The pieces after Meissonier, Prud'hon, Decamps, and Delacroix give a special importance to Sirouy's work, and place him among the most skilful artists of repro- ductive lithography."— Beraldi. 68 CATALOGUE OF COLE, Joseph Foxcroft. American landscape and animal painter (1837-92). Began life as a lithographer in Bufford's establish- ment, Boston, where Winslow Homer also was en- gaged at the time, and where Eastman Johnson had been before him. L. Prang & Co. published, in 1870, "Album of American Artists ; Parti: Pastoral subjects, from the paintings of J. Foxcroft Cole. Drawn on stone by the artist." It contained six plates, which, together with his "Pastoral" and " Pastoral, No. 2," are believed to be the only original lithographs executed by him. 163 Pastoral (about 1870 2). J. Foxcroft Cole, pinx. and lith. Print by L. Prang & Co. Published by E. A. Doll, Boston. LEGROS, Alphonse. French painter and engraver (b. 1837). In Eng- land since 1863. A " Catalogue raisonne de I'ceuvre grave et lithographic de M. Alphonse Legros, 1855- 1877," by A. P. Malassis and A. W. Thibaudeau, was published in Paris in 1877. 164 Portrait of Ohampfleury (1875). WHISTLER, James Abbot McNeill. American-born painter and etcher (b. 1834 or 1836). This well-known, talented, and eccentric ar- tist shows his characteristic qualities in a number of lithographs, most of them quite sketchy. In works like his " Chelsea fish shop " he shows the same light- ness of touch and succinctness as in his etchings, yet to the loving student of the products of the golden age of lithography it may still be considered an open question whether the lithographic process is especially well suited to Whistler. However, it is a highly in- teresting matter to observe artists of modern ten- dencies striving to express themselves in an art that seemed so well adapted to the artistic needs of the period of the " men of 1830." LITHOGRAPHY. 69 165 The toilet (published 1878). Proof before all letters. Crayon, stump, and scraper. 166 The canal, Vitr6. Light crayon sketch. Proof before all letters. RIBOT, Theodule. PVench painter (1823-91). " Th. Ribot, sa vie et ses oeuvres," is by L. de Fourcaud. 167 Portrait of his son (1880?). Crayon and scraper. FANTIN-LATOUR, Henri. French painter-lithographer (b. 1836). " An en- thusiast in music, he has undertaken to translate into drawings the melodic inspirations of Schumann, Berlioz, Wagner, and Brahms." His vaporous de- signs are graceful and elegant. See " Les maitres de la lithographic : Fantin-Latour. fitude, suivie du catalogue de son oeuvre," by G. H^diard (Paris, 1892), and " Un peintre melomane : Fantin- Latour," by R. Bouyer (Paris, 1895). 168 Frontispiece: the genius of music (1881). Winged figure bearing tablet inscribed with the names of Schumann, Berlioz, Wagner, and Brahms. Salon of 188 r. 169 After the portrait which I made of myself at the age of 17 years. H. Fantin " (1892). 170 To Stendhal (1892). A winged female figure decorating the tomb of Henri Beyle with flowers. Printed by Lemercier, Paris. These three, like all his lithographs, are done in crayon, freely scraped. 70 CATALOGUE OF CHARTRAN, Theobald. French portrait-painter. Visited America in recent years. Executed a series of portraits on stone. 171 Portrait of Oarolus Duran (1885). Crayon, with some scraping. VERGNES, Camille. French lithographer. Since i88i has exhibited various reproductions of paintings by contemporary painters, with much success. 172 Portrait of Leon Cogniet (1886). After Bonnat. Proof before letters. Autograph signature. An effective and honest piece of work. DETAILLE, Edouard. French painter and illustrator of note (b. 1848). 173 Sketches of Zouaves, etc. (1886). Autograph note : " Trial lithograph, of which twenty impressions were made. Not placed on the market. E. Detaille." 174 Artilleryman standing guard over a can- non. Autograph note: " Separate impression of a litho- graph made for a military publication, not to be found, and published for a charity festival. Separate im- pression, very rare. E. Detaille." ISRAELS, Josef. Dutch painter (b. 1824). 175 Winter, also in life (1890). LITHOGRAPHY. 71 MAUROU, Paul. French (b. 1848). Has attracted much attention by his large portrait heads, executed in a vigorous and masterly manner, such as his " Mounet-Sully as Hamlet," after J. P. Laurens (1889), gaining a medal for his work. 176 Thomas of Aquinas (1890). After Laurens. Salon of 189 1. Proof before all letters. Thirty impressions. Autograph signatures of Laurens and Maurou. BAUER, M. Contemporary Dutch artist of advanced tendencies, 177 The caliph, accompanied by a numerous escort (1891). A plate from *' La l^gende de St. Julien I'hospi- talier" : ten lithographs after Gustave Flaubert (La Haye, 1891), twenty copies only. Vague in draw- ing, like all his work. REDON, Odilon. French artist (b. 1840). A symbolist, whose mystical and fantastic conceptions on stone have found some admirers, but are undecipherable to common mortals. Jules Destr^e has compiled a " Catalogue descriptif des lithographies de Redon." 178 Eyes closed (1891). Fifty impressions. " Redon's best piece ; it is perfectly comprehensible. ' ' — Beraldi. CASSATT, Mary. American painter and etcher, living in Paris. 72 CATALOGUE OF 179 Lady in opera-box (1891). Autograph note by the artist: "... This early and only attempt at lithography. Five proofs, stone effaced. May, 1891." Crayon and scraper. LUNOIS, Alexandre. French (b. 1863) ; has passed at a bonnd into the very first rank of contemporary lithographers. He juggles with his medium, at times producing an as- tonishing resemblance to process copies of wash drawings, but in his reproductions of work by Dau- mier, Ulysse Butin, etc., he suppresses his identity. 180 Nocturnal adoration of the Holy Sacrament (about 1892). Proof before all letters. Six impressions of this state. Autograph signature. Done with brush and scraper. CHERET, Jules. Noted French designer of posters (b. 1836). His work is marked by verve, elegance, a certain French esprit, and a maximum of effect with few colors. 181 A plate from "L'Estampe originale" (1892). Printed in brown. DAGNAN-BOUVERET, Pascal Adolphe Jean. French painter (b. 1852). 182 Adoration of the shepherds (1892). DILLON, Henri Patrice. French lithographer, essentially of to-day. 183 Plate from a series of months (1892). Proof without lettering. Signed in pencil. No. J 79. In original 8 x U inches* LITHOGRAPHY. 73 184 Landscape, pool in foreground (1893). Proof without lettering. Remarque. Crayon and brush were tried on the margin, shown in this im- pression. BESNARD, Albert. French painter, noted for his chromatic vagaries (b. 1849). 185 Death at the door, surprising a family at table (about 1893). From "L'Estampe originale." No lettering. PUVIS DE CHAVANNES, Pierre. French decorative painter (b. 1824). 186 Plate from "L'Estampe originale " (1893). Figure of woman, seated, with Phryj;ian cap. Cliff and view of sea in background. Printed in brown. No lettering. ROBIDA, Albert. French draftsman and writer (b. 1848). A "de- scriber of manners " and caricaturist; of a " caprici- ous verve, a singular fancy," somewhat bizarre in style, and very prolific. 187 Old building on a cliff, possibly intended for Mont St. Michel (1893). WICKENDEN, Robert J. American painter, living in France. 188 The return of the flock (1893). Remarque proof, before all letters. Autograph signature. lO 74 CATALOGUE OF DESBOUTIN, Marcellin. French painter-etclier (b. 1822). Has executed genre subjects and many portraits in dry point. 189 Portrait of himself (about 18»4). From "Album des peintres-lithographes." No lettering. Loosely handled. BRACQUEMOND, Felix. French artist (b. 1833). Began his art-life, when quite young, in a lithographic establishment. Best known as an etcher of great talent and originality. 190 Nude female, in woods, reaching for fruit hanging over her head (1894). Autograph signature. No lettering. Crayon ; scraper slightly used. 191 Female bather (1894). Second state. No lettering. Autograph note by the artist : " Lith. sketch, made in order to try the color values which the crayon gives for each color." Crayon; some scraping. BUHOT, F61ix. French painter and etcher (b. 1847). "Buhot," says Beraldi, "has a note of his own, full of life and very modern." 192 Jean Buhot (Sat., July 16, 1894). Porti-ait of a boy. As in many of his etchings, the broad margin is filled with sketches and marks. Auto- graph note by the artist: "Sketch from nature on paper (transferred to stone). 25 impressions (stone destroyed)." HERKOMER, Hubert. German painter, composer, etcher, and what not, an artist of much versatility and force. Born 1849 in Munich; lives and works in England. LITHOGRAPHY. 75 193 Spring song (1894). One of a small series of illustrations for a musical composition of his own. Crayon and scraper. GEOFFROY, Jean. Well-known French painter of child-life (b. 1853). 194 Heads of two children (1894). From the "Album des peintres-lithographes." No lettering. Almost pure crayon-work. Little scraping. G(ENEUTTE, Norbert. Frenchpainter-etcherof Parisian subjects (1854-94). He had much talent and did numerous etchings and dry points. 195 Figure of a woman, in hat and cloak (1894). First state; 3 impressions. Broad margin on right filled with rough sketches, and marks made in trying the crayon. No lettering. STORM VAN 'S GRAVESANDE, Charles. Dutch etcher (b. 1841). 19C Marine, with small sailing vessels ; city in background (1895). Autograph signature. Crayon ; a few scratches with scraper. While reminding one of the succinct- ness and simplicity of method in the artist's etchings, this lithograph does not seem to show the same sure- ness of touch born of absolute familiarity with the medium. MUYDEN, Evert van. Born at Rome, of Swiss parents, 1853. Lives in Paris. Noted etcher of animal subjects. 76 CATALOGUE OF 197 Lion reposing (1895). Signed autograph note by the artist : " Only 20 impressions. Stone destroyed." Crayon; touched up with the pen. 198 Lion attacking buffalo (1895). Original lithographic drawing in wash, pen, and crayon, on prepared paper. This drawing, in its present state, may be transferred to a lithographic stone and printed from. The following numbers have been added since the first edition of this catalogue was printed. And as they are mainly by artists who are already represented and described in the earlier numbers^ details are not considered necessary. MENZEL, A. 199 The five senses (1835). 200 Shooting festival (Certificate of membership in the Berliner Schiessverein fiir Ofiiciere," 1839). 201 Three plates from " Versuche auf Stein mit Pinsel und Schabeisen " (1851). GAVARNI. 202 Portrait of himself (1854). 203 In memoriam (184-). 204 Conversation (1858). 205 Portrait of Isabey (1854). 206 Portrait of Decamps (1858). GARNIER, H. 207 The wreck (after A. Scheffer). LITHOGRAPHY. 77 BOSCH, E. 208 Before the altar (The Hague, 1895). FANTIN-LATOUR, H. 209 Souvenir of Schumann (1894). 210 Gotterdammerung (1884). SIROUY, A. 211 Christ in the storm (after Delacrois, 187-). BARGUE, C. 212 The ball slippers (after Chaplin, 186-). SANDYS, F. 213 A nightmare : caricatures of Rossetti, Mil- lais, and Hunt (1857). SIROUY, A. 214 Venus and Adonis (after Prud'hon, 183-). PILOTELL, nom deplume of Labadie (b. 1844). 215 Caricatures of authors (2d Dec, 1868). CHAUVEL, T. 216 Spring blossoms (after Van Marcke, 1878). CHAPLIN, C. 217 Architecture (1861). DAUMIER, H. 218 The liberty of the press (1834). GAUCI, M. 219 Franklin (1823). 78 CATALOGUE OF SOULANGE-TEISSIER, L. E. 220 Gillie and deer-hounds (after F. Tayler, 1857). BODMER, K. 221 Rescue from Indians (figures by Millet). HOLSWILDER. 222 Church interior, after J. Bosboom (The Hague). BONINGTON, R. P. 223 Tower at Evreux (1824). VERNIER, E. 224 Evening (after Oorot). LUNOIS, A. 225 By the Zuyder Zee (1890). MAURIN, N. E. 226 Napoleon triumphant (after Prud'hon, 1824). BONHEUR, Rosa. 227 A bull's head (1859). SOULANGE-TEISSIER, L. E. 228 Portrait of Rosa Bonheur. CAMIA, L. 229 Statue of Washington (after Crawford, 1844). ISABEY, E. 230 The gondola (1836). LITHOGRAPHY. GUDIN, T. 231 Fishing-boat (1836). 232 A prisoner (1836). RAFFET, A. 233 "Le bouillon du passage" (183-). WHISTLER, J. A. M. 234 Old house in Brittany. 235 Nocturne. BOILLY, L. 236 Four views of his portrait (1832). LUNOIS, A. 237 Peasants fishing (after Butin). JACQUE. C, and MOUILLERON, A. 238 Spring. JACOTT, F. 239 The Prodigal Son (after Morot). 240 Nymph and satyr (after Cabanel). VERGNES, C. 241 -ffisop, after Velasquez (1887). 242 Menippus, after Velasquez (1887). MAUROU, P. 243 Study head, after Laurens (1892). 244 Mounet-Sully, as Hamlet (1893). INDEX TO THE NAMES OF i60 ARTISTS REPRESENTED* (The figures refer to the numbers of the exhibits, noi to the pages.) ACHENBACH, A. I27. achenijach, o. 84. Adam,V. 50,91. Alarmi, a. d'. Set; Dal- ARMI, A. Anastasi, a. 132. Aubry-Lecomte. 23, 24. Avignon, F. d'. 113, 114. Baker, J. E. 146. Bargue, C. 143,212. Barye, a. L. 115, 116. Bauer, M. 177. Baugniet, C. 87. Bellange, H. 59. Benassai, G. is6. Besnard, a. 185. BicHEBois, L. p. a. 50. BiUA, A. 119. Bodmer, K. 92,93,221. BoiLLY, L. 44, 236. Bonheur,R. 147,148,227. Bonington, R. p. 34,35, 223. Bosch. 208. Boulanger, L. 133. Bracquemond, F. 190, 191. II Brascassat, J. R. 136. Bresdin, R. 124. 125. BuHOT, F. 192. Calamk, A. 100,101. Camia, L. 229. Cassatt, M. 179. Chaplin, C. iii, 112, 217. Charlet, N. T. 39. Chartran, T, 171. Chauvel, T. 157-159. 216. Cheney, J. 47, 48. Chere7,J. 181. Chevallier, G. S. See Gavarni. Chien-Caillou. St-e Bresdin, R. Cole, J. F. 163. Cole, T. 109. Colin, A. M. 52. CouRBET, G. 149. Crawley, John, Jr. 61. Dagnan-Bouveret, p. A. J. 1S2. Dalarmi, a. 7. 82 INDEX. Danjoy. 85. Daumier, H. 74, 75, 218. David, J. 85. D'AviGNON. See Avig- I NON. Decamps, A. G. 56, 57. Dekker, H. a. C. 121. Delacroix, E. 40-42. Delessaru, a. 160. Desboutin, M. 189. Detaille, E. 173, 174. Deveria, a. 54. Diaz de la Pena, N. V. 134. Dillon, H. P. 183,184. Dore, G. 120. Dupre, J. 78. Duval & Co. 135. Eichens, p. H. 103. Ekeman-AllessoNjL. 28. Endicott. 61. EiNGELMANN, G. l8. Fantin-Latour, H. 168- 170, 209, 210. Feckert, G. 130. Fenderich, C. 97. Fischer, J. 5. Frere, E. 131. Frizzell, S. S. 151. Gallait, L. II o. Garnier, H. 207. Gauci, M. 219. Gavarni. 88-90,202-206. Geoffroy, J. 194. Gericault, T. 31. Gilbert, A. 145. Gceneutte, N. 195. Goya y Lucientes, F. J. DE. 38. Grenier, F. 26. Grevedon, H. 55. Gros, Baron. 19. GuDiN, T. 53, 231, 232. Guy, S. J. 144. Hanfstaengl, F. 3, 76, 77- Harding, G. P. 86. Harding, J. D. 29, 30. Herkomer, H. 193. Hervier, a. 123. Hesse, H. J. 49. HoLSwiLDER. 222. Homer, W. 138, 139. Huet, p. 80. Hullmandel, C. J. 33. Isabey, E. 71, 72, 230. isabey, j. b. 27. Israels,/. 175. Jacob, N. H. 2. Jacott, F. 239, 240. Jacque, C, 106, 107, 238. JULIEN. 108. Kreins, H. a. 96. Kriehuber, J, 104, 105. Kruger, F. 36, 37. Legros, a. 164. Lemud, a. DE. 94, 95. Llanta, J. F. G. 102. lowstadt, c. t. 32. Lunois, a. 180, 225, 237. Madou, J. B. 69. Manet, E. 141, 142. Massai, p. 10. Maurin, N. E. 70, 226. Maurou, P. 176,243,244. Menzel, a. 81-83, ^99' 200-1. Millet, J. F. 118,221. MoRAN, T. 153, 154. Mouilleron, A. 117,238. Muyden, E. VAN. 197,198. INDEX. 83 Nanteuil, C. 126. Newsam, a. 63-65. Noel, L. 62. Odevaere, J. D. 13. Orlowski, A. 51. Otis, B, 22. Peale, R. 45, 46. Pendleton. 60. Pettenkofer, a. 98. Pilotell. 215. Piloty, F. 9. PiRODON, E. L. 150. Prout, S. 25. Puvis UE Chavannes, p. 186. R. . . II. Raffet, a. 66-68, 233. Redon, O. 178. Rirot, T. 167. Robert, L. 58. Robida, a. 187. Rondel, F. 161. Rops, F. 128, 129. Rude, F. 79. Sabatier, L. 137. Sandys, F. 213. Sarony, N. 140. Schinkel, C. F. 14, Senefelder, a. 1-4. SiROUY, A. 162,211,214. Soijlange-Teissier, L. E. 122,220,228. Storm van 'sGrave- sande, C. 196. Sudre, J. P. 43. Teissier,L.E.Soulange-. See Soulange-Teis- sier. Veith. 73. Verboeckhoven, E. 99. Vergnes, C. 172, 241, 242. Vernet, II. 15-17. Vernier, E. 152, 224. Vigneron, P. R. 20, 21. Wagenbauer, M. J. 6. Whistler, J. A. M. 165, 166, 234, 235. WlANELLI. 155. WiCKENDEN, R. J. 188. Winter, R. 8. WiNTTER, n. E. 12. \ GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE B llllllliliii ■ 3 3125 01450 8036