Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/exhibitionofspanOOnewg EXHIBITION OF SPANISH ART Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, london and bungay. EXHIBITION OF SPANISH ART UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN REGENT OF SPAIN THE NEW GALLERY REGENT STREET 1895-6 arrangement of tbe fiybtbition* WEST GALLERY. Pictures, Plate, Jewellery, Lace, and Embroideries. NORTH GALLERY. Pictures, Pottery, Jewellery, Lace, and Embroideries. SOUTH GALLERY. Pictures of the Later School, Lace and Fans. CENTRAL HALL. Armour, Silver, Pottery, Glass, Ivories, Sculpture, Embroideries, and Furniture. BALCONY. Pictures, Tapestry, Drawings, Autograph Letters, Books, and Coins. Zhc General Committee. Patron : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN REGENT OF SPAIN. President : THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Vice-Presidents : EXMO SENOR CONDE DE CASA VALENCIA, Spanish Ambassador to the Court of St. James, HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HON. SIR HENRY DRUMMOND WOLFF, G.C.B., K.C.M.G. H.M, Ambassador to the Court of Madrid. The Duke of Abercorn, K.G., C.B. Exmo Senor el Duque de Alba. FORSTER M. Alleyne, Esq. L. Alma Tadema, Esq., R.A., F.S.A. T. Armstrong, Esq., Director, Art Division, South Kensington Museum. Walter Armstrong, Esq. , Director, National Gallery of Ireland. Samuel P. Avery, Esq., Trustee of Metropoli- tan Museum of Art, New York. Lord Balcarrf.s, M.P. Ralph Bankes, Esq. Lord Battersea. R. H. Benson, Esq. W. G. Cavendish Bextixck, Esq. H. B. Brabazon, Esq. Sir Frederick Burton, Knt., R.H. A. LL.D,, F.S.A. John B. Burgess, Esq., R.A. The Baroness Burdett-Coutts. Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart. Charles Butler, Esq., F.S.A. The Earl of Carlisle. *J. Comyns Carr, Esq. Exmo Senorel Marques de Casa Laiglesia. Miss Cohen. Sidney Colvin, Esq., Keeper of Prints and Drawings, British Museum. Sir W. M. Conway, Knt. Sir Francis Cook, Bart., Visconde de Mont- serrat. 'PIerbert F. Cook, Esq. The Earl of Cr.\wford, K.T., LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A. G. Milner-Gibson-Cullum, Esq., F.S.A. Charles B. Curtis, Esq. Lionel CusT, Esq., F.S.A., Director, Keeper and Secretary of National Portrait Gallery. Major-General Sir J. C. Donnelly, K.C.B., Secretary, Science and Art Department, South Kensington Museum. Sir George Douglas, Bart. Sir William Eden, Bart. Sir John Evans, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., Treasurer of Royal Society, Vice-President of Society of Antiquaries. Sir William Farrer, Knt., F.S.A. J. H. Fitzhexry, Esq. Wickham Flower, Esq., F.S.A. His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. Sir A. WoLLASTON Franks, K. C.B. , Litt.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., President of the Society of Antiquaries. F. Ducane Godman, Esq., F.R.S. *Mrs. Henry E. Gordon. Lord Ronald Gower, F.S.A., Trustee of the National Portrait Gallery. *R. Cunninghame Graham, Esq. Everard Green, Esq., F.S.A., Rouge Dragon, Pursuivant of Arms. "H. A. Grueber, Esq., F.S.A., Assistant Keeper of Coins, British Museum. *C. E. Halle, Esq. *Miss Elinor Halle. Hon. Claude G. Hay. Lord Herri es. Captain G. L. Holford, CLE. *R. R. Holmes, Esq., F.S.A,, H.M, Librarian, Windsor Castle. W. H. St. John Hope, Esq., Assistant Secre- tary, Society of Antiquaries. W. Holman Hunt, Esq. ■■"Henry Jenner, Esq., F.S.A,, The Library, British Museum. ''Guy F. Laking, Esq, The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. , G. C. M. G. , G.C.S.L, H.M. Secretary of State for War. John Lavery, Esq. The Marquess of Lothian, K.T., LL.D., Presi- dent of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland. "M. Raymonde de Madrazo. VI Henry G. Marquand, Esq., President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. The Dulce of Norfolk, K.G., Earl Marshal, H.M. Postmaster-General. *Philip Norman, Esq., F.S.A. *F. M. O'DoNOGHUE, Esq., F.S.A., Assistant Keeper of Prints and Drawings, British Museum. Senor Don Guillermo J. de Osma. Alfred Parsons, Esq., R.I. James Paton, Esq., Curator, Glasgow Art Galleries. Claude Phillips, Esq. Hon. Sir Spencer Ponson by-Fane, K.C.B. The Duke of Portland, H.M. Master of the Horse. J. LUMSDEN Propert, Esq., M.D. W. Cuthbert QuiLTER,Esq., M.P. *Charles H. Read, Esq., Secretary, Society of Antiquaries. Senor Don Juan de Riano. W. B. Richmond, Esq., R.A. J. P. RiCHTER, Esq., Ph.D. *Sir J. C. Robinson, Knt., F.S.A., H.M. Surveyor of Pictures. Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild, M.P. George Salting, Esq., F.S.A. Albert G. SANDEMAN,[Esq. j Lieut. -Col. John Glas Sandeman. I J. S. Sargent, Esq., A. R.A. I "Isidore Spielmann, Esq., F.S.A. I Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., M.P. i F.S.A. Scot. j Archibald Stirling, Esq. I *Miss Una Taylor. I A. G. Temple, Esq., F.S.A., Director, Corpora- I tion Galleries, Guildhall, i *Miss Thomas. ! Exino Senor Conde de Torre Diaz. I Sir Edward M. Thompson, K.C.B., D.C.L., i LL.D., F.S.A., Principal Librarian and Secretary, British Museum, Sir Charles Turner, K.C.I.E. Emanuel M. Underdown, Esq., Q.C. Exrho Senor Conde de Valencia de don Juan. His Eminence Cardinal Vaughan. George H. Wallis, Esq., F.S.A., Director, Art Museum, Nottingham. Whitworth Wallis, Esq., F.S.A., F.R.G.S., \ Keeper, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Lord Wantage, K.C.B., V.C. T. Humphry Ward, Esq. The Duke of Westminster, K.G. Henry Willett, Esq. 1 Senor Don Pedro de Zulueta. Secretary : LEONARD C. LINDSAY, F.S.A. The flames with an Asterisk form, the Executive Coimnittee, PREFATORY NOTE. The Directors and the Secretary of the New Gallery desire to tender their most grateful thanks to the Duke of Wellington and the members of the Committee for the assistance they have afforded in organising the present Exhibition, and for the valuable contributions which they and other ladies and gentlemen have made of pictures and other works of art. They also wish to record their deep sense of obligation to those who have taken a more active part in the practical organisation of the Exhibition ; in particular to Mr. H. A. Grueber and Mr. Isidore Spielmann, for their arduous labours in the arrangement of the various exhibits and in the preparation of the catalogue ; to Sir Charles Robinson, M. R. dc Madrazo, Mr. C. H. Read, Mr. F. M. O'Donoghue, Mr. Herbert Cook, Mr. Cunninghame Graham, Mr. Guy Laking, Mr. Philip Norman, and Mr. S. J. Whawell, for the advice and assistance they have given in the selection of the various exhibits, and also to Mrs. H. Gordon, Miss Una Taylor, Miss Thomas, and Miss Elinor Halle in selecting and cataloguing the lace and embroideries. The Directors of the New Gallery hope next winter to continue the present series of exhibitions by illustrating the Art of France. Leonard C. Lindsay, Secretary, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MOKE IMPORTANT WORKS CONSULTED IN THE PREPARATION OF THE EXHIBITION. Cean Bermudez, D. Juan Agustin, Diccionario historico de los mas ilustres profesores de las Bellas Artes en Espana. Madrid, 1800. Curtis, Charles B., Velazquez and Murillo. London, 1883. Ford, Richard, Handbook for Travellers in Spain. 2 vols. London, 1855. Head, Sir Edmund, Handbook of the History of Spanish and French Schools of Painting. London, 1848. Jameson, Anna, Sacred and Legendary Art. 8vo, 3rd Edition. London, 1857. — — Legends of the Madonna. 8vo, 4th Edition. London, 1867. Legends of the Monastic Orders. 8vo, 4th Edition. London, 1867. JuSTi, Carl, Diego Velazquez and his Times. London, 1889. Palomino di Castro y Velasco, D. Antonio, El Museo Pictorico y Escala Optica. 2 vols. Madrid, 1715-24. Robinson, J. C, Memoranda on Fifty Pictures. London, 1868. SCHARF, George, Handbook of the Paintings by Ancient Masters in the Arts Treasure Exhibition, Manchester. London, 1857. Stirling, William, Annals of the Artists of Spain. 3 vols. London, 1848. Waagen, G. F., Treasures of Art in Great Britain. 4 vols. London, 1854. CATALOGUE. The works are catalogued tmder the names given to them by the Contributors. The Com- fnittee canjiot be responsible for the attributions. The Numbers commence in the West Gallery^ and cojitinue from left to right. The Painters of the Modern School are rep?'esented in the South Gallery. Throughoi/t the Catalogue^ in describing the pictures, the right a?id the left 7nea7t those of the spectator facing the pictui'e. WEST GALLERY. FIRST ROOM. 1. Ferdinand of Aragon, and Isabella of Castile, with THEIR Patron Saints. Two volets of a triptych ; on the left, the king kneeling to right ; behindf him stands St. Ferdinand holding sword ; on the right Isabella kneeling to left ; behind her stands St. Anne supporting on her arm the Virgin and Child ; below under each volet there is a shield with the arms of the family of Manuel Condes de Carrion; doubtless the former possessors of the picture Circa 1500. 'Panel 17^ X 6 in. each. By Antonio del Rincon. Lent by Sir Charles Robinson. 2. Virgin and Child, and St. Anne. The Virgin, in crimson and yellow cloak (the livery colours of Aragon), kneeling on a raised stone dais supporting the Infant Saviour, who is caressing a lamb ; near them is St. Anne holding an open book in her hand, and seated on a stone platform, from which rises a canopy or throne lined with a long panel of blue and gold 2 brocade ; the background forms a beautiful landscape, with buildings and a grove of trees on the margin of a lake bounded by distant mountains. Panel 19 x 13 in. Acquired at Seville from the collection of the Canonigo Cepero. (j. C. Robinson, Memoranda on Fifty Pictures.) By Alexeo Fernandez. Lent by Sir Charles Robinson. I. Christ bearing the Cross. Half-length figure of Christ ; head turned to left, bearing the Cross. Circa 1520. Panel 24 X 20 in. ^ . A Ford. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1870, 1895. Olivarez was the favourite and prime minister of Philip IV., and exercised almost unbounded authority. His severe measures towards the Catalans and Portuguese, however, made him very unpopular, and Philip IV. was compelled to dismiss him from his service ; he died soon afterwards. (See Curtis, No. 177.) By Velazquez. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C.B. 46. The Immaculate Conception. Full length, life-size figure of the Virgin, standing on clouds in white dress, blue mantle and amber veil, her head surrounded by a glory ; she looks down to her right, her hands joined in prayer ; beneath are ten cherubs holding a long palm, a lily, roses and a mirror ; six heads each side above ; a halo of bright light surrounds the figure of the Virgin. Canvas 75 x 57 in. Formerly in the Convent of Carmelitas Descalzos at Madrid ; it passed into the Lebrun collection. (See Curtis, No. 32.) By MuRiLLO. Lent by the Earl of Northbrook, G.C.LE. 47. Portrait of the Painter. Bust, life-size, to right, looking at the spectator ; long black hair and moustache ; black coat and golilla or stiff white collar ; in front hangs a gold chain with locket attached. Canvas 22 X 18 in. Carducho's pictures are to be seen in all the cities of Castile, in Salamanca, Toledo, Segovia, and Valladolid. Died in 1638. From the Louis Philippe collection. Exhibited, Manchester, 1857. Engraved in Stirling's Annals. By ViNCENZO Carducho. Lent by ARCHIBALD Stirling, Esq. 48. Don Baltasar Carlos, Eldest Son of Philip IV. (a.d. 1629- 1646) AND HIS Dwarf. A child with fair hair and dark eyes in black velvet petticoats embroidered with gold, a scarf crossing his breast, a sword in one hand and a staff in the other, is chasing a By Velazquez. (lO»(^kcJl fe) Lent by George Salting, Esq. 12 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [west gallery. dwarf, who runs away with a silver bauble and an apple ; a black velvet hat with a white feather lies on a red velvet cushion to right. Canvas 55 X 32^ in. {See Curtis, No. 149 ; Justi, p. 321 ; Waagen iii. 332.) By Velazquez. Lent by the Earl of Carlisle. 49. Portrait of a Man. Head, life-size, nearly full face, white collar, black dress. Canvas 17^ x 14 in. By Murillo. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C.B. 50. Christ bearing the Cross. Full-length, life-size figure, in long dark robe, advancing towards the spectator, looking down and bearing the Cross ; buildings and figures in the background ; in the foreground on left, a scroll inscribed ' FRANCISC. RIBALTA fecit anno 1612.'' Canvas 58 x 44 in. "This solemn specimen of the great Spanish imitator of Sebastiano del Piombo was painted by him in 161 2 for the Convent of St. Catarina at Zaragossa (see Cav. Bermiidez Diccionario^ iv. 174). It was stolen from the Convent by the French. I bought it at Valencia in September, 1831, out of the celebrated gallery of Pesanera. There is a replica of it at Magdalen College, Oxford." — Richard Ford. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1873. By Francisco Ribalta. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C.B. 51. Two Franciscan Monks. Full-length, life-size figures. A monk is seated on the ground, apparently ill, resting his back against a tree ; his companion, standing on the left, places both hands on the sick man's head, and looks up as if imploring a blessing ; buildings on the left. Canvas 63 X 42 in. " Sometimes called The Good Samaritan. It was painted for the small cloister of the Franciscan Convent at Seville. This picture, which was too stiff to be rolled up, was in Marshal Soult's hurried flight after Salamanca left behind in the Alcazar. It afterwards fell into the possession of Mr. Julian B. Williams, the Vice-Consul of Andalusia, of whom it was purchased in 1831." — Richard Ford. {See Curtis, No. 400 ; Ford, Handbook, i. 190 ; Head, p. 186 ; Stirling, ii. 836 ; Waagen, ii. 223.) By Murillo. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C.B. 52. Portrait of the Painter. Half-length, life-size figure, to right, looking at the spectator ; black coat and ,^^////^ ; right hand on his breast ; on a table before him book and skull. Canvas 32X22 in. Born 1601 at Granada, studied sculpture under Juan Martinez Montanez and painting under Pacheco and Juan del Castillo ; was employed bv Olivarez ; as a painter he WEST GALLERY.] PicttiTes. 15 combined clear and brilliant colouring with decision in drawing and great power of imagination ; died at Granada, in which city all the churches are enriched by his pictures. By Alonso Cano. Lent by ARCHIBALD Stirling, Esq. 53. The Virgin and Child with St. John. Full-length, life-size figures. The Virgin, seated on a bench, holds with both hands the Child Who, seated on her lap, points to her with His left hand ; St. John stands at her feet, with a bird in his right hand and a reed cross in his left : the Child is wrapped in a white cloth with green and red border and fringe like the Moorish stuffs worn by peasants ; in the background, architecture. Canvas 64 X 44 in. An altar-piece purchased in 1838 from the convent of Madre de Dios, Seville, where Murillo's daughter Francisca took the veil. Exhibited, Manchester in 1857. {See Curtis, No. 155 ; Waagen, iv. 449 ; Stirling, iii. 1423.) By MuRiLLO. Lent by SiR John Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., M.P. 54. Portrait of Pope Innocent X. (a.d. 1645-1655.) Half-length, life-size, figure, turned slightly to the right and looking at the spectator ; red cap and cape and white collar. Canvas 31 x 27 in. {See Justi, p. 359 ; Curtis, No. 187.) This is probably a repetition of the picture in the Hermitage. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1887. Engraved in the Lebrun Gallery. By Velazquez. Lent by the Duke of Wellington. 55. Portrait of Mariana of Austria, Second Wife of Philip IV. (a.d. 1 634-1696). Nearly full-length figure, life-size, to left, in black hooped dress and basque ; double row of pearls crossing from shoulder to shoulder ; hair in concentric rolls and decorated with feathers ; handkerchief in left hand; right resting on chair ; a clock on a table to right ; crimson curtain to left. Canvas 57 x 44 in. Exhibited, British Institution, 1852; Royal Academy, 1873, 1S90. {See Curtis, 241 ; Head, p. ix.) By Velazquez. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C B. 56. Portrait of Don John of Austria (a.d. 1629-1679). Half-length figure, life-size, towards left, looking at the spectator, black dress and golilla ; in right hand a letter ; wearing on his breast the Cross of the Order of St. John. Canvas 32 x 22in. Natural son of Philip IV., Governor of Sicily and the Netherlands ; he was Grand Prior of the Knights of St. John in Castile. By Juan Carreno de Miranda. Lent by Archibald Stirling, Esq. 14 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [west gallery. 57. Portrait of Don Baltasar Carlos, Eldest Son of Philip IV. AND Isabel de Bourbon (a.d. 1629-1646). A boy about ten years of age standing three-quarters to left, with a baton in his right hand ; his left arm on his sword ; his head is bare ; he wears armour enriched with gold, a falling lace collar, a red scarf, red embroidered breeches, and gauntlets of mail ; at his right a red velvet chair ; at his left a table covered with red velvet ; curtain behind. Canvas 82 x 41 in. This picture is a replica of the one at the Hague. It is said to have been presented by Phihp IV. to Charles I. of England. {See Curtis, No. 140.) By Velazquez. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen. (Buckingham Palace.) :58. A Partridge. A partridge on the wing, to left. Canvas 19 X I2|- in. " This picture is by Herrera el Viejo, the first master of Velazquez ; bought by me at Seville in 1831."— Richard Ford. By Francisco Herrera el Viejo. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C.B. .59. Don Baltasar Carlos, Eldest Son of Philip IV. and Isabel DE Bourbon (a.d. 1629-1646). Don Baltasar Carlos, as a boy, wearing a costume enriched with silver and gold, a crimson scarf and a plumed black hat, is mounted on a prancing pony, in a court of the palace, and attended by several officers, among whom is Olivarez receiving a lance from an attendant ; the King and Queen Isabel are seen at a balcony of the building, probably the Royal mews, which serves for a background. Canvas 57 X 39 in. Palomino iii. 332, refers to this picture as being in the possession of the Marquis de Liche, nephew of Olivarez. Judging from the age of the Prince, about twelve years old, it was painted about 1641, only two years before the fall of Olivarez. {See Curtis, No. 134 ; Justi, p. 324.) Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1870, 1890. By Velazquez. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. Portrait of Pompeo Leoni, Sculptor (died 1660). Three-quarter length, life-size, figure turned to left, looking front, in black dress and small white ruff, sculpturing a bust of Philip II., which is placed on a table. Canvas 36 X 34 in. From the Louis Philippe collection. {See Justi, p. 53 ; Stirling, p. 340.) Exhibited, Manchester, 1857. By Domenico Theotocopulo, called " II Greco." Lent by Archibald Stirling, Esq WEST GALLERY.] Pictures, 15 61. The Holy Family and St. Catherine. Full-length figures, larger than life. The Virgin seated, looking towards the front, dressed in red, a blue mantle covering her feet, holds- the Infant Christ on her knees, Who extends His right hand to St. Catherine, who kneeling to right is kissing it ; behind the Virgin stands St. Joseph ; and behind St. Catherine, St. Anne, holding in her left hand a basket of peaches and in her right a flower ; in the foreground to right is a basket with orange and white clothes. Inscribed on the chair JUSEPE Di ribera ESPANOL ACCADEMICO Ro. F. 1643. Canvas 79^- X 60^- in. 1(5^^ Justi, p. 343.) This picture is one of the artist's most important works. It came from Genoa with the Lebrun collection. By JusEPE DE Ribera called " II Spagnoletto." Lent by the Earl of Northbrook, G.C.I. E. >62. The Infant Christ asleep. The Child lies on His right side on a couch extended across the canvas, naked, except for a cloth across His loins : beneath His head is a pillow ; His right arm is extended forward ; His left on His side ; a red curtain is looped above His head. Canvas 20 x 37 in. From the collections of Sir Lawrence Dundas and W. Ellis Agar. It was brought from Spain in 1760. {See Curtis, No. 161.) By MuRiLLO. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. '63. Portrait of Isabel de Bourbon, First Wife of Philip IV. (A.D. 1 602- 1 644). Bust three-quarters to left, life-size, wearing black embroidered dress and ruff, ribbons in her hair, a rope of pearls crossing her breast and shoulders. Canvas 25 x 19 in. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1873. {Sec Curtis, No. 234; Justi, p. 275.) "Painted by Velazquez in 1623, about the period when Charles 1. of England was in Madrid seeking the hand of her daughter the Infanta Maria. Purchased from the collec- tion of General Meade at Madrid."— Richard Ford. By Velazquez. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C.B. v64. Portrait of Don Baltasar Carlos, Eldest Son of Philip IV. AND Isabel de Bourbon (a.d. 1629-1646). A boy, about seven years old, wearing black plumed hat, black dress embroidered with gold, falling lace collar, long black hose, shoes and gauntlets, standing in a piazza three quarters to left, holding with right hand a gun by its muzzle ; a large dog lies on the left, and two greyhounds on the right ; his left hand is on his i6 Exhibitio7t of Spanish Art. [west gallery. sword, which hangs by an embroidered baldric ; crimson curtain above ; landscape and sky in the background. Canvas (>i\ x 42^ in. Exhibited, British Institution, 1818; Royal Academy, 1873. (5^^ Curtis, No. 138; 65. Christ bearing the Cross. Half-length, life-size figure. Christ, with long fair hair, bends forwards to the left the face turned to the front ; the cross rests upon His shoulder and is supported by both hands ; the crown of thorns is on His head. Canvas 27 X 32 in. "This picture has been ascribed to Morales. Waagen at first supposed it to be of his later period ; but afterwards it has been with more probability ascribed both by him and by Passavant to an unknown Spanish artist of the seventeenth century " (Catalogue of Pictures belofigmg to the Earl of Northbrook.) By Luis de Morales. Lent by the Earl of Northbrook, G.C.I.E. 66. Portrait of a Young Lady. Half-length figure, life-size, to left, looking at the spectator, white and red dress with bands of jewels, jewelled head-dress. Canvas 26 x 20 in. Spanish School. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C.B. 67. Portrait of Don Nicolas Omazurino {J). Half-length figure, life-size, to right, in black habit with white puffed sleeves edged with black lace, and or white collar, holding a skull against his breast with both hands. Oval within a square. Canvas 33 X 30 in. Murillo was a warm friend of Omazurino, and painted his portrait and tha tof his wife, Isabel Malcampo, in 1672. {See Curtis, No. 471.) By Murillo. Lent by Capt. G. L. Holford, CLE. 68. Portrait of Don Francisco de Ouevedo y Villegas (a.d. 1 580-1645). Bust, life-size, to left, looking at the spectator, with abundant greyish frizzled hair, black dress, white golztla, and large double eye-glass on his nose. Canvas 24 X 22 in. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1887. Poet and novelist, was secretary to Anne, wife of Philip 11. ; he so injured his sight by constant reading that he was unable to distinguish any object without the aid of glasses. This picture formerly belonged to Don Francisco Bruna at Seville. It is doubtless the portrait spoken of by Palomino (iii. 333) in which the poet is described as with glasses, which he was accustom.ed to wear. (See Curtis, No. 191 ; Justi, 278.) By Velazquez. Lent by the Duke of Wellington. Justi, p. 325.) By Velazquez. Lent by the Duke of Abercorn, K.G., C.B. WEST GALLERY.] Pictures. 17 69. St. Sebastian. Small, almost nude, three-quarter-length figure of the Saint, standing facing the spectator, one arm tied above his head, the other behind him ; dark background. Panel 18 x 13 in. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1888. By Velazquez. Lent by W. Holman Hunt, Esq. 70. Santa Veronica. Three-quarter length, life-size, figure facing, looking down at the Sudarium which she holds with both hands ; red dress, blue mantle. Canvas 39^ X 31 in. From the Ellis Agar collection. By Claudio Coello. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. 71. Portrait of a Young Man. Bust, to right, life-size, -looking front over his shoulder, wearing fur cape, cap adorned with crimson ribbons, and orange-coloured coat. Panel 22 X 17 in. This picture has been incorrectly called a portrait of Velazquez. {See Curtis, No. 208. By Velazquez. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. 72. Virgin and Child. Full-length figures; the Virgin, seated on a stone bench, three-quarters to right, regards tenderly the Child, Who is seated on her lap, looking to front ; He seizes with both hands the neck of His mother's dress ; her left hand supports His back, her right falls at her side. Canvas 64 X 43 in. Formerly an altarpiece of the chapel in the palace of the Marques Santiago at Madrid ; brought to England in 1809 by Mr. Buchanan, and afterwards belonged to Lord Berwick and subsequently to Lord Overstone. Exhibited, Manchester, 1857 ; Royal Academy, 1871. {See Curtis, No. 95 ; Waagen, iii., p. 525 ; Stirling, p. 1422.) By MuRiLLO. Lent by LORD Wantage, V.C, K.C.B. Life-size figures ; two boys seated at a table, the one on the right in a buff jacket drinks from a bowl, the other observes him ; the table is laden with dishes and a jar surmounted by an orange. Canvas 25 X 40 in. {See Curtis, No. 85 ; Justi, p. 72.) 74. Portrait of Philip IV. (a.d. 1621-1665.) Full-length, life-size figure, standing three-quarters to right, in black dress and Avear- ing the Order of the Golden Fleece ; his cloak is thrown back over his shoulders ; his C 73. Two Boys. By Velazquez. Lent by the Duke of Wellington. i8 left hand which rests on his sword holds his hat ; in his right hand is a paper inscribed Senor ; both hands are gloved ; behind him is a table covered with a red cloth ; the background is red drapery ; on the right through an open door is seen an inner chamber at the end of which is a pyx on a table. Canvas 82 x 49 in. From the Louis Philippe collection. {See Curtis, No. 114,) By Velazquez. Lent by Edward Huth, Esq. 76. Two Peasant Boys. Full length, life-size figures ; ?C ragged boy standing on the left with a jar in his right hand, and part of a loaf in his left ; he munches a mouthful of bread and looks down at his companion, who, with his legs and shoulder bare, sits on the ground amusing himself with two balls and an iron spike, which he thrusts into the ground ; a dog stands between them ; a wall on the right. Canvas 63^ x 39^ in. This picture was probably in the Desenfans collection. It is the companion picture to another in the Dulwich Gallery representing three Peasant Boys. An early record of one of the two groups is probably the following reference in Evelyn's Journal on the sale of Lord Melford's effects at Whitehall, April 21, 1693— " Lord Godolphin bought the picture of the boys by Morillio, the Spaniard, for eighty guineas. Deare enough." {See Curtis, No. 435.) By MuRiLLO. Lent by the Governors of Dulwich College. 76. Portrait of a Lady. Half-length, life-size, figure of a young woman with long black hair, wearing a loose white garment and red mantle, looking front over her left shoulder. Canvas 28 X 23 in. From the Lucien Bonaparte and Sanderson collections. {See Curtis, No. 481.) By Murillo. Lent by Archibald Stirling, Esq. 77. The Marriage of St. Catherine. Life-size figures ; the Virgin seated towards right and looking at the Infant Christ, Who naked lies on her lap : He holds a ring in His right hand, which He is about to give to St. Catherine, who stands behind Him, holding palm, and resting her left arm on her wheel ; in her right she grasps the hilt of a sv/ord ; in background, base of a column. Canvas 46 X 40 in. By Alonzo Cano. Lent by the Rev. W. H. Wayne. 78. Philip IV. on Horseback. The King mounted on a bay horse, with white legs, gallops to right ; he wears armour of steel inlaid with gold, 2. goUlla or narrow linen collar, a plumed hat with pointed brim, and a crimson scarf which floats behind ; he carries a baton ; broken landscape in background. Canvas 23 x 17 in. WEST GALLERY.] Pictures. 19 From the Rogers collection ; in the catalogue of which it is said to be the finished sketch of the great picture under which it used to hang in the palace of Buen Retire. {See Curtis, No. 98,) By Velazquez. Lent by the Earl of Northbrook, G.C.LE. 79. Portrait of Mariana of Austria, Second Wife of Philip IV. A.D. (1634- 1 696). Bust, life-size, to left, in white and black dress, gold chain over her shoulders ; hair in ringlets and adorned with red bows and red and white feathers. Canvas ■2^\ X 21 in. From the Lyne Stephens collection. By Velazquez. Lent by J. H. Macfadden, Esq. SO. The Old Gardener. Three-quarter-length figure, life-size, of an old man, standing to left, holding a basket of fruit in his right hand ; another small basket with fruit attached to his sleeve ; his left hand rests on stick. Canvas 40 X 33 in. By MURILLO. Lent by LORD Herries. 81. Portrait of the Artist's Daughter. Half-length, life-size, figure slightly turned to left, looking at the spectator, wearing ermine-trimmed mantle, and white hood ; her right grasps her mantle. Canvas i\\ X 20 in. From the Louis Philippe collection. Exhibited, Manchester, 1857 ; Leeds, 1868. Engraved in Stirling. By DOMENico Theotocopulo, called " II Greco." Lent by Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., M.P. 82. A Magdalen. Full-length figure in red drapery, kneeling to right, looking upwards before a crucifix with a book in front of her, which she holds with her right hand ; her left on her breast : red garment ; at the foot of the crucifix are a skull and a scourge. Canvas 73 X 51 in. This picture was taken in the baggage of Joseph Napoleon after the battle of Vittoria ; it was cut out of its frame. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1886. By Francisco Zurbaran. ^ Lent by Henry Willett, Esq. 83. A Monk in Prayer. Small full-length figure kneeling to right in prayer ; white dress ; on right a vision of light. Canvas 24 X 15I in. By Francisco Zurbaran. Lent by Sir Charles Turner, K.C.I.E. C 2 20 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [west gallery. 84. The Marriage of the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph. Small full-length figures ; in the centre stand St. Joseph and the Virgin ; the high priest is offering her hand to St. Joseph and blessing them with his right ; two women stand behind the Virgin and two men behind St. Joseph ; above hovers the Holy Dove ; red curtains to right and left. Canvas 17 X 23 in. By MuRiLLO. Lent by the Rev. W. H. Wayne. 86. Pieta. Small full-length figures ; the Virgin, seated at the foot of the Cross, holds the dead Christ on her lap ; on the left St. John, who also partly supports the dead Christ ; landscape background with city. Panel 19 X 14^ in. By Juan de Juanes. Lent by the Governors of King's College Hospital. NORTH GALLERY.] Futures, 21 NORTH GALLERY. SECOND ROOM. 86. The Veil of Veronica. On a napkin is depicted the face of Christ, crowned with thorns, turned slightly to left, the eyes downcast, the beard short, and the hair falling below the chin. Canvas (oval) 1 9| X 15 in. Formerly in the collection of Mr. Richard Ford. Exhibited, Manchester, i85f. {See Curtis, No. 204.) By MuRiLLO. Lent by LORD Wantage, V.C., K.C.B. 87. Head of Christ. * - - • .« Head, life-size, looking downwards to left. Canvas 16 x 11^ in. From the Collec- tion of Richard Ford. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1880. By Luis de Morales. Lent by Lt.-Col. Ralph Vivian. 88. Portrait of Don Diego, Son of Philip II. (a.d. 1575-1582). Full-length, life-size figure of a child, about three years old, in long white and gold brocaded dress and white lace ruff, standing to left ; in right hand is a spear and in left a hobby-horse ; a coral heart, a medallion of the Virgin and Child, and a crucifix are suspended to two gold chains which pass round his neck : on the left is a doorway opening on a balcony; the lintel is inscribed Alfonsus Sancius F. 1577. Canvas 43^ x 35 in. By Alonso Sanchez Coello. Lent by the Earl of Nortpibrook, G.C.I.E. 89. Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia, Governess of the Netherlands (a.d. 1566-1633). Full-length, life-size, figure standing turned to left ; white dress embroidered in gold and covered with pearls, white lace ruff decorated with pearls and lace cuffs ; pearl head- dress with aigrette ; her right hand rests on a chair ; red curtain background. Canvas 76 X 33^ in. {See No. 120.) By Alonso Sanchez Coello. Lent by Charles Butleu, Esq. 22 Exhibition of Spanish Art, [north gallery. 90. A Flute Player. Half-length, life-size figure, of a man in white dress, and black cloak thrown over his shoulder, playing a flute. Canvas 27 x 20 in. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1881. {See Curtis, No. 8im.) 91. View of Pilas in Andalusia, the Birth-place of Murillo. Rocky and mountainous scene with torrent and deep ravine ; in the foreground a lady riding a mule up a mountainous path, followed by a driver and preceded by a boy ; on the right a woman standing near a hut and feeding fowls. Canvas 75 X 49 in. {See Curtis, No. 408 m.) From the Novar collection. By Murillo. Lent by Sir William Farrer. 92. The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception. Three-quarter-length, life-size figure, looking upwards, hands joined ; circle of stars around her head ; white dress and blue mantle. Canvas 35 x 27 in. {See Curtis, No. 77 ; Waagen, ii. 199.) By Murillo. Lent by Capt. G. L. Holford, CLE. 93. Portrait of Isabel de Bourbon, First Wife of Philip IV. (a.d. 1 602- 1 644). Full-length, life-size, figure standing three-quarters to left, wearing black hooped dress enriched with border of leaves of gold, white ruff, and white feather in her hair ; her left hand holds a Chinese fan ; her right rests on back of chair. Canvas 79 X 44 in. From the Louis Philippe collection. {See Curtis, No. 232.) By Velazquez. Lent by Edward Huth, Esq. 94. Portrait of a Man. Half-length figure, life-size, turned to the left, wearing armour with sash over right shoulder, white lace collar ; long black hair. Canvas 30 x 24^^ in. By Velazquez. Lent by Miss Lucy and Miss Louisa Cohen. 95. Portrait of a Young Man. Bust, Hfe-size, turned to left, looking at the spectator ; long black hair, black coat. Canvas 23^ X 19 in. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1873. ''Portrait of a Spaniard, bought by me at Seville in 1832, which was always considered to be that of Francisco Zurbaran." — Richard Ford. By Francisco Zurbaran. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Clare Ford, G.C.B. By Velazquez. Lent by Miss Clara Montalba. NORTH GALLERY.] Pictures, 23 96. The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception. Small full-length figure standing on the crescent moon, looking upwards to left, in a glory of cherubim ; three child angels at her feet, holding flowers and palm branch. Copper io|- X 7 in. By MuRiLLO. Lent by Lt.-Col. Ralph Vivian. 97. St. Raphael. Small full-length figure of the angel walking towards left; fish in right hand, pilgrim's staff in left ; yellow and red drapery. Canvas 12 x 9^ in. From General Meade's collection. By MuRiLLO. Lent by Sir William Eden, Bart. 98. Portrait of Juan de Pareja (a.d. 1606-1670). Bust of a mulatto to right and looking at the spectator, with broad white collar falling over a grey doublet. Canvas 29 X 24^ in. De Pareja was a " Moorish' slave who was in the service of Velazquez and became a great painter." {See Curtis, 181 ; Stirling, ii. 710 ; Waagen, iii., p. 325.) By Velazquez. Lent by the Earl of Carlisle. 99. The Infant Saviour and St. Antony of Padua. . The Saint, kneeling before a table on which is a book, beholds the Infant Saviour, who, seated on a cloud, appears to him holding a globe surmounted by a cross. Canvas 24 x 18 in. This picture has been erroneously called " The Infant Saviour appearing to St. Francis." From the Rogers collection. Exhibited, Manchester, 1857, {See Curtis, No. 252.) By MuRiLLO. Lent by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts. 100. Portrait of the Painter (a.d. i 526-1579). Bust, life-size, slightly turned to right, head facing, black coat, white collar and red scarf. Canvas i8i X 12^. Born at Logrono, studied in Italy and at Venice under Titian, was much employed by Philip 11. on the decoration of the Escurial ; died at Toledo in 1579. "Of very peculiar and genuine Spanish character." (Waagen, iv. p. 450; Stirling, p. 310.) From the Soult collection. Exhibited, Manchester, 1857. By Juan Fernandez Navarrete called " El Mudo." Lent by Archibald Stirling, Esq. 24 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [north gallery 101. Christ bearing the Cross. Half-length figure, life-size, of Christ facing, looking upwards, bearing the cross over His left shoulder ; crown of thorns on His head ; red robe, green mantle. Canvas 41 X 29 in. By DoMENico Theotocopulo, called " II Greco." Lent by Archibald Stirling, Esq. 102. Portrait of Pope Innocent X. (b. 1574; Elected Pope 1644; D. 1655). Three-quarter length figure, life-size, seated to right, looking at the spectator, wearing a white linen robe, with white sleeves trimmed with lace, a rolling linen collar, red velvet cap and cape ; his chair is crimson and has square posts, which are enriched with gold and surmounted by vase-shaped ornaments ; his arms rest on the arms of the chair; in his left hand is a paper inscribed alla sant'^'^ N'^^ SIG^*^ innocentio X*^ PER ; in background, red curtain. Canvas 38 X 53 in. A replica of the picture in the Doria Palace, Rome. "The principal work of Velazquez at Rome in 1649, was the portrait of His Holiness Innocent X. l3y whom he was greatly distinguished. Recognising the virtue and merit of the artist, the Holy Father rewarded him with a gold medal bearing his own likeness in relief attached to a chain. Velazque2r took a copy of the portrait to Spain. It is related that when the work was finished and placed in a chamber of the Dalace, a chamberlain entered the room, and seeing, as he thought, the Pope himself, he retired hastily and cautioned his companions in the ante-chamber to speak low, for His Holiness was within " (Palomino, iii- 337)- Sir Joshua Reynolds pronounced it the finest picture in Rome. {See Curtis, No. 183.) By Velazquez. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 10 3. Portrait of the Painter. Half-length figure of the artist, about sixty years of age, with bushy hair, his body turned partly to his left, the face nearly front, wearing a black doublet, over which falls a linen collar edged with lace ; it is painted in an oval frame on which his right hand rests ; the frame stands on a pedestal, on which are brushes, a palette, a . roll of paper, &c. The base is inscribed bart^^ murillo seipsum depingens PRO FILIORUM VOTIS AC PRECIBUS EXPLENDIS. Canvas 47 X 42 in. From the Dundas and Ashburnham collections. It may be one of the pictures brought from Spain by John Blackwood. Exhibited, Manchester, 1S57 ; Leeds, 1868 ; South Kensington, 1876-79. {See Curtis, No. 462.) Bartolome Esteban Murillo, born at Seville, 1618 : died there 1682 ; scholar of Juaa del Castillo and afterwards of Velazquez ; worked chiefly at Seville, where he founded the Academy in that city in 1669. By Murillo. Lent by the Earl Spencer, K.G NORTH GALLERY.] Pictures, 25 104. Grace and Truth upholding the Church. Two child angels floating in the air, supporting a model of a church on a largie open book. Canvas 48I x 38^ in. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1885. By MuRiLLO. Lent by Mrs. Stephenson Clarke. 105. Portrait of Philip IV. (a.d. 1621-1665). Half-length figure, life-size, to right ; in close-fitting black silk habit, ^elvet. Arabesque design inlaid gold ; in centre, medallion vision of B. Virgin, embroidered in shaded gold. Orphreys of shaded gold repre- senting SS. Luke and John the Baptist. Superfrontal, arabesque with figures of saints and Virgin and Child. Signed " Fra Gabriel.'' i6th century. Lent by El Conde de Valencia de Don Juan. 716. Red Velvet. Jewish embroidery in gold thread in high relief, with plaques of gilt metal applique. 17th century. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 717. Hanging, inlaid silver, embroidered floral design in coloured silks. Lent by Mrs. Eckersley. 718. Five Panels, representing scenes of the Passion and Crucifixion. Embroidered in laid gold and coloured silks ; figures partly raised and applique. 15th century. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. CENTRAL HALL.] 719. Crucifix. 15th century. Gilded brass mountings and ivory figures, set with precious stones. Lent by Oscott College, Birmingham. .720. Processional Cross of silver repousse. In the centre figure of Christ ; at the two sides, figures of the Virgin and St. John ; at the base, figure of the Magdalen ; above, the Pelican. On the reverse side in the centre, figure of a Pope surrounded by the four Evangelists. Lent by the Marquess of Bute, K.T. 721. Silver Salver. i6th century. Lent by E. M. Underdown, Esq., O.C. 727. Complete War Harness of the end of the 15th century of bright steel, decorated with bands of fluting and ornamented in places with pierced designs. Con- sisting of the breastplate, triangular turnover and gussets, placcate, three plate tasses and tassets of single plates, back plate with V-shaped hollow and garde de rein of three plates, armourer's mark on the lowest plate, espallier pauldrons, fan-like plates covering the shoulder-blades, rere and vambraces, coudres gauntlets with long pointed cuffs, each bearing the armourer's mark, and ribbed knuckle-plates, large and complete cuisses of two plates with triangular ridge, the knee-pieces covering the upper part of the jambs, fan-shaped plates on either side. Jambs and pointed-toed sollerettes, gorget and armet, the crown of unusually delicate form and coming to a sharp ridge, it opens down the front of the chin and has the cheek-pieces hinged at the top. The armourer's mark, shield of Leon and Castile, is twice repeated at the back of the crown, which is pierced at the top for the attachment of the crest. The suit is mounted on a saddle of later date, but the chanfron mainfaire and bit are of the same period as the rest of the suit ; the chanfron is ribbed and surmounted by a ribbed rondelle. The weapons worn are by the left side of the knight, a sword wheel pommel, and drooping quillons ; the hilt is plated with silver, the sheath and hanger are copied from that, worn in the effigy of John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, in Wingfield Church, Suffolk. A dagger, " a rouelle," is worn on the right side and a mace of blackened- steel with broadening flanges hangs at the saddle-bow. The restorations in this suit consist only of the two rondelles, the right knee-plate, and the right espallier. The trappings and saddle are lent by F. Stibbert, Esq., and the banner by M. R. de Madrazo. Lent by GuY F. Laking, Esq. 86 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [central hall. 728. Suit of Cap-a-pie bright steel Armour : roped gussets and ridges, studded with bright steel rivets, consisting of globose breast-plate, movable gussets, back- plates, two plates of the garde de rein, three plates of the tasses, tassets of four plates, espallier rere and vambraces, heart-shaped coudres, roped gaunt- lets, cuisses of two plates, knee-pieces, demi-jambs, and mail soUerettes, steel toes, gorget and burgonet with cheek-pieces, large umbril and falling buffe holding a lance. Circa 1530. Lent by S. J. Whawell, Esq. 729. Four Mirrors in carved and gilt frames. Lent by Francis W. Mark, Esq. 730. Circular Silver Dish, with interlaced design and centre medallion, representing Lucretia. Portuguese. 17th century. Lent by Messrs. Durlacher Brothers. 731. Ivory Medallion ; Virgin and Child, set in silver filigree frame ; by Alonso Cano. Lent by Archibald Stirling, Esq. 732. Leather Screen, decorated with foliage, animals, and birds. Lent by Sir William Farrer. 733. Cabinet. 17th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 734. Two Hispano-Moresque Vases. Lent by Messrs. Harris and Co. 735. Eight Mirrors in gilt frames. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Mostyn. 736. Hispano-Moresque Ewer, brown lustre ; decorated with male figures, birds, &c. Lent by M. Leon Somzee. 737. Two Hispano-Moresque Plates, blue and lustre floral designs. Lent by Miss Grimshaw and the Hon. Mrs. Preston. 738. Pair of Hispano-Moresque, blue and lustre ware vases. 17th century. Lent by Don Enrique Gomez. 739. Vergueno, Hispano-Moresque with original base. Lent by Lt.-Col. J. G. Sandeman. 740. Carving in Wood, with bust of Fra Juan de Campania, Bishop. i8th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron, CENTRAL HALL.] FMrniture, &c. 87 742. Carving in Vv'^OOD, with bust of Fra Rignaldo Gracian, Bishop. i8th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 743. Alcora Plate. Lent by MESSRS. L Sasson & Co. 744. Moorish Cabinet or Vergueno, with original base, Ump. Charles V. Lent by Vincent J. Robinson, Esq., CLE. 745. Reliquary in embossed copper and gilt, in the form of a bust. i6th century. Lent by M. STANISLAS Baron. 746. Two Mirrors, decorated with coral : open metal frame. Lent by Lady Layard. 747. Dower Chest, some parts of the interior being carved in Spanish- Gothic style. The lid painted in representation of Christ appearing to St. Peter before a city. Lent by Francis W. Mark, Esq. 748. Repousse Silver Lamp with medallions of saints and hanging chains ; cherubs' heads in relief. Lent by Stuart M. Samuel, Esq. 'i49. Two Hispano-Moresque Framed Dishes. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Mostyn. 750. Large Vase in Hispano-Moresque pottery from the works of Mallorca of Palma ; ornamented in relief in blue and green enamel with white vertical bands. 15th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 751. Silver Brazier with open worked cover and boldly chased flowers. Maker's mark " Dominguez," probably Juan Antonio Dominguez of Toledo; i8th century. Lent by Stuart M. Samuel, Esq. 752. Chasuble. Embroidered with scenes of the Life of St. John the Baptist. Late 15th or early 16th century. Exhibited at the Madrid Exhibition 1892- 1893. Mounted in a screen. Lent by Sir Samuel Montagu, Bart, M.P. 753. Armchair, with leather seat and back. Lent by Arthur Leslie Collie, Esq. ss Exhibition of Spanish Art. [central hall 754. Silver Canopy, Spanish, of the 17th century, supported on four embossed silver columns, with gilt bands and capitals. A moulded cornice, with embossed frieze, connects the roof of rich repousse work, in scrolls and flowers, with four oval embossed shields at the corners, surmounted by a circular dome divided into panels with four oval gilt bosses, one being inscribed. A silver crown with cross and bell surmounts the whole. The base contains an inscribed stand for throne, with silver border and gilt shields with cherub heads. This important work of art was evidently constructed to contain the representation of a Patron Saint, and was probably used for Processional purposes. The inscription on the dome states that it was presented to the Carmona Convent in the year 1637, and cost the sum of 1,000 ducats. Lent by Messrs. Harris and Co. 755. Gothic Carved Group representing the Entombment, carved in one piece. 15th century. Lent by Messrs. Harris and Co. 756. Steel Mounted Velvet Box. i6th century. Lent by Messrs. Harris and Co. 757. Tapestry. A bishop administering the tonsure. Lent by Lady Layard. 758. Armchair. Lent by W. Lawrie, Esq. 759. Tall Brass Lamp on foot. Lent by Francis W. Mark, Esq. 760. Moorish Vase of the Alhambra type, with winged handles ; decoration in brown blue arabesque scrolls. Lent by Vincent J. Robinson, Esq., CLE. 761. Silver Repousse Hanging Lamp. Lent by Francis W. Mark, Esq. 762. Benitier or Holy Water Stoup. Lent by Francis W. Mark, Esq. 763. Leather Trunk, embossed with design in whipcord ; iron bands, and lock and key of the period i6th century. Lent by Senor Don Juan Du Bosc. CENTRAL HALL.] Furniture, &c. 89 764. Inlaid Cabinet. Portuguese. 1 6th century ; with coat of arms and inscriptions. Lent by George Donaldson, Esq. 765. Reliquary in carved wood and gilt in the form of a bust of St. Gregory. 17th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 766. Four Carved Wood Gilt Panels from Aragon. i6th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 767. Two Leather Chairs. Lent by W. Lawrie, Esq. 768. Ebony Cabinet, inlaid with tortoiseshell and mounted with metal gilt orna- mentations. Lent by Lady Layard. 769. Reliquary in embossed copper gilt, in the form of a bust. i6th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 770. Chair in marqueterie from a convent at Saragossa. i6th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 771. Two Pieces of Caldos Ware. Lent by Albert Sandeman, Esq. 772. Brass Brazier, of large size. Lent by Francis W. Mark, Esq. 773. Earthenware Plate made at Mallorca. Lent by Miss Grimshaw and the Hon. Mrs. Preston. 774. Large Vase of Hispano-Moresque pottery from the famous Malaga worki. Decorated at Orihuela in arabesque design. The foot supporting the vase was made by Fortuny and is signed and dated. 12th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 775. Two Vases of Portuguese faience. Lent by Albert Sandeman, Esq. go Exhibitio7t of Spanish Art. [central hall. 776. Silk Carpet, v/ith the arms of Leon and Castile. Lent by Guy F. Laking, Esq. 777. Eight Pieces of Tapestry. i6th century. I. Arms of a Cardinal. 2. Old coat of arms. 3. Rebecca at the well. 4. A Tournament. 5. Feast of Darius. 6. Proclamation of Saul. 7. Banquet. 8. Banquet. Lent by R. B. Cunninghame Graham, Esq. 778. Coverlet. Heavy knotted and darned embroidery on linen in blue and brown flax. Lent by Mrs. Douglas Freshfield. 779. Altar Frontal. Lent by Mrs. Douglas Freshfield. 780. Carpet in Silk and Linen ; made at Badajoz. 17th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 781. Altar Frontal, silk embroidered in velvet. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 782. Pair of Rugs. Lent by MESSRS. Harris and Co. 783. Tortoiseshell Cabinet inlaid with ivory. Lent by WiCKHAM Flower, Esq. 784. Panel of Hispano-Moresque Tiles with quarterly coat of arms. Lent by F. Du Cane Godman, Esq., F.R.S. 785. Pair of Hispano-Moresque Two-handled Vases of copper lustre. Lent by H. Wallis, Esq. 786. Pair of Hispano-Moresque Vases of copper lustre. Lent by H. Wallis, Esq. 787. Pair of Hispano-Moresque Pharmacy Jars of gold lustre with blue rosettes. Lent by H. Wallis, Esq. 788. Panel of Hispano-Moresque Tiles with arms of Leon and Castile, from the Casa de Pilatos, Seville. Circa 1533. Lent by F. Wallis, Esq. 789. Large Silver Repousse Dish by Juan de Arpre of Valladolid. 17th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 790. A Colossal Statue in wood of Father Tafre, founder of the first hospital at Valencia. He holds a plan of the hospital. Spanish School. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. BALCONY.] Embroideries, Carvings, &c. 91 BALCONY. EMBROIDERIES, CARVINGS. ETC. 793. Cabinet, Hispano-Moresque. Lent by HAMILTON Aide, Esq. 794. Hispano-Moresque Door. 15th centur}'. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 795. Hispano-Moresque Embroidery. 14th centur\\ Lent by M. R. DE Madrazo. 796. MS, on Leather. Spanish- American ? Probably the work of an Indian convert to Christianity written in peculiar Latin and describing a local fight, a drawing of which is given at the foot. Circ. 1500-1530. Lent by the Earl of Crawford, K.T. 797. MS. on Leather. Spanish- American.? An exercise in arithmetic in barbarous Latin with a very strange system of notation. Circ. 1 500-1 530. Lent by the Earl of Crawford, K.T. 798. INIS. ON Leather. Spanish- American ? Apparently a letter or communication. Lent by the Earl of Crawford, K.T. 799. St. Francis of Assisi. Tapestry. Lent by Miss Grimshaw and the HON. Mrs. Preston. 800. Casket, damascened. Lent by W. Lawrie, Esq. 801. Embroidered Altar Frontal. i6th century. Lent by MESSRS. Harris and Co. 802. Cope in blue and gold Lent by MESSRS. Harris and Co. 92 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [balcony. 803. Ivory Crucifix, one of the largest known ; with the exception of the arms it is carved in one piece. This crucifix is regarded as one of the masterpieces of Alonso Cano. 17th century. Exhibited at the South Kensington Museum Loan Exhibition, 1862. Lent by OscoTT COLLEGE, Birmingham. 804. Book Stand, Hispano-Moresque, ornamented with marqueterie. 17th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 805. Lectern of Wrought Iron. i8th century. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 806. Piece of Gold Embroidery, with Arabic inscription, Hispano-Moresque. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 807. Terra-cotta Relief of the Virgin and Child ; school of Alonso Cano. Lent by the Fathers of the Oratory. 808. Two Predellas, each containing paintings of six saints' heads ; formerly belonging to a small altar. Lent by Francis W. Mark, Esq. 809. Centre of a Banner. Embroidery. Lent by Messrs. Harris and Co. 810. Silk Embroidery with Coat of Arms. Lent by Messrs. Harris and Co. 811. Pair of Reliquaries, in shape of Imperial eagle, in silver filigree work. Lent by ViSCOUNTESS DUNCANNON. CASE Y. MANUSCRIPTS AND BOOKS LENT BY THE EARL OF CRAWFORD, K,T ^17. Armorial General. Arms and Heraldry. Manuscript on vellum of the early part of the 15th century, with 236 coats of arms and flags with heraldic bearings richly emblazoned. Written by an officer of arms, a native of the Province of Beyra, in Portugal, whilst he was attending the Council of Constance in 1416. BALCONY.] Manuscripts and Books. 95 818. Beatus, St. (vulgarly called San Biecco, Abbot of Valcavado near Saldano in Castilla la Vieja, died A.D. 798) [Commentarius in Apocalypsim.] — At end : Codex Apocalipsis duodenario ecclesiarum numero ita duodenario ordine librorum incisione distinctio. — Explanatio Danielis prophete ad auctore b'i joh'i (S. Hieronymo) — In i vol., large folio, manuscript on vellum. Circa 11 50. With no miniatures, all very large, but many of them nearly 14 inches by 6 in dimen- sion, and some larger still, painted on grounds of deep and vivid colour — including a circular map of the world. Calf binding, in a morocco case. Written in North Spain (Old Castile or Aragon). The finest extant monument of Spanish graphic art in the time of Alfonso VII, the Emperor. According to the opinion of Comte A. de Bastard, there is no twelfth century MS. in existence which can presume to rival this grand volume in artistic value. 819. Al Kur'an. Surat 3 and 4. Written on vellum, 117 ff., in gold letters, large Maghrabi characters, tending to Cufic, five lines to the page. 4to. Hispano- Moresque, about A.D. 1000. 820. Cassiodorus. Expositio digesta Psalmorum. Large folio. Manuscript on vellum. 1 2th century. Written by a Spanish scribe named Cumanxius ; with numerous ornamental initials of interlaced work, some of which bear a striking resemblance to the decorative work of the early Celtic school. 821. Services for the First Nights of Passover, for the Sabbath preceding the Festival of Passover, and for the Days of the Passover Festival. Folio. Hebrew Manuscript on vellum, profusely illuminated and ornamented. About the middle of the i6th century. 822. MiSSALE mixtum secundum regulam beati Isidori dictum Mozarabes. Impensis Nobilis M. goricii, per P. hagenbach, Toleti, 1 500. Folio. 823. Breviarium secundum regulam beati hysidori. Per Petrum hagenbach. Impressum in regali civitate, Toleti, 1502. Folio. 94 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [balcony. CASE X. MANUSCRIPTS AND BOOKS. 824. " Valerio Maximo." Zaragoca, 1495. Black letter. Brunei mentions this edition of Valeria Maximo^ of which he does not appear to have sttm. co'py , 2iS beaucoup phis precieuse than that printed at Seville in 15 14, which he says is rare. In a most curious colophon occurs the following, Here ends Valerius Maximzis, which the magnificent nobleman Hugh de Urries translated when he was ambassador in England for the Most Serene King John I. of Aragon." : Lent by the Right Rev. the . Bishop of Portsmouth. 825. La Philosofia Moral del Aristotel. Zaragoza, 1509. Black letter. This book was in the collection of the celebrated Spanish collector Salva, and has his emblem on the cover, i.e. two clasped hands. It was translated into " Romance," for the use of Don Carlos, Prince of Viana. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 826. Los v LiBROS de Seneca. Toledo, 15 10. Black letter. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 827. Mar de Istorias of Hernan Perez de Guzman. Printed at Valladolid (by Diego de Gumiel) 15 12. Black letter. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 828. Leyes, Ordenan^as Prematicas y Declaraciones delasordenan^as que hablan de las Lanas y Panos. Toledo, 1528. Black letter. This book treats of the Laws, Ordinances, &c., Vv'hich relate to the wool trade and manufacturers of cloth, and of certain charters given to the hat and cap makers. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 829. De Insulis nuper inventis Ferdinandi Cortesii ad Carolum V., etc. 1532. These letters of Fernando Cortes give an account of the Conquest of Mexico. BALCONY.] Manuscripts and Books. 95 To these are added others giving an account of the success in spreading the Christian religion in those districts. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 830. SOBRE Carta de las Leyes, que hablan sobre los Pobres con la Instruction que se ha de tener en ello. 1540. Black letter. This book has several pages missing at the end. It treats of the laws relating to the poor both in Castille and the Indies, and is very curious. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 831. QUADERNO DE Algunas Leyes : que no estan en el Libro de las Prematicas &c. Printed at Medino del Campo by Pedro de Castro, 1544. Black letter. This book treats of various laws apparently omitted from the code of the day. Some of them are curious, as for instance the law excluding gypsies (called Egyptians) from the kingdom, and the law that beggars must beg only in their own country. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 832. Las Quatrocientas Respuestas a otras tantes Preguntas, con quinientos Proverbios ; y la Segunda Parte en que se contienen otras Quatrocientas Respuestas. By Luis de Escobar. Valladolid 1550 and 1552. Two remarkable volumes of didactic rhyme. The first originally printed in 1545. They are chiefly in the form of question and answer and are somewhat in the style of the English Tusser. The author was a Minorite Friar. Lent by CHARLES Butler, Esq. 833. Epistolas del glorioso Doctor Sant Hieronymo. 1548. Black letter. This book was in the Museo del Montino and has the stamp of the Museum. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 834. Chronica del Rey don Alfonso el Onzeno. Valladolid, 155 1. Gothic letter, ist ed. This chronicle is attributed to J. Nunez de Villasan. From the De Salva Library. The king is represented on the frontispiece riding in the ancient Spanish manner called " a la estradiota." The Moors rode " a la gineta," or with short stirrups. A man who rode in both styles was known as *' Ginete en ambas modas." Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 96 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [balcony. 835. Chronica DEL Rey Fernando IV. Valladolid, 1554. Gothic letter. Sometimes attributed to Fernan Sanchez de Tovar. From the Salva Library. Fernando IV. was known in history as " el emplazado," i.e. the " cited," as at an execution one of the Carbajales cited him to appear before God in thirty days. He died within the " cited " time. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 836. Coronica de Don Alvaro de Luna. Milan, 1546. Alvaro de Luna was Grand Constable of Castile under John II. He was court favourite, and being accused of aiming at supreme power, was beheaded at Valladolid. He is buried in Toledo. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 837. Flos Santorum. Seville (en casa de Juan Gutierrez en la calle de Genova) 1569. Black letter. This street is still the resort of booksellers. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 838. Coronica del Serenissimo Rey Don Pedro, hijo del Rey don Alonso de Castilla. Pampelona, 1591. Black letter. Another edition of No. 19. This is the chronicle of Don Pedro the Cruel, known in Spain as '*el Justiciero*' and " the Governor." Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 839. Coronica, del Serenissimo Rey Don pedro, hijo del Rey Don Alonso de Castilla. Pamplona (por Pedro Porralis) 1591. By Pedro Lopez de Ayala. The author of the Chronicle was among the most distinguished poets of the latter part of the 14th century, and the best prose writer of the same period. Taken prisoner at the battle of Naxera in 1367 he was brought to England, where he wrote a part of his poems on " a courtly life." Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 840. Coronica, del Esfor^ado Principe y Capitan Jorge Castrioto Rey de Epiro o' Albania. Translated from the Portuguese. By Ivanochoa de la Salde. Madrid, 1 597. Black letter. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. BALCONY.] 97, 841. DiSCURSOS DEL AMPARO DE LOS LEGITIMOS POBRES Y REDUCCION DE LOS FiNGlDOS. By Doctor Christoval Perez de Herrera. Madrid, 1598. A most curious book, an attempt to deal with the " Unemployed" and to expose false poverty. It had no success. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 842. La Descripcion General de Africa, Segunda Parte. Malaga, 1 599. By L. del Marmol Cardvajal. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 843. Centuria, o historia, de los famosos hechos del Gran Conde de Barcelona don Bernardo Barcino, y de don Zinofre su hijo, y otros Cavalleros de la Provincia de Cathaluna. Barcelona, 1600. By Estevan Barellas. This historical romance is believed to have been originally written by a Rabbi during the period of the domination of the Moors in Spain. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 844. La Verdadera Historia del Rey Don Rodrigo. Valencia, 1606. This book was written in 1589 by Miguel de Luna of Granada, interpreter of Philip n. It professes to be a translation from the Arabic and to be a history of the conquest of Spain, but must be looked upon as a romance. First printed in two parts. 1592 and 1600. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 845. Historia di Filipe II. Rey de Espana, by Luis Cabrera de Cordova. Madrid. 1619. This is the history of Philip II., written for his son Philip III. The title-page with the portrait of Philip II. is very fine. Lent by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 846. MS. with illuminated title-page, in which Don Juan Alphonso de Guerra y Sandova, Knight of the Order of Santiago, Chronicler and King at Arms of Philip v., sets forth the titles, honours, services, etc. of the noble families of Garay, Leaniz, Mimenza, and Arrieta. It is dated at the Imperial and Crowned City of Madrid, 1736. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. H 98 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [balcony. 847. Political Caricatures. Etchings, with a portrait ot the artist. By Francisco Goya. Lent by Philip Norman, Esq. 848. Fiestas de la S. Iglesia Metropolitana y Patriarcal de Sevilla, by Fernando de la Torre Farfan. Folio. Seville, 1671. Contains portraits of Ferdinand I XL, by Arteaga after Murillo, the first engraving ot Murillo's portraits ; also engraved portrait of Charles 11. , after Fr. de Herrera. Lent by W. J. Leighton, Esq.. 849. Origen y dignidad de la Caza. a.d. 1634. One of the earliest works on the chase by Juan Mateos, with magnificent specimens of Spanish copper-plate engraving, by P. Perete. Lent by W. J. Leighton, Esq. 850, Manuscript on vellum, having old binding with engraved metal corners. It describes the various benefactors of the monastery of St. Benedict, founded at Valladolid in 1390, and contains illuminations and coats of arms richly emblazoned, and portraits of Philip IIL and Philip IV. of Spain. Lent by C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. 851. Libro de Hidalguia. Illuminated MS., proving the right of Don Diego Ximenes de Enciso to the rank of hidalgo. Valladolid, 1563. Lent by M. Leon Somzee. 852- Libro de Hidalguia. Illuminated MS., proving the right of Don Juan Goncalez de Mendoza to the rank of hidalgo. Granada, 1605. Lent by the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Portsmouth. 853. Libro de Hidalguia. Illuminated MS., proving the right of Don Lazano de Yarza to the rank of hidalgo. Granada, 1608. Lent by C. Brinsley Marlay, Esq. 854. Libro de Hidalguia. Illuminated MS., proving the right of Doctor Don Juan de Quinones to the rank of hidalgo. Valladolid, 1626. Lent by C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. BALCONY.] Man2iscripts afid Books. 99 855. LiBRO DE HiDALGUiA. Illuminated MS., proving the right of Don Alonzo de Valenzuela to the rank of hidalgo. Folio on vellum. Granada, 1633. Lent by Messrs. Ellis and Elvey. 856. LiBRO DE HiDALGUlA. Illuminated MS. on vellum, proving the right of Don Alonso Graxera to the rank of hidalgo. Granada, 1706. Lent by C. Brinsley Marlay, Esq. 857. A Series of Coins ; (i) Celtiberian, ist century, B.C. ; (2) Romano-Spanish, ist century, A.D, ; (3) Visigothic, 6th and 7th centuries, A.D. ; and (4) modern. Portuguese. Lent by Lt.-Col. J. G. Sandeman. H 2 lOO Exhibition of Spanish Art, [south gallery. SOUTH GALLERY. THIRD ROOM. PICTURES BY ARTISTS OF THE LATER AND PRESENT SPANISH SCHOOL. 860. Portrait of Senorita Dona Maria Teresa Alcala Galiano, daughter of the Spanish Ambassador and the Condesa de Casa Valencia. Pastel. By P. Vaamonde. Lent by His Excellency the Spanish Ambassador. 861. Portrait of Coquelin, the actor, in the character of Don Csesar de Bazan in Ruy Bias. By R. DE Madrazo. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 862. Portrait of Senorita DoIvia Consuelo Alcala Galiano, daughter of the Spanish Ambassador and the Condesa de Casa Valencia. Pastel. By P. Vaamonde. Lent by His Excellency the Spanish Ambassador. 863. A View in Toledo. By M. Rico. Lent by M. Martin Rico. 864. A Zither Player. Water-colour. By F. Pradilla. Lent by Charles Davis, Esq. SOUTH GALLERY.] Pictures, lOI 865. Royal Pastime. By Benlliure. Lent by Messrs. Wallis and Son. 866. Goats Herding. By F. Pradilla. Lent by Messrs. Wallis and Son. 867. A Toreador. Water-colour. By M. Fortuny. Lent by Mrs. Percy Macquoid. 868. Portrait of M. Sureda. By F. Goya. Lent by Mme. Sureda. 869. The Knife-grinder. By M. Fortuny. Lent by M. Candamo. 870. Portrait of Alvaro AlcalA Galiano, son of the Spanish. Ambassador and the Condesa de Casa Valencia. Pastel. By P. Vaamonde. Lent by His Excellency the Spanish Ambassador. 871. Portrait of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Seville. By F. de Madrazo. Lent by His Majesty King Francois D'Asis. 872. The Fountain of Santa Lucia, Naples. By Ferrandiz. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 873. Convalescence. By Leon y Escosura. Lent by M. Louis Marcy. 874. Boys Playing.— A Sketch. By F. Goya. Lent by Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Bart, M.P. 875. Bull attacking a Religious Procession. By F. Goya. Lent by SiR J. G. T. Sinclair, Bart. I02 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [south gallery. 876. Portrait of Madame Sureda. By F. Goya. Lent by Madame Sureda. 877. Boys Playing at See-Saw. By F. Goya. Lent by Sir John Stirling Maxwell, Bart., M.P. 878. A View in Toledo. By Leon y Escosura. Lent by M. Louis Marcy. 879. Portrait of Pedro Mocarte, Chorister of the Cathedral at Toledo. 880. Coming from Mass. By A. SiMONETTL Lent by I. P. Mendoza, Esq. 881. Acrobats at Tetuan, unfinished. By M. FoRTUNY. Lent by the Corporation of Warrington. 882. A Gondola Scene in Venice. By Zamacois. Lent by Messrs. Wallis and Son. 883. A Papal Guard. Water-colour. By M. Fortuny. Lent by I. P. Mendoza, Esq. S84. A View in Toledo. By M. Rico. Lent by M. Martin Rico. 886. The Mazarin Library. Water-colour. By M. Fortuny. Lent by Charles Wertheimer, Esq. 886. A Sportsman and Dogs. By G. Quadrone. Lent by MESSRS. Wallis and Son. By F. Goya. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. SOUTH GALLERY.] Pictures. 103 -887. The ArQUEBUSIER. Water-colour. By M. FoRTUNY. Lent by Thomas McLean, Esq. 888. A View in Toledo. By M. Rico. Lent by M. Martin Rico. 889. Transport of Arab Prisoners. By M. FoRTUNY. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 890. Outside the Mosque. By M. FORTUNY. Lent by Messrs. Wallis and Son. 891. Scene in a Bodega. By F. Domingo. Lent by Charles Davis, Esq. 892. A View in Toledo. By M. Rico. Lent by M. Martin Rico. 893. Portrait of Madame Beistequl By. R. de Madrazo. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 894. Portrait of Don Pedro Juan de Zulueta. By F. DE Madrazo. Lent by the Conde de Torre Diaz. 895. An Italian Port. By F. Pradilla. Lent by Arthur Tooth, Esq. 896. In the Garden. By M. Fortuny. Lent by Messrs. Wallis and Son. .897. Portrait of the Nurse of the Infanta Isabella, Daughter of Isabella II. By F. DE Madrazo. Lent by His Majesty King Francois d'Asis. I04 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [south gallery. 898. Portrait of a Lady. By R. DE Madrazo. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 890. The Toilet. By F. Pradilla. Lent by Thomas McLean, Esq. 900. On the Terrace. By F. Pradilla. Sent by Messrs. Wallis and Son. 901. Don Baltasar Carlos on horseback. Water-colour copy from the original at Madrid. By A. DA Grau. Lent by Philip Norman, Esq. 902. Portrait of Madame Masson. By R. DE Madrazo. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 903. A Woman's Head. Drawing in Indian ink. By F. Goya. Lent by Archibald Stirling, Esq. 904. The Dead Comrade. Etching. By M. Fortuny. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 906. An Arab watching over the Body of his Friend. Etching. By M. Fortuny. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 906. A Desolate Landscape with Figure. Etching. By M. Fortuny. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 907. An Idyl. By M. Fortuny. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. Pictures. 908. A Serenade. Etching. By M. FoRTUNY. Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 909. Two Pencil Drawings : A Mother and Children. A Bov Swinging. By F. Goya. . Lent by M. Raymonde de Madrazo. 910. Gipsies in the Market at Seville. By B. Galofre. Lent by M. Stanislas Baron. 911. The Umbrella Maker. Unfinished. By M. Fortuny. Lent by Mrs. Henry E. Gordon. 912. At the Gates of the Seraglio. By M. Fortuny. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 913. Charles V. His body as it appeared when his Tomb was opened in 1870. Painted by the artist in the presence of Sir Henry Layard. By Simon Palmaroli. Lent by Lady Layard. io6 Exhibition of Spanish Art. [south gallery. SUPPLEMENT. SOUTH GALLERY. CASE V. EMBROIDERIES, FANS, AND JEWELLERY. 916. Black Lace Mantilla. Lent by Lady Pontifex. 917. White Lace. Work of Spanish nuns. Lent by Mrs. G. W. King. 918. White Lace Veil. Very fine silk reseau ground with French floral design, worked in fine thread in tambour stitch. Lent by Miss M. Ferguson. 919. White Blonde Mantilla. Large floral pattern. Lent by Mrs. G. W. King. 920. Black Silk Lace Scarf. Lent by Lady Pontifex. 921. Vestment of White Silk Brocade. Worked in laid and twisted threads of gold and silver and coloured silk. Lent by Charles Butler, Esq. 922. Fan, painted on chicken skin. Subject in a chariot drawn by four horses, lady with attendants seated, a rider in front scatters largesse to the crowd. Sticks and mount of pierced and carved ivory with mother-of-pearl ornaments. i6th century. Lent by the Hon. Mrs Bontine. 923. Fan, painted on chicken skin. Subject, Paris adjudging the apple. Sticks of inlaid ivory, mount of tortoiseshell. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Bontine. loy 925. Fan, painted on chicken skin. Subject, fete champetre ; mount ivory pierced and carved Lent by MiSS A. DE Bertodano. 926. Fan, painted on chicken skin. Pastoral subject, mount mother-of-pearl, gilt, carved and pierced. Lent by Miss A. DE Bertodano. 927. Small Fan, ivory, carved and pierced. Lent by Madame du Bosc. 928. Fan, painted on chicken skin. Pastoral scene, mount ivory carved in figures, pierced ; jewelled pin. Lent by Mrs. G. W. King. 929. Fan, painted on chicken skin. Mount mother-of-pearl, pierced and gilt. Lent by Madame du Bosc. 930. Marriage Fan, painted on chicken skin. Subject, " Worship of Cupid " ; mount mother-of-pearl, painted, carved, gilt, and pierced. Lent by MiSS A. DE BERTODANO. 931. Fan, painted on chicken skin. Subject, pastoral scene ; mount ivory, painted and pierced. Lent by Mrs. G. W. King. 932. Fan, painted on paper. Subject, landscape with figures ; manilla mount. Lent by Madame du Bosc. 933. Cross in gold filigree. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Bontine. 934. Rosary, garnet beads, mounted in silver filigree. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Bontine. 935. Spanish Wedding Ring. Since the time of the Armada, these rings have been copied and used in the Cladhagh district in the west of Ireland. Lent by Mrs. Herbert Studd. 936. Ear-rings and Pendant, rose diamonds set in gold. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Bontine. 937. CuSTODiA in engraved silver. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Bontine. io8 938. Agnus Dei, enamel and gold. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Bontine. 939. Cross and Bead in gold filigree on mother-of-pearl. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Bontine. 940. Ornament of a priest's vestment in wrought silver. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Bontine. 941. Necklace. Old paste set in silver. Lent by Miss Catherine Evans Gordon. 942. Wheel-shaped Brooch. Paste and garnets set in silver. Lent by Miss Jean Evans Gordon. 943. Snuff-box, small gourd mounted in engraved silver. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Bontine. 944. Hunting Knife, inlaid with gold design of the Seasons, copied from Raphael's frescoes in the Vatican. Inscribed " Artilleria Fabrica de Toledo, 1884." Lent by G. W. King, Esq. 945. Cross. Gold filigree, richly enamelled. Lent by Mrs. Farnall. 946. Clasp and two Buttons, by P. Zuloaga. Lent by E. M. Underdown, Esq., O.C. 947. Rosary of silver beads, with a silver crucifix. Lent by the VISCOUNTESS DE Vesci. 948. Rosary of silver and wooden beads with a silver crucifix. Lent by the Viscountess de Vescl By Sea-eiarfs Table for reference. 948. Book of Etchings, by Y. Campuzano. Lent by E. M. Underdown, Esq., O.C. 950. Book containing photographs of many important v/orks by Velazquez, Murillo, and other artists in foreign galleries. Lent by the Autotype Company. INDEX OF PAINTERS, ETC. {Under pages ^ Aregio, Pablo de, probably an Italian by birth, flourished circa 1506, when in conjunction with Francesco Neapoli he painted the high doors for the altar of the cathedral of Valencia, p. 4 Audouin, P., b, at Paris 1768; d. there 1822; engraver ; he worked for the Musee Francaise, P- 43 Benlliure, — , p. loi Berruguete, Alonso, b. 1480, d. 1561 ; painter and sculptor ; studied under Michelangelo, a friend of Andrea del Sarto ; painter to Charles v., p. 7 Burgos, Juan de, school of Castile, ctrca 1450, p. 2 Cano, Alonso, painter, architect, and sculptor, b. at Granada 1601, d. at. Granada 1667. Studied sculpture under Juan Martinez Mon- tanes, and painting under Pacheco and Juan del Castillo. Was employed by Olivarez, ap- pointed a minor canon in the cathedral of Gran- ada 1651 ; nearly all the churches of Granada are enriched with his works, pp. 13, 18, 33, 37, 86, 92 Carducho, Vincenzo, painter and author, b. at Florence 1568, d. at Madrid 1638. Court painter to Philip III, and Philip IV. Author of a work entitled Dialogos de las excelencias de la pinttira, p. II Carmona, Manoel Salvador, engraver and de- signer, b, at Madrid 1730; d. there 1 807, was a pupil of Dupuis, p. 43. Carreno de Miranda, Juan, b, at Aviles 1614 ; d. at Madrid 1685. Scholar of Pedro de Las Cuevas, and Bartolome Roman. Introduced to Philip IV. by Velazquez, and appointed royal painter, pp. 3, 9, 13, 33 Castillo, Juan de, b, at Seville 1584 ; d. at Cadiz 1640 ; was instructor of Murillo and Alonso Cano, p. 7 Coello, Alonso Sanchez, b. at Benyfayro, Valen- cia t . 1513 ; d. at Madrid 1590 ; was a friend of Antonio Moro. Painter in ordinary to Philip II., pp. 21, 27, 39, 40, 41 Coello, Claudio, b. at Madrid 1621 ; d. at Madrid 1693. Scholar of Francisco Rizi. Painter to Philip IV. and employed in the Escurial, p. 17 Correa, Diego, flourished in 1550. His works are after the style of the Florentine school, p, 2 Domingo, F., p. 103 Escosura, . . . Leon y, pp. loi, 102 Espinosa, Jacinto jeronimo de, b. at Cocentaza 1600, d. at Valencia 1680. Pupil of Ribalta ; his principal works are at Valencia, p. 10 Ferrandiz, B., pupil of Fortuny, p. loi Fernandez, Alexeo, flourished 1510 ; worked at Cordova and Seville, p. 2 Ford, Harriet, p. 42 Fortuny y Carbo, Mariano, b. at Reuss, near Barcelona, 1841 ; d. at Rome 1874 ; worked chiefly in Paris and Rome, pp. loi, 102, 103, 104, 105 Galofre, B., p. 104 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de, b, at Fuendetsdos 1746; d. at Bordeaux 1828. Pupil of Jose Martinez. He is best known for his etchings and engravings, pp. 43, loi, 102, 104, 105 Grau, A. da, p. 104 Herrera el Viejo (the elder), Francisco de, b. at Seville 1576; d. at Madrid 1656. Pupil of Luis Fernandez and the first master of Velaz- quez, who left him owing to his harsh temper, pp. 14, 36 no Index of Painters, Etc, {Under pages.) Juanes, Juan Bautista de (Viconte Juan Macip), b. at Fuente de Higuera, 1525 ; d. 1579. Studied in Italy ; established a school of painting in Valencia, pp. 2, 3, 6, 20 Lewis, J. F., b. in London, 1805, d. 1876 ; a painter of Italian, Spanish and Oriental subjects ; studied in Spain, p. 42. Liano, Felipe de, painter and etcher, b, at Madrid 1556, d. there 1625 ; pupil of Alonso Sanchez Coello, p. 60. Madrazo, F. de, pp. loi, 103. Madrazo, R. de, pp. 100, 103, 104. Martinez, Domingo, b. at Seville, d. 1750; was one of the most popular artists in Seville, p. 43 Maura, Bartolome, pp. 42, 43 Mazo Martinez, Juan Bautista del, b. at Madrid c. 1620 ; d. there 1687. Pupil of Velazquez whose daughter he married, and whom he succeeded as court painter to Philip IV., p. 5 Morales, Luis de, called "el Divino," b. at Badajoz in 1509 ; d. there in 1586. He formed his style by his study of Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci, pp. 2, 16, 21, 32, 33, 41 Murillo, Bartolome Esteban, b. at Seville, Dec. 1 61 7, d. there 1682. Scholar of Juan del Castillo and afterwards of Velazquez, whose works he studied together with those of Ribera and Van Dyck. He married, 1648, Dona Beatrix de Cabrera y Sotomayor ofPilas, a rich lady. His death was caused by a fall from a scaffold whilst painting in the Church of the Capuchins at Cadiz, pp. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; 2C, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 42, 51 Navarrete, Juan Fernandez, called " El Mudo " (the Dumb); b. at Zegrono 1526 ; d. at Toledo 1579. Scholar first of Franz Viconte de Santo Domingo, afterwards of Titian, in 1568 appointed painter to King Philip II., pp. 23, 26 Orrente, Pedro, b. at Montealegre in Murcia c. 1560, d. at Toledo, 1644. Probably a student of *'E1 Greco," an imitator of Bassano, em- ployed by Olivarez, p. 31 Palmaroli, Simon, p. 105 Pantoja de la Cruz, Juan, b. at Madrid, 155 1 ; d. 1609 ; Scholar of Alonso Sanchez Coello, appointed painter to Philip II., pp. 27, 28 Pareja, Juan de, b. at Seville, 1606 ; d. 1670 ; known as the slave of Velazquez ; he excelled in portraiture, p. 33 Pradilla, F., pp. 100, loi, 102, 104 Quadrone, G., p. 102 Ribalta, Francisco de, b. at Castellon de la Plana c. 1551 ; d. at Valencia, 1628. Studied the works of Raphael and Sebastian del Piombo, pp. 7, 12 Ribera, Jusepe de, "II Spagnoletto," b. at Xativa, 1588 ; d. at Naples, 1656. Scholar of Ribalta, and Caravaggio in Rome. Received the decoration of the Order of Christ from the Pope, pp. 5, 15, 26, 30, 40, 42 Rico, M., p. 100, 102, 103 Rincon, Antonio del, b. at Guadalaxara 1446 ; d. 1500, considered the Father of the Spanish School, p. I, 48 Roelas, Juan de las, b. at Seville c. 1558 ; d, at Olivares 1625, studied in Venice, p. 26 Simo, Juan Bautista, b. Valencia 1697 ; d. 1727 ; scholar of Palomino, p. 38 Simonetti, A., p. 102 Theotocopulo, Domenico, called "II Greco," painter, sculptor, and architect, b. about 1548, near Venice; d. 1625, called to Spain by Philip II. to work in the Escurial, pp. 14, 19, 24, 30, 35, 36, 40 Vaamonde, P., pp. 100, loi Vargas, Luis de, b. at Seville 1502; d. 1568. Lived in Italy for twenty-eight years. Most of his works were painted in fresco, and little of them now remains, p. 6 Velazquez, Don Diego Rodriguez de Silva y, b. at Seville 1599; d. at Madrid 1660. Scholar of Francisco de Herrera el Viejo and of Pacheco. Introduced by Olivarez to Philip IV. He was a friend of Rubens ; assisted Murillo, pp. 4, 5, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39 Zamacois, R., b. 1840, d. 187 1, p. loi Zurbaran, Francisco, b. 1598 ; d. at Madrid 1662. Scholar of Roelas. Painter to Philip IV. Imitated Caravaggio, and hence called the " Spanish Caravaggio," pp. 7, 8, 9, 19, 22, 26, 31, 41 INDEX OF EXHIBITORS. {Under pages.) Her Majesty the Queen, p. 14 H.M. King Francois d'Asis, pp. loi, 103 H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, pp. 60, 61 H.S.H. Princess Victor Hohenlohe, p. 70 Abercorn, The Duke of, K.G.C.B., p. 16 Aide, Hamilton, p. 91 Alleyne, Foster M., pp. 28, 39 Amherst of Hackney, Lord, pp. 54, 55, 60, 76 Ancaster, The Earl of, p. 41 Arbuthnot, Charles, p. 50 Baron, M. Stanislas, pp. 6, 37, 41, 48, 49, 51, 52, 71, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, loi, 105 Barrett, Mrs. Layland, p. 84 Barry, The Very Rev. Canon, p. 52 Benson, R. H., p. 81 Bertolano, Miss A. de, p. 107 Bickson, A., p. 83 Bontine, The Hon. Mrs., pp. 57, 60, 106, 107, 108 Bowden, Rev. Charles, p. 49 Brabazon, H. B., p. 5 Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, pp. 23, 26 Bute, Marquess of, K.T., p. 85 Butler, Charles, pp. 21, 24, 32, 50, 51, 56, 64, 72, 83, 84, 90, 95-97, 106 Candamo, M., p. loi Carlisle, Earl of, pp. 12, 23, 25 Casa Valencia, Exmo Senor Conde de, pp. 42, 100, lOI Clarendon, Earl of, p. 36 Clarke, Mrs. Stephenson, p. 25 Cohen, the Misses, p. 22 Collie, A. L., p. 87 Colnaghi, Martin, pp. 9, 28 31, 34, 38 Cook, Sir Francis, Bart,, pp. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 80 Cook, Herbert, p. 42 Crawford, Earl of, K.T., pp. 91, 92, 93 Cunninghame-Graham, R. B., pp. 63, 90 Davis, Charles, pp. 44, 45, 48, 49, 55, 60, 63, 64, 78, 100, 103 Donaldson, George, pp. 6, 8, 26, 27, 45, 48, 49, 76, 89 Douglas, Lady, pp. 46, 49, 50, 63, 64, 68 Du Bosc, Madame, pp. 69, 107 Du Bosc, Senor Don Juan, p. 88 Dudley, Earl of, pp. 29, 30 Dulwich College, Governors of, pp. 9, 10, 18. 30, 33 Duncannon, Viscountess, p. 92 Durlacher Brothers, Messrs., pp. 46. 71, 72, 73, 86 Eckersley, Mrs., p. 84 Eden, Sir William, Bart., pp. 23, 27, 29 Ellis and Elvey, Messrs., p. 99 Famall, Mrs., p. 108 Farrer, Sir William, pp. 22, 26, 33, 34, 86 Ferguson, Miss M., p. 106 Fitz-Henry, J. H., pp. 51, 52, 73 FitzWvgram, The Lady Fanny, pp. 46, 47, 50, 56, 57, 68, 70 Flower, Wickham, pp. 48, 51, 53, 58, 60, 64, 90 Ford, His Excellency Sir Clare, G.C.B., pp. 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 42 Fort Augustus, The Rt. Rev. the Abbot of, pp. 56, 63 Franks, Sir Wollaston, K.C.B., pp. 45, 46, 59 Freshfield, Mrs. Douglas, pp. 50, 52, 90 Gibbs, W. F., p. 63 Godman, F. Ducane, F. R. S., pp. 65-67, 90 Godman, Mrs. Ducane, p. 56 Gomez, Don Enrique, pp. 70, 86 Gordon, Miss Catherine Evans, p. 108 Gordon, Miss Joan Evans, p. 108 Gordon, Mrs. H. Evans, pp. 64, 72, 105 Grimshaw, Miss, pp. 39, 86, 89, 91 Harding, George R., p. 73 Harris and Co., Messrs., pp. 44, 61, 72, 83, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92 Harrison, The Lady Harriet, p. 47 Herries, Lord, p. 19 Hichens, Andrew K., pp. 35, 51, 80 Holford, Captain G. L., CLE., pp. 6, 8, lo, 16. 22, 25, 35, 39 Home, J., p. 7 Hunt, W. Holman, p. 17 Huth, Edward, pp. 18, 22, 59 Jersey, Earl of, p. 60 King, Mrs. G. W., pp. 106, 107 King, W. G., p. 108 King's College Hospital, p. 20 Labalmondiere, Mrs., pp. 47, 57 112 Index of Exhibitors. {U7ider pages.) Laking, Guy F., pp. 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 85, 90 Lane, J. P., p. 40 Lansdowne, Marquess of, K.G., p. 26 Lawrie, W., pp. 49, 55, 60, 64, 72,83, 88, 89, 91 Layard, Lady, pp. 45, 47, 50, 56, 57, 68, 69, 70, 73, 87, 88, 89, 105 Leighton, W. J., p. 98 MacFadden, J. H., p. 19 MacLean, Thomas, pp. 103, 104 Macquoid, Percy, p. 82 Macquoid, Mrs. Percy, p. loi Madrazo, R. de, pp. 35, 42, 83, 85, 91, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105 Marcv, Louis, pp. 52, 53, 74, 80, 102 Mark, F. W., pp. 61, 71, 72, 73, 74, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92 Marlay, C. Brinsley, p. 99 Maudslay, Mrs., pp. 49, 50, 56, 63, 75 Mendoza, I. P. , p. 102 Milford, The Lady, pp. 48, 49, 52 Monk, The Misses, p. 83 Montagu, bir Samuel, Bart., M.P., p. 87 Montalba, Miss Clara, p. 22 Morrell, Mrs. Conyers, p. 74 Mostyn, The Hon. Gwendoline, pp. 48, 49, 57 Mostyn, The Hon. Mrs., pp. 69, 71, 86, 87 Murray, C. Fairfax, p. 98 Norman, Philip, pp. 43, 98, 104 Northbrook, Earl of, pp. 9, 11, 15, 16, 19, 21,37 Oratory, The Fathers of the, p. 92 Oscott College, pp. 74, 76, 85, 92 Osma, Senor, Don Guillermo J. de, pp. 45, 53, 54, 73 Pontifex, Lady, p. 106 Portsmouth, Rt. Rev. the Bishop of, pp. 94-98 Preston, the Hon. Mrs., pp. 39, 86, 89, 91 Quilter, W.Cuthbert, M.P., p. 25 Rawlinson, W. G., p. 8 Rico, Martin, pp. 100, 102, 103 Roberts, Humphrey, p. 105 Robinson, Sir Charles, pp. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 52, 58, 61, 62 Robinson, Vincent J., CLE., F.S.A., pp. 8, 87, 88 Rossignol, A. L., p. 50 Rodger, Mrs. Robertson, pp. 49, 50, 68, 69 Rowley, C. P., pp. 46, 55, 60, 74 Salting, George, p. 11 Samuel, Stuart M., pp. 56, 87 Sandeman, Albert, pp. 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 71, 72, 74, 76, 89 Sandeman, Miss E. V. G., pp. 53, 56, 58, 59, 69, 75 Sandeman, Lt.-Col. J. G., pp. 44, 45,46, 75, 76, 81, 86, 99 Sandeman, Mrs. J. G., pp. 55, 58 Sargent, John S., A.R.A., pp. 36, 82, 84 Sasson and Co., Messrs. I., pp. 48, 49, 50, 52. .53, 58, 72, 73, 76, 80, 87 Sinclair, Sir John G, T., Bart., pp. 27, loi Smith-Barry, A. H., M.P., pp. 7, 26 Snow, The Rev. Abbot, p. 40 Somzee, Leon, pp. 2, 3, 37, 49, 86, 98 Spanish Ambassador, His Excellency The, see Casa Valencia, Exmo. Senor Conde de Spencer, Earl of, K. G. , p. 9, 24 Spiller, W. H., 77, 78, 79, 82 Spring-Rice, Miss, p. 68 Stibbest, — , p. 85 Stirling, Archibald, pp. 6, 7, ii, 13, 14, 18, 23, 24, 26, 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48, 86, 104 Stirling-Maxwell, Sir John, Bart., M.P., pp. 7, 8, 13, 19, 27, 39, 40, 41, 51, 60, 82, loi, 102 Stonyhurst College, pp. 46, 83 Studd, Mrs. Herbert, p. 107 Sureda, Madame, pp. 1 01, 102 Tooth, Arthur, p. 103 Torre Diaz, Conde de, pp. 52, 63, 64, 68, 70, 103 Trehane, J., p. 70 Turner, Sir Charles A., K.C.LE., pp. 8, 10, 19 Underdown, E. M., pp. 43, 52, 57, 85, 108 Valencia de Don Juan, Conde de, pp. 5i>52> 72*84 Vesci, Viscountess de, 108 Vivian, Colonel Ralph, pp. 21, 23 Waithman, R. W., p. 30 Walker, Mrs. J. Douglas, p. 59 Wallis, H., pp. 73, 74, 90 Wallis and Son, Messrs., loi, 102, 104 Wantage, Lord, V.C., K.C.B., pp. 17, 21 Warrington, Corporation of, p. 102 Watkins, The Rev. Henry, p. 63 Wayne, The Rev. W. H., pp. 18, 20 Wellington, The Duke of, pp. 13, 16, 17, 25, 31 Wertheimer, Charles, p. 102 Westminster, The Duke of, K.G., pp. 14, 15, 17, 28, 35, 40 Whawell, S. J., pp. 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 86 White, The Rev. Alfred, p. 45 Willett, Henry, p. 19 GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00806 3493