THE OF A VALUABLE SELECTION OF VERY CAPITAL LATELY BROUGHT INTO ENGLAND FROM VIENNA, BY Mr. JOSEPH LEMMER, AND URGENTLY EXHIBITED ON PRIVATE VIEW AT No. 6 , IIAYMARKET. COMPRISING CIj t choice Slor&g of tfioge great anti preeminent faster 0 : RAPHAEL, CORREGGIO, DOMENICHINO, GIORGIONE, TITIAN, LEONARDI DA VINCI, AN1BAL CARACCI, BENEDETTO LUTTI, PIETRO DA CARTON A, RUBENS,' GASPAR POUSSIN, REMBRANDT, BERCHEM, BALD ASA RE FRANCESCHINI, FILIPPO LAURA, VAN BLOEMEN, COUNT ROTARr, TENIERS, JAN BOTH, MIGNARD, &c. &c. DESERVING The Attention of the Connoisseurs, and a Situation in the first Cabinets. TOGETHER WITH A FEW FIGURES IN IVORY, Sculptured after Designs by albert dukes. A VALUABLE PIECE OF ANTIQUE PORCELAINE, AND TWO CAPITAL VIOLINS, IN HIGH PRESERVATION. ©HfHCl) WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION PETER COXE, BURRELL and FOSTER, At Macklin’s Great Room, the Poet’s Gallery, 39, Fleet Street, On THURSDAY , the 1 6th Day of JUNE, 1803, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. May be Viewed Three Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had of MetTrs. peter coxe, Burrell, and foster, Throgmorton Street ; and at the Gallery, Fleet Street. Contritions of §s>ale. i That the highest Bidder be the Purchaser v but should any Dispute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot or Lots, to be put up again and refold. II. That no Person advance less than One Shilling. Above Five Pbunds, Two Shillings and Sixpence* andfo on in Proportion. That the Purchasers give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required and pay down immediately T wenty Pbunds per Cent, in Part of the Pur* chase Money, and the Remainder on or before the Delivery. IV. That the Lots (hall be abfolutely taken away within Two Days after the Sale, with all Faults, by whomfoever they were painted, and under all Descriptions, and at the Expence of the Purchafer. And Laftly. That upon Failure of complying with these Conditions,, the Money deposited, in Part of Payment shall be forfeited : all Lots uncleared after the Time limited shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale ; and the' Deficiency, if any, attending such Re-sale, together with all Charges, be made good by the Defaulter of the present Sale. A CATALOGUE, &c. &c. &c. JL HE Collection of PICTURES now submitted and exhibited for public opinion and approval, are in the exact state in which they were recently brought over to this Country* at a very heavy and considerable charge, from Vienna, consigned through a house of the first respectability in London ; and the Pictures are offered up with the names of the different Masters, and in the exact words of the which has been handed over by the Proprietor to illustrate their respective merits* 7 On THURSDAY, JUNE the 1 6th, 1803. pictures. *- ■ '* •••, ’ School of Ten terfc 1 JP^ORTRAIT of an old Man laughing, wearing a Cap edged with Fur Gafper Pouflin, or Dughet' 2 Landfcape without Figures. This Painting, even Viewed at a fmall Diftance, exhibits Proofs of the highelt finifhing: notwithftanding its limited Size, the Colours are laid on thick and bold, fo as to render it uncommonly attra&ive and pleafing to the Eye Gafper Pouffin, or Dughet A Matter not yetafcertained Matter not yet afcertained Graefbdek • — Johann van Hugtenburgh. By the fame Matter — - Johann Horejnans — Johinn Horemans By a very, able Matter Peter van Bloemen Peter Mignard, called the Roman *— • — Baldaflare Franchefcini, called Volterrano [ 4 1 3 Landscape. Companion to the above 4 Fruit Piece,, highly Pi&urefque, but executed irr peculiar Manner and produdlive ota very ftriking: EfFed 5 Fruit Piece,. Companion to the above 6 Two Men fighting — Clofe to them is an empty Calk', on which are feen a Jug, Paper, and Dice 7, A Battle.. This painting is in a very bold ftyle, and 1 remarkable for the Effi d produced, whenviewed J at a proper Dittance, and fi r the Animation ands Expreffibn of. the various Paflion of the Com T batants 8 Companion to the preceding. 9 A Converfation Piece, comprifing fix Perfons of rank ‘ and other fubje&s of an inferior Nature. In the Apartment are fufpended two Pidures, one repre- fenting Lot and his Daughters, the other a Super* porte with two Geniuses,, one of whom holds a Cornucopia? — the Coftume is Antient. Too much Praife cannot be given to this Mattery famous for his Gompofitions, for delicate and yet matterly touch 10 Converfation Piece, Companion to the above 11 A Bacchante- This Matter has only fubferibed the initials H. de C. whofe Name it is, however, to be hoped* will not remain obfcure much longer The naked figures are delicaie and foft; and the colouring is natural. The colouring and mod probably the pigeons are the labour of the celebrated. Johann, commonly called Velvet Breughel 12 Landfcape; Figures arid Cattle.. This beautiful Painting has been, deemed worthy of being co- pied byfome of the firft living Matters i 13 Portrait of a beautiful young Lady deckt with l Flowers 1 14 Magdalen, in,a beautiful Landfcape, reclining againft l a Rock,, and fupporting herfelf with her right Hand; her left Hand is extended towards Heaven, and her Countenance expreflive of enthuliaftic [ 5 ] Euca Giordano, Luca fa Pretto called 1 15 P. P. Storer — 16 \JhnBoth — — • 17 Matter not . yet afcertained 18 Gicrgiooe del Caftel-frar.eo 19 By a Matter not yet afcer- y^o taioed — — ) Paul Rembrandt — 21 By the fame unknown Matter as N*. 9 — } 22 Tiiiian — — 2$ Joy;-— an Angel Is hovering above her with a Crown in his Hand. The Invention is grand and' elegant ; the colouring is pleaftng and har- monious Portrait of a Faun crowned with Vine Leaves, with a beautiful back Ground. The Manner of this Italian Matter, is peculiar, and greatly admired by. the firft Artitts. He was a Pupil of Pietro da Cortona, who devoted fo much of his Time to the Study. of Corregio’s, Vinci’s, and other Ve- netian Performances, and whofe Merits entitle him to the higheft Conlideration The Decifion of Solomon the Wife. The Colours are laid on. thick and bold, w ith great Livelinefs Landfcape with the Sun riling. This beautiful Ca- binet Picture contains ten Figures, four Horfes, Hills and dittant Towns, with a great Variety of Trees and Shrubs EJiher and Ahajuerus. A-Compofition of 11 Figures; beautiful Archite&ure and an open View Portrait. of a ypung Man with a Tobacco-Pipe ftuck on his Hat. The Style is grand, the Manner ea r y ; Light and Shade- are blended with much Nature Portrait of Ghrift crowned with Thorns and holding a Reed in his Hands, which are bound Portrait of a venerab'e old Man, with a grey Beard, and a Hand moft exquifitely executed. Tins Painting is in a peculiarly light and delicate Manner, and yet difphys a Boldnefs and a Touch which cannot fail to render it worthy the Notice oi the Cognofcenti » An Ecce Horho Portrait tof a Perfon of Rank' (but not yet afeertained by the Proprietor of this Collection) dreffed in black, with a white Ruff and Gold Chain about his Neck. The Colouring is brilliaiv, and pr>f- feffed of all that delicacy and peculiarity ol Style, for which Titian was fo highly efteemed [ 6 ] ^armegiano «=» 24 Nicholas Berchem — 25 Pietro Conto Rogli — - 26 P* P. Lcnardi, a Pupil of) 27 Raphael — ) Benedetto Luti, called Ca- 1 ) 28 valiere Luti (a pupil of V Ciroferri) — j Pilippo Laura 29 Philippo Lauri and Velvet Breughel -r- Frani Linder — 3 ° 3 * A Sketch of a brunet Cupid.— -The Forefinger of hit left Hand is applied to his Mouth; with his right Hand he holds a Tablet to his Breaft, having a Handle and String, by which it may be fuf- pended. The Style is the grandiojo , and produces a moft ftriking Effect, A mountainous Landfcape, with a Man fitting near a large Stone Bridge ; oppofite to him is a Shep- herdefs fpinning, furrounded by Cattle; towards the back Ground, dole to a young T ree and the Stump of another, is a Cow being milked: at the farther End, a beautiful blue Sky appears, intermixed with light Clouds The Virgin Mary folding her Hands in Devotion. This Mailer is remarkable for his elegant Tafte and Judgement of Defign, and a lingular Degree of Correftnefs in his Drawing.— His Style of Colouring is uncommonly beautiful A fine Reprefentation of the celebrated Battle fought under Jolhua: “_/?<* foi The Drawing is ex- cellent, the Compofition rich and harmonious, and the Colouring uncommonly brilliant A contrite Saint in a moft beautiful Landfcape, above whom are the heads of feveral ai ge s. This mafter is an excellent colourift; his pencil frelh and lively; his Manner delicate, and his Tafte elegant and corred Three flying Cupids, one of whom has a Baflcet with Pigeons, and another, underneath, a Bird Neft. The Flowers are uncommonly beautiful and lively, by the mafterly hand of Velvet Breughel, fo juftly celebrated for his landfcape, which is like Nature itfelf. Of thefe Cupids thereis not only an old Print, but it ha$ been Engraved by Caroline Watfon Companion to N p . 38 (Hiftorrcal Painter, and Member of the Academy of Painting at Vienna, who Died Two Years ago*} A reprefentation of Vanity diverting herftlf with Blowing Bladders. An Engraving of it in Mex- votinto has been made at Vienna Albert Durer — r 7 i A Three beau'ififi carved Ivory Figures, after B An elegantly executed Porcelain Difh with embolTed Figures reprefenting the Story of Perfcus and An- dromeda C A capital fine-toned Violin in fine Prefervation D An uncommonly fine-toned Ditto of beautiful Form, in equal Prefelvation Annibal Caracci ■*— 3-2 Portrait of Chrift with his Hands bound. The Face ..} is cptjefs remarkable for its manly Beauty, than for the correfponding Expreffion. The Whole is fo incomparably executed, t^at Corregio him- fel'f could not have painted a finer Portrait 33 A beautiful Pfrrfpedfc on the Water; the Figures are by another Mafter — 34 The Companion. — View of St. Marc’s Place in Venice — 35 Portrait: of fome literary, or otherwife celebrated Man, in a, fingular Dsefs,. holding a Letter in his left Hand. On one of the Fingers of his right Handis a Ring with an Anagram 36 Chrift and the Samaritan at the Well.— -Two- Angels r- Landfcape,. and a> City 37 Artemifia holding, in her. left Hand the Cup of Poifon which file has juft taken; with her right Arm r reclined on a Oulhion, (he fupports her Head? — Her Face exhibits the Effects of the fatal Pi lion Raphael San&io da Urbino 38 Our Saviour and Sr. John,, as Children,, fitting in an elevated Situation under a Curtain;, which is draytfn up. This Painting, is about the laft Manner of this Mafter,. is bold and finiflied, and the Colouring brilliant 39 A naked Venus in a reclining Pbfition, with her Back. againft a Tree, and her left Leg drawn up urder her ; a narrow Veil is fufpended from herShnuld- ers and winds round her. Waift. With a Ian- guifhing look, dire&ed to a> Satyr, lhe palTcs her right Arm around his Neck above his Shoulders, while her left finks down on the red Garment upon which lhe lies: the Satyr enfolds her with Claude le Lqrrain, or Claudius Gelee Ditto — Leonardo* da Vinci Pietro Bbretini da Cortona DominichinO’ — — VKthm Vecelli — [ 8 ] his left Arm above her Shoulders : behind is Cupid breaking an Arrow acrofs his Knee. There is another Satyr, with his Arm fcreening his Eyes againft the Rays of the Sun, and view- ing her in Rapture. The Scene is in a beautiful Landscape, ftrongly illumined by the Sun. Raphael San&io da Urbino 40 The Corpfe of Chrift lying on the Lap of his Mother, The Pofition of the Head, Arms and Hands, are inimitable, and the Drawing of the Whole un- commonly ftriking. This Painting is in his firft, or rather, Perugino Manner P. P. Rubens — * — 41 A Cabinet, Piece, reprefenting God the Father and Chrift, who embraces a crofs, and is attended by an Angel in the clouds, appearing to a prieft, yvko is in the habit of a J efuit. The greateft artifts have allowed this to be a finilhed painting, worthy of fo eminent and fa- vourite a mailer. It is diftinguilhed not only by .the manner of its execution, but likewife by the beautiful colouring and exquifite touch. Raphael San£Uo da Urbino 42 (In his later Manner.) Madona with Jefus, and Eli- zabeth with St. John, with his Infignia under a curtain, which is drawn up- The Back Ground a Landfcape Giudo Reni - 43 The Annunciation its Originality, but also from its eminent Qualities as a Corregio. The inefti- mable Value of this Piece will be the more readily admitted, if the chlaro Jcuro be confidered, with Refpe£t to its uncommon Strength, Mellownefs and Harmony, fo chara&eriftic of all the Perfor- mances of this great Mafter, and for which Cor* regio was fo juftly celebrated This has been unanimously acknowledged by the firft Artifts in their Writings, as well as in their Difcourfes. But what renders this Painting ftill more valuable (if poflible) is, that the Subject is Youth , the moft difficult to be reprefented by the Art, and in which Corregio excelled Raphael San&io da Urbino 50 Madona, the Child, and St. John. — Chrift is repre-