18TU Fe"b.28 LoChH (fy/t A^ dufatoj/t.dt~ CATALOGUE A. COMPLETE COLLECTION OF THE WORKS OP CHARLES MERYON; ALSO SOME ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY CHARLES MERYON, $xaof CSicIjtttgs bg Mfttatkr attt» WLaltntv, mnutift'i mmm byvbm&vii, &c, &c, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN : L.U 4 $ WHICH fflffitill fte S»oltr ftp Euctton, ftg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8, KING STKEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1881, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8, King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest bidder to be the Bayer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. TI. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase -Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Mansok and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited , all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by Public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. > 3>©^0 On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1881, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. oJ»{C ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. 1 Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, by Fantin 'tfh 2 The Blessing, by Waltner — artist's proof 3 Outs for Inns, etched by Edwin Edwards 4 The Blind Man's Child, by H. Herkorner, A.R.A. — artist's proof 5 The Moat House, by Seymour Haden — artist's proof 6 Set of Thames Etchings, by Whistler 7 Paris, by A. Delatre 8 Battersea Bridge, by Whistler 9 Death and the Woodman, by Legros 10 The Well, by Legros — touched proof 11 Sheep-shearing, by Legros 12 Grandfather's Pets, by H. Herkomer, A.R.A. — artist's proof 13 Portrait of Mr. Ruskin, by H. Herkomer, A.R.A. — autograph proof 14 ' What is It ? ' etched by Luxmore, after H. S. Marks, R.A. 15 Portrait of Erasmus, by Bracquemond o 16 Phillis in the New-mown Hay, etched by Macbeth 17 Stonehenge, Turner's ' Liber Studiorum ' . -a 18 The Stork and Aqueduct, Turner's ' Liber Studiorum ' ► ^ 19 The Princes in the Tower, by S. Cousins, R.A. — artist's proof b 2 4 ^i- 20 The Fighting Tenieraire, etched by Gravier, after Turner 2 /I- 21 Memoir and descriptive catalogue of the Works of Meryon, by Burty and Huish— scarce ETCHINGS BY CHARLES MERYON. O'lo- o 22 The Cow and the Ass (Burty and Huish, 2) "3-JuV Second state o - io • o23 The Ewe; and Haarlem to Amsterdam (B. & H. 13) "3-^ k 6 . 2 ej24 The Three Pigs (B. & H. 6) (J25 The Galliot of Jean de Vyl (B. & H. 12) *?, 26 Haarlem to ^Amsterdam (B. & H. 13) ^^^t** • >?• oJ27 Calais to Flushing (B. & H. 15) 128 South Sea Fishers (B. & H. 14) ■ • ' • o 29 The Pavilion of Mademoiselle ; and A Part of the Louvre at Paris (B. & H. 8) • 5-o 30 Entrance of the Faubourg St. Marceaux, at Paris (B. & H. 9) X~- a - $ -tf31 A Water-mill, near Saint Denis (B. & H. 9) 32 The Kiver Seine; and the Angle de Mail at Paris (B. & H. 11) 1 ■ \4 & 33 The Salle des Pas Perdus (B. & H. 17) ^X>~~d~* First state 34 Chenonceau (B. & H. 18)— very rare >W\aa*. 35 Le Pont Neuf (B. & H. 19) 6 Le Pont au Change (B. &. H. 20) ^ l ^ ^ O • t *<>37 Place du Combat de Sinope (B. & H. 21) "^*& »£ . 38 Entree du Convent des Capucines (B. & H. 16) Second state t>39 Presentation to King Louis XI. of the Work Valere Maxime (B. & H. 25) • 1 -£'40 Passerelle du Pont au Change (B. & H. 27) ^mtvvvVvvivv / 41 The Same Fourth state o 42 Partie de la Cite de Paris (B. & H. 28) Third state 6 43 Le Grand Chatelet (B. & H. 29) yUJbcu^dJ 1 ^™ First state ['044 Vue de l'Ancien Louvre (B. & H. 30) First state (45 Eauxfortes sur Paris (B. & H. 31) \46 A Eeinier dit Zeeman (B. & H. 32) First state >■ 3 47 Old Gateway of the Palais de Justice (B. & H. 33) Second state , 48 Arms Symbolical of the City of Paris (B. & H. 35) First state > >now{ -C*-V» &-*>56 La Galerie de Notre Dame (B. & H. 40) First finished state r <>57 The same — with added jackdaws / ■ ten i, i J K. B O L » \x - o 58 The Kue des Mauvais Garcons (B. & H. 41) C^/Lut,<*^AJ jT- c--t? 59 La Tour de l'Horloge (B. & H. 42) ^O^ctyLt. First finished state l'|l>(? 60 The Same flvwoXt Third state I - crrO 61 The same Fourth state Z* !!>*6 ^2 Tourelle, Eue de la Tixeranderie (B. & H. 43) First state 4 • 4 o° r 63 The same >^^^p>«* Second state 3> £*0 64 St. Etienne du Mont (B. & H. 44)-- trial proof f~}Ts *ti 65 The same lcn~~fl ^— First state \ » a_- o 66 The same /£a*t/~*~^*-c»>^--- Seeond state | - $— b 67 The same Third state o lb '(>68 The same .F//M state h £- 69 La Pompe Notre Dame (B. & H. 45) Second state . /. <$--*> 70 The same ~^jv Third state ■^4& .-i ,$71 The Little Pump (B. & H. 46) I, , j€ . 72 Le Pont Neuf (B. & H. 47) Third state \ »r 73 The same Sixth state 6 1 8 o n The same Mwd Seventh state 75 Le Pont au Change (B. & H. 48) — with the balloon S ^-v\-C7w*^>*^n^_ 7- »Wg. tu 76 The same — with the balloon erased and birds inserted v » 6 77 The same — with the birds erased and balloons re-inserted l~ (y 78 The Same — with the balloon ' Yasco de Gama' inserted PAa/'Aaacu^.- f 79 L'Espekance (B. & H. 49) ^J~~ CL ^S I 80 La Morgue (B. & H. 50) Second state i , ^81 The same Fourth state II fc 82 L'Abside de Notre Dame (B. & H. 52) 6W, Fine second state .. y. 83 L'Abside de Notre Dame Second state , 85 Original Drawing by C. Meryon ^ " I , £,86 Another i 6 "O^ TOURELLE DITE DE MARAT (B. & H. 55) Proof before ' Fiat Lux ' on back L //-c88 The same — with inscription z .£j89 The same — with allegorical figures erased \4s^U^vv^jf»-^w ( \i~ Q 104 POINTE DITE DES ChARBONNIERS (B. & H. 66) First state, with Meryon's writings }.5"0 105 The Same 2 . /, . ©106 The original drawing for the same K-c<^6-ew-. cC - cv*o _ <£ . £ 107 Nouvelle Zelande Pusqu'ile de Banks 108 La Chaumiere du colon neux Soldat (B. & H. 68) i - (o ■ ^109 Pre-Volant des Iles Mtjlgraves Oceanie (B. & H. 69) Second state ^, b HO The Same Third state 111 Estampes Anciennes Eochoux (B. & H. 54) Early state, before completion of Palais of Justice (112 The same — with galley instead of lamp at bottom 113 La Loi Ltjnaire (B. & H. 73) j . o 114 La Loi Solaire , / • o 115 Rebus (B. & H. 77) fl o 116 The Same — with autograph inscription of Meryon .* 117 Rebus (B.&H. 78) 118 Rebus— rare ' & 119 Petit Prince Dito (B. & H. 70) — with autograph inscription by Meryon -*^12~Gl - o ■ c 120 Design for a .Frame (B. & H. 79) /> 121 The Same — with different publication line ^Li^L& ~ O 122 The Same ""-ft 123 Le Ministere de la Marine (B. & H. 82) — trial proof, before the clouds, unique, with Meryon s inscription tn 0124 The Same— with the clouds, but before monogram 7 . 125 The Same — before inscription , k 126 College Henri IV. (B. & H. 83) — trial proof, very rare £„6127 The Same — with the Monts Champs Cultives, dec, to the left f * O 128 The Same — with the sky removed, and a background of houses inserted *■ O 129 The Same— without the inscription « o 130 Bain Frold, Chevrier (B. & H. 84) '« 6 131 La Eue de Toiles A Bourges (B. & H. 58) First state 7' o 132 The Same— with the dog removed /P*. t( c,v ""^^ n ,* 133 The Same — with the soldier and two women inserted ^.o 134 The Same — with the title V. * ct 135 Portrait of Mons. Casimir Lecomte (B. & H. 88) t . o 136 Evariste Bonlay-Paty (B. & H. 89) . 137 Francois Viete (B. & H. 90) , © 138 Pierre Nivelle (B. & H. 91) 139 Jean Besley (B. & H. 93) 140 Bene de Burdigale (B. & H. 94) — before the name ■ 141 The Same — with the name 10 V 142 Portrait of the Painter Armand Gtueraud (B. & H. 95) 143 Louis Jacques ; Marie Bizeul (B. & H. 96) h Si ' 6>144 Benjamin Fillon (B. & H. 97) C-6v^/w~y»->-v>^ ' A • 6 145 The Same I* ( * & 146 Portrait of Meryon ~^Covv-^>y>««^-- O IS' o 147 Another, by Bracquemond * ^ . J^-6,148 La Galerie, Notre Dame "^ -5). O - //* O 149 La Tombeau de Moliere *^CL*S ' 150 Armes de la Ville de Paris 2_ - err <5 151 La Morgue ~/0 »©152 Le Palais de Justice | , / , 153 Le Petit Pont j , / , £> 154 La Galerie, Notre Dame I - 2 -ol55 St. Etienne du Mont iSZ ST, J.^.- ol56 Le Tour de l'Horloge OCo o .6 «6l57 Le Tombeau de Moliere "~~f-^Cl - S. O Qi ol58 Le Petit Pompe /. 0,o 159 Le Stryge O - / - O 160 Eauxfortes sur Paris q . £ .st O. "7, & 163 Le Ministere de Marine ^TWvv^^-^i^vv^ . ^ 164 The Same (7 - 6 C 165 A Eeinier dit Zeeman // • r> 166 Petit Prince Dito o /f- o 167 Kebus O - t* £> 168 Le Malingue Cryptogame 169 Portrait of Casimir Lecomte 11 o 170 College Henri IV. ~~>d~~ O 171 Eare Lithograph after Meryon . t> 172 Meryon in Bed "*" %/ e (^ , . > 173 San Francisco ) - A DIFFERENT PROPERTY, TURNER'S 'LIBER STUDIORUM. 174 Bridge and Cows Second state, fine impression 175 Flint Castle First state 176 Basle Second state 111 The Castle above the Meadows In the rare first state, with the shepherd's face white 178 The Fifth Plague of Egypt Third state 179 Little Devil's Bridge First state, very brilliant impression 180 The Leader Sea-piece First state, equally brilliant impression 181 Coast of Yorkshire Third state, fine impression 182 London, from Greenwich First state, brilliant impression. The circular streak of light over the dome of St. Paul's clearly defined 183 Junction of the Severn and Wye Very brilliant impression, before the margin was cleaned. Apparently in the first published state. Designated as the second by Mr. Bawlinson 12 184 Marine Dabblers First state 185 From Spenser's 'Fairy Queen' Third state 186 Woman at a Tank First state, beautiful impression 187 River Wye First state, brilliant impression, of unusual fulness of colour 188 Source of the Arveron First state, of equally fine quality IT J. A. M. WHISTLES. 189 The Music Eoom (22) — fine impression, on greenish paper. Signed in pencil '• Whistler " 190 Reading by Lamplight (24)— -very fi ne impression 191 Limehouse. " Whistler, 1859 " (39) 192 Thames Police: Wapping Wharf. " Whistler, 1859." (43) 193 Girl, seated in chair. " Annie." (50) 194 Young Girl, in cloak and hat, standing before curtain. "Whistler, 1860 " — on india paper 195 Lady, in black velvet dress, standing near an open window. " Whistler, 1859 " (56) — on india paper CHARLES MERYON. 196 La Galerie de Notre Dame (38) — fine impression, on thick paper 197 La Pompe Notre Dame (43), with the title in margin. FINIS. l/oudon : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross, u *' K >^ . Jfl vi Hi ■A llti fctfc? *1 SMI SB js^x >* ^V\- GETTY CENTER LIBRARY