% ^ *« vN \ ii f , 1 ir \\iHr 4%V lvv:V* ml . If VV : « W, ^ W ^-4 M . v - - * . ♦ V Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/mouldingsofsixpeOOshar X x X x x b+ X x X < x ui x o X X tu o m X o X X X A o tH H ◄ a « o Px w « w a H O H H 03 « a o> a o o « a H a o « Ph X in x x RECTILINEAR PERIOD 1360 - 1550, THE MOULDINGS OF THE SIX PERIODS BRITISH ARCHITECTURE FROM THE CONQUEST TO THE REFORMATION. By EDMUND SHARPE, M.A., F.R.I.B.A. Honftcm : E. & F. N. SPON, CHARING CROSS, S. BIRBECK, BIRMINGHAM. PREFACE. Phofessoh Willis was the first to apply Colour to the ground-plans of churches, for the purpose of indicating the different Periods of their construction. He applied his colours indiscriminately, and simply with a view to distinguish one part of a building from another. It appeared to me, some time ago, that this use of colour might be usefully carried a point further, by attaching a fixed signification to the employment of different colours, and by causing a specific colour always to represent a specific Period of Architecture ; and that no better basis could, in fact, be taken for such an application of colour than the Prismatic Spectrum itself, which, in a two-fold sense, is peculiarly adapted to represent the gradual progress of Art in the buildings of the Middle Ages ; first, because, as in the Prismatic Spectrum it is difficult to say where one colour ends and another begins, so in Church Architecture the course of transi- tion was so regular and so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and such as to render it difficult for us to draw any exact line of demarcation between the buildings of one style and those of another, or to permit us to say precisely, for example, where Norman Art ends, and where English Art begins ; yet, inasmuch, as we are obliged, for descriptive purposes, to call certain portions of that blended whole blue, green, yellow, and red, so arc we, for the same reason, under the necessity of selecting and characterising in the same manner certain portions of the history of this con- tinuous art, and of designating these parts by some such specific terms as those above proposed ; and, in the second place, this adaptation of the Prismatic Spectrum to our wants in this respect appears to me to be a peculiarly happy one, inasmuch as our National Architecture, rising out of the deep gloom of debased Pagan art in the dark age of barbarous invasion, is thus fitly represented as brightening gradually into the glory and refulgence of Christian Art in the Geometrical Period of the thirteenth century, and as deepening again in its descent through the three following centuries, into the dark age of Pagan revival in the seventeenth. I have, therefore, already for some time, for my own purposes, made use of the following selection of colours to indicate, on the ground plans of churches, the particular dates of the construction of their different parts ; a mode of illustration which seems to recommend itself as particularly adapted to the subjects presented in the following pages. In the selection, then, of the colours in which the Mouldings of the different Periods are printed in this work, the same sequence has been adopted as that in which they occur in the Prismatic Spectrum ; so that a given colour not only indicates the Period to which the Moulding belongs, but also the relative historical position of the Period itself, as shown in the Plate which faces the Title Page. Thus ; Black represents the Blue ,, Green ,, Yellow ,, Bed ,, Crimson ,, NORMAN PERIOD TRANSITIONAL „ LANCET GEOMETRICAL „ CURVILINEAR „ RECTILINEAR „ A.D. to A.D. 1066 — 1145 . 1145 — 1190 . 1190 — 1245 . 1245 — 1315 . 1315 — 1360 . 1360 — 1550 . The Higher Greaves, Lancaster. I lay ls7, 1871. PART I. ARCHED MOULDINGS. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. NORMAN C 1090 y& real size SELBY. ABBEY CHURCH NAVE G-STORY. •- ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. */a real siz,e WORCESTER CATHEDRAL. S. TRANSEPT. E. CHAPEL ARCHED MOULDI NCS PIER-ARCHES NORMAN C.llOO Plate B ^ mmem ■Hi Wlmmmm * n wmmim, ; K V % real size GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL NAVE. G-STORY. Kell Bro s Lith-London ARCHED MOULDI NOS PIER-ARCHES. NORMAN c.llOO 1 *1 ate l /a real size SOUTHWELL MINSTER NAVE G. STORY / « ARCHED MOULDINCS. PIER-ARCHES. nohman c.ino. Plate <£> l %real size CHESTER S T JOHNS CHURCH. CHOIR G-STORY . . ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. norman. c-iiib. Plate Yd real size '’th.ii luw 7 cooks n sa BICKER. NAVE G- STOP v * ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. NORMAN C 1117 PI ate PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL. CHOIR G STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. NORMAN C 1130. Plate A Ya real size NEW SHOREHAM CHURCH NAVE G STORY > ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. NORMAN C 1090 yisreal size S T BEES. PRIORY CHURCH W DOORWAY ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. NORMAN 1120 Plate real size NEW M ALTON W DOORWAY N TRANSEPT ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. NORMAN . C 1120. Plate // Y ■ ' / \ B =r y 3 real size Y0RK.S T DEMIS S DOORWAY NAVE «* ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. NORMAN C 1120 Plate ^ y% real size SOUTHWELL MINSTER N. DOORWAY . NAVE. ARCHED MOULDINGS DOOR-ARCHES. NORMAN. C. 1130 Plate SOUTHWELL MINSTER. W. DOORWAY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. NORM AN. c 114-0 Plate real size BRISTOL CATHEDRAL VESTIBULE-CHAPTER HOUSE ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. l /ti real size MALMSBURY ABBEY CHURCH. NAVE. B- STORY. ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. y& real size. STAFFORD, S T MARYS CHURCH. NAVE. G-STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL C. 1170 ^ Ys real size. ABBEY DORE NAVE 0. STORY. ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL C 1170 Plate y 3 eeal size ABERBROTHOCK ABBEY CHURCH NAVE. G-STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. y® reaL siz.e BYLAND ABBEY CHURCH NAVE G STORY * ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL c 1170 Plato AO h real size ELGIN CATHEDRAL NAVE G-STORY. * # ARCHED MOULDI NCS PIER-ARCHES. T*eaJ s 1 7 .v FURNESS ABBEY CHURCH NAVE G-STORY ARCHED MOULDI NOS. PIER-ARCHES. y 9 TRANSITIONAL C. 1170 . I’] at <-* y-z real size NEW SHOREHAM. CHOIR 0 STORY N SIDE. ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. NEW SHOREHA M CHOIR G STO RY S SIDE. ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. Ya real size. S T DAVID'S CATHEDRAL. CHOIR G. STORY ARCHED M OU LD I N CS. PIER-ARCHES. transitional c . 1170 Plate real size. S T DAVID'S CATHEDRAL. NAVE G- STORY. \ ARCHED MOULDINCS. PIER-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL C 1170. Plate ' v y» real size S T DAVID'S CATHEDRAL. NAVE G STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. ? »>■' I . real size. SELBY ABBEY CHURCH. NAVE G- STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NOS. PIER-ARCHES. /'b real size SELBY ABBEY CHURCH NAVE B STORY (2 NO ARCHj. PIER-ARCHES. /-} real size. SELBY ABBEY CHURCH. NAVE B STORY S SIDE ARCHED MOULDI NOS. PIER-ARCHES. TRAN81TIOIUL.C-II70. . Plate '~ > ° SHREWSBURY S T MARYS CHURCH N.AVE.G- STORY. * rRAINSITIONAL 'TEMPLE CHURCH t ■ ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL 1 I si 7 . < J ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. TRANSIT ION AL.C 1175. TRINITY CHAPEL C - STORY BECKETS CROWN C STORY . Vs real sr/.e. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL. Plate TRINITY 33 CHAPEL. B - STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS PIER-ARCHES. ARCHED MOULD! NCS PIER-ARCHES. CHOIR G STORY * ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. I \ l> ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. GLASTONBURY ABBEY CHURCH N TRANSEPT. G-STORY ■Oo- ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES i *e al s r/.(' LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL CHOIR C-STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL C. 1186. Plate Ya real size. 2 *? CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL. PRESBYTERY C STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL C. 1186 Plate O ^sreaJ. size. CHiCHESTER CATHEDRAL. PRESBYTERY B- STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR - ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL c. 1160 IMate^ fa real size LI LLESH ALL ABBEY CHURCH S DOORWAY-NAVE \ ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL C 1160 . Plate y& real size. WORCESTER CATHEDRAL CLOISTER . ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL C 1165. j/$ i*eal size CALDER ABBEY CHURCH W . DOORWAY. . I ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. V3 real size ARCHED MOULDINGS DOOR-ARCHES h real size LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL 5 DOORWAY S AISLE ARCHED MOULDI NGS. DOOR-ARCHES. TKAMSITIONAL.C. 1165. Plate V3 reaj size LANERCOST PRIORY CHURCH. N. DOOR WAY- NAVE. ARCHED MOULDI NOS. DOOR-ARCHES. y$J PC'hI si 7.0 ELG IN CATHEDRAL. S DOORWAY S TRANSF.PT ARCHED MOULDI NC5 DOOR-ARCHES FILEY S> DC OR WAY NAVE. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. T'a real .size FURNESS ABBEY CHURCH N TRANSEPT. ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. transitional. c-1170 Plate 1 % real size ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR - ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL C 1170. * Chile <&7 W. DOORWAY 3 ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL. C. 1170 Plato 6 ya real s i /.e * ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES Vn real siz,t\ « ARCHED MOULDINGS . DOOR- ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL C 1175. \>lnlv % real si/.e WHAPLODE S T MARYS CHURCH S DOORWAY - NAVE ARCHED MOULDI NCS DOOR-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL. C 1175 Plate- — i 'r, real size a- WHAPLODE.ST MARY’S CHURCH W DOORWAY ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. TRANSITIONAL.C .1130. Plate < ! •:> real size. BECKINCHAiV! -S. PORCH. NAVE. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. Va peal size CROXDEN ABBEY CHURCH W DOORWAY . ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. y 3 real size LEDBURY. W DOORWAY * ARCHED MOULDI NCS DOOR-ARCHES. y z real size MARGAM ABBEY CHURCH W. DOORWAY. CHAPTER-HOUSE. - ARCHED MOULDINGS DOOR-ARCHES Plate (tm El W DOORWAY ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. TRANSITI ON AL . C. - M r IU ale L y 3 real size. WELLS CATHEDRAL. N PORCH. Inn-er side ef ouhir Archway ARCHED MOULDINGS door-arches. V» roaJ size WELLS CATHEDRAL S TRANSEPT ^ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. LANCET C Va real size BOXGROVE PRIORY CHURCH. CHOIR C-STORY. ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. '/n re al size H E X H A M NAVE C STO RY. • . ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES ya real size. KILW1NNINC ABBEY CHURCH. S-TRAN5EPT. G-STORY ARCHED MOULDI NGS. PIER-ARCHES. ^3 real size. LINCOLN CATHEDRAL. CHOI R G STORY. ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. ^3-reaJ size LINCOLN CATHEDRAL. CHOIR B STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. y->> resil size PORTSMOUTH. S T THOMAS CH ArtCEL. G STORY ARCHED MOULDI NGS PIER-ARChES. LANCET. C 1130 Plate WESTON CHANCEL- ARCH BEN N I N GTON CHANCEL-ARCH Va real sjze. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. /a real size. JERVAULX ABBEY CHURCH. NAVE G STORY. ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. LANCET. C. 1200 P late y 3 real size BEVERLEY MINSTER. CHOI R. 6-STORY. \ ARCHED MOULD I NCS. PIER-ARCHES. yo rea3 siz-e. SOUTHWELL MINSTER. CHOIR. G-STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. lancet c.1205. Plate < Z y» real size. CARLISLE CATHEDRAL. CHOIR G. STORY. . ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES LANCET c 1205. Plate Yq real size FOUNTAINS ABBEY CHURCH CHOIR. O-STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES LANCET C 1205 C y ; j I’caJ sr/.f LY N N . S T MARGARETS CHURCH NAVE G -STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. LANCET C 1205. Plato WORCESTER CATHEDRAL PRESBYTERY G - STORY UANCET C I2I« ARCHED MOULDI NCS PIER-ARCHES. Plate »UU/ ya real size L!CH Ft ELD CATHEDRAL E CHAPELS TRANSEPT C-STORY * ARCHED MOULDI MGS. PIER-ARCHES. LA N C E T . C IE fO Plitle real size LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL. E .CHAPEL. N. TRANSEPT. G-STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. LANCET C 1210 P 1 atf S AISLE CHOIR W GSTORY y» real si r.e T E IV? P L F. CHURCH ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. lancet c. 1210 Plate C ^ *1 C real size WHITBY ABBEY CHURCH, NAVE G STORY. » ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. LANCET c 1210. Plate C ^sreal size WHITBY ABBEY CHURCH. NAVE B STORY ARCHED MOULD I fiCS. PIER - ARCHES. HAVERFORDWEST. CH ANGEL . G- STORY % ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. )&Teal size LINCOLN CATHEDRAL NAVE G STORY. / ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. lancet c 1220 Plate yt, real size LINCOLN CATHEDRAL. NAVE B. STORY. t ' ARCHED MOULDi NCS PIER-ARCHES. lancet c 1220 Plate f J /:i real size ROCHESTER CATHEDRAL CROSS! NC . G-STORY. ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. Ya real size SALISBURY CATHEDRAL. CHOI R 6-STORY. :«r ARCHED MOULDI NGS. PIER-ARCHES. LANCET. C 1230 ate %/ J /-i real size WORCESTER CATHEDRAL CHOIR. G-STORY ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. LANCET c. 1235 Plali * u Ya real size ELY CATHEDRAL. CHOIR G.STORY ARCHED MOULDI NGS. PIER-ARCHES. '/u rcji! size RIEVAULX ABBEY CHURCH CHOIR G-STORY I ARCHED MOULDI NCS PIER - ARCHES LANCET C 1240. Plate fo real size RIEVAULX ABBEY CHURCH. CHOIR. 8-STORY. * t ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. LANCET C. 1190. V;>, i*enJ size CALDER ABBEY CHURCH. N TRANSEPT. ARCHED MOULDI NCS DOOR-ARCHES. y>i rord si 7.0 CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL S PORCH. OUTER DOORWAY. X ARCHED MOULDI NGS. DOOR-ARCHES. y& reai size CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL. KeiJ bro r i ARCHED MOULDI NGS DOOR-ARCHES. Va real size CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL. BISHOPS CHAPEL S DOORWAY. * ARCHED MOULDI NOS. DOOR-ARCHES. LANERCOST ABBEY CHURCH. N AISLE ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR- AR CH ES. J /3 real size BEVERLEY MINSTER ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. lancet c ms Plate cF GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL N TRANSEPT bF ' o real size. ARCHED mouldi ncs. door-arches. Va real size RIPON CATHEDRAL. W, DOORWAY, # ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. W ESI W A LT O N W DOORWAY ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES LANCET C 1215 . Piute fLCs '■> i-c-ul size WEST WALTON. S PORCH ARCHED MOULDI NCS DOOR-ARCHES LANCET C 1226 % reuJ « i zc FURNESS ABBEY CHURCH FRATR y v ARCHED MOULDINGS DOOR-ARCHES. y 3 retd size LANERCOST PRIORY CHURCH w doorway « I ARCHED MOULDINGS DOOR-ARCHES j_ r MnfT C.I22S_ P'»te y 8 real »ize PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL w DOORWAY CLOISTER ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES LANCET C 1240 Plate h a real size SALISBURY CATHEDRAL W PORCHES * ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. GEOMETRICAL.C. 1245 Mi retd siz,e WESTMINSTER ABBEY CHURCH CHOI R G STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. ‘/a real size LINCOLN CATHEDRAL PRESBYTERY, G STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. GEOMETRICALC 1256 Piute /£>*■ Hr i'IjUi real size LINCOLN CATHEDRAL PRESBYTERY. B STORY. ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. 6EOIVIETRICAL C ri6Q ___ | >laU , /c g real size HEREFORD CATHEDRAL N TRANSEPT G-STORY ARCHED MOU LDI N CS. PIER-ARCHES. GEOMtTRI CAL C 1265 . 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ' */n f ni l s i /. <■ YORK-S T MARYS ABBEY CH NAVE G STORY ARCHED MOULDI NGS PIER-ARCHES. GEOMETRICAL C 1270 Plate )to C[ real size CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL NAVE-N CHAPEL. G STORY ARCHED MOULDI NGS PIER-ARCHES ARCHED MOULDI NCS PIER - ARCHES. |*#|1 f'r. ' Tllll ya real size. GLASGOW CATHEDRAL CHOIR C STORY GEOMETRICAL C 1275 ARCHED MOULDI NCS PIER-ARCH E-S. HI rile // 3 1 CEOMETRICAI. C 1275 ARCHED MOULDINGS. pier-arches. l*lnl< )U/ /', I -fs 1 1 N I /,( * LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL NAVE G-STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. CHESTER CATHEDRAL CHOIR PIER ARCHES ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES GEOMETRICAL C I26S |»l al( . // £ Vg real size • ail ilx' U«i Ua4 BRIDLINGTON PRIORY CHURCH NAVE C-STOAY ARCHED MOULDI NGS PIER-ARCHES. BRIDLINGTON PRIORY CHURCH. NAVE B STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. CEOMETRCAL C 1285 J’lnle // f real size STAFFORD S T MARYS CHURCH CHANCEL G-STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NGS PIER-ARCHES. y-s real size GUISBOROUGH PRIORY CHURCH CHOIR C-STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. I’l iiic /Zb reaJ s i ze k«d «<»• u* SELBY ABBEY CHURCH CHOIR. C-STORY I ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. CEOMETRICAL.C 1290 1*1:1 It* V G P(':i 1 si/.f* TINTERN ABBEY CHURCH N AVE G STORY ARCHED MOULDI NGS PIER-ARCHES. ceoiviltrical c 1300 . Plate /£«. 4 1 y& real size. ELGIN CATHEDRAL. CHOIR G r ST OR Y ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. l /a I’unJ size HOWDEN COLLEGIATE CHURCH. S-TRANSEPT. G-8T0RY. ■ ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES GEOMETRICAL C . 1300 IM:ilr /ft - — Ya pcii] size . gfu’i.!* i» 2 $ . ARCHED MOULDI NGS. DOOR-ARCHES. CEOMETRICAL.C-1270 Plait) /3 0 ) real size AKCNEQ MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. ’Lit ^real size EXETER CATHEDRAL. CHOIR, G-STORV. . / ' J ARCHED MOULDI NCS PIER-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR C IS I ' La le Y* real si 7,0 EXETER CATHEDRAL. CHOIR G-STORY(E END) ARCHED MOULDI NCS PIER-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR C. 1315 Plate ^5 real size HOWDEN CHURCH CHOIR. G-STORY. * ARCHED MOULDI NGS. PIER-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR C-I3I5. Plate real size . STAFFORD. S T MARYS CHURCH N. AISLE NAVE TO TRANSEPT. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER- ARCHES. ^iireal size BEVER LEY-ST MARYS CH CHOIR, G-STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR C 1320 Plate ya real size. LEADENHAM NAVE G- STORY ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR C 1520 Plate & SELBY ABBEY CHURCH N TRANSEPT G STORY. ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. SLEAFORD N AISLE / \ \ ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR C 1320. Plate Z//Q WORCESTER CATHEDRAL NAVE G-STORY Nside I CO ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. real size ELY CATHEDRAL CHOIR G-STORY. ■ ■ * ■ ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER- ARCHES. CURVILINEAR C. 1330. — i , | Xeil Bro 5 ljtiiIjOJ!inoA /3 real size LICH FIELD CATHEDRAL CHOIR C-STORY. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. r*c>nl SlZf) Keli liio* IjUi L r> t T EWKESBURY CHO IR. G-STORY I ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. % real size Kel] Bro*Ijtlt 1 , . / Plate Vt? y& real size. WORCESTER CATHEDRAL C FKel) LiOio ’Cooks ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR C 1320. Plate ya real size BILINGBOROUGH ARCHED MOULDINGS DOOR-ARCHES CURVILINEAR C 1320 I’LnU' Uf 7 res i.l size. D ON N I NGTO N S . DOORWAY. ARCHED MOULDINCS DOOR-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR C 1320 Plate E W E R B Y. N . DOORWAY. NAVE . \ ARCHED MOULDI NGS DOOR-ARCHES. HELP RiNGHAM. W DOORWAY. ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. real size LEADENHAM ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. fs real size S W A Y T O IN . ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCH ES. CURVILINEAR. C 1320 Plate y& real size . I ARCHED MOULDI NCS DOOR-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR G. 1325. Plate or Va res d si/.e. CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL. W . DOORWAY. * ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. CURVILINEAR. C 1325 Plate real size SWINES HEAD W. DOORWAY ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR'AR CHES CURVILINEAR. C. 1340. A z'3 real size F I N E DON . * ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. RECTILINEAR C.I360 Plate real size •> $ / ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES. RECTILINEAR. C 1370. y 3 real size HULL_TRINITY CH. NAVE G- STORY. If ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. /a real size. WORCESTER CATHEDRAL. NAVE. G- STORY. S. side ARCHED MOULDINGS. PIER-ARCHES. RECTILINEAR C 1580 Plate real size LANCASTER ST MARY S CH NAVE, G— STORY ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. RECTILINEAR C. 1390 FUlle Yq real size NEWARK. NAVE and CHOIR, C-STORY. ARCHED MOULDINGS PIER-ARCHES.” RECTILINEAR C 1400 Platt' fi real size BEVERLEY ST MARY'S CH NAVE, G-STORY ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. real size GOV ENTRY_ ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH. TOWER G-STORY. * ARCHED MOULDI NCS. PIER-ARCHES. RECTILINEAR C. 1452. Plate Vq real size. LYN N . S T MARGARETS. TOW ER G-STORY. RECTILINEAR ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. Plate real size ARCHED MOULDINGS. DOOR-ARCHES. RECTILINEAR C.I380 Plate real size. ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES RECTILINEAR . C . 1390 . / CHANCEL. S DOORWAY. a r L'tii % peal size SKI RLAUGH CHAPEL Ox ARCHED MOULDI NCS. DOOR-ARCHES. reaJ size. . r Kell Litho 7 Cooks Court . n n v i i • DOOR-ARCHES. RECTILINEAR C. 14-20. Plate ys real size. ARCHED MOULDINGS DOOR-ARCHES, RECTILINEAR Plate yo real size . GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL A »t wm WffeJA •vW£& W/Jmm W JmfflA yfb'jm m/^Wf \ mXlsI WmSS* rawllii pf\ ^ v if \ i ^4 t / .. / / . / j? A fvmmm ' ?3S 9%^' \l v. v :W i? mmmm Ii§pr |M»/1 ^mmB j£l in! ■gs^^VRf'. w- i ) nR3pp 1 1 OB* ! F^B O f*b >4 Lmr/i ■ffHffi^ «*? ■ a— GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 1 1 ,1 II I !: II I! III H II 3 3125 00000 9940 % : wBm ■ iwli W\ IIBfSK ^KSSaHII